IRC log for #asterisk on 20080624

00:01.19[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Wind FTW
00:05.19*** join/#asterisk Nasra (
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00:15.54echelonhow do i set it up so that anyone can call sip:asterik_ip and asterisk would ask them to enter an extension?
00:20.14*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
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00:22.58isamarh folks
00:25.55lmadsenj folks
00:26.43lmadsenechelon: allowguest=yes I think is the option
00:26.48*** join/#asterisk Toerkeium (i=Toerkeiu@
00:27.08echelonlmadsen: and it will ask for an extension?
00:27.14lmadsenno idea
00:27.28echelonguests are already able to call in
00:28.52*** join/#asterisk goobsoft2 (
00:30.33echelonalso.. does anyone know what voip protocol optimum online uses?
00:31.50goobsoft2When I read about echo cancelation in asterisk it seems to be always associated with a hardware card and real phone line, but I'd like to tweak the echo cancellation that runs on normal SIP calls.  Does anyone know where I need to start?
00:32.03*** join/#asterisk NemesisX11 (
00:33.16NemesisX11Hi all I have a question about asterisk.  I have it running on Slackware 12, and I have it up and running, but when I join my zoiper soft phones to it they register and can call but then they unregister and I must restart the computers to get them to re-register again
00:34.19echelonNemesisX11: try ekiga
00:34.56NemesisX11ill give it a shot and let you know thanks echelon
00:35.46echelonNemesisX11: are you using slackbuilds?
00:36.10*** join/#asterisk MrNaz (
00:36.38NemesisX11i followed the tutorial on astrikast when I installed it
00:36.55NemesisX11and they where running slackware also so i assume they installed the slackware packages
00:37.26echelonNemesisX11: i mean from ?
00:38.00NemesisX11no i went right to doesn't have asterisk packages
00:40.34NemesisX11when i installed the box i installed slackware 12 and got all my packages from there sources (astrikast) but i have never been to
00:40.45*** join/#asterisk l2cache (
00:42.54[TK]D-Fendergoobsoft: There is no EC for SIP calls.  EC needs to be done only at the PSTN endpoint
00:43.33goobsoftDo you think my nokia phone my be doing EC?  If I just hold a pitch into the echo test, it gets quieter.
00:43.47[TK]D-FenderNemesisX11: You install * from source on Slackware (or any platform if you know what's good for you)
00:44.03jeev[TK]D-Fender, pump pump the jam, pump it up
00:44.29[TK]D-Fenderjeebjust cam back from a 40 minute high-speed bike-ride through the woods.
00:44.38[TK]D-Fenderjeev: I'm as pumped as I'm getting tonight :)
00:44.47jeevman i need to go ride a bike too
00:44.50jeevi'm so out of shape
00:44.58[TK]D-Fenderjeev: Round is a shape :)
00:45.02jeevi'm like 203 right now, should be 195
00:45.09jeevi'm not round you dorkus maximus
00:45.16jeevyou call 4'11" 203 lbs round?
00:45.19jeev:D hahaha
00:45.21[TK]D-Fenderjeev: I'm almost 210 (eek!) and should be 190 myself...
00:45.23jeevif i were 4'11 man, i'd cut myself
00:45.27jeevhow tall?
00:45.36[TK]D-Fenderjeev: 6'3"
00:45.39l2cacheI'm 230
00:45.40jeevi'm 6'1
00:45.40echelon[TK]D-Fender: so is there a way to call sip:asterisk_ip and have asterisk ask for an extension?
00:45.46jeevyou must be a tig
00:45.49l2cacheand 6' 5"
00:45.59jeevdamn l2cache
00:46.00[TK]D-Fenderechelon: Yes, though its unusual.
00:46.08jeevwhy am i short!!!
00:46.13jeevi wish i were 6'4
00:46.18l2cacheI'm not fat, just really tall
00:46.20echelonbut what can i google for?
00:46.21[TK]D-Fenderechelon: these "directed" calls are flat-out not normal.
00:46.48[TK]D-Fenderechelon: why are you sending calls to * without a target #?
00:47.02[TK]D-Fenderjeev: blame your parents.
00:47.08jeevi'm taller than my dad!
00:47.24echelonto create a directory
00:47.43[TK]D-FenderNemesisX11: And follow the instructions in your source tarball.  And while you're at it, go grab THE BOOK, and get reading
00:47.45jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
00:47.53[TK]D-Fenderechelon: huh?
00:48.36[TK]D-Fenderechelon: BRB
00:48.43echeloni dunno.. i just want asterisk to request an extension, and have the person dial it from the pad
00:52.51[TK]D-Fenderechelon: why not dial it proerly in the first place?
00:52.53*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-0fca22cf987b5c04)
00:56.47*** join/#asterisk makkksimal (
01:00.27[TK]D-Fenderechelon: Though I've already told you how to catch their "null" dials.
01:06.10*** join/#asterisk drdrain (
01:07.36*** join/#asterisk SteveTotaro (
01:14.16jeevFender, today.. no static, perfect DTMF.. he said the server he moved me to is
01:14.47[TK]D-Fenderjeev: ?
01:15.26jeevi think i'm gonna order 20 polycom's now :/
01:15.31jeevi'm so nervous
01:15.57unpaidbillsend me one
01:16.08unpaidbillit will make you more calm to be generous
01:16.21unpaidbillor: being generous will calm you
01:16.34unpaidbilli speaka day een glesh
01:17.33unpaidbillyou made a wise choice to stay away from cisco phones.
01:17.34unpaidbilli salute you.
01:18.06jeevunpaidbill, i will gladly give you one if you were to become my monkey
01:18.08jeevand do EVERYTHING for me
01:18.23unpaidbillgive me one + salary and you have yourself a deal!
01:18.37jeevsalary will be the cost of a polycom 330 per month
01:18.51jeevso $105/month + phone
01:19.00jeevi love you too
01:19.35unpaidbilli think you'd be better off with fender
01:19.51jeevfender wanted half anyway
01:19.54jeevhe said he'd deal with $50/month
01:20.05jeevdamn, shaq called out kobe.. again. that's messed up, as much as i hate kobe, that's not cool
01:20.32unpaidbillkobe has nice marbling though
01:20.50jeevmarbling ?
01:20.57jeevlike marble in his home?
01:21.09unpaidbillno, marbling of the fat in the meat.. kobe beef
01:22.39*** join/#asterisk joobie (n=joobie@
01:23.00unpaidbill !
01:23.13jeevhe's like, "kobe ratted me out, that's why im getting divorced"
01:23.32jeevthat's a lot of fat
01:25.31jeevso i'm going to pick this up:
01:25.33jeevi guess
01:25.49jeevi dont need managed since i do dual wan, with source and destination based routing
01:25.56jeevi'll just push the voice out it's dedicated internet
01:29.06[TK]D-Fenderjeev: I'd sooner go with a D-Link DES-1228P
01:29.28[TK]D-Fenderjeev: Only Netgear I'd use would be their 8 port (4port POE) switch for small installs.
01:29.45*** join/#asterisk magic_hat (
01:29.52[TK]D-Fenderjeev: Netgear is almost univerally frowned upon, so I'd keep their use to a minimum
01:30.26[TK]D-Fenderjeev: AND, its 50$ cheaper :)
01:30.42magic_hathey everyone. I"m trying to get speak_text to work with an agi application. Everything's going swimmingly, according to the console messages. but the audio is not playing.
01:30.44magic_hatAGI Script Executing Application: (AGI) Options: (swift.agi|Please enter your poll id, followed by the pound sign)
01:31.03x86HP switches are great
01:33.01jeevi wanted the ipod, i dunno why, i hate them
01:33.52unpaidbillwhy the dlink over the netgear, past bad experiences?
01:34.17magic_hatTHis is my swift.agi file. test.wav is being created, but it's not playing. Thoughts?
01:34.27jeevfender, that thing does vlan? heh.. thought it was unmanaged
01:34.56unpaidbillboth do vlans.. they have a gmanagement gui
01:35.26jeevi dont want vlan
01:35.29jeevi want just regular switch
01:35.34jeevand i'll handle the routing through my bsd router :D
01:35.41unpaidbillheh, just because it has a feature doesnt mean you're going to use it.
01:37.58*** join/#asterisk makkksimal (
01:38.24jeevfender, 24 Port 10/100Mbps + 4 1000BASE-T + 2 Combo Ports & PoE only 2 poe ports?
01:39.03jeev ajhh nevermind
01:39.15[TK]D-Fenderunpaidbill: No personal bad experience with Netgear, just plenty of other complaints in here.  And I see a lot of them being sold as refurb, what does that tell you?  For basic use I've been very happy with D-Link PoE.  Wouldn't touch their routers though.
01:39.23unpaidbillon the newegg page you have to look under 'features' jeev :P
01:39.26NovceGurufwiw those Dlinks can work with cisco 79*0 G's with a special cable
01:39.29jeevblah blahb lah
01:39.53jeevoh yea, cat5e can carry power, right? you dont need cat6 or anythign different
01:39.59[TK]D-FenderNovceGuru: Yeah... but does it include the sacrifical goats you'll need to make the Cisco's work with *? ;)
01:40.01jeevyea, NovceGuru, i think anything shoudl work, no ?
01:40.07x86jeev: right
01:40.15unpaidbillfender, good to know, i havent messed with much netgear or dlink stuff.. i usually stick to linksys or foundry
01:40.15*** part/#asterisk drdrain (
01:40.22magic_hatanyone got some wisdom on my agi/speak_text situation?
01:40.25x86NovceGuru: any PoE switch can power a cisco phone with the proper cable
01:40.28NovceGuru[TK]D-Fender: I don't think denmark has enough goats...
01:40.37unpaidbillat least i used to stick to linksys, before they ruined the wrt series
01:40.47NovceGurujeev: not with the 7940/60gs that are based on the cisco poe standard
01:41.09NovceGuruI had to put a 20k resistor across the data lines to get it to power the phone
01:41.12unpaidbillmy foundry switch handles 7960s without a problem
01:41.28x86NovceGuru: yeah man just change the pinout you're good ;)
01:41.37NovceGuruSome work, some don't. It's the ones that stick to the standards that don't
01:41.43NovceGuruI did, no workie without the resitor
01:41.50unpaidbillno shit
01:41.53x86you're doing it wrong then ;)
01:41.55unpaidbillhow much power are you putting to them
01:41.57unpaidbillinline power legacy-powerdevice configurepower 15400inline power legacy-powerdevice configurepower 15400
01:42.07unpaidbilloops i pasted twice.. that's what i use
01:42.12unpaidbill15400mW or whatever
01:42.21NovceGuruunpaidbill: whatever the dlink feeds it
01:42.22*** join/#asterisk hsv-al (
01:42.27unpaidbillall the cisco phones are running with that here
01:42.30x86always works for me using cat6 patch cables with the X bar separating the pairs
01:42.37unpaidbillnovce you cant change it at all?
01:43.06NovceGuruunpaidbill: if the (particular model I have atleast) doesn't sense a load across the data pairs it won't give it pair
01:43.18NovceGurupart of the 802.11af standard
01:43.21unpaidbillah that sucks
01:43.38unpaidbillthat's why i have the 'legacy-powerdevice' option
01:43.59NovceGuruyeah, the web interface on this dlink was from 1982
01:44.12unpaidbillgopher gui
01:44.32NovceGuruwouldn't work with firefox OR ie7
01:44.47unpaidbillhow the hell did they manage that.. did you check for a firmware update?
01:45.21NovceGuruyeah, wasn't any I don't think, let me see what model it was
01:46.12magic_hatagi & speak_text? anyone?
01:47.39[TK]D-FenderNovceGuru: I run 2 x DES-1526's at the office.
01:48.20NovceGuruI have no complaints, it's not it's fault it doesn't support legacy cisco stuff
01:49.20unpaidbillyeah no firmware updates since '05
01:50.52NovceGuruI was glad I got it working because I scratched it to hell putting it in the stupid rack :P
01:51.31unpaidbilldont abuse your networking equipment, it will be vindictive
01:52.14NovceGuruIt probably will...tomorrow
01:52.17NovceGuruit's 2k miles away :(
01:57.51*** join/#asterisk russellb (n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla)
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02:04.47seanbrightstart seeing a bunch of these before the crash, too:
02:04.51seanbright[Jun 23 22:04:24] WARNING[26009]: file.c:658 ast_readaudio_callback: Failed to write frame
02:08.40echelonwhat are some stun servers?
02:10.02*** join/#asterisk blinky42 (
02:12.59echelon[TK]D-Fender: i meant stun server software
02:14.23*** join/#asterisk implicit (
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02:19.36[TK]D-Fenderechelon: As in a stun SERVER application
02:19.57[TK]D-Fenderechelon: Not sure.  Why do you ask?
02:20.24echeloni want to know how nat-traversal works and apply it to VPN
02:20.55[TK]D-Fenderechelon: If you're on VPN, isn't everything "local"?
02:22.03echelon[TK]D-Fender: yeah, but a port needs to be open on the vpn server for inbound connections
02:22.32[TK]D-Fenderechelon: * has no need or support of STUN.
02:22.56[TK]D-Fenderechelon: And ditto for its clients 99.9% of the time
02:22.57echelon[TK]D-Fender: i'm not referring to *
02:23.23echeloni'm going off topic
02:24.42[TK]D-Fenderechelon: Stuff better researched on SER
02:25.01[TK]D-Fenderechelon: And stun is still not needed...
02:25.05jbotfrom memory, ser is Sip Express Router - see, or an old secret method of obtaining a havoc of NAT problems, or at #ser
02:25.19jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
02:25.27echelonk thanks :)
02:46.51lmadseni don't want to know your name!
02:50.34*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
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02:59.20*** join/#asterisk s0lid (n=s0lid@
03:01.00jeevlmadsen, what song was that
03:03.13*** join/#asterisk damjan (n=damjan@
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03:05.40[TK]D-Fenderlmadsen: I just want...
03:05.55mamacito62hi for all
03:06.08jeev[TK]D-Fender, i just called.. through sip, to say i love you
03:06.08mamacito62anyone can help me to config one account of net2phone
03:07.15mamacito62not work
03:07.26*** part/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=chatzill@
03:07.51*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=chatzill@
03:07.55jeevhar har
03:07.56[TK]D-Fender... wtf
03:08.30jeevFender, you know what grinds my gears? i spend all this time on the phone system, asterisk.. annoying everyone.. and when i etll my friend i'm ready to order the phones, he just ignores it.
03:10.32[TK]D-Fenderjeev: Since I don't know the backstory, care to explain its relevence?
03:10.54jeevwhy am i wasting my damn time with this
03:10.58jeevif he's not gonna order the damn phones
03:11.04jeevi'm trying to save his ass money and he's putting me off
03:12.21[TK]D-Fenderjeev: What kind of "savings" for what kind of "expense"?
03:12.47jeevi think they'r doing from 1400-1800 a month
03:12.53jeevcompared to a 4k expensive
03:12.58jeevand 200/month probably after
03:15.56*** join/#asterisk colulu (n=jgreen@
03:17.09[TK]D-Fenderjeev: And where do the savings come from?
03:17.20*** join/#asterisk TJNII (n=TJNII@
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03:24.54TJNIIAnyone familiar with a Leich Electric Series 600?
03:31.04*** join/#asterisk Xen^ (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
03:33.44*** join/#asterisk Xen^ (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
03:33.45andrewycan anyone recommend a python AGI library? all of them are outdated, the most recent being a year old (starpy)
03:34.02andrewys/outdated/appear to be unmaintained
03:35.14ManxPowerandrewy: The AGI API has not changed in years, an old library is fine
03:36.23andrewyright, but it's still suspicious that no bugs have been found in 3+ years. i guess i'm trying to get an idea of what other people use
03:37.38lmadsen[TK]D-Fender: ! ! !
03:38.44[TK]D-Fenderandrewy: AGI's spec is pretty much the same.  How wrong can you BE with such a limited interface?
03:39.39andrewyyeah, i suppose everything's simple enough for the agi libs not to need maintenance
03:49.34jeevfender, what do you mean, from the better rate i get with voip!
03:51.21[TK]D-Fenderjeev: Who said you needed to replace everything to achieve that gain?
03:52.24jeevwell, it'd be cool to keep the existing nortel phones.. but it's a massive headache
03:52.45[TK]D-Fenderjeev: how many lines do you have now, and what kind?
03:52.54*** join/#asterisk kamanashisroy (n=kamanash@
03:53.01jeevi think that there are at least 16 lines in 2 offices, they're consolidating offices, moving to a single building
03:53.06jeevand 24 phones
03:53.12jeevon 16 #'s
03:53.38[TK]D-Fenderjeev: And you've got an internet conenction that would survive that kind of usage?
03:53.44jeevthey dont use it often
03:53.51jeevtrust me, and it's 99% outgoing.
03:53.59[TK]D-Fenderjeev: .... ok, because that would max out a T1.
03:54.09jeevif all were used, correct? probably 1-3 at a time, MAX.
03:54.20[TK]D-Fenderjeev: So why 16 lines NOW?
03:54.29jeevonly time all would be used is if it was guaranteed that a comet would be hitting the earth.. and they'd be calling loved ones, these lazies dont work!
03:54.36jeevFender, i dunno, i didn't know them when they got it
03:54.52jeevFender, i think i'll do 4 DID's each
03:54.59[TK]D-Fenderjeev: Guess nobody's been watching their needs.
03:55.11[TK]D-Fenderjeev: 4 DID's each?
03:55.20jeevaint my job ;D
03:55.59jeevall the terms i say are wrong, why, DID is wrong too?
03:56.12[TK]D-Fenderjeev: explain what you mean and we'll see
03:56.19jeevbastard, why put me on the spot
03:56.25jeev4 incoming numbers for each business.
03:56.33jeevso it's 2 businesses, i'll get 8 #'s
03:56.40*** join/#asterisk gitguy (
03:56.45jeevsup gitguy
03:57.00[TK]D-Fenderjeev: If you can't explain your use of a word, what right do you have flinging it around?  Thats escalating from a wrong idea to "no clue" immediately :p
03:57.03gitguyhey jeev
03:57.09*** join/#asterisk BeeBuu (n=beebuu@
03:57.30gitguyjeev: hows your asterisk installation going
03:57.32jeevfender, what was i saying wrong then
03:57.34jeevit's goin great gitmo
03:57.47[TK]D-Fenderjeev: Ok, fine, sure.  so 8 #'s, some arbitrary # of fixed channels (or pay/min)
03:57.56jeevpay per min
03:58.16[TK]D-Fenderjeev: Your business is primarily outbound LD?
03:58.22jeevyes sir
03:58.33[TK]D-Fenderjeev: makes sense then.
03:58.45jeevFender, although there are 3 fax lines doing 1000 pages per day..
03:58.49jeevwhat you suggest for that;/ hard line ?
03:58.53jeevthose are the most important
03:59.31[TK]D-Fenderjeev: yes, hard line for sure.
03:59.46[TK]D-Fenderjeev: As far away from * as possible.
04:01.24echeloncan asterisk run on a machine with 24mb of ram and 152mhz cpu?
04:01.58gitguyi'm sure it will run, but i'm not sure how well it will perform
04:02.02jerbarely, and only if you aren't doing any transcoding
04:02.07jeevFender, where'd you go
04:02.13[TK]D-Fenderand passing maybe 2 calls tops
04:02.24jeevoh dood, the box i have it on has 128 mb ram ;
04:02.28echelonoh.. was going to use it for conferencing :\
04:02.42jeevultimately fender, for maximum stability.. does it have better support on linux or bsd?
04:02.46[TK]D-Fenderechelon: get me some crack too while you're at it...
04:02.53jeevcause i'm gonna have it on a sexy server
04:03.08[TK]D-Fenderjeev: either will do, but Linux is better supported.
04:03.41axisysis there any other site like misterhouse.. it seems to be not updated since last yr
04:03.46jeevyea, i guses i'll slap linux on to it
04:03.53jeevshould i even bother with raid
04:03.57jeevor do a nightly tarball
04:04.17[TK]D-Fenderaxisys: I use(d) "heyu2" with my setup
04:04.35[TK]D-Fenderjeev: Yes, raid, and yes, back it up too
04:04.51gitguyi just got these two t-shirts
04:05.02jeevFender, would you laugh at me if i dont wanna build anythign and just get them a Q6600 dell box? :D
04:05.05gitguyit rocks
04:05.15jeevgitguy, welcome to 1997!
04:05.16jeevhaha jk
04:05.43gitguylinux is the present and future ;)
04:06.04gitguythese t-shirts are a classic though
04:06.30axisys[TK]D-Fender: thnx
04:06.35NuggetLinux is poo.
04:08.09[TK]D-Fender... telnet
04:08.13axisys[TK]D-Fender: is there any other open source project that works on smart home setup?
04:08.23[TK]D-Fenderdarn... bot's fired off too recently :p
04:08.41[TK]D-Fenderaxisys: there were several, all old by now I'm sure.
04:08.52[TK]D-Fenderaxisys: What do you want to do?
04:09.19axisys[TK]D-Fender: why? people lost interest? no just look really fun.. may be slow get into it.. once get the asterisk lined up
04:10.04axisys[TK]D-Fender: mainly looking for way to save energy.. using many different matrixs ..
04:10.18[TK]D-Fenderaxisys: ok, any of these might do then.
04:10.21axisysand also make the home secure .. just for fun really
04:10.23[TK]D-Fenderaxisys: Get googling.
04:10.47axisys[TK]D-Fender: smart home gave me all commercial products..
04:11.06[TK]D-Fenderaxisys: you aren't being specific enough.
04:12.34axisys[TK]D-Fender: i know.. lets see.. how to save energy .. that means turn the chiller on when it is too hot or when I am on my way home .. may be turn it on 1 hr before i get home..
04:12.49[TK]D-Fenderaxisys: I meant your SEARCH.
04:12.56axisys[TK]D-Fender: oh
04:13.25jeevi want to play sim copter
04:13.29jeevwe need to port it to multiplayer
04:14.50*** part/#asterisk echelon (
04:18.07jeevdamn, freenode rules
04:18.36*** join/#asterisk joobie (n=joobie@
04:24.48*** join/#asterisk mosty (
04:25.33coluluTK: hi
04:25.41*** join/#asterisk TrentCreek (
04:26.41jeevim' convinced someone pays fender 500k a year to have him put up with my shit
04:29.57gitguysome people do it for the love :p
04:30.10jeevi dont know how he could survive me
04:30.14jeevi think he's making a jeev doll to stab
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04:34.36TJNIIStab?  I'd think voodoo would be more likely.
04:34.39[TK]D-Fendergoes back to his effigy mass-production run...
04:35.06jeevthat's what i meant
04:35.08jeevvoodoo banshee mofo's
04:35.25jeevgoes back to amavisd on his new postfix server
04:36.56TJNIIgoes back to trying to figure out how a phone made before WWII whould be wired
04:38.06TJNIIIf the ringer wire wasn't floating this would be a lot easier.....
04:38.37jeevi wonder if listening to R Kelly I believe i could fly makes me as bad as him
04:49.59[TK]D-Fenderloads jeev into his trusty trebuchet and haelp him achieve his dreams.
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05:10.35gitguyis there release date for 1.6.0?
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05:13.47[TK]D-Fendergitguy: "When its done
05:14.43TJNIIWell, my ATA didn't smoke, it rings, and I can talk on it.  I guess I got it right.
05:14.55TJNIIThough there is an unused coil in the hybrid, but meh.
05:24.21jeevi hate the media and everyone else
05:24.33jeevpeople start telling the government, speculation is causing oil to rise, DUH
05:24.44jeevthen people complain about not enough supply and it's not speculation
05:24.54jeevAND THEN, something is attacked, speculation calls it to go up
05:24.57jeevjesus christ how people are dumb
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05:43.02slavon_nethello all.. how use last 1.6.0 svn brunch with zap channels? svn 1.6.0 brunch update all code to DAHDI support but DAHDI not released... maybe DAHDI support need add only to trunk and create new brunch like 1.6.1 that support DAHDI and keep 1.6.0 for bugfixes?
05:46.46*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
05:47.34ManxPowerdid you try zapte.?
06:00.11mostyi'm trying to figure out how to use PICKUPMARK with app_directed_pickup- what channel variable does this look in?
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06:47.40mostyif i set a global variable PICKUPMARK=102 then my Pickup(102@PICKUPMARK) is able to pickup SIP/102 which is ringing. if i remove the global variable and set a channel variable __PICKUPMARK=102 in sip.conf for SIP/102 then i can't pick up this call. what am i doing wrong?
06:55.27TJNIISIP call picking is buggy
06:56.22TJNIIBut why would you want to set pickupmark in sip.conf?  By its nature it needs to be dynamic.
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06:59.25mostymy sip.conf is written by a program
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06:59.52mostyif SIP/102 is ringing, i want to be able to pick it up no matter which extension it's ringing in
07:02.34TJNIII'm 99% sure that pickupmark needs to be set in the dialplan
07:02.55TJNIIPickupmark is really a kludge; we shouldn't need it at all
07:03.09mostyhow can i do it without PICKUPMARK?
07:03.15TJNIIBut for whatever reason call picking doesn't like SIP.
07:03.22TJNIIUntil they fix the bug I don't know.
07:03.50TJNIIIt might be fixed now, I haven't researched it in a couple months.
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07:10.05Chris-NBanyone using a kirk wireless server 600v3 SIP with asterisk?
07:10.28Chris-NBmy problem is, the dect phones can't register when there is a secret set for this user
07:10.45Chris-NBif i comment the secret, everything is fine
07:10.53Chris-NBanyone had this problem?
07:13.23mostyis app_directed_pickup related to pickupexten in res_features? or are they completely different implementations of similar things?
07:15.22Chris-NBnoone had these problems?
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07:47.43J4zenHi there, a little while ago i read an article(review) about a Polycom desktop office phone, it returned the most reliable, has a color screen, voicemail indicator that works. if i remember correctly it was on Does anyone remember a review like that?
07:48.17J4zenOr can someone recommend me a good solid business Sip phone, i'm currently using SNOM320's but i'm not too happy about them
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07:48.48mostypolycom phones are ok, so long as you have a provisioning server and never ever waste your time using the polycom phone web interface
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07:49.43J4zenso i was told, we do have a provisioning server available
07:49.48J4zenwhat's your thoughts on the SoundPoint® IP 670 ?
07:50.04unpaidbillprrovisioning server? they dont just grab a dhcp address and a file from tftp?
07:50.05J4zen <--
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07:58.05J4zenCan anyone recommend a SIP-phone in the price range of 150~300$ which doesn't require a seperate power-adapter?
07:58.50jqlso... better than a grandstream? heh
07:58.56mostyunpaidbill, tftp or http, ftp or https. but you have to create all the settings files
07:59.51J4zenjql: I don't follow?
08:01.19MaliutaJ4zen: you want something POE?
08:01.37MaliutaJ4zen: get a cisco
08:01.57unpaidbilloh, yeah
08:02.00unpaidbillthat's just like cisco phones
08:02.03unpaidbillexcept cisco phones suck
08:02.07unpaidbillsuck big dongs
08:02.11unpaidbillbig hairy dongs
08:02.32unpaidbillthe SIP software for cisco phones is junk
08:02.41J4zenOk so, other than Cisco. No manufacturer offers this AND manages to provide a solid phone?
08:03.11unpaidbillthey all do poe and you can get phones as cheap as 110 bucks
08:03.18unpaidbillsometimes cheaper (with snom especially)
08:03.21jqlpoe is everywhere
08:03.31J4zendidn't like SNOM too much
08:03.40unpaidbillcisco phones have a terrible UI, absolutely terrible, for SIP
08:03.47J4zeni see
08:03.49unpaidbillthe skinny ui is ok
08:04.04mostywhat don't you like about snom? maybe that will give us something to base suggestions on
08:04.04unpaidbillthey gimped out the SIP stuff to be jerks.
08:04.35unpaidbillso, if you dont mind using chan_skinny or chan_sccp, cisco phones are OK.  if you want to use sip, get something else is my advice
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08:04.47unpaidbillbut my advice normally sucks
08:05.23J4zenmosty: Basically it behaved extremely buggy while undergoing firmware upgrades, support from SNOM is terrible in my expierence and the extension modules generally look a bit cheap in my opinion
08:06.00unpaidbillpolycom is the sexiest looking
08:06.02J4zenthat along with several malfunctioning phones that had to be returned to our supplier
08:06.03mostyJ4zen, i do lots of snom firmware upgrades- are you using the auto update URL or direct links to firmware files?
08:06.14J4zenauto-update URL
08:06.29unpaidbill polycom IP 550
08:07.02J4zenpart of the blame goes to the supplier as well i suppose, they delivered two different "series" of the 320's
08:07.13J4zenone with soft key-buttons, the other with hard edgy ones
08:07.22J4zenboth delivered with different firmware versions
08:07.45unpaidbill and that, a nice cheapy, 129 on newegg, most certainly cheaper anywhere else
08:07.50unpaidbillgod they look nice.
08:08.03J4zeni was actually looking at the 670's
08:08.04mostyJ4zen, the auto update URL works great here, you just have to leave the phones for like 10 minutes if it's starting from a really old firmware version
08:08.18unpaidbill390 bucks for those things
08:08.26J4zenaye, but very appealing ;)
08:08.32unpaidbillindeed, i would love one on my desk
08:08.37unpaidbillif only i could justify it to mr bossman
08:09.05J4zenmosty: i've tried, i had one of my phones completely hang in the update process even
08:09.43mostyJ4zen, strange- i've never had that and i've done over a hundred of them
08:09.48J4zenit might have been a bad batch or so, since they obviously came from two different release batches
08:09.59J4zenwhat kind do you have?
08:10.01J4zenhard key-buttons
08:10.04J4zenor soft rubber ones
08:10.35J4zenmight be in that, older versions of the 320
08:10.36mostyi've done both. the hard button versions are newer
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08:11.59unpaidbillsweet host dude
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08:12.38unpaidbilloh friggen sweet, that 670 has a usb port
08:12.58unpaidbillalthough it doesnt do much, i like it.
08:17.25J4zenye it looks awesome
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08:18.24J4zencan you recommend an VoIP supplier in USA?
08:18.29J4zenor that operates in USD ;)
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08:21.33MaliutaJ4zen: business or residential?
08:21.43lupino3hello, are there any known problems with Asterisk 1.4.19 and realtime voicemail?
08:22.01lupino3CLI voicemail show users says there are no users defined
08:22.18lupino3but I've configured them
08:22.38J4zensorry, i should have been more clear
08:22.59J4zeni'm refering to a VoIP hardware supplier such as SIP-phones and additional asterisk Hardware such as PRI/BRI interfaces
08:25.49J4zenStrom_C: Thanks :)
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08:42.05redaxwhat is the usual registration expire time for lan sip phones? 1hour should work?
08:42.42redaxor should I specify longer exiration?
08:43.48mostyit doesn't really matter, it's not much traffic
08:44.06mosty30 mins?
08:45.17redaxheh. somehow it matters ;-) I specified 120secs and our ISP link went down, so my asterisk played timeouts with 10 SIP trunks, so all of the extensions went offline ;-)
08:45.29redaxok, that's my bad...
08:46.07redaxjust wanted to ask what ppl use to set for register expiration...
08:46.13mostyat 120s it will just fill up your logs
08:46.13redaxnow I added 3600sec
08:46.26mostyi just leave the default
08:46.54redaxyah. not mention the problem when internet link is down, and you have SIP trunks ;-)
08:47.36redaxanyhow the default was 3600s
08:48.13redaxok, thanks
08:48.17mostywhat does your internet connection matter to your lan sip clients?
08:48.38mostythey should still register to your pbx fine, you just won't be able to call out via the internet
08:49.06redaxseems like, asterisk played (waiting for) sip trunk registrations, and meanwhile lan clients can't reregister themselves
08:49.33redaxthe default sip registrationtimeout is 20sec, I have 10SIP trunks, that's 200sec
08:49.41mostythat doesn't sound right at all
08:49.44redaxthe register expire was 120s :)
08:49.48*** part/#asterisk BeeBuu (n=beebuu@
08:50.09mostyupstream sip registrations shouldn't stop sip clients from registering
08:50.23mostyyou must have had lan problems at the same time
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08:51.46redaxNet gone at 3am, I arrived to the office at 7:30am and almost all of the lan clients was offline
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08:52.19redaxalmost == ~83 sip phones
08:55.08mostythe only way that might happen was if you had a sip deadlock, i haven't seen that with so few sip clients
08:56.22redaxis there a way to specify different port for trunk registration than 5060, meanwhile the clients should register at 5060
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08:59.09redaxhm. maybe DNS requests caused the sip deadlock...
08:59.50redaxthis box doesn't have local DNS server. and the specified is via the net conection
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10:52.39cfhhi all , i have succesfully configured distinctive ring with asterisk 1.4 and polycom 601 with alert info, but if i try with a polycom 550 doesnt work
10:53.09cfhare there different configuration with the new polycom to works with asterisk ?
10:53.21d-k-t-2Anyone got any ideas for what I should do with external calls from someone who'd been dialling all numbers, leaving calls open to conference lines, trying to get employees to give them more numbers for other offices etc? Just rejecting their call could work, but it doesn't seem enough
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11:19.25TheHHi guys anybody knows why X-lite does not register with MAC OS TIGER
11:19.39TheHnot even incoming registrations are shown on asterisk
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11:52.42Dave_K*Phew* Java IRC is not friendly. Hi there folks.
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12:03.19tgoodchildHi, perhaps someone has an idea...
12:03.41tgoodchildI'd like to use my phones (Snom) in a "Chef-Secretary" way
12:04.57tgoodchildSuch that whenever the "Chef" picks up the phone (also when he's going to make a call) the secretary can see that he's using it
12:05.02tgoodchildSomething like blf
12:17.43tgoodchildhum... ideas?
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12:38.32lmadsenmorning all
12:38.52mvanbaakyo lmadsen
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12:46.47lmadsenhow goes mvanbaak?
12:47.31*** join/#asterisk Mike8861 (i=Mike8861@
12:47.32mvanbaakgood good
12:47.38Mike8861hello everyone!!!!
12:47.38mvanbaakfixing bugs in our PHP application
12:47.56Mike8861so glad to see all asterisk professional!
12:48.26x86heya lmadsen
12:48.48lmadsenMike8861: oh oh oh.... we're not professionals
12:48.54lmadsenx86: howdy!
12:49.03Mike8861heehe, whatever
12:49.12lmadsenmvanbaak: I just woke up :)
12:49.17Mike8861you guy rules
12:49.19lmadsencleaned the kitchen... thinking about breakfast
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12:49.30Mike8861i just spent many many rimes to enter asterisk IRC
12:49.34Mike8861gotta headache
12:49.36mvanbaaklmadsen: damn, it's almost 3 PM here
12:50.04lmadsenmvanbaak: you've been busy for many an hour while I was sleeping, heh
12:50.12mvanbaakonly on sundays I wake up around 3 PM
12:50.23mvanbaaknormal days it's 6 AM
12:50.32x86lmadsen: what's new? how's business?
12:50.50lmadsenmvanbaak: wow... I never wake up that late... almost always up by 8:30am even on weekends
12:51.14lmadsenx86: business is good... lots to do today... did 10 billable hours yesterday... which is a lot in one day
12:51.19mvanbaaklmadsen: you have kids ?
12:51.22lmadsen(at least for me -- about double)
12:51.33lmadsenmvanbaak: no kids, no animals, no wives, no girlfriends :)
12:51.52lmadsenlivin' the single life
12:52.05mvanbaakwell, on saturday I stay up pretty early. around 8 or 9 AM
12:52.09lmadsenalthough I do have a female friend of mine stop by about once a week
12:52.16mvanbaakbut saturdays go on till 4 or sometimes 6 AM
12:52.16lmadsenmvanbaak: ahhh, well that makes sense then
12:52.22x86lmadsen: 10 billable that's awesome
12:52.26mvanbaaknever a saturday that ends before 4 AM
12:52.33x86lmadsen: what do you charge an hour? $125 or so?
12:52.37lmadsenI used to be a night owl like that, but have gotten out of it
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12:52.45lmadsenx86: not quite
12:52.49Mike8861hello oilinki3
12:52.51lmadsenx86: although I wish I was ;)
12:53.01x86lmadsen: that's the going rate around here :P
12:53.08Mike8861well, I got question on asterisk , can anyone help
12:53.27lmadsenya I know... but I charge less because the company I work for gives me lots of hours
12:53.34jbotask is, like, Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
12:53.51lmadsenis against his will :)
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12:54.31lmadsenx86: I usually throw out the $200/hr to someone when I don't really want to do the project :)
12:54.49Mike8861ok, get ready?!
12:55.14dienodoes any one have idea how to install app_swift on Asterisk 1.4.21 with CentOS 5.0
12:55.22Mike8861We are running Trixbox 2.4.1, install from ISO image, is there any way to add IM function to this ?
12:55.32tgoodchildQuestion: I'd like to use my phones in a "Chef-Secretary" way, such that whenever the "Chef" picks up the phone (not only receiving, but making calls) the secretary can see that he's using it...  Sth. like blf?
12:55.36Mike8861i saw IM patch for asterisk, but donno how to install
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12:57.40Mike8861morning jaytee
12:58.14mvanbaakMike8861: ask in trixbox channel
12:58.18jbot[~trixbox] trixbox is a full linux distro that includes FreePBX and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox VERY difficult to support, and is not supported in #asterisk. Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & wiki at
12:58.57Mike8861thanks for all da help
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12:59.05Mike8861cya all
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13:03.00x8607:54 < Mike8861> ok, get ready?!
13:03.07x86that's when I stopped paying attention to him ;)
13:03.17Mike8861yup.thanks for helping
13:03.24x86lmadsen: what's your hourly rate to a new client
13:03.41x86lmadsen: not someone gauranteeing you a fixed amount of hours
13:03.42lmadsenx86: depends on the project, expected number of hours, and who's asking :)
13:03.59x86so you don't have a fixed price schedule
13:04.08lmadsenx86: no guarantee of hours usually means about $200/hr, but I don't really take one-off projects
13:04.12lmadsenI'm too busy as it is
13:04.30lmadsenI haven't really taken on new clients for 2 years now
13:04.55x86man that's awesome
13:05.16lmadsenI work with new people all the time, but I do it all through one company. They do the billing, bill collecting, etc... so I don't have to worry about all the overhead
13:05.21x86of course... when someone asks you for references, all you have to do is say "uh... me?" ;)
13:05.29lmadsenI let the sales people do their job, and then I can just focus on the technology
13:05.37x86oh that's rad
13:05.39lmadsenx86: I just point them at the book :)
13:05.45x86how did you work that out?
13:05.52gr0mitlmadsen, are you us-based?
13:05.55x86you just pay them a percentage?
13:05.55lmadsenx86: very carefully :)
13:06.04x86never knew such a service existed....
13:06.05lmadsengr0mit: I live in downtown Toronto
13:06.12gr0mitaaah, nice!
13:06.17lmadsenx86: no, they charge their rate, and I charge them my flat rate
13:06.19x86I've heard of like and what not that are basically lead generators
13:06.20gr0mitloved toronto
13:06.42lmadsengr0mit: just bought a condo downtown, so I'm pretty excited... I take possession on Thurs.
13:06.45x86lmadsen: so you're still a contractor though right?
13:06.58gr0mithow do you get your consulting leads?
13:07.02lmadsenx86: yes, I'm still an independent consultant. I send my invoices from LeifMadsen Enterprises, Inc.
13:07.18lmadsengr0mit: people usually just come to me... I haven't had to actively look for work for some years now
13:07.22x86lmadsen: what's this front company? I might be interested in checking them out
13:07.59x86they provide sales and billing and all of that overhead, and all you have to do is do the work... that's totally rad...
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13:08.25lmadsenI originally worked for Steve Sokol at Sokol & Associates
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13:08.35x86right I remember you telling me that
13:08.36lmadsenthen the team transitioned over to Digium
13:08.48x86can I set something like that up?
13:08.58x86do I have to get dCap certified first?
13:08.59lmadsenno idea... you can check I suppose :)
13:09.14gr0mitnice.  i need to start ramping things up - my employer is looking very dodgy at the moment
13:09.21x86yeah, I'll talk to mark about it next time we talk
13:10.02lmadsenx86: Mark probably has very little to do with that aspect anymore unfortunately. Company is getting too big.
13:10.57lmadsenwhich is a good thing!
13:11.09x86yeah but he could throw in a word about me :)
13:11.19lmadsenI really like working in the professional services department. I get to work with a lot of cool people on a lot of neat projects
13:11.24lmadsenx86: true :)
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13:11.38x86travel required?
13:11.39lmadsenx86: just ask him if you can use him as a reference
13:11.47lmadsenx86: I don't travel -- I work from home
13:12.00x86see that's what's up
13:12.10x86I want to work from home... and I want to live in downtown chicago :)
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13:12.59x86a condo down there is about $24k/yr on average
13:13.04lmadsenoh... $24k/yr heh
13:13.10lmadsenthat's a lot :)
13:13.13x86(for a lease)
13:13.14lmadsenhow many sqft?
13:13.20x861 bedroom heh
13:13.45gr0mitusd or cdn $??
13:13.45lmadsenI pay $1641/mth for a 1+1, about 750sqft. Just bought for $275k for 585sqft, 1 bedroom
13:13.57x86not sure how many sq ft.... but my buddy lives on the 31st floor in an older condo building, 1 bedroom, 1 bath, $2k/mo, $200/mo extra for a parking space in the deck
13:14.00gr0mitor are they at parity now?
13:14.11lmadsengr0mit: doesn't matter -- CAD is actually worth more
13:14.27x86yeah I'm talking USD
13:14.27lmadsengr0mit: within 0.01, so at parity
13:14.33gr0mitgood grief!
13:14.49lmadsengr0mit: it's been like that for months... you obviously aren't Canadian getting paid in USD and losing 25% on the exchange rate
13:14.54x86gr0mit: yeah the USD is very weak right now...
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13:15.09lmadsenI was LOSING 10% on every dollar exchanged at some point
13:15.12gr0mitnah - i am in UK getting paid in GBP by a poor american company
13:15.16x86lmadsen: it's best to find work in canada and spend your money down here ;)
13:15.17lmadsenabout a year and a half ago I was MAKING 20%
13:15.27*** join/#asterisk SuPrSluG (n=SuPrSluG@
13:15.35JTi think the AUD is about to be worth more than the USD soon too
13:15.43lmadsenx86: no way... I like to import the money and spend it here :)
13:15.50lmadsenJT: wow... that's grazy
13:15.54lmadsencrazy even :)
13:16.13gr0mitsold some stock in USD a couple years ago - i thought i was clever - opened a USD account
13:16.20x86lmadsen: I'm saying if the CAD is stronger, make CAD, then convert it to USD and you'll effectively have more money down here
13:16.24gr0mitnow i have some worthless usd
13:16.25lmadsenJT: don't expect the prices of your commodities to drop unfortunately... only after about a year of a crappy exchange rate are prices finally starting to come down
13:16.38lmadsenx86: it's at par, it doesn't matter anymore
13:16.47gr0mitthe only consolation was that if i had not sold them at all i would not have anything at all!!!!
13:16.48x86it will as the USD continues to dive ;)
13:16.50JTlmadsen: hey i can still import stuff cheap from the us :)
13:16.56lmadsenJT: true :)
13:17.29lmadsenx86: it's down diving... it dropped to 1.00 USD -> 0.90 CAD at one point, but it is back up to par
13:18.12gr0mitnot sure what is falling faster -  the USD or the Motorola stock price
13:18.24*** join/#asterisk dlu_ (
13:18.42lmadsenUSD isn't falling anymore (at least in relation to CAD)
13:19.26x86it will, watch
13:19.43lmadsendoubt it
13:20.09jerthe CAD is the 4th strongest currency on the planet right now
13:20.17lmadsenoh ya
13:20.24lmadsenCAD is very strong economically right now
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13:20.30lmadsenjust look at housing prices in Saskatchewan
13:20.33Maxouslmadsen: why is motorola stock price falling?
13:20.34jerthanks to all our national resources
13:20.48jertech stocks are a gamble, you want security -- natural resources
13:20.51lmadsenMaxous: because they haven't innovated anything since the Razr?
13:20.52x86lmadsen: I thought Toronto was the most expensive
13:20.56lmadsenx86: it is :)
13:21.04lmadsenactually... vancouver is more expensive
13:21.04jerx86, Montréal is a little more expensive per capita
13:21.17Maxouslmadsen: Hah, gotcha.
13:21.22lmadsenVancouver is about 25% more expensive than Toronto
13:21.32x86I was looking at places in Toronto, and the cheapest house I could find was $1.3M
13:21.37jerlmadsen, but only about 8% more than Montréal
13:21.44jerx86, and that's a one bedroom shack in unionville
13:21.47lmadsenjer: ya, natural resources as long as our stupid gov't stops selling them to foreign companies
13:21.57lmadsenjer: ya, Montreal and Toronto are almost on par
13:22.25lmadsenx86: oh ya... houses are stupid expensive... but you're looking more like $2M to start in Vancouver
13:22.34lmadsenunless you move to a suburb, but then you're not in Toronto proper
13:22.36jeri live in the middle of nowhere, about an hour south of georgian bay, housing prices here are fairly reasonable for nice places, about 300k
13:23.43lmadsenI live here come thursday :)
13:24.38jerlmadsen, i could not live in toronto
13:24.41jeri just couldn't
13:24.41x86my house was $50k.... ~2 acres of land, fenced in back yard, 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, ~950 sq. ft.
13:25.03lmadsenjer: I come from a town of 4500 people, and I love Toronto. Lived downtown for 2 years now, and finally bought a place
13:25.15lmadsenx86: ya, I could buy that too, but I hate living in the country :)
13:25.26jerx86, when the ex wife and i built our house (which neihter of us live in anymore), we bought the property (15 hectares of mostly forest) for 36k, built the house for 425k, but it was a VERY nice modern house
13:25.39jerlmadsen, same, except loving toronto
13:25.51lmadsenwhat is there not to love about toronto?!
13:26.19jerlmadsen, umm, i'm not going to get into an argument with you over it... just my opinion of the city
13:26.28lmadsenI wasn't trying to argue
13:26.32lmadsenI was just curious
13:26.35lmadsenbut c'est la vie
13:26.41jerbut my response would have incited an argument, so i'll reserve my statement
13:26.47lmadsenI don't argue
13:26.59lmadsenpeople are way to fuckin' touchy on irc :)
13:27.22jeris probably going to move to costa rica anyway in a year or so
13:27.31lmadsenI know lots of people who don't like Toronto -- they moved to Vancouver. I went to Vancouver a couple of times, and I like it, but could never live there
13:27.31jerall depends on what i can find for work down there
13:27.46jeri love Montréal
13:27.58jerdowntown is especially fun after a hockey game
13:28.30lmadsenya I bet. Only thing I don't like about Montreal is how cold the winters get
13:29.10lmadsenanyways, breakfast then work time
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13:30.00jerlmadsen, meh, 7th generation Canadian, i guess winter is in my blood hehe
13:30.21jersnow is the only thing that bugs me... it could snow all it wanted to away from roads and sidewalks
13:30.28x86lmadsen: I'm not in the country
13:30.43lmadsenactually I'm starting to like winter again because I started skiing this winter
13:30.51x86lmadsen: it's a small metro area... ~250k people total in the area
13:31.04jeri like playing shinny outdoors, the best part of winter
13:31.22jergonna miss that when i move to CR
13:31.31jerx86, kinda like what US-ians call "road hockey"
13:31.33jercosta rica
13:31.51jerexcept shinny isn't limited to just roads, or parking lots, or hell, even ice
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13:35.21x86ah ok
13:35.45CabelI am running  a fractional T1 with 16 voice channels. I know all the information about it except the Signaling. Would it be PRI-Net or PRI-CPE?
13:37.15JTif it's pri, pri_cpe
13:37.20JTbut it might be RBS
13:38.36*** join/#asterisk gramulhaozin (
13:38.45ludanguys i do not understand why i can't create a conference
13:38.56ludani can see the users with "sip show peers"
13:39.18ludanbut i'm missing steps in order to get the conference up and running
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13:39.43ThoMehow i can set the timeout higher?
13:39.45ThoMeJun 24 15:38:11 NOTICE[17367]: chan_iax2.c:5815 update_registry: Restricting registration for peer 'iaxmodem' to 60 seconds (requested 900)
13:39.51ThoMethis is set to 60 seconds
13:40.01ThoMeis it bad/good if i set the to 600
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13:41.08ThoMeAny ideas?
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13:43.58ludan[Jun 24 15:43:00] WARNING[4665]: pbx.c:1832 pbx_extension_helper: No application 'Meetme' for extension (training, 8900, 3)
13:44.02ludanthis is what I get
13:47.55ManxPowerludan: you did not have zaptel installed when you built Asterisk
13:48.48ludanManxPower: so i only need to install it and that's it?
13:49.18ManxPowerludan: install zaptel, reinstall asterisk from scratch
13:50.01ludanno less painfull way?
13:50.07ManxPowerludan: painful????
13:50.09*** join/#asterisk buzzdee (
13:50.17ManxPowerthe most painful part is downloading the source
13:51.03ManxPowerI/m sure you can find out how to tell asterisk to forget the list of libs it found, but it would be faster to unpack source, make install
13:51.49ludani installad asterisk 1.4.21, which zaptel version do I need?
13:52.03ludanzaptel-1.4-current.tar.gz  should be fine
13:52.15ManxPowerlooks at the /topic and says "1.4.11"
13:54.07buzzdeehi,I try to call a fax number, but I get the famous "all circuits are busy" I use asterisk 1.2.18, and I can call the number via my mobile and I hear the FAX answering, any idea what I can do to make it work?
13:55.37buzzdeeI call out via a PRI ISDN line from the Asterisk, calling other fax machines from the Asterisk works fine
13:55.57ludanManxPower: «checking for ZT_DIAL_OP_CANCEL in zaptel/zaptel.h... no» is it important?
13:56.27ManxPowerbuzzdee: what country are you located in?
13:56.29ludani did install zaptel from sources
13:56.50buzzdeeManxPower, in Germany
13:57.14ManxPowerThen I think you need one or more 0 at the beginngin of the call, don't you/
13:57.36buzzdeeManxPower, I know, and this is usually working
13:57.54ManxPowerthen why are you sending the call to the telco without a leading 0
13:58.06buzzdeeI can call other FAX machines here in germany, without problem, its just with this number
13:58.26ManxPowerthen show a call to a fax machine that works?
13:58.33ThoMewhat this: Jun 24 15:55:00 WARNING[17360]: channel.c:780 channel_find_locked: Avoided initial deadlock for '0x8148938', 9 retries!
13:58.52buzzdeeManxPower, I need to find a fax number, ...
13:59.00ManxPowerThoMe: harmless unless it causes a problem.  If it causes a problem there is a doc file in the source to help you report the issue
13:59.17ThoMeManxPower: ah ok
13:59.17ManxPowerI have to go move a building in a few mins so make it fast
14:01.07anonymouz666ThoMe: recompile with don't optimize, debug_threads, and when that happens you need to grep the output of 'core show locks' and send it to
14:01.28anonymouz666make sure you are using the latest 1.4 version
14:01.47buzzdeeManxPower, here it is:
14:01.54buzzdeeafter some ringing, it answered
14:03.27ManxPowerbuzzdee: the two calls have different outgoing callerid
14:03.41buzzdeeyes, the first I changed, the second not, to make it fast
14:04.04buzzdeethe first was also the 451 search/replace
14:04.27ManxPowerThat is the only difference between the two calls that I can see.  Also, is one of them local and one not?
14:04.45ManxPowercarriers can be strict about outgoig callerid, as far as rejecting the call if they don't like it
14:04.47buzzdeeno, both are in different cities, and not local to the town where I am
14:05.00ManxPowerbut at least in germany, right?
14:05.33buzzdeeI know, I fiddled some weeks to figure out, what I have to send out, so that the callierid is send out that I want
14:06.22buzzdeemy number is 03381/8904451 and I have to send out 33818904451 then my callerid is taken, otherwise the telekom is replacing it with the main number from our number block
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14:06.37ManxPower(9:04:59 AM) ManxPower: but at least in germany, right?
14:06.49buzzdeethey are both in germany yes
14:07.10*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=chatzill@
14:07.23ThoMe[TK]D-Fender: hello. only a hello :)
14:07.34ManxPowerbuzzdee: I don't know what is wrong.
14:08.09buzzdeethen thanks, then I'll have to ask on the mailing list
14:08.35buzzdeeyeah, I also do not see, why the first is not working the same way as the other
14:09.40ThoMeManxPower: have now updated from 1.2.24 to 1.4.21 - hoho
14:10.47ludanManxPower: ok, now when I dial 8900 (after logging in) a voice tells me: this is not a valid conference number... uhm
14:11.59[TK]D-Fenderludan: It'll do that if you don't have a valid zaptel timer installed.  It doesn't always mean the conference # you entered was bad.
14:12.40ludani've something likle exten => 8900,3,Meetme(9000|M) in extensions.conf
14:12.48[TK]D-Fenderludan: ZAPTEL <----
14:12.58ludanand conf => 9000 in meetme.conf
14:13.10[TK]D-Fenderludan: this is not a CONFIG error.
14:14.29ludanand what is it about?
14:14.58[TK]D-Fenderludan: I've said it twice <-  You don't have a valid zaptel timer installed
14:15.34ludanhow can I check if this is true? and in case, where can I get a zaptel timer?
14:15.47[TK]D-Fenderludan: INSTALL ZAPTEL.
14:16.19ludanit is installed!
14:16.25[TK]D-Fenderludan: Go look at the downloads section, then go read the book on how to install ZTDUMMY.
14:16.57ludanbut I did it already
14:17.09[TK]D-Fenderludan: clearly not initialized, or wasn't built before Asterisk was.  Zaptel needs to be compiled and initialized before Asterisk is compiled in the first place or it won't be compiled with support for it.
14:17.26ludanlet see
14:18.04ludan!!! it works!
14:18.15ludani didn't start zaptel :(
14:18.18ludanwhat a idiot
14:19.05coreyf52how do i go about suggesting a feature enhancement?  The sender email address for voicemails currently can only be set in voicemail.conf, I'd really like to set the source address in the dialplan..
14:20.24[TK]D-Fendercoreyf52: You can ask on the mailing list to see if someone will take you up on it.
14:21.23coreyf52[TK]D-Fender: or is someplace else better?
14:21.35[TK]D-Fendercoreyf52: that'd be it
14:21.47ludan[TK]D-Fender: before the crash of my disk, the asterisk configuration was as follows: with my username I could join the queue (8900) and wait for people to get in, talk with them and afterwars move them into the conf (9000). is it difficult to set up again?
14:22.31[TK]D-Fenderludan: You've already done it before.  You shouldn't ask questions you already know the answer to.
14:22.53ludan[TK]D-Fender: man what can i do, i do not remember what I did :(
14:23.13[TK]D-Fenderludan: Get a clue, and read the book.
14:23.15jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
14:23.19coreyf52[TK]D-Fender: great thanks!  i've made an attempt on my own but zero success, i'm not very good with C (spend too much time with C#)
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14:40.57ludan[TK]D-Fender: please, last thing! i've a file that I include in sip.conf... i'd like a webinterface to edit this file and create authorized users to join the conf... is it possible?
14:42.15Kobaz[Jun 24 10:41:52] NOTICE[18888]: channel.c:2227 __ast_read: Dropping incompatible voice frame on IAX2/2280-6 of format gsm since our native format has changed to ulaw
14:42.18Kobaz[Jun 24 10:41:52] NOTICE[18888]: channel.c:2227 __ast_read: Dropping incompatible voice frame on IAX2/2280-6 of format gsm since our native format has changed to ulaw
14:42.21Kobaz[so umm
14:42.23Kobazhow would i fix that?
14:42.32ludani tried the one that comes with asterisk but it creates users in users.conf and then these users can't join the conf
14:42.55Kobazi'm using ulaw on the iax2 peer, and i allow ulaw in the codecs
14:43.15[TK]D-Fenderludan: Of course its possible.  Look at the other 50 GUI's out there.
14:43.25[TK]D-Fenderludan: Go right ahead and get coding.
14:46.27*** join/#asterisk magic_hat (
14:47.43magic_hathey everyone. I'm using ruby and AGI to call a bunch of numbers in *. * then transfers control of the call back to my ruby script. I'm wondering if there's any way for me to know whether the number dialed is a valid one (or whether it's reached the telco error message), whether anyone's picked up, etc.
14:48.31[TK]D-Fendermagic_hat: if the respones is inband audio... not really.
14:48.57magic_hat[TK]-D-Fender: eek.
14:49.13magic_hatWhat about CHANNEL STATUS? That doesn't fly w/ audio?
14:50.22ThoMehow i SET the status with devstate on the CLI ?
14:50.27ThoMethis works nto:  Set(DEVSTATE(Custom:lamp1)=BUSY)
14:50.37*** join/#asterisk putnopvut (n=putnopvu@
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14:50.39ThoMeNo such command
14:50.56[TK]D-Fendermagic_hat: it doesn't speak english <-  The best you can hope for is using indications.conf + "callprogress=yes", but don't forget, that also means "hanguponmycallsrandomly=yes"
14:51.06*** join/#asterisk drehlecom (i=ircbnc@unaffiliated/drehlecom)
14:51.38magic_hatwow, that sounds grand! lol
14:51.42ddunavantCould someone help me with why I can't seem to call into my number for about 20 min after a reload?  My config(what I think is relevant) is at:
14:51.46*** join/#asterisk mikkel (
14:52.52ddunavantactually it's at:
14:52.56[TK]D-FenderThoMe: Google gives the answer in the first result of my query.
14:53.05[TK]D-FenderThoMe: Show some effort.
14:53.06magic_hat[TK]-D: does * hand control of the call back to the agi script if the # dialed is an invalid number?
14:53.21[TK]D-Fenderddunavant: You have not configured your system to work behind NAT.  Read up :
14:53.23jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
14:53.39[TK]D-Fendermagic_hat: Dial will exit if it has a reason to
14:53.42*** join/#asterisk smach (n=smach@
14:53.45ThoMe[TK]D-Fender: hello. i mean, can i use "SET" with php ?
14:54.07*** join/#asterisk penguinFunk (n=penguin@unaffiliated/penguinfunk)
14:54.15ddunavant[TK]D: would that matter for the server if the server wasn't NATing?
14:54.39magic_hatSo if i've dialed something with agi, and then I never hear anything back, I can assume it was either a bad number, recipient immediately hung up or I forgot to pay my Teliax bill?
14:54.40[TK]D-FenderThoMe: of course you can.  How else would you set variables?  My guess is your formatting is all wrong.  AGI is NOT the same formatting as externsions.conf
14:55.14ThoMe[TK]D-Fender: hm. ok. how i can on demand this run:  Set(DEVSTATE(Custom:lamp1)=BUSY)  ?
14:55.16[TK]D-Fenderddunavant: You have nat=yes in there, so I'd be thinking it was behind NAT.  Is it, or isn't it?
14:55.24ThoMeor [TK]D-Fender DEVSTATE(Custom:lamp1)=BUSY
14:55.32ludanthere a lot of problems like mine
14:55.45[TK]D-Fenderludan: GUI's suck.  Deal with it.
14:55.48ludanthe gui edits users.conf, i want to edit sip.conf :(
14:55.51ludanman i know
14:55.53ludani never use it
14:56.02ludanbut i've to provide an idiot with a gui
14:56.02ddunavant[TK]D: the clients are but the server isn't, let me see if that fixes it
14:56.18mvanbaakludan: vim is a wonderfull gui
14:56.24ludanthat's exactly what i use!
14:57.46[TK]D-Fenderddunavant: Also your register must appear at the end of everything else that should be under [general]
14:58.11ddunavant[TK]D: gotcha, thanks, I'll see if that gets what I want done
14:58.13defsworkaastra snuck out a 2.2.1 release - but I can't find any release notes :O
14:58.15[TK]D-Fenderusers.conf is a flaming pile of shit.
14:58.42[TK]D-Fenderddunavant: And for the next, pastebin an actual call with sip debug enabled.
14:59.05ddunavant[TK]D: ok
14:59.59Maliuta[TK]D-Fender: you sound like a magician; "And for my next trick I will ..."
15:00.31*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
15:00.36Maliutaalright, 0100 is time for bed
15:02.06seanbrightover and out
15:04.05ThoMeservetux*CLI> console send text SIP/10 test
15:04.05ThoMeNot in a call
15:04.33*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (n=chatzill@
15:05.00ddunavant[TK]D-Fender: It hasn't changed anything, The problem that I'm seeing is that the call never seems to get to my asterisk box after I perform a reload for about 20 minutes or so.  I'm not sure if it's a problem with the provider or with my config(I assume my config)
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15:06.26Kobazdo de do
15:06.32Kobaz[Jun 24 10:41:52] NOTICE[18888]: channel.c:2227 __ast_read: Dropping incompatible voice frame on IAX2/2280-6 of format gsm since our native format has changed to ulaw
15:06.48magic_hatso this app i'm working on is an IVR opinion polling deal. Call a random #, record answers. I'm only gonna be doing one call at a time, and it's going on its own server? How much RAM/processor do I need to handle one outbound call at a time?
15:06.49IdleQwell: poke
15:06.57Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: any idea?
15:07.01[TK]D-Fenderddunavant: First you should not have "nat=yes" under [general] if * itself isn't behind NAT, and then you should still disable reinvites, etc.  Check your firewall settings, etc.  Pastebin a complete call attempt that fails with SIP DEBUG.  Then ones you've restarted things, place a working call.
15:07.05[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Nope.
15:07.21*** join/#asterisk ajohnson (n=ajohnson@
15:07.26defsworkmagic_hat: 256mb
15:07.30[TK]D-Fendermagic_hat: Virtually nothing.
15:07.33Kobazit's like the codec is randomly change to gsm mid call
15:08.00magic_hatTK-D: lol that's what I hoped!.
15:09.23magic_hatTK-D: going back to my earlier?: So is there any way to know if the call's been picked up? Or will * only send the call back to agi after it's been answered? What i'm getting at is... how do I know when to start playing my outgoing message.
15:09.27*** part/#asterisk dominic1 (n=dob@
15:11.08[TK]D-Fendermagic_hat: Use a PRI or SIP service that passes full prgress back
15:11.18[TK]D-Fendermagic_hat: but you can basically forget about this on analog
15:11.35magic_hatOkay, so I'm doing this over a Teliax SIP connection.
15:13.03*** part/#asterisk solar (
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15:14.06magic_hatso how do I pull the progress info outta there?
15:14.23[TK]D-Fendermagic_hat: You should already have it.  Your dial should fail with a reason code.
15:14.35[TK]D-Fendermagic_hat: otherwise they consider the call answered as its placed
15:14.47defsworknotices aastra now do a wlan phone
15:14.57ddunavant[TK]D-fender: SIP debugging(failed call, incoming from cell):,  SIP.conf(used for that call):
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15:15.33magic_hat[TK]D: okay, gonna mess around w/ this and see how it goes.
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15:21.58kannanhello all
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15:27.19ibob63can anyone recommend a did / iax termination provider in france?
15:27.23TedNJ38Can someone help me with a problem with Trixbox?
15:27.37[TK]D-Fenderddunavant: "secure=no" is not a valid option.  What you should probably be doing is "insecure=port,invite"
15:27.47[TK]D-Fenderddunavant: update, apply, test
15:28.03[TK]D-FenderTedNJ38: Wrong channel, you know this already.  Move along.
15:28.24TedNJ38I know, nobody is replying in the other channels.
15:28.29TedNJ38Thanks anyway.
15:28.52*** part/#asterisk TedNJ38 (
15:29.00[TK]D-FenderTedNJ38: Yes, and just because my mechanic isn't answering my calls doesn't mean I can ask the clerk at McDonalds either.
15:29.20*** join/#asterisk esaym (
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15:30.53ddunavant[TK]D-Fender: Thank you so much.  It works now
15:33.26gr0mitibob63, what are you looking for?
15:33.42gr0mitcalls in or out?
15:35.28gr0mitibob63, ping
15:35.49[TK]D-Fenderddunavant: glad to help
15:36.11ibob63hi gr0mit. I am looking for call in and out. Basically, I need a did somewhere in France for business.
15:36.19*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=angeldav@
15:36.24gr0mitu based in UK?
15:36.47gr0miti can offer Paris numbers
15:36.55gr0mitPM for details
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16:02.36x86hmm... I'm having quality issues randomly all of a sudden (as in, within the past week only) with inbound faxes going from POTS line to channel bank over T1 to Sangoma T1 card into Asterisk then IAXModem and finally Hylafax
16:02.59x86seems like sometimes the fax is just garbled...
16:03.38x86should I just use a fax modem direct to hylafax? would that solve the issues?
16:07.32*** join/#asterisk Katty (
16:08.42[TK]D-FenderKatty: Mew.
16:08.45*** join/#asterisk SteveTotaro (
16:08.48jbotwell, roflmao is rolling on the floor laughing my arse off, or painful, or
16:10.40QwellKatty: ^^
16:11.06*** join/#asterisk kamanashisroy (n=kamanash@
16:11.21Kattyhugs [TK]D-Fender and Qwell
16:11.46Kattyanyone know where to check if the auto answer for polycoms makes all the phones auto answer, but there's no audio... and regular calls are fine?
16:14.11*** join/#asterisk jjshoe (n=jjshoe@
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16:17.37[TK]D-FenderKatty: Pastebin.....
16:17.58*** join/#asterisk CunningPike_ (n=arodgers@
16:18.35kensukeidohi, where can find the diff between asterisk 1.2 and 1.4?
16:22.04*** part/#asterisk dandre (
16:22.39[TK]D-Fenderkensukeido: plenty of articles out there, and there is the changelog, and the BOOKS.
16:26.28*** join/#asterisk xnixan (n=xnixan@unaffiliated/xnixan)
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16:36.08Katty[TK]D-Fender: where i'm going i don't have irc.
16:36.14Katty[TK]D-Fender: do you have any suggestions that i can look at?
16:36.58*** join/#asterisk neurosys0 (
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16:54.20NovceGuruKatty: that sounds like a terrible place
16:54.27[TK]D-FenderKatty: That could be one of a million things...
16:54.47[TK]D-FenderKatty: Sorry, you're going to have to seriously narrow that down.
16:57.56jeevfender, anywhere you know that offers long term financing for a bunch of phones?
16:58.31gr0mitsuggests a bank!
16:59.10jeevnot for me, for someone else
16:59.21jeevi'm really getting annoyed by them and i might just tell them i'm not doing it anymore
17:00.15[TK]D-Fenderjeev: If they are stupid chances are they have a lot of experience at it.  Don't expect to change them instantly.
17:00.16*** join/#asterisk spokra (
17:00.19jjshoejeev I'd ditch them, sounds like they won't have cash left for you.
17:01.02gr0mitcash first, work later is what I have learned
17:01.42gr0mitit is very tough to get cash out of people after the event
17:02.06[TK]D-Fenderjeev: And as I said before the project doesn't have to be a rip&replace.  The can start with a minimal investment to go VoIP with thier current PBX and then once the savings have realized themselves, finish the onversion.
17:02.44gr0mitbig-bang projects are usually high stress and doomed to mediocrity
17:03.09jeevfender, either way. they will have to pay some nortel expert to come in and move everything.
17:03.15gr0mitstart small, piggyback asterisk in the middle
17:03.59[TK]D-Fenderjeev: And what role do you play in all of this exactly?
17:04.19*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=angeldav@
17:04.48jeevi'm just his friend, setting this thing up for them to save them money
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17:06.36CabelIs it possible to add an array after installing asterisk? If so how?
17:06.48Qwellan array of what?
17:07.05Cabeli meant raid
17:07.07Cabelraid arrya
17:07.21QwellAsterisk has nothing to do with a RAID
17:07.47Cabelyea well i know, but I'm a noob with linux and was hopeing someone had suggestions
17:08.17*** part/#asterisk kensukeido (i=c829e4f4@gateway/web/ajax/
17:09.00mogCabel, the answer is yes
17:09.23mog"its only software"
17:11.02Cabelok. I just dont feel like reinstalling my system again just to add a raid
17:11.32*** join/#asterisk postel (n=jp@wikimedia/Postel)
17:11.57*** join/#asterisk _MrSeb_ (n=SebaX@
17:11.57_MrSeb_Hi to all
17:12.09moghi to _MrSeb_
17:14.26_MrSeb_I've a nat problem and all the incoming call hangup after 10/15 seconds... some ideas? I've all traffic of router redirected on asterisk server as dmz
17:14.57_MrSeb_in the debug I'd found some warning about a critical packet
17:16.01IdleQwell: who do I contact to get an RMA on this card? the client is totally pissed right now
17:17.52jeev[TK]D-Fender, i dont know why he's asking for long term financing on 4k. i told him i'm not gonna deal with it till i know what's going on.. its either that or pay 1800 a month to att.
17:24.30jjshoejeev tell him to get an american express card :D
17:26.37*** join/#asterisk simond (
17:28.27flujanhello guys. I am trying to use realtime sippeers with pgsql
17:28.58flujanI am having problems, i need the option rtcachefriends no sip.conf because i need the nat and qualify options
17:30.32flujanbut when i update a field in the database it does not reflect in the asterisk configuration for instance the user context and so forth
17:30.50flujanif i issue a sip reload command asterisk drops all peers
17:31.54ThoMein which variable is the source number if I have a incomming call?
17:32.17ThoMe${CALLERID(num)} ?
17:33.07jjshoethe number of the person calling, or the number they dialed?
17:33.17ThoMejjshoe: source. or the sip-id?
17:34.59flujanI do believe that I am having this issue because of the rtcachefriends option... There is a way to have asterisk periodically update the information in the database and keep using the rtcachefriend option?
17:38.40*** join/#asterisk l2cache (
17:38.55jjshoeThoMe I don't get what you're asking for, sorry.
17:40.57*** join/#asterisk kombi (
17:41.28kombiUnable to create channel of type 'mISDN' (cause 66 - Channel not implemented)<- where must I implement it?
17:42.38kombimake menuconfig says [*]chan_misdn..
17:43.08*** join/#asterisk denon (
17:43.08*** mode/#asterisk [+o denon] by ChanServ
17:46.43_MrSeb_someone can say to me how to resolve this... WARNING[18855]: chan_sip.c:1948 retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded on transmission C57688FF-3D8B11DD-A312CE3D-FD954DD@ for seqno 102 (Critical Response)?
17:47.15*** join/#asterisk implicit (
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17:51.03kombihmm, all I did was migrate from 1.4 to 1.6, now misdn seems gone..
17:51.35lmadsendid you recompile the mISDN (or whatever it was) packages?
17:52.10kombilmadsen: shoot, no.. just those four I always compile.. where do you get those from again?
17:52.17lmadsenI have no idea
17:52.24lmadsenI don't use BRI devices
17:52.38kombiI did all that before, just can't remember..
17:53.00lmadsendocumentation is a good thing :)
17:53.04*** join/#asterisk angeldavid (n=angeldav@nelug/coreteam/pepo)
17:53.05lmadsenthat's why I have a personal wiki
17:53.40kombilmadsen: funny you should say that, I do too, but I also forgot to write it in there..;)
17:54.29kombibut then again, this box has a completely standard digium card, do I need misdn at all?
17:54.41Qwellkombi: which card?
17:54.49mvanbaakif you have BRI you need it
17:55.00kombiQwell: how do I tell from cli..
17:55.03lmadsen"completely standard digium card"
17:55.25Qwellkombi: You can't.  You have to kind of...just know.
17:55.41lmadsenand ztscan
17:55.49kombiQwell: ;) I'll screw the box open.. or wait..
17:55.52lmadsenlspci helps too
17:55.53x86what would you guys recommend for an external fax modem? looking to use it only for inbound faxing to hylafax... not sure if you guys would have any suggestions or not...
17:55.54Qwellkombi: lspci
17:56.25lmadsenQwell: copy cat
17:56.55kombiQwell: right! Digium, Inc. Uknown device b410 (rev 01)..;) so bri I take it
17:57.03Qwellso yeah, you need misdn
17:57.56kombiQwell: such a shame, had it all working before but had to do a dist-upgrade which messed everything up.. so on to misdn, where are misdn?
17:58.11kombiI mean, where are you misdn!
17:58.23x86lmadsen: no suggestions for fax modem
17:58.28lmadsenx86: I don't do faxing
17:58.32x86ah ok
17:58.39Strom_Cx86: I use an old external serial modem
17:58.39lmadsenif I had a suggestion, I would have offered it :)
17:58.49Strom_Csome USR thing
17:59.37kombiQwell, lmadsen: you just do make b410p in the zaptel source, that goes into my wiki pronto..
18:00.44x86lmadsen: figured ;)
18:01.36*** join/#asterisk edoceo (
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18:02.02x86Strom_C: I'm thinking USR just because that's all I've ever had experience with besides Hayes as far as modems go.... but I've never done faxing with one before
18:03.05Strom_Cx86: seriously dude, it's just a modem
18:03.20*** join/#asterisk [reed] (n=reed@firefox/gnu.webmaster.reed)
18:03.27x86yeah ;)
18:03.33[reed]what's the (T) next to the port number in `iax2 show peers` ?
18:03.35Strom_Cthis is a lot like freaking out because you're not really sure which end of the toothbrush to stick in your mouth
18:03.36*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
18:03.42lmadsen[reed]: trunking
18:03.44x86but I've never done faxing so I'm not sure if some modems handle it better than others / etc
18:03.49lmadsenor so I would guess
18:04.10[reed]lmadsen: ah, thanks
18:04.14x86Strom_C: no, it's a lot like picking the right toothbrush that's not going to cause damage to your gums ;)
18:04.15[reed]lmadsen: and it's always UDP?
18:04.18[reed]not ever TCP?
18:04.21lmadsennever TCP
18:04.33*** join/#asterisk MrNaz (
18:05.24kombiand now make b410p throws an error.. shoot!
18:06.12[reed]any hints on debugging iax2 trunk problems? I have two asterisk servers -- the first one can connect to the second one just fine while the second one can't connect to the first one (gets unreachable)... pretty sure it's not a network issue since I can ssh between the two machines just fine, but maybe I'm just not looking at the right thing.
18:06.12kombiok, back to 1.4...
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18:06.53Strom_C[reed]: ssh isn't the same port
18:07.10Strom_Cis there a firewall or router between the two machines?
18:07.23[reed]there is, and this has been working fine for months... just stopped working early this morning
18:07.35kombianyone good with make files? "CFLAGS was changed. Fix it to use EXTRA_CFLAGS" only how?
18:07.45Strom_Ccheck to see if anyone touched it :)
18:07.55edoceoI want my extension 620 to be able to monitor/view/intercept calls to extension 617, 615 and 613 - what dialplan commands do I look for?
18:08.28edoceoHow can I indicate to x620 that x617 is ringing and give them ability to intercept?
18:09.26[TK]D-Fenderedoceo: Go read up on pickup groups on the WIKI
18:09.29jbot[~wikis] VoIP Wiki covering Asterisk, FreeSWITCH, TrixBox, SER, OpenSER, sipX, CallWeaver, and YATE. (c) Arte Marketing Inc / CommPartners
18:09.37edoceoThanks TK!
18:10.06[TK]D-Fenderedoceo: And to know that they are ringing you might be able to use "presence" on your phone to see their state.
18:11.35jbothmm... blf is Busy Lamp Field, aka little lights next to speed dials that light up when the person is on the phone and blink when that line is ringing.  hint extensions are static mapped to SIP or other channels.
18:12.57*** join/#asterisk hfb (
18:14.11[reed]Strom_C: 99% sure it isn't a networking issue, especially since the nagios script I have isn't getting an IAX reply on localhost
18:19.01edoceoIt looks like the Line Status and Presence won't work for my Aastra 480i - so no way to indicate to x620 the status of x617 huh?
18:21.00[TK]D-Fenderedoceo: Yes, Aastras support presence on the 480i
18:22.13*** join/#asterisk Segnale007 (
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18:23.02anonymouz666anyone know if I can reload just the file func_odbc.conf without restart everything?
18:23.38[reed]Strom_C: a full shutdown and startup of asterisk seemed to fix it
18:24.02*** join/#asterisk ddunavant (n=David@
18:24.34kombinow let's see whether zaptel make b410p compiles against kernel 2.6.22..
18:24.56_MrSeb_someone can say to me how to resolve this... WARNING[18855]: chan_sip.c:1948 retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded on transmission C57688FF-3D8B11DD-A312CE3D-FD954DD@ for seqno 102 (Critical Response)?
18:25.20edoceoTK: If I wanted you to help me with this how much would it cost (in USD please) and how could I share files with you w/o using SSH (can't give access to system :( )
18:26.03kombi_MrSeb_: is your sip gateway accessable?
18:26.49_MrSeb_kombi: all traffic for router is redirected to sip server as in dmz
18:27.26[TK]D-Fenderedoceo: PM
18:28.47kombi_MrSeb_ can you ping it?
18:29.11[TK]D-Fender_MrSeb_: DMZ is not enough for NAT support.  READ :
18:29.15*** join/#asterisk axisys (n=axisys@
18:29.16jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
18:31.57axisysi get this when I start x-lite .. my asterisk is running on same laptop..
18:32.08axisyswhat do I do to get the sound working
18:32.12axisysthis is on ubuntu
18:32.32[TK]D-Fenderaxisys: the local console of * is stealing your dev/dsp
18:32.37axisysno other app running that is using /dev/dsp .. except may be asterisk server itself ?
18:32.54[TK]D-Fenderaxisys: They certainly can't FIGHT over it
18:32.55axisys[TK]D-Fender: :-)
18:34.15_MrSeb_[TK]D-Fender: I'm always the same person, all thing you have saw to me I've done, nat, canreinvite, externalhost and all the other things, the last things was only port redirection, now it's full redirection but the problem is not resolved, outgoing call hangup in 10/15 seconds (audio in and out is ok), incoming call don't hangup, but haven't audio, in nor out
18:34.23axisys[TK]D-Fender: the dial works fine.. and also from someone elses desk I tried xlite to my asterisk server's ip.. works awesome.. is there a way to get the sound working.. i cn play multiple music same time with mplayer.. no prob
18:34.57Qwellaxisys: chan_oss/chan_alsa lock the device
18:34.59[TK]D-Fender_MrSeb_: pastebin is your friend....
18:35.04Qwelladd a noload line in modules.conf for them
18:35.23_MrSeb_[TK]D-Fender: thanks, wait a while
18:35.33[TK]D-Fenderaxisys: Qwell has given you the specific modules to comment out.
18:35.53Qwell[TK]D-Fender: That'll be $19.94
18:35.55axisysQwell: sweet!
18:36.00axisys[TK]D-Fender: thnx
18:36.04axisyslet me try that
18:36.06[TK]D-FenderQwell: Didn't hemp ME :p
18:36.15Qwellsure it did!
18:36.23Corydon76-digFreudian slip?
18:36.38jeevFender was admitting to a crack problem
18:36.41*** join/#asterisk blackhole (n=Mishu@unaffiliated/blackhole)
18:36.51[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-dig: Nope, just really bad aim for the "l" :P
18:36.54Corydon76-dighemp != crack
18:37.10[TK]D-FenderWith a biochemical imbalance like mine, who needs drugs!
18:37.12jbot[~whee] Weeeeeeeee!
18:37.12QwellGo buy it - now.
18:37.14jeevoh whatever, i dont know anything about drugs or alcohol, i've never drank :D
18:37.28Qwelljeev: uh huh
18:37.38axisysQwell: restart or reload to actiavte the noload changes in modules.conf
18:37.42jeevFender, is that why you survive my questions?
18:37.51blackholeCan i use asterisk to setup my own SIP gateway?
18:37.55Qwellblackhole: sure
18:37.58jeevmy girlfriend's older cousin says i have a chemical unbalance cause i'm always tired
18:38.12blackholeQwell,  What would i need else than a good broadband line, Linux and asterisk
18:38.16jeevim' tired, what do you expect
18:38.24Qwellblackhole: pretty much nothing
18:38.33Qwelldepends on what you want to do
18:38.46axisysQwell: i still get this
18:38.54axisysQwell: do I need to manually unload them ?
18:39.13Qwellnope, but do the lsof like it says
18:39.19Qwellsee what it thinks is using it
18:39.19[TK]D-Fenderaxisys: "module unload"
18:39.23[TK]D-Fenderaxisys: "module unload"
18:39.42[TK]D-Fenderaxisys: just a 'reload' won't do it.  You'd have needed a full restart.
18:39.48jbot[~pastebin] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
18:39.58axisys[TK]D-Fender: i did restart now
18:40.02jeevFender, lets start a asterisk business, i'll supply the webhosting, you'll do everything and we'll split the money down the middle
18:40.03axisysQwell: lsof: WARNING: can't stat() fuse.gvfs-fuse-daemon file system /home/iqbala/.gvfs Output information may be incomplete.
18:40.15axisysQwell: taht was from lsof /dev/dsp
18:40.16Qwellaxisys: with the device
18:40.21jeevand only webhosting, actual cage and stuff money will have to come out of your pocket!
18:40.23Qwellthat's unrelated
18:40.29[TK]D-Fenderaxisys: "show modules like chan"
18:40.39axisysQwell: that is all I saw..
18:40.42axisys[TK]D-Fender: ok
18:40.51blackholeQwell, Can you point me to document to setup a SIP gateway using asterisk?
18:40.57jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
18:42.10axisys[TK]D-Fender: module show like chan   shows this
18:42.10_MrSeb_[TK]D-Fender: here my sip.conf, this is the last used, in the middle I've tryed many settings of nat-qualify-reinvite, but nothing is changed...
18:43.33_MrSeb_[TK]D-Fender: the strange things is that the results is always the same, is like the different settings don't change the results
18:44.39[TK]D-Fender_MrSeb_: I've told you before, all of your ITSP accounts should be nat= no <------
18:45.01_MrSeb_[TK]D-Fender: I've tried with this too... I go to restart
18:45.45[TK]D-Fender_MrSeb_: And pastebin a call attempt
18:45.51[TK]D-Fender_MrSeb_: With SIP DEBUG <-
18:46.25*** join/#asterisk kamanashisroy (n=kamanash@
18:47.15_MrSeb_[TK]D-Fender: canreinvite=no for ITSP is correct if nat=no?
18:47.53[TK]D-Fender_MrSeb_: Correct no matter what.
18:50.46_MrSeb_[TK]D-Fender: the incoming call hangup after 11 seconds, here debug info...
18:50.47*** join/#asterisk froy (
18:50.58axisys[TK]D-Fender: module show like chan gives
18:51.51axisysany other suggestion on how to get rid of the dev/dsp error ?
18:51.52froySo does anyone here run asterisk in a vmware virtual host?  My gut reaction is that since vmware can't keep reliable time, it'd probably suck for asterisk, but I thought I'd ask...
18:52.23*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (
18:52.39_MrSeb_[TK]D-Fender: the problem hangup was done on line 471
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18:53.36kombizaptel's "make b410p" will NOT compile against kernel 2.6.25, it will however against 2.6.22 (in case anyone cares..;)
18:54.54*** part/#asterisk SwK (
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18:59.34[TK]D-Fender_MrSeb_: Contact: <sip:01119838876@> <- BAD!
18:59.48[TK]D-Fender_MrSeb_: <--- Transmitting (no NAT) to ---> <- MORE bad!
19:00.12_MrSeb_[TK]D-Fender: yes, but the configuration file is correct
19:00.28*** join/#asterisk BhaalWK (i=bhaal@freenode/staff-emeritus/bhaal)
19:00.29_MrSeb_[TK]D-Fender: how can I correct this?
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19:01.00[TK]D-Fender_MrSeb_: go test picg your host yourself.
19:01.19[TK]D-Fender_MrSeb_: Maybe you've got a resolution error.  when in doubt, set it manually as "externip"
19:02.18_MrSeb_[TK]D-Fender: ok, thanks, I do this trial with external host and check the debug info for this error
19:02.37_MrSeb_[TK]D-Fender: what's picg?
19:04.46_MrSeb_ah ok
19:05.09kombiis LookUpBlacklist gone in 1.6?
19:06.04kombiapperantly so ("No application LookupBlacklist"), what does on do instead?
19:07.16spokrais there a utility to create the spa xml config file that anyone knows of?  I have spc and can create the default and hand edit.. just wondering if there is a better way!
19:07.59_MrSeb_[TK]D-Fender: now i go to do more trial, with externip the sip client don't ring... for now very thanks for the help, and at the next time if I don't resolve this myself
19:08.11[TK]D-Fenderkombi: that was an ancient crap application.  Make your own using AstDB.  Thats all it was anyways.
19:08.19jayteethe way they keep deprecating commands in * sooner or later the only one left will be reload
19:08.50kombiFender: will do, just happens to sit in that dialplan..
19:09.04[TK]D-FenderKobaz: [del]
19:09.25[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: plenty of apps that should be removed / remodelled to be more efficient.
19:09.32_MrSeb_bye to all
19:10.32jaytee[TK]D-Fender, I only need 4 commands; Startup, Status, Fixit, Shutdown
19:11.13[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: No... if you do it right, you never have to shutdown :)
19:11.30[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: It will power itself, and fix itself infinitely!
19:12.06jayteewho knows, maybe * is the precursor to Skynet and not some military defense computer?
19:14.04[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: All part of Qwell's mater plan : bot-NET ;)
19:15.17jayteehehe, everytime I see the word bot nowadays I think of Basshunter's Boten Ana video on YouTube.
19:16.22jayteethe one with the swedish lyrics subtitled in English by someone who just did what he "thought" he was saying in English. :-)
19:17.31*** part/#asterisk [reed] (n=reed@firefox/gnu.webmaster.reed)
19:18.47kombiwhat is wrong when in addons make menuconfig app_addon_sql_mysql appears with XXX in frontß
19:19.24SplasPoodkombi: missing dependency
19:19.31SplasPoodsomething you needed to have isn't there, so you can't enable it
19:19.38SplasPoodpossibly it cannot find the mysql libs/headers
19:20.48kombiSplasPood: plausible, make menuconfig also says "Depends on: mysqlclient(E)", that is completely there though, I'll look for the header files next
19:21.27[TK]D-Fenderkombi: mysql-devel <- as well
19:21.36kombithat's it, right!
19:22.29*** join/#asterisk MitchM (n=mitch@unaffiliated/MitchM)
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19:22.43isamarhi folkz...
19:23.25jayteemysql, mysql-devel and mysql-server
19:23.29kombi(that's even in my wiki, shame on me)
19:24.57kombithat's for blame big looser?
19:27.33anonymouz666Corydon76-dig: is there any way to see in func_odbc the query that was being executed?
19:28.35MitchMOn a scale of 1 - 10 how easy would it be for a newb to convert a dual T1 POTS NT (non-pbx system) over to an asterisk POTS / VoIP system ?
19:29.35*** join/#asterisk angryuser (
19:30.00Corydon76-diganonymouz666: turn on debugging
19:30.26anonymouz666core set debug and verbose
19:30.31anonymouz666both 10
19:30.36Corydon76-diganonymouz666: and logger.conf
19:30.40isamarAnybody playing with Forking Calls?
19:30.49kombithing is back in shape finally, thanks everyone, over and out
19:31.10anonymouz666Corydon76-dig: thanks
19:31.48Corydon76-digIf debug isn't enabled in logger.conf, you can fiddle with the level all day long and it won't do anything
19:32.04isamarcdr is not recording forked calls info (like Dial,SIP/100&SIP/200)
19:32.08anonymouz666full => notice,warning,error,debug,verbose,dtmf
19:32.10isamarany workaround?
19:32.20jjshoeisamar it's seperate calls.
19:32.45Corydon76-digisamar: that's not a forked call
19:32.51isamarjjshoe: actually the call goes into cdr but no destination recorded :-(
19:33.17isamarCorydon76-dig: what's that then?
19:33.26Corydon76-digisamar: parallel dialing
19:33.33anonymouz666Corydon76-dig, I am missing some ,odbc or something
19:33.48isamarCorydon76-dig: ok. Great. But how CDR it?
19:33.53Corydon76-diganonymouz666: pastebin the log
19:34.12Corydon76-digisamar: I'm not aware that you can.  Are you using CDRfix4, even?
19:34.31anonymouz666Corydon76-dig: -- Executing [305@redir-atendente:8] Set("SIP/305-0909b668", "audiofile=") in new stack
19:34.43Corydon76-diganonymouz666: PASTEBIN
19:35.05jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
19:35.25*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
19:35.33isamarCorydon76-dig: not using CDRfix4...
19:36.01Corydon76-digisamar: you might want to think about starting
19:36.43isamarCorydon76-dig: ok.. thanks
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19:54.22dr_gogeta86hi to alle
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19:59.52NovceGuruholy hell im hating trixbox with a passion
20:00.34dr_gogeta86yeah NovceGuru
20:04.23jjshoeNovceGuru ce or pro?
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20:04.52NovceGurupro free
20:05.03jjshoeNovceGuru what's wrong?
20:05.27jjshoeNovceGuru feel free to pm me
20:06.17outtoluncgreen and rage should go hand in hand <G>
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20:38.17magic_hatanybody know if i can SIP register two * boxes on the same teliax account?
20:39.19jjshoesure, but they will constantly battle to answer the ringing line
20:39.26jjshoewhoever got the last re-register will get the calls
20:39.33*** join/#asterisk mefistofelix (
20:39.46magic_hateven if they're to a # that only exists as an extension on one of the boxes?
20:40.52*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
20:41.25mefistofelixis possible to stream a wav file with agi?
20:41.47ManxPowermefistofelix: you can do anything with an AGI you can do in the dialplan
20:42.04mefistofelixthe wav file is not on the pbx
20:42.53mefistofelixi mean stream trought the agi<->pbx tcp connection
20:43.08mefistofelixargh :(
20:43.45mefistofelixi generate wav files on the fly on the agi machine
20:43.51ManxPowerYour AGI could download the file using whatever method you want into a temp directory, use STREAM FILE
20:44.06ManxPowerDon't you mean FAST AGI?
20:44.19mefistofelixoh yes sorry fastagi
20:44.26ManxPowerSo that download idea won't work
20:44.32gitguyasterisk sucks, i just found another fucking bug
20:44.38ManxPowernext time be SPECIFIC.
20:44.50mefistofelixManxPower: i can upload no?
20:45.01ManxPowergitguy: gitguy1.4.21 has no bugs! *grin*
20:45.10gitguyManxPower: yeah right, and i'm linus torvalds
20:45.14ManxPowermefistofelix: where would you upload do
20:45.35mefistofelixto the pbx
20:45.43ManxPowergitguy: I assume you are using 1.4.21.  There have been many bug reports with 1.4.21
20:45.48ManxPowermefistofelix: FTP, etc?
20:45.57mefistofelixyes something like that
20:45.59gitguyManxPower: 1.4.21 has no bugs?
20:46.06mefistofelixwould be ok in theory?
20:46.31ManxPowergitguy: that's a DTMF issue
20:46.43ManxPowergitguy: many reports of crashes with 1.4.21
20:47.34gitguyManxPower: yeah... don't get me wrong, i love asterisk, but sometimes i spend more time working around problems than using my system...
20:47.56ManxPowergitguy: stop upgrading
20:48.06ManxPowerWe never find bugs in Asterisk anymore
20:48.17ManxPowerBut we have never upgraded past 1.2.24 or something like that.
20:48.18mefistofelixfastagi script get called, generate the wav, upload it to the pbx(ftp?), and the issue a STREAM FILE command...
20:48.32ManxPowermefistofelix: if you can get the file on the server, you can play it
20:49.41mefistofelixManxPower: can't i install a ftp server on the pbx?
20:49.56jjshoemefistofelix yes.
20:50.04ManxPowermefistofelix: this is not an asterisk issue. you can get the file onto the pbx in any way you want.
20:50.08jjshoeI wouldn't, but sure.
20:51.00mefistofelixalso with eagi i can't stream directly the file?
20:54.50ManxPowerNO, EAGI does audio Asterisk -> EAGI, but not EAGI->Asterisk
20:55.59mefistofelixthank you ManxPower
20:56.02*** join/#asterisk mtown_nerd (
20:56.46[hC]anyone recall, what exactly is the /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/<context>/<mailbox>/tmp directory for?
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21:04.04ManxPower[hC]: you don't want a message that is in the process of being recorded in the other dir
21:04.54jjshoeasterisk used to do that before
21:05.05jjshoeor well, maybe not
21:05.13jjshoethe mwi would be triggered before they finished
21:05.21jjshoeso you would call in and hear one second of silencer
21:05.30jjshoeand delete the file before it finished recording
21:05.33jjshoethat was a cute bug
21:07.35mefistofelixbleah this fucking extensions.conf webadmin is impossible
21:08.01[hC]ManxPower: gotcha. I just found a 2.5gb message in there and wasnt sure how it could have gotten there. I thought thats what it was for but i wasnt sure.
21:09.10ManxPower[hC]: a bug or a crash is the only time I saw files in there for more than a very short time
21:10.43*** join/#asterisk jivco (n=jivco@
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21:11.07echelonis it possible to connect someone from a conference?
21:11.15echelonlike.. dial-out?
21:11.25echeloni'm using app_conference
21:13.53mogcall files, or originate
21:14.26*** join/#asterisk pikachu2000 (
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21:14.47friezeis there a dialplan intro that's less incomprehensible than the one in the oreilly book?
21:17.19echelonmog: what?
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21:17.43mogyou can use call files or the originate command
21:18.00moglookout at sample call in your asterisk src dir
21:20.29echelonmog: i don't have a src directory.. is it in /usr/doc/asterisk/ ?
21:20.52mefistofelixi can't get Read(myvar||8) understand the third parameter (8)
21:21.04mogif you dont have a src directory i have no clue how you have asterisk installed
21:21.11mefistofelixit always wait some time before go ahead
21:21.27mefistofelixeven if i've entered 8 digits
21:22.56echelonmog: what's the file called? i'll search it
21:23.16mogi cant remember something like
21:23.19unpaidbilljust google for 'asterisk originate'
21:23.22unpaidbilland click the first link
21:28.07echelonmog: thanks, found it on :)
21:28.12*** join/#asterisk ElSonico (
21:28.14echelonthis is great
21:29.25jeevmog, any relation to murder on the government people?
21:29.39mogim sorry jeev ?
21:30.07jeevok nevermind! sorry
21:30.13mogheh thats a new one
21:30.14jeevleif, where you at!
21:30.17mogmost people assume its ff
21:30.25jeevmurder on the government m.o.g.!
21:30.26jeevwhat's ff?
21:30.33mogfinaly fantasy
21:30.36jeevoh, i never played that
21:30.41jeevi remember boulderdash
21:30.46mogmog -> mogorman -> matt o'gorman
21:30.53jeevno idea
21:31.01outtoluncthought it was bow upsidedown <G>
21:31.10jeevi said it once, i'll say it again.. we need to port simcopter to a multiplayer system
21:31.52outtoluncwas joking btw
21:32.06jeevwhat the hell is a wob
21:32.21jeevworld of britney?
21:32.47jeevis confused. where is Fender, he'll de-confuse me
21:35.30*** join/#asterisk jsmith (n=jsmith@
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21:36.09friezeif my dialplan has no patterns remotely starting in "10" why do I get a busy signal after typing the first 0 in "1000"? It's a polycom phone if that could possibly be relevant
21:36.32frieze*except for the one for 1000 obviously
21:36.58jsmithfrieze: The phone doesn't send the digits one by one... it sends *all* the digits at once
21:37.08Stromwhat does your polycom phone digitmap look like?
21:37.11jsmithfrieze: You could adjust the dialplan on the phone itself to match your Asterisk dialplan
21:37.20friezejsmith: then why send after "10"?
21:37.42Stromfrieze: also, that's not a busy signal; it's a reorder tomne
21:37.42friezeStrom: that all depends. what in the name of all that is holy is a phone digitmap?
21:38.05mogfrieze, it times out
21:38.06Stromfrieze: it's in your polycom's configuration files
21:39.03friezeStrom: it's set to null right now
21:39.19frieze"" to be precise
21:39.35Stromyou're doing it wrong, then :)
21:39.48Stromit should match your asterisk dialplan
21:40.02friezeokay, so I have my dialplan in extensions.conf. what goes in the digitmap?
21:40.17Stromwell, what does your numbering plan look like?
21:41.10friezeis there some other book besides the oreilly one with the starfish on the cover I should be reading
21:41.30friezeit seems like every time I come to the chan I learn that there is a different name for everything and have to start over
21:41.44friezeor, to be more responsive, I have no idea what a numbering plan is or would be
21:41.47Stromyou don't have to start over just because the terminology changes
21:41.59friezelearn over I should say
21:42.10Stroma numbering plan is the generic framework for how you assign numbers; how long extensions are, what ranges they're in, etc
21:42.21friezeand where would I specify that?
21:42.41Stromit's not something you "specify" in the config files
21:42.42friezeor would it be implicit in my dialplan?
21:43.16Stromyour dialplan should conform to your numbering plan, but the numbering plan isnt somethig you directly configure
21:43.51*** join/#asterisk ZaVoid (
21:44.08Stromso...what does your numbering plan look like?
21:44.44friezeshort answer:
21:46.01Stromi would recommend not using "1" as a starting digit for any thousands block you choose to assign extensions in
21:46.16Strom1 and 0 tend to be reserved digits
21:47.18Stromalso, I would avoid having different applications and devices on the same extension number depending on where you're calling from
21:47.32froymy extensions start with 0, since I don't have an operator and nothing starts with 0 on the outside.  That way, I don't have to dial 9 to get out.  :)
21:47.38friezedo I?
21:48.11Stromfrieze: you have an inbound context with echo tests on 1000 and 2000, and then an internal context with SIP phones on 1000 and 2000
21:48.23friezedoesn't semicolon comment out?
21:48.28*** join/#asterisk ghenry (
21:48.41ghenryWhen you see if (option_debug > 3) in an asterisk source file
21:48.50ghenryHow do you set the debug level?
21:48.59Stromfrieze: yeah, but i'm just warning you should you ever uncomment those lines :)
21:49.02ghenryasterisk -d and debug in logger.conf doesn't sow a level
21:49.17friezeStrom: ah, okay
21:49.23Stromghenry: core set debug [whatever]
21:49.41ghenrydoh, cheers Strom
21:49.46friezeI think I may have done my contexts wrong
21:50.15Stromfrieze: one problem at a time
21:50.42Stromfix your digit map so that the phone only sets up the call after "2xxx" and "91xxxxxxxxxx"
21:51.20friezethat should be in the polycom admin docs somewhere, right?
21:51.37Stromyes, but look at digitmap in...sip.cfg, IIRC
21:51.50friezecool, thanks
21:52.07Stromhave a read through this
21:52.10jbotit has been said that 101 is Telephony 101, which is a good read if you're unfamiliar with traditional TDM telephony.  You can download it at
21:54.29ghenryIm still not seeing any of these if (option_debug > 3) messages
21:54.38ghenryeven with core set debug 10 on
21:54.51ghenryand debug shown on the console as set in logger.conf
21:55.01ghenryI'm seeing lots of DEBUG colors etc.
21:55.17ghenrybut they dont' tie in with the DBUG messages in the soruce of app_voicemail.c
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22:10.21echeloncan someone please paste their file to
22:13.44AlowishusI have a bone-stock Zaptel 1.4.11 and Asterisk 1.4.21 install on CentOS 5.2 (64 bit)... zaptel installs and ztcfg runs just fine... but upon running Asterisk it insists, "Asterisk has detected a problem with your Zaptel configuration and will shutdown for your protection."  But without telling me *anything* else in the log.  Ideas?
22:14.07AlowishusAnd the error occurs regardless of what's in zapata.conf
22:16.41echelonwhat's .. Channel: Zap/1 ?
22:16.48echelonfor zaptel device?
22:17.03unpaidbilloutlook hazy
22:17.38*** join/#asterisk smach (n=smach@
22:18.27outtoluncif you are asking that question you have not been reading the
22:18.35jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
22:19.23outtoluncand yes, Zap is short for zaptel which is in newer versions dahdi
22:20.54outtoluncthings that make you go hmmm
22:22.02echelonouttolunc: what channel should i use for not-zaptel? :\
22:22.37outtoluncunpaidbill: shake that ball again
22:23.16outtolunci (nor anyone else here) has any freakin clue what channels you have on your box
22:23.26outtoluncwe can only guess
22:23.35outtolunci suggest you read the book
22:23.47outtoluncit will truly help you answer these questons
22:23.52outtoluncer questions
22:24.08unpaidbillthe ball has spoken!
22:24.44*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
22:27.49echelonouttolunc: i'm just using sip softphones
22:28.07echelonouttolunc: so there's no external devices
22:28.14echelonjust ethernet
22:30.29outtoluncdo you really want me to answer your question
22:30.53outtoluncbecause honestly, i think you are just trying to 'play stupid'
22:31.08AlowishusI want an answer to my Zaptel config error question :)
22:31.11outtoluncchannels are discussed A LOT in the book
22:31.28outtoluncif you don't want to read the BOOK, at least head to the wiki
22:32.12echelonthere's a wiki?
22:32.35echelonit takes forever to search through the pdf
22:32.39outtoluncdear lord please help me <G>
22:32.42unpaidbillread it from start to finish
22:32.46*** join/#asterisk Strom_C (n=strom@
22:33.15outtoluncechelon: google 'asterisk wiki'
22:33.23jbot[~wikis] VoIP Wiki covering Asterisk, FreeSWITCH, TrixBox, SER, OpenSER, sipX, CallWeaver, and YATE. (c) Arte Marketing Inc / CommPartners
22:33.26outtoluncand POOF there are the answers
22:33.34echelonoh, i've been there
22:33.45outtoluncvisit it more often.. PLEASE
22:33.53*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
22:33.54unpaidbillYou may rely on it.
22:34.05unpaidbillIt is decidedly so.
22:34.26echelonso how do i disconnect a call that was initiated with a call file?
22:34.56echelonbecause i'm trying to connect the outgoing call to a conference
22:34.58unpaidbillyou let it finish on its own or use soft hangup from the console
22:35.23unpaidbilli'm a fan of soft hangup
22:35.32unpaidbilli do it to people randomly
22:35.36outtoluncalso read up one 'timeout'
22:35.40outtoluncer on
22:35.46*** part/#asterisk RoyK (
22:35.58unpaidbillah yeah, that's good too
22:38.16echelonalso, if i bind asterisk to listen on a certain ip, would it still be able to make outgoing calls that are only accessible from a different interface?
22:38.44echelonbecause i set it so only people on vpn can call reach it
22:41.53outtoluncone might think that listening and speaking are 2 diff things, but also understand a conversation requires both
22:45.40echelonso.. my channel would be.. SIP/1000?
22:46.34*** join/#asterisk RobH (
22:46.45outtoluncif you have a sip device/user 1000, then you could use that as a channel (or you can use a channel that can masq it.. such as a Local channel)
22:47.25outtoluncsee that wasn't so hard now was it
22:47.26echelonnow i'm more confused.. i'm just trying to connect the call to an extension
22:47.38echeloni don't have any users registered
22:48.16echeloni don't need to :P
22:48.30echelonthe extension is to Conference()
22:48.40echelonand anyone can access the confernece
22:48.57outtoluncobviously not <G>
22:49.48outtoluncsee two can play that game
22:50.09*** join/#asterisk rift0r (
22:50.09echelonwhat do you mean "obviously not"?
22:50.13outtoluncechelon: it is really quite simple
22:50.24outtoluncif you have created 'confs'
22:50.38*** part/#asterisk Alowishus (
22:50.43outtoluncthey are there for the any channel that come into your dialplan pointed at them
22:50.48echelonConference() doesn't use any conf files
22:50.52rift0rCan someone recommend a nice, sturdy, functional higher end sip or iax hardphone that works well with asterisk.
22:50.59unpaidbillechelon this is how i connect a person to a MeetMe conference from AMI
22:51.00unpaidbillAction: Originate\nChannel: Local/$num\@officeld\nApplication: MeetMe\nData: $from|cd\nAsync: true\n\n
22:51.02rift0ri don't need video conf or anything
22:51.20echelonunpaidbill: AMI?
22:51.21rift0rmaybe in the $100-$150 max range
22:51.22unpaidbill$num = the number of the person i want to be in the conference, $from = the meetme room #
22:51.22rift0rper phone
22:51.30echeloni was just trying to use a calll file
22:51.44unpaidbillyes adam, i can.
22:51.51unpaidbillpolycom ip 330
22:52.15unpaidbillthe manager interface
22:52.22rift0rhow much do those run bill
22:52.31unpaidbilli think you can use the same commands in .call files
22:52.36unpaidbill110 ish
22:52.45unpaidbillmaybe a little more, maybe a little less
22:52.56unpaidbillthey look nice too
22:53.57*** join/#asterisk ajohnstone (
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22:55.25rift0rooh the 550 is nice
22:56.45*** join/#asterisk ajohnstone (
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23:05.54echelonoh, i just realized something
23:06.26echelonif the asterisk is behind a firewall, it wouldn't be able to dial-out would it?
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23:06.47echelonbah, i'll just try it
23:07.05echelonit's going to make the call through a proxy, so it shouldn't matter
23:09.15unpaidbilllook at the 670 rift
23:09.17unpaidbillit's way nicer
23:09.44echelonso how is the asterisk manager accessed?
23:09.50unpaidbillyou could have it display the latest post on supertangas if you wanted!
23:10.22unpaidbill  read that echelon
23:10.34echeloni read that
23:10.45unpaidbillshort version: set up manager.conf, telnet to port 5038, type in commands
23:10.45echelonjust tells you to edit manager.conf
23:10.57unpaidbillOpening a Manager Session and Authenticating as a User
23:11.03unpaidbillthat header describes logging in
23:11.34echelontelnet? ^_-
23:12.55echelonisn't there something i could do from cli instead?
23:18.26x86is 1.6.0-beta9 stable enough for production use?
23:18.35x86I've not tried it out yet at home
23:19.57*** part/#asterisk Mog (
23:21.42x86hmm... also, can I use libpri-1.4.4 with asterisk-1.6.0-beta9?
23:22.00x86and zaptel-1.4.11 with asterisk-1.6.0-beta9?
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23:28.04ThoMeis it posible pickup a queue?
23:28.05Strom_Cx86: it's a BETA
23:28.11Strom_Cdon't put beta into production
23:28.20ThoMepickup(queue/bla) ?
23:28.23x86Strom_C: well, quasi-production ;)
23:28.29x86Strom_C: it's at home heh
23:28.59rift0runpaidbill i got them to get the 550\
23:29.02rift0r2 of them
23:29.05rift0rfor me to play wit
23:29.16rift0rfound them for 200 on ebay
23:29.39unpaidbillsweet, now go look at the 670 and pine over it
23:30.33ThoMe[Jun 25 01:29:55] NOTICE[20004]: app_directed_pickup.c:159 pickup_exec: No target channel found for Queue/hauptnummer.
23:30.37ThoMeis it not posoble?
23:30.43ThoMetry this: exten => 77,1,Pickup(Queue/hauptnummer)
23:33.47echelonunpaidbill: what if Local/$num\@officeld is an external sip address?
23:33.48Strom_CThoMe: what are you trying to do, exactly
23:34.48ThoMeStrom_C: have a Queue called "hauptnummer" my agends logon this. now i would like, if the agent not login and incomming a call
23:34.52wonderworldhey, i try to compile chan_mobile. i followed these instructions -> but the patch can't find all blocks to patch and the make fails.
23:35.01ThoMethen pickup this call to the agent/user
23:35.04unpaidbillset up an extension in the officeld context and set set $num to that extension
23:35.28unpaidbillor just put in SIP/place/number or whatever you need
23:36.28unpaidbillyeah like SIP/myvoiptelco/phonenumber
23:36.37unpaidbillor SIP/devicelistedinsip.conf
23:37.41echelonso this should be fine... SIP/ ?
23:38.59Strom_Cechelon: go read the book
23:39.02jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
23:39.24echelonyeah yeah , what specifically?
23:39.31unpaidbillthe whole thing
23:39.33Strom_Cthe whole thing
23:51.14*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
23:51.28ThoMehow i can looking but cdr_mysql is active?
23:56.04x86Strom_C: but will libpri-1.4 and zaptel-1.4 work ok with asterisk-1.6?
23:56.17Strom_CI wouldn't count on it
23:57.36ThoMeStrom_C: iss cdr_mysql in addons?
23:57.42Strom_CThoMe: yes
23:58.12*** join/#asterisk [Akemi] (
23:59.33*** join/#asterisk kmshanah (

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