IRC log for #asterisk on 20080618

00:00.42seanbrightsorry, don't think i am going to be helpful on this one
00:02.33jblackwhoah. wine 1.0 out.
00:02.38jblackwhat's next? Duke nukem forever?
00:03.50harryvjeez! 'set callerid' always returns 1, 'set context' always returns 0 and so on. that seems messy..
00:04.10*** join/#asterisk LiNeTuX|Home (
00:04.27seanbrightharryv: its one of those things once released is hard to change
00:10.27*** part/#asterisk korihor (n=korihor@
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00:33.56l0verb0ycan I place concurrent calls with orginate?
00:37.57*** join/#asterisk oilinki (
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00:47.07jblackl0verb0y: Can you originate more than one at a time? You should be able to.
00:47.37l0verb0ydoes each extention have to be empty?
00:47.47l0verb0yfor example, if i have a conference, can i orginate like 10 calls to it
00:48.56jblackyou should be able to in some way, yes
00:49.33jblackcertainly you could generate 10 callfiles that dump 10 different people into the same conference.
00:50.04jblackI don't have my * book at the moment, otherwise, I'd look deeper
00:50.30lmadsendon't use callfiles
00:50.42lmadsennot for originating lots of calls at once
00:55.58ManxPowerjblack: somewhere in eastern pacific rim
00:56.45ManxPowerthat was stupid.  Somewhere in the WEST pacific rim
00:57.21jblackWhy are you screwing with me this time? Did I kill two of your puppies in a previous life?
01:05.20oilinkido you have recommendations for text-to-speach application for asterisk?
01:07.33*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-7dd146fdfb0368e7)
01:09.55*** join/#asterisk Strom_C (n=strom@
01:10.50*** part/#asterisk infinity1 (
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01:12.24jblackoilinki: Asterisk has app_festival, which uses festival
01:13.17jblackYou can read up on it on pages 303-305. There's more help for it on pages 395 and 472
01:15.12l0verb0yanything special I have to do to a conf so I can dump calls into it?
01:15.42oilinkijblack: thanks. I'll check that one out.
01:21.24oilinkione night I was listening an podcast which was 'computer read'. it took me a while before I did notice that it was not an real person reading.
01:21.59oilinkiI guess the text-to-speech technique start to be ready for usage
01:22.25ManxPoweroilinki: only the non-free ones
01:22.48ManxPowerCepstral is about as good as you get for under $1,000, and Cepstral is under $100, IIRC
01:23.41oilinkiManxPower: does it has support for other languages as well?
01:23.58ManxPowerI do not know., I believe
01:30.53*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
01:32.13oilinkienglish, frensh, italian and german seems to be the languages.
01:35.07jeevlol, datacenter tech told me asterisk core dumped
01:35.10jeevon console
01:35.43*** join/#asterisk philippel (
01:37.47jeevthat's all my fault for building it and forgetting
01:38.59oilinkithis was the podcast text-to-speech engine I was listening. sounds pretty good.
01:42.37*** join/#asterisk Braxus (
01:46.17*** join/#asterisk Strom_C (n=strom@
02:00.46*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
02:10.44*** join/#asterisk drdrain (
02:11.06unpaidbillpri uses the bchan/dchan configuration, right?
02:13.22drdrainIs it normal for ztmonitor -vv to show a power reading on idle channels?
02:15.19unpaidbillso this is a dumb question, but wtf does bchan stand for, and dchan
02:15.39unpaidbilli need me a telephony book
02:15.50*** join/#asterisk sysreq (n=sysreq@unaffiliated/sysreq)
02:15.51jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
02:15.56jbotextra, extra, read all about it, 101 is Telephony 101, which is a good read if you're unfamiliar with traditional TDM telephony.  You can download it at
02:16.00drdrainD = Data (siganlling) B = Bearer
02:16.02unpaidbilloh sweet, thanks
02:16.16drdrainThe bearer channels carry the voice
02:16.17_ShrikEthank strom
02:16.26unpaidbillis bchan/dchan a standard terminology
02:16.37drdrainWell yeah
02:16.43unpaidbillwell i mean, that abbreviation
02:16.55drdrainWell sure I guess
02:17.05unpaidbillor would i sounds like a better bullshitter if i said signalling chan and bearer channels
02:17.12drdrainAny telephony person whould know what that meant
02:17.18unpaidbillhaha ok, thanks
02:17.34drdrainNo D Channel or B channel is the correct way to reference them
02:18.55Strom_CI seriously need to grep my logs and see how many copies of "telephony 101" i serve per week
02:19.04*** join/#asterisk juanjoc (
02:19.07unpaidbillim reading it now
02:19.15unpaidbilland i must say, it's making me excited
02:19.17unpaidbillin confusing ways
02:19.44MooingLemur-[~/.xchat2/xchatlogs:$]- fgrep -i 'telephony 101' *asterisk* | wc -l
02:20.29unpaidbillnow tell us how many times strom has said wack off
02:20.39JTto make it simpler, "channels" on a PRI are just moments in time, aka. timeslots
02:20.54jbothmm... 102 is #asterisk
02:21.00unpaidbillwe're switching our system over from e&m wink to a PRI
02:21.08unpaidbillwith dynamic data/voice channels
02:21.36unpaidbillwhich somehow equates to: more features and $300 less per month
02:21.48unpaidbilli dont know how, or why, but i like it
02:22.03ManxPowerunpaidbill: there is NO logic to telecom tariffs.
02:22.19LiNeTuX|Homeunpaidbill: what's the base pri w/local loop costing you?
02:22.40unpaidbillthe only thing i can figure is that our current system uses some shitty big old hardware on their side, and the new hardware they'll put us on allows for higher density of users
02:22.42MooingLemuractually 1 :P
02:23.02*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
02:23.09ManxPowerunpaidbill: in many locations PRIs are much more expensive than E&M.  Are you using a CLEC or an ILEC?
02:23.28unpaidbill119/month for data, 35/month for each voice channel (we have 8), down from 398 data and 45 voice
02:23.44ManxPowerunpaidbill: What's the local loop?
02:23.58unpaidbilli dont know, i just got a basic quote
02:24.09ManxPowerchances are, that price is on top of local loop.
02:24.13LiNeTuX|Homewishes he could find a provider who'd charge per voice channel
02:24.32ManxPowerYour sales rep will hate you, but ask for an actual monthly cost INCLUDING taxes and fees.
02:24.39unpaidbillclec, also
02:24.55ManxPowerCLECs seem to prefer CT1 or PRI
02:24.56unpaidbillshe's sending me a quote tomorrow, so hopefully that's all listed
02:25.33*** join/#asterisk rpr_rpr (
02:25.50voxterHuh. I am almost positive that this used to work: exten => 123,hint,SIP/123@otherhost
02:25.53voxterBut now, it doesnt.
02:26.02rpr_rprOne question for the community I've created my own app for asterisk 1.4, but i can't find how to specify the dinamic libraries for compilation
02:28.18rpr_rpranyone can help me?
02:29.03ManxPowerrpr_rpr: also try #asterisk-dev
02:29.05Strom_Crpr_rpr: you'll probably have better luck in #asterisk-dev
02:35.58*** part/#asterisk drdrain (
02:44.05*** join/#asterisk smach (n=smach@
02:44.28*** join/#asterisk BeeBuu (n=beebuu@
02:44.31smachgood evening guys
02:44.45BeeBuuis asterisk support h.248?
02:45.05ManxPowerBeeBuu: Is that a codec or a protocol?
02:45.29smachI was wondering if there was a possibility to change the FROM header ASterisk sends to a sip proxy ?
02:46.18smachI don't want Asterisk to send the FROM header with it's IP address
02:49.16BeeBuuManxPower: that's a protocol
02:51.45BeeBuufile: yeah,that's it!
02:51.59fileWe do not support it, but I have heard rumblings that someone is working on it.
02:52.06fileI do not recall their IRC nickname though.
02:52.32BeeBuuare they finished?
02:52.37filehasn't been submitted for inclusion yet... so can't tell you
02:53.03BeeBuuthanks ,ManxPower & file.
02:57.47*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-c336a429caff6eeb)
02:58.06*** join/#asterisk paci`` (
02:58.10paci``how would i ban a user
02:58.11paci``with if()
02:58.31paci``i want to make it hang up
02:58.36paci``if the CID is a certain one
02:59.08LiNeTuX|Homewhy not blacklist?
02:59.14paci``or that
02:59.16paci``how do i do that
03:00.09LiNeTuX|Homeare you on * or one of the other distros?
03:00.09lmadsenexten => _1NXXNXXXXXX/5195915119,1,Hangup()
03:00.20*** join/#asterisk TrentCreek (
03:00.21lmadsenpaci``: see above
03:00.21paci``so if the extension was 5
03:00.30paci``exten => 5/CALLERID,1,hangup
03:00.43lmadsenwhere CALLERID = an actual number
03:00.53d-k-t-2or pattern
03:01.05LiNeTuX|Homebut why hang up?  there's so much more fun stuff you can do with people you don't want to talk to :)
03:01.11smachno idea guys, if there is a way of modifying the ip address in the from header ?
03:02.15d-k-t-2smach, externip?
03:02.51smachd-k-t-2; didn't get you
03:03.08d-k-t-2smach, /etc/asterisk/sip.conf setting, externip
03:03.26smachok I check what id does, thx
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03:04.07paci``is there a way if the offending user is blocking their cller id, LiNeTuX|Home
03:04.48LiNeTuX|Homepaci``: depends.  you can do custom IVR's to make them say their name or something, then take the call.
03:04.51smachd-k-t-2: does it only change the ip in the from header ?
03:05.00*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
03:05.08d-k-t-2smach, don't know... don't use it myself
03:05.11jayteeor you could just block any number without callerid
03:05.11paci``LiNeTuX, but how would i parse that?
03:05.19*** join/#asterisk zippytech (
03:05.22paci``jaytee, we have alot of callers who block with that though
03:05.32jayteeso you don't want to block all of them
03:05.38smachd-k-t-2: I'll give it a try right now, let you know
03:06.31LiNeTuX|Homemy first thought is to throw folks w/no callerid into a custom IVR, make them announce their name, have the call come to someone with that announcement, then have * give you the option of taking the call
03:06.48paci``jaytee, yeah, just this one
03:07.10LiNeTuX|Homepaci``: I don't know who you'd pick 'just one' of many
03:07.16LiNeTuX|Homewho / how
03:07.45*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-05237bc32d92edfa)
03:09.54zippytechdoes trix box support video with xlite?
03:10.12JTdoesn't trixbox have a channel?
03:10.29zippytechor asterisk
03:11.03zippytechsorry i think of them as the same thing
03:11.08zippytechfor the most part
03:11.53zippytechand some times i get better responses with trix because more play with it
03:12.03jayteefunny, I think of apples and oranges as the same thing sometimes
03:12.48zippytechthey are all food
03:12.58JTzippytech: then ask in the trix channel if you get better responses there
03:13.07zippytechno one there
03:13.15LiNeTuX|Homei wonder why that is?
03:14.16digitalironyzippytech: yes asterisk supports video with x-lite i got it to work just the other day
03:14.29digitalironyzippytech: get rid of trixbox it sucks
03:14.46zippytechi run ubuntu with asterisk and freepbx
03:14.53jayteevideosupport=yes in general section of sip.conf and allow=h.323
03:14.58zippytechwith myth
03:15.07digitalironyzipptech: well run debian with asterisk and no gui
03:15.19jayteeand that should get some of the earlier versions of X-lite to work fine with *
03:15.26digitalironyzippytech: you could put myth on it if you wanted
03:16.02zippytechi have a small box that does phone, power controller (x10) and tv plus file server on in one plus network monitors
03:16.13jayteethat would make a swell home-entertainment/home-pbx system.
03:16.22zippytechthats the goal
03:16.23digitalironyzippytech: i'm just poking at you. do it how you want, but don't call digium asking to help with trixbox :P
03:16.38zippytechlol i don't
03:16.56jayteejust wouldn't try running 50 to a 100 sip phones and using meetme and voicemail while using it as a DVR at the same time :-)
03:17.04digitalironyheh yeah
03:17.12zippytechno i only have 5 to 10 users
03:17.29digitalironyjaytee: even then....get rid of freepbx
03:17.39jayteeI'm not running it
03:17.59[TK]D-FenderYup, I had my home running on * + X-10 (CM11A).  Fun stuff
03:18.16digitalironyzippytech if you want a gui atleast get has less bugs
03:18.32jayteeI run pure unadulterated Asterisk 1.4.15 with no GUI
03:18.33digitalironyso you won't have to go and ask questions to the people in the trix channel
03:18.57digitalironyjaytee: thats cool. I wish all my customers were like you
03:19.03drmessanothinks trixbox is green vomit
03:19.33digitalironyjaytee: its much easier for people to get support when they don't use other peoples software
03:19.34LiNeTuX|Homethinks Trixbox is a shiny green wrapper for FreePBX
03:20.06jayteeI bet if I edited the sip.conf in trixbox and got video working on an X-Lite by just doing a sip reload at the CLI trixbox would wipe it out the next time I restarted or did a refresh in the dialplan from the gui.
03:20.06drmessanoThey say that everytime a bell tolls an angel gets it wings.. what they don't tell you is that everytime someone installs Trixbox, an angel gets set on fire
03:20.13drmessanoSo, don't use Trixbox folks
03:20.22digitalironyyes please don't
03:20.34LiNeTuX|HomeFriends don't let friends install Trixbox
03:20.35jayteeeverytime you use trixbox, God rapes a kitten
03:20.40digitalirony90% of the people that call digium support use it, and 90% of the time is the problem
03:21.13digitalironywell not that many i really made that number up
03:21.32LiNeTuX|HomeI do believe the Celtics are going to be the next NBA champs.  For those who care.
03:21.33file'tsk 'tsk Eric
03:21.57digitalironyfile: ?
03:22.11filemaking up numbers is soooooo last week
03:22.12digitalironyim aloud to make up numbers if i say they are made up
03:22.27drmessano90% of all statistics are made up
03:22.32jayteeI'm a diehard Celtics fan
03:22.45digitalironyis that basketball or football?
03:22.59jayteebeing of Irish ancestry and growing up 10 miles south of Boston helps :-)
03:23.03LiNeTuX|HomeNBA = Basketball
03:23.18filedigitalirony: are you still at the office? O.o
03:23.19digitalironyWell im a diehard AMD fan
03:23.22jayteedigitirony, don't get much freetime at Digium I take it?
03:23.29digitalironyfile: yep i work late shift
03:23.35fileah yes
03:23.37LiNeTuX|Homejaytee: 30 pt lead with 10mins to go
03:23.39drmessanodigitalirony works for digium?
03:23.41fileI forgot
03:24.04digitalironyjaytee: yeah i get plenty of freetime....when im not working
03:24.11jayteeLiNeTuX|Home, I'd say it's sewn up.
03:24.12digitalironydrmessano: yes i do
03:24.41filehe is one of those fancy support people
03:24.42jayteedigitalirony, are you in Huntsville?
03:24.46*** join/#asterisk xenonex (n=xenonex@
03:25.02digitalironyjaytee: yes in huntsville
03:25.19digitalironyfile: and what is it you do
03:25.31filedigitalirony: I am in swdev
03:25.33digitalironyfile: you just sit in jabber and op all day
03:25.37drmessanoRemind me not to buy a digium card
03:26.04digitalironyfile: drmessano: doesn't like me :P
03:26.17fileyou can not please everyone
03:26.25drmessanoIt's nothing personal.... wait, yes it is
03:26.41digitalironyfile: i know...but see. he thinks because he doesn't like me we might have bad hardware
03:26.47digitalironyfile: so thats bad for business
03:27.03filedigitalirony: perhaps we should fire you then...
03:27.06drmessanoI don't think digium hardware is bad.. and your statement is why I wont be calling
03:27.10digitalironyfile: maybe
03:27.20fileout of a canon!
03:27.32digitalironydrmessano: sorry to loose you
03:27.43drmessanoFrankly, your deductive reasoning frightens me to no end
03:27.58digitalironydrmessano: i really don't care
03:28.01drmessanoYou did say you work late shift..
03:28.09zippytechthanks guys that worked
03:28.24drmessanoSo maybe I will buy Digium.. just need to call before 6 :)
03:29.07digitalironydrmessano: actually im quite good at fixing peoples hardware, and astierks installs, but just because i don't know as much about 911 service as the DR. that makes me bad at my job?
03:29.18jayteedrmessano, he just started with them recently I think he said, cut him some slack, everyone is new at least once and even a broken clock is right twice a day :-)
03:29.35d-k-t-2counts calls I've made to digium support about digium hardware
03:29.37zippytechi have a tdm 400
03:29.39d-k-t-2hmm, zero
03:29.58d-k-t-2must be quiet over there digitalirony
03:29.59drmessanoI'll cut him some slack.. when he's about halfway down the cliff
03:29.59zippytechand every time the phone guys test the lines it looks to be shorted out
03:30.01digitalironyzippytech: cool, hows it working for you
03:30.20digitalironyd-j-t-2: we get calls all day long....but we don't mostly e-mails at night
03:30.24jayteezero? .....hmmm, yeah I heard of that! Didn't the Mayans invent it?
03:30.38zippytecheverything works but not sure why the card make the lines look that way
03:30.49digitalironyzippytech: look what way?
03:31.01zippytechlike there is a short in the line
03:31.12*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
03:31.14drmessanoDon't use that word ever again
03:31.31zippytechi have had this happen at 3 locations when he put a meter on the line to test
03:31.31jayteewhat word?
03:31.31digitalironyzippytech: what do you mean? whats the output you see
03:31.41LiNeTuX|Homezippytech: I believe the word you are looking for is a "vertically challenged" line.
03:31.52d-k-t-2zippytech, so it draws current when it's connected?
03:31.52LiNeTuX|Homeoh wait...
03:31.54zippytechlike the wires are touching
03:32.01drmessanoI hate when someone calls something "a short"... Even a basic tech knows better than to use that term..
03:32.15digitalironyzippytech: this is with FXO's right?
03:32.39digitalironydrmessano: well i don't guess you noticed...but he isn't a tech
03:32.43digitalironyhe is a customer
03:33.16digitalironydrmessano: not from my point of view
03:33.47drmessanodigitalirony: You start calling people "customers" in here, and people's patience will wear very short
03:34.02digitalironydrmessano: sorry consumer then
03:34.16zippytechok the point is the tdm400 makes the connections to the pots look line they are twisted to gether, how that
03:34.17digitalironydrmessano: or user
03:34.22*** join/#asterisk _mwoodj_ (n=mwoodj@pdpc/sponsor/digium/hyper-eye)
03:34.32drmessano"user" is an even better term
03:34.32d-k-t-2digium user
03:34.48zippytechwhy would this be and other pbx's normaly don't show this
03:34.52jayteeI use Digium products.
03:34.56LiNeTuX|Homezippytech: just a guess, but are you sure your local stuff is wired/punched down right?
03:35.02drmessanoI thought this was a peer supported chat channel, not a tech queue.. Do I need a number?
03:35.14LiNeTuX|Homedrmessano: 153346
03:35.19jaytee2 TDM400 cards, 1 TE212PRI card and a baseball cap.
03:35.30drmessanojaytee:  please, wait in line.. your call will be answered shortly
03:35.31zippytechyes , we test without the tdm plugged in
03:35.38zippytechthe lines are clean to the card
03:35.47LiNeTuX|Homezippytech: that doesn't mean anything
03:35.51digitalironydrmessano: no but im pretty sure im allowed to help users in my own time if i choose as long as i don't get paid for it
03:36.03drmessanojaytee: Our support specialists are waiting to assist you, please be patient
03:36.18d-k-t-2zippytech, so, the card draws current... does it look like the lines are twisted together harder if it goes off hook?
03:36.33drmessanohums Hungry Like The Wolf - Muzak version
03:36.34jayteeso far I haven't had to call either Digium or Polycom and I didnt' want to waste my time calling Grandstream because I don't speak Mandarin
03:36.53drmessanohums blah blah blah, blah blah blah blah, and i'm hungry like the wolf......
03:36.55jayteehahahha, Muzak version
03:37.02LiNeTuX|Homejaytee: I believe it's "Stupideese" over at GS
03:37.38zippytechunsure i will have to test, i just had a customer call the other day when att was there and he had told me tha same thing a year ago and never looked into it
03:37.39d-k-t-2jaytee, 'Ni hao. Wo you yi ge hen da de wenti. Ni ke yi ban wo ma?' - useful phrase for next time you call
03:37.45digitalironyzippytech: i don't understand still...are you seeing odd out put, what is the problem ?
03:38.09LiNeTuX|HomeDe bo chi.  Wa li la lu.  Pung now le lah.
03:38.17drmessanojaytee: We appreciate your business.. please visit our website at doubleyou-doubleyou-doubleyou-dot-digium-dot-com
03:38.28jayteeconverting some popular tune to Muzak is usually like beating some poor animal to death, with Hungy Like the Wolf it's more like mutilating the carcass.
03:38.29zippytechthe cards work find but if you put a meter on the line from the co it looks like the wires are twisted to gether
03:38.31drmessanojaytee: Your call is very important to us
03:38.47zippytechwhen plugged into the tmd
03:39.04jaytee"Press or say One now!"
03:39.14digitalironyzippytech: so there is no problem?
03:39.14zippytechhe and i have never see any pbx or phone system show this
03:39.23d-k-t-2zippytech, if the line looked like it was twisted together, it wouldn't work
03:39.29zippytechright , they work fine
03:39.40jaytee"Thank you! Please hold while we direct your call to "Two"
03:39.40LiNeTuX|Homeso the problem is that there is no problem.
03:39.53digitalironyzippytech: it would have to be a line problem then....but if it works its just a fluke somewhere don't fix it if its not broken.
03:39.56zippytechit does , if you have one put a meter on it and see , i have 3 that do it
03:40.01LiNeTuX|HomeYour approximate wait time is.... twelve ... hundreded... minutes...
03:40.15drmessanohums the next fine selection: "Neverending Story" - Muzak edition
03:40.18digitalironyzippytech a developer might can help you better understand that....but its odd
03:40.39zippytechmy thoughts for sure, just a question that i have run into in the 5 years i been using the cards
03:41.05drmessanojaytee: Sorry, we are experiencing higher than average call volumes.. your patience is greatly appreciated.. estimated hold time - 3 hours, 11 minutes
03:41.13digitalironyzippytech: next time i see some one from dev, i will ask them why
03:41.25zippytechi beleive the word is continuity test
03:41.55zippytechcool thanks for the help
03:41.55LiNeTuX|Homejaytee: Thank you for holding.  We will now connect you call.  <beep>  <click> ::dialtone::
03:42.07JTzippytech: can you be more specific? what resistance reading are you getting?
03:42.32drmessanojaytee: If you would like to leave a number for callback, smash the keypad with your palm now.. otherwise, please continue to hold, and someone will assist you shortly.. your estimated wait time is 3 hours, 10 minutes
03:42.33LiNeTuX|HomeDAMN 38 point lead... ouch LA.
03:43.58drmessanodigitalirony: I have a tech support question.. I just got a TDM410P... I took it out of the box and installed it in a free slot in the PBX I am building
03:44.07drmessanodigitalirony: What is "linux"?
03:44.22jayteeit's always nice for me when the Celtics win, when they pound the Lakers it's just pure ecstasy.
03:44.37digitalironydrmessano: and open-source operating system based on unix
03:44.47digitalironycreated by linus torvolds
03:44.55digitalironyits under the GNU license
03:44.59jaytee"What does baffled mean?"
03:44.59LiNeTuX|Homejaytee: useless trivia: between the lakers and celtics, they've won HALF of all NBA championships
03:45.05drmessanodigitalirony: Do I need that to install a TDM410P?  Is that in control panel?
03:45.16LiNeTuX|HomeWhat's a gah-noo?
03:45.32digitalironydrmessano: nope, and your an asshat
03:45.50drmessanoWho is Richard Stallman, and why does he keep smashing me in the back of the head when I mispronounce "GNU"?
03:45.55digitalironydrmessano: you already know the answer to those questions. i have seen you answer stuff that implies you know it
03:46.07d-k-t-2drmessano, this is #asterisk, not #poke-the-tech-support-guy
03:46.13jayteeIt's like because I grew up south of Boston I have this genetic encoding that no matter what I have no concious choice but to hate and loathe the Yankees. :-)
03:46.14digitalironydrmessano: if he is smashing you in the back of the head ask him
03:46.15drmessanodigitalirony: You are a quick learner...
03:46.27drmessanodigitalirony: I mean.. super quick
03:46.56digitalironydrmessano: well if it helps i already knew that stuff
03:47.17digitalironydrmessano: and im honestly not that quick at learning, just good at remembering
03:47.25drmessanod-k-t-2: I don't think you can refer to me by nickname here, you're just a user.. I think digitalirony needs to moderate your comment and submit it for approval
03:47.38LiNeTuX|Homet o o l
03:47.43drmessanod-k-t-2: Did you submit you comment to the queue?
03:47.54digitalironydremessano: im just a user here too. this isn't my channel
03:48.10digitalironydrmessano: i come here on my own free will to help people so back off
03:48.20d-k-t-2drmessano, queue, what queue, I am the queue
03:48.43drmessanodigitalirony: You clearly referred to everyone "non-digium" in here as "customers" and "users", so therefore, we should all be moderated, no?
03:48.53jayteeRichard Stallman is just a female pubic hair's width closer to normal than Ted Kaczynski
03:49.03LiNeTuX|Homed-k-t-2: the queue starts behind that building, in the dark alley
03:49.09drmessanojaytee: bite your tongue, RMS is GOD
03:49.12digitalironydrmessano: i actually referred to the customer with the TDM card that was asking questions as a customer
03:49.38jayteedrmessano, how'd the Kool-Aid taste? was it the grape flavor?
03:49.39drmessanodigitalirony: Does he have a valid support contract?  Did you verify that first?
03:49.57digitalironydrmessano: doesn't matter if he does....this is free support
03:50.02drmessanojaytee: The NIKE's are what sold me
03:50.26d-k-t-2drmessano, digium is too supporting, even without valid support contracts they appear to give unlimited support to anyone who's ever bought stuff from them
03:50.31digitalironydrmessano: me working for digium has nothing to do with my support here. this is me offering help to people for free
03:50.41d-k-t-2drmessano, it's nice
03:51.09digitalironyd-k-t-2: we are an opensource company and we act like one
03:51.11drmessanodigitalirony: So if I call for support on a device I have no contractual obligation to, can we pretend we're on IRC and you can help me for free?
03:51.17d-k-t-2drmessano, then their employees even come here and give more free unlimited support, ace!
03:51.24drmessanoBecause I have a nice Digium X100P I need help with
03:51.34digitalironydrmessano: nope because we are not on IRC and i DON't have to help anyone here
03:51.35jayteedrmessano is so mean he has no MySpace friends
03:51.42digitalironydrmessano if you call me i will tell you no
03:52.01drmessanodigitalirony: We can use nicknames, and I can prefix thoughts with "slash me"
03:52.03[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Got it working on your DEC Alpha under OS/2 yet?  They oughtta help you with that!
03:52.25digitalironydrmessano: heh good can try it if you want
03:52.47jayteewas just wondering if you were here and just lurking or off somewhere
03:53.12[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: got in late from martial arts & visiting an old friend
03:53.13drmessanodigitalirony: Dude, thats just totally cold.. you just told me "If its on IRC, no probs.. but if you call, screw you"
03:53.18drmessanodigitalirony: SAD FACE
03:53.41jayteecool, which martial art specifically?
03:54.12digitalironydrmessano: yep, because if you call me you are not using IRC which is free, if you call me you are using digiums lines, which cost them money that is paid for by their customers, if your not a customer your not getting help for free on a paid for line
03:55.05drmessanodigitalirony: What if I make a toll call and don't use the 800 number?  Can we split the difference?
03:55.17drmessanodigitalirony: I'll paypal you like $3.50
03:55.40LiNeTuX|HomeCeltics win... 131 to 92.
03:55.48digitalironydrmessano: sure you pay my sallary and the consulting time that we charge customers who call without hardware or contracts and well call it even
03:56.35drmessanodigitalirony: That's not a very friendly attitude..Maybe I should stick to X100P clones on eBay
03:56.36jaytee[TK]D-Fender, very interesting mix of all the arts. I always wanted to do kendo and shuriken
03:57.18jaytee[TK]D-Fender, how long have you been doing it?
03:57.26digitalironydrmessano: well your not a friendly person. so i ask you to please do so
03:57.29*** join/#asterisk rootlogin (
03:57.33[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: not so much of a mix.  Shuriken.... meh.  Kendo is a sport.... no time for "do" :p
03:57.53[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: a little over 2 years now.
03:58.22drmessanodigitalirony: Are the other support guys just like you?
03:58.36digitalironydrmessano: yes we are all clones
03:58.44jayteesome of it can give you a good workout and the rest can be boring and repetitive but that's as necessary as the rest.
03:59.30[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Skip to 3:00 in
04:00.26drmessanodigitalirony: Funny thing is, for the most part I was giving you a hard time, but man.. you're a real keeper.. Hope not all new techs are like you.
04:00.46jayteewhat's that Japanese stringed instrument they play that's kinda like a ukelele?
04:01.03[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: not a clue :)
04:01.16digitalironydrmessano: on the phone i will kiss the customers ass all i have too, but when your being rude to me i will be rude right back, and i can do that
04:01.23drmessanojaytee: Watch Karate Kid Part II.. it's probably in there
04:01.28jayteeI've got a major flareup of CRS at the moment but I used to know.
04:01.38[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: I know the first 4 ken (sword on sword), 2mins), and 4 of the Bo (later on)
04:02.10jayteeI have a bokken
04:02.23jayteebut I only use it to threaten my cats
04:03.07drmessanodigitalirony: Nice attitude.. If you look at providing quality support as simply "kissing the customers ass", I hope we never cross paths
04:03.19[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: And of course 4 kneeing iai, 5 standing.
04:04.26jayteeI'm so out of shape that after 10 minutes of that my feet would be killing me and my knees would be buckling.
04:07.01jayteeI need to get off my ass and out of chat more and start bicycling before this old carcass goes into full meltdown.
04:07.01[TK]D-Fenderdigitalirony: You should never be rude with the customer, its not good business.  If you're on the receiving end you should be able to say "I'm sorry but I will not be able to continue helping you so long as you maintain your belligerent attitude." And then offer to transfer them to your superior along with the recording of the call.
04:08.27drmessanojaytee: My bicycling days ended when I moved into a second floor apt and had to deal with lugging a cheap, heavy bike up and down steps
04:08.46drmessanojaytee: Talk about motivation to upgrade
04:09.30digitalirony[TK]D-Fender: you misunderstand me, I am NOT rude to any customers.
04:09.35jblack[TK]D-Fender: Never say never. :)
04:10.21jblackBailbondman's would not be very effective if they said "Hey, I know you missed your appearance, so can you please come in so that I can take you to jail, I'd apreciate it"
04:10.27[TK]D-Fenderdigitalirony: "but when your being rude to me i will be rude right back, and i can do that" <- Sorry, I kinda read that "as-is" and seemed pretty clear to me...
04:10.43digitalirony[TK]D-Fender: I ment in irc
04:11.15[TK]D-Fenderjblack: You missed an important detail.. a bailbondsman's target isn't heis CUSTOMER ;)
04:11.42jblackYes, he is. :)
04:11.49digitalirony[TK]D-Fender: and i was refrring to him being rude to me
04:11.55jayteedrmessano, what a coincidence! I live in a 2nd floor apartment and my bike is in the bedroom at the moment.
04:11.58jblackdigitalirony: You smell funny.
04:12.40[TK]D-FenderI'm ont he 4th floor of my building and I bike to work whenever the weather is clear (which has been shit-on-a-stick lately)
04:12.56jblack[TK]D-Fender: But another example... A man borrows money from the Mafia, and fails to pay it back. The mafia aren't supposed to be polite. They're supposed to break fingers. =)
04:13.22jaytee[TK]D-Fender, you're in Montreal, aren't you?
04:13.45digitalironyI don't want anyone here to get the wrong impression about tech support, we are not rude, and we do our job. end of discussion
04:13.54[TK]D-Fenderjblack: Again... the "collector" is an outsourced agent who does whatever gets his boss (your shark) his money back.  Again, YOU are not their "customer".
04:13.58[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: yup
04:14.21[TK]D-Fenderjblack: You keep picking poor samples to back up your failing point :p
04:14.24jblackBah. You're nit picking.
04:14.25Corydon76-dig[TK]D-Fender: not always
04:14.45*** join/#asterisk javawizard2539_ (
04:15.03jblackborrow something from the mafia and not give it back, and someone in the mafia pays you a visit.
04:15.06*** join/#asterisk Gregabyte (
04:15.11[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-dig: I suppose there are the times where the shark himself gets his hands dirty, but then again... thats bad for business, he's taking work away from (dis)honest thugs!
04:15.37Corydon76-dig[TK]D-Fender: eh?
04:15.41jblackThe mafia doesn't usually outsource it's muscle.
04:15.55smachhey guys, I've been reading through * documentation and I can't find a way to change the ip addrees I send in the from field in an INVITE
04:15.58smachany ideas ?
04:16.00[TK]D-Fenderjblack: and its rarely the guy who gave you the cash that breaks your legs :)
04:16.04Corydon76-digBB's don't have to go after their customers 99% of the time
04:16.13[TK]D-Fendersmach: From what, to what?
04:16.23jblack[TK]D-Fender: It's rarely the guy that takes my check that provided the service.
04:16.39[TK]D-Fenderjblack: See, there you have it.
04:16.46jblackIf I go to Denny's, one person collects my order, another cooks it, and a third collects the payment.
04:16.47smach[TK]D-Fender: From * ip address to anothe pbx ip
04:16.48digitalironyGregabyt_: welcome
04:17.03Qwelljblack: be fair, they share jobs there
04:17.11Qwellthe cook also cleans the restrooms
04:17.12jblackI didn't stop becoming Denny's customer just because the company hired someone to cook, or someone else to ring up checks.
04:17.16[TK]D-Fendersmach: Highly irregular.  Thats like calling the cops & saying its really your neighbour calling.
04:17.48jayteewow, that was a long video but the spear against sword part at the end was worth it.
04:18.09smach[TK]D-Fender: sure but I won't change the contact addree, it's just that it's the only way that I can make calls using line registration # sip trunks
04:18.13[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: That was Naginata, not spear actually...
04:18.48[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Spear is a little wierd, but naginata is just plain scary
04:19.41*** join/#asterisk mchou (
04:19.43[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: An awesome weapon to be sure.
04:19.47jayteebut even though you might think at first that it has an advantage if the swordsman has good technique he can overcome the longer reach
04:20.12jayteeso it makes it more interesting with the parrying and the feints
04:20.27[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: reach plus parrying....
04:21.51jayteewell, the guy with the naginata might win most of the time but a midget with fast reflexes might be able to duck and run in low and stab him in the balls :-)
04:21.54jblackI want my stimulis payment.
04:22.21jayteeI already spent mine on asian manufactured electronics at WalMart.
04:22.34jblackI'm going to spend mine on asian grown food.
04:22.40jayteecuz I'm a NASCAR patriot!
04:23.25jblackfood could double or triple in the next year, so I want to use my stimulus to hoard food.
04:23.31mchouI'm a bit confused regarding STUN, NAT and SIP.  I have two PAP2s behind one NAT.  Each PAP2 device is registered to different voip providers (although they point to the same STUN server).  Somehow the 2nd PAP device always renders the first "unregistered."  Any clue to what's going on?
04:23.36*** part/#asterisk Gregabyte (
04:23.59jblackmchou: Yeah. They're both using the same set of ports.
04:24.37[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: @ 5:10
04:24.42[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Spear
04:24.47mchoujblack: yup.  indeedy.  but shouldn't the NAT keep track of src addr as well as src prot?
04:24.52jblackmove one from port 5060 to 5061 or somesuch.
04:25.27jblackI don't know the rules for your nat.
04:25.34mchoujblack: like how different web browser clients always use port 80 :)
04:26.18*** join/#asterisk imcdona (
04:26.22mchoujblack: but no "wrong" info gets sent to the inccorect web browser :)
04:26.37jblackI'm not in the mood for a debate. Forget I said anything
04:26.40*** join/#asterisk pputman (n=centrex@
04:27.18mchoujblack: just tring to understand what's going on is all
04:27.39drmessanomchou: No port forwarding involved?
04:27.55mchoujblack: I'm sure moving ports would work.  just not sure why same port doesnt is all
04:28.09[TK]D-Fendermchou: they are fighting over the same incoming ports.  CHANGE one fo the devices to a different set of ports
04:28.17mchoudrmessano: no port forwading enabled on NAT
04:28.28drmessanomchou: You should be able to put 100 devices behind the NAT without a problem
04:28.37drmessano100 being some arbitrary number
04:28.58mchoudrmessano: yeah, that's what I'm confused about (hence the web browser analogy)
04:29.24smach[TK]D-Fender: any idea how I can change the ip address in the FROM header ?
04:29.26[TK]D-Fendermchou: Anyways, I've already answered you, as has jblack.  Go change the ports on one of them.
04:29.37[TK]D-Fendersmach: No real way.
04:29.37mchoudrmessano: somehow with different ports it all works but not if they are on same port
04:29.44drmessanomchou: If you change the order you power the devices, does it always bump the earlier connected one
04:29.50[TK]D-Fendersmach: Anything you attempt will screw up return messages.
04:30.03mchoudrmessano: no, it's non-deterministic
04:30.11[TK]D-Fendersmach: Sounds like you want a hybrid B2BUA / Proxy effect, and that isn't anywhere in *'s scope.
04:30.12jblack"Dr, it hurts when I do this"
04:30.19drmessanomchou: Random.. only one device will work
04:30.33mchoudrmessano: yeah, pretty much
04:30.58drmessanomchou: In theory, you should NOT be having a problem at all.. If changing ports fixes it, your NAT is screwy
04:31.31*** join/#asterisk Sargun (n=Sargun@atarack/staff/sargun)
04:31.35jblackunless his router undrestands sip, and it's auto-forwarding 5060 to the most recent sip client.
04:31.56mchoudrmessano: yeah, that's what I'm thinking....wonder if openwrt or something might be messed up
04:31.59smachwhich IDE do you guys use to code on asterisk ??
04:32.08[TK]D-Fendersmach: "copy con" <-
04:32.11drmessanojblack: That makes no sense
04:33.15drmessanoIt's a NAT...
04:33.54smach[TK]D-Fender: are you kidding ???
04:34.10mchoujblack: doesnt NAT keep track of ports as well as src addrs?
04:34.23drmessanomchou: Indeed it does
04:34.37mchoudrmessano: that's why I'm so confused
04:34.39drmessanomchou: That's why you shouldn't be having this issue
04:34.56[TK]D-Fendermchou: When an call comes IN it targets your dst port.  that is always fixed.
04:35.04digitalironydrmessano: is right, sounds like something wrong with your NAT
04:35.05drmessanodst port
04:35.17mchoudrmessano: I've even taken a look at my /proc/net/ip_conntrack :)
04:35.22oilinkisome of the linksys adsl-routers have own, not working sip alg on the device.
04:35.23smachseriously guys, I'm fed up with coding on the terminal, do you use eclipse or another ide ?
04:35.26digitalironymchou: do you know how to use tcpdumb ?
04:35.30[TK]D-Fendermchou: I may have a source of 6789, but I target your 5060 to call YOU.
04:35.52oilinkiwhich makes registration to some of the services impossible
04:36.00mchoudigitalirony: sure I know how to tcpdump :)
04:36.24drmessanoIf that were the case, then that means all my web server connections are forwarded via Port 80 through my NAT to my web browser?
04:36.31drmessanoSomeone tell that to my apache server.. its gonna be pissed
04:36.37mchoudrmessano: bingo!
04:36.38drmessanoOh, and the other users
04:38.06mchouin any case, I'm very puzzled.....
04:38.10drmessanomchou: I'm calling it NAT shenanigans.. I've had those sort of issues with OpenWRT before
04:38.33[TK]D-Fendermchou: drmessano its just multiple devices behind NAT fighting for 5060 inbound.
04:38.36smachI have a dial plan that routes all the calls to another pbx, is there a way to set the ip address in the from header statically and let all the other header generated normally
04:38.47smachI believe this wont mess up anything
04:38.54drmessano[TK]D-Fender: Its not using 5060 inbound..
04:39.14[TK]D-Fendersmach: No.  You are trying to "proxy" it in a manner of speaking and I just told you * doesn't do that.
04:39.30drmessano[TK]D-Fender: This is where the 5 hour NAT-source-and-destination-ports argument comes in
04:39.34[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: I know. but using 2 of those devices will have each fighting for the same 2 ports.
04:39.50drmessano[TK]D-Fender: If that were the case, tell that to my 3 PAPs over my friends house that connect back to my * box
04:39.55mchoudrmessano: you mean this argument happens all the time?
04:39.56[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: its the inbound that'll freak
04:39.57drmessano[TK]D-Fender: That's a non-issue
04:40.04drmessanomchou: Sadly, yes
04:40.22smach[TK]D-Fender: sorry to insist, was thinking actually about modifying * code
04:40.43[TK]D-Fendersmach: that falls firmly into :
04:40.47jbotmethinks wglwat is well, good luck with all that
04:40.53[TK]D-Fendersmach:... territory
04:43.14smach[TK]D-Fender: I'm not sure I got what ~wglwat means, sorry for my ignorance
04:43.28[TK]D-Fendersmach: look directly below it...
04:44.40TrentCreekdarn..where is the #800 Mexican guy?
04:45.25pputmanwhat? lol
04:46.19drmessanopicking lettuce?
04:46.26mchounow now
04:46.57mchounot all mexicans work on the farm :)
04:47.15drmessanoshut up and push that lawnmower
04:47.35[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Nope.. the rest are assembling Volswagens for North America :)
04:47.51mchouI thought those are made in Canada
04:47.55smach[TK]D-Fender: sorry buddy, I've been googling wglwat for 10 min with success...
04:48.11mchouor is it Hondas I'm thinking of?
04:48.14[TK]D-Fender[00:40]<jbot_>methinks wglwat is well, good luck with all that
04:48.16drmessanoholy shit
04:48.21jbotwglwat is, like, well, good luck with all that
04:48.25[TK]D-Fendersmach: I said.... RIGHT BELOW IT.
04:48.30drmessanoRIGHT THERE DUDE
04:48.44jayteethe section of Indianapolis that I live in is referred to as "Little Mexico"
04:49.05jayteeI like it.
04:49.09drmessanoThats my neighbors
04:49.15smach[TK]D-Fender: oh sorry, I'm slow after midnight
04:49.25mchoujaytee: can you get a decent burrito in lil' mexico?
04:49.47mchoujaytee: not talking about taco bell
04:49.50pputmanmchou, you can find a good taco truck in just about every city =)
04:49.55jayteethe supermercado down the street has REAL Coca-Cola with cane sugar instead of that high-fructose corn syrup shit they forced down our throats since the 70's.
04:49.59drmessanoEvery night they get a rotisserie chicken and a pack of tortillas for dinner
04:50.10jayteemchou, yes
04:50.15mchoupputman: nah, try NYC, you'll be sadly disappointed
04:50.28jayteevery good taquerias, several within a mile of me.
04:51.16mchoupputman: NYC still doesn't know mexican food is all about
04:51.41mchoupputman: even though the situation is improving
04:51.43drmessanoOne of our threats at work: Dont make me have to go to the salvation army and replace you
04:52.26lowlevelgo download firefox3
04:52.30mchoudrmessano: forget salvation army.  It's India now.
04:52.35lowlevelyou don't haev to intsall it, just download it
04:52.43pputmanmchou, that's sad, usually you can find a good truck parked at the side of the road with good mexican food.
04:52.57drmessanomchou: India is a far walk for onsite support :)
04:53.11jayteelowlevel, why? do I get a prize?
04:53.23jblackspeaking of india... Hear McDonald's latest? They're now off-siting "can I take your order".
04:53.25drmessanooh god
04:53.37lowleveljay: yeah, firefox3.
04:53.49drmessanoI wonder how much of the Download Day for FF3 has been ruined by fucking Digg trolls insisting people download it
04:53.55jayteestill buggy, just new bugs
04:53.57jblackBefore long, you'll have to tell walid that you don't like pickles on your double quarter pounder.
04:54.06drmessanoI beta tested it from alpha 1 and I am just embaressed at the n00bs trolling
04:54.13drmessanojaytee: FF3 is MUCH MUCH better
04:54.43drmessanojaytee: I've had my wife on it since RC1.. and she bitches less about her PC.. It's like night and day
04:54.48[TK]D-FenderI got my FF3 at about 2:30 EST.  Not bad...
04:54.54drmessanojaytee: Now THAT is a beta test
04:55.05drmessanoI had FF3 yesterday lol
04:55.09[TK]D-FenderMUCh faster, zooming is beautiful, I LOVE the new address bar...
04:55.30drmessanoRC3 > Release last night via auto-update
04:55.33[TK]D-Fenderaddress completion, etc.... auto search through favourites....
04:55.36jblack[TK]D-Fender: Zooming?
04:55.40jayteeit's better than two and I've been running the last beta but I just don't feel that "ZOMG, IT'S OUT!!! LET'S GET IT!!!" feeling and want to jump in with all the lemmings.
04:55.49[TK]D-Fenderjblack: Yup.
04:56.07jblackI have ff3 something. What's zooming?
04:56.15drmessanojaytee: I'm not normally that way, but having dealt with the memory issues of prior releases, I am just shy of the Digg trolls on this one..
04:56.21[TK]D-Fenderjblack: Firefox 3 <-
04:56.37[TK]D-Fenderjblack: Ctrl + (+/-), or Crtl + scroll
04:56.44jayteeoh, cripes yeah, FF2 was a seive for memory.
04:56.50jayteeand forget flash
04:57.07drmessanojaytee: Leave FF2 on a flash page for 24 hours, and you'll run out of 3 GB RAM
04:57.10jayteeI couldn't watch 3 YouTube vids in a row without it locking.
04:57.13jblackhuh. didn't that used to change font size?
04:58.35*** join/#asterisk zn3t (
04:58.38drmessanoI have 8 tabs open... using the session I have been working with for a week or so now, restarted last night for the update.. right at 200MB used
04:59.15drmessanoI also have an ass of plugins
04:59.22jayteeyep, definitely an improvement over two and I'll probably upgrade this week but I like to pace myself.
04:59.33TrentCreekI wonder why my FF on Linux keeps telling me I need to install JRE plugin when it already is
04:59.52jblackI wonder if that works with java
05:00.06drmessanoTrentCreek: You need to symlink your java install
05:00.17TrentCreekoooohh..okay thanks
05:00.41jblackdamn. Doesn't work with java.
05:00.42pputmanway too lazy to compile things from open source, i'll wait til ff3 has a debian package =)
05:01.02drmessanoFF3 doesn't work with Java?
05:01.02jblackpputman: It's been in ubuntu for ages, and I'm sure it's been in debian as well.
05:01.14jblackdrmessano: the new graphical zooming thing doesn't.
05:01.18jblackJava works here just fine.
05:01.27drmessanoI was gonna say.. lol
05:01.32pputmanjblack, I don't believe so.  I know it's been in ubuntu but debian is a little more strict, even for their unstable.  Takes a good bit of time for them to make a package.
05:01.40drmessanoProbably works with flash, tho
05:01.52jblackpputman: I bet it's been in sid for a long time. Probably even testing.
05:02.06pputmanjblack, hrm I didn't see it in a search, I'll look closer.
05:02.50jblackYeah. "iceweasel_3.0~b5"
05:03.27jblackWhy it's called iceweasel, rather than firefox, is both boring and technical.
05:03.45drmessanoTrademark BS
05:04.27drmessanoRMS-ish nazism
05:04.27drmessanoCall it GNU Iceweasel, damnit
05:04.37drmessanoGNU waterbeaver
05:04.47jayteeZap-DADHI overly litigious society
05:06.02drmessanoWine 1.0
05:06.07drmessanoYou know what that means
05:06.17drmessanoI'm so running photoshop on my asterisk box now
05:07.06jayteeI'd like Gimp better if they came up with classier name for it. Reminds me too much of the guy in Pulp Fiction
05:07.22drmessano..and Digg stories of horrible feats of virtualization, like running MacOS X inside a Windows VMware session on top of Wine
05:08.09drmessanoOr Ubuntu inside of a VMware session running in Wine on Ubuntu
05:08.24drmessanoIt's DUBUNTU your pleasure, DUBUNTU your fun!
05:09.36jayteeI'm waiting for someone to come in here claiming they're running a VMWare server with a CentOS/Asterisk VM inside a Xen VM and running Skype -> SIP and Flash -> SIP out of it.
05:09.52drmessanoDude, that was so last week
05:10.07JTSIP FLASH 3GP, whateva u want
05:11.19drmessanoFlash inside of Silverlight inside of Adobe AIR, on top of Vista, inside Ubuntu, running IAX3, connected to to Vonage via Skype
05:11.24drmessanoI WIN THE INTARWEB
05:11.43jayteehands down, no contest!
05:12.14drmessanoWith a MAGICJACK for e911, bitches
05:12.15jayteedoes IAX3 do color or is it monocrhome?
05:12.32drmessanoIAX3 is full VGA
05:13.31jayteeso it probably won't run on this old 386 with a Hercules card and Red Hat 3, darn.
05:15.36*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki (
05:16.10[TK]D-Fenderok, bed time.  Later all...
05:16.35jayteeI found out today Lumenvox only does 32 bit RPMS for RHEL 5 or CentOS. I knew running * on the stock Dell install of RHEL5 64 bit was gonna come back to bite me in the ass someday.
05:17.42TrentCreekthen dont do lemonvox
05:22.09jayteeprobably having a dedicated box for VR IVR and use IAX to route calls to it might be a better idea anyways
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05:42.24drmessanoPolice say someone is taking aim at cars with large bricks.
05:42.25drmessanoIt has happened at least 18 times in the past few week along Route 22 in Hillside, Union County.
05:42.37drmessanoThat's my old stomping grounds
05:42.41drmessanoWTG Hillside!
05:55.42jblackhuh. I thought we made a war for those kids to go break stuff in?
05:59.14*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-17efedf7e24f6a73)
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06:48.55jblacklol. put windows on a coffee maker, and the coffee maker gets hacked.
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06:50.24^shark_any system can get hacked into
06:50.37nick125Some just make it easier.
06:55.21^shark_at my present job we are acquiring analog lines from the telco & since i know how good asterisk is in the enterprise, i am looking for info i can deliver to my boss.
06:55.47^shark_i want to encourage him to go for asterisk, making him realise the benefits and how it works.
06:56.28jblackTell him he can try it for free.
06:56.36nick125^shark_: You can do what you do with a normal PBX for a lot cheaper.
06:57.24jblackYou can do a lot more with it too.
06:58.08jblackYou can implement a new feature, tuned to your specific needs, in a weekend of hacking, that someone like nortel will try and charge $10k for.
06:58.23nick125jblack: 10k? That's cheap.
06:58.28^shark_nick125: I am looking for info how i can convice him to take it on. Any URL would be a gr8 idea
06:58.48jblacknick125: Pardon? How do you know which features I'm thinking of?
06:58.50pputmannick125, $10k isn't that cheap for some =)
06:59.42jblackSeriously. I'm all for being corrected when I'm wrong. But be ready to back it up
06:59.51pputman^shark_, you can have him read the introduction of the asterisk book.
07:00.30nick125jblack: It's a joke ;-)
07:00.57*** join/#asterisk mort_gib (
07:01.05nick125Basically, I'm saying that you can't get much for $10k from Nortel or one of the "others".
07:03.02^shark_pputman: ok thanks --
07:03.14jblackI think you're confused.
07:03.20jblackWe're talking about features, not entire pbx's.
07:03.38mort_gibQuick question, is there ANY way of sending a SMS from *
07:03.58jblackIf you can do it from a script, you can do it from asterisk. =)
07:04.22mort_gibHow so?? :-) I can't do it from a script....
07:04.33jblackI see there's a package called smsclient. Surely you can use system() or agi to call it.
07:04.49jblacksmsclient - A program for sending short messages (SM /
07:04.58jblackThere's also smssend and smstools.
07:05.27jblackI have no idea how they work. If you get one of them working, you're 90% of the way there.
07:06.00pputmanin trunk there is a doc/sms.txt
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07:11.10mort_gibpputman: ??trunk
07:13.25pputmanmort_gib, trunk is the development branch that I had right in front of me, but looking closer, the sms app is also in asterisk 1.4 as well.  go to your source directory and open doc/sms.txt
07:13.39mort_gibHang on :-)
07:16.37mort_gibSo this is specific to the operator....
07:17.55mort_gibOkay, I have to install a * system for a client, and they want to go the full way, so that I'm to use * as the network monitoring notifier too....
07:18.05mort_gibSometime I wonder why we do this ;-)
07:22.44JTmort_gib: you can't use a script?
07:28.53mort_gibI Suppose so, but my main problem is the local telco....
07:31.46mort_gibMy client is in Gibraltar, they offer a VERY limited range of services...
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07:35.27jblackuh, hi.
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08:54.38dandreif I make changes to zapata.conf file, must I do a reload or restart?
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08:55.18krdiandandre: zap restart
08:56.45dandreok krdian, but that hangs up all zap channels, and there is no 'when convenient' option
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08:57.52creativxhehe ja
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09:10.01anthoooooooooI work wuth asterisk
09:10.10anthoooooooooIn my asterisk log, I have this:
09:10.38anthoooooooooWARNING[2348] chan_sip.c: Remote host can't match request NOTIFY to call
09:10.48*** join/#asterisk shinao1 (n=shinao1@
09:11.03anthoooooooooWhat does it mean this warning and why this warning appears?
09:11.09anthooooooooothanks for your help
09:18.00ThoMeis chan_capi in asterisk 1.4X?
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09:26.41tzafrir_laptopThoMe, yes (an external one, as usual)
09:28.21ThoMetzafrir_laptop: not includet by asterisk?
09:28.36ThoMetzafrir_laptop: you mean with "external, this: ?
09:28.49ThoMetzafrir_laptop: Okay, thank you!
09:30.33*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
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09:34.09tzafrir_laptopEvery time I see that name I'm trying to decide if it's "malware" or
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09:48.54marc7is there any way to invoke FollowMe at the same time as a Dial?
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09:50.44russellbsure, Dial(Local/123@foo&SIP/myphone)
09:50.52russellband have the 123@foo extension call FollowMe
09:51.00loompekdid you know you need ztdummy module for musiconhold to work properly?
09:51.12marc7loompek: yep... got nailed by that one awhile ago
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09:51.51marc7russellb: that was shockingly simple!
09:51.56marc7*gives it a try*
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10:04.12*** join/#asterisk InformatiQ (n=user@unaffiliated/ramezhanna)
10:04.27InformatiQhi, how do i connect two asterisk servers together ?
10:06.50marc7InformatiQ: have you looked into IAX at all?
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10:07.38InformatiQthis is my first time with asterisk at all and i am only using gui so far, but seems that i should check the conf files
10:08.30marc7InformatiQ: yeah... if you're just trying to play in a sandbox and pass calls back and forth between two asterisk servers... learning about channels would be a good start. be sure to flip through the book if you haven't already.
10:08.36jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
10:09.21InformatiQthanks a mil marc7
10:09.51marc7InformatiQ: no worries. google will also give you a hundred dozen tutorials that are also great places to start
10:10.16InformatiQi have the book now
10:10.30InformatiQyou mentioned i should look at the "channels"
10:12.30marc7russellb: on the subject of channels... the app_followme documentation says followme.conf needs a "number => family/key"... however when I try keying in something like number => SIP/2015551234@peer, it immediately defaults to chan_local instead (unable to allocate a channel for Local/SIP/2015551234@peer@Internal cause: Unknown)
10:13.06marc7so I try to change the line to number => 2015551234 and then add context => peer
10:13.33marc7but I'm also guessing that's because peer is less of a context...
10:14.08marc7oh that's awesome
10:15.39marc7InformatiQ: you said you're currently using a graphical frontend to asterisk -- which one?
10:16.00InformatiQmarc7: the default that comes with asterisknow
10:18.38*** join/#asterisk awk (
10:20.05marc7InformatiQ: you'll have to forgive me, I'm starting to become better versed in helping people get up to speed, I'm still not familiar with all the different projects to be able to best suggest what action to take given your existing setup.
10:20.51marc7I'd suggest at the very least, start with chapter 4 of the book, particularly page 67 onwards (but as much of the background material as you think you could use)
10:21.33InformatiQmarc7: no problem i just needed you to pint me to the right section of info
10:21.58marc7you can connect two asterisk servers together with SIP or IAX
10:22.40marc7as a result, you'll need to make changes in sip.conf or iax.conf in your asterisk configuration directory
10:22.52marc7you'll then also need to make changes to your dialplan so you can actually initiate calls
10:23.04kaldemaror whatever other protocol asterisk and your setup happens to support, really.
10:23.25marc7right, I'm just trying to stick to the easy ones.
10:23.34marc7if you can find any of what I'm talking about in the asterisknow GUI, you can try adding filling out those pages and saving the changes
10:23.42InformatiQi am a bit familiar with the dialplan thing and i have used it to use service providers
10:23.48marc7then, poke around in your asterisk configuration directory and see what's changed
10:23.53InformatiQi'll be using IAX
10:26.16marc7based on where calls will be going to/from, you may want to familiarize yourself with the notion of users and peers
10:27.14marc7oh, maybe not.
10:27.39marc7i'm dating myself, apparently that's not a big deal anymore. carry on.
11:08.54dominic1whe will the first 1.6 release marked as stable?
11:10.02pputmandominic1, i'm not sure anyone would be able to give you a specific date on that, because I doubt anyone knows for sure.
11:10.41marc7does the dev team do release candidates?
11:11.33marc7that'd be the only hint you'd have that it's nearing completion...
11:12.03loompeki've got a practical question...
11:12.46loompekin case i have a tcpdump file with sip&rtp and everything... would it be possible for me to dump the rtp ringback tone in a file and use it?
11:13.04loompeki tried it with wireshark.. but it seems i don't use the correct codec or something...
11:14.39loompekso alaw
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11:30.08teletouchhi, is there any way to catch digit presses during music on hold?
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12:12.49artz22hi everybody
12:13.19artz22i was wondering, can I force asterisk to translate dtmf signals from a SIP phone to dtmf sounds on the other side?
12:16.29kaldemarif one phone is using rfc2833 and the other doesn't support it, you can set dtmfmode=auto and asterisk should send them inband to the other phone.
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12:20.52artz22kaldemar: that would be inside a config file right?
12:21.29artz22sip.conf I see
12:22.10kaldemaryes. no guarantees if it will work but i'd give it a try.
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12:23.42artz22it doesn't work so far.. i'm still trying
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12:25.32kaldemarexplicit definition for the clients could also be worth trying. dtmfmode=inband in the client context for the one that doesn't support rfc2833 and dtmfmode=rfc2833 for the one that does.
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12:31.46artz22kaldemar: thanks, it's already done.. I was developing a channel driver and i wanted asterisk to generate the digits on my channel, I just return -1 in digit_end and digit_begin
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12:34.40jaytee[TK]D-Fender, good morning
12:34.54[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: mornin'
12:35.17[TK]D-Fenderartz22: What are you interfacing?
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12:36.51ManxPowerwhat kind of tinker-toy phone does not support RFC2833?
12:37.01artz22[TK]D-Fender: it's a custom usb-phone, a prototype
12:37.21artz22it has a soundcard-like audio interface and a control one to handle ring and such
12:37.34[TK]D-Fenderartz22: And you want this USB phone to plug directly to your * SERVER?
12:37.50artz22that's the idea, what would be wrong?
12:38.18[TK]D-Fenderartz22: Only useful for 1 person in the office and thats assuming the server is sitting right next to them.... kinda crazy.
12:38.35artz22no, what I mean is that it can provide a line to asterisk
12:38.48[TK]D-Fenderartz22: Your usual business has their servers in a rack far away from users.
12:38.57artz22yes, I know.
12:39.02ManxPower"Thank you for buying SumoATA, bucking the trend in lightweight ATAs since 2008!"
12:39.23[TK]D-Fenderartz22: Ok, so if its plugged into a PC, what is the PC doing in the equation?
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12:39.29ManxPowerartz22: a USB phone cannot provide a line to Asterisk.
12:39.46[TK]D-Fenderartz22: because there are plenty of USB phones out there which interface with soft-phones.
12:40.00jboti guess fxofxs is An FXO port (red Digium module) expects to receive dialtone and receive ring voltage. You can connect it to a PSTN line from the telco. An FXS port (green Digium module) expects to provide dialtone and provide ring voltage. You can connect a phone or a fax to it.
12:40.05[TK]D-Fenderartz22: and do be very careful on your use of the term "line"
12:40.18artz22yes, that's right
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12:41.37ManxPowerEveryone knows a line is something you inhale thru a straw.
12:41.46[TK]D-Fenderartz22: So can you describe how your phone and the connected PC talk to * that requires you to write a channel driver?
12:42.06[TK]D-FenderManxPower: .... Snorting lines os snow... on a 1 hor.... oh nevermind...
12:42.24[TK]D-Fendergoes back to caroling
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12:43.24tzafrir_laptopManxPower, a USB phone connected to the system running Asteisk will work fine with chan_{oss,alsa,console}
12:44.07ManxPowertzafrir_laptop: yeah, but it doesn't provide a FXO to Asterisk
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12:45.42artz22[TK]D-Fender: it's a FXO which linux detects in part as a soundcard and it also creates a /dev device to control on/off hook and ringing. dtmf detection too
12:46.13artz22so now I have a channel driver based on chan_phone and chan_oss which receives the calls
12:46.27[TK]D-Fenderartz22: Ok, so its a USB FXO to plug directly into your * server.  Please don't use the term "USB phone".  It is not a phone, it is a line interface.
12:46.51[TK]D-Fenderartz22: And what you might want to consider is making your driver a front end to zaptel instead.
12:47.16artz22[TK]D-Fender: yes, you're right
12:47.19[TK]D-Fenderartz22: this way you don't have to add core code to *.
12:47.37ManxPowerThe only USB device that I have any respect for with regards to Asterisk is the Astribank.
12:47.49[TK]D-Fenderartz22: Why invent a new channel interface when we already deal with analog FXO channels.
12:48.01[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Yup, Astribank does all this already...
12:52.03artz22artz22: it's just another way to do it, since I"m getting started with usb
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12:54.07[TK]D-Fenderartz22: Keep scalability in mind.  Who wants a new channel driver module to handle jsut 1 device?
12:54.31artz22yes, it's expandable to 4 probably.. still don't know
12:54.37artz22or maybe more
12:54.45artz22so far it's just a test
12:55.04[TK]D-Fenderartz22: that single device being yours.
12:56.16*** join/#asterisk UnixDog (
12:56.48[TK]D-Fenderartz22: Heck, you've be better off simulating a network interface and talking SIP to *.
12:57.31x86TK and his SIP....
12:58.08artz22[TK]D-Fender: what do you mean with '*' ?
12:58.18[TK]D-Fenderartz22: ... what channel are you in?
12:58.27artz22ohh hehe
12:58.33artz22too much abbreviation
12:58.34x86nub ;)
12:59.20*** join/#asterisk bigdc (
12:59.39[TK]D-Fenderartz22: Fine... I insist that you cal it a "Universal Serial Bus Foreign eXchange Office interface" in FULL from now on!
13:00.02artz22nice name!
13:00.13artz22and nice initials :P
13:01.08x86UFxO is a better name ;)
13:01.26[TK]D-Fendersends x86 into orbit
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13:25.24hsv-alhello fellow internet addicts
13:25.30hsv-alare we looking forward to another long & glorious day of irc? :)
13:25.57ManxPowerhsv-al: I'm still in therapy from the last long and glorious day of IRC
13:26.31hsv-algot up at 4:03 this morning, ran 5 miles, came back showered, bought 3 bottles of sugar free red bull, large coffee, and a banana
13:26.40hsv-aland now im "fueled" for another day of internet addiction
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13:29.05mercestesHey, anyone got some time to help me troubleshoot a zaptel issue real quick?  I have a red alarm and the provider says that they are showing all my channels as "locked."  I show sending a yellow alarm, and I've restarted zaptel a few times, but they are still "locked."   Unfortunately I do not know where to get more specific information
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13:30.55falco_toadfootis there any way to control the iax2 packet sizes (frame size) ?
13:31.55falco_toadfootright now all packets are reported to be 56 bytes total (iptraf)
13:34.30mercestesno love for me?  :(
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13:39.27s0ckanyone understand fxorxgain/tx ?
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13:48.35remycoutureis there a software you would recommend to tunnel iax2 over tcp ?
13:48.51Sargun_screenremycouture: that's a bad idea, but openvpn.
13:48.53mercestesremycouture, openvpn
13:49.03Sargun_screenfalco_toadfoot: licensing?
13:49.11remycoutureallright guys thank you
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13:52.29tzafrir_laptopfalco_toadfoot, any idea if the RTP packetization control applies to IAX2 as well?
13:53.03russellbthey do not.
13:53.17russellbsince ... IAX2 doesn't use RTP ...
13:53.57tzafrir_laptopOK. I always had the thout of IAX2 "embedding" RTP streams
13:56.37mercestesany love for my issue?
13:59.05mercestesgot locked PRI channels on an E1.  Resetting zaptel had no effect.
13:59.20russellbmercestes: what card?
13:59.29[TK]D-Fendermercestes: pastebi everything.... you should know better...
13:59.31russellbregardless of the answer, why don't you contact your vendor for support
14:00.21russellbunless you got your card from one of the companies that will say it's a "software issue", and do not support both the hardware and software you use
14:00.23russellbthat would be a shame.
14:00.37mercestesI did, vendor said the channels are locked
14:00.55russellbthat's a shame.
14:01.03russellbgoes back to work
14:02.48viperdudehi guys, do you know of anyway of doing a ENUM lookup on a port other than 53?
14:02.50mercestesYea, zaptel restart didn't "unlock" the channels
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14:03.25russellbviperdude: set up a DNS server to listen on a port other than 53 i guess
14:03.42russellbbut i don't think you can configure asterisk that way
14:03.48russellbto connect via a different port
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14:03.57viperduderussellb: no i want to query a DNS that is listening on a port other than 53
14:04.52russellbviperdude: gotcha ... don't think we have an option for that
14:05.26viperdudex-connect want me to use port 9053
14:05.32ManxPowerAsterisk does not connect to DNS using port 53 or any port.  The DNS resolving library (libresolv?) and the OS do that.
14:05.59viperdudeManxPower: so how do i get the resolver to use another port?
14:06.23russellbManxPower: touche!!!
14:06.28ManxPowerviperdude: heck if I know.  I doubt you can.  But regardless it's really a DNS/resolver/OS issue, not an Asterisk issue.
14:06.35russellbi obviously should have known that
14:06.38russellbstupid ... mornings ...
14:06.59ManxPowerYou could, of course, use iptables/ipchains to change the destination port number, then you don't have to screw with everything else.
14:07.00*** join/#asterisk ^shark_ (n=^shark_@
14:07.01Sargun_screenManxPower: I though libc resolvs
14:07.11ManxPowerrussellb: you correct me all the time, don't feel bad.
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14:07.23ManxPowerSargun_screen: it could, hence the ? at the end of the libname I have.
14:07.32viperdudeManxPower: ok thanks for the hint
14:07.54ManxPowerviperdude: unlike SIP/RTP/etc, DNS does not do weird stuff that breaks NAT, etc.
14:08.00russellbManxPower: thanks :)
14:08.13russellbSIP </3
14:08.22russellban IETF disaster
14:08.35ManxPowerMost of my consulting income does not come from Asterisk, it comes from network/WAN/router consulting.
14:09.08*** join/#asterisk tapic (n=tap@
14:09.19mercestes[TK]D-Fender, You get pastebin?
14:09.29coppiceDNS has plenty of dumbness. Upper and lower case being equivalent should have resulted in the death penalty
14:09.29Sargun_screenrussellb: true that, IAX FTW!
14:09.38russellbIAX2 <3
14:09.40*** join/#asterisk moy (n=moyhu@nat/ibm/x-1253d3475695bc0f)
14:09.40Sargun_screenNetwork consulting if fun.
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14:09.50Sargun_screenDNS does have plenty of issues, but less than SIP
14:09.52ManxPowerviperdude: you could also set up a local DNS server on the Asterisk server.  named allows you to control the source port of the query, at least, I would assume it would allow you to control the destination port as well.
14:10.21[TK]D-Fendermercestes: Yes, and see that you didn't bother showing your configs, proc/interrupts, telling us the model of card you're using, or pretty much anything useful at all.
14:11.01*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (
14:12.21coppiceSIP a dee doo dah
14:12.23coppiceSIP a dee yah!
14:13.03mercestes  updated pastebin
14:13.15tapichi all, my company operates a big IVR system on asterisk and we are trying to restructure our asterisk platform using socket server and I need some consultancy about setups, is this the right place to ask such questions or could you please direct me to the right directions? thx
14:13.35mercestesit is a wildcard TE1222
14:13.39mercestes* TE122
14:13.55^shark_ok -- i have an analog phone with an rj11 port & i am wondering what i shld use to connect it to my asterisk box
14:14.11*** part/#asterisk mintee (n=mintone@
14:15.44^shark_i want a shared connection to my fxs port for the analog phones.
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14:15.56^shark_wat sort of hardware do  need for this?
14:18.04tapicwe have installed asterisk-now and directed all calls to a socket server ( c#) and I am testing the system using sipp and when I have about 20 or more concurrent connections and I dial the line from my desk, the call waits for long times until the test wav file is played.
14:18.28[TK]D-Fender^shark_: Linsys SPA-2102 or PAP2
14:19.58tapicany similar experiences with asterisk & external socket server?
14:20.12*** join/#asterisk hwt (
14:20.32[TK]D-Fendertapic: What is a "socket server"?  This is a very generic sounding term, perhaps you should clarify this a bit...
14:20.33hwthey. does asterisk support the REFER method? all i get now is the 603 Declined (no dialog).
14:20.51hwtif anyone can point me in the direction of docs, it would be highly appreciated.
14:22.19russellbhwt: what asterisk version
14:22.32tapicI actually mean a seperate computer on the network running windows OS and a .NET application which uses API and communicates with asterisk using TCP sockets.
14:22.40russellbhwt: 1.2 _might_ not support it ... 1.4 absolutely does
14:22.59hwtrussellb: 1.2.
14:23.17russellba lot of SIP transfer work went into 1.4.
14:23.18hwtrussellb: 1.2.14 that is
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14:23.34russellbat least try the latest version of 1.2 :)
14:23.43[TK]D-Fendertapic: .. " API"?  Huh?
14:24.03^shark_[TK]D-Fender: i guess if i go with the SPA-2102 i connect it to a LAN switch and the rest of the analog phones connect to it, isnt it?
14:24.06russellbhwt: 64 changes to chan_sip in 1.4 since that version
14:24.13hwtrussellb: yeah.. but this is on a prod box.
14:24.20[TK]D-Fender^shark_: Yes
14:24.37hwtbasically what i want is that when it gets a REFER, generate an INVITE to the Refer-To value.
14:24.55[TK]D-Fendertapic: Next time, just say its an AGI.
14:25.09russellbif only the code could modify itself while running.
14:25.21[TK]D-Fendertapic: Usually its not that bad, so I'd question your windows side for speed issues
14:25.47[TK]D-Fenderrussellb: remember  You don't want that happening AGAIN, do you?
14:25.58russellbno, i don't :(
14:26.26russellb(want that to happen again, that is)
14:26.29[TK]D-Fendersends back in time to kill russellb's inner child.
14:27.07ManxPowerhwt: It sounds like you need a SIP proxy.
14:27.32hwtManxPower: we have that, but i am trying to work around a problem on our SS7 gw.
14:27.34tapicok its an AGI:) I am new to the world of asterisk, thanks for guidance. Is there any limit or configuration for external socket connections on the asterisk side?
14:27.48ManxPowerhwt: What SIP proxy are you using?
14:29.20[TK]D-Fendertapic: AGI can load a system down, how many simultaneous channels?  What server hardware?
14:32.53hwtManxPower: SER
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14:33.48ManxPowerhwt: SER should easily be able to do the custom modifications to the SIP packets/transaction.  I strongly doubt Asterisk can do it without significant coding on your part.
14:35.47*** join/#asterisk peterpen (n=fantasti@
14:36.03peterpenLo, I'm trying to follow the guide at
14:36.16peterpen(Auto dial out by putting call files in /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing)
14:36.44peterpenI put my file in and it seems to get deleted straight away, the call isn't made and I've got 'asterisk -vvvvr' running and it doesn't react when I copy it in
14:36.50peterpenAny ideas where I might be going wrong?
14:37.17tapichardware is p4 2.4 1gb ram, when I send over 20 concurrent SIP calls I starts to make following calls wait
14:38.13tapicno such case when used with an AGI file on the server.
14:38.25ManxPowerpeterpen: /path/to/src/asterisk/doc/callfiles.txt was not helpful?
14:38.35tapicexten => _2005,1,AGI(agi://
14:39.42ManxPowerpeterpen: just don't tell anyone about the "doc" directory.  It's the best kept Asterisk secret.
14:40.00*** join/#asterisk nauticalthinker (
14:40.01[TK]D-Fendertapic: I am failing to understand why you are mixing SIP & AGI into this issue.
14:40.01tapicis the extension when I use the external application server
14:40.52peterpenManxPower, I won't :P
14:40.57tapicI am using AGI and test it with SIP calls using SIPP
14:41.37ManxPowerpeterpen: also you should create the .call files in a different directory on the SAME partition, then mv the file, that way there is no race condition that might cause Asterisk to delete a partially created .call file because it thinks it's a corrupted file.
14:41.55tapicexten => _2003,1,AGI(agi-test.agi) is the extension when I use an internal agi file.
14:41.55peterpenah ok
14:42.18ManxPowertapic: What is your QUESTION?
14:42.42peterpenManxPower, no that didn't help - I'll keep reading the doc for things I might have missed, but to be honest I've read alot of this paraphrased on voip-info
14:43.02ManxPowerpeterpen: voip-info is full of wrong information
14:43.16[TK]D-Fenderpeterpen: You might want to consider using an AMI Originate instead of call-files.
14:43.32peterpenprobably but I've been asked to get call files to work
14:43.47peterpenAMI Originate is easier I know, I wrote an operators panel in java and a CTI client built in :P
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14:44.09[TK]D-Fenderpeterpen: Either way, ManxPower has told you what you should do to deal with *'s locking quirks
14:44.41peterpenwell I tried it, but to no avail - ignore me for a bit while I read up a little more
14:44.48ManxPowerpeterpen: if you want to create a file to be processed in the future, set the timestamp of the file to the future.
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14:44.53tapicmy question is that if there is a configuration in asterisk for the maximum number of connections with an AGI
14:44.58peterpenManxPower, yes I know that
14:45.11seanbrighttapic: not that i am aware of.
14:45.27ManxPowertapic: you would have to check the source code to be sure, but I don't think there is.
14:45.44ManxPowerThere is, of course, an OS limit of about 65,000 sockets
14:45.45seanbrighttapic: the limit on the number of open files
14:46.02ManxPowerThen there is the OS enforced limit for open files (sockets are files) using ulimit
14:46.37seanbrightif you need more than 2^16 agi calls, you might need a second box
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14:48.02tapicthank you for your comments, I am experiencing a huge performance difference between the two extensions I have mentioned above
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14:49.06Greek-BoyRe Astricon, is everyone excited yet? :)
14:49.08ManxPowertapic: AGI does fork/exec every time it is called, whereas FastAGI does not have to.
14:52.42seanbrighttapic: FastAGI is the way to go when you have high volume
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15:07.35eric2is there a way to turn down the volume of the music on hold?
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15:13.54tapicyes I was thinking this way, but experience a kind of bottleneck with fastagi and can not find out why..
15:14.58tapicsuspect that the underlying .net library (which handles the socket connections with asterisk) has some issues
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15:22.32l0verb0yhey does anyone know the format of caller id in a call file?
15:23.07pputman-callerid:3843838343 ?
15:23.17l0verb0ywhat about for leaving a name with the caller id?
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15:23.26pputman-not sure
15:23.37russellbit's documented in the sample call file ...
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15:28.18nauticalthinkerwhat is the best approach to providing asterisk load balacing on multiple servers?
15:29.27ar3damhi there, some can guideme how to make call across the fxo?
15:29.31nauticalthinkerI've not tried openser... is it pretty simple as far as configuration
15:29.55_ShrikEnauticalthinker: its not that bad.
15:29.56ar3dami ve installed, and running, because, i cant find what is the problem.
15:30.10nauticalthinkerokay...I'll check it out...thanks for the tip
15:31.58BCS-SatoriI have several systems that experience a delay on audio files, for example when users check their voicemail, they here "comedian mail, mailbox?" where 95% of the time "comedian mail" is distorted or only half spoken.  It appears to happen on xlite, linksys, and polycom phones.  Any idea?
15:32.56*** join/#asterisk ScarEye (n=scareye@
15:33.25*** join/#asterisk r0land (n=roland@
15:33.28r0landhello all :)
15:33.32r0landhi [TK]D-Fender
15:33.50r0landi was wondering if some1 could help me to add an option to my incoming operator menu
15:34.21r0landcurrently, when some1 calls in, he gets a recorded msg asking for him to punch in an extension or dial 100 for operator assistance
15:34.55r0landwht i want is to add 2 other things, firstly, if in a period of time the person didnt punch in an extension i want him to b directed atomaticly to the operator
15:35.11r0land2ndly, to add an option of lets say, press 2 to listen to availabe extensions
15:36.09r0landthis is my current extensions.conf
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15:39.43BCS-Satorir0land: This is what I made for my attendant, take a look. It should help you.
15:40.18r0landBCS-Satori lemme see jus a sec
15:40.56Schreiber1337Anyone upgrade from Ubuntu 6.10 to 8.04 recently, any problems with Asterisk after the upgrade?
15:41.54BCS-Satorir0land: exten = s,n,WaitExten(15)
15:42.29r0landBCS-Satori tht would wait asterisk wait for 15 seconds to accept the digits entered
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15:42.39BCS-Satorir0land: That is my period of 15 seconds of no response. to get sent to the next step of a ringroup
15:42.50r0landthough i want something to b added right after this, that if the caller didnt punch in any digit to direct him to say 100
15:43.41BCS-Satorir0land: so the WaitExten(15) followed by a Dial(SIP/100) ,if you are using SIP
15:43.52r0landexten => _100,1,Dial(SIP/100,15)
15:44.07r0landBCS-Satori would this do! exten => _100,1,Dial(SIP/100,15)
15:44.22ThoMeI would like over a other server dial
15:44.30ThoMeswitch => IAX2/systemimpuls/eingehend <<is this correct?
15:44.43ThoMebut the other server dial my calling number from server1
15:44.56ThoMehow i can set my dialnummer, which I want
15:45.14BCS-Satorir0land: that would work as long as your attendant is operating udner _100
15:45.24r0landBCS-Satori ya she is
15:46.00BCS-Satorir0land: not from your paste it isnt.
15:46.30r0landBCS-Satori 201 is my sipura PSTN extension
15:46.55r0landBCS-Satori tht means if some1 called, sipura directs the phone to extension 201 to asterisk
15:47.01BCS-Satorir0land: exten => 201,4,WaitExten(8) exten => 201,5,Dial(SIP/100,15)
15:47.19r0landhmm ok
15:47.20r0landthanks :)
15:47.21BCS-Satorir0land: correct and you are making 201 act as the attendant
15:47.27r0landah ok ok
15:47.41r0landsorry i guess i missunderstood the attendant issue i thought it would b the actual operator
15:48.15r0landBCS-Satori ok so wht about a 2nd option in the menu
15:48.57r0landlike while playing the msg "welcome in .... if u know the extension of ther person u are calling dial it now or press 2 for available extensions"
15:49.00*** join/#asterisk markgreene (n=markgree@
15:49.13r0landhow can i tell asterisk tht if some1 pressed "2" to play him a certain msg
15:49.59russellbset up custom features in features.conf
15:50.28BCS-Satorir0land: look at my example, for Sales, 1,1 the first 1 means thats what they entered, for tech support 2,1 means they hit 2 and so on
15:50.38markgreeneHey guys. Quick question. I want to set the outgoing callerID depending on what extension is making the call. For me it seems I am have a misunderstanding of how to use variables. I was trying something like, exten => _1XXXXXXXXXX,1,SET(CALLERID(all) = ${OUT_CID${CALLERID(num)}})
15:50.46r0landok got it
15:50.48r0landthank you BCS-Satori
15:50.51BCS-Satorir0land: its all under the same [header]
15:50.51r0landBCS-Satori appreciate it
15:50.59r0landBCS-Satori yep saw it thank you
15:51.05BCS-Satorir0land: no problem
15:51.08markgreeneWhere I have variables set above it along the lines of OUT_CID0449 = Mark Greene <12051234567>
15:51.38*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (n=arodgers@
15:51.53markgreeneBut I can't seem to pull the OUT_CID0449 variable. I tried to output it with a NoOp statement and it's blank...
15:53.45badcfeon a sip channel, does asterisk _always_ send a 100 Trying when receiving a INVITE request?
15:56.12russellblooks like it
15:57.35markgreeneCan someone tell me if i am allowed to set a variable just by doing something like "INT_CID0449 = Mark Greene <1234567891>" ?
16:01.49*** join/#asterisk Corazu (
16:01.59CorazuHi chan
16:02.34CorazuI'm having some problems getting a card to work.
16:02.42russellbwhat card?
16:03.36CorazuTDM400 (I think..let me check the exact model) - but I'm getting a zt_chanconfig no such device or address )6) error..and the searches I've done on it don't seem to give me any information to help me
16:03.48russellbplease contact digium technical support
16:03.54russellbthey provide free installation assistance
16:04.08CorazuAlright thanks
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16:05.23[TK]D-Fendermarkgreene: exten => _1XXXXXXXXXX,1,SET(CALLERID(all) = ${EVAL(${OUT_CID${CALLERID(num)}})})
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16:08.20s0ckhow do i tweak gain on a tdm/aex card?
16:08.35s0ckit sounds too quiet outbound, so i guess txgain
16:08.40Stroms0ck: rxgain and txgain in zapata.conf
16:09.08s0ckStrom: ya, but what values do what? i cant find a guide to tweaking it
16:09.49pputman-s0ck, it's in decibels, but I would generally up it to anywhere between 1-5 and see if that improves
16:10.27s0ckis 5 max?
16:10.43s0ckwhat do minus values achieve? :s
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16:10.53outtolunc= putting a sock in it <G>
16:10.56pputman-no 100 is max but after a certain amount you start causing more problems like echo.  and the minus values lower it...
16:11.32markgreene[TK]D-Fender, EVAL function is not working for me.
16:11.41pputman-s0ck, actually scratch that, i dont know if the max is 100 or not
16:11.46[TK]D-Fendermarkgreene: pastebin your new dialplan and the CLI output.
16:11.47markgreene[TK]D-Fender, I am getting the same results. A blank string
16:12.00Stroms0ck: ideally, you'll adjust the gains in conjunction with a milliwatt test to measure and compensate for the exact attenuation on your circuit
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16:12.15deeperrorhave a queue, agent answers phone and is talking with caller.  I would like for the agent to have the ability to press #0 and Playback the called id...any clues?
16:12.53pputman-Strom, only you have the equipment laying around in your home to do such a thing though :P
16:13.06Stromno I don't
16:13.14Strommilliwatt test is located at the telco
16:13.22Stromyou just need to know the number
16:13.35Qwellwhy is that number so difficult to get?
16:13.53Stromis it?  I just use the telco's CLEC site
16:14.02Qwellin some localities
16:14.15Strom*shrug* telcos have a tradition of secrecy?
16:14.20Qwellspeaking of random numbers...
16:14.25QwellStrom: is popcorn now dead?
16:14.58QwellI know they officially stopped supporting it, but is it gone now?
16:15.12s0ckso what is the option for me who has no special equipment
16:15.17s0ckmess around until it sounds right? ;/
16:15.25StromQwell: well, popcorn was the northern california number
16:15.36Stromin southern california, it was 853-1212
16:15.42Strombut...yeah, it's gone
16:15.58Stromoh well
16:17.40pputman-s0ck, pretty much
16:17.41StromQwell: did I show you my photos from yesterday morning?
16:17.50Qwellshould I be scared?
16:18.01StromI don't know
16:18.04s0ckisn't there some debug output for checking gain levels...
16:18.05Stromdo weddings terrify you? :)
16:18.35Qwellif it was your wedding...maybe
16:18.46s0ckpputman: can you elaborate? :)
16:19.50ThoMehm, is it not posible? exten => _X.,n,${nummer}@eingehend
16:19.55ThoMehave: Jun 18 18:19:11 WARNING[16846]: pbx.c:1720 pbx_extension_helper: No application '${nummer}@eingehend' for extension (freeline, 3866767, 6)
16:19.58dandreI have a problem with one phone and conference : the user that enter the meetme room is announced twice. How could I fix it?
16:19.58ThoMenummer =  number
16:20.02ThoMeeingehend = incomming
16:20.17[TK]D-FenderThoMe: and no APPLICATION <---
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16:20.43ThoMe[TK]D-Fender: hm. i dont know what you mean. :-(
16:20.43[TK]D-FenderThoMe: You don't jsut shove some kind of number there, you call an APPLICATIOn to do something.  To place a call does DIAL ring a bell?
16:20.53ThoMei need
16:20.57ThoMeDIAL(nummer@bla) ?
16:20.59[TK]D-FenderDIAL <--
16:21.05pputman-s0ck, I dunno, I usually set it to 5 and see if it sounds better.  if it needs to go higher I up it, lower I lower it....
16:21.12[TK]D-FenderThoMe: Go read the book, you seem to have completely regressed
16:22.06ThoMe[TK]D-Fender: hm. I would like only jump to "eingehend" with my insert number.
16:22.10markgreene[TK]D-Fender, here is my pastebin output.
16:22.18deeperrorwhen an extension is dialed from a queue is there a way to prevent dtmf from being heard by the caller when the callee is pressing to execute a feature?
16:22.40[TK]D-FenderThoMe: you don't "jump" anywhere.  this is no way to link servers together, and you need to reference a technology.
16:23.26s0ckpputman: alreet
16:23.30harryvis there a variable specifying the sound lib?
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16:23.35[tasty]freezeI have been looking for a while now, but I cannot seem to find any information on how to dial multiple extension at once, for say incoming calls; the only thing I can find are tutorials using FreePBX etc, and I want to learn to do it by hand.  Any help?
16:23.44s0cki guess i would do something like this...
16:23.54ThoMe[TK]D-Fender: is it posible? exten => _X.,n,DIAL(eingehend/${nummer})
16:24.00Strom[tasty]freeze: Dial(SIP/100&SIP101&SIP/102)
16:24.02Strometc etc etc
16:24.04s0ckinstall wctdm24xxp /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install wctdm24xxp opermode=UK fxotxgain=5.0 && /sbin/ztcfg
16:24.06s0ckwhat ya reckon?
16:24.14[tasty]freezeStrom: Thank you!
16:24.15errrthe sound quality on my pri just went to hell in a hand basket. I have a sangoma a101d. What can I do to rule out the sangoma card as being the problem?
16:24.18Qwells0ck: set the gains in the config
16:24.28[TK]D-Fendermarkgreene: ...
16:24.32*** join/#asterisk Schreiber1337 (
16:24.33s0ckQwell: it's done in software then...
16:24.33[TK]D-Fendermarkgreene:     -- Executing [8500@office:1] NoOp("SIP/0229-09740ff8", "CID is 0229") in new stack
16:24.41[TK]D-Fendermarkgreene: You don't HAVE a variable for that CID!
16:24.43anonymouz666Strom: oh my... I shouldn't click on that link
16:24.49Stromanonymouz666: ?
16:25.23s0ckpputman: would you try increments of 5?
16:25.32[TK]D-Fendermarkgreene:   == Setting global variable 'OUT_CID0449' to 'Mark Greene <2051234567>'   == Setting global variable 'OUT_CID8994' to 'Party-Extras <18661234567>'
16:25.36Qwells0ck: 1-2 at best
16:25.39[TK]D-Fendermarkgreene: no 0229!
16:25.46Qwellit can also take a decimal
16:25.56Qwell(though, more/less than .5 isn't useful)
16:26.15*** join/#asterisk john_fbac (
16:26.40dandreI have a problem with one phone and conference : the user that enter the meetme room is announced twice. How could I fix it?
16:26.52[TK]D-Fenderdandre: SHOW US
16:27.34deeperrorwhen an extension is dialed from a queue is there a way to prevent dtmf from being heard by the caller when the callee is pressing to execute a feature?
16:29.06ManxPowerdeeperror: that should be the default
16:29.23ManxPowerunless you did something silly like configure the phone for inband dtmf and Asterisk for rfc2833 drmf.
16:29.30*** part/#asterisk dominic1 (n=dob@
16:29.45markgreene[TK]D-Fender, HA! Wow. One of those things that you need a second pair of eyes for. Thanks so much
16:29.51deeperrorManxPower, the phone is analog
16:30.05[TK]D-Fendermarkgreene: Another reason to always pastebin EVERYTHING.
16:30.06deeperrorManxPower, but i hear short blips on the caller side
16:30.07ManxPowerdeeperror: connected to a TDM4xxP?
16:30.24deeperrorManxPower, A104
16:30.32[TK]D-Fendermarkgreene: People tend to say "But I did everything right, and it doesn't work...".  Sort answer = BULLSHIT :p
16:30.47harryvi'm writing some agi-stuff that executes a Record() -- i need to check if the file exists afterwards, but then i need to know where asterisk sounds is located. default is /var/lib/asterisk/sounds -- but i suppose you can change that compilation time or something. can't i extract which dir is used?
16:30.55ManxPowerAh, so you are only hearing blips, not the full DTMF.  tones.  I doubt there is much you can do about that.
16:31.23ManxPowerharryv: Record(/path/where/you/want/files/soundfile.wav)
16:31.38deeperrorManxPower, correct...but wouldn't asterisk be involved in shortening this?  as if caller dials dtmf i hear the full tones
16:31.51harryvManxPower: sure, but if the user chooses to do it relative to asterisk sound path ..
16:32.11ManxPowerOK, do you hear full tones or blips?
16:32.22[TK]D-Fenderdandre: you hear it twice because you hear the same announcement everyone else hear about your entering the conference.
16:32.22ManxPower(11:30:06 AM) deeperror: ManxPower, but i hear short blips on the caller side
16:32.32ManxPowerThere is a big difference between a blip and a full DTMF tone.
16:32.45deeperrorManxPower, caller hears blips when callee presses buttons,   callee hears full tones when caller presses buttons
16:33.04[TK]D-Fenderdandre: this is not a bug.  If you didn't announce your callers, it would jsut thank you privately, and then have you enter.
16:33.10Stromdeeperror: "called party" and "calling party" -- not "callee" and "caller"
16:33.23ManxPowerdeeperror: don't say "caller" and "callee" as EITHER one could initate the transfer.  say transferer and transferee or something like that.
16:33.29[TK]D-Fenderharryv: asterisk.conf <- spool folder, under sounds.
16:33.43[TK]D-Fenderharryv: and you can set the precise file YOURSELF in Record.
16:33.44ManxPowerdeeperror: is there SIP involved anywhere in the call path?
16:33.45dandreNo the conf members hear the announcment twice
16:33.55deeperrorManxPower, sip termination
16:34.10[TK]D-Fenderdandre: they hear both?  That would be unusal.
16:34.23seanbrightwe need one of those
16:34.34[TK]D-Fenderseanbright: Go make it.
16:34.36ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I didn't see the announcement being played twice in dandre's pastebin.  Did I miss it?
16:34.42dandrethe members that are already in the conf
16:34.43*** join/#asterisk shinao1 (
16:35.04seanbright[TK]D-Fender: nah
16:35.08[TK]D-FenderManxPower: <- 21 /25.  He says people in the conf hear both.
16:35.21ManxPowerdeeperror: now, restate the problem using the terms transferer and transferee so I make sure I understand it correctly
16:35.21dandre    -- <Zap/pseudo-1524281664> Playing '/var/spool/asterisk/meetme/meetme-username-31-2' (language 'fr')
16:35.21dandreappears twice
16:35.37deeperrorbut there is no transfer occuring
16:35.40ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I see it now.
16:35.57ManxPowerdeeperror: then why are you pressing DTMF?
16:36.01deeperrori place a call to a number and this rings into a queue and an agent answers
16:36.26ManxPowerGolly, Beave, a foll description of the problem is helpful?
16:36.27deeperrorthe agent presses #9 to replay an id number of the call to them if it doesn't show up on cid
16:36.33dandrecan this be related to it?:
16:36.33dandre[Jun 18 18:29:07] NOTICE[22547]: app_meetme.c:1918 conf_run: Audio bytes: 160  Buffer size: 320
16:36.34*** part/#asterisk harryv (
16:36.36*** join/#asterisk anebi (
16:36.45anebi i want to ask how can i disable hardware support for asterisknow and asterisk
16:36.55anebibecause we use only sip
16:36.58deeperrorManxPower, which is setup in features.conf as an applicationmap
16:37.01UnixDogrm the card
16:37.03ManxPowerdeeperror: OK, so you have analog phone -> analog card/Asterisk -> Internet/SIP -> SIP provider -> PSTN?
16:37.04anebiand in the logs we get a lot of errors for zap and so on. i would like to disable these errors
16:37.13[TK]D-Fenderdandre: What ver of *?
16:37.37UnixDogwell zaptel is used for timing
16:37.50ManxPoweranebi: pastebin the errors
16:37.55deeperroranalog phone -> fxs bank -> t1 card -> asterisk -> sip provider
16:38.13ManxPowerdeeperror: and the SIP provider is running the Queue app?
16:38.19deeperrorasterisk is
16:38.33ManxPowerdeeperror: so SIP is not involved at all?
16:39.17ManxPowerIf one leg of the call is SIP then we trouble shoot in a totally different direction than if SIP is not involved.
16:39.29ManxPowerI have to get back to work.  Best of luck, deeperror
16:39.33deeperrorall inbound and outbound calls from my asterisk box are sip to our provider.   everything on the inside is analog
16:39.58ManxPowerdeeperror: Perhaps if you write up an e-mail and ask on the mailing list?
16:39.58deeperrorbut it's more the dtmf that is being heard over the line that asterisk is passing back to one leg of the call
16:40.06deeperrorManxPower, ok thanks for your time
16:40.46anebiactually they are warnings, but we would like to disable these modules, because we don't use them (hardware support)
16:40.53*** join/#asterisk km2 (
16:41.18dandre[TK]D-Fender: Asterisk
16:42.43[TK]D-Fenderdandre: might want to try upgrading...
16:43.12dandreok I'll try
16:43.46[TK]D-Fenderanebi: "noload [modulename]" in modules.conf
16:44.32anebi[TK]D-Fender: this way sip will work, but hardware support will be disable ?
16:44.37*** join/#asterisk guaxinim (n=guaxinim@unaffiliated/guaxinim)
16:44.50anebiaa, we disable with modulename
16:44.53*** part/#asterisk guaxinim (n=guaxinim@unaffiliated/guaxinim)
16:44.53anebiok, thanks
16:46.50dandreI have tried with another phone and add no announcement problem
16:50.42artz22I'm trying a sip phone and i hear a big latency, is it phone dependant only or can i modify some parameters in asterisk
16:52.00[TK]D-Fenderartz22: Its either the networking or the phone, not *
16:52.19[TK]D-Fenderartz22: I've noticed inexplicable lag with Ekiga in the past.
16:53.04artz22I imagined that.. latency is about 1 sec sometimes :S
16:57.42*** join/#asterisk javawizard2539 (
17:00.00*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
17:09.18ThoMe[TK]D-Fender: hm.
17:09.47ManxPowerSoftphones are what give VoIP a bad reputation
17:10.49Qwelland Vonage
17:10.55coppiceyeah, like it couldn't get a bad name without their help :-)
17:11.23tzangercoppice: do you do much fpga work?
17:11.48coppicenot these days
17:12.46tzangercoppice: what kinds of stuff did you do 'back in the day'
17:12.59coppiceDSP mostly
17:13.20coppiceand some TDM manipulation
17:15.08tzangerI'm looking at putting twenty-one independent tdm controllers (common clock though) on an fpga and implementing a basic crossbar switch (tdm controller x channel y tx/rx connected to tdm controller a channel b) type of thing
17:15.28tzangernot really fancy, just lots of bits flying around
17:16.38coppicethat sort of thing should work out really well with these cheap modern FPGAs
17:17.29tzangeryeah, I'm trying to figure out a nice way of getting it on a PCI card, but I think I might be out of room (physical) to get twenty of those tdm controller's signals "out" of the card
17:17.31*** join/#asterisk mort_gib (
17:18.01coppicewell, I hope you mean PCI-E, or its obsolete before it starts :-)
17:18.16tzangercoppice: yes
17:18.28tzangerPCIe has more bandwidth than I need but totally agreed
17:19.11MrNaztzanger how do you plan on getting that many line sockets on the outside of the PC ?
17:19.18tzangerMrNaz: that's the point
17:19.35MrNaz21 controllers can handle 84 lines, right?
17:19.36tzangerI am thinking a simple PC interface with one TDM port set going to an external board that has the other 20
17:19.48tzangerMrNaz: ?  I'm looking at 128 timeslots per TDM port
17:20.11MrNazwhy dont you just use digital circuits?
17:20.33MrNazor is this just a hobby
17:21.01tzangerMrNaz: I have to interface to legacy systems, and that requires timeslot manipulation anyway, so I'll let the FPGA handle most of that and map in 160 timeslots to the PC
17:21.06tzangerhard to describe
17:21.27coppicewhy 21? its an odd number
17:21.45tzangercoppice: 20 shelves on the legacy PBX, 1 to the PC
17:21.50[TK]D-Fendercoppice: You and your sill base-10! :p
17:22.15artz22[TK]D-Fender: could latency increase when talking from a sip phone to a fxo line (mine in this case, might be my fault )
17:22.33artz22I mean, is it normal, or should it be the same with a fxo line?
17:22.46[TK]D-Fenderartz22: I can't comment on your device.  try Echo in the dialplan and testing with something else.
17:22.51MrNaz[TK]D-Fender 21 makes sense if you lost 3 fingers in the war :P
17:23.03artz22[TK]D-Fender: thanks, that's useful
17:24.06coppicetzanger: so you want to build a TST switch to cross connect any of 21x128 circuits?
17:26.20tzangerMrNaz: each shelf has 32 timeslots, 20x32 = 640 voice channels total
17:26.53coppiceyou said 128 slots per port
17:26.55tzangercoppice: eventually, yes.  At this point though it'll just cross connect any of the 20 to any in the 1
17:27.39tzangercoppice: yes, there are 128 timeslots per shelf, but 32 of the 128 are payload, 16 are sync/command and the rest are shelf card configuration
17:27.51tzangeronhook/offhook and mapping state
17:28.19artz22[TK]D-Fender: echo does really fine with my channel, thanks! it might be the ulaw thing, don't know
17:28.25tzangeroh and the best part, coppice... only the payload timeslots are interleaved
17:28.28coppicestrange setup. most PBX backplanes look like an E1. event the american ones
17:28.47tzangerbut they're not interleaved in timeslots, they're interleaved 7 bits in the timeslot, and 1 bit in the next timeslot
17:28.51tzanger1970's chassis technology :-)
17:28.52*** join/#asterisk implicit (
17:29.19tzangercoppice: yes; basically it is E1-like, but the shelf controller takes the remaining timeslot data and derives card commands from it... it's a little weird
17:29.31coppicemost backplanes date from the 70s. its when everything went PCM
17:29.31tzangerI swear the guys who figure this out use alien technology
17:29.37*** join/#asterisk chandoo (
17:29.42tzangeryep, this is a nortel SL1 backplane
17:29.52tzangernortel's first TDM backplane, IIRC
17:29.58chandooneed help in configuring asterisk
17:30.09chandooi installed asterisk and asterisk-gui
17:30.21coppiceI thought the SL1 was like a pure E1. the DMS switches are. I did line card work for those
17:30.21tzangerI've spent hte last while getting the channels into tdmoe, but I'm having issues with tdmoe stablity
17:30.24russellbQwell: ~ask
17:30.29Qwellyeah, wrong bot
17:30.45tzangerit's not the network cards, I think it's the zaptel ztd-eth code or ztdynamic code
17:31.00tzangercoppice: they use "loops" I think to communicate between the buffer card and the main CPU
17:31.09tzangerbefore superloop and such
17:33.24*** join/#asterisk hohum (
17:33.28unpaidbillis there a recommended version of imap for use with asterisk 1.4 ?
17:33.34unpaidbillfor imap voicemail
17:34.12unpaidbilloh nm i found the doc
17:34.26chandoothis link is not working
17:35.01chandooi noticed asterisk has its own httpd server
17:35.08chandoohow to restart that server
17:35.24russellbchandoo: run "make checkconfig" from the asterisk-gui svn checkout
17:36.13chandoogot Good Luck at the end
17:37.02*** join/#asterisk grandpapadot (
17:37.05russellbi don't know if cfgadvanced exists anymore ...
17:37.15russellbcheck /var/lib/asterisk/static-http
17:37.18russellbi think that's the dir...
17:37.22grandpapadotHi all.  Is there a reliable way to check for the existence of a mailbox in extensions.conf?
17:37.27jayteechandoo, on Red Hat and CentOS distros type service httpd restart, not sure for debian distros
17:37.43grandpapadotdebian: /etc/init.d apache2 restart
17:37.43chandoojaytee: i use fedora9
17:37.44russellbgrandpapadot: *> core show application MailboxExists
17:38.03grandpapadotThanks, russelb.
17:38.07chandoojaytee: asterisk has its own httpd server i belive
17:38.11lmadsen'service httpd restart' is for apache
17:38.18lmadsennot the asterisk http server
17:38.25jayteeok, my mistake
17:38.40*** part/#asterisk grandpapadot (
17:38.55russellbchandoo: cfgbasic.html
17:39.53russellbor maybe it's home.html
17:39.55russellbi have no idea.
17:40.13chandoorussellb: i restarted http server
17:40.31chandoobut i didnt make any changes in httpd.conf of httpd server
17:40.48chandooall entries i did are in /etc/asterisk/httpd.conf
17:40.49Qwellwhere did make checkconfig say to go?
17:41.06chandoothe path i mentioned
17:41.43Qwelldefine "not working"
17:43.00chandooapache is working on my localhost
17:43.09chandooi can see fedora Test page
17:43.27russellbapache != asterisk http server
17:43.29chandoobut i cant see Asterisk link which it gave me during make checkconfig
17:43.51Qwellwhat does it say?
17:43.53chandoorussellb: that is what i am asking, how to start http server on asterisk
17:44.13chandooThe requested URL was not found on this server.
17:44.13chandooAsterisk Server
17:44.20*** part/#asterisk artz22 (n=artz@
17:44.20russellbthat means it _is_ working
17:44.23russellband that you have the wrong URL
17:44.23Qwellso then you aren't going to the right URL
17:44.31russellbtry cfgbasic.html instead of cfgadvanced
17:44.57chandootried both basic and advanced, both same error
17:45.10Qwellwhat is the *exact* URL that make checkconfig gives you?
17:45.24*** join/#asterisk fogo (n=fogo@
17:46.13chandoo[root@localhost ~]# netstat -na|grep 8088
17:46.13chandootcp        0      0    *                   LISTEN
17:47.17Qwellremove the asterisk
17:48.13*** part/#asterisk Deeewayne (n=Deeewayn@
17:49.35chandooQwell: same error
17:50.27russellbdid you ... install the GUI
17:50.40russellbls /var/lib/asterisk/static-http
17:51.02chandoorussellb: got SVN trunk and compiled
17:51.15Qwellhow did you install it?
17:51.34chandoo[root@localhost ~]# ls /var/lib/asterisk/static-http
17:51.34chandooajamdemo.html  astman.css  astman.js  config  docs  index.html  prototype.js
17:51.48chandoo./configure && make && make install
17:51.56chandoomake samples
17:52.04chandoomake checkconfig
17:52.46russellbpastebin "http show status" from the asterisk CLI
17:54.29*** join/#asterisk kannan (n=kannan@
17:54.33kannanhello all
17:54.55russellbchandoo: did you try what Qwell said earlier by removing "asterisk" from the URL?
17:55.37chandoooops i got it now
17:55.45chandooi was tirying for advanced
17:55.49Qwellso, by yes, you mean no
17:56.23chandoothanks for tip Qwell
17:56.30jbotfrom memory, tips is (Trillion Instructions Per Second) This is a rating of a REALLY FAST computer.  1 TIPS is 1,000,000,000 instructions per seccond
17:56.56russellbi was looking forward to something witty
17:57.40russellb~thwack Qwell
17:57.41jbotACTION bludgeons Qwell on the eblow with a Cisco Manual
17:57.59keith4what's an eblow?
17:58.04*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (n=Deeewayn@
17:58.04*** mode/#asterisk [+o Deeewayne] by ChanServ
17:58.04Qwelllooks out his window
17:58.06QwellI want a vehicle that tears up lawns...
17:58.23QwellI wouldn't ever have to mow again
17:58.43Qwellspeaking of..  anybody want to come mow my lawn?
17:59.15russellbfor $100
17:59.28QwellYou clearly haven't seen my yard.
18:02.07*** join/#asterisk frieze (
18:02.26chandooguyz what next
18:02.35chandooi am brand new here :-)
18:02.46chandoowith asterisk
18:03.55friezeokay, so the patch on does not appear to work with Anyone know if it works with 1.4.21? Or do I need an old version of asterisk-addons?
18:04.37hwthm, i am still having problems with REFERs: get 604 Delined (no dialog) back.
18:04.46hwtand i am struggeling to find docs.
18:06.13marc7just confirming that it isn't possible to add more than one e-mail address  in the user_email_address field of voicemail.conf (needing to send to three addresses in total, so I can't just use the e-mail and pager fields.
18:07.04*** join/#asterisk AlexTO (
18:07.45friezeanyone have experience using chan_mobile? I can't seem to build it for 1.4
18:08.14jetsmarc7: i always create departmental mailing groups for this need aka
18:08.24jetswhich is a group of all 3 sales people, etc.
18:08.33AlexTOThere is someone familiar sending using * to send SMS?
18:09.05[TK]D-FenderDeeewayne: ...
18:09.08jbotSo you just installed Asterisk now what?
18:09.38marc7jets: yep, that and invoking Voicemail(u101&102&103) are my two options.... the problem is that we're hosting asterisk for someone whose e-mail we don't manage, so I suppose I could ask them to create their own e-mail address.
18:11.50jets*nod* ya i know what you mean, although if you have a local MTA -- postfix, etc you could make a localhost alias
18:11.51hwtshould it be possible to do REFERs outside dialogs?
18:11.55jetsgroup@localhost and put them in your aliases
18:12.13*** join/#asterisk iratik (
18:12.16Deeewayne[TK]D-Fender: thanks!
18:14.17iratikI'm reading the asterisk bible ... and I can't figure out where it talks about how to carry out a command after a dial command ... I need the dialplan to execute a command after the one who is dialing and is making the call hangs up.   Its getting to priority 4 ... and apparently doesn't execute the System(curl command... but if i switch priorities 4,5.. then the curl command executes... but the file doesn't exist yet so thats pointless)
18:14.36kannancould anyone provide  recommendations for wireless SIP phones suited for use with Asterisk?
18:14.40iratikoh yeah:
18:14.46friezeanyone have chan_mobile running?
18:17.13iratikbasically ... how do i make something happen after dial?
18:17.46[TK]D-Fenderiratik: "core show application dial"
18:18.04[TK]D-Fenderiratik: and read up on your "Asterisk Standard Extensions" on the WIKI
18:18.55[TK]D-Fenderkannan: Most suck outright.  Hitachi's seem better than most, but YMMV.  If possible you're better off with a cordless phone + ATA, etc
18:19.28kannan[TK]D-Fender, thanks, (whats YMMV?)
18:19.44jjshoekannan the aastra dect phone is pretty nice, haven't tried snom's dect, I try to avoid s nom,
18:19.47seanbrightyour mileage may vary
18:19.50_ShrikEkannan: I have been using the Snom M3.  It's DECT and not that bad.
18:19.54kannanjjshoe , thanks
18:20.04seanbrightkannan: YMMV = your mileage may vary
18:20.10[TK]D-Fenderkannan: Other reviews just recently reported the M3 as crap.
18:20.45[TK]D-Fenderkannan: Do you NEED the phone handset itself to be WiFi?
18:21.46kannan[TK]D-Fender, yes thats what i was thinking, there is a company that wants to be totally wireless, they are dong an Aruba networks set up. They say the polycom models as too pricey, so i was looking at alternatives
18:22.13[TK]D-Fenderkannan: ... yuck.  This is not going to be easy / good..
18:22.18kannanthey'll probably accept a audiocdes fxs _ analog phones tho
18:22.25fogokannan: we've been using linksys WIP330s and they're not bad - sound quality is excellent
18:22.45kannanfogo, thats exactly what i been considering actually
18:23.13*** join/#asterisk M1s3ry (n=M1s3ry@
18:23.39kannan[TK]D-Fender, thanks, i'll surely pas on your advice
18:23.40fogokannan: they're easy to setup, and have auto-provisioning, but I haven't used it since we only have a handful of them
18:23.55[TK]D-Fenderkannan: Last serious warning : AVOID LINKSYS WIFI <----
18:24.09tzanger[TK]D-Fender: why?
18:24.11chandooi have this error when i run ekiga
18:24.14chandooYou will not be able to receive incoming SIP calls. Please check that no other program is already running on the port used by Ekiga.
18:24.16tzangermy linksys wrt54 is working ifne
18:24.25[TK]D-Fenderkannan: Above and beyond all else.  The WIP's = GARBAGE.  Thats personal experience and those of people whom I've warned and didn't listen.
18:24.26tzangeroh you mean wifi PHONES
18:24.36tzangerno way DECT or bust
18:25.00kannan[TK]D-Fender, thanksagain, lol , but i 'll take your advice, you always sorted out problems accurately so fay as I have seen
18:25.53kannanso its either a TDM card or audiocodes + analog phones  OR decent IP phones
18:26.33kannani myself was wondering how the totally wireless setup will funstion, i may be sitting there forever sorting out things i fear
18:27.03hwtbah. "REFER can be sent outside or inside of a dialog. Asterisk only accepts REFER inside of a dialog."
18:27.15hwtis this valid for 2.6 too?
18:27.23hwtuhm. 1.6
18:27.53[TK]D-Fenderkannan: this sums it up :
18:27.58jbot[~wifivoip] Wi-Fi (802.11a/b/g) VoIP phones on the market may possess any of the following drawbacks : poor battery life, limited range, lack of call features (many lack transfer, etc), poor or no NAT traversal, shoddy construction, etc. Because of this they are usually not recommended.  Some alternatives are : VoIP ATA + cordless, DECT w/ VoIP base, etc
18:28.35[TK]D-Fenderkannan: the idea isn't so bad, only the current product options VS their price.
18:28.52[TK]D-Fenderkannan: "acceptable" quality does not align with "acceptable price"
18:29.33kannan[TK]D-Fender, yes . the best things come with a price tag
18:29.49kannanwhat i said, if yoyu can buy Aruba , you can buy polycom
18:30.04[TK]D-Fenderkannan: Sometimes good things come in very competitive (Poloycom's lineup in North America for example)
18:30.56kannan[TK]D-Fender, hmm, perhaps becoz of all the real cheap Chinese makes, polycom look more expensive
18:32.47*** join/#asterisk francogwapito (n=chatzill@
18:33.20[TK]D-Fenderkannan: Compare to the Hitachi's for sense of range.
18:33.26francogwapitois there any way or any application i can use to record video call?
18:37.48*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
18:40.34*** join/#asterisk _MrSeb_ (n=SebaX@
18:40.34_MrSeb_Hi to all
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18:42.39_MrSeb_someone is able to explain to me because after 20 seconds the call hangup?
18:42.47neverbluecan someone recommend a decent IP phone ( under $200 )  ?
18:43.21hwtanyone with knowledge about asterisk + REFER here+
18:43.53UnixDogPolycom 320/3320 430/440
18:44.14UnixDogyou can find polycom 500/501 on ebay for around 120
18:45.19[TK]D-Fenderneverblue: Where are you located?
18:46.51[TK]D-Fenderneverblue: <- Polycom IP 320/330 is very inexpensive.
18:47.02[TK]D-Fenderneverblue: and shipping up here is fast
18:47.47neverbluecool, taking a look
18:49.03*** join/#asterisk stimpie (
18:50.59UnixDogthey have a 501 for 144
18:51.06UnixDogthast a good starter phone
18:51.22friezeanyone have chan_mobile running on 1.4.21?
18:51.50Qwell501 is a dead end
18:52.16UnixDogthe 501 work great
18:52.16[TK]D-FenderIP 501 is a tricky phone to validate the purchase of.
18:52.17Qwellbecause there are better phones for cheaper
18:52.28[TK]D-FenderQwell: Debateably "better".
18:52.36Qwellreasonably similar
18:53.03[TK]D-FenderQwell: IP 501 has a bigger screen (more readable), good feel, better speakerphone, etc than its lower competitors, and 1 more line-key.
18:53.22[TK]D-FenderQwell: Depending on usage yes a lower model can be more "cost effective", but not necessarily "better"
18:53.53[TK]D-FenderI have a 501 I might be willing to part with at a discount.
18:55.15UnixDogif your looking for a starter then the 320/330 if you looking for a stable office phone well tested then the 501
18:57.36jetsI love the 501's, we usually opt for the 601 to have a browser for the services button
18:57.58[TK]D-Fenderjets: 501 has the MicroBrowser...
18:58.37UnixDogthe 501 has the micro browser button
18:59.54UnixDogcalled services/applications
19:01.16jetsoh then a IT gent lied to me he claims the 501 didn't have a microbrowser even though it has the services button
19:01.25jets(i'm not surprised)
19:02.21[TK]D-Fenderjets: Not necessairy "lied" so much as not having known that since SIP 2.1.0 the 501 & 430 gained the MicroBrowser.
19:02.37[TK]D-Fenderjets: Its a question about knowing your firmware featuresets.
19:02.51[TK]D-Fenderjets: 2.2.0 added tables support, etc...
19:03.04UnixDogand knowing how too  write the php pages needed
19:03.09UnixDogfor diff apps
19:04.15[TK]D-FenderUnixDog: If you want that kind of "dynamic", sure.
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19:06.41UnixDogwhat else are you going to use it for ?
19:06.47UnixDogwhat other apps
19:06.52_MrSeb_someone is able to explain to me because after 20 seconds the call hangup (asterisk server and asterisk clients are behind a nat)?
19:07.30[TK]D-Fender_MrSeb_: READ :
19:07.32jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
19:07.39UnixDogyou migh thave your dial timeout set to 20 sec
19:09.50[TK]D-FenderUnixDog: I have a script that generates static pages for my phones here at work to retrieve for instance.
19:10.02_MrSeb_UnixDog: before I put a router all was working, I've changed the configuration abuot nat and now the call hangup...
19:12.28[TK]D-Fender_MrSeb_: pastebin your SIP.conf masking only passwords, and SIP debug of a cal that fails from beginning to end, with SIP DEBUG enabled.
19:12.30jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
19:14.26UnixDogTK nice
19:20.16hsv-aliphone2 is already hacked
19:20.21hsv-alw/ a working sip client
19:20.30*** join/#asterisk lanning (
19:21.21jayteelife seems to be full of tough choices like, to write documentation or drive my car a 100mph into a bridge abuttment. Right now the car choice is looking better and better.
19:24.38[TK]D-Fender_MrSeb_: [Eutelia] and [Messagenet] should be "nat=no". and you di not put "qualify=yes" for your remote phones behind NAT.
19:24.59[TK]D-Fender_MrSeb_: Fix those.  Then confirm what you have forwarded from your router to *.
19:26.03Kobazjaytee: take pictures
19:26.19_MrSeb_[TK]D-Fender: I've forwarded only 5060 udp
19:26.31jayteeKobaz, I'll have to have someone else do it if I'm driving :-)
19:26.54Kobazcould always rig up something
19:26.57[TK]D-Fender_MrSeb_: then you have not followed the guide at all.  You should have 5060, and 10000-20000 all UDP forwarded to *.
19:27.02jayteebut I'll leave instructions for them to upload to photobucket or someplace and then post the link in here for all to enjoy.
19:28.29_MrSeb_[TK]D-Fender: I've not done this because audio is ok
19:29.11[TK]D-Fender_MrSeb_: .... follow the instructions.  These are not typically "optional".
19:30.33_MrSeb_[TK]D-Fender: thanks, I do this during the night, now I can't modify router settings... I've tried without forwarding and the call has hangup after 11 seconds
19:31.33[TK]D-Fender_MrSeb_: Stop with the useless description.  If doesn't tell us ANYTHING of value, and you did not show me your failed call at verbose 10 or apparently follow the guide of make any of the changes I've just told you to.  ALL of these things can be done while leaving your server up.
19:32.25*** join/#asterisk pikachu2000 (
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19:33.58_MrSeb_[TK]D-Fender: I've not the router password and I must wait my friend
19:34.59_MrSeb_[TK]D-Fender: thanks anyway and good evening
19:39.08kowalmaHi All,
19:39.30*** join/#asterisk Winkie ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
19:40.54kowalmagotta question - anybody knows how to list active zap channels (with active calls)? zap show channels show only all channels but without information if it's busy
19:42.12[TK]D-Fenderkowalma: "core show channels concise
19:43.15neverblueso after all that, the 501 good, or no good ?
19:44.00kowalmaI need information that timeslot no 102 is busy by number XXX
19:44.32[TK]D-Fenderneverblue: All the Polycom's are "good", just depends on your needs, PoE, price you can find it for, etc.
19:44.39[TK]D-Fenderneverblue: the 501 is a fine phone.
19:44.51neverbluethey a US company ?
19:45.01Strompleasanton, california
19:45.02[TK]D-Fenderneverblue: primarily, yes
19:45.19neverblueah, US companies never put USD after prices
19:45.32neverblueits just expected that others do it :D
19:45.53[TK]D-Fenderneverblue: they have a worldwide presence
19:46.10neverbluei bet they dont have a .ca :)
19:46.12[TK]D-Fendernever Don't forget they are huge in the videoconferencing world.
19:46.44neverbluethese Grandstreams just arent cutting it any more
19:47.31jbotGrandSuck phones & gateways are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice.
19:47.34[TK]D-Fender^ says it all...
19:47.54neverblueill have to second that motion
19:48.09Corydon76-digI have to disagree with that
19:48.24neverblueu a sales rep with them ?
19:48.47Corydon76-digCisco, on the other hand, makes extremely expensive junk, which should be avoided with extreme prejudice
19:48.54Corydon76-digNo, I'm not in sales
19:49.04Corydon76-dignor do I work for GS at all
19:49.23Corydon76-digbut I think their phones get a bad rap
19:49.25neverblueby bashing another phone manu. doesnt justify ur disagreement :D
19:49.53Corydon76-digneverblue: the price of Cisco phones is such that they should be able to fix them
19:50.35eric2is a fan of the snom lineup of phones
19:50.50Corydon76-digI like the SNOM series, too, and the Polycom
19:51.12Corydon76-digBut I'd put the Cisco dead last, well after Grandstream phones, in terms of preference
19:51.24eric2cisco is over rated!
19:51.36neverbluethe polycom it is then
19:51.48kowalmaI my company we had Cisco BTS platform, it had outage everyweek :D
19:52.12[TK]D-Fenderneverblue: Very few have had viable complaints about Polycom.  Can't be said for jst about any other manufacturer.
19:52.31Corydon76-digThe only reason people think they want the Cisco phones is that Cisco has managed to get product placement on TV shows like 24 and The Office
19:53.25Corydon76-digand once you think powerful and exciting government agents use those phones... well, the marketing was obviously well thought-out
19:53.40neverblueyeah, the 4 line Polycom seem to jump up in price
19:53.58neverbluebut i think its probably better to just get a good phone, and pay the cost now
19:54.19eric2quality, price or service ....  pick two!
19:56.17neverblueim getting about 50
19:57.00*** join/#asterisk mikehime (
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19:58.00NovceGuruThe cisco phones are a pita
19:58.04NovceGuruwith the sip firmware
19:58.06NovceGurumy $.02
19:59.22unpaidbillhaha yep.
19:59.29[TK]D-Fenderneverblue: looking to equip a whole company?
19:59.31unpaidbilli have a bunch of them and they're the bane of my existence
19:59.56unpaidbillthe a-holes changed the UI on the damn things between sip and sccp firmware, and then dont allow you to arrange the soft buttons as you please
20:02.59*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
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20:04.38unpaidbillthey let you change the logo and ringtone though! yay
20:05.52mikehimespeaking of hardphones, I'm about to buy a couple
20:05.59mikehimeany recommendations for under $100 ?
20:06.07unpaidbilli hear snom are OK
20:06.13unpaidbillnever used any myself though
20:06.47mikehimecool i'll check them out, too
20:06.54unpaidbillyeah they're right around 100 bucks i think
20:07.00unpaidbillyou can probably finda deal
20:07.28unpaidbillpolycom have some that are pretty close too, you may be able to find some on ebay used for sub 100
20:07.44mikehimeI have had polycom recommended to me before so they're already on the list
20:08.02mikehimewe (a friend and i) figured we'd just buy several from different manufacturers and see which one's we prefer
20:08.17mikehimesuggestions are always nice, though =) appreaciate it
20:08.20unpaidbillsounds like a good idea
20:11.01jjshoeunder a hundred? 9112 perhaps by aastra
20:13.23*** join/#asterisk mvanbaak (
20:13.29[TK]D-Fendermikehime: If you're in North America, forget everything except Polycom.
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20:17.00alrsmikehime: " fender
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20:22.14pots_linedevstate working for anyone
20:22.41mikehimethanks for advice [TK]D-Fender & alrs
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20:24.32pots_lineany idea why (${DEVSTATE(Custom:9999)}) always kicks back UNKNOWN
20:27.08pots_lineanyone know how to get originating BLF working?
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20:30.43pots_linenevermind  figured it out
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20:33.44docelm0Can anyone recommend a good ATA that supports t.38?
20:38.47unpaidbillmost of them do from what i've seen
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20:39.08unpaidbilland grandstreams is actually pretty cheap and it works from what i hear, as far as the ata is concerned
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20:39.24unpaidbillthere was one in particular i think that was like 30-60 bucks with t.38 support
20:40.48unpaidbillhmm, handytone 286.. but it is showing as t.38 pending
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20:41.43unpaidbillalthough the manual for it says it supports t.38, so i'd say spend 34 bucks and hope it works.
20:41.43cnielsenHey all - I'm putting together some specs for some hardware to run Asterisk on - I haven't found much by way of documentation. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
20:42.25docelm0mvanbaak: next suggestion..
20:45.59mikehimecnielsen: have you read the asterisk book yet?
20:46.11mikehimealready becoming dated but there's good advice there
20:46.43cnielsenLOL a while ago - I suppose there's a chapter in there on hardware that I skipped over.
20:46.53mikehimeyes, chapter 2 ;)
20:47.02cnielsenThanks, thanks :)
20:47.16ManxPowercnielsen: There are SO many variables that significantly impact performance, there is no easy to size your server.
20:47.36mikehimeagree w/ manx, really depends on how you want to use it
20:47.37ManxPowerI think there is a page on with general info and guidelines.
20:48.01cnielsenManxPower: Definitely agree -- the more info I can find the more empowered I am to make good decisions.
20:48.16cnielsenManxPower: I'll check there and see what I find. Thanks :)
20:49.55*** join/#asterisk ChkDigit (
20:50.34cnielsenmikehime: 25-30 users, in/out calling with voicemail
20:50.47cnielsenProbably all SIP but haven't got that far yet.
20:51.10mikehimei think more importabtly you need to be aware of the codecs the exts will use
20:51.19*** join/#asterisk angom (n=angom@
20:51.27mikehimeg729 will require an order of magnitude more cpu with that many extensions
20:51.30mikehimeover gsm
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20:53.13lanningalso, need to know the expected concurrent call level.
20:53.51cnielsenI was just going to comment that Chapter 2 says that it's not a matter of users, it's a matter of concurrent calls.
20:54.43mikehimeoh well yeah, i usally do worst case estimates and assume all extensions will be in use
20:54.46lanningya, a user is just a small database entry.  concurrent calls, are the actual activity.
20:55.02mikehimepersonally i have a 5 year old test machine here that can do 20 concurrent calls
20:55.12cnielsenmikehime: I'm fairly new to PBX, IPv6, etc... Do you have any recommended reading (aside from the asterisk book) that I could pick up?
20:55.13mikehimeso if that's your only load you can almost use anything off-the-shelf
20:55.52mikehimehonestly i'm rather new myself, and since i'm only doing SIP the asterisk book and have been enough resources to learn my way through it ;)
20:56.10cnielsenthere you have it then :) I'll get busy.
20:56.35mikehime:D good luck
20:57.12cnielsenMuch appreciation for everyone's help. I'm sure I'll pop back in from time to time.
20:57.31*** join/#asterisk GleepGlop (n=derek@
20:57.31lanningif you have matching codecs and "canreinvite=yes" then the media will go phone to phone and bypass your PBX, taking even more load off.
20:57.39*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=chatzill@
20:57.43pelaofelizI must be missing something obvious -- how do you tell what channel a given resource is on, via the AMI?  e.g. I'm SIP/Pelaofeliz, and I originate a call, but the channel is 'SIP/Pelaofeliz-123abc'.
20:57.50*** join/#asterisk peterpan746 (
20:58.05mvanbaakcnielsen: the best reference is the source ;)
20:58.06mikehimelanning: good advice. no transcoding = win
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20:58.15[TK]D-Fenderpelaofeliz: "given resource".... like what exactly?
20:59.06pelaofeliz[TK]D-Fender: say I'm SIP/Pelaofeliz, and I originate a call.  The channel name always ends up being something like 'SIP/Pelaofeliz-123abc'
20:59.15lanningin most voip protocols, the "channel" is dynamic creation.
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20:59.40pelaofelizin order to do anything with the call via the AMI, it always requires the channel (obviously)
20:59.46[TK]D-Fenderpelaofeliz: Indeed... that is a channel name.  SIP/Pelaofeliz is a DEVICE name.  You can have several calls against that same account.
20:59.55*** part/#asterisk GleepGlop (n=derek@
21:00.22pelaofelizso is there a way to get a list of channels for a device?
21:00.40pelaofelizor even better, the channel name when the call is originated?
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21:01.00[TK]D-Fenderpelaofeliz: for a device no, but a general list, yes
21:01.04kamhhi all
21:01.08[TK]D-Fenderpelaofeliz: parse it out yourself
21:01.12pelaofelizI'm originating the call via AMI
21:01.21ManxPowerpelaofeliz: AMI should tell you the channel name.
21:01.30ManxPowerYour issue is not unique nor is it uncommon
21:02.07pelaofelizok -- so I just do a SHOW CHANNELS, then parse out the device that I'm looking for?
21:02.42ManxPowerpelaofeliz: have you looked at /path/to/src/asterisk/doc/manager.txt ?
21:02.52[TK]D-Fenderpelaofeliz: yes
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21:03.37pelaofelizManxPower: it's been a while
21:03.44pelaofelizI'll take a look
21:03.47pelaofelizthanks for the help
21:03.51ThoMewhat is on my line wrong? exten=> _${KOPFNUMMER}751.,1,Playback(tt-monkeys)
21:04.03ThoMe_${KOPFNUMMER} = 123456
21:04.05ManxPowerpelaofeliz: Might be helpful to look at it again.  Also, look on, but if manager.txt and voip-info disagree, trust manager.txt
21:04.14ManxPowerThoMe: You cannot do that
21:04.20ThoMeand i would LIKE as result: 123456751
21:04.25ThoMeManxPower: hm.
21:04.50ThoMeManxPower: how is better?
21:04.54ManxPoweri.e. Variables are not supported anywhere on the line before the first ( in the application parameters.
21:05.43ManxPoweri.e. exten =>12345,1,Dial(VARIABLES WORK STARTING HERE
21:05.43ThoMeexten=> _${KOPFNUMMER}751,1,Playback(tt-monkeys)
21:05.43ManxPowerThoMe: What did I just say?
21:05.50ThoMeManxPower: hm. ok. sorry.
21:05.51[TK]D-FenderThoMe: You can do that if its a gloabl variable defined under [globals]
21:05.59ThoMe[TK]D-Fender: i have it.
21:06.00ManxPowerWhat is the value of ${KOPFNUMMER}
21:06.14ThoMeManxPower: the master-number from my phone-lines
21:06.29ManxPowerThoMe: then put that in, it's not like it changes
21:07.36ManxPowerThoMe: You *MIGHT* be able to do what you want to do using global variables if you force some module to load early in /etc/asterisk/modules.conf, but I don't know what module you would load.  I vaguely remember something similar talked about on the mailing list sometime in the past 5 years.
21:07.39ThoMeexten=> 666682751,1,Playback(tt-monkeys)
21:07.52ThoMeManxPower: oh. hm. ok.
21:07.53pelaofelizManxPower: What did you mean by this: "AMI should tell you the channel name."
21:09.48[TK]D-Fenderpelaofeliz: Fine.. so you've started your Originate... what is your issue following that?
21:10.09greek_user[q] what does matchexterniplocally do? (it's in sip.conf)
21:10.39ThoMeManxPower: hm. this works exten=> _${KOPFNUMMER}0,1,Dial(misdn/g:isdn-int/${EXTEN})
21:11.30lanningexten => _666682.,1,GoTo(blah,${EXTEN:6})
21:11.45[TK]D-Fenderlanning: Highly unlikely...
21:12.45ThoMe[TK]D-Fender: and this is not unlikeyl? _${KOPFNUMMER}7,1,Playback(tt-monkeys) ?
21:12.57[TK]D-FenderThoMe: wasn't talking to you.
21:13.02ThoMe[TK]D-Fender: sorry.
21:13.09[TK]D-FenderThoMe: If done the way I advised it should be fine
21:13.20ThoMe[TK]D-Fender: ok. excuse me.
21:14.40pelaofeliz[TK]D-Fender: So I start my originate, the call connects, etc.  After that, I want to be able to interact with the channel, e.g. hang it up.
21:15.08[TK]D-Fenderpelaofeliz: And what will trigger that decision?
21:15.32pelaofeliz[TK]D-Fender: In this case, the user clicking a button
21:16.21[TK]D-Fenderpelaofeliz: When you create the Originate, set a channel variable in it to a unique value that you can track by doing a channel dump.
21:20.32pelaofeliz[TK]D-Fender: K, I've added the channel variable -- how do I do a channel dump that includes that variable?
21:21.07[TK]D-Fenderpelaofeliz: Search for the channel containing it and look at the AMI function listing and use some imagination.
21:21.15*** join/#asterisk talntid (n=erict@
21:21.19talntidhi all
21:24.11pelaofeliz[TK]D-Fender: That's my problem -- how do I do a search for the channel containing it?  I added a 'Variable: unique_id: [id]', but it doesn't show up when I SHOW CHANNELS...
21:24.36[TK]D-Fenderpelaofeliz: correct because you'll have to dump EACH ONE in detail to scan for it.
21:26.06pelaofeliz[TK]D-Fender: I see.  I'll see what I can work up.
21:26.09pelaofelizThanks for the help
21:29.42*** join/#asterisk moy (n=moyhu@nat/ibm/x-b0b9eecab8d14564)
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21:34.56pta200Has anyone been able to get hinting to work across two asterisk box connected via sip?
21:35.26drumkillathat is not supported (yet)
21:36.01drumkillasame network, or across the internet?
21:36.02pta200I thought I might be able to a phone to subscribe to hints on another server but that's not working either
21:36.07pta200across MPLS
21:36.24pta200so private network
21:36.35drumkillawhat kind of latency?
21:37.21pta200average 13 ms between both servers
21:37.48drumkillahm, ok, that's not too bad ... then I might have something that will work, but it's pretty bleeding edge as far as support for it in asterisk releases ...
21:38.04drumkillait's in the main development tree, scheduled for inclusion in 1.6.1
21:38.39drumkillado you know if you can you do multicast over that network?
21:38.51pta200I think so
21:38.55pta200I would need to check
21:38.57Qwellover MPLS?  that'd be scary
21:39.19trapaI have a question about multiple sip lines.   We have a bunch of inbound-only sip lines. I have made these work by having multiple register => commands in the [general] section of the sip.conf file ... How would i be able to detect which line it is that is rining?
21:39.21pta200I think it depends on the provider
21:39.23drumkillawell, the implementation of the framework I tested with uses multicast, which is why i asked
21:39.33pta200I'll check it out
21:39.40Qwellfunky, there's an RFC for it
21:40.00drumkillacool, aside from that, there are some other things people have built to try to do it, synchronizing state using the manager interface
21:40.07QwellRFC 3353, Overview of IP Multicast in a[n] MPLS Environment
21:40.31drumkillalet me find the link to that other thing ...
21:41.19drumkillaah yes ... the devstate thing on this page ...
21:41.25drumkillanever tried it, but it's something else I came across
21:41.42pta200awesome thanks a lot
21:41.50drumkillayou're welcome
21:41.57drumkillathat will cost you $5 and a chocolate chip cookie
21:42.18pta200I'll send through the cdrom tray
21:42.20Qwellpta200: Send the cookie "c/o Qwell"
21:42.33nick125pta200: dcc it!
21:42.49drumkillai'm afraid what kind of "cookie" i'll get via dcc
21:42.59drumkillayeah, i'll pass
21:43.08filedrumkilla: don't worry, the firewall is acting as protection - wouldn't let it through anyway
21:49.13putnopvutspeaking of magic cookies: z9hG4bK
21:49.22putnopvutYeah, I just made a SIP joke. What of it?
21:50.04drumkillaputnopvut: you ... look like a ... nonce ...
21:50.34mikehimei'm having trouble getting unixODBC to compile/install on slack 12
21:50.34mikehimeany advice?
21:50.35drumkillai suggest a hammer
21:50.41putnopvutmikehime: sorry, I've only used the debian package. I've never compiled it from source.
21:50.48drumkillasame here
21:50.52*** join/#asterisk JHilgeman (n=jh@
21:50.54mikehimei'll ask in the slack chan, ty anyway
21:51.01JHilgemanquick question - proabbly easy, too
21:51.13drumkillaquick answer
21:51.38JHilgemani'm redirecting an extension to a context called custom-screen (call screening)
21:51.54JHilgemani need that context to dial the extension
21:52.04JHilgemanbut {EXTEN} evaluates to "s"
21:52.15JHilgemanand i can't find any sort of variable that contains the destination extension
21:52.18drumkillayou probably need to pastebin your config of what you're trying to do
21:52.28jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
21:52.45JHilgemanthis is the exten line:
21:52.46JHilgemanexten = 1109,1,Goto(custom-screen|s|1)
21:53.01seanbrightexten = 1109,1,Goto(custom-screen|${EXTEN}|1)
21:53.27drumkillaand then in custom-screen, have an exten => _X.,1,NoOp(my catch all thingy)
21:53.41drumkillaor use a Macro that takes arguments ...
21:53.43drumkillalots of options
21:53.52*** join/#asterisk asdx (
21:54.18JHilgemank let me try that - just a sec
21:54.42jbotit has been said that now is a good time to tell you that I have 6 gigabytes of data
21:54.52seanbrightthat's it?
21:54.58jbotmethinks next is NEXT!
21:55.05drumkillawhat was it ...
21:55.09jbotSo you just installed Asterisk now what?
21:56.41*** join/#asterisk Hadi- (
21:56.58drumkillaoh snap
21:57.17Hadi-is there a document online on setting up asterisk to work with a Radius voip billing software
21:57.41mikehimeoh wait looks like it compiled and installed... should be able to tell by the presence of right? maybe i just need to ad it to the path
21:57.49Hadi-we are planning on testing asterisk to work in a
21:57.59mikehimeexcuse my n00bness
21:58.12drumkillamikehime: make sure you re-run the configure script after installing it
21:58.42mikehimetrying that now.. surprised though, it doesn't suggest to do that in the installation notes
21:59.14Hadi-anyone have any idea?
21:59.43seanbrightHadi-: i would just search google and spew what i found into the channel
21:59.52seanbrightHadi-: so i doubt i can be of any help
22:00.08drumkillamikehime: i mean re-run the configure script of asterisk
22:00.13drumkillamikehime: so that asterisk finds it
22:00.16seanbright~google asterisk radius voip
22:00.59trapaI have a question about multiple sip lines.   We have a bunch of inbound-only sip lines. I have made these work by having multiple register => commands in the [general] section of the sip.conf file ... How would i be able to detect which line it is that is rining?
22:01.14mikehime@drumkilla: ah right :) I haven't gotten that far yet. just trying to get the mysql odbc connector working first
22:02.00drumkillamikehime: use debian/ubuntu instead ... fixed!
22:02.53[TK]D-Fendermikehime: Don't forget to ldconfig, and you may have to account for a slightly different .so version and symlink, etc.
22:03.02chandooi have error while using ekiga
22:03.12chandoounable to open sound devices
22:03.14[TK]D-Fendermikehime: make sure to set up your dsn and test with OOo or something first
22:03.22chandooALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:864:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave
22:03.39[TK]D-Fenderchandoo: Go ask in their channel then.
22:03.48mikehimelol i love kubuntu but i'm trying learn as much as i can from a barebones OS
22:03.53mikehimegood experience
22:04.05drumkillaah, yeah
22:04.14drumkillai got that experience from using gentoo for a while
22:04.19drumkillathat was masochism
22:04.24[TK]D-Fendermikehime: Slackware is solid, but a very different experience.  You might be better serverd by RH or Debian based
22:05.32chandoo[TK]D-Fender: looks like no one is alive in ekiga
22:05.34mikehime[TK]D-Fender: seems to be the common consensus ;)
22:05.56[TK]D-Fenderchandoo: Go try in ##linux or soemthing then.
22:06.07[TK]D-Fenderchandoo: Either way nothing remotely to do with *.
22:07.05mwallingdrumkilla: *slap*
22:07.23drumkillai learned a lot!
22:07.24mwallinghas asterisk purring along nicely on his slack box
22:07.35mwalling(i'm also slow to read the buffer)
22:07.35drumkillaoh, i thought the slap was for gentoo trolling
22:07.46mwallingno, gentoo doesnt get trolled enough
22:07.47*** part/#asterisk pta200 (
22:07.54mikehimemwalling: as do i :) but getting everything else setup is the painful part for newbies
22:08.26drumkillai know nothing about slackware, i can't intelligently troll on it
22:08.34drumkillabut i can ignorantly troll on it
22:08.37drumkilla... it sucks ...
22:08.45mikehimelol @drumkilla
22:08.53unpaidbillslackware was my first linux dist! you be nice!
22:09.03drumkillagoes back to work ...
22:09.15unpaidbillyea that's what i thought
22:13.10*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
22:15.58mikehime[TK]D-Fender: you rocked my socks, i had to run ldconfig to update links to shared libs
22:16.06mikehimeexactly the kind of practical experience i need
22:18.09[TK]D-FenderSlack was my first distro too, and I only switched to CentOS a year ago +/-
22:19.41drumkillai'm not sure if that's an upgrade or downgrade
22:21.28mwallingactually, i'm running ubuntu on my desktop and big laptop... my eee runs slack though
22:22.01[TK]D-FenderWell only recently had Slack gone with a 2.6 kernel stock.... Slack = behind the times.  Stable as hell, but just a bit far behind.
22:22.10[TK]D-FenderSorta like Debian schmucks ;)
22:22.39QwellMy gentoo box already runs 2.8
22:22.45mwalling2.6 kernels were in testing/ and extra/ for a while before 12
22:22.52alrsI switched from Slack to Debian after a nasty rooting, ca. 1998
22:22.53mwallingQwell: -OMGOPTOMIZE
22:23.02[TK]D-Fendermwalling: Yes... how "current".  More work for a newb.
22:23.03Qwellmwalling: Does it have pam yet though?
22:23.06QwellThat's the real test
22:23.17mwallingthusly it passes
22:23.36[TK]D-Fender"Gentoo : When you positively MUST get that extra 0.05% out of your system at the cost of your manhood"
22:23.56drumkillathat should be ~gentoo
22:24.04jbothmm... gentoo is foo
22:24.13drumkillajbot_: forget gentoo
22:24.25mwallingdropline gnome (an "aftermarket" gnome addon for slack) provides pam... their first release for 12.0 they screwed up one of the configs and it stopped checking passwords in gdm
22:24.32mwallingnothing should be that easy to f-up
22:24.50pelaofeliz[TK]D-Fender: Thanks for the help -- that worked perfectly.
22:24.54mwalling(and the developer should be shot)
22:24.54drumkillajbot_: gentoo is <reply> Gentoo : When you positively MUST get that extra 0.05% out of your system at the cost of your manhood
22:25.00alrsgoes looking for the November 1995 infomagic 5-disc set
22:25.09drumkillakicks jbot_
22:25.25jbot[gentoo] foo
22:25.33Qwellmwalling: I didn't realize you had actually tried to add pam stuff to slack
22:25.59*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
22:26.04[TK]D-FenderYou know its a bad sign when you have to get Gnome through 3rd party sources because its maintainer can't be bothered
22:26.15mwalling[TK]D-Fender: it is one guy...
22:26.22mikehimepam is for auth in the gui?
22:26.36[TK]D-Fendermwalling: Yay.... the only way he can acheive concensus!
22:26.38mwallingmikehime: gdm can use pam for login
22:26.52drumkillado it now!
22:27.12mikehimeyeah that's what I thought you were getting at
22:27.25mikehimeI'm using the cli though so bash is fine imo
22:27.47mwallingQwell: i have a vm with a pamified slack set up as a server, but its not in production...
22:28.04mwallingsome of what pam can do is nice though (for SSO applications)
22:28.05[TK]D-FenderStrangely I did well on Slack because it came with "mc" right from the CD :)
22:28.21Qwell[TK]D-Fender: because they haven't been able to package vim yet
22:28.33mwallingswings low
22:28.45alrsQwell: Not "they", "he"
22:29.13Qwellalrs: is Patrick the only one that does any of the work at all?
22:29.27mwallingalrs: pat has minions
22:29.44mwallingalienBOB, rworkman, etc
22:29.50alrsmwalling: where did he get them?
22:29.50[TK]D-Fendermwalling: Sounds like a netherworld despot ;)
22:30.03mikehimefascinating, never considered sso
22:30.05mikehimei'll keep that in mind
22:30.32mwallingyeah, i looked into pam_mysql when ldap was too hard for me
22:30.41[TK]D-Fendermikehime: It IS a learning experience, and it is solid.  Feel free to stick with it and switch when you hit the last wall you can tolerate :)
22:31.04[TK]D-Fendermwalling: I suck at linux and compiling a kernel & dealing with a boot loader scared me :)
22:31.20mwallingi sucked at linux too!
22:31.23[TK]D-Fendermwalling: Which is where CentOS's stock 2.6 for ztdummy support came in :)
22:31.25*** join/#asterisk ipstatic (n=ipstatic@
22:31.45[TK]D-FenderHelped with a few other things too.
22:32.00[TK]D-Fendermikehime: I did unixODBC from source as well as the rest of the LAMP stack.
22:32.00ipstaticAnyone using the UNISTIM channel here?
22:32.05Qwellmwalling: what about grub?  is there grub yet?
22:32.08[TK]D-Fenderipstatic: ....LOL
22:32.11mwallingin extra/
22:32.13[TK]D-FenderQwell: NOPE!
22:32.17ipstatic:( I know, dont laugh
22:32.20[TK]D-FenderQwell: Stock LILO FTW!
22:32.25mikehimethanks for the support everyone
22:32.30ipstaticI got a snom 360 beside me as well!
22:32.39mikehimeI have confidence in myself that's not the issue :) no boundary i can't scale provided the resources
22:32.44mwalling[TK]D-Fender: whats wrong with that?
22:32.45[TK]D-Fenderipstatic: when people mention Nortel, we typically just point & laugh.
22:32.47mikehimebut sometimes people don't put up with newbs- that's the hard part
22:33.00mikehimeand yeah I did my LAMP from source, too
22:33.02mwallingi eat newbs
22:33.06[TK]D-Fendermwalling: LILO? ... not much actually, but just so far behind the times...
22:33.08drumkillaipstatic: the people that have used it have all reported success from what I've seen
22:33.09mikehimemwalling LOL
22:33.19drumkillaipstatic: if it doesn't work, you're screwed based on how it's written, heh
22:33.28ipstaticwell I got it running
22:33.36mwalling[TK]D-Fender: ... whats wrong with being behind the times when it still works?
22:33.38[TK]D-Fendermwalling: Slack IS a great basic distro.  Not particularly good at anything, but solid.  A good minimalist distro I guess.
22:33.49ipstaticits just caller id doesn't seem to work if you call the device from a zap channel
22:34.08[TK]D-Fendermwalling: But is more work than the vast majority have any need to take into consideration.
22:34.09mwalling[TK]D-Fender: how old is your car
22:34.23[TK]D-Fenderipstatic: perhaps your Zap channel is the problem.
22:35.02ipstaticcaller ID does get passed to my snom phone though
22:35.11ipstaticand I can NoOp the callerid to the console
22:36.13ipstaticand the zap device is a Digium TE122 connected to a PRI circuit
22:36.44ipstaticso I am coming in from POTS to the Nortel
22:44.14mcabSlackware is great. I learned a lot about linux when I set it up.
22:44.48*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=chatzill@
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22:45.01[TK]D-FenderStupid peer!
22:45.04*** part/#asterisk JHilgeman (n=jh@
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22:52.08x86peer is a sunnofabitch
22:52.54x86[TK]D-Fender: hey are you into guns at all?
22:54.10[TK]D-Fenderx86: Used to be.  Father collected, and I put on displays for gun shows
22:54.26[TK]D-Fenderx86: And terhew as that year I spent working at the firearms importer/exporter
22:54.29ManxPowermumbles something that sounds like "Make Love, not War"
22:55.03[TK]D-FenderManxPower: I gave up guns a long time ago though... onto SWORDS now :p
22:55.23ManxPowerOn the other hand, there's a homophobe redneck that lives in the area I'd not mind shooting in the knee.
22:56.03ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I'm only one of two perm residents at the campground that don't own a gun 8-)
22:57.46jayteesomehow the mental image of a homophobe redneck limping along on one leg with the other one trailing blood makes me giggle.
22:58.06jayteeI don't own a gun
22:58.20jayteeI have a katana
22:59.11[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Got a gallery up for it?
22:59.24ManxPowerThe only time I seriously considered getting a gun of some sort was Nov 1999.  If there were going to be major y2k problems they would have started happening more and more during Dec 1999, as there were not major issues, I decided to just stock up on a little food and water.
22:59.31jayteelemme check my bucket
23:00.59jayteeI'd worked in IS since the late 80's so I didn't stock up on anything for Y2K. I knew most of the majors had done their homework.
23:01.23[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: My latest acquisition :
23:02.45*** join/#asterisk craigk (n=craigk@
23:04.15friezeanyone know if there's an updated version of chan_mobile somewhere other than in trunk? The one I have does not seem to be built using the same data structures as in either 1.4.2 or 1.6b9
23:04.21jayteescuse me while I drool
23:07.02*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
23:07.14jaytee[TK]D-Fender, very very nice. I like the hilt, mine is the cheesy fake ivory carved dragon style and my blade is only 440 staintless although it's a folded blade.
23:07.37mwalling[TK]D-Fender: re: behind the times: Wed Jun 18 14:42:48 CDT 2008
23:07.38[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Ah... lemme guess the Marto Highlander modle, right?
23:07.38mwallingxap/mozilla-firefox-3.0-i686-1.tgz: Upgraded to firefox-3.0.
23:07.43jayteethat must have cost a pretty penny
23:07.57[TK]D-Fendermwalling: And who built that package?
23:08.12mwallingdonno... prolly pat
23:08.13jaytee[TK]D-Fender, yup :-)
23:08.18[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Only $800 after taxes and shipping?
23:08.31[TK]D-Fendermwalling: really... COMES on the CD?
23:08.48[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Yup, thats the makers gallery page for my custom order
23:08.50mwalling[TK]D-Fender: when -current is released, yes
23:08.52*** join/#asterisk UnixDog (
23:09.23jayteewow, I figure like that wouldn't go for less than 1500.
23:09.26[TK]D-Fendermwalling: Well as long as you're using .... lemme look at CentOS 10.0 ;)
23:09.34jayteesomething like that one
23:09.46jayteeawesome price
23:09.51[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: 440.... dear god don't swing it around...
23:10.03jayteeit's a nice ornament
23:10.45jayteeI wouldn't consider it a true professional grade but you could impale someone nicely enough.
23:10.48[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: correct term is "wall hanger" :
23:11.18jayteehahahaha, yeah I saw that before
23:12.14jayteecouple of those guys are lucky they've made it to adulthood they're such clumsy idiots.
23:12.42[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: yeah, his boss looks like a total turd, and he's just a douchebag
23:15.01jayteewhen HSN first came on cable I remember seeing one segment that featured some 286 AT clone and the way the salesman described it was hilarious.
23:15.29alrshsn was on broadcast tv in Los Angeles back in the 80s
23:15.31alrsmay still be
23:16.01jayteepeople who think the word frequency is just another word for often using words like megahertz really amuse me.
23:16.47pelaofelizIs it possible for an agent to not have to answer the phone every time a call is programmatically originated?
23:16.51[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: not entirely inaccurate,
23:17.08[TK]D-Fenderpelaofeliz: have you considered not picking it up?
23:17.36jayteewell, I got it on cable but I don't think it was available via broadcast in the early 80's in the Boston area but it could have been simulcast on a local UHF channel.
23:18.26alrsI wonder if Tom Vu is out of jail
23:18.28pelaofeliz[TK]D-Fender: I'm not sure what you mean...  or are you being facetious?
23:18.53[TK]D-Fenderpelaofeliz: What forces you to pick up the receiver?
23:19.13jayteeThe Will of Landru
23:19.21[TK]D-Fendermust.... OBEY!!!
23:21.23pelaofeliz[TK]D-Fender: well, currently whenever I generate a call, the agent phone rings, and the number is dialed.  It'd be nice if I could leave the agent hands free between, and just have asterisk dial out and connect to the agent channel
23:21.27pelaofeliz...if that makes any sense
23:22.08[TK]D-Fenderpelaofeliz: by defaul, * calls whatever you tell it to call for as long as you tell it to allow ringing to go on for.
23:22.23[TK]D-Fenderpelaofeliz: but by default there is nothing to force them to answer.
23:22.40jayteesomeone like me who's done some time in the helpdesk trenches would love it if corporate america would fund IT to roll out robotic arms with RDP telepresence controls so you can reach and slap the guy on the other end of the phone and yell, "Hello!!! McFly!!!!"
23:22.59[TK]D-Fenderpelaofeliz: Now depending what phone they use you might be able to set an auto-answer header to instruct the phone to pick up on hands-free, etc like you would for pagin.
23:23.31jayteeone in every PEBKAC type employee's cube.
23:23.48[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: ... I tt-monkey paged a good chunk of my office last week :)
23:24.17[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Next time it'll be a bolt being pulled back and a machine gun firing with glass breaking, etc :)
23:25.14jaytee"Hi!! and thanks for calling! I noticed your CALLERID says "Unavailable" and coincidentally.....SO AM I!!!!" Hangup()
23:25.25pelaofeliz[TK]D-Fender: okay -- so with a predictive dialer type setup, when * dials 3 calls per agent, how does that work, since the agent isn't actually on any of the 3 calls until later?
23:26.25[TK]D-Fenderpelaofeliz: Dpends on what logic this "dilaler" of yours is running, now doesn't it?  Why would any system dial 3 *'s at a time for 1 person?
23:26.45*** join/#asterisk Drunktard (n=sebas@
23:27.18Drunktardthis might be a little off topic but what tool can i use to transcode from a G.711 mu-law file to a normal PCM?
23:27.29[TK]D-FenderDrunktard: sox
23:27.50[TK]D-FenderDrunktard: and * CLI can convert as well to any format it can read
23:28.29Drunktard[TK]D-Fender: thanks will look for it, do you know offhand of specific flags i may need to use? i'll read the man but just need to see how's the file first
23:28.47[TK]D-Fenderdrunk look it up on the WIKI
23:29.09*** join/#asterisk nick125 (i=nick@pdpc/supporter/student/nick125)
23:29.12pelaofeliz[TK]D-Fender: standard predictive dialer logic -- assuming that only 1 in 3 calls is answered, and I have 3 agents available, I'll dial 9 lines at once, to statistically get 3 people on the phone with 3 agents
23:31.23mikehimepelao: you writing predictive algos?
23:31.43pelaofeliznothing fancy
23:32.01mikehimewas gunna say you could probably just borrow someone else's ;)
23:32.22pelaofelizyeah, basically just want to dial 1.5 or 2x the numbers as agents
23:32.46pelaofelizwe don't have enough agents to really benefit from a smart algorithm
23:33.07cnielsenmikehime: Thanks for your help this afternoon - I was able to get a spec put together that will meet our needs :)
23:33.22mikehimecnielsen: awesome glad to hear :D
23:37.28*** join/#asterisk LoOoD (n=gman@
23:39.59mikehimemysql doesn't create a my.cnf by default?
23:40.18mikehimemyodbc is looking in /tmp for the mysql.sock file
23:40.45mikehimebut it's in /var/run/mysql by default
23:42.39LoOoDasterisk says there is a active call and it been running for 24hrs. But the user it says started the call isn't even on the call, he hung up yesterday.  I can soft hang the call easy, but how do figure whats causing it not to hangup in the first place ?
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23:52.10mikehimenm there's an option in the DSN setup for socket location
23:52.13mikehimei had a moment of r-tism
23:53.58unpaidbillawww my 7960 has tux on it
23:54.15unpaidbilli feel so ... something the opposite of manly
23:54.43jboti guess seanbright is a girl with standards
23:55.07unpaidbillnah i'd be considered a moralless slut
23:55.16unpaidbillimmoral i guess. haha
23:56.00*** join/#asterisk Nasra (
23:56.30znoGto compile zaptel with, say, gcc-4.1 ('gcc' defaults to gcc-4.2), should it be as simple as export CC=gcc-4.1; ./configure && make clean && make ?
23:56.43unpaidbillshould be
23:57.04unpaidbillat worst you could link /usr/bin/gcc to the 4.1 binary for the compile

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