IRC log for #asterisk on 20080614

00:03.51*** join/#asterisk rootlogin (
00:07.56*** join/#asterisk mosty (
00:15.42*** join/#asterisk SteveTotaro (
00:20.10jbot[~whee] Weeeeeeeee!
00:22.08*** join/#asterisk SteveTotaro (
00:24.30trelaneis nufone having problems with inbound tf service?
00:24.47trelaneI've been informed that I can't make international calls when I'm trying to hit my 800 number?!?
00:26.27mostyask them?
00:26.46trelaneyeah not much luck with that
00:49.30*** join/#asterisk B1ST (
00:49.54*** join/#asterisk delparnel (
00:50.27B1SThello guys, i bought a router today and configured it, my internetconnection works fine but when i'm plugin' an IP phone, my inetconnection went down, what can causes tje problem for that?
00:51.21mostyare you plugging in the sip phone correctly?
00:51.58B1STi got a grandstream, so i plugged the 2 utp-cables directly in the router yeah
00:52.08mosty2 cables?
00:52.24mostythat sounds wrong. check your installation manual
00:55.26B1STthat can be the problem yeah
00:55.40B1STphone is up now, whit an ip
00:56.48B1STlol, what a stupid fault :/
01:02.16Stromnext time, read the labels on the jacks before you blindly go plugging things in
01:08.19B1STheh, yeah :/
01:08.33*** join/#asterisk mvanbaak (
01:13.35*** join/#asterisk BBHoss (
01:18.34drmessanoASTERISK 1.4.21 RELEASED
01:18.38drmessanoTORRENT PLZ!!!!
01:24.50*** join/#asterisk fakhir_ (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
01:25.13jayteeI can hardly wait for Asterisk 1.6.0beta36
01:26.26Corydon76-digHey, now... we're just trying to make sure it's stable before release
01:26.38jayteejust joking
01:26.38drmessanoI hear beta 36.1 is gonna rock
01:27.25drmessanoOf course, could be more like Justin Frankel with Reaper
01:27.50drmessano2.1.1117 **Fixed typo in "the" on page 118 of user docs*
01:28.23drmessano2.1.1118 **Rename guitar tab to Guitar*
01:28.28jayteeI'm still running 1.4.15 and it's behaving rock solid for me and I'm using it to do alot of bridging between channels on 2 PRI's as well as MeetMe and routing to Exchange UM for voicemail.
01:29.18drmessano1.4.15 was decent.. Then there were the iffy releases of .16 .17 and .18
01:29.37drmessano.19 and .20 so far have rocked.. and been better than the previous, by leaps and bounds
01:29.39jayteeonly have 11 SIP clients at the moment though and one of them is a fax.
01:29.49nick125reads the .21 changelog...
01:30.11jayteeso not much of a load for a Quad Core Xeon :-)
01:43.31*** join/#asterisk drako (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
01:44.06tzangerwow it's damn quiet in here
01:44.19LiNeTuX|Homeand you just ruined it
01:44.26tzangeryeah, I'm good at that
01:45.09LiNeTuX|Homeit was a mile a minute in here last night
01:45.37tzangeroh I know I've been hanging out in here for... probably 3 years now?
01:45.42tzangermore than that I bet
01:45.50LiNeTuX|Homefeel any smarter?
01:45.58seanbrightdon't answer that
01:46.01seanbrightit's a trap!
01:46.27tzanger--- Log opened Mon Dec 06 10:47:11 2004
01:46.45tzangerthat's the earliest time I logged in to this channel
01:47.05LiNeTuX|Homethat's pretty crazy that you have that log so easily available to you
01:47.23tzanger$ wc -l \#asterisk.log
01:47.24tzanger4377076 #asterisk.log
01:47.36tzangeronly 4 million lines
01:47.39tzangerthat's kind of depressing
01:48.11LiNeTuX|Home4 million lines, 10,000 wroth anything and 3,999,990,000 of crap
01:48.21LiNeTuX|Homeoh wait, that was too many ;)
01:49.29LiNeTuX|Homejust found out tonight his provider gave him 90 DID's they didn't have rights to anymore
01:49.50tzangerdecember 6 2004 was when I set up this xen instance I guess
01:50.08tzangeryikes that isn't good
01:50.15nick125LiNeTuX|Home: So you have to get new DIDs?
01:50.38LiNeTuX|Homenick125: yup.  fortunately we hadn't published or given out any yet... still testing new PRI's
01:50.55tzanger$ du -hs irclogs/
01:50.56tzanger579M    irclogs/
01:50.58LiNeTuX|Homethey worked great for testing, too... so long as you used them on their network, they routed perfectly
01:51.20tzangerall of the IRC logs over the last 4 years for every network, channel and privmsg I've ever been involved with fit on a single CD
01:51.25nick125LiNeTuX|Home: Well, I guess it's best you found it now rather than later.
01:51.52LiNeTuX|Homeknows better than to give things out before fully testing them :)
01:55.18plikall the incoming calls I've had since February fit on a single DVD :)
01:56.31jayteeeverything I've ever learned would fit on a 360K 5 1/2" floppy disk
01:56.47LiNeTuX|Homeneeds a usb plug for his head
02:03.57*** join/#asterisk coppice (
02:09.30*** join/#asterisk uTx (
02:10.28*** join/#asterisk xpot (
02:17.52*** join/#asterisk mltlnx (
02:18.32mltlnxHello, How do I specify an order to the files played in MOH?
02:20.43mltlnxIt always seems to play in a random order even though I do not have random => yes is musiconhold.conf?
02:21.51*** join/#asterisk juanjoc (
02:24.38*** join/#asterisk Aaton (
02:25.14*** join/#asterisk d00gster (
02:25.41*** join/#asterisk Entranced (
02:26.26mostymltlnx, you could just use a single premixed file
02:26.44*** join/#asterisk Basque (i=ircap751@unafilliated/basque)
02:27.47mltlnxtrue....but then i would need to script this...Do you know of a command that can do this?
02:28.32unpaidbillhrm, i think i need to start using AstDB for my internal phone extensions, i have sip, skinny and zap phones and two gigantic cotexts .. one for pstn incoming calls and the other for internal calls between extensions... ugh
02:28.37*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
02:28.52unpaidbilli guess that's the best way to do it?
02:29.25mostymltlnx, sox can probably do it
02:29.55mltlnxthanks, I try that.
02:29.56mostyunpaidbill, perhaps you can describe the problem a bit more?
02:30.26unpaidbillthere isnt really a problem, im just trying to clean up my phone extension contexts a bit
02:31.00unpaidbilltrying to figure out the best, or most widely accepted, way of doing it
02:31.24mostyastdb is probably not what you want
02:32.10unpaidbillso just making contexts [external-extension-list] [internal-extension-list] with a bunch of entries in each (Because i have to specify zap/sccp/sip phone types) is the best way? or is there something i am missing
02:34.14mostypersonally i would use an sql database (like postgresql) to store the info, and use a script to write out the non-generic parts of your dialplan
02:34.43mostyand your sip.conf / etc files
02:37.19LiNeTuX|Homeyou could use winfs to store everything in a cool database
02:37.41[TK]D-Fenderunpaidbill: if all of your phones have the same rights and the extensions apply to each, then sure, it could be just 2 big contexts.
02:46.54*** join/#asterisk dongs (
02:47.17dongshow do i dial() 2 placs at once and ignore any possible failure from one of hte places?
02:47.29dongssip/foo&iax/bar for example
02:47.36dongseither could be offline.
02:48.24StromDial() should ignore the failure
02:49.55dongsapparently it doesnt?
02:50.22dongsJun 14 11:41:56 NOTICE[5034]: app_dial.c:1056 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3 - No route to destination)
02:50.31dongsand it drops the call.
02:51.51[TK]D-Fenderpastebin the failed attempt at verbose 10
02:51.57jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
02:53.00[TK]D-Fenderdongs: Show us the complete CLI output of your failed call.
02:53.02dongssame shit. its not printing any more shit that it did at 3.
02:53.34dongsits calling a peer over iax on remote machine which is down
02:53.46dongsas wlel as dialing a local peer.
02:54.55[TK]D-Fenderdongs please show us the call...
02:55.06*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
02:55.34*** join/#asterisk erojasv (n=erojasv@
03:05.04*** join/#asterisk jlgaddis (n=jlgaddis@fedora/jlgaddis)
03:24.18*** part/#asterisk mog (
03:28.46*** join/#asterisk mog (
03:28.46*** mode/#asterisk [+o mog] by ChanServ
03:42.22*** part/#asterisk mog (
03:53.07*** join/#asterisk rootlogin (
03:53.52*** join/#asterisk stkn__ (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
04:05.47*** join/#asterisk EnterUserName (n=enter@pdpc/supporter/student/GeekZoid)
04:08.50*** join/#asterisk mmlj4 (
04:24.01jblackI called someone 188 times last night.
04:24.09jblackin the space of 3 minutes.
04:25.59raytruz`Needless to say they are on your DNC now ? :-)
04:26.52jblackA while back I setup a 511 extension for tech support for a call center. Calls that break badly are sent to 511.
04:27.19jblackwell, his cell phone is in that mix. So, he got a call at 3am, answered it, got a call on call waiting, answered it. Hung up the phone, got two more. :)
04:28.29jblackThe intent was to test the zttest the pri under load, but found out they're limiting to 10 concurrent calls without realizing it.
04:39.35raytruz`how come while i'm on a call, i cannot see any foreign address with netstat -anp
04:40.59EnterUserNamehi if dtfmode is not set properly in asterisk woudl hat mess up outbound calls
04:41.13EnterUserNamei used AUTO for inbound and it is working however outbound calls keep saying this account is not valid
04:41.31jblackEnterUserName: screwing with dtmfmode will only screw up button pushing.
04:41.52EnterUserNameOk. Well my register requires an authid and extension
04:41.59EnterUserNamehow can i set an extension for outbound is that needed?
04:42.25jblackYou probably want to fix your sip or iax conf file instead, but....
04:43.10jblackPardon, IAX2.
04:43.17EnterUserNamehmm im using trixbox for configuration :S. mebbe i should read up on that
04:43.30jblackYou're in the wrong channel. Please read the topic
04:43.38*** join/#asterisk s0lid (n=s0lid@
04:44.06jblackI believe you are not supposed to edit your dialplan with trixbox.
04:45.00EnterUserNamehmm. well there is a place to configure outbound calls which is what ive doen but it keeps spitting out my account is invalid
04:45.04EnterUserNamehowever incoming works great L)
04:45.28jblackI don't know anything about trixbox, other than it started off just like asterisk, and has changed much since.
04:45.55EnterUserNamei though tit uses asterisk as a backend
04:46.06EnterUserNameim looking at for help pon configuring the sip.conf
04:46.19jblackIt forked some time ago.
04:46.29unpaidbillfender/mosty i guess i'm not doing it in some crazy fashion then, maybe i'll store the information in sql and write a little php script to easily modify my extensions.conf/sip.conf/sccp.conf/zapata.conf ... thanks for the replies
04:46.56jblackThats why this channel can't help; basic assumptions made by someone that knows asterisk can be completely flawed in trixbox.
04:47.14EnterUserNamethanks for the explanation jblack
04:47.31*** join/#asterisk Mavvie (
04:58.12*** join/#asterisk hfb (
05:07.12drmessanoAsterisk CE uses Asterisk as it's backend
05:07.37drmessanoTrixbox CE uses Asterisk as it's backend or core, or however you want to put it
05:07.50drmessanoTrixbox Pro and PBXtra use some forked Asterisk
05:08.23drmessanoEither way, CE uses FreePBX which writes it own config files from a SQL DB
05:08.41drmessanoYou can add onto the configs, somewhat.. but you can't edit what is written
05:08.48drmessanoEither way, not supported here
05:08.52*** join/#asterisk nomad_cz (
05:10.53nomad_czHi. Is it possible that two calls via h323 to the same  number on asterisk will just kill each other ? They both hang up for some reason :/
05:11.22nomad_czOne call a time works ok :/
05:14.13drmessanoHOLY MOLEY
05:14.17drmessanoLOOK AT THAT
05:15.11drmessanoThat... That is nuts
05:20.12coppiceStop complaining. That's a bargain compared to a US$2750 2m long mains cable that some people need for their listening pleasure
05:20.35jblackIs audiophile french for "moron" ?
05:21.31nick125jblack: I believe so.
05:22.11coppiceaudio == sound
05:22.13coppicephile == to love
05:22.15coppiceaudiophile == to love the sounds of one's own voice, I guess
05:25.53drmessanoNo, you have it all wrong
05:26.01drmessanoaudio = automatic
05:26.13drmessanophile = hears things no one else hears
05:26.24drmessanoaudiophile = automatically hears things no one else hears
05:26.31nick125Audiophile is the love of sound of money being withdrawn from your wallet.
05:26.47*** join/#asterisk joobie (
05:26.51joobiehey guys
05:27.20joobieis it possible to setp asterisk so that you can dial into the system remotely and press a number on your phone to then listen realtime to a particular extension?
05:27.25drmessanoIf you play a blank CD to an audiophile, he'll hear recording atifacts, digital distortion, and unneccessary pink noise
05:27.38joobielike asy i have extension 1,2,3,4,5 .. i dial into the system.. then i press the number 1 .. then i can hear the conversation happening on line 1
05:31.00coppicethe true audiophile can hear the sound of one hand clapping
05:34.06nomad_czjoobie: ExtenSpy() ?
05:36.07joobienomad_cz, im new to asterisk.. need a bit of a hand to select hardware and put together this system
05:36.20joobieanyone in here knowledable in that area?
05:37.50nomad_czjoobie: Do not ask me ;) I am stuck myself ;)
05:38.50joobiewhat are you stuck on?
05:39.53nomad_czjoobie:  Two calls at the same time to the same number on asterisk via h323 -> SIP kill each other :/
05:40.35nomad_czjoobie: There is EndedByTransportFail error in log but can't make it out ;)
05:40.57nomad_czjoobie: one call a time works ok thought
05:45.50joobieway over my haed hey
05:47.29*** join/#asterisk [cfdisk] (
05:48.48nomad_czjoobie: No one answered yet so probably it is a difficult question ;)
05:49.42*** join/#asterisk makkksimal (
05:49.47joobienomad do you know a good resource to find hardware cards that are supported for asterisk?
05:50.02joobiei want to hook up 16 analogue telephones to asterisk.. where the asterisk hooks up to a sip provider via the itnernet
05:50.05joobieduno what hardware
05:51.55*** join/#asterisk mosty (
05:54.43*** join/#asterisk SwK (
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05:56.33nomad_czjoobie: Look at
06:00.28joobieanyone more specific?:P
06:01.01*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
06:01.09nomad_czjoobie: Those are really general question and are described in official docs ;)
06:01.28nomad_czjoobie: I could copy and paste thought ;)
06:05.22*** part/#asterisk fetcher (
06:07.03nomad_czAnyone helpful ? ;)
06:11.59*** join/#asterisk techie (
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06:35.48Damin[Jun 14 02:32:17] NOTICE[6126]: channel.c:3035 ast_request: Zap interface translated to DAHDI.
06:35.49Damin[Jun 14 02:32:17]     -- Requested transfer capability: 0x00 - SPEECH
06:35.49Damin[Jun 14 02:32:17]     -- Called g4/2163620550
06:35.49Damin[Jun 14 02:32:17]     -- DAHDI/73-1 is proceeding passing it to IAX2/tdm-1-1486
06:35.49Damin[Jun 14 02:32:17]     -- DAHDI/73-1 answered IAX2/tdm-1-1486
06:35.50Damin[Jun 14 02:32:36]     -- Hungup 'DAHDI/73-1'
06:35.55DaminThat's new. :)
06:40.58*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=angeldav@
06:42.18*** join/#asterisk nobesnickr (
06:47.35nomad_czHi. Is it possible that two calls via h323 to the same  number on asterisk will just kill each other ? They both hang up for some reason :/
06:47.46nomad_czOne call a time works ok :/
06:48.35mostywhere is that number routed?
07:00.28*** join/#asterisk af_ (
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07:10.03nomad_czmosty: via h323 from avaya to one SIP number on asterisk
07:10.33mostyanything informative in the logs?
07:10.39nomad_czmosty: There is EndedByTransportFail error in log but can't make it out
07:12.20nomad_czmosty: It seems to me as if those two separated calls were mixed together or something like that. Do not know.
07:13.59*** join/#asterisk fordfrog (n=fordfrog@gentoo/developer/fordfrog)
07:14.50mostyi have never used h323 before, i can't think of anything obvious for you to check
07:16.23nomad_czmosty: neither can I
07:16.46nomad_czmosty: It might be an avaya issue, hard to say
07:24.47EnterUserNamei dont think they suport
07:25.55*** join/#asterisk javawizard2539 (
07:38.22nomad_czEnterUserName: What do you mean ?
07:52.03*** join/#asterisk jack_sparo (
08:11.00*** join/#asterisk kamanashisroy (n=kamanash@
08:11.38jbotYou can buy "Asterisk the Future of Telephony" at so go buy it SERIOUSLY
08:16.24nomad_czjack_sparo: H323 is not covered :/
08:23.07mostywould anyone like to try my patch to chan_iax2.c that adds an IAXCHANINFO function?
08:28.53Stromwould anyone like to try a new kind of comedy that i've been developing on a variety of machines for almost ten seconds?
08:30.45mostyit works in my tests
08:32.59*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (
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08:58.30*** join/#asterisk l0verb0y (n=l0verb0y@
09:03.01*** join/#asterisk oilinki (
09:28.01*** join/#asterisk SparFux (
09:29.18SparFuxI am using linux kernel 2.6.25 and have to since earlier versions before 2.6.24 have the vmslice security issue. Unfortunately mISDN other than recent git doesn't compile and the git version crashes whenever I load the capi module. I need capi though for some old windows softare I use with wine. Does anybody know how to actually use mISDN with kernel 2.6.24 or 2.6.25?
09:34.59rootloginSparFux: i had the crashes with misdn also .. i downgraded to 2.6.23 that works .. i dont know any other solution
09:36.07rootloginSparFux: though i have read that someone carved out the sysfs code from the misdn module to make it work .. but there was no patch available
09:39.43SparFuxYes, I have read that too. This would be a bad hack, but anyway. Sysfs is only for doing cat /sys/* and I don't think asterisk really needs it.
09:39.58mvanbaakbut misdn does
09:40.30SparFuxYou should not let acces any untrustable user your machine. vmslice bug in kernel <= 2.6.24 give root access to any user with one page of screen of code.
09:40.49SparFuxmvanbaak: ok, I don't really use misdn, just as a driver to use capi.
09:41.45mvanbaakSparFux: the vmsplice bug is fixed in a lot of distro kernels
09:41.53*** join/#asterisk pikachu2000 (
09:42.08mvanbaakfor example, I'm running debian with 2.4.18 and they patched it with the fix put in 2.6.24
09:43.51mvanbaakI dont compile my own kernels anymore. I did so for years, but found it easier to just follow the distro kernel and install every security patch they release
09:48.54mosty2.4.18 or 2.6.18 ?
09:54.58mvanbaakLinux 2.6.18-6-xen-686 #1 SMP Sun Feb 10 22:43:13 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux
09:56.22loompeki really hate my n95
09:56.35loompekit just doesn't want to connect to the asterisk server
09:56.49mvanbaakloompek: give it to me ;)
09:57.06mvanbaakis there a sip client for blackberry ?
09:57.09loompekwhy do you need it.. like i said.. it doesn't work
09:57.24loompeki had more luck with my old qtek 9090 with sjphone..
09:57.28loompekand i hate sjphone also...
10:02.53*** join/#asterisk styelz (n=yoohoo@2001:388:f000:0:0:0:0:20b)
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11:27.40oilinkiloompek: what's wrong with the n95 connection?
11:42.32*** join/#asterisk kamanashisroy (n=kamanash@
11:56.10SparFuxrootlogin: there simply is a variable SYSFS_SUPPORT which one would have to #undef
11:56.54rootloginoh really ?? and that makes it work as well ???
11:59.32SparFuxI want to try.
11:59.55SparFuxI am not sure how to do this, Makefile should include CFLAGS+= <#undef SYSFS> something.
12:01.32SparFuxPerhaps there is no patch, because for experienced people it is dirt easy to remove sysfs.
12:03.07rootloginhehe well .. i didnt think there was a switch .. and after a quick "grep" i thought on gentoo to remove sysfs-support might not be a good idea anyways
12:03.23James|TCCno spaces!
12:03.32James|TCCwrong chan lol
12:04.24SparFuxrootlogin: why that?
12:04.36rootloginSparFux: if you can get rid of the kernel-panics by recompiling with that switch i would be interested to hear about it ;)
12:05.03SparFuxYes, I will try to find out how to undef in CFLAGS.
12:06.16rootloginSparFux: if i remember right gentoo uses sysfs .. but on the other side i dont know if its needed for misdn
12:06.35SparFuxI think not as long as I only use capi part of misdn.
12:06.48SparFuxgcc has no such command line option. damn.
12:10.59rootloginSparFux: why not simply undef it in a central header of the module
12:11.11SparFuxWhat is a central header?
12:11.14SparFuxI cannot find one.
12:11.28rootloginquick n dirty .. hmm
12:11.31SparFuxBut I found -U option to gcc, so in Makefile: CFLAGS+=-U SYSFS_SUPPORT
12:11.46SparFuxI have to check it actually is deactivated.
12:12.48SparFuxcan the preprocessor echo some output?
12:13.25rootloginyou can an #ifdef #endif
12:13.44rootloginand in between a #error "it is still set !!"
12:13.49rootloginfor example
12:14.20rootlogini will take a look at the sources also
12:14.54rootlogintakes a second .. have to start up the *-machine
12:15.33SparFuxWell, in drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/sysfs.h perhaps
12:16.33*** join/#asterisk mltlnx (
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12:18.43SparFuxwell, still set.
12:20.31SparFuxthat's crap. I undef and then do ifdef then error, but there is no error. weird.
12:20.41*** join/#asterisk tmjb (
12:23.26SparFuxHm.. I am afraid this variable isn't set anyway.
12:23.26rootloginSparFux: why weird ? if you undef .. then its not defined .. so ifdef passes the error
12:23.39SparFuxyes, right. I was wron.g
12:23.53rootloginthe way it should be ... hehe oh not set anyway :)
12:24.00SparFuxBut ifdef -> error doesnt even give an error when I undef nohting, so I think it isn't defined at all. :-(
12:25.33SparFuxThis is really weird. It's not defined anyway.
12:25.39rootloginoh no .. its supposed to be silent dont worry
12:26.05SparFuxwell, then I just define it.
12:26.07rootloginif you dont undef and there still is no error well
12:26.28rootloginyep or that way .. to check the ifdef
12:26.35SparFuxyes, it is like this. I dont undef without any error.
12:26.52SparFuxto check wether it crashes!
12:27.01SparFuxperhaps WITH sysfs it doesnt crash.
12:28.34SparFuxI might crash now.
12:28.58rootlogingo ahead :)
12:30.26SparFuxhm... not crashed.
12:30.35SparFuxbut the module loading hangs.
12:31.58SparFuxno, there has been a sysfs problem. I can see in the logs. I will have to reboot, my module kernel stuff hangs. :-\
12:32.22rootloginhmm here its undefined as well
12:32.48SparFuxat least I can now remove the modules dir already, so that rebooting doesnt automatically crashes the system :-)
12:33.06rootloginmaybe some part of the code that should be covered by the switch is not covered correctly
12:34.02SparFuxYes, that might be.
12:34.07rootlogincause if removing sysfs support totally VS compiling with undefined compiler switch means it works
12:34.11SparFuxactually the debugging option is still not covered.
12:34.13rootloginthat makes me think
12:34.31SparFuxI don't even find the article about the sysfs removement anymore.
12:34.57*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
12:35.24SparFuxOK, now I reboot. might take a long time here.
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12:36.05rootloginhmm .. maybe tonight or tomorrow i get some motivation and carve out sysfs to give this a try ..
12:36.36rootlogini would like to have a mISDN-patch for 2.6.24/25
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12:37.49rootloginoh goner
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13:26.26errrI am making a "click to call" thing for my web site. Is there a way using the AMI to Originate the call so that the person who clicks from the web site will hear a message like  "we are connecting your call to blah blah blah ...."?
13:29.21*** join/#asterisk uTx (
13:29.27mostyyes, there is
13:30.12tmjbhello i trying to decide to use linksys SPA941 or cisco 7906g ? I am looking for the features like plastic quality and quality of speakers?
13:30.41mostyerrr, but you're best off asking how to do that in a web channel, like #javascript if you're using javascript
13:30.47errrmosty: how? Do you do it in the context that you use to make the call, or is it something done from the manager
13:31.09mostyerrr, do you want to play that through the browser, or through the SIP phone?
13:31.57errrsorry, when the person clicks to call from the web then I will first ring that person, then I want that message to play while its connecting the call to one of us on the inside
13:32.21*** join/#asterisk jack_sparo (n=eddy@
13:33.45mostythen you'd do that in the dialplan, use the SayDigits command
13:34.28errrso then I need to make a context that is just for this web stuff so that it doesnt play these messages unless its a web click to call
13:36.04errroh no I could set a variable with the ami so I know it came from the web and just add an if to my regular context
13:39.41*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
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13:54.47rootlogintmjb: i bought a linksys SPA901 and i like the quality .. a bit on the heavy side but that makes it stable :)
13:59.15[TK]D-Fenderrootlogin: 901?  Is this for use in a lobby where you're afraid it'll get abused?
14:00.15*** join/#asterisk coppice (
14:00.42rootloginhehe i dont know :) no display but thats ok for me .. so if i would come accross that usecase i might consider that phone :)
14:01.33[TK]D-Fenderrootlogin: Screen & speakerphone would have been $10 more.  20$ would have gotten a 4-line phone with lit indicators, etc
14:01.43[TK]D-Fenderrootlogin: Cheaping out for a 901 is just crazy
14:03.32rootloginwell i simply needed a phone .. plain and simple .. what does the display show ? there is a message indicator on the 901 as well
14:03.50rootloginthough i didnt know that :D
14:04.03[TK]D-Fenderrootlogin: CallerID, call status, soft-keys for call control.  Dear God....
14:05.38*** join/#asterisk amaache (n=maache76@
14:05.51rootloginah well the caller-ID that could be useful right
14:06.37*** join/#asterisk raytruz` (
14:07.07rootloginbut this way i have some reason to check out the * interaction with jabber
14:07.18[TK]D-Fenderrootlogin: Only point for a 901 is in a lobby/entryway
14:07.43rootloginor in my crowded room for wallmounting
14:07.56rootloginno space on the desk :D
14:08.13[TK]D-Fenderrootlogin: they all can wall-mount.
14:09.07*** join/#asterisk raytruz` (
14:09.18rootlogini think so but its not nice cause theyre not flat .. hehe wtf if it would be my office i wouldnt have chosen this one .. sure
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14:09.53rootloginits just for testing .. i needed a hardware SIP-endpoint
14:10.39[TK]D-Fenderrootlogin: Still its a wasted investment.  By cutting of the display you cut off a good portion of "testing" : making sure the call arrives looking like its supposed to.
14:11.39*** join/#asterisk MrNaz (
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14:12.51rootloginwell thats a point
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14:27.12Wiedihas anyone tested chan_gtalk with ichat? i get "gtalk_alloc: no gtalk capable clients to talk to."
14:28.38Wiedithe asterisk jabber contact also doesn't show the "phone" icon so i could try to call it
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14:36.41loompekaparently.. my sip password can only be <17 bytes long...
14:36.44loompekon n95
14:36.48loompekor so it seems
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14:44.54XnOSXi need help
14:45.40XnOSXin my Asterisk PBX the caller id for the person call for my pbx number cant show in the internal phones
14:46.00XnOSXanybody have any idea
14:46.12XnOSXalways show Unknown Caller
14:46.28riddleboxis there a way to force a moh waiting light off on a zap channel?
14:46.30XnOSXi need to show the number that is calling
14:46.33jayteehahaha, this reminds me of the guy last nite who plugged in both "utp" cables from his Grandstream to his router and couldn't figure out how why his internet connection would drop.
14:46.38riddleboxnot moh, sorry mwi
14:46.39MrNazso i have a working asterisk now box, with a tdm 410 card with 4 fxo modules.... how can i start making calls? i've downloaded a softphone for my laptop to try and test it, but i'm still totally new to asterisk
14:47.23[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox: Force it off?  Wipe the messages fromt he VM box, or remove the box from the device
14:47.47[TK]D-FenderMrNaz: have you set up your zaptel.conf & zapata.conf?
14:47.54XnOSXMrNaz: you must make a configuration in youre .conf files asterisk and set the Dialplan
14:48.05jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
14:48.12[TK]D-FenderXnOSX: What is your call coming in from?
14:48.28riddlebox[TK]D-Fender, I have erased all messages from the box, but the light still flashes on the cordless phone
14:48.43MrNaz[TK]D-Fender do i have to do that using cli or can it be done using the gui (given that i'm using asterisknow) ?
14:48.46XnOSX[TK]D-Fender: from my mobile phone
14:49.07MrNazXnOSX please excuse the silly question, but what *is* a dialplan ?
14:49.26jayteeMrNaz, AsteriskNOW is not supported in this channel try #AsteriskNOW
14:49.27[TK]D-FenderXnOSX: No.  a "mobile phone" doesn't let * receive a call.  The callmay have been PLACED from your mobiile, but that is what lets * RECEIVE it.
14:49.32jayteeor #asterisk-gui
14:49.56jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
14:50.14lmadsenfeel free to buy a copy :)
14:50.26Corydon76-digMrNaz: a dialplan is that which drives the association between extension numbers and any action the PBX takes for you, including applications or connecting to another channel, inside or outside
14:50.26lmadsen(pun intended)
14:50.27XnOSX[TK]D-Fender: i have set usecallerid=yes and hidecallerid=no but still say Ucknow Caller
14:50.54lmadsenXnOSX: sendrpid=yes, trustrpid=yes in [general] may help
14:50.57MrNazjaytee thats funny, i *was* using asterisk installed on a debian box, and switched to asterisknow at the recommendation of a digium employee doing customer support in this very channel
14:51.22jayteereally? that's odd
14:51.33Corydon76-digMrNaz: with key systems, the dialplan tends to be hardcoded.  With a PBX like Asterisk, the dialplan is default empty and you must program everything
14:51.40MrNazCorydon76-dig i'm so new to asterisk that i dont even understand that.... i feel really dumb right now :(
14:51.58Corydon76-digMrNaz: look at the sample extensions.conf
14:52.01lmadsenMrNaz: you still won't end up with much/any support for asteriskNow in this channel because few people in this channel use it -- they use asterisk from source mostly
14:52.06[TK]D-FenderXnOSX: and you still haven't answered my question.
14:52.17[TK]D-FenderXnOSX: where is the call coming in FROM <-
14:52.17Corydon76-digMrNaz: you really should read the book
14:52.21lmadsenCorydon76-dig: morning!
14:52.33Corydon76-diglmadsen: mr0nin
14:52.40lmadsenreading is knowledge, and knowledge is power!
14:52.50MrNazCorydon76-dig i've actually read quite a bit from asterisk TFOT ... dialplans were mentioned extensively but i never saw them defined
14:52.52[TK]D-FenderAnd knowing is half the battle!
14:53.07[TK]D-FenderMrNaz: LOL!!!
14:53.13[TK]D-FenderMrNaz: How about CHAPTER 5 <-
14:53.17Corydon76-digMrNaz: you did, but you did not make the association
14:53.17lmadsenand 6 :)
14:53.19jayteeMrNaz, even though the book is for the standard version of Asterisk it will still show you how to program your dialplan and that will help you some with AsteriskNOW but you'll still have to learn that version's method of setting up things in the GUI
14:53.20riddlebox[TK]D-Fender, do you ever use the asterisk-gui?
14:53.24[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox: nope.
14:53.34MrNaz[TK]D-Fender i'll go read that chapter now
14:53.39lmadsenI've used it
14:53.40lmadsenI like it
14:53.42Corydon76-digMrNaz: extensions.conf defines the dialplan
14:53.47riddlebox[TK]D-Fender, I have it installed and just use it once in a while to see whats going on, its great
14:53.50lmadsensome things I don't like, but overall, I like the way it works
14:53.55[TK]D-FenderMrNaz: Your dialplan is the single most important thing to master in *.
14:53.58lmadsenfor a gui, it doesn't get in the way very much
14:54.17XnOSX[TK]D-Fender: i dont know what you mean? a context?
14:54.22MrNazCorydon76-dig perhaps... i think i have a lot of conceptual holdovers from my use of old school type pabx systems which is messing with my attempt to learn this stuff
14:54.26jayteelmadsen, the asterisk gui for asteriskNow?
14:54.32Corydon76-diglmadsen: btw, did you catch UserFriendly the last half of this week?
14:54.40[TK]D-FenderXnOSX: No, what is making this call arrive at *?  HOW does it come in?
14:54.45XnOSX[TK]D-Fender: the context for incoming calls is incoming
14:54.52[TK]D-FenderXnOSX: ARGH!
14:54.57riddlebox[TK]D-Fender, they are making some good progress with it, but I like editing files hehe
14:54.58[TK]D-FenderXnOSX: Dear God..
14:54.59lmadsenjaytee: asteriskNow is a distribution built on rPath, which happens to use the asterisk-gui -- I've used the asterisk-gui for a customer on a CentOS 5 distro, running Asterisk 1.4 release
14:55.04Corydon76-digMrNaz: what happens when you pick up a telephone and press 9?
14:55.11lmadsenCorydon76-dig: I don't read UserFriendly :)
14:55.12jayteecuz it seems that the freePBX gui in trixbox wants to completely or almost completely control your dialplan.
14:55.15XnOSXsorry my english is not so good buddy
14:55.22[TK]D-FenderXnOSX: Do you have a Zaptel card?  Is it from a VoIP proovider?  Do you have a smoke-signal detector?
14:55.36XnOSXaaaa ok
14:55.40lmadsenjaytee: agreed -- the asterisk-gui is specifically designed to not step on your dialplan -- it does in SOME spots, but once you learn what those are, you can easily step around it
14:55.41[TK]D-FenderXnOSX: Some kind of TECHNOLOGY lets * know you HAVE a call.
14:55.46jayteelmadsen, yeah I looked at it but I don't like rPath. I wanted to mess with the gui on CentOS instead.
14:55.47lmadsenand that's why I like it
14:55.52lmadsenjaytee: and you can
14:55.55XnOSX[TK]D-Fender: yes i have a TDM400 with 4 FXO ports
14:56.00lmadsenasterisk-gui != asteriskNow
14:56.02MrNazCorydon76-dig i hear a 9 tone
14:56.03jayteelmadsen, cool!
14:56.11[TK]D-FenderXnOSX: Gee, that was like wringing blood from a stone.
14:56.12XnOSXand the last version of asterisk, zaptel etc etc etc
14:56.12Corydon76-digMrNaz: That's a key system.
14:56.21lmadsenCorydon76-dig: niiiiiice :)
14:56.22MrNazCorydon76-dig or was that question rhetorical ?
14:56.24[TK]D-FenderXnOSX: "callerid=asreceived"
14:56.34lmadsenI wish people would stop thinking asterisk-gui == asteriskNOW
14:56.37[TK]D-FenderXnOSX: Thats what you need.
14:56.40XnOSX[TK]D-Fender: ok in the zaptel.conf?
14:56.40Corydon76-digMrNaz: in many key systems, when you press 9, you hear a dialtone for an outside line.
14:56.47[TK]D-FenderXnOSX: zapata.conf
14:56.51jayteelmadsen, I'll try to spread the word :-)
14:56.54Corydon76-digMrNaz: in Asterisk, what happens is completely up to you
14:56.57riddleboxlmadsen, I know what you mean
14:57.00lmadsencan't wait to update the documentation to make the perfectly clear
14:57.03[TK]D-Fenderlmadsen: Guess I'm going to go play with *-gui myself shortly.
14:57.14lmadsen[TK]D-Fender: yep, you'll hate it I'm sure :)
14:57.22MrNazCorydon76-dig so i can make it so pressing 9 causes my pc to show random files from ~/porn ???
14:57.24[TK]D-Fenderlmadsen: probably less than others.
14:57.35XnOSX[TK]D-Fender: i need that the calls near extranet show caller id in the GXP2000 terminals displays
14:57.35lmadsenMrNaz: technically, yes
14:57.41Corydon76-digMrNaz: while that means that Asterisk is initially more difficult to get started, it is much more customizable
14:57.41[TK]D-Fenderlmadsen: But what'd make it livable is if I could help in the design process :)
14:58.02[TK]D-FenderXnOSX: "calls near extranet"?  You are being VERY unclear about everything.
14:58.03riddleboxlmadsen, i showed the new svn version to a friend who is the network admin for a local college (who is looking for a new system) and he was amazed at how easy it was to do stuff
14:58.04MrNazlmadsen awesome! can i make it so pressing, say, 666 in a call with an annoying caller causes the call to be piped to /dev/null ?
14:58.08jayteewhile not having a GUI makes it harder for some people, I prefer the total flexibilty of standard Asterisk.
14:58.09lmadsen[TK]D-Fender: for sure -- I plan on building a custom dialplan just for the GUI as a good example -- afaik, one does not exist right now
14:58.29lmadsenMrNaz: you can make asterisk do anything you want by expanding it through AGI()'s etc...
14:58.34MrNazCorydon76-dig yeap i'm reading chap 5 now (ive downloaded the book) and between the first para i've read and what you've just told me, i'm starting to get it
14:58.43lmadsenasterisk is a toolkit that is infinitely expandable
14:58.51jayteeI'm tempted to rig up a SIP enabled coffee pot that calls me when the coffee's ready.
14:59.11MrNazlmadsen cool
14:59.13lmadsenjaytee: you obviously don't maintain more than 20 systems
14:59.43Corydon76-digMrNaz: A lot of people look upon Asterisk as a phone system.  While it has the capability to do everything a phone system can do and more, it is a toolkit, not a telephone system.
14:59.44lmadsenpeople who don't use GUIs are suckers for being "administrators"
14:59.58lmadsenit's a toolkit with telephony cababilities :)
15:00.32jayteelmadsen, true and I totally understand and agree with your point. I do want to add a gui going forward though so that an admin type person can be trained to add extensions easily but other than that I don't want anyone messing with the core dialplan logic because it's highly customized at the moment.
15:01.00Corydon76-digYou can make Asterisk do 100 different things... it's all in the way that you customize it.
15:01.09XnOSX[TK]D-Fender: i dont have the correctly words for express that i need
15:01.20jayteeremember I told you how I "kludged" it so that my Nortel Option 11C and my Asterisk box now work together as one PBX?
15:01.22Corydon76-digI myself have written a hunter reporting system using Asterisk.
15:01.24XnOSX[TK]D-Fender: my english is not so good friend sorry
15:01.30[TK]D-FenderXnOSX: What is this "extranet call"?  How does it arrive at *?
15:01.36riddleboxlmadsen, I have been wondering something can you have one asterisk server, which handles say all of your trunks like 4 pri's, then another server that handles all extensions, and another that handles all voicemail?
15:01.39lmadsenjaytee: I work with, and build systems for anywhere between 2-8 people a week -- if I had to maintain all of those systems, I'm be quickly inundated with nothing but 'maintenance' work, and would be a waste of my experience and skills.
15:01.41Corydon76-digfor people who are too technophobic to use the interweb
15:01.48[TK]D-FenderXnOSX: Your grammar is fine, its the DETAILS you aren't prooviding.
15:01.49lmadsenriddlebox: of course
15:02.13jayteelmadsen, yeah and that makes sense. for me I just have the one system to maintain but even then I want a gui eventually.
15:02.16lmadsenCorydon76-dig: yep... but it won't do 101 things
15:02.34riddleboxlmadsen, ohh duh, you would kinda create your own sip server then, gee sometimes i think i have to ask questions then it pops in my head
15:02.38Corydon76-digIf you're a hunter in the state of Washington, and you use the telephone to report your kills to the state, you're using an Asterisk system.
15:03.10riddleboxCorydon76-dig, thats cool to know
15:03.14lmadsenI'm off to shower and head downtown to watch baseball and drink beer
15:03.20lmadsenerrr... bye :)
15:03.25lmadsenhas book on the brain :D
15:03.26XnOSX[TK]D-Fender: ok, well im try with callerid=asreceived hold on
15:03.48Corydon76-digIf you're a Medicare patient in the state of Maryland, and your provider calls up the automated line to check your eligiblity for benefits, he's using an Asterisk system.
15:03.53jayteelmadsen, the 3rd edition or the cookbook?
15:03.57MrNazCorydon76-dig i assume thats just an IVR hooked up to a database back end with events triggering appropriate scripts based upon user ivr input... right?
15:04.06[TK]D-FenderXnOSX: That will help with the call-id issue on your Zap channels.
15:04.20Corydon76-digMrNaz: It's all dialplan, in both cases
15:04.22MrNazCorydon76-dig please excuse my imploite use of the word "just", i did not mean to diminish the amount of work that must have gone into that heh
15:04.33Corydon76-digBut yes, it's interfacing to a database in both cases
15:04.44XnOSX[TK]D-Fender: ok! thanx so much i hope so jejeje
15:04.52[TK]D-FenderMrNaz: basic IVR's aren't anything special...
15:10.45MrNazrealistically, is using asterisknow a good idea if i'm going to have trouble getting support? #asterisknow looks about as alive as a 3 day old run over raccoon corpse
15:15.16*** join/#asterisk drako (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
15:15.32[TK]D-FenderMrNaz: *Now is not a good way to learn *.  Its a good 2nd step.
15:16.24MrNaz[TK]D-Fender it is the second step... my first step was installing on ubuntu and getitng the zaptel kernel driver built etc
15:16.36MrNazi got a working asterisk system, but didnt go further
15:16.41[TK]D-FenderMrNaz: Ubuntu can work, but its a PITA
15:17.12[TK]D-FenderMrNaz: You have a TON of crap to install on it before you can compile * because its intended as a binary-only desktop system.
15:17.15*** join/#asterisk mardi (n=mardi01@
15:17.43[TK]D-FenderMrNaz: So you are working from a less used starting point which causes more work.
15:18.03jayteeCentOS ftw!
15:18.15MrNazok well i'm quite happy to start over with a new distro and method
15:18.21MrNazwhat is the recommended method in here?
15:19.00[TK]D-FenderMrNaz: RH-based has the most documentation and users so far, so that'd probably be a good idea.
15:19.13MrNazcentos it is
15:19.21jayteeMrNaz, CentOS is RHEL without the branding
15:19.22MrNazfires up his torrent client
15:19.32MrNazjaytee yea i know
15:19.50[TK]D-FenderMrNaz: CentOS is usually the most suggested because it is less "bleeding-edge" that the Fedoras, and is still completely "free" (beer/speech"
15:20.02jayteeMrNaz, here's a good howto for * on CentOS:
15:20.19[TK]D-FenderMrNaz: And being build from RHEL sources you gain all the documentation for RHEL as well.
15:21.03mardihi all, would an average home user wanting to get into voip need a pabx system like asterisk?
15:21.14jaytee[TK]D-Fender, have you run * on a recent Fedora build? I'm curious what effect the new CFS scheduler has on *.
15:21.45[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Nope, only use CentOS at this point.  I'm still a fan of Slackware however.
15:22.03jayteewith older kernels that don't have the new scheduler?
15:22.09[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Time was a single CDD could get you installing * from source without ANY more packages to download.
15:26.08jayteeI want this tshirt:
15:27.47*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
15:28.07MrNazif you build form source... doesnt that make handling updates to asterisk a pain?
15:28.34jayteenot really, you're just rebuilding with a new source
15:28.45*** join/#asterisk lose (
15:29.11[TK]D-FenderMrNaz: *'s requirement son't really change unless they do something tragic going from something like 1.4 to 1.6.  Internal stuff?  almost never
15:29.17jayteeI've been running 1.4.15 for several months now and * is now up to 1.4.21. I've had no real pressing need to update.
15:29.17mardiallrighty then....
15:29.24MrNazif you have 100 asterisk boxes?
15:29.25*** part/#asterisk mardi (n=mardi01@
15:29.53jayteethen it's time for mondo :-)
15:29.55MrNazjaytee i'm talking years later
15:30.10MrNazsurely running software that is years out of date is not recommended?
15:30.52MrNazsee with a debian based distro you can just apt-get update the system... source bulids require human intervention on every box... right?
15:30.58jayteeMrNaz, probably not but there are still lots of people out there running NT 4.0 and Netware 386.
15:31.39MrNazjaytee indeed... they are politically correctly referred to as "mentally handicapped"
15:31.51[TK]D-FenderMrNaz: If you have 100 boxes are you going to take EVERY update that comes out?  Compiling * is no big deal.  its a very worthwhile 5 minutes of your life.  Any anoyone responsible for that many would build their OWN packages personally as well as the deployment platform rather than relying on some 3rd party, hoping they do a "decent" job.
15:32.53jaytee3rd party packages can be a nightmare
15:32.56[TK]D-FenderMrNaz: And try to imagine why you are even running 100 * boxes.  What purpose is * filling to need so many?  How much time during its lifespan will you really need to spend recompiling?
15:33.08[TK]D-FenderMrNaz: You poot is remarkably moot.
15:33.19MrNaz[TK]D-Fender while the question i'm asking is just hypothetical, and i agree that uliding from source isnt hard... i'm not sure about the "real admins build their own packages and deployment platform" bit...
15:33.30[TK]D-FenderMrNaz: And those whining about their packages not living up to expectations got what they deserved.
15:33.43jayteebesides, if you let your system do a kernel update you have to recompile your zaptel and * modules to work again and on some distros the kernel updates are every other week.
15:34.03Corydon76-digMrNaz: they prefer "differently abled"
15:34.16[TK]D-FenderMrNaz: "real admins build their own packages and deployment platform" <- this was aimed at your hypothetical admin responsible for 100 boxes, and is ENTIRELY realistic, and I KNOW THAT GUY PERSONALLY.
15:34.22MrNaz[TK]D-Fender i was asking the question, the scenario i had in mind was for someone who deployed * for clients
15:34.47[TK]D-FenderMrNaz: Well I am an independant consultant and I compile from source every time.
15:35.44MrNaz[TK]D-Fender ok... i'll take your word for it... i was just asking, coz i use debian on all my web/db boxes, and it saves me HEAPS of time over the old bulid from source routine i had
15:36.05jayteeMrNaz, do take his word for it. He knows from whence he speaks :-)
15:36.22[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-dig: "differently-abled".  Feh.  That implies there is always some sort of extraordinary compensation for whatever "challenge" they happen to have to face.
15:36.36MrNazjaytee i wouldnt be asking him questions if i wasnt already convinced of that :)
15:37.21[TK]D-FenderMrNaz: For Web I agree, but thats because all of the components are largely guanteed, aren't dependent on your kernel so much, and are thoroughly tested.  You know who makes most * packages?  Not really great jobs you know... right tool for the right job...
15:38.16jayteeMrNaz, good cuz if you come across a problem that [TK]D-Fender, Corydon76-dig or several others in here can't help you with then you've found yourself in a unique position and are well and truly f%#&ed if you know what I mean.
15:38.17MrNaz[TK]D-Fender yes, and someone using NT4 today cannot possibly have anything to compensate for the astonishing lack of mental power... unless perhaps they are able to fly like superman
15:38.46*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
15:38.53[TK]D-FenderMrNaz: Might be an acceptable trade-off....
15:39.29MrNaz[TK]D-Fender ok cool... centos with build from source it is...  <-- jaytee gave me that howto... is that the generally accepted method?
15:39.50jayteeI've used that howto with great success
15:39.58jayteethere may be better ones though
15:40.30wonderworldis there a formula that would let calculate me how fast the cpu needs to be to handle a certain number of concurrent calls?
15:40.33[TK]D-FenderMrNaz: installing *'s prereq's is the same on any RH distro and nearly identical for any package-based system.  Compiling * is ALWAYS the same.
15:40.41[TK]D-FenderMrNaz: (except Gentoo)
15:40.59[TK]D-FenderMrNaz: This is all nice and neatly described in the BOOK, and just about every guide out there.
15:42.32jayteeMrNaz, on the optional installs in that howto you should know before hand that the book has good coverage of CDR using PostGRE sql but if you want to use mysql for CDR you'll have to use another howto because that's not covered in the book.
15:42.56[TK]D-FenderMrNaz: compiling * and zaptel is like 10 steps and is almost completely standard for the install of any Posix program out there.
15:43.13MrNazjaytee i'd sooner use a spoon to carve out my own appendix than use mysql for anything
15:43.33XnOSX[TK]D-Fender: well this cant help me friend! still show Unknown Caller in the GXP2000 displays
15:43.46[TK]D-FenderXnOSX: pastebin your zapata.conf
15:43.49jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
15:43.59XnOSX[TK]D-Fender: ok
15:44.01MrNaz[TK]D-Fender ok... well i havent tried any of this from source yet... first attempt was ubuntu, second was asterisknow.... i'm getting centos as we speak, and i'll do the build fom source next
15:46.33[TK]D-FenderXnOSX: Should be OK for callerid.  So either you don't have the proper indication zone set in zaptel.conf, or one isn't available, or you don't have CallerID service on that line.
15:46.36XnOSX[TK]D-Fender: this is my
15:46.50[TK]D-FenderXnOSX: Or you didn't restart * following those changes
15:47.11XnOSX[TK]D-Fender: i was restart server complete
15:47.50jayteeprobably not getting CallerID from the telco
15:48.02XnOSXin zaptel.conf i have defaultzone = es and loadzone = es
15:48.42*** join/#asterisk EmleyMoor (
15:48.50XnOSXi will try reboot server again
15:49.17EmleyMoorI am trying to connect my N95 to my home * over my mother's WiFi but it fails - error 408 shows on the *
15:49.30EmleyMoorWhat is likely to be wrong?
15:51.24*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
15:51.32EmleyMoorI can do similar on other people's similar setups
15:56.40EmleyMoorI try to register my N95 from here and I see 408 "Request Timeout"
15:57.34Stromperhaps a router issue
15:57.50EmleyMoorStrom: Perhaps indeed - anything I might be able to do?
15:58.03*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
15:58.29Stromi assume you're using SIP?
15:58.57Strommake sure the router is forwarding the standard SIP port range (5060, 10000-20000 UDP) to your phone
16:00.52EmleyMoorI can't see the IP I've been assigned
16:01.11Stromthere's no tool on your phone to tell you that?
16:01.29Stromwhat about the router's dhcp client table?
16:01.54EmleyMoorChooses not to say
16:02.15*** join/#asterisk remibemol (
16:02.23Stromwell, what information does it give you?
16:02.40EmleyMoorAnother one
16:03.05Stromthese answers aren't very helpful
16:03.37EmleyMoorI am looking to make them more helpful
16:03.58Stromwhat information does the router provide when you look at its DHCP client table?
16:04.30EmleyMoorOne DHCP client - but I don't think it's the right one - and there is more than one - how do I find the MAC address of the phone?
16:05.15Stromthat I don't know -- i've never touched that phone
16:07.05EmleyMoorHmmm - it is my phone it shows - but it doesn't show any other clients
16:07.42Stromthat's not something to worry about at this point
16:07.42ManxPowerdoes it work if you put the phone on a public IP?
16:07.51Stromjust forward the ports and see what happens
16:08.15EmleyMoorDo I need TCP, UDP or both?
16:08.29jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
16:08.34EmleyMoorFor all, 5060 included?
16:09.53EmleyMoor408 again
16:12.41EmleyMoorHas nobody come up with a "this happens - try this" for this?
16:13.09Stromwhat do you think I just walked you through?
16:14.22EmleyMoorI did it, but it didn't work
16:14.44EmleyMoorWith ports forwarded, still 408
16:15.28EmleyMoorI get no problems at all anywhere else, even on near-identical routers
16:15.47jayteewith the same ISP?
16:15.53Strom*shrug* maybe it's not the router
16:16.20EmleyMoorWith varying ISPs - not actually tried it with same ISP but it happens to be the same ISP as mine
16:20.19EmleyMoorIf it works with random other ISP, it should work with this one
16:20.27Stromyeah, it should
16:20.37StromI'm not the SIP guru
16:20.44Stromnor am I the ISP psychic
16:21.04StromI can't just magically divine what the packets are doing
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16:42.18jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
16:51.57*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
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17:44.28ManxPowerWow, no Asterisk issues today!  We finally have the Golden Release!
17:44.52ManxPowerscratches the current Asterisk and discovers it's only gold paint.
17:45.39Stromif you do that, you'll anger the gods
17:48.55ManxPowerquickly replaces Asterisk with YATE and waits for the lightening.
17:49.08Stromwhat about the shortening
17:49.11Stromor the heavying
17:49.16ManxPowerthat too!
17:49.24Stromor did you mean lightning? :)
17:49.37ManxPowermore than likely.
17:50.08ManxPowersometimes relies on the speel checker too much.
17:50.08Stromthat damned spell chicker
17:50.24Stromspeel chicker
17:51.51*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
17:51.55ManxPower*grumble*  I have to go to Lowes.
17:52.34Stromis it unlike Homo Depot?
17:53.04ManxPowerNot really.  Lowes is 12 miles away, Home Depot is 35 miles away
17:53.16ManxPowerother than the color scheme they are pretty similar.
17:54.15Stromthere's a home depot down the stret on Sunset just west of Western
17:54.21Stromit' of cruisy.
17:54.39ManxPowerIn the past Lowes was more expensive, but in the past couple of years Home Depot has raised their prices and there isn't much different these dats
17:54.58ManxPowerStrom: Considering it's location I'm not surprised.
17:55.12*** join/#asterisk Ward1983 (n=ward@
17:55.27ManxPower<-- lived in Los Angels for 5 years
17:56.17Stromah, didn't know that
17:56.21Stromwhich part?
17:56.29ManxPowerVenice, West LA, Palms
17:56.40Stromah ok
17:56.50Stromi grew up in pacific palisades
17:57.01Stromlive in los feliz now
17:57.05raytruz`I was just at lowes
17:57.09raytruz`they never have what i'm looking for
17:57.13raytruz`what are you going there to get?
17:58.13ManxPowerraytruz`: the hardware to attach a ceiling fan to
17:58.26raytruz`Ah, should be easy to find that
17:58.45ManxPower*nod* totally forgot about it when I bought the fan yesterday
18:00.37*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
18:03.07Ward1983what causes this: ? i followed this:
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18:04.34ManxPowerWard1983: do you have a [ward] or [1000] section of sip.conf?
18:05.56Ward1983ManxPower, let me check
18:08.01Ward1983ManxPower, a 1000 section
18:08.19ManxPowerLooks like you need to change that to [ward]
18:08.30ManxPoweras it looks like that is the userid it is sending
18:09.12Ward1983ok will try
18:09.14ManxPowerBTW, having the SIP userid be the same as the extension is one of the worst things you can do for anything other than a dirt simle setup.
18:09.33Ward1983im just following that little book
18:09.48Ward1983just getting to know asterisk ;)
18:09.57Ward1983how should i do it?
18:10.01ManxPowerthose sorts of things are frequently wrong, outdated, or do not take into account other things.
18:10.12Ward1983ok how should i do it?
18:10.15ManxPowerread the stuff in the Asterisk doc directory
18:10.22ManxPowerthen read ATFOT book.
18:10.42ManxPowerAfter that the other docs like the wiki and mailinglist archives and here are good places
18:22.23*** join/#asterisk kamh (
18:22.32kamhhi all
18:23.29*** join/#asterisk tobias (
18:24.27john_fbacI have an issue with my asterisk system that occurs when an incoming caller hangs up during the voicemail message; the text file of the call information is logged and stored in the user's voicemail context; since no audio recording is made, there is no file for audio...the issue is that this causes the system and the phone to give a voicemail indicator.  any ideas on how to prevent this?
18:27.14*** join/#asterisk russellb (n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla)
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18:40.38jojoman02this is an sip question, what is proxy-require used for? like situation
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19:11.20jblackI supose with the ami one has two choices; bind to 1 interfaces, or bind to all.
19:11.33jblackOr none. So, three choices.
19:11.35*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
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19:13.07outtoluncor use a proxy <G>
19:13.13*** join/#asterisk Segnale007 (
19:13.22outtoluncmeaning, bind to many
19:13.24logi4023in realtime config db tables, should ',' be used or '|'
19:13.56outtolunchere we go again <G>
19:15.03outtolunclogi4023: the *new* default is ',' it used to be '|', depending on the version you have there *might* be a compatiblity param you can use to revert to '|'
19:15.55outtoluncsearch the -users (or maybe it was -dev) for the lots of replies when this was rediscussed what.. 3 weeks ago
19:16.58*** join/#asterisk hfb (
19:19.27Ward1983whats a good softphone?
19:19.46Ward1983supporting sip
19:21.03john_fbacxlite has always worked well for me.  the newer version does not seem as nice as older ones. free.
19:21.09jbot[~softphone] A soft-phone is a program that lets your computer use a compatible audio interface (usually a speaker&mic, or headset), and optionally a webcam, to place VoIP calls with a given protocol (SIP/IAX/H.323/MGCP/etc). For links enter ~zoiper , ~xlite , ~twinkle , ~bria , ~eyebeam , ~ekiga
19:21.21cmantitoI quite like Zoiper
19:22.07*** join/#asterisk _mwoodj_ (n=mwoodj@pdpc/sponsor/digium/hyper-eye)
19:22.16logi4023the use of ',' in asterisk 1.6beta failed, '|' works.
19:22.35logi4023in addition '|' works in 1.4 while ',' does not
19:22.49Strom, works in 1.4 over here
19:23.05Stromer, never mind, not realtime
19:23.31logi4023this is for realtime mysql tables
19:24.05Stromyes, I realized that after I sent my message
19:24.10jayteeis listening to Genesis - Land Of Confusion [4:46 (4%)]
19:24.13Stromhence the retraction
19:24.28Stromjaytee: turn that script off please
19:24.52Stromno one cares what people are listening to
19:24.58Stromthose scripte are annoying
19:29.31Ward1983john_fbac, xlite only supports OSS so i cant use it
19:31.09jayteeWard1983, by OSS you mean open source?
19:31.26Ward1983jaytee, no the soundsystem..................
19:31.32Ward1983never mind
19:31.35jayteeok, ok
19:32.24jayteethought it supported ALSA too
19:32.33john_fbacme 2
19:32.47cmantitodid last time I used it.
19:32.58jayteepretty sure mine does
19:33.18jayteebut I haven't used it in awhile and don't remember what version it is.
19:36.03Ward1983pfff i cant setup my audiostuff in ANY client
19:36.13Ward1983i use digital output and analog intpu
19:36.25john_fbacward1983: see if this helps:    see alsa only systems...
19:36.40Ward1983i just give up
19:36.46Ward1983im gonna look for a client on my pda
19:36.54Ward1983linux sound stuff is retarded
19:37.20StromWard1983: seriously, just buy a hardphone or an ATA
19:37.40Ward1983Strom, that would make it more complicated
19:37.52Ward1983then i would need to use analog ina and output for the headset
19:38.03Ward1983and optical spdif for my music
19:38.05Stroma phone
19:38.15jayteemy sound driver update for Vista from Microsoft broke my sound. I had to reinstall the driver from Intel's site. Now THAT is retarded. but then so is running Vista.
19:38.16Stromnot a sound card
19:38.18Ward1983lol just to test stuff out?????
19:38.21Ward1983am i rich?
19:38.24Ward1983buy this buy that
19:38.30Ward1983thats all people aay on itc these days
19:38.38john_fbac::rolling eyes::
19:39.04Stromjohn_fbac: yeah, if my eyes could roll 180 degrees backwards right now...
19:39.10StromWard1983: you can get this stuff for cheap
19:39.37jaytee30 bucks for an SIP/ATA adapter.
19:39.46Ward1983Strom, i spend more money then i "earn" im unemployed, cheap is expensive for me
19:40.08Ward1983thats a lot of money for me
19:40.26Stromhang on
19:40.41StromI have the world's tiniest violin somewhere around here...
19:40.45Stromgoes looking for it
19:40.55jayteehahahaha, i was just thinking that same thing!!!!!
19:42.08Ward1983go back to vista and stop laughing with me :)
19:42.15john_fbacward1983: try the link that I posted, see if it helps.
19:42.44Ward1983john_fbac, i foudn another problem which is probably causing it, thanx anyway though
19:44.02jayteeI've had Vista dual boot on this box for almost a year now and I haven't booted it in at least 2 months thank god
19:44.26Stromlet's all have a zealotry contest
19:44.34jayteeyes! lets
19:45.39*** join/#asterisk fnordus (
19:45.52jayteeseriously though, I have about 200 XP client machines and I just don't see any driving need to upgrade, especially since most of the hardware can't handle it.
19:52.35Stromit's hard to believe that it's already 1992
19:52.47Stromoh well, off to buy that Nirvana CD everyone keeps talking about
19:54.33john_fbacdoes anyone know what causes a msg0000.txt message to log in the voicemail context with no audio recording?
19:54.47Ward1983lol you actually try to compare viasta with linux (a kernel btw, not a OS) :)
19:54.57Ward1983viasta = vista (typo)
19:55.47Stromoh god, not just whiny and cheap, but a hopeless zealot too
19:56.33*** join/#asterisk alexhopper (n=a27386@
19:57.16Ward1983lol man you're sooooo arrogant
19:58.37Ward1983i was only using vista because jaytee was laughing at me, and a bit earlyer he said he used vista
20:00.52jayteeI wasn't really laughing AT you. I was laughing because I was thinking "This is "My heart bleeds for you playing on the world's smallest violin" and then Strom said that about the world's smallest violin around here somewhere.
20:01.36jayteeotherwise I'm sympathetic with your unemployement and lack of funds. I've been there and done that and couldn't afford the tshirt either.
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20:12.53*** join/#asterisk Ksilebo|Home (
20:13.26Ksilebo|HomeHello. Having issues with DTMF. I hit pound and it plays it for about 10 seconds.
20:13.45Ksilebo|HomeThis is from a Cisco 7940 running SCCP with chan_sccp
20:14.29Ksilebo|HomeActually..there's one thing I haven't tried yet.
20:14.33Ksilebo|Homereboots the server
20:15.44jayteesuddenly 20 agents in the call center all start saying, "Hello? hello?" all at the same time.
20:16.07Ksilebo|Homelol no
20:16.10Ksilebo|HomeIts just at home.
20:16.47jayteewhy are you using skinny? I thought that the latest firmware for Cisco phones supported SIP as well.
20:17.13Ksilebo|HomeThe SIP firmware isn't as good as the SCCP
20:17.31Ksilebo|HomeAs in, they kind of half-assed it.
20:17.57*** join/#asterisk hsv-al (
20:18.10hsv-alhello fellow internet addicts
20:18.24jayteeafter seeing the pricing on Cisco Call Manager and their phones and then comparing that to * with Polycom phones, * with Polycom phones is a much better deal.
20:18.39Ksilebo|HomeI got the 7940s cheap
20:18.56jayteeI am not an internet addict!!! <<<< yes, he is but he's in denial
20:20.05Ksilebo|HomeDamn, no change on the reboot.
20:20.17jayteemust be the phone then
20:20.23*** join/#asterisk airjump (
20:20.30Ksilebo|HomeIts doing it on both Ciscos
20:20.35jayteeor something hinky in the chan_sccp module
20:20.39Ksilebo|HomeLemme see if a softphone does it
20:20.59jayteeyeah, that'd be a good test to isolate
20:21.18mvanbaakand know why ?
20:21.34jayteeno, but that's why I'm here. to learn from the masters
20:21.38mvanbaakbecause it will be different endpoint _AND_ different technoligy
20:21.56Ksilebo|HomeSo how mcuh troubleshooting do you actually do then?
20:21.59jayteeaha! yes, didn't think of that. SIP instead of Skinny
20:22.16Ksilebo|HomeI want to eliminate the IP phones as a problem.
20:22.18mvanbaakKsilebo|Home: what version of asterisk are you running ?
20:23.05mvanbaakand it's at home right ?
20:23.35Ksilebo|HomeSame network, same subnet
20:23.41Ksilebo|HomeSame switch
20:23.44mvanbaakbut I mean
20:23.48mvanbaakit's your home system
20:23.58mvanbaaknot some mission critical system that makes you money
20:24.12Ksilebo|HomeCorrect. Just my futz around system for a "landline"
20:24.14mvanbaakcheckout trunk and give that a try
20:24.20Ksilebo|HomeImportant calls go on the cell.
20:24.29mvanbaaka LOAD of stuff happened in chan_skinny
20:24.49mvanbaakhere at home it's working great at the moment
20:24.54mvanbaaktrunk from yesterday
20:25.13Ksilebo|HomeOh I use chan_sccp
20:25.39mvanbaakthat one is a fork of a fork of a fork of a fork of chan_skinny
20:25.41Ksilebo|Homebtw, does the same thing on the softphone
20:25.42*** join/#asterisk mattx86 (
20:26.07mvanbaakKsilebo|Home: ditch chan_sccp and go with chan_skinny
20:26.22Ksilebo|HomeBefore we go down that road.
20:26.30Ksilebo|HomeZoiper, using SIP, is doing the same thing.
20:26.31mvanbaakthat's what I did about a year ago
20:27.00mvanbaakok, try to upgrade to the latest asterisk first
20:27.20mvanbaak1.4.21 is the latest stable
20:27.46Ksilebo|HomeI'm using PBX in a flash though...
20:27.50Ksilebo|HomeWith FreePBX
20:28.33jbot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
20:29.09*** join/#asterisk blop (
20:29.23Ksilebo|HomeI guess I'm waiting until Monday to fix it then, becuase the channel is dead.
20:29.42jayteeit'll probably be dead on monday too :-)
20:30.03Ksilebo|HomeNo its just dead outside weekdays.
20:30.04mvanbaakfreepbx is a virus
20:30.13Ksilebo|HomeI'm not going to have this argument.
20:30.19Ksilebo|HomeIts easy to set up, and usually works fine.
20:31.05mattx86hey guys, I'm trying to get a Polycom Soundpoint IP 330 going.  Right now I have one-way audio (Polycom-> out works; Polycom<-in does not).  The asterisk box is behind its own NAT, as is my Polycom, but the asterisk box is configured fine (we have a Linksys SPA941/Sipura 2k behind a NAT on another LAN and it works fine).
20:31.05mvanbaakyou should now type: s/usually/sometimes when the stars have the correct alignment and it's sunday the 42th of februari/
20:31.49Ksilebo|HomeI'm tempted to give AsteriskNow a shot.
20:32.13mvanbaakKsilebo|Home: just install asterisk
20:32.33Ksilebo|HomeI want a GUI.
20:32.39mvanbaakthe very best gui for asterisk is $EDITOR
20:32.55Ksilebo|HomeNot having that argument either.
20:33.15mvanbaaka GUI does stuff to your config files that make it impossible to debug
20:33.49mvanbaakbecause you cannot easily alter it. if you alter the config the gui will for sure overwrite it
20:33.56mvanbaakand that makes it a pain
20:34.11Ksilebo|HomeI did say I'm not having that argument.
20:34.28mvanbaakwe are not having an argument
20:35.02mvanbaakit's just that we cannot help you if you use a gui so you cant easily follow: "please add this line to your sip.conf entry..... and try again ...."
20:35.30mvanbaaklike with your current DTMF problem
20:35.31Ksilebo|HomeI can do that. That's what sip_custom.conf is for.
20:35.38mvanbaakI bet it's fixed in the latest asterisk
20:35.46mvanbaakbut you cannot upgrade because you use freepbx
20:35.55oilinkiis the asterisknow only way to get the qui?
20:35.57*** join/#asterisk eXistenZ (n=existenz@unaffiliated/existenz)
20:36.11mvanbaakoilinki: vim is a wonderfull gui
20:36.13oilinkiI'd like to have a gui for openwrt
20:36.26jayteeall this gui talk is making me feel sticky. I'm gonna go grab a shower
20:36.33Ksilebo|HomeOpenWRT has a gui, it just sucks.
20:36.58oilinkimvanbaak: naah. and it's 'vi'. I have my asterisk running, but would be nice to be able to do a bit more.
20:37.29mvanbaakvim == vi improved
20:37.33jayteemattx86, not really great with NAT problems. sounds like RTP is being blocked in one direction. have you looked at this?
20:37.38jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
20:38.00oilinkimvanbaak: correct :)
20:38.12mvanbaakoilinki: and what is it you cannot do with editing /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf directly ?
20:38.35oilinkimvanbaak: basically undestand how to make trunks in a correct way
20:38.48jbotrumour has it, trunk is a word with varying definitions.  In Asterisk, a trunk is a "stream of UDP packets containing IAX2 frames from more than 1 call"; in telecom, a trunk is a "single voice channel between two pieces of switching equipment."; in Ethernet a trunk carries more than one 802.1q VLAN.  There is no such thing as a "SIP Trunk" -- Don't use the term.
20:39.09oilinkiI'm using openwrt on the router. let it register to various sip servers and use it with nokia voip phones from home.
20:39.37oilinkiworks quite ok, but every now and then I do have problems with codecs and dtmf tones.
20:39.53drmessanoI like making trunks
20:39.56mattx86jaytee: yeah.  I just now did a source and destination NAT for UDP/10000-20000 for the Polycom and got the same thing.
20:40.01drmessanoI put rope handles on th sides
20:40.11mvanbaakdrmessano ;)
20:40.12drmessanoand some decorative inlays
20:40.21jayteemost of the things I've done with * I wouldn't be able to do with any of the gui derivatives because of the way they control the dialplan.
20:40.22oilinkitherefore I'd like to understand how to do the setup in the way that my phone would negotiate the codecs directly with the service provider.
20:40.28drmessanoBig heavy brass latches
20:40.43jayteea SIP trunk with brass latches? ooooh, sounds nice!
20:40.45mvanbaakdrmessano: I only have dead cops in my trunk
20:41.20drmessanomvanbaak: Damn right.. "Whats in the trunk?"  "A spare tire and a dead hooker"  "Oh, carry on then"
20:41.49jayteewhat movie is that from?
20:41.58drmessanoI just made it up
20:41.59mvanbaakAsterisk The Movie
20:42.04drmessanoDamn right
20:42.08jayteesounded familiar
20:42.11drmessanoAsterisk needs a movie
20:42.18ManxPowermattx86: If you do port forwarding on the CLIENT side NAT, expect problems.
20:42.36drmessanoRussell Crowe as Russell Bryant.. Oh shit, there goes the budget
20:42.51ManxPowerPort forwarding is only normally required when ASTERISK is acting as a SERVER behind NAT.
20:42.59oilinkino kaippa tassa sitten voi puhua vaikka suomeksi, mikali porukat taalla rutisevat termistosta?
20:43.37drmessanoI could see a rather compelling Russell Crowe scene where the devs are in a dim flourescent lit room and he's got a cigarette in his hand and stuble, and they're talking about the 1.6 feature list
20:43.47drmessano"Have your damn SIP TCP.. to hell with you all"
20:44.14oilinkianyway. what is the prefered way to let the asterisk to connect to several sip-servers?
20:44.30ManxPoweroilinki: SIP is the preferred way.
20:44.33jayteewhat language was that? thai?
20:44.52ManxPoweroilinki: You have never read The Good Book (Asterisk: The Future of Telephony) , have you.
20:44.55oilinkithat was finnish. just an reminder if the terms and semantics are important.
20:45.17oilinkiManxPower: no and thanks for the info. I'll check that one out.
20:45.23jayteeah, I have a good friend from Finland. He just got a job with IBM in Ireland
20:45.29jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
20:46.06Ksilebo|HomeAha, PBXIAF has an update script.
20:46.08mvanbaakoilinki: if you want to connect to a sip-server you dont have any alternative. it's called a 'sip-server' for a reason
20:47.04jayteethe book is really good, I liked it way better than The Cat in The Hat.
20:47.15oilinkimvanbaak: I'm already connected. but the problem is that when I connect to let's say pfingo in singapore, I have to use g729 codec. to another server I can use ulaw.
20:47.34mvanbaakoilinki: in sip.conf you can do:
20:47.40oilinkiand now I have several clients in home which also connect to my home asterisk. what codec to use with this.
20:47.41drmessanoMark Spencer, as played by Wil Wheaton walks in.. "Guys... there's cupcakes in the break room"   and RB goes off on him.. yells "It's all your fault!" and pins him against a wall.. asks him "Do you feel that crushing pain in your chest?"  "I feel that every day.. Every minute.. Choking on this code.. CHOKING"
20:48.07mvanbaakyou can limit the codecs used on a per-sipaccount basis
20:48.15mvanbaakand asterisk can do the transcoding for you
20:48.33mvanbaakif you have to transcode from/to g729 you need to buy a license from digium
20:48.34oilinkimvanbaak: that would be good if I could use dtmf tones with g729.. and I also need to make calls to other sip servers as well.
20:48.52jayteethinks a night out drinking with drmessano would be good for alot of laughs
20:49.41oilinkimvanbaak: but I can not limit. let's say I use Nokia e61i for making calls. When I dial 358XXXXXX the call will be routed to finish voip provider. when I call to 65XXX the call is routed to thailand.. and so on.
20:49.54drmessanoThey flash forward like 15 years into the future and you see a much older RB sitting on a park bench with his son.. "Hey Dad, this Asterisk phone is really cool!"  "Yes, son.. yes it is..."  and they play the cheesy music you'll hear on the Oscar award show to end out the movie
20:50.08ManxPoweroilinki: you must PURCHASE the G729 codec
20:50.27oilinkinow all the voip providers sip servers use different codecs while connecting to them.
20:50.41drmessanoMost of them will use G711
20:50.45oilinkiok. how much is the g729 codec support?
20:50.48ManxPoweroilinki: you configure each server in Astersik.
20:50.50mvanbaakoilinki: yup. that's why asterisk can transcode it for you
20:50.53drmessanoand if you're using OpenWRT, forget G729
20:50.54ManxPoweroilinki: $10/per/channel
20:51.04oilinkidrmessano: for example pfingo does not
20:51.12drmessanoWTF is a pfingo?
20:51.23jayteewhoa! righteous bucks dude!
20:51.43drmessanoHOLY CRAP
20:51.44drmessanoITS GOD
20:51.49mvanbaakoilinki: what drmessano means is: an openwrt device is not powerfull enough to do the transcoding from/to g729
20:51.51Ksilebo|HomeThat is the stupidest site ever.
20:51.52oilinkiwell I might need to get a better server for tihs.
20:52.11drmessanopfingo will pay your taxes
20:52.14drmessanopfingo will wash your car
20:52.21drmessanopfingo will touch you like she wont
20:52.26mvanbaakpfingo will give you anal pleasure
20:52.29drmessanopfingo comes in three flavors
20:52.30ManxPowerit'll crash your prowser with flash crap!
20:52.31Ksilebo|Homepfingo can be anything you want
20:52.38Ksilebo|Homepfingo will solve the world energy crises
20:52.38ManxPowerand your browser too!
20:52.43drmessanoIt froze my year old PC up for about 10 seconds
20:52.56Ksilebo|Homepfingo will regrow the rainforest
20:53.00oilinkiwell. maybe you can ask their support for those. for me is free calls to singapore enought.
20:53.12mvanbaakpfingo schlingo
20:53.12Ksilebo|Homedrmessano: Dude only a year old and it bogged it down?
20:53.27drmessanoFF3 too.. not that shitty FF2
20:53.32rabelaiswe are such jerks in here....
20:53.35rabelaisI love it, haha
20:53.35drmessanoIt froze it.. 100% CPU
20:53.41jayteeis trying to stop laughing about pfingo before he has to change his pants
20:53.42Ksilebo|HomeYOur flash is broken.
20:53.52mvanbaakit froze my 2 week old Thinkpad as well
20:53.55drmessanoManxPowers must be too
20:54.00drmessanoand mvanbaaks
20:54.04Ksilebo|HomeI am on a quad core though.
20:54.10Strom_Chang on hang on everyone
20:54.14Strom_Cwhat are we bitching about again?
20:54.15jaytee3 flavors AND anal pleasure? what a deal!!!!
20:54.18Strom_Ci just got back from lunch
20:54.32jayteegod I love this channel
20:54.38hsv-alafter 4 days of searching
20:54.45mvanbaakStrom_C: it will freeze your pc
20:54.47hsv-alI found the artist that made the background music to the geico caveman commercial
20:54.49mvanbaakcrappy flash
20:54.57Ksilebo|Homepfingo will wash your clothes.
20:55.03Strom_Ccloses it quickly
20:55.07drmessano***No hummingbirds or reputable web designers were used in the shitty fabrication of this site***
20:55.14jayteemy sides hurt from laughing
20:55.15Ksilebo|Homepfingo will clean your cat's litterbox
20:55.27*** join/#asterisk eXistenZ (i=pectic@unaffiliated/existenz)
20:55.41mvanbaakStrom_C: ROFL
20:55.47drmessanogives Strom_C the Pfingo
20:55.53Ksilebo|Homepfingo will resurface your deck
20:55.57jayteeshit I just pulled a muscle
20:56.00nick125Note to self: don't click links in this channel.
20:56.06Strom_Cwhy don't you just pfingo me later
20:56.12rabelaisooh, you can buy pfingosms credits at their store!
20:56.18Ksilebo|Homepfingos Strom_C
20:56.33jayteedrmessano, stop please it hurts
20:56.57rabelaisthat's what she said....
20:57.08drmessanopfingoMAIL, pfingoTALK, and pfingoACTIVE.. coming soon, their social network, pfingoYOU
20:57.19Ksilebo|HomeI just pfingoed your mom last night.
20:57.21mvanbaakall beta
20:57.54rabelaisI'd like to take this moment to apologize to the poor guy who brought up the pfingo subject....
20:57.58ManxPowerTry signing up for DIDx sometime, you'll get their spam for the rest of the life of hte universe.
20:58.03drmessanoIsn't pfingo'ing a beta considered cruelty to animals?
20:58.03rabelaiswe're not all total dickheads in here, honest
20:58.11Ksilebo|HomeSo far has been awesome
20:58.23Ksilebo|Homerabelais: I prefer the term asshole.
20:59.08nick125rabelais: hey, let's not be so hasty.
20:59.08oilinkirabelais: no problems. my money is not in that company.
20:59.08drmessanoGo pfingo yourself
20:59.08Ksilebo|HomePFINGO YOU
20:59.09mvanbaakFIRST PFINGO !
20:59.13mvanbaakha! beat that
20:59.13drmessanoP11.......G83............F22...... ZOMG PFINGO!
20:59.27Ksilebo|HomeOh man this should not be that amusing.
20:59.34mvanbaakyet it is
20:59.35rabelaisgood, so long as no one takes offense, we can all have a pfinging wonderful time
20:59.43mvanbaakit's pfingo awesome
20:59.49hsv-alwtf, this room is starting to look like #worldofwarcraft , that would exist on aol
20:59.59drmessanosings ...There was a newbie had a provider, and PFINGO was it's name-o
21:00.07Ksilebo|HomeWHERE IS MANKIRK'S WIFE?!
21:00.08drmessanosings.. P-F-I-N-G-O
21:00.09Strom_CPF I N G O
21:00.10drmessanosings.. P-F-I-N-G-O
21:00.15Strom_Cno no no
21:00.19Strom_CPF is one letter
21:00.21drmessanosings.. and PFINGO was his name on
21:00.23drmessanosings.. and PFINGO was his name oh
21:00.29Strom_Cpronounced like "FFFFFFF" with slobber everywhere
21:00.34Ksilebo|HomeYou pfingoed that up.
21:00.39drmessanoSo it's like..
21:01.03drmessano*Spit all over you*-ingo
21:01.06drmessanoI get it
21:01.08mvanbaakoh, what the pfingo do I care
21:01.32rabelaisoh mercy.....did anyone click on the aboutus?
21:01.58drmessanopictures a scene from napolean dynamite 2.. "It's not Myspace, loser.. it's *SPITS ALL OVER YOU*-ingo"
21:02.15rabelaispfingo is a unit developed by "advanced multimedia services", which is a business unit within "StarHub"
21:02.24nick125rabelais: do I want to click on it?
21:02.42rabelaisdoes that mean pfingo leverages the power of starhub to deliver it's goods and services?
21:02.48drmessanoStarHub.. How did the find out the name of my basement D&D hangout?
21:03.12drmessano"it's not a lair, it's a STARHUB"
21:04.03Ksilebo|HomeThat's no moon its a STARHUB
21:04.08drmessanoHoly crap
21:04.16drmessanoThey offer 100MB of online storage
21:04.38drmessanoThat's like.. enough for almost 3 files!
21:04.44*** join/#asterisk jack_sparo (n=eddy@
21:04.49rabelaispfin must be some kind of word in malay or mandarin
21:05.02rabelaiswe're just so culturally insensitive that we rip into everything
21:05.24drmessanoDo you know how much porn I could put in an online 100MB storage area?  Like.. ok, I just did..
21:05.56nick125100MB is a lot... 1995.
21:06.19Ksilebo|HomeDude that's like, a whole zip disk
21:06.44drmessanopfin is tibetian for "Fast" and they use the english word "Go"
21:06.47drmessanoSo it's FastGo
21:06.50drmessanoWow, sounds.. hot
21:07.00nick125or 69.4 floppies!
21:07.30drmessano40% of a 250MB Zip disk!
21:07.52drmessanoWhich is normally what's left after you try to take the disk out without hitting eject first
21:08.20hsv-alreminds me, , , , picking up a 64gb solid state HD today
21:08.25nick125aah, those were the good days.
21:08.32hsv-ali saw it playing crysis today on a high end rig, the seek time is sick on that for gaming
21:08.38drmessanoSolid State HD's are not ready yet.. trust me
21:08.46hsv-alwell i got a $500 one from dell
21:08.50hsv-alfor $75 - wont say how heh
21:08.53hsv-albut its snappy as hell
21:09.09Ksilebo|HomeI got 4 10k RPM drives in RAID5 on a 3ware SATA card.
21:09.21*** join/#asterisk mvanbaak_ (
21:09.27Ksilebo|HomeLoads Crysis fast.
21:09.28hsv-alksilebo, they are quick , but I swear by our 73gb sas 15k rpm drives
21:09.33hsv-alat work in our 2950's
21:09.47Ksilebo|HomeWe have those at work in the IBMs.
21:10.18hsv-al - - artist that made the geico caveman song
21:10.19rabelaisuntil I see an mtd device layer for those solid state drives, I call shenanigans
21:10.22mvanbaak_I prefer netapp
21:10.22hsv-alfirst song in the list .
21:10.28drmessanoI got 8GB of UltraATA 66 monster power
21:10.30Ksilebo|HomeNetapps are nice.
21:10.31hsv-alparts of that song are gimp, but the spacey stuff is tight
21:10.58Ksilebo|HomeIf I'm not using any Zaptel hardware, can I safely disable it?
21:10.59oilinkinetapps are good but slightly expensive for home usage :)
21:11.05mvanbaak_we netboot our boxen and run totally from netapp
21:11.26Ksilebo|HomeMy colo box boots of an FC LUN with ESX
21:11.29mvanbaak_oilinki: you can get netapp gear from ebay for a good price
21:11.31drmessanoUntil I see a solid state hard drive last 365 days, I am calling total shenanigans
21:11.43hsv-aldrmessano, please dont make "shenanigan" the catch phrase
21:11.45drmessanoSolid State HD's are buggier than Asterisk 1.4.0
21:11.46hsv-alfor #asterisk for 2008
21:12.05hsv-althe only worthy catch phrases are "Subprime", and "speculation"
21:12.10hsv-almortage crisis, and oil prices manipulation :)
21:12.23oilinkimvanbaak: well might be, but my current setup is good enought for now.
21:12.26drmessanoPfingo you, hsv-al
21:12.31Ksilebo|HomeOk, NOW I'm running 1.4.21
21:12.58Ksilebo|HomeSame thing, damn.
21:13.32mvanbaak_Ksilebo|Home: what's the output of: 'core show version'
21:13.46Ksilebo|HomeAsterisk 1.4.21 built by root @ pbx.local on a i686 running Linux on 2008-06-14 21:05:13 UTC
21:14.16drmessanoI wonder if pfingo is made by pfizer..  "Get a leg up on your calling"
21:14.44drmessanoJazz hands
21:14.45Ksilebo|HomeI should probably eat soonish.
21:14.47hsv-alive seen a sick and demented trend in gaming, , , the new catch phrase in that culture is "Koned", along side with a picture
21:14.55mvanbaak_Ksilebo|Home: are you sure asterisk and the sip device have the same dtmfmode setting ?
21:14.56hsv-althe person who is "Koned" wears a cone shaped dunce cap with the phrase: Koned
21:15.37drmessanosewerhorse says "Hay!"
21:15.40Ksilebo|HomeI should probably eat soonish., trunk has that set as well.
21:15.45Ksilebo|Home...what the hell
21:15.46oilinkihow about in usa, are people using voip on their mobile phones a lot nowdays?
21:15.50Ksilebo|HomeTRYING AGAIN
21:15.58oilinkior is it just niche/nerd thing to do?
21:16.06Ksilebo|HomeZoiper has rfc2833
21:16.08hsv-alif thats your site
21:16.11hsv-alput google adsense on it
21:16.14Ksilebo|HomeTrunk has it set as well
21:16.15hsv-aland make it the next Legal goatse
21:16.17hsv-althat circulate the net
21:16.37drmessanohsv-al: That's been circulating for a while now
21:16.52Ksilebo|HomeAnd that SIP extension has it set too.
21:17.19drmessanoThey have a pfingo pforum
21:17.23mvanbaak_I have never seen it
21:17.37drmessanoThat's pfucking pfabulous
21:17.50hsv-also whats this "pfingo" bs
21:17.52mvanbaak_drmessano: I bet they also have a pfingo pfailure
21:17.55hsv-alsome new "phrase" thats in the 'in' ?
21:18.05Ksilebo|Homeoilinki: Only T-Mobile has a consumer-targeted VoIP solution if you have the right phone.
21:18.09Ksilebo|HomeIn the US at least.
21:18.32mvanbaak_some nokia phones have a sip client
21:18.38oilinkiKsilebo|Home: ok. there is no isp's providing the service at all?
21:18.39Ksilebo|HomeThe N95 has SIP
21:18.39drmessanoNow that's we've been that dead sewer horse
21:18.45mvanbaak_and all windows mobile based devices can run sjphone
21:18.49Ksilebo|Homeoilinki: Not Mobile ones.
21:19.00drmessanoWould the next person with a cheesy VoIP startup please step pforward
21:19.17Ksilebo|HomeThere are multiple consumer-targeted VoIP services that some ISPs are trying too.
21:19.21mvanbaak_steps forward
21:19.42oilinkiKsilebo|Home: ok. well the service does not have to be together with the mobile operators as you know. is not taken!
21:20.08mvanbaakoops, forgot the m
21:20.14mvanbaakmust be packet loss
21:20.22drmessanopfank you
21:20.35mvanbaakpfsck you
21:20.50oilinkiKsilebo|Home: I suppose just trying currently, not really used?
21:20.52drmessanoI'm so aliasing that command
21:20.56hsv-althis talk with "P" is making me think about a new
21:20.59nick125you pnucking people!
21:21.00hsv-allicesnse plate i should get on a g37
21:21.12hsv-alQwned, Qwn3d, Pwned, Pwn3d, 0WN3D, or Koned
21:21.13mvanbaakI see pfead ppl
21:21.26Ksilebo|Homeoilinki: People use them with varying degrees of success.
21:21.43hsv-alhow many people actually outside the scope of tech associated people
21:21.51hsv-alknow of the use and variations of the "owned" phrase
21:21.56drmessanohsv-al: 1.8
21:22.26drmessanoAlways nice to hear someone say p-owned in public
21:22.32drmessanoI'm like, "ZOMGWTF"
21:22.53mvanbaakyou forgot BBQ
21:23.00drmessanoLIEK, WIL U B MAH BFF?
21:23.09drmessanoNo BBQ for them
21:23.14Ksilebo|HomeOk food
21:23.21hsv-almy only food today was a bottle of
21:23.28hsv-alPom Pomegranite juice, and coffee
21:23.45drmessanoU R SO KOL I CANUT B W/OUT UR BFFSHIP, K?
21:23.52*** join/#asterisk eXistenZ (n=existenz@unaffiliated/existenz)
21:23.54mvanbaakI'm close to emptying my second bottle of red wine
21:24.01hsv-althat movie is ridiculous
21:24.06mvanbaakit is
21:24.10mvanbaakbut it's good as well
21:24.12mvanbaakI liked it
21:24.19hsv-allets eat a malformed lizard, and take it apart
21:24.22hsv-aland use it as a gun
21:24.25hsv-aland use pig teeth as the bullets
21:24.55mvanbaakhsv-al: it's all a game
21:25.33drmessano[Digg] Man Busted For Wearing Diaper Full Of Heroin; Faces 40 Years -   <--- YOURE A NAUGHTY BOY AND NEED A SPANKING
21:26.18drmessanoIm waiting for
21:26.33*** join/#asterisk eXistenZ (i=existenz@unaffiliated/existenz)
21:26.40drmessano[Digg] Man arrested running through airport with open source PBX in his pants
21:26.51drmessano"FREE RUSSELL B!"
21:27.03mvanbaakhe has a zaurus running asterisk ?
21:27.19drmessanoIs that the word they use in your country?
21:28.02hsv-alwell, off for a 5 mile run = lose another 1.2 - 1.4 lbs for the day
21:28.03drmessanoOHHHHHHHH.. that's QUITE different
21:28.07hsv-alhave fun eating taco bell yall :)
21:28.30mvanbaakdrmessano: I had one
21:28.45mvanbaakfull OpenBSD server with firewall, vpn server, asterisk etc
21:28.47drmessanomvanbaak: In your pants... with asterisk on it?
21:28.52mvanbaakall in my pants
21:29.06drmessanogasps in awe at mvanbaak
21:29.22mvanbaakthe device is great
21:29.37hsv-alIn the movie eXistenZ, Jude Law plays an assassin in a futuristic virtual reality game. His target is in a Chinese food restaurant; the bones of genetically modified amphibians (served as the restaurant's "Daily Special") lock together to make a functioning bone gun. The ammunition is teeth from Jude Law's dental plate. A brilliant sci-fi concept. The rest of the movie sucked.
21:29.53drmessano"Is that a Unix in your pocket, or are you just happy to cat me?"
21:30.49mvanbaakdrmessano: still it's fun to have a device like that. it will setup multiple ipsec vpns and have a full pbx on it
21:31.33mvanbaakuse the console driver and earplugs and there you go
21:32.05mvanbaakI sold it and got a thinkpad
21:32.12mvanbaakneeded the extra power and stuff
21:33.30drmessanoI wanted a really powerful handheld for a while.. then I got too claustrophobic being tethered with cell phone and blackberry's
21:34.01mvanbaakI have a blackberry 8110
21:34.15drmessanoI have an 8830
21:34.21mvanbaakmy boss got it for me
21:34.31mvanbaakto replace my qtek S100
21:35.15drmessanoThe 8110 is pretty cool
21:35.21drmessanoI like the full keyboard tho
21:35.45oilinkidrmessano: n810 is one option. it's not really powerfull tought. runnin linux.
21:36.16drmessanoYeah, Dont need another device
21:36.22mvanbaakdrmessano: yeah. but I'm already used to the keyboard setup of the 8110
21:36.40mvanbaakand most of the time I'm using bluetooth to communicate with it
21:36.47mvanbaakI really like my thinkpad
21:36.55drmessanohsv-al must really want us to know he's 450lbs
21:49.10*** join/#asterisk s0lid (n=s0lid@
21:56.48*** join/#asterisk zn3t (
21:59.58*** join/#asterisk korihor (n=korihor@
22:01.37kamhby all
22:04.57*** join/#asterisk weiles (
22:05.36weilesi have configured an internal asterisk server to route sip calls through an openvpn
22:05.50weilesi have tested it with ekiga and a fritzbox on the one side and it worked really well
22:06.39weilesbut it took 2 hours today for my friend with a different ip subnet on the other side of the openvpn to login and call me
22:06.59weilesthe firewall was off from the beginning on both sides
22:07.49weilessuddenly it worked after i have logged in with his account and vice versa (the accounts are really simple and only differ in the the name
22:07.55weilesany ideas why it works now?
22:09.19*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=angeldav@
22:10.20john_fbacweiles: there must have been something that synced when you switched accounts to test.
22:11.28weilesjohn_fbac, any ideas what it has been?
22:11.40mvanbaakweiles: only you can tell
22:11.50mvanbaakconfig changes, firewall changes, etc
22:11.54mvanbaaka lot of parameters
22:12.02weilesmvanbaak, firewall was off and i have not changed the config
22:12.17weilesi have only switched debugging on and off in the asterisk cli
22:12.26weilesand i have once added nat=yes
22:12.30weilesand removed it afterwards
22:12.38weilesboth reloading having no effect
22:12.56weilesi am just wondering what has been synced there
22:13.22weilesasterisk listens to on my server
22:13.59weilesbut the ips from the different subnets on the other side of the openvpn are only routed from my side
22:14.25weilesso maybe asterisk couldn't assign the ips to an interface at first?
22:15.23mvanbaakI've seen the same stuff with ipsec
22:15.38mvanbaaka reload of asterisk after the ipsec tunnel got up helped
22:16.06mvanbaakfrom then I decided to never run asterisk on the same box that does the vpn stuff
22:16.35weilesmvanbaak, hmm strange
22:16.43weilesit is really hard to debug
22:16.53mvanbaakI always use a double net5501 as firewall/vpn/router
22:17.03mvanbaakand put asterisk on some real hardware
22:17.26mvanbaakat least two boxen. I prefer 3
22:17.39weilesmvanbaak, sorry only cheap home hardware here :-(
22:17.45mvanbaaksame here
22:18.09weilesa linux and openbsd router on both sides
22:18.19mvanbaakat home I have 2 net5501 boxen as firewall/vpn/router in a redundant setup running on OpenBSD
22:18.20weileswell each on one side
22:18.37mvanbaakand two servers with xen running asterisk, ircd, apache
22:18.44weilesmvanbaak, not bad
22:18.55*** join/#asterisk airjump (
22:19.07mvanbaaka net5501 is like 200 euro
22:19.11mvanbaakso get two of those
22:19.32mvanbaakthat makes a great redundant OpenBSD firewall/router/vpn server setup
22:19.37weilesis looking net5501 up
22:19.54mvanbaakwith carp, sasyncd, pfsync etc
22:20.08mvanbaakthat is your firewall/router/vpn box
22:21.48weileshave found it
22:21.51weilessound good
22:21.55weilesi have a via c3 here
22:22.39mvanbaakthat's my firewall
22:22.50weileswith an encrypted raid and some small media/music jukebox
22:23.23airjumphi mvanbaak: nice pc
22:23.47mvanbaakI love it
22:23.50weilesok thanks, i hope the problem is gone now
22:24.05mvanbaaktwo firewalls in 1U
22:25.22airjumpmvanbaak: what is your os libux or bsd=
22:30.40drmessanoI wish the delegate proxy app had a forum or IRC channel
22:32.21*** join/#asterisk TedNJ38 (
22:32.22TedNJ38I have a question for you guys.  I have a little problem.  I have a SIP Phone (BT 102), it was already configured, I changed the extension number and the password to authenticate with my server.  I have re-started it several times but it still links itself to my system with the old ones.  What am I doing wrong?  Should I clear any cache in my box?
22:33.50drmessanoFactory reset the phone
22:34.49TedNJ38I already did.
22:35.01mvanbaakzzzzzzzzzzzzzz time
22:35.06TedNJ38But it won't even let me do that.
22:35.14drmessanoYou already did
22:35.19drmessanoBut it's not letting you
22:35.20TedNJ38No, not factory reset.
22:35.22drmessanoWhich is it?
22:35.25TedNJ38I did simple reset.
22:35.28TedNJ38I couldn't do a factory reset.
22:35.28drmessanoFactory reset
22:35.30TedNJ38It won't respond to the key sequence that the manual says.
22:35.46TedNJ38Menu, Key Up, MAC Address, Menu.
22:35.53TedNJ38The phone won't let me input the number of the MAC Address.
22:36.17drmessanoHow are you keying the letters?
22:36.35drmessanolater mvanbaak
22:36.55drmessanoIs C = 2 or 222?
22:38.29TedNJ38B = 222
22:39.02drmessanoDoes it SHOW B?  or is that guess?
22:39.15TedNJ38It doesn't show anything when I press the keys.
22:39.18drmessanoTry B = 2
22:39.32drmessanoT = 8
22:39.39drmessanoThis isn't text messaging
22:40.23drmessanoHungLad.. I'm guess he masquerades around IRC a bit..
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22:44.45DrukenLPYanyone here know mssql (not my choice) but i need to hack into the sa acct of my server....
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23:19.35Ward1983can someone please point me to the asterisk documentation?
23:19.47Ward1983i cant find it on the website
23:20.37*** join/#asterisk xacatecas (
23:20.43jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
23:20.56Strom_Cit's also in the /usr/src/asterisk directory
23:20.59xacatecashi guys, in general (not for a particular setup), how would one go about trouble-shooting sporadic one-way voice issues?
23:21.10ManxPowerWard1983: there is only one source of OFFICIAL documentation and that is the "doc" directory of the Asterisk source.  The book above is also a good source of information
23:21.29ManxPowerThe Wiki and the mailing lists, while full of out of date, inaccurate and just plain wrong information is also useful.
23:21.35xacatecas(in other words, when I test I can't reproduce but the client claims that on some calls they can hear the called party but the called party can't hear them).
23:21.35Ward1983ok thanx
23:21.44Ward1983i just downloaded that book so ill start there :)
23:21.54xacatecasit's a good book.
23:22.43Ward1983a lot to print though :)
23:24.09Strom_Cjust read it on the screen
23:24.15Strom_Cor buy the bound version -- cheaper than printing
23:26.05xacatecasyea, but you wait longer :)
23:26.21xacatecasjust printed with n-up=2 and two-sided.
23:26.35Strom_Cor *gasp* actually have to go to the store and interact with REAL PEOPLE
23:26.42xacatecasstill want a nicely bound copy though ... looks much more impressive on the shelf :)
23:27.08xacatecasStrom_C, no, because they don't actually stock the books i generally want because "it's no in demand"
23:27.33ManxPowerI think "buy the bound version" means "order it online"
23:27.52Strom_CManxPower: right, but the bookstore is for us instant-gratification addicts
23:28.09Strom_Cxacatecas: what crazy rural town do you live in that doesn't have a Borders or a B&N?
23:28.19xacatecaspretoria, south africa.
23:29.00xacatecasthe closest to B&N is fascination books - and they suck in comparison.
23:29.08ManxPowerStrom_C: You Internationally Insensitive Clod!
23:29.33xacatecasYIIC :).  I suspect you just invented a new one.
23:30.07Strom_CManxPower: hey, I regularly consume boerwors and mrs. ball's chutney, so go do something nasty which I can't spell in Afrikaans.
23:30.40xacatecashaha, afrikaans is die beste :)
23:31.08Strom_Ci think it's something like "gaan kak en die mieles" but I could be off
23:31.35Strom_Ci'll just call him a ditkopf and be done with it
23:31.38Ward1983Strom_C, im gonna ask if i can print it at school on a 15000euro xerix printer
23:31.46Ward1983if i pay them for the paper and ink
23:32.05Ward1983xerox i mean offcourse lol
23:32.07Strom_Cis Xerix the cheap Eastern European knockoff of Xerox? :)
23:32.27Ward1983i allready said i meant xerox :)
23:32.28drmessanoThats too funny
23:32.31xacatecasStrom_C, close enough.
23:32.43drmessanoNot "Hey, they have a free PDF of the book for a reference copy"
23:32.54drmessano"Oh, and PDF.. cool, let me go run off 8 copies"
23:33.01drmessanoDamn child molesters
23:33.10xacatecasthat is random.
23:33.26Strom_Cdrmessano: never underestimate the power of the "I'm saving money" illusion
23:33.54Ward1983i allready told you i menat xerox, if you still want to act childish about a stupid typo....... then im just gonna ignore you
23:34.18drmessanoStrom_C: Never underestimate the power of being cheap as much as humanly possible.. "Wait, asterisk is free.. WHY DO I NEED A $100 CARD FOR IT????!!!!"
23:35.04drmessano"BUY A BOOK?  WHAT?  BULL****.. TORRENT PLZ"
23:37.11drmessanoSpeaking of Torrents
23:37.23drmessanoI guess I need to seed 1.4.21
23:37.32drmessanoSee who bites
23:39.23Strom_Ci remember the picture someone posted of them writing a ten line perl script to generate every IP address, put it in a text file, zipped up, put it up as "EVery IP address!!! SECRET HACKER TOOL!!," and had something like 100 people downloading it shortly afterwards
23:39.42drmessanoD4E1 is my cracker group.. Darwinism For Every 1
23:39.44jblackstrom: thanks for the help a couple nights ago
23:39.49drmessanoOnly the finest Open Source warez
23:39.51Strom_Cjblack: welcome
23:40.15drmessanoThat..... was SOOO.. awesome
23:40.30drmessanoI laughed for 10 mins straight, I think
23:43.04drmessanoThrow in some 1.4 beta code
23:44.01jayteewith a couple links to pfingo
23:44.42drmessanoP-F-I-N-G-O, P-F-I-N-G-O, P-F-I-N-G-O, and PFINGO was it's name, oh!
23:45.37jayteeI just got back from shopping ten minutes ago and my sides are still hurting from the whole pfingo fiasco that was going on in here earlier.
23:45.59drmessanoI like how theres a trend for web 2.0 startups to use unnecessary wildlife in their flash intros
23:46.14drmessanoWTF does a hummingbird have to do with VoIP?
23:46.43jayteeisn't there something in the specs for web 2.0 that makes a flash intro mandatory?
23:47.18jayteehummingbirds SIP nectar from flowers (ducks)
23:47.36*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=angeldav@
23:48.18drmessanoI'm gonna create a fake startup with an awesome flash intro that uses an elk in it's intro
23:48.28jayteeyak akka dak!!!
23:48.29drmessanoWTF does an Elk have to do with VoIP?  Who cares
23:49.30jayteeElk are magnificent creatures, the four legged ones, not the two legged drunks down at the lodge.
23:50.59drmessanoMosquite hawks
23:51.00jayteethis was a sad week at work. we lost a kodiak bear, the last one we had.
23:51.22drmessanoYou work at a Zoo?
23:51.23jayteedied from some problem with blood coagulation
23:51.31jayteeyeah, the Indianapolis Zoo
23:51.37drmessanoThats cool
23:51.41*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
23:52.04jayteewe had two kodiaks that were raised from cubs, brothers, and one died in the fall and then one died wednesday.
23:52.34jayteeI got to ride an elephant last week. My hips and quads were sore for two days afterwards.
23:53.05jayteebut it was really fun
23:53.11drmessanoLast time I went to the zoo, I spent like 20 mins taking pics of the Koala they had.. then 3 weeks later I found out it had cancer
23:53.16drmessanoI think it died in like 2 weeks
23:53.37jayteeawwww, we just opened our Koala exhibit. It runs till Sept and then they're off to some other zoo
23:53.53jayteethey're cute and smell like cough drops
23:53.59drmessanoI saw a ton of them when I was in Australia
23:54.14jayteeI so want to go to Australia
23:54.26drmessanoIt's worth the $1800 plane ticket
23:55.11jayteeyeah, I'd probably spend twice that much on rough opal, cutting and polishing it then selling it is one of my "hobbies"
23:55.28drmessano24 hours total travel time
23:55.43jayteeso I'd like to go to Coober Pedy and Lightening Ridge
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23:55.53jayteeI have a couple friends that live in Melbourne
23:56.03drmessanoThats where I went
23:56.25jayteedid you go to the outback at all? see Ayers Rock?
23:57.03drmessanoNo.. not as far as the outback.. did get out free far outside town while visiting.. saw kangaroos in the wild
23:57.27jayteewe've got them at our zoo
23:58.10drmessanoSeeing them out in the wild running around like deer is pretty hardcore
23:58.25jayteethat would be cool
23:58.38jaytee"He's got a gun!!!"
23:58.50Strom_CI went to melbourne and didn't see kangaroo or koala
23:58.55Strom_CI think I ate kangaroo, though
23:58.57jaytee"nice work, skippy!"
23:59.25drmessanoI got to drink a bottle of world famous Victoria Bitter
23:59.31drmessanoWorst.. Beer.... Ever
23:59.45jayteeI think we've had this arguement before

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