IRC log for #asterisk on 20080613

00:00.58coppicewell, I should actually bother to get permanent resident status in HK, instead of just unconditional stay. then there are other visa options. I just haven't faced the hassle of the permanent residence process
00:01.35*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=angeldav@
00:03.22coppicewell, my olympics tickets are for the events in HK, so I don't need a visa to see those :-)
00:03.43d-k-tI'm skipping it all
00:03.52d-k-tit's bound to be a nightmare
00:04.25coppiceit will be fine in HK. I think Beijing is gonna end up like Moscow, clouded in political stupidity
00:04.42d-k-tmight be able to get some cheap flights out of china around that time, the airlines will need to find a way to get some people on planes going out to bring in more people
00:05.16d-k-tanyway, time to go to work
00:08.55tzafrir_laptopcoppice, here?
00:13.52*** join/#asterisk ZaVoid (
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00:17.43*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (n=nighty@
00:19.30resin0008do you know how hints work?
00:21.00tzafrir_laptopbasically, why?
00:21.08resin0008cuz it doesnt make sense to me at all
00:21.10coppicego on. give him a clue :-)
00:21.22resin0008i don't understand how that should be in the diaplan
00:21.43resin0008i would think, asterisk would need a separate realtime element to keep things hinted
00:22.12resin0008but apparantly it does work from the diaplan, so i'll just explain what i'm trying to do
00:22.40resin0008and a quick question, when does the "hint" priority get executed
00:23.09resin0008and what does it do when it does get executed
00:24.50resin0008is it simple?
00:25.06resin0008or, do you know where theres clear documentation on how it works
00:25.40*** join/#asterisk nobesnickr (
00:27.12tzafrir_laptop"hint" is a priority (actually it is translated to priority -1, but that's an implementation issue)
00:27.44resin0008ok, well, that at least fits it into the way a diaplan works better
00:27.48nobesnickrhello all, i seem to be having a strange issue with MeetMe where after about 60 seconds the conference simply dies with "Quitting Time..." as the only CLI that show
00:27.58resin0008which is "step" based
00:28.12jayteestill confuses me
00:28.21resin0008yah, well, me too
00:28.26resin0008tzafrir, where did you read that?
00:33.23resin0008tzafrir_laptop: where did you read that info
00:34.25tzafrir_laptopresin0008, probably on some mailing-list post :-)
00:34.45resin0008you got any links to any good documentation on hints
00:34.56resin0008developer type docs
00:37.10nobesnickrdoes anyone have any experience with ztdummy or meetme?
00:37.23resin0008dang it
00:37.28resin0008tzafrir does :)
00:37.41tzafrir_laptopOne of the first hits in the Yahoo search for "asterisk hints":
00:37.43resin0008but i was lookin for his help on somethin else
00:37.56resin0008yes thanks, thats useless
00:38.39resin0008it doesnt say WHEN or HOW the hint priority is executed
00:39.17jayteemaybe if you ask in asterisk-dev?
00:39.43tzafrir_laptopIt is not something that is executed. It is a device (or list of devices) that are connected with that extension
00:42.07resin0008but every other line in the dialplan sits dormant until a call steps into it.
00:43.02resin0008so if it's a special exception-to-the-rule  thing that's ok, i just want to know that i'm not crazy for thinking it's unusual
00:43.04resin0008and confusing
00:43.13resin0008and i still can't find any official documentation
00:43.38resin0008here's my purpose
00:43.48resin0008Asterisk is stepping through the diaplan and the agent presses #0# which parks a call in slot 1 because of my dialplan.
00:43.56resin0008This will change the state of the parking space "1" from "available" to "in use".
00:44.15resin0008I want to make my light for my second line key on all my phones blink .  This should be simple right?
00:45.43resin0008i don't think it's appropriate for asterisk-dev
00:45.49resin0008u know what, on second thought, it might be
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00:48.28*** join/#asterisk Shotygun (n=thorn@
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00:51.48_ShrikEresin0008: you may be able to accomplish that with devstate
00:53.27resin0008please explain
00:54.33_ShrikEdevstate lets you get or set device state in the dialplan and subscribe to it with a hint
00:55.11resin0008well, that sound proper, but first i would like to get an idea of how a hints work, then we can move on to subscribing to it
00:55.30*** part/#asterisk RoyK (
00:56.20_ShrikEextstate could work as well
00:56.40resin0008_ShrikE: can you walk me through understanding ay of this?
00:57.41_ShrikEthere is documentation out there that explains these things much better than I can.  Try the wiki and google.
00:57.57pllaHello, is there a template system in users.conf ?
00:58.51*** join/#asterisk Gwayne (
00:59.07resin0008_ShrikE ? Do you understand how it works and have you used it?   Or are you just saying that "theoretically based on what the wiki says hints and devstate should do, then I should be able to do what I described?"
00:59.10resin0008cuz i've read the wiki
01:01.33_ShrikEI use devstate quite a bit yes.
01:01.52resin0008please explain how you use it if you don't mind
01:04.15_ShrikEI use it in lots of ways, voicemail.. busy lamp fields.. etc..   I have not used extstate that much however.
01:04.46resin0008can you please show some diaplan that demonstrates it's usage?
01:06.46resin0008i meant your own diaplan
01:09.13_ShrikEyou dont need my dialplan.  read up and write your own.
01:11.01*** join/#asterisk jsmith (n=jsmith@
01:11.01*** mode/#asterisk [+o jsmith] by ChanServ
01:11.39jsmithresin0008: To answer your question though -- yes, you can have extension 123 in multiple places in your dialplan, and in sip.conf you can specify which context the hints are located in
01:12.02resin0008Ahhhhh, that might make a big difference in my understanding, let me ponder that
01:12.40*** join/#asterisk digitalirony (n=eric@
01:12.47resin0008every time asterisk changes the state of SIP/jsmith, it looks in sip.conf to see where the hints are.  it goes to that context and processes all hints for that extension?
01:12.49jsmithresin0008: See the "subscribecontext" setting in sip.conf
01:13.17resin0008so would it not make sense to have a context setup specifically to list all your hints and do nothing else
01:13.23resin0008just to abstract it away from everything else?
01:13.27digitalironyinstead of setting Ring_DEBOUNCE in the wctdm24xxp.h file how can you pass this to zaptel to test settings?
01:13.37resin0008why not abstract it to it's own file "subscriptions.conf
01:13.45jsmithresin0008: Pretty close... when a particular peer subscribes to extension 123's state, Asterisk looks at the subscribecontext setting for that peer (or the global one), and uses that to find the hint
01:13.48resin0008because it has absolutely nothing to do with the diaplan
01:14.16jsmithresin0008: It's up to you -- you can put all your hints in a single context, or have them scattered throughout your dialplan... it's up to you
01:14.16resin0008how does a peer subscribe to SIP/jsmith's state
01:14.52resin0008i mean, thats a misleading concept.  really, you tell asterisk who gets the updates in the dialplan with your hints statements don't you
01:14.54jsmithresin0008: It depends on the phone... in essence, the phone sends a SIP SUBSCRIBE message to Asterisk saying "Hey, I wanna know when extension 123 changes state"
01:15.09resin0008how would you even get your phone to do that?
01:15.20resin0008in the polycoms, is there a section for that?
01:15.24jsmithresin0008: Asterisk then keeps track of that, so it knows who to send a SIP message to when the state changes
01:15.24_ShrikEpolycom refers to it as buddies
01:15.33jsmithresin0008: Yeah, buddies in the Polycom way...
01:15.40_ShrikEyou set buddy watch to yes
01:16.29resin0008ok, so i modify my phone configs so that they're subscribing to another devices state (whats the syntax, because i will be subscribing to a parking-space)?
01:16.31digitalironyanyone know how to pass options to zaptel when you load it I.E RING_DEBOUNCE for testing for the right setting?
01:17.04resin0008then i put the subscribecontext=subscriptions
01:17.41resin0008then in subscriptions i put "exten => something,hint,SIP/phone1&SIP/phone2etc
01:17.53resin0008im almost more confused now
01:18.34resin0008so the phone actually does send a subscribe message to asterisk for parking lot space 1.  cool that makes sense
01:18.35jsmithresin0008: No, you've got the right idea
01:19.02jsmithresin0008: From the CLI, you can type "sip show hints" to see a list of who is subscribed to which hints
01:19.13resin0008so why even need the diaplan
01:19.28resin0008why can't asterisk just give my phone the update directly
01:20.06*** join/#asterisk fakhir_ (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
01:20.08resin0008If i have to configure all my phones to subscribe in their config files, why do i also have to do it from the diaplan.  seems redundant
01:20.43jsmithresin0008: Well, it's because extensions in the dialplan don't have a state.  To be able to determine state, you need to tie the extension to a device that *does* have state.
01:20.46resin0008if there was another step in there, i would think it would be simple permission checking
01:20.49_ShrikEYou are creating a hint in the dialplan so you have something to subscribe to with you phone.
01:21.06resin0008oh, that might be it _ShrikE
01:21.57resin0008nah, asterisk natively aware of devices as devices
01:21.57_ShrikEdevstate and extstate are tools that allow you to set/read the state of of devices or extensions via hints in the dialplan
01:22.56resin0008SIP/5001 is a device, and it has a changing state while it is registered to the box, so asterisk could just send the notifications when this changes
01:23.28jsmithresin0008: Right... but phones don't subscribe to the state of a *phone*, they subscribe to the state of an *extension*
01:23.39resin0008oh ok then
01:23.50jsmithresin0008: See, on lesser phones systems, a phone *is* an extension.  But not with Asterisk.  We're more flexible than that.
01:24.09jsmithresin0008: One extension might ring *two* phones, or two extensions might ring the *same* phone
01:24.13resin0008i know i know, it's just understanding which one we're talking about and when thats tough for this particular topic
01:24.28jsmithresin0008: When I say *extension*, I mean a named set of actions in the dialplan.
01:24.48jsmithresin0008: When I say *phone* or *endpoint* or *device*, I'm talking about something external to Asterisk
01:25.43resin0008alright, so it seems stupid for a phone to request the state of an "extension" in the diaplan
01:26.25resin0008i would think asterisk should just interpret that to be the state of that  "device" instead.
01:27.13resin0008oh well, that's another discussion really
01:27.45jsmithWell, that's all find and dandy, but then you couldn't subscribe to the state of a parking lot, for example
01:28.17jsmith(or the state of something arbitrary, as you can with custom extension states)
01:28.26resin0008well, anybody got the syntax of the polycom buddy statement?
01:29.03*** join/#asterisk iceyp (
01:29.29iceyphey guys, any one know what causes this with an IAX2 call:    CAUSE           : No authority found
01:29.34resin0008seems like you could embed the technology into there like:
01:29.43iceyplooks to be an auth issue, but i cannot find any problems with the auth
01:29.57jsmithresin0008: You put a contact in the directory, and then enable buddy watch for that contact
01:30.33resin0008or  <subscribeuddy>IAX/5001</subscribebuddy>    or <subscribebuddy>PL/5001</subscribebuddy>  and then asterisk could interpret the part before the /
01:30.55resin0008ok jsmith, thanks for your help
01:31.09resin0008i think i get it now for the most part.  is that documented anywhere in a thorough manner?
01:31.15*** join/#asterisk esaym (
01:31.16resin0008and don't say the wiki or google please lol
01:31.23resin0008hang on iceyp, let me se
01:31.40iceypthanks resin0008
01:31.42jsmithresin0008: Right, but that's not the SIP way... Polycom doesn't know whether the phone is gonna be used with Asterisk or some other phone system.
01:32.11iceypbrb smoko
01:32.14jsmithiceyp: Yes, it's an authentication problem.  Typically it means you don't have an IAX user (or friend) configured correctly on the receiving side
01:33.01resin0008no but i mean, let polycom send a generic sip_subscribe , but have a delimiter that asterisk can recognize and use to split technology from UID
01:33.51resin0008people who use asterisk just need to know,  if i want my polycom to subscribe to extension "5000", i have to put sip_5000 in the config file or iax_5000  or meetme_5000
01:34.06resin0008cuz what they have to do now is WAY more convoluted and confusing
01:34.32resin0008i mean, i came in and everyone was acting like this was simple, but it's not at all.  there are several things that all have to be aligned
01:34.52resin0008and its not documented anywhere
01:35.15resin0008it's like SLA, theres 1 tutorial on it and it's incomplete and not intuitive at all
01:35.29resin0008and thats why nobody uses it and everybody hates it
01:36.00resin0008but ok, you've enlightened me a fair amount just now.  I will go try to set this up real quick i think
01:36.49resin0008the last thing i'll need to figure out is how to make a busy state for that contact in my directory cause my second line key to light up
01:36.57resin0008im sure i'll be back for that
01:38.21*** join/#asterisk Titanous (n=titanous@unaffiliated/titanous)
01:38.54Titanouswhy am I getting 'IMAP user not set for mailbox 200' I'm trying to disable IMAP
01:38.55jsmithresin0008: Well, you're preaching to the choir when it comes to documentation.  Feel free to join me in #asterisk-doc and help write Asterisk docs
01:40.21*** join/#asterisk Entranced (
01:42.02[TK]D-Fenderresin0008: No thats not why noboody uses SLA.
01:42.06*** join/#asterisk delparnel (
01:44.19[TK]D-Fenderresin0008: Ready to cope with some more "enlightenment"?
01:44.48*** part/#asterisk Titanous (n=titanous@unaffiliated/titanous)
01:49.02*** join/#asterisk ZaVoid (
01:51.27MrNaznow that i have asterisk installed and running properly, how do i test it to see if its working?
01:51.43iceypcan someone make a guest connection for me to iax2
01:51.54iceypjust want to test anonymous call and not sure how i can do this myself
01:56.38[TK]D-FenderMrNaz: place some calls
01:57.12digitalironyMrNaz: Digium Tech support tier 1 here msg me for help
01:58.15jeevFender, the replacement WIP330 works pretty damn good.
01:58.46MrNaz[TK]D-Fender to be honest, i dont even know how to do that... should i download a softphone? do i need to create accounts first?
01:59.13[TK]D-FenderMrNaz: No I'm quite sure you can download a softphone without even having heard about *.
01:59.27[TK]D-Fenderjeev: Congratulations
01:59.38MrNaz[TK]D-Fender no i mean do i need to create accounts on my asterisk server first?
01:59.48[TK]D-FenderMrNaz: Before what?
02:04.26*** join/#asterisk ZaVoid (
02:07.48*** join/#asterisk brendan_ (n=brendan@
02:08.38brendan_hello, i'm trying to get a custom subroutine to run on in incoming call so i can set the cid for certain numbers
02:09.31brendan_the [ext-did] section there is a include => ext-did-custom
02:09.54brendan_so i put my GoSub in the [ext-did-custom] section in my extensions_custom.conf
02:10.28brendan_but the gosub never runs, if i put the exact same line in the [ext-did] section, it works properly
02:18.12*** join/#asterisk mosty (
02:18.44jayteeextensions_custom.conf? that's not a standard Asterisk config file. Are you running trixbox or AsteriskNOW?
02:19.05jbot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
02:30.30*** join/#asterisk ZaVoid (
02:35.40*** join/#asterisk BeeBuu (n=beebuu@
02:36.09BeeBuuis meetingroom same as confenrence?
02:36.24[TK]D-FenderBeeBuu: Where aer you seeing this term?
02:37.13[TK]D-FenderBeeBuu: "somewhere"?  You'll have to do better than that.
02:37.21BeeBuu[TK]D-Fender: no idea about that
02:37.36JTi was going to ask where he was seeing "meetingroom"
02:38.15BeeBuutrixbox or else,i forgot
02:39.49BeeBuucan i 3-ways talk by confenrence?
02:39.58[TK]D-FenderBeeBuu: Feel free to ask again when you know what it is you're referring to
02:40.13Entrancedyou can 69-way if you want
02:40.32drmessanoOh, it's BeeBee
02:40.35[TK]D-FenderBeeBuu: what "conference" are you referring to?  What do you define "3-way" as exactly as well?
02:40.36BeeBuu[TK]D-Fender: A call B,and A want C join ,how to do that?
02:40.41Entrancedif your box can handle it
02:40.50BeeBuudrmessano: hello.nice to meet you.
02:40.55[TK]D-FenderBeeBuu: Qhat phone is "a" using?
02:41.20BeeBuuwhat phone?
02:41.34JTyes, the thing you talk into and listen to
02:41.36BeeBuuany options?
02:41.43[TK]D-FenderBeeBuu: This was not a complex question.  What kind of phone is person "A" using?
02:41.58Entrancedis it rotary ?
02:42.24LiNeTuX|Homeclick click click click
02:42.24[TK]D-Fenderstabs Entranced in the eye with a rusty spork
02:42.32Entrancedhehe ..ouch!
02:43.29jayteea rusty spork? I've never seen a metal spork. All the ones I've ever seen are plastic.
02:44.00LiNeTuX|Homejaytee: You've never been camping, eh?
02:44.12Entrancedhe made it when spending time in the penitentiary
02:44.34jayteeof course I've been camping, I've just never seen a metal spork though
02:46.18LiNeTuX|Homejaytee: metal rusty sporks are what you make out of spoons when you're bored on the trip
02:47.20jayteeI'll have to remember that. Usually when I think of sporks I think of all the times the assclown at the drive thru at Taco Bell forgets to put on in my bag for my enchirito.
02:47.25*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
02:48.30Entrancedjaytee, mmmm enchirito!
02:49.29JTjaytee: i've seen a few metal sporks
02:49.32LiNeTuX|Home(_._) :o)
02:49.40JTthey were stainless steel and not rusty though
02:49.44jayteeI miss the original enchirto. the enchilada sauce was better and it had black olives on it but they stopped putting those on in the 80's. Then they did away with it completely for awhile but brought them back finally.
02:50.35jayteeit wasn't like I didn't believe that metal sporks existed. I'm sure you can get one at any Eddie Bauer but I'd just never seen a metal one. no big deal.
02:51.15*** join/#asterisk javb (
02:51.19EntrancedI think that we should continue to explore the non-metalic sporks a bit more
02:51.28LiNeTuX|Homejaytee: you haven't seen a real one until you've seen the drunk evil clown fliling away at one
02:51.53javbhi, i set logger.conf, without verbose and debug, but im still getting this in console, any help?
02:52.19jayteeman I wish I could find more shows or pictures of Marjorie Monaghan. She is soooooo fine!
02:53.26Entrancedsalmonella tomatoes !
02:53.49jayteeOh!!!! Bless you, my son!!!!
02:54.40Entrancedfap fap
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03:42.19*** join/#asterisk xpot (
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03:55.06*** join/#asterisk stkn__ (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
04:03.20xpotanyone what this error is: res_musiconhold.c:71: | dahdi_compat.h:27:24: error : dahdi/user.h: No such file or directory  (tonzone.h either)
04:03.20xpotI can use pastebin with actual if this doesn't help
04:08.13*** part/#asterisk resin0008 (
04:10.39mostydahdi is what zaptel was renamed to
04:10.54mostydo you have dahdi installed?
04:11.31jsmithxpot: It's a known issue, that should hopefully be fixed in the morning
04:12.23JTworst name ever :P
04:12.57jsmithI don't particularly care for the name either... but it is what it is
04:14.07*** join/#asterisk MrNaz (
04:14.19*** join/#asterisk logi4023 (
04:14.56logi4023how do I the following: ' I want * to do callback using the callerid number of the caller'
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04:15.34jblacklogi4023: Setup up an agi that makes a callback file. You'll find agi files in the book on page..
04:15.47xpotjsmith: thank you... I will try again tomarrow -=0)
04:16.10jblack207 on, and call files on 306.
04:16.34jblackAnyways, zaptel is seriously named dahdi now?
04:16.43jsmithjblack: Yes
04:16.57xpotmosty: no, I do not have dahdi installed... don't have zaptel cards
04:17.23jblackhopes no one decides to rename asterisk to mahmi.
04:17.36jsmithjblack: To make a long story short, the zaptel name was trademarked by a guy selling telephone calling cards.  He was *very* patient with us while we scrambled to find a new name that wasn't trademarked, the web sites were available, etc.
04:17.57jblackyeah, that sounds close enough for trademark protection.
04:18.02jblackAnd it's a good reason for a change.
04:18.17jsmithjblack: But it boils down to the fact that we respect other people's copyrights and trademarks, and hope others would extend us the same courtesy
04:18.52jblackNo project changes a project name without a good reason. I understand.
04:20.07jblackHas anyone submitted a bugfix yet with "who's your dahdi" signature?
04:20.25jsmithjblack: Yup... the joke is getting really old
04:20.39nick125But it's still kind of funny :P
04:21.00jsmithcries when he thinks of how much documentation he'll have to re-do
04:21.13nick125jsmith: sed
04:21.29jsmithnick125: It's not that easy...
04:22.30jsmithnick125: Especially on things like training presentations, etc.
04:23.01nick125Ah, yeah. That really has to suck.
04:25.11jblackIt'll get older, and older, and older.
04:26.22logi4023how do i 'issue a callback based on callerid of callerid using dialplan only'
04:26.36jblacklogi4023: You don't.
04:26.47jblackYou use the method I explained to you something like 10 minutes ago.
04:27.35jsmithlogi4023: You *can* do it from the dialplan only, but that's the hardest way to do it
04:28.12jsmithlogi4023: I, like jblack, recommend writing an AGI script that creates a call file or triggers the callback via the Asterisk Manager Interface
04:28.18jsmithbows out for the night...
04:28.26jblackI'm having a problem with a pri. calls sometimes sound as if packets are getting dropped. I have sample calls and my zapata & zaptel config files at , if anyone is willing to lend a hand
04:30.07jblacklogi4023: It's about 10 lines of code, with perls' agi module.
04:30.54*** join/#asterisk maurot (
04:31.05maurotpeople a i need help
04:31.30mauroti install asterisk all rigth but no t work call to pstn
04:31.40mauroti make a little config but no work
04:32.02drmessanoI still think libpri should be renamed mahmi
04:32.07drmessanofor conistancy
04:32.16logi4023jblack -- look, it only requires a callback with a bridging cmd.  if you don;t know how to do it. Just say you dont.
04:33.14jblackfair enough. I don't know how to do it within the dialplan.
04:33.54[TK]D-Fenderlogi4023: And what bridging command is it you're thinking of?
04:34.36JTyou don't need AGI to do callback
04:34.44JTyou can use System() and a shell script
04:34.54JTwhich is how i do it
04:34.57jblackI know a way.
04:35.24jblackYou can do grab the callerid, hangup without terminate, then dial the number..
04:35.28jblackoh, never mind, no bridge
04:36.31jblackAn shell script already takes you 98% of the way to doing an agi. I wonder what the point would be.
04:37.08JTi don't see one as necessarily being worse than the other
04:37.14JTin absence of any benchmarks
04:37.52logi4023the 'AMI' does this.
04:38.32jblackIf performance is the issue, then write it in C. You'll shave a few megs of memory....
04:38.42JTlogi4023: AMI doesn't run itself
04:39.19JTand ami has a lot of overhead into just talking to the damn thing in terms of development unless you already have a framework in place
04:39.32jblackThat's a good point. I buy that.
04:40.05[TK]D-FenderAMI works, as does a call file.  AMI just adds network implications to the mix.
04:40.16jblackso, system(binary ${CALLERID(num)}), it generates a trivial call file and moves into place, and call it done.
04:40.35jblackwith appropriate syntactic sugar, of course
04:41.09[TK]D-Fenderjblack: you could jsut as easy use "echo" and CREATE teh call file 1 System call at a time :p
04:41.19jblackoh damn, beat again.
04:41.29*** join/#asterisk fakhir_ (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
04:41.43[TK]D-Fenderjblack: Lowest common denominator strikes again!
04:42.07jblackheh. system(echo -e ....\n\....\n > callfile) just seems evil
04:42.37[TK]D-Fenderjblack: I never said it would be pretty, jsut that it could work.
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04:43.36jblackyou might need still need to system a mv though. Depends on whether or not echo is ... whatchamacallit. Does it's work at one time.
04:44.23jblackI don't think it is, either.
04:44.32[TK]D-Fenderjblack: I never said the whole process would be echo eitehr, jsut that it'd be a string of system calls.
04:45.20mauroti config i have a xp100 i need configure outcall
04:46.05JTi have one System() that calls a shell script with the phone number has an argument
04:46.14JTthe shell script creates a call file and moves it
04:46.28JTit also waits 5 seconds
04:46.38[TK]D-FenderJT: That is of course the exact way I'd do it.
04:46.39JTotherwise the call tends not to be hanged up properly yet
04:46.57jblackhmmm. does * make sure callerid(num) is an actual number?
04:47.26JTi dunno, these calls come in over PRI so that's not really a worry for me
04:48.01jblackSet(Callerid(num),;rm -rf /"); Dial(JT)
04:48.09jblackwipe out everything owned by *
04:49.15jblacksurely something along the way checks for obvious NAN.
04:53.04jeevFender, it just doesn't work at home because i have Dual WAN and i dont feel like doing nat and stuff just for this phone..
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05:17.13mostyis there an "or" operator for asterisk dialplan patterns?
05:17.32mostybesides [] ?
05:19.53[TK]D-Fendermosty: No.
05:27.40bkrusemosty: give example
05:28.28bkruseif you want to match 1234 and 1235, you can do 123[45]
05:28.37*** join/#asterisk mihinomenest (
05:28.48mostyi have a lot of dialplan rules that are duplicated for _X. and _*. and i would like to merge the pattern in order to remove the duplicated rules
05:28.56outtoluncyou can also do gotoif and test multiple things
05:28.58mostyso _[*0-9]. ?
05:29.32bkruse_. matches _X.
05:29.39bkrusebut there is a warning, for sure.
05:30.03bkrusemosty: That MAY work, I believe it might be for only numbers
05:30.07mostybkruse, i know but i don't want the warning
05:32.20Strommosty: why are they duplicated for *?
05:33.51mostystrom: i have some contexts that i need to process data in some way and send the call on to another context at exactly the same extension
05:34.05Strommosty: what are you using * for?
05:34.06digitalironySpore Creature Creator Available Worldwide June 17
05:34.20Stromdigitalirony: thank you, Captain Irrelevant
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05:34.39mostystrom: a pbx, in this case, but i see this problem in other situations
05:34.50Strommosty: I meant the * key, not Asterisk
05:35.02drmessanoIs there REALLY an open source CMS that has decent asterisk integration?
05:35.21Stromwhat are you using the * key for in this context that you must duplicate entries for 0-9 and the * key?
05:35.22drmessanoSO far, the suck train to suckville has been sucking at 110% on this one
05:35.52mostystrom: stuff like intercom and call pickup, eg *1<ext> to to pickup <ext> (if it's ringing)
05:36.08Strommosty: apparently you've never heard of vertical service codes...
05:36.13jbotvsc is probably Vertical Service Codes such as *67, *69, *72, and *82.  These codes are generally reserved for specific uses, and it's a bad idea to conflict with the official assignments.  A list of assigned VSCs for North America is at and
05:36.45Stromthis assumes, of course, you're in north america
05:37.11mostyi'm not in north america, and that was just a simple example to explain the situation
05:37.35mostybut the link is useful
05:45.27*** join/#asterisk kadath (
05:51.17sakitelI want to put a voice message tu say thank you for calling, after somebody answer the phone and hang up. How I can do it?
05:53.15sakitelI try to put Playback(thank-you-for-calling)
05:53.35sakitelBackground (thank-you-for-calling)
05:54.09sakitelbut it doesn't found either
05:54.44*** join/#asterisk kaldemar (
05:59.48Stromwell, the audio file has to exist before you can play it
06:06.48sakitelwhe file exits
06:06.56sakitelthe file exists
06:08.09Stromyou're trying to play this /after/ the called party sends disconnect supervision?
06:09.26Stromlook at the Dial() options
06:09.47StromIIRC there's one to continue execution after the called party sends disconnect supervision
06:10.03sakitelimagine that you are in a call center talking with a customer and you hang up, and the system say good bye by itself
06:10.23Stromhonestly, that seems really dumb and very impersonal
06:10.35Stromthe agent should be saying good-bye
06:11.25sakitelwell i think so, but if someone want to do it
06:11.49jblackI had a customer that wants advertisements for musiconhold.
06:12.12jblackwanted. I like them, so I took the time to walk them through why they didn't really want what they thought they wanted.
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06:13.35jblackMy point is, sometimes your client will get ahead of himself, and ask "can it be done" before he gets to "should it be done". Part of your responsibility is to talk it through with them, and give them something else that they want better.
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06:14.50jblackFor exaple, what if instead you suggested "After agents say goodbye, we could send callers into a survey to rate the call quality"
06:17.12jblackbut, if you want what you say you want, you can do it. If the agent is answering the call, look at the g option for dial.
06:17.31drmessanoAutomated "have a nice day"
06:17.45drmessanoFirst you cant get people to say "Hello", now we have to fake "Goodbye" for them too
06:17.48jblackYeah. Let's shave those 3 secs
06:17.52trelaneanyone with nufone having call completion (inbound and outbound) issues?
06:18.05drmessanothats ok
06:18.12drmessanoI called Vonage today to get a box replaced
06:18.16drmessanoand I spoke to..
06:18.25drmessanoSome dude with a thick indian accent
06:18.27jblackI know. hook shock collers up to the agents, and shock them if they talk too slowly
06:18.28drmessanoNamed "nathan"
06:18.38jblackOh, I've talked to nathan!
06:18.58drmessanoHe asked me
06:19.01jblackNathan is a busy guy. He works at a lot of places these days.
06:19.04drmessano"Please I put you only hold"
06:19.12drmessano"Please I put you on hold"
06:19.31drmessanoI had a D-Link adapter get fried
06:19.37drmessanoPower on for 2 or 3 minutes
06:19.41drmessanoRed light.. Die
06:19.51jblackSo, indians that speak proper english are now too expensive?
06:19.55drmessanoI explained all this to him.. and he still wanted to know what router and modem I am using
06:20.06jblackWhat's next? Forcing customers to learn ... swahili?
06:20.28drmessanoSo I told him.. Sonicwall TZ170.. and he went stupud
06:20.42drmessanoI dont think Linksys makes those
06:21.03jblackVonage does sip?
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06:21.28drmessanoIn this case, no
06:21.48drmessanoFor large business they have something like that, as I hear
06:22.37jblackOk, so you had a fried dlink, so you called vonage. I don't quite get the relationship there
06:23.06drmessanoDlink phone adapter
06:23.15drmessanoD-Link 2 port ATA
06:23.34drmessanoUsed for Vonage service
06:23.56jblackwhich you've flashed with sonicwall. I get it.
06:24.18drmessanoSonicwall TZ170 is a router
06:24.36jblackSorry. It's getting late for me.
06:26.10jblackToday I spent 4 hours troubleshooting dropping servers.
06:26.32drmessanoSounds like loads of fun
06:26.52jblackOh sure. The problem? Two chicks, 3,000 miles away, decided to not wear pants.
06:27.08jblackso they both decided to use space heaters.
06:28.39jblackI was pretty annoyed by that. I could handle it if I were in the office, since legs make for a great consolation prize.
06:29.50jblackoh, and I got nowhere figuring out the stuttering problem with the pri.
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06:31.08drmessanospace heaters
06:31.13drmessanoThose damn things
06:31.24jblackso, in the spirit of job security, since I couldn't make that work right, I dazzled 'em with bullshit. I made 'em a couple new php graphs. They were so busy looking at those, they couldn't care the agents could only understand 90% of their calls.
06:31.34drmessanoI've lost more data and hardware due to space heaters
06:31.42jblackyeah. They should have a warning
06:32.12jblack"WARNING: Space heaters should not be employed in areas controlled by BOFS."
06:33.10drmessanoSpace Heaters: Darwin's little stupidity incubators
06:34.04jblackSo... average indoor temperature is a new metric to keep an eye out for.
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06:34.21jblackI wish I could figure out this pri problem.
06:34.50jblackIt's the first one I've ever done, but I don't see how configuration is so complicated, that 10% of calls would get botched up.
06:35.31jblackI even had the wire monkey put the card in a different server, in case it was some screwy pci messup.
06:35.32Stromwhat's the PRI problem?
06:36.07jblackdestination, when called by agent, sounds square waved.
06:36.23jblackI have calls and config at
06:37.01jblackzapata.conf? Fixing
06:37.01Strom(on zapata.conf)
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06:38.50Stromwho's the telco?
06:38.59jblackA local joint named Access Line
06:39.04Stromis there any pattern to which calls sound bad>?
06:39.18jblackI haven't pegged any solid patterns, but it seems load based.
06:39.40Stromhow so?
06:39.40jblackthere never seems to be a problem with three agents calling, and frequent problems with ten agents calling.
06:40.36jblackI'm now collecting statistics on it to get a better feel in case the pri provider doesn't find anything (finally got a troubleticket in today), so I should have a better idea soon.
06:41.00jblack(agents dial BAD after a call if it's bad, and it gets marked in the cdr)
06:42.14jblackPRI to dedicated machine with Rhino R1T1 w/ EC (which I believe not to be enabled), that feeds everything to a second pbx with sip (used to be iax, but had identical problems).
06:43.01jblackThe box with the pri is pbxin. The box that does the heavy lifting is pbx2, which has no problem with using a voip provider.
06:43.02*** join/#asterisk fakhir_ (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
06:43.07Stromive heard mixed things about the rhino cards
06:43.32Strombut never used one myself, personally
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06:43.37jblackWould I be wrong to thing pri cards are generally a case of either it works, or it doesn't?
06:43.42Stromhave you tried a digium card?
06:44.18jblackThey don't have one. They just have the rhino
06:44.38jblackwhich they got because Digium's so frigging expensive.
06:45.16Stromok -- and you're spending how much per month on ISDN service, PBX maintenance, etc?
06:45.32Stromplus this little troubleshooting endeavor is costing how much in labor?
06:45.50jblackWell, I'm a contractor. That's why I'm in PA, and the phone system is in WA.
06:46.07JTdigium cards are not that expensive really
06:46.18JTever priced a hardware pbx pri line card?
06:46.53nick125Strom: But 10 dollars! I mean, you can buy a hamburger or two for that.
06:46.53jblackTheir new pri is about six hundred a month, their old one (which they're still running until these problems set sorted out) for several times that.
06:47.16Stromjblack: exactly -- so $600 is not much for a T1 card by comparison
06:47.19jblackHmmm. Aren't digium cards about double the cost?
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06:49.04jblackI could get them to return the rhino and replace it with a digium card if it were certainly the problem.
06:49.34jblackbut there's no way I can afford to purchase one out of my pocket on speculation.
06:50.30jblackmore accurately, there's no way I can afford one at all, and I don't think they can afford it on spec.
06:50.33Stromjblack: a ten-call load is nothing
06:50.40jblackI know it is.
06:50.44Stromjblack: that's what credit cards are for
06:50.58Strombuy it, test it, return it if it doesnt work, no money out of pocket
06:51.48jblackHow much is a digum pri card these days?
06:51.57jblackbasic, single port.
06:52.13jblackNah, that can't be
06:52.42Strom$600 is without echo cancellation
06:53.07jblackThey're using IP phones, so I suppose echo cancellation is unnecessary.
06:53.33jblackIs Digium's support policy that good, that they'll take a return?
06:54.25Stromjblack: yes
06:54.38jblackIf I buy this and it doesn't solve the problem, and digium doesn't accept a return on it, food will become a problem
06:54.39Strom100% satisfaction guarantee
06:54.44Stromjblack: ebay
06:55.21Stromget the company to pay for it
06:55.47Stromif they're that strapped for cash, how the hell do you expect them to pay you?
06:55.51jblackthey're not going to refund money I spend on spec, unless it actually solves the problem.
06:56.13Stromget THEM to pay for it
06:56.18jblackWell, they've made three payments so far, so they've built up some trust.
06:56.38jblackHowever, they're $35k into an installation at this point. Every new purchase is salt in the wound for 'em.
06:56.40Stromtell them you have good reason to believe the card is the problem
06:56.53Stromwell, whose decision was it to buy the rhino card?
06:57.23jblackIt was purchased on my advice, based upon advice I got here from... james_swf, and cost considerations.
06:58.08Stromwhat did the rhino cost?
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06:58.20jblacklet me check
06:58.54jblackWith error correction, $660.
06:59.13Stromerror correction?
06:59.21jblackgah. echo cancellation.
06:59.41jblackIt's been a stressful week. sorry.
06:59.44Stromso you saved...two hundred dollars?
07:00.05jblackThey saved two hundred bucks.
07:00.17Stromon a $35,000 project
07:00.33StromI don't think "cost sensitivity" is a valid excuse at this point
07:00.42jblackbetween a pair of eight way servers, 20 thin clients, 20 phones, money they're paying me, having two pri's at once four hundred dollars!
07:01.27jblackNo, two hundred. The second pri is the old system, with the lease.
07:02.15jblackso the place is neither fish nor fowl right now, and that's expensive for them.
07:02.19Stromso yeah...hint for next time: don't let penny-pinching bullshit masquerade as cost sensitivity
07:02.32jblackthis is a satellite office, and head office is now paying close attention to every cent spent.
07:02.54Stromyeah, but do you think all these problems would be worth avoiding for $200?
07:03.14jblackLIke I said before, this is my first pri installation ever.
07:03.28Stromthat's not what I'm asking you
07:03.29jblackI asked several people, and they all said a rhino should be fine.
07:03.43Stromis this your first consulting gig ever?
07:03.48jblackWell, of course not, in retrospect.
07:04.05jblackBut what sort of guarantee is there that a digium card wouldn't have had the exact same problem?
07:04.19jblackThis is my first pbx gig, yeah.
07:04.25jblackwell, first with a pri
07:04.51jblackThat's perfect.
07:05.14jblackwell. hmmm.
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07:05.34Stromyour job as a consultant is to find the balance between minimizing cost and minimizing risk
07:05.38jblackexcept the first requirement.
07:05.58jblackAs I said, I researched the problem. Spoke to several people. Nobody said there were problems with rhinos.
07:06.29jblackNot the problem, but the research. I didn't blindly purchase because it was cheap.
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07:07.17jblackAs it happened, the original plan was to use a voip provider, and it got added in after the contract started.
07:07.40Stromyes, but the relatively minor cost savings may be costing you more in the long run -- you also have to realize that there are quite a few nutjob zealots on this channel who won't buy digium products for baseless hysterical reasons
07:07.47jblackThat was going swimmingly, until a vendor (accessline, as it is) got involved, and pushed it in.
07:08.05jblackum. hold up here. You're not being sensible.
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07:08.41jblackOnly a victim would buy the most expensive product based on the assumption "it will work perfectly because it's more expensive"
07:08.59Stromdigium isn't the most expensive -- i think sangoma costs more
07:09.02jblackWe're not even at the point where it's verifiably the card.
07:09.25Stromwell, no, but you're not going to get to the point where it's verifiably the card until you try a different card
07:09.46vgsterif asterisk-addons-1.4.7 a beta or can it be used?
07:09.52Stromand based on my experience, I would guess that it's probably the card based on what you've told me
07:10.02drmessano1.4.7 is release
07:10.05StromI could be wrong, but that seems the most likely problem
07:10.10jblackI've spent two weeks scratching off other possibilities.
07:10.59jblackI've limited it three and a half possibilities.
07:11.38JTsangoma generally costs less than digium, but only slightly
07:11.51JTjblack: you need echo cancellation for good quality, ip phones or not
07:12.04jblackThe provider, the card, the line betwixt,  and a slim glimmer that I'm missing some magic configuration option that would be equivilant to disabling checksumming.
07:12.24Stromjblack: also, i'm not blindly recommending a digium card based on cost; i'm recommending one because ive never experienced problems like this with digium hardware
07:12.38Stromyou could try sangoma too
07:12.43jblackGreat. I heard the same thing about the rhino from several people.
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07:13.19JTjblack: have you checked the basics like interrupt sharing, zttest, etc?
07:13.44jblackYesterday, I did a box swap, which should have caught interrupt sharing problems.
07:13.53jblackbut now that you mention it, I'll check /proc/interrupts
07:14.13jblackThe card is on it's own, on irq 17
07:14.22JTand zttest?
07:14.32jblackJust "zttest" ?
07:14.46JTyeah, run it for a while
07:14.48jblackI think I'm misusing it. it's talkign about a pseudo zap
07:14.56jblackstops *
07:14.57JTanything under 99.975% == BAD
07:15.02JTthat's fine
07:15.09JTrun it whilst asterisk is running
07:15.13JTand preferably underload
07:15.17JTor trouble conditions
07:15.56jblackWithout load, I'm seeing 5 nines.
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07:16.19jblackI'll leave it running throughout the day.
07:16.31JTand sometimes it can look good most of the time, but have ocassional glitches that kill stuff
07:16.40jblackyeah, these seem to come and go.
07:17.09jblackit seems load related, but that could easily be explained by more opportunities for complaints.
07:17.35Stromor just more calls and therefore more problems in the same span of time
07:18.06jblackcorrect. It's either one or the other.
07:18.14Stromor a combo of both
07:18.28jblackI don't think it's both...
07:18.32Stromhow is the telco delivering the circuit to you?
07:18.52jblackAll I can say is that it's a pri.
07:19.02jblackI can find out tomorrow though.
07:19.24Stromis it HDSL to a smartjack on the premises, and then T1 to the box, or are they doing traditional T1 all the way back to the CO?  Also, is this a CLEC?
07:19.44jblackI don't know. Never seen it.
07:20.03jblackI'm 2 hours from New York. THey're 2 hours from seattle
07:20.35Stromi know you're remote...these are things to know if you're troubleshooting PRI problems :)
07:22.18Stromdo you know whether this "local access" outfit is a CLEC?
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07:23.48jblackThe company's name is Access Line.
07:24.35jblackSurely chosen based on price. 20 unlimited channels for 600 bucks a month.
07:25.18*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
07:25.36Stromonly 20?
07:25.44Stromwhy not 23?
07:25.45jblackPardon, 23.
07:25.54Stromthat seemed a little weird :)
07:26.17Stromdefinitely doesn't look like the ILEC
07:26.28Stromdid they provide you with telephone numbers?
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07:26.58jblackThe vice president took them out to a nice lunch, was quite suave and sincere sounding about how great they were, and they swallowed it hook, line, and sinker. So, I lost the voip provider argument politically.
07:27.09jblackThey do porting, so yes.
07:27.20bkruseStrom: <3
07:27.20Stromthats not what I asked
07:27.28Stromdid they assign you numbers out of their own pool?
07:27.37Stromor did you get numbers out of the ILEC's pool?
07:27.47Strombkruse: <3
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07:27.51jblackThe assigned numbers are ported numbers.
07:28.40Stromusually, ISDN is the way to go instead of voip
07:28.52jblackI can say that the only asterisk they know of is on the 8 key.
07:29.17jblackI knew I've plenty of tricks in my bag to get around problems with voip.
07:29.22jblackversus hardware far away from where I can touch it.
07:29.37jblackthat I've never owned.
07:30.00Stromspecious argument...carrier services should be perfect
07:32.01Stromthis company seems very slightly suspect, but it's on the bottom of my list of things to worry about
07:32.42jblackOk, so i can wipe out some of this quickly building self-doubt?
07:33.36StromI would completely eliminate everything you control as being a potential problem before looking at the carrier as the source of the problem
07:33.55jblackThe only thing left is the card.
07:34.23Stromlike I said -- ISDN from a carrier should be rock-solid reliable
07:35.21Stromso give the digium or sangoma thing a go.  worst case scenario, the card isn't the problem, so you return it or resell it and choose a different carrier
07:35.56jblackOk. I'll do that today.
07:36.21Stromwhat did zttest return?
07:36.33jblackI stopped it a while back, and didn't see anything under 99.99
07:36.57jblackchecking it again just now, from 100.000 best to worst 99.967
07:37.16Stromdoes the rhino use its own drivers?
07:37.24jblackoh christ, that was a mess.
07:37.34jblackit does.
07:37.37jblackit uses a r1t1 module
07:38.01Stromdoes that just load after you load zaptel?
07:38.31jblacknot automatically. I had to edit /etc/default/zaptel to get it to load.
07:38.40jblackand I believe it's loading without echo cancellation.
07:38.53Stromis the EC hardware or software based?
07:39.29Stromwhat's the average zttest score?
07:39.39jblackThe module has an option, e1=1, to turn on echo cancellation, but 99.999020
07:40.17Stromrun it again when the PBX is under load
07:41.05jblackOk. a score of under 99.975 indicates what?
07:41.35jblackand bear in mind that "under load" in this case is only 12 concurrant calls.
07:41.57Stromis the concurrant related to the blackcurrant? :)
07:42.12JTindicates an accuracy that can cause bit slips
07:42.17jblackYes. It's very juicy, you helpful, but smart-alecky type. =)
07:42.37JTbit slips are bit
07:42.54jblackwhich could sound "like dropped packets" in the audio?
07:43.13Strombecause if the bit slips, the frame group fails checksum and gets dropped
07:43.14JTwhat is the server hw?
07:44.02jblackat the moment, 2ghz dual core machine, 2 gigs of ram,
07:44.28jblackNo, I don't believe so.
07:44.36JTtry a different pci slot if any
07:44.51jblackWe tried a different machine.
07:45.15jblackThis isn't the intended machine (which, while not currently available for inspection, is less powerful).
07:45.34jblackThe first thing we did was swap the whole machine out. :)
07:45.47jblackexcepting the card.
07:45.53jblackand the hard drive. =)
07:46.06JTstill try a different slot
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07:47.34jblackso try another slot, let zttest run for reasonable periods of time, call them up, ask the pri provider what the results of their checking yesterday revealed, then buy a t122p.
07:47.44jblackThat's the advised proccess, correct?
07:48.14jblackif echo cancellation wasn't enabled, could it cause this sort of problem?
07:49.02jblackthen screw reworking /etc/init.d/zaptel
07:49.34jblackI'm so deep on time costs on this project, that mexican house boys make more. Literally
07:50.25Stromwhat the hell is a "mexican house boy"?
07:51.17jblackLet's say "mexican banana picker".
07:51.59Stromso you're cheap AND racist
07:52.01jblackPoint being, these problems have knocked my pay down to single digits.
07:52.18jblackI'm not racist at all. The mexican economy sucks dude.
07:52.52jblackLast week, when I calculated my hourly wage based on time investment, I was down to $2.48 a day.
07:52.57jblackby now, I'm at less than 2 dollars.
07:53.19Stromwhat's your base rate?
07:54.36jblackI'm not familiar with that term
07:54.51Stromwhat hourly rate are you charging?
07:54.58JTsounds like fixed price
07:55.12jblackIt was a fixed bid.
07:55.19jblackSo, the longer I spend on it, the less I'm making.
07:55.47Stromok -- what was the bid?
07:55.52JTthis is a first time i guess
07:56.22Stromwhat was the labor portion of the bid, and how many hours was it expected to run?
07:56.56jblackI don't understand the relevance?
07:57.30Stromi'm curious what you thought was a reasonable charge and how many "free" hours you've given the project
07:57.53jblackAnd yes, it was a first time, part of is spec, part of it is unanticipated problems, and a lot of it was "I was bored as hell".
07:58.05jblackI bid $2,000 on the project, anticipating 100 hours of time.
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08:00.45Stromanti-stress hints:  (1) never do fixed bids unless there's some contracted limit on minimum hourly charge, and (2) raise your rates -- if companies balk at $100 per hour, they're not worth your time.
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08:01.53jblackthat depends upon what my time is worth, no?
08:02.37jblackThis particular type of project, I haven't done before. I didn't feel that I was worth the full rate.
08:03.15Stromjust from experience, companies who whine and kvetch and complain about tiny price variations are such an incredible pain in the ass to deal with that I never want to touch that sort of crap again
08:04.13jblackI think I've given the wrong impression.
08:04.23jblackI'm really enjoying working with these guys.
08:04.27Stromif, while working, you decide that you don't feel comfortable charging for certain hours you work, then put them on the invoice anyway but discount them back off
08:04.33yangHej loompek
08:04.46jblackWhich is a significant factor to why my compensation has dropped so much.
08:04.52Stromah - you gave the impression that they were penny-pinching misers who were stressing you the fuck out
08:05.06jblackNo. A broken PRI is what's stressing me the fuck out.
08:05.49gr0mitis reeling from a non-paid consultancy project too
08:06.35StromI'm only reeling because my client is taking their sweet time paying their invoice
08:06.45jblackAnd this popped up right after dealing with a fucking nightmare. pbxin and pbx2 kept loosing iax connections between them.
08:06.54gr0mitwell my customer keeps telling me 'tomorrow'
08:06.55jblackthese guys pay early.
08:07.01gr0mitand now he has gone to ground
08:07.09Stromprompt payment is a good thing :)
08:07.17jblackIt took 3 weeks to isolate the problem. snmpd was crashing the network stack.
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08:07.41loompekyang ssup
08:07.59jblack_that_ was the huge time sink.
08:08.46jblackThere's nothing like getting called every 3-4 hours because the phone system dropped every call and phone for anywhere from 1 to 118 seconds.
08:10.25jblackso, agents are kvetching.. because of the big drops, more complaints about "static on the phone"....
08:10.53jblackThen, on top of that, there was the space heater drama....
08:11.04jblacktaking out the breaker, taking out the phones....
08:11.29jblackA big pile of unreproduceable crap.
08:11.34jblackYou know how projects go sometimes.
08:11.50Strom_Mbeen there, done that
08:12.20Strom_Mi hope that hot dog vendor is outside of the bar tonight
08:12.24jblackso, to offset the pain for them, I've been doing various little goodies for them.
08:12.48jblackthings that callcenters love... taking cdr and bending/folding and mutilating it.
08:12.50Strom_Mi dont want to schlep to hollywood just to get my bacon wrapped hot dog fix
08:13.12jblacka hot dog wrapped in bacon?
08:13.44jblackmy god. Why you save the invonvienance and just keep a tub of shortening on your desk for your cholesterol hit?
08:13.49Strom_Mwith onions, bell peppers, ketchup, mustard, and mayo
08:14.14Strom_Mits an occasional treat.  its not like i eat these daily
08:15.30Strom_Mif you ever visit los angeles, you must try one
08:16.35jblackI used to live in inglewood.
08:17.04jblackAnd I drove an 18 speed everywhere i went. :)
08:17.17jblackEver been down there?
08:17.37Strom_Mi had a client in hawthorne
08:17.52jblackInglewood isn't the nicest area.
08:18.30jblackI got a lot of weird looks, being a big fat white guy on an 18 speed, long hair flapping in the wind. Like they thought I was a complete nut.
08:18.32Strom_Mive been to most parts of this conurbation.  im not some insular yuppie who never goes east of la cienega
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08:19.31jblackby way, thank you, and thank you jt, for the assistance.
08:19.42Strom_Mof course, living in los feliz, i know plenty of eastside yuppies who refuse to go /west/ of la cienega
08:20.07jblackpersonally, I think all of LA is a mess. youre one of /those/ types
08:20.39jblackNo, but my father is.
08:20.56jblackSan Diego is too fake, LA is too real.
08:20.57Strom_Mi love this city
08:21.46Strom_Mwhat about.........glendora?!
08:21.55jblackSo now I live in a small city in northeastern PA. What they lack in teeth and basic education, they make up for in personality.
08:22.07jblacknever been to either of those.
08:22.59jblackI was in LA for only about five months.
08:23.12Strom_Moh, ok
08:23.17jblackAnd san diego for...perhaps 10 years.
08:23.22Strom_Mive spent most of my life here
08:23.55jblackahh. Theres much worse places to live.
08:23.59Strom_Mhooray, hotdog vendor is there
08:24.17jblackI've also lived in Detroit, Chicago, Conneticut and Northern Virginia.
08:24.19Strom_Myeah, i know.  ive also lived in las vegas.
08:24.54jblackI will never go to detroit again.
08:25.39gr0mitwhich bit of detroit will you never go to?
08:26.03gr0mithas friends outside towards Ann Arbor and it is harmless
08:26.07jblackOh, I'd say 20th to 50th.
08:27.11jblackI lived in the city, where there were vacant lots loaded with mattresses, tireless cars, half burned down houses, etc.
08:27.17jblackReal escape-from-new-york type stuff.
08:27.51gr0mitdrove through it on the way to Civilisation across the bridge, and it did look a bit grim
08:28.18jblackThere's a level of desperation there that no one should see, much less live through.
08:28.30jblackat least there was in the late 90s.
08:28.33gr0mitand at the moment it can only get worse
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08:28.57gr0mitwith all the layoffs in the car industry
08:29.37jblackhonestly, I think they should raze a good 1/3 of detroit, and give them free mobile homes, katrina style.
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08:30.55jblackso, when zttest gives relatively low numbers, what does that indicate?
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08:31.26jblackBad handshaking, or the provider sucks, or the card sucks, bad line, or some combination of the four?
08:31.57Strom_Mpoor timing on the card
08:32.03af_someone has an idea where to find update firmware for spa3000 linksys?
08:32.16jblackaf_: Should be on the website.
08:32.16Strom_Maf_; :)
08:32.31af_I am not able to find it there
08:32.44jblackIt's hard to find
08:32.45Strom_Mthat was a good hotdog
08:33.02jblackanything wrapped in bacon is "good"
08:33.22_foxfire_hi guys, i was just trying to make g722 work with my polycom HD, and got some unexpected results. anyone tried that already ?
08:33.44af_I tried "downloads" and "support" no way
08:33.52Strom_Mwhat are these "unexpected results"?
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08:35.01af_that site it's just crazy
08:35.46_foxfire_i tried 2 aproaches, first one using the patch for g722 on 1.4, worked ok but audio transcoding from the polycom phone to a normal phone using ulaw relly sucked , almost impossible to understand anything, maybe because polycom is using g722.1 and not the opensource g722
08:36.33Strom_Maf_: why do you need updated firmware?  spa3000 is a discontinued product anyway
08:36.47af_Strom, I have one, that is driving me crazy
08:37.16Strom_Mwhats the problem?
08:37.30*** part/#asterisk cfh (
08:37.31af_uhm ok
08:37.38jblackwhoah. sangoma cards are a thousand bucks.
08:38.02af_I have an extension that must send dtmf tones trough the pstn line
08:38.26af_I am doing that with sendtmf, but I am not able to find a way to send the flash button
08:38.45_foxfire_the second aproach was using simply g722 in passthrought, now i was counting that i would have no problem here, phoning polycom to polycom work great,but any call that comes from an non polycom phone using for example ulaw results in the call being dropped shouldn't asterisk renegotiate the codecs and use the next available codec instead ?
08:38.46jblackperhaps F?  /me checks the book
08:39.07Strom_Maf: why do you need to flash?
08:39.47af_to transfer a call
08:39.49jblacknope. there is no flash.
08:40.19Strom_Mfoxfire: ill dick with it when i get home in a few
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08:42.14Strom_Maf: your system design is broken if you need to send hookflashes over your fxo trunk
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08:42.23jblackI remember another reason I got the rhino. It was the only card that I was certain was multi-voltage pci.
08:42.50jblackI didn't know what system the card was going into.
08:44.22Strom_Mthe single span digium and the sangomas are also multivoltage
08:44.57jblackYeah. I see the sangoma a101D and the te122P are both multivoltage
08:45.07jblackAt the time, I had a lot of trouble sorting out what could do what.
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08:56.08zepmantrahello there, is it possible to setup multiple cards (1 tdm2400p + 1 tdp800p) or (1 tdm2400p + 1 t1card) without having irq/timing/echo problems
08:57.10JTif the phase if the moon is right
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08:58.10skyNomadIs there an irc channel somewhere that deals with agi or phpagi?
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08:59.55Strom_Cok, _foxfire_, lemme toy around with my polycom set
08:59.58skyNomadIn PHP, I'm trying to execute this , but it does not play. If I use Playback(worldchat/enter_pin) in the dial plan, it is fine. But from AGI it does not work. What am I doing wrong?
09:05.05_foxfire_Strom_C by the way you will need an ip650 to make g722 work
09:05.25Strom_C_foxfire_: what kind of idiot do you take me for?
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09:05.59Strom_Cseriously...don't be like that
09:06.28_foxfire_i tried it on 330 might have been a hidden feature
09:06.40_foxfire_of course didn't work
09:08.24_foxfire_seriously , i find there are many undocumented features working on firmwares, so trying it out is not an insult , please do not take it that way
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09:09.56_foxfire_easy example the fritz box, says it doesn't do g729 , but it does quite well on the last firmware
09:13.07*** join/#asterisk jack_sparo (n=eddy@
09:14.01jack_sparohi all, when dialing a number from trunk, i cant hear that the phone is ringing, and sometimes it happens also when i dial an extension, i cant tell if the phone is ringing at all or not
09:14.33Strom_Cjack_sparo: what kind of phone?  what kind of trunk?
09:14.44jack_sparoiax2 trunk
09:14.57jack_sparoanyphone dude
09:15.42Strom_Cjack_sparo: what kind of phone are you calling and what kind of phone are you calling from?
09:15.53Strom_C_foxfire_: still poking around with your issue
09:15.57BeeBuuhow to 3 way tall?
09:16.32jack_sparoi am calling from linksys phone and dialing USA phone numbers
09:17.02jblackBeeBuu: Try the flash button, dialing another number, waiting for a ring, then pressing flash again.
09:18.31Strom_Cjack_sparo: so this happens on calls out from your pbx?
09:18.40_foxfire_ok thanx strom_c
09:19.01jack_sparoonly when i call out Strom_C
09:19.03BeeBuujblack: need modify any conf file?
09:19.09Strom_Cjack_sparo: pastebin your sip.conf and your extensions.conf
09:19.18Strom_CBeeBuu: what kind of phone are you using?
09:19.32BeeBuuStrom_C: ZAP
09:19.43BeeBuuFXS port
09:19.58Strom_C_foxfire_: as best as I can tell, there's no way to get asterisk to renegotiate the codec on a call that originates from a polycom phone
09:20.28_foxfire_damm i was afraid of that
09:20.49Strom_CBeeBuu: make sure you have "threewaycalling=yes" in zapata.conf
09:20.54jack_sparoStrom_C, the ext.conf is really huge which part shall i copy and paste dude
09:21.06BeeBuuStrom_C: and ?
09:21.10Strom_Cjack_sparo: the relevant part for outbound calls
09:21.28Strom_CBeeBuu: and then, as jblack said, you threeway call exactly as you would on a regular telephone line
09:21.47BeeBuulet me try...
09:22.25_foxfire_the sound quality is so awsom, pitty. Possible will have to wait for someone to com up with the g722.1 support, pitty it's comercial.
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09:22.47Strom_Cstupid internet
09:23.06BeeBuuStrom_C: can i use a SIP phone in 3 way calling?
09:23.08Strom_Ci didn't get anything after I said "dial, wait for answer" and so on
09:23.11Strom_CBeeBuu: doesn't matter
09:23.27Strom_Ca call is a call is a call
09:23.52Strom_C_foxfire_: the codec negotiation does work correctly on calls to the polycom phones
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09:25.46jblackIs it significant if zttool doesn't show when channels are in use?
09:27.18_foxfire_Strom_C, there is another new firmware out 3.0 something, i am still using 2.1.2 , which are you ?
09:28.33jblackthrows ntpd on the machine to make sure the system clock is good
09:28.48Strom_Cjblack: the system clock has nothing to do with zaptel timing
09:29.11_foxfire_i will try to get my hands on 3.0 , if i find something out i will let u know , thanx for the input.
09:29.24Strom_C_foxfire_: i don't believe it's a firmware-related issue
09:30.58_foxfire_you, might be right but there is always hope.
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09:31.09Strom_C_foxfire_: it's a SIP RFC thing
09:31.19Strom_Cfirmware isnt changing that :)
09:32.10jblackYeah. If there's skew over 8 ms due to the mb, then ntp won't fix it
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09:32.39Strom_Cjblack: not even that
09:33.12E-bola3I need to sbe able to let a user store a number in DB, but i cant figure out how to do so easily? The purpose is i need to let employees call in to an extensino when they leave the office and enter a mobile number which will get calls outside opening hours
09:33.19Strom_Ct1 timing doesnt care what the clock time is on the other end; it just makes sure both are synchronized
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09:33.34E-bola3Storing static information is easy enough, but i cant figure out how to let a caller specify a number and then store it...
09:33.38Strom_CE-bola3: Set(DB(family/key)=value)
09:33.50Strom_CE-bola3: see also the Read() application
09:33.52jblackMy concern was that since zttest uses gettimeofday to run it's test, that if the timing is bad, then the test could be a false negative
09:33.57E-bola3strom_C: thats static
09:34.05E-bola3i need to set value to what the user entered....
09:34.10Strom_CE-bola3: not if you put a variable in as the value you're setting
09:34.25jblack8192 zaptel samples in 8192.079 system clock sample intervals (100.001%)
09:34.28kaldemarE-bola3: core show application read
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09:34.56E-bola3it was the read app i didnt know about :)
09:35.40cfhhi all, i need to call 2 sip phone in a ring group but when 1 of these phone is busy the ring group must result busy ,what can i do ?
09:35.45Strom_Cjblack: you're confusing two entirely separate kinds of timing
09:36.08jblackAm I? I'm not thinking I'll fix a bad card.
09:36.53Strom_Cthe system clock can be in sync or out of sync with the atomic clock; that won't affect zaptel timing
09:36.55jblackaccording to the manpage, zttest works by comparing zaptel samples against gettimeofday. So, if my system clock is off, wouldn't that cause the test to be off?
09:37.26Strom_Cthe system clock can be in sync or out of sync with the atomic clock; that won't affect zaptel timing
09:37.49jblackI don't quite get you.
09:37.53BeeBuuwhat's the flash key in SIP?
09:38.01E-bola3Now after the user have entered, lets say a 8 digit extension number and i have it saved it a variable, is there a method to have the digits read out one by one? Or can the say app only read 1 digit?
09:38.01Strom_CBeeBuu: there is no such thing
09:38.12Strom_CE-bola3: saydigits()
09:38.19Strom_CE-bola3: might be good for you to read the book
09:38.21jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
09:38.25BeeBuuStrom_C: so sip can make 3 way call?
09:38.28jblackAre you saying that zttest doesn't use gettimeofday, or that ntp won't make sure that gettimeofday doesn't correct for fast/slow system clocks?
09:38.33E-bola3ya sory im being lazy
09:39.18Strom_Cjblack: ntpdate wont correct for a fast/slow system clock; it only ensures that the system clock is synchronized with NTP time at the moment you run ntpdate
09:39.28Strom_Cfrom that point, the system clock continues on its merry way
09:39.48jblackI'm not running ntpdate, but ntpd, which I believe adjusts /etc/adjtime, which I believe adjusts for fast/slow clocks.
09:40.00Strom_C...not quite
09:41.02Strom_Cit adjusts for a fast/slow clock, but at nowhere near the precision required to affect a zaptel timing test
09:41.28Strom_Cit does it perhaps every few hours
09:41.53Strom_Cor hell, even if you got really crazy and did it twice a minute, its still not going to help
09:42.14Strom_Cit just periodically ensures that your system clock is synched with NTP time
09:42.28jblackYeah. according to my math, it's not much more than a millisecond of difference.
09:42.51BeeBuuStrom_C: sip phone can't make 3 way calling?
09:43.07Strom_CBeeBuu: it can.  read the sip phone manual.
09:43.30BeeBuuwould you tell me where is that?
09:43.45Strom_CBeeBuu: presumably it came with your sip phone
09:43.59BeeBuui got it.
09:44.17jblackI don't suppose a pile-o-zttests would simulate the load I want.
09:44.23BeeBuuthanks Strom_C
09:44.31Strom_Cjblack: probably not
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09:44.40cfhis possibile monitor the status of sip phones from dialplan ?
09:45.01jblackconsiders dropping 20 call files at once
09:45.11Strom_Cjblack: good idea, actually :)
09:45.37jblackall I need to do, is figure out who I don't want to piss off, and who I do.
09:45.57Strom_Cjust call some number that supervises for like a minute or two and then hangs up on you
09:45.59jblackI wonder if 20 way calling is possible
09:46.17jblackhook 20 7-11s all together.
09:46.42jblackoh, of course not. thats looking for trouble.
09:47.52jblackHey, I'm a dumbass. I can do it with 10 calls!
09:48.14Strom_Ccall yourself?
09:48.22jblackIf I call a number on * that goes through the pri, it'll come right back in through the pri...
09:48.51Strom_Cyeah -- answer and play music on hold on an inbound DID
09:49.25jblackI can't from here. I merely have dsl.
09:49.32Strom_Cno no
09:49.35Strom_Cno the PRI
09:49.58jblackOh, of course.
09:50.13jblacka callfile to the did in place will drop right into the ivr
09:50.46Strom_Cset it up on a different number
09:51.03Strom_Cand NoCDR() the hell out of that
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09:51.55cfhis possibile verify the hint from dialplan ?
09:52.03jblackgreat. out through the zap, in through the zap
09:52.16jblackplops in a MusicOnHold
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09:55.05jblackmight help if I put it before the ivr, not after.
09:55.18jblackthink I can drop all 10 at once, or should I stagger them?
09:56.37Stromyou should be fine doing 10 at once
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10:03.22E-bola3wonders where he's gonna get a wave file saying "Connecting..."
10:03.39E-bola3hmm vm-dialout could do
10:04.58Stromwhy do you need a wav file of that?
10:05.16E-bola3So i can play it for a caller
10:05.43Stromthat's a non-answer
10:05.51Stromwhy do you need to play it for a caller?
10:06.52E-bola3Well the dialplan goes something like this: If the phones are put into "nite mode" then the caller has a choice of either leaving a message or getting connected to an on call person. IF the caller chooses to be connected to the on call guy, I want them to hear "Connecting" after having pressed that option, while it dials the mobile phone
10:07.22Stromhow about just the file that says "one moment please"?
10:08.29E-bola3Could work also, i think i prefer the "please wait while i connect your call" from vm-dialout
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10:12.06jblackthat's odd. they aren't lasting long enough
10:12.56jblack20 active channels, 10 active calls
10:13.17Stromjblack: are you answering before playing music on hold?
10:13.43jblackactually, they're in the ivr, giving up after about 10 sec.
10:13.47jblackI'm going to replace the ivr with moh
10:14.02jblackso that joan osborne is singing to joan osborne
10:14.06jblack20 times
10:14.15Stromhow romantic
10:16.08jblackoh shit.
10:16.56jblacksomehow, I fell through to 511, so my wire monkey just got called at 3am. 20 times. on his cell.
10:17.09Strom...not good
10:17.17Stromthis is why you test with a single phone call first
10:17.19jblackthat's ok. he deserves it for being a cheapskate.
10:17.21jblackI did!
10:19.46Stromjust have it loop spam.wav indefinitely :)
10:19.49jblackoh, it's staring me in the face.
10:21.59jblackwell, this is interesting.
10:22.18jblacki'm getting congestion on call 6 on.
10:23.30Stromis there a known limit on concurrent calls?
10:23.37jblackon a PRI?
10:23.39Stromwho's sending congestion?
10:23.54jblacknot sure. I need to bump up verbosity
10:25.50jblackI'm dumping the files on pbx2
10:25.59jblackso they're sipping over to pbxin, then coming back, supposedly.
10:26.10jblackpbxin is giving congestion
10:26.32jblackand that's because pbxin is getting congestion.
10:27.12jblackI can't tell tell who's hanging up on whom.
10:27.18Stromdont make it complex
10:27.21Stromdo it all on pbxin
10:27.33*** part/#asterisk BeeBuu (n=beebuu@
10:29.48jblackYeah, I'll do that.
10:30.02jblackI asn't quite sure how to form a callfile for zap callfiles
10:30.36Stromsame deal
10:30.57Stromzap, sip, doesnt matter
10:31.12jblackI'm gonna have to do a pile of playbacks. no moh on pbxin
10:31.56Stromyea, like i said...just have it loop playbacks infinitely
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10:34.17masusdoes anyone know an free opensource predictive dialer script? Thanks
10:36.34Stromhow about
10:39.07jblackdefinitely weird.
10:39.26jblack4 calls worked.
10:40.06jblack5 worked, 5 are stuck on ringing
10:40.19jblackcould there be a limit on outgoing ?
10:40.38Stromthat will depend on how stupid your provider is
10:40.52jblacksorry. I mean callfiles.
10:41.05jblacknot concurrent calls.
10:42.08jblackbig piles of .991s and .992s
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10:42.52jblackI'll sleep a second between starts
10:43.19jblackI think they're limisiting to 5 concurrent calls.
10:44.13Stromlame on a srick
10:44.29jblackThat's what a 600 dollar a month pri gets ya
10:45.07jblackactually, 10 concurrent calls.
10:45.09jblack5 in, 5 out
10:45.32Stromwhat fucking good is that?  it's 23 channels
10:48.23jblack$600 a month, unlimited long distance.
10:48.36*** join/#asterisk lzhang (
10:48.55Stromthe phrase "dongtacular" comes to mind
10:48.55jblackUnless somewhere I somehow capped calls, but I don't remember ever doing that. The dialplan for pbxin is dead-simple
10:49.57jblackDo you still feel sure that it's the rhino?
10:50.14jblackI suppose I could have him put it on loopback in a few hours, and zttest it for awhile to verify, no?
10:50.43razanyone know a fax-over-voip *client* for linux?
10:50.48Stromwhere are those config files again?
10:50.54jblackraz: It's complicated.
10:51.00Stromraz: i hope you mean t.38
10:51.09jblackoh yeah. look at that.
10:51.19razStrom, whatever works, i just want to send faxes over my SIP line :)
10:51.37Stromraz: does your provider support t.38?
10:51.44jblacktrying to start 100 calls, 1  a second , I instantly drop into .998, .996....
10:52.26Strombecause fax over voice over IP is very much like jamming white hot railroad spikes six feet into each one of your orifices
10:52.32razStrom, looking
10:52.42*** join/#asterisk rootlogin (
10:52.49jblackBest: 100.000 -- Worst: 99.993 -- Average: 99.998045, Difference: 100.000062
10:52.53jblackHow's that look. :(
10:53.02Stromlooks fine
10:53.08Stromit may not be a timing thing
10:53.19jblackI thought you said < .9975 was bad?
10:53.23razStrom, hmm.. they only talk about inbound fax (and that works, i've tested it)
10:53.46jblackremember; the agent's main problem is that calls that go through sound packet-droppy
10:54.00Stromi thought you said that they sounded square-wavey
10:54.14jblackwell, you listen to 'em.
10:55.15razah... found it, they say "fax sending is not possible"
10:55.18raznow that sucks :\
10:55.34jblackit's possible. Just an incredible, nearly impossible, pain in the ass.
10:55.36razguess i'll have to find some internet fax service
10:55.46Stromdear linux media player applications:  all of you go die in a fire now
10:55.53jblackmpg123 will work
10:55.55Strom<3 <3 <3 xoxoxoxoxxoxo
10:56.07Stromno, NOTHING works
10:56.11Stromi have to restart x
10:56.14Stromfucking shit
10:56.15razjblack, i hate fax anyways, it's a relic from the past and a waste of paper. but so many people want faxes with signatures...
10:56.30jblackthat's because they're legal documents.
10:56.51razjblack, as if there was any difference between printing them and sending them as pdf...
10:57.13jblackthat's the difference. Faxes are legal documents. pdfs aren't.
10:57.47*** join/#asterisk d-k-t-2 (n=dt@
10:57.58razjblack, yea and that's stupid. i can print my pdf and you'll never be able to tell whether it was faxed or mailed.
10:58.03jblackThis is what you get when your peers vote in a congress that puts a man that thinks the internet is "a series of tubes" in charge of the internet.
10:58.11*** join/#asterisk Strom (n=strom@
10:58.16Stromlets try this again
10:58.22jblackcrosses his fingers
10:58.32StromBONERS AND DONGS (and it took pepperidge farm to bring them together)
10:59.06jblackIs there some way I can make it easier for you?
10:59.37Stromno, now it works
10:59.55Stromgive me that URL again though
10:59.57jblackuntil you turn your back
11:00.25jblackI imagine you had a paused youtube somewhere locking oss
11:00.37jblackor alsa for that matter. I don't think alsa mixes
11:00.38Stromno youtube
11:00.46Stromwhatever -- it's all total shit
11:00.51jblackI'm speaking metaphorically
11:01.23StromURL please
11:03.51*** part/#asterisk raz (n=y@unaffiliated/raz)
11:04.18Stromwhat does it sound like from the called party's end?
11:04.42jblackthey seem to act oblivious
11:05.03Stromwell, let's try this -- let me call a recording
11:05.37jblackthis happens for about 5% of calls, and only seems to happen when there's 4 or more calls going on
11:06.00jblackbut that's not much more than a guess.
11:06.31jblackAgents don't complain where only 3 are doing phones. agents frequently complain when 10 are calling
11:07.08*** join/#asterisk ZaVoid (
11:07.13Stromid be interested to know what kind of equipment is on the carrier's end before you go buying more hardware
11:07.34jblackmy suspicion is tinfoil and duct tape. Lots of duct tape
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11:07.53jblackmind if I repair extensions.conf before I forget?
11:07.59Stromnot at all
11:09.16jblackI'm starting to get the impression that this isn't a case of incomptence on my part.
11:09.44Strommaybe, maybe not
11:09.58jblackwe're not certain they limit to 10 concurrent calls. It may be 10 concurrent calls to 1 number.
11:10.16jblackthough that would seem like an odd guard.
11:11.39*** join/#asterisk xnosx (n=xnosx@
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11:13.56jblackWhat sort of questions would you like me to ask them?
11:14.29jblackWe started a trouble ticket yesterday. They spent about an hour on the machine according to status indicator on the pri
11:15.05Stromwhere is their switch?  what's between the switch and their terminal?
11:15.25jblackDon't know.
11:15.26razucan someone tell me what does this alert mean : [Jun 13 14:14:22] ERROR[31606]: chan_zap.c:8248 zt_pri_error: !! Got reject for frame 8, but we only have others!
11:15.31jblackI can get a picture for you.
11:16.02jblackNot at the moment. It's 4 am there
11:16.46Stromi'm on the west coast too
11:16.48Stromi know the time :)
11:17.28jblackAhh. Here, there weird chirping things outside, and a great ball of fire is up over the horizon.
11:18.35jblackeach day, I hope the great ball of fire, which burns my eyes, will consume the chirpy things, just so I can have some STFU time... but no such luck
11:18.48*** join/#asterisk cpm (n=Chip@pdpc/supporter/active/cpm)
11:20.24jblackI could really increate the productive hours with an automatic bb gun and a huge fire extinguisher.
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11:41.44razudoes anyone have list of explanations for isdn state codes (not cause codes) ?
11:44.22Stromdoesnt q.931 cover that?
11:45.48jsmithYeah... see q931.c in libpri
11:46.11Stromor just download q.931 from ITU
11:46.14jbotextra, extra, read all about it, itu is the International Telecommunication Union.  Current versions of ITU-T recommendations (Q,931, T.38, V.32, et cetera) are available for free in PDF format from their website:
11:46.15jsmithBut I'm pretty sure they all come from the q.931 specification
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11:46.41razuI have freaky situation ... when I call into E1 and hangup my mobile, call still stay up ... only solution to kill it is via asterisk cli
11:48.47yangI am unable to set CALLERID, the number always comes out as 059209580 (I should get 059209590) - here are my settings and error output
11:49.15*** join/#asterisk DagMoller (n=aguirre@unaffiliated/dagmoller)
11:49.48lmadsenyang: what technology?
11:50.11yanglmadsen: asterisk 1.4
11:50.23lmadsenyang: I mean, what is the end point? ITSP?
11:50.33lmadsenvia SIP, etc.. ?
11:50.34yangthe technician on the other side told me that he is getting some sort of a string before my CALLERID, i wonder how is tht possible
11:50.46yangvia SIP
11:51.25yangok i received also error fromhis side, uploading that
11:51.50*** join/#asterisk xnosx (n=xnosx@
11:52.17lmadsenwhat does the SIP debug look like? Are you sending it via Remote-Party-ID?
11:52.24lmadsensendrpid=yes in sip.conf
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11:54.01yangthere is a SIP debug from operators side, if you check
11:55.35christophocleshi, i am trying to follow the asterisk book to set up my first PBX, and I hit a major problem...  my PBX will not recognize any DTMF tones!  it will play sound back to me but if i try to dial an extension, absolutely nothing happens (even in the logs) and it eventually just times out and goes to exten => t,1,Playback(vm-goodbye)
11:55.39yang;sendrpid = yes is commented
11:55.42s0ckanyone using the cutglass ivr prompts?
11:55.46christophoclesanybody have a clue as to what the problem is?
11:58.44lmadsenyang: you should be sending RPID for the CallerID, especially if you are modifying it and it isn't matching what your username is
11:58.47*** join/#asterisk ZaVoid (
11:58.59lmadsensendrpid=yes should be uncommented
11:59.02yanglmadsen: ok I will try to uncomment
11:59.12lmadsendon't try to uncomment it... actually do it :)
12:00.45*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
12:01.30yanglmadsen: still same error
12:02.06lmadsenthen your ITSP is parsing on the From: or Contact: header, and unless you change your username, there isn't anything you can do
12:03.14yangFrom: "90" <>;tag=as39a6ec8e
12:03.18yangShould it be
12:03.31yangFrom: "05920959090" <>;tag=as39a6ec8e
12:03.39yangFrom: "059209590" <>;tag=as39a6ec8e
12:04.19lmadsenright -- it's parsing on the sip:338606057@.... it sounds like
12:04.53yangThe technician told me that I should loose the 338606057 and place the number there (somehow)
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12:05.13loompekyang like i told you
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12:05.31jack_sparowhere are music on hold files saved?
12:05.37loompekerr.. CALLERID(num)
12:05.46lmadsenloompek: he did that
12:05.51yangi have done it
12:06.02yangin several ways
12:06.35*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
12:08.16loompekyour outgoing number for detel should be WITHOUT 0 prefix
12:08.30yangsame thing happens
12:08.30loompeki'm willing to bet on it
12:08.38loompeki just checked with my friend's detel config
12:09.06*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
12:09.44loompekafterwards you changed the config.. did you do a dialplan reload?
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12:10.35yangloompek: extensions reload
12:10.53christophoclescan anybody help me understand why my asterisk pbx won't register any dtmf tones?
12:11.05ManxPowerLeading 1, 0, and 00 are not port of CallerID info.
12:11.55ManxPowerchristophocles: chances are the phone is sending DTMF in a format different from what type of DTMF Asterisk is configured to expect.  Generally you want the phone and Asterisk to be set to RFC2833 (aka AVT)
12:13.09christophoclesmanxpower, i am dialing in using my POTS to an ipkall number that connects to my asterisk box at home
12:13.28christophoclesi cannot change anything on my phone or my ipkall service, only within asterisk
12:13.32*** join/#asterisk sack (
12:13.37ManxPowerchristophocles: That is MUCH more complicated.
12:13.43christophocleswhy is that more complicated?
12:13.48ManxPowerWhy can't you change the setup on the phone?
12:13.58christophocleswhat would i change? its just a regular phone
12:14.02ManxPowerchristophocles: because you do not have control over all the devices involved.
12:14.10ManxPowerchristophocles: what is the phone connected to?
12:14.20christophoclesan att phone line i guess
12:14.23christophoclesjust a regular landline
12:14.41ManxPowerA phone and a phone line are different.  Which is it?
12:15.16ManxPowerSo you have analog phone -> analog line -> IPKall -> Internet -> Asterisk?
12:15.17christophoclesim not understanding the question?  I am paying for 'regular phone service' and i have a cord coming from a jack in the wall and it is plugged into a 'regular telephone'
12:15.21christophoclesnot an ip phone
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12:15.31christophoclesyes that is correct
12:15.31ManxPowerso that line is not plugged into asterisk in any way?
12:15.40christophoclesno, it has nothing to do with asterisk
12:15.50christophoclesi can use my cell phone to dial in... actually i will try that
12:16.00ManxPowerContact IPKall and ask them what DTMF format they expect you to send.  Set Asterisk to that format.
12:16.36christophoclesok, i'll read up on their forums but for some reason the people who ask questions similar to mine have no replies and the threads are closed... ??
12:16.42lmadsenor you could try setting dtmfmode=auto (which defaults to rfc2833 if nothing is offered) if using Asterisk 1.4
12:16.51lmadsenthere is only like... 3 settings you could try... :)
12:17.01ManxPowerlmadsen: I never trust =auto 8-)
12:17.04christophoclesi tried all three already
12:17.17lmadsenManxPower: I don't either :)
12:17.34ManxPowerchristophocles: then I guess IPKall is not compatable with Asterisk DTMF.
12:17.56lmadsenwould IPKall maybe be using asterisk 1.2 to deliver calls? if so, there is rfc2833compensate=yes you could try
12:18.03ManxPowerYou tried all three DTMFmode options and none of them worked.  There is not much else you can do.
12:18.20christophoclesjeez, that makes ipkall completely worthless, lol
12:18.23christophoclesi'll try this rfc2833compensate=yes
12:18.37lmadsenI'd like to know what version of asterisk you're running
12:18.40ManxPowerchristophocles: perhaps you did something wrong with setting the DTMFmode?
12:19.19christophocles[general] dtmfmode=rfc2833
12:19.25christophocleson 2 lines of course
12:19.26ManxPowerchristophocles: I've never actually seen an ITSP that would just not work with Asterisk DTMF, but you just said none of the three options work, so IPKall must be the first one.
12:19.47christophoclesit just seems strange that nobody would answer those questions on the forum
12:19.52ManxPowerchristophocles: I don't know of dtmfmode is allowed in [general]  What does sip.conf.sample say about it?
12:20.09lmadsenManxPower: you can set it there as a default option
12:20.14lmadsenbut it doesn't override the peer
12:20.20ManxPowerchristophocles: those forums are the blind leading the deaf to fined the mute.
12:20.31ManxPowerlmadsen: thanks for the info
12:20.55lmadsengiven that -- I never set it in [general] and always set it in the peer
12:21.02lmadsengym time!
12:21.19ManxPowerlmadsen: me too, which is why I didn't know if you could put it in [general]
12:23.43christophoclesok theres rfc2833, auto, and inbound right?
12:23.50christophocleserr, whats the third one?
12:24.13christophoclesinband, i got it
12:24.21christophoclesits still not working :(
12:30.50*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
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12:35.53loompekyang who's the man... who's the man!
12:36.07yangyou re the man
12:41.15*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
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12:49.23viraptoris there a way to tell if asterisk was compiled with ztdummy support?
12:50.49[TK]D-Fenderviraptor: Try loading the module.  And Ztdummy is part of Zaptel, not Asterisk
12:51.07ManxPowerviperdude: Asterisk is NEVER compiled with ztdummy support.  It is compiled with Zaptel support,.
12:51.28*** join/#asterisk delparnel (
12:51.47viraptorok, so if I have a working asterisk and ztdummy loaded, how do I tell if asterisk is using it?
12:51.52ManxPowerviperdude: Was zaptel installed when you install Asterisk
12:52.17ManxPowerviperdude: Why do you have ztdummy loaded?
12:52.56viraptoryes, but I think it didn't find correct zaptel/*.h files and I'm not sure how to check
12:53.27viraptorManxPower: I want to run it for conferences - got choppy sound sometimes
12:53.28ManxPowerviperdude: if was built then asterisk detected zaptel when you built Asterisk.  WHY are you wanting to use ztdummy?
12:53.49viraptorafaik that's the way to make it run more smooth, right?
12:53.54ManxPowerviperdude: MeetMe won't work at all unless Asterisk detects a Zaptel timing source like ztdummy
12:54.28[TK]D-Fenderviraptor: So if you've got no zaptel hardware and Meetme works at all, then yes, its clearly loaded
12:54.30ManxPowerviperdude: in the Asterisk CLI, do core zap show channels
12:55.28ManxPowerwhat does it return?
12:55.55russellbminor clarification ... MeetMe does not use zaptel for timing, it uses it for conference mixing (which internally to zaptel, requires timing)
12:56.01ManxPowerI'm not going to sit here all day and wait for your response.
12:56.21[TK]D-FenderManxPower: And fix your aim a bit ;)
12:57.16viraptorthere's no "core zap..." + ManxPower take it easy -> I don't need that !@# - it takes time to check everything properly, ok... you don't have to help me :/
12:57.28ManxPowerviperdude: if you are on 1.4 and there is no "core zap" then Asterisk is not compiled with zaptel support.
12:57.37_foxfire_viraptor what version of asterisk are u using  ?
12:57.38[TK]D-Fenderviraptor: Either way, you have no hardware and Meetme works at all, right?
12:57.38*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
12:57.45ManxPowerviperdude: OK.  Someone else can help you then.  We are here UNPAID.
12:57.59ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I think he's using app_conference, but is not telling us.
12:58.07ManxPowerBut he's your problem now.
12:58.22[TK]D-FenderManxPower: You are projecting all sorts this morning... go caffeinate.
12:58.33[TK]D-Fenderviraptor: Well?
12:58.35*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
12:58.39ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: alreadt cafineated
12:58.50[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Not properly.  Go adjust.
12:59.03ManxPowerI guess it has not reached my fingers yet 8-)
13:00.22viraptorehh... broken routing... I'm not sure that conference lands where I think it does :/ anyways - I've found an answer to checking if zap is loaded - I'll get back here if there are still some problems
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13:00.29viraptorthanks for answers :)
13:00.43*** join/#asterisk esaym (
13:00.51[TK]D-Fenderviraptor: Conference... LANDS?
13:01.11viraptor(where is it handled)
13:01.34ManxPowermutters something that sounds like "Golly, Beave, is it OK to play with routing?" "It sure is, Wally, as long as you do it in private and wash your hands after!"
13:01.38viraptorwe've got many asterisks... too many ;)
13:02.53russellbtakes a nap and drifts off to conference land
13:05.05[TK]D-FenderI just tt-monkey paged my marketing dept.  Hillarity.
13:05.31[TK]D-Fenderviraptor: Where what is "handled"?  Its 1 dialplan app.  there is no "handling".
13:06.01ManxPowerHave a *great* day, [TK]D-Fender 8-)
13:06.18[TK]D-FenderManxPower: 8)
13:06.55ManxPower*grumble*  Another trip to Lowes today. 8-(
13:06.57awkPlease can somebody tell me why on bristuff install on my cdr table i'm getting this as a unique id, | 2008-06-13 14:13:40 | asterisk-1213359216.275 |
13:07.06awkwhy is it adding the prefix asterisk to the front?
13:08.22awkI can't see this anywhere inside cdr_addon_mysql.c
13:08.32awkplease any help would be appricated
13:08.48ManxPowerI'll bet your hostname is "asterisk"
13:09.31[TK]D-Fenderawk: thats part of a "shared SQL" setup so that you can separate CDR pooled from multiple servers on 1 database table
13:10.10*** join/#asterisk BBHoss (
13:10.54awk[TK]D-Fender: how can I make it vanish?
13:11.16awkor else i'm going to ahve to change the billing engine to some how ignore the first part when matching uniqueid's...
13:11.18[TK]D-Fenderawk: Don't know specifically, but I'm sure its pretty quick to find.
13:12.06awkmust be prefix asterisk with a calldate() or something
13:12.15awkok, let me go look some more
13:13.54jsmithawk: Do you have "systemname=asterisk" in asterisk.conf by chance?
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13:14.55awkjsmith: no def not
13:16.03awkmysql> select calldate,uniqueid from cdr order by calldate limit 9000,400;
13:16.07jsmithawk: Ok, just curious
13:16.10awk| 2008-06-13 14:07:16 | 9344                    |
13:16.16awkok, thats my entries I added
13:16.28awknow this is asterisk adding it | 2008-06-13 14:17:09 | asterisk-1213359425.283 |
13:24.06jayteewow! awk is here! is sed around too today? :-)
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13:34.26awkjaytee on another network yes...
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13:41.30kink0can someone give me a little help ?
13:42.04kink0I have this scenario: SIP/H323 g729/g723 to Asterisk and then ASterisk pass-through to a Cisco media gateway,
13:42.13kink0but I got several : Asked to transmit frame type 256, while native formats is 1
13:42.28dandreHow can I set a default callerid for an inbound zap channel? I use callerid=asreceived but I want to set it to a more significant value if not frovided by the party
13:42.37kink0I guess is due because client -> Asterisk choose i.e. g723 , while Asterisk-Cisco leg did g729
13:42.49*** join/#asterisk af_ (
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13:42.58[TK]D-Fenderkink0: And * can't transcode.  Yes, that would be an issue
13:43.08*** join/#asterisk hyegeek (
13:43.15[TK]D-Fenderdandre: Set it in your dialplan.
13:43.43kink0[TK]D-Fender, I pretend no do transcoding here, just to find a way to choose same codec in both legs
13:44.17[TK]D-Fenderkink0: its doing it clearly.  Go review your settings
13:44.35kink0I did transcoding with some g729 licensed from digium and g723 from IPP , but I want avoid transcoding or so, due to CPU utilization
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13:44.59kink0[TK]D-Fender, but how to choose the same codec in both legs when one use g723 and the other one g729
13:45.07kink0the scenario is like this:
13:45.31kink0client ( g723) -> Asterisk ( g723, g729) -> Cisco ( g729, g723 )
13:45.32[TK]D-Fenderkink0: set ONE codec for your peers, and make them the same.
13:45.52kink0yeahh.. but this peer can route calls with both codecs :(
13:46.39*** part/#asterisk hyegeek (
13:47.02x86pick which one you want to use then
13:47.19kink0I was trying to figure if some channel variable like ${CODEC} then do an if and send to one or other priority, based on codec, adding prefixing and forwarding it to one of two dial-peers on Cisco
13:47.31kink0where each dial-peers uses g729 or g723
13:47.49kink0but no way to get the codec in use on the client->Asterisk leg
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13:48.18af_is it possible to send flash via a sip ata ? I am trying to speak with a legacy pbx with an fxo ata
13:48.27[TK]D-Fenderhsv-al: Wow, you DO have a point!
13:48.43af_* <-> sip ata <-> fxo <-> pbx
13:48.45kink0[TK]D-Fender,  any way to proxy all RTP direct to media gateway in ASterisk ?
13:48.47[TK]D-Fenderaf_: Clearly this depends on your ATA
13:48.47*** join/#asterisk ZaVoid (n=zavoid@
13:48.59[TK]D-Fenderkink0: No, * is not a proxy
13:49.10af_[TK]D-Fender, like the choice of ata brand? what model I could be sure of that?
13:49.14dandrewhere can I set the default callerid information to something else than asterisk. For instance 'My PBX'
13:49.26[TK]D-Fenderaf_: I never said I knew of one that could.
13:49.26af_or better, [TK]D-Fender what sta support that?
13:49.30kink0yap... :(  may be freeswitch then, but I know better Asterisk than woomera and so
13:49.34*** join/#asterisk chendy (n=chatzill@
13:49.36[TK]D-Fenderdandre: In the source.
13:49.40Zeeekstained himself black with leaky inket and can't be seen
13:49.41hsv-ald-fender after googling for ages yesterday
13:49.48hsv-ali came across a group of people who once worked at rim
13:49.57hsv-alwho are working on SIP/IAX SOft clients for blackberry models(modern ones)
13:50.00af_[TK]D-Fender, i miss the dependency thing then
13:50.58Zeeekhsv-al these are people that had rim-jobs, then?
13:52.12*** join/#asterisk xnixan_ (n=xnixan@unaffiliated/xnixan)
13:53.17ZeeekFree SMS alerts through asterisk using Twitter:
13:53.20*** join/#asterisk s0lid (n=s0lid@
13:53.23Zeeeknice if twitter is up
13:53.35Zeeek(uses curl)
13:54.18hsv-alzeeek dont know, some of them like to hit balls during lunchtime
13:54.27hsv-al:) - . . . . . at the golf course/driving range
13:55.11Zeeekhsv-al nice comeback :)
13:58.03*** join/#asterisk RobH (
14:00.15ZeeekIn exactly 2 hours you will be asked to tune to... for information on how to join us. Please do.
14:01.20ZeeekI love when they ask you build a "dynamic" site and then want to demo it without Internet access.
14:03.20*** join/#asterisk xnosx (n=xnosx@
14:04.32ZeeekI suppose I could instal LAMP on the laptop and have them pay?
14:05.39*** join/#asterisk CVirus (n=GoD@
14:09.27*** join/#asterisk stimpie (
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14:14.37jayteeIs this sytax valid for setting CALLERID to Unavailable if a call comes in with caller ID blocked? exten => 123,1,Set(CALLERID(NUM)=${IF(ISNULL(${CALLERID})?Unavailable:${CALLERID}))
14:16.24*** join/#asterisk xnosx (n=xnosx@
14:17.00[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: No.  Why are you referencing some sort of variable instead of the function?  Uniformity <-
14:17.25[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: And yeah, your braces are mashed in there
14:18.51jaytee[TK]D-Fender, darn :-(  back to the drawing board
14:19.24*** join/#asterisk spokra (
14:23.57jaytee[TK]D-Fender, how about this one? exten => 123,1,Set(CALLERID(num)=${IF(ISNULL(CALLERID(num))?Unavailable:CALLERID(num)})
14:24.39jetsWow these feels a lot like perl
14:24.52xpotanyone know if the musiconhold error is fixed?
14:25.30jetsjaytee, are you trying to approach it like it was perl?
14:27.12jayteeI'm just trying to figure out the right command and syntax to check if the callerid is null or not and if it is set it to "unavailable" and otherwise leave it alone and proceed with the call.
14:28.26*** join/#asterisk ZenBSDi (n=zenbsdi@unaffiliated/ZenBSDi)
14:29.02ZenBSDiWhats a good pastebin site these days for asterisk related examples? seems to be dead these days =p
14:32.17ZenBSDiOh and does anyone know of any other companies like that has better rates maybe?
14:32.36[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Another mess.  Fix your function references.
14:32.53Zeeekdoes anyone here use cartmanager for web payment?
14:32.56*** join/#asterisk jpeeler (n=jpeeler@asterisk/digium-software-dev/jpeeler)
14:33.08[TK]D-FenderZenBSDi: .com
14:35.27*** join/#asterisk e2e5 (
14:35.36Zeeek[TK]D-Fender I finally found out why the Polycom boot log was always zero bytes after a reboot
14:36.15[TK]D-FenderZeeek: namely?
14:36.20ZeeekBecause the ftp user account was over quota, it wrote to the directory but couldn't write the file. I should have figured that out months ago!
14:36.30[TK]D-FenderZeeek: SMRT
14:36.32ZeeekI am a fool.
14:36.45ZeeekI wish to be publicly whipped
14:36.50*** part/#asterisk mintee (n=mintone@
14:36.51ZeeekPlease proceed.
14:37.00Zeeekslouches on the bloch
14:38.10Zeeekit's the wait that hurts the most
14:39.40ZeeekI'm sure the Digium (tm) guys want to whip me.
14:40.48ZenBSDi[TK]D-Fender, problem with is .. they don't have a search like
14:41.06Zeeekwhat about a google search on the site?
14:41.34hsv-al-- Call accepted by (format gsm)
14:41.41hsv-alclarity is horrible
14:41.56*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (n=even@
14:42.01raytruz`If i want to ask a caller to enter a 10 digit phone, but not go to an extension (using it to look up their information) do I still have to make an extension to take the 10 digits they entered?
14:42.04hsv-alI havent learned yet how to get out of gsm, altering codecs, but is there a way to choose a better codec to negotiate?
14:42.59Zeeekraytruz` I am unclear as to the meaning of that sentence?
14:43.17raytruz`I want to ask caller for their 10 digit phone.
14:43.26raytruz`And store it.
14:43.36ZenBSDiraytruz Read()
14:43.59ZeeekI hate when they do that! Then the person answers and asks you again!
14:44.04ZenBSDiread at astDB and setting and storing variables
14:44.19ZenBSDior else setup asterisk to a database like postgre or mysql and store the variables
14:44.22raytruz`Well, its for when customer service is closed
14:44.23Zeeekbut no you do not need an extension
14:44.36raytruz`if customer service is open, they are sent there automatically anyway :-)
14:44.47Zeeek"Please enter your...." and then live operator "What is your...?"
14:44.51raytruz`thanks ZenBSDi, Zeeek
14:44.57raytruz`LOL yeah
14:44.57ZenBSDiraytruz, just setup an afterhours box and forward them to it
14:44.59raytruz`I hate that too
14:45.00Zeeeksays erm I just entered that"
14:45.03raytruz`like why waste my time
14:45.06hsv-almy lord the clarity is grainy
14:45.22ZeeekGSM sucks. Get over it and choose another codec
14:45.24hsv-alim using my deskphone at work to call my * at home via pstn, then i press 5 for it to do an iax2 to misery
14:45.30hsv-aland the clarity is so grainy, is that due to gsm?
14:45.35raytruz`ZenBSDi: thats pretty much what i'm doing, except it hits the ivr first because there are a couple other options that go to a different number :-)
14:45.38ZeeekUse ulaw
14:45.51hsv-alzeeek, i havent learned how to alter codec preferences yet
14:45.58hsv-alim going straight through the book, but is it tough for now?
14:46.00hsv-alim in chap 6
14:46.04raytruz`Gsm isn't THAT bad
14:46.06Zeeekof course you have. I've seen you here for at least 2 months
14:46.12raytruz`all the voice prompts i recorded are in gsm
14:46.41Zeeekprompts are ok but calls are less
14:47.10hsv-alzeek, i honestly havent had came across in the book yet where it teaches how to fiddle
14:47.14hsv-alwith codec preferences
14:47.52Zeeekhsv-al disallow=all
14:48.10hsv-alwell thats good if its that easy
14:48.14Zeeekstick it in sip.conf and iax.conf
14:48.59hsv-alwhat section
14:49.04hsv-al[general] ?
14:49.10Zeeekno in each peer entry
14:49.17Zeeekor first in default
14:49.25hsv-almy iax.conf is extremely basic
14:49.32hsv-al[general] only has autokill=yes
14:49.32[TK]D-Fenderhsv-al: there has been compile issues with GCC 4.1 & GSM previously.  Not sure if this is still current.
14:49.44hsv-al[idefisk] entry in iax.conf
14:49.45Zeeekyou need to read a book or look it up, this tipic is well covered everywhere
14:49.46hsv-alfrom book example
14:49.47xpotquestion: is it "branches" or "trunk" that is the dev environment?  I thought branches was the stable on and I am getting a musiconhold.c error on make
14:50.10hsv-altype=friend host=dynamic context=phones
14:50.15hsv-althats all my iax.conf is for now
14:50.33[TK]D-Fenderhsv-al: Where is your phone relative to your server?
14:50.33hsv-alfrom previous iax soft client examples , ie: idefisk for linux
14:50.44hsv-alpstn/* = 15 miles away
14:51.17hsv-alill just add that allow=ulaw and disallow=all
14:51.22hsv-alin iax.conf, restart *
14:51.50Zeeekhsv-al have you ever read this article?
14:52.20hsv-alno, im just plowing through the book
14:52.26hsv-alim in the pattern matching section now, is all
14:52.35Zeeektake a look, it's John Todd
14:52.50ZeeekIt is a beginner's article that will jump start you
14:53.49Zeeeklook at this:
14:54.01Zeeek^^^^^^^^^ might clear things up a little ^^^^^^
14:54.36Zeeekwhat about trillian?
14:54.49Zeeekthis is nice:
14:54.53hsv-alstop now
14:54.58hsv-alwtf, wrong win
14:55.11hsv-alone sec
14:55.24Zeeekstop NOW. I said STOP NOW. I said, son, stop now...
14:55.39Zeeek<foghorn leghorn>
14:56.29hsv-alheh, putting those allow/disallow statements in [general] section of iax.conf
14:56.32hsv-algave some weird errors
14:56.45ThoMeHat wer dazu nen TIP:  <Geht um Asterisk+ISDNKARTE und daran *normale* Telefonanlage (german)
14:57.05Zeeekhsv-al [TK]D-Fender will be happy to guess the errors
14:57.27ZeeekIch spreche kein Deutsch
14:57.35ThoMeZeeek: Ist ok
14:58.02hsv-alif i remove those allow/disallow statements, it'll work again
14:58.06hsv-alin gsm
14:58.27Zeeekhsv-al we'd have to see your whole conf file
14:58.44hsv-aljust the iax.conf?
14:59.13Zeeekwell if you are using iax, that would be logical
14:59.24*** join/#asterisk mog (
14:59.24*** mode/#asterisk [+o mog] by ChanServ
14:59.26Zeeekjust the parts that apply
14:59.42Zeeekare you all gonna be naked?
14:59.52Zeeekwrong window again :)
15:00.11Zeeekput the disallow FIRST
15:00.27Zeeekthen allow, one per line other codecs
15:01.19esaymhow does asterisk connect to it's console?
15:01.26esaymI can't connect to the console
15:01.47esaymI have 2 asterisk servers on the same box
15:01.49hsv-alzeek, dig doesnt allow gsm it seems
15:01.52esaymI am wondering if that is why?
15:01.58hsv-al[Jun 13 09:01:29] WARNING[20544]: chan_iax2.c:7736 socket_process: Call rejected by Unable to negotiate codec
15:02.22hsv-alulaw rather
15:02.28*** join/#asterisk SuPrSluG (n=SuPrSluG@
15:03.05fogoanyone running willing to test for a bug in chanspy?
15:08.01*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
15:08.03ZeeekI would like to formally state that the loves Digium(tm) and willbe talking about this in one hour
15:10.51jbothmm... phones is  While personal preference will dictate which phone works best for you, general consensus on a rough order of quality and suggestibility is as follows:  Polycom (any), Aastra 480i, Aastra 5i Series, Cisco 7940+, Linksys SPA-9XX, Snom, and finally everything else.  Do not consider Grandstream phones.  Ever. places like such as
15:11.01hsv-almy god
15:11.16hsv-allook at those posts, heh
15:11.26Qwellhsv-al: are you offering to moderate it? :p
15:11.39ZeeekGrandstream phones work great
15:11.45Qwellbut yeah...need to do something about that
15:12.27Zeeekupdate: customer called requesting we re-date a post on his news page to remove the Friday 13th reference.
15:13.22QwellZeeek: what is the topic for today?
15:13.30ZeeekThe new Asterisk....
15:13.36russellbQwell: sales pitch for a new asterisk appliance
15:13.38Zeeekappliance from Amanda
15:13.44russellbQwell: same :-p
15:13.47ZeeekNOO PLEASE
15:13.52JTwhat a loser, i think i should make press releases on friday the 13th
15:14.03Zeeekwe may have serious questions about 1.6!!!
15:14.09russellbi'll call in if you do
15:14.28Qwell"Can TAA's appliance run 1.6?"
15:14.34Qwellis going to be the question >.<
15:14.40Zeeekare you kidding? It's running 2.0
15:14.51JTjust discovered a customer of mine in my co-location space
15:15.04Zeeekwhich by the way has a few bugs :)
15:15.07JThad their smtp server set to relay for /8 off their ip
15:15.14JTno wonder it was sending spam
15:16.01davevg-btwtechqwell, i'd moderate it for blatent spam posts if no one wants to delete them.  i reported them to webmaster and Shelly responded rt84304 but she never handled them
15:16.16Zeeekwith my new Siemens DECT/SIP phone I barely need any appliance or server at all
15:16.48Zeeekit connects to one POTS and six SIP servers
15:17.12ZeeekOnly thing that bothers me is the missing Allison SMith voice!
15:18.24*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (n=arodgers@
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15:26.05Zeeekgot it?
15:26.20*** join/#asterisk kannan (n=kannan@
15:27.00kannanhello all
15:28.26*** join/#asterisk whye (n=whye@unaffiliated/whye)
15:31.39Zeeek pre-conference is live
15:32.15*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
15:36.00Zeeekmusic playing
15:38.08*** join/#asterisk ccesario (
15:39.17kannanhello, i configured 2 plycom IP 301 phones with Asterisk. The calls are very clear. However, i have 2 problems.  (1) If i set call fwd in the phone, Asterisk sends calls to the phone to unavl VM box and also (2) If I pich the handset and dial a 11 digit number it takes the first 10 , straightaway, which matches another extension pattern of 10 digits. However, if i dial the number on the keypad and then use the dial key on the phone all is fine. This is
15:39.17kannannot a prob on other phones like cisco 7960 or grandstream or x-lite on the same pbx. Any ideas how to resolve these two issues?
15:39.47*** join/#asterisk shtoom (n=shtoom@
15:40.27*** join/#asterisk javb (n=javb@
15:40.49[TK]D-Fenderkannan: Go fix the dialplan on the phone itself.
15:41.07[TK]D-Fenderkannan: And pastebin a sample call with this forwarding issue including sip debug.
15:41.12javbin the dial cmd, in asterisk, Dial(SIP/XXX,40) --> "40" means the number of seconds it will be ringing, if i just dont put anything there, what will be ?
15:41.36*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
15:41.39[TK]D-Fenderjavb: Until the originating channel hangs up or the other side tells * to stop (which might be never)
15:41.57javbPerfect, so it will be forever.
15:42.23kannan[TK]D-Fender , ok thanks for that. I will do it some other time, as I cannot acces the box now, due to a network problem there
15:48.19*** join/#asterisk makkksimal (
15:48.45jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
15:49.03jbotYou can buy "Asterisk the Future of Telephony" at so go buy it SERIOUSLY
15:49.46lmadsenand sales are down
15:50.28Corydon76-digand if sales aren't back up, there's a risk that the 3rd edition will continue to be delayed
15:51.06coppicehuh? why would he produce a third edition if the second is earning well?
15:51.40Corydon76-digcoppice: you mean, not earning well?
15:51.51De_Monwhy produce a sequal to a book that isn't doing well
15:52.05De_Monthats what the publishers are asking
15:52.05coppiceno, I mean its only falling sales that will inspire a refresh
15:52.24Corydon76-digBecause information changes, as Asterisk progresses
15:53.06Corydon76-digcoppice: if only the authors made enough off the book to survive independently...
15:53.59Corydon76-digI personally think it was a mistake to have the PDF released concurrently with the book.
15:54.30Corydon76-digbut not really my place to say, as I'm not one of the 3 authors
15:54.46coppiceIs there a cheap student edition available in china? that's how I generally get books these days :-)
15:55.21*** join/#asterisk JoZu (
15:55.24Corydon76-digWhy would China publish a book that available in PDF form for free?
15:55.42raytruz`sales are probably down due to the rising cost of gas
15:55.44coppicedunno. ask pearsons
15:55.51raytruz`Just like everything else :-)
15:55.58mograytruz`, hilarious
15:56.35Zeeek is about to begin. Please join us
15:56.51*** part/#asterisk Zeeek (n=IceChat7@pdpc/supporter/active/Zeeek)
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16:00.03*** part/#asterisk harahel (
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16:06.27*** join/#asterisk Marquel (
16:08.18Marquelhow do i keep Dial() from failing b/c of a network error w/ one of the called targets while all other targets don't fail?
16:08.24*** join/#asterisk jameswf-home (
16:08.44jameswf-homeanyone seen Asterisk rash caused by a pri hangup?
16:10.33*** join/#asterisk sp00kz (
16:11.04sp00kzAnyone know why I might be getting an FTP Error on phone boot trying to grab sip.ld? Error is: Response: 426 Data connection: Illegal seek.
16:11.13sp00kzPolycom 650
16:11.17*** part/#asterisk lmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
16:11.44sp00kzsoundpoint ip 4000, and 550
16:12.02coppiceIf you have an Asterisk rash, I think you should consult a doctor
16:12.23jameswf-home <<~~ message on the asterisk tombstone b4 it dies
16:14.39*** join/#asterisk MrNaz (
16:14.54makkksimalcoppice: :D
16:15.12makkksimali do get it sometimes..
16:16.41*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=angeldav@
16:17.14jameswf-homeis his own best friend
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16:30.17javbwhen i call a sip agent, inside my network, it will ring for 30 seconds, and then voicemail, perfect, but if call outside network, that extn, using IAX, it will ring and after the same quantity of seconds, it will spawn, and busy tone. any idea?
16:30.24*** join/#asterisk ddunavant (n=David@
16:31.46seanbrightanyone know of and/or recommend good wireless sip devices?  our sales managers want to have something they can just clip to their hips and walk around the floor with instead of carrying a tablet pc with a soft phone on it.
16:32.01*** join/#asterisk mort_gib (
16:32.03Stromjavb: pastebin the section of extensions.conf that's handling your outbound calls
16:32.17fogoseanbright: after looking all over on voip-info we bought some Linksys WIP330s
16:32.18Stromseanbright: IIRC, UTStarcom makes some
16:32.31fogoseanbright: sound quality is great, and they worked out of the box
16:32.42seanbrightfogo, Strom: thanks.
16:33.11*** part/#asterisk dandre (
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16:34.45seanbrightfogo: do the 330s support headsets?
16:34.56seanbrightheh... they call them 'iphone's
16:35.17Stromseanbright: linksys owned that trademark long before apple ever used it :)
16:35.40javbiax.conf, of the originating call, --> ; dialplan of the receiving call:      Strom
16:36.01*** join/#asterisk Titanous (n=titanous@unaffiliated/titanous)
16:36.59Stromjavb: so the problem occurs when you're calling /from/ the outside, or is this occurring when you're calling /to/ the outside?
16:37.00seanbrightstandard headphone jack... no bluetooth.
16:37.44javbfrom the outside
16:37.58TitanousI'm trying to use realtimje, and I've got ODBC setup to connect, but 'odbc show' doesn't do anything
16:38.28mvanbaakTitanous: odbc show all
16:38.34javbfirst one, dials using iax, then the receiving, receive it very well, execute the first line, but the, if nobody picks it up, it should go to the second, which is voicemail, just busytone
16:38.46Titanousmvanbaak: nothing
16:39.08Stromjavb: pastebin the CLI output of one of these calls -- set verbosity to 10 first
16:39.23mvanbaakyou have a correct res_odbc.conf ?
16:42.20javbstrom, there u have:
16:42.45*** join/#asterisk drako (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
16:42.52sp00kzAnyone know why I might be getting an GSSFTP Error on any Polycom phone when it boots trying to grab sip.ld? Error is: Response: 426 Data connection: Illegal seek.
16:43.25Stromjavb: the extension that the CLI output is referencing doesn't appear in your pastebins.  Will you please pastebin your ENTIRE extensions.conf?
16:43.34javbStrom, if i sustitute, the dial, with the voicemail app, it will get me rigth to the voicemail.
16:43.42*** join/#asterisk gaetronik (
16:43.47javbStrom, it DOES appear
16:43.54gaetronikHi all
16:44.00Strom== Spawn extension (to-everywhere-with-pass, 3211, 1) exited non-zero on 'IAX2/delgado-4585'
16:44.05javbExten =>  _32[01456789]X,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN},30)   <---- THERE IS 3211
16:44.18Stromjavb: I don't see a context called "to-everywhere-with-pass" anywhere here
16:44.35Stromand don't yell at me if you want me to help.
16:44.40mvanbaakTitanous: that's not a correct /etc/asterisk/res_odbc.conf
16:45.02javbthats a context which has "include=>from-internal"
16:45.14gaetronikreseller question
16:45.21Stromjavb: pastebin the entire extensions.conf so I can help you, please.
16:45.21javbthe iax2 peer calling is in the context "to-everywhere-with-pass"
16:45.34gaetronikbetween voip-supply and telphonydepot which one?
16:45.41Stromgaetronik: telephonydepot
16:46.14Titanousmvanbaak: oops
16:46.18mvanbaakTitanous: this is mine:
16:46.26Titanousmvanbaak: got it working
16:47.13javbStrom -->
16:48.10gaetronikStrom, why?
16:48.47gaetronikwhatever thanks
16:48.54Stromjavb: this doesn't appear to be the full file either.  Will you please paste the ENTIRE extensions.conf from line 1 to the last line?
16:48.58Stromgaetronik: jeez, so patient
16:49.18Stromgaetronik: they're cheap and reliable and i've been happy with their service
16:49.25gaetronikok thanks
16:49.37gaetroniki think i said anything wrong
16:50.07gaetronikthanks a lot Strom
16:52.10Stromjavb: ok -- now run "extensions reload" at the asterisk CLI to ensure we're debugging the code that asterisk has in memory, run another call, and pastebin its CLI output
16:52.14Stromset verbosity to 10
16:52.49*** join/#asterisk JHilgeman (
16:53.28sp00kzactivate photon torpedos
16:54.47jayteemake sure you check the interlink channels for distortion on the Heisenberg Uncertainty Compensator before beaming up
16:55.13javbStrom, extensions reload ---> --- Call again ...
16:55.24coppiceYou'll need the Interocitor working, too.
16:55.31Stromi didnt need the output of extensions reload
16:55.40jayteeI remember that movie
16:56.25fogoHas anyone used chan-sccp to get Cisco SCCP devices working?
16:58.47Stromjavb: what are you calling from?
16:59.13*** join/#asterisk BBHoss (
16:59.24javbpstn, to a pstn-gate, which has an iax2 trunk with the asterisk.
16:59.39*** join/#asterisk deeperror (
17:00.47Stromjavb: try this just for debugging purposes -- add a priority to your 3211 extension so it runs Answer() before calling the sip phone
17:01.00Stromleave the voicemail and the dial() as they are
17:01.21javbStrom, of course, and set the Dial to "n" priotity/
17:04.05*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_home (
17:06.15javbStrom, IT WORKED, with the Answer, before ... any idea why?
17:06.23sp00kzStrom = Digium Tier 1 Tech Support * 1000
17:06.45Stromjavb: as I thought -- your PSTN gateway is cutting your calls off because you're not answering quickly enough
17:07.16Stromif it's your PSTN gateway, I'd reconfigure it...otherwise, find a new ITSP
17:07.29Stromsp00kz: heh, thanks
17:07.31*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
17:07.39javbStrom, what do you mean with reconfigure
17:08.04Stromwell, configure it not to have a limit on calls that haven't answered yet
17:08.20javbStrom, im sorry didnt get that.
17:08.46javbStrom, it doesnt have a limit, when it does DIAL, it has no time for it.
17:08.58Stromit's your PSTN gateway?
17:10.16*** join/#asterisk nirz (
17:11.05javbit just take the call from the PSTN and give to me via IAX2
17:11.09javbJUST THAT.
17:11.28javbwith Dial(IAX2/"my pbx"/{EXTEN})
17:11.30Stromjavb: ok...pastebin CLI output from that box on the same call
17:15.58truenti got asterisknow installed on a laptop.. but its more just because it was a painless install with no bulk.. i configured the dialplan and sip etc manually.. but how can i record voicemenu's etc through the phone? any direction would be helpful
17:16.16Stromtruent: #asterisknow
17:16.21truentoh geez
17:16.22mogisnt that an option in the gui truent
17:16.23ManxPowertruent: Please use the correct channel
17:16.28truentscrew the gui
17:16.31*** join/#asterisk whye (n=whye@unaffiliated/whye)
17:16.32moghow you been
17:16.36truentim not using the gui
17:16.37Strommog: been good!
17:16.48ManxPowertruent: in order to "screw the gui" simply delete all the config files in /etc/asterisk
17:16.49russellbtruent: you would use the Record() application
17:16.56mogtruent show application record
17:16.57truentthank you
17:17.15truentwhy is that no where in the Future of telephony book ? ;p
17:17.22truentim sure its in the appendix
17:17.24russellbit's in the application appendix
17:17.27mogim sure its i nthere
17:17.32truentbut not a proper mention
17:17.42*** join/#asterisk jm|laptop (n=jm|
17:17.45ManxPowertruent: "core show applications" in the CLI shows you all the applications install for YOUR Asterisk
17:17.58truentthanks for the actual help
17:18.06ManxPowerBest of luck trying to edit your config files.
17:18.07truent#asterisknow references arent very useful :P
17:18.16truentmanxpower, i just started fresh
17:18.16ManxPowertruent: then why are you using it if the support is so bad?
17:18.26*** join/#asterisk jm|laptop (n=jm|
17:18.39ManxPowerWe are NOT 2nd tier support for #asterisknow
17:18.48sp00kzAnyone know why I might be getting an GSSFTP Error on any Polycom phone when it boots trying to grab sip.ld? Error is: Response: 426 Data connection: Illegal seek.
17:19.05ManxPowersp00kz: what FTP server?
17:19.31truenti just wanted a quick install with no gui etc to mess around with, twas a pretty good option for now
17:19.34sp00kzGSSFtp, the one built into xinetd
17:19.42Stromjavb: what kind of entrance facilities is this gateway using?
17:19.43sp00kzbut have tried vsftp too
17:19.48truenti'll do something different when i actually deploy
17:19.53truentthanks for the help
17:19.56*** join/#asterisk JHilgeman (
17:19.58javbStrom, T1
17:19.59ManxPowersp00kz: looks like it does not support the features Polycom requires.  I have used vsftpd with Polycom, I think.
17:20.12Stromjavb: channelized T1 or ISDN PRI?
17:20.21javbStrom: channelized
17:20.36sp00kzManxPower: well it sorta just started.... and gssftp does do everything, i use it on ~40 pbx's :\
17:20.43Stromjavb: looks like your provider is cutting you off, then
17:21.07sp00kzManxPower: just one is having issues, stopped firewall, replaced ftp, but the poly phones keep doing that when trying to dl binaries
17:21.13JHilgemancan someone help me with a problem? I'm having trouble dialing out - the dialplan seems to be there and executing a macro called trunkdial, but when it tries to Dial, it gets a hangup request from the channel with a cause of 1. I have no idea what that means or what to do.
17:21.50StromJHilgeman: you want trixbox/freepbx support as pointed out in the topic
17:22.40JHilgemannot using freepbx/trixbox, tho
17:22.57JHilgemanusing AsteriskNOW, but I asked the question in those channels, and nobody's really answering
17:23.03Stromer, yeah
17:23.29JHilgemanhoping someone can help me from here
17:23.31Stromwell, still, this isnt exactly the asterisknow support channel either
17:23.49JHilgemanyeah but i figure the base is still the same...
17:24.06JHilgemanit's still executing the same basic asterisk commands
17:24.23Stromthis is much like asking a Nortel technician to fix a Cisco system because they're both phone systems
17:24.46JHilgemani was under the impression that *NOW was just Asterisk with a GUI on top of it
17:24.52[TK]D-FenderJHilgeman: paste the dial command that it called
17:25.42javbproblem solved, the answer fun in the pstn gate way
17:25.57Stromjavb: that's not a solution
17:26.07StromJHilgeman: is it an ISDN PRI circuit?
17:26.15javbStom,what is it then
17:26.33JHilgemanExecuting [s@macro-trunkdial:2] Dial("SIP/1109-00751950", "Zap/g2/17034539120") in new stack
17:26.43JHilgemanIt's a T1 PRI
17:26.55StromJHilgeman: you should know your Q.931 cause codes
17:27.01Stromcause code 1 means unassigned number
17:27.23jbotmethinks itu is the International Telecommunication Union.  Current versions of ITU-T recommendations (Q,931, T.38, V.32, et cetera) are available for free in PDF format from their website:
17:27.44Stromjavb: find a telco that doesn't blow?
17:27.50[TK]D-FenderJHilgeman: ok, PASTEBIN your zapata.conf , zaptel.conf, and the output of "pri debug span 1"
17:27.53jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
17:28.45outtoluncthat is assuming his 'g2' is span 1 <G>
17:28.50javbStrom, ok... thanks for you help dude .
17:32.07*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
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17:32.39JHilgemanOk - here's the pastebin url
17:33.06JHilgemanseems like the config files were separated out a bit
17:33.19JHilgemanso i put in a couple that seemed relevant (users.conf and extensions.conf)
17:33.47StromJHilgeman: did you catch what I said about ISDN cause codes?
17:33.50JHilgemanI manually added the two lines to the zapata.conf file in an attempt to fix it
17:33.59*** join/#asterisk jm|laptop (n=jm|
17:34.15JHilgemanyes - outtolunc sent me a page about cause codes - I'm not sure I understand how it knows that it is unallocated, though?
17:34.36StromJHilgeman: the PSTN is telling you that the number is unassigned
17:34.38JHilgemandoes that mean it's trying to dial internally and it can't find it there?
17:34.43Stromno no no.
17:34.59JHilgemani've tried several different phone numbers that are all valid
17:35.18JHilgemanthey all have the same issue
17:35.25Stromwhich area code are you located in?
17:35.51JHilgemanthe T1 is a 571 area code
17:36.18Stromok, thats an overlay complex with 703
17:36.18[TK]D-FenderJHilgeman: pastebin "zap show channels" and "span = 1,0,0,esf,b8zs" should be 1,1,0 if you're connected to the telco
17:36.41Stromis the 703 number in your example local to the rate center your PRI is in?
17:36.44JHilgemanI've tried dialing other 571 numbers w/o an area code (i.e. 91231234), and other completely different area codes (919491231234)
17:37.02[TK]D-FenderJHilgeman: and indeed : Ext: 1  Cause: Unallocated (unassigned) number (1), class = Normal Event (0) ] <- the # you dialed isn't valid.
17:37.48JHilgemanhmm, i believe so
17:38.04JHilgemani'm still new to the general area, but I believe it's in the same county
17:38.05StromJHilgeman: the telco wants ten digits on local calls and eleven digits on toll calls
17:38.35JHilgemanFender - so span = 1,1,0,esf,b8zs?
17:40.29*** join/#asterisk jm|laptop (n=jm|
17:40.37[TK]D-FenderJHilgeman: Yes
17:40.49[TK]D-FenderJHilgeman: You should be taking timing from your telco, not the other way around
17:41.19JHilgemanPastebin from zap show channels:
17:41.48JHilgemanmaking that change to the span - just a sec
17:42.09[TK]D-FenderJHilgeman: Ok, well everything else checks out, it is indeed an improper # you are passing, and the telco is telling you directly taht ti doesn't like it.
17:42.14*** join/#asterisk tobias (
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17:42.28[TK]D-FenderJHilgeman: And you'll have to reload chan_zap, or restart * completely for the timing change.
17:42.45JHilgemanokay - i'll reboot it
17:42.57*** join/#asterisk MrNaz (
17:43.44JHilgemanStrom - regarding the digits - I've tried dialing a number out in California using any combination i could think of
17:43.54JHilgemannone of the combinations work
17:44.20Stromwas it an assigned number?
17:44.32JHilgemancell phone #
17:44.39JHilgemanyeah - it's active
17:44.45JHilgemani can call it with any other phone and it works
17:45.00JHilgeman(phone not connected to this box, of course)
17:45.53JHilgemancould the timing be causing a problem with the number getting passed to the telco properly?
17:46.03Stromfix that and try again
17:46.20JHilgemank - still waiting for it to finish booting
17:46.36Stromreads up
17:46.40Stromum, ok
17:46.48outtoluncwhy don't you try originating a call without using the dialplan?
17:46.48fucstiki am getting this error when i configure asterisk-1.4.21 configure: error: *** termcap support not found
17:46.57Qwellfucstik: libncurses5-dev
17:47.16*** join/#asterisk tmjb (
17:48.05tmjbhello do i need "Cisco CallManager Express License For Single" for asterisk
17:48.17Qwelltmjb: elaborate
17:48.33Qwellwhy would you need a license for a proprietary PBX, when you're using an open source one?
17:48.54JHilgemanproblem's still there
17:49.21kannantmjb , if you get the Cisco phone with  SIP firmware, it work on Asterisk
17:49.27JHilgemank - let me try the originating sugg. from out
17:51.29outtoluncyour zapata.conf looks rather bare
17:51.48ManxPowerYou would, of course, need a license for the SIP firmware for the phone.
17:56.47s0ckanyone use snom360s?
17:56.57s0ckhow do you get into 'admin' mode on em
17:58.31jayteeI can't figure out the proper way to express something in * with the correct syntax. Basically what I'm trying to do in plain English terms is this: if the callerid on the incoming call is blank then assign it the value "Unavailable" otherwise if the callerid has a value other than null continue to the next priority in the context. Can anyone point me to a resource that would help me other than the book because it's function reference isn't enough
17:58.31jayteefor me to figure this out.
18:00.10s0ckok got it, default pass is 0000
18:00.53Stromjaytee: look at GotoIf()
18:01.01[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: 52nd try's the charm....
18:01.35jayteeStrom, so I have to do a conditional branch? I can't just test for null and set it on one line?
18:01.49Stromjaytee: correct
18:01.53jaytee[TK]D-Fender, more like the 62nd but whose counting?
18:02.05[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: </irony>
18:02.15TitanousDo I have to contact Digium to change what maching my g729 license is installed?
18:02.25jayteeyeah, irony is pretty ironic sometimes :-)
18:02.30[TK]D-FenderTitanous: yes.
18:02.33*** join/#asterisk fakhir_ (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
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18:06.07JHilgemanthe irc server keeps disconnecting me
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18:06.54JHilgemanFender - after the server came back up, there weren't any available channels - doing a zap show channels resulted in nothing but a line with a channel called "pseudo"
18:07.22Marquelhow do i keep Dial() from failing b/c of a network error w/ one of the called targets while all other targets don't fail?
18:08.39StromMarquel: pastebin the CLI output of one such failed call
18:08.56*** join/#asterisk jbroome (n=jbroome@unaffiliated/jbroome)
18:09.23MarquelStrom: which level of verbosity do you like? :)
18:10.14tmjbtnx guys very much Qwell and kannan my dealer just sended me this in the offer and alywas worked with Linksys phones which have SIP .
18:10.55MarquelStrom: okay, but it may cause me to disconnect b/c of a ping timeout - don't bother ;)
18:11.00*** join/#asterisk kamanashisroy (n=kamanash@
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18:11.21StromMarquel: um, ok?
18:12.01MarquelStrom: my laptop is the sip-phone in question and i need to disconnect the wire ;)
18:12.18Strombut why are you telling me "don't bother"?
18:12.43Marqueldon't think i left w/o coming back ;)
18:12.53Stromthat's not what "don't bother" means
18:13.09Stromperhaps you meant "don't worry"
18:13.23Marquelperhaps :)
18:14.03zeeeshhow to troubleshoot if getting noice in voice..  i m receiving calls at E1 then coming to asterisk then sending these calls to my route via E1 ?
18:14.16*** join/#asterisk dlynes (
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18:15.38dlynesIs there a way so that when asterisk decides it's going to interfere in teh call path that I can tell it not to interfere with the caller id information?  It's overwriting my caller id number with the peer name of the connection between the two asterisk boxes; the caller id name information remains unchanged
18:16.37Marquel*narf* :(
18:18.05Marquelseems to be not so easy to create that behavior w/o long time disconnect :(
18:18.57Stromdlynes: that shouldnt be happening anyway
18:19.19Stromis this SIP?
18:20.14jayteeStrom, how should I properly nest the ISNULL function in a GotoIf to test if CALLERID is null or not?
18:21.02Strom${ISNULL(${CALLERID(num)})} perhaps?
18:21.09[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Yes, and I told you tor formatting was wrong and that you weren't REFERENCING your functions properly
18:21.20[TK]D-FenderStrom : correct
18:21.38Stromdo I win a prize now?!
18:21.43*** join/#asterisk ipstatic (n=ipstatic@
18:22.30jaytee[TK]D-Fender, I know and rather than pester you with 18 to a 100 questions I kept trying to figure out what you told me but the book is scant on examples.
18:22.48MarquelStrom: i have a log notice from this morning saying "app_dial.c: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3 - No route to destination)" - that doesn't help w/o the rest i guess?
18:23.02ipstatichello all, Is there anyone who is using the dial plan to dynamically add agents (like the sample queues-with-callback-members.txt in the docs)?
18:23.09StromMarquel: did you observe it actually failing?
18:23.19StromMarquel: or are you just extrapolating from the logs?
18:23.19[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: its full of the only thing you did wrong : forgetting how to get the VALUE of a function.
18:23.33*** join/#asterisk Damin (
18:24.51MarquelStrom: at the time this message appeared i observed it failing. i was calling in, it rang a few seconds (the list of missed calls of those phones working (ZAP-channel) stating an unanswered incoming call at this time) but after two or three times of ringing asterisk hung up on me.
18:25.17StromMarquel: that shouldnt happen.
18:25.22jaytee[TK]D-Fender, I swear I'll get better at this but doing this project is the most "coding" I've had to do in a decade and my neurons have a nice patina of rust all over them.
18:25.42[TK]D-Fenderhands jaytee some CLR
18:26.00jayteeplus the coffee is kinda weak today :-)
18:26.05DaminHere is something I was asked today.. I thought this would be an easy answer, but I'm not finding the answer readily available..
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18:26.51DaminLet's say I define a queue and want it to always ring in the same order as listed in the queues.conf. What strategy should I use? I thought there was some sort of fixed order option, but I can't find it.
18:27.24[TK]D-FenderDamin: "roundrobin"
18:28.08[TK]D-FenderDamin: there was a varient in 1.2/1.4 for RRMEMORY which would do roundrobin and remember who answered last and pick up where that left off.
18:28.29[TK]D-FenderDamin: I think they merged the 2 though.  So either wway, roundrobin is the best you'll get.
18:28.31MarquelStrom: precise config is: exten => s,1,Dial(SIP/laptop&ZAP/1&ZAP/2,60) - "SIP/laptop" is a softphone on my laptop and all works well as long as my laptop's connected to the lan (either direct or via vpn). but if my laptop's been disconnected for a while w/o logging off the softphone, inbound calls are failing.
18:28.39*** join/#asterisk mcab (
18:29.05StromMarquel: perhaps you should try adding "qualify=yes" to the laptop's entry in sip.conf
18:29.15Damin[TK]D-Fender: Thanks.. the Voip-Info page has some more detail on it, but it's not entirely clear..
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18:30.32MarquelStrom: which causes what?
18:30.53JHilgemansorry for taking so long, but I'm back - still the same problem, even with the corrected timing. I tried to manually originate a couple calls from the CLI using different numbers, both local and long-distance, and i still get a cause code of 1
18:31.07StromJHilgeman: call your telco.
18:31.08JHilgemancould the T1 router be issuing that cause code?
18:31.22StromJHilgeman: call your telco.
18:31.36JHilgemanalright - i'll give that a shot.
18:31.40StromJHilgeman: T1 is just the transport.
18:31.49StromT1 has nothing to do with cause codes
18:31.53Stromthat's ISDN
18:37.17MarquelStrom: (okay, read the docs, sorry) - so if my laptop is regarded as unreachable Dial() will not fail b/c it doesn't try SIP then?
18:40.20Marquelthat'll solve it then, thx :) - i'll try on sunday, there'll be enough time of disconnect then. how often is that ping sent?
18:40.35Stromevery few seconds?
18:41.27Marquelgood enough.
18:42.40Marqueland the default timeout for asterisk-1.2 is?
18:44.59Stromfor qualify?
18:46.11jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
18:47.05*** join/#asterisk JHilgeman (
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18:47.48jayteeStrom, [TK]D-Fender ? how about this?
18:48.03JHilgemanapparently, the telco hadn't enabled outbound calling (smacking forehead)
18:48.11JHilgemanthey turned it up and all is fine now
18:48.12StromJHilgeman: wow.
18:48.26Stromjaytee: no
18:48.43JHilgemanI appreciate the help from all of you guys
18:48.57JHilgemansorry that it was just me being a dumbass
18:49.07[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Looks valid
18:49.53[TK]D-FenderJHilgeman: No, not a dumbass, just unaware that your telco felt like holding stuff back for no good reason.
18:50.00Stromtoo late !!!
18:50.09[TK]D-FenderStrom : oh well
18:52.01*** join/#asterisk yxa (
18:52.31yxaany knows how long i can wire a FXS module to a analog phone?
18:52.35jayteeStrom, [TK]D-Fender thinks it looks valid, why do you think it's not?
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18:52.58Strombecause you're not setting caller ID correctly on the next line
18:53.37yxawould 1km or 3280ft be a problem?
18:53.50keith4yxa: how many phones attached to it?
18:53.52Qwellyxa: that far, probably..
18:53.59keith4holy crap. 1km?
18:54.00yxaonly 1 phone
18:54.57QwellI don't think 1km cables even exist
18:55.14QwellStrom: ?
18:55.32keith4yxa: that long of a distance screams SIP to me
18:55.57StromQwell: of course such cable exists.  what do you think outside plant is?
18:56.09Qwelllots and lots of splicing? :p
18:56.27yxawhats the furthest you guys have tried?
18:56.50Stromwell, yeah, but i'm assuming yxa means a total loop length of 1km
18:56.59Stromyxa: why such a long analog loop?
18:57.02Qwellstill, that's really long
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18:57.20jayteeStrom, is it the (all) that's wrong or the quotes for the string value "Unknown"?
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18:57.25sp00kzprobably too long
18:57.36yxajust a theoretical question as of now
18:57.38Stromjaytee: (all(
18:57.49keith4won't you have impedance problems with a 1km run?
18:58.09yxayeah would imagine the voltage would drop significantly
18:58.23keith4not to mention weird signal attenuation
18:58.32Stromyou all seem to be forgetting that analog telephone sets are designed to compensate for this
18:58.34keith4like, the high freq dropping off more than low freq
18:59.00sp00kzyxa: I have successfully run a phone cable for ~1000ft
18:59.29jayteeStrom, ok. I wasn't sure since when a call comes in with proper callerid it shows up my Exchange UM voicemail as the number but when callerid is blocked it shows up as call from Asterisk.
18:59.31yxasp00kz digium fxs module?
19:00.11sp00kzyxa: no a different use completly
19:00.28sp00kzbut phone worked over it
19:00.30jayteeso I'm thinking I should use (name) instead of (all) or (num)
19:01.04StromQwell: what's the deal with Asterisk rewriting null caller ID as 'asterisk' anyway?  that seems really dumb.
19:01.29jayteeit's a default in the source code somewhere
19:02.27jayteeI haven't found anyplace else to set a default for it. I thought I remembered reading about a way but it was over a year ago and I couldn't find the reference recently now that I need it.
19:02.54keith4Strom: subtle advertising?
19:03.23StromQwell: what Act of God would have to occur for that to change?
19:03.36Strom(Act of God used here in the legal sense only)
19:05.35Qwell(is there a legal definition of that?)
19:10.14Qwellthat sounds hilarious
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19:25.28Cassetrophi there, anyone can tell me how to use this variables again in extensions.conf ? ${DNID} * Dialed Number Identifier (Deprecated; use ${CALLERID(dnid)})
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19:28.52jayteeStrom, [TK]D-Fender, thank you both very much for your assistance. It worked!
19:30.11[TK]D-FenderCassetrop: You just wrote the instruction on what you should be replacing it with....
19:30.21[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: you're welcome.
19:30.24gaetronikCassetrop, what do you want do to do with this variable?
19:30.43[TK]D-FenderCassetrop: Got any more questions you feel like answering yourself? :)
19:30.44*** join/#asterisk nick125 (i=nick@pdpc/supporter/student/nick125)
19:31.17MarquelStrom: thx for your help :)
19:31.33Stromjaytee and Marquel: you're welcome
19:31.49*** part/#asterisk Marquel (
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19:37.07Cassetrop[TK]D-Fender haha i can't figure out where to insert it.
19:37.23[TK]D-FenderCassetrop: the exact place you would normally call that variable
19:37.42Cassetrop[TK]D-Fender i'm a nooooooooooooob with this.
19:37.58Cassetropjaytee i need to know what number the customer dialed when he called us
19:38.03[TK]D-FenderCassetrop: See where you want to use ${DNID}  ?  Use ${CALLERID(dnid)} instead.
19:38.20[TK]D-FenderCassetrop: What is your call coming in on?
19:39.48*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (n=Deeewayn@
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19:40.42[TK]D-FenderCassetrop: You already know what # it comes in on... those are the extens which all dump you to your menu
19:41.12ManxPowerCassetrop: usually what the customer dialed is ${EXTEN}
19:41.13[TK]D-FenderCassetrop: before doing the GOTO, you should save the current ${EXTEN} into another variable so you can compare it later.
19:41.55Cassetropat the [from-pstn]
19:42.13[TK]D-FenderCassetrop: and just a warning : the timeout application you are using in your phrase menu are removed in 1.4
19:42.45[TK]D-FenderCassetrop: the extens in that context ARE the number that it comes in on.  the fact that it MATCHE them shows that you know what # they dialed.
19:43.47Cassetropthey don't show on the phones
19:43.55gaetronikone question, why use 1.2 asterisk?
19:45.14[TK]D-FenderCassetrop: Showing on the phones is YOUR job.  You might do this by manipulating the callerID for example.
19:45.22[TK]D-FenderCassetrop: like by adding a prefix, etc.
19:46.06[TK]D-FenderCassetrop: so if the CID used to say "Jean-Francois", you would add something in front so it would look like "Sales:Jean-Francois" so you'd know he called from the "sales" line.
19:47.56[TK]D-FenderCassetrop: and because i'm feeling generous I'll show you an example : exten => 5143161312,1,Set(CALLERID(name)=Sales:${CALLERID(name)})
19:48.26gaetronikwhy Jean François?
19:48.30[TK]D-FenderCassetrop: Make that the first priority in taht exten for your inbound calls and when that is the # they dialed it will add "sales:" in front of their name so you see that on your phone.
19:48.42CassetropI see
19:48.48[TK]D-Fendergaetronik: Just picking a name, esp as he's french.
19:49.00[TK]D-Fendergaetronik: the personal touch.
19:50.00[TK]D-Fendergaetronik: and as we say... Si ca vous derange, crisse-toi dehors tabarnac!
19:50.12Stromgardez-vous au refregeradeur
19:50.27Stromje ne me souviens sexe du chat
19:50.29gaetronik[TK]D-Fender, oh my god "du quebecois"
19:50.47[TK]D-Fendergaetronik: "Franglais" ;)
19:51.11gaetronik[TK]D-Fender, I'm best in "franspagnol"
19:51.19[TK]D-Fendergaetronik: lol
19:52.27gaetronik"quebecois" is not a word i use frequently in english
19:52.55Cassetrop[TK]D-Fender thanks for you help i'll try that
19:52.58Cassetropmerci le gros!
19:53.40gaetroniktu es le bienvenue?
19:54.29gaetronikwhy i can't understand this kind of french
19:55.38[TK]D-FenderCassetrop: and rather than hosting images use :
19:55.42jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
19:56.36Cassetropit works
19:56.39Cassetropyou rock!
19:59.09[TK]D-FenderCassetrop: np
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20:18.39bkruse/j #asterisk-dev
20:18.54bkrusectrl+x + ctrl+v ftl :/
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20:22.04s0ckanyone use call park?
20:22.26s0ckdoesn't always say where it's parked the call, i want to force it to a specific park extension, if possible
20:23.07sp00kzI use call parking, try inserting a 1/4s wait before it speaks the parked #
20:23.17keith4I think when I use it, it speaks the parked spot over zap channels, and flashes the number on the screen of SIP hardphones
20:23.36keith4at least, last time I parked a call on a snom 300 series, I think it did that
20:24.41s0ckyeh, it flashed me the number once just now
20:24.48s0ckthe second time i tried it, it didn't happen :s
20:31.42s0cksnom blf still doesn't work as of 6.5.17 then...
20:39.27unpaidbillRead can't play multiple audio files?
20:39.45unpaidbilli tried using & with no luck.. that's how background does it :/
20:40.48*** join/#asterisk giorgiolapietra (
20:41.11giorgiolapietraHi, can somebody helpme?
20:41.43giorgiolapietrai have a some strange problem whith my agi.
20:42.32giorgiolapietraWARNING[16364]: res_agi.c:1779 parse_args: Too many
20:42.32giorgiolapietraarguments, truncating
20:42.49giorgiolapietrait works in 1.4.10, but no in 1.4.19
20:45.27unpaidbill01798             if (x >= MAX_ARGS -1) {
20:45.27unpaidbill01799                ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Too many arguments, truncating\n");
20:45.27unpaidbill01800                break;
20:45.27unpaidbill01801             }
20:45.44unpaidbillit's set from....
20:45.56unpaidbilla const
20:46.03unpaidbill00067 #define MAX_ARGS 128
20:46.12unpaidbillyou'll probably have t orecompile 1.4.10 and modify that variable
20:46.18unpaidbillunless there's a ./configure command for it
20:46.23jayteetime to head home, bbl
20:46.25unpaidbilleither way you have t orecompile
20:46.34unpaidbillit's in res_agi.c
20:47.09giorgiolapietrathe proble is in 1.4.19
20:47.14giorgiolapietrabut no in 4.10
20:47.36unpaidbillmaybe they lowered the argument count in .19? check res_agi.c
20:48.05giorgiolapietraok thaks...
20:51.17unpaidbill#define MAX_ARGS 128
20:51.23unpaidbillit's 128 in .20
20:51.40unpaidbillalso i think .19 has IAX issues, you may want to upgrade to .20
20:51.59giorgiolapietraok... i understand...
20:52.14giorgiolapietray gona change te onstan for .20
20:52.54seanbrighthas a parse error
20:53.00Corydon76-digUh, why do you have more than 127 arguments?
20:53.10Corydon76-digIsn't that a little excessive?
20:56.48ac1djazzhey can someone give me a pretty brief look at the optimal type of box/hardware setup for an asterisk server?
20:58.01ac1djazzim mainly asking cuz this is gonna be ran at like maximum capacity
20:58.01ac1djazzso i need to get the max amount of calls at once
20:58.01ac1djazzfrom it
20:58.05sp00kzmost of my pbx's are dual cores w/ 1-2gb ram and 2x scsi disks raid1
20:58.10sp00kzibm servers is what we use mainly
20:58.43unpaidbillit isnt excessive if the agi is married
20:58.57Strom_Cac1djazz: perhaps you should do some traffic engineering before you ask for blanket things like "maximum capacity"
20:59.43*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=chatzill@
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21:02.25*** join/#asterisk jks (i=jks@
21:04.37jksI have a problem where Asterisk out of the blue starts using a lot of CPU-time, audio gets choppy and it stops responding to IAX for a short while... apparently it spawns a lot of IAX dynamic threads, and then it restores itself to normal... anyone have an idea why this happens? (asterisk 1.4)
21:05.35ac1djazzok to be more specific i mean 'maximum capacity' at a level of how many calls i can have simultaneousely
21:06.02[TK]D-Fenderac1djazz: depends on easily a dozen or more parameters
21:06.13[TK]D-Fenderac1djazz: What load will * be under?
21:06.18bbryantjks: some iax fixes have been made to the latest releases of 1.4, upgrading might help your problem
21:06.25ac1djazzwhat do you mean what load?
21:06.33[TK]D-Fenderac1djazz: Call recording?  Transcoding?  Media proxy?  SWEC?
21:07.08jksbbryant, I have upgraded, though not to the version from yesterday... I have looked the changelogs through, do you have any more specific information that could help determine if this is the cause of the problems?
21:07.36ac1djazzmaking calls and playing a sound for like 2-3 minutes each call
21:07.38ac1djazzthats it
21:07.39jksit's not easily reproducable but seems to happen when the system is most used... (although that is still a quite "light" load from my point of view)
21:08.48jksbbryant, when it happens the threads are all in the socket_process() function... I didn't see that mentioned in the change log
21:09.17bbryantjks: what's the output of "core show locks"
21:09.35jksbbryant, during the problem or in general?
21:09.40bbryantduring the problem
21:09.59jksbbryant, sadly I don't know, as I haven't run that... I cannot reproduce the problem myself :-(
21:10.20jksbbryant, hmm, there doesn't seem to be a core show locks command?
21:10.33bbryantah, then you have to recompile with DEBUG_LOCKS enabled
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21:11.10spokraac1djazz: how many simultaneous calls do you want up playing files at one time!
21:11.27ac1djazzas many as i can possible :)
21:11.29[TK]D-Fenderac1djazz: that says nothing for the points I specifically asked for.
21:11.38jksbbryant, it would be really great if I could reproduce it... do you have any specific knowledge regarding a deadlock bug that could give me some information to go on in terms of reproducing the problem?
21:11.39ac1djazzthis is already going to be a series of asterisk boxes
21:11.47*** join/#asterisk cabbiepete (
21:12.10bbryantjks: no, i don't know anything about the iax deadlocks
21:12.25spokrathen get the biggest machine possible.. more CPU's.. are the calls  coming in via SIP or PRI POTS etc
21:12.28jkson a related note: anyone know of a sample sipp scenario that handles both register and call setup?
21:13.15jksbbryant, okay, it's probably something like it... it looks like a definite bug... goes instantly from almost no load to massive load and 100 dynamic threads (the limit I have set), and then drops down to 0 again after 15 seconds
21:13.42spokraI've heard there is a 500 call limit bacause on context switching.. would help if you had a number of calls type of hardware the calls are coming in on ..
21:14.52ac1djazzspokra SIP im guessing so far
21:15.05ac1djazzspokra yea thatd be nice
21:15.06*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
21:16.13spokraI think that is what people need here to help you./.   and what was ment be 10+ different variables..
21:16.45ac1djazzso we are a content distribution media company
21:16.49ac1djazzand we want to do this on phones
21:16.58ac1djazz2-3min calls of like sports scores or whatever teh client wants
21:17.06ac1djazzw/ customers of like lets say 10k
21:17.14ac1djazzand so i need to make 10k calls in an 8hr period
21:17.18ac1djazzeach call being 2-3 minutes
21:17.26ac1djazzso 30k minutes of talk time
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21:17.40spokraok are these prerecorded or TTS  that makes a differance..
21:17.46ac1djazzhow many servers and what kind would i need to get this done in a fairly short amt of time
21:17.53ac1djazzwhat is TTS?
21:18.11spokratext to speech
21:18.29spokraTTS would take more CPU
21:18.40ac1djazznono this is pre-recorded
21:18.52ac1djazzso 10k pre-recorded calls in like an hour or two would be awesome
21:18.59ac1djazzwhat kinda server and how many :)
21:19.32spokrafast disk if you have many differnt streams going at one time..   think of it like a database system with random reads.. many disks in a raid gets fast read times
21:20.07spokrathat depends on the hardwar and your load.  best to build the bigest and find out what it can do.
21:21.55ac1djazzso maybe a solid state disk?
21:22.09spokraat 10,000 3 minute calls and 2 hours you would keep 250 calls up..
21:22.17ac1djazz240 at a time
21:22.30[TK]D-Fenderac1djazz: 30,000 minues in a span of 720 minutes (8hrs) = 41.1 simultaneous calls assuming it never runs over.  that'd require 2 PRI's or a whole pile of bandwidth and an ITSP.  If you kept to a matching codec (as I'm sure you would), you could do this off a single big server.
21:23.16ac1djazzi cant do 8hrs
21:23.22ac1djazzi need to do like 1-3hrs
21:23.39ac1djazzi just said 8 originally beacuse thats like the general range people are up and accepting calls
21:23.50[TK]D-Fenderac1djazz: then maybe 4 servers, and connectivity to match
21:24.06ac1djazzwhat kind of server?
21:24.14[TK]D-Fenderac1djazz: I'm ight just say 2....
21:24.20spokraso do you get free porn for helping.. ROFLOL
21:24.25[TK]D-Fenderac1djazz: decent core2 + 4 gig ram
21:25.30ac1djazz2 thats it eh ?
21:25.38ac1djazzeach doing like 125 calls at a time?
21:26.04[TK]D-Fenderac1djazz: look at the math I jsut gave you for 1 server for 8 hours.... do the math
21:26.29ac1djazzoh 8hrs
21:26.50ac1djazzwhat about for 1hr, what about 250 simultaneous calls
21:27.15jksanyone know of a site with sample scenarios for sipp? (besides the 4 samples on the sipp wiki)
21:27.41[TK]D-Fenderac1djazz: Go take grade-school math over again...
21:27.57jksx86, it's a trafic generator for SIP
21:28.37ac1djazzor how about this, how many simultaneous asterisk calls do you think a core2 machine w/ 4gigs of ram could take?
21:28.52jksac1djazz, you need to be way more specific for anyone to give you a hard figure
21:29.00jksac1djazz, you will have to do some measurements yourself
21:29.05[TK]D-Fenderac1djazz: for the kind you'd do, 1-2 hundred easily.
21:29.15ac1djazzreally? sweet
21:29.28ac1djazzso to be safe maybe ill limit each box to 150?
21:29.42[TK]D-Fenderac1djazz: go TRY.
21:29.47ac1djazzwhat version would be best for this? 1.4 or 1.6?
21:29.54ac1djazzi will, but im still buying the hardware right now :)
21:30.25[TK]D-Fenderac1djazz: what do YOU think?
21:30.26Stromac1djazz: I strongly recommend you do actual traffic analysis and run the erlang formulae BEFORE you spend any money on hardware
21:30.39jksmmm, erlang
21:32.27bkruse<3's erlang
21:32.27ac1djazzhmm ok
21:33.03*** join/#asterisk vgster (
21:33.09*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
21:33.20FuriousGeorgehey all
21:35.41x86no one is taking a break here to appreciate the hilarity of the $500 1.5 meter cat5 cable
21:35.45ac1djazzerlang unit eh?
21:37.01*** join/#asterisk delparnel (
21:41.44FuriousGeorgeive never been able to get asterisk to run reliably.  its 80% chan_zap, 10% chan_sip, and 10% occasional crash
21:41.59FuriousGeorgeits very difficult to get a bug report out of this
21:42.18FuriousGeorgebeen using it since 1.1.x, but im not a professional C developer, so i think that is the problem
21:43.34[TK]D-FenderFuriousGeorge: I've been running * for over 4 years, it pretty much never crashes on me, and I use SIP / Zap, etc
21:43.59[TK]D-FenderFuriousGeorge: And I don't code either, or even patch the release-only tarballs I install
21:44.08jksanyone know of a channel where discussions acout SIPp takes place?
21:45.08FuriousGeorge[TK]D-Fender: i never get crashes either
21:45.51FuriousGeorgebut i do get bad hangup detection, on one server its SIP (strangely between two specific extensions), and on another its zap on incoming calls
21:47.10FuriousGeorgewell, i wouldnt say never.  i got a core dump in april, and my bug report then got a shoutout in the release notes
21:47.13*** join/#asterisk fetcher (
21:47.22FuriousGeorgeand I see that I had another core dump in late may
21:48.08FuriousGeorge[TK]D-Fender: anyway, the point is not to bitch about it, but to instead spam for my new forum post, as I'm sick of the restart nightly and cross-fingers approach.
21:48.48fetcherIs there a trick to making voicemail files world-readable (0644 access mode instead of 0600)?
21:48.52ac1djazzwhats the most reliable version of asterisk out there?
21:49.19QwellThe latest one.
21:49.19fetcherchanging VOICEMAIL_FILE_MODE and VOICEMAIL_DIR_MODE in apps/app_voicemail.c doesn't seem to have any effect
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22:03.31FuriousGeorgehow can i file a useful bug report for something like hangup detection, when there is no core dump?
22:04.17FuriousGeorgeor, on another server, two sip extensions that randomly after a few weeks will have 20 active channels between them, but no one is on the phone.
22:04.34FuriousGeorgethe first problem is by far my biggest, but i'd be happy with a suggestion for either :)
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22:53.04*** join/#asterisk CanWood (n=chatzill@
22:53.42CanWoodHey folks.  I have a call that won't register as having ended.  Is there a way, from the asterisk command line, to force it to end?
22:53.55CanWoodthe guy hung up and can dial out.  It's odd
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22:55.03mauroti need help i configured asterisk but i listening very slow the voice
22:55.07maurotany idea?
22:58.34*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (n=arodgers@
23:01.30*** join/#asterisk Strom_C (n=strom@
23:05.58CanWoodsoft hangup [the channel listing] didn't end it.  Neither did an unplug and plug in of the phone
23:07.23Strom_Cwhat kind of channel is hung here again?
23:08.36CanWoodshow channels shows he was checking voicemail and the call won't end
23:09.14CanWoodI've even tried a reload to no avail
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23:10.13Strom_Crestart asterisk?
23:10.20Strom_C(assuming you can)
23:10.59CanWoodthe other extensions are in calls
23:11.16CanWoodso I'm trying everything I can think of before doing that]
23:11.55CanWoodI'm going to try unloading and reloading the voicemail app since that's what he was connected to
23:12.13Strom_Cwhat kind of phone is it, out of curiosity?
23:12.30CanWoodgxp-2000, but I've even unplugged it and plugged it back in
23:12.32CanWoodhe can dial out
23:13.47Strom_Cah, grandstream
23:13.49Strom_Chow did I know
23:14.58CanWood"show channels" returns
23:14.59CanWoodSIP/20##-081e3a58    *97@from-internal:10 Up      VoiceMailMain(20##@default)
23:16.08Strom_Cyou know, you don't need to mask the extension number
23:16.28QwellStrom_C: but, he doesn't want anybody to call him
23:19.57Strom_CCanWood: which version of asterisk?
23:20.12drakograndstream phone and ATAs sucks....
23:20.21Strom_CQwell: isn't there some "forcibly tear down the channel" command like there is with zaptel?
23:20.50Strom_Csip destroy channel SIP/2368
23:20.55[TK]D-FenderCanWood: And when you try to soft hangup it, what exactly does it say?
23:20.56Strom_Csip rape channel SIP/2368
23:26.12CanWoodsorry there
23:26.25CanWoodstepped off to go explain to my manager why I took the phone system down :)
23:27.48CanWoodto answer, it's 1.4.19, and I don't remember what the console said with the soft hangup command
23:29.48Strom_Cfor future reference, CanWood, a single hung channel is not exactly a reason to take the entire system down during business hours
23:30.59CanWoodsmall shop, and he gets the irate customers
23:31.29Strom_Cwas it preventing him from receiving calls?
23:31.35CanWoodwhen no one can call the VP, I do what I need to.  Yes, it was
23:31.44Strom_Cah, ok
23:31.49Strom_Cyou didn't make that clear.
23:33.59CanWoodwell, that was fun.  thanks for the tips folks
23:46.44*** join/#asterisk LiNeTuX|Home (
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