IRC log for #asterisk on 20080612

00:04.59*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
00:05.31[hC]Anyone familiar with how to set polycom phones to increased verbosity for logging?
00:10.34*** join/#asterisk TrentCreek (
00:10.50TrentCreekwho was touting their hosting services a while back?
00:13.32[hC]I think its possible that polycom has the worst website and customer support that i have EVER seen.
00:16.48govtcheezother than the guy who said that a polycom should work fine with a sandberg if i just open the polycom ports, i can't really say anything about them
00:24.03*** join/#asterisk tobias (
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00:24.59jbotA polycommunist is someone who believes Polycom phones can do no wrong.. that Polycom's are so over and above anything else, that what you are using is surely crap, and the mere fact you mention another brand name is of great insult to the channel, the community, and the world.  They may also be getting a 10% kickback.
00:26.11*** join/#asterisk lmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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00:29.08[hC]I'm really not that impressed with polycom's garbage firmware.
00:30.05alrshang on to the zultys
00:30.34alrsshoretel ip100
00:30.36mcab[hC]: I think it's the log.level.change.$blah parameters
00:30.47[hC]mcab: yeah it is, im just not sure of which to change, and to which value
00:30.52[hC]I think i mightve got it though.
00:31.02mcab[hC]: heh, depends what's going wrong
00:31.10[hC]phone is locking up and rebooting itself
00:31.17JTTrentCreek: i doubt it was me touting them, but i do have hosting services
00:31.27[hC]I think it has -something- to do with BLF, but ive reduced the thing down as far as i can. other sites dont do this. i just dont get it.
00:32.37mcab[hC]: I'm guessing the logs don't show anything useful? I think newer firmwares will do a task and stack dump in some cases
00:32.43[hC]aastra is so close to being a hands down winner. they only have a few dislikes left.
00:33.05[hC]mcab: that would be great if the phone was up to catch it! :) the default logging had nothing useful of course, no.. I think ive got it now though, log level to 0 for like 5 items
00:33.15[hC]mcab: the files are huge now. next time it reboots i should have a good idea of why
00:33.31mcab[hC]: set log.render.level to 0 as well
00:33.34[hC]no thanks to polycom closing the last 3 tickets ive sent in about it, with no response, going back to 2007
00:33.55mcabalthough, watch out, you may start loading the phones down with all that logging :-7
00:34.18[hC]heh yeah, i mean... if the phone dies due to too much logging going on... wtf.
00:35.51[hC]hmm. sweet, onto the next polycom issue.. re organizing someone's sidecars with >60 names listed.  in alphabetical order.
00:35.53[hC]... :|
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00:43.27*** join/#asterisk iceyp (
00:46.09govtcheezanybody in here work with cross-connect telephone wire?
00:46.40govtcheezlike on frames connected to a pbx?
00:46.54*** join/#asterisk Morrocco (n=ivan@
00:48.01MorroccoHi Guys, does anybody have a TimeClock, to track employees when they come in to the office and leave? is there such a thing for asterisk?
00:48.21*** part/#asterisk Entranced (
00:48.40jblackNot built in.
00:49.05jblackIt's not too hard to build yourself, if you dump your cdr data into an sql database
00:49.44iceyphey guys, I have a problem with DTMF... I have a linksys spa 2102 configured with g729 and inband , DTMF seems to work to external locations just not to the PABX... for instance feature codes such as monitor or blind transfer dont seem to work, and if i call the pabx IVR , dtmf doesnt work locally
00:50.09jblackThat's if you want automatic tracking. If you want manual tracking, it's as simple as writing a hundred line script and a dozen lines in a dialplan.
00:50.42jblackiceyp: Try setting rfc2833 as your dtmf protocol in your sip.conf and iax.conf
00:51.08jbotwell, ask is Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
00:51.49iceypjblack this is what I have already
00:52.01iceypif i use inband in sip.conf then its all distorted
00:52.11jblackThat's my only advice, to use dtmf2833
00:52.12iceypif i dont sent inband on the ATA then its also all distorted
00:52.19JTgovtcheez: if you have a question, ask it
00:52.28govtcheezi did
00:52.42JTno, you asked to ask
00:52.48JTthat wasn't your real question
00:52.50govtcheezno i didn't
00:53.03JTgovtcheez: i assume you have a question about patching
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00:53.25govtcheezno i don't
00:53.41jblackwatches with amusement
00:53.43JTthen what's your question?
00:53.47govtcheezsee above
00:54.26JTok, let's say the answer is "yes"
00:54.26jblackYes is an excellent answer. Full of promise
00:54.37govtcheezis the answer "yes" or are we just being hypothetical?
00:55.03JTi do sometimes work with patching phone lines
00:55.11JTi don't know why you are being so obtuse
00:55.19JTi was hoping i could help
00:55.23JTbut nevermind i guess
00:55.26govtcheezi don't know why you're being such a helpdesk hardass
00:55.38govtcheezi just wondered
00:55.38JTi beg your pardon?
00:55.43JTthis is not helpdesk
00:55.46JTsorry to say
00:55.56JTno-one is paid to be here
00:56.20govtcheezyou're trying to squirt a question out of me so it might as well be
00:56.56JTso you were just asking a pointless question for your own amusement then? i don't get it
00:57.06govtcheeznot pointless at all
00:57.20*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (n=nighty@
00:57.20govtcheezit's a fine question
00:57.40jblackI get it.
00:57.50jblack"Government Cheese". As in free handouts.
00:57.55JTwhat was the purpose of asking it if you have nothing else to ask about it?
00:59.14govtcheezi don't guess there was one
00:59.15*** part/#asterisk govtcheez (
01:00.23iceyphow do i extend the feature timeout, i.e. I have to press *2 to be able to do a transfer, but i have to press the sequence within .5seconds or something
01:00.47iceypI want to be able to press *, find the 2 key and press 2, takes about a second, not half a second
01:00.53stevie_ramjeticeyp, featuredigittimeout in features.conf
01:01.13iceypthanks bud
01:01.18stevie_ramjetThe default is a really stupid value, like you said. It's like half a second.
01:01.59lmadsenya... I wish that was changes to something like 2000ms
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01:06.47iceypthanks guys :)
01:14.42*** join/#asterisk VoiceCX (n=VoiceCX@
01:15.40VoiceCXdoes anyone know of a good resource for instructions on putting together a fanless system with something like Damn Small Linux, Asterisk, and FreePBX or maybe Tiny TrixBox
01:15.43*** join/#asterisk Gwayne (
01:16.55Morroccodoes anybody use :Crystal Clear Recording Interface and know if its a good software? I need to log the call logs and also play calls recordings
01:19.09*** join/#asterisk trnzmeta (
01:25.11*** join/#asterisk LiNeTuX|Home (
01:28.25*** join/#asterisk jm|home (n=jm|
01:29.10jblackmorrocco: Hmmmm.
01:30.06*** join/#asterisk craigk (n=craigk@
01:41.55*** join/#asterisk De_Mon (
01:44.52*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
01:48.10*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
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01:51.18*** join/#asterisk pcrack (n=pcack@
01:51.50pcrackguys how much is the fee for setuping an asterisk?
01:53.11jblackNothing, if you do it yourself.
01:53.32jblackAnywhere from fifty to a few hundred bucks if you get help, depending upon your experience level
01:53.58pcracki mean..someone wants to pay me to setup them an asterisk, but i dont know how much will i ask them
01:54.23jblackcalculate how many hours it will take you, then decide how many dollars an hour you want to get paid.
01:55.31jayteethen add 10%
01:56.32pcrackic if it is an basic asterisk feature only?
01:56.54jblackthen instead, you calculate how many hours it will take you, then decide how many dollars an hour you want to get paid.
01:57.13jblackpokes jaytee
01:58.34*** join/#asterisk LeddyHM (
01:59.52jblackyou're supposed to say "then add 10%"
02:00.09jayteeoh, sorry. the pasta turned out nasty so I got up to throw it out.
02:00.16jaytee"then add 10%!"
02:01.58*** join/#asterisk digitalirony (n=eric@
02:01.59jayteeand of course if it requires you to drive more than 3 miles you should add on a fuel surcharge too. After all with gas prices the way the are and everyone getting screwed you don't want to miss out on being able to do some of the screwing instead of being the guy who always gets screwed, right?
02:02.14digitalironyDigium Tech Support here
02:02.22jayteeyou are?
02:02.48jayteeDigium rocks!!!!!!
02:02.49digitalironyThe only one on staff atm actually
02:02.58jblackDont' forget your wheat surcharge too; hard work makes for empty stomaches, and it's not your fault they're making you hungry.
02:03.13digitalironysup corydon, file, and anyone else i might know
02:03.16voxterdigitalirony: be glad you came in at 7pm and not 2pm, you'd have been bombarded.
02:03.30jayteewheat surcharge? oh!!! yeah! I forgot......Hefewiezen FTW!!!!
02:03.48jaytee2pm? was deion here again?
02:03.49digitalironyvoxter: i knows you?
02:04.00voxterdigitalirony: maybe?
02:04.08digitalironydo you work with me?
02:04.16voxterdigitalirony: i normally go by [hC] and my name's dayton.
02:04.20voxterdigitalirony: at digium? haha no.
02:04.21digitalironydid you mean bombarded here or where im at
02:04.39voxterbombarded here, in irc, yes.
02:04.41digitalironyim running out of e-mail cases :P
02:04.49digitalironyand no one calls this later
02:05.38digitalironyso wheres all the ops
02:06.26voxtereveryone is pretty quiet in here this late, aside of course from the foreign guys who start to pipe up
02:06.44digitalironythats all I ever talk to anymore
02:06.51digitalironythrough e-mail too
02:06.55digitalironythey refuse to call me
02:07.02jayteesome nights it's still pretty active in here at this time
02:07.11digitalironyso it takes like 3 weeks to get something fixed
02:07.17voxterIm trying to think of how I can make you answer some questions for me while you're here, but i cant come up with anything.. :P
02:07.30lmadsenwho said op?
02:07.34digitalironywant to know how to fix phantom rings?
02:07.46digitalironywhats up
02:07.51voxterthat depends, what do you mean by phantom rings? :)
02:07.52lmadsennada much :)
02:08.08digitalironycalls comming into the asterisk system
02:08.17digitalironythat never originated from an actual end point
02:08.18jayteethe phone! she a ring but a nobody dere!
02:08.27voxterdigitalirony: haha. never seen that one.
02:08.38digitalironylmadsen: never met you but i know you :P
02:08.42voxterdigitalirony: then again i do almost zero analog installs.
02:08.47digitalironyi get calls for that ALL the time
02:08.54voxterdigitalirony: so, whats the fix? :)
02:09.04lmadsenI get lots of calls from poorly configured asterisk systems
02:09.13Corydon76-digdigitalirony: many times, it's the telephone company testing the line
02:10.03Corydon76-digAsterisk sees the initial part of the test and thinks the line is being raised, even though ring voltage never comes across
02:10.06jayteeCorydon76-dig, you must have a pretty pro-active phone company then. AT&T here in Indy would just wait for you to call them and complain.
02:10.12digitalironyCorydon76-dig: sometimes....but when they get it every 10 min everyday its not
02:10.35Corydon76-digjaytee: It's the phone switch doing it, not AT&T specifically
02:10.45digitalironyalls i know is
02:10.57digitalironythe Default Ring_Debounce is kinda low
02:11.08jayteeah, so as long as the schlubs at AT&T don't actually have to put the donut down and hit a button then they'll test the line?
02:11.15digitalironyim not a programmer....but a good feature would be to make it dynamic
02:11.31voxterdigitalirony: maybe you could tell me why when i have unloaded, my 60 polycom phones all join a Page() meetme on time, but when it is loaded, random phones never hear the page. Asterisk 1.2
02:12.01digitalironyvoxter: Asterisk 1.2
02:12.20voxterdigitalirony: This is fixed in 1.4 you say? as in, known problem?
02:12.35digitalironyi don't know I never messed with 1.2 enough to know what was changed yet
02:12.43lmadsenI really like 1.4
02:12.52lmadsenbeen using it for a long time now
02:13.00voxterI havent upgraded people yet, because their 1.2 installs 'just work' for the most part.
02:13.15digitalironythey might JUST work
02:13.17lmadsenif you know 1.4 well, 1.2 upgrades are NOT that hard
02:13.29digitalironyBUT they still have security issues that aren't tech a problem
02:13.32lmadsenyou just need to know how to change applications to functions for the most part
02:13.41voxterim actually planning an upgrade to not only 1.4 but our new gui management thing too. woo!
02:13.45voxterreinstalling the OS
02:13.53digitalironyvortex: drop the gui
02:14.14digitalironyvortex: from what i have seen the gui's make much more problems than they fix
02:14.14voxterdigitalirony: no thanks! Ive edited config files on over 100 pbxs by hand for far too long sir!
02:14.20Corydon76-digIf you don't use anything that generates a deprecation warning in 1.2, then you should have no problems upgrading to 1.4
02:14.30lmadsenguis allow other people to manage the add/move/changes and leaves you to do real development. People who say, "don't use the gui" love busy work
02:14.40lmadsenCorydon76-dig: bingo
02:14.42voxterlmadsen: amen brother.
02:14.44lmadsenand hi :)
02:14.59Corydon76-dighugs lmadsen
02:15.04voxterlmadsen: i would like to get on to more interesting work than "can you change the name of extension XXX"
02:15.08digitalironylmadsen: maybe....but i get so many cases of people using a gui and its the gui thats messing up the system
02:15.14voxterlmadsen: and hi :) (its dayton)
02:15.25lmadsenasterisk gui isn't that bad... a few things I don't like, but all in all, it's a pretty decent system (once you learn it's little quirks, like anything else). The learning curve was very low.
02:15.41lmadsenvoxter: [hC]!
02:15.44voxterdigitalirony: classic case of people using a gui improperly. think of the damage they would have caused if they tried to do it by hand.
02:15.47jayteeI'd like to have a gui for MAC stuff but the specifics of my installation don't allow for that I think. my dialplan is pretty customized and I don't think *Now or trixbox could handle it.
02:15.48digitalironylmadsen: the gui is very easy.
02:16.01digitalironylmadsen but it doesn't let you do things you can do with .conf
02:16.06voxterok time to go home.
02:16.09voxtertake it easy fellas.
02:16.13lmadsendigitalirony: I agree. But it doesn't get in the way like some other GUi systems
02:16.16jayteenite voxter
02:16.22lmadsenhe's on the west coast :)
02:16.26Corydon76-digjaytee: It's a shame you haven't figured out func_odbc yet
02:16.28lmadsenit's only 7pm there
02:16.34lmadsenfunc_odbc ftw
02:16.47lmadsenit's the new hawtness
02:16.48digitalironywell Asterisk gui isn't that bad....its the trixbox and the pbx in a flash shit
02:16.50Corydon76-digjaytee: it makes it very easy to design your own add/change/delete GUI
02:16.52digitalironyi hat that stuff
02:17.03digitalironytrixbox doesn't even come with gcc installed on it
02:17.10digitalironyand it uses ancient asterisk
02:17.14lmadsendigitalirony: also agree -- for a gui, it's not very intrusive
02:17.43lmadsendigitalirony: also another advantage -- build your own system under it
02:17.49jayteedoes it also allow for customization of extensions.conf ? because that trixbox crap wants to manage it all for itself.
02:18.01lmadsenyou just need to know which macro's it expects to use
02:18.08digitalironylmadsen: build what system under what? lol
02:18.09lmadsenand from there, you know how to step around it quite easily
02:18.20Corydon76-digjaytee: the purpose of func_odbc is to let you separate data from logic
02:18.32digitalironyLmadsen: you mean build my own asterisk system under AsteriskNow?
02:18.33lmadsendigitalirony: build your asterisk system + gui on top of your custom installed distro -- I prefer CentOS
02:18.56Corydon76-digSo you have some fairly complex (but static) logic in the dialplan and all the stuff that varies or changes gets put into a database
02:18.57lmadsenI use the asterisknow gui on top of my own installed asterisk system (for certain customers)
02:19.02jayteeI prefer CentOS 5 too
02:19.24jayteeI'm running RHEL 5 64bit though at the moment but my test server is CentOS 5
02:19.36digitalironyyeah thats what i hate about trixbox is that sometimes when you change something in a .conf it doesn't do anything
02:19.40lmadsenI say use what you know best, in case anyone wanted to start a boring distro discussion
02:19.44Corydon76-digI wrote func_odbc so that I could query data from a customer's MS SQL Server database
02:19.51lmadsenCorydon76-dig: it works very well for that
02:20.05Corydon76-diglmadsen: works even better in 1.4
02:20.18lmadsenI use (in order of use, not necessarily of preference), is MySQL, MSSQL and PostgreSQL
02:20.25Corydon76-digWhen I was writing for that customer's system, it was pre-1.2
02:20.28lmadsenCorydon76-dig: works hawt in 1.4 -- and I like the backport
02:20.39lmadsenCorydon76-dig: wow, I didn't realize it had such a long history
02:20.43lmadsenno wonder it works so f'n well
02:20.44jayteeCorydon76-dig, so can I use func_odbc to take data from mysql cdr and export it to a MSSQL database?
02:20.44digitalironysos what kind of crap we going to have to go through when 1.6 comes out
02:20.51digitalironyim sure the lines here are going to blow up
02:21.01Corydon76-digYep, I wrote it just after the 1.2 feature freeze went into effect
02:21.33digitalironyCordydon76-dig: have you seen putman and treys' cdr curl?
02:21.38lmadsenCorydon76-dig: I have people ask me if func_odbc has an effect on the asterisk call quality or number of calls, and in my testing, it has zero effect
02:21.40digitalironytrey got it to work
02:21.54Corydon76-digdigitalirony: not yet
02:22.06Corydon76-digbut that's great
02:22.38hackeronjust out of interest, if not going with an asterisk solution, how much is a typical 6 ISDN line and 24 FXS port PBX cost?
02:22.40digitalironyCorydon76-dig: it's not bad, could use some polish though. the web page is kind of jumbled and hard to read
02:22.53lmadsenjaytee: that's not really a good usage of it... because you would just export the data from mysql into a table in the mssql database, then have asterisk continue writing via res_odbc and cdr_odbc.conf into the mssql database
02:23.02*** join/#asterisk russellb (n=russellb@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla)
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02:23.03Corydon76-digdigitalirony: Heh, are they still using my sample page?
02:23.16Corydon76-digdigitalirony: I wrote that as a quick & dirty test platform
02:23.24digitalironyCorydon76-dig: not sure....but it doesn't look very good
02:23.36_ShrikElmadsen: I run thousands of func_odbc queries daily through my dialplans and have never seen any quality issues either.
02:23.40lmadsenjaytee: a better use would be to lookup what device extension 100 connects to, what voicemail box was associated with extension 100,  who was associated with the phone, etc....
02:23.58*** join/#asterisk Nasra (
02:24.24digitalironyCorydon76-dig: I have been learning some more about perl, but i think im going to drop that to learn php...i have more application for it
02:24.35lmadsenfor example, I used func_odbc to write a hot-desking feature which allowed a *very* dynamic asterisk system
02:24.56lmadsenfrom that I've learned to build a lot of dynamics into systems
02:25.14lmadsendigitalirony: php rocks
02:25.25lmadsenI did perl once... dropped it in favour of php
02:25.26jayteelmadsen, ah yeah I can see that would be handy. I'll probably start to roll my own gui using it in a few months for the MAC stuff but I don't have voicemail boxes on my * server. I'm routing to Exchange UM for voicemail.
02:25.39digitalironylmadsen: yeah but im not a just a wannabe
02:25.44lmadsenjaytee: that's the best part about using func_odbc :)
02:25.51km2digitalirony, once you know one well, you pretty much know the other. i was adamant about perl for a long while, but once i needed to use php, it was almost automatic
02:25.56lmadsendigitalirony: I'm not a programmer either... I'm more of a scripter
02:26.07digitalironyI really need to take some formal classes or soemthing on it so i can have some projects to work on and keep what i learn
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02:26.13lmadsenI write just enough code to do what I need... everything else is in the DB and .conf files
02:26.25Corydon76-digWhat I don't write in C, I tend to write in Perl.
02:26.43digitalironyCordon76-dig: i figured that
02:26.47digitalironyyou like perl :P
02:27.21Corydon76-digWhat scared me a few years ago was when I wanted to write a quick little program to check an algorithm, I coded it in C, not in Perl
02:27.41digitalironyI just need to learn how to think in programming i think
02:27.50Corydon76-digThat's right, a quick and dirty program in C...
02:27.55Corydon76-digand it worked the first time
02:28.19digitalironylike i told you before....i can learn syntax all day long...but until i get in place where i have projects and other people to work with on it....i just won't get anywhere
02:28.48Corydon76-digRight, it's inspiration that you need
02:28.55digitalironyand motivation
02:29.08digitalironyand a good mentor
02:29.10lmadsen* Dialplan functions such as IF(), EXISTS(), ISNULL()
02:29.10lmadsen* Applications GotoIf(), Exec(), ExecIf(), Set(), While()
02:29.35lmadseni was writing up my "must knows" list
02:29.35Corydon76-digMotivation comes from the enjoyment you get from others finding what you've written to be useful
02:29.51digitalironyand they don't
02:29.57digitalironybecause they don't see it as neat
02:30.07*** join/#asterisk hsv-al (
02:30.12lmadsenCorydon76-dig: I find practically everything you make to be useful and reliable
02:30.15digitalironyNon tech people see some words on the screen and say wow....what is that....
02:30.25jayteeI need to figure out using ISNULL() so I can trap calls that have CallerID blocked.
02:30.26Corydon76-digYou don't know how awesome it is to find someone really enthusiatically recommending a tool you've written, and not realize that they're talking to the author...
02:30.45digitalironyI can imagine
02:30.51digitalironyIF only
02:31.09digitalironyI just know i don't want to do tech support forever
02:31.16digitalironyI want to go up the third floow
02:31.26lmadsenmaybe I'm making these cookbook recipes too complex in my head...
02:31.28Corydon76-digThird floor is sales and marketing
02:31.36jayteeI think it's cool that I can be reading from * TFOT and have the book open on the desk next to me while I'm here in chat talking with one of the authors :-)
02:31.41digitalironyyours on the third floow
02:31.50Corydon76-digNo, I'm on the second floor
02:31.57digitalironyim bad with numbers
02:32.03lmadsenI'm on the 16th floor... soon to be 34th floor
02:32.05digitalironybut better with words :P
02:32.23Corydon76-digBad with numbers is not a great sign
02:32.24digitalironybut still not good
02:32.34jayteethen you should become a math teacher because your talents as an English teacher would be wasted
02:32.34digitalironyoh im good at math
02:32.41digitalironyjust not numbers
02:32.56jayteeyour handle suits you then!
02:33.09Corydon76-digI gave Mark 3 wooden puzzles, each in the shape of a cube for his 27th birthday...
02:33.10digitalironythats where i got it
02:33.18lmadsenCorydon76-dig: that sounds cool
02:33.22Corydon76-digand that is a math joke
02:33.52digitalironyi get it
02:34.20digitalironyi know math
02:34.22lmadsenclever :)
02:34.25lmadsenI suck at math
02:34.28lmadsenI'm good at logic though
02:34.31digitalironyi suck at numbers
02:34.33Corydon76-diglmadsen: Mark groaned
02:34.39digitalironylike 2+2 = 5
02:34.50russellbruns in circles and then runs away
02:34.51digitalironybut i can do algebra and and stuff that is solving
02:34.52Corydon76-dig(for extremely large values of 2)
02:36.32d00gstergents, how can I ask * to anchor the media?
02:37.03russellbwhat do you mean?
02:37.26russellbasterisk has no anchors to drop
02:37.56Corydon76-digrussellb: I think he means, preventing the media from being natively bridged
02:38.17d00gstermedia has to go through *
02:38.21russellbperhaps, but i didn't feel like guessing, i'd rather just get a straight question :)
02:38.26d00gsternot directly between phones
02:38.33russellbfor SIP phones?
02:38.41russellbcanreinvite=no in sip.conf
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02:52.53hsv-alyou need to learn how to pop out PDE's all day long
02:52.59hsv-albefore you can use asterisk
02:53.11hsv-alpartial differential equations is necessary , in order to do dialplans correctly
02:53.14jayteewhat's a PDE?
02:53.27jayteenever mind
02:53.35jayteejust looked at the last line
02:55.17JTyou need differential equations?
02:55.40russellbyou have to take the 2nd derivative of the dialed extension to understand how asterisk does pattern matching
02:55.43jayteeI think anyone who uses PDE's in their dialplan is overthinking the solution
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03:00.57jayteenow I can't get that song out of my head
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03:08.17Strom_Mwhat song?
03:08.42jaytee"Anchors Away"
03:08.59jayteeyou know, the old Navy tune
03:09.29jaytee<d00gster> gents, how can I ask * to anchor the media?
03:09.49jaytee<russellb> asterisk has no anchors to drop
03:10.27jayteedamn earworms
03:10.43jayteethey say to get rid of it you have to sing the whole song to the end.
03:11.12lanningis that like getting rid of the hiccups?
03:11.29jayteeprobably about as reliable a cure, yeah
03:11.50*** join/#asterisk Strom_C (n=strom@
03:12.14Strom_Cmy connection has been flaking out all day
03:12.35jayteebest sure fire cure for hiccups I've ever found was a tablespoon of sugar with lemon juice and a dash of bitters gulped down real quick.
03:12.58Strom_Cthat makes no sense
03:13.26jayteeactually it does, it helps release the air trapped in the diaphragm
03:13.42digitalironyAnyone here know why i wouldn't be able to upload a file via ftp to a folder that the ftp user is owner of?
03:13.44hsv-al!qu:303:[jaytee]-I think anyone who uses PDE's in their dialplan is overthinking the solution
03:13.48digitalironyand chmoded to 755
03:14.06Strom_Cisnt 755 rwxr-xr-x?
03:14.15hackeronanyone? if not going with an asterisk solution, how much is a typical 4 PRI and 24 FXS port PBX cost?
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03:14.29digitalironyi mean 744
03:14.36Strom_Chackeron: why 4 PRIs and only 24 FXS ports?
03:14.44digitalironyeither way i just looked and its actually 777
03:14.46Strom_C92 channels for 24 phones?
03:15.04hackeronStrom_C: yeah, call center
03:15.25Strom_Cook centers usually require specialized PBXes and that can get pricey really fast
03:16.13hackeronStrom_C: well, asterisk does everything :) - just curious how much those old fashioned PBXes are - say for a fairly cheap one, what sort of price range?
03:16.24hackeronStrom_C: $10k? more?
03:16.25jayteeyou could get all that from Nortel for about 80K with the ACD package, licensing and the phones or you could roll your own for less than 20K with Asterisk.
03:16.40Strom_Chackeron: depending on how fancy you get, anywhere from $40k-$150k
03:16.49hackeronwow, that's a lot
03:16.56Strom_Cthat's just a rough rough estimate though
03:17.25Strom_CI hope you've run your extended erlang B formula and definitively know that you need all four of those PRIs :)
03:17.38Strom_Cor was that erlang C
03:17.40jayteeyeah, Nortel's M3904 ACD phones are usually about 400 to 500 apiece through your "friendly neighborhood VAR"
03:17.43Strom_Clooks again
03:17.46hackeronlooking at asterisk hardware the PRI card is $2k, the 24 FXS card is another $2k and the intel xeon powerful enough is what, another 2k-3k -- how on earth would you get from $7k to 80, lol
03:18.01hsv-alwhat i want more then anything is a sip client that works 100%
03:18.05hsv-alon a blackberry 8703
03:18.14JThackeron: you forgot phones
03:18.17JThackeron: and a built solution
03:18.37hsv-alno one knows why there arent sip clients on blackberrys yet
03:18.47hsv-alits as if they cant interface to the blackberrys hardware, for the audio in/out
03:18.49Strom_Chackeron: also, you seriously don't want to run a call center on analog phones
03:19.14jayteehackeron, just to get callerid on an analog set on a Nortel Meridian system you need a 2500.00 Class Modem card in your PBX. The commercial big solutions cost big bucks (overpriced from the get go)
03:19.22JThackeron: but yeah, a commercial traditional PBX will cost way more than a typical asterisk install
03:19.42jayteeyep, way, way more
03:19.46Strom_Cok, thats right, erlang B and erlang C :)
03:20.06hackeronjaytee: hmm, you get the callerid on the PRI card and can't asterisk pass it on to the internal FXS ports?
03:20.25JThackeron: we're talking about 2 different things here
03:20.33JThackeron: forget about FXS ports for a callcentre
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03:20.37JTuse sip phones
03:20.42jayteehackeron, only on their digital sets by default, the analog phones require sending the CallerID in the audio stream as tones.
03:21.31hackeronJT: well, this is a friend's office and he already invested into analog phones but realised POTS and a cheap PBX is not a good idea so wants to replace the PBX but keep the analog phones - is that a bad idea?
03:21.36jayteeyeah, use SIP with Asterisk and a Digium 4 port PRI card and you'll save a ton of dough and have more flexibility and power.
03:21.47Strom_Chackeron: sell the analog phones
03:21.49JThackeron: yes it's not a good long term solution
03:21.56jayteeyeah, sell the phones
03:22.03hackeronlol, ok
03:22.15hackeronthose polycom IP650 phones sure look nice
03:22.38jayteethe SIP phones will have access to all of *'s features while the analog phones will be limited.
03:23.00Strom_Chackeron: if you want solid, professional advice on this project (which I'm guessing you might need), I do run a telecom consulting business :)
03:23.11hackeronyes, I'll try to convince him to get sip phones
03:23.40hackeronStrom_C: haha, a bit of shameless self promotion, I like it :)
03:23.48hackeronwhere are you based?
03:24.00pllaHello, I am having a problem with zapata configuration, apparently I am doing something wrong with the gains, debug yells at me with "chan_zap.c:1575 set_actual_rxgain: Failed to read gains: Invalid argument"
03:24.08Strom_CI'm in Los Angeles, but this sort of thing isn't really all that dependent on me being there in person
03:24.21hackeronStrom_C: that's true
03:24.22pllaI would appreciate some pointers here.
03:24.30Strom_Cplla: lemme look
03:24.34jayteeI'm using IP330s at work and just ordered a IP501 and a IP550
03:25.05hackeronwell, for the hardware, I'm thinking just any xeon 1U, the digium 4 port pri card with echo cancelling and polycom IP650 phones - is this more or less on the right track?
03:25.17Strom_CIP650 phones?  for a call center?
03:25.32Strom_Cbut yes, the other stuff is good
03:25.41Strom_Chackeron: 430 is what I'd recommend
03:26.01Strom_Cheadset port, two line appearances, roomy display
03:26.36hackeronI have a 430 on my desk, I guess it's OK
03:26.57jayteethe sound quality of the Polycoms is by far the best I've tested.
03:27.23Strom_Cplla: that looks fine to me, actually
03:27.36hackeronyeah, I played with snom320, useless speakerphone, average sound quality but I couldn't find a wireless headset for any other phone
03:27.37Strom_Cbut since you're not actually setting gain from default anyway, i wouldnt worry about it
03:27.50hackeronon the polycoms, the wireless headset couldn't hang up or answer the call
03:27.50Strom_Chackeron: wireless headsets are going to be a disaster in the call center
03:27.56Strom_Cdon't use them
03:28.01pllaShould I ignore the debug output?
03:28.16jayteeyeah, wireless headsets would be a support nightmare
03:28.28pllaThe warning appears even when setting the gains to other values than 0.0.
03:28.40jayteeplla, looks fine to me too. What kind of card is this?
03:28.45Strom_Cplla: you've got a PRI.  you shouldn't be setting gains anyway
03:28.53hackeronStrom_C: well, it's a call center ish, they get a lot of small calls that are in the queue but there are a couple of office phones and a receptionist
03:29.10pllajaytee: TE110P
03:29.31hackeronStrom_C: btw, what about a normal core 2 quad on one of the better asus boards or should I really get a xeon?
03:29.35Strom_Chackeron: well, ok, you can splurge on the office phones and the receptionist phone, but we're talking about the actual agents' sets here
03:29.46pllaNo gains? I have worked with other PRIs and for the echo canceler to work I always balance the gains.
03:29.51jayteetry commenting out the rxgain and txgain statements and do a restart
03:30.04pllaThough this time that debug output is coming out.
03:30.27Strom_Chackeron: you're probably OK with that, but I would need to do a more thorough traffic analysis to be able to tell you with any certainty.
03:30.45jayteeI'm using the TE212P and I didn't need to adjust the gains on either T1.
03:30.50hackeronStrom_C: hmm, traffic analysis?
03:31.05pllajaytee: Commented out. Same warning.
03:31.39Strom_Chackeron: yes.  presumably you know how many peak hour erlangs you can handle...
03:31.48pllaI am using Asterisk
03:32.12hackeronStrom_C: hmm, I see :)
03:32.51hackeronStrom_C: ok, I'll speak to my friend, I think he'll probably just say forget it and stick with his analog crap, lol - but hopefully I'll convince him
03:33.06*** join/#asterisk isamar (
03:33.10isamarhi folks
03:33.23Strom_Cfor regular office pbxes, traffic analysis is something you can usually just fudge, but for a call center, you really really want to run all the formulae and make sure you know exactly where you stand with regard to call traffic and hold times and so on
03:33.35isamarlooking for a packet loss monitoring tool....
03:33.40isamaranybody can recommend one?
03:34.04hackeronStrom_C: so hardware looks like it's going to be £7k it seems, how much would your part of setting it up, traffic analysis, etc cost roughly? -- to give him some idea :)
03:34.22Strom_Chackeron: let's discuss that in privmsg
03:34.30hackeronsure :)
03:35.00isamarhaving quality problems to my ITSP and I need to identify who in middle is messing up....
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03:35.08jayteeisamar, have you tried wireshark?
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03:35.52isamarjaytee: I know wireshark .. but AFAIK it's only capture packets...
03:36.09jayteeyeah, but you can filter to only capture SIP and RTP
03:36.16isamarjaytee: I need to figure out which router/hop in the middle is messing me up
03:36.35isamarjaytee: and alert to me...
03:36.50jayteeah, I see. Yeah, shark wouldn't help you there
03:37.02isamarjaytee: having too much trouble with rtp packet loss f*cking the call quality
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03:41.15isamaranybody using nProbe?
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03:45.26iphonecandoes anybody have experience with 57i CT
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03:48.36pllaHello, can there be two calls with the same CDR(uniqueid) ?
03:49.21pllaI am trying to record every call so I would like a unique identifier.
03:49.50pllaCan I use CDR(uniqueid) ?
03:50.25pllaFor the filenames, I mean.
03:51.57Strom_Chow about using the epoch instead?
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03:52.41Strom_Csomething like caller ID and epoch would have an extremely low probability of duplication
03:52.55pllaI usually use this: ${CDR(uniqueid)}-${STRFTIME(${EPOCH},,%Y%m%d%H%M%S)}
03:53.20Strom_Cthat's fine
03:53.21pllaThough I wanted to get rid of the EPOCH since cdr adaptive odbc is a blessing.
03:54.23pllaThe filename is going into the cdr, it's going to make it easier web reports with audio files.
03:54.40Strom_Cah, right
03:55.01pllauserfield was a pain to manage.
03:55.02Strom_Cwhy not just put the filename into a custom field in the CDR?
03:55.16pllaI am using a database.
03:55.59pllaErr, the only custom field you have when using cdr_pgsql or cdr_mysql is userfield
03:56.12pllacdr_odbc too
03:56.31pllaso cdr_adaptive_odbc is going to be handy for me.
03:56.57jayteeit's good to know there are other cynics in the world besides myself.
03:57.52Strom_Cplla: it may be worth figuring out how uniqueid is calculated.  I don't know offhand myself
03:58.28Corydon76-digIt's the epoch timestamp, plus a monotonically incrementing integer
03:59.02pllaCan it be a good choice for a unique filename?
03:59.34Corydon76-digFor a single server, yes
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04:00.08Corydon76-digwith multiple servers, there's still a possibility of duplicates
04:01.02pllaThanks, that's what I wanted to know.
04:01.52Corydon76-digGlad to hear you like cdr_adaptive_odbc
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04:05.40jayteedamn it's late
04:05.45jayteenite all
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04:31.52codestr0mIs there a working and maintained stun server floating around? I've checked the voip wiki and nothing there unfortunately
04:34.49Strom_Cthere are plenty
04:47.57rabelaisdoes asterisk send out the notify message for messages waiting only once? or does it repeat it, and if so, how often does it repeat it? (assuming no new messages have arrived, etc)
04:48.30rabelaisI know it sends it on every register as well, exclude that instance as well
04:59.26denonman, why do so few companies make silent PoE switches
05:00.18JTapparently switchmode PSUs of any decent size need non passive cooling
05:00.50denonit seems they can do 8 ports quietly
05:00.55JTi've seen a silent PoE switch, but it was 8 ports with only 4 * PoE
05:01.23denonIm really looking for about 16 gig-e ports, 1 or more SFPs, and yeah, I guess at least 8 of them PoE
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05:01.34denonsucker is going to leave a few feet from my head at home
05:02.37denonlooks like adding sfp to a silent poe unit is kinda hard too
05:02.55JTget 2 switches? ;)
05:03.22denonyeah, I might have to, but that's a waste of my prime network board realestate
05:03.35denonall my main gear is getting wall-mounted right in my new office, instead of hidden away
05:03.42denonplenty of airflow, easy to glance at, etc
05:11.34*** join/#asterisk Der-Tim (
05:12.10Der-Timhi there
05:15.28Der-Timdoes anyone has a linksys pap2(t) connected to an asterisk server? got a problem that the calls are established, but there's no voice connection... both sides can't hear each other... there's no natting between pap2 and asterisk, just a direct connection.. i tried g711u and a as codec, but with no luck... any ideas?
05:16.43Strom_CDer-Tim: i've got a linksys ATA
05:16.52Strom_Cnever had a problem like that though
05:17.04Strom_Cpastebin your sip.conf, mask the passwords
05:17.18jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
05:17.59denonheh, so I was looking at this netgear switch ..
05:18.03denonspecs call it fan-less
05:18.17denonbut I see one reviewer who bought 2 .. his second one had a fan
05:18.23denonhe was thrilled, since it ran so much cooler
05:18.32denoncan't please em all
05:23.07Strom_Cdamn my client...brb
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05:24.08Strom_Cok, back
05:24.20Strom_Cpastebin is telling me that's not a valid url
05:24.26Strom_Cplease check it
05:24.40Der-TimStrom_C: sorry, had to delete it once... ;-) missed to mark password
05:25.07Strom_Cwhy do you have "nat=yes" if the device isn't behind nat?
05:25.09Der-TimStrom_C: that's the only relevant regarding that ata device
05:25.22Der-TimStrom_C: good question, haven't seen... ;-)
05:25.35Strom_Cyou did write this config yourself, right?
05:26.30Der-TimStrom_C: no. it's (shame on me) freepbx... but as this issue is (imho) server sided, i choosed to ask here at #asterisk
05:27.34Der-TimStrom_C: very strange for me is, that another sip device with the same config (only cid differs) works just fine...
05:28.11Strom_Cwell, just try that
05:28.20Strom_Cis that other sip device also a linksys ATA?
05:28.34Der-Timno, it's an siemens c450ip dect phone
05:28.50Strom_Cwell, see, then that's not quite the same
05:28.56Strom_Ctry nat=no and see if that fixes it
05:30.00Der-TimStrom_C: but what would the device try, if nat is enabled but not needed?
05:30.14Strom_Cset nat=no in sip.conf
05:30.17Strom_Creload sip on asterisk
05:30.19Strom_Ctry a call
05:31.21Der-TimStrom_C: i changed it, but have to wait till my dad can try it (i'm in office right now)... you mean you're asking for troubleshooting help and you don't even have the equipment in front of you to test?
05:32.01Strom_Cdraws a circle on the wall and prepares to bang his head into it
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05:35.39Der-TimStrom_C: why not? i'm struggling with this since yesterday... and all configuration can be done via vpn... but i don't have hardware access... and this thing needs to run asap, because it's an emergency-dialing device for my dad, who can't call the paramedics, if he needs them... so he only has to push a button and he will get help... but the emergency center needs to hear him or speek to him... so this fixing is more than urgent for him... sorry...
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05:46.23Strom_Cwhat amuses me about all this is that you demand reliability, and yet you're running freepbx
05:46.28Strom_Cand/or trixbox
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05:48.59nicox_did anyone tried php-fast-agi?
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06:43.59codestr0manyone know how to reset a Cisco 7960 with sip firmware.. (I've done it a long time ago), but the directions at don't see correct and haven't worked thus far.. I want to change the I can update the tftp server
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06:51.23truentanyone use gizmoproject+asterisk?
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07:12.59codestr0mnobody awake that knows how to reset sip firmware v6 on a cisco 7960.. (I'm trying to avoid the mess of custom network + weird dhcp settings + tftp)
07:13.31Strom_Cwhat are you trying to "reset" exactly
07:18.16JTcodestr0m: mess, as in you don't want to use tftp provisioning?
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07:21.11codestr0mJT: tftp provisioning is fine, but the old tftp server is a non-local ip I don't have access to anymore.. so I'll have to configure the laptop as a dhcp server with that ip as a tftp. (all offline) I know there's some funky way to just dial the reset command
07:21.35Strom_Ccodestr0m: or you could just punch the tftp server's IP into the phone
07:21.40codestr0mStrom_C: my phone is locked and I need to reset the pw so I can update some settings
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07:28.23codestr0mok. well. going to try this alternative route.. thanks guys. later
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07:34.08ThoMeStrom_M: pscht
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08:00.41pputmanRegarding dtmf cid, this asterisk system is properly detecting the dtmf, however it looks like it's doing it a little late.  the debug errors say it did not detecct caller id, and then I see the callerid start to come through in the DTMF logs (and hear it being dialed).  I've tried toggling cidstart=ring and polarity, I've tried sendcalleridafter=1 and 2, still no luck.  Any ideas?
08:00.49pputmanThis system is in amsterdam, btw.
08:01.17Strom_Mwhat's actually happening on the line?
08:01.25pputmanI'll show you the pastebin.
08:01.34pputmanOh you mean the voltage.
08:01.36Strom_Mi want to know what's actually happening on the phone line
08:01.43Strom_Mnot the voltage
08:01.45Strom_Mthe timing
08:01.53Strom_Mwhat events happen in what order?
08:02.35pputmanStrom_M, Well, first the caller id fails (according to asterisk), and then we start sending the dtmf.
08:02.46pputman(for caller id dtmf)
08:03.03Strom_M...on the line
08:03.05Strom_Mnot in asterisk
08:03.15Strom_Mi don't care about what asterisk is doing at this point
08:03.25pputmanStrom_M, I'm not sure how I would determine that
08:04.03pputmanIf you're asking what I'm hearing when I call it, I hear us dialing dtmf.
08:04.13Strom_Mwell, what's the ring cadence?  at what point does the switch send you caller ID info?
08:04.33pputmanit's sending it immediately, and then I hear a ring, and it answers.
08:04.48Strom_Mso it sends DTMF /before/ the first ring?
08:05.04Strom_Mdoes it reverse polarity before the DTMF?
08:05.33Strom_Mwhat kind of FXO card are you using?
08:05.56pputmanHe's got an 800
08:06.27pputmanStrom_M, yeah, working the night shift
08:06.32Strom_Mam I debugging by proxy, or are you in front of the system?
08:06.44pputmanStrom_M, I'm logged onto it, yes.
08:06.51pputmanI'm not physically in front of it, no
08:06.57Strom_Mpastebin zapata.conf and zaptel.conf
08:13.14Strom_Moh jesus christ on a stick
08:13.23Strom_Myou're not using freepbx/trixbox are you?
08:13.38pputmanStrom_M, btw, this is a trixbox system, but with open source zaptel.  If the configuration is okay on zaptel I'm going to look towards upgrading his asterisk to open source.
08:13.50pputmannon trixbox
08:14.06pputmanhey not my choice =)
08:14.56Strom_Mthere is so much unnecessary shit in this file
08:15.03Strom_Mso so so so so so so much
08:15.19*** join/#asterisk oej (
08:16.31pputmanStrom_M, and I already took out the duplicate channel entries in additional
08:17.53Strom_Myeah, i'm not awake enough to deal with all this crao
08:17.53pputman this could also be helpful
08:18.22pputmanalright, thanks anyways
08:18.26JTfreepbx dialplans are pretty much unreadable
08:18.32JTthey also randomly call some AGIs
08:18.42pputmanyeah, but that isn't the dialplan, as much as the zaptel debug
08:20.25pputmanI'm guessing the problem is probably related to trixbox, I'm going to talk this guy into moving over.
08:25.00hi365Google seems to think that random is "lacking any definite plan or order or purpose".  I wouldnt really say that about FreePBX's agi's
08:25.16*** join/#asterisk LuisTorres (
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08:27.06JThi365: then they're definitely random, they were implemented where completely not in order or having a necessary purpose
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08:29.31hi365JT: personaly I dont like the strain that the agi's add to the system either, but I dont think that the agi's do anything that can be done from the dialplan
08:30.23Strom_Mselect * from wangs where length > 5.75 sort by stoned, gay desc limit 186000;
08:30.51JThi365: pretty sure that whatever the freepbx AGIs do can also be acheived in dialplan
08:30.53pputman... wow
08:31.43pputmanthe agis are only half of it too.  the gotos and tons of different context/macros jumbled around everywhere is bad enough.
08:32.58hi365JT: It would be great to have someone on board that can shape up the agi's, as they dont scale very nicley. From what i've seen thought - most of it cannot be done from the dialplan
08:33.43JThi365: name something
08:34.05hi365pputman: the dialplans are definatly long. very long. I guess that being that most users only see the web gui, it doesnt bother most people (untill they end up here asking for help!)
08:34.32hi365JT: regex's, arrays for starters
08:36.15JTwhat sort of regexs?
08:36.44hi365how good are you with php?
08:37.14JTi was hoping for a simple answer
08:37.18JTlike what do they do
08:37.38JTand i don't really see why they'd need arrays, freepbx does nothing that complex
08:39.03hi365while i dont agree with this script, it may serve as an example.
08:39.23JTwhat about dialpeers.agi
08:39.59hi365i actualy tried to replace it with dialplan, and i might still do it, but then well be back to pputman's poit - very long dialplans (i needed about 15-20 lines for this script)
08:40.57hi365dialparties is 700 lines of php. even if it where in dialplan it would burn anyones eyes out when they see it on pastebin (and it will probably neeed about 500 lines of dialplan - if its even posible to convert!)
08:41.14hi365 <----- i would love to see this in dialplan
08:42.40pputmanhi365, well mind you I wouldn't know how to clean it up, but it just seems the trixbox dial plan is very unorganized from a reader's perspective.  Not just long, but too many goto's, includes, etc...
08:43.11hi365connot easly defend that point
08:43.20JTmost of those lines are comments and php punctuation
08:43.39JTand it could be easily done in way less lines in dialplan if they were designed properly
08:44.51hi365your probably right that MOST of it could be done in dialplan (i havnt checked). but what about the rest that cant?
08:45.22hi365from a dev's point of view - if your allready running the script - might as well do someore stuff there
08:45.59JTname something it does that can't be done in dialplan
08:46.06JTdon't get me wrong, AGI has its uses
08:46.11JTthis is just not one of them
08:46.35hi365again, i havnt reviwed the script, but by glancing at the links i posted some things done seem simple
08:46.42hi365like if, else
08:47.01*** join/#asterisk vgster (n=vgster@
08:47.09hi365try this in dialplan:   $fields = explode(':',$sippheader,2);
08:47.09hi36590         debug("Setting sipheader ".$fields[0].": ".$fields[1], 4);
08:48.22JTyou can manipulate sip headers and write debug messages in dialplan too
08:50.30hi365check out the follow me stuff - how many line of dialplan would that take? and you WILL end up with some sort of string manipulation that just cant be done in asterisk
08:50.59JTdialplan can read databases, still not seeing the problem
08:51.32JTthis is really basic stuff
08:51.41hi365so if your allready writing a script in a language your comfertable with, might as well do some more stuff
08:51.46JTwe're talking about switching things on and off
08:51.53JTmaybe taking a number
08:52.15JTi fail to see how that relates to freepbx being poorly structured
08:52.48hi365again: I havnt reviewed the script. but if its totaly doable in dialplan I would definatly give it a stab some time, as i persoanly much rather long (and cpu efeciant) dialplan that agi's
08:54.12hi365JT: would you like to help out migrating it?
08:54.14JTi don't understand why FastAGI isn't used at a minimum
08:55.02JTusing plain AGI only makes sense for quick and dirty tests
08:55.02hi365how does fast differ?
08:55.04JTnot really, i don't have a vested interest in freepbx atm
08:55.10JTit daemonises the interpreter
08:55.29JTand does not spawn a new interpreter for every single call of every single agi in every call
08:55.34JTsimilar to FastCGI really
08:56.43hi365i will open a feature request for that
09:00.14*** join/#asterisk Aaton (
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09:11.52hi365does XXX in make menuselect mean that the option is selected or that its unavalible?
09:12.52hi365hmm, what is mysqlclient then? (Depends on: mysqlclient(E))
09:15.09pputmanhi365, I would think it just requires the Mysql database client.
09:15.29hi365rpm-qa shows mysql-5.0.22-, so that seems to be installed
09:15.46pputmanhi365, did you do a ./configure afterwards?
09:15.58hi365after i installed mysql? yes
09:16.09digitalironyheh when in make menuselect press "i" for a neat little easteregg
09:16.09pputmanhrm no clue
09:16.26hi365checking for mysql_config... /usr/bin/mysql_config
09:16.36hi365checking for mysql_init in -lmysqlclient... no
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09:17.07ikevini've a little problem while configuring moh
09:17.15hi365digitalirony: sweet
09:17.42ikevini define new class in musiconhold.conf and while i use hold function in a call i've a message: get_mohbyname: Music on Hold class 'default' not found
09:17.58ikevinand i never use the default class in my configs files
09:18.07ikevinanyone know this problem?
09:22.55*** part/#asterisk digitalirony (n=eric@
09:25.12hi365checking for mysql_init in -lmysqlclient... no <----- why would this be no?
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09:33.46hi365was missing mysql-devel
09:34.53JThi365: msql is not the mysql database client
09:35.00JTit is the server
09:35.26hi365the server was in allready installed, installing mysql-devel is what cleared up the issue
09:35.51JTthe dependency wasn't for the server...
09:36.20JTit was for the client
09:36.33hi365seems like the client was there as well
09:37.08hi365(although it got updated...)
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09:48.58ThoMeJT: hi. is it posible with asterisk OR  on elseif ?
09:49.11*** join/#asterisk af_ (
09:49.18ThoMe,GotoIf($["${sipid}" = "8" OR $["${sipid}" = "11"]?6:8)
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10:02.21JTThoMe: don't think that's legal
10:02.47ThoMejoerg no, i mean in the IF a AND or OR ?
10:02.49ThoMeaeh JT
10:03.21ThoMei need two line?
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10:05.41JTthe documentation is always pretty helpful to read
10:06.08ThoMeJT: muy bien, gracias
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10:09.34ThoMeJT: exten => 2128293,n,GotoIf($["${sipid}" = "8" | "${sipid}" = "11"]?sipid-eingabe:spy)
10:09.38ThoMeis it correcto or?
10:10.36JTThoMe: why don't you try it?
10:10.57ThoMeJT: sorry, i am stupid. work now!
10:11.50ThoMeJT: sorry.
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10:45.49codestr0mFor those I'm not boring with my questions.. I can't set a stun server on this Cisco 7960.. can anyone give feedback on 1) chan_sccp for both quality/reliability and 2) does SCCP work better with nat.. I can register and call fine, but inbound isn't working and I don't have control over the router to do port forwarding.. suggestions?
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10:58.25ThoMehö, why this?
10:58.26ThoMeJun 12 12:58:01 WARNING[16728]: pbx.c:1720 pbx_extension_helper: No application 'MeetMe' for extension (eingehend, 6094728, 4)
10:58.59*** join/#asterisk tiav (
10:59.36DonAlexThoMe: That app_meetme is not loaded?
10:59.44ThoMeDonAlex: how i can load this?
10:59.47DonAlextry module load app_meetme
11:00.11DonAlexThoMe: From the CLI of course.. :)
11:00.34s0ckwhen asterisk crashes
11:00.38ThoMeUnable to load module app_meetme
11:00.39ThoMeJun 12 13:00:20 WARNING[16791]: loader.c:326 __load_resource: /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/app_meetme: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
11:00.40s0ckwhere is the best place to find a log...
11:00.45ThoMeDonAlex: you mean this?
11:00.52DonAlexThoMe: Means the module is missing.
11:01.01ThoMeoh, why this?
11:01.05s0cki've moved my pbx onto another pstn line and i tried an outbound call and (never seen this before) it locked asterisk
11:01.15s0ckwith some mumbo jumbo on screen
11:01.18DonAlexThoMe: should be in /usr/lib/asterisk/modules
11:01.41DonAlexThoMe:  if it is not and you compile from source then I suggest you did not enable it's build.
11:02.08pputmans0ck, what type of card?
11:02.09DonAlexThoMe: If you are using a distro I'd check to see what package that is included in
11:02.11ThoMeservetux:/usr/src/isdn/mittwoch/asterisk-1.2.24/apps# ls |grep meet
11:02.17ThoMeis it posible onl.y this compile?
11:03.14DonAlexThoMe: Not sure to be honest... I am not using 1.2 asterisk.. and have not for a long time.. cannot recall what the build process is like..
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11:03.22DonAlexAnone else here have a clue though ?
11:03.48s0ckpputman: aex805e (new tdm analogue card)
11:04.21pputmans0ck, what version of asterisk and zaptel?
11:04.52ThoMewhy is meetmet not compile if i run "make" ?
11:05.44s0ckAsterisk 1.4.19-1
11:05.57s0ckZaptel Version:
11:06.53pputmans0ck, I would compile both the latest builds, and if you have any issues after that email please.
11:07.41pputmanbut as far as how to tell why asterisk is crashing, you'd probably have to compile it with debugging and get a core dump.
11:08.11s0cksigh, i only changed the line :|
11:08.24s0ckdigium did help me set gain on the other line, might it cause an issue on the new line?
11:08.57s0ckand the only other thing which has changed is my voice prompts, i doubt that would do it...
11:09.00pputmans0ck, anything's possible, there could be a bug with gains.
11:09.12s0cki will take the gain off the driver and retry now
11:09.26pputmanhowever it shouldn't crash the system
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11:18.25s0ckvfs_ioctl / sys_ioctl
11:18.35s0ckanother page full of random looking numbers and calls
11:18.53viraptorhi - could someone tell me what's the current status of ztdummy and related stuff? do I need to think about it on ast-1.4.11 & kernel-2.6.18 if I want conferences to work properly? or should I just load rtc?
11:20.51*** part/#asterisk Kumbang (
11:21.29s0ckit aint the line
11:21.46s0ckdoes it with it unplugged lol
11:21.50s0ckhow bizarre
11:22.19s0cki updated asterisk and zaptel yesterday and voice prompts
11:22.22s0ckmusta broke it
11:23.22pputmans0ck, definitely sounds like a zaptel bug.
11:23.30pputmanI would get 1.4.11
11:24.00ThoMehow i can show me all modules
11:24.04ThoMewhich loadet on asterisk?
11:24.40pputmanfrom the asterisk cli:  show modules
11:27.51s0ckok, thanks pputman
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11:49.46flushhow would i record incoming calls automatically
11:49.59flushi have set up asterisk so when i press 9 before number it records the call, but for incomming calls i dont know.. any idea
11:50.06Maliutarecord as in audio record? or CDR record
11:50.28s0ckpputman: 1.4.11 = worked a charm :)
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11:54.39pputmans0ck, awesome.
11:55.02flushMaliuta record like in .wav
11:55.47*** join/#asterisk WildPikachu (n=WildPika@about/linux/staff/wildpikachu)
11:56.10WildPikachuis it easy instead of dialing simultaneously out of two zap channels to dial the second if the first one is congested?
11:57.17Maliutaflush: look at monitor() in the book
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11:57.39pputmanWildPikachu, yes, you can assign in your zapata.conf a group, like group=1, and then in your dial string, you will just exten => s,1,Dial(zap/g1/18885555555).  That way it will dial out the first available channel.
11:57.56WildPikachuyea, i got two groups sorry  :)
11:58.09WildPikachug0 and g1 .... if it dials on g0 and its congested i want it to fall back to g1
11:58.37pputmanWildPikachu, you'd have to write dialplan that checked if group 1 was availabe with chanisavail maybe?
11:58.54WildPikachuah, thanks ... i was wondering if there was a smart trick  ;)
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13:05.31jack_sparohi when i upgraded from asterisk 1.2 to asterisk 1.4 zap stopped working, any idea please?
13:05.44lmadsendid you upgrade zap as well?
13:05.48mvanbaakdid you also upgrade zaptel ?
13:05.51mvanbaaklol lmadsen
13:05.59yangif I defined sip as user, i cannot see the lag response , unlike in peer, is there a special command for it?
13:06.11lmadsenmvanbaak: :)
13:06.15mvanbaakyang: qualify=yes
13:06.15yanghi lmadsen
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13:06.22jack_sparowhen im trying to upgrade zap it is giving me kernal erros
13:06.25yangmvanbaak: I do have this in all
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13:06.55[TK]D-Fenderjack_sparo: pastebin is your friend.... make sure you've got the proper headers for the kernel you're running
13:07.07nicoxdid anyone tried fastagi-php?
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13:07.24yangmvanbaak: just changed all phones from type=friend to type=user and lost the status section
13:07.47jack_sparolmadsen what u think dude?
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13:09.25jack_sparoyou do not appear appear to have the sources for the 2.6.9-34.0.1.ELsmp kernal installed
13:10.16[TK]D-Fenderjack_sparo: "yum install kernel*"
13:10.24lmadsenyum install kernel-devel
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13:12.35jack_sparoi already tried it
13:13.01jack_sparoit installs it
13:13.01mvanbaakyang: I see. why did you do that ?
13:13.03mvanbaakhey russellb
13:13.13jack_sparoand when i try to recompile zaptel it gives me the same error
13:13.28lmadsenjack_sparo: unless that is an older kernel that you're runnign than for what is actually out -- you'll need to specify the correct kernel-devel package for the kernel
13:13.51lmadsenlike:  yum install kernel-devel-2.6.9-34.0.1.ELsmp  (or whatever the format should be)
13:14.00lmadsenwaves at russellb
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13:16.10mike-ekimcan someone help me troubleshoot CDR, it is not writing to tables, all teh configuration with usernames and passwords are correct
13:16.16mike-ekimany recommendation or debug tool that I can run?
13:17.12lmadsenmike-ekim: usually when that happens, it's a table configuration problem -- you'll want to check the logs of your DB in order to determine what Asterisk is writing, and what the DB doesn't like
13:17.28lmadsenespecially if you're doing it via ODBC - you won't be able to debug that from the asterisk side
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13:18.19mike-ekimbut no changes have occured
13:18.29mike-ekimis there any file in asterisk configuration that contains information of how it writes to the tables?
13:18.33lmadsenthat is untrue :)
13:18.35mike-ekimcause that is only thing I can think of that was changed
13:18.44lmadsenI didn't understand that you had this working before
13:18.52mike-ekimhehe yeah
13:18.58mike-ekimonly things that have changed, are configuration files in /etc/asterisk
13:19.24lmadsenmike-ekim: the source code contains *how* it writes to the tables...
13:19.58lmadsenruns off to do some work for customers
13:20.49yangmvanbaak: I was readng the manual wanted to sorted the things correct, I am changing now the phones back to type=friend
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13:56.58dienoexten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Set(TIMEOUT(absolute)=5)      exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,n,Dial,IAX2/rapidvox/${EXTEN}        can any please tell me why is that absolutetimeout not working i mean where am i mistaking
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13:59.17dienohelo jack_sparo
13:59.31[TK]D-Fenderdieno: You want to make that call last for 5 seconds?
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13:59.59[TK]D-Fenderdieno: So you call, they answer, and you can talk forever?
14:00.01jack_sparowhen i call in the zap channels are not opening, the ivr is not starting,
14:00.01jack_sparohow can i check what is wrong\
14:00.19[TK]D-Fenderjack_sparo: You didn't describe WHAT was wrong.
14:01.23jack_sparowhen i call in, zap channels are not starting
14:01.26jack_sparonot answering the call
14:01.28[TK]D-Fenderjack_sparo: pastebin the CLI output of a failed attempt at verbose 10, and include your zapata.conf and extensions.congf
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14:02.13dandreI have a strange behaviour: on an inbound call on a zap channel, the call is answer after the dialparty hungup.
14:02.37DavidR2008is it possible to kill IAX2 channels?
14:02.38DavidR2008I issue a "core show channels" and I see this line:
14:02.40DavidR2008Channel              Location             State   Application(Data)
14:02.41DavidR2008IAX2/ R800488720018395@inc Up      Festival(Running in developmen
14:02.43DavidR2008this channel has been stuck in Festival for almost 18 hours, I tried a "soft hangup IAX2/" but I got:
14:02.44DavidR2008IAX2/ is not a known channel
14:02.50[TK]D-Fenderdandre: Lack of hangup detection, and answered before * knows the line has stopped "ringing" (caught in between rings)
14:03.14[TK]D-FenderDavidR2008: "soft hangup [channel]"
14:03.38[TK]D-FenderDavidR2008: the channel you see there is truncated, and not the full channel name in all ccases.
14:03.48dandrethe call isn't answer until the party hungup
14:03.50[TK]D-FenderDavidR2008: to fit the column layout.  use "core show channels concise"
14:04.12[TK]D-Fenderdandre: Still sounds like a race condition to me.
14:04.23dieno[TK]D-Fender i am looking to do something like that but using something like that exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,n,Dial(IAX2/rapidvox/${EXTEN},30,L(5000)) because if we use L(5000) it implements call limit after second party receives and in case of absolute it starts when 1st party receives and waiting for 2nd party to receive or drop but limit will goes on as absolute implement
14:04.39*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
14:04.40dandrewhat do you mean?
14:05.08[TK]D-Fenderdandre: your issue is between hangup detection and timing for ringing, etc.
14:05.22DavidR2008[TK]D-Fender: thx! that soved the soft hangup error, but the channel didn't die.
14:05.38[TK]D-FenderDavidR2008: Try killing each end.
14:06.07*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki (
14:06.10[TK]D-Fenderdieno: Sorry, you are becoming hard to follow.  Try rewording what is not working, and how exactly it is that you WANT it to work.
14:06.12*** join/#asterisk nicox (
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14:06.48DavidR2008The other end doesn't exist, which is why I have a problem.
14:06.57dienook need to implement call limit using AbsoluteTimeout :D for Outbound
14:07.07[TK]D-FenderDavidR2008: Hrm, so soft hangup tried to kill it and jsut failed?
14:07.23*** join/#asterisk Titanous (n=titanous@unaffiliated/titanous)
14:07.33[TK]D-Fenderdieno: pastebin a call attempt at verbose 10 and an Absolute limit set.
14:07.39jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
14:07.41Titanousis there any way to change the SIP useragent for one peer?
14:07.47dienook koool
14:07.49dienolet me
14:07.54[TK]D-FenderTitanous: Nope.
14:08.01DavidR2008[TK]D-Fender: well it said: Requested Hangup on channel 'IAX2/' but it's still there
14:08.31[TK]D-FenderDavidR2008: Yeah, sometimes things just hang.  Can't really advise any further on this beyond suggesting restarting *
14:09.04*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=angeldav@
14:10.02DavidR2008[TK]D-Fender: I got it from the other direction, I could see that it was stuck in festival so I ps -e found the festival pid and killed that, then the channel went away.
14:10.15DavidR2008thx for the help!
14:10.16[TK]D-FenderDavidR2008: :)
14:10.35[TK]D-FenderDavidR2008: Dirty, and I feel just a little slow for not having immediately come to that idea myself...
14:10.43jack_sparo[TK]D-Fender dude?
14:11.00DavidR2008[TK]D-Fender: sometimes you have to play dirty ;-)
14:11.08[TK]D-Fenderjack_sparo: FreePBX is NOT supported in here.
14:11.28*** join/#asterisk viperdude (n=jon@
14:11.29jack_sparoregardless freepbx dude
14:11.32[TK]D-FenderDavidR2008: Totally.
14:11.35jack_sparoi have zap problems
14:11.42viperdudehi guys
14:11.48viperdudeany ideas what causes chan_sip.c:1921 retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded on transmission
14:12.10[TK]D-Fenderjack_sparo: You've shown no debug, no configs, or much else.
14:12.31[TK]D-Fenderviperdude: * trying until it gives up.  typically a networking issue
14:12.32jack_sparobut when i call in
14:12.34jack_sparonothing happens
14:12.50jack_sparohow can i check if zaptel is running or not?
14:13.00[TK]D-Fenderjack_sparo: "zap debug" <-
14:13.01viperdude[TK]D-Fender: this happens as soon as the called party answers
14:13.17[TK]D-Fenderviperdude: probably a reinvite type issue
14:13.22jack_sparoNo such command 'zap debug' (type 'help' for help)
14:13.27[TK]D-Fenderviperdude: NAT involved I'd bet
14:13.28viperdudebut there is no latency or dropped packets and only happens with Funkwerk IP50 phones
14:13.39[TK]D-Fenderjack-turn up core debug to 10 and retry
14:13.42viperdudeno NAT it is a PWAN
14:13.54[TK]D-Fenderviperdude: what PWAN?  thats a new one for me...
14:14.01jack_sparoit is set verbose 10
14:14.06*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
14:14.07viperdudePrivate WAN
14:14.17[TK]D-Fenderjack_sparo: DEBUG 10, not VERBOSE 10.
14:14.30[TK]D-Fenderviperdude: same subnet?
14:14.39viperdudeno diffrent subnets
14:14.39*** join/#asterisk kombi (
14:14.40[TK]D-Fenderjack_sparo: "set debug 10" <-
14:14.50[TK]D-Fenderviperdude: Check your localnet clause.
14:15.19viperdudephones asterisk
14:15.33*** join/#asterisk Madkiss (i=madkiss@freenode/staff-emeritus/madkiss)
14:15.35Madkisshi all.
14:15.40*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
14:15.54[TK]D-Fenderjack_sparo: And provide your configs.
14:16.18kombihow do I know the gateway accepted me after an iax2 reload?
14:16.21Madkissjust a simple question; if somebody is calling me, and i am calling at that moment, i hear that somebody is calling by the knocking ...
14:16.31[TK]D-Fenderkombi: "iax show registry"
14:16.35[TK]D-Fenderkombi: "iax2 show registry"
14:16.36viperdude[TK]D-Fender: wjhat should i set localnet to? the or ?
14:16.38Madkisswhat i want to achieve is that if I don't answer that knocking within five seconds, the caller should be redirected to another queue
14:16.43kombithanks fender!
14:16.50[TK]D-Fenderviperdude: Each on their own line.
14:16.57viperdudeaha ok
14:17.06*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
14:17.28*** join/#asterisk kamanashisroy (n=kamanash@
14:18.06[TK]D-FenderMadkiss: Is htis first call coming from a Queue?
14:18.36*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
14:18.37Madkiss[TK]D-Fender: what do you mean exactly?
14:18.53jayteewonders how [TK]D-Fender manages to make a living since he spends so much time in here helping people for free.
14:18.56[TK]D-FenderMadkiss: Hos is this first call reaching you?  What is "knocking"?
14:19.09jack_sparo[TK]D-Fender not working
14:19.26[TK]D-Fenderjack_sparo: And you haven't provided any of the other things I've requested.
14:19.34Madkiss[TK]D-Fender: I heare that "knock"-sound which tells me that there is somebody trying to call me while I am having a call myself
14:19.55[TK]D-FenderMadkiss: you mean your phone's
14:20.03[TK]D-Fender"call waiting" indicator?
14:20.08*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
14:20.27[TK]D-FenderMadkiss: So the call is arriving via a normal "extension" in your dialplan?
14:20.30Madkissi want to configure asterisk so that if I don't answer the waiting call within 5 seconds, the caller is redirected to another group
14:20.34Madkiss[TK]D-Fender: yes.
14:21.19*** join/#asterisk spokra (
14:21.31*** join/#asterisk xnosx (n=xnosx@
14:21.41[TK]D-FenderMadkiss: Then before you dial your phone, use "Chanisavail to see if you are on the phone.  If so, dial with 5 sec timeout, then move on toa  Queue, etc.  If not, dial with normal timeout and send to wherever else you'd want it to do if unanswered.
14:22.03*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
14:22.12Madkiss[TK]D-Fender: that is neat.
14:23.17*** join/#asterisk PodMan99a (
14:23.36kombiHow do I debug an iax connection? Can one test one's credentials somehow?
14:23.50PodMan99ahey all im gettiong  Got SIP response 500 "Internal Server Error" back from ..... from my asterisk server... two polycom 430's asterisk is in remote location so using nat
14:24.06PodMan99aany ideas?
14:24.47[TK]D-FenderPodMan99a: You can ignore those.  Polycom's tend to spit those out after having transfered a call or something-or-other.  Its harmless.  They do tend to clear up after a while though.
14:25.21jack_sparoasterisk1*CLI> zap show channels
14:25.23PodMan99ayea problem is when i answer the call cli shows ive answered and hold music stops but the call is still saying ringing on my phone
14:25.23jack_sparoNo such command 'zap show' (type 'help' for help)
14:26.34PodMan99anat and sip suck or is it me?
14:26.45*** join/#asterisk mosty (
14:27.01[TK]D-Fenderjack_sparo: "load"
14:27.11*** join/#asterisk Dio_ (
14:27.28[TK]D-FenderPodMan99a: if SIP is involved, you do have to set up * to accomodate :
14:27.30jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
14:27.57PodMan99aumm... thanks [TK]D-Fender will investigate
14:28.21Dio_hello, is there murf around?
14:28.40[TK]D-Fenderjack_sparo: that doesn't tell me that you've even initialzed zaptel or configured your channels...
14:29.48jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
14:29.51Dio_or may be anybody who is in contact with him?
14:30.14Madkiss[TK]D-Fender: do you have an example for the isavail-stuff?
14:30.29[TK]D-FenderMadkiss: "core show application ChanIsAvail"
14:31.39Madkiss[TK]D-Fender: this doesn't perfectly help me. hm
14:32.07[TK]D-FenderMadkiss: How so?  Read the instructions  It will tell you what it returns so you can see if you're on a call already.
14:32.53*** join/#asterisk aksyn (n=aksyn@
14:33.11anonymouz666[TK]D-Fender: do you know if SPA3102 can switch the FXS to FXO line through a code? Just pickup the FXS dial a code and then get the tone
14:33.32mostyanonymouz666, that device has a dialplan of sorts
14:33.46mostyi'm not sure how powerful it is
14:33.48[TK]D-Fenderanonymouz666: Think so.
14:33.57[TK]D-Fenderanonymouz666: Its pretty powerful.
14:39.36James|TCCafternoon guys :)
14:39.41*** part/#asterisk Dio_ (
14:39.57anonymouz666yeah, this is important becase you get a call in FXO line and don't need to forward to asterisk box. Just forward to the local FXSs. It has the bad sides (when the call don't going through *, like monitor etc) and at least you don't miss the call if the internet goes down.
14:41.13*** join/#asterisk ^shark_ (n=^shark_@
14:42.29^shark_is it possible to connect my asterisk box to an analog telephone line or telephone phone, and what else would i need?
14:42.34*** join/#asterisk jpeeler (n=jpeeler@asterisk/digium-software-dev/jpeeler)
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14:45.48flush^shark_ you need a fxo module to plug in the wall line and fxs module(s) to plug your normal phones in
14:47.41kombivoovox -> I'm doing the simplest test: try connecting with x-lite and it keeps giving me 404, what is wrong?
14:48.15*** join/#asterisk BBHoss (
14:49.02mosty"user not found"
14:49.27^shark_flush: thanks mate.
14:49.42kombimosty: log says "unknown host"..
14:50.08flush^shark_ np.. i think a good card is TDM400P
14:50.23flushyou can have 4 modules on it, like 1 phone line with 3 phones or 2 phone lines with 2 phones and stuff
14:50.51mostykombi, can you ping the host?
14:51.02kombilike a charm..
14:51.32mostyrun tshark on the asterisk box, verify that you can see the incoming sip packets
14:51.58BBHosskombi: i'm late to the party, whats the problem?
14:52.30kombican't connect to voovox, neither with * or softphone, keep getting 404s
14:52.52BBHossgot a sip trace?
14:53.15kombiBBHoss: what's that?
14:53.23BBHossguess not :)
14:53.42BBHossthe output of trying to call or connect when "sip debug" is enabled
14:53.58kombioh, ok, I try that
14:54.08BBHossalso the console logs
14:54.14BBHosspastebin them
14:55.47James|TCChow do i configure IMAP_STORAGE, it says it relies on imap_tk, which i cant find
14:56.13mostyyou need to download and compile the imap package from
14:56.14James|TCCis that a part of asterisk, or an additional app?
14:56.19James|TCCok thanks
14:56.32mostyi think it's mentioned in the readme file in the asterisk source
14:57.14flushyo any ways to have nfs setup on asterisk so i can share my recorded calls over the lan
14:57.17*** join/#asterisk putnopvut (n=putnopvu@
14:57.17*** mode/#asterisk [+o putnopvut] by ChanServ
14:57.17mostyit's compiled into asterisk statically, so you need to point the configure script at the dir you compiled in
14:57.49mostyflush, you can just setup nfs or samba for the correct location, asterisk won't know or care
14:58.34*** join/#asterisk xnosx (n=xnosx@
14:58.35James|TCCthe word 'imap' doesnt appear in the lastest readme mosty :(
14:59.33mostythen look in ./configure --help, and google for imap
14:59.36flushhrm.. it has to have a nfsd running so it can share files
14:59.37flushno ??
15:00.07PodMan99a[TK]D-Fender, thanks for the SIP tip works BRILL NOW!! thanks
15:00.14mostyflush, yeah but that's completely separate to asterisk. you just tell nfsd which directory to share
15:00.22flushyar kk
15:00.36flushcause i did the mistake to install asterisk@home.. i dont know if its missing stuff so i can compile nfsd
15:00.43flushsorry im a newb
15:01.00mostyi have no idea what you're talking about now
15:01.00*** join/#asterisk philippel (
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15:06.08*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
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15:07.57nephflhello, im using vtwhite and my ivr dies after a few seconds it says it hung not sure how to resolve it..can someone help me out?
15:10.36*** join/#asterisk mintee (n=mintone@
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15:10.53ManxPowerNever heard of vtwhite
15:11.14nephflvtwhite is the wholesale provider for viatalk
15:11.21minteewhat's currently proper?   Goto(someexten,s,1) or Goto(someexten|s|1)
15:12.06kombithis is driving me nuts, there is only host, user and passwd. Is voovox trash?
15:12.46kombimintee: no more pipes allowed in 1.6
15:13.00minteekombi, cool, thanks
15:15.39kombihow do you telnet into sip?
15:16.54BBHossheh, its UDP, you'd need to use netcat for that
15:18.36*** join/#asterisk defswork (
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15:22.32*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
15:23.50*** join/#asterisk mike-ekim (
15:23.57mike-ekimwhat does it mean to: 1 - Set your RxCodec to 3
15:23.57mike-ekim2 - Set your TxCodec to 3
15:23.58mike-ekim3 - Set your LBRCodec to 3
15:23.58mike-ekim4 - Set your AudioMode to 0x00140014
15:24.23mike-ekimwhat changes need to be made to sip.conf for this??
15:25.18BBHosswhat is txcodec3?
15:25.37kombiwhich port does sip authenticate on?
15:26.18*** join/#asterisk dlynes (n=chatzill@
15:26.23BBHosstelnet will not work
15:26.59dlynesAnyone know what the error 'check_auth: username mismatch, have <4923049>, digest has <something_else>' means?
15:28.01dlynesAnd then 'handle_request_invite: Failed to authenticate user "Caller ID Name" <;tag=3098423'
15:28.43BBHosswell, obviously, the auth is failing
15:28.58BBHossthats weird looking though
15:29.57dlynesb b Hoss:  I was looking for something other than the blatantly obvious...I know the authentication is failing....I just don't know why
15:30.58dlynesI can call into the phone; I just can't dial out on it...and I'm thinking the caller id is being interpreted as teh username for some reason
15:31.30BBHosshave you tried a basic dial command from the cli, bypassing extensions.conf?
15:31.49ManxPowerDo you have more than one phone behind a NAT?
15:32.08dlynesManxPower: yes....I've got several mediatrix boxes connected to an asterisk box
15:32.13BBHosslike "originate SIP/12565551212@myprovider application playback tt-monkeys"
15:32.21ManxPowerBBHoss: the CLI dial command only works if you have a sound card installed and all the Asterisk libs are istalled
15:32.22dlynesManxPower: then i've got the asterisk box placing sip calls to another asterisk box that's not behind a firewall
15:32.30BBHossi mean originate
15:32.45ManxPowerdlynes: maybe if you pasted the ACTUAL error?
15:34.26dlynes[Jun 12 08:35:09] WARNING[14092]: chan_sip.c:8377 check_auth: username mismatch, have <7783730263>, digest has <hamlets_ws>
15:35.04BBHossdlynes: have you tried the originate command?
15:35.22dlynes[Jun 12 08:35:09] NOTICE[14092]: chan_sip.c:13815 handle_request_invite: Failed to authenticate user "Guest Suite 2" <;tag=as25c4c5ed
15:35.49iratikpermission to ask a n00b question? I've got 2 sip trunks setup with two other providers, just signed up with vtwhite and voipinvite... on both of them I don't get full duplex audio, its only one way. I would usually assume that must be the firewall, but then why would the other 2 sip trunking providers be working fine, rtp ports are open ... I can't find my asterisk bible, and either way... what is a good process for debugging this? ...
15:35.49iratikcore set verbose gives way too much info ... I can paste the sip show peer information .... any ideas ?
15:36.10dlynesb b hoss: no; I don't have alsa or oss libs installed, a speaker, a microphone, or any of that stuff; it's all running on a headless box
15:36.24jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
15:36.38ManxPowerdlynes: is the incoming call from another Asterisk server, or from some other device?
15:36.47dlynesManxPower: from another asterisk box
15:37.01BBHossdlynes you don't need that for originate
15:37.10dlynesManxPower: it's dialing SIP/peername/${EXTEN}
15:37.12ManxPowerdlynes: you need a fromuser= on the remote box, set it the same to whatever this box is expecting
15:37.18beekiratik: Typical NAT problem
15:37.24jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
15:37.52ManxPowerdlynes: Yup, that's what you need to do.  without fromuser= the sending asterisk will use the username in the callerid info, and since that info varies with each call.....
15:38.44dlynesManxPower: beautiful...that's exactly what i needed
15:38.48dlynesManxPower: thanks, man
15:39.27dlynesManxPower: I'm used to doing pure analog installs with sip phones
15:39.40dlynesManxPower: but now i'm building care homes with all analog extensions and no analog lines
15:39.58dlynesManxPower: everyything's all sip trunks
15:40.17ManxPowerdlynes: InterAsterisk using SIP is only slightly more comlicated than using IAX2
15:40.24ManxPowerThere is no such thing as a SIP trunk
15:40.50BBHossdlynes: BTW you don't need ALSA or OSS to use originate, I have a headless debian server in a colo that it bare-bones, and i run originate all the time
15:40.59BBHossdial, yes, originate, no
15:41.20ManxPowerBBHoss: 1.4 was the first version with a CLI originate command
15:42.11BBHossis dlynes using 1.2?
15:42.30dlynesManxPower: sip trunk as in simulating a PRI using SIP...they're basically running a dedicated, leased network to the telco
15:42.33ManxPowerdlynes: feel free to send me large sums of money via PayPal to
15:42.59ManxPowerdlynes: Here we call those sip peers
15:43.28*** join/#asterisk tobias (
15:43.34dlynesBBHoss: no...using 1.4; we could probably get by with 1.2, for that matter...not using blf or anything like that
15:44.03dlynesManxPower: yeah...that's what I call them too...I just got accustomed to calling them sip trunks because that's what this particular provider calls them
15:44.07BBHossdlynes: just thought i missed something since ManxPower said something about 1.4 being first for originate
15:44.39*** join/#asterisk esaym (
15:44.40ManxPowerdlynes: the provder could call them "Zebras" and be just as technically accurate as calling them "SIP Trunks".
15:44.43jbottrunk is, like, a word with varying definitions.  In Asterisk, a trunk is a "stream of UDP packets containing IAX2 frames from more than 1 call"; in telecom, a trunk is a "single voice channel between two pieces of switching equipment."; in Ethernet a trunk carries more than one 802.1q VLAN.  There is no such thing as a "SIP Trunk" -- Don't use the term.
15:44.43dlynesBBHoss: that's probably because there's a lot of asterisk boxes out there with large installs that sys admins refuse to downgrade to 1.4
15:44.45BBHossoriginate can help alot, you can pin down where your problems are a bit easier, rule out your config
15:44.56BBHossdlynes downgrade?
15:45.01iratikbeek: Thanks for the link to the book, but the book didn't help me any ... I searched for all references to NAT and Network Address Translation, there are two instances , on p190 and p185 .. they just describe what nat is and why it is a problem for sip ..... I don't even have an actual router ... there is a firewall.. but no NAT involved
15:45.18dlynesBBHoss: I've found in general 1.4 is a hell of a lot more unstable than 1.2
15:45.27ManxPowerBBHoss: Many people, myself included, think 1.4 is less stable than 1.2
15:45.41dlynesBBHoss: I've only been using 1.4 because 1.2 didn't have the features I needed
15:45.49iratikthere is a router on our network, but the PBX .. isn't using it as a gateway ... its using a direct connection to our T1 gateway... (which is a cisco router) ... but its not doing NAT
15:46.04BBHossi haven't had any trouble with 1.4, never used 1.2 except on shitbox, but i don't use zaptel.  often zaptel is usually the culprit for bad bugs
15:46.07dlynesBBHoss: but with all these mediatrix installs, I don't really need 1.4
15:46.26dlynesBBHoss: no...lots of stuff in 1.4 is buggy...not just zaptel
15:46.48jblackI'm still getting complaints about "noise" from the pri. It doesn't like noise to me, but more like dropped packets. I have some representative calls at . I would love some useful suggestions
15:46.58jbotEcho Canceler Freak Out, this happens when the rxgain is too high and the echo canceler freaks out.  Some users describe it as "screeching", "feedback", "static", or other useless terms.  If users report "static" on a system where there cannot be static (all digital, PRI, SIP, etc), you might be experiencing ECFO. what happens when the echo canceller suddenly realises its a crappy design based on a half baked 20 year old apps note.
15:47.11ManxPowerjblack: ~ecfo was for you
15:47.13BBHossdlynes i must just be lucky then
15:47.15flushyo got question
15:47.36ManxPowerjblack: could easily be a sync source issue.  Do you have a 1 in the end field of any of your spans?
15:47.47dlynesBBHoss: do you use shared line appearance?  blf?  have any large installs?  have a lot of sip phones?
15:48.02ManxPowerdlynes: BLF works in 1.2, we use it
15:48.03Qwelldlynes: have you reported any bugs?
15:48.16BBHossi dont use SLA or BLF, not really any big installs (like over 20 phones)
15:48.29dlynesQwell: yes
15:48.39jblackAnd misconfiguration of the rhino r1t1 is very possible. It was the first time I set one up, and I didn't know what I was doing, and I couldn't find good docs.
15:48.41ManxPowerQwell: you know that all the easy to diagnose bugs were fixed long ago, the only ones left are the really hard ones to diagnose -- like race conditions and the like
15:48.43dlynesQwell: I've reported lots of bugs...most of them have been fixed
15:48.45flushwhen i call my mom i have to pass through a central so it doesnt cost me annything, i have this in extensions.conf;    exten => 1,1,Dial(${OUTBOUNDTRUNK}/1234567890mmm1234567890,,mwW)
15:49.05dlynesQwell: the only ones that haven't been fixed are ones I haven't reported because I haven't been able to figure out what's causing it
15:49.06flushthe thing is, when it calls the central at first, it has music on hold, but whne central bounces me to the other phone number i hear rigning instead of music
15:49.08ManxPowerflush: "m" is not a dial char
15:49.10flushwhats the matter?
15:49.14*** join/#asterisk km2 (
15:49.20flushits to wait i think i have it there..
15:49.24jblackI'll throw my zaptel and zapata confs on pastebin.
15:49.28flushi have to wait for the tone before i compose the other number
15:49.31dlynesQwell: and I pretty much know that if I can't replicate the problem, the developers probably won't be able to fix the problem
15:49.47ManxPowerflush: the far end is answering the call and sending you ringing audio
15:50.00ManxPowerflush: since "m" does not wait......
15:50.01flushso theres nothing i can do?
15:50.08flushwhat do i use to wait? cause it actually works..
15:50.10ManxPowerPehaps you are looking for the "w" dial char, which pauses for .5 seconds
15:50.15flushi want a like 1 sec wait
15:50.24ManxPowerthen use two of them
15:50.24BBHossiratik: so you're using the T1 for phone calls, or is it a data t1?
15:50.28flushthanks a lot
15:50.34iratikBBHoss: data T1
15:50.37jblackzaptel.conf and zaptel.conf to go with (
15:50.46ManxPowerflush: in fact, there is nothing you can do, the far end answers (to get the auth code, I assume)
15:51.16BBHossiratik: so all the computers behing the cisco router have public ips?
15:51.18flushhrm, on the asterisk Dial options page i see this; w: Allow the called user to start recording after pressing *1 or what defined in features.conf (Asterisk v1.2.x); requires Set(DYNAMIC_FEATURES=automon)
15:51.36flushyou say its a .5 sec delay?, why they say its about recording options there?
15:51.50ManxPowerflush: that stuff is all last on the dial line, those are OPTIONS.  "w" in the dial STRING is a WAIT
15:51.51iratikBBHoss: there is only one computer behind the router ... or more accurately .. one computer that uses the router as a gateway ...... our PBX has a public ip yes.
15:52.07jblackBased on what you said a few minutes ago, it's probably worth mentioning that the r1t1 module (which is supposed to have echo cancellation built in) is being run without any options. I believe there's an echo cancellation option "ec=1" that I'm not using, as the module wasn't loading wtih it
15:52.08flushk thanks
15:52.08iratikWe have a separate internet connection for non-VOIP traffic through a separate router
15:52.21ManxPoweri.e.  Dial(Zap/g1/5551212wwww1234,,w)  The first w's are waits, the w at the end is for other stuff
15:52.49BBHossiratik: so no ports are being blocked?  no iptables running somewhere forgotten?
15:52.53*** join/#asterisk Strom_C (n=strom@
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15:53.00iratikBBHoss: yes there is an iptables configuration
15:53.07iratikon the pbx.. after all. its a public ip
15:53.18BBHossi find firewalls nearly useless
15:53.26flushManxPower do you know where i can find those options within the dial command, since on the page i dont see anything else but commands at the end
15:53.47BBHossbest use is access control, so only certain ip ranges can access services
15:53.47iratikbut if it were the firewall, wouldn't all my sip traffic be non-functioning... instead of just with certain providers ? there is no IP-address based restrictions on the chain rules
15:53.59ManxPowerflush: I have never seen them documented in the offical docs
15:54.07iratikBBHoss: I like that too
15:54.09jbotrumour has it, zaptel is zapata telephony interface. A low level interface designed to abstract hardware access to a variety of devices for BRI, PRI or analogue access. a phone card company
15:54.12dlynesQwell: I've even submitted code to fix deficiencies in the asterisk code, as well
15:54.27iratikBBHoss: disable the firewall and see if that fixes it?
15:54.32dlynesQwell: but that's only been for new behaviour; not bug fixes
15:54.34BBHossiratik: why dont you try disabling iptables temporarily and see if it works, if it does, then you know where your problem lies
15:54.48Qwellsaying "1.4 is buggy" does not help the problem
15:54.56ManxPowerflush: the Wiki is filled with incorrect, outdated, and just plain wrong information.  You do not use it as a referance for Asterisk apps.
15:55.10ManxPoweryou use "core show application X" as the reference for Asterisk docs
15:56.26jaytee1.4 buggy? runs real stable for me!
15:56.44ManxPowerjaytee: It runs real stable for many people.
15:56.56ManxPowerIt runs real unstable for many other people.
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15:57.10jayteethink it might be the people then
15:57.24ManxPowerAll these n.n.1 releases makes me have very little faith in 1.4
15:57.51ManxPowerWell, at least in the 1.4 release process.
15:58.14ManxPowerjaytee: do you use Queues?
15:58.15BBHossiratik: precisely
15:58.16spokratry 1.6.beta9.. ROFLOL
15:58.41ManxPowerjaytee: How about lots of call recording.
15:58.44iratikBBHoss: the firewall wasn't the problem.. i'm calling the T1 people to see if their managed router might be blocking it
15:58.49jayteeManxPower, not at the moment but I will be by the middle of next year when I migrate my Nortel ACD's over
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15:59.05BBHossiratik: small possibility
15:59.28jayteeManxPower, and virtually no call recording other than the names of people entering a MeetMe
15:59.33ManxPowerjaytee: play around with both and see how stable 1.4 is for you.  Give it a try -- it may work great it may not, but don't assume just because the features you are currently using do not cause issues, and features you start using will ace the same.
15:59.45BBHossiratik: did you say that it worked with one sip ITSP but not with the other?
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15:59.50resin0008hey guys, I still need help with hints if anyone is willing
15:59.54iratikBBHoss: yep
16:00.15jayteeManxPower, yeah, I model everything first on a test server before I move it to the live box.
16:00.19BBHosswhat is the full sip trace you get from the provider that's not working
16:00.27iratikBBHoss: how do I do that?
16:00.36iratikBBHoss: should i search the bible for that?
16:00.47BBHossiratik: go to the cli, type "sip debug" then try to make a call
16:00.55BBHosscopy/paste the contents to pastebin
16:00.56ManxPowerjaytee: Many of the issues I've seen people on this channel have only happen when the system is under load -- not found during testing.
16:01.12iratikBBHoss: is there a way to limit that to communications to/from a specific host?
16:01.14ManxPowerAnd honestly, thats why they have not been fixed -- the only systems that have the problems are the ones in production
16:01.15BBHosssip no debug turns it off
16:01.32BBHossiratik: yeah, you can do sip debug peer $PEERNAME
16:01.38iratikBBHoss: found the doc for sip debug
16:01.44ManxPowerThat's why I think Digium's corporate PBX should run the current Asterisk release.
16:01.59jayteeManxPower, do you think in most of those cases it's the hardware that can't handle the load or software bugs that only show up under load.
16:02.23ManxPowerDigium says upgrade!  upgrade!  Test!  Test!  Report bugs!  Report bugs!  Like upgrading is something simple like breathing.
16:03.09ManxPowerjaytee: I think most of the issues are software bugs that only show up under load.
16:03.39jayteeI think we need a solid load testing suite of tools that test queues, recordings, high call volumes etc.
16:04.00ManxPowerWhen you have a hundred angry users breathing down your neck and you want to do is get them to leave you alone, not spend three days diagnosing a bug while the company has a crashing PBX.
16:04.19iratikBBHoss: getting pastie
16:04.42*** join/#asterisk Nasra (
16:05.18ManxPowerOur PBX did not become stable until we stopped upgrading every time a new version comes out.
16:05.33jayteeManxPower, I hear ya. Everyone takes their phone for granted until it doesn't work and then they expect it to be fixed yesterday.
16:05.36ManxPowerWe found a version that is stable for our usage and stick with it.
16:05.50ManxPowerjaytee: I think that is what Digium does not understand.
16:05.56DonAlexAfternoon peeps...
16:06.14BBHossiratik: so voipinvite is the one that isnt working?
16:06.28ManxPowerjaytee: Somehow I think things would work a lot differently if the Digium developers managed the Digium PBX -- not the Digium IT department.
16:06.56iratikBBHoss: yep
16:07.19jayteethat's why I'm sticking with 1.4.15 for now. I've seen lots of people with horror stories about 1.4.18 and 1.4.19 in here. "Everything worked great before! Now I can't do "X"! Help!"
16:07.46ManxPowerjaytee: ever notice these people are almost always running production systems and are in a panic?
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16:08.52jayteeManxPower, sounds like my boss. When one of our productions systems or the PBX is down all he knows how to do is hang over your shoulder asking stupid questions and acting nervous. As an IT Director the man is totally useless in a crisis.
16:09.09BBHossiratik: does it not work at all or just half-audio?
16:09.19DonAlexjaytee: Well I am not ;) But I am still curious why asterisk is still using 97% of one cpu when it is idle.. ;)
16:09.19iratikBBHoss: half audio
16:09.38DonAlexanyone know why this seems to occur ?
16:09.40BBHossiratik: try putting nat=no in the voipinvite peer config
16:09.59iratikand rerun the trace?
16:10.06jblacki'm missing /etc/modprobe.d/zaptel. Would someone mind pastebinning theirs?
16:10.17BBHossiratik: yeah, also set debug to 10
16:10.20jayteeDonAlex, Asterisk is using the 97%? or something else
16:10.35DonAlexfor the record using Asterisk SVN-trunk-r121716 on Linux  2.6.22-3-vserver-686
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16:11.03DonAlexjaytee: Yes. .it is using 97-99% of one CPU with that error..
16:11.20DonAlexioctl(0, SNDCTL_TMR_TIMEBASE or TCGETS, 0xbf8c8d98) = -1 ENOTTY (Inappropriate ioctl for device)
16:11.20DonAlexwrite(1, "\0", 1)                       = 1
16:11.20DonAlexwrite(1, "*CLI> ", 6)
16:11.21ManxPowerjblack: go to the zaptel source directory, type "make config"
16:11.27ManxPowerDonAlex: DO NOT FLOOD THE CHANNEL!
16:11.28DonAlexthat is from the strace on the process.
16:11.30jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
16:11.50DonAlexManxPower: Tht was suppose to be just one line.. I do apologise..
16:12.00ManxPowerjblack: sorry, /etc/modprobe, nevermind.  I was referring to /etc/rc.d/init.d/zapte.l
16:12.17DonAlexManxPower: The pastbin is just that reinterated anyway.
16:12.23jblackNo problem.
16:12.49Strom_C"reinterated" -- god, i don't know whether I love or hate the retarded gibberish that passes for English half the time in this channel
16:13.40DonAlexStrom_C: Awww come on now.. have you ever stopped to spellcheck your IRC chatter.. ? Some of us have been up 18 hours already ;)
16:13.44jayteeStrom_C, I take it you didn't vote for Bush since you seem to have a dislike for retarded gibberish :-)
16:13.51DonAlexStrom_C: y'all know what I meant..
16:13.54jblackRight now I'm trying to use the hardware echo canceller on the card, to see if that abates the problem. However, I think (but am not sure) that zaptel is loading the r1t1 module with ec=1 as specified in /etc/modules.
16:13.57*** part/#asterisk gmaruzz (
16:14.12jblackI think I'm supposed to do it through /etc/modules.d/zaptel, which I don't have.
16:14.23ManxPowerjblack: I suspect that is a Rhino question
16:14.23Strom_CDonAlex: if you can't even take the time to spell correctly, then perhaps now is not the time to be troubleshooting your PBX, since you're obviously too tired to be noticing details
16:14.27Nasrahello crowd ...question, has the TD400P being replaced for a TD410?
16:14.33Strom_CNasra: yes
16:14.45iratikBBHoss: thanks for helping me,.. sorry its taking a second .. getting it now
16:14.45ManxPowerNasra: perhaps you mean the TDM400P and TDM410P?
16:14.55iratikwas verifying the ip
16:15.03Qwellno P on410
16:15.03BBHossiratik: np, taking a break from web shit
16:15.05jblackYeah. It may be. It naively feels more like a zaptel question at the moment; how to load a module with options.
16:15.21ManxPowerNasra: In telecom one letter can mean the difference between getting a problem fixed and wasting days
16:15.29km2is it normal to occasionally see this in the CLI: "-- B-channel 0/1 successfully restarted on span 1" (one for each line; in my case 23 for our PRI)?
16:15.33Nasraoh lol
16:15.35ManxPowerjblack: naw, that's a distro question
16:15.35Strom_Ckm2: yes
16:16.12km2Strom_C, thank you. do you know what's going on there? i assume it's fine but i'm a little curious
16:16.22DonAlexManxPower: Oh now that is charming.. And who stole your pillow this morning huh? It is not like I am not giving as much intel as I can on the subject. And many eyes bugs shallow yada yada...
16:16.36NasraManxPower needed to buy a PCI Card for communications.....told has been changed/ upgraded to TDM410
16:16.49Strom_Ckm2: asterisk is restarting the idle B channels on your PRI.  It's perfectly normal.
16:17.44DonAlexManxPower: Oh now that is charming.. And who stole your pillow this morning huh? It is not like I am not giving as much intel as I can on the subject. And many eyes bugs shallow yada yada...
16:17.53nephfli cant figure out why my calls are dropping
16:18.01DonAlexlagged out.. sorry.
16:18.39nephflim just getting "exited non-zero"
16:18.48iratikBBHoss: Why am I seeing that address in there... thats an old IP for this server.. but i'm still seeing it .. why is that in the trace.. could it be causing a problem?
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16:19.14Strom_Cnephfl: PSTN calls?  or are they internal calls?
16:19.29BBHossiratik: which way is the audio, is the server not recieving audio or not sending?
16:19.44nephflvtwhite sip trunk
16:19.45NasraManxPower: I seen the card for $175 ( TDM410P ) at Telephonydepot....just about to set my system up and running...
16:20.07BBHossiratik: btw i'm gonna gloss over the fact you're using freepbx
16:20.12iratikBBHoss: going from inside the network to outside way only... can't hear ringing or pickup or anything on the inside of the network
16:20.21iratikBBHoss: much appreciated
16:20.34Strom_Cnephfl: have you done a SIP debug?
16:20.43BBHossbut the person answering can hear you?
16:20.48iratikBBHoss: yes
16:21.14iratikBBHoss: does that address have anything to do with the problem... what if the trunk provider is sending packets back to the wrong address?
16:21.21BBHossiratik: what files do you have in /etc/asterisk? do you see a sip_nat.cfg?
16:21.45iratikBBHoss: !!
16:21.49BBHossim pretty sure i know
16:21.52BBHossold extern_ip
16:22.09Qwellif he does have sip_nat.cfg, he should leave
16:22.31iratikQwell: i don't have sip_nat.cfg then
16:22.39BBHossi don't think we're interrupting anything here
16:23.10BBHossiratik: is that what it was?
16:23.28iratikBBHoss: i should have done  cd /etc/asterisk && grep -R 70.248.216 .
16:23.35iratikand i would have found out where it was
16:23.56nephflsip debug doesnt show anything
16:24.07BBHossyeah that first packet in the debug is what you are SENDING to the ITSP
16:24.24BBHossdunno how the other was working, maybe a register string or something
16:24.50Strom_Cnephfl: does this only happen with that one provider?  have you tried other ITSPs to see if the problem remains?
16:27.07iratikBBHoss: let me see if that fixes everything ... thanks btw
16:27.17BBHossiratik: good luck
16:28.58James|TCChow do i strip digits from an extension number, eg for outbound calls i need to strip the 9 from the start
16:29.28James|TCCso exten => _9X.,1,Dial(Zap/G1/${EXTEN:1})
16:29.36BBHossshould do it
16:29.40James|TCCcool thanks
16:29.52James|TCCdunno if my outbound lines are working, but might find out now :)
16:30.15BBHossalways fun
16:30.59James|TCCwhat have i missed lol
16:31.10James|TCCive installed suse,
16:31.44James|TCCinstalled zaptel, then asterisk and asterisk-addons
16:32.01James|TCCconfigured zaptel.conf, zapata.conf,
16:32.09lmadsenafter compiling and installing zaptel, you ran ./configure then reinstalled asterisk right?
16:32.12James|TCCput my phones (which work) in sip.conf
16:32.21James|TCCi installed zaptel first lmadsen
16:32.28lmadsenasterisk will only build the chan_zap + other modules if zaptel is actually instaleld
16:32.37*** topic/#asterisk by russellb -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk 1.6.0-beta9 (2008/05/14) Asterisk 1.4.21 (2008/06/12) Asterisk 1.2.29 (2008/06/03), *-Addons 1.4.6 (2008/02/21) 1.6.0-beta3 (2008/04/02), Zaptel 1.4.11 (2008/05/28), Libpri 1.4.4 (2008/...) -=- #asterisknow or #asterisk-gui for AsteriskNOW ( -=- #switchvox for Switchvox ( -=- #freepbx for FreePBX/trixbox
16:32.46James|TCCi followed the digium guide, which says do it first :)
16:32.50lmadsenw00t 1.4.21
16:32.57James|TCCasterisk followed
16:32.58lmadsengoes to lunch
16:33.48James|TCCshould i have something like "zap show stuff" in the cli if ive done it right?
16:33.53James|TCCcause there isnt atm :(
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16:36.23Strom_CJames|TCC: go back to the asterisk source directory, rerun ./configure, and then run make menuselect and look at whether it found zaptel
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16:36.54nephflI use this provider with other boxes hosted in a different location
16:37.07Strom_Cnephfl: that's not what I'm asking
16:37.19Strom_Cnephfl: does THIS box work with OTHER providers?
16:37.32nephfli dont have another provider to try
16:37.43Strom_Cwell, pick one and throw five dollars at it
16:37.59nephfltrue.. i have a teliax account with one customer
16:38.01jayteegot 2 Digium TDM04B cards I can sell, each with 4 FXO modules only used for 4 months before switching to PRI cards. Anyone interested?
16:38.59James|TCCDepends on: res_smdi(M), zaptel_vldtmf(E), zaptel(E), tonezone(
16:39.03spokrahehehe anyone need a single span digiam T1 card?
16:39.11Strom_CJames|TCC: ok...recompile asterisk
16:39.13James|TCCis the (E) error, or something else?
16:39.27Strom_CJames|TCC: actually
16:39.28James|TCC(M) i assume is module?
16:39.52Strom_Cis chan_zap loading properly when asterisk starts, or is it spitting out an error?
16:39.58James|TCClemme check
16:39.59James|TCChang on
16:42.14James|TCC[Jun 12 17:40:17] WARNING[20457]: chan_zap.c:897 zt_open: Unable to open '/dev/zap/channel': No such file or directory
16:42.40BBHossJames|TCC: sounds like the driver isnt loaded
16:42.54Strom_Cyou did configure and load zaptel before starting asterisk, right?
16:43.11James|TCCis there an installation wlakthrough anywhere?
16:43.32BBHossJames|TCC: is it a Digium card?
16:43.41James|TCCi followed the instructions on
16:43.46James|TCCyeah tdm800p
16:44.06James|TCC1-4 are unused fxs, 5-8 are fxo (with lines to 5 and 6 atm)
16:44.07BBHosscall digium then, they will walk you through installation for free
16:44.15James|TCCahha sounds like a plan :P
16:44.31James|TCCfrom a blank install?
16:44.33BBHosssounds like the drivers aren't being 'modprobed'
16:44.45BBHossinstallation support is free, never done it
16:44.49James|TCCie, if i remove all traces of asterisk
16:44.53James|TCCok, i'll let you know :P
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16:45.04BBHossi doubt they'll make you start over
16:45.10Strom_CJames|TCC: just call it with the system the way it is
16:45.16Strom_Cthey'll help you out
16:45.25Strom_Cthey've done this once or twice before, I think ;)
16:45.32BBHossthe ubuntu 8.04 buil of asterisk isnt bad, apt-get install zaptel asterisk asterisk-addons :)
16:46.17loompekshould the context in voicemail.conf be the same as the users context?
16:46.25loompek... in sip.conf
16:46.51Strom_Cloompek: voicemail context is a completely independent thing from dialplan context
16:46.57loompekyeah.. that's what i thought...
16:47.04loompekbut the strangest thing is...
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16:52.46loompek[Jun 12 18:37:03] NOTICE[29103]: chan_sip.c:15092 handle_request_subscribe: Received SIP subscribe for peer without mailbox: 5
16:52.58loompekeven though 5 is a plain ol valid mailbox
16:53.30loompeknicely defined in [default] in voicemail.conf
16:53.53Strom_Cpastebin voicemail.conf and sip.conf
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16:56.07Strom_Cwhere's the mailbox= line in sip.conf?
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16:57.50jeremy_ganyone home
16:58.00Strom_CALL DEAD HERE
16:59.03*** join/#asterisk flynux_ (n=flynux@2a01:38:0:0:0:0:0:1)
17:00.41loompekoh... thaaaaat mailbox= line :D
17:00.47x86lol... is getting a DoS attack
17:01.00x86now it's back up
17:01.27BBHossanyone here have a snom m3?
17:03.03BBHossafter a few hours, it just stops transmitting DTMF, period.  I've tried inband, rfc2833, and even SIP INFO, all fail after an apparently random amount of time (cannot reproduce on demand)
17:03.20rootloginwhen i dial "0" in this dialplan there is a delay of about 5s until the extension gets executed ... other extensions work fine .. any ideas ?
17:03.44JTrootlogin: how is the phone connected?
17:04.00rootlogina SIP-phone on the network
17:05.01rootlogina hardphone SPA901 .. i can call from the same phone .. and the time changes
17:05.38rootloginthere is also no log output so asterisk is waiting for something ?
17:06.00raytruz`root, its waiting for you to dial a longer number
17:06.55Strom_Crootlogin: modify the dialplan on the /phone/
17:07.01JTrootlogin: it's a phone dialplan issue
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17:07.24rootloginhmm .. so to avoid that i would have to change the other extensions ? like _[123456789]X ?
17:07.32Strom_Cno no no no no and  no
17:07.35ikevindoes anyone know a good howto about extensions under mysql?
17:07.35Strom_Crootlogin: modify the dialplan on the /phone/
17:07.37rootloginhehe :)
17:07.58rootloginthe phones config ? .. i had one issue there before .. hmm
17:08.32rootloginthe phone .. k ill check that .. maybe it does something diff on a single 0
17:12.39*** part/#asterisk Titanous (n=titanous@unaffiliated/titanous)
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17:13.59James|TCCjust removed/recompiled the lot, and its now working
17:14.23James|TCCthe fact i had fxoks and fxsks the wrong way round probably also didnt help much :P
17:14.51James|TCCnow to get the other lines wired in :)
17:15.09ManxPowerIP Phones collect ALL the digits of the number BEFORE even connecting to Asterisk
17:15.26exvitohi all... i'm not sure 100%, but i think i lost my "regextens" after "sip prune realtime user/peer all" -- those same "regextens" wouldn't show again on the dialplan context after the sip phones re-registered (only after phone reboot) -- any experiences ?
17:16.07exvito(my fix: reload chan_sip)
17:18.11*** join/#asterisk exothermc (n=miles@
17:18.24exothermcSo who fired off that 1.4.21 release email?
17:19.25exothermccause they screwed up the change log link , and the package isn't "available for immediate download from the Digium downloads site."
17:19.32Strom_Cit was all his fault
17:20.01ManxPowerexothermc: It NEVER is.  The MARKETING department updates the web site and you know marketing people are a little slow
17:20.32exvito...I guess some other times, they are too quick... ;)
17:20.37ManxPowerIt's been like that ever since they removed the Digium FTP server.
17:21.38ManxPowerexothermc: It's never been an issue for me, since I wait to see what issues are in a new release before trying it, and I stick to 1.2
17:22.07anonymouz666ManxPower: do you still run the 1.2?
17:22.20ManxPoweranonymouz666: Yes on all of my servers.
17:22.24*** part/#asterisk exvito (
17:22.27errrsame here
17:22.29ManxPowerMAND people do
17:22.45ManxPowerand MANY people do
17:23.10*** join/#asterisk zeeesh (i=zeeesh@
17:23.14anonymouz666ManxPower: are you happy with many deadlocks in 1.2 version? many of them was fixed by 1.4 release.
17:23.26ManxPoweranonymouz666: we never have deadlocks
17:23.54ManxPower2 or 3 times a year we have an issue that might be a deadlock.
17:24.18ManxPoweranonymouz666: For one thing my customer won't fund an upgrade of 5 servers just because there is a new release.
17:24.39ManxPowerThey already whine about the maint costs of Asterisk being much higher than their Nortel system
17:24.43anonymouz666SIP REFER in chan_sip.c (1.2) causes deadlocks, there are also many situations involving the chan_local that causes deadlock...
17:25.02ManxPoweranonymouz666: and yet there are still people that can't use 1.4 because it doesn't work for them
17:25.26ManxPowerAnd the maint costs of Asterisk ARE much higher than any commercial system -- even if you just count the cost of upgrades.
17:26.02coppiceand the nortel PBX will run for 25 years
17:26.43ManxPowerTesting a new release, finding and fixing bugs, making our existing configs work with the upgrade, then downgrading because of something breaking, in all US$5,000 at least
17:27.09anonymouz666coppice: it's more than my life!
17:27.19ManxPowerand my customer refuses to pat $5,000 every month or two for their phone systems
17:27.53coppicepeople are still using SL1 line cards from the 1970s in meridian switches. they are fully compatible, and still reliable
17:28.00ManxPowercoppice: exactly.  This upgrade every month or two stuff is crap
17:28.34coppicewell, why are you doing it? do they want new stuff, or it just upgrade for the sake of it?
17:28.44*** join/#asterisk nicox_ (
17:29.14anonymouz666ManxPower: If you run 1.2 just fine so there's no reason to upgrade. I consider that a miracle. I just upgrade every box because there's no way to live with deadlocks in basic services.
17:29.16ManxPowercoppice: I'm not doing it.  I'm whining about everyone telling me that is what I should be doing.
17:29.27errrI dont even update my system at my house as often as releases come out
17:29.36ManxPowerWe are on 1.2.24 across all systems in the company (currently 5 or 6)
17:30.10errrwe have all our servers at work on 1.2.22
17:30.24ManxPowerWith the possible exception of the single Asterisk server that is accessable from the internet.
17:30.39coppicewell, to some extent you have to upgrade when you touch anything IPish. you need to apply the security updates at least. I doubt any 1970s SL1s still around have ever had a security update
17:31.11ManxPowercoppice: We don't worry too much about security updates for the systems with no internet connectivity -- which is most of our PBXs
17:31.51*** join/#asterisk cyberdeath (n=cyberdea@
17:31.53anonymouz666If I remember well there's a fun stuff with SIP register before 1.2.26 release.
17:32.23ManxPoweranonymouz666: by "fun stuff" do you mean security issues?
17:32.49anonymouz666you crash the PBX and drop all calls just sending a SIP Register.
17:32.56ManxPowerAnd exactly how will that be exploited if the system cannot connect to the internet?
17:33.12anonymouz666well, any user can do that.
17:33.20ManxPowerYou've not met my users.
17:33.31errrif the user is smart enough to do that they generally wrk in IT
17:34.13ManxPowerMy users are technophobic realestate agents that would rather go to the country club or to play golf than read a single page of instructions.
17:34.40errrsame here only I deal with insurance agents
17:34.47ManxPowerAnd if a user knows enough to craft a SIP register packet to crash the system then I want them working for ME
17:35.02hsv-alwhat I want more then ANYTHING is a native software sip client, or software iax client for Iphone, or Blackberries
17:35.09hsv-althat can utilize all the audio hardware, once that happens
17:35.19hsv-ali  ditch all phone plans, and just use bb's or iphone for data service :)
17:35.39ManxPowerOne (typical) user told me that she doesn't use txt messages on her cell phone because "it's too complicated"
17:35.49ManxPowerhsv-al: best of luck with that.
17:35.55hsv-alnone exist
17:36.06hsv-alit would be great, why dont we have any yet?
17:36.08hsv-alits ridiculous
17:36.12ManxPowerWhen was the last time you looked at the latency and jitter of an iPhone or BB data connection?
17:36.28hsv-alwell, google: IM+ for skype on Blackberry 8703e
17:36.35hsv-alit works, a 3rd party skype client, but no sip yet
17:36.39hsv-alquality was pretty good too
17:36.43ManxPowerJust ping me and you can see the latency and jitter of a "3G" cell data connection
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17:37.09hsv-almanxpower, one of the RIM devs posted on, the reason there isnt a sip client yet
17:37.16hsv-alis because J2ME has some issues with sip stack
17:37.21hsv-alstuff that is out of my realm of knowledge
17:37.35hsv-alnot latency issues, who knows
17:37.38ManxPowerBut that was not my question
17:38.48ikevindoes anyone know a good howto about extensions under mysql?
17:41.44*** join/#asterisk MrNaz (
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17:48.14mags2is there any documentation for switch => besides random stuff on voip-info?
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17:50.03BBHossPSA: Avoid Snom M3 like the plague
17:50.47_ShrikEBBHoss: why?  other than busted blind transfer, it works ok for me.
17:52.23BBHoss_ShrikE: my DTMF mysteriously stops working after about a day or two, and every week the thing will start saying error 903 which mean that the number of concurrent calls is maxed, when there is nobody on the phone.  Not to mention the total lack of docs and support for them.
17:52.50BBHossare you a home user?
17:52.52_ShrikEI dont heavily use mine, but have never seen anything like that
17:53.06_ShrikEbusiness user
17:53.25BBHossyeah these phones are being used in a business, along with polycom 500s
17:53.35BBHossthe pcoms work fine of course
17:53.50_ShrikEI just upgraded the firmware hoping it would fix the blind xfer issue, but no joy.
17:54.08_ShrikEI have never had much love for snom though so im not that suprised.
17:54.08BBHossyeah that sucks too, but its manageable
17:54.22*** part/#asterisk exothermc (n=miles@
17:54.56BBHossAlso absolutely no mention of how to do GAP
18:02.25*** join/#asterisk nvrpunk (
18:02.45nvrpunkwill the 1.4.7 addons work with ?
18:03.08nvrpunkjust confused about the addons naming convention compared to the main
18:03.33russellbjust use the latest version with the latest version :)
18:04.27nvrpunkaddons has the cdr correct?
18:04.33nvrpunklooking at outdated howtos :)
18:04.41Qwell"the cdr"?
18:04.45nvrpunkcdr module
18:04.54Qwellit has several cdr modules, but not all of them, no
18:05.05nick125Asterisk has a CDR module or two with it, and I think addons has the mysql CDR module
18:05.06nvrpunksorry for being vague
18:05.45nvrpunkmy apologies, i knew what i was talking about in my head :D
18:07.04*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
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18:22.28nvrpunkdoes realtime support need a clock source?
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18:23.16nvrpunki havent read up on it yet so that may be a blatantly dumb question
18:23.39Stromi don't see why it would
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18:23.59nvrpunkwell the timing on the trunks do
18:24.02nvrpunkhence my asking
18:24.09nvrpunkgranted neither are related
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18:36.17MrNazis wctdm included in the zaptel package, or do i need to install it separately?
18:36.24Stromincluded in zaptel
18:36.49MrNazfor an asterisk system, do i need a working sound card in the server?
18:37.02*** join/#asterisk angom (n=angom@
18:37.28nick125MrNaz: You shouldn't.
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18:38.12JTnone of my asterisk boxes have working soundcards
18:38.44MrNazdidnt think so, but thought i'd check
18:38.49Corydon76-digAll of mine do, but that's because the sound card comes on the motherboard
18:39.53outtolunconly my dev boxes do
18:42.43*** join/#asterisk lzhang (
18:43.36lzhanghi, I'm getting one way jitter on a SIP phone to SIP phone call... is there some way I can check if the jitter buffer is on in 1.4?
18:46.20mags2for some reason switch is passing on 's' as the extension instead of the actual extension, anyone?
18:46.25MrNazg729 is proprietary right? and needs to be transcoded when talking to open protocols right?
18:48.50StromMrNaz: it's patent-encumbered, not proprietary
18:49.01*** join/#asterisk Defraz (i=t0tal@
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18:52.52mike-ekimwhen I do sip set debug peer peername, it tells me
18:52.55*** join/#asterisk Netlynx (n=Jan@lugwv/member/Netlynx)
18:52.59mike-ekimUnable to get IP address of peer peername
18:53.11mike-ekimwhy is that? I am having hard time getting this operator context to register
18:53.15mike-ekimit was working perfectly fine before
18:53.31*** part/#asterisk gego (
18:54.06cpmproprietary adj : protected by trademark or patent or copyright; made or produced or distributed by one having exclusive rights;
18:54.18cpmdoes this *not* apply to g729?
18:54.30*** join/#asterisk CVirus (n=GoD@
18:54.36cpmguess the rights are not exclusive, , , or, are they?
18:54.40cpmgets really confused
18:58.21*** join/#asterisk lanning (
18:59.22jayteedoes Polycom make a single line phone or is their lowest end model 2 line?
19:00.00Stromit's two-line, but you don't have to provision the second appearance to be a separate extension number
19:00.14Stromhell, you don't have to provision it at all if you don't want to :)
19:00.14jayteethanks, Strom
19:00.27jayteewhat happened to your _c
19:00.36nick125Strom: Yeah, if you need a nice flashy paperweight, no need to provision it at all.
19:01.00Stromnick125: don't be a smartass -- i was talking about the second line appearance
19:01.28Stromjaytee: "Strom" hadn't identified for 37 weeks, so I requested the nick from the network
19:02.33nick125Strom: Aw :)
19:07.19jayteeStrom, cool! I did the same thing a little bit ago cuz I've had this nick for years on Blitzed but had to add my age for Freenode. The guy never showed up for 120 days so I snagged it.
19:07.47jayteeStrom, do you have anything to do with the Strom Carlson website?
19:08.02StromI am Strom Carlson
19:08.41jayteeso that's your page then
19:08.42QwellStrom: confusing without the _X
19:08.44DavidR2008Does anyone know if the meetme app changed from 1.4.0 to 1.4.20?
19:08.51QwellDavidR2008: of course it has
19:09.17StromQwell: interactive clickable shockwave cybertoons
19:09.20jayteeI just showed my boss MeetMe and Page. He's all excited now. :-)
19:10.28russellbDavidR2008: i can tell you exactly how many times it has changed ... one sec  :)
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19:10.46Stromjaytee: yes, that's my page ;0
19:10.47Stromer :)
19:10.58DavidR2008I used to create dynamic conferences on the fly using just using meetme(*number*) that doesn't seem to work in 1.4.20 and I went and read the docs and it seems to say I should be able to do this: meetme(*number*,d) but that doesn't work either
19:11.05russellb$ ./changes_since asterisk 1.4.0 apps/app_meetme.c ... Changes since asterisk Version 1.4.0/apps/app_meetme.c - svn revision 48926 ... 64
19:11.07russellb64 times :)
19:11.14Qwellrussellb: that's it?
19:11.21grandpapadotHi all.  Is there a way to do an extensions.conf dialplan entry for just toll-free?  i.e., _8XXNXXXXXX but to get 877,888,866,800 in one line?
19:11.28QwellStrom: gladstone..nice
19:11.45russellbQwell: 2372 changes overall to 1.4 since 1.4.0
19:11.57DavidR2008grandpapadot: _8XXNXXXXXX doesn't work?
19:12.02Stromgrandpapadot: no
19:12.07russellbDavidR2008: it matches more than you want
19:12.09grandpapadotYea, but also for 843, 801, etc
19:12.14StromDavidR2008: that'll also catch things like 808, 801
19:12.20russellbthe best thing to do is make them separate lines ...
19:12.24russellbgrandpapadot: 843 <3
19:12.29grandpapadotCan you do something like _8[00|66|77|88]NXXXXXX ???
19:12.32Stromand unless hawaii and salt lake city are toll free now...
19:12.36seanbrightgrandpapadot: nope
19:12.57Qwellcan't forget 855
19:12.59jayteegrandpapadot, you'd have to "stack" the pattern masks in a context
19:13.16StromQwell: 855 isn't active yet, AfAIK
19:13.22Stromfucking shift key
19:13.35seanbrighti thought all of the 8[double digits] were reserved
19:13.36Stromit's been "soon" for eight years or something now
19:13.40Qwellseanbright: they are
19:14.02Qwellwell, no
19:14.03Qwellnot 811
19:14.07russellbnot 843
19:14.08russellbnot 803
19:14.09Qwellthat will never be a tollfree
19:14.10russellbnot a bunch of them
19:14.15grandpapadotThanks, all.
19:14.18Qwellrussellb: 8XX where X = X.  newb
19:14.23seanbright8[2 repeating digits]
19:14.24DavidR2008any suggestion on how to do the dynamic meetme without having to have rooms in meetme.conf?
19:14.35*** kick/#asterisk [Qwell!n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla] by russellb (stfu nub)
19:14.43StromDavidR2008: um...use the dynamic option? :)
19:14.45nick125DavidR2008: There's a flag for dynamic meetme
19:14.48*** join/#asterisk Qwell (i=north@pdpc/sponsor/digium/Qwell)
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19:14.55Qwellif I could spell...
19:15.20Qwell* Channel #asteirsk created on Thu Jun 12 14:14:40 2008
19:15.33DavidR2008I think that's what I tried i.e. Meetme(123,d)
19:15.35DavidR2008if so it doesn't work
19:16.12StromQwell: so are you going to the asteirsk convention in Phoneix this year?
19:16.55QwellStrom: WELL, I'm speaking.  So...hopefully.
19:16.55nick125DavidR2008: You don't need to specify a room number..MeetMe(|d)
19:17.17*** join/#asterisk angom (n=angom@
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19:18.32DavidR2008I had been using it to create rooms dynamically that I could send different people to. this is what I was actually doing:
19:18.34DavidR2008exten => _X.,n,Authenticate(/etc/asterisk/|a)
19:18.36DavidR2008exten => _X.,n,MeetMe(${CDR(accountcode)})
19:18.38DavidR2008and using the passwords to create rooms
19:18.59DavidR2008so I'm trying to keep that functionality
19:20.16DavidR2008Reading the docs, I think I can do what I want simply by creating the rooms, it didn't work before because you could enter any number and it would create it dynamically, but I think that was a bug (reading voip-info)
19:23.15DavidR2008that did it, thx!
19:27.42*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux|home (n=Nothing@
19:28.49mags2hm apparently switch only works correctly if you don't use it via an included macro
19:28.49Dr-Linux|homeI'm recording calls and i wanna save recorded audio file with the name of Agent ID .. so what variable shold i use?
19:31.59ManxPowerDr-Linux|home: All channel variables are listed in channelvariables.txt
19:32.00ManxPowerRead it
19:33.06ManxPowerGawd, I wish I could find different job.
19:33.52Dr-Linux|homeasterisk billing is a big heck
19:38.57*** join/#asterisk ajricoveri (n=ajricove@
19:40.53x86ManxPower: you still working at that mancamp?
19:41.10raytruz`to get the calling party phone, its ${CALLERID} right?
19:41.49ManxPowerx86: I *NEVER* worked at "that man camp"
19:42.20ManxPowerMy*job* is primary consultant for a $600mil/year real estate company that is getting ready to fire all of IT.
19:43.21ManxPower(and all their consultants)  In the early fall.  Until then the other departments are running amok, buying stuff without consulting IT at all and then telling us to "make it work"
19:44.03ManxPowerIn the past month they have bought an electronic sign and a card access system, both of which need internet access, neither of which can be configured to use a proxy.
19:44.16x86ManxPower: oh man that's horrible
19:44.29ManxPowerAnd IT was not consulted during the decision making process.
19:44.31x86ManxPower: oh you just volunteer at the mancamp? for free rent or whatever?
19:44.39ManxPowerx86: Now you see why I want a different job.
19:44.44x86yeah no kidding
19:44.51x86you _need_ a different job, not just want ;)
19:44.54*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (
19:44.55ManxPowerx86: I ran a small ISP/CableCo/Telco, all on my own, all as a hobby.
19:45.09x86ManxPower: ran as in past tense?
19:45.25ManxPowerThere were ......logistical.....issue.
19:46.24ManxPowerWhere "logistical" means "one of the owners (the crazy one) created a situation where it was impossible to continue with the project"
19:47.15*** join/#asterisk pikachu2000 (
19:47.24x86so no more inet/cable/phone for the mancamp userbase?
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19:49.34MrNazin ubuntu hardy, do you still need to get the xaptel driver source, build the driver and install it manually?
19:50.20MrNazthat seems like a pretty long winded procedure
19:51.57ManxPowerx86: if you want internet access at the camp you have to bring a cell internet card
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19:53.39MrNazi have asterisk running, and have gotten the asterisk cli using asterisk -rvvv (now sure what i can do here yet, but anyway)... how do i verify that the zaptel package is working, and the card drivers are functional ?
19:55.00jblackYou take up relgion and pray to $DIETY
19:55.13QwellInvalid use of NULL.
19:55.22Dr-Linux|homeQwell: )
19:55.34jblackyeah. Nice one qwell
19:55.35Dr-Linux|homeQwell: any good news about Cisco 7935? :)
20:02.24MrNazjblack an amusing, but unhelpful answer
20:03.22jblackmrnaz: I know. I have a pri here, and other than the original ztcfg, how well it works has been out of my hands.
20:03.39ManxPowerMrNaz: you verify it's working by making calls.  You can run ztcfg -vvv and make sure it has not errors
20:04.14MrNazManxPower i do get an error... it says "Unable to open master device /deve/zap/ctl
20:04.23ManxPowerthen it's not loaded
20:04.30MrNazi assume that means the driver hasnt been installed
20:04.47MrNazManxPower all i've done so far (ubuntu 8.04) is installed zaptel
20:04.51ManxPowerno, it means the driver is not LOADED INTO MEMORY, it means nothing about it being installed or not
20:05.02MrNazdoes the zaptel package include the drives, or do i need to build the kernel driver myself?
20:05.46ManxPowerMrNaz: in the zaptel source do a "make config" then "service zaptel start" then "chkconfig zaptel on".  Of course if you are running a Debin based distro all the commands except "make config" will be different.
20:06.04MrNazi saw a 2 year old ubuntu how-to which told me to get the zaptel-source package, bulid a kernel module and install it myself
20:06.17ManxPowerMrNaz: this is STANDARD LINUX stuff and has nothing to do with zaptel
20:06.37ManxPoweronce you do a "make install" then it's up to you to make your OS load the driver on boot.
20:06.41ManxPowerWhat card do you have anyway?
20:06.50MrNazdigium tdm410
20:06.57MrNaz404 configuration
20:07.14ManxPowerI hope you used the latest zaptel source.
20:07.22ManxPowerolder versions of zaptel do not have support for that card.
20:07.28MrNazi just apt-got it 5 minutes ago, i assume its the latest
20:07.45Qwellfrom where did you get it?
20:07.48ManxPowerMrNaz: you sure are naive
20:07.51MrNazi would hope the repos keep that up to date
20:08.07ManxPowerIf you build from a package then you should not be here you should be talking to the package maintainer, this channel is for building from source.
20:08.10MrNazQwell from the ubuntu repo
20:09.32MrNazthe version in the repo that i got is 1.4.10
20:13.18*** join/#asterisk exothermc (n=miles@
20:13.26exothermcWhere can I find some good docs on asterisk
20:15.17MrNazexothermc there's a really good oreilly ebook you can get from
20:15.37jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
20:15.59MrNazbbryant i believe all oreilly ebooks are also available in print
20:16.13bbryantthey are
20:16.34exothermcYa that is great for a basic install, but is there nothing besides the source code for a complete reference?
20:16.51tzafrir_laptopMrNaz, aptitude install zaptel zaptel-source; m-a a-i zaptel
20:17.00Stromexothermc: there's a complete reference in the back
20:17.57MrNaztzafrir_laptop yeap... that's what the howto said... i'm in the process of doing that now
20:19.21exothermcsearches oreilly book for "busy-level" with no results
20:19.35exothermcdefine complete.
20:19.56Stromwell, instead of being snarky about it, why not just ask your question?
20:20.11exothermcI did
20:20.32MrNazexothermc just because grepping for a string finds nothing does not mean that the answer to your question isnt there
20:20.35Strom...I mean the question you're trying to answer by looking in the documentation
20:20.37MrNazgrep != search
20:21.40exothermcdocumentation helps me understand different possibilities of the software, and what functions I could implement, I'm sure this is not the forum for such a broad question as that.
20:22.27Stromreally now.
20:22.31Stromtry it.
20:22.34Stromsurprise yourself.
20:23.04*** join/#asterisk kannan (n=kann@
20:24.26exothermcOk what are all the configuration parameters of of sip.conf that aren't in the book, and how do they function?
20:24.26x86snarky hehehe
20:24.52*** join/#asterisk hsv-al` (n=hsval@
20:24.58Stromexothermc: what are you actually trying to accomplish?
20:25.08exothermcStrom: knowledge
20:25.11Stromsurely you had a task in mind when you grepped for "busy-level"
20:25.49exothermcNot really I stumbled upon limitonpeer which led me to busy-level which I couldn't find information for.
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20:26.41exothermcat the time I was looking at presence type functionality, but I highly doubt the busy-level has to do with that.
20:27.17Stromquick google search reveals its function
20:29.56exothermcStrom: Man you are thick.  Did I ever ask what busy-level did?  No simply me finding it outside of any other reference leads me to believe there maybe other items like it which I may find useful and someone else who wrote the documentation wasn't interested in.  I was simply asking is there a comprehensive source. To which I have to drag you over several lines of chat to get a 'No' by implication.
20:31.14exothermcYou must work in sales for a company, can't just give the straight no we don't have that or I don't know.  It has to be the tell me your story so I can find a solution for you.
20:31.42Corydon76-digexothermc: chill.  He's doing his best to help
20:31.45outtoluncfeels the love
20:32.18outtoluncmaybe if you searched 'call-limit' you would have better results <G>
20:32.31MrNazexothermc i'm not an asterisk user (yet) but i can tell an ass when i see one... and when i look at your attitude here all i can see is a giant pair of buttocks
20:32.51Stromexothermc: actually, before you go insulting me, perhaps you should realize that the vast majority of people who come into this channel looking for help are actually barking up the wrong tree entirely and are asking a question that is off the mark from what they actually want to, from experience, just answering vague general questions like that is usually unhelpful.
20:33.36Qwellalso, considering that busy-limit doesn't actually exist...
20:33.46Qwellrather, busy-level
20:34.00*** join/#asterisk wideser (
20:35.38putnopvutQwell: close, it's busylevel in sip.conf
20:35.52MrNaztzafrir_laptop ok i've done the m-a, but ztcfg still reports drivers not being loaded... how do i load the driver? (and yes i know this is linux stuff not really asterisk so i really appreciate your help here)
20:35.53Qwellthat isn't what he searched for. :)
20:35.58putnopvutQwell: right.
20:36.22putnopvutAlso, that book is written as a reference for Asterisk 1.4, and busylevel is an option that is only in trunk/1.6.0, so that's why it isn't there.
20:36.43*** part/#asterisk ddunavant (n=David@
20:36.49putnopvutAs far as documentation for options in sip.conf, the sip.conf.sample file in the configs/ directory is probably your best bet, exothermc.
20:37.01exothermcputnopvut: ok thanks that is helpful.
20:37.40putnopvutThe same goes for pretty much all of the conf files.
20:37.46tzafrir_laptopMrNaz, what is the output of: lsmod | grep ^zaptel
20:38.20Strombut seeing as how useless the asterisk book is to exothermc, i think we should take the documentation quill out of lmadsen's hand and give him some inside-out underwear and shove him back in the dicklicking room already !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
20:39.00MrNaztzafrir_laptop :         zaptel         200324  0
20:39.05wideseranyone using AEL? I'm trying to do a regex extraction and it isn't working using NoOp($[ "${CHANNEL}" : "\[^/\]+/(.+)\[-\]\[^-\]+" ])
20:39.57wideserThat yields ""
20:40.51wideserif written in extensions.conf I get the real sip user
20:41.11tzafrir_laptopMrNaz, what card do you have?
20:41.47outtoluncwhy aren't you using the REGEX function?
20:42.52MrNaztzafrir_laptop tdm410
20:43.11wideserduuh I du no. missed that it exists :)
20:43.28tzafrir_laptopmodprobe wctdm2400xxp
20:44.36Stromno on
20:44.39Stromer, no no
20:44.43wideserbut shouldn't that work anyway?
20:44.47Strommodprobe wctdm24xxp
20:46.07*** join/#asterisk ddunavant (n=David@
20:47.16wideserahhh. I see why I haven't been using REGEX function. I need the sub string that matches in side the () section. not just 1 if there was a match.
20:48.04MrNaz$ modprobe wctdm2400xxp       returns:  "FATAL: module not found"    while     modprobe wctdm24xxp      returns nothing
20:48.21wideseraccording to doc at
20:48.24Qwellthe latter is good
20:48.52MrNazQwell ok... does that mean the driver is loaded?
20:49.08MrNazoh wow
20:49.13MrNazztcfg is doing something different
20:49.22MrNazgets excited and starts throwing his popcorn around
20:49.28Stromis it making that quesadilla I ordered?
20:49.39Strombecause ztcfg makes a damn good quesadilla
20:49.48MrNazbloody hell... its 6:30am and i've spent the last 4 hours researching asterisk and trying to get all this working... i'm a sad, sad man
20:49.52QwellStrom: You know what I miss?
20:49.57StromQwell: taco trucks?
20:50.07Qwellyou sir, are good :p
20:50.38Stromtaco trucks are the best
20:50.41Qwellthat, and the corn guy
20:50.50Qwellor the tamale guy
20:50.53MrNazQwell ok    zaptel -vvv tells me  "One channel to configure"    shouldnt that be 4 seeing as i have 4 fxo modules? or do i have to state that in the .conf ?
20:50.55Stromif and when you come back down here for a visit, i'll take you to my favorite one
20:50.59StromOMG YES, the tamale guy
20:51.03Qwellyour favorite taco truck?
20:51.04exothermccan't imagine living somewhere that didn't have taco trucks
20:51.10Qwellexothermc: it's sad.
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20:51.45MrNazdoes zaptel have a web site or docs i can read so i dont have to bug you guys for hand holding ?
20:51.47aliverDoes asterisk 1.4 come with fax detection or do I have to use that nvfaxdetect thing?
20:52.11aliverI didn't see any mention of it in the docs.
20:55.48keith4aliver: zap does the faxdetection
20:55.48keith4MrNaz: you need something that's not in the wiki?
20:55.59James|TCChey keith4
20:56.19James|TCChas a working Asterisk now (not NOW) :P
20:56.53Stromis it now AsteriskNOW now?
20:57.03James|TCCand i think its safe to say zap groups dont exist in asterisknow, as i had them working after about 5 minutes
20:57.06James|TCCno :P
20:57.07Stromi think it's already ready already
20:57.08keith4James|TCC: congratulations. doesn't it feel better?
20:57.12James|TCCvast difference aint it lol
20:57.27exothermcWhat are the ways to deal with hung channels, for instance if a call is on hold then the user is disconnected from the network?  I know sip session timers are one way of handling that, but if they aren't supported on the end points what are the next bets?
20:57.33James|TCCthe next problem we have is the handsets lol
20:57.51lmadsenexothermc: handle the rtp, and setup the rtptimeout option in sip.conf
20:58.02MrNazkeith4 i didnt know there was a wiki for zaptel
20:58.06James|TCCthe phones we have a 4 line flexor 500's, if i just pick up and dial, it works, but how do i get the line buttons assigned to specific lines?
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20:58.21Stromi've never heard of "flexor 500"
20:58.25Stromis it a sip phone?
20:58.42James|TCCatm if i pres line 1 for example, it just says "calls not possible"
20:58.48exothermclmadsen: iirc that wouldn't effect the on hold scenario since no rtp would be expected to be passed.
20:58.49keith4MrNaz: this might be a good starting page:
20:58.49James|TCCtheyre camrivox phones
20:58.51James|TCCand yeah sip
20:59.07MrNazkeith4 thanks
20:59.12James|TCCinternal calls, and direct dialled outgoing ones work
20:59.25keith4MrNaz: the See Also section should lead you where you need to go, too
20:59.31StromJames|TCC: fff, i have no idea how to provision those...but presumably you have to do that
20:59.32tzafrir_laptopMrNaz, a simpler starting point: run zapconf or genzaptelconf . For analog cards it's all you need
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20:59.57James|TCCi had to log into the phone and configure its sip account
20:59.58MrNaztzafrir_laptop nice.... thanks
21:00.02James|TCCand its logged on etc
21:00.20aliverkeith4 When you say zap does fax autodetection, does that include just running the ztdummy module without zaptel hardware? I'm using a pure software SIP-trunking Asterisk box with no Zaptel hardware.
21:00.35keith4ahahahaaa.... good luck with that
21:00.50ManxPoweraliver: no, it means fax detection in zap only works for zap channels
21:01.06ManxPoweraliver: there is an Asterisk app called NVFaxDetect that works on zap and non-zap stuff.
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21:01.13aliverkeith4 funny you should say that, cause the fax detection we have now in 1.2 works fine with the nv hack.
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21:01.29ManxPowerGranted, if you are trying to send FaxOverVoiceOverIP you are crazy and should be put down for your own good.
21:01.52ManxPowerkeith4: we use NVFaxDetect for ALL our fax detection
21:02.00aliverManxPower that's what I'm using now, and yes, just for receiving. But it's in 1.2 and I'm being told to upgrade to 1.4.
21:02.15StromManxPower: you forgot to add the Magic Brownie Transport Layer and Ass to Balls Transfer Protocol into the mix
21:02.19MrNaztzafrir_laptop genzaptelconf generated the zaptel.conf file, but zapconf spits the error: No default file at /usr/share....
21:02.19ManxPoweraliver: MANY people still run 1.2
21:02.51lmadsenno one runs 1.2
21:02.57lmadsenexcept those who do
21:03.03aliverManxPower I just wanted to make sure that the NVfaxdetect stuff hadn't been integrated with 1.4
21:03.05*** join/#asterisk rupa (
21:03.23aliverManxPower Well, I'm being _told_ (by my boss) to upgrade to 1.4.
21:03.31ManxPowerBest of luck with that.
21:03.37aliver'cause, you know, newer and shinier is always better.
21:03.46aliverUgh. yeah, thanks.
21:03.47ManxPowermake SURE you read all the upgrade.txts in the 1.4 doc directory
21:03.52outtolunchands lmadsen another fortune cookie to read <G>
21:04.00ManxPoweraliver: in Asterisk shinier usually means "undiscovered bugs"
21:04.05rupaarggh, I am so upset with linksys/cisco.  They refuse to RMA my linksys ATA because they require me to go through "My reseller".  Heck if I know who that was, I bought it online somewhere and don't have the receipt.  Any tips on how to deal with linksys/cisco?
21:04.26aliverManxPower done that. Fortunately, I've also tested what I've got so far on the new 1.4-based box and it seems to work fine 'cept for faxdetect.
21:04.28*** join/#asterisk aksyn (n=aksyn@
21:04.28ManxPowerI would seriously consider quitting if I had to upgrade all our 1.2 servers to 1.4
21:04.50ManxPoweraliver: Based on what I've seen on the channel, most of the remaining bugs in 1.4 only happen under load.
21:04.54aliverManxPower as for newer not always being better, trust me, I concur. Not my call.
21:05.02QwellStrom: Where's QLA?
21:05.14Qwellis that new?  did I miss a memo?
21:05.17aliverManxPower Well, that's good to know, at least.
21:05.31ManxPoweraliver: MANY people run 1.4 with no issues, many don't.
21:05.36lmadsenlikes 1.4 a lot
21:05.50ManxPowerlmadsen: done much MixMonitor/Monitor or Queues?
21:06.05ManxPowerThose seem to be the ones people have problems with in 1.4.
21:06.06lmadsenand ChanSpy() too
21:06.07aliverI'm sure my 1.4 will break just after I give it enough time that it'll be a real PITA to move over.
21:06.21ManxPowerAt least we are getting fewer and fewer "I upgraded and X broke" reports on the channel
21:06.26lmadsenI use Monitor() w/ Queue() + ChanSpy()
21:06.29lmadsenall at the same time :)
21:06.39ManxPowerlmadsen: You are TRYING to have deadlocks aren't you?
21:06.58lmadsenpersonally, PBXs should not be upgraded -- new installs should be performed on a separate box, and then the box swapped out
21:07.14aliverMy boss is also crying for an Asterisk GUI. Should I kill him or is there something I can hand him that's going to work well enough to shut him up?
21:07.20ManxPowerlmadsen: I usually just use a new HD and save the old one for 6 months or so.
21:07.34ManxPoweraliver: kill  him.
21:07.35lmadsenManxPower: that could work too -- I never upgrade the production box
21:07.44Stromaliver: why does he want a GUI?
21:07.48ManxPoweraliver: All GUIS for Asterisk totally take over all dialplan and config files
21:07.49lmadsenaliver: use the Asterisk GUI
21:07.56lmadsenStrom: because managing the system is useful
21:07.58aliverManxPower That's my thought. Ammo is easier to get, even if it has gone up.
21:08.13aliverStrom he's a windoze freak.
21:08.14lmadsenManxPower: asterisk-gui does not so much -- I've used it recently, and it's pretty easy to work with
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21:08.32Stromlmadsen: most of the time, the answer is "because Mr. Foo wants the secretary to administer the PBX"
21:08.36ManxPowerlmadsen: *nod*  I'm pretty skeptical of AsteriskGUI, but it does seem to play nicer with customizations
21:08.55aliverlmadsen asterisk-gui == the one digium sells?
21:09.02lmadsenManxPower: I was skeptical too, but once you learn how it works with the dialplan, the learning curve is pretty easy
21:09.04ManxPowerAnd obviously the one thing you DON'T want is a secretary manging a PBX
21:09.09lmadsenaliver: does not sell -- gives away
21:09.14lmadsensee #asterisk-gui
21:09.18ManxPowerlmadsen:  on my systems at least I am sure it would not work.
21:09.28lmadsenyou have to build a system to use it, but ya
21:09.39ManxPowerMy dialplan design:  For each extension in extensions.conf, set channel variables, then run a macro
21:09.45aliverlmadsen it's a custom "applicance" / distro right?
21:10.01lmadsenaliver: it runs on a distro/appliance -- the GUI is just a GUI... you install it on any OS you want
21:10.08lmadsenwith any version of Asterisk (1.4 based) that you want
21:10.21aliverlmadsen interesting. I might have to check that out.
21:10.36lmadsenI had to use it for a customer, and I didn't like it at first, but that's just because I had a bias against GUIs, and I have come to like it
21:10.38lmadsenand that is saying a lot
21:10.49lmadsenit needs a bit of work, but for basic administration stuff, it helps a lot
21:11.03lmadsenand I have not found that it steps on my stuff
21:11.14James|TCCok, so how do you provision a standard sip phone?
21:11.17aliverlmadsen I normally hate GUIs but it'd be nice to have something to say "Here is some pretty HTML you can click around on and think you are managing things. Now shut up and go away."
21:11.23James|TCCare there any howto's etc around?
21:11.40ManxPowerJames|TCC: There is no such thing as a "standard SIP phone"
21:11.49lmadsenin my systems, I define devices in sip.conf as MAC addresses, then associates extension numbers with users, and users with the device (so that makes things dynamic since I'm using func_odbc and a database to make it all dynamic)
21:11.56ManxPowerPhone provisioning is not a PBX function.
21:12.12ManxPowerlmadsen: that's pretty much what I do.
21:12.36lmadsendevices should *not* be configured as an extension
21:12.48lmadseni.e. your phone should not register as '205'
21:13.39ManxPowerlmadsen: we add -a -b -c, etc to the MAC for each line appearance.
21:14.00lmadsenthat works too
21:14.16mvanbaakwe use a combination of vpbx id, user id and username
21:14.39lmadsenfor another customer we registered as username#vpbx_id
21:14.46lmadsenalso worked well
21:15.13mvanbaakso they can have two johns
21:16.13jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
21:16.16*** part/#asterisk exothermc (n=miles@
21:16.41mvanbaakworks great here
21:16.43keith4(needed to steal that, to paste in another channl [needs a bot!])
21:16.59Stromkeith4: you can also PM jbot
21:17.09Qwelljbot_: tell keith about pb
21:17.22keith4Strom: yah, i tried... but I didn't realize it was jbot_ instead of jbot
21:17.25ManxPowerI like the mac based solution because "what is your extension" could be answered by "any one of the 5 phones exteison 5412 rings on, whereas "what are the numbers beginning with 0004 on the white sticker on the bottom of the phone?" only ever has one answer
21:17.50QwellManxPower: an incorrect one, I'm betting.
21:17.59ManxPowerQwell: almost never
21:18.04Qwell"That code doesn't exist in our system..  RE-READ it.."
21:18.19Stromwhatever happened to all that hoo-ha about shared line appearances anyway?
21:18.26Stromdoes it work now
21:18.50ManxPowerAll Polycom phones have a big white sticker on the bottom of the phone with the MAC on it.
21:18.50ManxPowerStrom: I think almost nobody cares.
21:19.00Stromi remember everyone being totally up in arms about it two years ago
21:19.17ManxPowerThey try Asterisk, whine about lack of Shared Line Appearance, then continue working with Asterisk and realize just how silly SLA is and why they ever thought they needed it in the first place
21:19.40ManxPowerrepeat the cycle as new users start using Asterisk
21:23.03*** join/#asterisk ac1djazz (
21:24.37ac1djazzanyone ever do any work/reserach on detecting if you ahve reached someone s vboicemail on an outgoing asterisk call? maybe detecting the beep?
21:24.56ManxPowerac1djazz: You like app_AMD?
21:24.57_ShrikEac1djazz: core show application amd
21:25.19ManxPowerac1djazz: You might consider doing a "core show applications" once in a while in the Asterisk CLI
21:25.39*** join/#asterisk drako (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
21:27.34ac1djazzawesome :)
21:34.14ac1djazzwhen using AMD to detect a voicemail can i simultaneousely play something? like as a background?
21:34.56ac1djazzor stream a file?
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21:41.50pjzanyone have experience with the digitmaps on a polycom 330 using sip v2.1.2.0049 ?
21:42.12pjzmine's acting like I've got a [67]xxx in it.. but I don't!
21:46.56Stromshow me your digitmap
21:47.05*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
21:47.10pjzwell, just to test I changed it to x.T
21:47.55pjzbut it was [2-9]11|0T|011xxx.T|[0-1][2-9]xxxxxxxxx|[2-9]xxxxxxxxx|[5]xxT
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21:49.05pjzbut if I picked up the line and dialed 6xxx or 7xxx it would immeidately dialtone
21:49.28Stromwhere are you setting the digitmap?  in the config file?
21:49.34jayteeah, the fun of messing with the digitmap in Polycoms
21:49.48Strompastebin the config file
21:52.05lmadsendon't forget to make sure the timeout options are also matching up
21:53.23Stromthat's the entire config file?
21:53.35pjzlmadsen: that's my custom.cfg; there's a whole default sip.cfg too
21:53.42pjzer, that was to Strom
21:53.54Stromwe look so alike, lmadsen
21:54.00pjzlmadsen: honestly, I'm okay with the default imteout of 3 that polycom says
21:54.08Strompjz: show the default sip.cfg too
21:54.12Strompastebin the whole thing
21:54.19pjznah, I was just halfway thorugh typing to lmadsen when Strom asked that q
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21:55.37infinity1hey. i'm using IAX and i'm having intermittent call completion when terminating internationally. is there something i can adjust to help the reliability ? i'm using 1.2.13
21:55.37pjzyou want me to pastebin all 555 lines? eep
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21:56.05pjzis there a pastebin that takes file uploads?
21:56.47Stromwell, just do me a favor and look at sip.cfg and make sure there's no digitmapping in that one
21:57.10pjzwell, there is, but custom.cfg is supposed to override it
21:57.26pjzand I've also taken it out of custom.cfg before and changed it in sip.cfg instead
21:58.08Stromtake it out of sip.cfg, would you?
22:00.11pjz is the whole sip.cfg
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22:00.30pjzwith the digitmap still in, though I've taken it out and am rebooting the phone and trying that now
22:02.19pjzthe bizarre behaviour is that you pick up the line, and it says 'Enter number:' like normal, then you dial [6-7]xxx and it immeidately gives me a dialtone and says 'Enter more digits:'
22:02.49pjztaking the digitmap out of sip.cfg didn't change anything
22:03.10Stromtry completely resetting the phone
22:03.15Stromsometimes the polycoms can lose their mind
22:03.37pjzcompletely resetting how?
22:03.45pjzI've been doing reboots
22:03.52pjzand even have tried coldboots
22:04.52Strommenu 3 2 456 1 4 1 yes
22:05.37infinity1is there a place where people rate sip/iax termination companies?
22:05.37pjzokay, trying that
22:05.44pjz'Reset Local Config' ?
22:06.00Qwelljbot_: ...
22:06.11Qwellstupid bot
22:06.25jbot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet telephony Service Provider or "VoIP Telephone company". The allow you to either PLACE calls to the PSTN (called Termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called Origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs
22:06.42jbot[~itsplist-us] Here are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones : , , ,, , ,
22:07.12infinity1voipjet didn't make the list eh
22:07.39outtoluncvoipjet just sent out a no dialer/call center email like yesterday
22:07.54infinity1anyone use
22:08.08infinity1outtolunc: yea. i saw that. whats with that? they don't want business?
22:08.19outtoluncprobably got overrun
22:08.27ManxPowerMaybe voiojet does "unlimited" service?
22:08.40infinity1ManxPower: no. i don't think so
22:08.56infinity1outtolunc: you mean too much variation in volume?
22:09.27outtoluncbasically, meaning the call centers were eating all the trunks and the other users complained
22:09.37outtolunc' i assume '
22:10.21infinity1i'm trying to terminate calls in china, and voipjet is intermittent
22:10.32infinity1sometimes they go through, some times they dont
22:10.36infinity1not sure what the issue is
22:10.55infinity1outtolunc: sounds possible
22:11.17outtolunci haven't sent calls over voipjet since the funds i had disappeared and my login didnt' work, and every attempt i've made to get off their mailing list has failed <G>
22:12.08outtolunci feel like a ghost, and the volume of ML's is so low i seen no need to 550 them
22:12.10infinity1outtolunc: for some reason, using iax on my asterisk box gets VERY Poor quality, but iax + voipjet for my friend works perfect
22:12.34infinity1i never figured it out. I just switched to SIP and have had no issues
22:13.14outtoluncmaybe they prioritize the sip traffic an not the iax traffic
22:13.41infinity1outtolunc: voipjet doesn't support sip
22:14.07outtolunc(it has been like 2-3 years since i've used them)
22:14.24infinity1outtolunc: i have $60 sitting in my account not being used. argh
22:14.33outtoluncfun fun
22:14.51outtolunci think i had like 19.20 when mine disappeared
22:15.04infinity1yea. stupid $20 minimum
22:15.15infinity1which makes some sense, but its annoying :)
22:16.07outtoluncis it friday yet? <G>
22:18.39outtolunchahah, storage compression outfit just called and asked why so little (when i stated i only maintain about 100gig of data online)
22:20.20outtoluncit was cute .. sheesh
22:22.37cyberdeathHi. Is anyone familiar with the Asterisk AA50 Appliance (yeah, the crappy hardware version)?
22:22.54ManxPowercyberdeath: you must contact Digium for support for that product.
22:22.55mvanbaakouttolunc: it _IS_ friday here
22:23.01mvanbaakfor 22 minutes already !
22:23.18mvanbaakouttolunc: it's friday the 13th !
22:23.37mvanbaaksame as 5 years ago
22:23.47jblackbah. Mondays also come early for you, and everyone knows mondays are worse than fridays.
22:23.48mvanbaakthe day me and mrsmafkees got married
22:23.56jblackSo really, you're screwed. :)
22:23.59outtoluncnice.. then i should probably do that midnight showing of the hulk eh <G>
22:25.10mvanbaakjblack: nah. we got together on friday 13th, my dad is born on friday 13th, my parents got engaged on friday 13th, my grandparents got married on friday 13th, and my grandgrandmother was also born on friday 13th
22:25.26mvanbaakso when I decided I wanted to marry mrsmafkees the date was clear.
22:25.30tzangerhe's a witch!  BURN HIM!!
22:25.42jblackI could do with a good burning.
22:26.09ManxPowerdefends mvanbaak with mugwort and lobelia!
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23:11.06PaulQEasy question, Was AgentLogoff removed from the manager API?
23:11.11PaulQI cant seem to use it in 1.4
23:13.13PaulQchannels/chan_agent.c:manager_event(EVENT_FLAG_AGENT, "Agentlogoff",
23:13.17PaulQSeems to be there
23:14.07PaulQIt registers as "Agentlogoff" but unregisters as AgentLogoff
23:14.34*** join/#asterisk raz (n=y@unaffiliated/raz)
23:14.40razhi gusy
23:15.22razanyone know a simple tutorial for newbies?  i'd like to set up a SIP answering machine (or even small pbx).
23:15.28jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
23:15.31Qwellraz: that
23:15.36Qwellit's the best you'll find
23:15.44razah ok thx
23:15.49Qwell(read: it's THAT good)
23:15.55razhehe ok ok
23:16.01razi'll start reading :)
23:16.12PaulQOk so Agentlogoff is missing from the manager API
23:16.53jayteereading it opens your mind, you'll renounce your current religion and embrace Asteriskism
23:17.07Qwellwhich is a lack of religion.
23:17.09PaulQThat's a bit extreme
23:17.17QwellPaulQ: again - it's THAT good.
23:17.39PaulQDoes it tell me where my missing Agentlogoff went when it does the manager_register in chan_agent.c
23:17.43PaulQBut it never makes it in?
23:17.48PaulQOr am I doing something just silly
23:19.40PaulQYeah, this is annoying
23:20.11PaulQAm I suppose to use QueueRemove?
23:20.24QwellPaulQ: nope..
23:20.29Qwellnot for an agent
23:21.22PaulQBut Agentlogoff does not exist
23:21.23QwellPaulQ: this 1.4?
23:21.40PaulQAsterisk built by root @ voip on a x86_64 running Linux on 2008-05-06 16:25:58 UTC
23:21.53Qwellast_manager_register2("AgentLogoff", EVENT_FLAG_AGENT, action_agent_logoff, "Sets an agent as no longer logged in", mandescr_agent_logoff);
23:21.57Qwellit's certainly there...
23:22.01PaulQYea I see it there also
23:22.03Qwellis it showing up in manager show commands?
23:22.28Qwelldo agents or agentcallbacklogin?
23:22.40PaulQAlso negative, hence my concern
23:22.47Qwellis loaded?                  Agent Proxy Channel                      0
23:23.41Qwellif it's showing up, it's loaded
23:23.47PaulQuse count: 0
23:23.52Qwellmodule unload
23:23.53Qwellmodule load
23:23.56Qwellany errors/warnings?
23:24.24PaulQIt's my mistake.
23:24.32PaulQI use AddQueueMember
23:24.41PaulQThats not a 'Agent'
23:24.46Qwellthere you go
23:25.04PaulQmy mistake completely.
23:25.10Qwellit happens
23:25.29*** join/#asterisk jm|laptop (n=jm|
23:25.31PaulQSo loop thru all queues and call QueueRemove
23:25.54QwellI think if you're trying to remove an agent from all queues, you can omit the queue name
23:26.01Qwells/agent/queue member/
23:26.03PaulQIt errored out
23:26.16PaulQMessage: Need 'Queue' and 'Interface' parameters.
23:26.20PaulQI thought the same
23:28.08Qwellahh, it's pause that allows that, I guess
23:28.31*** join/#asterisk plla (n=h@
23:29.04pllaHello, how do I prevent Asterisk from trying to use g729 to stream files when using it as pass through.
23:29.20QwellYou can't.  That's what passthrough means.
23:29.25Qwellall audio MUST be g.729
23:30.09pllaI am allowing other codecs, can't it pick another codec for local audio and change to g729 when calling to the provider?
23:30.13*** join/#asterisk Segnale007 (
23:30.21Qwellnot if the call is setup as g729
23:31.06Qwelldoing so would require transcoding, which would no longer be passthrough
23:31.16pllahmm, so the only solution is to create those g729 audio files.
23:31.36Qwellor get licenses for g729, so you can transcodew
23:31.41pllaOk, I will do that, thanks.
23:32.01Qwellall of the standard Asterisk prompts are also distributed as g.729.  Check `make menuselect`
23:32.04pllag729 is quite expensive hardware wise, I am working with little resources.
23:33.43jayteewhat is so great about g729?
23:34.18pllaProvider seems to like the compression rate and gives me no other choice.
23:34.32*** join/#asterisk [cfdisk] (
23:34.37jayteea SIP provider?
23:36.27*** join/#asterisk LiNeTuX|Home (n=LiNeTuX@
23:41.47pllaI wonder if it's right to use the "free" g729 codec to transform the files.
23:42.54drmessanoDon't you mean "illegal" g729?
23:42.57_ShrikEright meaning legal?
23:43.03drmessanoSince, there's nothing free about it
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23:45.37pllaI would not be using it to transcode in realtime...
23:47.17d-k-tI hope a pcie transcoder card comes along soon
23:50.32*** join/#asterisk Segnale007 (
23:50.42ManxPowerplla: contact voiceage and ask them, I think
23:51.42coppiceI think if you do the transcoding in imaginary time, the licencing gets complex :-\
23:53.37tzangercoppice: hahaha
23:54.11outtolunclooks for imaginary friends while we are at it <G>
23:54.20d-k-tcoppice, should be free as with all imagination
23:54.29coppicetzanger: usually trying a maths joke here gets some response about being a retard
23:54.32d-k-tcoppice, unless you're in China I guess
23:54.39d-k-tcoppice, but that's a different time of non-free
23:54.47coppiceI am in China... sort of
23:54.56tzangercoppice: indeed, but I particuarly liked that one
23:55.08d-k-tahh hk
23:55.14d-k-thangzhou here
23:55.46coppiceI should be in hangzhou, but the visa system has gone crazy because of the olympics. I live in HK
23:56.16d-k-tI've heard it's now somewhat more difficult to get mainland visas in HK
23:57.17coppiceI usually get annual ones. this week all they could offer is a one entry visa, and they need an airline ticket and hotel booking before the application. this has thrown my schedule
23:57.39d-k-tHK used to be the fallback for people coming here if they needed to extend their stay beyond 30 days, night out in HK then fly back with a 6 month multi-entry visa with no 30 day limitation
23:58.25d-k-twhat are you coming to hangzhou for?
23:58.28coppicethe visa I get always have the 30 day stay limitation (F visa), but that is not an issue for me
23:59.29d-k-tit's easier with a residence permit :)
23:59.38*** part/#asterisk beek (n=klinebl@
23:59.58coppiceanyway this is really stupid. treating business travellers like the olympics tourists is ridiculuous

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