IRC log for #asterisk on 20080607

00:00.04ix33what is your dtmfmode in sip.conf?
00:00.07[TK]D-Fenderjack_sparo, PASTEBIN the entire inbound call attempt at CLI at verbose 10
00:00.08jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
00:00.20iceypif I call my mobile phone for example and press DTMF on my mobile, I can hear it on the SIP phone, but if I press DTMF on the SIP phone the mobile hears distorted
00:00.45ix33er, then that's not a pure SIP comm, eh?
00:01.04iceypahh no, let me try internal voip to voip phone
00:01.13*** join/#asterisk SteveTotaro (
00:02.36jack_sparook [TK]D-Fender
00:02.56iceypmmmm, it only seems to be from my linksys devices
00:03.30iceypI've tried using my cisco 7640 and dtmf is clear, but if i use my linksys ata 2102 it's distorted, and if I use my linksys router which has 2 ata ports, same thing
00:03.32iceypthis is weird
00:03.41ManxPowericeyp: what codec?
00:03.46jack_sparomay you have a look at the paste dude
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00:04.26[TK]D-Fenderjack_sparo, this is your dialplan, where did all that code come from? Executing [s@from-sip-external:5] Playback("SIP/", "ss-noservice") in new stack
00:04.28iceypI've tried both ulaw, alaw and g729
00:04.55iceypthe DTMF is very load though
00:05.04[TK]D-Fenderjack_sparo, because its nothing automated, its your dialplan.  You are receiving the call (un-authed no less), and dumping it into a very obvious context.
00:05.11jack_sparothis is when i try to call the DID that is poinyed to the system
00:05.22jack_sparoso what shall i do?
00:05.29jack_sparoi dont have any dial plans added yet
00:05.34[TK]D-Fenderjack_sparo, No.  Where did your dialplan come from?
00:05.46[TK]D-Fenderjack_sparo, all that code you see rolling by IS DIALPLAN.
00:06.05ManxPowericeyp: what DTMF mode is set on the phone?
00:06.37iceypAUTO in the linksys
00:07.01ManxPowericeyp: set it to AVT.  What is the DTMF mode set in Asterisk?
00:07.07jack_sparowhich dialplan?
00:07.31[TK]D-Fenderjack_sparo, all of that in your pastebin IS YOUR DIALPLAN <----- extensions.conf.
00:07.41iceypManxPower let me test
00:07.58hardwire[TK]D-Fender: I'm half tempted to put glow in the dark paper strips behind the LCD's on these SPA-941's :)
00:08.01ManxPowericeyp: NO!  Not TEST.  Tell.  What dtmfmode= did you set?
00:08.08ManxPowerjack_sparo: that paste is all normal
00:08.22iceyprfc2833 in asterisk
00:08.27iceypfor the extension to the linksys
00:08.36ManxPowerits a device, not an extension
00:09.08jack_sparoso what shall i do?>/
00:09.16jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
00:09.21ManxPowerjack_sparo: you should admit what GUI you are using?
00:09.24TJNIIjack_sparo: Read it ^
00:10.24javawizard2539So I'm kind of new to asterisk
00:11.33javawizard2539and I'm wondering, if asterisk (specifically Asterisk@Home) is installed on a computer without PCI ports, is it possible to install a voice modem (to be used as an FXO) in another computer that does have PCI ports, and have asterisk somehow connect to it?
00:11.57[TK]D-Fenderjavawizard2539, No, you can't use any old POS with *, just won't work.
00:12.16[TK]D-Fenderjavawizard2539, and Asterisk@Home is an OLD solution long since replaced by Trixbox
00:12.26[TK]D-Fenderjavawizard2539, Zaptel has no driver support for it
00:12.31javawizard2539That's what I mean, I keep forgetting the new name
00:12.43ix33technically he could do that by running two *'s, though :V
00:13.02javawizard2539the one with a PCI port is a win32
00:13.17ix33oh good we've gone right for the comedy option.
00:13.20javawizard2539will * connect to a voice modem?
00:13.30[TK]D-Fenderjavawizard2539, What part of "no" don't you understand?
00:13.40javawizard2539refer to ix33's comments
00:13.49[TK]D-Fenderjavawizard2539, which are BS.
00:14.02[TK]D-Fenderjavawizard2539, * does not function with any old POS modem.
00:14.33javawizard2539then what is the difference between a voice modem and something like an X100P besides what they're called?
00:14.43iceypManxPower if i press multiple digits for dtmf it seems to skip some, almost like there is a echo canceller or something
00:14.50[TK]D-Fenderjavawizard2539, the chipset and functional capabilities
00:14.55ix33well i was talking about using PCI ports in another computer.  voicemodems won't work of course
00:15.09[TK]D-Fenderjavawizard2539, for which only the X100P has a zaptel driver written for it.
00:15.17javawizard2539oh well
00:15.34javawizard2539in that case, would * be able to connect to an X100P on another computer?
00:15.38javawizard2539oh wait, that's what ix33 was saying
00:15.48[TK]D-Fenderjavawizard2539, I'd love to know how thats possible...
00:15.57ix33also, don't use X100P's
00:15.57javawizard2539If I run * on my main computer and *win32 on the computer with PCI, that would work, right?
00:16.08javawizard2539what should I use?
00:16.11ix33javawizard2539: NO
00:16.15[TK]D-Fenderix33, so.. what Win32 program will let it share that device remotely?
00:16.17ix33zaptel only works on *nix
00:16.20TJNIIWell, no.  * won't be able to connect to a card on another computer.  You can run two instances of * and have them connect to each other, though.
00:16.38ix33but only using NIX on the computer *with* pci slots
00:16.38TJNIIWhich is what I believe ix33 is saying.
00:16.43[TK]D-Fenderjavawizard2539, To my awareness there is no ZAPTEL available for Win32 so the answer would be "no"
00:16.47ManxPowerjavawizard2539: none of this helps you.
00:17.06ManxPowergive up now before you waste more time, or get hardware that works with Asterisk
00:17.24javawizard2539If I had the money I would
00:17.43[TK]D-Fenderjavawizard2539, Then do something else, because this line of thinking is a dead-end.
00:17.44ix33javawizard2539 just sign up with voicepulse and forget hardware altogether
00:19.26TJNIIjavawizard2539: pap2s are cheap on eaby
00:19.30TJNIIgood starter device
00:19.40[TK]D-FenderTJNII, Which doesn't do FXO
00:19.53[TK]D-FenderTJNII, Try to follow the conversation.
00:19.54TJNIIOh, did he want FXO?  I missed that.
00:20.07TJNIImakes an inappropriate gesture towards [TK]D-Fender
00:20.21ix33FXO more trouble than it's worth, even with a $200 TDM card.  unless this is a hobby.
00:20.53ix33get a PSTN telephone number from voicepulse and forget the second computer entirely
00:21.10deeperrorwhat is a good price on TDM11B
00:21.25ix33it's not called that anymore, but $230-ish USD
00:22.35ix33but i'm assuming new. if you're talking ebay i have no idea.
00:22.58[TK]D-Fenderdeeperror, For what kind of use?
00:24.30deeperrorjust home use configuring practice
00:25.14[TK]D-Fenderdeeperror, An X100P would be fine for configuring proactice.  Its not like its any different for FXO.  For FXS.. well Zaptel FXS simply isn't worth it anyways.
00:26.13*** join/#asterisk denon (
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00:26.56ix33[TK]D-Fender: why do you say that about FXS? is it just not common?
00:27.11[TK]D-Fenderix33, I said ZAPTEL FXS.
00:27.38deeperrorso you could get any phone line into fxo?
00:27.42[TK]D-Fenderix33, for standard use ATA's are much cheaper, flexible, smaller load on your system, and less requirements.
00:27.52[TK]D-Fenderdeeperror, ... huh?
00:27.58ix33well okay i was assuming that's what you meant.  thanks.
00:28.11jbotforeign exchange office - type of port you need to connect a POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service) line from your telco to a pbx
00:32.22*** join/#asterisk javawizard2539_ (
00:35.18ix33so does anyone here push ABE over open source for production * installs?
00:35.19javawizard2539_i have now connected an external Netcomm Roadster v.92 voice modem to my pc and started asteriskwin32 and it picked up the modem automatically.
00:35.21javawizard2539_Called the landline number and the asterisk answered. great
00:35.22javawizard2539_I then did the echo test , and i cannot believe my results. almost instantly.
00:35.48javawizard2539_which seems to indicate that what i was thinking is possible
00:36.35[TK]D-Fenderjavawizard2539Yeah, ok, fine, sure... good luck with that though.
00:37.27ix33it has always been possible. there are reasons it's not widely done, i think.
00:38.07javawizard2539_i would need to find a full duplex modem though...
00:38.18*** join/#asterisk lmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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00:40.50ix33okaaaaay, i have gone through a certain amount of trouble to go alllll the way back to use MG2 for EC.
00:42.04[TK]D-Fenderix33, Did MG2 not do the job?
00:42.46ix33all quality issues considered, MG2 sounds best right now.
00:43.01[TK]D-Fenderix33, try out OSLEC...
00:43.42ix33[TK]D-Fender: thanks for the tip.  i certainly will do that tonight.
00:44.00ix33headed to gym, bbl
00:44.35*** join/#asterisk bkruse (
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00:47.19lmadsenbkruse: oh snap!
00:47.33bkruselmadsen: :X what's up?
00:47.38lmadsennada much
00:47.39bkruseWhen you coming to visit me?
00:47.57lmadsenprobably not for a while
00:48.01lmadsenAstriCon perhaps?
00:48.02bkruseNot a lot going on is good usually
00:48.09bkruseNice. The power phailed today :/
00:48.10lmadsencan't really go to the US very easily
00:48.14bkruseif you didn't already know
00:48.15lmadsenya, I heard!
00:48.24Qwellbkruse: failed?
00:48.41lmadsencaused a small fire
00:48.41bkruseQwell: phail
00:48.44Qwellat Digium?
00:48.54lmadsentry and keep up Qwell
00:48.55Qwellnice, what happened?
00:48.58lmadsenhell, I'm not even in the same country!
00:49.06bkruseThis is weird, check this out, the battery backups went out first
00:49.07lmadsenbrownout caused a water pump to phail
00:49.09bkrusethen the normal pc's
00:49.19lmadsenand smoke
00:49.22bkrusebecause the battery backups switched at brownout, then died
00:49.30Qwellhow long?
00:49.32bkruseya Qwell, smoke and lots of stuff :)
00:49.38bkruseQwell: I believe it is still out, everyone left
00:49.55*** join/#asterisk Swabby (
00:50.05SwabbyIs there any way to push configuration automatically to an Grandstream?
00:50.12Swabbylike can you save the info to a file and upload it?
00:50.40lmadsenI need to upgrade my polycom 501 again and see if the latest version with default configs will cause it to actually stay registered
00:50.44bkruseya, Qwell, idk, I got like 49 emails from jeffery....
00:50.50lmadsenseems to only be that one phone too (out of the 4 phones on my desk)
00:51.33lmadsenseems to have done it ever since I updated to the 3.x bootrom...
00:51.42bkruselmadsen: What are they publically at now? or are you getting the beta stuff
00:52.08lmadsenoh, actually I guess the bootROM is
00:52.27lmadsenI need a beer before I really start on this :)
00:53.24lmadsenI think 3.0.5
00:53.28lmadsenI'm not using betas
00:54.18bkruselmadsen: Good. heh, let me know how that goes :)
00:54.29lmadsenoh the beer goes down smooth
00:54.44lmadsenI just updated my home PBX system to 1.6.0 branch
00:54.50lmadsenI don't know why people complain it is so hard to upgrade
00:54.55bkruse1.6.0 branch is where the cool kids are at
00:55.01*** part/#asterisk korihor (n=korihor@
00:55.04lmadsenk00l k1dz
00:55.05bkrusetrunk is for really cool kids
00:55.30lmadsenheh... I'm not that brave :)
00:56.20lmadsenI got a book to update :)
00:58.09*** join/#asterisk fordfrog (n=fordfrog@gentoo/developer/fordfrog)
00:59.36tzangerlmadsen's a chicken shit
00:59.36[TK]D-Fenderlmadsen, 3.0.5?  I have 3.0.2, you sure its gone that high?
00:59.54lmadsen[TK]D-Fender: no I'm not that sure -- I just looked -- 3.0.2 is the newest
01:00.14lmadsenif anyone wants to suggest changes/additions for TFoT 3rd Edition, feel free
01:00.54lmadsenit will be based on 1.6.x
01:01.00tzangerlmadsen: what version is it targeted at
01:01.02tzangeryou just said
01:01.09tzangerI guess I'd have to run 1.6 to comment :-)
01:01.20lmadsenyou and me both :)
01:01.42bkruseI run trunk at my school
01:01.45bkruseheh :]
01:03.53lmadsencouple of ideas I have:  expand the hardware installation instructions to include digital hardware, expand and update the GUI chapters, redo the DUNDi section, add some information about faxing, include simple dialplan examples for every dialplan app. and func. in the appendices, and show some sort of 1.2->1.6 CLI matrix (I'm skipping 1.4 because its a bit of a mess...)
01:04.04ix33you know the support guy i was talking to was saying something about a water pump and 1/2 the servers being down
01:04.19ManxPowerlmadsen: I'm also skipping 1.4
01:04.24lmadsenwe should probably write up some docs on how to upgrade your 1.2 system to 1.6
01:04.47bkruselmadsen: I am going to start comitting to the gui in the last couple of seconds....
01:04.56bkrusein the next couple of days is what I meant, wow.
01:05.03[TK]D-Fenderlmadsen, PROPER IVR samples with 1.2+ versions.
01:05.09ManxPowerhands bkruse another drink
01:05.31[TK]D-Fenderlmadsen, samples of zaptel for analog, PRI, CAS, etc.
01:05.34lmadsen[TK]D-Fender: yes, that was another thing I heard about -- not enough examples of IVRs
01:05.42lmadsensteals the drink
01:06.38bkruseManxPower: Just some bug fixes for FF3, I am doing no more development because the current gui bl0ws
01:06.54bkruseit'll get lots better, give it some time :]
01:07.01lmadsenbkruse: thank god
01:07.14lmadsenthere are some things I like about it, and some I don't
01:07.16bkruselmadsen: I promise :)
01:07.31lmadsenbkruse: I've used the GUI a lot lately for a customer, so please feel free to bounce ideas off me
01:08.05bkruselmadsen: I will, actually, I have some things for you to "test" :)
01:08.25bkruselmadsen: It just rocks, but we do need comments about layout, and you, would be a great candidate
01:08.25lmadsenheh, sweet
01:08.35lmadsenyou need a 3rd eye to look at it
01:08.46lmadsenafter you look at it all day, you'll have no idea whether you're doing something "right" or not
01:08.53[TK]D-Fenderlmadsen, go for it tri-clops!
01:09.27bkruselmadsen: Exactly
01:09.32bkruse[TK]D-Fender: How you doing?
01:09.38ManxPowerWhich GUI?
01:09.40[TK]D-Fenderbkruse, getting by... TGIF./..
01:10.01bkruse[TK]D-Fender: I hear you :)
01:10.04ManxPowerIs that the one from Digium?
01:10.09bkruseManxPower: asterisk gui, it's coming to a city near you
01:10.19bkruseManxPower: Ya....the current open source one has not been developed on in....awhile though
01:10.22bkrusegive it some time
01:10.28ManxPowerbkruse: At least it's the best of the horrid class of software.
01:10.57bkruseManxPower: ouch
01:11.09ManxPowerCould you at least put in the docs "DO NOT GO TO #ASTERISK FOR SUPPORT!" all over the docs.
01:11.23lmadsenthanks for the reminder ManxPower
01:11.29lmadsenthat reminded me to fix my wiki link :)
01:11.33bkruseManxPower: hehe, yes
01:11.39ManxPowerThis is a technical channel, and using a GUI is not...technical.
01:12.04lmadsenI totally agree
01:12.08ManxPowerwe get GUI users here all the time asking for help.  Usually we just smack them upside the head and insult them, but it would be better if they were never here in the first place.
01:12.33bkruseManxPower: redirect them to #asterisk-gui, geez.
01:12.41*** part/#asterisk RypPn (
01:12.49TrentCreek[TK]D-Fender: My ATA still does not get voice...after forwarding all traffic to the " Box and changing IP addresses for everything..the sound quality has gotten better, but no voice going to in calls.
01:12.51bkrusesend me a pm and i'll move them, them or 10 other ops
01:12.51ManxPowerTheir excuse is almost always "But #theasteriskguiiuse is dead!" and my response is usually "If support is so bad why are you using it?"
01:13.03bkrusesure, whatever.
01:13.07lmadsengrrrrrrrr... my wiki used to work... now I can't remember what I did to make it work
01:13.22[TK]D-FenderTrentCreek, you'll need to describe the complete setup as it now is.
01:13.39ManxPowerbkruse:  A minority say "Oh!  I'm sorry" and leave.  The others whine about no support on the channel that is dedicated to their GUI or no response on their "forums" and then try to get help anyway.
01:14.07bkruseManxPower: I understand, I have kind of given up hope for them, I will do a better job in the future.
01:14.09ManxPowerBTW, most of these people are using Trixbox/AMP/FreePBX
01:14.20ManxPowerbkruse: don't have a GUI if you can't support it.
01:14.50TrentCreek[TK]D-Fender: If you remember, it has not changed since the last time..just now all the IP addresses are setup on the on the same LAN
01:14.50lmadsenaha! I changed the link
01:15.27bkruseManxPower: I think that decision is up to me and digium, but thanks
01:15.29ManxPowerI can't tell you how many times I've helped someone for 20 mins, then ask for a pastebin of the CLI output of a failed call and then realize that there are 200 lines of complex dialplan and AGI scripts to call one number and it's AMP.
01:15.57*** join/#asterisk tobias (
01:15.59ManxPowerbkruse: ALL decisions regarding Digium products is up to Digium.
01:16.20bkruseManxPower: I  would imagine many corporations do that, especially since people purchase BE because of the gui.
01:16.21ManxPowerBut you also rely heavily on this channel for support and if the people that know stuff start leaving because of channel problems.....
01:16.28[TK]D-FenderTrentCreek, pastebin a call with SIP debug enabled.
01:16.36TrentCreek[TK]D-Fender: everything now is based on 192.168.2.xx
01:17.18bkruseManxPower: You told me this, and we had this argument over 6 months ago, and you're still here. People that buy BE have support from Digium, trust me, I fix a lot of problems.
01:17.23ManxPower[TK]D-Fender doesn't count.  I'm convinced he's insane because he never seems to need a break from the channel. 8-)
01:17.51ManxPowerbkruse: and people here send BE people right to Digium.  BE is a non-issue.
01:17.56bkruseManxPower: As far as people that just check it out because we want it to be open source, I always fix bugs on the bugtracker, answer questions in #asterisk-gui, and personal emails and the forums, I do not owe an explanation to you at all, but I figured you should know.
01:18.11ManxPowerAnd Asterisk-GUI is a small fraction of the GUI users we get here.
01:18.26bkruseManxPower: Well in that case, I am not sure why you are jumping on my nuts about it
01:18.28ManxPowerbkruse: I appreciate the information
01:18.39[TK]D-Fenderyeah... dwarfed by FreePBX toting schmucks
01:18.53[TK]D-Fenderbkruse, You working on the GUI code?
01:19.00bkruseManxPower: I am just saying, I honestly do as much as I can man :/ things just overflow, and I thank you for helping me handle that
01:19.30bkruse[TK]D-Fender: Not really, just trying to keep open source bug fixes and stuff in my spare time
01:19.36bkrusemy Digium job is much different
01:19.38ManxPowerbkruse: If Asterisk-GUI gets as popular we'll have the same problem with that.  I wanted to bring the issue to your attention *before* it becomes an issue.
01:19.38lmadsenI have no idea how [TK]D-Fender or ManxPower find as much time as they do to help on the IRC channel
01:20.01[TK]D-Fenderlmadsen, pirated copy of
01:20.15ManxPowerlmadsen: my life is odd in most ways 8-)
01:20.26bkruselmadsen: Exactly, I really highly applaud them, and thank them.
01:20.56lmadsenkicks [TK]D-Fender and ManxPower (slackers!)
01:20.59bkruseManxPower: True, and help me help ok? I am often busy a lot in the day, but I will try my best, just ping me and I will eventually get into the habbit of watching ok?
01:21.47ManxPowerI shall /msg you if an Asterisk-GUI user does not go to the correct channel when asked.
01:22.23bkruseManxPower: Absolutely, I am really encourage that, even in the #asterisk-gui channel, I say to "say bkruse" so I can help
01:22.40bkruseManxPower: When I do get time to watch the channel, you and [TK]D-Fender often pass me to the answer, I love it :)
01:24.36*** join/#asterisk jicksta (
01:28.25ManxPowerUnfortunatly my knowledge is getting increasingly out of date.
01:30.07lmadsenyou need to do more consulting, and less maintenance
01:30.52[TK]D-FenderManxPower, Or just stop fearing your users.
01:32.06lmadsennah... I increasingly get sucked into maintenance tasks once a project is nearing completion because I'm the only one who can do it -- I keep making sure I actively get out of that task
01:33.32*** join/#asterisk blind32 (
01:34.25ManxPowerMy users are a mob of bloodthirsty real estate agents
01:35.20*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
01:35.25blind32hey all
01:38.42blind32is it popular to use fedora core 9 with asterisk on a pentium 4, or should i go with a lower fedora release?
01:41.09lmadsenblind32: it's just Fedora 9 now (drop the Core), and while it is not popular because it is new, you can use it. However, F6 and F7 are still the recommended versions for Asterisk Business Edition. Any distribution you are *personally* familiar and comfortable with is adequate for Asterisk
01:41.26*** join/#asterisk hsv-al (
01:41.35*** join/#asterisk TrentCreek (
01:42.48hardwireStrom_C: So, the NANPA rate center codes are unique per state.
01:43.44*** join/#asterisk blinky42 (
01:46.21bkruseCorydon76-dig: you there?
01:47.24jblackI think I just found my weird unreachable/reachable iax problem.
01:48.39jblack10.21.0.22/24 and would work fine for hours at a time, then suddenly go crazy with packet loss.
01:49.11lmadsenwhat was the solution?
01:49.36jblackFix so it doesn't wrongly think it's in a class C, and really is in the class B.
01:49.44jblackOh, pardon, the latter one is
01:49.51jblackThat may make it more apparent. =)
01:50.17jblackSo, machineB was talking directly to machineA, because it thinks its on the same network. machine A was using the gateway to talk to machine B.
01:52.46hsv-alsome sales lady in NC tried to hook me up w/ a weekend pickup
01:52.59ix33wow. good sales technique.
01:53.00hsv-albut the 'power iss, made things hard, monday it is ;/
01:54.13hsv-alix33, what can i do this weekend if i get the card
01:54.17hsv-alits at my desk at work, but with an fxs chip
01:54.21hsv-ali just wont have an fxo till mon
01:54.49ix33you can make any old analog phone get dialtone from *
01:54.51hsv-alslightly annoying, was hoping to have both this sat
01:55.51hsv-alix33, i put the fxs in slot 2
01:56.00hsv-also the analong phone goes to slot 2, but if fxo goes in 4, then wall line in 4
01:56.08hsv-alor if its in slot 1, line goes in jack 1
01:56.13hsv-also they're interchangeable like that?
01:56.38hsv-alas long as the #'s are matched?
01:56.55ix33yes. put it in slot 4 and the other in slot 1
01:57.05hsv-alwell the fxs is in slot 2 now
01:57.07ix33don't confuse the two or risk frying the thing.
01:57.12hsv-aldoesnt matter hwich the fxo chip goes in
01:57.15hsv-aljust match the #'s up right?
01:57.30ix33that's true. but make sure you don't confuse fxs/fxo
01:57.36hsv-althat i know
01:57.39hsv-albut i wanted to make sure
01:57.43hsv-althat you didnt have to go in static sequence
01:57.45hsv-al1,2,3,4 etc
01:57.47ix33fxs doesn't like getting +48V
01:57.55ix33hsv-al: you don't have to go in sequence
01:58.38*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
02:01.48ix33why isn't my ztmonitor working?
02:02.27tzangerhere's a good one... would anyone know where I'd get a recent copy of the old tor2 driver?
02:03.14ix33er... doesn't that still come with zaptel?
02:03.42tzangerbah, you're right
02:03.48tzangerno wonder I can't find it anywhere :-)
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02:09.58ix33ok it's just ztmonitor from 1.4-branch
02:10.00ix33for some reason
02:13.07lmadsenit won't come in DAHDI though
02:13.12lmadsentzanger: ^^^
02:13.43*** join/#asterisk hsv-al (
02:14.09tzangerztmonitor is for zaptel. I wonder if they'll have dahmon or something for dahdi
02:14.13tzangerlmadsen: ahh
02:14.25tzangerI have to say dahdi is one of the dumbest-sounding names I could think to saddle a project with
02:14.34lmadsenyou're not the only one
02:14.39lmadsenI say Doddy
02:14.39tzangerit's right up there with fucking joomla, zarafa, zimbra and that crap
02:14.54tzangerdrupal yes
02:15.21lmadsenobligatory M$ bash :D
02:15.22tzangeropen source coders should holler up the stairs and ask their moms what they think of a new name before officially naming a project
02:15.28lmadsenmwalling: I agree with you
02:15.29tzangeryes ubuntu sucks too
02:15.44ix33ubuntu has a real meaning behind it though
02:15.52lmadsendoesn't make it sound less dumb :)
02:15.57mwallingix33: so does asshole
02:16.03mwallingit means i had too much tbell
02:16.17ix33asshole would be an awesome name for a linux distribution.
02:16.33ix33'yeah but does it run asshole?'
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02:17.30hsv-al_mre|29a, they were making some odd filtering system for an e-commerce site that uses data about aggregate user behavior to make recommendations tailored to specific user interests
02:19.04*** part/#asterisk spiny (
02:19.37*** join/#asterisk Twister (n=jlane@
02:22.40Twisterhey all, could you take a look at this link and tell me if you can see why my trunk wont register  (from the looks of things, it's not even trying)
02:24.10lmadsenTwister: iax2 show registry
02:24.13lmadsendoes it show there?
02:24.18lmadsendid you reload your iax2 driver?
02:24.46Twisterits sip,
02:25.06Twisterlet me turn my account to iax and try that
02:25.43lmadsenno no... just check the sip
02:25.53lmadsenI saw teliax, so just thought iax for some reason
02:25.58lmadsensip show registry
02:26.06lmadsenand sip set debug peer teliax
02:26.20lmadsenyou should see the registrations go out, and a response
02:27.36TwisterHost                            Username       Refresh State                Reg.Time
02:27.41Twisteris sip show registry
02:27.43Twisternothing listed
02:28.02Twisterjust enabled debug for teliax
02:28.13Twisterseeing nothing
02:28.25Twisterreloaded and still seeing nothing
02:28.33TJNIItwisted: module reload chan_sip
02:29.02TJNIIDoes sip show registry show it now?
02:29.19TJNIIHow about sip show peers
02:29.43Twisterteliax/twister             N      5060     Unmonitored
02:30.23TJNIINo messages about registration failing with verbose >= 5?
02:31.41TJNIIPastebin your sip.conf
02:31.46jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
02:31.54Twistersure just a sec
02:33.30lmadsenya, with 'sip show registry' you should see output, otherwise asterisk obviously won't try to register
02:36.56Twistermost of it is the example that came with, what i added is at the bottom
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02:39.07TJNIITry moving the register line up to where it says "OUTBOUND SIP REGISTRATIONS"
02:40.18TJNIIAlso why do you have teliax and teliax-in?
02:41.30TJNIIAnd it is good form to remove superflorous comments and passwords before pastebinning.
02:41.43Twisterthat did it!
02:41.47*** join/#asterisk test34 (n=test34@unaffiliated/test34)
02:42.08TJNIITwister: Now, do you know why?
02:42.38Twisternot a clue but im gonna make sure i understand before i go any further
02:43.00TJNIIthe register wasn't in [general] but in [6001]
02:45.16Twisterthat makes sense..kind of..i had created a new sip.conf with just the extension and the trunk in it, put the register line at the top and it still didnt register it
02:46.01TJNIIDid you include the [general] heading?
02:46.23TJNIIYea, that's kind of important.....
02:47.02Twistermusta missed that part :(
02:47.45*** join/#asterisk macros73_ (
02:48.28Twisterthank you all greatly for your help
02:48.58TJNIIOnce again, why do you have teliax and teliax-in?
02:50.49Twisterbecause thats what teliax has on their page?
02:51.59Twisteri thought it seemed a little odd too but i dont know enough to know it dont belong there
02:52.01Twisterso i put it there
02:53.51Twisteri removed it
03:02.17Twisterdoes anyone know if teliax has a delay in changing passwords, i just changed mine and it lists on the page but my new pass wont work and niether will my new one
03:03.14ix33i have ztmonitor recordings of both the incoming and outgoing zap channels with: MG2 EC, VPM EC, and HPEC EC; pre- and post-EC on each.
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03:04.24ix33I will provide this to Digium I guess, but I am going to need a solution on this silly VPM thing.
03:04.39Twisternm there it went
03:05.03ix33can anyone suggest a t1 line card with built-in EC?
03:05.11ix33i'm leaving MG2 on for now.
03:07.08*** join/#asterisk cesar_CR (
03:09.34ix33what is in slot 2?
03:09.48ix33bleah wrong window
03:24.03hsv-al02:01.0 ethernet controller: Digium, Inc. unknown device 8005 (Rev 11)
03:26.20hsv-al[ 1111.049502] zaptel: Unknown symbol crc_ccitt_table
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04:21.17truenti'd help but im probably newer than you
04:23.11ddeanohow do i switch channels
04:23.45ddeanoi doubt it, i used a gui irc client years ago but it did the basics for you
04:26.47Corydon76-digpokes bkruse
04:34.51*** join/#asterisk yxa (n=lonari@
04:36.41yxasorry this might be alittle off-topic: anyone knows of a vendor who keeps good stock on new Linksys SPA962/942 phones? quantity needed: 50. please pm me
04:41.10coppiceIt looks like chan_sip still cannot cope with things like
04:41.11coppiceContent-Type: application/sdp; charset=utf-8
05:05.03*** join/#asterisk Blacraft (n=bla@
05:05.18Blacrafthello i;m just after a little help getting a TDM400P FXS card to work, currently i have no dial tone
05:10.43ix33what does ztcfg -vv say?
05:11.52javawizard2539_So I got *win32 installed and running with a voice modem hooked up to the computer, and now I'm getting an error in
05:12.04javawizard2539_Channel 1: Unable to open board 1 port 0 on module fxos
05:12.08javawizard2539_Any ideas on what's going on?
05:12.13ix33hoo boy
05:12.49ix33javawizard2539_ please believe me when i say that no one in this channel is going to be able to help with that particular setup.  probably much less be willing
05:14.00javawizard2539_There's got to be some way to get it working, others have
05:14.16drmessanoYeah, AsteriskWin32 is really unsupported here
05:14.20ix33sure. but that's a very fringe kind of thing to be doing.
05:14.31javawizard2539_Is there an irc channel for *win32?
05:14.35drmessanoWhich voice modem?
05:14.41drmessanoJust any old modem?
05:14.46javawizard2539_creative di5133 I think
05:14.48drmessanoDoesnt work that way
05:14.53drmessanoAny old modem doesnt work
05:14.59javawizard2539_It should
05:15.02ix33javawizard2539_: see?
05:15.06drmessanoNo, it should not
05:15.07javawizard2539_at least for menus that only require half-duplex
05:15.19drmessanoNo, it should not
05:15.21florzcoppice: I think that particular example not being supported is perfectly ok, as I don't see that a charset parameter is allowed for application/sdp
05:16.29drmessanoAsteriskWin32 works with a very limited set of hardware to begin with, and Asterisk run on Linux only supports one "modem" which is the X100P card that started it's life as a modem and had drivers written for asterisk to make it work
05:16.35drmessano"Any old modem" is not gonna work
05:16.44javawizard2539_I was reading at which seems to indicate it's possible but only with half-duplex
05:16.48javawizard2539_which is ok for me
05:17.00drmessanoWell, I am telling you that is not correct
05:17.30javawizard2539_Is there some place then where I can get an FXO that hooks up via ethernet and allows asterisk to connect via SIP or IAX?
05:18.32drmessanoThat's your best option
05:18.47drmessanoand that forum post you pasted
05:19.01drmessanoWhich I will only comment slightly on....
05:20.00drmessanoDoes state that cards similar to the Digium X100P will work.. but finding a card like that sold as a MODEM are rare if even possible anymore.. you can get an X100P clone all over the web for $30, but they suck
05:20.24drmessanoIn THEORY, if someone writes the drivers and wastes part of their life doing it, a lot more modem could work with Asterisk
05:21.42Qwellthere was a chan_modem at one point
05:21.46Qwellit sucked, and was removed.
05:21.56Qwellhad support for like aopen and a few others.  but it sucked
05:22.16drmessanoBut clone tdm400 cards are becoming cheaper and cheaper, and will eventually replace X100Ps as the cheapo knock-offs.. which, while it's not a great thing, is better than X100Ps still existing
05:22.58javawizard2539_So X100Ps aren't a good thing?
05:23.09drmessanoThey generally suck a lot of ass
05:24.22drmessanoGet an SPA-3102
05:24.36drmessanoThen you don't have to worry about the hardware layer with Windows
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05:28.36e2e5hello, is h323 asterisk thing developer here ?
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05:35.13e2e5What does NoCdr do ?
05:35.34e2e5I route call through extensions, Dial ... Goto (on failover) ... Dial ... Goto ...
05:35.55e2e5CDR is generated for each event
05:36.26e2e5if I apply NoCdr before the entire chain, will it stop CDR totally ?
05:39.57Blacrafthello i;m just after a little help getting a TDM400P FXS card to work, currently i have no dial tone
05:41.32Blacraft[ ~]# ztcfg -vv
05:41.32BlacraftZaptel Version: 1.4.10
05:41.32BlacraftEcho Canceller: OSLEC
05:41.32BlacraftChannel map:
05:41.34BlacraftChannel 01: FXO Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 01)
05:41.36BlacraftChannel 02: FXO Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 02)
05:41.38BlacraftChannel 03: FXS Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 03)
05:41.40BlacraftChannel 04: FXS Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 04)
05:41.42Blacraft4 channels to configure.
05:42.48ix33ok. pastebin your zapata.conf file
05:43.28ix33actually your /etc/zaptel.conf and your /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf files
05:44.10Blacraft# Autogenerated by /usr/sbin/genzaptelconf -- do not hand edit
05:44.10Blacraft# Zaptel Configuration File
05:44.10Blacraft# This file is parsed by the Zaptel Configurator, ztcfg
05:44.11Blacraft# It must be in the module loading order
05:44.13Blacraft# Span 1: WCTDM/0 "Wildcard TDM400P REV I Board 1" (MASTER)
05:44.23Blacraft# Global data
05:44.56ix33on that note i believe i will be heading to bed.
05:45.33*** join/#asterisk Blacraft (n=bla@
05:45.43jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
05:48.01Blacraft; Zapata telephony interface
05:48.02Blacraft; Configuration file
05:48.17ix33ok seriously now
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05:48.46Blacraftok i know im stupid :)
05:49.58ix33and when you
05:50.18Blacraftsome people have said go back to zaptel- driver
05:51.26ix33when you say you have no dialtone, what actually is connected where?
05:51.49ix33you should have analog phones connected to either ports 1 or two, right?
05:52.27Blacraftcorrect and i have a pstn line connected to port 3
05:52.38Blacraftso phone connected to port 1 pstn to port 3
05:53.51ix33what does 'zap show status' say?
05:55.50Blacraftwhat do you mean
05:56.14BlacraftChannel map:
05:56.15BlacraftChannel 01: FXO Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 01)
05:56.15BlacraftChannel 02: FXO Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 02)
05:56.15BlacraftChannel 03: FXS Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 03)
05:56.15BlacraftChannel 04: FXS Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 04)
05:56.15Blacraft4 channels to configure.
05:57.17ix33in asterisk?
05:57.21ix33in the CLI
05:58.32Blacrafttrixbox1*CLI> zap show status
05:58.33BlacraftDescription                              Alarms     IRQ        bpviol     CRC4
05:58.33BlacraftWildcard TDM400P REV I Board 1           OK         0          0          0
06:03.06ix33now show me 'zap show channels'
06:05.54ix33and you're sure that when you pick up an analog phone which is connected to ports 1 or 2 it has no dialtone?
06:07.24ix33ok, can you dial out through Zap/3 or /4?
06:07.33ix33using a softphone or something, naturally
06:09.07Blacrafti haven;t setup it to dial out through the zap yet
06:09.35Blacrafti can receive calls through port 3 or 4 though
06:09.45ix33ah ok good enough
06:09.54ix33but you can't Dial(Zap/1) or /2?
06:10.00ix33what happens when you do?
06:10.12Blacraftahh nothing
06:10.38Blacraftnooo i'm wrong
06:10.50Blacrafti just tried to dial it and it rang
06:11.00Blacraftlol didn't do that before
06:12.32Blacraftsort of rang it's not the phones normal ring, it's more like a beep
06:13.10ix33fine. what does the CLI say when you *pick up* a non-ringing phone on ports 1 or 2
06:13.43ix33come to think of it, did you connect the supplemental power cable to your tdm4xx when you installed it?
06:14.08Blacraftyeah it was connected
06:14.15ix33are you sure it's live?
06:14.50Blacrafti gather it is, because the green lights are on
06:16.07Blacraftnow there is a dial tone
06:16.12Blacrafti didn't do anything
06:16.53Blacrafti un plugged it and plugged it in again, now the dial tone has gone
06:17.07ix33alrighty then.
06:17.59Blacrafti redialed it from my voip phone then hung up the dial tone is back again
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06:18.18Blacraftnow it is gone again :)  after leaving it for a bit
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06:19.24ix33well that there is flaky.
06:19.32ix33good news is that you appear to be configured correctly
06:19.48ix33the bad news is that this seems like it's a physical layer problem
06:20.09ix33and as a computer scientist, i am forbidden by union bylaws from diagnosing physical layer problems
06:20.41Blacrafti don't want it to be faulty. i bought the thing over ebay
06:20.46ix33plus i am exhausted and will now be headed to bed.
06:21.39Blacraftok thanks for your help.
06:22.14ix33no problem. i'm sorry i couldn't be more helpful.
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06:30.08Blacraftanyone got any idea why my TDM400P FXS doesn't have a dial tone, though if i ring it, it rings.  Then after that i have a dial tone for a minute, though i can't ring out
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06:49.49coppiceflorz: its perfectly valid, and it *is* used by some applications
06:51.01florzcoppice: valid as per what standard?
06:51.37coppiceits normal mime stuff. if they want to stop it being used for SIP they would have to specifically disallow it
06:52.01coppicemore importantly, some systems actually send it
06:52.02florzcoppice: where do the MIME RFC allow that?!
06:52.23coppicethe charset parameter is a perfectly normal mime parameter
06:52.25florzcoppice: Well, that would be a reason for at least ignoring parameters, yeah
06:52.51florzcoppice: Well, I say that it's not, not there - so, where in the RFC does it say that it's allowed to appear there?
06:53.08florzor rather, RFCs - there are quite a few to consult
06:53.38coppicea normal mime content type line can carry a charset field
06:53.41florzcoppice: Neither in the SIP, nor in the HTTP, nor in the MIME, nor in the DSP RFC do I see any provision that would allow that
06:54.12florzcoppice: Well, that's what you are claiming, yes - now, what part of what RFC is the basis for that claim?
06:54.20florzerm, s/DSP/SDP/
06:55.15ManxPowerflorz: I've never actually seen coppice be wrong.
06:55.35florzManxPower: Well, then maybe this is the first time? =:-)
06:56.02coppicehave you ever seen HTTP sent *without* a charset field?
06:56.43florzcoppice: Erm yeah, sure - how would a charset make any sense for, say, video/mpeg ?
06:57.21bkrusecoppice: There is an apache "security vulnerability" now, which isn't actually a vulnerability, but other than that, no, because you wouldn't know what you are getting
06:57.33coppicethat's not a textual mime type, but I don't think the charset is actually prohibited there, and I do klnow its often sent
06:58.00florzcoppice: but RFC2047 is for encoding of non-US-ASCII-values in headers!?
06:58.38coppicewhatever, right now asterisk can't talk to microsoft office
06:58.59Blacraftanyone got any idea why my TDM400P FXS doesn't have a dial tone, though if i ring it, it rings.  Then after that i have a dial tone for a minute, though i can't ring out
06:59.25florzcoppice: plus, BTW, HTTP does actually mandate that you can even leave out the charset, in which case the client has to assume that the entity is iso-8859-1 for text subtypes
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07:00.00coppicesure, but then the charset is implicit, so its still relevant
07:00.37florzcoppice: yeah, that was just to your question whether I've ever seen HTTP being sent without a charset parameter
07:02.08florzcoppice: but, after all, application/sdp is not a text format in the traditional sense - for example, it does allow mixing character encodings, in which case you couldn't even label it with any correct "entity character set"
07:02.32coppiceThe IETF's own software tools use lines like
07:02.34coppiceContent-Type: application/SDP; charset=ISO-10646
07:02.56florzcoppice: plus, for the overall document, utf-8 is the only allowed encoding, so declaring it isn't of much use, I'd think
07:03.28coppicemy above comment seems to disagree with that? are you saying the IETF tools are wrong?
07:04.09florzcoppice: uh? ISO-10646? wasn't the charset parameter, at least for text types, for specifying a character encoding rather than a character set (despite its name)?
07:04.38florzcoppice: at least from my understanding of the matter I'd think so - what tool is that?
07:04.41coppicecharset should actually specify a character set
07:05.48coppicetry googling for "application/sdp charset" and you'll get various hits for IETF stuff. the one I was looking at was actually for ISUP handling
07:07.59florzcoppice: there, it says that the "charset" actually means what otherwise is called a "character encoding"
07:08.26florzcoppice: and IMO that's the only option that makes sense - after all, what does it help the character set if you don't know the encoding
07:09.14florzcoppice: and ISO-10646 is not an encoding (unless IANA maybe defines it as an identifies for one?), so it really doesn't make much sense ...
07:09.24florzerm, s/identifies/identifier/
07:10.01florzs/does it help the/does it help to know the/
07:10.53florzcoppice: (all that partially assuming that the charset paramater for application/sdp does have the same semantics as the one for text types)
07:13.25coppiceWhatever. I believe there is something in the mime spec about tolerating parameters you don't understand, and certainly variable amounts of white space should be OK. Neither is Ok with chan_sip right now. More importantly its just plain incompatible with real world apps
07:14.37coppiceISO-10646 is a much or as little of a character set as ISO-8859-1
07:14.52coppicehow you apply the term "encoding" is a bit vague
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07:15.07florzwell, yeah, chan_sip certainly is pretty broken, plus the sip rfc does in the BNF allow parameters to the content-type header (even though it doesn't specify and), so it probably would be wise to at least tolerate them ...
07:16.44florzcoppice: well, no, iso-8859-1 is both a character set and an encoding - it does specify both a mapping from code points to "elements of alphabets" and from code points to bit patterns
07:16.56florzcoppice: ISO-10646 only specifies the former
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07:18.17florzcoppice: thus, if you have a heap of bits labeled as "ISO-10646", you can't really know how to make unicode code points from those bits
07:19.28florzahh, the iana charset registry indeed does contain ISO-10646
07:19.45florzas an alias for ISO-10646-Unicode-Latin1
07:20.15coppicewell, I'd say ISO-10646 is UCS-2, which might then get remapped into UTF-16 or UTF-. Similar ISO-8859-1 gets remapped to other things when the path is not 8 bit. its all rather vague in the specs
07:20.28NovceGuruanybody happen to be using ironvoice
07:23.41coppicethose character sets are a brain dead mess, cooked up by people looking for jollies to meetings in other countries. they even shove things like "Latin" into sets that support Chinese.
07:23.43florzcoppice: according to rfc1815 it's the same character set as in iso-8859-1 (or at least pretty close to it), but encoded in ucs-2, yep
07:24.32florzcoppice: well, yeah, in part that's true - but in part, it's also the implementations that are a mess, beyond what's brain dead in the standards ;-)
07:25.08coppiceUnicode was intended from the start to be a war zone, and to promote standards committee meetings in exotic locations
07:26.58florzcoppice: now, charset=ISO-10646 on application/sdp makes even less sense if that iana registry really is what applies here - since sdp as per its own rfc is fixed to being utf8-encoded for the overall document - so, this would be specifying a different character set than the document can be in ...
07:27.07coppiceI remember the old mailing list for unicode definition, with messages like "we couldn't really FAX you an image of these new glyphs. We need to meet at the Bali Hilton to discuss them
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07:28.01florz(pardon me, a different encoding ;-)
07:29.20coppicewell, its all totally irrelevant. unless microsoft does something totally broken that can't be lived with, you gotta live with it. personally I can't see anything wrong with what they have done, and a proper mime parser would have no problem with it.
07:35.06florzwell, no, not the mime parser, but the interface between the mime parser and the sdp parser - the mime parser probably will have to produce characters if it is to somehow apply that character encoding, while the sdp parser can only parse octet sequences. So there is no way to feed the output from the mime parser into the sdp parser, as they are of incompatible types.
07:36.36florzor rather, as the sdp parser's input type is incompatible to the mime parser's output type
07:38.09florzwell, unless you go and encode the output from the mime parser into utf-8 before feeding it to the sdp parser - but I guess that that's not what the sender of those messages really mean ...
07:42.49coppicewhy make things so complex? if the only defined form is utf-8, just be happy if the ask for UTF-8, and whine if they ask for anything else
07:45.35florzwell, indeed, if they declare utf-8 one may be able to interpret the RFC such that one can legally ignore that ;-)
07:45.52florzthat was more referring to that ISO-10646 case
07:54.01coppiceyou can't cure all the world's ills. try sticking to a useful subset :-)
07:58.56WildPikachuoh florz , great work on the hfc-s  :)
07:59.25florzthat was probably part of the useful subset ;-)
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08:22.39mkl1525Hi, I've a regex _XXX in a context and an included context that has a 050 extension is there any way that the 050 from the included context is used not the _XXX - cause the regex should only be a catchall
08:36.32*** join/#asterisk oej (n=olle@
08:39.03rootloginwow i am surprised how easy to compile svn-1.4 is .. i remember it was a lot more time consuming about 2 years ago :) good work !
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09:00.21und3rcan anyone help me with "" configuration?
09:11.43und3ri can register but when i try to call by Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:1}@freecall) it don't work...
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09:42.05und3rciao af_
09:48.10*** join/#asterisk Asterisk-nob (n=Nothing@
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10:07.57rootloginan an *SVN-1.4 i get the WARNING[24747]: app_meetme.c:774 build_conf: Unable to open pseudo device     is that device /dev/zap/pseudo  ?
10:12.26mvanbaakrootlogin: yup
10:12.44mvanbaakrootlogin: do you have zaptel installed ?
10:12.49mvanbaakrootlogin: and a zaptel card ?
10:12.59mvanbaakrootlogin: if you dont have zaptel hardware, use ztdummy
10:13.08rootloginthanks .. the device exists though ... zaptel is loaded but i dant have a card
10:13.18mvanbaakdo you have ztdummy loaded ?
10:13.34rootloginmmm i think no ... sec
10:13.42mvanbaaklsmod | grep ztdummy
10:14.54rootloginno .. i get ztdummy: Unknown symbol rtc_register  .. but i switched from 1.2.xx to 1.4-svn  .. maybe thats an old module ?
10:15.19mvanbaakok, what steps did you do ?
10:15.43mvanbaakyou should do it in this sequence: complile and install zaptel, load zaptel modules, compile and install asterisk
10:15.54mvanbaakif you do it the other way around, it's not going to work
10:16.05rootloginthe error was the same with 1.2 yesterday ...ahm .. ok
10:16.34rootlogini did compile zaptel, libpri, asterisk .. and then loaded the modules .. also wrong ?
10:16.45mvanbaaknope, should work
10:16.55mvanbaakyou can check with: lsmod | grep ztdummy
10:17.25rootloginhmm .. ak but i need the ztdummy anyway in 1.4 ? so i just need to fix the missing symbols ?
10:17.56mvanbaakI think the symbols are fine
10:18.07mvanbaakI get those as well from time to time
10:18.13mvanbaakjust check if the module is loaded
10:18.39rootloginsorry its not :)
10:19.36mvanbaakyou have the zaptel 1.4 source ?
10:19.40rootlogindo the modules get compiled when running make in the asterisk source-dir ?
10:19.45mvanbaak./configure && make menuselect
10:19.52mvanbaakmake sure ztdummy is selected there
10:20.03rootloginin the asterisk-dir
10:20.06mvanbaakno, you have to compile the zaptel source first
10:20.12mvanbaakin the zaptel-dir
10:20.16rootloginah ok
10:20.26mvanbaakrun that
10:20.40mvanbaakmake menuselect will give you a list of modules etc you can select to compile
10:20.55mvanbaakI cant remember if ztdummy is enabled by default
10:21.06rootloginthanks :) having a look now
10:22.21*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
10:22.30rootloginyep they are all enabled .. i will try to recompile and see if i load the correct object files
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10:34.51rootloginmvanbaak: cu
10:36.04Asterisk-nobmvanbaak: just want to confirm
10:36.07Asterisk-nobopss he is gone
10:36.11Asterisk-nobanyone else please
10:36.37Asterisk-nobjust want to cofirm if that is correct what i did for time schedule in the pastbin
10:39.19Strom_LAsterisk-nob: first off, your extension shouldnt change names on the last line
10:39.45Strom_Lsecond, your priorities should be 1,n,n,n,n not 1,2,n,n,n,n
10:40.04Strom_Lthird, never answer() the call unless you have an explicit reason to
10:40.54Strom_Lfourth, you want to be open from 8:00-20:59 so that you stop taking calls at 21:00 on the dot and not at 21:01 on the dot
10:41.20Strom_Lfifth, are open1 and open2 separate extensions within the same context?  it's not clear from your pastebin
10:42.07Strom_Land if so, your third gotoiftime is completely unnecessary
10:42.11Asterisk-nobStrom_L: thanks ... let me give me clear pastebin
10:42.46Asterisk-nobStrom_L: see here now:
10:43.24Strom_Lok...still, fix all the problems I just pointed out, ESPECIALLY your priority numbering
10:45.39Asterisk-nobStrom_L: i didn't understand the point >>> <Strom_L> Asterisk-nob: first off, your extension shouldnt change names on the last line
10:46.06Strom_LAsterisk-nob: look closely at the first extension in your group
10:46.28Strom_Lespecially how the last line differs from all the other lines
10:48.22Asterisk-nobooo ic
10:48.28Asterisk-noblemme fix all then i'll verify
10:49.01*** join/#asterisk eXistenZ (i=existenz@unaffiliated/existenz)
10:49.36Strom_Lwe would appreciate it if you turned your brain to the "on" position before continuing
10:49.39Strom_Lthank you!
10:50.35Asterisk-nobOk :)
10:53.37*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux|work (n=Nothing@
10:54.04Dr-Linux|worksorry i was disconnected
10:54.17Dr-Linux|workis Asterisk-nob
10:55.20Dr-Linux|workStrom_L: maybe i miss something from you, my last msg was pastebin >
10:56.19Dr-Linux|workStrom_C: i'm concerned with your fourth point
11:03.34*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux|home (n=Nothing@
11:03.49Dr-Linux|homegetting disconnection again and again
11:04.16Dr-Linux|homeStrom_L: :)
11:04.39Dr-Linux|homedid you give any guidance for my last pastbin? :)
11:05.19*** part/#asterisk BeerSerc (n=dries@unaffiliated/beerserc)
11:06.28mvanbaakhe didn't
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11:09.42Dr-Linux|homemvanbaak: can i show you?
11:09.42mvanbaakshow me what ?
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11:10.37Dr-Linux|homeplease see if anything looks wrong
11:11.30mvanbaakexten => 4565566,n,GoToIfTime(21:00-07:59|*|*|*?open2,1)
11:11.30mvanbaakexten => 4565566,n,Goto(open2,1)
11:11.37mvanbaakthat last gotoiftime is useless
11:12.08mvanbaakbasically what this does is: if it's between 21:00 and 7:59, go to open2, otherwise, go to open2
11:12.13mvanbaakso the result is the same
11:12.23mvanbaakso you can remove that last GotoIfTime
11:13.39mvanbaakand the second strftime in the monitor_filename lacks the epoch variable
11:13.54Dr-Linux|homemvanbaak: i was doing that way before, in that case it jumps n+101
11:14.15mvanbaakn+101 is old
11:15.07Dr-Linux|homeyeah but whatever is alternative
11:15.21mvanbaakyou totally dont need it
11:15.26Dr-Linux|homeit doesn't go to next priority that way
11:15.54Dr-Linux|homesince i made some changes so i didn't verify that, lemme remove it
11:16.22Dr-Linux|homealso what should be proper variable for epoch  there?
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11:19.19mvanbaakEPOCH is a sysvar
11:19.24mvanbaakit will be set to the current timestamp
11:19.28quazzmarshasterisk on Skype anyone?
11:21.31Dr-Linux|homemvanbaak: since EPOCH is a system variable then what is the variable can be used for asterisk time? :S
11:23.12mvanbaakerm, you did do the STRFTIME
11:23.17mvanbaakthat's how you should do it
11:23.31mvanbaaktry it
11:24.07mvanbaakmaybe it's a good idea to setup a testbox so you can actually see for yourself how it works out
11:25.22Dr-Linux|homeit is a test box
11:25.50Dr-Linux|homemvanbaak: i'm using this:  {STRFTIME(${EPOCH},,%Y%m%d)}
11:26.09Dr-Linux|homebut i didn't understand what you said here:
11:26.16Dr-Linux|home<mvanbaak> erm, you did do the STRFTIME
11:26.16Dr-Linux|home<mvanbaak> that's how you should do it
11:26.34Dr-Linux|homewhat should i use instead
11:26.54quazzmarshASTERISK SKYPE
11:27.45mvanbaakDr-Linux|home: nothing, this is correct
11:28.05mvanbaakDr-Linux|home: I meant, you have a second STRFTIME on that line where you forgot the EPOCH as first argument
11:28.21mvanbaakquazzmarsh: NOBODY
11:28.32Dr-Linux|homeoo yeah :)
11:28.54Dr-Linux|homemvanbaak: since you have seen the pastebin so i'd try to ask some further question
11:30.52Dr-Linux|homemvanbaak: since billing is always difficult thing for me. Now i wanna bill this, as when call goes on open1/ZAP it should be billed, and when it goes to open2, both times should be save in DB
11:31.23Dr-Linux|homemvanbaak: i'm not suure what variables should i use get proper time for these two type of call routing
11:34.00*** join/#asterisk codefreeze (n=steve_mu@
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11:36.16mvanbaakDr-Linux|home: you should use the cdr stuff for that
11:36.19mvanbaakwb murf
11:38.20*** join/#asterisk codefreeze-lap (n=murf@
11:38.32Dr-Linux|homemvanbaak: CDR doesn't show the call time when i forwarded to open1
11:39.17Dr-Linux|homemvanbaak: and again what thing should i find open1 call time in CDR?
11:40.39mvanbaakit's totally unclear what you want to do
11:41.05quazzmarshneed to integrate skype ON ASTERISK
11:41.09quazzmarshBEEN THROUGH
11:41.14quazzmarshALL THE forums and the likes
11:41.37TJNIIwhich they WON'T RELEASE
11:41.54TJNIIand all the solutions are HACKS
11:42.02quazzmarshneed a hack
11:42.08mvanbaakgoogle it
11:42.19quazzmarshjust did that
11:42.44mvanbaakwell, then there's your answer
11:43.01quazzmarshall guiys
11:43.06mvanbaakin here we cannot support you, because there's no supported skype setup with asterisk
11:44.14mvanbaakif you have questions about yeastar, send them a mail
11:44.28quazzmarshits on windows
11:44.37quazzmarshand i need a linux solution
11:46.40mvanbaakyou dont need skype :)
11:55.20*** join/#asterisk whymarkwh (n=dsfsdfsd@
11:55.32whymarkwhhi there anyone active?
11:59.55gr0mitdepends who's asking, whymarkwh !
12:02.51mvanbaakwhymarkwh: depends on the question you have
12:02.54jboti guess ask is Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
12:05.20whymarkwhte220 instalation on asterisk, stuck
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12:06.08whymarkwhi cant get this thing to work
12:07.44awkkick it
12:07.56whymarkwhi used a demo trixbox install just to check the settings in zapata and zaptel conf files took that settings and placed them on my asterisk box with no luck
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12:08.10whymarkwhi am about to jump on it
12:08.17awkdo you have the correct module loaded into the kernel?
12:08.31whymarkwhto expensive to rum over it with the car
12:17.33*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
12:26.41whymarkwhwhat module are you refering to?
12:43.03d00gsterI have a weird audio media issue. it seems to be related to my network topology but I can't think of a reason. network is a 48port dell switch where all the PCs and Cisco 7940 phones are directly connected. also connected to the switch is my * server and my routers. The router is the dhcp gateway and my asterisk server's tftp serves the config files to the phones. with this setup everything works. I then all a link to my swit
12:53.34rootlogini registered a linksys SPA901 to asterisk 1.4 ... when i start a call from that phone there is a gap (silence & no logs) of 10s after dialing .. incoming calls to that phone are processed promptly .. any idea ?
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12:56.28rootloginafter 10s i see the log-output of the extension     Executing [10@default:1] Dial("SIP/7.....   and the other side starts ringing .. that also happens when i call to a meetme extension
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13:55.19und3rnobody use freecall?
13:55.38und3ror voipstunt?
13:58.07lmadsennot I
13:59.47coppiceI thought freecell was one of the world's most popular games :-\
14:00.08coppiceor was it "Freecell with every crime convicted"?
14:02.38und3rno, www dot freecall dot com
14:07.10lmadsensome people have no humor
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14:37.12NovceGuruund3r: I think there's tons and tons of voip providers that popup and fail
14:38.00*** join/#asterisk deeperror (
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15:16.28pifhi, how can I use GotoIf within a list of statements all marked with 'n' (not numbered)?
15:17.15russellbyou can label them
15:17.27russellbexten => 1234,n(mylabel),NoOp
15:17.39lmadsenGotoIf($[foo = bar]?mylabel)
15:18.13pifand what will happen in "exten => 1234,n(mylabel),NoOp" once it's executed?
15:18.32pifwill the dialplan continue at the next non-labelled statement?
15:18.46lmadsenthe label is just a method of marking a specific line
15:19.14lmadsenit is the alternative to using numbered priorities
15:19.24lmadsen(and a much better alternative at that!)
15:20.40piflet's say I have "exten => s,n,GotoIf($[${MACRO_EXTEN} != "fax"]?monitor)"
15:21.09pifthen: exten => s,n(monitor),MixMonitor(...
15:21.45pifand then: exten => s,n,MoreRegularStuff
15:21.58pifdoes that play?
15:22.08russellbthe MoreRegularStuff?  yes
15:22.15russellbit will happen after the MixMonitor ...
15:22.57pifand any MACRO_CONTEXT which is not fax will be Monitor'ed
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15:24.30lmadsenyou also want to put the double quotes around the variable ${MACRO_EXTEN}
15:24.58pifoh, but if MACRO_CONTEXT = "fax", then GotoIf will fail and fall through to the n(monitor) line, no?
15:25.01lmadsenyou want to put the double quotes on both sides when comparing strings
15:25.12lmadsenin the case you provided -- yes
15:25.28pifso I should do the reverse
15:25.34lmadsenif there is no 'false' path provided by the GotoIf(), then it'll fall through
15:26.13lmadsenGotoIf($["${MACRO_EXTEN}" = "fax"]?skip_monitor)
15:26.21pifexten => s,n,GotoIf($["${MACRO_EXTEN}" = "fax"]?nomonitor)
15:26.37pifmuch better :)
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15:43.42Twisteranyknow know of some good voip testing software/hardware, i have alot of calls breaking up and i want to trace where the problem pretty certain its with my isp but i need to prove it
15:53.25deeperrorTwister, try mtr
16:01.53hsv-alhello all
16:02.08hsv-alare we all looking forward to a long & glorious weekend of irc/asterisk addiction since its 100farenheit outside
16:03.39jayteeit's only 69F here and pouring rain
16:03.47hsv-alwell its nearly 100 here
16:03.51hsv-alits tempting to run 5 miles in this
16:03.58hsv-aleven w/ a bottle of water, since i'll lose about 4-6 lbs
16:04.28hsv-alI lost 4.9 lbs yesterday running 5 miles in 92farenheit
16:04.32hsv-al3 miles in about 25min
16:05.18*** join/#asterisk ruied (
16:07.24TJNIIOnly 85 degrees here
16:07.38TJNIIBut the humidity is above 70%.  Bleh.
16:07.53TJNIIis running the A/C to dry the house, not cool it.
16:11.39truenthsv-al, where ya at?
16:11.42ruiedHi! I'm having a problem in the dst field of my cdr. If I place a call from A to B then place another call from A to C, and when I transfer the call from B to C (in A phone), the cdr,  sets a new record with an 's' in the dst field  instead of the dst of the transfered call (B)
16:12.36ManxPowerruied: What version of Asterisk?
16:13.22ruiedManxPower, 1.4.19
16:14.19ManxPowerruied: are you using a macro?
16:14.32hsv-al. /lib/modules/2.6.24-18-generic/kernel/lib/crc-ccitt.ko
16:14.36hsv-al. /lib/modules/2.6.24-16-generic/kernel/lib/crc-ccitt.ko
16:14.40hsv-al. /lib/modules/2.6.24-17-generic/kernel/lib/crc-ccitt.ko
16:15.13*** join/#asterisk cabbiepete (
16:15.34hsv-alLinux asterix-desktop 2.6.24-18-generic
16:15.42hsv-althat pisses me off
16:15.48hsv-althat ubuntu silently upgraded to a new kernel
16:16.02hsv-alhence i had to get help recompiling zt last night ;/
16:16.24jayteeI never let my 'buntu updates apply automatically.
16:16.38jayteebut I don't run * on 'buntu. just desktop
16:16.47hsv-alim using * on 8.04
16:16.57jayteewith * it's CentOS 5 or RHEL 5
16:17.00hsv-alwith 411P fxo/fxs at home
16:17.04hsv-alideal training setup at home
16:17.33lmadsenruied: there must be some sort of macro or something delivering the call, because the 'dst' field will contain the last extension that was executed
16:18.01lmadsenruied: also read the latest posts on the -dev mailing list which are talking about CDRs and transfers
16:18.07*** join/#asterisk SteveTotaro (
16:18.48jayteeideal training setup for me at home would involve 3 Asterisk servers with one pretending to be the Telco, one pretending to be a Nortel Option 11C and a primary Asterisk server for all internal customers.
16:21.32jayteeand that's with two TE212P cards
16:22.02jayteeor four actually
16:26.09lmadsenI bought a quad-core box and installed VMware-server and now I can run 4-8 asterisk servers on it
16:26.38hsv-alsed -e 's/guano/johndoe/g;s/pigeon/johndoe2/g' FILENAME
16:26.52hsv-alwoudl that replace all occurances of guano with johndoe, and all occurances of pigeon with johndoe2, in a given txt file?
16:28.24ruiedthis is the output that I've mentioned about the transfered call:
16:28.37Strom_Ljaytee: so wait a second, why is one pretending to be the Option 11C?
16:28.40hsv-allmadsen, how does asterisk run
16:28.49hsv-alinside of vmware, mainly; audio quality
16:28.52hsv-aland assumed loss of quality
16:29.05lmadsenworks fine for me, but its a test box, I don't run 100s of calls through it
16:29.23lmadsenfor me when I'm building on vmware, its not the audio quality I care about -- its the logic
16:30.23jayteeStrom_L, because I currently have an Option 11C running at work. I've integrated the Asterisk and Nortel dialplans using Asterisk as a primary call router for my inbound/outbound calls over PRI
16:32.07Strom_Lok...that still doesn't actually answer my question
16:32.22Strom_L(perhaps I'm just dense?)
16:32.44jayteeso that I can emulate my dialplan at work? and model changes, etc.
16:33.23TJNIIjaytee: Basically because you have a legacy box you arn't ready to get rid of that you want to emulate, correct?
16:33.35Strom_Lwhat I think perhaps I'm fishing for is why that needs to be a separate box and not merely a function of one of the other boxes
16:33.42jayteeTJNII, exactly
16:35.07jayteeStrom_L, I could probably emulate it with another function on one other box but I prefer to have real T1 spans that match my setup at work as closely as possible. Not the cheapest approach.
16:35.29Strom_Lalright...that seems reasonable ;)
16:35.41jayteebecause my dialplan logic is "unigue" to say the least.
16:35.46hsv-alfound a good url
16:37.47jayteeright now all calls inbound from my telco come through my Nortel. Any extensions that are VOIP exist as a "phantom TN" which is remote call forwarded to the outbound PRI to a 555XXXX number. * strips the 555 and routes the call to the SIP phone. All other 7 and 10 digit calls plus 911, 411, 011 etc go out the outbound PRI on * to the telco. Ugly, ain't she? :-)
16:38.44*** join/#asterisk Nasra (
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16:40.19Strom_Ljaytee: I would perhaps suggest a different unassignable prefix than 555, since 555 is occasionally used for things
16:40.35jayteenot in Marion County, Indiana
16:40.52jayteeand that's an easy change
16:41.46jayteeI just don't think any of the "prepackaged" flavors of * would have met my peculiar needs as well as standard * does.
16:46.04Strom_Li'm thinking about the numbering thing, and there are two solutions that seem more workable in the long term than 555
16:46.34Strom_Lpick an unassignable area code like 311, since 1-311-NXX-XXXX isn't ever going to do anything when dialed on the PSTN
16:46.56Strom_Linstead of 555, use one of the vertical service codes reserved for local assignment
16:49.42jbotit has been said that vsc is Vertical Service Codes such as *67, *69, *72, and *82.  These codes are generally reserved for specific uses, and it's a bad idea to conflict with the official assignments.  A list of assigned VSCs for North America is at and
16:49.54seanbrightwas schooled on those by Strom_L
16:52.20jayteehmmmm, I think I need more coffee
16:53.38Strom_Lmore coffee eh?  See ITU-T Q.850 about that one !!!
16:58.49*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
16:59.48jbotsomebody said itu was the International Telecommunication Union.  Current versions of ITU-T recommendations (Q,931, T.38, V.32, et cetera) are available for free in PDF format from their website:
17:00.01Strom_Lthere we goes
17:01.30jbotfrom memory, seanbright is a girl with standards
17:01.37seanbrighti never get tired of that
17:02.48*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
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17:05.53jbothmm... lmadsen is dreamy
17:06.02lmadsenhahaha oh ya!
17:08.31outtolunchot like a monkeys uncle eh <G>
17:08.54ManxPowerlooks more like an 80's rock star 8-)
17:11.19jayteemmmm, this Kenya AA peaberry is delightful. Effervescent and citrusy with distinct lemon notes.
17:13.32ManxPowerit has bubbles in it??
17:14.36ManxPowerI like my coffee dark roast, you don't get any of those subtle flavours then.
17:14.51Strom_Lim trying to resolve that phrase, but keep thinking it sounds like someone took a bunch of Db and E and Ab and put them into a drink
17:15.48jayteethis is a full city + roast so it's kind of on the dark side
17:16.26jayteeI've got some really nice Kona I'm going to roast a batch of later this afternoon.
17:17.10Strom_L"Here's a drink written by Depeche Mode"
17:18.05Strom_Lyour own / personal / citrus / someone to quench your thirst (etc)
17:19.30jayteeLife is too short to drink bad coffee
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17:21.03hsv-alugh, wtf, i was drinking iced tea in a cup, and when i was done sipping, i looked in the cup, and bugged out for a second ,thinking a slug was sliding down the cup
17:21.06hsv-albut it was just an ice cube hahah
17:21.45Strom_Lyou really should stop smoking all that crack
17:24.32hsv-alI just have fxs now, on 411P, but.........if my analong phone is connected to the fxs port, shouldnt it be picking up a emualted ring tone from * or no? i thought i could dial sip destinations w/ my analog phone at least for now?
17:25.18Strom_Lasterisk should generate alerting tone, yes
17:25.26hsv-alits blank
17:25.34hsv-alany ideas? my phoen has no tone
17:25.36Strom_Lwhat kind of sip equipment are you dialing?
17:26.01hsv-aljust a normal
17:26.19Strom_L"a normal" isn't a brand of equipment
17:26.29hsv-alvia extension 500, but when I pick up the phone, no tone
17:26.39Strom_Ldo you get no dial tone?
17:26.42TJNIIhsv-al: most sip devices create a dialplan when they are registered
17:26.53TJNIIAnd no dialtone when they can't register
17:27.03Strom_LTJNII: he's not calling from a SIP device
17:27.08Strom_Lplease read the problem and try again
17:27.10Strom_Lthank you for using AT&T
17:27.17Strom_Lso anyway
17:27.31TJNIIis 0/2 this week......
17:27.40Strom_Lhsv-al: pastebin your zaptel.conf and zapata.conf and extensions.conf
17:27.52Strom_Land also verify that your phone's receiver element is working
17:31.14Strom_Lalso, do you have any other telephony cards in your system besides the 411P (I assume you mean TDM411P and not TE411P)
17:31.28hsv-alyes one sec still
17:31.35hsv-aljust a tDM411P , with 1 fxs for now
17:31.58Strom_L(sorry for the barrage of questions)
17:32.24outtolunc*BONG* <G>
17:33.01ManxPowerJust remember if you plug a phone LINE into a Digium FXS port it will blow the port when a call comes in.  Make sure you didn't do that.  Also make sure you have power to your analog card.
17:33.32ManxPowerAlso it is easy to mix up the ports on the Digium card.  Make sure the module is in the port you think it is in.
17:33.51hsv-alit is.
17:34.00hsv-alfxs in slot 2 on card, and slot 2 light is green on back
17:34.07hsv-aland the analong phone is into the green light slot on card
17:34.39Strom_Las opposed to anashort
17:34.59hsv-alreading this
17:35.05hsv-aland i hope im not facing this same situation
17:35.09hsv-almay boot into the bios
17:35.37Strom_Lhsv-al: can you please just pastebin already instead of trying to do other things while i'm trying to help you troubleshoot?
17:37.08hsv-ali found it, im still using the example zapata.conf
17:37.29hsv-ali have to switch up the channel #'s i believe
17:37.54hsv-al= zapata.conf
17:38.03Strom_Lnow the others I requested
17:38.59hsv-al = zaptel.conf
17:39.31ManxPowershouldn't the zones be before the channels?
17:39.32Strom_Lget rid of the fxsks stuff
17:39.41Strom_Li dont believe it matters, ManxPower
17:39.56hsv-al = extensions
17:40.02hsv-ali havent inputted the sip extension connection stuff yet
17:40.11hsv-albut i know where to put it, so any of these i hope helps why i cant get a tone
17:40.21Strom_Lhsv-al: yeah, delete all the FXO port related nonsense (since you dont have one)
17:40.42ManxPowerhsv-al: I can't imagine your config not generating errors.
17:40.44Strom_Lyou should have fxoks = 2 in your zaptel.conf and your fxo_ks definition being applied to channel 2 in your zapata.conf
17:41.29hsv-alzaptel.conf does have
17:42.40hsv-alcommented out the last 3 lines in zapata.conf
17:42.59Strom_Lyou need to do more than just comment out lines
17:44.27ManxPowerI usually try to get ztcfg -vvv to not have errors before I do ANYTHING else.
17:45.15hsv-alok, i just removed the fxo part from zaptel.conf
17:45.19hsv-aland ztcfg -vvvv
17:45.26hsv-aland channel 02: fxo kewlstart (default) (slaves: 02)
17:45.27hsv-al1 chan to config
17:45.55hsv-aldial tone now
17:46.01Strom_Lwhat about zapata.conf?
17:46.10Strom_Ldid you fix the channel assignment?
17:46.18hsv-alit said in the cli:
17:46.25hsv-al-- starting simple switch on 'Zap/2-1'
17:46.28hsv-al-- hung up 'zap/2-1'
17:47.14hsv-alahhh, so this works now
17:47.24hsv-ali just have to write down, to put the other stuff back in when the other chip arrives
17:47.32Strom_Lit's not a chip
17:47.44Strom_Lit's a circuit board
17:47.55jbotit has been said that brain is a very useful device.  It is advised that you ensure your brain is switched to the "on" position before continuing.  If you need assistance, please consult your directory.  This is a recording.
17:48.06hsv-alwell they're chips to me, because I dip fxo's in salsa
17:48.12hsv-althanks for this :)
17:48.18Strom_L...that was the lamest joke ever
17:48.26hsv-ali know what doesnt float your boat
17:48.47outtolunc2 fxs and 1 fxo modules walk into a bar...
17:50.11hsv-alis there a way to delay the echo
17:50.11Strom_Land the one says to the other "OOOOOOOOOOOO" and the first says "BEEP BOOP BOOP BEEP BEEP BOOP BEEP" and the second says "KACHEEP BRRRRR BRRRR     BRRRRR BRRRR"
17:50.14hsv-alin the test echo application?
17:50.19hsv-alinstead of 1-3ms..
17:50.22Strom_Lthis is the last time I buy comedy at wal-mart
17:50.34Strom_Lhsv-al: no -- that's what an echo test is supposed to do
17:51.37Strom_Lif you want a delayed test, have asterisk make a recording and then play it back to you
17:52.21hsv-alwell time to make dunkin donuts cofee and read another 80 pages
17:52.29hsv-althx, this got it working.
17:52.46Strom_Lhsv-al: read this
17:52.48jbotfrom memory, 101 is Telephony 101, which is a good read if you're unfamiliar with traditional TDM telephony.  You can download it at
17:53.14hsv-also far the book hasnt went over what "Zap/2-1" means, but i see it in this channel alot the talk
17:53.16hsv-alwhat does Zap mean?
17:53.25hsv-al, ie: my cli printouts
17:53.41Strom_Li.e. zapata telephony project
17:53.49hsv-alI know, but when i got a dialtone
17:53.58hsv-alEcho("Zap/2-1", "") showed
17:54.01hsv-alin CLI
17:54.04Strom_L...look, turn your brain on for just a second
17:54.12Strom_Lyour phone is connected to a zaptel interface
17:54.18Strom_Lspecifically, port 2
17:54.25Strom_Land therefore....
17:54.35Strom_Lpoints right at the answer, hoping you'll see it
17:54.35outtoluncits your DADHI <G>
17:55.02hsv-alwell i guess thats the way the verbal standards were made
17:55.08hsv-alit ref's: ports on the card
17:56.09hsv-alwell ill probably read that PDF you posted
17:56.19hsv-alhas alot of terms im not familiar with, I havent worked in telephone industry, so its new
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19:09.45hsv-aloff 4 mile run
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19:31.41chrisM8hi, does anyone know how can i get "musiconhold - start/stop" event in * manager ?
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20:02.57rootloginmy * is behind a NAT firewall and registers to an "outside" SIP peer ... i have set externip but * still sends its internal IP in the REGISTER request
20:03.38jbothmm... nat is Network Address Translation  Usable in Asterisk sip.conf file with externip, localnet, and localmask setup properly.  See docs.
20:03.41jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
20:06.24rootloginhmmm well those are still open in my browser ;) .. localmask is not set .. nevertheless i will look again
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20:19.48hsv-alno one talking
20:19.48hsv-alall passed out from the heat
20:20.55hsv-ali just got bak running 5 miles, and almost passed out when i got in my apartment
20:20.55hsv-alit was so cold
20:21.30hsv-althen realized thermometer said outside was 102farenheit
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20:21.34Blake`heh, nice
20:21.34Blake`and freenode seems to be acting up today
20:21.54tzafrir_laptoptemprature down?
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20:25.32drmessanoWHERE IS YOUR DIALPLAN NOW?
20:26.55mvanbaakI lost it in the netsplits
20:27.07Blake`mmm netsplits
20:27.10Blake`w/ chocolate sauce
20:27.34mvanbaakThe Texas Chainsaw Massacre on tv
20:27.58drmessanoI dont know why, but "WHERE IS YOUR GOD NOW?" has become one of my fav memes
20:28.31mvanbaakthere is no god
20:28.33drmessanoEspecially after seeing the one with the Burger King "King" standing next to the dude in his kitchen with that very caption
20:28.36mvanbaakonly asterisk
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20:31.41DrukenLPYthat's a good shot of that chick.. hehehe
20:31.46hsv-alwhen is that horse race on
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20:48.49whymarkwhhi there does anyone know what the piouts are for a crossover cable for 2 port pri diguim board?
20:48.50Strom_Mwhymarkwh: yes
20:48.50Strom_MT1 crossover
20:49.06jayteeyep, just cross pin 1 with pin 4 and pin 2 with pin 5
20:51.26Strom_Mwhymarkwh: you may also want to look into a crossover adapter so you can use premanufactured patch cables.  smatronix makes a T1 crossover adapter.
20:51.32whymarkwhone pri i want to connect to my telco and the other to my philips pbx with asterisk in the middel ,,do i have to setup both pri's on asterisk as cpr or net?
20:51.47Strom_Mwhymarkwh: the port that faces the telco you set as CPE
20:51.53Strom_Mthe port that faces your other PBX you set as NET
20:52.10jayteethe pri to the telco needs to be pri-cpe and the pri to your philips pbx needs to be pri-net
20:52.11whymarkwhi take it you have done this before?
20:52.16Strom_MI don't think you can set asterisk to do cardiopulmonary resuscitation on a PRI :)
20:52.18Strom_Mwhymarkwh: yes
20:53.18jayteewhymarkwh, my * box sits as a "man-in-the-middle" between my telco and my Nortel Option 11c
20:53.34whymarkwhi have never worked on pri only bri, tell what do you get from your telko if calls come in on a did on pri:?
20:53.47Strom_Mwhymarkwh: that'll depend on how the telco has DNIS set up
20:53.57Strom_Musually they pass you the dialed number
20:54.17Strom_Mbut you should verify with your telco and/or just try it out
20:54.44whymarkwhi guess NoOp is the best way to find out?
20:54.53jayteeyes, NoOp is your friend
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20:55.05Strom_Mexten => _X.,1,NoOp(Telco is sending ${EXTEN} as DNIS)
20:55.32jayteethat guy really ought to write a book
20:55.37Strom_Mwhat guy
20:55.44jayteepity there's no money in it.
20:56.29drmessanoI wouldnt read it
20:56.32drmessanoThen again
20:56.36drmessanoNo one reads asterisk books
20:56.40drmessanoSo thats not an insult
20:56.50Strom_Mjust buy my time instead :)
20:56.53drmessanoMost people buy/download them, and hope osmosis kicks in
20:57.31jayteeI wonder if lmadsen got more than 10 cents from O'Reilly from the printed edition of *, TFOT 2ndEd. I bought
20:57.32whymarkwhone more thing if the card is installed and i can see all the channels in the cli> is there any indication on the card(meaning led) that should be on , i have nothing connected yet but there is no light?
20:57.48Strom_Mwhymarkwh: which card is it?
20:57.49lmadsenjaytee: at least 12
20:58.08jaytee12 cents?
20:58.24Strom_Mwhymarkwh: you should have a flashing red light on the back if the span is configured correctly with nothing plugged into it
20:58.25lmadsendon't worry... I'm not living in the lap of luxury because of the book :)
20:58.31jayteewhoa! these nets be acting up and such, doncha be thinking?
20:58.33Strom_Mit should go green if you hard loop the port
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20:59.05lmadsenheads back downstairs to get the beer
20:59.07whymarkwhnothing flahing
20:59.19Strom_Mwhymarkwh: perhaps you havent configured it correctly
20:59.27Strom_Mpastebin your zaptel.conf and your zapata.conf
21:02.31d00gsterI have a weird audio media issue. it seems to be related to my network topology but I can't think of a reason. network is a 48port dell switch where all the PCs and Cisco 7940 phones are directly connected. also connected to the switch is my * server and my routers. The router is the dhcp gateway and my asterisk server's tftp serves the config files to the phones. with this setup everything works. I then all a link to my swit
21:03.53Strom_Md00gster: question is truncated at "a link to my swi"
21:04.36d00gsterI have a weird audio media issue. it seems to be related to my network topology but I can't think of a reason. network is a 48port dell switch where all the PCs and Cisco 7940 phones are directly connected. also connected to the switch is my * server and my routers. The router is the dhcp gateway and my asterisk server's tftp serves the config files to the phones. with this setup everything works. I then all a link to my
21:05.14Strom_Mthere's a NAT device between asterisk and the phones?
21:05.32d00gsterthey're on the same dell switch
21:06.09Strom_Mis the media not getting from endpoint to endpoint?
21:06.20Strom_Mor are the calls working, just with media not touching asterisk?
21:06.38Strom_Mthe phones are doing what's called a reinvite
21:06.39Strom_Mthat's normal
21:06.44d00gsterI expect rtp to go through *
21:06.54d00gsterI have noreinvite
21:06.56Strom_Myou can disable it by saying "canreinvite=no" in the sip configuration file on asterisk
21:07.01d00gsterhave that
21:07.07Strom_Mpastebin your sip.conf
21:07.49d00gstersee when I disconnect the second router and make the first router the dhcp and only gateway all works
21:08.22d00gsterI see RTP going through *
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21:08.57*** mode/#asterisk [+ooo codefreeze twisted Corydon76-dig] by
21:08.58d00gsterwhen I add the second router and make it the DHCP for all other devices ... rtp don't work
21:08.58Strom_Md00gster: well, i don't know then...I'm a telephony engineer, not an IP networking engineer
21:09.24d00gsterok. thanks
21:09.24lmadsensounds like your routes are setup wrong then for the RTP
21:09.29d00gsterhow so?
21:09.30lmadsenonce you add the 2nd router (I didn't see the scrollback, so I'm not entirely sure what you did :))
21:09.45lmadsenwell, if you're not getting RTP, then the route must be wrong... no?
21:09.59d00gsterwell sip is making it to *
21:10.09d00gsterrtp is configured to to through *
21:10.29whymarkwhk thats wierd crossover cable installed now i have one green light
21:12.47Strom_Mwhymarkwh: green is good
21:12.59Strom_Mit means that the T1/E1 is synched up
21:15.07d00gsterI think I better put a sniffer and see that's going on ... thanks gents
21:19.19whymarkwhwhat is that site to past again?
21:19.59jbot[~pastebin] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
21:20.22Strom_Mnot past
21:20.39whymarkwhyes thanks for the the spell check
21:20.51whymarkwhcold here in south africa
21:24.58whymarkwh if you don't mind having a look Strom_M after boot no lights
21:25.04jayteeyeah, your summer is our winter here in the Northern hemisphere
21:27.00jayteeyou've got pri_cpe signalling on both groups, shouldn't one of them be pri_net?
21:27.12Strom_Lwhymarkwh: the channel => line in zapata.conf needs to go /below/ the context and group lines
21:27.19Strom_Land what jaytee said about signalling
21:27.36Strom_Lalso, what happens when you run ztcfg -vv from the bash prompt
21:28.38whymarkwhwell just testing with a crossover do i need to change it now?
21:28.53Strom_Ldo you want help, or do you want to argue?
21:29.20whymarkwhi want help
21:29.31Strom_Lthen follow our advice
21:30.08jayteeif you loop 2 T1/E1 circuits with a x-over and both are set to pri_cpe or pri_net then you can't make test calls, one needs to be net and one needs to be cpe
21:31.21whymarkwh here is the output doing ztcfg -vvv
21:31.37Strom_Lok, good
21:31.47Strom_Lnow do you have red and/or green alarms on your card?
21:32.50Strom_Mmvanbaak: the technical term for that one is "girl alarm"
21:33.38whymarkwhno lights what so ever
21:34.44Strom_Mwhat happens when you hard-loop the ports
21:35.01whymarkwhstill no lights
21:35.58Strom_Myou're using a loopback plug?
21:36.11jayteea crossover cable
21:36.15Strom_Mjaytee: no
21:36.23*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
21:36.23Strom_Ma loopback plug != a crossover cable
21:36.32whymarkwhi have a errorcrossover
21:36.46Strom_Mwhymarkwh: you need to build a loopback plug
21:36.50jayteetrue, it doesn't. he asked earlier about a crossover cable.
21:37.12whymarkwhte4xxp version syncronization error
21:37.41Strom_Mare you sure that's the right driver?
21:38.07whymarkwhdont know
21:38.59jayteedid you compile it or install from packages?
21:39.20whymarkwhyes libpri and zaptel and asterisk
21:39.24jayteethat error indicates the module isn't compiled with the right sources for your current kernel.
21:41.53tzafrir_laptopjaytee, what error?
21:42.19jayteeversion synchronization loading the te4xxp
21:42.32mvanbaakif I see how much trouble ppl have with t1/e1 cards I'm so darn happy with my pure-voip setups
21:43.04tzafrir_laptopyeah, right. That one that never has jitter issues, not to mention connectivity issues
21:43.36tzafrir_laptopAnd that funny thing called QOS
21:43.47jayteeand TOS
21:43.51mvanbaaktzafrir_laptop: maybe if you have to deal with adsl
21:44.00mvanbaakwe are all 10mbit fiber or better here
21:44.39tzafrir_laptopyeah. and SIP is a pleasent thing to debug
21:44.57mvanbaakyou can get 100mbit managed dark fiber for 300 us $ here
21:45.13mvanbaaktzafrir_laptop: there's this neat thing called iax
21:45.14jayteeis dark fiber made from dark matter?
21:45.28tzafrir_laptopWhich is also very nice
21:45.30mvanbaakjaytee: it's a product of the dark master
21:46.01tzafrir_laptopwhymarkwh, what exactly is the issue you have here?
21:47.08*** join/#asterisk s0lid (n=s0lid@
21:47.13mvanbaaktzafrir_laptop: why the hell are you even using asterisk if sip and iax and anything voip is so crappy in your opinion ?
21:47.42whymarkwhcan see the channels in cli>
21:47.45tzafrir_laptopI didn't say they were. Just compared them to PRI
21:47.49jayteesettle down, you two!
21:47.53whymarkwhbut no indication lights on card
21:48.04tzafrir_laptopwhymarkwh, what is the output of:  cat /proc/zaptel/*
21:48.17mvanbaaktzafrir_laptop: it's a fact that most trouble come from ppl who cannot get pri hardware to work corretly
21:48.38mvanbaakjust look at the logs for the last 6 months
21:48.44tzafrir_laptopthat's also because it's under-documented
21:49.04mvanbaakpossible, but that does not make it any better
21:49.05tzafrir_laptopMaybe people at digium support enjoy getting extra support calls
21:49.22tzafrir_laptopjudging by the quality of documentation Digium provides for its hardware
21:49.42jayteeI've come in here but I've never had to ask Digium for help on their T1 cards. I got it working fairly easy.
21:50.04mvanbaakthe docs are good enough to get you setup with a working pri line
21:50.24jayteethere are good howtos on voip-info and asteriskguru
21:50.36jayteeand the pdfs from Digium
21:50.46*** join/#asterisk voipenthusiast (
21:51.13mvanbaakthe pdfs from digium are ok
21:51.34tzafrir_laptopThey are quite obsolete
21:51.48drmessanoWell, here is my two cents.. since, nobody asked for it..
21:51.53voipenthusiastfreeswitch rules, asterisk sucks
21:52.11drmessanoI buy a modem, I get a basic manual.. no one tells me how to connect to the internet or how to debug it
21:52.46drmessanoI buy an external USB har drive, same thing
21:52.56drmessanoThe documentation for the T1 cards is FAR more than that
21:53.01mvanbaakexternal usb is even better
21:53.13tzafrir_laptopdrmessano, If noone tells you you might actually call support. And thus waste time of a support personel
21:53.16mvanbaakconnect it, run this exe, and you are all setup
21:53.17drmessanoSo it doesnt come with a fucking book on kernel debugging.. wtf?
21:53.25mvanbaakI mean, 'run this exe' ???
21:53.37tzafrir_laptopOr even worse, you might misunderstand something and never use the product
21:53.53whymarkwhhere is the output of  cat /proc/zaptel/*
21:54.00drmessanoIf you can't get a T1 card working, you shouldn't be using Asterisk..
21:54.05tzafrir_laptopAnd when the product costs over 200$, it's not that easy to dismiss complaints of customers
21:54.53mvanbaakdrmessano: you shouldn't use pri
21:55.02drmessanoPrice has nothing to do with it.. Complexity does.. if you can't handle the complexity of it, you shouldn't be installing it
21:55.20tzafrir_laptopsmiles silently
21:55.21mvanbaakdrmessano: I can setup iax links etc without trouble, but the t1 stuff always manages to break
21:56.03drmessanomvanbaak: The card isn't changing.... soo.....
21:56.15drmessanoSounds like a software problem.. not a hardware setup issue
21:56.28drmessanoIf it works at any one point.. the hardware is set up
21:56.32tzafrir_laptopAnd who provides the software?
21:56.33mvanbaakno, the problem is between chair and keyboard
21:56.51drmessanomvanbaak: Software... as in config, install, etc
21:57.07mvanbaakif I have to use pri connections I always call a friend of mine, he fixes it in 10 minutes all the time
21:57.13mvanbaakI just dont want to mess with it
21:57.37mvanbaakI'm from the ip generation. pri and stuff is before my time
21:57.48drmessanotzafrir_laptop: It's not digiums fault that someone learns to install Linux, configs apache, and now things they can build a complex PBX with asterisk
21:57.52drmessanoGive me a break
21:58.21mvanbaakpri etc is something totally different from ip based stuff
21:58.31tzafrir_laptopConfiguring apache is actually quite complex, isn't it?
21:58.35drmessanoIt is?
21:58.36mvanbaakI do complex asterisk setups etc
21:58.54adeeltzafrir_laptop, not really
21:58.56mvanbaakbut not with pri because I dont know about the protocols and dont want to learn it
21:59.06mvanbaaktzafrir_laptop: apache is easy
21:59.13tzafrir_laptopMost of us don't really see it because we don't build and configure apache
21:59.22mvanbaakactually, it's the second most simple service to setup
21:59.27mvanbaakbind is even easier
21:59.33mvanbaakbut apache is close to that
21:59.38tzafrir_laptopApache is a complex peice of software with many options and pitfalls
21:59.41Guggemandtelnet is a lot easier :P
21:59.53mvanbaakGuggemand: uhhuh, you simply dont set it up ;)
22:00.00DrukenLPYanyone here know ?? i'm having some issues with it... (i don't know it at all)
22:00.06Strom_MISDN is dead simple
22:00.18mvanbaaks/ simple//
22:00.19tzafrir_laptopDrukenLPY, ?
22:00.20drmessanoThe fact that Asterisk is software gives every wannabe the indication that it's just as easy as apache or PHP to set up
22:00.38Strom_Mmvanbaak: don't be a biased prick
22:00.39mvanbaakdrmessano: and it is
22:00.57DrukenLPYtzafrir_laptop: i don't want to learn it... just want a single file fixed... :)
22:01.09mvanbaakdrmessano: as long as you read the docs and start with a testbed (same goes for apache, php, whatever_software>
22:01.28DrukenLPYand i'm not willing to pay the company that developed the software 80 an hour to do it for me...
22:01.54mvanbaakasterisk is not that hard to get running, just read the stuff in docs/
22:02.46*** join/#asterisk Ebola (n=Ebola@unaffiliated/ebola)
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22:03.35tzafrir_laptopwhymarkwh, ping, cat /proc/zaptel/*
22:04.10mvanbaakcant wait for the confbridge stuff in file's branch tho
22:04.18mvanbaakno more need for zaptel timing to do conferencing
22:05.48jayteetzafrir_laptop, he posted it way back. you must have missed it
22:06.53tzafrir_laptopok, so his channels are in alarm, and thus Asterisk would not dial through them
22:07.15tzafrir_laptop(and the channels are in alarm because the span is in alarm)
22:07.41tzafrir_laptopWhat is blue alarm?
22:07.53tzafrir_laptopalways thought blue to be a calm kind of color
22:08.28mvanbaakit means the span has drunk to much
22:08.38tzafrir_laptopand how can a span have both red and yellow alarm?
22:09.06mvanbaakhhmm, a span having two types of alarm ?
22:09.10mvanbaakthat's ....... weird
22:09.24*** join/#asterisk CVirus (n=GoD@
22:10.03tzafrir_laptopwhymarkwh, do the spans still have alarms?
22:11.10*** join/#asterisk kash (i=nibblet@
22:11.25kashhi, is there a way to echo the time asterisk thinks it is to the console?
22:12.35kashwhat application?
22:13.40kashfound it.
22:14.10*** join/#asterisk obnauticus (
22:15.44tzafrir_laptopwhymarkwh, so is it connected to the PSTN, or as a loopback?
22:16.05kashshouldn't that work?
22:16.11tzafrir_laptopIf loopback, what do you have on /etc/zaptel.conf ?
22:16.41kashthat's all i see in the console though
22:17.04*** join/#asterisk bkruse (n=bkruse@
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22:17.09tzafrir_laptopkash, there's also the function STRFTIME
22:18.13*** join/#asterisk Vorbote (n=vorbote@unaffiliated/vorbote)
22:20.48tzafrir_laptopseanbright, build dependencies accross distributions? we already have a beginning of such thing (the prereq script)
22:22.56seanbrighttzafrir_laptop: awesome, where can i grab a copy to have a look?
22:23.16tzafrir_laptopI think it is already included under contrib/scripts
22:23.29seanbrightyou mean install_prereq
22:23.58*** join/#asterisk LiNeTuX (
22:24.16tzafrir_laptopI don't know how to better integrate such information with autoconf
22:24.28kashi have another issue where i have two accounts on the same provider, different registrations for each one in sip.conf with different peer sections
22:24.42kashbut both accounts go into the same context
22:24.48kash(it's not the default context, either)
22:25.06kashi mean, when i dial the two separate DIDs, they both go to the same context.
22:25.18ManxPowerI'm not seeing the problem here.
22:25.44kashi want them in separate contexts. in the friend (sorry, not peer) section, they are configured to go to different contexts.
22:26.02ManxPowerkash: then set different context= lines.
22:26.06kashi did
22:26.19ManxPowerthen the call coming does not match as you expect
22:27.45kashi have two asterlink accounts -- one is set up to use the context sinplace-in, and the other is kash-in. both friends are searching in kash-in though.
22:28.01kashso the one from sinplace doesn't work unless i add its rules to the kash-in context
22:29.53mvanbaakkash: direct them both to [from-remote] and do the going ot seperate contexts there
22:30.15mvanbaakexten => kash-in,1,Goto(kash,incoming,1)
22:30.38mvanbaakexten => not_kash-in,1,Goto(not_kash,incoming,1)
22:30.42mvanbaaksomething like that
22:30.50mvanbaakthat's how I do it on our hosted setups
22:32.36kashi changed the context on kash-in to something that doesn't exist, and called the DID from the other, and now it says extension not found on both
22:32.51*** join/#asterisk drako (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
22:32.53kashso asterisk is basically ignoring the context for the one because they connect to the same server?
22:33.29*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
22:35.14ManxPowerno, I suspect the ITSP is always sending the auth info the same no matter which DID is called.
22:36.06ManxPowerOn the other hand, maybe using type=friend is not what you want.
22:36.28mvanbaakjust use type=peer
22:36.33ManxPowerlater versions of asterisk stupidly try to auth incoming type=friend connections against the host= setting
22:36.46ManxPowermvanbaak: no, type=user
22:36.55ManxPoweryou send calls TO peers, you accept them FROM users.
22:37.14ManxPowerso a peer would have host=dynamic or host=ip, but a user would never have those.
22:38.28*** join/#asterisk [tasty]freeze (
22:38.41mvanbaakManxPower: I only have 'type=peer' in my sip.conf
22:38.54ManxPowermvanbaak: 1.4 stupidly tried to merge them
22:39.08[tasty]freezeI am getting an error that registration failed because of an ACL error.  Where are the access control settings located.
22:39.11mvanbaak2 xs4all itsp connections, one speakup connection and one budgetphone
22:39.13mvanbaakall itsp
22:39.19[tasty]freezeI didn't realize I had any.
22:39.21ManxPower[tasty]freeze: and the ACTUAL error is?
22:39.24mvanbaakManxPower: trunk here
22:39.43ManxPowermvanbaak: exactly, so the host= makes it act like friend rather than peer
22:39.45[tasty]freezeNOTICE[13777] ACL error (permit/deny)
22:39.53ManxPower[tasty]freeze: so fix it.
22:40.22ManxPowertoo bad it does not say WHICH config file the problem is in.
22:40.35ManxPowerI'd check manager.conf as well as sip.conf and iax.conf if you are using it.
22:40.39mvanbaakManxPower: hhmm, I thougth oej killed the 'type=user'
22:40.43kashManxPower, i'm confused. outgoing is working because of the register => line, right?
22:40.55ManxPowerkash: no.
22:41.00mvanbaakkash: no, incoming will work because of register=> lines
22:41.20kashmvanbaak, so if I switched to type=user, then outgoing won't work?
22:41.26ManxPowerALL a register does is tell the remote server what user/pass/(optional extension) is associated which which IP address.  It does nothng
22:41.32mvanbaakkash: a register line makes your asterisk register with the remote box, so the remote box knows what ip address to route the calls to when they are for you
22:41.33ManxPowerkash: I said to split them.
22:41.43ManxPowerput your sip.conf on and I'll look at it.
22:42.22ManxPowerat least for testing, just comment out the host= lines for that entry and reload and try, if that fixes it then it's the "host= is overloaded in the code" problem
22:44.18rootlogini would like to use Playtones() in my dialzlan but there is no such application .. is that depricated ? do i need to compile additional sources ?
22:44.38kashcan't i specify a context in the register line?
22:46.04rootloginkash: afaik no .. only in the incoming [xxxx] block i think
22:46.45ManxPowerkash: since the SIP protocol has no concept of context, no you cannot.
22:47.00ManxPowerasterisk sets the context when it gets a matching incoming call for that user/passs
22:47.51kashwhat does fromuser do, exactly
22:49.38kashi think it may have to do with insecure=port,invite on both the friend sections
22:49.46kashoh well, i'll just do what mvanbaak said
22:50.13*** join/#asterisk Blacraft (n=bla@
22:50.49BlacraftHello everyone just after a little help getting my TDM400P FXS ports to work
22:51.49ManxPowerfromuser only applies to outgoing connection
22:52.12ManxPowerBlacraft: does ztcfg -vvv generate any errors?
22:52.57Blacrafti can sort of ring the fxs ports from my voip phone, though the ring is wierd, like there isn't enough power getting to the phone.
22:53.13Blacraftthe power is connected, i have changed PSU also
22:53.14ManxPoweryou have the power connected to the TDM card?
22:53.35ManxPowerHave you tried a different phone?  What country are you in?
22:53.56Blacraftyeah tried different phone.  australia
22:54.04ManxPowerdo you get dialtone when you pick up the phone on the FXS port?
22:54.32Blacraftno dial tone, though one of the ports get a dial tone for a minute or so after i ring it with the voip phone
22:55.35ManxPowerBlacraft: I have no idea what could cause the problem.  Get dialtone working on the phone and I suspect all your other issues will go away
22:55.56ManxPowerwhen the fxs phone goes off hook, do you see it in the CLI?
22:56.07Blacraftyeah well thats my problem :), no dial tone.
22:56.22Blacraftnothing happens in t he CLI when i have no dial tone
22:56.42ManxPowerBlacraft: put /etc/zaptel.conf and /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf on
22:56.55ManxPowerThen give us the resulting URL(s).
22:57.07jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
22:59.00s0lidhow do i tell asterisk to do outbound call only within this time period?
23:07.36rootlogini fetched * 1.4 from SVN and i cant use/find the application Playtones() anywhere .. its mentioned/called in the source and milliwatt() complains that its missing .. where is this app supposed to be ?
23:11.34ManxPowerlooking at it now
23:12.21ManxPowerBlacraft: I really can't help you with GUI installs of Asterisk
23:13.24Blacraftnps, could it be something with Trixbox
23:13.32ManxPowerIt always is.
23:13.41jbot[~trixbox] trixbox is a full linux distro that includes FreePBX and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox VERY difficult to support, and is not supported in #asterisk. Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & wiki at
23:14.11Blacraftso you think the card it's self would be fine
23:14.26jayteetry sacrificing a cow to the "Space God Karnak" and pray alot.
23:15.22ManxPowerBlacraft: I can't tell.
23:15.39ManxPowerTry using the correct support forums for the product you are using.
23:16.58jayteeI'm gonna write a truly skank-i-fying version of * with a nasty girly-man GUI with pin-striping and all kinds of frilly edges and package it as "SkuzVox"
23:17.24ManxPowerjaytee: Someone already did that, it's called "AMP"
23:18.28ManxPowerThe Window Icon Mouse Pointer System (WIMPS)
23:18.44jayteeI've gotta go place my lottery bet for the night
23:18.58ManxPowerYou're bad at math?
23:20.18jayteeall I can picture in my head is the scene from "In and Out" where the supermodel girlfriend of Matt Dillon is having a panic attack because she can't figure out how to dial a rotary phone to call her agent.
23:21.54jayteeManxPower, bad at math? mmmm, no not really. just full of whimsy and a belief in serendipity.
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23:25.38ManxPowerThe lottery is a tax on people that are bad at math.
23:26.32Blacrafta lottery is designed so people good at math will never have a chance of winning it
23:27.12jaytee"We're counting cards." - Dustin Hoffman
23:28.36rootloginManxPower: lol :) thats right
23:29.10jayteeI really don't mind pissing away 2 bucks on the idea of "gee, whiz. Maybe lightening will strike and I'll be able to retire on Monday"
23:29.24jayteewhen the odds are so far against it
23:32.01*** part/#asterisk Blacraft (n=bla@
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23:36.10LiNeTuXjaytee: that only works in Florida (lightening capital of the world)
23:36.12adeeljaytee, you might as well bury that 2 bucks into the ground and see if money really does grow on trees
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23:58.09drmessanoI'd rather spend two dollars on the lottery than hold out all hope I will never be rich enough to retire from IRC
23:58.24drmessanoBecause I dont know about you, but if I get rich, someone else is building my PBXs
23:58.30drmessanoThe heck with you guys
23:59.35drmessanoI'll pay ManxPower to be my PBXbitch.. I'll even give him 1.5 times his hourly rate... But I get priority 24/7 on-call

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