IRC log for #asterisk on 20080528

00:00.14Yosam:( no
00:01.00hsv-alwell we know the night is over when you know who idles for 1 or more hours
00:01.09hsv-al| [TK]D-Fender ³ idle     / 2h 36m 17s
00:03.17paul0tzafrir, V92 modems
00:05.01Yosam[May 27 17:04:50] ERROR[15529]: res_speech_lumenvox.c:421 lumenvox_new: No SRE server is available for processing speech
00:06.20Yosambut i have it installed
00:10.17*** join/#asterisk DagMoller (n=aguirre@unaffiliated/dagmoller)
00:11.42drmessanopaul0: the best answer is "no"
00:12.04paul0drehlecom, how sad :/
00:12.25drmessanoThere are a few VERY VERY specific obscure chipsets that are basically the same as cheap ass X100P cards
00:12.46drmessanoEven if you did find one, you would still have basically a cheap ass X100P card
00:13.04coppiceI find it interesting that so many people ask for drivers for these things, yet nobody bothers to cook them up :-)
00:13.23drmessanoIt's a waste of time, IMO
00:13.26drmessanoGet a real card
00:13.33drmessanoChinese clones are down to $50 now
00:14.02coppicethey work fine with the right software. even USB ones, which let you do demos with notebooks
00:14.07drmessanoIf you want to be cheap, at least you can get a cheap imitation of something decent
00:14.10CCFL_Man2drmessano: a db and a half less attentuationon my adsl line!!@!@#
00:14.32drmessanoa db and a half is so meaningless
00:14.45drmessanoThat's an ant fart
00:15.54coppiceyou can't measure things like that. an ant fart consumes a specific amount of energy. 1.5dB is a relative amount of energy
00:16.46drmessanoA proper db measurement would specify teh source
00:16.53drmessanoSuch as dbi
00:16.59florzdrmessano: nope
00:17.18florzdrmessano: only if you want to have an absolute value
00:17.31drmessanoA db measurement is useless without a reference
00:17.33florzdrmessano: db alone is perfectly valid for factors
00:17.38coppicehe said 1.5dB less. that is a proper statement
00:17.56*** join/#asterisk smps (n=maher@
00:18.08drmessano1.5db less than before gives no validity to the original measurement
00:18.19drmessanoThe original measurement is still in question
00:18.35CCFL_Man2i wonder if ant farts stink?
00:19.07drmessanoHe's an expert on everything anyway
00:19.14florzdrmessano: well, actually you kindof need two measurements to find that 1.5 dB
00:19.29CCFL_Man2drmessano: ios said i had 1.5db less attenuation
00:19.36*** join/#asterisk x_or (n=cdawson@
00:20.01drmessanoflorz: Have you ever ventured into the world of antenna and audio measurements?
00:20.21drmessanoIt's quite fascinating how "relative" a "relative" measurement is
00:20.38drmessanoI could claim a damn piece of string has 20db gain
00:21.05CCFL_Man220dBi gain?
00:21.15drmessanoYoure being too correct :)
00:21.31drmessanoNow, 20dbi.. you got something
00:21.37florzdrmessano: probably not - I guess it's a bit difficult for a string to produce energy ;-)
00:22.01drmessanoActually, a wet piece of string can be a great radiator
00:22.11drmessanoGreatER than not wet
00:22.33drmessanoAudio products are the same
00:22.34florzso, you mean, like, 20 dBd(ry)? =:-)
00:22.37drmessano120db speakers
00:23.11CCFL_Man2in reference to an rms watt?
00:23.28drmessanoI had a guy show up at my house once with a 30db gain CB antenna
00:24.07drmessanoIt was a basically a copper pipe, interrupted with a thick copper coil in the middle, a big ass capacitor tapped to the coil, and a teflon insulator
00:24.12drmessanoHe paid $200 for it
00:24.33drmessanoWent back and checked and it was something on the order of 1.2 dbi
00:24.47drmessanoNever did find out what it was 20db better than
00:24.52drmessanoI guess a dummy load
00:25.10florz30 dBwp?
00:25.37drmessanoBut yeah.. I always ask when I get a db measurement, especially when compared to a previous measurement, what the reference is
00:25.47drmessanodb is pretty useless otherwise
00:25.58YosamLumenvox users?
00:26.10drmessanoYosam: Is this jeopardy?
00:26.13drmessanoHang on
00:26.28drmessanoA: Who is having a hard time getting help?
00:26.33drmessanoLumenvox users!
00:26.43CCFL_Man2o rly
00:27.01drmessanoActually, I can't help you.. I know nothing about lumenvox
00:27.25drmessanoBut if your asterisk install is still borked from it, I suggest you back up and punt, and get your box back online first
00:28.07florzdrmessano: Well, for example a cable having an attenuation of n dB/m doesn't really need any reference to be a useful value ...
00:28.35drmessanoHa.. it already does
00:28.42CCFL_Man2i should set up one of my lines to plar to drmessano's phone
00:28.46Yosami have no problem my box runs ok!
00:28.56Yosambut i hate this i purchased a fucking product and cant get support
00:29.03drmessanoA cable with x db loss per foot or meter has a loss over that signal traveling through freespace
00:29.05Yosami mailed them
00:29.10Yosamthey replied with nonsense
00:29.22drmessanoThe reference is freespace
00:30.05drmessanoIn which case you're talking about the signal injected into the cable, with a loss at the square of the distance
00:30.10drmessanoWhich is easily calculated
00:30.14CCFL_Man2i thought the reference was the input signal power
00:30.16florzdrmessano: uh? not more, like, no distance?
00:30.34*** part/#asterisk x_or (n=cdawson@
00:31.15drmessanoThe loss is based on the signal radiated from an isotropic radiator into freespace, for MOST cable
00:31.21florzdrmessano: so, yes, when you want to make use of the cable, you have to multiply that factor with your input power to find out whether enough signal is left at the end
00:32.07drmessanoSure.. but again, the db measurement isn't based on a non-existant reference.. in this case, it's freespace
00:32.34CCFL_Man2freespace is nonexistant
00:33.00drmessanoSure it is
00:33.31drmessanoIt's made up of gases.. the ones that keep outer space from falling on you :)
00:33.32lmadsenfree radicals!
00:36.20CCFL_Man2free bitches! drinks
00:36.35hsv-alFree Radical Scavenger :)
00:36.39drmessanoFree Kevin!
00:36.46drmessanoPut Kevin back in jail
00:38.36*** join/#asterisk drdrain (
00:38.37lmadsenputs drmessano in jail
00:39.03drmessanoisn't a big fan of Kevin Mitnick
00:39.23lmadsenisn't a big fan of drmessano
00:39.46lmadsendon't worry.. it's not just you ... l dislike everyone equally
00:39.50drmessanoIf I had feelings... that, that would hurt
00:40.07florzdrmessano: erm, I don't quite get what you want to say - a cable has a gain of -n dB/m (n being a positive number) from "focussing" the signal inside the cable versus isotropic radiation?
00:40.51florz(as in power per area)
00:41.20drmessanoFirst off, there's no gain in cable
00:41.24drmessanoIt's all loss
00:41.27drdrainOh lord ... compared to discussions of isotropic radiation ...
00:41.29florzwell, sure there is
00:41.44drdrainMy question is gonna really seem foolish
00:41.45florzyeah, and positive is just negative gain
00:41.46drmessanoUh... no
00:41.54florzyeah, and positive loss is just negative gain
00:43.15drmessanoCable is a loss compared to passing that signal through freespace, which is lossy as well..   The loss calculated on a given piece of cable is the difference in loss between the signal in the cable and the signal radiating in freespace from an isotropic radiator
00:44.10drmessanoIf I measure the signal at one end of a 300 foot piece of cable, vs taking a freespace relative signal measurement, you should see a difference equal to the loss of the cable
00:44.42florzwell, measuring exactly _what_ in the radiation case?
00:45.53florztotal radiation power passing through the spherical surface at 300 feet distance from the radiator?
00:46.37drmessanoIn the case of RF, the relative signal strength of the signal in microvolts or millivolts
00:46.37florzradiation power passing through the same surface as the cable's cross-sectional area at 300 feet distance from the radiator?
00:48.07drmessanoyou're talking about distance from the transmitter
00:48.41drmessanoThe isotropic radiator simply changes the transmission medium from copper into freespace
00:49.19drmessanoThe cable, of course, is passing the same signal through a copper path, but one that is no less a resistor as freespace is to the radiated signal
00:51.12*** join/#asterisk SteveTotaro (
00:51.48drmessanoIf you look at waveguide, waveguide is nothing more than a 0 gain radiator into a focused freespace area
00:52.00hsv-aland the partial subway glangule quadroplizes the synthetic diaboloid phree blasphemy radiaii
00:52.12florzhsv-al: nope, it does not!
00:52.23drmessanohsv-al: You missed a decimal place
00:52.48drdrainTech Adapt High Cant
00:52.53florzdrmessano: well, I still don't see what powers exactly you are comparing
00:53.13drdrainThe Omnissiah will be pleased
00:53.20drmessanoRadiated energy
00:53.26drmessanoin volts
00:53.46florzdrmessano: well, volts isn't quite a unit of energy!?
00:54.13drmessanoNo it's not.. That's a bit oversimplified
00:56.06drmessano30 watts from a transmitter passed through 1000 feet of cable vs measured 1000 feet from a zero gain antenna vs 1000 feet down a waveguide will all yield comparisons that are directly attributable to the measured properties of the respective medium
00:56.58drmessanoWhen you're talking about RF a difference in 4x the power is 6db
00:57.12drmessanoor 6dBi
00:57.31florzdrmessano: I mean, basically: either you are comparing the output from the cable to the radiation power passing through some spherical surface around the radiator - in which case, assuming that free space doesn't attenuate, obviously free space will have more energy left - but then the fact that the radiator is isotropic doesn't matter
00:57.52florz(or rather s/energy/power/)
00:58.15drmessanoThe fact that the radiatior is isotropic matters completely
00:59.23florzalternatively, it does matter, then you are measuring the power through a certain area at a certain distance - and then I can hardly imagine how a usual cable should have lower power per area than an isotropic radiator at some non-small distance
01:00.09drmessanoThe power is measured at a single point from the isotropic radiator, for 1.. and 2, the radiating of the power into freespace with 0 gain is the only way you can compare the radiation properties of the freespace and the cable effectively.. You're not gonna put an amplifer in the cable, so why put gain in the radiator?
01:01.02florzhow ya mean?
01:01.04florzI mean
01:01.21florza cable obviously has a pretty high dBi value
01:01.23drmessanoAir is far less resistive to RF than copper is..
01:02.45drmessanoIf I pass 40,000 watts into a piece of 6 inch flexible copper line, I might have half the power left at 500ft
01:03.08drmessanoBut if I radiate that 40,000 watts directly to an isotropic radiator, I can get 20 miles from that signal
01:03.13florzyeah, which would be a 3 dB attenuation, exactly
01:03.47florzbut still that would be many, many dBis of gain
01:04.04florzif you really want to apply that concept there ;-)
01:04.07drmessanoThere is NO gain in cable.. it is all a loss
01:04.11[TK]D-Fenderedibrac, nothing wrong with your DB idea.
01:04.24[TK]D-Fenderhsv-al, And I've got martial arts twice a week....
01:04.55florzdrmessano: well, sure is there a gain
01:05.14florzdrmessano: or to put it in another way: can there be gain in an antenna?
01:05.25drmessanoBut not in a cable
01:05.30drmessanoCable does not have any gain
01:05.34florzdrmessano: now, how can there be gain in an antenna?
01:06.00drmessanoIt has to do with element spacing, element stacking
01:06.03florzI mean, it can't produce energy on its own, right? ;-)
01:06.37florzwell, yeah, but how can it be that we call what's happening there "gain" even though it doesn't produce any energy?
01:06.54*** join/#asterisk rpm (
01:07.15florzexactly ;-)
01:07.30florznow, what does a cable do?
01:07.31rpmwill a tdm400p with an fxs module, if i don't plug the 12v into the card work as a fxo module?
01:07.36drmessanoWell, then your logic is flawed
01:07.39lanninga very high gain antenna is focused on a specific point (instead of broadcasting everywhere)
01:07.46jjshoerpm what?
01:07.55drmessanoBecause I am focusing all my energy in one direction in a cable end up with LESS power
01:07.59drmessanoThat is a LOSS
01:07.59jjshoerpm fxs ports do not work without 12v. not plugging in 12v. means nothing will happen.
01:08.17florzdrmessano: nope, I guess you are simply mixing up things
01:08.18*** join/#asterisk tobias (
01:08.33lanningright, cables and junctions are measured in quantity of loss.
01:08.34drmessanoI spent 20 years working in RF.. im pretty sure I am not confused :)
01:08.35florzdrmessano: the one thing is that due to ohmic resistance you are losing some energy to heat
01:08.44*** join/#asterisk Sky-Knight (
01:08.46drmessanoLots of it
01:08.54*** part/#asterisk Sky-Knight (
01:08.56rpmjjshoe; i don't want it to work as fxs. i want to recieve fxs signalling from my telco.. i was just wondering if it was just a 5v/12v difference between the modules..
01:09.05hsv-alI bet dremessano and florz failed statics
01:09.06rpmit's just some old hardware i have here
01:09.06hsv-aland dynamics
01:09.07jjshoerpm no.
01:09.07hsv-alnuff said
01:09.24drmessanoWhy do you say that?
01:10.24drmessanoYou must work for a cable manufacturer if you're gonna tell me you got cable with gain :)
01:10.27florzdrmessano: the other thing is that you focus the propagation of the power into a specific direction - which is expressed as dBi, gain versus propagation in all directions. Which, when applied analogously to a cable, will usually result in a gain, no?
01:11.01drmessanoBut I am measuring dbi at ONE point
01:11.06drmessanoand cable goes to ONE point
01:11.07drmessanoSo no
01:11.25jbeezshorter the cable, the better
01:11.38drmessanojbeez: Thats NOT what she said
01:11.40*** join/#asterisk jm|laptop (n=jm|
01:11.45lanningcable is always measured in loss.
01:11.58lanningyou ALWAYS loss signal in a cable
01:12.00florzdrmessano: So, no, you obviously don't get any more power out of a cable than you put into it - but you concentrate it into much smaller area than in case of an isotropic radiator
01:12.24drmessanoflorz: But you're not measuring dBi in a sphere
01:12.32drmessanoYou measure it at ONE point
01:12.43jbeezthats what I said
01:12.44*** join/#asterisk WindBack (
01:12.48jbeezim not quoting anyone
01:12.52florzdrmessano: well, yeah, exactly
01:13.07*** join/#asterisk WindBack (
01:13.35lanningcables are point to point (not radiators) so you always want the least amount of loss (which usually costs more for better quality conductors/shielding...)
01:13.44florzdrmessano: and in that single point at the end of a cable, the power density is much higher than at the same point relative to an isotropic radiator
01:13.50lanningso it is a balance of cost and quality.
01:14.07drdrainI have a call inbound over a ZAP channel.
01:14.29drdrainI route it back out to a cell phone over an IAX2 truck
01:14.50jjshoedrdrain does that truck go vroom? :D
01:14.54lanningstarts the truck and drives off.
01:15.03drdrainsorry trunk
01:15.19*** join/#asterisk RobH (
01:15.24jbeezwho lotta dr's in here
01:16.08hsv-alid rather pop out pde's all day then listen to more of this back/forth
01:16.15drdrainThe cell phone has the call volume it receives substantially attenuated
01:16.46lanningcheck the gains in the zap driver
01:17.13drdrainThat's the thing\
01:17.45drdrainThe Zap channels are tuned fine when they terminate on a SIP extension inside the PBX
01:18.00florzdrmessano: so the one thing is comparing power density per area, or rather per angle in the usual case, the other one comparison of total power left after using a certain kind of transport
01:18.00drdrainTX and RX sound great
01:18.17drmessanoflorz: I see what you are saying.. Yes, the power density is focused down the cable.. But of course, the measurement is not based on the power fed into the isotropic radiator.. obviously there would be a huge disparity with the 360 degree radiation pattern.. I'm not quite sure an isotropic radiator is ever really used as a reference for anything other than a textbook 0 db gain point
01:18.20lanningthe iax trunk goes where?
01:18.45drdrainIAX goes out to the PSTN
01:18.56drdrainVOIPStreet is the ITSP
01:19.17lanningany other calls get the attenuation?
01:19.51drdrainCalls that come in on one channel of the IAX trunk and route back out are fine
01:20.12drdrainBack out over another channel of the IAX that is
01:20.24lanningcalls coming in the trunk and routed to a SIP extension are fine?
01:20.32*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (n=matt@
01:20.37ZX81hi all
01:21.18ZX81I have an AEX800 card with 8FXO, dmesg says 4 of the ports are not installed (3,4,7,8) any ideas?
01:21.22florzdrmessano: and for the comparison of total power left the directionality of any radiator doesn't matter, as the power passing through the full cross-sectional area of the medium's "end" is considered anyway
01:21.26drdrainOnly other wierdness is a little echo when calls come in IAX and are routed out a ZAP channel
01:22.34drmessanoflorz: Indeed.  All that matters is the 0db gain, which is difficult to achieve in theory
01:23.03drdrainThe analog card is a Rhino R4FXO card with onboard EC
01:23.06drmessanoflorz: you can screw up and get 1 db gain from a light bulb
01:23.46florzdrmessano: so, in case of cable losses, you specify simply the factor of power lost versus a hypothetical 0-loss connection - which in the easiest case would be moving the parts to be connected directly next to each other. Well, if you ignore connector loss and stuff at least ...
01:23.55drdrainHey ZX81.  What about lszaptel output?
01:25.17drmessanoflorz: and nice impedence bumps in things like PL-259s lol
01:26.40florzdrmessano: well, yeah, with the usual inaccuracies of the real, non-digital, world ;-)
01:27.17drmessanoflorz: Nothing like a TDR to show how perfect the world of cabling and connectors REALLY are
01:33.30drmessanoHmm.. I thought vtiger CRM had all the asterisk crap SugarCRM does
01:34.33ZX81all 8 in use
01:35.04drmessanoall 8 work?
01:35.07ZX81dmesg still says port 3,4,7,8 not in use - even though I just took the card out and moved the modules
01:35.48*** join/#asterisk znoG (
01:39.46*** join/#asterisk deltaray2 (
01:41.06deltaray2Hi.  If I have two POTS lines on my asterisk server, is there some trick to making it so that an outbound call uses whichever trunk is avaiable?  The example dialplans use a specific trunk like 'exten => _9NXXXXXX,1,Dial(Zap/1/${EXTEN:1})'
01:43.15ZX81says they are not in use because they are not in use - the card has 4 tdm400p fxo modules in it - man, flew 1500Km for this install
01:43.30drdrainThat sux
01:45.09[TK]D-Fenderdeltaray2, set "group=1" for each of them in zapata.conf and use Dial(Zap/g1/${EXTEN:1})
01:45.23deltaray2Ah, that's what I was looking for.  Thanks.
01:45.54*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-116ff428610205e7)
01:46.47*** join/#asterisk ccesario (
01:48.31deltaray2Cool that worked.
01:48.40hsv-ald-fender is still up
01:50.21*** join/#asterisk paul0 (
01:57.26*** join/#asterisk Sky-Knight (
01:57.36*** part/#asterisk Sky-Knight (
01:58.34docelmoARGH!  Qwest is a pain in the ass!
01:58.47drmessanoYes, they are
01:59.02*** join/#asterisk mosty (
01:59.30docelmoAll Im trying to do is convert my NFAS PRI Group to individual PRI's
01:59.42docelmocause NFAS SUCKS!
02:04.18jayteeeven with 10 PRI's using one D channel with the equipment costs it doesn't seem like it would save anything and only give you 9 addtional channels.
02:07.06deltaray2Has anyone heard of any project to make a pool of asterisk servers in communities that use people's phone lines so that you can call to a local POTS line in that area without toll?  I haven't heard of anything, but someone just suggested something like that on the local LUG list.
02:08.44lanningum, DUNDI
02:09.10*** join/#asterisk BeeBuu (n=beebuu@
02:09.43lanninger.... DUNDi
02:10.53*** join/#asterisk FarrisG (
02:11.02FarrisGAre there any tips/howtos out there for easily changing config options on multiple grandstream phones? Thinking of using curl. I have about 150 phones that I need to change ONE option on.
02:13.58mostyif they don't support automatic provisioning then curl + your favorite scripting language would be your best bet
02:16.17deltaray2lanning: But isn't DUNDi only for finding other asterisk servers to dial to?  What I mean is people donating their POTS line so that you can use their asterisk server to dial out locally even though you are normally long distance.
02:16.25*** join/#asterisk Toerkeium (i=Toerkeiu@
02:16.52lmadsendeltaray2: there were several projects that did that, but they are all gone now -- the legal liabilities were too great
02:17.47deltaray2lmadsen: Legal liabilities?  You mean like being liable for what someone does during the call or harrassment or was it to do with violations of phone company TOSes?
02:18.02lmadsenharrassement etc...
02:18.15lmadsensomeone using your line to place anonymous calls for harrassement
02:18.17deltaray2That makes sense.
02:18.18*** part/#asterisk FarrisG (
02:18.48*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-e1c145b1c8260d25)
02:19.03lmadsenyou can search for a system called FWDout (formerly bellster)
02:28.09*** join/#asterisk excAliBuR (n=sales@
02:28.27excAliBuRa simple question... can asterisk send voicemail to email?
02:28.39mostyyes it can
02:28.46rob0by default it does just that
02:29.02rob0(but you need a functioning MTA with sendmail binary)
02:29.26excAliBuRohhh.... i didn't set up any smtp stuff
02:29.47rob0a "null client" might be easier to set up
02:29.59jayteeI've got my * calls routing to Exchange Unified Messaging instead of * voicemail
02:30.04rob0ssmtp, nullmailer or the like
02:30.34jayteemsmtp will do for debian based systems.
02:30.48excAliBuRubuntu is what i have :)
02:31.12jayteei just setup msmtp on Hardy this past weekend
02:31.43excAliBuRi'm apt getting it now
02:32.58jayteeI had a project to build a web kiosk that was locked down so the user could only go to the default site and use that or otherwise logout or shutdown and I used msmtp with mutt in bash scripts to email the hostname and outside IP address of the system to a central account so I could track their addresses for ssh remote support.
02:35.48denonjaytee: sounds like a job for dynamic dns
02:36.21jayteeyeah, but I just wanted something quick and dirty to get the job done.
02:37.27jayteeso I just used the automation portion of to pull a .asp file with the address in it and slap that together with the local hostname and bang! out the door.
02:38.53rob0Heirloom mailx (find it on freshmeat) would take the place of both mutt and msmtp in that.
02:39.39rob0It's a mailx-compatible thing with SMTP client support built-in.
02:39.42jayteerob0, for me? or for excAliBuR ?
02:43.41*** join/#asterisk [gquit]bombadil (
02:45.05*** join/#asterisk pigpen2 (
02:47.01*** join/#asterisk Yosam (
02:47.02pigpen2Hi all, quick question.  The setting in the sip.conf, in previous years, sip would only bind to one ip address, one interface.  Can it bind to multiple addresses, on seperate interfaces now?
02:47.15lmadsenit can bind to all, or 1
02:47.39lmadsenbindaddr= or bindaddr= (for example)
02:48.10pigpen2yeah, that was there a long time ago, when it would only bind to the ip addresses on a single interface.
02:48.16lmadsenstill the same
02:48.32pigpen2So, multiple IP addresses (as it has been) = yes
02:48.44pigpen2IP addresses on seperate interfaces = no.
02:49.02pigpen2Unlike the IAX, which will bind to all ip addresses on all interfaces.
02:49.42*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
02:52.28Yosamanyone experienced with lumenvox!?
02:53.17*** join/#asterisk alancio (n=Alancio@
02:53.53deltaray2Is there any kind of plugin or script for Asterisk that will dial an external voicemail system like SBC's voicemail and check the messages there and return them back to a voicemail box locally?
02:54.13lmadsenthat is the kind of thing you develop yourself
02:54.31deltaray2But have people done this?
02:54.34deltaray2Is it possible?
02:55.28*** join/#asterisk delparnel (
02:58.31lanningyou need voice recognition to handle the prompts.
02:59.25*** join/#asterisk Shazzamy (
02:59.55YosamI need help with lumenvox
03:03.58*** join/#asterisk stkn__ (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
03:04.05deltaray2lanning: Well how about the signal that you get when you pickup a normal POTS phone and it lets you know that you have voicemail.  is there anyway for Asterisk to just interpret this and notify someone through e-mail. That would be enough for me.
03:08.52*** join/#asterisk WindBack (
03:08.57jayteedeltaray2, not that I'm aware of for *. I don't think the zaptel drivers are programmed to detect stutter dial tone.
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03:10.56deltaray2Ok, so that's what its called.  Do you know if the stutter dial tone can cause any problems for Asterisk?
03:11.03deltaray2like when you try to dial out?
03:11.10jayteeno, it doesn't
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03:12.04jayteeI used fxo cards to bridge analog extensions on a Nortel Option 11c to SIP voip phones on * and they used Nortel's CallPilot voicemail which gives stutter dial tone on analog lines.
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03:12.36jayteebut the SIP phones won't hear stutter dial tone though.
03:12.47jayteethey'll just get regular dial tone
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03:24.18alanciohi people, how can I know from a CDR if the call was answered, busy, etc?
03:24.43jayteeit's one of the default fields called Disposition
03:25.12alanciobut it always shows ANSWERED, regardless of what happened with the call
03:25.38jayteereally? doesn't on my system
03:26.08jayteeit either shows ANSWERED, BUSY or NO ANSWER
03:26.23alanciooh I should say that I'm using mysql cdr logging
03:26.32alanciocould that be the reason?
03:26.41mostyalancio, that should not matter
03:27.06mostywhat kind of calls are you making to test this?
03:27.23alancioI called my cell phone, and didn't answer it
03:27.37alancioit shows ANSWERED
03:28.07jayteealancio, I'm using cdr_mysql too
03:28.40alanciodo you have anything special in cdr.conf?
03:29.05jayteeare you using the Answer function in * to auto answer every call and then hand it off?
03:29.53alanciono, this call was a call from * to POTS
03:31.03alancioI have some calls that show FAILED on the CSV logs, before switching to mysql
03:31.04jayteemight be different then on an analog POTS line, I'm using SIP-SIP or SIP-PRI only.
03:31.44alanciook I'll have to test a little more
03:33.07mostyalancio, how are you initiating the call? and what type of connection to the POTS do you have?
03:34.01alancioI use the Dial application, I have a zaptel card
03:34.34[TK]D-Fenderalancio, All of your calls are considered "answered" because Zaptel by default does not do progress detection on analog channels.
03:35.03[TK]D-Fenderalancio, If you notice upon dial you can see immediately in CLI that it says zap/XX answered"
03:35.28alanciooh, that sounds logical, and hard to solve
03:35.42[TK]D-Fenderalancio, You can change this by setting "callprogress=yes", but thats also synonymous with "disconnect my calls at random=yes"
03:36.09alancioreally? is that a bug with asterisk?
03:36.25mostyit's more of a lack of a feature than a bug
03:37.56[TK]D-Fenderalancio, its analog don't ask much
03:38.02[TK]D-Fenderalancio, want real progress, get a PRI
03:38.24alancioI don't know if that is even possible :(
03:39.10alancioa PRI is like a T1 or E1 from the phone company?
03:39.38alanciothen I can't
03:39.41jayteeT1 is 24 channels with 1 for out of band signalling
03:39.50jayteewhen using it for PRI
03:40.02jayteeso you get 23 for voice
03:41.06alancioI'll just give callprogress=yes a try
03:44.50jayteegood luck!
03:47.34jayteenite everyone
03:47.41*** part/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
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03:51.46pigpen2[TK]D-Fender, long time.  Question, can sip on asterisk bind to two interfaces yet?  (both with their own ip address)
03:53.26[TK]D-Fenderpigpen2, All or one.  Your choice.
03:53.36pigpen2interfaces or ip addresses.
03:53.43[TK]D-Fenderpigpen2, same thing
03:53.58pigpen2earlier ver's would only do multiple IP addresses on a single interface.
03:54.17[TK]D-Fenderpigpen2, ummm.. nope
03:54.31pigpen2Well, I must have had my head up my newbe ass at the time.
03:54.32mostypigpen2, asterisk 1.2 can bind to all interfaces, i think 1.0 could also
03:55.28rob0My * has SIP clients on the internal interface and connects to SIP servers via external interface.
03:55.28pigpen2well, good.  I am being forced to make sip available on an outside interface on an embeded linux box acting as a firewall.
03:56.07pigpen2I am sure things will get goofy, due to the cheap bastards won't pony up for a static on the outside.
03:56.59pigpen2Glad to hear sip acts like IAX does.
03:57.01*** join/#asterisk Ebola (n=Ebola@unaffiliated/ebola)
03:57.07rob0Sic semper cheapskatemus.
03:57.35pigpen2yeah.  When things get weird, and they ask what will fix it, I will say, "Magic"
03:58.06pigpen2Anyway, thanks for the quick confirmation.
03:58.24pigpen2Maybe I can find more time to hang out in this channel.  It has been about 6 months.
03:58.41rob0Change of a dynamic IP will require a sip reload on the peer.
03:58.53pigpen2yeah.  Magic.
03:59.01rob0(Dynamic DNS isn't enough, by itself.)
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03:59.37pigpen2yeah, I would rather have a static on the head end, then run a vpn using x509 certs via the remote.
04:00.09pigpen2stkn_, welcome gentoo guy.
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04:55.34yojimbo-sanI'm having problems getting a snom300 phone to send DTMF to my ISP's Asterisk voicemailbox; I can dial from the phone manually just fine, but if I try to set up a function key to call sip:*98w012345 (i.e. 012345 is the mailbox account name) I don't hear any times, and neither does the voicemail, it just times out. Can someone help supply me with a clue please?
04:56.20Strom_Lyojimbo-san: that's not how sip works ;)
04:56.47yojimbo-sanwell, I forgot to say ;user=dialstring
04:56.53yojimbo-sandoes that help?
04:56.54Strom_Land anyway, don't leave your voicemail as a security hole; just enter the password when you call
04:57.07Strom_Lauto-password is a stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid idea
04:57.18yojimbo-santhat's not the password, that's the account name
04:58.04Strom_Lerm, yeah
04:58.17Strom_Lsorry, ive had my head in a credit card procesing script all day
04:58.24yojimbo-sanyep, that works for my current line :-)
04:58.43yojimbo-sanbut *98 will allow me to select a different mailbox, if I understand it riight
05:07.54*** join/#asterisk Trifixxx (
05:08.03Trifixxxhey there d-fender!
05:10.19[TK]D-Fenderyojimbo-san, there is no way to dial in with a sip phone that I know of that will also pass on DTMF.  You should make a dedicated extension that will call voicemailmain without ever asking for your password
05:11.07Trifixxxwhat? no hello?
05:11.11Trifixxxcmon buddy
05:11.19[TK]D-FenderTrifixxx, hello
05:11.27yojimbo-sanThat's a shame. I also wanted to access a corporate phone system via an audio bridge, and that requires DTMF. It would have been nice to be able to do that on one keypress ... :-(
05:11.42Trifixxxdid you find a good dialplan yet?
05:11.44[TK]D-Fenderyojimbo-san, how is it connected?
05:11.59[TK]D-FenderTrifixxx, how many angels can dance on the head of a pin?
05:12.11yojimbo-sanPublic PSTN provides an access number, it says "hello" then you dial the 7-digit corporate extension
05:12.21[TK]D-FenderTrifixxx, and I gave you your sample last night.
05:12.30[TK]D-Fenderyojimbo-san, and how do you get to the PSTN?
05:12.48yojimbo-sanoh, that's just a case of dialling a public phone number
05:12.57Trifixxxoh yeah. my sample.
05:13.22Trifixxxi ws thinking about it, d-fender, and i actually think the right answer is "the asterisk dialplan is clumsy and inherently creates bad code."
05:13.26Trifixxxis that the right answer?
05:13.29[TK]D-Fenderyojimbo-san, I just asked how you get to the PSTN.  What piece of hardware or service do you use for this?
05:13.37Trifixxxi mean, goto and gosub are so 1985 Commodore 64 basic.
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05:13.56yojimbo-san[TK]D-Fender: sorry, I misunderstood. a SIP phone (snom300) signed in to the ISP's asterisk service
05:14.21[TK]D-FenderTrifixxx, it certainly isn't structured programming, but "bad code" is so much worse based on who's writing.
05:14.35[TK]D-Fenderyojimbo-san, Do you control that *?
05:14.51yojimbo-san[TK]D-Fender: nope, but they are helpful people if I know what to ask for
05:15.05[TK]D-Fenderyojimbo-san, ok, how do THEY get to the PSTN?
05:15.15yojimbo-san[TK]D-Fender: unknown
05:15.47[TK]D-Fenderyojimbo-san, well you can try to have them use the D() Dial parameter to pass on digits.
05:16.34yojimbo-san[TK]D-Fender: thanks, that's something for me to look up then :-)
05:17.47[TK]D-Fenderyojimbo-san, this may or may not work depending on how they terminate.  if they go through 3rd party SIP termination that treats the call as "answered the moment it is placed then this will probably not work.  but go ask.
05:18.16[TK]D-Fenderyojimbo-san, and be sure to ask them to set up a pattern for you to use so you can pass on the extra digits in your dialstring.  They would break it out when you dial
05:18.32[TK]D-Fenderyojimbo-san, so that you could chage your password and just update the speed-dial on your phone.
05:19.04yojimbo-san[TK]D-Fender: OK, thanks. I'll try!
05:19.34[TK]D-Fenderyojimbo-san, you're welcome.
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05:46.07[TK]D-Fenderok, checkout time, back later.
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06:12.40nobesnickri am having an issue where no sound is transmitted to one of my cisco 7940's when called from another sip phone on the network, i have tried basic debugging but nothing has pointed me in the right direction. Does anyone have any ideas i can try?
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06:14.22mostyis there NAT involved?
06:15.40nobesnickrthere is but the phone is registering on the asterisk box (hosted external from this network) and i the phone works perfect when calling outside lines through IAX
06:16.04nobesnickrand the users i am trying to call can hear my voice perfectly
06:16.33mostyIAX is not affected by NAT like SIP is
06:16.53nobesnickryea i know, i wish there was a iax firware for these phones but sadly not
06:16.56mostylook up asterisk + sip + nat on the voip-info wiki, it's a very common problem
06:17.24nobesnickri will do just that, thank you for your help :)
06:19.02jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
06:19.06JTlook at the first url too
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07:03.33nobesnickrcan anyone point me in the right direction please, i am trying to find the script or at least an idea of how to script my website to place a call when a user puts in their phone number, id like the system to connect their phone to mine
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07:05.32ikevinyou need to make a script who use socket for connecting to asterisk and launching the call and redirect it to a real line
07:06.18nobesnickrdo you know what that would be called so i can research it by any chance?
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07:10.56slyzhnyakhi all!
07:12.04slyzhnyaksomeone knows where i can download prebuild debian etch package for Asterisk 1.6?
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08:09.39the_5th_wheelis there anyone in the states who can please test a number for me? Its a toll free one, and im being told by people they cant get thru
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08:24.01ShotygunHi. Can anyone tell me in generally for which purposes asterisk needs zaptel's timing? Is it required for moh, queues or chanspy?
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08:24.58liriis it possible inside a conference to support feature codes?
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08:39.56mvanbaakShotygun: conferencing and sla(which uses meetme in the background)
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08:54.11SteveTotarooh what a beautiful morning, oh what a beautiful day....
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08:59.17linuxmaniacslyzhnyak: there is no such thing.
08:59.47linuxmaniacno one is working on it on Debian Voip team
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09:07.52tzafririf anybody wants to, it would be nice
09:08.07tzafrir(work on an asterisk 1.6 deb package)
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09:25.59sysadmin-lb22hi ..I installed ztdummy and loaded it after that I reinstalled asterisk..however there is no meetme module any help ?
09:28.37awkhmm, span            =  1,2,0 what is the 0 part used for?
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09:31.50tzafrirsysadmin-lb22, module load
09:31.59tzafrirdoes this do anything?
09:32.08tzafrir(in the asterisk CLI)
09:33.00sysadmin-lb22tzafrir did that it executed and did not throw an error
09:33.02awkdoes the 0 have anything to do with signal strength?
09:33.10sysadmin-lb22however when I did shwo applications after that there was not meetme either
09:33.25awkis your verbosity high enough?
09:33.29awkto get an warning message?
09:34.05tzafrirlogger show channels
09:34.09tzafrir(to tell)
09:34.28tzafrirloading error is  an "error"
09:35.14sysadmin-lb22awk, verbosity is 4
09:35.28sysadmin-lb22tzafrir /var/log/asterisk/full              File     Enabled    - Debug Verbose Warning Notice Error
09:35.59tzafrirthat's too noisy for you to notice a simple error message :-)
09:36.11tzafrirWhat about "console"?
09:37.05sysadmin-lb22tzafrir no errors in console
09:37.21sysadmin-lb22tzafrir I just tried
09:37.27sysadmin-lb22module load asdfadfadfa
09:37.31sysadmin-lb22and it did not throw an error either
09:37.40sysadmin-lb22so I think I should increse verbosity ?
09:38.33tzafrirhmm.. it is actually a "warning"
09:38.46tzafrir[080528-123817] WARNING[25905]: loader.c:665 load_resource: Module 'blabla' could not be loaded.
09:39.00sysadmin-lb22tzafrir I just searched I dont have on my ssytem
09:39.20sysadmin-lb22all i have is app_meetme.c in /usr/src/asterisk/apps/
09:39.22awkI was right it is LBO
09:39.52sysadmin-lb22how comes the meet me app is not being compiled ?
09:39.58sysadmin-lb22I have ztdummy loaded and working
09:40.08tzafrirsysadmin-lb22, what about /usr/lib/asterisk/modules ?
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09:40.59sysadmin-lb22tzafrir no app_meet there
09:42.17sysadmin-lb22I have downloaded the svn sources for 1.4
09:42.56tzafrirsysadmin-lb22, so you need to rebuild asterisk . Probably re-run ./configure so it will pick up the presence of zaptel in the system
09:43.20sysadmin-lb22tzafrir I thnk you are right ..I did not run ./configure after I installed zaptel
09:43.39sysadmin-lb22tzafrir let me try that.."and of course you are right :p"
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09:56.49iceyphey guys... is there a timeout for register => and if so how can this be extended as I'm having issues registering to a vendor far away
09:56.59iceypthey can see me as registered and I dont see it as registered my end
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09:57.29ikeyi have a problem with sip can any one help
09:57.31ikeyWARNING[1116941120]: Maximum retries exceeded on call 9519b2ec-c0da277a-4c6af309@ for seqno 1 (Res
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10:01.19viraptorhey, does anyone know about an issue in * that causes recording second on or later Dial() to fail? produces only 190 bytes of wav... I can't find anything in tracker/google, but maybe I missed it
10:06.04iceypI continue to get SIP/2.0 408 Request Timeout
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10:11.01redaxI have a TE220 card here, and seems like it's in T1 mode, and not in E1
10:11.05redaxwhere can I configure that?
10:14.51tzafrirredax, you can set it in a jumper (IIRC) and/or in the module parameter t1e1override
10:16.48redaxtzafrir: found
10:17.02redaxI'm fool got the jumper in the documentation :)
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11:40.36VecHi, Whats the diffirence between, Dial(SIP/siptrunk/55555), and Dial(SIP/5555@siptrunk) ?
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11:43.18r0landhello all
11:44.48r0landcould someone help me with asterisk not able to transfer sip extensions plz!
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11:50.33slyzhnyakr0land: sip.conf?
11:50.42r0landslyzhnyak  k lemme pastebin it
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11:55.55VecAnyonw know what the diffirence is to what I asked earlier ?
11:56.13disposablewhat's the difference between playing .sln and .alaw files cpuworkloadwise?
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11:57.25ghenryHow do you pronounce IAX again?
11:57.30ghenryNot I A X
11:58.02r0landslyzhnyak any advice?
11:58.23ghenryAnyone knwo of how to connect a VOIP trunk from Dubai, as UAE block all voip
11:58.36slyzhnyakexten => 120,n,Goto(spa,${EXTEN},1)
11:58.48slyzhnyakwhat does it mean?
11:59.25r0landit means tht for any extension punched in earlier in "waitexten" tht comes from 120.. to go to context spa and dial the extension
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12:01.00r0landslyzhnyak its not the right way to do it ?
12:05.08r0landany advice how to fix it ?
12:05.29slyzhnyakDISA application
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12:10.04slyzhnyakr0land you can try exten => _X.,1,Goto(spa,${EXTEN},1)
12:10.48r0landslyzhnyak thts to b added in sPA context
12:10.50r0landor sipura-line
12:11.49slyzhnyakWaitExten reexecutes current context, 120,n,Goto... never executes
12:13.06slyzhnyakwhen WaitExten finished sipura-line context reexecuted with new extension
12:13.16*** join/#asterisk eXistenZ (i=pectic@unaffiliated/existenz)
12:13.16slyzhnyakbut you have only 120 in it
12:13.52slyzhnyaksorry for my english
12:13.59slyzhnyakdo you understand me?
12:15.16r0landslyzhnyak no
12:15.19r0landslyzhnyak wht do u mean
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12:19.31slyzhnyakr0land try this
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12:26.28r0landit gave me an error..
12:27.20ukdolphinhi all, I have just made a new install of asterisk 1.4.20 on an openvz node. I have so far used the manager interface to setup a sip user. The Sip phone can register ok, but everytime i try to call anything like the echo test the system dies with a segfault but no clue as to where.
12:27.23*** join/#asterisk jack_sparo (n=eddy@
12:27.27ukdolphindoes anyone have any ideas?
12:27.41jack_sparolooking for zap patched to detect dialtone, anyone has any idea about it?
12:27.50jack_sparoukdolphin repeat ur question plz
12:28.01ukdolphinI have just made a new install of asterisk 1.4.20 on an openvz node. I have so far used the manager interface to setup a sip user. The Sip phone can register ok, but everytime i try to call anything like the echo test the system dies with a segfault but no clue as to where.
12:28.05*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
12:29.47[TK]D-Fenderukdolphin: right off the bat I'd say "upgrade"
12:30.03slyzhnyakr0land just remove DigitTimeout
12:30.12ukdolphini meant download yesturday
12:30.16r0landslyzhnyak k
12:30.26slyzhnyakjust comment it
12:31.03*** join/#asterisk codefreeze-lap (n=murf@
12:31.44slyzhnyakPCadach was here very long time ago?
12:32.12jack_sparolooking for zap patched to detect dialtone, anyone has any idea about it?
12:32.23lmadsenukdolphin: only way to find out is to get a backtrace with DONT_OPTIMIZE enabled, and to probably open a bug with the backtrace (NOT THE COREDUMP FILE) with a very descriptive description
12:33.02ukdolphinlmadsen: not sure how to?
12:33.12lmadsenukdolphin: what distro?
12:33.32lmadsen1) install gdb 2) read backtrace.txt in the 'doc' directory of your asterisk source
12:33.55jack_sparolmadsen, any idea dude about zap patch?
12:34.01r0landslyzhnyak didnt work either..
12:34.02lmadsenjack_sparo: I didn't answer, so no.
12:34.10ukdolphincentos 4.6 onto off openvz
12:34.35jack_sparosorry dude
12:34.39jack_sparolmadsen :)
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12:36.27ukdolphinwould 1.6 be any better?
12:37.47slyzhnyaktell me what are u doing and want?
12:37.53*** part/#asterisk lmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
12:40.20Nobbiehi, i'm having problems using dialparties.agi and have narrowed it down to the parts which run "database get". when dialing an extension, it can sometimes takes up to 4 seconds to complete a "database get" command.
12:40.54*** join/#asterisk ikevin (
12:41.01Nobbietime -p /var/lib/asterisk/astdb > /dev/null completes in under a second
12:41.12Nobbieastdb is 400KB
12:41.45Nobbiewhat can i do to optimize the use of astdb ?
12:41.48[TK]D-FenderNobbie: ...
12:41.51jbot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
12:42.34tzafrirnah. a 400kb berkeley db should not be a performance issue
12:42.34Nobbieok, but i've narrowed it down to "database get" which is an AGI command and hence more related to Asterisk surely ?
12:43.47tzafrirany chance your system is in bad lack of memory, and occasionally needs to swap in some memory to answer your 'database' command?
12:44.32tzafrirjack_sparo, what patch do you mean?
12:45.17tzafriron the FXO?
12:46.13tzafrirSteve Davis (of the UK) wrote such patch , right?
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12:49.29Nobbietzafrir: not a chance, the server has 3GB of RAM and is dedicated to Asterisk
12:51.24tzafrirjack_sparo, ?
12:51.58tzafrir(And the name is Steve Davies, and not what I miswrote above)
12:54.22*** join/#asterisk delparnel (
12:56.55*** join/#asterisk hsv-al (n=ccvp@
12:57.18hsv-alhello - are we all looking forward to another long & glorious day on irc? :)
12:58.15hsv-ald-fender is actually up early
12:58.19hsv-also I know the day has started
12:58.24hsv-alidle / 16m 19s
13:02.01hsv-alpeople are still waking up
13:02.09hsv-alit's as if the time is 3am now
13:03.40cjkhi, i would to change the callerid on pickups and transfers on the phoen doing the pickup or getting the attended transfer. i know asterisk doesnt work like this. but is there any hack that i could do?
13:03.55*** join/#asterisk UnixDog (
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13:04.16UnixDogwhen is the major flaw in asterisk going to be fixed ?
13:04.55[TK]D-FenderUnixDog: Care to narrow that down a bit, we have so many :p
13:04.56UnixDogif I have a exten 1000 on my box and my friend has a exten 1000 on his system and you do a sip uri dial it fails
13:05.21[TK]D-FenderUnixDog: make the names unique
13:05.43UnixDogwell with most gui setups you cant
13:05.50UnixDogthats the issue
13:06.14UnixDogpoint and fact freepbx
13:06.19[TK]D-FenderUnixDog: That is most definitely not our problem...
13:06.34UnixDogwell it is
13:06.44UnixDogbecause its a sip uri issue
13:06.44[TK]D-FenderUnixDog: take their inflexibility up with them.
13:07.20[TK]D-FenderUnixDog: Feel free to try and support a patch or one of the now 1/2 dozen chan_sip replacements out there
13:07.58UnixDogchan_sip replacements ?
13:08.07NobbieUnix: in fact, all vendors might, including Cisco will tell you to use unique extensions
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13:08.52drmessanoI dont understand
13:08.57hsv-alhere we go again
13:09.05drmessanoIf I have an exten 1000, I cant dial 1000@something?
13:09.05NobbieUnix: as a workaround, you can use speed dials
13:09.07hsv-almore "drmessano", more "d-fender
13:09.10hsv-alanother day :) . . . .
13:09.56hsv-also your not some fool using "dr" for irc attention I see
13:10.03hsv-althe conversation yesterday seemed to prolonged for a complex lie
13:10.30jbot[drmessano] the leading cause of censorship in #asterisk, maybe a Doctor, not really a mess um a no..... The Doctor is accepting new patients, <drmessano> I am not a OB/GYN but I'll have a look anyway, and is earning his reputation daily
13:10.33hsv-alAfter watching you talk with forz yesterday
13:10.42hsv-alId rather pop out partial differentail equations all day
13:10.45hsv-althen listen to radiation talk
13:11.06drmessanoRF is a pain in the ass, plain and simple
13:11.39hsv-alwell, I guess if people have that level of fundamental understanding
13:11.53hsv-alit can bleed over into solving issues, possibly relating to their work w/ this software.
13:13.26drmessanoMy first area of expertise was RF engineering.. have a piece of wallpaper for 2 years of tech school for electronics and RF.. then got into IT...
13:13.43hsv-alI'm wondering if I should use an alpha value of .01, and give a 99% prediction interval that drmessanos talk was not factual or not? :)
13:14.44drmessanoI always had a soft spot for telco (how many people do you know bought a butt set because they just wanted one?) and asterisk make it possible to do some neat stuff with telco and a PC.. So there I went..
13:15.10hsv-alhello katty did you grind last night?
13:15.14hsv-aland i mean pve grind :)
13:15.15drmessanoAfter that it became obsessive compulsiveness lol
13:15.58hsv-alwell, I was just kicking back watching you two. Im pursuing ccvp cert, but I'm trying to break away from cisco
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13:17.23drmessanoCCVP is good if you want a job babysitting CCM in large environments..
13:17.50hsv-alwell, thats what I was thinking
13:17.52Kattyhsv-al: yeah. badlands.
13:18.08hsv-alTheres a few TS jobs in town that are paying 130k for degree + ccvp + secret clearance
13:18.21drmessanoIMO, it's more of a tax Cisco puts on vendors who want to sell their products
13:18.22hsv-alworking on a siprnet
13:18.44drmessanothat's cool
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13:19.33hsv-alits sort of ridiculous, but some of these contract jobs are paying graduates in CPE/CS, 95, 100k doing half ass unix admin work
13:19.46*** join/#asterisk ice_croft (n=nolan@
13:19.47hsv-albecause the government wants skilled workers, nothing more to it
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13:22.21Kattyman. i am just... leaking anger from my ears this morning
13:22.26Kattymoody! angry!!!
13:22.36Kattynext i'll be craving pickles and ice cream, the way my luck is going >.<
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13:25.06lirakis_workim trying to get everything but the last char from a variable
13:25.08lirakis_workon asterisk 1.2
13:25.15lirakis_workso i dont think the len() function exists
13:25.16drmessanoAre you pregnant?
13:25.29lirakis_workdrmessano: err.. i hope not
13:26.04lirakis_workive tried ${EXTEN:0:-1}  .. but no luck .. the crux is that i dont know the length of the extension
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13:27.08[TK]D-Fenderlirit does.
13:27.19[TK]D-Fenderlirakis_work: Yes, that function exists.
13:27.26[TK]D-Fenderlirakis_work: look harder next time.
13:27.43lirakis_work[TK]D-Fender: lhmm .. okay .. i looked in the 1st ed atoft
13:27.47lirakis_workmaybe i missed it
13:28.04*** part/#asterisk beek (n=klinebl@
13:28.08[TK]D-Fenderlirakis_work: Next time go look in CLI
13:28.46*** join/#asterisk robevans (
13:29.10anthoooooooooWe work with Asterisk 1.4.19. We have some problems: Sometimes When I call, We have a sound in "background". For example, We can hear the voice of my voicemail in the same time of my call. Why have I this problem? My phone is an Aastra 55i
13:29.11lirakis_work[TK]D-Fender: I also tried verbose(${EXTEN:0:[LEN(${EXTEN)-1])  .. but didnt get that to work either
13:29.40anthooooooooothanks for your help
13:29.56[TK]D-Fenderlirakis_work: Of course not.  Thats no way to call a function.
13:30.43lirakis_work[TK]D-Fender: uhh.. okay..
13:31.04[TK]D-Fenderlirakis_work: your brackets and braces are so mismatched in there its almost funny.
13:31.27lirakis_workyeah i saw that
13:31.35lirakis_work.. that was just typed in here .. i didnt copy paste
13:32.02lirakis_work[TK]D-Fender: but given that the brackets & braces are matched... i should be able to call the len function and get the substring like that correct?
13:32.16[TK]D-Fenderlirakis_work: yes, very easy.
13:32.19*** join/#asterisk go|dfish (
13:33.12lirakis_workexten => _X.,n,verbose(  ${EXTEN:0: [ LEN( ${EXTEN} )-1 ] }   )
13:33.18lirakis_workit hink that looks good but ill try it out
13:33.25go|dfishHey guys, just wondering if anybody has a Digium 410p card? There was a power outage at work, and the status lights ont he card are no longer operational, outgoing calls are also failing. I'm just wondering if the status lights are not on at all, whether it means the card itself is busted?
13:33.54[TK]D-Fenderlirakis_work:  [ <- is used for expressions, not function calls.
13:33.55go|dfishNothing has changed in the config of the machine, modules are loaded, etc.
13:34.08[TK]D-Fenderlirakis_work: Go read the book again.
13:34.27go|dfishThe card's manual mentions this channel, so I thought i'd give a try asking here...
13:34.44[TK]D-Fendergo|dfish: they only light up once the driver is initialized IIRC.  Go make sure zaptel is loaded.
13:34.44lirakis_work[TK]D-Fender: so i dont need the brackets to subtract the result of the function
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13:35.17[TK]D-Fenderlirakis_work: Ah, well you do need it for the math bit, but then again its $[] not []
13:35.22*** join/#asterisk r0land (n=roland@
13:35.28[TK]D-Fenderlirakis_work: and you aren't referencing your function at all.
13:35.44lirakis_work[TK]D-Fender: referencing my function?
13:36.07[TK]D-Fenderlirakis_work: Go look at samples of how functions are called.
13:36.09*** join/#asterisk _gm (
13:36.25go|dfish[TK]D-Fender: Hm, zaptel appears to be loaded, ztcfg -vvv says 0 channels configured, though.
13:36.51[TK]D-Fendergo|dfish: modprobe its driver, double check its config files, pastebin everything
13:36.54jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
13:36.54Nobbieargh whyyyyyyy......
13:37.09Nobbie15seconds to do a simple "database get"
13:37.27*** join/#asterisk anthm (
13:38.01lirakis_work[TK]D-Fender:  can i use that len() function as a parameter of another function? .. im looking at pages of function calls.. and i dont see what your getting at
13:38.25jack_sparolooking for zap patch to detect dialtone, anyone has any idea about it? my asterisk is not dropping the channels when i hangup the phone
13:38.29[TK]D-Fenderlirakis_work: You don't seem to know how to call a function at all...
13:39.13[TK]D-Fenderlirakis_work: and yes you can nest functions.
13:40.07go|dfish[TK]D-Fender: The cards driver is loaded 'wct4xxp', It was working up until yesterday after a power cut, the configurations haven't changed. Hence why I thought it was the card itself. I didn't set up this system, I inherited so I'll have to do some reading before I'll know what to pastebin and check configs :-)
13:40.09Nobbieah, CPU is 34% waiting. does that indicate deadlock avoidance/detection problem ?
13:41.24drmessanoI just confirmed the SIP URI issue.. thats ugly
13:41.45r0landhey all
13:42.10r0landanyone ever faced a prob in asterisk tht it doesnt find the sip extension in sip.conf even though its there?
13:42.29Nobbier0land: after doing a "asterisk -rx 'reload' "
13:42.48r0landNobbie let me try
13:42.49lirakis_work[TK]D-Fender: so ... i still have no idea what im doing wrong .. can you be any more specific? ..
13:43.23lirakis_work[TK]D-Fender: ive tried changing to exten => _X.,n,verbose(  ${EXTEN:0:$[${LEN( ${EXTEN} )}-1]}   )
13:43.56[TK]D-Fenderlirakis_work: shitespace = BAD <-----
13:44.24lirakis_work[TK]D-Fender: exten => _X.,n,verbose(${EXTEN:0:$[${LEN(${EXTEN})}-1]})
13:44.46r0landNobbie yes even
13:44.58lirakis_work[TK]D-Fender: was it just adding the ${ } around the len() call that you were talkuing about?
13:45.13[TK]D-Fenderlirakis_work: Concerning referencing a function, yes.
13:46.10lirakis_work[TK]D-Fender: that would have been a lot clearer .. " your missing ${ } around your len() call ... in otherwords.. you arent referencing the function"
13:46.26lirakis_work[TK]D-Fender: thanks for your help though
13:47.03[TK]D-Fenderlirakis_work: Sorry, I had to let you come to this yourself or it might not stick.
13:47.05*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde@unaffiliated/jaytee)
13:47.17lirakis_work[TK]D-Fender: fair enough ..
13:47.18r0land[TK]D-Fender hello again
13:47.23anthoooooooooI use Asterisk 1.4.19. We have some problems: Sometimes When I call, We have a noise in "background". For example, I can hear the voice of my voicemail in the same time of my call. It seem that my call take a channel that is not close. Is it possible?
13:47.36*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (n=anonymou@
13:48.00[TK]D-Fenderr0land: there is no pattern match for 10 in THAT CONTEXT.
13:48.14r0land[TK]D-Fender hmm ok ill figure it out
13:48.15r0landthanks :)
13:49.00[TK]D-Fenderr0land: where do YOU see an exten that will match '10' in [sipura-line] ?
13:49.24r0landexten => 1X.,n,Goto(spa,${EXTEN}@,1)
13:49.29r0land" 1X."
13:49.57[TK]D-Fenderr0land: pastebin it all
13:50.05UnixDog1x. would = any number dialed with a 1
13:50.17[TK]D-FenderUnixDog: Not that line....
13:50.41[TK]D-Fenderand what the hell is that bastardized goto with a URI in it?
13:51.13[TK]D-FenderI swear people pull every random bit of syntax they can find and mash it together for no good reason.
13:51.56[TK]D-Fenderr0land: Your broken attempt at an IVR does not look at [spa] for extens to dial <-
13:52.09hsv-ald-fender, I have a 12pack of sugar-free redbull, and "5 hour energy"
13:52.12hsv-alwhich do you want?
13:52.32r0land[TK]D-Fender exten => 1X.,n,Goto(spa,${EXTEN}@,1)<<== shouldnt this do the trick ?
13:52.33[TK]D-Fenderr0land: and THIS... what is a URI doing in the middle of a GOTO? exten => 1X.,n,Goto(spa,${EXTEN}@,1) ; Goto the correct extension
13:52.48[TK]D-Fenderr0land: and next, that isn't even a PATTERN.  Go look at whats clearly missing.
13:52.49r0land"uri" = ?
13:53.06[TK]D-Fenderr0land: why is there an IP ADDRESS in a Goto?
13:53.14*** join/#asterisk xenonex (n=xenonex@
13:53.28r0landk done
13:53.36r0landbut still how can i direct it to spa!
13:53.50[TK]D-Fenderr0land: include <----
13:54.06[TK]D-Fenderr0land: Go read the book on dialplan basics again.  You seem to have fallen completely off the wagon.
13:54.07r0landfreaking hell if thts the solution im gonna kill myself
13:54.20hsv-alr0land, dont fret
13:54.24hsv-alaccept it for what it is, become a clear
13:54.31hsv-alDynetics, by L.Ron Hubbard
13:54.36[TK]D-Fenderr0land: And whats at that IP?
13:54.37r0land[TK]D-Fender i kinda got the hang of it for a while back... ive set up everything now im lost again :(
13:54.54r0land[TK]D-Fender the other asterisk
13:55.52*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki (
13:56.35hsv-alr0land, think back to 15 years ago
13:56.37jayteeis using SLA the way to go if I have 3 users and want 1 of the phones that's mulitline to have the other 2 extensions ring there also?
13:57.26[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: no.
13:57.53[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: setup a separate registration and dial both devices for that other users extens.
13:58.23jaytee[TK]D-Fender, that's what I was thinking as an alternative to setting up SLA
13:58.42jaytee[TK]D-Fender, thanks for confirming my suspicions.
13:58.46*** join/#asterisk kamh (
13:59.16[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: *'s fake SLA was only made with LINES in mind,
13:59.33russellbit works for extensions, as well.
13:59.43russellbit's just dialplan.
13:59.55jayteethat's kind of the impression I got from "the book" and a couple articles on digium's site
13:59.57r0land[TK]D-Fender thanks tht did the trickj :)
14:00.05russellbi need to document how to do it ...
14:00.16r0land[TK]D-Fender thanks for ur help :)
14:01.23[TK]D-Fenderr0land: Just because I'm feeling generous :
14:01.58[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: actually... you don't need to make a separate reg at all unless you want to know that the call was for them.
14:02.15[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: but there is all sorts of other dialplan trickery you can do even on a single reg.
14:02.29r0land[TK]D-Fender thanks :) everything works perfectly.. now need to wrap my mind around voicemail.. and ill finaly b done
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14:08.18Kattytoday is annoying. i should just play my pally and ignore work
14:12.19bogphannyI have recently setup an Asterisk service (self-confessed n00b), whereby a caller calls in using our SIP trunk, lands in the IVR, then chooses an option to be transfered to an external number using the same SIP trunk. This currently works fine, though my Asterisk service remains connected as a "middle-man" for the duration of the call. Is there a way that I can initiate a call transfer, so my Asterisk box is then removed
14:13.54tzafrirgo|dfish, it means you have nothing in /etc/zaptel.conf . compare to /proc/zaptel/*
14:14.20tzafrir(oops, was looking back a bit)
14:14.53pigpenbogphanny, yeah, probably have your sip provider forward the call.
14:15.01pigpenrather than hitting your pbx
14:15.39bogphannyproblem is that the external number is chosen based on the options selected in the IVR of the PBX
14:15.47*** join/#asterisk Vec (
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14:17.19VecPlease help, can't figure out the diffirence between Dial(SIP/trunk/5555) and Dial(SIP/5555@trunk) ?
14:17.32disposablei've uploaded my custom sounds to /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/custom/ but asterisk says file does not exist in any format. i tried /usr/local/share/asterisk/sounds/ but same result. what am i missing? (it's on debian, ast, files are in sln and wav 8000hz,16bit)
14:17.34*** join/#asterisk s0lid (n=s0lid@
14:17.47go|dfishtzafrir: Thanks for your respsone, yeah, /proc/zaptel/1/ exists, and zaptel.conf appears to have everything commented out. The really weird thing is everything was working up until yesterday, when there was a power cut. That's why my initial thought was the card itself is fried.
14:18.00Vecdisposable : try putting them in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/
14:18.25tzafriryou need something in zaptel.conf at boot time, not for normal operation
14:18.29disposableVec: didn't help
14:18.30Vecdisposable : also if they in custom address them as custom/soundname
14:19.02Vecdisposable : check there permissions chmod 655 them ?
14:20.53disposableVec: didn't help. it must be something obvious. do i need to enable something in config files?
14:22.08tzafrirgo|dfish, you probably need to unrem some lines or recreate them...
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14:25.13go|dfishtzafrir: Hm, apparantly this card doesn't use the zaptel driver, but rather the misdn one. Bah, sorry, this is rather new to me.
14:25.15railsmunkyHowdy people. Can anyone help me, i'm trying to get keypresses from a caller whilst in a queue. Is this possible?
14:25.25disposableVec: i've now got them in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds, in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/custom  and in /usr/local/share/asterisk/sounds/, yet it still can't see them :(
14:25.34tzafrirgo|dfish, what card is it?
14:25.34railsmunkythat's the relevent config i have at the moment
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14:25.59[TK]D-Fenderrailsmunky: Yes, it is.  set the "context=" in your queue definition.
14:26.28UnixDogok setting fromdomain= is not working on extensions
14:26.30go|dfishtzafrir: Digium b410p
14:26.30Kattyi'm am SO grumpy today
14:26.45the_5th_wheelis there anyone in the states who can please test a number for me? Its a toll free one, and im being told by people they cant get thru.
14:27.07railsmunkycontext of the queue ie context=clu or context of the main extension?
14:27.18slyzhnyakr0land _1X.
14:27.29UnixDogthis sip uri issue is a major issue
14:27.35[TK]D-Fenderrailsmunky: the context whose single digit eaxtens you want the queue to be able to exit to
14:27.36UnixDogits killing me
14:28.04[TK]D-FenderUnixDog: If your GUI was smarter you could have gotten out of this.
14:28.17UnixDogits not my gui
14:28.22railsmunky[TK]D-Fender: aha okeokde. Great thanks
14:28.39[TK]D-FenderUnixDog: You said it wouldn't let you pick non-numeric peer names...
14:28.47UnixDogand I just get clients bitching because things are broken
14:28.52slyzhnyakhow stable is SS7 suppeort in asterisk?
14:28.53*** join/#asterisk FreedomBI (
14:29.06UnixDogthats freepbx and its not my gui
14:29.34[TK]D-FenderUnixDog: well rename them out of the way.  If you can't, oh well...
14:29.45drmessanoAlphanumeric isn't the issue, it's the workaround
14:30.08drmessanoIf dialing 1000@something didn't dial the internal 1000 extension, you wouldn't need one
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14:32.23golumnHi guys I want to record the conversations on a channel. Right now what I am doing it Record(myfile.wav,3,0,q) and the make a Dial(). it creates the file but it don't record anything. I also try with Monitor. It works fine the only problem is that it dive the file in and out, and I want a single one
14:33.54[TK]D-Fendergolumn: Record is for you to record a sound file for the active channel.  Monitor is for recording CALLS.
14:34.16[TK]D-Fendergolumn: "core show application monitor" <- read the instructions.
14:34.28*** join/#asterisk mkoch (
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14:35.23Kattyruns around murdering.
14:35.55seanbrightthat seems excessive
14:36.10Kattyi'm feeling excessively angry.
14:36.13[TK]D-Fenderseanbright: Yeah I like being able to do that from the comfort of my armchair
14:36.28Corydon76-digsends Katty to St Petersburg, FL
14:36.30[TK]D-Fenderlinks Google Maps into ICBM launch control.
14:36.36pawelKatty: too much coffee
14:37.16seanbrightKatty: ok, i'll bite... why are you excessively angry?
14:37.35jbeezwhats in st petersburg FL?
14:37.39Nobbiewould it be a bad idea to run the asterisk process on linux with nice value of -3 to give it higher priority then default ?
14:38.05jbeezHello Mr Bright
14:38.06Corydon76-digjbeez: someone on the lists who has been pissing on open wounds
14:38.12seanbrightjbeez: hello
14:38.21mkochi know, that everybody hates newbies with questions, but may i ask some help? :)
14:38.31jbotsomebody said ask was Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
14:38.32seanbrightmkoch: ask away
14:38.55jbeezCorydon76-dig: which lists? sorry I'm not familiar, and what are they doing? just being total dickwads?
14:40.07UnixDogok back to this issue
14:42.42mkochok. so I want to use asterisk in a project. I have 10 student pc's, and 10 instructor pc's. Every student has an own conference room, and any other student or instruktor can join. I have to do it all with Linux and command line scripts (driven by an own GUI) and backup every conversation to a backup server. Is it possible with Asterisk?
14:42.50Vecdisposable : what about an installed one like tt-monkeys
14:43.07liriis it possible inside a conference to support feature codes? like inside a conference room (meetme) to dial *200 and it will dial extension 200?
14:44.00VecPlease help, can't figure out the diffirence between Dial(SIP/trunk/5555) and Dial(SIP/5555@trunk) ?
14:44.48lirakis_workis there a way to capture the return result of a system() call ? i think that SYSTEMSTATUS only contains a FAILURE or SUCCESS value .. but not the discrete returned value
14:45.06seanbrightmkoch: yes, it is.
14:46.03mkochseanbright: do i need anything else than asterisk?
14:46.21seanbrightmkoch: phones of some kind
14:46.43*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (n=arodgers@
14:46.49iratikCan anyone help real  quick ... when i comment out line 4... the caller is directed to 000... if i uncomment it ... the caller gets a busy. .. what am i doing wrong ? (can't pull the output from asterisk -r ... too many other things going on in there) ...
14:46.51mkochonly softphones, PCs with headsets
14:46.52go|dfish[TK]D-Fender, tzafrir -- thanks for your responses. Have a good day.
14:46.58*** part/#asterisk go|dfish (
14:47.14[TK]D-Fendermkoch: that'll do
14:47.42seanbrightlirakis_work: nope.  just SYSTEMSTATUS.
14:47.56[TK]D-Fenderiratik: exten => 999,n,Goto('from-internal',000,1)
14:47.59[TK]D-Fenderiratik: no quote
14:48.00mkochcan asterisk automatically make audio backup files from the conversations?
14:48.16lirakis_workseanbright: damn .. how about some thing like set(myvar=${system(mycommand)}
14:48.16seanbrightmkoch: yup.  see the MixMonitor dialplan app for details.
14:48.34[TK]D-Fenderlirakis_work: you have quotes around your context name.
14:48.39seanbrightlirakis_work: System is a dialplan app, it doesn't return a value
14:48.53iratik[TK]D-Fender: that part is actually working
14:48.58iratiki'm having problems with the curl part
14:49.08lirakis_work[TK]D-Fender: ..??
14:49.13[TK]D-Fenderiratik: you sure CURL even exists in your version?
14:49.27*** join/#asterisk tobias (
14:49.28seanbrightlirakis_work: he was talking to iratik, not you.
14:49.43iratik1.4.19 ?
14:49.47[TK]D-Fenderlirakis_work: nope
14:49.48lirakis_workseanbright: hrgm... i guess ill have to figure out another way of doing this .. im trying to avoid agi
14:49.54[TK]D-Fenderbad aim, sorry
14:50.15seanbrightlirakis_work: that might be your only option.  short of modifying asterisk.
14:50.19*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
14:50.41[TK]D-Fenderiratik: there is no curl in 1.4
14:50.42mkochthanks and i tried the console dial command, it works fine on the same pc, where the asterisk runs. but from the other PCs how can i call from command line? is there any command-line softphone whitch i can use with MeetMe?
14:50.44lirakis_workseanbright: ehheh.. already been that route with openser .. looking for some thing without so many nastybits
14:50.48golumnI am simply courius. Does asterisk has an application for sending emails()?
14:51.00seanbright[TK]D-Fender: yes there is
14:51.01iratik[TK]D-Fender: so ... have  to use system(curl ...) ?
14:51.08[TK]D-Fendermkoch: make, but you're better off with an X app
14:51.31[TK]D-Fenderseanbright: aocomputing*CLI> show application curl
14:51.32[TK]D-FenderYour application(s) is (are) not registered
14:52.08seanbrightcore show function curl
14:52.08[TK]D-Fenderseanbright: not as an application is doesn't ;)
14:52.13*** join/#asterisk CVirus (n=GoD@
14:52.14seanbright[TK]D-Fender: too true.
14:52.27[TK]D-Fenderseanbright: Details will kill you.
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14:52.41seanbright[TK]D-Fender: bullets are more likely
14:53.02Corydon76-dig[TK]D-Fender: there is so a CURL in 1.4
14:53.12seanbrightwe've just been over that
14:53.21[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-dig: indeed.
14:53.32[TK]D-Fender[TK]D-Fender>seanbright: not as an application is doesn't ;)
14:53.43*** join/#asterisk drehlecom (i=ircbnc@unaffiliated/drehlecom)
14:53.46[TK]D-Fenderguess the keyword in there...
14:53.59mkoch[TK]D-Fender: i need a command line one, i have to use an own GUI with video stream, simulations and so, and a self GUI control panel whitch controls everything, including the conferences
14:54.08seanbright<[TK]D-Fender> iratik: there is no curl in 1.4
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14:54.17seanbrightfind the ambiguity in there...
14:54.29[TK]D-Fendermkoch: go check out the WIKI for one then.  I have heard of one, but don't recall the name
14:54.32jbot[~wikis] VoIP Wiki covering Asterisk, FreeSWITCH, TrixBox, SER, OpenSER, sipX, CallWeaver, and YATE. (c) Arte Marketing Inc / CommPartners
14:54.46[TK]D-Fenderseanbright: yes, clarified a line or so later.
14:54.55seanbright[TK]D-Fender: indeed.
14:55.00seanbright[TK]D-Fender: don't let it happen again.
14:55.06ManxPowerhow about "core show function CURL"
14:55.15hsv-alAsterisk Predictable HTTP Manager Session ID Security Bypass Vulnerability
14:55.24hsv-alAN 1.0.2 not affected by this?
14:55.34russellbit probably is
14:55.47russellbthe advisory should tell you.
14:55.51ManxPowerseanbright: functions are CASE SENSITIVE
14:56.02ManxPowercurl is the the function, CURL is. curl is NOT the function, CURL is.
14:56.17mkoch[TK]D-Fender: thanks, but the truth is that i tried to google some command-line softphone, but i can't find any...
14:56.19[TK]D-Fenderiratik: And if you actually looked at your CLI output you'd ahve seen the application was not valid.  Go read the application & function listings for a change.
14:56.29hsv-alfound it, rb, some alerts say 1.0.2 is, some say it isn't
14:56.30[TK]D-Fendermkoch: There is a list on the WIKI
14:56.31seanbrightManxPower: yes, you're right.  way to add zero value to this discussion.
14:56.32hsv-alis there a final say?
14:56.34seanbrightwas wrong
14:56.41iratik[TK]D-Fender: like i said.. could read the CLI output... too much activity
14:56.53lirakis_workany one have any other ideas on how to get data from an external system call without using agi?  .. it would be so simple if i could just get the return data some how ... :\   i need no other agi functionality
14:56.58Corydon76-digiratik: core set verbose off
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14:57.18[TK]D-Fenderlirakis_work: "external system call.... could you be more vague?
14:57.20iratikthats what i was looking for
14:57.51Corydon76-digiratik: and: core set verbose 31337
14:57.52[TK]D-Fenderiratik: uhh... yeah sure.
14:58.38[TK]D-Fenderiratik: text search for curl in your output.... not Raw-Cat Science
14:58.38hsv-al1.0.2 isnt affected.
14:58.38hsv-althis guy has no life that found it
14:58.38iratikWhat do you mean
14:58.39hsv-alhe gets jollies by bypassing mpls boundaries
14:58.39iratiki wish there was something i could do cat somefile | grep curkl
14:58.42iratikerr.. grep curl
14:58.47iratikbut there is no somefile to do that to
14:58.55ManxPoweriratik: AGI is the best and perhaps only workable method to do what you want
14:58.56iratikall i can do is go into asterisk -r and watch
14:58.59[TK]D-Fenderiratik: You're wondering why it bombed with that line not commented out, you should have looked for it being called and see like 2 lines below what the error wasw
14:58.59seanbrightiratik: /var/log/asterisk/full?
14:59.28*** part/#asterisk ukdolphin (
14:59.29iratikthere is a file i can do that too.. .that would have helped so much all these months
15:00.15iratiki actually wrote an expect script to watch a screen instance that was running asterisk -r and take snapshots at certain intervals to try to get the same effect as an output log file
15:00.15ManxPoweriratik: if you paid more attention to the channel you would have learned about it months ago
15:00.48iratiki gave up on this channel months ago, only come here when i'm really in a rut. ... started reading the asterisk bible... haven't been in here nearly as much
15:00.55mkoch[TK]D-Fender: thanks, i found the list. is it a SIP softphone what i need? (i want to use it with meetme)
15:01.12ManxPower*nod*  So you only come here to get help, not provide help or learn.  Pretty typical.
15:01.17[TK]D-Fendermkoch: Thats a protocol * supports.  Should be fine
15:01.24iratikeverytime i came here.. people would be like "duhh... why didn't you know that, its pretty obvious to me" ....
15:01.31seanbrightiratik: if you make that line -> exten => 999,n,Set(FOO=${CURL(${REALCALLERIDNUM})})
15:01.35seanbrightiratik: that should work
15:01.40iratikI already got it working
15:01.45seanbrightiratik: ah, good.
15:01.46ManxPoweriratik: that did not tell you something like "read the book, the mailing list, or the wiki"?
15:02.09*** join/#asterisk Nasra (n=maxshipp@
15:02.21ManxPowerI'm VERY surprised The Book makes no mention of the Asterisk log files.
15:02.29iratikexten => 999,n,System(curl${REALCALLERIDNUM})
15:02.37seanbrightiratik: that will work too
15:02.45iratikManxPower: it probably does ... but hey .. its a big book
15:02.56seanbrightiratik: you can configure what goes into the logs with /etc/asterisk/logger.conf
15:03.04mkochnow i'm leaving, thanks a lot!
15:03.08seanbrightiratik: and create new ones, etc.
15:03.10lirakis_work[TK]D-Fender: a shell script .. can i "call" a shell script in some manner (system()) or otherwise, that will allow me to get a return variable .. or some how access data that is generated in that shell script
15:03.16ManxPoweriratik: And yet, you did not read the single best source of information about Asterisk.  No wonder people sad mean things to you.
15:03.27lirakis_work[TK]D-Fender: without using agi
15:03.29jsmithManxPower: Yeah, it's a subject we just never got around to covering
15:03.38iratiki did look there.. just didn't know where to look
15:03.46ManxPowerjsmith: there's a a lot of that in the book.
15:03.47MikeJhands jsmith a chapter on logging
15:03.47iratikpeople are under the impression that i didn't try to find the answer on my own
15:03.54MikeJI think you dropped that
15:04.04Corydon76-digjsmith: when are we starting on the 3rd edition?
15:04.20jsmithManxPower: We accept patches ;-)  But yes, seriously, there's a lot of material that needs to be covered, but hasn't been yet
15:04.42Corydon76-digjsmith: and will we surpass the Bat book this time?  ;-)
15:04.43jsmithCorydon76-dig: Technically, several months ago.  But nothing major has been done yet fora 3rd edition
15:04.50[TK]D-Fenderlirakis_work: And whats wrong with AGI?  Just about every hack around for it will be extremely limited and take more work to set up.
15:04.58jsmithCorydon76-dig: Now you're asking for "Asterisk: The Definitive Guide", right?
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15:05.57ManxPoweriratik: I think the problem is you just suck royally at using search engines.
15:05.59lirakis_work[TK]D-Fender: nothing is wrong with it.. the system is already running with a shell script .. (call to ticket) and i want to add a part that reads back ticket numbers that are generated..  so i wanted to avoid having to redo the system as an agi script, if at all possible
15:06.11lirakis_worki guess its agi though
15:06.19seanbrightManxPower: ok, he gets it.  what say we move on?
15:06.29drmessanoWow too
15:06.37ManxPowerlirakis_work: you can EASILY convert your app to AGI with very little coding.
15:06.45ManxPowerseanbright: he does NOT get it.
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15:07.27seanbrightManxPower: and you feel compelled to chastise him in a public channel for the last 10 minutes because...?
15:07.29lirakis_workManxPower: .. yeah .. thats what im starting on .. i just wanted to avoid it if possible .. and i thought that it would be reasonable to expect system() to return the actual return value of the call
15:07.40seanbrightManxPower: his question has been asked and answered, move on.
15:08.09ManxPowerseanbright: because if he can't find something as basic as the asterisk log files after searching for months something is WRONG.
15:08.11hsv-alis there a generic extension mechanism with iax2?
15:08.29ManxPowerEither he is a moron or the information is very hard to find.  I'll assume he's not a moron for now.
15:08.54pigpenSpeaking of moron's, I am here.
15:09.07ManxPowerhsv-al: nothing special for IAX2, just the standard pattern match stuff
15:09.38hsv-also how are new features worked in?
15:09.56ManxPowerhsv-al: you mean PROTCOL stuff, not EXTENSIONS stuff.
15:10.12pigpenQuick Question:  Every month or so, I have had my Queue stop ringing the queue members.  It just puts the call into eternal queue.  Any words of wisdom?
15:10.18ManxPowerhsv-al: you would have to ask on #asterisk-dev, but I don't know of any way to extend IAX2 except perhaps via IEs
15:10.30anthoooooooooI use Asterisk 1.4.19. We have some problems: Sometimes When I call, We have a noise in "background". For example, I can hear the voice of my voicemail in the same time of my call. It seem that my call take a channel that is not close. Is it possible?
15:11.17pigpenanthooooooooo, is it possible you are getting feed back via your receiver?
15:12.31ManxPowerCustomer E-mail: HELP!  I deleted and e-mail account a couple of days ago that needs to be restored!  Me: Perhaps you should contact the person in charge of backups for your e-mail system.
15:12.33banzaikaanybody knows when digium plans to put curl support back ?
15:12.36iratikManxPower: see! "i suck royally" ... i mean... what the heck was i supposed to search for .. i searched for "asterisk curl" ... i landed on  ... that page doesn't mention anything about not being supported in any version of asterisk .... Okay.. so i tried it.. it didn't work...   I looked at the CLI and there was too much output ... so i commented the line out.. then it work
15:12.36iratiked... so i came here... where did i go wrong?
15:12.47ManxPoweriratik: "asterisk log"
15:12.52Corydon76-digbanzaika: what are you talking about?
15:13.11Corydon76-digbanzaika: it's a dialplan function.  It's there.
15:13.20ManxPoweriratik: the Wiki is the last place to look for information because it contains so much wrong informatin
15:13.37iratikwhat does that have to do with curl .... ? yeah curl wasn't working .... but i guess the problem is that i had accepted for months now that asterisk -r was the only way to monitor asterisk output
15:13.47banzaika<Corydon76-dig> not in mine :(
15:13.57ManxPowerbanzaika: "core show function CURL"  CASE SENSITIVE.  Did you not read the upgrade.txt file that comes with Asterisk?
15:14.11Corydon76-digbanzaika: then you probably don't have the right libcurl packages installed
15:14.16iratikthanks for the help guys btw
15:14.18banzaika<Corydon76-dig> Asterisk autotag_for_sx00i (sx00i built by doug @ aa50dev on a i686 running Linux on 2008-02-08 19:18:59 UTC
15:14.23ManxPoweriratik: nothing I'm saying in any way relates to Curl
15:14.35banzaikai have an AA50
15:14.36Corydon76-digbanzaika: the AA50 will never support curl
15:14.50Corydon76-digThere's just not enough memory
15:14.50ManxPowerbanzaika: AA50 is not really supported here
15:15.18sysadmin-lb22hi just installed asterisk but not ilbc something I missed here ?
15:15.21banzaikai guess i have to go to digium for this
15:15.26sysadmin-lb22I can see it in the show codecs but it wont work
15:15.29Corydon76-digYes, you do
15:15.37ManxPowersysadmin-lb22: "core show translations"
15:15.40Corydon76-digThe AA60, however, will support curl
15:16.01Corydon76-digbut that's a completely different box
15:16.10banzaikafree upgrade ?
15:16.11*** join/#asterisk jameswf-home (
15:16.19ManxPowerWhat do you mean my embeded closed system I bought does not support all the features of the open source Asterisk????????????
15:16.28sysadmin-lb22ManxPower, no such command
15:16.38ManxPowersysadmin-lb22: what version of Asterisk?
15:16.54sysadmin-lb22ManxPower, 1.4
15:17.00ManxPowersysadmin-lb22: it may be "core show translation"
15:17.13sysadmin-lb22ManxPower, ok got the matrix
15:17.23ManxPowershow codecs only shows the codec numbers, not what codecs asterisk can use
15:17.24sysadmin-lb22ManxPower, ilbc is all -
15:17.36ManxPowersysadmin-lb22: then the libs were not found when you built Asterisk
15:18.10sysadmin-lb22ManxPower, I did configure and make all
15:18.15sysadmin-lb22ManxPower, what have I missed here ?
15:18.41sysadmin-lb22ManxPower, 2008-04-02 - iLBC no longer included with Asterisk source (1.4.19 and 1.6); run script contrib/scripts/ to install (may have to run menuselect/menuselect and go to Codecs section to select iLBC)
15:18.47ManxPowersysadmin-lb22: maybe you missed installing the iLIBC libraries for your distro.
15:19.34sysadmin-lb22ManxPower, you mean some devel files ?
15:19.55ManxPowersysadmin-lb22: You did not see this message when you did a "show codecs"  "Disclaimer: this command is for informational purposes only. It does not indicate anything about your configuration."
15:20.06ManxPowersysadmin-lb22: YES!  YES!
15:20.21*** join/#asterisk r0land (n=roland@
15:20.24r0landhello all
15:20.32anthooooooooopigpen: No. For example, I call *43 (echo test) and I hangup my call , after I call Harry. When I speak with Harry, we hear the echo test
15:20.58r0landcould some1 help me out with voicemail please! i've setup voicemail.conf though im having trouble letting asterisk to transfer the call to voicemail after lets say 8 seconds of the user not answering his sipphone
15:21.38jsmithr0land: Typically, it goes something like this:
15:21.52jsmithexten => 123,1,Dial(SIP/joe,8) ; dial SIP/joe for 8 seconds
15:22.00r0landah ok
15:22.02r0landthanks :)
15:22.13r0landbut when the 8 seconds are done
15:22.15r0landwht happens!
15:22.19jsmithexten => 123,n,Voicemail(123@blah) ; send the call to mailbox 123 in the [blah] context
15:22.21r0landhow does it know tht it should go to the voicemail
15:22.26r0landsorry for tht
15:22.34jsmithIt goes on to the next priority in the dialplan
15:22.38r0landyep got it
15:22.40r0landthank you
15:22.47jsmithIf you want to know *why* it didn't work, look at the ${DIALSTATUS} variable
15:22.49ManxPowerr0land: you might have seen an example if you look at extensions.conf.sample in the Asterisk source.
15:23.10r0landtrue i never thought of tht.. thanks ManxPower
15:23.22r0landthanks u guys :) ill give it a try
15:23.40ManxPowerr0land: your single BEST source of docs is in the Asterisk source tree.
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15:24.42ManxPowerthe configs and doc (maybe docs) directories
15:24.44anthoooooooooMy prblem is a following: For example, I call *43 (echo test) and I hangup my call , after I call Harry. When I speak with Harry, we hear the echo test. I seem that the first channel is not close. Why? Do you have any ideas about it?
15:25.20ManxPoweranthooooooooo: your problem is incredibly hard to diagnose and fix.  I guess nobody here wants to spends several yours helping you.
15:26.00ManxPowerMY guess is the problem will not go away until you replace the motherboard of the system with another make/model
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15:27.56r0landjsmith, ManxPower is this about right?
15:28.01anthoooooooooManxPower. When I call echo test (*43) I hear the call.After, I close the echo test. After if I call someone, during the conversation, I still hear the echo test ....
15:28.14ManxPowerWould someone kick this guy?
15:28.28ManxPowerr0land: did you look at extensions.conf.sample?
15:28.34r0landManxPower dont hae it
15:28.35MikeJkicks anthooooooooo
15:28.44ManxPowerr0land: then GET it
15:28.54ManxPowerMikeJ: repeating the same question over and over
15:29.27MikeJanthooooooooo: take a look at the sip trace...
15:29.32r0landManxPower how can tht b done! if i may ask
15:29.57ManxPowerr0land: download the Asterisk source again, unpack it, look at the documenation and sample config files.
15:30.17MikeJmy guess is the bye is not getting back to asterisk.. but the phone thinks its hung up...
15:30.18ManxPowerYou must have done this once if you have Asterisk installed.
15:30.37anthoooooooooMikeJ, Where can I put the sip trace?
15:30.45MikeJon your screen...
15:30.50drmessanoIn the USB port
15:30.50MikeJthen look at it..
15:30.58MikeJalong with the debug on the asterisk side..
15:31.01drmessanoor the game port
15:31.06drmessanook, no
15:31.14MikeJto see how asterisk is handling (or not getting) the bye
15:31.22ManxPowerdrmessano: there is no need to be an asshole and confuse an already VERY confused user.
15:31.48drmessanoWell, I did say "ok, no"
15:31.56hsv-al3 bottles of red bull + coffee + skoal dip
15:31.58hsv-al= wired hell
15:32.16*** join/#asterisk s0lid (n=s0lid@
15:32.25ManxPowerhands hsv-al some meth and says "Here, this should help with the jitters"
15:32.53hsv-alit masks hunger manxpower
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15:33.25Qwellso then don't eat?  sounds like one of those problems that work themselves out
15:34.13hsv-alusually when im buzzed like this, im more friendly. A homeless g uy came up to me, and asked for some dip
15:34.17hsv-alone of the many homeless vets in town
15:34.24hsv-aland i actually listened to his story for 5 min, felt bad for him
15:34.32[TK]D-Fenderhsv-al: Masks hunger?  Take some weed too to equalize it out ;)
15:35.17hsv-ald-fender, drugs arent an option. :)
15:36.00ManxPowerhsv-al: drugs are ALWAYS an option -- just maybe not a GOOD option
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15:36.58hsv-alI havent dipped in about 5 years, so when I had some today it felt like I was high
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15:38.27asdxhi, does asterisk do forward of signaling, eg if asterisk receives BUSY, INVALID, etc, can it transfer that to another SIP clients
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15:40.07rob0You can use extensions based on ${DIALSTATUS}
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15:41.48asdxok thanks
15:42.58fatcophi. I am not getting any RTP sounds thru for my IVR. The CLI trace shows it playing the right file. I can listen to that file via same phone via other means. Its just IVR.
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15:43.49ManxPowerfatcop: stop asterisk, rmmod ztdummy, start Asterisk
15:44.28fatcophmmmm .. k will try that
15:45.26fatcop"ERROR: Module ztdummy does not exist in /proc/modules/"
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15:46.29jsmithfatcop: Do you happen to have an unconfigured T1 card in the box?
15:46.32fatcopthere is no RTP data being sent for that IVR annoucement. Whereas I can see RTP packets in the debug for other stuff
15:46.45fatcopno just basic PC with SIP extensions
15:47.11[TK]D-Fenderfatcop: I suggest you actually show us the CLI output of this call at high verbose
15:47.14jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
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15:48.30fatcopat that point it waits the 8 secs then goes onto the ringing of the reception extension
15:48.51[TK]D-Fenderfatcop: and you hear nothing?
15:49.20fatcopnups. verified by no "To:" rtp packets
15:49.32[TK]D-Fenderfatcop: what kind of file is it?
15:49.55[TK]D-Fenderfatcop: go verify its characteristics
15:50.19fatcopi can hear it back thru other menus (using same phone) .. just no thru IVR
15:50.29[TK]D-Fenderfatcop: Also background a known good asterisk-provided sound file as well
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15:50.39[TK]D-Fenderfatcop: show us that as well then
15:51.53fatcoperr actually, i didn't listen to it back since I recorded it. Now I listen to the wav thru the PC .. so its not the same.
15:52.29Qwellthis should be good
15:52.35fatcopk will try and drop in a wav that shld work then I guess
15:52.41[TK]D-Fenderfatcop: Congratulations.
15:52.47lirakis_workyargh!!  i cant get the stupid freakin variable i set from before i spawned the agi .. grumble .. this is why i didnt want to do agi... some little thing is going to take 2 hours to figure out
15:53.13ManxPowerlirakis_work: What language?
15:53.21jameswf-homelirakis_work: did you try wait()
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15:53.37lirakis_workManxPower: php .. using phpagi
15:53.41lirakis_workjameswf-home: i did
15:53.46ManxPowerlirakis_work: OK,  That should work.
15:53.52fatcopwell it did play back on this phone when i recorded it.. but after it got moved to diff folder that wasn't possible anymore .. but will try another file
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15:54.14jameswf-homesounds like permissions
15:54.20ManxPowerlirakis_work: show us the one like where you are trying to get the variable value
15:54.26ManxPowerline, not like
15:54.54ManxPoweryou don't really need to pastebin for only ONE line
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15:57.18lirakis_workManxPower jameswf-home:
15:58.03ManxPowerlirakis_work: you are so great at following directions
15:58.41lirakis_workManxPower: what?
15:59.00ManxPowerlirakis_work: I said paste the ONE LINE.
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15:59.52lirakis_workManxPower: i was already working on the paste before you said that (shrug) .. but the paste is verbose (though not overly) .. and more useful than a single line .. i would assime
16:00.07ManxPowerlirakis_work: are you parsing or reading stdin to clear out all the stuff Asterisk sends before trying to get variables (as talked about on the voip-info wiki page) ?
16:00.47lirakis_workManxPower: i was under the impression that the phpagi class took care of all of that and stored it into $request array
16:00.47[TK]D-Fenderlirakis_work: What part isn't working?
16:00.48ManxPowerlirakis_work: Yes, but I'm helping you debug your script.  I get paid for that stuff.  I'm helping you with the specific issue of not being able to get a variable
16:01.03VecPlease help, can't figure out the diffirence between Dial(SIP/trunk/5555) and Dial(SIP/5555@trunk) ?
16:01.16ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I think he is not reading STDIN to get all the stuff Asterisk sends at AGI startup, so he can't do any other AGI stuff.
16:01.25lirakis_work[TK]D-Fender:  .. it always returns 1 for the CUSTID .. which is clearly set as some thing else
16:01.50[TK]D-Fenderlirakis_work: thats the RESULT CODE showing it succeeded, not the VALU.
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16:02.11ManxPowerVec: one dials the extension "trunk" using the sip peer [5555], the other dials the extension 555 using the sip peer [trunk]
16:02.51ManxPowerVec: use the 2nd format
16:03.20lirakis_work[TK]D-Fender: maybe im looking at the wrong array field
16:03.27fatcopno luck really. Tried a few files.
16:03.27VecManxPower : thanks but why ?
16:03.28[TK]D-Fenderlirakis_work: really!?
16:03.59hsv-alwhere do i make the relationship between funcs I created and sql commands they need to execute?
16:04.19hsv-alwith funk_odbc dialplans
16:04.20ManxPowerVec: because that is the format almost every piece of Asterisk documentation uses.
16:04.35hsv-alis there a configuration file?
16:04.44russellbfunc_odbc.conf, believe it or not!
16:04.49VecManxPower : ok so 5555@trunk.
16:04.50Nasraany1 know of a good website for Asterisk in's so hard to dind these days....
16:05.00lirakis_workthanks guys
16:05.16ManxPowerlirakis_work: you might want to spend a few mins reading the phpagi docs
16:05.16hsv-alrolls eyes
16:05.32lirakis_workManxPower: i had them open .. i just read too fast
16:05.39ManxPower[TK]D-Fender is an awesome google proxy
16:06.15[TK]D-FenderI somehow think we are a large part of the problem.
16:06.56ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: we could leave and see what happens over a couple of seeks.
16:06.59ManxPowerweeks too
16:07.16[TK]D-FenderWe enable people to do everything half-assed and not apy attention to anything they do.  Thus they get to remain lazy douchebags while we like doormats look it all up for them.
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16:07.23hsv-alrussel thx, didnt even know it existed
16:07.46ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: who is this "we".  I hope I don't usually do stuff for people.
16:08.08[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Yeah you still do.  Not as much as others, but you still do...
16:08.16ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I shall work on that.
16:08.35[TK]D-FenderManxPower: You are still a while away from full BOFH glory.
16:08.53ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: BOFHhood is a journey, not a destination 8-)_
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16:10.21[TK]D-FenderManxPower: so STOP RUNNING :p
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16:11.01deeperroranyone use a te412p or similar?
16:11.11jbotask is probably Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
16:12.11deeperrorwould like to compare the te412 with the rhino r4t1
16:12.20fatcop[TK]D-Fender: no luck with the IVR
16:12.33[TK]D-Fenderfatcop: show me a situation that works, and one that doesn't
16:12.46ManxPowerdeeperror: The Rhino is not very popular so not many people will be able to help you with it.
16:12.54ManxPowerwhy not consider Sangoma?
16:13.09[TK]D-Fenderfatcop: and confirm its charateristics.
16:13.37deeperrori've got 4 rhino channelbanks at this time just need a t1 card that will work and maintain a stable system that has drivers that work etc
16:13.42ManxPowerI didn't say "use Sangoma", just consider sangoma
16:13.59Kobazwho here is a nortel genius? :)
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16:14.14deeperrorManxPower: never even looked into them
16:14.14[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Depends on your basis for qualification.
16:14.18fatcopwot do you mean
16:14.25fatcopcharacterists ?
16:14.31[TK]D-FenderKobaz: I could be an expert on MICS, and know NOTHING about Option11, etc
16:14.36fatcopthe wav file ?
16:14.38Kobazah true
16:14.41[TK]D-Fenderfatcop: precise file format details
16:14.52deeperrorLike the A104?
16:14.55Kobazwe have an NT1R20 line card, we're trying to configure some ports on it as fxs
16:14.58[TK]D-Fenderdeeperror: indeed
16:14.59fatcopi know its 8000Mhz PCM 16bit
16:15.00ManxPowerdeeperror: They are good cards, good support.  Personally, I think Sangoma was the reason Digium made such significant improvements to their cards over the past couple of years.
16:15.14ManxPowerdeeperror: we use all A102ds
16:15.23drmessanoNot 8000MHZ
16:15.29deeperrorstandard zaptel drivers?
16:15.35Kobazall our nortel contact people are missing
16:15.40[TK]D-Fenderfatcop: go show me one where it works, one where it doesn't
16:15.54ManxPowerdeeperror: the sangoma drivers present a zaptel interface
16:15.58[TK]D-Fenderfatcop: And play 2 files back-to-back, 1 * provided, one yours
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16:16.14deeperrorok reading the specs on them now
16:16.21ManxPowerdeeperror: the Sangoma is slightly more complex to build the drivers for.
16:16.22fatcopk will try
16:16.36mort_gibManxPower: not that bad
16:16.39deeperrori'm just having a horrible time with the rhino r4t1...i ran 3x r1t1's in the same maching with no issues but the r4 doesn't work
16:17.00Qwelldeeperror: the other option, if you like supporting the company behind Asterisk, is Digium, of course
16:17.03ManxPowerdeeperror: Digium and Sangoma are both very popular for use with Asterisk -- community support should be good regardless of which one you pick
16:17.19deeperrorwell i've been talking with digium on their card
16:17.33deeperrorthe reason i went with rhino was cost....but we all know the old adage
16:17.41jbotygwypf is, like, You Get What You Pay For.  If the sole factor in your decision to purchase a product or service is that it's cheaper than everything else out there, don't be surprised if it's also worse in every other respect than everything else out there.
16:17.43Kobazrhino... blah
16:17.52Qwelljbot: jbot++
16:17.58Kobazdeeperror: yes they are cheaper, their drivers are terrible
16:18.23ManxPowermort_gib: more complicated that "make install" like with the Digium drivers
16:18.59deeperrorwell my idea was to setup this analog stuff and move into 100% sip stations....but since IT and business development move opposite each other were now a year in and they are wanting to just stick with analog cause it's been working so well...but they don't realize scailing sucks
16:19.01mort_gibManxPower: But the DO make all changes to extensions.conf required, including zaptel.conf
16:19.15ManxPowerWe switched to ALL Sangoma back when Digium used the original Zaptel design.  They were pretty horrible in some specific situations.
16:19.17fatcop[TK]D-Fender: thx. Bit burn out with this stuff 2nite. Will try and do as you said. Not sure how with my setup.. but will find a way. cheers.
16:19.37[TK]D-Fenderfatcop: You're welcome
16:19.48QwellManxPower: You should give Digium hardware another try.  Just sayin'..
16:19.53ManxPowerIf we started using Asterisk today -- with all the massive improvements to Digium cards in the past few years - I doubt we would have switched.
16:20.15deeperrorwith that said i'm going to go with someone that will let me test it out first haha
16:20.19ManxPowerQwell: Does Digium want to buy the T400P we have and the 8 or so A102Ds?
16:20.33QwellManxPower: I don't mean replace existing installs
16:20.34hsv-alheh, after looking at all of this
16:20.39ManxPowerWe moved to Sangoma -- no reason to change now.
16:20.39hsv-alwhy would anyone not use dialplans other then
16:20.44hsv-althe func_odbc usage
16:20.48Qwellbut, yes.  if you buy new hardware, and it doesn't work out - we will absolutely take it back
16:20.50ManxPowerQwell: we like to have a minimum of different hardware
16:20.51[TK]D-Fenderdeeperror: Better off with SIP gateways anyways and forgetting channel-backs, and T1 cards
16:21.05deeperroranother question how about dsp and multi core processors?  any issues with them and ec?
16:21.23Qwelldeeperror: nah
16:21.25deeperrorthe reason we have to use analog is due to the custom nature of our CRM
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16:21.35ManxPowerWe are committed to Cisco routers and Switches, Polycom Phones, PRIs, and Sangoma
16:21.48QwellManxPower: so, you're're stuck with them? :)
16:21.49hsv-almanxpower, what do your pri's hook into? 5 series?
16:21.56deeperrorand to change the CRM to a SIP based solution will take more time since no one is really behind the move...
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16:22.05ManxPowerQwell: unless we have a VERY good reason to change.
16:22.25ManxPowerhsv-al: We hook the PRIs into Sangoma 102Ds
16:22.26QwellManxPower: You yourself just moments ago gave a reason
16:22.34ManxPowerQwell: I did?
16:22.36Qwell<ManxPower> If we started using Asterisk today -- with all the massive improvements to Digium cards in the past few years - I doubt we would have switched.
16:23.09ManxPowerQwell: I don't see that as a reason to switch.
16:23.36ManxPowertwice the number of spare cards needed, different cards in different servers, have to remember which is which.
16:24.09hsv-almanxpower, so your using a cisco gateway, and can see the caller id?
16:24.21ManxPowerhsv-al: we do no voip on cisco stuff
16:24.35ManxPowerwe use Cisco for what its fairly good at -- moving packets
16:24.35hsv-alwas gonna say voice service voip
16:24.40hsv-alsignaling forward unconditional
16:25.01deeperroron phone with sangoma
16:25.32ManxPowerQwell: It took me having to spenf $1,200 of my own money to solve a customer problem before I switched away from Digium -- it will take something similar to move away from them.
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16:26.08[TK]D-Fenderdeeperror: If you don't have the CB's yet, just forget them and buy SIP gateways
16:26.17deeperrorhave all the CB's
16:26.19deeperrorin production
16:26.20ManxPowerI disagree with [TK]D-Fender
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16:27.16[TK]D-FenderGor general voice use CB's offer little over SIP gateways, and have many more Gotchas
16:28.02ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: And I say the same thing about SIP gateways -- many more gotchas and they offer little over a channel bank.
16:28.16Kobazdo de do
16:28.30Kobazso are there any nortel people around?
16:28.36ManxPowerKobaz: no.
16:28.53ManxPowerMaybe I'm just spoiled by Adtran channel banks, but they Just Work.
16:29.14smash-Hello, how do i set my callid in sip.conf
16:29.35ManxPowersmash-: you should look at sip.conf.sample to see a good, valid, callerid setting
16:29.36deeperrorwell we have software that is old school
16:29.51deeperrorcan't upgrade it because it's 100% hacked and customized to the operation/business model
16:30.12deeperrorso we use channel banks and modems dial out
16:30.38deeperrorpretty lame (i'm aware) so working to force them into a sip crm like aheeva or something
16:30.50Kobazsip crm?
16:30.51[TK]D-Fendersmash-: Pardon?
16:31.25deeperrorsomething that will work with sip and not just com port and tapi devices
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16:34.37kannanhello all
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16:43.37railsmunkyis there a way to set a dummy value or something like that in an dialplan?
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16:43.49railsmunkyeg exten => s,5,Background(${IFTIME(9:00-17:00|mon-fri|*|*?out_of_hours_message:)})
16:44.26Nobbiewhere does * keep track of callwaiting for each extension ?
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16:44.41[TK]D-Fenderrailsmunky: silence/1
16:44.52[TK]D-FenderNobbie: what call-waiting?
16:44.57[TK]D-FenderNobbie: what device?
16:45.06NobbieSIP device
16:45.22[TK]D-FenderNobbie: they don't
16:45.34[TK]D-FenderNobbie: Call-waiting is a user percieved feature. lists Call waiting and DND as Asterisk features
16:45.54railsmunky[TK]D-Fender: Brilliant thanks! I'm learning :)
16:45.56smash-[TK]D-Fender : callerid user name <extnumber>
16:46.21smash-just sets an internal extension aswell as setting outgoing caller id number?
16:46.40[TK]D-Fendersmash-: callerid="name" <12345>
16:47.14railsmunkyjust got to get the flippin callerid working now on outbound calls
16:47.17smash-[TK]D-Fender: yes exactly. forgot to put the " and <>
16:48.21[TK]D-Fenderrailsmunky: calls go out via what?
16:48.35railsmunky[TK]D-Fender: UK BT PRI
16:49.25[TK]D-Fenderrailsmunky: Ok, well you should be able to set it direct int he dialplan with the CALLERID function.
16:49.57railsmunky[TK]D-Fender:i've tried exten => _907XXXXXXXXX,1,Set(CALLERID(all)=blah}) for example with no joy
16:51.28[TK]D-Fenderrailsmunky: just set the #, and you have a trailing bad } there
16:52.12Nobbie[TK]D-Fender: what you mean is that CW is setup on the SIP endpoint ?
16:53.19[TK]D-FenderNobno, what I mean is that call-waiting is a concept that exists only in your head.  The phone "beeps".  The phone can also not run 2 completely independent calls.  Each call to * is 100% independent from the other.  the phone simply places 1 on hold to take the other.
16:54.07Nobbie[TK]D-Fender: but the feature has to be enabled somewhere for the PBX to know not to send you a 2nd call if you're busy with another?
16:54.20[TK]D-FenderNobbie: No it doesn't
16:54.50*** part/#asterisk UnixDog (
16:54.52Nobbiehuh ?
16:54.53[TK]D-FenderNobbie: Deciding whether or not to pass a call to a device that may already be on a call is up to YOU to determine in yuor DIALPLAN.
16:55.29railsmunky[TK]D-Fender: great - it's the simplest things! Also need to strip the leading 0 for BT to be happy days with it. Thanks!
16:55.31Nobbieok, so other then using astdb, which is something i'm having major problems with, how would i store a per user CW value to make that decision in my dialplan ?
16:56.05[TK]D-FenderNobbie: you can use anything you can retreive via the dialplan.
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16:56.38[TK]D-FenderNobbie: You could also try to limit *'s ability to send multiple channels per-se via "call-limit", etc, but thats iify.
16:56.53[TK]D-FenderNobbie: And I'm not sure if thats 1.4+ only or not.
16:57.10[TK]D-FenderNobbie: You could try those too, but that'd be fixed in your peer setup.
16:57.23[TK]D-FenderNobbie: go read the parameter list on the WIKI for sip.conf
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16:57.59Nobbiewhat i really need, is to find out why getting info from astdb takes up to 10 seconds
16:58.37ManxPowerMost phones let you disable call waiting
16:58.44Nobbieand astdb is only 400KB, on a high end HP DL380 with 3GB RAM
16:59.07Nobbieeven with astdb stored in /dev/shm it takes up to 10 seconds
16:59.27QwellNobbie: how are you measuring that?
16:59.32ManxPowerNobbie:then you have something WRONG.  It's not supposed to take that long.
16:59.35Qwellthat seems, as you can imagine, extremely excessive
16:59.54NobbieQWell: getting system microtime before and after "database get" is called via AGI
17:00.11Nobbieit's intermittently a problem.
17:00.18ManxPowerBTW, you want AstDB on non-volatile storage, as Asterisk stores lots of information in there.
17:00.36ManxPowerSIP registration info, for example.
17:00.37Nobbieyes, i copy from SHM to disk every few minutes, and at * startup, copy from disk to shm
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17:00.49ManxPowerNobbie: that is a VERY bad idea
17:01.02Nobbieit's a temporary attempt at fixing a problem, will undo it when i find a proper solution
17:01.20Nobbieit seems to alleviate the problem slightly
17:01.27ManxPowerNobbie: I would expect database corruption doing it your way
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17:01.56Nobbieusing db1_dump185 to dump the DB
17:02.11ManxPowerAh, so you are NOT just copying it.
17:02.30Nobbiedatabase corruption is the least of my worries right now. i have 350 angry users shouting becuase it takes more then 10 seconds to dial in internal extension
17:02.35ManxPowerI assume db1_dump185 is safe for use on a live active database?
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17:03.13ManxPowerNobbie: the only time I've ever seen that it was an issue on the phone dialplan or Asterisk dialplan
17:04.07ManxPowerNobbie: do you have the same delay if you use the dialplan function/application for getting stuff from the DB?
17:04.32Nobbiemmmmm, but i'm timing how long the "database get" takes by getting start_time before calling AGI->database_get(), and getting end_time directly after it returns, and that can take up to 10 seconds
17:05.07ManxPowerNobbie: mmmm, but that's not what I suggested you try
17:05.19Nobbiewhat did you suggest ?
17:05.28ManxPower(12:04:07 PM) ManxPower: Nobbie: do you have the same delay if you use the dialplan function/application for getting stuff from the DB?
17:05.34ManxPowerdialplan = extensions.conf
17:05.39Nobbiefrom dialplan vs AGI ?
17:05.41ManxPower"show applications" and "show functions"
17:05.46ManxPowerNobbie: CORRECT!
17:06.01Nobbieeven though AGI is called from DialPlan ?
17:06.10ManxPowerNobbie: What you are experiencing is NOT normal.
17:06.16Nobbietell me about it
17:06.35[TK]D-FenderNobbie: Always a good thing to confirm that it is indeed that slow via direct dialplan.
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17:06.59ManxPowerI'm hoping to be able to stick around to find out what the result of your test is, but I have a pretty busy day.
17:07.05Nobbieok,that's a good idea. will try it
17:07.09ManxPowerSo if you make it fast....
17:08.03NobbieManx: won't be, users have gone home, load on box is reduced and the problem then occurs less frequently. if you want, msg me an email address i can send my result to
17:08.24ManxPowerNobbie: No.  I only do offchannel consulting for a fee
17:08.42Nobbieyou asked, i offered
17:08.53ManxPowerNobbie: did you mention that it mostly happened under load or did I miss that?
17:09.37Nobbietoo soon to say, only got proper stats on how long it takes to return from database get during peak office hours
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17:09.59Nobbiei did mention it's intermittent
17:10.22*** join/#asterisk simprix (
17:10.44QwellNobbie: how many active calls?
17:10.45*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
17:10.49ManxPowerNobbie: try deleting the file if it does not contain information you need.  I believe asterisk will recreate it if it is missing.  Might want to just move the file where else rather then delete it
17:11.34[TK]D-FenderNobbie: dumpt the keys in it.  Then install * elsewhere (or jsut grab a stock astdb)  Then copy the keys you need back.
17:11.44[TK]D-FenderNobbie: See if that helps.
17:11.56NobbieQWell: 60 concurrent SIP Channels, most of them are direct from other PSTN gateway to SIP handsets registered to *
17:12.24QwellI think ManxPower's idea of deleting/moving it out of the way to test is a good one
17:12.34[TK]D-FenderNobbie: You also said this was running in a VM as well, right?
17:12.56[TK]D-FenderNobbie: Ok, must have mixed that comment up earlier.
17:13.09*** part/#asterisk ManxPower (
17:13.57Nobbiemaybe if i #define DETECT_DEADLOCKS the logs could point to the problem ?
17:14.43Nobbieand recompile of course
17:15.51deeperroranyone have some documentation or links on the installation of a sangoma a104d?
17:16.18Nobbiewill #define DETECT_DEADLOCKS have a performance degradation ?
17:16.21*** join/#asterisk Defraz (i=t0tal@
17:17.45jjshoedeeperror sandgoma's wiki is excellent.
17:18.07deeperrorjjshoe: thanks there now
17:19.12asdxshit, my co-worker is a f******** moron, he keeps saying to use some gui crap
17:19.27asdxi should consider another job
17:19.41Nobbieasdx: which u could be my coworker then
17:22.01[TK]D-Fenderasdx: You mean the part where they kept asking you to undertake activities that could get you thrown in jail wasn't incentive enough?
17:24.01asdx[TK]D-Fender: nah, i'm doing other things now
17:24.31asdx[TK]D-Fender: trying to make things (non asterisk related) on a xen environment, but i think the environment has some quotas on space issues and they keep saying "use a gui"
17:25.14*** join/#asterisk yosam (i=B@
17:25.20asdxvirtualization sucks
17:25.35JTvirtualisation rocks
17:28.07Qwellactualization is better
17:28.34jayteepeople kept telling me to "get a life!" because I worked to much but I was always too busy so I got a "Second Life" and while I was in there I got so bored I started my own Second Life business. Pretty soon I was so busy other avatars were telling me to "get a Third Life!"
17:29.05Qwelljaytee: somebody needs to create an MMO inside of Second Life
17:29.14jayteeQwell :-)
17:30.03jayteeI prefer actualization to virtualization although virtualization has lots of merit you can't kick the box when it misbehaves.
17:30.10jsmithQwell: Or an MVNO?
17:30.19Qwelloh dear
17:30.35Qwelljsmith: that would be...interesting
17:30.46Qwellpay 2c/min to talk on your cellphone in second life
17:31.03*** join/#asterisk Braxus (
17:31.41jsmithQwell: Wouldn't that be lindens/min, though?
17:33.48*** join/#asterisk simprix (
17:33.49*** join/#asterisk nny_2 (
17:34.04jbotwell, mp3 is (MPEG-1 layer 3) This is a compression standard for music. It enables you to fit over 100 full length songs on a single CD with almost no loss of quality. You can find MP3 players and MP3 files on the Web--you just have to look. The music industry is unhappy about MP3 files being swapped around and has shut down some sites that distribute them..  MIME type - audio/mpeg
17:34.28nny_2man voip-info 's wiki is thrashed in the moh mp3 stuff
17:34.42hsv-ali noticed that whole site in general
17:34.46hsv-althe last week has been weird, wtf
17:35.11nny_2so as far as i understand it, mpg123 is no longer needed and has been replaced by format_mp3
17:35.14nny_2heh yeah
17:35.43nny_2is working on having an extension play a stream from an mp3 source, yet not be the default music on hold
17:36.11*** join/#asterisk simprix (
17:36.15nny_2and noticing the intarwebs be full of useful info, both old and new
17:38.47yosamlumenvox really sucks!
17:39.03flushexten => _9NXXXXXXXXX,1,Dial(${OUTBOUNDTRUNK}/${EXTEN:1},,mwW)        why did i put this.. what is {EXTEN:1} ?
17:39.16flushsorry im a newb
17:39.18nny_2so [classes]  (new line) stream => blah foo is the right way to add this to moh or the old way
17:39.30nny_2damn wiki is spattered with version conflicts :)
17:39.45Nobbieflush: it's a substring. you're stripping the 9 from the front of the dialed number before dialing it
17:39.53[TK]D-Fenderflush: that represents the # you dialed minus the leading "9"
17:40.10[TK]D-Fendernny_2: What do yuo want to do exactly?
17:40.16flushohhh kk i remember now.. thanks a lot
17:40.27*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
17:40.34Kattyi can haz orange sodie?!
17:40.58*** join/#asterisk lanning (
17:41.02nny_2[TK]D-Fender: i have created a custom extension that does a SetMusicOnHold,stream and trying to define that MOH class in musiconhold.conf to be an mp3 stream
17:41.35nny_2even though mp3 is iscky
17:41.53[TK]D-Fendernny_2: So you want to stream for MoH?
17:42.30flushhey a friend of mine asked me if i could forward my incoming call to my skype account if it doesnt answer.. can this be done ?
17:43.24kannanto gtalk, it could be done , i think
17:43.37flushill google hunt
17:43.46*** join/#asterisk hardwire (
17:43.50jbot[~skype] Skype is a free VoIP software and service using a closed client and propritary protocol.  Only commercial channel drivers exist, all of which are poor implementations of convoluted hacks. In general, forget about using Skype with Asterisk...
17:43.51hardwiresup meh homies
17:44.02asdxwhat do you do when others want to impose some tool you don't want to use at work?
17:44.06nny_2[TK]D-Fender: yeah
17:44.10asdximpose on you
17:44.15hardwireasdx: duct tape the tool to the wall of shame.
17:44.22hardwirehuman tool or other tool?
17:44.27hardwireI've met both
17:44.44[TK]D-Fendernny_2: Go look at some rawplayer samples for that.
17:44.52nny_2[TK]D-Fender: i have mpg123 59r compiled
17:45.07nny_2[TK]D-Fender: rawplayer, ill check it out ty
17:45.35[TK]D-Fenderhardwire: There are numerous "tools" here already...
17:45.45hardwire*here* ?
17:46.36hardwireI have a funny PSTN question for y'all this fine mornin
17:46.50hardwireI have a single line going into the house with DSL on it.
17:47.00hardwirethe house wiring goes to my office first, then the rest of the house
17:47.36hardwireoff of the office port the dsl connects fine, but plugging a phone (+filter) into that port offers no dialtone
17:47.42hardwirejust a bit of white noise
17:47.49hardwireother phones in the house work fine.
17:47.55hardwiream I insane y/n ?
17:48.47*** join/#asterisk francogwapito (n=chatzill@
17:49.43[TK]D-Fenderhardwire: and with no filter?  Perhaps the filter is bad?
17:49.52nny_2[TK]D-Fender: do you know if rawplayer is useful for streamed mp3s from shoutcast etc too? All the info so far seems to suggest it is for local files, but i am still reading
17:49.57hardwireeven w/o a filter it's funky
17:50.13hardwireit's like I have two lines, even though I don't
17:50.14[TK]D-Fendernny_2: Never used it personally, just trying to send you somewhere that might help./
17:50.44nny_2[TK]D-Fender: kk thanks... i am going to find some way to post a "as of 1.4.X this worked for me on voip-info, cause right now it is missing :)
17:51.20*** join/#asterisk jamuse (
17:51.41nny_2[TK]D-Fender: seems mpg123 has problems with memory leaks etc
17:51.50nny_2so rawplayer seems like a good start
17:52.02*** join/#asterisk Nasra (n=maxshipp@
17:52.32jamuseCan someone help me with the following error msg: Call from 'X' to extension 's' rejected because extension not found
17:52.55nny_2urp ok streamplayer is the tool now
17:53.09nny_2man.. you could write a whole book on changes that happen in asterisk heh
17:53.30_ShrikEjamuse: that error is pretty explanatory.  The extension s cannot be found in the context you are calling it in.
17:53.31russellbit would never be finished
17:53.36russellbwe can easily change 50 to 100 things a day
17:53.38jamuseI dont think I have an extention 's', this started after I upgraded to SVN-branch-1.4-r116466
17:54.30jamusesorry for the newb question but I dont think I have an extention s in extentions.conf
17:55.00_ShrikEjamuse: that is what it is telling you.  No extension s
17:55.09[TK]D-Fenderjamuse: Of course you don't have an "s" extension, thats what its complaining about!
17:55.11kannanhwo to decide between svn checkout of asterisk or to dload the tar balls and get asterisk?
17:55.29kannanhow , i meant
17:55.45[TK]D-Fender~8ball Should kannan use SVN to install Asterisk instead of the source tarballs?
17:55.46jbotAre you smoking crack?
17:55.53[TK]D-Fenderkannan: You heard the bot!
17:55.54*** join/#asterisk waKKu (n=ugabuga@unaffiliated/wakku)
17:56.04Qwell[TK]D-Fender: are you suggesting he smoke crack?
17:56.08[TK]D-Fenderkannan: Tarball full release only!
17:56.09jamuseahh ok, whats the extention s, I want to foward calls to my iaxy, so I have the following: exten => ${FWDNUMBER},1,Dial(IAX2/iaxy@iaxy/s)
17:56.13*** join/#asterisk qdk_ (
17:56.17jamusewhere would the extention s come in?
17:56.22kannan[TK]D-Fender , thanks
17:56.23[TK]D-FenderQwell: No, jbot is questioning that he already is ;)
17:56.34jsmithkannan: Use the tarballs, unless you have a specific reason not to
17:56.38[TK]D-Fenderjamuse: thats where you inbound call is trying to land.
17:56.43Qwelljamuse: I don't think you can use a variable for the exten like that
17:56.56Qwellunless the extension is literally "${FWDNUMBER}"
17:57.04jamusestrange this worked in the 1.2 branch fine
17:57.12Qwellis it a global or something?
17:57.20Qwellthat might work
17:57.26[TK]D-Fenderjamuse: Thing is that when you did your "register =>" in sip.conf for FWD, you didn't tell them what exten to send your inbound calls to, so * told them to use "s".
17:57.29Qwellbut, to answer your question..
17:57.36Qwells is used when no extension is given
17:57.37[TK]D-FenderQwell: thats a constant <-
17:57.39kannanjsmith, ok, i was going thru the doc for asterisk2billing, they had given to build from svn, but i thought it is better to use the tarballs only
17:57.56jsmithkannan: Yes, I recommend the tarballs
17:57.56jamusecool thanks
17:58.11kannanjsmith , of ATFOT ? ,
17:58.23[TK]D-Fenderjamuse: if you add "/1234" for whatever your FWD # is to the end of your Register statement, the incoming call will land on that instead of "S"
17:59.17jsmithkannan: Guilty as charged... but promise you won't hold it against me!
17:59.18jamusesec, I dont understand I want in incoming FWD to get forwarded to my iaxy
17:59.42kannanjsmith, gr8 ! to meet you :)
17:59.43jamuseso how does added my FWD to the end of the register statement help?
18:00.37jsmithjamuse: The purpose of the register statements is to say "Hey FWD, I'm over here.  When you get a call for me, send it to this IP address and port."
18:00.49Qwell(and extension, if given)
18:01.02jsmithjamuse: Adding the extension to the end of the register statement is like saying "Hey, and by the way, send it to extension 1234, instead of this other extension"
18:01.45jamuseok so if my iaxy is called iaxy, I could just add /iaxy right?
18:02.30*** join/#asterisk Tourinho (n=tourinho@
18:03.24Tourinhohello guys.. which one of g729 codecs do you recommend for a Xeon 2.33 CPU? codec_g729a_v34_pentium4m.tar.gz ?
18:03.26[TK]D-Fenderjamuse: Well * doesn't register to your IAXY... its the other way around...
18:03.52QwellTourinho: 32-bit install?
18:04.31*** join/#asterisk ix33 (n=ix@
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18:05.10TourinhoQwell: 32 bits
18:05.22Qwellprobably 4m then, yeah
18:05.34Qwelli686 will definitely work though
18:05.44TourinhoQwell: thank you
18:06.39*** join/#asterisk fas3r (
18:06.46fas3rhello everybody
18:06.54fas3rsomeuse 7942 ?
18:07.45fas3rjust to know if it's possible to edit directly on the phone ip parameter or it's necessary i use TFTP file for conf it ...
18:12.26jamuseI have a section in extentions.conf that forwards incoming calls from FWD coming in on IAX to my iaxy, when I cant connt to FWD via IAX I want to use SIP instead, I added a default context in sip.conf to use the relevant context in extentions.conf but I'm still getting message about the 's' extention, any ideas?
18:12.28tzafrirjameswf-home, regarding Zambia, I'm not sure what "UK colony" means. AFAIK UK, India, Israel, UAE, Kwait, Jordan are far from having the same telephony signalling
18:13.05tzafrirAnd UAE and Kwait were British up until 1971, IIRC
18:14.26*** join/#asterisk dFence (
18:15.13dFencehey guys.. anyone of you familiar with a Siemens-HiCom PBX? (not asterisk-related but didn't know any other channel somehow telephony-related...)
18:16.59*** join/#asterisk drzed (
18:20.36drzedhi there!
18:21.00drzedwhat could be the problem if signaling calls (via sip) works
18:21.41*** join/#asterisk zeniffty2002 (
18:21.42drzedbut rtp does not?
18:22.38drzedyes there is a firewall in front of asterisk that is configrued to accept all outgoing connections
18:23.18spokrawhat about the incoming?
18:23.58drzedand additionally allows 10000 10100 incomming
18:24.09Strom_Ludp, or tcp?
18:24.22*** join/#asterisk Slashman (
18:24.26Strom_Land have you made sure to restrict all sip to  just those ports?
18:24.29Qwelland rtp.conf is set to use only those ports?
18:24.42*** join/#asterisk flush (
18:26.33drzedyess rtp conf looks like: rtpstart=10000 \n  rtpend=10100
18:26.42nny_2is there a way to set WaitMusicOnHold to infinity?
18:26.58nny_2like exten => 400,n,WaitMusicOnHold() ?
18:27.08*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
18:27.31drzedStrom_L: why would i need to restrict sip to those ports
18:27.34*** join/#asterisk RobH (
18:28.26[TK]D-Fendernny_2: that app is indefinite
18:29.19nny_2[TK]D-Fender: k ty.. fwiw i got it working with mpg123, going to add a responce to voip info
18:29.28*** join/#asterisk CVirus (n=GoD@
18:29.33[TK]D-Fenderdrzed: read up :
18:29.35jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
18:29.51nny_2it is kind of already there, but the clarification for what 1.2 needed to define classes in moh and 1.4 uses is tossed back and forth
18:30.10nny_2anyone who has dealt with classes before should be able to pick out the good parts, but for noobs like me :)
18:31.03*** part/#asterisk CVirus (n=GoD@
18:31.37nny_2res_musiconhold.c:609 moh1_exec: WaitMusicOnHold requires an argument (number of seconds to wait)
18:31.43drzed[TK]D-Fender: there is no nat involed in my problem
18:31.44nny_2heheh 6000000000000000000000000000000000
18:31.48nny_2should ifx it!!1
18:32.01drzed[TK]D-Fender: there is just a firewall script running on the asterisk srv
18:32.21nny_2reading usage notes in console
18:33.39nny_2everything seems to point to a duration
18:35.29ix33wow i have a working t1 now.
18:36.05nny_2ix33: yay, i am waiting for the onsite install :\
18:36.15drzeddo i also need udp for rtp?
18:36.29ix33i have trial-and-errored my way into passing calls this morning. what an accomplishment.
18:37.20ix33does anything special need to be set in the zap configs to take advantage of the hardware echo cancellation module on this digium t1 card?
18:40.51Strom_Lix33: set echocancel=yes in zapata.conf for the relevant channels
18:43.57*** join/#asterisk RobH (
18:45.06drzedStrom_L: do i need tcp for RTP?
18:45.06Katty61MB isn't very big in terms of database size is it?
18:45.17Kattyit shouldn't cause a cap size
18:45.26Strom_Ldrzed: no
18:46.32fas3rsomeone know where it's possbile to find cisco IOS for Ip Phone (7942) ( not on ) my account was expired :s
18:46.43ix33Strom_L: thanks
18:46.50*** join/#asterisk MmixX (
18:46.53*** part/#asterisk deeperror (
18:47.34ix33what is the effect of setting LBO too high?
18:48.50fas3ror if it's possible someone download it for me :p
18:49.04Strom_Lix33: too-high gain on your T1 card
18:49.31ix33Strom_L: can that physically hurt it, or is this an audio quality issue?
18:49.57Strom_Lix33: um, it's digital
18:50.16Strom_Ljust set the LBO correctly :)
18:50.34ix33centurytel can't tell me the distance, so i'm guessing.
18:50.43Strom_Lis there a smartjack on your prem>
18:51.09ix33i don't know, i haven't physically been there yet (will be there tonight)
18:54.27*** join/#asterisk kimo_sabe (
18:54.50ix33why? i've been doing everything remotely till now
18:55.06kimo_sabezaptel/zapata isn't disabled the echo can for my IAXModems, what could I be doing wrong?
18:55.39*** join/#asterisk reallost1 (n=reallost@
18:55.42*** join/#asterisk excAliBuR (n=sales@
18:55.58excAliBuRwhere can i tell asterisk what mail thing i'm using?
18:56.06QwellexcAliBuR: mail thing?
18:56.07excAliBuRi use exim
18:56.18excAliBuRto send voicemail to email
18:56.23[TK]D-FenderexcAliBuR: voicemail.conf
18:56.33Qwellit doesn't matter.  pretty much every MTA is sendmail compatible, and has a sendmail binary
18:56.42Qwell(MTA = mail thing)
18:56.44excAliBuRis there a howto ?
18:56.58[TK]D-FenderexcAliBuR: read the sample config and bring some IQ along.
18:56.58*** join/#asterisk LemensTS (
18:57.12excAliBuRmy voicemail.conf only has 1 line in it :(
18:57.25[TK]D-FenderexcAliBuR: read the SAMPLE config and bring some IQ along.
18:57.31*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (
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18:58.05LemensTSwhen im in an "s" extension, and need to give the optin of the user to press 1, 2, 3, 4, etc, is the only way to do that by: exten => 1,1,blah; exten => 2,1,blah; exten => 3,1,blah;   ?
18:58.39[TK]D-FenderLemensTS: no, but running an IVR off it is popular.  You could always use Read if you wanted to.
18:58.42ix33there is an NIU box with an adtran h2tur card in it?
19:00.08Strom_Lix33: that sounds right
19:00.21Strom_Lix33: you want the distance from that to the t1 card
19:00.55ix33so, like, the length of the patch cable the guy used?
19:00.59*** part/#asterisk ctooley (n=ctooley@
19:01.11ix33even he should be able to tell me that...
19:01.43Strom_Lwell, be specific...make sure you account for the full length of wire between the two
19:02.02Strom_Lthere may be more than just the patch cable ;)
19:02.12ix33good point.
19:03.11drzedok found one firewall problem
19:03.16*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
19:03.36drzedbut now the other guy can hear me but i cannot hear him
19:04.39[TK]D-Fenderdrzed: And where are "you" relative to you * server, and where is "he" relative to it as well?
19:06.15ix33Strom_L: thanks, it sounds like he just grabbed a huge length of cat5 he had laying around
19:06.23ix33we'll address that tonight...
19:06.40nny_2man there seems a way to turn this did stack into a variable based setup
19:06.46drzedhe is connected via iax to the *
19:06.49nny_2the numbers are XXX-XX10, 11 etc
19:06.55nny_2and the extensions are 10, 11 etc
19:06.56*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
19:07.20vectorix33, tie him up with it ;) see how he likes being inconvenienced by an unnecessarily huge bundle of cable
19:07.30drzedi am behind a nat and connect to a public sip service (using stun stuff)
19:07.53nny_2so rather than a list of 20 exten=> _XXXXX10,1,Goto etc. I should be able to pull the 2 digits out.. and make that a variable right?
19:08.05[TK]D-Fenderdrzed: please draw a full picture including this newly introduced "sip service".
19:08.27[TK]D-Fendernny_2: You need to read up on your variable basics...
19:08.35drzedok, mom (its a little wired) ...
19:08.40[TK]D-Fendernny_2: that IS a variable... guess which one..
19:08.47*** part/#asterisk LemensTS (
19:09.13*** join/#asterisk reallost1 (n=reallost@
19:09.41reallost1I'm running 1.6-beta9 and I've got asterisk processes using 100% cpu
19:09.52vectornny_2, dial(${EXTEN:5}) or something of that nature off the top of my (dusty) head
19:09.53reallost1Anyone around who can help me debug it?
19:10.03nny_2ha vector was just gonna type that
19:10.23nny_2vector: ty though, [TK]D-Fender 's kick helped
19:10.53vectorI would have suggested to follow his lead anyway since I really was not sure about exact syntax
19:11.34nny_2vector: nah your suggestion is perfect
19:11.52nny_2well changing it to fit my plan but yeah
19:12.34[TK]D-Fenderwinds up for another swing
19:13.02*** join/#asterisk metfan2007 (n=jc@
19:14.10metfan2007hi all
19:14.44*** join/#asterisk los415 (
19:16.12metfan2007I have a problem installing a Polycom 330 phone and Asterisk, when I try to call without pressing "Line 1" or "Line 2" everything is Ok, but if I take line pressing "Line 1" and Dial a number I receive a "chan_sip.c:13815 handle_request_invite: Failed to authenticate user "Juan Carlos Huerta" <sip:1102@>;tag=31BD6741-D850EFEE" message in Asterisk
19:16.16metfan2007any idea?
19:18.05ix33sounds like a phone.cfg issue
19:18.21spokraif you press line two and dial does it work?
19:18.40ix33is it actually using both lines (like, two different SIP accounts?)
19:18.44metfan2007no, only if I dial the number directly
19:18.58metfan2007is the same account, only 1 Asterisk server
19:19.11Kobazdoes "flash" in zapata.conf actually do anything?
19:19.22Kobazi'm trying to change the flash duration
19:19.25ix33you can have 2 on the same server (2 different auth'd extnsions)
19:19.52spokraI;d double check the phone config.  are you using the web interface?
19:20.00ix33but anyway, xmllint the file containing your reg information to make sure there's no typos or something
19:20.28ix33answer spokra 1st, since i assumed you were doing file based configs
19:20.28metfan2007Yes, I only use web interface, no XML
19:20.31spokraif it works at all you have the auth setup right somewhere in the phone..   probably just not correct on both lines
19:20.34ix33ok never mind
19:20.53ix33silly me i  thought everyone wrestled with the file configs...
19:20.58ix33on polycom
19:22.15[TK]D-Fenderpeople who configure Poloycom phones by anything other than provisioning should be dragged out and shot.
19:22.17reallost1Anyone here I can show a backtrace to?
19:22.49metfan2007???? mmm
19:23.00Kobazdo de do
19:23.03Kobazkicks flash()
19:25.40los415lol the polycom web interface on there phones suck
19:25.41Kobazkicks flash() repeatidly
19:25.57Kobazlos415: it does, you can only change one section and then you have to reboot
19:26.17los415i dont know if they still do it either
19:26.23Strom_Llos415: almost as bad as your lack of knowledge as to whether to use "there" "their" or "they're" :)
19:26.26los415where u reboot and it takes like 5 min for the web interface to start working
19:26.43los415strom i didnt know we where in english class
19:26.45spokrathat is true.. but to learn and setup the first one it works  then when you want to do 50 you know what to do in the xml file!
19:27.12Kobazerrrr, god damn hook flash
19:29.15*** join/#asterisk hubguruJR (
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19:29.28hmmhesayswhat up folks
19:29.41nny_2vector: exten => _84398750xx,1,Goto(transfer,${EXTEN:8},1)
19:29.45nny_2is what i ended up with
19:29.50nny_2seems to work well
19:30.10nny_2transfer has options for call routing, multi ringing etc in it, hence the use instead of dial
19:30.35[TK]D-Fendernny_2: Yippy-kai-yay!
19:30.43seanbrightreallost1: what version of asterisk?
19:30.57reallost1Asterisk 1.6.0-Beta9
19:31.14*** part/#asterisk jsmith (n=jsmith@
19:31.19seanbrightreallost1: if you haven't already, i would submit an issue on mantis
19:31.29reallost1k, will do.
19:31.38nny_2[TK]D-Fender: heh .. funny you quote bruce willis, did anyone see the last die hard, or as I call it "Bruce Willis doesn't understand this whole computer thing"
19:31.59nny_2at least his character
19:32.29nny_2I, (Bruce Willis) kick ass.. you (annoying mac guy) act like a little bitch...
19:33.01[TK]D-Fendernny_2: Notice how the Mac in there is a useless whiny douchebag?  Who says movies are unrealistic? ;)
19:33.14*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
19:33.24nny_2er heh
19:37.48hubguruJRHi All, I'm testing 1.6.0-beta, going well
19:39.55Kobazdoes "flash" in zapata.conf actually do anything? i'm trying to change thr flash duration
19:40.09[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Yes, it does.
19:40.27[TK]D-FenderKobaz: And that'd be Flash() in extensions.conf, not Zapata.conf
19:43.03Kobazflash = xxx
19:43.19Kobazin the docs it says it controls the duration of the flash
19:44.42Kobazi dont seem to get any difference between 50ms or 1000ms
19:45.13Kobazwe do have flash hook capability on this pbx tha we're getting some fxs's from
19:45.43Kobazon the pbx it's range is 45ms to 750ms, i've tried just about everything in between
19:46.48*** join/#asterisk mintee (
19:46.58[TK]D-FenderKobaz: defaults to 500ms IIRC.
19:47.04hubguruJRcomments in extensions.conf, [;-some comment] ok, [;--some comment] breaks parsing of file, [;---some comment] ok, there is something about 2 dashes that asterisk doesn't like?
19:47.07*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
19:47.16[TK]D-FenderKobaz: this is indeed the first time I've ever heard anyone try to tweak that
19:48.24jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
19:48.25[TK]D-FenderhubguruJR: pastebin your complete sample and its associated "show dialplan" output.
19:48.44florzhubguruJR: yes, you can make multi-line comments somehow with ;-- ... --; or such
19:49.07Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: mm
19:49.49hubguruJRin extensions.conf: ;--testing comments , cli output: lab11*CLI> dialplan reload
19:49.50hubguruJR[May 28 14:43:17] WARNING[29502]: config.c:1392 config_text_file_load: Unterminated comment detected beginning on line 10
19:49.50hubguruJR[May 28 14:43:17] WARNING[29502]: pbx.c:5492 ast_merge_contexts_and_delete: Requested contexts didn't get merged
19:49.58smash-[TK]D-Fender Hey should this file be the only place i am setting the callerid info? > = part of sip.conf
19:50.37[TK]D-Fendersmash-: looks fine
19:51.21smash-iss there anything in zaptel i would have to configure to make those numbers available to be asigned?
19:51.50*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
19:51.55[TK]D-FenderhubguruJR: well florz here seems to be aware of a multi-line comment syntax, so I'd take his lead on this
19:52.15[TK]D-Fendersmash-: you need to look at whats actually happening in your call...
19:52.23smash-my pbx wont let me set callid through sip.conf it apears. I'm trying to find a secondary source it is setting callerid from. not much luck so far
19:52.27smash-call trace it, ok
19:53.59Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: i do a flash(), then senddtmf(), i get the tones back to the calling party
19:54.03hubguruJRthanks [TK]D-Fender
19:54.21Kobazwhen they should be going to the pbx on the other end of the fxo
19:54.50[TK]D-FenderKobaz: I'd pay close attention as to who is getting what there.  I'm guessing the wrong party.  pastebin exactly what you're doing now.
19:55.30hubguruJRflorz, 1 or 3 dashes works fine, 2 screws up.
19:56.31hubguruJRso prefixing ; in front of a comment isn't a sure thing
19:57.12drmessanoI'm so sick of hearing about iLbc
19:57.19hubguruJRsomehow the parser is recognizing ;-- and wants to interpret it into something useful instead of ignoring it
19:57.21*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
19:57.30drmessanocould someone PLEASE.. PLEASE post a sticky "We dont' hate iLbc, REALLY"
19:58.32Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: it's been pastebinned...
19:58.46[TK]D-FenderKobaz: .... link....
19:59.16Kobazdankee :)
20:00.11Kobazlet me simplify it
20:00.45florzhubguruJR: well, then something like that must be the sequence, I suppose :-)
20:01.11florzhubguruJR: have fun reading the source if you want to know it exactly - I don't think that's documented anywhere ...
20:01.36hubguruJRyea, right, not bedtime yet
20:01.47hubguruJRstill have work to do
20:01.58florzhubguruJR: but with asterisk parsing something, generally nothing is a sure thing ...
20:02.39hubguruJRthinking of posting to the user or dev list
20:02.52hubguruJRI bet someone else has noticed this
20:03.16florzhubguruJR: well, at least the developers should =:-)
20:03.29florzhubguruJR: but I wonder what that will help you?!
20:04.10hubguruJRthey do fine
20:04.17hubguruJRhelp when they can
20:04.47florzwell, yeah, but I don't really see what your problem is!?
20:04.50Kobaznow i'm getting device or resource busy
20:05.01Kobaz[May 28 16:04:40] WARNING[5553]: app_flash.c:97 flash_exec: Unable to flash channel Zap/3-1: Device or resource busy
20:05.19Kobazi'm trying to just do a quick, answer() and then flash(), with a wait in between, hmm
20:05.28[TK]D-FenderKobaz: whats actually going on.  You see to call out with auto-answer.  Whatexactly happens from there?
20:05.28Kobazi was getting this before and adding a wait() did the trick, but that's not doing it now
20:05.34hubguruJRfor instance, I use comments ALLOT in all files, for others that my need to come behind me
20:06.00nny_2if someone is dialing out from a sip client, what is variable descibes the extension? (i.e. 10)
20:06.01[TK]D-FenderhubguruJR: this seem easy enough to avoid...
20:06.04hubguruJRcomments usually start with ;----------some comment
20:06.11nny_2looking at variables list, and SIPCALLID looks close
20:06.14Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: i answer the call, drop it into a queue, i use the ami to move the call to the zapTransfer context which does a flash() on the line and then sends digits
20:06.17[TK]D-Fendernny_2: .... ${EXTEN} <-
20:06.33nny_2oh.. eh i thought that would be the number they dialed
20:06.35smash-tk ur a genius
20:06.37hubguruJRthe other day, i happened to leave a ;--some comment, and it broke the installation
20:07.02smash-i see in call trace, execute application: (SetCIDNum)
20:07.07florzhubguruJR: well, I'd change to a different format then!?
20:07.08hubguruJRi didn't notice till the next day, when the customer notified me that a feature was not working
20:07.16nny_2i asked the question wrong, my fault
20:07.17smash-now i need to find a way to manipulate this
20:07.49hubguruJRthis was a big deal for me so it's on my radar to find a fix
20:07.57Kobazanyways, i simplified it to this:
20:09.04Kobazoh, bah, i have a syntax error
20:09.13[TK]D-FenderKobaz: I don't see your "Wait" being executed in there, do you?
20:09.27[TK]D-FenderKobaz: I have a good idea why :)
20:09.48[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Not all syntax errors are equal....
20:09.57Kobazokay, so i fixed the ->
20:10.04[TK]D-FenderKobaz: If this one wre, it wouldn't be an error :p
20:10.15smash-[TK]D-Fender : this is my call trace , i see it executing AGI script but i dont know where that is, and u can see it setting the callerid to 3609891290 instead of the value placed in sip.conf
20:10.46Kobazso i fixed it: and now:
20:10.47smash-[TK]D-Fender: let me rephraze that idk what or where agi script is.
20:10.50[TK]D-Fendersmash-: "thats nice"
20:10.59[TK]D-Fendersmash-: This is your server, get a clue.
20:11.02nny_2ha SIPCALLID was fun
20:11.45Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: which would leave one to believe it was successfull, but it wasn't
20:12.12[TK]D-FenderKobaz: I never said that it would be, but if I'm going to judge something I'd like to start from a sane place.
20:12.43NovceGurudrmessano: what about the g.719 codec
20:12.48NovceGurufor the polycom "hd voice" krap
20:12.55Kobazwhat other info would you like me to dig up?
20:14.01[TK]D-FenderKobaz: I don't see the wait kicking in so the line hasn't been siezed long enough for a flash to be effective.
20:14.36Kobazthe wait kicks in
20:14.47[TK]D-FenderKobaz: not in the last ver you showed me.
20:15.07[TK]D-FenderKobaz: strike that.. missed the new PB
20:15.43nny_2having a hard time with defining dialed number extension vs. sip client extension in terminology forms, as they are both extensions to asterisk. This is probably due to the sharp blow to my head from hitting it with my palm the last time I asked such a question.
20:15.44[TK]D-FenderKobaz: What is supposed to have happened?
20:16.02Kobazwe're supposed to now get another line to be able to dial a number and transfer
20:16.06Kobazi can do it with a regular phone
20:16.10Kobazbut not with asterisk
20:16.35Kobazregular phone, plug it in, someone calls, hit flash, dial a number, hang up, call gets transfered over just fine
20:16.43[TK]D-FenderKobaz: here's an idea : SendDTMF each digit with a .5s wait between each, and a wait(10) at the END.
20:16.47nny_2Kobaz: I have that here
20:17.05nny_2Kobaz: I have a DP set up with that in place would it help if i posted it?
20:17.15Kobaznny_2: sure
20:17.43Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: yeah i've done that, it doesnt matter what the delay in dtmf is because it's not sending it to the right place
20:17.47[TK]D-FenderKobaz: it could also be taht * sends the DTMF too fast for the other system to get it all.
20:18.06Kobazi hear the dtmf on the calling party side
20:18.12nny_2the ZAP cnotext is so if my system uses a SIP channel it doesn't try the same thing
20:18.23nny_2mind you this is with my telco's centrex, yours may vary
20:18.41nny_2has exten => s,2,Goto(s-${CHANNEL:0:3},1) previous
20:18.43Kobaznny_2: yeah, see, i have exactly the same thing
20:18.57nny_2kk lol one of these days i'll giev out usegul info :D
20:19.19nny_2sorry to interrupt
20:19.42Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: person a calls phone b (b = asterisk), b does a flash, and dtmf, but person a hears dtmf
20:20.35Kobazit's like, the flash hook isn't flashy enough
20:20.44Kobazwhich is why i've been playing with the delay
20:20.56Kobazflash hook duration
20:21.41*** part/#asterisk hubguruJR (
20:22.05Kobazi can set flash to 5000
20:22.20Kobazand it does seem like it wait 5 seconds
20:22.52Kobazbut the thing is, if you're on hook for that long, i would assume the remote pbx would hang it up due to detecting a hangup
20:23.10*** join/#asterisk hubguruJR (
20:23.27Kobazif i hold the hook for more than 3 seconds, the line will hang up, but not with asterisk doing it
20:24.37spokraKobaz:  have you tried pulling one of your trunks putting a POTS phone on it and calling someone.. doing a flash and seeing if you can 3-way!!  the line might not even have the capability
20:24.44Kobazyeah, that all works fine
20:24.58nny_2anyone got a magic way to get a sip user ID intoa  variable?
20:25.17spokrain zapada what kind of line do you define it as
20:25.29spokraloop start kewl start etc..
20:26.18spokraand it happens on more then one line
20:26.37[TK]D-Fendernny_2: ${CHANNEL} + CUT
20:26.43Kobazspokra: yeah
20:26.44KattyHAI FENDER
20:26.54nny_2[TK]D-Fender: ok will try
20:26.55Katty[TK]D-Fender: i just got a present :>
20:27.02[TK]D-FenderKatty: :O
20:27.06Katty[TK]D-Fender: GUESS!
20:27.20spokrakobaz: how about a butset.. bridge across the line in monitor.. do you hear the hook flash?
20:27.43hmmhesaysHoly carp its Katty
20:27.53Kattyhmmhesays: shhhh
20:27.57Kattyhmmhesays: no one knows i'm here!
20:28.03spokrastrange.. all a hook flash is, is an open for 500ms
20:28.04Kobazsomehow the astrerisk hook flash is different from a single line set hook flash
20:28.08Kobazyeah i know
20:28.13Kattyhugs hmmhesays
20:28.21Kattyhmmhesays: any new lady friends? :>
20:28.42hmmhesaysKatty, no, I almost made a no no with an ex lady friend though
20:28.49hmmhesaysNow I'm staying away from the chicka's for awhile
20:29.14Kattypre-designated contracts...
20:29.15Kattyand stuff
20:29.24Kobazspokra: so yeah, this is kinda rought
20:29.51spokraget sip trunks and ditch you analog!!  ROFLOL!!
20:29.58*** join/#asterisk Assid (n=assid@unaffiliated/assid)
20:30.04[TK]D-Fenderok, heading home, BBIAB
20:30.15Assidis it possible to run asterisk in a VPS environment?
20:30.30hmmhesaysyou can
20:30.57spokrawould you be able to use conf or music on hold?
20:31.04Assidhmmhesays: and it will support meetme using ztdummy ?
20:31.08spokrayou would not have the hardware timer would you
20:31.10KattyAssid: yes.
20:31.35Assidso moh.. meetme.. all should work
20:31.42spokrakool.. I was thinking of using a vsp also..
20:34.18nny_2SIP/12-08f11f28 into ${CHANNEL:4:6} should be 12 right?
20:36.41AssidKatty: works within openvz by chance?
20:36.50*** join/#asterisk CVirus (n=GoD@
20:37.34Assidi guess i better play and check
20:38.44nny_2i get Set("SIP/12-08f11f28", "CALLERID(num)=8439875012-08")
20:38.53nny_2wonder why the -08 are still there
20:39.15*** join/#asterisk SamuraiDio (n=diovani@
20:39.56SamuraiDiohow do asterisk knows it a call is inside the network (sip-sip) or to the outside?
20:40.05SamuraiDio...if* a call...
20:40.16nny_2based on what channel you tell it to use
20:40.39KattyAssid: baroo?
20:40.43KattyAssid: i think i missed something.
20:41.02ix33i saved my company $10,000 on a pbx and all i got was a lousy jar of peanut m&m's.
20:41.10KattyAssid: 'openvz' does not parse.
20:41.14KattyAssid: pls to try again.
20:41.20Assidhehe.. k
20:41.27nny_2ix33 sell them to other companies and buy many many jars
20:41.35SamuraiDioi found it
20:42.05AssidKatty: planning to put up a ubuntu box.. load up openvz on it.. so asterisk has its own private little thing.. and i can work with the addl resources for other tasks.. without having 1 system bother the next one
20:42.22nny_2any variable ninjas here know why a ${CHANNEL:4:6} returns "12-08"?
20:42.37*** join/#asterisk jdjurici (
20:42.42nny_2full CHANNEL = SIP/12-08f11f28
20:42.45KattyAssid: ahhhh.
20:42.50KattyAssid: i haz no idea.
20:42.54jdjuricihow are you folks?
20:42.56KattyAssid: but i hope it works for you (=
20:43.04Assidhehe.. thanks
20:44.20Kobazspokra: so, heh... i'm very stuck
20:44.23jdjuricianyone having hint on what could cause problems between h323 and mgcp, that would cause asterisk to not send rtp to mgcp gateway....
20:44.48*** join/#asterisk aksyn (n=aksyn@
20:46.02jdjuriciasterisk is version Asterisk 1.4.19
20:47.28spokrakobaz:  what digiam card are you using?  or is it a knock off?
20:47.50spokrawhat version of astersik
20:48.52Kobazi've tried different asterisk versions... 1.4.14, 1.4.18, etc
20:49.19spokrawhat about the drivers for the card
20:50.03fas3rsomeone have sip ios for 7942G ( version 8 ) ? i don't find it and i don't know how to get Special Access File it's not possible to download it with traditionnal account ...
20:50.44spokrazaptel-1.4.X ?
20:50.49Kobazyeah 1.4
20:51.50spokradon;t know..  I know hook flash works on digiam hardware I've done it
20:54.12Kobazi know it works on sangoma hardware too
20:54.18Kobazsince i was doing it this morning
20:54.25*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (i=Joe@
20:54.28Katty[TK]D-Fender: get out.
20:57.11[TK]D-FenderKatty, ....PARDON?
20:57.20Qwell[TK]D-Fender: She said...
20:57.56*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
20:58.08Kattyget out.
20:58.23kannanbye all
21:02.12*** join/#asterisk ghenry (
21:04.47*** join/#asterisk grandpapadot (
21:05.53*** join/#asterisk sniper_voip (n=michofr@
21:05.56grandpapadotGreetings, Might Baud Warriors!
21:06.18iratikJust googled this and had less than 10 results total! ... ."SIOD ERROR: unbound variable : tts_textasterisk" when executing command "Festival(mary had a little lamb)"
21:06.33sniper_voiphi all..I need to know please how I can configure the asterisk server to send calls to a gateway directly and not redistered as endpoint
21:07.24*** join/#asterisk osiris (
21:07.49NovceGuruwhat up grandpapadot
21:08.04grandpapadot'sup G
21:08.51NovceGuruNot much, getting through the day
21:09.21grandpapadotSame here... It's been a busy^100 month...
21:09.32*** join/#asterisk mgdm_ (
21:09.35grandpapadotFirst time I've been in channel since Sat.
21:11.05fas3rwhere it's possible to find ios sip for ip phone cisco ?
21:11.20grandpapadotNovcGuru: Hey check out these videos we're putting online, we're still waiting on the audio from Allison so there's no public link to them yet:
21:11.41Katty[TK]D-Fender: i still wuv you.
21:11.50grandpapadotSup, Katty.
21:12.01Kattygrandpapadot: sky
21:12.20grandpapadotKatty: I haven't seen it in what seems like weeks, lol, so I wouldn't know
21:12.29Kattygrandpapadot: aww :<
21:12.34Kattygrandpapadot: you need a mini vacation, and a hike!
21:12.46Kattygrandpapadot: fruits, veggies, water, and sunshine!
21:12.54NovceGurugrandpapadot: nice
21:12.57grandpapadotKatty: I did manage to break out for a run last night, but it was like 10:00p.
21:13.09Kattymaybe in alaska...
21:17.12iratikcan someone help me with festival?  when using "festivalcommand=(tts_textasterisk "%s" 'file)(quit)\n" in /etc/asterisk/festival.conf ... i get an error in the festival server log  ... ."SIOD ERROR: unbound variable : tts_textasterisk" when executing command  in the dial plan "Festival(mary had a little lamb)"
21:17.14iratikany ideas?
21:18.38fas3rok thank all
21:18.47nny_2[TK]D-Fender: SIP/12-08f11f28 into ${CHANNEL:4:6} should be 12 right?
21:19.15[TK]D-Fendernny_2, nope
21:19.45nny_2er 4:5 ?
21:20.03[TK]D-Fendernny_2, nope.  Go read the chapter on variable usage again.
21:20.07spokrairatik did you modify the festival config file..  to accept the new command.
21:20.15iratikneed a paste?
21:20.35russellbit would be easiest to use CUT() for that, IMO
21:20.36*** join/#asterisk delparnel (
21:20.41spokranot /etc/asterick.festival.conf  the festivial conf file in usr/share ....
21:21.10iratikno conf files i can see in /usr/share
21:22.07[TK]D-Fendernny_2, ... Page 140
21:22.22iratikbingo .. found something that i might be doing wrong
21:22.50spokrathere are changes you need to make in there
21:23.57nny_2X is the number of digits to return
21:24.11iratikspokra: can you give me a pastie of your tts_textasterisk definition?
21:24.17[TK]D-Fendernny_2, close, but not quite
21:24.19nny_2the answer to everything
21:24.19iratikthe one on is janky
21:24.29nny_24:! because 0 is counted?
21:24.48[TK]D-Fendernny_2, look at what you wrote and read that paragraph again
21:25.35spokrairatik.. add this to the end of the scm file
21:26.00iratikrestart festival?
21:26.19hmmhesaysfscking voipjet is not sending back a proper busy indication
21:26.26nny_2so :4 would be 12-08f11f28 but :4:2 wouldn't be 12 or was the leading : the error you saw?
21:27.33[TK]D-Fendernny_2, No, there error was you saying "x" is the number of digits to return.  It was "y"
21:28.27nny_2ahh ok
21:28.40nny_2k thanks for the pointers
21:29.02outtolunc<- almost no sleep last night brain-fried
21:29.19*** join/#asterisk adr3nalin3 (
21:29.29nny_2heh sad thing is i orinally mis-read/ screwed it up as pos1:pos2 and all mys variables that used it so far still worked n the same manner that rainman manages to wipe his own ass
21:29.47iratikit worked!
21:29.53nny_2pos1: pos2 stupid smiley BS
21:29.54Corydon76-digouttolunc: deep-fried brains?
21:30.16outtoluncalmost as deep fried as the -dev list <G>
21:30.33*** part/#asterisk yojimbo-san (n=CheethJ@
21:31.00outtoluncnotes sorry, shouldn't bring that up
21:31.02spokrairatik..  now you tell me why it will not work as a callout!!  ROLFOL
21:31.21iratikwhat do you mean?
21:32.16spokrayou can create a callout  file and make asterisk call you..   and start at a context extension.. it gives an error when you do that!!  but not when you call it as an extension from another extension
21:32.35iratiksomething tells me i know the answer to this
21:32.48iratikswitch the roles
21:32.52iratiksee if it does the same thing
21:34.34*** join/#asterisk keulin (
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21:36.15*** part/#asterisk codefreeze-lap (n=murf@
21:39.01*** join/#asterisk golumn (n=golumn@
21:41.30golumnI want to replace a meridian system with an asterisk. I have a couple meridian M7100 telephones, which card will I need that recognize does phones?
21:42.44*** part/#asterisk hubguruJR (
21:44.03[TK]D-Fendergolumn, There is no card, but there are expensive gateways.  It'd be much more cost effective to replace them entirely
21:45.09Kattyhugs [TK]D-Fender
21:45.10golumnso I rather buy new phones
21:47.44golumn[TK]D-Fender, one more thing. I have only try asterisk with SIP lines. I want to connect some normal lines for incoming calls. Where can I find documentation for that
21:48.23[TK]D-FenderDepends how you want "noarmal lines" to come into to *.
21:48.52[TK]D-Fendergolumn, most popularly you'd use a PCI type card which is Zaptel compatible
21:49.09[TK]D-Fendergolumn, there are plenty of guides out ther based on the card you choose.
21:49.23[TK]D-Fendergolumn, and most of this stuff is in the BOOK.
21:50.09golumnthanks. Right now there is a meridian pbx, and the idea is to replace that. Will get some info of the book
21:51.23fas3ri need sip ios for 7942G ... someone ?
21:56.27CCFL_Man2fas3r: it uses it's own firmware, doesn't use ios
21:57.00CCFL_Man2you can buy an $8 phone smartnet contract and get access to everything
21:57.09fas3rCCFL_Man2: this :
21:57.33fas3ri need to convert my ip phone to sip from sccp
21:57.48fas3ri need to download this no ?
21:58.11jayteeis it just me or do Polycom phones seem to take forever to reboot
21:58.20*** join/#asterisk Mw3 (
21:58.47fas3ror it's possible to use sccp directly ...
21:59.02fas3rsorry i start asterisk .. :s
21:59.19fas3ri had read the better is to convert it
21:59.21[TK]D-Fenderjaytee, about 2 mins
21:59.35SplasPoodjaytee: newer ones seem a bunch faster
21:59.43SplasPoodbut maybe its all in my head
22:00.42fas3rCCFL_Man2: ?
22:00.56jayteeok, guess I have to setup provisioning then cuz mine take about 10 minutes or so
22:02.57fas3rok thanks ;)
22:06.21*** join/#asterisk anthm (
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22:08.40fas3rCCFL_Man2: can you explain a little please
22:12.18*** join/#asterisk edibrac (n=edibrac3@
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22:14.12CCFL_Man2fas3r: you are new to this, aren't you?
22:15.37fas3ri'm new
22:16.41jbotcisco makes the routers that move the pr0n across the internet at a very high rate of exchange. a company full of patent protected punks!, or <reply>Cisco phones are expensive crap which should be avoided with extreme prejudice
22:17.04CCFL_Man2cisco has sccp or sip firmware for their phones
22:17.44CCFL_Man2with an $8 phone smartnet contract from cdw, you can download anything from cisco
22:18.24fas3rCCFL_Man2: i have two cisco
22:18.40fas3rone with cable and one wifi
22:18.49fas3rit's not the problem to buy it :)
22:18.59*** join/#asterisk RoyK (n=Roy@
22:19.00CCFL_Man2the wifi one does not have any sip firmware for it
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22:19.50fas3ryes but a ios exist to convert sccp to sip
22:20.52drmessanoNot for the wifi one
22:22.12CCFL_Man2not for the 7920/21
22:22.27CCFL_Man2and the phones don't run ios
22:22.41fas3rha yes that's right
22:22.51fas3rsorry i have just look for 7942G
22:23.00fas3rbut i need CCIE access :)
22:23.07fas3ri need to wait tomorrow
22:23.40edibracwait, i didn't need to $8 contract to download the ..7.x firmware - that was last week
22:23.56edibracbut the 8.x i got from voip-wiki
22:24.07fas3redibrac: but for the 8.... yes
22:24.34fas3redibrac: it is on voip-wiki ?
22:24.42fas3rthe 8. ?
22:24.52fas3rerf ..
22:25.02edibracthough i guess, you never know.. there could be some evil modification to it
22:25.34fas3rCCFL_Man2: and it's not possible to use skinny for the 7921  ?
22:26.15jaytee[TK]D-Fender, is this the polycom provisioning tutorial you recommended some time ago?
22:26.27[TK]D-Fenderjaytee, looks about right
22:27.36jayteesomething munged my Firefox bookmarks about 2 weeks ago and I've been trying to recreate them. I've managed to complete a bunch of goals so my next one is setting up provisioning.
22:28.15jayteegonna grab some chow, be back later
22:34.43stephbulhello, I want to learn how to generate debian package for asterisk. Do you know a good tutorial about debian/rules for asterisk?
22:40.40*** join/#asterisk puzzled_ (
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22:52.33puzzledtzafrir: can I use your 1.4/bristuff-current.tar.gz with plain zaptel for use with a Junghanns OctoBRI?
22:53.35tzafrirpuzzled, I have a newer version of that in testing right now
22:53.53puzzledtzafrir: how stable is it?
22:54.02tzafrirbut that version should be able to use the octobri, sure
22:54.49puzzledtzafrir: ok, with plain zaptel or do I need to grab your zaptel-xpp?
22:55.26znoGhey, just wondering .. is it possible to check whether an extension is defined if I'm using RealTime?
22:55.37znoGhopefully via some application call
22:57.27*** join/#asterisk aksyn (n=aksyn@
22:59.22[TK]D-FenderznoG, its in a DB, I'm sure you can figure out how to query it....
23:00.29znoG[TK]D-Fender: regardless of the realtime module I'm using? (in my case, ldap)
23:01.29[TK]D-FenderznoG, Do you think *'s core is the only thing that can read LDAP?  Keep thinking...
23:01.30znoG[TK]D-Fender: oh, i see what you mean. I'm using LDAP. If I was using a DB, then it's probably a lot easier.
23:01.43[TK]D-FenderznoG, LDAP is a DB
23:01.50tzafrirpuzzled, if a specific version has a 'xpp.r<something>' zaptel it is a standard zaptel tarball with a lsightly newer xpp subdir
23:02.03znoG[TK]D-Fender: yes, are you implying I could call an AGI script or something to do it?
23:02.13puzzledtzafrir: ah right. thanks
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23:02.40[TK]D-FenderznoG, Why not?
23:02.54znoG[TK]D-Fender: i thought it was a bit overkill but it's not a bad idea.
23:03.02friezeIs beta9 markedly more stable than beta8? I can't seem to get 8 to actually start correctly without tripping over its pid file
23:03.20friezethinking I should just backup my config files and start over with 1.4
23:07.06friezeis there an uninstall in the makefile?
23:07.10[TK]D-FenderznoG, what led you to choose LDAP as your realtime backend?
23:08.09[hC]it actually seems quite fitting.
23:11.37*** join/#asterisk _MrSeb_ (n=SebaX@
23:11.41_MrSeb_Hi to all
23:12.24_MrSeb_Someone can say to me how to change the ip that appear in contact info when I'm in debug mode?
23:13.09friezeokay, enough talking to myself. Just installed asterisk 1.4 and when I run /etc/init.d/asterisk I get "Starting Asterisk PBX: Unable to open pid file /'var/run/': Permission denied asterisk.
23:13.16friezeanyone have any idea what would cause this?
23:15.24drmessanoDenied permissions
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23:16.25friezegot that far
23:16.35drmessanoUnable to open pid file /'var/run/': Permission denied asterisk
23:16.47hsv-alhello all, are we all looking forward to another long & glorious night of irc addiction? :)
23:16.59hardwiredrmessano: what dist?
23:17.04friezemore trying to understand how asterisk might try to create that pid
23:17.11znoG[TK]D-Fender: well, I already use LDAP to store the employee's accounts .. it seemed logical (except for the fact that 1.6 is beta)
23:17.19friezeubuntu 64
23:17.24znoG[TK]D-Fender: but it seems to be working well enough for now
23:17.31drmessanoasterisk can't create /var/run/
23:17.31hardwirefrieze: installed asterisk 1.6 from source?
23:17.32friezethough I just got sidetracked into reinstalling zaptel
23:17.47friezewhich apparently was renamed yesterday or so
23:17.59drmessanoIt was?
23:18.01friezethought it might be a beta bug and so downgraded
23:18.03hsv-aldrmessano, thats because the RF is radiation out an isotropic gauge, causing the denial of pid access
23:18.12friezeyou'd think so
23:18.13hsv-alw/ sprinkles of neutrino electro radiation
23:18.19friezethe first thing I did was build a faraday cage
23:18.29hardwirefrieze: asterisk isn't running as a user that has access to do anything
23:18.32friezeand then put it in a vault deep below an old lead mine
23:18.33hardwirefrieze: here's what happened
23:18.38hardwire1.) you installed asterisk yourself
23:18.43hardwire2.) you ran it as root, not as asterisk
23:18.51hardwire3.) it left a bunch of poop on your filesystem
23:19.01friezehardwire: that seems quite likely
23:19.10friezeso where do I go from here
23:19.10drmessanoSTFU dude
23:19.19hardwire4.) when you try to run it as asterisk it can't do what you want because it can't overwrite the files root created
23:19.27hardwiredrmessano: you must be heard? no other opinion valid?
23:19.29drmessanoChange the permissions so asterisk can create the pid
23:19.35hardwirebeen there, done that, took a chill pill
23:19.46drmessanohardwire: You have no idea what youre talking about, apparently
23:19.48hardwiredrmessano: teach a man to fish or beat the fish on the head for him?
23:20.28*** join/#asterisk deeperror (
23:20.46drmessanohardwire: Your opinion doesn't matter if you are talking out your and not giving him the help he needs, no
23:20.49hardwirefrieze: have fun, I'll let the good Dr take it from here - however I'm probably 98% correct
23:21.06_MrSeb_Someone can say to me how to change the ip that appear in contact info when I'm in debug mode? I've a problem with NAT and the pachet go out with incorrect identification...
23:21.08friezehardwire: okay now there's a /var/run/asterisk directory and it belongs to asterisk.asterisk
23:21.13friezesame deal
23:21.21hardwirefrieze: but the files inside may not
23:21.33hardwirechmod asterisk.asterisk -Rv /var/run/asterisk
23:21.44friezebermanmk@elwood:/etc/asterisk$ ls -al /var/run/asterisk/
23:21.44friezetotal 0
23:21.44friezedrwxr-xr-x  2 asterisk asterisk  40 2008-05-28 19:20 .
23:21.44friezedrwxr-xr-x 15 root     root     580 2008-05-28 19:20 ..
23:21.50drmessanochown -R asterisk:asterisk /var/run/asterisk
23:21.52deeperrorI see ztdummy in lsmod, i've created rooms in meetme.conf, but when calling meetme() in extensions.conf i get  no application meetme for extension....what am I missing here?
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23:22.02hardwiredrmessano: day late and a buck short.
23:22.03friezeseems like asterisk should be able to write to it
23:22.18hardwirefrieze: it's an empty dir?
23:22.22drmessanohardwire: Yeah, your answer was still wrong
23:22.33hardwiredrmessano: it probably was very wrong.
23:22.35friezeactually wasn't one there
23:22.37friezehad to make it
23:22.45hardwirefrieze: did you use make install?
23:22.58hardwirewild man
23:23.00drmessanohardwire: I'll just sit here and continue to let you troll him until an OP steps in
23:23.11hardwiredrmessano: an op will stop me from helping?
23:23.19drmessanoOh, thats.. what youre.. ok
23:23.22fas3rthe last version of asterisk include sccp or i need to patch it ?
23:23.38hardwiredrmessano: I don't get it man.. I *am* being helpful.
23:23.44hardwireyou're .. competing?
23:23.51drmessanoha.. ok
23:24.02hardwireeverybody welcome to #asterisk, where people fight to freely help you.
23:24.13friezeas fun as this all is, I'd more like to have an answer than resolve a pissing match
23:24.21hardwireI'd like you to have one too.
23:24.30friezewell then two of us are in agreement
23:24.39hardwirefrieze: 1.6.0-beta?
23:24.54deeperrorhow do i get the application meetme to work with asterisk?  It doesn't seem to be available?
23:25.17friezeI uninstalled 1.6 when it was having this problem and installed 1.4 from source
23:25.18hardwirefrieze: on ubuntu 8.04?
23:25.44hardwireif you're feeling up to it, install the ubuntu packages and forget about installing from source
23:26.04hardwireotherwise, I have a feeling a lot of files asterisk needs to access are owned by root
23:26.25hardwireI've done that a lot, compile asterisk, install it, run asterisk -cv... and then curse
23:26.50drmessanoMost asterisk installs are installed BY ROOT, you then go back and change the permissions, and BAM it works
23:27.00drmessanoYou're stating the obvious as being the problem
23:27.11friezecan't see how a non su would install it
23:27.20friezejust trying to figure out what to unfuck
23:27.38friezenot to put to fine a point on it
23:27.49drmessanochown -R asterisk:asterisk /var/run/asterisk and chown -R asterisk:asterisk /var/log/asterisk
23:28.08deeperrorhow would one compile meetme?
23:28.27friezeincidentally should I install the newly renamed zaptel first?
23:28.28hardwiredeeperror: what linux dist and what asterisk version?
23:28.36deeperrorcentos 1.4.19
23:28.43hardwirefrom source?
23:28.55drmessanofrieze: Go for it
23:28.56hardwiredeeperror got the zaptel modules installed?
23:28.56deeperrorztdummy is listed on lsmod
23:29.02hardwirewow, you're on it
23:29.17hardwiredeeperror: do you see a meetme app in your asterisk install dirs?
23:29.21deeperroryea i've been reading a while seems like it should just work but it says no application meetme for extension
23:29.31deeperrorwhat dir ?
23:29.37deeperrori see meetme in /var/spool/asterisk/meetme
23:29.47hardwirethat's where it holds temporary data
23:29.55deeperrorthe source is there in /usr/src/asterisk
23:30.00deeperroris there something to add in modules....
23:30.21deeperrorhas    load =>
23:30.22hardwirefind /var/lib/asterisk | grep meetme
23:30.32hardwireI think that's where apps/chans go, right?
23:31.00hardwireyou sir, broke it.
23:31.16deeperrorha i have a way in doing that?
23:31.18hardwirehow did you install from source?
23:31.25*** join/#asterisk budol (i=budol@
23:31.32deeperrordownload, make, make install
23:31.38hardwireno configure?
23:31.52deeperrori bet i didn't configure after making ztdummy
23:32.14hardwirelibpri first, then zaptel, then asterisk
23:32.22hardwirethat's right, right?
23:32.26deeperroris libpri required?
23:32.49deeperrori havent installed that in a while don't think i need it for what i've been running
23:34.55deeperrordoh...seems like it may have been the configure
23:35.13deeperrorstill making but i see meetme compiling
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23:37.33hardwireI don't really know, maybe it's not required for simple zt modules.
23:37.33hardwirebut chan_zap may require it, and chan_zap may be needed to install zap pseudo channels
23:37.38hardwiredeeperror, a self titled album
23:38.12deeperroryea that was it
23:38.21*** join/#asterisk coppice (
23:39.12deeperroryea its working now i installed zaptel later and didnt configure just did the make clean, make make install blah
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23:40.27hardwiredeeperror: please rate my assistance with the channel operators if you found my free and devoted service to be adequate.
23:40.37hardwirecome again.
23:40.54lanningyou want fries with that?
23:41.07hardwireI had Carl Jr's criss cut fries today
23:41.10hardwireI love those little things.
23:41.21NovceGuruI haven't been to a carl jrs yet
23:41.39NovceGurutried jack in the box for the first time a few weeks ago, A+ fast food right there
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23:43.30friezeooh! I go to SF on n out time
23:43.42deeperrorA+++ fast payment will do business with again!
23:44.11budolmay i ask a question here about vicidial?
23:44.14friezeforgot all about that
23:47.10drmessanoInstead of office chair, package contained bobcat
23:47.19drmessanowould not buy again
23:47.38drmessanoBest. Ebay. Feedback. Ever.
23:48.14*** part/#asterisk x_or (n=cdawson@
23:48.34deeperrorwasn't there some user that had just a list of crazy feedbacks like that?
23:48.44*** join/#asterisk Mahmoud (n=foo@unaffiliated/mahmoud)
23:48.46drmessanoI dunno
23:49.01drmessanoThat's from XKCD... the funniest part of the internet
23:51.02drmessano-->  //do not crash();
23:51.16drmessano-->  //do_not_crash();
23:51.30coppiceI wonder what EBay Nigeria is like? :-)
23:51.44drmessanoGentoo: Vulnerable to Flattery
23:55.25disposablecan somebody share their asterisk server's iptables rules with me please? basically a /etc/network/interfaces file from a debian system is what i need.
23:56.00fas3rhow to nat sccp with iptables ?
23:56.28hardwirefas3r: haha.. hahahaha
23:56.36hardwirethat sounds less fun than the least fun thing I can think of.
23:57.24deeperrordisposable: i just deny all allow what is needed
23:57.53drmessanofas3r: You're going to NAT that SCCP phone?
23:58.06hardwireyou have an SCCP phone?
23:58.43drmessanofas3r: Sell them on eBay, get some polycoms, and NAT until you can't NAT anymore
23:58.45disposabledeeperror: i know nothing about iptables. i need to enable sip, rtp, rtcp, iax2, ssh, ntp, https. that's it. as to how to do it is beyond me.
23:58.54*** join/#asterisk eXistenZ (n=existenz@unaffiliated/existenz)
23:59.12drmessanodisposable: Allow everything if the box is firewalled
23:59.23drmessanodisposable: Is your internal network really a problem?
23:59.40deeperrori use a rules script with a list of iptable commands
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23:59.48deeperrori then just edit that and run it when i need to make changes

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