IRC log for #asterisk on 20080524

00:14.27*** join/#asterisk CaTtleyA (
00:15.48mackesWhere is everyone?
00:20.15*** join/#asterisk d00gster (
00:20.52phixmackes: I am here now!
00:21.10phixI slept in
00:22.47maqrhow greedy are the pattern matches with exten? if i have _XX vs _XXX, does asterisk wait for 3 numbers to be dialed before deciding to follow the XX extension?
00:23.42phixit waits a few secs I think
00:23.45phixyou could try it :)
00:26.17maqrtrue :)
00:26.45mackesXXX means 3 numbers
00:27.07mackes_X. means 1 or more numbers
00:27.23mackes_XX. means two or more numbers
00:27.54mackeswithout the period, the X means one letter/number placeholder.
00:28.04mackesThe book has a good section on this
00:30.09maqrmackes: yeah, i knew what that meant, i just wasn't sure how long it waited to figure out which one the user meant
00:30.16maqri guess i can assume it's long enough
00:30.35mackesOh.... Instantly
00:30.54outtoluncdepends what you are doing, i've had instances that took 8 seconds
00:31.20mackesno no, Your SIP phone might wait that long before it sends the digits
00:31.30mackesHowever Asterisk is instant
00:31.47mackesSo order matters in your extensions.conf
00:32.03outtoluncbe rather hard as there was no sip involved, but you go right on thinking that <G>
00:32.28mackesThen its that long before your Zap sends it
00:32.42mackesReally, asterisk is instant
00:33.50outtolunche was talking when the digit input was less than the pattern
00:34.12mackesIf there was a delay, if asterisk waited, then order would not matter. But all the documentaton discusses how you need to order your dialing plan in such a way to not step on smaller extensions.
00:35.09mackesIf it is less then a pattern, then it would not trigger an extension.
00:35.22outtoluncuntil a timeout.. sheesh
00:35.48mackesok. I guess I don't understand
00:37.26maqrohh, i see how it works
00:37.28maqrthat's interesting
00:39.31maqris there any way to dial DTMF style from a sip phone?
00:40.54mackesI guess what I am saying is that Asterisk does not compare all of your exten lines first and then pic the right one. It picks the first line that matches the pattern, and executes it. So, As soon as your device, ZAP, or SIP sends extension, it executes. The only delay is in your client device, while your client device waits for a pattern to be matched before it sends to Asterisk
00:41.12maqrwell, SIP sends all at once, right?
00:41.13maqrlike, always?
00:41.14Strom_Cmackes: you're wrong in at least two ways
00:41.23mackesok, How so
00:41.27Strom_Cfirst, . matches one or more digits or characters, while ! matches zero or more
00:41.55Strom_Csecond, pattern matching within a context is always on a "most specific match first" basis with the exception of _.
00:43.04mackesOK, in rebuttal- I did say  _X. means 1 or more numbers
00:43.13Strom_C_X. means two or more
00:43.20Strom_C_X! is one or more
00:43.54mackesNo, _X. means one or more. I have it in my plans
00:44.20Strom_C_X. isn't going to match "3"
00:44.24Strom_C_X! will
00:45.04mackesI use it for my long distance
00:45.14Strom_C_X. will match a three-digit string, yes, but it's not going to match any single-digit string
00:45.33outtoluncand you are dialing more that '1' to dial longdistance <G>
00:45.55[TK]D-Fendermackes> No, _X. means one or more. I have it in my plans <- No, it will match TWO or more.
00:45.57mackesok.... whatever, and the pattern matching
00:46.25[TK]D-FenderAnd super wildcard matches like this are generally a silly idea.
00:47.03Strom_Cwhat about the pattern matching?
00:47.05mackesOrder does not matter?
00:47.06seanbrightand :-) matches happy
00:47.27mackesYou feel that Asterisk reads the whole plan and picks the best match?
00:47.32Strom_Corder within the configuration file within a single context does not matter
00:48.15mackesSo, if I have _1. on say line one of my extension.conf
00:48.19Strom_Cif you have _XXXX followed by _23XX followed by _236X and you dial 2368, asterisk will match _236X
00:48.25mackesand _1xxxx on line 30
00:48.42mackesand I dial 12345
00:48.50seanbrightthe _1XXXX rule gets called
00:48.55mackesthe system will pick 40
00:48.58maqrif you dial from a DTMF phone vs a SIP phone, the DTMF will early-match and the SIP won't (since it gets it all at once), right?
00:49.00Strom_Cmackes: if they're in the same context, asterisk will match _1XXXX
00:49.11seanbrightits the most specific match
00:49.17mackesOver the _1.
00:49.38Strom_Cbut having your dialplan with overlapping matches like that is a bad idea
00:50.10Strom_Cthe only time you should ever have a match like _1. is when you expect a varying number of digits to be dialed (i.e. international calling)
00:50.25mackesWhy? From what you are saying, Asterisk always finds the best match?
00:50.38seanbrightthe best match is _1XXXX
00:50.56seanbrightyes, it always finds the best match
00:51.07Strom_Cthere's a difference between what the software will do given a set of conditions and what you should do to ensure that your dialplan remains clean, comprehensible, and easy to maintain
00:51.10seanbrightwhere best = most specific
00:51.34mackesI have found that I have to put the large open variables at the end of my contexts, or the override the smaller strings that they conflict with.
00:51.37seanbrightif you dial 123456 or 1234 it will match against _1.
00:52.03seanbrightmackes: what version of asterisk?
00:52.22seanbright1.2 sucks
00:52.45mackesWell, I have heard the same about 1.4
00:52.59seanbrightyou spend too much time in this channel or on the -users mailing list than
00:53.08mackesSo, with 1.2, does anyone agree with what I am saying
00:53.19mackesI think they discuss this in the book
00:54.30mackesSo, do you think 1.4 is ready for prime time?
00:54.40seanbrightis that a serious question?
00:54.52[TK]D-Fendermackes, "Procrastination : the art of keeping up with yesterday"
00:55.09[TK]D-Fendermackes, Have you considered upgrading to Windows 3.11 yet?
00:55.31mackesHowever I am the person my users will call if the system flips out. Right now it is very stable
00:55.46seanbrightmackes: don't fix what isn't broken
00:55.57mackesWow fender. That is quite clever.
00:56.00mackesThank you.
00:56.02seanbrightmackes: but yes, no matter what the trolls say, 1.4 is just fine for production.
00:56.09mackesOk, that is fair
00:56.24mackesI dont really have an opinion
00:56.46mackesI would move to 1.4, however I am not sure it has any features I need?
00:56.53*** join/#asterisk fakhir_ (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
00:56.56mackesWhy is it better then 1.2?
00:58.59[TK]D-Fendermackes, 1.2 does not get bugfixes other than security only.  1.4 fixed a lot of bugs, major changes to zaptel EC, etc.
00:59.39mackesI do have channel locks on My PRI card... for unknown reasons, once every few weeks
00:59.53mackesI have to reboot the whole system to clear them
01:00.07seanbright"Right now it is very stable"
01:00.10mackesAnd they are always on channels 2, or 3 stopping all other calls
01:00.39mackesbesides the bug fixes, and the GUI (Which I dont want) what other neat things can it do
01:00.47[TK]D-Fendermackes, Any other questions you have that you'd like to answer in front of us?
01:01.05[TK]D-Fendermackes, How about you go read the changelogs and all the otehr wonderful docs out there.
01:01.29mackesHmmmm... Or.. Or.. How about this, I ask in the Asterisk IRC channel?
01:01.41mackesThat is crazy
01:01.47seanbrightsupport vampirism
01:02.11mackesWhat else is there to discuss and debate in this room but these things?
01:02.13[TK]D-Fendermackes, Yeah you could wait around for the guy who's going to read it all off to you but then I guess the one who does deserves to be someones proxy.
01:02.45adeelwell, what's the benefit of anyone 'reading it off'...he'll just be copying/pasting the changelog anyway..
01:03.03mackesOk. fine
01:03.24adeelmackes, the general rule of thumb for most things is, if it ain't broke, don't fix it
01:03.24seanbrightmackes: you just said you were stable.  there is no reason to upgrade.
01:03.45mackesThank you.
01:03.59seanbrighti deployed 1.4.19 3 months ago and have yet to touch the box again
01:04.19seanbrightfor the record.
01:04.20[TK]D-Fendermackes, Except for that "bug that lock all of my channels out" bit of course.
01:04.38seanbright[TK]D-Fender: right, but its "very stable" so no worries.
01:04.53[TK]D-Fenderseanbright, Nothing more stable than a dead halt ;)
01:05.07mackesYeah. I am not sure what causes that . Some times that happens with my Link to Verizon, and sometimes the D-Channel flips out with my link to a Nortel.
01:05.19outtoluncfinds kernel panics very stable also
01:06.19*** join/#asterisk bingnet922 (n=ken@
01:07.00mackesI will sit mute now for a while. I am interested to see what advanced conversation occurs that is not covered in written materials that could be reviewed offline. Fender, please start us off.
01:07.02bingnet922Hello World.
01:07.42[TK]D-Fendermackes, yeah.. and did you know the word "gullible" isn't in the dictionary?
01:08.30mackesVery nice
01:08.30*** part/#asterisk RoyK (
01:08.46*** join/#asterisk hsv-al (
01:11.06bingnet922General question: What determines the number of simultaneous inbound calls an asterisk PBX can accomodate? IDID lines, truck ports?
01:12.25outtoluncyour imagination (followed by system hardware, tech type, codec, recording, etc etc etc)
01:12.59seanbrighti thought it was my imagination
01:13.55outtolunconly on tuesdays
01:14.02[TK]D-Fenderseanbright, you shouldn't let it wander... its too little to be let out alone ;)
01:14.25mackesSo, I checked
01:14.49mackesI think I was right about the variable order (At least in 1.2)
01:15.31mackes1.4 might have been different, however it would have been great if I was asked what version I was using before I was told I was wrong
01:16.30*** join/#asterisk inv_arp (
01:16.55bingnet922outtolunc: it is necessary to subscribe to an PSTN -> IAX termination service, correct? In such a scenario, the number of simultaneous incoming calls is determined by...?
01:17.09[TK]D-Fenderbingnet922, No it isn't
01:17.28bingnet922[TK]D-Fender: oh? Do tell, please.
01:17.32[TK]D-Fenderbingnet922, You can use * to interface with whatever form of connectivity it supports and you want.
01:17.55[TK]D-Fenderbingnet922, thats like saying that just because I have a shopping cart, that I have to put GROCERIES in it.
01:18.30[TK]D-Fenderbingnet922, * supports many VoIP protocols, various hardware interfaces, etc.  You can do whatever you want with it.
01:19.03bingnet922[TK]D-Fender: in the event I require a real-world telephone number to terminate at my * gateway, and I take the advice I have read to use the IAX protocol rather than SIP, etc... then it is necessary to have PSTN -> IAX termination service?
01:19.05[TK]D-Fenderbingnet922, I could use it as a CRON replcaement if I felt particularly masochistic.
01:19.27[TK]D-Fenderbingnet922, SIP is typically advisable over IAX for quality and stability reasons.
01:19.59bingnet922[TK]D-Fender: in which case I would be required to obtain PSTN -> SIP termination?
01:20.06[TK]D-Fenderbingnet922, And it depends how you want to acquire that "number".  Considered using a real land-line?  POTS?  PRI?  ITSP?
01:20.20[TK]D-Fenderbingnet922, You require it if its your intention to use it.
01:21.17[TK]D-Fenderbingnet922, if you want to drive a car, of course you'll need a car to satisfy that want.  Careful how you reverse all of your questions.
01:21.25bingnet922[TK]D-Fender: Well, I am trying to understand the options, but the need is very basic: to route a call from what I assume to be the "real world" of PSTN telephones to my own little "virtual" world of *.
01:21.30[TK]D-Fenderbingnet922, You are setting up the answer just in the way you ask.
01:21.55[TK]D-Fenderbingnet922, well is VoIP how you want to get a PSTN number to arrive to * for processing?
01:22.40maqrdo you guys think there's any security issue from loading all these extra modules that i probably won't ever use?
01:23.27[TK]D-Fendermaqr, I would suggest unloading channel drivers you don't intend on using.  Dialplan app modules, etc, are fine.
01:23.27bingnet922[TK]D-Fender: Ah, so I could alternately use existing analog or channelized T1 telephone lines as points of termination with asterisk, but in the absence of that possibility I would need VoIP transport?
01:23.34maqr[TK]D-Fender: ok, ty
01:23.57[TK]D-Fenderbingnet922, thats largely whats left once you take traditional PSTN connectivity out of the picture, yes.
01:24.23[TK]D-Fendermaqr, basically only disable stuff that if it had a bug really opens an avenue for attack.
01:24.39bingnet922[TK]D-Fender: And in that scenario where I decide to use VoIP transport to my * gateway, what determines the maximum number of concurrent incoming calls?
01:24.55[TK]D-Fendercommandeers Qwell's chan_skinny bot-net for great justice...
01:25.25hsv-alfender is still plugging away here
01:25.28[TK]D-Fenderbingnet922, bandwidth, codec conversion load (if applicable), and what your provider agrees to allow you.
01:26.27[TK]D-Fenderbingnet922, Depending on your need, chances are there's someone out there who'll offer you the service.  Its just a question of cost-effectiveness, quality, etc.
01:26.39maqr[TK]D-Fender: i was wondering what that chan_skinny one was for, something about cisco?
01:26.40bingnet922[TK]D-Fender: OK, IP Communications offers choices of the number of telephone lines and the number of "ports". I am trying to understand the relationship between those options and the number of concurrent calls.
01:26.42[TK]D-Fenderbingnet922, key term with VoIP is "YMMV"
01:28.15[TK]D-Fenderbingnet922, ports typically refers to simultaneous channels.  DID's are PSTN inbound #'s.  You can have a DID (#) for which your provider will allow you up to X simultaneous calls for, etc.  You can have providers who allow any number of outgoing calls where you can set the # you want to appear as.
01:29.14[TK]D-Fenderbingnet922, And of course you'll see plans that look like the VoIP equivalent of a standard analog line.  max of 2 calls, single DID associated, appear only as the DID associated with your inbound, etc.
01:29.20jbot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet telephony Service Provider or "VoIP Telephone company". The allow you to either PLACE calls to the PSTN (called Termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called Origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs
01:30.11bingnet922whoa, instant help.
01:31.55bingnet922[TK]D-Fender: Thanks. One more, what is the piece of hardware called that would allow me to connect an analog phone line to *? Would it be a PCI card sold by Digium, Inc?
01:32.30tzanger[TK]D-Fender: you need to be paid by digium for being their unofficial level one support.  you are *always* Here helping out
01:33.22[TK]D-Fenderbingnet922, Yes, Digium makes all sort of cards for this.  There are other gateway devices that will take in your "line" and IT will speak VoIP to * (usually you might do this on a local LAN), etc
01:33.33[TK]D-Fendertzanger, That'd be nice :)
01:34.50coppicetzanger: I think he just needs a girl :-)
01:35.15[TK]D-Fendercoppice, got a girlfriend, thanks :)
01:35.52coppicethen why do you spend so much time here? Is she *that* ugly?
01:36.15[TK]D-Fendercoppice, She works in a call center with WAY too many night shifts.....
01:37.04maqroh, burnnn
01:37.08[TK]D-Fendercoppice, its 9:30pm here and she finishes in an hour.  sucks sometimes, and its not just on weekdays either.  Stupid screwy random schedule
01:37.16maqr[TK]D-Fender: did you impress her with your phone knowledges? :p
01:37.57[TK]D-Fendermaqr, she loves tt-weasels :)  But she's much more impressed with me on the guitar :)
01:38.00coppiceoh, if she sucks she can' be all bad
01:38.31[TK]D-Fendercoppice, "Life sucks, but rarely swallows"
01:38.34*** part/#asterisk bingnet922 (n=ken@
01:40.08coppiceI made a deep impression on my wife the first time I sung to her in Cantonese, and I sing really really badly. Your guitar comment means nothing :-)
01:40.16maqr[TK]D-Fender: did she know you were a phreak before she was your gf?
01:40.18maqrstops the bad puns
01:40.24maqrlast one, promise
01:40.34*** join/#asterisk moy (n=moyhu@
01:40.53[TK]D-Fendercoppice, Guess for you love is blind AND deaf.  How fortunate!
01:41.39coppice"love is deaf" seems good when you have a mother in law suffering from verbal diahorrea
01:41.54[TK]D-Fendermaqr, ahhh the good 'old 2600 days.....
01:42.03*** part/#asterisk unstable (i=unstable@tor/regular/sid)
01:42.13coppicethe good old 2280 days, for those outside the US
01:42.22[TK]D-Fendercoppice, funny you seem to be the one suffering from it.
01:42.38coppiceI'm just having a bored 5 minutes
01:42.39tzangerI like "light is faster than sound. that is why some people appear bright until they speak"
01:43.05seanbrightresents that
01:43.06[TK]D-Fendertzanger, very nice... think I'll recycle that one later
01:43.24coppice"better to remain silent, and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt".
01:43.36maqrif i'm just using asterisk for SIP, i shouldnt' need chan_agent, iax2, mgcp, phone, or proxy, right?
01:44.00[TK]D-Fendermaqr, agent if you need queues maybe, the rest can go.
01:44.14*** join/#asterisk techie (
01:44.27tzangercoppice: have I thanked you lately for sliptest.c?
01:45.11maqr[TK]D-Fender: 'queues' are how i'd queue up callers? like for support reps or something?
01:45.14wwalker10:57 < srogers> sure - I expected that, but I didn't expect it to be so drastically out of whack
01:45.35[TK]D-Fendermaqr, and FYI my phone knowledge pales to those of people like tzanger, coppice, Strom_M, and several others here.
01:45.39wwalkeroops, IRC is hard (damn touchpad)
01:46.03[TK]D-Fendermaqr, I am just relatively competant at *, and not experienced with all of it.
01:46.17[TK]D-Fendermaqr, yup.
01:46.26maqr[TK]D-Fender: you've been yelling correct directions at me for like 3 days now, so i'm impressed anyway :)
01:46.40maqr"you're doing it wrong, go read a book" seems to be the correct solution to most of my problems
01:46.55E-bola[TK]D-Fender is a great asset for asterisk support, no doubt there :)
01:47.21*** join/#asterisk hijacked (
01:47.32[TK]D-Fendermaqr, if you lack the basics that the book was written for then I point you to the book.  Come in with a specific little thing and can back up your situation and I tend to answer specific.
01:48.19coppicea great asset? put a sticker on him, and account him on a four year depreciation cycle
01:49.54maqrheh, very true
02:04.18*** join/#asterisk s0lid (n=s0lid@
02:10.22*** join/#asterisk [gquit]bombadil (
02:12.51maqris there anything wrong with using Goto?
02:13.44[TK]D-Fendermaqr, Sorry, could you make you question a little more vague and open-ended?
02:13.55maqr[TK]D-Fender: how do i do the thing i'm trying to do?
02:14.08*** join/#asterisk CaTtleyA (
02:14.17[TK]D-Fendermaqr, load
02:15.03maqr[TK]D-Fender: i'd like to construct a subroutine for dialing my extension, so that whether the call comes in and gets Dial()'d to me, or someone really dials my extension, they end up at the same place (which will be a follow-me, or perhaps just monkeys and voicemail)
02:15.56[TK]D-Fendermaqr, you'd have to shwo your current implementation.  The answer is variable based on exactly how you did things.
02:16.24maqr[TK]D-Fender: i don't really have an example yet, i'm trying to figure out how to write it... but i could easily do it with the same code in two or three places
02:16.36maqr[TK]D-Fender: rather than copy/paste, i'd typically write a function, but because this is a dialplan... maybe i should write a goto?
02:17.16[TK]D-Fendermaqr, go read up on Macros
02:21.11*** part/#asterisk war59312 (n=war59312@unaffiliated/war59312)
02:22.04maqrthis is the thing i wanted to do
02:22.30*** join/#asterisk drehlecom (i=ircbnc@unaffiliated/drehlecom)
02:23.15*** join/#asterisk Koshatul (
02:28.04maqr[TK]D-Fender: what's the right way to Set() myself a variable to be used inside of my macro?
02:28.50[TK]D-Fendermaqr, there is no concept of scope in the dialplan.
02:29.34[TK]D-Fendermaqr, All of the macro samples show you how you can use ${ARG1} , etc, to pass "parameters".  Go get your hands dirty and see what happens
02:32.09maqralright, thanks
02:39.04drmessanowrite it for me?
02:39.32maqr[TK]D-Fender: when they say "local channel variable" that should only ever apply to one "call" as it moves through the config, right?
02:40.04SteveTotaroword has it you are familiar with MGCP codebase
02:40.10SteveTotarois that word correct?
02:40.40[TK]D-Fendermaqr, they call them "channel variables" for a reason.  ${X} in one call need not be the same as in another
02:42.25*** join/#asterisk isamar (
02:42.29isamarhi folks
02:42.39SteveTotaroQwell: I planning on implementing chan_megaco and want to know if you have anything already to work off of
02:43.47coppiceI'd like to know what the people behind MGCP were on at the time. it would be a huge hit in the right market :-)
02:43.48SteveTotaroi understand MGCP is very similar but not compatible
02:44.51coppicethe last time I looked at chan_mgcp (which was quite a while ago) it was only a very elementary implementation of enough of the switch side of MGCP needed to solve its developer's needs
02:45.17isamarI have an issue here with "attended transfer "
02:45.19SteveTotaroi looked at it yesterday, it supports a few kinds of phones
02:45.33SteveTotaroone you have to hack the source to make it work
02:45.57isamarwhen I receive a call from the PSTN and Dial(SIP/blah|60|TrT)
02:46.00coppicebut it is far from a complete MGCP, and its only the switch side
02:46.23isamarI can, at the SIP UA side make an attended transfer pressing **
02:46.32isamarif it times out...
02:46.41SteveTotaroright, there is some silly $40 bounty for trunking to MGCP system
02:46.47isamarthe transfer message is played to the PSTN's counterpart...
02:46.56isamaris that the right behaviour?
02:47.27SteveTotaroif they hit # they should get a transfer prompt
02:47.29coppicethe only bounty worth a damn is made from chocolate and coconut
02:47.57isamarthen, It should be a damn bug..
02:47.59[TK]D-Fendercoppice, Mounds don't
02:48.00SteveTotaroi was thinking a few grand but i would be happy to supply chocolate and coconut
02:48.57SteveTotaroi want three chan_, chan_nbx, chan_mgcp (complete) and chan_megaco
02:49.12*** join/#asterisk apollonx (i=kit@
02:49.19coppicewhat about chan_charlie?
02:49.36SteveTotaroi already have the proprietary NBX protocol broken
02:49.46SteveTotarothe others are open specs
02:50.10isamarapollonx: what is kz?
02:50.14QwellSteveTotaro: that word is not correct
02:50.30SteveTotaroreverse engineered
02:50.45Qwell<SteveTotaro> is that word correct?
02:51.05SteveTotarooh, guess my source was wrong
02:51.13Qwellas is often the case
02:51.24SteveTotarotime will tell
02:51.30drmessanoQwell is working on the Asterisk <> ICQ gateway code
02:51.44drmessano1996 meet 2006.. 2006, 1996..
02:52.02QwellI have a 6 digit icq uin :p
02:52.03SteveTotaro2006?  you drinking?
02:52.12Strom_CQwell: I do too, somewhere
02:52.20QwellStrom_C: yeah.."somewhere"
02:52.42SteveTotaroso in the interest of expanding asterisk, who was working on MGCP?
02:52.42QwellI managed to find mine one day, but really didn't care to remember it, heh
02:52.48Strom_Cwhy the jizz won't this adtran ta608 respond to the craft port?
02:52.55Corydon76-digDoes anybody actually use ICQ anymore?
02:53.06SteveTotaronot since aol bought them
02:53.06drmessanoCorydon76-dig: Asians
02:53.08jbeezbecause adtran is teh suck
02:53.10QwellCorydon76-dig: sure
02:53.15Qwellit's AIM now
02:53.16SteveTotaroadtran rulez
02:53.23Corydon76-digYeah, AIM
02:53.39drmessanoICQ has a huge non-english userbase
02:53.42QwellI still use my icq occasionally
02:53.54SteveTotaroi used my icq with subseven
02:53.55outtoluncstill uses his old number from time to time
02:54.14Strom_Cis it possible to disable the craft port on these things?
02:54.28SteveTotaroi don't know about that adtran unit, sorry
02:54.36coppiceICQ even has another Steve Underwood who can write Chinese :-)
02:55.02drmessanoIt's not going to matter much when XMPP takes over
02:55.53coppicewill that happen before or after IPV6 takes over? :-)
02:56.05drmessanoFar before
02:56.13drmessanoIt's well on it's way
02:56.26SteveTotaroso here is the deal, i want and will have chan_nbx and chan_megaco developed
02:56.43coppicewell, I've been using XMPP for maybe 9 years, and I still don't see a massive uptake
02:57.02SteveTotarowondering if Digium wants in?
02:57.09coppicewho many nbx users are there? I thought it didn't sell well
02:57.23SteveTotarosells very well
02:57.35SteveTotarov3000 and nbx
02:57.40drmessanoFacebook chat will be XMPP based
02:57.45drmessanoAIM is going XMPP
02:57.48Qwelland it'll steal your identity
02:58.08SteveTotaroi have installed a hundred 3coms at least
02:58.14coppiceeveryone's going IPv6 too, but it never actually happens
02:58.25drmessanoThese things are actually happening
02:58.55mackesWhat do you all think of SER?
02:59.07SteveTotaroOpenSER has merits
02:59.12drmessanoAIM XMPP exists
02:59.15SteveTotarodepends on application
02:59.26drmessanoFacebook XMPP is withing a few weeks of being developed
02:59.35SteveTotaroload balancing and failover
02:59.37drmessanoor fully developed, I should say
02:59.40mackesDoes SER simply connect clients?
02:59.54SteveTotaroread jerjer's tutorials
03:00.36mackesOh, ok- Were might I find those?
03:01.14mackesand do you know of a Bible for openser?
03:01.20SteveTotaroif you google "openser howto"
03:01.27mackesThanks for the link
03:01.33SteveTotarojerjer's tutorial is right up top
03:01.56SteveTotarofollow his tutorial and then read about the dispatcher module
03:02.36*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
03:02.57mackesNeat, I will. Thanks
03:04.27maqrwhat variable would store the inbound callerd ID from my ITSP (sip)?
03:04.51SteveTotarooh sorry to quick to reply
03:05.02SteveTotarowhat about name?
03:05.07SteveTotaroyou left that out
03:05.33Strom_Cand dont forget the all-important CALLERID(burrito)
03:05.47maqrand that'd be in ${} because it's a channel variable, right?
03:05.59Strom_Cactually, it's a function, but you can treat it like a variable
03:06.24maqr${CALLERID(num)} though? since it's in the channel scope?
03:07.04SteveTotaroisn't there a ${CALLERID(all)}
03:07.15Strom_Cyeah, but it's harder to parse
03:07.30SteveTotarobut easy to farce
03:07.49Strom_Cwith data that's sparse
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03:09.39SteveTotaroso i should check with BKW about chan_nbx and chan_megaco?
03:09.45maqrat what point does CALLERID() turn from an incoming thing into an outgoing thing?
03:10.01maqrsince anything inbound should have a callerid set my by ITSP, but then it needs to send some caller id to my sip phone as well
03:10.04maqrwhen i Dial() it
03:10.05SteveTotarodepends on your dialplan
03:10.26SteveTotaroit should do that by default
03:10.33maqroh wait, i'm retarded
03:10.38maqrignore that
03:10.38Strom_Cmaqr: the caller ID is always the caller ID of the calling party
03:10.44maqrStrom_C: yeah, i just realized that
03:10.52Strom_Cdraw circle...bang head here
03:10.52drmessanoPersonally, i'd like to see asterisk development focused on making ASTERISK work, not "lets create a chan_everything"
03:11.00SteveTotaronot always, i have changed it many times
03:11.06SteveTotaroasterisk works
03:11.21drmessanoMaybe some perfection of SIP and IAX2.. and less on chan_toshiba
03:11.31SteveTotaroi would like to eliminate IP based phone systems from having to integrate via T1
03:11.53[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano, take your pick of the 3 other chan_sip "replacements" stalled in the works.
03:12.04drmessanoI'd like them all to use Asterisk and be done with it
03:12.22SteveTotaroagain, dreams are nice
03:12.26SteveTotaroreality is messy
03:13.00SteveTotarosip works just fine for me
03:13.10SteveTotaroiax2 is problematic at best
03:13.13drmessanoFocusing development time on integrating Asterisk with some other PBX's standards is counterproductive as shit
03:13.16drmessanoPlain and simple
03:13.28SteveTotaroto you maybe
03:13.37[TK]D-FenderIAX2 is by and large a waste.
03:13.37SteveTotaroit aids in adoption
03:13.39drmessanoAsterisk is Asterisk, not a plugin for every other PBX
03:13.54SteveTotaroasterisk definition?
03:14.01SteveTotarowhy was it named asterisk?!?
03:14.04drmessanoIf you're gonna use Asterisk, use it..
03:14.37SteveTotarowildcard, there is a reason why the cards were called that
03:14.37mackesSo, I would like to create a hot failover server for my production Asterisk server- Many things I have read suggest a SER server infront of two Asterisk Servers. My clients are all SIP Polycom/ Asterisk and my PSTN access inbound/ Outbound is all SIP (Vitelity)
03:15.06drmessano"Asterisk is pretty cool.. I could make it work with my Cisco PBX"  <-- or just, you know.. call me crazy, use Asterisk FOR your PBX
03:15.19SteveTotaroit does work with skinny
03:15.23drmessanoI guess that's a silly idea
03:15.31drmessanoUsing asterisk AS a PBX
03:15.38[TK]D-FenderSteveTotaro, Where by Skinny we only support phones.
03:15.47SteveTotarothat's fine
03:16.01SteveTotaroi want to support 3com and NEC Dterm phones
03:16.10drmessanoAsterisk support of Skinny is purely for those that want to use Cisco phones to impress
03:16.19SteveTotarothen flash to sip
03:16.26drmessano3com and NEC phone's don't impress.. they're just part of the native systems
03:16.30mackesIs it better to use Cisco phones with SIP firmware or with Skinny
03:16.37drmessanoCisco phones are not feature rich with SIP
03:16.57drmessanoSIP on Cisco phones is flaky and doesn't support all the capabilities
03:17.00SteveTotaro3com and NEC phones do impress
03:17.28SteveTotaroif the SLA and BLF lamps could work in Asterisk
03:17.38drmessanoI see lots of people clamoring for 3com phones.. all the time
03:17.39SteveTotaroit would be my phone of choice
03:17.44drmessanoThey ask for them by name
03:17.45mackesI have noticed that the Lamp does not work for Asterisk on the Cisco 7961/41 with SIP
03:17.51[TK]D-Fender* is missing a proper SIP stack supporting SIP-B, etc.
03:17.52mackesdoes it with Skinny
03:18.13SteveTotaroprobably not working the helpdesk
03:18.18drmessanoCisco SIP firmware is feature lacking
03:19.02SteveTotarobut if you were an independant contractor selling phone systems you would
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03:19.16drmessanoyou would what?
03:19.35Strom_C"you would learn to spell independent" is my guess
03:19.37SteveTotarosee people wanting 3com and asking for it by name
03:19.57SteveTotarospelling police can kiss it
03:20.23drmessanoNewsflash.. most people don't know 3com makes phone systems or phones
03:20.32SteveTotarook guy
03:20.33drmessanoThey know the Cisco name.. even if in passing
03:20.48SteveTotaroguess you nevver worked for an interconnect
03:20.49drmessanoor seeing it on a Linksys box
03:21.03drmessanoI guess you have never worked with users
03:21.15SteveTotarofor many many years
03:21.20drmessanoor business owners
03:21.26SteveTotarofor many many years
03:21.32SteveTotarofor many many years
03:21.37[TK]D-Fender3com NBX is a top-tier hybrid PBX.
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03:21.42SteveTotarohelpdesk, can i help you
03:21.54SteveTotaroi can't print
03:22.03mackesAre 3Com phones really that cool?
03:22.03drmessanoYour delusion about the average person asking for 3com phones by name is somewhat amusing
03:22.15SteveTotaroaverage person no
03:22.33SteveTotarobut average business person buying a phone system, shopping around
03:22.45SteveTotaroyou know, the guys that control the purse strings....
03:22.54maqrwhat's the right way to say "If Busy (like my sip phone rejects the call), Do ____"?
03:23.07mackesPolycom Baby
03:23.07drmessanoThe average business person hires a phone contractor and asks them "Show me what you have"..
03:23.13[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano, the average person is a total moron.  Managers call up telecom interconnectors saying "Hey we want a PBX", and whatever product they're pushing, thats what the manager will hear about.  That and word of mouth from other companes
03:23.17drmessanoThe average business person doesn't "shop" for a PBX
03:23.19Strom_Cmaqr: do a GotoIf() based on DIALSTATUS
03:23.20drmessanoGive me a break
03:23.27SteveTotaroif they are smart the shop around
03:23.28drmessanoDo they shop for file servers too?
03:23.35drmessano"Oh, I want a DL385.. they're hot"
03:23.38SteveTotaroprobably get four or five quotes
03:23.46maqrStrom_C: would letting it fall through to an 'i' extension be wrong?
03:23.56Strom_Cmaqr: that would be very wrong
03:23.57jlgaddisi like dl385s =)
03:24.02Strom_Cyou never want to let it fall through to anything
03:24.20SteveTotarohave you ever been in the market for a real PBX and not aware of asterisk?
03:24.30SteveTotarothen i guess you don't know how it works
03:25.26Strom_Call this arrogance feels great, guys!  keep it up
03:25.27drmessanoIf I mentioned a 3com PBX to the average business owner, it would generate no more of a response than if I mentioned a Toshiba, NEC, or a lot of the others..
03:25.53drmessanoIf they even remember 3com when there were relevent
03:25.56SteveTotarohave you tried it?
03:26.25jlgaddiswe have a pbx that no one we talk to has ever heard of
03:26.28drmessanoActually, I have discussed phone systems with a lot of business folks
03:26.45SteveTotaroprobably talking only about asterisk
03:26.50maqrStrom_C: what kind of variable is DIALSTATUS? i don't see that in the book
03:27.01SteveTotarohelpdesk, can i help you
03:27.05SteveTotaroyeah, i can't print
03:27.07drmessanoBut your assumptions are amusing
03:27.09SteveTotarodid you reboot?
03:27.15drmessanoWhat are you on about?
03:27.20[TK]D-Fendermaqr, "core show application dial"
03:27.27Strom_CSteveTotaro: perhaps you should take a hint and shut up already
03:27.39SteveTotaronope sorry
03:27.40[TK]D-Fendermaqr, and stop right now and read EVERYTHING in you your source tarball's docs folder.
03:27.52SteveTotaroTK knows i am right
03:28.06SteveTotaroDRM is speaking from inexperience
03:28.20jlgaddisyou guys heard of tadiran?
03:28.25drmessanoYou have no clue what I am speaking about.. and I have yet to see you show much experience
03:28.33SteveTotaroi have heard of telrad
03:28.43drmessanoSince you can't seem to make an argument based on fact, you're getting personal.. which is amusing
03:29.11SteveTotarook let me find marketshare data
03:29.21SteveTotaronah, no need, i know what it is
03:29.23maqr[TK]D-Fender: oh, i didn't know that stuff was there, good call :)
03:29.26drmessanoOf course you do
03:29.26SteveTotaromaybe you can find it
03:29.32drmessanoYou know it all
03:29.35drmessanoJust ask you
03:29.59maqr[TK]D-Fender: this is extremely useful
03:30.51*** join/#asterisk JenniferAkemi (
03:31.17[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano, I've had to LOOK for interconnects, and I was contracted by one to bring THEM up to speed on VoIP & *.
03:31.59[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano, these are the places companies go when they say "we need a phone system" and are barely even comprehending what it means let along the options out there.
03:32.16[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano, You are being very near sighted.
03:32.20drmessanoHow so?
03:32.46drmessanoBy saying that the average business owner has no idea what PBX brands exist, the quality, etc
03:32.49[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano, So yeah, 3com IS a big name actually, as are NEC toshiba and the rest.  I've seen so many different systems out there its a little scary.
03:32.50SteveTotaroCisco leads the IP phone market, with 39% unit market share; the next closest competitors are 3Com and NEC, who are tied for 2nd
03:33.13[TK]D-FenderSteveTotaro, Cisco took #1?  IIRC 3com held that for some time.
03:33.16drmessanoAsk Joe Businessman if he's ever heard of a 3com PBX
03:33.17SteveTotaroi mean, just google it
03:33.42SteveTotaroask joe businessman that has been in the purchasing cycle...
03:33.58[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano, My head office was looking at InterTel.  talk about "less than popular".
03:34.14[TK]D-Fenderthen of course there's Avaya..... which too many businesses know of...
03:35.08drmessanoIn case you haven't realized this, Joe Businessman PAYS SOMEONE ELSE to tell him what is going to fit his need and to tell him what exactly his own needs are, the things he doesnt know exist.. Joe Businessman doesn't say "I want a 3com IP PBX, get me Ed's Telephone on the phone"
03:35.38[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano, like I said, they call an interconnector who pimps whatever flots his boat and makes him money.
03:35.47jlgaddisanyone have a recommendation for a voip provider that works well w/ asterisk?
03:35.56SteveTotaroNEC is more profitable than 3com
03:36.05drmessanoJoe Businessman is concerned with building houses, or mining, or selling penis pumps.. not whether not he's got a 3com PBX
03:36.10SteveTotarovitelity works well with asterisk
03:36.31SteveTotarothen he is not taking the buying cycle seriously
03:36.40SteveTotaromy customers shop around
03:37.31SteveTotaroanyways, i cited the market share and why having chan_X to support them would help asterisk's uptake
03:37.38drmessanoAll your customers are up to speed on IP PBX features and protocols?  Wow.. you work with a very special class of customer
03:37.53SteveTotarothey are because i educate them
03:38.02drmessanoMost I know focus on making money in their core business, not learning PBX tech for a once-in-ten-year purchase
03:38.11SteveTotaroit is part of my sales cycle
03:38.17drmessanoThey normally PAY someone to do that for them
03:38.26SteveTotaroyeah, they pay me
03:38.36SteveTotarophone system is the core of most businesses
03:38.55drmessano[23:37] <SteveTotaro> they are because i educate them  <-- Oh, I thought they didn't need educating?  THat they were well aware of the product out there, because they are involved in the buying cycle
03:39.10drmessanoThat they ask for 3com by name
03:39.18drmessanoNot needing to be "educated"
03:47.50NovceGuruso i've been getting mixed reviews on the asterisk appliance
03:52.12[TK]D-FenderNovceGuru, Its a toaster.
03:52.56NovceGuruso it runs NetBSD? :P
03:57.00maqr"WARNING[20041]: file.c:682 ast_readaudio_callback: Failed to write frame" <-- what would you take this to mean?
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04:00.25maqroh, nevermind, my fault
04:01.47maqrwait, no, not my fault
04:01.50maqrit just does that and dies
04:01.53maqrthat's not very good at all
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04:08.20maqrit was those damn monkeys
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04:32.16sackhi guys , i update to 1.4.20 and and i stated to have zombies processes for agi , someone else notice about =
04:32.33sack1.4.19 works perfect though
04:36.18sackworking with SIP , so could be a thread lock issue in chan_sip
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04:45.25watchyman i finnaly got XM radio to stream from the command line
04:45.53watchynow i gues to get it to stream to a mp3
04:50.49watchyi think after i get it streaming
04:51.08watchyyou think it would be possible to make it so individuals on hold could change channels?
04:51.15watchyincase they hate the on hold music?
04:51.51brookshirewatch, of course it's possible, but probably load intensive.. how many lines are you looking at having?
04:51.58watchylike 3
04:52.08brookshireyeah.. shouldn't be a big deal
04:52.30watchyi think it would be an intresting feature
04:52.45watchyif not just to do it to learn something new
04:54.40watchyim still trying to figure out how to pipe this to *
04:59.00watchyi wonder if i could do it by playing it to a audio cards output
04:59.11watchythen bringing it abck in through loopback in the input
04:59.18watchybut that would only give me 1 stream
05:03.28TJNIIstreaming moh isn't a new idea.... see the docs.
05:04.34watchyyea i know
05:04.42watchybut theres nothing about streaming XM
05:05.24TJNIINo, but it does tell you exactly what format it expects sound in
05:05.36TJNIISo you an pipe it through, say, sox
05:05.43watchyyea thats what i'm looking at now
05:05.55watchytrying to get mplayer to output in the right format
05:06.19watchyawe yea
05:06.32watchylooks like someone put it in the wiki about mplayer
05:07.41TJNIIOh, I'm sure it's in the mplayer man page too.  Pity it's what, 250 pages long?
05:07.45TJNIII hate that damn man page
05:07.52watchyim reading it now
05:08.07TJNIIIt needs to be about 15 man pages, not 1
05:08.08watchywhat took me forever to find was the servers of XM
05:08.23watchysince it requires a l/p
05:13.41sackummm after a lot of testing no way to use 1.4.20.x with agi :-(
05:13.51drmessanoMost man pages were written by folks selling the use of their software, not "instructing" about it
05:14.16drmessano"This thing has 217,952 functions"
05:14.22drmessano"Name 1..."
05:14.32drmessano"Uh, why just one, when you get SOO MANY MORE!"
05:14.41drmessano3 words
05:14.45drmessanoUsed Car Salesmen
05:15.23drmessano"So, how can I use WGET to download a file?"
05:15.51drmessano"Hey, did you know you can spoof user-agent with WGET??!!  and.. and.."
05:16.03drmessano"Ok, this thing is for download files, right?"
05:16.11sackdrehlecom, man wget ? ... hey ... who is that man ?!
05:16.34sackups ... drmessano :-)
05:17.10drmessanoI guess with anything, you can't know what a person is looking for in the manual..
05:17.34sackfunny ... still there's a lot of companies using http referer protection .... [offtopic]
05:17.36drmessanoHowever, going over the stuff YOU consider EASY would be a good start.. Since that's 90% of the questions
05:18.04sackBIG COMPANIES
05:18.43drmessanoThere's still a lot of big companies using 16 bit software to store valuable parts of your data, unencrypted... BIG ONES
05:18.48drmessanoScared yet? lol
05:18.55sackyah !
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05:19.54drmessanoI find it comforting to know some big company that I do business with in some way has my info stored in an unstable, easily cracked app
05:21.15sacki don't want to keep doing offtopic here ... so --- anyone using 1.4.20.x with agi issues ?
05:21.34sacki'm really stucked there :-(
05:22.42sacki followed svn changes , so only i can do is testeing 1.4.20-rcX
05:23.25sack1.4.20-rc1 looks good , but not others
05:24.00drmessanoFile a bug report
05:24.37sackdrmessano, yes .... sure i will
05:27.34sackbtw silly question how should i run asterisk to get a proper backtrace / usefull info for file a full
05:31.11*** join/#asterisk jbot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
05:31.11*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk 1.6.0-beta9 (2008/05/14) Asterisk, (2008/05/21), *-Addons 1.4.6 (2008/02/21) 1.6.0-beta3 (2008/04/02), Zaptel (2008/02/28), Libpri 1.4.3 (2007/12/13) -=- #asterisknow or #asterisk-gui for AsteriskNOW ( -=- #switchvox for Switchvox ( -=- #freepbx for FreePBX/trixbox
05:41.51watchyis moh run for each person on hold?
05:41.53watchyor is it global
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06:10.35disposablecan i use templates in extensions.conf?
06:13.16disposablethis wasn't a trick question
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06:46.33lmadsenI know this is OT, but is anyone good with spreadsheet formulas? I have a spreadsheet with a column with the client name, and another column with hours worked. Each row is a task. I want to add up the hours for all tasks performed for that client in another cell.
06:48.42Strom_Care the hours all intermingled between different clients within the same column?
06:49.19lmadsen} Client | Task Description | Hrs Worked |
06:49.43lmadseneach row is a different client potentially
06:50.10lmadsenI want to sum all 'hrs worked' for each 'client'
06:50.20lmadsenor for a specific client
06:51.00Strom_Cnow, the simple question:  why not do this in accounting software which is specialized for this very thing?
06:51.15lmadsenbecause I have all my hours tracked in a google spreadsheet
06:51.24lmadsenit's worked very well for 2 years now :)
06:51.32lmadsenI've just decided I wanted to do something complex now :)
06:52.55Strom_CUnless each entry for the client has the exact same string, I think you're better off keeping them in separate spreadsheets for each client
06:53.56lmadsenEach | Client| field has the exact same string to the case
06:55.03lmadsenooo, I know how to do it now
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08:38.21stickoanybody alive?
08:38.28Strom_Call dead here
08:39.02stickoI am a noob and have some questions about this asterisk pbx
08:39.34stickoI say I am a noob, I am a telecom technician new to asterisk
08:39.46Strom_Cwell, stop with the preamble and get on with the questions :)
08:41.59stickoI want to set up a voip switch to work with vonage.  I also run an online business, and want my customers to be able to call in to an autoattendant and have the attendant fetch tracking numbers from a database and read those off to the customer.
08:42.21stickoI guess some sort of text to speech is necessary
08:42.35Strom_Mwhy must it work with vonage?
08:42.47Strom_Mand in what capacity do you expect it to "work with vonage:?
08:43.21stickoIt doesn't really, I have been a vonage customer for years now and like thier service.
08:43.41stickoSupposedly asterisk can trunk with the softphone credentials
08:43.53Strom_Mheh, so you want to use vonage as your ITSP
08:45.30Strom_Mlet me ask you this: in what capacity are you a telecom technician?
08:45.35stickobut its not set in stone, i guess if i could find a provider that could give me a 800-888 number and still be affordable, that would be good too.
08:47.08stickoI am nortel BMC 50 certified, telecenter ICS, telecenter VI certified as well
08:47.39stickoI do a lot of educational intercom/classrom phones for schools
08:48.01Strom_Mok, so your experience is pretty much all PBX installs
08:48.10stickoBCM 50
08:49.06Strom_Mvonage really blows as an ITSP.  it's a consumer grade service.  I would stay away from it. you have questions, like you said you did?
08:57.25stickocan the system use autoattendant to fetch data and text to speech back to the inbound caller?
08:58.12Strom_Mthough unless you have a specific reason to use text-to-speech, I'd recommend using recordings of real human beings.  I find text-to-speech to be a bit unnervingly artificial.
08:59.39stickoI just need it to read off tracking alphanumerics
09:00.11Strom_Masterisk has recordings of a very pleasant-sounding woman reading all those :)
09:02.25*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (
09:02.58stickobeing new to asterisk, should I be use asterisknow?  I am not familiar with linux either.
09:03.35gr0mitsticko, my STRONG recommendation is to not use any web gui
09:03.44gr0mitit causes sooo much grief
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09:04.05gr0mitmuch better to start with a VERY simple set of files
09:04.25gr0mitthen you will get to understand the architecture of asterisk
09:04.51gr0mitonce you understand the arctitecture, then by all means use a GUI if that;s what floats your boat
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09:05.45Strom_Mright, olle?
09:07.34stickoif the system is pure voip, I don't need any other hardware than network switch gear and phones right?
09:08.08stickoand the asterisk box
09:08.10Strom_Mwhat do you mean "network switch gear"?
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12:59.45SteveTotaroi want to base a call center off a cluste of magicjacks and asterisk
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13:02.12philip76question, im newbie with this card but i want to make sure if it will work, I have TDM400P with 4 FXO cards
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13:03.04mukudoHi, has anyone tried CDRTool?  I can't login to the CDR WebUI with admin/admin
13:03.25mukudodon't know how to troubleshoot it since there is so little documentation
13:05.36*** join/#asterisk bootc (
13:06.20bootchey folks
13:06.32bootcI'm trying to set up ldirector to do SIP failover with Asterisk
13:06.47bootcbut I can't get Asterisk to authenticate its requests
13:06.57bootcany clues on what should go in sip.conf?
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13:37.48SteveTotarophilip, you want to know if your tmd400p will work
13:37.53SteveTotarowhy wouldn't it?
13:42.48philip76yes SteveTotaro
13:43.42philip76earlier i tried to install but when i tried to ztcfg –vv all the channels are FXS
13:44.09philip76but I have the card TDM400P with 4FXO channels
13:46.57*** join/#asterisk oej_ (
13:47.12rob0Phil should start at ~book
13:47.18jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
13:47.56philip76ok thanks
13:47.58*** join/#asterisk trnzmeta (
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13:55.07hsv-alits quiet
13:55.14hsv-ald-fender isn't lecturing already :)
13:57.44hsv-aldont tell me im the only one up at 8:57am on a saturday morning, heh
13:58.31tzafrir_homephilip76, all channels are "FXS" because you try to configure them as such
13:59.16tzafrir_homehmm...naturally, you have FXSKS signnaling, that's an FXO module
13:59.37tzafrir_home(yeah, why not confuse users if you get the chance)
14:00.54philip76tzafrir_home>ok so if im going to use only 1port how should i define this and to have an outbound call, im newbie but im trying to google everything but i have no success. all of my extensions are working except for outbound using POTS or PSTN
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14:31.50SteveTotaroyou can use groups or you can define the specific interface in your dial statement
14:31.52philip76yes SteveTotaro
14:32.06philip76ok i'll try that
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14:50.50hsv-alim in shock
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14:56.26seanbrighti'm in baltimore
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15:14.33hsv-ald-fender is actually up
15:14.40hsv-alim dissapointed in you
15:14.44hsv-alyou didnt get here earlier :)
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15:50.50maqrif i have sln files, will asterisk automagically transcode them into ulaw/alaw/whatever as needed?
15:51.30*** join/#asterisk excAliBuR (n=sales@
15:54.33seanbrightit will try to pick the best format for the channel format, but resort to transcoding if necessary
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15:55.57excAliBuRi'm trying to get my asterisk server to be seen from outside my network, so i set up a forward from port 5060 to my server's ip.. is that the correct port?
15:56.30jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
15:56.43seanbrightexcAliBuR: ^^^
16:03.37maqrseanbright: so ideally, i should have my desired codec format and also slns in my sounds directory?
16:04.29Qwellmaqr: exactly
16:04.51drmessanoI just load them all up.. but that's idea if you're going to be sticking with a specific codec
16:05.16maqrok, i can work with that
16:05.27maqrQwell: does it also know how to transcode wavs? or just sln?
16:05.44Qwellwav too, if in the correct format
16:06.05drmessano"just sln" isn't accurate
16:06.36drmessanoAsterisk transcodes a lot of formats.. sln is no different to wav than g711 or gsm is
16:07.06maqroh, ok
16:07.34drmessanoDon't confuse how the world has beat everyone into being so flippant about audio formats
16:08.08excAliBuRcould someone here with a soft-phone help me for a few mins just to test my box ??
16:08.28seanbrightcan i call home (china)?
16:08.52drmessanoCan I call that dudes mom from last weekend?
16:08.56excAliBuRip: username: 2000 password: password  <-- call extension 1000 :)
16:09.14drmessanoor china
16:09.15*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
16:09.16maqrspeaking of audio formats... is ulaw considered 'lossy'?
16:09.24jblackseanbright: If you have a provider, yes. I have seen china on many rate cards
16:09.50seanbrightjblack: i meant while helping excAliBuR "test"
16:09.58seanbrightisn't really from china
16:10.01drmessanomaqr: That statement alone tells me you need to read up on formats
16:10.07ManxPowermaqr: ulaw and alaw are not "lossy" from the standpoint of most telecom stuff
16:10.08maqrdrmessano: agreed
16:10.30maqrManxPower: that's what i got out of reading it, but it's clearly not the same quality output that i'm speaking into my microphone
16:10.38ManxPowermaqr: correct.
16:10.53ManxPowerin telecom "lossy" usually means "screws up DTMF and music"
16:10.56drmessanoYour microphone is 100% uncompressed and lossless
16:11.04maqrdrmessano: it's not even digital :)
16:11.15jblackmaqr: There's almost always a loss when converting between formats.
16:11.47excAliBuRi don't see user 2000 signing in :(
16:11.53ManxPowerif you are an audio geek, then anything except uncompressed raw adio is "lossy"
16:11.54drmessanomaqr: You can have the crappiest electret microphone ever and not have loss or compression
16:12.05maqrdrmessano: yeah, i got that much
16:12.54drmessanomaqr: You don't create loss or compression until you start modifying that audio after gets past the microphone.. so that's just obvious
16:13.06maqrManxPower: by that definition, shouldn't G711 be capable of transmitting faxes? (i know this channel says it's a bad idea, i'm just curious)
16:14.06Qwellit's "capable", sure
16:14.27excAliBuRhas anyone tried to register on my server?
16:14.41drmessanoG711 isn't the issue
16:15.06drmessanoIf it were the case, G722 would fix it
16:15.17drmessanoor make it suck less
16:16.00maqrso, what is the fax issue, exactly?
16:16.25drmessanoVoIP is not meant to transmit data
16:16.31drmessanoIt's meant to transmit voice
16:16.56drmessanoThe protocols do a great job for what they were designed for..
16:17.07maqryeah, but phones transmit data, and i read that phone switches use G711 too... so, i must be missing something
16:17.23drmessanoVoice over IP phones do not transmit data
16:17.29excAliBuRok.. who in here has a softphone ?
16:17.39drmessanoover their voice channel anyway
16:17.49seanbrightexcAliBuR: i just tried
16:17.52seanbrightexcAliBuR: timed out
16:17.59excAliBuRummm ...
16:18.06excAliBuRmaybe i need more ports open
16:18.15jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
16:18.20seanbrightexcAliBuR: ^^^
16:18.25excAliBuRi already read them
16:18.28drmessanoDid you read seanbrights paste?
16:18.29seanbrightdeja vu much?
16:18.31drmessanoWhat did you open?
16:19.01drmessanoand what did you config?
16:19.23excAliBuR5000-20000 goes to my server on both tcp/udp
16:19.44seanbright[sbright@elixer ~]$ telnet 5060
16:19.45Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
16:19.45seanbrighttelnet: connect to address Connection refused
16:19.55seanbrightno they don't :-)
16:20.13drmessano5000 to 20000?  WTF
16:20.29drmessanoHow about 5060 UDP and 10000-20000 UDP for starters
16:20.30seanbrightthat does seem like a lot.
16:20.40maqrdrmessano: but g711 is from the 70s... and faxes are from the 80s... it's the same codec, isn't it? how can it not transmit that kind of data?
16:21.09drmessanoI already said it's not G711
16:21.18drmessanoG711 is not the problem
16:21.22maqryeah, but what *is* the problem?
16:21.28maqrthe loss must happen somewhere to make it not possible
16:21.35rob0Being TCP-only, a telnet to port 5060 won't connect to *
16:21.50drmessanoProtocols, maqr
16:22.09excAliBuRok i changed it to this 5060        20000     udp
16:22.10seanbrightrob0: good point
16:22.26excAliBuRto to be safe...
16:22.27maqrdrmessano: have some protocol names i could look up? i'm still not sure i understand
16:22.31excAliBuRjust to be safe++
16:22.48seanbrightstill times out for me, might be my softphone
16:22.53drmessanomaqr: try SIP and IAX
16:23.11excAliBuRcan someone else try?
16:23.15excAliBuRip: username: 2000 password: password  <-- call extension 1000 :)
16:24.02excAliBuRin my console i see this .. 1000/1000            D          56766    Unmonitored
16:24.09excAliBuRwhy port 56766?
16:24.21excAliBuRi don't have anything that high going to my server
16:25.47drmessanoThats the source port
16:26.09excAliBuRi'll put my server in the DMZ for now
16:26.11seanbrightis registered now
16:26.26seanbrightbut can't dial :-/
16:26.31drmessanoRead the effin guides, excAliBuR
16:26.37drmessanoDMZ is NOT and NEVER the answer
16:26.58excAliBuRfor testing it is
16:27.00Qwelldrmessano: what if the question is "What is the one thing I should never do?"
16:27.25drmessanoexcAliBuR: You are testing NOTHING.. in the end, you need a working SIP/NAT setup with proper port forwards
16:27.31drmessanoYou are doing NOTHING by putting it in a DMZ
16:27.45drmessanoQwell: Indeed
16:28.06drmessanoAs a matter of fact, putting your box in a DMZ is only going to screw with it
16:28.22excAliBuRso turn off dmz ??
16:28.27excAliBuRnever use dmz ??
16:29.11maqrdrmessano: oh, now i get it
16:29.50maqrdrmessano: and T.38 would require a special provider which does PSTN<->T.38, right?
16:30.18[TK]D-Fendermaqr, yes
16:30.26excAliBuRummm Qwell i'm guessing u have a softphone.. could you try to register wit me?
16:31.03[TK]D-Fendermaqr, And the problem isn't code, its that IP is PACKET based and packets get lost, delayed, etc.  One little screwup and *BAM* carrier lost.
16:31.14maqr[TK]D-Fender: apparently RTP is a big part of the problem
16:31.15[TK]D-FenderexcAliBuR, and READ THE GUIDE <------
16:31.17maqrwhich makes sense
16:31.24[TK]D-Fendermaqr, RTP = your voice packets.
16:31.43excAliBuRthe guide won't help me test
16:31.44[TK]D-Fendermaqr, And yes, all sorts of bad things can happen to them.
16:32.01maqr[TK]D-Fender: it's the same RTP that's use for things like RealAudio and Windows Media streams, right?
16:32.07excAliBuRit works on my internal network.. but i need to find out external if it will work
16:32.28[TK]D-Fendermaqr, no idea what wrapper those 2 protocols use.
16:32.44[TK]D-FenderexcAliBuR, go test with FWD then.
16:35.25excAliBuRi need a drink
16:36.20excAliBuRthanks anyways
16:36.22*** part/#asterisk excAliBuR (n=sales@
16:36.44jbeezdouche canoe
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17:03.05za3toorhey guys... i have been looking for the past 3 days on how to set my dnsmgr.conf file
17:03.18za3toorcan anyone help
17:03.30za3toora link would be great... thanks
17:07.09*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
17:07.48maqrif i built from source, what's the right way to get format_mp3?
17:09.52maqroh, i guess i still need asterisk-addons
17:15.49maqraha, success
17:16.09maqri'm getting good at this asterisk thing :p
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17:30.09WildPikachureads the ilbc license ... it seems to be a bit vague regarding binary distribution
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18:36.34WildPikachuwonders what happened between ilbc & asterisk
18:36.51WildPikachuasterisk is still listed on their site along with other opensource projects
18:38.38drmessanoNothing happened
18:38.52drmessanoI believe it was a licensing issue
18:39.35drmessanoYou can still pull down iLbc and drop it in the asterisk source with a shell script that's included in Asterisk
18:52.13*** join/#asterisk SteveTotaro (
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19:00.17WildPikachui saw that drmessano
19:00.30WildPikachuwas wondering why its listed on the ilbc site then as including ilbc
19:00.51WildPikachualso a thanks on the ilbc site that it was included a few years back
19:00.54WildPikachusounds a bit weird
19:01.05QwellWildPikachu: link?
19:01.32WildPikachu  <= listed there
19:01.48WildPikachuthanks here  =>
19:01.59WildPikachu"Asterisk  has introduced iLBC as a codec for its soft PBX. Big thanks to Mark Spencer (Digium) and Michael Haberler (Eunet)!  "
19:02.31WildPikachumaybe I misunderstand
19:04.03mackesWhat is better gsm or  iLBC
19:04.54WildPikachuiLBC is the only codec which all of our phones support and our clients phones & pbx systems  :(
19:05.09WildPikachumakes it hard to distribute asterisk with ilbc now to them for free
19:05.19WildPikachui need to get a lawyer to look over the ilbc license
19:08.29*** join/#asterisk techie (
19:08.51philip76has anyone here tried to configure outbound calls using freepbx
19:09.07philip76need help i cant make it happen
19:09.53jbot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
19:10.18philip76ok thanks
19:17.04*** join/#asterisk delparnel (
19:18.25drmessanoNot USING ILBC
19:18.31drmessanoHow can that be any clearer?
19:19.12drmessanoIf there was a GAFFE, do you think it would be SO VERY EASY to install ilbc within asterisk right now?
19:19.39WildPikachui read the commits and all it said was "licensing issue"
19:19.45WildPikachuwould be nice to of known what issue
19:19.47WildPikachuthats all
19:19.59jbot[pbxinaflash] Ward Mundy's toy assembled by joe roper visit or #pbxinaflash
19:20.11drmessanoI would think it's wildly obvious
19:20.32drmessanoand if you've any other open source software before, surely you have run into something like this
19:20.51WildPikachupleaes enlighten me?
19:21.03drmessanoGood god
19:21.14drmessanoJoe has an app
19:21.20drmessanoHe uses the GPL license
19:22.05drmessanoSteve has an app, he uses the "Lesser Don't Distruibte This With Any GPL Apps Because GPL Sucks"  License
19:22.15drmessanoJoe uses Steves app within his app
19:22.32drmessanoBut can't distribute it with his app because Steve has conflicting licensing
19:22.49drmessanoSo Joe adds a shell script to his app to download Steve's app on install so the dependency is there
19:22.55*** join/#asterisk mackes (
19:23.06drmessanoNow Joe's app works, and he's not violated Steves license
19:23.35WildPikachuso the issue was it being distributed under GPL
19:23.58drmessanoThere was a licensing issue.. Who cares what the specifics were
19:24.01drmessanoFact is..
19:24.21drmessanoThere wasn't a Gaffe, or else you wouldnt have a handy script in Asterisk to download and extract the sources
19:24.29drmessanoSo why worry about it
19:24.55WildPikachuI'd like to distribute binary ilbc modules and was curious about the specifics
19:25.15drmessanoThen you need to read up on iLBC's licensing
19:25.38drmessanoThe conflict with Asterisks licensing is irrelevant in your case
19:25.53WildPikachuwould of liked to know what it was  :), thats all  :)
19:25.53drmessanoYou need to be concerned with iLBC's distrubtion licensing
19:26.26drmessanoGo read iLBCs licensing
19:26.31WildPikachualready did
19:27.26drmessanoThen you should have your answer
19:30.06drmessanoYour rights to distrubution are very clearly spelled out in their licensing PDF
19:30.31drmessanoWhich again, regardless of the issue with Asterisk.. your situation applies to you
19:33.27*** join/#asterisk emist (n=emist@unaffiliated/emist)
19:35.22drmessanoNot trying to be difficult, but licensing based on someone else's conflict is dangerous.. and making assumptions based on someone else's licensing conflict are silly.. Best to read up on the licensing of the app in issue and figure out how it applies to you.. Most of the time you can do it without a lawyer :)
19:38.09drmessanoIf iLBC was off limits for asterisk, trust me, the devs wouldn't make it so easy to pull the code down and compile.. I would expect more of a "iLBC is no longer supported.  If you want to patch for it, whatever.. but we don't want to hear about it... iLBC is dead to us" approach..
19:38.24drmessanoand that's not the case
19:38.47drmessanoBut your distributing binaries may be an issue from the little I read of the iLBC license
19:38.52drmessanoBut it is all spelled out
19:39.19*** join/#asterisk axisys (
19:40.46WildPikachu3.1 says one must basically include the license
19:40.56WildPikachubut yea. .. this is offtopic here :)
19:41.20drmessanoYes and no..
19:41.58WildPikachuand "                                           a notice stating that the Source Code version of the Original Code is
19:41.58WildPikachuavailable under the terms of this License."
19:42.08WildPikachuplus satisfy 2.1
19:45.42WildPikachuback to my ael  :)
19:52.21delparnelhey all
19:53.06WildPikachuheya delparnel
19:53.20delparnelhow goes
19:54.29WildPikachui got one thing to say ... backup data  :)
19:54.44WildPikachuour pabx crashed our offices in 3 continents :(
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20:06.08*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk 1.6.0-beta9 (2008/05/14) Asterisk, (2008/05/21), *-Addons 1.4.6 (2008/02/21) 1.6.0-beta3 (2008/04/02), Zaptel (2008/02/28), Libpri 1.4.3 (2007/12/13) -=- #asterisknow or #asterisk-gui for AsteriskNOW ( -=- #switchvox for Switchvox ( -=- #freepbx for FreePBX/trixbox
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20:13.02WildPikachuwould Queue() return to the scope of the caller?
20:13.07WildPikachui guess it wouldn't
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20:29.21maqrthis is so cool, asterisk actually makes sense to me now, i'm writing dial plans like a champ
20:29.24maqrthanks guys
20:30.35WildPikachut is timeout, what is   i and  o?
20:31.30Strom_Mi is invalid
20:31.40Strom_Mo is "operator"
20:31.50Strom_Mlook up "asterisk special extensions"
20:31.58WildPikachuah, excellent
20:32.04WildPikachugoogles on voip-info
20:32.17WildPikachuhow would one get to the o?
20:32.21WildPikachuspecial key?
20:33.11maqri totally knew that :)
20:33.35maqri couldn't make much sense out of the pdf book
20:33.37maqrthis one is way better
20:36.40*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (i=Joe@
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20:37.53revengervnhi everyone
20:38.00revengervnI'm having a problem
20:38.04revengervnwith asterisk AGI
20:38.12revengervncan you guys help me out?
20:38.37jbotask is, like, Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
20:39.18revengervnit does not work
20:39.30revengervncan someone explain it to me?
20:40.31revengervncan anybody help me out?
20:40.39Strom_Mrevengervn: jeez, calm down
20:41.02Strom_Mi'm looking
20:41.44revengervnit seems that MP3player does not work with some kinds of online streaming media
20:41.49revengervnis that true?
20:42.03UngaManI am studying the option of using Asterisk for connecting several branches and a central office using VoIP over Internet... I would like to find an example or a guide that may help in my research
20:42.10Strom_Mwill you just shut up for thirty seconds so I can research your problem, revengervn?
20:42.34UngaManat the digium site I found a case that says it could be done... but I need more information...
20:42.46UngaMando you know where can I found that?
20:42.49Strom_MUngaMan: it's easy to do
20:42.51UngaManthank you
20:43.19Strom_MUngaMan: but the answer is highly dependent on the specific needs of your installation
20:43.22[TK]D-FenderUngaMan, go lookup "asterisk dual servers" on the WIKI
20:43.25jbot[~wikis] VoIP Wiki covering Asterisk, FreeSWITCH, TrixBox, SER, OpenSER, sipX, CallWeaver, and YATE. (c) Arte Marketing Inc / CommPartners
20:43.43[TK]D-FenderUngaMan, and the BOOK.
20:43.45jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
20:44.00Strom_Mrevengervn: is the playlist you're linking to an MP3 stream?
20:44.15[TK]D-FenderUngaMan, Connecting  * servers together isn't really any different than connecting a SIP phone to *.
20:44.16revengervni want my asterisk
20:44.22revengervnto play streaming media
20:44.25revengervnlike online radio
20:44.27Strom_Mrevengervn: try linking to the mp3 stream directly and not to the playlist
20:44.31Strom_Mrevengervn: yes, i know
20:44.39Strom_Myou need to be patient
20:44.46revengervni see
20:44.51Strom_Mor you'll irritate me to the point where i don't want to help you.
20:45.02revengervnthanks in advance
20:45.30UngaManStrom and Fender: thank you so much... will review those sites
20:45.45UngaManit seems I have a lot to read... hehe as usual
20:51.15*** join/#asterisk asdx (
20:51.23asdxhi, anyone knows a good h323 softphone?
20:51.33maqris it possible to Goto a whole new context?
20:52.23ManxPowermaqr: "core show application goto"
20:52.53maqrohh, i see
20:53.08ManxPower"core show applications" will tell you what applications are available.
20:53.17ManxPowerThis is the first place you should look for application docs
20:53.28asdxmy f******* telco is blocking sip/iax now
20:53.50maqrManxPower: i didn't know about that, ty
20:54.12ManxPowerWhere "This" == "Asterisk CLI"
20:54.28drmessanoYour telco is smart enough to block SIP and IAX?
20:55.02drmessanoWhat are you basing this on?
20:57.01revengervni have a question
20:57.09asdxdrmessano: yes, they are blocking it
20:57.20revengervncan MP3Application plays other kind of extensions like '.rm' or
20:57.24drmessanoasdx: How do you know this?  What are you basing it on?
20:57.27*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
20:57.32asdxdrmessano: i been using sip for 2 months, they blocked it before too
20:57.44asdxdrmessano: then i tried iax and it did work, when sip was already blocked... now iax doesn't work too
20:57.50asdxdrmessano: after my complains in forums, etc
20:57.57drmessanoasdx: Who is your telco?
20:58.58asdxdrmessano: they have the reputation to be incompetent
20:59.02Strom_Mrevengervn: I'm pretty sure it's just for playing MP3
20:59.10asdxdrmessano: i know they are blocking it, i don't even have to do tests to prove it
20:59.30drmessanoI find it unlikely that any telco is aware enough of IAX to block it
20:59.53asdxdrmessano: they probably looked at my posts in the forums
21:00.21asdxdrmessano: i said "SIP doesn't work, IAX works" and a few days later, it wasn't working anymore
21:00.31revengervnso do you know what application can play .rm and .mov or how we can play that kind of streaming media in asterisk?
21:01.12asdxdrmessano: how can i know if it's really blocked
21:01.13Strom_Mwhy in god's name do you want to play movies over the telephone
21:01.52drmessanoasdx: What do you mean BLOCKED?  You are overusing overgeneral terms here
21:01.57SteveTotarowhy does anyone want to do anything but talk on their phone?
21:02.04drmessanoasdx: Can you register?
21:02.11asdxdrmessano: NO
21:02.12revengervnI'm just asking
21:02.14SteveTotarolaptop is good for internet, chat, movies
21:02.18asdxdrmessano: i can't
21:02.21asdxdrmessano: i could 2 days ago
21:03.12revengervndoes anyone have any idea?
21:03.30SteveTotaroabout what, i just got here
21:04.06revengervndo you know what application can play .rm and .mov or how we can play that kind of streaming media in asterisk?
21:04.12revengervnthanks so much
21:04.34SteveTotaroall i know for streaming is app_ices
21:04.48SteveTotarobut it is probably just limited to audio
21:04.52Strom_Mrevengervn: AFAIK there is no way to play real media or quicktime anything in asterisk
21:05.14Strom_Mrevengervn: figure out how to stream mp3 or play the music locally from the server
21:05.36SteveTotaroapp_ices will allow you to stream audio
21:06.32revengervnthank you
21:06.45revengervni'll try to figure about
21:06.52drmessanoasdx: Is making internet phone calls illegal in Paraguay?
21:06.53revengervni'll try to figure out
21:07.05revengervnthansk Strom_M and Steve for ur time
21:07.17asdxdrmessano: yes
21:07.25drmessanoThen there is your answer
21:07.31drmessanoI won't help you break the law
21:07.44asdxdrmessano: skype works though
21:07.50SteveTotaroi will give info on breaking the law
21:07.58drmessano"Works" and "Legal" are not the same
21:07.59SteveTotaroif you do it, it is your problem, not mine
21:08.17asdxdrmessano: you are in the corruption side then
21:08.38asdxdrmessano: don't help me, i will figure it myself
21:08.38drmessanoasdx: No, its about right and wrong
21:08.38SteveTotaromaking thermite is pretty fun
21:08.51SteveTotarolaw is not about right and wrong
21:08.52asdxdrmessano: THEY are wrong
21:09.07asdxthey are a fucking corrupted monopoly
21:09.10SteveTotaroillegal does not = wrong
21:09.17asdxwith full of corrupted idiots
21:09.18SteveTotaroit used to be illegal to help slaves escape
21:09.31drmessanoasdx: There's a lot of things that do not make sense legally, but laws are set to be abided by, whether you like them or not
21:09.46SteveTotarolaws are meant to be broken
21:10.02SteveTotarootherwise there would be no need for the law
21:10.07SteveTotaroin the first place
21:10.35SteveTotarochange pots
21:10.44SteveTotarosorry change ports
21:10.48SteveTotarouse openvpn
21:10.55drmessanoasdx: If your country says VoIP is illegal, don't you think you'll get any sort of trouble if they're going to those lengths to enforce it?
21:11.13SteveTotaronah, just use openvpn on a nonstandard port
21:11.18SteveTotarothey will never catch you
21:11.38asdxdrmessano: sure, i will get into troubles, but at least i will be doing the right thing
21:11.42maqrwait, voip is illegal where?
21:11.57SteveTotarovoip is illegal in many parts of the world
21:11.58asdxdrmessano: there's no reason for a country to stop technology, just because 100 idiots wants to do more money
21:12.12maqrthat's pretty ridiculous
21:12.18SteveTotaroyou won't get caught unless you want to
21:12.25maqrgood thing america isn't that bad (yet)
21:12.51UngaManif I may
21:13.00UngaManVoIP per se is not illegal
21:13.17asdxmy country sucks
21:13.18SteveTotarobypassing the pstn is illegal
21:13.19UngaManbut using a hidden port for making cheap international calls
21:13.22UngaManis illegal
21:13.23asdxthis is like dictatorship
21:13.36SteveTotarono hidden port
21:13.37drmessanoasdx: There's also no reason Marijuana should be illegal, since alcohol kills more people each year than weed does, doesn't mean I am going show my ass with civil disobedience to make a point.. Having an opinion is great. and a great way to get throw in jail by those same corrupt assholes that make it illegal in the first place
21:13.42SteveTotaroa non standard port
21:13.47UngaManSteve: that is
21:13.51SteveTotaroand openvpn encryption
21:13.53asdxdrmessano: yeah i guess
21:14.11UngaManbypassing PSTN is illegal...
21:14.15SteveTotaroevery year in
21:14.26SteveTotaroDC they have a "smokeout"
21:14.36SteveTotarocops don't arrest for weed
21:15.06UngaManunless u use VoIP for making private calls between offices of a same enterprise or bussiness in different cities or countries
21:15.14asdxdrmessano: in that telco (copaco) there is full of idiots... really corrupted morons, they are really incomptent, we are stuck with <= 1mbps internet connection
21:15.31SteveTotarothey are not morons
21:15.34*** join/#asterisk iamhrh (n=iamhrh@
21:15.35asdxthey are
21:15.39SteveTotarothey are smart and pay off the government
21:15.41drmessanoasdx: Trust me, I appreciate how stupid your situation is..
21:15.43asdxi hope they will go away now, with the new government
21:15.43SteveTotaroto limit you
21:16.00SteveTotarothat is how the USA became free
21:16.07SteveTotaropickup guns and start killing
21:16.09asdxthey will go away
21:16.30SteveTotarolive free or die
21:16.46asdxthey will go away because they are incompetent... be competent or die
21:16.59SteveTotaropay the government and stay in power
21:17.13SteveTotarosonatel in Senegal is the same deal
21:17.34SteveTotaromany countries have this same setup, phone company pays off the government
21:18.01SteveTotaroor is owned by the government
21:18.18*** part/#asterisk iamhrh (n=iamhrh@
21:18.38SteveTotarosonatel charged $3k U$D/mo for a voice E1
21:18.53SteveTotarowhen they found out it was for the US Embassy, they wanted more
21:19.24SteveTotarowhen we said no, service was interrupted "unexplainably"
21:19.39SteveTotaroi know they just pulled the cross connect
21:21.32asdxwe got new president, a ex bishop or something, he doesn't have anything to do with that telco shit
21:21.49asdxi think he will free the thing
21:24.40asdxi will break the laws anyway
21:24.41asdxfuck it
21:26.09revengervnexcuse me, can STREAM FILE cmd play MP3 or other types of extensions?
21:27.13Strom_Mrevengervn: you should read the documentation
21:28.08asdxSteveTotaro: was usa in some kind of dictatorship like this too?
21:29.17revengervnStrom_M: it does not mention about the extensions at all:
21:29.29Strom_Mrevengervn: i said the documentation, not the wiki
21:30.54asdxi should gtfo from this country
21:31.59revengervnwhy dont you go elsewhere and curse your country
21:34.29*** join/#asterisk aksyn (n=aksyn@
21:34.38*** join/#asterisk disposable (
21:39.02asdxi'll try openvpn
21:43.32asdxbah, i wont do it
21:43.57asdxi don't want to go to jail, and there is probably someone from there here spying me
21:44.20asdxi will better do it in secret
21:46.25[TK]D-Fenderasdx, and they NEVER scan IRC for people like you either ;)
21:46.43[TK]D-Fenderasdx, can you her the sirens?  Run!
21:46.50revengervnasdx, use Tor
21:46.57revengervnyou can hide yourself
21:47.03revengervnby using TOR
21:47.08revengervngoogle it
21:47.22revengervnit's based on onion routing
21:47.23asdx[TK]D-Fender: heh
21:47.23hsv-alwhat days are you off?
21:47.54asdxcan they see the encrypted data (openvpn) in the telco?
21:47.57[TK]D-Fenderhsv-al, ones I'm not at home/work for.  Thats rather few.  I'm usually home at some time no matter what.
21:48.08hsv-ali was shocked this morning
21:48.12hsv-ali was in here at 8:45am
21:48.16hsv-aland you werent answering questions
21:51.08*** join/#asterisk emist_ (n=emist@unaffiliated/emist)
21:52.52[TK]D-Fenderhsv-al, yeah I needed a nice full nights sleep... haven't been getting enough
21:52.59florzasdx: yes, it is possible to see the encrypted data, of course, and it is in principle possible to recognize it as (probably) encrypted - and in case of voip it should even be rather easy to see that the application you are using is probably voip, due to the large number of small packets
21:53.54florzasdx: ... the latter at least with the usual protocols, which do this for latency reasons, so there is pretty much no way around it, except for inflating the packets with random data
21:55.05asdxhmm i see
21:55.19florzasdx: plus, make sure you don't use a vulnerable debian openssl for key generation, for both openvpn and tor
21:56.00*** join/#asterisk JT (n=j@unaffiliated/jt)
21:56.06asdxok, thanks
21:57.34maqrok, i'm stuck... how exactly am i supposed to write a dial plan that answers anything that enters a specific context, plays a Background(), and waits for input?
21:58.35[TK]D-Fendermaqr, reconsider your term "anything enters a context".
21:59.26[TK]D-Fendermaqr, you don't "enter" a context.  Some piece of dialplan sends you to a specific place, or a call comes in and lands on a pattern.  Pick a patter that applies
22:00.15watchyi love u tk
22:00.35watchytk: i think i have figured out how to stream XM to * MOH
22:01.40watchybut i really wanna make it so people on hold can change stations
22:02.01[TK]D-Fenderwatchy, you've got the source jsut like everyone else.
22:02.26watchybut i'm fat so i have a disability
22:02.50maqrbest internet excuse ever
22:03.11[TK]D-Fenderwatchy, only if all that fat is crammed up in your skull....
22:03.13watchyi have sausage fingers
22:03.20*** join/#asterisk DarnoQ (
22:03.28maqrmash the keypad to order a dialing wand
22:04.02*** join/#asterisk stkn (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
22:04.02[TK]D-Fenderwatchy, people claiming to be fat shouldn't say they have "sausage fingers".  That invites semi-cannibalisation.
22:04.30watchygood thing i have no dipping sauce around
22:04.49watchyoh no ranch spilt on my fingers now i have to eat them
22:05.52maqryou definitely crossed the line with that one
22:07.06watchyim actually starving i just woke up
22:07.42maqr[TK]D-Fender: the confusing part is that sometimes the extension is what the user dials, and sometimes it's where the user came from
22:08.00drmessano"watchy fingers" sounds like the sort of food served at a strip club
22:08.43maqrpatent pending
22:10.07[TK]D-Fendermaqr, go get your head screwed on straight about exactly where the call is coming from.
22:11.45maqr[TK]D-Fender: well, there's only two ways the call can come in... either it's from my ITSP as an inbound call, or it's from my internal SIP phone
22:12.49maqr[TK]D-Fender: so say on my SIP phone, i dial 999, and it sends me to this new context... where i match again on 999 and play a Background... then i press '1' to go to voicemail
22:13.16maqr[TK]D-Fender: first i have to match 999 and goto, then i match 999 and play background, then i match 1 to do voicemail?
22:14.48maqrwhich actually seems to work
22:14.56maqrwhat a mindfuck, i guess i still don't quite get it
22:15.51[TK]D-Fendermaqr, on your SIP phone is doesn't send you to a "new context".  It matches in the context the device is TOLD to look in.
22:16.19[TK]D-Fendermaqr, So why are you dialing an exten only to get an IVR prompting you to enter ANOTHER exten to go to?
22:16.53maqr[TK]D-Fender: i was just doing it to test my tree without having to keep calling from my cell phone
22:17.05[TK]D-Fendermaqr, ok, fine.
22:17.35maqrthat still might be completely silly to do
22:19.58*** join/#asterisk harmagent (
22:24.04watchyi think a big steak sounds tasty
22:26.27harmagentwatchy you didn't used to hang out on undernet did you?
22:26.43watchyyes i was an undernet server admin for a few years
22:27.03harmagentdid you know vector?
22:27.12watchyyes he was a sexy man
22:30.16*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
22:41.16maqris there a way to make 'includes' not take last priority?
22:41.24lmadsenmaqr: no, that is intentional
22:41.51lmadsenmaqr: if you need to change matching order.... start in a context with only includes
22:43.05maqrhmm, ok
22:47.06maqr <-- why would this not play tt-monkeys twice?
22:49.25Strom_MI think there's an error in your gotoif syntax
22:49.33Strom_Mreplace the | with ?
22:49.53maqroh, oops
22:49.56maqri knew that :)
22:52.03*** join/#asterisk s0lid (n=s0lid@
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23:06.04*** join/#asterisk eXistenZ (n=existenz@unaffiliated/existenz)
23:09.13UngaManhello again
23:09.31UngaManI've been reading the book's pdf
23:10.16*** join/#asterisk jm|home (n=jm|
23:10.16UngaManstill looking info about connecting 2 * boxes via internet
23:10.33UngaManthe idea is to place 2 boxes in 2 different places...
23:10.50UngaManeach one managing a number of analog extensions
23:11.27UngaManand the boxes must communicate via internet and not by PSTN
23:12.43UngaManI found the example using IAX and SIP
23:13.22UngaManwould any of those setups work using Internet?
23:13.59UngaManboth boxes are visible to each other via the Net
23:15.32mackesYep. Both will work
23:15.53mackesBut the Internet is not a extremely dependable method.
23:16.01mackesMost of the time it will be fine
23:16.23mackesBut, once in a while, you are going to have a poor call/ connection
23:19.42[TK]D-FenderUngaMan, SIP & IAX2 are VoIP protocols.  Internet = IP
23:23.16maqrif my ITSP is showing 3215551234 for incoming callerid, is there some way i can auto-prefix that with a '1' for my country code? it'd make matching extensions a lot easier
23:23.27UngaManmaCKES: thanks :)
23:24.15ManxPowermaqr: I think you need to read The Good Book
23:24.17jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
23:24.29UngaManFender: Iḿ aware of the poor quality somtimes the client will have... and that arises another question
23:24.40ManxPowermaqr: also has many examples if dialplan stuff -- just remember sometimes the info is wrong
23:24.55UngaManhow much bandwidth per line will be consumed?
23:25.05*** join/#asterisk ikevin (
23:25.13ManxPowermaqr: /path/to/src/asterisk/doc and /path/to/src/asterisk/configs is also a good place to look.
23:25.21jbotbandwidth is probably This is a measure, in some amount of bits per second, of theamount of data that can be sent over a particular cable, interface, orbus.
23:25.27jbotfrom memory, codecs is  If you have audio/codec problems, first try to 'disallow=all' and 'allow=ulaw' and see if that works. Anyone that tells you to use 'allow=all' is an idiot as it usually causes audio problems, or  Number/Name: 1/g723, 2/gsm, 4/ulaw, 8/alaw, 16/g726, 32/adpcm, 64/slin, 128/lpc10, 256/g729, 512/speex, 1024/ilibc
23:25.41ManxPowerhmm.. none of those are what I was looking for.
23:26.10UngaManbut it says interesting tips
23:26.27UngaMan8kb, 16kb?
23:26.57ManxPowerUngaMan: it depends on the codec.  You can assume about 16k of overhead over and above the codec bandwidth usage if you are using 20 ms audio packets
23:29.21ManxPowerUngaMan: The answer to almost every question you will have about Asterisk will require you to know several things before the question can be answered.
23:29.25maqrManxPower: hrm, i still don't get it though... my issue is that incoming calls don't use the country code prefix, even though they should... is that uncommon?
23:29.56ManxPowermaqr: maqr: calls from what country to what country using what provider?
23:30.18maqrManxPower: from the US, to the US, using vitelity
23:30.36ManxPowermaqr: internal calls do not normally include the country code.
23:30.39maqrManxPower: i'd like the numbers to include the '1' at the beginning, so i cna match them easier
23:31.04ManxPowermaqr: exten => _NXXNXXXXXX,1,Goto(1${EXTEN},1)
23:31.21maqrthat makes sense
23:31.28ManxPowermy systems to a fair amount of callerid massaging before the call gets to the end user phone
23:31.40ManxPoweraddind a 9, a 1, and - in the correct places.
23:32.38maqryeah, that makes sense
23:33.14ManxPowernone of those are really part of the callerid and some ip phones will reject it, but the phones we use accept the extra chars just fine.
23:33.56UngaManManxPower: don't worry about that... early today I stated that I'm researching about Asterisk. I actually work with Avaya Systems in my office... so perhaps I know a little about VoIP :p
23:35.05ManxPowerUngaMan: then you should know this stuff already.  Were you really asking about IAX2?
23:35.28ManxPowerUngaMan: Avaya has been playing with Asterisk for several years.
23:36.41*** join/#asterisk DagMoller (n=aguirre@unaffiliated/dagmoller)
23:36.47UngaManyep... but they are not helping me much... I have an IPO ... and the manager is Win based
23:37.13ManxPowerUngaMan: There is nothing different about SIP with Asterisk compared to SIP using Avaya
23:37.22ManxPowerat least in the bandwidth used
23:37.33UngaManok... now that's helpful
23:37.59mackesVitelity is very good
23:38.06ManxPowerIAX2 has a feature called trunking that can massively decrease the protocol overhead.
23:38.23jbot[trunk] a word with varying definitions.  In Asterisk, a trunk is a "stream of UDP packets containing IAX2 frames from more than 1 call"; in telecom, a trunk is a "single voice channel between two pieces of switching equipment."; in Ethernet a trunk carries more than one 802.1q VLAN.  There is no such thing as a "SIP Trunk" -- Don't use the term.
23:39.07mackesWhat do you all think of Avaya SIP phones?
23:39.30jbothmm... phones is  While personal preference will dictate which phone works best for you, general consensus on a rough order of quality and suggestibility is as follows:  Polycom (any), Aastra 480i, Aastra 5i Series, Cisco 7940+, Linksys SPA-9XX, Snom, and finally everything else.  Do not consider Grandstream phones.  Ever. places like such as
23:39.41ManxPowermackes: they are not even on our radar
23:40.41ManxPowermackes: Many vendors that use SIP lock their phones and servers to only work with their own phones.  Nortel is an example of this.  I do NOT know of Avaya does this or not.
23:41.25ManxPowerPersonally I use Polycom phones.
23:41.44mackesYeah, We do to,
23:42.24mackesI like to experiment. The Avaya 4600 looks sweet
23:44.04UngaManthat's another interesting topic...
23:44.09UngaManto create a mix
23:45.21*** join/#asterisk UnixDog (
23:46.35UnixDogok the new name for zaptel makes no sense it should have been renamed digi-zap
23:46.41UnixDogmuch esier
23:48.36mackesNow we need to get the Cisco IP Phone 7985G work with Asterisk
23:48.37NovceGuruanybody using rhino voip hardware?
23:49.05UngaManOk... I appreciate your help and comments
23:49.11UngaManwill come back later
23:49.36UngaManand remeber... tomorro the Phoenix will touch down on Mars!
23:49.48*** part/#asterisk UngaMan (
23:51.45NovceGuruThey are in my town but they seem to use trixbox :(
23:52.03NovceGurunevermind they just sell hardware
23:52.56tzafrir_homeUnixDog, anything with "zap" is probably too close to the problematic trademark (
23:54.21tzafrir_homeUnixDog, think of it this way: nobody will want to claim the name DAHDI, and therefore future costly legal battles would be saved ;-)
23:55.49UnixDogok ast-zap
23:55.59UnixDogbut zap should not matter
23:56.12UnixDogI think all the name bullshit is crap
23:56.20UnixDoga name is a name is a name
23:56.58UnixDogthats like saying I have to change my name because some one else has the name Richard
23:57.05UnixDogits all bullshit
23:57.22outtoluncclaimed it first.. better change yours
23:57.43outtolunci don't like dick you can use that one <G>
23:57.56UnixDogwhat ever
23:58.45UnixDogthat  means I need to change the bsd port
23:58.53UnixDogwich will take time

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