IRC log for #asterisk on 20080519

00:00.08mackesWell, my corp uses them- All over
00:00.16mackesSo does many supermarkets
00:00.24drmessanoWifi handhelds suck.. period
00:00.25mackesAnd Hospitals
00:00.33*** join/#asterisk CpuID (i=zkodeh@gentoo/contributor/cpuid)
00:00.36mackesTHAT IS NOT TRUE!!! It just isnt
00:00.49mackesIt all depends on your WiFi Network
00:01.00JTyes if you spend a lot on your wifi network, it sucks a lot less
00:01.02drmessanoIt has nothing to do with the NETWORK
00:01.04CpuIDhey ppls, anyone here pretty familiar with PRI? im wanting to try set something up as a form of PRI emulator to test E1 connectivity between 2 devices
00:01.16CpuIDi gather its not the same as just FXOs talk to FXSs like with analog :P
00:01.17drmessanoSure, network can DEGRADE IT
00:01.19mackesThis phone works
00:01.26drmessanoBut wifi sip phones suck
00:01.48mackesAnd I am beta testing a Polycom Spectralink right now that is very good as well
00:01.54JTCpuID: 2 ports on an e1 card?
00:02.38CpuID2 ports?
00:02.50CpuIDcan e1 ports just talk to eachother? or is there like a headend/CPE type scenario?
00:03.07JTset one to pri_net one to pri_cpe, use a crossover cable
00:03.11CpuIDso its not like 1 provides voltage and the other just listens...
00:03.13JTset correct timing in zaptel.conf
00:03.14CpuIDinteresting :)
00:03.27CpuIDthis i didnt know :)
00:03.27mackesHow can you make a declarative statement like "wifi sip phones suck" .. How could you possibly know that for sure? Have you had so much experience with SIP Wifi roll out that you are judge of a technology
00:03.43CpuIDany particular pci cards required to support pri_net?
00:03.52CpuIDi gather pri_cpe would be supported by practically anything
00:03.53CpuIDnice one :)
00:04.08CpuIDwoo this just saved me some hassles lol
00:04.11drmessanoI have had experience with some of them, and you are getting way too emo over this
00:04.48CpuIDnow all i need to do is find the cheapest E1 pci option i can :)
00:05.07CpuIDwants to try get a cisco AS5300 access gateway to talk to an asterisk box as a prototype
00:05.25CpuIDthen once all is good, replace the asterisk box with some telco E1s
00:06.53JTmake sure you use an e1 crossover cable
00:07.01Zorixis there any reason why aserisk system voices such as dialing into conference number are really choppy and lagged, while the music seems to work?
00:07.21mackesAll I am saying is that it doesnt help Open Source VoIP to shoot down WiFi SIP on the most important IRC channel for Asterisk discussion. Some of the manufactures who develop these products visit this room. I would hate to think that we are scaring away customers from their products towards Cisco, Nortel and Alcatel WiFi, non SIP products
00:07.30JTcould be zap timing, Zorix
00:07.31CpuIDthanks for the advice there JT :)
00:07.31jbotCpuID: my pleasure
00:07.33CpuIDill make sure of that
00:07.40CpuIDdamn bawt
00:07.45ZorixJT, how do i adjust that
00:07.57JTget a zaptel card
00:08.24Zorixzttest showes like -200%
00:08.31Zorixwhy, i am only using sip
00:08.32JTmackes: it would be great if we scared them towards dect sip solutions
00:08.36dacharymackes: is not available. Would you recommend another hitachi product ?
00:08.42JTZorix: meetme is zaptel conferencing
00:08.46drmessanoAs soon as someone makes a decent wifi chipset that doesn
00:08.53Zorixis there a software solution?
00:09.06mackesSorry- it was upgraded
00:09.09drmessanoAs soon as someone makes a decent wifi chipset that doesn't drain batteries, and then puts it in a phone that doesn't sound like crap, then you'll have something
00:09.13JTZorix: you must already have ztdummy otherwise it wouldn't already work
00:09.16JTZorix: but no
00:09.24JTZorix: otherwise there's app_conference
00:09.25drmessanoUntil then, as JT said, DECT or a standard cordless with an ATA is far better
00:09.26Zorixyes ztdummy
00:09.31*** join/#asterisk thepacmanfan (
00:09.41jameswf-homeyes if an oem comes here and sees that everyone thinks they suck maybe they will improve
00:09.49JTwifi will always drain batteries
00:09.55dacharymackes: upgraded, yes. But the upgrade is no available at the moment.
00:09.57JTand there's still fundamental issues
00:10.03mackesBut those solutions do not cover Campus wide networks- or Corp networks that cover multiple locations
00:10.20jameswf-homepandering for broken goods wtf
00:10.22JTunless your wifi infrastructure is top notch, you will have issues with mobile wifi voip
00:10.44thepacmanfanok, new asterisk user here... i have a phone set up and seemingly communicating with my Asterisk server, but whenever i try and place a call i get a fast busy signal.
00:11.08drmessanoIf someone comes in here and hears that WIFI SIP phones suck, so they go out and spend 10x as much on a Cisco, then they have issues
00:11.08ZorixJT, would this option help: internal_timing=yes ?
00:11.15drmessano"ZOMG, they scared me to Lucent"
00:11.16jameswf-homeIts like politicians in AZ pandering to a group because of their numbers even though they cant vote... the math isnt there
00:11.18drmessanoUh, no
00:11.18thepacmanfani'm using an FXO card for incoming/outgoing analog lines
00:11.28JTZorix: where is that option?
00:11.35Zorixi found it in a search
00:11.42Zorixweb search
00:11.44mackesHere is the more consumer version of the Business Hitachi
00:11.48thepacmanfanit seems like Asterisk is giving the busy signal, not the analog line.
00:11.59JTZorix: err great. what config file?
00:12.11Zorixsays asterisk.conf
00:12.17thepacmanfanmaybe my dial plan isn't properly set up?
00:12.28drmessanoFact is, WIFI SIP phones are a solution for a problem is based on inherently flawed tech anyway
00:12.40mackesWell, here is my take. We have about 200 SIP WiFi phones deployed Zultys WIP2-
00:12.46mackesThey all work very well
00:12.54mackesAs well as a cell phone
00:12.56ZorixJT, will let you know if it works
00:12.57drmessanoYou use all 200 of them?
00:12.59drmessanoEvery day?
00:13.05drmessanoYOU DO?
00:13.06JThow many thousands were spent on the APs?
00:13.12drmessanoYOU use all 200 phones?
00:13.25jameswf-homecough DRUGDEALED cough
00:13.27mackeswe have as many as 10 AP's per location
00:13.36mackesAlcatel WiFi System
00:13.49drmessanoI find it hard to believe you have used all 200 of those on a daily bases
00:13.52mackes350 AP's in total (give or take)
00:14.02JTthat's my point, you need to spend heaps on the infrastructure before the phones have a hope of working ok
00:14.05mackesWe have 28 Retail locations
00:14.06JTlol 350
00:14.24mackesLarge Campus locations
00:14.25thepacmanfanthey work as well as a cell phone? that's not very encouraging!
00:14.30drmessanoFact is, users will use the crap out of shit that sounds "OK" and you'll never hear from them unless its broken
00:14.40drmessanoSo that tells me nothing
00:14.42jameswf-homewell a kid doesnt know a stale cookie sucks until they have one fresh baked so a wifi sip user doesnt realize how bad it sucks cuz they havent seen anything better
00:14.47mackesok. you win.
00:15.03drmessanoPeople use Spyware infected PCs all day and only stop clicking popups when the machine wont boot
00:15.03thepacmanfani'm used to physically-linked PBX systems being orders of magnitudes more reliable than cell phones.
00:15.11JTwifi is not well suited to mobile voip, but you can make it work OK
00:15.25filehugs DECT
00:15.41JTwifi is lossy, jittery, and half duplex
00:15.53JTand subject to interference and environmental attenuation
00:16.05mackesSo is all wifi-
00:16.18mackesincluding 9ooMhz phones
00:16.19drmessanothinks JT already said that
00:16.26drmessano900MHZ phones are not "wifi"
00:16.26thepacmanfan900mhz phones != wifi
00:16.45JTbut it's a specially big problem when doing streaming full duplex comms
00:17.02thepacmanfanwifi is not designed to gracefully handle momentary signal breakups.
00:17.14JTi'd love to see all 200 wifi phones at one location strike up a conversation at once
00:17.24drmessanoor 25 of them
00:17.40mackesHmmmmm... We can
00:18.09drmessanoYou've done it?
00:18.13drmessanoAll 200 at once?
00:18.16drmessanoOne site
00:18.41mackesNo- 6 phones + per site, 28 retail sites
00:18.49mackeseach site has a T1
00:18.59JTwe're talking 15000 pps+ switching between tx and rx and different stations
00:18.59mackesEach site has around 10 AP's
00:19.00drmessanoJT said "one location"
00:19.11thepacmanfanso 12-13 APs per site on average, and only 6+ users? meh.
00:19.13drmessanoand you answered "We can"
00:19.50mackesFor coverage... I get the impression that you dont do large scale rollouts in WiFi?
00:19.51JT6 phones per 10 aps
00:19.54JTchilds play.
00:20.02thepacmanfanif it works for you, more power to you... but it seems vastly impractical for 99% of situations.
00:20.05mackesPicture a large retail complex
00:20.08drmessanoActually, I do
00:20.29JTso what is that, $10k of APs per location?
00:20.31dFencestrrrrange: with nat=no can canreinvite=no for SIP1 and an offline SIP2 the Dial(SIP/SIP1&SIP/SIP2) fails immediately
00:20.34mackes1 AP would handle an area of the building without an issue
00:20.41mackesok, never mind.
00:21.02JTmackes: how much is a typical 10 AP delpoyment?
00:21.07mackesIts about $125 per AP
00:21.17drmessanoWhat APs?
00:21.20JTnot installed
00:21.25mackesWe install them
00:21.32JTyou install them for free?
00:21.48drmessanoWhat AP's are you talking about for $125?
00:22.03JTi'm sure APs sell for $125 or less
00:22.06thepacmanfan$125 will not buy an AP i would consider using for phone service.
00:22.15JTi'm also sure that's not fully installed
00:22.31thepacmanfanLucent sells an AP for $125? holy cow.
00:23.00mackesThe AP's are just dumb clients to two central controllers. They can find a client down to a meter
00:23.23mackesEnterprise Grade folks
00:23.28JTso how much is the central controllers costing? and how much to install the whole shebang?
00:23.31drmessanoWe use Cisco 1131AGs
00:23.44drmessanoI wouldnt touch a $125 AP
00:23.44mackesHowever, I use one Cisco 1200, and two SIP wifi phones in my home- no issues
00:23.57mackesGo to the link
00:24.00drmessanoWhy not just use a Linksys WRT54G if you're gonna spend that little
00:24.09JTmackes: why do you always avoid every second question?
00:24.25JTmackes: how much to instll everything?
00:24.34JTparts is only half the equation for a business
00:24.39JTlabour is the other half
00:24.57thepacmanfandrmessano: only if you want to go around rebooting 350 APs every few months
00:24.59mackesHmmmm. A Guess. Around $65,000
00:25.01mackesI think
00:25.16JTthose dect bases are sounding temping
00:25.17mackesThe system is for more the VoIP
00:25.33drmessanothepacmanfan: Every few months?   That long?
00:25.42drmessanothepacmanfan: I was thinking 3 weeks
00:25.44thepacmanfanbest case scenario.
00:25.49drmessanothepacmanfan: But hey, $50!
00:25.57mackesok. never mind. I have to remember that when we have a discussion, it is always revolving around small scale.
00:26.02thepacmanfani've had them last 3 months in PtP, but only 1 month on average for PtMP
00:27.00drmessanomackes: I know you think you're Mr Bigshit, and like to talk about how qualified you are, how big your installations are, etc.. but you're not impressing anyone with your little passive jabs about how no one else ever thinks as large scale as you do
00:27.16JTmackes: talking down to us really isn't going to do you any favours
00:27.51*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (n=nighty@
00:27.51JTmackes: and the discussion has really confirmed what i already knew
00:27.54jameswf-homemackes: how many users do you put on a box
00:28.00mackesLook. I come online to talk about this stuff because i like it---- read over the thread and you will find that you two go after me every time I disagree.
00:28.01*** join/#asterisk fordfrog (n=fordfrog@gentoo/developer/fordfrog)
00:28.03JTyou need to spend big bucks to get wifi voip to work
00:28.04drmessanomackes: Many of us in here have done things that would blow your mind
00:28.11JTit might be the right solution for some
00:28.16JTbut for most, it is not economical
00:28.23Zorixanyone else have any ideas how to fix the meetme voices for asterisk without zaptel hardware?
00:28.25mackesThen why are you so close minded?
00:28.38JTi'm not
00:28.47JTyou just refuse to acknowledge some truths
00:28.48jameswf-homeI made asterisk burn Linux CD's based on an IVR :)
00:28.57mackes" you just refuse to acknowledge some truths"
00:29.01JTZorix: app_conference
00:29.05jameswf-homeZorix: ztdummy
00:29.08mackesok, so, I am the issue here.
00:29.18Zorixztdummy is loaded
00:29.22Zorixwhat is app_conference
00:29.27JTmackes: you need to spend a lot of money on infrastructure to make wifi voip work on any scale, you disagree with that?
00:29.28drmessanomackes: I'm far from close minded.. but I think your arguments are weak, you have little real proof to back up your statements, and when you dont have answers, you start trying to win out with your comments about how small we are thinking and how big your installs are.. it's pointless.
00:29.37mackesNo, you do not.
00:29.54mackesI have one AP, and it covers my home--- two sip phones
00:30.06jameswf-homeI have 1200 calls running through Asterisk on DSL using a trash *)
00:30.14JTnote the "on any scale"
00:30.19JTvery selective reading
00:31.02drmessanoJT: My laptop makes calls using X-Lite over my WRT54G at home, so YOURE WRONG, BUDDY
00:31.02mackesok guys, I can see this is your room, I am just a guest.
00:31.04jameswf-homeI have windows vista on an old IBM XT
00:31.21JTmackes: so you don't even agree with what you've already told us?
00:31.24mackesWhat? Wrong about what?
00:31.25JT$65k isn't cheap
00:31.59mackesOk- Large Installs of SIP work
00:32.07mackesSmall installs of WIFI Sip work
00:32.10mackesit all works
00:32.17mackesI think SIP WiFi works
00:32.18Zorixhas ztdummy been purposely degraded so that people will buy digium hardware?
00:32.22JTif you spend lots of money
00:32.23mackesThose are my thoughts
00:32.32JTand yes, your retail installs are for large areas
00:32.34mackesYou dont have to spend lots of money
00:32.40JTthey do not have large amount of users
00:32.54mackesI didnt say that
00:33.04jameswf-homeZorix you could buy a $10 clone card as a timing source
00:33.09JTso it's not a large install from a head count perspective
00:33.16JTZorix: yes
00:33.26drmessano$65000 per 6 users
00:33.27Zorixjameswf-home yes but why, a reinstall of asterisk is all that broke it
00:33.30thepacmanfando i need to modprobe zaptel after every reboot?
00:33.35JTthere is no reason conferencing can possibly need zaptel timing
00:33.35drmessanoThats an $11000 wal mart phone
00:33.39JTit's just a legacy thing
00:33.57mackesThe WiFi network support several hundred hand held Windows CE devices that are POS terminals as well.
00:34.03mackesAnd 80 laptop users
00:34.14mackesAnd a few other devices.
00:34.26mackesIt is a busy WiFi network
00:34.33mackesThe SIP phones are just a part
00:34.43mackesAnd we only need so many AP's for coverage
00:34.48Zorixi did rmmod ztdummy
00:35.06Zorixand now i get a voice saying that is not a valid conference number when dialing my conference number
00:35.13Zorixbut its the first voice that sounds good
00:35.28JTZorix: i did mention before that app_meetme is zaptel conferencing
00:35.35JTno zaptel, no work :P
00:35.51Zorixright but the voice sounded correct
00:35.51thepacmanfanmackes, assuming 15 users per location that's nearly $5000 per user
00:36.13JTit's Playback
00:36.23JTit doesn't use zaptel
00:36.27JTof course it sounds good
00:36.36jameswf-homehas been playing with shc... verry interesting
00:36.37mackesOver what period of time?
00:37.00jeffspeffif i have   exten => *9,1,Dial(${jeffclay}/2705559026,30,mwW) and then from one cell phone i call into the system and go to exten *9 and it dials my cell phone... shouldn't at least one of the phones be able to initiate one-touch recording?
00:37.16mackesROI is a tricky calculation
00:37.57JTif i don't want 80 laptop users or any pos terminal users, the ROI calculation would come back quite poor
00:38.03Zorixjameswf-home, where can i get that $10 card
00:38.11jameswf-homejeffspeff: Set(DYNAMIC_FEATURES=automon)
00:38.16jameswf-homeZorix: Ebay
00:38.22Zorixwhat is it called
00:38.29jameswf-homegoogle x100p
00:38.33Zorixok thanks
00:38.43JTlots of fake x100p units on ebay
00:38.47JTZorix: why not try app_conference instead?
00:39.05Zorixbecause im not looking to break asteriskgui
00:39.17mackesThis is hard to discuss via chat- However, would you agree that many businesses are using WiFi Voip phones? Like Hospitals and Airports, and the government?
00:39.18Zorixtrying to make this idiot proof
00:39.43jameswf-home* mackes NO
00:39.44JTall those people have a lot of cash, mackes
00:39.55drmessanoI would say no
00:39.58jameswf-homeZorix: they will just build a better idiot
00:40.06Zorixwhere can i get app_conference
00:40.18jameswf-homeDeffinately not in hospitals to critical of an app
00:40.20JTand it is still not relevant, the fact that wifi voip phones are being user was *never* under dispute
00:40.58jameswf-homeI know nursing homes using wifi pdas for paging
00:41.11drmessanoThe dispute was whether or not they suck
00:41.28mackesHmmm. Have you heard of Spectralink?
00:41.43JTsounds like they stole the name from Motorola Spectra :P
00:42.08jameswf-homeJT was on ignore? wonder why... I dont usualy ignore people
00:42.08ManxPowerSpectra has the most expensive cordless phone I have *ever* seen.
00:42.17mackesAll the Supermarkets in my area, and Kalida Heath care uses spectralink WiFi phones
00:42.22*** join/#asterisk Robba (n=rob@
00:42.23mackesSo? What is your point?
00:42.46JTif you can't see the point by now, you never will
00:42.51JTwifi is not a be all and end all solution
00:43.02RobbaHi guys
00:43.05mackesoh no, I see
00:43.06jameswf-homeKalida sounds like something you catch when you get drunk in thailand and go home with a local
00:43.12JTit suits certain requirements and often requires a large investment
00:43.19Robbadoes anyone know if its possible to change DTMF timing in *
00:43.30jeffspeffjameswf-home, I set the dynamic_features=automon in my globals in extensions.conf... i used one cell phone, called in, went to *9, it dialed my cell phone... the call was connected and, when either phone types in *1 (for one-touch recording) i get the following in the console...       " -- Packet2Packet bridging SIP/jeffclay-09d43ef0 and SIP/teliax-09dc2d10"
00:43.38drmessanoall the news links on the site go nowhere
00:43.44thepacmanfanso what will cause a fast busy signal in asterisk?
00:43.49mackesDo any of you work for Digium?
00:44.03JTno, only people with operator status do
00:44.16jameswf-homejeffspeff: why dont you just record all calls on that context and be done with it
00:44.44jameswf-homeyou wanna call our boss?
00:44.52ManxPowerI do not work for Digium
00:45.07jameswf-homeworks for a Digium competitor
00:45.23drmessanoFour of the Six listed are not even Wifi
00:45.48ZorixJT, what zaptel hardware module does x100p use?
00:45.52Robbaok i'll take that as a no
00:45.58ManxPowerIIRC Spectralink are $300-$500 each
00:46.05Zorixwcfxo maybe?
00:46.09ManxPowerZorix: Ambien
00:46.25Zorixisnt that sleep medication?
00:46.31mackesSo, are Linksys, Hitachi, Cisco, Spectralink (Polycom), and Nokia all wrong, and you few are correct.
00:46.38ManxPowerOh, you mean what kernel module.  Each card and the correct modules is listed in the Zaptel readme
00:47.00JTmackes: that was never the debate. keep it professional and on topic. it's not about "with us or against us" thinking.
00:47.02ManxPowermackes: Yeah, but the ones I looked at are just 900Mgz, 2.4Hgz cordless phones -- still 300 - 500 range
00:47.36JTmanufacturers will always chase a dollar
00:47.46drmessanoWIP300 <-- Rest my case
00:47.47JTand there's lots of dollars to chase in wifi voip
00:47.52jameswf-homethinks asterisk is an expensive hobby and cheap folks dont get far
00:48.00jeffspeffjameswf-home, I don't want to record every call... the *9 extension is for when a client calls in to the system when we're closed and needs emergency assistance... they dial *9 and it goes to my cell phone... I would like the option to record those calls if i want... one-touch recording doesn't seem to work when i do that... but, the recording works in every other aspect of the dial plan, even when i call *9 from one of the sip regi
00:48.00jeffspeffstered phones
00:48.21jbotDUDE your spilling your red newb juice on the white carpet and we just had it cleaned...
00:48.21drmessanoGrandstream sucks, and somehow they manage to make a few good dollars
00:48.22ManxPowerjeffspeff: my guess is you really have a DTMF problem
00:48.22JTjameswf-home: i agree
00:49.00jameswf-homejeffspeff: add the record prior to the dial that calls your phone
00:49.05JTjeffspeff: you can still put MixMonitor in the dialplan for just that
00:49.38jeffspeffjameswf-home, how do i do that?
00:49.44Robbahas anyone else had issues with asterisk and external IVR systems?
00:49.55jameswf-homejeffspeff: did you not write your dialplan?
00:50.20jeffspeffjameswf-home, but i don't know how to set it to record all calls like that
00:50.34ManxPowerRobba: only the standard / classic issues with DTMF and T/t/W/w dial opts
00:50.55ManxPoweras well as audio gains and dtmfmodes
00:50.59jbotextra, extra, read all about it, ask is Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
00:51.49*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=angeldav@
00:53.48Zorixok i think i know how i can fix this problem with the meetme voices, the ztdummy is using HRtimer instead of the UHCI usb which i think I was using last time, is there a way to change this without a recompile?
00:54.33RobbaManx: the issue seems to be when calling other systems with IVR eg. Banks, Carriers... when they ask for the key presses they contiually get rejected.
00:55.03ManxPowerwhat are you dialing from?
00:55.24Robbaasterisk with a TE122P card
00:55.45ManxPowerplay around with txgain for the zap channels.  What phone are you using?
00:55.54Robbalinksys SPA942
00:56.04JTwhat codec is the phone using, with what dtmfmode?
00:56.21RobbaRFC DMTF MODE and G.711U
00:56.28ManxPowerthe phone should be set for DTMF AVT, Asterisk should be set for dtmfmodr=rfc2833
00:58.25ManxPowerbut if you have no other DTMF issues (no problems using an internal IVR, no voicemail, etc problems, then check your txgains
00:58.33*** join/#asterisk s0lid (n=s0lid@
01:01.25Robbathere is a section for the phone config "DTMF Playback Level" it is currently set to -16
01:01.35Robbawould this have anything to do with it?
01:01.39ManxPowerRobba: that does not apply in this case.
01:01.47Robbaoh ok thanks
01:01.57ManxPowerit would either apply to playing dtmf over the ear piece or for inband DTMF.
01:02.32Robbaso what level would be suggested?
01:02.33ManxPowerRobba: also look in zapata.conf for the dtmf tone length.  set it to betweem 300 and 500.  You will have to unload/load or restart asterisk, a reload won't do it.
01:03.12ManxPowerrememeber, asterisk regenerates DTMF for sending out the zap port.
01:04.03Robbawhat string should i put in the zapata.conf to increase DTMF length i found a few command but it didn't seem to make any difference?
01:11.59Robbasorry james but you aren't being much help
01:12.28*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-ed9817fdf56e7c95)
01:12.30jbotBender : Light a fire for a man and he's warm for a night.  Light a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life...
01:13.06dFence<rant>perl annoys the crap out of his royal highness</rant>
01:13.35jameswf-homedFence: you could do it in php
01:14.00Robbafor the txgain what would be an acceptable increase?
01:14.11dFencejameswf-home: i'm gonna tell the billing-app that explicitly requires perl and certain modules to go screw themselves and go php.
01:14.30jameswf-homei usualy increase gains 2 points at a time
01:15.26Zorixhow can i change ztdummy source from hrtimer to rtc?
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01:15.51Robbathanks james i will give that a try
01:15.51jbotno problem, Robba
01:15.57dFencehm.. in my current mood i shouldn't be talking to other humanoid beings... night all!
01:16.22JTjbot seems to thinks it is being thanked if anyone starting with j is thanked
01:16.23jbotJT: what are you talking about?
01:16.26JTjbot: you
01:16.26jbotit has been said that jbot is a hack!, or known to have only said one useful thing. a tool, or dating the fembots, or  [TK]D-Fender's b*tch, or suck, or a pain in the ass
01:16.35*** join/#asterisk salzh (n=salzh@
01:18.19jameswf-homeI should rewrite ztdummy
01:18.30jameswf-homejust for the hell of it
01:19.07rob0kram: thanks
01:19.19jameswf-homeok too zelous maybe patch it a bit
01:34.06*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
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02:03.01mackesSlowed Down
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02:17.13secgodhow do you get a phone directory to show up on eyebeam/x-lite ?
02:18.11mackesI think you have to create it from scatch.
02:18.18mackesAsterisk doesnt supply it
02:19.23secgodso if i had to deploy 20 softphones and 20 VOIP phones I would need to visit 40 devices to get a directory on them and then have to visit all 40 each time i made a change?
02:20.56mackesWell, for Eyebeem, you could push updates to the software using a fileshare to the programs installed directory- depending on OS
02:21.40mackesThe VoIP phone might allow for one central file to be updated, and pulled via TFTP (or FTP) during the phones reboot.
02:22.14secgodmackes, which VoIP phones support this?
02:22.22mackesUmmm Most
02:22.35mackesAastra, Polycom
02:23.00mackesThey have a directory that can be updated in one place, and then that file is pulled by each phone at reboot
02:23.19mackesOn most hardphones that is standard
02:23.25*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-6009ca7cdafdfac5)
02:23.30JTwhat sort of idiot deploys 20 voip phones without central provisioning? :P
02:23.44secgodmackes, what is the difference between Aastra / Polycom ?
02:23.48mackesJT man, that sounds somewhat harsh
02:24.01mackesA mater of opinion
02:24.37JTmackes: either you're paid by the hour and want to rack up charges for the client, or you're silly if you deploy 20 voip phones without central provisioning
02:24.43JTa matter of sense
02:24.43mackesAastra has alot of options, and are easy to set up
02:24.49JTit's very easy to set up provisioning
02:24.55mackesI agree. Its just the way you say it
02:25.17mackesPolycoms are more Professional feeling.
02:25.28JTwhat was wrong with the way i said it?
02:25.40mackesIt doest matter
02:25.58secgodI see most recommending the Polycoms as well. :)
02:26.28mackesYep. Polycom are very nice. The IBM of the SPM phone world
02:26.39mackesSIP not SPM
02:27.08mackesPolycoms are abit harder to setup- and provision the first time
02:27.20secgodmackes, which t1/pri cards do you suggest ?
02:27.53mackesI have only purchased Digium so far, so thats all I know
02:27.58secgodif Polycoms are like the Cisco 7940/7960 it should be fine
02:28.11mackesThey are- kinda of.
02:28.35mackesThe Polycom phones use an XML provisioning file that is somewhat confusing the first time
02:29.03secgodmackes, i take it you built your own PBX then? Any docs or places that recommend how to build your PC like how much memory, raid, processor, etc ?
02:29.16mackesCisco 7940/60 and Aastra use a flat file for provisioning, that is very clear, and strait forward
02:29.44mackesFor Asterisk? How many extensions? How many calls will  be happening at one time?
02:30.05secgod25 extensions - 8 - 10 calls at once
02:30.22mackesOk, A inexpensive machine will do.
02:30.26JTsecgod: make sure you get a card with hardware echo cancellation
02:30.28mackesA newer desktop machine
02:30.39mackesYep, echo Cancellation for your PRI card
02:31.04secgodi am most likely going to use digium card so i assume this is standard right?>
02:31.12mackesA New dell desktop, with a P4, or Dual Core, and 512, to a 1GB of RAM will be more then enough
02:31.26mackesYou are always safe with Digium
02:31.49mackeshear we go
02:32.07mackesMr JT, what do you think>
02:32.16JTsecgod: it's better to get a second hand server with redundant everything than a new desktop with redundant nothing
02:32.17secgodi see a bunch of knock offs on ebay but i can't risk it..
02:32.29JTsecgod: sangomas are pretty decent too
02:32.30mackesI agree.
02:32.32JTthey're not knock offs
02:33.08mackesI havent used them, but I have heard good things about sangoma
02:33.27JTthey now have a lifetime warranty
02:33.32JTso imho it's a no brainer
02:33.49mackesIf you can afford a new machine with a RAID, get it
02:34.04secgodya definitely raid on this one
02:34.09mackesMany machines have SATA rad on the main board
02:34.11secgodso sangoma is good then?
02:34.43mackesI have not used them. When my company moved to Asterisk, I stuck with Diguim
02:34.50mackesThats me
02:35.13JTwe've replaced a lot of our customers digium cards with sangoma and the customers are now happy
02:35.13*** join/#asterisk hardwire (
02:35.23mackesAnd buying Digium supports Asterisk and Digium
02:35.31JTdigium cards are often fine, but they just hate a lot of chipsets
02:35.36mackesMy cards have never needed replacement
02:35.38JTand have poor zttest scores
02:35.46JTwhich result in dropouts
02:35.49JTand noise
02:35.50secgodJT, where can i get the sangoma cards ?
02:36.02filecurrent generation cards should be fine, if not Digium wants to know so they can be
02:36.10hardwireis loading wcopenpci (which detects then fails to configure a TDM400 board before wctdm doing anything sucky to the init of the board?
02:36.44JTi've found there was no difference with latest digium cards, they just don't like some pcs
02:37.25secgodJT, which model sangoma does T1/PRI ?
02:37.26mackesDoes that help Secgod?
02:37.33secgodi see T1/E1
02:37.38JTsecgod: same thing
02:37.41mackesThat is PRO
02:38.02mackesPRI is a channelized T1
02:38.49secgodok. so just pick the card with the right port density is it then?
02:38.59*** join/#asterisk hauptmech (
02:39.33mackesRight- Do you need more then one PRI?
02:39.39secgodno just 1
02:39.53secgodbut i am thinking of looking at the dual card just to be safe
02:39.53hardwireyou should buy 2 port cards
02:39.59secgodhehehe yep :)
02:40.03hardwireI constantly find myself 1 port shy.
02:40.13hardwireesp when I want to do testing.
02:42.56secgodthanks for the tips.. much appreciated... time to do more reading and research
02:42.56jbotsecgod: de rien
02:43.53hauptmechnewb here. does "--SIP/ is circuit busy" mean I really connected to that endpoint?
02:44.14secgodwow.. glad i read the specs. the a102d has the echo canceller and the non D doesn't .. thanks
02:44.58hauptmechI suspect my routing but if it's connecting then I don't need to worry about it...
02:55.15JTmackes: PRI is a voice T1 or E1 running a D channel with PRI signalling
02:55.34JTmost people in the telecom industry refer to a "channelized" T1 as a T1 running RBS voice
02:55.52mackesHmmmmm. ok
02:55.54jbotmackes: pas de quoi
02:56.36mackesIs a PRI a T1?
02:56.46JTa PRI runs over a T1 (or an E1)
02:57.16mackesso a PRI is a T1, or runs ontop of a T1?
02:57.26JTruns on top
02:57.34JTa T1 may or not have a PRI on it
02:57.51JTa PRI is really primary rate isdn, so has a d channel for signalling
02:58.00mackesSo, a PRI could run on something other then a T1?
02:58.15JTyeah, here they run on E1s
02:58.22JT30B + 1D
02:58.28JTinstead of 23B + 1D
02:58.45mackesWhat if you have a Spilt- Half Data and half PRI?
02:58.59JTthat's possible too
02:59.11JTjust some timeslots are not used for voice then
02:59.42mackesI always thought a PRI/ T1 was the same thing- it just mattered if you were running voice channels or Data channels
02:59.48mackesAll Data- T1
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02:59.55mackesAll Voice PRI
03:00.59JTvoice is not always PRI
03:01.18mackesI meant channelized voice
03:01.27mackesWell. That is interesting.
03:01.57JTin the US they also have channelised T1s for voice using Robbed Bit Signalling (Channel Associated Signalling)
03:02.02JT24 voice channels
03:02.26mackesCould I use a Digium T1 card and connect a Linux box straight to a data T1 without a router?
03:02.47JTi believe so
03:03.22JTas long as you have a CSU/DSU / Smartjack / SHDSL modem
03:03.56mackesWhat do you do JT?
03:04.02mackesfor a living>
03:04.34JTdo it infrastructure and asterisk systems as a day job
03:04.51JTon the side i'm starting a voip and online faxing provider
03:04.57JTas well as co-location
03:05.06mackesOne company? or are you a consultant?
03:05.30JTmy day job i'm just an employee, my night job, that's my company...
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03:16.08jeffspeffWhat am I missing here?   I'm making a monitor macro so that i can define the file name when it's saved... currently my file name is defined as --->  exten => s,1,Set(CALLFILENAME=${CALLERID(num)}-${EXTEN}-${STRFTIME(,/usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Chicago,)})     and  when I call extension 1001 from exten 1000 and start the macro, the resulting file name is --->  1001-s-Sun May 18 22:12:10 2008.wav ... I see that it's getting the "s"
03:16.08jeffspefffrom the exten=s part of the macro, but how do i get the file name to show the exten that I'm dialing from?
03:16.54jeffspeffthe result i'm looking for is something like --->   1001-1000-Sun May 18 22:12:10 2008.wav  .....  instead of ----> 1001-s-Sun May 18 22:12:10 2008.wav
03:17.39*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
03:18.05Strom_Cjeffspeff: in asterisk, extension != phone
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03:18.33Strom_Calso, you can use the MACRO_EXTEN variable to see which extension invoked the macro
03:19.40jeffspeffoh, so i could use --->  exten => s,1,Set(CALLFILENAME=${CALLERID(num)}-${MACRO-EXTEN}-${STRFTIME(,/usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Chicago,)})    ???
03:19.58*** join/#asterisk keith4_ (
03:20.18jbot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet telephony Service Provider or "VoIP Telephone company". The allow you to either PLACE calls to the PSTN (called Termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called Origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs
03:22.11jeffspeffStrom_C, that resulted in 1001--Sun May 18 22:21:31 2008.wav as the file name
03:22.27Strom_Ci think the variable name is MACRO_EXTEN, not MACRO-EXTEN
03:22.50jeffspeffahh, my bad... let me try
03:24.09jeffspeffStrom_C, i changed the - to a _  and still had the same result of
03:24.17jeffspeff1001--Sun May 18 22:21:31 2008.wav
03:24.53Strom_Cthat's within your macro?
03:25.01Strom_Cthat you're calling with the Macro() app?
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03:29.08jeffspeffStrom_C, let me put the stuff in a pastebin for you, and i'll show you what i got...
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03:37.09BeeBuuanyone know any good SIP component?
03:39.20jeffspeffStrom_C, any ideas?
03:42.34jameswf-homeRegistrar Server is a sip component
03:42.48keith4_if MACRO_EXTEN isn't defined, it doesn't think you're in a macro, no?
03:47.36jeffspeffkeith4, did you see the pastebin?
03:48.15keith4_can you connect to the asterisk console, crank up verbosity, and pastebin that output?
03:48.40jeffspeffasterisk -rvvvvvvv good enough?
03:49.50keith4_it's a start
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03:52.27[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff, thats not going to work because when Macro is called its not ON an exten.
03:52.38[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff, its being generated out of thin air
03:53.18[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff, see if you can use an inherited variable... I'm not sure how it spawns the channel that gets run in, but that might pan out better
03:53.20keith4_explains why MACRO_EXTEN is empty
03:54.48[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff, I jsut told you what to try for this.  Get to it.
03:55.06keith4_what about using DIALEDPEERNAME or something similar?
03:55.29keith4_there must be something predefined that would be appropriate
03:55.39JTwhy can't you just pass ${EXTEN} into the macro?
03:55.58jeffspeff${EXTEN} returns with a value of "s"
03:56.18JTi said pass it in
03:56.30JTwhen you call the macro, pass ${EXTEN} as a macro var
03:56.57jeffspeffi'm confused... :s
03:57.07JTread up on Macro()
03:57.22jeffspeffthe macro is being called from the application map in features.conf
03:57.52jeffspeffwould it be better to call the macro from within extensions.conf
03:58.02keith4_try inheritance
03:58.12hardwirehmmm /me wonders how to get this gxp-2000 off of the firmware
03:58.16hardwiretftp isn't doing the trick
04:15.07Zorixi cant believe i have to buy hardware to get audio to work correctly...stupid crippled ztdummy
04:15.38Zorixshouldn't have upgraded
04:16.50hardwireI think you are silly
04:16.55[TK]D-FenderZorix, Go downgrade then.
04:17.16Zorixzttest shows accuracy is -200%
04:17.26Zorixi cant find my old cd or i would
04:18.31hardwireZorix: sounds like your the right guy for the job.
04:18.50hardwiresry.. you're
04:18.54Zorixbeen fightin this thing for 4 hours
04:19.35hardwireI'm slowly upgrading some grandstreams
04:19.43hardwireI'm getting all excited when it works
04:19.57[TK]D-FenderZorix, ... CD?
04:20.05hardwire[TK]D-Fender: I know, right?
04:20.14hardwireMaybe it's asterisk enterprise?
04:20.17Zorix[TK]D-Fender, cd-r
04:20.25[TK]D-FenderZorix, what CD?
04:20.35Zorixold version of asterisknow
04:20.53hardwireit would suck having to re-download it?
04:20.57[TK]D-FenderZorix, Go find out what version it was using and jsut re DL it.
04:21.03Zorixyes it would not knowing which one it was
04:21.20[TK]D-FenderZorix, Don't know what version it was?
04:21.30Zorixit was over a year ago i installed it
04:21.53[TK]D-FenderZorix, Hoefully this taught you a few lessons
04:21.55hardwireZorix: more to the point, what hardware did you buy and what machine is a newer AsteriskNOW running on?
04:22.08Zorixi didnt buy any hardware
04:22.23Zorixyea never trust asterisk upgrades thats what its taught me
04:23.38hardwireI'm thinking you need to hit your head on a few more toilets
04:23.46[TK]D-FenderZorix, Wrong lesson.
04:23.56hardwiretest first
04:24.00hardwirebe prepared
04:24.05hardwirealways have your towel handy.
04:24.25[TK]D-FenderZorix, Do stuff blind not having a clue what you've even got at the start and you get what you deserve.
04:24.32Zorixi asked questions here and the only answer i got was to buy zaptel hardware for the timer
04:24.41Zorixits not a production system
04:24.43hardwireZorix: did you learn your lesson then?
04:24.47[TK]D-FenderZorix, And you couldn't think to downgrade?
04:24.50hardwireyou didn't buy the hardware.
04:25.08hardwireand you appear frustrated with truthful answers.
04:25.16Zorixi didnt have to have hardware for the older install
04:25.39hardwirewhat machine was this running on?
04:25.44Zorixsame one it is now
04:25.59hardwireshould I ask again?
04:26.00Zorixi believe it was using the usb uhci timer
04:26.11Zorixits some old hp pavilion i dont know exact model
04:26.28hardwireno usb 2.0?
04:28.17*** join/#asterisk jbot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
04:28.17*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk 1.4.20-rc3, 1.6.0-beta9 (2008/05/14) Asterisk (2008/05/13), *-Addons 1.4.6 (2008/02/21) 1.6.0-beta3 (2008/04/02), Zaptel (2008/02/28), Libpri 1.4.3 (2007/12/13) -=- #asterisknow or #asterisk-gui for AsteriskNOW ( -=- #switchvox for Switchvox ( -=- #freepbx for FreePBX/trixbox
04:28.24Zorixi think thats some sort of kernel timer
04:28.25hardwire[TK]D-Fender: whats newer asterisk now implementations use?
04:28.33[TK]D-FenderZorix, Things that can screw you up is kernel timer mismatch.
04:28.58[TK]D-Fenderhardwire, all but certainly 2.6
04:29.03Zorixwonder what the kernel timer is at
04:29.08Zorixsupposed to be 1000 i think
04:29.25[TK]D-FenderZorix, indeed it should be
04:29.43hardwireZorix: asterisk all around is failing?
04:29.45Zorixbut i think i have to recompile to change it.. i dont know enough about 2.6 kernel
04:29.50hardwireor is it just meetme conferences?
04:29.55Zorixnope just meetme
04:30.03hardwiredo you ever use it?
04:30.05Zorixi can do other voice calls just fine
04:30.21Zorixnot often but knowing there's a big problem isnt good
04:30.28Zorixand i heard it affects iax trunking
04:30.40hardwiredo you trunk IAX?
04:30.49Zorixthats one thing i will be using
04:30.58hardwirecan you do me a huge favor?
04:31.14hardwireinstall ubuntu 8.04 (Alternate CD) then apt-get install asterisk
04:31.19hardwiresee if you still have issues
04:31.39hardwiregot nothing to lose, right?
04:31.44Zorixi figured asterisknow would be better at it
04:31.52Zorixyea i do.. the hd is too small
04:31.53hardwireZorix: better at what?
04:31.57hardwirepackaging asterisk?
04:32.01Zorixbetter at running asterisk
04:32.04Zorixsince its by the same people
04:32.34hardwireI'm not gonna say it would be, but I use ubuntu and the asterisk 1.4.x packages
04:32.35Zorixand not enough ram to run ubuntu
04:32.38hardwireworks fine on most hardware
04:32.54hardwireZorix: what makes you think you can't run ubuntu when you can run asterisknow?
04:33.11Zorixbecause asterisknow is minimal set of software to get it running
04:33.19Zorixi run ubuntu on my desktops
04:33.21Zorixso i like it
04:33.31*** join/#asterisk Defraz (i=t0tal@
04:33.42hardwirewell, ever installed ubuntu in CLI mode?
04:34.00hardwireboot alternate cd - select cli as boot alias
04:34.04Zorixi have in vm yes
04:34.15hardwireand I bet it made your VM burst into flames, correct?
04:34.32hardwirerPath is a pretty big bird too.
04:34.41hardwireit's streamlined - sure
04:34.47Zorixactually it did, it was a beta release
04:34.50hardwirebut ubuntu in "minimal" mode is pretty tiny
04:35.05[TK]D-FenderZorix, You're running ZAPTEL in a VM?!?!  LOL
04:35.11Zorixno im not
04:35.16[TK]D-FenderZorix, I sure hope not
04:35.18hardwire[TK]D-Fender: I gave him more credit than that.
04:35.31Zorixthanks for butting into the conversation, injecting a comment without reading the context
04:35.32hardwire[TK]D-Fender: I used ztdummy in an openvz tho, yesterday, worked cherry
04:35.36[TK]D-Fenderhardwire, I don't give credit.  Debit or cash only ;)
04:35.47hardwire[TK]D-Fender: insert your pin here.
04:36.09[TK]D-Fendersticks a pin through the eye of his hardwire effigy...
04:36.12Zorixim lookin for a way to do zaprtc
04:36.26jameswf-homewow I just pulled up southpark s01e01 huge difference between no budget and big budget
04:36.27hardwireZorix: does asterisknow even have the linux headers/gcc ?
04:36.41hardwireinstall ubuntu, test ztdummy
04:36.42[TK]D-FenderZorix, So what is your * environment that you feel Ubuntu is too "heavy"?
04:36.48Zorixhas no kernel sources thats for sure
04:36.57Zorixappears to have gcc
04:36.59hardwire"apt-get install module-assistant; m-a prepare; m-a a-i -t zaptel-source"
04:37.27Zorix[TK]D-Fender, 500mhz p3, 96mb ram 10gb hd
04:37.40[TK]D-FenderZorix, EEK.
04:37.53jameswf-homecareful debians zaptel is all effed up Ubuntus may be too
04:37.58Zorixworked just fine on older asterisk
04:38.12*** join/#asterisk rajiv (n=rajiv@gentoo/developer/rajiv)
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04:39.16jameswf-homeyou really should build asterisk/zaptel yourself god only knows what the packagers do
04:39.19mkillebrewis there a way to get asterisk to use the callerid=nxxnxxxx in sip.conf on set(callerid(num)) on outgoing in extensions.conf?
04:39.51jameswf-homeif it worked fine on the older asterisk wtf did you touch it
04:40.44[TK]D-Fendermkillebrew, Sorry that came out a bit disjointed pastebin what you're doing now and tell us how its not performing as expected.
04:40.47jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
04:41.00Zorixjameswf-home im wishing i didnt right now but the older asteirsk was alpha or beta
04:42.04mkillebrewyou mean it should work? maybe I'm just declaring the main number explicitly somewhere.
04:42.31hardwirejameswf-home: most of that is fixed now (eff-ed up zap)
04:43.05[TK]D-Fendermkillebrew, I mean you should show us what you're doing in detail (configs & CLI output) and show us where it goes wrong.
04:58.32jeffspeffok, i found that if i use --- exten => s,1,Set(CALLFILENAME=${CALLERID(num)}-${DIALEDPEERNUMBER}-${STRFTIME(,/usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Chicago,)})--- then i get my desired result of --- 1000-1001-Sun May 18 23:48:37 2008.wav--- but, when i try to call an outbound line i get the following errors
04:58.58mkillebrewI just had it explicitly declared for some reason
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04:59.08mkillebrewapparently it just works (tm)
05:01.40[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff, I don't believe you can call monitor in the MIDDLE of a call like that.
05:04.37jeffspeff[TK]D-Fender, ok, let me go back to square 1... I was using one-touch monitoring as defined in features.conf... I wanted to modify the way it was saving the files, so I thought the best way would be to write a monitor script. Obviously I'm going about this all wrong... what would you suggest?  My desired filename format is something like   Caller-Callee-Date.wave
05:05.11[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff, You should be able to set the file before you ever call dial.
05:05.52jeffspeff[TK]D-Fender, how's that? let me pastebin my extensions.conf
05:07.27[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff, You clearly didn't bother reading "channelvariables.txt"
05:07.33[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff, go read it.
05:08.29jeffspeff[TK]D-Fender, where is that file?
05:08.56jeffspeff[TK]D-Fender, here is my extensions.conf
05:09.15[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff, in the docs/ folder of your source tarball.
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05:29.42jeffspeff[TK]D-Fender,  ok, i set MONITOR_FILENAME=(${CALLERID(num)}-${EXTEN}-${STRFTIME(,/usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Chicago,)})  in my globals in extensions.conf... before i did this, my filenames looked like auto-1210902844-SIP-1000-08913f08-918705550481.wav... now they look like  auto-1211174398-1000-1001.wav
05:30.05jeffspeffwhy isn't it specifying the date, and why is it still doing the auto... thing?
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05:33.17[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff, you can't set that in globals.. hte vars its based on are RUNTIME <-
05:33.57[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff, You are outsmarting yourself constantly and the failures predictable.
05:35.12jeffspeffSomethingISODD, do i have to do a exten=>s,1,Set(MONITOR_FILENAME=.........) inside every context that has a ,wW in a dial?
05:35.17jeffspeff*so, do i....
05:36.01hardwirepasses out, night all.
05:36.32[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff, read the big print.
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05:36.40jeffspeff[TK]D-Fender, I appreciate your help as always, but I'm confused... the .txt file didn't say where that var is called or anything other than that the var existed and what it did.
05:37.14[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff, its all right htere in front of you.
05:37.33jeffspeffwhat big print?
05:38.32[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff, Yes you have to set this varible befoer your Dial, NO, you can't set it as a global.
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05:47.05jeffspeff[TK]D-Fender, ok, here's what i did... I set the var in the extension right before dial (you can see it here from my extensions.conf When i dial ext 1001 the console shows that MONITOR_FILENAME is correctly set, but when it starts recording, it doesn't use the filename specified... see for the cli output
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05:47.44[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff, because you aren't setting the right variable.
05:48.09jeffspeffi'm supposed to inlcude the $ and brackets aren't i?
05:49.09[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff, go read the docs again
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05:52.05vortex`Just reading the asterisk book 'hello world' example at and I have a question about a line in the config the book doesnt explain very well.
05:52.33vortex`the line refers to making calls to the PSTN from an Asterisk server & SIP phone
05:52.50vortex`the line is: exten => _0[1-9].,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@ext-sip-account)
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05:53.04vortex`I'm not sure what the _0[1-9]. refers to as the first argument.
05:53.20vortex`is that a regex, saying any number 0 - 9 gets an outside line?
05:53.34vortex`(i understand the priority and function arguments, though)
05:54.04[TK]D-Fendervortex`, that is a pattern.  when a call arrives into * from a device that is configured to use that context it will try to match the number dialed against that pattern.  If it does, then it will process that exten accordingly.
05:55.29[TK]D-Fendervortex`, that particular pattern means starts with a "0", id followed by a digit "1-9", and then one or more characters of any kind
05:56.11vortex`[TK]D-Fender: thanks, yeah having read over the the section again it does actually mention it (but nothing about it being a pattern) :)
05:58.23[TK]D-Fendervortex`, that site does not appear to be a very complete way to learn * then.  The dialplan is the most important part of *.  If that guide doesn't explain how extens work then you should look elsewhere
05:58.54vortex`it's only the first example example aimed at a newbie, the rest of the site i assume goes into more detail.
05:59.12vortex`this first example will be good enough to get me started, however.
05:59.21[TK]D-Fendervortex`, here's hoping...
05:59.26jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
05:59.27*** join/#asterisk keulin (n=cray@
05:59.47vortex`JT: thanks; ooer, free PDF. i like the sound of that :)
06:00.08JTit's the bible
06:00.35vortex`as many oreilly books are on their specific subjects :)
06:05.15jeffspeff[TK]D-Fender, ok, i got it working much better now... I should have been setting the TOUCH_MONITOR var instead... but how can I get rid of the auto-.... that's still at the beginning of the files?
06:05.30*** part/#asterisk vortex` (
06:05.48[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff, Go try to do this properly and show me to full deal
06:06.18jeffspeffok, i'll pastebin what i've set, and the cli ouput... just a sec
06:10.00jeffspeff[TK]D-Fender, here's the extensions.conf part...  and here's the cli output  and here is the actual file name auto-1211177265-1000-1001-Mon May 19 01:07:37 2008.wav
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06:14.37[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff, that appears fixes
06:14.40[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff, that appears fixesfixed*
06:15.17jeffspeffyes, but is there a way to get rid of the  auto-1211177265-   part?
06:20.00[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff, You are hard of hearing aren't you....
06:20.10[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff, it appears to be FIXED <--------
06:20.56jeffspeffoh, fixed as in can't get rid of it... i thought you were saying fixed as in i fixed my problem...
06:21.16jeffspeffthanks. :)
06:22.21[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff, the code the determines this is evident in res_features.c
06:22.32[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff, if you cared enough you could path this easily.
06:23.22jeffspeff[TK]D-Fender, thanks, i'll take a look at that.
06:23.37jeffspeffonce again, i've learned from you. :p
06:24.52jeffspeff[TK]D-Fender, I have to recompile after i change that right?
06:26.09[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff, unless the compile fairie will psychically know of your change and do it for you you mean?
06:26.45jeffspefflol, whats the exten for the recompile fairy? i haven't seen that in any of the docs? is it built in?
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06:28.04[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff, Now what I might suggest is that its behaviour is by default illocical and worthy of being changed, thus you might gain some karma by posting a "fix" to it on Mantis.
06:29.06jeffspeff[TK]D-Fender, true; i'll see if i can find what to change, recompile, test, and then post the changed code. :)
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06:46.04*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
06:46.51L|NUXhello every one
06:48.06L|NUXhey jeffspeff
06:48.08*** part/#asterisk Wi_Fi (
06:48.17L|NUXany one fimilar with DUNDi ?
06:51.41jeffspeff[TK]D-Fender, Give me your opinion on something.  I've implemented a php page to review, play, and delete the recorded conversations.... I had another idea on somehow using a page that would allow a user to directly modify part of a series of dial commands within a certain context. my end result that i'm looking for is to type in a few numbers into the page and click save; and a extension dials those numbers and upon answering the u
06:51.42jeffspeffsers are transfered into the same conference... how would i best go about this?
06:52.23jeffspeffL|NUX: no experience with dundi
06:53.21mvanbaakL|NUX: just ask your question, maybe someone can help you
06:54.08aiksa[LV]jeffspeff: create AMI connection. Then issue Dial command
06:54.41aiksa[LV]where one part would be the location of the extension you would like to ring, like Local/15@internal/n
06:54.54aiksa[LV]and the other would be the location of the conference service
06:54.54L|NUXmvanbaak: okay i have setup dundi using
06:55.47jeffspeffaiksa[LV], I'm not familiar with AMI, how involved is this idea of mine going to be?
06:55.50L|NUXbut when i register on Box-A and calling Box-B like this 101@BoX-B it will say [May 19 01:44:43] NOTICE[11840]: chan_sip.c:13888 handle_request_invite: Failed to authenticate user "xxxxxxxxxxx"
06:56.27aiksa[LV]what do you mean by involved (sorry i am not native speaker)?
06:56.43L|NUXmy point is why call is not going to BoX-A
06:57.15L|NUXany one ?
06:57.42jeffspeffaiksa[LV], invovled, as in difficulty
06:57.59aiksa[LV]shouldnt be very difficult
06:58.09jeffspeffhmm.. ok
06:58.13aiksa[LV]AMI code of no more than some 20 line
06:58.26[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff, your description mixes too much about "how" you think you will go about doing what you really want to do,
06:59.49jeffspeff[TK]D-Fender, well, i would like it to work through a web interface... but have no idea exactly how to do it... aiksa[LV] recommended AMI; so i guess i'll read up on that.
07:00.24aiksa[LV]jeffspeff: you could also avoid AMI and just create dial spool files
07:00.50[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff, Youre descpriotion of what you want to DO was mangled in your description of HOW you though you should do it.  Describe what you actaully want please and leave out the unneccesary "hows".
07:00.51jeffspeffaiksa[LV], what are dial spool files? never heard of those either files
07:01.06aiksa[LV]jeffspeff: take a look here:
07:01.14JTread in the source directory
07:01.25aiksa[LV]the page describes methods for automated dial out
07:03.26jeffspeff[TK]D-Fender, I want a webpage that a user can put phone numbers or extension into as well as desired conference room # and upon saving or whatever asterisk will dial the specified numbers, when the person on the other end asnwers, it will play a message like "please wait to enter conference" and then transfer all of those numbers to the same conference room.
07:04.00[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff, then read up on "call files" and "AMI originate" on the WIKI
07:04.24mvanbaakL|NUX: did you setup the sip.conf peer ?
07:04.25jeffspeff[TK]D-Fender, ok, thanks
07:05.02JTjeffspeff: read
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07:06.04L|NUXmvanbaak: i did
07:06.37aiksa[LV]jeffspeff: if you do it in pure "oldschool php" fashion. You might prefer call files better
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07:07.15aiksa[LV]as messing with AMI involves establishing sockets and operating in daemon mode
07:07.51jelly-beanhow easy would it be to setup an asterisk box with a VoIP provider? what hardware would be necessary? i'm thinking a T1 with all 24 channels for data, a linux box to run asterisk, and a NIC + router
07:07.58jelly-beanam i right?
07:08.37Strom_Cjelly-bean: or you could just put the T1 right into the asterisk box
07:08.39aiksa[LV]why would you need T1?
07:08.53Strom_Caiksa[LV]: symmetric bandwidth
07:09.52aiksa[LV]Strom_C: here it would be cheaper to get an Optic rather than T1/E1
07:10.05Strom_Cwell, congratulations?
07:10.22JTaiksa[LV]: wtf is an optic?
07:10.27Strom_Ci think in English we call that "fiber"
07:10.30aiksa[LV]optical fiber
07:10.44JTthat's like saying "getting a copper" - meaningless
07:10.45Strom_Cor "fibre" ;)
07:10.51JTyou can run a LOT of stuff over fibre
07:10.54JTjust like copper
07:11.01L|NUXi agree with JT
07:11.09Strom_Cyeah -- what DSx level does the "optic" handle?
07:11.18jeffspeffaiksa[LV], JT, I've read the file, but i don't see anywhere to add the numbers that i want to dial
07:11.50aiksa[LV]JT, Strom_C point taken. I should go in the corner and be ashamed of myself
07:12.17JTaiksa[LV]: fibre is usually more expensive anyway, but for what it's worth, T1s and E1s can be provided over fibre too
07:12.40JTalthough most of the time they're provided over SHDSL over twisted pair copper
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07:13.17jelly-beanStrom_C: "put the T1 right into the box"? how do you mean? I thought that is what i was saying :)
07:13.27Strom_Cjelly-bean: put a T1 card in the machine
07:13.45aiksa[LV]JT, what I wanted to say, was that ifthe guy could get a provider to give him internet access over ordinary ethernet, he wouldnt need T1.
07:14.11aiksa[LV]provided that it is symetrical, stable and fast enough.
07:14.17aiksa[LV]or did i miss something?
07:14.46aiksa[LV]jeffspeff, there is Channel parameter in the call file
07:14.47JTmost people aren't lucky enough to get cheap ethernet Internet to their premises
07:15.15aiksa[LV]JT: i must be thinking "locally".
07:15.31jeffspeffaiksa[LV], yes, but it said Only one channel name is permitted.
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07:15.43aiksa[LV]jeffspeff: so create 10 or 20 files
07:16.00aiksa[LV]as many as the calls which has to be initiated.
07:16.06aiksa[LV]One file per one call
07:16.07jeffspeffaiksa[LV], didn't think about that
07:17.43aiksa[LV]JT as here I would pay around 900 EUR for E1 connection between two points. However guaranteed symetric connection to Internet with 8Mbits /8Mbits would go for 150 EUR
07:19.06JTaiksa[LV]: here a 2M/2M SHDSL connection would also be much cheaper than a point to point E1, even though an E1 is delivered over SHDSL
07:19.25JTT1 being a popular data connection method is really just a US/Canada thing these days I think
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07:20.09JTaiksa[LV]: An an E1 connection to a telco here for PRI service is cheaper than 2M/2M SHDSL even... go figure :)
07:20.36aiksa[LV]JT not a case here
07:20.55aiksa[LV]I would have to pay EUR 300 just a monthly subscription fee to use E1 connection
07:21.13aiksa[LV]for PRI
07:21.36jelly-beanwhat is the speed of T1? or are there multiple speeds? Comcast is offering cable with 8mb down
07:21.44jelly-beanburstable up to 12mb down
07:21.46aiksa[LV]I guess thats why 90% of our pbxes end up with a number of BRI cards :P
07:22.20Strom_Cjelly-bean: T1 is 1.544 megabits per second symmetric
07:22.36JTaiksa[LV]: here i can get a 10 channel PRI over E1 for the equivalent of 100EUR/mo
07:22.47JTjeffspeff: 1.54Mbit/s
07:23.20aiksa[LV]JT, nice. Where such paradise exists?
07:23.29JTwe have ADSL2+ here, up to 24Mbit/s down, 1.2Mbit/s up
07:24.01aiksa[LV]JT and none of teh oprators here would ever agree to give you a part of full E1 timeframe count
07:24.12aiksa[LV]"the operators", sorry
07:24.24JTInternet transit is expensive here though
07:24.26JTaiksa[LV]: why not?
07:24.48aiksa[LV]JT, they say it is using up a "whole port for them"
07:25.07JTmaybe if they have to buy a whole port from an upstream telco?
07:25.31JTi can get anything from ISDN 10 up to ISDN 30
07:25.34JTdepending on telco
07:25.40aiksa[LV]As in terms of their telco equipment.
07:25.47JTsome telcos will allow an arbitary number of channels from 10 up
07:25.52JTothers go in lots of 10
07:26.05aiksa[LV]JT - but its a morbid story here. Ex state monopoly, etc. etc.
07:26.09JTaiksa[LV]: they must be crazy
07:27.10aiksa[LV]JT, have heard about your internet prices. A friend of my went to study cinematography over there. Was pretty suprised.
07:27.59jelly-beanbut is that 1.54mb per channel (e.g. with 24 channels potentially for data) or total?
07:28.10aiksa[LV]We can get connections for private purposes of 10Mbits/10Mbits, (non guaranteed though) for around 30 EUR a month without any bandwidth cap.
07:28.17jelly-beani'm just surprised because t1 is still so pricey
07:28.35jelly-beanbut the 8mb cable is just $62.50/mo
07:28.42JTjelly-bean: 64000bit/s per channel
07:29.06JTcable infrastructure is contented and unreliable
07:29.10JTof course it's cheap
07:29.54jelly-beanwell they're offering it as a business-class solution
07:29.57JTaiksa[LV]: i can get Internet bandwidth for about $1.5/GB in the datacentre, that's cheap for datacentre bandwidth with no minimum commitment
07:30.02JTjelly-bean: well it's not
07:30.28Strom_Cjelly-bean: 1.544 megabits -- 24 channels at 64kbps each
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07:30.50Strom_Cjelly-bean: but seriously, don't go with the cable company for this stuff
07:31.02Strom_Cthey don't know what they're doing
07:31.17JTStrom_C: +8kbit/s sync
07:31.28Strom_Cwell it's framing, not sync
07:31.31Strom_Cbut anyway
07:31.42JTyou know what i mean
07:31.58JTE1s are much simpler, 32 * 64 = 2.048Mbit/s ;)
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07:32.14Strom_CJT: yeah, but counting in multiples of 31 isn't fun :P
07:32.24JTwhy would you do that?
07:32.48Strom_CI called up the cable company on behalf of a client who needed a mapping of what DNIS was programmed to each DID, and the technician on the other end asked "What's Geenis?"
07:32.59JTit's multiples of 30, and counting in multiples of 30 is much easier than counting in multiples of 23
07:33.12Strom_CJT: in asterisk, the signaling channel is also counted
07:33.14Strom_Cso 30 + 1
07:33.43JTif you look at it that way :)
07:33.53Strom_Cbut I'm sure if I worked with E1 all the time it would make perfect sense to me too
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07:36.15aiksa[LV]JT, still pricing by Gbit seems strange by our local pricing policies.
07:36.36JTaiksa[LV]: it's available per megabit or per GB
07:36.44JTand a few other schemes
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07:37.18Strom_Ca summary of the last half hour, for those who just joined:
07:37.32Strom_C"Boy, you sure have weird telecom products and services in [other country]"
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07:39.52cjkhi; does asterisk depend on reverse dns lookups? if so, how can i disable thel
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07:44.46LoneShadoware there good free UK sip providers like ipkall ?
07:45.09Strom_C"good" and "free" almost never go together in telecom
07:45.56LoneShadowwell something simillar to ipkall :)
07:46.14JTfree sounds like a bad business proposition in telecoms
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08:09.52L|NUXcan some one help me with DUNDi
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08:18.11tzafrirL|NUX, try to be more specific
08:18.24L|NUXtzafrir: hold let me do pb
08:18.34tzafrir(and no, I really don't know much about this Dundi guy ;-)
08:19.19dandreastmanproxy doesn't understand passwords with mixed case letters. Is this a known issue?
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08:21.21L|NUXtzafrir: but might be you can help :)
08:22.55L|NUXi am registered on box which have AAA.AAA.AAA.AAA and calling on box which have ip BBB.BBB.BBB.BBB
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08:23.34tzafrirjust to focus your question: do you think that the dundi query was successful and the issue is with the SIP authentication?
08:23.49trnzmetaguys, can you connect two asterisk boxes to voi pprovier with same account details?
08:23.54L|NUXmight be sip is an issue
08:24.03tzafrirIn that case leave dundy out of it
08:24.18tzafriryou can try a direct SIP call
08:24.25L|NUXokay hold
08:25.35tzafrirtrnzmeta, for outgoing calls only ? also for incoming calls?
08:25.59trnzmetajust outgoing
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08:44.01jbotwhat's up, asterisk_new
08:44.08Asterisk_newMay i ask a question please?
08:45.33Asterisk_newthe command i use is: Dial,SIP/MYNUMBER/0031612345678
08:45.37Asterisk_newand it's working!
08:46.03Asterisk_newbut it's quiet the first 4 seconds
08:46.17Asterisk_newcan i add an extra ringing when dialing my mobile phone??
08:50.47MatBoyis away: MatBoy Hides ;)
08:51.33dandretzafrir: astmanproxy doesn't understand passwords with mixed case letters. Is this a known issue?
08:52.04tzafrirdandre, I don't know astmanproxy well
08:52.10tzafrirBut what do you mean?
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08:52.24tzafrirAren't passwords case sensitive?
08:52.38dandresorry I though you were the maintener
08:52.39MatBoyis back (gone 00:01:52)
08:53.50dandreyes in the manager they are but if I specify a mixed case password in astmanproxy.conf, it is passed lowercased to the manager
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08:56.51Asterisk_newdoes someone knows how to add an extra ringing on transfer ?? please
08:57.54Asterisk_newi'm searing for something like this:
08:57.54Asterisk_newRing Back is the simulated ring a caller hears when they are being transfered to a extension.
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09:05.34kannanhellol, I am tring to register a grandstream 2020 model with my asterisk, but am not able to get it. other phones register fine with the same user details
09:05.40Strom_CAsterisk_new: what do you mean "extra ringing on transfer"?
09:05.50jbotGrandSuck phones & gateways are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice.
09:06.41kannanhow about polycom , i was given this GS as a sample by a vendor
09:06.49Strom_CI love polycom
09:07.02Strom_Cthe configuration can be a touch hairy, but the phones are solid
09:07.02kannankewl then
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09:07.12kannanhairy , on o
09:07.15kannanoh no
09:07.23tzafrirdandre, is there any place with some bug reports and fixes for astproxyman?
09:07.34kannanthere is no help no the GS websites also
09:08.00kannanon voip wiki also, . i saw screen shots in asteriskguru and followed these, but the phone is not registering
09:08.04tzafrirmaybe it would be worth opening a sourceforge project to collect the patches and bug reports for starters
09:08.12Asterisk_newStrom_C: my house phone is ringing 20 seconds
09:08.52Asterisk_newafter that the caller is being "transfered" to my mobile phone
09:09.38Asterisk_newbut it's about 4-5 seconds quiet (the caller doesn't hear anything)
09:10.03Asterisk_newand after that my cell phone is ringing (and the caller hears the ringtone again)
09:10.24Asterisk_newcan i add an extra ringing to break the silence ?
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09:13.47Strom_CAsterisk_new: probably not, unless you want to kill your call progress information from the network
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09:15.05dandreI don't know, from debian/changelog:
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09:17.46tzafrirdandre, the 1.2 package?
09:18.19PenolWill this extenstion work ?
09:18.38kannanStrom_C, any idea what the proxy-require filed is in the GS settings?
09:19.04Strom_Cnot without some context, no
09:20.05PenolWill this extenstion work ?
09:20.32Asterisk_newStrom_C: thank you for your help
09:21.02TeraFloodquestion? I have situation when asterisk server will make brige sip calls width Siemens Hipass8000 so how much one server - 2gb ram, duo core will can handle calls
09:21.05dandrefrom what I have downloaded (1.21 sourcetree)
09:21.35dandredo you know a better supported manager proxy tzafrir?
09:24.22*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (n=somethin@
09:24.26Dr-LinuxHi all
09:24.59Dr-Linuxi want encrypted password in voicemail.conf , i googled it but no help, anyone any idea for this?
09:26.24TeraFloodDr-Linux U can try write some script and work width AGI
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09:29.19yangtzafrir: could you tell me, how could I insert/delete a string in the dialplan ? Like I dial 00386123456 and the output should change into 0123456 , is it possible ?
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09:30.12tzafriryang, temporarily? "dialplan add" (or "add" in 1.2)
09:30.30tzafrirYou can also use the command "originate"
09:30.36Dr-LinuxTeraFlood: does Asterisk provides some way to do that?
09:31.09Dr-LinuxTeraFlood: if NO then is there any script already available to encrypt the passwords in voicemail.conf ?
09:31.49yangtzafrir: but I know how to cut the lines like 00386. then here comes {EXTEN:5}, but how to apend a 0 after?
09:31.59Dr-Linuxtzafrir: i'd also like to have your comments on my question. Thanks
09:34.45*** join/#asterisk eXistenZ (n=existenz@unaffiliated/existenz)
09:35.06tzafrir${EXTEN:5}0 ?
09:35.12tzafriryang ==^
09:36.10tzafrirDr-Linux, not really sure. Too many things read voicemail.conf directly
09:36.48trnzmetayeah baby, migration finished
09:37.10tzafrirAlso: you mean "hashed password". Encrypted password does not make sense normally
09:39.35TeraFloodDr-Linux the passwords in asterisk *.conf files always in plain txt. so when U conect to voicemail U can make AGI or other script witch will work for autorization from extension.conf - so also U can meke script and users&password take from SQL
09:40.35aiksa[LV]anyone here ever messed around with chan_alsa or chan_oss?  The question is - when I dial chan_alsa will it automatically "Answer" the call?
09:42.37aiksa[LV]ok. my bad. It has autoanswer option in configs. case solved
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09:54.27Dr-LinuxTeraFlood: was thinking to protect the voicmail.conf file not sure yet HOW
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10:05.24TeraFloodDr-Linux 1st why - also U can try like
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10:08.26klimonsowhenever i change the port of iax, if i restart it goes back to default port, how can i change it permenant ??
10:09.27klimonsowhenever i change the port of iax, if i restart it goes back to default port, how can i change it permenant ??
10:09.48klimonsois there anyone alive here?
10:10.35RoyKklimonso: if you change it in iax.conf and restart and it "goes back to default", something is indeed wrong
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10:15.24aiksa[LV]klimonso: you are using bindport directive?
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10:17.19klimonsowhat else i can do so it stays
10:17.29klimonsocoz port 4569 is blocked in my country
10:18.42aiksa[LV]klimonso: hmmm. but it stays the same in config file right?
10:19.57yangtzafrir: thanks
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10:20.00klimonsoi tried editing it in ssh and i tried editing it in trixbox maint
10:20.13klimonsoand when i reboot it goes back to its original state
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10:21.01aiksa[LV]klimonso: ok, so its not asterisk issue
10:21.10aiksa[LV]but rather configuration file override
10:21.31aiksa[LV]while I suppose this is more appropriate question for #trixbox forum.
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10:24.11Faustovhi guys, i have 2 register lines in my sip.conf: register => and register => (2 users, same provider) - whenever someone dials the number given by the first registry, it shows up in the console as Executing [extension@context:1] MeetMe("SIP/USER2-007f8510", "ext|Mix") in new stack
10:24.21Faustovis this a bug? it should definitely be USER1
10:28.38aiksa[LV]klimonso: also try to look into your /etc/rc.d routines perhaps there is something which restores the old config
10:31.21aiksa[LV]Faustov: you could disable user1 and then look if call still comes in
10:31.37aiksa[LV]if yes then provider is sending it through user2
10:31.57aiksa[LV]also take a look at what [user1] and [user2] records you have in your sip.conf
10:32.54aiksa[LV]because IMHO SIP/XXX doesnt correspond to user with username XXX, but rather to the [XXX]
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10:40.37Faustovaiksa[LV]: it does come in anyways, because the users get connected to that extension, but the logs say user2 is handling the call, while it's user1
10:41.27Faustovi'll try disabling it later
10:41.58aiksa[LV]take a look at users definition portion in sip.conf with names [user1] and [user2]
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10:42.12aiksa[LV]this is where asterisk will decide to which user the call belongs to
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10:47.35Faustovaiksa[LV]: for local calls this is fine, however with registered public numbers it doesn't
10:47.43AzamHello my asterisk drop a call after around 30 seconds please help. I am using xlite behind nat
10:48.51Faustovaiksa[LV]: if it registers as account1, i'd expect it to use the context as account1
10:49.41aiksa[LV]Faustov: I am not the author of chan_sip, nor have I examined it in very fine details, but how I understand the workings of this is as follows:
10:50.02aiksa[LV]register=> only tells the other party that we are available at following IP address
10:50.48Faustovquestion: should i create contexts named as the usernames for the register lines?
10:51.03Azammy asterisk drop a call after around 30 seconds please help. I am using xlite behind nat
10:51.10oejFaustov: You need to understand matching for incoming calls here
10:51.26oejFaustov: We match incoming calls either on the From: username part of the URI or the IP/Port of the sender
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10:51.37oejThe register=> has nothing to do with the matching
10:52.00aiksa[LV]oej: thats what I was trying to explain
10:52.21oej...and I know a bit about the source... :-)
10:52.41aiksa[LV]not ... "and" ... but ..."but"
10:53.15Faustovoej: ok, i see, but where can I do some matching then?
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10:53.43aiksa[LV]Faustov: in your sip conf. where you would have [user1] and [user2] sections
10:53.47oejIf you register two accounts with the same provider, you end up doing that in the dialplan
10:53.54oejIf it's a PSTN provider
10:54.27oejThe [user] matching won't work, because the From: is the caller ID of the person calling the provider
10:54.37Faustovaiksa[LV]: ok, in those sections i have 2 contexts, one with ext1, other with ext2, so they don't even overlap
10:55.07Faustovbut it still fails
10:55.19aiksa[LV]oej: wouldnt provider identify himself in sip when pushing the call to his pbx?
10:55.38oejOnly with domain
10:55.47oejIt depends on the provider of course
10:56.04oejNormally you will get a From: <callerid>@providersdomain
10:56.06Faustovoej: isn't the dialplan only for outgoing calls?
10:56.19oejFaustov: The dialplan is for all calls
10:56.31oejWhat's an outgoing call?
10:56.34aiksa[LV]Faustov: there aint difference between incoming and outgoing
10:56.44aiksa[LV]whats incomming on line is outgoing on other
10:56.47aiksa[LV]and vice versa
10:56.48oejThe dialplan executes an INCOMING call (from outside or inside your company) and sets up OUTBOUND calls
10:58.10aiksa[LV]oej, gotta run. I`ll leave the explaining on this one to you. *grin*
11:03.01Faustovoej: ok, here's what i came up with: exten => user1,1,Dial(SIP/ext1,,)
11:03.04oejHangup on the 29th second...
11:03.07Faustovoej: does this look correct to you?
11:03.24oejFaustov: Didn't you give "extension1" in the register= statement
11:04.09Faustovoej: i do, but that one isn't going through the right set of extensions
11:04.20Faustovoej: now i have it like this:
11:05.59Faustovoej: registry => x:y@provider/extension; then [account1] context=stations; then in [stations] exten => myext,1,Dial(SIP/ext1,,)
11:06.32oej"myext" and "extension" is not the same. Why?
11:06.39Faustovbut if i understand you correctly, there's no link between the registry /extension info and the [account]'s context
11:06.57Faustovi'm sorry, it's the same
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11:08.10oejThe link is the IP address of the server
11:08.25oejYOu need to create a [peer] with host=<hostname or ip> of your provider, then set the context there
11:08.55Faustovwill that work since asterisk is behind NAT?
11:09.19oejThe sender's IP address will be the same, regardless of NAT
11:10.52Faustovshould that [peer] you mention be actually the [account] of the sip provider?
11:11.26Faustovor something extra?
11:13.11Faustovbecause where would i have a reference to [peer]?
11:17.36oejFaustov: I guess you need to read some documentation. There's plenty of examples out there.
11:18.14AzamCan anyone help me please? my asterisk drops a call after around 30 seconds. I am using xlite behind na
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11:19.02PenolWill this extenstion work ?
11:19.03Nobbieheya =)
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11:20.59deltaray2Just curious, have any of you made a IP Phone to IP phone over a very long distance, like from the US to China?  How was the quality/delay?
11:21.42Nobbiedeltaray2: there are so many determining factors, the only way to find out if it will work for you is to test
11:22.03redbackdeltaray2:  I have done UK to NZ a few times with no probs but UK to UK with probs, many factors.
11:23.20Nobbiewe do australia to South africa, minor intermittent problems
11:23.43deltaray2Do you know if there was less delay than if it was a normal POTS connection?
11:24.16deltaray2I am going to test, but I have to wait for the person to set it up, I was just curious to know before what other experiences are.  Thanks.
11:24.29Nobbiehard to say, but normally on a POTS platform, the jitter is constant wheras with VoIP it will be varialbe
11:30.46Nobbieastdb seems to be a bottleneck on my PBX with ~400 extensions, ~60 concurrent calls. has anyone tried the sqlite replacement for astdb or some other alternative/optimization ?
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11:52.32xenonexhello, how add extension on any 6 digits?
11:54.27kaldemarxenonex: _XXXXXX
11:55.29jbotxenonex: sure thing
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12:00.37jblackWhen running monitor, in and out isn't getting mixed together. Any suggestions?
12:02.20jblackHmm, looks like I need the m option
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12:40.32AzamCan anyone help me please? my asterisk drops a call after around 30 seconds. I am using xlite behind na
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12:42.45klimonsois there any expert with freepbx? i need support pvt msg me please
12:50.57tzafrirAzam, please pastebin a trace from the Asterisk CLI
12:52.01Azamtzafrir, thanks for replying. just give me a minute
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12:58.26mknerdwhat are the advantages of having a multi-line SIP phone, can I not just park an unlimited amount of calls and get dialtone again?
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12:59.13Azamtzafrir, i must tell you that my asterisk is on a global ip and my xlite client is behind NAT
13:00.23cjkdoes anyone know is asterisk is doing reverse dns lookups?
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13:03.12Curusmknerd, it can be handy to have several accounts configured, and it's easier to let the phone handle 3-way conferences
13:05.53a-sWhen an agent of a queue is called, it cannot aswer when his telephone not ringing. Coulkd I fix this problem ?
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13:15.50a-sa telephone can answer a call just if it is ringing... If I answer and it wasn't ringing, then I get the message "busy"....
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13:17.04deltaray2This is a long shot, but is there any way when forwarding a call that comes in from an outside line and then goes to an outside line, to have the call then offloaded to the phone system and not tie up your channels?  Does that make sense?
13:17.15*** join/#asterisk Fusoya (
13:19.25FusoyaI'm hoping someone can help me: I need to find a way to cause Asterisk 1.2 to send "call end" event notifications to another system... If I were using 1.4, I think I could do it with AGI... but 1.2's docs read like it kills the script immediately on hang-up
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13:20.52FusoyaIs there some other way that I can call a script with channel/extension/callID on hangup?
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13:21.48Rico29I have a problem with thomson st2030S provisioning
13:22.02Rico29what name must the defaut config file have ?
13:22.19Rico29st2030s.inf ?
13:23.50Kattygood morning!
13:23.54jbotbonjour, rico29
13:24.10Rico29jbot>  huh ?
13:24.11jbotWelcome to ICQ.
13:24.26keith4what's good about it?
13:26.28keith4(the morning)
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13:33.35a-sthere is no method to answer a call when the telephone is not ringing ?
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13:34.36Nuggethow would that work?
13:35.05mknerdwhat are the advantages of having a multi-line SIP phone, can I not just park an unlimited amount of calls and get dialtone again?
13:35.32Nuggetmknerd: among other things it can be useful to categorize/distinguish incoming calls
13:36.28mknerdmy dialplan adds to the callerID to distinguish incoming calls from the call attendant, can you give me some other examples
13:36.55Nuggetthat must be a real pain in the ass for calling people back from the phone.  :)
13:37.21Nuggetyou can't just call back based on the callerid
13:37.41mknerdyou can't?  why is that?
13:37.47Nuggetyou've changed it, right?
13:38.00mknerdjust the name portion, and only added to it
13:38.27Nuggetah, so you're just (potentially) dropping some of the name portion.  I guess that's a decent compromise if you have only one line.
13:38.45mknerd3 lines, but they roll into each other
13:39.04NuggetI meant on the phone, silly.  wasn't that the whole point of your question?
13:39.36mknerdwell currently I have some polycom 501, 3 line phones, but I am just curious on what the advantages to getting 6 line apperance phones would be
13:39.52mknerdappearance even
13:41.01mknerdwould I want to assign the same sip account to each line? or different ones .. I guess I am just curious as to how others are using them
13:41.23Nuggetdifferent ones.  asterisk doesn't support multiple connections from the same sip account
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13:41.54Nuggetgenerally people use them to differentiate between incoming calls, or do to speed dials (and/or presence detection)
13:42.56mknerdthat is not true, I have 3 lines all set to a single sip account and it works
13:45.24mknerdlooks weird on the phone though ..
13:45.31mknerd202, 202, 202
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13:48.35thepacmanfanmy sip phone is showing as a peer, but it's not in the registry. should that phone be able to place an outbound call?
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13:55.09kensuke_a question....... for asterisk... kernel 64bits or 32bits... what is you recomendation...?
13:55.31CurusThere's no reason to use 32 bits anymore
13:55.41kensuke_Ok :D
13:55.51jbotkensuke_: sure thing
13:55.56CurusThere never was, really
13:56.29coppiceespecially in the days of 16 bit CPUs :-)
13:56.56aiksa[LV]coppice: you always manage to ruin the day :)
13:57.13aiksa[LV]16 bit CPUs to perform 8 bit tasks ?
13:58.04coppicecome on. we are talking about Unix systems. Unix was written for 16 bit machines, not 8 bit
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14:01.03CurusActually Unix was originally for an 18-bit CPU
14:02.10thepacmanfana 16-bit CPU made by a 2-bit engineering team
14:02.24coppicehey, you're right. I forgot about that. the PDP-7 was like a PDP-10 cut in two, wasn't it :-)
14:02.54CurusI don't know, I've never played with a PDP
14:03.23adr3nalin3Hey guys I am having trouble getting festival to work in asterisk.  I have modified the festival.scm and reloaded the system.  I hear no audio and I am seeing no error messages in the asterisk console.  Any suggestions?
14:03.44coppicewell, I never played with a PDP-7, but I've loathed a few PDP-10s and PDP-11s :-)
14:03.49Faustova good manual on creating IVRs - could anyone point me?
14:04.25aiksa[LV]coppice: i was just kidding
14:04.50adr3nalin3Faustov: actually second link was supposed to be ->
14:04.55aiksa[LV]giving a reference to what thepacmanfan broke down to two steps
14:05.03Faustovthanks adr3nalin3
14:05.03jbotmy pleasure, Faustov
14:05.26tzangerthepacmanfan: I thinkt he full quote is "Windows is a 32-bit extension to a 16-bit graphical shell for an 8-bit operating system originally coded for a 4-bit microprocessor by a 2-bit company that can't stand 1 bit of competition."
14:05.33coppiceeveryone gets so "power of 2" about word length these days. pretty much the only place that still breaks free is DSPs
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14:05.57tzangercoppice: I thought anything to do with floating point was fully-free of powers of two as well
14:06.03thepacmanfantranger, someone's gonna have to work 64-bit into that soon
14:06.37coppicetzanger: but they don't put it on a nice 36 bit word like a PDP-10 did, do they?
14:07.10coppicethe first processor I developed was 24 bit. I'm a free spirit :-)
14:07.12Curustzanger: Everyone does 64-bit doubles these days. Even Intel has given up on 80-bit except for backwards compatibility
14:07.15adr3nalin3no problem Faustov
14:07.40coppicethey only did 80 bit within the floating point engine
14:08.01redbackI have set 'queue_members => mysql,asterisk,queue_members' in 'extconfig.conf' but when I use the 'AddQueueMember' command within ael it does not add the member into the table. Is this by design?
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14:10.25thepacmanfanhave any of you used asterisk-gui to configure sip phones?
14:10.40adr3nalin3thepacmanfan: yes
14:11.14adr3nalin3thepacmanfan: more like to configure the users for the phones all the actual phone config is done on the phone
14:11.47thepacmanfanadr3nalin3: a little sip config needs to be done on the asterisk side... can i do all that under Users in asterisk-gui
14:11.54thepacmanfanerr.. ?
14:12.22thepacmanfandangit... well, my 7960 is showing up as a sip peer, but not in sip registry.
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14:13.23CurusSo, what is the scoop on DAHDI?
14:13.37thepacmanfanin *-gui i set the Name to the Auth Name on the phone, and i set the password to the Auth Password on the phone.
14:13.54coppiceand when does MAHMI follow it?
14:15.06thepacmanfanOTOH, it looks like the only reason that phone was showing up as a peer was due to my manual edit of sip.conf
14:15.10rob0She never follows, she leads.
14:15.35thepacmanfanit's like asterisk-gui isn't even updating sip.conf, or even extensions.conf
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14:16.45CurusInquiring minds want to know
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14:19.54thepacmanfanhmm... looks like asterisk-gui is putting everything in users.conf
14:20.20thepacmanfanis that good enough for SIP registration, or do i need the info in sip.conf too?
14:25.48CurusPerhaps sip.conf includes users.conf?
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14:27.03mackes-OfficeGood Morning Everyone
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14:29.28thepacmanfanah, wait a minute. i bet it's my firewall.
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14:29.45thepacmanfanwhat ports need to be open to allow a sip registration to happen?
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14:31.16mackes-OfficeThat is a good question
14:31.31mackes-OfficeI have opened 5060, and 10000-20000
14:31.37rob0but anyway, if the client is registering with you, you need to open the SIP port (udp/5060) or the port the client is expecting to use.
14:32.08thepacmanfaneverything is at defaults, so 5060... mackes, why the 10000-20000?
14:32.49rob0whose registration is failing, yours or a SIP client?
14:33.07thepacmanfana SIP client
14:33.27mackes-OfficeI am not sure the of the exact technical reason, but I am sure you need them for the call to have two way audio?
14:33.33mackes-Officerob0, do you agree?
14:35.26tzafrirthepacmanfan, registration is SIP, hence (in the case of Asterisk) UDP port 5060
14:35.32Curusmackes-Office: On a lucky day the connection will start from the inside, and then you don't need to open the ports (assuming they are open outgoing)
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14:35.56cjkhi, asterisk doesnt seem to work when it has no internet
14:35.58tzafrir10000-20000 might be used for the RTP payload managed by SIP sessions
14:36.01CurusBut like all things NAT, things work sometimes.
14:36.11mackes-OfficeHmmm Interesting.
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14:36.34mackes-OfficeSo when should ports 10000-20000 be forwarded.
14:36.45thepacmanfantzafrir, so basically, my asterisk server needs 10000-20000 open
14:37.00tzafrirthepacmanfan, not for registration
14:37.08Curusmackes: When you can.
14:37.15thepacmanfanbut for calls... ok.
14:37.19Curusmackes: If you can't, it'll possibly work anyway
14:37.43CurusOf course it's also a huge range of ports to open, so a firewall becomes somewhat silly.
14:37.53CurusJust hope nothing else uses a port in that range
14:38.06mackes-OfficeAhh. So best practice yes, but if that NAT is held open via registration, then no.
14:38.09Curus(Or shrink it in rtp.conf)
14:38.40thepacmanfani'm not dealing with NAT, just the default iptables config in centos with server options
14:38.42CurusRegistration doesn't open the RTP ports. The SIP packets might, if the NAT knows about the SIP protocol
14:39.46CurusBut then if the NAT knows about SIP, and the phone knows about NAT, they both try to fix up addresses and things break. Hello ZyXEL.
14:40.30thepacmanfanhmm... i opened 5060/udp, and my phone still won't register.
14:40.45CurusI'd say switch to IPv6, but everyone uses filters there too, so that doesn't help
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14:41.46Curusthepacmanfan: Try tcpdump -nieth0 port 5060, see if any packets come from the phone. Or sip debug ip <phoneip>
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14:43.37Curustcpdump sees the packets before iptables does, sip debug in asterisk sees them afterwards
14:44.12thepacmanfanany reason i'd need to use -v with tcpdump
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14:45.53CurusDon't, unless you add -s0 too, or you'll see broken SIP packets because tcpdump doesn't fetch enough
14:48.22thepacmanfantcpdump isn't seeing anything on 5060.
14:48.41CurusThen your problem isn't iptables (or your interface isn't eth0)
14:49.18thepacmanfanhmm... on my 7960, should http proxy addr be my asterisk server?
14:49.33CurusHTTP proxy? I doubt that
14:50.03thepacmanfandefault router 1?
14:50.27thepacmanfani mean, should i have to enter the host address of my asterisk server on my phone? i don't have that anywhere.
14:51.07thepacmanfanip address seems to be the address of my phone.
14:51.13*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (n=arodgers@
14:55.36CurusYour asterisk server is registration server. Some broken phones require it as proxy, too
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15:02.15r0landhello all
15:02.24r0landcould someone help me with my sip to pstn setup plz!
15:02.46r0landim using spa3102 in between asterisk and the pstn line..
15:02.56r0landthough i cant call out nor recieve calls
15:03.07r0landeven though postn interface is regsisted on asterisk
15:05.13*** join/#asterisk Yourname` (n=chatzill@unaffiliated/yourname/x-837320)
15:06.50fiddurHi folks.  Is ip-telephone questions ok here?     We're about to buy new phones for our office and have asterisk now (when previously only alcatel)..  I'm looking at grandstream PBX-2000 for example, but on the grandstream-page on voip-info there are some comments about how bad it is etc, while others say it works well..  Are the bad comments just negative marketing for other phones or what?
15:07.36jbotGrandSuck phones & gateways are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice.
15:08.12CurusWe replaced GXP-2000 for our customers with Snom phones 2 years ago
15:08.26jbot[snom] like all German products. High quality, but wacky engineering. :)
15:08.30Yourname`Hi. A call comes into 10, 5 seconds later, it is forwarded to ext 13. On 13, the call is picked up, but requires DTMF input. DTMF is being seen by Asterisk as is evident from CLI DTMF output, however, it doesn't seem to actually go to the caller. Why?
15:08.35jbotphones is probably  While personal preference will dictate which phone works best for you, general consensus on a rough order of quality and suggestibility is as follows:  Polycom (any), Aastra 480i, Aastra 5i Series, Cisco 7940+, Linksys SPA-9XX, Snom, and finally everything else.  Do not consider Grandstream phones.  Ever. places like such as
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15:08.58fiddurlol, ok...
15:09.02CurusSupposedly they have gotten better with time and firmware updates, but too late for us.
15:09.16r0landanyone could help out with sipura 3102 and asterisk ?!
15:09.30jbotmethinks ask is Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
15:09.50thepacmanfanCurus, will tcpdump on port 5060 actually capture udp traffic too?
15:09.55fidduri've tried a polycom, and while it's good, it is far more expensive than most alternatives... If that's what it takes, we'll pay it, but it seems to be so many cheaper alternatives that are spoken well of (or just well marketed :P)
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15:10.04Curusthepacmanfan: Yes
15:10.20*** part/#asterisk supjigator (n=shanebur@
15:10.24CurusYou can do tcpdump udp port 5060 if you don't want traffic to tcp port 5060
15:10.34CurusBut you aren't likely to drown in TCP to 5060
15:10.35thepacmanfanCurus: i'm getting NOTHING. :(
15:10.35rob0Cheapest way to go is with ATA's and analog phones.
15:10.51CurusAnyway, I'll see if I can cut the handcuffs and stop being here against my will
15:10.58r0landi've added 2 extensions in sip.conf one for the softphone i have on my pc right now, and the other for the PSTN LINE interface on sipura 3102, i turned sip debugging on in the asterisk CLI and whenever i try to call out (i do so by calling the extension tht i assigned for the pstn interface) in the cli debugging gives me "03 service unavailable"
15:10.59rob0but cheap might not be the best thing, in fact ...
15:11.04jbot[cheap] a bad idea.  If you're setting up an Asterisk system, one of the wisest pieces of advice you can take is this: DON'T BE A CHEAPSKATE.
15:11.50CurusYou can't not be a cheapskate with Asterisk. A four-socket quadcore system plus phones is dirt cheap compared to proprietary solutions
15:11.51fiddursnom lies in the cheap interval as well, compared to polycom...  but they're allright?
15:12.09r0land this is the error im getting in asterisk
15:12.36fiddurCurus: I know...  we've gone over to asterisk because alcatel wanted another 50000 euro for a simple upgrade...
15:12.54mackes-OfficeI agree with Curus
15:13.07mackes-OfficeGreat Phones, and a good server make Asterisk shine
15:13.20rob0Curus, but that discounts the time investment.
15:13.21mackes-OfficeLow end phones make Asterisk look cheap
15:13.29fiddurbut still, if a phone half the cost does the same job as e.g. polycom 601, why pay that?
15:13.37Yourname`Hi. I know my windows update settings are set to download but notify to install. When I boot up my PC, it shows the yellow icon meaning I;m supposed to install. But when I click it, it disappears and doesn't come back on. What do I do to instll the updates?
15:13.53mackes-OfficePickup the Polycom 320's for $85.
15:13.59rob0looks up at the channel name
15:14.02mackes-OfficeThey do the job, and they are very good phones
15:14.14sp00kzPolycom makes one of the best voip phones imho
15:14.14r0landrob0 ya i guess hes confused about it as well lol
15:14.22r0landrob0 so have any advice about my sip problem ?
15:14.35redbackI have set 'queue_members => mysql,asterisk,queue_members' in 'extconfig.conf' but when I use the 'AddQueueMember' command within ael it does not add the member into the table. Is this by design?
15:15.50thepacmanfani like the feel of the cisco 7960s we got for ~$125 apiece
15:15.59r0landso could some1 help with my sip prob!
15:16.02thepacmanfanof course, i'm having a heck of a time getting them properly set up for sip.
15:16.14redbackthepacmanfan:  heh - same one as your struggling with?
15:16.45thepacmanfanthey seem to be a well-made phone
15:16.59thepacmanfanfake dial tone sounds good, etc :)
15:17.49fiddurjbot mentioned Linksys SPA-9XX too; anyone here tried linksys SPA-921?
15:18.08thepacmanfanYourname`: ##windows
15:18.23redbackYourname`: your asking the wrong question on the right channel, or the right question on the wrong channel
15:18.32Yourname`thepacmanfan: LOL, sorry.. scroll up.
15:18.34Yourname`Hi. A call comes into 10, 5 seconds later, it is forwarded to ext 13. On 13, the call is picked up, but requires DTMF input. DTMF is being seen by Asterisk as is evident from CLI DTMF output, however, it doesn't seem to actually go to the caller. Why?
15:18.49Yourname`Stupid complete. :)
15:19.12rob0I was fixin' t' berate Yourname` severely.
15:19.30dFencewow... now that i've tried 3 billing systems/plugins/bitches and nearly crippled my system in any possible way i think we just gonna charge 10bugs for each call ;D
15:19.41rob0r0land: dunno, I guess your SIP client / sip.conf isn't set up right.
15:19.42Yourname`rob0: I did, and DTMF shows up in the CLI as detected.
15:19.56Yourname`rob0: Yet, it doesn't seem to be passed on to the caller.
15:20.39r0landrob0 if its not confi right.. how am i registered to it ?
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15:24.27dFencehm.. my provider transmits a signal (probably via the d-channel/ISDN?) telling the PBX how to rate a call (local call 1unit/min, cell-phone 9units/min etc).. is there a way i can get a hold of that signal? (i am using chan_capi if that helps ;D)
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15:24.41Bananaskinthepacmanfan, u not tried sccp on the cisco's
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15:32.21*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk 1.4.20-rc3, 1.6.0-beta9 (2008/05/14) Asterisk (2008/05/13), *-Addons 1.4.6 (2008/02/21) 1.6.0-beta3 (2008/04/02), Zaptel (2008/02/28), Libpri 1.4.3 (2007/12/13) -=- #asterisknow or #asterisk-gui for AsteriskNOW ( -=- #switchvox for Switchvox ( -=- #freepbx for FreePBX/trixbox
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15:40.26*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk 1.4.20-rc3, 1.6.0-beta9 (2008/05/14) Asterisk (2008/05/13), *-Addons 1.4.6 (2008/02/21) 1.6.0-beta3 (2008/04/02), Zaptel (2008/02/28), Libpri 1.4.3 (2007/12/13) -=- #asterisknow or #asterisk-gui for AsteriskNOW ( -=- #switchvox for Switchvox ( -=- #freepbx for FreePBX/trixbox
15:42.04thepacmanfanbananaskin: no, i haven't tried sccp.
15:42.10adr3nalin3ManxPower: I am not sure it is a remote server
15:42.26adr3nalin3I'm not seeing in error messages in the system log
15:43.24adr3nalin3ManxPower: spoke to soon, I see errors now
15:44.04*** join/#asterisk bootc (
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15:44.15bootchi folks
15:44.27bootcI'm trying to implement a hot-desking system which is working ok so far
15:44.56bootcbut if you enable SIP overlap dialling on the phone it all falls apart, since it matches all extensions and then falls into the invalid context
15:45.20ManxPoweradr3nalin3: you need to get it working outside of asterisk before you can expect to get it working inside of Asterisk
15:45.45ManxPowerbootc: you should not need to enable overlap dialiing.  Are you in some country with variable length phone numbers?
15:46.13ManxPowerbootc: something is wrong with your dialplan.  That should not be happening.
15:46.18adr3nalin3ManxPower: yes I will troubleshoot my pulseaudio problem, I haven't ever had a problem with festival running on suse 10.3 kind of strange
15:46.26bootcthere is that aspect, but there is also the case that I want people to be able to dial numbers without pressing OK on the phone
15:46.50bootcmy code is (AEL):
15:46.50ManxPowerbootc: a phone with a correct dialplan will not require them to press OK on the phone.
15:46.53ManxPowerWhat phone are you using.
15:46.57bootcsnom 300
15:46.59ManxPowerI can't help with AEL.
15:47.05ManxPowerbootc: fix the phone dialplan then
15:47.32bootcwhat I get is
15:47.57keith4holy crap. i didn't think anyone actually used AEL
15:48.18ManxPowerbootc: you are dialing extension 60?
15:48.32redbackI thought ael was a replacement to .conf
15:48.46ManxPowerredback: AEL is parsed into extensions.conf format on load.
15:49.07ManxPowerAll AEL is, is really a preprocessor to turn AEL into regular dialplan stuff.
15:49.14keith4the default behavior of the snom 300 is to just sit there like an idiot, asking you to hit OK
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15:49.29watchyok i got the polycom intercom auto answer stuff working
15:49.42watchybut is there a way to call multiple phones and talk to them through it?
15:49.46ManxPowerkeith4: only if you are an idiot and did not configure the phone with the right dialplan
15:49.46bootcessentially the phone is in the 'hotdesk' context, and if you dial 60 it matches the extension and sends you off that way, then it goes to the hotdesk_loggedout context where '60' doesn't exist
15:49.47keith4I think every other SIP phone that I have assumes you're done dialing and sends the number after a timeout
15:50.03keith4ManxPower: notice where I said "default behavior" ?
15:50.03mackes-OfficeThe Page command in Asterisk
15:50.06ManxPowerbootc: it only does that if your dialplan is wrong.
15:50.08bootcI'd like it to keep sending "SIP/2.0 484 Address Incomplete" until it matches something in the destination context
15:50.14watchyany other way besides the page command?
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15:50.31thepacmanfanCurus: still around?
15:50.37*** part/#asterisk jivco (n=jivco@
15:50.44ManxPowerbootc: It DID match something in the destination context, it matched extension 60, priority 1 in the context hotdesk
15:50.48bootcI'm pressing the buttons to dial 6000, as soon as I press 60 it matches and starts dialling
15:50.48mackes-OfficeWell, you need multiple phones to answer- so they need to be put into some type of conference
15:50.52mackes-OfficeThat is what page does
15:50.53ManxPoweronce it matches that your dialplan takes over
15:50.56mackes-OfficeWhy no page?
15:50.58watchyyea thats what i was thinking
15:51.03ManxPowerbootc: then don't have overlapping extensions!
15:51.25bootcwell how else can I have my hot desking code if it doesn't match *everything*
15:51.29keith4bootc: having extensions 60 and 6000 is a terrible idea
15:51.34ManxPowerbootc: you think you have an overlap dial problem, you actually have a dialplan problem.
15:51.38bootckeith4: I don't, I only have 6000
15:51.46bootcbut my hot-desking code matches _X.
15:52.05mackes-OfficePage is meetme- But with all of the phones muted
15:52.14ManxPowerbootc: why?  Do you really have to hotdesk every single possible number in the universe?
15:52.22bootcI'd like it to look-ahead to what context it will end up in and reply with a 'address incomplete'
15:52.42watchyah when you use the page function it mutes the other phones
15:52.49ManxPowerWhat context it ends up in is configured by context= in the sip.conf entry for that [device[
15:52.52bootcI want the hot desking login to determine what context that phone ends up in
15:53.01bootcManxPower: hotdesk
15:53.35ManxPowercorrect.  The call will land in the [hotdesk] context.  Once it gets there the phone has no more work to do and everything is handled in the dialplan
15:53.39bootcif I dial 6000 w/o SIP overlap dialling it works great
15:54.02mackes-OfficePage is Meetme with muted phones- You can even turn the mute off with a switch
15:54.07bootcright, but I'd somehow like that context to pretend it doesn't exist unless it works out that number exists in the destination context
15:54.11ManxPowerbootc: correct.  That is because the phone sends 6000 enblock so the dialplan will never match 60 for that call.
15:54.11mackes-OfficeI do this with Polycom phones
15:54.22bootcManxPower: correct
15:54.41ManxPowerbootc: you cannot do what you want to do in the way you want to do it.
15:55.06bootcif I can't do it this way can I dynamically decide what context a phone lands in by default then?
15:55.28bootcI tried just changing the context in my SIP realtime DB but it's cached
15:55.32ManxPowerYou cannot dynamically decide what context the phone lands in.
15:55.37ManxPowerIt is simple as that.
15:56.07ManxPowerAccept the call in the configured context, then send the call whereever you want to send it, but that is done in the dialplan.
15:56.32ManxPowerThis is the way almost everyone does it.
15:56.46thepacmanfanok, i just noticed in tcpdump that my phone is sending traffic to asterisk if i try to place a call, but it never attempts to register itself....
15:57.00keith4what phone?
15:57.05ManxPowerthepacmanfan: That's pretty common.  Fix your phone config.
15:57.16thepacmanfankeith, cisco 7960
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15:57.31keith4for some reason that I don't understand, many phones have a config option for "dial without registering"
15:58.06keith4and, if I'm not mistaken, "answer without registering".. which seems fairly useless to me
15:58.09ManxPowerthe function of registration is to inform Asterisk the IP address of the sip user/pass. It does nothing else -- hence it has nothing to do with calls phone -> Asterisk, as asterisk does not need to know the IP address of the phone to ACCEPT calls from the phone, only needs to know that info if it wants to SEND a call to the phone.
15:58.40ManxPowerkeith4: many phones are on static IPs and so do not need to register because their IPs never change
15:58.57keith4well, that's true
15:58.57thepacmanfanso i should be able to place outgoing calls even if the phone is not registered?
15:59.10ManxPowerthepacmanfan: YES!
15:59.17keith4but it could lead to a security nightmare
15:59.24ManxPowerkeith4: no it does not.
15:59.25thepacmanfanall my phones are going to be using static IPs, so i don't even need to use registration...
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15:59.44ManxPowerthepacmanfan: then just host=theipofthephone for each [device] in sip.conf
16:00.08ManxPoweryou will still need the user/secret correct
16:00.27bootcManxPower: either that or stop using overlap dialling
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16:00.38thepacmanfanok, so how do i open a port range in iptables?
16:00.43ManxPowerbootc: if your dialplan was correct, overlap dialing would work.
16:00.47ManxPowerthepacmanfan: see #linux
16:01.06thepacmanfani need to open that whole port 10000 to 20000 for... uh... RTP? i'm guessing that's UDP?
16:01.19thepacmanfan*port range
16:01.38rob0thepacmanfan, by default everything IS open. How to open it depends in part on how it was closed. I suggest disabling the firewall until you know what to do with it.
16:01.39jblackit's more manageable if you just open 2.5 * (max number of calls you expect)
16:02.53thepacmanfanrob0, my experience so far in this install of centos is that a number of things have to be opened, including 8088 and 5060
16:03.24thepacmanfanjblack, the phones will sense the range that is open?
16:03.50jblackI can't speak as to the phones, just asterisk itself.
16:03.55jblackIts' easier if you turn redirect off
16:04.35rob0I'm talking about Linux defaults, not what firewall rules your distributor gave you.
16:05.42[TK]D-Fender"linux defaults" ... "distributor gave you"..... WTF?
16:07.04[TK]D-FenderRH distros offer a firewall installation option for which the correct answer is "none" after which you build your own.
16:07.09bootccan I use SIPPEER(foo,context)=blah_context to change the context?
16:07.18ManxPowerbootc: NO!
16:07.25ManxPowerYou use a Goto like the rest of us
16:07.44bootcwhich breaks overlap dialling if I want to catch all calls from a phone
16:07.49ManxPoweror include => of course.
16:08.07[TK]D-Fenderbootc, Why would you be trying to change a SIP peers starting context from within the dialplan?
16:08.13ManxPoweroverlap dialing has nothing to do with your problem
16:08.26ManxPoweryour problem is overly broad pattern matches
16:08.43bootc[TK]D-Fender: if I, say, want to run 2 separate companies from one * with one set of phones
16:08.51rob0"By default everything IS open." When iptable_filter initializes, nothing is blocked.
16:08.52ManxPoweroverlap dialing can EXPOSE the bugs in your design, but it won't cause it.
16:08.54bootceach user logs in and gets their own view of the phone system
16:09.12bootc2000 to one user could be a completely different extension to 2000 for another user
16:09.14bootcthat's the idea
16:09.23ManxPowerbootc: The phones go into a single context, from that context you jump to the context for the correct company.
16:09.40bootcManxPower: exactly what I'm trying to do
16:09.46ManxPowerbootc: I already said you can't do what you want to do in the way you want to do it.
16:09.47[TK]D-Fenderbootc, as ManxPower suggests...
16:10.02bootcbut this is what I'm trying to do
16:10.05[TK]D-Fenderbootc, single catch-all inbound, conditional goto
16:10.19bootc[TK]D-Fender: exactly what I _have_
16:10.25ManxPowerIn theory you could set a global variable on login with the context you want the phone to go to, then use a Goto and look up the variable.
16:10.41redbackI am setting up cdr_mysql and the uniqueid is not being set - according to I need to set ASTCFLAGS+=-DMYSQL_LOGUNIQUEID at compile time. Do they mean compile time of asterisk or asterisk-addons
16:10.53ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: he's using _X. and that catches both 60 and 6000 and he does not want that.
16:10.57Qwellredback: addons
16:11.20ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: and he's using overlap dialing rather than the dialplan on the phone.
16:11.20[TK]D-Fenderbootc, well... you COULD make a script that would change the sip.conf entry  and issue a "sip reload".
16:11.29ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: He's pretty much doing everything he should not be doing.
16:11.31redbackQwell: just as I pressed enter I saw it there. And I did re-read it several times lol
16:11.43[TK]D-Fenderbootc, perhaps realtime SIP peers would do that as well.
16:12.39bootc[TK]D-Fender: great, but how?
16:12.41[TK]D-FenderManxPower, there are a few ways around this as I suggested.  A little kludgy, but largely effective
16:12.57[TK]D-Fenderbootc, go make a scrip for your "login that will mod the config files.
16:13.00QwellManxPower: ${${EXTEN}_CONTEXT} ?
16:13.09ManxPoweryou do a Set(${${EXTEN}_CONTEXT=${LOGGEDIN_CONTEXT}],a) IIRC
16:13.14BananaskinHey guys have a weird problem on VM msgXXX.txt which appears to have wrong perms instead of 0755 has 0076, anyone seen this before ?
16:13.19bootc[TK]D-Fender: and then do a sip reload peers for it to take effect?
16:13.33[TK]D-Fenderbootc, funny that sounds like what I just told you to do.
16:13.46ManxPowerQwell: you could use anything unique about the device.
16:13.51redbackQwell: any idea where to add it in the Makefile?
16:14.26bootc[TK]D-Fender: to be fair you didn't mention doing a sip reload :-P
16:14.41ManxPowerbootc: how many times per hour will people be logging on / logging off?
16:14.44[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> bootc, well... you COULD make a script that would change the sip.conf entry  and issue a "sip reload" <-------
16:14.47[TK]D-Fenderboot ^^
16:14.54[TK]D-Fenderbootc, O RLY?
16:15.10bootcah didn't see that one above there :-P
16:15.20bootcthis is indeed a big kludge though
16:15.32ManxPowerpay attention, us old people don't have a lot of patience
16:16.08*** join/#asterisk pikachu2000 (
16:16.23ManxPowerQwell: My idea is to store the login/logoff information in a global variable unique to the device.  EXTEN was prolly not the best choice.
16:16.27*** join/#asterisk qdk_ (
16:16.43coppiceget off ManxPower's lawn
16:16.51[TK]D-Fenderbootc, well * can't do everything you imagine in an elegent way.  Deal with it.
16:17.15ManxPowerYou could also store the state in AstDB, or any other database.
16:17.28redbackok - I really have no clue of where to add the line ASTCFLAGS+=-DMYSQL_LOGUNIQUEID in my Makefile - anyone able to enlighten me?
16:17.50ManxPowerredback: we expect basic networking, linux, and dev experience before you use Asterisk.
16:18.19ManxPowerIf you don't have that experience, just look straight up.  That's your "learning curve"
16:18.39redbackManxPower: I have most of those but not port development
16:18.58[TK]D-FenderManxPower, frankly I don't see why soemone would have to add that anyways.  Why isn't it logged by default?
16:19.01b11d`i believe there is linux support in #linux
16:19.23redback[TK]D-Fender: I completley agree
16:19.40ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: hotdesking is a very complex thing for something that sounds so simple.
16:19.55redbackI'd rather ##FreeBSD - and will ask there - just thought you guys would know exactly what I mean
16:20.05b11d`redback... I use freebsd too :)
16:20.05thepacmanfanhow much traffic should i expect between a phone and the server to place a call?
16:20.13redbackb11d`: :o)
16:20.15[TK]D-FenderManxPower, well I just gave a pretty solid solution that even I could script.....
16:20.18ManxPowerWe thought about doing hotdesking, but our users all have memory loss (at least they appear to) and can never remember to log in and log off.
16:20.34b11d`watch out for fbsd 7 and asterisk.. they arent playing well right now
16:20.40b11d`stick with 6.2/6.3
16:20.45thepacmanfanon port 5060 i'm getting one packet from the phone to the server, one back to the phone, and a third back to the server... that's it.
16:20.58[TK]D-FenderManxPower, And then there is the way your client handles multiple line keys and... well we just won't got there, ok? ;)
16:21.01thepacmanfani'm not getting a thing on ports 10000-20000
16:21.15redbackb11d`: I heard this, I wont be going 7 till 7.1 (except on desktop) - thanks for the heads up
16:21.37b11d`im about to downrev a test box to 6.2 to try to get the digium g729 codec working
16:21.39ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: for "hot desking" we just set up each line appearance for each different user.  Not real hotdesking, but close enough for us.
16:22.03bootcso what are the drawbacks of issuing lots of 'sip reload peers' calls when people log in/out and I have ~100 phones?
16:22.09ManxPowerb11d`: isn't it great that you are the only *BSD Asterisk user? 8-)
16:22.23b11d`i am SO not the only one
16:22.25[TK]D-Fenderthepacmanfan, describe what it is you are attempting to have talk to *, and all of the networking in between.
16:22.31b11d`and im not ditching FreeBSD for any reason
16:22.32ManxPowerbootc: you never answered my question so we don't know.
16:22.41redbackManxPower: come off it - loads of people use fBSD and *
16:22.55ManxPowerredback: the poor misguided souls. 8-)
16:22.56*** join/#asterisk bkw__ (
16:22.58[TK]D-Fenderbootc, nothing that I can see.... should happen often enough for you to care about.
16:23.01redbackwouldn't give up the stability for anything
16:23.24bootcwell I suspect 100 people will log in when they get in in the morning between 8:30 and 9:05 (most and the end of that segment)
16:23.34bootcand then they'll all logout when they leave at 17:00
16:23.34b11d`I just love FreeBSD.. i ditched linux back in 2001 and havent regretted it
16:23.45bootcwith the odd login/out during the day
16:23.45fiddurI have an audio problem with my Polycom 301.  When connected to one asterisk server, the audio is crappy, and connected to another it's great.  I have compared the conf-files and I can't figure out what the difference is.  They were installed differently; the asterisk it works with is branch 1.4 from about 1 week ago, the other was from asterisk-1.4.18 and later upgraded to 1.4-branch via svn.   What should I look for?  The bad calls are reported on CLI us
16:23.57b11d`redback.. there is an asterisk-bsd irc channel too.. #asterisk-bsd  (its always SO dead though!)
16:24.24Qwelllike BSd
16:24.30[TK]D-Fenderfiddur, whats the networking between each?  What codec?  maps BOTH out completely in a pastebin for us.
16:24.31bootcManxPower: ^^^
16:24.33jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
16:24.34thepacmanfanD-Fender: i've got a Cisco 7960 with the 8.2 SIP image, running through switches to Asterisk on Centos 5.1 with mostly-default iptables. the phone is not regestering at boot, but it's got a static IP, so it shouldn't matter. the phone is communicating to the server on port 5060 when i try to place a call, but i just get a fast busy signal, and i suspect the phone is generating it.
16:24.57ManxPowerthepacmanfan: sip debug
16:25.05redbackb11d`: dead because they are busy, not because we are the only ones :)
16:25.30[TK]D-Fenderthepacmanfan, probably because your dialplan or SIP peer isn't set right.  You shouldn't be wasting timelike this.  go look at the SIP DEBUG <------
16:25.35[TK]D-Fenderthepacmanfan, PASTEBIN is your friend.
16:25.36fiddur[TK]D-Fender: you meen the CLi-output on verbosity 3 or so?
16:25.51ManxPowerI never could figure out this Stability Fanboy stuff.  I've never had asterisk crash because of an OS problem.
16:26.10[TK]D-Fenderfiddur, no, just the description of your config for BOTH setups o we can see the differences.
16:26.19b11d`yeah its really not a feature thing for me i guess.. i just prefer it..
16:26.22b11d`in general, that is
16:26.32ManxPowerand I've only ever had one actual bug with linux that impacted stability and that was with squid/reiserfs/directories with huge numbers of files.
16:26.41thepacmanfanmanx, d-fender: i've never used sip-debug... does it echo debug data live to the CLI?
16:26.49thepacmanfanor do i need to hunt down a log file?
16:27.01ManxPowerthe yes, so make sure you have a big scrollback buffer
16:27.09b11d`with the amount of data a sip debug can generate, you WANT it going to a file :)
16:27.16redbackManxPower: I am not talking asterisk specificly but the various apps we use, and I just find it a nicer system to work on.
16:27.27ManxPowersip debug peer X is better, of course.
16:27.28fiddur[TK]D-Fender: which conf-files?  codecs.conf is identical between the servers... the specific user in users.conf too
16:27.33[TK]D-Fenderb11d`, for this no.
16:27.38ManxPowerAsterisk has a codecs.conf?
16:27.47ManxPowerfiddur: are you using a GUI Asterisk?
16:28.08[TK]D-Fenderfiddur, just the GENERAL DESCRIPTION, not conf files yet.  Where are these 2 servers?  whats the networking between each and the phone.
16:28.12Yourname`Hi. A call comes into 10, 5 seconds later, it is forwarded to ext 13. On 13, the call is picked up, but requires DTMF input. DTMF is being seen by Asterisk as is evident from CLI DTMF output, however, it doesn't seem to actually go to the caller. Why?
16:28.32fiddurManxPower: Yes, I started out with that, but have made a lot of changes by hand later.
16:28.50ManxPowerfiddur: you would have to wipe your config files before we can really help you.
16:28.56jbot[~trixbox] trixbox is a full linux distro that includes FreePBX and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox VERY difficult to support, and is not supported in #asterisk. Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & wiki at
16:29.04jbot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
16:29.15*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (
16:29.45ManxPowerYourname`: the rtT could be causing that
16:29.46fiddur[TK]D-Fender: The working server was placed on the same location as the one that is not working...  so that was identical too
16:29.56[TK]D-FenderYourname`, "requires DTMF" ?  HUH?
16:30.16[TK]D-Fenderfiddur, Ok, you are not listening, I really can't help you....
16:30.30thepacmanfancripes! it's my dialplan!
16:30.41thepacmanfana call to ext 6000 is fine :)
16:30.44Yourname`ManxPower: You think the r, you mean? Isn't tT supposed to help?
16:30.48thepacmanfanand i hear cool music! :)
16:31.00ManxPowerYourname`: no, I meant what I said.
16:31.06ManxPowertT captures DTMF
16:31.07*** join/#asterisk IOscanner (
16:31.17ManxPoweryou don't want it capturing DTMF, you want the DTMF to be sent as is.
16:31.46ManxPowerI guess bootpc hot tired of us telling him he is wrong
16:32.00Yourname`ManxPower: Exactly. So if the call comes in and says please press 1 to be connected, I press 1.. and it connects be to somebody. Isn't that due to tT?
16:32.21[TK]D-FenderManxPower, Well I hand fed him the answer on how to do it.  Maybe he's figured he's done enough here...
16:32.23ManxPowerYourname`: not at all.
16:32.29ManxPowerYourname`: don't add options you don't understand
16:32.41*** join/#asterisk skyphyr (
16:32.50*** join/#asterisk iEatChildren (
16:32.52ManxPowerthe press 1 to connect is done by your DIALPLAN
16:32.52Yourname`ManxPower: tT is for transferring, not DTMF. I understand.. but somehow I thought it's connected, but oh well.
16:33.19ManxPoweryou are not transfering anything anyway.
16:33.28Yourname`ManxPower: And I need the tT for the transfering too. So there's no way I can make the DTMF work without removing the tT?
16:33.30ManxPowernot as far as Asterisk is concernes.
16:33.40ManxPowerYourname`: you know if you just tried it you would know by now.
16:34.05*** join/#asterisk jsolis (n=jimmy@
16:34.06Yourname`ManxPower: lol i'm trying it.. but I'm wondering what if I need both the dtmf AND the transferring to work for different types of calls?
16:34.11ManxPowerYourname`: you only need Tt (DTMF transfer hack) if the phones you are using are too stupid to have their own transfer button
16:34.18[TK]D-FenderYourname`, you make dtmf work by SETTING THE RIGHT MODE <-
16:34.33ManxPowerAre the phones you are using too stupid to have their own transfer button?
16:34.45[TK]D-FenderManxPower, transfer isn't the issue
16:34.51jsolishey guy why dont work the zaptel.4.10.1 app_dial.c:1183 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'Zap' (cause 0 - Unknown
16:34.52*** join/#asterisk uluatu (n=deg@
16:35.00[TK]D-FenderManxPower, his call comes in ASKING the receiver to acknowledge the call.
16:35.04ManxPowerjsolis: you installed zaptel after Asterisk
16:35.15Yourname`[TK]D-Fender is right
16:35.18jsolisnot before
16:35.27[TK]D-FenderYourname`, so fix your bloody modes.
16:35.35jsolisfirst zaptel -> libpri -> asterisk
16:35.42ManxPowerIf asterisk does not see zaptel when you build it you won't get zaptel support.
16:35.52ManxPowerjsolis: what happens when you load in the CLI?
16:35.59Yourname`[TK]D-Fender: I wish I knew what the bloody modes where.
16:36.05[TK]D-Fenderjsolis, PASTEBIN the complete CLI output of your failed call at verbose 10, and your zapata.conf and zaptel.conf
16:36.13jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
16:36.17jsolis-- Reloading module '' (Zapata Telephony)
16:36.24ManxPowerjsolis: does nit work now?
16:36.25jsolis[May 19 11:35:35] WARNING[7484]: chan_zap.c:11231 process_zap: Ignoring imidiate
16:36.29jsolis[May 19 11:35:35] WARNING[7484]: chan_zap.c:11231 process_zap: Ignoring signalling
16:36.33[TK]D-FenderManxPower, he'd get a channel not implemented error if it didn't load...
16:36.38ManxPowerjsolis: ignore the ignore message unless you are changing those options.
16:36.44ManxPowerjsolis: do NOT flood the channel.
16:36.45jsolis[May 19 11:35:35] WARNING[7484]: chan_zap.c:11231 process_zap: Ignoring signalling
16:36.49jsolis[May 19 11:35:35] WARNING[7484]: chan_zap.c:11231 process_zap: Ignoring canreinvite
16:37.01jsolis[May 19 11:35:35] WARNING[7484]: chan_zap.c:11231 process_zap: Ignoring hasexten
16:37.05jsolis[May 19 11:35:35] WARNING[7484]: chan_zap.c:11231 process_zap: Ignoring hasiax
16:37.09jsolis[May 19 11:35:35] WARNING[7484]: chan_zap.c:11231 process_zap: Ignoring hassip
16:37.12[TK]D-FenderQwell, ?
16:37.13jsolis[May 19 11:35:35] WARNING[7484]: chan_zap.c:11231 process_zap: Ignoring trunkname
16:37.17jsolis[May 19 11:35:35] WARNING[7484]: chan_zap.c:11231 process_zap: Ignoring trunkstyle
16:37.30ManxPowerjsolis: canreinvite, hasexten, hasiax, and hassip are NOT VALID zapata.conf options.
16:37.33[TK]D-FenderIt'll be done in a sec anyways....
16:37.33jsolisdont work
16:37.33jsoliswhen i use this sintaxis
16:37.33jsolisbut when i use dial(zap/1/${EXTEN})
16:37.33jsoliswork fine
16:37.45Qwell~lart jsolis
16:37.45jbotpushes the wall down onto jsolis whilst whistling innocently
16:37.48ManxPowerjsolis: looks like you don't have a group=1 defined
16:37.56[TK]D-Fenderjsolis, You didn't set the GROUP for your zap channels.
16:38.01ManxPowerjsolis: I'll bet this is a GUI install.
16:38.25ManxPowerQwell: can't you just kick/ban the flooders?
16:38.37jsolisthis is my zapata.conf
16:38.39QwellI could.  but no
16:38.44Qwellunless he pasts now
16:38.47*** kick/#asterisk [jsolis!i=north@pdpc/sponsor/digium/Qwell] by Qwell (Qwell)
16:39.15ManxPowerthank you qwell
16:39.23ManxPowernext time maybe he'll use pastebin
16:39.26*** join/#asterisk jsolis (n=jimmy@
16:39.32jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
16:39.32ManxPowerjsolis: next time use pastebin
16:40.11ManxPowerOnce you get kicked by Qwell's Foot of Justice most people start doing what they are supposed to be doing.
16:40.20[TK]D-Fenderjsolis, and we already told you what was missing.
16:40.49tzafrir<jsolis> [May 19 11:35:35] WARNING[7484]: chan_zap.c:11231 process_zap: Ignoring imidiate  <=== typo
16:41.08*** join/#asterisk EnoCix (n=jsloan@
16:41.15ManxPowerI suspect he does not want immediate=yes anyway
16:41.25*** join/#asterisk DJF5 (
16:41.28Yourname`ManxPower: I removed the tT, yet no dice.
16:41.41ManxPowerYourname`: now start doing what [TK]D-Fender told you to do.
16:41.48Yourname`ManxPower: Fix the modeS?
16:41.54ManxPowerand leave the tTr off until you have it foxed.
16:41.57ManxPowerfixed too.
16:41.59ManxPowerYourname`: correct.
16:42.08Yourname`ManxPower: What are these modes? :S
16:42.34ManxPowerdtmfmode=inbamd|info|rfc2833  Whatever you set it to in Asterisk you must also set the same mode on the SIP phone you are using.
16:42.55bkw__you mean inband
16:42.59*** join/#asterisk threewayone (n=hellowor@
16:43.00ManxPowerinband only works with ulaw and alaw, of course.  info is the old way, rfc2833 is the new way.
16:43.04threewayonehi guys
16:43.05*** part/#asterisk EnoCix (n=jsloan@
16:43.08ManxPowernext time try reading The Good Book
16:43.16Yourname`Ohhhhh dtmfmode.. sorry
16:43.45ManxPowerIf you only set it on one side, I'll send Qwell's Foot of Justice your way.
16:43.58bkw__shakes his head
16:44.16threewayonedoes g729 to g729 eat alot of CPU?
16:44.22[TK]D-FenderYourname`, and you're wondering why DTMF isn't working?
16:44.25ManxPowerbkw__: Yourname is one of the hardest users to support.
16:44.30threewayonecompared to  ulaw to g729
16:44.30hardwirethreewayone: it eats n*x cpu.
16:44.46bkw__ManxPower: I find him rather easy to work with.
16:44.48[TK]D-Fenderthreewayone, generally none, jsut like every other like-codec scenario
16:44.57ManxPowerbkw__: thanks for volunteering 8-)
16:45.17bkw__ManxPower: I help him with FreeSWITCH
16:45.29[TK]D-Fenderbkw__, He just seems to "need help".
16:45.32threewayonecan a core2duo handle 60 simultaneous calls at a time?
16:45.38bkw__ManxPower: but i'll do my part to help him with Asterisk too
16:45.47bkw__threewayone: it should have no problem doing that
16:45.59Yourname`What's wrong with needing help?
16:46.02threewayoneeven with g729 transcoding
16:46.17bkw__threewayone: hrm it might.. just have to test it for yourself
16:46.18ManxPowerthreewayone: Can a car tow a boat?  As you can see unless you know what kind of car and what kind of boat the question cannot be answered.
16:46.42bkw__threewayone: if you're doing g729 to g729 it shouldn't use CPU
16:47.03Yourname`It's like you guys have a channel for helping but the  best you can do is say "Go do this
16:47.07Yourname`" or "go do that"
16:47.13threewayoneok.. heres my setup: Core2Duo 1.8 GHZ 2GB RAM 2x 300GB SATA call recording to wav
16:47.18ManxPowerYourname`: that is what we do here.
16:47.19bkw__Yourname`: its been said this channel isn't for support
16:47.21Yourname`If everyone wanted to read the book, or had to.. there won't be a need for this channel.
16:47.45bkw__threewayone: call recording will nail you with g729
16:47.48ManxPowerYourname`: There would be a need for this channel -- all the stupid questions would go away.
16:47.59Yourname`bkw__: It's listed as community support
16:48.11threewayone<bkw__> threewayone: call recording will nail you with g729 --> what do you mean?
16:48.12*** join/#asterisk Assid (n=assid@unaffiliated/assid)
16:48.21ManxPowerInstead, you want us to spend our free time helping someone that does not want to help themselves.  I just find that incredibly rude and annoying.
16:48.22bkw__threewayone: it'll chew CPU and Disk IO
16:48.30Yourname`ManxPower: Sure. :)
16:48.34*** join/#asterisk MaartenB (
16:48.45bkw__ManxPower: but unless you help them how can they help others?  I find it easier to help someone then they return the favor in kind.
16:48.47[TK]D-FenderYourname`, wondering why your DTMF isn't working and lookin at random unrelated crap isn't too bright.  Not looking at the DTMFMODE of your phone is also not bright.  Especially after we tell you 2-3 times consecutively.
16:48.53threewayone<bkw__> threewayone: it'll chew CPU and Disk IO --> so whats your suggestion?
16:49.05ManxPowerbkw__: they could start by reading the damn book
16:49.10bkw__threewayone: well the woodcrest or clover town chips work great
16:49.19bkw__ManxPower: some people don't learn that way.
16:49.38bkw__threewayone: but nobody here can really give you solid numbers on that .. too many variables
16:49.44ManxPower[TK]D-Fender's statement is why Yourname is hard to support.
16:49.49Yourname`[TK]D-Fender: YHou keep saying modes. Bloody modes.
16:50.01*** join/#asterisk jasonwoot (
16:50.02Yourname`You typed it 2-3 times.
16:50.08Nuggetswanky modes!
16:50.10ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: both of us told you what to look at.  Now go do it.
16:50.11threewayoneok.. anyway my main goal is just to record calls that go out from another tradional pbx behind asterisk
16:50.17cpmswanky modes!
16:50.21ManxPowerthreewayone: why are you using G729?
16:50.40bkw__Yourname`: let me clarify.. you're having DTMF issues .. you'll need to set the DTMF mode for the sip peers so its correct.  Their are three modes.. inband, info and rfc2833 (rtp).
16:50.53Yourname`BECAUSE I didn't know what "modes" are. Because you always say things like "dont confuse between extensions and phones" -> I'd think you want to be on the terms to use train at all times. So rather than saying dtmfmode, you had to repeat "modes" like 3 times.
16:50.57bkw__Yourname`: I recommend rfc2833
16:51.15Assidhrmm i got recommended of the snom 300.. is that good? i need a < $100 phone
16:51.17MaartenBhello everyone
16:51.18bkw__Yourname`: if you look in sip.conf and add dtmfmode=rfc2833 to the sip user/peer/friend it'll help
16:51.32Yourname`bkw__: Thanks. I found what [TK]D-Fender was talkiing about after he said dtmfmode. And then changed around and it's fine now.
16:51.37mort_gibAssid: They are fairly decent
16:51.39threewayone<ManxPower> threewayone: why are you using G729? --> from asterisk pbx to voip provider
16:51.41ManxPowerwell, now three people have told you that, Yourname`  Are you going to go try it now.
16:51.46MaartenBwhen I try to transfer a call to another sip phone (with xfer), the call gets dropped, any suggestions how to fix that?
16:51.49[TK]D-FenderYourname`, And you can't use some tiny bit of IQ and look at dtmfmode?  You instead go on thinking the dialplan controls your phone's inability to signal *?
16:52.15bkw_OMG why do you all have to act like this?
16:52.18Yourname`[TK]D-Fender: Because it didn't occur to me, as on the CLI I see it reading the DTMF.
16:52.20ManxPowerthreewayone: that might be a good reason.  GSM will reduce your CPU usage drastically with some decrease in call sound quality.
16:52.22bkw_it turns my stomach to see this
16:52.36cpmcontinues to scream
16:52.50*** join/#asterisk mog (
16:52.50*** mode/#asterisk [+o mog] by ChanServ
16:52.53[TK]D-FenderYourname`, jsut because it reads DTMF from one side doesn't mean it can pass it on when the OTHER SIDE sin't set right.
16:53.04ManxPowerbkw_: because he does not listen.
16:53.04Yourname`[TK]D-Fender: Hence why I said it didn't occur to me.
16:53.16ManxPowerYourname`: 10 mins ago I told you about dtmfm0ode
16:53.28threewayone<ManxPower> threewayone: that might be a good reason.  GSM will reduce your CPU usage drastically with some decrease in call sound quality. -> so ill use gsm instead of g729
16:53.30bkw_ManxPower: and did you not see that he has it working already.
16:53.42ManxPowerYourname`: ManxPower: What are these modes? :S
16:53.42ManxPowerManxPower: dtmfmode=inbamd|info|rfc2833  Whatever you set it to in Asterisk you must also set the same mode on the SIP phone you are using.
16:53.53Yourname`No ManxPower, 10 mins ago you said this -> [12:29]<ManxPower>Yourname`: the rtT could be causing that
16:53.56ManxPowerthen bkw pointed out my speeling error for "inband"
16:54.06[TK]D-FenderYourname`, .... its 12:52 now
16:54.13[TK]D-FenderYourname`, sorry, 12:54
16:54.16Yourname`[12:32]<Yourname`>ManxPower: tT is for transferring, not DTMF. I understand.. but somehow I thought it's connected, but oh well.
16:54.21[TK]D-FenderYourname`, your sense of time is pretty far off.
16:54.32mort_gibTK: Actually it's 18:54
16:54.36bkw_I say be nicer to newbies
16:54.42[TK]D-Fendermort_gib, OUR TIME ZONE.
16:55.13mort_gibTK: Our time zone.... Internet time
16:55.18Yourname`bkw_: Actually, back in the day [TK]D-Fender  used to be nice.
16:55.23ManxPowerbkw_: he's not a newb, he's been here for months and months
16:55.36bkw_ManxPower: some people just don't pick up stuff as fast as others.
16:55.40Yourname`I think the whole helping thing gets to you if you happen to see the same person over and over again.
16:56.05bkw_ManxPower: I find its best to help someone with a problem then force them to return the favor the next time someone else needs help with the same problem  :P
16:56.08bkw_pay it forward
16:56.09Yourname`bkw_: I appreciate it.. but don't worry about it. :)
16:56.22[TK]D-Fenderbkw_, his case is dangerously cronic.
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16:57.03ManxPowerYourname`: glad to see your problem is fixed.
16:57.33mackes-OfficeAssid: Pick up a Polycom 320. You will be happier in the long run
16:57.44bkw_320's don't do NAT
16:57.45Assidhow much is the 320
16:57.52Assid301's do
16:58.03Assidatleast im using it
16:58.54mackes-OfficeAbout 85
16:59.03Assidis 301> 320 ?
16:59.09[TK]D-Fenderbkw_, what do you mean "don't do NAT">
16:59.11mackes-OfficePolycom 320:
16:59.27[TK]D-Fenderbkw_, something specific, because I've run Polycom's behind NAT before just fine.
16:59.31bkw_no STUN
16:59.34bkw_the proper way to do nat is STUN
16:59.50[TK]D-FenderAssid, 320/330 > 301
17:00.02ManxPowerI was not aware that NAT and STUN were the same thing.
17:00.04mort_gibQuick question, I need to change the default MOH, do I have to install mpeg123?? Or is it better to prepare the mp3 files??
17:00.09Assidso how come the 320 cheaper?
17:00.27[TK]D-FenderAssid, because they sell a LOT of these.  its less plastic as well.
17:00.28mackes-OfficeThen what?
17:00.28ManxPowermort_gib: My recommendation is to not use mp3 files at all.
17:00.33[TK]D-FenderAssid, the 301 is EOL
17:00.53anonymouz666ManxPower: indeed. I got a crash today with format_mp3.
17:00.58redbackmort_gib: the system would have to decode/encode the mp3 each time which can be quite CPU intensive
17:01.05ManxPowermort_gib: as of 1.4 asterisk supports MOH in any format asterisk supports with no mpg123 or format_mp3 required.
17:01.08Assidokay .. these guys need a new  one. so 330 ?
17:01.42[TK]D-FenderManxPower, umm... thats a little circular.
17:01.45mackes-OfficeReally? MP3 is supported natively for MOH in 1.4? That rocks!
17:01.55[TK]D-Fendermackes-Office, he didnt' acktually say that.
17:01.56bkw_ManxPower: they aren't.. the proper way to do SIP from behind nat is STUN in most cases.
17:02.15mackes-Officeoh. Bummer
17:02.18bkw_ManxPower: you're so nice about things.. keep up the good work.
17:02.22[TK]D-Fenderbkw_, I've never used STUN on any device for NAT scenarios before...
17:02.24ManxPowermackes-Office: No it is not.
17:02.30bkw_[TK]D-Fender: I have.. works great
17:02.35Assidbkw_: hrmm never needed stun on my 301
17:02.41Assidworks fine
17:02.47bkw_[TK]D-Fender: its just one of many tools in the fight against NAT :P
17:02.55bkw_or with NAT I should say
17:02.59mort_gibI don't much care, what format I use, I would prefer to encode correctly first actually
17:03.13mackes-OfficeSo, 1.4 will play mp3's for MOH or now?
17:03.16[TK]D-Fenderbkw_, I'm sure it is, but generally doesn't seem necessary.. that just helps the phone know better how to deal with thing, and well.. in general it just hasn't seemed to mater...
17:03.25mort_gib-So I'm better off using wav files??
17:03.28[TK]D-Fendermackes-Office, install <-
17:03.35mackes-OfficeOh, ok
17:03.37[TK]D-Fendermort_gib, same for you
17:03.37mackes-OfficeI see
17:03.46*** part/#asterisk bkw_ (
17:03.49Assidokay between 320 and 330 .. what would better
17:03.51mort_gibYes, but I'm worried about performance :-)
17:04.00[TK]D-FenderAssid, 330 has a pass-through port.  Only difference
17:04.09[TK]D-Fendermort_gib, then convert them
17:04.31sp00kzhaving the sound format in its native compression is always best, less problem for servers, it doesnt need to be reencoded to send to the phone/outside
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17:07.13ManxPowerLooks like the IT director screwed up DNS again.  He forgot to put in an MX record for the company's primary domain.  And we all know what problem that will cause.
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17:09.29threewayoneif your voip provider supports g729 will it lessen cpu load
17:10.51Assidim thinking of using g729.. problem is the licensing if i want to put it to voicemail
17:11.21threewayonek.. anyway im more concerned with outbound calls using g729
17:11.25ManxPowerAssid: you will need G729 for voicemail, call recording, DTMF Transfer Hack, IVRs, etc
17:11.38Assidhrmm too many issues
17:11.52ManxPowerAssid: so it's much easier to just buy the required licenses
17:12.48threewayoneManxPower: If I record those outbound calls what file format is best to save cpu load
17:12.58[TK]D-FenderAssid, No issue for voicemail.
17:13.20Assidbut then i gotta save it back in 729
17:13.25[TK]D-FenderManxPower, MMETME however will suck tremendously ;)
17:13.49[TK]D-FenderAssid, and the problem with saving VM's as G.729?
17:14.06Assidhrmm need codec :P
17:15.19[TK]D-FenderAssid, ....?
17:15.42Assidtrying to save some codec licensing costs
17:15.44[TK]D-FenderAssid, if EVERYTHING is done in G.729 you don't need the codec.
17:15.50[TK]D-FenderAssid, pay attention.
17:16.03[TK]D-FenderAssid, you need to pay to TRANSCODE to/from G.729
17:16.47Assidhrmm k.. i thought even for voicemail since it saves a 729 stream
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17:17.29[TK]D-FenderAssid, no cost to saving a strem, only to encode/decode.
17:17.40[TK]D-FenderAssid, if it gets written as-is then its just packets.
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17:21.22threewayonewhich is better to link 2 asterisk boxes, sip or iax?
17:21.59threewayoneasterisk1 just forwards calls to asterisk2 which forwards calls to the voip provider
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17:22.06threewayonevia sip
17:22.13hardwirethreewayone: use tdmoe for ultimate pleasure.
17:22.16jtexter3I'm having an issue with one way audio.  I have Polycom IP 550's, and a Digium AEX800 with a 4 port FXO module.  Audio from extension to extension is fine, but on the PSTN, I get one way audio.  I've removed all features so it's a simple Dial(Zap/g1/${EXTEN:1}.  I don't see anything unusual in the logs.  Any thoughts?  This is asterisk and zaptel
17:22.42hardwirethreewayone: actually.. iax2 is awesome, read up on iax2 trunking.
17:23.05[TK]D-Fenderthreewayone, If you can spare the bandwidth, stay with SIP
17:23.09Qwelljtexter3: have you confirmed that audio is getting to Asterisk from the polycom?
17:23.16QwellIf so, that seems quite odd.  I would recommend contacting Digium support
17:23.46jtexter3Qwell: I'll verify, but I believe so
17:23.50threewayoneasterisk1 and astersik2 are on the same box
17:23.54Qwelljtexter3: rtp set debug on
17:24.08Qwellin which direction is the audio not flowing?
17:24.11threewayoneasterisk1 and astersik2 are on the same LAN rather sorry
17:24.25Qwellto the phone, or from the phone?  the latter is easy to verify in logs
17:25.14[TK]D-Fenderjtexter3, I'd suggest independently testing each end with Record and Playback.
17:25.48threewayone<[TK]D-Fender> threewayone, If you can spare the bandwidth, stay with SIP --> asterisk1 and asterisk2 are on the same LAN, asterisk1 is a predictive dialer which passes calls to asterisk2, asterisk2 passes it to the voice provider and records the call
17:26.02[TK]D-Fenderthreewayone, SIP it is.
17:26.37threewayone<[TK]D-Fender> threewayone, SIP it is. --> Thanks because I tried using iax trunk and i got choppy lines
17:26.50jtexter3The party on the PSTN can hear, but the person on the Polycom cannot
17:27.05jtexter3so, traffic to the phone
17:27.11Qwellthat's a little more difficult to verify
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17:27.47Qwellis it just the one phone that has problems, or all calls through the PSTN?  Can you try testing a softphone on the same box or anything like that?
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17:28.23BananaskinHey guys, any reason why modules don't seem to compile under
17:28.51QwellBananaskin: gonna need to be more specific.  can you pastebin the Make errors?
17:28.53jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
17:30.19BananaskinQwell, sorry, there are no errors that I can see, it appears not to compile the modules in the /apps dir.
17:31.21jtexter3Qwell: All calls to the PSTN.  Unfortunately, I'm remote, but I'll see if I can get a softphone going locally and try that out
17:31.46QwellBananaskin: are they enabled in menuselect?
17:32.01Qwellthings like app_meetme require zaptel to be installed
17:32.11Bananaskinyep, all enabled, and the modules dir is cleared before the make and make install
17:32.24Qwellwhich ones, specifically, aren't being built/installed?
17:32.46BananaskinI am having to fudge a fix in app_voicemail
17:33.02Qwellhow, exactly, are you building?  start from downloading/unpacking the source
17:33.08Bananaskinwrong perms are being applied to the vm txt file and rendering the vm useless
17:33.09Qwellwhat steps are being used
17:33.31Bananaskinfor the compile ?
17:33.56Bananaskin./configure, make menuselect, make, and make install
17:33.57Qwellplease don't skip any steps, even if you think it might be trivial
17:34.04Qwellwhat are you doing in make menuselect?
17:34.31Bananaskinenabling the modules and audio files/moh etc
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17:35.49Bananaskinlooking back through, I see that there references to the modules being compiled..
17:35.51horvathHow can I completely disable T38 on my asterisk 1.4x box? I keep getting Unsupported SDP media type in offer etc etc
17:35.57QwellBananaskin: but not installed?
17:36.18Bananaskinno .so are created in the app dir either
17:36.38Qwellcan you pastebin your menuselect.makeopts file?
17:36.43Bananaskinkinda confusing :)
17:37.12hi365are there any dial args that need to be passed for applicationmap to work?
17:37.22FusoyaArgh... does anyone know of an easy way that I can make Asterisk 1.2 log or send an event every time a call hangs up?
17:37.38hi365Fusoya: do somethign in the h exten
17:37.52hi365(of your call context)
17:38.10Fusoyahi365: Hmmm OK
17:38.57FusoyaI won't be able to determine the extension or the call ID with the h extension, though?
17:39.22[TK]D-FenderFusoya, what do you actualyl want to do?
17:40.37BananaskinQwell, -
17:40.48[TK]D-Fenderhi365, one of tTwW
17:40.59QwellBananaskin: you have module embedding enabled
17:41.04Fusoya[TK]D-Fender: I have a recorder connected trunk-side to the T1s going into the Asterisk box
17:41.09QwellThis is precisely what that option does.
17:41.28[TK]D-FenderFusoya, Ok, and....?
17:41.29FusoyaI need to send events to that recorder to tell it when the calls end... ideally, I need to send several pieces of information, including the channel, the extension, and the asterisk call ID
17:41.29Bananaskinahhh :) well that clears that up, cheers for that
17:41.29hi365[TK]D-Fender: any of them will activate the applicationmap features as well?
17:42.03[TK]D-Fenderhi365, should.
17:42.22hi365did. thanks
17:42.32FusoyaI can't figure out an easy way to make asterisk 1.2 generate those events
17:42.43[TK]D-FenderFusoya, what is this "recorder"?
17:42.50Fusoya[TK]D-Fender: Familiar with Tantacomm?
17:43.10FusoyaIt's a Tantacomm auditor.
17:43.52[TK]D-FenderFusoya, Guess you need that being 3rd party.  What I might suggest is to use SQL for CDR storage and write a stored procedure on write.
17:44.36Fusoya[TK]D-Fender: That would definitely be a more robust solution, and sounds like the way to go, but unfortunately would require a lot of restructuring...
17:44.45FusoyaNaturally, I'm looking for something Q&D
17:45.11[TK]D-FenderFusoya, Or perhaps you could monitor AMI for the channel close signal.
17:46.27FusoyaI may end up just dropping in the CTI server that Tantacomm is trying to push on us
17:47.32hi365hmm, "The applicationmap is not intended to be used for all Asterisk applications....Examples of this would be things like Macro..."
17:47.32hi365( )
17:47.32hi365So i cant run a macaro. Is there any way to do validation ( I would like to promtp the user for an extension to transfer the call, but I need to do some validation on the dest. exten.)?
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17:48.21[TK]D-Fenderhi365, this is sounding unnecessarily complex.  What are you actually trying to accomplish?
17:48.40[TK]D-FenderFusoya, So you don't have this unit yet?
17:48.56FusoyaNo, we're flying without a CTI server at the moment
17:48.56hi365( I would like to promtp the user for an extension to transfer the call, but I need to do some validation on the dest. exten. i.e. only alow SOME exten's to transfer to SOME exten's)?
17:49.09horvathSo guys... any idea how I can completely disable t38? I dont want asterisk even trying to negotiate t38
17:49.20[TK]D-FenderFusoya, So you're pure Avaya right now?
17:49.54[TK]D-FenderFusoya, Ah.  think I got that other bit from Googling Tantacomm
17:50.05[TK]D-FenderFusoya, So waht are you trying to do?
17:50.08filehorvath: usually the remote side sends a T38 reinvite if it wants to talk T38 to Asterisk... so you'd have to disable it on the device
17:50.32FusoyaWe need to be able to use this tantacomm box to send recordings of inbound calls we take to our client
17:51.07FusoyaThe problem is that we need a way to be sure that there's no audio bleed-over on those recordings from subsequent calls on the same channel
17:51.19[TK]D-FenderFusoya, * can already record calls.  What part or *'s capabilities are insufficient?
17:51.27horvathfile: My incoming sip provider is trying to do t38 but I want asterisk to just reject t38 and use ulaw without giving me a ton of error messages like Unknown RTP codec 102 received from
17:51.36Fusoya[TK]D-Fender: Absolutely nothing. It's a boneheaded contractual thing.
17:51.46hi365[TK]D-Fender: I would like to promtp the user for an extension to transfer the call, but I need to do some validation on the dest. exten. i.e. only alow SOME exten's to transfer to SOME exten's
17:51.48filehorvath: if you don't enable it, it does reject it
17:51.58[TK]D-FenderFusoya, that sums it up.
17:52.08horvathfile: and yet it throws up a ton of Unknown RTP codec 102 received from msgs
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17:52.21[TK]D-Fenderhorvath, And how do those "messages" really affect your life?
17:52.26jmls_netevening all
17:52.34[TK]D-FenderKatty, Mew.
17:52.34Fusoya[TK]D-Fender: Actually, we already record the calls *twice*... using asterisk and using a SAaS vendor. Not good enough. :)
17:52.59jmls_netusing the latest 1.4 svn - is there anyone who is using ChanSpy in anger ? My previous experiences have not been that, um, good ...
17:53.00FusoyaAnyway, I'll keep plugging away. Thanks for your help!
17:53.00[TK]D-FenderFusoya, putting the "anal" in anal-retentive/.
17:53.05horvath[TK]D-Fender: Yes... I feel like aliens inside asterisk are trying to communicate with me
17:53.21Fusoya[TK]D-Fender: something like that
17:53.32[TK]D-Fenderhorvath, Oh, and here I thought it was actually important...
17:54.06fileruns off to a meeting
17:55.38horvath[TK]D-Fender: I guess your right.. as they are just notices not errors
17:56.39horvath[TK]D-Fender: I'm still having an issue after a fax is recieved sucessfully and everything prints out fine the other end gets a line error as if the call wasen't hung-up or the fax didn't go though (which it did)
17:57.18[TK]D-Fenderhorvath, faxing over VoIP?  Not a good idea.
17:57.48horvath[TK]D-Fender: Yes but its on a LAN basically
17:57.51hardwire[TK]D-Fender: use hylafax + iaxmodem (hylafax client for remote faxing)
17:58.02hardwirehorvath: it's still not great.
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17:58.48horvathReally? Even with no latency
17:59.06[TK]D-Fenderhardwire, I just set that up at home here as a test.  What do you use to manage Hylafax?
17:59.35hardwireit's pretty multi-purpose.
17:59.45dFencewhy can't i access the ${CDR(foo)} variables after a call within the h-extension?
17:59.54hardwirepunches [TK]D-Fender in the eye.
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18:00.36dFencei have hyla/iaxmodem running and so far - no complaints
18:00.44[TK]D-Fenderhardwire, I meant you don't use any front ends for mass-faxing, etc?
18:00.46hardwiredFence: it's pretty spiffy.
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18:00.59BananaskinQwell, that worked a treat, and the VM problems have gone as well, thanks again
18:01.00hardwire[TK]D-Fender: I've been testing several clients, none of which I really like
18:01.01[TK]D-Fenderhardwire, sure inbound is easy enough, I'm looking for outbound/
18:01.04hardwirethen again I don't like faxing.
18:01.07hi365anyone have a sample of what a transfer context is supposed to look like?
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18:01.14hardwire[TK]D-Fender: gfax worked well in linux
18:01.18[TK]D-Fenderhardwire, neither do I, its just something I need to do at my company.
18:01.29hardwireI think I used a java one that worked well
18:01.41hardwireit's neat being able to relate in/out faxes to a user id
18:01.54hardwirethe client sees faxes in the spool and lets you access old/new ones.
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18:09.11horvathAny experiences with avantfax?
18:09.35[TK]D-Fenderhorvath, I bookmarked them to look at later.
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18:14.37jaytee[TK]D-Fender, you know they have this thing called sleep? I hear it's really good for your health! :-)
18:15.06[TK]D-Fenderjaytee, its 2:14pm... why would I be asleep?
18:15.20creativxso you could be awake... in the night
18:15.48dFenceok.. something's definitely not right...
18:15.50jaytee[well, you were still up and chatting at around 3am this morning
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18:16.34[TK]D-Fenderjaytee, firs t time I've been up that late in a long time.  Holiday today.
18:17.02jayteeyeah, I did two days back to back like that this weekend working on mysql stuff
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18:17.43jaytee[TK]D-Fender, by Holiday you mean what we "Yanks" call a vacation day, right?
18:18.16hi365is this line a valid transfer-extensions? exten => _2xx,1,Dial(Local/${EXTEN}@from-internal)
18:18.44[TK]D-Fenderjaytee, No.  Vacation is when you use days you are entitled to.  Holiday is a fixed "business stops" day like Thanksgiving /  Christmas, etc
18:19.08jayteeso what's the Holiday in Canada today?
18:19.19[TK]D-Fenderhi365, don't call that a "transfer"/
18:19.48hi365[TK]D-Fender: what is then? does it need to be a goto?
18:19.48[TK]D-Fenderjaytee, "Victoria Day" (Canada at large), "Fete du Dollard" (Quebec)
18:20.00[TK]D-Fenderhi365, Are you looking to do this for a single exten?
18:20.17hi365from any extension to a range
18:20.27[TK]D-Fenderhi365, what you are doing looks like ti deserves to be an "include =>"
18:21.16hi365but i would like to limit it to the range... wont the include include every thing in the included context?
18:22.44[TK]D-Fenderperhaps you should break up the context you want to link to.
18:23.50hi365is that the only way? does that mean that transfer-context (if its not the actual context) is just a "link"?
18:24.08[TK]D-Fenderhi365, HUH?
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18:24.43hi365ok, lets start from the begining: How do i build a transfer-context?
18:24.57[TK]D-Fenderhi365, What is "transfer-context"?
18:25.21jameswf-homeI would build a transfer macro
18:25.26hi365the context used by ## (or whatever you have set in features.conf)
18:26.54[TK]D-Fenderhi365, that term does not exist really.
18:26.58hi365jameswf-home: with what, dial statments?
18:27.25jameswf-homedepends what you want it to do...
18:27.33hi365is reading form here:
18:27.48hi365"If you set the variable __TRANSFER_CONTEXT, then that context will be used...."
18:27.54[TK]D-Fenderhi365, separate the extens in [from-internal] into a separate context.  Have [from-interal] include it. T hen include it in the context you though of shoving that pattern match into.
18:28.53[TK]D-Fenderhi365, Why is it you're using DTMF for transfers?
18:29.11hi365how else?
18:30.09hi365if the "transfer-context" can be ANY context then then why wouldnt this work? exten => _2xx,1,Dial(Local/${EXTEN}@from-internal)
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18:31.34[TK]D-Fenderhi365, have you tried a Goto?
18:31.59[TK]D-Fenderhi365, And that will work, its just really ugly, and will spam CDR's and creat unnecessary channels
18:32.08hi365yes, but ill try again
18:32.32hi365actualy, the dial sent my system load to 415.2
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18:33.01skirmishaguys in 1.4 ver can host take masks as well?
18:33.03hi365some sort of endless loop
18:34.16hi365yup - dial leads to an endless loop
18:34.49dFencei have a exten => _0.,1,DIAL(CAPI/contr1/${EXTEN:1}) -- when I dial it from a sip-phone i get a nasty *beep* person-calling-not-available-yadayada... when i use the CLI and DIAL 086@r-out it works just fine - WHY!?
18:35.17ManxPowerdFence: the only reason would be if you did it in your dialplan.
18:35.27ManxPowerpastebin the complete _0. extension
18:35.52[TK]D-FenderdFence, pastebin both of these
18:37.20ManxPowerdFence: ALL extensions MUST start with a priority 1
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18:37.40dFencewhops, forgot to change that
18:37.44ManxPowerNothing in that dialplan would play person calling not available
18:37.55dFenceManxPower: well.. kinda does ;D
18:38.16ManxPowerdFence: where is the Playback(person-calling-not-available)
18:38.29ManxPowerAsterisk does not play sounds unless you tell it to.
18:38.38dFencedFence: auto fallthrough i guess, hang on - gonna attache the verbose-msg
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18:39.07ManxPowerdFence: even with auto fallthru I don't see the playback.
18:40.01dFencejust saw that capi info
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18:40.07ManxPowerdFence: So you are NOT getting an audio message
18:40.26dFenceManxPower: *darrn* forgot that xlite plays the audio-message itself
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18:42.46ManxPowerlooks over his glasses at dFence
18:42.48*** join/#asterisk danalien (n=danalien@unaffiliated/danalien)
18:43.11dFencewell.. doesn't change the fact that calls via CAPI fail when executed by the SIP-Phone
18:43.36ManxPowerno it doesn't.
18:43.42ManxPoweryou are using the r-out context when dialing from the CLI
18:43.55ManxPowertry using the Zimmer context
18:44.18rgsteele||workHey folks.  I'm interested in setting up an Asterisk PBX.  Do I need anything other than a data line?  Or, do I need to notify the telco that I'm interested in doing VOIP, so I can talk via h323 (or some other protocol) to the telco's VOIP equipment?
18:44.23dFenceManxPower: no, Zimmer as well
18:44.34ManxPowerdFence: show us
18:44.52ManxPowerrgsteele||work: start by reading The Good Book
18:44.54jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
18:45.24*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
18:45.35ManxPowerdFence: to emulate the SIP phone you would need to CLI dial "084@Zimmer"
18:45.46dFencethat's what i did
18:46.04ManxPowerdFence: I meant show the dial from the CLI
18:46.24dFenceManxPower: starts at line 30
18:46.29maqrhow do i test to see if ztdummy is actually working right?
18:46.36ManxPowerBTW, I was not aware that the number "84" is a valid number to dial
18:47.20dFenceManxPower: asterisk is connected to our current pbx's S0-Bus, 84 is the phone in front of me
18:47.23ManxPowerdFence: I can see no reason for your problem
18:47.29dFenceManxPower: me neither...
18:47.54dFencei really dunno what "ISDN1#02: CAPI INFO 0x34bf: Service or option not available, unspecified" is supposed to mean...
18:48.10ManxPowerdFence: 84 is not the phone you are calling from, is it?
18:49.04dFenceManxPower: no. 84 is the extension of a hardphone at the local pbx
18:52.54[TK]D-Fendermaqr, use it
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18:59.06skirmishacan i use allow=alwa,ulaw or i need 2 rows?
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19:03.29errrit is possible to use the manager to set the hint of a peer?
19:03.41rvhihi, after restart *, all hints are screwed up, lots of them showing 'unavailable' now
19:03.45rvhiany idea?
19:03.49[TK]D-Fendererrr, to do what?
19:04.18errr[TK]D-Fender: well I want to set the hint to be in use when a user goes into dnd, and I use manager to place them on dnd
19:04.43[TK]D-Fendererrr, no viable way to integrate that.
19:04.53[TK]D-Fendererrr, how do they go on DND currently?
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19:05.25errr[TK]D-Fender: they press the DND button which executes a manager script I have that sets a db value for DND
19:06.08[TK]D-Fendererrr, problem is you can't modify a non-devstate hint
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19:07.14errrhmm, my goal is to make it so the recp knows when a user is "busy", right now everything except dnd works for that. Any ideas what I can do to make that work?
19:07.55[TK]D-Fendererrr, you could hack a GUI panel together to intpret the state as a sum of 2 different flags like that.
19:08.03[TK]D-Fendererrr, but not through a single presence reg
19:08.20mattchisDoes anyone know of a good way to play streams on moh?
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19:17.03deeperrorEvery few days I get a port on a channel bank that will just stop dialing.  After pressing 1 digit it will go fast busy.   After looking around I noticed when doing a zap show channel #  that the channel that was dead in the Context: had special characters and garbage in there as if it was overwritten or corrupted in ram.
19:19.41tzafrirmemory corruption in Asterisk?
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19:19.59deeperrorthats my guess on it
19:20.17kerilltook a while to log on to here
19:20.20tzafrirthis is indeed what your description suggests
19:20.38deeperrortzafrir: here is an example
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19:21.42tzafrirdeeperror, what should the context name have been?
19:21.54deeperrorits below custom-set-bank-cid
19:22.16deeperrorthe entire bank is setup going to the same context
19:22.37deeperrorso why only one channel is effected is odd and i'm not exactly sure what caused it to happen but it does occur about every 3-4 days
19:22.57deeperrori've got 50 agents dialing non stop all day so kinda hard to pinpoint the cause but i see why it rings busy now at least
19:23.26rgsteele||workManxPower: Aafter scanning the relevant chapters (8 and 9), I didn't see anything about what I need outside of the Asterisk box itself, other than a T1 card (as I don't really want to deal with incoming POTS lines)
19:23.39*** join/#asterisk fakhir_ (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
19:25.06unbkblhello i have a question and it connects and I can make local and outbound calls. Callers however cannot call me whether internal or callers that select my extension from the inbound lines. They go directly to voicemail. Also the phone is showing red under view extensions.
19:25.06*** join/#asterisk Aziraphale (n=dfgh@
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19:26.13unbkblhello i have grandstream  telephone  with a sip account in a PBX, it connects and I can make local and outbound calls. Callers however cannot call me whether internal or callers that select my extension from the inbound lines. They go directly to voicemail. Also the phone is showing red under view extensions.
19:27.29unbkblso if some body wants to callme gets a 503 unavaliable  error
19:28.05deeperrorunbkbl: check router/ports
19:28.35unbkbland when i seed sip show peer "number of extension" i get an unreachable message
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19:37.27Aziraphalequick question: asterisk server with 2 interfaces, one on the internet, the other a private voice trunk (unreachable) server sends phone an invite with the unreachable address = phone sends rtp stream there - one-way audio. only when the phone is the caller, works ok when called
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19:37.48Aziraphaleanyone come across that before?
19:37.55unbkblwich port use the phone for establish outbound calls?
19:38.47Aziraphaleudp port or server interface?
19:40.45RoyKAziraphale: I somehow doubt the phone uses the server interface
19:41.18Aziraphalewell ,the SIP session does. sip port is 5060 iirc
19:48.51[TK]D-FenderAziraphale, disable reinvives and for RTP through *
19:49.58[TK]D-Fenderunbkbl, "a PBX" huh?  Care to elaborate on that?
19:51.16Aziraphale[TK]D-Fender: cheers, will try that
19:52.44dFence*GARRR GARRR GARR*
19:52.57dFenceManxPower: i finally figured it out
19:54.07dFencebehind a t-octopus you have to set the CallerID according to the assigned msn - didn't need that at home when it was hooked up to the pstn directly >_<
19:54.25errr[TK]D-Fender: when looking at: What is the ActionID its talking about? Is this the same as the status code?
19:55.12[TK]D-Fendererrr, nope, but no idea what it really means.
19:55.14unbkblthe asterisk server is in another city... all the extensions attached to this server work fine, but i've configurated a new extension that can make calls but cannot recive calls, but i think now that the problem is because the phone is behind a router and it seems that is not allowing the incomming calls
19:55.23errr[TK]D-Fender: ok thanks
19:55.41unbkblas deeperror said
19:56.13[TK]D-Fenderunbkbl, read up :
19:56.16jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
19:56.35*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
19:57.11unbkblthnx so much for your attention i'll give it a look!
19:58.49*** join/#asterisk Justnulling2 (
19:59.15_ShrikEIs adtran rebranding polycom phones?
19:59.48Qwelldunno, but they wouldn't be the first.  got an example?
20:00.36Justnulling2keep getting rtc: lost some interrupts at 1024Hz., how can i fix it?
20:00.51_ShrikEThe 700 series looks pretty sweet though
20:00.51Qwell_ShrikE: oh...well...clearly.
20:01.47Qwell_ShrikE: yeah, I don't know about the 700s, but clearly the rest are
20:02.37unbkblanother question, im trying compile zaptel in a new machine and i get the "You do nod appear to have the sources for the 2.6.18-6-486 kernel installed" error but when i do uname -r it shows 2.6.18-6-486, wich means it is alredy installed what can i do?
20:02.54sp00kzthose are just rebranded polycoms other than the 706
20:02.55Qwellunbkbl: uname -r doesn't show anything about kernel sources
20:02.59[TK]D-Fender_ShrikE, Clearly all the ones with Polycom model #'s are
20:03.41Aziraphaleunbkbl: you need to install kernel-devel
20:03.53Aziraphaleyou have the binary but not the sources
20:04.01unbkblok i'll try that
20:04.59Justnulling2anyone has any ideas -> rtc: lost some interrupts at 1024Hz.
20:06.20hardwireactually, nobody has ideas on that one.
20:06.30hardwireI mean, lots of ideas - few conclusions.
20:06.44[TK]D-Fender_ShrikE, Cute models for their original stuff.  Might be interesting to see if they're decent
20:07.04[TK]D-FenderJustnulling2, You need to set your timer for 1000hz, not 1024hz
20:07.57Justnulling2[TK]D-Fender: how? where?
20:08.04_ShrikE[TK]D-Fender: I really do like adtran products as a whole.  I think I am going to put my hands on one of those 700's
20:08.40[TK]D-FenderJustnulling2, kernel option.  not sure where to set
20:09.13Justnulling2[TK]D-Fender: hmm so need to recompile the kernel fo it?
20:09.36[TK]D-FenderJustnulling2, Don't know if you can tweak that another way or not...
20:09.52[TK]D-FenderJustnulling2, Google-able I'm sure.
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20:12.31Justnulling2[TK]D-Fender: google didn't help much and it works fine on my other machine with stock debian kernel so it is not it
20:14.04jmardoneskhello, Im looking to integrate mysql with asterisk to make surveys. I found DBqu from YOSD software, but I dont know another solution, Is this the best way for integrate mysql querys in the dialplan to save the survey answers.
20:14.17rgsteele||workForgive me for the potentially uneducated question....  a typical T1 provides 23 PRI channels and 1 data channel.  That's simultaneous calls, though, right?  So, if your organization had 24 people, everyone would have to be on a call for the 24th person to run into issues?
20:14.22*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
20:14.31QwellDBqu?  never heard of it.  What's it do?
20:14.36Qwellbut - no.
20:14.53jblackrgsteele||work: usually correct.
20:14.53Qwellis that an Asterisk module, or something?
20:15.19[TK]D-FenderJustnulling2, looks like you need to recompile the kernel
20:15.30jmardoneskis an asterisk aplication, see for more detalis
20:15.37Qwelljmardonesk: func_odbc
20:15.38rgsteele||workjblack: Thanks.  I'm looking into phasing out the current POTS setup in favor of VOIP, trying to get a handle on everything before embarking down that path.
20:15.53[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work, 24th call on your PRI.
20:16.14lesouvageShouldn't a  "make clean" not erase all .o files and modules. I got a message  "Your Asterisk modules directory, located at
20:16.16rgsteele||work[TK]D-Fender: Hm?
20:16.16jmardoneskQwell, OK, I see..
20:16.22[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work, Don't over-associate a call as having to be bridged to another device.
20:16.44lesouvagecontains modules that were not installed by this
20:17.13rgsteele||work[TK]D-Fender: Ok, I meant 23 calls in which two endpoints are connected and the parties are conversing.
20:17.17[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work, and PRI != VoIP
20:17.43[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work, * can be talking to 23 incoming calls from your PRI with NO "phones" in use at all.  Its still just a "call"
20:17.44dFencewhat's the syntax for ImportVar when used with a call-file and setvar?
20:17.53Aziraphalergsteele||work: can be connected to an asterisk box though
20:17.58lesouvageSorry for passing my question in a strange way.
20:18.32[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work, 23 PSTN channels.  Doesn't matter if * wants to bridge them to anything.  * itself is talking to that channel.
20:18.57rgsteele||workAh, okay.  So, if I've got PRI going over my T1, and > 23 people called in simultaneously, I'd run in to issues.
20:19.13rgsteele||workEven if they weren't connected to a warm body in the office?
20:19.22*** join/#asterisk Zar0 (
20:19.23[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work, a call is a call is a call.
20:19.42[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work, they're all just channels, so yeah, #24 gets a "busy"
20:19.45Aziraphale23 ringing out and 24 gets a busy
20:19.46rgsteele||work[TK]D-Fender: Understood.
20:20.11rgsteele||work[TK]D-Fender, Aziraphale: Thanks for dispelling the fog.
20:21.09rgsteele||workI suppose then, if I thought my call volume would exceed that, I'd need PRI services running over either multiple T1's or a T2/T3?
20:21.34[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work, thats definitely a way
20:21.34Zar0Lets say I have 2 normal POTS lines at home. Is it possible to use my asterisk box with I guess a dual FXO card to take an incoming call from one of the normal POTS line and then use the other POTS line to dial out and connect that incoming call?
20:21.54rgsteele||workOr some other connection with greater bandwidth.  [TK]D-Fender: There is another way?
20:21.54[TK]D-FenderZar0, Sure
20:22.15Zar0TKD-Fender: What kind of card do I need? A dual FXO card?
20:22.16[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work, More T1's, VoIP, etc.
20:22.29[TK]D-FenderZar0, any way to get 2 FXO's to *
20:22.43AziraphaleZar0: done something like that with VoIP + GSM adapter :)
20:22.51rgsteele||work[TK]D-Fender: Hm, apparently your hint above didn't sink in until just now, that PRI != VoIP.
20:22.57hardwireI'd love a GSM adapter
20:22.59hardwireand service
20:23.02*** join/#asterisk sysreq (n=sysreq@unaffiliated/sysreq)
20:23.04hardwirefor free plz
20:23.16[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work, PRI is a signalling over T1 which is TDM, not VoIP
20:23.21Zar0TKD: SO the card Digium TDM402E 2FXO Analog TDM PCI Card would be fine to achieve what I want?
20:23.35[TK]D-FenderZar0, that'd do.
20:23.46rgsteele||work[TK]D-Fender: Ah, which would require a channelbank or a card in the * box to convert the lines from analog to digital?
20:24.01[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work, T1 *is* digital....
20:24.23[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work, and you'd buy a T1 interface of some kind for *
20:24.37rgsteele||workEr, yeah I'm sorry that was a mistake.  I meant some kind of card to convert the T1 into something the * box can deal with.
20:24.58[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work, Digium and Sangoma are the 2 biggest and most use makers of PC cards for this purpose
20:25.11rgsteele||work[TK]D-Fender: I think I want to go the VoIP route.
20:25.30[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work, Zaptel is the package that lets * use telephony cards.
20:25.54[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work, there are ups & downs with VoIP.  what are your actual needs?
20:26.24rgsteele||work[TK]D-Fender: I have an office of ~30 individuals.  I just need something more flexible than the current Bizfon units provide.
20:27.07rgsteele||workI need to be able to customize the order in which the phones ring, provide conferencing, etc.  I'm not designing a call center, I just need to fit the needs of a growing small business.
20:27.48[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work, and what kind of PSTN connectivity do you have currently?
20:28.43[TK]D-Fenderlooks like Bizfon is rebranding Snom phones.  What is this, National Rebranding Day?
20:29.06rgsteele||workWe've got 6 lines.
20:29.34rgsteele||workBasic features on them, no big thrills or frills.
20:29.48jayteewe should have a National 2 for 1 Day where everything you buy on that day is half-off.
20:29.56[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work, So why are you looking BEYOND a 23-port solution already?
20:31.25jblackjaytee: Boo.
20:31.39jblackThey'll just double the prices every other day of the year.
20:32.11rgsteele||work[TK]D-Fender: I just want to be prepared for growth.  I guess I'm not sure whether or not I should start right off the bat with VoIP, or start with PRI over T1, and have to deal with the bandwidth issues in the future if and when we outgrow the 23 channels.
20:33.07[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work, You thinking you'll need to support over 4x as man calls as you do now?
20:33.29[TK]D-Fenderjblack, 50% off 200% of the original price... a STEAL!
20:33.36rgsteele||work[TK]D-Fender: Depends on how top-heavy the grand poobahs make this place :)
20:34.26[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work, VoIP might cost less in some cases, more in others, and is definitely more trouble.
20:35.00[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work, price out a full & partial PRI where you are and compare VS what it'd take to go VoIP, and support it.
20:36.32rgsteele||work[TK]D-Fender: I like that VOIP (seems like it) scales better, but more trouble isn't what I'm looking for.  What types of issues are prevalent with VoIP that aren't as much of a problem with the PRI solution?
20:37.08*** join/#asterisk robevans (
20:37.51[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work, Internet failures of every kind.  bandwidth.  Security.  Jitter.  Packet-loss.  Cost of paying for your internet connection itself AND VoIP service.
20:38.11[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work, And that assuming your ITSP will have good audio quality, etc all of their own.
20:40.21rgsteele||workHm.  Don't bandwidth, packet loss, and jitter still occur with the PRI over T1 solution, too?
20:40.30rgsteele||workI don't see how that's specific to VoIP.
20:41.03jblackDedicated lines makes all the difference
20:41.14jblackThere's no contention for bandwidth on a PRI
20:41.29[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work, T1 is a direct clocked link to the telco, not *internet*
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20:41.52[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work, T1 is TDM, not Packet-based
20:42.02rgsteele||workAh... that makes more sense.
20:42.31[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work, Packets get lost, mangled & misplaced.  Time is constant.
20:43.15filelost packets are sad packets
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20:45.37rgsteele||work[TK]D-Fender: Hm, okay that makes more sense.  I certainly value reliability in this equation higher than anything else.  Sounds like PRI T1 is a viable solution... I'd just need to narrow down which T1 card is right.  Maybe I'll take a look at the Digium's out there - I have heard good things about them.
20:46.06rgsteele||workjblack, [TK]D-Fender: I do appreciate the advice.
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20:47.10b11d`what so Zaptel is getting renamed to DAHDI??
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20:47.37[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work, I would suggest a 2 or 4 port card with hardware echo-cancelation and in PCI for maximum interoperability
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20:47.51ccvphello fellow internet addicts
20:47.56[TK]D-Fenderb11d`, load ;)
20:47.58ccvphow was your day of internet / irc addiction? :)
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20:48.22rgsteele||work[TK]D-Fender: Any specific model recommendations?
20:48.23ccvpfender, i heard ThakillaZ
20:48.26ccvpwiped alot out today :)
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20:50.28[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work, I have a personal preference for the Sangoma A10(2/4)d
20:50.46exothermcWhat do I need to do to get asterisk to pass h.263?
20:51.03b11d`so.. honestly though.. Zaptel will be called DAHDI?
20:51.03[TK]D-Fenderexothermc, lookup "asterisk video" on the WIKI.
20:51.16[TK]D-Fenderb11d`, Where do you see this?
20:51.27b11d`in the News section
20:51.52exothermcI have videosupport=yes and allow=h263 and allow=h263p.  I can see the h263 going to the asterisk IP but that is all I see.
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20:52.36[TK]D-Fenderexothermc, What else are you expecting?
20:52.39robevansAnyone know of a service that will take my phone number list and make it available for sale but keep the number anonymous?
20:52.55[TK]D-Fenderexothermc, pastebin the CLI & sip debug of a complete call, end-to-end along with your sip.conf
20:53.00exothermc[TK]D-Fender: For it to pass the h263 to the other end point which it doesn't
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20:53.17exothermc[TK]D-Fender: Right now asterisk is a blackhole for h263
20:53.30[TK]D-Fenderexothermc, provide the info I jsut requested.
20:53.38exothermc[TK]D-Fender: putting it together now.
20:53.45exothermc[TK]D-Fender: debug level 10 fine?
20:54.12[TK]D-Fenderexothermc, verbose 10, sip debug, core debug 0
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20:57.20exothermcdebug 0?  as in off?
20:58.13[TK]D-Fenderexothermc, Correct
20:58.39exothermcI had it on, but it isn't that messy.
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20:59.09exothermcboth end points were set to use h.263
20:59.19[TK]D-Fenderexothermc, Now try to provide everything I actaully asked for...
20:59.34exothermcpacket captures on the asterisk node shows h263 coming in from both end points.
20:59.41exothermc[TK]D-Fender: rereading it.
21:00.26exothermc[TK]D-Fender: Could you clue me in on what piece is missing?
21:01.08exothermcoh I see it now
21:01.09[TK]D-Fenderexothermc, sip debug, and your exact sip.conf masking only passwords for all ends involved.
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21:01.49exothermc[TK]D-Fender: It is possible for peers not involved in the call to effect peers that are?
21:02.59[TK]D-Fenderexothermc, No. [general] + peers please...
21:04.05exothermc[TK]D-Fender: never used the sip debug before, is there a nice way to pipe that to a file, and limit the hosts that it is watching?
21:04.26[TK]D-Fenderexothermc, "sip debug peer [peername]"
21:04.34[TK]D-Fenderexothermc, No [] in there.
21:04.49exothermcya, and for multiple peers?
21:05.34exothermc[TK]D-Fender: or are you just interested in one of the end points at a time?
21:05.39[TK]D-Fenderexothermc, multiple calls to that
21:05.58[TK]D-Fenderexothermc, I want both ends of this single call.
21:06.28exothermcOk but how do I limit debug to two peers?
21:09.01[TK]D-Fenderexothermc, only ENABLE it for 2 peers
21:09.13exothermcahh ok got it
21:09.31exothermcI thought that was the filter not that it was on/off for each peer
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21:16.50*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
21:16.50_ShrikEcatches Katty's contagious yawns.
21:17.24wonderworldhi, i am trying to execute a command from an agi script. this is what i get on the asterisk-console:
21:17.25wonderworld-- AGI Script Executing Application: (MP3Player( Options: ((null))
21:17.25wonderworldMay 19 23:15:35 WARNING[19250]: res_agi.c:1101 handle_exec: Could not find application (MP3Player(
21:17.45wonderworldshow applications lists MP3Player....
21:17.51wonderworldwhat might be wrong? tnx.
21:18.37exothermc[TK]D-Fender: Does that work better for you?
21:19.54rgsteele||work[TK]D-Fender:  If I understand it correctly, the only difference between the A101D and the A102D is I'd be able to handle only 30 calls versus 60?
21:20.22[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work, 2 ports instead of 1, correct.
21:20.39[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work, and 30/60 implies E1 PRI, not T1 PRI
21:20.44jbot[~E1] E1 is the basic digital telephony circuit used everywhere except the US,Japan,Taiwan & Hong Kong (who use T1 and similar variants). E1 runs at 2.048Mbps. It can be an unstructured channel for data. It can be channelized, to provide 31 time slots of voice or data, each of 64kbps. Time slot 16 is used for D-Chan when used with PRI signalling.
21:21.22rgsteele||work[TK]D-Fender: Ah, so 23/46 is correct, then?
21:21.44[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work, yes
21:21.55rgsteele||workGood to see basic math skills are available to me past 5pm :P
21:23.12[TK]D-FenderOnly 3 kinds of people in this world ; those that know math, and those that don't.
21:23.44exothermc[TK]D-Fender: Any idea from that paste why asterisk isn't passing the h263?
21:25.03[TK]D-Fenderexothermc, not goo enough.  I said I want the entire call from beginning to end.
21:25.24exothermc[TK]D-Fender: hmm I thought was what I grabbed.
21:25.36[TK]D-Fenderexothermc, very clearly wrong.
21:26.25[TK]D-Fenderexothermc, Capabilities: us - 0x18000c (ulaw|alaw|h263|h263p), peer - audio=0x8000c (ulaw|alaw|h263)/video=0x80000 (h263), combined - 0x8000c (ulaw|alaw|h263)
21:26.45[TK]D-Fenderexothermc, but it does seem to agree on H.263 on both sides.
21:26.50[TK]D-Fenderexothermc, check your clients.
21:28.24exothermc[TK]D-Fender: Checking now, here is the new paste
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21:30.53exothermc[TK]D-Fender: I do see what you are saying though
21:31.37[TK]D-Fenderexothermc, make sure your clients are set to initiate video on the call.  Try toggling it during it.
21:32.20exothermc[TK]D-Fender: This is eyebeam, I start the call, then turn on the video feed.
21:38.46exothermc[TK]D-Fender: So unless h263 is negotiated then asterisk will ignore it?
21:39.35[TK]D-Fenderexothermc, should.  And it does seem to accept on both side.
21:41.15exothermcboth sides?  client to B2BUA or client to client?
21:41.34exothermcor either side of the B2BUA
21:44.18*** join/#asterisk Justnulling2 (
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21:50.32[TK]D-Fenderexothermc, on each side on *.
21:50.34Justnulling2recompiled zaptel now i get in addition this error -> rc_avpair_new: unknown attribute 1490026597
21:50.39[TK]D-Fenderexothermc, so it does seem fine.
21:54.03Justnulling2[TK]D-Fender: any idea about -> rc_avpair_new: unknown attribute 1490026597
21:55.58[TK]D-FenderJustnulling2, pastebin is your friend....
21:59.56[TK]D-FenderJustnulling2, when in doubt JFGI
22:02.09Qwellavpair is a freeradius thing
22:04.21QwellJustnulling2: asterisk is your hostname, isn't it?
22:04.46Qwellnm, misread.
22:04.58Qwellsounds like your freeradius/unixodbc configs are wrong though
22:05.29Justnulling2[TK]D-Fender: google comes with 8 pages, 1 doesn't load 2 are icr logs, then there is spanish german and russian sites so no luck there
22:06.24Justnulling2Qwell: it got this error after i recompiled zapata, how do i fix freeradius/unuxodbc config?
22:06.37Qwellit's not a zaptel problem
22:07.20[TK]D-FenderJustnulling2, Well thats a warning.  Whats the PROBLEM?
22:08.57Justnulling2[TK]D-Fender: zaptel is the problem mostly, tired installing the latest version and still get the rtc error and now on top of this i get rc_avpair_new: unknown attribute 1490026597
22:09.27ManxPowerJustnulling2: RTP error?
22:09.31Justnulling2qwell: well this happend after i installed latest zaptel, it is still neded with 2.6?
22:09.34[TK]D-FenderJustnulling2, and I told you to fix your clock from 1024 to 1000
22:09.46[TK]D-FenderJustnulling2, Who said that message had anything to do with anything?
22:12.17ManxPowerJustnulling2: STOP saying "latest zaptel"  Everything has a version, use it when talking about it.
22:12.33ManxPowerEspecially since there are at least three totally different zaptels that could be called "latest"
22:13.09Justnulling2[TK]D-Fender: you did but googling it doesn't come up with anything that says need to recompile kernel for zapata to work, so don't want to touch my kernel
22:14.01Justnulling2ManxPower: zaptel- didn't see there where other versions on the website, is this one i should be using?
22:14.06ManxPowerJustnulling2: Asterisk doesn't care what you want or don't want.  If [TK]D-Fender says you must recompile you kernel to fix the problem then than is what you need to do to fix the problem.
22:14.13[TK]D-FenderJustnulling2, let me reiterate this, one last time : If your RTC clock is set for andything other than 1000hz ZTDUMMY is *fucked*.  Is that clear?
22:14.26ManxPowerJustnulling2: look at the top of your screen in the area for the channel topic.
22:16.06ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I keep telling you, if they don't listen, put the on /ignore
22:16.15ManxPowerthem too
22:16.17[TK]D-FenderJustnulling2, and feel free to "not want to touch my kernel".  You can also "not want to cross the finish line".  Just don't expect to win the race.
22:16.57ManxPowerEventually they will either start to follow the advice given them or they will be on everyone's /ignore list.  Either way we win.
22:17.08*** join/#asterisk Georger86 (n=ge@
22:17.18[TK]D-FenderManxPower, I have fortunately never had to put anyone on /ignore .
22:17.31Georger86i need some asterisk assistance
22:17.48ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I don't HAVE to either, but it's much less stressful if you do.
22:17.50jbotsomebody said ask was Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
22:18.12[TK]D-FenderManxPower, it would if I didn't care to help people period.
22:18.48ManxPowerWhen we lose our temper it makes the whole channel look bad.  No matter how much of a moron the other person is.
22:19.31ManxPowerGeorger86: speak on the channel or don't speak at all
22:19.46ManxPowerGeorger86 just private /msg'd me.
22:20.15*** join/#asterisk SwK (
22:20.16Georger86im first time there
22:20.17ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I try to stop caring about helping a person about the same time as they stop listening to me.
22:20.33Georger86well check this and tell me ur oppinion
22:20.34Georger86Connected to Asterisk currently running on elastix (pid = 2551)
22:20.34Georger86Verbosity was 3 and is now 6
22:20.44[TK]D-FenderGeorger86, and NEVER spam like that in here again
22:20.45ManxPowerGeorger86: stop.  Look at the following text
22:20.47jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
22:21.03Justnulling2[TK]D-Fender: what is this ztdummy is sued for? do i need to run it (be in this race as you put it)
22:21.25[TK]D-FenderJustnulling2, what are you using Zaptel for?
22:21.37ManxPowerGeorger86: the call is coming into the extensions.conf context [from-sgm], there is no extension line in that context to match 6982926300.
22:22.00Justnulling2[TK]D-Fender: nothing don't have any digium hardware
22:22.21*** join/#asterisk phix (
22:22.21[TK]D-FenderJustnulling2, if you're not using it, why are you installing it?
22:22.24*** join/#asterisk l3jj (
22:22.25Georger86so i should edit extensions.conf?
22:22.45ManxPowerGeorger86: yes.  I think you might want to stop and take some time to read the Good Book
22:22.48jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
22:23.01[TK]D-FenderGeorger86, Your zapata.conf is sending the calls to "s" in a context that doesn't match with extensions.conf.
22:23.12ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: read more carefully
22:23.15Justnulling2[TK]D-Fender: comes as dependent to pluto-asterisk package
22:23.19Georger86ok thank you:)
22:23.26[TK]D-FenderManxPower, oops
22:23.36ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I misread often enough 8-)
22:23.42[TK]D-FenderGeorger86, indeed, to an exten that doesn't match in some context, and then failing back a few times.
22:24.07ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I wish it did not do the failover stuff
22:24.09[TK]D-FenderManxPower, funny thing is I did process it right the first time and by the time I got to typing, oops, there it went :)
22:24.25[TK]D-FenderManxPower, ditto.  "default" = BS to support shmucks.
22:24.39ManxPowerI guess "s" is hyperlinked in your head to that answer.
22:24.51[TK]D-FenderManxPower, perhaps something like that.
22:24.53*** join/#asterisk CaTtleyA (
22:25.18ManxPowerLike the first thing I do when setting up Asterisk is to make sure that the default context is INVALID
22:25.41*** part/#asterisk Justnulling2 (
22:26.21[TK]D-FenderManxPower, looks like our friend there simply has no idea why he was even doing what he was doing.
22:31.51maqr[TK]D-Fender: i installed the sample configs, and none of them say "ztdummy" anywhere in them... so i'm not sure if asterisk is actually using it or not
22:32.13*** join/#asterisk klimonso (n=eddy@
22:32.39[TK]D-Fendermaqr, and they won't either.
22:33.07[TK]D-Fendermaqr, do YOU know why * would be using it in your setup?
22:33.23klimonsowhen i call in on inboud to asterisk and i am trying to dial an extention it doesnt even let me push it all, it takes me directly to the menu selected by ivr. where i can change the time? in freepbx???
22:33.38[TK]D-Fenderklimonso, ...
22:33.41jbot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
22:34.16klimonsothx guys
22:34.52maqr[TK]D-Fender: something about timings or music-on-hold or something? so.... no, i have no idea, but i was under the impression that if you don't have ztdummy or some other timing hardware, something won't work as well as it could, or something
22:36.46*** join/#asterisk sp00k3y (n=chatzill@
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22:38.48[TK]D-Fendermaqr, go find out WHY you think you need it.  Then when you do feel free to ask again later.
22:39.01maqr[TK]D-Fender: okay :)
22:39.42exothermc[TK]D-Fender: Ok Here is a better sip trace  It looks like the clients are negotiating correctly.
22:39.54[TK]D-Fendermaqr, indeed MoH can sync better with a Zaptel timing source, but its not "required".  Its needed for MeetMe, and IAX2 Trunk Mode.  Thats it.
22:40.15[TK]D-Fenderexothermc, and I told you that * seems to be set fine, go work with the clients.
22:42.34exothermc[TK]D-Fender: I have been, on line 313 you see jon's client negotiating h263.  Then on line 455 you see miles renegotiating h263, but asterisk never sends any h263 to either client even though the h263 is being sent from both clients and reaching asterisk.
22:43.25exothermc[TK]D-Fender: I'm watching a tcpdump on asterisk and I can see h263 coming in, but never leaving.
22:46.15*** join/#asterisk Justnulling2 (
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22:48.50[TK]D-Fenderexothermc, make sure the ports its using aren't being blocked.
22:48.57[TK]D-Fenderexothermc, beyond that * seems fine
22:49.07[TK]D-Fenderexothermc, so its wither networking ro your clients.
22:49.17[TK]D-Fenderbleh, can't type today...
22:49.51exothermc[TK]D-Fender: A you hearing that I'm saying there is no h263 leaving the asterisk box? (confirmed from tcpdump)  Checking iptables now.
22:50.44exothermc[TK]D-Fender: iptables are empty
22:51.07exothermcso if asterisk was passing any h263 it should show up in tcpdump
22:53.21[TK]D-Fenderexothermc, Make sure you've done "canreinvite=no" for your peers, and thats the end of what I can suggest.
22:53.33exothermc[TK]D-Fender: ok thanks
22:54.05*** join/#asterisk fordfrog (n=fordfrog@gentoo/developer/fordfrog)
22:54.59exothermc[TK]D-Fender: It was set in general, but I'll add it to the peers
22:55.33*** join/#asterisk Justnulling2 (
22:56.10exothermc[TK]D-Fender: Should it be opening up a separate set of channels for the h263?
22:56.35[TK]D-Fenderexothermc, 1 port per side for audio, another for video.
22:57.16exothermc[TK]D-Fender: hmm ya no video channels are opening up.
22:57.49exothermc[TK]D-Fender: What clients have you seen this working with yourself?
22:58.37[TK]D-Fenderexothermc, I've used eyebeam myself.
23:01.17maqris there some documentation for the sample configs that i'm unaware of? the book doesn't seem to cover them, and i'm having trouble understanding them
23:11.37*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
23:14.01[TK]D-Fendermaqr, ...
23:14.03jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
23:14.05jbot[~wikis] VoIP Wiki covering Asterisk, FreeSWITCH, TrixBox, SER, OpenSER, sipX, CallWeaver, and YATE. (c) Arte Marketing Inc / CommPartners
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23:42.09Yourname`Hi, Is there a way I can change the format of the email that Asterisk sends out when a voicemail is left?
23:48.35_ShrikECant you modify that in voicemail.conf?
23:53.38Yourname`_ShrikE: Found it, thanks..
23:56.18mwalling[TK]D-Fender: heh

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