IRC log for #asterisk on 20080513

00:00.57[TK]D-FenderNovceGuru, sure you can.
00:01.13[TK]D-FenderNovceGuru, Go read up on Presence on the WIKI
00:01.19*** join/#asterisk evilkiksass (n=do@
00:01.45evilkiksassDoes anyone know of an avaya phone that supports LLDP, CDP and works with Asterisk?
00:03.15NovceGuru[TK]/win 12
00:03.22NovceGuruerm, thanks [tk]
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00:05.14NovceGuruI suppose I have found one issue with going with a hosted solution
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00:14.07[TK]D-FenderNovceGuru, Funny, the rest of us take this stuff for granted and see it on our PHONE's
00:14.28gitguyis asterisk 1.6 (latest one) good for production already?
00:14.58[TK]D-Fendergitguy, its in BETA.  Do the math.  And generally you do't want to take X.0 into "production" in anything.
00:15.18drmessanoIt's not even an RC
00:15.44gitguyhm okay
00:16.32drmessanowonders when "beta" went from "experimental, testing only" to "got my whole company running on it"
00:17.43ManxPowerdrmessano: sometime before Asterisk 1.0, but it really accelerated between 1.0 and 1.2
00:17.53NovceGuru[TK]D-Fender: ?
00:18.55NovceGuru[TK]D-Fender: you mean the person that wants it
00:19.00[TK]D-FenderNovceGuru, like I said... GO READ THE WIKI
00:19.02NovceGuruthinks it "should be simple"
00:19.11[TK]D-FenderNovceGuru, What you're looking for is PRESENCE.
00:19.27NovceGuruRight I just didn't get your second comment is all
00:20.47puzzledevening all
00:21.34puzzledin 1.4.20-rc2 did speex get disabled too like ilbc? I have speex & speex-devel installed, ./configure shows all is ok yet in make menuselect I only see it disabled XXX and I can't enable it
00:22.48jeffspeffhey, what's the best way to stress test a system? I want to find out how many concurrent calls mine can handle. Do I have to setup a bunch of phones and have several people call me?
00:23.08puzzledjeffspeff: google for sipp and sipsak. has some info on this too
00:23.28_ShrikEjeffspeff: google sipp
00:29.59gitguycan asterisk transcode, eg: when one of your endpoints uses GSM and the other one ULAW/ALAW, will it work?
00:30.09_ShrikEgitguy: yes
00:30.20gitguyif A (gsm) dials b (ULAW)
00:30.45_ShrikEg.729a requires a license however
00:31.13gitguyi'm doing that right now and getting "Call failed: 503 Service Unavailable" in xlite
00:31.25LinuxMafiame again
00:31.34gitguyguess i should enable sip debug
00:32.07LinuxMafiai want to buy a voip phone that support sip
00:32.34jbotextra, extra, read all about it, phones is  While personal preference will dictate which phone works best for you, general consensus on a rough order of quality and suggestibility is as follows:  Polycom (any), Aastra 480i, Aastra 5i Series, Cisco 7940+, Linksys SPA-9XX, Snom, and finally everything else.  Do not consider Grandstream phones.  Ever. places like such as
00:32.46LinuxMafiaQwell, in canada though
00:32.52LinuxMafiai did not find any of those
00:35.27[TK]D-FenderLinuxMafia, how many, and for what kind of use?
00:35.49LinuxMafia[TK]D-Fender, just 1 , for home use for now
00:35.58[TK]D-FenderLinuxMafia, And down the road?
00:36.14LinuxMafiahum not really
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00:36.29LinuxMafiabut i want to be able to try as company phone too
00:36.33[TK]D-FenderLinuxMafia, What do you expect out of buying a phone?
00:36.34LinuxMafiajust want to try
00:36.41manddhow do I add another SIP account for an outgoing calls?
00:37.09manddso that when users dial 9 before the nimber, and alternative SIP is used.
00:37.16manddhi [TK]D-Fender!
00:37.35LinuxMafia[TK]D-Fender, i want it to work with asterisk and i can use it also as company/home phone (just want to check )
00:38.02LinuxMafia[TK]D-Fender, but it gotta be in toronto
00:38.05rob0haha, that was my project for the day ... an alternate SIP trunk
00:38.38manddany helpful urls ?
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00:38.45rob0actually mine was slightly different, yours is simpler to do
00:38.53rob0(I did a failover)
00:38.54[TK]D-FenderLinuxMafia, waitasec.. I already answered all of this for you before...
00:38.57manddi hope :)
00:39.02manddyeah, not like that
00:39.10manddjust an alternative on demand
00:39.12manddnot on fail
00:39.38rob0Yours is just a matter of setting different sip.conf peers and referencing those from the dialplan.
00:39.40LinuxMafia[TK]D-Fender, yeah but people told me that dlink is blocked
00:40.03[TK]D-FenderLinuxMafia, No I recall you menioning you can't order via CC, etc...
00:40.11rob0What I did, keep poking around the wiki and trying things until they work :)
00:40.33[TK]D-FenderLinuxMafia, And I never suggested d-link for anything more than PoE switches.
00:40.48LinuxMafia[TK]D-Fender, yeah that is why i want it to be in toronto
00:40.56rob0You can have as many SIP registers and peers as you need.
00:41.03manddrob0 any samples, for sip.conf  and extension.conf?
00:41.15manddi sorta have an idea how it should work
00:41.17rob0sure, at the wiki, lots.
00:41.19LinuxMafia[TK]D-Fender, i have to go to the store by person , other wise i can not buy
00:41.52[TK]D-FenderLinuxMafia, and I gave you a link you could take the friggen Metro too and you didn't write this shit down.
00:42.14[TK]D-FenderLinuxMafia, I spoon-fed you all of this and you can't even seemed to be bothered to write it down.
00:42.25LinuxMafia[TK]D-Fender, you gave me link for canadacomputers right?
00:42.44[TK]D-FenderLinuxMafia, Go read some logs.
00:43.15LinuxMafia[TK]D-Fender, and that was some hardware that changes the ordinary phone to voip phone
00:43.19LinuxMafiai remember that
00:43.27LinuxMafiaand that device was dlink
00:43.34[TK]D-FenderLinuxMafia, No, it WASN'T.
00:44.04LinuxMafiai remember it was canadacomputers
00:44.10LinuxMafiai checked it out
00:44.23LinuxMafiathere was a branch close to me
00:44.31manddrob0  any urls to those wiki samples?
00:44.35manddi cant seem to find any
00:44.38LinuxMafiaand i even called them
00:44.41manddfor alternative sip trunks
00:45.18vectorTHE mandd?
00:45.26manddno way
00:45.30jeffspeffhey, i'm trying to do sipp to test... when i run the "./sipp -sn uas -p 5061 -mp 6001" command i get this error >  Unable to bind main socket, errno = 98 (Address already in use).
00:45.33vectorwhat are the chances
00:45.44manddi thought you said you didnt know #
00:46.11jeffspeffwhat am i doing wrong?
00:46.47JTLinuxMafia: do you have a phobia of online shopping?
00:47.07LinuxMafiaJT, nothing for online shopping
00:47.22JTit's easy to buy ip telephones online
00:47.31LinuxMafiaJT, and what is the point it gonna take a week until you get your stuff
00:47.33jblackI wouldn't think a distrust of online retailers as unreasonable
00:47.42JTLinuxMafia: err then at least you get it
00:49.05manddthanks rob0
00:51.53JTLinuxMafia: how long have you been shopping for ip phones?
00:52.05jeffspeffcan anybody help me with sipp ?
00:52.28[TK]D-FenderJT : read above.
00:52.59LinuxMafiaJT, first time
00:53.22JT[TK]D-Fender: i didn't see a timeframe
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00:53.40JTLinuxMafia: today is the first day ever?
00:54.01[TK]D-FenderJT : in this past week
00:54.14JT[TK]D-Fender: lol
00:54.46[TK]D-FenderJT : living prrof that you lead a horse to the water, but the SPCA won't let you hold its head under...
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01:01.59rob0was just RoIP'ed (rickrolled over IP)
01:02.10mwallinghas a new way to... yeah, i rickrolled rob0
01:02.15rob0This is a tough neighborhood
01:07.32drmessanoIRRX <-- InterRickRollXchange
01:08.00drmessanoIRRX is an XML based format used for the open exchange of Rickrolls
01:08.25drmessanoAny app that can process IRRX can properly process a rickroll
01:08.40rob0It's pronounced "Irrix" like "irritating"
01:08.46drmessanoRegardless of programming language and operating platfrom
01:08.53drmessanoplatform too
01:09.12mwallingneeds to add in answering machine detection
01:09.14drmessanoIRRX like "Irks"
01:09.19rob0ah yes
01:09.30mwallingi left my cellphone a voicemail
01:09.40drmessanomwalling: What a pathetic life you lead
01:09.54drmessanoheh, sorry.... you were wide open
01:09.59mwallingdrmessano: just from 1700 to 0800
01:10.09rob0Don't be sorry, it's true.
01:10.26drmessanoOh, so it's ok to call him a douchebag?
01:10.33drmessanotakes notes
01:10.43rob0starts setting up a 7125 extension
01:11.29drmessanoI cant wait for the Cisco 9000
01:12.09drmessano"Danny, you just missed a call.. it didn't seem important, so I hung up on them"
01:12.11rob0Hey, I have a real albeit offtopic question; what do I need for PoE? What do I search for at newegg? Or is it cheaper on a small scale to just buy AC adapters?
01:12.22drmessanoPower and Ethernet
01:12.27drmessanoand the Power must run over Ethernet
01:12.39rob0"power ethernet" turns up a lot
01:12.40drmessanoPoE is too expensive for small scale
01:12.48drmessano120V AC on pins 2 and 3
01:12.53rob0ok that's pretty much what I figured
01:13.14mwallingdrmessano: PoE done right is expensive. PoE done like a hick is cheap
01:13.27drmessanoWe use PoE injectors at work for 8 devices or less
01:14.07drmessanoI've made a freakin art of wire management and mounting of Cisco PoE injectors
01:15.02[TK]D-Fenderrob0, Since no-one asked.... how many PoE ports are you looking for?
01:15.14rob0just a couple at nost
01:15.25[TK]D-Fenderrob0, a number please...
01:15.47drmessanoat-nost, is Latin for "Not enough to buy a PoE swi.. holy crap that's expensive"
01:16.08drmessanoCouple being 4 or 5?
01:16.11drmessano3 or 4?
01:16.16rob0well, not sure if this old ATA would support it, so probably only one for the foreseeable future.
01:16.16drmessano5 or 6 is a handful
01:16.37[TK]D-Fenderrob0, I've never heard of an ATA that runs off PoE
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01:16.59rob0I was looking at a polycom
01:17.19rob0I don't think it comes with AC adapter
01:17.43[TK]D-Fenderrob0, Ok, you don't seem to be reading from the same program as the rest of us.  how MANY are you looking at?  please narrow down the range and provide actual NUMBERS.
01:17.55drmessanoHe said ONE
01:18.19[TK]D-Fender1 is a divorcee, 2 is a couple :p
01:18.21drmessanoTwo if his ATA supports it
01:18.29rob0which it does not
01:18.39[TK]D-Fenderrob0, just buy the power brick if needed.
01:18.41drmessanoWhat kind of ATA?
01:18.57rob0old Sipura spa2000
01:19.03rob0pre linksys
01:19.14[TK]D-Fenderrob0, no, they don't
01:20.08[TK]D-FenderYay, China Roby is back and advertising on the WIKI.  Here's hoping they don't go spamming it again...
01:20.51ManxPowerI thought 1 is happy, 2 is a couple
01:21.13rob0That Polycom, US$138 shipped, but I'd need the power brick too:
01:21.14[TK]D-FenderManxPower, that too.
01:21.43[TK]D-Fenderrob0, For your needs I might suggest an IP 501 in its place
01:22.13[TK]D-Fenderrob0 : well... actually.. that is shipped...
01:22.20ManxPowerAll polycoms my customers have purchased over the past 2 years came with a power supply in the box.
01:22.43ManxPowerMaybe they just didn't order the part number that does not include the AC adapter, I don't know.
01:22.55jeffspeffi'm trying to test my server with sipp... i can get the test to run, but i'm getting a few errors, does anybody have experience with sipp? or is there another suggestion for stress testing my server?
01:23.02gitguywhat ip based phone should i buy?
01:23.14jbotextra, extra, read all about it, phones is  While personal preference will dictate which phone works best for you, general consensus on a rough order of quality and suggestibility is as follows:  Polycom (any), Aastra 480i, Aastra 5i Series, Cisco 7940+, Linksys SPA-9XX, Snom, and finally everything else.  Do not consider Grandstream phones.  Ever. places like such as
01:23.32ManxPoweror maybe, since he has seen the info a dozen times already...
01:23.34jboti guess troll is a race on some muds; a guy under a bridge: an annoying robot; a port scanner, or somebody faking being clueless to be shown the One Linux Way so he can argue against it for his psychology thesis on linux advocates, or an employee of trolltech, or at or
01:24.25gitguyi wasnt reading the channel
01:24.56*** join/#asterisk dFence (
01:25.01jeffspeffManxPower, any suggestions or ideas?
01:25.05dFencegrrr.. sorry guys
01:25.23ManxPowerjeffspeff: My idea is that 99% of Asterisk people don't understand SIP well enough to use SIPP to do anything.
01:26.09*** join/#asterisk C4away (n=DJpyro@
01:26.13dFencehey, is it possible to include a bash-command in the sip.conf? want to include the MD5Secret in the template for the sip-channels so i dont have to run echo "xyz" | md5sum 100 times
01:26.20jeffspeffManxPower, I'm wanting to stress test my system to see how man concurrent calls it can handle... i asked in here earlier and sipp was suggested by 2 people that are no longer in the room...
01:26.22florzManxPower: so few? you are including the developers?
01:26.49jbotfrom memory, phones is  While personal preference will dictate which phone works best for you, general consensus on a rough order of quality and suggestibility is as follows:  Polycom (any), Aastra 480i, Aastra 5i Series, Cisco 7940+, Linksys SPA-9XX, Snom, and finally everything else.  Do not consider Grandstream phones.  Ever. places like such as
01:26.51jeffspeffManxPower, how would suggest testing # of concurrent calls?
01:28.30ManxPowerjeffspeff: No idea.  I never have to worry about it.
01:28.49dFenceoook..... maybe i'll wish i never asked that question but... apart from being absolutely hideous - what's it with GrandStream phones?
01:29.04[TK]D-FenderdFence, Cheap crap as the comments allude to.
01:29.10rob0Thanks for the suggestions ( drmessano & [TK]D-Fender )
01:29.37jeffspeffdoes anybody else have any ideas of how to stress test? i want to find how many concurrent calls my system can take...
01:29.55ManxPowerjeffspeff: I live in a corporate environment where, in the unlikely event of a system not being able to handle the load they just buy a much faster system -- cheaper than paying someone to spend days trying to figure out wher4 performance can be improved.  In a service provider enviroment, of course, things are totally different.
01:29.55dFencewasn't there sth in the source-folder!?
01:30.19[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff, jfgi
01:30.45jeffspeff[TK]D-Fender, jfgi ? what is that?
01:31.08ManxPowerdFence: Grandstream has the buggiest firmware this side of SIP/Wifi Phones.
01:31.11rob0oops, nm
01:31.36jeffspeffrob0, the link you posted is dead
01:31.51rob0yes I see that :)
01:31.51dFenceManxPower: aight, thx..
01:31.54ManxPowerdFence: They have had YEARS to fix the problems.  To this day, you basically have to keep trying different versions of the firmware until you find one that works for you and does not crash in your enviroment.
01:32.01mwallingmy site is dead?
01:32.06rob001:30 < rob0>
01:32.13ManxPowerThey hardware is nothing special
01:32.16rob0Used to belong to ARob.
01:32.28rob0in fact it was hosted on this machine.
01:32.30jeffspeff[TK]D-Fender, i get it... nice one. :p
01:32.47dFenceManxPower: ok, think i got it... will stay away from them - promise :)
01:32.54[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff, now lift your skirt, grab your balls, AND MAN UP!
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01:45.47*** join/#asterisk hfb (
01:51.10*** join/#asterisk HaMYaI (
01:51.47HaMYaII got a "YELLOW/RED" alarm on my Tor2. What does it indicate?
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01:52.48*** join/#asterisk freezey (
01:52.58drmessanoRed/Yellow usually means "I guess i'll sleep tomorrow night"
01:53.07freezeyif i was trying to build a medium size call center thats scalable... what specs on a asterisk machine should i go for?
01:53.10[TK]D-FenderHaMYaI, That you desperately should be considering modern hardware.
01:53.44[TK]D-Fenderfreezey, everything is scalable so log as you aren't using it to its potential.
01:54.07[TK]D-Fenderfreezey, please get SPECIFIC for your starting point, and ENDING points.
01:55.44*** join/#asterisk BeeBuu (n=beebuu@
01:56.06freezey[TK]D-Fender: starting point is 1 t1 line coming from a trunk with an 800 number and trunk size is roughly 50 lines and ending point would be a voip solution that can start off with roughly 20 people and expand to possibly 500
01:56.55[TK]D-Fenderfreezey, now try to put solid terms to those numbers an describe usage and maybe we'll be able to suggest something.
01:57.21freezey[TK]D-Fender: lets say its a 24hr service center and want to be able to support 200+ concurrent calls
01:57.42[TK]D-Fenderfreezey, All over T1?
01:57.52freezey[TK]D-Fender: yeah
01:58.46[TK]D-Fenderfreezey, ok, well if we're talking local, the calls themselves aren't too serious.  HWEC required, transcoding should be avoided, then it comes down to call recording.
01:59.18freezey[TK]D-Fender: calls could be long distance as well... and call recording capabilities are a must..
01:59.59[TK]D-Fenderfreezey, fast big RAID array, native codec recording recommended.
02:01.56freezey[TK]D-Fender: so say like a dell poweredge 2950 with about 5 drives with a raid 5 array
02:02.22[TK]D-Fenderfreezey, Aim for RAID 6.
02:02.29freezey[TK]D-Fender: slap asterisk on their and grab a t1 digium card with all polycom phones?
02:02.54[TK]D-Fenderfreezey, I'd use a Sangoma A108d in this case.
02:03.45JTi'd use 2 systems and a 4 port card in each
02:03.49ManxPowerYou would need 8.7 T-1s for 200 calls
02:03.50dFence*garrr* now that the test-server is set up, my isdn-card fucks around... am using a fritcard pci via chan_capi... modprobe capi throws a kernel-oops, and since prolly 2 hours it just won't work anymore... no specific errormessage, just kcapi: appl 2 ncci 0x10101 down in the syslog
02:04.15freezeyand that supposed 4 t1's? what would i need all those for just for future scalability?
02:04.53freezeyJT: why do you say 2 systems? for redundancy?
02:05.00JT200 calls is 8.7 t1 PRIs as ManxPower said
02:05.05[TK]D-Fenderfreezey, when you say "call center" and simultaneous calls, we're figuring thats all LINES coming in
02:05.07ManxPowerfreezey: A PRI supports up to 23 channels.  YOU do the bath
02:05.17[TK]D-Fender... I feel dirty...
02:05.18Strom_Cthe bath, eh?
02:06.02*** join/#asterisk HighOctane (
02:06.08freezeyso a dell 2950 / raid 6 / signoma card / asterisk for application and i should be pretty good?
02:06.15freezeyand if anything get another machine for redundancy
02:06.17ManxPowerfreezey: does your call volume go thru spikes?  Is it OK for callers to get a busy?
02:06.27jeffspeffcould somebody tell me if this phone is IP or not... it doesn't say...          thanks.
02:06.48freezeyManxPower: busy signal would be no good...
02:07.04ManxPowerjeffspeff: it is not.  Soundpoint IP is what you are looking for.
02:07.37jeffspeffManxPower, thanks... :)
02:07.46ManxPowerfreezey: if you do the research and manage expectations, you could get fewer PSTN channels, enough to handle the call volume 90% of the time, busyover/failover to using VoIP to handle the overflow
02:08.51HighOctaneerrr. You there?
02:08.52JTfreezey: you definitely want a minimum of 2 machines
02:09.12freezeyyeah def gonna need something for redundancy
02:09.17ManxPowerJust don't expect VoIP to be as reliable as PSTN/PRI
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02:10.09freezeyyeah see that what i figured... i wanted to go all pstn but they want voip
02:10.50ManxPowerfreezey: A mix of PSTN/VoIP always is better than only using one or the other
02:10.51errrHighOctane: yes
02:11.28ManxPowerfreezey: you would have to work with your carrier to get calls to your PRIs to be forwarded to your VoIP service when the PRIs are full
02:11.32jeffspeffManxPower, why is VOIP not as reliable?
02:11.47JTgee i wonder
02:11.48jeffspeffif you go full voip...
02:11.49freezeyManxPower: yeah thats what i am currently pitching out there... i just want to put together this asterisk solution and make it cheaper than nortel's, dell's, and avaya's
02:11.58ManxPowerjeffspeff: because it uses the internet
02:12.07JTvoip providers are not at the same level as telcos
02:12.16HighOctaneerrr: The other day, you tried initiating a blind transfer from your cell phone. I have not been able to get mine to work. Could you verify some settings for me?
02:12.32*** join/#asterisk MooingLemur (n=troy@unaffiliated/mooinglemur)
02:12.32JTthe only way to come close to TDM is to have dedicated data circuits going direct to your voip provider
02:12.43HighOctaneerrr: How many trunks you have?
02:12.51errrHighOctane: 3
02:13.07HighOctaneerrr: What are your dtmf settings on those trunks?
02:13.44HighOctaneerrr: What is your dtmfmode set to on the extension which you were connected through when you got it to work?
02:13.53jbotwell, phones is  While personal preference will dictate which phone works best for you, general consensus on a rough order of quality and suggestibility is as follows:  Polycom (any), Aastra 480i, Aastra 5i Series, Cisco 7940+, Linksys SPA-9XX, Snom, and finally everything else.  Do not consider Grandstream phones.  Ever. places like such as
02:13.56jboti guess trunk is a word with varying definitions.  In Asterisk, a trunk is a "stream of UDP packets containing IAX2 frames from more than 1 call"; in telecom, a trunk is a "single voice channel between two pieces of switching equipment."; in Ethernet a trunk carries more than one 802.1q VLAN.  There is no such thing as a "SIP Trunk" -- Don't use the term.
02:14.48freezeyManxPower: i know the solution will work i just gotta set this up
02:14.58jerhrmm... trying to think of something clever to play with on my * tonight
02:15.37*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
02:16.13ManxPowerfreezey: The system you are going to have to build will be incredibly complex.
02:16.26errrHighOctane: dtmfmode=rfc2833 on all of them
02:17.05HighOctaneerrr: What type of internet connection do you have?
02:17.14HighOctaneerrr: Are you behind a router?
02:17.21ManxPowerjer: write a macro that acts like "saydigits", but supports chars in the string to indicate pauses, etc.  i.e. "1w504w555w1234"
02:18.13errrHighOctane: I have a business class cable connection, and yes I have a router, but I have all the ports forwarded to the pbx
02:18.38freezeyManxPower: how complex do you think its going to get?
02:18.50freezeyManxPower: and when you say complex with which parts?
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02:20.06HighOctaneerrr: I have "consumer-grade" cable connection. However, my machine is a vmware virtual machine with asterisk running on a quad core AMD phenom. You think this could be a latency issue? It worked once on a land line, but I can't get it to work since, especially on cell phones. My xLite sip phones work file though.
02:20.47dFenceif hthere's something as justice in this world i WON'T have to compile a new kernel!!!!!!!!!!
02:21.02errrHighOctane: no idea. I have never had great experince with vmware and *
02:21.48freezeyHighOctane: are you using the free version of vmware?
02:21.51errronce I got past a proof of concept with asterisk I took it out of vmware and gave it its own hardware
02:24.20errrI kind of went all out on my home system too
02:24.22JTdoes the free version of vmware do hardware virtualisation?
02:24.39errrpIII 500mhz with 512 RAM
02:24.43freezeyand the free version limits you to 2 processors
02:25.40HighOctanefreezey: VMWare 6 Professional
02:26.32freezeynm then
02:26.56JTerrr: that's going all out?
02:27.28freezeyi wouldnt run a production asterisk system on a vmware machines tho... its kind of a critical app if your running prod
02:27.28HighOctaneFreezey: Correction VMWare 6 Workstation
02:27.51drmessanoPIII 500MHZ is going "All out"?
02:28.05errroh you know it
02:28.08HighOctaneFreezey: I'm just about ready to go into production. I have a P4 2.4ghz with 512MB Ram. Guess I should go ahead and migrate, huh?
02:28.21drmessanoI throw away anything below 1 GHZ
02:28.34freezeyHighOctane: i would suggest that maybe throw the least amount a gig in that machine
02:28.34HighOctaneerrr: PIII 500 works well?
02:28.35errrdrmessano: throw it my way
02:28.44errrHighOctane: for my house it works fine
02:29.38errrI use it to filter any call that isnt my parents, my office or the wifes parents or her office straight to voicemail
02:30.00drmessanoI can buy a used 1GHZ machine with 256MB Ram and a 20GB HD for $49 with no OS
02:30.11errrthen it uses followme to send calls from her folks to her cell and from my parents to my cell
02:30.15drmessanoNot worth it to save anything less
02:30.17jbeezsounds like a firewall winner
02:31.15*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
02:31.21drmessanoYou get to the point where you need to decide "Am I really going to use this 700MHZ AMD DURON box, or am I still in 2001?
02:31.30errrmy firewall/router box here is a pII machine with 128M of RAM
02:32.17JTi beat that
02:32.26HighOctaneerrr: Sounds cool. I've only been doing this about two weeks tops. Got my system setup with a conference room, extensions with follow-me, a "callback" service, and a DISA for long distance. It's amazing how much you can do with asterisk.
02:32.30QwellI've got that beat *cold*
02:32.30JTmy firewall/router is a Pentium 166MHz
02:32.33JT64MB ram
02:32.41QwellMy firewall is a SparcStation 5, 110mhz
02:32.52drmessanoMy first linux firewall box was a P133MHZ with 32MB Ram
02:33.06*** join/#asterisk cesar_CR (
02:33.10Qwellthe quad NIC is...sbus.
02:33.20Qwell1995's finest
02:33.24HighOctaneAll: On another subject: Anyone here know the ins and outs of how conference bridging works. I can tie in 4 or 5 people without any increase in bandwidth, as if the calls were not "going through" my pbx. I can't figure that one out.
02:34.13JTmy firewall still outperforms a lot of brand new cheap embedded units
02:34.49Qwellmine outperforms like...  I don't know
02:34.51jayteethat's cuz embedded units never get out of bed so they don't get as much exercise
02:34.54Qwellmaybe a windows 3.1 firewall
02:34.57drmessanoI got rid of the full PC firewall boxes when I found a WRT54G with some other firmware would do the trick
02:35.30HighOctanedrmessano: The WRT54G? Using DD-WRT?
02:35.42QwellI actually don't use the SS5 anymore.  My router/firewall is a Digium S800i :D
02:35.44errrdrmessano: I will get one of those when my router box dies, but I cant bring my self to throw it away since it works
02:35.45drmessanoOpenWRT right now.. switching to DD-WRT
02:35.58*** join/#asterisk denon (
02:35.58*** mode/#asterisk [+o denon] by ChanServ
02:37.28drmessanoTheres just some things I WANT to admin, and some things I want to be a stupid end-user with.. I decided my firewall box was stupid to spend time on, but I wasnt going to use the stock firmwares either
02:37.50drmessanoOpenWRT has so far done the trick, and I think dd-wrt will dumb it down even more and still rock
02:37.57jbeezsome guy was just complaining about his poor transfer speeds through his wrt w/ ddwrt installed on it, he was getting like 25mbit
02:38.13jbeezI was helping him troubleshoot the problem, we came to the conclusion it was the limitation of his hardware
02:38.29drmessanoI'd like to have that problem
02:39.35jbeezfrom his description, he had a cable modem account with multiple public ips, several boxes "outside" of the dd-wrt plugged into a switch using public ips, and his lan computers behind the dd-wrt and when he would transfer the files between his lan computers and the servers in his little dmz as he called it, he would get these janky transfer rates
02:39.35drmessanoIt's only been in the last year or so that Comcast was fast enough to bottleneck a Wireless B box
02:40.12drmessanoSounds like he was using way too many boxes for the job anywway
02:40.30drmessanoA VLAN using 5 routers is not a VLAN
02:40.57jbeezhe didn't really have a vlan, he had an unmanaged switch with those servers plugged into it and the cable modem, and the wan interface of the ddwrt
02:41.14jbeezand home computers i guess behind the ddwrt box, and these boxes outside were hosting things, website, maybe email
02:41.44drmessanoThere's an x86 image of DD-WRT as I understand it
02:41.50jbeezthe best part about it though,
02:42.29jbeezI was in his channel last year, and he ended up kicking me out because I was critizing some butcher job he did on some cat5, and i had a big argument on how to properly terminate it, and last week he strolls into #cisco on undernet and is asking me to help him with his network
02:42.31*** join/#asterisk gmaruz1 (
02:45.39HighOctaneAnyone know the difference between DTMF= and DTMFMODE= in the trunk settings PEER details.
02:51.07[TK]D-FenderHighOctane, yes.  The latter is actually a legitimate options.
02:52.12HighOctaneAre the two settings the same?
02:53.35JTHighOctane: read what he said carefully :P
02:56.27*** join/#asterisk mltlnx (
02:56.50*** join/#asterisk ghostrdr (
03:01.31[TK]D-FenderOnce again well hidden in the BIG PRINT.
03:02.12HighOctaneGood night all.
03:05.35ftp3are there any voip providers that allow unlimited usa outgoing calls ?
03:06.51*** join/#asterisk scubasteve (
03:07.28[TK]D-Fenderftp3, depending on a certain point of view, yes.  Go research :
03:07.32jbot[~itsplist-us] Here are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones : , , ,, , ,
03:07.47scubasteveI'm trying to configure FOP with 1.4.  I see all of the IP addresses for the extensions, but the flash isn't showing in use (everything is always green)... pulling hair out... anyone have any advice?
03:08.05luke-jrno on jbot?
03:08.14[TK]D-Fenderluke-jr, = canadian
03:08.18jbot[~itsplist-ca] Here are some popular ITSPs (Canada) starting with the more respected ones : , ,
03:08.29scubasteveHow about Gafachi on the ITSP list?
03:08.38luke-jr[TK]D-Fender: they sure have US DIDs :þ
03:08.52ghostrdri have a usa DID from
03:08.57ghostrdrworks pretty good
03:08.59*** join/#asterisk bintut (
03:09.05ghostrdr3.99 a month flat for inbound 2 channels
03:09.07luke-jrwonders why has a 4-channel cap on per-minute DIDs
03:09.21ghostrdrbut term is perminute
03:09.31ghostrdri dont use for term anyway
03:09.35ftp3yeah, i want term
03:09.37[TK]D-Fenderluke-jr, Yes, but when you want a good german sausage you clearly must be shopping in Dover, Delaware ;)
03:09.40ghostrdrbut inbound works well ,just my 2 cents
03:09.40Ritzeriskor does anyone know of a type of asterisk system that can use the auto dialer
03:09.43ftp3or at least a lot of min for a rate
03:09.51[TK]D-Fenderftp3, GO READ
03:09.52*** join/#asterisk teknoprep (n=chris@unaffiliated/teknoprep)
03:09.58teknoprepdoes asterisk run well inside of qemu ?
03:10.04ftp3i have been :-)
03:10.07luke-jrftp3: Voipjet works great, if you qualify as wholesale
03:10.12ftp3thought someone might has a suggestion
03:10.14ftp3thank you
03:10.17luke-jrteknoprep: are you joking?
03:10.25teknoprepluke-jr, no why ?
03:11.31luke-jrteknoprep: Asterisk runs well with a dedicated box doing nothing else
03:11.58teknoprepluke-jr, so if i have a 32 CPU server running vmware-server or Xen
03:12.09teknoprepluke-jr, using asterisk on that would be crazy
03:12.31luke-jrteknoprep: would it?
03:12.47luke-jrteknoprep: if you don't have high volume for 32 CPUs, then I'd go OpenVZ on it
03:12.50teknoprepluke-jr, you just told me that it would be craz pretty much
03:13.02luke-jremulators are just going to add too much latency
03:13.54JTluke-jr: not if you have hardware virtualisation
03:14.22luke-jrJT: last I checked, hardware virtualization was still slower than VMWare's software, and on top of that, the virtual hardware is still emulated
03:14.27luke-jreg, the network card
03:14.29JTteknoprep: it should work fine inside kvm/qemu
03:14.55JTluke-jr: i doubt that
03:15.02luke-jralso, just having another link in the route is always going to add some latency
03:15.10JTwhat link?
03:15.17luke-jrVM->virtual NIC->host virtual NIC->real host NIC->router
03:15.30luke-jrinstead of VM->real host NIC->router
03:15.35teknoprepluke-jr, paravirtualization
03:15.46JTluke-jr: negligible
03:15.51luke-jrteknoprep: there's still a virtual NIC in paravirt
03:15.56JThardware virtualisation is very fast
03:16.02teknoprepyes it is
03:16.09JTmuch faster than uml/old vmware
03:16.13luke-jrsticks to OpenVZ since it has no overhead.
03:16.31JTand not that much flexibility either
03:16.39JTit's great if you have a hetrogenous environment
03:16.46Ritzeriski was going to just do that similar setup but use a real nic instead in a vmware envirorment
03:17.02JTthe nic is not the big issue anyway
03:17.07luke-jrRitzerisk: if VMWare supports passing a real NIC to a VM, it's news to me
03:17.19luke-jrJT: makes a big difference in Xen vs OpenVZ in my experience
03:17.24Ritzeriski just got a quad nic with the power edge
03:17.32JTxen in what mode?
03:17.42luke-jrJT: no idea, I didn't know there were multiple modes
03:17.51JTthere's full virtualisation
03:17.58JTthat is slow, but not near as slow as uml
03:18.03JTthere's paravirtualisation
03:18.06JTthat is fast
03:18.07luke-jrUML != OpenVZ
03:18.20Ritzeriski hear virtualization uses resources better then hardware because its like maxing but i could be wrong....
03:18.26JTxen, kvm and vmware esx can do paravirtualisation
03:18.29teknoprepfull virtualization in Xen with Intel-V chips is NOT slow
03:18.36JTluke-jr: didn't say thery were identical
03:18.39JTteknoprep: that's paravirt
03:18.43JTteknoprep: not full
03:18.49JTfull means no processor support
03:19.20JTi've been using kvm with amd-v cpus and it's fast
03:19.29teknoprepso virt-manager is using the wrong terminology ?
03:19.37danpJT: you have it backwards
03:19.58luke-jrteknoprep: OpenVZ is best ☺
03:19.58JTdanp: how so?
03:20.06JTluke-jr: only in some situations
03:20.31luke-jrJT: in situations where you need performance
03:20.43luke-jrsure, kernel hackers need qemu
03:20.44JTstop with this blind praise
03:20.53Ritzeriski got an account to where this customer wants the phone to dial about 5 calls every second and give the callers a recording and he has a list of like 100 thousand numbers to start with....
03:20.53Ritzerisk<drmessano> Hmmm
03:21.10JThardware virtualisation is quite fast, and is way more flexible if not all guests can be running the same os/distro
03:21.15danpwhen you say 'full means no processor support', do you mean it doesn't require VT-x or AMD-V?
03:21.32luke-jrJT: OpenVZ works fine with multiple OS, as long as they're all Linux
03:21.44JTluke-jr: that's the one OS.
03:22.00luke-jrJT: Linux isn't an OS, it's a kernel
03:22.04danpyou also said full virtualization is slower than paravirtualization which i don't think is accurate
03:22.09JTdon't get all RMS on me
03:22.19JTi will call it linux
03:22.21JTit's an OS
03:22.56luke-jran OS is Fedora or Debian or Gentoo
03:23.02JTthat's a distribution
03:23.08JTyou seem to be confused
03:23.12JTlinux is definitely the OS
03:23.13luke-jrthen Windows XP is a distribution?
03:23.19luke-jrLinux is a mere kernel
03:23.20danpfull virtualization uses VT-x/AMD-V to run on the processor; paravirtualization requires a modified OS
03:23.24JTGNU/Linux if you follow RMS
03:23.32Ritzeriskbut i heard of vicidial but i dont know if it does the auto dialing
03:23.37luke-jrGNU could be an OS, if FSF actually finished it
03:23.42JTdanp: ah right my mistake
03:24.01JTluke-jr: i will just go off what 99% of people call an OS, in this case, it's linux
03:24.09JTyou're evading the issue anyway
03:24.18JTopenvz allows only linux
03:24.25JTwhatever you want to call linux.
03:24.25luke-jrJT: 99% of people who have no clue how computers work
03:24.39JTluke-jr: i'm going to pretend you just didn't say that
03:24.42luke-jrprobably 90% of modern OS support the Linux kernel
03:26.06[TK]D-Fenderluke-jr, might want to rephrase that last one.
03:26.20luke-jrs/support/require ?
03:29.59drmessanoI haven't heard the GNU/Linux argument since... 1997 or so
03:30.11drmessanoYay, my time machine is fixed!
03:30.17JTdrmessano: his argument seems to go further than RMS's :P
03:30.37*** join/#asterisk terracon (
03:30.56drmessanoScrew you guys, i'm headed back to 2050.. Have fun with your TELEPHONEs.. neanderthals!
03:31.25*** join/#asterisk hd2 (
03:31.26drmessanoJT: Further than RMS?  Thats.. extreme
03:31.52*** part/#asterisk lowlevel (
03:31.57drmessanoJT: I guess the GNUish Inquistion was just in hiding
03:32.16drmessanoNOBODY expect the GNUish Inquisition
03:32.25hd2Someone help me with a switchvox issue? On IVR an IVR menu when for example 2 is pressed it is not recognizing it any clue on what might be going on?
03:32.45drmessanohd2?  wrong channel?
03:32.56hd2Which channel should I be in :) ?
03:33.06drmessanoor ##nothere
03:33.08hd2sounds logical :)
03:34.30hd2Well no one is around in there apparently :P
03:35.00hd2everying is working except for the darn key presses on the IVR menus lol
03:35.04*** join/#asterisk lowlevel (
03:35.10drmessanohd2: That stinks.. but #asterisk isn't failover for "I went to ____ and no one was there to help" :)
03:35.24drmessanoMaybe there's some forums you can try
03:35.35hd2I've been googling
03:35.38hd2no much info
03:35.45hd2I was using asterisknow before
03:35.49hd2which was pretty stable
03:35.56hd2tried trixbox
03:36.00hd2and it kept crashing lol
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05:03.28adeelis it possible to dump the sip channel variables (e.g. from sip show channel foo) to a log file after each call?
05:03.55*** join/#asterisk mirrorcolor (n=iunixan@
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05:26.57BhaalHey guys, got a quick question..  How do I stop asterisk from sending the extension number to my ATA along with the callerID for incoming calls?  My handset will only display the extension number, not the actual calling number...
05:47.24*** join/#asterisk xenonex (n=xenonex@
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06:19.18Maxo22hi, i tried to call my asterisk server from extern but i could not come through
06:19.40Maxo22outgoing calls work fine, the server has a static ip
06:19.52Maxo22some ideas why this happens?
06:29.59*** join/#asterisk drbrown (
06:30.14drbrownwhat could cause distortion with gsm files
06:38.55lsodihi, can anyone recommend call center front end for asterisk (operator panel, call statistics, recording)?
06:40.13lsodimaxo22: ports are opened in firewall if you have any?
06:43.06*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
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06:45.52vortex`So i've gone to the site looking into getting a VOIP number, but 1) wont tell you prices until you sign up and 2) says there's a EUR500 min charge per month! Can anyone reccomend VOIP providers with Australian numbers that doesnt suck?
06:55.30yangvortex`: check they got international DIDs
06:59.36*** join/#asterisk kamanashisroy (n=kamanash@
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07:05.02kannanhello, i have the problem rported at I am building on slack 12 , kernel latest stable.
07:06.21*** join/#asterisk HighOctane (
07:06.41HighOctaneAnyone here using
07:19.20*** join/#asterisk MatBoy (
07:20.01HighOctaneAnyone here?
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07:46.18Dr-Linuxany voicemail guru?
07:47.14Dr-Linuxi'm sorry i mean queues guru :)
07:47.41*** join/#asterisk Rico29 (
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08:00.13fcoishello aa50 channel !!!
08:00.59JTthis is not aa50 channel
08:04.57fcoisYes I know but yesterday, there was a large fun around aa50 ...
08:05.09fcoisI know thats asterisk channel, JT
08:05.19Dr-LinuxJT: are you aware of queues functioanlities?
08:06.37Dr-Linuxi want to it say after every 15 minites "press 1 for continue" if the caller doesn't press 1 in 15 seconds call should be hangup?
08:06.44Dr-Linuxhow can i do that?
08:12.25JTlol every 15minutes, patient callers
08:15.07*** join/#asterisk sergee (
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08:20.14Dr-LinuxJT: yes
08:20.30Dr-LinuxJT: is there an guidance to do that?
08:25.02arbuserDr Linux, do you by any chance work for a government institution?
08:25.28*** join/#asterisk KermitTheFragger (
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08:32.55Dr-Linuxarbuser: why?
08:33.11*** join/#asterisk SanityIO_ (n=SanityIO@
08:33.20arbuserThe only time I ever wait 15 minutes for anything is when dealing with the government.
08:35.05fcoisin france, it is to contact the support of our internets providers
08:35.26fcoisupto 1h
08:35.36Dr-Linuxi want periodic announcment with input
08:36.59arbuserDr Linux, I think you should code a quiz game
08:37.15arbuserand then the people with the highest scores get pushed to the front of the queue.
08:37.29arbuserAnother Awesome Idea (tm)
08:39.53gr0mitfastest finger first?
08:39.54arbuserDr-Linux: Don't cry.
08:40.20arbusergr0mit: or general knowledge
08:45.42Dr-Linuxarbuser: just want to know , as i want is possible or not?
08:45.52arbuserDoes anyone know of a working implementation of a "Press # to change the hold music genre"?
08:48.12*** join/#asterisk susinths (
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09:04.29whymarkwhhi there i found a link elastic complete pbx is this worth having a look at?
09:08.15*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
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09:12.52tzafrir_homewhymarkwh, it's Elastix .
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09:22.19SuDhi, i'm trying to dial from console but it doesnt work (no such extension).
09:22.19SuDThe command i tried: dial Zap/1/55512345
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09:29.00SuDok, i must create a context first then call hangup
09:29.03whymarkwhmust be in your default contect
09:29.21SuDthen call 55512345@mycontext
09:29.48whymarkwhpast your extensions.conf and iwill try and help u
09:30.23*** join/#asterisk Vec (
09:32.19SuDit works now, thank you anyway
09:32.44SuDi installed that asterisk remotely and i didn't know the number :)
09:37.05*** join/#asterisk xiaoxuanzi78 (n=zhaoqx_7@
09:39.16VecHi, is there a way I can check how often, and when last a SIP phone registers with Asterisk ?
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09:59.53xiaoxuanzi78Have any one tell us the diffenrence of Tor2 and tor3 card ?
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10:13.53Rico29does anybody knows how tu make auto provisioning for a cisco phone with a dhcp server ?
10:14.53*** join/#asterisk hi365 (
10:17.13gr0mitRico29, you need to specify a tftp server in the dhcp options
10:21.24Rico29gr0mit>  yes of course
10:21.39Rico29but what the conf file looks like ?
10:22.40*** join/#asterisk zxd (n=XoX@
10:24.18gr0mitit is somewhat complex!
10:24.27zxdhow are passwords sent in SIP channel?
10:24.40gr0mitare you running the SCCP image or the SIP image?
10:24.51*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux|home (n=somethin@
10:25.04zxdtalking to me?
10:25.27gr0mitno, Rico29
10:25.41gr0mitRico29, are you running SCCP or SIP?
10:26.11mort_gibAnyone know a good VOIP provider in Switzerland??
10:26.26Rico29gr0mit>  SIP image
10:26.39*** join/#asterisk b-r-a-i-n (
10:26.51gr0mitmort_gib, i know of one - can find out
10:27.09mort_gibgr0mit: -Yeah???
10:27.44gr0mitneed to find out
10:27.44mort_gibI have found a few using Google, but if anyone know a good one...
10:30.34gr0mitmort_gib, see pm
10:31.17gr0miti sent you details in a private message tab
10:32.07*** join/#asterisk PodMan99a (
10:33.10gr0mitthere are good howto's on, Rico29
10:34.14Rico29i'll see
10:47.53*** join/#asterisk xenonex (n=xenonex@
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10:49.46dokeHey everybody, does anyone here has been able to successfully register a Cisco 7975 SIP with Asterisk?
10:51.34dokeRico29: did you manage to provision your phone?
10:52.15dokeWhat you're looking for is the right option for the DHCPd to provision your phone ?
10:53.31Rico29doke>  i'm looking for the way to do it
10:53.47Rico29to give sip conf to my phone via shcp+tftp
10:54.13dokeRico29: I wrote a config to you in a private window
10:59.34*** join/#asterisk mort_gib (
10:59.57mort_gibhow do I find a corresponding SIP user from the transmission ID
11:00.16mort_gibchan_sip.c: Maximum retries exceeded on transmission 3c363d083d7f-qgfmvnz46ter for seqno 1 (Critical Response)
11:00.52awkanyone seen this or kow what could cause it?
11:00.54awk[May 13 12:26:54] WARNING[32606]: pbx.c:1832 pbx_extension_helper: No application 'rxfax' for extension (macro-all-faxreceive, s, 6)?
11:01.04awktrying to use spandps / fax to email
11:01.21awkI get this on 2 boxes its working on many others
11:04.16jdugganhey guys, im using a digium 4port fxo, seems there's an issue where the card is probably not telling asterisk that the line calling in has hung up, so asterisk continues to hold the line open, can someone point me in the right direction to debug/fix this?
11:04.31jdugganexcuse any ignorance on my behalf, i've never done telephony stuff before
11:04.44JTawk: is rxfax/spandsp installed?
11:05.10JTjduggan: this is normal for an analogue line unless you have polarity reverse on far end disconnect enabled on the line
11:05.53awkJT: spandsp is, not sure about rxfax
11:06.05JTi'm guessing no
11:06.23awkbut never used a package called rxfax
11:06.26awkonly spandsp
11:06.33JTthat's not the name of the package
11:06.56JTthat's not the name of the package that contains rxfax
11:07.56*** join/#asterisk igascream (
11:08.07JTyou need that
11:08.08jdugganJT: ok, its completely normal?, its just a case of someone answering the line and hanging up i guess?
11:08.26JTjduggan: right, analogue has pretty crappy call progress handling
11:08.37JTif you want really good call process handling, get digital lines
11:08.47*** join/#asterisk DagMoller (n=aguirre@unaffiliated/dagmoller)
11:08.54JTif you want slightly better than really crappy, get polarity reverse enabled by the telco
11:10.21jdugganJT: unfortunately we're based on a big Science Park.. we cant get our own provider into the building as the Park has their own trunking around the estate, i believe our connection is fed via their own big PBX, maybe they can enable it?
11:10.37JTmaybe but i don't like your chances
11:10.45JTdoesn't sound very scientific to me
11:10.48igascreamhi all have a problem with picking up the zap channels
11:11.37jdugganJT: shrug, there's a few big 'science' type co's on the estate ;), pharmaceuticals ISP etc
11:11.50mort_gibigascream: Do you see the incoming calls??
11:11.56*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
11:12.03JTthe phone system doesn't sound hi-tech :P
11:12.08jdugganbut you're right, phone is a bit crap, maybe we can get our own ISDN/E1 in
11:12.27jdugganwe already have 3x fiber feeds into the building, i'll query
11:12.33jdugganthanks for your help
11:12.39Doviddoes anyone know if I can pass multiple values to externnotify= in voicemail.conf /
11:12.42JTno probs
11:12.46JTvoip is another option
11:12.50JTbut it has its own issues
11:13.24*** join/#asterisk sysreq` (n=sysreq@unaffiliated/sysreq)
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11:13.30igascreamI have this exten=_6.,1,Pickup(${EXTEN:1})
11:22.19igascreamin console I receave this No target channel found for 124.
11:23.03igascreamwhan can I try to do?
11:26.05DovidJT: Do you use externnotify in voicemail.conf ?
11:31.43*** part/#asterisk vortex` (
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11:40.08mort_gibI have an issue with WaitExten
11:40.38LinuxMafiawhat adaptors you guys suggest?
11:45.01Rico29doke>  are you there?
11:46.05LinuxMafiaANY one
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12:01.33mort_gibLinuxMafia: ??Adapters??
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12:16.07puzzledmorning [TK]D-Fender
12:16.17[TK]D-Fenderpuzzled: mornin'
12:17.05puzzled[TK]D-Fender: any idea what the best practice is with irqbalance. Iirc it should be turned off. Do you agree?
12:17.42[TK]D-Fenderpuzzled: Never heard of actually.
12:18.08puzzledah ok. it's a service on RHEL/CentOS boxes. It dynamically spreads irqs over cpu's
12:21.30tzafrir_laptopBut if you have just 2 CPUs, isn't it best to let 1 CPU handle all the hits and keep its cache warmer?
12:24.28awkdoes anyone have agx-ast-addons for centos 4 (rpm) ?
12:25.09puzzledtzafrir_home: yes I guess so unless it gets pretty overloaded. in the past I would fiddle with smp_affinity settings and assign the nic to one cpu and raid/e1 card to the other cpu
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12:28.14JTawk: just compile it
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12:51.25tzafrirpuzzled, so why mess with it?
12:52.01tzafrirDistributing the interrupts evenly means a colder cache, right?
12:52.15puzzledtzafrir: just read that irqbalance switches irq beteen cpu's and that may result in dropped irq's which you obviously don't want
12:52.23tzafrirLet them hog specific CPUs, if reasonable
12:52.27awkJT cmake doesn't compile. so its 1 story after the next..
12:52.39awkcmake requires ceratin vars that are not defined and its turning into such a hack
12:53.05awkand ive tried the agx-ast rpm package but it doesn't come with rxfax.. or
12:53.55tzafrirpuzzeled: on a different matter:
12:54.31tzafrirwould you consider moving the default extensions.conf to /usr/share/asterisk/configs/extensions.conf
12:54.43tzafrirand have in /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf:
12:54.59tzafrir#include /usr/share/configs/extensions.conf
12:55.15tzafrir(with perhaps an extra line or two of notes)
12:55.55tzafrirThe idea is to let the sample config file update on version updates, and thus keep serving as a useful reference
12:56.29puzzledtzafrir: I always stick them in /etc/asterisk-samples_<version> so they never interfere with the real config
12:56.31tzafrirWithout running over the user's configuration
12:57.33tzafrir/etc/asterisk-samples_<version> ? Why the <version>? Do you expect two versions installed ocncurrently?
12:58.15puzzledno just in case configs changed between versions so it's just a reminder
12:58.49tzafrirIf it's something the user shouldn't edit, why place it under /etc ?
12:59.56puzzledwell I have them in /usr/share/doc/asterisk-<version>/ too :)
13:00.11puzzledbut that way it's easier to copy stuff between samples and the real config dir
13:00.41JTawk: what about cmake from a package?
13:00.46tzafrirpoints puzzled to the option -s in ln(1)
13:01.01JTawk: i found agx-ast to be a breeze to get going with an existing 2.4 install
13:01.03puzzledtzafrir: thanks :)
13:01.05JTerr 1.4
13:05.13tzafrirwonders if that's Katty's preffered MUA
13:05.33lsodiskyy consulting asterisk call center solution, anyone having any experience with it?
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13:08.59Kattytzafrir: mua?
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13:14.25x86I want to randomly start a mixmonitor before dialing, how would you guys recommend I do this?
13:15.28x86aha..... Random()
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13:17.05LinuxMafiaany suggestion of -->
13:18.17*** join/#asterisk JimTheBeef (n=jdavies@
13:18.30JimTheBeefcan anyone give me a hand with asterisk now ?
13:18.31JimTheBeefnow :)
13:19.17jayteetry in #asterisknow, this is for standard Asterisk
13:19.31JimTheBeefNo ones talking in there :)
13:19.54jayteeis it that no one is talking? or no one is listening?
13:19.58rob0Now, with asterisk, but never with asteriskNow. :)
13:20.02JimTheBeefWould you say asteriskNow is a lot more limited that the standard asterisk ?
13:20.26rob0Don't know, but I imagine it has to be.
13:20.27LinuxMafiaany one
13:20.28jayteethe GUI is just glued onto asterisk but it limits you
13:20.46JimTheBeefcan you not pass all the standard commands though the console then ?
13:21.13rob0If you do things in the console / config files that the GUI doesn't understand, the GUI breaks.
13:21.33JimTheBeefoh dear :(
13:21.44JimTheBeefmaybe i need to install the proper version then
13:22.06jayteeand if there are things that are not simple setups that requires some system tweaking then you can't do it in the GUI in the first place.
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13:22.10JimTheBeefI'm looking at trying to set it up as a SIP GW as opposed to and endpoint like a phone.
13:22.18JimTheBeefahh ok i see
13:22.35JimTheBeefwhat distro do most people install it on ?
13:23.18jayteewhatever they tend to feel comfortable with
13:23.19JimTheBeeflinux disto that is
13:23.46JimTheBeefok well thanks for the heads up, guess i'm going to have to install it manually
13:23.54jayteeit runs great on Debian, CentOS, Ubuntu server, RHEL 5, Fedora. Take your pick.
13:24.12JimTheBeefi'm trying to run trunks to it from a Genband M6
13:24.23jayteeI imagine it runs well on a bunch of others but never tried it on any but the above mentioned.
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13:24.35JimTheBeefok thanks jaytee
13:24.48JimTheBeefand rob0
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13:27.37JimTheBeefThink i'm going to go for Debian
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13:28.12x86not a bad choice if you had a time machine and could go back 5 years to when a brand new Debian install would have current software ;)
13:28.58dokehey people I'm still trying to register my Cisco 7975G phone with Asterisk... Any success here?
13:29.06x86get an iso, burn CD, hop in the time machine and go back 5 years (at least), install the CD, now you've got a current OS!
13:29.06dokedoes anyone has a config file that he would like to share?
13:29.26x86doke: are you running the SIP firmware or skinny?
13:29.32jayteewill you give it back when you are done?
13:29.32dokeSIP firmware
13:29.41*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (n=somethin@
13:29.51Dr-Linuxhi guys
13:30.24Dr-Linuxwhich Cisco ip phone model support video calls with asterisk?
13:30.25*** join/#asterisk Zyna (
13:31.03dokex86: any idea? I only have the SIP image here... and I'm fighting with it since a week now
13:31.36dokebefore I didn't get anything... now at least I have a SIP dialog working but Asterisk replies with a 401 unauthorized for an unknown reason
13:31.38*** join/#asterisk shinao1 (n=shinao1@
13:32.15ZynaI am sooo screwed... I have 9 days left to write a konceptional work to implement an asterisk for my company plus a project documantation on that and I don't even know how to connect asterisk to a point-to-point isdn line
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13:33.14gr0mitZyna, that was a cry from the heart!
13:33.39JimTheBeefx86 lol
13:33.41ZynaI'm about to put my head between my legs and kiss my but good bye
13:33.47JimTheBeefwhat would you recomment then ?
13:33.50gr0mitnah - don't go there!
13:33.56dokeZyna: are you connecting a BRI card to the pstn or are you connecting a point to point isdn line to interface your asterisk with another pbx
13:34.00ZynaConsidering this is my final test for apprentice ship
13:34.13gr0mithow many users?
13:34.23JimTheBeefits only a etst machine
13:34.29Zynadoke, lol... I don't even have a machine... this is a completly conzeptional work... everything happens in my head and nowhere eelse
13:34.32JimTheBeeftest even
13:34.42gr0mitaaah ok Zyna
13:34.58Zynabut it has to work if it is tested
13:35.04gr0mitwell in that case no-one will ever know if it really works then!1
13:35.05dokeBristuff would be your friend I suppose
13:35.19ZynaAnd I have never ever done anything with asterisk... not even anything with isdn to be honest... lol
13:35.21JimTheBeefx86 got any ideas on which one to go for then ?
13:35.31dokex86: any update for my Cisco?
13:35.32JimTheBeefsolaris 10?
13:36.01ZynaSO here I am... a complete noob to all main subjects of the test with 9 days left to do the impossible for the ungreatful
13:36.05dokewhat I'll suggest is to get yourself a BRI card and have a bit of experimentaiton
13:36.18dokeeven if it's only a conceptional work
13:36.29gr0mitor pay someone here to do it all for you ;-)
13:36.31dokeopenvox have unexpensive cards
13:36.32Zynadoke... I have like 15 bucks eft on my account for this month... ;P
13:36.53dokeZyna: you're in the us?
13:36.57dokewhere are you located
13:36.57Zynanope... DE
13:37.07jayteeZyna, do you have the PDF of the book Asterisk, The Future of Telephony?
13:37.12gr0mituses the hfc card for his bri line with bristuff
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13:37.17dokepm me your email
13:37.21dokeI have to go
13:37.27Asterisk-nobwhich Cisco ip phone model support video calls with asterisk?
13:37.29dokeI have a couple of production machines in Germany
13:37.31ZynaYeah, I read through the entire book, but it was too much in too little time to compensate everything
13:37.34doke2 dev machines
13:37.50gr0mithas a machine in .de with a quad-bri
13:38.34jayteeZyna, is a good resource also. There are lots of examples and tutorials there. If you don't have to build an actual system with hardware you can at least grab info and simulate it.
13:39.17gr0mitZyna, how many channels, how many extensions?
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13:39.29Asterisk-nobanybody clue on my question?
13:39.46ZynaWe have 2 isdn lines in point2point and there will be approx. 15-20 extensions
13:39.56ManxPowerAsterisk-nob: none that I'm aware of.
13:40.11powerkilldid the behaviour of forkcdr change between asterisk 1.2 and 1.4 ?
13:40.12Kattytzafrir: ahhh.
13:40.28Kattytzafrir: different type of mew.
13:40.43*** join/#asterisk dmz (
13:40.49ZynaI have plenty of ressource sites, but the entire topic is just too freakin big to overview in 9 days plus writing the portfolio, plus writing the documentatzion
13:40.52x86doke: i was just wondering, I don't know anything about cisco phones
13:40.57gr0mitok well bristuff is what i wolud use
13:40.58x86doke: I don't use that crap ;)
13:41.06x86doke: I use real phones... aka Polycom ;)
13:41.07ManxPowerZyna: Expect to spend at least a month
13:41.23ZynaManxPower: due day is teh 22nd
13:41.31ManxPower"due day"
13:41.36gr0mitwell you need to start 2 weeks ago then
13:41.48ManxPowerIs this for a class?
13:41.59Zynayeah... I'll spend the next 9 days writing a timemachine... xD
13:42.18gr0mithands Zyna a tardis
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13:43.33ManxPowerNothing quite deciding to work on one of the most complex systems on the internet -- VoIP PBX for a class.
13:44.25Asterisk-nobManxPower: i'd like to ask some more quick important questions
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13:44.44jbotextra, extra, read all about it, ask is Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
13:45.21Asterisk-nobManxPower: i don't think asterisk does it, but still wannna ask: Can we route calls to multiple phones at the same time (e.g. call comes in, it rings on my cell phone, home phone, and work desk phone)?
13:45.21thepacmanfanso i'm having a pesky problem... zaptel can't find my kernel source during compile.
13:45.35Zynagr0mit, you located in DE?
13:46.04ManxPowerAsterisk-nob: Yes, you can do that -- as long as you do not use FXO ports and only have to let one phone answer per call (not answer the same call on multiple phones)
13:47.10thepacmanfani'm running debian. i've got linux-source in /usr/src.
13:47.18Asterisk-nobManxPower: you mean same call can not ring on multiple phones?
13:47.24thepacmanfanmaybe zaptel is looking for kernel-source, not linux-source?
13:47.40gr0mitZyna, no, .uk
13:50.01ManxPowerAsterisk-nob: the same call can RING on multiple phones, you just can't ANSWER the call on more than one phone.
13:52.25*** join/#asterisk msetim (n=msetim@
13:52.47ZynaWhat's a nother good company to buy voip phones besides grandstream?
13:53.07JTyou mean "a"
13:53.22JTgrandstream is not an example of good :P
13:53.35Zynawhat would be then?
13:53.44*** join/#asterisk PTorres (n=PTorres@
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13:54.37coppicebe specific. the polycom 320 and 330. the other polycoms are not such good value
13:55.18gr0mitavoids grandstreams like the plague
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13:55.41coppiceI don't avoid them. I often pass their building :-)
13:55.49JTthe other polycoms are still good quality
13:56.03jbotit has been said that phones is  While personal preference will dictate which phone works best for you, general consensus on a rough order of quality and suggestibility is as follows:  Polycom (any), Aastra 480i, Aastra 5i Series, Cisco 7940+, Linksys SPA-9XX, Snom, and finally everything else.  Do not consider Grandstream phones.  Ever. places like such as
13:56.24glazI love my 7940 from cisco and also my 480i CT from AAstra
13:57.03ZynaWhat's so bad about grandstream phones?
13:57.20gr0mithave you tried them?
13:57.27Zynanone ever
13:57.31gr0mitwell save your money
13:57.48gr0mitand spend the same amount on almost any other phone
13:57.56*** join/#asterisk adr3nalin3_ (n=afink@
13:58.02Zynacould you possibly provide some kind of senseful arguement I can put in my text?
13:58.04[TK]D-FenderZyna: flakey firmware, crappy use of LCD, cheap build quality, second rate audio, history of echo issues, etc
13:58.11[TK]D-FenderZyna: How's taht sum it up?
13:58.19Zynathat helps thx!
13:58.24*** join/#asterisk jm|laptop (n=jm|
13:58.35gr0mitah, if you want consultancty, I will PM you my BIC/IBAN
13:58.42coppicegrandstream needs to hire a good plastics designer.
13:59.19[TK]D-Fendercoppice: Aastra too.... 5i = BLEH
13:59.21Zynagr0mit, I am a student with about 15 bucks left on my bank account... I don't think I could buy you a burger for your help, even if I would liek to
13:59.26gr0mithehehehe  !
13:59.34gr0mitwas only kidding Zyna
13:59.41ZynaI know ;P
13:59.42*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki (
13:59.57ZynaI just wish I had more time for this...
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14:00.16gr0mitwhere are you in .de, Zyna?
14:00.18ZynaEither I'm not gonna get finished, which is not an option... or it's just gonna be a crappy piece of work
14:00.25coppice[TK]D-Fender I've never seen an aastra in the flesh. they look ugly in pictures, but I thought people liked them
14:00.51gr0mitaaah go see Klaus then
14:01.04ZynaWho's Klaus?
14:01.15coppicesanta klaus?
14:01.37[TK]D-Fendercoppice: Have some good points, but bad materials usage.
14:01.42gr0mithe is also in Berlin
14:02.02Zynagr0mit, do you know him?
14:02.06*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (n=chatzill@
14:02.21Zynaomg, that's lke 10 minutes from here ;P
14:02.29coppicegr0mit: have you heard from him recently?
14:02.41gr0mitspoke to him a couple months ago
14:02.50JTit's klaus the recluse
14:04.31Zynagr0mit, you know what... I might as well do that... that should give me a little boost... I can imagine, that if I ask nicely... they'll answer me some questions andf give me alittle push here and there...
14:04.32gr0mithe is busy doing voip call centres in Slovenia and other former east-block countries
14:04.44[TK]D-FenderZyna: For your money, Linksys is probably the best choice.
14:04.45gr0mittell him i sent you
14:05.01Zynagr0mit: I'll do that
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14:05.18gr0mitlinksys phones do not make me happy
14:05.26gr0mitthe audio is not so good
14:05.38gr0mitSnom (also aus Berlin ) are good
14:05.51[TK]D-Fendergr0mit: Lower than cisco/Polycom, but not "bad"
14:06.08gr0mithave had very good results (i.e. happy customers!) with ST2030
14:06.37gr0mitcustomers like the BLF which Snom and Thomson do
14:07.08gr0mitconstantly curses C****o
14:07.22gr0mitwith their orrible config
14:07.49gr0mitbut they are about the best in terms of audio quality etc
14:09.02[TK]D-Fendergr0mit: I've heard Thomson is decent, though they aren't popular on this side of the ocean.  Snom has a history of flakeyness and is overpriced
14:09.20gr0mitnor here
14:10.12coppiceI think thomson might sell mostly in volume accounts for service providers
14:14.04gr0mitbut i have been plesantly surprised
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14:27.16thepacmanfannow zaptel is throwing a zompile error.
14:28.04thepacmanfanit's in /kernel/pciradio
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14:28.32thepacmanfani get a *lot* of "struct pciradio" has no member named "membername"   errors
14:34.40JTthen don't compile pciradio, i very much doubt you need it
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14:36.54thepacmanfanJT, how do i do a "make" and ommit pciradio?
14:37.08thepacmanfani'm mostly a newbie at compiling things. :o
14:39.38powerkillhi coppice
14:39.58powerkilldid you find something on my division by 0 problem ?: :D
14:41.05coppiceI posted a solution the same day. didn't you see it?
14:41.15powerkillNo sorry I didn't :(
14:41.59coppicethen you'll never know
14:42.24adr3nalin3_Hey guys I am having trouble with voicemail quality on asterisk.  Is there a way to define the compression of the audio file? whether it be gsm or wav gsm(wav).  Or if there is anything else anybody can suggest please let me know.
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14:45.18ManxPoweradr3nalin3_: the format= specifies the format, including compression.
14:45.20powerkillcoppice it was a patch ?
14:45.35ManxPowerwhat SPECIFIC problem are you having with voicemail audio?  listening on phone?  listening via e-mail?
14:45.37coppiceit might have been.
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14:47.37adr3nalin3_ManxPower, it is both in email and on the phone.  It is choppy and almost impossible to understand.
14:47.54powerkill16:11.01coppicepowerkill: as a quick fudge try changing line 661 in v17rx.c from
14:48.19powerkillI got it protected can you tell me what to change there ?
14:48.52ManxPoweradr3nalin3_: that is not what is supposed to happen.  What format are you using?
14:49.12powerkillI got what you write to me on 30 April 2008 on
14:49.21adr3nalin3_ManxPower, I have tried all three formats....I think I was setting via AsteriskGUI and I do not always trust guis.
14:50.09rob0Well damn, my Polycom hopes are dashed for now.
14:50.22coppicepowerkill: there are two occurances of
14:50.27coppicefind the second one, and change it to
14:50.36ManxPoweradr3nalin3_: WAV49 normally gives the best audio for the low bandwidth it uses, perfect for E-mail.
14:51.05ManxPoweradr3nalin3_: set it in voicemail.conf and issue a reload in Asterisk
14:51.39powerkillperfect got it :)
14:52.23adr3nalin3_The attachfmt is the one I should be changing correct?
14:53.43ManxPoweradr3nalin3_: I just set the format, I don't differ it for e-mail
14:53.56adr3nalin3_ok thanks.
14:55.55thepacmanfanok, my bad on misdiagnosing the compile error.
14:56.33thepacmanfanit's going back to a "Symbol version dump .... Module.symvers is missing"  error
14:56.35adr3nalin3_ManxPower, strange there is still a lot of static on the message.
14:56.53ManxPoweradr3nalin3_: you have some OTHER problem.
14:57.37*** join/#asterisk eth01 (i=foo@gentoo/user/eth01)
14:57.54adr3nalin3_Its strange b/c call quality is very good.
14:57.55iCEBrkrSo, anyone know why the 'a' flag (mark as administrator) in MeetMe() nagates the join/leave sound?
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15:05.28adr3nalin3_ManxPower, I think this may be my problem...
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15:07.58Nugget  <-- oops
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15:08.09Nugget"It is strongly recommended that all cryptographic key material which has been generated by OpenSSL versions starting with 0.9.8c-1 on Debian systems is recreated from scratch. Furthermore, all DSA keys ever used on affected Debian systems for signing or authentication purposes should be considered compromised; the Digital Signature Algorithm relies on a secret random value used during signature generation."
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15:10.30matneljust upgrading all systems :P
15:11.23Asterisk-nobManxPower: another question, I know OpenFire has a plugin with Asterisk, can it do streaming video in the chat then divert to a video phone call?
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15:11.50[TK]D-Fenderadr3nalin3_: there have been very specific cases of GCC 4.1 causing real distortion of GSM codec for compile.  a recompile to lowe version usually solved taht instantly.
15:12.25thepacmanfanooo.. i had no idea i had to make symlinks before compiling zaptel!
15:13.12ManxPowerthepacmanfan: you don't
15:13.44ManxPowerunless, of course, your distro's kernel modules are in a different directory than your kernel source points to.
15:13.50ManxPowerMandriva is one of the distros that does that.
15:13.56ManxPowermost distros do not.
15:15.55Maliutapeople using distro kernels beyond installation should be shot
15:16.19Maliutaroll your own, know what your systems are and need.
15:16.25LinuxMafia[TK]D-Fender, i was looking every where to buy the ip-phone , they got only panasonic and philips
15:16.26*** join/#asterisk fenlander (n=fenlande@
15:16.34adr3nalin3_[TK]D-Fender: Thanks, I was missing the gsm libraries but I am also using gcc 4.2.  Right now I am recompiling with gsm libs installed but if that doesn't work I will use a lower version of gcc.  Thanks!
15:16.40Maliutaless code, less chance of compromise from bad code
15:16.49LinuxMafia[TK]D-Fender, can i use panasonic
15:18.16[TK]D-FenderLinuxMafia: You should just give up now. I've handed you the answer and you are still looking for trouble.  I've never even HEARD of either of those 2 companies making a SIP phone compatible with *.
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15:19.48gitguyhow much bugs are being fixed for 1.6? where can i see this?
15:19.55gitguychangelog i guess? uhmm
15:20.07[TK]D-FenderLinuxMafia: Dear God you seriously don't have a clue at all.
15:20.10jayrod422does any know how to look up the correct OCN  or number to see if it was ported from something different than lerg
15:20.22LinuxMafia[TK]D-Fender, no i dont
15:20.25[TK]D-Fendergitguy: CHANGELOG <--  and 1.6 doesn't fix 1.4 bugs
15:20.44LinuxMafiai looked over almost 20 computer stores today
15:20.47gitguy[TK]D-Fender: it doesn't? i though it was a improvement of 1.6?
15:20.48LinuxMafianeither one had
15:20.51LinuxMafiaany of
15:20.54jbotrumour has it, phones is  While personal preference will dictate which phone works best for you, general consensus on a rough order of quality and suggestibility is as follows:  Polycom (any), Aastra 480i, Aastra 5i Series, Cisco 7940+, Linksys SPA-9XX, Snom, and finally everything else.  Do not consider Grandstream phones.  Ever. places like such as
15:21.26[TK]D-FenderLinuxMafia: You aren't going to FIND this stuff is chitty consumer stores!  What don't you get?  consumers don't BUY SIP PHONES.
15:21.57*** join/#asterisk mratliff (
15:22.04[TK]D-FenderLinuxMafia: And what you linked me is a shitty USB phone that relies on being plugged into your PC and using a soft-phone.  Its the equivalent of a stupid headset
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15:22.34mratliffguys...I have a question about a new asterisk deployment
15:22.34LinuxMafia[TK]D-Fender, oh i wish i could buy of the internet
15:22.51jarrodanyone know why a polycom, with forwarding enabled, would forward calls received from PSTN, but not calls that were forwarded to it from other local polycoms?
15:22.51mratliffI need a design that will support roughly 800 phones
15:23.08[TK]D-FenderLinuxMafia: I told you a company you can take the friggen metro to get to and buy from.  Whats the problem?
15:23.48LinuxMafia[TK]D-Fender, you said i went there too
15:23.58LinuxMafia[TK]D-Fender, i looked at the logs
15:24.18mratliffwhat server specs do you recommend for this?
15:24.22ManxPowerjarrod: Many carriers reject calls with invalid callerid.  Do your internal extensions have valid PSTN callerid?
15:24.24LinuxMafiait was look like that ^^
15:24.48[TK]D-FenderLinuxMafia: NO I DIDN'T.  For the LAST TIME, I never send ANYONE to for ANYTHING
15:24.59jarrodmanx: the softswitch sets the callerid on any outbound calls, and yes, each phone is configured with a valid callerid
15:25.05LinuxMafia[TK]D-Fender, just a sec
15:25.21jayrod422manx i have the correct caller id
15:25.31jayrod422what i am trying to do is find the valid OCN for routing
15:25.45jayrod422i know you get it from SS7 but I dont even know where to get SS7
15:25.47jarrodthe user has set the forward using the softkey on their polycom... it works GREAT when the call comes in from pstn, but not when a call is transfered locally
15:25.48[TK]D-FenderLinuxMafia: and "Linksys Vonage VOIP Adapter (E41580)" <---- NO.
15:26.00jarrodi thought it might be able to distinguish a local call from an 'external' call
15:26.36*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (n=strom@
15:26.39Asterisk-nob[TK]D-Fender: question, we setup an environment where someone is in a call on their cell then they arrive to work (or home), can that call be transferred to their desk phone without disruption of the call?
15:27.06Asterisk-nobi guess this is not possible but wanna confirm it
15:27.13gitguy[TK]D-Fender: what kind of improvement is 1.6 over 1.4 then?
15:27.21[TK]D-FenderAsterisk-nob: Only if your cell carrier has a transfer feature.
15:27.25[TK]D-Fendergitguy: read the changelog.
15:27.38LinuxMafiaright this one you gave me
15:27.48gitguy[TK]D-Fender: i was hoping for them to fix bugs instead of adding more stuff
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15:28.12[TK]D-FenderLinuxMafia: There, in stock all over.
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15:29.03LinuxMafia[TK]D-Fender, i was in that store
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15:29.13rickrosswhen recording from Asterisk, is there any easy way to keep the discrete IN and OUT wave files, instead of having them combined at the end?
15:29.15LinuxMafia[TK]D-Fender, today few minutes ago
15:29.33[TK]D-Fenderrickross: Don't use the "m" option or MixMonitor
15:29.58rickrossFender - thx
15:30.06Zynagr0mit, got an appointment tomorrow ;P didn't see him yet, but I'll make sure to say hi from you
15:30.10LinuxMafia[TK]D-Fender, thanks alot
15:30.16LinuxMafiai will buy that one then
15:30.18rickrosswe're just initiating the recording in the call with *1
15:30.29rickrossI'll have to find what options that is invoking
15:30.34[TK]D-Fenderrickross: Go check your features.conf
15:31.46rickrossFender - is this discrete channel method the best option to record for podcasting? (so we can adjust the in/out volumes independently if needed)
15:32.29[TK]D-Fenderrickross: Why would you broadcast each half of the call separately?
15:32.37rickrosswe wouldn't
15:32.41[TK]D-Fenderrickross: and I've never broadcast anything like that.
15:32.48[TK]D-Fenderrickross: then why do you want them separate?
15:32.58rickrossbut often there is a significant variation in volume between in and out
15:33.20rickrossso, for post-production, it would be helpful to have discrete channels that can be independently processed
15:33.26rickrossand ultimately combined
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15:33.35[TK]D-Fenderrickross: Shouldn't be.  This is a sign that you haven't balanced one of your connections.
15:33.55rickrossit's just telephone
15:34.39rickrossand seems to vary depending on who we are talking to
15:34.55rickrossphone interviews of people in all different places
15:36.08[TK]D-Fenderrickross: well ifs its different PSTN points over the same link then yeah I guess you might want to split.
15:36.24rickrossFender - that's right
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15:41.10Dr-Linuxanybody tried Video with Asterisk?
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15:42.17patrick--does anyone know a good asterisk frontend to manage voicemail/call-redirections, etc?
15:42.40Maliutapatrick--: vim
15:42.51patrick--web frontend
15:43.20Maliutaleaves stupid ideas well alone
15:44.12keith4patrick--: not sure, but the FOP might provide some of that
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15:44.33keith4or... try #asterisk-now, #asterisk-gui, etc.
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15:47.12jbotAn XSL formatter written in Java that outputs PDF. URL:, or the Flash Operator Panel
15:47.55jarrodman could a polycom distinguish between a call transfered by another local phone and a call from the pstn when both source from the same asterisk switch?
15:48.03jarrodits forwarding calls properly from one, but not the other
15:50.08ManxPowerjarrod: My idea did not help?
15:50.18jarrodnot has a proper callerid configured
15:50.22jarrodand im using a digium appliance
15:50.32jarroder.. no it has a proper callerid configured
15:50.41ManxPowerso you are totally sure you are sending valid PSTN callerid, no quotes, not dashes, no extra 1 or 9?
15:50.54ManxPowerpaste me the "proper" callerid, just the one line
15:51.05jarrodhave you ever used a digium appliance?
15:51.21ManxPowerYou should also put a Noop before the Dial, Noop(CALLERID(num)=${CALLERID(num)})
15:51.28ManxPowerjarrod: The Digium appliance is not supported here.
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15:51.40ManxPowerIf you want our help you are going to edit your config files like the rest of us.
15:52.01jarrodi have no issue 'editing the config files'
15:52.10jarrodbut the caller-id is properly configured
15:52.10ManxPowerIf not, then use whatever support methods the Digium appliance has.
15:52.16jarrodthis appears to be more of an issue on a polycom
15:52.36ManxPowerjarrod: Best of luck.  I cannot help you further if you do not follow my suggestions.
15:52.47jarrodthats because your suggestions are of no help
15:52.49ManxPowerjarrod: I mange over 300 polycoms and have NEVER EVER had your issue.
15:52.49jarrodyou arrogant prick
15:53.25ManxPowerjarrod: best of luck
15:54.15mratliffWhat server specs are recommended for 800 phones?
15:54.37[TK]D-Fenderjarrod: if you want help, I highly suggest you show us 2 pastebins.  With the phone forwarded, #1 = "normal call", and #2 of one that didn't react as expected.  This would be at verbose 10, SIP debug enabled.
15:54.51jarrodim ok, i just need to troubleshoot it
15:54.54[TK]D-Fendermratliff: Go lookup "asterisk dimensioning" on the WIKI
15:54.56ManxPowermratliff: that varies depending on if you have PSTN cards in the server, what transcoding, recording, reinvites, etc
15:55.25mratliff400 are analog
15:55.42ManxPowermratliff: I suggest you write up a requirements list before asking.
15:55.43mratliffplus would like to have a distributed design
15:56.03ManxPowerask on the mailing list, putting your requirements in your message.
15:56.13ManxPowerObviously, also follow [TK]D-Fender's recommendation
15:56.29mratliffawesome!  Thanks!  I'll do just that
15:57.02ManxPowermratliff: your question is like "what specs do you recommend for 800 web sites", we can't recommend anything until you know more about your requirements (SSI, CGI, etc)
15:57.24ManxPowerQwell: Server Side Includes
15:57.47[TK]D-Fendermratliff: At while point you can show me the machine spec that you feel will support said 800 sites... and then I'll design a SINGLE SITE that would completely KILL your "setup".
16:00.16*** join/#asterisk keulin (
16:01.00mratliffwhat is the mailing list address? is where you can signup
16:01.28mratliffi c
16:06.32keith4holy crap. 400 analog phones?
16:07.56[TK]D-Fenderkeith4 : nothing wrong with that.
16:08.09ManxPowerI cry for people using analog
16:08.09[TK]D-Fenderkeith4 : Easy enough to setup for.
16:08.16keith4channel banks?
16:08.24[TK]D-Fenderkeith4 : SIP gateways.
16:08.33ManxPowerA feeling like a million people suddenly using the switchook
16:08.35keith4tell me more
16:08.50keith4oh, like... 400 ATAs?
16:08.55[TK]D-Fenderkeith4 : 17 x AudioCodes MP-124
16:09.07[TK]D-Fenderkeith4 : you = crazy
16:09.15keith4it's been said
16:09.58[TK]D-Fenderkeith4 : Single relay-rack, amphenol cross-over to existing demarc.
16:09.59keith4holy crap, those are expensive
16:10.31keith4sometimes i wish telephonydepot had bigger pictures. i like pictures
16:10.55keith4ahahaha, ManxPower someone actually called your an arrogant prick, instead of just implying it, as they usually do ;-)
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16:11.40keith4the topic should read "There are really only 2 people in here who know what they are talking about. Don't insult either of them. It's up to you to figure out which 2."
16:12.29rob0You can insult me.
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16:13.00ManxPowerkeith4: Don't worry, he'll insult the other one soon enough.
16:13.22keith4oh, I'm not worried
16:13.36ManxPowerkeith4: me neither
16:13.40keith4some people just can't take constructive criticism!
16:14.23ManxPowerkeith4: not that, some people just think they know more than the experts and refuse to provide any supporting documentation.  I refer to those as "people I don't help"
16:14.45keith4well, in his defense, there is a fine line between "confident" and "arrogant" ;-)
16:15.01keith4but you're correct
16:15.06ManxPowerkeith4: I don't see him providing [TK]D-Fender with the requested info either.
16:15.23fenlandermore of a dashed line than a fine line ;) makes it easier to cross
16:15.24keith4so, maybe the topic should include "we will assume you are an idiot until you give us reason to suspect otherwise."
16:15.51ManxPowerNobody reads the /topic, as evidenced by all the GUI people that try to use this channel.
16:15.52keith4[TK]D-Fender: how much bandwidth usage would you expect between one of these MP124s and asterisk?
16:15.56iCEBrkrI missed any replies.. but..
16:16.01iCEBrkrSo, anyone know why the 'a' flag (mark as administrator) in MeetMe() nagates the join/leave sound?
16:16.27ManxPowerkeith4: you can assume around 80kbps for an ulaw/alaw call.  i.e. .08Mbps
16:16.27keith4uh... because administrators are supposed to be able to sneak around in conference rooms? ;-)
16:17.59keith4and these are what.. 24 analog lines each?
16:18.03*** join/#asterisk codefreeze-lap (
16:18.22keith4so, <2 mbit for 24 ulaw calls?
16:18.24keith4that's not bad at all
16:18.25iCEBrkrWell, Admins aren't notified if join/leaves
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16:19.15ManxPowerkeith4: with GSM it gets much better.
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16:20.32keith4audicode's website is making me sad
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16:21.28murdock_utOk, i'll bite... Why?
16:21.34ManxPowerPersonally, I'd never use a SIP/analog gateway
16:21.44ManxPowerI'll stick to T-1 cards and channel banks, thankyouverymuch
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16:21.59keith4I'm looking for more information about their MediaPack stuff
16:22.08keith4but... their search functionality sucks
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16:22.31keith4ManxPower: yah... but that gets very expensive, very quicklyt
16:22.42keith4what's a quad T1 card go for these days?
16:22.44cpmManxPower, wanna buy my T1 card and channel bank?
16:23.25cpmwonders why folks think that telephone is supposed to be cheap?
16:24.02jbeezbecause comcast offers triple play and phone is just $33/month zomg
16:24.17keith4it doesn't have to be "cheap"
16:24.31keith4but T1s and channel banks for 400 analog phones gets a bit ridiculous
16:24.39jbeezim really cheap, I have a 500 minute vonage plan at home because I rarely use my home phone, little linksys pap2,  it comes to like $20/month w/ taxes and all
16:24.54jbeez400 analog phones is ridiculous in and of itself
16:25.52cpmhandling 400 analog phones with adapters, and expecting to not have endless headaches, failures, outages, irritated users, et al, is also ridiculous. carrier grade channel banks (most are) and T1s is the /right/ way to handle that.
16:26.10cpmand what jbeez said.
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16:26.25cpmin a roll out like that, I'd seriously consider going with sip phones
16:27.01keith4yah, i would too
16:27.14keith4i forget who was asking about it... but he was talking about 400 sip and 400 analog, I think
16:27.19dgzddBandwidth information is it importante to calculate to have number of simultaneous calls ?
16:27.27*** part/#asterisk SuD (
16:27.29ManxPowercpm: I have like 4 spare Adtran TS750s
16:27.50keith4dgzdd: for SIP?
16:27.52dgzddhaving 8MB bandwith how many simulaneous calls
16:27.54ManxPowerBut thanks for the offer
16:27.57dgzddcan supply
16:28.01dgzddyes sip of course
16:28.05ManxPowerdgzdd: you must calculate that
16:28.12keith4depends on the codec has a link to a calculator for BW
16:28.33dgzddhow ?
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16:29.26cli4meanyone have a solution to bad DTMF when call is destined for * 1.2?
16:30.09jbeezvery nice
16:30.54keith4dgzdd: you have 64Mbps connection?
16:31.15jbeezI think the question is, who doesn't? It's 2008, come on people
16:31.19dgzddnot for the moment
16:31.37*** join/#asterisk mort_gib (
16:31.51dgzddisp is working to have fiber  optical connection
16:33.10cli4meive checked online and the only solutions I find are for calls sourcing from the asterisk box, does anyone have a suggestion?
16:33.44dgzddis it possible to reunify sevreal pc to have on one power pc runing with asterisk ???
16:33.57keith4i have a suggestion. describe your problem more thoroughly
16:34.01dgzddis it possible ?
16:34.12dgzddto make it possible ?
16:34.19cli4meok. Inbound calling to asterisk box shows up with multiple DTMF sometimes but not all the time
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16:34.39cli4meI would assume its an inband out of band thing, but from what I know that cannot be controlled on inbound calls
16:35.04keith4what's the source?
16:35.44cli4medifferent all the time. Land line, cell phone, etc. The carrier the call comes in on is different to.
16:36.16keith4and what's your interface to the PSTN?
16:36.33cli4memy number goes through Level3
16:37.43keith4so you're using IAX or SIP upstream?
16:37.59cli4meyes I am using SIP upstream
16:38.07keith4i don't know if there's anything you can do about that, then
16:38.21keith4isn't that a problem with your upstream provider?
16:38.50cli4mewould you agree that the duplicate digits (sometimes) are related to inband and out-of-band being sent?
16:39.09*** part/#asterisk jivco (n=jivco@
16:39.19cli4meand if so, is there a way to 'ignore' one or the otheron the * box?
16:39.48keith4dunno. i haven't seen that problem
16:39.59keith4you should ask TK, or pray that manxpower comes back in a good mood
16:40.44*** join/#asterisk mltlnx (n=mltlnx@
16:41.02b11d`can anyone tell me the name of a vitelity server they connect to? I'd just like to test latency from my location to there.. their support people dont seem to be getting back to me.
16:41.17b11d`i dont want to sign up for service and find 200ms ping responses :|
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16:44.18b11d`nevermind.. speak of the devil..
16:47.05*** join/#asterisk nezza-_- (
16:47.39cli4meTK, dont know if you can halp but, I was directed to you by keith4
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16:48.06keith4whoa whoa, let's not get carried away here
16:48.10cli4meha ha
16:48.27cli4mehe said its either YOU, or it cant be done!
16:48.36nezza-_-Hi there! I've got the following question: I'm using a mediatrix 1204 VoIP to PSTN Gateway.. can anybody tell me howto do a call via a VoIP phone connected to the network to the PSTN line without an external sip server?
16:48.53[TK]D-Fendercli4me: pick ONE mode and use it.
16:49.19[TK]D-Fendernezza-_-: Set aup a SIP peer in * and dial out that.
16:49.40cli4methe call is not sourced from the * box, its coming in to the asterisk box
16:49.51cli4meso I cant choose inband/out-of/band
16:50.35[TK]D-Fenderkeith4 : I'd use SIP gateways over channel banks any day.  CB makes your T1 card the poitn of failure, has clocking concerns, adds the cost of the card, etc.  SIP gateways can allow you to have a HA setup w/ redundant servers, removes the need for stupid DMTF features, zaptel, etc.
16:50.36*** join/#asterisk mikkel (
16:50.41cli4mei have sip.conf set for rfc2833
16:51.30keith4[TK]D-Fender: yah, I agree. It seems to be a polarizing question, though.
16:52.38*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
16:53.07cli4mehmm, so no real known solution?
16:53.09[TK]D-Fenderkeith4 : that'd add the cost of 5 x 4port T1 cards to the equation, meaning what, a minimum of 3 servers? (2 cards max each), and WORSE.
16:53.58keith4yah, I don't know why the hell you would do that, when a single server can easily handle thousands of sip calls
16:55.00*** join/#asterisk ajohnson (n=ajohnson@
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16:57.25adr3nalin3_Is there a driver I need to load for the TE122P?  Shouldn't the zaptel driver load the driver for it?
16:57.26[TK]D-Fenderkeith4 : if you have a spare port or two fine, but to make it for a large scale deployment?  No thanks.
16:57.42[TK]D-Fenderadr3nalin3_: Zaptel, and Libpri for *
16:57.57keith4adr3nalin3_: no, but udev should load it
16:58.22keith4er, no the zaptel driver won't load it, but udev should load it
16:58.35adr3nalin3_If I had compiled Zap and libpri before the card was installed that should be a problem should it?
16:59.02adr3nalin3_I just put it in and it shows as 07:04.0 Ethernet controller: Digium, Inc. Unknown device 8001 (rev 11) when I lspci
16:59.06*** join/#asterisk BCS-Satori (n=somewher@
16:59.08adr3nalin3_Also no lights on the card show
16:59.15[TK]D-Fenderadr3nalin3_: What ver of * / zaptel?
16:59.34[TK]D-Fenderadr3nalin3_: And have you initialized the driver?  modprobed?
16:59.41[TK]D-Fenderadr3nalin3_: ztcfg -vvvv ?
16:59.50cli4memanxpower can you offer any insight on why duplicate digits come through on inbound to * 1.2?
16:59.56[TK]D-Fenderadr3nalin3_: Got something comprehensive to show us?  How about your configs?
17:00.15BCS-SatoriWhat in asterisk makes up an encrypted password response to a SIP 407 Proxy Authentication Required.
17:01.44keith4cli4me: what did I say about describing your problem better??
17:02.09cli4meyou'd think I'd learn
17:02.39nezza-_-[TK]D-Fender: i've set the SIP Server source to static, the port to 3336 and the sip domain blank... but where can i add this SIP peer?
17:02.55adr3nalin3_[TK]D-Fender: modprobed and I think it took care of it
17:02.58[TK]D-Fendernezza-_-: sip.conf like you would most any other itsp
17:03.08coppiceanyone get echo problems with the linksys ATAs?
17:03.38[TK]D-Fendercoppice: I had what I think is termed side-tone once a long time ago, but that was on the Sipura models.
17:03.44nezza-_-[TK]D-Fender: i want to do this ON the mediatrix box.. without any external asterisk server
17:03.58cli4meI have inbound calls to an * 1.2 box. the call when answered asks for digits. THe digits sometimes are duplicated (I.e. 1234 = 122344 or 1122344) Im thinking its because im receiving both inband and out-of-band from the carrier, but is there a way to ignore one or the other from the * box?
17:04.03[TK]D-Fendernezza-_-: You need a PEER ion * to tall * to USE IT.
17:04.49nezza-_-[TK]D-Fender: and how do i do this?
17:05.14[TK]D-Fendercoppice: Yeah, it was on my SPA-3000
17:05.31[TK]D-Fendernezza-_-: As I said... just like you would another ITSP.
17:05.42igascreamHi all need help can I invite someone to conference while talking there without holding the call?
17:07.05[TK]D-Fenderigascream: something has to trigger a "call-out" in *.  Either your phone, or a PC telling * to take this action.
17:07.20keith4nezza-_-: are you asking if you can place a call from a SIP phone to an analog phone, through a media gateway, without an asterisk server involed at all?
17:07.32[TK]D-Fendercoppice: They made a DSP to do OSLEC on the IP04?
17:07.48nezza-_-keith4: yeah
17:07.59coppicethe IP04 is based on a DSP
17:08.27keith4nezza-_-: let me ask you a question then. would you expect to be able to place a call from one analog phone to another, because they are both plugged into the same phone splitter?
17:08.39BCS-SatoriCould someone tell me what in asterisk makes up an encrypted password response to a SIP 407 Proxy Authentication Required.  Like username:password:relamn:port?  Also does asterisk user its own tool to gernerate the md5 or does it use the linux md5sum tool?
17:09.00nezza-_-keith4: someone told me that the mediatrix 1204 is able to do such things..
17:09.30[TK]D-Fendernezza-_-: Go read your admin manual.
17:09.36keith4nezza-_-: well then maybe you should go ask that someone how to do it. because you're asking for help in #asterisk, but you're not using asterisk
17:09.43*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
17:09.58nezza-_-keith4: okay, thank you for your help.
17:11.18*** join/#asterisk flush (
17:12.55*** part/#asterisk nezza-_- (
17:14.00igascream<[TK]D-Fender>, and for example if I have two persons on two lines talking with can I put three of us to the conference without transfering eachone by itself.
17:14.02[TK]D-Fendercoppice: Do you happen to know what kind of processing load OSLEC places per channel to get an idea of scalability for small (embedded) systems other than blackfin?
17:14.43[TK]D-Fenderigascream: I jsut told you.  You're either doing it YOURSELF on your phone, or via some external interface using AMI, etc.
17:15.16coppiceit should be comparable to other good cancellers, though considerably higher than crude ones. on a PC I think it now uses MMX, so it should be fairly quick
17:15.36tzafrir[TK]D-Fender, try searching for OSLEC and MIPS
17:17.00tzafrirCan you safely use MMX in the kernel?
17:17.02[TK]D-Fendertzafrir : looking up now.  See your name plastered all over it :)
17:18.00tzafrirWe had that funny thread in the oslec list of someone complaining he suddenly can't properly login via ssh to the machine
17:18.20[TK]D-Fendertzafrir : .... and in other unrelated news ....
17:18.21tzafrirWhich eventualy turned out to be MMX-related issue
17:19.38coppiceMMX or floats in the kernel can do some real funky obscure stuff, if you get the saves and restore wrong
17:19.53*** join/#asterisk xenonex (n=xenonex@
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17:32.38keith4heh... is it bad to consider it a victory when you tell someone to (essentially) F off, and he thanks you before leaving the channel?
17:32.51*** join/#asterisk smash- (n=smash@
17:33.15smash-hey, anyone point me in a direction to find a fair priced sip trunk provider?
17:33.28jbot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet telephony Service Provider or "VoIP Telephone company". The allow you to either PLACE calls to the PSTN (called Termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called Origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs
17:33.36jbotit has been said that trunk is a word with varying definitions.  In Asterisk, a trunk is a "stream of UDP packets containing IAX2 frames from more than 1 call"; in telecom, a trunk is a "single voice channel between two pieces of switching equipment."; in Ethernet a trunk carries more than one 802.1q VLAN.  There is no such thing as a "SIP Trunk" -- Don't use the term.
17:34.20smash-damn i feel like i got reject at prom manx
17:34.31smash-stop bringing up repressed memories
17:35.01*** join/#asterisk DarylVoip (
17:35.04rob0Elephant's trunk, storage trunk, swim trunks, automobile trunk
17:35.05smash-so whats a url for itsplist-us
17:35.24rob0The bot likes the ~
17:35.41jbotrob0: :)
17:35.42jetsLOL a SIP Provider I suppose
17:36.46jbot[~itsplist-us] Here are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones : , , ,, , ,
17:39.01*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (n=chatzill@
17:41.50destructurewhat qualifies as "more respected"?
17:42.39ManxPowerdestructure: ones where many people have good experiences.
17:42.48ManxPowerThe less respected ones are where many people had bad experiences
17:43.05[TK]D-Fenderdestructure: "not Vonage" and "has some decent feedback from people in here"
17:45.16*** join/#asterisk codefreeze-lap (n=murf@
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17:47.26gitguyis snom good?
17:47.57ManxPowergitguy: you already know the answer to that
17:48.25gitguyi heard they aren't good, but they use linux, how can't they be no good? :p
17:48.26[TK]D-Fendergitguy: How many more times would you like to ask the same questions?
17:49.07gitguysorry, i didn't wanted to be annoying
17:49.15cpmcan haz asterisk?
17:49.27gitguybut that's why my nick starts with "git"
17:50.28gitguypolycom is the best then?
17:50.51*** join/#asterisk kamanashisroy (n=kamanash@
17:54.59gitguyi'm getting a polycom, yeah xD
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17:59.45[TK]D-Fendergitguy: Yes, Polycom is probably the best product to use, but not always the best value.
17:59.56[TK]D-Fendergitguy: that depends on where you are buying from/for.
18:00.31mratliffokay guys...another question...this time regarding raid
18:00.40mratliffwould 1+0, 5, or 6 be best
18:01.08mratliffthis server would have a heavy load potentially
18:01.08[TK]D-Fendermratliff: 6 clearly.
18:01.13[TK]D-Fendermratliff: 6 > 5
18:01.29[TK]D-Fendermratliff: 1+0 < 5 < 6
18:01.33*** topic/#asterisk by russellb -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk (2008/05/13), *-Addons 1.4.6 (2008/02/21) 1.6.0-beta3 (2008/04/02), Zaptel (2008/02/28), Libpri 1.4.3 (2007/12/13) -=- #asterisknow or #asterisk-gui for AsteriskNOW ( -=- #switchvox for Switchvox ( -=- #freepbx for FreePBX/trixbox
18:01.35gitguy[TK]D-Fender: ok
18:03.12*** join/#asterisk whymarkwh (n=dsfsdfsd@
18:03.26whymarkwhhi there anyone know what openfire is?
18:03.46*** join/#asterisk DaSkreech (n=skreech@katapult/ninja/daskreech)
18:03.58DaSkreechis there a jingle plugin for asterisk?
18:04.20whymarkwhlike in jingle bells?
18:04.22russellbchan_gtalk / chan_jingle, yes
18:04.32russellbwhymarkwh: jabber/xmpp + voice
18:04.54whymarkwhwhat do you use it for?
18:05.09beekwhymarkwh: openfile is a jabber server.
18:05.13*** join/#asterisk mltlnx (
18:05.21DaSkreechwhymarkwh: speechifying ?
18:05.24whymarkwhdefine jabber please
18:05.25russellbinterconnection with googletalk for thing ..
18:05.33whymarkwhk insead of text its voice
18:05.50coppicei thought openfire was something you did to telemarketers
18:05.54DaSkreechHmm I wonder if google caches that on it's server as well :)
18:06.38DaSkreechrussellb: It's supposed to ship with the next stable release of asterisk ?
18:06.50whymarkwhif i google it i find:"police openfire on sivilians" and "us soldiers openfire on innocent iraques"
18:07.10russellbit's in 1.4 ...
18:07.33DaSkreechrussellb: any caveats with it?
18:07.36russellbwhich has been out for 1.5 years
18:07.37russellbum ...
18:07.45whymarkwhdoes anyone know where i can find a working demo site to check out what it does?
18:08.03whymarkwhthx beek
18:08.07russellbDaSkreech: probably, heh, but i don't have any off of the top of my head
18:08.25DaSkreechFor somereason I though it was introduced into svn recently
18:09.53*** part/#asterisk whymarkwh (n=dsfsdfsd@
18:09.57DaSkreechbeek: I'll assume the openfire is not in response to my jingle question?
18:10.21beekDaSkreech: You assume correctly.
18:12.26DaSkreechIs there a comparison between 1.6 and 1.4 ?
18:16.07*** join/#asterisk mltlnx (
18:19.59[TK]D-FenderDaSkreech: yes, in upgrade.txt
18:20.25russellbalso see CHANGES
18:20.30russellbUPGRADE.txt, stuff you need to know when upgrading
18:20.33russellbCHANGES, list of new features
18:20.44russellb(mostly not including architecture and performance improvements ...)
18:22.36*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
18:23.21gitguyrussellb: do you also do changes in architecture?
18:25.27DaSkreechAnyone running on 1.6 ?
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18:31.12thepacmanfancan anyone recommend a good 16 port PoE switch?
18:31.28thepacmanfancheap would be nice, but i'm sure that won't happen.
18:32.04[TK]D-Fenderthepacmanfan: 24 is about the same price actually... D-Link DES-1228P
18:34.37DaSkreechAsterisk didn't get a GSoC ?
18:36.32*** join/#asterisk argos73 (
18:40.52bkruseDaSkreech: nah
18:41.09DaSkreechWesnoth did
18:41.17bkruseDigium could have, just not this year
18:41.20bkrusemaybe next year :]
18:51.51thepacmanfanD-Fender: cool... i don't think we need one right now.
18:52.31thepacmanfani've never used a Cisco router before... is it hard to set one up as a simple gateway, with DHCP?
18:52.55ManxPowerthepacmanfan: yes, if you've never done it before.
18:53.02*** join/#asterisk Hawk36 (
18:53.08Hawk36Hi all
18:53.31Hawk36Is there a basic extensions.conf using for incomming calls?
18:53.47Hawk36I can dial out but can't receive calls :(
18:53.52ManxPowerHawk36: If there is, it would come from
18:54.05Hawk36I tried but they don't have it
18:54.12thepacmanfanwell, i need something a step above the average Linksys junk, but i'm not a CCNA...
18:54.18Hawk36They only give me the dial plan but nothing for dialing in
18:54.29thepacmanfani've had too many WRT54Gs and BEFSR41s die on me
18:54.56ManxPowerremember the closing )
18:55.12ManxPowerthepacmanfan: I use almost all Cisco routers and switches
18:55.41[TK]D-Fenderthepacmanfan: Um.  Its just a SWITCH...
18:56.02ManxPowerFor incoming calls, exten => yourdidnumber,1,Whatever
18:56.11Hawk36Manx that is four outbound no?
18:56.28Hawk36exten => _X.,n,Dial(SIP/lesnet_peer/${EXTEN})
18:56.29ManxPowerin the context incoming calls come into.  You of course have eliminated and registration problems first, right?
18:56.29*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
18:56.36thepacmanfanD-Fender: yeah... i have a number of non-PoE switches around, and i'll make do with them, but i do need a new router.
18:56.40ManxPowerHawk36: you don't want that.
18:56.49ManxPowerYou want something more specific of what you are dialing.
18:56.57ManxPowerMaybe _NXXNXXXXXX,1,Whatever
18:57.20ManxPowerthis is no different than the setup for any of the gadzillion service providers out there.
18:57.23Hawk36So what I have is wrong?
18:57.44mratliff<[TK]D-Fender>: how hard is it to build Asterisk on a distributed server design? ...example would be to have redundant servers for call processing, voicemail, and maybe a pstn gatway (may not be necessary though)....any thoughts
18:58.01ManxPowerHawk36: no idea, you've not provided us with ANY pastes of failed incoming, outgoing calls, nor the relevant parts of your dialplan.  Use for that
18:58.07[TK]D-Fendermratliff: I'm getting the impression you've never worked with * before.
18:58.40mratliffactually I have ,but it's been 3 years back...built one to integrate into an avaya sys
18:58.42Hawk36Manx, basically when I dial my DID, my asterisk answers the call
18:58.56Hawk36Then just hangs up
18:59.02mratliffwas just one server though...pretty easy
18:59.12ManxPowerHawk36: until you provide some pastebins I cannot help you further.
18:59.16Hawk36exten => _X.,1,Answer
18:59.16Hawk36exten => _X.,n,Goto(incoming,s,1)
18:59.43ManxPowerHawk36: CLI.  OUTPUT.  ON.  PASTEBIN.CA
18:59.50ManxPowerI will not ask again
19:00.40Hawk36do you have info on that
19:00.45jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
19:00.59*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
19:01.03ManxPowerthe site is pretty self explainatory
19:02.20ManxPowerI'm leaving shortly to lay out and work on my tan, so we don't have a lot of time to get this working for you.
19:03.30Hawk36I did paste it at the web site
19:03.36Hawk36How do I know if you got it
19:03.45ManxPoweryou give me the link it gives you
19:04.26mratliff<[TK]D-Fender>: so no thoughts...?
19:04.44Hawk36I feel stupid, but I see no links
19:04.54[TK]D-Fendermratliff: I think you'd better do some real research of your own or just hire a consultant.
19:05.03ManxPowerYour paste has been accepted an added to the database. You will be redirected to it momentarily. The URL for it is: may use that URL for referencing your submission from now on.
19:05.07ManxPowerYa know, that message
19:05.27Hawk36is that it
19:05.41*** join/#asterisk ccvp (n=ccvp@
19:05.47ManxPowerthat is extensions.conf  I need the CLI output, the stuff from "asterisk -rvvv"
19:05.58ManxPowerHawk36: perhaps you should read The Book before you do anything else.
19:06.55ManxPowerFor one thing EVERY extension MUST start with priority 1, I see at least one extension in your extensions.conf paste that does not have a priority 1
19:07.34ManxPowerYou even have a Goto pointing to the non existent priority 1: Goto(incoming,s,1)
19:08.11thepacmanfanmanxpower, is a 3640 worth $60 more than a 2610?
19:08.13Hawk36I changed it
19:08.14ManxPowerHawk36: You do not have the sound files installed that you arre trying to play.
19:08.27jerthepacmanfan, yes
19:08.30Hawk36That is true
19:08.37ManxPowerthepacmanfan: I think so, you can compare specs at
19:08.53Hawk36But it just sits there and then hangs up after a few seconds
19:09.01ManxPowerHow is this message unclear?
19:09.02ManxPower[May 13 15:06:32] WARNING[8593]: file.c:607 ast_openstream_full: File enter-extension-or-2 does not exist in any format
19:09.14Hawk36It is very clear
19:09.17ManxPowercorrect, it can't play the sound file so it sits in the waitexten until timeout.
19:09.19Hawk36I tried many things
19:09.44jbeezI've seen some useless error messages.... that is def not one of them
19:09.48ManxPowerWhere is the file enter-extension-or-2 located?
19:10.17ManxPowerand what format is it in?
19:10.24Hawk36Ok even if I remove that file, used as a test it just does nothing
19:10.32Hawk36Line I mean
19:10.43ManxPowerHawk36: of course it does something, it is waiting for you to dial an extension
19:10.59Hawk36When I dial the extension, nothing happens
19:11.06Hawk36No message
19:11.09ManxPowerYou don't have any other extensions defined.
19:11.18Hawk36And it does not transfer to that extension
19:11.21ManxPowerHawk36: Asterisk will almost never play any message unless you tell it to.
19:11.22[TK]D-FenderManxPower: prepare fora  glowing example of not knowing what an "extension" is.
19:11.36ManxPowerHawk36: You HAVE no other extensions!
19:11.49ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I'll beat them with a nerf bat until they do
19:12.13*** part/#asterisk DaSkreech (n=skreech@katapult/ninja/daskreech)
19:12.15Hawk36Keep beating, someday I will understand and be gratefull to those who were patient
19:12.21ManxPowerunless you did not provide complete information in the pastebin
19:12.34*** join/#asterisk Strom_C (n=strom@
19:12.39ManxPowerWell, actually I KNOW you did not provide accurate info in your first pastebin
19:12.47ManxPowerAs pasted that dialplan could NEVER work.
19:12.52Hawk36Ok, I wish to have the call transfered to extension 100 when they dial 100 at the wait
19:13.09ManxPowerHawk36: OK, now start providing COMPLETE extensions.conf
19:13.39Hawk36Hold on
19:13.53ManxPowerHawk36: There is no extension 100 in that dialplan, for example.
19:14.11Hawk36This is basic
19:14.16[TK]D-FenderHawk36: Stop now and go read the book till your eyes bleed.  You clearly do not understand the dialplan at all.
19:14.21Hawk36Learning and playing with it as I go
19:14.33[TK]D-FenderHawk36: Chapter 5 <-----
19:14.48ManxPowerAdd "include => internal" at the end of [incoming]
19:14.51Hawk36Fender, I did that, and I don't understand how it transfers to the extensions
19:14.58Hawk36Sorry but I don't
19:15.05*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (n=anonymou@
19:15.14ManxPoweryour incoming context did not know anything about extension 100 because extension 100 is in a different context and not include =>'d anyhwere.
19:15.30anonymouz666Does chan_sip use dnsmgr to refresh the hosts in sip.conf?
19:15.44[TK]D-FenderHawk36: You don't "transfer" ANYTHING.  What you are allowed to dail are grouped into CONTEXTS.  You do not have an EXTENSION in there that you can dial to do anything whatsoever
19:15.59ManxPowerI'm outta here
19:16.47anonymouz666jpeeler: weren't you working on dnsmgr with sip?
19:17.25*** join/#asterisk troubled (n=troubled@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/troubled)
19:18.07*** join/#asterisk Mikeonline (
19:18.11Hawk36Manx thanks
19:18.34Hawk36Fender, not clear
19:19.06Hawk36Is there a difference in having the include before or after?
19:19.55anonymouz666I am just trying to find a way to perform DNS lookups (interval refresh) in my SIP peers hosts.
19:20.25Mikeonlinehm can i query AstDB in voicemail.conf to use the mailbox password from the database?
19:20.29jpeeleranonymouz666: yes
19:20.31anonymouz666dnsmgr does not seem to work, so I assume that chan_sip does not use it.
19:20.38jpeeleryou mean the hosts that sip show registry reports?
19:20.48*** join/#asterisk CrashHD (n=CrashHD@
19:21.06anonymouz666and the you sip show peers
19:21.19anonymouz666and it is listes as - but the IP already changed to
19:21.25anonymouz666so I need to manually do a "sip reload"
19:21.33jpeelerdnsmgr refresh
19:21.46anonymouz666the verbose is bigger than 3
19:21.50jpeelerit periodically does that of course for you
19:21.54anonymouz666i can't see any report on dnsmgr
19:22.11anonymouz666so it should work then...
19:22.20jpeelerno report? hmm
19:22.32jpeelerit should at least say refreshing dns lookups
19:22.33Hawk36Ok, it answers
19:22.58Hawk36but I can't reach my extension
19:23.06Hawk36Even after adding the include as indicated
19:23.48anonymouz666jpeeler: yeap, thats why I asked... something like this should be printed ast_verbose(VERBOSE_PREFIX_2 "refreshing '%s'\n", entry->name);
19:24.08anonymouz666btw this is version 1.2
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19:24.28jpeeleroh, well... i don't think those changes made it back to that version
19:25.31jpeeleranonymouz666: in fact it isn't in 1.4 either
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19:27.50keith4uh oh. i see Hawk36 is back
19:28.38anonymouz666jpeeler: so the dnsmgr should work with chan_sip in host= (peer)?
19:29.29Hawk36Slowly learning the basics
19:29.31anonymouz666even if I am not using DNS SRV?
19:30.37jpeeleranonymouz666: that's correct, if no srv record is found it will just do a normal lookup. but this behavior is only present in 1.6
19:31.07b11d`IAX is supposed to work well behind NAT correct?
19:31.18jpeelerb11d`: yep
19:31.21[TK]D-Fenderb11d`: easier than SIP+RTP anyways
19:31.23defsdooranyone here use sangoma a500 ?
19:31.40[TK]D-Fenderb11d`: Forward UDP 4569 and thats it.
19:31.57anonymouz666jpeeler: how are the behavior in 1.2/1.4 version?
19:32.00b11d`thanks TK
19:33.25anonymouz666I just need a normal lookup :)
19:35.51jpeeleranonymouz666: since dnsmgr isn't present, the IP change isn't going to be detected
19:36.17jpeeleri'm not sure if there is another way to force the lookup
19:36.33jpeelerthat's why dnsmgr support was added :)
19:36.53anonymouz666"sip reload" do it, but thats not a good fix
19:37.32anonymouz666damn, if I was using IAX2 in this version, chan_iax2 supports it
19:38.25Hawk36Finally got it
19:38.51Hawk36Thanks to the ones who helped or guided me
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19:39.20Hawk36exten => s,n,Dial(SIP/100,30)
19:39.45Hawk36Is there a way to dial the extension instead of forcing it too 100
19:40.39anonymouz666jpeeler: what about ast_dnsmgr_lookup()?
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19:42.42killab33zanyone got faxs working on their server?
19:42.49[TK]D-FenderHawk36: put an actual extension they can dial.
19:43.31Hawk36So I would have to do that line for each extension correct?
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19:44.03Hawk36If I had 3 extensions let's say 100, 010 and 102 I would write the same line tree times
19:44.10Hawk36for each extension correct?
19:44.40[TK]D-FenderHawk36: not sure what you mean but I think its a "yes".
19:45.00killab33zi heard the best way to recieve faxes in asterisk is with iaxmodem?
19:45.19[TK]D-Fenderkillab33z: Most seem to agree with that.
19:45.51killab33zwould you happen to know a decent article on using the two?
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19:46.57jbot[~wikis] VoIP Wiki covering Asterisk, FreeSWITCH, TrixBox, SER, OpenSER, sipX, CallWeaver, and YATE. (c) Arte Marketing Inc / CommPartners
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19:48.49eklofHi guys. I have a agi-script that won't execute due to a "permission denied" error, have tried setting the script to 777 and it still says the same. Anyone have a cvlue as to why ?
19:50.01waKKumount options on partition ?
19:50.04eklofI'v chown it to asterisk and tested aswell, it was root initially.
19:50.26eklofUUID=cdf2246a-bc26-4466-bca8-e757591f1155 /home ext3 defaults,usrquota,grpquota 0 2
19:50.34eklofsorry wrong one
19:50.43eklofUUID=f9bfeb9b-1673-409d-858b-dd9122208d9f /usr ext3 defaults 0 2
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19:51.06jpeeleranonymouz666: yes, that is the function. but it's not in chan_sip for 1.4
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19:51.44jpeeleralthough the changes are not extensive, it wasn't trivial to add
19:52.27anonymouz666jpeeler: I am looking at your code in sip_registry()
19:53.43jpeelerand sip_peer
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19:55.39anonymouz666jpeeler: do you think that could be a way to look at this changes and try to port to chan_sip running 1.2?
19:56.02anonymouz666I really need the dnsmgr refresh working with chan_sip
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19:56.55jpeelerit's possible i guess, i'm really very unfamiliar though with 1.2
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19:59.24mratliffIs SER considered a better alternative to using Asterisk as just a pstn gateway?
20:00.31b11d`how good is audio quality when using g729?  is it worth it?  or will there be a noticable degradation?
20:00.43b11d`or should I stfu, and try it to see?  :)
20:00.47[TK]D-Fendermratliff: SER isn't a PSTN gateway, it is a SIP proxy and last I checked had no way to interface with PSTN hardware
20:01.02[TK]D-Fenderb11d`: the latter goes without saying ;)
20:01.10b11d`figures lol
20:01.17[TK]D-Fenderb11d`: but the question is what do you want it for?
20:01.44mratliffsorry for all of the novice questions...I'm slowly re-building my knowledge
20:01.55mratliffthx for your help so far
20:02.03mratliffi do appreciate it
20:02.15b11d`im just looking for the best quality VoIP service.. and ona 7mb down, 1mb up DSL connection.. it sounds OK now, but I get a little lag..
20:02.28b11d`latency is latency..wasnt sure if g729 would actually help with that or not
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20:04.49[TK]D-Fenderb11d`: how many calls, what protocols?
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20:08.57b11d`maybe three or four calls at a time.. I am using IAX right now..
20:09.37b11d`im looking at about 80-90ms ping replies from the asterisk box to the far end..
20:10.12[TK]D-Fenderb11d`: codec?
20:10.17b11d`right now, g711..
20:10.47b11d`far end supports g711 and g729a
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20:13.42[TK]D-Fenderb11d`: how is a single channel with little extra traffic?
20:14.56b11d`sounds fine.. like i said, i am only picking up a little bit of lag..  not much..
20:15.08b11d`just trying to get the best out of it is all..
20:17.13adr3nalin3Hey guys I am having trouble hooking up my digium t1 card with the telco PRI.  I got the digium driver loaded and everything.  When I change the switch type to Nortel DMS all alarms clear but the telco says I am throwing errors on their end.  Also in the zaptel.conf span=1,1,0,esf,b8zs line it should auto detect which one is being used correct?
20:19.42[TK]D-Fenderb11d`: if you get that regardless on an single channel with little traffic, codec won't matter
20:20.03b11d`i figured as much..  the lag is not that noticable anyways..  i appreciate it TK.  Thanks.
20:20.31[TK]D-Fenderb11d`: note I HAVE seen IAX lag all by itself whereas SIP would not.  I'd advise testing.
20:20.53[TK]D-Fenderadr3nalin3: signallng is in zapata.conf.
20:21.17[TK]D-Fenderadr3nalin3: And you'd be advised to pastebin both in their entirety
20:22.25b11d`will do TK..
20:25.43[TK]D-FenderOk, checkout time here.  Later all
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20:34.45MACscrI want to turn on monitoring for a sip trunk. Can't seem to remember the text I need to add to the conf. Anyone?
20:36.49LinuxMafiahi guys
20:37.28LinuxMafiai bought this one -->
20:37.35LinuxMafiaand i have a router
20:38.09LinuxMafiais that device is like a PC?
20:38.21LinuxMafiaor it needs a ethernet card?
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20:39.12MACscrit doesn't need ethernet card, it has its own. You just need to plug it into your network
20:39.43LinuxMafiaMACscr, yeah but what will happen to my PC?
20:40.07LinuxMafiaMACscr, then how do i connect it to internet?
20:40.15MACscrwhy would it affect your pc? if your really asking these questions, you shouldn't be messing with voip
20:40.21MACscrer, asterisk
20:40.55LinuxMafiaMACscr, look the internet from ISP , first should go to the router or the adaptor?
20:41.01LinuxMafiawhich one first?
20:41.17MACscrrouter, you can't do it any other way
20:41.41*** part/#asterisk MACscr (
20:41.51b11d`anyone here use vitelity?
20:42.05b11d`i cant seem to figure out why im getting inbound busy signals..  everything looks good.. obviously isnt :)
20:42.21Strom_Cbusy signals, or reorder tone ("fast busy")?
20:42.29b11d`nah normal busy.. not reorder.
20:42.29rob0sip debug is your friend
20:42.34b11d`im using IAX though
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20:42.54LinuxMafiasome one please direct me
20:43.02Strom_CTHAT WAY
20:43.02razuhey ... has anyone used sangoma A500 isdn card with asterisk 1.6 ?
20:43.04b11d`i dont seem to have iax2 debugging :/
20:43.22LinuxMafiai have a router and this adaptor -->
20:43.34LinuxMafiahow i connect this
20:43.37b11d`iax2 set debug :)
20:44.24b11d`nothing comes across my console..
20:44.32b11d`core, iax2, and debug all set to 100
20:44.43b11d`outbound works, for what its worth
20:44.59b11d`i'll pastebin my confs..
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20:50.07b11d`iax.conf and extensions.conf
20:50.30jayrod422anyone here use lsms
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20:53.20jbotsomebody said ask was Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
20:53.56*** part/#asterisk eklof (
20:54.32b11d`damn inbound busy !!@!
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20:59.32b11d`not that I can tell.. cant guarantee that it isnt either..
20:59.53b11d`i dont BELIEVE my provider is blocking it..  but I cant be certain either.
21:00.01rob0router or direct connection?
21:00.06b11d`direct..  no nat..
21:00.20rob0I could believe they'd block SIP, but IAX2 less likely.
21:00.47b11d`I do pass through a few of my providers firewalls.. no doubt..  it is very possible they are blocking it..   outbound works though.. oddly.
21:01.15rob0Not odd at all, if your firewall is blocking inbound.
21:01.34b11d`i will be trying it from a different location tonight.. will have to see then..
21:01.47rob0just disable the firewall to test
21:01.53b11d`cant.. they dont belong to me.
21:01.58b11d`they belong to the state of MN..
21:02.18Hawk36What can cause for the voice to not travel during incomming calls?
21:02.21b11d`although reviewing the rules, i see nothign on it which appears to be blocking that port..
21:02.31b11d`doesnt mean there isnt a firewall further upstream blocking it though
21:02.43[TK]D-FenderHawk36, read up :
21:02.45jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
21:03.09rob0does the state of MN want you to get IAX2 phone calls on this IP?
21:03.24b11d`no they dont really know about it..
21:03.27b11d`dont see why they wouldnt
21:04.27Hawk36Fender thanks, exactly what I was looking for
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21:05.00rob0so figure out what hosts will be sending those inbound calls, and accept all from them.
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21:05.21anil-asthello - does anyone experience with speech recognition on asterisk? Not lumenvox - ?
21:05.29LinuxMafia_any one can help me set my ip phone
21:06.09LinuxMafia_i have a modem , a router , and phone adaptor
21:06.16LinuxMafia_so what i have to do
21:06.37[TK]D-FenderLinuxMafia_, <- go read to forums.
21:06.57LinuxMafia_[TK]D-Fender, hi i bought that thing
21:07.17anil-astIs there a command which plays a file and stops while the caller is speaking something. Right now, we have solution integrated with nuance but the caller has to wait till the prompt is over as anything he speaks during does not stop the recording.
21:07.44[TK]D-Fenderanil-ast, No, there is no "stop on audio" option.
21:08.04LinuxMafia_[TK]D-Fender, it does not load
21:08.08anil-asthow does lumevox do it?
21:08.44anil-astthere is also a speech api which is not documented properly. I am willing to write a connector but the documentation on that is poor
21:08.47[TK]D-Fenderanil-ast, must be part of their playback option, not part of *
21:10.10LinuxMafia_[TK]D-Fender, that page wont load
21:10.38LinuxMafia_[TK]D-Fender, i can not set up the hardware
21:10.48anil-astthere is something similar but not exactly I want..
21:11.26[TK]D-FenderLinuxMafia_, Whats that supposed to mean?
21:11.55LinuxMafia_[TK]D-Fender, i went by manual , i have the manual
21:12.08anil-astwe plan to use in agi and I am not sure how to do it there. also, the original spoken speech should be retained before it jumps. speech engines require it
21:12.21[TK]D-FenderLinuxMafia_, JFGI
21:12.47LinuxMafia_i can not get connected to internet
21:12.59LinuxMafia_when i go by manual
21:13.00[TK]D-FenderLinuxMafia_, then how the #%^$ are we chatting now?
21:13.17LinuxMafia_[TK]D-Fender, i disconnect the device
21:13.33LinuxMafia_it says disconnect you pc from modem
21:13.59LinuxMafia_then connect ethernet cable to the port
21:14.00[TK]D-Fenderanil-ast, Actually I seem to be mistaken in that backgroundDetect is a valid * native app.  Have you tried it?
21:14.17LinuxMafia_connect the other end to pc
21:14.17[TK]D-FenderLinuxMafia_, You don't have to disconnect from the internet for that device.  JFGI
21:14.22anil-astwe plan to use in agi
21:14.33anil-astalso, off topic..
21:14.46anil-astany good termination provider in US for less than 1.3c
21:14.50LinuxMafia_[TK]D-Fender, it says on the manual
21:15.19anil-astwe terminate over 1M calls..
21:15.35[TK]D-Fenderanil-ast, at that point I think I'd call Level3 directly...
21:16.04anil-astlevel3 - whats the minimum - i think they have 50k min every month.
21:16.20jdugganhey guys, i understand hang up detection on analogue is generally fubarred, but when someone calls in via my analogue line and a sip extension answers, if the sip extension hangs up the call, the phone on the other end stays open, it doesnt know it disconnected - is there something i can tweak to sort this?
21:16.20LinuxMafia_[TK]D-Fender, i am so confused , there is an ethernet jack and internet jack on device
21:16.46[TK]D-FenderLinuxMafia_, JFGI <------------------
21:17.00LinuxMafia_[TK]D-Fender, what is JFGI?
21:18.07mockerSo when adding users to the sip.conf, do most people do extensions for the username, or an actual username for the username?
21:18.23mockerI'm trying to decide if I should switch away from extensions as my standard.
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21:18.37[TK]D-Fendermocker, hard to say doesn't really matter so much.
21:19.26mocker[TK]D-Fender: What do you do?
21:20.44[TK]D-Fendermocker, for most installs I have it match the "logical extension" it'd be associated with
21:21.04adeelanyone upgrade their polycom phones to 3.0 firmware yet?
21:21.47mocker[TK]D-Fender: So [5555] for extension 5555?
21:21.55mockerThat's the way that I generally do it.
21:21.56[TK]D-Fendermocker, yup
21:22.16mockerOk, just a general practice question that I thought I'd throw out therer.
21:24.59[TK]D-Fendermocker, some prefer to use a "friendly name".  Others (like Manxpower) prefer something a little lower level like using the MAC of a hardware device thats associated with it
21:25.04jackson__I have a multihomed Asterisk box; eth0-Internet, eth1-LAN.  When disconnecting the eth0 ethernet cable (simulate Internet problems), I find that my LAN based sip phones are unable to maintain registered status.  Any idea why?  I can still ping the sip phones (on the LAN) from the Asterisk box.
21:25.17mocker[TK]D-Fender: Ohh, that's pretty hot.
21:25.31[TK]D-Fendermocker, in the end, its really jsut a name.
21:25.42mockerExcept that everyone here uses softphones so I'd be a pain to find them all.
21:26.05[TK]D-Fendermocker, at which point we have plans A & B
21:26.23jduggananyone able to andwer my question regardin hangup problelsm?
21:27.06[TK]D-Fenderjduggan, this is likely a zaptel zone issue where the telco is expecting a "wink" or "flash"
21:27.17[TK]D-Fenderjduggan, I'd search the WIKI on this.
21:27.33TJNIIWhich feature records calls?  Is it monitor?
21:28.15[TK]D-FenderTJNII, thats one of them
21:31.39jackson__bah, it was a dns resolv issue...
21:33.02*** join/#asterisk adr3nalin3 (n=afink@
21:34.15defsdoorjduggan: what card  ?
21:34.24jduggandefsdoor: digium 410p
21:34.35defsdoorjduggan: how many lines ?
21:34.57jduggandefsdoor: 4
21:35.06defsdoorjduggan: BT Multiline ? (all on same number)
21:35.13jdugganonly 1 is plugged in during testing
21:35.29adr3nalin3Has anyone seen a problem where Asterisk GUI doesn't write to config files properly?  I am not getting any warning but I am seeing what looks like a parsing error on my zaptel.conf
21:35.35jduggandefsdoor: well, actually we're on a science park that have their own PBX, so its a multiline from them
21:35.38defsdoorask BT to ensure Disconnect Supervision is on - they sometimes call it clear-disconnect
21:35.48defsdooroh - same thing though
21:35.51jduggandefsdoor: right now im testing on a BT line though
21:35.56defsdoorat home ?
21:35.59jduggancan i just call 151?
21:36.01jduggannah, @ work
21:36.03jdugganon a late shift
21:36.09jdugganout of hours maintenance etc
21:36.15defsdoorjduggan: a single analog wont have disconnect supervision on
21:36.18defsdoor(by default)
21:36.27defsdoormultiline usually does
21:36.27jdugganok thats the issue then, i guess
21:36.29adr3nalin3I am getting this for lines 1-12 of zaptel.conf in asterisk/messages Unknown directive '' at line 1 of /etc/asterisk/../zaptel.conf
21:36.35jduggandefsdoor: are you from UK ?
21:36.36defsdoorI had major probs
21:37.00jdugganwell if i put it live on the 4 lines we have coming in it should be ok, technically
21:37.10defsdoorI had one line out of 6 not hanging up - just happened to be the primary
21:37.12jduggansince our previous (avaya) pbx didnt suffer this issue
21:37.28defsdooryou tried it on the 4 line ?
21:37.32jduggannot yet
21:37.44jduggani have to wait untill the morning for the science park to re-route the numbers to this system
21:38.05defsdoorI used a sangoma card and set it up at home - single analog - didnt hang up
21:38.21defsdoorended up trusting that my home line wasn't setup correctly by BT for this
21:38.34defsdoorand was true apart from the one duff line - which was eventually fixed
21:38.41jdugganbasically we had a pbx outage so had them move our number mapping to their own internal extensions and they gave us some nortel handsets, so we can only test on a BT line which was used for a redcare system, i believe
21:38.46defsdoor(coincided with CLI being added incidientally)
21:39.21defsdoorI used to log in routinely and clear the line :)
21:39.38defsdoorwhereabouts are you btw ?
21:39.48jdugganok, so this disconnect supervsion is two way, right?
21:39.53jdugganim in northants
21:40.16defsdoorjduggan: yes - it seemed to affect incoming calls hang ing up not being detected and out going
21:40.25jdugganok great
21:40.31defsdoorI'm just up the road in Warwickshire
21:40.34jdugganyou've filled me with confidence
21:40.42jdugganoh great, i travel through it on teh bypass
21:40.46jdugganto get home to wales
21:40.51jdugganwhenever i get the chance to go home
21:40.53defsdoornice commute :o
21:40.59jdugganuhg, its so not
21:41.07defsdoorI'm at j3 M6
21:41.22jdugganj15 M1 here :D
21:41.49jdugganoh well, 3days to get a working asterisk system, including waiting for the digium card to arrive
21:41.56defsdoorwhere from ?
21:41.59jduggan..first time for me
21:42.05defsdoorI get all my stuff from
21:42.16jdugganwe bought grandstream handsets from them also
21:42.19defsdoorgot reseller discount ?
21:42.22jduggancheap things
21:42.25jdugganbut work great
21:42.32defsdoorI've used aastra exclusively so far
21:42.40defsdoorand some samsung dects
21:42.56jdugganive never touched telephony stuff before
21:43.00jduggankinda got thrown into it
21:43.04defsdoornor had I till the first time :)
21:44.13jdugganno reseller discount btw.. never bought from them before
21:45.07jdugganright well, gotta shoot, planned outtage this evening for one customer - have to move 2 racks worth of kit into a nother suite :o.. thanks for your advice defsdoor
21:45.23defsdoorgive me a shout if you get stuck
21:45.43jduggani'll make a note of it, thanks
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21:50.14LinuxMafiai can not figure it out
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21:53.51LinuxMafiahey guys
21:55.03LinuxMafiai have DI-604 and LinkSys SPA2102 phone adaptor , i can not make them work , any idea?
21:55.22mwallingduct tape.
21:55.27adeelLinuxMafia, what exactly is your problem?
21:55.29mwallingpreferably red or green.
21:55.35rob0tin cans and string
21:55.50Maliutamwalling: really? I find the black works best
21:55.53LinuxMafiaadeel, i dont know how to set it up
21:56.14adeelLinuxMafia, i'm assuming the DI-604 is a router right?
21:56.15LinuxMafiaadeel, i connect the adaptor as client into router
21:56.22LinuxMafiaadeel, right
21:56.30LinuxMafiai spent 100$
21:56.35LinuxMafiafor these
21:57.03adeelLinuxMafia, pretty much you just need to forward ports UDP/5060 & UDP/10000-20000 to the ATA
21:57.17adeelLinuxMafia, but then you need the ATA to register with a Voice Service Provider/ ITSP
21:58.13LinuxMafiaadeel, oh but phone light is not on on the adaptor
21:58.32adeelLinuxMafia, the phone light will only come on once the ATA has registered with the VSP/ITSP
21:58.51adeelLinuxMafia, you still need someone to terminate your calls to the PSTN (typically)
21:59.19LinuxMafiaadeel, oh how do i find out what ip address ata has?
21:59.39adeelLinuxMafia, there should be a status page on the DI-604 that should give you the ip
22:01.03mwallingMaliuta: duct tape is a handymans best friend
22:01.15[TK]D-Fendermwalling, that and WD-40
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22:01.24mwalling17:56 < mwalling> Maliuta:
22:01.31mwalling[TK]D-Fender: duct tape.
22:02.05[TK]D-Fendermwalling, Nope, you need BOTH.  If it moves, and shouldn't : duct tape.  If it doesn't, and should : WD-40
22:02.12Maliutaduct tape can remove skin, I prefer to play with a low tak cellotape
22:02.28mwalling[TK]D-Fender: Red never, ever, used wd40. ever.
22:02.50[TK]D-Fendermwalling, never said it applied to HIM
22:02.57Maliuta[TK]D-Fender: wd40 is not so good inside servers though
22:03.24mwalling[TK]D-Fender: you were out of context :P
22:03.46[TK]D-Fendermwalling> Maliuta: duct tape is a handymans best friend <- sub context, entirely valid :)
22:04.09mwalling17:55 < mwalling> preferably red or green.
22:04.15mwallingcontext hint.
22:04.40[TK]D-Fendermwalling, yes I fully got your joke, but my point still flows.
22:04.40LinuxMafiaadeel, DHCP lease IP to SipuraSPA
22:04.46LinuxMafiais that the one?
22:04.58Maliutatakes mwalling and puts him in the [silly] context
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22:08.49[TK]D-Fenderok, steping out for a bit
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22:24.32whymarkwhywhat is chanspy
22:25.01ManxPowerwhymarkwhy: if we told you, we'd have to kill you.
22:25.16*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
22:25.17whymarkwhyno no don't kill me
22:25.26whymarkwhyjust please tell me
22:25.45*** part/#asterisk RoyK (
22:27.01whymarkwhygot it
22:27.36adeelLinuxMafia, yes
22:28.34LinuxMafiaadeel, but they dont support me
22:28.34adeelLinuxMafia, who doesn't?
22:28.34LinuxMafiaif i can not get to adaptor page
22:28.56LinuxMafiathey are asking me to get to webpage for that linksys (which has ip of
22:29.05LinuxMafiabut my router also has same address
22:29.15LinuxMafiaeven if i dont connect my router
22:29.28adeelLinuxMafia, your SPA has an ip address of when connected behind the router
22:29.36adeelso just point your web browser to that address
22:29.43LinuxMafialet me check it out
22:30.08adeelanyone have any experience installing * behind a MS Small Business Server?
22:31.57LinuxMafiaadeel, Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at
22:32.51LinuxMafiaadeel, 102,103,same thing
22:33.16adeelLinuxMafia, try 100?
22:33.31LinuxMafia100 is my computer
22:33.50ManxPowerLinuxMafia: Of course it can't.  Asterisk doesn't come with a web server
22:34.45LinuxMafiaManxPower, it is about my syslink adapter
22:35.08adeelLinuxMafia, try plugging your machine directly into the linksys adapter
22:35.14adeelLinuxMafia, or try reading the book on the SPA
22:35.14ManxPowerAh.  The vendor was no help?
22:35.23ManxPowerThis isn't really an Asterisk issue.
22:36.18LinuxMafiaadeel, i did that too , then shoot me to router
22:36.32LinuxMafiaManxPower, it is the begining of *
22:37.26adeelLinuxMafia, then you need to connect your desktop/laptop DIRECTLY into the SPA without the router or anything
22:37.38adeela lot of these devices restrict which port you can access it from
22:37.49LinuxMafiaadeel, funny thing is even if my router is not connected , takes me to router
22:38.04adeelit's called caching
22:38.08adeelfirefox is notorious for it
22:38.10mwallingclear your cache
22:38.16LinuxMafiaoh got it
22:38.18LinuxMafiaso brb
22:41.01*** join/#asterisk alancio (n=Alancio@
22:41.26alanciohi people, have a question
22:41.52alancioI am trying to place a call across the internet, using SIP, and the other party answers but he can't hear me, although I can
22:41.57alanciowhat can be wrong?
22:42.28adeelalancio, you're probably behind a NAT/Firewall and you need to open ports
22:42.35jboti guess nat is Network Address Translation  Usable in Asterisk sip.conf file with externip, localnet, and localmask setup properly.  See docs.
22:43.01jbotsomebody said firewall was This is a form of Internet security that stands between a private network and the Internet. It is like a wall in that it can prevent unwanted traffic from passing either way. Some firewalls have proxy functions built in. In fact, the distinction between a firewall and a proxy is often blurry. Add in the differences and similarities between a firewall and packet-filtering router and you've got one big ball of confusion. True ...
22:43.05alanciook, I am not behind a NAT, but my friend is (although his asterisk box is the one doing nat)
22:43.09*** join/#asterisk CaRb0n^ (n=playa@
22:43.38adeel~1-way audio
22:44.06adeelalancio, he needs to setup his firewall to allow RTP packets in from ports 10000-20000 udp
22:44.37alanciobut is this necesary even though I am calling to his asterisk, to its not natted interface
22:45.03alanciowhat about if I use canreinvite=no, or something like that? so that asterisk is always in the middle
22:45.15adeelthe reason why he can't hear you is because none of the RTP packets are getting to asterisk
22:45.44adeelalancio, look up 1-way audio/ nat & asterisk on
22:45.50alanciook thanks
22:46.22alanciois there any way to solve it using a netfilter module for connection tracking of sip?
22:46.35adeelalancio,'s possible
22:46.54adeelalancio, but you need to realize that SIP and RTP are related, but different things
22:47.13adeelSIP is used for control/signalling while RTP is the actual media...they operate on 2 different ports
22:47.27alanciommm ok, I see, I think sip is actually working well, but RTP is not
22:47.29rob0ip_conntrack_sip IIUC won't substitute for having the SIP UDP port open to the host that wants to initiate the call to you.
22:48.12rob0(if you have registered to that host, I might be wrong)
22:48.36alanciowe are both registering to the asterisk box
22:48.43alancioand the asterisk box does the nat
22:48.56alanciothe thing is that one phone is inside and the other outside the nat
22:49.25*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
22:50.14alanciothe asterisk box does sip, but it doesn't firewall anything, all gets into its public interface
22:50.27alancioI meant, the asterisk box does nat, but it doesn't firewall anything
22:50.48alancioI'm reading
22:50.50rob0I'm not talking about -t nat, I'm talking about -t filter
22:50.53Nuggetin my experience, asterisk doesn't handle multi-homed network topolgies (as you describe) very well.
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22:52.04ManxPowerNugget: Actually it does, but everything gets so complex, unless you REALLY understand IP, SIP, RTP, DSP, NAT, packet filtering, iptables you'll have a lot of trouble getting it to work
22:52.08*** part/#asterisk RoyK (
22:52.14ManxPowerSDP, not DSP
22:53.23NuggetI have nothing but respect for your asterisk skills, but I don't believe you are correct here.  I found asterisk itself to be fundamentall lacking if you needed it to serve on multiple IPs at the same time
22:53.38adeelNugget, i haven't had that problem
22:53.42NuggetI gave up on it and just put asterisk completely behind NAT.
22:54.08ManxPowerthe two biggest issues I've seen is the Asterisk box NATing packets from the internal network to the external IP of the box
22:54.08Nuggetperhaps it has improved since 1.2
22:54.33ManxPowerthe second is users try to use bindaddr to override the normal socket binding
22:54.39*** join/#asterisk tobias (
22:54.41adeelNugget, i've found (in my experience) that the majoirty of * connectivity problems are related to the admin's misunderstanding/mis-implementation of routing/ip related stuff...and not actually *
22:55.07Nuggetwell, I can't really argue with that since you'll just tell me that I'm clearly stupid and can't handle routing and ip related stuff.
22:55.14Nuggetbut I strenuously disagree with that. :)
22:55.20alancioManxPower: what do you suggest in bindaddr for multiple interfaces?
22:55.28ManxPoweralancio: don't use it.
22:55.34ManxPoweryou almost never need bindaddr
22:55.36adeelNugget, no, it's not that people are's just that we all make assumptions
22:55.45alancioI have it set to, I think it binds to all interfaces
22:55.48ManxPowerNugget: NAT and IP hare HARD
22:55.50drmessanoWhat about Asterisk in a DMZ
22:55.58drmessanoWhere it's NAT'ed, but not, no wait
22:56.04ManxPoweralancio: bindaddr has been buggy in the past.  just remove it
22:56.06*** join/#asterisk _mwoodj_ (n=mwoodj@pdpc/sponsor/digium/hyper-eye)
22:56.12drmessanoThats a surefire clownkill of a scenario
22:56.18`Sauron"bindaddr has been buggy" ?
22:56.24`SauronIt's not rocket science.
22:56.48Nuggetin my old topology, NAT wasn't a factor.  The asterisk box sat on both the public and the private networks and no phones had NAT in between them and the asterisk box.
22:56.56Nuggetand asterisk was flaky
22:57.18alancioif I remove bindaddr, what will be used?
22:57.22adeelNugget, what IP did the phones register to? public or external?
22:57.23alancioit has to bind to something
22:57.24ManxPowerPeople are lazy and set their nat rules to be "nat anything not destined for the local internal network", not realizing that they should not nat packets going to the OTHER local network, the external IP of the box
22:57.46Nuggetadeel: the inside phones to the inside address, outside phones to the outside address (obviously)
22:57.53ManxPoweronce you fix that, register your phones to the external IP, allow the SIP and RTP packets and you're done
22:58.06ManxPowerNugget: no, not obviously
22:58.15adeelNugget, why not just have ALL phones just register to the external ip?
22:58.22ManxPoweryou would still need canreinvite=no, of course.
22:58.46`Sauronadeel: Give me a good reason WHY one would have internal phones talking to the external interface?
22:59.01`SauronOther than working around some bug in *.
22:59.04ManxPower`Sauron: to make them work? 8-)
22:59.06adeel`Sauron, reduce the complexity of your IPtables...make it easier to debug....whatever
22:59.22rob0I think what he was talking about was an Asterisk connecting to an Asterisk with no NAT in the middle, not really a "multi-homed" thing as far as * is concerned, is it?
22:59.25Nuggetadeel: to avoid nat traversal and the need for my nat device to do hairpin routing.
22:59.26ManxPowerYour phones could also roam between internal and external networks with no config change
22:59.38ManxPower(you can do that using SRV records for endpoints that support it)
22:59.51`SauronUmm. There's no iptable rules involved in having internal phones register to an internal address, and external phones register to an external attress.
22:59.54adeel`Sauron, the first thing is to make sure things work, then you can work on optimization and funky setups
23:00.00`SauronTurn off IP forwarding, and it gets even simpler.
23:00.07adeel`Sauron, [15:56] <ManxPower> People are lazy and set their nat rules to be "nat anything not destined for the local internal network", not realizing that they should not nat packets going to the OTHER local network, the external IP of the box
23:00.17ManxPower`Sauron: Asterisk is pretty bad about picking the correct interface for RTP.
23:00.17adeel`Sauron, iptables is always involved with NAT
23:00.47`Sauronadeel: Huh.
23:00.51ManxPowerI'm sure it's gotten better in recent releases, but for a long time bindaddr only bound SIP, not RTP.
23:00.57`SauronLast I checked, it was PF under *bsd.
23:01.20`SauronManxPower: so all this work to fix a lousy bug in * that people are too lazy to fix?
23:01.23adeel`Sauron, PF for *bsd, iptables/netfilter *nix
23:01.25*** join/#asterisk djs (n=djs@unaffiliated/djs26)
23:01.34`Sauronadeel: I am quite familiar with what it takes to do NAT.
23:01.44`SauronHowever, if you paid attention, you would've realised 2 things.
23:01.49`Sauron1) What if there is no NAT
23:01.55ManxPower`Sauron: you can fight Asterisk's bugs and live a miserable and pointless life, or you can accept Asterisk's oddities and live a happy life.
23:01.57`Sauron2) What if there is no IP forwarding
23:02.05adeel`Sauron, if there's no nat, what's the need for 2 interfaces?
23:02.18`SauronOh boy.
23:02.32ManxPower`Sauron: Obviously you can do this in many ways -- hence everyone being confused about it.
23:02.33adeelif they're both on the same network, why not just bond the interfaces?
23:02.44`Sauronadeel: A bit narrow-minded are we?
23:03.02adeelno, just that everyone wants a 'simple' solution to a complicated problem
23:03.02drmessanoBondage?  I'll come back...
23:03.06`SauronImagine the * box NOT being part of your general traffic routing.
23:03.32ManxPower`Sauron: now you are getting out of the realistic setup for a home user.
23:03.42*** join/#asterisk Nasra (
23:04.02`SauronManxPower: And yet, a perfectly valid scenario for the non-home user, no?
23:04.19ManxPower`Sauron: Sure!  But I'm not talking about non-home users.
23:04.21`SauronI am merely creating you a (perfectly valid) scenario in which * will misbehave.
23:04.29ManxPowerIf you are a corporation get off your cheap ass and buy a router
23:04.41`SauronYou don't get it either.
23:04.50`SauronBut that's okay. I'm done.
23:05.18drmessanoWhy should I buy a cisco router when  I can just add a NIC to my asterisk box and make it suck at two things equally?
23:05.26*** join/#asterisk jeffspeff2 (
23:05.36ManxPowerdrmessano: it's not SO bad for a simple home setup
23:05.37adeel`Sauron, i'd actually like to know what your point/scenario is
23:06.06rob0I've been running Linux based routers for a long time, don't see anything wrong with it.
23:06.23`Sauronadeel: Have the * box BOTH service SIP/whatever from the outside, while also servicing SIP/whatever from the inside.
23:06.27Nuggetthere are legitimate reasons to want to have an asterisk box which is multi-homed.  bob knows I tried to run that way for a year.
23:06.32Nuggetbut it doesn't really work right
23:06.32`SauronWITHOUT the * box being your NAT gateway
23:06.56adeel`Sauron, you can achieve that with some firewall rules on your router
23:07.17adeel`Sauron, i've done that without the need for 2 nics....
23:07.22adeelhell, i do that right now
23:07.49NuggetI found that asterisk sometimes got confused and emitted the wrong address in SIP traffic to the "other" interfacce
23:08.03adeelto me, personally, i only see the need for 2 NICS if i want my * box to be a router/gateway
23:08.22Nuggetthat's fine.  be aware that other people aren't so limited in their vision.
23:08.48*** join/#asterisk nDuff (
23:09.41adeelNugget, can you enlighten me on to a 'broader' vision?
23:09.53NuggetI've described it twice now in the past 10 minutes.
23:10.04adeel3rd time's the charm =cp
23:10.05Nuggeta multi-homed asterisk box where there are SIP devices on both networks.
23:10.47Nuggetwhere either I do not want routing between the two networks, or I want to avoid the NAT that exists between them
23:10.47alancioNugget: I just made it work
23:11.07alancioI have another question
23:11.11NuggetI ran that way for about a year and faced a pretty stready stream of small problems and erratic behavior
23:11.31alanciowhat happens if a user registers from two different phones
23:11.32Nugget(all on asterisk 1.2.mumble or earlier, never on 1.4+)
23:11.35alancioand he receives a call
23:11.51nDuffalancio, whichever one registered most recently gets it.
23:12.09adeelunless you setup the new shared line stuff
23:12.45alancioand if the one that registered most recently deregisters, while the other one was always on, the call will be correctly routed to the first one
23:13.19adeeli don't think that'll happen
23:13.20nDuffalancio, the traditional answer if you want connect SIP behavior in interesting circumstances is to put a dedicated SIP proxy in front of asterisk.
23:14.03alanciooh that would be overkill for me, I think I'll just have fun with these circumstances
23:14.21nDuffalancio, ...and no, there's not a queue like that -- deregistering one won't make any difference until the other reregisters.
23:14.39adeelalancio, one way to do what you want is to give the user multiple extensions and then make a ring group for it
23:14.45alanciooh ok, good to know that
23:15.06adeeland direct all calls to the ring group, so which ever device is registered will get the can setup how the indvidual extensions will be rung
23:16.13alanciook, in my case each person has a phone in his work place, but maybe he leaves the office and takes the laptop
23:16.24alancioand he runs a software sip phone on the laptop
23:16.40Nuggetthe easiest solution is to have the softphones use independent SIP credentials
23:17.06alanciook, and then I would use a single extension that calls both of them at the same time?
23:17.12adeelalancio, yeah, so each device has it's own extension/pass, and then you have a ring group defined for them
23:17.36alanciowhat is a ring group?
23:17.46adeelalancio, what Nugget just pasted
23:18.00alanciooh ok :)
23:18.04rob0Oh, FWIW my very small * box is multihomed. SIP ATA's on the internal interface (canreinvite=no) and SIP inbound/outbound peers on the external one.
23:18.58drmessanoOh, AIFWIWIYC, my * box is multihorned.
23:19.02adeelalancio, you just define an extension to it....e.g if bob has extension 888 and his sip phone is 889, you can create a 3rd one 890 and just publish 890 to everyone, and 890 will call 888/889 until bob picks up
23:19.39Nuggetor just put both SIP clients on the same extension
23:19.57Nuggetthere is absolutely no direct correlation between extensions and SIP clients.
23:21.18rob0hey, if you do that (2 SIP clients same exten), if one picks up, what happens when the other one does? Dial tone?
23:21.31rob0(assuming the call is active)
23:21.38Nuggetwhichever grabs the channel first gets it
23:22.20alanciook, I'll use that one, calling 2 sip clients on one extension, its easier to remember
23:30.22*** join/#asterisk s0lid (n=s0lid@
23:30.30`Sauronadeel: do you really need us to give you the explanation again? :p
23:31.06`Sauronoh, good, you forgot.. nvm.
23:31.16*** part/#asterisk clive- (
23:31.40adeeli haven't forgotten, i just can't think of a real life situation where i'd do a deployment similar to what you and nugget had described
23:32.08`SauronSo, we all agree that * and NAT pretty much sucks.
23:32.29`SauronSo you have your NAT/fw gateway that deals with all your traffic to/from the internet
23:32.33adeeli'd go so far to say any application and NAT sucks
23:32.46jbeezsome work perfectly fine with it
23:32.52`SauronOn the outside of said gateway is a router between "you" and your internet circuit (T1/whatever)
23:33.07`Sauronin paralell to your nat/fw machine, you put a *nix box running asterisk
23:33.19`Sauronwith one interface on the "outside" with a public IP
23:33.38`Sauronand one interface on the "inside" with a RFC1819 address (or whatever internal numbering scheme you have)
23:33.58adeel`Sauron, what in gods name is the benefit of that setup? your just adding complexity for the hell of it
23:34.03`SauronNow, in effect, asterisk becomes a sip/whatever proxy
23:34.15`Sauronadeel: No you are not. You're removing having to deal with SIP and NAT.
23:34.30`SauronSo in effect, you are REDUCING complexity.
23:34.48`SauronYou're also removing having to deal with * and NAT
23:35.01adeel`Sauron, not only takes 3 lines of iptables rules to get * to have that same functionality
23:35.09adeelbehind a NAT
23:35.31`SauronAnd a line of proxy-arp
23:35.38adeeland i no longer have to worry about any dual homed problems that maybe lurking inside of *
23:36.14adeeli don't need to add proxy-arp unles i have a NEED to give * it's own public ip
23:36.24jblackOh man. That ssh key vulnerability is a disaster
23:36.33`Sauronadeel: You're not listening.
23:36.46`Sauron18:33 <`Sauron> with one interface on the "outside" with a public IP
23:36.49adeelif no other services on my network is using 5060 udp then why should i bother with anyone else?
23:36.49`SauronSo yes
23:36.53`Sauron* needs a public IP
23:36.57jbeezjblack: disaster for who? :D
23:37.21jblackjbeez: Anyone running a debian derived system that uses ssh keys
23:37.58adeel`Sauron, yeah, i can come up with complicated * setups where * will not work properly...but why bother? if you can do it a simpler way, why wouldn't you? there's no justifiable reason (to me anyway) where you'd go through the hassle of this exercise, especially if you KNOW * doesn't handle the situation thing you'll suggest is running SIP & RTP purely over TCP
23:38.51jbeezthats not me :D
23:39.04`Sauronadeel: The problem is the following:
23:39.05adeeljblack, what ssh key vulnerability?
23:39.11`Sauron1) It's not a complicated setup
23:39.16`Sauron2) asterisk doesn't handle it
23:39.20`Sauronergo, asterisk is broken
23:39.32`SauronWhich is what Nugget was trying to point out earlier
23:40.12`SauronAnd having written numerous network-centric applications in the past, it is NOT rocket science to map  your outbound connections (udp or otherwise) to the same address that the incoming packets arrived at.
23:40.12adeel`Sauron, and what i had tried to point earlier is that i've had a similar setup working before (hadn't tried before 1.4) and then decided against it
23:40.27`SauronThe * developers are lazy, and can't be arsed to fix it.
23:40.29jblackadeel: The one where debian broke the random number generator for key generator, resulting in a many, many easily reproduceable keys.
23:40.39*** mode/#asterisk [+b %`Sauron!*@*] by russellb
23:40.41jblackAny key generated after 2006 needs to be checked.
23:40.57russellbI don't appreciate you calling Asterisk developers lazy .. we bust our asses fixing things every day
23:40.59adeel`Sauron, so why don't you help everyone out and fix it yourself?
23:41.18adeeljblack, ouch, that sucks....good thing i don't use ubuntu
23:41.25adeelor debian for that matter
23:41.44jblackYeah. I have something like 30 systems to check
23:42.25adeeljblack, ouch...too bad you can't just force a global upgrade/key-regen on them all...but then key maintenance would be a problem
23:42.29jblackThankfully, _my_ key is older than 2006, so that's not a couple hundred easy to root system out there.
23:43.41*** part/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde@unaffiliated/jaytee)
23:43.41rob0<flame> Thankfully *my* distributor didn't break good code with a patch! ;) </flame>
23:43.53adeelrob0, what do you run?
23:44.00rob0sorry, I like Debian, but that was pretty stupid.
23:44.02shastaain't source routing what Sauron is asking for?
23:44.21rob0Slackware and slamd64 (64-bit port of Slack)
23:44.26adeelshasta, not really....he wants * to be running on a separate network leg
23:44.49shastaok, I didn't follow the conversation closely
23:45.11jblackrob0: Yeah. It's a true egg-on-the-face moment.
23:45.12lmadsenrussellb: <3
23:45.18rob0me neither, but I tried to participate in the flames
23:45.31rob0made up a new flame when the old ones had died down :)
23:45.49jblackTo drag it bck on topic... Make sure you call anyone you know that may be at risk for the vulnerability
23:45.54jblackWith *, of course.
23:46.11tzafrir_homerob0, the Debian maintainer asked upstream (openssl-dev mailing list) if the patch is  OK, and was answered that it is OK
23:47.12rob0Okay, I'll officially admit no knowledge of the topic, but I'm sure glad I don't have to scramble to fix mine.
23:47.12adeelit's not like the guy broke it on purpose...he was trying to improve something but messed happens
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