IRC log for #asterisk on 20080512

00:00.07za3toormy internal extentions are almost the same as the outbound ones
00:00.29za3toorso for example my outbound calls are 1519xxxxxxx
00:00.45za3toormy extentions are something like 1519xxxxxxy
00:03.04JayTee52if * can't find a match in any of the other contexts it will look at the default context and you can put a exten => _1519XXXXXXX, Dial(${outboundtrunk}/${EXTEN})
00:03.38JayTee52but that's a workaround, you really need to read or re-read the Dialplan basics in The Book
00:03.43jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
00:04.09za3toorthank you very much
00:04.28za3toori will do thaat for sure...
00:05.16JayTee52or you could create a context called [providername] and put an include => providername in each context you want to have outbound calling available.
00:05.42JayTee52it will try to match against anything in the context first then it will try the included context.
00:06.02rob0ISTM easier to make internal extensions shorter, easier to dial
00:06.04za3tooroh ic
00:06.18JayTee52yeah, I stick to 4 digit extensions
00:06.45JayTee52you can always add an NXX to it in the Dial app
00:26.35*** join/#asterisk mackes (
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00:52.48mackesHas anyone online attended Digium Bootcamp?
00:54.55Maliutadidn't we do this one a few hours ago?
00:56.26drmessanoThe first rule of Digium Bootcamp is, don't talk about Digium Bootcamp
00:56.58drmessanoIt's like Fight Club, only, it's SIP enabled
00:57.14Maliutabut they prefer to use IAX
00:57.50Maliutaand if you get out of line they hit you with a jitter buffer
00:58.50drmessanoCould be worse
00:59.24drmessanoI went to X100P bootcamp.. The instructor kept repeating repeating himself himself
01:00.06rob0but on the bright side ... it only cost $10
01:01.15drmessanoYes.. It was kinda odd... the instructor looked a lot like Russell Bryant, but his name was Bussel Ryant
01:01.16tzangerdrmessano: haha
01:01.19drmessanoDamn clones
01:02.09*** join/#asterisk mikong (n=gones@
01:02.41Maliutawhat happens at asterisknow camp? is it a shoddy facade that allows you only part access to asterisk bootcamp?
01:03.30drmessanoI went to Grandstream camp too..
01:04.19jameswf-homeI went to band camp
01:04.32drmessanoThe instructor sounded like a 10 pack-a-day smoker.. He fell over 10 times over the weekend and broke 3 of his fingers, his ankle, both wrists, and his collarbone.  Guess he wasn't built very well.
01:04.41rob0The proceedings at Zaptel camp were hard to follow, what with the 1000 interrupts per second.
01:05.13jameswf-homeheh zoooom
01:05.23Maliutapfft, who doesn't use 1000hz timing
01:06.02drmessanoCisco camp was a ripoff.. I paid $18000 for a 2 hour course.  We walked in, sat down, the instructor spoke a language none of us could understand, then told us we could come back next year if we sign a support contract.
01:06.32tzangerman we got comedians in there tonight
01:06.54drmessanoTrixbox camp was worse
01:06.55gitguydrmessano: that's sad
01:06.56Maliutadrmessano: sounds similar to linsys camp
01:07.08Maliutalinksys even
01:07.49Maliutatzanger: it's not night though ... it's 11am
01:08.23rob0Digium Standard Time
01:08.27drmessanoTrixbox camp was a whole weekend of hearing how nothing they use is actually supported by them, but that Trixbox is the greatest PBX distro in the world.  Then Kerry Garrison made us watch slides of his vacation last summer to the Grand Canyon.
01:08.58rob0oooh now there would be a challenge ...
01:09.19rob0... tin cans with string, all the way across the Grand Canyon
01:10.33Maliutarob0: that was skype camp
01:10.50Maliutarob0: except the ran the string via equador
01:11.19drmessanoSkype Camp is more like getting drunk and watching Anime on YouTube
01:11.26Maliutasomething about needing to get around the rails near the edge
01:11.42*** join/#asterisk craigk (n=craigk@
01:12.31drmessanoYou could get croaked on grain alcohol, watch 3 hours of "My Little Pony", and never have to guess what Skype is like again
01:12.50*** join/#asterisk Ebola (n=Ebola@unaffiliated/ebola)
01:13.13JayTee52the most frequently entered question in AsteriskNOW, "Hey guys! Anyone here?"
01:13.41tzangerskype has just not been working for me... I'm not talking the voice part of it, I've neve rused it for that
01:13.45tzangerI'm talking straight IM with skype
01:14.12drmessanoProbably works fine in Pidgin
01:14.15drmessanoWhich is.. ironic
01:14.18*** join/#asterisk Mavvie (
01:14.41drmessanoAn app that Mark Spencer wrote handles Skype IM better than their client O.o
01:14.55jblackSkype is such a mess.
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01:19.44mackesyep. I did ask the same question this morning- I was hoping some others might be online- so <mackes> Has anyone online attended Digium Bootcamp?
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01:22.14Maliutadrmessano: the pidgin to skype thing simply calls the skype client
01:22.40Maliutadrmessano: I know, I had to use the piece of shite in my last job
01:25.59drmessanoI didnt know that..
01:26.22MaliutaI wish I didn't
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01:45.55tomcontr3hi... Im trying to get to Servers conected using and IAX2 Ext. in Server1 and a IAX2 Trunk in server2... the problem is taht server 2 is not getting the DID from the Ext.
01:46.04tomcontr3any idea why this might be happening?
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01:50.10tomcontr3any idea?
01:50.19shido6whats the debug say
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01:51.51tomcontr3I need to match the incoming calls
01:52.04tomcontr3so I can route them to an spesific ext.
01:52.58shido6thats something u created :)
01:53.21shido6can u see what number is being sent? :)
01:54.02tomcontr3but... If I would need to do this:  what would be a correct Ext. Configuration?
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04:06.59jayteehehehe, that was good
04:11.36jayteethis one is my favorite:
04:11.49drmessanolol yeah
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04:21.30jbeezhahaha wtf
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04:54.51jblackI miss everyoen loves eric raymond.
04:55.59jayteey'know, i watched several episodes but I could just never get to the point of loving Raymond.
04:56.05Strom_Munix jokes are the funniest ever </sarcasm>
04:56.32drmessanoUnix is a joke.. 25 years to fix a bug
04:56.36jblackNo, the comic. Everyone loves Eric Raymond, but me
04:57.13*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
04:57.38coppicewhatever his success, I don't think Eric Raymond is actually trying to be a comic
04:58.15jblackHe makes a great one, considering his IP whoring proclivities
04:59.27jayteenite all
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07:18.28rolndhow do I force remote codec on remote, it seems remote always sees requested format = unknown ?
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07:56.21jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
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08:26.23igascreamHi all need some help ...
08:26.39*** join/#asterisk jivco (n=jivco@
08:26.44gr0mitigascream, what sort of help?
08:26.55igascreamIs it posible to make asterisk detect DTMF while ringing?
08:27.48gr0mitit all depends, but probably not
08:28.50igascreammy boss is about to kill me I have some problem with hangup detection and that's the only way I can fix it
08:29.23gr0mitpls explain your config in more detail!
08:30.55Strom_Migascream: what exactly are you trying to do?  what is the exact problem you're trying to solve/
08:31.57igascreamI have no disconnect supervision on my analog line so the only way I can detect hanging up is DTMF signals but if caller hangup while ringing it doesn't detect it and still calling
08:32.53*** join/#asterisk fcois (
08:33.01igascreamsome idea????
08:33.03fcoishello all
08:33.15fcoisfor what?
08:33.32JTigascream: best solution is to get polarity reverse on disconnection, or digital lines
08:34.55igascreamJT, but I can't change my telephone provider properties
08:35.13Strom_Migascream: sure you can.  call the business office and request they change it.
08:35.13JTthen too bad
08:35.46rob0Vote with your feet, telcos are becoming less relevant every day.
08:36.19igascreamso you think there is no way to make * detect DTMF while ringing
08:36.28Strom_Mrob0: yeah's the telcos who carry virtually all telephone and internet traffic.
08:37.03gr0mitigascream, or a k-break signal
08:37.19gr0mitthis is the one most readily detected by asteirsk
08:37.26gr0mitbut best is to use ISDN
08:37.38fcoisI need help for an asterisk appliance  aa50 from digium
08:38.22fcoisI need to recompil the busybox with a tftpd server
08:38.32fcoisbut I don't really know how to do :(
08:38.57igascreambut k-break signal is available only in UK and USA or not?
08:40.00JTno idea what k-break is
08:40.17JTbut polarity reverse on idle condition is available in heaps of places
08:40.25*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
08:40.29coppiceI think its a breakfast cereal
08:41.01tzafrir_laptopanybody noticed the spam in the edit page in ?
08:41.09tzafrir_laptoptry to edit a page
08:41.41JTtzafrir_laptop: is polarity reverse on disconnect available on POTS lines in .il?
08:42.02igascreamyeah it is already on in my config but still doesn't work
08:42.26JTigascream: you need to have the service enabled
08:42.45tzafrir_laptopJT: not AFAIK
08:43.12JTi guess isdn is the only option for igascream then
08:43.12tzafrir_laptopAFAIK some landlines have KS
08:43.30gr0mitk-break is a short break in line current when the calling party hangs up
08:43.46gr0mitisdn will be the only proper solution then
08:44.06Strom_Mgr0mit: well, technically, it's when the other party hangs up
08:44.13Strom_Msince the called party could be the one doing the hanging up too
08:44.15gr0mitgave up with analogue trunks a loooong time ago. they are just way too much hassle
08:44.20igascreamtzafrir knows my problem ....
08:44.30gr0mitin uk we have calling party clearing
08:44.31JTyeah analogue lines are made of fail
08:44.49gr0mitfor any biz use, forget analogue
08:45.05tzafrir_laptopigascream does not use a landlane. He uses an ATA from the cables company, right?
08:45.06gr0mitthey are just waaaay too problematic
08:45.34igascreamyeah from MP-202 device
08:45.48gr0mitugh - voip to analogue to voip.
08:46.05igascreamyeah but I have no choice(((
08:46.08JTyeah forget about it
08:46.11gr0mitwhy not?
08:46.14JTthat's too bad
08:46.21gr0mityou always have a choice!
08:46.27JTthere's no magic that will make hangup detection start to work
08:46.48*** join/#asterisk MatBoy (
08:46.50gr0mitbasically analogue was designed over 100 years ago
08:47.10gr0mityou really really do not want to use it
08:47.34JTexcept in an emergency
08:47.42tzafrir_laptopgr0mit: well, 50 years ago is probably more accurate
08:47.46igascreamok thanx all
08:48.26coppicenope. 100 is about right
08:48.31gr0mittzafrir, the first automatic telephone exchanges were about 1900
08:48.42coppiceeven strowger dates from 1929
08:49.06gr0mitearlier, Coppice
08:51.12fcoissomeone can give help for 'asterisk appliance aa50' ???
08:51.24JTfcois: digium can
08:51.58coppicewell, strowger the elder died well before that, but something significant in 1929 made the exchange the one we know now. I just can't remember what it was :-\
08:51.58fcoisJT: digium has no time for me
08:52.05fcoisno response by email
08:52.29fcoisJT: I work with the source and they don't want to give the source
08:52.39fcoisJT: but it is 'open source...'
08:52.57JTwell you bought a commercial source version
08:54.04*** join/#asterisk dbmoodb (n=david@unaffiliated/dbmoodb)
08:54.26dbmoodbhi there i was getting 403 errors from my voip provider -- any hints ?
08:59.10gr0mitdbmoodb, paid your bill ;-)?
09:00.15dbmoodbi have
09:01.00dbmoodbthe bill is not an issue -- i am a first time asterisk user trying to set my server up --- i have a modem that does voip and is an ata and i want to use it - i have successfully registered with my isps service
09:02.05lsodiHi, I have two digium cards in asterisk server, one is connected to teleco and acting as cpe and second one is connected to another pbx and acting as net, when I call extension 333 I get following notice on asterisk cli:
09:03.01lsodiwhat might cause this?
09:16.03jblackSome day, I will figure out how to send faxes over asterisk.
09:17.44dbmoodbmeh it was working before my question is how to add my ata too it -- my server
09:18.04*** join/#asterisk Delvar (n=Delvar@
09:19.21tzafrir_laptopfcois: no response to email since?
09:19.41fcoistzafrir_laptop : no response
09:19.55tzafrir_laptopright, but when did you send it?
09:20.30fcoistzafrir_laptop : friday, I could phone the support and said that I need to speak to the project responsable, but he was at a meeting ...
09:20.51fcoisI send it on friday afternoon, this morning
09:21.18fcoisbut Im in France and digium wake up when we are at 3pm in france!
09:21.21tzafrir_laptoplsodi: "Extension 's' in context 'vvvrec1' from 'XXXXXXX' does not exist."
09:22.14fcoisI could contact them for others problems and I could have responses in the day, but with that problem no responses
09:28.48fcoistzafrir_laptop : you have a contact in digium ?
09:29.29lsoditzafrir_laptop: I have exten => 333,1,Goto(minu,s,1) and [minu] has 's'
09:29.31steliosklsodi : You call comes in with CID of XXXXXXX but your dialplan expects a 333, and then it fails as there is none
09:29.33tzafrirfcois, none special
09:29.50steliosktzafrir : hi !
09:30.12rob0Why: 08:38 < fcois> I need to recompil the busybox with a tftpd server
09:30.31rob0You bought an embedded appliance which did not work?
09:30.44tzafrirfcois, "this morning" is still "night" there
09:30.49fcoisrob0, because, I need to have autoprovisioning
09:30.54rob0or you just want to enhance the functionality?
09:31.19tzafrirUnless they have a support centre at a saner time zone :-)
09:31.22fcoistzafrir,  yes I know but this afternoon for me I hop to have a response
09:31.48rob03.5 hours until they open
09:31.50fcoisrob0, I just need to have this functionality! (tftpd)
09:33.09fcoisbut last week, I sent some emails without responses!
09:33.37fcoisif I received an email at night, it doesnt matter!
09:33.40Uatechi there, i have an incoming call from my VOIP provider and i'm trying to route it to my SIP proxy, when i Dial() to my sip proxy i get this error:
09:34.02Uateci don't know why it's using that URI to authenticate
09:34.42Uateci've specified a username, password and domain in my sip.conf file
09:34.46tzafrirlsodi, what does context [vvvrec1] have? Could you pastebin it (and every context it include=> -s)?
09:34.54Uatecbut it's not using them to auth, so my SIP proxy isn't accepting the connection
09:35.02Uatechow can i make it try to auth with the correct details
09:35.34tzafrirsteliosk, what's up?
09:35.45*** join/#asterisk whymarkwh (n=dsfsdfsd@
09:36.00whymarkwhhi there anyone alive?
09:36.17Uatecnope, nobody
09:36.48steliosktzafrir : playing around with a Philips AP200 sip/dect bridge
09:37.20stelioskand currently updating a windows xp machine ;) as all setup software is windows only....
09:37.32whymarkwhdownloaded iso of adminsparadise distro with asterisl 1.4 and webgui for fax mail and basic gui for adding extensions where can one find documentation regarding this i tried everywhere
09:37.54whymarkwhit looks to me ike their site got hacked you can only buy viagra there now
09:38.12rob0life is hard
09:38.56tzafrirYou don't have top make them so hard
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09:42.00lsoditzafrir: under extensions.conf starting at line 33
09:43.42Uatecdoes anybody have any idea how to make my asterisk use the correct username and password as specified in the sip.conf file?
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09:45.13tzafrirlsodi, well, this is quite obvious. If a call comes in through span 2 whose number is not 333, it won't be handled
09:45.51tzafrirYou only handle extension 333 in the context vvvrec1
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09:49.45fcoisrob0: you have a solution to add a tftps server?
09:49.47lsoditzafrir: pri debug output  line 20. should there be dialed extension?
09:50.06jblackI'm trying to make iaxmodem work. I can get it to register to my * server, but atdt anything results in an error
09:50.23tzafriryou actually intended to dial 333?
09:51.07tzafrirHere's a simple way to debug this:
09:51.38tzafrirexten => _X.,1,NoOp(Got a call to number ${EXTEN})
09:52.17tzafriradd that line to the context in question
09:52.47rob0fcois, I would be qualified to do that, indeed. But I don't have time to do it.
09:53.26fcoisrob0, ok it dont help me :(
09:53.39fcoisrob0, and you can give me an advice?
09:53.44rob0hire someone
09:54.03Uatec:'( sourceforge have broken them selves
09:54.07Uateci'm trying to download wireshark
09:54.13Uatecbut i can't get past the stupid advert page
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10:14.17tzafrirUatec, isn't there a direct link there?
10:14.56tzafrirThey used to be completely broken, but now they actually do provide a decent redirect that wget understands
10:16.24tzafrir - some mirrors
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10:21.46dakolhello *body
10:22.18lsoditzafrir: no help  adding noop function, still same output with zap device, when I add same context to sip device it works, so it has to do something with zap configuration.
10:25.44steliosklsodi : this is a dialplan issue not a zaptel one
10:26.41steliosklsodi : change the 333 exten to something like _x. to verify it
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10:34.08lsodisteliosk: changed 333 to _X. and still same result, calling from zap device I get "Extension 's' in context 'vvvrec1'...."
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10:34.41lsodibut no problems when using sip device and same context
10:35.45lsodi< Called Number (len= 3) [ Ext: 1  TON: Unknown Number Type (0)  NPI: ISDN/Telephony Numbering Plan (E.164/E.163) (1)  '' ]
10:35.57lsodishould this line contain dialed extension?
10:37.54whymarkwhlsodi: put a NoOp to debug*to see what digits you are getting from the call.
10:38.21whymarkwhpaste your dialplan
10:41.10*** join/#asterisk Ebola (n=Ebola@unaffiliated/ebola)
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10:42.40Uatechi, i'm dialing my sip proxy, and asterisk is receiving from it a WWW Challenge, to which it's supposed to then send the username and password. But it's not, i'm just getting "Failed to authenticate on INVITE" in my CLI
10:42.43rob0exten => cpm,1,NoOp(Zap/${CPM} SIP/${coffee})
10:42.57Uatechow can i tell asterisk just to try again, as it does with my provider?
10:45.32cpmhmmmm, IAX/${coffee} I think
10:45.46cpmpeers with coffee
10:45.52cpmor is that pees?
10:46.02rob0IAX coffee is icky
10:46.15cpmhugs IAX
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10:46.31cpmpours it a pot at a time, coffee trunking
10:46.48rob0good idea!
10:46.52dvnulldoes anyone here know how to do callerid spoofing via asterisk
10:46.59dakoljuste to be sure, a IAX2 trunk can not be registered like a SIP trunk ?
10:47.18rob0core show function CALLERID
10:47.56*** join/#asterisk Mavvie (
10:51.59dakolgot a question (a problem as usual :), i have 2 PBX connected via a IAX2-trunk. On the first on PBX-1, i have a ring-group which points to Extension@PBX-2, if no answer, the call is forwarded to a local extesnion. When a call is made, if the first phone (on PBX-2)  is not connected, i am instantanly forwarded to the voicemail
10:52.56dakolis there a way to make PBX-1 aware of availables phones on PBX-2 ?
10:53.23tzafrir_laptopdakol: 'switch =>' in the dialplan
10:53.41dakolnota: i use FreePBX
10:54.29tzafrir_laptopdakol: here we answer Asterisk questions, FreePBX questions go to #freepbx. I answered your Asterisk question
10:54.52tzafrir_laptopAnother keyword: dundi
10:54.56dakolunderstood, i have got exten=> and not switch=>
10:54.59dakolthank you
10:55.18*** join/#asterisk sysreq (n=sysreq@unaffiliated/sysreq)
10:56.26lsodiproblem solved other end of e1 line didn't send dialed number
10:58.09UatecWTF? my sip proxy is sending back 401: www-authenticate
10:58.12Uatecand asterisk is just ACK
10:58.15Uatecand then failing
10:58.18UatecSTUPID asterisk
10:58.24Uatecdon't ack it, send the bloody credentials
10:58.31*** join/#asterisk mort_gib (
11:01.16*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
11:02.37Uatecdoes anybody know why this SIP response:
11:03.19*** join/#asterisk lmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
11:03.19*** mode/#asterisk [+o lmadsen] by ChanServ
11:03.55Uatecwould result in asterisk just ACKing it, rather than replying with the correct credentials?
11:05.32yanghello lmadsen tzafrir_laptop
11:05.58Uatechi there
11:06.24*** part/#asterisk bsaxon (
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11:15.23*** join/#asterisk oej (
11:15.29JTcoppice: ping
11:16.10talntidi'm the echo from the walls. sorry.
11:16.25talntidyou may enable echo cancellation if you like.
11:18.18Uatecenables talntid cancellation
11:19.02Uatecdisables talntid cancellation and gives talntid a jam doughnut with extra sugar
11:19.06talntidI'm the pong to your ping, baby!
11:20.11talntidgreat pickup line at a lan party.
11:21.03lmadsentalntid: the kind of people who go to LAN parties are not the kind of people I *want* to pick up...
11:21.19Uateci've only ever seen 3 girls at a lan party
11:21.32Uatecone was my mates GF, one was a moose and the 3rd was 11
11:21.36talntidmy GF plays COD4, on occasion :)
11:21.41Uatecnone of whom i'm going to be using that chat up line on
11:21.47lmadsenUatec: heh
11:21.56talntidlol. you sure?
11:22.07lmadsendepends how hot the friends GF is
11:22.29Uatecshe's alright, big babs, but not my style
11:22.39Uatecalso, hitting on friend's girlfriends is not my style
11:22.42talntidbut, it probably wouldn't matter, if she's hot she won't understand that line.
11:22.58lmadsenfemale friend of mine plays rainbow six and kids guys butts on Live :)
11:23.03coppiceUatec: you have style and still spend your time on IRC? :-\
11:23.32lmadsenhas *a* style
11:23.39talntidScore: coppice, 1 Uatec, -0
11:23.57lmadsenhey guess who hates MS based VPns
11:24.12talntidooh, ooh!@ pick me!
11:24.15*** join/#asterisk DagMoller (n=aguirre@unaffiliated/dagmoller)
11:24.39talntidjumps up and down excitedly.
11:24.45Uateclol, thanks of the scoring talntid
11:24.54Uatecbut i'm being paid to be on IRC right at the moment
11:24.56talntidpick meeeeee!!!!!
11:25.20Uatecalso, i didn't say i had style, i just said that that particular style wasn't mine..
11:25.26lmadsenI'm only here to watch the crazyness while I constantly keep running the VPN connect script waiting for one of these times for it to actually connect and work
11:25.29talntidno. you're getting paid to do your job, just so happens your boss has no idea you're on IRC, and doesn't really care what you do
11:25.45Uateche pays me to do asterisk stuff
11:25.55lmadsenmy boss is an asshole
11:25.57Uatecand he can see my screen from here
11:25.59lmadsenis self employed
11:26.02talntidmy boss rocks.
11:26.18talntidno set hours. salary.
11:26.23talntidso long as shit works. it's all good.
11:26.34talntidmust spend 5 hours per week at office
11:26.54talntidother than that, if shit runs good. i can do whatever. :)
11:27.09talntidgod i hope asterisk doesn't turn out to be a headache :P
11:28.31UatecAsterisk Business Edition sure is one
11:28.42Uatecso much so that i persuaded my boss to let me go Open source with this project
11:28.44talntidi'm using free one
11:28.49lmadsentalntid: you must not be doing much with asterisk then
11:28.50Uatecexcept i need to use Radius for authentication
11:28.56Uatecwhich asterisk seems incapable of doing
11:28.59Uatecso i'm using openser
11:29.01Uatecwhich is a nightmare too
11:29.06Uatecand doesn't have a decent IRC channel
11:29.12talntidwhy do you say that, lmadsen?
11:29.23talntidrunning 27 SIP phones over a PRI
11:29.37lmadsentalntid: because if things are going so smoothly, then you can't be doing anything other than what has been tested throughly :)
11:29.38talntid30,000 outbound calls per month
11:29.55tzafrir_laptoptalntid: so clients can call you 24h/day even when you're at home?
11:30.14rob0ugh, telephone spam
11:30.18talntidi only have 1 client, tzafrir_laptop
11:30.35talntidrob0, outbound call center for businesses. yeah.
11:30.42talntidonly call businesses though
11:31.26Uatectalntid, i hate you
11:31.34Uatecyou're the one who spams me at work
11:31.38talntidtzafrir_home, and they only work from 7:00 to 3:30
11:31.44talntidoh? :)
11:31.46lmadsentalntid: don't worry... I hate you too... but I just hate everyone equally
11:31.53talntidunlikely, what does your company do? :)
11:31.57tzafrir_laptoptalntid: so I guess that when that client wants to call you they will get you
11:32.02UatecIT support
11:32.05Uatecwhat does your company do?
11:32.12talntidwe don't call you then
11:32.17Uatecwhat does your company do?
11:32.22talntidwe put all the ads on the back of grocery store reciepts
11:32.27talntidyou know, the coupons and crap.
11:32.59Uatecso you could infact call us up and try to sell us advertsing
11:33.27talntidwe filter by popular advertisers...
11:33.37talntidlube & oil, car wash, nail salons...
11:33.57*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@
11:34.01talntidbut. if you'd like to give me your phone #, i can put you in the list. hahah ;)
11:35.09lmadsen4163653.... oh wait
11:37.02Uateclol NO!
11:37.07talntidhey, Uatec, you can't hate me much
11:37.12talntidi have hot chicks on my website.
11:37.25*** join/#asterisk jm|home (n=jm|
11:37.33coppiceits an H5N1 information site?
11:37.54tzafrir_laptoplmadsen: not nice of you to give them my number
11:38.05lmadsentzafrir_home: who said I was a nice guy? :)
11:38.51talntidYou should be expecting about 80 phone calls tomorrow.
11:39.40JTcoppice: is it still possible to compile spandsp with asterisk?
11:40.22talntidif you use the glue compiler, yes
11:40.24coppiceas far as I know 0.0.4 works with the stuff in add ons, and the agx add ons at sourceforge
11:40.30talntidwell, glue++
11:41.05tzafrir_laptopagx says his stuff works with 0.0.4pre16
11:41.27Uatectalntid, i dont' know you to hate you...
11:41.33Uatecbut i don't like you just becuase you run a porn site
11:41.40*** join/#asterisk erojasv (n=erojasv@
11:42.02coppiceit should work with any of the recent 0.0.4pre<somethings>. However, APIs are changing slightly in the 0.0.5pre<something> series
11:42.03talntidnot just any porn site.
11:43.03coppicewhat's wrong with running a porn site.... at least until someone works out a second method of making money from the internet
11:43.21talntidUatec, you know what? I don't like you either.
11:43.35talntidUatec, Your name should be spelled with a V at the front, instead of a U.
11:44.14talntidAND. you wear spongebob underwear.
11:47.00*** join/#asterisk keulin (
11:48.16jblacktalntid: You do know that lmadsen wrote the book on asterisk.. literally?
11:48.39jblackI seen it! In the black and white!
11:48.43jblackwell, blue and white
11:48.52jblackYeah. black and white
11:49.00talntidthere you are mr james.
11:49.10rob0suggests getting the color version
11:49.14jblackCausing some hate and discontent?
11:49.25talntidnah. i'm being good. :)
11:49.37jblackrob0: That's what threw me. The Asterisk is reverse blue/white. The authors are black and white.
11:49.48talntidlmadsen didn't write the book on Asterisk... asterisk wrote the book on lmadsen... :)
11:50.04rob0Book 'em, Danno.
11:51.09talntidHey James. Living in the city sucks.
11:51.26talntidlast 4 hours, sirens from police like 6 houses down.
11:51.29jblackTell me about it.
11:51.35talntidsome car accident. drunk driver vs house.
11:52.00jblackI would be far, far, far from civilization if I could get a good connection.
11:52.17jblackWho won?
11:52.27talntidwell, i'd say neither.
11:52.30*** join/#asterisk lirakis_work (n=lirakis@
11:52.51*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (
11:52.54talntidthe car is now a living room conversation piece.
11:53.11jblackYay! Drive-ins are coming back!
11:53.11rob0The doctors and lawyers won, of course.
11:53.25talntidneat thing is, the police are STILL going door to door
11:53.30talntidasking if someone has seen the driver.
11:53.53talntidevidently, it was a stolen car, and the driver is nowhere to be found. they have been here 3 times asking if I have seen them.
11:54.05jblackoh, geeze
11:54.13talntidI have 3 business cards from the same detective. saying "If you see them, call me!"
11:54.32jblackIf you see them, does that mean you'll need to call thrice?
11:54.50talntidi'm unsure, when he comes back, i'll ask the question and get back to you on that.
11:55.46rob0It could be done easily with some simple dialplan logic.
11:56.03talntidrob0 speaks the truth.
11:56.25lmadsenjblack: I still haven't determined why you needed to mention that I helped write the book :)
11:56.34talntidalso, I'm quite disappointed, jblack.
11:56.43jblacklmadsen: Because I'm jealous. =)
11:56.50talntid16meg down, 2 up at home. nowhere near the bandwidth work has.
11:57.00talntidalso comcast
11:57.22jblackThat's better than what I have.
11:57.43talntidyes, but still. i figured it would be at least somewhat like the work connection
11:57.57jblackI run a vpn over carrier pigeons.
11:57.59talntidnope. it downloads at about 900 KB/s
11:58.08talntidsneakernet VPN.
11:58.09rob0RFC 1149
11:58.14jblackYeah. Triple what I get on a good day.
11:58.27jblackYup. The throughput is great, but the latency _sucks_
11:58.37*** join/#asterisk Shazaum (
11:59.17talntiduh. rob0. that's disturbing you knew that off the top of your head.
11:59.24rob0I have 5 cats, and I'll tell you, cat5 is VERY bad for RFC 1149 transport.
11:59.26jblackWho doesn't?
11:59.41mgdmHow are cats 1 to 4?
11:59.50rob0cats 1 through for aren't very nice either
12:00.59rob0They like the yummy birdies, however; less cat food to buy.
12:01.13jblackI can't imagine how bad the dropped packets are on cats5
12:02.22jblackI did manage to route a few gigabytes through id-10-t though. That only worked because he didn't realize it was a test
12:02.36talntidwas that me?
12:02.41jblackNo. My brother
12:03.10jblackHe's a... artist.. free spirit... Bum, when you get down to it
12:05.11jblackThe last time I saw him, he "borrowed" 300 bucks from me.
12:06.03*** part/#asterisk dakol (
12:06.59JTcoppice: hrm, where abouts are app_txfax and rxfax kept these days?
12:08.06*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
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12:10.56oktayhowdy. i have asterisk running but nothing is listening on port 5060.. is this normal?
12:11.17*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
12:14.20jblackoktay: I suppose it might be, if sip is disabled.
12:14.27*** join/#asterisk waKKu (n=ugabuga@unaffiliated/wakku)
12:16.44JTcoppice: ah, so the those apps are no longer provided with spandsp?
12:16.48*** join/#asterisk bsaxon (n=bsaxon@
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12:17.39jblackI've been trying to get iaxmodem working, so that I can fax out. I'm having a problem with it erroring out on ATDT. Has anyone had any luck with it?
12:17.50coppiceJT: they are no longer provided. from asterisk 1.6 i understand there are apps for spandsp in the addons for * itself
12:18.01*** part/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@
12:19.40JTah right
12:19.43JTthanks coppice
12:20.35coppicethose apps can probably move from addons into asterisk, as I'm making the licence LGPL for new versions of spandsp
12:21.08*** join/#asterisk talntid (
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12:23.15JTcool :)
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12:30.40klimonsohi, when i record using an extension , how can i check the recording? where can i check it?
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12:38.18klimonsohi, when i record using an extension , how can i check the recording? where can i check it?
12:38.31klimonsois there anyone that is alive?
12:38.44fcoisI never do it
12:38.56fcoisI always insert a mp3 or other...
12:39.01*** join/#asterisk vector (
12:39.11klimonsoi record it by dialing *77
12:39.16klimonsoand i check it using *99
12:39.26fcoisI dont know never do it
12:39.27klimonsobut where i can find the file?
12:39.43fcoisfind / -name name_file
12:39.59klimonsowhere 2 find it
12:40.02fcoissounds are in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/
12:42.41klimonsothanks man
12:44.53klimonsobut i cant find recording shit
12:46.13[TK]D-Fenderklimonso: Where did you MAKE those 2 extensions record their files?
12:47.30klimonsoit is by default, where is it usually?
12:47.38*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
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12:48.27[TK]D-Fenderklimonso: where fcois told you.  And what does your Record line look like?
12:49.25*** join/#asterisk tobias (
12:49.53klimonsoi cant find it
12:50.19klimonsosee what i am doing, i am picking up , dialing *77 speaking and then hang up.. i dial *99 and i can listen to it
12:50.23klimonsobut i need that file
12:52.10[TK]D-Fenderklimonso: Sorry, but *77 and *99 are not part of Asterisk, but rather from whatever generated your dialplan.  If you don't even know where that is, then its pretty much pinned as being from a GUI which is not supported here.
12:57.04*** join/#asterisk bobbym (n=bob@unaffiliated/bobbym)
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13:00.11fcoisklimonso : execute asterisk -r with debug and verbose to see where are the files...
13:02.44*** join/#asterisk GiantPickle (
13:03.30*** join/#asterisk PodMan99a (
13:04.07PodMan99ahey all... these may not be classed as good.. but are there any good free gui based asterisk setups out there that can be recomended?
13:06.30[TK]D-FenderPodMan99a: Nope.  all have rather polrized flaws.
13:07.21*** join/#asterisk sergee (
13:07.39PodMan99adamn.... any suggestions... lol... have some small issues which I do not know how to combat i.e. cannot dial some users from my sip but can dial others
13:07.46PodMan99aall are setup the same
13:08.12*** join/#asterisk arbuser (
13:08.51arbuserquiet in here ;)
13:09.12*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (n=anonymou@
13:09.19[TK]D-FenderPodMan99a: What are you using now?
13:09.43PodMan99aasterisk now but changed to asterisk all configs are done from files
13:09.52PodMan99ainstalled about 6 months ago but only now playing with it
13:10.48[TK]D-FenderPodMan99a: where are these suers located relative to *?
13:11.06*** join/#asterisk gandhijee (
13:11.20PodMan99aserver in rack (datacenter)  .. me office sip twinkle
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13:11.43PodMan99areally... either need a good gui or idiots guide to things
13:12.05PodMan99aalthough think i have configs kinda under control just cant debug and expand
13:12.20[TK]D-FenderPodMan99a: Well I'm going out on a limb here guessing you have NAT issues.  Read up :
13:12.23jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
13:12.32arbuserHi All, I'd appreciate a point in the right direction. I'd like to write a phone app that allows people to call it, DTMF a pin number and then listen to a text to speech message. The entire call must be recorded. What should I use and where should I go next?
13:12.35[TK]D-FenderPodMan99a: And for anything GUI, go find their support channel.
13:13.10[TK]D-Fenderarbuser: What are you looking to "record" So far the other end isn't talking.
13:13.19PodMan99anot using gui at the moment but would like one... only to assist in manageing /monitoring calls...  creation of users ??...
13:13.57arbuserFender, the other end is going to say their name and leave a message.
13:14.07[TK]D-FenderPodMan99a: *-GUI would probably be the closest thing.
13:14.24rob0A GUI might help with the high-level stuff (managing extensions and users), but not with the low-level details.
13:14.26[TK]D-Fenderarbuser: "core show application record"
13:15.23arbuserFender, other than the fact that those are all english words I have no idea what you are saying... Can you point me to a good "I'm a noob" tutorial?
13:15.28*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
13:16.00arbuserFender, also, is Asterisk Now (tm) a good way forward for my level of noobness considering what I want to achieve?
13:16.40*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
13:16.43[TK]D-Fenderarbuser: thats a "I should be capable of recognizing this is an * CLI command that will give me the exact instructions on the dialplan application that will let me do what I want"
13:17.01[TK]D-Fender^ :)
13:18.22[TK]D-Fenderarbuser: And you said "listen to a text to speech message", and later alluded to having to actually record something (While listening?  Or separate?)
13:18.40[TK]D-Fenderarbuser: And No, GUI's would not be a good bet for custom stuff.
13:19.01arbuserFender, I haven't even got an instance of Asterisk running yet... What I'm after is a good kick in the right direction...
13:19.15*** join/#asterisk mcfloppy (
13:19.34[TK]D-Fenderarbuser: For the right direction :
13:19.36jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
13:19.49[TK]D-Fenderarbuser: And go install * and get playing.
13:20.51arbuserOne last question, Will i be able to script this sort of thing successfully on a virtualised OS running under VMWare?
13:21.20mcfloppyi have a clean asterisk. i can call the server and it says me hello world. now i try to use callfiles. how can i enable the outgoing calls? i will call my home internal isdn phone with id *16
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13:24.08[TK]D-Fenderarbuser: So far, probably.
13:24.33[TK]D-Fenderarbuser: Dependsing on how you intend to get the call into * in the first place.  PCI hardware is pretty much out.
13:24.35mcfloppy[May 12 15:16:58] NOTICE[9601]: chan_local.c:597 local_alloc: No such extension/context *16@default creating local channel
13:24.44arbuserFender, what do you think of VXML?
13:24.59mcfloppyfirst row in the callfile: Channel: Local/16
13:25.05[TK]D-Fenderarbuser: Not part of * yet and not needed.
13:25.16[TK]D-Fendermcfloppy: PASTEBIN is your friend... use it.
13:25.19jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
13:26.01Uatechi, my asterisk implementation is inviting my SIP proxy, and the proxy is logically returning 401 unauthorised. Now, instead of sending along the credentials, asterisk is just saying ACK, and considering it a fail.
13:26.14UatecHowe can i persuade asterisk to send the credentials the second time?
13:26.23*** join/#asterisk muiro (
13:27.26mcfloppy[TK]D-Fender here:
13:27.26[TK]D-FenderUatec: 401 = too late
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13:28.30[TK]D-Fendermcfloppy: And please patebin your entire [defaut] context including the context header...
13:28.32Uatec[TK]D-Fender, but i'm sending "WWW-Authenticate:" in my reply
13:28.36Uatecit's not supposed to be too late
13:29.34arbuserFender, thanks. Will be doing some reading ;)
13:29.34Uatecmy VOIP provider returns 401 first time, then asterisk sends credentials and it's al ok
13:30.17[TK]D-FenderUatec: Not sure what to tell you at this poitn...
13:30.47*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
13:30.54mcfloppyhere is the complete extensions.ael
13:31.40[TK]D-Fendermcfloppy: do "dialplan show default"
13:32.56*** join/#asterisk gandhijee (
13:33.06[TK]D-Fendermcfloppy: ... and "demo" please...
13:33.28*** join/#asterisk anthm (
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13:35.03[TK]D-Fendermcfloppy: So what in there is supposed to match *16 / 16?
13:35.57*** join/#asterisk moy (n=moyhu@nat/ibm/x-e3beafe682635463)
13:36.04mcfloppyshould i add something? i have no expirience with asterisk
13:37.00[TK]D-Fendermcfloppy: what is *16 or 16 supposed to even represent?
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13:37.37mcfloppythe internal number of my isdn phone
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13:39.07[TK]D-Fendermcfloppy: Well "Local" refers to your dialplan.  You are telling * to dial an EXTENSIONS in a specific place in your dialplan and this one doesn't happen to match anything.  So go pick something that actually exists
13:41.18mcfloppyhmmm how can i say in the callfile i want to call the extern number 16?
13:41.45Kattyhugs [TK]D-Fender
13:41.55Kattywaves at mcfloppy
13:42.24Uatecso, [TK]D-Fender, i thought that the way it worked was that the client makes the INVITE request, and then the server sends bcak 401, then the client sends credentials, and everybody gets along
13:42.26mcfloppyhello Katty
13:44.02*** join/#asterisk bbryant (n=brett@
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13:46.46mgromanHello, May someone recommend inexpensive hardphones for use with VOIP? (How is Linksys?)
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13:47.23Uatechow is the sip server supposed to ask for credentials?
13:48.13Uatecmgroman, we SPA922s, they're PoE and relatively cheap (£90 or something) and pretty good handsets
13:48.32*** join/#asterisk mknerd (i=3f951603@gateway/web/ajax/
13:48.47mknerdanyone doing any AGI on the aa50?
13:48.50mgromanUatec: Thank you
13:50.34jbot[phones]  While personal preference will dictate which phone works best for you, general consensus on a rough order of quality and suggestibility is as follows:  Polycom (any), Aastra 480i, Aastra 5i Series, Cisco 7940+, Linksys SPA-9XX, Snom, and finally everything else.  Do not consider Grandstream phones.  Ever. places like such as
13:51.07mknerdanyone here use the AA50 at all?
13:51.22ManxPowermknerd: Chances are the answer is "no".
13:51.32rob0actually there was one here
13:51.38rob0fcois: ^^
13:51.53mknerdmanxpower: and what makes you say that?
13:51.55ManxPowerAlmost everyone here uses the open source version of Asterisk, not the commercial version of Asterisk.
13:52.00fcoisrob0 : ^^
13:52.31mknerdmanxpower: i could really care less about what version of asterisk, I am more interested in agi on the embedded appliance
13:52.45ManxPowermknerd: Yeah, but we care.
13:52.47fcoismknerd: you use a aa50       incredible to find one!
13:53.00rob0And BTW Digium should be open by now, albeit not fully caffeinated.
13:53.18ManxPowermknerd: edit extensions.conf, add your AGI to an extension, run it.  I recommend using an AGI library, as it makes programming AGIs much earier.
13:53.29fcoismknerd: what is your pb with aa50 ?
13:53.34mknerdmanxpower, and what should I script with?
13:53.43ManxPowermknerd: any language will work.
13:53.48mknerdthere is no perl, no bash, no c
13:53.55mknerdno php
13:53.57ManxPowermknerd: perl and PHP seem to have the best supported AGI wrapper libs
13:54.11mknerdyeah, i want to use perl, but its no available
13:54.12ManxPowermknerd: Well, that's not really our problem.
13:54.22mknerdok, now your just being a jerk
13:54.30rob0It's on a CF card, no?
13:54.32fcoismknerd: my problem in aa50 is to have the tftpd command !
13:54.36rob0the rootfs?
13:54.47ManxPowerYou asked about Asterisk.  I gave you info about Asterisk.  If you have AA50 specific questions then you should contact Digium.
13:54.53mknerdno the rootfs is on 16mb internal
13:55.09rob016mb ... what?
13:55.22mknerdits editable
13:55.36rob0so the answer is yes to this: 13:54 < rob0> It's on a CF card, no?
13:55.47mknerdno,its internal
13:55.49rob0if 16MB isn't enough, buy a bigger one
13:56.01mknerdthere is also a CF card
13:56.04*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (n=tim@
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13:56.29[TK]D-Fendermcfloppy: point your "channel" line to an actual exten that will do what you want.
13:56.36fcoisthere is flash memory and CF memory it isnt the same
13:56.37mknerdi have a 1gig installed, but the libraries for perl would have to be put on the 16mb
13:56.59mknerdmknerdno the rootfs is on 16mb internal
13:57.00rob0I guess that the aa50 was designed to be a "works in most cases" solution, and not to be a fully-customizable PBX.
13:57.11fcoisthe problem with aa50 is that we can't have a system modified after a reboot!
13:57.12mknerdrob0, yeah, 1800$ later
13:57.21ManxPowermknerd: The "Appliance" part of Asterisk Appliance for the most part means "user does not modify"
13:57.25mcfloppyi try
13:57.27mknerdfcois, not true, you can save_config
13:57.48fcoisyes I know but not all I want to do
13:57.53*** join/#asterisk gbr_ (n=gbr@
13:58.20mknerdfcois: i know what you mean, I have a pretty lenghty script that runs and sets things up on reboot
13:58.22fcoisI could translate it to french but I had to create a frecnh button in home.html and have home.html in save_config
13:58.44fcoisafter, I execute the script in the french button and thjat copy from CF to /
13:58.52*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
13:59.01fcoishow can do it on boot???
13:59.10fcoisexplain it to me :-)
13:59.23mknerdfcois : /etc/config/rc.locl
13:59.26mknerder rc.local
13:59.37fcoisoh thank you :-)
13:59.46rob0You can always make symlinks to bigger files/directories outside the rootfs, as long as those are not needed for booting.
13:59.55mknerdyeah, I use it to unmount and remount the CF somewhere else
13:59.59fcoisand other question, how can you add tftpd command, have an idea?
14:00.14ManxPowerrob0: You are encouraging them
14:00.16mknerdwhat for/
14:00.38mknerdmanxpower, are you always half-empty/
14:00.43fcoisfor /var/lib/asterisk/static-http/config
14:00.51ManxPowermknerd: only when people insist on trying to be off topic.
14:00.52mknerdfcois: polycoms?
14:01.05mknerdits the asterisk appliance... in the asterisk channel
14:01.15mknerdgeez your tight
14:01.16fcoisoh no I need tftpd to do autoprovisioning for others phones
14:01.21fcoislike cisco thomson...
14:01.33mknerdyeah, don't know about that, I use ftp for my phones
14:01.43ManxPowermknerd: Correct, the Asterisk channel, not the Asterisk Applicance channel, not the Asterisk GUI channel, no the Trixbox channel, not the AMP channel.  This is the Asterisk channel.
14:02.02mknerdim not interrupting you am I?
14:02.25mknerdthere is not an aa50 channel, so this will have to do
14:02.39mknerdbut there should be
14:02.41fcoisif you use ftp, it is to upload it to a tftp server ... ?
14:02.48*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (n=chatzill@
14:02.52mknerdno tftp at all
14:03.01mknerdthe polycoms that I have support ftp
14:03.08fcoisok and to provisioning ?
14:03.27mknerdthey provision over regular ftp, not tftp
14:03.31*** join/#asterisk mltlnx (n=mltlnx@
14:03.39fcoisok lucky!
14:03.44fcoismy phones use tftp !
14:03.46[TK]D-Fendermknerd: What models?
14:04.49fcoismknerd, I could do scripts for thomson ST2030 and ciscos 7906 7940 7960 7970... PAP2
14:05.25Uatecmy phones use TFTP and will connect to my windows TFTP server but not my linux one on my asterisk box
14:05.27fcoiswhen I add a user I can choose the phone model and that execute the script...
14:05.36mknerdI have the 501's
14:06.00mknerdthey are pretty nice, will do tftp and ftp
14:06.07mknerdftp is nicer and more sucure
14:06.49fcoisbut if I need tftpd I have to use other server :(
14:07.12fcoisbecause I could see digium they said 'ok we will help you to dev'...
14:07.29fcoisand no responses since wenesday
14:08.33mknerdyeah, I just spoke with them, they do not support and AGI scripting on the AA50, but would transfer me to their Dev department to discuss building me a custom solution
14:09.01[TK]D-Fendermknerd: So they support ftp/tftp/http.  What is your AA lacking for you to host their provisioning files?
14:09.21mknerdAA is lacking perl/c/php/bash
14:09.23mknerdpick one
14:09.32ManxPowerGood for them.
14:09.33mknerdI want to interface with a SQL database on a second box
14:09.35[TK]D-Fendermknerd: Ok, and for provisioning?
14:09.46mknerdfcois wants tftpd for provisioning
14:09.47ManxPowermknerd: you should never have purchased the AA
14:09.57mknerdmanxpower, please, just don't talk to me
14:10.01tzafrir_laptopmknerd: is does have a /bin/sh
14:10.08ManxPowermknerd: put me on /ignore
14:10.16mknerdit does, I could script it via netcat
14:10.22fcoisand digium want that I do it without help from them!!!
14:10.22[TK]D-Fendermknerd: Well... the AA50 is a toaster.  Always was, always will be.  You are now expecting Ferrari features out of a Lada.
14:10.23mknerdbut thats kinda lame dont you think
14:10.37*** join/#asterisk Koshatul (
14:10.45mknerdhas anyone seen the Pika Warp appliance?
14:10.49mknerdit has perl
14:11.00mknerd256mb of internal flash memory
14:11.07mknerdand its 1/3 the cost
14:11.12rob0I think it's rather lame to buy something which does what it claims to do, and then gripe because it doesn't do everything under the sun.
14:11.15mknerdI ordered one last week
14:11.29[TK]D-Fendermknerd: mknerd <- Here, go build your own.
14:11.37fcoisI need that david from digium call me back!
14:12.10ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I wonder if Digium is starting to regret the AA. Seems like the user support needs would eat any potential profit.
14:12.19mknerdrob0, actually, the provider told me that it could do perl, but then told me after I got it that I would have to pay them to roll it on there
14:12.41[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Could be, I' haven't really keps up, but I've heard little overal praise for it, only troubles here for that its lacking in.
14:13.24rob0ManxPower, I doubt it; they just tell buyers who had unrealistic expectations what it would cost to have those expectations met.
14:13.35mknerdI don't think that scripting is asking too much, its well within the potential of the machine
14:14.33ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: classic appliance and gui problems
14:14.42rob0Still probably well under the cost of many other PBX appliances, I bet.
14:14.58ManxPowerrob0: these people don't want an appliance.
14:15.04*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki (
14:15.14fcoismknerd: are you shure about the /etc/config/rc.local?
14:15.15[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Mostly CF / OS issues (aside from the nasty heat issues)
14:15.27lmadseneveryone wants a gui that does everything. I've never heard of a GUI that people didn't complain about (but I don't use GUIs, so I don't even know what it's lacking)
14:15.28mknerdrob0, actually the Pika is 800$ fully loaded with 5 fxs and 4 fxo, the aa50 is 1800
14:15.35fcoismknerd: have you created it or edit it because I dont have it
14:15.36*** part/#asterisk lmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
14:15.49mknerdfcois, you have to create it
14:15.51vader--Have any of you guys bought postini for a small organization from their website? I am wondering if there is a setup fee if you go through the website?
14:15.55mknerdi dont want a gui
14:16.20mknerdlmadsen, who said anything about wanting a gui?
14:17.04fcoisis it possible to have a copy of your?
14:17.06mknerdfcois: make sure you save_config after you edit it
14:17.18jayteeI want a gui that does my laundry and pours me a beer and I want it installed by some guy who comes to the house and installs it for me and while he's here he mows my lawn and does all that for free!
14:17.20fcoisok I can see how to do after
14:17.25mknerdfcois: do you know normal shell scripting .. that is all that is
14:17.43fcoisok I will try thank you
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14:19.04shawdog22Wondering if I can get some pointers on trapping some odd behavior of my asterisk system?
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14:19.48rob0jaytee: s/guy/lovely young maiden/ s/ he/ she/
14:20.24jayteerob0, hmmm yeah. I wasn't thinkin that far ahead.
14:20.46[TK]D-Fendershawdog22: Perhaps you could actually describe your scenario...
14:21.06rob0Glad to be of assistance.
14:21.30shawdog22Sorry, didn't know what the actual rules of the room where.
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14:22.36shawdog22I've got queues set up with SIP agents, and I've noticed that some of the agents go into a state of "(paused)(Not in use)". And don't come directly out of it.
14:23.35[TK]D-Fendershawdog22: pastebin your queues setup (all related config)
14:23.39jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
14:24.11shawdog22I actually think I may have found the problem.
14:24.42fcoismknerd : thank you for the rc.local
14:25.23shawdog22I'm using OpenFire (XMPP based instant messenger) with an Asterisk plugin. Looks like when the IM user goes into an away mode the SIP channel goes into a Paused State.
14:25.36mknerdfcois: yep, no problem, someone else helped me with that
14:25.56*** join/#asterisk zxd (n=XoX@
14:26.01fcoismknerd : who are these someone?
14:26.50zxdwhen registering to Asterisk , is the data stream RTP also routed via asterisk , or is directly p2p with the remote end?
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14:26.50fcoismknerd: because I just need that (tftpd)  :-)
14:28.40mknerdfcois: tftpd is not even a busybox command, so I imagine that it would not be a simple port
14:28.42shawdog22Is there any way to capture the events that are getting sent via the Manager Interface?
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14:29.13fcoismknerd: in the website of busybox, I could see that there is tftpd!
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14:29.43mknerdfcois, show me a link, all I saw was tftp
14:30.06fcoisI have a look..
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14:32.40fcoismknerd, I was shure to see it but I think it is not possible if we dont do somethings in the sources before compiling...
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14:34.33fcoismknerd :
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14:38.45mknerdfcois: thats strange, its not in the command list
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14:39.08fcoisyes its what i could see
14:39.20mknerdyour going beyond my technical skills to walk you through a busybox recompile on the aa50
14:39.49b11d`i cant believe i just learned of busybox last night
14:39.52fcoisI never compil a busybox ^^
14:40.30mknerdb11d its pretty sweet eh
14:40.38b11d`yeah it has its uses, thats for sure
14:41.40fcoisyes think too
14:43.07*** join/#asterisk flush (
14:43.18oktayjblack: sorry about the late response. i had stepped out.
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14:43.43oktayi created a generic SIP extension.. but still no port 5060 on the server
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14:43.59flushhey white wire is ground and black is phase or its the inverse ?
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14:45.48*** join/#asterisk KickServer (
14:46.03KickServerhey. Is it possible to call macro from AGI ?
14:46.25ManxPoweroktay: Are you going to step out again, or are you going to stick around for help this time?
14:48.01ManxPowerApparently not.  I'll go back to paying work then.
14:48.10*** join/#asterisk jpeeler (n=jpeeler@
14:48.34oktayeasy man
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14:48.56oktayi had to attend a meeting before.
14:49.07fcoismknerd : I can imagine that a tftpd command without compil juste .sh for example ...
14:50.22ManxPoweroktay: That does not answer my question.  Nobody here is going to try to help if you keep leaving.
14:50.43ManxPowerKickServer: Maybe, but don't be surprised if the dialplan never returns to your script.
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14:51.22ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: It's going to be one of those days, isn't it?
14:51.42*** join/#asterisk b11d` (
14:52.22[TK]D-FenderManxPower: At least you see it coming..
14:53.04ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: nod.
14:53.18mcfloppy         what must i do, to call over isdn?
14:53.27b11d`hey TK.. do you know of anything similar to the SPA-8000 but is FXO instead of FXS?
14:53.35b11d`I see linksys makes a 2 port FXO.. but.. meh
14:53.44oktayManxPower: :)
14:53.56ManxPowermcfloppy: you mean mISDN.
14:54.16mcfloppyManxPower yes i mean misdn
14:54.36ManxPowermcfloppy: Did you build Asterisk after you installed mISDN -dev packages?
14:54.37*** join/#asterisk freezey (
14:55.40mcfloppyManxPower yes... the other way works... call from the ISDNphone *29 -> SIPphone rings
14:56.19[TK]D-Fenderb11d`: They Do?  What model?
14:56.29b11d`brb.. let me dig it up
14:56.57ManxPowermcfloppy: It must be a formatting problem of your Dial line.  I don't know the format for mISDN.  Hopefully someone here will be familiar with it.
14:57.03b11d`err its the 4 port SPA400
14:57.14mcfloppyManxPower okay..
14:57.55b11d`its the SPA-2100 im thinking of..
14:57.56[TK]D-Fenderb11d`: it has "issues".
14:57.58b11d`2 port fxs..
14:58.00b11d`err fdo
14:58.06b11d`oh really?  figures..
14:58.13b11d`i need somethign like the spa-8000 with 8 fxo ports..
14:58.59ManxPowerb11d`: You mean CHEAP spa-8000 with 8 fxo ports
14:59.14ManxPowerI doubt you will find anything like that.  What's wrong with a T-1 card and channel bank?
14:59.22b11d`i got my spa-8000 for $215.. didnt think it was that expensive
14:59.32ManxPowerb11d`: FXO ports are expensive
14:59.36b11d`yeah im realizing that
14:59.52b11d`well i got one business here with five lines.. i dont need a t1 and a CB for them
14:59.53b11d`thats for sure
14:59.58nny_1anyone interested in helping update this caller-ID reverse lookup AGI let me know.. removing some old url juju and fixed some variables.. still debugging why it returns "0" to asterisk
15:00.04ManxPowerb11d`: that's not for sure.
15:00.12b11d`?? explain!
15:00.28b11d`maybe a fractional T1 or something would do the trick
15:00.29ManxPowerYou can have a T-1 card + channel bank for as little as one analog line.
15:00.39b11d`how do you figure?
15:00.45ManxPowerif you went with a tact T-1 then you could of course get rid of the channel bank,
15:01.13mcfloppyi tried this: Dial(mISDN/1/*16,10,Ttr);, now it rings in the speaker from the sipphone, but the isdnphone dont ring
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15:01.22ManxPowerb11d`: Do you even understand what a channel bank is?
15:01.29b11d`yes i do.. i have a bunch of them
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15:01.51ManxPowerI don't see why you are confused then.
15:02.02b11d`i am talking about five lines OUT to the telco.. they have 12 internal extensions..
15:02.13b11d`why would I get a T1 for those five outbound lines?>
15:02.18ManxPowerb11d`: I am also talking about line IN/OUT to/from telco.
15:02.27b11d`i must be retarted or somethign again..
15:02.30ManxPowerb11d`: I'm NOT TELLING YOU TO GET A T-!!!!!
15:02.39[TK]D-Fenderb11d`: SPA-400 treats all lines dentically and gives you little control.
15:02.43ManxPowertelco analog line -> channel bank -> t-1 card in Asterisk
15:02.52b11d`yeah that makes sense to me!
15:03.21ManxPowerobviously a better setup would be telco T-1 -> T-1 card in Asterisk, but if you don't want that then you could use a channel bank with FXO ports.
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15:03.55[TK]D-Fenderb11d`: decent value
15:04.12b11d`8 fxo too..
15:05.14b11d`ManxPower.. thanks for explaining that to me!  It is appreciated..  you are correct.. I wish I could just get them a T1 though..   I'd wager a CB and a T1 card would be cheaper than two 4 port FXO digium cards..
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15:07.08[TK]D-Fenderb11d`: Nope.  PCI = cheaper.
15:07.09ManxPowerb11d`: Channel banks are expensive.  You could purchase two from ebay for less than a single new channel bank
15:07.40[TK]D-Fenderb11d`: But this device is probably the best direct value for the ports it provides.
15:12.01mcfloppyhow can i reload the extensions.acl?
15:14.43*** join/#asterisk clive- (n=pirch@
15:15.11clive-Hi guys. Is it ok to use or should I rather svn down 1.4.20-rc2 ?
15:15.19oktaygood night boys and girls..
15:15.43b11d`clive-.. where do you intend to run this?
15:15.58b11d`cause if its just for mucking around.. i'd say rc2.. but if not.. then 19.1
15:16.06clive-on a production box
15:16.21b11d`yeah then dont mess with rc2 unless you desperately need a bugfix thats in there or something
15:16.49*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
15:16.50clive-I was really wondering if there any important bugfixes in the 20-rc2 version
15:16.59b11d`check out the changelog
15:17.13clive-goes surfing the changelog
15:17.22b11d`I know theres some neat IAX improvements in 4.20
15:18.23Ritzeriskhey hey does anyone know a good dialer for asterisk
15:21.20waKKuidefisk/zoiper ?
15:21.42*** part/#asterisk lsodi (n=root@
15:21.53clive-ok, I see some performance changes that I need... seems like some bad code crept into 1.4.19 that was only fixed in 1.4.20
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15:23.47b11d`well i'd still wait for 4.20 to finish its RC cycle before using it in production
15:23.52b11d`use at your own risk :)
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15:26.46clive-b11d thanks for your help
15:28.08b11d`any time
15:28.14drummond_i see they are releasing new versions all the time, 1.4.19,, etc
15:28.30drummond_is there a rule of thumb on how often to migrate to them?
15:29.40b11d`migrate when necessary..
15:29.42zxdwhen registering to Asterisk , is the data stream RTP also routed via asterisk , or is directly p2p with the remote end?
15:30.19rob0depends on canreinvite and related settings for the channel, IIUC.
15:30.23filezxd: do you mean "when a call is placed through Asterisk between two SIP endpoints"
15:30.48nny_1heh this callerid_shell.agi 's curl and grep juju is outdated as far as what data is spit back by google, anywho etc
15:31.01zxdall sip calls are relayed through asterisk no?
15:31.21rob0unless they're not, sure. :)
15:31.22nny_1still hacking through it, will post the "update" (as in I beat the crap out of it and that came out) to voip-info
15:31.32filepoints to what rob0 said about canreinvite
15:31.47zxdi read that asterisk only relays  sdp information between the two SIP clients , then they can establish direct RTP channel between them ?
15:32.18zxdreads what canreinvite means
15:32.20zxdwhat is IIUC
15:32.53[TK]D-Fenderzxd: If I Understand Correctly
15:32.58clive-zxd all calls are routed through asterisk unless you have canreinvite=yes  but you will lose CDR information
15:33.24jayteeMy telco is passing me 7 digits on incoming calls, I want to try and match the last 4 digits of the extension with any of my local extensions and if it doesn't match then pass the call to another trunk that connects to another PBX.
15:33.28zxdclive-, including RTP traffic ?
15:33.37jayteeis GotoIf the best way to do that?
15:33.54clive-zxd yes
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15:34.50[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: ChanisAvail (Local) followed by GotoIf.
15:35.12jaytee[TK]D-Fender, thanks
15:36.43nny_1most of these sources (anywho, google, seem unreliable, as the site API could change tomorrow and the lookup method shats from that point out
15:36.54nny_1hence the issue why it is outdated now
15:37.11nny_1(+/- some bad asterisk variable names from 1.2)
15:37.44nny_1is there a "better" way or a service that is designed to return values to a system like asterisk? (Seems "" is dead)
15:39.42Ritzeriskor does anyone know of a type of asterisk system that can use the auto dialer
15:39.48minteeI'm assuming that an #include is only read once during startup or a reload, correct?
15:40.12minteeJust wondering if I could do like an #include extensions_${EXTEN}.conf or something
15:40.36ManxPowermintee: it is read only on startup or reload
15:40.51minteek, just as i thought, thanks ManxPower
15:40.54ManxPowerYou cant' do what you want, as EXTEN is a channel variable
15:41.05*** join/#asterisk mackes-Office (n=root@
15:41.10b11d`can anyone recommend a good IAX provider in the USA?
15:41.25dkwiebeRitzerisk: We built a program to place calls based on a list in the database that does basically what you want. and look for "autocall"
15:41.36mackes-OfficeVitelity does a great job
15:41.40jbot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet telephony Service Provider or "VoIP Telephone company". The allow you to either PLACE calls to the PSTN (called Termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called Origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs
15:41.48nny_1whats the easiest way to strip the IP address of the server from the callerid? My polycom shows NUMBER@ each time
15:42.10mackes-OfficeSet your caller id in your extension config
15:42.30mackes-Officeyour welcome
15:42.59*** join/#asterisk russellb (n=russellb@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla)
15:42.59*** mode/#asterisk [+o russellb] by ChanServ
15:44.01nny_1mackes-Office: yeah figured, do I need to strip that IP off or does Set(CALLERID(num)=${EXTEN}) work?
15:45.02*** join/#asterisk mknerd (i=3f951603@gateway/web/ajax/
15:45.22rob0Something @ the wiki implied that it wouldn't be good to invoke a macro within a macro. I have one macro which sets callerID, and another which places the call (to US tollfree, so I have separate patterns for 1800, 1866, 1877 and 1888.
15:45.24mort_gibHow do I find out what's going on here:  chan_sip.c: Maximum retries exceeded on transmission 3c34cf3abbcc-4f9568kw88gb
15:45.31mackes-OfficeThe IP is being sent because one of two things- 1. It doesnt sound as if your Polycom phone is regestered with your Asterisk box -it is just making calls to it, and your Asterisk Box allows for Anonymous access of outside devices
15:45.34*** join/#asterisk jpsharp (
15:46.04nny_1mackes-Office: phone is registered and no by install doesn't
15:46.10mackes-OfficeIf it was regestered, your SIP.CONF entry for the phone would set your caller ID for it.
15:46.22*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (
15:46.23nny_1that's crazy
15:46.23mackes-Officeso you can set it in your SIP.conf for it
15:46.26rob0The question then being, should I call the callerID macro from the dialing one, or use separate priorities in each pattern?
15:46.39nny_1how would sip.conf set the callerid for the incoming call from an outside source?
15:46.40jpsharpI need a NAT aware TFTP server for Linux.  There was one written in Java, but I can't find it again.
15:47.07mackes-OfficeIs your phone an outside source, or an extension on the system?
15:47.30nny_1extension in systemk
15:47.41minteein extensions, must a context be defined before a call for it?
15:47.41rob0NAT aware tftpd ... hmmm, /me is trying to digest that concept
15:48.02mackes-Officeregistered extensions on the system have their caller ID set in the SIP.conf
15:48.06minteeHum, that's kinda confusing... I mean are extensions like firewall rules and followed by the order they are defined?
15:48.08jpsharpIt exists. I've used it, but I can't find the program again.
15:48.10nny_1isn't tftp udp based?
15:48.43nny_1er wait misunderstood the q
15:49.05nny_1mackes-Office: outside source, incoming call from outside source
15:49.24*** join/#asterisk Skarmeth (
15:49.25mackes-OfficeWhen your phone regesters, asterisk takes the information in the SIP.conf for that phone, and uses it for all calls placed on that device.
15:49.35Nasrastupid question:
15:49.59nny_1mackes-Office: i get the number but it looks like
15:49.59nny_1sip:8433425901@ HILTONHEAD,SC
15:50.11NasraI installed Asterisk in my how do I unpack it or where do I go ?
15:50.14minteeNarsa, Mine?
15:50.18nny_1the latter is a nanpa.txt lookup I am working on from an old agiscript
15:50.35nny_1mackes-Office: the sip:blah@foo has always been there
15:50.54mackes-Officeyou can define caller ID changes in the extension.conf, however you should not have to do that to set the caller ID of a phone placing a call that is regestered on the system
15:51.08mackes-Officeok, for example
15:51.09nny_1looks up
15:51.16mackes-OfficeI have a polycom phone on my desk
15:51.17nny_1mackes-Office: from outside source
15:51.20nny_1not from another phone
15:51.49mackes-Officeregistered with Asterisk
15:52.04mackes-OfficeHere is what I see when I do a lookup from the CLI
15:52.21ManxPowerI ALWAYS set the callerid info for all phones in sip.conf
15:53.06ManxPowermackes-Office: USE PASTEBIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
15:53.21nny_1Fail: 1
15:53.21Uatecpaste bin
15:53.26ManxPower*** mackes-Office has been added to /IGNORE list.
15:53.26Kobazbeats mackes-Office with a large trout
15:53.28Uatecsomeone's on ignore now
15:53.38rob0You blew it bud.
15:53.41ManxPowersomeone kick him
15:53.46Uatecis he still going?
15:53.54Kobazmackes-Office: /quit
15:54.04nny_1End: NEVER!
15:54.06mackes-OfficeMy god... did that really cause you all some much harm?
15:54.11ManxPowermackes-Office: yes
15:54.16Kobazmackes-Office: it's pointless and annoying
15:54.26rob0This is a busy channel.
15:54.28jpsharpAhhah.  Found it again:
15:54.37ManxPowerrob0: well at least it was 8-)
15:54.50mackes-OfficeHow do you have a conversation without passing information back and forth?
15:54.51nny_1ManxPower: so Set(CALLERID(num)=${EXTEN} ? or should I mangle it to remove the channel and IP?
15:54.53Kobazmackes-Office: feel free to paste stuff, but keep it 3 lines or less
15:54.56jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
15:55.05ManxPowermackes-Office: the same way as everyone else on the channel
15:55.18nny_1well ${EXTEN}) *
15:55.21mackes-Officeok. Sorry Folks. My Mistake
15:55.44ManxPowernny_1: no, that will set the callerid number to be the current value of EXTEN (normall the dialed digits)
15:56.12UatecWhy is it that when asterisk registers with my SIP proxy it tries, gets 401 then tries again with credentials and gets through...
15:56.17draygonanyone here do any IVR recording?
15:56.20Uatecbut when it tries to invite, it tries, gets 301, then gives up
15:56.24nny_1ManxPower: kk I can research what goes on the other side of the = ty
15:56.25rob0I had a question about 4-5 pages up in the scroll :(
15:56.27Uatec401, sorry
15:56.32Uatecdoes anybody know anything about that?
15:56.49ManxPowerUatec: all SIP devices will try without auth first.
15:57.06UatecManxPower, that's fine
15:57.16Uatecbut asterisk isn't trying WITH auth, second
15:57.22Uatecthe conversation goes
15:57.41UatecINVITE -> WWW_Challenge -> OK -> BYE
15:58.59b11d`if you had to install some analog phones, and you wanted very high quality audio, like something you would get using the Polycoms with HD voice.. what phone would you use?
15:59.20*** join/#asterisk DaneM (
15:59.34ManxPowerb11d`: nothing.  analog phones are not HD
16:00.04b11d`damnit thats what I was hoping to not hear :)
16:00.08b11d`thanks though
16:01.07ManxPowerb11d`: you really need to learn telecom
16:01.33b11d`i am doing my best...  not going as fast as i'd like, but am learning..
16:01.44b11d`im not afraid to ask a dumb question i guess..
16:01.44hmmhesaysb11d`, you won't get that out of an analog phone
16:01.56hmmhesaysthey won't support 16khz sampling
16:02.02nny_1<-- hates AMP
16:02.04b11d`I dont know about every product under the sun, so i ask.. just in case its out there..
16:02.09nny_1AMPORTAL/ FREEPBS etc
16:02.09mackes-OfficeHas anyone here attended BootCamp or The Sip Master training- I am interested as to if it is worth while-
16:02.18DaneMHello, all.  I'm getting a strange installation error when I try to use pbuilder to create an Ubuntu package.  The compile works fine, but when it gets to the installation phase, I get this: build_tools/mkpkgconfig: 34: cannot create /usr/lib/pkgconfig/asterisk.pc: Permission denied .  I've googled and looked on the Asterisk forums, and I just can't figure it out.  Any suggestions?
16:02.26rupa... HD Voice ?  What codec do you use with that?
16:02.33hmmhesayssip master training sounds like a sales gimmick
16:02.34nny_1DaneM: are you sudo or root?
16:02.47nny_1hmmhesays: no it's Master training, there is none higher
16:02.56hmmhesaysI call bs on that one
16:03.01DaneMI've tried it as sudo and as root, calling pbuilder like so: pbuilder --build --basetgz /var/cache/pbuilder/base-i386.tgz ../asterisk_1.4.19.1-1.dsc
16:03.10nny_1can't there be only one true master?'
16:03.16nny_1maybe it's like highlander
16:03.38nny_1they let you decapitate the other attendees at the end, winner take all
16:03.47hmmhesaysthat would be worth my time
16:03.58*** join/#asterisk mort_gib (
16:04.14mort_gibWhen do I need ztdummy running??
16:04.24nny_1mort_gib: when you have no hardware as a timing source
16:04.37nny_1mort_gib: like a digium card, or FXO/FXS card T1 card etc
16:04.57mort_gibSo a Sangoma A200 would work as a timing device??
16:05.01mort_gibHOw do I know??
16:05.13hmmhesaysyes it will
16:05.24mort_gibOK, thanks!
16:05.30nny_1DaneM: does the /usr/lib/pkconfig/ dir exist?
16:05.47DaneMlet me see.  (logging into the pbuilder tgz...)
16:05.56mort_gibI have some pretty strange behavior on a * server, and I'm grasping for straws!
16:06.52DaneMnny_1: it doesn't.  Creating it now
16:06.54nny_1back to my callerid fun.. I am also mangling this old calleridshell agi to handle the updated web sources if anyone wants to have a stab at it.. got it to use the nanpa.txt, but all the web sources it uses look like they have made modifications to their format since it's inception,
16:09.18ManxPowernny_1: why don't you just pay for callerid Name service from your telco?>
16:10.10ManxPowerSeems to be a lot of hassle for something that Just Works
16:10.16nny_1ManxPower: good point, not sure if they even offer it lol
16:10.47[TK]D-Fenderb11d`: HD Voice = G.722 = only useful directly between IP phones.  Second you hit the PSTN you're dragged back to the LCD... (G.711)
16:10.51nny_1ManxPower: hah it worked for a residential call :D
16:10.52ManxPowerheck if you have a PRI, many times it's enabled by default
16:11.16b11d`i see..
16:11.37b11d`well even g711 sounds better on those 550 HD receivers than on the 501's..
16:12.21hmmhesaysit won't if you're calling any analog endpoint
16:12.35b11d`it does though.. ive got one..
16:12.36ManxPoweranalog or digital does not matter.
16:12.37b11d`it sounds amazing
16:12.48b11d`im sure its not as good as pure g722..
16:12.49mort_gibI'm still struggling with dropped calls, I would really appreciate fresh ideas...
16:12.53DaneMnny_1: OK.  I've tried compiling it again, with the directory created in the chroot, and it still gives me the error: build_tools/mkpkgconfig: 34: cannot create /usr/lib/pkgconfig/asterisk.pc: Permission denied
16:12.54b11d`but it does sound better than the 501 handsets
16:12.57ManxPowerb11d`: then your phone is providing you the max quality available for G711
16:13.16ManxPowermort_gib: turn off busydetect and callprogress if you have them enabled.
16:13.25mort_gibHang on
16:14.00mort_gib-In sip.conf
16:14.20ManxPowerno, in zapata.conf
16:14.59ManxPowerSince you did not bother to provide any additional information, I have to assume Zap
16:15.23*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
16:15.40mort_gibManxPower: What info do you need?? All phones are SIP, SNOM 300-370
16:15.54mort_gib* Dell PE840, decent spec, CentOS 4.4
16:15.58ManxPowerhow do you connect to the telco?
16:16.01nny_1DaneM: phone one sec
16:16.07DaneMok.  Thanks
16:16.24mort_gibBRI (Sangoma A500 card) but dropped calls are also internal
16:16.41ManxPowermort_gib: Lets deal with the external first.
16:16.58ManxPoweryou need to make sure callprogress and busydetect are not configured for that card.
16:17.09*** join/#asterisk gitguy (
16:17.11mgromanCan anyone here suggest a decent wireless voip hardphone?
16:17.40[TK]D-Fendermgroman: ...
16:17.43DaneMmgroman: try here: 
16:17.45jbot[~wifivoip] Wi-Fi (802.11a/b/g) VoIP phones on the market may possess any of the following drawbacks : poor battery life, limited range, lack of call features (many lack transfer, etc), poor or no NAT traversal, shoddy construction, etc. Because of this they are usually not recommended.  Some alternatives are : VoIP ATA + cordless, DECT w/ VoIP base, etc
16:17.53gitguyhi, what do you guys think of this: -- i don't meat to troll or anything, just curious...
16:18.14rupamgroman, better off going with dect...
16:18.29[TK]D-Fendermgroman: most seem to think the Hitachi suck less than the rest.
16:18.39mort_gibManxPower: They are not turned on, in fact they are not in the config files
16:18.42mgromanrupa: [TK]D-Fender: thanks just doing some preliminary research
16:18.48mgromanDaneM: self-plug?
16:19.01[TK]D-Fendermgroman: But DECT + SIP base is a better idea.  ATA + Cordless also.
16:19.07ManxPowermort_gib: 90% of dropped call issues are cause by those two settings.
16:19.20DaneMmgroman: huh?  I'm not any kind of expert on the matter.  I just saw the site this morning.
16:19.28ManxPowerBest of luck diagnosing your problem -- it falls in that other 10&
16:19.29mgromanDaneM: I was just kidding, thanks for the link
16:19.36DaneMhehe no prob
16:19.44mort_gibOK, but as mentioned I get dropped calls on both internal and external
16:20.04mort_gibSo maybe a default setting??
16:20.28ManxPowerthey are NEVER EVER enabled by default
16:20.46mort_gibI'm using Sangomas smg stuff
16:21.06DaneMI'm kind-of curious as to what a good cord-free solution for a SIP phone would be as well.  I'm looking into setting up as SIP server soon, and I don't really know what works.  (which is why I was looking at the above link :-)
16:21.07mort_gibWorks great, only I could do without the dropped calls...
16:22.09DaneMI'm trying to get away from analog hardware...
16:22.28*** part/#asterisk jivco (n=jivco@
16:23.00mort_gibDaneM: The Snom M3 is okay....
16:23.12keith4so, I can put a bunch of sip users in a call group and a pickup group. is there any way to dial that group, in the dialplan? e.g, is there an analog to the Zap/g1 syntax?
16:23.21DaneMmort_gib: thanks.  I'll look into it.
16:24.03[TK]D-Fendermgroman: No point to Linksys phones in North America typically.
16:25.23rupamort_gib, can one base station support multiple extentions?
16:26.14mgroman[TK]D-Fender: they are garbage in North America?
16:26.39mort_gibrupa: -Yes
16:26.44mort_gibI think up to 8
16:26.45[TK]D-Fendermgroman: No, not garbage, just inferior.
16:26.59[TK]D-Fendermgroman: For the price Polycom can't really be beat.
16:27.05mort_gibAnd you can map multiple identities (I think) but that I haven't tried ;-)
16:27.26mort_gibso one identity rings on handset 1, another on handset 2 etc
16:27.56ManxPowerkeith4: yes
16:28.01mgromangoogles Polycom
16:28.57*** join/#asterisk Hawk36 (
16:29.01mort_gibAnyone seen this msg?? The CT_C8_A clock behavior does not conform to the H.100 spec!
16:29.39Hawk36I am completely new to asterisk and I would like to talk in private with someone willing to answer basic questions and help me setup my first system
16:29.54jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
16:29.57nny_1is using the 962 phone.. so far it weighs against the polycom, my .02
16:30.01keith4Hawk36: ^^
16:30.02rupamort_gib, interesting.  I'll havec to get a few when I have the spare cash lying around.  the extra handsets are a bit pricey fora  dect phone.
16:30.20*** join/#asterisk djs26 (n=djs@unaffiliated/djs26)
16:30.29keith4ManxPower: well, yes. but that gets tedious for lots of SIP/whatever. so, then I use a macro, but it requires constant updating. It seems that there isn't a similar way of doing "Zap/g2" with sip then
16:30.34mort_gibYeah, and it's a bit "plasticy" for my taste, but the functionality is ok
16:30.48[TK]D-Fendermgroman: Gor the grade you're looking at, that'd be the IP 320/330
16:30.54b11d`so..  who makes a good analog telephone then?  I am looking at avaya..
16:30.59mackes-OfficeDial(SIP/1234&Zap/1) --- I have had trouble with Zap and SIP in the same dial command- because the Zap always replies with Answered instantly- stopping the SIP from ringing
16:31.16ManxPowermackes-Office: that only happens on FXO ports
16:31.26ManxPowerSince he is dialing phones, he's calling FXS ports
16:31.37[TK]D-Fendermackes-Office: You could enable call progress detection on your Zap channel, but that optiosn is synonymous with "drop my calls at random"
16:31.50mackes-OfficeI do notices that with my PRI connections
16:31.58*** join/#asterisk jmesquita (n=jmesquit@
16:32.07ManxPower*nod*  PRI does not answer as soon as dialing is done
16:32.32Hawk36I have troubles setting up my first asterisk on CentOS5.0 any help
16:32.53[TK]D-FenderHawk36: Describe your problem(s)
16:32.59Hawk36Sorry 5.1
16:33.11Hawk36Here directly on the forum?
16:33.24[TK]D-FenderHawk36: justr get on with it...
16:33.31Hawk36Sorry new to this
16:33.39Hawk36It seems to work
16:34.05Hawk36However I cannot register a linksys SPA962
16:34.15Hawk36It just says fails
16:34.15[TK]D-FenderWow.. IP 4000 upgraded to HD & no ver with Microbrowser, etc..
16:34.49[TK]D-FenderHawk36: ok, this has nothing to do with INSTALLING *.  As for failure, pastebin the CLI output with SIP DEBUG enabled showing the failure along with your configs.
16:34.56jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
16:35.08*** join/#asterisk hesco (
16:35.26Hawk36Actually when I have SIP debug enabled and the device tries to connect I get nothing at all
16:36.00[TK]D-FenderHawk36: If you get nothing then you either have a firewall/netowrking issue, or your phone isn't talking to the right box at all.
16:36.07ManxPowerhands [TK]D-Fender a drink. Here, you'll needthis.
16:36.17[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Nah, this should be short.
16:36.21keith4Hawk36: at least have a look at /var/log/asterisk/messages
16:36.26*** join/#asterisk pikachu2000 (
16:36.30[TK]D-Fenderkeith4 : Wasted effort.
16:36.47hescoI had a power failure this morning and after I reset my network, copying a .call file to the outgoing spool yields the following error:
16:36.47[TK]D-Fenderkeith4 : No SIP debug = no communication = nothing to see.
16:36.49hescopbx_spool.c:346 scan_service: Unable to open /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/ Permission denied, deleting
16:36.51ManxPowerIf there's nothing in SIP debug, then packets are never reaching Asterisk
16:37.01hescoWhat would that be about?
16:37.09keith4[TK]D-Fender: maybe a failed registration attempt, no?
16:37.11ManxPowerhesco: It's a permissions problem, just like it says
16:37.14[TK]D-Fenderhesco: You don't "copy" cal files, you MOVE then
16:37.27rob0Okay, I restated my question from last hour:
16:37.28keith4hesco: or use cp -a
16:37.31[TK]D-Fenderkeith4 : he just said "nothing" on SIP debug.
16:37.41DaneMdoes anybody have an idea on my post-compile installation error with pbuilder on Ubuntu?: build_tools/mkpkgconfig: 34: cannot create /usr/lib/pkgconfig/asterisk.pc: Permission denied
16:37.48rob0about macro() and general dialplanning
16:37.56keith4[TK]D-Fender: do you believe him?
16:38.27Hawk36Why would I lie
16:38.38ManxPowerrob0: Yes, you can call a macro from within a macro.
16:38.42[TK]D-Fenderkeith4 : Well its convenient to in this case.  Nothing for us to waste time thinking about in believing it.
16:38.47b11d`so..  who makes a good analog telephone then?  I am looking at aastra.. avaya doenst seem to make a 2-line analog..
16:38.51ManxPowerJust remember Macro does NOT clear ANY variables.
16:38.55gitguywhat is that, i see it when i sip show peer foo
16:38.56keith4[TK]D-Fender: fair 'nuff
16:38.59[TK]D-FenderHawk36: Go check your phone's config again and check your firewall.
16:39.03hescowhether I cp or mv them, I get the same error.
16:39.05ManxPowerSo if you had an ARG1 set in macro1, it will also be set in macro2
16:39.10Hawk36I know my firewall is fine
16:39.25ManxPowerhesco: are you really going to make us hold your hand as we solve your permission problem?
16:39.25[TK]D-FenderHawk36: Then I guess you have all the answers.  best of luck with this.
16:39.49keith4Hawk36: i wasn't suggest that you're lying... but different people have different ideas of "nothing"
16:39.59keith4sometimes it means "nothing that I can make sense of"
16:40.00ManxPowerhesco: What user is Asterisk running as?  What is the owner of the .call file.  What are the permissions on the .call files
16:40.02Hawk36I followed step by step the Book Asterisk 2nd edition
16:40.05keith4sometimes it means "i'm looking in the wrong place"
16:40.13gitguywhat is the Expire thing on peers
16:40.13keith4or "i didn't actually turn on sip debug"
16:40.26Hawk36keith4, I understand
16:40.28ManxPowerkeith4: Then he is FAR beyond our help
16:40.29[TK]D-FenderHawk36: Meaningless description.  Show us SIP debug.  If you can't get that, then the problem is as I've described before.
16:40.42rob0okay, I can handle that, thanks.
16:41.55Hawk36asterisk*CLI> sip set debug
16:41.55Hawk36SIP Debugging re-enabled
16:42.08Hawk36Then I try to register and nothing occurs
16:42.21[TK]D-FenderHawk36: then you're left with the scenario I already layed out for you.
16:42.34keith4phone no talky to asterisk box
16:42.35Hawk36Firewall issue right?
16:42.37[TK]D-FenderHawk36: Go check your phone, and go check all of the networking and firewalls in between.
16:42.59ManxPowerRegistration only uses UDP/5060, but audio uses many more ports.
16:43.10Hawk36Ok for the firewall issue, I know it is fine since I opened up the port 5060
16:43.15*** part/#asterisk codefreeze-lap (n=murf@
16:43.43ManxPowerHawk36: TCP, UDP, or both?
16:43.44Hawk36I set up the phone using the specification given by the book and through my research on the web
16:43.47ManxPowerSource or dest?
16:43.55hescoI had started asterisk with sudo, as myself.  When I did a sudo su - ; then started asterisk, it worked.
16:44.15keith4doesn't it need 5060 tcp?
16:44.24ManxPowerhesco: *nod*  That would be expected.  If you want my help start answering my questions.
16:44.56ManxPowerManxPower: hesco: What user is Asterisk running as?  What is the owner of the .call file.  What are the permissions on the .call files
16:44.59ManxPowerI won't ask a 3rd time.
16:45.28ManxPowerhesco: your problem is so dirt simple any decent systems admin could have it fixed in 5 mins.
16:45.39[TK]D-FenderHawk36: Sorry, but you haven't added anything of value.
16:45.42*** join/#asterisk nny_1 (n=scott@
16:45.59Hawk36Sorry my mistake
16:45.59*** join/#asterisk codefreeze-lap (n=murf@
16:46.09Hawk36Just checked under my firewall
16:46.23Qwellpackets can go under it?
16:46.24Hawk36I had added a new port 5060 using TCP
16:46.49Hawk36It shows that SIP is added to the other ports
16:46.52[TK]D-FenderHawk36: Where is your phone located relative to *?
16:46.59ManxPowerAs SIP uses UDP, not TCP......
16:47.04[TK]D-FenderHawk36: And you won't get voice with only 5060
16:47.15DaneMHi, nny_1.  I'm still stuck.  Are you up to working with my problem some more?
16:47.30Hawk36Then there is something I truly lost here
16:47.44nny_1DaneM: yeah sure sorry had to change OS, in Ubuntu now
16:47.53nny_1DaneM: so still permission denied?
16:48.18DaneMnny_1: s'ok.  Yup.  I edited the Makefile to add the directory in the build environment, and I'm trying to re-re-re-re...compile.
16:48.44DaneMI'll know in a sec whether it worked.
16:49.04ManxPowerHawk36: First you say you added SIP/UDP 5060 to your firewall, then you say you added SIP/TCP 5060, which is it?
16:49.16*** join/#asterisk mltlnx (n=mltlnx@
16:49.20Hawk36It was my mistake
16:49.26ManxPowerwhy not just turn off the damn firewall until you manage to fix the problem?
16:49.41ManxPowerHawk36: Which do you have?
16:49.43Hawk36I had sip tcp and just put udp and I finally got green light
16:50.07ManxPowerNow, aren't you glad we didn't believe you when you said it's not a firewall problem
16:50.08nny_1DaneM: whats the error you are getting?
16:50.27DaneMnny_1: hmmm...looks like my workaround didn't work.  It says that the directory was already there.  One min...I'll re-post my error.
16:50.39nny_1the firewall is all poweful and knowing, this is blasphemy!
16:50.40Hawk36guys I'm sorry I don't understand completly
16:50.54ManxPowernext time don't argue with the experts
16:51.05ManxPowerIt pissed them off and you are good with ketchup
16:51.12Hawk36I thought this was the place to ask, if not can you please direct me to the right channal so I don't bother anyone with my newbie questions
16:51.14jayteeand crunchy
16:51.44ManxPowerHawk36: newbie questions are OK.  Newbies telling the experts "my firewall is fine" is just arguing with the experts.
16:51.49Hawk36Well never intended to argue, just tring to understand
16:51.55rob0NO place is the right place to ask until you have RTFM'ed and RTFwiki'ed.
16:52.03[TK]D-FenderHawk36: this is the place to ask, but you showed nothing and left us blank assurances that "of course my firewall is perfect".
16:52.10nny_1hey experts, it is better to set the callerid of the incoming caller in my incoming/default/ophshitcalldontdie context, correct?
16:52.12[TK]D-FenderWords to remember :
16:52.15jbotAbout assumptions :
16:52.19Hawk36Sorry if that is what I left as an impression
16:52.35DaneMnny_1: there it is: build_tools/mkpkgconfig: 34: cannot create /usr/lib/pkgconfig/asterisk.pc: Permission denied
16:52.45Hawk36Can we start over? ;)
16:52.51[TK]D-Fendernny_1: You don't normally set the caller ID of the call.. it jsut comes "in".
16:52.52ManxPowerDaneM: you are of course root when you run this, right?
16:53.17[TK]D-FenderHawk36: Yes, now try to keep an open mind.
16:53.19DaneMManxPower: I've been doing sudo for the most part, although I've tried root.  I'm using pbuilder/fakeroot, if that matters.
16:53.37DaneMI'll try as root (not sudo) again, just to be sure.
16:53.42Hawk36I will do my best and if I screw up I'm sure you guys will bring me back lol
16:53.47ManxPowerDaneM: you are having a distro specific problem.  Why are you not asking on the support channel for your distro?
16:53.50nny_1[TK]D-Fender: yeah that works, although i get channel:NUMBER@IP right now on my poly 601
16:53.54*** join/#asterisk stkn|work (n=stkn|wor@gentoo/developer/
16:53.54nny_1was trying to clean it up a bit
16:54.17ManxPowernny_1: then you didn't get callerid
16:54.19[TK]D-Fendernny_1: so only looks funny on the phone itself, right?
16:54.20DaneMManxPower: I guess I'll give it a shot there.  I wasn't sure whether any of you had noticed any similar problem.
16:54.25Hawk36So you said I would not get voice using UDP 5060, why is it recommended by the book?
16:54.32nny_1ManxPower: replace NUMBER with the correct number
16:54.39[TK]D-FenderHawk36: SIP = call signalling, RTP = VOICE <-
16:54.42nny_1[TK]D-Fender: yeah, maybe i should test another phone heh
16:54.46ManxPowerDaneM: I did, but since you are having a distro specific problem, I just ignored them.
16:54.53[TK]D-Fendernny_1: No... NoOp it
16:55.14Hawk36What dialplan do you guys recommend
16:55.23[TK]D-FenderHawk36: extensions.conf <-
16:55.47ManxPowerHawk36: Call setup/teardown is done using SIP (UDP/5060), Audio is done using the RTP protocol (/etc/asterisk/rtp.conf sets the RTP ports)
16:55.48*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
16:55.51Hawk36I guess my question was bad
16:56.05nny_1[TK]D-Fender: roger that
16:56.09ManxPowerRTP is all UDP, but does not have specific defined port numbers.
16:56.17*** join/#asterisk eXistenZ (n=existenz@unaffiliated/existenz)
16:56.56DaneMThanks for your tips, all.  Have a good one.
16:57.00*** part/#asterisk DaneM (
16:57.00Hawk36So if I understand I need to open some RTP ports if I wish to have voice
16:57.18[TK]D-FenderHawk36: 10000-20000 typical range.
16:57.32Hawk36Do I need one portr per phone?
16:57.40ManxPowerHawk36: 2 ports per call
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16:57.57ManxPowerset them to whatever you want in /etc/asterisk/rtp.conf
16:57.57Hawk36ok so on a 6 phone system I would need 12 ports correct?
16:58.14ManxPowerHawk36: I just SAID it had nothing to do with phones.
16:58.34ManxPowerHow many calls do you want to do at once outside the system?
16:58.35Hawk36per call
16:58.41Hawk36I see
16:59.01Hawk36so lets use our company as an exemple
16:59.06Hawk36We have 4 lines right now
16:59.17Hawk36So that would mean we do 4 simultan calls
16:59.23Hawk36So I would need 8 ports correct
16:59.28ManxPowerBy "lines" I assume you mean analog lines from the telco.
16:59.30[TK]D-FenderHawk36: Nope.
16:59.33Hawk36to have those 4 calls
16:59.56ManxPowerHawk36: so you would need 8 ports for the analog lines.  I assume you never have two phones call each other?
17:00.08ManxPower(well two phones that are not on the local LAN with the Asterisk server, at least)
17:00.19[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Then semantic here... this is going into "stupid" territory fast on assumptions...
17:00.53ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: he doesn't even know enough to ask the right questions -- I assume he doesn't know enough to provide the right answers too.
17:01.15Hawk36Beleive me I'm trying
17:01.17ManxPowerHawk36: and why do you even care to limit the ports so much.
17:01.34Hawk36I do not care, just trying to understand
17:01.35ManxPowerjust open 100 ports, set rtp.conf, allow them in your firewwall, be done with it
17:02.06ManxPowerunless you expect to have more than 50 calls at any one time.
17:02.06Hawk36let says I open 100 ports that means I can do 50 calls right?
17:02.10[TK]D-FenderHawk36: What exact hardware is letting your take in your analog lines?  How many PHONES are you looking at getting.  What KIND of phones?  Connected how?
17:02.47Hawk36Fender, I was just asking as an exemple
17:02.57Hawk36To understand RTP
17:03.03[TK]D-FenderHawk36: And your example has more holes than a block of swiss cheese
17:03.12Hawk36I can see
17:03.22Hawk36Please be a little patient
17:03.22rob0mmmm cheese
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17:03.30[TK]D-FenderHawk36: it makes plenty of assumptions I'm not even going to attempt to "assume" just to feed you an answer.
17:03.36Hawk36It is hard when you are new to all this
17:04.12Kimitakahow would you put a door phone in the dial plan, like where you pick up the phone and it automatically calls several extensions without being dialed
17:04.18[TK]D-FenderHawk36: the devil is in the details, and seeing how much of a miser you are on your firewalling, you are likely to amke a setup that will come back and bite your ass right off a-la-Jaws.
17:04.36destructuredorsal fin and all
17:04.43rob0with cheese?
17:04.55Hawk36That is why I am testing and learning
17:05.03[TK]D-FenderKimitaka: ATA with "dial on pickup" or zap analog channel + "immediate=yes"
17:05.20Hawk36I have another bad question
17:05.39Hawk36I thought It was not needed to have an analog card
17:06.29Hawk36Can I dial an analog line using a sip phone?
17:06.55ManxPowerHawk36: Yes.
17:07.11ManxPowerHawk36: Why you don't just go read The Book and save everyone time?
17:07.16Hawk36Manx can I private you?
17:07.17jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
17:07.31rob0I would take that as a "no".
17:07.31ManxPowerHawk36: only if it includes a credit card number to pay for my consulting service
17:07.56Hawk36Sorry I guess, I'll have to wait a bit
17:08.15Hawk36Manx that is the book I am reading and going through
17:08.21[TK]D-FenderHawk36: By what miracle did you think your analog line would be able to send its calls to * without a card or similar deice?
17:08.36Hawk36That it not what I wanted
17:08.52Hawk36Never did I mention I wanted to dial out with my analog lines using asterisk
17:08.59*** join/#asterisk doke (n=doke@unaffiliated/emrah)
17:09.11dokeHello hello!
17:09.23dokeIs there anybody here that undersand sip well?
17:09.24Hawk36I now have a dial tone but can't access any lines
17:09.34dokeI'm experiencing a very strange behavious
17:09.41dokewith Asterisk
17:09.47[TK]D-FenderHawk36: Asterisk processes calls.  The can come in from any number of different devices.  *  can, in that processing, DIAL a given device as you tell it to.
17:09.57*** part/#asterisk gitguy (
17:10.03dokeI'm trying to register a CP7975G
17:10.12keith4Hawk36: you're lucky. you caught [TK]D-Fender on a good day
17:10.13[TK]D-FenderHawk36: Well what device would LET * use your "lines"?
17:10.45Hawk36Fender, I guess I must purchase some kind of plan no?
17:10.52[TK]D-Fenderkeith4 : No, this is just "average", not good or bad.
17:11.06ManxPowerHawk36: plan?  No, if you want to use your analog lines you must purchase an analog card
17:11.07[TK]D-FenderHawk36: No, tio interface with your lines, you need HARDWARE.
17:11.09keith4it sounds like he hasn't even read the first chapter of the book
17:11.23Hawk36Ok, I do not wish to use my analog lines for now
17:11.24ManxPowerkeith4: I think I shall just stop helping.
17:11.31rupa... or a SIP provider
17:11.45[TK]D-FenderHawk36: If I want to use an analog line, I can buy a 10$ cheap ass POS phone and plug it in.  That sure isn't a "plan", its a DEVICE.
17:11.46Hawk36I just wish to be able to call out using asterisk for now
17:12.01[TK]D-FenderHawk36: call out on WHAT then?
17:12.02dokeI'm trying to register a sip device and Asterisk behaves totally very strangely or something is wrong on my side
17:12.11NasraManxPower : don't til you help me...
17:12.12Hawk36My IP Phone
17:12.18[TK]D-FenderHawk36: WRONG
17:12.35[TK]D-FenderHawk36: Your IP phone doesn't magically connect to the PSTN.
17:12.49ManxPowerHawk36: what number do you want to dial?
17:12.52dokeI have a subnet where Asterisk listens on Then a tunnel on and the IP phone on subnet
17:12.56Hawk36any number
17:12.57*** join/#asterisk pikachu2000 (
17:13.02[TK]D-FenderHawk36: A phone doesn't let you place calls to the PSTN.  A phones conencted to a LINE does.
17:13.27ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: don't get stressed, get evin
17:13.31ManxPowereven, even
17:13.32Hawk36I thought I was able to purchase an IP line and use it on my IP phone
17:13.37[TK]D-FenderHawk36: So again, what HARDWARE or SERVICE are you looking to use to let you place calls to the PSTN?
17:13.51[TK]D-FenderHawk36: Now we might be getting somewhere.
17:13.59rob0doke, if the OpenVPN peer isn't the default gateway for the network, you need routes there to get back to 10.0.0.x.
17:14.06[TK]D-FenderHawk36: the ther you're loking for is ITSP
17:14.08jbot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet telephony Service Provider or "VoIP Telephone company". The allow you to either PLACE calls to the PSTN (called Termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called Origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs
17:14.25dokerob0: I can register no problem with PJSIP
17:14.25ManxPowerdoke: put the [2104] section of sip.conf on
17:14.28*** join/#asterisk argos73 (
17:14.28Hawk36I have zero hardware so I guess I need an IP service that can dial outside lines, is that it?
17:14.33*** join/#asterisk inv_arp (
17:14.39[TK]D-FenderHawk36: And you you can pay for service with one to place/receive calls all via a VoIP protocol
17:14.59Hawk36That was my qurestion before
17:15.00[TK]D-FenderHawk36: if you don't have the hardware, time to connect to someone who does..
17:15.10rob0Sorry, I saw the and automatically figured it was someone who didn't understand IP routing. :)
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17:15.17rupais there a test # that is always busy?
17:15.22rupaPSTN #
17:15.27Hawk36I asked if you guys knew of a good dial plan, I should of said a good service plan
17:15.51ManxPowerHawk36: you should not be on this channel, you should be concentrating on reading the book
17:15.57[TK]D-FenderHawk36: No, you should ask "Hey, who's a decent ITSP in area {x}"
17:16.07rob0area 51?
17:16.13Hawk36Manx thanks
17:16.43*** join/#asterisk kamanashisroy (n=kamanash@
17:16.43Hawk36Hey, who's a decent ITSP in area 514
17:17.07keith4smacks his forehead
17:17.20NasraHawk36 can google it
17:17.30[TK]D-FenderHawk36: and
17:17.38Hawk36I did, just wanted to see if anyone recommends one more than another
17:17.48Hawk36Thanks Fender
17:17.49nny_1vitelity is good too
17:17.53ManxPowerdoke: This is not valid "callerid=("Emrah KAVUN" <2104>)"
17:17.59Hawk36Sorry I dodn't know exactly how to ask it
17:18.06nny_1well as long as you dont upset there draconian billing check mothods
17:18.12ManxPoweryou want callerid=Emrah KAVUN <2104>  no quotes, nothing extran
17:18.27dokerob0: all my devices can connect together... I'm currently in a Uni network in England trying to setup this phone for my girl friend.. She has a WRT54gl connected to Switzerland ;)
17:18.28ManxPowerand cisco phones are very picky about callerid
17:18.34nny_1their* gah me fail english
17:18.41[TK]D-Fendernny_1: pricey
17:18.51dokeManxPower: I can login to this peer with other softphones
17:18.54nny_1[TK]D-Fender: really? i checked whats the other?
17:18.54Hawk36Fender, do you recommend one more than the other or they are identical in your POV
17:19.00dokeno problem at all
17:19.05nny_1[TK]D-Fender: was getting .015 per minute US and Canada
17:19.14[TK]D-FenderHawk36: Service is much the same from what I hear
17:19.30rupaHawk36, they have websites
17:19.31Hawk36We need CAN_US calls a lot
17:20.06[TK]D-FenderHawk36: well you can use 1 providers for outbound calls in an area with a  cheaper service.
17:20.23[TK]D-FenderHawk36: You know.  Go read.
17:20.29jbot[~itsplist-ca] Here are some popular ITSPs (Canada) starting with the more respected ones : , ,
17:20.31jbot[~itsplist-us] Here are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones : , , ,, , ,
17:20.31dokeManxPower: any further suggestion?
17:20.32ManxPowerdoke: then your phone config is wrong
17:20.38Hawk36What is a red line across the screen mean?
17:20.53dokehave you looked at my pastebin SIP dialog?
17:20.55ManxPowerHawk36: nothing, Asterisk does not print a red line on the screen
17:21.14Hawk36no here on the cannal
17:21.22ManxPowerHawk36: then you should have said that.
17:21.34Hawk36Is that a private message?
17:21.35ManxPowerHawk36: check the docs for your IRC client.
17:21.45Qwellsort of off-topic - but does anybody happen to know how cell GSM registrations work?  apparently, you can have two phones with the same DID, and have incoming calls ring both
17:21.50nny_1[TK]D-Fender: i realized that NoOp won't work cause the original assumption (no need to ~assume I view this as an error by someone else i can blame) is that the CALLERID was set.. I am updating the extension dialplan for good solid proper callerid, adding some nanpa.txt love for location, and pondering using the full AGI script for reverse lookups.. but I digress.. right now I am looking in the book and online for proper incoming callerid context
17:21.57nny_1wow i wrote a book
17:22.27florzQwell: not really in detail - but yes, that is possible, absolutely
17:22.30rob0nny_1, autograph it for us
17:22.48florzQwell: I mean, rather obviously that must be possible =:-)
17:23.00[TK]D-FenderManxPower: just something X-Chat inserts occasionally.. not sure on the triger.
17:23.01nny_1heh signed Kenneth Rodriguez Consuello Johnson Egbert Douchebag Bonapart
17:23.06nny_1the third
17:23.17ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: text since you last had the window to the foreground
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17:23.41[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Could be.  Never really bothered to verify :)
17:24.04nny_1so yeah back to my book, no need [TK]D-Fender i just need to relearn how to properly do callerid first
17:24.15*** join/#asterisk Nasra (
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17:25.06[TK]D-Fendernny_1: Your descriptions and pastebins are all vague.  You need some coherence...
17:28.13nny_1[TK]D-Fender: yeah you are right... let me learn more about how asterisk interprets and sends the CID, as well as why it says "asterisk" when no callerid is available, and I'll get back to you. I need to figure out how it works before I can address the formatting issue
17:29.01rob0Hey, here's a dumb question about Zapateller - does it have a way to detect that it's a non-human caller, or do I have to put that logic in my dialplan somehow?
17:32.09rob0I figure putting them to a menu is good enough, they rarely if ever will dial past Allison's this-call-may-be-monitored-or-recorded.
17:32.09[TK]D-Fenderrob0: check out some of the answering machine detection code, etc.  you could also jsut through them into an IVR and force them to make a choice.
17:32.29[TK]D-Fenderrob0: Looks like you've already got your answer then.
17:33.14rob0I used to have that, but this line here is FXO-less. We never gave out the number to anyone, and yet it gets spammed all the time.
17:33.41[TK]D-Fenderrob0: ... huh?
17:33.58[TK]D-Fenderrob0: "line here is FXO-less." <- wtf?
17:33.59rob0phone line only for DSL
17:34.24[TK]D-Fenderrob0: then whats answering it?
17:34.41[TK]D-Fenderrob0: And you don't ahve to give it out.. that what phone book lists are for.
17:34.47rob0most of the time, nothing/nobody, but we do have a phone plugged in now.
17:35.01Hawk36Fender thanks I will try
17:35.12ruparob0, so unplug the phone
17:35.26[TK]D-FenderSounds good to me
17:35.30rob0we have done that, too :)
17:35.53rob0but I have an unused TDM11B which I am going to bring here
17:36.31jaytee[TK]D-Fender, is this a valid statement if I'm trying to pass the last 4 digits to another context? exten => _NXXXXXX,1,Goto(directory,${EXTEN:-4,4})
17:37.29ManxPowerjaytee: ${EXTEN:3} would do what you want
17:39.36[TK]D-Fenderexten => _NXXXXXX,1,Goto(directory,${EXTEN:3},1)
17:39.55jayteeManxPower, I need to do matching against a list of 4 digit extensions, so exten => _NXXXXXX,1,Goto(directory,$EXTEN:3} would work and try to match against any of the 4 digit extensions there?
17:40.11nny_1anyone have an opinion on HPEC vs. Digium Hardware echo cancel?
17:40.21ManxPowerjaytee: no, ${EXTEN:3} will remove the first 3 digits of the value of EXTEN
17:40.44ManxPowerjaytee: no "matching" involved
17:42.27jayteeManxPower, sorry if I didn't make myself clear, I have one incoming context that normally won't get calls coming in. When a call comes into my * box from that trunk I am being passed 7 digits but all my extensions are 4 digit.
17:43.16ManxPowerjaytee: I understand.
17:43.28ManxPoweryour question was answered.
17:44.01[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: You should ask your telco to send you 10 digits IMO...
17:44.08jayteeah, so when the call goes to the other context the value of ${EXTEN} has already had the 3 digits stripped?
17:44.29*** part/#asterisk Shazaum (
17:44.45ManxPowerjaytee: ${EXTEN:3} will strip off the first three digits.  What does that leave you with?
17:45.00*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki (
17:45.05jayteethe last 4
17:45.27ManxPowernow TRY it.
17:45.49*** join/#asterisk sysreq (n=sysreq@unaffiliated/sysreq)
17:46.09jayteeyep, gonna do that tonight. have to wait till after hours to test but I'm typing up the extensions.conf ahead of time.
17:46.26jayteeManxPower, thanks! I think I always try to make it harder than it is :-)
17:46.27ManxPowerWe'll see you tomorrow then.
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17:57.55nny_1is there another way to see an agi script work besides agi debug and running it standalone?
17:58.24*** join/#asterisk Defraz (i=t0tal@
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18:14.19[TK]D-Fendernny_1: What more are you expecting?
18:15.38*** join/#asterisk rolnd (
18:15.57hmmhesayswhen you are using extconfig for voicemail  do you still use the static conf file for general settings?
18:16.51rolndhow can one tell remote end that certain codec should be used, remote end always gets Accepting AUTHENTICATED call from ... requested format = unknown
18:17.40ManxPowerrolnd: you configure the remote end for only one codec
18:17.41*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (n=arodgers@
18:18.34rolndManxPower, what if I don't have ability to configure remote end, but it has list of 4 codecs
18:18.47ManxPowerrolnd: then you can tell Asterisk to only accept one codec.
18:19.00rolndManxPower, remote always defaults to first codec
18:19.13rolndManxPower, because it never sees my preferred one being negotiated
18:19.17ManxPowerrolnd: exactly how did you configure Asterisk to only accept 1 codec.
18:19.45ManxPowerrolnd: Asterisk TELLS the phone what codecs it supports when the call comes in.  If your remote device is ignoring that then there's nothin Asterisk can do about it.
18:19.49rolndManxPower, remote has 4 codecs, gsm being the first one, g729 second and so on
18:19.57*** join/#asterisk Goldfisch (
18:20.04rolndManxPower, local one has 2 codecs, g729 being the first one, gsm second and so on
18:20.16rolndManxPower, the problem is remote always uses *GSM*
18:20.29ManxPowerrolnd: if you can't configure it, there really isn't much we need to know about the devices.
18:20.30rolndManxPower, because it sees requested format = unknown
18:20.37ManxPowerNow, ANSWER my question.
18:20.50ManxPowerrolnd: that is a normal thing on many systems, depending on your setup.
18:20.53*** part/#asterisk Goldfisch (
18:21.11ManxPowerRegistrations would have it, as would IAX2 switch => statement
18:21.12rolndManxPower, there is two asterisk boxes
18:21.18rolndManxPower, remote and local
18:21.25rolndManxPower, I don't have control of remote
18:21.46ManxPowerrolnd: I will ask you one more time before I give up on you.  "exactly how did you configure Asterisk to only accept 1 codec?"
18:22.10*** join/#asterisk cyrilrbt (n=crobert@
18:22.19rolndManxPower, I did not configure asterisk to accept only one codec
18:22.22cyrilrbthi everyone
18:22.31rolndManxPower, again I do not have control of remote just local box
18:22.40ManxPowerrolnd: THEN DO IT ON THE BOX YOU CONTROL
18:23.49ManxPowerI already know you don't control the remote side.  I won't tell you to change it.
18:24.13ManxPowerrolnd: you are making a dead simple task into a complex confusing thing.
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18:28.28mknerd14:18rolndManxPower, local one has 2 codecs, g729 being the first one, gsm second and so on 14:18rolndManxPower, the problem is remote always uses *GSM*, turn off gsm on the local one
18:28.44mknerdjust turn on only the one you want on the local one
18:29.39rob0GLOBAL() "get or set global variables", I can get, but not seeing an example how to set.
18:29.57iamhrhwhen members are added to a queue via dynamic realtime, should * be calling them when they already have a call?
18:30.08ManxPowerrolnd: put the sip.conf from the box you control on, masking only passwords
18:30.22rob0I could try Set(VARIABLE|g) but that would be cheating :)
18:31.13seanbrighterr, fat fingered, sorry
18:31.33seanbrightwas h<tab>ing in another terminal
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18:34.26ManxPowermknerd: I don't think he really wants help\
18:35.23*** join/#asterisk mltlnx (n=mltlnx@
18:35.53seanbrighthmmhesays: just glancing at the app_voicemail code, it looks like general settings are read from voicemail.conf even when using realtime
18:36.06hmmhesaysfigured it out
18:42.43*** join/#asterisk BrokenNoze (
18:43.13BrokenNozeHi does anyone here use polycom's in depth?
18:43.33rolndManxPower, no it works if I use the single one, however my question was related to codec order
18:44.20rolndManxPower, if I do disallow=all,allow=g729,allow=gsm, shouldn't gsm be used first
18:44.27rolndg729 I mean
18:44.35*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
18:44.36BrokenNozeI am having serious issues with the 650's and using Auto answer, it only appears to work if 1 line key is ringing, anymore and the phone doesn't auto answer
18:45.42*** join/#asterisk unbkbl (
18:45.46ManxPowerBrokenNoze: You read the Wiki page?
18:46.19ManxPowerrolnd: I can't help your further until you put your sip.conf on, masking only the passwords
18:46.37unbkblhello, i want to remove freepbx so that i can install again is there any way to uninstall it? nobody gave me an answer in #freepbx
18:46.54ManxPowerunbkbl: format the system and reinstall your OS
18:47.03unbkblno... really
18:47.10[TK]D-Fenderunbkbl: Sorry,but they are the ones who're supposed to know.
18:47.10ManxPowerunbkbl: that was not a joke.
18:47.17*** join/#asterisk luke-jr (n=luke-jr@2002:440d:6de2:0:20e:a6ff:fec4:4e5d)
18:47.28luke-jrIs it possible to get Asterisk to connect a call directly to a Zaptel line?
18:47.29BrokenNozeManxPower: on voip-info?
18:47.33luke-jreg, so they get a dialtone?
18:48.07rob0"There must be ... fifty ways to leave your lover"
18:49.40iamhrhshould members of a queue be receiving additional calls when they are already on one?
18:50.04ManxPoweriamhrh: yes, if your system design and phones allow that
18:50.23ManxPowerBrokenNoze: yes
18:51.32*** join/#asterisk angryuser (
18:51.41angryusertzafrir here?
18:52.04iamhrhManxPower: is there a way to limit it to one at a time? I'd rather it pass up someone who is already busy, not quite sure where to look though. Right now calls to queue members are being routed through Local/member@queudialer (there is some logic involved in deciding what SIP extension to call for each member)
18:52.29ManxPoweriamhrh: turn off call waiting on your phones
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18:53.56iamhrhManx: 10-4, will try that out
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18:56.15angryuserhere is my feedback about the problem described yesterday, when you have old tdm400p and new tdm410p and b410p in one system, and the driver of misdn taking ypur tdm400p card , firs you need to blacklist it at /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist "blacklist netjetpci" then at system start unload wctdm and wctdm24xxp(driver of tdm410p) and load them again to respect the load order of pci , tzafrir
18:56.24BrokenNozeManxPoer : yes, and i have it working. though if i have multiple line keys ringing there's no way to prioritize the Auto Answer call. so it just has to wait until the other lines stop ringing, which defeats the idea of aout anwer in the first place
18:57.34tzafrirangryuser, the tdm410p (and maybe even some later 400-s) should have a PCI ID that does not trigger that that mISDN module
18:58.06rob0"locate netjetpci" comes up empty here.
18:59.31angryuserexactly, but in my case i had ald configs from prevous instal with zaptel channels defined, and only tdm410p was detected on boot, so it mesed my my zap order
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19:05.32rob0Um, I guess my point is that this "blacklist netjetpci" advice might be specific to your distro. My kernel doesn't have that driver.
19:05.34ManxPowerBrokenNoze: only if you were silly enough to use one registration for all line keys
19:06.38angryuserrob0: install misdn you will have it ;)
19:07.06angryuserrob0:and my distro is debian
19:07.12jbotGrandSuck phones & gateways are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice.
19:08.15ManxPowerrolnd: I'm not helping you anymore.  You either don't have the time or the desire to spend the required time on this problem.  I'm going back to paid work
19:09.02keith4angryuser: you could write udev rules to enforce the load order
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19:09.49angryuserkeith4: yes , if i was not a noob in that matter
19:10.09keith4yah, it's a real pain
19:10.26keith4i had a similar problem with tuner cards in my myth backend
19:11.50keith4fwiw, i don't have netjetpci (in debian) modules, but I do see "netjet" under "hisax"
19:13.48*** join/#asterisk keulin (
19:16.17minteeis there a way to give temp control to a context and return to the original context depending on some variables?
19:16.32minteewithout specifically calling the context on the return
19:17.49[TK]D-Fendermintee: "core show application gosub"
19:18.17minteecool, thanks
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19:38.42rolndanyone knows how to reset password on azatel ipcall104
19:40.19RoyKhands rolnd a sledgehammer
19:40.46ManxPowerRoyK: he ignores questions, does not provide the requested info, leaves in the middle of troubleshooting.  Not worth your time.
19:40.49minteeis there a way to set a variable outside of an extension?   IE; Without the SET() function?
19:41.01ManxPowermintee: only global variables
19:41.12outtoluncor the manager interface
19:41.24ManxPoweryou could also it in sip.conf if you need to.
19:41.30ManxPowerI think in 1.6 Zap also allows that.
19:42.29RoyKwhat's really the difference between zap 1.2/1.4/1.6?
19:42.41ManxPowerRoyK: heck if I know.
19:42.51ManxPowerI guess if I really wanted to know I'd read the changelog
19:43.16RoyKseems to me the changes are minor, but they've pushed the version up along with asstrix
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19:48.54ManxPowerRoyK: 1.6 has "SS7 support in chan_zap (via libss7 library)"
19:49.29ManxPowersetvar support for zapata.conf, "auto" mode for analog cards to autodetect port type
19:49.57tzafrirand support for bri
19:50.32tzafrirnot complete, but quite good enough for many
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19:51.22tzafrirbut that is Asterisk's chan_zap . zaptel is still 1.4
19:51.32tzafrirand not going to be 1.6
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19:54.04x86when is 1.6 going to be ready for production?
19:54.24tzafrirx86, depends who you'll ask
19:54.39tzafrirfor some I think 1.4 will be ready in a year or two
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19:54.44x86been almost a month now since the latest Asterisk release was made, which seems like a long time looking back on previous releases
19:55.00ManxPowerI don't 1.4 will ever be ready for any of my production servers
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19:57.22RoyKManxPower: in these days, most telcos support SIP termination and even so with SIP-T - are there any SIP-T support in the pipeline?
19:57.55ManxPowerRoyK: I do not work for Digium and am not a developer.
19:58.16ManxPowerI come from the system admin / corporate enviroment
19:59.26RoyKManxPower: I just wondered if you knew
20:00.38clive-how stable is 1.4 in a production environment?
20:00.54keith4"most telcos support SIP termination"? that's an awfully broad generalization
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20:05.12nny_1does anyone know of a good explanation of how to set up the callerid to strip the channel and server IP? right now my incoming context doesn't have any Set(CALLERID(num) etc in it for incoming, which I suspect is the larger issue.
20:08.27*** join/#asterisk ice_croft (n=nolan@
20:08.31ice_crofthi ppl
20:08.41ice_croftneed urgent help :(
20:08.53nny_1ice_croft: I can try to help whats up
20:09.01draygonask your question
20:09.34ice_crofti updated planet-156 firmware, and whan im callin with ulaw codec -- it reports SIP 488 error
20:09.38b11d`does anyone know of a wireless headset that works with a polycom 501/550 that DOESNT require a Lifter?
20:09.41b11d`i hate lifters!
20:09.47[TK]D-Fendernny_1: You are still looking at the fromt he wrong angle.  NoOp it.  Do you SEE the IP?  You definitely shouldn't.
20:10.05ice_croftif i set vip primary codec to alaw, it calls well
20:10.06[TK]D-Fenderb11d`: Jabra's got some.
20:10.11b11d`thanks TK
20:10.18ice_croftwhere to dig?
20:10.21nny_1[TK]D-Fender: sorry i wasn't sure what step of the dialplan to NoOp
20:10.38[TK]D-Fendernny_1: How about at a point where you CARE about it?
20:11.14[TK]D-Fenderice_croft: 488 = codec mismatch
20:11.38ice_croft[TK]D-Fender> its set to ulaw both sides :(
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20:11.52[TK]D-Fenderice_croft: And where's our pastebin?
20:12.01ice_croftomg, wait a min
20:12.04clive-manxpower why dont you use 1.4 in production?
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20:12.46dlynes_laptopI'm having an issue getting mediatrix to call mediatrix, aastra to call mediatrix, anything to call mediatrix....I've got a sip debug log of the transaction I was wondering if anyone could take a look at to determine why it's not happening?
20:12.51nny_1[TK]D-Fender: I dont see the IP there.. and I just realized our 962 doesn't do it.. so I am guessing this is phone specific
20:12.51dlynes_laptopThe log is at
20:13.13dlynes_laptopclive-: probably because 1.4 isn't rock solid stable
20:13.14[TK]D-Fendernny_1: Good... no go read up its support docs & links.
20:13.42dlynes_laptopclive-: if I didn't need the features in 1.4, I wouldn't be using it, either
20:14.01x86dlynes_laptop: I hear ya.... 1.2 was _much_ more stable
20:14.24nny_1[TK]D-Fender: roger that
20:14.35x86dlynes_laptop: but I also need the features of 1.4, and I'm waiting for a couple new features in 1.6 also
20:14.41[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_laptop: You're not getting answered.  either IP is wrong, firewall/networking is wrong, etc
20:14.45dlynes_laptopx86: yeah..unfortunately, i've got a boss that __must__ have blf in all possible configurations, and shared line appearance
20:14.55clive-dlynes is it so unstable?
20:15.11dlynes_laptopclive-: yes...but it depends on what features you use in it, too
20:15.50dlynes_laptop[TK]D-Fender: could it be a mismatch in timings for the codecs by any chance, instead?
20:15.53x86dlynes_laptop: isnt BLF the same thing as SLA?
20:15.55clive-dlynes i am basically just using it for iax2 to sip conversionsis it so unstable?
20:16.02dlynes_laptop[TK]D-Fender: i.e. it using 100ms timings instead of 30ms timings?
20:16.15[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_laptop: No... you are getting NO response whatsoever in there
20:16.18dlynes_laptopx86: no...SLA needs BLF to work
20:16.33x86dlynes_laptop: not seeing how they are different
20:16.39dlynes_laptop[TK]D-Fender: oh, basically I might have a couple of bricked mediatrix boxes
20:17.13clive-dlynes maybe i should top and go back to 1.2 ... 1.4 is supposed to be more cpu efficient ad fit more calls in the same hardware
20:17.16dlynes_laptop[TK]D-Fender: do you know of a good tutorial for being able to read sip debug logs by any chance?
20:17.48[TK]D-Fenderice_croft: Capabilities: us - 0x4 (ulaw), peer - audio=0x8 (alaw)/video=0x0 (nothing), combined - (ulaw) <- mismatch of "us" vs "them"
20:17.51ice_croftCapabilities: us - 0x4 (ulaw), peer - audio=0x8 (alaw)/video=0x0 (nothing), combined - (ulaw)
20:17.51ice_croftNon-codec capabilities (dtmf): us - 0x1 (telephone-event), peer - 0x1 (telephone-event), combined - 0x1 (telephone-event)
20:17.56ice_crofti saw that
20:18.01ice_croftsorry Fender
20:18.07ice_croftgotta hit the wall
20:18.10[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_laptop: Here's a tip : No packets with the name "Mediatrix" in them ;)
20:18.48dlynes_laptop[TK]D-Fender: yeah..I seen that...but I figured I wouldn't get any until the rtp finished negotiating or something
20:19.34dlynes_laptop[TK]D-Fender: and it's kinda weird because I can send calls to a mediatrix, but I can't make any calls out from it
20:20.24dlynes_laptop[TK]D-Fender: that log you see is from the mediatrix trying to make a call to an aastra
20:20.45[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_laptop: RTP?  ixnay <-
20:20.47dlynes_laptop[TK]D-Fender: so it's starting the audio stream, but never sends any sip messages I guess?
20:20.57[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_laptop: You have no response To >>SIP<< trying to SET UP the call.
20:21.13[TK]D-Fenderdlynes_laptop: Stop counting your chickens so damn early.
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20:22.41tzangerbrawwwwwwwk bawk bawk bawk
20:23.29b11d`TK.. do you have a reputable vendor for Jabra headsets?
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20:25.59ice_croft[TK]D-Fender> look, plz
20:26.01ice_croft[TK]D-Fender> Capabilities: us - 0x4 (ulaw), peer - audio=0x0 (nothing)/video=0x0 (nothing), combined - (ulaw)
20:26.01ice_croftNon-codec capabilities (dtmf): us - 0x1 (telephone-event), peer - 0x1 (telephone-event), combined - 0x1 (telephone-event)
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20:26.47ice_croft[TK]D-Fender> audio nothing, and its set to ulaw on the peer. should i just trash it?
20:28.48[TK]D-Fenderice_croft: you should get a clue and actually configure the codecs on each side properly.
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20:29.38ice_croft[TK]D-Fender> theres nothing advanced to configure on the fxs, actually..
20:29.47ice_croft[TK]D-Fender> thanx man
20:29.59[TK]D-Fenderok, heading home, later all.
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20:36.47killmel8trman people are so non-understanding, its like they want thier phones to work all the time and they dont understand that if everything "just worked" all the time people like us wouldnt have jobs... lol
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20:37.02sharpdoes anybody know anything about ztxen and where i might find it?
20:41.25sharpa ztdummy for xen vm's
20:41.42sharpthats the link i was looking for
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20:44.32x86I don't virtualize my mission critical phone systems, and I certainly have no need for ztdummy as I use real hardware
20:45.42anonymouz666anyone in here using the patch (DTMF/FSK callerid detection) from mantis issue 9096?
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20:58.58Ritzeriskor does anyone know of a type of asterisk system that can use the auto dialer
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21:00.23aiksa[LV]Ritzerisk: for an outbound callcenter type of auto dialer?
21:00.42aiksa[LV]or like an announcment system?
21:04.41ice_croftf#ckin planet
21:06.06minteeso from out of the box, should MusicOnHold() work?
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21:06.19minteecause I can't seem to get it working
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21:11.18dlynesice_croft: planet brand network equipment?
21:11.45dokeplease does anyone has a Cisco 7975 connected to Asterisk here?
21:11.59dokeThis phone is driving me crazy since a week
21:12.10ice_croftdlynes> yes
21:12.18dokeif anyone happends to know well SIP I have a dump of the dialog
21:12.18dlynesice_croft: complete crap isn't it?
21:12.29ice_croftdlynes> true, man
21:12.52dlynesice_croft: i've been fighting with one of their switches lately, and the network cards are even worse
21:13.19ice_croftdlynes> thanx to God i never saw their nc's
21:17.37mintee[May 12 17:15:47] WARNING[9068]: mp3/interface.c:215 decodeMP3: Junk at the beginning of frame 49443303
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21:20.54muirotwo questions: is there a dialaplan equivalent to isnumeric() or similar -and- can I write my own functions ("applications") in dialplan without using macros?
21:22.23mockerGuh, was trying an invite to GrandCentral and I selected a number that needs a 1 in front of it from the same area code.
21:22.32mockerNow I need another invite because you can't switch numbers. :(
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21:32.04rob0I just set up this nifty failover for tollfree calls between and, and all I got is this T-shirt.
21:32.43rob0it was my greatest dialplan achievement ever, and is 503'ing me.
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21:33.21rob0the failover to Sipphone then works nicely
21:34.17muirois it possible to write custom functions for asterisk?
21:34.25draygonof course.
21:34.38Exstaticaanyhone know of a good windows osd sip client?
21:34.42muirodraygon: can you point me in the direction of documentation?
21:35.25rob0Just wondering, is not a reasonable solution for tollfree termination?
21:35.37rob0it worked when I tried it yesterday
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21:45.52ice_croftso i switched it to alaw
21:46.15ice_croftit cant detect ulaw, damn crap
21:46.45*** join/#asterisk AsteriskRo (n=rosadesa@
21:46.57AsteriskRohello all
21:47.18AsteriskRoplease, any help on variables on asterisk dialplan¿?
21:47.31muiroAsteriskRo: what do you need help with?
21:47.52[TK]D-FenderAsteriskRo, Ask a specific question and you might get a specific answer.
21:48.11AsteriskRoi need to set the CALLERID with a variable that contain the trunk username
21:48.39[TK]D-FenderAsteriskRo, Set(CALLERID(name)=whateverthehellyouwant)
21:49.08AsteriskRook, but i need that the value is one of my trunks on users.conf username
21:49.42AsteriskRofor example Set(CALLERID(name)=trunk5/username
21:50.09AsteriskRoand trunk5 is defined on users.conf
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21:51.13aiksa[LV]hmm, and this is the user making the call
21:51.39AsteriskRoi need it to get permission to make the call
21:51.51[TK]D-FenderAsteriskRo, then do "SetVar=whatiwantforCID" in your users.conf entry and use that as the value to set the callerid to.
21:51.52aiksa[LV]why dont you just add callerid to the users.conf (or was that iax.conf and sip.conf specific funcionality)?
21:52.16aiksa[LV][TK]D-Fender: thinking aprox. about the same
21:52.41aiksa[LV]AsteriskRo: or you could do another very ugly thing if number of users is limited
21:52.41AsteriskRoyes, but i'd like to use a variable instead a value
21:52.46[TK]D-Fenderaiksa[LV], I'm just thinking he probably wants to treat "inside" calls different from "outside"
21:52.56aiksa[LV][TK]D-Fender: looks like that
21:52.59[TK]D-Fenderaiksa[LV], otherwise Yeah, I'd say set it direct as "callerid="
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21:54.09aiksa[LV]AsteriskRo: doesnt that "SetVar=whatiwantforCID" mean that you would have avriable/
21:54.17aiksa[LV]would have variable
21:54.42aiksa[LV]you could do another very ugly thing
21:54.45AsteriskRook, but...which is that variable that has the value of my trunk username???
21:55.17[TK]D-FenderAsteriskRo, well the "username" could be different from the [sectionname] in users.conf.
21:55.44[TK]D-FenderAsteriskRo, So its a questio of whether the [sectionname] is trustworthy.  I didn't assume they were always the same
21:56.05aiksa[LV]sorry [TK]D-Fender Ill leave this to you. (off to bed, its too late here)
21:56.12*** part/#asterisk codefreeze-lap (n=murf@
21:56.14[TK]D-Fenderaiksa[LV], np
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21:56.54AsteriskRomy sectionname is [trunk_5]
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21:57.18[TK]D-FenderAsteriskRo, and is that what you want to use as the "callerid"?
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21:58.12AsteriskRono, i want to use the username of that trunk
21:58.55[TK]D-FenderAsteriskRo, I'd suggest setting a variable to the same value in their entry then.
21:59.30muiroI think he means that when he connects to his trunk etc. he uses a username/password. When he's dialing through a trunk he wants it to show up as that username. I think.
22:00.17AsteriskRoi'm a "she" not a "he" :)
22:01.05AsteriskRoyes, i need it to authentication/authorization
22:01.31_ShrikE~seen kronos
22:01.34jbotkronos <n=kronos@> was last seen on IRC in channel #kde, 303d 3h 47m 49s ago, saying: 'Sho_: any options in xorg.conf? that could be made to avoid maximize over 2 monitors?'.
22:01.45AsteriskRoif i don't use a trunk/username the number that tries to make the call is the extension number (i'm using it on a local pbx)
22:02.02[TK]D-FenderAsteriskRo, if you are doing this based on the device you are calling OUT of, and not the CALLING end (like I just described), then just set it right before you dial.
22:03.00muiroAsteriskRo: do you want the outgoing callerid to match the username for the trunk that was used to dial into your pbx?
22:03.28muiroAsteriskRo: or is it that each trunk that you might dial out of requires a username in the callerid?
22:03.36AsteriskRoyes, it has to mach with the sip trunk username to be autorized to make outbound calls
22:04.07muiroAsteriskRo: it's also going out of the sip trunk?
22:04.29[TK]D-FenderAsteriskRo, then jsut set it right before you dial.  You already know the peer you're dialing out of so there doesn't have to be anything "variable" about it.
22:06.12AsteriskRook, now i have it set with the plain value before i dial, and it works fine...but i wanted to use a variable
22:07.01[TK]D-FenderAsteriskRo, No point.  If you're doing this based on what you're going to dial out on, then that isn't something based on the caller, and * isn't psychic.  So you're already doing it the way you have to and this entire exercise has been a waste of time.
22:08.11AsteriskRoi just wanted to have it on a variable, so if i have to make changes i don't have to change it on users.conf and extensions.conf
22:08.21AsteriskRosorry to make you waste your time :$
22:08.47_ShrikE~seen krhonos
22:08.49jbot_ShrikE: i haven't seen 'krhonos'
22:09.54[TK]D-FenderAsteriskRo, wel DUH you have to change it in users.conf, and * STILL won't know you're about to dial out of them anyways
22:16.22*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
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22:20.52unbkblhello, i've installed freepbx but when i click in 'FreePBX administrator' link it shows a forbbiden webmessage, i know this is not the freepbx channel but there nobody give me an answer
22:21.34[TK]D-Fenderunbkbl, Doesn't matter.  Just because your auto-mechanic doesn't tell you how to fix a leading head gasket doesn't mean you should ask that in here either.
22:21.45unbkblsomebody know what could be the problem?
22:21.48[TK]D-Fenderunbkbl, we do not support their scripts in here.
22:22.21[TK]D-Fenderunbkbl, They have plenty of support message boards & their own channel.  Use them.
22:24.49unbkblok thnx for nothing
22:32.27*** part/#asterisk AsteriskRo (n=rosadesa@
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22:36.06minteeI've setup a rather simple extension to test out transfers...
22:36.41minteeBasically call comes in, and rings my cell phone.  When I answer the call, I can hit # and it will put the caller into a MusicOnHold while my end says "Transfer"
22:37.19minteehowever, I can't determine how to transfer the call.  Any thing I put it, it looks for that extension in my original Zap context.
22:37.51ManxPowermintee: it should look in whatever context the Dial happened in.  Did you look at "core show application dial"?
22:38.10ManxPoweralso channelvariables.txt will contain some useful information for you.
22:38.39minteeWell, the dial happened in [transfer_me]
22:39.06minteehowever, when I dial an extension, it;s looking for it in [from-pstn] my main zap channel
22:39.08ManxPowermintee: then transfer_me *should* be where it's looking for matching extension.  Is that not happening?
22:39.23ManxPowermintee: My two suggestions stand.
22:40.02ManxPowermintee: put a Noop(CONTEXT=${CONTEXT} before the Dial line to make SURE it's coming from transfer_me
22:40.14ManxPowerBut remember the closing )
22:40.28*** part/#asterisk mog (
22:40.28*** part/#asterisk BrokenNoze (
22:40.32[TK]D-Fendermintee, Set(TRANSFER_CONTEXT=where my zaptel channel should let me transfer based on.
22:41.07ManxPowermintee: you will learn that when you follow my suggestions 8-)
22:45.35*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (n=strom@
22:45.43minteeLine 10
22:46.22[TK]D-Fendermintee, se the variable I told you to and read the docs.
22:46.27minteeyep yep
22:46.41minteeso that can't be a dynamic variable?
22:47.04ManxPowermintee: next time use the correct variable names
22:47.30minteecurses at
22:49.26minteeHAH!  Awesome guys,  thanks so much
22:49.55minteesetting the TRANSFER_CONTEXT to ${EXTEN} worked fine.
22:50.09[TK]D-Fendermintee, ... um....
22:50.13[TK]D-Fendermintee, wtf?
22:50.13minteeseems that is more trouble than it's worth sometimes...
22:50.49[TK]D-Fendermintee, since when is your EXTEN your target CONTEXT NAME?
22:51.16[TK]D-Fendermintee, -- Executing [s@transfer_me:8] Dial("Zap/1-1", "Zap/g1/215370xxxx|15|rt") in new stack <-- sure looks like "s" to me.
22:51.17minteelol, err  exten => s,n,Set(TRANSFER_CONTEXT=${CONTEXT})
22:51.46mintee[TK]D-Fender, yeah, it's a s inside another context...
22:51.47[TK]D-Fendermintee, and what is ${CONTEXT} ?
22:52.12minteespecifically there it's called [transfer_me]
22:52.56minteecurrently inside  [transfer_me] i only have an s exten and a 1
22:53.22minteei was using the s to call my cell phone, then once answered hitting #1 to transfer me to 1
22:54.17[TK]D-Fendermintee, ... nevermind.
22:54.19minteeit's just a test to get get it working...
22:55.00minteei don't follow?  Lemme know if I should be doing it another way...
22:55.11*** part/#asterisk RoyK (
23:04.58minteegoes home for the day.
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23:40.44NovceGuruSo I don't think asterisk is the answer for when someone requests a system to be able to tell when someone is on the line?
23:41.14NovceGuruThis guy is all setup with cisco 7940's and a hosted service and is complaining he can't tell if someone is on the line before xfering a call
23:41.24rob0My job is on the line ...
23:41.55_ShrikENovceGuru: thats incorrect, asterisk does support presence.
23:42.55NovceGuruSo thats the word I needed to google
23:56.20*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (

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