IRC log for #asterisk on 20080507

00:01.42*** join/#asterisk rdgr (
00:14.36deStonehas an office of 50 employees with a terrible phone system. Our office will soon be jumping to 100+ employees. I've come across asterisk out of hobby -- are their any enterprise level open source phone systems available?
00:15.22drmessanoYou're asking about recommendations for other phone systems.. in #asterisk?
00:15.27deStoneno no no
00:15.48deStonei'm wanting someone to say, you know what, asterisk could be enterprise level :)
00:16.04drmessanoEver heard of Thailand?
00:16.27drmessanoThey're whole country's PSTN system is run on Asterisk
00:16.32drmessanoOk, it's not
00:16.35coppicewell, the Enterprise is supposed to have about 400 people on it. I think * can handle that, as long as the call rate is not too high
00:16.37drmessanoand I spelled they're wrong
00:16.55rob0Enterprise solutions require Vulcan expertise.
00:17.12rob0(I actually started out to say something serious)
00:17.29drmessanoEnterprise solutions are usually 500 users and up
00:17.30jbothmm... cheap is a bad idea.  If you're setting up an Asterisk system, one of the wisest pieces of advice you can take is this: DON'T BE A CHEAPSKATE.
00:17.35drmessano100 medium
00:18.08coppicei thought enterprise was just a trigger word to make people laugh
00:18.10drmessanoYou don't want an enterprise solution anyway.. Microsoft sells those.. they're not so hot
00:18.20drmessanoYou want a phone system
00:18.24deStonesee, you've already sold me.
00:18.24drmessanoSo start off there
00:18.56drmessanoAvoid Cisco too
00:19.11drmessanoThey have a good idea how to run the intarweb, but no clue what users want...
00:19.18deStoneIve been on CIC and i thought it sucked
00:20.07drmessanoBut since most users of intarweb quality gear are 50 yr old thrice divorced, fat, aging bald guys with high cholesterol and smokers breath, they dont need to worrry about them
00:20.46*** join/#asterisk grandpapadot (
00:20.47rob0I don't smoke, and only divorced once.
00:20.53grandpapadotWhich is better, madplay or mpg123?
00:21.15drmessanoAll you have to do to impress a sysadmin of a million dollar piece of Cisco gear is throw in one polystyrene insert into the packing crate that looks like a set of boobs, and they're set for a year
00:22.03drmessanoBut when it comes to end users, Cisco is clueless.. hence buying Linksys.. "So we can figure out how to sell to soccer moms"
00:22.59drmessano"what do I need to get on the internet?"  "Oh, a nice 2801 router with a dual T1 WIC will work great!"  "Can I get on Yahoo with that?"
00:23.07drmessanoyeah.. cisco.. not user friendly
00:23.45drmessanoLinksys on the other hand...
00:23.48riddleboxdrmessano, you forgot about the fact that they want you to buy two of everything for backup
00:24.10*** join/#asterisk kamanashisroy (n=kamanash@
00:24.25drmessano"what do I need to get on the internet?"  "Try a WRT54G.. you can get to the WHOLE internet with it!"  "Oh wow, thanks!"
00:24.48edibracwhat's an example of being a cheapskate for setting up a * system?
00:25.09edibraci mean, say for the so-called "SMB" crowd
00:25.32drmessanoX100P cards, grandstream phones, eMachine box, single maxtor IDE drive
00:25.43drmessanoThats cheapskate
00:26.22edibracthey let me have a grandstream so i can setup at home, where i work
00:26.30edibracer my work let me have one
00:26.33drmessanoI'm sorry for that
00:26.57drmessanoSorry I couldn't prevent that from happening
00:26.58edibracit's not bad compared to nothing at all .. er no I had an ekiga of course
00:26.58drmessanoI know you feel like crap, but they meant well
00:28.49riddleboxmaybe they are testing the waters....
00:29.22drmessanoBy peeing in the pool?
00:29.26edibracour real phones are linksys SPA942's - they gave me a  Budgetone 102 to test with. I was about to ask here what's so bad about grandstream, but apparently there's a whole website dedicated to taht
00:29.46deStoneurl plez?
00:29.47drmessanoThere's nothing wrong with a phone that has the name BUDGET in it
00:29.49drmessanoNothing at all
00:30.07riddleboxedibrac, I have 4 of the GXP2000's here at home
00:30.14grandpapadotWhich is better, madplay or mpg123?
00:30.30edibracwell, i haven't read much of it yet..
00:30.41drmessanoJust the URL should be enough
00:34.29*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
00:37.13grandpapadotWill madplay work with different moh classes and different play lists?
00:39.00*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (n=nighty@
00:40.27*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-64d0dbc19f3ad804)
00:44.36*** join/#asterisk drdrain (
00:46.43*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
00:47.29talntidwhen plugging into a rhino card, do i use a crossover cable, or a normal cat5?
00:49.25jjshoewhen plugging what into a rhino card?
00:49.35talntida voip gateway
00:50.12talntidquintium voip gateway
00:50.14jjshoeyour voip gateway has what kind of port on it that you're trying to plug into what kind of port on a rhino card?
00:50.26talntidthey look like rj45 ports
00:50.42jjshoeso, what does the manual call it?
00:50.54*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=angeldav@
00:51.09talntidi don't know. i'm blind
00:51.23jjshoetalntid do you find irc to be tough when you're blind?
00:51.53talntidnah, i'm not *actually* blind. just, my dog ate my glasses.
00:52.13talntidso i'm at 800x600 on a 24in monitor. :)
00:52.49*** part/#asterisk RoyK (n=roy@
00:52.58jjshoeok, well when you get serious, let me know.
00:53.10talntidi am serious
00:53.25talntidi can't read the manual.
00:53.33jjshoeshucks, let me know when you can.
00:53.41talntidmeh. ok.
00:54.05talntidyou must think i'm kidding. heh
00:54.16jjshoeI don't really care honestly.
00:54.24talntidyeah, i wouldn't either.
00:54.41talntidyou've got no obligation to help
00:56.14jjshoeyou don't know anything about your equipment, and you want to plug a cable in.
00:56.25jjshoeWhat you should do is crimp one end of a power cord to an rt-45 cable and plug it in.
00:56.46jblackHmm. I'm looking at the docs now.
00:57.19jblackIt looks like it's an rj48, and it's  1 to 4, 2 to 5, both ends.
01:06.23*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
01:10.35jblackNo, I think it's  1+2 on a pair, 4+5 on a pair, straight through.
01:10.41jblackThe docs are far from clear.
01:14.47ManxPowerA T-1 crossover is not the same as an Ethernet crossover
01:15.09jblackYeah. ethernet is 12 and 3+6
01:17.52ManxPowerI try to keep a crossover adapter for ethernet and for t-1
01:19.29jblackI imagine there's good reason for the different pairings.
01:21.48JTtalntid: my mind boggles at the setup you might have
01:21.53*** join/#asterisk axisys (n=axisys@
01:22.04JTAsterisk > T1 > Voip Gateway > SIP?
01:22.21*** join/#asterisk sacitec (n=tobi@
01:22.52jblackHe's confused by the marketspeak of the local provider.
01:23.22jblackIt's a T1 coming in, destined to be dropped into the newly installed rhino card I've been bitching about all night
01:24.40*** part/#asterisk loosemoose (
01:25.03jblackMore accurately, a PRI
01:27.03jblackI'm trying to help him out, but as it's the first time I've done it myself, it's a case of the deaf leading the ...... blind
01:27.21*** join/#asterisk moy (n=moyhu@
01:27.30jblackAnyways, my apologies for the annoyance. I think I found enough documetnation to make educated guesses
01:27.40JTwhether he requires a pri crossover cable or not depends on how it was terminated
01:30.03JTotherwise an ethernet straight through cable is fine
01:30.28jblackI'm sure has both types of ethernet cables laying around.
01:31.05JTyou can't use an ethernet crossover cable
01:32.24jblackOk, so it may be a straight ethernet, a straight pri, or a crossed over pri
01:32.39jblackdepending upon telco preference, I suppose
01:33.00JTa straight ethernet is the same as a straight pri
01:33.09JTthe pairs are matched fine
01:33.40JTcrossover t1/pri/e1 is pin 1 to 4, 2 to 5
01:33.57jblackhmm. It's been a while since I crimped ethernet, but I thought those used 12 36, and a pri uses 12 45
01:34.52jblackOh, I see your point, if one doesn't make sloppy straight throughs.. say only crimping the two pairs necessary.
01:35.11jblackYeah, that makes sense
01:35.19JTlol who does that
01:35.32jblacknobody, of course.
01:35.47JTa straight through ethernet should be either TIA/EIA 568A to TIA/EIA 568A or TIA/EIA 568B to TIA/EIA 568B
01:36.01JTPoE won't work on a dodgily crimped cable either
01:36.34jbeezI like when people thing matching the colors on both ends is the right way to do it lol
01:37.03jbeezI had an argument on irc with some guy about how he was doing his cables wrong, and he kickbanned me permanently
01:37.46jblackNow, I'm claiming anything that one should do in a production environment.. or anything vaguely professional...
01:38.30jblackBut I'm derating the hell out of cable in this house, because running new lines are a nightmare (the place is at least 105 years old0.
01:39.24MorroccoHi, how do I enable ssh for the root user in linux? I can login with admin but not with root.
01:39.26jblackAnd I've been rather lucky. I can push through 100 megabits on 2 pairs, and 2 pots on the other 2 pairs.
01:40.07jblackThat's just sheer luck, but sometimes, things work
01:40.28*** join/#asterisk rift0r (i=rift@
01:40.53*** join/#asterisk mog (
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01:40.57*** join/#asterisk JayTee52 (
01:40.58rift0rany of you guys use vicidial
01:41.05rift0rwith the astguiclient
01:41.20rob0Morrocco: Wrong question, see su(1) and sudo(1)/sudoers(5)/visudo(8). Also, not the right place to be asking something like that. It should be in your distro's channel, because your distro might have set up non-defaults for sshd_config(5).
01:41.23rift0rnm, just read topic
01:41.55jblackand yeah. I know I deserve to be spanked for abusing cable so badly.
01:42.48Morroccook, thanks rob0
01:44.59rift0ranyone in here use vicidial?
01:45.23jblackThe alternative was to put holes in 100 year old plaster and fish in walls with 70 year old electrical cable.
01:45.29jblackDone after market
01:48.14jblackjt: btw, thanks for the tip (pun intended)
02:03.33*** join/#asterisk RoyK (n=roy@
02:04.00*** part/#asterisk RoyK (n=roy@
02:14.23mwallingis acting funny for anyone else?
02:15.08mwalling[May  7 02:14:21] NOTICE[23702]: chan_sip.c:15766 sip_poke_noanswer: Peer 'sipphone_mw' is now UNREACHABLE!  Last qualify: 1526
02:15.11mwalling[May  7 02:14:32] NOTICE[23702]: chan_sip.c:12599 handle_response_peerpoke: Peer 'sipphone_mw' is now Reachable. (556ms / 2000ms)
02:15.16mwallingetc, etc, etc
02:15.25rob0yup here too
02:15.47mwallingrob0: well, i know that :P
02:16.39*** join/#asterisk SexyKen (
02:17.22SexyKenWhat does proxy authenticate mean?    I'm getting the eror on incoming calls SIP/2.0 407 Proxy Authentication Required
02:28.47*** join/#asterisk AdamWest (
02:29.51[TK]D-FenderSexyKen, problem is that * expects auth, and your provider expects to pass the call un-authed.  add "insecure=port,invite" to your peer.
02:33.59*** join/#asterisk acxty (n=acxty@
02:36.06acxtyhey guys, how can I change my language to spanish? I have be looking all over for that but cannot find anything
02:39.23JayTee52spanish text in linux and the console or spanish voice prompts?
02:40.22rob0Too late, cinco de mayo is over.
02:40.47JayTee52I had to give up mayo because of my cholesterol levels
02:40.57acxtyspanish voice prompts
02:41.01acxtynever mind
02:41.05mwallingmerical whip taastes like ass
02:41.08acxtyI got it ;)
02:41.39JayTee52mwalling, I wouldn't know....never tasted ass but I imagine it's probably close.
02:42.04mwallingi thought it was mayo, slatheredd it all over an otherwise perfectly good sandwich
02:42.45pliknice bit of word asociation there
02:43.56rob0We had the rsync-o de mayo yesterday in Slamd64.
02:45.39plikand 'may the fourth be with you' for the Star Wars fans the day before
02:49.46acxtyI am using a php script with agi. I have fwrite(STDOUT,"STREAM FILE the_file \"\"\n"); but I cannot hear the sound at all
02:50.25mwallingdo you have output buffering turned off?
02:50.48acxtymmm, don't know. I test with other command SAY NUMBER and it works fine
02:51.32acxtywhere can I verify if output buffering is off?
02:51.48edibraci think php.ini controls that
02:51.55edibracor you can control it at runtime
02:52.18acxtymmm, let me see
02:57.05acxtyob_get_level() return 0
02:57.20acxtyit is off
03:00.24acxtyon CLI> I get Playing 'myfile' (escape_digits=) (sample_offset 0)
03:02.45acxtydon't know why the file isn't play
03:03.32adeelwhat POE switches are recommended to use?
03:03.56[TK]D-Fenderadeel, whichever will support your phone
03:04.09adeel[TK]D-Fender, polycom, aastra, snom primarily
03:04.27adeeli guess a better question is, which switch vendors should i stay away from
03:04.31[TK]D-Fenderadeel, I'd been very happy with D-Link.  Netgear for smaller use
03:04.47acxtysupposely with that message the file is play
03:04.51[TK]D-Fenderadeel, I'd probably be just as happy with any relatively well known brand.
03:04.51acxtyreturn 0
03:05.10adeel[TK]D-Fender, hmmm....i setup a Dlink-1225p switch, and for just straight switch stuff, it's good...but i could never get 802.1q vlans to work
03:05.27adeel[TK]D-Fender, nor do the documentation help
03:05.29[TK]D-Fenderadeel, See now you're just being picky...
03:06.38adeel[TK]D-Fender, not entirely....voip is recommended to be run in a vlan to isolate any security problems...yet most of the switches i've come across 'geared' towards voip don't have that capability
03:08.18JTwhat sort of crappy switches are those?
03:09.03adeelJT, well, the d-link di-1225p for one
03:09.14JTmm, dodgy-link
03:09.30adeeli could only get port based vlans to work...but with voip it doesn't really do any benefit, unless i was to rewire the entire damn office
03:10.12JTlack of working 802.1q from a managed switch is pretty much unforgiveable
03:10.14drmessanoIm so gonna use that
03:10.41drmessanoShame that few people stateside will get "dodgy"
03:10.46drmessanoBut screw it
03:11.13adeelsorry, it was des-1228p
03:11.17*** join/#asterisk florz (i=nobody@2001:1a50:503c:0:0:0:0:1)
03:11.24drmessanodingo-link could work too.. as in "Dingo ate me VLAN"
03:11.30drmessanoFor the aussies, of course
03:12.04drmessanoI had a friend years ago on BlueDingo internet service in Melbourne
03:12.18drmessanoEverytime it would go down, we would joke that the Dingo ate her internet
03:12.19drmessanoGood times
03:12.29drmessanoSorry, DingoBlue
03:12.36JTi don't really even remember dingoblue
03:12.36adeelfor good measure, i think i'll contact d-link's tech support and give them a chance to redeem their brand
03:12.41JTit was free wasn't it?
03:12.52drmessanoI could almost swear she paid for it
03:13.10JTi thought they displayed banner ads
03:13.11drmessanoIt was dialup, as I recall.. cheap dialup
03:13.19JTmaybe there was a pay option
03:13.40drmessanoYeah.. She was paying something insanely cheap.. that may have been it.. she had the pay version
03:13.51drmessanoBut anyway
03:13.54drmessanoback to bashing
03:14.14drmessanoI find that D-Link and even Linksys brand managed switches are cheap excuses for managed switches
03:14.41drmessanoIt only takes 10 minutes with a Linksys to say "Man, this is SOOO not a Cisco"
03:15.00JTbut have you ever seen the price of a cisco gigabit switch?
03:15.01TrentCreekbut, it's Sysco
03:15.29drmessanoVery insane
03:15.40rob0Eh, Pancho!!
03:15.57JTi'd prefer to have a linksys managed gigabit switch, than not have a gigabit switch
03:16.59C4coloanyone here have any experience with the ss7 network integration with asterisk?
03:17.13adeeli fail to understand why d-link/linksys/netgear can't just make a product that actually does all that's advertised
03:17.17drmessanoI would rather BUY a linksys, but USE a Cisco lol
03:17.20JTyou need to buy something that integrates ss7
03:17.46C4colothere is a (i think) open-source project called ss7box
03:17.53JTi don't ever buy d-link and netgear products
03:18.03C4coloI agree with JT
03:18.11C4coloI rarely buy linksys anymore
03:19.03C4colospeaking of crap products, anyone have a suggestion for PoE switches?  I was looking at the ZyXel ones
03:19.09C4coloare they any good?
03:19.43adeelC4colo, haha i just asked for recommendations on PoE switches
03:20.00C4colothat's the one I'm looking at
03:20.14C4colohas 8 10/100 ports with PoE plus a gigabit port for uplink
03:21.21adeelC4colo, it doesn't specify on how many ports it provides PoE
03:21.31C4coloI looked on the zyxel site
03:21.45C4colothe Gig-E port is not PoE
03:21.53C4colobut the rest are
03:22.11adeelah okay, just i've almost gotten stuck with crappily worded marketing stuff
03:22.14drmessanoBut.. But
03:22.19drmessanoI have Gig-E phones :(
03:22.29adeeldrmessano, seriously?
03:22.41drmessanoadeel: Stop drooling..
03:22.52adeeldrmessano, haha, just double checking
03:23.01C4coloyea, he has al 100 of them daisy-chained because he is a cheapskate
03:23.04drmessanoadeel: Go recompile your G722 wideband codec
03:23.13adeeldrmessano, that was a really weak insult
03:23.17C4colospent an extra $400 per phone so he didn't have to run $80 worth of wire
03:23.52C4colowhat makes that funny is that it is true most of the time
03:24.01drmessanoDon't be a whore to marketing
03:24.04C4coloI can't tell you how many customers I have had to talk out of that type of thinking
03:24.21adeeldrmessano, oh i'm not, i just wasn't planning on reading the full manual before buying the damned thing
03:24.26drmessanoa Gig-E phone is useless
03:24.30adeelyeah i know
03:24.33drmessanoOk, good
03:24.40adeelgig-e uses all 8 of twisted pair
03:24.52JT4 pairs :)
03:24.57drmessanobecause I know someone people that would sell a nut for a Gig-E phone if I presented them one
03:24.58adeelsorry, 8 pins
03:25.01drmessanoFor.. no reason
03:25.29adeelsell a nut, huh? anyone here lost a nut to testicle cancer and in the market to replace?
03:25.40drmessanoThe same people who submit daily feature requests for G722
03:25.53drmessano"I need G722.. NOW.. FASTER"
03:26.03drmessano"Must.... Have Hi-Def... VoIP"
03:26.03adeeli actually read an article on why g722 is utterly pointless
03:26.15TrentCreekNo//I need it yesterday
03:26.15adeeldidn't really need an article to point that out
03:26.33adeelbut it's nice at times to have your thoughts validated
03:26.37drmessanoG722 (YAY) ----> PSTN (Uhhhh) ------> G722 (Huh?)
03:27.01adeelit's like 'clean coal'....people believe what they want to
03:27.05drmessanoI want a 3MHZ wide audio codec
03:27.25drmessanoI want to hear an ant fart over VoIP
03:27.45adeelbut i don't want to use more than 8 kbit/s for bandwidth
03:27.57JTtell a pointy haired boss that G.722 is pointless when they whine that this newfangled voip doesn't sound near as good as skype
03:28.13drmessanoAT&T has the "So clear, you can hear a pin drop".. Asterisk needs to be able to transport an ant fart over 10000 miles via VoIP
03:28.46adeelJT, but that's because skype calls normally don't terminate over PSTN
03:28.59drmessanoJT: Then explain to him why he just spent $300 on those G729 licenses?
03:29.36JTdrmessano: well g.722 is good for intra organisation stuff
03:29.52JTg.729 is good for being stingey with Internet bandwidth
03:30.29drmessanoI know.. point was.. If he's gonna complain, better not sell him on using G729 to save b/w
03:30.45drmessanomake him buy more pipe and use G711
03:30.46*** join/#asterisk C4colo (n=DJpyro@
03:33.38adeeldrmessano, well even then, he'd have to dedicate that pipe specifically for voip otherwise he'll still have 'intermittent' voice distortion
03:34.19*** join/#asterisk tobias (
03:34.32JTnot if QoS is used
03:35.00adeelJT, i've implemented QoS and STILL don't get 100% voice quality
03:35.29drmessanoThats your internet then
03:35.38adeelon a T1?
03:35.47drmessanoYou QoS up to the router and solve the "dedicated bandwidth" problem
03:36.03drmessanoBut once it goes to the outside.. it's anyones game
03:36.12adeelyeah, that much i'm aware
03:36.14drmessanoThere's nothing special about a T1
03:36.24drmessanoUnless it's 1998 again
03:36.42adeeldrmessano, gaurenteed bandwidth, versus DSL/cable which is truely best effort
03:37.06drmessanoGuaranteed bandwidth, not guaranteed transport of packets from source to destination
03:37.18adeelmy network setup is fairly --> polycom --> d-link 1228p switch --> router --> t1
03:37.20JayTee52wonders how sensitive a microphone would be to pickup an ant fart
03:37.35adeelQoS is done on the router
03:37.40adeelJayTee52, pretty damn sensitive
03:38.05JTyou can guarantee bandwidth over dsl too
03:38.10drmessanoDSL, Cable, or a T1 have about the same chance of making a quality voice call over the internet
03:38.38drmessanoWhich is anywhere from 0% to 100%... give or take 5%
03:38.41JTcable is almost always contended
03:38.47JTboth T1 and dsl can be uncontended
03:38.51sbingnercable is best effort, dsl is guranteed bandwidth as much as T1 is
03:38.57JTsbingner: indeed
03:39.05adeelwell it depends upon the DSL service you have
03:39.08JayTee52voip within an organization with sufficient network bandwidth is one thing, using the internet for calls is still a crap shoot and the quality is going to be less than ideal.
03:39.14drmessanoSince when is the amount of guaranteed bandwidth the problem? lol
03:39.16sbingnerDSL by NATURE is point-to-point to your ISP
03:39.20JThere's a news flash to some: almost all T1 services these days are delivered over DSL
03:40.07drmessanoA T1 to my carrier ---> ???????????? <--- other end of the call..
03:40.24drmessanothats why I said
03:40.36drmessanoDSL, T1, Cable.. Same roulette
03:40.37JayTee52mine are delivered over a OC3 and dropped at the fiber mux
03:41.12drmessanoAn OC45 is great if your ITSP is using 256k DSL for your call
03:41.33drmessanoor if they're 115 miles down a copper pair from the central office
03:41.44JTmy E1s are delivered over raw 2 pair
03:41.47JayTee52I've just got two T1's for PRI so my outbound/inbound is still just 64kbps per channel
03:41.53JayTee52clear enough though.
03:41.53JTbut they only run down 2 floors to the telco's mux
03:42.05JTwhich uses SDH
03:42.35drmessanoReally.. The amount of bandwidth you pay for just increases the size of your funnel.. you're still catching that same erratic stream of water.. you can just catch more of it
03:43.43adeeldrmessano, i agree
03:44.55JayTee52even if I setup * at work to handle NAT and tried to route calls to an * box here at home I doubt I'd have much luck. My ISP is Comcast and my ISP/Telco at work is Time Warner
03:45.47C4colomost T1s are HDSL now anyway
03:46.11C4colosince it doesn't require the amplifiers every 6000m
03:46.23drmessanoI make a lot high quality calls over Comcast
03:46.37drmessanoActually, Comcast seems to work better than DSL here...
03:47.00C4colocomcast works better/worse than DSL depending on the rest of the loop
03:47.12*** join/#asterisk apollonx (n=admin@
03:47.14C4coloin the high-population-density areas of Denver DSL is better
03:47.37C4coloin the more rural, suburban areas Comcast has better speeds and is less congested
03:47.43C4coloalthough DSL is at least consistant
03:47.50drmessanoThey had some VERY bad latency issues for a while.. but they seem to have worked them out.. right around the time those IP addressible digital TV boxes got popular
03:48.21*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
03:48.27C4coloso they weren't degrading the quality of the competitiors, they just had no incentive to improve the quality
03:48.33drmessanoComcast Digital TV and their Digital Voice fixed the internet service
03:48.49drmessanoNow that they have a good reason for the internet not to suck
03:48.50C4colothere was a big thing about comcast degrading competing VoIP providers
03:49.03drmessanoyeah.. I haven't seen that
03:49.05drmessanoI mean
03:49.16C4coloI'm going to talk to my boss about getting a DS3 at home
03:49.42drmessanoThe PAP2 at my Mother in Laws house on my Asterisk box sounds better than her Comcast digital voice though
03:49.47drmessanoSo mark 1 for *
03:50.29drmessanoI think they're using G.UH.WUT for their codec
03:52.37C4colo"(for instance, your laptop probably has a T1 jack in its side..."
03:52.53drmessanoR O F L
03:52.57C4colowhere do I get one of these?
03:53.09drmessanoJust use a crossover cable
03:53.28drmessano1 to 2, 3 to 6, 4 to 8, 7 to 9
03:53.35C4coloactually, if my laptop came with a 1.5Mbps port instead of a 10/100 Ethernet port I'd complain
03:53.55C4coloalthough if it had both...
03:54.04C4colono, there is no reason to put a T1 port on a laptop
03:54.43drmessanoI remember Bill Gates displaying a PCI card with an F connector on it when they first started talking about cable modems in the US
03:54.48C4coloI do however want a 43Mbps synchronous internet connection
03:54.48drmessanoI never did see a PCI cable modem
03:54.58C4colonor did I
03:55.15C4coloI have a G.DMT and G.Lite compatible DSL card
03:55.25drmessanoI suppose it could have been a mockup
03:55.36C4coloI"ll bet you $20 it was
03:56.01drmessano  <---- or not
03:56.13C4colosome idiot misunderstood the cable modem specifications/requirements and said "well it will probably be a pci card, let's make one that looks like a cable modem"
03:56.30C4colozoom made it?
03:56.39C4coloI thought zoom only made DSL hardware
03:56.49C4colothat's probably a mock-up too
03:57.04C4colothe whole site is probably a disinformation site
03:57.10C4colomade by microsoft to cover their error
03:57.45C4colonevermind, they would just pay bloggers to do their dirty work
03:57.56drmessanoI wonder if all the mail I had in my @home account is out there somewhere.. theres a joke I was looking for...
03:58.20C4coloheh, yea, I had @home once
03:58.23C4coloyears ago
03:58.28C4colothen attbi, then comcast
03:58.38C4colothen I dumped them and went back to Qworst
03:59.03drmessanoYou can't hide.. ATT is buying everyone and making them suck
03:59.04C4coloand now I'm dumping them for a CLEC
03:59.15drmessanoGood ole Southwestern Bell.. who knew
03:59.15C4coloatt is odd
03:59.29C4coloAmerican Telegraph and Telphone
03:59.32C4coloor Telephone and Telegraph
03:59.38JTyou can get miniPCI T1 cards i think
03:59.51drmessanoAlways Throw Tantrums?
03:59.56drmessanoAlways Throwing Tantrums?
04:00.12drmessanoAverage T1 Termination
04:00.36drmessanoAny Thunderstorm Threatens
04:01.01C4coloanyway, yea, ATT bough Cingular out here and changed the name to "Cingular, the New AT&T" and out east they changed their name to "AT&T, the new Cingular"
04:01.19C4coloI think it was a gimic to make people think something had changed
04:01.37C4coloeveryone was fed up with AT&T's crap out here and back east they were fed up with Cingular
04:01.38drmessanoI think it's funny how they split ATT up and one of the baby bells ended up gobbling the rest up
04:01.47C4coloso the merger made it possible to fool everyone at the same time
04:02.01adeelSBC had a good leader
04:02.08adeelvery aggressive
04:02.42C4coloI think it is funny that in 1994 two racks in a CLEC colocation datacenter in Qwest's facilities cost $60,000 for setup and now that the regulations are relaxing it costs $250,000 for one rack
04:02.45drmessanoSouthern Bell was too busy waiting for the next war of northern aggression.. too bad they didn't look to the west
04:03.35adeelwhat do you mean ' to the west' ?
04:03.44drmessanoSouthwestern Bell
04:03.50C4colothey completely ignored the USA ?
04:03.58C4colofocused on the far east?
04:04.10C4colothen were bought out by Singtel?
04:04.16adeeldoesn't SBC/Ameritech own ATT?
04:04.19drmessanoSouthern Bell was basically "Southeastern Bell"
04:04.30adeelohhh, okay, we're talking about the same
04:04.38JTC4colo: a quarter of a million dollars for 1 rack?!
04:04.40drmessanoSouthwestern Bell, AKA SBC, _IS_ ATT now
04:04.48JTonce off?
04:04.52C4colothat's for the setup only
04:04.57C4coloyou don't want to know the monthly rate
04:05.00drmessanoSBC bought ATT and took the name
04:05.01JTthat's crazy
04:05.04JTi do actually
04:05.10adeeldrmessano, yeah i recall
04:05.17C4coloI could find out what the monthly is
04:05.42C4colowell, the CLEC I'm working for has been in there since 94 or 96
04:05.50drmessanoSBC owns everything but the former Nynex and New Jersey Bell
04:05.55drmessanoWhich is now Verizon
04:06.00C4coloso their rate is lower than it would be if you called up Qwest and said "I'm a CLEC, Gimme a rack!"
04:06.06drmessanoor maybe its Atlantic Bell
04:06.22drmessanoI dunno.. But they own all but one region
04:06.38adeelC4colo, with Qwests prices so high, why bother setting up there?
04:06.46C4coloSS7 mainly
04:06.58C4coloreal DID termination
04:07.09C4colothey can tell Qwest "we need 1000 more DIDs"
04:07.19adeelwell, if you're doing that much volume to justify SS7, why not just get on ss7 yourself?
04:07.27C4coloand qwest can point them to their SS7 gateway address and then they can assign them however they want
04:07.42C4colobecause Qwest is the ILEC out here
04:07.50C4colothey OWN the phone infastructure
04:07.59adeelC4colo, where are you located?
04:08.13adeelit's a bit different out in California
04:08.28adeelactually, i don't know who the ILEC is out ehre
04:08.43C4coloyea, the thing is they can turn around and sell SS7 interconnectivitiy to other CLECs if they wanted to
04:08.47TrentCreekwho uses Fedora?
04:08.53C4colosince they are already in the downtown CO for Qwest
04:09.34C4coloand they have a datacenter right across the street with a fiber running to their SS7 gateway and media gateways inside Qwest's datacenter
04:10.14TrentCreekwell, then who uses Rapidvox?
04:10.29C4coloI was looking at becoming a CLEC at one point ... the $250,000 price tag is what made me think again
04:11.03C4colonot including that again for hardware and installation costs
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04:11.09adeelC4colo, why bother becoming an official CLEC until you have the volume to justify the cost?
04:11.09JTand $250k doesn't even buy you a clec
04:11.29adeeli know a guy in Florida who setup as a CLEC for less than 80K i believe
04:11.41C4colodifferent states are different
04:11.52adeeli wonder why it's so high in CO
04:12.02C4colobecause Qwest is evil
04:12.07adeeli've setup a queue, but how do i join it again?
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04:12.19C4colowell, I'm talking about a facilities-based CLEC
04:12.31C4coloa reseller only CLEC is different
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04:13.04C4colowith facilities-based you get to run pipe anywhere on the right-of-way you want ... you can connect into any of the ILEC's infastructure you want
04:14.00C4coloif there is an area you want to provide DSL and T1s to you just get out your boaring rig and start running pipe down the street from a box you can get a DS3 to over to the neighborhood you want to provide service to
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04:14.27C4coloof coures you have to pull permits and handle traffic direction and all that
04:14.32C4colobut that's what it buys you
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04:15.05C4coloa reseller can only resell the service of the ILEC for 10-20% discount
04:15.11C4colowhich makes it hard to be competitive
04:18.17C4coloI have learned more about CLECs working for one for a month than I have in 6 months of research looking to become a CLEC I did a year ago
04:18.19drmessanoCLEC's also have the right to cut power and water to large sections of neighborhoods
04:18.30C4coloand then pay to restore it
04:18.40drmessanoWhen Knology came to down
04:18.48drmessanoThe contractors they hired......
04:18.49drmessanoGod damn
04:18.53drmessanoI mean "Gosh darn"
04:19.05C4coloyea, these guys have their own boaring rig
04:19.09drmessano"Mom, lights are out"
04:19.12C4colothey hit a water main once
04:19.16drmessano"Back on"
04:19.26adeelhaha that sucks
04:19.34adeeli think i'd abuse that kind of power
04:19.34C4colothey had it all marked but they didn't mark the valves coming off the main
04:20.05drmessanoThe sad thing is
04:20.10C4coloso they were going along and all of a sudden water started spraying back out of the hole and up every corner crack of the side walk, the asphalt was waving like the ocean
04:20.40C4colohe said the sidewalk looked like a fountian, ever 4 feet a little spray about 5 feet in the air
04:20.46drmessanoWhen I moved out of my parents house years ago and in with my ex-wife, I was determined to stick with Bellsouth DSL...
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04:21.00drmessanoand I had the worst service over there... ever.. Noisy lines.. They wouldnt fix it
04:21.22drmessanoSo I ended up with Knology.. and the service was awesome
04:21.27drmessanoCustomer service sucked..
04:21.39drmessanoBut the service was good
04:21.49C4coloif you ever move do Denver let me know, these guys are rock-solid
04:21.57drmessanoAfter all that crap.. they managed to build a decent network
04:22.24drmessanoYou could always sell me some cheap ass termination
04:22.34C4coloI'm working on a deal with them to be a reseller
04:22.49rob0I've heard that Knology blocks inbound SMTP. That would be a show-stopper for me.
04:22.59drmessanoThey do now
04:23.05drmessanoBut I got around it
04:23.06C4coloI can get you unlimited termination to the 303 and 720 area codes for $25/channel/month
04:23.38adeelwow, that's kind of pricy
04:23.47C4colounlimited = no limits
04:23.56drmessanoSMTP-IN at parents house >> VPN >> SMTP-OUT here
04:23.57C4colonot the "softcap" bull others are selling
04:24.03adeelC4colo, incoming right?
04:24.21C4colowell, that too
04:24.30drmessanoI managed to run a mail
04:24.35adeelC4colo, i get unlimited termination anywhere in CA for about $10/channel/month
04:24.53C4colowell that's just special
04:25.10drmessanoI managed to run a mail "server" with SMTP-IN on one ISP at one location, SMTP-OUT at another location, the mailbox server at a 3rd location, and a backup inbound SMTP at yet another
04:25.13drmessanoIt was fun
04:25.34sbingnerwas there some rhyme to that reason?
04:25.35adeelthat sounds like a very convoluted setup
04:25.36C4coloactually I'm talking to them about setting up a peering arrangement between CLECs in different states to set up a nation-wide termination agreement over VoIP
04:26.12rob0Dr, yes, I have more than one MX host, but I like to get some MX inbound on my home cable (Comcast, that's still possible.)
04:26.40C4coloI outsourced my mail to godaddy
04:26.59C4colomy mail server traffic was 99% spam by the end
04:27.13drmessanoI was on Knology who didnt allow SMTP IN, my parent had Bellsouth which allowed SMTPIN, but not out, I had SMTPOUT working for a while until they forced me to use their SMTP, so I put another box on a Comcast line that allowed SMTPOUT.. and then a backup at a friends house who had DSL in case my parents lost power
04:27.14C4coloabout 60% of the connections failed because I have relaying disabled
04:27.49C4coloand most of the rest were spam
04:28.06C4coloso I said to hell with it, I'll let pay for the spam bandwidth and failed connections
04:28.18rob0probably over 90% of all SMTP traffic is indeed spam
04:28.33C4coloI think that value is a bit outdated
04:28.58drmessanoE-mail has become too unreliable
04:29.00rob0over 90%? It varies per site.
04:29.01C4coloany day now we will break the 100% spam boundary
04:29.23C4colotoday it was reported that 110% of all email traffic is spam
04:29.25drmessanoSpam and Spam filtering have made E-mail an effin mess
04:29.51C4coloquestions as to the accuracy of the results were raised but the email messages bounced with a "503 Server Busy" message
04:30.50drmessanoWhat kind of world do we live in where I cant even buy male enhancement products over the internet for fear of some spam filter intercepting my order
04:30.55drmessanoDamn having to "phone it in"
04:31.34C4coloyou are spelling it wrong, it's va1gra and mal3 3nhanc3m3nts
04:31.45drmessanoPretty soon we'll have Spam filtering on VoIP
04:31.57C4colothat's called "blacklist"
04:31.57drmessano"yes, I want to buy some viagra...." *CLICK*
04:33.07drmessanoYou know you're hard up when all your viagra ads gets filtered.. and some telemarketer calls to sell you viagra and you're all like "OMG, THANK GOODNESS YOU CALLED!!"
04:33.37C4coloyou really have a thing for the male enhancements don't you drmessano?
04:33.49C4coloalmost as if you speak from experience
04:34.08drmessanoI like to be able to tap my wife on the shoulder when shes snorting, without having to move my arms
04:34.37C4colothey are dropping like flies
04:34.46C4coloyou are going to run off half the channel with this talk
04:35.38C4coloI'm not calling that
04:35.51rob0[] has quit ["Can't take it"]
04:36.44drmessanoThe nice thing about doing tech support for a church
04:37.23drmessanoyou can do NO WRONG by spam filtering the word "Penis"... at the very least, you'll save them from a ton of spam.. you may even save a priest his job
04:37.37C4colooh no
04:38.27C4coloI was wondering where you were going with that
04:39.17drmessanoWe do a lot of tech support for churches.. it makes you blush when they call in to have you remove that sort of Spam from their outlook
04:39.36drmessanoAlmost like mom finding your porn collection
04:40.03drmessanoI feel really bad.. especially the really devout folks
04:40.11drmessanoI can just imagine
04:40.20drmessano"Oh, good heavens"
04:40.42drmessanoE-mail is on the way out, I think
04:40.58C4colotell them to stop forwarding every damn email they get to everyone in their inbox
04:41.10C4coloand set the priority 0 mx record to a null address
04:41.24C4colothat little trick killed about 90% of the spam I get
04:41.49drmessanoBecause it the spammers dont follow priority?
04:42.09C4colothe RFC for SMTP specifies that a sending SMTP server must attempt a connection to at least one lower priority MX record if the first times out
04:42.25C4colohowever, spammers, sending millions of messages a day, don't have time to sit around and wait for the first MX record to time out
04:42.39drmessanoThats effin brilliant
04:42.42C4coloso after a few seconds they assume your mail server is down or you don't have mail or whatever
04:43.03C4colo"real" (by that I mean properly-configured) SMTP servers will follow the RFC guidelines
04:43.14drmessanoIt makes complete and total sense
04:43.44adeelwow, that's pretty clever
04:43.46drmessanoStill have to deal with the backscatter stuff
04:43.48C4coloI read that somewhere, tested it out for a few weeks and I was amazed how much of a differnce it made
04:43.53C4colomy spam is almost completly gone
04:44.03C4coloa few specific servers still get through and I can block their IP
04:44.17C4colosmaller spam shops, teemix is one
04:44.23drmessanoDo NDRs get a header for being an NDR?
04:44.44drmessanoI need to check
04:44.52C4coloI just point it to my network address
04:44.56drmessanoIF you block all NDR's, that handled the backscatter
04:45.27drmessanoIf an NDR is generated by your SMTP server thats one thing
04:45.43drmessanoBut allowing a remote server to send an NDR is pointless
04:45.48drmessanoand could cut the spam
04:46.19C4coloI think they ignore them
04:46.40drmessanoI know we've dealt with a lot of remote NDR backscatter spam messages
04:46.52drmessanoBut I think Exchange can be told to ignore NDRs
04:47.01C4coloI have had a hotmail account since 1998 that has been inactive for multiple years on end, and if I log in I'll get spam within minutes
04:47.30drmessanoIm checking my server now
04:48.10C4coloI use it about once or twice in a while when I need to give out an address that I KNOW will be bent/folded/spindled/mutilated and then sold to everyone willing to pay a nickle for it
04:49.02C4coloplus they use other people's addresses to send from
04:49.06C4coloso they don't get the bounces anyway
04:50.41C4coloI know this because about twice a year I get bombarded by hundreds of bounce replys in my inbox
04:51.49drmessanoYeah.. Last month was BAD
04:52.13drmessanoThey gave up on backscatter for a while
04:52.23drmessanoand for some reason cranked it up last month
04:52.27drmessanoWe saw thousands
04:52.49C4colothe CLEC said they had quite a few of their customers hit last month
04:52.56C4colonone of my domains got hit though
04:53.01C4colo... for once
04:53.23drmessanoI think remote NDRs should be illegal anyway
04:53.27C4coloI can't say that though, I think I got about 15 or 20 messages, that's light enough that I don't even notice though
04:53.35C4coloI think email should be deprecated
04:53.38drmessanoOnly YOUR smtp server should generate an NDR
04:53.42C4coloway too trusting of a system
04:54.19C4coloWAY too trusting
04:54.39C4coloI mean c'mon, I can send an email from your email address and no server between here or there will look at it twice?
04:55.08C4coloI can send out emails from "" or ""
04:55.17C4coloor whatever the hell I want
04:55.19C4colothat is just odd to me
04:55.49drmessanoNo one wants to fix the problem because everyone is exploiting it lol
04:55.54C4colohah, yea
04:55.59jackson__you guys don't check spf?
04:56.20C4colonah, that's a shoddy hack
04:56.30jackson__I dissagree
04:56.38C4coloI vocally berate SMTP while using all the same
04:56.53C4coloI'm one of those complainers who doesn't do anything about it
04:57.09C4colook, not a shoddy hack, that was harsh
04:57.28C4coloit is pointless unless implemented and required 100%
04:58.03jackson__my logs show that it catches quite a lot.
04:58.08C4coloit is like bailing water out of a cruise ship using a shotglass when there is a hole the size of an iceberg in the side of it
04:59.40C4colothe entire concept of email needs to be re-thunk
04:59.46jackson__so you're saying you don't specify spf records that are authorative for your domains?
04:59.57C4coloactually no
05:00.11jackson__then why should I accept your mail if you don't take the effort?
05:00.26C4colobecause there are millions like me out there that haven't taken the effor either
05:00.33C4coloand to block all of them is to limit your ability to use email
05:00.39jackson__then they aren't worth accepting mail from.
05:00.41C4colowhich is a good thing in my book
05:01.03outtolunche looks rather cute with no nose <G>
05:01.03drmessanoI added spf records just in case some a***** decides to filter spf out of the blue
05:01.12jackson__spf has been around for a while and it's pretty easy to impliment.
05:01.15drmessanoBut I dont expect it to take any real life of its own
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05:01.43C4coloI'll implement spf when I implement IPv6
05:01.58drmessanoBut then again.. I said that about SRV records years ago
05:02.03jackson__heh, you're talking a simple dns txt resource record man.
05:02.14C4coloI know
05:02.31C4cololike I said, I looked into it at one point
05:02.35C4coloI know what it would take
05:02.45C4colobut doing so just prolongs the death of SMTP
05:02.48jackson__for my buisness (small software dev house), I don't have any problem filtering via spf.
05:03.23C4colofor every SMTP workaround we accept, we put off the final death of SMTP by another year or two
05:04.18C4colospf records are nice, I will say they are useful, and the day I can't send email without spf will be the day I agree that spf has suceeded
05:04.37C4colobut, how will I know when that day has come if I implement spf now?
05:05.05drmessanoRight now, SPF gives you a lower spam score
05:05.06jackson__I'm certainly not saying that it's the only measure that needs to be taken, but I do thing it's worth while to impliment spf records for your own domains.
05:05.13drmessanoBut its not exclusive yet
05:05.29C4colothen if I was spamming I would be interested in adding spf
05:05.45drmessano..or if your domain was having a problem sending mail otherwise
05:05.53jackson__that won't help you spoofing though :)
05:06.07C4colowhen doesn't anyone's domain have problems sending email?
05:06.24jackson__the entire point of spf is to prevent spoofing.
05:06.26drmessanoI noticed I get more mail through to hotmail and Yahoo with an spf record
05:06.28C4coloemail is the message-in-a-bottle of the modern age
05:06.34C4colo"send it out there and hope they get it"
05:06.51drmessanoIts seems to lower the spam score somewhat
05:06.54drmessanoWhich isnt bad
05:07.05C4coloyea, but then all spammers will implement them and then where are we?
05:07.10C4coloback where we started?
05:07.25C4colowell, no, but you get my point
05:07.43jackson__how can a sapmmer who's spoofing with FROMS of going to add and spf record to the's authorative name servers listing that spamming email server?
05:08.08C4colothey would have to set up their own domains of course
05:09.03C4cololike is my fav :)
05:09.25C4coloisn't that a porn site?
05:09.38jackson__dunno, but it souunds good rolling off the tounge.
05:09.55C4colowow this water is giving me a microsofty
05:10.35drmessanoThose work
05:10.39drmessanoProbably taken
05:10.47C4colo"the neighbor's dog just left a dogpile on our lawn again!"
05:11.10drmessanoYou could spoof a Yahoo address.. Yahoo would probably let you.. Since.. no one else is using Yahoo
05:11.57drmessanoI bet I could colo my blog in a Yahoo datacenter and double their powerbill.. and trust me, I am not bragging..
05:12.23C4coloyou get about 5 hits a month?
05:12.25drmessano"OMG, 14 hits today!"
05:13.05jackson__try adding more jpgs to increase the hit count.
05:13.22drmessanocolo it with the money section of the yahoo site and I could exponentially increase the hits
05:13.33drmessanoGo from 1 a day to 9
05:13.43C4colothat's not exponential over two samples
05:13.52C4colothat's just 9-fold
05:14.01drmessanoI wasnt being literal
05:14.26C4colo1, 9, 81 ... that would be exponential
05:14.40C4coloI'm often times too literal
05:15.01drmessanoYahoo is so ignored now, no one has cared at all that Yahoo doesn't have a release version of their IM client thats vista compatible yet
05:15.43C4coloexcept for you apparently
05:15.58C4coloyou seem to know this tidbit of information when I surely didn't
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05:16.02drmessanoYahoo could add free SIP calls in/out worldwide and people would still use FreeWorldDialup instead
05:16.23drmessanoI do tech support all day.. I am PAID to know!
05:16.57jackson__...I'm surprised that you're complaining about yahoo when AOL is around to kick.
05:17.17C4coloyahoo, the new AOL
05:17.26drmessanoAOL knows it's near death.. Yahoo is bargaining with Microsoft like its 1997
05:17.43C4colois there any way to speed up DD?
05:17.53unpaidbilldidnt ms bitch out
05:17.57C4cololike for example, tell it to skip the 0s ?
05:18.11drmessano"We have VALUE.. have you even seen the Yahooligans Kids site!!??!!!"  "Um Jerry, we canned that site in 2001"  "Damnit!"
05:19.24C4coloalso, will LVM allocate space if you write 0s to the drive?
05:19.35C4coloor does it just laugh and ignore you?
05:19.38C4colo(as it should)
05:21.38C4colowaits for dd to finish
05:23.04C4colodd needs a progress bar like wget
05:23.51C4colosomeone write that for me
05:24.11C4colothis is linux, I want functionality and I want someone else to write it for me NOW for FREE
05:25.21drmessano..and in Java!
05:25.45jackson__and a compositing gui
05:26.01drmessanoI want someone to write a java app that fragments a hard drive
05:26.03drmessanoCall it jar
05:26.16drmessanoSo I can download jar.jar
05:27.00drmessanoIf you wrote a config app for linux
05:27.03drmessanoand called it conf
05:27.03C4coloif your compost is gooy you need to add more ruffage
05:27.13drmessanoand it needed a config file for its preferences
05:27.18drmessanoWould you call it conf.conf
05:27.23C4coloof course
05:27.24drmessanoand what you configure it with?
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05:27.32drmessanoand what would you configure it with?
05:27.37C4colowhy not conf.cfg?
05:27.43C4coloor cfg.conf ?
05:27.52C4coloor is cfg the BSD version of conf?
05:27.59drmessanoThat just advertises that someone was lazy
05:28.20drmessanoconf.cfg is blatant admission of laziness
05:28.42C4coloxen uses .cfg for their configuration files for domUs
05:28.49C4colowell, technically you can name them whatever you want
05:28.51drmessanoconfiguration.cfg is even better
05:29.18drmessanowhat if php was written in PHP
05:29.30drmessanoWould you need to include the php.php file in all your apps?
05:29.41C4colohow about or ?
05:29.55C4colothose are always funny
05:30.05C4coloI'm going to register
05:30.05drmessanoYou forgot the best example
05:30.07jackson__the .Net fiasco?
05:30.14drmessanoWhat did .com stand for in DOS?
05:30.29C4coloan executable that could run under dos
05:30.46drmessanoSo was command.command
05:30.52C4colonah was .exe by another name
05:31.28C4colo.coms would run without highmem
05:31.56C4coloyea yea
05:32.00C4cologo and quote wiki at me
05:32.02C4colosee if I blink
05:32.12drmessanoSo, pre DOS it was "command"
05:32.21drmessanoin DOS it had lost its meaning
05:33.34C4coloa COM file is a simple type of executable file
05:33.57drmessanoThats obvious
05:34.14drmessanoBut they didnt pick three arbitrary letters
05:34.21C4colosure they did meant something at one time
05:34.36drmessanoWhich was reference in the original paragraph
05:34.47jackson__holds up a white sheet of paper with a single circle drawn on it - "You know, for kids"'s were typically resident programs
05:36.01Juggielike drivers and such ftw
05:36.44*** join/#asterisk rcy` (
05:36.51C4coloIn Intel 8080 CPU architecture, only 65,536 bytes of memory could be addressed (address range 0x0000 to 0xFFFF).
05:37.01C4coloNote that there was no possibility of running more than one program or command at a time: the program loaded at 0x0100 was run, and no other.
05:37.38drmessanoWhich is why Windows 95 ran so poorly on the 8080
05:38.00Juggiewindows did not run on an 8080
05:38.04Juggienot 95 anyways
05:38.10drmessanoexactly my point
05:38.27C4coloI had windows '84 on my 8080
05:38.43mogJuggie, in hell it does
05:38.55Juggiei thought you were dead!
05:38.57drmessanoDOSSHELL was all I ever needed
05:39.06C4colorunning vista with 512MB of RAM is like running 95 on an 8080
05:39.08Juggiedesqview was the coolest
05:39.14Juggiethe dos multitasker
05:39.17Juggieit was kickass
05:39.38Juggiemog, my gf is in portland and she ate at jack in the box
05:39.48Juggieit reminded me of our 2am treck to jack in the box in dallas
05:39.48mogim eating some this weekend
05:39.54Juggieand me topping over a full coke on the floor :)
05:39.56mogas i will be in nashville
05:40.12*** join/#asterisk styelz (n=yoohoo@2001:388:f000:0:0:0:0:20b)
05:40.20C4coloI have only ever eaten at Jack in the Box once in my life even though we have them all over here
05:40.21Juggieah nice
05:40.25C4coloit was in Texas
05:40.31Juggiei ate there because it was 2am
05:40.35Juggieand it was the only thing open
05:40.38C4coloit wasn't bad actually
05:40.40mogthe only reason
05:40.44mogand the best
05:40.45drmessanoThats kinda like Krystals
05:40.59C4colodamn, now I want a burger
05:41.00drmessanoWho the hell eats Krystals BY CHOICE?
05:41.14C4colowho are we talking about?
05:41.32drmessano"Damn.. I'm stoned, drunk, and I gotta pee..lets go find a Krystals"
05:42.17C4coloheh, I ate at White Castle last year for the first time in my life
05:42.19C4colothat was interesting
05:42.19drmessanoThat reminds me of the time I got stoned, drunk, had to pee, and wound up in a Krystals at 2am
05:42.25C4cologreesy little bugrers, sliders are
05:42.48drmessanoKrystals are the White Castles of the south
05:43.01C4colodo their fries only come in one size?
05:43.04drmessanoI got a pic of their headquarters in chattanooga
05:43.12drmessanoSquare building
05:43.17jackson__heh, they made a movie about White Castle...
05:43.32drmessanoHarold and Kumar rocked
05:43.40drmessano"Heres $200 for the car.. "
05:44.19drmessanoWhite Castle has Chicken Rings
05:44.25drmessanoThink about it...
05:44.37C4colorings? 0.o
05:44.42C4colowhat part of the chicken is round?
05:44.57drmessanoI believe it's fried sphincter
05:45.01jackson__its funny that they actually stock and sell frozen white castle products at our local grocery stores.
05:45.06moghow you been juggie
05:45.07C4colo... i said nevermind
05:45.18C4coloyea, I've seen those
05:45.36C4coloactually, I think I've had one once, surprisingly similar to the real thing
05:45.40drmessanoIts not the same though.. You miss out on arguing with the employee at 2am
05:46.26drmessano"No... I want three with cheese, two no onion, two cheese extra onion, two no ketchup, two no onion extra ketchup... ARENT YOU PAYING ATTENTION???"
05:46.53C4coloheh, we just orderd about 10 of them in their default configuration
05:46.58jackson__wonder what special attention they paid to the order after that?
05:47.35drmessanoProbably something out of Beavis and Butthead, I would imagine
05:47.43drmessanoNo wonder they smelled like fish
05:48.16drmessano"i didnt know you guys had a fi.. oh jeez"
05:51.23Juggiemog, good good, you
05:51.26Juggiehows married life?
05:52.21moghighly reccomend it
05:52.46Juggiebeen with the gf 1 year on the 20th
05:52.51Juggiei'll take my time
05:52.58mogthats way to long
05:53.00mogget hitched
05:53.03drmessanoDont get married
05:53.15drmessanoFind some woman you hate, buy her a house
05:54.44C4coloyea, but how do you know if you really hate her until you live with her for a few years, have a few kids, share all the bills, then you can really know for sure if you should buy her a house
05:57.33Madkisshi all. i got this in my extension.ael: -- the goal is that whenever someone from the inside calls 93, asterisk is supposed to check whether that clients username is member of "firstfloor" or "secondfloor" and do the appropriate thing.
05:57.54Madkissit doesn't work that way, tho. does anyone see anything obvious?
05:59.22*** join/#asterisk shital (n=shital@
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06:00.54shitalHello All
06:06.11Madkissah, i figured it out
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06:27.17shitalI have this simple dial plan when i dial My PSTN no, it continuously rings even when i cut the call, can any one give me the solution please?
06:27.41shitali just want to happen incoming and outgoing calls
06:28.54*** join/#asterisk shinao1 (
06:31.41mogcan some one tell me how to iptables forward traffic from eth1 8080 to lo 8888.  So that I can see this stupid webserver bound to local host?
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06:41.55fluffmog: iptables -I INPUT -i eth1 -p tcp --dport 8080 -j ACCEPT
06:42.39fluffmog: oh. nevermind
06:46.44*** join/#asterisk esaym (
06:51.02*** join/#asterisk mort_gib (
07:03.47*** join/#asterisk dongs (
07:04.10dongsso im registering a wifi phone to my asterisk box on public internets
07:04.15dongsand i cant hear the remote side
07:04.24dongs(cuz obviously the wifii phone is nat'd or whatever)
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07:06.53dongsI get Nat = N in sip show peers.
07:06.59dongsobviously it hsould be Y or something.
07:07.08mkillebrewshould it?
07:07.14dongsalready done that.
07:07.21dongsstill says N.
07:07.26mort_gibYou need to have a good look at firewalls and port forwarding
07:07.32jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
07:07.38dongsasterisk is on public internets.
07:07.48dongswifi phone is on public, i have no control over port ofrwarding/etcetc
07:08.07dongswhat is this crpa, i thought i could just hop on any public wifi and use this shit.
07:09.08dongsi already read all this stuff.
07:09.42dongswho would want to put asterisk itself behind nat anyway.
07:10.08dongsso how do i configure this stuff so i can call from my phone?
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07:17.42dongsasterisk fails
07:17.45dongsworks fine with voipstunt
07:17.47dongsfuck you guys.
07:17.49dongsyour shit never works
07:17.51*** part/#asterisk dongs (
07:22.13mort_gibNo, you have to know what you are doing in order to get things to work... So it's more you that don't know how to get things to work
07:23.07mort_gibSo you now have two options, learn or keep using Voipstunt, that have recently changed their payment options....
07:23.58creativxhe left
07:24.50mort_gibI know, I just HAD to do it! ;-)
07:24.58creativxhaha ok
07:25.16mort_gib-You DO know that this stuff is saved to the web right??
07:26.50mort_gibThing is I see far tooo often "IT Professionals" that don't want to learn themselves, all they want is a "Support contract" for any of the services they "support" -sigh-
07:27.16*** join/#asterisk fordfrog (n=fordfrog@gentoo/developer/fordfrog)
07:28.23creativxif they pay, why not
07:29.42mort_gibBecause it's not the right way
07:30.12*** join/#asterisk dominic1 (n=dob@
07:30.46mort_gibI had a project running where a company wanted to spend some £7000 on Juniper firewalls... They could have used OpenBSD boxes and done more for less than £2000
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07:31.08mort_gibCARP/IPSec/BGRP -All there
07:31.21*** part/#asterisk dominic1 (n=dob@
07:31.26creativxwe're running junipers
07:31.33mort_gibLooser :-)
07:34.20mort_gib-No honestly, run any Firewall you like. If you are more familiar with Juniper then go ahead and grease yourself up :-)
07:35.13mort_gibIt's like the old discussion about whether karate or boxing is best
07:35.22mort_gib-What you do best will work best for you
07:36.18mort_gibIn this case we HAD OpenBSD knowledge inhouse, but nobody had ever touched a Juniper
07:36.44creativxin that case going for juniper makes not that much sense
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07:37.20marc7unless management finds comfort in spending extra for a support contract
07:37.45mort_gibNope, apart from -Juniper also sold a very expensive support contract, so if they couldn't figure out how to do things, they could point their feeble fingers at Juniper networks
07:38.00mort_gib-That actually does have a decent enough support staff
07:38.52mort_gibmanagement should be uncomfortable with an IT dept that will lean back and say "It's the Juniper guys, they will fix it"
07:40.01*** join/#asterisk shital (n=shital@
07:40.33marc7mort_gib: perhaps, but depending on the size of the company, how much gear they have deployed, and how mission-critical their network is.... IT management can easily defend the decision to create a budget to cover their asses
07:42.28mort_gibmarc7: Yes, but is covering your ass making proper feasability studies, and courses/training prior to deploying or a general purpose support contract -That ALWAYS starts with , we accept no responsability for the usefullness of XXX equipment
07:42.36marc7i'm not advocating that approach, but i can see how all too often, a budget on service and support far exceeds the amount being spent on hiring / training / retaining technical staff
07:42.37mort_gibYou DO have a point
07:43.28mort_gibBy all means sign up for a SAP support contract, but some of the networking stuff you really should be very good at!
07:44.40*** join/#asterisk apollonx (i=kit@
07:45.14mort_gibDamn, one of the gofers was "cleverly detecting peer networking on port 9100" And scornfully said that this was the reason that our VPN was slow, and not that it was printing as I claimed ;-)
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07:51.53pukkitamort_gib: hehe
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07:52.50pukkitamort_gib: openbsd is great for firewalls
07:53.00mort_gibYep! pf rules
07:53.11pukkitathough I found myself switching to pfsense/m0no0wall lately
07:53.30pukkitaless time involved... and pf too :)
07:54.07mort_gibI mean, m0no0wall won't give you the same control over DMZ/multiple uplinks
07:54.11krdianpukkita: ... but iptables is more flexible and stable for firewall/NAT IMHO
07:54.32pukkitakrdian: I haven't used linux for almost 10 years
07:54.43mort_gibkrdian: I can't say I agree...
07:54.44pukkitamort_gib have you tried pfsense?
07:54.50mort_gibNot yet...
07:55.37pukkitamort_gib you're right, I mean for a single FW. For isakmpd setups I set up a dozen boxex that have been running for years without a hitch
07:55.48krdianhuh i found that for nat/firewall/qos iptables is better, i have tried pf but fails in many cases
07:55.55mort_gibI had an incident with a "content aware" firewall... Allowing a user to access some media streams proved to damn difficult
07:56.46mort_gibI have yet to see pf failing, as for QoS, I haven't done much work with pf's QoS but have read it up and it seems very flexible
07:56.51pukkitamort_gib try it, I tried on the same P800 box that ran OBSD 3.2 based FW for years pfsense, and was overly impressed, is noticeably faster
07:57.36mort_gib-So pfsense (on FreeBSD) gives better performance??
07:57.51pukkitaand setting it up is like eating cake, in about 10 minutes with just one hand
07:57.52krdianpukkita: of course i preffer openbsd, is secure and stable as well,
07:58.02pukkita3.2 to actual pfsense yes
07:58.28shitali have set up my Asterisk box for incoming calls, do i need to install extra things for outgoing calls to happen?
07:58.28flohackKobaz: are you there?
07:58.45pukkitadunno compared to 4.x, but as I told you I must manage my time veeery carefully, cannot cover all fronts
07:58.57mort_gibshital: Not if you have an account with a VOIP provider  out in the world...
07:59.26krdianshital: as i remember u have configured zap cars so u don't need anything else
07:59.30pukkitabtw I'm amazed by FOP, once you get a grip is way powerful! (all my * boxes run FreeBSD BTW)
07:59.49krdianshital: just configure ur trunk
07:59.58mort_gibYes, we all have that problem, but firewalls, networking is the one exception!
08:00.10mort_gibI run * on CentOS
08:00.39krdianmort_gib: mee too  :((
08:00.51krdianmort_gib: crappyOS
08:01.02pukkitaif you like BSD try it on FBSD
08:01.12mort_gibWell, not too bad, I prefer OpenBSD
08:01.18*** join/#asterisk axisys (n=axisys@
08:01.23mort_gibpukkita: Learning curve??
08:01.36pukkitavery good ISDN stack with i4b, sangoma drivers, etc
08:02.09pukkitamort_gib: for FreeBSD? I found it way easier to manage and much more organized than any Linux distro for server purposes
08:02.31pukkitaand knowing pf you already covered on of the most difficult areas
08:02.49mort_gib-I haven't tried FreeBSD yet, one of those things i Suppose.
08:02.57pukkitaDebian somewhat followed the FreeBSD trend.
08:03.32pukkitaone of the things one finds is that the "man" command is really useful
08:03.45mort_gib-Like in OpenBSd
08:03.53pukkitasomething that cannot be said on linux
08:04.22pukkitatry it, the 7.x branch is impressive
08:04.30pukkitain TCP/IP stack and SMP
08:04.40mort_gibI create an image every so often for Soekris 4801, which pt is my favorite small firewall/VPN box, so a complete install takes me some 20 minutes
08:04.51pukkitayou can setup a base system in about 5 minutes
08:04.59mort_gib-I'm starting the download now!
08:05.45pukkitamort_gib: mine too! I also have setup one for mobile comms on a forestry firefighters truck
08:06.03mort_gibYeah :-) -Cool!
08:06.06pukkitaon a soekris, I managed to get everthing done with pfsense
08:06.50mort_gibI have a few Soekris boxe's running as internet gateways for commercial ships, choosing WiFi or 3G depending on availability....
08:07.08mort_gib-I wanted to add sattelite, but never had the request :-)
08:07.12pukkitaHSDPA/3G, High bandwith SAT, low orbit SAT, Wifi, etc
08:07.46pukkitaa mate told me about very similar boxes, Alix or Alyx, that are also cool
08:08.19mort_gibno costal vessels only. But imagine that you roll out a box globally that gives the vessels cost efficient Internet based on the location :-)
08:08.28mort_gibThere would be a market there.....
08:08.48pukkitaspeed with a BGAN (Inmarsat) was impressive
08:08.59mort_gib-But expensive
08:09.07mort_gibLatency is also an issue
08:09.11pukkitaI proposed something in that line
08:09.25pukkitamort_gib it depends on the service you choose
08:09.48pukkitayou can choose video streaming type service, but of course is more expensive
08:09.51mort_gibI haven't looked THAT much into it.... I have to be very careful with my time ;-)
08:11.01pukkitaI have tinkered a little with dreamboxes, and thought about integrating everything, a SAT motorized dish to track the sats, and the soekris as the comms heart
08:11.29pukkitafor ships that woul be kinda useful too
08:11.45pukkitamort_gib: are you in EU?
08:11.46mort_gibSounds interesting, how would you monitor bandwidth usage??
08:12.05mort_gibYes, I'm in EU, for at least 5 minutes more ;-)
08:12.32mort_gibI'm off to Gibraltar in a few minute to see some of my clients
08:12.32pukkitain pfsense that comes out of the box
08:13.08mort_gib-Well I don't so much need that, but ANY project like that, bandwidth monitoring is at the core!
08:13.09*** join/#asterisk keulin (n=cray@
08:13.55pukkitain pfsense you have live graphs and RRD storage of tons of parameters, one of the bandwith, of course. You could have mult-WAN setups also
08:14.16mort_gibIs support for that better than in PF??
08:14.40mort_gib-Cool, better have a look at pfsense
08:14.46pukkitaload balancing, CARP, etc
08:15.00mort_gib-Yes, but that is also done quite nicely in pf
08:15.37*** join/#asterisk vector (
08:15.37pukkitaI know, in fact what they do is to take the good pf things and integrate them with a nice wb GUI
08:15.42mort_gib-I have a lot of clients in Gibraltar where Internet is still rather unstable and expensive
08:16.11mort_gibNo, not me
08:16.23pukkitathey'd better setup a Wifi link and use Spain's Telcos for internet then
08:16.35pukkitanot that they're that great nor cheap, but at least stable
08:16.51pukkitaor do you mean mobile internet
08:16.53mort_gibNot allowed, and Telefonica is also not for the faint of heart
08:17.04pukkitaI'm in Seville BTW
08:17.17mort_gibThere are now three player in Gib, Gibtelecom, Sapphire and CTS
08:17.22mort_gib-Yeah, Spanish??
08:17.33pukkitafrom Cadiz in fact
08:17.43mort_gibSoy Danes, pero...
08:18.12pukkitahehe better weather here maybe
08:18.33mort_gibTelefonica is not that good down here, I asked for leased lines for an office in Algeciras, but no no no, Tenemos ADSL.... Tenemos ADSL
08:18.48pukkitatruy Ono
08:18.59pukkita(Ono = Auna = Retevision)
08:19.14mort_gib-I might, ONO is here in La Linea, where my office is...
08:19.28mort_gibAuna, I'm not sure about
08:19.34pukkitathe have a new service for DSL, similar to leased
08:19.47pukkitaMPLS could be
08:20.03pukkitaAuna/Retevision = old Ono's name
08:20.38pukkitathat could be interesting if they don't have cable where you need it
08:20.45mort_gibLike what BT tried in London
08:21.00mort_gibThey failed though, they got greedy!
08:21.18mort_gibcontention rate??
08:21.42pukkitain Cadiz there is another company that works well, dunoo if they cover Algeciras, for PLC based service
08:22.46mort_gib-I have been told that bandwidth coming in to Algeciras/Malaga is sucked up by the online gambling companies in Gib....
08:23.23mort_gib-And, YES, weather IS better here! Although I miss winter in DK
08:23.40*** join/#asterisk stimpie (
08:24.00pukkitamort_gib: I'm inclined to believe that. Almost all gambling is located at Gib or Malta
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08:24.28mort_gibYes, it's pretty funny...
08:24.56mort_gibAnyway, I have to go, you can find me on Yahoo with the same nic
08:25.13mort_gibif interested, sounds like we are working on much the same issues....
08:25.56pukkitaanother solution would be a LMDS link for Primary/Frame Relay, Ono's also inclined to do that... I already had their equipment for an  E1, so they offered a 2Mbps Frame Relay w/ warranted bandwidth for 380€/mo
08:26.15pukkitaok! see you!
08:26.28mort_gibThat's not bad, but see you later
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08:32.51shitalkrdian : my extensions.conf file looks like this but outgoing calls r not happening, can u please guide me sir?
08:33.32*** join/#asterisk qdk_ (n=qdk@
08:34.19shitalany body can help me please....
08:35.18krdianshital: lokks good, but probably u need to chebge exten => _9NXXXXXXXX,1,Dial(${OUTBOUNDTRUNK}/${EXTEN}) to exten => _9NXXXXXXXX,1,Dial(${OUTBOUNDTRUNK}/${EXTEN:1})
08:36.28krdianshital: what happen when u trying to call 9<number> ?
08:37.30krdianshital: u can test it on * consoele: CLI> dial 9<some number>@outgoing
08:40.31shitalkrdian: Sir when i dial 9945003535 it gives beeps sound
08:42.36krdianshital: congestion ?
08:43.01krdianshital: what can u see on console ?
08:43.10shitaland at the CLI prompt it gives message
08:43.56shitalbut that user is not busy at all, i tried to other Nos also but same reply
08:44.35krdianshital: set verbose 4 and pastebin all messages form console
08:45.21krdianshital: probably badly number formatting
08:45.49shitalok, can u plz help me wat modifications i do?
08:46.11shitalSir wats Verbose 4 i did not get u
08:46.21krdianshital: do set verbose 4 on console and call again
08:46.21*** join/#asterisk dominic1 (n=dob@
08:46.31dominic1Hello guys.
08:46.51shitalplz give me the command sir
08:47.22krdianshital:  core set verbose 4
08:47.31dominic1RXFAX vs Hylafax what do you think about both solutions? I tested both and had many troubles with iaxmodem und hylafax. At the moment I have no problems with RXfax. But what do you think?
08:49.01shitalok sir
08:49.21*** join/#asterisk asteriskumut (i=2fa59145@gateway/web/ajax/
08:49.37shitalthe message is
08:49.41krdiandominic1: i'm using hylafax + iaxmodem since ~3 years without any problems
08:50.05shitalkrdian: Sir the message is
08:50.11dominic1all installed on the same system?
08:50.20krdiandominic1: yes
08:51.10krdiandominic1: i had prblems with rxfax, but that was on 1.2.x
08:51.30dominic1I always thought using hylafax is like using a sledge-hammer to crack a nut  
08:51.30krdiandominic1: thera was some problems with outgoing faxes
08:51.51krdiandominic1: depends on kond of service
08:52.13dominic1Okay, how many iaxmodems did you configure?
08:52.18*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
08:52.29krdiandominic1: i have big service which sending and receinving ~1k faxes per minute
08:52.53dominic1that's much
08:53.21krdiandominic1: tehere is about 32 iaxmodems
08:54.13*** join/#asterisk asteriskumut (i=2fa8056b@gateway/web/ajax/
08:54.18dominic1is it right that I need one iaxmodem for every inbound and outbound connection?
08:54.41jblackWait. To do 1k faxes a minute on 32 iaxmodems would mean your faxes have to average 2 seconds per fax.
08:55.28krdianjblack: 32 for inbound and 32 for outbound
08:55.44krdianjblack: u r right there is 2x32
08:55.55jblackWith 64 fax lines, that works out to an average of 4 seconds a fax.
08:56.12dominic1I want to create a fax to mail gateway for about 300 users. I have the mailaddresses in database (voicemail). Will it be possible to read the mailadress for a extension from the database via hylafax?
08:56.51krdianjblack: heh i sayd ~1k not exactly :)
08:57.11jblackOk. If you cut it in half, that's 8 seconds a fax.
08:58.31krdianjblack: grrrr, u won, i do calculations again :)
08:59.03jblackAssume faxes take 2 minutes, and you have a bank of 64 fax machine equivilants, you're looking at about 32 a minute.
08:59.09krdianjblack: anyway this service is sending/receinving tons of faxes :P
09:00.13jblackOf course... a ton weighs 2,000....
09:00.27asteriskumuthi all how can i get asterisk send refer/3xx messages coming from its clients(phones) to another proxy server that the asterisk is connected to as a pbx?
09:00.34krdianjblack: i'll kill u :P
09:00.53krdianshital: what number exactly u trying to reach
09:01.07jblackWith math that bad, its' quite possible. =)
09:01.14dominic1not in metric @jblack
09:01.40*** join/#asterisk mandh (n=mandh@
09:01.44jblackdominic1: And that helps him how?
09:01.48shitalSir its actually 9945003535
09:02.11mandhHello all, would any one please advice me with billing solution to Asterisk ,auth and accountaing pre-paid cards?
09:02.47shitaland now i changed that OUTBOUNDTRUNK=2  and i tried its saying no is not correct
09:03.57*** join/#asterisk seanbright (
09:04.54jblackkrdian: I can imagine it looks like more faxes than one can comprehend. If it makes you feel better, 64 faxes every 2 minutes works out to 46,000 faxes a day. That sound cool enough?
09:06.11shitalkrdian: Can you please tell me what would be the pattern matching for all outgoing calls?
09:08.13dominic1How do you check which of your iaxmodems is busy or not?
09:08.45*** join/#asterisk XnOSX (i=d4913776@gateway/web/ajax/
09:08.56XnOSXgood morning for all!
09:11.27krdianjblack: i have done mistake, looked into stats, its ~1k/hour not minute, shame on me :(
09:12.11krdianshital: local or long distance calls ?
09:12.18jblackbehold the power of basic math skills.
09:12.52jblackEven 1k an hour is suspicious, but at least it's not up in lala land. =)
09:12.57shitalSir local call
09:13.13shitalNow calls are going sir
09:13.32shitalbut the problem is with dial tone
09:13.39krdianjblack: :)
09:15.04shitalwhen a continous dial tone comes and if i dial full no then on console it display fisrt missing, but when i here a dial tone like bell then call goes
09:15.04krdianok, need more coffe, going to kitchen
09:15.17shitalwhats the problem sir?
09:15.59*** join/#asterisk fcois (
09:17.24fcoisI need help for an 'asterisk appliance aa50'
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09:18.06shitalkrdian: r u busy?
09:19.16krdianshital: i have to collect logs from all calls then can say anything
09:19.31krdianshital: sorry, u have to of course :P
09:20.02krdianok, brb in 15 mins
09:20.41XnOSXanybody can tell me what can i do for run asterisk with colors in remote console
09:21.12fcoisit is something like   $asterisk -rccdv
09:21.31krdianis gone. bbl, i'm petting my pet boa constrictor.
09:21.59fcoisXnOSX: try to do asterisk --help to know how to do
09:22.13*** join/#asterisk adjohn (
09:22.31shitalok i pasted sir
09:22.39*** join/#asterisk creativx (
09:23.59shitalSir the latest message at CLI is
09:24.42shitalits taking one no less than i dial
09:29.44fcoisshital & krdian : you know how to add tftpd on busybox 'asterisk appliance aa50' ?
09:32.33fcoisshital : know you how to add tftpd command in a 'asterisk appliance aa50'  (busybox system)?
09:34.53shitalsorry i donno
09:35.49mvanbaakyou want to run a tftp server on the aa50 ?
09:36.18fcoisyes I create a autoprovisioning system
09:36.28fcoisand now I need a tftp server
09:37.11fcoismvanbaak: you have a solution?
09:37.12mvanbaakit's not installed already ?
09:37.29fcoisthere is tftp but not tftpd
09:38.48mvanbaaktry: find / -name '*tftp*'
09:39.29fcoisroot:~> find / -name '*tftp*'
09:40.45*** join/#asterisk mort_gib (
09:40.52fcoisand an other in the sys folder
09:41.11fcoisin /sys/module/ip_conntrack_tftp
09:41.18stimpiedoes someone know how to get the codec of an incoming sip call? ${SIP_CODEC} does not seem to contain it
09:42.21fcoismvanbaak: you saw my messages ?
09:43.25*** join/#asterisk railsmunky (
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09:43.57railsmunkyhey people. :) I'm having an interesting problem with a couple of sip devices.
09:44.10railsmunkyI'm running an aastra 55i and xlite
09:44.37railsmunkyi can call from xlite to the 55i extension and answer etc.. but when i call the other way i get a "no route to destination"
09:44.40railsmunkycan anyone help?
09:45.32fcoiscall the aastra support no?
09:46.13railsmunkyit's surely just a configuration thing?
09:46.15fcoisrailsmunky: and me, I have problems with 'asterisk appliance aa50'
09:46.22fcoisI think
09:46.45fcois55i is a phone I think no?
09:47.13fcoishave you tryed qualify option?
09:47.25railsmunkyisn't that for nat?
09:47.52fcoisI don't remember
09:48.11fcoisbut I could have some problems wich was results by that
09:48.32railsmunkyi don't think this is the same thing
09:48.34fcoissee in the CLI if the 55i is registered
09:48.47railsmunkyif it's not how can i call from xlite ;)
09:49.34railsmunkyi think it must be xlite
09:49.52fcoistry a cisco 7970 :-)
09:58.40*** join/#asterisk eXistenZ (i=pectic@unaffiliated/existenz)
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10:06.08fcoissalut jeanmiiii
10:06.39jeanmiiiiI would like to compile a static version of asterisk to avoid getting through trouvble after copying the resulting binaries to another linux distro
10:07.13jeanmiiiihow/where can I set the compilation options to have the binaries being compiled statically ?
10:13.10*** join/#asterisk Rico29 (
10:26.48defsworkanyone know anything about the phone network in Grenada ?
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10:45.00mort_gibdefswork: Grenada?? Not Grenada in Spain I take it??
10:46.13eXistenZis it possible to connect to internet through a connection between mobile and the ip pbx?
10:46.33eXistenZI mean by calling from the mobile into the landline, which is connected to the ip pbx
10:49.53defsworkmort_gib: no - in the carribean
10:51.33mort_gibOK :-)
10:52.49eXistenZpokes Qwell
10:53.10*** join/#asterisk DagMoller (n=aguirre@unaffiliated/dagmoller)
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10:59.47jeanmiiiiI have downloaded asteris 1.6 beta8
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11:00.18jeanmiiiiI have been able of compiling it without any problem at all
11:00.48jeanmiiiiI have then tried to compile it statically by selecting the relabtn option in the make menuconfig
11:01.16*** join/#asterisk MatBoy (
11:01.18jeanmiiiiand now it just won't compile.... throwing an error about some crypto libs
11:01.23jeanmiiiiany clue ?
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11:04.14asteriskumuthi all
11:05.50tzafrir_homefcois, generally a keyword for searches to help answer your question: "buildroot"
11:06.31asteriskumuti have a problem about sip message . do you know any way send 302 or redirect  message from asterisk pbx to sesion server What can i do ? please let me know
11:07.41asteriskumutor call transfer (refer)
11:09.31asteriskumuthow can i see like this message "REFER SIP/2.0"
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11:27.26asteriskumutHow can i use "core show application transfer" command  let me know
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11:39.44tzafrir_homeasteriskumut, from the command prompt of Asterisk. you gt that e.g. from running 'asterisk -r'
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11:53.03patrick--Hey, does anyone know why some of my faxes received via rxfax are not viewable?
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11:53.35lmadsenpatrick--: what is the delivery tech?
11:53.53patrick--erm, spandsp
11:53.56lmadsenpatrick--: also, that question is not a very good question
11:54.01patrick--im sorry
11:54.24lmadsenyou need to be more specific -- what you've asked is for someone to predict the future essentially
11:55.10fcoisI will try it
11:55.13lmadsengym time, good luck!
11:55.32*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
11:59.08fcoistzafrir_home: I can't use this command, this command don't exist
11:59.23tzafrir_homeIt's not a command
11:59.30fcoiswhat it is?
11:59.42tzafrir_homeIt is a build environment. A sort of distribution
11:59.57tzafrir_home~wiki buildroot
12:00.36fcoisand, in my case, I have the appliance aa50 and I just can connect by ssh
12:00.51fcoisI wxant to add the command tftpd which isn't compiled
12:01.00tzafrir_homeFirst hit on Yahoo:
12:01.36tzafrir_homeNo. You can't just add a command that is not compiled in. You need to rebuild the busybox binary
12:01.54fcoisok now I understand
12:02.16fcoisbut if I just want to add the tftpd command, I have to compile all ?
12:02.32fcoisbecause, I don't have the source!
12:03.35*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=angeldav@
12:04.58fcoistzafrir_home: have you see ^
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12:08.23tzafrir_homeActually, you have the source, at the svn project aa50
12:08.43tzafrir_homeBut setting up a proper build environment is very complicated
12:09.00tzafrir_homeFor starters, see
12:09.17tzafrir_homeGenerally not for the faint of heart
12:11.53fcoisI cant find the svn project aa50 !
12:12.49mvanbaakit's aadk
12:13.01*** join/#asterisk adjohn (
12:15.10fcoislike that : ?
12:15.52mvanbaakmeh, cool date
12:16.12mvanbaakbut no, that's the binary, not the source
12:16.29mvanbaaksvn co
12:17.17tzafrir_home <-- The date looks more realistic with an ending slash
12:17.36tzafrir_homeThe wonders of
12:18.03*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
12:18.13fcoisok but after that, I have to compil and I can't know what to don't forget!
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12:38.03rushowrgreets all
12:38.08rushowrjasonwoot you around?
12:41.03*** join/#asterisk jasonwoot (
12:43.26lmadsenhe has been summoned
12:43.39rushowrhey jasonwoot
12:43.47rushowrhow are you today?
12:43.55russellbjasonwoot: RUN, it's a trap!
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12:44.05lmadsen[08:38]  <rushowr> jasonwoot you around?
12:44.06lmadsen[08:41]  * jasonwoot ( has joined #asterisk
12:44.15rushowrhas the power
12:44.30[TK]D-FenderHas my winning lottery ticket arrived?
12:44.43rushowrD-Fender: No, I Veto'd it
12:45.23coppice[TK]D-Fender: you put it in the mail? there's a lottery for you
12:45.45rushowrjasonwoot: hey I tried rolling back to 1.4.16 but still having issues with dropped calls, wanted to check what Zaptel version you were running as well
12:47.42*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
12:47.55awkcan somebody tell me on a snom 300 how i can disable the volume buttom?
12:48.08rushowrawk: sorry dunno
12:48.22awkthink its possible?
12:49.07rushowrawk: hrm.....lemme see here....
12:49.10*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
12:49.59rushowrawk: don't think so, but it's been a LONG time since I worked with a SNOM
12:51.22fcoisis there some frenchs here?
12:52.11awkrushowr-away k thanks
12:53.11[TK]D-Fenderfcois: Plenty
12:55.16fcois[TK]D-Fender> : thanks
12:56.22shido6in gdb, I can find out what context, fullnamme,, timezone attachfmt but how do i find out what msgnum asteirsk was working on when it crashed
12:56.22shido6im using bt full , then f 5 then p vmu->mailbox, etc  but what do i use to find out the msgnum it was working on
12:56.22shido6and cidname and cidnum
12:56.22shido6ok i have the current director p vms->curdir
12:58.39*** join/#asterisk mandh (n=mandh@
12:58.54russellbshakes his head
12:58.56russellbi'll look though
12:59.21rushowrjasonwoot: you there now?
12:59.27russellbshido6: what function is frame 5?
12:59.44shido6f 5
12:59.44shido6#5  0x00000000004821b9 in pbx_thread (data=Variable "data" is not available.
12:59.44shido6) at pbx.c:2623
12:59.57shido6i found it thanks
13:00.01shido6p vms->fn
13:00.02russellbok ...
13:00.44*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
13:00.59shido6i did a f2
13:01.02shido6(gdb) f 2
13:01.02shido6#2  0x0000002a9b4fee62 in vm_execmain (chan=0x2a9ed074d0, data=Variable "data" is not available.
13:01.02shido6) at app_voicemail.c:6823
13:01.03shido66823cmd = forward_message(chan, context, &vms, vmu, vmfmts, 0, record_gain);
13:01.12shido6then i did a p vms->fn
13:01.35shido6and the user was frowarding msg0001 i believe
13:01.40shido6repeates 4035 times
13:02.13shido6im looking to reduce the amount of "repeats" and do something more SANE then crashing, like giving an error like, Im afraid I cant do that... and dump them into the help menu
13:02.46shido6Ive got a realtime setup for vmail with a tennant of 2000 users that crashed my box that was running for 6 days
13:03.01shido6until this user logged in and tried to forward a message
13:03.47shido6Im doing so many db dips its crazy but we solved that with some odbc magic
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13:04.15shido6Im not sure if my db has corrupt data or what...
13:04.43shido6is there a way i can check the fragmentation of mymysql db? am i looking in the right place?
13:07.14*** join/#asterisk hunmonk (
13:08.00ManxPowershido6: mysqlcheck might help,
13:08.29shido6will that lock any tables?
13:08.33shido6its 12.66 Gigs so far
13:09.01awkit wont lock your tables
13:09.13shido6any buts?
13:09.16awkbut nothing
13:09.19awkmysql -o -A
13:09.24awkerr mysqlcheck -o -A
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13:10.14ManxPowershido6: Have you considered something like Postgreaa?
13:10.35shido6why would i move to postgress?
13:10.53awkdont do that move.. i've moved away from it...
13:11.00ManxPower12 gig tables just make me want to look at something other than MySQL.  Do you do a lot of writes, or mostly just reads?
13:11.25ManxPowerI didn't say"Use Postresss", just "look at postgress", if MySQL is not doing what you need.
13:11.38awkhave you tweaked your mysql config
13:11.46shido6users dial an access number enter their user/pass and check messages, they can also send messages and send messaged to distribution lists
13:11.50ManxPowerI'm not expert, but I've seen a few MySQL .vs. All other databases debates.
13:11.56shido6other users hit their message button and login to vmail to do the same thing
13:12.05shido6i do dips to correct callerid
13:12.13shido6so LOTS of reads
13:12.24shido63x as many reads as writes
13:12.35ManxPowerMost of what I've gleaned from such conversations is "MySQL is blindly fast for reads, not very fast with writes"
13:13.02x86ManxPower: depends on if you're doing just a basic select or if you have to use a join
13:13.20shido6no joins
13:13.20ManxPowerIn any case, MySQL has worked for everything I've used if for, but I don't have large tables either.
13:13.25shido6insert, select, delete
13:13.30shido6maybe update
13:13.32shido6no joins
13:13.40x86ManxPower: generally joins, sub-selects, and temp tables are much slower in mysql than with other RDBMS systems
13:13.41awkshido6: eg: set global wait_timeout=   set global thread_cache_size=    sort_buffer, etc etc
13:14.50shido6i had to tweak those to get it working right. and even these numbers could probably be better
13:15.22awkthread_cache, sort_buffer_size table_cache
13:15.26awkloads of stuff you can play with
13:15.46*** join/#asterisk sircco (
13:16.45awkshido6 just have a look an optimize that db aswell check what mysqlcheck -o -A says on that DB
13:17.01sirccois it possible to mail call duration to predefined set of mail addresses for each extension after call completion
13:18.33[TK]D-Fendersircco: Sure, you can call System in your dialplan when the call is done, or use AMI to catch a CDR event, or if you use SQL for CDR storage you could write a trigger procedure, etc.
13:18.33*** join/#asterisk zerohalo (
13:19.26sircco[TK]D-Fender: oki tnx, i just needed to know if it's possible, i'll think of my own way :)
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13:30.03[T]an2what causes this error on my system periodically?
13:30.04[T]an2[May  7 07:16:35] WARNING[15936] app_dial.c: Unable to forward voice or dtmf
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13:31.39pukkitahi, anyone using Thomson ST2030 with FW 1.58 or 1.59???
13:31.52fcoisme !
13:32.07pukkitaI'm experiencing choppy audio when speaking to "analog" lines
13:32.14pukkitafcois: yes in SIP mode
13:32.34fcoischoppy audio ?
13:32.39pukkitaaudio is fine with SIP ot PRI channels, but horribly choppy when a BRI line is used for example
13:32.41*** part/#asterisk lmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
13:33.33jeanmiiiiI have an asterisk that acts as a proxy between the phones and another proxy
13:33.50pukkitalike when speaking via cell hpone to someone without mobile coverage
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13:33.55fcoisit is juste with ST2030?
13:34.17pukkitaand only when BRI is ionvolved
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13:34.25jeanmiiiiphones register to [asterisk-proxy]
13:34.26pukkitaSIP to SIP or to PRI is fine
13:34.28fcoisI dont know
13:34.45jeanmiiiibut the credentials for the authentication/registration are in [asterisk]
13:35.02pukkitajust rolled back to .1.54 and everything fine
13:35.04jeanmiiiiso, I wish to have [asterisk-proxy] to use [asterisk] as authentication/registration backend
13:35.07jeanmiiiiis that possible ?
13:35.54SlashmanI want to use asterisk with a ldap back end, with support for hints, is that possible ? and with which softphone is it better supported ? I need video and voicemail support too
13:37.12[TK]D-Fenderjeanmiiii: No.  * is NOT a proxy.  * is a B2BUA
13:38.23*** join/#asterisk adjohn (
13:38.37jeanmiiii[TK]D-Fender yes but in my case asterisk is acting as a proxy
13:39.24jeanmiiii[TK]D-Fender or imagine the following scenario : [phone][asterisk][other-vendor-PBX]
13:39.52jeanmiiii[TK]D-Fender in which case the asterisk is here to add some extensions/features to the PBX from the ther vendor
13:40.43[TK]D-Fenderjeanmiiii: * is not a proxy.  Doesn't matter if you view it as being "in between".
13:41.28jeanmiiii[TK]D-Fender ok let's put it another way, what backends can I use to register phones ?
13:41.48[TK]D-Fenderjeanmiiii: * is a B2BUA period.  Auth is done by *.  You'v got base config files(.conf 's), or DB, but this is all on the the one the regitster to.
13:43.17jeanmiiii[TK]D-Fender, ok so whatever backend I shall use, all it will do is provide asterisk with the data (login/password) to proceed to the exchanges with the client for the registration, right ?
13:44.08[TK]D-Fenderjeanmiiii: All you have is .conf's and "realtime".
13:44.30jeanmiiii[TK]D-Fender I am looking at a way to show a customer that even he uses SIP/TLS + SRTP, as long as the phones do not authenticate (mutual authentication) the PBX they connect to, the use of encryption is totally void
13:45.13jeanmiiii[TK]D-Fender, thus to mount the attack that will demonstrate it, I wish to use an asterisk (man in the middle) that will record the calls.
13:46.19[T]an2so you are trying to hack the call? is that it?
13:46.46jeanmiiii[TK]D-Fender thus I am looking for something that would do the following: 1> client send REGISTER, 2 proxy send the same REGISTER to the other vendor PBX 3> asterisk forwards it back to the client 4> the client replies to the challenge .... (the remaining is prety straight-forward) ...
13:46.59jeanmiiii[T]an2 yes, basically that's it
13:47.46*** join/#asterisk ScarEye (n=scareye@
13:47.49jeanmiiii[T]an2 just trying to demonstrate to a client that mutual authentication is mandatory to ensure confidentiality/integrity of calls and signalisation
13:49.02jeanmiiii[TK]D-Fender also, what do you mean by "realtime" ?
13:49.35[TK]D-Fenderjeanmiiii: ASTERISK IS NOT A PROXY.  What are you not getting? Asterisk does not "pass" ANYTHING.
13:49.44[TK]D-Fenderjeanmiiii: Go read the BOOK.
13:49.48jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
13:49.50[T]an2how are you set up that someone could get that kind of access to where they could get the phones to hit an in between server?
13:49.57[T]an2isnt that what firewalls and net admins are for?
13:50.24[T]an2i would worry more that someone got a server inbetween my phones and my asterisk pbx than i would someone listening to my calls
13:51.07jeanmiiii[T]an2 how ? you ARP Cache poison you boss <SIP Phone and the gateway or PBX it connects to and voila
13:51.29jeanmiiii[T]an2 most attacks come from inside companies
13:51.40ManxPowerjeanmiiii: ARP Cache stuff only applies to the local LAN.
13:52.03[T]an2that is why i said this is a job for net admins.
13:52.07jeanmiiiiManxPower true, but that does not mean you can't exploit it
13:52.14ManxPowerjeanmiiii: and most toll fraud comes from outside the company.
13:52.33[T]an2on a good network with a good admin, that would be caught if it were an inside attack
13:52.56ManxPowerjeanmiiii: I'm not saying that you should not be concerned with encryption -- just that most people using Asterisk do not care about encrption, or if they do they use VPN.
13:53.08jeanmiiii[T]an2 true, but from my exoperience I can tell you that aren't that many good admins
13:53.09[T]an2in our network, the phone are all on their own vlan... only phone and the asterisk server can talk to each other.
13:53.22ManxPower[T]an2: that's what we do.
13:53.42ManxPowerMostly for ease of management -- traffic segmentation is just a nice thing in our networks.
13:53.44jeanmiiii[T]an2 and do you have any mechanism to avoid someone being in your vlan ?
13:54.11[T]an2yeah... a good admin with a bad disposition :-D
13:54.21jeanmiiii[T]an2 what if I plug my PC in place of a phone and tag my packets with your vlan's ID ?
13:55.00[TK]D-Fenderjeanmiiii: Post armed sentries at all of your LAN jacks.  Don't forget the armoured division for backup.
13:55.05[T]an2what if i beat the crap out of the guy whos calls i wanted to record... anything is possible... who is your client? the CIA?
13:55.30jeanmiiii[TK]D-Fender very companies do actually have such setup in place
13:55.35[TK]D-Fenderjeanmiiii: Basically * is not that secure and all your attempts to do it will end up a pretty moot point.  It was not built for what you're looking for.
13:55.53[T]an2it would be pretty obvious in most environments if someone was doing something they shouldnt.
13:56.19[TK]D-Fenderjeanmiiii: No extra auth, no "proxy", no real encrpytion.
13:56.23jeanmiiiiour customers do not asterisk though, I am just using it as a tool
13:56.32[T]an2what do they use?
13:56.51jeanmiiii[TK]D-Fender asterisk 1.6 does provide SIP/TLS though + with a patch you can add srtp
13:57.07jeanmiiii[T]an2 cisco, siemens, avaya, alcatel, etc
13:57.38[TK]D-Fenderjeanmiiii: I'll wait till a short while after it LEAVES beta before even mentioning it.  and "patch" means you'll be playing "catch-up" for a long time..
13:57.56jeanmiiii[TK]D-Fender true
13:58.08[T]an2If it were me, I would look there for a solution to your protection needs.
13:58.24jeanmiiii[TK]D-Fender buty as far as I am concerned, I am not using asterisk for production. I only use as a tool at work
13:58.25[T]an2I am sure they have case studies to document their testing of security.
13:58.38jeanmiiii[T]an2 I am not looking for protections
13:58.57[T]an2i get that
13:59.05jeanmiiii[T]an2 I am trying to demonstrate that vendors that claim ther solution is secure are actually lying
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13:59.40[T]an2what i am saying is you are probably trying to do something someone else has probably spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on to test and document findings in a study of the same issue
14:00.20jeanmiiii[T]an2 sorry, I really don't get what you are saying
14:00.30[TK]D-Fenderjeanmiiii: NOTHING is "secure".  it is a relative state, not an absolute.  You talk like you've got all the answers, so I guess you don't really need us for anything...
14:00.38[T]an2i am saying i think you are trying to reinvent the wheel
14:01.03[T]an2someone else has probably already proven your theory
14:01.19jeanmiiii[TK]D-Fender my job is audit security solutions, architectures, etc
14:01.45jeanmiiii[TK]D-Fender I do not really care about finding solutions that are securre
14:01.47[TK]D-Fenderjeanmiiii: Well * isn't a tool for that.
14:02.00jeanmiiii[TK]D-Fender my job is just to demonstrate that supposedly secure solution are not
14:02.07jeanmiiii[TK]D-Fender I never said so
14:02.39jeanmiiii[TK]D-Fender to me, asterisk is only a tool I can make use to demonstrate things
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14:03.06[TK]D-Fenderjeanmiiii: well given't how insecure * is from most POV's, not sure how that helps much.
14:03.32jeanmiiiiI don't care wheter asterisk is secure or not
14:03.44*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
14:03.59jeanmiiiisecurity audit tools do not need to be secure as they are used to show that other software are not
14:04.17[T]an2asterisk is not a security audit tool
14:04.18keith4asterisk is a security audit tool? that's a new use
14:04.50jeanmiiiiwell, I just happen to use it as a security audit tool
14:04.58[T]an2if you are showing that you can hack packets... shouldnt you be looking for some sort of a packet analyzer or sniffer?
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14:06.23[T]an2i mane, you are talking about reconfiguring a server... which should be secure enough to keep people out of... to get the phone to reauth somehwere else... plus chnage the configs on the phone to point to a new server... you dont think someone would notice all of that?
14:06.49[T]an2people have a hard enough time getting phones to talk to the right server... let alone talk to the wrong one and the right one at the same time
14:06.55jeanmiiii[T]an2 using arp cache poising you not need to do any of that
14:08.12[T]an2do you have people who can do that in your office?
14:08.25[T]an2if so... hire them to work for you
14:08.31[T]an2threat eliminated
14:08.43jeanmiiiiI think you don't really get the point
14:09.08[T]an2the point that I think asterisk is the wrong tool for you, yes i do
14:09.26jeanmiiiiwith very little knowledge, any employee can set such attacks in place and use them to spy on calls
14:09.52jeanmiiiiwell, it is
14:10.09jeanmiiiiimagine I have a network where phones and the PBX use SIP/TLS and SRTP
14:10.11[T]an2but i can stand outside a door to an office and do the same thing
14:10.23jeanmiiiiwith asterisk I can sit in the middle using ARP Cache poisinging
14:10.41jeanmiiiias a result, the phone will try to register to my astertisk
14:10.54bbryantjeanmiiii: yes, but how are you going to understand the packets if they're using tls?
14:10.58jeanmiiiigiven the infiormation exchanged in the register packets, I can bruteforce the password
14:11.07[TK]D-Fenderjeanmiiii: But again, * is not a PROXY.
14:11.15jeanmiiiibbryant I am using tls, the phones is connecting to me
14:11.26jeanmiiii[TK]D-Fender alright then let me finish
14:11.28[TK]D-Fenderjeanmiiii: you can't "pass-on" the packets.
14:11.30[T]an2but you said they could do this with very little knowledge... yet you cant figure out how to do it.
14:11.36bbryantright, brain lapse, i see what you're saying now
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14:11.43jeanmiiiigiven that I do not know the password for the SIP account of my boss
14:12.10jeanmiiiiI arp cache poison my boss telephone and the gateway or PBX so that my phone's boss will register to my asterisk (which supports tls)
14:12.32bbryantthat's a classic man in the middle attack though, it has nothing to do with asterisk specifically
14:12.33jeanmiiiionce I have capture in the SIP debug the REGISTER packets, I have enoygh infoprmation to bruteforce the password
14:13.03jeanmiiiionce i have got the password, I can have my asterisk to register to the other vendor PBX, then asterisk will act as a proxy (or such)
14:13.17jeanmiiiiI will bridge calls from the phone to the PBX
14:13.31jeanmiiiiand record them using an app like MixMonitor
14:13.35jeanmiiiithis works fine
14:13.37[T]an2you can detect and protect against arp caching. i refer back to the good admin
14:13.51jeanmiiiite only problem is that It is a burden to have to crack the password
14:13.52[T]an2and the case studies already done on the matter
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14:14.11jeanmiiii[T]an2 yes you can but it is difficult and expensive and therefore many companies do not
14:14.37[T]an2so are avaya and cisco swithces... many companies do
14:15.03jeanmiiii[T]an2 but actually you do not really need to protect yourself against such attacks, what you have to ensure is that the telephone uses encryption mechanisms to authenticate the PBX it connects to (as web browsers do when they connect to ssl websites)
14:15.06[T]an2your comapny is only as strong as its people... hire a crappy net admin and have a crappy net
14:15.23[T]an2wouldnt that be protecting against it?
14:15.55[T]an2if you have to ensure things are set up a certain way, you are taking measures of protection
14:15.56jeanmiiii[T]an2 the thing is that it is not only related to good or bad admins, quite a lot of admins do not have the means to deploy protections against arp cache popisiong
14:16.14[T]an2yes, i agree 100%. a vanilla installation/configuration of ANY phone system is vulnerable.
14:16.50jeanmiiiiand quite a lot of admins are looking for us to demonstrate that it is critical for the company to invest in such equipments
14:18.09jeanmiiiibasically, clients are asking us whether the solution they'e bought is securre or not (which mostly means: "can calls be recorded by someone inside or outside tyhe company")
14:18.10*** join/#asterisk HuntsvilleAL (n=ccvp@
14:18.20HuntsvilleALare we all looking forward to another long & glorious day
14:18.23HuntsvilleALof internet addiction? :)
14:18.23[T]an2i get that... I am still rolling back to your previous comments... a user with very little knowledge can execute arp poisoning. However an admin with a lot of knowledge cannot
14:18.31jeanmiiiiso if phones do not authenticate PBX and can therefore allow for attacks that lead to the possibility of listening to calls, then I have to demonstrate it ... that's all
14:18.54ccvpwhat's the talk about networking in here? heh
14:19.09[T]an2I really dont think asterisk is gonna do it for you
14:19.30bbryantjeanmiiii: all the ssl support, at least in trunk, lets you choose a certificate authority to verify certificates which could be used to create your own authority for stuff inside your local network, and that would prevent any man in the middle attack created with arp caching
14:19.34jeanmiiii[T]an2 I haver already used it for that purpose
14:19.50jeanmiiiibbryant yes
14:19.57[T]an2so i am confused then.... what are you asking from us then?
14:20.04jeanmiiiibbryant but the problems is tht some phones to not validate the cert
14:20.06[T]an2if you have already done it.... do it!
14:20.08ccvp[t]an2, what's all the meaningless drivel going on
14:20.22ccvphasn't anyone heard about encryption of high speed links at line rate without taking a performance hit?
14:20.31jeanmiiiibbryant like suers who click yes when their browser them about an invalid cert
14:20.40ccvpjeanmiiii, read about it, and end the talk.
14:20.42[T]an2ccvp: using asterisk as a proxy server to a cisco or an avya switch to hack calls
14:20.45jblackccvp: Are you serious
14:21.00jblackYou want to eat your cake, and have it too, and get an extra cake besides?
14:22.01ccvpsecure handshakes can be established and the L2 path becomes impervious to sniffing
14:22.03jblackIt's  theoretically possible to have any two of those three.
14:22.07ccvpbut the only asics that can do that are the nexus 7000 i believe
14:23.00jeanmiiiiccvp is that something that vendors deploy in their IP phones ?
14:23.15jeanmiiiiI do not think so
14:23.27ccvpjeanmiii, what are you getting at
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14:23.37ccvp$$$ is a factor, people wont pay $5,000 for units
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14:24.13jeanmiiiiccvp then it is not a realistic solution
14:24.38ccvpwhat are you trying to get at? yo useem like a troll who is anti asterisk
14:24.51jeanmiiiioh no, not at all
14:24.58[T]an2jeanmiiii: i get your argument 100%... what is it you are asking us for? How to make asterisk do this? Or how to get companies protected? Asterisk without a major project will not do it. even with a major project, you will be lucky to get it to do what you are after...
14:25.04[T]an2what do you want?
14:25.16drfreezeMy phone system started giving me some new problems yesterday
14:25.39jeanmiiiiI was just wondering if asterisk could act so that I could shorten the 2 steps I described into only one
14:25.50[T]an2not the way it is written
14:25.58jeanmiiiiand as a result it does not
14:26.01drfreezeReports are that outgoing calls can't be made. The details are that there is a dialtone, but after making the call, it goes silent
14:26.04[T]an2maybe if you turn it inside out... but that is nothing we can support you on here
14:26.23jeanmiiiiit could if I had the time and knowledge to change the source to do what I want to ....
14:26.35drfreezeI'm monitoring the problem now, but don't have anything specific to look for
14:26.38[T]an2change the source=turn inside out...
14:26.51[T]an2just write your own program intended to do what you are after
14:27.00ccvpjeanmiii, at major corporations with global phone networks, it can be done with a mix between dscp and mpls tags
14:27.02jeanmiiiibasically, I was just asking whether asterisk could act as proxy that would another PBX as authentication backend
14:27.07jeanmiiiino big deal :)
14:27.19ccvptraffic enters the network it is tagged with a small amount of additional identity: information which is retained as it traverses the network
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14:27.59ccvpsox, glba, hppa are requiring this
14:28.05jeanmiiiiccvp so does that protect you against someone doing arp caceh poisoning between your IP phone and the gateway ?
14:28.17[T]an2jeanmiiii: what is the risked cost of a recorded call? Or more than one? $5000 or less? What would it cost a company to loose one of these calls. if it is less than the cost to keep it from happening... their problem. if they cannot afford to loose a call to someone recording it... then money is no issue, is it?
14:28.18jeanmiiiiprobably not and it does not matter
14:28.26ccvpdo you even know what your talking about?
14:28.31ccvpbrb, more coffee
14:28.50gitguythe book says if i put [rooms] conf => 90000 in meetme.conf and 90000,1,MeetMe(90000,i,123456) in extensions.conf it will prompt me to put password, when i dial that number, but it never prompts me anything
14:28.52jeanmiiiiwhat matters is that encryption be used properly and that phones authzenticate the PBX they connect to in ordet to ensure they are not being had by a man in the middle attack
14:28.54gitguyhow do i set up passwords?
14:29.01gitguyin conferences
14:29.17[T]an2it shows you in the examples in meete.conf
14:29.20jeanmiiiihaving said that, it was nice talking here (longer that I was expecting). I've got to get back to work now :)
14:29.29[T]an2good luck
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14:30.13ccvpwhat in the world
14:30.17ccvpwas that all about
14:30.29[T]an2whew.... ok, now I bow out too. :-D " I said GOOD DAY!" <FES>
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14:31.02ccvphmmm, was [t]an2 and jeanmiii the same person?
14:31.09ccvpengaging in a fake conversation, to make jeanmiii seem knowledgeable?
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14:56.03keith4anyone familiar with GrandCentral? it screams "asterisk under the hood" to me
14:57.21mogya keith4
14:57.27mogbut who knows
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14:58.02railsmunkydoes anyone use aastra 55i's or any for that matter?
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14:58.31jackson__Any recommendations for nice free music files for on hold?
14:59.13eric2server is in the e.s.t. timezone, have customers in  p.s.t. timezone... how would one set the time to go out with the call so the time for the end user is correct?
14:59.39[TK]D-Fendereric2: "time to go out with the call" ?
15:00.28eric2as it stands, some customers see wrong time on their caller id
15:00.35railsmunkyjust trying to work out the difference between the 'softkey pickup' setting and using a standard asterisk •8# sequece
15:00.39eric2time is sent by the server isn't it?
15:00.52railsmunkyobvisouly i'd love to use the aastra softkey
15:00.52[TK]D-Fendereric2: not in SIP.
15:01.23[TK]D-Fenderrailsmunky: And what do you think this "softkey" is actually doing?
15:01.43railsmunkythat's what i'm trying to work out. It doesn't send the asterisk sequence
15:01.51railsmunkyie it doesn't work whereas the sequence does
15:02.06[TK]D-Fenderrailsmunky: go look at the SIP debug and your configs.
15:02.27railsmunkyyeah i'll give that a go - just wondering if anyone had come across it
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15:04.17eric2ok, so I just set the time on my phone, it's 11 am, called it from my cell, and the call time shows as 7 am
15:04.22eric2what gives?
15:04.39eric2maybe its my linksys 2102?
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15:06.13jblackYou probably set the wrong timezone on the linksys
15:06.34fcoissomeone can help me for a digum 'asterisk appliance aa50' ???
15:07.10[TK]D-Fenderfcois: Sure... Guess I could use one of those...
15:07.13eric2yes, just changed it... had the wrong timezone in the linksys...    :)
15:08.12fcoisIn this asterisk appliance, there is a busybox as system, and I need to add the tftpd command to it
15:08.24killmel8trlol, i had to read that twice to actually understand your reply Fender....  hillarious.
15:09.10[TK]D-Fenderkillmel8tr: Devil is in the details....
15:09.30fcoisI also have the uImage firmware but don't know how to munt and dit it!
15:09.39[TK]D-Fenderfcois: you should go look for help on the distro it uses.
15:09.56[TK]D-Fenderfcois: perhaps you should call Digium for support...
15:10.35fcoisI call digium but, they never answer my email
15:11.10Marquelmorning. what can be wrong if mysteriously a call can be transfered by dialing "1#<EXTEN>"?
15:11.12fcoisand more, Iam in france and if he answer me, it is 5pm my days is finish !!!
15:11.15killmel8trif you call them they will give you a ticket number for you to reference in all future contacts.
15:11.34fcoisyes I have a ticket number but no news
15:11.54killmel8trfcois: umm....   bankers hours????   that is not a reality in our industry.
15:11.56fcoisI have a name and an email in digium
15:12.55[TK]D-Fenderfcois: e-mail them again
15:12.57fcoisno (I finish at 7pm ^^' )
15:13.07killmel8trI have "after hours" calls with devs all the time, they seem to work around the customers schedule.
15:13.08fcoisyes again and again...
15:13.58killmel8trfcois: copy mark s on your emails  ;)
15:14.19fcoisas if it change somethings :-)
15:16.24fcoisI sent a other email !
15:18.32Uatechey, using the Playback command, can i play files which aren't in the /var/lib/asterisk/sounds directory if i specify their full path?
15:19.25[TK]D-FenderUatec: yES
15:26.30yangWhat would such an error mean - translate.c:175 framein: no samples for gsmtolin
15:28.48killmel8trmy first guess(es) would be that a gsm codec was missing or you were trying to playback a bad (or empty) .gsm file
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15:33.07Uatec[TK]D-Fender, wooo, it's working, i was just typing it wrong... unique IDs are too long to have to type in to my phone :S
15:33.09Uatecty :)
15:34.18xacatecasok folks, i need an explanation ... scenario: [phone] -> sip -> [trixbox] => NAT'ed IAX2 => [switch (pure asterisk)] -> sip -> [provider SIP switch] -> who knows ...
15:34.53xacatecasok, now the problem I've seen was this, the provider has what they call "onnet" ... as long as I dialed to it, I could hear them, but they could not hear me, and DTMF from me to them would also not work.
15:35.03xacatecasphoning through them to non-onnet would be fine.
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15:35.42xacatecaswhat would be the "check this first" type of things in those cases?
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15:37.07mike345hi guys, the ethernet port on our receptionist Cisco7560 just went flakey.... they never liked the 7560 anyway.   What SIP (or IAXY) phone is good for a recpeitonist?
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15:38.51killmel8trxacatecas: Could [Switch (pure asterisk)] be sending its non-routable IP to your trixbox for rtp?
15:39.28killmel8trI would enable rtp debug and then have them modify thier externip and localnet settings in thier sip.conf file
15:39.49killmel8trand of course look at the sip messages
15:40.07killmel8trand see how the rtp is setup.
15:40.31killmel8trnow i have not messed with IAX much but if I was using sip, thats what I would do
15:40.42Kobazwhere does everyone usually get their 25pair rj21x cables
15:41.18JayTee52Does anyone see an advantage to using a TE220P as a second dual span card when the existing card is a TE212P? I can't see one other than saving 40 bucks.
15:41.24b11d`Kobaz.. i make them myself, tediously
15:41.30b11d`nah I make students to it actually
15:41.54Kobazyeah i kinda want to avoid the building part
15:42.03mike345is the Polycom 601 a good receptionist phone?
15:42.04b11d`i honestly get most of my cables form
15:42.17Kobazmike345: it's nice and sexy
15:42.21b11d`fast, good quality, low price, etc..
15:42.38shido6can someone look at line 3899 of app_voicemail.c , how would I check msg_cat value before calling ast_Variable_update()
15:43.02[TK]D-FenderJayTee52: .... they aren't the same interface.
15:43.04Kobazshido6: isn't there an asterisk-dev channel
15:43.14[TK]D-Fendermike345: Splurge a big and get the 650.
15:43.34shido6Kobaz, yes there is.
15:43.58mike345650 doesn;t look like that much more....
15:44.07JayTee52[TK]D-Fender, you mean one is PCI and the other is PCIx? I know, I have a PCI 3.3v slot open as well as a PCIx slot available.
15:44.28[TK]D-FenderJayTee52: seriously... READ!
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15:45.10xacatecaskillmel8tr, no, connection between them is IAX2.  sorry (had a quick support call)
15:45.11jbot[~cds] Call Discconect Supervision is a service placed on analog lines to be able to signal you that that the calling party has hung up.  This is typically done either by a momentary battery cut, or by a polarity reversal on the line.
15:45.44mike345Polycom 650 about $270, well within budget.  Is that "the best" for asterisk recpetionists?
15:45.59[TK]D-Fendermike345: How many phones will this person manage?
15:46.13xacatecaskillmel8tr, IAX2 uses a single port 4569 for everything, and voice comes from them to me, and rtp debug on my side, as well as tcpdump shows that the data is flowing correctly.
15:46.14mike345office of 150, but we all have DIDs
15:46.19[TK]D-Fendermike345: And will they be taking a lot of calls?
15:46.22mike3456 line ont he cisco was enough
15:46.50[TK]D-Fendermike345: Ok, here's the thing : forget about the side-car for BLF's for tha many people.
15:47.08[TK]D-Fendermike345: Aastra can support it, but a mass-page would nuke the phone.
15:47.24[TK]D-Fendermike345: as a phone, Polycom is pretty much the best.
15:47.36mike345thx - that is what I wanted to hear.
15:47.48JayTee52[TK]D-Fender, I already had that page open. They are BOTH dual T1/E1 cards. The 212 is PCI 3.3v and the 220 is PCI Express. That's the only difference.
15:47.57[TK]D-Fendermike345: for BLF I'd suggest a PC app (web or otherwise)
15:48.17mike345TK-D-Fender - you've helped me before - thank you again.
15:48.21[TK]D-FenderJayTee52: and one said the EC was "optional".  I'd double and triple-check that.
15:48.27[TK]D-Fendermike345: np
15:49.26JayTee52[TK]D-Fender, yeah, I have to order either as a separate part number from if I want the Octasic module which of course I do.
15:49.38JayTee52either card can come without it.'s price on the TE212 is $692.00 cheaper than
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15:53.35killmel8trI order my digium cards from .e4 technologies (
15:53.58killmel8trthey discount most cards when you add them to the cart
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15:54.19freezey[TK]D-Fender: you around?
15:54.24[TK]D-Fenderfreezey: yup
15:55.31freezey[TK]D-Fender: i was wondering for a quick VOIP solution what i can do is grab a dell server setup asterisk grab one of those t1 cards put it in the back of the server ethernet over to a regular QOS switch and then hook up the sip phones from theory this should work right?
15:56.50freezey[TK]D-Fender: and on my current avaya system i can just create a SIP connection between them just so it knows to push those certain exentions over to the asterisk box and then it can distribute them
15:58.26[TK]D-Fenderfreezey: Umm.. T1 != ethernet....
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15:58.38codechey guys.
15:58.39TrentCreekyou would not need a server for such a simple setup like that
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15:59.14freezey[TK]D-Fender: well for the t1 card the t1 line will go down into that and then the ethernet will just go into a switch like normal
15:59.22codecanyone running asterisk on ubuntu 7.10? it looks like they forgot about bristuff. :/
15:59.32codec(package descriptions says they're supporting it)
15:59.37[TK]D-Fenderfreezey: Please start over.  You've over-abbreviated your description .
15:59.55[TK]D-Fendercodec: * packages aren't supported here.
16:00.28codec[TK]D-Fender: guess so, but maybe someone's running ubuntu 7.10 anyway..
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16:01.52freezey[TK]D-Fender: i was thinking of re-using a dell 1850 server.. buy a t1 digium card and run one of my t1 lines in the back of it.. and with the regular ethernet cable run that into a QOS switch... and then if its possible create a SIP connection between my avaya system and * so those certain extensions in * will be only handled by asterisk when the call comes from the outside...
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16:02.41[TK]D-Fenderfreezey: Sure I guess you could pump calls to your Avaya over SIP if it supports it, and treat some calls differently and go just to the phone.
16:02.50[TK]D-Fender(s) you have directly connected to *.
16:03.01[TK]D-Fenderfreezey: how many Avaya sets do you have?
16:03.10[TK]D-Fenderfreezey: And what model(s)?
16:04.12freezey[TK]D-Fender: my avaya phones are all crappy 5410's
16:04.39freezey[TK]D-Fender: i dont want the avaya phones to have anything to do with asterisk i want those to stay on the current system but just have asterisk handle certain other cisco phones
16:04.47xacatecasok, i'm now totally stumped.
16:05.12freezey[TK]D-Fender: or i can just use a different number and completely rule out the avaya system which is what i am thinking
16:05.16xacatecasi've flipped everything that i touched in all kinds of weird manners and now it just stays on working :)
16:05.28[TK]D-Fenderfreezey: How many ayava sets?
16:05.34freezey[TK]D-Fender: about 50
16:05.46[TK]D-Fenderfreezey: Ok, that adds up...
16:05.50*** join/#asterisk adjohn (
16:06.06freezey[TK]D-Fender: ok
16:06.12freezey[TK]D-Fender: let me know when you get back
16:10.03SexyKenAnyone seen this before "TRUNK Dial failed due to CHANUNAVAIL - failing through to other trunks") in new stack
16:10.43codecmmh, what bristuff version may i use for * 1.4.11?
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16:13.24geek_clany smart person has connect a "Siemens Hicom 300" ?
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16:24.29[TK]D-Fenderfreezey: Anyways, the short answer is "sure" you can connect them up that way if the Avaya is compatible.
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17:00.30linuxer_igorhi, I have a big problem in my asterisk
17:00.56linuxer_igorhe is lot my ram memory with cache
17:02.01Qwelllinuxer_igor: I think you're going to need to explain that in some more detail.
17:02.22seanbrightall your base our belong to us
17:02.36linuxer_igorI need to minimize the cache size
17:02.37seanbrightoh jbot... i hate you so
17:02.47Qwelllinuxer_igor: cache is a good thing
17:02.57linuxer_igoryes but
17:02.59Qwellplease explain what you mean..
17:03.01freezey[TK]D-Fender: ok so my other idea is forget about avaya... i am gonna get some 800 numbers and just bring the t1 in for that and use those... so that should be no problem then right?>
17:03.02russellbwhat cache?
17:03.08Qwellrussellb: ram memory
17:03.12russellbQwell: oh, right
17:03.17russellbthen remove some of it from the machine?
17:03.31linuxer_igormy asterisk lot my RAM and my server go down
17:03.39outtoluncgiggles at 'yare'
17:03.59Qwelllinuxer_igor: I do not understand what you're saying..
17:04.04seanbrightmy sed skills are obviously lacking
17:04.24seanbrighti think he's saying asterisk keeps eating more and more memory until his machine dies
17:05.13russellbasterisk dies?
17:05.30russellboh, that's the problem right there!
17:05.32seanbright"my server go down"
17:05.35russellbasterisk is using memory!
17:05.45seanbright"server" is such an ambiguous word
17:05.57linuxer_igorlook this
17:06.15linuxer_igorthis is my graph off memory
17:06.23seanbrightits not coming up
17:06.26Qwelllinuxer_igor: can't connect
17:06.36seanbrightmaybe apache lot your ram and server go down
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17:06.55seanbrightdon't mind me, i'm an a-hole
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17:07.22linuxer_igoragain now
17:07.43Qwellyou have 900M in cache.  That is not a bad thing.
17:07.48seanbrightlinuxer_igor: what version of asterisk?
17:07.50*** part/#asterisk dandre (
17:07.55Qwellunused ram is wasted ram
17:08.35ac1djazzwhast the popular texting company that has that sterisk module available
17:08.38ac1djazzfor US texting?
17:08.49Qwelllinuxer_igor: please explain the problem you are having
17:08.53linuxer_igorthe asterisk convert memory free in memory cache
17:09.01Qwellyes, cache is good
17:09.58linuxer_igorthe cache goes increasing
17:10.08Qwellthat is a very good thing.
17:10.13Qwellthat is not bad at all.
17:10.26linuxer_igorand when 100% of the memory arrive + -
17:10.52linuxer_igormy server lock
17:10.53Qwell"cache" is filesystem cache.  The Linux kernel is caching the memory to speed up disk access.
17:11.10QwellIf it needs more RAM for something else, it will take it from the cache.
17:11.12russellbis it too urgent?
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17:11.23linuxer_igorthe CPU  when 99% and bang!
17:11.42QwellCPU or RAM?
17:11.49QwellYou are now describing 2 different things.
17:12.02[TK]D-FenderQwell: Keyboard & chair ;)
17:12.24russellbi suggest a hammer
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17:12.43JayTee52very similar to a PEBKAC
17:13.26linuxer_igordo you understand mi ?
17:13.32Qwelllinuxer_igor: no
17:13.33russellbno :(
17:14.00Qwelllinuxer_igor: You are from Brazil?
17:14.05linuxer_igorsee you my graph ?
17:14.19[TK]D-Fenderjsmith-teaching: Hey, do you know who's up here for that boot-camp in progress?
17:14.20russellbi think there is a #asterisk-br
17:14.25QwellI think there is a channel #asterisk-br, with people who speak your language
17:14.39linuxer_igorlook the memory graph
17:14.48killmel8trI went out with a girl from brazil once, she was an exchange student and it was freaking awesome.
17:14.54Qwellyou should ask in there, and if there are problems that need to be explained to developers, maybe they can help you translate
17:14.57jsmith-teaching[TK]D-Fender: I'm teaching the Huntsville class this week, and John Covert is teaching the class in Las Vegas
17:15.05jsmith-teaching[TK]D-Fender: It all depends on your definition of "up here"
17:15.11filejsmith-teaching: he means Montreal
17:15.12[TK]D-Fenderjsmith-teaching: .... Montreal :)
17:15.16russellbteaches jsmith-teaching
17:15.17Qwellcaio1982: ping!
17:15.28[TK]D-Fenderjsmith-teaching: Wasn't a stretch you know.
17:15.48[TK]D-Fenderjsmith-teaching: We met & all that.
17:16.04caio1982Qwell: pong!
17:16.08Qwellcaio1982: help!
17:16.09fileunless you have a cool name like file jsmith doesn't remember you
17:16.11[TK]D-Fenderjsmith-teaching: Usually takes years of psycho-therapy to forget me ;)
17:16.22Qwellcaio1982: linuxer_igor needs help translating, I think...
17:16.54caio1982oh, right :)
17:16.57killmel8trthis is the link he was trying to paste:
17:17.00jsmith-teaching[TK]D-Fender: Oh, the Montreal class!  I forgot that it was this week... probably Claude Klimos teaching it
17:17.02caio1982linuxer_igor: entra no #asterisk-br :)
17:17.12TrentCreekit don't work
17:17.13Qwellcaio1982: thank you :)
17:17.20jsmith-teaching[TK]D-Fender: (Sorry, I wasn't even paying attention to who I was responding too... too much "bootcamp on the brain")
17:17.21[TK]D-Fenderjsmith-teaching: Ah, fully off-loaded to Aheeva....
17:17.24caio1982Qwell: :) wonder his box is crashing..with speeds that slow ;-)
17:17.47jsmith-teaching[TK]D-Fender: They're an authorized training partner.
17:17.50[TK]D-Fenderjsmith-teaching: Saw a big ad in the paper... they're looking for CSR's :)
17:18.05jsmith-teaching[TK]D-Fender: Ah....
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17:40.10zeeeshhow to check ztdummy is installed or not?
17:40.30ManxPowerzeeesh: this is basic linux stuff.
17:41.00gitguymodprobe -l | grep ztdummy
17:41.09Kattyanthm: i love call barge.
17:41.15Kattyanthm: i'm keeping up on all the office gossip today.
17:43.46QwellKatty: that's wrong on so many levels
17:43.54Qwelljbot: Katty++
17:45.23Kattyapparently the receptionist's grandson is quite ill, and needs anti-biotics.
17:45.25zeeeshWARNING[28415]: pbx.c:1720 pbx_extension_helper: No application 'MeetMe' for extension (incoming, 22222222,1)?
17:45.33Kattyand after work, they're going to Wendy's
17:45.46QwellKatty: wanna be evil?
17:45.54Kattyi've also discovered, she says "redick uh lus"
17:46.09KattyQwell: i'm a woman.
17:46.14KattyQwell: my /nick is Katty
17:46.15Qwellso, yes
17:46.19Qwelllater today - around 5:00...ask them to bring you back an X (where X is some random item from Wendy's)
17:46.20KattyQwell: what do /you/ think
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17:46.38KattyQwell: no
17:46.46KattyQwell: i will tell her i hope he grandson gets to feeling better.
17:46.49freezeyjust for testing purposes how does the  IP Phone 7906G SCCP, SIP VoIP work out?
17:46.53killmel8trI'm sort of addicted to the whole chanspy thing as well.
17:46.55[TK]D-Fenderzeeesh: meetme likely didn't build because you only setup zaptel after compiling *.
17:47.15caio1982Katty: that's a too politically correct way to deal with barge :P
17:47.17[TK]D-Fenderfreezey: Waste.  Polycom > all.
17:47.27Kattycaio1982: well i /do/ have to work with these people
17:47.36Qwellunless they quit
17:48.03freezey[TK]D-Fender: suggest one for testing on the cheaper side tho?
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17:48.10Victor___Hello! Anyone using a Vonage ATA w/ X100M?
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17:48.34[TK]D-Fenderfreezey: Polycom is less expensive and better for your setup
17:48.34freezey[TK]D-Fender: how is this one? Soundpoint IP 330 SIP 2-Line Phone  
17:48.34freezeySoundpoint IP 330 SIP 2-Line Phone
17:48.36znoGhi all. to authenticate an IAX user with md5, is it necessary to specify auth=md5 and the md5 secret in the 'secret' line ? or does it use md5secret like sip.conf
17:48.46freezey[TK]D-Fender: just for testing i am thinking about that one
17:49.02nirzfreezey: i personly prefer the aastra one , speciely the 57i one...
17:49.08[TK]D-Fenderfreezey: Good phone.  If you can spare the network port you can save $ and go for the IP 320
17:49.32freezeycool thanks man
17:49.39ccvpLG Voyager > *
17:49.45[TK]D-Fendernirz: I hated my 57i CT.  Made me wish for my home's bedside IP 301
17:50.06freezey[TK]D-Fender: the point of the second port is what?
17:50.15PrimerSo I'm trying to figure out how RTP packets are making it through my firewall. I have a Linux iptables box as a firewall just after our router in front of our network, with a default FORWARD policy of DROP, no rules for udp 10000:20000 or 5060, or rules for our outbound proxy, yet, RTP goes through just fine
17:50.22Qwellfreezey: it's a switch port
17:50.26[TK]D-Fenderfreezey: pass-through to a PC.  for places you don't have a separate jack
17:50.38freezeyoh ok thanks i thoguht so
17:50.41[TK]D-Fenderfreezey: so switch  > phone > computer.
17:50.45ccvpso did all of you enjoy your fatty Taco Bell for luncH? :(   . . . . i only had half a pound of spinach leaves, with some sprinkled tuna fish chunks , and lite honey mustard
17:51.04Kattyhugs ccvp
17:51.11PrimerFrom what I understand, I'd need some sort of ip_conntrack to open ports for RTP on the firewall, yet no such thing was ever setup beforehand
17:51.24Kattyccvp: i had a lovely grilled chicken breast, with mashed potatoed and gravy, strawberries, and yoghurt
17:51.29Primerip_conntrack that'd monitor SIP, that is
17:51.48ccvpkatty, do you goto the store, and buy: Beautiful Coldcuts
17:51.51ccvphaha :)
17:51.55QwellPrimer: don't use conntrack modules with SIP...  they break it in new and wonderous ways
17:51.59Kattyactually i don't like coldcuts.
17:52.07PrimerQwell: I'm not saying I am
17:52.26PrimerI'm mostly curious as to how the RTP is getting through, when we didn't setup anything to explicitly handle it
17:52.35ccvpim starving though
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17:52.44Primerand our firewall is very restrictive
17:52.44ccvpbut im trying to lose some weight, im 6'0, 192 lbs, i want to get to 160
17:52.59jackson__Primer, are you using something like shorewall to configure iptables?
17:53.14Qwellsurely you have an ESTABLISHED,RELATED line somewhere in there
17:53.33Primerjackson__: no
17:53.48Qwellin some cases it'll "Just Work"
17:53.56Qwell(but not very well, or reliably)
17:53.58ccvpqwell why is that?
17:54.01PrimerQwell: I don't see how an RTP stream on port 10000 becomes related to a SIP session on port 5060
17:54.06ccvpwhat specific line of code backs that up? :)
17:54.12ccvp"just work, but not reliably"?
17:54.23QwellYou send out a RTP packet.  Any responses would be related to that, no?
17:54.32jackson__examine the output of 'iptables -L -v'
17:54.43ccvpQwell, can you give me a 99% confidence interval using an estimated regression equation to back your statement up
17:54.46ccvpusing an alpha value of .01 :)
17:54.47Primersurely, but that presumes that the return stream is coming back on the same ports, no?
17:55.00PrimerI mean, the default is for there to be 2 RTP streams, no?
17:55.12QwellPrimer: like I wouldn't be very reliable :)
17:55.13Primerone from me to them, one from them to me
17:55.25Qwellbut, it *can* work
17:55.27Primerwhich presumably can use any combination of ports
17:56.05QwellPrimer: these are outbound calls, I assume?
17:56.13Primerno, inbound
17:56.22zeeesh<[TK]D-Fender>: i gave command during installations "make clean"  "make"   "make install"  "make config" and then "modprobe zaptel"  and "modprobe ztdummy"? is there anything left?
17:56.33Victor___Vonage ATA with X100P worked just fine.. X100M Yecch.. don't know what I'm doing wrong
17:56.44Qwellwhen it's "Just Worked" for me, it was outbound calls that did, and inbound calls failed.
17:56.48zeeeshusing asterisk-1.2.18 and zaptel-1.2.25
17:56.55Primerwe register to our provider (teliax, in this case), and calls come in via our registration to them. That part makes sense
17:57.09ccvpzeeesh, get the 1.4 book
17:57.12ccvpit's white, with a horizontal blue bar
17:57.15Primerperhaps my understanding is flawed
17:57.18ccvpwith a starfish logo
17:57.24QwellPrimer: NAT is...ugh
17:57.28Primerthere is no NAT
17:57.29Qwellit's magical
17:57.42Primerit's just a stateful firewall on our network
17:57.49ccvpqwell, can you give me a null an alternative hypothesis, using alpha values of .05
17:57.52ccvpthat nat is "ugh" :)
17:57.54Qwellthe asterisk box is also the firewall?
17:57.58Primerwhich is a standalone machine
17:57.59ccvpto show that nat is actually ugh
17:58.21jackson__Primer, so your 'firewall' is just a screening router?'s being NATed
17:58.30Primerit's not
17:58.35Primerthere are no nat rules on the firewall
17:58.38QwellNAT doesn't mean internal addresses
17:58.52Primerthe firewall is a hop on the network, between the switch and the router
17:59.04Qwellif the firewall is handling the IP of the machine of the Asterisk box, that is a NAT.
17:59.06ccvpsound like a router to me, but a hop to what?
17:59.11Primerit's not
17:59.32Qwellso, the firewall isn't handling that IP?
17:59.34Primerthe firewall is not handling the IP of asterisk
17:59.38*** join/#asterisk Goldfisch (
17:59.40Qwellso then...
17:59.49Qwellthere is no firewall
17:59.52Primerimagine it's a PIX
17:59.57Primerbut, it's's a Linux box
17:59.58ccvppix outdated
18:00.02ccvpget a asa 5series imo
18:00.03jackson__Qwell, sounds like he has an internet routable subnet behind his firewall - which is operating as a packet filtering router.
18:00.06dlynesHas anyone been able to get asterisk to play nice with mediatrix 2102's?
18:00.11*** part/#asterisk Goldfisch (
18:00.11Qwelljackson__: which would be a NAT :P
18:00.12Primeryou people have no imagination :)
18:00.18Primerit's not NAT
18:00.23jackson__Qwell, no, it's not rewriting any addresses.
18:00.35Primerjackson__: correct
18:00.36Qwellit doesn't have to rewrite addresses to be a NAT
18:00.42Primerhence my mention of the FORWARD rule
18:00.48jackson__Qwell, please tell me what NAT stands for then :)
18:00.52dlynesI'm having an issue with the mediatrix box not responding to asterisk's request to send a call
18:00.52PrimerQwell: uh, yes it does
18:01.10dlynesBut yet, mediatrix does send a response
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18:01.33dlynesI have a wireshark capture of the conversation
18:02.19jackson__NAT is used to HIDE a subnet behind the natting firewall.  Primers configuration is just routing (not hinding anything) while screening (packet filtering) out traffic they don't want to explicitly allow.
18:02.29Primerhere's a scenario: teliax (ip connecting to me ( over the internet -> internet -> my router ( -> my firewall ( -> my asterisk box (
18:02.45Primerno NAT
18:03.03Primerremove the firewall from the picture, and it works just the same (after adjusting some routes)
18:03.27Kattymy god
18:03.32Kattyoohhh my goddd
18:03.36KattyQwell: they're talking about blowjobs
18:03.39KattyQwell: wtf
18:03.47dlynesKatty: *snicker*
18:03.50KattyQwell: people should not be talking about blow jobs on my PHONE SERVER
18:04.00QwellKatty: is there a policy in place?
18:04.12KattyQwell: yeah. no snooping. lol
18:04.15mogKatty, why areyou listening
18:04.26dlynesmog: because she can? :)
18:04.27KattyQwell: actually that's not true
18:04.29unpaidbillim calling johnny law
18:04.39Kattymog: their manager told me to keep an eye on them sporatically while she was gone
18:04.46mogI see
18:04.50QwellKatty: I somehow doubt this is what she meant :p
18:04.51Primerthe firewall's default FORWARD policy is DROP, has no rules to explicitly allow teliax (ip through, or udp port range 10000:20000 (asterisk's default), yet, RTP magically seems to traverse it
18:05.02KattyQwell: well they're telemarketers
18:05.10KattyQwell: she wants me to make sure they're actually making real calls
18:05.10QwellPrimer: okay, but you do have ESTABLISHED,RELATED rules, correct?
18:05.14KattyQwell: can you think of a better way?
18:05.17Primerand the only way I can explain it is if the distro magically has some sort of ip_conntrack_sip in it
18:05.39unpaidbillFlyboySR22:54: blowjob talk.  22:55: still talking about blowjobs 22:56: how long can you really talk aobut blowjobs for
18:05.45unpaidbillahh autocomplete
18:05.46PrimerQwell: that would explain our outbound RTP stream working, yes
18:05.46fileis it... Gentoo?
18:05.52Primerno, it's fedora
18:06.07Primerbut does not explain inbound RTP working
18:06.10file(Gentoo does magically build that module in)
18:06.23Primernot without the appropriate USE flag
18:06.25Primerbut anyhow
18:06.48PrimerI'm presuming stuff
18:06.49znoGany ideas why sip.conf allows the setting of a md5secret and IAX doesn't? uses plaintext secrets
18:07.12Primernamely that there are 2 RTP streams per conversion, whose ports are distinct
18:07.21Primeris that wrong?
18:07.27QwellPrimer: not always
18:07.48Primerso one RTP stream could care both my stream out and their stream in?
18:08.13Qwellbut the firewall could consider them to be related.  like I said, it's...ugh
18:10.04Qwellit's certainly not something you can count on
18:10.10jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
18:10.27Primerit's very odd that it Just Works™, so far
18:10.39pacmanfanis AsteriskNOW considered a stable solution?
18:10.41jackson__Primer, do you have any iptables connection tracking modules loaded?  lsmod
18:10.47Primerjackson__: yes
18:12.17jackson__no you say that your default FORWARD policy is deny, how about the other chains?
18:12.20jackson__er now
18:13.29Primerkeep in mind this is not iptables on the asterisk box
18:13.34Primerthis is a separate box
18:13.44Primerso FORWARD rules are really the only rules that matter
18:13.59jackson__Primer, understood, but as I understood it, your question was how where the media traffic traverising your firewall.
18:14.17jackson__darn my spellin'
18:15.01Primerat the very least, how is the RTP coming IN
18:15.25Primerbecause, again, presumably, this is happening with an unknown (to the firewall) src port
18:15.40Primersrc port on the dst host
18:15.47Primernow I'm confused...
18:16.02ccvpprimer, there's a good book that would help you
18:16.04*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (
18:16.09ccvpwith firewall theory, and networking theory related to firewalls
18:16.15jackson__now, as I understand it, you're correct that the FORWARD chain should be where you focus your attention if the firewall is not the destination for the traffic.  However have you confirmed that the FORWARD table counters are accumulating via iptables -L -v?
18:16.19ccvpthen scroll down to "recommended books"
18:16.24ccvpCisco Firewall Video Mentor
18:18.33*** join/#asterisk fetcher (
18:18.33ccvpI'm waiting for vpls's to take off
18:19.20fetcherI have a couple of Polycom 501's where the blinking message LED (MWI) is "stuck" on, even after commenting out mailbox=nnn@context in the phone's sip.conf entry (and doing sip reload).  Any idea what would cause this?
18:19.25*** join/#asterisk xenonex (n=xenonex@
18:19.46fetcherrebooting the phones didn't help
18:20.12Primerjackson__: well, there are counters that are incrementing, but that firewall sits in front of a /20 with 200mbps of traffic going both ways
18:20.31Primerand other machines on the same subnet (a /24) as asterisk, which is the counter that's incrementing
18:20.53Primerccvp: I'll check that out. thanks
18:22.25ccvpIt's biased towards adsm, and pix/asa gui's
18:22.30ccvpbut you mentioned pix, and i assume 501?
18:22.33ccvpsince your at home, not 515?
18:23.11dlynesCan you post capture files as attachments on the asterisk-users mailing list?
18:23.37jackson__then I'd say you need to focus on the rules that you are ACCEPTing in your FORWARD chain...  Something in there has to be allowing the udp packets through.  That and what Qwell said with the connection tracking considering the rtp traffic as part of an existing or related connection.
18:24.20Qwellall it takes to become related is sending one packet to the host that's sending you audio
18:25.28*** join/#asterisk xacatecas (
18:26.03jackson__Primer, I presume that you're not doing any egress filtering, and that the inside subnet can send whatever traffic it wants out?
18:26.49Primerwell, with some exceptions, but those don't apply to asterisk
18:27.11Primerlike, our web cluster can go out tcp port 6667 (to prevent irc bots and the like)
18:28.53*** join/#asterisk Travo1 (
18:32.13*** part/#asterisk jsmith-teaching (n=jsmith@
18:33.42*** join/#asterisk keulin (
18:34.47Travo1could somebody help me configure my asterisk. I am having issues once I installed the x100p wildcard fxo card.
18:35.24dlynesruns and hides from the dreaded x100p.
18:36.14dlynesomg...I thought Nugget was a bot with his telnet thingy
18:36.38dlynesand now i can't even make it trigger :(
18:36.54Nuggetchannels his worst asterisk nightmare...
18:37.08Nugget"Hi everyone, I need help.  I'm trying to run trixbox with realtime patches on an eMachines server I found in the storage closet.  I've got 40 users with a mixture of grandstream phones and x-lite (unregistered).  I'm using four clone x100p cards I bought off ebay and I compiled a pirated version of the g729 codec.  Can you help me set up fax over sip?"
18:38.16dlynescringes in horror.
18:39.07Nuggetwhat?  I thought this was the support channel!  I demand you tell me what to type to make it work!
18:40.37Primerjackson__: anyhow, since this all works, I'm just going to disregard it for now
18:40.50jackson__Travo1, have you installed/configured the zaptel drivers?
18:40.58Primerthanks for the conversation everyone, Qwell ccvp jackson__
18:41.28jackson__Primer, good luck.  sounds like you're on a nice sized network with a /20 and all.
18:42.01Primerwe do web hosting
18:42.34*** join/#asterisk Toerkeium (i=Toerkeiu@
18:42.58*** join/#asterisk Keltus (i=Keltus@about/cooking/nakedchef/beefstew/Keltus)
18:47.26*** join/#asterisk smash- (
18:47.58smash-could someone help me debug iax error
18:49.24ccvpwtf, i just caught someone modifying labels, and doing some boundary hopping on the lan
18:49.33ccvpvpn boundary rather,
18:52.04*** join/#asterisk colinm_ (n=colinm@VDSL-130-13-116-41.PHNX.QWEST.NET)
18:53.49*** join/#asterisk lanning (
18:55.38*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
18:55.51smash-when i try and place a call with iax linked box it just hangs up....
18:58.11*** join/#asterisk CrashHD (n=CrashHD@
18:58.18*** join/#asterisk fedya (n=fedya@
18:59.20*** join/#asterisk whymarkwh (n=dsfsdfsd@
18:59.29whymarkwhhi all
19:00.10*** part/#asterisk fetcher (
19:04.18ManxPowerccvp: Sounds like someone will be looking for a new job
19:04.45*** join/#asterisk dhill (
19:04.54minteewhat's the variable for the CID?
19:04.59whymarkwhi bought this phone all it says on the box is viop dont know who makes it, and their installation manual is crap, got it to work, need to know where one can find a more detailed manual for the programming of its keys, thats to say if you can program them, any help welcome
19:05.00dhillDo I need to purchase a g729 license for g729 to work?
19:05.04minteeie; Called Number..
19:05.22xacatecaswhymarkwh, what does it look it?
19:05.26whymarkwhanyone used the AT-530 hardphone before?
19:05.28xacatecasdhill, yes.
19:05.31ManxPowerwhymarkwh: You would have to contact the company that makes the phone
19:06.41whymarkwhcan't seem to find them at-530 is the useless manual that comes with the phone, with no brand on it and sorry its made in china
19:06.43dhillxacatecas: but if a sipura is using g729 calling another g729, i do not need the license, because it is passthru?
19:07.26ManxPowerdhill: But that won't work if the phone is calling an IVR, Zap channel, voicemail, call recording
19:07.30xacatecashowever, due to the nature of the asterisk codec negotation you're going to run into problems if you connect to an asterisk server and need to break out to the PSTN or some other non--g729 trunk.
19:07.37whymarkwhdoes eyebeam have the g729 codec ?
19:07.42xacatecasalso, you can't do call recording, and a bunch of other things.
19:07.47[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Or MeetMe.
19:07.50ManxPowerwhymarkwh: no free software has G729
19:07.57[TK]D-Fenderwhymarkwh: Yes.
19:08.19whymarkwhno i paid for mine
19:08.20ManxPowerwhymarkwh: Do you mean the free eyebeam, or the commercial eyebeam?
19:08.38ManxPowerthen it should have it.
19:08.42xacatecasdhill, if it's on LAN only and you have no need to communicate with "upstream" g729 then I suggest simply not allowing it.
19:08.47*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
19:08.56whymarkwhhow would i know
19:08.58xacatecasthe only folks that uses g729 in general are the commercial voip providers.
19:09.06whymarkwhnevermind will go read the manual
19:09.18dhilli only use asterisk for SIP connections and voicemail
19:09.38dhillso voicemail won't work for g729 unless i get a license
19:10.10Qwellyou can record g729
19:10.29Qwellyou just have to have all calls use g729
19:10.40xacatecasbusy looking at a patch that dynamically renegotiates the codec ... so in theory i can get it to use g729 when communicating with external agents, but switch back to something else (iLBC/pcmu/pcma) if not.
19:10.55dhillour upstream provider uses ulaw, but i have a sipura user on 100kbps upstream..  switch to g729, so when they call, i get a  Unable to find a codec translation path from g729 to ulaw
19:11.14xacatecasQwell, yea, and have all the prompts ready in g729 as well.
19:11.21*** join/#asterisk c0delogic (
19:11.23*** join/#asterisk jameswf-home (
19:11.27Qwellxacatecas: sure, and we distribute them all in g729 for that very reason
19:11.29xacatecasdhill, what kind of pipe to you have that allows for you to use ulaw to your upstream provider?
19:11.39xacatecasQwell, smart :)
19:11.44dhillxacatecas: two oc3's
19:11.50jameswf-homeHere is an Odd question... is the tonezone for Africa UK?
19:12.05xacatecasQwell, PSTN connections?
19:12.19xacatecasjameswf-home, where are you located?  I don't know of a UK in Africa.
19:12.19dhilli also have a sip trunk to a cisco 5350 which has a PRI into it
19:12.46xacatecasdhill, then it does the translation from g729 -> ulaw for the PRI so you're fine.  that device already has a license attached to it.
19:12.58Qwelljameswf-home: what part of Africa?
19:13.02Qwelland there is no such thing as "UKT"
19:13.08jameswf-homeQwell Zambia
19:13.23QwellCentral Africa Time
19:13.30xacatecasi can supply you with the ZA stuff, but I'm not sure that it'll work.
19:13.41alrsnot time zone, tone zone
19:13.41dhillso my upstream provider is doing the translation fine..  it's just warning me that asterisk is not doing the translation?
19:13.45[TK]D-Fenderjameswf-home: Absolute top seems to say you have no further to look.
19:13.46xacatecas[TK]D-Fender, _tone_, not _time_
19:14.05[TK]D-Fenderhukt on fonix werk 4 me.
19:14.35xacatecaso.O ... fender - that looks a lot like afrikaans.
19:14.38Qwelljameswf-home: country za?
19:14.45*** join/#asterisk TheSov (
19:14.52xacatecasza == south africa ...
19:15.21jameswf-homeI have no Idea I m doing remote support for a brit in africa
19:15.23Qwellthere's a za in libtonezone
19:15.42alrsI would guess that tonezone would have a lot to do with whatever phone system the formal colonial power left behind
19:15.49jameswf-homeIll try it worse case it fails....
19:17.19marc7hey guys, what would " exten => _XXX! " match?
19:18.32Qwellmarc7: anything 3 or more digits
19:18.50JuggieQwell ! means or more?
19:19.02Qwellit ends the pattern immediately
19:19.18Qwellunlike ., which requires another digit after
19:19.21ManxPowermarc7: ! is normally only used with overlap dial and only on outgoing ISDN calls
19:19.36c0delogichi guys, is it possible to 'monitor' a video conversation and if not where I should start looking to possibly implement such a feature. thanks!
19:19.50c0delogic*should I
19:20.03marc7yeah, I'm trying to figure out if this is in place to handle people who are only supposed to dial 3 digits
19:20.08marc7but accidentally key in a fourth
19:20.26*** join/#asterisk DagMoller (n=aguirre@unaffiliated/dagmoller)
19:23.25*** join/#asterisk Ksilebo (n=haxardag@adium/Ksilebo)
19:23.43KsileboGetting an Illegal Instruction when i try to start up asterisk
19:29.50jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
19:30.28tzafrir_homeKsilebo, what CPU do you have?
19:30.59anonymouz666when the internet goes down, and I try to Dial(SIP/blah@host) I got stuck. I can't even switch to Zap channel due this. anyone have a suggestion in this case?
19:31.05tzafrir_homeKsilebo, and anyway, it is SIGILL . That process simply didn't feel well enough
19:31.54*** join/#asterisk tripps (
19:32.10Ksilebotzafrir_home: lol
19:32.52anonymouz666I can't look for some DIALSTATUS when the internet got disconnected and switch do Zap channels. that sucks.
19:32.54Ksilebotzafrir_home: I did some googling and its probably because I moved the virtual disk from VMware server running on a P4 to ESX running on P3's
19:32.59KsileboRecompile time.
19:33.00tzafrir_homeKsilebo, normally this is caused by building for the wrong CPU (sub)type
19:33.17KsileboI just need to figure out how to do it within PBX in a flash without breaking it.
19:33.48trippsquestion - is there an email to fax solution I can integrate with * where the * box faxes the document using software encoding where I don't have to have a fax card or fax hardware?
19:33.52tzafrir_homewonders what instructions actually got added in P4
19:34.10tzafrir_homeSSE was there in P3
19:34.16KsileboSSE2 then
19:35.05marc7in extensions.conf... is the exten => s,1,.... and then subsequent exten => s,n,.... entries a feature of 1.4+, or was it in 1.2 as well?
19:35.20[TK]D-Fendermarc7: 1.2
19:35.42marc7thanks TK... having to tweak a production system quickly (bad idea, i know)
19:35.57KsileboAha, nothign special to do to recompile everything.
19:39.25iCEBrkr[TK]D-Fender: Hey man, you do any work with RTCP reporting?? Trying to figure out how to tie the stats to a call... :-\
19:39.44[TK]D-FenderiCEBrkr: nope.
19:39.52trippsi guess my question is does spandsp allow me to fax docs without fax hardware
19:40.16[TK]D-Fendertripps: depends what you define as "fax hardware"
19:40.18iCEBrkrI think I can make chan_sip spit out the callid
19:40.32iCEBrkrand maybe the rtp struct has a callid as well?
19:40.34tripps[TK]D-Fender no fax modem or dedicated fax hardware device
19:41.00tripps[TK]D-Fender I am connected to a PRI from the * box though
19:41.36[TK]D-Fendertripps: then yes, SpanDSP can fill that role
19:42.25tripps[TK]D-Fender awesome thanks!
19:43.11[TK]D-Fendertripps: for minimal use rxfax/txfax can do it, for the rest I'd suggest Hylafax.
19:44.12tripps[TK]D-Fender doesn't Hylafax require fax hardware?
19:44.17unpaidbilljust faxmodems
19:44.26[TK]D-Fendertripps: Nope.  IAXModem can do this.
19:44.27unpaidbillor you could use that IAXmodem
19:44.49unpaidbillhah yeah, i've used IAXmodem with hylafax/asterisk, it works extremely well.
19:45.00tripps[TK]D-Fender ok excellent
19:45.10[TK]D-Fendertripps: IAXModem uses SpanDSP to emulate a modem.  The poitn in mentioning this is in replacement of rxfax/txfax.  both use SpanDSP as the backend.
19:45.23[TK]D-Fendertripps: Just that Hylafax is robust.
19:45.59trippsok great taking a look now
19:46.29unpaidbillhave you tried faxing over vop fender?
19:46.38unpaidbillerr voip
19:47.55*** join/#asterisk eXistenZ (n=pectic@unaffiliated/existenz)
19:48.04Ksilebounpaidbill: I'm told it doesn't work.
19:48.07trippsunpaidbill i've done lots of faxing over voip - T.38 over IAX trunks and */SIP/PRI
19:48.09KsileboIIRC at least.
19:48.39unpaidbilland it works OK tripps? im about to give it a shot here
19:48.43KsileboRather its more a "your mileage may vary"
19:49.03unpaidbillit's the main stopping point for us switching to voip, we do a TON of faxing in and out every day
19:49.30trippsunpaidbill no problem at all with T38
19:50.36trippswould recommend T38 hardware if you have a fax machine - in my case best mileage was from T38 modem to SIP gateway which bypassed * (1.2 anyway). I haven't played with * 1.4 T38 stuff yet
19:50.42unpaidbillwhat do you use to implement t38
19:51.08[TK]D-Fenderunpaidbill: Thankfully no.
19:51.09trippslike mediant T.38 modem to Mediant 1000 SIP gateway for example.
19:51.38trippsSIP g/w had PRI interface hanging off it
19:53.06*** join/#asterisk booray (
19:53.18unpaidbillwell this is goign to turn out fun to play with im sure
19:53.24unpaidbilli hate faxing.
19:55.18*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
19:58.37JayTee52I'm using a cheap $30 SIP/ATA to route calls from a Zap FXO to a fax machine with T.38 enabled on the ATA and it works fine with * 1.4
19:59.57unpaidbillwhat ata is that?
20:00.27JayTee52it's a HandyTone-286 from (ducks under desk) Grandstream.
20:01.04*** join/#asterisk gitguy (
20:01.28gitguyhi, i have 32 SIP users registered on my asterisk server
20:01.37JayTee52I wouldn't waste money on their phones for normal business use if you want quality but if you have a few outhouses you want to put a phone in their BudgeTone 101 is a decent price for a shitty phone for a shitter.
20:01.38unpaidbilli wish asterisk supported t.38 fully so i could just plug the machine into my fxs :/
20:01.43gitguyasterisk should handle the calls for those 32 users just fine right?
20:01.55gitguyin one instance
20:02.02JayTee5232 concurrent calls?
20:02.08gitguyconferences and stuff
20:02.14JayTee52depends on the server hardware and bandwidth.
20:02.59JayTee52and conferencing, IVR stuff will have an impact on CPU utilization. SIP to SIP doesn't carry alot of server overhead.
20:03.13gitguyit's a intel dual core
20:03.22gitguycore 2 duo
20:03.24JayTee52speed? ram?
20:03.37gitguy2gb ram
20:04.15JayTee52full gigabit speed ethernet on the NIC?
20:04.41gitguy11.8 GiB
20:05.03gitguythat's what shows on ifconfig
20:05.05gitguyon eth0
20:05.54boorayspeaking of dimensioning... i'm considering putting 16 PRIs in one box for outbound IVR only.. think it will scale?  quad xeon, buncha ram, etc
20:06.00Siyarips out Zoiper
20:06.05Siyawhat a pile of crap
20:06.07boorayusing sangoma stuff probablu
20:06.18JayTee52gitguy, I think you're looking at the tx and rx packet count size not the actual NIC speed.
20:06.23mvanbaakbooray: that's 4 4port pri cards ?
20:06.36mvanbaakgitguy: try: mii-tool
20:06.37booraymvanbaak: either that or two pci express 8 port cards
20:06.40mvanbaakgitguy: or mii-diag
20:06.41Siyatries portsip
20:06.50boorayconsidering costs, expandability, etc
20:07.06gitguyeth0: negotiated 100baseTx-FD, link ok
20:07.06gitguyeth1: no link
20:07.36mvanbaakthere are 8 port cards ?
20:08.21JayTee52even a 100 Full Duplex should be able to handle 30 concurrent SIP to SIP call setups even allowing for a some transcoding and any conferencing overhead.
20:08.33*** join/#asterisk intralanman (n=lanman@
20:08.58gitguywhen will i need more?
20:08.59JayTee52I've seen one octal card from Sangoma
20:09.01booraymvanbaak: yeah, sangoma a108x
20:09.37JayTee52it's got 4 ports but uses an RJ-45 cable splitter
20:09.54mvanbaakhhmm, not bad
20:10.07mvanbaakI dont think a box likes 4 4port pri cards
20:10.14mvanbaakthey are real interrupt eaters
20:10.25gitguyhow do i know when i will have to scale?
20:10.26mvanbaakso you dont want a shared irq/dma setup for the cards
20:10.27JayTee52booray, I'd go with the 2 8-port PCI-Express cards
20:11.13mvanbaakyup, me too
20:11.32mvanbaakand get the cards with hardware echo cancel stuff
20:11.42mvanbaakyou _DONT_ want to do that in software for that many channels
20:11.47JayTee52and correct me if I'm wrong but the PCI-Express would be way less interrupt intensive per card as most of the signalling is PIO
20:11.57boorayJayTee52: I agree.. I am just wondering about scaling of the software and stuff
20:16.23jameswf-homeapparently UK works in Zambia
20:16.43JayTee52talking loadzone?
20:17.14JayTee52that would make sense probably for them and Kenya, former UK "colonies"
20:17.48jameswf-homethe guy described Allison as a western woman with a cheeky voice :))
20:17.50JayTee52wonders if the tonezone for South Africa and the Netherlands is the same
20:22.00*** join/#asterisk tripps (
20:23.12*** join/#asterisk drummond_ (
20:23.43drummond_can someone assist with me with building the asterisk addons?
20:26.40[TK]D-FenderJayTee52: as nice as PCI-E may be there is no point for the BW.  PCI is far more reusable for the next while....
20:26.45[TK]D-FenderGTG, later all
20:26.49*** part/#asterisk zerohalo (
20:27.15*** join/#asterisk dlynes_office (
20:27.38dlynes_officeIs there a tutorial on reading sip debug headers?
20:27.46*** join/#asterisk Toerkeium (i=Toerkeiu@
20:28.09JayTee52dlynes_office, there a book from O'Reilly called VOIP Hacks that has a good section on it.
20:28.38JayTee52using Wireshark or it's predecessor Ethereal as the tools in the examples.
20:29.01dlynes_officeJayTee52: that's what I'm currently using
20:29.02drummond_i am having an issue building the asterisk-addons, can someone help?
20:29.11dlynes_officedrummond_: what's the issue?
20:29.26dlynes_officeJayTee52: just having issues getting mediatrix boxes to play nice with asterisk
20:29.38drummond_it just won't build, is there somewhere i can paste the output?
20:30.04jbot[~pastebin] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
20:30.21jameswf-homeJayTee52: nl and za are way off
20:30.47jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
20:32.08JayTee52jameswf-home, didn't look in the tonezone.c file to compare :-)
20:32.11dlynes_officedrummond_: have you installed asterisk 1.6.0 already?  i.e. make && make install?
20:32.27jameswf-homeneither did I
20:32.38drummond_no, i have 1.4.19
20:32.39jameswf-homezonedata.c :)
20:33.13jameswf-homekinda a cool read btw
20:33.34dlynes_officedrummond_: asterisk-addons-1.6 needs asterisk 1.6, not asterisk 1.4
20:33.35QwellI swear I said that like...2 hours ago :p
20:33.40*** join/#asterisk xnon (i=4de20eec@gateway/web/ajax/
20:33.48drummond_ah, there is a set for 1.4, correct?
20:33.48bkruseQwell: You did. :P
20:33.59dlynes_officedrummond_: correct....1.4.6
20:34.09jameswf-homeI still dont get the correlation of za and south africa
20:34.24drummond_ok....... :-D
20:34.28dlynes_officejameswf-home: zuid afrika
20:34.37drummond_i have been beating myself up trying to get this to work.
20:34.46jameswf-homezuid == south ?
20:34.57dlynes_officejameswf-home: no idea...I'm not afrikaaners
20:35.11xnoni cant install a B410P Wildcard in a Server Debian kernel 2.6.24 i cant install zaptel with de "make b410p" command! anybody have idea for what?
20:35.23dlynes_officejameswf-home: but if I was a betting man (which I'm not), I'd say yeah
20:35.49unpaidbillhrm callweaver + IAXmodem.. possible awesomeness?
20:36.22jameswf-home~wiki zuid
20:36.32bkruseDoes the polycom autoanswer feature HAVE to be enabled in the xml file, or can it be used from the configuration file
20:36.50dlynes_office~wiki za-tld
20:36.51*** join/#asterisk UQlev (
20:37.02dlynes_office~google za-tld
20:37.45drummond_waht exactly does format_mp3 do?
20:38.08jameswf-homeso the wiki page says neighborhood but when used in conjunction with a place seems to mean south
20:38.19*** join/#asterisk eXistenZ (n=pectic@unaffiliated/existenz)
20:38.25xnonanybody can help me please!
20:39.00xnoni cant install a B410P Wildcard in a Server Debian kernel 2.6.24 i cant install zaptel with de "make b410p" command! anybody have idea for what?
20:40.11xnonmake[2]: se ingresa al directorio `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.24-1-686' scripts/ *** CFLAGS was changed in "/usr/src/zaptel-". Fix it to use EXTRA_CFLAGS.  Alto.
20:44.56JayTee52quittin time!!! later all
20:45.53*** join/#asterisk logi4023 (
20:46.44logi4023my sip softphone is not generating call progress (ringing signal) to the caller. anyone knows what could be causing this?
20:49.15*** join/#asterisk nicox (
20:51.15*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (i=Joe@
20:51.16*** join/#asterisk edwin_quijada (
20:51.37edwin_quijadaI am buying a Dell Server
20:51.37edwin_quijadaQuad Core E5310
20:51.46unpaidbillhigh five
20:52.00edwin_quijadawith 2gb Ram for my asterisk server for 36 calls?
20:52.04*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
20:52.13saftsackhi, are some snom300 owners here?
20:52.25*** join/#asterisk cmantito (
20:53.01edwin_quijadathis hardaew can be?
20:53.21nicoxi'm running more then 120 calls through a quad core server
20:53.30nicoxso, i think there can't be a problem
20:54.15drummond_once i get the asterisk addons build, is there anything special have to do after i modify cdr_mysql.conf?
20:54.57mvanbaakdrummond_: create the database ?
20:55.52*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
20:56.18edwin_quijadanicox: this calls amount simultaneously?
20:56.52nicoxyes, ofcourse, and i think more are possible
20:58.36edwin_quijadaTkhs Nickx
20:58.37CCFL_Man2anyone here use comserv on a unix system before?
20:58.54logi4023what is 'adaptive cdr odbc' ?
20:59.03logi4023whats the difference with 'cdr odbc' ?
21:01.44[TK]D-Fenderedwin_quijada, we've had Quad-port E1 cards for 5 years now.... and you're worried about a new Quad CORE setup?
21:02.08ctooleyadaptive_cdr_odbc lets you put data in CDR variables that cdr_odbc doesn't know about and it will put the data in the column with the name of the variable... ie:  Set(CDR(foo)=bar)  will put "bar" in the foo column.
21:02.23[TK]D-Fenderedwin_quijada, actually.. more than 5 years, but it still proves my point.
21:02.44drummond_do i have to specify in anything in cdr.conf to reference cdr_mysql?
21:03.07[TK]D-Fenderdrummond_, go read the book.  there is a chapter on this.
21:03.11jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
21:06.22edwin_quijada[TK]D-Fender: I think u confused the QuadCore that said is about processor not cards
21:06.57edwin_quijadaI am worry abbout if this server can manage this volume of calls
21:09.36outtoluncedwin_quijada: fender meant that if a 'single' server of 5+ years ago could handle the volume of a 4 port t1/e1 card, then a current day quad core server should have ZERO problem <G>
21:12.25xnoni cant install a B410P Wildcard in a Server Debian kernel 2.6.24 i cant install zaptel with de "make b410p" command! anybody have idea for what?
21:12.30*** part/#asterisk ctooley (
21:14.03saftsackxnon, a pastebin from the compiling terminal may helps
21:17.47*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
21:17.49alrsxnon: which version of Debian?
21:18.24*** join/#asterisk dlynes (
21:18.42mvanbaakif it's etch, it must be a hand compiled kernel
21:19.01alrsmvanbaak: not true,
21:19.23alrsmvanbaak: or half-true
21:20.58edwin_quijadaouttolunc: OK! Thks!
21:21.04gitguyif there is only one end-point sounding like crap, what could it be?
21:21.15gitguythey are all using x-lite, ulaw/alaw codecs, etc
21:21.22gitguyhis mic i guess? right
21:21.27*** join/#asterisk jtknapp (
21:22.14gitguyhe says "it works fine on skype"
21:22.24*** part/#asterisk nicox (
21:23.07[TK]D-Fenderedwin_quijada, as outtolunc helped clarify for you...
21:23.44outtoluncholds the que cards higher
21:28.34*** join/#asterisk unbkbl (
21:28.41unbkblhello! i've a little question, somebody can tell me how to redirect a range of ports using iptables?
21:30.36minteewhat's the variable for the CID?  Called ID...  I need to find the number that was dialed...
21:30.43saftsackthe registration of my snom phone gets corrupted after about 2 hours. if i look into the asterisk logs i just can see "Registration from '"51" <sip:51@>' failed for '' - Wrong password"
21:30.52minteeand I can't figure it out for the life of me
21:31.42unbkblhello! i've a little question, somebody can tell me how to redirect a range of ports using iptables?
21:32.21*** join/#asterisk defsdoor (
21:33.27*** join/#asterisk atis_home (n=chatzill@
21:34.55unbkblhello! i've a little question, somebody can tell me how to redirect a range of ports using iptables?
21:35.03saftsackunbkbl, #iptables
21:37.27saftsacksomebody an idea for my question?
21:38.17dlynesmintee: ${EXTEN}?
21:39.48minteedlynes, yeah...  I'm trying to make that work...
21:40.14unbkblhehe thnx
21:40.28drfreezeWhen dialing out, is a busy signal the only sign of congestion (ie, all lines are busy)?
21:42.12Nuggetyou can make asterisk respond to congestion/all busy however you want it to
21:42.28minteedlynes, it's just it seems I can't SET(THISVAR=${EXTEN})  then GOTO(othercontext) and read back from that variable..
21:42.53minteeI thought the variables were supposed to be GLOBAL thru a call
21:43.18drfreezeNugget: I assume the busy signal is the default
21:43.27*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
21:43.53*** part/#asterisk RoyK (
21:43.55drfreezeHow can I tell which phones are being used in real time? sip show inuse' doesn't seem to work
21:43.56Nuggetmintee: check out SetVar() vs SetGlobalVar()
21:44.19Nuggetbut I admit I don't really understand what you mean when you say "GLOBAL thru a call"
21:44.30dlynesmintee: variables are on a context basis, unless set globally
21:44.38outtolunche might mean var, _var, __var
21:44.40Qwelldlynes: no they aren't
21:44.50saftsackhas anybody an idea?
21:44.52minteeno, i mean going from one context ot another
21:44.56minteelol @ Version differences: This command is not available in Asterisk 1.0.9. Use SetVar instead. As of v1.2 SetVar is deprecated and we are back to Set.
21:44.59Qwellthey exist throughout the life of a channel
21:45.03dlynesQwell: no?  ah...
21:45.10dlynesQwell: thanks for correcting me
21:45.43minteeso they are "Global"
21:45.55Qwellno, global vars are something completely different
21:46.02minteelol, ok, i'm reading
21:46.19Nugget1.0.9?  jeez.
21:46.23minteeis there anywhere better than voip-info,org for doc help?
21:46.33bkrusemintee: the book
21:46.34jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
21:46.46minteeOh right...
21:47.33minteedoes "the book" actually have up to date info on predefined variables and such?
21:48.10bkrusemintee: If it is variables, voip-info is the place, if not, you have forums, this channel, mailing list, and asterisk itself (core show function CHANNEL)
21:49.37minteeHeh... yeah, it just seems voip-info needs a bit more moderation...  You probally already know that though
21:49.54minteeI just wrote this  just to see what vars actually contain something
21:52.14drfreezesip show channels should show me the phones that are in use, right?
21:53.08minteeinteresting...Set() worked this time...
21:53.10drfreezeI'm wondering if I'm getting congestion when there are really free lines
21:58.31*** join/#asterisk talntid (n=t@
21:58.43gitguywhen will i know if i have to scale up?
21:58.48gitguyor how will i know?
21:58.55gitguyi have 33 peers right now
21:59.01talntidasterisk sucks
21:59.12talntid... the life out of all other pbx's ;)
21:59.23gitguyall other pbx's sucks
22:00.04talntidasterisk for prez
22:01.06gitguyasterisk ftwwwwww
22:02.25talntidi wonder how hard it would be to install asterisk on a classic xbox :P
22:04.01talntidmeh, lots of info on google about it
22:07.30*** join/#asterisk emmix-devin (
22:08.01emmix-devinhas anyone any experience with tieing software to asterisk with TAPI
22:10.25ajohnsonSo I'm calling the System application in the dialplan and it is not waiting for a script to execute before continuing
22:10.55ajohnsonIt is as if it is being called asynchronously
22:15.33*** join/#asterisk apocn (n=apo@unaffiliated/apocn)
22:16.33*** join/#asterisk mknerd (i=3f951603@gateway/web/ajax/
22:17.07apocnHello, I have Asterisk 1.4.4 installed but and I can't find the mohmp3 folder. Should I download it from somewhere?
22:17.20mknerdI have an AA50 appliance, I am trying to change where the compact flash mounts, how can I make changes to ramfs.tgz permanent?
22:22.14*** join/#asterisk freeblowed (n=NRich@
22:22.43Qwellmknerd: that file is changed with firmware.
22:22.50QwellYou will lose any changes you attempt to make to it.
22:24.06*** join/#asterisk drummond_ (
22:25.00mknerdwith firmware?
22:25.11Qwellfirmware upgrades
22:25.11mknerdjust to change a line in the /etc/rc ?
22:25.24mknerdI can see the file in ramfs.tgz
22:25.38mknerdI believe that is where it expands it from
22:25.48drummond_i have asterisk addons built, and everything appears to configured, but cdr_mysql doesn't seem to be working
22:25.58drummond_i not sure where to look
22:26.05mknerddid you enable that module in modules.conf?
22:26.18mknerdmodule load cdr<tab>
22:27.06drummond_preload =>
22:27.31mknerdload it with the CLI just to verify
22:27.51mknerdQwell, why would firmware control the startup scripts?
22:28.11Qwellwhy wouldn't firmware control the startup scripts?
22:30.10gitguywhats the best way to store users on asterisk
22:30.14gitguyplain text, database?
22:30.43mknerdits just a text file, 6 characters I need to change, and your telling me that I have to re-do the firmware to do that?
22:30.46drummond_i don't see the module listed
22:30.47mknerdthats ridiculas
22:30.59Qwellmknerd: a text file that is part of the firmware.
22:31.27mknerdwell, if thats the case, ill just send this thing back, 1800 for a limited appliance is crap
22:31.38*** join/#asterisk florz (i=nobody@2001:1a50:503c:0:0:0:0:1)
22:31.45mknerdthe pika warp will be here in a few days, and it triumps all the hardware on the aa50
22:32.03mknerdnot to mention, i can just use nfs and boot from the server during dev
22:36.13drummond_figured it out
22:36.54mvanbaakmknerd: why only boot from the server during dev ?
22:37.06mvanbaakget a netapp or something and always boot from the server
22:37.07drummond_i had to copy the module from usr/lib/asterisk/modules to my * installation locatlion
22:37.33Qwellmknerd: /etc/rc.local
22:37.42mvanbaakwe do that with our firewalls
22:38.03mknerdmvanbaak, there is not a server at the different clients locations, so that would not make sense
22:38.03mvanbaakthey are soekris boxen without storage stuff. they all do pxeboot from a central fileserver
22:38.03gitguyhow do you usually know when you have to scale up your server?
22:38.10Qwellerm /etc/config/rc.local
22:38.15gitguyor when you have to do clusters and stuff?
22:38.36mvanbaakgitguy: when your load avg is above 3 all the time
22:39.00mvanbaakmknerd: as long as the client location has inet access you can do that
22:39.09*** join/#asterisk joobie (n=joobie@
22:39.10mvanbaakgitguy: 0.00 means the box is 100% idle
22:39.16mknerdmvanbaak, no inet means no phones then?
22:39.26mvanbaakmknerd: only on reboot
22:39.32mknerdQwell, is that an alternate boot
22:39.36mvanbaakreboot while no inet == no boot
22:39.49Qwellit's the same as rc.local on any Linux distro
22:39.57gitguymvanbaak: i have 33 users on this asterisk box
22:40.14mvanbaakmknerd: it loads all stuff into memory, so as long as it's not rebooting everything is there
22:40.24gitguyonly 10 peers were active today
22:40.31mvanbaakgitguy: yeah, but do a core show channels
22:40.45mvanbaakmy bet, only 1 or 2 calls running, without transcoding
22:40.55mknerdmvanbaak, i would still need custom stuff on each CF card
22:41.04mknerdqwell, ok, thx, i will give that a go
22:41.05gitguymvanbaak: 0 active right now
22:41.28mvanbaakmknerd: if you have a nice setup, it will use the mac address or something to load a specific set of tools
22:41.37mvanbaakgitguy: see, idle
22:42.32gitguymvanbaak: yep
22:42.34*** join/#asterisk craigk (n=craigk@
22:42.57mvanbaakhhmm, /etc/rc.local sounds bsd like ;)
22:42.57mknerdmvanbaak, yeah, these IVR's have a ton of custom audio and perl scripts
22:42.57mknerdhavent even got thinking about how I am going to put perl on it yet
22:43.09*** join/#asterisk wwalker (n=wwalker@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/wwalker)
22:43.27mvanbaakmknerd: basically what we do is:
22:43.38mvanbaakboot all firewalls using a central boot server
22:43.42wwalkerwhat is the actrual bandwidth needed for g729?  it's 6,8,or 12 Kbits for audio, but how big is the IP overhead?
22:44.00Qwellwwalker: I think it's about 13k/s total
22:44.00mvanbaakboot all servers using a central boot server, and mount /home using a loadbalanced nfs setup
22:44.07Qwellincluding all overhead
22:44.15mknerdhe said /etc/config/rc.local
22:44.15mknerdthats the ticket though, thanks qwell, that one saves with save_config
22:44.51mknerdfirewalls don't have the need for storage like an IVR though right?
22:44.58mvanbaak└% stat /etc/config
22:44.58mvanbaakstat: cannot stat `/etc/config': No such file or directory
22:45.08mknerdno /etc/config/rc.local
22:45.13Qwellcreate it
22:45.18mknerdand it didn't exist, I had to create it
22:45.22mvanbaakdid that on OpenBSD, Debian, Ubuntu and FreeBSD
22:45.28Qwellmvanbaak: config/ is an embedded thing
22:45.36Qwellusually it's just /etc/rc.local
22:45.40Qwellsometimes it's in init dirs
22:45.42mvanbaakembedded linux then
22:45.58mvanbaakbecause obsd, debian and fbsd embedded dont have it neither
22:46.08mvanbaakhave a look at flashdist
22:46.11mknerdqwell, where does that execute in the boot sequence?
22:46.21Qwellat the end of etc/rc
22:46.28mvanbaakI think it's pretty specific to uclinux
22:46.41mknerdive seen it before on redhat mvanbaak
22:46.50mknerddont remember what version
22:47.01mknerdim new to embedded however
22:48.02mvanbaakah. I dont know redhat at all
22:48.08mvanbaakthank god !
22:50.10mknerdits all the same to me really
22:50.10mknerdi mean, yeah there are differences, but as far as what i like, its much the same
22:50.10mknerdif only bsd would run vmware
22:50.44alrsmknerd: Doesn't Xen work on BSD?
22:50.56mknerdit does, but i really like vmware
22:51.10*** join/#asterisk geneg1 (
22:51.10wwalkerQwell: thank you.  I found this though: G.729 with 20 byte payloads 26.4 kbps         G.729 with 40 byte payloads 17.2 kbps     both of which still fit in the 32Kbits of a friend's dial-up connection.
22:51.31mvanbaakvmware works on bsd
22:52.40mknerdmvanbaak, no, bsd works on vmware
22:52.42mvanbaaknetbsd, freebsd and openbsd all have some vmware support
22:52.51mknerdyes, as guests
22:52.53mknerdnot as hosts
22:52.56mvanbaakas host too
22:53.17mknerdwell, unless your programming it in your basement, or something new has come out in the last few months
22:53.48mknerdid like to see some references
22:53.58mknerdcause I looked really hard into that one
22:54.00mvanbaakon openbsd
22:54.14mvanbaakcd /usr/ports/emulators/vmware
22:54.34mvanbaakmake install
22:55.09*** join/#asterisk CoaxD (
22:55.29mknerdok, I do see workstation has some support for openbsd as a host
22:55.44mknerdi guess we should get more specific, I was looking for vmware server
22:56.00mvanbaakthat is crap anywayz
22:56.43mvanbaakIO is very bad, high probability of disk image corruption
22:56.47mknerdyeah, and so is Windows 2003 enterprise, but my terminal server alone pays me over $2000 a month
22:56.55mknerdand that running on a VM
22:57.43mvanbaakmknerd: if you can live with shitty io, almost no support for iscsi, hourly snapshots because of diskimage corruption
22:57.46mvanbaakyou are fine
22:58.03mknerdhavent had any trouble with it actually
22:58.09mknerdits been live for over a year
22:58.13mvanbaaktry to stress it
22:58.16mknerdanyhow .. this is way off topic
22:58.24mknerdwhy, its running great, no sense in trying to break it
22:58.32mknerdindeed agreed
22:58.36mvanbaakI'm off to bed
22:58.39mknerdthx for the help guys
23:00.44*** join/#asterisk danZenie (n=danZ@
23:01.15danZenieI'm looking to buy a high availability astersik solution
23:01.38danZeniecan you guys recommend a solution solution provider ?
23:01.54*** join/#asterisk jumpie (
23:02.01danZenieI'm interested in becoming like a local reseller/rep
23:03.37mknerdim out, 7-7 is a long day .. until tomorrow everyone
23:09.13x86danZenie: talk to Leif
23:09.55x86Leif Madsen
23:10.12danZenieis he here?
23:10.28x86one of the authors of "Asterisk: The Future of Telephony"
23:10.46*** join/#asterisk whymarkwh (n=dsfsdfsd@
23:10.48x86he goes by names lmadsen or blitzrage
23:11.01danZenieok thanks
23:11.07danZeniei will be back tomorrow
23:11.09danZeniegotta run
23:11.13x86he runs a consulting company specializing in asterisk customization and HA
23:11.48x86err thug?
23:13.41whymarkwhif you want to create yourown php(webpage) to link to your conf files, and be able to edit them and reload asteriak like in asterisk now where do you start
23:14.07whymarkwhasterisknow that is
23:15.50CoaxDOkay, what gives?  Have a PRI configured 5ESS.. I need to send a facility message (an EECT request) to an Avaya Definity G3...  Keep on getting MANDATORY_IE_MISSING cause back  whenever i submit ANYTHING... Does anyone happen to have a workign facility request with avaya?
23:16.09*** join/#asterisk jpeeler (n=jpeeler@
23:16.09wichitalinemanyou need to look at the PHP functions fopen (and probably fwrite) so you can view and alter them.
23:16.23wichitalinemanyou also need to know a good deal about how *nix file perms work
23:16.35*** join/#asterisk angler_ (n=angler@
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23:16.49whymarkwh*nix ?
23:17.11wichitalinemanalso, PHP is an Apache process... Apache tends to run as a user without permissions to read /write to /etc/asterisk
23:17.26wichitalineman*nix = one of many UNIX derivatives
23:17.33*** join/#asterisk fish-bulb (n=cstewart@
23:18.38whymarkwhwichitalineman: if i google it would would i type, meaning what do they call the process??
23:19.39wichitalinemanlook for a good tutorial like the one at or .org or something
23:19.51wichitalinemanfopen opens, fwrite writes, fread reads
23:20.17wichitalinemanyour main issue is security
23:20.29logi4023calls to my sip softphone do not generate call progress(ringing signal) to the caller.  Is there anything specific I should have in sip.conf?
23:20.54wichitalinemanthe webserver and its subprocess PHP can only read/write in a limited area... your * configs aren't there
23:21.15whymarkwhthx wichitalineman i mainly use asterisk as fax server and pbx on local lan's dont link them to any providers
23:21.15wichitalinemanso you'll be tempted to run the webserver as root.  Don't
23:22.02whymarkwhi take you have mastered the process
23:22.20wichitalinemani've mastered many of the mistakes :)
23:22.56gitguyit is convenient to store users on a db?
23:23.01*** join/#asterisk Mavvie (
23:23.10whymarkwhtry try try try make coffee try try try make coffee reload buy a gun try try try
23:23.10MavvieI have a very quick (and dumb question).
23:23.33whymarkwhshoot mavvie
23:23.34MavvieSS7, is that the PRIs and BRIs I get from my telco or is that something else?
23:23.48wichitalinemanpoke around via the AsteriskNOW command line... see what the perms are in /etc/asterisk and /var/httpd (Apache's home generally, possibly /etc/httpd)
23:24.31wichitalineman/var/httpd will probably have the html and php files... I'd just borrow it all wholesale and make it work
23:25.08wichitalinemanwhymarkwh: ask me off-line and I'll try to help.  I've done lots of weird Apache stuff
23:25.30whymarkwhdo you perhaps know what the users.conf is for?
23:26.09whymarkwhwhat do you mean by off-line?
23:26.37whymarkwhwhere did you get the ss7 mavvie
23:27.16wichitalinemanoh.  not here in channel.  we're already bugging someone...
23:27.44Mavviewhymarkwh: it was asked this morning in an interview, and I'm not sure if I gave the right answer by saying that I've done PRI debugging with the telco technicians while there were problems at the rollout of the service.
23:27.44*** join/#asterisk coppice (
23:28.48whymarkwhin south africa we have a ss71 form for isdn pri and bri, licence to install on our telko if that helps
23:29.00Mavvieah, seems that SS7 is the whole protocol stack.
23:29.20Mavviewell, their loss if I don't get it.
23:29.41whymarkwhtrue optimism can't go wrong
23:30.03whymarkwhhow does one go ofline?
23:32.48*** join/#asterisk talntid (n=t@
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23:49.48*** join/#asterisk DragoraN (
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23:50.55DragoraNmy voip provider allows to change my outbound number, it is defined after slash<my number i want>, can i modify it at runtime by setting something before making call?
23:58.14gitguydamn i have to write "docs" now for my asterisk users :S

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