IRC log for #asterisk on 20080426

00:00.19jjshoeI remember gasoline selling for under a dollar in this era
00:00.29jjshoeI remember it dipping down to 98 cents a gallon
00:00.56jjshoeduring the summer of the early 2000's
00:01.08alrsjjshoe: not in California, I assume
00:01.27EmleyMoorWe're paying over 4.50 a gallon now!
00:01.33alrsI'm hoping for $10/gallon
00:01.43alrsI've been paying $4.35 for diesel
00:02.00jjshoecost me $50 to fill my mini cooper the last time around
00:02.07EmleyMoorDiesel is nearly 5 a gallon
00:02.27Nivexis so glad he rides the bus
00:02.34jjshoeI'm so glad I don't ride the bus
00:02.36alrsI prefer my bicycle over my van
00:02.38alrsbut it gets 27mpg
00:02.42gitguydoes asterisk have notification sounds for conferences? i use app_conference and i want to have sounds when people join/quits conferences, etc
00:02.54jjshoegitguy of course
00:03.44gitguywhere can i see that?
00:04.06gitguycool, thanks
00:07.10*** join/#asterisk ZaVoid (
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00:11.04*** join/#asterisk Katty (
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00:14.03jfgdoes anyone tried pjsip/pjmedia ?
00:14.12Kattyhow're you
00:14.46Kattyhugs _ShrikE
00:17.11_ShrikEafter this week... thats exactly what I needed ;)
00:27.31*** join/#asterisk ZaVoid (
00:28.33RypPnWhat exactly does gtkconsole do? I'd assumed it would pop up a little monitoring terminal on-screen when loaded.
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00:33.21QwellRypPn: it's a gtk console...go figure :p
00:34.04RypPnQwell: Can you shed any light on this please?
00:34.33RypPnIf gtk wasn't available it wouldn't have compiled, so I'm kinda stumped
00:34.42Qwellsetup your display properly
00:35.10Qwellthe terminal running asterisk would need access to your X (gtk) session
00:35.11RypPnIs there a source of info for this I'm overlooking?
00:38.54Qwellnot really.  I expect that the number of users of that is very limited
00:39.46Qwellit's a shell.  type Asterisk
00:39.52Qwellit'll load the console
00:40.39RypPnok, I think I get it, I should be running x with the same user that asterisk is running with, or at least grant that user access to the X session
00:40.59Qwellhowever it's run, the shell needs to know how to access an existing X session
00:43.32RypPnok, thats given me plenty to think about, thanks for the insight :)
00:43.47*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
00:44.37Qwellit's one of those things that are like "oh, that's cool.  ...I'll never use it though"
00:46.30RypPnok, I'll admit it... it's like everest, "why? cos it's there."
00:46.47QwellI went through the same thing :p
00:47.03RypPnI've passed it by for the last year and curiosity finally got the better of me
00:47.18Qwellthere was kdeconsole too at one point
00:47.41JayTee52I've been digging through "the book" and I can't find anyplace where the w parameter in the Dial application is documented as a wait. Matthew said it was chan_zap specific. Was this deprecated in 1.4 or is it documented somewhere else?
00:47.50RypPnyeah, I'd noticed it got dropped, so I thought I'd better have a look at the gtk one, just in csae it proved useful
00:48.02QwellJayTee52: it's just chan_zap
00:48.42Qwellwoah, I just got SMS spammed
00:49.00jbeezdo you want me to stop sending those to you
00:50.49JayTee52Qwell, you mean it's only documented in the source code?
00:52.19JayTee52this was the line that was giving me problems, [TK]D-Fender showed me another way to do what I want. This was from a 1.2 install that someone else setup for FXO to another PBX.
00:52.22JayTee52exten => _XXXX,1,Dial(Zap/g1/www,15,mD(${EXTEN}))
00:53.18JayTee52and matthew said the www is a wait statement and the mD sends the digits in EXTEN but I can't find any documentation on those parameters.
00:54.17JayTee52and [TK]D-Fender showed me the correct syntax for dialing an extension over PRI but I'm still curious where my predecessor got those parameters from.
00:56.36*** join/#asterisk charkins (n=casey@pdpc/supporter/active/charkins)
00:58.19ManxPowerJayTee52: on analog ports "w" in the dial string cause asterisk to stop dialing for .5 seconds.
00:59.16ManxPowerThe system must have been on an analog connection, as that dial says Go off hook, wait 1.5 seconds, after answer (which is immediatly after dialing on analog fxo, dial whatever is in ${EXTEN}
00:59.23*** join/#asterisk justdave (n=dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
00:59.55ManxPowerA totally moronic way of doing it unless we has doing something like trying to interface with a PBX, and even then I doubt that would be needed
01:05.36SomethingISODDhello all question i am creating a php agi script i was wondering how i can set it so as soon as the call connect i create a variable for the date/time? or is there anyway to do that
01:05.45SomethingISODDjust so i can get start time and finished time..
01:07.49charkinsshould it be possible to use the one step parking ("parkcall" from features.conf) from a call that was picked up from a parking stall?
01:08.16Qwellcharkins: I think there is/was a bug on that, where it wouldn't reenable it
01:08.34JayTee52ManxPower, it was to interface with a PBX using FXO ports but like I said, I can't find it in the book anywhere and was wondering where it was documented.
01:08.36charkinsthanks, i'll dig through the bug tracker (hopefully there's a patch)
01:10.24ManxPowerSomethingISODD: like the info in /var/log/asterisk/cdr-csv ?
01:11.00SomethingISODDya basically
01:12.36*** join/#asterisk mihinomenest (
01:13.30x86ok so what's the trick on the idle image on a polycom phone?
01:14.23x86I've tried png, which the polycom told me "server sent unknown content type image/png", and then I tried jpeg and got the same results... now I've tried BMP and it doesn't give me that error, but it's still not showing the image
01:14.28x86any ideas?
01:21.15Qwellx86: bmp I think
01:21.25Qwellthere are certain dimension/bpp requirements though
01:21.48Qwellit should be in the admin guide
01:41.43ManxPowerx86: read the admin guide.  front to back.  Then do it again.
01:45.56*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
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01:48.30runoffno support for SPA841, how do I hack from 2 lines to 4 lines  Thanks for any help
01:53.01gitguywhat do you recommend? should I try to make asterisk work behind a NAT or I get a server with public IP address?
01:55.50jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
01:55.54Qwellread that and you'll be fine
02:07.31*** join/#asterisk euphor][a (
02:07.58euphor][amy asterisk server is broken, it hangs loading zttranscode module, any help greatly welcomed
02:09.14C4awayis it a virtual machine?
02:09.39euphor][aits a physical machine, how do you mean virtual?
02:09.46euphor][ait has a digium card in it
02:09.46C4awaylike a xen virtual machine
02:09.55euphor][ano, just a mandriva box
02:09.58C4awayif you don't know what xen is then it probably isn't
02:10.05euphor][ai know xen
02:10.22C4awayah, well I can help you compile zaptel for xen, but that doesn't seem to be the problem
02:10.32C4awaywhere did you get your zaptel source? digium's site or a repo?
02:10.59euphor][ai think its built from digium site
02:11.11euphor][athe box has been in production, it stopped working an hour ago
02:11.12C4awayis this a distro like Elastix or Trixbox?
02:11.16euphor][aI am thinkg hardware fault?
02:11.25C4awayyea, sorry
02:11.28C4awaya bit distracted
02:11.43C4awaycould be a hardware fault
02:11.44euphor][aits a mission-critical box :(
02:11.56euphor][acan I use a 2 port digium card in place of a 4 port?
02:12.08C4awayif you only need 2 pors
02:12.18euphor][athere's 2 plugged in, not sure how many are used
02:12.32C4awayand if zapata.conf is using the correct ports
02:12.47euphor][awould I need change configs if I swapped cards?
02:13.03C4awayyes, unless you are pulling the last card and not using those ports
02:13.15euphor][aor would it just work, minus the line that isn't plugged in
02:13.22C4awayif you have ports 1-4 configured and you pull ports 5-8 then no problem
02:13.42euphor][aI believe 1-3 are configured, and I'd like to put a 2 port in, and just plug in 1 and 2
02:13.45C4awayif you are using ports 5-8 and pull ports 1-4 then ports 5-8 become 1-4
02:14.00euphor][ait has just 1 x 4-port card
02:14.03*** join/#asterisk coppice (
02:14.08euphor][aI'd like to replace with 1 x 2-port
02:14.17C4awayyou will have to change the group settings in zapata.conf
02:14.41C4awayis it kernel panicing?
02:14.49C4awayhowever you spell that
02:15.14euphor][anot to tty, but it hangs loading zttranscode, no response
02:15.35euphor][aI guess a kernel oops somewhre
02:15.36C4awaycan you enter interactive startup and not load zttranscode?
02:15.45C4awayit loads?
02:15.47euphor][awell, I can do single
02:15.53euphor][aI haven't tried interactive
02:16.16euphor][abut I can rename init.d for zaptel and asterisk and it boots normally
02:16.26euphor][aso something there causing it to hang
02:16.41C4awayand all of a sudden
02:16.43C4awayout of the blue
02:16.45C4awayno warning
02:16.55C4awayhave you changed anything, updated anything/
02:16.59euphor][ayes, whilst booting, it gets to zttranscode and stops
02:17.02C4awaynot updated something you should have?
02:17.05euphor][ano, nothing changed
02:17.24euphor][ait just stopped working -- I am thinking hardware
02:17.33C4awaypull the card and boot it
02:17.51C4awayif it boots fine without the card then you might be ok
02:17.58C4awayif it still hangs you probably want to reload zaptel
02:18.11C4awaybackup your zap* files in /etc/asterisk ... specifically zapata.conf
02:18.25C4awayprint it out, email it to your gmail account, etc
02:24.13euphor][ait boots
02:24.34euphor][aI have backups of configs, all stored in cvs
02:26.05euphor][aokay, I'm guessing hardware.. I wish I had a spare card
02:27.47euphor][aso, any suggestions? :)
02:28.56Qwellcall Digium
02:31.14*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
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02:52.42jbot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet telephony Service Provider or "VoIP Telephone company". The allow you to either PLACE calls to the PSTN (called Termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called Origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs
02:53.13jbot[~itsplist-us] Here are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones : , , ,, , ,
03:06.59*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
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03:14.00jeffspeffhi, i just setup an asterisk now system at home... just playing around. i'm using voip, and was wanting to know of a recommended windows client.
03:22.34*** join/#asterisk justdave (n=dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
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03:23.08jeffspeffdoes anybody have a recommended soft-phone?
03:26.15jameswf-homeWierd I can get sip to work with ipkall but not iax... seems bass ackwards
03:28.02jameswf-homeI like moxiax
03:34.42*** join/#asterisk ZaVoid (
03:37.39gitguyhow come that SIP and even IAX2 has problems with NAT on Amazon EC2?
03:37.53gitguywhen I try to connect with my softphone I don't even see activity in the CLI
03:43.46gitguyI told my boss to switch from server provider but he wont listen.
03:43.55gitguywhat a ****er
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04:35.32*** join/#asterisk shital (n=shital@
04:35.41shitalHello All
04:36.42shitali have TDM11B card with my Intel p3system
04:37.03shitalhow can check its correct configuration
04:37.34shitalis it necessary to plug in 12 V power supply to card?
04:38.13JTwhat modules are installed?
04:39.38shitalboth FXO and FXS
04:39.52shitalone each
04:39.58killmel8trI'm sure you have to plug in the power regardless
04:40.04JTkillmel8tr: no
04:40.10JTonly if you have FXS modules
04:40.20killmel8troh, interesting
04:40.22JTthen the molex connector must be plugged in
04:40.45killmel8trahhh..  ya i guess that makes sense
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04:40.58killmel8trsince you are generating the power out in that case
04:41.17JTright, and it probably can't pull enough from the pci bus
04:54.33*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
05:02.56shitali wanted just to check whether the card is configured correctly, even then also it needs power supply?
05:03.23shitalwithout any phone connections
05:03.34JTwhy don't you just plug it in?
05:04.19shitalbcz the problem is in my system that extra connector is not there, so only
05:06.23shitalnow the output of ztcfg command is ZT_CHANCCONFIG failed on channel 1: Invali argument (22) can u tell me what exactly this is?
05:07.30shitalJT: r u there?
05:09.18JTit means there is an error in the configuration file
05:10.43shitalok thank you
05:14.55lmadsenhowdy's the room
05:18.29*** join/#asterisk JimmyMcGee (
05:25.39x86heya lmadsen
05:28.15*** part/#asterisk GoldenFish (
05:54.34x86wtf cant say hi back nub?
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06:15.58jeffspeffhi, is anybody familiar with asterisknow ?
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06:17.15jeffspeff*does anybody have experience with asterisk now?
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06:27.03drmessanojeffspeff: wrong channel
06:28.02jeffspeffwhat channel is that in? asterisknow?
06:28.15jeffspeffahh, it is. :)
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06:35.50jeffspeffdrmessano: maybe you can answer part of my question
06:35.57jeffspeffdrmessano:   i'm wanting to do it all through voip. Do I have a VoIP service provider just to test the features inside my network, like from extension to extension? and also, at the moment i'm just testing using x-lite, but when i get the IP phones, do i have to have any of the special cards?   thanks.
06:36.39jeffspeff*Do I have to have a VoIP service....  (sorry for the typo).
06:37.35drmessanoDepends, depends, depends
06:37.50drmessanoNo, you do not need a VoIP provider to call extension to extension
06:38.05*** join/#asterisk jivco (n=jivco@
06:38.11drmessanoYou only need a provider if you are wanting to connect to the PSTN via IP
06:38.27drmessanoIf you want to connect via a copper line or T1, you need a card
06:38.54drmessanoIf you want to connect analog phones to your system you may need a card as well
06:39.34jeffspeffbut using cat5 cables, i won't need i card, i can just plug it into the network, correct?
06:39.43drmessanoOr Analog Telephone Adapters, which are boxes that take a network connection and connection from a standard phone, and make it an IP connection
06:39.59drmessanoVo *IP*
06:40.36jeffspeffI'm new to the telephone stuff. just making sure i cover my bases and trying not to assume anything.
06:40.46drmessanook, np
06:41.44jeffspeffi'm not getting any repsonses in the asterisknow channel, would you mind helping me with some other questions?
06:42.18jeffspeffi understand if you can't due to asterisknow being different in some parts or what not.
06:42.27drmessanothat's correct
06:44.00jeffspeffwhen adding a user, there's a field that says "Insecure", and the tool tip description of that is "Insecure: Matching of IP for a peer without matching port, do not require authentication of invites.".   Is that wanting to know the IP of the device the corresponding user will use to connect?
06:45.10drmessanojeffspeff: This is not the place for Asterisknow questions
06:45.53jeffspeffok, thought i'd see if you might know anything at all about it.
06:46.01*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (n=Dave@
06:46.39drmessanoThat's irrelevant
06:46.44drmessanoThis is the WRONG CHANNEL
06:47.39jeffspeffok, sorry
06:48.21jbotasterisknow is, like, based on Asterisk, but it is not Asterisk, and it is unlikely to live up to Asterisk's standards.  Only Asterisk is supported on #asterisk. Use #AsteriskNow instead. Even if the channel happens to be less helpful, support for systems other than Asterisk is offtopic on #asterisk
06:49.55jeffspeffoh, ok... i thought they were developed closer than that.
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07:38.08eddy122need help installing dundi, anyone alive here please?
07:39.43eddy122need help installing dundi, anyone alive here please?
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08:31.31eddy122need help installing dundi, anyone alive here please?
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08:38.43EmleyMoorAre there any tools available for analysing a dialplan so that I can spot errors, redundancy etc. before I make it "live"?
08:44.28eddy122EmleyMoor all people dead here
08:51.43EmleyMoorhas just rewritten his dialplan and it's a bit complicated
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09:10.11eddy122how to install dundi? in which module it is available
09:11.47EmleyMoorI don't have any dealings with dundi
09:12.58unpaidbilldundi rocks the crocodiles
09:17.29servettascan anyone help me
09:17.39eddy122i need to link 4 servers together and i dont know how to guys
09:19.26servettasihave a sound problem and looking  frame.c: Dropping extra frame of G.729 since we already have a VAD frame at the end error msg can anyone help me pls thanks
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09:32.33servettasihave a sound problem and looking  frame.c: Dropping extra frame of G.729 since we already have a VAD frame at the end error msg can anyone help me pls thanks
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09:50.54Qapfanyone else here using VP? i think their service just died
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11:00.50EmleyMoorAre there any tools for analysing a dialplan - to look for errors, redundancy and also to check what it would actually do? (assuming it's on a late 1.2)
11:01.45ac1djazzlol yea thats funny
11:01.53ac1djazzasterisk only debugs at a line by line basis
11:02.31EmleyMoorac1djazz: I have done a major rewrite of three sections of my dialplan and want a way to "dry run" it
11:02.45ac1djazzi was thinking about this earlier
11:02.54ac1djazznone of the dialplan is realistically runtime
11:05.26EmleyMoorSome calls I am unlikely to make, I have nevertheless tried to allow for
11:09.02EmleyMoorI am preparing for a switch of provider priority in the near future
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13:55.16EmleyMoorNext, a policeman will come in and say "Evenin' all"
13:55.41gr0mitello ello, ello, wot's goin on 'ere?
13:55.52MarquelEmleyMoor: that's the problem w/ IRC - you can _never_ have all the cool movie scenes reproduced ;)
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14:10.27rerzertyanyone use "dsl router  + ata" in one device ?
14:11.19killmel8trwe used to sell the linksys ones
14:11.35killmel8trI think vonage used them (maybe still do) for a while as well
14:13.07killmel8trI guess a benefit would be easy QoS setup
14:15.12rerzertymy question is : is it exist one device which is capable to do "dsl + ata" in one device ?
14:15.29rerzertyif yes what is model ?
14:16.19killmel8tryou want the modem itself in there as well or just a router?
14:17.23Marquelrerzerty: f.ex. Linksys SPA2102 or Allnet ALL7902 - both are ATA with integrated dsl routers.
14:18.20rerzertythx marque1
14:18.55killmel8trjust go to
14:19.45killmel8trof course you could just get comcast digital voip....   errr   voice
14:21.06rerzertyok thx killmel8tr
14:22.15rerzertyi find this one
14:23.34rerzertyis it capable to do dsl router + ata ???
14:23.40killmel8tri had some bad experiences with grandstream...  (guessing thats what the link is to by the name)...  I met some Jerry guy (think that was his name) at VON one year, made a huge deal and he reneged.  Anyhow, they have probably improved, but they are the yugos of the voip world... or at least they were.
14:24.02killmel8trif I remember right that adapter supports a pots line which is actually pretty cool
14:24.27killmel8trthey sent me one to play with but i never opened it up.
14:26.03rerzertyis it capable to do dsl router + ata ???
14:26.06rerzertyor not ?
14:26.39killmel8trnot very robust though and you will need a switch if your hooking up more than one device behind it
14:27.31killmel8tryour better off getting a good router like a linksys wrt54gx that you can flash with dd-wrt or something and then getting you ip voip device to put behind it
14:27.36killmel8trthe spa2102 is good.
14:27.53rerzertyvery expensive
14:27.59killmel8treven though it can be a router, I would still use the linksys (just router) for wireless and stuff.
14:28.02rerzertythan grandstream
14:28.17killmel8trwhere you at?  (US?)
14:28.25rerzertyin europe
14:28.55rerzertyfrance excatly
14:29.24killmel8trI have like 2000 spa2000's with euro power adapters so I was gonna just send you one, they will be trashed eventually
14:29.25killmel8trerr 200
14:29.28killmel8trbut i am in the us
14:30.14killmel8tryou could have the gs486 too, I dont want it....  how much does it cost to mail a little box to france?
14:30.17rerzertyi got spa3000 is it possible to use dsl router +ata ?
14:30.43*** join/#asterisk codefreeze-lap (
14:30.48rerzertythx a lot
14:30.56rerzertyi just buy it for fun
14:31.02rerzertyvery happy now
14:31.06rerzertythx a lot
14:31.50killmel8trcool, i like that it has the pots interface
14:31.56killmel8trtalk to ya l8tr
14:32.36rerzertyif i understand correctly the spa3000 is  a router with ata adaptor am i right ?
14:37.28rerzertyi just connect dsl line to my sipura 3000
14:37.47rerzertyand  i also connect my analogue phone
14:37.55rerzertyand rj45 to my pc
14:38.08rerzertyinternet not working is it normal ?
14:38.35*** join/#asterisk blq (
14:38.37rerzertyjust beginner
14:41.08rerzertykillme r u there N
14:42.57*** join/#asterisk harryv (
14:46.52Marqueli have a little technical question - what may be wrong if i need to add my local dial prefix for asterisk to work where i wouldn't need it normally?
14:47.40harryvhey. when i try to call '36946811' from the outside the call gets through, but is rejected and the sound file is not played, this is my conf and sip debug output:
14:50.07rerzertykillme r u there ?
14:51.13*** part/#asterisk rerzerty (
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14:58.53Corydon76-digMarquel: what kind of trunk?
14:59.46MarquelCorydon76-dig: ZAP (ISDN, EDSS1, works with another provider without adding the local prefix)
15:00.19Corydon76-digYou probably have it set up for national number plan
15:00.40Corydon76-digYou might try setting the pridialplan to unknown
15:00.45Corydon76-digor dynamic
15:01.41Corydon76-digunknown is usually better, though.  dynamic assumes NANPA conventions
15:01.59MarquelCorydon76-dig: pridialplan is unset (and it's a bri-card anyway)
15:02.10Corydon76-digOh, okay
15:02.49Corydon76-digWell, it's a question you'll need to ask your provider
15:04.29Marqueli tried - either they're ignorant or didn't listen (i'll retry monday anyway). seems they understood "i have to dial local prefix on the phone" instead of "the box has to dial the local prefix on the outside, b/c not doing so doesn't work"... :(
15:05.44Marquelbut i'll try setting pri*dialplan. that's anyway better than this ugly workaround in extensions.conf.
15:09.43Marquellittle other question: my phones record a missed call if the call is answered by another phone - is there something i can do about it or do i need to learn to live with it?
15:10.33*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
15:11.05Corydon76-digLearn to live with it
15:11.57Corydon76-digYou can generally turn off the missed calls, but that's probably not what you want
15:12.04Corydon76-digIt's an all-or-nothing deal
15:12.29Corydon76-digThe phone cannot tell the difference between missing a call and some other phone picking up the call
15:12.29Marquelsince isdn normally is able to notice all ringing phones not to record a missed call if the call is answered. i thought there would be something similar i could send to a sip-phone....
15:12.42ManxPowerYou can turn off missed calls on a per-line-appearance basis with the Polycoms
15:13.10Corydon76-digMarquel: from the phone's perspective, it looks like the same thing
15:13.22ManxPowerMarquel: That sort of thing is still pretty new in the VoIP world.
15:13.50ManxPowerCorydon76-dig: Polycoms support server based missed call lists, but I'm sure it's not a standard defined protocol
15:14.32MarquelManxPower: i guess my siemens gagaset phones then will be far from supporting that - the dect base is not even able to handle more than two calls over IP - where cheaper phones have no problems managing four concurrent calls....
15:14.38ManxPowerMarquel: I'm sure that in 3 years it will be a standard feature.
15:16.52Marquelvery frustrating.
15:17.50ManxPowerMarquel: Regardless of what the "experts" say, VoIP is still an immature technology and does NOT have all the features of many systems that have been around for 20 years.
15:18.21ManxPowerFortunately, VoIP (mainly SIP) is mature and useful enough for large numbers of people.
15:18.52*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@
15:19.54MarquelManxPower: at least there's one major advantage of voip: you don't need to redo all the cabling previously badly put together by cheap idiots... ;)
15:20.35ManxPowerMarquel: Yes, but people also want phones where there was never a computer or network jack.
15:20.43*** join/#asterisk af_ (
15:21.25MarquelManxPower: that's right, and i won't trade some of the advantages of a pots- or isdn-connection for voip.
15:27.30*** join/#asterisk anthm (
15:31.23*** join/#asterisk NeonLevel (n=otto@
15:33.11NeonLevelGood morning, I have a sip provider in mexico if i try to register asterisk with this provider i get all the time Conflict, but if I use a sip client in my linux like ekiga the client will register without a glitch, can anyone give me an advise...
15:35.40jameswf-homesip debug,,, turn up verbosity.... pastebin error message
15:40.11NeonLevelthis is what i get
15:40.23NeonLevelthis is what i get -- Got SIP response 409 "Conflict" back from
15:42.59harryvhey. when i try to call '36946811' from the outside the call gets through, but is rejected and the sound file is not played, this is my conf and sip debug output:
15:44.13*** join/#asterisk dacs (n=haiger@unaffiliated/dacs)
15:45.33harryvjust updated the sip debug stuff
15:45.35harryvthe other one was messy
15:46.39NeonLevelthere was no 1234 exten in incoming context, could that be?
15:46.47*** join/#asterisk ZaVoid (
15:47.08harryv.X_ should catch that one
15:47.35harryveh, forgot to put that in the paste.. but it's there
15:47.55harryv_X. even
15:52.59harryvand when i call internally it's fine
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15:59.22acxtyhi guys, I got a ip telephone line. The ISP gave me theh server, user and password for a proxy server. Where can I find information on it
15:59.35*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
16:01.10lmadsenacxty: huh?
16:01.14lmadsenthey gave you everythign you need...
16:01.29lmadsennow you have to read some documentation
16:01.33jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
16:02.20Ron56hie, there is my extension.conf here: and i dont understand why when i call 100/101/102 numbers it doesn't work :s
16:05.21acxtylmadsen, thanks that is what I was looking for
16:07.34*** join/#asterisk Chris-NB (
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16:16.14NeonLevelGood morning, I have a sip provider in mexico if i try to register asterisk with this provider i get all the time Conflict, but if I use a sip client in my linux like ekiga the client will register without a glitch, can anyone give me an advise...
16:22.13lmadsenNeonLevel: maybe their proxy is looking for signs that it is an asterisk box registering, and rejecting the registration
16:22.22lmadsenif you changed the user-agent to something else, it might work
16:22.28lmadsenthrows out a random guess
16:23.06NeonLevelthank you for your response lmadsen, i tryed changing useragent = Firefly in my general inside sip.conf
16:23.11NeonLeveland didnt work
16:23.22NeonLevelis driving me crazy....
16:23.55*** join/#asterisk davidcsi (
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16:25.00lmadsentzanger: you might be interested in this:
16:25.23davidcsihello all, I'm testing chan_h323 on 1.4, is there no way to use it BEHIND NAT? it doesn't seem to be doing it rith, it ends with "cause EndedByTransportFail"
16:26.58*** join/#asterisk frieze (
16:27.00lmadsendavidcsi: you're the first person I've even heard using it :)
16:27.15lmadsenlike... who came in here and didn't ask how to get it working, but actually has something operational
16:27.24friezeIs there any brand or model of sip phone that's easier to live with using asterisk?
16:27.28lmadsenso you might actually be the most qualified person to answer your own question :)
16:27.33friezesip wireless phone I meant to say
16:27.52lmadsenfrieze: the sip client in my Nokia E61i is really good -- best wifi sip phone I've ever used
16:27.55lmadsenthe rest seem to suck
16:29.41pliklmadsen: do you know if the E61i is unique, or  similarly good accross other nokias?
16:29.50lmadsenI own one, and love it
16:30.01lmadsenno idea about the sip client vs. other nokia phones
16:30.47plikok, just wondering if the sip client on E65 or 6110i might be as good...  may get to find out one day
16:31.08*** join/#asterisk solar_ant (n=John@
16:31.09andrew`hi, trying to use AEL but it seems to be quite different than the old style..or maybe I'm just confused...why does pressing 8 during the Background sounds in s not work?
16:31.34harryvso -- if you don't aim for a smartphone (i always end up throwing my phones away or damaging them or something, so i stick with cheap $50-ones) are there any somewhat-cheap wifi sip's ? going to equip the house with themm
16:32.08davidcsilmadsed, i've had it working for some time now, it works perfectly.... i'm having the problem now because it is behind nat... :S
16:32.49plikharryv: prolly better off with a DECT sip phone like the Siemens gigaset *IP range
16:34.03harryvplik: you're probally right. better batterytime etc..
16:34.06harryvand cheaper.
16:34.22*** join/#asterisk JamminJud (n=JamminJu@
16:34.59plikif you want properly cheap and durable, stick a regualr corless on an ATA like a linksys PAP2
16:35.57JamminJudcalling from a zap1 interface to iax trunk... where do I set the callerid so that it shows up properly at called party?
16:36.12NeonLevelI have two sip registrar accounts with the same provider in mexico, i can register the asterisk with one of this accounts and works ok, but i cannot  register the other one i've done some sip debug and the only difference i've seen is in the response they told me that the sip proxy ip is and here is the response with the one that doesnt work From: <sip:523338391548@> as you can see i get a different IP , couldnt that be a pr
16:36.17*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
16:37.13JamminJudNeonLevel: if you're going to the same ip, are you using different ports?
16:37.28NeonLevelno no different ports
16:37.48NeonLevelthat response is being generated by my sip provider
16:38.27JamminJudI would think you would need a different port for the second connection
16:38.36JamminJuduse 5061 instead of 5060
16:38.51JamminJudhmmm, that's a good question
16:39.08*** join/#asterisk MrTelephone (
16:39.14JamminJudahh, there you have it
16:39.21MrTelephonehow many people have MWI working with realtime and openser?
16:39.23NeonLeveltrying that
16:39.53MrTelephonesip show users doesn't show any users even though they are in the mysql database
16:39.59MrTelephonethis is version
16:40.10MrTelephonedoes 1.4 work better?
16:41.52JamminJudhave 1.4 but not using mysql
16:42.35andrew`or is AEL just crap and nobody really uses it? :)
16:43.00MrTelephonewhat is AEL?
16:43.04MrTelephonejamminjud are you using obdc?
16:43.49lmadsenAEL is an alternate method of writing dialplan logic
16:44.05lmadsenAEL is actually parsed and converted to Asterisk internally
16:44.24andrew`it just doesn't seem to follow the documentation
16:44.40JamminJudI'm using plain text
16:44.44andrew`I was trying to be 'modern' but I guess I'll revert to the old style
16:45.18JamminJudno database.... mine is just for home
16:45.20MrTelephonei wouldn't use it until it's a year old
16:45.49MrTelephoneits someones dumb idea to improve things when the old methods worked fine
16:46.56JamminJudcalling from a zap1 interface to iax trunk... where do I set the callerid so that it shows up properly at called party?
16:47.34MrTelephonedoes it show up at all?
16:48.13JamminJudyes, shows up with providers default trunk.  provider is teliax
16:48.43*** join/#asterisk Strom_C (n=strom@
16:48.55MrTelephonelook for some kind of option to sendrpid
16:49.02MrTelephonethat may be only for sip though
16:50.38MrTelephonedo you have callerid set in zapata.conf?
16:50.41JamminJudI'm thinking it's a service provider problem
16:51.32JamminJudthey have an option on their website to set it.... but it's not working
16:52.06ManxPowerJamminJud: Put a Noop(CALLERID(all) is ${CALLERID(all)}) somewhere in your dialplan so you can see what Asterisk's idea of callerid is that at point in the dialplan
16:52.33MrTelephoneits spanxpower1
16:52.41ManxPowerAlso read "core show application dial"  Pay special attention to the callerid related options (I think option "o")
16:53.33ManxPowerJamminJud: Is this "zap trunk" an FXO, FXS, PRI, E&M/Wink?
16:53.46MrTelephonewinks at manxpower
16:53.52JamminJudfxs... pots line
16:54.05ManxPowerJamminJud: It can't be both FXS and a POTs line.
16:54.15JamminJudprovides dialtone... I forget whether its fxs or fxo... must be fxo then
16:54.17MrTelephonehe means pots style lines
16:54.19jbotfxofxs is probably An FXO port (red Digium module) expects to receive dialtone and receive ring voltage. You can connect it to a PSTN line from the telco. An FXS port (green Digium module) expects to provide dialtone and provide ring voltage. You can connect a phone or a fax to it.
16:54.41*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
16:54.44ManxPowerJamminJud: if it is an FXS port then you want the line callerid=Robert Dobbs <5045551212>
16:54.59ManxPowerNotice no quotes and no special chars like - and no 1 in the phone number
16:55.12ManxPowerthat would set the callerid for calls made from that port to that callerid
16:55.15JamminJudthat's in the zapata.conf file?
16:55.27ManxPoweryes, right before the channel => line, just like every other option
16:57.13JamminJudawesome, that's what I was looking for
16:57.30ManxPowerzapata.conf.sample should have had examples of that
16:58.25*** join/#asterisk vlsoft (
16:59.37MrTelephone2006-12-01 12:40pm <MrTelephone> do you have callerid set in zapata.conf?
16:59.57JamminJudlol, 2006?
17:00.04MrTelephonejust kiddin around
17:00.48JamminJudI appreciate the help on that one
17:01.18*** join/#asterisk UQlev (
17:01.23JamminJudzapata.conf format is a bit different than sip.conf
17:01.33JamminJudbut ManxPower is right about the examples
17:02.01MrTelephonemight still not work, thats the sad part
17:02.11vlsoftIs some of the devs of iaxclient present here? I would like to ask for some help compiling iaxclient (and utlimately iaxcomm) under a cygwin environment (I have already compiled wxwidgets, but having some problems running ./configure on the iaxclient trunk)
17:02.45JamminJudMrTelephone: it worked
17:03.56MrTelephonedoes your iax provider go out to pstn?
17:04.00JamminJudnow I just need to reroute my incoming calls to my Zap1 line and all will be good
17:04.31andrew`MrTelephone, it goes back like 3 years...
17:04.35MrTelephonewhat is your iax peer context?
17:06.15*** join/#asterisk justdave (n=dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
17:06.33JamminJudI've but one context and everything is in it for simplicity sake
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17:09.22MrTelephonewhat are all these new errors in asterisk 1.4? undefined symbol: option_priority_jumping?
17:09.33rerzertyi got sipura 3000
17:09.35jameswf-homeheh i have one context just for my ex wife :)
17:09.47MrTelephoneJamminJud. add a line in there such as exten => s,1,Dial(ZAP/1)
17:10.09MrTelephonei got a context for your xwife too
17:10.21rerzertymy isp router not working is it possible to replace my isp router with my sipura 3000 to access internet ?
17:10.25jameswf-homesadly not farr off
17:10.52jameswf-homeI couldnt name it what I wanted to incase the logs had to go to court
17:11.02vlsoftOkay, from the lack of interest, I assume noone ever compiled iaxclient here under a cygwin environment; so I have to solve this problem myself (but not much luck so far... :(  ).
17:11.14outtoluncuse [1hotmamma] that should get you some
17:11.34jameswf-homemy current wife would not approve
17:11.38rerzertyhello ?
17:12.03jameswf-homehas not done xyz under cygein as he dont do windoze
17:12.42rerzertysipura 3000 is it act as a router ? plz
17:13.11rerzertycan be replace with an isp router ?
17:13.33jameswf-homeMy 3 desktops + 1 server at home all linux my laptop and work desktop linux as well..... who needs windoze...
17:13.46MrTelephoneoption_priority_jumping ??
17:14.24MrTelephoneis that changed from piriorityjumping
17:14.47rerzertycooperate psls
17:15.40rerzertykillme r u there ?
17:16.06vlsoftjameswf-home: well, I'm a Linux system administrator, so I won't need it; but a friend of mine want to use my asterisk server with an iax softphone, and he's got a few "needs", as he's blind. iaxcomm works well with his talking software, but I need to put a few things into it - the first step for me is to create a build env. where the original can be compiled. Am I right?
17:17.26vlsoftjameswf-home: oh and yeah: he uses windows, so I have to compile iaxcomm for windows...
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17:18.57outtolunchmm, i thought diax had some features like that
17:19.08outtoluncsearch 'dante diax'
17:19.19*** join/#asterisk SteveTotaro (
17:19.21jameswf-homemoziax is cross platform
17:19.42SteveTotaroJames, have you tested moziax?
17:20.04SteveTotaroit looks very promising but the lack of chatter has me worried that it may not be very good
17:20.32SteveTotaroit would be awesome on thin clients
17:20.53jameswf-homei use moxiax on my laptop I like it no fluff does what its suppose to
17:21.06SteveTotaroany negatives?
17:21.22vlsoftWell, my friend had diax, but he doesn't liked it (who knows why; but i'm not blind, i can't tell what was his problem with it).
17:21.27SteveTotarobesides being firefox dependant
17:21.29jameswf-homeIt's ugly
17:21.34outtoluncnegatives would be the lack of module control, enable/disable, and access control
17:21.35rerzertyadiga oya chidi bin eich bin
17:21.59SteveTotaroit seems to load every time you open a new instance of firefox too
17:22.21SteveTotarobut i have not done any real testing yet
17:23.07SteveTotaroouttolunc: what do you mean by access control?
17:23.33SteveTotaroyou could always place it in a context with authenticate if that is what you mean
17:23.52outtoluncaccess control, meaning password protect the settings
17:24.01vlsoftFor blind people; the first thing is: what the program does when you can't use the mouse; does the GUI recognizable with "Jaws" (a popular talking program here for blinds, almost all blind people i know use that)
17:24.32vlsoftWhat does it do when you press tab, does it cycle through buttons as it should, or not.
17:24.39SteveTotarovlsoft:  go on, this is great info
17:25.24outtoluncneeds to pay attention as my eyes are getting worse everyday
17:25.31outtolunc<- old fart
17:25.31SteveTotarois there a site that details how to program apps for the blind?
17:25.42vlsoftI don't know moziax, so i'll try it out.
17:26.38SteveTotarolike i said, i installed it and used it once, it looked and worked OK, that is why i would expect more community chatter
17:27.07vlsoftSteveTotaro: they don't have "extra" needs, if the program uses the standard windows GUI components, then Jaws will talk to them, it says the button currently selected (like "1" "3"), but if the buttons have only icons on them, well, that's a catastrophe.
17:28.39vlsoftwell, for diax, pressing tab does not do anything (and pressing space or enter, it's not working - so that's why my friend couldn't use it)
17:28.49outtoluncmaybe you can get access tothe ribbit api
17:29.14SteveTotaroi see a few companies in google when searching for "jaws blind"
17:29.30SteveTotarois the above link the correct Jaws?
17:30.03jameswf-homethats nasty miller had a commercial with this spanish girl trying to act all sexy and she rides up her skirt and WOAH she needs to shave her legs
17:30.14jameswf-homewho are they marketing to
17:30.28SteveTotaromany parts of the world
17:30.32SteveTotarofrench maybe
17:30.33vlsoft <- this is the jaws page my friend showed me once
17:31.44SteveTotarothanks for the tip vlsoft, i also need to look into TTY for the deaf
17:32.02SteveTotaroADA and all
17:32.33SteveTotaronot sue what can be done for the deaf and blind....
17:32.34vlsoft(And yes, Jaws is definitely NOT cheap... Ehhh... Actually it's too much money from blind people, but they use it.)
17:32.39jameswf-homeA sip tty... seems redundant if you have the interweb and all but that actualy sounds kinda cool
17:32.53jameswf-homeoh wait thats TDD
17:33.28jameswf-homeTelephond device for the deaf
17:33.48SteveTotaroso it is voice to text?
17:34.08vlsoftLinux/Gnome has some support for blind people, KDE does not (but that should change with QT4, QT3 haven't got the required API stuff for screen readers).
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17:35.05SteveTotaroyou would think there would be free or at least very inexpensive programs for the blind.
17:35.23vlsoftYou might be surprised, how blind people use Windows; almost like You or me... But without mouse. They use IE/Firefox, and the Office stuff (like Word, Excel)
17:35.49SteveTotaroout of need, kindness, government subsidy
17:36.08ManxPowerSteveTotaro: there are
17:36.16vlsoftAnd Jaws can recognize bitmaps too, so it's not impossible to "learn" the buttons on diax, but it's a pain in the ass - so to say.
17:36.20SteveTotaroi would rather see tax dollars to help the blind use a computer rather than pay for illegals to get healthcare
17:36.42ManxPowerAt least in the USA, in fact I believe that every phone bill has a small fee on it for the fund that helps with TTY/TTD needs.
17:36.44jameswf-homeOne of our customers is a blind asterisk admin...  does pretty well Bling folks excell pretty well  in this type of deal as it is 99% text based
17:37.21vlsoftWell, the downloadable iaxcomm client works pretty good, it's Jaws-able... But I have to put a few features into it that my friend asked.
17:37.49SteveTotaroiaxcom is a rename of an older client?
17:38.10SteveTotaroor is it a browser plugin too?
17:38.30vlsoft(Like different ringtone for different callers - and iaxcomm has some ring problem when two iaxcomm call each other; if i call an iaxcomm from my hardphone, it works okay, but not between two iaxcomms...)
17:38.31SteveTotaroi really like the browser plugin idea for thin clients
17:39.09vlsoftiaxcomm is a "sample client" for the iaxclient library :
17:40.06vlsoft <- the binary here works almost perfect for blind people (as stated above, with minor problems...)
17:40.27SteveTotarotoo bad i didn't get the code (or authorization) to release an updated JIAX client
17:41.26SteveTotaroi had it at one point but had to adhere to my contract
17:43.24outtolunci was wondering whatever happened to jiax, i liked it
17:43.41ManxPowerhugs his Polycom
17:44.06outtolunccloses the curtain so manx can be alone with his phone
17:45.56vlsoftThis is a cygwin problem I think, but maybe someone here encountered similar; the first error is:
17:46.16vlsoft./configure: line 18793: PKG_PROG_PKG_CONFIG: command not found    (and yes, pgk_config is installed)
17:46.34vlsoftsed s/gk/kg/
17:46.58*** join/#asterisk flush (
17:47.34JamminJudis happy that everything is working now
17:48.48vlsoftthe remaining 2 errors are:
17:49.03vlsoft./configure: line 19003: syntax error near unexpected token `PORTAUDIO,'
17:49.15vlsoft./configure: line 19003: `PKG_CHECK_MODULES(PORTAUDIO, portaudio-2.0 >= 19,,{ { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error:'
17:49.47vlsoftso this is where i am at the moment, and i don't know why can't i even ./configure this iaxclient library...
17:50.18vlsoftthis of course would work flawlessly under any Linux environment - grrrr....
17:52.15jameswf-homeheh token
17:53.02*** join/#asterisk codefreeze-lap (
17:57.31vlsoftOh and I forgot to mention what an iax client program should NOT do EVER when a blind uses that computer: mess with the volume controls!!! (So they won't hear ever :D as a nasty plus over their blindness - aww)
17:58.39Marquelpossibly a stupid question and not strictly asterisk-related, but is it possible to have two sip-phones sharing the same account at the same time?
17:58.48vlsoftIf the volume gets too low; then they can't really find the mixer; if it gets too high, then they get a nasty surprise.
17:58.53SteveTotaroi hate mingw and cygwin
17:59.37vlsoftWell, I start to hate it now too...
17:59.44*** join/#asterisk decaf (n=mehmet@
18:00.03SteveTotaroi developed the hate while working on the JIAX stuff
18:00.26outtolunci was watching a show on a week ago, and damn near blew my speakers when an advert came on
18:00.39SteveTotarotv does the same thing
18:00.47outtoluncthis was twice what tv does
18:00.51vlsoftNow multiply it by 2, put on a headphone, and ouch...
18:00.56SteveTotarothe show is a good volume and then the commercials blow your speakers
18:01.01vlsoftThis is what a blind gets...
18:01.19SteveTotarowake you from a good sleep if you are like me and have to have noise to sleep
18:01.33SteveTotaroi cannot sleep in dead silence
18:02.03*** join/#asterisk Nasra (
18:02.12SteveTotaronot only blind but going deaf from the headphone blast
18:02.20outtoluncplaces an ipod in one of those rocking water displays, minus the water, the ipod slides back and forth playing <G>
18:02.23vlsoftOkay, i figured out how to proceed with that ./configure problem, it was an environment problem: export PKG_CONFIG=/usr/bin/pkg-config
18:02.36vlsoftcygwin forgots to set up environment variables???
18:02.49SteveTotaroyes cygwin and mingw are terrible in that regard
18:02.56SteveTotaroyou need to pass all kinds of flags
18:03.05vlsoftargh... nasty stuff...
18:03.31SteveTotarobut the joy of success is that much more satisfying!
18:04.02vlsoftconfigure: error: [new line] portaudio is required to build this package!
18:04.10SteveTotarothe first time i got jiax to compile the jars, i was jumping around and yelling (all alone of course)
18:04.26SteveTotarojust another flag you need to pass
18:04.31vlsoftwell, i thought that was included with iaxclient... have to run a few rounds again :D
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18:05.11vlsoftbut yes, success (although a small one)
18:05.25RobHi forget, someone tell me how to turn on color in the CLI?
18:05.28RobHplease =]
18:05.51SteveTotaroit takes many small success to make a big one
18:09.12vlsoftWell folks, thanks for the support; it seems i'm on the track again... I have to go now, but it was a pleasure to talk here with You.
18:14.17jameswf-homemany small farts lead to a big shart and maybe a poo :)
18:16.15ruiedI normally use the "make samples" to have a working asterisk" than I change sip.conf and extensions.conf... now I don't want to make the files from the samples, I've made my extensions.conf and sip.conf. but it simes that I'm missing some files since * cli doesn't have the 'sip' command...
18:17.07ruiedI only have the asterisc.conf, sip.conf and extensions.conf files in /etc/asterisk ...
18:18.26*** join/#asterisk eXistenZ (n=pectic@unaffiliated/existenz)
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18:19.40MrTelephonewhere do you include ODBC_STORAGE Cflag in the asterisk 1.4?
18:19.48MrTelephoneis that set in the configure line?
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18:28.20jameswf-homeMaybe its cause I have done it 1000 times but I  cant remember ever having an issue compiling...
18:29.41QwelleXistenZ: Private personalized help is $250/hour.  Ask here instead.
18:29.41Qwell(and don't message an op for help)
18:29.41eXistenZI have a problem here, I have some stupid anonymous caller (on pots line), I cannot change my number because it is already known to all people. I am trying to find a solution without changing the number to block anonymous callers, or just redirect them somewhere else.
18:30.49SteveTotarothe telco here will do this for you
18:30.57eXistenZI am in Israel
18:31.21eXistenZThere is no such service
18:31.29jameswf-homeexten => s,n,GotoIf($["${CALLERID(num)}" = " "]?telemarket-torture,begin,1)
18:31.29plikeXistenZ: don't they Anonymous Call Rejection over there?
18:31.37eXistenZplik, only for mobiles
18:31.43eXistenZI've already done it for mobiles
18:31.51SteveTotarothen dump any call without callerid to Hangup()
18:32.09eXistenZthat's not the problem
18:32.12plikeXistenZ:  bah, over here (UK) we can get it on landlines but not mobiles, despite it being a legal requirement
18:32.19eXistenZthe problem is that they always call
18:32.23eXistenZthe ring-ring :/
18:32.32SteveTotarojust dump them before they ring
18:32.52eXistenZI don't want a sidejob
18:32.55plikeXistenZ: asterisk can answer all calls with no callerid, before you hear it ring....
18:33.02plikand do whatever you want with it
18:33.06jameswf-homeeXistenZ: exten => s,1,GotoIf($["AA${CALLERID(num)}" = "AA "]?telemarket-torture,begin,1) << this should work change dest to whatever
18:33.28SteveTotarojust send them to Hangup()
18:33.37SteveTotarodon't tie up POTS lines
18:33.47jameswf-homeI use telemarketer torture as hangup is too nice
18:33.52eXistenZplik, connecting asterisk to POTS lines needs a serious budget :)
18:33.53pliksound advice there
18:34.16pliknot really - linksys spa3102 is a good low budget option
18:34.36eXistenZplik, for the line and for the phones?
18:34.36SteveTotaroEven openvox if Martin will ship to you
18:35.26SteveTotarowell, an Asterisk PBX with phones isn't that expensive compared to proprietary
18:35.28jameswf-homeactualy create a context that plays sit and ss-noservice would be better then an outright hangup()
18:35.28SteveTotarohow many phones?
18:35.42eXistenZSteveTotaro, 5
18:35.46MrTelephoneodbc is fuckin shit to setup
18:35.57MrTelephoneman that pisses me off .. brb
18:35.57SteveTotaroodbc is better than the mysql addon
18:36.09*** join/#asterisk gitguy (
18:36.10MrTelephonethere is barely any verbose when it can't connect
18:36.10eXistenZspa3102 is enough for the external line and 1 phone line?
18:36.21gitguyi have a asterisk server on amazon ec2, i tried SIP and IAX2
18:36.23MrTelephoneI had it working 2 days ago and now i can't connect with isql
18:36.27plikeXistenZ: yes...
18:36.31gitguybut i don't see any activity going on when i try to register a phone
18:36.34gitguyto the server
18:36.37SteveTotaroit can only be so many things
18:36.41gitguywith both protocols
18:36.51gitguywhy could that be?
18:36.51SteveTotarofirewall, creds...
18:37.00plikyou can add 2 X PAP2 for the additional 4 FXS (analog phones)
18:37.07SteveTotarosip debug, iax debug
18:37.13gitguyi have that on
18:37.17gitguyi don't see activity
18:37.19gitguywhen i try to connect
18:37.38gitguyiptables -t nat -L -v ; iptables -t filter -L -v also don't show nothing
18:37.51SteveTotarostop iptables for a bit and try
18:38.10gitguyiptables don't have any rules set
18:38.10plikerk, time to go... laters
18:38.31eXistenZplik, p3 computer + spa3102?
18:38.44SteveTotarothat would work e
18:38.47gitguySteveTotaro: the only thing I know is that amazon has some weird network
18:39.05gitguySteveTotaro: and my server is probably behind their firewalls/nats
18:39.23SteveTotaroah, territory i would be weary of
18:39.27gitguyi told my boss to use a better server solution but he doesn't listen to me
18:39.37SteveTotaroknow maybe he will
18:40.13SteveTotaroif you can get a tech from amazon to confirm it wont work, then you get "i told you so points"
18:41.10SteveTotarothose points can be dangerous depending on your boss though ;)
18:42.18gitguyi already mentioned him that it doesn't work and he said "let me do research, i remember there is some tutorials"
18:42.38gitguytoo idiotic
18:44.31gitguywhere can i find a list of SIP/IAX2 ports?
18:44.55gitguythese protocols works over udp right?
18:45.56*** join/#asterisk paulc (
18:48.10jameswf-homewtf is the command to kill the peer cache
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18:52.52ManxPowergitguy: IAX2 is UDP port 4569, SIP is UDP port 5030, RTP (audio) is dynamically determined at call setup time.  You can control Asterisk's side of the RTP ports in /etc/asterisk/rtp.conf
18:53.56*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
18:54.09Strom_CManxPower: SIP is UDP 5060
18:54.32ManxPowerStrom_C: I sit corrected.
18:54.54gitguyManxPower: ok
18:55.03gitguyManxPower: i think that's the problem, I had to open port 80 for apache and all tha ttoo
18:55.06gitguythat too*
18:55.19ManxPowergitguy: you're going to have to open much more than that to run an Asterisk server
18:55.23*** join/#asterisk drehlecom (i=ircbnc@unaffiliated/drehlecom)
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18:56.05gitguyManxPower: yes, I opened UDP/4569 for IAX2 and i see activity on iax2 set debug
18:56.06Marquelretrying from earlier: possibly a stupid question and not strictly asterisk-related, but is it possible to have two sip-phones sharing the same account at the same time?
18:56.09gitguyManxPower: when I try to register
18:56.17Strom_CMarquel: no
18:56.24ManxPowerMarquel: not with Asterisk, yes with some other systems.
18:56.29Strom_Cnot if you want them to receive calls
18:56.48Strom_Cfor placing outbound calls only, you can have them use the same credentials if you do it right
18:57.10Strom_Cbut, really, why bother
18:57.11MarquelStrom_C, ManxPower: then i'll give them different accounts and make asterisk fake they're both the same. thx.
18:57.22Strom_Cwhat are you trying to do, exactly?
18:57.26Strom_Cshared line appearances?
18:57.33ManxPowerMarquel: stop setting the SIP username to be the same as the extension -- doing that leads to problems like you are seeing
18:59.03MarquelStrom_C: have a mounted and a dect-phone sharing the same extension. in inbound-calls as well as outbound. but if it's not possible to have that done by sharing sip-accounts, i'll program asterisk to act as if it were so, using different accounts.
18:59.30eXistenZI have some old P1 computer with 64MB, would it be enough for asterisk?
18:59.43Strom_CMarquel: they don't need to be the same extension to both ring for the same call
18:59.50MarquelManxPower: i won't regard that as a problem, it was just a question to stop me from doing something in completely wrong direction...
18:59.54Strom_Cyou /can/ ring multiple extensions simultaneously...
19:00.19MarquelStrom_C: that is known, but it also was about them sharing the same CID on outbound calls. ;)
19:00.22ManxPowerdevices, not extensions
19:00.32Strom_CMarquel: that can be done too
19:00.50MrTelephoneok i setup voicemail with odbc and now asterisk 1.4.19 segfaults.. whats the deal I wonder
19:01.25MarquelStrom_C: i guess by setting the cid through asterisk prior to starting the dial(). that's also known. i was just wondering if i need to undergo that procedure or if accountsharing would spare me that ;)
19:01.57ManxPowerMarquel: no, set it in the sip.conf account
19:02.39MarquelManxPower: ah - _that_ was _not_ known to me. that makes my life even simpler then :)
19:03.01ManxPowerMarquel: start reading the stuff in /path/to/src/asterisk/configs and /path/to/src/asterisk/doc
19:07.34eXistenZdoes SPA8000 include an FXO port as well
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19:17.52eXistenZis it possible to use a hardphone over the same line, on which a connection to a router is established?
19:23.54EmleyMooreXistenZ: What do you mean by the same line?
19:24.09eXistenZI have a cat5 line from my room to my router
19:24.26eXistenZIt is inside the wall, I don't want to pass another cabel
19:24.44Strom_CeXistenZ: of course you can do that
19:24.50Strom_Cthat's the joy of packet data
19:24.56EmleyMooreXistenZ: Yes - if the phone has a built in hub, no problem. If not, add a hub or switch
19:24.59*** join/#asterisk SuperGeek (n=SuperGee@unaffiliated/supergeek)
19:25.25SuperGeekI'm rather interested in Asterisk as a whole for use in my home...could someone answer a few of my questions?
19:25.53EmleyMoorSuperGeek: Just try us
19:26.13Strom_Cuses asterisk in his home
19:26.21EmleyMooruses it too
19:26.23SuperGeekWell, you know how in call centers and such they can recieve multiple calls on a single line?
19:26.30SuperGeekHow would I go about doing that with Asterisk?
19:26.35Strom_CSuperGeek: it's not a single line
19:26.39EmleyMoorSuperGeek: By "line" do you mean "number"?
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19:26.51Strom_Cnumber != line
19:26.53SuperGeek(I'm new to telephony as a whole, so bear with me)
19:26.58SuperGeekOk, ok
19:27.01EmleyMoorMany VoIP providers will allow you to receive more than one call at a time
19:27.09EmleyMoor(on the same number)
19:27.12Strom_CSuperGeek: you may want to read "telephony 101" which is a good crash-course in telephony
19:27.14jbothmm... 101 is Telephony 101, which is a good read if you're unfamiliar with traditional TDM telephony.  You can download it at
19:27.32SuperGeekEmleyMoor: But with a landline provider such as Verizon, is that possible
19:28.04Strom_CSuperGeek: it's possible if you order, say, ISDN PRI from them
19:28.18Strom_Cbut for a traditional single-pair analog circuit, the answer is no
19:28.22SuperGeekHow much would that run?
19:28.35Strom_C$300-$1000 per month?
19:28.38EmleyMoorI don't know much about ISDN so I can't answer any more on that
19:29.01Strom_CSuperGeek: but ISDN PRI is probably overkill for what you need
19:29.01SuperGeekWhat I'm worried about is that I'll loose voicemail you want the voicemail to be tight instead?
19:29.21SuperGeekSee, with my current plan when I'm on the line with someone else, any other callers get redirected to voicemail
19:29.29EmleyMoorSuperGeek: If you went VoIP you could implement your own
19:29.50EmleyMoorAsterisk has a rather good voicemail system
19:29.52SuperGeekI think I'm beginning to see what you're talking about
19:29.56Strom_CSuperGeek: so get a VoIP account that allows multiple calls, or get a second analog circuit and set up a rotating hunt group
19:30.12SuperGeekStrom_C: A rotating what?
19:30.26Strom_Crotating hunt group
19:30.32paulctwo phone lines, 1 number - calls hunt (or rotate) across the free/available phone lines
19:30.50paulcactually, "two" could be any number
19:31.07SuperGeeki see
19:31.12SuperGeekI already have something like that
19:31.19paulcthen you can decide how you want to hunt.. sequential.. cyclic.. or in north america there's a third variant "most idle" (which I think's weird, but that's cos I'm European)
19:31.37SuperGeekDo you mean two phones hooked up in my house, and when someone calls my number both ring?
19:31.46ManxPowerActually each analog line has it's own number, even if you don't tell people about it.  It will show up on the callerid of outgoing calls
19:31.55Strom_CSuperGeek: go read that document i linked you to
19:32.02SuperGeekStrom_C: Alright
19:32.07EmleyMoorSuperGeek: That sounds like one line with two phones on it
19:32.14SuperGeekEmleyMoor: YEah.
19:32.22ManxPowerpaulc: longest idle was VERY popular in the days of the modem
19:32.38SuperGeekWell, ok then
19:32.50SuperGeekFor the sake of simplicity, I'll probably go VoIP
19:32.53paulcmulti line = imagine you have 3 phones on the desk. Someone calls your number. The first phone rings. If a second person calls your number, and the first phone is busy, the second phone rings. Ditto for a third caller/third phone. If 3 people are on 3 calls and a 4th person phones you, they get busy tone
19:32.54ManxPowerIn the event of a problem with a modem, the next call would not hit that modem
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19:33.13SuperGeekI'm sure you guys all get this question, but could you recommend a particularly good VoIP provide?
19:33.16paulcManxPower: But why? Why not just use cyclic hunting? s'what we did back in the UK - the "most idle" thing just seemed like extra overhead in the switch to me
19:33.24Strom_CSuperGeek: i like teliax
19:33.31EmleyMoorSuperGeek: It all depends what you want...
19:33.46paulcSuperGeek: I like but there's a whole bunch of 'em out there
19:33.51EmleyMoorI use voiptalk but that's mainly because they are British and cheapish
19:34.00paulcWhere are you, SuperGeek?
19:34.11SuperGeekI live in the US, I'd like something under $20/mo, and I need to recieve multiple calls on a single number
19:34.20Strom_CSuperGeek: teliax
19:34.26Strom_Cpay-as-you-go plan
19:34.28paulcwhat sort of call volume? calls/minutes a month?
19:34.31ManxPowerSuperGeek: that's not going to happen with any standard telephone line
19:34.43SuperGeekManxPower: That's why I'm going VoIP
19:34.52ManxPowerSuperGeek: A friend pays about $5/month
19:34.52SuperGeekWell, call volume
19:35.04ManxPower1 DID number, some not large number of mins
19:35.04SuperGeekIf possible, unlimited calling in the US
19:35.10Strom_CSuperGeek: and, seriously, go read that document now.
19:35.10SuperGeekManxPower: DID = ?
19:35.15SuperGeekStrom_C: I am, haha
19:35.15ManxPowerSuperGeek: phone number
19:35.43SuperGeekWell, alright then
19:35.48Strom_CSuperGeek:'re chatting on IRC and glancing at the document :P
19:35.49SuperGeekI'm going to go read up on this stuff
19:35.59SuperGeekStrom_C: Now I'm not, heh
19:36.55EmleyMoorI got a block of 10 geographic numbers and have used eight of them so far, with one of the uses trivial enough to relinquish
19:38.48EmleyMoor... leaving me three available for faxing, if a way ever comes
19:39.05paulcit's funny how fax is still so prevalent
19:39.11paulcbut mostly for junk faxes/spam/etc
19:39.21EmleyMoorpaulc: My partner depends on it
19:39.38ManxPowerMaybe in your world.  My users depends on fax every day
19:39.49ManxPower(mostly contract and contract revisions)
19:40.01SuperGeekEmleyMoor: What provider do you use, and how much do you pay?
19:40.15jameswf-homeif someone could call so I can see if it is me or the provider? THX
19:40.38EmleyMoorvoiptalk. GBP 17.63 a month for the numbers, and top up my account 10 or 20 at a time when needed
19:40.57paulcI've got a DID with voiptalk.. they're pretty good, I've been happy with them..
19:42.24EmleyMoorNot sure if, across my 10, I am limited to only 2 calls at a time or something, but there's only 2 of us here so that is just about enough
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19:43.00ManxPowerMost per min plans have unlimited number of calls, most per month plans only allow 1 or 2 calls at a time.
19:43.05*** part/#asterisk prg3 (
19:44.45paulcI'm still paying Telus $50/month for my fully bundled home phone line.. I should SO port to VoIP and pay $2.50/month + per minute, for the amount I use it
19:44.53paulcinternet down? use the cell phone
19:45.06paulc$500/year savings = plenty of beer :)
19:45.24EmleyMoorI still use BT for calls on which they are cheaper
19:45.32ManxPowerEmercency services?  911, 113
19:46.11EmleyMoorWeekend/evening 0[123],, most 0[89]., 0087 (if ever!)...
19:46.23EmleyMoor999/112 goes out over them too
19:47.23paulcYeah.. emergency services is the only thing I'd worry about..
19:47.39EmleyMoorAs it happens, I have only accounted for 03 numbers as of today!
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19:47.54paulcthe other option is make my smart ring number that I never use my prime line, strip all features, but it's still $25 to 30 a month.. for something I'd barely use
19:48.00jameswf-homewho needs 911,
19:48.25ManxPowerjameswf-home: only people that will soon be dead anyway, so why worry about it?
19:48.47paulcLOL it's all about risk and probability
19:49.25EmleyMoorThere's a strong rumour of emergency calls being allowed over VoIP here soon
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19:56.38nanexEvening guys! I'm just about ready to purchase some hardware for a PBX, and I'm between a TDM410 with 4 FXO, or a Grandstream GXW4104 and was wondering if someone here could point me in the right direction. Both seem to do the same, but the TDM is 600+ dollars, and the GXw is about 200.
19:56.57jbotGrandSuck phones & gateways are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice.
19:57.04jbotsomebody said phones was  While personal preference will dictate which phone works best for you, general consensus on a rough order of quality and suggestibility is as follows:  Polycom (any), Aastra 480i, Aastra 5i Series, Cisco 7940+, Linksys SPA-9XX, Snom, and finally everything else.  Do not consider Grandstream phones.  Ever. places like such as
19:58.26nanexWow, didn't know it was that bad... I'll go with the TDM then, thanks :)
19:59.17ManxPowernanex: there may be similar non-grandstream products out there -- keep searchng
19:59.27EmleyMoorI certainly haven't had a problem with my TDM card apart from the echo, and I gather that was part of the rationale behind the TDM410P
19:59.41EmleyMoorIf I could get a bare 410 cheap I'd try it
20:00.00nanexyup, will do, thing is I live in Mexico, and there's not much supply here... need to find a Digium reseller
20:00.20EmleyMoorThe supplier I bought mine from seems to have vanished too
20:10.11SuperGeekWhat's wrong with Grandstream
20:10.20paulcuh.. everything? ;-)
20:10.22paulcnah, I kid..
20:10.28paulcthey're "alright" but they're not great..
20:10.31SuperGeekI see
20:10.35jbotGrandSuck phones & gateways are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice.
20:10.36paulcI like Sipura ATAs
20:10.39EmleyMoorThey have a reputation for poor build quality
20:10.40SuperGeek^^ That says differently
20:10.46paulcjbot speaketh the truth
20:10.55ManxPowerThe GS HARDWARE is not that horrid, but they could not write stable firmware if their lives depended on it.
20:11.05paulcwhen I worked for a supplier of VoIP gear, we definitely had more GS returns than any other brand
20:11.22ManxPowerWith GS products you just keep trying beta firmware versions until you get one that works for YOUR usage patterns
20:12.26EmleyMoorI still like my ancient phone
20:12.36*** join/#asterisk dkwiebe (n=Darren@
20:13.56dkwiebegreetings everyone.  I have a new building of asterisk  It seems to work fine except that there is no audio from the sound files.  I can talk between phones without a problem.  I'm using ulaw on the phones and the sound files are in .ulaw
20:14.06EmleyMoorI am looking, once I've moved perhaps, to get some IP phones
20:14.28ManxPowerdkwiebe: you also upgraded zaptel, didn't you?
20:15.24dkwiebeahhh, that might be my problem.  I'm on zaptel 1.2.25
20:16.02dkwiebeno, 1.2.25 is the most recent version of zaptel in the 1.2 series
20:16.34dkwiebeI'm using Sangoma hardware patched into the zaptel drivers
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20:18.52MrTelephoneim not too impressed with any of that realtime stuff
20:19.01MrTelephonehow come sip show users doesn't show users that are in the database?
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20:20.49ManxPowerdkwiebe: rmmod ztdummy, then start asterisk, if that fixes it, then it's a common problem.
20:21.47ManxPowerI don't remember the fix, as I don't use ztdummy, but a search of the mailing list should help.
20:21.49jbotrumour has it, mailinglist is Asterisk mailing lists can be found at ,  Search the archives by adding "" to your Google search.
20:21.52*** join/#asterisk ruied (n=ruied@
20:21.53jbotrumour has it, mailinglist is Asterisk mailing lists can be found at ,  Search the archives by adding "" to your Google search.
20:22.09ManxPowerCooolll, jbot ignored the stray .
20:22.12dkwiebeERROR: Module ztdummy does not exist in /proc/modules
20:22.21dkwiebeK, I'll check the mailling archives.
20:22.23ManxPowerdkwiebe: lsmod does not show it either
20:22.28dkwiebeno it doesn't
20:22.35ManxPowerthen that is not your problem
20:22.49ManxPowerThe problem ONLY happens when ztdummy is loaded.
20:23.03dkwiebek, then I won't try rebuilding it. :-)
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20:40.02MrTelephonedoes anyone here know how openser handles rpid?
20:40.13MrTelephonebecause asterisk handles it properly
20:40.30MrTelephonewhen you set a privacy tag it will mangle the from: header with unkown uknown@ip
20:40.43dkwiebeInteresting, it's definitely something with zap.  I set the zaptel module to not load and it works perfectly.
20:40.58MrTelephonedkwiebe what are you trying to do?
20:41.36dkwiebeMrTelephone:  This relates to the problem I mentioned earlier.  I can talk between phones but the sound files don't give audio
20:42.00MrTelephonetry only using ulaw
20:42.30MrTelephoneare you reinviting?
20:43.09MrTelephonedisallow=all allow=ulaw
20:43.48MrTelephonei spent all morning working on some realtime solutions and they all suckd
20:44.00MrTelephoneyou might as well just use the conf files
20:45.13dkwiebeMrTelephone: reinvites are turned off and I just tried using only ulaw.
20:45.31dkwiebeMrTelephone: I'll try a different version of the sangoma stuff too.
20:45.51MrTelephonei use sangoma as well
20:46.01MrTelephonewhat about your phones?
20:46.16MrTelephoneare they setup to allow ulaw?
20:47.01dkwiebeyes, wip330 and aastra 480i.  They're talking ulaw.  In case it was a sip thing I tried zoiper in iax2 mode but it didn't change it.
20:49.17MrTelephonetry eyebeam x-lite and see if you get audio
20:49.47MrTelephonedid you debug rtp to see if asterisk was sending rtp?
20:50.05paulca guy I was talking to the other day had some weird problem with audio.. he'd go to voicemail and it would think he wasn't saying anything and timeout after x secs of silence
20:50.13paulchint was something about a video frame, in the console
20:50.28paulcended up being some crazy fucked up thing he was doing between 1.4 and 1.2, looping calls round and back again
20:50.47paulcunrelated? probably.. you're doing direct device <--> single server right?
20:51.11MrTelephonedoes googletalk work or is that another shit option?
20:51.15filewaves to paulc
20:51.30paulcchucks a DVD at file
20:51.41gr0mitMrTelephone, can you explain your prb
20:52.10gr0mitor was it dkwiebe ?
20:53.00*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
20:53.24gr0mitgoedenavond lesouvage
20:53.53MrTelephoneno i was just bing an asshole
20:54.05MrTelephoneis mad at realtime and MWI
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20:54.20MrTelephonethe voip-info wiki about that should be removed
20:54.23gr0mitgave up with realtime peers
20:54.25MrTelephoneits the most bogus shit i've seen
20:54.38MrTelephonejust make a peer for every mailbox
20:54.50lesouvageIs it possible to prioritise an outbound number in a way that even if all channels are busy, channels are freed and the outbound call can be set up.
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20:55.04lesouvagegr0mit: hoi
20:55.30gr0miti used to live in assen - saw your hostname ;-)
20:56.06lesouvagegr0mit: you see my hostname when I enter the channel?
20:56.47lesouvagegr0mit: And do miss the anual TT races.
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20:57.00gr0mityup - i remember the TT-weekend
20:57.08paulcI thought that was an Isle of Man thing?
20:57.16gr0mitand Assen
20:57.24paulcwho knew?
20:57.28paulcgoes off to google Assen
20:57.33gr0mittook my first driving lesson round the assen TT circuit ;-)
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20:59.28lesouvagegr0mit: I've had a party at the VIP place a couple of month ago. It is really a great place. And the party is real nice. (lots of beer, bands and excitment till dawn)
20:59.45lesouvageVIP place of the TT circuit
20:59.48gr0mitwell i lived in Assen in about 1982
20:59.57gr0mitfor 18 months or so
21:00.50gr0mitguess the place has changed beyond recognition
21:01.35gr0mitare you in the centre of assen, lesouvage ?
21:01.43lesouvagepaulc: Assen is the only city in the world with a circuit specially build for moter races. This weekend we had Superbikes race with 60.000 visitors.
21:02.06lesouvagegr0mit: yes
21:02.20gr0mitused to live off Beilerstraat
21:02.37gr0mitopposite het Asserbos
21:02.44x86 <-- my new computer
21:02.57lesouvagegr0mit: just a couple of 100 meters away
21:02.58paulcunrelated, but can anyone recommend a good brand/model of FRS radio?
21:03.24lesouvagepaulc: we seem to be in off topic mode
21:03.27gr0mitTaxusplantsoen 6
21:04.07gr0mitmy old address
21:04.26gr0mitporblabyl long since demolishe now
21:04.40gr0mitwas an old prefab house with a flat roof!
21:05.20lesouvagegr0mit: they have demolish a lot for the sake of progress
21:05.40gr0mitaah yes, 'progress'
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21:20.09lirakisx86: "sweet"
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21:22.40RobHBleh, I do not recall how to do this, how to I turn on colors in the cli?
21:23.16RobHnocolor=no in asterisk.conf
21:23.20RobHbut I still have no color
21:32.46paulcI'm laughing at "nocolor=no" - the double negative is silly.. it's like a girl I work with who always codes her features with a disable flag so the default to on.. what's wrong with turning features ON with a flag?
21:35.26Guggemanddefault should be what you expect is gonna be most used
21:38.33paulchmm.. depends.. we launch a new feature on our IVR product, we like to configure it off by default so it's out there, ready to be turned on, once it's been deployed.. then the brand team can turn it on when they're ready
21:52.33*** join/#asterisk phalcos (i=phalcos@unaffiliated/phalcos)
21:53.08lesouvageWhat is the english term when key2 on phone 1 has a blinking light when phone 2 is busy (so I can google for more info about this feature)
21:55.00lesouvageShrikE: thanks
21:58.01lesouvageShrikE: what does the abbriviation BLF means?
21:58.06paulcalso known as BLF or busy lamp field
21:58.11paulcoh - there you go - good timing :)
21:59.02lesouvagepaulc: I don't think ever answered a question that fast.
21:59.19paulcluck of the window flipping :)
22:03.22MrTelephonebusy jerking off field
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22:11.59paulcbusy jerking off all over the walls, as my friend Josh once said..
22:16.36MrTelephonethere is one to do it on
22:17.48paulcdamn putty and it's right clickedness
22:17.49*** join/#asterisk mandd (
22:17.50paulcsorry :-$
22:18.36manddi keed getting, when trying to install asterisk on freebsd 7
22:18.55manddtried everything, updating ports, different versions of openh323
22:19.02manddstill can't get it to work
22:19.05manddany ideas?
22:19.30RobHinteresting, anytime I get more than a few ougoing calls to teliax, it becomes unreachable...
22:23.42MrTelephonevery interesting
22:23.50MrTelephonewhat is your upstream?
22:32.46*** join/#asterisk WilliamK (
22:32.46RobHgot it working
22:32.52RobHit seems that i had qualify set
22:33.06RobHand as more calls occured, the latency to the voip provider got higher and higher
22:33.17RobHuntil * did what qualify tells it to do, and called it unreachable.
22:34.13JayTee52where do you set qualify?
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22:39.17dssmanAnyone know what would cause a:  WARNING[2812]: chan_sip.c:12724 handle_response: Remote host can't match request NOTIFY to call '503a10d40b71493844fb1c7c6e9b8123@'. Giving up.
22:40.49RobHdamn cli isnt showing color still, how annoying
22:42.04paulcdo you get colours when you do a directory listing?
22:48.55lesouvagedssman: cheque your password and username info. I think that causes your problem.
22:50.12lesouvageIs there a way to have a hotdesk logged of automaticaly at a given time
22:52.03lesouvageso when somebody doesn't log off from his flex desk phone callswill not be routed to the phone on the desk the next working day
22:57.11*** join/#asterisk Toerkeium (i=Toerkeiu@
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23:14.16paulclesouvage: I haven't played with queues in ages but I thought you could auto log agents out if they don't answer calls in X seconds?
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23:29.16[TK]D-Fenderlesouvage, depends how you implemented "hot-desking"
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23:35.47lesouvage[TK]D-Fender: do you have a link or some proper words to google?
23:36.43[TK]D-Fenderlesouvage, can you just clarify what you call "hotdesking" and how it is that you implemented it?  Perhaps I can suggest something following that.
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23:39.15lesouvage[TK]D-Fender: It is actualy a demand in a tender paper so I haven't implement de hotdesking yet. What I call hotdesking is when you login on the phone system on any desk and after login the phone works as your phone with all the features of your profile.
23:41.00lesouvage[TK]D-Fender: I have done the logging part before but no one aseked for an automatic logoff. Maybe it doable with a system call using the at command?
23:42.44[TK]D-Fenderlesouvage, I'd probably add an entry in a "kick-off" file or DB of some sort with the time, and run a cron process to do this.
23:42.57[TK]D-Fenderlesouvage, a lot of relatively easy ways to do that.
23:44.08lesouvage[TK]D-Fender: I got the point, its not that hard as I thought it would be. at is a kind of one time cron job so our ideas fit more or less. Thanks!
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23:47.39[TK]D-Fenderlesouvage, When would you schedule an auto-kick-out for?
23:49.35lesouvage[TK]D-Fender: it is for use in a flex office. If somebody leaves without lgging out the phone will ring the next day while he/she is on the beach spending aday off. They want the phone to logg off so calls can't be routed on a not available base.
23:50.27[TK]D-Fenderlesouvage, So basically just a fixed-hour end of day cleanup?
23:50.48[TK]D-Fenderlesouvage, Oh, thats so much easier....
23:51.22[TK]D-Fenderlesouvage, that tracking in a "relative to login" per-ext basis

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