IRC log for #asterisk on 20080421

00:01.16JTi like 8P8C console connections
00:01.29JTdon't have a horrible big db-9 connector
00:01.44JTcheaper connectors, easy to deploy highly dense serial console servers
00:02.50drmessano10P10C is better.. You can run 120V AC on the extra pair.. keeps the wire cutters at bay
00:07.19pejo_Hmm. Is it proper behavior to send acks for acknowledgement of 200 OK messages?
00:09.09*** join/#asterisk AzMoo (n=matt@unaffiliated/azmoo)
00:09.18pejo_I think that would be a nice gesture
00:10.34AzMooI'm looking for something that can answer a call and output the voice to a microphone interface. Can asterisk do that?
00:12.01pejo_connect your line out to your line in
00:12.04pejo_and you are set to go
00:12.23pejo_you need one of those cables that you get when you by an mp3 player
00:14.22JTpejo_: check the RFC for SIP
00:14.23AzMooThat is incredibly awesome.
00:14.38pejo_AzMoo: It doesnt solve your problem
00:14.59AzMoooh, I see what you mean by connect.
00:15.11drmessanoYeah, cause line level audio and mic level audio are the same...
00:15.12drmessanoErr not
00:15.15pejo_AzMoo: You can record Voice with asterisk, but i dont think asterisk stores audio in a proper format.
00:15.58AzMooI can use vgetty to record voice, convert it to wav, and output, but it can't do it realtime. That's what I'm looking for.
00:17.41drmessanoYou can get asterisk to put the call on the line out.. but you'll need a 8ohm to 1.2k ohm transformer or the audio will be ass on the mic in
00:18.48drmessanoYou also stand the risk of putting the 5VDC on the mic jack into the sound card, or shorting it to ground, or both, if you use a standard patch cable
00:18.59drmessanoSo you need to research the schematic a bit to do that
00:22.20*** join/#asterisk jpeeler (
00:23.36AzMooMaybe a full explanation of the problem will help. I don't know if I'm looking for the right solution. One of our companies has gone and installed a PA system which was supposed to work with the phone system. Unfortunately some wires got crossed (metaphorically) and it's only got mic in. No capability to answer calls. I want something I can put between the two so they can use their phones to control the PA.
00:24.38JTa sip phone with auto answer
00:25.02jblackHow about... some crap phone with auto-answer. You can snip the speaker wires, and hook those up to the PA in.
00:30.42AzMooYeah, ok. I was clearly thinking waaaay too far into that.
00:31.05AzMooThanks guys.
00:31.31*** join/#asterisk seanbright (
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00:48.25*** join/#asterisk gmaruzz (
01:07.56*** join/#asterisk ZaVoid (
01:09.37*** join/#asterisk Igbothom_3rd (
01:12.36jblackWhy does the pope need security?
01:13.17drmessanoBecause the Catholic church spent thousands of years upping the ante?
01:13.33*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
01:15.07JThe's coming her to cause logistical chaos in july
01:15.14JTi mean world youth day
01:15.19jblackPoor guy.
01:15.39jblackYou, not the pope.
01:16.17drmessanoI bet markster has high security 24/7
01:16.56drmessanoYou just never know when a member of the Nation Of Freeswitch or the Federation of United Callweavers is going to want to send a message
01:17.36jblackAssuming the basic tenants of cathlicism, the pope is infallible. He _cant_ make a mistake. He's also supposed to be best friends with the only supposed Omniscient, Omnipotent being in existance....
01:18.00jblackSo, with God in his pocket, why does he need to hire out muscle at hourly rates?
01:18.38drmessanoDunno.. you saw how well it worked out for god's kid.. how well is his best friend supposed to do?
01:18.55jblackBut Jesus supposedly died on _purpose_.
01:18.56AzMooGod is dead. Just ask Nietzsche.
01:19.29drmessanoIm sure the pope has the same arrangement with god that I have with my best friend
01:19.43drmessano"Id do anything for ya... except take a bullet"
01:20.20jblackNo matter which recipient for the bullet I choose, it doesn't look good.
01:21.19drmessanoWord of advice
01:21.26jblackpun intended?
01:21.47drmessanoIf you're going to try to assassinate god.. Don't shoot STRAIGHT up... even a slight angle will make all the difference
01:22.27jblackI think that everyone agrees that god can't be killed. We only differ as to the reasons why
01:23.26drmessanoI have bad luck with omnipotent beings.. I once formatted a BSD box and installed Windows 98 on it.  It never did seem to run right after that.
01:23.30AzMooEveryone except Nietzsche.
01:23.44jblackoh man, tell me you didn't
01:24.01jblackazmoo: even nietzsche.
01:24.06drmessanoBSD sucks
01:24.24drmessanoIt's like "Intentionally Hard Linux"
01:24.26jblackSure... but there's other stops you could have made than win'98.
01:24.51drmessanoThis was 8 or 9 years ago
01:25.00jblackI hear that openbsd just got around to supporting wpa
01:25.27*** join/#asterisk [intra]lanman (
01:25.33drmessanoNothing says secure like a rock hard OS with a WEP connection
01:26.24jblackbah. You can always put a clean,secure tunnel across the cess pool that is the internets
01:27.12drmessanoUsing WEP is like saying "I don't have to lock the console.. no one here understand *nix"
01:27.43drmessanoNothing annoys me more than being lax about basic pieces of security
01:28.13jblackwe differ slightly.
01:28.25jblackI'd rather put the laser beams on the doors, rather than on the outside fence.
01:28.55drmessano"Where" is not the issue
01:28.57AzMooIf you've got enough laser beams, why not put them on both?
01:29.15drmessanoIf you're lax about basic things, you're going to be lax about the rest
01:29.17jblackazmoo: Because before too long, it takes you 38 minutes to take out the trash.
01:29.21drmessanoor half ass it
01:29.43drmessanoA person that doesnt floss every day isn't brushing their teeth for 3 minutes
01:30.06tzangerdrmessano: I brush mine probably a little over 2 minutes every day
01:30.18jblacktcp/ip is by definition an unsecured network. I belive in being sane and careful on the dmz, but that's not where I primarily focuse my attention.
01:30.19tzangerhaven't had a cavity or any gum disease in years
01:30.23drmessanoA person who ignores an open console is probably using 1234 as his pin on his debit card too
01:30.32tzangeractually no cavity since my adult teeth came in, and sometimes a little inflamed gums
01:30.33drmessanoBecause no one will steal his wallet
01:31.24*** part/#asterisk seaq (n=seaq@
01:32.03jblackI think we agree on the basics, and just disagree on where to place emphasis.
01:32.33drmessanoAgain, it's not about WHERE
01:33.28drmessanoYou don't pick and choose how secure you are.. you either are, or you aren't
01:33.33drmessanoThere is no grey area
01:37.22jblackThere we definitely agree. At best, you think you're secure until you know you're not. =)
01:37.44jblackdisagree, that is
01:39.30drmessanoYoure completely missing the point
01:39.40*** part/#asterisk [intra]lanman (
01:39.58jblackI must be.
01:40.07drmessanoIf I called you in to consult
01:40.14drmessanoand started showing you my network
01:40.35drmessanoFirst thing you asked me for was my root password for my 11 linux servers
01:40.45drmessanoand I said "They're all 'root'"
01:41.08drmessanoWould you suspect AT ALL, that maybe there's some other places I have done stupid shit?
01:41.30jblackYeah, I'd suppose that you'd done nothing but stupid shit.
01:41.32MavvieNone of my FreeBSD machines has a root password...
01:41.40drmessanoNot totally
01:41.42drmessanoBut you wouldn
01:41.50drmessanoBut you wouldn't assume that's all I have done
01:42.05drmessanoYou would at least double check some things.. just to be certain
01:42.20drmessanoAny reasonable outsider would.. because it's human nature..
01:42.22MavvieAnybody with username root password root on Linux (where it is allowed to login) doesn't own his machine.
01:42.47drmessanoIf they slacked off in one place.. chances are.. if you keep digging, there will be others
01:42.56jblackAgreed. I would be very skeptical that reasonable measures had been taken.
01:43.37jblackBut look at the flip side of it. If you see a wireless network with... say wpa-40, are you going to go in assuming gross negligence?
01:43.40drmessanoSo you're argument of WHERE is irrelevant
01:44.20jblackI do think the where is irrelevant.
01:44.22drmessanoI would definitely assume they did the same other places
01:44.32jblackOh, sure, in that particular case, absolutely!
01:44.36drmessanoIf they had WEP-40, I would take a second look
01:44.40drmessanoat everything
01:44.56jblackI think a second look is always in call.
01:45.10drmessanoWas thinking wep
01:45.23drmessanoWPA would at least be one less reason to think gross negligence
01:45.24jblackI don't see wire security as the same red banner as I do access security.
01:45.29drmessanoBut 64 bit WEP.. yeah
01:45.32*** join/#asterisk BeeBuu (n=beebuu@
01:46.02drmessanoIf I saw 64-BIT wep, or root/root as my first intro to their security, I would be very skeptical
01:46.12drmessanoI would have no reason to think everything else was rock solid
01:46.16jblackThese days, it's just far, far, far to easily to go around the outer bastions at the dmz.
01:46.53*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (n=nighty@
01:46.58drmessanoaccess security is far easier to break than wire security
01:47.45jblackOne bad email, one pesky "power user", one compromised piece of commercial software, you have a tunnel. *One* pointy-hair that decides he wants to use his laptop when he has a smoke, and you have wpa-nothing. And where's the outer firewall then?
01:48.16jblackAll of the resources you invested on the outer bastion have gone to pot. Resources that could have been used on internal hardening.
01:48.43drmessanoIf you were practicing end to end security, you wouldnt have that problem
01:48.46jblackwhich doesn't mean I think one should abandon all attempts... but you can't make reinforced concrete out of swiss cheese.
01:48.52drmessanoWhich is where the lax comes in
01:49.42drmessanoHaving 64-bit wep isn't your downfall.. The Windows box with Napster on it in your NOC, because locking down workstations is a waste too, is
01:49.46drmessanoNote the "TOO"
01:49.54jblackI can tunnel networks over _dns_ packets.
01:51.16jblackI honestly think that at the end of the day, regardless of well meaning attempts, you have to assume that the barbarians are already inside the gates.
01:52.53jblackYou can only prevent the honest from bridging the dmz, so that's really as far as you should go.
01:53.21drmessanoWhich is why "WHERE" should never be an issue..  not locking a console logged in as root on a critical box is just as bad as that 64 bit wep connection.. depending on the opportunity
01:53.37drmessanoBut chances are, the person that did one, would do the other
01:53.40drmessanoand much more
01:53.52jblackThat's where you're not hearing me. I don't see them as equivilant.
01:54.15jblackI see one as terrible, and the other as only slightly annoying.
01:54.31drmessanoI see both as a sign there's probably 100 other things they were lax on too
01:54.40drmessanoYou're not seeing the big picture at all
01:54.54jblackWhen we put money in a bank, we put it inside a safe inside the bank. We don't put the entire bank within the safe.
01:55.43drmessanoYou dont walk into someones house, find trash all over the floor of the front room, and crap smeared on the walls and expect better from the rest of the house
01:55.44jblackThat was rather disrespectful on your part. I suggest we drop it for now.
01:59.07jblackregardless, vim is better than emacs
02:06.30Nuggetand of course
02:07.35*** join/#asterisk esaym (
02:22.02bitzerodrmessano: re your earlier statement of "BSD sucks.  It's like 'intentionally hard linux'"
02:22.08bitzerowhat the hell is wrong with you?
02:22.22bitzeroFreeBSD == fisher price my first unix.
02:22.29bitzeroit's so stupidly and annoyingly easy.
02:23.03drmessanobitzero: Do you even understand the first shred of "Humor"
02:23.11bitzerooh, hah.
02:23.13bitzeroapparently not.
02:23.17drmessanoYeah, no
02:23.33bitzeroI think I'll just shut up now.
02:23.51drmessanoI think FreeBSD is a great OS.. meant to secure the most stable and mission critical of environments
02:24.08drmessanoPentagon, Cheyenne Mountain, Microsofts headquarters
02:24.36JTi dunno if theo de raadt would agree
02:24.52JThe probably has a song about why openbsd > freebsd
02:25.24drmessanoOpenBSD has only had 2 security vulnerabilities in the default install since day 1
02:25.33drmessanoIf you don't count the users
02:25.40drmessanoThen it's like 8 million
02:29.41andrewnanyone here used tmobile's new UMA?
02:29.50andrewnany any experience with SIP on a blackberry?
02:34.34*** join/#asterisk Raiderman (
02:34.38Raidermanhi there
02:34.45*** join/#asterisk blq (
02:34.58Raidermanany one here have running CentOS with asterisk ??
02:35.03*** join/#asterisk blq (
02:37.07glazA lot of people do.
02:38.15*** join/#asterisk djs26 (n=djs@unaffiliated/djs26)
02:38.21x86heya djs26
02:39.23djs26How goes it?
02:39.29Raidermanim new into the asterisk world
02:40.58Raidermanim makeing all the book said to instal asretisk on slackware 12 distribution and i have ishues to get install all the packages that need for compiling asterisk zaptel and libpri on virtuaBOX runing under windows
02:41.28djstunes out when he reads that last word
02:41.33drmessanoOh god
02:41.42drmessanoWhy are you doing that?
02:41.52Raidermanfirts try
02:42.02Raidermani just have a laptop and a desktop
02:42.15drmessanoYou wont learn anything installing it all on a VM under virtualbox
02:42.39drmessanoand you'll be fighting issues that you wont know the source of
02:42.55Raidermanand im trying in the laptop with virtualbox and then im instalina new harddrive in the desktop to make the final release
02:43.10*** join/#asterisk gmaruzz (
02:43.14Raidermani see
02:43.41Raidermani will install mirc on my laptop and then i will relog again
02:43.51Raidermanwith a nre harddrive
02:44.10Raidermani just want to take the demostration on the laptop
02:44.45lmadsenjblack: my drawing skills suck :)
02:51.32lmadsenif someone doesn't want to take the time to read, then I don't have the time to help, them... at least that's my view point
02:51.57lmadsen(there was an unnecessary comma in there)
03:01.31*** join/#asterisk m4sk4r4 (n=m4sk4r4@
03:06.16*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
03:07.25*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
03:08.03drmessanoListenting to Radiohead while setting up a new box should be a _requirement_
03:08.15drmessanoMaybe "dependency" is a better word
03:08.25drmessanoDo you have Radiohead cranked up (y/n)?
03:23.14*** join/#asterisk Raiderman (
03:23.26Raidermanweee finaly
03:24.56Raidermanim installing slackware minimal instalation to get a new asterisk instalation
03:24.57*** join/#asterisk dlynes_laptop (
03:26.16dlynes_laptopbuena noches everybody
03:27.23Raidermanhumm por fin despues de 3 dias entrando y encuentro una persona que habla espanol, Buenas Noches
03:29.20NovceGuruanybody familar with the cisco phones? I can successully get sip firmware 6.3 loaded but for the life of me I can't load anything higher
03:30.07NovceGuruTrying to load 7.5 I get "protocol application invalid"
03:30.50tzafrir_homeRaiderman, what happened to the Debian isntallation?
03:31.29Raidermani cant make to install the make package
03:31.44Raidermanto follow the instructions on the astrisk manual
03:34.53Raidermanso i deside to leave the virtualbox
03:35.23Raidermanand make a install finaly
03:38.45drmessanoRaiderman: What happened to the CentOS install?
03:39.22Raidermancentos dowload servers are too slow i havent get the firs cd yeat
03:39.38tzafrir_homeRaiderman, on Debian: aptitude install build-essentials
03:39.42Raidermannow i have devian and slackware
03:40.43tzafrir_homeNot to mention: aptitude install asterisk
03:41.07Raidermanlet me try that
03:42.10*** join/#asterisk lmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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03:44.08Raidermanok aptitude install asterisk done
03:44.12Raidermanwhat now
03:44.30*** join/#asterisk s0lid (n=s0lid@
03:45.10Raidermantzafrir_home: what now
03:46.16tzafrir_homeYou have Asterisk. 1.2 , but still functional
03:46.26tzafrir_homeWhat do you want to do with it?
03:49.15*** join/#asterisk joshaidan (
03:50.30Raidermanwell i want to install a 3com phone
03:50.58*** join/#asterisk jameswf-home (
03:51.44jameswf-homeHoly world of warcraft batman..... he isnt talking about the Druid asterisk gui
03:53.51*** part/#asterisk gmaruzz (
03:55.08tzafrir_homeRaiderman, so next you should look at sip.conf
03:57.43Raidermantzafrir_home: i run asterisk with safe_asterisk &
03:58.10tzafrir_homeRaiderman, no, you shouldn't
03:58.29tzafrir_homeAsterisk is a service, and as such, you start it with: /etc/init.d/asterik start
03:58.44Raidermanlet me shutdown it first
03:59.26Raidermanstop now done
03:59.38tzafrir_hometo check if asterisk is running, use 'rasterisk' (which is the same as 'asterisk -r', but nicer for tab completion)
04:00.04Raidermani did and it wass runing afther i hit safe_asterisk &
04:01.24*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
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04:03.40Raidermanok i did /etc/init.d/asterik start
04:03.49Raidermanbut service do not start
04:03.55jameswf-homelmao I think drmessano sis this
04:04.34tzafrir_homehmm... look at /var/log/asterisk/messages
04:04.52tzafrir_homeI suppose that running Asterisk first time as root leaves some files owned by root
04:05.12tzafrir_hometail /var/log/asterisk/messages
04:05.29tzafrir_homeDo you see anything about "permission denied" or something similar?
04:06.08Raidermanok lets try this
04:09.15drmessanoSIP: Just say no
04:09.38tzafrir_homedrmessano, what's wrong with SIP?
04:09.42Raidermanin the message and aswell in the last time that i run asterisk with safe_asterisk & i get 2 errors one that i dont have files in /usr/share/asterisk/mohmp3 folder and the other that i cant spawm mp3player
04:09.45*** join/#asterisk WilliamK (
04:10.12tzafrir_homeWhat was the last line in the file?
04:10.40RaidermanUnable to spawn mp3player debian-pc /var/log/asterisk#
04:10.58tzafrir_homeAnd asterisk isn't running?
04:11.12tzafrir_homehmmm.... asterisk has no permissions to write to the logs
04:11.31Raidermanfirst fisrt
04:11.34tzafrir_homels -l /var/log/asterisk/messages
04:11.56drmessanotzafrir_home: I was referring to the link james posted
04:13.23Raidermantzafrir_home: done
04:13.35Raidermanthats the file where i get the errors
04:14.00*** join/#asterisk dkwiebe (
04:14.47tzafrir_homeRaiderman, what is the output of that command?
04:14.58Raidermanwhen i execute /etc/init.d/asterisk start i get a message "Starting Asterisk PBX: asterisk."
04:16.13Raidermanwhen i execute ls -l /var/log/asterisk/messages i get "-rw-r--r-- 1 root 1476 2008-04-20 19:55 /var/log/asterisk/messages"
04:18.52SomethingISODDis there any php/manager api programmers around tonight?
04:19.12SomethingISODDi cant figure out what i am doing wrong i was hoping someone could look over my work and help me figure out my mistake
04:21.54tzafrir_homechown asterisk: /var/log/asterisk/messages
04:22.19tzafrir_homeRaiderman, ==^
04:22.54Raidermantzafrir_home: Done
04:23.21tzafrir_homenow: /etc/init.d/asterisk start
04:23.37tzafrir_homeIf asterisk fails to start again, tail that fail
04:23.48tzafrir_hometail that file, that is
04:24.41Raidermantzafrir_home: ERROR[1959] logger.c: Unable to create event log: Permission denied
04:25.03tzafrir_homewell, let's just chown back that whole directory:
04:25.14tzafrir_homechown -R asterisk: /var/log/asterisk
04:25.58[TK]D-FenderSomethingISODD, pastebin....
04:25.58tzafrir_home('asterisk:' is a shorthand for 'asterisk:<the default group of asterisk>')
04:26.42Raidermana lot more errors
04:26.56tzafrir_homeWhat are they?
04:27.08tzafrir_homeIf it's more than 3 lines, use a pastebin
04:27.14jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
04:30.00Raidermanunable to open asterisk database, unable to open pseudo channel for timing sound may be choppy
04:30.22Raidermanerror swlconnect
04:30.54Raidermanunable to open directooy /var/spool/asteris/outgoing
04:31.07Raidermanerror sqlconnect
04:31.51dlynes_laptopRaiderman: when posting error messages for someone to help you with, you should always copy and paste them; never type them in
04:32.19*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
04:32.40dlynes_laptopRaiderman: because you typed it in, we don't know if your typing has a typo in it when you were typing to irc, or if it has a typo in it, in your dialplan somewhere
04:32.55Raidermandlynes_laptop: thanks for the advice but im running asterisk in virtualbox and i dont know how to copy from virtualbox and mirc
04:33.00SomethingISODD[TK]D-Fender I know for sure its something i am doing wrong but this is what i have
04:33.06*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
04:33.07SomethingISODDsorry its not very clear to follow
04:33.39dlynes_laptopRaiderman: you're using linux?
04:33.47*** join/#asterisk znoG (
04:34.02SomethingISODD[TK]D-Fender i think my only problem is i can not get all of the lines from the socket to run through the last two parts of the script.
04:34.16tzafrir_homeRaiderman, asterisk database: /var/spool/asterisk/db
04:34.20dlynes_laptopRaiderman: if so, highlight the text using your left mouse button, and then in the window in which you wish to paste, hit either your middle button (if you have one), or your left and right mouse buttons at the same time
04:34.23tzafrir_homeRaiderman, asterisk database: /var/spool/asterisk/astdb
04:34.27*** join/#asterisk ptimmins (
04:34.56ptimminshey I just added "generic name" (caller id with name) support to libss7/asterisk 1.6.0-beta7.1
04:35.01ptimminshow do I go about submitting these changes
04:35.16tzafrir_homeUnable to open a pseudo channel: you can try installing zaptel / ztdummy . But that's for later (generally install the package zaptel-source, and use: m-a a-i zaptel)
04:35.53[TK]D-FenderSomethingISODD, Undefined variable: i in /var/www/html/manager.php on line 43
04:36.04[TK]D-FenderSomethingISODD, what part about this is NOT blatantly obvious?
04:36.20drmessanoWhat's a line?
04:36.28[TK]D-FenderSomethingISODD, You're using a variable in a while loop that you NEVER INITIALIZED.  What the hell do think it would contain on the 1st iteration?
04:36.48SomethingISODDsorry i forgot to copy the part where its defined
04:36.53[TK]D-Fenderstabs drmessano in the eye with a rusty spork
04:37.06[TK]D-FenderSomethingISODD, Guess what, it ISN'T, hence the error
04:37.39SomethingISODDits not really an error i am getting the issue is i can get the full information thats put in to wrets,
04:37.47tzafrir_homeRaiderman, again, also chown the outgoing directory
04:38.27[TK]D-FenderSomethingISODD, and this : while ($i >= 10){  and then  $i++;.  It gets BIGGER and the loop continues from 11 to inifinity only?
04:38.51[TK]D-FenderSomethingISODD, You loop logic is fubar'd
04:39.04drmessanoThat looks like a piece of Vista source
04:39.52SomethingISODD[TK]D-Fender agreed my loop is fsked, but the loop i dont believe is the issue, my issue i think is getting all of the information/lines out of wrets, the loop i will fix as soon as i figure out why i cant get all of the data
04:40.31[TK]D-FenderSomethingISODD, You aren't processing the data properly so what makes you believe you are missing any int he first place?
04:41.33Raidermantzafrir_home: done the errors are now for the database
04:41.49Raidermanhow do i setup mysql to be used by asterisk
04:43.37SomethingISODD[TK]D-Fender can you recommend the correct way of doing the while loop?
04:44.09[TK]D-FenderSomethingISODD, Sorry, you need to get a clue about what you're doing.
04:50.31tzafrir_homeWhat database? If this is about e.g. postgresql or odbc - ignore them for now
04:51.02Raidermantzafrir_home: mysql
04:51.48tzafrir_homejust as well
04:51.53jameswf-homewhile [$STATUS == "NEWB"] ; do
04:51.54tzafrir_homeharmless for now
04:52.16tzafrir_homejameswf-home, you have a syntax error there :-p
04:52.46jameswf-homeI call it phbash an odd perversion of php and bash
04:52.49tzafrir_home(Not to mention the bashsm)
04:53.09jameswf-homedont make me add a perl
04:53.36tzafrir_homeWell, perl makes it much easier to just say what you want
04:53.43jameswf-homemy $status
04:53.54tzafrir_homedo something unless ($NEWB);
04:53.59drmessanoif [$code = %%unstable] { release; }
04:55.09drmessanowhile [$memory == $leaking #
04:55.13jameswf-homeSELECT * FROM #asterisk WHERE `title` = 'dungeon master' AND
04:55.21jameswf-homeok nm
04:55.34drmessanoNice try, paladin
04:56.04jameswf-homeLets see how many languages I can destroy
04:56.20[TK]D-Fender10 PRINT "I  AM GOING INSANE!"
04:56.25[TK]D-Fender20 GOTO 10
04:56.33drmessanoIf you were in my guild, I would rainfire your cloudsong
04:56.47drmessanoDamn straight
04:56.50*** part/#asterisk ptimmins (
04:56.57jameswf-homemain() {
04:58.15*** join/#asterisk hads (
04:58.53jameswf-homefor (;;) { System.out.print("NEWB ");}
04:58.54drmessanoon *:INPUT:*:*asterisk*: { say $chan ZOMG I R VEEOHEYEPEE }
05:00.42*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=angeldav@
05:01.37jameswf-homethinks it all looks a little C to me
05:06.05Raidermantzafrir_home: you there
05:06.59Raidermanim trying to continue configurig asterisk using the manual and looks like the version that i have of asterisk dont have dialplan command
05:07.35Raidermani just want to Install asterisk and used internaly with softphone
05:07.37Raidermanthats it
05:09.33tzafrir_homeRaiderman, use 'show dialplan' instead of 'dialplan show'
05:12.14tzafrir_homeI have backported a package of a newer version of Asterisk, but that requires adding a separate apt source and other messing
05:12.53Raidermani see
05:13.06[TK]D-FenderAKA : Holy shit stop wasting time downloading 10 distros and 15,000 packages and jsut build from friggen source!
05:13.06Raidermancan i use softphone to test this asterisk distribution ??
05:14.11Raiderman[TK]D-Fender: point me to the correct instalation please
05:14.30Raidermanim tryint to doing by the book but it dont work
05:14.32[TK]D-FenderRaiderman, Compile from source as described in THE BOOK
05:14.37jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
05:14.51[TK]D-FenderRaiderman, You know what, you aren't showing us ANTYHING, and this is a waste of our time.
05:15.20[TK]D-FenderRaiderman, go to and download asterisk, asterisk-addons, zaptel, etc and foolow the BOOK
05:15.21Raidermani dont like to waste the time of others
05:15.52Raidermani did but its said that you most configured with centos and the friking centos dont have a fst aserver
05:16.09[TK]D-FenderRaiderman, Doesn't have a what?
05:16.18Raidermanfast server to get centos
05:16.28[TK]D-Fenderfast server?!  huh?
05:16.49[TK]D-FenderRaiderman, Distro doesn't matter, I jsut said download * from SOURCE.
05:16.52Raidermanint that time i get suse, slakware and devian and centos dondt doenload yeat
05:16.53[TK] <-
05:17.19Raidermanok fine i will do it again
05:18.16[TK]D-FenderAsterisk 1.4.19 Zaptel 1.4.10
05:18.54[TK]D-Fenderall on the right bloody side.  Go download them and install as instructed by the BOOK, but before you do so remove any packages for * you previously installed
05:20.36Raidermanim installing devian from 0 point
05:21.05Raidermana clean install and then a build from source
05:22.14[TK]D-FenderOk, I'm done for the night, back later.
05:22.36*** join/#asterisk MooingLemur (n=troy@unaffiliated/mooinglemur)
05:22.45Raidermantzafrir_home: you there
05:26.45Raidermantzafrir_home: you there??
05:27.44*** join/#asterisk jicksta (
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05:34.40Raidermantzafrir_home: you there??
06:25.56*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
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06:33.44tzafrirRaiderman, there?
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07:24.16jblackI'm starting to understand on a deep level that people are willing to pay for being taught, as long as they can tell they're getting a good deal.
07:26.20Raidermanhi asterisk
07:27.50Raidermani just compile the sources that i need to install and run asterisk and instaltion is done well is just what to use asterisk with sotfphone software can any one point me to a free one that i can make tests
07:29.47jblacksure. Try Ekiga.
07:30.25jblackThere is also.. Twinkle.
07:36.22*** join/#asterisk pa (n=pa@unaffiliated/pa)
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07:45.46DarKnesS_WolFtzafrir: there?
07:46.09DarKnesS_WolFprviate :)
07:46.29tzafrirRaiderman, twinkle is nice for experimenting (if you work on Linux)
07:46.40*** join/#asterisk mikkel (n=mikkel@
07:49.03Raidermani finaly install asterisk from source in debian
07:49.17Raidermanbut the isue is that im runing it froma virtual box
07:50.04Raidermani download sjphone program and i dont know how to configure it to access the asterisk in the virtualbox
07:50.29*** join/#asterisk kannan (n=kann@
07:50.50kannanhello all
07:52.14*** join/#asterisk cmantito (
07:53.13kannanWhen i get an incoming call on a SIP DID number on my Asterisk box, from another Asterisk box(on which I have no control whatsoever), is there any way to determine whether there is a 3-way call established? in other words whether the calling party has done a attended transfer into my Asterisk box?
07:57.35*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
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08:05.21sysadmin-lb22hey all..using asterisk..with no mgmnt portal..first time I use it with not mgnmt..I need to setup two extensions just to make sure it is working right...opened extensions.conf..what now ?
08:06.40sysadmin-lb22should I setup my extension in sip.conf and the dialplan in extensions.conf  ?
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08:31.59tzafrirRaiderman, hos is that "virtual" system configured? behind NAT? on your LAN (bridged)?
08:35.37Raidermanim using a virtualhost interface
08:36.40*** join/#asterisk SanityIO (n=SanityIO@
08:39.12tzafrircan you ping it?
08:45.57*** join/#asterisk stimpie (
08:47.21Raidermanim tring to but i have debian configured as dhcp and im tryting to change the configuration to a fixed ip
08:48.13Raidermancause ehn i try to dhcp the virtualbox net adapter dont get any ip from the router
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09:05.45sysadmin-lb22hey all I setup an extension in sip.conf but I am getting this error Registration from '"1234"<sip:1234@>' failed for '' - No matching peer found
09:05.49sysadmin-lb22anything I missed here ?
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09:13.31tzafrircan you pastebin the relevant section from sip.conf ?
09:13.35tzafrirsysadmin-lb22, ==^
09:13.57sysadmin-lb22tzafrir sur
09:15.22*** join/#asterisk lftsy (
09:16.08sysadmin-lb22tzafrir first time missing it is
09:17.17tzafrirsysadmin-lb22, re-add host=dynamic
09:19.04sysadmin-lb22tzafrir did that..same result..should I also keep the ip
09:19.27tzafrirHave you reloaded to apply configuration changes?
09:19.36tzafrirreload, or 'sip reload'
09:20.34sysadmin-lb22I stop and restart asterisk
09:20.46sysadmin-lb22tzafrir this is a testing system that I jsut installed
09:21.48sysadmin-lb22make ..make install and make samples
09:21.56*** join/#asterisk quaqo (
09:22.16tzafrirchange the name from [tester] to [1234]
09:22.28tzafrirregexten is completely unrelated here
09:23.50*** join/#asterisk lftsy (
09:24.13sysadmin-lb22it worked thanks
09:24.20sysadmin-lb22now I want to setup 4321
09:24.23sysadmin-lb22same thing of course
09:24.34sysadmin-lb22but do I need to do anything else for the two to call themselves
09:24.40sysadmin-lb22or does that work out of the box ?
09:25.38tzafrir"call themselves" means you need to set this up in the dialplan
09:25.49tzafrirthe dialplan is where you wire things up
09:25.56*** join/#asterisk lftsy (
09:26.02tzafrir(extensions.conf, normally)
09:26.50sysadmin-lb22tzafrir ..yes I meant I logon with both  accounts on dff pcs pn the same LAN as the Asterisk..and then I want them to be able to call each other..
09:28.40tzafrirYou have not set the context (context=), and thus the calls from that device start in the context [default]
09:28.46*** join/#asterisk ccesario (
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09:29.32sysadmin-lb22so I need to define a context for both
09:29.36tzafriryou can call numbers from that context. e.g.: if you use the sample extensions.conf you can use 600 for an echo test and 500 for a test IAX call
09:29.42sysadmin-lb22then go to extensions.conf
09:29.46sysadmin-lb22setup [myContext]
09:30.17tzafrirYou can also add there: exten => 5678,1,Dial(SIP/4321)
09:30.44tzafrirwhich will make the number 5678 dial to the SIP device with the name 4321
09:30.45sysadmin-lb22where 5678 is the extension allowed to dial 4321
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10:00.18yangI would like to cut some numbers in the Dialplan is it possible , so that +386412345... becomes 0412345...?
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10:04.46hadsyang: Yes, certainly.
10:07.33yangDo you know how
10:09.06hadsThere are many examples on the net, something like exten => _9.,1,Dial(Zap/g1/${EXTEN:1})
10:12.37yangthat would cut just 9
10:12.47yanghow do you add a digit in the middle?
10:17.04*** join/#asterisk ruied (
10:21.00ruiedI have asterisk storing cdr in postgres. If operator makes a call to the outside (A); than place call (A) on hold; than makes an inside call (B) and transfer (B) to (A). I can't make a match in cdr table with the call A and B to make a total time for billing. Is there any way so I can do this?
10:22.53*** join/#asterisk gmaruzz (
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10:49.06ZynaHow do I do it, that if the phone isn't answered the voicemail starts and if it is answered it just hangs up afterwards... its is somehow done by the priority number but I cant find it in the book atm
10:49.23Zynawasn't it +100 or so?
10:49.41Zynaor +101
11:06.44yangZyna: there is a good short manual on setting up voicemail in the book
11:06.53jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
11:13.52*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
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11:24.35grEvenXis there anyway to store the results of func_odbc calls in an hash table?
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11:34.21grEvenXseems there is a HASH function in SVN for the func_odbc
11:34.30*** join/#asterisk igascream (
11:38.13ZynaI sthere anything I have to keep in mind when running asterisk on a pub vServer?
11:38.26Zynax-lite just wone connect... with 408
11:38.35shasta22942 root      17   0 25200  12m 6324 S  162  1.4  83:24.99 asterisk
11:38.41*** join/#asterisk dagobart (
11:38.54jqlyou lucky bastard
11:39.08mwallingshasta: sheesh... quit breaking it!
11:39.26shastastrace shows it's stuck on reading fd 18
11:39.50shastalr-x------ 1 root root 64 2008-04-21 13:34 18 -> pipe:[67882]
11:39.50shastal-wx------ 1 root root 64 2008-04-21 13:34 19 -> pipe:[67882]
11:40.12jqlmy asterisk is way too busy leaking memory to read fd 18
11:43.14shastaport response time 1.998s to localhost:5060
11:44.47*** join/#asterisk quigon (n=matias@
11:45.04dagobartMaybe you'd lol, but is there a chance to borrow a Digium BRI card somewhere to get used to config asterisk to handle the card and line? Currently, we've got a BRI line but a PRI card only (since we want to switch to PRI once we get used to handle asterisk).
11:45.34*** join/#asterisk sysreq` (n=sysreq@unaffiliated/sysreq)
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12:02.01awkhmm, never tried this... but if passing a call to an exten and nobody answere after 40sec how do you get the call to go back to the person that did the transfer?
12:03.11agxawk, it does not do automatically, you have to check how to this in dialplan using BLINDTRANSFER vars (or whatever its called)
12:03.39awkso it is possible
12:05.38ZynaI can't believe I'm having such a hard time just setting a basic SIP configuration up for VoIP over the Inet
12:05.43*** join/#asterisk hi365 (
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12:24.52agxawk, yes its possibile
12:25.30agxawk, of course you have to introduce some delay in the call-back because you can get it BUSY for the transferrer... hopefully keep Call-Waiting active or have a Queue on a single phone enabled
12:26.30agxawk, A->call->B->transfer->C; if C is busy you have to be carefull that B should never B in busy state :) or poor A will be lost in your dialplan :-P
12:31.11igascreamNeed some help , I recive something like this : DEBUG[9920] dsp.c: ast_dsp_busydetect detected busy, avgtone: 120, avgsilence 80
12:31.23awkI see, thanks
12:31.43igascreamWhere does it take this nombers from?
12:32.06nixguyis it possible to add variables to  the metmee application?
12:32.30igascreamAnd how can I change this nombers/
12:34.46*** part/#asterisk rolek (n=rolek@
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12:39.16[TK]D-Fenderigascream: indications.conf
12:41.04*** join/#asterisk af_ (
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12:57.49defsworkare there any IAX incompatibilities between different versions of asterisk ?
12:58.36BCS-SatoriGood morning, is there a way to have asterisk not automatically answer the call on a POTS line and answer it once the caller picks up the phone?  For example, we have implementing asterisk with several phones to co-exist with a current pbx for demo purposes.  The client wants to tie their personal phone lines (POTS) into each system. I would like it to not answer the call unless the caller pickups the phone that is assigned to asterisk.
12:59.25*** join/#asterisk Ubluzok_ (n=ubluzok@
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13:08.34achuMy asterisk box was working good, now it start showing voicemail problems
13:08.45nixguyachu: what kind of problems?
13:09.02achuand the caller is hang up
13:09.14achuit was working good earlier
13:09.25achuand not changed anything
13:09.46achuI restarted the server, and while it was coming up
13:09.57achuit works and went to VMbox
13:10.00[TK]D-FenderBCS-Satori: * Doesn't auto-answer anything.  You do that.
13:10.13achuafter a minute it started the problem again
13:10.33achuI also tried to recompile asterisk and zaptel
13:10.36*** join/#asterisk Guggemand (i=Guggeman@
13:10.43achubut the problem still there
13:10.52[TK]D-Fenderachu: That isn't a VM problem.
13:10.57BCS-Satori[TK]D-Fender: something in asterisk is causing the system to answer the call, when i break the audiocodes conenction to asterisk it no longer answers the line.  Would Dial() to ring the phones cause it do it?
13:11.08[TK]D-Fenderachu: And unregeistered peers SHOULD fail.
13:11.29[TK]D-FenderBCS-Satori: If you pass "r" or "m", yes
13:11.43*** join/#asterisk Ron56 (n=ron@2001:41d0:1:2873:0:0:0:1)
13:11.48BCS-Satori[TK]D-Fender: i don't believe that i am let me check
13:11.52Guggemandcan i somehow disallow one codec on calls comming in on 1000@ip and allow it on 1001@ip ?
13:11.59achu[TK]D-Fender: ] but if a peer is unregistered and have voicemail enabled it should go to the vm right ?
13:12.13*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@
13:12.19[TK]D-FenderGuggemand: "These both un-authed calls?
13:12.41[TK]D-Fenderachu: VM enabled?  What is this magical state you're referring to?
13:13.03achu[TK]D-Fender: yeah its set to trwW
13:13.17[TK]D-Fenderachu: Bad.  Go fix it.
13:13.35achu[TK]D-Fender: ?
13:13.59*** part/#asterisk gmaruzz (
13:14.01[TK]D-Fenderachu: Sorry, bad aim.  that has nothing to do with VM.
13:14.30achuk, but can you help me to find out what the problem is , please
13:14.55[TK]D-Fenderachu: Well you haven't shown me anything useful.  PASTEBIN is your friend....
13:14.57jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
13:15.34Guggemand[TK]D-Fender any idea if that can be done with un-authed calls ?
13:16.14[TK]D-FenderGuggemand: You might be able to detect the codec in your dialplan, but you can't force it during negotiation.
13:16.26[TK]D-FenderGuggemand: After which you could ahng up.
13:16.40Guggemandahh okay :)
13:16.56*** join/#asterisk justdave (n=dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
13:17.41Guggemandi guess ill have to live with g711 on all my channels then :)
13:21.38jbot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
13:22.42*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
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13:43.30sysadmin-lb22hey all I want to setup a default route that takes all calls and just redirects tehm to PSTN..what should I add to extensions.conf
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13:46.56[TK]D-Fendersysadmin-lb22: Too generic a statement, and there is not such thing as "default route".
13:47.34[TK]D-Fendersysadmin-lb22: Just add some catch-all extension patterns to thhe inbound centexts used by the devices you want treated similarly and have them point to the same place.
13:47.41sysadmin-lb22[TK]D-Fender, I just want whatever extension dialed by my sip phone to be redirected to my PSTN gw
13:48.50[TK]D-Fendersysadmin-lb22: Then make a pattern like "_!" and do your dialout.
13:49.33*** join/#asterisk telenieko (
13:49.45lirakis_workto match any extension that is has 2 or more digits that are 0-9 is this the correct pattern?
13:50.21lirakis_workbasically .. i dont know if the * works like in globbing ...
13:50.28lirakis_workand i cant find docs on it
13:50.34teleniekoHi. When a call comes in on my "default" context, and it then calls Queue; How can I pass a variable from "default" to the context of the Queuemember? (my queuemembers are Local/XXX@membercontext)
13:50.40[TK]D-Fenderlirakis_work: "_XX!"
13:51.00[TK]D-Fenderlirakis_work: and no, "*" is the literal * DTMF
13:51.00*** join/#asterisk justdave (n=dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
13:51.05lirakis_workthanks tk
13:51.31[TK]D-Fendertelenieko: it is inherited directly.  Go read up on channel variable inheritance on the WIKI
13:51.32*** join/#asterisk Ebola (n=Ebola@unaffiliated/ebola)
13:51.33jbot[~wikis] VoIP Wiki covering Asterisk, FreeSWITCH, TrixBox, SER, OpenSER, sipX, CallWeaver, and YATE. (c) Arte Marketing Inc / CommPartners
13:51.58tzafrirlirakis_work, hmm... actually, your .* will work, but for the wrong reason
13:52.07nixguyis there a variable for conference number?
13:52.32tzafrirThe '.' is the wildcard, and the '*' will be ignored (like everything after a '.')
13:52.34*** join/#asterisk GrumpyOldMan (
13:52.43[TK]D-Fenderlirakis_work: "." = 1 or more of any cha including "*"
13:52.50telenieko[TK]D-Fender, thanks I found it just now: Prepend the variable with "__" on Set() :))
13:52.59[TK]D-Fendertelenieko: Good.
13:53.07*** join/#asterisk putnopvut (n=putnopvu@
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13:53.15[TK]D-Fendernixguy: huh?
13:54.16nixguy[TK]D-Fender: well like ${confnumber}
13:54.29nixguyexten => 8841,1,Meetme(8841,icM)
13:54.39[TK]D-Fendernixguy: Variable created in which channel?  For what purpose?
13:55.13*** join/#asterisk mgroman (
13:55.14nixguyi currently have this setup for my 9 conf numbers
13:55.17mgromanhello all
13:55.22nixguy[TK]D-Fender:  exten => _199[0-9],1,MeetMe(${EXTEN},ics)
13:55.40Ron56i'm searching how to make a call forwarding to a external GSM number
13:55.41nixguyi want to user MetmeeAdmin to add som admin commands
13:55.44[TK]D-Fendernixguy: well ${EXTEN} clearly holds your conference #.
13:55.55nixguy[TK]D-Fender: mygod
13:56.13jbotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there, just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
13:56.15nixguyim such an idiot :) youre right if course i can use that there also :)
13:57.14[TK]D-FenderRon56: what is "call forwarding", and how would you reach this "gsm number"?
13:58.21Ron56[TK]D-Fender, i'm french , and the server is hosted by ovh wich gave me a number (in extensions.conf i had to add : exten => _X.,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@beta-ovh))
13:58.41[TK]D-FenderRon56: Ok, and...?
13:58.52Ron56and call forwarding is like, if i dont hung up on my computer , my gsm ring
13:58.58Ron56(sorry for my english)
13:59.10Ron56it switch from the computer to the GSM
13:59.32[TK]D-FenderRon56: go dial out your provider at whatever point in your dialplan you want then.
13:59.32*** join/#asterisk justdave (n=dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
13:59.58[TK]D-FenderRon56: and that doesn't "switch" from anywhere.  Once you reach taht point in yrou dialplan it wil dial out.  That is all.
14:00.33*** join/#asterisk Ubluzok (n=ubluzok@
14:00.44[TK]D-FenderRon56: So if you want to dial a phone you consider "internal" and upon NOANSWER dial out via your provider, then put that dial right after the first one.
14:01.37Ron56sorry i'm a beginer with asterisk :s
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14:07.32[TK]D-FenderAnyone about who's had experience with embedded * solutions using CF + platforms like Soekris / Alix / etc?
14:07.59sysadmin-lb22hey all how to enable debug or trace mode for sip packets in asterisk
14:08.10nixguy[TK]D-Fender:  some experience towards CF Linux and embedded platforms yes but not Soekris or Alix
14:08.19[TK]D-Fendersysadmin-lb22: "sip debug" at CLI
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14:11.42nixguyis it possible to gain access to the MeetmeAdmin from inside a MeetMe conference?
14:11.53nixguyi want users to basically be able to "lock" the conference room
14:12.46shastanixguy,  's' -- Present menu (user or admin) when '*' is received ('send' to menu)
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14:13.06shastaadmin menu gives you opportunity to lock the conference
14:13.28nixguyshasta: i tryed that but no locking option ins mentioned in the admin menu by the the voice
14:13.33nixguyim using * 1.2
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14:15.23Zynahey folks, I'm having a hard time configuring my x-lite (linux) it says I am connected but asterisk shows unspecified... I  can successfully dial any exten but from the otehr peer
14:15.29Zynamy echo() exten works
14:15.36Zynavoicemail() exten works
14:15.44Zynabut 101 I receive 603
14:16.23shastanixguy, oh. i'm using 1.4 :)
14:16.30BCS-Satoriis there a way to execute a pause on an outbound trunk dial on the first digit going out for lets say 1 second.  The underlying pots carrier requires a 9 for outbound, and the system is dialing to fast and is dialing before the second dial tone appears
14:16.44nixguyshasta: dammit i'd really like that option
14:17.45*** part/#asterisk hacim (n=micah@debian/developer/micah)
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14:19.55[TK]D-FenderBCS-Satori: Who are you getting to your POTS line?
14:20.18[TK]D-Fendernixguy: Then they'd have to log in as an admin in the first place.
14:20.32[TK]D-Fendernixguy: You can't elevate a user's rights once they've logged in.
14:21.43BCS-Satori[TK]D-Fender: you mean the carrier? its part of a city sinces its a city organization, would the "w" command work for the pause?
14:22.32[TK]D-FenderBCS-Satori: What exactly is letting you GET to the PSTN?
14:23.57BCS-Satori[TK]D-Fender: We have an audiocodes mp-118 with 4 private numbers on the FXO ports.
14:24.31[TK]D-FenderBCS-Satori: then you need to see if you can add a delay based on what you dial, otherwise you'll have to configure the MP yourself ro it if you CAN
14:25.31BCS-Satori[TK]D-Fender: now i see on under the Dial() a "w" command which says its adds .5 second delay where placed, would that work you think?
14:26.10[TK]D-FenderBCS-Satori: no, thats only for Zap which is why I asked how you were getting to the PSNT
14:27.00nixguy[TK]D-Fender: hmm thnx for the tip, that could have worked. But unfortunately other admins arent locked out when you lock a conference. Basically i want to be able to "close The door" to the conference. And i want anyone to be able to close it....
14:27.12nixguyand i just want one number to do it
14:27.16nixguywithout any auth
14:27.21[TK]D-Fendernixguy: "one number"?
14:27.30nixguyyou call 2000
14:27.34[TK]D-Fendernixguy: what does that mean?
14:27.41nixguythe once all the people you wanted to join have joined you "lock" the room
14:27.45nixguyso other people cant enter
14:28.12mgromanat rhyme bouts, you dial 9, just to get a line out
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14:30.03MrTelephonedoes anyone know if those linksys routers with ata built in does QOS on the voice traffic?
14:30.30MrTelephoneok nevermind
14:30.38MrTelephoneI skipped that feature in the datasheet
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14:31.04MrTelephonelinksys rocks for making equipment like this
14:31.13MrTelephoneI'm tired of using those cisco ata186's that don't work
14:32.09nixguy[TK]D-Fender:  everyone calls in on exten => _199[0-9],1,MeetMe(${EXTEN},aics) since everyone is an admin anyone can "lock the room"  wich is good. I dont want to complicate things with some kind of auth. The problem is that admins can enter even if the room is locked
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14:37.26[TK]D-Fendernixguy: Thinkg is someone has to be able to unlock the room,a nd that seems to be the same people who lock it.  What you want really isn't viable.
14:37.39[TK]D-Fendernixguy: Probably require recoding.
14:38.58nixguy[TK]D-Fender: ok thnx for you time,  basically i dont want people bargin into conference rooms, i will make them bookable resources on our intranet instead if people respect the bookings it should work out anyway...
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14:43.19Ron56if i have someting like this in sip.conf : and i want to configure a voicemail , wich il the mailboxnumber ?
14:44.21jsmithRon56: You need to set something like "mailbox=1234@default", and then define the mailbox in voicemail.conf
14:44.34Ron56mmm ok
14:44.34jsmith(1234@default means mailbox 1234 in the "default" voicemail context)
14:44.43Ron56okay :)
14:44.57Ron56let's try :p
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14:51.55Ron56jsmith, it works ;)
14:52.26jsmithRon56: :-)
14:53.07Ron56i have ton install postfix or something like that for emails ?
14:53.33[TK]D-FenderRon56: * uses sendmail's CLI interface by default.
14:53.34jsmithYes, postfix or sendmail or qmail or exim or something similar, yes
14:54.02[TK]D-FenderRon56: You can install Postfix's sendmail compatibility interface rather easily to use as-is
14:54.24[TK]D-FenderRon56: CentOS and many other distros offer an easy MTA swithing script.
14:54.53Ron56i use to use postfix with postfix-admin script (mysql)
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15:02.58duna_clhi from chile
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15:07.05jsmithduna_cl: Buenos dias!
15:07.15jsmithduna_cl: What part of Chile?
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15:08.25grandpapadotChile = hot brunettes that will make you consider just not going home, ever
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15:11.55duna_clsorry for the late
15:12.10duna_cljsmith, i live in Santiago
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15:13.23jsmithduna_cl: I lived in Santiago for about six months
15:13.31duna_clgrandpapadot you visited us?
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15:17.10duna_cljsmith, woah that's cool, how long ago?
15:17.26jsmithduna_cl: About eleven years ago...
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15:19.26grandpapadotYea.  Like I said, almost stayed, lol
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15:20.08lirakis_worki dont know what a DID provider is sending... how can i "gaurantee" to match whatever they send in the context .. this is just for testing... can i just use the "s" extension? .. or do i have to match a Pattern like _X!
15:20.24grandpapadot.X_ but just make sure you understand the implication ...
15:20.25lirakis_work(trying to work with fyi)
15:20.53duna_cljsmith oh my, 11 years ago i 've 16 years lol
15:21.52[TK]D-Fenderlirakis_work: depends what they're sending
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15:23.14lirakis_work[TK]D-Fender: .. yeah .. i dont know what they are sending ... im looking at sip debug .. and im not seeing any invite when i make a call to the did they provide
15:24.40duna_clwell, i came here for help :D, libss7 support, i can pay with beers if the helper is around
15:25.42[TK]D-Fenderlirakis_work: If you can't get calls then its a moot point on caring how you handling everything that you aren't getting :)
15:26.22lirakis_work[TK]D-Fender: fair... just wanted to make sure it wasnt me missing some thing in the mesaging
15:27.07lirakis_work[TK]D-Fender: i get registration fine with sipgate ... but i get nothing on an inbound attempt
15:27.34[TK]D-Fenderlirakis_work: Networking failure or provider FUBAR then.
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15:30.57[TK]D-Fenderlirakis_work: Come back how/why?
15:31.53lirakis_work[TK]D-Fender: peer [sipgate] goes to a context [sipgate] that does Playback(tt-monkeys) ...  so i should dial out to the german DID .. it should route back to my pbx and hit the sipgate context .. and i should hear screaming monkeys
15:32.31[TK]D-Fenderlirakis_work: I'd make sure your ITSP lets you route back and that you're dialing the right number
15:33.37lirakis_work[TK]D-Fender: hmm .. ill try from some other service ... but yeah .. it takes me time to figure out the right dialstring for a lot if intl numbers .. they are so dang long  ...
15:33.50duna_clsomeone 've experienced with libss7 and pri (both svn version) on the same server?
15:33.51lirakis_work[TK]D-Fender: im dialing 0114918015557777432
15:34.03[TK]D-Fenderlirakis_work: Just go test.
15:37.11ManxPowerlirakis_work: whereis sipgate located, where are you located?
15:37.49ManxPower011 is a USA/Canada+countriesthatdountcount (aka NANP), in much of the rest of the world it's 00
15:37.55lirakis_workManxPower: sipgate is in the uk i believe .. but i dont know ... im in the usa
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15:38.14lirakis_workManxPower: so . maybe i have to dial 00 and not 011
15:38.16ManxPowerlirakis_work: then chances are you are going to need eurodialing.
15:38.37[TK]D-Fenderlirakis_work: Chances are you should be checking with your PROVIDER to see how you should be formatting it.
15:39.01ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: Yes, that would be the LOGICAL thing to do, but this is #asterisk on a monday.
15:39.08Ron56i'm trying to configure voicemail, i add in extensions.conf exten => 123,1,Answer exten => 123,2,VoiceMailMain(1001@beta-ovh) exten => 123,3,Hangup
15:39.20Ron56it works but i asks me a password :s
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15:40.01ManxPowerRon56: that is correct.
15:40.02lirakis_work[TK]D-Fender: .. erm yeah .. its a freebie ..  going to germany to testify in a telco fraud case and wanted a local DID to get to my pbx
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15:40.21andrewyhas anyone tried running asterisk with xen? I'm mainly concerned that the PCI passthrough for FXO/FXS cards work
15:40.24[T]ankI am getting a bunch of these errors off and on: [Apr 21 09:36:55] NOTICE[17882] chan_zap.c: PRI got event: HDLC Bad FCS (8) on Primary D-channel of span 1
15:40.32[T]ankchecking with the provider everything is fine on their end.
15:40.40ManxPowerRon56: "core show application voicemailmain" should tell you how to prompt for a password.
15:40.40[T]ankwhat causes that error?
15:40.58ManxPower[T]ank: That meas you should start looking for a different job.
15:41.30[T]ankok, helpfull.
15:41.31jsmith[T]ank: I'd start by checking physical connectivity issues... HDLC errors are usually caused by bad cables
15:41.51ManxPower[T]ank: It actually means "I got corrupted data from the PRI".  This is usually caused by interrupt latency issues.  Could also be a bad cable, or bad line, but most often it seems to me it's a motherboard design problem
15:41.53[TK]D-Fender[T]ank: pastebin "cat /proc/interrupts" , "zaptel.conf", "zapata.conf", and "dmesg"
15:42.06[T]ankcould it bad a card failing?
15:42.16ManxPower[T]ank: It can also be one of the hardest problems to fix.
15:42.30ManxPower[T]ank: cards usually either work or don't work.
15:43.20[TK]D-Fender[T]ank: Could be, not please provide what I have requested
15:43.36ManxPower[T]ank: [TK]D-Fender may use a different process to troubleshoot, but you should listen to him or you are never going to get this fixed.
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15:43.54[T]anklol... you gotta gimme a sec do do it ;-)
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15:44.14ManxPower[T]ank: every second you take is a second we will never get back.
15:44.34ManxPowerand since almost every person here helps for FREE.....
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15:47.59ManxPower[T]ank: what span is the telco?  1?
15:48.40[T]ankits 4 pris with a dchan on 1 (nfas)
15:48.42ManxPowerthen why are you not getting sync from the telco?
15:49.02ManxPowerOh!  So you have FOUR PRIs from the telco?
15:50.15ManxPower[T]ank: Actually you are getting sync, that's the 2nd field.  Never seen sync priorities of 3 and 4, but I guess they could be valid.
15:50.53jsmithManxPower: They're valid... just not commonly used
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15:51.11ManxPowerjsmith: thanks
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15:51.43ManxPower[T]ank: to me everything looks good.  Now go replace the cables from the telco to the asterisk for span 1
15:51.54ManxPoweralso run a zttest
15:52.00[TK]D-Fender[T]ank: dmesg is too flooded.  what ver of *, and I need a cleaner dmesg
15:52.51ManxPower[T]ank: I'll bet this is what is doing it: ide-cd: cmd 0x3 timed out
15:53.11ManxPowerIDE timeouts could really screw up interrupt latency
15:53.39outtoluncheard the word free, i must be involved <G>
15:53.41[T]ankok... how can i keep that from happening?
15:53.56ManxPower[T]ank: why is your system trying to access the CD drive?
15:54.15[T]ankgood question, it shouldnt be.
15:54.25outtoluncis there anything in the cdron
15:54.28outtoluncer m
15:54.36ManxPower[T]ank: well head over to #yourdistro or #linux
15:55.21[T]ankyeah, will do. thanks
15:55.22ManxPowerI suspect it's some sort of automounting supercd thingy
15:55.39ManxPower[T]ank: but first just remove the CD from the drive
15:56.15ManxPower[T]ank: expect to spend a day or two on this issue before you finally find a fix -- and you may find the only fix is to replace the system, but that's fairly uncommon
15:56.47ManxPower[T]ank: make sure you are running the latest zaptel for your version of Asterisk.  There have been some fixes put into zaptel to redice these errors as well
15:57.05*** part/#asterisk andrewy (i=andrewy@
15:57.31outtoluncwould just disable the cdrom via bios or with a screwdriver <G>
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15:59.01outtolunchears beeps as johnny backs up the truck with a winch... hook her up and step on the gas
15:59.12[TK]D-Fenderouttolunc: I'd simply pull the power from it :p
15:59.51outtoluncthen it wouldn't get used/tested elsewhere
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16:00.08momelodgreetings chanel
16:00.15outtoluncanyways.. i think the the massive destruction method is best <G>
16:00.33momelodhas anyone here had success w/ a cisco ip 7985G video phone?
16:00.49momelodi was able to get it working with voice, but not video
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16:06.02vader--is it possible to monitor a line with only listening on one end
16:06.08vader--for like call center monitoring
16:06.51jsmithvader--: Yes
16:07.12vader--can i do it from the console?
16:07.32jsmith-awayvader--: No, not easily
16:07.51vader--i thought maybe it was possible to pick up a line from the console
16:08.01bsdwarriorin my dialplan I changed extensions used for dialing out from having the same priority I.E 5 to n for those and it stopped working. any ideas
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16:10.24bsdwarriorhere is an example -
16:11.44mgromanbsdwarrior: To use 'n', I think you need to define the first priority as 1
16:11.58mgromanbsdwarrior: Otherwise, Asterisk wont know where to start in that extension
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16:12.48mgromanbsdwarrior: Its like if( NULL == NULL ) ... well what does NULL equal?
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16:13.49teleniekoHi again, question 2: Is it possible for variable to go trhought IAX? (I set variables on box A, then locate user on box B and want to have variables from A available on B when placing the call).
16:14.09bsdwarriorngroman - thanks
16:14.25mgromanhey man, its mgroman!
16:14.35jsmithtelenieko: Yes, but I think you have to apply an extra patch to make that work... (not sure if it got incorporated into Asterisk 1.6 or not)
16:15.43teleniekojsmith thanks, i'll google for that ;)
16:15.52bsdwarriorI meant mgroman ! :)
16:22.50[TK]D-Fenderbsdwarrior: well I guess it depends on the FIRST 20 priorities...
16:23.20[TK]D-Fenderbsdwarrior: You can't show us that and have us assume that either version you show works, because at face value I'd say "no" outright.
16:24.03[T]ankManxPower: thanks for the advice. I have my system admin looking over the server hardware and he is seeing some issues that he can resolve. I appreciate the guidance.
16:24.34[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Good call on the CD BTW
16:26.11bsdwarriortkd-fender yeah I know it works up until this point howerver.
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16:27.01Ron56can't make my voicemail work , when i call the number i set to listen to messages , it ask me the password :S
16:27.09bsdwarriortkd-fender ill paste again
16:27.42[TK]D-FenderRon56: As well it should.  So go ENTER the password yous et for that box in voicemail.conf
16:28.14Ron56[TK]D-Fender, i did it :S
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16:28.52Ron561001 => mypassword,ron,,,attach=yes|review=yes
16:28.55[TK]D-FenderRon56: You need to reload for changes to take effect BTW.
16:29.24jsmith-awayRon56: "module reload"
16:29.52Ron56No such command 'module'
16:30.41ManxPower"core reload"
16:30.50ManxPowerRon56: Why did you not read upgrade.txt ?
16:31.16Ron56ManxPower, i install it with debian packets
16:31.22Ron56packages sorry
16:31.32Ron56and No such command 'core'
16:31.34ManxPowerRon56: It's not our fault you did not read the docs.
16:31.49ManxPowerRon56: go read upgrade.txt and you will know what you need to know.
16:32.00[TK]D-FenderRon56: "reload"
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16:32.45ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: does 1001 => mypassword,ron,,,attach=yes|review=yes look weird to you?  looks like a missing comma
16:33.02[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Not in a place I care about to anser his question...
16:33.23ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: true
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16:35.31[TK]D-Fenderbsdwarrior: well you can't do "n", because it looks for a previous numbered exten for the EXACT pattern match for which you have none.
16:35.38bcnlanyone here know how to do custom diaplans with Cisco 7960's?
16:35.39tzafrirRon56, you have Asterisk of version 1.2
16:35.53[TK]D-Fenderbsdwarrior: And that is a hideous way of spilling over from one pattern to another and I can't believe it even works.
16:35.55tzafrirLook for the first edition of the Asterisk book for documentation of that...
16:36.02bcnlmy internal extensions begin with #, aka #XXX and the cisco just goes fast busy as soon as I enter the #
16:36.34ManxPowerbcnl: I guess you need to read the admin docs for your phone
16:37.00tzafrirRon56, generally for most things just drop the 'core' . e.g: reload , or: show version
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16:38.07mknerdhey, trying to execute an bash script agi, it is telling me that there is no such file or directory
16:38.23mknerdbut the file and path it says the does not exist, does
16:38.30mknerdthat does
16:38.33outtoluncmake sure it is in the agi-bin dir and it is executable
16:38.42mknerdit is chmod 777 for now
16:38.50mknerdand it is in /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin
16:39.00outtoluncdid you reload/restart asterisk?
16:39.06bsdwarriortkd-fender I didnt write the code, dont sacrfice me. lol. any suggestions to make it work ?
16:39.07mknerdyes, several times
16:39.22outtoluncthen your agi is broken <G> turn on agi debug
16:39.36mknerdthx .. ill see what that says
16:39.42[TK]D-Fenderbsdwarrior: well You already know how to make it work as you've stated, I just said I'm SURPRISED that it does.
16:40.06[TK]D-Fendermknerd: PASTEBIN is your friend....
16:40.08jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
16:40.23bsdwarriortkd-fender the working code I didndt make the work im changing it to the one that doesnt work, I dont know where im stuck
16:41.10bsdwarriortkd-fender do you mean switching from _9.,   to _91888XXXXXXX
16:41.14bsdwarriorand etc
16:41.25mknerdthats from /var/log/asterisk/full
16:41.56[TK]D-Fenderbsdwarrior: I already told you, you can't do "n" without three being a STARTING entry for that EXACT patter.
16:42.21mknerdand there is the ls of agi-bin
16:42.35Ron56i will try this later
16:42.36mknerdi don't understand how it is not finding it
16:42.41*** part/#asterisk Ron56 (n=ron@2001:41d0:1:2873:0:0:0:1)
16:42.56bsdwarriortkd-fender line 3 ?
16:43.08[TK]D-Fenderbsdwarrior: UHGSDDSKHGDGSJHGSDSD
16:43.09mknerddoh .. typo in the shebang
16:43.19[TK]D-Fenderbsdwarrior: I'm not repeating myself again on this.
16:44.08mknerdand that was the problem
16:44.25*** join/#asterisk doolph (n=doolph@
16:44.33bsdwarriortkd-fender - im not an expert, and dont even understand what you are saying. you could simply say line X is busted and that would help
16:44.36[TK]D-Fenderbsdwarrior: exten => _91888XXXXXXX,n,DIAL(ZAP/g1/${EXTEN:1},100,TrW) --- will not work because you have NO  exten => _91888XXXXXXX,1   anywhere.
16:44.46doolphhello, when people call to my fxo lines its getting busy line
16:44.51[TK]D-Fenderbsdwarrior: How many more times do I have to say it?
16:44.53doolphhow do I check if they are stuck?
16:45.18jsmithdoolph: "zap show channel X", where X is the channel number... that'll show you whether they're on-hook or off-hook
16:45.23[TK]D-Fenderbsdwarrior: Youi can't use "n" without there being a "1" for that EXACT pattern.  * does not give a shit about your "spill-over", it will NOT inherit the "next number" from it
16:45.27bsdwarriormy guess is line 16 is busted
16:45.40[TK]D-Fenderbsdwarrior: No, all of your "n"s are busted!
16:45.55[TK]D-Fenderbsdwarrior: You cannot do ANY OF THEM.
16:46.17bsdwarriorso just keep them numberd then
16:46.38doolphjsmith how do I check why its getting busy tone?
16:46.44[TK]D-Fenderbsdwarrior: Yes, welcome to 10 minutes ago.
16:46.59*** join/#asterisk duna_cl (n=notengo@
16:47.06seanbrightgets some popcorn
16:47.17bsdwarriortkd-fender, ok. have a beer. wow
16:48.21jsmithdoolph: Is the line off-hook?  If so, it's already got a call on it
16:49.04doolphI had to do a zap restart
16:49.22doolphthen it fixed the problem
16:50.09doolphit is not fixing the problem
16:50.33doolphI had to restart asterisk
16:50.37igascreamDoes anybody knows about DTMF problem of MP-202 my Asterisk can't recognize it's busy signal?
16:51.01[TK]D-Fenderigascream: bust != dtmf.
16:51.20[TK]D-Fenderigascream: You need to go read your MP-202's manual
16:51.21igascreamHanup signal
16:51.28[TK]D-Fenderigascream: Same thing...
16:51.33*** join/#asterisk ThatKidKel (
16:53.03ThatKidKelProblem.  Two Asterisk Boxes, One Proxy Server, One Provider, One Phone.  If the call goes to box A, it performs a re-invite (As we want) and the call goes on.  If the call goes to box B, the call sets up but does not issue a re-invite.  What would cause such behavior.  Exact same config in sip.conf
16:53.25igascream[TK]D-Fender, already read they said Invalid RFC 2833 DTMF relay - The duration of the DTMF digits relayed over RTP per
16:53.25igascreamRFC 2833 is incorrect.
16:53.45*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
16:53.53[TK]D-Fenderigascream: Guess they aren't very RFC compliant..
16:54.16igascream[TK]D-Fender, can it cause this problem?
16:54.39[TK]D-Fenderigascream: Go read its manual.  Call progress should be handled by your gateway
16:54.56*** join/#asterisk jjshoe (n=jjshoe@
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16:56.03igascream[TK]D-Fender, But how can I recognize when a person hungup
16:57.01[TK]D-Fenderigascream: Last time.  Go read your device's MANUAL.  Its your device's responsibility.
16:57.11[TK]D-Fenderdoolph: No, its a SIP gateway
16:57.44*** part/#asterisk [T]ank (n=[T]ank@
16:58.52igascream[TK]D-Fender,no I use mp-202 only as an analog line I don't use it with SIP.
16:59.08*** join/#asterisk dogmeat (n=Bob@unaffiliated/dogmeat)
17:01.11[TK]D-Fenderigascream: an it communicates to * vai SIP.
17:01.42tzafririgascream, the mp-202 is your or one of your provider?
17:03.29[TK]D-Fendertzafrir : its an ATA
17:05.32tzafrirSo where is the problem of busydetect? surely not with an FXS ATA
17:06.59*** join/#asterisk Raiderman (n=raider@
17:07.07mgromanFor the record its Ren, for the street, its villian
17:07.09Raidermanhi all
17:07.25*** join/#asterisk ZPertee (
17:07.54igascreamtzafrir, of my provider.
17:08.14Raiderman[TK]D-Fender: hi man, my apologies for last night
17:10.50tzafrirRight, so it's not really something you can configure
17:12.07*** join/#asterisk Raiderman (n=raider@
17:12.31Raidermanhi all again
17:13.19*** join/#asterisk quaqo (
17:13.20Raidermanwhat i need to manage 2 separated locations with the same asterisk
17:16.22russellbthe internet.
17:17.05igascreamtzafrir, what is interesting is that i recive this when I don't specify busypattern :DEBUG[9920] dsp.c: ast_dsp_busydetect detected busy, avgtone: 120, avgsilence 80
17:17.45Raidermancan i use a framerealy ?
17:18.13jsmithRaiderman: Yes
17:18.28*** part/#asterisk viperdude (
17:18.37[TK]D-FenderRaiderman: If you can do IP then you're fine
17:18.38igascreamtzafrir, and it works
17:19.13*** join/#asterisk hfb (
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17:23.23russellb[TK]D-Fender: i prefer voice under IP
17:23.39Qwelltroll :p
17:24.12russellbit keeps me sane ..
17:25.01jsmithrussellb: I like voice *inside of* IP
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17:37.43momelodhas anyone here had success w/ a cisco ip 7985G video phone?
17:37.57Qwellmomelod: no, but feel free to send me one to get working with chan_skinny
17:38.19momelodQwell: i've got voice working w/ chan_sccp but no video
17:38.33Qwellneither chan_sccp nor chan_skinny support video
17:38.33momeloddo u know if video is supported in chan_skinny or chan_sccp?
17:38.45momelodcrap :(
17:38.46russellbbut if you send Qwell a phone ...
17:39.03Qwell(I wasn't kidding..)
17:39.11momelodQwell, i know
17:39.13Strom_Cthey're not kidding at all
17:39.24momelodwould i get the phone back?
17:39.44QwellI have no idea how long it would take to add support for it
17:39.54*** join/#asterisk TedNJ38 (
17:39.54russellb15 minutes
17:40.02Qwellit's unlikely that it would be on the top of my list. :D
17:40.04Strom_Cand thirty seconds
17:40.08*** join/#asterisk plik (i=gorph@phalse.2600.COM)
17:40.10TedNJ38Can someone help me please?  I have a regular phone line at home and I also have an Asterisk Box at home.  Does anyone know of a good dual cordless phone that would support both?
17:40.22*** join/#asterisk zelip (n=felipe@nat/hp/x-386077e106a93eb1)
17:40.32momelodhow about sip, is there a firmware i can install that will make this phone use sip instead
17:40.44russellbTedNJ38: get a TDM410 and plug the phone line into the asterisk box
17:40.45Qwellzelip: Are you here to fix HPs phone system?  Please tell me you are. :)
17:40.48Strom_CTedNJ38: there are several very good multiline Panasonic phones out there...or you could save fifty bucks and get an FXO card instead
17:41.00*** join/#asterisk Silicium (n=marco@
17:41.05doolphTedNJ38 uhh??
17:41.12Siliciumanyone know how enable "hint" on Snom phones?
17:41.18Siliciumon my asterisk is already done
17:41.23ManxPowerSilicium: did you check the wiki?
17:41.38momelodbtw, sip supports video correct?
17:41.42Qwellmomelod: yes
17:41.44SiliciumManxPower: yes
17:41.45TedNJ38Storm_C:  Panasonic has a nice dual phone but it can not be connected to my PBX.  Panasonic has harcoded their own VOIP Service Provider.
17:41.50Qwellthe 7985 does not support SIP though.
17:41.52ManxPowerThe Wiki REALLY sucks for Asterisk docs, but it's not all that bad for information about more general stuff, as well as VENDOR SPECIFIC things.
17:42.01momelodQwell: thanx
17:42.01Qwellat least, it didn't last I checked.  It could now, for all I know
17:42.10SiliciumManxPower: you mean the snom wiki?
17:42.18ManxPowerSilicium: no, I mean the wiki
17:42.36jbot[~mailinglist] Asterisk mailing lists can be found at ,
17:42.40zelipHi guys.. I have asterisk running for user asterisk group asterisk.  But the zap channels have other permissions.  so it don't work.  I do a chmod 777 on the zap channels, and it works now.  But everytime i restart it goes back to the original permissions.  How can I change this more permanently..?
17:42.46NovceGuruHello, anybody care to hold my hand upgrading a cisco 7940g? I made it from sccp to sip 6.3, but can't get any further and i'm on day 2 :(
17:42.46Siliciumi have nothing found
17:42.48ManxPowerthat MORON removed the google search from the mailinglist factoid
17:42.58SiliciumNovceGuru: mhm
17:43.00Siliciumkeep sccp
17:43.02*** join/#asterisk Raiderman (n=raider@
17:43.07Siliciumso the sip firmware is really  bad
17:43.28ManxPowerjbot no, mailinglist is Asterisk mailing lists can be found at ,  Search the archives by adding "" to your Google search.
17:43.29jbotokay, ManxPower
17:43.39jbotmethinks mailinglist is Asterisk mailing lists can be found at ,  Search the archives by adding "" to your Google search.
17:43.39NovceGuruI have 7.5 on one of the phones and it seems pretty good? :(
17:43.47Raidermani have location number 1 with a nortel with 10 extentions and a t1 lines connection and then the location 2 with also a nortel with 25 extentions i need to cuminitate location 1 with 2.... do i need to buy 2 asterisk systems or can just buy one for the location 1 and manage the others in the location 2 from the location 1 with framerelay ??
17:44.12NovceGuruI'm also using it with a provider that only supports sip, but figured some gurus in here knew about the pita upgrading
17:44.42*** join/#asterisk NirS (n=NirS@
17:46.18plikNovceGuru: there's a couple of pages on the wiki about upgrading Cisco phones... as I recall, neither of them are an exact how to but those pages plus a little more figging got me there eventually, although I did vow never to do it again
17:46.49NovceGuruplik: haha yeah, read through them, can't even rememeber how I got the first one to 7.5, it took mucho hair pulling
17:47.12Siliciume :)
17:47.37*** join/#asterisk methods (
17:47.43methodswhat does hook state on mean ?
17:47.54lmadsenmeans phone is hung up
17:48.15methodsand hook state off means it's picked up?
17:48.18NovceGuruI'm thinking the next phones will be snom/something
17:48.35mgromanmethods: yea, its off the hook (pun intended!)
17:48.39NovceGurualthough I know the boss will flip that this cisco can go through his outlook contacts and directly dial
17:48.40lmadsenmethods: that would be an adequate assumption
17:48.58*** join/#asterisk grandpapadot (
17:49.00doolphthere's any way to get correct billing cdr with analog lines?
17:49.01*** join/#asterisk Defraz (i=t0tal@
17:49.30lmadsenthere's no signalling on analog lines, so you're at the mercy of kewlstart trying to determine when the line is up and hungup
17:49.42NovceGuruim talking about if you guys haven't seen it before
17:49.46NovceGurupretty sweet
17:51.38plikNovceGuru: yeah, nice
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17:57.19NovceGuruahah the order window at jack in the box said insert boot disk and press any key
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17:59.40ac1djazzi love asterisk
18:02.45`Sauron[Apr 21 13:15:37] WARNING[32420]: chan_sip.c:3451 sip_write: Asked to transmit frame type 4, while native formats is 0x100 (g729)(256) read/write = 0x4 (ulaw)(4)/0x4 (ulaw)(4)
18:02.51`Sauronover and over and over
18:03.13[TK]D-Fender`Sauron: Looking like you aren't lcensed to transcode to G.729
18:03.27`SauronI wasn't trying to... er
18:03.30`SauronI didn't tell it to
18:03.39[TK]D-Fender`Sauron: you FAILED
18:03.49[TK]D-Fender`Sauron: 1 end is asking for it.
18:03.56`SauronThe other end, I guess.
18:03.58`SauronThat sucks.
18:04.44`Sauronthey allow alaw
18:04.46`Sauronnot ulaw
18:05.07*** part/#asterisk methods (
18:05.20[TK]D-Fender`Sauron: So use alaw then
18:05.45`SauronI did
18:06.16[TK]D-Fender`Sauron: funny, you only showed us ulaw..
18:06.48`SauronI changed it between 13:03 <`Sauron> allow=ulaw and 13:04 <`Sauron> Ah
18:08.09*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (
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18:10.05hacimcan someone tell me what I have wrong in this simple dialplan? the # extension doesn't work, I get this error: Apr 21 18:09:12 WARNING[5397]: pbx.c:2404 __ast_pbx_run: Invalid extension '#', but no rule 'i' in context 'ipkall' (dialplan here:
18:10.32hacimthe * works fine, but the # does not
18:11.59*** join/#asterisk fakhir (i=a7ce8021@gateway/web/ajax/
18:12.17_ShrikEhacim: the first priority of # needs to be 1, not n
18:12.26hacim_ShrikE: aha, thanks
18:15.24[TK]D-Fenderhacim: Still not the way to do this... you have clearly not read up on your Asterisk Standard Extensions.
18:15.43hacim[TK]D-Fender: i've just finished chapter 5 of the asterisk book
18:17.22*** join/#asterisk Katty (
18:17.36Kattysomething very bad has somehow happened. this new server i setup claims to have no SIP support.
18:17.45Kattywhere do i go to redo SIP support :<
18:17.58[TK]D-FenderKatty: Go try and load chan_sip
18:19.08ManxPowerKatty: make sure all IPs of the server are listed in /etc/hosts
18:20.34[TK]D-FenderKatty: and please pastebin these "claims".  Would be nice to know what actual problem is.
18:21.02Katty[TK]D-Fender: well the sip options come up now.
18:21.10Katty[TK]D-Fender: one sip phone trying to call another doesn't show anything on the CLI
18:21.28[TK]D-FenderKatty: Thats jsut a matter of verbose & sip debug depending on which you want
18:21.40hacim[TK]D-Fender: so the way I have it now works, I'd like to do it the right way, which you have told me is by using standard extensions, but can you tell my why that is right?
18:21.42[TK]D-FenderKatty: So go set them to whatever you want
18:22.04hacim[TK]D-Fender: or rather, why my way is wrong and the standard extensions should be used instead?
18:22.06[TK]D-Fenderhacim: Why what is right?
18:22.48[TK]D-Fenderhacim: Does your message even fully play before the call gets dumped to VM?
18:23.02hacim[TK]D-Fender: yes it does
18:23.11[TK]D-Fenderhacim: And even if it does, do you not get ANOTHER message from the VM box itself right after?
18:23.46*** join/#asterisk thedonvaughn (i=jayson@unaffiliated/printk)
18:23.46[TK]D-Fenderhacim: exten => ipkall,n,Voicemail(777@ipkall,u) <--- Unavailable
18:23.46hacim[TK]D-Fender: yes it does... however if I dont have that Background() then I cannot hit * or #
18:24.00hacimright... i want it to play the voicemail greeting
18:24.30[TK]D-Fenderhacim: Well if you'd used the standard extensions like you should, you could already escape from the VM message with "*" via the "a" standard extension.
18:24.39thedonvaughnmorning/afternoon/evening all.   I have cdr_psql running on my asterisk server.  I need to temporarily take down my postgresql DB temporarily, can I disable the cdr_psql mod in realtime to keep asterisk up?
18:24.48hacim[TK]D-Fender: ok, that makes sense
18:25.26hacim[TK]D-Fender: last question -- can you explain to me where in the examples at a standard extension is actually used?
18:25.30[TK]D-Fenderhacim: You should avoid attempts to reinvent the wheel.
18:25.45KattyManxPower: after i update /etc/hosts, do i just do networking restart?
18:25.46hacimfor example: exten => 200,hint,SIP/201&SIP/202&SIP/203 .... I do not see any of the standard extensions in that
18:25.50KattyManxPower: or is something additional needed
18:25.52[TK]D-Fenderhacim: You see "s" ALL OVER the place.  The rest are no different.
18:26.27hacim[TK]D-Fender: so the SIP is actually three standard extensions, 's', 'i' and 'p', and not SIP the protocol
18:26.42[TK]D-Fenderhacim: Excuse me?
18:26.53[TK]D-Fenderhacim: "the SIP"?
18:26.58hacim[TK]D-Fender: example 2
18:27.12hacim[TK]D-Fender: what exactly the the standard extension used in that example?
18:27.31hacimbecause I am totally missing it
18:27.38[TK]D-Fenderhacim: that is sowcasing the "hint" PRIORITY, not an EXTENSION.
18:28.01KattyManxPower: cheers. it was just /etc/hosts
18:28.06[TK]D-Fenderhacim: You sure don't see "hint" up top in the nice list, now do you?
18:28.14hacim[TK]D-Fender: ok, so those all examples of standard priorities?
18:28.17Katty[TK]D-Fender: should i be concerned that chan_sip didn't start on boot? do i need to make some modifications?
18:28.39[TK]D-Fenderhacim: Seriously, read the BIG PRINT.  All the headings are in bold.
18:28.53hacim[TK]D-Fender: my problem is I do not see an example in the STANDARD EXTENSIONS section
18:29.10*** join/#asterisk angom (n=angom@
18:29.24[TK]D-Fenderhacim: the standard extensions are listed up top in a giant neon-lit section that scream "Holy @#%# read ME dammit"
18:29.33[TK]D-Fenderhacim: its an EXTENSION!
18:29.34hacimso I assume the examples below are part of the page, whose title is "Standard Extensions"
18:29.38[TK]D-Fenderhacim: OMG
18:29.43hacimMINE TOO
18:29.55hacimi see a list
18:29.59hacimI didn't ask where the list was
18:30.03hacimI asked where an example was
18:30.08[TK]D-Fenderhacim:  exten => a,1,NoOp(OMFG someone hit * during my VM greeting!!!WTF!!!!)
18:30.38[TK]D-Fenderhacim: Didn't make one because if you don't even know what an extension is you are completely SCREWED with Asterisk.
18:31.15[TK]D-Fenderhacim: exten => #,n,Authenticate(1111) <-- guess what your EXTENSION is <-
18:31.31hacimi understand that, but my point is that the examples section on that page makes me think they are examples about standard extensions, since the page is called that...
18:33.11[TK]D-Fenderhacim: there is no concept of "example", only an explanation of when/how they get CALLED
18:33.39hacimalright fine, I was confused by that page, because I am a moron, not at all because the page
18:33.54hacimi'll just chalk it up to I have no idea how to read
18:34.27hacimif nobody else has an issue with that, then I'm happy to admit i'm just dense
18:34.38*** join/#asterisk tinkerghost (
18:35.29hacimlikely I'm also dense about why ipkall doesn't work every other time too
18:36.12jerman, i love it when idiots flood your * box with udp traffic trying to brute force register
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18:37.32ManxPowerhacim: example section on what page?
18:37.42hacimManxPower: read backlog
18:38.07*** join/#asterisk Tili (
18:38.28ManxPowerhacim: the wiki is frequently inaccurate and you really can't adapt the examples, even if they are correct, unless you know enough about asterisk
18:38.49hacimManxPower: thanks, i've already been belittled
18:39.00ManxPowerThe value of EXTEN is whatever is between the => and the first comma.
18:39.10doolphwhat tools do you use to send emails through email or printtool from windows?
18:39.11ManxPowerhacim: you have not even begun to be belittled.
18:39.39ManxPowerdoolph: I use Thunderbird to send e-mails thru e-mail.
18:39.54doolphI mean send faxes like email
18:40.02ManxPower(or firefox to send e-mail thru the web
18:40.09ManxPowerdoolph: whatever your distro uses.
18:40.24*** join/#asterisk duna_cl (n=notengo@
18:41.38doolphI mean send faxes through asterisk without a fax machine
18:41.41ManxPowerdoolph: spend 2 mins formulating your question instead of 2 seconds
18:41.58ManxPowerdoolph: I use RxFax + custom script to convert the .TIFF to .PDF
18:42.01hacimManxPower: probably
18:42.29ManxPowerthen the script hands the message off to a local sendmail for the actual sending of the message
18:42.58doolphthere's something available to public?
18:43.15ManxPowerthe destination e-mail address for each extension is set in extensions.conf for each extension
18:43.27ManxPowerdoolph: The wiki doesn't list any?
18:43.37doolphI got installed iaxmodem, so I can receive faxes
18:45.47doolphok I'll try asterfax
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18:57.17ThatKidKelanyone know of the proper way of debugging the reason a re-invite is n ot occurring?
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18:58.14hacimThatKidKel: maybe sip debug?
18:58.24ThatKidKelshows me mesaging
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18:58.31ThatKidKeldoesn't say, "I'm not re-inviting becasue....."
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19:08.22ThatKidKelhrmmm..  would dtmfmode=auto prevent a call from being re-invited?
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19:18.01Kattypamples things
19:19.49*** join/#asterisk Asterisk_Newbie1 (
19:20.12Asterisk_Newbie1Hi, I have an issue with asterisk callback
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19:21.19Asterisk_Newbie1One of the consultant who customized asterisk for me, posted a script on external server. He says its secret and cannot share. Is there any such kind of script?
19:21.46[TK]D-FenderAsterisk_Newbie1: Clearly as he's created one himself, and there are surely others.
19:21.58[TK]D-FenderAsterisk_Newbie1: exactly how it operates, etc is another matter.
19:22.25[TK]D-FenderAsterisk_Newbie1: Never contract a consultant where you don't ownt he full rights to the product
19:23.42Katty[TK]D-Fender: any thoughts on why my parked call extension is being ignored?
19:24.08*** join/#asterisk drehlecom (i=ircbnc@unaffiliated/drehlecom)
19:24.46Katty[TK]D-Fender: and did i tell you that Ry's gonna go back into the military :/
19:26.04Asterisk_Newbie1[TK]D-Fender , What does that script call upon, why did he post in external server. I think its .asp string. how does it connect with asterisk?
19:27.18*** join/#asterisk jbeez (
19:28.06[TK]D-FenderAsterisk_Newbie1: Don't know, it probably issues an AMI call to place the out-call
19:28.14outtoluncAsterisk_Newbie1: if you paid for its usage, you should contact its creator for assistance in usage <G>
19:28.35Kattygrins at outtolunc
19:28.55Kattyouttolunc: you should look at my call parking problem. it eludes me.
19:29.02Kattyouttolunc: i think it doesn't love me )=
19:29.08outtoluncAsterisk_Newbie1: looks to me as if he simply is hosting the lookup util as a RPC
19:29.21outtolunckatty, looking
19:29.44Kattyaye. analog lines.
19:29.44jackson__grandpapadot, Are you available for a pm?
19:29.46Kattyand recording
19:29.46*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
19:30.16Kattyouttolunc: i keep looking back and forth between a working example, and this one.
19:30.20Kattyouttolunc: but it just doesn't love me :<
19:30.28outtoluncKatty: it thinks your 'extension' 700 is actually a sip extension
19:30.28Kattyapplies cookies to server
19:30.32Kattyouttolunc: indeed.
19:30.37Kattyouttolunc: because of the xxx below
19:30.45Kattyouttolunc: which leads me to believe it's ignoring my include
19:31.12Kattyouttolunc: i can however comment out the xxx for unomoment and test while you're reviewing my inflimation
19:31.13outtoluncits seeing you _xxx vice the parkedcall's one
19:31.23*** join/#asterisk rcy (
19:31.50Kattyouttolunc: after commenting it out. it works.
19:31.55Kattyreviews working server
19:32.22Kattyah HA. working server has no xxx matching
19:32.35Kattyi guess a goto would be appropriate
19:32.37Asterisk_Newbie1[TK]D-Fender I would hire. Plz look at pvt msg
19:32.40Kattyso as not to confuse my poor wittle server.
19:33.54outtoluncsometimes parsing inclues/wildcards gets a bit weird.. i think i mentioned that the other day
19:34.11rcysorry if this is off topic... I got a used Azatel IPCall104, and it is password protected.  I can't find a manual online.  Any clue how to reset it to the factory default?
19:34.40outtolunckatty, try using a ; as comment on the INCLUDE
19:34.50outtoluncand doing a reload on the extensions
19:35.08outtoluncobviously after reenbling the _xxx
19:35.32outtolunci honestly never used x's only X's, i wonder if they parse diff
19:36.27ManxPowerI suspect it's case insensitive for PATTERNs.
19:36.35ManxPowerBut it is convention to use upper case X
19:36.37Kattyindeed. manx is right. makes no difference.
19:36.47Kattywell i can't tell it to goto
19:36.57ManxPowerNo, you can't goto patterns
19:36.57Kattybecause i don't have an s,1... or anything. just include => parkedcalls
19:37.19Kattyi could change it to 7000
19:37.20ManxPoweryou just send the Goto to a number that will match the pattern you need to go to.
19:37.27outtolunccore show dialplan from-internal
19:37.43outtoluncshould show what it 'think's is valid
19:37.53Asterisk_Newbie1I need a consultant who can look into my asterisk script from a previous consultant who posted a secret script in his server. can any one identify why he pass a string " $url='[PIN]&org=[CID]';
19:38.11outtoluncand try putting the include for parkedcalls after the _xxx
19:38.21Kattyouttolunc: it was there originally
19:38.28Kattyouttolunc: i changed features.conf to *700, and it works.
19:38.36ManxPowerAsterisk_Newbie1: You would have to ask the previous consultant.
19:38.57ManxPowerAs $url='[PIN]&org=[CID]'; is not a valid extensions.conf entry
19:39.06Asterisk_Newbie1ManxPower, he claim that its secret and cannot share.
19:39.07Kattyouttolunc: i've had catch all problems before... but including it /before/ the catch all always seemed to work.
19:39.11*** join/#asterisk jmesquita (n=jmesquit@
19:39.16ManxPowerAsterisk_Newbie1: then give up.
19:39.27Kattyouttolunc: that's a good idea with the dialplan
19:39.34ManxPowerSome of us are very good, but we are not psychic
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19:39.53ManxPowerjust remove it and see what breaks
19:40.20Kattyouttolunc: ah, yes. asterisk no see 700 on show dialplan
19:40.26Asterisk_Newbie1ManxPower, what he is trying to pass in that string.. is it necessary in asterisk to pass such string.. or its just a trap?
19:40.34Kattyouttolunc: but, i could change [general] to [from-internal] and see what happens
19:41.02Kattyouttolunc: !
19:41.10Kattyouttolunc: include => parkedcalls is at the bottom :<
19:41.29outtolunckatty: i always suggest the specific 'first' then the catchall, but since you already had it before, after was another test (when viewing the show dialplan) i didn't know you had it that way before, and when you did, you had an invalid comment
19:41.43Kattyit's okay
19:41.47Kattyi just need to change it to something else
19:41.49Kattylike *7!
19:42.00jkirbyHello. As per - i have Box A that accepts calls from E1 PRI and that must forward to Box B - which has the SIP extensions to SIP phones. It gets pushed via IAX however, the error on Box B - I dont quite understand what its trying to do in the -- Executing line, it almost looks like its trying to forward it out again as apposed to extension 4702 which is created in sip.conf and the phone is signed on - I assume
19:42.02Kattyi don't want to change my catch all
19:43.13[TK]D-Fenderjkirby: Goo looka t what CONTEXT its landing on...
19:43.28[TK]D-Fenderjkirby: -- Executing [4702@external:1] Dial("IAX2/office-1", "IAX2/4200/4702") in new stack <-- sure doesn't look right to me.
19:43.54jkirby[TK]D-Fender: yeah, quite confused myself..
19:44.06[TK]D-Fenderjkirby: So goo look where its landing
19:45.04*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
19:45.20jkirby[TK]D-Fender: real new to this, how would i know where its landing? this extensions.conf on Box B is quite messy..
19:45.38[TK]D-Fenderjkirby: Then you'd better get exploring.
19:46.07[TK]D-Fenderjkirby: But I'll give you a clue... -- Executing [4702@external:1] Dial("IAX2/office-1", "IAX2/4200/4702") in new stack
19:46.11ManxPowerjkirby: what context an incoming call lands in is configured by the context= line for that destination account on the destination server
19:46.18[TK]D-Fenderjkirby: Its in there, and ask yourself if its right.
19:46.29ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: you know as well as I do that @context is not required
19:46.37ManxPowernot on the Dial() line.
19:47.06ManxPowerjkirby: the call dialed is extension 4702 via iax.conf account 4200
19:47.15ManxPowerI assume that is not what you want.
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19:47.40jkirbyManxPower: yeah, this 4200 thing keeps popping up and when i look in iax.conf on either servers, there is no 4200
19:48.44ManxPowerjkirby: try looking in extensions.conf as that is what controls the CALLING side
19:48.49[TK]D-Fenderjkirby: Well we see what we see... guess you'd be start examining your inbound context...
19:49.14jkirby[TK]D-Fender: yes, i know that.
19:49.49jkirbyManxPower: thank you, let me check around.
19:50.41ManxPowerjkirby: contexts are both one of the most important things you must full understand and it is one of the hardest things to understand.,
19:51.37jkirbyManxPower: yeah.. i see so
19:52.14outtoluncloads the dojo simulator
19:53.04[TK]D-FenderI know kung-fu...
19:53.21outtoluncwaits for someone to say 'show me' <G>
19:53.35*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
19:54.32outtoluncmust be friday already
19:56.58*** join/#asterisk JoseBravo (n=jbravo@
19:57.00lmadsenI wish
19:57.43JoseBravoI have a TDM400 but sometimes with incoming calls I only hear my voice (echo) with much noice. Sometimes it works fine, and when I call it works fine too. Any idea?
19:58.18[TK]D-FenderJoseBravo: Try another EC routine
19:59.06[TK]D-FenderJoseBravo: Zaptel has 2 woth using, then if your card is still under warrantee you can get HPEC licenses from Digium for free, otherwise next try OSLEC, and if that isn't satisfactory, then try HPEC.
19:59.14*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=angeldav@
19:59.15[TK]D-FenderJoseBravo: And barring all of that, new card..
20:05.15duna_clhi again, what chan_zap.c: Bad FCS could mean?
20:05.36[TK]D-Fenderduna_cl: PCI issues, T1 sync, etc
20:05.50duna_cllike irq troubles ?
20:12.23[TK]D-Fenderduna_cl: Yes.
20:15.50BCS-SatoriIs there anyway to monitor trunks (with qualify) to send email alerts when something becomes unreachable and rerechable?
20:16.33*** join/#asterisk clive- (
20:18.13JoseBravo[TK]D-Fender the register is asking me the product, 1 - Asterisk Business Edition, 2 - G.729 Codec,  3 - High Performance Echo Can. I think its the 3, right?
20:18.28[TK]D-FenderJoseBravo: Yes
20:18.45JoseBravoBut, where I get the key?
20:18.56JoseBravoI bought it 3 months ago.
20:19.10[TK]D-FenderBCS-Satori: Maybe if they send out an AMI notice or something otherwise this would likely require source hacking.
20:19.21[TK]D-FenderJoseBravo: Call up Digium support for details.
20:20.02JoseBravoI can't use it without a registration?
20:20.05*** join/#asterisk GrumpyOldMan (
20:20.38[TK]D-FenderJoseBravo: No.
20:20.55[TK]D-FenderJoseBravo: You are entitled to HPEC, but you need to register/activate it
20:22.10eric2BCS-Satori I need to do the same thing as you   :(
20:22.37*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
20:23.13eric2only thing I can think of is have a script that constantly calls a DID and if it fails x times, then send out an alert/txt message/page or whatever
20:24.50eric2but there's probably a better solution.. such as the AMI notices that I'm currently reading about  :)
20:26.36[TK]D-Fendereric2 / BCS-Satori You could always poll AMI on interval dumping your SIP peers to check who's up/down.
20:27.10eric2ya, I was just reading about that... that's what I think I'll do, connect via AMI and get the output and parse it from there
20:27.49eric2sip show peers can be executed as a manager action  :)
20:27.58eric2tx for the pointers!!
20:29.26clive-~seen areski
20:29.26jbotareski <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 377d 20h 14m 27s ago, saying: 'normally it should work with MP3Player but this fail for me'.
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20:38.06*** part/#asterisk lirakis_work (n=lirakis@
20:39.09unpaidbillwhat sip hardphone do you guys find to be the best deal?
20:41.20jsmithunpaidbill: I like the Linksys SPA-942 and -962
20:44.35eric2I like the snom lineup
20:45.10eric2comes with the power supply and a port for an cordless analog phone to plug into it
20:45.33eric2and the port for the pc to plug into as well
20:45.44eric2942 doesn't have the first feature I mentioned
20:45.49unpaidbillthe m3 looks pretty neat
20:52.49bsdwarriorhow do you find out a users extension in extensions.conf ?
20:54.11*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
20:55.43eric2${EXTEN}  ?
20:58.45*** join/#asterisk dth (
20:59.08bsdwarrior${exten} is the number that im dialing, trying to find out the phone ext
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21:02.04bsdwarriorI.e. my extension is 700 ,how do I retreive this in extensions.conf
21:04.07duna_clcaps on :P
21:04.24bsdwarriorfor some reason ${exten} is the number im calling
21:04.48duna_clthat's correct
21:05.23bsdwarriorI need the phone's extension
21:06.03*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
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21:19.20bsdwarrior$calleridnum shows the same thing for line1 and line2 wierd.
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21:21.44duna_clwhat type of technology? sip/iax/e1 ?
21:22.42duna_cland what callerid you setup on first line?
21:23.50bsdwarriorduna_cl it does this
21:23.55bsdwarriorno clue what that does
21:25.50glazany suggestion for a good cordless sip phone?
21:26.06jjshoeaastra dect.
21:26.31glaz142 ?
21:27.23*** join/#asterisk joshaidan (
21:27.44jbeezglaz: I <3 u
21:28.01glazjbeez: how much?
21:28.20jbeezI'm in your bed right now
21:28.26jbeezstealin ur wifi
21:28.39duna_clbsdwarrior: i think you have no setup correct callerid on two clients and that's why variable ${CALLERINUM} returns the value of the extension
21:29.05*** join/#asterisk Asterisk_Newbie1 (
21:29.32bsdwarriorduna_cl my sip_conf is in a database. the "callerid" field is set to the same as line 1. I think thats the problem.
21:29.56glazjbeez: so sweet, I'm home dude.
21:30.04Asterisk_Newbie1I want to hire a real professional to Install and configure asterisk for DID callback, with a2billing.
21:30.26rupaok, so I have my polycom 320 setup -- nice.  Now...  Is it possible to get one of the lights on the phone turn on when asterisk knows another extension is off hook?
21:30.36clive-hey newbie, do they allow voip in ae ?
21:30.39duna_clbsdwarrior: lol :)
21:30.56Asterisk_Newbie1clive- No, thats why we need callback
21:32.09[hC]anyone here with a sangoma pri card ever noticed that outbound calls out a pri begin with a very quick, rather loud 'click' as the call is going through?
21:35.14glazjjshoe: Do you know the 480i-CT ?
21:36.41*** join/#asterisk Brucex (n=Brucex@
21:36.51BrucexHi there :P
21:41.55jjshoeglaz I do
21:43.28glazjjshoe: can I buy an additionnal cordless phone so I have 2 cordless phone with it?
21:43.40*** join/#asterisk dlynes (n=dlynes@
21:44.25dlynestzafrir:  Hello, tzafrir...just curious if you're the one that ported and company to asterisk 1.4?
21:45.19jbeezAsterisk_Newbie1: could you guys do a vpn out of AE and run voip in there, or you don't even want to risk getting caught running a voip setup?
21:45.26jjshoeglaz 4
21:45.38glazup to four?
21:45.50glazsharing the same extension?
21:46.13glazjbeez: what is .ae ?
21:46.15*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (i=Joe@
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21:46.35jbeezunited arab emirites
21:46.51glazoh, where dubai is.
21:47.14jbotmethinks ae is Anthony's Editor -- a tiny full-screen editor
21:47.56dlynes~wiki dubai
21:50.10jjshoeae is running out of oil
21:50.25jjshoeit'll be funny to watch the shieks not be able to put gas in their cars in the future :P
21:52.32*** join/#asterisk fujin (n=aj@unaffiliated/fujin)
21:52.36fujinso, anyone seen this: app_voicemail.c:1376 store_file: Memory map failed!
21:52.42fujinI'm using odbc voicemail
21:52.47dlynesthey'll just declare war on kuwait again, and steal their oil
21:54.45dlynesfujin: that's an odbc error, not an asterisk error...asterisk is just floating the error up to you, from the odbc level
21:55.11dlynesfujin: you might try a google search of ' "memory map failed"'
21:55.38*** kick/#asterisk [Deeewayne!n=file@asterisk/developer-and-muffin-lover/file] by file (file)
21:55.57fujinweird though, all of my other magical stuff with odbc is still working
21:56.09filenot random
21:56.13fileI always kick Dwayne.
21:56.32Kattyfile: why
21:56.41fileno reason
21:56.46*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (n=dwayne@
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21:57.01*** kick/#asterisk [russellb!i=north@pdpc/sponsor/digium/Qwell] by Qwell (UNACCEPTABLE)
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21:57.14Deeewaynethis place is rough
21:57.17*** kick/#asterisk [Qwell!n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla] by russellb (russellb)
21:57.18fujinAnyone know how the SPYGROUP stuff for ChanSpy works?
21:57.21*** join/#asterisk Qwell (i=north@pdpc/sponsor/digium/Qwell)
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21:57.53fujinI'm using Set(SPYGROUP=CSR); before I put calls into a queue, but, ChanSpy(|g(CSR)); doesn't work at all
21:58.06Qwellfujin: that problem has been fixed, as of like...Friday
21:58.13Qwellputnopvut: that got committed, right?
21:58.17putnopvutQwell: yep.
21:58.17fujinQwell: in SVN?
21:58.23fujincool, thanks.
21:58.27fujinwill rebuild my nodes tonight
21:58.36putnopvutYes, and now seanbright is working to make sure that doesn't ever happen again.
21:58.36*** kick/#asterisk [putnopvut!n=dwayne@] by Deeewayne ("my first kick")
21:58.45Qwelland he regrets it, I'm sure
21:58.47*** part/#asterisk clive- (
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21:58.59*** kick/#asterisk [putnopvut!n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla] by russellb (russellb)
21:59.06seanbrightyes... yes i do
21:59.12*** join/#asterisk putnopvut (n=putnopvu@
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21:59.16putnopvutYes, and now seanbright is working to make sure that doesn't ever happen again.
21:59.19seanbrightits ready to be merged though :)
21:59.59*** kick/#asterisk [Qwell!i=north@pdpc/sponsor/digium/Qwell] by Qwell (Qwell)
22:00.05*** join/#asterisk Qwell (i=north@pdpc/sponsor/digium/Qwell)
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22:00.12Strom_Ckicks Strom from #asterisk on a completely different IRC network
22:00.33*** kick/#asterisk [lmadsen!n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla] by russellb (russellb)
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22:00.51filethis is what happens when we work on issues alllllll dayyyyyyyyy longggggg
22:01.05seanbrightas opposed to resolving issues?
22:01.15fileseanbright: hey!
22:01.23seanbrighti'm just sayin!
22:01.40*** kick/#asterisk [seanbright!n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla] by russellb (russellb)
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22:01.57outtoluncruns but not fast enough
22:02.02*** part/#asterisk ThatKidKel (
22:02.29seanbrighti've killed men for less
22:03.03filedid you get blood on the carpet?
22:03.07fileI heard it's hell to get out
22:03.08[TK]D-Fenderpasses his IRC logs to the FBI & DHS
22:03.21seanbrightno, i laid down a tarp first... i watch CSI, after all.
22:03.29*** mode/#asterisk [+b %seanbright!*@*] by russellb
22:03.40russellbthe man shall not speak!
22:03.46*** kick/#asterisk [russellb!n=putnopvu@] by putnopvut ("match this!")
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22:03.55*** mode/#asterisk [-b %seanbright!*@*] by russellb
22:04.00*** mode/#asterisk [-o putnopvut] by russellb
22:04.16Strom_CPEE FIGHT
22:04.19Qwellsets ban on *@*!*
22:04.27Qwellexcept I fail
22:04.35*** join/#asterisk SteveTotaro (
22:05.02mwallingQwell: playing weasel? (refering to oftc a couple months ago)
22:05.13Qwellmwalling: wha?
22:06.00mwallinghe managed to get nickserv to mess up a hostmask and k-line everyone connected to a server
22:06.42*** join/#asterisk Yourname`` (n=chatzill@unaffiliated/yourname/x-837320)
22:10.17Yourname``Why does it say "Transfer" when I press the # key?
22:10.27*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
22:10.29outtoluncut oh .. now you did it
22:10.48denonit's just transferred your asteris license to another server
22:10.51Yourname``On an IVR I was supposed to enter a mnumber followed by the pound key. And when I press pound, allison comes on saying "transfer"
22:10.53denonsorry, you can't use asterisk anymore
22:11.13seanbrightYourname``: look at /etc/asterisk/features.conf
22:11.18outtolunc# = blindtransfer
22:11.22Yourname``I only hope it is to my next asterisk server ;)
22:11.33Yourname``seanbright: That's what I looked at, and blindtransfer is commented out.
22:11.41outtoluncyou are using queues
22:11.48outtoluncits hardcoded
22:11.52seanbrightYourname``: its commented out, but it still defaults to #
22:11.59seanbrightYourname``: uncomment it and change it to something else
22:12.03seanbrightYourname``: ## for example
22:12.05outtoluncor used to be
22:12.15Yourname``;blindxfer => #1
22:12.19Yourname``It's 1.2.23
22:12.23denonYourname``: take a look at
22:12.24seanbrightYourname``: ugh
22:12.53*** join/#asterisk xxNickxx (
22:13.03seanbrightYourname``: uncomment it and change it to something that you won't hit
22:13.10seanbrightYourname``: that should do it
22:13.15Yourname``Let's try it..
22:13.17seanbrightYourname``: and restart asterisk, obviously.
22:13.24Yourname``It's so weird because I remember it used to work fine before..
22:13.40seanbrightYourname``: give it a shot and report back
22:13.43seanbrightYourname``: you have 3 minutes
22:13.46Yourname``lol k
22:13.58fujinhe could just drop tT from his Dial()
22:14.03seanbrightThat too
22:14.04Yourname``Changed it to ##1
22:14.10seanbrightprobably an easier option, actually
22:14.27Yourname``Naw, what if I want to use the DTMF to actually transfer to others?
22:14.28xxNickxxsince voip providers provide different rates for diffrenet destinations, it is possible to subcribe to diffrent voip providers with your asterisk server and create rules so that the server know which provider to choose to minimize costs?
22:14.32Yourname``(Which I do..)
22:14.52Strom_CxxNickxx: yes
22:14.54seanbrightYourname``: so changing to ##1 did the trick?
22:15.08*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
22:15.12Strom_CxxNickxx: it's called "least-cost routing"
22:15.50Yourname``seanbright: Works.. :)
22:15.57xxNickxxStrom_C: cool. is there ready made scripts for that or you have to do it all yourself?
22:16.01seanbrightYourname``: wonderful.  glad i could help.
22:16.15seanbrightYourname``: and change your nickname
22:16.17Strom_CxxNickxx: I imagine there might be, but you're probably better off just doing it yourself
22:16.28seanbrightYourname``: Yourname`` is just lazy
22:16.55xxNickxxStrom_C: thanks
22:18.31*** part/#asterisk zelip (n=felipe@nat/hp/x-386077e106a93eb1)
22:22.47jbeezmy last name ist bright
22:23.38notbrightBright also means smart.
22:23.42notbrightWhich I'm not.
22:24.08notbright[TK]D-Fender can attest to that, I'm sure.
22:25.25*** join/#asterisk anthm (
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22:33.36seanbrightjbeez: yeah?  we might be related
22:35.09jbeezmy dad's family is out in oklahoma, you have any family around there?
22:35.16seanbrightno sir
22:35.19seanbrighteast coast
22:35.32jbeezyea, I live in philly, but I'm the lone bright
22:35.43seanbright<-- baltimore
22:35.54seanbright<-- leaving work
22:35.57seanbrightnight folks
22:35.59jbeezme too, l8r
22:36.16*** part/#asterisk fmueller (
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23:03.10*** join/#asterisk ZaVoid (
23:07.59dthHi, need help to ping groupe of 10 cell phones with asterisk
23:08.29drmessanouh wut?
23:09.36lmadsendth: ping... or call?
23:09.37dthi would like to call a groupe of 10 phones a call so i know that thes phones are online
23:09.49Mavviedth: SIP phones?
23:09.55dththomthing lik yes
23:10.05dthsorry, yes
23:10.24Mavviedth: SIP phones?
23:10.37dthno, ordenary gsm
23:10.38grandpapadotHey all, what does this mean:  check_auth: stale nonce received from <some peer>
23:10.51Mavviedth: that's trickier, and I don't know how.
23:10.53grandpapadotI just started getting it from all my peers that are Aastra phones.
23:11.05Mavviedth: but if they were SIP phones you could have used the monitor function:
23:11.12lmadsengrandpapadot: means the phone are using an old nonce for some reason
23:11.19dthyes i know that is trikie, i try a lot of stuff
23:11.21drmessanoI would use a Halo Statue
23:11.25Mavviedth: "sip show peers" : torchwood                       5060     OK (1 ms)
23:11.28grandpapadotlol, thanks.  What's a "nonce"?
23:11.37drmessanoAs in
23:11.44drmessanocall each cell phone
23:11.49lmadsengrandpapadot: part of the authentication scheme that gets sent back in the 407 Proxy Auth
23:11.52*** part/#asterisk gmaruzz (
23:11.52drmessanoand say "Halo... Statue?"
23:12.09grandpapadothrm... I wonder why all of the sudden.. Months and months of nothing changing ...
23:12.09lmadsengrandpapadot: check out the SIP RFC for what nonce is
23:12.21dththis is the dear, to call even evry phone.
23:12.52dthbut tey are in diferent networks, so tey need diffrent time to answer
23:13.26jjshoedth what?
23:13.26dththat is te point i think i need somthimńg dynamic?
23:13.41Mavviedth: see if the price of knowing the availability exceeds the cost of knowing the availability.
23:13.45drmessanoWhy are you calling cell phones to see if they're online?
23:14.11drmessanoIsn't that like calling your parents every day to make sure they're not dead?
23:14.28lmadsendrmessano: I built a script for that
23:14.29drmessanoIm glad we agree
23:14.32drmessanolol ?
23:14.56dthi have tryed a lot but its trikie
23:15.01Mavviedth: anyway, you're on the wrong network layer for that. You need to get in contact with the telco who owns the towers.
23:15.28dkwiebe_sorry, oops
23:15.39dthMavvie, what dos that mean?
23:15.41*** join/#asterisk MaartenB (
23:15.46MaartenBhi guys
23:15.57lmadsendth: I think he means you're scuppered
23:16.06MaartenBwould it be possible to execute AddQueueMember() from a PHP or Python script?
23:16.18Mavviedth: that you can't do these things on PABX-behind-a-PRI level, that you need to do these things on PABX-behind-radio-tower level.
23:16.35ManxPowerMaartenB: there is an EXEC AGI function exactly for running dialplan apps
23:16.51drmessanoNo, you cannot use asterisk to check the availability of a cell phone
23:16.51dthsorry, i am german what mean  scuppered?
23:16.59drmessanoNot possible
23:17.01drmessanoNo no no
23:17.05*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
23:17.14Mavviedth: it means that you have to call Deutsche Telekom and talk to them.
23:17.14lmadsennein possible :)
23:17.22*** join/#asterisk Ebola (n=Ebola@unaffiliated/ebola)
23:17.31drmessanonein way?
23:17.42lmadsennicky nicky nein doors
23:17.46dthdrmessano, what script do you wrote?
23:18.05lmadsen"If you are alive, please press 1"
23:18.28drmessanoI still go back to the Beavis and Butthead as telemarketers
23:18.39drmessano"Uh... My name is ..your name here.. and uhh"
23:18.41*** join/#asterisk ZaVoid (
23:18.44tzangernein doors?  are you playing half in german or something?
23:18.50drmessano"Is your refridgerator walking.. huh huh huh huh"
23:20.09MaartenBManxPower, I can only find information on how to execute Python from Asterisk, not the other way around :(
23:21.07dthMavvie, it is always the same list of numbers i want to call.
23:21.29Mavviedth: talk with DT about it.
23:21.47dthwho is dt?
23:22.40Mavviedth: Deutsche Telekom.
23:23.27dthwy, i use the net but even the service i payed for
23:23.39Mavviedth: you said it were GSM phones.
23:23.58Mavvieso how are you going to do that?
23:24.27dthbut anyway it is not importend what kind of phone i try to call
23:24.52drmessanoYes, actually, it is
23:25.36*** join/#asterisk BigCanOfTuna (n=chatzill@
23:25.37dthi try to call with the normal call from astrisk, but the time the phones are bringing the first call are diffrent.
23:26.21dthmaybie the network or somthing else are responsible for that
23:26.22drmessanoIf you call a cell phone, the telco will always answer
23:26.54drmessanoEither the phone will answer, it will go to Voicemail (answer) or you will get an unavailable message (answer)
23:27.05dthyes, but in the best time its in 3 sec in the worst 35 sec.
23:27.21lmadsenMaartenB: if you want your script to trigger things in Asterisk, then use the Manager interface
23:27.21drmessanoSo you're gonna GUESS which one it is?
23:28.12*** part/#asterisk JerJer (n=PhatJ@pdpc/supporter/bronze/jerjer)
23:28.19dthyes guess is god, but after 20 sec you do not know
23:28.29drmessanoNo, you dont
23:28.43drmessanoSo you have no way to tell
23:28.43dththats my problem,
23:28.55drmessanoWhich is why I go back to my original statement
23:29.02dththe manager interface do what?
23:29.20drmessanodth: This has NOTHING to do with Asterisk
23:29.26drmessanodth:  This is a telco problem
23:29.38drmessanodth: You cannot detect a cell phone status by calling it
23:30.35dthbut the information is in there
23:30.41MaartenBlmadsen, I looked into that too, but AddQueueMember is not listed as a Manager interface action
23:30.43drmessanoNo, it is not
23:30.49drmessanoThere is no info there
23:31.02lmadsenisn't there a general command to run any dialplan application?
23:31.07lmadsenI don't really use manager much
23:31.08drmessanoThe number of rings = irrelevant
23:31.15drmessanoAnswering = irrelevant
23:31.22drmessanoSo.. what's relevant?
23:32.01[TK]D-Fenderdth, Sure the information is "there".  However "there" is a magical state held at the TELCO.  Now if you have some arcane ritual to RETEIVE it from them, do be kind enough to let us know, because for the rest of the normal world this falls under the realm "just not ^#%$ing happening"
23:32.12dthdrmessano, if you call a phone and you will be conected then is the information includet that it is reachable wenn the phone rings.
23:32.53drmessano[TK]D-Fender: Thank you.. Apparently, I don't speak english either
23:33.36dthlmadsen, what a script do you mean?
23:34.13lmadsendth: the fake script drmessano and I made up about calling home to make sure your parents are alive
23:34.26[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano, MUMBLER!!!!!....  I can't understand a word you are saying! :p
23:34.57[TK]D-Fenderevaluates drmessano's double-negative into a positive
23:34.58dthzum totlachen!
23:35.10drmessanoWill it work --> NEIN
23:35.15drmessanoWill it ever work --> NEIN
23:35.20NovceGuruhmm, I wonder how I could use broadvoices voicemail system with my extensions registered behind an * box
23:35.29drmessanoCan it work --> NEIN
23:36.20lmadsenhave you killed the joke? Ja, Bitte!
23:36.45drmessanoI didn't just kill it
23:37.15dththanks a lot, for your opinion. do you remember the story with the discovering america?
23:37.19drmessano"I beat the horse until 'possums ran out of it", as they say here
23:37.47drmessanoColumbus sailed the ocean blue in the year fourteen ninety-two!
23:40.04dthdrmessano, but by the way, what do you think is a better way to get the information?
23:40.53drmessanoSomething only your telco can access, and that they can send you
23:41.12dthbut they wont
23:41.31drmessanoThat doesn't mean asterisk magically can
23:42.43dthyour right, the second question is what is the way normal peopel can go?
23:42.44drmessanoYou're trying to drill a hole in a wall with a bowl of soup here
23:42.45Mavviedrmessano: told you that asterisk sucked, but did you believe me?
23:43.03drmessanodth: There IS NO WAY without going to your telco
23:43.12drmessanoWe/I/us have said it a dozen times
23:44.09tzangerdrmessano: hahaha we usually say something like "push a rope" or "piss up a rope" here
23:44.16*** join/#asterisk beterthny (
23:44.36beterthnywhats goig on
23:44.52drmessanotzanger: lol
23:45.01beterthnyanyone care to help me out with a sip trunk registration problem?
23:45.10drmessanofair dinkum
23:47.20beterthnyno matter what service i use, i cannot get my sip trunks to terminate, my providers tell me that they are seeing the initial request, and they send the authorization packet back, but them my server does not respond with the registration string
23:47.33beterthnyiax trunks work fine though
23:48.39jbotit has been said that trunk is is a word with varying definitions.  In Asterisk, a trunk is a "stream of UDP packets containing IAX2 frames from more than 1 call"; in telecom, a trunk is a "single voice channel between two pieces of switching equipment."; in Ethernet a trunk carries more than one 802.1q VLAN.  There is no such thing as a "SIP Trunk" -- Don't use the term.
23:48.42*** join/#asterisk justdave (n=dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
23:49.23fujinheh, sip trunk is so widely accepted now
23:49.31fujindunno why people in here are still being jewish abou tit.
23:49.41drmessanoIt's not about being accepted
23:49.48drmessanoIt's not a correct term
23:49.52drmessanoSip doesn't trunk
23:50.17fujinYou can have multiple calls over a single SIP connection
23:50.21beterthnywell ok, my "trunk whos name shall not be mentioned but is called that in the settings" will not register
23:50.25drmessanoNo, you can not
23:50.33fujinOne sip peer definition
23:50.34fujinmultiple calls
23:50.42drmessanoDifferent streams
23:50.45fujinDoesn't matter
23:50.47drmessanoNot a trunk
23:50.49drmessanoYes it does
23:50.49fujinIt's not multiplexing
23:50.51drmessanoIt's not a trunk
23:50.54*** join/#asterisk hads (
23:51.14beterthnywow, this is worse than a ffreaking 12 year old grammar battle
23:51.14fujingo and try and convice all of the SIP salesmen that
23:51.16fujinand get back to me
23:51.18*** join/#asterisk ZaVoid (
23:51.25drmessanoWho gives a fuck about salesman
23:51.29drmessanoIts a TECHNICAL ISSUE
23:51.35beterthnysalesmen you mean
23:51.37drmessanoand TECHNICALLY, SIP DOESNT TRUNK
23:51.41beterthnyit would be
23:51.43JTit's not a trunk
23:51.45drmessanoGo read up on it
23:51.46beterthny"a salesman"
23:51.51fujinGo smoke a cock
23:52.10drmessanoYoure a moron
23:52.16fujinAll of the providers I've talked to call it a SIP trunk. I know it's not a SIP trunk.
23:52.22drmessanoSure you do
23:52.46fujinThe sip connection you buy allows multiple calls over it
23:52.50fujinto anyone who doesnt' care, that is trunking.
23:53.06drmessanoThat doesn't make it correct
23:53.14drmessanoSIP doesn't trunk
23:53.20fujinI dont' care.
23:53.21drmessanoIt's not a trunk
23:53.29drmessanoIt's multiple calls with one peer definition
23:53.31fujin11:52 < fujin> to anyone who doesnt' care, that is trunking.
23:53.31drmessanoThats not a trunk
23:53.36drmessanoI can read
23:53.37ManxPowerfujin: there is no protocol difference
23:53.53ManxPowerNow, if you can point out a protocol difference I'll sit corrected.
23:53.59fujinno, I really don't care.
23:53.59beterthnywell then holy shit, if you are going to have a freaking aneurysm about it, lets just all agree you are right so that your parents upstairs will quit yelling at you to stop screaming at the monitor
23:54.04[hC]agrees with fujin
23:54.26ManxPowerfujin: great.  We DO care.  We hate incorrect information being repeasted like paris hilton gossip
23:54.26fujinAny telco who provides SIP connections calls them trunks, mostly because they're telcos
23:54.35[hC]to anyone who refuses to call it a sip trunk, simply because iax has a trunking feature...
23:54.35fujinand it's similar if NOT technically correct
23:54.48drmessano[hC]: IAX has nothing to do with it being WRONG
23:54.52[hC]What would you call the connection that telco's provide over sip with the intention of sending multiple calls
23:55.00drmessano"multiple calls"
23:55.05drmessanoNot a "trunk"
23:55.12fujinHere's an example
23:55.13[hC]Hello telco, i would like to order a _____
23:55.18[hC]I would insert sip trunk there.
23:55.21beterthnyok well then my "multiple calls" connection wont register
23:55.27fujinA single PRA, phone line, supports one concurrent call
23:55.30ManxPowerfujin: I have a group of 1 apple.  I also have a group of 5 apples.  Now, each apple in the  5 apple group is called a "blark"
23:55.40[hC]the word trunk in 'sip trunk' is not referring to trunking by definition of a protocol, its referring to a connection that carries multiple calls.
23:55.40fujinwow, that's so gay
23:55.43ManxPowernot an apple.  See, that was easy.
23:55.47fujin^ [hC]  +1
23:55.58drmessanoSince when does using laymen's terms constitute technical correctness?
23:56.13ManxPower[hC]: It's still a marketing term, not a technical term
23:56.14fujinWhen we don't care.
23:56.18[hC]I'm not saying sip trunk is correct, I'm asking what you would call it.
23:56.28fujinWhen people come in here looking for help setting up the "SIP trunk" they just bought off their Telco provider
23:56.30drmessanoI guess every MP3 player is an iPod then.. just like my great uncle would call it
23:56.37fujinthere's no point in telling them that they're wrong just for the sake of confusion
23:56.41ManxPowerdrmessano: exactly!
23:56.52ManxPowerhands drmessano a generic kleenex
23:57.00beterthnybut every ipod is an mp3 player
23:57.13[hC]yeah, you kinda got your example backwards thre drmessano
23:57.14beterthnyso whats the fucking difference?
23:57.21drmessanoSo every trunk is SIP then?
23:57.22[hC]you're talking about a brand, not a function
23:57.23ManxPowerThe problem, of course, is that an IAX trunk is not just an account that can have multiple calls.
23:57.26drmessanoThat makes even more sense
23:57.37ManxPowerBTW, WHAT do you call an IAX account that can handle more than 1 call?
23:57.56ManxPowerfujin: you're the expert.  What do you call it?
23:58.10jbotsomebody said trunk was is a word with varying definitions.  In Asterisk, a trunk is a "stream of UDP packets containing IAX2 frames from more than 1 call"; in telecom, a trunk is a "single voice channel between two pieces of switching equipment."; in Ethernet a trunk carries more than one 802.1q VLAN.  There is no such thing as a "SIP Trunk" -- Don't use the term.
23:58.12[TK]D-Fenderbeterthny, Do you know what the definition of insanity is?
23:58.16[hC]still, nobody has answered me. What would you call a connection to a telco, to be used to carry multiple calls to the pstn VIA sip, if not a trunk?
23:58.28ManxPower[hC]: a SIP peer
23:58.38fujinManxPower: I call it a connection
23:58.45drmessanoManxPower: If you have an IAX2 account without a trunk definition, it's a trunk..  If you have an IAX2 account with a trunk definition, it's a trunk..   Learn the difference, please.
23:58.52fujinI'm just saying that confusing nubs by saying "there is no such thing as a SIP trunk" just for the sake of confusion is stupid and petty
23:58.53[hC]ManxPower: a sip peer does not immediately tell me that you'd like 1 call or 50 calls.
23:58.59beterthnythis is painful, i mean really, is this worth all the fucking bickering?
23:59.17[hC]beterthny: that is our argument, really. not the fact itself.
23:59.21ManxPower[hC]: correct, as any limits on the number of calls is not part of SIP
23:59.28beterthnyi dont see how you can function in life if something this stupid sends you off in a "fury"
23:59.31ManxPowerbeterthny: Actually yes.
23:59.36[hC]ManxPower: this has nothing to do with the protocol definitions of sip.
23:59.52ManxPowerbeterthny: as you can see from the jbot "trunk" factoid
23:59.55[TK]D-Fenderbeterthny, Here's a tip for you.  Forget the bickering and pastebin SIP & IAX2 debug for your problem along with your configs.
23:59.56drmessanobeterthny: If you're going to be so thin skinned, IRC is not the place for you

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