IRC log for #asterisk on 20080413

00:02.22*** join/#asterisk xenonex (n=xenonex@
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00:21.03olinuxI have all polycom 501s at this point, the 301 *main* difference is the display
00:21.20jbeezdiff between the 501/301 is the display?
00:21.36olinuxsorry that was a question
00:22.01jbeezunfortunatly I don't know :<
00:22.15olinuxthe 301 has a 160x80 graphical lcd display, and the 301 has 3 lines x  20 char
00:22.35jbeezI assume the 501 has the lcd
00:23.05olinuxya it does
00:23.24olinuxjust curious
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00:30.45UnixDogthey all have lcd
00:30.53UnixDogthey all do cid display
00:31.09UnixDogthey also all use the lcd for basic phone configuration
00:31.50mvanbaakwow, my cat just had this nasty parasite
00:32.07mvanbaakthose little creapy red beasts that eat your blood
00:32.29mvanbaaka tick
00:34.00mvanbaakwas a big fight. took both my wife and me to get it removed
00:34.25UnixDogburn a match blow it out and put it on the bug
00:34.30UnixDogit dies and falls off
00:34.44UnixDogyou have to make sure to get the head
00:34.56UnixDogelse it breaks off and keeps sucking
00:35.20mvanbaakwe have this special tool
00:35.35mvanbaakyou put it on your skin around the tick
00:35.54mvanbaakand if it's placed you twist it and gently pull while twisting it
00:36.13mvanbaakwe bought it as soon as we got our cat
00:36.20mvanbaakused it 3 times now
00:36.35mvanbaakbut everytime it's a huge fight with the cat
00:36.48mvanbaakshe's in my bed now, not wanting to see me ;)
00:36.57mvanbaakcats rock !
00:37.22mvanbaakand we always check if we have the whole bug
00:38.12mvanbaakbtw, burning the bug is not the way to go
00:38.32mvanbaakbecause it makes the bug to puke into the person/animal it's attached to
00:38.40mvanbaakand you _DONT_ want that
00:38.56mvanbaakyou get lime decease from that puke
00:39.24*** join/#asterisk bl3ss3d (n=tiago@
00:39.31bl3ss3dI'm tryin to compile asterisk-addons-1.2.8
00:39.34bl3ss3dI'm getting format_mp3.c:46: error: redefinition of âstruct ast_filestreamâ
00:39.38bl3ss3dwhat dependencies for formap_mp3 ?
00:40.38*** join/#asterisk putnopvut (
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00:42.15mvanbaakhey putnopvut
00:42.42putnopvutmvanbaak, Hey there.
00:42.43mvanbaakbl3ss3d: your asterisk and addons are from the same release ?
00:43.03putnopvutlooks at the clock, then at mvanbaak, then back at the clock again
00:43.26bl3ss3dmvanbaak: yeap
00:43.33mvanbaakputnopvut: I know ;)
00:43.40mvanbaakSun Apr 13 02:43:40 CEST 2008
00:44.15mvanbaakputnopvut: just had a major fight with our cat
00:44.35putnopvutmvanbaak, yikes. Did you sustain any damage?
00:44.40bl3ss3dmvanbaak: its weird, because I have installed the same asterisk addons without errors on a vmware centos
00:45.02mvanbaakputnopvut: the cat had this nasty parasite 'tick'
00:45.06bl3ss3dmvanbaak: do you know what the de dependencies for format_mp3?
00:45.21mvanbaakbl3ss3d: no, because I do not use it
00:45.31mvanbaakbl3ss3d: try 'make menuselect'
00:45.40mvanbaakthat will give you a list of dependecies
00:45.48bl3ss3dit´s addons 1.2.8
00:45.59bl3ss3dnot have menuselect
00:46.17mvanbaakthat's .... unmaintained
00:47.18mvanbaakand, I never did mp3
00:47.35mvanbaaksox can convert your mp3 to ulaw/alaw/gsm format
00:47.41mvanbaakuse that
00:47.46mvanbaakit's better anyways
00:48.24bl3ss3dI know
00:48.39bl3ss3dbut I'm getting error with app_saycountpl.c too
00:48.54mvanbaakyou need polish counting ?
00:48.55bl3ss3dI think could be some lib dep
00:49.15bl3ss3dwhy polish ?
00:49.29mvanbaakapp_saycountpl is for polish
00:49.43bl3ss3dI only need compile cdr_mysql
00:50.00bl3ss3dso I gonna comment some lines on Makefile
00:50.17bl3ss3dHope it works =)
00:51.54*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
00:51.56bl3ss3dapp_addon_sql_mysql.c:76: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
00:52.08bl3ss3dI cant compile any feature of addons
00:52.16bl3ss3dwhat the hack is going on
00:52.49bl3ss3dit must be some lib dependency
00:54.53mvanbaakno idea
00:55.02mvanbaakI never used the addon
00:55.14mvanbaakuse odbc
00:55.19mvanbaakand upgrade to 1.4
00:55.30bl3ss3dI need mysql =/ to freepbx
00:55.49bl3ss3dI cant yeap
00:55.53mvanbaaktry #freepbx
00:56.05bl3ss3dI'm there
00:56.09mvanbaakfreepbx is a virus
00:56.18bl3ss3dwhy ?
00:56.24mvanbaakit will trash your config files
00:56.28bl3ss3dI never used before
00:56.38bl3ss3ddont say that :P
00:56.53mvanbaakand install a set of configs that's complex, and impossible to maintain
00:57.21bl3ss3dI'm only install freepbx
00:57.49mvanbaakthat will overwrite your /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf
00:57.49bl3ss3dbecause I dont know how to route calls between different contexts
00:58.03mvanbaakbl3ss3d: go read the book
00:58.19jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
00:59.28*** join/#asterisk danalien (n=danalien@unaffiliated/danalien)
00:59.38mvanbaakI want a kitten
00:59.40bl3ss3dI need to configure 4 fxos
00:59.46mvanbaakthose are soooooooooooooooooo cute
00:59.48TJNIII also want a kitten
01:00.12*** join/#asterisk xenonex (n=xenonex@
01:00.14TJNIIThe only problem is they always turn into cats.
01:00.55mvanbaakYola is my cat
01:00.59mvanbaak5 years old
01:02.52*** join/#asterisk adeel (
01:03.10mvanbaakI should go to bed
01:03.17mvanbaakSun Apr 13 03:03:16 CEST 2008
01:04.15mvanbaakeven System Of A Down cant give me enough energy to stay up
01:04.16bl3ss3dSat Apr 12 17:25:31 BRT 2008
01:04.29bl3ss3dCEST ?
01:04.38*** join/#asterisk d00gster (
01:04.48mvanbaakCentral eastern summer time
01:04.58mvanbaakwestern europe
01:05.08mvanbaakThe Netherlands here
01:05.29adeelwhen trying to compile asterisk 1.4.18, i keep getting this error in the ./configure script....checking for sqlite_exec in -lsqlite.... no even though i KNOW i have sqlite3 installed
01:05.36mvanbaakbye all
01:07.57bl3ss3dbye dude
01:08.20putnopvutadeel, do you have the sqlite development libraries installed?
01:08.59adeelputnopvut, yes, i compiled sqlite manually
01:09.11adeelset the --prefix to /usr
01:10.48putnopvutadeel, you may need to specify a --with-sqlite=/path/to/sqlite when you configure
01:19.55jumpiecan someone help me out with getting mysql and/or postgresql ready for a2biling?
01:20.01jumpiethe faq im going off of on their site is very conflicting
01:20.24UnixDogchill out stop being anal and take a break
01:20.34UnixDogrelax and dont stress
01:23.56jumpieUnixDog,  this IS what i do
01:24.04jumpiei work off and on, contracts
01:24.10jumpieim working my butt of on this to learn as much as i can
01:24.22jumpiemy wife is gone at work, i saw a movie, im rady to geek it up again
01:24.25UnixDogbut stressing and having a canipshit does not help
01:24.33jumpieim not having a canipshit :)
01:24.39jumpiejust a pet peeve at bad instructions i guess
01:24.40Strom_Cperhaps you mean conniption
01:24.48jumpiecanipshit works in some cases =p
01:25.03MooingLemurbad diet :P
01:25.25TJNIIOr a severe misunderstanding of the direction of the digestive system.
01:25.41jumpieeither way gonna lead to bad diahrrea
01:26.49jumpieman im almost ready to break my tmobile contract for the sheer reason of the constant maniacl buzzing and pulsing of any speaker when my phone is within 10 feet
01:26.52jumpieeven if the device is off
01:27.08TJNIIAny speaker?
01:27.13jumpieyea, known as 'gsm buzz'
01:27.13*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
01:27.30jumpietmobile phones, and i think att dont have their transmitter on all the time
01:27.33jumpieit pulses
01:28.00jumpieunshielded speakers, or porrly shielded speakers (like most alarm clocks, computer speakers, am/fm radios) interpret that and try to make a sound
01:28.08jumpieyou have never heard a speaker go haywire with a gsm phone near it?
01:28.11jumpieeven if its turned off?
01:28.41TJNIII think you mean poorly sheilded amplifiers.
01:28.49TJNIIAn no, I never have
01:28.56jumpieno i think speakers
01:28.58jumpiegoogle gsm buzz
01:29.14jumpieits ennough to interupt conversation, phone calls, etc
01:29.19UnixDogjumpie the document do not cover postgress
01:29.36jumpiewe have this 'sleep better' sound maker thing for like, jungle sounds, ocean, etc, it goes nuts at night
01:29.41UnixDoglook at using mysql your life will be easier
01:29.44jumpieUnixDog,  hmm? yea it does, in fact almost normally
01:29.46TJNIISo you think a cell phone has enough power to induce enough current into a speaker (which has no active components) to be disruptive?
01:29.49jumpieUnixDog,  i wanna use mysql
01:29.56jumpiebut it mixes and matches mysql/postgres all through the document
01:30.11jumpieTJNII,  no, its the pulsing of the transmitter on the phone
01:30.15jumpiethat is read by the speaker as audio
01:30.17jumpievs constant on
01:30.24jumpieof course its BS so its just static
01:31.00jumpieTJNII, i couldnt write you a white paper on it no..but its definately a known issue, and definately disruptive
01:31.07TJNIIIt's picked up by poorly sheilded amps.  Not speakers.
01:31.22TJNIIAnyways, I'm splitting hairs.
01:31.31jumpiewell thats not that the 'expects' seem to say but
01:31.35jumpiewhatever its stilla ggravating
01:32.05TJNIILook up what a speaker is.
01:32.07UnixDogwhat type of asterisk box is this going on
01:32.18UnixDogelastix ? trashbox ?
01:32.19jumpieThe cause of this buzzing has to do with GSM's "time division" nature. The ever-knowledgeable Keith Nowak, spokesperson for Nokia, explains it as follows: "[[With GSM]] the RF transmitter is turned on/off at a fast rate, and that 'pulsing' is often picked up by nearby devices that don't have good RF shielding. In the case of GSM the pulse rate is 217 Hz, which can be easily heard."
01:32.27jumpieUnixDog,  centos 5
01:32.29jumpienormal vanilla install
01:32.32jumpiethe asterisk is fine
01:32.43jumpiebut im trying to add extra stuff for a2billing, but im not even AT that point, just trying to get it ready
01:32.50jumpiewhen you look at the faq, it says to do postgre or mysql
01:32.56jumpiebt then like, everything else is postgre related
01:33.03jumpieand then lists commands that are not even relevant or correct for centos
01:33.31jumpiei think now i have postgre AND Mysql installed, but the postgre server wont run, says failed, i kinda just wanna like unload everything and start the db stuff again
01:34.45jumpieTJNII,  could be that maybe devices we associate with 'speakers' also have amps and thats what causing it i guess
01:35.30TJNIIjumpie: What is a speaker.
01:35.32UnixDoglooking threw the doc
01:35.38UnixDogits piss poor
01:35.40UnixDogI agree
01:36.00adeelputnopvut, even specifying --with-sqlite=/usr/bin/sqlite3 still returns with the error
01:36.16*** join/#asterisk xenonex (n=xenonex@
01:36.19jumpieUnixDog,  i was fine until the part where it says check if mysql is loading
01:36.20jumpieer loaded
01:36.27jumpiethen it says "if not, do this and that postgre" lol
01:36.42TJNIIThat is exactly what I am saying.  All those little devices that make noise have small amps in them to drive the speaker.  The unsheilded input of the amp picks up the noise and amplified it to the speaker.
01:36.46jumpieso like, if there is a specific file/files to get this to work with mysql it doesnt tell
01:36.52putnopvutadeel, don't specify the path to the executable, put the path to the source directory. Sorry I wasn't clear.
01:36.58jumpieTJNII,  well yhea, normally they go hand in hand..sorry :P
01:37.03TJNIIGetting *just* a speaker to work without wireless would entail a huge magnetic field.
01:37.05jumpiebut what i dont get is, powered off, why is it still an issue
01:37.06adeelputnopvut, source or include?
01:37.23TJNIIjumpie: The radio probably doesn't turn off, I suppose.
01:37.56putnopvutadeel, source
01:38.18adeelputnopvut, still nothing, same error
01:38.25jumpieUnixDog, so how do i totatly remove postgre
01:38.26adeelwhich is annoying...i wonder if there's a more recent ver of asterisk
01:38.28jumpieand stick with mysql
01:38.41putnopvutadeel, yes, 1.4.19 has been released already.
01:39.28putnopvutadeel, although I can't recall any sqlite-specific changes made lately.
01:39.47adeeli'm hoping something in the configure script was fixed
01:40.08adeelit discovers everything else just fine
01:41.10jumpiei've removed postgresql and postgresql-server
01:41.24jumpiebut when i rpm -qa | grep php i still show php-pgsql-5.1.6-15.el5..but i think thats ok
01:44.17*** join/#asterisk DonAlex (
01:45.04DonAlexEvening all .. hoping to bump into someone who is red hot on CLID's :)
01:45.45DonAlexcan someone explain to me what exactly is going wrong to produce this error?  zt_handle_event: Didn't finish Caller-ID spill.  Cancelling.
01:46.27DonAlexManxPower: Oh hey there.. hows it going :)
01:47.16jumpieUnixDog,  yea i have php 5.1.6 and gd
01:47.19jumpiedont know what they mean by fc
01:49.21DonAlexAnd if someone can explain that , maybe they can explain why it looks like 3 CID pulses are sent starting before the 1st ring. I'm in the UK in case anyone wondered..
01:50.13DonAlexI have captured audio too if anyone is interested?
01:50.49DonAlex300k wav if you please..
01:51.43jumpieman this crap is over my heqad
01:52.16DonAlexCaller ID spill anyone?
01:52.21jumpiemy problem UnixDog  is that after i have php5 installed, there are certain files to edit
01:56.17*** join/#asterisk Nasra (
02:07.00jumpiether ya go guys...go get your $1000
02:08.13*** join/#asterisk _charly_ (
02:11.56putnopvutadeel, ah, I'll file that away for future reference.
02:12.20adeelputnopvut, might want to add it to the README or Notes or whatnot
02:13.06putnopvutadeel, how did you eventually figure that out?
02:13.19jumpiewell crap it seems all the a2b faqs are mainly for trix
02:13.24jumpiemaybe ill have to setup some kinda clever ivr
02:14.04adeelputnopvut, i went to and came across a bug/patch talking about adding sqlite3 support, and that got me thinking
02:24.10jumpiedead tonight
02:32.41*** join/#asterisk joat (
02:34.30jbeezjumpie: KUSN
02:35.12jumpiegot that root passwd yet? :D
02:35.50jbeezno working on an HFSC setup
02:36.44jumpieoh yeah
02:36.46jumpiethe fresman thing
02:39.52*** join/#asterisk bsaxon (
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04:00.59*** join/#asterisk moprilo (n=jjohn@
04:01.50moprilowhat do you guys recommend for outbound calls?  outside US..  I was using CallwithUS but I get lots of dropped calls after 5min or less.  Anyone with the same issue?
04:04.08jbeezdropped calls?
04:04.21jbeezthat sucks, is it a bandwidth issue or provider issue?
04:04.58*** join/#asterisk xenonex (n=xenonex@
04:10.17drmessanocallwithus = callwithanxiety
04:24.36WilliamKalmost sounds like a bw or router problem on someones side... throttling or out-of-order packets
04:25.51luke-jrWilliamK: both of those are normal network things….
04:26.18*** join/#asterisk ectospasm (
04:29.08*** join/#asterisk mamacito62 (n=XD@
04:29.19mamacito62hi for all
04:29.27WilliamKluke, yeah I know, but some providers don't know yet howto properly manage
04:30.17*** join/#asterisk UnixDog (
04:30.55mamacito62i have a truble when i receive call on one landline the sound is like fax-tone any sugestions?
04:43.12obnauticusdrmessano you there?
04:43.38*** join/#asterisk raytruz_ (
04:44.19raytruz_Can anyone suggest a cheap sip provider i can use to make a couple test calls with asterisk?
04:45.08obnauticusyou can ask a few providors to test their service
04:45.15obnauticusand they will give you a few test minutes for free or really cheap.
04:45.26raytruz_Can you suggest a couple?
04:45.41obnauticusvoipjet, teliax, isphone
04:45.45*** join/#asterisk kamanashisroy (n=kamanash@
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04:50.23the_5th_wheelcan someone please confirm, that this syntax is correct, since it seems not to work.
04:50.26the_5th_wheelexten => _07[0-5]X., 1, Dial(IAX2/cde-voip/${EXTEN})
04:51.10the_5th_wheelI want it to send all numbers starting with 07 [0-5] numbers to cde-voip
05:00.20*** join/#asterisk mactimes (n=mactimes@unaffiliated/mactimes)
05:04.17mishehuwould be easier if it just used regexes for pattern matching ;-)
05:08.54*** join/#asterisk kamanashisroy (n=kamanash@
05:11.53ectospasmthe_5th_wheel:  maybe try _07[012345]X.,
05:12.42*** part/#asterisk mactimes (n=mactimes@unaffiliated/mactimes)
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05:15.23*** join/#asterisk CrashHD (
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05:29.32the_5th_wheelWhoops, seems it was the iax peer that was stuffed.
05:29.45the_5th_wheelok, next question, how can i block certain outgoing numbers?
05:36.47jblackMake an extension by that number that calls HangUp
05:41.36*** join/#asterisk ectospasm (
05:44.48the_5th_wheeljblack: thanks
05:54.33*** join/#asterisk Nasra (
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07:15.22WilliamKanyone here use the ATI 2600 HD video cards?
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08:37.08dongsexcuse my stupidity but
08:37.14dongshow does one download asterisk these days? = ded sends to some weird registration page.
08:37.35dongswhere can I just GET it.
08:38.03dongsuh yes.
08:38.11dongsthats what sends me to some blank page called elqNow
08:38.12dongsor someshit
08:38.42dongsim using links...
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08:39.46stelioskit opens and downloads fine here, infact a few minutes ago got 1.2.27
08:39.58dongswhere can i just get shit by FTP
08:40.13dongssteliosk: it does not work. it redirects to that elqNow which is a blank page.
08:40.38steliosk${PV}.tar.gz where ${PV} is your asterisk version
08:40.55dongssigh. i hope this works. im going to type it.
08:42.21dongswhats the latest zaptel url
08:42.32dongsor number rather i guess.
08:42.32*** join/#asterisk LordScinawa (
08:42.48dongsyea ok thx
08:42.48stelioskor 1.4.10
08:43.02LordScinawai have a problem with Comfort noise :|
08:43.33LordScinawaComfort noise support incomplete in Asterisk (RFC 3389). Please turn off on client if possible. Client IP:
08:44.04dongsi wonder if having a tdm400 card without modules enough to get timing for meetme
08:44.07dongsor do i need at least one module
08:44.37LordScinawai have tried all the possible combination of codec (rfc2833, inbadn, info)
08:44.42LordScinawabut the problem is the same
08:45.07stelioskdongs : should be enough
08:45.17LordScinawai use asterisk 1.2  because i work on a debian stable but i've reached the same problem on my laptop witch run 1.4
08:45.36stelioskdongs : even an el-chepo 1 line card would be enough
08:46.08dongsfucking zaptel doesnt compile, some kernel structs redefinitions, sigh.
08:46.17dongswtf guys. this shit just worked liek 4 yeras ago.
08:47.24WilliamKdongs, I'm starting to think your very tired right now :)
08:48.02WilliamKand yeah I remembered the stuff from 2-4yrs ago, it did work well :)
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08:48.38WilliamKthe other problem we've ran into is update kernel, and zaptel doesn't start again till you recompile it
08:50.24stelioskfor latest versions of zaptel you need a kernel => 2.6.23
08:50.49dongswell thats obvious
08:50.53dongswhich is where I'm at right now.
08:53.21*** join/#asterisk xenonex (n=xenonex@
09:01.17liriassuming asterisk serves only as a pbx between sip clients and destinations (trunks are sip) and no transcoding of codecs is to be handled. recording of calls/ease-dropping of calls should be taken into account when calculating the load on the machine?
09:06.22stelioskliri : yes and does really take a toll on performance
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09:26.11bougiehello :p
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10:07.11liristeliosk: I see. both recording and listening takes major cpu time or just one of those?
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10:21.33Greek-Boyhi stelios
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10:22.43Greek-Boycan someone tell me which function to use to work out the sip username? ${SIPCHANINFO(useragent)} will obviously return the use agent which i'm not interested in
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11:37.32wbilancioHello I am looking for an Asterick admin who would like to give a talk about Asterick at a sysadmin user group in the Princeton NJ area
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11:53.21cmantitowbilancio: more details?
11:53.28cmantitois local...ish to that.
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11:55.23shido6whats the app on linux you use to moinitoro bandwidth... similar to top, uses... "ncurses" ?
11:56.23cmantitoI use...
11:56.54cmantitoyeah, iptraf, like RoyK said
11:59.27shido6iftop, ok, i got it
11:59.33shido6iptraf is cool, too, thanks!
12:02.32jbeezI wish linux would just adobt pf&altq already and get it over with
12:04.03yeas#asterisk-fr is working now
12:04.11cmantitoooh, iftop is nice
12:13.24yeassi there anyone here N
12:14.10jbeezdepends on what you want
12:14.45yeasi got a sipura 3000 ?
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12:14.54yeasi got a sipura 3000
12:15.04yeasis it possible to use my sipura 3000 to make a link between my PSTN line and my Freepbx server ?
12:15.30jbeezI prob cant help y ou w/ the tech questions im new here :o
12:21.07yeasthx C4away
12:21.40C4awaynp, hope it works
12:23.58yeashow to control the number of simultaneous calls from my freepbx ? for one sip account ?
12:24.55yeasi mean is it possible to control the number of simultaneous calls from freepbx ?
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12:29.50jbotputs oej through a wood chipper for old time's sake, courtesy of royk
12:38.55wbilanciocmantito: I am the founder of lopsa-nj
12:39.25wbilanciocmantito: I have had a few requests for a talk on Asterisk.
12:39.25cmantitoand what do you need, exactly?
12:39.54wbilancioWe meet the first Thursday of the month at the Lawrence twonship branch of the Mercer County Library
12:40.09*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (
12:40.32cmantitois there a specific asterisk related topic you wanted a speaker on? or asterisk in general? or..?
12:40.32wbilanciocmantito: a general talk about the product and how it is to admin and configure and set up
12:40.41wbilancio60 to 90 min talk
12:41.00wbilancioasterisk in general
12:42.08cmantitoand when are you looking to do this?
12:42.46wbilancioI need a may topic..if that's to early then any month after that would be good
12:43.55cmantitowbilancio: email me all the details -- -- and I will get back to you on that during the work week for sure.
12:43.58cmantitosound ok?
12:44.17wbilanciosounds good...sending e-mail now..thanks
12:46.42Greek-BoyWill ${CUT(CUT(SIP_HEADER(From),@,1),:,2)},1) return the sip username of a sip phone?
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13:42.08hi365how can I share hints accross multipal pbx's?
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13:48.52ccvpirssi in Cygwin_nt-5.1 1.5.24(0.156/4/2)i686 ftw - lulz....vmware in ubuntu 7.10 running "windows xp", with irssi in cygwin instead of doing it raw in ubuntu LULZ :)
13:48.56ccvpIrssi 0.8.12 (20071006) -
13:49.46ccvpcome on irc addicts, wake up
13:49.48ccvpdrink your coffee
13:51.16jbeezwhat what?
13:51.43hi365how can I share hints accross multipal servers?
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14:41.09jm|laptopanyone use terrasip?
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14:41.37jm|laptopor terrorsip as it appears to be
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14:55.07mvanbaakis there a way to give PrivacyManager a hint how a phonenr looks like ?
14:56.06mvanbaakhi365: I dont think you can
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14:59.13DovidTzafrir - u here ?
15:05.49hi365mvanbaak: even using devstate?
15:06.54mvanbaakhi365: you need something to toggle the devstate on a remote box
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15:12.55hi365was hoping that something allready exists
15:13.16hi365its seems kinda coplicated, its goto go thru the AMI
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15:16.53rotozipdoes anyone use a sipura spa3000 here?
15:20.42errrhi365: when you figure out how to do it please let me know cause I would really like to have that
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15:21.58hi365errr: there is a php script and a python script - but they both need some elbow greese
15:22.18errrhi365: I have this chat snip from where me and groogs were  talking about how to do it in #freepbx one day if you want Ill post it
15:22.37errrhi365: show me cause I know both really well and wouldnt mind working on them
15:24.08hi3651 sec
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15:27.15errrhi365: we never did get around to trying that idea he had. I got busy and then people stopped asking for me to add the support
15:27.43hi365i dont fully understand how/why it would work
15:28.01hi365it (according to what I understood) should only update on servera
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15:30.35errrI think it would work, I just dont think the idea is fully complete. Like its missing a few steps
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15:31.11errrplus I think its not the best solution cause you have so many more extensions to manage like that
15:31.16nitrus^for anyone here using the polycom 501, what firmware and and bootrom are you using?
15:32.06hi365i would think that a simple bash script would do the trik, but then the blf's arent updated in real time
15:33.03[TK]D-Fendernitrus^, 2.2.2 is generally stable, 3.0.0 has some issues
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15:37.24tecnicoI know this is going to sound like a dumb and annoying question. But I'm trying (as part of a school project) to document some vulnerability on an asterisk server in this case due to a misconfiguration. Other than proper system security (iptables, hosts deny, ssh non-root only, etc), contexts separation and proper deny/allow in the manager interface,  any hints on where else I may find vulnerable points?
15:37.58tzangertecnico: making sure your [default] has a hangup and nothing else?
15:38.07tzangerturning off priority jumping and autofallthrough
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15:38.18Dovidseen NirS
15:38.36tzangertecnico: making sure that all manager accounts are locked down
15:38.42tecnicook.  what about some vulnerability that puts you at risk of getting hacked?
15:39.00nitrus^[TK]D-Fender:  im on the freedomphones site and the 2.2.2 isn't on there, for the sip firmware and the bootrom
15:39.03hi365Dovid: i think its ~nick
15:39.03tecnicothis is for a net. security class.. that's why the emphasis
15:39.05tzangertecnico: nothing specific, I mean it's not like there's a res_hackme library or anything
15:39.28tecnicotnx. tzanger
15:39.39hi365maybe not :)
15:40.05hi365ma yesh? want the hebrew patch?
15:40.26tecnicohave you seen any snort rules for IAX for example ? to aid on some attack like the video frame vulnerability a while ago ?
15:40.42tzangertecnico: go check back throught CVE mails for asterisk and zaptel
15:40.46tecnicoI found some for SIP.. nothing for iax yet
15:40.47tzangerthat's probably what you're after
15:44.22tecnicotzanger: yeah, I've seen several CVEs but they are all fixed on current versions (wasn't due to misconfiguration).
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16:02.52JayTee52hmmm, is least for me.
16:03.38C4awayseems offline for me as well
16:05.21talntidwrkworks for me
16:05.35talntidwrk... april fools... 13 days late...
16:07.01C4awayI have seen some major issues with the net today
16:07.48C4awayI've been puting together some server quotes and shopping around for different hardware and at least two sites were unavailable at different times when they had been available minutes earlier
16:07.51C4awaythen they came back up
16:08.13C4awayalso, having packet loss issues from California to Pennsylvania
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16:11.38JayTee52it's probably all Pennsylvania's usually is. :-)
16:12.43C4awayyea, isn't that where aussievoip and voip-info were hosted before?
16:13.06C4awayback when they died a horrible death
16:14.11tecnicomust be the bitternes.. so Obama says
16:14.12*** join/#asterisk LakeSolon (
16:14.21C4awayheh, yea I heard about that
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16:16.54UnixDogI think gastman needs to be revived
16:17.07UnixDogand given mor functionality
16:17.11Nasrajack_Sparrow: are you around?
16:17.17UnixDoglike conference control
16:17.35UnixDogand more control over queues
16:17.41UnixDogand transfers
16:18.17JayTee52so basically you want a GUI that has fully programmable control over Asterisk?
16:18.24UnixDogand made into more of a operator control panel . flop is crap and everything else I find is closed source
16:19.15UnixDogno just control over conferences. there are other guis out there for setup and configuration
16:19.35Greek-Boyhas anyone here setup voicemail to work with imap. more specifically courier-imap? I'm having issues.
16:19.49tzafrirGreek-Boy, try dovecot
16:19.58tzafrirIt supports a master account
16:20.04[TK]D-FenderUnixDog, What kind of control?
16:20.13tzafrir(and maildors, and mbox, and whatever)
16:20.24UnixDoglike what webmeetme does
16:20.35JayTee52an well designed open-source GUI utility for ACD and conferencing control for Asterisk would be a really useful tool.
16:20.38UnixDogbut I dont want to run a remote web page
16:20.48tzafrirUnixDog, sounds like a good start
16:20.51UnixDogI want the app to sit right on y laptop
16:21.17Greek-Boytzafrir: I'm using qmail + courier imap as they work well together. If I use dovecot I'll have to have the users access a seperate mail server just for voicemail?
16:21.56tzafrirdovecot works with maildirs. But then again, you already have a working setup
16:22.09[TK]D-FenderUnixDog, Looks easy enough to make.  I've done a simple one myself that lists participants, 2s interval "who is talking" colouring, and kick abilities
16:22.13JayTee52now if only that site was in English I might have a clue.....
16:22.27Greek-Boytzafrir: I'll research into using dovecot with qmail.
16:22.49UnixDogI dont see why gastman died
16:22.50tzafrirGreek-Boy, well, maybe courier will work as well
16:22.53UnixDogits a good app
16:23.27tzafrirSomething that can be of major help is a "master password" - a sort of super-user account that can add messages to any mailbox
16:23.27UnixDogthat website is in german and it wont translate
16:24.00[TK]D-Fendertzanger, I'm m4d l33t... about to cash out $30.55 in Canadian Tire money ;)
16:24.00Greek-Boytzafrir: I think it can work but wouldn't know where to start. Already did searching but can't seem to find a clue.
16:24.01JayTee52nein sprechen zie Deutsch
16:24.46UnixDog<== does not speak German
16:24.58UnixDogor read it
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16:28.14tzanger[TK]D-Fender: hahaha awesome
16:28.25JayTee52<== does not speak German or read it either. I can count to ten and know yes, no and a few other words but forget reading a website in it.
16:29.14tzafrirdoes not read German.
16:29.19tzafrirreads babelfish
16:29.45tzafrirWhich makes web sites all the more amusing
16:30.55JayTee52"the vodka is good but the meat is rotten"
16:31.45JayTee52one of the first translation programs to translate english to russian gave that as a response to "the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak."
16:34.00tzafrirJayTee52, it is actually reasonable for translating technical documentation
16:34.46JayTee52it's not too bad but a "Universal Translator" like in Star Trek is at least a century away at best.
16:35.24tzafrirA "universal translator" such as a babel fish?
16:35.41tzafrirNah, no such thing can exist
16:35.46JayTee52babelfish has a long way to go
16:36.07JayTee52"no one will ever need more than 640K of RAM"
16:36.28JayTee52"If a man exceeds 60mph in a horseless carriage he will die"
16:36.35UnixDogno one will ever need more the a 386/20
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16:36.44JayTee52hi ManxPower
16:37.41UnixDogok tiime to grab a gtk book and a c book
16:37.53UnixDogand see what I can do to revive gastman
16:38.17JayTee52and write that managment app that revolutionizes this fledgling Asterisk industry.
16:38.36*** join/#asterisk Strom_C (n=strom@
16:38.36UnixDoggastman was a good start
16:38.38JayTee52What ya gonna call it?
16:38.46UnixDogit gives you some control
16:38.52UnixDogbut it needs updating
16:39.34JayTee52Trixgast (ducks, tucks and ROFL)
16:39.55UnixDoghave any of you used gastman
16:40.05JayTee52back with 1.2 for a wee bit.
16:40.22rotozipin a sipura device does <:@gw0> in a dial plan route the call directly through the device and bypass asterisk?
16:41.08UnixDogI use it right now with 1.4
16:41.27UnixDogthat way I dont have to ssh into the system all the time
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16:47.26UnixDogI have found only 1 gui I really like
16:47.32UnixDogall the others lack
16:47.38UnixDogbut its not a freegui
16:48.18UnixDogit does not use all the sql crap freepbx use
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18:06.24jumpieafternoon whatever
18:06.26luke-jrdo TigerJet USB devices work with *?
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18:19.58[TK]D-Fenderluke-jr, Would look like a "no",  Go buy a compatible device
18:20.24drmessano[TK]D-Fender: Google found all that for you?
18:20.42[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano, easily.
18:20.46jeevsup Fender
18:20.52[TK]D-Fenderluke-jr, Some softphones do however
18:21.14drmessano[TK]D-Fender: I tried Lycos, but that dog doesn't hunt.  :(
18:21.51[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano, then put it down like the mangy mutt it is.
18:22.22drmessanoLycos: Too pathetic for even Microsoft to buy it
18:25.51tzafrirreally? nobody uses wcusb?
18:26.46tzafrirThen why did that driver go through a rewrite(?) (wcusbfxs -> wcusb)
18:28.12jumpiemaybe some people have ghetto rigged it
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18:45.55Greek-Boyis it possible to use the equivalent of _[2345]XX in a Gotoif?
18:49.41UnixDogexten = [2-5]XX,s,1
18:49.55UnixDogor are you waiting for extra input ?
18:50.21jumpieis there an easyway to do blacklisting? i can just do it on extensions.conf right? im seeing alot of faqs about using it with trixbox, or mysql
18:50.23jumpiewhich im a bit confused
18:50.35jumpiethere are just about 5 numbers i want to send to the same GOTO area
18:50.43jumpiebut im not sure if you call them as incoming 'extensions'
18:51.48Greek-Boyunix dog I am trying to have 2XX, 3XX, 4XX and 5XX all in one string?
18:52.30UnixDogI just showed you how
18:52.44UnixDogexten = [2-5]XX,s,1,COMMAND()
18:53.51jumpieyou could also do [2-5,7] right?
18:53.57jumpiefor example...
18:54.03jumpieor is it [2-57]
18:56.37jumpieUnixDog,  can you help me with shitlisting a few numbers
18:57.26[TK]D-Fenderjumpie, many ways to skin this cat (blacklisting).  How many numbers?  How do you want to manage the list?
18:57.47jumpiefender, i dont really need to put it in a db, i just wnat like 5 numbers
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18:57.54jumpieand they will all go to the same goto
18:57.55Greek-BoyUnixDog: yeah thats as an extension. I'm trying to use it in a Gotoif statement
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18:58.11jumpielike playback(disconnected), etc
18:59.24jumpiei can implement mysql if someone can show me houw
19:00.08UnixDogwhy a gotoif ?
19:00.14UnixDogwhat are you trying to do
19:00.27[TK]D-Fenderjumpie, Then do a single GotoIf based on an AstDB lookup "core show function DB" and put the values in manually via CLI
19:00.53jumpieso basically it checks if the value is in that db, then proceed
19:01.05jumpiealot of the db blacklist faqs seem a bit convoluted i guess thats why i was confused
19:01.40jumpiei see there is also a function BLACKLIST as well
19:02.13[TK]D-Fenderjumpie, junk.  it jsut uses AstDB itself and is a waste of time.  Never should have been created...
19:02.20jumpieah really
19:02.47jumpieso i can make my own variable to tie to that then
19:02.51jumpie$shitlist, etc
19:06.58UnixDogjumpie see pm
19:07.46[TK]D-Fenderjumpie, Not a "variable", just an AstDB lookup that you would di directly in your GotoIf.
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19:27.25Greek-BoyUnixDog: using a Gotoif so for conditions based on caller id
19:32.19UnixDoglooking if I have one to show you
19:32.29[TK]D-FenderGreek-Boy, go lookup "asterisk expressions" on the wiki...
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19:35.03jumpiehahaha all-your-base.wav
19:35.07jumpiesomebody had some humor
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19:42.51jumpie[15:37:40] [root@ippbx:  /var/lib/asterisk/sounds]$ ls *shit*
19:42.51jumpiels: *shit*: No such file or directory
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19:45.02jumpiefender, is there a way somehow that you can send a call forward set/unset to a phone?
19:45.30jumpiei want to somehow see if i can make my asterisk box evaluate incoming calls to my cell, where it's like forward to my box, check for blacklist, etc, and then send it back to my cell, but avoiding a loop
19:45.53jumpiemaybe like, forward call calls EXCEPT from my box, lol dont know if my cell can do that though
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19:58.29[TK]D-Fenderjumpie, Depends on your phone.  Typically the answer is "no"
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20:06.31nephfli can call out but cant get calls in with ports seem to be forwarded correctly..everything looks right in the cli, i just get no sound...can someone help point me in the right direction
20:06.43nephfli am using vtwhite
20:07.09jbot[~trixbox] trixbox is a full linux distro that includes FreePBX and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox VERY difficult to support, and is not supported in #asterisk. Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & wiki at
20:18.38UnixDogPBX in a flash is better
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20:22.37jfghi there
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20:23.01jfgsomeone could help me to test my sip account ?
20:23.11jfg(making ma phone ringing ?)
20:23.33jameswf-homewhate ext/ip
20:24.27jfgjameswf-home: query
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20:33.26jfgjameswf-home: thanks :)
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20:45.21marc7if I dial across an IAX2 peer, I'm seeing that as the call is establishing, it says "format for call is unknown"... then I proceed to get a ton of error messages on both ends of the call saying "channel.c:2617 __ast_read: Dropping incompatible voice frame on IAX2/eclipse-2 of format ulaw since our native format has changed to slin16" or "channel.c:2734 set_format: Unable to find a codec translation path from unknown to ulaw"
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20:47.30marc7gotcha, the same settings I've used in sip.conf to define what codecs are allowed/disallowed also need to take place in iax.conf
20:48.14jumpiei was just about to say that
20:48.25jumpiecheck your allow/disalow
20:58.10*** join/#asterisk threat (
20:58.50jameswf-homehas anyone played with vmware 2.0 its all web based... a littl freaky
20:59.00threatno I havn't
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20:59.21threatI have used VirtualBox though :)
21:00.06mvanbaakvirtualbox is nice
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21:01.40threatIt sure is
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21:11.49jumpieblacklist works
21:12.00jumpiethanks to UnixDog , google, self discovery, and trial and error :)
21:21.01UnixDogpost it for others
21:23.43mvanbaakanyone here ?
21:23.59*** part/#asterisk michka (
21:24.01mvanbaakI have an idea, but want to get some feedback on it before I do it
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21:25.52ariel_only way to get feed back is to ask
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21:27.29nitrus1i ran a format on my polycom 501 per the asterisk bulk provisioning tutorial, and it looks like it wiped out my SIP application.  the about screen on the phone shows rev 3.2.2.  which sip.ld do i need to put on my tftp to bring the sip.ld back up?
21:29.10ariel_where did you get the asterisk bulk provisiong tutorial?  I did not know there was one for polycom's
21:29.59UnixDogwhat the hell
21:30.11UnixDognitrus1: url pls
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21:38.48[TK]D-Fendernitrus1, 3.2.2 is the BootROM, not the SIP application.
21:39.30[TK]D-Fendernitrus1, Go grag some compatible SIP provisioning pack and start over
21:41.30mvanbaakmy idea is
21:41.47mvanbaakcreate a new parameter for PrivacyManager
21:41.58mvanbaakthis should be a context name
21:42.12mvanbaakif an anonymous caller calls you and hits privacymanager
21:42.35mvanbaakthis context will be used to check if the given callerid is something that matches an exten in this context
21:42.53mvanbaakright now, it will only check if you provide the correct number of digits, but that's it
21:43.12mvanbaakI would like to use the exten lines to create matches for valid numbers
21:43.26mvanbaakthis will prevent: 1111111111
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21:45.23nitrus1ok i got the phone up.  now when i do sip show peers it shows the phone as unreachable, but i can ping it from the asterisk server
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21:52.10[TK]D-Fendernitrus1, Either the phone hasn't registered, or there's a networking issue
21:55.32mvanbaakknow what, I'll just implement it
21:55.49nitrus1how can i determine which is is?
21:58.24[TK]D-Fendernitrus1, look at the SIP traffic on your server
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22:03.55marc7could anybody suggest a way to check (in the middle of the dialplan) if a file on the system exists or not?
22:04.01nitrus1yeah it's the net i think.  the server sends sip traffic to the phone but there is no response
22:04.02[TK]D-Fendernitrus1, "sip debug", then reboot the phone and watch for traffic
22:04.03marc7this is 1.6.0-b7.1
22:06.58marc7i used to (1.2.x) have a System( <filename>) which would exit 0 if the file existed, exit 1 if it didn't.... and I'd rely on asterisk to jump to n+101 on an exit 1
22:07.38marc7I suppose I could do it with an AGI script, which would set a variable and asterisk would GotoIf() based on the variable
22:07.49marc7just wondering if you guys could suggest a cleaner course of approach
22:09.16nitrus1[TK]D-Fender: i see transmissions from the server to the phone but nothing coming the other way in the sip debug.  it had nat enabled for the phone in asterisk but i shut it off.  i still see the same issue
22:10.01[TK]D-Fendernitrus1, guess that measn thingss are bad * side
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22:14.11nitrus1weird.  my tftp server for provisioning is on the same asterisk box and it downloads everything just fine, ICMP traffic works
22:14.44[TK]D-Fendernitrus1, describe the full networking path.
22:15.18nitrus1the asterisk box and sip phone are on the same switch and same network
22:16.15[TK]D-Fendernitrus1, well then if you see no SIP traffic on the server either its locally firewalled, or your phone config is bad
22:20.37nitrus1hrm, iptables are all empty so must be the phone config
22:20.52nitrus1im using vlan's too so maybe that could be a reason, but they're native vlans
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22:25.10nitrus1hmm i got on my firewall, it looks like it's trying to send the traffic to the internet
22:32.03jameswf-homeyou will have dns traffic even for lan calls
22:33.41nitrus1it's sip not dns
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22:39.37cyberjackalwindow set * status_format3 %C %+ %-
22:39.41cyberjackalwindow set * status_format3 %C %+ %-/
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23:55.13tloginHi, everyone. Is this channels a place to get help configuring asterisk? I need some help with a little problem I'm having...
23:55.37drmessanoDon't ask to ask, ask
23:58.48tloginok. I need to know if there some similar configuration as "promiscredir=yes" in sip. conf, but to be used with call transfer (REFER) and not with redirect.
23:59.26tloginI need to b able to transfer a call to a non local domain.

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