IRC log for #asterisk on 20080412

00:03.30*** part/#asterisk ManxPower (
00:03.44MDK2MDKwhat that mean ztdummy driver ??
00:04.06*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
00:04.23MDK2MDKis there body here can help me plz ?????????????,,,,
00:10.18JayTee52MDK2MDK, download and read this, then come back
00:10.22jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
00:10.47JayTee52the first link is the downloadable book. It has an index and in it there is a reference to ztdummy.
00:11.24MDK2MDKim reading it now bat some thins i dident understund them
00:11.34MDK2MDKi'm a new user of linux
00:11.47mwallingthen consult your distro documentation
00:12.01MDK2MDKbut i'm a good devlopper in java and .net langages
00:12.29MDK2MDKok thx :) i'll try
00:13.00ManxPowerMDK2MDK: To really set up Asterisk you need a good working knowledge of Linux, networking, telecom, NAT, SIP, and Asterisk
00:13.54JayTee52and don't forget two things, Don't Panic and always bring a towel
00:14.59MDK2MDKok :)
00:15.19MDK2MDKi'll try all of that tkx :)
00:15.26NasraManxPower: how much is good working knowledge for you ....I don't know much about ...and I almost ready to go for it....
00:16.17*** join/#asterisk bronson (
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00:34.03jeevis crazy
00:35.23*** part/#asterisk voipman (
00:39.44*** part/#asterisk xai (n=pasta@about/networking/
00:42.53*** join/#asterisk Great_Randew (
00:44.59*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (n=nighty@
00:48.05*** join/#asterisk dlynes (n=dlynes@
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00:49.19luke-jrI love how Asterisk 1.4.19 adds new bugs -.-
00:50.16_ShrikElooks at luke-jr and agrees
00:50.41*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@
00:51.08luke-jr_ShrikE: wish I knew how it got past QA
00:51.21dlynesDid asterisk 1.4.14 or later fix a nasty bug in the voicemail in 1.4.13, where the thread would crash when retrieving certain voicemail messages?
00:51.48dlynesI've got a bunch of 60 byte voicemails that when the user goes to retrieve them, asterisk hangs up on them
00:52.11JunK-Ydlynes: can I close ?
00:52.51jeevhey guys, ... i can't seem to figure out call parking OR transfer via softphone. where would i put the Tt/tT in that set up?
00:53.15dlynesJunK-Y: I'm guessing it's been added to 1.6?
00:53.23_ShrikEjeev: If you are using a softphone.  The Tt options should not be necessary.
00:53.39jeev_ShrikE, X-Lite does not have transfer :/
00:54.06_ShrikEahh.. you are correct
00:54.26jeevwish it did man.. but riht now, im planning on rnning everything on X-Lite, then 2 months later, changing to IP Phones.
00:54.32JunK-Ydlynes: yes, but I also wrote a patch for 1.4
00:55.01dlynesJunK-Y: Ok, cool
00:55.08dlynesJunK-Y: go ahead and close it, then...thanks
00:56.09jeev_ShrikE, anything? :/
00:56.09JunK-Yi will see if I could create a backport for 1.4
00:56.27*** join/#asterisk bsaxon (
00:56.59dlynesluke-jr: what new bugs did asterisk 1.4.19 add?
00:57.08luke-jr at least
00:58.08JunK-Yluke-jr: is that 1.4.19-rc3?
00:58.19luke-jr1.4.19 final
00:58.22*** join/#asterisk NirS (
00:59.06JunK-Yhigh volume?
00:59.21JunK-Ydo you have a really high volume?
01:00.29Qwellwhat, no debug logs?
01:00.36Qwelluseful bug report there
01:00.37luke-jrJunK-Y: whatever defaults are?
01:00.49*** join/#asterisk korihor (n=humberto@
01:01.16JunK-Ythere's default for volume? i didnt know that.
01:01.28Qwelldefault is 0
01:01.37jeevhey guys, ... i can't seem to figure out call parking OR transfer via softphone. where would i put the Tt/tT in that set up? i'm using X-lite softphone and transfer isn't enabled.
01:01.50drmessanoIf anyone is interested Openfire enterprise is now open source.. so some of the cool asterisk functionality is now free
01:01.56JunK-YQwell: i totally agree that bug means _nothing_, since theres not infos at all.
01:02.06Qwelldrmessano: eh?
01:02.14*** join/#asterisk d00gster (
01:02.26drmessanoOpenfire XMPP server..
01:04.25plikerk... what could suddenly cause outgoing calls to fail with "CHANUNAVAIL" ?
01:04.48Qwellplik: the channel being unavailable
01:05.24NirSis going to bed, it's 4am aleady
01:05.34Kyoshicould be lack of network connectivity
01:05.37NirSis going to bed, it's 4am already <- zZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZ
01:05.45Kyoshicould be the sip host could be rejecting you
01:05.46plikI kinda guessed that, but no idea why it would suddently appear, no changes to outgoing calls section of dialplan
01:06.15plikhmm... internet works, incoming calls work
01:06.25Kyoshidialplan has nothing to do with it
01:11.05*** join/#asterisk FireMac (
01:27.34*** join/#asterisk nhuismanwork (n=nhuisman@dhcp79.IfA.Hawaii.Edu)
01:28.17nhuismanworkI have some cisco 7940/60's that recently started displaing an incorrect time.  They were correct up till maybe a week ago or so.  Now they are all 1 hour ahead.
01:28.19nhuismanworkany ideas?
01:28.45nhuismanworkThe time on the asterisk server is correct
01:28.58nhuismanworkmy first thought was DST
01:29.03nhuismanworkbut i'm in hawaii and we don't have DST
01:29.21mwallingdo your phones know that?
01:29.40nhuismanworkI would think they should know that HST is not affected by DST
01:31.15nhuismanworkI don't have any dstoffset stuff set in the SIPDefault.cnf
01:32.17mwallingshrugs.... it was a hunch
01:32.25nhuismanworkyou could be right
01:32.28nhuismanworki'm turning off dst_auto_adjust: 1
01:32.32nhuismanworkmaybe it's just retarded
01:32.40nhuismanworkI THINK that should turn off dst
01:33.50*** join/#asterisk m4sk4r4 (n=m4sk4r4@
01:44.58*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
01:46.02profoundeddoes anyone know of any good sip providers for calling the UK and Canada?
01:46.22JunK-Yfor canada, unlimitel is good.
01:47.07profoundedoh really??? what r the rates like?  ill go there now
01:47.10plikprofounded: check out
01:47.39plikprofounded: sorry, that should be
01:47.47profoundedvoiptel? boy i must have hit lottery 2nite!
01:47.57profoundedok tks!
01:49.47plikvoiptalk, voiptalk  :)
01:52.02ManxPowerThe time on the Asterisk server has nothing to do with the Cisco phones if they are running SIP
01:56.33*** join/#asterisk m4sk4r4 (n=m4sk4r4@
02:05.39ManxPowerThe cisco phones get their time (in UTC) from their NTP server.  Any local timezone stuff is done on the phone, moving the displayed time forward or back the correct number of hours
02:10.29*** join/#asterisk FireMac (
02:13.27*** part/#asterisk comprookie2000 (
02:14.13*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
02:15.14luke-jrDoes IAX2 use RTP?
02:15.17luke-jrat all?
02:19.58luke-jrthe diff between and 1.4.19 is too huge ☹
02:21.14JunK-Yluke-jr: the equivalence of the RTP in IAX2 is the mini-frame.
02:21.40luke-jrbut that wouldn't use rtp.c code, would it?
02:22.01JunK-Yno, like file just said.
02:22.15luke-jryeah, so the marker bit change is unrelated I guess
02:22.21luke-jrwhich leave me no traces ☹
02:22.51JunK-Yu need to take a trace of the iax2 debug
02:23.18luke-jreven though the problem is independent of IAX2?
02:23.30luke-jr(occurs in both SIP and IAX2 calls)
02:27.22JunK-Yu need to trace a bit luke-jr, i really suspect theres a bug in both drivers, otherwise a LOT of ppl would report that same bug.
02:27.46luke-jractually, I think I might be wrong
02:27.51luke-jrit might be SIP only
02:28.04luke-jri'm not 100% sure those IAX2 calls were actually IAX2
02:28.30luke-jris there a way to disable the marker bit thing in 1.4.19?
02:30.50UnixDogluke-jr: come over to the dark side
02:31.33fileyou can comment out the code, recompile, and see if that fixes it
02:31.55luke-jrfile: then I need to setup a dev environment
02:35.58luke-jranyone know what revs and 1.4.19 are from in branches/1.4?
02:36.34fileyou don't need to know.
02:36.38filetags/ and tags/1.4.19
02:37.41JunK-Yfile: seriously, that question is asked many many time and I also think that could help ppl, when they apply patches here and there.
02:37.51filewhat question?
02:38.21JunK-Y1.4.x is based on which specific Revision.
02:38.33filesvn info<version> will tell you the revision, or just check out the tag directly and get that version
02:38.34luke-jrfile: easier to narrow the bug to a specific rev
02:38.54luke-jrbut that requires working with the branch
02:39.09*** join/#asterisk flynux (n=flynux@2a01:38:0:0:0:0:0:1)
02:40.01JunK-Ybut getting a specific tag, you have then to do lot of diff for some users.
02:40.51fileso do what I said and get the revision
02:41.19luke-jrwhich is?
02:41.36fileLast Changed Rev: 112286
02:43.25luke-jrLast Changed != Tagged/Copied
02:43.27*** join/#asterisk icebourg (
02:43.38*** join/#asterisk Nasra (
02:46.34luke-jrhm, that's interesting… PBX decided to randomly reboot
02:47.06*** join/#asterisk fnordus (n=dnall@
02:50.36jbeezwhat kind of pbx
02:55.13luke-jrjbeez: eh, AMD Duron
02:55.58jbeezyour asterisk server?
02:59.45JayTee52asterisk on a Duron? wow! "My name's Forrest, Forrest Gump"
03:01.59*** join/#asterisk LakeSolon (
03:03.19luke-jrthe Duron replaced a K6-2
03:08.43JayTee52had two Durons at work, they were never reliable and always ran extremely hot.
03:09.59JayTee52I've had * running on a P3 1ghz that ran way better than a 1.4ghz Duron.
03:10.16luke-jrthis one does its job well
03:13.39luke-jrI'm scared to wonder what that reboot issue was
03:13.49luke-jrI could clearly hear the hard drive reset from across the room
03:13.55luke-jrbefore the bootup beep
03:14.28luke-jrand I recall Linux successfully reiniting IDE a few days ago :/
03:15.44JayTee52all this bargain basement hardware is gonna give * a bad name
03:16.59luke-jrmeh, * gives me more problems than the hardware
03:17.31JayTee52how do you know it's really * and not the hardware causing the problems?
03:17.55luke-jrbecause downgrading * fixes it
03:18.08JayTee52downgrading from what to what?
03:18.21luke-jr1.4.19 to
03:19.07JayTee52I'm running on CentOS 5.1 just fine and 1.4.11 on Red Hat EL5 64bit just fine
03:19.33luke-jrew, redhats :þ
03:19.52JayTee52except for a little bit of jitter on my damn cheap POS Grandstreams
03:20.12JayTee52what are you running for linux?
03:21.13JayTee52we have several at work, they're really fast swimmers but I like the King penguins better
03:21.37*** join/#asterisk esaym (
03:21.37JayTee52seriously! I have live penguins where I work
03:22.25JayTee52and lions, tigers, dolphins, elephants, lemurs, rhinos, giraffes, baboons and soon koalas.
03:22.46*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (n=lesouvag@
03:23.34luke-jrsomewhere in those revs is the bug
03:23.54luke-jrI wish * compiled faster
03:24.48JayTee52so are you running on Gentoo so you can optimize the kernel or just because you like Gentoo and are used to it?
03:25.53JayTee52my 64bit build compiled on a Quad Core Xeon in less than 2 minutes.
03:26.52luke-jrJayTee52: because it lets me run testing/unstable apps on a stable OS
03:27.14luke-jrsomething not even Debian offers me
03:27.24JayTee52it certainly lends itself well to kernel optimizing
03:27.36luke-jrGentoo does nothing for kernel optimizing, actually
03:28.05JayTee52I was thinking it would be nice to build a fine tuned low-latency kernel in it specifically for * on older CPUs like a P3 or early P4
03:28.06luke-jrin that regard it is the same as RH/Debian
03:28.21luke-jryou can build a custom kernel for them just as easily as for Gentoo
03:28.53JayTee52I've done it on Ubuntu but all the tweak freaks seem to like Gentoo the best.
03:29.59*** join/#asterisk blq (
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03:30.26*** join/#asterisk BeeBuu (n=beebuu@
03:31.20BeeBuuis this work? while($[ 1 = 1] and $[ 2 =2 ])
03:33.16luke-jrJayTee52: that's because Gentoo automates tweaking everything EXCEPT the kernel
03:33.56JayTee52ok, well it's late so I'm off. Nite everyone
03:35.40*** join/#asterisk _charly_ (
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03:57.06profoundedHas anyone have any experience with the sip provider phonosip?
03:57.26profoundedvoice quality?  performnace... etc????
04:00.39jbot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet telephony Service Provider or "VoIP Telephone company". The allow you to either PLACE calls to the PSTN (called Termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called Origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs
04:00.49ManxPowerAll ITSPs suck.  Some, however, suck more than others.
04:02.20ManxPowerBeeBuu: I would have to try it, but I suspect it would have to be more like while($[$[1 = 1] & $[2 = 3]])
04:02.34ManxPowerYou should read /path/to/src/asterisk/docs/channelvariables.txt
04:02.46ManxPower(might be "doc" instead of "docs"
04:04.04profoundedhey thanks for the feedback
04:04.25profoundedits like a shot in the dark for me.
04:04.31*** join/#asterisk paci`` (
04:04.32paci``[Apr 12 04:02:45] NOTICE[98732]: chan_sip.c:17677 handle_request_register: Registration from '<>' failed for '' - No matching peer found
04:04.37ManxPowerI recommend Vitelity and Teliax
04:04.40paci``I have it in sip.conf
04:04.43*** join/#asterisk Kage` (
04:04.53paci``See any problem that is commenly overlooked?
04:05.12luke-jrI recommend Voipjet!
04:05.14ManxPowerI suspect the device is registering as []
04:05.28luke-jrwhatever you do, avoid Sellvoip
04:05.38paci``ManxPower, I don't think so
04:05.43paci``I set the username as win
04:05.52paci``that does look backwards
04:06.39ManxPowerpaci``: I'm about 3 beers past being to help you. 8-)
04:09.00paci``anyone know?
04:11.39*** join/#asterisk mwalling_ (
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04:58.36*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=angeldav@
05:14.11jeevhey guys, ... i can't seem to figure out call parking OR transfer via softphone. where would i put the Tt/tT in that set up? i'm using X-lite softphone and transfer isn't enabled.
05:20.49paci``jeev, its due to too many nigawatts being inputted
05:25.34paci``i told you dude
05:25.38paci``those niggabyte hdd's
05:25.43paci``they have capacity
05:25.47paci``but you can hardly ever get them to wor
05:26.17jeevalright dood
05:26.20jeevyou smoked too much
05:26.35paci``not really
05:26.37paci``im just tired
05:27.14C4awayjeev, are you using a gui like Freepbx?
05:27.48C4awayactually, nevermind
05:28.02C4awayit just goes in the dial options portion of the Dial() command
05:28.11jeevi use to use asteriskNOW
05:28.37*** join/#asterisk dimas (n=ds@
05:28.51C4awayDial(SIP/dude@somewhere,30,tTwWrR) or whatever
05:29.02jeevi realize
05:29.09jeevbut my config is weird.
05:29.10C4awaylook up the dial command, I may be wrong on the argument number and position
05:29.24C4awaywell that's where they go, however you get them there
05:29.26jeevi did.. but there are multiple bro, i'm lost.
05:29.34C4awayon FreePBX it is on the General Settings tab
05:29.34jeevyou know what i mean ?
05:29.38jeevi'm using asterisk.
05:29.52jeevexten => s,1,Dial(${ARG2},20)
05:29.58jeevis that it? ,20,Tr
05:30.05C4awayThe page cannot be displayed
05:30.18C4awayCannot find server or DNS Error
05:30.41C4awayhmm.. it came up this time
05:31.35C4awayfor example line 18 make it exten => s,1,Dial(${ARG2},20,Tt)
05:32.42C4awayfor line 84 make it exten => 1020,1,Dial(SIP/1020,10,tT)
05:33.05C4awayfor extension => extension dialing you have to have both T and t or only one side will be able to transfer
05:33.19C4awayyou might want to create a context for exten->exten
05:33.24C4awayand an out-dial context
05:33.27C4awayor something like that
05:34.07jeevk gimme a sec
05:34.23C4awayanyway, gotta run to the store, put tT in anywhere you are dialing and see if transfer works
05:34.33C4awayI'll be back in 30 let me know if it works
05:35.14jeevk thanks bro
05:35.16jeevim about to get off the phone
05:37.59*** join/#asterisk qdk (
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06:05.55jeevC4away ?
06:11.47*** join/#asterisk Mavvie (
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06:55.30Jumpiehey guys, how hard is it to make like a calling card service?
06:55.35Jumpiewhere i can give like 3 friends a pin and can call
06:56.10carrarAnyone have issues with forcename & forcegreetings when running voicemail out of a DB?
06:56.26*** join/#asterisk scooby2 (n=scooby2@unaffiliated/scooby2)
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07:02.30scooby2the docs say AGENTDUMP means the agent dumped the caller during the announcement. How does that work?
07:03.04scooby2or does it mean the agent immediately hungup?
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07:03.27C4awayJumpie: a2billing is a pre-made calling card app
07:03.45C4awaycan be a bit of a pain to get working, and then another bit of a pain to configure, but it does its job
07:05.18C4awayif you just want to track a few people it is probably easier to use an accountcode for each and just pull their calls from the CDR
07:05.28C4awaybill them once a month
07:05.47C4awayyou won't have the ability to cut them off when they reach a specified limit though
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07:16.40carrarhahah i figured out my issue
07:19.28drmessanoLemme guess, your issue was a type
07:19.30drmessanoLemme guess, your issue was a typo
07:19.51jeevC4away, you there dood
07:20.10drmessanoI think he's AWAY
07:20.14drmessanohence the name
07:20.21jeevscroll up.
07:20.37drmessanoI don't need to scroll up
07:20.51drmessanoC4away - c4 = away
07:22.31jeev[12:05am] <C4away> bill them once a month
07:22.31jeev[12:05am] <C4away> you won't have the ability to cut them off when they reach a specified limit though
07:22.34jeev[12:19am] <jeev> C4away, you there dood
07:22.48drmessano[03:20] <drmessano> C4away - c4 = away
07:22.58jeevso maybe it's
07:23.03drmessanoI can paste too
07:23.25jeevc4 away = acronym for something? "always watching asterisk y*"
07:23.37jbotYou fail at life.  Have a failburger with fail fries and a large diet fail.
07:33.52carrarFatburgers are good
07:46.10Jumpiebah cant sleep
07:46.15Jumpiepopped some benedryl lol
07:46.30Jumpiei was readin c4, about a2billing
07:46.34Jumpieis this somethin extra i have to instlal
07:46.49drmessanoDid you google it?
07:47.05jeevJumpie, drmessano is some type of bot, it's also a failburger.
07:47.37*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (n=lesouvag@
07:47.40drmessanojeev: Don't you have to wake up early tomorrow for saturday school?
07:47.56jeevi Wish
07:48.00*** join/#asterisk jfg (
07:48.01C4awayJumpie: yes you would have to install the a2billing application
07:48.30jeevhi c4 :D
07:48.35jeevahem drmessano.
07:48.43C4awayhello jeev
07:49.20*** join/#asterisk bminish (n=bminish@
07:49.28jeevhey C4away, i haven't done what you asked, i'll try right now, you gonna be here for a while ?
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08:15.21bougiehello :p
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09:38.49santoshrHow to dial out using h323 channel. Dial(H323/number@ip) is this right. because asterisk doesnt do anything. i mean no packets being sent out
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09:48.55sxpertcan I use ipv6 with asterisk ? (surely by now that should be working) ?
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09:51.55Unipzis there anyway to pipe asterisk through exsisting rj11 jacks in your house? id like to keep my pre-exsisting wiring
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09:57.04GuggemandUnipz ypu can use an ATA
09:57.36Unipzhow much does one run for
09:58.14Guggemandi imagine google knows
09:58.37UnipzWhat make would you recommend?
09:58.46UnipzI usually stick with cisco for voip.
09:58.59Guggemandi dont know, ive never used one
09:59.12Guggemandi stick to real ip phones
10:00.29UnipzIt's just a project im doing at home I don't really feel like running 7 ethernet cords around my house or spending a ton on wireless ip phones
10:01.43Guggemandremember to check if the ata you get can handle 7 phones
10:01.54Unipzty, will do.
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10:04.26planioi have a question concerning the line "AGI Script foo.php completed, returning 0". is it true that this line always ends with 0 in asterisk 1.4?
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10:14.17santoshrcan i collect call from a gnugk and route it another gk with asterisk in between
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10:15.03santoshrgk ----> asterisk  ----> remote IP is this possible asterisk is currently registered to the gk sending the call. can i make it register to two gatekeeper or something
10:26.37santoshranybody with any experience on chan_h323
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10:40.24klauwhamerwondering if it is possible to connect a analog telephone in a best modem to call voip with asterisk?
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11:25.30appel--Is there somebody here who has experience with asterisk acting as a client of a Linksys SPA-9000 voip gateway?
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11:43.04klauwhameranother question is it possible to call with a analog modem (pci card) plugged in a analog telephone on a asterisk box over the voip?
11:51.41bminishyes if you use ulaw / alaw codec (choose appropriate one for your region )
11:52.28marlowand don't expect the best results .. your internet connectivy better be good
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13:31.04MDK2MDKhello, i want to ask if asterisk can make for example 20 calls in the same time with 1 analogique line ???
13:31.11MDK2MDKusing converters for exp
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13:34.32MDK2MDKany help plzzzzzzzzzz
13:35.46marlowMDK2MDK : you'd need to define better, what you want to do
13:36.22marlowMDK2MDK : let's say .. do you have one line out and you want to pass 20 calls at the same time ?
13:36.39marlowMDK2MDK : that won't work .. because the one line can only handle one call at any given time
13:36.46marlowMDK2MDK : asterisk won't change that for you
13:39.43MDK2MDKand how call centers work
13:39.55MDK2MDKbecause call centers had only one line
13:40.11MDK2MDKlet say that it a intenet line
13:40.12marlowone PRI
13:40.16marlowwhich is 30 lines
13:40.17MDK2MDKfor exaple
13:40.29marlowand with one internet line, that's ok .. then your provider has many lines
13:40.49marlowthe limit there is the size of your internet line
13:41.07MDK2MDKaaah  know i see
13:41.29marlowone analogue line, one call at a time
13:41.39marlowone BRI, two lines at a time
13:41.42marlowone PRI, 30 calles at a time
13:41.56marlowone internet connection, as many calls as there is bandwidth
13:42.37MDK2MDKso if i have a internet connection whith 20 Mb
13:42.53MDK2MDKi can make 20 calls for exp in the same time
13:43.18marlow20 mbit ?
13:43.26marlownah .. there should be place for a lot more there
13:43.41marlowlet's say .. 64 kbit codec .. + overhead .. uses about 80-90 kbit
13:43.46marlowthat's one call
13:43.57MDK2MDKook that good :)
13:44.11marlowso, you take your internet connection, you take what you use for other traffic
13:44.20marlowand subtract that
13:44.28marlowand you split the rest bu let's say 90  kbit
13:44.39MDK2MDKok i see
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13:44.45marlowthat's the amount of calls .. if you use a codec, that uses less bandwidth, you can pass more calls
13:45.08marlowlike .. with G726 you'd be able to pass 2 x as many calls as with ulaw/alaw
13:45.59MDK2MDKok i understand that thx a loooooooot :)
13:46.04MDK2MDKbut in hardware, if a chose to use the internet connection wath should i have ??
13:50.31marlowMDK2MDK : to talk to the outside world ? a network card
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13:57.01MDK2MDKsorry connection problem
13:57.03MDK2MDKyes i need to talk outside to france for exp
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14:16.51jorgeraidelListen i want to know something
14:17.21jorgeraidelwhen i send one call since quintum to asterisk i receive this log
14:17.23jorgeraidelframe.c:202 __ast_smoother_feed: Dropping extra frame of G.729 since we already have a VAD frame at the end
14:17.51jorgeraidelbut if send son linksys or snom is ok
14:17.57jorgeraidelsome suggestion?
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14:23.24edwin_quijadawe can implement QoS in asterisk?
14:25.51marlowit's not asterisk, that need QoS
14:25.51marlowit's your routers
14:25.51marlowasterisk sets the right packet-marking already
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14:29.06rotozipThis $99 Shuttle PC looks like a great Asterisk box  I just need to convince the wife that I need yet another computer.
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14:51.30edwin_quijadaI have 2 t1 CARD that server will be appropiate for this
14:52.13edwin_quijadaI think in Core Duo with 2gg RAM , HD sata 200gb Dell
14:52.44edwin_quijada48 simultaneously calls? It is enough?
14:54.26MaliutaQoS is outside the realms of *
14:54.28Maliutayou need to do it at a router level
14:54.32MaliutaI recommend OpenBSD and pf
14:55.15Maliutadepends on your 'net connection, codec choice and what * is doing
15:01.00mvanbaakor use stock OpenBSD with nsh
15:01.26mvanbaakor just stock OpenBSD and your favourite editor
15:01.29mvanbaakthat's what I do
15:02.06mvanbaakpfsense is freebsd. pf is an OpenBSD project so I think it's best to go for OpenBSD
15:02.09mvanbaakit's more complete
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15:04.37MaliutaOpenBSD + GNUs + vim
15:06.35MDK2MDKztdummy what that mean , they says that it work as a timing device but a dident understand well
15:13.03UnixDogztdummy = timeing source for meetme and musiconhold
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15:22.05klauwhameranother question is it possible to call with a analog modem (pci card) plugged in a analog telephone on a asterisk box over the voip?
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15:22.46mvanbaakklauwhamer: no
15:22.53mvanbaakklauwhamer: you need a TDM card for that
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15:23.29klauwhamermvanbaak: what is TDM
15:24.01mvanbaakit's a card you can buy from digium that is supported by asterisk and allows you to connect phonelines and phones
15:24.37klauwhamermvanbaak: ok
15:25.12klauwhamermvanbaak: can i call with voip pstn lines ?
15:25.26mvanbaakpstn != voip
15:25.31mvanbaakso I have no idea what you mean
15:26.41klauwhamermvanbaak: i mean the old telephone network
15:27.02mvanbaakyou can use that if you have the TDM card yes
15:27.09Maliutamvanbaak: that's a very simple way of looking at it
15:27.42mvanbaakMaliuta: I know. but for most users it's true
15:28.07klauwhamermvanbaak: can i call everyone on analog phonelines free with voip ?
15:28.21mvanbaakklauwhamer: no
15:28.31klauwhamerwhat do i need more ?
15:28.38Maliutaklauwhamer: you are far from a clue
15:29.04mvanbaakI give up
15:29.41mvanbaakklauwhamer: why do you think phonecalls using voip will be free to every landline in the world ?
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15:30.44klauwhamermvanbaak: so i dont need a account just a internet connection am i right?
15:31.34klauwhamermvanbaak: can i call everyone who is using voip ?
15:31.43mvanbaakif you want to do voip to landlines you either need a landline yourself and connect that to asterisk, or get an account at an ITSP
15:32.05mvanbaakklauwhamer: you can call ppl who allow anonymous voip calls yeah. but you have to know how to reach them
15:32.07klauwhameri see
15:32.30plikmvanbaak: to be fair, a lot of basic consumer level marketing does seem to suggest that "voip means free calls" period.
15:32.45mvanbaakfor example: you can call me on IAX2/
15:33.02mvanbaakbut you cant call my parents (who are using voip as well, but dont allow anonymous calls)
15:34.36mvanbaakplik: yeah, think so. it's so darn stupid
15:34.39klauwhamermvanbaak: it is just like email adresses but more secure ? am i right?
15:35.08mvanbaakhuh ?
15:35.15mvanbaakwhy would voip be more secure then email ?
15:35.57klauwhamermvanbaak: well you said not everyone allows anonemous calls
15:36.22mvanbaakalmost noone is, simply because they have no clue and cannot fix it
15:36.35mvanbaaklook, you need something that can accept incoming voip calls
15:36.49mvanbaakmost home users that use voip simply have a phone that registers with some provider
15:37.04drmessanoSo if my mail server rejects all outside mail, then I have secure email?
15:37.10drmessanoFascinating.. and useless.
15:37.16mvanbaaklol drmessano
15:37.49mvanbaakklauwhamer: I really think you need to study what voip is
15:38.13klauwhamermvanbaak: yeah i think you are right
15:38.16plikdrmessano: does HappyClownPBX[TM] allows secure anonymous pstn voip calls?
15:38.16drmessanoVoIP isn't "Free calls forever, sticking it to the man, free kevin?"
15:38.45mvanbaakvoip is overrated
15:38.53mvanbaakit's buggy, unstable, and useless
15:38.58drmessanoHappyClownPBX[TM] only allows anonymous MGCP calls
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15:39.32mvanbaakwell, at least MGCP supports setting a parkinglot in the new multiparking branch of asterisk ;)
15:39.38mvanbaakI just put that in 2 days ago
15:40.02drmessanoI may have to fork HCPBX
15:40.13klauwhamermvanbaak: what technology should replace voip then ?
15:40.24mvanbaakklauwhamer: pidgins
15:40.33drmessanoStart a branch that does allow SIP anonymous and call it "ClownKilledMyDadPBX[TM]"
15:40.40*** join/#asterisk JayTee52 (
15:41.03iamhrhcan anybody point me in the right direction here... I'm trying to create a program using iaxclient that makes a call to *, and then plays various files over the call. I thought iaxc_play_sound would do what I was looking for - but it seems to just play audio out over the output devices
15:41.13drmessanoThe reference comes from an SNL skit.. Deep Thoughts
15:41.29iamhrhi'm just looking for the right documentation or examples - or something :-)
15:41.44drmessano"I don't know why I am afraid of clowns.  I think it may go back to the time that we went to the circus when I was a kid, and a clown killed my dad"
15:41.59klauwhamermvanbaak: so the market is making a move to voip, so you suggest that is a stupid move
15:42.06errrI love deep thoughts
15:42.20drmessanoThat was some of the funniest crap ever
15:42.49JayTee52"If you're returning from space in a shuttle with your dog, don't let him stick his head out the window during re-entry or it'll burn off." - Deep Thoughts by Jack Handy
15:43.01drmessanoYep lol
15:43.03mvanbaakklauwhamer: it all depends on the usecase, and the reason to switch to voip
15:43.09drmessanoLove that one
15:43.13drmessanoAlright.. I need to head out for a bit.. BB to terrorize all later
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15:43.26klauwhamermvanbaak: ok
15:43.29mvanbaakif ppl switch to voip because they think they get free calls, they should switch to pidgins instead
15:44.16plikklauwhamer: he didn't say stupid, just overrated, buggy, unstable and useless  -- like so much modern stuff these days
15:44.22JayTee52if ppl switch to VOIP because they think it's easier they should switch to carrier pidgeon instead.
15:44.37*** join/#asterisk UnixDog (
15:44.44mvanbaakJayTee52: that's what I said
15:45.16pliks/free calls /easier/
15:45.28mvanbaakplik: and specially since most networks still have *shruk* hubs in their infrastructure ....
15:45.37klauwhamermvanbaak: ill have to study pidgeon too
15:45.44JayTee52not really, you said free, I said easy, you said pidgin, I said carrier pidgeon as in the bird with note on the leg :-)
15:46.19mvanbaakI meant the bird as well
15:46.26mvanbaakit's even in an RFC
15:46.34mvanbaakaviation carrier or something
15:46.39klauwhamerill have to study pidgeon/pidgins
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15:46.52klauwhameris that supported by asterisk
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15:47.01JayTee52the downside to that is the maintenance costs of cleaning all the poop off your roof
15:47.46mvanbaakklauwhamer: look here:
15:47.48JayTee52someone had way too much time on their hands
15:48.04klauwhamermvanbaak: ok
15:48.12mvanbaakJayTee52: yup
15:50.44JayTee52I just sent that link to my buddy in Helsinki
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16:15.08klauwhamermvanbaak: it has not mutch to say
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16:19.52Jumpieyay my cheap fxo card just came :)
16:20.24UnixDoghave fun getting it to work
16:23.00Jumpieit'l work
16:23.04Jumpieand its just for myh home
16:23.18Jumpieisnt there a basic utility you run to detect what you have?
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16:37.45jumpiejust wondering, if i have my phone line into my fxo card, but also have a home phone plugged into another jack in my house, on an incoming call, which would win?
16:38.06C4awayif you have an IVR or something on the pbx then it will answer right away
16:38.18C4awayor if you have fax detect enabled it will answer and play ringing tones listening for the fax tone
16:38.20jumpieno ivr...
16:38.57C4awaybut if you just have it ring another line, it shouldn't pick up until a device on the server answers and seizes the line
16:39.00jumpiei just hoping i can avoid unpluggedin al my phones
16:39.09C4awaywhat card do you have?
16:39.19jumpieits a cheap clone, i had alrady bought it a week ago
16:39.24jumpiet100p or somethin
16:39.28C4awayx100p clone?
16:39.30Darthcluetypically, the fxo will win ... my analog phone rings once, then the box picks up
16:39.34C4awayinstall and run oslec
16:39.35jumpiebut it supposedly detects as a wildcard
16:39.41C4awaythat will get rid of most of the echo problems
16:39.50jumpieoslec? is that a library i can get right from yum?
16:40.02C4awaynot sure if it is available in yum
16:40.09C4awaygoogle it, you should find the source and be able to comile it
16:40.10jumpiei gotta get it detected first
16:40.12C4awaycompile rather
16:40.21C4awayyea, just write that down, you'll probably need it
16:40.31jumpieI think that the zaptel hardware you have on your system is:
16:40.31jumpiepci:0000:03:0a.0     wcfxo+       1057:5608 Wildcard X100P
16:40.35jumpienot bad eh :)
16:40.40jumpieok thanks C4away
16:40.59C4awayif by not bad you mean that it guessed it correctly, sure
16:41.02*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
16:41.12C4awayif you are talking about the card itself, I don't know, never used one
16:41.18jumpieright but dont most clones not really show up as a wildcard
16:41.22C4awayI actually want to get my hands on one to see if it is really as bad as everyone says
16:41.23jumpieah k
16:41.35C4awaydepending on the modem chipset
16:41.37ManxPowerC4away: The X100P clones?
16:41.47MDK2MDKif we chose to call whith asterisk using voip , do wi need a zaptel hardware ?
16:41.50jumpieffs..i had this problem last time, chkconfig doenst seem to want to work, even though its in my path
16:41.56C4awayif they use the same exact chipset as digium used then the detect script can't tell the difference, and there isn't much anyway
16:42.03ManxPowerMDK2MDK: Generally no.
16:42.16MDK2MDKah oky
16:42.29jumpieis chkconfig outdated?
16:42.37jumpiei remember having this problem last time and cant remember how i got it fixed
16:43.11C4awayManxPower: yea, I'd like to play with an x100p at some point just to see if it really is so bad
16:43.38jumpieah...hmm i have to type /sbin./chkconfig
16:43.43jumpiethat doesnt make sense because sbin is in my path
16:44.14ManxPowerC4away: The chipset used in the X100Ps have not been made in several years
16:44.45ManxPowerjumpie: chkconfig is part of your Distro, not Asterisk
16:44.58jumpieManxPower,  i know....the problem is somehow /sbin isnt in my path i suppose
16:45.05jumpieservice start didnt work either
16:45.10jumpiehad to /sbin
16:45.23jumpiei mean i can fix it, just strange i figured that was a default path dir
16:45.45ManxPowerjumpie: sounds like your OS is screwed up
16:46.13jumpiedoesnt seem to be other than that :)
16:46.17jumpieeverything installed and compiled just fine
16:46.28jumpiei hope not
16:48.44ManxPowerwhat distro are you using?
16:48.53jumpiecentos 5
16:49.03jumpiei fixed the path, just hope its not cleared at nex reboot
16:49.26ManxPowerDid you fix it in your .rc files?
16:49.48jumpieah no
16:50.24jumpiewill do
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17:03.58jumpieok this is confusing to me, in zapata.conf, it says in the comments that fxs is the default for signalling, yet  fxo_ls is set
17:07.10plikjumpie: for an fxo card connected to a phone line, you want fxs signalling, prolly with ks - the book describes the difference
17:07.27MDK2MDKi use the zttool and the stcfg but i had some errors
17:07.30jumpieyea, mentions to do that in the zaptel.conf as well
17:07.39MDK2MDKwhat's the problem??
17:07.40jumpiejust curiosu why the default wasnt what was set, wanted to be sure lol
17:08.21MDK2MDKunable to open master device  /dev/zap/ctl
17:09.08plikbecause the same conf file also configures FXS ports for analog phones toplug in to which use fxo signalling
17:09.23jumpieok well this file has a buttload of config options
17:09.30jumpiei guess i can ignore all the span/timing stuff eh
17:09.46plikcertainly at first yes
17:11.47MDK2MDKsome help pls
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17:14.21jumpieplik in zapata.conf the context=
17:14.26jumpieis pinting to extensions.conf right?
17:15.05jumpiethanks just verifyin
17:16.23jeevtoot toot.
17:16.30jumpieok after i did the modprobe of the correct drivers, and i did a ztcfg -vv
17:16.50jumpiei got
17:16.53jumpieso thats all good right
17:17.21jeevya looks good
17:17.25jeevlool ,like i know what to look for
17:18.47pais it normal that if i specify sippeers and iaxpeers in extconfig.conf, static iax users in iax.conf still work?
17:19.49paand also, get no debug from realtime asterisk odbc module?
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17:28.04paiaxcomm keep saying
17:28.04paPortAudio error at Unable to open streams: Illegal error number
17:30.46jumpiedid you install the driver?
17:30.49jumpiewhat car do you have?
17:34.24pasec maybe i have some problem with the linux audio driver
17:34.24pai want to try on a windows machine
17:34.28pai have a strange problem:
17:34.57pawhen i call, (and if iaxcomm works), i see in the asterisk debug, it plays the file i told him, (in gsm format) but i cant hear anythig
17:35.20jumpiehey C4away  u there man
17:37.00jumpieor plik
17:37.23panow it's funny.. if i try to call non-existent  extension, debug shows "Rejected connect attempt from, request '555@default' does not exist"
17:37.23paif i try to call existent extension
17:37.24padebug shows nothing
17:37.59paand goes timeout
17:45.37pafull of nicks here.. just parked..
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17:46.26mecredishi, I'm having issues setting up call files
17:46.36mecredisI have a php script that generates a call file
17:46.44mecredisand asterisk pays attention to it when I run it from the CLI
17:46.55mecredisbut when I try to access it from a browser
17:46.57mecredisit won't execute
17:47.55jumpiemy outbound calling would be Zap/G1 right?
17:48.04jumpieconsidering group 1 is default and channel 1 as well
17:51.07jumpieargh wtf
17:51.15pamoreover why the heck doesnt asterisk have a line in asterisk.,conf for sounds????????????????????
17:51.16jumpieit says ignoring signalling when i go tor eload
17:51.24jumpiewhat do you mean pa?
17:51.31jumpiethe sounds are in a specific directory
17:51.36jumpieyou call it with background or playback
17:53.57pajumpie:  where do you specify this directory?
18:01.12jumpiewhat are you trying to do?
18:01.31jumpiei think its normally in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds
18:01.49jumpie im having this problem with my channels
18:02.34pajumpie, no, it's actually in /usr/share/asterisk/sound
18:02.43paWHERE can i specify it?
18:03.10pais that hardcoded like in the worst crappy pieces of software?
18:07.24bkw_what are we talkin bout?
18:08.24bkw_Jumpie: you can't change the signalling when you reload chan_zap.. thats a dangerous operation
18:09.00jumpiewat...what do you mean?
18:09.15jumpiei did what i was supposed to, edited the files, THEN reloaded it
18:09.20bkw_pa: its usually off /var/lib/asterisk
18:09.47bkw_Jumpie: well if you get a message saying ignoring signaling thats why.. you can't change signaling without restarting asterisk
18:10.03jumpieoh duh
18:10.05bkw_because if you get it wrong and they allowed that it would segfault.. thats a very messy operation
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18:10.08bkw_lots of moving parts
18:10.11bkw_not wise to allow it
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18:10.21jumpiewell i reloaded extensions.conf and did chan zap
18:10.33bkw_reloading things is what starts the biggest part of segfaults
18:10.52jumpieok, so what do i need to do? when i ztcfg it shows its there, but instead of saying configured, it says 'to be configured'
18:10.56jumpieeven though i have edited all what i need
18:11.06bkw_well stop asterisk
18:11.08bkw_ztcfg -vvv
18:11.11bkw_start asterisk back
18:11.20bkw_if everything is where it should be then it should work
18:11.51jumpieok, i stopped it
18:12.01jumpieand when i ran ztcfg -vvv it still says 'to configure' instead of 'configured'
18:12.13jumpiewhich i dont get, because there's realy only 3 main things i needed to edit,l which i did
18:12.17bkw_what exactly are you trying to connfigure?
18:12.35jumpiesignaling, loadzone, default zone
18:12.50bkw_in zaptel.conf?
18:13.04bkw_try removing all the zaptel modules
18:13.06bkw_and reloading them
18:13.18ectospasmjumpie:  don't get caught up in "to configure" and "configured"... those messages mean the same thing...
18:13.21jumpieyou mean physically take the card out?
18:13.24jumpieectospasm,  oh..
18:13.31jumpieoh..ok hold on then
18:13.34bkw_Jumpie: no the kernel modules
18:13.43bkw_sorry should have been more clear
18:13.43jumpiebkw, i had recompiled the zaptel
18:13.55bkw_did you remove the existing ones that were loaded
18:13.55jumpieand it was successful, because earlier i ahd isntalled it WITHOUT the card present
18:14.02bkw_rmod zaptel
18:14.04jumpiehmm, no
18:14.05*** join/#asterisk jm|laptop (n=jm|
18:14.17bkw_well if they were loaded and you recompiled then I highly doubt the new ones are loaded
18:14.31jumpieit think it was, because it detected the wildcard
18:14.37jumpiebut i can start over just to be sure
18:14.40ectospasmyou have to modprobe the drivers after you build them... make install doesn't do that
18:14.55ectospasm...the zaptel init script will do that for you...
18:14.55jumpiei did that
18:15.18jumpiemodprobe zaptel, modprobe wcfxo, modprobe wcusb
18:15.20jumpieno errors
18:15.38ectospasmyou actually have those devices?
18:15.51jumpiei have the wcfxo
18:15.57jumpiebook told me to do all 3
18:16.17jumpiei can back out, but rmod is file not found
18:16.21ectospasmmodprobe wcfxo should automatically load zaptel, since it's a dependency
18:16.26jumpieah k
18:16.30ectospasmmodprobe -r
18:16.30jumpiewel. it seemed to work, didnt get an error
18:16.32ectospasmor rmmod
18:16.48jumpieso what all should id o, modprobe -r zaptel, or wcfxo, or boht?
18:16.55jumpieboth sorry
18:17.03ectospasmif you modprobe -r wcfxo it should work
18:17.29jumpiek sec
18:17.31ectospasmrepeat that, lsmod | grep zaptel until it has no output
18:17.47ectospasmer... you may have to give an explicit modprobe
18:18.08ectospasmbut if you're using the init script, you should be able to say service zaptel stop (or /etc/init.d/zaptel stop)
18:18.08jumpiezaptel                190212  9 wcusb,xpp,wctdm,wctdm24xxp,wcte11xp,wct1xxp,wcte12xp,wct4xxp,tor2
18:18.09jumpiecrc_ccitt               6337  1 zaptel
18:18.17jumpiewhich i did, service zaptel start
18:18.18ectospasmyou're loading way too many drivers
18:18.27jumpiesomethin did it automatically then
18:18.31ectospasmservice zaptel stop
18:18.33jumpieall i did manually was wcusb zaptel and fxo
18:18.42ectospasmedit /etc/sysconfig/zaptel, only add the drivers you need
18:19.09ectospasmI don't understand why you need wcusb... do you have the hardware to go with it?
18:19.11jumpieso what automatically loaded so many drivers? when i did chkconfig zaptel or what
18:19.16ectospasmI don't even remember what that driver is for
18:19.19jumpieectospasm,  no, i may have just been mistaken in reading this
18:19.22jumpieit may haver been ane xample
18:19.54jumpieholy shit they are all there..yep
18:19.58ectospasmjumpie:  /etc/sysconfig/zaptel tells /etc/init.d/zaptel (service zaptel...) what to load
18:20.01jumpiewhy wasnt this explained at all
18:20.05jumpieyea i get it..just a sec
18:20.27ectospasmwhat book are you reading?
18:20.46*** join/#asterisk inv_arp (
18:20.48jumpiei was going off a wiki, asterisk for dummies, and the "~book"
18:20.57jumpieall have been invaluable and i've had no problems until now
18:21.10jumpiebtw wcusb is a usb single definately not it
18:21.37jumpieok its changed to just load wcfxo
18:22.13jumpienow i modprobe wcfxo and thast it right
18:22.31ectospasmwhat do you mean isn't right?
18:22.38ectospasmwhat card do you have?
18:22.44jumpiei have x100p
18:22.50jumpieno , i was responding to what you said about wcusb
18:22.52jumpieyou didnt know what it was
18:23.01jumpiei was reading in the config and it says its a usb adapter single fxo port, which i dont ahve
18:23.10jumpieso just reiterating you were right about having way too many drivers
18:23.11ectospasmI thought it was that...
18:23.36ectospasmyou do know that the x100p is obsolete...?
18:24.04jumpielol yeah
18:24.07jumpieit was a cheap card i got on ebay
18:24.09jumpiestrictly for lab purposes
18:24.14jumpieno way in hell ill use it for production
18:24.18*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
18:24.27jumpiebut the firmware is recognzied as wildcard not a clone
18:24.29jumpieso i guess thats a plus
18:24.38jumpieok so modprobe wcfxo? or somethin else first?
18:24.40*** join/#asterisk Great_Randew (
18:25.06ectospasmI dunno, I would assume so... what's the problem you get when you modprobe/zaptel start with just wcfxo?
18:25.32jumpiehavnet yet
18:25.33jumpiewill do now
18:25.42jumpieit just goes to next line, no errors, message
18:25.46jumpiei assume no news=good news :)
18:26.04jumpieChanging signalling on channel 1 from Unused to FXS Kewlstart
18:26.23ectospasmno output from modprobe is a good sign
18:26.37*** join/#asterisk mwalling_ (
18:26.39jumpieso try to reload asterisk now?
18:26.40ectospasmso ztcfg returns no erros
18:26.52ectospasmyeah, launch asterisk now
18:26.53jumpie[14:25:50] [root@ippbx:  /etc]$ lsmod | grep zaptel
18:26.53jumpiezaptel                190212  1 wcfxo
18:26.55jumpiejust one :D errors starting asterisk
18:27.34jumpieis there  away to just see if i get dial tone?
18:27.40jumpieor just try an inbound call eh
18:28.44jumpiedo i need to unplug the other phones in my house? i ahve dt on them still
18:28.53jumpiei got zero input in asterisk
18:29.01jumpieand nothin rang, not my analog phones, or my soft phone
18:29.03mvanbaakyou dont have to unplug them
18:29.53jumpiechannel => 1
18:30.04jumpiethast really all thats relevant right? of course the other caller id,3 way calling, etc defaults
18:30.04ectospasmdid you watch on the CLI (asterisk -rvvvvvvvvvvvv) when the call came in?
18:30.10jumpienot that many v lol
18:30.14jumpielemme try again
18:30.23mvanbaakor do:
18:30.25mvanbaakasterisk -r
18:30.30mvanbaakcore set verbose 255
18:30.33jumpiehowly shit
18:31.01*** join/#asterisk solar_ant (n=John@
18:31.13jumpiedoesnt like that
18:31.13ectospasmheh, for a while I tried to memorize the signed 32bit integer limit... 2bn, or so
18:31.22jumpieer hold on a sec
18:31.42jumpienot good wtf
18:31.50jumpieUnable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk.ctl exist?)
18:31.55jumpiei didnt get that until just now
18:32.02jumpieit starts to connect
18:32.25ectospasmis asterisk still running?
18:32.28jumpiethis happened after i did a stop now
18:32.33ectospasmof course
18:32.35ectospasmYou stopped asterisk
18:32.47jumpieright, i thought asterisk -r restarted if its not running
18:32.50jumpiesorry i feel silly
18:32.53ectospasmif you're in a -r session, you can type exit to get out, without stopping asterisk
18:33.02jumpiei have to service asterisk start?
18:33.12ectospasmnot necessarily
18:33.13jumpieright i know
18:33.16jumpiebut you ahd said to sotp asterisk
18:33.19jumpieso i did
18:33.45ectospasmI don't recall telling you to stop asterisk
18:33.47*** join/#asterisk sione (
18:34.30sioneI upgraded to asterisk 1.6 and now my hint not showing when line in-use or ringing as it did with asterisk 1.4
18:34.41jumpieectospasm> service zaptel stop
18:35.00jumpieits ok i know what to do
18:35.06ectospasmzaptel is independent of asterisk
18:35.14ectospasmhence zaptel.conf is not in /etc/asterisk
18:35.21jumpiei know, but i gues i had thouhgt you said stop it
18:35.23jumpieits all good ir estarted it
18:35.32jumpieverbose is now 255
18:35.55jumpieworks now :)
18:36.14jumpiewould you min calling me just to check for echo?
18:36.20jumpiei cant have a convo from my cell phone to my xlite
18:36.39jumpieyou said to get something else later too
18:36.45sioneto test echo I dial google-411 :)
18:37.01ectospasmthere's the Echo diaplan app
18:37.25mvanbaakjumpie: oslec
18:37.37mvanbaakit's an opensource echo cancel thingie
18:37.40mvanbaakit's really great
18:37.52jumpieectospasm,  but so..that has nothin to do with distance or what?
18:37.56jumpiethanks mvan
18:38.00jumpieim gonna do a test cdall before and after
18:38.06mvanbaakok, food
18:38.30ectospasmwait, I was thinking of something else... the Echo application just echoes sounds back to you... no good test of echo
18:38.41ectospasmbecause it explicitly HAS echo
18:38.49jumpieim haviing a friend call me now, then ill install oslec
18:38.51jumpieand see difference
18:39.34sioneanyone know how to get hint working in asterisk 1.6 link it did with asterisk 1.4?
18:39.39sioneer like
18:46.56*** join/#asterisk mwalling (
18:49.39ManxPowersione: call-limit=
18:49.47ManxPoweror calllimit= I don't recall which
18:50.11*** join/#asterisk ccvp (
18:50.25sioneI have it set to 2 as i did with asterisk 1.4
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18:52.34ManxPowerperhaps it's broken.  1.6 is BETA
18:52.49sioneoh well
18:53.24lirakisdoes anyone know of an online fax sending service... where i can upload an image and it will fax it to a number
18:53.36lirakis... im trying to test my rxfax installation
18:53.47lirakis.. and i dont have a fax machine to test with
18:54.14ManxPowerI did not say is IS, I said MAYBE
18:54.33luke-jrManxPower: 1.4 is broken ;)
18:54.54MDK2MDKcan somme one help me , when a want to start Zaptel an asterisk services i have this problem : Error: missing /dev/zap!
18:54.56UnixDogwhy is 1.4 broken
18:55.03UnixDogit works fine here
18:55.09UnixDogI have 1.4.19
18:55.11luke-jrUnixDog: as of 1.4.19 anyhow
18:55.21UnixDogwhats broken
18:55.32UnixDognope works fine
18:55.36luke-jrnot here
18:55.50UnixDogthen you have a build issue
18:55.56UnixDogwhats is broken about it
18:56.01luke-jrrebuilt it many times
18:56.06luke-jrit's half-duplex
18:56.12UnixDogdid you update all the deps
18:56.18luke-jrthe remote party can't hear me
18:56.20sioneecho cancle?
18:56.29UnixDogthats a nat issue
18:56.34UnixDogare you behind a router
18:56.36luke-jrUnixDog: it's a 1.4.19 issue
18:56.42UnixDogno its not
18:56.49luke-jrit works fine with
18:56.49UnixDogI have 1.4.19 working fine
18:56.58sioneor both ends using the same codec?
18:57.18UnixDogI have 1.4.19 on over 200 boxes
18:57.22UnixDogand they all work fine
18:57.33UnixDogno issues
18:57.35luke-jrthe packet flow looks the same between both
18:57.44UnixDogand I am even usuing freebsd and asterisk
18:57.49sioneyou sniff on both sides?
18:58.04UnixDogit shound like he has nat issues
18:58.15luke-jrsione: I only have control of one side
18:58.40sioneor codec missmatch that one side does not support the codec its reciving
18:59.39jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
18:59.42luke-jrno NAT involved, BTW
18:59.57sioneI never had one way audio issues on any of my asterisk running 1.4 or 1.6
19:00.01UnixDogmake a call
19:00.08UnixDogthen do a sip show channels
19:00.16UnixDogand see what codecs are being used
19:00.27UnixDogand that you have support enabled for them
19:01.08luke-jrUnixDog: ulaw
19:01.24*** join/#asterisk bminish (
19:01.28sioneluke-jr: on both sides?
19:01.52luke-jrI only can see one side
19:02.29sionesip show channels
19:02.31sionewill show both
19:02.40luke-jrboth channels are ulaw, yes
19:02.47sioneok good
19:03.15*** join/#asterisk kyron (
19:03.49luke-jrwhile there is no NAT involved, it might be worth noting that the calls go ITSP -> Internet -> PBX -> LAN -> PAP2
19:04.18*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
19:04.29luke-jrbut like I said, the packets all look the same between and 1.4.19, for the most part
19:04.55sionethe PAP2 have a routable IP?
19:05.02*** join/#asterisk inv_arp (
19:05.15luke-jrsione: LAN routable,
19:05.19sioneits probaly trying to make an audio connection to the remote end direct
19:05.45*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
19:05.47luke-jrit shouldn't be
19:05.54sioneyou have it configured to use outbound  proxy as the asterisk server?
19:05.59luke-jreven if something changed in the SIP logic for that, I am using Monitor
19:06.06sioneit will if you not forcing it to use outbound proxy
19:06.07luke-jrand Monitor blocks all reinvites
19:06.40luke-jrnotes the PAP2 has not changed, only Asterisk has
19:07.05luke-jrProxy is the * box, Outbound Proxy is blank
19:08.10*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=Joe@
19:08.40sioneyou will need the asterisk to nat for the PAP2
19:09.02luke-jrdidn't need to for or earlier
19:09.07sionethe 192.168 IP not going to work on the internet
19:09.16luke-jrthe internet should never be talking directly to the PAP2
19:09.45*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
19:09.45jumpie-- Executing [s@fios-line:1] Dial("Zap/1-1"
19:09.48luke-jrand never tries
19:09.50jumpiewhy is it saying 1-1 ?
19:09.50sionethahts why you need astreisk to handle all its outgoing calls for it and must be strickly use outbound proxy as the astreisk
19:10.07mecrediswhy does Asterisk reset the file permissions in /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/dir/ ??
19:10.31UnixDogit doesnt
19:10.43mecredisok that was helpful
19:10.48UnixDogif your using trixbox/freepbx amportal does
19:11.05mecredisI set chmod 755 to a file in a subdir of agi-bin
19:11.09mecredisand then run something
19:11.11jumpiehey i just did a 20 minute phone call over my fios line into my x100p
19:11.16jumpieit was perfect quality, no delay/echo
19:11.21jumpiedoes this mean i still should install OSLEC?
19:11.22mecredisthen eventually, somewhere, something just resets it to 644
19:11.32[TK]D-Fenderjumpie, Zap/1 is a device.  Zap/1-1 is a channel.  a given device might be used for multiple simultaneous calls.  Hence Zap/1-1 means the first call on device Zap/1
19:11.33sioneif you dont have outbound proxy  set on the pap2 it will try to make a direct connection to the remote party
19:11.49luke-jrmecredis: chown it to someone else and see what errors
19:11.56jumpiefender, ah, well since its a 1 port fxo, the most it'll ever be is zap/1-1 then right
19:12.08[TK]D-Fenderjumpie, this is only really applicable to Zaptel FXS (phones) whre the phone might be using call-waiting, 3way, etc and thus be on 2 "calls" at a time.
19:12.09*** join/#asterisk comprookie2000 (
19:12.13sionelunch time
19:12.15luke-jrsione: it doesn't
19:12.29jumpieintersting though, when the call came in, i saw the CID on xlite
19:12.34jumpiebut i didnt show in the cli
19:12.39mecredisstill getting Permission denied
19:13.11jumpieim apprehensive to get oslec since i seem to be fine
19:13.26mecredischown seems to have worked
19:13.28mecredisthanks luke-jr
19:13.48jumpieoooh, i can now filter a list of knokwn collectors/telemarkters and play the 'this number has been disconnected' message
19:14.07luke-jrjumpie: that's boring
19:14.13luke-jrjumpie: go for a torture service
19:14.53jumpiewhat exactly is entailed in that? :)
19:15.07jumpiethere are some peole i want it to sound official so they think im gone and sotp calling
19:15.09jumpietelemarkters i can bug
19:15.19*** join/#asterisk fakhir_ (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
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19:15.37jumpiei have 2 debts i have paid in full, have the letters, have sent them cease and desist letters, filed a FTC complaint, but still call
19:16.10luke-jrjumpie: heh, threaten to sue for your money back? ;)
19:16.12*** join/#asterisk obnauticus (
19:16.39jumpiethey dont care
19:16.42jumpiei mean im not worried
19:16.44jumpiethey have no recourse
19:16.46jumpieim just tired of them
19:17.05luke-jrjumpie: your credit rating?
19:17.39jumpieits removed from my credit
19:17.48[TK]D-Fenderjumpie, record the call, take the callerID, their names, attestations of who they are placing the claim for, etc, and see a lawyer.  He'll take the case as its easy money for the winnings.
19:17.51jumpiepast statute of limitations and i hired an attorney :D
19:18.05jumpiehmm yea, shit i guess it was a matter of gettin around to it
19:18.06jumpiebut your right
19:18.11jumpiefcra violations are like 1k a pop right?
19:18.32jumpienow i have better call accounting with asterisk than a simple caller id screen my wife likes to randomly erase :)
19:18.36luke-jrnotes you need to inform them you are recording the call in some states.
19:19.00jumpieis that for residential? or just biz
19:19.46luke-jrin some states*
19:19.50jumpiewell sometimes just calling in general, regardless of what they say, is a violation
19:19.55jumpiebut thast a good point
19:20.03luke-jrbut so is recording
19:20.13luke-jrand illegal recordings can't be used in court
19:21.31jumpiehaha man, reading this script
19:21.48jumpiewhere is the audio though?
19:22.01luke-jrI guess you're supposed to record it
19:22.17luke-jrLOL @ telemarket-exception
19:23.17jumpiehaha yeah
19:23.20jumpiejust gettin to that
19:23.44luke-jrI love how the political party list has Republicans and Democrats at the very bottom
19:23.48*** part/#asterisk planio (
19:26.31jumpieit looks lke they have different options for politicla party
19:26.34jumpieyou just change the number
19:32.07*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
19:43.12jumpieHey guys in outbound dialing
19:43.17jumpieis zap case sensitive?
19:43.19jumpiei.e. Zap, ZAP
19:44.02jumpienm ZAP worked
19:45.53ManxPowerjumpie: If you use the same caps as every example of dialing via Zap. you won't go wrong.
19:45.59luke-jrjumpie: 9 for more
19:46.11jumpiewell heres my thing
19:46.18jumpiesince i have my card now and i have unlimited fios, i use that as primary outbound
19:46.25jumpiebut i want it to revert to call with us if thats in use
19:46.39jumpiebut yet i cant have 2 outbound rules at the same time diff providers can i
19:47.06jumpieor would it be like exten, blah, dial(fios), then next line dial (cwu) ?>
19:47.16jumpieclearly truncated
19:47.19ManxPowerjumpie: I don't know about "rules" but you can do failover quite easily
19:47.28jumpiei meant like, outbound dialplan
19:47.33jumpiesorry gotta get the terminology
19:47.33luke-jrif ("${DIALSTATUS}" = "BUSY")
19:47.50ManxPowerjumpie: You want to check the value of DIALSTATUS after each Dial and determine if you need to try a different dialstring(dest)
19:47.53luke-jrif it's busy, you don't want to try again
19:47.58jumpiebut i have callwaiting/3way calling, so if im on the line it won't neccesarily detect it as busy would it?
19:48.08jumpiehm k
19:48.09ManxPowerjumpie: you must turn off callwaiting
19:48.11luke-jrjumpie: outbound calls
19:48.29luke-jrif the attempt said the destination line was busy, trying another route is futile
19:48.46jumpiewhy? thats exactly what i want
19:48.51jumpieif fios = busy, go callwithus
19:49.02ManxPowerjumpie: there are TWO KINDS OF BUSY
19:49.31ManxPowerIf the destination number is BUSY then you don't want to try a different route.  If the line is CHANUNAVAIL, then you want to try a different route.
19:49.46jumpieahah :)
19:49.56ManxPoweralso, you want to check of the line was ANSWERED if so you don't want to call the same number again
19:50.24jumpiei think i was gettin confused with busy, but yes, i want it to see if zap channel is 'in use' aka chanunvail, to dial sip/callwithus
19:50.27luke-jrif it's answered, Dial terminates the procedure
19:50.29jumpiei see what you're saying
19:58.48jumpieare includes processed top to bottom?
19:59.33jumpieim basically creating a dialplan that falls fios, if unavailable, go to context cwu-outbound
19:59.39*** join/#asterisk lmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
19:59.39*** mode/#asterisk [+o lmadsen] by ChanServ
19:59.45jumpiebut on the sip peers, i have both included in one called fromhome
19:59.48jumpiei wanna be sure it not confused
20:03.22[TK]D-FenderManxPower, highly unlikely....
20:04.11*** join/#asterisk paci`` (
20:04.12paci``[Apr 12 20:02:35] NOTICE[81491]: rtp.c:1008 process_rfc3389: Comfort noise support incomplete in Asterisk (RFC 3389). Please turn off on client if possible. Client IP:
20:08.29paci``is there a way i can end someone's call from the panel
20:08.36jumpiehmm i tried to check on ChanIsAvail
20:08.49jumpiethen have a goto to another context, but it's still trying to create another zap channel
20:09.24lmadsenpaci``: soft hangup
20:09.35paci``lmadsen, i mean a certain persons
20:09.54lmadsenpaci``: ya... end the channel that is associated with who you want to terminate
20:10.21paci``No such command 'soft end' (type 'help' for help)
20:12.15lmadsenfunny how I didn't say 'soft end'
20:12.37mvanbaaklol lmadsen
20:12.46jumpiefender would you mind lookin at this
20:12.54jumpieim close, but i think im missing somethin :)
20:12.59mvanbaakit's like saying 'run this: rm -rf /tmp/*' and they type 'rm -rf /bin
20:13.02*** join/#asterisk ectospasm (
20:13.02paci``how do I find their channel, lmadsen
20:13.08lmadsenshow channels
20:13.26paci``rootwired*CLI> show channels
20:13.26paci``No such command 'show channels' (type 'help' for help)
20:13.26mvanbaaksnow channels
20:13.34mvanbaakpaci``: core show channels
20:13.47lmadsenI guess I assumed you were running 1.4
20:13.57mvanbaak1.4 is really old
20:14.05lmadsenits so last year
20:14.08lmadsenliterall :)
20:14.19mvanbaakreal men run trunk
20:14.30mvanbaakoh wait
20:14.38mvanbaakreal men run team/group/multiparking
20:14.47paci``lmadsen, what if there are more than one
20:14.50paci``of the same channel
20:15.11mvanbaakluke: now that is the dark side of the force
20:16.24mvanbaak1.4 is soooooooooooo 2007
20:16.27lmadsenpaci``: then you're probably scuppered
20:16.45lmadsena nice way of saying 'you're fucked'
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20:16.58mvanbaaklmadsen: TFOT v3 needs to include multiparking
20:17.10mvanbaakmultiple parkinglots configured in features.conf
20:17.12lmadsenmvanbaak: it probably will when its done :)
20:17.19lmadsen(the multiparking)
20:17.20mvanbaaklmadsen: it's close
20:17.28lmadsenthat's what they all say
20:17.37lmadsenok, going offline, gotta move equipment around
20:17.40mvanbaakI fixed the first version, and jpeeler converted it to astobj2
20:17.51drmessanoI have stacked parking lots in a little feature I like to call a "parking deck"
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20:19.56paci``how would i hang up based on caller id?
20:20.02mvanbaakdrmessano: in this new setup you can add parking lots in features.conf
20:20.16mvanbaaksomething like: [parkinglot_mvanbaak]
20:20.28mvanbaakwith all the callpark features like numbers etc
20:20.36mvanbaakand in the sip/iax/zap.conf
20:20.36drmessanoThat's cool
20:20.44mvanbaakyou can specify the lot per channel
20:20.52mvanbaakparkinglot => mvanbaak
20:21.14mvanbaakyou can overwrite it with a channelvariable
20:21.19paci``how would i hang up based on caller id, with soft hangup
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20:21.26drmessanoSo I can tell the customer "Sorry I lost your call, we had it parked in the wrong lot"
20:21.32mvanbaakexten => blaat,n,Set(PARKINGLOT=blaat)
20:21.34drmessanoSounds like a restaurant I no longer visit
20:21.46[TK]D-Fenderpaci``, hangup when?
20:21.50drmessanoI see
20:21.53jumpiedrmessano,  or fender can you help me out?
20:21.56paci``[TK]D-Fender, I want to terminate a certian users call
20:22.11jumpieis chanisavail being used wrong? its never hitting my goto and tryin to dial another zap
20:22.13mvanbaakdrmessano: this will prevent $moron_at_company_a to dial '701' all the time to steal a parked call from $company_b
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20:22.32drmessanoI like that a lot
20:22.45paci``im not sure how to find his channel id though, [TK]D-Fender
20:22.49jumpielol @ blaat
20:23.03[TK]D-Fenderpaci``, You'd make an AGI that would read the list of active channels (via AMI or RX call) and then could issue the hangup based on CID you input, or that you pick through some sort of IVR you'd present
20:23.14drmessanoHate to run.. but going to the in-laws for dinner.. and my delaying this any longer is losing me karma
20:23.20drmessanoSo.. bbiab
20:23.22mvanbaakpaci``: exten => blaat,n,GotoIf($(CALLERID(num)=bar?hangup(
20:23.28[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano, My karma ran over your dogma...
20:23.31paci``no, no not like that
20:23.33paci``we have a conference call
20:23.38paci``I want to kick someone off
20:23.44paci``by killing their call
20:23.46paci``sip show channels
20:23.52paci``how do I kill a certain one off?
20:23.59[TK]D-Fenderpaci``, then issue a "soft hangup"
20:24.00mvanbaakpaci``: soft hangup <call>
20:24.13paci``mvanbaak, yeah, but what is <call>
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20:24.32[TK]D-Fenderpaci``, SIP/1000-ef25 <- theres a sampe of a channel.
20:24.50paci``66.54.---.-6     646---------  7d8f76973291c42  0x4 (ulaw)       No       Rx: ACK
20:24.54[TK]D-Fenderpaci``, like I said, SCAN the open channels the see which one you want to kill via AMI
20:25.00paci``an example from 'sip show channels'
20:25.11[TK]D-Fenderpaci``, "core show channels", not "sip show channels"
20:25.32paci``[TK]D-Fender, yeah, but that doesnt show based by CID
20:25.50paci``SIP/66.54.---46-087 1@default:2          Up      Dial(SIP/--)
20:25.53[TK]D-Fenderpaci``, that will get your the channel list.  You would take that and look at the details channel by channel.
20:26.09[TK]D-Fenderpaci``, "show channel [channel]"
20:26.10mvanbaakwith 'core show channel <channel>'
20:28.19jumpieim a bit confused with this chanisavail
20:28.21jumpiedo i need more?
20:31.12ManxPowerjumpie: Dude, Dial will set DIALSTATUS to CHANUNAVAIL, no need to use a separate function/app.
20:31.40mvanbaakwhat ManxPower said ;)
20:31.49jumpieso as long as there is another path to take outbound
20:31.51jumpieitll do it
20:32.00jumpiemy concern ManxPower , was how does asterisk know priority?
20:32.07jumpieorder i list?
20:32.22mvanbaakdial will continue at the next priority after a dial
20:32.34mvanbaakso put them in the correct order there
20:32.38jumpieok...ah thanks
20:32.46jumpieman i tried to be slick and tripped myself
20:32.51mvanbaakand if you need, you can add prio which will check the DIALSTATUS var
20:38.39jumpiemvanbaak,  its still not working
20:38.44jumpieits still trying to dial out on a 2nd zap
20:39.10jumpieeven though my next line specifics to go to another context, which then specifics the sip connection
20:40.25jumpieits like its totaling not even going to the next line
20:40.57ManxPowerjumpie: did you gforget priority 1 again?
20:41.21ManxPowerjumpie: paste the Goto statement you are using
20:41.49jumpieputting it on pastebin now lol
20:43.18jumpieno priority 1 is good, it seems like its just not getting to the next line, and trying another zap
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20:44.33ManxPowerjumpie: you NEVER Goto a pattern
20:44.40ManxPoweryou go to a number, a exten pattern will match
20:45.07jumpiehmm really? i was trying to follow this book :L)
20:45.15jumpiehow do i push it to cwu-outbound then?
20:45.24ManxPowerNOT exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,100,Goto(cwu-outbound,_1NXXNXXXXXX,1) but exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,100,Goto(cwu-outbound,${EXTEN},1)
20:45.26ManxPowerin this case
20:45.40ManxPowerand stop using numbered priorities!
20:45.55ManxPowerpriority 1 is the only numbered priority you want
20:46.05jumpieyea i noticed what happened if you forgot that :)
20:46.08ManxPowerif you need to go to a specific priority use a (label)
20:46.34jumpieooh, so it's still passing the _1NXX....., i was thinking i had to push it to 'that area' of cwu-outbound
20:46.38jumpiethats interesting thank you
20:47.04UnixDogjumie its the weekend relax
20:47.13UnixDogyou haev all week to fix issues
20:47.22jumpieim anal
20:47.22UnixDogthe weekend is for resting
20:47.33jumpieim about to go see a movie
20:47.38jumpiesmart people
20:47.46jumpienot starring jumpie
20:48.18jumpieother than that ManxPower  i should be good?
20:48.42jumpiealso i cant STAND the gsm buzz from my tmobile phones on every freakin speaker
20:49.09jumpieManxPower, still failing
20:49.14jumpieit wants to dial out a 2nd zap trunk
20:50.02ManxPowerjumpie: I did not look at the rest
20:50.36jumpieManxPower,  nm
20:50.39jumpiei forgot about the priority
20:50.45jumpiei fixed form 100 back to n and it worked
20:51.56jumpieinterestingly tho, i still got the error
20:52.02jumpiebut i think thats what you have to get, for it to go to the goto
20:52.13jumpie[Apr 12 16:50:08] WARNING[8412]: app_dial.c:1183 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'ZAP' (cause 0 - Unknown)
20:52.23jumpiethanks man
20:57.10jumpiewhat was that calling card app again?
20:57.13jumpiea2accounting or something?
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21:09.01paci``what do i specify the type=
21:09.03paci``in sip.conf
21:09.07paci``for it to register
21:13.23jumpiehmm i want to make it so im not charged for my callwithus connection
21:13.46jumpiei would like to somehow call them back and bridge a call or somethin on my fios line
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21:27.52jumpieugh a2billing doesnt look super simple
21:27.56jumpiei think ill save it for later :)
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21:41.22jumpieanyone know much about php?
21:41.31jbeezwhats php?
21:49.37jumpiepersonal hygeine proposal
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21:58.07paci``i KNOW PHP
21:58.10paci``i <3 php
21:59.15jumpiei mean i know of it
21:59.24jumpieand it has to do with data extraction, databases, alot of web programming
21:59.28jumpiebut what is it 'in a nutshell'
21:59.43paci``i don't use it for web stuff mutch
21:59.50paci``I actually have asterisk using it alot
21:59.59paci``its awesome
22:00.00paci``thats about it
22:01.19jumpieim tryin to get everything installed for a2biling
22:01.23jumpiebut then actualy try to configure it later
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22:15.23jumpieugh these a2billing instructions are terrible
22:15.26jumpiethey are all over the place
22:17.45UnixDogyes they are
22:18.01UnixDogits a pain in the arse to do
22:18.50jumpiealso , if english isnt your second language, dont right a technical faq in english
22:18.54jumpieer first
22:19.15jumpie is what im going by
22:19.20jumpieits saying mysql this and postgresql that
22:19.25jumpiesaying things that are centos related, that arent
22:19.45UnixDogwell a2 billing was made to be used with trixbox
22:19.51jumpienow i edited the files it said, and postgresql wont even start now, says failed, but wont tell me why
22:19.52UnixDogand there for it uses mysql
22:19.57jumpiewell i wanted to use mysql
22:20.01jumpieand i have those packages
22:21.15jumpiemysqld is running
22:21.17jumpiehttpd is running
22:21.33jumpiebut its saying postgres stuff in the mysql portion, i think he got sidetracked and started repeating or left somethin out
22:22.13UnixDogdump all the tables
22:22.14paci``maybe its just an entire sql section
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22:22.17UnixDogand redo them
22:23.46jumpieim so clueless on this crap
22:23.56jumpiei followed this stuff to a t
22:23.58jumpieand got all the missing packages
22:24.10jumpiei dont know wha tyou mean by dump the tables lol
22:24.23jumpieat this pint i dont even know if its ok that postgresql is failing to start
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22:25.32jumpieand where is the log file that says WHY it failed, so i can be led to wtf is wrong lol
22:40.36tzangerthat's awesome... domino's pizza in my area uses asterisk
22:42.52Darthcluetzanger: and just how do you know this?
22:43.00tzangerDarthclue: the hold music, and one of hte prompts
22:45.38Darthcluetzanger: they aren't using the monkeys one are they?  or asking what you're wearing?  cause i'm not sure i'd want pizza from them if they did.
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22:50.39UnixDoganyonelooking for a sangoma a200d 2/2
22:51.31Darthcluelikes to ask telemarketers what they are wearing...usually stops the call dead :)
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22:54.19UnixDoglikes to ask them what they get into sexualy
22:55.03UnixDogand hear the click
22:55.27jbeezor a moan
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22:55.36jbeezthen they hear a click
22:55.48mwallingi think that might be illegal...
22:55.55mwallingluid conduct or somethin
22:56.04UnixDogonly on thier side
22:56.11UnixDogthey are the on calling
22:56.45UnixDogyou can be as rude and lude as you want on your phone
22:56.56UnixDogyou just cant call osme one a ask that
22:57.12UnixDogI believe
22:57.15jbeezor you can just hang up
22:57.18UnixDogI will double check
22:57.53UnixDogbut its more fun to give them a taste of what they are doing to you back
22:58.06UnixDogjust like them calling me at 9 at night
22:58.52UnixDogI get rude and say look asshole its after 8pm stop calling me
22:59.36jbeezwanna hear something funny?
22:59.45QwellOR, you could just add your number to the DNC list
23:00.04jbeezI saved a voicemail I got from some telemarketer, they thought they had hung up after going to my vm but they didn't, and you can hear them talking to their co-workers about ways to scam people
23:01.50jblackclick click click
23:02.11jbeezjblack: I thought I typed that for a second
23:02.14jbeezim like, wtf
23:02.18jbeezI didn't say that
23:03.02*** part/#asterisk sun_moon (
23:05.02jbeezhrm, i should really trim that wave down
23:05.07jbeezalot of junk in the front
23:05.14jblackI was expecting something bigger
23:05.24jbeezi think its a "compressed" wav
23:05.30Darthclueis on the DNC list, i still get calls on occassion
23:05.50Darthclueusually from companies who refuse to identify themselves and use fake caller ids
23:05.57jblackI don't get calls, probably because I tell companies that I don't have a phone number.
23:06.28jbeezyou hear how they are trying to get people
23:06.35jblackyeah. I caught that
23:06.54mvanbaakI dont get calls because I route everything to voicemail
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23:09.36staralfur15hey guys
23:09.52staralfur15i'm a little confused as to what asterisk is capable of doing
23:10.00staralfur15can anybody answer a few simple questions?
23:10.00DarthclueI have a whole section of numbers that get an immediate disconnect which kills most of the known telemarketer tricks including some of the fake cids they use
23:10.32staralfur15can asterisk be put on a computer to act as a voip system, like skype, or magic jack or w/e
23:10.42staralfur15or do you need a seperate voip provider
23:12.24mvanbaakstaralfur15: what do you want asterisk to do ?
23:12.31tzafrir_homestaralfur15, skype is just a client. It registers with a server
23:12.51staralfur15i want to be able to call other land lines
23:12.53staralfur15using asterisk
23:12.57tzafrir_homeAsterisk can connect to other servers without an external voip provider
23:12.57staralfur15and no other service
23:13.03staralfur15except for high speed internet
23:13.05tzafrir_homeYou just have to know where to connect to
23:13.25tzafrir_homeIf you have two servers in two offices - sure - no problem
23:13.37staralfur15so there is no way then
23:13.47staralfur15using one server
23:13.51tzafrir_homeNo way to do what?
23:13.58staralfur15to be able to reach somebody on a cellular phone
23:14.17staralfur15basically, it is not a replacement for a home telephone service?
23:14.22tzafrir_hometo reach a cellular phone you have to connect to the PSTN in one way or the other
23:15.07tzafrir_homeThere are plenty of providers who will sell you this service through VoIP
23:15.25tzafrir_home(with varying parameters of price, relibility, etc.)
23:15.38staralfur15so i cannot be my own provider?
23:15.41tzafrir_homeYou can also connect directly to some PSTN provider
23:15.52staralfur15sorry i know i must sound stupid
23:15.53tzafrir_homee.g: a PRI line to your telco
23:16.20staralfur15how expesnive would a PRI line be
23:16.54tzafrir_homeYou'll have to ask others, I really don't know prices
23:18.04staralfur15thanks for the help
23:20.10mwallingstaralfur15: no, asterisk cannot magicly connect to the PSTN, you need a provider
23:21.57jbeezbut but, penn and teller said it can
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23:22.41paci``how would i transfer a certain channel to another extension
23:22.45mwallingstaralfur15: you're going to need someone who is connected to the PSTN to bridge your calls (that someone could be you)
23:23.11paci``like how soft hangup kills it
23:23.14staralfur15so let me ask this
23:23.14paci``how would i transfer it
23:23.53staralfur15i pay 30 dollars per month for my telephone service
23:23.59staralfur15can asterisk cut this cost in any way
23:24.31staralfur15how do you guys connect to the PSTN
23:24.44Qwellcell phone
23:25.54paci``is it possible?
23:34.44ManxPowerstaralfur15: all you need is an ATA and a service provider, no need for Asterisk.
23:35.06ManxPowerUnless you LIKE building a working PBX from the Asterisk toolkit.
23:35.39staralfur15i just misunderstood exactly what its function was
23:37.21mwallingManxPower: some of us are sadists after all
23:42.21cmantitostaralfur15: you can connect to the PSTN through a) a SIP or IAX2 provider who you simply place calls through and htye do the work for you, b) an FXO card, connected to your existing analogue telephone line, c) a PRI card, and a PRI to go with it (most expenive option :P) d) bluetooth -> cellular phone
23:42.36cmantitothere are other options as well, in fact, there's almost limiteless options, but those are the "main" choices
23:43.08cmantitoif you went with option A, you wouldn't necessarily need asterisk-- you could potentially use an adapter or IP phone with the provider directly.
23:43.33jbeezfor 1 phone?
23:44.03jbeezI pay for a 500minute plan with vonage because I rarely use my home phone, $20/month after all the crap fees and taxes
23:46.18luke-jrVonage is crap
23:46.32UnixDogvonage is your friend come on
23:46.46jbeezworks for me
23:46.46UnixDogjust because they are not like other voip providers
23:46.52luke-jrVonage is no different from AT&T et al
23:46.54jbeezi pick up the phone, i have dialtone
23:47.00luke-jrexcept they leech off existing networks
23:47.02jbeezi call or get calls, works fine
23:47.06UnixDogand their service is not open like most providers
23:47.15cmantitovonage is my competition ;)
23:47.47luke-jrjbeez: same as with AT&T et al
23:50.46UnixDogat&t / CHarter / TImeWarner / vonage/ verizon/ and loads of other sip/iax providers
23:51.23luke-jrnone of those are SIP/IAX providers…
23:52.19UnixDogyes they are ou just have to find out what port they use . but most of them are using sip or mgcp
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23:52.39UnixDogmost I know have sip on port 5069 and 5072
23:52.52UnixDogat&t uses port 5072
23:52.54olinuxpolycom 501 one model says something about wireless handset
23:52.58olinuxanyone know about it?
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23:53.28UnixDogyou have to buy a blutooth kit
23:53.41UnixDogit does not have wireless or bluetooth builtin has two 501 models, one is listed as having wireless handset
23:54.47UnixDogthey must be including a wireless ket
23:54.51luke-jrUnixDog: they *use* SIP, they don't provide it
23:55.05luke-jrUnixDog: even if you figured out the port, you'd never figure out the password
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