IRC log for #asterisk on 20080405

00:00.36mandd[TK]D-Fender  but host, and fromdomain  I add monreal.  to both of them, or just host?
00:00.51[TK]D-Fendermandd, fix up your NAT setup first
00:01.03manddok, thanks
00:02.34*** join/#asterisk remmo (n=junk@
00:07.35mandd[TK]D-Fender new sip.conf with CLI output(after reload)
00:08.42manddReally destroying SIP dialog '1db9754e9f8384b8e0027c72160aebd5@' Method: ACK
00:09.15jblackanyone familiar with perl behaviour in AGI?
00:09.35[TK]D-Fendermandd, localnet= <- not a valid network+mask.  Also what have you forwarded to *?
00:10.01[TK]D-Fendermandd, and [netout] should have "nat=no"
00:10.29plikjblack: not yet, but I have a feeling I'll be struggling with it before too long
00:11.01manddoh, damn, sorry. missed that.
00:11.38jblackI don't quite get this, but it seems that no matter how I terminate a perl script, * tells me "callrouter.agi completed, returning 0"
00:12.23Qwelljblack: perhaps you're thinking of an exit, rather than a return?
00:12.25jblackI've tried return 1, die 1, exit 1, $AGI->set_variable("AGISTATUS","FAILURE"); exit 1 .... but always, returning 0
00:12.36Qwellreturning 0 is a good thing
00:12.46jblackNot in an error condition! :)
00:17.14manddstill not dialing out
00:17.59jblack is the paste of my now very short script (its only purpose at the moment is to error out) and the associated loggin
00:18.02jblackmandd: looking
00:18.27mandd[TK]D-Fender  forwarded to *?, what do you mean?
00:18.28*** join/#asterisk angom (n=angom@
00:18.32jblackIn 20 words, what's up?
00:18.37[TK]D-Fendermandd, Port forwarding from your router
00:18.40jblackoh, you're trying to nat.
00:19.15[TK]D-Fendermandd, and you need "nat=yes" under [general]
00:19.19*** join/#asterisk JT (n=j@unaffiliated/jt)
00:19.33Maliutayeah, I'd be looking at the nat on the gateway, and I have nat=yes set in that situation
00:19.37Maliutanever had a problem
00:20.10manddaha, sorry, you said in netout, i missed that
00:21.48*** join/#asterisk Mavvie (
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00:27.19[T]an2when asterisk crashes, isnt there another file created other than asterisk/messages? something specific to the crash?
00:28.49[T]an2i am having an issue where the server will just stop responding to AGI and other cli commands like show channels and restart now.
00:28.56[T]an2any idea how to trouble shoot something like that?
00:30.13[T]an2i have it happening on 2 different servers two different versions of asterisk
00:32.09*** join/#asterisk [T]an2 (
00:33.23*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (
00:37.37Jumpiehey guys
00:37.55Jumpieanybody wanna let me point my server to your server so i can test outgoing rules, sip trunk?
00:38.05Jumpiejust very simple
00:39.36plikJumpie: try or for a test
00:39.51Jumpiedo they require any stupid adapters or extra hardware?
00:40.11plikno just config, which they have help to do is rather cheap
00:40.20conathandont know much about them, except that
00:40.25Jumpieyea, i wont be making many calls, just wana be sure rules work
00:40.31*** join/#asterisk xenonex (n=xenonex@
00:40.31Jumpiethanks guys ill check those out
00:40.48conathanwell, they "seem" to be reliable.  been using them for over a year...
00:41.06Jumpiei could care less, my provider im going with i cant use for a week so this is just for testing
00:41.10Jumpieas long as it works :D
00:41.30Jumpiecallwithus allows $5 accounts
00:41.32Jumpiei think ill do that
00:42.14[TK]D-FenderJumpie, "rules"?
00:42.18*** join/#asterisk Katty (
00:42.30Jumpieexcuse me...dial plan
00:42.59Jumpieim thinking like a firewall
00:43.05[TK]D-FenderJumpie, just change your priority 1 to "NoOp(You are here)", and 2 to "hangup"
00:43.16[TK]D-FenderKatty, O HAI
00:43.30[TK]D-FenderKatty, u can haz weak-end
00:43.36Katty[TK]D-Fender: i m 'neebrated.
00:43.39Katty[TK]D-Fender: a bit
00:43.55[TK]D-FenderKatty, Can't relate, but as long as you're happy...
00:44.39drmessanoLet's take advantage of Katty in her 'neebrated state.  Show us your dialplan!
00:44.56Kattyi didn't say wasn't coherent.
00:45.15Kattyjust a smidgen neebriated.
00:45.33Kattyi can't even spell that word.
00:46.11mandd[TK]D-Fender I looked at ISA logs, and it it passing/routing all the packets, not blocking/loosing anything.    Current config and CLI debug
00:46.23Kattyah, right. thanks.
00:46.31manddcould you point out a port, anything that I can work on
00:46.35manddi am all out of ideas.
00:46.40Kattydrmessano: i don't get drunk, deary
00:46.59[TK]D-Fendermandd, ditch the "fromdomain", and I asked you what you had forwarded to *
00:47.24manddport 5060
00:47.33Kattydrmessano: as far as i get is tipsy and giddy. next step is asleep
00:47.42[TK]D-Fendermandd, 5060 what?
00:47.43Kattydrmessano: i do not mean passed out.
00:47.50Jumpiehey plik
00:48.03Jumpieim lookin at this did service on callwithus, and it mentions channels:10
00:48.08Jumpiein what method are they referring to channels
00:48.20Jumpiei can make 10 concurrent calls?
00:48.33[TK]D-FenderJumpie, in that they will let you be on up to 10 simultaneous calls with that account
00:48.44Jumpiehmm so like having a 10 chan pri
00:48.48mandd[TK]D-Fender  I forwarder all pocket coming on port 5060 to * server
00:49.19[TK]D-Fendermandd, what protocol?
00:49.37[TK]D-Fendermandd, Ok, add 10000-20000 to that list.
00:49.55[TK]D-Fendermandd, and retry after ditching "fromdomain"
00:50.03[TK]D-FenderJumpie, largely.
00:50.25Jumpiehmm 2000 included minutes for 6 bucks a month
00:50.28Jumpie1.2 cents after, 10 chans
00:50.29Jumpienot bad
00:50.35*** join/#asterisk CoffeeKid (
00:50.45[TK]D-FenderJumpie, really good actually...
00:50.59Jumpieand a local number, dulles area
00:51.05CoffeeKidHi all, i'm experiencing the same issue outlined in this bug: .. does anyone know if thats fixed in version 1.4.19?
00:51.40[TK]D-FenderCoffeeKid, "12-24-07 10:22" <- and go read the changelog.
00:51.58[TK]D-FenderCoffeeKid,  Resolution   fixed
00:52.10CoffeeKidBut i'm still experiencing it
00:52.44[TK]D-FenderCoffeeKid, then it may be "similar", not necessarily the same.  If you can back up enough of it being identical, go re-open it.
00:57.14plikJumpie: glad to be of help :) (sorry for the lag - the downside of ircing from work)
00:57.53Jumpieunderstood lol
00:59.24conathanincoming sip echo cancellation...
00:59.28conathanI wonder if it exists
01:01.15[TK]D-Fenderconathan, Echo is supposed to be dealt with that the PSTN end.
01:04.09conathan[TK]D-Fender: ok, thanks
01:04.30conathan[TK]D-Fender: Seems to be when I receive a local call from my hometown.  No echo when it's 800km away.
01:05.28drmessanoYour ITSP is ripping you off then
01:05.41drmessanoTell them you have echo.. make them fix it
01:08.12*** join/#asterisk m4sk4r4 (n=m4sk4r4@
01:09.32conathandrmessano: they're ripping me off?
01:09.58conathandrmessano: when I signed up, they said they had a 3rd party voip provider in my hometown, and would not recommend it for commercial use (and after a hesitation, home use)
01:10.14conathanweirdly enough, time seems to make the echo go away.
01:10.52drmessanoThey seem to be offering you inferior service with echo in it
01:11.15drmessanoUnless it's free, they're giving you less than what you're paying for
01:11.18conathandrmessano: only people I ever dealt with, who advised me not to do it (:
01:11.26conathandrmessano: it's cheap.
01:11.50conathandrmessano: I mean, who tells their customers that their service is not reliable in your region?
01:11.53drmessanoWell, if it's cheap, then don't worry about it.. carry on
01:11.54conathandrmessano: I like them (:
01:12.07conathanjust was curious if it was them, or me (:
01:12.18joethe messages function/app on a 501 doesn't seem to want to update the new old urgent counters anyone have a clue why that could be?
01:12.21conathanMy phone works, but I still feel like I am stumbling around on the fine points
01:12.30drmessanoSIP doesn
01:12.34drmessanoSIP doesn't echo
01:13.30joepolycom 501 that is
01:14.07conathanjoe: hmm, my phone (:
01:14.21drmessanoAn echo file?  Do I open that with some Adobe app?
01:14.25conathanI never got messaging working
01:15.20conathanwell, got the picture, but not the maessage button.
01:15.28conathanthrew a shortcode into my dialplan anyway
01:16.18filedrmessano: Adobe Audioshop(tm)
01:17.06mandd[TK]D-Fender I routed all the ports you told me, and made changes to config,
01:17.13manddstill not dialing.
01:17.36drmessanoHmmm.. An app that creates echo.. sounds like something Fonality would use to sell PBXs
01:18.18Jumpiehmm never used google checkout before
01:18.19Jumpienot bad
01:18.22drmessano"80% less echo than the other guy"
01:18.48drmessano"If you hear echo.. ech.. Oh ****"
01:24.03[TK]D-Fendermandd, what router are you using?
01:24.44manddit's a computer routing, and just a network switch.
01:25.02[TK]D-Fenderjoe : "urgent counters"?  Huh?
01:25.03manddI just connected linsys pap2 into same switch, and connected
01:25.08manddcall call and receive calls
01:25.18drmessanothe localnet setting is bad
01:25.18manddbut I want to use asterisk :)
01:25.24[TK]D-Fendermandd, What is acting as your router?
01:25.35manddwidnows 2003
01:25.43drmessanooh geez
01:25.45[TK]D-Fendermandd, dear god..
01:25.51drmessanoDid i Just see that?
01:25.52manddserver, with ISA 2006
01:25.59drmessanoSomeone, slap me
01:26.02drmessanoWake me up
01:26.08[TK]D-Fenderslaps drmessano
01:26.08drmessanoISA... LOL
01:26.13drmessanoOh good god
01:26.19[TK]D-Fenderslaps drmessano some more
01:26.27drmessanoIM STILL SLEEPING
01:26.28[TK]D-Fendergoes looking for Mr. Pointy....
01:26.41manddi used freebsd ipfw while back
01:26.45drmessanoPLEASE, WAKE ME.. BEFORE I DIE
01:26.47manddswotched to isa
01:26.53[TK]D-Fendermandd, And you though M$ was an improvement?
01:26.58*** join/#asterisk jm|home (n=jm|
01:27.05drmessanoYou... switched... from... FreeBSD... TO... Windows... for.... your.....
01:27.10drmessanoOh god, help me
01:27.10manddwell, there is 3 of us, the others votes isa
01:27.12[TK]D-Fendermandd, Ok, you'd better make sure that it isn't messing with your packets...
01:27.27joe[TK]D-Fender: when you press the messages button it has a line or new old and urgent messages works fine on my 301s but can't get it to work on 501s (old setup/bootroom/sip just dialed the vm extension)
01:27.40mandd[TK]D-Fender, like I said, PAP2 lynksys connects, and works fine
01:27.47manddin a same switch, behind same ISA
01:28.05[TK]D-Fenderjoe : I always have mine just go to Voicemailmain immediately.
01:28.19[TK]D-Fendermandd, go sniff the packets and see whats different
01:28.30manddhaha, exactly what I am doing :)
01:28.42conathanslaps drmessano with a WindowsVista cd
01:29.02[TK]D-Fenderconathan, Mr. Pointy is far more effective...
01:30.13joe[TK]D-Fender: I'm thinking I'll do that too (the counters seem kind of silly) what does your xml block to do that look like?
01:30.49conathanI wonder if that SIP NAT module is built into my router...
01:30.54conathanthen people can call me directly (:
01:31.23conathandecides that's a bad idea
01:31.27[TK]D-Fenderjoe : Stock.  change from "registration" to "callback" and set the ext in there.  then set onetouch elsewhere
01:32.01[TK]D-Fenderconathan, Don't need any special module on your router.
01:32.46conathan[TK]D-Fender: port 5060, and that rtc range is supose to be forwarded to the voip server, if you dont use registration...  afaik
01:32.57conathan[TK]D-Fender: I mean, if I dropped my provider (:
01:33.31conathanthat SIP connection tracking module, handled the rtc on it's own, so you would only need to forward 5060 from what I read
01:33.34drmessanoYou dont need to drop your provider to get SIP calls
01:33.50drmessanoJust open the SIP and RTP ports and be done with it
01:33.53conathanshould watch his words, didn't quite mean that exactly like that
01:34.08[TK]D-Fenderconathan, forward all the stuff * needs ANYWAYS and thats it.
01:34.09joe[TK]D-Fender: k, thanks. I'll look for that. btw happen to know how do display "Messages" on button 25 on a 301 only on the default display?
01:34.35conathanforward 10 000 to 20000?  eep
01:34.37[TK]D-Fenderjoe : you trying to rename a soft key?
01:35.42joe[TK]D-Fender: yeah, it has no label by default and wanted to turn it into the messages button
01:36.42joegot it to run the messages function but then it behaves the same way in ever menu (which kinda sucks :)
01:36.56[TK]D-Fenderjoe : you referring to a line-key or a soft-key?  Which button exactly?
01:37.11joesoft key button 25
01:37.32[TK]D-Fenderjoe : 3rd under the screen?
01:37.43[TK]D-Fenderjoe : No, you can't do that.
01:38.12*** join/#asterisk vitaminmoo (n=vitaminm@
01:38.24vitaminmooWhat's the preferred paste site for here?
01:38.26[TK]D-Fenderjoe : I would suggest remapping any of the 3 under "Menu"
01:39.01vitaminmooI've got an odd one
01:39.08joe[TK]D-Fender: k
01:39.12vitaminmoowith zaptel-1.4.8, outgoing calls kernel panic the machine
01:39.26vitaminmoowith zaptel, outgoing calls fail instantly
01:39.30JayTee52[TK]D-Fender, do you use Polycom phones?
01:39.41vitaminmooThis just started, and I am beginning to suspect hardware problems
01:39.57conathanhmm, any chace someone build a WiFi based cellphone, with sip?
01:39.58vitaminmooThough I've changed out the zaptel card (was a rhino, now is a digium), and that didn't help
01:40.20vitaminmooI'll pastebin the debug output of an outgoing call on the drivers that don't crash teh box...
01:41.09[TK]D-FenderJayTee52, rather exclusively
01:41.30[TK]D-Fenderconathan, plenty exist already
01:41.39[TK]D-Fenderconathan, All are rather iffy at best
01:41.44jbot[~wifivoip] Wi-Fi (802.11a/b/g) VoIP phones on the market may possess any of the following drawbacks : poor battery life, limited range, lack of call features (many lack transfer, etc), poor or no NAT traversal, shoddy construction, etc. Because of this they are usually not recommended.  Some alternatives are : VoIP ATA + cordless, DECT w/ VoIP base, etc
01:41.44conathan[TK]D-Fender: oh ):
01:41.49vitaminmooconathan: every one I've tried sucks
01:41.54JayTee52I know the default admin password for the phones is 456 but I can't find what the userid and password are for the web interface
01:42.16conathanoh, didn't really mean that wifi
01:42.18vitaminmooJayTee52: Polycom/456
01:42.23conathanwhat is it they call it, wimax?
01:42.27*** join/#asterisk Vco (
01:42.43[TK]D-FenderJayTee52, You should NEVER use it anyways
01:42.43conathanthat wireless internet service, just like the 3g network
01:43.05JayTee52[TK]D-Fender, why not?
01:43.27vitaminmooJayTee52: It's horrible, and provisioning from ftp or http is much better
01:43.35[TK]D-FenderJayTee52, useless and crap way to try to configure your phone.
01:43.35vitaminmooYOu won't end up killing yourself over it
01:43.54JayTee52[TK]D-Fender, I just want to use it for 2 phones to test them.
01:44.05vitaminmoo[TK]D-Fender: You ever seen outgoing zaptel calls just spontaniously start kernel panicing a machine 100% of the time?
01:44.07*** join/#asterisk inv_arp (
01:44.10JayTee52If we buy 200 I'll definitely want to use http or ftp
01:44.20JayTee52[TK]D-Fender, thanks!
01:44.39[TK]D-FenderJayTee52, You're welcome to all the pain you can find....
01:44.56[TK]D-Fendervitaminmoo, Nope.  What are you running exactly?
01:45.40mandd[TK]D-Fender packets travel same way, I tihnk sometihng is messed up with asterisk config
01:45.44manddnot a NAT problem
01:45.51vitaminmooasterisk 1.4.18, zaptel 1.4.8 is the one that eats it, just doesn't work, centos, kernel 2.6.9-55.0.2.ELsmp
01:46.01vitaminmooIn a Dell server
01:46.26vitaminmooAnd I've tried both a wctdm and a rcbfx card
01:46.34*** join/#asterisk codazoda (
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01:48.01[TK]D-Fendermandd, Check your local firewall
01:48.27[TK]D-Fendervitaminmoo, OS?  Which cards exactly?
01:48.38manddits disabled for now
01:49.13vitaminmoo[TK]D-Fender: centos 4.4, and the current card is a tdm400p
01:51.10vitaminmoo[TK]D-Fender: The rhino card was one of their 8 ports, can't remember the model
01:51.19vitaminmooAnd it's way over there -->
01:53.26vitaminmoo[TK]D-Fender: And that was the older driver, the new one just doesn't work
01:53.32vitaminmoo[TK]D-Fender: though incoming works fine
01:53.48Jumpiefender, this may sound noobish, but do you ahve a good article on how the nxxnxxxx, etc matching works?
01:54.26vitaminmooJumpie: Google for asterisk dialplan patterns
01:54.33Jumpieah thx
01:55.00vitaminmooFirst hit is the wiki article, which isn't bad
01:56.06jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
01:56.39manddthats a wring number, not what I dialed
01:57.09manddi dialed 5145698744
01:57.35manddbut it:    Executing [5145698744@office:2] Congestion("SIP/mandd-081fc900", " ") in new stack ,    == Spawn extension (office, 5145698744,
01:58.08manddis that normal?
01:58.38[TK]D-Fendermandd, Yes, especically since you forgot to stop stripping the 1st char off when you dial.
01:59.31manddexten => _NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(${OUTBOUNDTRUNK}/${EXTEN:1})
01:59.49[TK]D-Fenderexactly ------------------^
02:00.02[TK]D-Fendermandd, ${EXTEN:1} <-
02:00.13manddwhat do I change it to so that it allows any number
02:00.16manddany lerght
02:00.22[TK]D-Fendermandd, Stop stripping off the first digit.  You needed to do that when you prefixed your number with 9
02:00.43manddthe book told me too. :)
02:00.45[TK]D-Fendermandd, just use ${EXTEN}
02:01.10[TK]D-Fendermandd, Seriously, if you think you're going to get away with cut & paste learning this is going to get quite painful.
02:01.15[TK]D-Fendermandd, Go read the book.
02:01.38conathanoh, is that the asterisk in a nutshell?
02:01.54mandd[TK]D-Fender, no, I read and understand, and book calls it "good" practice
02:02.03manddand it doesnt shiow any other way of doign it ether.
02:02.37TJNIIWhy is it a good practice to mangle your dialed numbers?
02:02.46vitaminmooHmm, chipsets similar to the chipset in this machine are listed incompatible with tdm400p hardware
02:02.52manddit's not, evidently.
02:04.07manddUnable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3 - No route t                 o destination)
02:06.37vitaminmoohmm, the dell poweredge 860 is trixbox certified platinum, though
02:06.38[TK]D-Fendermandd, You need to actually understand dialplan patterns and variables...
02:07.44manddi do to some extent, I created conferences, extensions with voicemail, macros, variables
02:09.34conathanjust got his phone to ring
02:09.53conathanwell, 4 phones to ring, one being a cellphone...
02:10.46manddOUTBOUNDTRUNK=SIP/netout  causing it, isnt it
02:11.05mandd"Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3 "
02:11.55TJNIImandd: Try a sip show peers on the CLI
02:12.12manddmandd/mandd            D          5060     Unmonitored
02:12.28ManxPowermandd: I don't see netout on that list.
02:12.43TJNIINo entry for netout?  What is it supposed to connect to?
02:12.45ManxPowerdo you have a [netout] section of sip.conf?
02:13.39manddmy sip.conf
02:14.05TJNIIWhy did you comment out [netout]
02:14.18manddits not, I just typed that by accident
02:14.37manddnot commented out in original
02:14.56TJNII... the original?
02:15.12manddsorry, here it is:
02:15.17*** join/#asterisk fluxp (
02:15.18ManxPowermandd: we hate it when what you show us is not what you have,
02:15.31manddexactly what I have
02:15.52drmessanoAnyone want to see a pastebin of a config I used 8 or 9 days ago?
02:15.58TJNIIAnd did you reload after you changed it?
02:16.11manddi di reload in CLI
02:16.13ManxPowermandd: change type=user to type=friend
02:17.00manddgreat success
02:17.12manddthanks ManxPower
02:17.19*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (n=strom@
02:17.30manddthank TJNII
02:18.07mandd[TK]D-Fender really appreciate  all your time, thank you
02:18.11plikconathan: re your q earlier about wifi / sip / cellphone - the new nokia 6301i moght fit the bill, but don't count on it ~ their other sip clients aren't that hot from what I've heard
02:18.17*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=angeldav@
02:18.27pliksorry its 6300i
02:20.38conathanplik: thanks
02:20.50conathanalways dreamed of getting a cellphone that could connect to home (:
02:21.04conathanactually, I came across an article on that one
02:21.31*** part/#asterisk comprookie2000 (
02:21.38conathanwhoops, that was a different one
02:21.43conathansome prototype wireless things
02:22.17*** join/#asterisk BBHoss (
02:22.59BBHosshey everyone, does anyone know a way that I can avoid paying as the "middle man" when bridging two calls together, and transfer the charge to the called party
02:23.33pliktake their CC number before you connect them ?  ;)
02:24.11BBHossi'm pretty sure it's NOT possible with VoIP, but I wanted to be sure...
02:24.34TJNIISounds like an accounting issue, not a VoIP issue.....
02:25.09TJNIIAah, well.
02:25.18TJNIIgoes to fix the garage door opener
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02:35.37Jumpiehehe voip info is a good site
02:39.06*** join/#asterisk cyberjackal (
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02:48.11sionei need some help with my new TDM402
02:48.19manddhow would I go about connecting PAP2T to Asterisk
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02:50.54sioneweird my Mac does not like my irc client so I had to use windows
02:51.17BBHosshey anyone know what's keeping us from doing a g.722 codec?
02:51.51*** part/#asterisk cyberjackal (
02:51.51sioneanyways my TDM402 when I set "callprogress=no" when the remote end hangs up the call, the zaptel tells asterisk channel busy and calls the number agian out another trunk
02:52.15sionethat does not happen when I set "callprogress=yes"
02:52.50sionebut I can't use callprogress=yes becuase it has a hard time detect when the remote end answers the call
02:53.41sioneanyone know how I can go about making it end call insted of saying channle busy?
02:59.36*** join/#asterisk sun_moon (
02:59.54sioneno zaptel expert awake?
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03:02.51sionewhat is the differance from Loopstar and Koolstart signaling?
03:03.06sionewhich should I be using?
03:05.37Maliutawhat country are you in to start with
03:05.49Maliutaoh, well that doesn't help
03:06.01Maliutaeither could be valid
03:06.16sioneI just swap it to koolstart and still have same issue
03:06.39Maliutawhat is the issue?
03:06.59Maliutaif you want a good rundown of the difference read the first chapter of "The Book"
03:08.38sionethe problem I am having is when the far end caller hangs up the call, my asterisk dials the call agian out another trunk
03:09.14sione[Apr  4 20:04:57] WARNING[23532]: chan_zap.c:7557 handle_init_event: Detected alarm on channel 1: Red Alarm
03:09.42sionethen it dials out another channel
03:09.48sioneinsted of hanging up the call
03:10.50sionewhen I set [Apr  4 20:04:57] WARNING[23532]: chan_zap.c:7557 handle_init_event: Detected alarm on channel 1: Red Alarm
03:11.00sionewrong button
03:11.14sionewhen I set "callprogress=yes" the problem does not happen
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03:12.38Maliutasure it's not a problem with your extensions?
03:13.38sioneI would think if it was a problem with my extension that the problem will stall happen when "callprogress=yes" is set
03:13.47sioneerr still
03:13.56[TK]D-Fendersione, pastebin your entire zapata.conf and your dialplan
03:14.19sionenot sure what pastebin is
03:14.23jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
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03:18.34sionemy ext file is too big to paste
03:18.41sione[root@catlynx zaptel-]# cat /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf | wc -l
03:18.41sione[root@catlynx zaptel-]#
03:20.29[TK]D-Fendersione, Ok, well here's a rebuild of zapata.  "immediate=yes" = BAD.
03:20.34[TK]D-Fendersione, And a few otehr things.
03:20.49Maliutasione: is that with or without comments?
03:20.51sionek let me give that a shpt
03:21.02sioneer shot
03:21.10drmessanoHe meant "shit"
03:21.13drmessanoAh, too late
03:21.28sioneheh nope I drop my keyboard
03:21.28Maliutaon your head?
03:22.43*** part/#asterisk [T]an2 (
03:22.47sionesweet that works
03:23.50sioneso "immediate=yes" was the problem?
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03:25.03sioneany one know what this message is about?
03:25.03[TK]D-Fendersione, "A" problem for sure.  jsut do the whole batch
03:25.06sione[Apr  4 20:24:11] WARNING[26733]: asterisk.c:2734 canary_thread: The canary is no more.
03:25.24sione[TK]D-Fender: thanks
03:25.30drmessanoYour oxygen just ran out :(
03:26.01[TK]D-Fenderlights a match and waits for the Earth-shattering "kaboom".
03:26.11*** join/#asterisk coppice (
03:26.27sioneI am running asterisk 1.6.0beta7.1 so dont know how buggy it is
03:26.44drmessanoHave you seen my wife, Mr Jones?
03:28.04Maliuta[TK]D-Fender: where's the "KABOOM"? There was supposed to be an Earth shattering "KABOOM"!
03:28.38Maliutadrmessano: hang, I'll get her out of my bed for you ;)
03:28.49JayTee52[TK]D-Fender, do you know of any good How-To's for setting up provisioning for Polycoms?
03:28.53drmessanoIt's a line from a song, young one
03:29.31Maliutadrmessano: you want obscure song quotes? or obscure movie quotes?
03:29.34[TK]D-FenderJayTee52, :
03:29.38jbot[~wikis] VoIP Wiki covering Asterisk, FreeSWITCH, TrixBox, SER, OpenSER, sipX, CallWeaver, and YATE. (c) Arte Marketing Inc / CommPartners
03:30.15drmessanoWell, since you failed the first test, neither
03:30.48manddif I want to make sip users ip restricted,   can  do  host=static, defaultip= ?
03:31.02Maliutadrmessano: name the song?
03:31.23[TK]D-Fendermandd, go lookup "config sip.conf" on the WIKI for a list of valid parms
03:31.30Maliutadrmessano: I am thinking of a Hermans Hermits track, but that's not it
03:31.42drmessanoNew York Mining Disaster 1941 - Bee Gees
03:31.48manddaha, ok, thanks [TK]D-Fender
03:32.16Maliutadrmessano: the Bee Gees? you listen to POMs that grew up in Redcliffe?
03:32.52Maliutadrmessano: actually one of my current fave tracks is a cover of Tragedy
03:32.52drmessanoYou can be angry all you want that you didn't get the reference.. no need to question my musical taste ;)
03:33.35[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano, At the mere mention of the Bee Gees you show you clearly have none ;)
03:33.57Maliutadrmessano: fine then ... "I made a god out of blood. Not superiority."
03:34.00drmessanoPre-disco, they were quite decent
03:34.19coppiceI thought the line was "Do you remember my wife Mr Jones"
03:34.29Maliutadrmessano: not even in their really early QTC-9 appearances
03:35.35coppiceI like that Bee Gees tribute song "Meaningless songs in very high voices"
03:35.44Maliutacoppice: google says you're wrong
03:35.56Maliutadrmessano: no ideas?
03:36.13drmessanoMaliuta: I googled.. KMFDM?  This convo is quite over ;)
03:36.37Kyoshikmfdm rox
03:37.14Maliutaand the track is?
03:37.17drmessanoWeasels thrown into coffee tins and thrown into a running clothes dryer have about the same sound appeal
03:37.30drmessanoI told you, I googled.. Anarchy is the track
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03:37.42Maliutadrmessano: how about "Control my tiniest motions. Withhold my simplest needs."
03:37.54Maliutagoogle is a cheat BTW :P
03:37.55drmessanoI am trying to burn the image of KMDFM out of my eyes
03:37.58coppiceso that's how the Gibb brothers got that sound
03:38.27Maliutacoppice: no, living in Redcliffe and getting kicked in the balls alot did it
03:38.31drmessanogoogle isn't a cheat.. I didn't know the song, so I looked it up.. even said "I GOOGLED IT"
03:39.04MaliutaKMFDM are good, Anarchy was on my "Music to die by" cd for TBI
03:40.31drmessanoI guess I need to break out my "Toadshit Toad and the Monkey Smashers" CD and pee on something.. BRB
03:42.42manddso there is no way to make a user IP restricted in sip.conf?
03:42.47Maliutadrmessano: you should track down the Celldweller cover of Tragedy, it's actually pretty good
03:42.53manddit won't allow to connect with host=static
03:43.03Maliutadrmessano: and it's only available electronically at this point
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03:44.39coppiceI felt tragedy was a very honest song
03:46.24[TK]D-Fendermandd, host=static is NO a valid value, go read the page I directed you to look at
03:46.38[TK]D-Fendercoppice, Self-fulfilling prophecy even.
03:50.14mandd[TK]D-Fender thats the thing, its not on that wiki page, however there are many results on google with host=static
03:50.55[TK]D-Fendermandd, well it isn't legal.  its either "dynamic", an IP, or a FQDN
03:51.02manddand on that wiki page, I did not find and ip restrictions, even with defaultip set, as ong as host=dynamic, anyone can connect
03:51.12manddohh, I see
03:51.18[TK]D-Fendermandd, And there are other listed means to restrict where the may register from.
03:52.02manddpermit=<ipaddress>/<network mask>
03:52.12manddmesses things up for me
03:53.44[TK]D-Fendermandd, Because?
03:54.06manddsorry, I was making a pastbin to show
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03:54.07manddone sec
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04:00.25manddhmm. ok
04:00.28manddis sorry
04:00.37manddi should pay more attention to thigs
04:01.58manddthanks again [TK]D-Fender
04:03.55*** join/#asterisk Tond (n=ukal@
04:04.16jblackI wish
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04:04.43TondI like to know the best solution for a mixture of callback and call transfer...
04:05.01jblackLook at parking. It has automatic call return.
04:05.12jblackPark a call, a few minutes pass, and the call bounces back to you.
04:05.23jblackunless you, or someone else, picks it up first.
04:05.29ManxPowerjblack: when was the last time you tested the parking timeout destination?
04:05.42jblacka couple months ago?
04:06.03ManxPowerIt never worked right in 1.2
04:06.13Tondhere is my problem in the country i am trying to terminatem termination is not llowed, however call origination is.  I am trying to get my user to dial a number, keep the on hold, originate the call local in that country and then get it transfered / connected to the original caller
04:06.16jblackLast I tried, it seems to work in 1.4.17
04:06.58ManxPowerTobin: its called dial around service
04:07.18Tondif i can avoid my caller hanging up and getting a call back, it will be best..
04:07.32jblackactually, I wrote something pretty close to that tonight, envisioned as a hotdesk.
04:07.53Tondjblack, how close?  :)
04:07.59Maliutajblack: ahh, there are more elegant ways to do a hotdesk
04:08.28jblackactually, it's not that close.
04:08.36TondManx: is that a new feature in 1.4?
04:08.56Tondjblack, its cool.. :)  any tips on how to do what i am trying to accomplish?
04:09.01jblackMine allows for remote logging in of extensions for placing and receiving calls.
04:09.09MaliutaTobin: he means that term describes what you want to do, google is your friend
04:09.22Tondoh i see
04:09.35Tondha aha  sorry its kinda late and me is slow
04:09.47Maliutano comment ;P
04:09.58jblackmumbles something about cake icing
04:12.01Tondthe last time i looked at call parking, it wouldn't do what i wanted to do.  Because i dont have extensions or fixed phone.  I ahve calling card users that i want them to be able to enter a destination # and then get another gateway to originate a call and then bridge the 2 together
04:12.24Tondand several of such needs to happen at once without crashing the system
04:12.51jblackOk. I don't quit understand you..  is the process you want... :
04:12.53[TK]D-FenderTond, You're originating on one side, terminating on the other.  This isn't "parking"
04:13.38jblack1. They call your number.  2. they dial the number they want. 3. they dial the pin you gave them.  4. You call them back ?
04:13.48jblackIs that about it?
04:14.19jblackOhhh. I see why you want this.
04:14.46jblackDude, they catch you doing that, they're gonna kill you. Probably literally
04:14.49Tondalmost, 1) they call my acess #, they get authenticated by caller id and asked to eneter a destination #, then that number gets diualed by a server and gets connected to the caller using transfer, meeting room or brudge somehow
04:15.09Tondno i ahve looked into it and it falls under gray area, so they are ok with it
04:15.13MaliutaI thought the easy way to do that was to use one of the auth modules to do the ID'ing and then have them punch in the number they want to dial and just have it Dial() on depending on pattern match
04:15.15[TK]D-Fenderjblack, Tond You are jsut dialing out.  there is no need for MeetMe or anything.
04:15.28jblackYeah. It seems pretty trivial to me...
04:16.03jblackTond: That's basically how any pbx works. When they dial a special extension, that extension is dialing out.
04:16.23jblackunless you're trying to signal out of band... ?
04:16.47Tondso i need to somehow track the 2 calls and be able to connect them together automatically..  I am trying to avoid having my caller hang up and wait for a call back
04:17.26Maliutathere are no 2 separate calls
04:17.38Maliutait's as basic as I said
04:17.52jblackI imagine he's trying to evade a firewall.
04:18.11jblacksignal out of band that a call needs to happen, and the box on the outside dials in, then bridge the calls.
04:18.13jbotrumour has it, disa is direct inward system access.  show application disa
04:18.13Maliutathat's just a matter of ports then
04:18.27jblackmaliuta: You did catch he's in Iran, right?
04:18.33[TK]D-FenderTond, They call in, enter their dest #, you Dial it out whatever outbound provider you feel like.  End of story.  Whats the issue?
04:18.47jameswf-homeiran? no ifat, so iwalk
04:18.50drmessanoYou're so gonna be on CNN
04:18.56Maliutajblack: ah, no
04:19.12drmessanoI shouldn't even be in this convo
04:19.17jblackSometimes it's useful to dig an ip when people start asking erally weird questions. :)
04:19.17drmessanodrmessano who?
04:19.17jameswf-homejblack: supports terrorism tisl
04:19.34jblackNow that you mention it...
04:20.08Maliutajblack: if I did that I'd need to be running hundreds of whois queries every time I got on IRC ... but then again, you don't hang out where I do ;)
04:20.11jameswf-homeTerorism was an 80s hairband they decided with current events a reunion tour is not a great idea
04:20.21jblacknah. I haven't heard anything substantive about Iranians trying to kill americans.
04:20.47jameswf-home~Terorism is an 80s hairband they decided with current events a reunion tour is not a great idea
04:20.47jbotokay, jameswf-home
04:20.56Maliutaanyone can kill all the yanks they want, as long as they don't confuse me for one
04:21.02jblackDid you mean Terrorism ?
04:21.15jameswf-home~Terrorism is an 80s hairband they decided with current events a reunion tour is not a great idea
04:21.16jbot...but terrorism is already something else...
04:21.16jblackMaliuta: You're a westerner too.
04:21.24jblackjbot: I agree
04:21.25jbotYou agree?
04:21.27jbotrumour has it, terrorism is (transcribed at
04:21.35Maliutacould be Tyrannism ... being afflicted with looking like a T-Rex
04:21.53jblackCould be Tyronism... with a 'fro
04:22.09jbotroflmao is, like, rolling on the floor laughing my arse off, or painful, or
04:22.28Maliutajblack: I'm an Eastern Slav, don't go putting me into the same ethnic cauldron as you :P
04:22.48jblackpbpbpbp. I'm quarter polish myself.
04:23.01Maliutajblack: western slav
04:23.06jameswf-homewhich quarter? how does that work
04:23.11Maliutajblack: not eastern :P
04:23.29jblackroflmao! du-de-duh roflmao!
04:23.45MaliutaI think if you get 4 of him together you get  $1US
04:24.06*** join/#asterisk SteveTotaro (
04:25.17jameswf-homeI am part black (tall with rhythm ) and part asian (super smart and hung like a squirrel) and part english/Irish (an Ugly SOB with a drinking problem)
04:25.36jblackSoo... Is one of your balls huge, and another of your balls really tiny?
04:25.52jblackwonders why he asked a question he doesn't want the answer to
04:25.57Tondyou see my problem is that i order to get this in the gray area, i need to get that local serevr to originate a call to the number my user has entered, and then transfer or connect it to the original caller.  Else i would just send the call over for termination
04:26.01jbotroflmao is probably rolling on the floor laughing my arse off, or painful, or
04:26.19jameswf-homeTond: DISA
04:26.20jblacktond: Ok. That's _SO_ easy.
04:26.30Tondin other words, i need to tell the local server what number i want to speak tom let it dial it and have it connect to another number elsewhere
04:26.34jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
04:26.44[TK]D-FenderTond, Doesn't matter if you want to pass it through another server.  its still just call in, call-out.
04:26.49jblackUse their callerid to look up their pin in a db. THen, read the pin. then, compare if they match. then, read the number to dial, then dial the number.
04:27.03jameswf-homeis he slow or....
04:27.39jameswf-homeIf you dial the wrong extension on my box you get rick rolled or montgumried
04:27.57Tondjblack, ya, but the number they like to speak to changes everytime they call.  they dont specifically want to speak to the same number all the time...
04:28.12jblacktond: And? That's not a problem.
04:28.16Tondi am already authenticating them into the system using db, etc..
04:28.17jameswf-homeTond: Disa
04:28.34coppiceThe Bee Gees. Rick Astley. Isn't there any human decency in this channel?
04:28.40jblacktond: The problem is you don't understand asterisk yet.
04:28.41jameswf-homejbot: kick Tond
04:28.41jbotACTION kicks Tond
04:28.45[TK]D-FenderTond, you have them dial out any number you want.  You clearly don't get it.
04:29.15jameswf-homejbot: gove Tond a clue
04:29.24jameswf-homejbot: give Tond a clue
04:29.25jbotACTION gives a clue to Tond
04:29.25jblackTond: Let me be very, very clear. As a part of any dialplan, you can have it dial any number you want. even if you ask the user what the number to dial right before you dial it.
04:29.30[TK]D-FenderTond, Answer call.  have them enter a PIN or whatever.  Check if its valid.  If it is, ask what # to dial.  DIAL THAT BLOODY NUMBER OUT.
04:29.42Tondjblack, I do, i ahve been using it for quite some time now..  What i am trying to do is very confusing..
04:29.56jameswf-hometond it really isnt
04:30.03[TK]D-FenderTond, You can tell * to dial out whatever # they enter.
04:30.06jameswf-homeTond: is an anagram for trolll
04:30.11Tondi know that
04:30.16jblackEither you're missing very basic skills from asterisk, or you're not explaining what you need very well.
04:30.30TondI am not explaining it well i think
04:30.38Tondlet me try one more time..  :)
04:30.44[TK]D-FenderTond, Either that or you're on some really good drugs.
04:30.44jblackwhy don't you draw us a picture and put it on the internet
04:30.57Tondhrm..  good idea..
04:31.09Tondi am gonna do it now
04:31.18jblackdefinitely. It'll keep you busy for hours, if you suffer from OCD
04:31.36outtoluncoc huh, what was he talkin about
04:31.48jameswf-homelol ocd crap shitbrick oh wait wrong disorder
04:32.23jameswf-homeman how bad would it suck to have ocd and add
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04:33.27jameswf-homebriefly obsessing over random stuff
04:33.27[TK]D-Fenderjameswf-home, Yes, I'm an insomniac obsessive-compulsive stalker.  I stay up all night forgetting to phone my ex constantly...
04:33.47jblackhmmm. is alzheimers a cure for OCD?
04:33.47[TK]D-Fenderoops, forgot the add part
04:34.06jblack"I have a burning urge to do something again and again, but I can't remember what"
04:34.22[TK]D-Fenderjblack, life is a sexually transmitted disease which is in all cases fatal.
04:34.28jameswf-homelmao someone somewhere is offended but probably not for long
04:34.56MaliutaI would have thought it would make OCD worse ... I need to do X, haven't done it yet.</Rinse_Repeat>
04:34.59jameswf-homethe #1 cause of divorce is marrige
04:35.02jblackI'm gonna ask my neurologist that question the next time I see him
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04:35.57jblackI'm deeply tempted to use my daughter as a stooge and have her call a hospital to get an answer.... for her "report" of course
04:35.57jameswf-homedude will come back with a picture.... oh cute itts a dog....
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04:37.01jameswf-homeDISA =  "defense information systems agency"  who knew
04:37.03jblacklmadsen: Do you know a neurologist?
04:37.18jblackYeah. The NSA is probably watching us, thanks to him.
04:37.19Maliutaactually Disa is this hot chick that I know :)
04:37.23lmadsenjblack: actually I minored in neurology
04:37.31jblacklmadsen: AWeSOME!
04:37.36jameswf-homeshaniqua is my homey
04:37.42jblacklmadsen: What happens to someone with OCD, when they get alzheimers?
04:37.49lmadsenjblack: they die
04:37.59jblackwe all die. What hapens to them before they do?
04:38.13lmadsenjblack: they tend to twitch a lot
04:38.26jameswf-homeahhh clasic
04:38.41MaliutaI died a couple of times already, death is overrated
04:38.51jblackbleh. I wanted a real answer
04:38.52lmadsenthey compulsively do the same thing over and over, but often forget what they were doing... so they do something else, then go back to what they were doing
04:39.15jblackwait, are you being serious?
04:39.16drmessano"You talkin bout my momma?"  "No, I deez not disa"
04:39.40lmadsenwhat stage of alzheimers do they have?
04:40.11jblackI dunno. Whatever stage it is people are at when they call their kids the wrong name. It's purely hypothetical question
04:40.19[TK]D-Fender"AIDS infects Herpes, news at 11"
04:40.26drmessanoalzheimers scares the crap out of me
04:40.37drmessanoDying because your muscles forget how to work
04:40.40jameswf-homeit had to be done....
04:40.44Tondok i put it down in proper steps and put it here:
04:40.45Maliutalmadsen: what are you're quals?
04:40.47outtoluncyeah, you might forget where you put the bullets eh <G>
04:40.51Tondi didn't wanna flood the channel
04:40.57Maliutalmadsen: if you minored in neurology ....
04:41.02lmadsenMaliuta: I'm making shit up as per usual
04:41.11drmessanoIf you flooded the channel, we would pummel you with trollisms
04:41.12drmessanoSo good call
04:41.18jblackQuote #855104 is pending moderation.
04:41.29Maliutalmadsen: damn, I could use a decent orthopod to replace this hip of mine
04:41.37*** part/#asterisk macli (
04:41.48jameswf-homeDamnit Tond we said a picture
04:41.49lmadsenMaliuta: sorry :)  I do read a lot about how the mind works and such though as a hobby
04:41.50drmessanoYou still have real hips?
04:42.05drmessanoI had mine replaced the last time they were on sale
04:42.06*** join/#asterisk xenonex (n=xenonex@
04:42.13jblackTond: Your picture sucks
04:42.27Maliutadrmessano: well one was helped out by a core decompression, the other is barely there. It needs to become metal
04:42.42lmadsenI'd love to have brand new knees
04:42.45Tondjblack, lol
04:42.48jblacktond: But if you want to do it that way...
04:42.50drmessanoWait.. Tond.. Did you just pastebin your side of an IRC chat?
04:42.50coppicedrmessano: did you get the replace 2, get a third free deal?
04:42.56drmessanoThat's.. fooked up
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04:42.59lmadsenI can't wait until they can replace my knees with something better than natural
04:43.11drmessanocoppice: Buy 3, get the 4th one free.. I got spares!
04:43.13Maliutadrmessano: it's the tip of my medical iceberg
04:43.17[TK]D-FenderTond, you don't "put him on hold", you just DIAL THE DAMN NUMBER.
04:43.31jblackhmm. I don't know how.
04:43.39jblackYeah, I do.
04:44.13lmadsenI'm only 27, so hopefully by the time I hit 40 can either replace things with cyborg type materials, or that things can be fixed with nanobots
04:44.19Maliuta[TK]D-Fender: I think what he want is to connect them to an incoming call
04:44.28drmessanoI'm still not over the whole "I am Mahmūd Ahmadinejād, and I approve this method" thing
04:44.33jblacklmadsen: You'll probably die a jealous man
04:45.11TondFend> I know that is what happens under normal and usual situations.  but my case is different.  i need to make the local telco happy.  if i just dial the dest number, they will look at it as termination.  but if i get the secoind serevr to dial that number and then trabsfer it to my caller then they dont consider it termination.  they are really messed up in the head i know, but that is what i have been given to work with
04:45.17jblackwell... you could die early...
04:45.36Maliuta[TK]D-Fender: i.e. user1->*->auth->(initiate call on remote system and then have it call in to *)->bridge incoming call to user1
04:45.42lmadsenjblack: if I'm lucky
04:45.44[TK]D-FenderMaliuta, No he's trying to play a semantic game where A calls server B, B "holds him", Server C "miraculously" knows to call party D who A wants to talk to, and then bridges back to server B so they can talk
04:45.54lmadsenI hope to never get old enough that I can't function on my own
04:46.07jblacklmadsen: Which raises your chances of having to die more than once.
04:46.32lmadsenok, I'm out to the couch, peas out
04:46.34[TK]D-FenderTond, See my description above.  What you are trying to get away with is BS.  Doesn't matter how you think you're going to trigger that call back, its the same thing.
04:46.49jblackis still ticked that they brought him back
04:47.32TondFend, it is B.S. but if i do it that way i will make them happy and let me do it...
04:48.27TondAll i need to findout is how to bridge 2 difefrent calls on 2 different servers together.
04:48.33Tondthe rst I have figured out i think
04:48.49[TK]D-FenderTond, If they do then they are morons.  You still have to tell that other server to call that number.  The fact that you might do this in a way OTHER that actually placing a SIP call for instance is the most pathetic ruse ever
04:48.56[TK]D-FenderTond, And they are retarded
04:49.15Tondi agree
04:49.44Tondthat is what i said initially, but i wasnt gonna convince them other.  cause then they say ur right, u can't do it too!
04:49.50jameswf-homeTond: does the prince know your online?
04:49.52[TK]D-FenderTond, and it isn't how to bridge 2 calls.  see the thing is that A calls B.  C has to KNOW to call D.  Whats going to make C know that A wants to talk to D?
04:50.31jameswf-homeiran should really improve their censorship
04:50.40drmessanopeacefire ?
04:50.54[TK]D-FenderWe come in peace, shoot to kill!!!!
04:51.12outtolunccollects the puters <G>
04:52.01jameswf-homeTond: Asterisk was writen by the white devils in america you should not use it...
04:52.01drmessanoHere is what I am trying to get
04:52.11*** join/#asterisk xenonex (n=xenonex@
04:52.31drmessanoif it takes $20000 worth of servers to make this call, how cheap can it really be?
04:52.44Tondwell I am not using it in iran, it will be hosted elsewhere..
04:53.11jameswf-homedoes your government know your trying to bypass their infrastructure
04:53.44Tondhrm.  looking at the problem form a different angle, if i have 2 calls on server A and server B, how can i tell server B which parking slot the call is parked at so it can call a macro on server A and have it's call connected to that oparking spot?
04:53.46jameswf-homehell why am i complaining easier for the CIA to spy on
04:53.48[TK]D-FenderTond, Again C still needs to be told to do the next leg of the call.  Doesn't matter how you signal is, its BS.
04:54.27[TK]D-FenderTond, B would tell C to call D, and pick up the lot it is going to park A on.
04:54.49drmessano"dude, I got $3000 worth of asterisk hardware, I bounce my call off three continents, across lines made of camels ass-hair and cheesecloth, and save 2 cents per minute... Sticking. It. To. The. Man. YEAH!"
04:54.53[TK]D-FenderTond, This isn't rocket science, its just a completely "fake" bypass
04:55.09[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano, I WANT MY WEEKEND BACK!
04:55.13jblackIt would be easier if you get a tunnel with callwithus.
04:55.16drmessanoDamn skinny
04:56.36jameswf-homeI vpn to australia to vpn in to New Zealand that vpns to russia which vpns to cuba then vpn in to canada back down to  mexico to bridge a call to my nextdoor neighbor
04:56.38jblackI wish the telephony infrastructure handled video well. I'd love to Dial-Some_pron right about now.
04:57.05jameswf-homedial-up porn sucked
04:57.13drmessanojameswf-home: But you saved having to walk over there and get up from your doritos
04:57.27jameswf-homedrmessano:  exactly
04:57.29drmessanojameswf-home: I'd call that "worth it"
04:57.54jameswf-homeoh its better he was on a sip phone via wifi and sitting next to me
04:57.55*** join/#asterisk dacs (n=haiger@unaffiliated/dacs)
04:58.22drmessanoSpeaking of...
04:58.42jameswf-homeNBA cheerleaders are mutch less attractive than NFL cheerleaders
04:58.45Tondsee the last time i looked at call parking on 1.2, when i parked a call it would only announce the paqrking slot #, and there wasn't a way for me to get it as a variable.  if i can do that i think all my problems will be resolvbed
04:59.05jameswf-homeTond dont park
04:59.05drmessanoOh god
04:59.23drmessanoYou're going in Reverse now.. your transmission is broken
04:59.29[TK]D-FenderTond, Go install "app_valetparking".
04:59.40coppicejameswf-home: but the NBA ones should have better skin, as they don't go out in the sun
04:59.50[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano, he needs to in this sad illusion he's attempting to implement.
05:00.03jameswf-homeTond: you need
05:00.06Maliutacoppice: don't mention the evil daystar!
05:00.15[TK]D-FenderTond, You still haven't explained how you expect to "induce" C to call D and pass the call back and even know where to.
05:00.25[TK]D-Fenderjameswf-home, lol
05:00.35jblackThat's where the magic fairy dust comes in to play
05:00.57drmessano[TK]D-Fender: Did he mention the AOL Oscar signalling?
05:01.02drmessanoOh.. guess not
05:01.02Maliutajblack: he's in Iran, not Afganistan. there is not white powder to snort
05:01.04[TK]D-Fenderjblack, Don't mention "fairies", this is IRAN we're  talking about!
05:01.12jameswf-homeohh duh and the dust call in
05:01.41jblackI kinda feel bad for him. In the best case scenario, he fails. In the worst case scenario, he succeeds, and gets beheaded
05:01.59jameswf-homethey depricated the tooth api in (bastards
05:02.26[TK]D-Fenderjblack, No its doable in so many different ways, its just a sad illusion either which way and the fact that this means it gains ANY measure of validity is preposterous.
05:02.36coppicejblack: if its an internet offence won't they just cut off his tubes?
05:02.55[TK]D-Fendercoppice, lol again
05:02.57drmessanoIm sure it will be seen as hacking
05:03.01drmessanoor treason
05:03.15jameswf-homeits like six lines someone should just write it up maybe shut him up
05:03.18jblack[TK]D-Fender: It's doable for most anyone that regularly visits here. Are you sure that he can do it?
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05:03.21drmessanoAt least theres virgins where hes going
05:03.31MaliutaI thought voting for Bush was treasonous in the US
05:03.40Tondwell here what i am thinking, get the call parked in a parking spot, record the lot # somwehere maybe even in a db, send a call to server B.  the called number can incudes the destination # and the parking lot# on server A.  Server B calls that number and then trabsfers it to server A to that spefified parking lot #, and then walla.. lol
05:03.41jblackI don't think phone service qualifies one for martyrdom.
05:03.43drmessanoNo, saying it is.. now GTFO
05:03.48coppicedrmessano: he's going to slashdot?
05:03.53jameswf-homebah virgins how about 27 expierienced broads who know what they are doing
05:03.57drmessanoOh damn
05:04.00drmessanoThats... bashable
05:04.24[TK]D-FenderTond, Either way you're passing the call info leg by leg along the same patch.
05:04.32jblackAbout that whole 99 virgins things.... When considered against the backdrop of... eternity...
05:04.37jblackIsn't it really a bad deal?
05:04.51drmessano99 virgins was a good week for me
05:04.52[TK]D-FenderI just want to know where they keep getting all the virgins from.
05:04.58jameswf-homedid they say female virgins?
05:04.59drmessanoSometimes I could break 100
05:05.06jblack99 divided by an infinite amount of days...
05:05.07[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano, You sounded JUST like mercestes there for a minute.
05:05.22drmessano[TK]D-Fender: Not any of the schools I went to.. they were all virginless lol
05:06.09jblackI am so bored. I'm tempted to hook up an extension to gnu chess.
05:06.36drmessanojblack: maybe the virgins are like groundhog day.. every day they start over
05:07.06coppicewith or without the acquired pathogens?
05:07.18jblackWell. there is omnipotence involved...
05:08.03jameswf-homeI should add random(50|s,4) o my inbound and drop half the people who call t0 rickroll
05:08.27Tondwell thanks for the help anyways..  :)
05:08.30Tondappreciate it
05:09.35drmessanoTond: Anytime.. I hope they don't find you
05:09.44drmessanoTond: If they do, it was nice knowing you
05:10.08jameswf-homethat kid had a good head on his shoulders.... now it is in this basket
05:10.15drmessanoTond: Say hello to Groucho Marx and Mickey Mantle for me
05:10.24drmessanoR O F L
05:10.28jameswf-homedrmessano: Racist...
05:10.39Tondpeace out
05:11.10jameswf-homeif your lucky peace in
05:11.26jameswf-homeoh wait piece
05:11.45[TK]D-Fenderok, time to check out, early day tomorrow.
05:11.49drmessanoLater TK
05:11.51[TK]D-Fenderlater all.
05:12.01drmessanoDon't lose your head
05:12.45drmessanoThere can be only one
05:12.48jameswf-homelol need head brings a whole new meaning
05:16.07jameswf-homeperfect asterisk box
05:18.16Maliutadrip filter, it's not ultimate anything
05:18.27drmessanoThat guy just made himself a nice steaming cup of STFU
05:18.47Maliutabuild a 17+ bar esspresso machine with frothing wand into a case and I'm there
05:19.10drmessanoI just want a perculator
05:20.08Maliutaeww, not coffee
05:21.13drmessanoEspresso isn't coffee?
05:22.06*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
05:25.27jameswf-homeCoffee is a widely consumed stimulant beverage
05:25.44jameswf-home~wiki coffee
05:27.58drmessano~wiki Iranian beheadings for telco circumvention
05:28.16drmessanoNot yet..
05:28.35drmessano~wiki Don't lose your head
05:31.43*** join/#asterisk SomethingISODD (
05:31.58SomethingISODDHello all question can a e1/t1 card work for incoming and also out going?
05:35.16drmessanoof course
05:35.57SomethingISODDok i have another question my local telephone company, there operator service sounds like the Asterisk ivr`s and such. do you think asterisk could handle such a setup?
05:37.02SomethingISODDthey have a round 5,000 customers, do you think a clustor asterisk setup could handle that ?
05:37.53drmessanoI don't think your local telco is using asterisk
05:38.55SomethingISODDi bet you over 1000 dollars they are
05:39.10SomethingISODDatleast for there voicemail system that much i know for usre
05:39.31drmessanoWhy, because they have a similar sounding voice?
05:40.19SomethingISODDsimilar sounds similar features similars
05:40.57drmessanoif that's your only criteria, then "yeah, you're right".. even though they make carrier grade equipment for telcos
05:41.40SomethingISODDhrm didnt think asterisk could handle that
05:42.05drmessanoLet me get this right
05:42.54drmessanoYou join the channel, asking if a T1/E1 card can do inbound/outbound, which is really a newb question, then wanna bet me over 1000 dollars that your telco is using Asterisk?
05:43.00drmessanoThis is a joke, right?
05:43.37drmessanoSomething is odd, indeed
05:43.37SomethingISODDsorry lol, i kinda just got thrown off when i made a phone call. i didnt mean to combine the two.
05:44.36SomethingISODDanyway back to what i was here for, is using ss7 very hard to do for 1 #2 could one use ss7 between two asterisk systems over a the internet
05:45.36drmessanoWhy not just use IAX or SIP between boxes?
05:46.38SomethingISODDclient wants everything to be ss7 secure, i told him we could use vpn but he wants ss7
05:54.06coppicewhat's secure about SS7?
05:55.36SomethingISODDnothing i know of
05:55.58SomethingISODDbut i have to say i do not know a great deal about ss7
05:57.03coppiceimplemented properly the sevice is secure, because you will have redundant paths. However, is has no security of the VPN kind
06:01.49ltdss7 is just signalling anyway
06:03.08SomethingISODDok thanks i will go back to him and tell him there is no point and see what he say
06:03.46ltdSRTP may be of use
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06:05.05ltdobviously it will only be encrypted up till the point where it enters the PSTN from your IP network
06:05.06jameswf-homejust booted into kde4.... sill not impressed
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06:06.56kiscokidI'm getting the bug described here
06:08.04SomethingISODDltd very true its he was watching this news report were they say sip calls are not secure
06:08.14SomethingISODDand he is all freaked out thinking anyone can hack him
06:08.49ltdgive him some valium and a contract
06:09.31kiscokidbut not using a cisco pstn gw but using a sangoma T1 card
06:09.53SomethingISODDltd already got the contract,
06:09.58SomethingISODDthree years to be exact
06:10.19coppiceSIP calls can be secure, if TLS and SRTP are used, but support for that is still quite rare. Right now most SIP traffic is wide open to anyone that can compromise something in the path.
06:11.48SomethingISODDdo you think vpn would actually be the correct solution ya i know it increases bandwidth
06:12.35coppicedepends on the VPN. Make sure you don't use one that works over TCP, or things go horribly wrong for streaming
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06:16.23SomethingISODDis there any tutorials on using asterisk over vpn
06:16.30SomethingISODDnvm i will go search
06:18.20jameswf-homeits funny the girls gone wild commercial announcer screams the whole commercial then whispers we will auto ship more and you will pay pay pay
06:19.46SomethingISODDdoes it lol
06:20.30coppicedoes MS do programs gone wild commercials?
06:20.52iunixanis it possible to use the modem as an ATA?
06:21.26*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
06:21.47coppiceis it possible to use a toaster as an ATA?
06:22.12jblackif you spent enough on it, yes.
06:22.38iunixancoppice, the tooster is not a modem!
06:22.39coppiceyou mean pimp my toaster?
06:22.45iunixanjblack, how?
06:23.12jblackThe only thing you can't pimp, is a pimp
06:24.37coppiceiunixan: I didn't asking about makng a toaster into a modem. I asked about making it into an ATA
06:25.10iunixancoppice, what a logic!
06:39.35*** join/#asterisk Brijn (
06:39.54BrijnGood evening all
06:42.49BrijnA quick question, I must be overlooking something teribly basic.. SIP externtion tries to dial a number, always get "rejected because extention not found"
06:43.40Brijnsip show peers show it as being in [local], extention _72620 is there, also show up with dialplan show local
06:48.20coppicejameswf-home: WTF was that girl thinking to even try?
06:48.49coppicethe wasabi hidden inside sushi game is more fun :-)
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06:54.30jameswf-homeis debating on having random people try the cinimon cause it appears to f u up
06:55.34jameswf-homebe like 10 bucks says you cant do it
06:56.15coppicethey used to have a TV game here where if a contestant got an answer wrong, they had a chance to stay in the game. they have to take a piece of sushi from a tray and eat the whole thing. However 50% of them had about a teaspoon of wasabi in the middle of the rice
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07:45.37coppicesangoma has an interesting new front page :-)
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08:23.44CAiROi try to initiate an outgoing call, but i get "Unable to request channel CAPI/01577.."  how can i define channels or what is the correct channel for outgoing calls with isdn/capi?
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09:26.29CAiROi'm trying to initiate an outgoing call, but i get "Unable to request channel CAPI/01577.."  how can i define channels or what is the correct channel for outgoing calls with isdn/capi?
09:28.30lesouvageI set the # key to start and stop monitoring and it is working ok. I'm now trying to get an signal on the line when monitoring is turn on (a beep every couple of seconds or something like that).  If you  have a suggestion or a pointer how this can be done please share it with me.
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10:25.49benshi, I'm learning how to configure asterisk and having trouble getting it to connect calls between a softphone and my sip proxy. Can anyone help?
10:26.46bensI can get the softphone and the proxy to talk directly.
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12:04.14jmlshey y'all
12:04.25jmlswhat does this mean ? I've never seen it before:
12:04.27jmlsZap/pseudo-465721308 s@isdnspan4:1        Rsrvd   (None)
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12:37.38ZPerteehow do you troubleshoot a problem that has no symptoms but doesn't work?  I can't dial out of my asterisk box when the line is connected at my work, but when I take the box home it dials just fine.  from debugging standpoint looks exactly the same?
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13:30.03Woifi1988hi all
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13:45.04teknoprepdid comcast just start blocking SIP Connections ?
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14:15.34lirakisdoes anyone have a good link to info on how to make phones remotely reboot by sending "sip notify" from asterisk cli?
14:15.55lirakisspecifically grandstream GXP's is what i am looking for .. but ill take any good tutorial on asterisk sip notify
14:19.16unixdoggrandstreams will not reboot via sip headers
14:22.59denonunless you find a parsing bug ;)
14:26.12*** join/#asterisk FreezeS (n=Administ@
14:26.20FreezeShey guys
14:26.25FreezeSI just installed 1.6
14:26.49FreezeSI'm using mysql for realtime and cdr
14:27.08FreezeSand I can register to it, but can't call the clients
14:27.25FreezeScan't even see their registrations with sip show registry or sip show peers
14:28.05FreezeSnot even in the sipregistrations context (I've enabled it and in the CLI it says it's adding them there) but on a dialplan show, it's empty
14:29.00FreezeS(anyone ?)
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14:31.37acidfuhi guys,
14:32.01acidfuwith asterisk how can I call (from asterisk) two cell phone and branch them together
14:32.09acidfuI want asterisk to call on my cell phone
14:32.15acidfuand then to call on my friend cellphone
14:32.23acidfuand then we can talk to each other through asterisk
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14:33.24drmessanoAsterisk > Cell <> Cell <> Asterisk?
14:33.41acidfucell <> asterisk <> cell
14:33.49acidfuasterisk call both
14:34.32FreezeSacidfu, I think you need to use the manager for this
14:34.33drmessanoWhat is that gonna accomplish?
14:34.39FreezeSdial each channel then bridge them
14:34.47FreezeSand I think this only works in 1.6
14:34.51acidfuFreezeS, ok, you can tell me how to to this please ?
14:35.12drmessanoOnly works in 1.6?
14:36.06drmessanoacidfu: What are you trying to accomplish here?
14:36.15acidfudrmessano, ?
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14:36.26acidfuwhich part you dont understand
14:36.39drmessanoWhy this whole thing is necessary
14:36.47acidfubecause ?
14:36.53acidfuI want to talk with my cellphone
14:36.57acidfuI have free incoming call
14:36.58FreezeSactually, you can do it in 1.4 aswell
14:37.07acidfuFreezeS, can you point me how to do this please ?
14:37.17drmessanoIs the asterisk leg of the call going to be free?
14:37.29drmessanoFree outbound?  Two channels worth?
14:37.29FreezeSyou need to define a context that will dial the firs cell
14:37.45acidfuFreezeS, ok , and how I activate this calling ?
14:38.04FreezeSthen you need to run from the cli "originate ... something"
14:38.15drmessanoAlright then.. good luck
14:38.23FreezeSthat will call the second cell and put it in the context that will dial the first cell
14:38.43FreezeSlet me search for the exact syntax of the originate command
14:38.48acidfuok thx
14:38.52*** join/#asterisk R-MAN (
14:39.03R-MANhey guyw
14:39.11Jumpiejust gotta cheap did
14:39.32R-MANhow much is cheap?
14:40.02Kyoshii know does cheap did's
14:40.09iamhrhdoes periodic-announce only work when there is more than one call in a queue?
14:40.10Jumpie5.99/mo 3000 free inc minutes, 10 chans
14:40.31drmessanoI get unlimited for $3.99
14:40.36Jumpiereally? where?
14:40.42FreezeSacidfu, originate zap/1/056576(second cell) extension 1@callfirstcell
14:40.43Jumpiestill its not terrible :P
14:40.51drmessanoTo me, it is lol
14:40.51R-MANUS DIDs I presume
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14:41.12drmessano$3.99 unlimited incoming, 2 channels
14:41.22Jumpieits 1.2 cents a minute thereafter
14:41.30FreezeSand callfirstcell should be something like Dial(zap/2/87979(first cell),40,rt)
14:41.32Jumpiedrmessano but is that through your job?
14:41.46drmessanoNo that's through
14:41.51R-MANisnt voxbone good as well
14:41.57drmessanoCallwithus is expensive.. I don't care what anyone argues
14:42.04drmessanoTheir deals suck
14:42.09Jumpie1.2 cents is expensive?
14:42.09FreezeSguys, I've got a problem with 1.6. Can anyone help me ?
14:42.14drmessanoYes it is
14:42.20Jumpieill look at les
14:42.31R-MANI dont understand how you guys put up with charges on incoming calls...that really sucks.  Here in the UK we would go crazy
14:42.35acidfuFreezeS, ok nice, I try it
14:42.43Jumpieit was 3000 free inc
14:42.49iamhrhR-MAN: no real choice
14:42.59drmessano1.2 thereafter sucks too
14:43.04ZPerteeanyone know what would make so that asterisk can dial out (ZAP) at my house but when I connect it to the line at work nothing happens.  I can plug an analog phone into the work line and dial out so I know the line works good, but for some reason it doesn't like asterisk.  CLI output never changes
14:43.07Jumpiehmm drmessano on it says no setup or monthly fee, with 15 cents a minute, i assume thats....outgoing
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14:43.15drmessano15 cents?
14:43.16teknoprepanyone here on ?
14:43.25teknoprephaving audio issues ?
14:43.27Jumpienorthamerican voip did
14:43.28drmessanoThats NOT correct
14:43.44R-MANI mean im coming to the US for a few months and im looking for a no contract cell phone a good deal so my Asterisk can call me back or I can use DISA but even incoming on those things is limited
14:43.46drmessanoThat's .015
14:43.48drmessanoThats 1.5
14:43.50drmessanoNot 15
14:44.06Jumpieer thats what i meant sorry
14:44.22drmessano99 cents a month, 4 channels, .015 a minute OR $3.99 flat rate, 2 channels
14:44.34*** part/#asterisk jmls (
14:44.40R-MANquick question for you guys.  Is there any easy way to find out where my HDD space has gone on my centos box?
14:44.41Jumpieyea i clicked on the wrong thing
14:44.42teknoprepdrmessano, who offers that ?
14:45.04teknoprepi can't acess there web page
14:45.07teknoprepCOMCAST BLOWS
14:45.13drmessanodid you TYPE it?
14:45.15iamhrh^^ true story ?
14:45.20teknoprepof course
14:45.34teknoprepi can't get on or either
14:45.41Jumpiesounds like you got some dns or routing probs
14:45.44drmessanoWell, I am on Comcast and it's working for me
14:45.52drmessanoteknoprep: Sounds like your shit is broken
14:45.53Jumpieteknoprep you try tracerouting
14:45.59Jumpiewhere's it fail, offnet ?
14:46.00drmessanoteknoprep: or self induced
14:46.48teknoprepno its all of comcast
14:46.51teknoprepwell in our area
14:47.05teknoprepi have at least 10 clients calling me right now that are on
14:47.11teknoprepi am still on voicepulse and things are working clients are getting one-way audio
14:47.24teknoprepstarting this morning
14:47.44drmessanoYou're using Comcasts DNS?
14:47.44teknoprepthe rest of my clients on are probably just not at work today
14:47.58teknoprepi am using OpenDNS and Fast.Net dns servers
14:48.02teknoprepand comcast dns
14:48.04unixdog<== uses
14:48.04teknoprepi add them all
14:48.10unixdogvery happy with them
14:48.12Jumpiei know one of the devs for opendns
14:48.15teknoprepi can't access
14:48.16drmessanoI skip comcasts.. they dont work
14:48.26drmessanoOpenDNS is the ONLY way to go
14:48.28drmessanoIt's awesome
14:48.36Jumpiehe also owns an isp/hosting ocmpany in seattle
14:48.39drmessanoI love defining sites and setting controls
14:48.44drmessanoMakes it SOOOO awesome
14:48.50unixdogits up I just tested it
14:49.01unixdog<== is moving to FL
14:49.04Jumpieteknoprep where is it failing
14:49.17unixdogin June or July
14:49.29teknoprepjumpie its one-way audio
14:49.32unixdogOrlando here I come said
14:49.49drmessanoI use dynamic DNS updates to update my mother in laws IP to OpenDNS, I have her defined as a site on my account, and I have her DNS locked down so my brother in law can't surf porn on her machine when he goes over there
14:50.07drmessanoAlso like that it keeps her from hitting malware sites via typos
14:50.17Jumpiei was curious how they generate income?
14:50.21Jumpiefrom 404 page ads?
14:50.38Jumpiebut how many times ar eyou gonna mess up a url and go OH YA I NEED THAT
14:50.40teknoprepyes also doens' twork
14:50.42drmessanothe search results pages from the typos and 404s
14:50.49Jumpieteknoprep right, where does it fial
14:50.50Jumpiein a traceroute
14:50.58teknoprepi can ping
14:51.03teknopreplet me watch the traceroute
14:51.08unixdogteknoprep: its you . the site is up
14:51.14unixdogI am on it now
14:51.17teknoprepits comcast
14:51.43teknoprepi can resolve the ip , ping the domain, do a complete trace
14:51.46teknopreptrace is complete
14:51.47unixdogyou need to find a good proxie
14:51.54teknoprepwhy would i use a proxy ?
14:52.01teknoprepthats just stupid
14:52.02unixdogto get around comcast
14:52.08teknoprepcomcast is having problems and i have to wait
14:52.13unixdogahh ok
14:52.33ZPerteeteknoprep, then quit your complaining
14:52.46teknoprepyou guys are semi-retarded
14:52.54teknoprepi was here asking if anyone else was having these issues
14:52.59Jumpiewe're the one that can access it :D
14:53.01teknoprepthats all
14:53.15teknoprepyes i VPN' into a client with a t1.. works fine
14:53.18unixdogtakes a retard to know a retard
14:53.26teknoprepno not really
14:53.36unixdogheres your sign
14:53.42teknoprephow many retards have you seen in your life.. and realized that person was retarded?
14:53.59Jumpiewell i already had paid $20 non refundable to callwithus
14:54.03Jumpieill use them till its dry then les
14:54.05drmessanoteknoprep likes to be belligerant about pretty much everything... you also can't walk him through troubleshooting because he likes to start insulting.. Just smile and nod
14:54.20drmessanoteknoprep: :) *nod*
14:54.22teknoprepdrmessano, i don't usually need help
14:54.29FreezeSis there a channel for 1.6 talk ?
14:54.45drmessanoteknoprep: This is a typical teknoprep visit....
14:54.52teknoprepi would agree
14:54.59drmessano<teknoprep> Anyone know why SIP doesn't work in 1.6
14:55.07drmessano<teknoprep> Asterisk sucks
14:55.07Jumpiewhen setting outbound caller id
14:55.10drmessano<teknoprep> WTF
14:55.12teknoprepdrmessano, stop it i am supposed to be angry.. i can't laugh right now
14:55.12Jumpiedo you normally put the 1?
14:55.14RypPnwe call him teknoshit
14:55.15drmessano<teknoprep> You guys suck
14:55.15Jumpieor is that 'assumed'
14:55.27drmessano<teknoprep> retards
14:55.29R-MANbe nice to eachother lol
14:55.33drmessanoand then the quit message
14:55.46teknoprepno i prefer it this way
14:55.56teknoprepi enjoy the animosity
14:56.10drmessanoThen he'll come back
14:56.25drmessano<teknoprep> Why do I need sip.conf to make sip work in 1.6?
14:56.28unixdogok kids back to your own sandbox's
14:56.30drmessano<teknoprep> STUPID
14:56.43drmessanothen leave
14:56.48*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (n=IceChat7@pdpc/supporter/active/Zeeek)
14:56.59*** join/#asterisk CrashSys (
14:57.04drmessanoI'm just messing with teknoprep.. even though i'm about 90% accurate
14:57.10jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
14:57.24FreezeSdrmessano, what is the actual problem with SIP in 1.6 ? I can't make 2 clients dial each other or see their registrations (although they register succesfully)
14:57.24unixdogthe book is overrated
14:57.31teknoprepdoesn't mind that abuse... i can take as much as i dish
14:58.02drmessanoFreezeS: There is no sip problem in 1.6.  Sounds like you have something configured wrong
14:58.14drmessanoFreezeS: If SIP was broken on 1.6, I think we would know
14:58.30FreezeSwhat could it be ? the clients register but they don't appear in sipregistrations, although the message is displayed
14:58.40FreezeSAdded extension 'bruno' priority 1 to sipregistrations
14:58.51FreezeSbut I can't see them there
14:58.51drmessanoOh man
14:58.55drmessanoWhere's guido?
14:59.00FreezeSyes, some people have weird names
14:59.38drmessanoI don't know, FreezeS, but if something were that broken with SIP in 1.6, it would be out there
15:00.01FreezeSwell, something is broken with my installation and I'm trying to figure out what...
15:00.33FreezeSas I said, the clients register succesfully
15:00.47FreezeSbut if I run "sip show registry" or "sip show peers", it's empty
15:00.53FreezeSthe clients are from realtime
15:00.58*** join/#asterisk ZaVoid (
15:01.20FreezeSwhat should I check ?
15:02.07fileunless caching is enabled realtime entries will immediately disappear after use, and regexten does not work with them
15:03.07teknoprepwhats the CLI to wathc the RTP stream in the CLI ?
15:03.17teknoprepi thought it was rtp debug ip *
15:03.27FreezeSand they can't dial each other
15:05.50teknoprepi just called comcast
15:05.59teknoprepand there is a huge message about having problems on the inet
15:06.01teknoprepits not me
15:06.03teknoprepi am out
15:06.23unixdogthins teknoprep needs better meds
15:06.30teknoprepskrew that
15:06.34teknoprepi like being manic
15:06.51unixdogwith a touch of add
15:06.58FreezeSdid they change the syntax for dial in realtime ?
15:07.00teknoprepi can remember what i read
15:07.04drmessanoI just called comcast
15:07.07drmessanoand they told me
15:07.09teknoprepi don't have an attention problem
15:07.12FreezeSI think they don't interpret | as the separator anymore
15:07.25drmessano"Chris is full of crap"
15:07.39JunK-YFreezeS: its , now
15:07.56FreezeSfinally, this should have been from the beginning
15:08.01drmessano..and to enjoy a nice failburger for lunch, with some fail fries
15:08.49FreezeSworks, weeee :)
15:08.55drmessanoI guess I am gonna go to Burger Chris for lunch and order a Double Fail Flopper with Cheese and Fail Fries
15:09.15drmessanoand maybe a large Diet Fail
15:10.11teknoprephey i like my name
15:10.14teknoprepleave me alone
15:11.24*** part/#asterisk JunK-Y (
15:12.11drmessanoMaybe I will call Chriscast later and order failtime and the fail network
15:12.40drmessano"The Fail Network" would be a rockin channel
15:13.13drmessanoCould do an hour long Asterisk show at 2am
15:13.13*** join/#asterisk The_X (
15:13.15The_Xhi folks
15:15.10Jumpieshit isnt registering
15:17.35*** join/#asterisk ZaVoid (
15:18.05*** join/#asterisk JayTee52 (
15:19.28*** join/#asterisk felipex (
15:20.16felipexhi at all
15:20.40felipexi have a queue set with announce-holdtime = no
15:21.11FreezeSdamn, it crashes out of a sudden
15:22.04felipexbut sometimes the user in queue ear the waiting and progress message
15:22.04FreezeSshould 1.6 be stable for more than 10 minutes ?
15:22.04*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki_ (
15:22.04felipexasterisk 1.4.18
15:22.24*** join/#asterisk Rico29 (
15:22.49*** join/#asterisk s0lid (n=s0lid@
15:23.57unixdog1.4.18 is a bugger
15:24.02unixdogmove to 1.4.19
15:24.55*** join/#asterisk acidfu (n=acidfu@
15:25.04acidfuhi guys, How do I debug a channel with the CLI
15:26.01*** join/#asterisk anthm (
15:26.01*** mode/#asterisk [+o anthm] by ChanServ
15:27.59FreezeSacidfu, did the 2 cellphone bridging work ?
15:28.02*** part/#asterisk jivco (n=jivco@
15:28.07acidfuFreezeS, I wrote it down
15:28.18acidfubut my trunk got disconnected
15:28.27acidfuI have 2 asterisk trunked together
15:28.34acidfuI want to know whey they lost the connection
15:28.40acidfuand if they retry to connect
15:28.59*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
15:39.36jameswf-home12 hours of KDE4 and still not sure whats so dand great
15:41.31lirakisunixdog: really ... you sure?
15:42.12lirakisunixdog: ive seen some of the revision changes released by grandstream and they mention adding reboot support via some kind of check-config or some thing like that
15:48.15unixdoghmm last I knew they where adding it but itwas not yet working
15:48.22unixdogmaybe they fixed it
15:49.31Jumpieword for the wise
15:49.34Jumpiebe sure dns is setup right on your box
15:52.01jameswf-homeI am sure if you throw enough oddley shaped packets at a GS it will reboot :)
15:52.48felipexis possible to disable queue-thankyou  ?
15:53.15jameswf-homeheck It took 2 minutes to reboot my netgear router... consumer piece of blah
15:57.55*** join/#asterisk ZPertee (
16:01.09lirakishmm.. yeah it would be sweet to be able to remote reboot via sip notify
16:01.18lirakis.. i could 100% remote manage all my phones etc.
16:01.22Jumpiehmm when i call my new did it immediately goes to dialtone
16:01.27Jumpiethese are supposed to be instant per their faq
16:01.40lirakisJumpie: disa?
16:02.06Jumpiejust a did i got from callwithus
16:02.10*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
16:02.14Jumpieit shows active and ready voip enabled in my configuration
16:02.16Jumpieand i have an inbound route for it
16:02.27Jumpiebut it goes right to dialtone and i have no logs or errors, i dont think its even makikng it here
16:04.01*** join/#asterisk svenna_ (
16:06.05*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=Joe@
16:07.15jameswf-homeJumpie adjsut ligger.conf and set debug and verbosity levels then call in/out
16:07.42*** join/#asterisk Rico29 (
16:07.48jameswf-home*adjust logger.conf
16:07.50[TK]D-Fenderadjusts lager.conf and inebriates
16:08.14jameswf-homeno [TK]D-Fenderits a liger the best animal ever
16:08.34[TK]D-FenderSee what happens when cousins marry!
16:08.43jameswf-homeTh clintons?
16:08.44ManxPowerThey must be from Alabama
16:09.01*** join/#asterisk m4sk4r4 (n=m4sk4r4@
16:09.46Jumpiehmm now it says not in service
16:10.03Jumpielol so much crap flashing i cant tell whats from my call
16:10.12jameswf-homeis accepting donations for "learn james to type on a korean keyboard"
16:10.19*** part/#asterisk R-MAN (
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16:11.08Zeeek[TK]D-Fender so I finally update my ip500 from 1.4.1 :)
16:11.20Jumpieok i thnk i got it
16:11.57[TK]D-FenderZeeek, Procrastination : The are of keeping up with yesterday
16:12.02Jumpiei had 10 level verbose
16:12.16*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
16:12.27Jumpieso now it doesnt go right to dialtone, but it does say not in service, i cant tell if i've jacked somethin up or if its the did
16:12.44*** join/#asterisk Mavvie (
16:12.47ManxPowertry turning off sip debug so you can actually see the important stuff
16:13.02ManxPowerWhat are you trying to do anyway?
16:13.10Zeeek[TK]D-Fender well, when something works... but you also need to have the uninterrupted time to spend, even if it's only 30 min or so.
16:13.17ManxPowerJumpie: I think sip debug is used much more than needed.
16:13.47Jumpieyes but ManxPower i just tried without
16:13.48Jumpieand got nothing
16:13.55Jumpiei only seem to get any logs with sip debug
16:14.07Jumpieif you look on that pastebin, it does recognize my incoming cell clal
16:14.15Jumpieunless i can get more verbose than 10x?
16:14.16ManxPowerOf course you already looked at logger.conf, right?
16:14.40ManxPowerJumpie: it is seldom useful to have verbose above 3, I don't know about the debug levels.
16:14.41jameswf-homeoh anf logger reload after
16:14.57Jumpieyea, it shows full => notice, warning, error, debug, verbose
16:15.00Jumpieam i missing somethin?
16:15.07jameswf-homeI usualy set core set verbose 99999999999999999999999999999999999
16:15.14ManxPoweryeah, how about console => notice, warning, error, debug, verbose
16:15.16jameswf-homecant be any more verbose than that
16:15.27ManxPoweror look in /var/log/asterisk/full and not the console
16:15.35Jumpiei put that console right into logger.conf ?
16:15.51ManxPowerOr whatever the example config file shows you
16:15.57Jumpiethanks brb
16:16.22jameswf-homewe had a stress tester on with  full => notice, warning, error, debug, verbose had a 35 GIG full log
16:17.06jameswf-homeman when you re a 3fgig file linux hisses at you :))
16:18.50JayTee52my best linux server eats a big 35gig ham and egg breakfast and a few 10gig muffins for breakfast.
16:19.17jameswf-homejust for logs?
16:19.49JayTee52that's one might big ass log!
16:19.53ManxPowermy servers are such sissies.  They barf when the log files get to 2GB
16:19.55Jumpiei get diff errors depending on if i call from my cell or home phone
16:20.05Jumpie[Apr  5 12:19:11] NOTICE[16303]: chan_sip.c:13885 handle_request_invite: Call from '545345523' to extension '545345523' rejected because extension not found.
16:20.15Jumpiehmmm wtf
16:20.27ManxPowerJumpie: and, of course, you have exten => 545345523
16:20.32jameswf-homeour It guy bitches that we eat 500gigs of storage a week.... we are like well add 8 terribytes and just dont think about it for a few months
16:20.34Jumpiethats my extension to callwithus
16:20.38Jumpiebut not an internal ext
16:20.46ManxPowerJumpie: you can
16:20.52ManxPowerYou can't call it if it doesn't exist.
16:21.13Jumpiehmm i thought i just set an inbound route from that specific DID and have it go to my internal 1000 or 2000, etc
16:21.26Jumpieya im on trixbox
16:21.29Jumpiebut the concept is the same
16:21.35jameswf-homesaid your the jackass that mirrored the Centos repo
16:21.39Jumpieinbound and outbound routes
16:21.46ManxPowerWell there is 20 mins of my life I'll never get back.
16:21.49Jumpiebasiclaly which trunks to carry which type of traffic
16:21.57ManxPowerI don't suppose anyone knows how to do a perm ignore in Pidgin?
16:22.09ltdMeditate on that.
16:22.19ManxPowerWhy is anyone even helping Jumpie?
16:22.26jameswf-homegive a pidgin a perm? sounds like it would make a good youtube vid
16:22.26Jumpiewtf manx?
16:22.42Jumpiethe concept is the same, the files are the same, this isnt even trixbox specific
16:22.55*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
16:22.56Jumpiei was just wanting to verify if it was my did provider or i know
16:23.09jameswf-homedo whoreboxes turn trixboxes
16:23.22ltdrofls inside
16:23.23ManxPowerJumpie: This is not #trixbox.  This is not the trixbox forums.  This is the place where people with real problems with Asterisk come for help.  This is not the place for GUI generated config files that not even the Big Dog in the Sky can understand.
16:23.23jameswf-homeJumpie: it is probably you
16:23.48ltdBig Dog ftw
16:23.49JumpieManxPower this has nothing to do with trixbox specifics
16:23.51ManxPowerIf you want help with Trixbox then go use the trixbox support resources.
16:24.03Jumpieok nm..
16:24.07ManxPowerltd: As I'm an atheist, I figured "God" would not be the best word to use.
16:24.26jameswf-homethe ddislexic agnostic isnt sure if there is a dog
16:24.32ManxPowerJumpie: it does when you use words like "routes" and I bet you use the term "sip trunk" too.
16:24.44*** join/#asterisk snowchyld (
16:25.18jameswf-homelikes <Tech> Trunk
16:25.29JumpieManxPower, i use what it uses
16:25.29ManxPowerJust edit your sip.conf, in the [section] where the provider for the incoming calls is defined, put context=thecontextyourdidisin
16:25.33Jumpieand it is a 'trunk' per se
16:25.42ltdmanxpower: i'm beyond an athiest.  being so kind as to acknowledge the fact that there are people other than athiests is just too kind
16:26.01JayTee52waits for the FSM to slap at ManxPower with one of it's noodly appendages :-)
16:26.18ManxPowerltd: of course there people that are not atheists.  I think the correct term for those people is "confused"
16:26.21jameswf-homeFSM is that a fettish?
16:26.39JayTee52Flying Spaghetti Monster
16:26.42jbot[~trixbox] trixbox is a full linux distro that includes FreePBX and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox VERY difficult to support, and is not supported in #asterisk. Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & wiki at
16:26.46jbottrunk is, like, is a word with varying definitions.  In Asterisk, a trunk is a "stream of UDP packets containing IAX2 frames from more than 1 call"; in telecom, a trunk is a "single voice channel between two pieces of switching equipment."; in Ethernet a trunk carries more than one 802.1q VLAN.  There is no such thing as a "SIP Trunk" -- Don't use the term.
16:26.51snowchylddoes anyone here have experience with capi + background noise + softphones
16:26.53ltdmanxpower: s/confused/retarded/   but you didn't hear it from me
16:27.06Jumpieits all a matter of definitions
16:27.10Jumpiei know diff releases call diff things
16:27.23Jumpiei know what a 'trunk' is in regards to vlans
16:27.29ManxPowerJumpie: No.  "sip trunk" is a marketing term, not a tecgnical term.
16:27.30Jumpieits a slang term use to specify a direction
16:27.39JumpieManxPower i know, but i understand what it means per trixbox
16:27.46Jumpiejust because im new to voip doesnt mean im new to networking
16:27.49ManxPowerJumpie: it means nothing on this channel
16:27.55ZeeekThe ip 500 takes 6:15 to reboot and reload
16:28.00jameswf-homeHow do I set up a SIP FXO
16:28.32Jumpiethe 'trunk' is just basically a direction or interface to some sort of provider
16:28.35ManxPower*** jameswf-home is now on /ignore list.
16:28.35[TK]D-Fender<Jumpie> [Apr  5 12:19:11] NOTICE[16303]: chan_sip.c:13885 handle_request_invite: Call from '545345523' to extension '545345523' rejected because extension not found.
16:28.45jameswf-homeI need to create a FXS GROUP
16:28.46ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: he's using Trixbox.
16:28.50Jumpiefender, yeah
16:28.54jameswf-homewait that kinda works
16:29.12Jumpiei didnt realize that i needed to create an extension 545345523 because im 'that extension' to the provider
16:29.18Jumpienm..i know what to do thx
16:29.19ManxPowerMaybe we should all to go #trixbox and starting non-trixbox questions.
16:29.39[TK]D-FenderJumpie, You haven't set up your "trunk" (*COUGH*) to take a call in against the number that was dialed.  This is NOT the place to look for help on that.  If you can't "fill in the blanks" properly, you're pretty much screwed
16:29.43jbotRead about extensions DialPlans etc.. in Chapter 5 of Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition
16:29.45[TK]D-FenderManxPower, I've been reading
16:29.47jameswf-homeJumpie: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
16:29.50*** join/#asterisk vladtser1 (
16:29.59SwKManxPower, how do you do  a custom dialplan in trixbox? :P
16:30.05ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: For some reason I thought Jumpie was not an idiot.
16:30.06Jumpieok, i'll be ridiculed elsewhere thanks
16:30.12Jumpieim not an idiot
16:30.17Jumpiei just need to learn terminologies
16:30.25Jumpieif you're not a doctor and i ask you to do brain surgery and you shrug
16:30.26Jumpieare you an IDIOT?
16:30.30Jumpietake a chill pill
16:30.33jameswf-hometrix has its place wirh windows admins but windows admins have no place in asterisk
16:30.40ltdIRC is not the place for pills
16:30.42Jumpieim here to learn, im not saying i know more
16:30.44riddleboxJumpie, dont get offensive, its all in good nature
16:30.49*** join/#asterisk adjohn (n=adjohn@
16:30.55ltdlearn to be ridiculed on irc, or GTFO.
16:30.56Jumpieok i shaddup thx
16:31.00jameswf-homedang all he is kinda Jumpie
16:31.17ManxPowerriddlebox: MOST of the time I just want the person of /ignore for the "session".  But a few I wish I could put on perm ignore.
16:31.47[TK]D-FenderManxPower, time for a new IRC client
16:31.52jameswf-homedoesn't use an ignore button.... thats a sign of weakness
16:31.56riddleboxManxPower, am I one of those people......
16:32.04ltdbutons in general are a sign of weakness
16:32.07jameswf-homeuses Konversation
16:32.12ltdat least pretend ther are no buttons
16:32.24[TK]D-Fenderjameswf-home, Anybodyhow annoys far past my ability to ignor might feel some wrath :)
16:32.28jameswf-homeltd: was that a matrix quote
16:32.46ltdjameswf-home: there is no button.
16:32.58jameswf-home[TK]D-Fender: which is entertainment for the rest of us :)
16:32.58ManxPowerriddlebox: Are you insisting on 1) asking questions about things that are not Asterisk or 2) refusing to follow advice?    No?  Then you have never been on my /ignore
16:33.35jbotfrom memory, freesupport is Remember people are in irc to help but their are limits to free support. you should try to google or call the manufacturers support for hardware issues. The fastest way to lose help here is to be impatient or combative. If you know so much more than us that you can say "no that's not it" maybe you shouldn't ask us questions
16:34.10ltdlet's be combative.
16:34.39ManxPowerriddlebox: It seems that most of the time the people that know Asterisk well feel the same as I do about non-Digium released Asterisk's
16:34.50riddleboxManxPower, I would never do either of those coming from you guys ;)
16:35.08*** join/#asterisk esaym (
16:35.51ManxPowerriddlebox: I can be a bit...abrasive to people.  If they want me to be nice to them when they don't deserve it then they can start sending me cash.
16:36.13ZeeekI have met ManxPower in person - he's a very good guy
16:36.42ManxPowerZeeek: You removed any doubt that you might be a very cool person when you said....
16:36.47jbotrumour has it, zeeek is someone who once said "learning asterisk using a GUI is like learning sex through masturbation. You'll never get to the good stuff."
16:36.54riddleboxManxPower, I went to a LUG meeting and the guy running it said he was trying to setup asterisk from the fedora packages but hated how it installed it, so he decided to use trixbox, I started laughing in the back, all I could say was why not compile???
16:37.09[TK]D-FenderWhen ManxPower gets abrasive he's pretty much at the end.  When I get abrasive its to start drilling some important points home and they've got a few chances left.
16:37.13Jumpiepeople arent stupid because they don't do things a specific method
16:37.17jameswf-homeZeeek: went blind learning that proverb
16:37.28Zeeeknote that I never said it wasn't good to RUN a GUI, just that you won't learn asterisk by using that
16:37.55[TK]D-FenderJumpie, "Those who don't understand UNIX are doomed to recreate it ; POORLY"
16:38.05Zeeekneither of you are ever abrasive according to the standards set here by BKW and JerJer years ago. Get over it!
16:38.11ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I do appreciate it when people I respect remind me that I'm getting abrasive. 8-)  I don't always listen, but sometimes I do. 8-)
16:38.18[TK]D-FenderZeeek, I can accept that :)
16:38.19jameswf-homeJumpie: people are stupid when they continue down an ill advised pth of being way off topic
16:38.21Jumpiei understand unix fine
16:38.39jameswf-homeJumpie: what unix do you use
16:38.40ltdspeaking of which... THIS IS ALL OFF TOPIC
16:39.06ManxPowerltd: not any more so than Trixbox 8-)
16:39.09[TK]D-FenderManxPower, Yeah and people think that I'm too sensitive and prone to violence.  I swear if I hear than one more time I'm going to &#%^$ing KILL THEM!
16:39.24ltdmanxpower: no but at least if we're going to be off topic we could talk about porn or something cool?
16:39.34jameswf-homeoooh porn
16:39.41[TK]D-FenderJumpie : that was a brief lesson on "methodology", no UNIX specifically.
16:40.15jameswf-homeJumpie: is googling to see what unix he uses
16:40.31ManxPowerltd: I don't think you want me talking here about porn. 8-)
16:40.32Jumpieno im ignoring you
16:40.56jameswf-homeoic you caught that you dont use unix
16:41.15Jumpieim not getting sucked into a stupid arguement with you
16:41.20ltdmanxpower: everyone has a fetich... what's yours?
16:41.28JayTee52ManxPower and [TK]D-Fender, I've read through the wiki walkthroughs on setting up provisioning for Polycom phones. The wiki seems a bit out of date (circa 2006) but after reading through the Admin guide and the wiki I can see where these phones have a much richer feature set.
16:41.30[TK]D-Fenderltd, DON'T
16:41.31jameswf-homelmao then dont be stupid
16:41.32Jumpielike the saying says, arguing on the internet is like winning in the special olympics, even if you win, you're still retarded
16:41.40ManxPowerltd: I live on the top of a mountian at a male-only gay clothing optional campground.
16:41.52[TK]D-FenderJayTee52, Richer that what?
16:41.59ltd[TK]D-Fender: Better KB me now before it's too late.
16:42.00JayTee52than Grandstreams
16:42.42[TK]D-FenderJayTee52, Polycom's are more featureful, that'd be Snom or Aastra.  Polycom has a much better call-handling interface, join/split, and QUALITY
16:42.50ltdmanxpower: kinda kinky.  tell me more.
16:42.56ManxPowerJayTee52: The polycoms do allow you more control over your phone, but for the most part *I* think the provisioning for the Polycoms is nice, but it's the quality of the phone, speakerphone, etc that make Polycoms great
16:43.52[TK]D-FenderJayTee52, Think about it his way Try comparing a low end quality car to a deluxe Lada.  Sorry, but shit w/ 500 features will not compare to NICE with 300 for most people.
16:43.56JayTee52[TK]D-Fender, that's why we ordered two for testing. After trying to eliminate any other source of a problem I came to the conclusion that it was the Grandstream phones that were having issues with MOH dropping out and choppy even with silence suppression set to YES.
16:43.58jameswf-homefighting on the internet
16:44.17*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
16:44.26ManxPowerltd  The web site is done by someone that is overly optimistic
16:44.31[TK]D-FenderJayTee52, silence suppression should never be used with * and can CAUSE problems like that
16:44.42Jumpiewell i'll be it works
16:44.53Jumpiecreated an extension and dial SIP/1000&SIP/2000
16:44.57Jumpiei know 'enough'
16:45.06Jumpiethis has to do with vendor issues
16:45.26ltdzomg what's a vendor
16:45.48Jumpieits that thing on world of warcraft you buy potions
16:46.06JayTee52[TK]D-Fender, well set either way I get choppy and dropped MOH on the Grandstreams when making SIP to SIP calls on Grandstreams. Calls from non-SIP phones through an FXO port or from Ekiga or X-Lite to a Grandstream don't suffer the dropouts.
16:46.28[TK]D-FenderJayTee52, well chalk that up to GS "quality"
16:46.28ltdwow you smart
16:46.42JayTee52that's what everyone seems to think.
16:47.03[TK]D-FenderJayTee52, Walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, looks like a duck...
16:47.19ManxPowerIt's Duckman!
16:47.24JayTee52what's weird is if I continuously blow or hum into the mic on the handset the music seems to remain almost constant.
16:47.37JayTee52hehehe, duckman
16:47.42jbotI have no life | Lets go raid!
16:47.46ManxPowerJayTee52: That is a CLASSIC symptom of having silence supression on one of the phones
16:47.51JayTee52I just had a flash of Howard the Duck
16:48.11jameswf-homeHoward the duck was awesome
16:48.52JayTee52ManxPower, yeah, I've read that but unless the phone config is hosed both sets used for testing show Silence Suppression=OFF
16:49.30*** join/#asterisk pa (n=pa@unaffiliated/pa)
16:49.58ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: whatever happened to the "self timed RTP" that was supposed to be in 1.4?
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16:50.24drmessanoVON Magazing has an article about SIP trunking
16:50.45JayTee52drmessano, is that online or paper?
16:50.55drmessanoBoth, I think
16:51.13ManxPowerSomeone needs to shoot the author.
16:51.22drmessanoI get the paper version because I hate trees
16:51.35JayTee52I know, and sipX uses that terminology too.
16:52.19drmessanotrunking sounds much more attractive.. like you're backhauling your comms from point<>point.. That's all that's about.
16:52.29drmessanoWrong, indeed
16:52.29ManxPowersobs quietly in the corner
16:52.41ltdmanxpower: pretty hot.  your thing?
16:52.59[TK]D-FenderManxPower, no clue
16:53.35ManxPowerltd: The "TV/DVD Lounge" mentioned on the web site is a TV with a VCR sitting next to it, management can't seem to figure out how to connect the two.
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16:54.18[TK]D-FenderJayTee52, VLC <-
16:54.23ManxPowerThey made the mistake of thinking I was their Personal Technology Support Bitch last summer, so I don't help them with such things anymore
16:54.57[TK]D-Fenderhas just about the biggest screen on any * server anywhere....
16:55.21JayTee52[TK]D-Fender, VLC is an excellent media player but you can't use it to make your 'nix box a DVR or stream video
16:55.24ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: Maybe we should start asking people that use the term "sip trunk" to define the differences between a "sip trunk" and a "sip call"
16:55.32nitrus^can someone recommend a decently priced phone that supports XML applications.  i want to have a global phone directory, similar to how the cisco phones worked with sugar/tigerCRM?
16:55.38[TK]D-FenderJayTee52, Yes, streaming is the entire POINT of VLC
16:55.56[TK]D-FenderJayTee52, VLC = VideoLAN Client.  its a client/server broadcast app at heart.
16:56.02ManxPowernitrus^: Polycom  (some models)
16:56.05ltdemphasis on the LAN
16:56.18nitrus^manxpower: are they better priced than the cisco phones?
16:56.45ManxPowerVLC can do local media playing, playing of streamed content, and can SERVE content to streaming clients.
16:56.51ManxPowernitrus^: not really.
16:57.06nitrus^so i'm looking at about 150-200 each
16:57.10ManxPowernitrus^: [TK]D-Fender *might* have better info on Polycom pricing.
16:57.11ltdit doesn't do a great job of local playing though
16:57.18ltdtends to want to buffer too much
16:57.51Zeeekhas very good info on Polycom booting since he just did it about 5 times
16:57.53ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: Do you know which models do NOT support XML applications?
16:57.57nitrus^i've been using these junk analog phones for over a year, and i think it's time to switch and get this channel bank out
16:58.16JayTee52yeah, ok. it can stream. Have it installed here but never used that function. I suppose with a capture card I could make it record too.
16:58.38[TK]D-Fendernitrus^, IP 320/330/430/501/550/560/600/601/650 all do. is where we bought our Polycoms from. Not bad pricing.
16:58.57nitrus^yeah they look pretty well priced
16:58.57[TK]D-Fendernitrus^, I'd advise a 501 or 600 series
16:58.59nitrus^thanks a lot
16:59.24nitrus^will any PoE switch work with these?
16:59.49[TK]D-Fendernitrus^, IP501 needs a special cable, all use 802.3af standard.
16:59.50JayTee52I'm using a Cisco PoE adapter and it works with the Polycom 320 and 330
17:00.05jameswf-homeaastra is the way to goo for xml
17:00.27[TK]D-Fenderjameswf-home, Too bad they aren't stable, and the finish/screen suck ass.
17:00.42[TK]D-Fenderjameswf-home, I had such high homes for my 57i CT
17:01.42JayTee52as they say, dogs have owners and cats have staff and the management expects me to deliver food soon so I'm off to the store. be back later
17:01.58nitrus^i want to spend around 150, so if i had to choose between the IP 501 or IP 430, go with the 501?
17:02.06JayTee52damn pack of fur covered nags
17:02.20[TK]D-Fendernitrus^, if you don't need PoE, then definitely the 501
17:02.40[TK]D-Fendernitrus^, Its a question of screen size & soft-keys
17:03.02nitrus^PoE would be easier, but i have a small office and need about 8 phones, and the phones i have already use power adaptors so it wouldnt be a big deal
17:03.20nitrus^plus i dont have a PoE switch yet, so it's probably cheaper in the long run to get the 501
17:03.55nitrus^do all these phones support distinctive ringing?
17:03.59[TK]D-Fendernitrus^, yup
17:04.01jameswf-homeuses a f7i I like it... mainly use the dect though as I am normaly in the lab not at my desk
17:04.14nitrus^my employees refuse to answer the phone unless they know it's for them =u\
17:04.36nitrus^and being that all the phones are analog and ring the same, they wait for the operator to transfer it to them
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17:08.45[TK]D-Fendernitrus^, You can use converted WAV's for ringtones, have * tell the phone which to use, etc.
17:09.13nitrus^anyone have a recommendation on a single line phone that can take a beating?  i have a machine shop and i need one for the floor and break room
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17:09.29jorgeraidel2000buenas por aqui
17:09.48jorgeraidel2000necesito alguien que le pueda pagar una hora en mi asterisk
17:09.57jorgeraidel2000que me tiene loco
17:09.57jameswf-homenitrus^: get an ata and hide it then use a 7 dollar walmart analog
17:10.28jorgeraidel2000well let me
17:10.36nitrus^i guess i could just keep my channel bank for that
17:10.56jorgeraidel2000i need help with my asterisk
17:11.18jameswf-homethat would work too in garages and machineshops $7 analog phones are gold
17:11.30nitrus^here's another weird issue i need a solution for, i have a bogden intercom system and i have to use groundstart signalling with it from my channel bank, if i want to get rid of the channel bank, do the ATA devices support groundstart signalling?
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17:12.22ManxPowernitrus^: keep your channel bank
17:12.48jorgeraidel2000well i receive all time log that DTMF not support G729
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17:13.00[TK]D-Fendernitrus^, Yes, and ATA would do fine
17:13.21ManxPowerjorgeraidel2000: no, you receive a message saying INBAND DTMF does not work with G729
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17:15.55BBHossjorgeraidel2000, please pastebin your sip.conf file
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17:18.40gh00plooks around
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17:27.00ManxPowerBBHoss: You sure know how to stop conversations 8-)
17:27.22BBHosshopefully he will find some help in the spanish channel
17:28.33unixdogwhats up
17:28.40BBHossnot much
17:29.00BBHossjust woke up about 15 minutes ago :)
17:31.19BBHosswouldn't it be something if Microsoft just threw out the Vista kernel and used FreeBSD :)
17:31.24BBHossfor Windows &
17:32.07BBHossand then use wine to emulate windows legacy systems :)
17:34.11BBHosshell, they used the bsd network stack for years :)
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17:35.18BBHossfunny thing is, i could definitely see it happening, maybe not by 2009, but sometime
17:35.33BBHossi mean, all the cool cats are moving to *nix
17:35.43BBHosseither mac os x or bsd or linux
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17:38.25BBHossdamn its quiet in here
17:38.38gh00pI don't think they could get away with Mac OS
17:38.41gh00ppublicity nightmare
17:39.04drmessanoMS is going to a new kernel anyway that's not binary compatible with Vista and earlier
17:39.14gh00pBut heck, if they get their greasy fingers into Yahoo, they've got another in with FreeBSD.
17:39.17BBHossin windows 7?
17:39.27BBHosswell then it even makes since
17:40.25BBHosswho cares about publicity, they already have the market, what consumer cares about what a bunch of *nix geeks say?
17:41.22drmessanoChances are, MS Virtual PC will be embedded in Windows 7, much like the way it's supplied with the Premium Vista editions
17:41.32drmessanoand you'll be able to load Vista or XP on it for legacy apps
17:42.15drmessanoThey didn't include Virtual PC just because they thought it was a cool app to add.. it was part of a bigger plan
17:42.25drmessanoNow we see what it is
17:42.25BBHossi personally think that not having binary compatibility is a good idea, but many consumers and enterprises won't think that same way
17:43.00drmessanoAs long as they can get a new MS Office with it and Citrix will run on it.. they're set
17:43.04BBHossunless they make it really seamless like apple did with Rosetta
17:43.21drmessanoEverything else is going web based
17:44.08gh00pAnd didn't Citrix just buy Xensource?
17:44.25drmessanoNot sure.. I think I heard something like that
17:44.44gh00pHrm, yeah...  There's a press release on Citrix's site.
17:44.57BBHossi hate citrix
17:45.12gh00pI hate xen too
17:45.24gh00pFreeBSD jails I can live with.  ;)
17:50.50*** join/#asterisk Yourname` (n=chatzill@unaffiliated/yourname/x-837320)
17:54.25Yourname`Why do I get these errors when cdrs are not enabled? -> [Apr  5 13:53:44] WARNING[10256]: cdr.c:763 ast_cdr_disposition: Cause (21) not handled
17:54.30Yourname`Different cause numbers too.
17:54.40Yourname`That, or this: [Apr  5 13:51:24] WARNING[8169]: cdr.c:831 ast_cdr_init: CDR already initialized on '**Unknown**'
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18:03.42Yourname`Wow, feels like a sunday in here.
18:03.56*** join/#asterisk CAiRO (
18:06.42CAiROhi.. what could be the reason when i cannot make outgoing calls with asterisk? i always get "Unable to request channel CAPI/01577.." .. the capi seems to work correctly, as asterisk recognizes incoming calls
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18:24.33CAiROwhen i put a call file into /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing, how does the context there relate to the one defined in extensions.conf? it seems the msn i've defined in extensions.conf is ignored and the one from the call file is used
18:26.53BBHossi believe the context is the context you want to dial the number in
18:28.06CAiROyes, but my context from extensions.conf contains a dial command which seems to be ignored.. it does what i define in "Channel: " in the call file
18:35.07*** join/#asterisk r4nge (n=r2@unaffiliated/r4nge)
18:38.38[TK]D-FenderCAiRO, When "Channel" answers, it gets dumped into the dialplan at the ccontext/exten/prio you specify
18:39.55CAiROaha, ok, so i probably shouldn't add another dial command into the context in extensions.conf
18:41.43CAiROcan i put multiple commands into the "Channel: " line in my call file? eg i want to make an outgoing call and the use something like "capicommand(deflect|12345678)" to deflect it to one of my physical phones
18:42.17[TK]D-FenderCAiRO, What are you trying to do exactly?
18:42.42CAiROmake the computer dial the number for me
18:43.05CAiRObut then use my external phone for the call
18:44.11*** part/#asterisk nitrus^ (
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18:45.57CAiROthe chan_capi readme says you can use capicommand(deflect|12345678) to "Forwards an unanswered call to another number" but maybe that only works for incoming calls
18:46.07[TK]D-FenderCAiRO, then use channel to dial your phone, and then when you pick it it will bridge you into your dialplan and it can the do the outbound part for you.
18:46.14JayTee52Tom, Tom Bombadil was a merry fellow, dyed red his jacket was and his boots were yellow.
18:46.20bombadil[gquit]if i am connecting two remote offices to one central offices via iax trunks, can the remote offices still dial to the central office and to each other by extension?
18:46.33CAiRO[TK]D-Fender: ah, ok, thanks a lot, i'll try that
18:46.50[TK]D-Fenderbombadil[gquit], If you set up your dialplans for that, sure.
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18:51.12JayTee52If I'm not using an Internet gateway for VOIP can I safely remove all configuration data for DUNDI until such time as it's really needed?
18:51.36wonderworldhi, is it possible to set a variable in the normal dialplan with an agi-script? i need to look-up a phone number from a database with agi and let asterisk call it from an extension...
18:51.48[TK]D-FenderJayTee52, You can exorcise it completely if you aren't using it.
18:52.00[TK]D-Fenderwonderworld, Yes.
18:52.16[TK]D-Fenderwonderworld, Go read the AGI reference chapter of THE BOOK.
18:52.18jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
18:52.22JayTee52[TK]D-Fender, thanks. I read through the DUNDI chapter twice in The Book but wanted confirmation from a knowledgeable source.
18:52.32wonderworldok i will, thanks
18:52.50[TK]D-FenderJayTee52, very few people can truly profit from dundi
18:53.00wonderworldit's incredible. the more i understand asterisk the more i understand that really everything is possible. phantastic.
18:53.02JayTee52I just got the hardcopy of THE BOOK so now I can read on THE THRONE :-) instead of just on the pc in PDF format
18:53.23JayTee52I also got Switching To VOIP yesterday too
18:55.02*** join/#asterisk Rico29 (
18:57.44JayTee52it's incredible, the more i understand asterisk, the more i understand how little i understand asterisk.
18:58.58r4ngewhy does oreily offer it free via pdf
18:59.25JayTee52i think the author cut a deal with them
19:00.15r4ngei see, but it does get tiresome reading on the pc screen vs an actual book
19:00.25JayTee52yep, sure does
19:00.58[TK]D-Fenderr4nge, because the book was written under the CC license.  O'Reilley was given the right to take it to "dead tree" status.
19:01.28JayTee52plus in PDF format unless you have Adobe Writer you can't set bookmarks.
19:02.58r4ngeany other recommended ones from the oreilly site under CC?
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19:17.52Jumpiethis is driving me bonkers
19:19.55*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (n=IceChat7@pdpc/supporter/active/Zeeek)
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19:20.47ZeeekI have an odd Polycom issue. I wonder if there are any Polycom users here today?
19:20.55Zeeekwais for the shoe to drop...
19:21.27Jumpieany reason why i am showing a registration, but not as a peer?
19:21.33Jumpiefrom an asterisk perspective
19:22.13Jumpiei got this working earlier and somehow it jsut doesnt work anymore
19:22.13Zeeekto many where's [TK]D-Fender when I need him?
19:22.14Zeeekoff having a long lunch
19:27.17[TK]D-FenderJumpie, care to rephrase that?
19:27.26[TK]D-FenderZeeek, What is it?
19:29.04*** join/#asterisk Rico29 (
19:29.08ZeeekURI dialing?
19:29.30ZeeekI just treid it and the phone dials a URI but it dials it via the server/line combo
19:29.53ZeeekIOW, you can't dial a SIP URI from my phone anywhere. That can't be normal?
19:30.42ZeeekI dial on a line registered to, it works. I dial the same URI on another line, no
19:31.03Zeeeksomething in <routing> ?
19:31.29*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
19:31.54Zeeekalso the ip500 does NOT have a microbrowser, right?
19:31.59[TK]D-FenderZeeek, correct
19:32.13*** join/#asterisk Rico29 (
19:32.20Zeeekwell, I'm on the latest firmware now :)
19:32.27Zeeekafter fours hours of rebooting
19:32.29[TK]D-FenderZeeek, You shouldn't be dialing URI's from your phone.  It goes through whatever gateway you point it to, and * is a B2BUA, not a SIP Proxy
19:32.39[TK]D-FenderZeeek, What version?
19:32.55Zeeekyes, that is the behavior but I expected one could dial an external one
19:33.25Zeeekah maybe I can dial the URI through another (non *) account?
19:33.37Zeeekahhhhh 2.1.2 I believe
19:33.48Zeeekwhatever the last one for the 500 was
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19:34.32ZeeekI'm pretty sure event he BT100 can dial a SIP URI directly
19:35.02Zeeekin fact the Allnet can and the Sipura can. It's just that the Polycom won't
19:35.06[TK]D-FenderZeeek, Well you should be able to URI dial, its a question of the proxy.
19:35.19[TK]D-FenderZeeek, it does expect to have one.
19:35.28[TK]D-FenderZeeek, So go set one up.
19:35.35Jumpiethis is pissing me off
19:35.36Zeeekwhat a proxy?
19:35.47Zeeekit's the phone behavior
19:36.04Zeeeknow that may be the correct nbehavior but that doesn't halp do what I wanted to do
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19:36.12Jumpiei show sip show peers and my provider isnt showing, yet it is registered
19:36.16Jumpiedns is good
19:36.22Jumpiethey are answering the call but its not getting to me
19:36.58Zeeekdoes your provider have a web interface where you can see if yiou're really registered?
19:37.01[TK]D-FenderJumpie, registration & a peer are 2 completely separate things
19:37.06Jumpiei know
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19:37.10Jumpieand when it was working, both were showing
19:37.16Jumpiei have done everything the exact same as far as i can tell
19:37.20Jumpieand i only have the registry
19:37.43[TK]D-FenderJumpie, if they aren't showing, then your peer entry does not exist.
19:37.53Jumpielol yea i just cant figure out why
19:38.03Zeeek[TK]D-Fender I wonder it the URI dial would work on a line that isn't registered to anything?
19:38.07Jumpieregardless of how my extensions and stuff is setup
19:38.12Jumpiei should still have it as a peer
19:38.27Zeeekis it possible to dial out on line 4 on a three-line phone? :)
19:38.38[TK]D-FenderJumpie, none of the things you have mentioned have anything to dow ith each other.
19:39.17[TK]D-FenderZeeek, just set up a proxy.
19:39.22Jumpiefender, im just sayin, when it was working, i saw the peer, the hostname and status was unmonitored, and i know it doesnt matter to you guys, but under my status it'd show "ip trunk registrations 1" and ip trunks online 1
19:39.31Jumpiebut now its just registered, but not 'online'
19:39.32Zeeekto dial one number as a test? I don theeenk so
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19:40.04Jumpieall i know is, i know what it showed when it was working, and now it does not, and i have the exact settings for my provider and even teh support guy was confused
19:40.16[TK]D-FenderZeeek, Then setup some other tool to have * dial it for you.
19:40.28Zeeekgot that working, not a probleù
19:40.38Jumpiewhoa killer
19:40.38unixdogok the 3.0.0 firmware for polycoms screws up the 550's beware
19:40.39stonyif i dial out with multiple channels, does dial tell me which one picked up the phone ? f.e. Dial(sip/sip1&sip/sip2,40,tT)
19:40.52ZeeekIt was a question of attempting to dial a URI like one can do with any softphone and most hardware phones
19:41.04[TK]D-Fenderstony, Yes.
19:41.15stony[TK]D-Fender: how/where ?
19:41.55[TK]D-Fenderstony, you see it in CLI when one answers, and there is a variable afterwards.  Go look up the listing on the WIKI
19:41.58Zeeekstony on the console for
19:44.02Zeeekit looks like there has been one improvement in SIP 2: you can press a line key and then use the directory to dial an entry. I'm pretty sure that didn't work before which irritated me.
19:44.55ZeeekRedial also uses the same line as was used for the call. Not sure about that before either
19:45.15Jumpiefender can you look at this,
19:45.18Jumpiei know they are different, but
19:45.21Jumpieany ideas?
19:45.58Jumpiewhen this was working the 545345523 was showing host  status unmonitored
19:46.06Jumpietheir techs say 'its regged, nothin else they can say/do'
19:46.09[TK]D-FenderJumpie, Yes, actually look at your peer entries
19:46.27Jumpieall of the other ones are offline, so its ok
19:46.35Jumpie#6 should not be unkonown
19:46.45Jumpiei can ping the host, i register with it fine, the trunk settings are correct
19:47.02stony[TK]D-Fender: i checked the wiki another time, but there is only the var DIALSTATUS and it doesn't hold the number of the one who picked up
19:47.04ZeeekFunny the things a manb does when he's alone! Like calling the ech test, hitting Conference and calling himself on a POTS line and then talking to the echo app thru the phone
19:47.12Jumpieyes im using trixbox, but this isnt like gui specific,
19:47.30Jumpieim going nuts here :(
19:47.51ZeeekJumpie are you using qualify now?
19:48.01Jumpieno, they said not to
19:48.04[TK]D-FenderJumpie, look at the damn peer entry.
19:48.07Jumpiei didnt last time when it was working, but i can try
19:48.12Zeeekyeah because many SIp services won't allow it
19:48.41Jumpiefender hehe are you telling me to look at what i pasted because im missing something?
19:48.48Zeeekhere you go:
19:49.13[TK]D-FenderJumpie, lok at your PEER ENTRY.
19:49.39Zeeekrepeating it louder is a misteak many Americans make when travelling overseas
19:49.47Jumpieok, it looks fine to me fender?
19:49.59[TK]D-FenderJumpie, Funny you haven't shown it to us.
19:50.11Jumpieoh lol i thought you meant off the output from what i showed you
19:50.13Jumpiejust a sec
19:50.31[TK]D-FenderJumpie, And stop shoving question marks at the end of statements or the Grammar Rangers will kick your ass.
19:50.49Jumpielol its to convey a quizzical tone, not really a question
19:50.51Jumpiemy appologizes
19:51.12Zeeekthis really is entertaining
19:51.22Zeeekone 'p'
19:51.32*** join/#asterisk ZaVoid (
19:51.44[TK]D-FenderZeeek, "misteak" : When your eyes are far bigger than your stomach and the 24oz prime rib arrives at your table.
19:52.02Jumpiei guess i dont know exactly where you're talking about about peer entry
19:52.04Zeeeklook at these they're great!
19:52.13Jumpieim lookin at all my sip*.conf files
19:52.28Jumpieim many eons away from g0d status
19:52.51[TK]D-FenderJumpie, SIP.CONF.  There is a reason FreePBX users are highly undesirable here.  They tend to know nothing and we aren't here to hand hold people who know nothing about what they're doing.
19:53.08ZeeekYes you are and you know you love it!
19:53.10Jumpiei know fender, and im looking at that file as well as all the includes
19:53.12Jumpieim not even in my gui
19:53.22carrarhahahah fende
19:53.32ZeeekIt's //i ing time again
19:54.26drmessanoYou can't expect to get help for FreePBX config issues in here
19:54.32Jumpieits NOT a freepbx issue
19:54.36drmessanoYou cannot edit and troubleshoot FreePBX at the file level
19:54.37Zeeekthe dr is in!
19:54.59Jumpieif you understand the structure you can, you cant edit sip.conf directly, true, but if you know the includes then its the same thing
19:55.00drmessanoYou just pastebined a FreePBX config
19:55.09drmessanoYOU CANT
19:55.18Jumpieno, it was directly from sip_additional.conf
19:55.23drmessanoIf you edit something, its overwritten the next time freePBX writes out
19:55.31Jumpieexactly, thats what the includes are for
19:55.34[TK]D-FenderJumpie, host=dynamic
19:55.35Jumpiebut the same commands get passed through
19:55.50Jumpiethats why i was trying to ask as non-trixy as possible :(
19:55.51[TK]D-FenderJumpie, you tried to set it up like as if it were a PHONE and they are going to register to YOU.
19:56.01drmessanothis is a Trixbox system?
19:56.01[TK]D-FenderJumpie, Its official.  You are absolutely clueless.
19:56.06Jumpiei give up
19:56.08[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano, YES
19:56.11drmessanoOh shit
19:56.12drmessanoI mean
19:56.20drmessano"Oh Fuck"
19:56.22drmessanoThats what I meant
19:56.25[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano, I WANT MY WEEKEND BACK
19:56.28drmessanoyeah, trixbox.. mmmmmm
19:56.36drmessanofailburger with fries, please
19:56.45drmessanoand a large diet fail, to go
19:56.49Jumpieyou guys are great
19:57.11Jumpiethat local extension was created because the provider is forwarding to me that way
19:57.24Jumpiei had to create it, then have THAT process the dialing instructions further
19:57.28Jumpiethat portin is irrelevant
19:57.32unixdog1 trashyourbox to go please with a side of harddrive failures
19:57.33[TK]D-FenderJumpie, no, they aren't.  Providers don't register to YOU
19:57.39Jumpiethey arent registering to me
19:57.54[TK]D-FenderJumpie, then why the hell is it host=dynamic?  thats the ONLY point for that.
19:57.54Jumpiei have to setup, well per trixbox yes its a 'sip trunk' lol
19:58.00*** join/#asterisk Greek-Boy (n=email@
19:58.01drmessanoIt's one thing to tweak the NAT and other misc settings in a FreePBX based system, but what you're doing requires more than just "But.. but it's in an include"
19:58.09Jumpiei guess thats just the default when i created the extension this has WORKED ALREADY
19:58.09drmessanoSIP TRUNK?
19:58.12Jumpiesomethin somehow messe dup
19:58.13drmessanoG T F O
19:58.16Jumpieyes sip trunk
19:58.21*** join/#asterisk lethol (n=eayala@
19:58.22drmessanoTheres no such thing
19:58.30drmessanoSIP R NOT TRUNK
19:58.34[TK]D-FenderJumpie, Please go to a Trixbox support channel or forum or something.  You are just blindly clicking along.  We cannot help you.
19:58.37Jumpieits a METHOD of speak
19:58.43drmessanoNo method
19:58.44Jumpieim not clicking along , i had this working
19:58.46drmessanoNo exist
19:58.50Jumpieah fuck
19:59.09[TK]D-FenderJumpie, That setup is not sane period.  You are very far off base and have no clue what any of the settings you are trying actually mean.
19:59.13letholany zaptel wiz around? i got a strange problem with a 24 port digium tdm
19:59.16Jumpieok im clueless
19:59.17Jumpiethanks fender
19:59.32[TK]D-FenderJumpie, 11 steps to go.
19:59.34Jumpieill continue to ask for help in the idle #trixbox
19:59.45carrarJumpie, install asterisk from source and try it again
19:59.48drmessano^_^ > "WUT?"  "EGGZACHARY!" > O.o
20:00.00drmessanoYou cant install Asterisk from source, carrar
20:00.03letholor any digium support guys?
20:00.04Jumpieall the gui does is present it differently, the same freakin files are there
20:00.04[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano, Abso-slutly!
20:00.04drmessanoIts a TRIXBOX
20:00.12carrarhe can
20:00.16carrarthe person can
20:00.17Jumpiemost of what im doing is from the cli
20:00.24drmessanoand he can screw up the box
20:00.27carrarlearn asterisk from the ground up
20:00.35drmessanoNo, he cannot..
20:00.42[TK]D-FenderJumpie, CLI is pointless for configuring FreePBX.
20:00.43Greek-Boydrmessano: sip is not trunk but can cat like one, right?
20:00.48[TK]D-FenderJumpie, it owns your ass.
20:00.57Jumpiethanks for making me feel stuipd
20:01.03drmessanoNo, SIP doesnt act like a trunk
20:01.07drmessanoIt doesnt TRUNK
20:01.14drmessanoSIP != TRUNK
20:01.17carrarJumpie, don't feel singled out in here
20:01.24[TK]D-FenderJumpie, Well I'm just certifying that trying to CLI your way around FreePBX is stupid.  If you want to continue you can accept the branding yourself.
20:01.46drmessanocarrar: Please dont suggest someone install asterisk from source on a trixbox.. Youre gonna make someone hose a system
20:01.50[TK]D-FenderJumpie, But "host=dynamic" is NEVER the option to take for any ITSP
20:02.06carrardrmessano, I'm suggesting they build a new box and start from scratch
20:02.10Jumpiebut what makes it worse is i had all this working before the way i wanted, but i have probalby altered some thigns and not sure what i did
20:02.11Zeeekstop this endless cycle of violence
20:02.19drmessanocarrar: That's not what you said
20:02.19Jumpiefendedr, thats just my LOCAL declared extension
20:02.21carrartaking the  time to learn
20:02.33Jumpiecarrar my problem isnt asterisk it was my compiling issues
20:02.39carrardrmessano, You have to read the words I'm not typing to understand me better :)
20:02.45Jumpiebut that was cause i was trying on ubuntu :) maybe i will just load centos and do this from scratch
20:02.48[TK]D-FenderJumpie,         545345523          105 Registered           Sat, 05 Apr 2008 15:43:11
20:03.00[TK]D-FenderJumpie, [545345523]
20:03.07[TK]D-FenderJumpie, host=dynamic
20:03.09drmessanoUsers have run Asterisk on Ubuntu
20:03.09[TK]D-FenderJumpie, NO.
20:03.12drmessanoLots of them
20:03.31Jumpiewell all the help especially from the book, explain things differently on compilationg and packages
20:03.33Jumpieit was confusing
20:03.36[TK]D-FenderJumpie, You hare trying to register with that username, and then making a peer set up like a PHONE would be.
20:03.38Jumpieand ubuntu asterisk wiki
20:03.56Jumpiefender, before i did the extension, my logs showed provider trying to forward to that esxtension
20:03.58Jumpiewhich did not exist
20:04.01Jumpiethats why i had to add it i thought
20:04.08[TK]D-FenderJumpie, Wrong.
20:04.11drmessanoJumpie: If you have FreePBX, why are you configuring this in a config file?
20:04.20drmessanoThat makes NO sense
20:04.29Jumpiemaybe im slowly becoming more familiar :)
20:04.35Jumpieand will scrap freepbx shortly
20:04.38[TK]D-FenderJumpie, "extensions" are set up in a completely different context that isn't set to handle INCOMING CALL from your provider.
20:04.39Zeeekthe world makes no sense. It never did
20:04.46drmessanoYeah, it sounds like you're soooo familiar now
20:04.51drmessanoI cant wait to see more
20:05.11Jumpiefender i agree, but the logs showed callwithus was sending the call to extension 545345523
20:05.17drmessanoIf you're gonna use FreePBX, you need to stick with how things are done in FreePBX
20:05.18Jumpieand since it didnt exist, it was dropping
20:05.21[TK]D-FenderJumpie, thats like saying you'll meet someone at 100 main street, then waiting around for hours at 200 main street and wondering why they never show up.
20:05.43drmessanoI want my weekend bad
20:05.45drmessanoI want my weekend back
20:05.54carraris there at phone at 100 main steet and one at 200 main steet?
20:06.05Jumpiefender guess i was confused, sorry
20:06.08[TK]D-FenderJumpie, And here you took "extension" from the SIP debug as meaning that you had to set it us like a phone.  Horrible mistake.  EVERYTHING you need to configure is in the "sip trunk" (BLEH!!!) section.
20:06.09Zeeek[TK]D-Fender does reg.4 to reg.6 refer to capacities of other phones or can the 500 do this somehow?
20:06.09drmessanocarrar: In this case, the phone is ringing and no one is home
20:06.27Jumpiefender, ya, so why does it show ip trunks online 0 :)_
20:06.29[TK]D-FenderZeeek, 4-6 are for 550+ only
20:06.29Jumpiebut registered 1?
20:06.31Jumpiethats what i dont get
20:06.38Jumpiei deleted the local extension
20:06.44Zeeek[TK]D-Fender that's what I expected but wondered
20:06.57[TK]D-FenderJumpie, "extension" has NOTHING to do with your REGISTER attempt.
20:07.15Zeeekyou need an extension to reach the wall, though, no?
20:07.19carrar*** Channel              Users
20:07.19carrar*** #trixbox             21
20:08.04drmessanoTheres 87 users online at the forum
20:08.09drmessanoMaybe one of them can help
20:08.43drmessanoJumpie: Build another box with straight asterisk on it
20:08.43Zeeekthank you for registering with $faceless_corporate_name. Please click on the link below...
20:09.19drmessanoThank you for registering with Fonality.  Very little info was sent to a mail spammer.
20:09.25unixdogjust get asterisk now
20:09.29unixdogif you need a gui
20:09.35[TK]D-Fenderunixdog, lol
20:09.41drmessanoholy crap
20:09.50Zeeekthis all very amusing
20:10.06*** join/#asterisk ZaVoid (
20:10.47carrarjumpie: right from their web page:
20:10.47carrarLast week I decided to pay for support. My GOD the trixbox support guys are FANTASTIC... Call quality is now good, All echo gone :)"
20:10.48carrar-- Alan Scott, .255 Consulting Ltd.
20:10.49[TK]D-FenderZeeek, I prefer the term "sad waste of time".
20:10.52ZeeekJust say "no". Then go back on that decision
20:11.05drmessanoZeeek: Image how much fun the users conference would be if it were unmoderated
20:11.17unixdogasterisk-now is your friend... digium says so
20:11.33ZeeekIt is unmoderated. Until someone forces us to moderate
20:11.43[TK]D-Fendercarrar, Thats like praising your mechanic when the city decides to fill the 3' deep potholes on your street.
20:12.10carrarI just buy a new car
20:12.12drmessanoMayeb 'unmonitored' is a better word
20:12.29[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano, "15 negative comments deleted!"
20:12.39Zeeekit's hard to handle 30-50 presences at once
20:12.47*** join/#asterisk Rico29 (
20:12.47drmessanoModeration doesnt imply that user access is restricted, just that its monitored and could be..
20:13.33drmessano"So drmessano, tell us what you really think of the phone home feature in Trixbox"
20:13.52Zeeekdid we go over that?
20:14.09drmessanoOh yes
20:14.12drmessanoI remember it well
20:14.23Zeeekdid you say what you thought of it?
20:14.45ZeeekI can't get excited about stuff like that since I don't trix
20:14.47drmessanoEspecially Kerry talking about how Trixbox CE was 4 guys, and whether they lived or died depended on Trixbox CE and Trixbox CE alone.. that Fonality didnt otherwise fund CE
20:14.53drmessanoThat.. was.. good stuff
20:15.00*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
20:15.08drmessanoOh, I believe I trolled mr Garrison quite well
20:15.08Zeeekagain... May a thousand flowers bloom
20:15.10Jumpiesorry guys had to make a quick shower
20:15.28Zeeekwe really missed you
20:15.35Zeeekbut now we're over it
20:15.53filedancing in heaven! I never thought I'd ever get my feet this far, orbital be-bop!
20:15.56ZeeekKerry does his job well. It consists a lot of what he said that day
20:16.01[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano, he's spent his VoIP career catering to schmucks, peddling the lowest common denominator of software & hardware.
20:16.05Jumpiefender, i ralize, i guess i wanted to get basic concepts thru trixbox and then hopefully grasp it enough to start over
20:16.08Zeeekfile get off second life
20:16.15Jumpiebut like i said when i tried on ubuntu i had all sorts of compile issues
20:16.19Jumpieso maybe ill start vanilla
20:16.42Zeeekyes, go ahead and you'll be a happy camper
20:16.43Jumpieas to what you said earlier fender, my registration is successful, but my 'ip trunk' is not online
20:16.49Jumpiei know you cringe at that word
20:16.57Zeeekwhich is why you like to repeat it?
20:17.00[TK]D-FenderJumpie, There are dozens of guides on how to set up on Ubuntu.  Distro doesn't matter so long as you have a clue on how to install the dependencies.
20:17.13Jumpiei followed the ubuntu asterisk wiki
20:17.18Jumpieand i got some errors
20:17.22Zeeekubuntu isn't really any easier than most modern distors IMO
20:17.24[TK]D-FenderJumpie, because you did not define a "trunk".  You set them up like a PHONE.
20:17.40Jumpiefender i did exactly what i was told to do on their configuration page
20:17.41ZeeekI've installed about 5 different ones now trying to get my crap video card to work
20:17.45Jumpieforget the local extension part
20:17.46Jumpiei deleted it
20:18.07[TK]D-FenderJumpie, you showed no peer relevent to handling incoming calls from them.
20:18.08drmessanoWell, I dont buy the whole "Trixbox CE is it's own island" thing.. Unless Chris Lyman really is a schmuck... and I give him more credit than that.  I mean, do you think Microsoft tells the Windows Live Messenger team "Your salaries come from IM adversing only.. M$ doesn't pay you out of pocket.  If we don't generate revenue, you don't eat.. nevermind our large bank account"
20:18.15Jumpiefender, if you seriously can help me and not be condescending i will be happy to send you a donation :)
20:18.36Jumpiefender i know, and im prety sure i did nothing different thatn i did earlier when it all WAS working
20:18.38Jumpiehence my frustration
20:18.54drmessanoThat sounds like a pity party to get people to donate to Trixbox or support the adware in it
20:18.57drmessanoPlain and simple
20:19.04[TK]D-FenderJumpie, well if you can't even show us your proper peer entry, broken or otherwise then you're up a creek.  Flush and start all over.
20:19.10drmessanoPlaying on users that feel bad for them and appreciate the free product
20:19.17file[TK]D-Fender: how goes?
20:19.23drmessano"Dont make it go away, I will click the ads... PLEASE.. NO"
20:19.29Jumpiei guess i didnt 100% realize where you wanted me to check that at
20:19.32ManxPowerHey!  I play the pity card!
20:19.33Jumpiebut i thikm i know sec
20:19.55[TK]D-Fenderfile, getting by.... still waiting for any update on my custom kat on order dammt.... been going on 5 months now...
20:20.03file[TK]D-Fender: eep
20:20.06Jumpieit suddenly works now
20:20.08ManxPowerI'm out of beer!  Send your Paypal donations to
20:20.27*** join/#asterisk Igbothom_III (
20:20.31Jumpiei dunno what changed
20:20.35drmessanoIf I put a pic of my Cat on my website and said "Please donate.. or Kitteh doesnt eat this week", people would egg my house.. with concrete eggs
20:20.39[TK]D-FenderJumpie, keep your money, go buy the book, trash Trixbox and go learn something.
20:20.40Jumpiei had a trailing / at the end of the registration string, but that shouldnt have mattered
20:20.46Jumpiefender im more than wiling to do so
20:20.55Jumpiei hav ethe book
20:21.03outtoluncyou offered a donation, the clouds parted and peace returned to the land <G>
20:21.12Jumpiefender whast your donation url
20:21.49ManxPowerdrmessano: When we reach our donation goal of $5,000 I shall release the Bonsai Kitten from it's confinement.  For a minimum $20 donation, I'll send you a video of the Bonsai Kitten trying to walk after it's release!
20:21.53drmessanoHe's registered ;)
20:22.00[TK]D-FenderJumpie, I don't want your money.  Seriously follow the rest of what I just suggested.  If you actually grow from any of this I'll feel better.
20:22.22[TK]D-FenderManxPower, OMG Bonsai Kitty... OLDSCHOOL.
20:22.37Jumpiei tried this first on ubuntu and i was overwhelmed
20:22.44Jumpieand i had about 50/50 sayin 'learn on trix first!' lol
20:22.48drmessano[TK]D-Fenders real payment is people not being stupid more than once
20:23.03QwellJumpie: 50% of people are below average intelligence.
20:23.06[TK]D-FenderJumpie, go install a real distro.  CentOS / Debian / Slackware / RHEL, etc
20:23.12ManxPowerI thought Real Payment was in hookers and booze?
20:23.39outtoluncprefers 'get out of jail free' cards
20:23.39[TK]D-FenderQwell, Carlin said it best.  "Imagine how dumb the average American is, and remember that half of them are dumber than that"
20:23.49Zeeekwell, I suppose one SIp ugrade a day is enough work.
20:24.18Jumpiebeleive it or not guys, i really have learned from this
20:24.27Jumpieok so if i get a new fresh centos install, and follow "the book"
20:24.31Jumpiei should be good for getting it installed?
20:24.32ZeeekI'l still not convinced it was worth the time, but it isn't any worse than 1.4.1
20:24.37drmessanoJumpie: If you come back asking how to make SIP trunk over IAX ports, you're banned
20:25.45*** join/#asterisk cstar707 (
20:25.48[TK]D-FenderJumpie, a lot easier than Ubuntu
20:26.06drmessanoUbuntu works well if you're in South America or Africa
20:26.28drmessanoSomething about the equator
20:26.42[TK]D-FenderJumpie, Ubunu is a precompile-only desktop OS.  It wasn't made for doing dev work ok so you spend a lot of time adding in all the prerequisites that the rest of us get to take for granted
20:26.44drmessanoCentOS is pretty easy
20:26.53drmessanoDebian rocks.. but as I told someone the other day
20:27.14*** join/#asterisk Igbothom_3rd (
20:27.28drmessanoDebian is like everyone going out for lunch and coming back with McDonalds.. but you, you come back with a cow, some flour, and a bag of potatoes.
20:28.01Zeeekmore like parts of a cow
20:28.01Jumpieim not worried about installing centos
20:28.07Zeeekdisgusting ones
20:28.08Jumpieim more worried about getting all the packages running
20:28.17Jumpiei guess what i liked about gui was you had a comprehensive 'its all up online
20:28.22drmessanoZeeek: Nah, it's a whole cow.. all 16GB worth
20:28.52[TK]D-FenderJumpie, "Get your hands off your nuts and seize the day"
20:29.08Zeeekis glad he used ignore a long time ago
20:30.19drmessanoReminds me of an old airline joke
20:30.32outtolunchaha , oh sorry i'll wait
20:30.36drmessano"If the guy next to you gets up to use the restroom, do you grab his nuts"
20:31.13drmessanoTheres no punchline.. just something to think about
20:34.40drmessanoSee, I was referring to foil sealed airline food being carelessly left in a seat when some gets up momentarily
20:35.10Zeeekexcept that you can'"t get nuts anymore
20:35.55drmessano9/11 ruined the possibilty of getting any nust while on an airliner
20:36.13drmessanoThe terrorists HAVE won
20:36.15outtolunci got a cookie and and a nasty sandwich last time
20:36.35Zeeekno the nuts are because people started suing the airlines
20:37.03Zeeekp-nut allergies
20:37.17outtoluncnow you get free earphone plugs you can use to strangle yourself or the person next to you <G>
20:37.26drmessanoI'm allergic to bad tasting meals served in small trays
20:37.27ManxPowerI'm alergic to children, but nobody will let me sue the airlines over it.
20:38.00drmessanoApparently, allergies to fart infested seat cushions are rare
20:38.06Zeeekyou're not supposed to eat children
20:38.36drmessanoChildren are high in fat anyway
20:38.47*** join/#asterisk qdk (n=qdk@
20:39.04Zeeekin a lot of the world they're not
20:39.24Zeeekbut what does all this have to do with Asterix?
20:39.58drmessanoNo one really talks about Asterisk here
20:40.06drmessanoIt's a front
20:40.27Zeeekscrw asterisk, I'm talking about the cartoon Asterix
20:40.54outtoluncwe have helped everyone except jumpie, so this is no longer the asterisk channel ... (jk'n)
20:41.13Zeeekhmmm wife's train is late. I have another two hours to kill. Maybe I should update Slackware from 9.1 to 12?
20:41.34Zeeekonce it works...
20:41.38Jumpieno you guys helped
20:41.43Jumpieits like going to basic training here
20:41.48Jumpieyou learn, but you get your ass pounded
20:41.59Zeeekwhat could they have changed that warrants three whole major versions?
20:42.06Jumpieits frustrating because im very technical, and when i cant figure somethin out it drives me insane
20:42.33drmessanoJumpie: You could have a PH'D and you're still a F'in idiot in here.. don't take it personal
20:42.35outtoluncits the hulk green color.. that goes away <G>
20:42.41Jumpiewithin this realm yes
20:43.51Zeeeksomeone should write the book: "Head Rush Asterisk"
20:44.18drmessanoeXtreme aSterisk!
20:44.23outtoluncAsterisk Matrix, the Red, Blue, and Green pills.
20:44.31drmessanoWHERES YOUR DIALPLAN NOW?
20:44.48ZeeekIt's 3AM. WHo do you want to answer the call?
20:44.55ZeeekHillary? Or Allison?
20:45.03ZeeekWhy didn't we think of that before, eh?
20:45.27Zeeekshit I have to get my hands on the video for that ad
20:45.33Zeeekso I can do the remix
20:45.40drmessanoHillary will have had much more sleep by 3AM.. it's not like anything keeps her from falling right to sleep at night
20:45.43Zeeekgotta be on youtube
20:47.15ZeeekAll I can find is: "Child Featured in Hillary's "3 am Phone Call" Commercial Supports Obama"
20:47.24Zeeekpretty funny in itself
20:48.31drmessanoRumsfeld calling Obama "Osama" was great
20:48.45drmessanoNo, wasnt Rumsfeld
20:48.48outtoluncif you think that is funny, i seen there was an aol abamabuddy bot <G>
20:49.01outtoluncer o
20:50.35drmessanoAlways ask for a dry cleaning receipt
20:51.17*** join/#asterisk nitrus^ (
20:51.33nitrus^anyone know if the polycom ip 501 supports VLAN tagging?
20:54.34*** join/#asterisk jm|home (n=jm|
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20:59.30Jumpiei have a simple question
20:59.37Jumpieif you have a ring group 1500 established
20:59.47Jumpiehow do you reference it? doing SIP/1500 does not work
21:01.59[TK]D-Fendernitrus^, They do
21:01.59Jumpiewrong chan srry
21:02.25[TK]D-FenderJumpie, indeed.
21:10.59*** part/#asterisk nitrus^ (
21:18.05*** join/#asterisk dasenjo (n=dasenjo@
21:18.24dasenjoHi everybody!
21:20.10dasenjoI've just upgraded kernel and zaptel in my asterisk server .. starting asterisk is producing an error that says that "D-channel 24 is not in HDLC/FCS mode" .. but I'm using a E1 PRI, my D channel is and has been 16 always .. ztcfg runs ok ... what can be happening?
21:21.13[TK]D-Fenderdasenjo, if you upgraded your kernel you need to rebuild zaptel.
21:21.21[TK]D-Fenderdasenjo, And pastebin your zaptel & zapata.
21:21.26jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
21:21.53dasenjoI have rebuilded it .. with m-a .. in the new kernel ..
21:26.09dasenjo[TK]D-Fender, in are my zapata and zaptel ..
21:28.07dasenjomore information: I'm using all the debian stable stuff ..
21:29.17dasenjogrrr ... a reboot solved the problem ... but now ... I can't trust quietly ... :(
21:30.09*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
21:34.10dasenjostrange days ..
21:34.14dasenjobye and thanks ..
21:36.07lesouvageI add  Set(DYNAMIC_FEATURES=testfeature) in the relevant context, uncomment  testfeature => *8,peer,Playback,tt-monkeys in features.conf under [applicationmap], restart Asterisk but when I press *8 I got the message "Packet2Packet bridging SIP/dexxxx-094a2af8 and SIP/312xxxxxxxx-094b13c0" and don't hear the monkeys on the other channel. Did I miss something? Any suggestions?
21:38.39riddlebox*8 is a call pickup already isnt it?
21:39.42lesouvageriddlebox: I changed that to *8888
21:40.05lesouvageriddlebox: I will set the pickup to something completely different and try again.
21:41.11jameswf-homeWalks slowly in to the room humming the tune "Desperado"
21:41.15*** join/#asterisk FireMac (
21:41.46*** join/#asterisk Toerkeium (i=oo@
21:41.50jameswf-homethe tune gets interupted by a large black man singing about flea markets WTF
21:46.27lesouvageriddlebox: doesn't help, still the same problem, it simply doesn't do anything related to [applicationmap] and features.conf.
21:47.18[TK]D-Fenderlesouvage, are you trying this while on a call?
21:47.35Jumpiehey fender, strange issue, and please dont bark at me, this isnt trixbox related
21:47.37[TK]D-Fenderlesouvage, pastebin the complete CLI output of the call./
21:47.56[TK]D-FenderJumpie, Spit it our, you're on borrowed time.
21:48.52Jumpielets say i want to have somebody connected to my pbx call my cell phone out one of "trunks" but i dont want to give them the actual number? so i setup an extension 9000, and set it to dial SIP/545345523/XXXXXXXXX (my cell)
21:49.01Jumpiewell, it works
21:49.06Jumpiebut my caller id is this bizzare new jersey cid
21:49.17Jumpiei guess form my provider, but i dont see why, it should be coming from my pbx
21:49.32Jumpieso like when anyone reg'ed on my box dials 9000, it calls my real cell phone
21:49.44Jumpiebut the cid isnt what i specify
21:49.45[TK]D-FenderJumpie, your provider either accepts CID info from you or they provide their own.
21:49.56Jumpiethey sure arent from me
21:49.57[TK]D-FenderJumpie, Don't assume that they will do what you want
21:50.11Jumpiewhy if i call my cell phone directly on my client does the cid work?
21:50.16[TK]D-FenderJumpie, Not everyone lets you rig CID
21:50.19Jumpiebut if i use an extension to then do i tthat way it doesnt?
21:50.43[TK]D-FenderJumpie, because maybe they do accept a CID override and Trixbox IS handling that for you.
21:50.44Jumpiei thought all it would do is pass the request through my pbx and then 'dial'
21:51.04Jumpiewell this 419 301 6832
21:51.08Jumpiei have never seen, have no knowledge of
21:51.12Jumpieso i have to assume its callwithus
21:51.14[TK]D-FenderJumpie, You don't really seem to know what your configuration is actually doing to compare the difference.
21:51.31Jumpieuntil this point fender, all was working the way i wanted it to :)
21:51.46[TK]D-FenderJumpie, Yeah, we hear that a lot.
21:51.58Jumpiemy did is 703 436 4555, from any of my phones when i call my cell or home phone, that shows up
21:52.21Jumpieso why does dialing 9000 with a dial command to call my cell NOT show it? i dont see where the deviation is?
21:52.27Nivexwhoa, 419!  my old home area
21:52.28[TK]D-FenderJumpie, then something is different in the way one is getting dialed from the other.  Go get some eyes and look.
21:52.40Jumpiei guess i was just wondering if i should gripe at them or if its me :) thx
21:52.45Jumpielol nivex whats that princeton?
21:52.53Nivex419 is Toledo OH
21:53.07Jumpieoh, i thought my cid said new jersey
21:53.18Jumpienmmy bad
21:53.36*** join/#asterisk adorah (n=Michael@
21:55.56*** join/#asterisk ferrafox (
21:56.52ferrafoxplz could i ask where i could donwload the source  codeof the asterisknow web interface ?
21:57.30ferrafoxmy question is weird :) ?
21:57.37Jumpiei thikn they frown on GUI in thi channel
21:57.39Jumpiei have learned this
21:57.58ferrafoxOOk :)
21:58.35*** join/#asterisk quigon (n=matias@
21:59.24riddleboxferrafox, join #asterisk-gui
21:59.32riddleboxit will give you the directions in the topic
21:59.57ferrafoxriddlebox, ok thanks
22:05.34lesouvage[TK]D-Fender>: I paste the cli outut to .
22:06.51lesouvage[TK]D-Fender>: the automon is woking well with pressing #
22:07.19lesouvageI turned it on and off
22:11.29CAiROhow can i bridge 2 calls? i get "Attempting native bridge of CAPI/ISDN1/9237***-0 and CAPI/ISDN1/01577154***-2" in my asterisk debug log, but the connection is somehow still on hold
22:11.37CAiROand nothing happens
22:18.17lesouvage[TK]D-Fender: any suggestion to get the testfeature  working?
22:28.25*** join/#asterisk jm|home (n=jm|
22:28.52*** join/#asterisk dssman (
22:29.28dssmanwhat is skinny?
22:29.51outtoluncmichael jackson
22:30.08dssmanlol I just got  Starting Skinny session from
22:30.14dssmanno idea who that is :S
22:30.37dssmanor what that is for that matter
22:32.50dssmanummm well my main issue is dropping calls and I think its my provider... can someone point me to another provider (not link2voip) to test
22:33.32*** join/#asterisk ZaVoid (
22:38.50Strom_Mdssman: skinny is Cisco's SCCP
22:42.41*** join/#asterisk ZaVoid (
22:48.10*** join/#asterisk shtoom (n=shtoom@
22:48.35shtoomhi are there any open source implementations of chan_skype ?
22:50.21*** join/#asterisk drsubnet (n=drsubnet@
22:51.15drsubnetcan anyone answer a question about the AA50 ?
22:51.33jbotrumour has it, question is If you have a question and want people to give useful answers, make sure you have read this first:
22:52.18mvanbaakI was looking for an answer like:
22:52.25mvanbaakDont ask to ask, just ask
22:52.32drsubnetI have an AA50 and wish to set the default gateway on the LAN side.
22:52.42drsubnetThe GUI doesn't allow it, only on the WAN interface.
22:53.07mvanbaakthat, sounds like a bug
22:53.30mvanbaakbut that's just my opinion.  I never got to play with the AA or the GUI
22:53.32drsubnetI can set it using the route command in SSH
22:53.42drsubnetIt doesn't survive a reboot though.
22:54.05shtoomI was looking at celliax skype driver but that requires a gsm modem or some thing like that i guess
22:54.10mvanbaakcan you find out where the network settings are stored on the thing ?
22:54.33mvanbaaklike: /etc/network/interfaces (I know that is used in debian, dont know about rpath)
22:54.43drsubnetIt's funky.  There is a file called rc-network
22:55.01drsubnetit is a script that invokes networking.conf from the asterisk GUI
22:56.01mvanbaakdid you reed networking.conf ?
22:56.27drsubnetyep.  there is no documented option for a default gateway on the lan.
22:56.40drsubnetthere is a variable called wan_gateway which functions
22:56.53mvanbaaktry setting the variable lan_gateway
22:57.00mvanbaak<--- just guessing here
22:57.07mvanbaakso dont blame me if it's not working
22:57.15drsubnettried that already :-) no dice
22:58.08mvanbaakthen I think they go this way: the AA should also be the gateway if you want that
22:58.20mvanbaakotherwise, just use the WAN port as LAN port ;)
22:58.36drsubnetThanks for the help.
22:58.42mvanbaaksure, no problem
22:59.18mvanbaakshtoom: forget about chan_skype
23:01.41*** join/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff-emeritus/bhaal)
23:01.48unixdogchan_skype = crap
23:02.10mvanbaakit's non-existant
23:02.30Nivexskype is proprietary.  it has no place being anywhere near asterisk
23:02.53mvanbaaknah, nothing to do with proprietary
23:03.00mvanbaakasterisk does have chan_skinny
23:03.09mvanbaakthat protocol is proprietary as well
23:03.39Nivexsits correctede
23:04.25mvanbaakbut, there's noone willing to write a reverse engineered protocol driver for skype
23:04.33mvanbaakso no skype support in asterisk
23:04.41*** join/#asterisk jmesquita (n=jmesquit@
23:05.34mvanbaakand I bet once we do, skype will go the same way as yahoo
23:05.50mvanbaakthey just change the protocol in a non-backwards-compatiple way
23:06.08mvanbaakso the asterisk channel driver will have to be redone over and over and over again
23:06.39mvanbaakI'm having this trouble with yahoo IM and bitlbee
23:06.55mvanbaakbitlbee is no longer able to connect to the yahoo IM network because of this
23:11.53shtoommvanbaak: yes thats true but there are cutomers who are actually looking for that kind of integration
23:12.48mvanbaakshtoom: then you should go for one of the commercial 'setups'
23:12.54mvanbaakI heard they all suck
23:13.11shtoomcause its offering $3/mo flat unlimited out bound calling
23:13.47shtoommvanbaak: do you know such providers in SIP with in US
23:14.23mvanbaakI'm not in the US, and never did business with voip providers in the US
23:17.18wonderworldheared that google might want to aquire skype
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23:27.57Strom_Mwonderworld: ebay beat google to that one years ago :)
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