IRC log for #asterisk on 20080331

00:01.03Yourname``If a sip peer is set to context [test], and then in [test] a call is sent to a different context called [sandiego] which sends the call to a queue, can that sip peer use every exten=> made in the [sandiego] context? or does the sip peer get to use extens only in the context it's set to? In this case [test
00:02.00*** join/#asterisk propellerhead (
00:02.04cmantitoYourname``: how is it sent?
00:02.23jcaceresthe call?
00:02.31Yourname``cmantito: Either a sip transfer from other box like 100@IP, or an incoming DID.
00:02.39cmantitojcaceres: yes.
00:02.44propellerheadkeith4 I'd rebuild the modules
00:02.56propellerheadrun fine
00:03.09jcaceresthat the last way i tried
00:03.13cmantitoYourname``: sorry
00:03.16cmantitoI need to clairfy my question
00:03.28cmantitoonce the call comes into the 'test' context,
00:03.34cmantitohow is it transferred to the 'sandiego' context?
00:03.40propellerheadthanks keith4
00:03.42kamajiI can't register with a SIP server: I wireshark'ed it, and my regular SIP client is sending a SUBSCRIBE as well as REGISTER, whereas asterisk is only sending REGISTER
00:04.01kamajiand asterisk just times out
00:04.07cmantitoSUBSCRIBE is for subscribing to voicemail notifications, etc. Usually, anyway.
00:04.25Yourname``cmantito: Using goto
00:04.37kamajiWhy would asterisk not get a reply, then?
00:05.18cmantitoYourname``: then they wouldn't be able to use extens in the sandiego context, unless something allowed them to (ie, sip.conf)
00:05.31cmantitokamaji: not sure, could depend on a lot of factors, wanna pastebin your conf?
00:05.32jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
00:05.46Yourname``Ahhh..but they can use it in [test] context, right cmantito?
00:06.08kamajiehh... will require lots of editing
00:06.08kamajihang on
00:06.13Yourname``da = ya? lol
00:06.30cmantitoyes, sorry
00:06.47Yourname``Ok, cmantito.. this is what I'm essentially looking to do.
00:07.16Yourname``I have two separate sites who would use queues for their own reasons. I have assigned 2XX to site2, and 1xx to site1.
00:07.39jcacereshello i have some issue with zaptel, a am intending ti send calls to 12 celulinks using 3 tdm400, but it's not woking properly, i have captured the sounds sent with ztmonitor, i have even putted a telephone in paralel to the line in order to hear the dtmf sound
00:07.59jcaceresi think, my celulink needs more time to start the call
00:08.00jameswf-home${you} != "clue"?heh:liar
00:08.54Yourname``On site 2, all their eyeBeams are configured from 200 - 299. But then there are different groups of agents within those that will be reassigned to a different queue and stuff. And these guys use AgentLogin() .. I just want it to be easy for me to segregate these groups of agents on site2 to another context like [feedback] or [sales], etc. And I can't figure out a way to do so.
00:09.40*** join/#asterisk Katty (
00:09.46Yourname``That is what I'm looking to do, and it seems a little hard for me, cmantito.
00:10.08cmantitowell queues are not my area of smartitude. dialplans/contexts I can help with, but I'm afraid the only queues I can do are the ones to get food from a McDonalds, or to get on to a highway ;p
00:11.18Yourname``Someone should really write a lot about queues. I feel that queues are the one big thing that is least documented about. :(
00:11.35cmantitoI'm going to be learning them shortly, but I figure one part of ast at a time.
00:16.10eric2I have long distance rates loaded into mysql from provider A, what's the best way to grab the dialed country code + city code from the dialed number after 011?
00:16.38eric2as country codes and city codes vary in length....
00:17.35cmantitokamaji: you may want to try dropping the /user on the register => line
00:17.46cmantitothe other thing you may want to try is changing [orbtalk] to [<user>]
00:18.16Kattyhugs _ShrikE
00:18.17*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
00:18.28kamajicmantito: what's the /user for anyway?
00:18.29Katty_ShrikE: how was your sunday?
00:18.47_ShrikEKatty: could have been better, my doggy is sick :(
00:19.03Katty_ShrikE: aww.
00:19.07Katty_ShrikE: nothing serious i hope
00:19.16cmantitothat's directing it at a specific context
00:19.38_ShrikEKatty: we just took her in (a stray) and it appears that she has some serious liver issues.
00:20.05kamajioh right, so that should be /orbtalkin?
00:20.19_ShrikEeric2: You need to take the maximum country+city code length, and drop digits until you find a match.
00:20.33cmantitokamaji: it's not really necessary because you've got the context specified elsewhere
00:20.51Katty_ShrikE: on no )=
00:20.58Katty_ShrikE: the vet got her on meds?
00:21.05kamajicmantito: ok
00:21.06_ShrikEKatty: Oh yeah.
00:21.12Katty_ShrikE: good.
00:21.46Katty_ShrikE: i got groceries today. i'm exhausted.
00:21.56eric2_ShrikE  would you suggest doing this in the dial plan (extensions.conf) or do it outside? I'm trying to put together the billing part of the system...
00:22.45_ShrikEeric2: there is no reason you cant do it in the dialplan.
00:23.50*** join/#asterisk remmo (n=junk@
00:27.01jcacereshello i have some issue with zaptel, a am intending ti send calls to 12 celulinks using 3 tdm400, but it's not woking properly, i have captured the sounds sent with ztmonitor, i have even putted a telephone in paralel to the line in order to hear the dtmf sound
00:27.06jcaceresi think, my celulink needs more time to start the call
00:27.09jcaceresany idea?
00:27.30Kattyanalog lines?
00:27.38*** join/#asterisk sysreq (n=sysreq@unaffiliated/sysreq)
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00:31.36ManxPowerFor analog Zaptel interfaces a "w" in the dial string will pause for .5 seconds.  Example:  Dial(Zap/1/ww5551515) would go off hook and delay dialing for 1 second.
00:31.53Kattyyes, what ManxPower said
00:31.57Kattyworks like a charm (=
00:34.10jbothow do you fix a womans watch? we cant answer
00:37.34jcacereshello i am capturing the dtmf tone to initiate a call an they sound noisy, aby idea in how can i solve this?
00:37.53Kattyjameswf-home: i'm car sick :<
00:38.02Kattyjameswf-home: you ever get car sick? while driving.
00:41.39*** join/#asterisk ta^3 (n=tacvbo@
00:45.39jcaceresManxPower: i was using this
00:45.54jcaceresand its the same
00:46.22jcaceresi do not know why it sais "answered" if noting happend
00:47.02jcaceresi have tuned each chanel with fxotune -i
00:47.11Yourname``What if I don't set context= in queues.conf?
00:47.48jcaceresand i made a program in matlab to see if the card are sending the correct tones
00:48.19Yourname``Nevermind. I think the context in queues is for a different purpose than a context in extensions.conf
00:48.50jcaceresi can see that some channels are noisy but it does not matter they have the same behavior
00:48.54jcaceresany idea plz
00:53.24*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-830f2540d3003473)
00:57.08jcacereshow can i tell zaptel o zapata, i am  not sure, to wait for the ringing tone?
01:02.37*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (
01:02.42jcacereshow can i tell zaptel o zapata, i am  not sure, to wait for the ringing tone?
01:06.43*** join/#asterisk alrs (i=foobar@
01:09.19Yourname``Do member => Agent/21 in queues.conf need to be defined as a peer in sip.conf like [21]?
01:14.32*** join/#asterisk russellb (n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla)
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01:18.48*** join/#asterisk jm|home (n=jm|
01:19.19jbotit has been said that repeat is probably If nobody answers your question, don't just repeat it. Spamming the channel and getting ignored/banned/silenced isn't going to get  a faster answer; spamming is a function of time. More likely, nobody knows the answer (/msg apt ask), or you need to provide more information (/msg apt sicco)), or ask me about "rephrase", or ask smart questions
01:20.25Yourname``I dont know if you know jameswf-home, but I think #asterisk hands out "ops" only to people who work for digium or are some form of celebrated committers. :P
01:20.56jameswf-homewtf is the point of a 12.5sec pause after a dial
01:21.06jameswf-homeis to immature to be an op :)
01:21.34jcaceresjameswf-home, is that for me?
01:21.42Yourname``You don't have to be mature. I knew an 8 yr old channel op on EFnet who later became an oper.
01:22.30jameswf-hometalks in generalities if his comment fits in to someones situation and works he takes full credit... if it doesn't work then he meant it for someone else
01:24.15jameswf-homeI need to add more random wisdom blips to by site....
01:35.46jcaceresasterisk answers me but the call is not ringing through the fxo?
01:35.55jcaceresany idea plz
01:38.11*** join/#asterisk coppice (
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01:40.31boblutzjcareres, wait!
01:41.54*** join/#asterisk WindBack (
01:44.26*** join/#asterisk Deimus (
01:52.05*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
01:53.43*** join/#asterisk Katty (
01:56.39jbotACTION mooooooooo! I am cow, hear me moo, I weigh twice as much as you. I am cow, eating grass, methane gas comes out my ass
01:56.39*** join/#asterisk dcmwai (n=dcmwai@
01:57.50*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
01:58.00jameswf-homeI should quit being cheap and pay the $3 a month for hosting...
02:03.01CCFL_Man2does the T100P support 5v or 3.3v pci?
02:03.08CCFL_Man2docs don't really say7
02:03.30Kattytries putting asterisk book on head and absorbing
02:11.12jameswf-homeI use mine as a pillow
02:12.34CCFL_Man2the cisco guys put down asterisk
02:13.06jameswf-homethe whole world puts down Cisco I would say that its about even
02:13.48CCFL_Man2why was the T100P discontinued other than the 5v pci interface?
02:16.00*** join/#asterisk Speedy2 (
02:16.34Speedy2Hey all.  This isn't strictly an Asterisk question, but is there any SIP software that can direct pc-to-pc communication (without a SIP proxy/server, etc). SpeakFreely isn't cutting it for me anymore.
02:17.07Speedy2I've tried a few like wxCommunicator and Efiga with little luck
02:17.52jameswf-homeyou could write one
02:19.58*** join/#asterisk hohum (n=dcorbe@
02:20.42*** join/#asterisk IguanaNed (
02:21.14IguanaNedneed help with .call files in * 1.4
02:21.19jameswf-homeis hello a question?
02:21.24djs26throws IguanaNed a big juicy fly
02:21.28IguanaNedcould be
02:22.20IguanaNedto generate a cal in the future, if I set the modify datetime using touch
02:22.35IguanaNedshould the call be made in the future?
02:22.40IguanaNeddoesnt seem to work
02:24.24*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
02:24.56jameswf-homecall files are processed once they hit the spooler... you could use at command to copy the file at a later time
02:25.22jameswf-homeman at
02:26.00IguanaNedinteresting as I see doc that state asterisk will ignore any files with future modification datetime
02:28.07jameswf-homemaybe A2 - This most likely is because your TMP directory is on a different physical disk in the system. Make a tmp directory just above the OUTGOING directory in asterisk and use that , so when the MV command is used the date and time of the file won't be changed
02:29.54*** join/#asterisk efort (
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02:33.26*** join/#asterisk coolblade (
02:34.24coolbladeIs there a way with AGI to pass a date to saydatetime instead of having it read a current date, if not, any suggestions for how I can say a date to the listener?
02:34.31*** part/#asterisk Speedy2 (
02:35.49jameswf-homecoolblade: GooGle:
02:35.57coolbladei did...
02:36.43jameswf-homegoogle better :) the article above explains
02:37.06coolbladei read that
02:37.32coolbladei will reread
02:45.02CCFL_Man2how well does the sccp channel work with a 7920 wifi phone?
02:45.04IguanaNedusing cp
02:45.36IguanaNedusing cp instead of mv tead of mv command to puyt call file in  outgoing dir
02:45.50*** join/#asterisk jcaceres (
02:47.23jcacereshello i am having some troubles with a server with 3 cards tdm400 with 4 fxo modules each one,
02:47.44jcaceresall the channels are in the same group
02:48.12jcacereswhen i send a call the channel dial
02:49.20jcaceresdials, an then answers, but the call is not starting in the other side
02:49.51jameswf-homeperhaps your not plugged in
02:50.26jcaceresi am connecting the fxo modules to some celular adapters, an they work fine when i connect them to a analog phone
02:51.42jcaceres[Mar 31 11:49:44] VERBOSE[3046] logger.c:     -- Called g0/027848800
02:51.42jcaceres[Mar 31 11:49:54] DEBUG[3046] chan_zap.c: Engaged echo training on channel 1
02:51.42jcaceres[Mar 31 11:49:58] DEBUG[3046] chan_zap.c: Echo cancellation already on
02:51.42jcaceres[Mar 31 11:49:58] VERBOSE[3046] logger.c:     -- Zap/1-1 answered SIP/
02:51.57jameswf-homejcaceres: use pastebin
02:52.01jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
02:53.10jameswf-homeif your connecting to a gsm adapter you may need to set your signalling to revpol
02:54.21*** join/#asterisk gerphimum (
02:54.34jameswf-homeyour card needs to support this of course
02:55.28jcaceresi have those parameters set
02:55.31*** join/#asterisk hi365 (
02:55.45jcaceresi am not sure i those are correct
02:56.03jcaceresbut before i putted them i had the same result
02:57.07jcaceresescuseme, jameswf-home: how can i know if my cards support revpol
02:57.20jameswf-homeits more involved than that you need to get tech support for your cards and gsm equipment on the phone in a conference
02:59.19jcaceresin your experience does a tdm400p has support por revpol?
02:59.34jameswf-home?me doesnt use digium stuff :)
03:01.34*** join/#asterisk w9sh (
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03:10.52Yourname``Can AMI operate not on a network socket by on a unix socket?
03:18.02*** join/#asterisk stkn__ (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
03:26.02jcaceresjameswf-home: there somthing i couldn't understand from what you said, is my card needes to support to detect revpol? or my card needs to give revpol?
03:26.36drmessanoIt needs to detect it
03:27.42jcaceresahh ok thanks, yes it does
03:29.11jcaceresbut, it stills answering and the call is not being done by the celular adapter?
03:31.29jcacerescan i modify another parameter to define when the answer is done?
03:38.20*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (n=nighty@
03:40.06keith4with AGI, I can use stream_file to play a sound, and accept DTMF during it. what's the equivalent in extensions.conf?
03:42.16*** join/#asterisk BhaalWK (i=bhaal@freenode/staff-emeritus/bhaal)
03:48.04keith4ah, background
03:48.05keith4of course
03:56.31*** join/#asterisk drmessano (
03:56.59*** join/#asterisk drmessano (
03:59.00Yourname``How can I have a context-neutral sip peer that will assume the context that's set for the agent the peer logs in as? For example peer41 is set to context=default, but peer41 logs in as agent 30 for testq and i want agent30 to use the context thats supposed to be used for [testq] instead of the context set for peer41.. how can I do so?
03:59.38*** join/#asterisk apollonx (i=kit@
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04:05.33*** join/#asterisk BeeBuu (n=beebuu@
04:05.38jblacksighs and drops his head.
04:06.38jblackBuilding a network with all the modern servers and associated toys is like ice cream.  Documenting it in case of EHITBYTRUCK is like spinach
04:06.41BeeBuuanyone know how to convert a word doc file to tif file for fax in asterisk.
04:06.59jblackperhaps ghost script can do it.
04:07.24jblackor perhaps even a2ps.
04:07.54BeeBuuany more suggestion?
04:08.04drmessanoDid you try those?
04:08.32jblackYeah. Fix the cups subsystem so that efax works.
04:08.39BeeBuudrmessano: how?
04:09.23drmessanojblack gave you two things to try
04:09.30drmessanoMaybe you should run off and try them
04:09.39drmessanoI know thats not what you like to do.. you like to ask 100 times
04:09.41jblackbeebuu: I'll be more clear. Faxing anything but tifs right now is difficult, error prone, and practically takes a PHD in system administration.
04:09.46drmessanoBut trying will show you if it works
04:10.09jblackBeeBuu: Unless you feel very comfortable with your skillset, I'd drop it into the "it can't be done" basket for now.
04:10.16BeeBuui just want to make sure that can work.
04:10.28drmessanoBeeBuu: So go try those two suggestions
04:11.13BeeBuusearch for ghost guide
04:11.28jblackghostscript, not ghostguide. :)
04:11.36drmessanojblack: good luck
04:12.11jblackBut take my advice. Give up on this one now
04:12.47BeeBuuanother question:fax on asterisk can fax PDF file?
04:12.54BeeBuuor not?
04:13.20drmessanoAsterisk isn't the one faxing, you need to check the fax app itself
04:13.25drmessanoThis is not the place
04:13.32jblackbeebuu: It's almost exactly the same problem as faxing word documents.
04:13.37BeeBuu...ok,i got you.
04:13.49*** join/#asterisk classyhuman (
04:13.56BeeBuuthanks.jbalck & drmessano
04:14.01jblackActually.. faxing anything other than a tif is almost exactly the same problem as faxing word documents.
04:14.31drmessanojbalck is very halpful
04:14.38classyhumanHello, Jblack
04:14.43drmessanohe haz cheezeburger
04:14.44classyhumanHello all
04:15.30drmessanoHello WellManicuredHomosapien
04:15.37jblackDear pppd: Catch up with the times. LDAP has been around for a decade, and you still can't authenticate against it.
04:15.55classyhumanhello drmessano
04:16.07*** join/#asterisk mandd (
04:16.21drmessanoWelcome to planet #asterisk
04:16.47manddwhoa, lots of users
04:16.51manddthats awesome
04:16.57classyhumanHi mandd
04:17.05manddhello classyhuman
04:17.27classyhumanIm newbie here.. seeking help in DTMF issue
04:17.57manddah, i am new as well
04:18.42classyhumanIts an experts channel, I guess someone will have a solution
04:21.53classyhumanThe SIP providers sends different mode of DTMF Sometimes RFC2833, Inband, info. I changed dtmfmode=auto But it cant detect the DTMF
04:22.34*** join/#asterisk SteveTotaro (
04:22.50drmessanoWho is the provider?
04:23.13jblackI'd yell at the inbounds to turn on rfc2833
04:23.36classyhumanteleglobe, singtel etc. Its on failover priority and each one use different mode
04:23.58drmessanoand none of them work?
04:24.55*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=Joe@
04:25.05classyhumansome of them work when it match my mode. If I use rfc2833 and when they have similar it works, but when it falls to failover provider they might have info or inband
04:25.33drmessanoSo why don't you have it configged per peer?
04:26.00drmessanoThat only makes sense if you have one or a few that are not rfc2833
04:26.31classyhumanThey dont stick to one mode, it changes several times. I guess they also have failover providers who sends them different modes.
04:27.26drmessanosounds to me like you have something else wrong then
04:27.42drmessanoI haven't heard of providers randomly changing dtmf modes all over the place
04:27.56jblackI dunno. I saw that myself the other day with IPKall.
04:28.02drmessanoIf I had one that did that, I would kill them
04:28.24jblackThey use rfc2833 with their 206 areacode, and inbound on 360.
04:28.48classyhumanIt happens. My providers change their modes frequently.
04:28.55drmessanoThere's probably different proxies, jblack
04:29.30classyhumandtmfmode = auto is not helping
04:29.48jblackHowever, proxies being proxies, they all come to me from the same ip.
04:30.05drmessanoI'll let someone else tell you that providers don't change up DTMF mode all over the place
04:31.12classyhumanI contacted providers, they said they buy service from different parties and each one of they may use different equipments and DTMF
04:31.47jblacktime for new providers, perhaps?
04:32.48classyhumanis there a possible way to detect what mode they r sending and change it accordingly in asterisk
04:32.59drmessanoI guess it's just a matter of asterisk doing a shitty job detecting dtmf.. I would submit a bug report
04:33.47classyhumanthats great
04:34.31drmessanoSurely it can't be a problem with your providers.. it never is
04:36.50classyhumanThat is what I have found finally when DTMF showed up issues
04:38.35classyhumandtmfmode=auto is that all i have to set?
04:43.14manddif I do not have a service provider connected/installed yet, but I want to configure my dialplan as if It was receiving incoming calls, how can I link my SIP Lan phone to [incoming] ?
04:44.48manddexten => 225,1,Goto(incoming) works, but then I get  Auto fallthrough
04:48.32*** join/#asterisk s0lid (n=s0lid@
04:49.46[TK]D-Fendermandd, pastebin your dialplan and the CLI output of your failure at verbose 10
04:49.48jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
04:52.36Yourname``A context may be specified, in which if the user types a SINGLE digit extension while they are in the queue, they will be taken out of the queue and sent to that extension in this context. -> This is what it says in queues.conf. Does that mean that this queue can have a context, or does it mean that it should have a context only if the context supports dropping out of a queue?
04:53.30[TK]D-FenderYourname``, it means if you point it to a queue and it matches a digit pressed by the queued call, it will ext to there
04:54.17manddanother problem, is that I can call some extensions, like 301, but 303 It fails
04:54.49manddI am attempting to follow examples from Asterisk - Future of Telephony book.
04:55.34[TK]D-Fendermandd, Yes, 303 fails because you mispelled SIP. exten => 303,1,Dial(STP/EPHERE)
04:56.25manddThis is a bit embarrassing , thank you [TK]D-Fender
04:56.48[TK]D-Fendermandd, And for you other problem, you need to set "autofallthrough=no" under [general]
04:56.49Yourname``[TK]D-Fender: Yeah.. but my confusion is this. A sip peer 41 has context=test, a call comes in on [incoming] and its transferred by Goto to [sandiego] which inturn puts the call in a queue(), and when 41 (who is logged in to a queue(manila) as 41) tries to transfer the call to an extension within [sandiego], asterisk says "No such extension in context "test"" -> obviously because even though...
04:56.50Yourname``...41 is logged into a queue called manila it still is in the same context as 41 = test. So I'm wondering if I set the context to manila in queues.conf itself, no matter what device/agent logs into manila queue.. it should do everything in the [manila] queues.
04:57.35[TK]D-FenderYourname``, WTF?
04:57.46Yourname``lol i know!
04:58.07Yourname``Ok, how about in queues.conf what does context= under a queue do?
04:58.09[TK]D-FenderYourname``, First you're talking about an exit context, now you're transferring calls areound?  What are talking about ehre?
04:58.45Yourname``[TK]D-Fender: It's the biggest clusterfuck, I tell you. But I can't test right now, so I'm not gonna go any further than this but finding out what the purpose of context= is in queues.conf.
04:58.57[TK]D-FenderYourname``, the queue exit context has NOTHIGN to do with agents or your phones, or any of that.
04:59.01Yourname``Is it the same as context= in sip.conf?
04:59.54[TK]D-FenderYourname``, when you set a context for a queue, your caller can dial a 1-digit exten while waiting to QUIT and do somethign PRODUCTIVE rather that sit around waiting for you to ANSWER him.
05:00.04manddstill get    Auto fallthrough, channel 'SIP/mandd-081eba58' status is 'UNKNOWN'   with  autofallthrough=no in [general],
05:00.13manddafter realod in cli.
05:00.30Yourname``[TK]D-Fender: And you sure that's ALL it needs the context for?
05:00.37[TK]D-FenderYourname``, So you'd play an announcement like "Please hold and the next available agent will take you call some time before Hell freezes over, or jsut press 1 to leave a ^@%#ing voicemail (if you know whats good for you)"
05:00.48Yourname``[TK]D-Fender: Does it not server the same purpose as the context= in the sip.conf AND the 1 digit thing?
05:00.50[TK]D-FenderYourname``, Yes, Please read the BIG print.
05:01.19Yourname``Holy mac!
05:01.32Yourname``I only wish you were the best in queues as you are in everything else so I could bombard you with those questions tomorrow :P
05:01.54[TK]D-FenderYourname``, I've already answered your queue question.
05:01.57Yourname``Because as always, as soon as I go into details, you go "I'm not well proficient with queues, sorry."
05:02.07Yourname``This is far more complicated good sir!
05:02.17Yourname``I'll have to show you and test it out..
05:02.23[TK]D-FenderYourname``, You are mixing shit up that doesn't deserve to be in the same sentence.
05:02.28Yourname``I meant the best in queues part for what's to come :P
05:03.02[TK]D-FenderYourname``, the "context=blah" you'd put in queues.conf is so your calling can GTFO of the queue when he feels like you are ignoring him.  Clear?
05:03.34Yourname``Clear. But it's a little more than that, which I'm going to poke you with tomorrow!
05:03.41[TK]D-FenderYourname``, No, its not.
05:03.48Yourname``No no, I mean I got the answer you gave.
05:04.05Yourname``And since that's the answer I was kinda thinking of too, it leads me to look for another alternative.
05:04.10Yourname``Which is what is coming tomorrow. :D
05:05.24[TK]D-FenderYourname``, You said 41 has context = test.  that is his context.  He will not transfer a call to [sandiego]
05:05.41Yourname``Meanwhile, GotoIfTime needs a context to send the call to, is there a simple app which does not need a context to send to? Like if time is this and that, dial this, if not dial that?
05:06.18[TK]D-FenderYourname``, You don't have to use a context with GotoIfTime.
05:06.50[TK]D-FenderYourname``, Or an exten if you don't want to.
05:07.00Yourname``I'd rather do a retrydial in there.
05:07.05Yourname``So you're saying I can?
05:07.22[TK]D-FenderYourname``, it does a Goto, whats so hard to understand?
05:07.39[TK]D-FenderYourname``, I jsut said you didn't have to specify a CONTEXT or EXTEN if you don't want to.
05:07.56[TK]D-FenderYourname``, No, I did NOT say you can do whatever the hell you please, its still a damn goto.
05:08.00Yourname``Can I do that -> GotoIfTime(10:30-23:59|mon-sat|||?RetryDial(/var/lib/asterisk/sounds/connecting,15,10,SIP/419xxxxxxx@provider1,,tT,)
05:08.10Yourname``I know, I know, I got you. I'm just buggin ya. :D
05:08.25Yourname``Ok, so how can I use RetryDial on an iftime if I wanted to?
05:10.04mandd[TK]D-Fender  "autofallthrough=no" under [general]  in sip.conf?
05:10.19[TK]D-Fendermandd, Yes
05:10.35manddstill get  Auto fallthrough
05:10.36[TK]D-Fendermandd, Sorry, no, extensions.conf
05:10.46manddwill try
05:10.48manddthank you
05:11.01[TK]D-Fendermandd, Thats all dialplan stuff
05:11.12[TK]D-FenderYourname``, Gotoiftime.
05:11.44Yourname``Yeah, but I don't want it to do a goto. I want it to run an application depending on the time..
05:11.45[TK]D-FenderYourname``, Or ExecIf + IfTime
05:11.54Yourname``Now that sounds complicated.
05:11.57[TK]D-FenderYourname``, Same friggen thing
05:12.13[TK]D-FenderYourname``, You clearly should not be coding your dialplan.  Go hire someone.
05:12.51manddit's working! thanks again [TK]D-Fender
05:13.00manddbeen stuck on that one for a while.
05:13.00[TK]D-Fendermandd, You're welcome
05:13.24Yourname``No. GotoIfTime would mean I'd have to have a context doing things. All I wanna do is a dial if the time is this, and dial that if the time is that.
05:13.24Yourname``LOL I'm bored.. :(
05:14.10[TK]D-FenderYourname``, "have a context do things?
05:14.24*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki (
05:14.33[TK]D-FenderYourname``, "Put down the crack pipe" (c) JerJer
05:14.56*** join/#asterisk InHisName (
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05:45.37justdaveso I'm having a strange problem where the asterisk server in an office is showing all of the phones in that office as unreachable
05:46.11justdavethey're polycom phones... I can browse the web interface of the phones from the shell on the asterisk server with elinks, so physically it can see them on the network
05:46.32justdavethe phones think they're logged in, and asterisk thinks they're logged in but unreachable
05:47.09justdaveusers can place calls, and the calls go through... according to asterisk, except the response packet never makes it back to the phone, so the phone thinks it's still trying until it times out
05:47.11*** join/#asterisk dominic1 (n=dob@
05:47.39justdaveif I tell the server to send a notify packet to the phone to tell it to reboot, the phone does reboot... but the server keeps trying to tell it to because it never got the response from the phone saying it got the request
05:48.38justdaveiptables is off on the server
05:48.46*** join/#asterisk apollonx (i=kit@
05:48.50justdaveand all of the phones are in the same lan segment with the server
05:49.11justdaveit kinda feels like chan_sip is broken, but I've got no idea how
05:50.32justdaveyeah, as usual, I just need to tell someone and the solution comes before they answer. :P
05:50.44justdavenat config had the wrong netmask on the local network address space
05:50.56justdaveso it was sending them the external IP to respond to instead of the internal one
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06:13.17jameswf-homeyay node crash
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06:13.48*** mode/#asterisk [+oo Qwell twisted] by
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06:40.22stonyi'm looking for an eclipse plugin to write the dialplan (syntax highlighting only would be ok) - but the only thing i found is the post in the developer mailinglist from 2005 where someone is working on a plugin
06:40.37stonydoes anyone know what the state of the plugin is and are there other plugins ?
06:46.58*** join/#asterisk Yosam (
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06:47.45manddgetting  -- Unregistered SIP 'EPHERE', from all phones
06:48.10manddany command in CLI I can use? or i have to reset all phone manually?
06:50.24stonymandd: sip reload registry
06:51.04mandd== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/sip.conf': Found
06:51.19manddand still same thing, in terms of Unregistered SIP
06:51.25Yosamis there open source speech2text and text2speech applications?
06:51.31manddscrolling really fast too
06:52.52manddstony anytihng else I can try?
06:55.36classyhumanWhat is the standard DTMF frequency used in asterisk, can it be changed to tackle DTMF detection issues
06:56.21justdavestony: current version of vim seems to have syntax highlighting for asterisk dialplans
06:56.35justdavedon't know anything about eclipse stuff though
06:57.37stonymandd: hmm i'm not sure where this error comes from, but it looks like the pbx can't register an outgoing voip trunk
06:57.47stonyjustdave: jep, that's what i'm using atm
06:59.05manddit just happened a few times now, cant figure out what's causign it
06:59.13manddall phone go insane
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08:40.21sysadmin-lb22hi all I know I can make outbond calls to jingle google talk using astersik..however I do have a jingle client "other than google talk"..can I register it on the asterisk server..and make PSTN calls through the Asterisk server ?
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09:17.33Al_WinKillerhi guys, can somebody help me with translation rules ?
09:18.35Al_WinKillerppl ? anybody alive ?
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09:20.19Al_WinKillerhey, can you help me with translation rules ?
09:20.41fatcophere's an original question .... anyone know where I can get a windows installer for latest 1.4 build ??
09:21.06fatcopor anything in 1.4 :)
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09:25.29mvanbaakfatcop: I dont think asterisk has a windows installer
09:25.37fatcopbinary ?
09:25.47matrix1233am new here :D
09:25.48FlatFootmorning all
09:26.04classyhumanHello.. any expert in here?
09:26.08mvanbaakAl_WinKiller: what translation rules
09:26.23FlatFootanyone in who had summit to do with the writing / creation of IAX ?
09:26.29fatcopwell i installed something very old then i guess ... AsteriskWin32-0.66b-Setup.exe
09:26.44fatcoplol .. man that must be old as
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09:27.38matrix1233what is the best pbx whre i can found an plug and play to detect all type of card
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09:28.19mvanbaakmatrix1233: ???
09:28.24JTtrick question?
09:28.43matrix1233sorry bad in english :):)
09:28.43dob1hi, just to understand, if i install asterisk  what can i do ?  i can call the normal phone from pc ?
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09:30.47classyhumanmvanbaak, Hi.. What is the default frequency of DTMF used in asterisk?
09:31.47JTdtmf is a standard
09:31.51JTyou can look it uo
09:32.36fatcopso just to clarify .. asterisk is pretty much a linux thing ... not supported on windows (tho may build) .. is that the deal ?
09:33.12mvanbaakfatcop: pretty much yes
09:33.21fatcopand there is a "Windows GUI for Asterisk PBX - GlassConsole Lite" so you can manage it from a window box
09:33.25mvanbaakI think you can compile it under cygwin
09:33.25classyhumanJT, is there a way to detect different mode of DTMF received from Provider automatically
09:34.35*** join/#asterisk Hyphenex (
09:34.36JTclassyhuman: are you talking about frequencies of voip dtmf transmission methods?
09:35.10fatcopmvanbakk: but the fact no one seems to make a binary package avail seems to indicate .. its not something stable ?
09:35.38mvanbaakfatcop: that, or noone is intersted in doing it
09:35.43*** join/#asterisk cfh (n=luca@
09:36.26cfhhi all, i have some problem with features.conf and asterisk 1.4.15
09:36.32cfhit doesnt works
09:36.57matrix1233it's exist a pbx like switchvox
09:37.01matrix1233but free ?
09:37.04cfhwith asterisk 1.2.x it works
09:37.26cfhwith 1.4 version are there something different ?
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09:49.18tzafrirmatrix1233, "like switchvox", as in: will limit the number of channels you can use?
09:49.23tzafrirPlease clarify
09:49.53tzafrirI'm not aware of one with that feature
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09:55.03matrix1233tzafrir, wanna a pbx that don't have a limit of channel
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09:56.36matrix1233tzafrir,i have tested switchvox, it's good beacause is a plg and ply and detect all card, it's exist anadher one like it... now i have downloaded pbxinAflash  is good ?
09:57.50JTmatrix1233: you're really looking at the wrong channel
09:59.01matrix1233JT: perhaps, am just a begginer in asterisk so ... :D
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10:04.53classyhumanhi JT
10:05.07classyhumanany clue on getting right DTMF mode
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10:25.28gegoHello, I've got the problem to identify who picked up a channel (for group_count) or who actually answered "got" several ringing lines (dial(sip/1&sip2&...)
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10:49.02zeeeshcalling by using xlite.. most of time it works fine ... but sometime i got echo problem from xlite end ?how to troubleshoot it ?
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11:34.28sysadmin-lb22hi all I know I can make outbond calls to jingle google talk using astersik..however I do have a jingle client "other than google talk"..can I register it on the asterisk server..and make PSTN calls through the Asterisk server ?
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11:38.51Dextorionasterisk -r gives: unable to connect( does /var/run/asterisk.ctl exist?).     Anyone know what to do?
11:39.35MavvieDextorion: start asterisk to start with.
11:45.46Dextorionits running
11:46.02mvanbaakcheck permissions on the asterisk.ctl file
11:46.25*** join/#asterisk cpm (n=Chip@pdpc/supporter/active/cpm)
11:46.47Dextorionahm.. also i probably should say that im running asterisknow atm.
11:48.19Dextorionrunning asterisk with the -c flag would start it in some kinda of command line mode, right?
11:48.31Dextorioncould that be why i cant run asterisk -r in antother tty?
11:48.51Dextorionno? hrm.  oki mvanbaak
11:49.25Dextorionpermissions are srwx for root. and asterisk is running as root
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11:55.56yangWhat kind of error would be this - auto-congesting
11:57.38*** join/#asterisk mpwizard (
11:59.35mpwizardI'm currently setting up Comedian Voicemail. Is it possible to play a special message when a user checks his voicemail for the first time? E.g. Welcome blaahaha Press 1 to enter your pin code.
12:00.32*** part/#asterisk kclaussen (n=kclausse@
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12:01.10tzafrirmpwizard, how exactly do you know that this is the first time?
12:01.35tzafrirOne way: save it in the DB
12:02.18tzafrirIn the dialplan - check , and potentially set, this in the dialplan
12:02.38drmessanonope, gone
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12:14.42mpwizardtzafrir: Hmmm... That should work.
12:15.06tzafrirmpwizard, also take a look at minivm
12:15.16tzafrirand compose your own vm menu
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12:19.47defsworkneeds a new job
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12:59.49twitchnlnhow do i do a tech prefix on an outbound call in extensions.conf?
12:59.49twitchnlnexten => _1800NXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/ProviderTrunk/1620${EXTEN})
13:00.10[TK]D-Fendertwitchnln: Looks fine
13:00.13twitchnlnor do i need a pause in there before the ${EXTEN}
13:00.44[TK]D-Fendertwitchnln: No need for any kind of pause.  Its SIP.  All digital.  Only time you need to "wait" on anything is on some crappier analog situations
13:01.03twitchnln[TK]: cool, thanks
13:02.44*** join/#asterisk JayTee52 (
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13:05.10Dovidhi is video supporte in 1.4.x only or also in 1.2.x ?
13:07.27*** join/#asterisk Katty (
13:08.32JayTee52Dovid, I've used video with Eyebeam softphones on 1.2
13:09.10DovidJayTee52: Thanks. goto mess around with the paramaters now ;0
13:09.27JayTee52you have to add video support for h.323 in SIP.CONF
13:12.39[TK]D-FenderJayTee52: Because yeah... we always put H.323 settings ins sip.conf....
13:12.49Kattyhi fender.
13:13.12[TK]D-FenderKatty: Mew.
13:13.13JayTee52in the [General] section of sip.conf add the statement: videosupport=yes and allow=h263
13:13.20Katty[TK]D-Fender: how're mew?
13:13.32JayTee52Dovid, sorry that was h263 not 323
13:13.37[TK]D-FenderKatty: Meow-K
13:14.08JayTee52[TK]D-Fender, thanks for catching that. Not fully awake yet.
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13:17.32DovidJayTee52: how does it work ? besides for videosupport=yes I need nmjust saw ur post
13:17.44Dovidallow=h263 is for sip
13:17.49Kattylmadsen: GET OUT
13:17.59Kattylmadsen: sorry. i've had too much caffeine this morning.
13:18.10Kattylmadsen: smidgen hyper.
13:18.32lmadsenKatty: lol... you're way too much like file
13:18.44Kattylmadsen: i knows. that's why we get along so great.
13:18.51lmadsenit kinda freaks me out
13:18.59Kattylmadsen: i steal his muffin. he steals my orange juice. we pout.
13:19.01Kattylmadsen: etc.
13:19.12Kattylmadsen: how are mew?
13:19.24lmadsenKatty: I am mewing fine thank you
13:20.05JayTee52Dovid, it's been awhile but as I recall we had to use h263 with SIP softphones for the video. We used Eyebeam which is the Pro version of X-Lite softphones.
13:20.18Kattylmadsen: hyper!
13:20.29lmadsenlol, I need breakfast and caffeine
13:20.48*** join/#asterisk wolvienews (
13:21.25drmessanoI am out sick.. I need a vacuum and some vitamin C
13:21.52drmessano<lmadsen> mewrself? <-- please don't encourage her
13:22.01Kattydrmessano: SHUUSH!
13:22.05Kattydrmessano: go back to bed, sicko.
13:22.11lmadsenI always encourage Katty
13:22.48drmessanoShe doesn't need it.. she does fine just by mewrself
13:22.48lmadsenkatty katty bo batty, banana fanny fo.... latty... fee fi fo matty... oooooooh katty!
13:22.50drmessanoZOMG NO
13:23.02Kattynow, GET TO WORK
13:23.09Kattyi mean, breakfast. scoot!
13:23.09lmadsenwork is for suckers
13:23.12ManxPower.part #asterisk-drinkers
13:24.01Kattyhi manx (=
13:24.03Kattyhugs ManxPower
13:25.03*** join/#asterisk mocker (
13:29.23DovidJayTee52: didnt work
13:29.23DovidMar 31 09:28:28 NOTICE[15344]: rtp.c:579 ast_rtp_read: Unknown RTP codec 126 received
13:29.25*** join/#asterisk boblutz (
13:29.30Dovidis all I got
13:29.57*** join/#asterisk grandpapadot (
13:30.26grandpapadotHi all.  I have a bunch of polycom 501's at one of our locations.  If I swt DHCP Option 66, will it set the download server's IP address even know the protocol is FTP instead of TFTP?
13:30.56boblutzHow can one allow non-root users to load zaptel drivers? (2.6.x kernel)
13:31.23[TK]D-Fendergrandpapadot: Opt66 will pass the server to contact, the phones base setting chooses the protocol.
13:31.33grandpapadotOk, great! Thanks!
13:31.42DovidTK: Thanks
13:31.56*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
13:32.20tzafrirboblutz, why do you want to do that?
13:32.35tzafrirallowing non-root users to load modules is not such a grand idea
13:33.08boblutztzafrir: When I run Asterisk as non-root, the line wont pick up
13:33.24tzafrirthe zaptel init script needs to run as root
13:33.25boblutzI think it is because the user "asterisk" doesnt have permission to write to /dev/zap
13:33.58grandpapadotchown -R asterisk:asterisk /dev/zap
13:33.59tzafrirand the /dev/zap/* files need to be owned by a user / group that asterisk is a member of
13:34.12tzafrirthat should normally b edone in udev rules
13:34.25grandpapadotalso your asterisk user needs to be a member of audio and dialout
13:34.26boblutzhmm.. I saw that in chapter 3 of ~thebook
13:34.36tzafririn Debian and Gentoo - add asterisk to the group dialout
13:34.54boblutz`usermod -aG dialout asterisk` ?
13:35.04tzafrir(and let the distro's udev rules do the rest)
13:35.14tzafriradduser asterisk dialout
13:35.27tzafrirthat very strange syntax works in Debian
13:37.05boblutzok sweet
13:37.16boblutzStep 1, `service zaptel start`
13:37.30boblutzStep 2, `chown -R asterisk:asterisk /dev/zap/*`
13:37.37boblutzStep 3, `asterisk -U asterisk`
13:37.43boblutztypical? ^^^
13:38.23*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki (
13:39.03Kattyhugs fskrotzki
13:39.13madduckwhat does this mean?
13:39.17madduckhandle_request_invite: Sending fake auth rejection for user "martin f. krafft" ...?
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13:46.08tzafrirboblutz, what distro do you use?
13:46.25tzafrirStep 2 should not be required . Use proper udev rules
13:46.31Kattyhas new puppeh wallpaper!
13:46.42boblutzRHEL 4
13:46.58boblutztzafrir: I made the change to the udev rules as mentioned in chapter 3 of ~thebook
13:47.14boblutzHowever, that was last night and I couldnt get it to work, so I said whatever and commented it
13:47.28*** join/#asterisk Shotygun (n=thorn@
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13:48.14boblutzInteresting, I just noticed there is a zaptel.rules in /etc/udev/rules.d/
13:48.27ShotygunHello. I am using asterisk 1.2 and I have a scenario where I need to support about 1000 sip users. I was wondering if it's possible to create like a context with wildcard name like it's possible for extensions, so I won't have to create 1000 contexts
13:48.48tzafrirboblutz, grep zap /etc/udev/rules.d/*
13:48.56tzafrirthe order there is meaningful
13:49.49ShotygunThe common thing for the 1000 users is a single LAN subnet
13:50.38boblutztzafrir:  <--- zaptel.rules looks right
13:50.54[TK]D-FenderShotygun: No.
13:51.09tzafrirboblutz, the grep was intended to check if there aren't other udev rules that mention zaptel
13:51.19tzafrirboblutz, again, what distri do you use?
13:51.23boblutzRHEL 4
13:52.39tzafrirhmm.. it might be too old to have zaptel rules. Not sure
13:52.42CCFL_Man2i just won an auction for a used T100P, did i overpay at $102?
13:53.12tzafrirWhat do you want to use it for?
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13:53.46CCFL_Man2to originate a CAS T1
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13:54.05[TK]D-FenderCCFL_Man2: Probably fine
13:54.41[TK]D-FenderCCFL_Man2: You'll have SWEC to contend with and greater risk of PCI flakeyness, but might do ok
13:55.04CCFL_Man2[TK]D-Fender: why was it discontinued?
13:55.26[TK]D-FenderCCFL_Man2: for the fact its only T1 capable (no E1/J1), older PCI reference design, etc.
13:56.03*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (n=anonymou@
13:56.04[TK]D-FenderCCFL_Man2: The TE110P the TE120P replaced that line in order
13:56.10CCFL_Man2are there any problms with the T1 part of it?
13:56.19CCFL_Man2ahh, yeah
13:56.20[TK]D-FenderCCFL_Man2: You should be fine.
13:56.54coppiceI think it should do J1, but you probably don't care :-)
13:57.18CCFL_Man2i'm going to put it in my sun netra T1 200
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13:58.16CCFL_Man2[TK]D-Fender: it has an "*" right on the card, you think it's real?
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13:59.13CCFL_Man2not a counterfiet
13:59.21[TK]D-FenderCCFL_Man2: Couldn't say
13:59.53CCFL_Man2there any real way to tell?
14:00.11*** join/#asterisk mort_gib (
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14:00.50mort_gibI need a Snom phone to report busy when in a call
14:00.54ManxPowerI think I have a bug in my script 8-) " has not logged in since 1969/12/31 (38 years, 3 months ago)"
14:01.40CCFL_Man2it looks different from the T100P in the digium datasheet, but who knows
14:01.41mort_gibI have tried to use the incominglimit in sip.conf and although it forces the phone to accept only  one call
14:01.59CCFL_Man2ManxPower: ahh, the good old days
14:02.00mort_gibIt also makes the handset report unavail rather than busy
14:02.08[TK]D-Fendermort_gib: "core show application chanisavail"
14:02.30ManxPowerCCFL_Man2: I hate programming
14:02.33rupaI have a Linksys 3201.  My incoming pstn line does not have callerid.  It (the linksys) seems to wait up to 3 rings before it sends a ring message to asterisk.  Any thoughts?
14:02.44CCFL_Man2ManxPower: so do i :P
14:02.51boblutzC programming is fun but mad difficult for a rookie such as myself
14:03.03ManxPowerrupa: My thought is that you have to look at the Linksys docs, this has nothig to do with Asterisk
14:03.13CCFL_Man2most of my vintage phone parts come today
14:03.35CCFL_Man2i can almost finish restoring this candle stick
14:03.57[TK]D-Fenderrupa: And lok for any kind of answer delay in your setup of it, or references to apssing CID on to *
14:04.26rupa[TK]D-Fender, ok, going through the config screen
14:07.37*** join/#asterisk waKKu (n=eurulo@unaffiliated/wakku)
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14:11.36*** join/#asterisk asteriskmonkey (n=asterisk@
14:11.52asteriskmonkeyis there anyway to set a sip phone to have a european ring when dialing out?
14:14.20mort_gib[TK]D-Fender: How do you make it return busy rather than unavail??
14:15.19*** join/#asterisk Lsodi (n=Lsodi@
14:15.30jbot[~pastebin] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
14:15.44mort_gibI have a blind girl I need to cater for, she will have to redirect calls to the voicemail when she leases, and take it off in the morning.
14:16.14mort_gibI wanted to use the dnd button, but I need to be able to see if the extension is busy or unavailable
14:16.51[TK]D-Fendermort_gib: you use chanisavail to see if the phone is in-sue and you don't have to limit the phone itself.  The phone doesn't return ANYTHING.
14:17.11[TK]D-Fenderasteriskmonkey: Tell the phone what indication to use
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14:18.14mort_gib[TK]D-Fender: Still I need to see the difference between in use and dnd
14:18.17[TK]D-Fendermort_gib: Oh, DND.... NO way to detect that unless the phone allows you to change its response somehow
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14:18.56mort_gibI don't need to, I need to let the phone redirect to say 7100, which would be the voicemail for reception, on dnd
14:19.25mort_gibI can use dialstatus to see if the phone is on dnd
14:19.39[TK]D-Fendermort_gib: I don't see how...
14:20.06mort_gibIf I can detect busy, I can fallover to the rest of the reception staff (4)
14:20.26mort_gibBut allow DND to forward ALL incoming calls to Voicemail
14:21.30mort_gibI know this is not perfect, but the point is to make it easy for a disabled person.
14:21.50ManxPowermort_gib: you say you need the phone to do this, but you are asking about Asterisk.
14:21.56*** join/#asterisk ThatKidKel (
14:22.07ManxPowerAsterisk can't control how the phone handles specific situations.
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14:23.13anonymouz666damn, sometimes rtptimeout just doesn't work.
14:23.25mort_gibWell ideally I do it all on Asterisk... I CAN accept to have to do SOME of it on the Phone though.
14:23.52ManxPowermort_gib: How exactly do you plan on doing DND in Asterisk?
14:24.12ManxPowerYou, of course, won't be able to use the DND button on the phone, if you do DND in Asterisk.
14:24.18*** part/#asterisk frawd (n=francois@
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14:24.51ThatKidKelIs this possible?  I have a AGI script that returns to me between 1 and x number of carriers as variables CARR0, CARR1, CARR2, CARRx..  In my dialplan I have a While that begins with set(i=1) and ends with set(i=$[${i} + 1]) .. i'd like to reference my CARR variables based on the value of ${i}..  I try Set(CARRIER=${LCR_CARR}${i}) but it sets ${CARRIER} to the value of ${i}..  and not the true value of ${CARR1}...
14:24.52ManxPowermort_gib: The answer to most of your questions is "Look in the Polycom Admin Guide"
14:25.28mort_gibWell, I don't using ${DIALSTATUS} is fine, but it does not diffrenciate between busy and unavail
14:25.40ManxPowerThatKidKel: The only reason would be if ${LCR_CARR} is empty
14:25.42mort_gib-And I don't use Polycom
14:25.56ManxPowermort_gib: Well then CHECK THE DOCS FOR YOUR PHONE.
14:26.26mort_gibBut I need to see the difference in Asterisk, not on the phone
14:27.00ManxPowerIf the phone did something different you would see it in HANGUPCAUSE or DIALSTATUS
14:27.10ManxPowerI give up.
14:27.24*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
14:27.26tzangermort_gib: give yourself a test...
14:27.35tzangerexten => _X.,1,Dial(SIP/foo,,g)
14:27.38mort_gibWhich is exactly my problem, DIALSTATUS returns unavail regardless
14:28.00tzangerexten _X.,n,NoOp(Dialstatus is "${DIALSTATUS}", Hangup Cause is "${HANGUPCAUSE}")
14:28.18tzangerthen play with it until you figure out why the phone is not responding correctly.
14:28.22tzangersip debug would help you as well
14:28.37ManxPowertzanger: He wants DIALSTATUS/HANGUPCAUSE to be different depending on if the phone is set for DND or not.
14:29.00tzangerManxPower: well, as you said, the phone needs to give different results.  sip debug will prove either you or him wrong.
14:29.00ManxPowertzanger: AND he's using incoming-limit
14:29.08tzangeryou can't both be right, and my money's on you
14:29.20ManxPowertzanger: Yeah, but he doesn't want to listen to me.
14:29.29tzangersounds like an all-aorund shitty situation
14:30.02ManxPowertzanger: I think it's more like the psych patient that thinks that if he flaps his arms fast enough he will fly.
14:30.27*** join/#asterisk quigon (n=matias@
14:30.33mort_gibYes, and thank you for such a compelling comparison...
14:30.56tzangermort_gib: turn on sip debugging for the phone and see if there is a difference between dnd and not
14:31.04tzangermort_gib: that's the only way to see for sure
14:31.13mort_gibWill do, just strange...
14:31.14ManxPowerAnd when the doctor tells him he can't fly without a machine the patient ignores the answer because he doesn't like the answer
14:31.19tzangerif there *IS* a difference, there is a very high probability that Asterisk can be made to respond differently
14:32.08mort_gibI'm quite confident that there is some way to work it out... If not I just have to do the divert in another way...
14:32.41ThatKidKelHey ManxPower..  Take a look at
14:32.48mort_gibThe one button solution would just be very comfortable...
14:33.48mort_gibAnd thank you for your time ManxPower, I remember now clearly what having paid support is like: -Sob, sob it those guys over there not me
14:33.49drmessanoI show BUSY for both Asterisk-set DND and phone-set DND
14:34.02drmessanotook me all of 10 seconds to test
14:34.20mort_gibWell, I'm not in my clients office now...
14:34.39tzangermort_gib: for sure, the one-button is best, but you need to see what exactly the phone is returning
14:34.49drmessanoWell, thats all the more reason to argue an hour on IRC about something "Im not on site to test it"
14:36.04mort_gibAnyway, thanks tzanger, and yes of course I need to know what the phone responds, but I just thought that Asterisk would be able to tell id the extension was in use
14:36.19filea normally configured Polycom returns 486 "Busy Here"
14:36.21tzangermort_gib: it can do that
14:36.23fileif DND is on.
14:36.34tzangermort_gib: asterisk can do that, I have used it as well
14:36.49tzangermort_gib: but your particular phone I have not used
14:37.04tzangerasterisk 'hint' extensions can tell the phone state, I've used that as well
14:37.14tzangeryour phone may be infomring asterisk in a way that it does not know about yet
14:37.44mort_gibI can't restrict the phone to one line, this works though
14:38.01mort_gibIf I do so, they can do the attended transfer they so like
14:38.22mort_gibI'll go to my clients now...
14:38.50ManxPowerThatKidKel: What is that pastebin supposed to help me with?
14:39.09ThatKidKelyou said that it was probably nothing in the variable..  and there is..
14:39.26ThatKidKelmy question is, how when i'm in that loop can i increment the number at the end of the variable i want to reference..
14:39.37ThatKidKeli want to start with LCR_CARR0, then LCR_CARR1, then LCR_CARR2
14:40.02ThatKidKelapparently ${LCR_CARR}${i} wont' do it..
14:40.34ManxPowerThatKidKel: no, that is a complex AGI  that I would charge to support.  What we need is the minimum code required to reproduce the issue.
14:41.04*** join/#asterisk SteveTotaro (
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14:41.33ThatKidKelthe AGI is fine..  I just need Asterisk's dialplan to cycle through the variables based on the current value of ${i}
14:42.24*** join/#asterisk af_ (
14:42.49LsodiHi, for a week I have tryed to figure out why cisco cme cant send dtmf to asterisk through sip trunk,  debug shows that it even wont try to use rtp-nte, instead it tryes sip-notify... log and conf can be found here: any idea or have someone encountered such kind of behivor from cisco cme?
14:43.18ManxPowerThatKidKel: I shall write you an example
14:43.35ThatKidKelIf ${i} = 2 , then i want: #
14:43.35ThatKidKelexten => _NXXNXXXXXX,n,Set(CARRIER=${LCR_CARR}${i}) to actually be #
14:43.35ThatKidKelexten => _NXXNXXXXXX,n,Set(CARRIER=${LCR_CARR2})
14:47.09ManxPowerThatKidKel: Patience, grasshopper.  I shall write you an example
14:47.54[TK]D-FenderThatKidKel: "core show function EVAL"
14:48.50Kattyi need a title for my business card. help.
14:48.58*** join/#asterisk af_ (
14:49.08ThatKidKela title for a business card?!
14:49.25rupachief grasshoppers
14:50.02drmessanoKatty: How about "Veterinarian"
14:50.09Kattyi can't give shots.
14:50.15Kattyi was thinking something with /server/
14:50.59coppiceyou mean, like "waitress"
14:51.31drmessanoCAN HAZ CHEEZSERVER?
14:52.50*** join/#asterisk x86 (n=x86@p3m/member/x86)
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14:56.01ThatKidKeli foudn it
14:56.44ThatKidKelthanks [TK]D-Fender..  i needed the eval and putting the ${i} on the inside
14:57.24ThatKidKelthanks Manx
14:57.50ManxPowerYou're welcome.  I write dialplans for people for free all the time.
14:58.58ThatKidKelmaybe you shoudl make a business out of it
14:59.16*** join/#asterisk jpeeler (n=jpeeler@
14:59.44ManxPowerThatKidKel: nobody is willing to pay.
14:59.46*** join/#asterisk Cresl1n (n=matt@
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15:00.01ManxPowerI've gotten about $200 send to my paypal account for this tuff over the past 4 years
15:00.08ManxPowertuff = stuff
15:00.44ThatKidKelhrmm..  maybe you wanna review your marketing..
15:00.57jbotrumour has it, manxpower is Consulting for Asterisk, Polycom, Sangoma, Digium, Cisco, LAN, WAN, QoS, T-1, PRI, Frame Relay, Linux, and network design.  Based near Birmingham, AL.  Now accepting clients worldwide.
15:01.20drmessano..or you could do the opposite and whore yourself out after every reply, like I have seen others do..
15:01.30drmessanoThat's my #2 pet peeve
15:01.42ManxPowerMy paypal address is
15:02.04drmessano"hey, no probs.. if you don't mind, drop by my website.. post on my forum, send me some paypal, comment on my blog"
15:02.30rupaPut it at the top/bottom of your pastebin
15:05.48drmessanoI have my limits when it comes to free help.. and if I get to the point I am helping someone to where someone else would rightfully charge REAL money to do so, i'll tell them "you know, you really need to pay someone to do this if you're not gonna do it yourself"
15:06.44*** join/#asterisk xenonex (n=xenonex@
15:07.17drmessanoIt's not so much "I should make money if I am gonna help you", it's "You're asking me to help you do something you can't/won't do yourself so you don't have to pay someone else real money to do it"
15:07.21drmessanoand to me, theres a line
15:07.38*** part/#asterisk matrix1233 (n=Administ@
15:08.05ManxPowerTo me the difference is between "Here's your answer" (free) and "I'm going to spend 30 mins trying to figure out the SIP debug you gave me" (not free)
15:09.06drmessanoYep.. and "Does this look right for an extension" and "can you create the rest of my extensions for me?"
15:11.40coppice"My friend has a problem with his extension. Do you think some guy on the internet diagnose his problem, or should he see a doctor?"
15:12.36drmessanoI guess I have gotten so cynical because I have ALWAYS been one to help anyone out.. but when it becomes "Do it for me because I am lazy and cheap", you really start to have enough
15:12.40rupanow to figure out if I can get SLA + callwaiting to work through a linksys ta
15:12.59boblutzOMG can I ask a ????
15:13.36boblutzsorry, im a smartass by nature
15:13.37drmessanoboblutz: You are banned from asking questions, for 2 releases
15:13.44drmessanoSee you at 2.0
15:13.45coppice"You must be wrong, because I followed the instructions on voipinfo.,org, which were last updated when the US president had a functional brain"
15:13.47*** join/#asterisk jtknapp (
15:14.27boblutzWell, seeing how I didnt know what Asterisk was a couple of months ago, you cant blame a newb
15:14.38boblutzYou google Asterisk, and voip-info always shows up
15:15.12drmessanoIf someone asks you to SSH into their box
15:15.19drmessanoAsk them if pastebin is broken
15:15.25drmessano"Ok" is never the correct answer
15:15.37coppicewikis like voipinfo should date stamp everything. in most cases you have no idea how out of date the info is
15:15.56drmessano"New for 1.2"
15:18.23coppicei get suspicious about how up to date things are when they use "ye" regularly
15:19.09drmessanoThou shalt not use thyne canreinvite
15:22.10Kattyhugs Nugget
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15:23.56Kattyhmmhesays: baroo?
15:24.08hmmhesaysGood morning
15:24.14Kattygood morning (=
15:25.05*** join/#asterisk af_ (
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15:30.43Kattyhugs russellb
15:30.48russellbthanks :)
15:30.50russellbhow are you?
15:31.00drmessanohugs russellb
15:32.10russellbstares at DrAk0
15:32.18russellbDrAk0: owned by tab completion, sorry.
15:32.22russellbI blame drmessano
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15:38.10drmessanoEveryone blames me
15:38.19drmessanoThat's old and busted
15:38.25drmessano"WOW" me
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15:44.03Kattyrussellb: i'm good. waiting for nails to dry.
15:44.21drmessanoYou hanging drywall?
15:44.37Kattyi don't wanna get dirty.
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15:47.32madduckif, from a softphone on the inside of my home gateway, i call a sip address which resolves to asterisk on the gateway's public IP, and I go via a proxy server out there, then the INVITEs come in to asterisk with To:<sip:$PROXY_DNS_NAME>;tag=....
15:47.41madduckis their proxy broken? or am i doing something wrong?
15:47.52Kattythe duck.
15:48.03madduckis trying to test receiving SIP calls on the gateway
15:48.05*** join/#asterisk jameswf-home (
15:48.09Kattyjameswf-home: GET OUT
15:48.31jameswf-homewasn't aware I was in ?
15:48.55Kattyjameswf: mew?
15:49.03Kattyjameswf: i say that to everyone. don't take it personally.
15:49.52ManxPowercatturrets 8-)
15:50.43Kattycatturrets does not parse.
15:50.46Kattyjbot: catturrets?
15:52.54drmessano  <--- for you, my feline friend
15:53.05*** join/#asterisk RockHound (n=rockhoun@
15:53.34ShotygunFlatFoot: Anybody can recommend on a good SIP Signaling & Media gateway that supports full SRTP/TLS?
15:53.42Shotygunhrm, lame script.
15:53.45ShotygunFlatFoot: Anybody can recommend on a good SIP Signaling & Media gateway that supports full SRTP/TLS?
15:53.53*** join/#asterisk ChkDigit (
15:53.54jameswfdrmessano: did you get
15:53.56ShotygunSorry, FlatFoot == "OOT:"
15:54.05*** part/#asterisk scoates (n=sean@
15:54.25RockHoundgood day ... in running the risk of making a fool out of myself, but is there an easy way how to copy one compile configuration from an older release to the newest sources? basically like copying linux kernel .config file?
15:54.46boblutzRockHound: makefile.makeopts
15:55.07jbotextra, extra, read all about it, cattourettes is a condition where people randomly make cat noises
15:55.15ManxPowermuch better
15:57.25RockHoundboblutz: that is what I was looking for
15:57.50RockHoundcalled makeopts
15:57.53*** join/#asterisk mort_gib (
15:58.46ManxPowerRockHound: as long as you are moving between the same major version (1.2.5 -> 1.2.18 or 1.4.6 -> 1.4.18)
15:58.56*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (n=arodgers@
15:59.23ManxPowermakeopts is a 1.4 specific thing, I believe
15:59.23RockHoundthx everyone
15:59.24*** part/#asterisk RockHound (n=rockhoun@
15:59.45*** join/#asterisk Yourname`` (n=chatzill@unaffiliated/yourname/x-837320)
16:00.09Yourname``Hi. Is there a way I can record CDRs when sip peers make calls to a particular number?
16:00.55ManxPowerYourname``: that is the default
16:01.00*** join/#asterisk javar (n=javar@
16:01.20ManxPowersee /var/log/asterisk/cdr-csv
16:01.22*** join/#asterisk galeras (n=galeras@
16:02.16ManxPowerWhat are you doing to prevent this from happening?
16:02.25Yourname``enable logging = off
16:02.44Yourname``What I mean is, I want CDRs to be saved only if I call say, 4192292299.
16:02.46ManxPowerYourname``: in cdr.conf?
16:02.53Yourname``Yes, cdr.conf
16:04.16ManxPowerYourname``: that does not look like a valid cdr.conf option, but that might be 1.4 specific
16:04.32*** part/#asterisk galeras (n=galeras@
16:04.39Yourname``ManxPower: Sorry, enabled=no
16:04.41ManxPowerYourname``: I suggest you turn CDRs back on, for every call except for a call to  4192292299 run NoCDR before anything else.
16:05.07Yourname``I don't get it, I want CDRs only for that number though.
16:05.33ManxPowerYourname``: if you have CDRs enabled, it will by default generate a CDR for every call.
16:05.50ManxPowerI gave you my suggestion.
16:06.10*** join/#asterisk qdk (n=qdk@
16:06.22Yourname``I know, but I'm asking if there is a way to get CDRs generated for a specific number, and not generated for everything else.
16:06.43ManxPowerYourname``: And I already said the only way I can think of to do that.
16:06.44boblutzYourname``: Nothing stops you from running AGI to do your bidding
16:07.28Nugget <-- heh
16:07.46Yourname``ManxPower: If I enable CDRs, and set NoCDR for that number, how am I going to get CDR info for that number?
16:08.45keith4Yourname``: using AGI
16:08.53boblutzNugget: Is that real?
16:09.03ManxPowerYourname``: No, you set NoCDR for ALL OTHER NUMBERS
16:09.14ManxPowerThe only number you do not set it for is the one you want to log.
16:09.43Yourname``Now, THAT, makes sense.
16:09.53Yourname``keith4: No AGI experience
16:09.56ManxPowerManxPower: Yourname``: I suggest you turn CDRs back on, for every call except for a call to  4192292299 run NoCDR before anything else.
16:10.08ManxPowernotice the ,
16:10.25Yourname``I apologize, ManxPower. I read it too fast.
16:10.26*** join/#asterisk w9sh (
16:10.28keith4Yourname``: what do you mean? you can write an AGI program in any language. surely you know perl or something
16:10.38Yourname``keith4: NOpe.
16:11.13ManxPowerkeith4: Chances are he's not a system admin
16:11.19keith4hell, there's even a nice perl language to do most of the work for you
16:11.30keith4ManxPower: yah, apparently.
16:12.33Yourname``Not a sysadmin.
16:13.00ManxPowerYourname``: if you want to keep working with Asterisk you will learn some programming
16:13.18Yourname``I had some knowledge long ago, lol
16:13.24ManxPower(perl or PHP would be best in my IMNSHO)
16:14.25*** join/#asterisk drehlecom (i=ircbnc@2001:6f8:1153:2:208:c7ff:feac:d1fb)
16:16.12*** part/#asterisk twitchnln ( needs to fix their forecasts.  The forcasted high for my area is 68F, but the hour-by-hour forecast says it will get up to 58F
16:17.32drmessanoAccuweather is worse
16:17.52drmessanoThey all overinflate the forecast now to bring in more hits
16:18.37*** join/#asterisk dcmwai (n=dcmwai@
16:19.27*** join/#asterisk R-MAN (
16:19.31R-MANyo yo
16:19.48boblutzR-MAN: yo sup dawgg?
16:20.01R-MANnot much my man sup with chew?
16:20.05Nugget  <-- hardcore weather
16:20.12boblutznuthin...jus chillin wit sum IRC peepz
16:20.24R-MANyeah im jammin to
16:20.47russellbbreak dances
16:20.47R-MANat the same time im about to kick the S***T out of my voip provider lol
16:21.36R-MANany of you peeps good at working out why I cant make outgoing calls through my provider sipgate?
16:21.56Yourname``If only people could really go and beat the shit out of providers, sigh
16:27.52*** part/#asterisk boblutz (
16:28.15*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
16:28.16R-MANwhat does this mean
16:28.36R-MANconfigure an extension in your dialplan with the same number
16:28.48R-MANsame number from my provider I got that bit
16:29.25QwellR-MAN: freepbx?
16:29.41R-MANdare I say yes
16:29.46jbot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
16:29.48Qwellyou daren't
16:29.58R-MANI know I know sorry im just jammin with the guys
16:30.10Qwellgives R-MAN a cowbell
16:30.15R-MANsince its a bit quiet I thought I would make conversation lol
16:30.17Qwelljam with that
16:30.42Yourname``cdr.c:831 ast_cdr_init: CDR already initialized on '**Unknown**' -> Why does this keep happening if cdr are not enabled?
16:30.52outtoluncwonders if that just qualified as cow tippin
16:31.03Jumpiehow the hell am i supposed to load other packages on a server tottaly dedicated to asterisk
16:31.04Yourname``More cowbell.
16:31.07Jumpiewith a wierd linux instlal?
16:31.26R-MANso ive got to ask...sup with the freepbx.trixbox guys I get the feeling Asterisk people got a love hate relationship
16:31.36*** join/#asterisk drmessano (
16:31.56QwellR-MAN: read what he bot said
16:34.12*** part/#asterisk FlatFoot (n=bigflatf@
16:34.22bkruseR-MAN: Call it what you want :]
16:36.36[TK]D-Fenderbkruse: I prefer the term "hate-hate" relationship :)
16:37.16*** join/#asterisk troubled (n=troubled@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/troubled)
16:38.13bkruse[TK]D-Fender: That would be accurate :P
16:43.16*** part/#asterisk annielou (
16:48.36*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
16:49.15*** join/#asterisk Netgeeks (
16:51.08*** join/#asterisk ccesario (
16:52.00rupaIs it possible to background the SayDigits() command?  If I'm reading off (say) the callerid I want the user to be able to press a key to break out of SayDigits()
16:52.23*** join/#asterisk hohum (n=dcorbe@
16:53.07*** join/#asterisk xenonex (n=xenonex@
16:54.21*** join/#asterisk DuRaZNo (
16:54.29*** part/#asterisk DuRaZNo (
16:56.19[TK]D-Fenderrupa: No, and from the look of it, I don't think SayDigits should be a dialplan applicationa t all, but rather a function.
16:57.03Jumpiehmm if im still waiting for my ip phone and ptsn card, i can still use asterisk to just do 'in house' calling to extensions on phones based on soft phones right? just to test out?
16:57.06Jumpiewhats a good softphone package
16:57.26mkillebrewhe said good
16:57.37Qwell[TK]D-Fender: what, like Background(${DIGITS(1234)}) ?
16:57.45mkillebrewok yea, x-lite
16:57.47Jumpiegreat, thanks
16:57.51rupaHrrrm.. ok, I'll add a way for the user to record a name and I can play that in the background.  Waiting for callerid to say the # would be an incentive to actually record a name rather than relying on the #
16:58.10*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki (
16:58.14[TK]D-FenderQwell: not a bad idea
16:58.47[TK]D-FenderQwell: it would return a composite string like "digits/1&hundred&and&one", etfc
16:59.15*** join/#asterisk talntid (n=swarm@
16:59.15[TK]D-FenderQwell: Several apps could be removed using this style of thinking
16:59.29Qwelland there should be no "and" between hundred, one.. :p
16:59.40drmessanoand and and
16:59.42Qwell"and" is reserved for decimals
16:59.51rupathat would be sweet
16:59.54[TK]D-FenderQwell: for 101 dollars?
17:00.05[TK]D-FenderQwell: On Hundred and One <-
17:00.17QwellOne hundred, one dollars, and eleven cents.
17:00.29Qwellworked for a bank for 5 years. :p
17:00.29drmessanoThats cool
17:00.44[TK]D-FenderQwell: Ok, I've always heard the "and"
17:00.51Qwellyes, MANY people say it incorrectly
17:01.00[TK]D-FenderQwell: Suppose that could be a regional thing.
17:01.01Qwellbut, working at a bank, you WILL get corrected - every time.
17:01.11drmessanoWhere we you last week when I needed to know what an audio credit was
17:01.23Qwellanyhow, sorry, that was a random interjection
17:01.26Jumpiehey qwell
17:01.35[TK]D-FenderQwell: then again, that would be "American" English, so I'm sure we could entrench ourselves quite far on the idea of "correct" ;)
17:01.49[TK]D-FenderQwell: But yeah, you go my point earlier
17:02.03Jumpieany idea why i can only set numbers in caller id in asterisknow? :)
17:02.12drmessano[TK]D-Fender: You're missing the #1 rule of banking.  "You're wrong"
17:02.28[TK]D-FenderJumpie: Because its a dumb GUI.
17:02.33Kattyso stuffed.
17:02.33*** join/#asterisk dogmeat (n=Bob@unaffiliated/dogmeat)
17:02.35Kattycan't... move...
17:02.43[TK]D-FenderJumpie: Don't like it, you've got the source.... get busy...
17:02.50Qwellha, en_GB does use and
17:02.52drmessanoKatty: Keep your personal life in PM's please
17:03.05Qwell[TK]D-Fender: ^^
17:03.14Kattydrmessano: it's not nice to be rude.
17:03.22Kattydrmessano: and i don't have time for mean people.
17:03.32mkillebrewpokes Katty in the eye
17:03.35drmessanoKatty: I'm not being rude.. but bragging about getting stuffed.. That's TMI
17:03.50Jumpiei think it depends on what kinda stuffed you mean tho DrAk0
17:03.52drmessanoThere's children in here
17:04.02Kattydrmessano: you, sir, are redonkulous.
17:04.43[TK]D-FenderQwell: So, think someone would take up the task of converting SayDigits to "${DIGITS()}"?  would apply to "SayNumber" and other similar apps.
17:04.46x86heh i used to use that word all the time
17:05.14Qwell[TK]D-Fender: I wouldn't say convert.  SayDigits et al are quite useful on their own
17:05.20drmessanoIt took me a few weeks of knowing Australians online to figure out what "Get Stuffed" meant
17:05.36drmessanoShockingly, I was told that quite often
17:06.01[TK]D-FenderQwell: But completely replaceable by "Background(${SAYNUMBER(12345)})
17:06.12Qwell[TK]D-Fender: sure
17:06.30mkillebrewdrmessano: eh?
17:06.31drmessanoFair dinkum
17:06.43Jumpie[TK]D-Fender so i can edit/change the configs?
17:06.48Jumpiedo i have all the tools to recompile?
17:06.52drmessanoBloody oath
17:07.04[TK]D-FenderQwell: this way adds flexibility, while making the most mundane application of it only slightly longer for those who would use it that way.
17:07.21rupawould also be nice if the FollowMe app would have an option (like Background) to not answer the channel
17:07.24[TK]D-FenderJumpie: So you can edit the SOURCE CODE that limits what you can put in.
17:07.30madduck"Found no matching peer or user for ''" - how do I configure asterisk to accept calls from third parties?
17:07.51[TK]D-FenderJumpie: I'm not psychic you know... do yoU?
17:07.56Jumpiei wanted to be sure if i had all those tools
17:07.58drmessanoAussie, aussie, aussie
17:08.14rupadamn, brb, bluetooth is farked on this pc
17:08.14[TK]D-FenderJumpie: If you don't even know what you've got, then what you've got is a problem...
17:08.21Jumpieno im just not a coder
17:08.24Jumpiei can hack it
17:08.30Jumpiei just wanted to be sure i had all i needed on the install
17:08.34drmessanoYou're a hacker?
17:08.40Jumpiei meant 'i can deal on my own'
17:08.45Jumpiebut ya i did security stuff too
17:08.46[TK]D-FenderJumpie: Then feel free to post a request/bounty for someone to change it to work the way you want it to.
17:09.04drmessanoMoney changes everything
17:09.25[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Only motivations :)
17:10.15drmessano"We've already established that, now we're negotiating price" <--- Punchline to one of the best jokes ever
17:11.03[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Yup.. I know the one :)
17:11.23[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Tends induce dry-cleaning bills ;)
17:11.54CCFL_Man2everybody loves money
17:12.43CCFL_Man2dammit the hell where are those mib files
17:13.39*** join/#asterisk Bourrelle (n=Bourrell@
17:13.44grandpapadot"Damn it to Hell"
17:14.07BourrelleHello, im receiving an ICMP Destination Port Unrecheable
17:14.16BourrelleIm sending an invite to asterisk with the right port
17:14.18*** join/#asterisk rupa (
17:14.22Bourrellebut asterisk tries to send it to port : 1
17:14.38Bourrelleive read on the internet that it might be a firewall problem
17:14.53BourrelleI don't think so... any have encounter this before ?
17:14.58*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki (
17:16.08madduckare there any open SIP proxies out there which I can use? I have * on the gateway and obviously, if I call it, the call never goes out to the Internet and back, so I want to go via a proxy
17:16.17madduckis testing/learning/debugging
17:16.19*** join/#asterisk fupjack (
17:16.52CCFL_Man2yay, they sent me the mib file
17:18.15*** join/#asterisk javar (n=javar@
17:18.20ManxPowermadduck: Asterisk acts as a proxy
17:19.15ManxPowerIt is more of a B2BUA, but you can put the address of the Asterisk server in as the proxy address in your SIP client.
17:19.16madduckyeah, but i need one out there...
17:19.45ManxPowermadduck: sounds like you need to fix your NAT problem, not use a proxy as it will do no good whatsoever until you fix your NAT problem anyway
17:20.07ManxPowermadduck: sign up for FWD and use their proxy
17:20.10*** part/#asterisk R-MAN (
17:20.15ManxPowerbut using a proxy almost never fixes anything
17:21.05ManxPowermadduck: and oddly you are the only person ever to be running Asterisk on a NAT gateway and need to use a proxy -- you are special
17:21.40ManxPowerI'll bet you did something silly like setting bindaddr= or something like that.
17:21.43*** join/#asterisk esaym (
17:22.15ManxPowerdon't use bindaddr=, set canreinvite=no and things should work a bit better.
17:22.36ManxPowermadduck: come to think of it, you should be able to use any provider as a proxy
17:23.31ManxPowerBourrelle: the only reason you would get ICMP port unreachable is 1) nothing listening on the port 2) port is blocked by a firewall or 3) you screwed something up.
17:24.17ManxPowertzafrir: that works if Asterisk is running on the NAT machine?
17:24.34tzafrirprobably not
17:24.47ManxPowertzafrir: as far as I can tell that's madduck's situation
17:24.55ManxPowermadduck: are there any open SIP proxies out there which I can use? I have * on the gateway and obviously, if I call it, the call never goes out to the Internet and back, so I want to go via a proxy
17:25.11ManxPoweras you can see above.
17:25.38ManxPowerlooks like madduck is not really looking for help anyway as he's not trying to help troubleshoot his own issue.
17:25.47tzafrirShotygun, depends on your definition of popularity
17:25.56madduckManxPower: ?
17:26.14ManxPowermadduck: ?
17:26.19ShotygunCrowded is incorrect actually
17:26.23Shotygunbut.. common.. that's the right one
17:26.30madduckManxPower: i am looking for help but i was debugging...
17:26.38ManxPowermadduck: do one or the other.
17:26.41ManxPowerWe do this for free.
17:26.41madduckManxPower: i run * on the gateway, yes.
17:26.55madduckManxPower: sorry... I didn't think IRC was *that* real-time. :)
17:26.58ManxPowermadduck: look at the issues I've been talking about.
17:27.07madducki did and i was about to answer...
17:27.23madducki don't *need* a proxy
17:27.27madducknor do i want one
17:27.32ManxPowermadduck: If you and the helper are AFK all the time nothing is going to get done.
17:27.37madduckbut i want a way in which I can call my * from the outside
17:27.55madduckif i call it from the inside, then it just loopbacks
17:27.57ManxPowermadduck: Um, sign up for a provider
17:28.04ManxPowermadduck: if you call WHAT from the inside??
17:28.21asteriskmonkeyMy asterisk 1.4 install seems to stop reloading configs after a while
17:28.24madduckManxPower: my gateway's public IP - or well, a SIP address that resolves to that.
17:28.28asteriskmonkeyanyone seen this behavious before?
17:28.39ManxPowerbad: I can't call it.  good: I get a 302 redirect in the CLI when I try to call 5551212 from my polycom sip phone
17:28.40bkruseasteriskmonkey: If the config file is unchanged, it will not reload it
17:29.08ManxPowermadduck: I assume you want random people on the internet to be able to do a guest SIP call to your server directly?
17:29.16madduckManxPower: yes.
17:29.25madduckManxPower: and i want to test and debug it
17:29.26asteriskmonkeybkruse: but it is changed other command no longer work either ie. show channels
17:29.27ManxPowermadduck: Um, OK, so what is the problem?
17:29.38madduckManxPower: well, how would you do it?
17:29.40*** join/#asterisk shido6 (n=shido6@
17:29.43bkruseasteriskmonkey: that is not normal
17:29.44ManxPowerwhat HAPPENS when you tell your SIP phone to dial
17:29.50madduckif i just call from the inside, even to the public IP, then it never leaves the machine
17:29.53ManxPowerwell, your sip phone that is outside your network
17:30.05madducki don't have a SIP phone outside the network, that's my problem
17:30.11ManxPowerdon't expect to be able to call your public IP from inside
17:30.13*** join/#asterisk [T]ank (n=ckwall@
17:30.27madducki can call from the inside just fine, but as I said, that's because of Linux loopback
17:30.36madduckbut that's not a realistic testing scenario
17:30.42drmessanoHave you had someone call you?
17:30.50ManxPowermadduck: so you want to set up something that is pretty complex but don't have any kind of environment to do real world testing?
17:30.59madduckdrmessano: i don't want to have to ask others all the time while i am learning.
17:31.00ManxPowermadduck: define "loopback"
17:31.32madduckManxPower: it never even see the external network interface card on the gateway because the routing engine determines that it'll be delivered to the gateway anyway.
17:31.34[T]ankso i have a server with a digium TE410P that has been working well for a few years now. I recently took the pris out of it and went to an ip connection to another one of my servers with pris in it. I recently noticed that i have trouble with dtmf oun outbound calls now. Could this be related to removing the pris?
17:31.36ManxPowerloopback =, loopback = calling same phone on same server as you are calling from, loopback=type of T-1/E-1 cable
17:31.47ManxPowermadduck: routing engine?
17:31.55ManxPoweryou are using all these terms that mean nothing to us.
17:32.05madduckManxPower: loopback: when you ping your own public IP
17:32.14ManxPowermadduck: no, that is called pinging an IP.
17:32.15madduckon linux at least, that doesn't go via OSI or the driver, that goes via loopback
17:32.23drmessanomadduck: You have no real way of testing outside without something OUTSIDE calling you
17:32.31madduckManxPower: i appreciate your trying to help me and all, but please don't assume I am an idiot.
17:32.38drmessanoSo ask someone for a test, and if it works, dont fuck it up
17:32.40madduckdrmessano: which is why i want to go via a proxy.
17:32.41ManxPowermadduck: stop acting like one.
17:32.57madduckManxPower: thanks, i'll see if someone else can help.
17:33.02ManxPowermadduck: best of luck.
17:33.10tzafrir[T]ank, hmm... nothing connected to the card? so it does not get timing?
17:33.22[T]ankyeah... thats what I was wondering... would that cause my issue?
17:33.38drmessanomadduck: You're arguing on the internet instead of testing.. You're losing karma by the minute here
17:33.43[TK]D-Fendertzafrir :Thats a nifty little script.  How is it that it pulls only to "local" subnets for the localnet clause?  I suck at bash/sed
17:33.48*** join/#asterisk qdk (
17:33.48ManxPower[T]ank: Usually you just stop getting audio if you load the card driver, but don't configure it
17:33.59*** join/#asterisk razu__ (n=razu@
17:34.10[T]ankwell.. the card is configured... it is just missing the pri connections...
17:34.11madduckis it a wrong assumption of me that going via a proxy will make my call appear to original from that proxy?
17:34.13*** join/#asterisk ZPertee (
17:34.14[TK]D-Fendertzafrir : I have 2 interfaces on my home server that could apply, yet it pulls only the internal one, not my WAN.
17:34.27grandpapadotmadduck: Yes, go get a account and test away.
17:34.29[T]ankeverything is in red alarm on zap show stats
17:34.38drmessanomadduck: Get over this whole proxy thing.. Just get someone to test with you
17:34.47tzafrir[TK]D-Fender, I opted for the very simple case. Your case will require something smarter...
17:34.54drmessanoIf you want real world, use real world
17:34.54madduckdrmessano: that's hardly helpful. really...
17:35.12[TK]D-Fendertzafrir : What I don't get is the fact it ONLY pulls my internal one.
17:35.16drmessanoWell, google is your friend.. go find a proxy.. Good luck
17:35.22[TK]D-Fendertzafrir thats what I don't get....
17:35.25ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I assume you have no bindaddrs
17:35.35tzafrirhappens to be the first, I guess
17:35.41[TK]D-FenderManxPower: I'm just talking about se + ifconfig
17:35.42tzafrir(or the last?)
17:35.49madduckgrandpapadot: okay, so allows you to make test calls? do they provide the SIP debug output if needed?
17:35.53ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: SELinux, I assume?
17:36.01[TK]D-FendertzafrirYes, it is the first... I don't see it limiting to just the first however
17:36.08[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Nope.
17:36.12grandpapadotmadduck: You'll pay per minute.
17:36.15ManxPowerservice engineer?
17:36.43coppicethis engineers likes servicing :-)
17:36.53*** join/#asterisk tobias (
17:38.35*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
17:41.11ManxPowerdrmessano: I suspect madduck either has a dialplan problem or a network routing problem, but he's arguing rather than trying to fix it.
17:41.26*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=angeldav@
17:41.49ManxPowerdrmessano: we agree on something -- maybe today I should buy a lottery ticket 8-)
17:42.31drmessanoThat's pet peeve #3, I think
17:42.54madduckManxPower: dude, maybe you could stop discouraging others from trying to help? I have neither a dialplan problem nor a routing problem. I know exactly what I am trying to do
17:43.09drmessanoNot being near the box and arguing, not planning to test and arguing
17:43.11madducknow, unless you can actually answer my question, please just put me on /ignore
17:43.12drmessano"No it's not"
17:43.15ManxPowerNot being in an enviroment where you can test what you need to test is my main one.
17:43.16drmessano"yes it is"
17:43.18drmessano"No it's not"
17:43.34ManxPowermadduck: you are welcome to put me on /ignore
17:43.56ManxPowermadduck: I said "no you do not need a proxy".  That was your question, that was my answer.
17:44.08madduckno, my question was "is it a wrong assumption of me that going via a proxy will make my call appear to originate from that proxy?"
17:44.11*** join/#asterisk russellb (n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla)
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17:44.14madducki never asked whether i needed a proxy
17:44.14drmessanomadduck: You don't need to worry about someone discouraging anyone from helping you.. if you're not willing to help yourself or follow advice in here, people pick up on that..
17:44.27ManxPowerdrmessano: maybe [TK]D-Fender can help him 8-)
17:44.40drmessanoYes. [TK]D-Fender can help you
17:44.52madduckhe has been helpful in the past, yes. unlike you two monkeys.
17:44.55drmessanoPM him, he loves that
17:45.08ManxPowerdrmessano: what madduck doesn't realize is that asterisk will throw a fit if he tries to hairpin calls.
17:45.33madducksorry to everyone else in the channel for this.
17:45.40*** join/#asterisk kamanashisroy (n=kamanash@
17:45.42ManxPowerwell, MAY, rather than WILL
17:46.06drmessanoI'm not sure how signing up with an ITSP and having it send calls to his box is going to show him one bit of what an unauthenticated guest call is going to do
17:46.12drmessanoBut.. you know
17:46.16[T]ankmadduck: thanks for your appology... I am leaning towards the side of ManxPower
17:46.30grandpapadotlol wow
17:46.30ManxPowerdrmessano: can't force them to do the right thing.
17:46.54madduckwtf? i am used to #debian-* channels, but this is nowhere near...
17:47.18[T]ankyeah, this is not debian.
17:47.19drmessanomadduck: So how was your 16th birthday party?
17:47.24madduckapparently only those people without a clue and no will to even try to understand are the ones speaking.
17:47.58russellbmadduck: the people in here are a bit harsh sometimes, I apologize.
17:48.00ManxPower[T]ank: try asking if you a using a proxy will help you access a web page on your public IP and I suspect you will get a similar response.
17:48.04Kobazmadduck: that's usually the case
17:48.15drmessanoManxPower: .. and even after being told the golden secret to getting help in #asterisk, he's still whining like a 12 yr old
17:48.22madduckso is there anyone who can actually answer my question? is it a wrong assumption of me that going via a proxy will make my call appear to originate from that proxy?
17:48.31grandpapadotThe answer to your question is yes, if you use an external proxy to call your SIP server, it will work the way you're describing.
17:48.39[TK]D-Fendergrabs some popcorn and sits back to watch the show...
17:48.42ManxPowerrussellb would be a good one to ask, as he is a Digium developer.
17:48.44Qwellmadduck: depends on the proxy and your setup
17:49.02ManxPowerjust don't /msg him.
17:49.05*** join/#asterisk KaiK (
17:49.10[T]ankManxPower: yep... I probably would. I don't understand why someone would put so much effort into fighting this and doing so much work around to simulate a much easier test.
17:49.14drmessanoI have his home phone number, if you like
17:49.27russellbdrmessano: stalker
17:49.48drmessanorussellb: OMG, you said my nickname
17:50.01ManxPower[T]ank: To be fair, loading up a softphone an a SEPARATE internet connection not exactly easy when you don't have one handy
17:50.17russellbdrmessano: drmessano drmessano drmessano drmessano drmessano
17:50.34drmessanotakes multiple screenshots
17:50.46[T]ankManxPower: that is fair. I think it is more the effort put into this argument that amuses me
17:50.46Qwelldrmessano: type /clear, it's awesome
17:50.53ManxPower[T]ank: Unfortunately that's the only way I can think of for him to properly test it.
17:51.05drmessanoSo is Ctrl-Alt-Shift-F4
17:51.21denonbut I only have 10 fingers!
17:51.29ManxPower[T]ank: why anyone would want to accept guest calls is beyond me, but many people what that.
17:51.30drmessanodenon: eBay
17:51.54madduckManxPower: i could do some tunneling magic, but i figure a proxy is all i need, which has now been confirmed by one other person.
17:52.01drmessanoManxPower: It's possible someone with no friends would pray for guest calls
17:52.05[T]ankoff to lunch... bye all
17:52.07*** part/#asterisk [T]ank (n=ckwall@
17:52.12madduckManxPower: now if you don't understand why that works, then you really ought to keep your mouth shut more frequently.
17:52.20drmessanoManxPower: Wishful thinking, perhaps
17:52.40drmessanoWhat a mad, mad duck
17:52.43ManxPowerdrmessano: I blame the "use voip and get free calls" crap everyone spews.
17:53.17drmessanoManxPower: As I said the other night.. give out your SIP URI to 1000 people, get -3 calls back
17:53.52[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Well... the call is free... up to the ITSP.  Now convincing them to accept it and then actually terminate it ... well thats another matter :)
17:54.12drmessanoGreat idea..  and I do make some SIP calls... to other elitist asterisk-loving nerds like myself
17:54.28ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I was referring to a non-ITSP situation. is actually accepting SIP calls
17:54.57drmessanoAs of late
17:54.58madduckdrmessano: you'll have to agree that it's more comfortable to test a setup and experiment with it when you don't have to keep asking others for a ring.
17:55.02drmessanoBut that's.. rare appears to require a US phone number.
17:55.23drmessanoGo read more
17:55.27grandpapadotYea, les will accept anonymous calls to his customers accounts
17:55.34Kattywonders if drmessano is turning into [TK]D-Fender
17:55.35madduckdrmessano: i called them up even.
17:55.38ManxPowerdrmessano: I'm not a fan of VoiceOverIPOverInternet anyway
17:55.54drmessanomadduck: THEY are MY ITSP, so FAIL
17:56.32madduckyou own the company, work for them or just pay them?
17:56.36drmessanoI use them
17:56.39drmessanoI know how they work
17:56.44drmessanoYou obviously do not
17:56.52Kattythink drmessano shoudl just simmer down a bit.
17:57.03BourrelleAnyone experimented with symmetrical RTP session ?
17:57.20drmessanomadduck: I suggest you go to another net, make a friend.. don't piss them off for a week, get them to help you test your system
17:57.32Kattydrmessano: if you're so convinced it will work, give madduck your contact person.
17:57.37madduckdrmessano: you are possibly the biggest idiot i've met on IRC in a long time.
17:57.52grandpapadotmadduck: dude, you're not far behind, stop casting stones ...
17:57.53drmessanoHe doesn't need a contact person.. he can go to the website and see what an ITSP is
17:58.03*** join/#asterisk bsaxon (n=bsaxon@
17:58.03drmessanoThey don't "require a US phone number"
17:58.05ManxPowerdrmessano: I suggest he hire a consultant 8-)
17:58.29madduckgrandpapadot: true.
17:58.34drmessanoYou can go to their site and see what they offer
17:58.58jjshoeirc and pissing matches <3
17:59.10drmessanomadduck: I am a far bigger idiot than you will ever be.. but I happen to be right about this.
17:59.17Jumpiehaha jjshoe
17:59.27jjshoeJumpie :)
17:59.48drmessanomadduck: Open up Netscape Navigator, go to, and read
17:59.49Jumpiei've havent seen a 'whos a bigger idiot' match in awhile
18:00.08jjshoeJumpie you must not be on a lot of channels :D
18:00.11*** join/#asterisk mort_gib (
18:00.14Jumpieim mainly on efnet
18:00.26jjshoeJumpie me too, and that's where it all starts :P
18:00.32Jumpiei suppose lol
18:00.46Jumpiei havent hung out in #teenzone and stuff in o0ver a decade tho :P
18:00.47drmessanoMy only fault is that I am willing to sink to their level.. it helps get some frustations out..
18:00.54Jumpiedrmessano yea
18:00.58Jumpiesometimes its easy to get sucked in
18:01.26drmessano <--- Says it all
18:01.37ManxPowerdrmessano: especially when you know you are right
18:02.06jjshoeManxPower the whole problem is both idiots think they are right.
18:02.29drmessanojjshoe: Don't you work for Fonality?
18:03.06drmessanoThe defense rests
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18:03.31jjshoeof course since irc is life it's worth arguing to the bone :P
18:03.35Jumpiei work for telco :P
18:04.02jjshoei work for $
18:04.09ManxPowerjjshoe: Usually the one with more experience with Asterisk is right.  That would include most Digium devs, Qwell, russelb, [TK]D-Fender, me, and others I don't recall at the moment.
18:04.14Jumpiejjshoe but that could mean your a stripper
18:04.19Kobaz$ works for me
18:04.31Kobazmuch more efficient that way
18:05.10jjshoeJuggie I'll strip for money, sure.
18:05.24ManxPowerUsually I just wish people that don't listen "the best of luck" and leave it at that
18:05.25grandpapadothrm.. they usually pay me to keep my clothes on
18:05.35jjshoeKobaz hrm, really? I earn more a year working then I do on investments, but I would love for that to change!
18:05.50mort_gibLike hell you do ManxPower
18:05.59Kobazjjshoe: make more investments :P
18:06.00jjshoeManxPower I don't want to get involved in your scuffle, just stand, point, laugh ;)
18:06.05ManxPowermort_gib: I DO try.
18:06.19jjshoeKobaz seen the arc on chipotle stock? wish I would have invested in them three years ago
18:06.19Jumpiei wish i had invested in gold in 1999
18:06.20Jumpielike i almost did
18:06.24madduckManxPower: see, the thing is that I am actually trying to understand * and so even though there may be more logical things to do in my situation, like a second IP, or a friend that calls me, I also really want to know why going via a proxy would or would not work.
18:06.33Kobazjjshoe: nope
18:06.39madduckbecause if it isn't a proxy it shouldn't be called that.
18:06.47madduckand if it is a proxy, then what I am trying to do should just work
18:06.50drmessanoI'd rather be a stripper than work for Fonality, IMHO
18:06.58madduckand I should look elsewhere for the problem.
18:08.01Jumpiei married a stripper
18:08.02Jumpieturned out nasty
18:08.07ManxPowermadduck: best of luck
18:08.12jjshoeJumpie herpes nasty?
18:08.18drmessanoJumpie: That was my experience with trixbox
18:08.20Kobazjjshoe: guy i know had invested his life savings in intel in like. 1970, he made out pretty well
18:08.26drmessanoJumpie: So, I can relate
18:08.35Jumpiejjshoe no more like
18:08.42Jumpiei went to iraq and she was a whore with my whole unit
18:08.44Jumpiekinda nasty...
18:08.56jjshoeJumpie supporting the troops :)
18:09.03jjshoeone rifle at a time..
18:09.08drmessanoYoou do have to appreciate the irony
18:09.11Jumpieglad it happened tho
18:09.15Jumpieim much happier and smtarter now
18:09.42drmessanoSomeone who takes their clothes off for money asking you to trust them around potential clients
18:09.46ZPerteewhats this mean  see it when I try to dial out
18:11.08coppiceKobaz: I bet he was nervous in the early 80s :-)
18:12.09ManxPowerZPertee: Not sure, but it looks like it is when Asterisk is accepting a call, not making a call.
18:12.36ManxPowerZPertee: what phone are you using?
18:14.31ManxPowerwell back to working in the yard.
18:15.14Kobazcoppice: heh, it's nerve racking with any investment, but yeah, i think he made something like 2 million.... mmm
18:15.27*** join/#asterisk dacs (n=haiger@unaffiliated/dacs)
18:15.27Kobazso it just goes to show, don't bail early on your investments
18:15.45jjshoeKobaz 2 mill isn't a lot so to speak, enough to live off the interest, but still...
18:16.19Kobaz1 million, at 5% interest a year, is 50k in interest
18:16.35coppicejjshoe: but not a bad return when your initial investment is only 1.9M :-)
18:17.08jjshoecoppice hahahah
18:17.15jjshoeKobaz -taxes = 25k a year
18:17.31Kobazyou pay almost that with income taxes anyway
18:17.43Kobazso your 50k salary is also blotted out
18:17.55jjshoeKobaz indeed, but I wouldn't want to survive on 50k net
18:18.11ZPerteeManxPower, it is a linksys ata spa8000
18:18.25Kobazdepends on your lifestyle
18:18.31jjshoeKobaz indeed.
18:19.21jjshoehookers and blow adds up ;)
18:19.28Kobazit does
18:19.41x86heh where I live, 50k (gross) is enough for my wife to stay at home, make double house payments every month, eat healthy, pay all of our bills, and still have money left over to go out
18:20.15x86including new car payment, insurance, etc too
18:21.14jjshoex86 the sticks? :P
18:22.09Jumpieum wow
18:22.15Jumpiewher do you live oklahoma
18:22.21jjshoeI spend too much money eating out and drinking alcohol, that I know. If I cooked at home and didn't drink I would have quite a bit more, but still, it would be nice to rake in way more then needed :)
18:22.40jjshoemoney can't buy happyness, but I'll sure try!
18:23.05Jumpiei make 130k cumulatively
18:23.06Jumpieand its still rough
18:23.14jjshoegross or net?
18:23.27jjshoewhat metropolitan area are you in? :P
18:23.31jjshoeahh, washington dc?
18:23.37Kobazjjshoe: heh
18:23.53jjshoeJumpie what's a house in a non ghetto cost out there?
18:24.07Jumpiei mean i pay ok
18:24.12Jumpieincludes utilities, condo
18:24.23Jumpiei also had ALOT of bad debt earli
18:24.25Kobazjjshoe: get the tom stanly book the millionaire mind... look up income statement affluent
18:24.38Jumpieso i make ok money but its payin old stuff pre dievorce
18:25.16jjshoeJumpie that's not too bad, how many sq ft?
18:25.26jjshoeKobaz ?
18:25.27x86Jumpie, jjshoe: Peoria, IL -- world headquarters of fortune 500 company Caterpillar
18:25.31Jumpiehheh hmm not exactly sure
18:25.40Jumpie3 bedrooms, good living room, 2 bath, breakfast nook
18:25.43Jumpieprobably like 1500 iksh
18:25.53Jumpieah ok
18:25.55Jumpiei used to live in belleville
18:26.21Kobazjjshoe: yeap
18:27.07Kobazit's a good read for working on making more than you do now
18:27.26jjshoeKobaz the intro looks cool
18:27.54jjshoex86 I take it that's who you work for ;) I lived in Batavia, IL for a long time.
18:28.10Kobazjjshoe: i got the audiobook, it worked out nice listening back and fourth to work
18:29.00jjshoehrm cool, have a flight middle of this week, might try to get a hold of it pre-flight
18:29.12Kobaz"live well below your means" is a theme throughout
18:29.23jjshoeKobaz of course.
18:30.16x86wow... my house payment is like $275/mo (before insurance and tax escrow), and I pay at LEAST double, most of the time even triple, house payments every month
18:30.28jjshoex86 how many years is your mortgage?
18:30.31*** join/#asterisk SteveTotaro (
18:30.36x86jjshoe: nope, I'm the director of IT for a medium-sized publishing company
18:30.44Jumpiehehe im not owning ahome for awhile
18:31.03x86jjshoe: I wanted a 15 year.... since I was a first-time homeowner, they screwed me into a 30 year
18:31.15jjshoethe housing market in la is starting to crap out, but it's still up there in the really nice places
18:31.30x86it'll be paid off in about 8 years at the rate I'm going though ;)
18:31.33Kobazmy favorite quote "we the lenders own it all"
18:31.39jjshoex86 ahh well, getting a 30 year and paying more is better then even a 5 year and paying the exact amount
18:31.51*** join/#asterisk SteveTotaro (
18:31.59x86jjshoe: for sure :)
18:32.04x86jjshoe: less interest :)
18:32.37Kobaztotally... paying tripple the price over 30 years is perfect
18:32.40jjshoewell as far as your credit score goes even
18:32.57jjshoeKobaz you don't pay triple the price when you pay off a 30 year in 10 years
18:33.06jjshoeunless you signed a retarded mortgage saying no early pay off
18:33.08Kobazooooh, i misread it
18:33.34Kobazi thought you meant getting a 30 year and sticking with paying more for the 30 years
18:33.45jjshoeit's also arguably better in emergency situations, a smaller house payment won't drain your emergency fund so quickly.
18:33.53jjshoeKobaz F no :P
18:34.03jjshoeI'd never take 30 years to pay for a house.
18:34.24Kobazmy parents did, and i learned early that it's not a good idea
18:34.26x86if you take 30 years to pay off your 30 year mortgage, you're living beyond your means
18:34.41jjshoeI like the invention of the interest only loan
18:34.47jjshoebankers know how to feed off of stupid people
18:35.05*** join/#asterisk s0lid (n=s0lid@
18:35.16Kobazif interest only loan doesn't ring alarm bells right off the bat, that person is screwed anyway
18:35.29jjshoetoo true
18:35.40*** join/#asterisk Olobola (
18:35.53Kobazjust like a landlord i had, that got nigerian scammed
18:36.09*** join/#asterisk ThoMe (n=tm@
18:36.25ThoMehello, is it normal:
18:36.30ThoMeDisconnected from Asterisk server
18:36.38Kobazeverything is normal, we are all normal
18:36.43ThoMeKobaz: :-)
18:36.49ThoMeKobaz: please look:
18:37.10Kobazthat looks bad
18:37.18Kobazis asterisk still running after that?
18:37.27ThoMeshuting down
18:37.41ThoMeolymp:/etc/asterisk# tail -n 1 /var/log/asterisk/messages
18:37.41ThoMe[Mar 31 20:30:34] WARNING[8395] channel.c: No path to translate from CAPI/ISDN1#02/01633568286-0(0) to SIP/82-081e7018(2048)
18:37.44*** join/#asterisk bkruse (n=bkruse@
18:37.44*** mode/#asterisk [+o bkruse] by ChanServ
18:37.48Kobazwhat versions of everything?
18:37.53ThoMenow erros.
18:38.07ThoMeii  asterisk                                Open Source Private Branch Exchange (PBX)
18:38.12ThoMeii  asterisk-chan-capi               1.0.2-1                         Common ISDN API 2.0 implementation for Aster
18:38.27Kobazlooks like the idsn side of things may be crashing
18:38.49ThoMeits gay :-(
18:39.13Kobazi would downgrade asterisk and test
18:39.25ThoMedowngrade? its the first installation.
18:39.29ThoMedebian package.
18:39.35Kobazand check out the change logs for capi modifications
18:39.41KobazThoMe: compile from source
18:39.45ThoMeKobaz: mhh
18:39.49ThoMeKobaz: ok.
18:40.24ThoMeolymp:/# dpkg --purge asterisk asterisk-chan-capi asterisk-config asterisk-prompt-de asterisk-sounds-main && rm -rf /var/log/asterisk/ && rm -rf /etc/asterisk/
18:40.41Kobazyou didn't want your configs?
18:40.50ThoMecopy before ;)
18:41.06Kobazyeah get the tarball and start playing
18:41.20ThoMewhich version is stable?
18:41.22Kobazdoes capi use zaptel? i'm not familiar with it
18:41.23ThoMeor good?
18:41.29ThoMehmm. i dont know
18:41.33ThoMei have only use misdn
18:41.39Kobazwe've been using 1.4.14 for a while
18:41.50ThoMeis it ok ? ?
18:41.51Kobazwe only move on once we've been testing for a long time
18:42.11ThoMe yeah?
18:42.14lmadsenKobaz: thank god someone tests before upgrading
18:42.23Kobazbut try different versions of asterisk, that's an easy way to attempt to elimitate sources of problems
18:42.32lmadsenso many people I see lately seem to use their production machines for test beds because they won't setup a sandbox
18:42.33Kobazlmadsen: hah
18:43.02ManxPowerlmadsen: isn't that what Digium wants?
18:43.03ThoMeso. ok. downloading
18:43.05Kobazlmadsen: i would prefer not to find out code has to be rewritten due to depricated functions on a prodution box, so yeah, we wait
18:43.08ThoMei must now to cook
18:43.13lmadsenManxPower: no idea
18:43.23ManxPowerKobaz: you would find out that info in upgrade.txt
18:43.44Kobazwell yeah that too but, i meant like
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18:43.53Kobaznot blindly just throwing in a new version
18:44.02*** join/#asterisk ThatKidKel (
18:44.39KobazThoMe: if multiple asterisk versions still crash, then perhaps it's the isdn driver
18:45.13KobazThoMe: if .14 doesn't bomb out, then you've found a regression
18:45.17ThatKidKelwould anyone know why a system that's timezone is GMT, and asterisk has been configured to output cdrs in GMT would have an that is GMT-5
18:45.41ThatKidKel.. is outputing cdr's GMT-5
18:46.42ThatKidKellet me add a bit to this..  cdr/Master.csv is correct..  but my cdr-custom/Master.csv is incorrect
18:46.43iamhrhwould anyone know how to maintain the callerid of the original incoming call through a transfer? I'm using poly ip650's, and whenever i try transfering it seems like I lose all that information :-/
18:48.20ManxPoweriamhrh: the answers you seek are in the output of "show application dial"  Pay special attention to the "o" option.
18:48.48iamhrhty very much, seems like no matter how much i read those options i can't keep them all straight!
18:49.03ManxPoweryou would only need that on SUPERVISED transfers, blind transfers should do that by default, IIRC
18:57.10drmessanoAnyone know if there's a law involved in leaving 911 working on deactivated cell phones?
18:57.19jeri don't suppose anyone in here has ever set up sipx in sip.conf to connect to asterisk, or could gently push me in the right direction? (believe it or not, it is seemingly a difficult thing to google for)
18:57.40denondrmessano: yes, they all do .. but remember, the analog network is going away soon
18:57.49denonor has it already? dont recall
18:57.53drmessanoThe analog network is gone
18:58.05denonyeah, ok, so no 911 needs to work on those phones ;)
18:58.26drmessanoThat was only for analog?
18:58.31denonno ..
18:58.38drmessanoI read that as a double negative
18:58.40denonIm just saying, if you have some old POS analog phone, and you expect 911 to work
18:58.41denonit wont :)
18:58.56drmessanoBut it is indeed a law?
18:59.01drmessanoSo an expectation
18:59.08denon99% sure it's law in the domestic US, yes
18:59.15denonI can't cite the code offhand ..
18:59.18drmessanoI am 99% sure too.. just needed that 1%
18:59.38*** join/#asterisk s34n (
18:59.38denonI'd stake your life on it ..
18:59.42denonI'm that confident
19:00.07drmessanoMy wife just got a new phone, and her old phone is sitting here.. I am gonna put another BT dongle on the * box here and let it sit there for 911
19:00.18s34nSome kind soul has packaged up asterisk in the fedora repos
19:00.44s34nBut the zaptel packages don't seem to include ztdummy
19:01.09denondrmessano: well, that's easy to verify ..
19:01.13Kobazdrmessano: it would be nifty to hook up to asterisk via bluetooth so you can set a pattern for 911 to just use that phone
19:01.55denondrmessano: remember though, that your cell phone record won't report exact address ..
19:02.01jerdrmessano, i know for 100% certainty it's required in Canada
19:02.04denonyou might want to call 911 and see if they can update it to be a fixed location
19:02.09jerand Canada always seems to be behind the USA in these matters
19:02.48denonthat page doesn't really say ..
19:02.51denonwas looking there a second ago
19:03.10jjshoeBasic 911 rules require wireless service providers to:
19:03.10jjshoetransmit all 911 calls to a Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP), regardless of whether the caller subscribes to the provider’s service or not.
19:03.50drmessanoKobaz: Thats what I am doing
19:03.54Kobazdrmessano: ooo
19:04.39drmessanoIf I can at least make a 911 call, then thats better than the nothing I already have
19:04.40jjshoedenon while it doesn't quote an exact fcc bylaw or some bullshit, that's enough to be %100 to me :)
19:04.58drmessanoDialing non emergency is great, but the Queue at the local PSAP is AWFUL
19:05.08Yourname``What was that CLI filtering command?>
19:05.23BourrelleOn the RTP session objet, when calling the addDestination() fonction, should I give Remote_RTP_PORT or REMOTE_RTCP_Port wich is +1 ?
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19:05.47Jumpieusb wireless sucksballs
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19:06.37jjshoeis chan_bluetooth any good?
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19:07.14drmessanoIt works well
19:07.15s34ndoes anybody know anything about the fedora packaging of *?
19:07.16bkruseand yes
19:07.33jjshoehrm I'll have to give it a go at some point.
19:07.42tzafrirs34n, not me, but try a more specific question
19:08.24s34ndoes anybody know whether the zaptel packaging in the main fedora repo should include ztdummy?
19:08.45tzafrirs34n, the zaptel packaging includes *only* the userspace utilities
19:09.13s34ntzafrir: where are the kernel modules?
19:09.30tzafrirNot really sure what they expect of the users to do
19:10.47tzafrirwell, at least the Fedora Asterisk packages do include Asterisk modules...
19:12.08s34ntzafrir: so the kernel modules aren't packaged?
19:12.39tzafrirRight. But I'm not really familiar with it
19:20.23*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
19:22.27[TK]D-Fenders34n: AFAIK Zaptel modules have to be compiled to your specific kernel.  If your kernel changes, then so do your Zaptel modules.  I wouldn't think that you could package them in that case unless you were running in a controlled environment where you could expect to enforce version matching.
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19:26.24[T]ankanyone interested in buying a 4 port t1 card?
19:26.38[T]ankbarely used. switched to ip and dont have use for it anymore.
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19:28.09gutz|workdoes anyone know if the big regarding the out of sync voices with mix-monitor  has been fixed in 1.4.19-rc4?
19:29.25[TK]D-Fendergutz|work: go read the changelog.
19:29.55gutz|workim having a hard time finding it
19:30.02[T]anki know it works in out of curiosity, why are you using 1.4.19-rc4? are you using it on a production server?
19:30.51gutz|worki was using 1.4.18 and the voices in mixmonitor were out of sync
19:31.01[T]ankprobably not a bug then.
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19:32.05gutz|worki was told in here it was a bug... which makes sense because there is no manual way of adjusting timing ousing mixmonitor
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19:39.27jbot[drmessano] the leading cause of censorship in #asterisk, maybe a Doctor, not really a mess um a no..... The Doctor is accepting new patients, <drmessano> I am not a OB/GYN but I'll have a look anyway
19:39.31[T]anki record hundreds of calls in 1.4.18 and have had no issue at all
19:39.47drmessanoMight be a goblin
19:40.11gutz|worka gremlin?
19:40.15drmessanouser error > goblin > bug > feature
19:40.40gutz|workwell, im trying to understand what would cause these symptoms
19:40.52jbotrumour has it, troll is a race on some muds; a guy under a bridge: an annoying robot; a port scanner, or somebody faking being clueless to be shown the One Linux Way so he can argue against it for his psychology thesis on linux advocates, or an employee of trolltech, or at or
19:41.38gutz|work:-/ nothing
19:41.47jbotjameswf loves unsolicited technical support, or
19:42.04jbotmethinks bug is n: A son of a glitch. An error in design or programming in hardware or software. Effects range from cosmetic errors to system crash and loss of data. See also Feature.
19:42.15jbotfrom memory, feature is A feature is something that a piece of hardware or software is designed to do. Many things that appear to be bugs are actually features. Often, a hardware or software developer will have to make a tradeoff in functionality that causes some undesirable effects. If they are aware of this and accept it, it is not a bug, but a feature.
19:42.20*** join/#asterisk angom (
19:42.27jbotit has been said that user is currently detached. Talk to this user upon their return. You will now be ignored. [HackFactor Elite 2.0], or a synonym for moron
19:42.39jbotwell, jbot is a hack!, or known to have only said one useful thing. a tool, or dating the fembots, or  [TK]D-Fender's b*tch, or suck, or a pain in the ass
19:43.29[T]ankanyhow... if anyone is interested, i have a fairly new sangoma a104d i am looking to unload. anyone interested?
19:43.40gutz|workwell, my question then is to ask what could cause mixmonitor to become out of sync?
19:43.44[TK]D-Fender[T]ank: 5$
19:44.18[T]ankits nearly new, asking around $1200
19:44.20outtoluncbids $5.53
19:45.19outtoluncgoing once...
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19:45.49jameswf.25 cents
19:46.15*** part/#asterisk BrokenArrow (n=Lp@wikipedia/BrokenArrow)
19:46.21outtolunckicks jameswf off the island
19:46.25jameswfpay .0. cent on the dollar $12.00
19:46.57jameswfthere is an island?? is it pen Island
19:56.03*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
19:57.55jasonwootthoughts on what would be the source of call interference that resembles a sound like a dot matrix printer?  Only when someone is speaking...
19:57.56Jumpiejameswf have you been to pen island before?
20:00.59jameswflol no
20:01.10ManxPowerjasonwoot: using SIPura equipment?
20:01.32jasonwootI am
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20:01.47ManxPowerset the RTP packetsize to .20 instead of the default .30
20:01.58ManxPoweror ms per audio packet, or something like that.
20:02.05ManxPowerI don't recall the exact phrasing
20:02.46jasonwootgotta wait for this conf call to end, but I'll try that immediately
20:03.57ManxPowerjasonwoot: you can check the value while you are on the conference call.
20:04.06ManxPowerIf it's already set to .20 then you have some other issue.
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20:15.07Jumpieok is the question i keep gettin diff answers
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20:15.14Jumpiefor low end, like 20 employees or less
20:15.22Jumpiewanting a voip solution and elminate the ass raping verizon charges for pots/pri
20:15.26Jumpiewhats a good solution?
20:15.32Jumpiethe digium apliance is what i was gearing toward
20:15.43rvhihi, trixbox claimed that they are more stable, anyone has any real life experience?
20:15.57Jumpieim trying to go after all the 'small guys' the big companies dont wanna bother with, or if they do, they  wanna sell them on a $200k cisco call manager thing
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20:16.31drmessanoJumpie.. You're going with VoIP for all the wrong reasons
20:16.52Jumpiegreater flexibility, lower cost, less complicated
20:16.55Jumpiehow is that wrong reasons?
20:17.00Jumpieand "im" going for it to make money for my business
20:17.22Jumpiei want to get more experience before i approach big players with a proposal
20:17.51drmessanoGoing with an ITSP can be a bad move for a business.. you need to make sure you have the bandwidth, QoS, and that you are willing to accept that it's more of a point of failure than a traditional PSTN line
20:18.03drmessanoNot just sticking it to the man
20:18.05Jumpiedrmessano lets say i have the itsp portion in the bag
20:18.08Jumpiethats a non issue
20:18.14Jumpieall im concerne dwith is my ahrdware
20:18.16drmessanoHow so?
20:18.23drmessanoHow is that a non-issue?
20:18.26Jumpiebecause i know a director of ops for a very successful itsp
20:18.30Jumpiethats givin me a hookup
20:18.41Jumpiethe pots gateway portion is all good
20:18.50Jumpiethe itsp and all that is branded as my own
20:18.52Jumpiei invoiced the customer
20:19.01Jumpiei charge what i want on a plan thats flexible unlike most providers
20:19.10Jumpiei just want to get a fairly straightforward hardware package
20:19.15drmessanoGreat.. Fantastic.. Is he gonna QoS your network, guarantee low latency, and provide a backup for your internet connection?
20:19.20drmessanoThe ITSP is not the issue
20:19.24Jumpiei handle what he cant
20:19.41Jumpiehis latency, qos, etc for the actual voice traffic is very good
20:19.53Jumpiei handle the data connection, and thats also taken care of
20:20.07drmessanoI don't care about HIS connection
20:20.11Jumpiejust because im a voip noob doesnt mean im a networking noob man
20:20.25drmessanoYou <---?????????????? ZOMG INTERNET ????????????--> Him is the issue
20:20.32Jumpiei know this
20:20.41drmessanoyet youre ignoring it
20:20.43Jumpieim going with zomg internet for my data
20:20.47Jumpielol jk
20:20.53Jumpietrust not ignoring
20:20.55Jumpieits just not my question
20:21.00Jumpieall im concerned with is the hardware
20:21.03errranyone looking for a good deal on some sangoma a101 cards we are selling ours on craigs list:
20:21.27Jumpiedrmessano i have a data and cabling services company
20:21.45Jumpiei just am tryi nto evaluate diff hardware platforms
20:22.21Jumpiei understand your questoining though, but the other 'peices' are taken care of
20:22.22*** join/#asterisk mastaofdisasta (n=david@
20:22.48drmessanoYou do realize this conversation has been had over 1000 times in here
20:22.54drmessano1. My friend owns an ITSP
20:23.03Jumpiedrmessano this is not a ma and pop thing
20:23.06drmessano2. I am a VoIP newb, but a networking god
20:23.17drmessano2a. I used to work for a telco
20:23.17Jumpiethis is a major itsp that provides somethin that only 2 othe rpeople in the whole country offer
20:23.25Jumpiedrmessano ok so whast the issue then?
20:23.40drmessano3. My network is fine, the ITSP is fine, QoS is not an issue.. I just need a recommendation for a server
20:23.56Jumpiei understand you guys know voip in and out but, things arent always as cut and dry as you may think
20:24.09Jumpiewell, i guess thats me 1 2 3
20:24.15drmessanoA lot of folks would not recommend and ITSP to replace a hardcore PSTN connection
20:24.45Jumpiethats why you have a couple fallback pots lines
20:24.50Jumpieand a reliable data connection
20:24.55Jumpieand your itsp having a reliable connection
20:25.02*** join/#asterisk DagMoller (n=aguirre@unaffiliated/dagmoller)
20:25.09Jumpieof course nothing is 'perfect' and if customers ralize their voice is contingent upon data being up, thats fine
20:25.11drmessano4. I guess you have it all figured out then
20:25.29Jumpieeveyr client's need is different
20:25.36Jumpieal im asking was what was a decent package for hardware
20:25.41Jumpielet me handle the 'other peices'
20:25.42drmessanoHow many lines do you have currently?
20:25.50Jumpieyou are asking me like its one thing, its not
20:25.54Jumpieim tryin to prepare a solution
20:25.59Jumpieone particular customer has 22 pots lines
20:26.03Jumpieis payin for $1400 mo
20:26.09Jumpieplus $200 on a long distance provider
20:26.15Jumpiehis total usage is less than 2000 minutes a month
20:26.27Jumpiehe doesnt even have a pbx
20:26.29Jumpiestraight pots to co
20:26.37drmessanoSo cut back his lines to something sensible for concurrent
20:26.38Jumpiewe spent 10 hours doing cross conneccts and cabling to get it
20:26.50Jumpiedefine cut? as in, less lines? he needs the numbers
20:26.52Jumpieits a law firm
20:27.06[TK]D-FenderJumpie: Partial PRI
20:27.22Jumpieyea thats a possibility
20:27.29drmessano22 lines?
20:27.34Jumpieverizon is, rediculous
20:27.35talntidi have 30,000 LD minutes per month, 24 lines
20:27.38ManxPowerJumpie: the problem is that the hardware varies depending on requirements/limitations
20:27.40talntidpay $1400/mo tiotal
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20:27.44Jumpiethey are losing  money to pots service
20:27.47Jumpiewhich used to be their cash crop
20:27.52Jumpieits all goign to fios/tls
20:27.56talntider, $2400/mo total.
20:27.57Jumpieso they rape customers till ignorant enough to by it
20:28.06drmessanoPut in an asterisk box and a partial PRI
20:28.06ManxPowerfor 22 lines a partial PRI with however many DIDs you need
20:28.07Jumpiei get a good bonded t1, 3 mbit, setup the qos right to handle the voip
20:28.16Jumpieget 2 bakcup pots
20:28.24Jumpiehe pays me 2 cents a minute and whatever i wanna charge
20:28.42drmessanoOh, so you're gonna be a CLEC as well?
20:28.44JumpieManxPower he doesnt have satellite offices
20:28.51ManxPowerOh!  You want to do VoiceOverIpOverGenericInternet?
20:29.11Jumpieyou take more advantage of voip when you have many satellite offices to call i'd think, he doesnt
20:29.23Jumpiethat partial pri, 22 lines, thats only 2 shy of a full
20:29.25ManxPowerJumpie: nothing in my statement should have implied that I thought he had satellite offices.
20:29.32JumpieManxPower no i know
20:29.34Jumpiei was just stating sorry
20:29.49drmessanoNow I see what the issue is
20:30.02ManxPowerJumpie: So get a full PRI, but I suspect you will need FEWER channels, rather than more channels.
20:30.03Jumpiebototm line is he doesnt want to PAY for these pri
20:30.26ManxPowerJumpie: He doesn't want to pay for it?  Best of luck - you are not doing anything close to what I recommend so I can't help you.
20:30.28Jumpieremember, pri you pay for the 'capability to make calls' plus the calls
20:30.45drmessanoDon't you think you need to be a little more familiar with VoIP before you start acting as a CLEC?  Maybe put it through some paces.
20:30.53ManxPowerJumpie: If you have the right carrier local calls are free
20:31.07Jumpieok so a single pri...maybe whats that, $250
20:31.08Jumpiegive or take
20:31.26ManxPowerHeck, on our PRI we get 23 channels and something like 30,000 mins of long distance
20:31.54drmessanoIf you're gonna put in a PBX, you can scrap a TON of those lines
20:31.56Jumpieill have to look into that, my other partner handles the clec stuff
20:32.03drmessanoYou already said the usage was low
20:32.09drmessanoSo you're looking at even MORE savings
20:32.09Jumpiebut i know they need the 22 numbers
20:32.16Jumpiei realize thats not lines
20:32.17drmessanoThat's insane
20:32.24ManxPowerOn a PRI you DO NOT need the same number of channels as you have numbers
20:32.27Jumpiei know
20:32.40ManxPowerWe have 100 numbers on each of our PRIs, even if there's only 8 channels on it.
20:32.56Jumpieclient already said he can deal with 10 channels
20:33.08Jumpie10 concurrent calls is what he could handle
20:33.31drmessanoOk, so thats even more savings, and less reason to go with VoIPOverGenericZOMGTORRENTTHATInternet
20:33.35ManxPowerJumpie: I suggest the number of channels that can handle calls most of the time, then route to a VoIP carrier when you care close to being out of channels.
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20:34.01JumpieManxPower yea..i suppose i had considered that
20:34.13Jumpiei was figuring a good connection, with a close hop to my itsp, very reliable both ends
20:34.15Jumpiehe was cool with it
20:34.19drmessanoYou can phase them into a PBX with far less lines and overhead and they will see HUGE savings
20:34.20Jumpieand he would pay around $250 a month total
20:34.21ManxPowerJumpie: Ot
20:34.23Jumpiefor all costs
20:34.23drmessanoForget the ITSP
20:34.32ManxPowerJumpie: It will be reliable until you NEED it to be reliable.
20:34.48Jumpieso what is this then? lack of faith in my itsp?
20:34.49*** part/#asterisk mastaofdisasta (n=david@
20:35.03drmessanoi explained it twice
20:35.09ManxPowerJumpie: Do you have a direct connection to your ITSP?
20:35.15drmessanoVoIPOverInternet blows
20:35.22drmessanoIt "works"
20:35.28drmessanoIt works*
20:35.31drmessano* see fine print
20:35.34Jumpieno tif you implement it right and know what you're doing
20:35.36ManxPowerJumpie: I have no faith in the internet at all.
20:35.45Jumpieitsp is on same backbone
20:35.50Jumpiei suppose...
20:35.51Jumpieif verizon fails
20:35.53ManxPowerJumpie: that's crap.  90% of internet problems are inter ISP issues.
20:35.53Jumpiein general
20:35.54Jumpiewe're screwed
20:36.06drmessanoJumpie: You're making a bad argument, especially with ManxPower, who knows that sucks
20:36.27ManxPowerJumpie: traceroute to the ITSP, each hop is a point of failure
20:36.33Jumpiei realize that
20:36.55Jumpieagain, i said though its all on same backbone, a backbone im failiar with, and would take a total failure to really mess up
20:37.02Jumpiethats the ONLY reason i considered this
20:37.06Jumpiei even pitched the PRI suggestion
20:37.08Jumpiehe said he didnt want it
20:37.09ManxPowerJumpie: go for it then
20:37.14Jumpiehowever, i can look at it again and see the cost comparison
20:37.26ManxPowerWhen you have an outage, don't come here asking
20:37.32Jumpiedoing data only with voip over internet maybe a good at first, because mayb ehe can SEE if it sucks
20:37.34Jumpieand then upgrade
20:37.55JumpieManxPower im not like....trying to disagree, its just ihave to go within the confines of my clients requirements or requests
20:37.56drmessano5. When it fails, Google for the logs.. This conversation has been assigned ticket number 61043
20:37.59ManxPowerJumpie: Trust me, it will be your fault if it breaks
20:38.05drmessanoPlease save that for reference
20:38.34ManxPowerJumpie: At this point I don't accept stupid clients -- I guess I'm lucky in that way
20:38.41Jumpiei cant be responsible for interhop outages
20:38.45Jumpieand he will also sign such an agreement
20:38.48Jumpietuff shit fo rhim
20:39.25Jumpieif i can get a partial pri for him, can it assign the correct caller id outbound on whatever channel eh's going?
20:39.27Jumpiethats whats so important
20:39.28drmessanoJumpie: Your client expects and trusts you to supply them with a system that meets their requirements, and YOURS.. and it doesn't sound like you're serving them well with the attitude of "Well, thats what he wants"
20:39.57Jumpiehe wants, least possible cost
20:40.02Jumpiebottom line
20:40.11drmessanoFrankly, it sounds to me like you're seeing $$$ with this CLEC thing.. and you want your share of his calls
20:40.24Jumpiedrmessano if i make anything it'll be like 1/10th of a cent
20:40.26Jumpienothin to jump over
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20:40.39JumpieIF i can get him a pri line with free local
20:40.44Jumpiethen yes, i would consider that
20:41.03Jumpiehe's concerned with his caller id showing right number to his clients
20:41.12Jumpieif they have a zillion numbers and 12 channels for example
20:41.15ManxPowerJumpie: many CLECs give you expanded local.  Our CLEC considers any call to Louisiana or Missippi to be "local"
20:41.16drmessano[16:28] <Jumpie> he pays me 2 cents a minute and whatever i wanna charge  <-- O RLY
20:41.28Jumpiedrmessano i was referring to a small fla tmonthly fee
20:41.32Jumpienot mark up the per minute
20:41.33ManxPowerJumpie: if your carrier lets you set the callerid, it's a non-issue
20:41.59JumpieManxPower ok so we go back to initial question
20:42.02Jumpiepartial or full pri
20:42.10ManxPowerJumpie: partial
20:42.17Jumpierioght, im sayin either or
20:42.19Jumpiehardware to take it
20:42.28Jumpieif i have lets say, 12 channels
20:42.37ManxPowerespecially if you can failover to an ITSP if you run out of channels
20:42.37Jumpiei thought the CID was based on the # assigned to that channel or something
20:42.44ManxPowerJumpie: stop thinking analog
20:43.01ManxPowerIn PRI NO CHANNEL has a number assigned to it.
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20:43.32Jumpiehmm, the billing breakdown kinda looks like thats how it is
20:43.36Jumpieconfusing as crap
20:43.45ManxPowerJumpie: you have a bill for a PRI?
20:43.45jjshoeJumpie ignore the billing department, they arn't smart ;)
20:43.50ManxPowerNot T-1, PRI.
20:44.00Jumpieo osmethin
20:44.06ManxPowerA channelized voice T-1 basically acts like a bunch of analog lines
20:44.13Jumpieno..i know
20:44.15Jumpiehe was payin for 3 pri
20:44.19Jumpiewell anothe rcustomer
20:44.21Jumpiebut same concept
20:44.29Jumpiejjshoe heh yeah
20:44.37ManxPowerJumpie: chances are that bill is showing the callerid of the source of the call
20:44.47ManxPowerJumpie: MANY things depend on the CLEC
20:44.52Jumpieok so itsp for when channels are used up, or maybe for LD?
20:44.57Jumpieall others carry pri for local
20:45.02Jumpiethats what you recommend?
20:45.15ManxPowerJumpie: I would say route to ITSP when 80% of your channels are used.
20:45.27ManxPowerregardless of if it's local or not.
20:45.33Jumpiewell..yea of course
20:45.39Jumpiebut im saying, depending on the range of local
20:45.49Jumpiei can setup what to use itsp on specific calls
20:45.55Jumpielike i fim in california, to call east coast
20:46.00*** part/#asterisk mountainm2k (n=mountain@
20:46.06ManxPowerJumpie: you have to ask the customer when making local calls would you rather have the call fail or work and be billed per min
20:46.38jjshoewhich is an obvious question for any serious buisness :P
20:46.38Jumpieso are you saying most clients who make voip calls to other offices
20:46.42Jumpiehave dedicated connections?
20:46.51drmessanoand your failover to the ITSP is going to be OUTBOUND
20:46.51Jumpiei guess i always assumed it was largely done over the internet
20:46.53Jumpieon a reliable pipe
20:47.16Jumpiebut i was thinking like you said 80% channel usage AND interstate LD outbound?
20:47.20jjshoeJumpie reliable piper over the internet? what?
20:47.21ManxPowerJumpie: Not a single one of our interoffice calls go over the Internet, they frequently go over point to point data T-1s, but that is all on the corporate WAN
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20:47.45ManxPowerJumpie: any company of any size does not run interoffice calls over the internet.
20:47.45Jumpiethats initially expensive :D
20:48.11Jumpieyea i know voip is alot more sensitive to issues than other
20:48.12ManxPowerI would have said "most companies" rather than "any company"
20:48.43ManxPowerJumpie: but I've not heard about other offices for this client, in fact, I thought you said there are no other offices for this client
20:49.19Jumpiefor this one...correct
20:49.23ManxPowerJumpie: not expensive, as we already had the lines in place for data
20:49.34Jumpiethe client i know of with 3 offices, does not
20:49.38drmessanoManxPower: Surely if you use IAX, this will all work
20:49.57ManxPower*** drmessano is now on IGNORE List.
20:49.59denonas I understand it, IAX2 works fine with up to 6 hours of jitter
20:50.06JumpieManxPower ok so my concern is the cid then
20:50.16denonanything over 6 hours .. is touch and go
20:50.26ManxPowerJumpie: and the answer to the question is "ask your carrier"
20:50.27drmessanodenon just asterolled me there
20:50.36Jumpiebut how much of it is setup on the ip pbx
20:50.55Jumpiei also want certian inbound numbers to wrong 2 extensions for example
20:50.57Jumpiestuff like that
20:50.59Jumpieer ring
20:51.07jjshoeJumpie ask your carrier if they allow you to set caller-id.
20:51.25jjshoeJumpie making multiple inbound did's ring the same phone is easy as long as they pass the dialed digits.
20:51.34Jumpiei also know there are ways to force a trunk
20:51.46Jumpielike you can setup dialing 7,1, forces sip
20:51.55jjshoeof course.
20:51.56Jumpie9, 1 forces pots, 8, 1 forces pots, then sip if pots used, etc
20:52.09jjshoeasterisk 101
20:52.11Jumpieright back to the beginning an dill shaddup
20:52.20Jumpieif i do the partial pri setup
20:52.21drmessanoIt sounds to me like you could make your client very happy be reevaluating their needs with a partial PRI and installing a PBX for them.. I would leave it there before you get into something less reliable. Make the sale, make them happy..
20:52.32Jumpiewhat do you recommend then?
20:52.34Jumpiefor hardware
20:52.41Jumpiewould the lil digium appliance suffice?
20:52.56ManxPowerJumpie: Last I heard Digium Appliance did not support T-1 or PRI
20:53.02ManxPowerI also heard they were changing it.
20:53.03drmessanoNot sure, I can't testify to the effectiveness of one..
20:53.06Jumpiei thought they did
20:53.10Jumpieok what then do you KNOW does?
20:53.11[hC]They do not currently.
20:53.17ManxPowerJumpie: I can't really say anything about non-Asterisk systems
20:53.18Jumpieis that what the switcxvox platform is about
20:53.35[hC]Switchvox's stuff does support PRI, as does any other asterisk box you build yourself.
20:53.35Jumpienon asterisk? it is asterisk
20:53.38jjshoeJumpie yes, the switchvox is an ip-pbx appliance.
20:53.39ManxPowerJumpie: Digium or Sangoma T-1/E-1 card is what you will NEED
20:54.09denonsangoma? c'mon manx, you may not like the guy, but no need to be cruel ...
20:54.19ManxPowerJumpie: It claims it's Asterisk, but I doubt even one asterisk expert here could tell you how to setup and configure the Digium appliance -- to me that means "it's not asterisk"
20:54.32Jumpieya..i have the asterisknow setup which i beleive it runs
20:54.33ManxPowerdenon: be glad I still include Digium in my recommendations.
20:54.39Jumpiei'd rather get used to what the majority uses
20:54.48lirakisis away (leaving..."the internets" are safe ... for now)
20:54.54rupathe majority HERE uses straight asterisk
20:54.55JumpieManxPower so what do you recommend?
20:54.58Jumpiei see
20:55.00Jumpieso basically
20:55.02Jumpienix box
20:55.05Jumpiesetup with old school version
20:55.07jjshoeJumpie there are many many options, you need to research :)
20:55.13ManxPowerManxPower: Jumpie: Digium or Sangoma T-1/E-1 card is what you will NEED
20:55.15Jumpieshit you know, i had just setup an ubuntu box
20:55.17Jumpiefor this very reason
20:55.20Jumpieand asterisknow overwrote it all
20:55.33ManxPowerJumpie: All the guis do that
20:55.42ManxPowerthe guis want THEIR config files.
20:55.49Jumpiewate of time...
20:55.56Jumpieso , for testing in my house in the meantime
20:56.01Jumpieim gonna put ubuntu back on
20:56.02jjshoeit's a trade off, learn all the config options, or let the guis do it for you *shrug*
20:56.11Jumpiejjshoe i for the former :)
20:56.16Jumpieplus you can customize
20:56.22ManxPowerjjshoe: the other tradeoff is not getting any support for GUIs
20:56.25jjshoeJumpie as long as you can get your company out of a jam in an emergency situation
20:56.35Jumpiejjshoe thi sis why i want to be very familiar with this stuff
20:56.47Jumpiebut i was also hoping on having a simple method to train a non IT guy on how to do simple edits/changes
20:56.52Jumpieif its command line/config stuff, thats outta the question
20:56.52ManxPowerIf the GUIs had decent support why do people keep coming here whining about it?
20:56.58Jumpiethat was the only reason why i was wanting to go gui initially
20:57.05jjshoeManxPower dunno, which guis get whined about?
20:57.13ManxPowerJumpie: use whatever you want
20:57.20Jumpiedoesnt even vanilla asterisk have a simple gui for 'non it employees' to make changes? or no
20:57.23ManxPowerjjshoe: trixbox, amp, freepbs, digium gui
20:57.25Jumpiei myself, i dont care, i can learn it
20:57.37ManxPowerthey all say "nobody is helping on #whateverguichanneltheyareon"
20:57.43jjshoeManxPower see all the major ones get whined about ;) no shock..
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20:57.55jjshoeManxPower everybody wants something for nothing..
20:58.06Jumpieso basically i have to work in a suport contract for any edits
20:58.15Jumpieas long as i can remotely do it :)
20:58.23ManxPowerJumpie: Asterisk is not a PBX, it's a toolkit that lets you design your own PBX
20:58.29drmessanoJumpie: I heard trixbox (tm) is nice.. Maybe someone can code a CLEC module for the GUI
20:58.40ManxPowerJumpie: USE A GUI if you need it, but just don't expect us to help you with it.
20:58.44denonmaybe someone can code a firewall for it..
20:58.50JumpieManxPower no.i understand that non gui is better
20:58.51denonoutbound fw, that is
20:58.58Jumpiei just thought there was a quick changes gui for small fixes
20:59.01Jumpieto supplmement
20:59.04ManxPowerExpect people that support that GUI to help you in the correct channels and correct "forums"
20:59.16Jumpieya #asterisknow has been kinda quiet :)
20:59.34Jumpiei heard trixbox requires centralized management
20:59.38Jumpiewhich i dont want
20:59.41ManxPowerJumpie: I can't REALLY say non-GUI asterisk is better then GUI Asterisk -- just that the SUPPORT is better.
20:59.54denonJumpie: I wouldn't call it management, it just calls home with all your data
21:00.05JumpieManxPower but if it gets to the point i realy learn the configs and want to make customized changes, if i lose that in gui
21:00.07Jumpiethen thats definately a nogo
21:00.14jjshoeJumpie depends on the version of trixbox.
21:00.21Jumpiedenon i was told that all of trixbox connects to a central server
21:00.23ManxPowerJumpie: no, you just have to learn how the gui requires you to do your customization
21:00.27Jumpieand you have to connect to that, cant dirctly manage
21:00.30drmessanoFreePBX is well supported, but you need to REALLY.. REALLY understand what it WILL and WONT do.. There will be some things in the ~book that you won't be able to do.
21:00.48ManxPowertrixbox, for example requires your changes to be in specific file names, not the default file names you would use on a non-gui
21:01.15Jumpiewell i have the book qwell told me to get, asterisk the future of telephony
21:01.18ManxPowerlike extensions_conf_addtional or something like that
21:01.23Jumpiei want whatever i can follow along with in that book
21:01.24ChkDigitWho's documented a filter to make a coworkers voice sound like a chipmunk for April Fools Day?
21:01.32JumpieChkDigit hhe
21:01.35jjshoeChkDigit dear god that would rock.
21:02.00denonI thought we were going to write all the dialplans with s,1,Hangup() for april fools
21:02.13denonor zapteller or whatever it's called
21:02.14JumpieManxPower in your professional opinion
21:02.17Jumpiewhat would you recmmend
21:02.21Jumpieif i have a ubuntu box ready to go
21:02.24ManxPowerdenon: that only works for analog fxo!
21:02.27drmessanoOh god
21:02.27Jumpieat least for 'my testing/hobby' at home to learn
21:02.30drmessanoYou said Ubuntu
21:02.35drmessanoI need some red label
21:02.36Jumpiewhats wrong with ubuntu
21:02.50denonManxPower: zapateller you mean?
21:02.56ManxPowerJumpie: my opinion has nothing whatsoever to do with what Trixbox does and does not require you to do for customization
21:03.04drmessanoI've said enough for today..
21:03.06ManxPowerdenon: exten => s
21:03.09denonManxPower: why wouldn't it work for fxs?
21:03.10denonoh yeah
21:03.21ManxPowerdenon: well if you had immediate=yes, I guess it woulf
21:03.26JumpieManxPower hmm well i just wanna start learning
21:03.34Jumpiei kinda dont know where to start
21:03.44Jumpieeveryone throwing different possibilites at me :)
21:04.01jameswf~ubuntu is <reply> Ubuntu- It is like Debian except it just works...
21:04.02jbotACTION lovingly explains to is <reply> Ubuntu- It is like Debian except it just works... in a way that causes is <reply> Ubuntu- It is like Debian except it just works... to weep with gratitude that is <reply> Ubuntu- It is like Debian except it just works... must read the fine, friendly manual
21:04.13ManxPowerJumpie: Look straight up.  You are looking at the Asterisk learning curve
21:04.29JumpieManxPower i can learn what i have to learn, i just need a starting point
21:04.31Jumpiei dont care how hard it is
21:04.44[hC]i presume someone has already done this
21:04.45jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
21:04.45jameswfthe book is an excelent starting point
21:04.45denonthen open up extensions.conf.sample
21:04.47denonand the wiki
21:04.49jbotYou can buy "Asterisk the Future of Telephony" at so go buy it SERIOUSLY
21:04.49ManxPowerLook straight down, that's where you're going when you die if you use a GUI 8-)
21:04.51denon..or the books, I guess
21:04.56Jumpieim lookin at that book now :D
21:05.00drmessanoRead the BOOK
21:05.03Jumpieim talking about the ACTUAL product to put on the server
21:05.11Jumpiedigium based, trixbox, freepbx, what
21:05.13denoncheck it out of svn then
21:05.16bipolarJumpie: get Trixbox. figure out how it works in the web gui, then learn whats going on behind the interface.
21:05.18drmessanoThen you've not read anything
21:05.34jameswfJumpie: use Gentoo
21:05.35bipolarJumpie: that will help smooth out the learning curve a bit
21:05.36denondont screw with trixbox or other GUIs .. honestly, they just make it harder to get stuff done
21:05.49outtoluncshouldn't #trixbox be doing the pre-sales support also? <G>
21:05.52jbot[~trixbox] trixbox is a full linux distro that includes FreePBX and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox VERY difficult to support, and is not supported in #asterisk. Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & wiki at
21:06.06Jumpieand there you go , more confused
21:06.18drmessanoJumpie: If you learn asterisk, you're making the ACTUAL PRODUCT
21:06.31jjshoeJumpie you should 1) take everyones opinion with a grain of salt while 2) you go research what will work best for you.
21:06.31drmessanoThats like saying "I want to learn apache.. So which apache appliance should I get"
21:06.33Jumpieyes but i need a start, a distro
21:06.35rupawonders how long this conversation will last
21:06.35drmessanoNo, no, no, FAIL
21:06.42jjshoerupa yes.
21:06.45ManxPowerJumpie: I can tell you defiantly what distro to use with Asterisk.
21:06.49denonJumpie: distro doesn't matter .. whatever you like. Lots of us like Debian
21:06.56JumpieManxPower i guess its not ubuntu :)
21:07.06[hC]why dont you just go download the trixbox bootable ISO?
21:07.08jameswfyou should get linux from scratch and build off that... a 15Meg asterisk distro.... then you wil be 1337
21:07.08ManxPowerJumpie: It is whatever distro you are MOST FAMILIAR WITH.
21:07.10bipolarJumpie: If you want a distro you can install and run, look at trixbox
21:07.11[hC]thats going to be your easiest onramp
21:07.13JumpieManxPower which is ubuntu
21:07.22ManxPowerJumpie: then that is what you should use.
21:07.23drmessanoForget Trixbox
21:07.26denonso go with ubuntu
21:07.34bipolarJumpie: it's based on CentOS (Redhat)
21:07.37jameswfubuntu server not desktop
21:07.37denonnow, install SVN
21:07.38ManxPowerJumpie: there is not really significant differences with regards to Asterisk
21:07.39Jumpiebut trixbox means no ubuntu
21:07.43denonsvn checkout asterisl ..
21:07.53drmessanotrixbox means you get a box that phones home and looks like alien vomit
21:07.54denonJumpie: forget trixbox. pretend it doesn't exist
21:07.56jjshoewatches 50 people try to yell over each other
21:08.15Jumpieok, and if ihave my distro im most familiar with
21:08.18Jumpiethen what do i download?
21:08.21rupatosses in a tin can + string
21:08.22jameswfElastix ix cool if you need a premade dealio
21:08.28[hC]you guys are amusing. you're suggesting that someone who asks the question 'what distro do i need' should be doing this from scratch instead of using trixbox?
21:08.29denonJumpie: asterisk source, from SVN
21:08.36[hC]its no wonder this channel is filled with 98% noob.
21:08.46denon[hC]: he wants to learn asterisk .. you won't learn asterisk by downloading trix
21:08.48jameswfDoesnt the book have an installation section lmadsen
21:08.50Jumpiehc well alot of diff experiences and opinions i guess
21:09.06Jumpiei want to be asterisk g0d
21:09.11drmessanoI'm fairly certain this channel is NOT for GUI users.. theres other channels for that
21:09.16bipolarJumpie: You can even start with the Trixbox Vmware image, and use it with Vmware Player.
21:09.20lmadsenjameswf: yep, a whole chapter
21:09.24ManxPowerJumpie: [tk]Fender and Qwell are both Asterisk gods.
21:09.31Jumpieyes...i must aspire to that
21:09.36ManxPowerSome people might say I am as well, but if so I'd be a vengeful one.
21:09.41jameswfsee Jumpie there is a whole install chapter in the book
21:09.43bipolarJumpie: that should help you get your feet wet.
21:10.06jbotSo you just installed Asterisk now what?
21:10.18Jumpiebut if the gui is so strict and impossible to customize then how ma i learning? how is it any different than the asterisk now i have now?
21:10.29denonJumpie: install trixbox, then once you totally understand how tb works, throw that all away, and learn asterisk .. </sarcasm>
21:10.37fileoh denon...
21:10.37Jumpielol yea thats how it seems
21:10.46jameswfguis arent strict if you do it right
21:10.47fileyou are such the silly
21:10.57denonfile, you're such the muffin
21:11.01ManxPowerJumpie: I don't think anyone here meant to imply you can use Trixbox to learn Asterisk
21:11.09drmessanoI thought Asterisk was coded to be a backend for Trixbox?
21:11.10fileI can't argue with that
21:11.18Jumpiewell i'd rather eat the bullet and go right hte first time
21:11.18Nugget./configure --with-muffins
21:11.22Jumpiei'd rather just learn it right
21:11.23ManxPowerThat's like saying you can learn BASIC to learn programming.
21:11.25lmadsendrmessano: lol
21:11.26Kattymmm, muffins
21:11.47Yourname``G729 is what, 5bucks per channel?
21:11.48fileTrixbox is a group of programs don't forget... the GUI being FreePBX... give the FreePBX folk some credit...
21:11.50outtoluncsneezes... aww you stepped in my GUI
21:11.53fileYourname``: $10
21:11.55filetickles Katty
21:11.56Yourname``Per month?
21:12.01fileYourname``: one time fee.
21:12.05Jumpiemaybe im confused as the actual 'package' to get or put on a cd
21:12.15jameswfgave my credit card
21:12.16drmessanoLike, one day, Fonality was looking to make a PBX.. and they created this green GUI and said "Shit, we don't have a core", and Mark Spencer was like "I'm not doing anything this weekend..."
21:12.17Jumpieif i wanna stick with my ubuntu box
21:12.30filenight stars shining in my eyes!
21:12.45bipolardrmessano: haha
21:12.51Yourname``file: And per channel whether it's VoIP or not, right?
21:12.57JumpieManxPower put it this way, i want the easiest way i suppose, but still flexible that i can take an dapply to customers
21:13.07ManxPowerJumpie: what you want is impossible
21:13.34fileYourname``: what? it's $10 per simultaneous encoding and decoding... so if you are recording to a file that is ulaw but your channel is g729... that's one
21:13.43ManxPowerTelecom is HARD STUFF.  No getting around that.  VoIP is even more so, as you need to know telecom AND linux AND networking AND Asterisk
21:13.50Yourname``file: Any bulk discounts? :)
21:14.02JumpieManxPower well i wanna learn the ins and outs of asterisks
21:14.04bipolarJumpie: to learn it, get trixbox, or some other distro that uses the FreePBX web ui, make something that works, then see what the config files it creates look like. then you can learn to do it by hand.
21:14.08Jumpieand i dont want any crippled wierd gui changing whats the norm
21:14.11lmadsenManxPower: amen
21:14.15Jumpiebipolar ok
21:14.17fileYourname``: I have no idea.
21:14.18drmessanoIf you want flexibility, a nice GUI, and something the customer is familiar with, theres always Windows Server 2003 and AsteriskWin32.. But if you go that route, there's a place in hell for you.
21:14.18Jumpieand where do i get those files
21:14.25ManxPowerbipolar: you have never done that have you?
21:14.32bipolarManxPower: yep
21:14.34Jumpiedrmessano even i know that, i dont want to become a spawn of satan
21:14.40ManxPowerbipolar: your poor poor thing
21:14.44bipolarManxPower: I've got a trixbox system up now.
21:14.46Yourname``ulaw uses 85 kilobits, right?
21:15.00Yourname``Is it bits or bytes?
21:15.05ManxPowerYou didn't learn Asterisk by looking at it's config files.
21:15.33bipolarJumpie: well, I've given you my advise... take it as it is :)
21:15.42drmessanoI have a trixbox in use too.. Every couple weeks I remote in and reboot it because it decides not to reg to my ITSP.. Im SO glad I built it
21:15.44Jumpiewell the channel seems rather split down the middle on trixbox or no
21:15.47Jumpieconfusing to me
21:15.58drmessanoJumpie: Split down the middle?
21:15.58Jumpieim leaning more towards the not
21:15.58lmadsenYourname``: bytes
21:16.05ManxPowerJumpie: you ARE going to screw up.  royally.  several times.  There is nothing you can do to stop that.  Accept it and move on.
21:16.06Kattytzanger: you around?
21:16.12JumpieManxPower i undrstand that
21:16.15lmadsenYourname``: errr.. bits.. lol
21:16.18Jumpiewhat is the site i actually go on to get the releases?
21:16.23Yourname``lol thanks
21:16.35drmessanooh man
21:16.41outtolunc*read ~thebook*
21:16.58drmessanohands denon the shotgun, with the muzzle pointed towards himself
21:17.02drmessanoPull the trigger man
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21:17.10denonyou forgot to load it
21:17.23drmessanoCrap.. I CANT WIN AT THE INTARWEB
21:17.44ManxPowerJumpie: Please step away from the keyboard and step to wherever you have The Book
21:18.00drmessanoPut the TRIXBOX DOWN son.. Don't do anything stupid
21:18.05Jumpiei will
21:18.06drmessanoThat's it..
21:18.09Jumpieand for starters
21:18.12Jumpieim gonan re install ubuntu
21:18.28Jumpieor...maybe somethin else if the book recomends
21:18.31rupa. o O ( debian )
21:19.15Jumpiewow amazing ManxPower
21:19.21Jumpiether eis a line in here that is lamost like what you said
21:19.31Jumpie"th emlutitude of answers generally boils down to the one you like the best"
21:19.54[hC]the sooner you realize that all of this, aside from asterisk itself, is all personal preference.. use what distro you want. use what kind of machine you want. use a gui if youwant, or dont
21:20.03[hC]at the end of the day its still going to do the same thing
21:20.18Jumpieright, and it seems whenever someone says they do this, they like that, you get 15 naysayers over here saying 'that sucks! wtf idiot"
21:20.19Jumpiemakes it confusing
21:20.39Jumpiethis is why i was so confused
21:20.42fileI will sell you some free will for a low low price
21:20.49[hC]if you want to do it the 'hardcore' way, install a distro, and go download asterisk from
21:20.58Jumpiethats what i am going to do
21:21.05Jumpiethe very non used friendly way
21:21.05denonJumpie: sounds like you need a little handholding .. choose whatever route you feel has the best handholding
21:21.06[hC]if you want an easier approach, where you can be up and running with a gui in a few minutes, go download the trixbox iso
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21:21.14rupabut make sure you use a 14" monitor, not a 19" monitor.  very important
21:21.25Jumpieill be sure to scrounge one up
21:21.32outtoluncthinks hC is offering to support it also as most here will not <G>
21:21.51denonouttolunc: hence my indirect comment :)
21:21.59[hC]why do you think i suggest people who need hand holding start with trixbox to get their feet wet?
21:22.12Jumpiehc i dont really want my hand held
21:22.15Jumpiei just wanted to know where to start
21:22.17denonbecause you hope to get them to leave?
21:22.21Jumpieand i had 28908276092876 people with different dos and donts
21:22.25[hC]well, wether you want your hand held or not, thats what you're asking for :)
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21:22.41Jumpiethanks for all your advice :) im going to read this book more
21:22.48outtoluncregardless of which direction you go.. reading the book is NOT optional
21:22.50denonsounds like a plan
21:22.55[hC]but its simple, pick a distro, and install asterisk... and read the book, and the wiki at
21:23.04ManxPowerdenon: I suggest dinner and wine before the handholding, but that's just me.
21:23.17filethe book is also a handy weapon
21:23.18Jumpieill give you all some beer in a while when im all good at this
21:23.25denonManxPower: I suggest .. well .. never ever holding your hand :)
21:23.26denonbut that's just me
21:23.28filepaper cut someone to death.
21:23.49ManxPowerdenon: I think that's the best advice I've seen all day.
21:24.20drmessanoThe book is also written by the second most popular guy on the planet named "Leif"
21:24.22denonyou know, he could have had asterisk up and configured by now
21:24.24drmessanoyou can't go wrong there
21:24.44ManxPowerdenon: We've had a lot of that here today
21:25.34denonManxPower: luckily Ive not had much time for irc, I've been swamped with people wanting to get new T1s ordered before end of the month
21:25.44denonwe've got some killer qwest promos running .. which are killing me
21:25.49ManxPowerGot me so annoyed that I went out and dug out a tree stump I've been putting off
21:26.10drmessanoIf everyone didn't want to install asterisk for the first time to start a CLEC or build a callcenter, then things could be easier ;)
21:26.26ManxPowerdenon: I'm more of an Asterisk Whore, so let me know if you need any consulting 8-)
21:26.53denonManxPower: well, many of these are to existing asterisk shops and ISPs
21:27.11denonbut I'll give ya cheap bandwidth, SIP LD and PRIs
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21:28.20ManxPowerdenon: I doubt even you could give me cheap bandwidth out of the 256-538-xxxx
21:28.36denonManxPower: think I worked some stuff up for you some years ago
21:28.40denonbut a lot has changed since then
21:30.13drmessano <-- Not the author of TFOT
21:35.08[hC]that is SO leif.
21:35.26jameswfleif is dreamy :)
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21:37.15jameswf~lmadsen is dreamy
21:37.15jbotjameswf: okay
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21:45.07d00gsterdoes anyone know of a device (wifi preferred or possibly bluetooth) that I have use as a mic/speaker connecting to a PC and looks like a sound card on the PC?
21:45.42d00gstera star trek comminucator concept. I recall cisco was show casing a 2way voice wifi pager once
21:46.33Kattytzanger: ping?
21:47.04drmessanoBluetooth + bluetooth headset?
21:49.26d00gsterrange is a problem then
21:50.13d00gsterlike if I have my asterisk in the basement and Im in the second floor this maybe a challenge
21:53.29drmessanoCould be
21:53.51drmessanoGet a 100 foot USB cable and mount your bluetooth on the roof
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21:54.17drmessanoEh... seal the end first
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22:17.25jjshoeheh someone used to be advertising a star trek type hting
22:17.27jjshoeyears ago
22:17.31jjshoequalcomm or someone like that
22:20.37jjshoegot me on protocol though
22:22.08Jumpiehi guys :)
22:22.15Jumpieos install almost complete, good book here man
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22:33.33zeniffty2002Are there any polycom guru's in the house, or can anyone point me to a better channel for polycoms
22:34.25mcabheh, oops
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22:36.23grandpapadotHey all, is there a way to *safely* purge my queue_log?  Can I just delete it and if I do that will Asterisk just recreate it at next write?  This is 1.2.2x
22:37.46Jumpiehey guys, if i get asterisk ready to go and compiled, but do not have my pots card yet (its en route) is it relatively simple to add that on?
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22:40.43Docfxitzeniffty2002 » What question do you have?
22:41.08[TK]D-Fendergrandpapadot, Kill @ will
22:42.39grandpapadottnx, TK
22:44.06zeniffty2002I inherited the polycoms with the system...  I am sending custom Sip Notify packets to my 501's in an attempt to get them to think there is a voicemail.  And that works.. but I can't get them to clear the flag that says there is no voice mail with a second Notify
22:44.20*** part/#asterisk RoyK (
22:46.05zeniffty2002so the phone keeps flashing the voicemail LED, when in fact there isn't any voicemail to get
22:49.09zeniffty2002I can clear the flag manually by going into the Voicemail feature on the phone and hitting "clear" or by rebooting the phone
22:51.08Docfxitzeniffty2002 » So what's the problem?
22:51.22*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
22:51.35zeniffty2002readers digest version or  whole enchilada?
22:52.29[TK]D-Fenderzeniffty2002, What are you trying to indicate via VMI?
22:53.58zeniffty2002my boss wants an indication on the phone that there are calls in queue.  The only ways I can think of to show on the phone that this is the case is by lighing up the voicemail light, or putting some kind of graphic on the screen.  Voicemail seems the easier way to go.
22:54.03*** join/#asterisk autojack (n=owen@pdpc/supporter/active/autojack)
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22:54.31[TK]D-Fenderzeniffty2002, use presence on a buddy-watched line-key and the devstate patch
22:55.09[TK]D-Fenderzeniffty2002, Far easier, and really thoguh the best way is to use the MicroBrowser.... I monitor 4 agents and 2 queues in detail on the idle screen for my CSR's
22:55.36zeniffty2002i hadn't though of that.
22:56.46autojackI'm totally new to asterisk and feeling a bit overwhelmed by the terminology and amount of docs :)  I'm hoping to use it to create local-access numbers in the US and Australia, for my gf and I to be able to call each other via our mobile phones. can anyone point me in the right direction for what I should read up on to accomplish this? CAN I accomplish this? :)
22:57.37*** part/#asterisk zeniffty2002 (
22:58.48[TK]D-Fenderautojack, Yes.
23:00.04autojackit looks like maybe what I want is VOIP providers with termination in the US and in Australia, which both route to my Asterisk box...
23:00.31[TK]D-Fenderautojack, If you want to use cell phones, odds are you'll pay an ITSP for a DID in the area of your choice and she can call you on that.  It would then get processed by your * server and you'd call out another provider (probably cheaper to use the best service at each end at a lower cost) to your cell.
23:01.00[TK]D-Fenderautojack, you can mix & match your providers for whoever gives you the deal you like the most.
23:01.08autojackgot it.
23:01.36autojackso I can configure both DIDs to be hosted by my * server?
23:01.56autojackwhen when I call my US one, it can route via some ITSP to her cell in Australia?
23:01.58autojackand vice versa?
23:02.29*** join/#asterisk WindBack (
23:02.31[TK]D-Fenderautojack, Any which way you would like, yes
23:03.04jjshoeautojack why not skype or use any of the messengers which support voice talk?
23:03.11autojackok. any suggestions for how to choose an ITSP? I just found this page:
23:03.20jjshoeseems overkill to talk to a single person :P
23:03.20autojackjjshoe: I need to be able to do it mobile to mobile.
23:03.25jjshoeautojack ah.
23:03.31autojackthe time difference is such that we can only talk when she's on her way to/from work.
23:03.33denonautojack: take a look at pennytel, you can probably do all of this without an asterisk box even, using their ANI callback service
23:03.44drmessanoAustralian mobile calls = $$$$$$
23:03.50*** join/#asterisk weazahl (n=jeremy@
23:03.54denonyes, Im well aware of australia calling :)
23:03.59denonlook at pennytel :)
23:04.01autojackmy problem is that we use cheapo phone cards now, and the call quality is terrible.
23:04.16[TK]D-Fenderautojack, I'd say pick out your ITSP options and compare to calling-card rates.  its all just math... I'd wonder if the dual-itsp option could actually end up cheaper... I somehow doubt it.
23:04.16autojackso I was looking for something where we could, I dunno, understand each other consistently :)
23:04.44denonautojack: has anyone mentioned pennytel to you?
23:04.48autojackI'm willing to pay a little more for something reliable and quality. but trying to avoid .35 a minute :)
23:04.48[TK]D-Fenderautojack, Well if wuality is a real problem, see about getting a "trial account" with a few minutes on each side to test.
23:04.52autojackdenon: :P
23:05.10*** join/#asterisk Tako-san (n=jmkiffia@
23:05.19autojackI can get .35/min just calling her directly from my mobile, so if it's not cheaper than that it's not worth it.
23:05.23autojackchecks out pennytel
23:05.50weazahlanyone have an idea why i am getting this?  [Mar 31 17:53:02] ERROR[3039] chan_zap.c: Signalling requested on channel 28 is ISDN PRI but line is in Unknown signalling 524416 signalling
23:06.02jameswfwonders if is availible...
23:06.32drmessanoMobile <-- Free Mobile<>Mobile -- Your Asterisk+Chan_Mobile ---- Her Asterisk+Chan_Mobile -- Free Mobile<>Mobile --> Mobile
23:06.33jameswfweazahl: my guess is you are using an unknown signalling type
23:06.38[TK]D-Fenderjameswf, trying to down-tune $.35/m is not being "cheap"
23:06.55weazahlgee thanks!
23:07.07jameswf[TK]D-Fender:  wasnt refering to that sorry bad timing
23:07.33jameswfweazahl: pastebin your zapata.conf
23:07.37drmessanoYay is wide open
23:07.59jameswfyou cant use aterisk in a domain name violates TM policy
23:08.18drmessanoHandled was open last check
23:08.43drmessanoWhat about
23:08.46drmessanoCome one, sue me
23:09.24drmessanoI'd go with, but I don't need the DEA showing up AGAIN
23:10.27jameswfweazahl: are you sure your NET
23:10.52jameswfI was thinking about getting
23:10.53autojackdenon: hmm, so I can see how pennytel works for my gf in AU - it looks like it charges her .02/min to call a US mobile. but can I use it in the US to call her?
23:10.54weazahljameswf: yes, i got it.  should have stopped at 27 not 28.
23:11.02weazahlnow i have pri in asterisk
23:11.56jameswfI could have it run the trix site in mirror mode....
23:12.15jameswflike elgoog
23:12.16[hC]What do all you guys do when clients want to have multiple line keys on a phone that log in to separate queues? Register one as say extension 100, and another line as 200, etc?
23:12.36[TK]D-Fender[hC], Yes.
23:12.58jameswf <<thats hawt
23:14.01[hC][TK]D-Fender: is there anything you do to take advantage of the queue login features on the polycom, or do you just assign your own login extensions to dial? I know the phones have ACD login features, but ive never used them.
23:14.28[TK]D-Fender[hC], not feasable.  Use std extensions.
23:15.05[hC][TK]D-Fender: thats what I thought.
23:16.19*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=angeldav@
23:17.05weazahljameswf: maybe i should be national???
23:17.28jameswfweazahl: are you in the US
23:18.07weazahljameswf: PBX is merlin legend, Asterisk is the NET side. * is CPE
23:18.16weazahlerr CSU
23:18.27jameswfneat,,,, probably national....
23:19.14jameswfmerlin flashes me back to my days in the trenches,,,
23:19.17*** join/#asterisk Igbothom_3rd (
23:19.18weazahli had it working on a test in the office. had to use net on it.  but it was magix not legend.  firmware is much more flexable
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23:39.39jbotsomebody said spiderpig was
23:39.42jameswflook out
23:41.58weazahlthis means it worked right?     -- B-channel 0/20 successfully restarted on span 2
23:42.38lmadsenjameswf: LOL
23:51.37*** join/#asterisk Katty (
23:53.36jameswfjbot: tell lmadsen about lmadsen
23:54.36drmessanojbot: tell me a story
23:54.42*** join/#asterisk hmm-home (
23:54.49Kattyhmm-home: hai (=
23:54.53jameswfjbot: eat poo
23:54.53jbotACTION slurps up all the poo available
23:54.53drmessanojbot: tell Katty a story
23:55.12drmessanojbot: tell Katty to smell my feet
23:55.16hmm-homesetting up pidgin again I just realized I have waaaay too many IM accounts
23:55.45drmessanoTell your friends you only use XMPP
23:56.44Kattyhmm-home: yeah, i've got 6 on mine (=
23:56.54drmessanoI only have 1
23:56.58drmessanoDumped all the rest
23:57.07hmm-homeKatty 9 on this one
23:57.21Kattyhmm-home: mister social butterfly
23:58.28drmessanoHow do you have 9 accounts?
23:59.04*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
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23:59.48hmm-home3 msn, 2 gtalk, 1 yahoo, 1 aim, 1 myspace 1 irc

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