IRC log for #asterisk on 20080330

00:00.33*** join/#asterisk eric2 (
00:02.19siyaerm, what determines if an extension shows up as a channel?
00:02.42siyamy cisco 7960 shows up in sip show channels (it has three lines active)
00:03.56siyalet me rephrase that
00:04.10siyawhat the heck does sip show channels show me?
00:04.16siyaheads for google
00:04.20*** join/#asterisk MatBoy (
00:15.03siyaslaps himself around for a bit for not googling first
00:15.32siyaRight back to figuring out why sipgate is doing the same thing as talkin2ya
00:15.53siyaanyone else out there with multiple sip accounts from the same provider?
00:16.17Dovidsiya. what is the issue with multiple accounts ?
00:16.55siyaall inbound calls come into the last registered trunk
00:17.25Dovidin ur register statement u cna break it up with /some_extension_in_general_context
00:17.30Dovidso u route the calls to specific places
00:18.05siyaI though 'fromuser' did as much
00:20.14Doviddont think so. thats just info on ur account
00:20.33Dovidif u have: register 123:456@provider/5555
00:20.52Dovidthen when a call comes in it will go to extension 5555 in the default sip context
00:21.03Dovidregister => 123:456@provider/5555
00:21.17siyaahh ic
00:21.37Dovidthis way u can direct dif. reg. do dif. extensions
00:28.54*** join/#asterisk jm|home (n=jm|
00:37.55*** join/#asterisk jameswf-home (
00:44.57*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
00:46.51jameswf-homeyum install -y $(yum list)
00:47.08*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
00:58.27*** join/#asterisk Rico29 (
00:59.57*** join/#asterisk talntid (n=swarm@
01:00.07plikreminds Europeans to put the clocks forward for summertime
01:03.20*** join/#asterisk quigon (n=matias@
01:03.23siyaplik: eek, my PDA just told me. It's now not just late but really late... :s
01:04.48siyaDovid: that doesn't help me if the register is in a different context
01:09.28*** join/#asterisk russellb (n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla)
01:09.28*** mode/#asterisk [+o russellb] by ChanServ
01:09.49jbotdst is, like, Daylight Savings Time.  In US/Europe, clocks \"spring forward\" 1 hour at 0200 localtime on the FIRST Sunday in April.  They \"fall back\" 1 hour at 0200 localtime on the LAST Sunday in October.  Ask me about \"est\".
01:10.10jbotrumour has it, est is Eastern Standard Time, but if you're outside of Indiana you probably need to use EST5EDT instead, or US/Eastern, or (use the tzconfig program to do this)
01:10.51*** join/#asterisk Psychobilly (
01:11.41hescoI'm trying to write a dialplan which will initiate a conference call, from the server, w/o requiring folks to dial in to it.  This is what I've got so far:
01:12.10siyaooh, bed time
01:12.13siyaway too late
01:12.49hescoIt dials the number in the .call file, and creates a MeetMe conference, but it never dials the second number, although it does prompt me to record my name, accepts the recording and then waits until I hang up.
01:13.08hescoWhat is it, pray tell, which I may be missing here?
01:13.20hescoHow do I move this forward, please?
01:20.43russellbhmm  ...
01:21.33russellbyeah, that's not quite going t work.
01:21.50russellbYou will need to use 2 call files to connect 2 callers into MeetMe.
01:22.15russellbThe first caller (770-765-1543) executes the dialplan and gets to MeetMe ...
01:22.33russellband then stays there, and the Dial never happens
01:22.51russellbyou will need to remove the stuff after MeetMe
01:22.59russellband use another call file that does the same thing for the 2nd number
01:23.06russellbhesco: ^^^
01:26.21hescorussellb: thanks.  Trying that now.
01:32.39jameswf-homegodaddy is giving away .info names .99 ea must not be popular
01:34.34russellbhesco: appears to be working?
01:35.09hescoIt made the first call, put me in the conference, then made I initiated the second call, but my cell never rang, and it was quiet on the line, but then I eventually heard my cell phone's voicemail's outgoing and it seems to have connected the two calls.  So I hung up the home line, but now the connection to my cell phone's voicemail is still hanging on.  How do I disconnect it now?
01:36.05hesconever mind.  It looks like it timed out or something.
01:36.51russellbnormally you would use the "soft hangup" CLI command
01:37.00russellbso it sounds like it was a cell phone issue ...
01:37.16hescoI think you are right there.
01:38.55loompek[Mar 30 03:33:58] WARNING[20555]: chan_sip.c:1949 retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded on transmission 6cb7035e198480851d0c1ef156608157@ for seqno 13 (Critical Response)
01:39.02loompekthis prolly aint good huh?
01:39.10jameswf-home300 gigs of transfer a month... .99 start sweet..
01:42.59hescorussellb: My housemate's cell was more cooperative.  It successfull made the bridge, there was some delay, I think the pros might call it latency, perhaps? But we got two connections on the bridge.  I guess I'm ready for the next test.
01:43.22hescoThanks for your help.
01:43.35russellbhesco: great, you're quire welcome
01:43.45russellbkicks his keyboard
01:44.43*** topic/#asterisk by russellb -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk, 1.2.27 (2008/03/18) 1.4.19-rc4 (2008/03/28), 1.6.0-beta7.1 (2008/03/29), *-Addons 1.4.6, 1.6.0-beta2 (2008/02/21), Zaptel (2008/02/28), Libpri 1.4.3 (2007/12/13) -=- #asterisknow or #asterisk-gui for AsteriskNOW ( -=- #switchvox for Switchvox ( -=- #freepbx for FreePBX/trixbox -=- Beware of
01:47.16hescorussellb: how do you get it to say that you kicked your keyboard.  Although I've been using IRC for years, I've never figured out how to make a chennel talk about me in the third person.
01:48.13*** topic/#asterisk by russellb -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk, 1.2.27 (2008/03/18) 1.4.19-rc4 (2008/03/28), 1.6.0-beta7.1 (2008/03/29), *-Addons 1.4.6, 1.6.0-beta2 (2008/02/21), Zaptel (2008/02/28), Libpri 1.4.3 (2007/12/13) -=- #asterisknow or #asterisk-gui for AsteriskNOW ( -=- #switchvox for Switchvox ( -=- #freepbx for FreePBX/trixbox
01:48.19russellbhesco: "/me does something"
01:48.34hescoappredciates the pointer
01:48.42hescogot it.  Thanks.
01:49.47hescojmhunter: are you here?
01:49.57hescoMight you be Jane from New Jersey?
01:50.41russellbyou should also check out "/msg"  :)
01:53.23*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
02:01.27*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=angeldav@
02:09.43hescook, just did.  Thanks.
02:11.07drmessanopunches his chest and disappears
02:20.11*** join/#asterisk flush (
02:23.58bluregardhow can I tell asterisk not to use the  console so it doesn't grab hold of /dev/dsp
02:26.58russellbbluregard: don't load chan_oss, chan_alsa, or chan_console
02:27.07russellbyou can ask asterisk to not load them by adding a few lines in /etc/asterisk/modules.conf
02:27.41rickrossrussellb: do you know how to get asterisk-addons to build with the DONT_OPTIMIZE and MALLOC_DEBUG compiler options required to run with valgrind?
02:28.04rickrossmenuselect makes those easy for asterisk, but not for asterisk-addons
02:28.48bluregardrussellb, thank you
02:38.04*** join/#asterisk The-Bat (n=The-Bat@
02:41.23russellbrickross: asterisk-addons will (should) get compiled with the same options you used to compile the version of asterisk that is currently installed
02:41.41rickrosswe agree, it "should" :)
02:41.43russellbusing the contents of /usr/include/asterisk/buildopts.h
02:42.07rickrossbut apparently that may not be strictly true
02:42.24russellband if they _aren't_ built with the same options, asterisk will complain when it loads the modules to tell you
02:42.27rickrossfor example, the cdr addon barfs royally
02:42.50joeanyknow know how to get a label on soft 25 on polycom 301? I can get it to run the messages function/app but I can't get a label to show up for the key so only <key key.IP_300.25.function.prim="Messages" /> works right now
02:42.51rickrossand I think there are other problems - this is all somewhat deeper in nuts and blts than I especially wanna be
02:45.23rickrossbut I think the MALLOC_DEBUG doesn't get reliably carried through, and I'm not sure that the other compiler options are set correctly
02:46.03rickrossI know that I cannot run successfully when I build asterisk-addons after building asterisk with the settings required for valgrind - that much is for sure
02:56.34rickrossrussellb: here's a bug posting from another guy who had problems in the same general area with asterisk-addons -
02:59.00*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki_ (
03:06.59*** join/#asterisk lmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
03:06.59*** mode/#asterisk [+o lmadsen] by ChanServ
03:13.22kamitodois someone here using a gizmo account ( for incoming calls?
03:13.32lmadsengizmo sucks
03:13.41lmadsenthat is all
03:14.04kamitodothat's all?  great.
03:14.13NivexI've been using SIPphone long before Gizmo came on the scene
03:15.04kamitodointeresting.  gizmo (as in gizmo project, I suppose) was created later?  what was sipphone before that?
03:15.21mkillebrewlmadsen: what sucks about gizmo exactly?
03:15.35lmadsenmy experience was with the client on my nokia e61i... it just sucks
03:15.44mkillebrewin what manner?
03:15.50mkillebrewis voice quality poor?
03:15.59lmadsenI just found it useless
03:15.59mkillebrewis the app unreliable?
03:16.04lmadsenuse FWD, it's makes more sense
03:16.06mkillebrewI find you to be useless..
03:16.08Nivexkamitodo: sipphone begat gizmo
03:16.12lmadsenI am fairly useless
03:16.31NivexFWD is nice because you can get an IAX2 link
03:16.33lmadsenif you want a free peer-to-peer phone system, use free world dialup
03:16.45lmadseneverything else is just an imitator
03:16.54lmadsenotherwise, get a real account
03:17.28kamitodowhat do you mean by free world dialup?
03:18.02jbot[~fwd] Free World Dialup, created by Jeff Pulver, is a free SIP server for P2P style that does not involve the PSTN (there is a charged option for this as well though).
03:18.05kamitodooh fwd
03:18.46kamitodoso what's the benefit of using that?
03:18.58*** join/#asterisk Katty (
03:19.47kamitodoif i have an asterisk box, a DID and outgoing providers do i need fwd?
03:20.32mkillebrewunless you really want it
03:20.36NivexFWD and Gizmo are free IP to IP services.  They have little to nothing to do with the PSTN
03:20.37lmadsenfwd is for people who want to talk to other people without paying anything and want some sort of "number" to dial
03:20.56Kattyi've come to annoy you all
03:21.00lmadsenKatty: hi!
03:21.08lmadsenKatty: you can annoy me anytime you want
03:21.15lmadsenexcept for right now
03:21.18lmadsenbecause I'm not in the mood
03:21.24mkillebrewKatty: lmadsen already does that.
03:21.30mkillebrewhe irritates the crap out of me.
03:21.37lmadsenI've said like 2 things to you
03:21.51mkillebrewputs up another tally mark
03:22.03lmadsencan't please everyone
03:22.24lmadsenin fact you know you're popular when you have people who either hate you, or you have stalkers
03:22.33lmadsenstalkers are when you know you've REALLY made it
03:23.06kamitodoin my case, btw, i use grand central for DID (that's why i need gizmo, grand central can call your gizmo account).  but i'm having problems with gizmo.  does anyone here have their own asterisk box and have a gizmo "friend"?
03:23.22Kattyi think everyone just needs to relax.
03:23.34Kattylet's enjoy our sanity before the next world war with china breaks out.
03:23.47Kattythat'll put us all in perspective.
03:24.24Nivexbut we haven't flattened Iran yet
03:25.02Kattythat's why we're all appreciating life right now.
03:25.18Kattylmadsen: even you, mister.
03:25.31TJNIIChina doesn't have to go to war with us.  They can just impose an embargo and wreck our currency by dumping all their holdings.
03:25.40Kattylmadsen: you have a lot to be thankful for (=
03:25.42lmadsenya, because Iraq, who has no weapons, is going so well that flattening Iran should be a cake walk
03:25.48lmadsenKatty: yes I do :0
03:25.59Kattylmadsen: now think about a couple lucky things you have. and smile.
03:26.01*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
03:26.04Kattylmadsen: DO EET RIGHT NOW
03:26.07lmadsenKatty: I was already smiling
03:26.12lmadsenI always smile
03:26.15Kattyno more annoyed!
03:26.20lmadsenI was never annoyed
03:26.28Kattyeveryone's going to be happy, damnit!
03:26.28lmadsensomeone was annoyed with me, but I was having a good time
03:26.42lmadsenI'm too awesome to not be happy :D
03:27.25*** join/#asterisk klin3d (
03:27.59Kattyi'm a very lucky person too.
03:28.11lmadsenbecause you know me?
03:28.37Kattybecause i know the man sitting in the room next to me.
03:28.55Kattyand i have 4 furry ferrets which are the cutest things ever.
03:29.02mkillebrewlmadsen: you in california by any chance>
03:29.02Kattyand i'm not struggling financially
03:29.04lmadsenno pets for me
03:29.07lmadsenmkillebrew: nope
03:29.08NivexThe university I work for just advanced to the Final Four.  It's a good atmosphere to have :)
03:29.16mkillebrewlmadsen: was I even close?
03:29.17lmadsenmkillebrew: I don't live in the US
03:29.20lmadsenso no
03:29.23Kattyand i like my job
03:29.26mkillebrewah that makes sense then..
03:29.27lmadsenKatty:  me too
03:29.28Kattyand there are flowers outside.
03:29.34lmadsenmkillebrew: uh huh
03:29.35Kattyall of it makes for a very happy Katty
03:29.49NivexI have friends with ferrets and chinchillas.
03:29.50Kattyall except for the laundry
03:29.52Kattyhrmm :/
03:29.58mkillebrewonly californians and foreigners are as liberal as you are.
03:30.14lmadsenthanks for the compliment
03:30.21mkillebrewit wasn't one.
03:30.23lmadsenyou could call me a tree hugger to
03:31.06mkillebrewI could do alot of things.
03:31.37lmadsenand you'd probably think it was an insult, and I'd think it was a compliment. No matter what I say we're going to be at odds because our view point of life, religion, and politics are probably going to be polar opposites. I can tell.
03:31.46lmadsena lot is two words....
03:31.53lmadsennot that I'm helping
03:32.00Nivexsee, we need more hugging and less bombing
03:32.16lmadsenhow about we just learn to love the bomb?
03:32.31Nivexfork bombs your asterisk box
03:32.44lmadsenfork bomb? that's a new one
03:33.12lmadsenmkillebrew: actually, you're probably the most interesting person in here right now :)
03:33.14bluregardhey there's chatter in here now
03:34.09bluregardbut I don't want to
03:35.06bluregardeverytime someone says shh I think of the simpsons at the end when you hear Homer "Don't shhush me shhushie"
03:35.19jqlI think of austin powers
03:35.24bluregardthat too
03:35.28lmadsenI like that one (the simpsons reference)
03:35.42bluregarda preemptive shh
03:37.22mkillebrewlmadsen: what country are you in?
03:37.43lmadsenisn't it obvious?
03:37.59mkillebrewcould have been belgium, or the netherlands
03:38.12lmadsenya... I'd identify with those countries
03:38.21lmadsenmy mindset is probably compatible
03:38.28lmadsenso you're not necessarily wrong
03:38.32mkillebrewmaybe france, atleast northern france
03:38.42mkillebrewbut you just don't go around calling someone french.
03:38.46mkillebrewthem's fightin words.
03:38.55lmadsenya, and the french man would kick your ass
03:39.27jameswf-homeput up hus shell site...
03:39.38mkillebrewyea, like the french foreign legions, who lost every skirmish in history they've fought in. then tried to assassinate the french leader and failed at that too..
03:39.44mkillebrewthat'll just mop the floor with me...
03:40.24lmadsenlike I said, our viewpoints are going to be exactly opposite
03:41.57lmadsenmkillebrew: what state do you live in?
03:42.13lmadsennice state
03:42.21mkillebrewI think so
03:42.24lmadsendallas is really clean
03:42.30lmadsenreminds me of toronto kinda
03:42.42bluregardSan Antonio was nice too
03:42.43mkillebrewexcept people don't say "what's all that aboot, eh?"
03:42.59mkillebrewI'm in Austin though
03:43.07mkillebrewthe hippie center of texas
03:43.13lmadsenI've been in the US a lot, and the canadian access isn't exactly "aboot", but it's close
03:43.19jqlyay austin
03:43.27bluregardAustin was fun
03:43.37jameswf-homeI should buy :)
03:43.42bluregardI had to spend a week at Round Rock
03:43.52lmadsenthe US access is closer to 'abat' usually... less so in KC and Seattle, and the Canadian is like... "abaoot"
03:45.04lmadsenabaoot is closer to the Canadian way of saying about -- you need that 'a' sound in there, like the US has. The ooo is just less pronounced in an American accent.
03:46.21bluregardlmadsen, where in Canada are you?
03:46.27mkillebrewthe bad part.
03:46.37bluregardmkillebrew, is there a good part?
03:46.46bluregardjust kidding just kidding
03:46.55RobHbleh, I dont have the durn link
03:46.58jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
03:47.00bluregardI loved Canada when I was there
03:47.01RobHthere we go
03:47.09jbotYou can buy "Asterisk the Future of Telephony" at so go buy it SERIOUSLY
03:47.33RobHI own it, needed to link someone else who kept asking me questions ;]
03:47.43lmadsenbluregard: downtown Toronto
03:47.47RobH'no, stop asking me this, read the book, please, read the book'
03:48.00bluregardboth * books are some of the most well written books I've read
03:48.24russellblmadsen: ^^^
03:48.31jameswf-homeowns a few copies of both
03:49.33lmadsenbluregard: thank you :)
03:49.49bluregardlmadsen, no thank you
03:50.36bluregardand it's awesome that you guys made it creative commons
03:50.38lmadsenanyways... Toronto is awesome
03:50.43*** join/#asterisk m4sk4r4 (n=m4sk4r4@
03:51.00bluregardI was in Niagra Falls twice, loved it
03:51.11russellb"screw asterisk, i want to talk about toronto", lmadsen
03:51.12lmadsenbluregard: ya well, we weren't gonna get rich on it anyways, so might as well let everyone enjoy and help move asterisk along
03:51.24bluregardwe had my buddies bachelor party there
03:51.28lmadsenrussellb: heck ya
03:51.29russellbbows down to lmadsen
03:51.41lmadsenshut up
03:51.42filestares at lmadsen
03:51.44lmadsenyou're way more hardcore than me
03:51.50lmadsenrussellb and file are my heros
03:51.55bluregardlmadsen, well I bought both editions, but it's still nice to see something like that under such a license
03:52.09lmadsenbluregard: if anything at least it makes searching for something easier
03:52.13filerussellb is my hero.
03:52.19russellbaw <3
03:52.24lmadsenfeel the <3
03:52.28russellbmy hero is superman!
03:52.32lmadsenpushes russellb into a bush
03:52.39filerussellb: I bought a lucky bamboo today and totally thought of you
03:52.46russellbfile: i saw your tweet <3
03:52.54filerussellb: have you killed it yet?
03:53.06russellbmaybe dwayne will water it for me
03:53.17russellbyou can remind him :)
03:53.22lmadsenI wish Forza 2 has nascar type cars
03:57.15*** join/#asterisk Nasra (
04:01.06Nasrahow you doing?
04:01.32Nasraneed to ask you a question?
04:01.50bluregardI don't know, do you?
04:02.00NasraI think you do
04:02.08bluregardok, I'm confused
04:02.21NasraI am about to get a box with Asterisk
04:03.23NasraCan I just run it with copper line ( pstn ) or do I need a provider for voip?
04:03.51bluregardyes, you can get TDM cards or an ATA for using copper
04:04.15Nasralike a spa3000, correct?
04:04.51tzangerwow that was fun :-)
04:05.09Nasraso the Asterisk will convert my pstn into voip?
04:05.30jameswf-homeheh ASSTRIX.INFO is available!
04:05.53bluregardNasra, actually the ATA does the conversion
04:05.59tzangerNasra: it can, yes
04:06.04Qwelljameswf-home: but .com isn't?
04:06.06tzangeryou don't need a full PC for that, as bluregard indicates
04:06.22tzangerI should register
04:06.23jameswf-homei duno .indo is .99 cents
04:06.29Kattymmm, dinner
04:06.41Kattyroast. and .org is not .com
04:07.08bluregardKatty, you keep my kind of hours
04:07.12tzangerI wonder if is taken
04:07.13bluregarddinner at 11
04:07.20Nasraso blueregard: once done that...if I want to call to another country how do I do that?
04:07.24Kattybluregard: only on the weekend
04:07.52bluregardthat's no fun
04:08.05*** join/#asterisk coppice (
04:08.07bluregardNasra, uh, dial?
04:08.10Kattydon't be so sure, bluregard
04:08.12jameswf-homegot ... figure at a buck cant hurt + I have a place to host files and 3000MB/mo of traffic
04:08.22Kattybluregard: my early mornings on the week days are very relaxing
04:08.34bluregardKatty, redbull and vault
04:08.39bluregardmy kind of relaxing too
04:09.00Kattybluregard: i usually drink that /after/ the bubble bath.
04:09.03Nasrabluegard I know that about moneywise....does the call itself gotta be paid somehow?
04:09.07Kattybluregard: and then after the redbull, is the eliptical
04:09.34tzangeryou shouldn't be exercising after taking stimulants
04:09.39bluregardNasra, if you want cheap intl' you'll need a VoIP provider
04:09.52NasraI gotta now
04:09.54bluregardKatty, thanks for the clarification
04:10.00Kattytzanger: it's really only a couple sips (=
04:10.01jameswf-homeI need to add some logic to files.jameswf,info to auto thumbnail images...
04:10.04Kattytzanger: don't worry (=
04:10.07tzangerelliptical... I swear that machine should have a strictly for females tag on it... I feel... weird... every time I try to use one
04:10.27tzangertreatmill no problem, bike no problem, wave machine's a little funny too but not like the elliptical
04:10.28Kattytzanger: ry says the same thing you do.
04:10.31Kattytzanger: he doesn't like it either
04:10.47bluregardNasra, you can always dial intl' via your PSTN but it'll probably cost quite a bit more than an IP provider
04:10.48tzangerry... hmm. close enough to rye... I'm kinda craving some
04:11.17*** join/#asterisk terracon (
04:11.56Nasrablueregard....the whole idea is be able to call my buddies or my family in another country with Asterisk box setup so we can talk one another....get it?
04:12.10Nasrano pay
04:12.36Kattythis roast is so awesome. i can't believe i didn't used to like it.
04:13.02Kattyactually, i can believe it. my mom used to put massive ammounts of celery in it, and she didn't shred the meat either.
04:13.17tzanger.... shred meat in a roast?
04:13.28bluregardNasra, if you have them all get IP phones either hard or soft they can all connect to your * box and you can talk free
04:13.30Kattytzanger: yes, after it's cooked.
04:13.41Kattytzanger: i take two forks, and shred it down
04:13.55bluregardNasra, they could also get ATAs that connect to your * machine and use a regular analog phone
04:14.11tzangermy recipe for roast involves a lot of garlic, potatoes, onions, carrots and mushrooms and searing the block of beef in very very hot oil and crusting it with fresh coarse ground pepper
04:14.16tzangeroh and don't forget a few bay leaves
04:14.31tzangerand a slow, low cook... mmmmmmmm meat so tender it comes apart with a fork
04:14.32Kattytzanger: do you cut the roast down into bite size pieces?
04:14.33*** join/#asterisk antlers_ (
04:14.35bluregardtzanger, that sound s like mine
04:14.54bluregardKatty, that's a sin in most countries
04:14.56tzangerKatty: no way... it's a 3 or 4lb block of beef, preferably with some fat on it but not much
04:14.58Kattyi mush up everything with a fork and put some butter on it.
04:15.03antlers_hello... I was hoping someone could slap me upside the head with a clue-by-four
04:15.05antlers_exten => s,5,GotoIf($[len${CALLERID(num)} < 7]?6666:6)
04:15.10Kattytzanger: how on earth do you eat it?
04:15.14tzangerantlers_: we do that around here for free
04:15.19Kattytzanger: i can't stand all those strings that get in the teeth
04:15.31antlers_does anyone see something obviously wrong with that?  If CID is < 7, goto 6666, else goto 6
04:15.37Nasrablueragard getting the picture of what I intend to do....about those ip phones....which ones are those ....and if so can you name some brands and do they have to be configured or something?
04:15.39tzangerKatty: if it's stringy it's not quite cooked long enough... falling apart is just a step after stringy
04:15.54bluregardNasra, polycom is my personal favorite
04:15.58Kattytzanger: i slow cooked mine on low from 9 to 5
04:16.05Kattytzanger: 8 hours
04:16.19tzangerantlers_: LEN not len
04:16.20tzangerit *is* case sensitie
04:16.23tzangerer sensitive
04:16.30tzangerwhich boggles the mind, but whatever
04:16.33Kattyi guess it's done lol
04:16.38bluregardNasra, you can configure polycoms via FTP or TFTP, same with ATA's.  I have an IAXy from Digium that you can provision with * itself
04:16.40Kattyargh, i want soda.
04:16.46jameswf-homedamn linux and its case sensitivity.....
04:16.53tzangerKatty: ahh I haven't slow cookered mine, I usually oven roast it with the lid off th eentire time
04:16.59Kattyi'mmabout to go to the gas station
04:17.04Kattytzanger: ahhh, i see.
04:17.05tzangersearing it is important, as is lid off
04:17.06jameswf-homehas gas,,,
04:17.13Kattytzanger: the only thing i roast in the oven is ham
04:17.14Nasrablueregard....setup my box here where I am ....and then have to get ip phones like polycom and have configure and and then we can each other as much as we want no pay...correct?
04:17.17tzangercan't get good crust without it, and every time I wet-roast the thing it doesn't come out as good
04:17.19bluregardKatty, pick me up a 16oz Redbull
04:17.21Kattytzanger: ham precooked in coca cola.
04:17.25tzangerKatty: i rarely, rarely cook ham
04:17.34Nasraokay I get you know....
04:17.35Qwellbluregard: I'm holding out for the 2 liter bottles
04:17.38Kattytzanger: boiled in cocacola. then glazed with molases and ground mustard, and clove.
04:17.44bluregardQwell, you know!
04:17.49Kattytzanger: then roasted until sticky
04:17.52bluregardor IV drip
04:17.54tzangerbluregard: yeah roast is a good good meal, especially when I get the gravy just perfect
04:17.58QwellIV would work
04:18.06Qwellemails redbull
04:18.07tzangerKatty: hmm really
04:18.08Nasrablueregard: I will be more than happy if you can provide me that link...
04:18.10Kattyyeah, i'm seriously about to go get some soda.
04:18.11bluregardNasra, yes
04:18.15Kattyit's acidic coldness.
04:18.16tzangerKatty: that sounds really good
04:18.17Kattyand bubbly
04:18.18antlers_tzanger, case noted... still no dice, with CID digits or not, call still routed to 6 rather than 6666... time to review syntax I think
04:18.20bluregardNasra, ?
04:18.27Nasraok you can see I am learning....
04:18.56tzangerexten => 1234567,n,GotoIf($[ ${LEN(${CALLERID(number)})} != 10 ]?ringvm,1)
04:18.58tzangerthat's what I use
04:19.06Nasralinux is a new thing for me...since I just made the is gonna take a while...
04:19.16tzangerNasra: well worth the effort, IMO
04:19.23Nasrayes sir
04:19.31bluregardNasra, I think that's why this channel exists.  I would also recommend picking up a copy of the book by O'reilly
04:19.46jbotYou can buy "Asterisk the Future of Telephony" at so go buy it SERIOUSLY
04:19.54Kattytzanger: that's close to mine (=
04:19.57Nasrasetting up my box....but not quite ready yet ...just asking questions here and there...
04:20.06tzangerKatty: I generally don't like cooking with prepared flavours, only because I'm a bit of a snob when it comes to my own cooking
04:20.25Kattytzanger: kay.
04:20.27Nasrablueregard....just bought it @ amazon....2 days ago is on it's way
04:20.33tzangerI make a spaghetti sauce from scratch that only my wife beats with her sweet spaghetti sauce with sausage... totally different from mine but daaaaaaaaaymn, it's good
04:20.39bluregardNasra, wise purchase
04:20.44Nasrayes sir
04:20.45tzangerthe only thing I don't do is crush the tomatoes myself :-)
04:20.54bluregardNasra, you'll understand a lot more after reading it
04:20.57jameswf-homeis the key ingreadient to your sauce ketsup
04:21.02jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
04:21.05Nasraand with guys like you it worth the efforts to try.....
04:21.11Nasrayes sir
04:21.14tzangerI make a good shepherd's pie too but I cheat still by using a store bought bbq sauce, I haven't been able to make that from scratch yet
04:21.34antlers_tzanger, what version are you using?  1.6.0-beta6 here
04:21.36bluregardNasra, I'm still pretty much a novice with *, but I'm coming along
04:21.39Kattyshepherd's pie takes a bit to cook. i'm lazsy
04:21.46tzangerbut country biscuits, pancakes, spaghetti sauce, chicken/turkey, roast... so far I've managed to make all of those from scratch
04:21.52tzangerantlers_: ahh, haven't done 1.6 yet
04:21.55jqlmmmm... shepard's pie
04:22.09antlers_typically I would not toy with such beta, but I actually found Nortel UNISTIM RPMs for 1.6.0-beta6 on Fedora Core 9
04:22.15tzangersuddenly feels like he's away from the edge, this is not a normal position :-0
04:22.24jameswf-homeI worked in as a manager and chef for a few years since then I lothe cooking if I dont have to
04:22.29Kattyi actually need to find something healthy to make for next week, that's still easy
04:22.33bluregardtzanger, I came up with a great roasted pork tenderloin if you're interested
04:22.35Nasrablueregard the reason I want to learn is to be able to talk into another least finding the cheapest way
04:22.55tzangerjql: yep... lots of beef with mushrooms, then corn layered on top, then creamed corn, then mashed potatoes and some grated cheese after all that
04:22.57jameswf-homedoesnt like to cook and refuses to use a phone outside of work
04:23.03tzangerbluregard: nice
04:23.06bluregardNasra, well if everyone you're going to be talking to is connected to your * box it'll be free, aside from the broadband
04:23.07jqldamn that sounds yummy
04:23.10tzangerjameswf-home: :-)
04:23.41jql3> corn
04:23.49jqltoo drunk to <3
04:24.14tzangerjql: hahaha
04:24.16Nasraokay so now....I just have to wait for my wise purchase to arrive.....and thanks alot all...
04:24.27tzangerKatty: i'm gonna have to try that ham recipe
04:24.29Kattyhaha, i read that as 'my wife purchase'
04:24.32bluregardNasra, you can always start reading the PDF version
04:24.45Kattytzanger: do it. it's wonderful.
04:24.56tzangercloves are something I have never cooked with
04:25.04Kattythey're a bit strong
04:25.09Nasrayes I am doing that learning the terms....
04:25.10Kattyi usually don't use very much of them.
04:25.17tzangeralthough I've made the full conversion from peppercorns to crushed or coarse ground pepper... much more intense
04:25.32jameswf-homehow do you fix a womans watch....
04:25.36jameswf-homenm sorry
04:25.49antlers_tzanger, I just got back from India... brought home big ol' bags of spices
04:25.58antlers_the pepper corns I got there knocked me off my rear end
04:26.04tzangernice... I don't generally get too spicy but a friend of mine has been initiating me
04:26.14tzangerhe's a fan of asian cooking, lots of 5-spice and stuff
04:26.15coppicei don't find the food in india very spicy
04:26.17tzangerantlers_: I bet
04:26.19Kattyhmm. asian
04:26.19jqlproper indian spices? /jealous
04:26.26jameswf-homeindian, thai and mexican all different kinds of hot...
04:26.27Kattyi haven't had some nice proper asian food in a bit
04:26.28antlers_Indian food sucks, sorry Indians
04:26.32antlers_ok, some of it is good... :)
04:26.38Kattyi like curry
04:26.40bluregardtzanger, try some curry paste
04:26.41antlers_but Indian spice is... hmmm... bland?
04:26.41Kattyand biryana
04:26.46Kattyooohhhh i like biryani
04:26.46antlers_like a very very dull spicy
04:27.02antlers_the snacks they served me with beer over there I loved
04:27.06tzangeryeah I'm not much for spice, although a little bite is good
04:27.09antlers_everything else sucked, at least to me, to each their own...
04:27.19Kattyantlers_: was it like flat little rye crisps?
04:27.20antlers_ended up eating at subway in the IT campus a lot
04:27.22Kattyantlers_: fennel crisps
04:27.24jameswf-homeI love thai... I have a friend who can order natively man that gets you the good sh**
04:27.24antlers_despite the "chicken ham"
04:27.47tzangermy wife claims I make the best roast chicken ever, I think it's a fun dish to make
04:27.50tzangeralways room for improvement
04:27.51antlers_Katty, shrug... I can't remember half the names of things... this was in Chennai, so Tamil style food
04:27.58antlers_*bobs his head left and right*
04:28.08Kattytzanger: i'd be interested in your roast chicken recipe
04:28.19tzangerKatty: there really is not much to it
04:28.20Kattytzanger: i don't have one yet. that'd be a nice healthy thing to make next week.
04:28.24tzangerI take great pain to prepare the skin though
04:28.33antlers_exten => s,5,GotoIf($[ ${LEN(${CALLERID(number)})} = "" ]?6666,6)
04:28.42antlers_time to slap myself up the head with a 1.6 syntax doc
04:29.01antlers_GotoIf is so simple my 4yo could understand it, so obviously I'm doing something beyond stupid
04:29.07tzangerwash off the bird, dry it off with paper towel, then I salt it down and let it "sweat" - the salt pulls the moisture out of hte skin... paper towel it off and apply more salt if necessary, it'll sweat at least 2 or 3 times
04:29.10Kattytzanger: you buy cornish hens?
04:29.14tzangerthen brush on some olive oil
04:29.16tzangerthat's the skin done
04:29.21tzangerKatty: I have, same method
04:29.24tzangerthey're delish :-)
04:29.31Kattyhow long does this salting take?
04:29.34Kattya single round
04:30.11tzangerafter that I usually dice up an entire onion, poultry seasoning, pepper... a 1.5kg chicken proabbly gets about a half cup of this
04:30.18tzangerlots of mushrooms too although I liek those big
04:30.28tzangeroh and a half a lemon
04:30.41Kattyi think you should email me all this
04:30.41tzangerpour that *in* the chicken, the skin is already done
04:30.53tzangerKatty: hmm... I like to let it sweat at least 10 minutes at a time
04:31.00tzangerso for 3 sweats... 30 min?
04:31.07Kattyin, the chicken?
04:31.30tzangeranyway... 350 or 325 if you're gonna slow cook it... until the thigh measures 180... I like my chicken a little overdone
04:31.30Kattyalways been a fan of boneless, skinless
04:31.42jbotwell, ot is off topic
04:31.54tzangerKatty: yeah you pour that stuff in the chicken and around  it... you can baste the skin with that instead of oil if you don't want golden brown crispy skin
04:31.57jboti heard cooking is at <reply> ...yum :)
04:32.04Kattytzanger: nice (=
04:32.13Kattytzanger: that sounds wonderful. must try it
04:32.15tzangerthe lemon brings out a very nic eflavour in it
04:32.18*** join/#asterisk timgws (n=LivedTyp@
04:32.31tzangerbut yeah, tasty chicken, great breast meat too (I've never ever ever had dry breasts)
04:32.42tzangermade a killer 17lb turkey this past easter
04:32.48tzangergod bless my mom's stuffing :-)
04:32.58tzangersuper simple too
04:33.03Kattymy mom is a nightmare when it comes to turkey
04:33.08tzangerbut she cheats (lipton chicken noodle soup package for flavor)
04:33.12jameswf-homejut found Sauteed Okra with Roasted Red Peppers
04:33.15tzangerbut I can't argue with it
04:33.23tzangerit's a super awesome stuffing
04:33.28*** join/#asterisk jdas (
04:33.37tzangerheh hey jdas
04:33.42Kattyi'm more of a cornbread with sage and rasins type person
04:33.43jdasHey ;)
04:33.44tzangerI recognize you
04:33.57tzangercornbread with sage and raisins?  blasphemy
04:33.58jdasI'm everywhere
04:34.03tzangerno, I'm everywhere
04:34.04tzangerask katty
04:34.07Kattytzanger: it's goood ;)
04:34.08bluregardKatty, sage sausage stuffing
04:34.10Kattyi'm also everywhere.
04:34.15*** join/#asterisk jcaceres (
04:34.21Kattybluregard: yes, sausage is good with cornbread stuffing too.
04:34.23Kattyjust a little tho
04:34.26Kattynot too much sausage
04:34.40bluregardno, then you end up with a sausage and bread loaf
04:34.46jcacereshello does any body knows how can i modify the sampling rate of ztmonitor?
04:34.56tzangeronce I get my farm I will try my hand at making sausage
04:35.04tzangerand growing my own chickens and rabbits
04:35.09tzangerand cheese, and honey
04:35.12Kattyyou grow plants
04:35.14Kattyyou raise animals
04:35.21bluregarddamn, beat me to it
04:35.21tzangernot according to my 4 year old
04:35.26Kattyyou paint walls, you polish nails
04:35.31tzangerI have her convinced that you put eggs in the soil and water them to grow chickens
04:35.49jcaceresis this asterisk voip? or i made i mistake?
04:35.50tzangerI also have her calling chicken breasts "chicken boobs"
04:35.50bluregardtzanger, that's awesome.
04:36.06tzangerwhen teh school calls me to ask about that I'll ask them incredulously, "W>hat did you expect me to teach ehr to call them, chicken tits?"
04:36.13Kattytzanger: you daughter reminds me of the kid on reddit awhile back that summarized star wars
04:36.28Kattytzanger: you didn't see that?
04:36.32Kattytzanger: i'll get it
04:36.34tzangerKatty: no, I am not on reddit
04:37.30jcaceresi'll ask again,  how can i modify the sampling rate of ztmonitor?
04:37.45tzangerjcaceres: you can adjust the poll() timeout I guess, but why
04:38.04jqlwith sufficient motivation...
04:38.20jdasI was digging through my basement
04:38.25jdasAnd found one of these
04:38.27Kattytzanger: favorite line: POKIE BALL
04:38.33jdasAny use of this with an Asterisk system?
04:38.48jcaceresthat implies recompiling somithing, doesn`t it?
04:39.03tzangerjcaceres: of course
04:39.25jqljdas: expensive toy to mothball in your basement
04:39.34jdasjql: My dad got it for free
04:39.39jdasHis office moved
04:39.41Kattytzanger: the shiny guy always worries.
04:39.44jdasI had no idea how much it was worth
04:39.46tzangerKatty: hahaha
04:39.51tzangernot bad, not bad at all
04:39.55tzangershe soudns JUST like my 4yo
04:40.04Kattytzanger: his lightup sword and the pokie ball
04:40.05jqlit's certainly usable with asterisk
04:40.05tzangerdon't talk back to darth vader, he'll getcha
04:40.17jdasjql: I have no experience with asterisk ;)
04:40.23jqla decent speakerphone. very agreesive sound processing. :)
04:40.24tzangerjql: with sufficient thrust, pigs fly just fine
04:40.28tzangerthat's one of my all time favourite quotes
04:40.48jcacerestzanger: I am newbie in compiling in linux, is it posible to compile just ztmonitor and no not mess with all the other stuff in zaptel?
04:40.49jdasDumbass question...what hardware do I need for an Asterisk system with the Polycom system?
04:40.57jdasFor internal purposes (expensive intercom)
04:41.09jqla 486 or better...
04:41.11jdasA computer, granted
04:41.12bluregardjdas, a network card
04:41.19tzangerjcaceres: when you adjust ztmonitor.c and re-issue the make command, it will only rebuild what is necessary (ztmonitor)
04:41.21jdasblu: So I can just use standard Ethernet?
04:41.28tzangerjcaceres: that is assuming, of course, that you've already built zaptel once
04:41.29jdasI dont need one of those 4-port cards?
04:41.30bluregardjdas, yep
04:41.50bluregardjdas, PRI or TDM?
04:41.57jdasNot a damned clue what you mean :P
04:42.00*** join/#asterisk InHisName (
04:42.05bluregardjdas, then no
04:42.22antlers_ah, thank god
04:42.24antlers_exten => s,5,GotoIf($[ ${LEN(${CALLERID(num)})} < 10 ]?default,s,6666)
04:42.31antlers_and I'm golden now
04:42.40jdasIs there a way to test a SIP base station with a standard network?
04:42.51jdasPlug in the Ethernet cable from a standard connection, see if it powers on?
04:42.59jdasWould that be a decent way to test it?
04:43.02bluregardtzanger, that's f-ing great
04:43.23jdasOr does SIP need a power on command over Ethernet?
04:43.26tzangerbluregard: ^^
04:43.55tzanger"no matter how hard you push and no matter what hte priority, you can't increase the speed of light"
04:44.23tzafrir_homejdas, No. Some devices that happen to have SIP functionality can (or must) use power over ethernet
04:44.46jdasSo if I plug a working Ethernet cable into the Ethernet port, it should work?
04:44.49jdasAs in...turn on
04:44.56jdasBecause I don't see a power cable port
04:44.57tzafrir_homeMy computer (with a soft phone) isn't one of them
04:45.05bluregardjdas, what brand phone?
04:45.12tzangerjdas: uh, no
04:45.21tzangeryou need to supply power over the ethernet cable
04:45.24Kattynaptime for kats.
04:45.25bluregardjdas, polycoms use PoE,
04:45.29tzangerKatty: me too
04:45.36tzangergod, it's quarter to one
04:45.36Kattytzanger: ninite
04:45.37jdasAny ideas how I can emulate PoE for testing purposes?
04:45.38bluregardKatty, g'night
04:45.43InHisNameI am trying to call other sip companies via    format:  *363500    My dial plan needs to be fixed. What to add to it ?
04:45.53tzafrir_homejdas, most models do, IIRC
04:46.07tzafrir_homeany anyway, you need a switch that provides power
04:46.08bluregardjdas, you need an ethernet cable with a power input, like the one supplied with most polycoms
04:46.21jdasI just have the device
04:46.23jdasNo cables or anything
04:46.26tzafrir_homepower over ethernet uses some extra pins
04:46.38bluregardjdas, if you're good with electronics and know how to read specs you can make one
04:46.56bluregardjdas, or order one
04:46.56jdasI'm good with electronics, but don't want to get started making cables
04:47.20jdasThey are very expensive
04:47.44*** join/#asterisk adorah (n=Michael@
04:47.50tzangerjdas: it's more than cables in some instances
04:48.12tzangerthere is a full-out specification for power over ethernet, if you have to comply with it there's more to it than just wiring up 24V to unused pins
04:48.20bluregardjdas, it's worth it compared to the price of a PoE switch
04:48.36bluregardjdas, for testing at least
04:48.42keith4any ol' PoE injector will work, though
04:48.44bluregardPoE rocks
04:48.57keith4i think my polycom test phone is on a linksys PoE injector
04:49.09keith4probably en ebay special
04:49.19jdasLemme go look
04:49.23jmhunterbluregard: indeed
04:49.33tzafrir_homePoE means you can't just use standard ethernet...
04:50.07bluregardtzafrir_home, what do you mean
04:51.04tzafrir_homeFor instance, out of sockets and you want to put a small switch in the room?
04:51.47jdasWill this do the job?
04:51.55tzafrir_homeNot to mention something like a cross-over connection, for special cases
04:51.59bluregardjdas, 24V
04:52.13tzafrir_home48V, actually
04:52.44jdasI need 48v?
04:52.53bluregardno wait, my polycom is on a 12V
04:53.16bluregardjdas, you should be able to find detailed specs
04:53.36coppicetry a light switch
04:53.39bluregardgotta go, wife beckons
04:53.44bluregardlater all
04:54.18jdasDoesn't say
04:55.57adorahPoE - the whole fuss just to save a power adapter by replacing it with another one..
04:56.33adorahby a differnt name..
04:57.24coppicethat's not the real issue
04:58.01coppicecentralising power, where UPSing it is a lot easier is the real win. also, phones with a single lead are a big plus
04:59.02tzangercoppice: also getting new equipment (managed, powered switches) is a big plus
04:59.12adorahIt is not enough to justify the extra cost for an end-point
04:59.28tzafrir_homeanalog (and ISDN) phones have it built in...
05:00.00InHisNameEliminate 8 wall warts for one wall wart.  7 watts each x 7 x 24 hrs x 30 days = 5.40 mo savings.
05:00.15coppicewhen people pay $1000 for a cisco access point that does what a $50 Linksys from the same company does, they aren't really that concerned
05:01.00timgwsInHisName: mo?
05:01.02adorahThose with no budget concerns buy also Cisco softswitch :P
05:01.23coppicewell, not always, as they find it sucks
05:01.32keith4oh man, I was so excited to see a "Mass Deployment" page in Snom's wiki.... but then it made me sad
05:01.44InHisNameno budget concern companies also have the over paid CEOs etc.
05:01.54jdasIf I have a standard landline phone and I want to hook it up to an Asterisk solution
05:01.58jdasWhat hardware do I need?
05:02.04keith4you need a POTS card
05:02.09jdasI can't just use a v92 modem, right?
05:02.19jdasHow much are those?
05:02.27keith4there's like one (1) modem chipset that's kinda supported, and you probably don't have it
05:02.35keith4depends how many ports you want
05:02.39jdasOnly need 2
05:02.47coppiceanyway, PoE switches are not that expensive these days, especially if you use he ones where only a few ports have PoE - which is a typical requirement
05:02.58keith4or a PoE bank
05:03.07InHisNameI have 9 ATAs  & it gives me 18 extensions for my *, jdas
05:03.18coppicekeith4: with sub-prime lending issues?
05:03.21jdasLost me
05:03.28keith4coppice: probably ;-)
05:03.32tzafrir_homeInHisName, PSTN lines, not extensions
05:03.44*** join/#asterisk quigon (n=matias@
05:03.46keith4jdas: you want to use an analog trunk, right?
05:04.04jdasSorry, I'm new to this
05:04.17keith4you have plain ol' analog phone service from the phone company?
05:04.24keith4and you want to connect an asterisk box to it?
05:04.34InHisNamejdas, asked how to cnx standard landline phone to *, I said how I do it.
05:04.55jdasWhat I really want to do right now is more of a project than practical
05:05.02jdasAn intercom system, essentially
05:05.21keith4you might be able to ebay a single-port digium card, but I don't think they make them anymore
05:05.49InHisNamenot phone but phone company ?   then use Linksys 3000 - one phone cnx and one phone company cnx [fxo & fxs]
05:06.04adorahThere r cheap generic x100p but quality is low
05:06.34keith4oh, wait. he said he wants two ports
05:07.28jdasThis was intended to be ;)
05:07.46keith4stick with SIP then
05:08.24adorah<jdas>Than buy a generic x100p AYOR fro 18-25$
05:09.26jcacerestzanger: i know this question is probably for other channel but if i am using trixbox would it be possible to recompile just ztmonitot it if i get the correct sources?
05:18.24tzafrir_homejcaceres, what version of zaptel do you currently use?
05:18.53tzafrir_homeIf you use a version that is too ancient, than the new version won't work with your kernel-mode Zaptel
05:19.03tzafrir_homeneeds to document that too...
05:29.32*** join/#asterisk esaym (
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05:39.50*** join/#asterisk dcmwai (n=dcmwai@
05:42.55InHisNameI am trying to call other sip companies via    format:  *363500    My dial plan needs to be fixed. What to add to it ?
05:46.17*** join/#asterisk russellb (n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla)
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06:25.08*** join/#asterisk SteveTotaro (
06:25.35SteveTotaroanyone awake?
06:30.49jcaceres¬¬ am sleepy
06:31.25drmessanoI want a muffin
06:31.32drmessanoA really REALLY GOOD muffin
06:32.58InHisNameSteveTotaro, I am awake for a few more minutes
06:33.32SteveTotarojust woke up and am wide awake
06:33.39SteveTotarocannot get back to sleep
06:33.56SteveTotarohas anyone used Druid?
06:34.36SteveTotaroI am going to try to convice a customer with five offices away from fonality pbxtra to Druid
06:34.54InHisNameSteveTotaro, probably not since I don't know what it is.
06:35.07*** join/#asterisk VaNNi (
06:35.39SteveTotarobesides I do not really care for fonality, the demos for druid look great
06:35.57SteveTotaroand they have a fee or paid version as well as support packages
06:36.08drmessanoDruids are weak.. add the Paladin and save your cloudsong for the last level
06:36.24SteveTotarowith fonality, i only make 10%, that is crap
06:37.43SteveTotarodamn google puts ideas into people's heads like Fonality is great
06:37.52SteveTotarorealtime rocks
06:38.08SteveTotaroiax IS the answer!
06:40.55drmessanoFonality is poo
06:42.41SteveTotaroyes but any guy with google that is easily swayed by marketing, uys the hype
06:42.44tzafrirwell, how much experince do you have with Druid?
06:43.00SteveTotaroi would rather go free but switchvox is also a possibility
06:43.25tzafrirSomething that annoys me with all of them: leave the tftp area world writable.
06:43.36SteveTotaronone yet but my learning curve is that off a cliff
06:44.09SteveTotarocant you just disable that in inetd?
06:44.29tzafrirI figure you can. Or kill the daemon. Or whatever
06:44.38drmessanoSure.. ever help a 100% GUI Trixbox user?
06:45.07SteveTotaronot trixbox but many freepbx installs
06:45.46SteveTotaroend user wants a user portal to manage their own settings, voicemail, followme, etc...
06:45.54drmessanoNot knocking anyone, but the expectation is that someone with a skill set juyst above an end user can deploy it.. so things like "ZOMG, weak passwords" need to be considered by the builder of the project, with the expectation that the installer can't/won't fix
06:46.03drmessanoSo things like that end up being HUGE problems
06:46.42SteveTotaroyou are right, i have experimented in this area
06:46.45tzafrirwhat is a weak password?
06:47.27SteveTotaroor exten = pass
06:47.30tzafrirIf you expect it to be accessible both through a soft-phone and a fial-pad phone, you have different things
06:48.06tzafrirexten=pass is a way to make sure you don't accidentally get into someone else's voicemail :-(
06:48.23SteveTotaroyes, very common too
06:48.42tzafrirIs it such a big deal for a SIP user to try all the 4-digit combinations?
06:49.45SteveTotarowell my customer has two offices with T1s turned up, I plan on bringing in two Druid systems and see if he likes it, if not, then I will continue with the Fonality that he is so set on.
06:50.57SteveTotaro$1,600 for a commodity server seems high
06:51.49SteveTotaroonly has 512 RAM and two 80 gig mirrored sata drives, pentium 4, 3 ghz single core
06:52.20SteveTotaro$45 to provision a phone!
06:53.01SteveTotarothey totally avoided the question of installing a sangoma or other card
06:55.57SteveTotaroHey Tzafrir, have you checked out the new URI for app_rpt?
06:56.13tzafrirwhat is it?
06:56.22SteveTotaroi will have three nodes online this week
06:56.33*** join/#asterisk fedya (
06:56.36SteveTotaroties two way radio into asterisk
06:58.32SteveTotarothere is so much potential in 3rd word countries or otherwise remote locations
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08:09.14CCFL_Man2i'm not sure what gsm modem to get
08:09.31CCFL_Man2i just want one for sms messaging
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08:33.57jcaceresCCFL_Man2, does asterisk has integration with sms messaging?
08:34.38jcaceresmaybe a cellphone with bluetooth
08:37.57DarKnesS_WolFjcaceres: check application sms
08:39.12tzafrir(If your telco supports it)
08:48.20DarKnesS_WolFtzafrir: XR1000 supports G729 passthrow ?
08:48.32tzafrirpassthrough? sure
08:48.36tzafrirthat's really trivial
08:49.30DarKnesS_WolFtzafrir: cool will test right now :-)
08:51.43*** join/#asterisk Olobola (
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09:15.32felipexhi at all
09:15.48felipexwhat use for isdn bri hfc based card?
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09:20.22tzafrirfelipex, if you find it useless, please send it to me
09:21.02*** join/#asterisk peimei (
09:21.33peimeianyone have any idea why I get a "originate failed"? WOuld like some pointers as to where to start looking :D
09:21.46tzafrirfelipex, well, it can be used to connect Asterisk to an ISDN BRI connection. Which is nice and digital
09:22.33tzafrirpeimei, how did you originate? through the manager interface? through the 'originate' command in the CLI?
09:22.34*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
09:22.55peimeiIt is done through adhearsion actually
09:23.06peimeiAnd to be honest I am a total asterisk noob
09:23.24peimeiactually, yes it comes through the manager
09:23.30peimeiasterisk_ami call
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09:25.14peimeiSo I can register through sip just fine, when the login action is called through the manager it works, but the next call through the manager is originate and it fails (this is where I am supposed to be connecting a call)
09:27.44felipextzafrir bristuff ?
09:28.16tzafrirRight. Or asterisk 1.6 without bristuff (with just a small patch to Zaptel)
09:29.07felipextzafrir i use debian
09:29.21felipexi see the package asterisk-bristuff
09:29.24felipexi try that
09:30.00tzafrirfelipex, what distro is it? Etch?
09:31.11felipextzafrir yes
09:34.26tzafrirok. you need to build zaptel modules with: m-a a-i zaptel    (install zaptel-source first)
09:40.54*** join/#asterisk MACscr (
09:41.07MACscrwhat's the replacement for sip debug?
09:47.20tzafrirMACscr, replacement where?
09:47.27tzafrirsip set debug?
09:47.40tzafrir(sip <tab><tab>?)
09:48.19MACscrtzafrir: sorry, first time using 1.4. I am used to 1.2
09:55.28MACscrtzafrir: for some reason it says that: sip set, isn't even a known command
09:55.40MACscrwhen I look at help, sip doesn't seem to be an option
09:56.06tzafrirsip set <tab><tab> ?
09:59.31hi365i dont get it: every change to asterisk source requires libpri/zaptel/asterisk/asterisk addons to be rebuilt???
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10:05.53MACscrtzafrir: that doesn't work. That should work with 1.4, right?
10:06.21tzafririn 1.2 it's 'sip debug'
10:06.54MACscrim running Asterisk
10:07.38MACscrI must be missing something. So odd that sip isn't showing as an option in help
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10:32.53hwthi. i have an asterisk and a ser. most of the users are registered on the ser, but some are registered on asterisk. what would be the best way to try ast first, then pass on to ser for inbound calls?
10:33.05hwtright now i am using the invalid (i) extension.
10:33.32hwtwith a switch => for the registered (local) users. they are in Realtime
10:41.18hi365where's the best place to ask about spandsp?
10:41.29*** join/#asterisk fordfrog (n=fordfrog@gentoo/developer/fordfrog)
10:47.00coppicewhat do you want to know?
11:07.01hi365coppice: thanks. i was getting an error about not finding the lib's. but after RTFM things started working :)
11:07.05hi365i dont get it: every change to asterisk source requires libpri/zaptel/asterisk/asterisk addons to be rebuilt???
11:10.41*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
11:12.29pais there some module for asterisk which allow to do softfax?
11:12.55palike using voip, or isdn or gsm and sending fax on it?
11:13.07pa(or receiving fax)
11:14.08hi365 ?
11:17.05*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (n=chatzill@
11:21.03tzafrirhi365, not really sure about a mailing list (actually waiting for coppice to answer about that), but
11:21.38tzafrirspandsp does not depend on libpri and asterisk. Some samples depend on Zaptel, but not the library itself, IIRC
11:22.11tzafrirhi365, hmm... sorry, misread
11:23.03*** join/#asterisk NielsNL (
11:23.16NielsNLHallo all,
11:24.17NielsNLI'm trying to setup a asteriskWin32 server with a ISDN card
11:25.06NielsNLI can see the card using CLI> CAPI INFO
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11:25.46NielsNLAnd when i call the ISDN number is see the incomming call
11:26.07abuyazanhow can i put the dst phone number in recording the out calls
11:26.58abuyazancan you guide me where to start reading about this
11:27.18NielsNLbut when is try to call out i get this: " Didn't find capi device for interface 'ISDN1'
11:30.17NielsNLit is very quiet
11:31.34loompekwhat's the right directory structure for asterisk sounds? for i18n
11:31.53loompekall the files are in /var/lib/asterisk by default.. right?
11:32.32Unlockgodyo guys
11:38.11tzafrirNielsNL, does it support capi?
11:38.16abuyazanfrom where this variable get ($timestamp = $argv[1])
11:38.43NielsNLyes, i belief zo, tzafrir
11:38.49abuyazan$argv[1] where this variable come from
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12:07.25InHisNameI am trying to call other sip companies via    format:  *363500    My dial plan needs to be fixed. What to add to it ?
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13:17.44R-MANhey guys
13:18.00R-MANanyone using sipgate as a trunk?
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13:47.23jbot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet telephony Service Provider or "VoIP Telephone company". The allow you to either PLACE calls to the PSTN (called Termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called Origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs
13:47.35jbot[~itsplist-us] Here are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones : , , ,, or, or, or
13:48.52*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (n=tzafrir@
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14:01.35riddleboxdoes anyone know what is stopping itsp's from porting cell phone numbers?
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14:03.02SteveTotaroi sure wish that cell phones GPS, i hate losing them
14:04.05SteveTotarothe damn thing is still on, it rings for over five rings but i have gone everywhere i thought it may be and hear nothing
14:04.16SteveTotarohopefully it is not on vibrate
14:04.45Kattyyou shouldput a proximity beeper on it
14:05.08riddleboxSteveTotaro, check your car
14:05.14SteveTotarowell i have five extra phones (v3s) so it is no big deal
14:05.18riddleboxleaves his there all the time
14:05.39SteveTotaroi checked my car, not only that, i cleaned it for the first time since last summer ;)
14:06.29SteveTotaronow i can actually give people rides and there is room and i am not embarassed by the piles of tech stuff in the back seat
14:07.12Kattyi need to do that too
14:07.15Kattymine's a disaster
14:07.16SteveTotarothe downside is, right when i need that part in the bottom of a box that was in my backseat, i won't have it
14:08.36SteveTotaroi mean, i have a collection of every db25 to db9, cat5, null modem, crossover, any connector you could imagine
14:08.46*** join/#asterisk kamanashisroy (n=kamanash@
14:08.55riddleboxSteveTotaro, I have that as well, but its in a work van
14:09.26SteveTotaromy work van is a cavalier, much better gas milage
14:09.47SteveTotaromy other work vehicle is a kawasaki 454 LDT
14:10.01SteveTotarocan't beat 50 mpg
14:10.32Kattyi just have shoes, and goodwill boxes in my car.
14:10.37Kattyand a couple tech books
14:10.42*** join/#asterisk ReD-MaN (
14:10.56SteveTotaroKatty, are things so bad you need Goodwill?
14:11.07KattySteveTotaro: no, boxes that go /to/ goodwill (=
14:11.15KattySteveTotaro: but i like goodwill. they have neat things sometimes.
14:11.27KattySteveTotaro: i get tons of lil plushie ferret toys there
14:11.36SteveTotaroi give to Amvets
14:11.40riddleboxSteveTotaro, thats why I like working for someone else ;) they supply me with everything I need
14:11.51Kattydon't think we have an Amvets around here. we have a salvation army tho
14:12.20SteveTotaroi have everything i need, i just need organization
14:12.48SteveTotaromotivation and organization are my weaknesses but i am seeking help
14:12.48Kattyi could use to get rid of a lot more stuff.
14:12.51riddleboxman I wish it would stop raining here, water is starting to come into my basement
14:12.58Kattywe have big ole monitors in this house, and ancient towers
14:13.06SteveTotarosump pump working?
14:13.21Kattyalso got a big desk i need to get rid of, and i'd like to put a... arm...something forget what's its called. holds tvs
14:13.26riddleboxSteveTotaro, yeah but the water is coming from 2 walls that are near a drain
14:13.43SteveTotaroi got rid of all that stuff, just kept my commodore, timex sinclair, and game consoles
14:14.51SteveTotaroinstalling fc9beta and asterisk 1.6beta, wonder how stable it will be 8-)
14:15.38SteveTotaroprobably as stable as the guy talking about running multiple instances of asterisk in xen
14:17.02SteveTotarogoing to put druid on a separate drive and see how good it is
14:18.04SteveTotaroi have a customer sold of fonality and pbxtra, i would prefer him to go switchvox or druid if it is any good, just a preference against fonality
14:18.17SteveTotaroas a reseller, i only get 10% of the take
14:20.16SteveTotaroi should get some residuals based on support contracts
14:20.20Dovidcan anyone help me with
14:21.43SteveTotaroDovid: make && make install
14:22.36*** join/#asterisk kyron (
14:22.40SteveTotaroyou didn't run the ./configure script first
14:22.41DovidSteve: sane error
14:22.55SteveTotarodid you try ./configure first?
14:23.28Dovidthat throws no errors
14:23.47SteveTotaroi so /bootstrap /configure /make clean /make && make installl
14:23.54SteveTotarowhat version of zaptel
14:24.20SteveTotarois that the latest and greatest?
14:24.22Dovidboot strap throws an eror
14:24.28Doviddont know about greatest
14:24.34SteveTotarodid you do a make clean
14:24.42Dovidthat just loops away
14:24.43SteveTotaroany patches?
14:24.50Dovidclean download
14:25.05SteveTotaroopen a bug on mantis, besides that, i have no idea
14:25.18SteveTotarogo with an earlier version of zaptel
14:25.26Dovidi think i will try that
14:25.27Kattyi just burnedmy finger :<
14:25.37Dovidif earlier works than i will open up a ticket on the bug tracker
14:25.58SteveTotaroKatty, put down the crack pipe, it is too early on a Sunday for that
14:26.25Kattyi was lighting an apple pie candle thankyouverymuch
14:27.02SteveTotaroi used to smoke P*t through apples in college
14:28.35SteveTotarolet's see is fc8 rocks my world or is a dud like vista
14:29.30tzafrirDovid, if you look at the makefile there, you'll see that there is an explicit 'exit 1'
14:29.30SteveTotaroKatty, was the cadle made in china?
14:29.37tzafrirYou should run ./configure before make
14:29.48SteveTotaroi told him that
14:29.56tzafrirnow just run 'make' and move along
14:30.20SteveTotarobut if you run make someone was smart enough to have it go and do configure
14:30.46SteveTotarowhy does udev take longer and longer to start on all of my systems?
14:31.01tzafrirlonger and longer? compared to what?
14:31.16SteveTotaroto what is used to take silly
14:31.22SteveTotarorelatively speaking
14:32.09*** join/#asterisk boblutz (
14:32.14Dovidsteve i am working my way back. 1.4.8 is not working either.
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14:32.19Dovidi am thinking it is my server ;)
14:32.21SteveTotarowell fc9 doesn't like my video card
14:32.31SteveTotaroare you doing configure first
14:32.39Dovidof course i am
14:32.42Dovidthat works with no issue
14:33.54SteveTotarono, i am building the most stable asterisk server evar with FC9beta and asterisk1.6beta running xen
14:34.38boblutzAre you building zaptel drivers?
14:35.12SteveTotaronah, i dont mess with that pokeman stuff
14:35.23SteveTotaroit was a joke
14:35.30boblutzoic lol
14:42.17SteveTotaroATI video cards and linux suxor
14:42.36boblutzi concur
14:42.57*** join/#asterisk Katty (
14:43.11SteveTotaroi cant get x to start with the vesa driver or radeon
14:45.42boblutzmalformed xorg.conf?
14:46.14SteveTotaroit is a fresh fc9beta install
14:46.52SteveTotaroonly problem is i have stacks of ATI cards but no Nvidia
14:47.01boblutzSteveTotaro, Is it true you are on the Fedora dev team?
14:47.29SteveTotarodo but i like it for my HTPC
14:48.34SteveTotarobut without the proper ATI driver support, watching a DVD is like watching one of those paper flip book movies
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14:48.59boblutzim getting 0wn3d by CPAN right now
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14:50.39SteveTotaroif i use Radeon, i get a halfway garbled screen, the mouse moves, but i cannot login
14:52.07boblutzati + amd = ftl
14:52.13boblutzintel + nvidia = ftw
14:52.47SteveTotaromight have to shell out a few bucks
14:52.49boblutzrocks 7900gt + 2gigs ram on a minimal fluxbox desktop
14:53.16boblutzSteveTotaro, If you are in the 614 area I can lend you an nvidia card
14:53.34SteveTotarobalto/dc area
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14:54.09SteveTotaroseems to be alot of good deals on hot deals
14:54.13SteveTotaroor fleabay
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14:55.11SteveTotaroi am in the 410,301,240,443 area, lol
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15:04.48SteveTotarohoping yum update might have better ati support but doubtful
15:05.19SteveTotarofunny thing is driver "vesa" always has worked in the past although slow as hell
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15:07.12boblutzim going out of town tomorrow on business, i need to go pack
15:07.26erwinpogzhello good day to all, is there any documents how to make a predictive dialer out of asterisk?
15:07.34SteveTotarohave a fun, safe and productive trip
15:07.41boblutzSteveTotaro, Thanks!
15:07.49SteveTotarovicidial is very popular
15:08.24erwinpogzSteveTotaro i tried but i got troubles installing it. i want to make my own.. a simple one
15:08.41SteveTotaroyou may be my man then
15:08.54SteveTotaroi could never get the damn thing to install either
15:09.12SteveTotaroi told matt that at astricon, we spoke together
15:09.21SteveTotaroabout large scale call centers
15:09.27*** join/#asterisk FCOJ (
15:09.28erwinpogzSteveTotaro i tried installing it and i cant get it work on my system
15:09.43SteveTotarohow big is your operation?
15:09.55erwinpogzlike 50 seats
15:10.47SteveTotaroall selling the same product?
15:10.47erwinpogzno, not all
15:10.56SteveTotarodo you get leads from infousa or similar list sellers?
15:11.15erwinpogzi have lead gen team
15:11.52SteveTotaro608meg to update fc9beta :'(
15:12.07SteveTotaroi have a VERY basic dialer
15:12.19erwinpogzSteveTotaro what is it?
15:12.45*** join/#asterisk oej (
15:12.50SteveTotaroit is not public yet.  I plan having it under the GPL with less features and a hosted version that is feature rich
15:13.26SteveTotarowhen i say basic, i mean BASIC
15:13.32erwinpogzthats also whats on my mind.. "made my own" after trying vicidial and gnudialer
15:13.52SteveTotaroeach agent imports their leads into a db
15:14.27SteveTotarothe agent or supervisor sets the simultaneous number of outbound calls, so let's say five at a time
15:14.28erwinpogzwhen can it be public? i want to join the dev
15:14.48SteveTotarothe first one that answers will terminate the other four calls
15:15.09SteveTotaroit uses ajax and pops all the info you imported from your DB onto the screen instantly
15:15.52SteveTotarothe only bugs i need to work out are compliance as far as hanging up on the other four calls
15:16.38SteveTotaroif they are just ringing, no problem, answering machine is no problem, but a live person is
15:16.45erwinpogzahh proper handling
15:16.57erwinpogzare you using queue?
15:16.58SteveTotaroi need to code that to transfer to another agent
15:17.15SteveTotaroi wrote a new asterisk app
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15:17.38SteveTotaroit was called multicall but there is already a product called multicall so i went with AsterDial
15:18.33erwinpogzanyway, i need to do a research on this.. brb
15:18.38erwinpogzthanks SteveTotaro
15:18.43SteveTotarothe real idea is for very small shops with one or two telemarketers to be able to start marketing the same day as signing up
15:18.50SteveTotaroyeah, no problem
15:19.00SteveTotaroif you want to beta test let me know
15:19.56erwinpogzokay :D
15:21.27erwinpogzright now, my 50 agents are dialling manually
15:21.46SteveTotarowell this idea came from the mortgage meltdown
15:21.59SteveTotaromy college roomates were all in the mortgage biz
15:22.13erwinpogzi tried astercrm dialler but sometimes it freezes asterisk
15:22.14SteveTotaroand hired telemarketers to manually dial numbers
15:22.45erwinpogzmanual dialling takes time
15:22.48SteveTotaronow they cannot afford the telemarketers and hate manually dialing since it is such a waste of time
15:23.29*** join/#asterisk jdas (
15:23.39SteveTotaroyes, so i figure five simultaneous calls automatically, it will really help
15:23.50jdasHey. Anyone looking for a Polycom IP4000?
15:23.52SteveTotarowhen one is answered, it pauses the campaign
15:24.10SteveTotarountil the resume button is clicked
15:25.02SteveTotarowell the code and system is all setup
15:25.31SteveTotarothe one thing missing is a piece to define what fields need to go where in a dynamic database
15:25.47SteveTotaroright now it is hard coded to a csv export from infousa
15:26.15SteveTotaroshould be done mid week
15:26.22*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
15:27.00SteveTotarowhat line of business are you in?
15:27.17erwinpogzSteveTotaro, where can we monitor the first public release of your project?
15:27.58SteveTotaroi will announce it
15:27.58SteveTotarowhat is your line of work?
15:27.58SteveTotaroi want a GPL version and a hosted version
15:28.00erwinpogzinbound and outbount
15:28.03ManxPowerThere is an entire level of Dante's Hell reserved just for telemarketers, you know.
15:28.21SteveTotarothe hosted version could employ niche business
15:29.11SteveTotaromanx, telemarketers keep the economy strong (well not so much anymore, coincidence, do not call list, resession/depression)
15:29.51SteveTotaroif you scrub your lists and do things within the guidelines, telemarketing is fine
15:30.11SteveTotaroinbound and outbound what?
15:30.15SteveTotarowhat do you sell?
15:30.26SteveTotaroyour line of work, or do you just handle a call center
15:31.59erwinpogzi handle the IT part of the center. we sell toners&inks/internet connectivity/electricity/phone
15:32.17erwinpogzinboud is healthcare
15:32.36*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
15:32.52erwinpogzits a hardselling products, but it need this for a start.
15:33.35SteveTotarodo you think the system i described would be beneficial to your needs?
15:34.04erwinpogzi wont go for hosted
15:34.14SteveTotaroi can make it impossible to install like vicidial
15:34.22erwinpogzi have IPL lines to avoid hosting solutions
15:34.36SteveTotarolike matt florell, so you have to pay $200/hr for his help
15:36.14SteveTotarothat is why i would go a few routes.  hosted for people that don't have the infrastructure or tech savy, GPL for you guys, maybe an appliance one day, and of course the obligatory paypal donate button
15:36.35SteveTotarocustomization would be another huge offering
15:36.40erwinpogzya right
15:37.27SteveTotarowhy pay a guy making a high salary to do something that I can get one of my devs in third world countries to do it cheaper and better?
15:37.39erwinpogzim looking into maybe it will work
15:38.14erwinpogzSteveTotaro where you from
15:39.48SteveTotarodc/balto metro area
15:40.29SteveTotarowhat is this thing it is not loading for me
15:41.19SteveTotarovicidail iso?
15:41.55SteveTotaroI just don't like the idea of everything being a meetme room, but whatever works
15:42.03*** join/#asterisk RobH (
15:42.16SteveTotarowith app_bridge, he could do away with all that mess
15:45.35erwinpogzits an ISO
15:45.46*** join/#asterisk stoffell (
15:45.52erwinpogzyes its meetme
15:47.51drmessanoYour app was inspired by the mortgage business?
15:47.55drmessanoDoes it pray too?
15:48.35SteveTotarogood friends in the mortgage industry
15:49.11SteveTotarothey were making 1/4 million a year before the meltdown
15:49.22drmessanoThey need app_voodoo as well
15:49.35drmessanoor app_divineintervention
15:49.53SteveTotaronah, they are good businessmen
15:50.12SteveTotaroquick to change
15:50.14drmessanoWho said anything about their skill level?  Have you seen the housing market? lol
15:50.20*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=angeldav@
15:50.43SteveTotaroi gave them copies of "who moved my cheese"
15:50.54SteveTotaroyes, who said anything about staying in the housing market?
15:51.11drmessanooh ok
15:51.31SteveTotarobesides, DC area is not hurt too badly by housing crisis
15:51.39SteveTotaroor resession
15:51.52SteveTotarowe have all your tax dollars ;)
15:52.20SteveTotarohow come i can not download vicidialnow iso
15:52.27the_5th_wheelhas anyone here had any experience with atcom phones?
15:52.36drmessanoMy wife and I were talking about waiting a year to buy a house.. we may end up doing it in the next 6 months if things keep getting worse
15:52.41drmessanoGood stuff
15:52.55SteveTotaroi will buy in a year
15:53.05SteveTotarorenting is the only way to go right now
15:53.19drmessanoIts a buyers market if you have the dough
15:53.39SteveTotarobuy and watch your paper loss over the next year or more
15:53.45tzafrirthe_5th_wheel, I've seen some people use them. They're not that bad
15:53.54erwinpogzSteveTotaro: thats where i got my ISO too
15:54.03the_5th_wheeltzafrir: better than grandstreams?
15:54.18SteveTotarowhen i click the link it just opens a page of code
15:54.37tzafrirNot sure. There are not too many vendors of IAX-capable devices
15:54.41SteveTotaro594 megs of code in my browser
15:54.51drmessanoSteveTotaro: Sure, it will continue to go down.. but a $150,000 house selling for $100,000.. if it drops to $90,000 after you buy it before dipping back up to $150,000 next years, who cares about the bump..
15:55.18SteveTotaroi am afraid of depression
15:55.29drmessanoTry Zoloft
15:55.57SteveTotarowe shall see but nothing i selling and it has been that way for a long time
15:56.08SteveTotarojobs loss is huge
15:56.23DovidTzafrir: can you help me with this ?
15:56.47SteveTotarodollar is barely worth the paper it is printed on
15:57.22tzafrirDovid, haven't SteveTotaro and I already told you today what this is?
15:57.45Dovidi think its my box cause i went all way back to 1.4.6 and i get the same error
15:58.02drmessanoHoly crap
15:58.12Dovidzaptel 1.4.6
15:58.36tzafrirDovid, and did you try to read the message, or what we've told you about it?
15:58.52Dovidall i got from steve that it may be a bug
15:59.09tzafrirThere's a deliberate 'exit 1' there. Just next time run ./configure before make
15:59.23Dovidi did run configure.
15:59.28tzafrirFor now just run 'make' and carry on
15:59.57erwinpogzSteveTotaro, right click on the link and "save as"
16:00.12drmessanoDovid, check your system time
16:00.16Dovidran configure and make and make again same issue
16:00.21drmessanoI want to play, but I can't
16:00.30Dovidthat can be it
16:02.03drmessanoIt shocking how error messages actually tell you what a problem is
16:03.54SteveTotaroi had to use IE to get it to download
16:05.33Doviddrmessano: Where did u see the time error ?
16:06.10SteveTotarotype time on the console
16:06.23drmessanoake: Warning: File `Makefile' has modification time 2.4e+08 s in the future
16:06.44SteveTotaroif it off, sync it with an ntp server
16:07.09drmessano1980 was a greta year... time to move on
16:07.37*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
16:07.59drmessanoNo, its a joke
16:08.03jboti heard humor is Q: Why are the streets of Paris lined with trees? A: Because Germans like to march in the shade.
16:08.26SteveTotaroi figured but you are a brainiac so it wouldn't surprise me if it were either
16:08.55drmessanoI'm sure the system time is default due to a dead CMOS battery or some crap
16:09.13drmessanoYou run into that with a lot of first time installers
16:09.23SteveTotarogood starter system
16:10.07SteveTotaropulling down ntp at boot should fix that without touching the battery though
16:10.13*** part/#asterisk jdas (
16:10.28*** join/#asterisk Rico29 (
16:10.36Dovidit was stuck on 2000
16:11.11drmessanoHere's your sign
16:11.16SteveTotaroquestion is why does zaptel care what time it is?
16:11.46drmessanoProbably doesn't, but it fixed his makefile error
16:12.11SteveTotaroso why does make care?
16:13.16drmessanoBecause make didn't have enough things to bitch about, so they added forward time?
16:13.29SteveTotaroi wonder how my C=64 would handle that, seriously doubt it has four digit year
16:13.47drmessanoI'm surprised the C64 had YEAR
16:14.24SteveTotarohalf of 42 and we all know what that is
16:14.30SteveTotarocoincidence or not?
16:15.11SteveTotaroi wish my neighbors had comcast!
16:15.21SteveTotarothis dsl is sooooo slow
16:15.33SteveTotarono fios in the hood yet
16:15.46*** join/#asterisk keulin (
16:16.08SteveTotaroi guess downloading 5 gigs isn't a small demand
16:16.31*** join/#asterisk Yourname`` (n=chatzill@unaffiliated/yourname/x-837320)
16:17.07SteveTotarojust wait till i am hosting the 2+TB rainbow tables for cracking A5
16:18.20drmessanoI want to start a grid computing project to discover which came first, the chicken or the egg
16:18.33Yourname``Hi. So, there's GotoIfTime which requires you to send calls to a context.. is there something that can execute an application on time? Like iftime(10:30-23:59|mon-sat|||?Dial(SIP/2222@agents,,tT,))
16:19.00Yourname``supports drmessano's cause.
16:19.36SteveTotaroyou can send it to a context that does that
16:19.52drmessanoI could potentially tie up billions of computing minutes on that
16:20.35drmessanoBetter yet
16:20.49drmessanoWhich is better ULAW and ALAW
16:23.12jameswf-homedrmessano: depends what country your in
16:23.18jbotfrom memory, ulaw is pronounce "mu"-law and consumes 64 Kb/s in each direction.  It is considered a loss-less CODEC with a sampling rate of 8,000 hz and is 8 bit.  It delivers quality equivalent to that of a POTS line.
16:23.32SteveTotaroulaw in the us
16:23.44jameswf-homealaw is eu
16:23.52SteveTotaroand alaw in other countries
16:23.55drmessanoHow is one or the other better depending on location?
16:24.13SteveTotaroulaw is in africa, is that part of the EU?
16:24.15drmessanoSo G729 sounds better in chile?
16:24.28jameswf-homethey are practicly the same but not interchangible they will work in place of eachother but you will get odd audio artifacts
16:24.50SteveTotarothey are the same bandwidth
16:24.57SteveTotarojust different implementations
16:25.05drmessanoSo if I am in the UK and call ulaw to ulaw, SIP<>SIP, I will get artifacts?
16:25.10SteveTotaroyou need to transcode if you mix and match
16:25.13drmessanoCome on, the first is tuesday
16:25.18jameswf-homelike i said  practicaly the same just a bit or two off
16:25.49SteveTotaroulaw to ulaw will show no artifacts
16:26.05jameswf-homedrmessano: you need to transcode... I am not sure ulaw to alaw transcoding would cause mutch if any overhead
16:26.20drmessanoJust... wow
16:26.27jbotI have no life | Lets go raid!
16:26.43SteveTotarodo "show translations" on the asterisk cli
16:27.05SteveTotaroyou will see overhead is next to nothing
16:27.26SteveTotarospeex still rocks though
16:27.48SteveTotaro8k speex over vsat
16:27.50drmessanoThe joke, which is now UNFUNNY, having to explain it, is which is better, ulaw or alaw.. with the understanding that you're testing just the codec, not it's location or transcoding.. for the sake of argument, this could be in a lab with two asterisk boxes SIP<>SIP on a switch using alaw<>alaw, then ulaw<>ulaw..
16:28.44jbotA bhuddist monk goes to a hot dog vendor and says "Make me one with everything!"
16:28.49jbotsomebody said humor was Q: Why are the streets of Paris lined with trees? A: Because Germans like to march in the shade.
16:28.54outtoluncdo it again, do it again <G>
16:29.04SteveTotarowhy would one test such a basic codec?
16:29.37Yourname``SteveTotaro: I know you can send it to a context, but what if I don't want to send it to a context and just do a dial?
16:29.51outtoluncuse execif then
16:30.01SteveTotarothen use trial and error, that is what i do
16:30.15jameswf-home~badjoke is <reply> how do you fix a womans watch? we cant answer
16:30.16jbotjameswf-home: okay
16:30.18SteveTotarono reason i can think of why you couldn't make it work
16:30.20drmessanoWell, I can't say I haven't heard someone ask which one is better more than 1000 times.. the joke was "Hey, lets spend some money and compare them"... but now I am jst annoyed explaining it further
16:30.25SteveTotarobut why not just send it to a context
16:30.50jbothow do you fix a womans watch? we cant answer
16:31.01Yourname``SteveTotaro: I know I can send it to a context, but I like to have 3-4 lines in a context.. and this one, I don't need 3-4 lines. Just one dial statement.
16:31.23jameswf-home~badjoke no is <reply> how do you fix a womans watch? for answer
16:31.24jbotokay, jameswf-home
16:31.26outtoluncexten => 7,n,EXECIF(IF($[${CALLFILENAME}])?Monitor(gsm,${CALLFILENAME},m)
16:31.54SteveTotarolike i said, trial and error
16:31.54SteveTotaroand work on your perfectionism issues
16:32.25Yourname``I guess I'll have to.. :(
16:32.32SteveTotarobuy a new one?
16:32.38Yourname``outtolunc: Sounds neat. But what if I use "IfTime"
16:33.05outtoluncthen find a gun and use it
16:33.20outtoluncif is if is if
16:35.43jameswf-homeI wonder if I should add a random link dealie to my site....
16:36.26jameswf-homepimp out other peoples stufizzle
16:36.36jameswf-homeoh wait cant say pimp oops
16:37.21*** join/#asterisk d00gster (
16:37.39SteveTotaroIt doesnt matter. There is a clock on the oven.
16:40.22jbotextra, extra, read all about it, humor is Q: Why are the streets of Paris lined with trees? A: Because Germans like to march in the shade.
16:44.59jameswf-home<aplauds> SteveTotaro's google powers
16:47.11TJNIII always liked "Why should a woman wear white?"
16:47.11jameswf-homenext... why do women where white wedding dresses....
16:47.21TJNIIMajor appliances should match
16:48.12drmessanoWhy are womens feet so small?
16:48.20drmessanoSo they can get closer to the kitchen sink
16:48.41plikWhy did the woman cross the road?
16:48.48jameswf-homewhat do you do if your wife keeps comming in to the living room and bugging
16:48.58jameswf-homeshorten her chain
16:49.03plikWho cares - what's she doing out of the kitchen?!
16:49.05tzafrirwonders if this channel is a men-only club
16:49.06Yourname``What's the best way for me to implement queues which use AgentLogin() and I log them in dynamically using AQM?
16:49.26drmessanoYourname``: I havent heard that one before
16:49.34jameswf-homeno there is 1 woah Man here
16:49.58jbotA bhuddist monk goes to a hot dog vendor and says "Make me one with everything!"
16:49.58Yourname``I really like AQM/RQM, because everything else requires you to define member => in queues.conf and in some cases, agents.conf
16:50.01tzafrirthat you are aware of
16:50.06jbotfrom memory, joke2 is the hot dog vendor takes the Monks $20 bill... The Monk says "What about my change?" The vendor replies "Change comes from within."
16:50.09drmessanoIf a man says something, and a woman isn't around to hear it, is he still wrong?
16:50.50Yourname``drmessano: Now you have :)
16:50.54jameswf-homeyou guys are pigs
16:51.03drmessanoKnock Knock
16:51.09TJNIIWhose there
16:51.11tzafrirthen eventually you'll be able to fly
16:51.19TJNIIAsterisk who
16:51.24drmessanoHA, one way audio.. check your NAT settings
16:51.44*** join/#asterisk dimas (
16:51.44Yourname``Nice one there, drmessano.
16:51.57jbotit has been said that roflmao is rolling on the floor laughing my arse off, or painful, or
16:53.17drmessanoHe got the K
16:55.39jameswf-homedrmessano: wanna see my ninja webmaster skills
16:55.48Yourname``So... no one?
16:55.52CCFL_Man2T100P supports 5V pci slots?
16:57.18drmessanoI need to redo my website.. but I gotta blow up my web server first
16:57.24drmessanoIIS > APache
16:57.59jameswf-homeI had a customer once ask me to do php in iis that was the worst hour of my life
16:58.21drmessanoYes, thats exactly why I am doing it
16:58.31drmessanoI am SOOOO sick of how bad PHP sucks on IIS
16:59.21erwinpogzdrmessano i can relate on your problem
16:59.57drmessanoThe performance is lowsy, at best.. and the FastCGI add-on for IIS kills Wordpress and a few other 2.0 apps
17:00.00jameswf-homeit was a college I was like dude you are technical people I can get apache up in 5 minutes.... corprate says blah blah microsoft blah blah blah
17:00.11jameswf-homeI should have charged extra
17:00.31*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
17:00.53CCFL_Man2anyone use the old T100P?
17:01.24jameswf-home4 page web app 3 hours of coding 1 hour adjusting to iis $700 so I shouldn't bitch mutch
17:02.37jameswf-homeIf i could do that 3 times a week I wouldnt need a real job
17:03.17*** join/#asterisk quigon (n=matias@
17:04.43drmessanoIIS isn't as bad as it used to be.. but it's still missing pieces to make it work with any open source apps.. not that this should be a surprise
17:04.46drmessanoBut anyway
17:08.34*** join/#asterisk CVirus (n=GoD@
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17:12.53ManxPowerI would not complain about shoveling pig shit if I got paid $700 for 3 hours.
17:13.32riddleboxman I need to write a script to reboot my phones for me
17:16.06drmessanoriddlebox: I have one, if you want it
17:16.10*** join/#asterisk javar (n=javar@
17:16.23drmessano10 Goto(Power Panel)
17:16.27drmessano20 Click
17:18.29*** join/#asterisk CVirus (n=GoD@
17:18.54outtoluncwas paid $14/hr to shovel pig shit as a kid (that was big money then)
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17:25.30drmessanoIs Zap 2 connected?
17:25.46machpoyes, i can call into it just fine
17:26.13machpoit's a standard pstn line from verizon plugged into zap/2
17:29.00*** join/#asterisk SteveTotaro (
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17:50.24*** join/#asterisk ThatKidKel (
17:51.25ThatKidKelI keep getting the following error: "Got error on T.38 re-invite. Bad configuration. Peer needs to have T.38 disabled."
17:51.37ThatKidKelAny suggestions on T.38.  My carrier has it, and my endpoint supports it
17:52.45*** join/#asterisk coppice (
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18:00.52InHisNameI am trying to call other sip companies via    format:  *363500    My dial plan needs to be fixed. What to add to it ?
18:02.37Yourname``So wait, there's Asterisk GUI and then there's AsteriskNOW?
18:03.02ManxPowerThatKidKel: As I understand it, the message means that the remote end claimed to support T.38, but threw back an error to Asterisk when Asterisk tried to initiate a T.38 call.
18:03.50*** join/#asterisk droops (n=droops@
18:03.51ManxPowerInHisName: exten => *363500,1,Whatever(..
18:07.48InHisNameManxPower, I have that but, no sounds, NO CLI output, no nuttin' when I dial *363500.  If I leave out the * or sub a number then it dials just pretty.  (its a bad no so I get congestion)
18:08.30InHisNamesubstitute a number for the *.
18:13.28*** join/#asterisk xtr (
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18:25.03ManxPowerInHisName: Your SIP phone is where you configure this as well
18:28.14SteveTotaroget a 3com if you just want to plug phones in and start making calls (MAC or IP)
18:29.23SteveTotaroany customer that does not need anything fancy and needs less than four FXO ports and does not expect to expand soon, I sell them the 3com V3000
18:29.42SteveTotaroabout the same price point but more stable
18:29.58SteveTotarono echo issues because of hardware DSPs
18:30.45coppicedon't you just love silly terms like hardware DSP :-)
18:31.04SteveTotaroasterisk is not always the answer
18:31.24SteveTotarohardware dsp = $5k on a T card
18:31.39*** join/#asterisk Olobola (
18:31.52SteveTotarono hardware DSP = $1,000 on T1 card
18:32.36SteveTotarothe $5k figure was for a single port
18:33.08*** join/#asterisk Tuxofred (
18:33.31SteveTotaroso when will we see the 3com/Asterisk product in the wild
18:34.14SteveTotaroi have a customer that wants me to install at least two and probably five fonality pbxtra systems, i loathe
18:34.48*** join/#asterisk af_ (
18:34.58SteveTotarohe checked out switchvox but was not impressed, not sure why except the fonality people brainwashed him
18:36.05coppiceis 3COM going to be viable now it can't be sold to someone with the cash to save it?
18:36.43SteveTotaro3com will be saved
18:36.45*** join/#asterisk HowdyDoody (
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18:37.16SteveTotarocisco is next to 3com as far as internet goes
18:37.26SteveTotarowell a bit behind
18:37.41SteveTotarobut not far historically as far as tech
18:37.48coppicerestructure, then restructure, then restructure, then restructure, then give away the remanents with cornflakes
18:38.16SteveTotaronah, they can sell of divisions
18:38.42SteveTotarolay people off
18:38.47coppiceI expect 3COM will sell off the useful bits it bought, and wither away by burning the cash it gets
18:38.51drmessanoI put in a bid to buy US Robotics for $7.50
18:39.19SteveTotarodallas semiconductors is where it is at
18:39.33coppicedrmessano: careful. they might accept, and you'll find yourself with millions in debts :-)
18:39.58*** join/#asterisk lvl- (n=lvl@
18:41.01drmessanothey wanted $75 million for it.. But I bought a couple million USR Robotics modems from wal mart, with $75 discount coupons on them, then sent them ALL in for a warranty claim at the same time, thus owning them by hostile takeover
18:41.04coppicehow did dallas semi get into this?
18:41.06SteveTotarooff topic but i just scored a hell of a deal
18:41.51*** join/#asterisk galera1 (n=galeras@
18:41.56SteveTotarogo here and register
18:42.30SteveTotaroafter registering and selecting paypal as your payment method, click the link on the right hand side of the main page
18:42.48SteveTotaroHot Offers                1.Samsung A117 $19.99 from At&T - No contract
18:45.05drmessanoFree shipping?
18:45.23coppicebetter than that. a free ship
18:45.44drmessanoIt's $29.99 @ Best Buy
18:45.57drmessanoSo.. not sure how much of a steal
18:46.37SteveTotaro29.99 for what?
18:47.13SteveTotaroonce at att click all phones on the left
18:47.27coppiceUS Robotics, of course
18:47.37SteveTotarothen select gophone
18:47.41*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
18:48.41SteveTotaroi got the nokia 6030 with ten minutes of airtime
18:48.59SteveTotaroonce you activate and use the time, you can easily unlock the phone
18:49.00drmessanoThe Samsung A117.. I can get it for $29 at best buy
18:49.27SteveTotarowell mine is free and i don't even have to spend money on gas
18:49.30SteveTotarotwo day express
18:49.52drmessanoYou said $20
18:49.56SteveTotaroand i can use it on any carrier
18:50.21*** join/#asterisk mitcheloc (n=mitchelo@
18:50.32SteveTotaroyes but if you followed the directions you would see that dealking gives you $20 into your paypal (much faster) or mails you a check
18:50.49SteveTotaroso i really make a penny and get a free phone that can be used with any provider
18:51.18SteveTotaroit can be done twice, so I am going to find one that works well with kannel
18:51.34SteveTotaroor chan_mobile
18:51.35drmessanoOk, but for $20, I don't have to know who the hell dealking is, or register my soul to another site
18:52.08SteveTotaroyour soul is not your name and address
18:52.17coppiceare they related to the networking people, wanking?
18:52.24SteveTotaromaybe you need to attend church or speak to clergy
18:52.56SteveTotarosimilar to, they may have the same deal
18:53.08SteveTotaroi have done it many many times
18:53.26SteveTotarothey pay me $50 for the phone, free shipping, free activation
18:53.59*** join/#asterisk kclaussen (n=kclausse@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
18:54.02SteveTotarothen i add a family plan and add one phone at a time, same deal, $50, free overnight, free activation
18:55.27SteveTotarook, get the nokia 2610 for $9.99
18:55.52drmessanoWho pays for a cell phone anymore anyway
18:56.06SteveTotaroi just picked the nokia 6030 because it has good reviews and easy to unlock
18:56.28SteveTotaropeople that don't sell their soul for multi year contracts
18:56.53*** join/#asterisk Tako-san (n=jmkiffia@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
18:57.02SteveTotaroyou could buy these phones and flip on ebay for a $50 profit
18:57.30drmessanoEh.. If you want to add 2 or 3 phones to a family plan, you can talk them into free phones.. Afterall, the phones aren't where they make money
18:57.41SteveTotaroso apparently alot of people buy phones
18:58.09SteveTotaroeh, i paid nothing for my family plan phones, they paid me $50
18:58.10drmessanoI don't think I ever have
18:58.55SteveTotaroactually $50x5=$250
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19:00.37SteveTotaroi can flip the new razr v3 for $80 a pop on ebay and buy free phones
19:01.29SteveTotaro$80x5=$400 not too shabby
19:02.16ManxPowerFlip This Phone: Next on Fox!
19:03.20SteveTotaronah, i don't think i am violating any terms or conditions (although I have not looked)
19:03.30SteveTotaroit is my phone, i can unlock it if i want
19:03.37SteveTotaroand i can sell it if i want
19:03.54ManxPowerNot in the USA at least
19:04.29SteveTotaroshow me a statute or something in the terms and conditions
19:05.42ManxPowerAssuming you are not under contract, the biggest issue is getting other carriers to accept the phone.  that varies from company to company and phone to phone
19:05.47SteveTotaroinfact by law, the cell phone companies must give you the unlock code or unlock your phone remotely after a certain period of time
19:06.08SteveTotaroan unlocked phone will take any sim
19:06.18SteveTotarofrom any company, never had an issue
19:06.51SteveTotaroin the US, various countries in Africa, Europe
19:07.08filean unlocked GSM phone.
19:07.20*** join/#asterisk mbranca (
19:07.24SteveTotaroi always unlock my phones
19:07.31coppicewe never had locked phones, until Vodaphone came to town :-\
19:12.43riddleboxwohoo got my blf's working in asterisk-gui
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19:25.04ManxPowerGSM phones are not a dominant phone tech in the USA.
19:25.25ManxPowerTwo major carriers use them
19:26.09coppiceI thought GSM was now over 50% of US cellphones
19:26.20ManxPowercoppice: if so, it was fairly recently.
19:26.43coppiceI seem to remember seeing something about that a few months ago
19:26.44ManxPowerI did say "dominant", not "majority".
19:27.29coppicein this dog eat dog world someone has to be dominant, and nothing beats 50%+ :-)
19:30.28SteveTotarogsm is dominant
19:32.06ManxPowerAt 2Q 2005, GSM held 38% of the Americas market, while twelve months later, that market share has grown to 51%.
19:32.12ManxPowerWell, I have eben out of touch.
19:33.26coppiceinteresting how that growth comes several years after the introduction of super duper 3G :-)
19:33.44ManxPowerThat, however, appears to include north, central, and south america
19:35.58coppice"In Hong Kong the penetration rate reached 139.8% of the population in July 2007." isn't that kinda wacky :-)
19:37.09*** join/#asterisk cmantito (
19:37.45ManxPowercoppice: people with work and personal phones?
19:39.16coppicewell, take away the babies, and old folk who will never use a phone, and 139% probably means a good deal more in real terms. not too many people have a business phone, and most here use their personal phone for business
19:41.30coppicethe number probably comes from cooking the books about when a subscriber has churned. I know first hand there was some funky subscriber abse accounting in the UK in 1991, when the economy dived and the true cellphone subscriber base fell sharply
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20:10.45drmessanoI think Steve is going to find out his "free" phones are worth about that on the open market
20:10.53drmessanoWho the hell pays for a low end cell anymore?
20:11.01drmessanoSmart phone, flavor of the month, maybe
20:11.31drmessanoBut if you can't get your provider to GIVE you a sub $99 phone so they can sell you service, you suck
20:11.37coppiceI thought it was mostly monestaries and departments of correction that paid for cells
20:12.13coppicewho needs mobile cells? jet set monks?
20:12.30jqlyou mean... you want to move them? heh
20:12.54riddleboxwell crap i had the whole day setup for two projects, and I finished both what
20:13.42coppicea day of praising the Lord for making the work go so smoothly?
20:13.59riddleboxor sleep
20:14.37drmessanoI just dont know who gets on eBay and says "Dang, I can get a free mobile phone for $30 even though my provider will give it to me for free.. cool, i'll take two"
20:14.50drmessanoBut anyway
20:15.18coppicewell, E-Bay is a truly global garage sale
20:16.17drmessanoThe only cool app I see for those free phones is maybe that teamed with a $5 bluetooth dongle with chan_mobile for access to 911
20:16.26*** join/#asterisk esaym (
20:18.10coppicedo $19.99 phones have bluetooth?
20:18.32drmessano*most* cheap phones even have bluetooth now.. Surely not all, but most
20:19.18coppicemost of the cheap phones I see don't. your cheap threshold is too high :-)
20:19.38drmessanoThey have to.. They give you a cheap phone, sell you high priced service, then sell you a nice bluetooth earpiece for three times the value of the phone, so you can look cool being screwed :)
20:20.01drmessanoI have an el cheapo samsung that has BT
20:20.46drmessanoI'd say that if it "sells" for $99 or higher, it has bluetooth.. and that about the borderline for getting the phone for free
20:21.00drmessanoSo effectively, you can get a free phone with BT without much trouble at all
20:21.05coppiceif you lived in a place where people buy phones and subscribe to service separately you'd find Nokia, Samsung and all the others have many phones without bluetooth
20:21.41drmessanoThat wouldnt surprise me.. Of course, the providers here in the states are sharks :)
20:21.55drmessanoRemember, we PAY for SMS
20:22.19coppicemost people do. that's why it makes so much money for the telcos
20:22.29drmessanoI probably bought three phones worth of $10 a month block of 250 SMS messages
20:37.39*** join/#asterisk russellb (n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla)
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20:46.09Yourname``New spectrum owners are coming. Apparently no more paying for SMS, Internet is going to cheap, etc. Too bad Google is not part of it. :(
20:46.54*** join/#asterisk JT (n=j@unaffiliated/jt)
20:47.01drmessanoSee, I didnt get that part
20:47.16drmessanoGoogle made it sound like they were buying this HUGE chunk of it
20:47.24drmessanoand it was a sure thing
20:47.38drmessanoNow they make it sound like they knew all along they wouldnt win it
20:48.33Yourname``Yeah, they were probably really confident that FCC is going to be frothing at it's mouth that Google wants a share of the spectrum. Obviously that wasn't the case.
20:49.54drmessanoSomehow it was a victory for the consumer.. but no one has really spelled out HOW
20:50.13*** join/#asterisk droops (n=droops@
20:51.55machpoonly thing google did was put in a minimum bid for a certain part of the spectrum to trigger fcc rules that the newly-opened spectrum will be open to all devices. we'll see.
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21:17.40Yourname``Well, FCC made up their mind. They just have to make a presentation out of it and then tell the masses.
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21:25.55Yourname``Yeah, auction ended on the 20th, I think.
21:26.22drmessanoGoogle tricked us
21:26.48drmessanoWe all had a chance to bid.. and Google said "nah, it's ok.. got your back"
21:26.56drmessanoSo, we were all like "Kk"
21:27.03drmessanoand then they were all like "SIKE!"
21:27.15drmessanoand we were all like "Oh Snap"
21:27.57drmessanoBut hey
21:28.28drmessanoAt least Google made their homepage black for a day, which actually consumers more energy than white on a CRT
21:29.34drmessanorussellb.. I have this great idea
21:31.06drmessanoI think someone should develop an open source telephony toolkit, enabling anyone to create their own PBX and make free calls over an ordinary internet connection
21:31.25russellbthat's quite a vision
21:31.29russellbbut it will never work
21:31.38russellbit's too hard.
21:31.51drmessanoIt could.. if we get Google to get behind it.. much like they did this 700MHZ auction
21:31.56drmessanoGoogle.. can make it happen
21:32.33drmessanoListen, I know what you're thinking
21:32.36russellbgoogle reported one of the security issues last year.
21:32.42drmessanoDeveloping on windows is hard..
21:32.58drmessanoBut I heard of this awesome OS.. called.. Lenux or something
21:33.06drmessanoIt's free
21:33.15drmessanoand EASY to develop on
21:33.28drmessanoNo GUI's.. it's all text.. like, notepad
21:34.25drmessanoI think Google should come out with it's own linux distro and give it some massive orwellian name like "OS"
21:34.49drmessanoJust cut right to the chase
21:38.54*** join/#asterisk syntxerr (
21:39.23syntxerrshould a voip call have the same quality as a regular phone call?
21:40.09Guggemandyes and no
21:40.23syntxerrwhat codec should I be using for highest qual?
21:40.42Guggemandg711 for best quality ... but requires more bandwith
21:40.53syntxerryea, that will be 64k per chan right?
21:41.02Guggemandplus headers
21:41.18syntxerrand... is this all peer to peer?
21:41.26syntxerror does all traffic go thru the asterisk box?
21:41.40Guggemandyou can do both
21:41.52syntxerr(my server isnt located in the same building as my phones)...
21:42.00keith4_doesn't matter
21:42.26syntxerrwhy wont it matter... tehy may not have the same bandiwdth allocations
21:42.29syntxerrwell they dont
21:43.03keith4_depending on the codec, SIP calls don't use much bandwidth at all
21:43.21drmessanoO RLY?
21:43.41syntxerr13kbps to 64kbps
21:44.00drmessanoI can fit 5 GSM calls into a G711 call
21:44.32syntxerr4 no?
21:44.32russellbbut they sound like crap :)
21:44.44syntxerrhmm asterisk gui doesnt have a g711 option :S
21:45.04syntxerrshould have known that from class :P
21:45.39drmessanoThere so needs to be a Pay-Per-View "ULAW vs ALAW: Codecmania 2008"
21:46.05russellbalaw is lame, because it lacks the use of a greek letter.
21:46.20russellbmu, ftw
21:46.34syntxerrmake it a fish and call it alpha
21:46.36drmessanoThe match hasn't even started yet, and you're talking smack, mr-developer-type-guy?
21:46.47drmessanoSEE YOU IN THE RING
21:47.07syntxerrhaha ring
21:47.17syntxerrpun intended?
21:47.31drmessano90% of the way through typing it, yes
21:48.24Nivexdangit why is my compose key not working?
21:48.34drmessanoULAW is goin down.. unless G729 comes in with a chair... or GSM brings in a sledgehammer
21:49.26syntxerrSS7 will be the fight official
21:49.40syntxerrmaking sure everything goes as plannned
21:49.44drmessanoI keep picturing speex in a bikini
21:49.47syntxerrstupid pstn
21:51.27syntxerrsomeone used charactermap
21:51.45drmessanoIsn't Mu-law a breakfast cereal.. seems like it has corn kernels, apricot pits, and granola in it.. oh, and it's $4.50 for a 8 ounce box
21:52.20syntxerrheh cool... callto:// works in irc
21:52.21drmessanoYou forgot an umlaut
21:52.41Nivex^A^V in screen for the win
21:52.52drmessanoYeah, motley crüe would be proud
21:52.59*** join/#asterisk Arkenazy (
21:53.03Arkenazyhello everyone!
21:53.06Nivexstill don't know why my compose key is b0rk3n
21:53.39syntxerrwhtas a compose key?
21:53.39drmessanoMaybe you didnt eat enough crunchy granola stems and rocks cereal
21:54.25*** join/#asterisk propellerhead (
21:54.29drmessanoSomeone needs to rock out with Asterisk Cereal
21:55.17drmessanoIt would probably resemble doritos with marshmallows and include a $10 coupon for, but so what...
21:59.05keith4_mmm, marshmallows
21:59.59drmessanoCoca cola flavored
22:01.27propellerheadHello people
22:02.05propellerheadI'm try to run a sterisk 1.4.18 in the 2.6.22 debian box
22:03.00keith4_me too!
22:03.14propellerheadbut tthe asterisk can see the zap channel, I have one tdm400, with one FXO port
22:03.42propellerhead[Mar 30 18:53:06] ERROR[3367] chan_zap.c: Unable to get parameters
22:03.52keith4_check dmesg
22:03.59keith4_run ztcfg -vv
22:04.33propellerheadThe output of "ztcfg -vvv" is ok and the module is loading ok too
22:05.08propellerheadkeith4 is a lenny debian
22:05.22keith4_are you using packaged zaptel modules, or did you build them using module-assistant?
22:06.12propellerheadI made the kernel and modules with make-kpkg
22:06.35keith4_what does "dpkg -l | grep zaptel-modules" show?
22:06.50keith4_and what does "uname -a" show?
22:08.12propellerheadkeith4 is the same, I build the linux-image and zapte-module
22:09.31propellerheadii  linux-image-2.6.22-686                                  feb2008                   Linux kernel binary image for version 2.6.22
22:09.45propellerheadii  zaptel-modules-2.6.22-686                               1:  zaptel modules for Linux (kernel 2.6.22-686
22:10.25propellerheadasterisk:~# uname -a
22:10.25propellerheadLinux asterisk 2.6.22-686 #1 SMP Wed Feb 13 14:00:32 ARST 2008 i686 GNU/Linux
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22:11.18keith4_when does the error occur?
22:11.35propellerheadwait a moment
22:11.50*** join/#asterisk Jumpie (
22:11.53Jumpiehey all
22:11.58JumpieWOW!! large channel, yay
22:12.01propellerheadThe versio os de modules-source is 1.4.7
22:12.08Jumpieabout to take on asterisknow
22:12.15Jumpietotal noob, learning to get familiar with it, syntax, configs, etc
22:12.19drmessanoJumpie: Wrong channel
22:12.25drmessanoTry #asterisknow
22:12.26propellerheadan de zaptel is 1.4.8
22:12.38Jumpiehow is this the wrong channel?
22:12.44Jumpieoh im just looking to hang, not bug you all with questions
22:13.16russellbhanging is welcome
22:13.17keith4_propellerhead, try module-assistant, it'll simply building zaptel for you
22:13.29drmessanoI love a good hangin
22:13.32propellerheadkeith4 I made the kernel and modules on February
22:13.32drmessanoGet my rope
22:13.51propellerheadWith different module-source
22:14.10outtoluncwould bring the *shine but i stopped drinkin <G>
22:15.23propellerheadwhy ztcfg see the card ok?
22:15.36keith4_restart asterisk and pastebin the log
22:15.52Jumpieim incredibly impressed with this platform to say the least
22:15.59propellerheadOK keith4
22:16.58drmessanoAsterisk isn't bad.. it beats my 49MHZ intercoms, hands down
22:17.40outtoluncattempted doing intercom audio over my pair of rabbits once.. wasn't very good <G>
22:19.02propellerhead[Mar 30 19:17:10] ERROR[3453] chan_zap.c: Unable to get parameters
22:19.02propellerhead[Mar 30 19:17:10] ERROR[3453] chan_zap.c: Unable to register channel '4'
22:19.18outtoluncgemini rabbits
22:19.48propellerheadI'll send a asterisk -vvvvc output
22:19.55Jumpiedrmessano ive been reading the 'asterisk the future of telephony' book
22:20.00outtoluncstill has them <G>
22:20.11Jumpieive always been aggravated by closed systems and no customization
22:21.03drmessanoYep.. Asterisk is great.. The devs even give out their home phone and cell numbers so you can call them at any time
22:21.11Jumpieah cool
22:21.13drmessanoI can give you russellb's if you have a pen
22:21.18Jumpieya qwell tol dme about this book on another network
22:21.53Jumpiei bought a used ibm netvista machine 2.8ghz p4 with 1.5gb ram just to test/play with
22:22.03Jumpiewil suffice for a few calls
22:22.37drmessanoYeah.. should handle more than a few calls lol
22:22.58mvanbaakjust lost a kilogram of 2
22:23.01mvanbaakcut my hair
22:23.01drmessanoBut that's better than the "I got a PII 200 with 32MB Ram, CAN I HAZ AKERISK"
22:23.05drmessanoSo, well done
22:23.59keith4_propellerhead, pastebin your zapata.conf somewhere
22:24.55jameswf-homedrmessano: godaddy is doing .info names for .99 cents you should buy one for your pbx project
22:25.22jameswf-homei was thinking
22:25.26drmessanoHoly crap
22:26.19jameswf-homeput a picture of michael jackson on there and a bunch of half assed features
22:26.48propellerheadAnd this is dmesg oputput
22:27.59mvanbaakdrmessano: you see how my gf can make a moustage from my hair
22:28.21Jumpielol DrAk0
22:29.32keith4_propellerhead, your synax is wrong in zapata.conf
22:29.39drmessanothats hilarious
22:30.10drmessanoI had my hair almost that long once
22:30.13Jumpiedrmessano for now....before i buy a bunch of ip phones
22:30.15drmessanoShaved it BALD...
22:30.18Jumpiedo you recommend a vendor for a cheap TA
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22:30.30Jumpieso i can put my phones on? and do 'per room of the house extensions' for testing
22:30.34Jumpieterminal adapters
22:30.34mvanbaakdrmessano: this is the shortest my gf wanted to cut it
22:30.39Jumpiefor analog/ip `onversion
22:30.53drmessanoI like the Linksys PAP2s
22:30.59drmessanoBut thats me
22:31.03Jumpieas long as its not the ilnksys pap-smear
22:31.13drmessanomvanbaak: Bald is never a good look, so good on her
22:31.16DrAk0drmessano, they are ok but i had 2 one died all in the sudden
22:31.27Jumpieanything you can buy at best buy/microcenter?
22:31.28Jumpieor no
22:31.41DrAk0i don't like 3102 i find spa 3000 better than 3102
22:31.45drmessanoDrAk0: I have over 40 of them and havent had any die
22:31.49Jumpiei wonder if i can buy a pack on ebay
22:32.42keith4_propellerhead, change "channel=4" to "channel => 4"
22:32.50drmessanoYou can buy kidneys on ebay
22:32.52drmessanoSo yes
22:33.01Jumpieya i bought one on ebay
22:33.07Jumpiehaving a 3rd kidney has been helpful
22:33.46Jumpiedrmessano ok whats a good place you recommend then
22:33.54Jumpiesince you were being fairly sarcastic on that comment
22:34.14drmessanoGet a PAP2 on eBay
22:34.18drmessanoThey're cheap enough
22:34.32drmessanoSee if you like * and the whole VoIP thing
22:34.43propellerheadkeith4 when I started, I used => with the same result
22:34.52drmessanoThen go buy your stuff at
22:35.02drmessanoor whoever
22:35.03mvanbaakI'm off to have sex
22:35.06mvanbaaklatero all
22:35.08Jumpieyea....thats exactly what im doing, testing the waters first
22:35.09drmessanoBut an ebayed PAP2 is good
22:35.10keith4_sure you are
22:35.16propellerheadI'm try again
22:35.18drmessanoLater mvanbaak
22:35.23Jumpieour company is a networking and cabling company and i wanna offer voip to small companies like doctors, alwyers,
22:35.33Jumpiemvanbaak have fun
22:35.50drmessanoIm off to make love to a taco.. BRB, dinner
22:35.57Jumpiedont get it stuck!
22:36.03keith4_make sure to heat it in the microwave first
22:36.06keith4_but not too hot
22:36.43jameswf-homeI want hot wings.....
22:39.12erwinpogzhello, my SIP provider said that we dont have username and password. they just gave me the IP of their SIP server. how can i register my asterisk?
22:39.27propellerheadbtw keith4_, I'll compile the module again with the new zaptel-source
22:39.35keith4_use module-assistant
22:39.48keith4_apt-get install module-assistant; m-a a-i zaptel
22:39.49_ShrikEerwinpogz: If you dont have any credintials you cant auth.
22:40.20Jumpieim kinda pissed off because i spent last night gettin ubuntu setup, configured, loading certain apps, etc
22:40.23ManxPowererwinpogz: the only thing registration does is tell the remote server what IP address is associated with which username/secret
22:40.27Jumpiethen i find out asterisknow is gonna redo it all
22:40.34erwinpogz_ShrikE and ManxPower thanks
22:40.41keith4_don't user asterisknow
22:40.44keith4_or use it
22:41.04ManxPowerJumpie: all Asterisk GUIS use their own config files -- that's one of the main reasons we hate them
22:41.17russellbexcept the AsteriskGUI, which does not.
22:41.17Jumpieim using it because im using the appliances for some of my clients
22:41.22russellband uses the asterisk config files only.
22:41.32russellbManxPower: you don't speak for everyone.
22:41.36erwinpogzManxPower even if we are PEER?
22:41.49ManxPowerrussellb: I use the royal We, of course. 8-)
22:42.10Jumpieim a bit apprehensive as a total noob to go the full out version
22:42.24Jumpieand the appliances are gonna have this one, maybe if i get a switchvox system or somethin i dunno, im gonna move up
22:42.27Jumpiei just need to get my feet wet
22:42.57ManxPowererwinpogz: technically peers never send calls to you, so they don't have to know your IP.
22:43.25ManxPowerThey might need to know your IP to permit/deny a host access, I don't know.
22:44.04erwinpogzManxPower thats what they did, they permit our IP
22:44.28erwinpogznow my problem is how can i make a trunk to call out
22:45.16Guggemandjust call number@theirhostname
22:45.55erwinpogzGuggemand let me try that
22:47.08erwinpogzGuggemand is this what you mean? exten => _91NXXNXXXXXX,2,Dial(sip/${EXTEN}@ ?
22:48.29erwinpogzi tried it, it says No path to translate from SIP/
22:48.46*** join/#asterisk ta^3 (n=tacvbo@
22:51.35ManxPowererwinpogz: It said a lot more than that
22:52.19ManxPowerUsually it would be Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@sipconfentry
22:52.34ManxPoweror ${EXTEN:1} if that's what you need, of course
22:56.20*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
22:59.32kamajiwhat is the "CONTACT" part of register => <FWD#>:<FWD_PASSWORD>  meant to be ?
22:59.41kamajiin sip.conf
22:59.53kamajian extension or what?
23:01.06*** join/#asterisk stansmith (
23:02.05matt_does anybody know how i can match all phone numbers with a dialplan on a linksys pap2 device ?
23:03.17*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
23:03.31matt_Jumpie| the reason i'm looking into a dialing plan is because there is a long pause after i dial the number and before the call it placed, i know i can press # to make it process the call but i would like to it S0 after i have press the correct amount of numbers
23:03.48matt_but numbers from different countries seem to be different lengths
23:05.26Guggemandgermany even have different lenghts in the same cities
23:05.36Guggemandso, good luck :)
23:05.42matt_humm :(
23:05.50matt_i wonder how companys do it
23:06.06matt_i have seen cisco voip phones in the abbey branch i goto
23:06.20matt_do they have really complex dialplans that are pushed to the phones
23:06.30matt_or do they just let the users wait for a timeout
23:06.54Guggemandi know my snoms can send some stuff to the sip server for each keypress ...
23:07.03*** join/#asterisk ZackZ (
23:07.13Guggemandbut i never tried it
23:07.29Guggemandi just press the number, and pick up my phone :)
23:07.43matt_and it sends it when you pick it up
23:08.04matt_yea that works on my mobile when i use it with sip
23:08.10matt_but not my linksys pap2
23:08.12ZackZanyone have an luck with "hints" and Polycom Expansion modules/650 phones?
23:09.39*** join/#asterisk jm|home (n=jm|
23:09.51ZackZi cant get the lamps to work correctly and i havent found very clear instructions
23:10.20_ShrikEZackZ: be a little more specific
23:10.34ZackZwell, the lights on the modules dont turn red when people make calls
23:10.43ZackZthey just blink if the phone isnt registered
23:10.52ZackZim not sure if i have what i need in my sip.conf
23:11.26ZackZbut havent found any clear instruction on what to put
23:11.30_ShrikEput the relevant portions of your sip.conf in a paste bin
23:12.48*** part/#asterisk russellb (n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla)
23:14.40ZackZalright one sec
23:16.16*** join/#asterisk emist_ (n=emist@unaffiliated/emist)
23:17.09ZackZi added a few things, wanted to see if this looked right
23:18.47*** part/#asterisk stansmith (
23:19.08Jumpiewhast a budget ip phone solution? aastra ok?
23:19.42Jumpiewant wireless
23:21.24_ShrikEZackZ: It's limitonpeers=yes
23:21.51*** join/#asterisk stansmith (
23:22.16syntxerrJumpie, I love my aastra stuff
23:22.43ZackZah forget the S
23:23.16ZackZi guess im wondering should it work fine with Asterisk assuming my config is right?
23:23.53_ShrikEZackZ: limitonpeers and call-limit is important with 1.4 and presence
23:23.59syntxerrtheir wireless stuff is a lil pricy tho
23:24.00_ShrikEand polycoms
23:24.23syntxerrwhat do those tags do?
23:24.32ZackZi didnt have that initially so that is probably why it wasnt working :-P
23:24.41_ShrikEZackZ: check and see
23:24.56ZackZi cant exactly because im working remotely
23:26.07ZackZalso, not exactly asterisk question ,but do you know how to force polycom phones to reload the directory file? doesnt seem to happen on a regular reboot
23:27.27Yourname``Ok, queues talk. Whose up for it?
23:28.45drmessanomatt_ (*x.|x.)
23:29.46_ShrikEZackZ: reload what directory file?
23:30.03ZackZthe 0000000000-directory.xml
23:30.19_ShrikEZackZ: If I am not mistaken, they will only seed that file one time.
23:30.49_ShrikEZackZ: read the manual, but I am pretty sure that is the deal.
23:30.58ZackZok, so i would have to make all separate files if i wanted to update them then
23:31.08_ShrikEZackZ: I believe so, yes.
23:31.39ZackZthe ole Polycom admin guide is pretty sparse on explainations and applications :)
23:35.36*** part/#asterisk stansmith (
23:36.17_ShrikEZackZ: I think their manual is actually very good.
23:36.51ZackZya it documents everything pretty well
23:39.42ZackZalright well thanks for you help
23:39.43*** part/#asterisk ZackZ (
23:39.53drmessanoHe said it's sparse
23:39.55drmessanoThen agree
23:39.57drmessanoThen agreed
23:40.02drmessanoshakes his head
23:44.13*** join/#asterisk jmhunter (n=jacob@
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23:46.38*** part/#asterisk javiolo_ (n=usr@unaffiliated/javiolo)
23:48.06jcacereshello i have some issue with zaptel, a am intending ti send calls to 12 celulinks using 3 tdm400, but it's not woking properly, i have captured the sounds sent with ztmonitor, i have even putted a telephone in paralel to the line in order to hear the dtmf sound
23:48.44jcaceresi have even done a matlab program to determine if the dtmfs are correct
23:48.55*** join/#asterisk Jumpie (
23:49.00Jumpiepulled the wrong cord
23:49.19jcaceresbut the calls do not start
23:49.34*** part/#asterisk russellb (n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla)
23:49.42jcaceresi think, my celulink needs more time to start the call
23:50.07jcaceresbut just after 5 seconds the dial(zap.. is done
23:50.15jcaceresi receive this
23:50.16*** join/#asterisk oej (
23:52.08jcaceresit becames answerd, an i see in the celulink indicator that the loop es been donde, but not that the celphone is ringing
23:52.12jcaceresany idea
23:52.17jcaceresplz plz
23:52.22*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
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23:55.56jameswf-homeholy flood batman
23:55.59jbotrumour has it, flood is spewing loads of output into a channel; *very* rude in most channels and often grounds for banning.  If you want to show a lot of output to someone, ask them to join you in #flood and paste the output there.

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