IRC log for #asterisk on 20080308

00:08.55[hC]_ShrikE: [customercontext] - no relation to the dial plan
00:09.12[hC]it wasnt sip.conf, just tested that
00:12.08[hC]so it seems as though it uses the context that its using is the one that calls come from in the first place (in iax.conf) the weird thing is, it works fine when i dial straight in, but not when they do it internally... which is backwards.
00:24.56*** join/#asterisk SteveTotaro (
00:36.47angryuserwhenre can i remove ztdummy ?
00:39.36*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (
00:41.15*** join/#asterisk qdk (
00:44.01znoGCorydon76-dig: still around?
00:44.37JunK-Yangryuser: rmmod ztdummy ?
00:45.16angryuserah sorry it was easyer /etc/default/zaptel, comment ztdummy
00:53.26*** join/#asterisk russellb (n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla)
00:53.26*** mode/#asterisk [+o russellb] by ChanServ
00:56.16Corydon76-digznoG: yes
01:10.07znoGCorydon76-dig: just wondering if you know what might be up with this. I registered with an IAX client to Asterisk and as soon as I register, I can call an extension I configured in LDAP just fine. If I leave it alone for a couple of secs, I dial again and I get a no route to destination. If I try again a few times, it eventually gets to dial again.
01:10.14znoGCorydon76-dig: any ideas what could be wrong?
01:12.27Corydon76-digznoG: rtcachefriends
01:12.59flushyes yes is me
01:18.14*** join/#asterisk anthm (
01:18.14*** mode/#asterisk [+o anthm] by ChanServ
01:18.26znoGCorydon76-dig: on or off?
01:19.03znoGahh, i had it on for SIP but not IAX
01:19.35znoGlets try..
01:21.28*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
01:24.12*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
01:25.11znoGCorydon76-dig: love your work! :)
01:25.15znoGCorydon76-dig: thankssss!
01:25.25znoGCorydon76-dig: i wasn't sure what rtcachefriends did .. i guess i know, now
01:27.30*** join/#asterisk BeeBuu (n=beebuu@
01:34.26*** join/#asterisk znoG (
01:42.15*** join/#asterisk obnauticus (
01:45.31*** join/#asterisk joe (
02:10.51*** join/#asterisk drako (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
02:10.51*** join/#asterisk luisjose (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
02:41.47*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
02:56.47*** join/#asterisk Katty (
03:02.07drmessanooh no
03:02.13Kattywhat did i do this time.
03:02.24russellbyou had a nick collision from services!
03:02.27russellbthat always means bad news
03:02.38Kattyyeah i should just screen it
03:03.16*** join/#asterisk MaliutaWrk (i=nikolai@
03:03.25Kattyreddit has most amusing posts tonight.
03:03.38*** join/#asterisk FireMac (
03:04.59*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
03:05.05Katty[hC]: allo
03:07.50*** join/#asterisk jamesrdorn (
03:09.09Kattyso quiet :
03:09.16Kattyjbot: why so quiet?
03:09.16jbotwhy not?
03:09.44russellbjbot: get loud
03:09.45jbotACTION fetches loud
03:09.54russellbjbot: be loud
03:10.52Kattyhi Qwell!
03:11.00Qwellwhat did I do?
03:11.05Kattyyou appeared.
03:11.17Qwellwhen did I disappear?
03:11.36Kattyjust shut up and hug me.
03:11.42Kattyjbot: hug?
03:11.52jbotACTION hugs qwell
03:13.08Kattyjbot: Qwell's not nice.
03:13.10*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE-LT (
03:13.13Qwellhe is too
03:13.19Kattyhey _ShrikE-LT (=
03:13.30_ShrikE-LTHey Katty
03:13.31Kattyjbot: Qwell won't hug me. it hurts my feelings.
03:13.47QwellQwell doesn't hug
03:13.57Kattysomething's wrong with Qwell.
03:14.01russellbjbot: hug Qwell
03:14.02jbotACTION sneaks up on Qwell and suddenly hugs Qwell tightly
03:14.03_ShrikE-LTKatty, has sendmail given you any love?
03:14.28Katty_ShrikE-LT: no, and i gave it the cold shoulder for the rest of the night. he'll come around monday
03:14.35russellbjbot: o.O
03:18.21Kattyit doesn't feel like a proper friday night :/
03:18.34Qwellwhat would be proper?
03:18.43russellbyes, whyfor not?
03:19.02Kattyi'd still be out at logans or apple bees or ruby tuesdays
03:19.15Kattyoh yes
03:19.20Kattywe take a group (=
03:19.29Kattybut alas, it's snowing tonight. no one wanted to stay out.
03:20.25Kattyhey you (=
03:20.30russellbyeah, it's getting all icy here ... i didn't want to be on the road
03:20.39russellbso ... i have me, myself, wine, and my computer
03:20.45JunK-YKatty: do you have a storm too?
03:20.49Kattyooh, what sort of wine?
03:20.59KattyJunK-Y: yeah :/ sposed to get another 6 inches tonight.
03:21.35JunK-Ysame here
03:21.41JunK-Ydid you get the same 2 days ago?
03:22.10Kattyyea, i guess about that time we had an inch of ice and some light snow.
03:22.50JunK-Yand im sure russellb got nothing down there!
03:23.59JunK-Ybastard for real!
03:24.03drmessanorussellb: I'm your friend
03:24.08russellbyeah, i have seen snow in the air, but none on the ground
03:24.13russellbdrmessano: why thank you
03:25.15drmessanoThats WAY better than being a top24'er
03:25.23russellbi'm in your top16?
03:25.35russellbWTF am i doing there and not top 8?!
03:25.55Kattyhey Nugget
03:25.59drmessanoActually.. no, I hate myspace.. But i'll add you to facebook where everyone is equally shunned
03:26.12russellbi am on facebook.
03:26.17BeeBuui had installed the asterisk-app-fax, how to use it?
03:26.22russellbBeeBuu: magic
03:26.29Nuggetmyspace is a fscking cesspool.
03:26.32Kattyi'venot logged into facebook in forever.
03:26.32BeeBuurussellb: magic?
03:26.40russellbBeeBuu: pretty much, yeah.
03:27.00drmessanoI'd add Qwell, but "James Qwelldor" doesn't exist :(
03:27.14drmessanoOf course, that's what he TOLD me his real name was..
03:27.34JunK-Yqwelldor hhehe
03:27.39*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
03:27.41JunK-Ysounds like lord of the rings!
03:27.58drmessano"I'M A PALADIN!!!"
03:28.19russellbsomeone just added pics of my to facebook from high school marching band, heh
03:28.20BeeBuurussellb: i dont' know how to use it,please help
03:28.37Nugget  <-- paladin
03:28.52drmessanoYou see the tribute to Gary Gygax in XKCD?
03:29.00Nuggetyeah, that was a great xkcd
03:29.20drmessanoThat pwned
03:29.41Kattyrussellb: let me guess....
03:29.43Kattyrussellb: trumpet?
03:30.20russellbtry again!
03:30.23*** join/#asterisk jamesrdorn (
03:30.57russellbthere ya go
03:31.05Kattytenor myself
03:31.12russellbcheck out my hostmask :-p
03:31.12drmessanoWhat tipped ya off
03:31.22drmessanoHEH yeah
03:31.37drumkillai used to use this nick all the time ...
03:31.41drumkillabut then i got all serious :(
03:31.49Kattywho else wants to me thier facebookpage
03:31.57drumkillaadd meeee
03:33.17drmessanoI need new pics for Facebook
03:33.50drmessanoI grow a goatee and it hides just enough of the ugly
03:34.41jbotSo you just installed Asterisk now what?
03:35.25drmessanoIt's just like
03:35.29drmessano..a mini mall
03:36.11drmessanoI guess I need to be the genius that strips the audio from it and makes the MP3 available
03:36.35drmessanoPerfect for the black hole telemarketer IVR
03:36.37Kattyhrmm, bed time.
03:36.51Corydon76-digNight, Katty
03:36.59drumkillait's ... so .... early
03:37.18drmessanoI think "bed time" is "code"
03:37.34*** join/#asterisk jmesquita (n=jmesquit@
03:37.41drumkilladrmessano: you look so extremely familiar.
03:38.21drmessanoThat's scary
03:38.34drumkillaheh ... i realized who it is i was thinking of though
03:38.54drmessanoI was going to ask you how often you go to the post office
03:39.04drumkillaha ...
03:39.09drumkillacertainly not the PO in GA ...
03:39.47drmessanoI meant seeing my pic on the wall
03:40.03drumkillaoh, ha
03:40.08drumkillasorry .....
03:40.16drumkillai thought you meant you frequented the PO or something
03:40.20drumkillai totally missed the joke :(
03:40.25*** join/#asterisk knarfly (
03:43.04*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
03:43.09FuriousGeorgehey all
03:43.28drmessanoHell AngryJorge
03:43.34drmessanoOr HELLO
03:43.49drmessanoSorry, didn't mean to wish hell on you
03:43.57drmessanoI'm just a paladin :(
03:45.11FuriousGeorgedoes anyone else have this issue:
03:45.22FuriousGeorgesip channels call eachother and stay hung...
03:45.33FuriousGeorgeusers report its mostly when transfering
03:46.08FuriousGeorgeim thinking of upgrading to 1.4, but i have four asterisk servers installed, and when the 1.4 boxes hang channels, they tend to be FXO!
03:46.28FuriousGeorgewhich is worse...  maybe i should just turn of presence no one would notice
03:51.01drumkillaomfg, shark
03:52.23drumkilladon't cry
03:52.26drumkillait'll be ok
03:52.47FuriousGeorgeive been googling around, and it appears that a lot of things can cause asterisk to do this.  im not the only one having this problem.  i know that the answer-after feature causes it
03:52.51drmessanoapp_shark <--
03:54.10drmessano<O^O> WHO?
03:54.47drmessano^^V^^ <---Watch out for the batz
03:54.47drumkilla<("<)   ^("^)   (^")^   (>")>
03:56.12drmessanoBraille Shark.... If only it was too late by the time you read it
03:56.33FuriousGeorgeyou know, if i just waited for every point release right when it came out, i would probably reboot asterisk enough that the hung channels wouldnt matter ;)
03:56.47drmessanoWhat version are you on?
03:57.00FuriousGeorgethis one is...
03:57.43drumkillayou could at least try the latest 1.2
03:57.46drumkillagood lord
03:58.01JunK-Ywhy on friday night, ive to do homeworks??
03:58.03drmessanoIf you waited for every point release, you wouldn't be 10 behind
03:58.43drumkilla$ ./changes_since asterisk 1.2.16
03:58.43drumkillaChanges since asterisk Version 1.2.16/ - svn revision 57559
03:58.50drmessanoDon't get me wrong.. 1.2.16 was a great release.. Made 1993 that much better of a year
03:58.52FuriousGeorgedrmessano: i said i should, not that i do.  call me crazy, but i tend to take a 'leave well enough alone' approach with asterisk.  ive had such problems with 1.4...  same idea, channels hang, but 1.4 hangs pots channels.  with 1.2 i just need to soft hangup 20 sip channels once a week
03:59.16drumkilla$ ./changes_since asterisk 1.2.16 channels/chan_sip.c
03:59.16drumkillaChanges since asterisk Version 1.2.16/channels/chan_sip.c - svn revision 57559
03:59.19drumkillajust sayin'
03:59.39drumkilla(and those are changes only in the 1.2 series)
03:59.43drmessanoLeaving well enough alone with a project as active as Asterisk is silly
04:00.09FuriousGeorgedrmessano: i havent upgraded any of their kernels in over a year either
04:00.15JunK-Ydrumkilla: whats in the script changes_since asterisk exactly? a counter of commit  ?
04:00.28drmessanoUpgrading every point release may be extreme, but there's not excuse to be 10 behind
04:00.29drumkillaJunK-Y: pretty much ...
04:00.31drumkillait's a hack
04:00.57JunK-Ythat will be great to know that a specific version (like 1.2.16) is based on which svn rev.
04:01.05drumkillachanges_since asterisk 1.2.0 ....... 1176
04:12.55*** join/#asterisk jbot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
04:12.55*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk 1.6.0-beta5 (2008/03/05), Asterisk 1.4.19-rc1 (2008/03/05), *-Addons 1.4.6, 1.6.0-beta2 (2008/02/21), Zaptel (2008/02/28), Libpri 1.4.3 (2007/12/13) -=- #asterisknow or #asterisk-gui for AsteriskNOW ( -=- #switchvox for Switchvox ( -=- #freepbx for FreePBX/trixbox -=- FYI: sharks sighted today
04:13.46jbotACTION watches drumkilla pull the trigger:  Click!
04:17.42drmessanoWhich Pika board should I get for my PBX
04:18.38drmessanoDude.. they're all the rage
04:18.42drmessanoAll the cool kids have em
04:19.28*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=Joe@
04:19.48drmessanoWhen did the ugly 1991 dark green PC boards come back in style?
04:20.02drmessanoI have seen that color since VESA slots were cool
04:20.29drumkillaapparently their boards have been around since 1988
04:20.33drumkillawhich makes them better i guess
04:21.09drmessanoSpam has been around for over 70 years.. the first years batch should be expiring any day now...
04:21.17drmessanoDoesnt mean it's good
04:23.23drmessanoSince when is "dynamic thermal management" a feature?
04:23.35drmessano"When it overheats and catches fire, you'll be the first to know"
04:24.07drumkillathat's called a "fan"
04:24.27drumkillafan ---> marketing bs filter ---> dynamic thermal management
04:25.01drmessanoThe Asterisk appliance doesn't have a USB port.. Lazy asses.. How am I gonna plug my Wal Mart Skype phone in?
04:25.28drumkillaobviously a product requirement
04:25.29drmessanoWTF kind of FEATURE is that
04:25.41drmessano"Oh man, my PBX doesn't have a USB port"
04:26.01drumkillawell, there are some USB interfaces ...
04:26.08drmessanoDoesn't have a firewire port either.. and seems to be short of monochrome video outputs
04:26.12drumkillanot sure you'd use it with an applicance that already has said interfaces, though ...
04:26.47drmessanoI'm sold on the Pika now..
04:26.50drmessanoIt has a backlight
04:26.57drumkillad00d, it also has a reset button
04:27.08drumkillai got tingly inside when i heard that
04:27.12drumkillatotally sold
04:27.17drmessanoProbably a highly requested feature
04:27.49drumkillai love trolling
04:28.54drmessanoI bet they wore out lots of power jacks with users resetting them weekly, so they added a reset button good for 100,000,000 events
04:29.50drmessanoWhat is an FXO analog trunk?
04:33.27*** join/#asterisk Strom_C (
04:34.35*** join/#asterisk esaym (n=user@
04:36.06drmessanoOh my god
04:36.16drumkillayou called?
04:36.26drmessano  <---- Read the part about mouseclick and keyboard detection
04:37.15drmessanoIn other words, HUD now has an auto-away on idle that changes the followme status..
04:38.03drmessanoI can do that with Openfire/Spark and Asterisk
04:38.37[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano, And just like Trixbox, phones home and links to NSA/DHS/FBI and RNC databases ;)
04:39.19drumkillaRNC?  lol
04:39.51drmessanoIm sure that's improved in 4.0 it contact the KGB and the Bundespolizei
04:42.26drmessanoPBXtra sounds like a candy bar
04:43.11[TK]D-Fenderdrumkilla, Don't worry... I'm sure the last one will erase all evidence whenever required/convenient/incriminating
04:44.24*** join/#asterisk MaliutaWrk (i=nikolai@
04:44.29drmessanoRon Paul is listening
04:47.28*** join/#asterisk adjohn (
04:48.19NuggetI donated to the Paul campaign, but I voted for Obama.
04:48.35NuggetI'm going to be a delegate in the texas caucus, which should be an interesting experienec
04:48.36[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano, Yes... but is he RUNNING for anything.  he lost (if you wish to imply he had a chance) the Republican nomination.  He's ammased quite a lot of money, and if he doesn't make a HUGE noise as an independant/libertarian I'm going to be extremely disappointed.
04:49.35[TK]D-FenderI don't understand the "delegate" process at all... something I should read up on.
04:49.52Nuggetit's fuzzy to me too, which is partly why I was motivated to do it.
04:49.54drumkillapolitics ftl
04:50.11[TK]D-Fenderdrumkilla, "may you live in interesting times"
04:50.32[TK]D-Fenderdrumkilla, a blind eye deserves to be gouged out with a rusty spork.
04:51.12[TK]D-Fender<- chock full of collected wisdom
04:51.45[TK]D-Fenderor as my girlfriend says : an enigma, wrapped in a riddle, covered with whipped-cream and a cherry on top.
04:51.52drumkillayou make no sense!
04:51.53[TK]D-Fenderin otherwords "sweet & mysterious"
04:52.16[TK]D-Fenderdrumkilla, metaphorically challenged!
04:52.27drumkilla[TK]D-Fender: drunk!
04:52.51[TK]D-Fenderdrumkilla, are you?
04:52.59[TK]D-Fenderdrumkilla, don't drink & IRC....
04:53.14drumkilladangerous combination?
04:53.19[TK]D-Fenderyou start tosdhakhsdthasjhaksjjjlasdhlkasdh
04:54.08[TK]D-FenderYay I successfully set up my first full mail server today....
04:54.41[TK]D-Fenderdrumkilla, you misunderestimate me!
04:54.56drumkillai kid ...
04:54.59drumkillai'm sure you owned it.
04:55.14[TK]D-Fenderdrumkilla, Yes I own it.. now can I make it work :)
04:55.43drumkillayou implied that you already did
04:57.40[TK]D-Fenderdrumkilla, well, just a little thing I'm testing now.  removing the host-name it tacked on (squirrelmail)
04:57.47[TK]D-Fenderdrumkilla, this is all SOP for me.
04:58.15drmessanoI successfully left my job today
04:58.16drumkillafor the record, i really like cheezits.
04:58.17drumkillathat is all.
04:58.21drumkilladrmessano: orly?!
04:58.28drmessanoDone.. gone == ?
04:59.34drmessanoI got a job working for an IT service company.. It's a step down from whatever "management" status I had, but it's more money and actually putting hands on tech that isn't corporate controlled and locked down
05:00.11drmessanoand besides that, Clear Channel sucks..
05:00.25drmessanoI waited 7 years to say that
05:00.35drmessanoAnd #asterisk got the scoop
05:02.31Qwellyou worked for clear channel?
05:02.39Qwelloh, right, radio
05:03.13denonhuh, I didnt know you worked for CC
05:03.22denonI always knew there was somethin kinda slimey about you, though
05:03.35drmessanoPretty bad when your company is such a technological dinosaur that you have to go home to stay on top of emerging tech
05:03.40Nuggetoh, I know there are some other pilots in here...
05:03.59Nuggetnutty cessna test pilots.
05:05.35*** join/#asterisk djs26 (n=djs@unaffiliated/djs26)
05:05.55*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
05:06.00drmessanodenon: You see how proud I was lol
05:06.12denonuh huh
05:06.39denonthough, I dont understand why you quit .. you didn't like working for lucifer?
05:06.51denonI mean, sure, the heat .. but . .
05:07.06denonwell, ok, I guess there is no upside
05:07.49drmessanoSeveral years ago, I found that the knowledge required for the job seemed to be dropping off rapidly as the amount of innovation dropped off dramatically
05:08.32drmessanoI took on other responsibilites just to stave off the boredom
05:08.46denonboredom .. what a nice thought
05:08.51drmessanoBut now that Clear Channel is a sinking ship, it got to be too much
05:10.17drmessanoI asked about installing VoIP
05:10.20drmessanoLast year..
05:10.47drmessano"We need to see where VoIP is going.. it could be just another fad, and something else could take it's place that will make spending money on VoIP wasted"
05:11.13JunK-Yi wonder if I should buy the iphone, with the new SDK.
05:11.16drmessanoSo we stuck with an 11 year old NEC Electra Elite
05:11.16*** join/#asterisk sergey (n=sergey@
05:11.47denonyou haven't heard? voip is a fad
05:11.51denonso is ebay
05:12.16drmessanoTook us 8 years to upgrade from T1s to.... dual T1s.. and we still have two sites sharing one 3MB line
05:14.12denonso after working there for how many years ..
05:14.18denonyou know what skywave is?
05:14.23denonor doesn't anyone remember what the name means
05:14.39drmessanoAs in "Clear channel stations"
05:14.58denonbouncing off the ionosphere at night
05:15.00drmessanoGood ole 50KW'ers
05:15.32drmessanoThe FCC killed that several times over
05:15.55denonwas a cool idea, but not very .. I dunno, economic
05:17.08drmessanoNobody in Guam wants to hear a spot for the $2 car wash in Shanbonog, Minnesota
05:17.55denonat 2am? who cares :)
05:18.14drmessanoSyndication gave you the ability to still get a program on the air nationwide, but doing it over 100 stations and everyone sharing revenue
05:18.18drmessanoAll about the $$$
05:18.32denonhence "economic"
05:18.38denonnot as in cheap .. as in good for the economy
05:19.16drmessanoNow that Google has it's hands in it all, it wont ever be the same
05:19.38drmessanoIm waiting for Google PBX Ads
05:19.41denonyeah, Im yet to really play with that ..
05:19.45denonbut it is pretty slick looking
05:20.20drmessanoIf Google can do Ad insertion on radio, you could do that with MOH too
05:20.36drmessanoAdsense for Asterisk... hmmm
05:21.05denonhah, we'd need a non-flakey streamining player first
05:21.42drmessanoAll you need is a rotating dummy track in your MOH
05:21.43denonno, no we dont
05:21.50*** join/#asterisk MaliutaWrk (i=nikolai@
05:21.52drmessanoand an app to replace the track every so often
05:22.12denonbut it'd be so much cooler streamed .. per-call
05:22.17drmessanoOh yes
05:22.19denonbecause you could pass the caller's DID to google
05:22.24denonand it'd give them regional stuff
05:22.32drmessanoDamn.. Thats good
05:22.36denonand you pass in the queue they're calling for, and it'd give them technical or sales material
05:22.50denonand how long the hold times currently are, will tell you how long of an ad you can give em
05:23.06denonif they've been on hold a long time, you an do something funny about that, to get their attention
05:23.09drmessanoYou SURE that YOU don't work for CC?
05:23.11denonshort time, you dont have long to sell
05:23.24denonyeah, I do some marketing consulting :)
05:23.26denonnot for CC though
05:23.59drmessanoCC uses boxes called the "G" servers
05:24.21drmessanoBut it could just as well be an app
05:25.10drmessanoG was the codeword for Google
05:25.17*** join/#asterisk kyron (
05:25.19drmessanoSince they didnt want to make it all public
05:25.21denonthought you meant the codec
05:25.25drmessanoNo no
05:25.47denonwell, it's obviously public when you look at google's radio ad interface
05:26.00drmessanoIt is _now_.. wasn't for a while early on
05:26.18drmessanoSo they called it "project G" and the "G servers"
05:26.41denonyeah, nobody will guess that
05:26.47denonwhy not just call them a codename?
05:26.53denoncodename whitaker or something
05:27.18drmessanoThat would have been classic
05:28.31drmessanoIt would be interesting to see if Ad insertion in MOH could take off
05:28.46drmessanoEspecially if you did adlets
05:29.01drmessanoAdlets would be the best way to go
05:29.19denonwell ..
05:29.21denonIve got the ideas
05:29.22denonyou code it
05:29.39denonI'll syndicate it through goog
05:30.03drmessanoIf this did take off.. Promise me one thing
05:30.30denonwe call it Clear Trunk?
05:30.45drmessanoLets not end up douchebags like Jerry Yang and David Filo.. Larry and Sergey are WAY cooler
05:32.26denonyou dont like Clear Trunk?
05:32.29drmessanoI wonder how many times Jerry Yang got drunk and asked some chick if she wanted to see his "Yahoo".. then whipped out his business card
05:32.48denonwith a name like "Yang"..
05:32.50drmessanoClear Trunk is great... It's big brotherish..
05:33.10denonchannel/trunk ..
05:33.15denonI'm sure you got the IAX2 connection
05:34.13drmessanoAlright.. I need to run for a bit.. time for our weekly late night grocery run
05:34.17drmessanoBe back in a bit
05:35.32*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
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05:51.03joeany of you running * on a paravirtualized Xen domU ?
06:01.43*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=angeldav@
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06:18.05BeeBuunew to iax
06:18.25BeeBuuhow can i dial to a iax?
06:18.50BeeBuudial(iax2/9933) does not work.
06:22.48[TK]D-FenderBeeBuu, Got a peer named [9933] in iax.conf?
06:24.32[TK]D-FenderBeeBuu, then I guess 9933 isn't going to get you very far...
06:24.50BeeBuuif two iax user want to call each other,how to do that?
06:25.41[TK]D-FenderBeeBuu, make an exten that actually dials the other peer.
06:26.37[TK]D-FenderBeeBuu, just like a SIP device
06:28.01BeeBuulet me try,thanks
06:32.44BeeBuucan i use a nickname in iax.conf for login?
06:38.56*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE-cell (n=_ShrikE-@
06:42.06[TK]D-FenderBeeBuu : its just like SIP effectively
06:44.03*** join/#asterisk coppice (
06:44.11drmessanoOh, it's my good friend BeeBuu
06:44.47BeeBuudrmessano: i just a newbie~~~
06:45.04jbotwell, now is a good time to tell you that I have 6 gigabytes of data
06:45.12jbotSo you just installed Asterisk now what?
06:46.52joewow, that's random
06:47.48BeeBuudrmessano: in fact ,you are my good friend in asterisk
06:47.53*** join/#asterisk MaliutaWrk (i=nikolai@
06:48.13drmessanoIt's just like.... a mini mall
06:59.14*** join/#asterisk af_ (
07:18.13obnauticusdrmessano what do you get with an E1 line
07:18.25obnauticusi mean DS3
07:18.26obnauticusmy bad
07:21.22obnauticusAnd does anyone here know of a provider that gives unlimited free calls to countries restriction free, with a subscription or something
07:21.42drmessanoWhat do you mean "What do you get?"
07:21.48obnauticusi figured it out
07:21.55obnauticusi wanted to know how many frames
07:26.05*** join/#asterisk djs26 (n=djs@unaffiliated/djs26)
07:28.52coppiceyou only get framed on the channels which the NSA is tapping
07:29.11drmessanoDSP = Doesnt Stop Police
07:29.35obnauticusDTMB = Don't Tase Me bro.
07:30.04drmessanorelaxdtmb=yes ?
07:37.46jbotTwenty-two points, plus triple-word-score, plus fifty points for using all my letters. Game's over. I'm outta here.
07:39.03obnauticusdrmessano do you know of any providers that give sh*t loads of minutes for cheap.. in bulk
07:41.38jbot<Bart> K-W-Y-J-I-B-O... Kwyjibo. 22 points... plus 50 points for using all my letters! Game's over, I'm outta here... <Homer> Wait a minute, you little cheater -- you're not going anywhere until you tell me what a Kwyjibo is! <Bart> Kwyjibo? Uh... a big, dumb, balding, North American ape with no chin... <Marge> And a short temper! <Homer> Why you little!!
07:42.24drmessanoNo obnauticus, i don't
07:42.32jbotfrom memory, free is stuff might take awhile to get done
07:42.38*** join/#asterisk shtoom (n=godson@
07:42.45jboti heard cheap is a bad idea.  If you're setting up an Asterisk system, one of the wisest pieces of advice you can take is this: DON'T BE A CHEAPSKATE.
07:42.55obnauticusim talking in bulk, asshole
07:43.07obnauticusit's going to be cheap per minutes
07:45.18*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (
07:52.22obnauticusdrmessano i has a question
07:52.36obnauticuson an E1, who decides how much you pay per min
07:53.14mvanbaakyour mother
07:57.31*** join/#asterisk MaliutaWrk (i=nikolai@
07:59.51coppiceAsk not for whome the trunk tolls. It tolls for thee.
08:12.28*** join/#asterisk djs (n=djs@unaffiliated/djs26)
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09:05.05*** join/#asterisk Kernel_Core (n=I@
09:05.11Kernel_Corehi all
09:05.11angryusertzafrir here ?
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09:06.49Kernel_Corewhat is the speex sample rate ? 20ms or 30ms ?
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09:25.29tzafrir_homeKernel_Core, the default for speex is 20:
09:25.59Kernel_Coretzafrir_home: thanks ....
09:26.32*** join/#asterisk af_ (
09:27.04Kernel_Coretzafrir_home: are VBR and ABR in speex VAD enabled ?
09:28.02tzafrir_homeKernel_Core, not sure
09:28.28Kernel_Coretzafrir_home: so I need to put vad= true in source ?
09:28.45Kernel_Corein conf file I mean
09:30.06Kernel_Coretzafrir_home: where do I change the rtp-packetization to 10ms for speex ?
09:32.28tzafrir_homeKernel_Core, sorry, don't know that much. Please refer to the docs. see the sample codecs.conf
09:32.54tzafrir_homeand that file I referenced to earlier
09:34.12Kernel_Coretzafrir: if I want to use ilbc with iax2 trunking , should I change the default "trunkfreq=30" instead of 20 ?
09:35.04Kernel_Corebecause ilbc packetization occured every 30ms
09:37.27tzafrir_homeKernel_Core, is it between two servers of yours?
09:38.35tzafrir_homeIf so, with speex you can set it up to 60
09:38.43tzafrir_home(and with others - even higher)
09:38.52tzafrir_homebut with ilbc, you're stuck on 30
09:39.38tzafrir_homeKernel_Core, IIRC, in sip.conf:  allow=speex:60 ; or something similar
09:40.04Kernel_Coretzafrir_home: what about in IAX.conf ?
09:40.10Kernel_Corespeex:60 works ?
09:40.39Kernel_Coreor allow=speex:10 ?
09:41.37tzafrir_homeKernel_Core, I think. Not really sure. Why don't you try?
09:41.53tzafrir_home(on an extra sip peer)
09:42.38*** join/#asterisk nirz (
09:42.46Kernel_Coretzafrir_home: if I use speex:10 , and set trunkfreq=10ms , does it save the same bandwidth like the diffault setting ( speex or g729 with 20ms , and trunkfreq=20ms) ?
09:43.22*** join/#asterisk WhipsMcGee (
09:43.24tzafrir_homeKernel_Core, 10ms packets mean many small packets => more overhead per audio
09:43.38*** join/#asterisk oej (
09:43.41tzafrir_homeSlightly less latency, more bandwidth
09:43.54WhipsMcGeecan someone help me with write a .call file real quick?  I'm trying to dial out from a SIP line to my cell phone, I don't need it to play or connect or anything, just ring basically.
09:44.37Kernel_Coretzafrir_home: does IAX2 trunking helps in this case  ?
09:44.39WhipsMcGeeand I have a working call file that rings a local sip extension so it's probably just like 2-3 lines that need changing
09:45.36tzafrir_homeKernel_Core, IAX trunking helps if you have more than one "connection" between the two servers
09:45.49tzafrir_homeThey will use the same socket
09:46.24Kernel_Coretzafrir_home: I know I have 4 concurrent connection
09:46.34Kernel_Coretzafrir_home: it is the reason I am interested
09:46.35tzafrir_homeSo it can help
09:46.41Kernel_Corethanks :)
09:47.05Kernel_Coretzafrir_home: you saved me hours on searching and reading the missing documents :D
09:49.04SteveTotaroKernel, if you have poor audio, choppy, then turn off iax trunking or switch to SIP
09:49.29SteveTotaroiax imo causes more problems than it fixes
09:50.59WhipsMcGeeanyone know how to write a .call file?
09:51.27SteveTotaroi do and there are tons of examples on the wiki
09:51.40SteveTotaroor probably the book although i never read it
09:51.43WhipsMcGeewhere's the wiki
09:51.46jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
09:51.52SteveTotaro~wiki is the wiki
09:52.13WhipsMcGeeI'm on there
09:52.23*** join/#asterisk adjohn (
09:52.30WhipsMcGeeit's got a few examples but I can't figure out exactly what it's saying
09:52.53SteveTotarothen did you look at the book?
09:52.58jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
09:55.37WhipsMcGeethe book was less helpful than the wiki
09:56.03obnauticusCAn anyone ehre tell me the possible causes of this message
10:07.11*** join/#asterisk joobie (
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10:14.21obnauticusHere's the full problem
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12:33.45Zone-MRanyone alive yet? :P
12:34.10Zone-MRI'm looking for a UK sip/iax2 <> pstn trunk provider which supports RDNIS
12:34.26Zone-MRis there one?
12:39.53*** join/#asterisk adorah (n=Michael@
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15:33.49TJNIIMan, it's below 10 degrees here again.  I guess I'd better bring the beer in from the garage before it explodes.
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15:51.05angryuser[A]what do yo think abou this mobo i want to install debian&asterisk anything what i should know ?
15:51.40angryuser[A]any problems encountered wih supermicrom mb's ?
15:52.04bkw__angryuser[A]: the mother board shouldn't matter unless you're running hardware with it
15:52.41bkw__angryuser[A]: you going to run any T1's?
15:52.51angryuser[A]<bkw__> wrong mb matter a lot, heat life cycle
15:53.04bkw__angryuser[A]: I have NEVER lost one due to that
15:53.24bkw__and Supermicro is a server board so it won't matter its designed for such things
15:53.25angryuser[A]<bkw__> i am happy for you
15:53.40bkw__now if you were getting something like shuttle of gigabyte then I would worry
15:54.33angryuser[A]i have installed tyan yesterday when i adenn idn card, hangs/bips , removed all is ok, some hardware compatibility problems
15:54.58angryuser[A]so that's why i am aking
15:55.17bkw__what card do you have?
15:55.19angryuser[A]ah damn notebook keyboard
15:55.41angryuser[A]i got 2 digium tdm's and one b410p
15:56.03bkw__who else makes ISDN cards besides digium?
15:56.10*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
15:56.33bkw__I would buy sangoma
15:56.42bkw__never had these MB hardware compat. issues with sangoma
15:57.06angryuser[A]i got it so...
15:57.11bkw__thats one too
15:57.40angryuser[A]b410p is working fine on other mobos, thats tyan problem
15:57.54bkw__actually its not
15:58.22bkw__the b410p could be fixed to work correctly with any motherboard...
15:58.35bkw__Sangoma actually goes and buys any MB people have problems with and MAKES their cards work with it
15:58.35angryuser[A]as mb
15:58.55bkw__personally I hate tyan boards
15:59.00angryuser[A]i dont want to argue about that
15:59.12bkw__I'm not.  I'm just telling you what I have experienced
15:59.30angryuser[A]i will buy supermicro mb and we will see
15:59.43bkw__I have a bunch of supermicro boards in production
15:59.49*** join/#asterisk qdk (n=qdk@
15:59.51angryuser[A]no pbs ' ?
16:00.10bkw__not yet
16:00.15coppiceall the Dell hate on the * mailing list is pretty pathetic. most of the world's cards work just fine with Dell machines
16:00.19angryuser[A]with asteris cads ?
16:00.27bkw__angryuser[A]: yep
16:00.35bkw__coppice: I can agree
16:00.37*** join/#asterisk svenna (
16:00.41angryuser[A]<<hates his keyboard
16:01.41angryuser[A]thank you so buing this one
16:01.54bkw__angryuser[A]: having keyboard drama?
16:01.56angryuser[A]300€ ;(
16:02.16angryuser[A]yes notebook acer, i think dont need to add more
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16:38.40ManxPowerAlabama is NOT supposed to have snow on the grownd.
16:38.48ManxPowerand ground
16:39.42SwKManxPower, its alomost gone here
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16:52.15ManxPowerIt's unsivilized.
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16:54.43SteveTotaroanyone know if all the LEDs on a tdm422p (two fxs two fxo) even if there is no power connected to the molex connector?
16:54.58lyroyDoes someone know if there a way to query an MS Access database with asterisk?
16:55.27lyroystevetotaro thx ill check this
16:55.36SteveTotaroasterisk with access = mess
16:55.42tzafrir_homelyroy, odbc?
16:56.43lyroyI know but I need to get some customer infos and they are store in a damn access database
16:56.44SteveTotaroaccess from my perspective is for mom and dad to make home spreadsheets
16:57.17SteveTotaroupsell them
16:57.40lyroyI know that.. ;) but the store application use an access database to store there customers infos - billing...
16:58.29SteveTotaroso are you going to do realtime stuff with it?
16:58.35SteveTotaroi suggest not
16:58.53*** join/#asterisk Nasra (
16:59.05SteveTotaroi had a customer insist on using access to manipulate the asterisk realtime db
16:59.24SteveTotarowhen he would move from one field to the other, the changes were instantaneous
16:59.42SteveTotaroneedless to say, it crashed and burned within an hour or two
17:00.32SteveTotarothis was after me pleading that he not do it that way
17:00.56SteveTotarobut he was a semi tech guy and thought he knew better
17:03.30tzafrir_homeThere's a linux library to read access db (libmdb?)
17:04.31SteveTotaronot ranting, just giving a valuable life story
17:04.44SteveTotarotake what you need and leave the rest
17:07.18*** join/#asterisk defsdoor (
17:09.40ManxPowerlyroy: does the access to the database be live, or can the store application export it's data once per day or something like that?
17:10.21lyroyno it need to be live... here's an example...
17:11.13lyroythe customer need to know if his order is ready.. then he enter is order # in an IVR... and then the ivr will say if it is ready or not base on the access database
17:12.01*** join/#asterisk kamanashisroy (n=kamanash@
17:12.27lyroyor... let's say we need to make a queue priority base on the customer previous "buy history" if he is a good client we will put a high priority on the queue...
17:12.31kamanashisroyit seems that ast_waitstream is blocking .. is there anyway to interrupt that ?
17:13.12*** join/#asterisk A500mg (
17:13.28lyroyI know I can do it pretty easily with SQL database but with an access database that can be a mess...
17:15.16lyroywell I think I need to do some tests to know if it is possible to implement something like this with an access database...
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17:15.33SteveTotaroit is
17:15.51SteveTotaroi have seen it first hand
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17:16.43lyroyyou suggest I use ODBC? is it the only way to parse infos from an access database?
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17:19.36SteveTotaroi hear the blue letters on the side of 7000 security blvd are gone
17:20.37A500mgi am searching how to change de tone frequency of my b410p. When callers calls me, the sound is "tuuu...tuuu...tuuu.." instead of "touuuu...touuu...touuu"
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17:21.36A500mgi've seen that, but nothing change :(
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17:22.44A500mgb410p use misdn, but I don't know if zaptel parameters have an effect or no
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17:28.54A500mgtried also
17:29.38SteveTotarothat's all i got
17:29.52SteveTotaroi guess you could record the type of ringing you want
17:29.59SteveTotaroand use that as moh
17:30.38A500mgmmmh in last possibility
17:30.54A500mgstrange, in indications.conf i've not change the value
17:31.08A500mgi changed that but maybe not save changes :/
17:31.14SteveTotarowell change it and reload
17:31.28SteveTotarochange it to something totally different
17:31.32SteveTotarojust to test
17:33.50A500mgi've just test
17:33.53A500mgsame tone :(
17:34.56SteveTotaromoh it is!
17:35.19A500mgit's bad :/
17:35.29*** join/#asterisk GBR_ (n=gbr@
17:35.42SteveTotaronot really, it should be a fine workaround if no other solution exists
17:35.50A500mgwith a tdm01b at home, good tone, but at work with b410p, bad tone :(
17:36.17SteveTotarois this before answer?
17:36.33SteveTotaroif so then it is the telco generating the ring sound
17:36.36A500mgi look the call in CLI, but no answer
17:36.39A500mgoooh ok
17:36.50*** join/#asterisk FinboySlick (n=FinboySl@
17:36.54SteveTotaroif you answer then indications should work
17:37.16A500mgthe misdn driver don't generate the tone ?
17:37.18SteveTotarobut caller will be billed obviously
17:37.52A500mgyes it is a problem
17:37.59*** join/#asterisk esaym (
17:38.24FinboySlickQuick question here:  What version of zaptel would be best (less bad?) for fax detection?  I know it's not supposed to be a 'supported' feature, but it'd really be nice for us to get it working.
17:38.27SteveTotarosolutions, call the phone company and tell them to change the ring which they probably cannot/wont do
17:38.34*** join/#asterisk savetheWorld (n=Lester@about/linux/staff/savetheWorld)
17:38.37SteveTotaroanswer the call and play the tones you want
17:38.40*** part/#asterisk savetheWorld (n=Lester@about/linux/staff/savetheWorld)
17:38.45SteveTotarodeal with it the way it is
17:38.46*** join/#asterisk linux_stu (
17:38.50A500mgok :)
17:39.32FinboySlickI'm using 1.2.24 right now, itching to upgrade to 1.4
17:40.13SteveTotaroare there features you want in 1.4?
17:40.20*** join/#asterisk NeddySeagoon (n=NeddySea@gentoo/developer/NeddySeagoon)
17:40.39FinboySlickSteveTotaro: See my previous question ;)  I want fax detect to work.
17:41.14SteveTotarojust get a did for fax or use or whatever service you like
17:41.27*** part/#asterisk NeddySeagoon (n=NeddySea@gentoo/developer/NeddySeagoon)
17:42.31SteveTotaroi pay $20/yr with trustfax and get a tollfree fax number, i dont send or receive much so it is a perfect solution
17:43.05SteveTotarolooks good to have a tollfree fax number too
17:43.51FinboySlickSteveTotaro: It's definitely an easy solution.  But, if you can find a way to tickle the idealist residing deep within each of us, wouldn't it be great if it just worked with Zaptel?
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17:44.51SteveTotaroit does, you get a did, use iaxmodem and hylafax
17:45.20SteveTotaroi have done that many times for large scale operations
17:45.48FinboySlickWell, it works for me too, it'll detect roughly one in six or seven fax machines.
17:46.15SteveTotarothen upgrade to 1.4
17:46.25SteveTotaronot sure how much better detection will be
17:46.38SteveTotarothey have to beep within your wait time
17:46.57SteveTotaroand it has to be clear and in the correct frequency
17:49.43FinboySlickSteveTotaro: Yeah.  I'm just surprised by how easy your typical hadrware fax or modem will detect that beep as opposed to an expensive zaptel card.  I guess I'd like to understand what's causing the difficulty.
17:49.58bkw__faxdetect in 1.2 works fine
17:50.05bkw__I use it 1000's of times a day
17:50.23FinboySlickbkw__: What's your hardware?
17:50.33bkw__as in?
17:51.11FinboySlickAs in TDM800 or what not.
17:51.18bkw__T1 board
17:52.11FinboySlickMaybe my card's just a little deaf :(
17:52.20ManxPowerWhat exactly is your PROBLEM with faxdetect??
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17:52.34SteveTotaroit doesn't detect silly
17:53.24FinboySlickManxPower: It is very very picky of what fax machine has a pretty enough voice to activate it.
17:53.35ManxPowerFinboySlick: fax problems in an all zap setup are almost always audio level gains.  Many times you have to lower the gains to much to get rid of echo that it makes faxes not work, but that's not a fax DETECT issue, that's a FAX issue.
17:54.08ManxPowerFinboySlick: I use NVFaxdetect, NOT because it works better, but because I can enable or disable it on the fly, which you can't do in the zaptel faxdetect.
17:54.10SteveTotarono, it is a zaptel rxgain issue
17:54.27ManxPowerFinboySlick: what is your rxgain and txgain set to?
17:55.12SteveTotaroyou cannot begin to judge what his setting should be
17:55.23SteveTotaroevery site varies so much
17:55.24ManxPowerSteveTotaro: it should be 0 to start out with
17:55.31ManxPowerthen work from that
17:55.37SteveTotaroof course
17:56.05lunaphyteis it possible to get asterisk to tell me, in the logs when it's complaining, which line of which file?
17:56.15lunaphytee.g. WARNING[11256]: app_dial.c:864 dial_exec_full: Dial requires an argument (technology/number)
17:56.16ManxPowerWe have the fewest fax issues (almost no fax issues, actually) if we leave the gains at 0 and use an external echo canceler.  We use PRIs
17:56.23FinboySlickManxPower: Right now it's at 1.5  I also tried 0. and maybe as high as 2, but I'll grant you that I didn't put all that much effort into it.
17:56.23ManxPowerlunaphyte: paste the line before that
17:56.26A500mgSteveTotaro, for my tone problem, effectively it's good when I answer() before dial()
17:56.44A500mgI will call my telephony provider
17:58.06*** join/#asterisk Cresl1n (n=matt@
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17:58.40lunaphyteManxPower: that's the only line.
17:58.55SteveTotaroa500mg: call your provider but i doubt they can or will change ring for just you
17:58.57the_5th_wheelI am unable to connect to my asterisk server remotely, the firewall is not blocking aything, but still, none of my phones register with the asterisk server. I can connect to my other sip servers, so my connection is fine
17:59.17ManxPowerlunaphyte: then you have either a problem with /etc/asterisk/logger.conf or you are not starting asterisk with enough v
17:59.27ManxPower"core set verbose 3" and try it again
17:59.46*** join/#asterisk pa (n=pa@unaffiliated/pa)
17:59.52SteveTotarowheel, are you sure asterisk is running, is sip running, are you behind a nat?
18:00.12SteveTotaroi like set verbose 3
18:00.17lunaphyteah, that's better.  i had done core set debug 10.
18:00.37the_5th_wheelasterisk is definitely running(i have about 12 active calls coming in) and the server is not behind nat
18:00.45ManxPowerlunaphyte: debug spits out too much into to be useful except in the most extreme cases
18:01.05SteveTotarois sip loaded, bound to the correct port?
18:01.15*** join/#asterisk implicit (
18:01.40FinboySlickManxPower: I'm curious though, you mentioned an external echo canceller.  You mean between the PSTN and an FXO?
18:01.46SteveTotaroyou say you cannot connect, does that mean at all, no ssh?
18:02.05ManxPowerFinboySlick: I don't ever use analog.  Between the Telco PRI and the Sangoma T-1 card.
18:02.06lunaphyteManxPower: yeah, i thought i'd get overwhelmed, so i was surprised to see the one sole line.
18:02.59ManxPowerthat means the Dial string is empty
18:03.38lunaphytedid variables change from 1.2 to 1.4?
18:03.41FinboySlickManxPower: Oh...  Well, yeah, I'd love to scrap the whole analog deal but I live in remote nowhereland...  A T1 costs us more than I make in a month :P
18:03.52SteveTotaro-- Executing [3607171338@remote:2] Dial("SIP/", "911")
18:03.58ManxPowerlunaphyte: YES!  Didn't you read upgrade.txt and channelvariables.txt
18:04.17SteveTotaromy Ts cost $150/mo each
18:04.19lunaphyteno sir.  i'll do that.
18:04.30ManxPowerFinboySlick: look at the Digium commercial software EC.  It sucks up LOTS of CPU, but on a decent machine and a small number of channels it can work well.
18:04.35the_5th_wheelSteveTotaro: it seems so
18:04.57SteveTotarowhat seems so, you cannot ssh?
18:05.08SteveTotarothen you have a bigger networking issue
18:05.08lunaphyteManxPower: packages are nice, but it's easy to overlook things like that.  ;)  thanks for the pointer.
18:05.18ManxPowerwe hate packages
18:05.26SteveTotaroi have a nice package
18:05.26FinboySlickManxPower: Well, I have a hardware echo-cancelling card that works quite well.  I was just wondering if that was related to my fax troubles.
18:05.35lunaphyteyeah, every project's channel does.
18:05.53*** join/#asterisk Hymie (
18:06.18Hymiehey guys, anyone playing with one of those siemens S675IP phones?  or other cool cordless IP phones?
18:06.26the_5th_wheelSteveTotaro: I can ssh and connect to the box perfectly.
18:06.51Cresl1nFinboySlick: it could cause problems
18:06.53SteveTotaroso connect to the console, turn on sip debugging and try to register a phone
18:07.11lunaphytei've just started using 1.4, i've already been relearned on a bunch of commands.. "x will be deprecated, use y..." :)
18:07.21Cresl1nyou're having problems with faxes?
18:07.29jbotWell, apperantly the fax was concieved of by Napoleon Bonaparte. He commissioned a system of devices that could transmit a traced image electrically over telegraph lines to a remote device that would redraw the image identically.
18:07.51lunaphyteno way.  is that true?
18:07.56SteveTotaroyou don't have to relearn command until 1.6
18:08.05SteveTotarothat should be stable in a few years
18:08.13lunaphytethat's when deprecation takes effect?
18:08.26SteveTotaroi stink so, yes
18:08.26lunaphyteerr, removal, whatever.
18:08.30Hymielunaphyte: then, or after a sharp whiskey
18:08.34FinboySlickCresl1n: Well, according to Digium, when zaptel detects a fax call, it disables the hardware echo canceller (this is a TDM800)  My problem is getting to the fax detecting part.  It works once every now and then, with some fax machines.
18:08.40lunaphytewell, might as well learn it now.
18:08.51Cresl1nFinboySlick: which kind of echo canceller do you have?
18:09.15FinboySlickCresl1n: Um, let me look it up, it's whatever's built into the card....
18:09.22SteveTotarolearn it but use the old versions, thats what i do
18:09.30Cresl1nFinboySlick: and what version of zaptel are you running?
18:09.37SteveTotaroi see and support far more 1.2 boxen than i do 1.4
18:09.46SteveTotaroand the command work on both
18:10.11FinboySlickCresl1n: 1.2.4, but I've had that problem since I started with 1.2.18.
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18:10.52Hymiehey. what's with that bot lying about napoleon
18:11.00SteveTotarohow many faxes are we talking you have one fxo?
18:11.04FinboySlickCresl1n: 1.2.24, sorry.
18:11.06*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
18:11.11Hymiehe just commissioned some guy to work on it, after that guy already had the idea, and claimed to have a working prototype
18:11.16SteveTotarowhat is the point?  just get a trustfax account
18:11.22Hymiefreaking nobles always try to take credit for everything
18:11.25Hymie(I'm not joking)
18:11.47jbot[jbot] a hack!, or known to have only said one useful thing. a tool, or dating the fembots, or  [TK]D-Fender's b*tch, or suck, or a pain in the ass
18:12.33the_5th_wheelSteveTotaro: ok, it seems that my phone is sending sip messages, and asterisk is receiving them, but my pphone aint receiving the replies
18:13.02Cresl1nFinboySlick: how are you hooked up with the fax machine to the incoming fax?
18:13.09SteveTotarosounds like nat or firewall
18:13.12Cresl1nlike is it FXO->FXS on the TDM800, or what?
18:13.52the_5th_wheelSteveTotaro: on the server or on the client side?
18:14.18FinboySlickCresl1n: fax <-> pstn <-> fxo
18:14.34Cresl1nFinboySlick: didn't quite understand that
18:14.38Cresl1nwhat ports does it go through
18:14.42SteveTotarowhat ip does the asterisk box say the requests are coming from, that might give you a clue
18:15.40FinboySlickCresl1n: I'm receiving fax calls through the PSTN into an fxo on the card.  There's no fax machine on my end of things.
18:15.46SteveTotaroif you can register the same phone to the other box you mentioned that is working then it must be on the new asterisk server side
18:15.54SteveTotaroif you cannot, then it has to be on the phone side
18:15.57Cresl1nFinboySlick: oh, so you're using spandsp or something like that?
18:16.11the_5th_wheelSteveTotaro: its different from the one im connecting to. how can i change the connection from IP?
18:16.14*** part/#asterisk Hymie (
18:16.40SteveTotaroyou have to give more details
18:16.52SteveTotaroit is showing the public ip of a nat?
18:17.02FinboySlickCresl1n: Yes.  Though I don't know just how well that works since I still am working on making those calls *get* to spandsp ;)
18:17.05the_5th_wheelSteveTotaro: I have two live IPs on the box
18:17.11Cresl1nFinboySlick: Ok
18:17.30SteveTotarotwo ips on the same subnet?
18:17.36SteveTotarothat is a problem
18:17.48SteveTotaroasterisk will send from one and receive from the other
18:17.51the_5th_wheelSteveTotaro: no. sepereate subnests
18:18.23SteveTotarobe more specific pleas
18:18.42Cresl1nyou definitely need to make sure you're running current 1.2
18:19.06Cresl1nthere was a bug a release or two ago for the VPMADT032 where it wasn't configured to detect fax tones
18:19.09SteveTotaro(01:13:27 PM) the_5th_wheel: SteveTotaro: its different from the one im connecting to. how can i change the connection from IP?
18:19.11Cresl1nnow it should work I think
18:19.16SteveTotarothat is too vague
18:19.20Cresl1nor rather g.165 tones
18:20.43FinboySlickCresl1n: What's 'current'.  1.2.24 is the latest my distro offers, but I can look into building from source if that fixes my problem.
18:21.08the_5th_wheelSteveTotaro: I have two IP,s one is in the 41.223.x.x range and the other is 196.15.x.x range
18:21.09Cresl1nnah, I think it's in the most current release
18:21.17Cresl1nI believe 1.2.24 should be current
18:21.55*** join/#asterisk CrashSys (
18:22.03drmessanoOMG I had a effin nightmare about Asterisk
18:22.11Cresl1nyeah, that should be good
18:22.14SteveTotaroso sip might be bound to the wrong ip
18:22.19CrashSysWas the extensions.conf chasing you down?
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18:22.34the_5th_wheelI think ive found my problem. i changed the default route, and that is on the latter range
18:22.38Cresl1nFinboySlick: which part of faxing isn't working right for you?
18:22.52drmessanoI wasn't paying attention and I did ran a Yum update that installed an RPM from somewhere of 1.4.15 over my 1.4.18
18:22.52SteveTotaroanyways, i have a big dinner tonight and need a haircut so maybe DRM can help you wheel
18:22.56drmessanoand I freaked out
18:23.20SteveTotaroyum update would not allow that unless you forced the rpm
18:23.25drmessanoAll I remember is going "Oh shit", freaking out, and then I woke up
18:23.30drmessanoDude, I know
18:23.37SteveTotarobut you need to unplug man, get some r&r
18:23.46drmessanoI freaked out because I didnt know what happened
18:23.58SteveTotaroquote from what movie?
18:24.40SteveTotarodid you google it, took you a bit?
18:24.40drmessanoI vaguely remember it
18:24.58FinboySlickCresl1n: Remote fax dials in, asterisk picks up, fax says 'beep beep beep', zaptel says 'huh'?  Basically.  It understands phone tones quite well (no missed digits or anything), but it only hears fax beeps once in a blue moon.
18:24.59drmessanoChecking email too.. or trying to
18:25.01SteveTotarothat white bunny girl was hot
18:25.05the_5th_wheelSteveTotaro: i think my issue is sorted. thanks for the help :-D
18:25.13SteveTotarowhat was it?
18:25.21ManxPowerFinboySlick: do you have a dedicated fax number?
18:25.27*** join/#asterisk MatBoy (
18:25.34SteveTotarohe has a single pots line
18:25.50ManxPowerpoor guy
18:26.06SteveTotarothat's why i just suggested
18:26.09SteveTotaroor efax
18:26.27SteveTotarowhy bother in that situation?
18:27.12the_5th_wheelSteveTotaro: i set the default route as the router ip in my secondary range.
18:27.19the_5th_wheelchanged it back and it was working
18:27.38SteveTotaroah, that would be a problem, glad i helped someone today :)
18:28.08FinboySlickSteveTotaro: Well, like I said before, we don't get enough fax calls to bother with the alternatives either.  I just want it to work because it *should*.
18:28.19FinboySlick<-- idealist
18:28.39Cresl1nSo it's not detecting fax tones then.... that's the problem?
18:28.46drmessano"should" is not the correct word
18:29.05drmessanoYou're assuming Fax is supposed to work all the time
18:29.06SteveTotaroi wonder if you can you get a second number on a pots line and use distinctive ringing to know which is fax or voice?
18:29.25drmessano... and a ring separator
18:29.31drmessanoPeople do it
18:29.54drmessano$70 the last time I bought one
18:29.57SteveTotarocan asterisk tell different rings?
18:30.09FinboySlickSteveTotaro: It can, that's an easy alternative too.
18:30.25SteveTotarothat shouldn't cost you much
18:30.41drmessanoDunno.. I think a $70 ring separator and a Fax machine is a much better answer
18:30.46FinboySlickCresl1n: Yes.  Well, it is detecting about 1 in 10 fax machines I've tried.
18:30.52drmessanoHell, I bet they're cheaper now
18:31.07Cresl1nare you doing anything special for detection, like using NVFaxDetect?
18:31.29FinboySlickCresl1n: I gave that a try, but it didn't work either.
18:31.32SteveTotarohe doesn't want a fax machine he wants asterisk to handle the fax or maybe hylafax
18:31.43*** join/#asterisk MatBoy (
18:32.03SteveTotaroup your rxgain
18:32.07SteveTotaroand keep testing
18:32.12FinboySlickCresl1n: I guess that points once again to a ...  Well, what SteveTotaro says ;)
18:32.44drmessanoI know he does.. but there's other options that are less.... flaky
18:33.00Cresl1ncrap, maybe it's the DSP not detecting it well enough
18:33.50FinboySlickI guess I'm just having a hard time convincing myself that a fax 'beep' is several orders of magnitude more complicated to understand than a digit 4 beep.
18:33.56SteveTotarodsp is on the cpu
18:34.06SteveTotarothat is why the cards are so cheap
18:34.32FinboySlickSteveTotaro: My card wasn't really cheap :P
18:35.10fileSteveTotaro can tell you what cards for other PBXes really cost...
18:35.28the_5th_wheelOk, now i have asecond server, that is ntted, how could i set the from address on that?
18:35.47drmessano$2000 for an auto attendant on a NEC Electra Elite...
18:36.04drmessanoAsterisk $0
18:36.17SteveTotaro~$3k-$4k for a single  T1 on the NEC
18:36.36FinboySlickOkay okay, I get the point ;)
18:36.45SteveTotaroconference bridge ~$5k
18:38.02*** join/#asterisk nirz (
18:38.19SteveTotaromakes no sense to buy asterisk stuff off of ebay unless it is for play
18:38.36SteveTotarobut proprietary systems, sometimes it makes alot of sense
18:38.59*** join/#asterisk robmac67 (
18:39.01CrashSysI like buying $2000 A104d's off of ebay for $1000 or less
18:39.18FinboySlickStill, besides the actual frequency, how is a fax beep different from a digit tone?
18:39.40CrashSysI dont think a fax beep is DTMF
18:40.00tzafrir_homeFinboySlick, a fax beep is a single tone, IIRC
18:40.04drmessanoit is
18:40.18CrashSyspicking a single tone is harder then discerning two tones
18:40.23CrashSyswhich is why they use DTMF
18:40.35tzafrir_homehoome, the "fax tone" is actually the medems negotioation
18:40.46tzafrir_homenot anything to do with DTMFs
18:41.10FinboySlickSee, that makes me understand a lot better ;)
18:41.41tzafrir_homethere is also a specific tone a fax emits right before starting, to signal that it is a fax and should be treated as such
18:41.51tzafrir_home(e.g: no echo cancelling and such)
18:42.00tzafrir_homethat is a short, single tone
18:42.30FinboySlicktzafrir_home:  Well, that's what zaptel should be detecting, no?
18:42.50Cresl1nwell, the asterisk dsp should be detecting IIRC
18:43.25CrashSysThe fax notify tone, which is the short single beeps...
18:43.28drmessano$59 for the latest one
18:43.29tzafrir_homeBut also Zaptel
18:43.36drmessanoDirect from them anyway
18:43.43*** part/#asterisk Nasra (
18:44.00CrashSysFax detection in Asterisk is just "questionable"... better off buying a stick and setting it up to do fax routing...
18:44.21SteveTotarodistinctive ring
18:44.29*** join/#asterisk cowmix (
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18:45.06drmessanoDistinctive ring is the better idea
18:45.11drmessanoIf the passthru works
18:45.17tzafrir_homeCrashSys, I know at least one person whose voice has the right frequency to trigger fax detectors
18:45.33FinboySlickCrashSys: Yeah, I know.  Still would be cool if it worked and all.
18:46.53CrashSysWow, tek-tips has an asterisk board...
18:47.06CrashSysi'm going to have to dig in here and see what kind of consultants I can find
18:47.33SteveTotarotek-tips has saved my a$$ so many times
18:48.36Cresl1ntzafrir_home: I think that the detection in Zaptel is for the G.165 EC disable tone, not the CNG fax alert tone detection
18:48.47Cresl1nalthough I'm looking at it right now to remember
18:49.21*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
18:52.02*** join/#asterisk ccvp (
18:52.33CrashSysLooks like there's some Asterisk 2.2.3 consultants on tek-tips
18:52.48drmessano2.2.3 ?
18:53.10drmessanoTrixbox consultant.. scary
18:53.27drmessanoBut hey, if there's a market for it
18:53.40ccvptrixbox doesnt even work on dell
18:53.42robmac67guaranteed repeat business everytime trixbox release an upgrade :-)
18:53.43CrashSysTrying to find people here in tampa to do some asterisk work and keep seeing "Asterisk 2.2.3" on the resume's
18:53.50drmessanoccvp: worked on mine
18:53.51ccvpsome Piix driver on bootup
18:53.57ccvpatm_pix or something forget the name
18:54.10CrashSysDont use dell's... they like to burn up TDM cards...
18:54.10drmessanoI had it working on an Optiplex
18:54.27drmessanoTwo of them actually
18:54.31CrashSysPCI and PCIe...
18:54.39CrashSysDigium and Sangoma...
18:54.56ccvpim taking a 2950 poweredge home this friday, quad xeon, 4gig ram, 3 73gb 15k RPM sas drives
18:55.03ccvpwork sold it to me for like 75% off :)))))
18:55.10ccvpgonan finally get my hands wet in this thing we call "asterisk" heh
18:55.20CrashSysPlus they are just kind of shady hardware altogether... A dell warranty is not a quality warranty... it's a replacement warranty...
18:55.23SteveTotarodell servers are good for just sip
18:55.34SteveTotaroi like HP and then IBM
18:55.43SteveTotarodell comes in 3rd
18:55.49ccvptotaro, theres 20MB burstable metro-e
18:55.50drmessanoHP is ok.. Still feels like rebranded Compaq crap
18:55.51ccvpwhere I live
18:55.53CrashSysSupermicro :)
18:56.08CrashSysIBM is good stuff
18:56.09drmessanoI really think HP bought Compaq just to learn how to make cheap shit hardware
18:56.14SteveTotaronever messed with supermicro although always hear good things
18:56.27drmessanoand to get the patent on the green retainer clips
18:57.12SteveTotaroHP servers are still solid
18:57.16FinboySlickTyan served us pretty well so far.
18:57.17SteveTotaroit is the laptops
18:57.24SteveTotaroand desktops that suck
18:57.25drmessanoLaptops and desktops both
18:57.28drmessanoThe servers, yes
18:57.34CrashSysI'm a big asus fan
18:57.42ccvpsteve, it'll get the job done, but I could of utilized a grid host for 20/month
18:57.49ccvpbut I want the actual hosting in my apartment
18:57.59SteveTotarosure, lets all go SGI
18:58.00ccvpJust heard about grid hosting after reading a good article in inc. magazine
18:58.03SteveTotaroand numa link
18:58.16CrashSys2950's are power-hungry for what they are
18:58.22ccvpwell their going in my basement
18:58.40ccvpalready have the hvac work lined up to the basement, ij ust have to calculate what kind of APC equipment i need
18:58.53ccvpbasement room is 9'x9'
18:58.56CrashSysccvp: ABout twice the size of what you SHOULD need :D
18:58.58ccvpit will ehat up fast
18:59.29ccvpcheck those services they offer at
18:59.32ccvpis that market hype fraud?
18:59.38*** join/#asterisk SwK (
18:59.48ccvpclustered grid computing, scalable so you never crash due to visitors maxing out your box/bw
19:00.14ManxPowerjust remember the more it cycles on and off the less efficient it will be
19:00.50ccvpthat site uses a heavily modified joomla template
19:00.51drmessanoYep.. the risk of buying too much HVAC
19:03.19ccvpDynamic, clustered scalability
19:03.19ccvpAutomatically grows to support any load level. Easily handle traffic spikes with the power of hundreds of servers powering your site.
19:03.23ccvpfor only 20/mo
19:03.25ccvpsomethings fishy
19:04.22drmessanoMaybe someone in #webhosting can help you
19:05.04CrashSysCan you sell the dell for $2k and then build and then buy a super-micro box?
19:05.10ccvpsince the room is obviously asleep any talk is better then staring at a blank screen
19:05.13CrashSysrequire half the cooling and power :)
19:05.21ccvpbut i guess that is the norm in here on weekends
19:05.23CrashSyshigher quality componenets
19:05.31ccvpdrooling, and staring at irc when no one is chatting.
19:05.47ccvpcrash, I already have a 42U cage in my basement
19:06.10*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
19:06.16drmessanocvp: You drool and stare at IRC?
19:06.18CrashSysTHat's not really related to what I said but ok...
19:06.22drmessanoccvp rather
19:06.34ccvpit aint going anywhere, it's what i used to get the vp
19:07.16ccvphello puzzled
19:07.25ccvpare you looking forward to another long & glorious weekend of internet use in netherlands today? :)
19:08.16*** join/#asterisk gerphimum (
19:08.16puzzledccvp: long probably, glorious no. I'll call it glorious the day my evil telco overlord delivers 1GB/1GB fiber to my home :)
19:08.47puzzledtzafrir: in your * debs do you have a patch for sangoma drivers?
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19:09.23ccvppuzzled, you seem as confused as my boss does
19:09.30ccvphe wasted $115 on a 4port zapotel card
19:09.46CrashSysMust be 4-port POTS
19:09.54drmessanoSo, ccvp, I still haven't figured out whether you're a future Asterisk user or a Cisco guy just trolling...
19:10.04ccvpits a PsyOps campaign messano
19:10.12ccvpmy name making people think of cisco in the depths of their heart
19:10.15drmessanoMy nick is drmessano
19:12.40*** join/#asterisk djs26 (n=djs@unaffiliated/djs26)
19:14.52ccvphello djs26, are you looking forward to another long & glorious weekend of internet use in netherlands today? :)
19:15.31djs26As long as my isp doesn't disconnect me...
19:15.44ccvpI like how there are 234 fellow brothers in here, fellow internet addicts
19:17.33tzafrir_homepuzzled, no
19:18.09tzafrir_homepuzzled, it should not be required with the latest version (sangoma 3.3.1, zaptel 1.4.x), from what I heard
19:18.31puzzledtzafrir: nice. one patch less would be cool
19:19.15tzafrir_homepuzzled, I also noticed that 'make clean' now fails if there are no kernel sources / headers available
19:19.25tzafrir_homeI'm not sure why it worked before
19:19.39puzzledmake clean || :
19:19.54tzafrir_homeI know. But for a number of versions we avoided that
19:21.50puzzledtzafrir_home: what's the link to your asterisk cvs deb site again? like to take a look at getting oslec working again
19:22.38puzzledsvn works for me too :)
19:22.39tzafrir_homestart with
19:23.37tzafrir_homeFrom there find the link to the source package:
19:23.57tzafrir_homedown that page you'll find the link to the svn repo
19:24.22puzzledgot it
19:27.54*** join/#asterisk qdk (n=qdk@
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19:32.36obnauticusDoes anyone here know of a good bulk provider?
19:35.39denonobnauticus: define bulk
19:36.02denonin or out?
19:37.05*** join/#asterisk defsdoor (
19:37.30denonprobably not a good candidate for our wholesale sip, until you're at about 30,000min
19:38.02obnauticuswell, who does 30,000 then
19:38.26denonuh, very very small call centers
19:38.34obnauticusno i mean
19:38.37obnauticuswho sells it
19:39.05denonare you pushing that kind of traffic today?
19:39.18drmessano10,000 a month is a little more than 5x my anorexic cell phone usage
19:39.25drmessanoThats not even wholesale
19:39.40obnauticusdenon im a head admin for a future voip company
19:39.41obnauticusso meh
19:39.51obnauticuswe're looking at isphone and some other companies.
19:42.44drmessanoIf you have one user on the phone 6 hours a day, that's 72000 minutes a month
19:43.48*** join/#asterisk gego (
19:45.35drmessanoNow let me ask you something
19:45.40drmessano"Head Admin"
19:45.57drmessanoDoes that mean "I'm one one running Asterisk on my eMachine"?
19:48.43drmessanoI'll take that as a yes, for now
19:48.53TJNII6 hrs/day * 60 min/hr = 360 min/day * (approx) 31 day/mo = 11,160 min/mo
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19:49.43drmessanoHmm.. I missed something there
19:49.57obnauticusCan someone tell me why the hell im getting this error
19:50.43drmessanoI think I did 10 users
19:50.50drmessanoMaybe that was it
19:51.06drmessanoand I did 20 days
19:51.10drmessano20 workdays
19:51.59TJNIIYea, 10 users at 6 hours per day across 20 days equals 72000
19:53.05drmessanoIf you've got a handful of users only doing 10,000 minutes a month, you're not selling enough wicker
19:54.02drmessanoHmm.. You're not supposed to SIP your toast, you're supposed to CHEW it
19:54.05drmessanoThats problem one
19:58.32*** join/#asterisk anthm (
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19:58.49obnauticusdrmessano seriously ass
20:03.04djs26I would like to find a provider that gave me 2-3 unlimited or very high limit lines for home that is asterisk compatible, but won.  Any suggestions?
20:03.22djs26s/won/won't be $75/month
20:04.31drmessanoMore incoming or outgoing
20:05.26obnauticusdjs who's the company?
20:06.11djs26drmessano - Would like at least 2000 minutes each way per line per month...
20:06.14drmessanoThere is no company
20:06.17drmessanoHes looking for one
20:07.15djs26I use voicepulse, which is pretty decent, but everything I have seen says they are not asterisk compatible, and to do 3 unlimited lines it would be $75/mo
20:07.35obnauticushow aren't they asterisk compadible?
20:07.49drmessanoPer minute outbound for 6000 minutes month is gonna be at least $60 for anything I know of
20:08.38TJNIIdjs26: I do about that much through broadvoice, average 1.5-2K/mo
20:09.17djs26TJNII: And what does that run you?
20:09.24djs26If you don't mind my asking.
20:11.14TJNII$I have the unlimited in state plan, so about $20 after taxes.
20:11.27obnauticusTJNII unlimited, any restrictions?
20:11.40TJNIIUnlimited in state
20:11.49drmessanoIs that one line or three?
20:11.58obnauticusline == channel?
20:12.00drmessanoSo $60 then for his 3
20:12.18TJNIIWell, I can have multiple channels open
20:12.41TJNIIHe would need to pay for more accounts if he wanted more independant phone numbers
20:13.08djs26obnauticus - If I am reading that link correctly, it is $11/mo outbound + minutes spent + $7.95 inbound.  That is a ripoff...
20:13.10TJNIIYou can tack numbers onto a broadvoice account, but there isn't a way for * to know which number was called.
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20:13.35TJNIISo for multiple BV numbers you need multiple accounts.
20:14.57A500mgNOTICE[6269]: chan_iax2.c:6691 socket_read: Out of idle IAX2 threads for I/O, pausing!
20:15.07A500mgone line each second
20:15.16drmessanoobnauticus: What exactly are you expectations for pricing?
20:15.51drmessanoI mean, unless you're gonna use high volume, you're gonna pay consumer prices
20:17.48obnauticusdrmessano well, we have 1 customer for example
20:17.53obnauticusthat is going to be using 10,000min/mo
20:17.57obnauticusor needing that much
20:18.13obnauticusso im looking at around a million maybe in the future
20:18.19obnauticusi must go eat now
20:18.26obnauticusbut look at my error
20:18.40obnauticusi have no damn clue what/why
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20:32.32d00gsteris there a way to prevent some extentions from conneting from the public network and only connect from the private lan? I can so nat=no and that will not allow them to establish sip I guess, but is there any other way?
20:33.57*** join/#asterisk Cybersword (n=Fofito@
20:44.34Juggieoh hmmm now i see
20:44.52Juggieyou cant really stop them from connecting i guess
20:45.00Juggiebut you could stop them from making calls
20:45.21d00gsterdont want employees to take phone home
20:45.24tzafrir_homed00gster, using different peers / users to connect from the public network
20:46.32Juggietzafrir, i guess he wants some employees to be allowed to connect from public though but most not
20:46.49Juggiei would recomend just checking the ip of the phone in some macro
20:47.01Juggieand run a little script of some sort to decide if their ip is allowed to make calls or not
20:47.07drmessanod00gster, are the remote users you WANT to connect always remote?
20:47.47Juggied00gster, the other alternative is to create two asterisk installs (on the one box, or seperate)
20:47.51drmessanoSo some users you want to be able to take their phones home, others not?
20:48.00d00gsternat=no should work
20:48.12d00gsteryes drmessano
20:48.17Juggied00gster, it would still let them place calls though
20:48.19Juggiejust no audio
20:48.19drmessanoSo use different DNS names
20:48.34drmessanoor use the internal IP on some devices
20:49.24Juggied00gster, i would go with writing a little script to get the IP of the phone and check it against a list of people who are allowed to be external and not.
20:49.33drmessanoIf you set the "Internal only" phones to use the internal IP, you're set
20:49.35Juggiethen based on that you can deny the call or let it through
20:50.01drmessanoand the others can use either the external IP or a hostname that publically accessible
20:50.13d00gsteruntill the employee get s hold of his sip credientials
20:50.25drmessanoThe phones arent locked?
20:50.25Juggiewell then... that would be bad :)
20:50.50drmessanoYou don't pass protect the admin of the phone?
20:51.06d00gsterthis is a fresh install
20:51.09d00gsterso I could
20:51.12d00gsterbut ..
20:51.14drmessanoand use diff IPs
20:51.19d00gsterthere must be a better way
20:51.28drmessanoand no scripting or shenanigans allowed
20:51.35drmessanoor needed
20:52.01drmessanoWhy is using different IPs a bad idea?
20:52.24d00gsterso internally I use
20:52.31d00gsterfor all exten and pcs
20:52.36yassinehi folks trying to run asterisk but it does not start and i get this when i try to connect to it :
20:52.44drmessanoPhones on the inside connect to 192.168.blah.blah
20:52.49d00gsterexternally they get nat'ed to my FW ip
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20:53.05drmessanoand outside phones hit either the public IP or a public hostname
20:53.20d00gsterthat get's natd to
20:53.39d00gsterthen what?
20:53.50drmessanoOk, maybe I need to explain better
20:54.02d00gstersorry :-(
20:54.23drmessanoIf I set a phone to connect to it will hit the PBX via the outside IP from the inside or outside, right?
20:54.53drmessanoIf I set a phone to connect to, how is it going to connect to your PBX from their home?
20:55.08drmessanoit won't
20:55.12d00gsteryes understood
20:55.40drmessanoLock the phones down so they can't fudge with the IPs
20:55.43d00gsterthe one that is confifued with public ip will get nated from the inside
20:55.54d00gsternot good
20:56.13drmessanoAny proper firewall will do a loopback
20:56.30drmessanoI config all my boxes with the public hostname and have no issues
20:56.33robmac67yassine: the r means connect to the instance already running
20:56.44d00gsterok cool
20:56.47d00gsterwill try it
20:57.35drmessanoAnother option, which is a bit more elegant.. is do it with DNS
20:57.41drmessanoIf you have access to the DNS
20:58.23yassinerobmac67: i found out that its trying to start up in realtime mode even that i set : AST_REALTIME=no
20:58.32drmessanoSo internal ONLY phones are set to
20:58.49drmessanoWhich is does NOT resolve on the outside DNS
20:59.22drmessanoInside phones are which on the INSIDE DNS resolves to and on the OUTSIDE DNS points to the external IP of the PBX
20:59.44drmessanoThose would be the phones you allow to go outside
21:00.01drmessanoNot but the IP of your PBX
21:00.11*** join/#asterisk seanbright-home (
21:00.43robmac67use tail -f /var/log/asterisk/full to see the full error log
21:01.19*** join/#asterisk MatBoy (
21:02.21ManxPowerdrmessano: using DNS SRV records if you can, may speed up any moving of phones between outside and inside.
21:02.52drmessanoUsing the priority?
21:04.23*** join/#asterisk jbot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
21:04.23*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk 1.6.0-beta5 (2008/03/05), Asterisk 1.4.19-rc1 (2008/03/05), *-Addons 1.4.6, 1.6.0-beta2 (2008/02/21), Zaptel (2008/02/28), Libpri 1.4.3 (2007/12/13) -=- #asterisknow or #asterisk-gui for AsteriskNOW ( -=- #switchvox for Switchvox ( -=- #freepbx for FreePBX/trixbox -=- FYI: sharks sighted today
21:04.56drmessanoThat's actually a slick idea
21:05.24robmac67yassine: that log look like it says it is failing to connect to the database you have specified
21:05.49drmessanoActually.. if you use DNS SRV records, you only need ONE DNS
21:06.24robmac67drmessano: last I saw Asterisk only uses the first srv record it finds :-(
21:06.32drmessanoAsterisk wont be using it
21:06.35drmessanoThe phones will
21:06.44yassinerobmac67: these are default values that comes with the default configs, i did not even created the odbc connections expected there (im not running in realtime mode) so i dont understand why it (asterisk assumes the realtime mode
21:06.51robmac67ah - good point ...
21:06.58ManxPowerjust make sure that the phone will get back a response if it tries to connect to some place it can't connect to.
21:07.05ManxPowerList the external first
21:07.47jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
21:07.58robmac67yassine: take a look at the above link
21:08.42yassinerobmac67: ok thanks you, ill have a try there then
21:17.14drmessano<obnauticus> My upstream totally knocked our VoIP company offline last night.  I was all like "Dad, you're such a loser, why can't you pay the effin cable bill on time."
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21:57.57drmessanoLinksys SPA-941 vs SPA-942.. Second Eth port and PoE?
21:58.00angryuser[A]hello, i am searching for sangome fxo user here
21:59.11angryuser[A]drmessano have you got any sangoma fxo hardware in production ?
21:59.36robmac67drmessano: re Linksys, those are the only differences
22:00.09drmessanoThats what I thought/read
22:01.19robmac67drmessano same with SPA921 vs 922 and they all have 4 lines with the latest firmware
22:03.57drmessanoI forgot about that
22:04.03drmessanoSo basically a 922 = 942 now?
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22:04.29drmessanoWait.. not quite.. I see extra buttons.. Guess I need to read more
22:04.38drmessanoBut as far as lines go, yes
22:06.20robmac67there isn't much in it - be be aware if you go for 9x2's they do not come with the psu's but they are available at minimal extra cost
22:06.56robmac67just in case you don't have PoE available for all of them
22:07.29drmessanoMakes sense really..
22:07.51drmessanoShould be labeled "PoE Required"
22:08.44denonthese days, it's pretty much a given that phone doesn't have a PS unless it explicitly says it does
22:08.55denonif it supports PoE, of course
22:09.53drmessanoI guess you wouldnt get a PoE phone unless you had PoE waiting for it
22:10.02denonwell, I don't think it's that ..
22:10.17denonjust that people who do have PoE don't want a bunch of adapters laying around
22:10.23denon(or rather, have to pay for them just to toss em)
22:10.29drmessanoThat too
22:10.35denonso by making em all optional, only the ones that are needed are paid for
22:11.06denonit bugged me back on the 7960s, when we first started using em
22:11.21denonbut that's mostly because it wasn't standard PoE, and the supplies were like 40 bucks
22:11.45robmac67at least you have the option with Linksys - I have an old Aastra 480i which does not have a PSU input and won't power up on PoE :-(
22:12.15denonprobably wouldn't boot with a PSU either ..
22:12.32denonnot a lot of intelligence in there, between PoE voltage and where a PSU would jack in
22:12.34drmessanorobmac67: WHat are the buttons next to the display for?  The 94x has them, 92x doesnt
22:12.48drmessanoAre those the "Line buttons"
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22:13.08robmac67they are the physical line buttons if I recall correctly
22:13.36drmessanoHow do you utilize the 4 lines on the 92x?
22:14.25denonthat one of those linksys phones where you can buy a 2-line addon license?
22:14.32denonto take 2 to 4
22:14.39drmessanoIts free now
22:15.27robmac67I can't remember how it works now, I'll have to dig one out and have a look.
22:15.30ccvpman, wtf....i moved to AL from NJ 4 years ago
22:15.32ccvpCan someone PLEASE explain to me, why whenever it dusts, or even "snows" 1/18th of a milimeter of snow in Alabama, and that dusting melts away 20 minutes after it falls...that people deplete all of the water/milk/bread/eggs resources from the food stores, even when their homes already have a stockpile of a normal weeks/2weeks worth of food....
22:15.40drmessanoIm googling to see if I can find out how inconvenient the lack of the 4 line buttons is on an upgraded one
22:15.51ccvpi actually asked someone in Target about this earlier, and they had a blank look on my face as if they didn't know why they were buying it, it's just a habit that people have goten into she told me whenever there is even a microscopic flurry that doesn't effect traffic, it's an unconcious reaction to stock up on the rations stated above....
22:15.59ccvpI don't know why, but this is very comical to me ahhaahhaha :)
22:16.01*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
22:18.16drmessanoI may just get the 941 then
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22:18.47ccvpdrmessano, you should know the answer to my question
22:18.53ccvpsince your a redneck also in GA :) lulz
22:19.11robmac67I don't think there is much difference in the price - I'm not really sure why they have 4 instead of 2 models
22:19.13drmessanoIm not a redneck, I am from NJ
22:19.44drmessanoThe only thing I am hung on is the 4 line buttons
22:20.24drmessanoI would imagine theres some way of using the 4 lines without them, or else it wouldnt even work on a 92x
22:20.35drmessanoBut it's worth $10 to not be wrong.. lol
22:20.39drmessanoUnless I find something different
22:20.53robmac67I have both sorts out home but its a bit late to start digging them out and fiddling, I can have a look tomorrow if you want
22:21.20drmessanoI'll keep googling.. I'll bug you again later if need be.. but thank you :)
22:26.25drmessanoWTF is with the shipping from Telephonydepot
22:26.56angryuser[A]what was that clone china supplier name, ACM? PMC?
22:27.33robmac67drmessano: one line with two call appearances ...
22:27.51angryuser[A]dont remember APM ?
22:28.14*** join/#asterisk qdk (n=qdk@
22:30.53drmessanoI'm just gonna get a 941 anyway
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22:41.17drmessanoobnauticus, I got some good news
22:41.27terraconI have a 921 on order because I'm a cheap bastard
22:41.50drmessanoSomeone told me if you can get an advance on your allowance, they'll hook you up with prepaid wholesale minutes
22:42.27drmessanoI'll let him answer you
22:43.30*** join/#asterisk CrashHD (
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23:22.47obnauticusBroadvoice's unlimited plans, is that on a per-channel basis?
23:23.00obnauticusso say you buy a global unlimited package for 80 bucks, is it only 1 channel?
23:24.09ManxPowerany unlimited plan from any company will be one channel at a time or similar
23:24.24ManxPower(most allow 3-way calling, for example)
23:24.43ManxPowerI find that for most usage, per min is actually cheaper
23:24.57obnauticuswell ManxPower im setting up a voip provider company
23:25.08ManxPowerobnauticus: I'm sorry to hear that.
23:25.23obnauticusya it's a bitch
23:25.32obnauticusbut im wondering if that's on a per channel basis
23:25.46obnauticusor if someone here's done research already and has some suggestions
23:25.48ManxPowerI would never start a VoIP company with less than US$1million
23:26.07ManxPoweryour question is already answered
23:27.04obnauticusdo you know of any good places to do tis stuff
23:27.13ManxPower"do this stuff"?
23:27.19obnauticusget bulk minutes
23:27.20obnauticusfor cheap
23:27.44ManxPowerLevel3 if you want VoIP, most IXCs if you want PRI
23:27.55obnauticuswell i had a question about that
23:28.00ManxPowerThere are ones similar to Level3, but I don't recall them at the moment.
23:28.01obnauticusif I get a DS3
23:28.29obnauticusI don't know much about the DS lines..
23:28.51obnauticusHow much are the minutes with them?
23:28.53ManxPowerPersonally I like the mixed approach, get real PSTN service from a real carrier to handle your average usage, have a vood voip provider for overflow
23:29.15ManxPowerobnauticus: any question of "how much..." totally depends on what you negotiate with your carrier.
23:29.16obnauticuswell ManxPower we're going to start with other voip providers
23:29.31obnauticusthen after like 3 months
23:29.35obnauticusget a T3 line... or something
23:29.49ManxPowerYou will have usage commitment's if you want any sort of discount.
23:29.59ManxPowerWhat do you expect to use the T-1/DS3 for?
23:30.09obnauticusand one control.
23:30.14ManxPowerobviously.  Orgination, termination?
23:30.15obnauticusso for T1 23B+D
23:30.39ManxPowerSo you will only be providing DIDs in one region.
23:30.50ManxPowerYou poor, poor guy.
23:31.00obnauticuswell im only looking for solutions rightn ow
23:31.04obnauticusim not actually paying for anything
23:31.27obnauticusdo you kjnow of any bulk providors that are good
23:31.27ManxPowerMaybe you should do some google research rather than try to get us to design your tech ops for free.
23:31.40obnauticusi have googled.
23:31.46obnauticusim just wondering...
23:32.00ManxPowermaybe you should look at what the larger retail companies use.
23:32.26obnauticusand OC lines
23:32.29ManxPowerThe only bulk VoIP provider *I* know of is Level 3.  As for bulk standard carriers, ANY OF THEM
23:32.47ManxPowerAT&T, Sprint, any of them
23:33.03CrashSysXO has a carrier SIP program if you can chew through 1-mill. minutes/mo
23:33.04ccvpdam, COD4 is frieking fun on the xbox 360 on a 50" sony XBR 5 heh
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23:33.26djs26ccvp - Niiice...
23:33.32ManxPowerCrashSys: any bulk carrier will have big usage commitment's
23:33.57CrashSysYeah, but i've used XO's sip network before, and it can actually handle large/fast call volume's...
23:33.59gharzguys, i'm looking at asterisk and i've some doubts... can asterisk be used as a tool for making voice conference... we have offices in different countries.
23:34.09ManxPowergharz: yes
23:34.14CrashSysI've had some horrid experiences on other sip networks...
23:34.32CrashSysLike Verizon Business :)
23:34.58gharzManxPower: any links on how to install this? i'm looking at the website and i still can't figure it how... i'm currently using ubuntu desktop
23:35.00obnauticusgharz MeetMe
23:35.12jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
23:36.03gharzis there any limit as to how many people can join the conference?
23:36.16obnauticusi forgot the amount... but there is a limit
23:36.33obnauticusit's pretty high up there though
23:36.50gharzmost of the attendees are around 20 people
23:37.07obnauticuswith enough bandwidth and computational power it can host 20 people
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23:39.17*** join/#asterisk _-Jon-_ (
23:39.25_-Jon-_Evening all
23:39.26gharzdoes it mean that every office that we have in other countries should also be installing asterisk?
23:40.19_-Jon-_I have a g729a codec question/issue.  Is it possible to have my Sipura ATA connect to asterisk using g729a, but connect to my provider using ulaw?
23:41.11*** join/#asterisk hfb (n=hfb@
23:42.21_ShrikE_-Jon-_: Yes, But you will need a g.729 license on your * box for the required transcoding.
23:42.49_-Jon-_I do, I have 1 license, but it complains about i'm out of decoder licenses when I try to place a call
23:44.36*** join/#asterisk alben123 (n=rocketsh@
23:45.00_ShrikEwhat does show g729 tell you?
23:45.19eric2from what I read, it doesn't look good, but, can 1.4 + realtime notify the user of their messages as they pick up the phone and hear the pulsing dial tone?
23:45.42_-Jon-_0/0 encoders/decoders of 1 licensed channels are currently in use
23:46.46_-Jon-_If I call an extension that plays MoH only everything is fine, but if I try to place a call with allow=ulaw for my provder, I get Mar  8 18:45:10 WARNING[6059]: codec_g729.c:173 g729tolin_framein: Out of G.729 Decoder Licenses!
23:47.40_ShrikENot sure what to tell you, the output show that you do have on license loaded.  Not sure why it would not be used.
23:47.55ManxPower_-Jon-_: did you disallow=all in addition to allow=ulaw
23:48.34_-Jon-_ManxPower, yes, disallow=all is set
23:48.46_-Jon-__Shrike, I think it's using it from ATA->Asterisk
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23:49.09_-Jon-_But seems to be trying to use it from Asterisk->Link2Voip as well
23:50.58*** part/#asterisk gharz (
23:53.07_-Jon-_Maybe I'll try upgrading to 1.4
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23:53.59SparFuxall of the sudden my iaxcomm doesn't start up anymore! damn.
23:56.22jbotextra, extra, read all about it, free is stuff might take awhile to get done
23:58.16*** join/#asterisk livinded (
23:58.55livindedis the 1.6 branch stable enough for home use, or is it worth sticking to 1.4?
23:59.23_-Jon-_Geez, I haven't even upgraded to 1.4 yet, and there's 1.6 already :)

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