IRC log for #asterisk on 20080304

00:00.30adeelvap0rtranz, Jason99 i think you're experiencing a similar thing that happens to a lot of 'The Clapper' users...if there is any real loud, sharp, short, noise the clapper will turn off/on...but in your case, DTMF tones are being sent
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00:00.49[TK]D-Fenderjoobie, well typically you'd be paying for as many channels as you do phones.... quite rare.  Does your deployment demand that kind of ratio?
00:01.17[TK]D-Fenderjoobie, in your typical company you might have 1 PSTN channel / 4 employees.
00:01.40joobie[TK]D-Fender, ya.. it's an outbound call center.. so if there's 10 phones and 10 bums on seats, there theoretically can be 10 outbound calls at any given time, given everyone is working
00:01.47SteveTotaroit is an outbound call center so they don't want people on hold
00:02.15[hC]mosty: do you know where i might find an example of using SIP/IAX headers/variables to achieve this?
00:02.22SteveTotarono if you are running a predictive dialer, you actually want more channels than seats
00:02.30[TK]D-Fenderjoobie, well I'd still put * in front, because odds are you'll be wanting some kind of logging, etc and would use a provider that lets you rig a common outbound CALLERID, etc... makes sense to have * in there for that...
00:02.32adeelwhich I think the problem is probably in the first few hops of the chain....the ATA or the fist * box i think is where the problem could be
00:02.44vap0rtranzjoobie: i luv the calculation for how you don't need that many lines.  it's in Wallingford's book.  nice statistical value for how often a line could be busy
00:02.46[TK]D-Fenderjoobie, Also yeah, it is good to have "internal" capabilities....
00:03.05SteveTotarolookup erlang tables
00:03.10jbotFull-featured programming language developed at the Ericsson CS Laboratory. URL:
00:03.18joobieok sounds good
00:03.24joobiei think i might go that path instead then
00:03.27vap0rtranzSteveTotaro: erlang.  ich liebe Deutsch!
00:03.32joobiebut err.. one thing that doesn't sit right
00:03.39[TK]D-Fenderjoobie, All just thorough food for thought.
00:03.48[TK]D-Fenderjoobie, namely?
00:04.54joobiei've been looking at the 330 polycoms and they seem to have some good features to help voip.. like noise reduction, etc.. im thinking if i ditch the digital handsets and go for analogue with the linksys, i will lose those "voice quality" features.. like i'm happy to trade off the digital handsets for analogue if it's just feature loss in terms of functionality (because it's literally all outbound calls, minimum features).. but if it's going to introduce voi
00:04.54joobiece loss, then im reluctant
00:05.04ManxPowerI don't see why you don't just connect DIRECT to the ITSP and not use Asterisk.
00:05.08mosty[hC], i don't know about IAX since that iaxvars thing only works in 1.4, for sip you can use SipGetHeader / SipAddHeader i think
00:05.16ManxPowerYou don't need inbound, you don't need extension dialing, you don't need voicemail, etc.
00:05.21adeelhas anyone setup * on a box with multiple nic's?
00:05.30joobieManxPower, the call logging would be nice..
00:05.39SteveTotaromanx, how many call centers have you been the engineer of?  how many seats?  calls per day?
00:05.41mosty[hC], or you can encode the information in your dial string, eg by sending a prefix for long distance numbers
00:05.46joobieManxPower, say for example the supervisor wants to llisten in on a call.. that would be good.. or even to track the call usage per user
00:05.48SteveTotaroaverage length of call?
00:05.52ManxPowerjoobie: since all calls are billed, the ITSP should provide the info.
00:05.55[TK]D-Fenderjoobie, honestly I've been perfectly happy with ATA + analog.  For pure quality alone I might not bother with SIP hard-phones.
00:06.01[hC]mosty: yeah thats true. both good ideas. Thanks!
00:06.15ManxPowerSteveTotaro: "call center" to me implies "not cheap bastard"
00:06.20[TK]D-Fenderjoobie, They're great for "normal" office use, but not esential.
00:06.32SteveTotaronot sure what that means
00:06.32ManxPowerand it sounds like joobie is in the "cheap bastard" class.
00:06.40Washywhat is asterisk for?
00:06.52SteveTotaroasterisk is a wildcard
00:06.54[TK]D-FenderWashy, you even have to ask that?
00:07.02jbothmm... asterisk is the best free PBX in the world, or #asterisk on, or
00:07.08lunaphyteit's an embedded operating system for high tech dishwashers.
00:07.10[TK]D-FenderWashy, go free your mind and read the book a bit...
00:07.12*** part/#asterisk enjay5150 (
00:07.12coppiceManxPower: prudent and frugal might be nicer ways to descibe a tightass
00:07.20ManxPowerI hate that.  Asterisk isn't a PBX, it's a PBX toolkit.
00:07.31[TK]D-FenderManxPower, Agreed....
00:07.33joobieI see
00:07.41ManxPowercoppice: I have no interest in sugar coating this.
00:07.47joobiethanks TK n Manx
00:07.51joobiei think ill try the linksys route
00:07.57joobiecheers even
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00:07.59SteveTotaromanx, don't be a pr1ck though
00:08.06joobieu too steve
00:08.08joobiefor the help:P
00:08.10SteveTotaropeople have to start somewhere
00:08.44joobieManxPower, the ITSP won't allow us to listen in on a call
00:08.47joobieas asterisk will
00:08.48drmessano<lunaphyte> it's an embedded operating system for high tech dishwashers. <---- ftfw
00:08.53ManxPowerjoobie: That is correct.
00:08.57joobieso i think it's worthwhile.. also we'll be limited by their accounting
00:08.58SteveTotaroi am defending you joobie, manx called you a "cheap bastard"
00:09.08joobieheeh yea i saw..
00:09.20joobiebut err, this is not coming out of my back pocket
00:09.20ManxPowerjoobie: Well, MOST ITSPs won't.  Many will do a hosted Asterisk so they may have that feature.
00:09.21SteveTotarotalking about your mother.....
00:09.24joobieit's a client requirement..
00:09.27[TK]D-FenderSteveTotaro, lol
00:09.59lunaphytedrmessano: :)
00:10.02ManxPowerHeck, even New Orleans, which is in the stone age for many aspects of tech has at least 2 Asterisk based hosted solutions.
00:10.17drmessanojoobie: I don't think you're a cheap bastard.. I think you're fatherless and ignorantly resistant to spending money...
00:10.24drmessanoBut not  a cheap bastard
00:10.24joobieManx, thanks.. it's a decent view to have. But I don't share it.. i think a local asterisk build will give more flexibility from that sense
00:10.43joobieie. if you want to track realtime stats.. you can poll the asterisk box, rather than the TISP.. who may not update realtime
00:10.45ManxPowerjoobie: may or may not be a cheap bastard -- HOWEVER, he has all the problems of being a cheap bastard
00:11.01SteveTotaroyeah, i would just trust my itsp to do all my billing
00:11.03joobieyour approach will put a lot more weight on the functionality of the TISP, which will cut down the choice available for a quality provider
00:11.08SteveTotarowith no way to reconcile
00:11.17[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano, Only fatherless person I know of was Jesus, the rest are just "absentee" :p
00:11.28ManxPowerjoobie: you are using the internet for phone calls, just how reliable do you expect it to be?
00:11.32joobiei mean you could have a top notch provider in cost.. in performance.. but he could not support your accounting featres so he's out.. that's a big loss, given the vast amount of poor quality providers out there
00:11.57SteveTotarojust splice into a 200 pair, you are bound to have some dialtones
00:12.05joobiedrmessano, get it right bro.. this system is not for me .. it's for a client. I just bought two polycom phones for myself today.. the analogue cheap-as-cheaps solution is not my doing
00:12.16[TK]D-Fenderjoobie, You seem to have a pretty good grasp of things so far.  Go canvas your prospective internet & ITSP providers.
00:12.29ManxPowerjoobie: I've turned down customers for being cheap.
00:12.29errrI have an IAX trunk setup to teliax, when you make or recieve a call the person on the end out side the pbx hears all kinds of break up.. its really choppy. What could cause that?? I have a 12/1 connection so I would think that bandwidth wouldnt be an issue..
00:12.36joobieCheers TK
00:12.42ManxPowererrr: turn off trunking and see if that helps.
00:12.54drmessanoIf you start off with the cheapest variety of any system, you will never come close to having the reliability and feature set required to jusitfy future upgrades.. Therefore, it will be doomed from the start and not even worth it.
00:12.54SteveTotaroso the question still remains, Manx, how many call centers have you engineered?
00:12.56errrManxPower: what do you mean turn off trunking?
00:13.03joobieManx, you yourself said you went with ONE analogue solution - you learnt from it and will never do it again..
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00:13.08SteveTotarosizes, volumes, connectivity?
00:13.35ManxPowererrr: You said you have an IAX trunk.  An IAX trunk specifically puts voice from more than one phone call into the same UDP packet to save bandwidth.
00:13.40joobiei haven't been down that path. I've made my suggestoins to the client.. he still wants to push down that path, I get paid.. so i dont see the harm - he has been warned and in the process it can be a learning curve for me.
00:13.53ManxPowerSteveTotaro: depends on how you define a call center, but the answer is probably "none".
00:13.54joobieback to work
00:13.59joobiethanks for the help guys - much appreciateed
00:14.04jbotfrom memory, trunk is is a word with varying definitions.  In Asterisk, a trunk is a "stream of UDP packets containing IAX2 frames from more than 1 call"; in telecom, a trunk is a "single voice channel between two pieces of switching equipment."; in Ethernet a trunk carries more than one 802.1q VLAN.  There is no such thing as a "SIP Trunk" -- Don't use the term.
00:14.25vap0rtranzjbot: sip channel?
00:14.32ManxPowererrr: perhaps you are confused and you don't really have an IAX trunk?
00:14.33drmessanosip peer
00:14.47jbotThere is nothing special about a SIP trunk in the protocol like there is in the case of IAX2, for example.  You set up a SIP trunk like a regular peer in sip.conf.
00:14.56SteveTotaromanx i think you are wrong, the udp packet does not contain voice from more than one call
00:15.08SteveTotaroi think iax trunking just cuts the overhead
00:15.12ManxPowerSteveTotaro: No, YOU are wrong for IAX.
00:15.20JTSteveTotaro: you are not correct
00:15.29JTSteveTotaro: iax trunnking combines multiple calls
00:15.35errrManxPower: maybe so.. I just know I have an account with teliax and they point an 800 number to me and the connection is made using IAX
00:15.45SteveTotarothe signaling is combined
00:15.47JTerrr: does trunk=yes?
00:15.49ManxPowererrr: that's called an "iax peer" or "iax connection"
00:15.52JTSteveTotaro: and the payload
00:16.00JTSteveTotaro: signalling and payload is combined in iax
00:16.02SteveTotarooh, ok i am wrong then
00:16.14JTsignalling and payload is combined for multiple calls in iax with trunk=yes
00:16.19SteveTotaroi don't use iax because it causes so many problems
00:16.22[TK]D-FenderTastes great!
00:16.23JTme too
00:16.26[TK]D-FenderLess filling!
00:16.31[TK]D-FenderTASTES GREAT!
00:16.32SteveTotaroeven says don't use it
00:16.35[TK]D-FenderLESS FILLING!!!!!
00:16.35JTi avoid iax except for testing or unimportant stuff
00:16.57errrManxPower: ok so what can cause the choppy sound Im getting?
00:17.01coppiceMGCP forever!
00:17.01drmessano[TK]D-Fender: Now lets talk about IAX phones
00:17.12SteveTotaroiax causes choppy sound
00:17.21SteveTotaroswitch to sip and watch it go away
00:17.48errrSteveTotaro: we use iax at work and we dont have this problem..
00:17.49SteveTotaroseen it in at least ten live production boxes
00:18.19errrI would rather have 1 port open on my firewall instead of all the ones needed for sip
00:18.21drmessanoSince I started using IAX with my ITSP, my dishes seem to come out of the dishwasher cleaner.. not sure if there's a connection
00:18.26SteveTotaroi charged $750 to switch an ITSP from IAX to SIP
00:18.34SteveTotarofixed their choppy problem
00:18.47bkw__IAX isn't great for an ITSP
00:19.03SteveTotarotheir techs couldn't figure it out
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00:19.09bkw__great for smaller stuff... but sucks when you load 100's of people onto it
00:19.18bkw__SteveTotaro: I know first hand about that problem ;)
00:19.39drmessanoSo what's the problem?  IAX2, Asterisk, someone else implementation?
00:19.39SteveTotaroyou do?  do tell?
00:19.46JTiax is a joke
00:19.57bkw__SteveTotaro: IAX mixing media and signaling in a large scale deployment will fail
00:20.02bkw__many people registering
00:20.07JTerrr: that is the stupidest reason ever for choosing IAX2
00:20.12bkw__and audio flowing.. gets hiccups in the audio
00:20.14JTerrr: who cares how many ports are open?
00:20.14bkw__due to that
00:20.17SteveTotarooh yeah, i thought maybe you knew the ITSP
00:20.21JTerrr: it's the same app listening on those ports/
00:20.23drmessanoThe port argument sucks
00:20.25bkw__SteveTotaro: Nope but I know of the problem
00:20.29drmessanoJT: Exactly
00:20.34bkw__drmessano: IAX has its place
00:20.41bkw__an ITSP isn't really a good use of it
00:20.47SteveTotaroyes, iax is only good for funky nat problems with low call volumes
00:21.03bkw__and good implementations can bust NAT without a problem
00:21.12drmessano"ZOMG, I HAVE 10000 ports open"  <-- If Asterisk has a FAIL, it only takes ONE port
00:21.13SteveTotarolike getting voip in some african countries where their nat is behind another nat and so on
00:21.23errrguys I have 1 number and no more than 1 call at a time.
00:21.48JTerrr: and it sounds like you have one poor quality call
00:21.50errrit cant believe iax is really *that* bad..
00:21.55SteveTotaroi have seen five nats before hitting the other side
00:21.56JTwould you rather one poor quality call
00:21.56errrI guess so
00:21.59JTor one good one?
00:22.10SteveTotarohey if bkw is backing me up, then you know it's true
00:22.20bkw__tripple nat is easy to bust
00:22.24SteveTotaroi might not always be right
00:22.29coppicetheer is nothing in the IAX protocol which would make sound choppy. I assume it is problems in the implementation
00:22.32SteveTotarobut usually i am
00:22.37bkw__coppice: BINGO
00:22.54JT*cough* zap timing
00:23.04bkw__you don't need no stinking timing
00:23.14bkw__its voip.. perfection isn't a requirement
00:23.21SteveTotarothat is to sell zaptel cards
00:23.21joobie[TK]D-Fender, still around? just curious if that linksys device with analogue phone can handle on-hold?
00:23.33drmessanoIAX uses zap timing?
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00:23.40bkw__drmessano: yep it can
00:23.47mostydrmessano, for trunking, yes
00:23.56drmessanoI see
00:24.10SteveTotarojust forget iax
00:24.15mostydrmessano, and any channel that uses meetme
00:24.22drmessanoI knew about meetme
00:24.25drmessanoDidnt know about IAX
00:24.25bkw__meetme is just aweful
00:24.26JTand music on hold
00:24.27SteveTotarogo mgcp or h323
00:24.39coppiceMGCP rulez!
00:24.45bkw__you dont need no hardware clocking for conference, moh or trunking
00:25.01[TK]D-Fenderjoobie, Yes, it can do "on-hold", but its not the friendliest thing to do it with....
00:25.07mostydrmessano, i normally disable iax trunking anyway, it doesn't handle high loads very well
00:25.16[TK]D-Fenderjoobie, thats the price of analog.
00:25.18drmessanobkw__: Dare I ask this, why then is it that way? lol
00:25.23SteveTotaroiax is hype
00:25.31bkw__drmessano: guess so they can sell more hardware
00:25.42alrsI'm no fan of IAX
00:25.55bkw__IAX has its own set of problems
00:25.55[TK]D-FenderSteveTotaro, Not jsut hype, but the only times I validate it are if you NEED to trunk for BW, or a screwed by your firewall.
00:26.05drmessanoIf that's the case, chucking an X100P in there for timing solves that mess
00:26.12bkw__what mess?
00:26.13drmessanoFor $30
00:26.14coppicethere seems to be some movement on standardising RTP trunking again
00:26.16SteveTotarofix your firewall by your logic
00:26.23bkw__coppice: yah that would be nice
00:26.33drmessanoWell, not solves it..
00:26.46bkw__we do Conferences in FreeSWITCH without a hardware device
00:26.51drmessanoImproves it over ztdummy, I guess
00:27.00SteveTotarofreeswitch needs docs
00:27.06bkw__SteveTotaro: it has them.
00:27.13alrsmars needs women
00:27.18bkw__SteveTotaro: I provide personal hands on assistance to anyone thats willing to wikify it
00:27.27bkw__SteveTotaro: so far its a good trade
00:28.04SteveTotarotell me about call setup in FW as opposed to *
00:28.13SteveTotaroraw setup speed
00:28.19bkw__SteveTotaro: for SIP?
00:28.32Jason99should RFC2833 payload type be 101 or 96 ?
00:28.47bkw__Jason99: 101 is the standard location but can be anywhere in the dynamic range
00:29.18Jason99bkw__: ok thanks, could it make a difference?
00:29.33SteveTotaroyes sip
00:29.57SteveTotaroi want to know * vs FS sip call setup raw numbers
00:30.19coppiceRFC2833 needs casting into the cesspit of history
00:30.26bkw__SteveTotaro: I know it can do way more than *
00:30.34bkw__SteveTotaro: but it depends on setup...
00:30.38bkw__SwK: you here?
00:31.33bkw__SteveTotaro: I know it can exceed 200 cps in some cases.
00:31.34[TK]D-Fenderalrs, old-school cool....
00:32.18SteveTotarowhat about *
00:32.24SteveTotarowhere does that max out?
00:32.41bkw__the last report that transnexus did.. went as far as 8 cps
00:33.07bkw__SteveTotaro: I don't even begin to publish numbers ... a trusted third party would need to do the testing
00:33.32bkw__SteveTotaro: because numbers all depend on situation.. usage.. and various other local variables
00:34.18SteveTotarowho would you consider a trusted 3rd party?
00:34.23bkw__coppice: rfc4733
00:34.30SteveTotaronot just for asterisk but for hardware as well
00:34.31bkw__SteveTotaro: someone that isn't biased in either direction
00:34.47SteveTotarowith methodology that is strong
00:35.03coppicebkw__: duh, I do need to add a :-) to the end of everything?
00:35.04SteveTotaroi am asking for a reference here
00:35.17bkw__SteveTotaro: Ask SwK
00:35.26JTmicrosoft will help you VoIP As You Are
00:35.35drmessanoYes, they will
00:35.39SteveTotarono because i have the opportunity to do hardware benchmarking and need help in this regard
00:35.40drmessanoDon't throw away your PBX yet
00:35.52bkw__SteveTotaro: I have done it.. and can help you
00:35.57bkw__but I don't publish numbers
00:36.08drmessano"Don't throw away your PBX yet, because our VoIP doesn't really handle the V part yet"
00:36.32bkw__I'm not going to make any comments about the V part
00:36.50tzafrirbkw__, test what, exactly? What qualities / quantities?
00:37.01coppiceV for vendetta? :-\
00:37.13bkw__tzafrir: all of the above
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00:37.53drmessanoI see those M$ ads where they tell you not to throw your PBX out, and all I can think is "...for when our product crashes"
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00:39.41drmessano"It's 3PM.... You're minutes away from closing the big deal.... The phone rin.... OH NOO A BSOD!!11!! FAIL!!11!!!! UR GOIN OT OF BUZNUSS LULZ FAIL FAIL"
00:39.58drmessanoVoIP as you are
00:40.01SteveTotarotzafrir is interested as well as many others, i think i need to seek a consultant outside of the asterisk world
00:40.38tzafrirdrmessano, s/BSOD/BUG()/
00:40.55SteveTotaroi liked it when asterisk crashed during a commercial on judge judy
00:41.09SteveTotaro400 callers dropped
00:41.28QwellSteveTotaro: eh?
00:41.55SteveTotarobecause my CTO decided to add queueprio= and not tell me and then leave to close the mortgage on his new home
00:42.28SteveTotaroa spot a judge judy isn't cheap
00:42.37bkw__I like her
00:42.41Qwelloh, you did a commercial
00:42.45bkw__and Judge Marilyn too
00:42.51SteveTotaroneither is dropping 400 suckers, i mean cutomers
00:42.53drmessanoWas that for the Magic Brush?
00:42.58drmessanoI SO WANTED TO ORDER ONE
00:43.22SteveTotarono, i worked for a bad company
00:43.25drmessanoSorry, caffeine
00:43.37drmessanoA Lawyer?
00:43.41drmessano"One call, that's all"
00:43.52Qwell"Larry Parker got me ..."
00:44.08drmessano"Ken Nugent got my grandma paid"
00:44.17SteveTotarothe #1 most complained about company to the BBB
00:44.23drmessanoWe have this one guy in town, who insists he can "Supersize your settlement"
00:44.32drmessanoI kid you not
00:44.41tzafrirsue him
00:45.13SteveTotaroi just got a paypal mastercard
00:45.25drmessanoThe law offices of dewey, cheatum, and Howe
00:45.26SteveTotarofigured i might as well get some points
00:45.34coppicedrmessano: well, he's a lawyer. he needs to dumb things down until he can understand them
00:46.28drmessanoKen Nugent is great.. he's a slimeball... "One call..... that's all"   in the same tone he uses to seduce his temps
00:46.44SteveTotarotemps rule
00:47.00drmessano"Im not married, thats a friendship ring"
00:47.03QwellSteveTotaro: you should totally out the company
00:47.22SteveTotaroi am out of the company
00:47.26drmessanoFlowBee ?
00:47.35QwellSteveTotaro: hence the reason you should out it
00:47.39SteveTotarodo you know who the company is?
00:48.00coppiceHonest Joe's VoIP Emporium?
00:48.06Qwellno idea
00:48.13SteveTotaroi know every piece of the operation
00:48.28drmessanoIVE FALLEN.... AND I CANT GET UP
00:48.28SteveTotarothey just settled with the FTC last week for $5mil
00:48.41SteveTotarobut are still in business
00:48.55SteveTotarospend $30 million a year on advertising hippo?
00:49.31SteveTotaroi take the fifth
00:49.32drmessanoQwell: Googling SOB
00:50.12Qwelluh huh
00:50.12[TK]D-FenderGot a quick question perhaps someone could help me with.  I have a failry stock install of CentOS 5.1 brought current, and a process that is generating e-mails to be sent out.  they get queued up, but don't see to transmit until I do a "sendmail -q" from CLI myself.
00:50.16drmessanoI've seen BlueHippo
00:50.23Qwellthey own bluehippo
00:50.27[TK]D-FenderAnd the process is running.  The message I get prior to processing the queue manually is "(host map: lookup (target domain for e-mail): deferred)"
00:50.32SteveTotaroit is a shell game
00:50.40SteveTotarothe whole thing is a shell game
00:50.49SteveTotarobluehippo owns nothing
00:50.55SteveTotaroso sue them
00:51.26drmessanoI always knew Edison was a fraud
00:51.36SteveTotarocorporate shell game at it's best devised by teams of high powered lawyers
00:51.47coppiceis blue hippo supposed to be a play on pink elephant?
00:51.59SteveTotarogoogle joe rensin and credit trust
00:52.37SteveTotaroguess who built the relax phone system under edison's site?
00:52.47SteveTotaronot me, i plead the 5th
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00:53.31drmessanoBlueHippo has a foundation.. I bet they have an OLPC type program, but in there case, there's ONE laptop and ONE child
00:53.50joobie[TK]D-Fender, thanks.. just had a work call so had to duck out for a moment. Cheers
00:53.59SteveTotarono, they made a marketing guy drive to the worst part of baltimore with crappy PCs
00:54.17SteveTotarohe was terrified
00:54.31bkw__why was he scared?
00:54.48SteveTotarowest balto is place to be
00:55.10SteveTotaroespecially with computers
00:55.30kimosabedoes any one know any thing about t-3 conections
00:55.35SteveTotarothe foundation gave five or ten away and then released their own pr
00:55.37drmessanoWhat is there to be scared of.. White guy in a suit, with a bunch of PCs loaded in his car...In the ghetto.. No cops around..
00:55.44SteveTotaroi know about t3s
00:56.05SteveTotarothe sell crack in the open on the corners
00:56.10coppicet3 is the one where arnie plays the good guy, right?
00:56.23SteveTotaroif you stop for a stop sign they rush your car with little baggies
00:56.29[TK]D-Fendercoppice, that'd be 2 & 3
00:56.32drmessanoFollow me if you vant to live
00:57.10SteveTotarot3 uses two coax cables, one send one receive 672 channels
00:57.37drmessanoPoor arnie.. now he just uses his puns in speeches.. and they're bad.. "I'll be back... for another term"
00:57.53kimosabewe have 45 meg conection via coper pair tx rx
00:58.28coppicekimosabe: there, you're an expert
00:58.41SteveTotaroso did you have a question or just showing off?
00:58.44SteveTotaroeither is cool
00:59.19JTi love it when people think "fibre optic" is a type of connection technology
00:59.32kimosabeno i want to sell t-1 now from this place im wrking at just looking for some one to lead me in the correct direction
00:59.43SteveTotaroi have a fiber optic plant looking decoration
00:59.44drmessanoJT: It's a type of flashlight, duh
00:59.57SteveTotarosome stupid birthday present
01:00.29kimosabedoes any one have a point to multipoint via a ds3 circuit want some advice please
01:00.29SteveTotaroyou want to sell t1s off your t3?
01:01.00kimosabei want to sell t-1s via the ds3 circuit yes
01:01.02SteveTotarobuy an adtran 2800 m13
01:01.10QwellI just wanna know where T2 went
01:01.11SteveTotaro28 t1s
01:01.15QwellWhere's my T2 PRI?
01:02.14coppiceQwell it just didn't become popular. in ETSI land, E2 (8M) has been used quite a bit
01:03.01kimosabestevetotaaro one sec please
01:03.02Qwellhow many channels?
01:03.16drmessanoWe traded all our C3's for P0's back in the mid 90's
01:03.33Qwellor is it even channelized?
01:03.57coppiceon a T2? I can't remember. the ETSI PDH stack goes up in steps of 4 each time, but the T ones group T1s in odd sized steps
01:04.22vap0rtranz*eek* telco speak!
01:04.26coppiceT2 is a PDH stack of T1s
01:04.33Qwellvap0rtranz: in a PBX channel?  never!
01:04.33*** join/#asterisk ajohnstone (
01:05.10vap0rtranzQwell: sometimes i wish Mark would have written * for Winblows
01:05.13drmessanoPretty Damn High?
01:05.16vap0rtranzdamn those closed api's
01:05.16JTan E2 is 4 * E1 iirc
01:05.31drmessanoAsteriskWin32 FTW
01:05.42JTPlesiochronous Digital Heirarchy
01:05.48SteveTotaroanyone know what an oc12 is?
01:05.51vap0rtranzJT: lol
01:06.27QwellSteveTotaro: 12 oc's?
01:06.27vap0rtranzSteveTotaro: Nortel
01:06.27drmessanoAsteriskWin64 <-- Gonna put * on the map
01:06.27Qwelldrmessano: there's a thought
01:06.27JTSteveTotaro: 622Mbit/s
01:06.27drmessanoOC12 is the stuff the cops spray in your eyes when you yell "Dont tase me, bro" way too much
01:06.30*** join/#asterisk ajohnstone (
01:06.54JTSteveTotaro: OC is the north american Sonet system
01:07.00JTmost other places use SDH
01:07.07vap0rtranzdrmessano: i honestly believe some of the closed thinking/speaking would have been a match out of heaven
01:07.35coppicesonet and SDH are almost the same thing
01:07.45SteveTotaroi know, i was just playing the kimosabe part
01:08.19drmessanoYou can happily run AsteriskWin32 (based on 1.2), right now.. Relive 2003 all over again
01:09.25drmessanoI can't imagine anything running on Cygwin not being good enough for production
01:10.23coppicedon't knock cygwin. its a great development tool for unix code when you are forced to travel with a windows notebook :-)
01:10.39Qwellno, it's really not
01:10.46Qwellvmware > cygwin
01:11.02drmessanocoppice: It's datacenter ready
01:11.23vap0rtranzvmware >> wine < cygwin
01:11.47drmessanoWhat about cygwin on wine?
01:11.57vap0rtranzit gets drunk
01:12.09QwellI tried to wine cygwin once
01:12.15Qwelljust to get that genuine experience
01:12.17drmessanoOh yeah?
01:12.23*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
01:12.26coppicewell, I would miss cygwin a lot, if it disappeared
01:12.34Qwellno, not really, but give me about 2 minutes, because I'm going to
01:12.48Qwelllet's see what happens :P
01:12.51drmessanoAnyone ever run VMware under VMware?
01:13.13kimosabedoes any one here have a point to multipoint from a ds3 to x amount of conections
01:13.28Qwelldrmessano: not possible
01:13.35Qwellthey put in checks
01:13.37*** join/#asterisk errr_ (n=errr@fedora/errr)
01:13.45drmessanoThere goes my future development plans
01:13.48Qwellloaded the cygwin setup.exe, and it came up...but with no buttons
01:14.25drmessanoSo wine IS just like windows.. it even has the "ZOMG, THIS DOESNT WORK"
01:14.36drmessanoDamn, they're doing good
01:14.45*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
01:14.57Qwellheh, that's kinda like that samba thing...
01:15.05drmessanoI hope it runs viruses as well
01:15.07Qwellthere was a stupid bug in windows, and the same bug existed in samba
01:15.19QwellI think it was samba anyways.  might've been wine
01:16.11drmessanoI think it's funny when someone codes an emulator BETTER than the original, and has to code in a throttle so the software doesn't puke from the lack of crappy hacks
01:16.35drmessanoI bet Wine is full of those sort of things
01:17.19SteveTotaroi just like to run IE6 on FC8
01:17.37*** join/#asterisk nauCe (
01:18.01SteveTotarocitibank won't let me bank online without ie
01:18.10Qwelltime for a new bank
01:18.27SteveTotaroso i had to install wine and ie64linux
01:20.01*** join/#asterisk ajohnstone (
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01:21.38kimosabeis there a ds3 card under digium
01:21.50kimosabeor anything of this sort
01:21.54SteveTotarosangoma has one
01:22.09SteveTotarodigium announced one but i never saw it for sale
01:22.53kimosabestevetotaro whats the site for this card
01:23.00*** join/#asterisk BeeBuu (n=beebuu@
01:23.26kimosabewill asterisk suport this card
01:23.42SteveTotaroit is not for voice i do not believe
01:23.58*** join/#asterisk obnauticus (
01:24.00SteveTotaroit would be stupid to put a ds3 into an asterisk box
01:24.20obnauticusthat's a nice message to join to
01:24.23JTit doesn't do channelising
01:24.30JTthe sangoma card
01:24.43SteveTotarohe said he just had a raw data ds3
01:24.44JTit's pretty much just for data router use
01:25.09obnauticusget a juniper
01:25.24*** join/#asterisk lunaphyte (
01:25.39*** join/#asterisk Inssomniak (
01:25.49SteveTotaroi have a Juniper credit card
01:25.57InssomniakHey all.. has anyone heard of and know if I can use it with asterisk?
01:26.38obnauticusInssomniak do they provide sip termiantion>?
01:26.51Inssomniakobnauticus, Its so far hard to tell
01:26.51drmessanoI like boxwoods better.. they really fill out the yard
01:27.06kimosabestevetotaro you have a juniper card at the time
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01:31.55*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (n=nighty@
01:33.28generalhanok, i have been all over the internet to figure this one out and am coming up short. i followed the instructions at  to the letter and im having issues with the voicemail section when trying to record unavail messages, and when trying to leave messages for users
01:33.43generalhancan some one take a look at these WARNING messages and give me some insight please !?
01:37.22*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
01:37.23[hC]what might be the cause, if calling someone on my pbx who's on a phone at home slowly gets more and more lagged (audio wise) as the call goes on, and we have to hang up and call back to start fresh?
01:37.48*** join/#asterisk ajohnstone (
01:38.56vap0rtranzbut i do luv how Allison says "all lines are currently unavailable"
01:38.59vap0rtranzalways wanted to do that
01:40.30generalhani guess ill give it another shot tomorrow, my brain is fried ! see you all tomorrow !
01:42.21*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
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01:44.39TJNII[hC]: How are they connected?  What devices sit between their phone and your PBX?
01:45.47*** join/#asterisk xpotx (
01:45.59BeeBuudrmessano: hi,there?
01:47.30*** join/#asterisk xpot (
01:48.35[hC]TJNII: well, one guy is on a sip phone on comcast(heh!) in florida, and he comes to me via sip in canada, and im locally connected. i realize anything can play a role but im curious how audio lag CAN be introduced
01:51.40*** join/#asterisk SteveTotaro (
01:52.29SteveTotarook anyone good at writing copy and web design?
01:53.25*** join/#asterisk xpot (
01:53.36SteveTotarogood for a little extra ca$h (but not much)
01:53.44*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
01:58.39*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (
02:00.13SteveTotarois this thing on?
02:01.41jbotrule is probably play nice.
02:01.41shmaltzSteveTotaro, thanks for responding to my question about swtichvox
02:02.14SteveTotarooh, no problem, i am a big fan
02:02.34shmaltzstevetotaro, the question was not really how to work around and get ssh access, but if it's supported. Knowing asterisk means that for troubleshooting I should be able to login to the CLI to see whats going on
02:02.45SteveTotaroa big fan of switchvox and of getting around "locks"
02:02.51shmaltzSteveTotaro, have you tried it yourself in production?
02:03.12SteveTotarolong ago
02:03.20shmaltzAFAIK it's missing a provisioning system for phones
02:03.46SteveTotaroa year and a half ago, it must be really great now because it was just great then
02:04.14*** join/#asterisk lka (n=anders@unaffiliated/lka)
02:04.20SteveTotaronot sure about that but switchvox will configure and ship the phones with the system
02:04.25SteveTotaroi was a var, not sure anymore
02:06.36SteveTotaroif you want a really plug and play system get a 3com v3000 as long as you don't need more than four lines it competes well with asterisk
02:07.18SteveTotaroplug in a new phone and it downloads it's firmware from the PBX and takes the next available extension automagically
02:07.18shmaltzSteveTotaro, this is for a business with a PRI
02:07.31shmaltzso I don't think it's an option
02:07.42shmaltzpersonally I am pushing for a Panasonic TDE system
02:08.00SteveTotarowell then 3com gets a little more expensive you would need to purchase an nbx chassis and a T1 card
02:08.09shmaltzfor simple KEY System it's way better than asterisk
02:08.34SteveTotarochassis is only ~$300 and the T1 card is ~$4k if memory serves me correctly
02:08.55shmaltzthis is interersting:
02:08.59shmaltzasterisk is 3rd answer
02:09.04shmaltzsorry 2nd answer
02:09.29shmaltzwow, 4k for a T1 card?
02:09.33SteveTotaroQwell is in charge of SEO
02:09.33shmaltzhow is that justified?
02:09.43SteveTotarothat is old skool
02:09.50SteveTotaroonboard dsps
02:09.56QwellI'm in charge of SEO?
02:10.18SteveTotaroyean, and doing a hell of a job look at the google search for pbx
02:10.18shmaltzare you not in charge of SEO?
02:10.43Qwellwhat's SEO?
02:10.43shmaltzwell, I think it's the only article - other than PBX itself - that has PBX in the titile on wp
02:10.47russellbwhat is SEO?
02:10.48QwellI mean...I might be in charge of it
02:10.59SteveTotarosearch engine optimization
02:11.21SteveTotarothat is actually quite a feat
02:11.31russellbit was #1 for the longest time ...
02:11.52Qwellstupid wikipedia
02:11.59SteveTotaroQwell, you are fired from SEO
02:12.30*** join/#asterisk ajohnstone (
02:13.17SteveTotaroi like how "phone system" always has buyerzone come up in one or two
02:13.36SteveTotarobuyerzone is a great source for leads but expensive
02:13.46SteveTotaro$24 per lead
02:14.29*** join/#asterisk SomethingISOdd (
02:14.38lkai have a situation (in the US) where my telco requires that i dial certain numbers in my area code as 7 digits, and others as 10 digits.  the list of blocks of numbers where i have to do this is quite long.  is there a graceful way to handle this in the dialplan?
02:14.45SomethingISOddhello all question is there anyway to route all voip traffic using ip tables to another internal server?
02:15.07lkawithout making it 1000 lines long
02:15.08*** join/#asterisk rickross (n=rickross@supporter/active/rickross)
02:16.03rickrosshi all, I have a bizarre set of translation timings being returned by "core show translation" after installing asterisk 1.6b4
02:16.19rickrossis it OK to paste in here? (worried about flooding)
02:16.22Qwellrickross: yes, it changed.  that's normal
02:16.25shmaltz1ka, that is impossible
02:17.02jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
02:17.02lkashmaltz: sigh
02:17.07shmaltzmeaning it's impossible that the provider should require in the same are code different ways of dialing and in fact it's illegal
02:17.08Qwell^^ if you must
02:17.27lkapeople do illegal things every day
02:17.33Qwellshmaltz: how do you figure it's illegal?
02:17.43SteveTotaroi got a speeding ticket two weeks ago
02:17.47Qwellthat's quite common
02:17.54shmaltzQwell, there are FCC rules on 7 digit or 10 digit dialing
02:17.58Qwellshow me
02:18.17rickrossthx Qwell, even this crazy?
02:18.35Qwellrickross: yep
02:18.44Qwellit's weird, but normal, if you understand how it works
02:18.53SteveTotaroyou could try dialing the seven digit version first and if it fails then the second priority dial the ten digit
02:19.16shmaltzSteverTotaro, or get a provider thats sober
02:19.18Qwelllka: and to answer your question - no, not really...
02:19.22rickrosshmm, ok, is there any secret to getting g.722 to translate correctly?
02:19.35SteveTotaroi have to send 1+10
02:19.35Qwellrickross: what do you mean correctly?
02:19.38rickrossI had it working fine with a backport into a 1.4.x version
02:19.48shmaltzrickross, is that on an 8 bit proccessor?
02:19.57lkaSteveTotaro: well if the pstn line fails it just dials out over ip, which works fine with 1+10 every time, every number
02:19.58rickrossbut now it sounds like I am under water if I call a non-g.722 phone
02:20.01lkabut local calls are free over the pstn
02:20.27SteveTotaromaybe you can escalate the issue with your provider
02:20.38shmaltz1ka, where is this?
02:20.44lkanorth carolina
02:20.49Qwellshmaltz: many parts of the US?
02:21.02SteveTotarobut how many seven digit area codes can there be in NC?
02:21.06shmaltz1ks, who is the provider?
02:21.15rickrossQwell, when I have g.722 enabled as a codec it sounds awful to people on the other end of the line (unless they also have a g.722 phone) - we're using Polycom 550s
02:21.50SteveTotaroin the dc area before everything went ten digit there were only like five area codes that were seven digit
02:21.59SteveTotaroin a big metro area
02:22.21rickrossQwell, we have been using g.722 transcoding with good success under a 1.4.x backport
02:22.38SteveTotaroyou know what i hate, i cannot set my caller id to my toll free and make certain calls
02:22.44rickrossthe problems seem to be connected to the 1.6.0b4 server
02:23.02SteveTotarowhat does the b stand for?
02:23.06shmaltzSteverTotaro, use real provider and you'll be able to do that
02:23.18SteveTotaroit's not the provider
02:23.20lka(XXX) YYY-ZZZZ
02:23.24lkawhat is the YYY called?
02:23.41lkai have about 80 of those that must be dialed as 7 digits
02:23.44SteveTotaroit is the other side called, if i call another toll free they will block many times
02:23.49SteveTotaronot sure how to bill
02:24.19SteveTotaroi have qwest, they are decent
02:24.27djslka - the prefix?
02:24.30jbotmethinks qwest is a company with secksie backbones but lame peering ( or a company that randomly scrambles routes and pisses off network engineers worldwide
02:24.42lkadjs: thanks
02:25.01jbotVerizon is utter garbage. Do yourself a favor and stay away from that company.
02:25.33SteveTotaroyou guys need to check out UCN's in contact product
02:25.38rickrossschmaltz - sorry - no, it is a Core2Duo
02:25.44SteveTotarothey put the PBX in the cloud
02:25.50SteveTotarothe call center in the cloud
02:25.51lkamy current plan is to just have a shell script generate the same 10 lines in my dialplan like 80 times, substituting the different prefixes each time
02:26.01lkabut its so ugly it offends me
02:27.04shmaltzSteve, Macro will still require 80 lines
02:27.10SteveTotaroever have a pimple inside your nose?  MFer it hurts
02:27.18lka800, actually
02:27.30SteveTotarooh well, deal with it
02:28.04shmaltz1ka, therer are only 800 exchanges in an area code, so how can it be 800 lines?
02:28.16SteveTotaroput it in an include so you don't have to see it
02:28.30*** join/#asterisk jamesrdorn (
02:28.33lkawell 80-100 prefixes need special consideration
02:29.12lkaand i have maybe 10 lines for each (callerid, and some failover stuff)
02:29.12shmaltz1ka, then just define those
02:29.12SteveTotaromaking a mountain out of a molehill
02:29.12shmaltz1ka, use macro for those 80-100 prefixes
02:29.15SteveTotarothat is what i suggested
02:29.30SteveTotarohe said it would take 800 lines
02:29.51lkacan you give me a 10 second example?  i looked at some documentation for macros but it didnt really get me anywhere
02:30.09SteveTotaroi charge by the hour
02:30.14SteveTotarofor the first hour
02:30.20*** join/#asterisk ajohnstone (
02:30.30SteveTotarothen half hour increments after that
02:31.47*** join/#asterisk tobias (
02:32.21jboti guess jbot is a hack!, or known to have only said one useful thing. a tool, or dating the fembots, or  [TK]D-Fender's b*tch, or suck
02:32.32shmaltz1ka, look at this:
02:33.02*** join/#asterisk ajohnstone (
02:33.20jbotupdatedb; locate; talk; date; cd; strip; look; touch; finger; unzip; uptime; gawk; head; apt-get install condom; mount; fsck; gasp; more; yes; yes; yes; more; umount; apt-get remove --purge condom; make clean; sleep, or super extractor,
02:33.24jbotI'm gay
02:33.31jbotYes, shmaltz, and it's your child.
02:33.40jbotsomebody said fedora was stevetotaro is <action> tells stevetotaro that becoming RHCP certified, is The One True Way to Supreme Linux Knowledge
02:33.45*** join/#asterisk orbi (
02:34.07*** join/#asterisk lyroy (
02:34.21lkaahh, i see what you guys mean
02:34.50SteveTotarobut do you mean what you see?
02:35.08lkathanks shmaltz
02:35.26shmaltzSteveTotaro, you can send him a bill now
02:35.42*** join/#asterisk ajohnstone (
02:35.48lkai could send you a check but i cant afford the postage
02:36.04shmaltz1ka, ever heard of PayPal?
02:37.14lkai cant afford internet access either
02:37.28SteveTotarowho pays for internet access these days?
02:37.49SteveTotarojust get a yagi and aircrack
02:37.50lyroyI'm having an issue with the IAX Realtime module, the problem is that I have an entry like this in my database for the dialout of my users ( asterisk always add a random number after the name (name=1112223333-TOPSTN-4)... so when the query is made in the database  SELECT * FROM iax WHERE name = '1112223333-TOPSTN-4' AND host = 'dynamic' it cause an error because the real entry is 1112223333-TOPSTN and not
02:38.08shmaltzI like this one:
02:38.50shmaltzor this one:
02:38.52SteveTotaroi still can't get fc8 to play youtube on my core2duo
02:39.50SteveTotaroHello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Adobe's Flash Player. Get the latest Flash player.
02:39.58shmaltzSteveTotaro, you have flash installed?
02:40.09SteveTotarobut there is no 64bit flash player
02:40.33SteveTotaroi tried some googling and howtos but nothing worked so i gave up
02:40.52SteveTotaroit actually makes me more productive not having youtube ;)
02:41.10shmaltzthen try this site:
02:41.13shmaltzit shoudl work
02:41.45shmaltzjust get an rtsp player
02:42.01jameswf-home! WIZARD !
02:42.06SteveTotaroXML Parsing Error: mismatched tag. Expected: </tr>.
02:42.06SteveTotaroLine Number 19, Column 4:
02:42.47*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (
02:43.29shmaltzSteverTotaro, yes thats a mozilla error hold on I'll give you a new link
02:43.46shmaltzhere we go:
02:44.16*** join/#asterisk bkw___ (
02:45.07rickrossOK, here's someone else with my exact problem - - Transcoded G.722 calls unintelligible with recent SVN head
02:45.08SteveTotarothanks for the link though
02:45.19rickrosshelps me feel like I'm not completely crazy ;)
02:45.24SteveTotarostick with 1.2
02:45.44russellbrickross: with trunk / 1.6?
02:45.51SteveTotaro1.4 if you are feeling crazy
02:46.09rickrossrussellb - nope, with 1.6.0b4
02:46.14russellbrickross: close enough
02:46.16SteveTotaro1.6BETA if you want to live on bugtracker
02:46.19rickrossshould I pull it form svn and try again?
02:46.20*** join/#asterisk letale (n=echosyp@
02:46.24russellbrickross: file a bug report and assign it to me, and i'll take a look and fix it
02:46.41rickrossrussellb - thx
02:46.49shmaltzthis is funny:
02:46.55russellbrickross: i have a hunch ...
02:47.06rickrossrussellb - does this look right to you?
02:47.07letaleguys, im really n00b, i want to setup asterisk, but i want a good frontend to help me manage things
02:47.14lyroyPlease someone ... I'm having an issue with the IAX Realtime module, the problem is that I have an entry like this in my database for the dialout of my users ( asterisk always add a random number after the name (name=1112223333-TOPSTN-4)... so when the query is made in the database  SELECT * FROM iax WHERE name = '1112223333-TOPSTN-4' AND host = 'dynamic' it cause an error because the real entry is 1112223
02:47.18letalewhat do you suggest
02:47.32SteveTotarobuy a switchvox system
02:47.40SteveTotarogreat front end
02:47.43russellbrickross: i guess
02:47.51letalei have an unused box, and no money
02:47.59letaleits running ubuntu 7.10
02:48.11SteveTotaroan unused box is really a shame in more ways than one
02:48.32letalethats why i want to put it to use
02:48.36letalewith asterisk
02:48.57letalebut i can't stand sorting through a million conf files
02:49.09letalewhich im sure im about to get shit for
02:49.40letalebut, never the less, id like a good front end
02:49.41russellbjblack: give letale shit
02:49.46russellboh well.
02:49.54russellbjblack: not you, lol ... stupid tab completion
02:50.00russellbjbot: give letale shit
02:50.01jbotACTION gives shit to letale
02:50.25russellbletale: it's fine ... plenty of people aren't interested in configuring it manually.
02:50.39letaleits so tedious
02:50.41jbot[~trixbox] trixbox is a full linux distro that includes FreePBX and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox VERY difficult to support, and is not supported in #asterisk. Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & wiki at
02:51.25letalei may as well try it out
02:51.31russellbletale: i would recommend asterisknow or switchvox
02:51.45russellbswitchvox has a free version, too if your install is small enough
02:51.57russellbor at least to try it out
02:51.57letaleim all about free
02:52.07russellbasterisknow is another free option ...
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02:54.47letalei'll try trixbox and asterisknow
02:54.58BeeBuui can't find how to say how many people in room when get in meet,anyone help me please?
02:55.54seanbright-homeBeeBuu: the 'c' option
02:56.09russellbletale: i would steer clear of trixbox...
02:56.10BeeBuui got you,thanks
02:56.16seanbright-homeBeeBuu: np is the shiznit
02:57.06*** join/#asterisk ajohnstone (
02:57.48SteveTotaroi can sell you an unlimited key to signate and give you their repos
02:57.54rickrossrussellb: apparently I don't have the required privs to assign the issue -
02:58.01SteveTotaroyou just have to change your eth0 mac
02:58.13*** part/#asterisk letale (n=echosyp@
02:58.23russellbrickross: assigned to myself
02:58.40rickrossif you'd like to hear it, I can give you a ring
02:58.55rickrossI dunno if that would clue you into what is wrong?
02:59.02SteveTotaroit is 10 pm
02:59.13J4k3SteveTotaro: bleh, easyvoxbox is commercial?
02:59.18*** join/#asterisk ajohnstone (
02:59.24SteveTotarois it?
02:59.24J4k3lame, it looks like trixbox-a-year-ago
02:59.44J4k3err, I misunderstood
02:59.51SteveTotaroi thought is was just asterisk+freepbx without the bloat
03:00.16J4k3you said something about selling a key right after ;)
03:00.16SteveTotarooh, no signate
03:00.24SteveTotaroi have an unlimited key and it just checks the mac of eth0
03:00.57bkw___SteveTotaro: you used to work for signate?
03:00.58SteveTotarothen they used ioncube to scramble all their code
03:01.22SteveTotaroheck no, i started to work for a company that bought a signate system
03:01.31SteveTotaropaid $50k
03:02.00SteveTotaro$5k for answering machine detection which was exactly the dialplan stuff on the wiki
03:02.00errrwell per y'alls suggestion of moving frmo iax to sip now my incoming calls are clear as can be. thanks
03:02.21J4k3hmm EVB looks like what I've been looking for
03:02.24SteveTotarotold ya so
03:02.30SteveTotaroiax is teh suck
03:02.36errrwell now I know
03:02.42errrit made a huge diff
03:03.05bkw___SteveTotaro: how can you get away with saying that?  I say anything sucks.. I get called a troll
03:03.09SteveTotaroj4k3, glad i showed you something useful
03:03.30SteveTotarobecause i am SteveTotaro
03:03.37SteveTotaroand you are Brian K West
03:03.52J4k3woah, brian k west...  the guy from OK?
03:03.59bkw_J4k3: yah
03:04.09bkw_this can't go well
03:04.13SteveTotarosorry for blowing your cover
03:04.15J4k3bkw: haha...  old school.
03:04.24SwKbkw_, its cause everyone knows you are a troll
03:04.32bkw_SwK: oh yes I'm such a troll
03:04.33iamthelostboyhi.. we're getting pretty bad echo over zap -> sip calls.. when i do a ztmonitor 1 -vv and make a call, i get a whole lot of nothing happening... what am i supposed to be seeing?  our calls also seem to be very quiet to a lot of people, they complain they cant hear us...
03:04.38jbotextra, extra, read all about it, troll is a race on some muds; a guy under a bridge: an annoying robot; a port scanner, or somebody faking being clueless to be shown the One Linux Way so he can argue against it for his psychology thesis on linux advocates, or an employee of trolltech, or at or ...
03:05.08bkw_J4k3: and you are?
03:05.12jameswf-homehe prefers tee-roll
03:05.22SteveTotarotroll baiter
03:05.29bkw_that don't sound right
03:05.34bkw_sounds a bit dirty
03:06.04SteveTotaroimagine your mother with two big black guys
03:06.22SteveTotaroif you think something dirty then you are a perv
03:06.22jameswf-homeoh heck SteveTotarowe call that thursday night
03:06.50SteveTotaroi picture them helping her with her groceries
03:07.03SteveTotaroit is all in your mind
03:07.09riddleboxhey SteveTotaro
03:07.16riddleboxsorry I missed you
03:07.23SteveTotaroyou didn't i am here
03:07.27SteveTotarowhat's up?
03:07.44riddleboxnothing much, just getting a few things tidy'd up
03:08.05SteveTotaroany feedback on that thing?
03:08.43J4k3bkw_: you were in... hrm... #inet-access?
03:08.52bkw_oh yes
03:08.56bkw_tiz me
03:09.08bkw_mrunix was mah boss around that time
03:10.41drmessanoIAX is the next WWW
03:10.59SteveTotaroiax is the ipv10
03:11.11lyroyPlease someone ... I'm having an issue with the IAX Realtime module, the problem is that I have an entry like this in my database for the dialout of my users ( asterisk always add a random number after the name (name=1112223333-TOPSTN-4)... so when the query is made in the database  SELECT * FROM iax WHERE name = '1112223333-TOPSTN-4' AND host = 'dynamic' it cause an error because the real entry is 1112223
03:11.27drmessanoSIP is !!!11!!!!!  and IAX is ^^^^^^6^^^^
03:11.50riddleboxSteveTotaro, I have been so busy I havent been able to even look at it
03:13.02*** join/#asterisk cowmix (
03:13.59SteveTotaroit's cool, busy is good
03:14.09SteveTotarojust let me know when you get around to it
03:14.16SteveTotaroany feedback is good feedback
03:14.19J4k3iax is the vista
03:14.36J4k3I'm now refering to people who like vista as 'vistards'
03:14.51J4k3they're equally as annoying as 'mac weenies'
03:15.00drmessanoVista SP2 is gonna make all you haters eat teh dust
03:15.04drmessanoMARK MAH WARDS
03:15.05J4k3sp2?  sheeit
03:15.09J4k32011? 2012?
03:15.15bkw_oh what ever
03:15.16J4k3sp1 is taking long enough
03:15.17bkw_every OS sucks
03:15.22bkw_just depends on to what degree
03:15.29J4k3bkw_: this is true, but vista has some real show-stoppers.
03:15.39bkw_more like SLOW ASS stoppers
03:15.55bkw_drmessano: it will NEVER be the unix of doze
03:16.01J4k3being slow is a feature.
03:16.02bkw_they must rewrite it
03:16.04J4k3it sells faster systems
03:16.42J4k3who'd need a quad core P51-3.1337 processor if the base software was written halfway as efficiently as win98se or even NT4
03:16.45drmessanoVista SP2 is gonna make Windows 2000 look like 3.1
03:16.56bkw_drmessano: sorry but windows 2000 was the best
03:17.00Qwelldrmessano: going to make it awesome?
03:17.09J4k3haha win2k is so old looking now
03:17.16bkw_I like the look
03:17.18J4k3the icons are oldschool
03:17.20J4k3I like it
03:17.24bkw_me too
03:17.51drmessanoI'm trying to get a job as a core developer of Vista SP2, so suck it you guys
03:18.12J4k3drmessano: hope it pays well, most jobs in futility are.
03:18.42*** join/#asterisk letale (n=echosyp@
03:19.05drmessanoI'm hoping to get AsteriskWin32 added as a core app in Windows 2008 SP1 and Vista SP2
03:19.11drmessanoIt will make telephony easier
03:19.20letalehow do you change the admin password for asterisk
03:19.29letalecause i forgot it
03:19.35jbotasterisknow is probably based on Asterisk, but it is not Asterisk, and it is unlikely to live up to Asterisk's standards.  Only Asterisk is supported on #asterisk. Use #AsteriskNow instead. Even if the channel happens to be less helpful, support for systems other than Asterisk is offtopic on #asterisk
03:19.40bkw_I would say something but people would say i'm a troll
03:19.52Qwellbkw_: you are a troll
03:19.56bkw_no i'm not
03:20.04QwellI'm a troll
03:20.32Idleyes you are
03:20.47drmessanobkw_: You are a troll in serious denial
03:21.03Juggiebkw_, might be a hard ass, but he is not a troll
03:21.29drmessanoNow THAT sounds like trolling
03:22.24letaleso how do i change the admin password?
03:23.12drmessanoletale: Surely you have this room confused with one that deals with Asterisks with admin passwords
03:23.23drmessano#asterisknow may be a better choice
03:23.40drmessanoUnless of course, you're using Trixbox.. in which case..
03:23.46letaleim not using asterisknow
03:23.51jbotwizard is, like, enchancement to howto's
03:24.10letalei used the ubuntu repo to install asterisk awhile back
03:25.12drmessanoWhich admin password?
03:25.14*** join/#asterisk b1ch0 (
03:26.19letaleidk what your getting at
03:26.34*** join/#asterisk ajohnstone (
03:26.34letalebe blunt
03:26.43letalei installed gastman
03:26.52letaleand its asking for a password
03:26.55letalebut i forgot it
03:27.07letalei need to reset it
03:27.10*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
03:27.29jameswf-homethey rushed out with zaptel still broke wtf
03:27.52drmessanoThey have NO idea WTF they're doing
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03:27.59drmessanoI very, truly believe that now
03:28.38drmessanoThey have a three stage beta cycle for every release
03:28.41drmessano1. ZOMG
03:28.44drmessano2. WTF
03:28.47drmessano3. BBQ!
03:28.49lyroyPlease someone ... I'm having an issue with the IAX Realtime module, the problem is that I have an entry like this in my database for the dialout of my users ( asterisk always add a random number after the name (name=1112223333-TOPSTN-4)... so when the query is made in the database  SELECT * FROM iax WHERE name = '1112223333-TOPSTN-4' AND host = 'dynamic' it cause an error because the real entry is 1112223
03:29.07jameswf-home4. RON PAUL 2008
03:30.20drmessanoI bet in they'll forget to add Asterisk
03:30.40letalewell i forgot my admin password
03:30.42drmessano"Heh, sorry guys.. we're only human... will be released tomorrow"
03:32.53SteveTotaroi want 2.8alpha
03:33.02letaleso how do i change it
03:33.11SteveTotaropassword for what?
03:33.26SteveTotarothen what>
03:33.28letaleadmin pw for asterisk
03:33.34drmessanoSome GUI
03:33.35letaleam i missing something here?
03:33.39drmessanonot "ASTERISK"
03:33.45letalebut it connects to asterisk
03:33.46b1ch0guy i have a problem with a new pattern requirement ... user are dialing number starting by 07XXXXXXX or 0XX7XXXXXXX and i need to send just 7XXXXXXX to the trunk
03:33.49SteveTotarowhat the heck is gastman
03:33.53drmessanoGood god
03:34.02b1ch0AND CANT DO 0|7
03:34.04SteveTotarothat was me yesterday after eating chili
03:34.14jameswf-homei use passizzlewordizzlefoshizzlemuhnizzle
03:34.27drmessanoletale said he installed asterisk and soemthing called gastman
03:34.52drmessanoIm assuming he needs the password for GASTMAN because Asterisk's admin password is _
03:35.20SteveTotarogastman looks cool, drag and drop
03:35.48drmessanoNot enough chili
03:36.06jameswf-homei ate the chilli and got some bad gast man
03:36.06*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=Joe@
03:37.10drmessanogastman looks too SMB for me.. Im waiting for the enterprise edition, gastmaster
03:37.30SteveTotarocheck out UCN's in contact
03:37.38SteveTotaroit is better than aheeva
03:37.55SteveTotarothere is probably a .conf file for gastman somewhere
03:38.13SteveTotaromaybe in /etc/asterisk/gastman.conf?
03:38.22*** join/#asterisk ajohnstone (
03:38.24SteveTotaroor it may be in a mysqldb table
03:38.31SteveTotarolike freepbx
03:39.15SteveTotaroUCN has a great idea of offering PBX/Call center (very advanced) at the carrier level
03:39.35*** part/#asterisk b1ch0 (
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03:39.52*** part/#asterisk letale (n=echosyp@
03:40.46SteveTotaroi would call that the gastman enterprise edition
03:41.27bkw_I hate broadvoice
03:42.07SteveTotaroi hate nufone
03:42.25drmessanoI hate strawberry shortcake with not enough strawberries
03:42.57jbotOh, you hate your job? Why didn't you say so? There's a support group for that. It's called EVERYBODY, and they meet at the bar. --Drew Carey
03:43.08drmessanoR O F L
03:43.09jameswf-homethey removed the line from trixbox.conf to kill the audit tool... tisk
03:43.36drmessanoSo, you can't kill it now?
03:43.42SteveTotaroit was just a cron job right?
03:44.07BeeBuudrmessano: had you been auto call out?
03:44.07drmessanoThey probably have it compiled into the kernel now.. bastards
03:44.33BeeBuuauto call
03:44.39drmessanoWhat about it
03:44.53jameswf-homeyou kill it the same way but if you dont know then it goes on living
03:45.05*** join/#asterisk ajohnstone (
03:45.31drmessanoHaven't messed with call files
03:45.45BeeBuudrmessano: how's your doing?
03:45.53drmessanoIm ok
03:46.21jameswf-homedrmessano: should play wistle blower
03:46.23BeeBuuhow to do when you need auto call out?
03:46.34SteveTotarouse easyvoxbox, it is just asterisk and freepbx with no bloat or spy crap
03:47.17jameswf-homeI use happyclownpbx...
03:47.30jameswf-homecause i am 1337
03:47.33drmessanojameswf-home: link pls
03:47.38drmessanoCan't find it on the forum
03:47.46jameswf-homefind what?
03:47.52drmessanoIs there a post for it?
03:48.03ectospasmBeeBuu:  explain what you mean by "auto call out"
03:48.12jameswf-homeno no one has caught it yet... I am just skimming a clean install
03:48.33BeeBuuectospasm: i need call from asterisk
03:48.33ectospasmnormally, that's done in some non-asterisk script, that generates a call file and dumps it into /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing
03:48.38jameswf-homeI am not allowed to start flame wars
03:48.54BeeBuuectospasm:i got that,but i got problem too
03:49.03jameswf-home~ jameswf-home
03:49.04jbotwhen -home is added it means he is on his own time dont call his boss
03:51.09*** join/#asterisk ahbritto (
03:51.17drmessanoSo the line is not in the conf (which defaults the script to OFF) or the isn't parsing that line anymore?
03:51.54drmessanoBeeBuu: Have you read the book any?
03:52.04BeeBuuectospasm: when a call file working and callee does not answer, i got this:
03:52.26BeeBuudrmessano: yes,thanks,but something beyond me,would you help?
03:52.32*** join/#asterisk ajohnstone (
03:53.32BeeBuuthe callee do not answer,but why asterisk Playing 'conf-onlyperson'?
03:53.43ectospasmBeeBuu:  because the calling channel is still on the call
03:53.58*** join/#asterisk fnordus (n=dnall@
03:53.58drmessanoBeeBuu: No offense, but when I have tried to instruct you about different things, you don't seem to listen.. I don't lose weekends for anyone anymore :)
03:54.06jameswf-homeno but the whole /etc/trixbox/trixbox.conf is gone...
03:54.20jameswf-homes/ still looks/
03:54.33BeeBuudrmessano: sorry,let me check above,too many msg...
03:56.02drmessanojameswf-home: The absense of the config item completely is supposed to = off
03:56.10drmessanoThe script will check /etc/trixbox/trixbox.conf for AuditTool=yes, if this is set to ‘no’ or the value does not exist, no communication will take effect between the script and the Fonality servers.
03:56.12BeeBuuectospasm: i want the asterisk system say how many people in current room when callee anwsered
03:56.46ectospasmRight... and it is!  The call file's channel is the only person in the conference!
03:56.53jameswf-homeprevious versions had the file with audittool=on so it is on unless you change it... now they dont show you the path you have to google it
03:56.53*** join/#asterisk ajohnstone (
03:57.25jameswf-homehmm let me reread the perl
03:57.37BeeBuuectospasm: only when callee anwser before ring 1 time
03:57.55BeeBuuOR callee hear nothing.
03:58.28ectospasmBeeBuu:  I don't get it
03:59.05BeeBuuwhen the phone ringing....
03:59.25BeeBuuif the callee not pick up right now
03:59.52BeeBuucan't get nothing voice....
04:00.13jameswf-homeif the file exists and there in no audittool line exit otherwise looks like it moves on and tries to create the file so they get atleast 1 phone home in...
04:02.24jameswf-homethe blog was well worded that is why I rtfc
04:03.23lanningBeeBuu, you need to connect to a script that detects phone pickup before playing sound files.
04:03.40*** join/#asterisk ajohnstone (
04:03.51BeeBuulanning: how?
04:03.54drmessanofascinating that they get in a phonehome before it disables itself
04:04.00BeeBuulanning: any suggestion?
04:05.00*** join/#asterisk ajohnstone (
04:06.02jameswf-homewell it doesnt disable its self simply adds a line to let you after round 1
04:06.24obnauticusis it possible to have asterisk send a diffeernt client identifier?
04:06.28obnauticusor hardware identifier
04:06.37drmessanoSo it adds it as null, yes, or no?
04:06.40obnauticusi.e. change it from Asterisk PBX
04:06.54jameswf-homeadds as yes
04:11.45obnauticusanyway i need to make asterisk look liek it's registering to another peer as an ATA
04:11.59obnauticusbecause they make you pay less if you use an ATA with their services.
04:13.45jameswf-homesomeone gave kudos for slapping 1 broke over another
04:15.14*** join/#asterisk fnordus (n=dnall@
04:16.01lanningBeeBuu: you can try looking at DIALSTATUS variable or the DEVSTATE function
04:17.41*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
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04:24.26vap0rtranzdigium 2400 card has >3600 irq misses :(  the pci bus must be to blame
04:24.51drmessanoPCI is old and busted
04:25.04bkw_no its not
04:25.24drmessanoYeah it is
04:25.51*** join/#asterisk ajohnstone (
04:26.07drmessanoPCI-E FTW
04:26.46bkw_they'll change it again in a year or two
04:26.56bkw_and PCI-X
04:26.56drmessanoDoesn't matter
04:27.01drmessanoPCI is dead
04:27.07bkw_nice to call them the same name but they aren't the same
04:27.24bkw_drmessano: oh shut up.. you know nothing if you think PCI is dead
04:27.28bkw_its gonna be around for a LONG TIME
04:27.44drmessanoFirst off.. I said PCI-E, not PCI-X
04:27.44vap0rtranztape is dead!
04:27.50drmessanoand second, it's dead
04:27.53bkw_its not PCI-E you must use the lower case e
04:28.06bkw_drmessano: if its dead why do people still produce products that use it?
04:28.12*** part/#asterisk iamthelostboy (
04:28.29bkw_ISA is dead... PCI.. its got many more years left
04:28.30drmessanoSame reason they produce ISA products.. Same reason we use Gasoline
04:28.45bkw_its very hard to find mother boards with ISA slots
04:29.05drmessanoWell, they still make them.. so that blows up your little theory
04:29.20jameswf-homebsd is da future
04:29.25bkw_oh wtf ever
04:29.35drmessanobkw_: Are you a BSD user?
04:29.48vap0rtranzmodprobe.conf:"alias eth1 wctdm24xxp".  good lord!  did kudzu do that?!
04:29.49bkw_drmessano: I use all os's
04:30.00drmessanoI'll take that as a "yes"
04:30.23jameswf-homeron paul uses bsd
04:30.50drmessanoRon Paul maintains the ISA code for BSD
04:30.51vap0rtranzand i have a mboard with isa.  10+ years strong, yippie!
04:31.42jameswf-homeIDK MY BFF Ron Paul
04:31.57*** join/#asterisk ajohnstone (
04:32.09jblackThe sequel to that commercial is running these days... Mom admits to having failed her child.
04:32.37jblackOh, I have an asterisk problem.
04:32.52drmessanoTry Trixbox, n00b
04:32.58bkw_drmessano: be nice
04:33.01jameswf-homeits 3AM something has gone wrong.... when the phone rings do you want microsoft response point to answer
04:33.04bkw_jblack: what kind of problem?
04:33.05drmessanobkw_: Piss off
04:33.11jblackIt's an ironic one... "it just works". I have no problems to fix, no excuses for things to improve.
04:33.27bkw_jblack: you haven't used it very hard yet
04:33.28drmessanojblack: Maybe you should try trixbox
04:33.42drmessanojblack: Would you like the URL?
04:33.46jameswf-hometrixbox is 1337 yo
04:33.48jblackPeople call, my phone rings. I can out, their phone rings. What has started out exciting and amazing has turned into something exactly as dull as phone service.
04:33.57jblackbasically, I feel robbed.
04:34.09bkw_jblack: one phone ?
04:34.09drmessanojblack: Maybe you should beta test
04:34.25vap0rtranzactually, any dialed microsoft to move a license?  she's all automated.  recognized my voice entry for their damn long serial key.  pretty nifty
04:34.28jblackA few phones.
04:34.29drmessanojblack: Trixbox is pretty
04:34.31jameswf-homesomeons should spoof the hillary/obama phone rings commercials with a voice over for asterisk
04:34.37*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=angeldav@
04:34.40jameswf-homemaybe allison
04:34.48bkw_asterisk makes me sick
04:34.54vap0rtranzshe didn't sound like allison; kinda older
04:34.56russellbbkw_: then leave, please.
04:35.06bkw_russellb: how rude
04:35.19russellbbkw_: i said please, troll
04:35.20jblackOh, another way that my life is b0rken....
04:35.20*** join/#asterisk ilowe (
04:35.25bkw_what ever
04:35.39jblackMy 13 year old kid is at a bon jovi concert, while I sit here and watch Leno.
04:35.41russellbexactly my thoughts
04:36.15jblackI have the money; why is she having the fun? It's no fair! /me stomps his feet and pouts
04:36.21drmessanojblack: jon bon asterisk?
04:36.31bkw_asterisk just doesn't fit every situation or solve every solution
04:36.47jblackNope. The one with the spikey hair... did ally mcbeal for a bit.
04:36.51drmessanobkw_: This is #ASTERISK you troll
04:36.57bkw_jameswf-home: nothing ever solves every problem
04:37.06russellbnobody said it did.
04:37.10jblackbkw_: Hey, there's a rumor going around that you're a troll. There any truth to that?
04:37.18bkw_jblack: no its not.
04:37.24jameswf-homeLIES ron paul can cure cancer with chuck norris tears
04:37.27drmessanoAsterisk doesn't make my bread toasty and crackly
04:37.28jblackNot even a little bit?
04:37.44bkw_jblack: I am a bit abrasive at times
04:37.51jblackYou Troll!
04:37.57drmessanojblack: He's a troll
04:38.03bkw_what ever
04:38.13drmessanojblack: He's lives under a bridge
04:38.22bkw_worse.. I live in Oklahoma
04:38.26jblackI figured the green skin was just food poisoning
04:38.36jblackgnome sucks.
04:38.43jblackeven travel gnomes.
04:38.50jblackhell. especially travel gnomes
04:39.23drmessanoGo back to your bridge troll, you have no powers here!
04:39.27bkw_russellb: I still have to support our Asterisk customers for now
04:40.22bkw_too much has changed between 1.2 and the rest.. and I haven't followed those changes
04:41.04drmessanoWell, you could spend your trolling time... reading
04:41.11jameswf-homeyou know what they say keep up or get thrown under the snow plow
04:41.11russellbcan't help it that we have so much development going on.
04:41.28drmessanoThe snow gets deep under the troll bridge
04:41.28jblackdrmessano: That's impossible. Trolls can only read 1/2 of a sentence at a time.
04:41.50bkw_drmessano: I spent my time very well...
04:42.14drmessanoAsterisk pancakes has shoe made armpit many frisbee advances grapefruit since china 1.2
04:42.42drmessanoTroll food
04:42.58jblackpancakes shoes armpit frisbee grapefruit china?
04:43.06bkw_drmessano: I dedicated many years to Asterisk
04:43.10jameswf-homethats an essay
04:43.33jblackbkw_: Congrats. You can now die a fullfilled man.
04:43.48jameswf-homejbot beer
04:43.48jbotACTION has disconnected (Read error: 99 (Connection reset by beer))
04:43.49drmessanoSo now you troll and bitch?
04:43.58drmessanoIm confused
04:44.01jblackheh. jbot got drunk
04:44.04bkw_drmessano: I still assist people with Asterisk
04:44.17jameswf-homejbot: poo on the troll
04:44.18jbotACTION summons a troop of flying monkeys to fling their poo at on the troll
04:44.19drmessanoIntermixed with the endless bashing?
04:44.35drmessanoand Freeswitch adsense
04:44.40bkw_what ever
04:44.56drmessanoHey everyone, freeswitch I just had freeswitch a new baby boy!
04:45.13drmessanoYou fail at google
04:46.22drmessanoAt least Asterisk has a kick ass win32 port
04:46.35bkw_oh my
04:46.45bkw_does asterisk compile native in MSVC?
04:46.56bkw_MSVC is actually a damn good compiler
04:46.59drmessanoLast time I tried to compile FS, neither did it
04:47.04*** join/#asterisk ajohnstone (
04:47.08jblackmingw I bet.
04:47.16russellbmingw, yes.
04:47.31bkw_drmessano: it compiles in MSVC
04:48.03drmessanobkw_: Yeah, didn't work the 11 times I tried it under 3 diff versions... but het
04:48.10jblackI dunno.... some people love .net... I think I'll hold out for .org
04:48.20bkw_drmessano: must have been missing something related to the platform SDK is teh hot
04:48.24*** join/#asterisk docelmo (
04:48.33jblackComing along any day now, thanks to our friends across the pond.
04:48.37drmessanobkw_: I dunno, Asterisk just works.. Seemed like too much work to me
04:48.49bkw_drmessano: Could be
04:48.58bkw_Asterisk does what you need then Asterisk is what you use then
04:49.15jblackAt least until callweaver gets around to making a release. ;)
04:49.23bkw_RC5 now?
04:49.23drmessanoIt does more than what I need actually, but I try not to troll other channels bashing the others like I do here ;)
04:49.47bkw_drmessano: if stating facts are trolling then i'm guilty :P
04:49.49jameswf-homeasterisk is only limited by the user
04:49.54drmessanoCallWeaver, coming Febtober Epochity-twelve
04:50.07jblackAt least rc5
04:50.08bkw_jameswf-home: not true
04:50.38jameswf-homeI am alot of things but a lawyer i mean liar is not one of them
04:51.07bkw_Asterisk does very well for what it was designed to do
04:51.24bkw_but running an ITSP or CLEC wasn't really what it was designed for
04:51.37russellbyet there are thousands of people doing it
04:51.39bkw_its really pushing what it was designed to do
04:51.41jameswf-homeI had asterisk mking coffee and burning cd's I think that is well beyond design
04:51.46russellbguess it hasn't worked out _that_ bad, huh.
04:51.53bkw_russellb: and its pushing it
04:52.16bkw_you have to admit it wasn't designed to handle multiple DS3's worth of traffic
04:52.28*** join/#asterisk ajohnstone (
04:52.34bkw_russellb: we just outgrew asterisk very rapidly
04:52.40russellbthen i guess you don't need it, then
04:52.49jameswf-homeyet your still here
04:52.50iloweHi guys, does anybody have a second for a quick question (and perhaps a longer answer)?
04:52.52bkw_its still in limited use in our platform
04:53.06jameswf-homethen your presence should be limited
04:54.16denonnothin wrong with bkw hangin around, just so long as he pays for the freeswitch ads placed in the channel :)
04:54.30denonor better yet, stick on topic to positive asterisk conversation, like the good ole days
04:56.48jameswf-homeon+topic=buzz kill damn you denon
04:57.51jblackohhh. I know who bkl is. He's one of those trixbox guys, right?
04:58.56drmessanoI think it's funny when people come up with scenarios that this product or that product won't do.. because, you know, it does SUCH a bad job at it's core market that surely I can find scenario where it fails to scale up to
04:59.04*** join/#asterisk fnordus (n=dnall@
04:59.28*** join/#asterisk ZaVoid (
04:59.31ZaVoidhey hey guys
05:00.12ZaVoidany ideas why exten => s,n,NoOp({$LANGUAGE}) doesn't work?
05:00.20drmessanoAsterisk can't handle 75,000 concurrent calls on a PII 500.... Piece of crap
05:00.20ZaVoidit just nops the word $LANGUAGE
05:00.21russellbZaVoid: invalid syntax.
05:00.31ZaVoidam i fat fingering russellb ?
05:00.33russellbit would be ${LANGUAGE}
05:00.40ZaVoidtoo much beer one second
05:00.44russellbor more likely ${CHANNEL(language)}
05:00.50ZaVoidthought i tried that
05:00.51ZaVoidone sec
05:01.04ZaVoidi see what i did wrong i guess
05:01.04ZaVoidexten => s,n,NoOp(CHANNEL(language))
05:01.10ZaVoidthats what i tried as well
05:01.11ZaVoidone sec
05:01.56*** join/#asterisk ajohnstone (
05:01.58scooby2when is digium going to make a card so I can plug a ds3 into a quad quadcore xeon w/ 32gb of ram?
05:02.16ZaVoidso exten => s,n,NoOp${CHANNEL(language)} ?
05:02.23russellbZaVoid: still wrong
05:02.27russellbmissing a set of ()
05:02.27ZaVoidyeah i thought so
05:02.31ZaVoidanother () right?
05:02.32jblackscobby2: As soon as there's a bus that won't melt under the load?
05:02.36drmessanoWhen is Apache gonna support IAX2 so I can run a webserver trunk
05:02.36JTscooby2: doesn't sound very redundant
05:02.56scooby2JT thats when you get two of everything
05:03.14JTon a linux pc....
05:03.14ZaVoidbingo that was it russellb
05:03.31jameswf-homeasterisk 1.8 is built on web 4.0
05:03.53scooby2dot net
05:04.01ZaVoidso if i have the language set in my db how can i pull it via realtime russellb without doing a php/sql query?
05:04.04*** join/#asterisk ajohnstone (
05:04.16ZaVoidcan't i force a realtime lookup somehow?
05:04.26russellbZaVoid: let me ask you this question ... how do you look up something from a db without looking it up from the db?
05:04.38ZaVoidi phrased that wrong
05:04.43ZaVoidi want to pull it from realtime
05:04.48russellbok, there is a REALTIME() function
05:04.53ZaVoidvs calling a .php script and doing a sql command
05:04.55Corydon76-digrussellb: you could look it up from a webserver
05:04.58ZaVoidok let me look at that
05:05.02russellbCorydon76-dig: nice  :)
05:05.04ZaVoidi do most of it via sql right now
05:05.07ZaVoidbuty you get what i'm saying?
05:05.13russellbyeah ... check REALTIME()
05:05.15Corydon76-digrussellb: res_config_curl
05:07.10cowmixweird problem: I have three SPA3102s.. Three phone numbers in hunt group.. Inbound works fine on two of my lines but on the 'lead' line i get "that number is not available"..
05:07.29cowmix[Mar  3 21:55:56] VERBOSE[31633] logger.c:     -- Executing [600@from-sip-external:1] NoOp("SIP/", "Received incoming SIP connection from unknown peer to 600") in new stack
05:07.33scooby2now if only i could get timing and switchtype from level3 and global crossing. Both act like I am speaking klingon when I open tickets asking them.
05:07.37*** join/#asterisk ajohnstone (
05:08.46drmessanoBang rocks, make fire
05:09.36*** part/#asterisk bkw_ (
05:09.54*** join/#asterisk Keltus (i=Keltus@about/cooking/nakedchef/beefstew/Keltus)
05:10.01jblack00:07 < scooby2> now if only i could get timing and switchtype from level3 and
05:10.29jblackuh, sorry.
05:10.49scooby2guess i need framing, coding, and signalling as well
05:10.57jameswf-homewhat are there like 8 possible combinations just try em
05:11.28scooby2i've tried them all but still have timing issues. after X period of time asterisk thinks all channels are in use while the provider thinks they are free
05:11.41jameswf-homescooby2: what ast ver
05:11.58scooby2same with latest 1.4
05:12.38jameswf-homesounds like a dead lock to me...
05:12.45scooby2under it just stops accepting incoming calls until a restart now when asterisk thinks all channels are full
05:12.57scooby2under 1.4 when all channels are full it kernel panics
05:13.13jblackHmm. 55% chance of a 1/2 point rate cut, 28% chance of a 1 point rate cut, 18% chance of a 3/4 rate cut.
05:13.13jameswf-homewhat does top say
05:13.19*** join/#asterisk ajohnstone (
05:13.19jameswf-homedo you have swec
05:13.47scooby2i thought so as well but according to the debug docs its not a deadlock or at least not the common deadlock
05:14.28ZaVoidand this syntax is wrong too
05:14.29ZaVoidexten => s,n,Set(CHANNEL(language)={$USERL})
05:14.43ZaVoidexten => s,n,Set(CHANNEL(language)=$USERL)
05:14.44ZaVoidso is that
05:14.46scooby2jameswf-home: swec?
05:14.54jameswf-homeof your running a soft echo canceller on a t1 it can cause bad moojoo
05:15.38scooby2ahh, te212p is hardware i believe. sangoma 102 is software
05:15.57ZaVoidduh thanks man
05:16.07scooby2no pthread_wait_for_restart_signal in gdb trace
05:16.11*** join/#asterisk mazpe (n=mazpe@
05:18.03ZaVoidnice perfect jameswf-home thanks
05:18.40jameswf-homemmmm breast crode
05:19.13scooby2other thing that makes me think its something service provider related is all the playback() stuff starts 2-3 seconds in where as under 1.2.14 on the sangoma using the exact same code it plays the full messages
05:19.45*** join/#asterisk Strom_C (n=strom@
05:19.52scooby2IE: "Thank you for calling..." is "<silence> for calling..."
05:20.46jblackYay. First it was subprime.. then alt-a... then SIVs... insurers.. VIEs... banks... now, the latest group to start running out of money is brokerage firms.
05:21.07jblackI think it's time to get to learning how to mend socks. That could a usefull skill.
05:22.35drmessanoI'm gonna learn the ancient art of origami
05:24.07iloweI get the "maximum retries exceeded" error when I don't dial out immediately to route a DID. Any ideas?
05:24.33drmessanoDial faster
05:24.41iloweIf I put just Dial(SIP/<my-DID>,20) it works perfectly
05:24.50iloweBut I want to collect some user input first
05:24.53iloweAnd it chokes
05:25.06ilowedrmessano Thanks.... I think :)
05:25.21jameswf-homebackground +get digits
05:25.35jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
05:25.39jameswf-homech 5
05:28.03ilowejameswf-home: I've tried WaitExten and Read with and without Background, they both give the same result
05:28.59*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (n=strom@
05:32.27*** join/#asterisk jjg_ (n=jjg___@
05:32.33*** join/#asterisk ajohnstone (
05:33.25ZaVoidi just bought the book this weekend :)
05:33.33ZaVoidfigured i'd help support :)
05:33.36jjg_anyone know of a decent sip applet or somthing else browser based? ... flash maybe?
05:33.39drmessanoThe book rocks
05:33.51*** join/#asterisk ajohnstone (
05:33.59jbotYou can buy "Asterisk the Future of Telephony" at so go buy it SERIOUSLY
05:34.02ZaVoidit does
05:34.30ZaVoidso i'm a bit confused here...(shocking i know right)
05:34.34ZaVoidlooking at the realtime
05:34.49ZaVoidheres the sample right?
05:35.22ZaVoidbut that grabs the whole row.. and the cuts crap out of it
05:35.55ZaVoidi just want to pull one variable from sipusers per say
05:39.06*** join/#asterisk supjigator (n=shanebur@
05:39.34ZaVoidor do i have to get the whole row basically?
05:41.26jameswf-homeIm not a realtime person but based on other languages that syntax looks like poo poo
05:42.01ZaVoidyeah thats why i do it via .php and sql normally
05:42.17ZaVoidwas hoping not to just to pull one stinking variable this time but oh wells i guess
05:48.02cowmixmore on my issue.. (if anyone cares..) if a call comes in with a 'fake' number.. (ie SkypeOut).. things work..
05:48.11cowmixIf its a real number.. like my cell no..
05:48.29cowmixi get "Received incoming SIP connection from unknown peer to 600"
05:48.41*** join/#asterisk ajohnstone (
05:52.07cowmixok... a little more.. my 2nd and 3rd lines don't do caller id at all
05:52.19cowmixso.. they work all the time
05:52.24*** join/#asterisk ajohnstone (
05:52.29cowmixif there is caller id.. i get that error
06:00.00*** part/#asterisk supjigator (n=shanebur@
06:09.05*** join/#asterisk BeeBuu (n=beebuu@
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06:14.35*** join/#asterisk [T]an1 (
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06:17.11[T]an1i am trying to understand how this transcoding stuff works...... i have a phone that dials to the asterisk server using the g729 codec which then connects to another asterisk server using the ulaw codec which then connects to the pri. when i do a show g729 i show 1 encoder and 3 decoders
06:17.11[T]an1The exact opposite call path only yields 1 encoder and 1 decoder. can anyone explain how that works?
06:20.52*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (
06:21.13*** join/#asterisk AJayMN (
06:22.05AJayMNSo I purchased 4 g729 licenses.  when I make a call from a desk phone out to a cell #. should i only be using 1 license if my provider is g729 aswell?
06:22.08*** join/#asterisk jamesrdorn (
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06:23.42[T]an1AJayMN: shouldnt need a codec at all unless you are transcoding to another codec.
06:23.45*** join/#asterisk ajohnstone (
06:31.49jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
06:31.50jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
06:38.39*** join/#asterisk dexpdx (
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07:10.13*** join/#asterisk angryuser (
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07:31.40b11di know
07:32.03b11dim sleepy
07:32.09b11ddont want to even drive home
07:32.12b11dbut.. oh well..
07:33.43obnauticusthis will be interesting, but is anyone here good with CiscoCM?
07:33.51obnauticusit seems..... interesting.
07:34.33obnauticusCisco Call Maanger
07:34.34drmessanoOh man
07:34.39obnauticusi hate it.
07:34.39drmessanoG T F O
07:34.49drmessanoGet the F out
07:34.55*** join/#asterisk jivco (n=jivco@
07:35.01drmessanoDoor <-------
07:35.06obnauticus-----> Door
07:35.25drmessano^^^^^^6^^^^^ #Asterisk
07:35.27obnauticusCiscoCM is gay.
07:35.51drmessano^^^^^^6^^^^ is the new !!!!11!!!!1!!!
07:36.55drmessanoEwww.. Just had an abandoned house burn down around the corner, apparently with some homeless dude in it
07:38.16drmessanoI shudda ran down there with my vid camera
07:38.22obnauticusput it on liveleak
07:38.57drmessanoYou wanna know who is responsible for the era of posting videos of messed up crap online?
07:39.02drmessanoBob Saget
07:39.06obnauticusno shit.
07:39.33drmessanoHe invented "Videotape your brother getting his teeth knocked out and win $10000"
07:39.40drmessanoWe owe it all to him
07:39.52obnauticuscisco invented this utter crap.
07:39.53obnauticusi hate it
07:40.02obnauticusim just `trying it out'
07:40.06drmessano"Ciscos getting smashed"
07:40.13obnauticusi never paid for it
07:40.16obnauticusi got cisco hardware for free
07:40.27obnauticuswell it's really just an HP ProLiant with a Cisco Systems logo on it
07:40.39obnauticusand they probably painted all the leads on the ethernet interface
07:40.49obnauticusyou get that joke?
07:41.09drmessanoOh.. I dont think so
07:41.37obnauticusim getting a picture for you
07:42.14obnauticusthe interfaces on cisco hardwar
07:42.17obnauticusethe leads are like painted red
07:44.21BeeBuuwhy my phone which connected to FXS port doesn't get dial tone?
07:44.58*** join/#asterisk MaliutaWrk (i=nikolai@
07:45.28BeeBuudrmessano: would you help me?
07:45.34Asterisk-nobwhat's difference between callerid and sourceID?
07:46.55*** join/#asterisk esaym (n=user@
07:47.23*** join/#asterisk arooni (
07:47.25aroonihey folks!
07:47.29aroonii keep getting: [Mar  4 07:46:45] NOTICE[2300]: pbx_spool.c:341 attempt_thread: Call failed to go through, reason 1
07:47.32*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
07:47.32arooniwhy is that
07:47.45obnauticusBeeBuu is your phone providing ring voltage?
07:47.50drmessanoBeeBuu: What kind of FXS port?
07:47.57obnauticusi don't care what your answer is, you need an FXO
07:48.36drmessanoor skype
07:49.11obnauticusdid the skype-asterisk projects improve much?
07:49.28aroonii have files in /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing
07:49.28drmessanoLike polishing a turd
07:49.34aroonithat asterisk isnt calling
07:49.38obnauticusdrmessano i do not understand?
07:49.46BeeBuudrmessano: fixed.thanks.drmessano,how to reload zapata.conf?
07:49.56obnauticushow is it like polishing a turd drmessano?
07:50.27obnauticusBeeBuu thankyou.
07:50.29drmessanoGetting skype to work on Asterisk will always be glorified turn polishing
07:50.47obnauticusin my experience asterisk is nothing like polishing turds.
07:51.17arooni[Mar  4 07:50:48] NOTICE[2358]: pbx_spool.c:341 attempt_thread: Call failed to go through, reason 1 ...... what is reason 1?
07:51.27drmessanoThe skype part of it is..
07:51.33cowmixoutbound issue... asterisk -> SPA3102.. log:
07:51.40obnauticusdrmessano how is skype like a turd?
07:51.45obnauticusi do not understand
07:52.24drmessanoToo tired for a good line
07:52.32cowmixobnauticus: Skype is just pain funky in how it works.. they make it hard to interface with the VOICE part.. and their Linux port is very behind
07:52.47obnauticuscowmix i didn't want a smartass answer, smartass.
07:52.53obnauticusi know this already, im just being a smartass.
07:53.26arooniwhat is reason1?
07:53.27drmessanoobnauticus: You see, skype is like a gladiator movie.. A lot of people will sit thru it, but only some admit it
07:53.29arooniwhere can i find this
07:53.56obnauticusdrmessano does this relate to gay porn?
07:54.01obnauticusbecause if it does im out.
07:55.05drmessanoAs if I would admit it.. See previous line
07:55.13cowmixanyone wanna take pitty on me?  if I don't solve this outbound issue.. I'll go insane..
07:55.25obnauticusdrmessano helped the last dde
07:55.28obnauticusso ask him
07:55.47drmessanomaybe I should try less and see if it helps more
07:56.18drmessanocheeseburger sneaker doorknob anvil
07:57.15aroonihow can i find out what reason 1 means?
07:57.37drmessanocowmix: You probably used one of the 120 crappy guides to setting up SPA-3102s out there
07:57.40obnauticusarooni did you figure out what reason 0 is?
07:57.49obnauticusfind that out first
07:57.49aroonii dont see where any of this is documented either
07:57.50obnauticusthen ask us
07:57.59cowmixdrmessano: yes.. I did
07:58.02obnauticusReason 0 is.
07:58.08cowmixI used them all..    :/
07:58.12arooniobnauticus, what is reason 0
07:58.27obnauticusyou got it backwards.
07:58.34cowmixdrmessano: not only that.. I'm using PBX in a Box.. I hang my head in shame.
07:58.37*** join/#asterisk Daejeo (n=chatzill@
07:59.14cowmixoops.. /Box/Flash
07:59.24arooniobnauticus, where can i go to find out what the reasons mean
07:59.29Daejeois there any one from states who can ping     I am trying from my place but no response
07:59.32obnauticuswhat 0 reason means?
07:59.39aroonigoogle is not producing results
07:59.44obnauticusfor reason 0?
07:59.48obnauticus0 reason*
07:59.49yangI am experiencing this NAT trouble, I cannot connect a client from outside the network -
07:59.51obnauticusmaybe you have no reason
07:59.52arooninot the ones i want
07:59.57obnauticusmaybe you have `0 reason'
08:00.10Daejeos there any one from states who can ping I am trying from my place but no response
08:00.14arooniobnauticus, haha
08:00.34drmessanoDaejeo: Bad paste, use up arrow next time
08:00.41drmessanoIt makes for better repeating
08:01.01obnauticusDaejeo i'll try it
08:01.04Daejeois there any one from states who can ping     I am trying from my place but no response
08:01.13*** join/#asterisk mikkel (n=mikkel@
08:01.14drmessanoSTOP REPEATING
08:01.16obnauticushere you go sexy
08:01.17obnauticusPing statistics for
08:01.21obnauticuslove me sexy
08:01.29obnauticusanyone here see semi-pro yet?
08:01.33obnauticusthat movie sucked ass
08:01.58cowmixdrmessano: I don't think it specific to the SPA3102.. i think its all Asterisk side
08:02.30arooniobnauticus, is reason 1 hangup?
08:02.33drmessanoThat link has Asterisk peer setup as well
08:02.38obnauticusarooni you are getting closer.
08:02.51arooniobnauticus, where is this documented????
08:02.53obnauticusarooni if reason 3 is hangup
08:02.56obnauticusand reason 0 is pickup
08:02.59obnauticuswhat is reason 1?
08:03.05obnauticussorry reason 2 is hangup
08:03.14drmessanoreason 1 is "I have a headache"
08:03.23obnauticuskeep guessing, you'll eventually find out
08:03.24arooniwhy couldnt they explain what reason 1
08:03.37arooni1 is never answered?
08:03.38obnauticusarooni they explained it just fine
08:03.45drmessanoIs it bigger than a breadbox?
08:03.48obnauticusreason 1 is not equal to reason 2 and also not reason 0
08:03.52*** join/#asterisk steliosk (n=Stelios@
08:03.52drmessanosounds like......
08:04.00obnauticusdoes it weigh more than a duck?
08:04.00aroonibut i didnt hear my phone ring
08:04.15obnauticuscan you fit it in your pocket?
08:04.25drmessanoWhat is the square root of cry?
08:04.27arooniseriously though
08:04.30arooniwhere is this documented
08:04.43obnauticusi'll link you hold on
08:07.54aroonia ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
08:07.55aroonii fixed it
08:07.57aroonicuz i'm awesome
08:08.04aroonii turned off my phone and then turned it back on again
08:08.05arooniproblem fix
08:08.13aroonibig FAIL for windows mobile 6
08:08.18drmessanoR O F L
08:08.23obnauticuseven bigger fail for you... you use i.
08:08.37arooniobnauticus, you should read
08:08.39arooniyou'd like it
08:08.45*** join/#asterisk tcseke (n=chatzill@
08:08.51aroonior write for them
08:08.52obnauticusi have something for you too
08:08.54aroonithey like snarky guys
08:09.00aroonii mean that as a compliment
08:09.04aroonii laughed at your fail statement
08:09.06obnauticusstfu i don't care.
08:09.49obnauticus + Windows Mobile 6 = arooni.
08:10.34aroonihe kinda looks like me
08:10.44arooniexcept i buy my hats at garage sales
08:10.44drmessanoIs that an asshat?
08:11.48*** join/#asterisk mort_gib (
08:11.51obnauticusit's meh asshat
08:11.57obnauticus == drmessano.
08:12.16drmessanoarooni, I already hate the site you linked
08:12.33drmessanoThe pic of the naked fat dude in front of the computer.. Effin 1998 man
08:12.36obnauticusarooni i found a real picture of you
08:12.36arooniyou should sell a fail detector
08:13.00arooniwow he kinda looks like me too
08:18.49tzafrirWhat a useful support channel #asterisk is
08:19.50tzafrirNice to know omeone can come here and actually get answers
08:23.26joobietzafrir... u got lucky
08:27.26*** join/#asterisk z3wb (
08:28.46z3wbim using 1.4.10 and im having some sound issues
08:28.59z3wbwhen i use chan_oss, i get garbled, distorted sound
08:29.06z3wband when i use chan_alsa i get no sound at all
08:29.17z3wbbut my alsamixer is all set up fine
08:29.22z3wbeverything else that uses alsa works perfectly
08:29.58z3wband there is nothing else using alsa when asterisk is running
08:30.30*** join/#asterisk atop (
08:31.49atopI read advice that said for a partial E1 line, (we have 22 lines provisioned out of a possible 30) you should set zaptel.conf to the full range, and set zapata.conf to just the range you need.  Is this right and if so, why?
08:33.25*** join/#asterisk docelmo (
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08:35.34z3wbdoes anyone else know why chan_alsa would make it not produce any sound?
08:35.53z3wbit can't be the alsamixer settings, since all my other stuff that uses alsa works just fine
08:36.32Davieyz3wb: Does this box have X?
08:37.18DavieyHave you tried stopping that, and seeing if you get better performance?
08:37.19drmessanobless you
08:37.46*** join/#asterisk dandre (
08:37.51yangI am experiencing this NAT trouble, I cannot connect a client from outside the network -
08:38.18jbothello, daviey
08:38.36dandreIs there a way to globally set asterisk so that all messages are said in french?
08:38.42Davieydandre: yes
08:38.47drmessanoYang, do you have 5060 and 10000-10500 open, UDP?
08:38.54Daviey(i guess you have french sound files?
08:39.02dandreyes I do
08:39.03z3wbi don't think X is causing the problem
08:39.17yangdrmessano: right, I do
08:39.38Davieyz3wb: well you don't know whats causing the problem, so why not try it?
08:39.47z3wbim trying it right now
08:40.02drmessanoyang: iptables maybe?
08:40.08drmessanoon the box itself
08:40.15*** join/#asterisk Hyphenex (
08:40.22Hyphenexhow do I fix this? [Mar  4 19:29:09] WARNING[3086]: chan_sip.c:3008 sip_call: No audio format found to offer. Cancelling call to 151\
08:40.23drmessanoI dunno... your config looks good
08:40.24*** join/#asterisk defsdoor (
08:40.36yangdrmessano: have you seen my sip.conf i think its set up correct
08:41.00drmessanoThe nat settings and all look good
08:41.02yangdrmessano: yeah must be some firewall issue
08:41.12drmessanoNo typo on the externip?
08:41.17z3wbok x is dead
08:41.21z3wblets try again
08:41.28yangdrmessano: nope
08:41.32atopI'm being told that people trying to call us are getting a busy tone when we do have enough available lines.  This is a PRI with 22 channels, can asterisk 'lock' channels incorrectly sometimes?  Is there a way to debug it?  These call attempts dont show in the CDR so it looks like it's not reaching us at all
08:41.35drmessanoI have nothing else then :)
08:41.47z3wbok still no sound
08:41.48drmessanoGotta be on the other end perhaps
08:41.51z3wbim using chan_alsa
08:41.56yangdrmessano: external ip is while asterisk is on
08:41.58dandreI have put language=fr in all my channel files (iax, sip and zap) so that it is ok but when I use the manager to issue a call the messages are in english Daviey
08:42.00z3wband im doing console dial 1000 to test the sound
08:42.18drmessanoyang: it looks all good to me.. i'd check the remote client
08:43.41yangdrmessano: my client has sip=no in sip context, becouse its nto nat-ed
08:43.52yangin asterisk sip context
08:44.04yangits not nated
08:44.40drmessanoBut its outside?
08:44.54z3wband chan_oss still produces garbled sound
08:45.00z3wbso it's not X doing it
08:45.40Davieydandre: can you pastebin "find /var/lib/asterisk/sounds" ?
08:45.41dandreso my previous question :  Is there a way to globally set asterisk so that all messages are said in french?
08:45.42jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
08:46.14dandrethis is quite huge
08:46.34Davieysure, can you check there is a "fr" folder?
08:47.03z3wbyeah i was talking to a guy who told me about different folders with recordings for different languages
08:47.35yangdrmessano: its across the internet different location
08:47.52dandresorry, my sounds are in  /usr/share/asterisk/sounds/
08:47.59yangdrmessano: do you think a sip debug would show you anything usefull ?
08:48.09dandrels -ld  /usr/share/asterisk/sounds/fr
08:48.09dandredrwxr-xr-x 6 root root 6144 Feb 13 11:21 /usr/share/asterisk/sounds/fr
08:48.20tzafrirIf you set the language, the language directory will first be looked for sound files
08:49.35tzafrirSo funny things happen if you only have half of the sound files in a language, and the original Allison's in the main sound dir
08:49.35dandreyes all is ok when dialed from an extension but not when I issue an originatecall command from the manager interface
08:50.07*** join/#asterisk CaRb0n^ (n=playa@
08:50.12z3wbwhere exactly is the module?
08:50.29CaRb0n^when i type sip show registry on CLI , it returns nothing
08:50.38CaRb0n^it was showing till last month
08:50.47CaRb0n^any idea any one?
08:52.01z3wbno such directory
08:53.28z3wbok i found it
08:53.59HyphenexAhhhhhh, Gay. [Mar  4 19:53:24] WARNING[3113]: chan_sip.c:3008 sip_call: No audio format found to offer. Cancelling call to 121    -- Couldn't call 121@MyNetFone
08:54.06HyphenexI don't get it
08:54.43z3wbthe *.so modules just contain a bunch of garbled encrypted stuff so that doesn't help..
08:54.57tzafrirHyphenex, no matching codec
08:55.11*** part/#asterisk simbol76ss (
08:55.32tzafrirEither that or they don't like your views about homosexuality
08:55.38Hyphenextzafrir: That's what I thought, but I've enabled allow=729 and the web site says they support G729 40ms packet size
08:55.43JTz3wb: binaries, not sure if that's really encrypted
08:55.52*** join/#asterisk simbol76ss (
08:55.59z3wbi can read some stuff in it though
08:56.06Hyphenexahh, so I need the g?  Awesome :)
08:56.25JTmynetfone is poop btw
08:56.34CaRb0n^when i type sip show registry on CLI , it returns nothing
08:56.46HyphenexJT: it is?
08:57.03JTlast i checked, they can only do a single call per sip account
08:57.06JTwhich is pathetic
08:57.07z3wbi prefer using alsa over oss, so i'm going to just concentrate on getting chan_alsa to work
08:57.18z3wbim not sure why i'm not getting any sound
08:57.23HyphenexJT: yep, all I require though
08:57.39z3wbi know it has to be something in asterisk itself, since alsa is working fine otherwise
08:57.48*** join/#asterisk ArashHemmat (n=ArashHem@
08:57.54*** join/#asterisk CrashSys (
08:58.04JTHyphenex: useless for business though
08:58.14CrashSysSox 14.0.1 doesn't have a soxmix app, do I just symlink soxmix to sox and call it a day?
08:58.29HyphenexJT: yeah, I'm happy with it for my house though :)
08:58.37*** join/#asterisk _mwoodj_ (n=MWoodJ@pdpc/sponsor/digium/hyper-eye)
08:58.43Hyphenex... if it'd work, I'm still getting the same message with g729
08:58.48Hyphenexdoes the g need to be a G?
08:58.54JTHyphenex: what phone?
08:59.28HyphenexJT: It's an Avaya 4610SW IP.  (that does not matter if Asterisk supports g729 though, right? :S)
08:59.50JTHyphenex: as long as there is no reason for asterisk to transcode the call
09:00.02JThow hard was the avaya to set up?
09:00.21HyphenexJT: umm, it's annoying, not hard, but it has a lot of limitations
09:00.34J4k3you'll probably need a g729 license, unless the call is cut straight through
09:00.39JTi picked up an Avaya 4621SW IP for pretty cheap
09:00.44JTand have never used it
09:00.48J4k3and I'm not sure if asterisk 1.2 supports unusual timeslot lengths on g729
09:00.55J4k3g729 is normally 20ms
09:01.17Hyphenexoahh crap, I need licences... I thought this was going to be easy to set up :S
09:01.55JTHyphenex: you don't if the itsp and phone speak identical G.729 packet sizes
09:01.58JTand dont record calls
09:02.07JTand dont ever put calls through to IVRs, tones, MoH
09:02.26HyphenexJT: but if they are not the same packet sizes then?  I'm in trouble?
09:02.42JTprobably, if the itsp doesn't support it
09:02.43JTtry 20ms
09:04.40HyphenexJT: I've tried allow=g729 and that does not work
09:06.02*** join/#asterisk ice_croft (n=nolan@
09:06.48z3wbwhat format are the recordings used by asterisk?
09:07.15CrashSyswhatever format you specify in the record command
09:07.33z3wbok they all end in gsm
09:07.44z3wbso my guess is that alsa doesn't know how to play gsm
09:08.12CrashSystry aplay file.gsm
09:08.15CrashSyssee what happens
09:08.41*** join/#asterisk joelsolanki (i=joelsola@
09:08.44joelsolankiHi room
09:08.53joelsolankii can passthru caller id in asterisk
09:09.31joelsolankibut CNAME means caller name is not passing thru my voip provider.
09:09.31joelsolankiis there anything needed to be done in sip.conf ?
09:11.31*** join/#asterisk agx (
09:12.31z3wbaplay demo-congrats.gsm, or any gsm for that matter, produces pure white noise
09:12.34z3wbi may be on to something here
09:12.46z3wbalso my ears may be bleeding
09:13.00nixguyif i want statistics for calls etc, what good app can i use to collect and show this data?
09:13.08nixguysome nifty webapp people can recomend?
09:14.00z3wbso obviously, alsa can't play gsm properly
09:14.02*** join/#asterisk MmixX (n=mmixx@
09:14.13z3wbbut i didn't get any static noise in asterisk when it tried to play demo-congrats
09:14.26z3wbi didn't get any sound whatsoever
09:14.32*** join/#asterisk ddunavant (
09:21.24dandreDaviey, tzafrir, back with my language problem: if I put Set(CHANNEL(language)=fr) before the background(...), it works fine. How should I default to language=fr for all originated calls?
09:26.11JTz3wb: use sox
09:26.30JTz3wb: and if you want to actually use .wavs, download the .wav asterisk sounds package
09:26.33tzafriryou can set channel variables in the Originate command
09:26.49Hyphenexhmm, does this mean g729 did not work?
09:28.23dandreI have tried language=fr in the originate commande whith no success
09:29.27tzafrirHyphenex, you have no g729 codec.
09:29.37tzafrirYou may use g729 only for pass-through
09:30.09tzafrirdanalien, LANGUAGE=fr
09:30.17Hyphenextzafrir: I don't get it :S
09:30.36tzafrirhow exactly did you set it? What line in the originate command?
09:31.17tzafrirHyphenex, if you happen to have a SIP phone that supports g729 that phone can call a g729 provider through you
09:31.32tzafriryou can send that call, but can't do anything with the content
09:31.40Hyphenextzafrir: Sorry, don't have
09:31.45tzafrire.g: can't even send it to voicemail
09:32.05tzafrirSo you can't use g729 right now.
09:32.14tzafrirUse gsm , speex, or whatever
09:33.53CaRb0n^any one why sip registry not showing any results ?
09:34.13Hyphenextzafrir: It does not support g729, I'm going to need to re-encode it (and pay for a right to do so I think)
09:34.56Hyphenexit says it supports G.729AB (whatever that is)
09:35.05*** join/#asterisk fordfrog (n=fordfrog@gentoo/developer/fordfrog)
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09:41.33lnxhi all
09:41.51HyphenexI am soooo lost it's not funny :(
09:43.27joobieguys what's the average u/l d/l i need for a sip call?
09:43.33joobiewith compression and without
09:44.21tzafririt's not "average". voip codecs provide a steady rate
09:44.43joobiewhat is that rate?
09:44.53*** join/#asterisk zeeesh (n=zeeesh@
09:45.35tzafrirSearch I used: asterisk bandwidth calculator
09:46.26jbotsomebody said g729 was an ITU-standard voice codec which operates at 8kbps and offers quality very similar to GSM. G.729 is patent-encumbered; those wishing to use it with Asterisk must buy a license from Digium.
09:46.44tzafrirHyphenex, have you asked jbot?
09:47.11z3wbi installed sox
09:47.20tzafrirz3wb, what distro do you use?
09:47.21zeeeshi hv registered two sip peers like 100 and 200 ... both can call each other ... when they just logged in ... but after 30 minutes or later ... i can c both r logged in .. but unable to receive calls ... ?
09:47.34tzafrirapt-get install sox, I hope
09:47.40z3wbyeah i did that
09:47.42z3wbsox is working fine
09:47.55z3wbbut asterisk is still not playing sounds with chan_alsa
09:48.05z3wband with chan_oss i get garbled sound
09:48.32z3wbnow, im using the via82xx driver
09:48.49tzafririf asterisk is using the sound card with chan_oss, that device is busy, and can't be used with chan_alsa at that time
09:48.55tzafrirand vice-versa
09:48.55z3wband i had to disable dxs support in /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base because it made the sound all scratchy
09:49.27tzafrirWhich is why it is sane to set both to 'noload' and manually load the one you want for testing
09:50.11z3wbhow do i manually load it?
09:50.12tzafrirI think that there's support for pulseaudio in 1.6, but I'm not sure
09:50.24dandrefinally it's ok I had to put CHANNEL(language)=fr in the originate commande
09:50.25z3wbwell i'm using 1.4.10
09:50.26tzafrirmodule load
09:51.18tzafrirdandre,  hmmm.... I don't think you can set a function. You can set a variable,
09:52.00tzafrirVariable: Channel variable to set, multiple Variable: headers are allowed
09:52.21tzafrir(from 'manager show command Originate')
09:52.34z3wbnow asterisk won't even run
09:52.52tzafrirVariable: LANGUAGE=fr
09:52.54*** join/#asterisk giggham (n=giggham@
09:53.07zeeeshWARNING[31132]: pbx.c:2525 __ast_pbx_run: Timeout, but no rule 't' in context 'incoming'
09:53.42z3wbi have to load one of them, otherwise asterisk won't even start
09:54.03z3wbim just going to concentrate on getting chan_alsa to work
09:54.28HyphenexDamn, now I'm getting a segmentation fault trying to run asterisk
09:54.45HyphenexI get this before hand though [Mar  4 20:54:32] WARNING[5341]: loader.c:620 inspect_module: Module '' was not compiled against a recent version of Asterisk and may cause instability.
09:55.47dandretzafrir yes I have seen this help but I can say that LANGUAGE=fr doesn't work but CHANNEL(language)=fr works.
09:55.53dandreI am using 1.4.17
09:56.08z3wbCLI> show version
09:56.36z3wboh nvm i thought you said "am i using 1.4.17"
10:00.07Hyphenexhow do I load a .so file manually?
10:00.15z3wbwhat the hell
10:00.20z3wbnow console dial doesn't work
10:00.54z3wbconsole dial command not found
10:02.12*** join/#asterisk jarod14 (
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10:04.58atopasterisk crashed and core dumped yesterday at 09:30 and did the same today, at exactly the same time.  I've checked for cronjobs and there's nothing at that time.  Any suggestions on where to look, although as the time was exactly the same, it's likely to not be an asterisk issue :/
10:06.16*** part/#asterisk ice_croft (n=nolan@
10:10.54tzafrirz3wb, so you have nither chan_alsa nor chan_oss loaded, right?
10:11.03tzafrirthe dial command comes from them
10:13.10*** join/#asterisk cowmix (
10:13.33cowmixI can't get outbound to work to save my life..
10:14.16z3wbasterisk won't start without at least one of them loaded
10:17.31JTcowmix: make sure the ip network between the sip destination and your asterisk system is functioning
10:19.23cowmixJT: inbound works fine
10:19.31cowmixI have a SPA3102 (three of them)
10:19.43cowmixthe network is local
10:20.11JTcowmix: clearly something is not fine though
10:20.18cowmixJT: yup
10:21.17*** part/#asterisk BeeBuu (n=beebuu@
10:21.35cowmixoutput of log:
10:21.46cowmixJT: the end has the error
10:23.10JT[Mar  4 03:18:36] WARNING[4357] chan_sip.c: No such host: spa3
10:23.15JTseems pretty obvious what the issue is
10:23.38cowmixJT: drum roll plz
10:23.57JTcowmix: i already told you
10:24.04JTbtw, this is the wrong channel for freepbx
10:24.28cowmix10-4.. sorry about that.
10:25.30JTspa3 does not resolve
10:28.04*** join/#asterisk steliosk (
10:28.50cowmixi added entries into /etc/host
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10:28.59cowmixJT: and.. they resolve
10:29.18cowmixbut now I get this:   [Mar  4 03:27:45] VERBOSE[4402] logger.c:     -- SIP/spa3-08a49fa0 is circuit-busy
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10:46.49HyphenexJT: you still around?
10:46.52*** join/#asterisk cpm (n=Chip@pdpc/supporter/active/cpm)
10:46.58agxanyones knows how to call a number@ipaddress using a Lynksis adapter?
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10:52.13HyphenexI'm trying to dial out through MyNetFone, I was just wondering what's wrong with this line: exten => _9x.,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:1}@MyNetFone)
11:09.15tzafrirare there any known issues with a number that includes 00?
11:09.31tzafrirA number that begins with 0?
11:09.37tzafririn chan_zap (analog)
11:10.08tzafrirI get funny dtmf detection problems with it
11:10.25tzafrirhmm... not exactly dtmf detection
11:12.42*** join/#asterisk KermitTheFragger (
11:19.13lnxomg perl still can't get variable with get_variable. But exten => s,n,NoOp(exten_Dialstatus ${DIALSTATUS})  shows it in the log
11:19.28*** join/#asterisk hi365 (n=hi365@
11:20.00lnxthere is no $AGI->verbose before $AGI->get_variable
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11:21.01lnxit is weird
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11:24.32lnxi call AGI script after exten => s,n,NoOp(exten_Dialstatus ${DIALSTATUS})
11:24.42lnxvia local channel
11:24.54*** join/#asterisk quigon (n=matias@
11:25.12lnxhell it is
11:30.17z3wbcan someone give me some alternatives to fwd that allow you to call 800 numbers for free?
11:30.25z3wbim stuck behind NAT
11:30.39z3wbi tried voxalot, but the sound quality is horrible
11:31.41*** join/#asterisk mattman99 (
11:32.08z3wbare there any other providers besides freeworlddialup that let you call toll free numbers?
11:34.38mattman99you can call some with sipphone
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11:42.10z3wbim trying to call goog411 with svsip on my ds
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11:42.39z3wbwhen i use ideasip, goog411 can hear me perfectly but i can't hear it
11:42.49z3wbfwd doesn't work at all because im behind a nat
11:43.04mattman99port forwarding?
11:43.05z3wbsipphone and voxalot work, but the sound quality is terrible
11:43.21*** join/#asterisk BipBip (n=BipBip@
11:43.36z3wbso im just looking for any voip provider that lets you call 800 numbers
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11:47.26mattman99but you are asking that because you have an ausio problem so why not fix the audio problem?
11:48.26mattman99then you can use the provider of your choice
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12:12.25z3wbthe audio problem is on their side; i tested it out and even though i couldn't hear them when i was on ideasip, they could hear me perfectly
12:13.12z3wbbut when i used voxalot or sipphone we could both hear each other, but it was all distorted
12:16.24mattman99you cant hear them because your firewall is stopping the packet is my guess
12:18.46*** join/#asterisk FlatFoot (n=bigflatf@
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12:28.04FlatFootafternoon all
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13:15.36FlatFootseems very quiet today is everyone asleep
13:16.09Mavvie"stop snow" is not a valid asterisk CLI command.
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13:19.32FlatFootwhere is the snow ?
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13:35.02ifnotwhynotis there any way of answering the channel on first ring because i have two ring delay before i can see the call in cli> using wctdm24xxp fxo? any help welcome, can't seem to google this one right??
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13:38.33ccvphello fellow internet addicts - are we all looking forward to another long & glorious day of irc/internet addiction? :)
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13:42.21lesouvageifnotwhynot: use a answer() line. afaik that is the fastest way.
13:42.50*** join/#asterisk beek (n=klinebl@
13:46.18beasty_is it hard to setup a voicemail system ?
13:46.28sbrobouhi fellows. Im getting these errors from asterisk:  "chan_zap.c: !! Unable to handle message of type 0xd"      and     " chan_zap.c: Received error from mtp3 layer: -1".   Im using a digium card with 4E1. Asterisk is receiving this error from E1. Anybody know what does it mean?
13:46.51[TK]D-Fenderbeasty_: "core show application voicemail" , "core show application voicemailmain"
13:47.36*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
13:48.46ccvphello fender
13:48.51ccvpare you ready for another long & glorious day of irc? :)
13:48.56ccvpTha Killaz :) heh
13:49.52[TK]D-Fenderccvp: and it was not "Tha Killaz"
13:52.17*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
13:54.50ccvpjeeez, in #Politics is going in sane now
13:54.52ccvpsaying that all people who support atheism support child abuse, and child molestation, because the evils are equal in nature
13:55.16ccvpwonder how long that channel has been on freenode
13:57.25*** join/#asterisk kclaussen (n=kclausse@
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13:58.01coppiceoh. bummer
13:58.26*** join/#asterisk ddunavant (
14:00.22*** join/#asterisk Cyorxamp (n=Cyorxamp@
14:00.39WashyHi i'm looking for recs for SIP PSTN service providers
14:01.13*** join/#asterisk Koshatul (
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14:04.40*** join/#asterisk jeanmi_i_ (
14:06.20lnx[TK]D-Fender: i have made a call via local channel, but perl AGI still can't get value of ${DIALSTATUS} . Can you check  please :)
14:06.33*** join/#asterisk JayTee52 (
14:06.35ifnotwhynot[TK] help pleasis there any way of answering the channel on first ring because i have two ring delay before i can see the call in cli> using wctdm24xxp fxo? any help welcome, can't seem to google this one right??
14:07.32[TK]D-Fenderlnx: - Executing NoOp("Local/10@call-file-test-f802,2", "exten_Dialstatus BUSY") in new stack
14:07.42[TK]D-Fenderlnx: looks like its reporting a status to me...
14:07.54[TK]D-Fenderlnx: and you are showing only useless tiny tidbits.
14:08.08*** join/#asterisk stansmith (
14:08.08[TK]D-Fenderlnx: show me the WHOLE picture
14:08.09jeanmi_i_has asterisk 1.6 support for SIP over TLS ?
14:08.23stansmithwow there were a lot of hilary and obama supporters out today
14:08.35[TK]D-Fenderifnotwhynot: And you have no idea why its waiting for 2 rings?
14:08.54lnx[TK]D-Fender: why get_variable DIALSTATUS =  ?
14:09.28lnx[TK]D-Fender: perl does not get the value of ${DIALSTATUS :(}
14:09.29JayTee52jeanmi_i_, from what I was reading of the features in the SVN trunk notes for 1.6 it will have support for SIP over TCP and TLS
14:10.29[TK]D-Fenderlnx: How would I know, you are hiding all the important parts and I can't see WHAT is calling any of that.  You somehow felt you only had to show me 1 line of dialplan for which I don't even get a priority number.
14:10.50ifnotwhynotno using s,1,Answer()
14:10.54jeanmi_i_JayTee52 thanks a lot
14:11.02lnx[TK]D-Fender: okay i'll paste all :)
14:11.10tzafririfnotwhynot, disable callerid detection?
14:11.27[TK]D-Fenderifnotwhynot: Why do you THINK * would not answer the call immediately?  Come on... this is an easy one... what reason could * have to WAIT for the 2nd ring?
14:11.54*** join/#asterisk agx (n=AGX@
14:14.52ifnotwhynotits waiting for callerid i think but i have tis disabled TK?
14:15.01*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
14:16.08ifnotwhynotis it because * is answering the call first then does the routing?
14:16.22beasty_anyone ever saw this ?
14:16.26ifnotwhynotAre you saying remove the Answer? TK
14:17.19ManxPowerNever Answer when you don't have to
14:17.43ifnotwhynotlooks like you dont have extension added in your voicemail.conf for a specific user beasty
14:17.53ifnotwhynotthx let me try
14:20.10[TK]D-Fenderifnotwhynot: No, its waiting for callerid
14:22.37*** join/#asterisk shinao1 (
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14:24.42*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
14:24.45dandrecan I have more than one [globals] section in extensions.conf?
14:25.15*** join/#asterisk af_ (
14:25.20sbrobouglobal is global
14:25.28sbrobou1 is enough
14:26.33dandreI intend to have 2 included files in my extensions.conf with one globals section in each. This doesn't seem to work
14:27.40sbrobouthe word says: 'global'. Is not possible to add 2 sections of global 'cause global is global.
14:27.55sbrobouhow asterisk will find what 'global' it needs to use?
14:29.20stansmith~hi all
14:29.22jbotMany greetings, all, most strange traveller, to this IRCdom of plenty.
14:30.05sbroboudandre: it is not possible. You will need to find another way to follow
14:31.10dandreI was thinking of some concatenation mecanism
14:31.24dandreok I try another way
14:32.35[TK]D-Fenderdandre: No.  Don't include 2 files with the same context heading in it.  just include both files UNDER the heading appearing under extensions.conf itself.
14:32.41cmantitocan't you use like +[context] ?
14:32.47lnx[TK]D-Fender: i almost finish asterisk book :))
14:33.40tzafrircmantito, [context](+)
14:33.50cmantitowould that work for his globals problem?
14:33.52tzafrirdandre, ==^
14:34.09cmantitoI've never used it, just remember reading bout it
14:34.24tzafrirthe same syntax. You can continue any asterisk configuration section with the [section](+) syntax
14:34.33*** join/#asterisk anthm (
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14:35.04[TK]D-Fenderlnx: Your Originate is RECURSIVE  Go look at what you're asking it to do.
14:35.59ManxPowertzafrir: Yes.
14:36.41*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
14:38.32beasty_[TK]D-Fender: can you tell me the default asterisk language ?
14:38.50jeanmi_i_I am looking for a sip phone (softphone) that would support TLS (either for linux or windows)
14:39.04tzafrirrussellb, explicitly "en", or empty?
14:39.18russellbwell, probably empty, and empty is treated as "en"
14:39.19lnx[TK]D-Fender: umh where :/
14:39.36beasty_russellb: can you tell me why my asterisk takes 'nl' as default language ?
14:39.52*** join/#asterisk ddunavant (
14:40.04russellbbeasty_: there are a lot of places where langues are set, so i don't know
14:40.57beasty_not in /etc/asterisk/*.conf
14:40.59[TK]D-Fenderlnx: You are originating as "Local/10@call-file-test" and look where you DUMP THEM after they answer
14:41.31*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki (
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14:46.09*** join/#asterisk RoyK_ (
14:47.56stansmithbeasty_: /etc/zaptel.conf ?
14:49.10WashyHi i'm looking for recs for SIP PSTN service providers
14:49.26*** join/#asterisk Schreiber1337 (
14:51.12jbot[~itsplist-us] Here are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones : , , ,, or, or, or
14:51.17*** join/#asterisk ruied (n=ruied@
14:51.23stansmithbest comment ever ? ^^
14:51.24*** join/#asterisk tobias (
14:51.34[TK]D-Fenderlnx: And while you're at it, enable agi debug when you do test calls
14:51.37stansmithoops sorry
14:53.09Schreiber1337Has anyone had problems where doesn't exist after installing asterisk-addons-1.4.6
14:53.29stansmithload module
14:53.43*** join/#asterisk jameswf-home (
14:54.19lnx[TK]D-Fender: the peroblem is in extensoins.conf?
14:54.22beasty_stansmith: don't have a zaptel.conf
14:54.52[TK]D-Fenderlnx: 1 problem is your originate (conceptual design flaw), 2nd I told you to enable agi debug so you can actually see whats going on.
14:54.55WashyDoes anyone like FWD, InPhoneX, or SIPPhone?
14:55.38Schreiber1337atansmith: WARNING[15727]: loader.c:363 load_dynamic_module: Error loading module '': /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
14:56.02sbroboudid you copy the file to this directory?
14:56.11stansmithSchreiber1337: recompile that module or make sure its in that directory
14:56.35stansmithSchreiber1337: `find / | grep`
14:56.45stansmithas root
14:58.25*** join/#asterisk el_4_jinete (
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14:58.25el_4_jineteHi all
14:58.25stansmith~hi el_4_jinete
14:58.26jbotMany greetings, el_4_jinete, most strange traveller, to this IRCdom of plenty.
14:58.41*** join/#asterisk eharris (
14:59.01agxDoes Asterisk 1.6 still has the problem to freeze all the SIP phones due to a blocking DNS request (xDSL down, etc.) ?
14:59.09el_4_jineteMaybe someone could help me ...
14:59.20stansmithel_4_jinete: maybe you could ask a question ...
14:59.34*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (n=dwayne@
14:59.34*** mode/#asterisk [+o Deeewayne] by ChanServ
14:59.59el_4_jineteI've some errors related with zapata, but I dont know that means
15:00.19stansmith~pb | el_4_jinete
15:00.28jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
15:00.42el_4_jinetecallerid.c: fsk_serie made mylen < 0 (-1)
15:00.46jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
15:01.37el_4_jineteand this other
15:01.58el_4_jinetezaptel Disabled echo canceller because of tone (rx) on channel 7
15:02.02stansmithhi el_4_jinete
15:02.04jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
15:02.41el_4_jineteand following the call hungs up
15:02.41stansmith(try pb-ing your zapata.conf)
15:02.41el_4_jinetehi stansmith
15:03.02el_4_jinetesorry I don't know the meaning of pb-ing
15:03.07jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
15:03.25el_4_jinetehaa ok, paste bin
15:03.38WashyDoes anyone like FWD, InPhoneX, or SIPPhone?
15:03.41zeeeshwithout using smtp how can asterisk send emails?
15:03.48el_4_jinetelet me do that
15:03.57tzangerzeeesh: telnet?
15:03.57Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
15:04.36[TK]D-Fenderstansmith: You're just as bad for spamming the PB notice
15:04.52*** join/#asterisk ddunavant (
15:05.28stansmith[TK]D-Fender: i know... :-(
15:05.55[TK]D-Fenderel_4_jinete: The "Disabled echo canceller because of tone (rx) on channel 7" warning is because zaptel detected a fax or modem tone on the line and disabled the EC so as not to disrupt it.
15:07.04[TK]D-Fenderel_4_jinete: first looks like an incomplete CID
15:07.07ifnotwhynotis there anyway to play the whole Background(welcome-all) before accepting digits to route calls
15:07.25[TK]D-Fenderifnotwhynot: Yeah, use playback and not background.
15:07.37[TK]D-Fenderifnotwhynot: You seem to be missing the point of these applications.
15:07.42stansmithi knew that one
15:07.47[TK]D-Fenderifnotwhynot: "core show applications"
15:07.50el_4_jineteThanks [TK]D-Fender
15:08.03*** join/#asterisk joshaidan (
15:08.03el_4_jineteMy zapata.conf is in pb now
15:08.06[TK]D-Fenderifnotwhynot: You should stop and actually read the instructiosn for all of *'s applications...
15:08.27stansmithvery useful ^
15:08.28[TK]D-Fenderel_4_jinete: Feel like sharing the LINK to your paste please?  We aren't psychic you know...
15:08.53[TK]D-Fenderstansmith: dated... better to view from CLI first and refer to the WIKI only when it isn't answered in CLI or the BOOK.
15:11.30SteveTotarothe wiki is still very helpful
15:11.43stansmithits a nice start to say the least
15:12.15SteveTotaroand if something is "dated" then the very nature of a wiki allows it to be 'updated"
15:12.52WashyDoes anyone like FWD, InPhoneX, or SIPPhone?
15:13.05stansmithWashy: no
15:13.07SteveTotaroi am sure someone does
15:13.14stansmithwe all hate it!
15:13.18[TK]D-Fenderel_4_jinete: ">callerid.c: fsk_serie made mylen < 0 (-1)" You seem to be receiving an FSK and have disabled CID in zapata.  Perhaps you should enable it and set it for your country's standard.
15:13.21jbotOh, you hate your job? Why didn't you say so? There's a support group for that. It's called EVERYBODY, and they meet at the bar. --Drew Carey
15:13.44[TK]D-FenderSteveTotaro: as in "Yes Steve you can go right ahead and fix it for us!" :)
15:13.56SteveTotarono, i don
15:13.58ifnotwhynot[TK] just looking at my options the problem i am having is that i my pbx is sending me dtmf digits on channel answer i need these digits to route the call seeing * is waiting for these digits there is a 3 second pause, i relise now that is is not * delaying the dtmf digits sometimes i can get up to 20 digits, the problem i have is the customer is waiting(hearining nothing for 4 seconds and then hangs up the call, i need to eliminate that 4 second
15:14.02SteveTotaro't RTMF
15:14.08SteveTotaroi figure it out on my own
15:14.39Washyyou know what I mean
15:14.45ifnotwhynotgood job SteveTotaro
15:15.00[TK]D-Fenderifnotwhynot: that is a nasty run-on-sentence and I can't follw you.  Try again...
15:15.01SteveTotaroi try
15:15.14ifnotwhynotnooooooooooooo here goes
15:15.29ifnotwhynotwhat is that link to pastbin again please
15:15.49jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
15:16.06drmessanoWashy: Was is it you're looking for?
15:16.09stansmithi would like some senior advice - is it worth it to echo XML code in php or should i use SimpleXML ?  (my php echos XML for use in asterisk)
15:16.12el_4_jinete[TK]D-Fender> is the country standard  in zaptel.conf or in zapata.conf?
15:16.30SteveTotaroXML is teh suck
15:16.44SteveTotarothe one in /etc
15:16.56[TK]D-Fenderel_4_jinete: both.  This is worth looking up on the WIKI because of internationalization information
15:17.13SteveTotaroNOT the WIKI!!! for God's sake!!!
15:17.23Washydrmessano: Dirt cheap phone service
15:17.26*** join/#asterisk defsdoor (
15:17.26DavieySteveTotaro: /me cuddles xml
15:17.29el_4_jineteI have that in zaptel.conf loadzone = fr
15:17.48SteveTotarofrog, huh?
15:18.10WashyI'd also like voicemail if possible
15:18.13SteveTotarofor sale, used gun, never fired, dropped twice
15:19.00SteveTotarowashy, grandcentral is part of your puzzle
15:19.37drmessanoWashy: Services like FWD and Sipphone work for FREE user <> user calling, but you can find a real ITSP with lower rates.. You're not gonna find "DIRT CHEAP" however..
15:19.39jbot[~itsplist-us] Here are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones : , , ,, or, or, or
15:20.00*** join/#asterisk quigon (n=matias@
15:20.06WashyIsn't SIP 2 SIP calling always free?
15:20.06SteveTotarodepends on definition of dirt cheap
15:20.13drmessanoVoIP isn't about "ZOMG 1000 minutes for 3 cents"
15:20.29jbotmethinks vonage is a bunch of monkeys
15:20.33WashyIt is to me
15:20.38drmessanoSteveTotaro: Classic case of "1 billion minutes for 8 cents, pls"
15:20.50SteveTotaroi think they are relatively dirt cheap (vonage)
15:20.57jameswf-homeI use PIOV its a little backwards but nat traversial kicks arse
15:20.58WashyI want a miniscule monthly rate
15:21.06WashyI don't talk much
15:21.21drmessanoWashy: and I want a woman that does all the things the other ones didn't do.. Life is hard
15:21.40drmessanoIf you don't take much, pay per minute and don't worry about it
15:21.45SteveTotarowas trying to come up with a good one
15:22.11el_4_jineteThank you very much!!  ;)
15:22.15SteveTotarobut openly hits on the women folks in irc....
15:22.28WashyTake teliax's pay as you go
15:22.38Washyis that $10/month
15:22.46SteveTotaroi like vitelity
15:23.10Washyor 10 just for minutes
15:23.13jameswfI have spent about 10 years in telephony and have never met a female tech I would hit on....
15:23.15SteveTotaropre pay don't use, only monthly charge is for DIDs
15:23.34SteveTotaroi think i pay $.50/mo per toll free with vitelity
15:23.39jameswfalot of em are like carnies with manhands
15:23.48stansmithjameswf: my future jsut became very bleek. thanks guy
15:23.52SteveTotaroit's the sales reps
15:23.53*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
15:24.01Washywhat is Billed 60/6
15:24.13SteveTotaro3com has a very attractive one for the DC metro area
15:24.27drmessanostansmith: "Hot" "Telephony" "Chicks"  <--- Pick 2
15:24.32jameswf1 out of how many lol]
15:24.40JenniferAkemiyou guys are harsh
15:24.53drmessanoExcept for you JenniferAkemi, but you're too married
15:25.04jameswfdrmessano: kiss ass
15:25.10SteveTotaroas opposed to not too married
15:25.12JenniferAkemijust in case right? ;)
15:25.19JenniferAkemiwho knows. maybe i'm super hot
15:25.22drmessanoI must be getting too mature.. I NEVER thought I would tell someone they're "too married"
15:25.27drmessanoBlah, losing my touch
15:25.35stansmithdrmessano: lol true
15:25.38SteveTotarofor asian women there is no middle ground
15:25.39jameswfI am a bit of a pessimest so I doubt it :)
15:25.51JenniferAkemii'm only half asian
15:25.56SteveTotarothey are either very attractive or NOT
15:25.57stansmithhence the name
15:26.00jameswfI am married only one woman is hot caus thats what I am told
15:26.03ccesariohello, I make the follwoing agi script... .... its work,, but if execute verbose command before GET VARIABLE, its dont work...
15:26.45ifnotwhynot hope this make sence TK thanks for looking
15:27.31*** join/#asterisk axisys (n=axisys@
15:27.43stansmithccesario: i read something about that once, im finding a link 1 sec
15:27.46jeanmi_i_I have compiled asterisk 1.6 and configured it so that it will use TLS
15:27.50drmessanoWe had this woman who service our PBX a few years back that was so-so (A clear 5.5 on hotornot), and then I met her life partner
15:27.57drmessanoI knew then.. Wrong occupation
15:28.05*** join/#asterisk ruied (n=ruied@
15:28.06[TK]D-Fenderifnotwhynot: You should be listening for DTMF immediately so background is the way to go.
15:28.07ccesariostansmith, nice!
15:28.10jbotwell, wife is the Wide Interface File Engine
15:28.20stansmithread the comments at the bottom
15:28.21jeanmi_i_I was expecting to have asterisk listening on tcp port 5061, which it is not. when I start asterisk everything looks fine though
15:28.25ccesariosee the results with and without verbose
15:28.54drmessanojeanmi_i_: What version of Asterisk?
15:28.55SteveTotarochange bindport to 5061 in sip.conf
15:28.55sbroboui'm looking for Matthew Friedrik. Are you here, man?
15:29.00ccesariostansmith, going...
15:29.16drmessanoSteveTotaro: tcp?
15:29.19jeanmi_i_drmessano 1.6
15:29.29drmessanoI will STFU now
15:29.29ifnotwhynotTK do you know of something else i can try?
15:29.47drmessanoYou know thats a BETA, right?
15:29.53drmessanoLike... the fish
15:30.06jeanmi_i_drmessano I know
15:30.17SteveTotarothey hide the fact it is beta by just using the letter b
15:30.38SteveTotaroi have
15:30.42drmessanob doesn't mean bacon?
15:30.46ifnotwhynotb stands for beta
15:30.52stansmithwtf is beta
15:30.53ifnotwhynotor bear
15:31.01ifnotwhynotor beer
15:31.01SteveTotaroi am the alpha
15:31.24drmessanoI am the alpha, I am the beta, coo coo cachoo??
15:31.30SteveTotarobeta beat out vhs
15:31.43SteveTotaroalthough it was a better technology
15:31.55drmessanoNow I have a Weird Al version of "I am the Walrus" stuck in my head
15:31.58ifnotwhynotyou beta focus on asterisk
15:32.01[TK]D-Fenderifnotwhynot: Use background and make it a normal IVR.  You need to start collecting digits the moment the start sending them.
15:32.01SteveTotaroi am the alpha and the omega
15:32.19drmessanoYou Beta, you beta, you bet
15:32.30jeanmi_i_SteveTotaro I have set tlsbindaddr to myIP:5061 (event though :5061 is default) and there is still nothing listening on port 5061
15:33.00SteveTotaroi have not even thought about touching 1.6 yet
15:33.26stansmithis 1.4 out?
15:33.37jeanmi_i_SteveTotaro ok I found an error regarding my cert in the logs so this is why ....
15:33.39SteveTotaroi did my first 1.4 install last week
15:33.48SteveTotaroyeah check your logs
15:33.50[TK]D-Fenderstansmith: been out for over a year....
15:33.51*** join/#asterisk simbol76ss (
15:34.14ccesariostansmith, the "\n" appear the problem.......
15:34.15jameswf1.4 with the exception of a hand full or subversions has been pretty good
15:34.24tzangerinteresting, I just got my first hands-on with a macbook air
15:34.26tzangerok, it's thin
15:34.30tzangervery thin
15:34.30SteveTotaroi was forced to do 1.4 because then new sangoma drivers don't have to mess with the 1.4 zaptel drivers
15:34.32tzangerI'd go as far as to say too thin, I'm afraid of bending/breaking it
15:34.35tzangerkeyboard isn't bad for typing though
15:34.36ccesariostansmith, I'll try test ...
15:34.40drmessanomacbook air: It fits in an envelope
15:34.46tzangerdrmessano: yeah it definitely does
15:34.57drmessanoAnyone see the comparison of the Commodore 64 and Macbook air?
15:35.15Davieyin 18months, some people will be using 1.6
15:35.21SteveTotaromore like the timex sinclair
15:35.25stansmithguys, i was jk about 1.4
15:35.28tzangerI don't really see the need for *that* thin though... make it a little bit (not much) thicker for more battery and a regular hdd...
15:35.31tzangerthe thin screen is nice
15:35.32drmessanoThere you go
15:35.34drmessanoGo look
15:35.35tzangerthe big big touchpad is nice
15:35.36jameswfas long as your not a bleading edge monkey who jumps on a release 2 seconds after its out you usualy know in a week what a version will look like
15:35.46stansmithwoz was bashing the macbook air
15:35.50stansmithlink on slashdot yesterday
15:36.06tzangerI actually had an sx64
15:36.11stansmithsee i call him woz cuz i know him like that
15:36.13*** join/#asterisk hi365 (n=hi365@
15:36.16jameswfI want a macbook air but I wont pay for 1... too short of a life span
15:36.22drmessanoI wanted an SX-64.. But my parents were cheap
15:36.33hi365how can iset the gender for Sayunixtime?
15:36.52jameswfI am all ghetto cool I like to get 2-3 years from my laptops
15:36.55tzangerdrmessano: oh I had a standard c64 growing up
15:36.57tzangerand tape drive
15:37.02tzangerdidn't get a disk drive for many years
15:37.02Davieyan eee and lenovo tablet do me fine
15:37.05drmessanoI still have my C64
15:37.05hi365lol, not what i meant though
15:37.07tzangergot hte sx64 at a surplus store
15:37.10tzangerlike 10 years ago
15:37.17tzangerdrmessano: I have one too (not my original)
15:37.20jameswflenovo bah
15:37.21tzangerI had about 6 of them at one point
15:37.35drmessanoI kept burning out power supplies
15:37.37tzangerjameswf: no bah... thinkpads are the best.  the "low end" lenovo stuff I hate though
15:37.40Davieyjameswf: sturdiest laptop i've ever owned
15:37.41SteveTotaroi have two C=64s a floppy drive, tape drive, and abox of discs
15:37.44tzangerdrmessano: I built my own :-)
15:38.05SteveTotaroi have the last ibm thinkpad before it went lenovo
15:38.14SteveTotaro1.7ghz centrino
15:38.17Daviey"built" <-- bet no soldering iron came out
15:38.21drmessanoThe bricks that came with the C64s were actually built to handle less current than the C-64 needed.. by almost 1/2 amp
15:38.29jameswfI owned a few IBM made think pads and had mixed feelings... not sure I want to take the for lack of a better term thinkpad afterbirth
15:38.57*** join/#asterisk RoyK_ (
15:38.58SteveTotaroi have a first get pentium thinkpad
15:39.03Davieygetting used to a nipple again was fun :)
15:39.06tzangerI have never had any issue with my thinkpads
15:39.11tzangerI swear by 'em
15:39.14SteveTotarothe black coating has come off and it is shiny metal underneath
15:39.17drmessanoI got a nice aftermarket one that just needs the caps shotgunned in it every 15 years
15:39.19jameswfalways wanted to try out the thinkpad airbags...
15:39.26Davieylenovo run linux dandy
15:39.40ifnotwhynotsame delay TK think i need to used normal ivr and get them to log onto cust database
15:39.50jameswfbeen looking at eepc those look popular for low power
15:39.57SteveTotaroi played with the nipple too much, it fell off
15:40.08Davieyjameswf: i lie my eee
15:40.34jameswfmy shnell computer only did 2 hours on my 3 hour flight
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15:41.18stansmithhi, im new to the coffee drinking game, how many cups is too much for one morning?
15:41.20Davieyjameswf: and i bet there we no unsecured wifi's nearby either :/
15:41.28jameswfshows how well apm has improved in linux though... think a year ago it would have been closer to an hour or 45 mon
15:41.29*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
15:41.34[TK]D-Fenderifnotwhynot: I just told you to do a normal IVR for this.
15:41.55SteveTotaroGod has spoken
15:42.10jameswfwe have a 1 pot per employee limit
15:42.28SteveTotaroi work in a drug free environment
15:42.40stansmithcaffiene = worst drug
15:42.41Davieybut when you get home...
15:42.45stansmithkaffiene = worst media player
15:43.01Davieykde = :(
15:43.10SteveTotaroi am so hooked on caffiene
15:43.37SteveTotarohas no effect unless i don't have any, then the worst throbbing headache you can imagine
15:44.00stansmithim trying not to get used to it
15:44.02SteveTotaroi can drink a as much as i want and go right to sleep
15:44.09stansmithis that healthy?
15:44.16SteveTotarowhat is?
15:44.28stansmithdrinking mad coffee then passing out
15:44.46SteveTotaroi take multivitamins to offset the caffeine and marlboros
15:45.10stansmithSteveTotaro: you never fail to amaze me with your wisdom
15:45.17stansmithgreat info for the budding mind
15:45.20SteveTotaroi can lucid dream, very practiced at it
15:45.28stansmithive tried it, came close once
15:45.34jbotrumour has it, stevetotaro is an IRC nub
15:45.34ccesariostansmith, hmmmm no success withou "\n"
15:46.03stansmithccesario: what language are you using agi with?
15:46.22stansmith<jbot> rookie of the year
15:46.31stansmithwow thanks
15:46.36ccesariostansmith, php
15:46.41*** part/#asterisk simbol76ss (
15:46.53stansmithcan you pastebin your code?
15:47.06SteveTotaroWashy is rookie of the year
15:47.31stansmith3 years ago i was in high school
15:49.08ccesariostansmith, yes
15:49.55ccesariothe function console_write execute the verbose command
15:49.59SteveTotarotime sure does fly doesn't it stansmith?
15:50.16SteveTotaroyou will have your 5 year reunion in two years
15:50.49SteveTotaroany college?
15:50.58stansmithyea but rather not say which one cause you guys will laugh at me
15:51.07*** join/#asterisk quigon (n=matias@
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15:51.31SteveTotaroi went to WVU "Wet V***** University"
15:51.55stansmithdevry... come on everyone at the count of three tell me thats not a real school
15:52.36SteveTotarodevry, i see commercials for it all the time
15:52.43stansmithyea...makes me feel cheezy
15:52.52SteveTotarothey teach you how to plug in cat3 cables
15:53.03stansmiththey teach you how to write
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15:53.48SteveTotaroi am just messing with you, i am sure devry is great
15:54.19stansmithi wasnt disagreeing lol
15:54.44stansmithdevry has a lot of resources...i was one of the few that actually used them
15:54.51SteveTotarodon't be ashamed of higher education
15:55.18SteveTotaroeven that phoenix university online could be great
15:55.34SteveTotaroif students actually work at it
15:56.03stansmithonline class is a joke..really, i just did the work to get the diploma and supplemented learning stuff i was actually interested in, in my free time
15:56.11SteveTotaroi am a fan of self study
15:56.24drmessanoI took a two year electronics course from ICS about 10 years ago.. As much as I didn't want to admit I took the "One on TV", I learned a lot more than most other guys doing EE at the time
15:56.56SteveTotarothe only class in highschool that had any value was typing and half way through they took out the typewriters and put in computers and changed the name to keyboarding
15:57.06stansmithkeyboarding, lol
15:57.28drmessanoKeyboarding.. yes
15:57.37SteveTotarothen i learned "print screen"
15:57.46stansmithccesario: i know in the perl AGI, you can create an AGI object, can you do that with the php ?
15:57.50SteveTotaroi would just keep pushing it over and over
15:58.01SteveTotaroand the teacher had no way of knowing who was doing it
15:58.06stansmithcause i do $AGI->verbose(...) all day and it works
15:58.18SteveTotaroback then printers were loud as heck
15:58.54ccesariostansmith, I don't using no agi library, only php functions to manage AGI
15:59.40SteveTotarowe don't need no stinking library!
15:59.50stansmithspecific reason to that?  i started out the same way but found using the AGI class much more easy
16:00.37ccesariostansmith, I can write one class to this, but I need solve this little problem :P
16:01.00drfreezeWhat can it mean when asterisk will not restart with 'restart when convenient', when all lines are not being used?
16:02.15*** join/#asterisk fiXXXerMet (n=kjohnson@
16:03.04SteveTotaroone line is being used but not all
16:03.15SteveTotarounless you only have one line
16:03.22SteveTotaroshow channels
16:04.16stansmithccesario: whats your native speaking language?
16:04.37SteveTotarohe is russian i bet
16:04.48SteveTotaroitalian silly
16:05.17SteveTotaromaybe sicilian like myself
16:05.48drfreezeSteveTotaro: how can you tell from 'sip show channels' which lines are being used?
16:06.07ccesariostansmith, portuguese brazil :)
16:06.23stansmithhaha your comments in your code threw me off
16:06.25SteveTotarojust do a show channels
16:06.49ccesariostansmith, ahahahahha
16:06.55drfreezeSteveTotaro: ok
16:06.59SteveTotaroor soft tab tab tab
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16:07.14stansmithccesario: i think i might know the problem...
16:07.18SteveTotaroto hang one up or get a list of channels
16:07.32drmessanoSteveTotaro: I think our families feuded once over some olives
16:07.33SteveTotaroto hangup
16:07.56stansmithexec_command recieves 2 strings, and it in turn, places those strings inside another stricng that gets executed
16:07.59SteveTotarohave you been to italy, sicily?
16:08.28SteveTotaroi went in 2000/2001 over Christmas and New Year
16:08.44stansmithtry changing fwrite(STDOUT,"$COMMAND") to just fwrite(STDOUT,$COMMAND) on line 42
16:08.45SteveTotaroI walked through the great door at the Vatican
16:09.09SteveTotarobut the line was too long going in so i walked through it backwards
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16:09.36SteveTotarosupposedly, if you walk through the great door, you are cleansed of all of your sins
16:09.50SteveTotaroso walking backwards may be VERY BAD
16:10.12jeanmi_i_has anyone here already configured asterisk 1.6 with TLS ? asterisk is complaining about my certificate (SSL cert error) and I have no idea what might be wrong with my cert
16:10.28ccesariostansmith, hmmmm
16:10.36stansmithccesario: you know what im sayin?
16:10.52SteveTotaroyou need an M$ or Digium signed cert
16:10.56drmessanoI haven't been.. I'm told that there's two villages of Messano's over there.. and they both hate each other and claim to be unrelated
16:11.00SteveTotarocannot be self signed
16:11.02drmessanoSounds like typical Messano's
16:11.21SteveTotarosame with the Todaro's
16:11.23ccesariostansmith, yes changing
16:11.44jeanmi_i_SteveTotaro why can't the cert be selfsigned ?
16:11.45SteveTotaroname got changed at ellis island by immigration worker on paper work
16:11.53SteveTotaroi am just messing with you
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16:11.58drmessanoI was JUST going to ask that question..
16:12.00stansmithccesario: im not entirely sure though,but it doesnt make sense to me to do fwrite(STDOUT,"".."")
16:13.06stansmithchanging line 40 to $COMMAND = $STR_CMD." ".$STR_PARAM; might help
16:13.30SteveTotarostan, do you have steady work?
16:13.46stansmithwhat you mean
16:13.49lirakishmm.. im trying to use the Transfer() application, but i keep getting 484  address incomplete.  here is the line from extensions.conf
16:13.49lirakisexten => _*99XXX,1,Transfer(SIP/${EXTEN:3:}@dev)
16:13.57lirakisdev is a peer i have setup
16:14.05SteveTotarodo you have a steady jobby job
16:14.10stansmithyea im there right now
16:14.15lirakisand this is the cli output
16:14.17lirakisExecuting Transfer("SIP/5000-09491c18", "SIP/333@dev") in new stack
16:14.26lirakis(truncated) .. i can pb the whole output
16:14.35jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
16:14.35[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: singular messages like the one you sent are nearly meaningless.  please provide full CLI + SIP debug for these kinds of issues.
16:15.10stansmithSteveTotaro: you ask cause im chatty kathy in IRC today?
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16:16.29SteveTotarono, just wondering, if ccesario comes back and says, "it worked!" then i see a bright future for you
16:16.41ccesariostansmith, but the actual commands works
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16:17.09ifnotwhynotlirakis how long is your extension numbers?
16:17.13[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: .......
16:17.16[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: ......
16:17.26ccesariobut I'll change as  you mean....
16:17.26stansmithccesario: can u message me in a private chat?
16:17.30[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: ----------> SIP DEBUG <---------------
16:17.38ccesariostansmith, yes
16:18.05ifnotwhynotmust be    _*99XXX,1,Transfer(SIP/${EXTEN:2:3/}@dev)
16:18.16ifnotwhynotmust be    _*99XXX,1,Transfer(SIP/${EXTEN:2:3}@dev)
16:18.16lirakis[TK]D-Fender: right...
16:18.28[TK]D-Fenderifnotwhynot: Apparently not.  Look at its execution.
16:18.43lirakisifnotwhynot: ?  if only one arg is supplied it just strips the front
16:18.46[TK]D-Fenderifnotwhynot: -- Executing Transfer("SIP/5000-09491c18", "SIP/333@dev") in new stack <-- works jsut fine
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16:21.52lirakis[TK]D-Fender: full debug
16:22.15lirakis[TK]D-Fender: fyi i am writing a simple redirect server in C .. and im using the transfer to test it...
16:22.55ifnotwhynotdoes NoOp application take any time to process meaning in seconds
16:23.34[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: Doesn't look like the place you are redirecting to likes what you're sending them...
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16:23.49[TK]D-Fenderifnotwhynot: huh?!
16:24.05[TK]D-Fenderifnotwhynot: Normally NoOp Executespretty instantly
16:25.21lirakis[TK]D-Fender: hmm .. right now its hardcoded to send back a responce.. regardless of the request
16:25.42[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: well I don't see the response in there, do I?
16:26.18agxchan_misdn always return DIALSTATUS=CHANUNAVAIL instead of DIALSTATUS=BUSY... any idea why the BUSY from the Telco isn't handled?
16:26.26lnx[TK]D-Fender: if i originate Local/10@plan i can't dial(SIP/number)?  in CLI out comes call(Local/10@plan, SIP/number).
16:26.35lirakis[TK]D-Fender: but i also dont see it hitting the redirect server
16:26.57lirakis[TK]D-Fender: .. let me take a sec to look at *'s side of the sip messaging
16:27.02[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: did you do a global SIP debug or attempted only 1 peer?
16:27.12[TK]D-Fenderlnx: PASTEBIN <--------
16:27.49lirakis[TK]D-Fender: global
16:28.09lnx[TK]D-Fender: not modified, i'm searched relatien between Originate a channel and Dial();
16:28.19lirakis[TK]D-Fender: i can do 2 .. one for each side
16:28.19fiXXXerMetFor the MeetMe() command, 'a' — set admin mode.   What exactly does that do?  I have an admin pin specified and I can log in as the admin already without that option.
16:28.38lirakis[TK]D-Fender: but i think i got it pretty clean.. not sure though.. looking at it now
16:29.36lirakis[TK]D-Fender: .. if i use Dial(SIP/dev/333) .. everything seems to work fine.. but .. dial doesnt deal with 300 redirect messages
16:30.18[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: Go look at the receiving end.
16:30.23lirakis.. as ive heard the devs say a thousand times .. * is not a proxy server ;p
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16:31.26lirakis[TK]D-Fender: i have.. its basically a udp socket on 5060.. i dump any incoming that i get to stdout.. and i dont see anything when the call is made
16:31.51lirakis[TK]D-Fender: but like i said.. if i do it with dial... i do see the messaging
16:32.00generalhanhey all !
16:32.12[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: Sorry, can't help you from here...
16:32.57lirakis[TK]D-Fender: np .. i really should be testing this on some other equipment any way.. * was just in the network so i figured id try and test it out
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16:33.17SteveTotarohan solo is that you
16:34.09generalhani seem to be having some issues with realtime and asterisk writting to the voicemail DB. i have followed the instructions for the CentOS 5 and Asterisk 1.4.x installation guide to the letter, but when i try to record unavail messages, or leave messages for a user i get some odd warning messages
16:34.32generalhanif any one has some experience with this and could take a look for me, i would really appreciate it !!
16:34.42fiXXXerMetTrying to use the standard cdr to record conference billing information, but I am getting a lot of unnecessary stuff.  For each caller, I get 3 entries in the database.  What is a better way to do this?  I need the callerID, date, duration, etc,
16:34.52lnx[TK]D-Fender:  i cant find recursion, if i pick up the phone the server call me again in same time
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16:35.51SteveTotaroddunavant, are you in
16:36.01SteveTotaroDC or PG county?
16:36.56De_Monpg country?
16:37.02De_Monoh nm, county
16:37.15fiXXXerMetSmall world, in PG county myself ;)
16:37.28SteveTotaromy bro is a detective in PG county
16:37.29[TK]D-Fenderlnx: Your channel and target are the same.  Whats the point?  Also you have not enabled AGI debug so we can see why DIALSTATUS isn't being picked up.  You could also try copying it to another var for testing AFTER doing a first round debug.
16:37.41fiXXXerMetI just work there
16:38.02SteveTotaroi live in columbia sometimes and baltimore other times
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16:38.13greekguy8888hey all
16:38.17SteveTotarowork wherever it takes me
16:38.25fiXXXerMetLive just outside of Baltimore in Brooklyn Park.  Wish I lived in Baltimore though.
16:38.51SteveTotaroi am a mile from pimlico right now
16:39.32greekguy8888when your cli becomes inaccessible and asterisk seems to still be running fine, is there anyway other than restarting to get back into it
16:39.39SteveTotaroso you commute 295 every day?
16:41.03SteveTotaroi stay off 295 since it is federal, i don't want to go to federal court for speeding ;)
16:41.05fiXXXerMetYes, and it's a disaster every day.
16:41.17fiXXXerMetI didn't know that
16:41.32SteveTotaronot as bad as my old commute, columbia to vienna va
16:41.46SteveTotaro40 miles could take more than three hours
16:42.04SteveTotarorush hour started thrusday morning and ended friday 9pm
16:42.12lnx[TK]D-Fender: i have turned on, but not posted sorry,
16:42.19fiXXXerMetThat's crazy...
16:43.15[TK]D-Fenderlnx: its looking like you didn't reference your variable properly in your perls cript
16:43.23JenniferAkemidoes anyone here do load balancing over multiple * boxes?
16:43.35JenniferAkemiI'm trying to figure out the best way to do it
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16:44.12DrRighteouswhat version of zaptel does asterisk 1.4.17 use?
16:44.57SteveTotarowhatever version you install
16:45.55SteveTotarojennifer, i seem to recall a long thread on the user's list about load balancing
16:46.08SteveTotarorecently, should be some good info there
16:46.34SteveTotarocan i use zaptel 1.4 with asterisk 1.2?
16:46.35JenniferAkemii'll look. thanks
16:47.17SteveTotarothat would be good with the new sangoma drivers
16:47.26greekguy8888does anyone have a solution for a deadlocked cdr while asterisk is still running?
16:47.44JenniferAkemiis there a good way to search the list? or just use google
16:47.55SteveTotaroone second
16:48.51SteveTotaroare you thinking sip extensions?
16:49.02lnx[TK]D-Fender: i don't know how reference could be better than
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16:49.54jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
16:49.54JenniferAkemiSteveTotaro: is that question for me?
16:50.05ifnotwhynotcan anyone please explain the timeout option in the application  Read(variable[|filename][|maxdigits][|option][|attempts][|timeout])  timeout    -- if greater than 0, that value will override the default timeout. i don't quite understand the concept please any help welcome
16:50.08[TK]D-FenderSteveTotaro: No.
16:51.24SteveTotarono what?
16:51.31SteveTotaroi was asking jennifer
16:51.57SteveTotaroi was going to pb the email threads on load balancing but it didn't work so well
16:52.29JenniferAkemiSteveTotaro: if you want to email them to me that's cool too.
16:53.15SteveTotarour email?
16:53.52ifnotwhynotdoes the timeout imply that it will wait for x amount of seconds before coing to next exten=>?? please Tk help
16:54.10JenniferAkemiSteveTotaro: I msg'd you.
16:54.17[TK]D-Fenderifnotwhynot: I told you to forget "read" and make it a normal IVR.
16:54.28fiXXXerMetWhat is a good solution for conference cdr/billing information?
16:55.16ifnotwhynotcan't need to use cli to route call for added security
16:55.53ifnotwhynotiso9002 must
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16:59.37adeelif i've mapped port 5060 to my * box, and opened the appropriate rtp range, should i still set the nat=yes option? (i think i should, otherwise the receiving end will have the wrong  ip address, but just double checking)
17:00.54SteveTotaroas long as you are doing nat
17:01.08adeelthat's what i thought
17:01.32stansmithlanguage barries..yeesh
17:01.45stansmithi mean barriers
17:03.55x86language barries sounds funnier ;)
17:04.08stansmithya i shoulda left it
17:04.12adeelthe -L option for * 1.4, is that a local or global loadaverage limit?
17:06.27ifnotwhynotif i record a channel its very soft can one increase the gain somewhere?
17:07.07ifnotwhynotTK took your advice made a normal IVR thx for your help
17:08.37adeelifnotwhynot, the only channel i'm aware of that you can adjust gain is zapata
17:09.18SteveTotaroyou can do it after the fact with sox
17:09.25SteveTotaroor lame or whatever
17:10.16ifnotwhynotthx adeel
17:10.49x86man... I love these Adit 600 channel banks
17:11.12SteveTotarostarting simple switch
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17:12.21alrsx86: i have one sitting right here on my desk
17:12.34alrsx86: are they still in production, or are they ebay-only at this point?
17:12.35SteveTotaroi slept so wrong my entire left side is hurting, damn 85# pit bull is a bed hog
17:12.47x86alrs: I bought mine brand new from VoIP Supply
17:13.13SteveTotarohope you don't have to RMA it...
17:13.34x86alrs: I've got (3) Adit 600's with (3)8FXS cards, and (2) Adit 600's with (6)8FXS cards
17:13.45Qwelladeel: what do you mean local or global?
17:13.48Qwellthere's only one average
17:14.00x86SteveTotaro: VoIP Supply is a great vendor, they'll let me return anything for any reason... love working with them
17:14.03alrsx86: you might keep an eye on ebay
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17:14.17x86alrs: why? we dont buy used stuff for production ;)
17:14.26SteveTotaroi like them but could not even get an RMA on a single Digium FXO module
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17:14.38adeelQwell, ah, so it is using the system load average...i wasn't sure if it would use * load average or not
17:14.43alrsI've been using voiplink, but I haven't had to RMA anything
17:14.46x86from VoIP Supply? hmm... I've got a dedicated account rep and everything ;)
17:14.56[TK]D-Fenderadeel: read up :
17:14.59jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
17:15.00SteveTotaroyeah, i know cory well
17:15.06vap0rtranzshould you have to preload the zap module?  i'm getting a 'no such command' from the cli for anything "zap" even though zt* tools work and had a chzap_zap error (that i fixed)
17:15.13supersi just recently upgraded to asterisk 1.4, i'm having an issue with one of my ATA's. when a 2nd person calls it, it automatically conferences both calls together, any idea?
17:15.20x86SteveTotaro: Cory's cool... I'm dealing with Arthur Miller... great guy
17:15.22adeel[TK]D-Fender, yeah i just read Qwell's replay
17:15.43adeelthat's an interesting feature
17:16.03x86SteveTotaro: last year we spent about $100,000 with VoIP Supply, easy
17:16.10x86so they like us :P
17:16.29SteveTotaroi spend a good deal with them too
17:16.48vap0rtranzor has the zap command been sucked into something weird like core ...
17:16.53SteveTotaroand very personal as well as b2b with them
17:17.09x86vap0rtranz: no and no
17:17.14SteveTotarobut i could no get an RMA and i have heard that multiple times
17:17.20x86vap0rtranz: if you have no zap command, chan_zap is not loaded
17:17.21SteveTotaromaybe they are better now
17:17.35x86SteveTotaro: i've never had a problem doing an RMA with them... ever
17:17.38SteveTotaromodule load chan_zap
17:17.45vap0rtranzx86: and it was suppose to have been autoloaded, right?  so there's an error somewhere
17:17.55SteveTotarovi /var/log/messages
17:17.58x86vap0rtranz: good detective skills ;)
17:18.18x86vap0rtranz: turn up full logging in logger.conf, restart asterisk, tail -f /var/log/asterisk/full
17:18.30x86vap0rtranz: might want debug too
17:18.30vap0rtranzx86: ty.  i had "signaling" instead of "signalling".  totally bombed out the zap stuff
17:18.36SteveTotaroztcfg -vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
17:18.41*** part/#asterisk jivco (n=jivco@
17:18.47x86vap0rtranz: that'll do it :)
17:18.53outtoluncmore v's move v's you need to reach the moon
17:18.57SteveTotarobut what is the correct spelling
17:19.11vap0rtranzSteveTotaro: hehe
17:19.16x86vap0rtranz: i think you mean the other way around... pretty sure it only works with a single l
17:19.21SteveTotarolinux tells me signaling is correct
17:19.33x86SteveTotaro: aspell?
17:19.40SteveTotarono, two ll s
17:19.49SteveTotarosignalling in zaptel
17:19.53vap0rtranzSteveTotaro: correct
17:19.59x86needs only one l
17:20.03SteveTotarono, i am correct
17:20.03x86just checked my confs
17:20.05vap0rtranzx86: well two l's got it working
17:20.09vap0rtranzso me happy
17:20.13Qwellboth work :p
17:20.30x86SteveTotaro: hah
17:20.30SteveTotaroqwell, fix the white space issues
17:20.35Qwellwhat issues?
17:20.37vap0rtranzERROR[1794] chan_zap.c: Signalling must be specified before any channels are.
17:21.01x86vap0rtranz: pastebin zaptel.conf and zapata.conf
17:21.05SteveTotaroa little white space at the end of a line and zaptel bombs
17:21.12Qwelldon't do that then
17:21.25Qwelland, I kinda doubt that would break anything
17:21.31SteveTotaroit does
17:21.36Qwellshow me
17:21.45SteveTotarowhat, white space?
17:21.52SteveTotaroor signaling?
17:21.59SteveTotaroboth break stuff
17:21.59vap0rtranzx86: you don't believe that it's now working?  *gasp*  the audacity!
17:22.41SteveTotaroi also had an odd bug that took me a while to figure out that bombed asterisk
17:22.54SteveTotarochannel 1,2,4,5
17:23.07SteveTotarono, it had to be channel 1-2,4-5
17:23.16vap0rtranzSteveTotaro: weird
17:23.43SteveTotaroasterisk has taken my troubleshooting skillz to a level of zen
17:24.12vap0rtranzSteveTotaro: so it flows now ... or is that tao.  :)
17:24.43SteveTotaroi mix and match things i want to hear and drone out the other crap
17:26.09SteveTotaroin the channel bug defense of asterisk, this was on bristuffed
17:30.51*** join/#asterisk Damin (
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17:32.43*** join/#asterisk inv_arp (
17:35.21*** join/#asterisk gego (
17:36.52lnxanyone who get ${DIALSTATUS} succesfully with a perl AGI script, check  please :)
17:38.16lnx@ line 42 the var seems empty :7
17:39.44gegohi everybody - could anyone give me a hint how to determine which (SIP) device accepted a multidial call so that I can trace it with GROUP() ?
17:39.45*** join/#asterisk ZPertee (
17:39.56stansmithwhy are you making private variables outside a block liek that lnx
17:40.46ZPerteewhat os are you all running for asterisk?
17:41.04stansmithlnx plus there is some discrepancy about DIALSTATUS
17:41.26ZPerteeasterisknow screwed me over and now I am trying to migrate to something else
17:41.32*** part/#asterisk agx (n=AGX@
17:41.43alrsZPertee: ran off with your girl?
17:41.47*** join/#asterisk angom (
17:41.57*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux[m] (
17:42.00alrsZPertee: "borrowed" your credit card?
17:42.12[TK]D-FenderZPertee: Whatever OS you feel most comfortable maintaining.
17:42.19lnxstansmith: what kind of discrepancy?
17:42.43ZPerteeall of the above.  It doesn't like my tdm880B for some reason and Technical support was of no help
17:42.50lnxstansmith: please help me to solve it.
17:44.40stansmithim still chatting with my buddy ccesario 1 sec
17:44.59lnxstansmith: ok, thank you
17:46.09flushi just installed asterisk and my tdm400p card on ubuntu feisty
17:46.19flushany good place to have a good how to on how to place a call now
17:48.10[TK]D-Fenderflush: ...
17:48.13jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
17:48.55[TK]D-FenderZPertee: And your description and backup provided (none, and none respectively) explain much.
17:53.28*** join/#asterisk ice_croft (n=nolan@
17:53.40*** join/#asterisk lanning (
17:53.41ice_crofthi all
17:53.55ice_croftneed some help with 2* sip interconn
17:53.55*** join/#asterisk supjigator (n=shanebur@
17:54.15ice_croftregs r well
17:54.23ice_croftsome trouble with dialplab
17:54.25ice_croftsome trouble with dialplan
17:54.36ice_croftanybody help
17:55.02flusham i supposed to have dial tone when i have my phone plugged in my tdm400p and the fxo module in the wall jack
17:55.17flushdoes it do like a 56k modem or im not sure..
17:56.23lesouvageice_croft: what is the problem?
17:57.01ice_croftlesouvage> wait a min for pastebin
17:58.28ice_croftlesouvage> 912 is an phone on remote *
17:59.01ice_croftlesouvage> what did i do wrong?
17:59.41*** join/#asterisk drmessano-LT (n=nonya@
17:59.43ice_croftlesouvage> sorry, it must be 212, not 912
18:00.11ice_croftlesouvage> 212 same error
18:00.13*** part/#asterisk dandre (
18:02.43jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
18:03.45ice_croftlesouvage> any issues? plz
18:07.37lesouvageice_croft: you are missing a proper extension to handle the call. something like extend => 912,1,dial(<trunk>/912,40). I assume it is an outbound number
18:08.19ice_croftlesouvage> maybe
18:08.44ice_croftlesouvage> so,   '2XX' =>          1. NoOp()                                     [pbx_config]
18:09.00ice_croftlesouvage> isnt the thin u sayin?
18:09.03stansmiththis is crazy!
18:09.28stansmithJenniferAkemi: are you a developer of some kind or do you play around with asterisk for fun n giggles?
18:10.30infinity3anyone know about the polycom LDAP suppot in v3 firmware? how to enable/license it etc?
18:11.07ice_croftlesouvage> i have this:
18:11.08ice_croftexten => 2XX,1,NoOp()
18:11.08ice_croftexten => 2XX,n,Dial(SIP/sr/${EXTEN}, 30)
18:11.08ice_croftexten => 2XX,n,Hangup()
18:11.19lesouvageice_croft: when you numbermatching it should look like this _9XX
18:12.08[TK]D-Fendergetting warmer...
18:12.44ice_croftyes. :)) now i have "frobidden" response. that's cool! thanx a lot
18:12.51ice_croftgoona dig more
18:13.05lesouvageice_croft: and when it is outbound you should use a trunk. just SIP is for internal numbers.
18:13.31lesouvagefor internal sip numbers
18:13.48[TK]D-Fenderlesouvage: What on earth are you trying to say?
18:14.23ice_croftlesouvage> it kinda internal, really
18:14.46ice_croftlesouvage> inside my company :) inside ip-intranetwork
18:15.17ice_croftlesouvage> so sip should be enough
18:16.15lesouvagefender: he paste a dial line with just SIP  and without the account info.
18:17.03ice_croftlesouvage> it's all about prefixes. 2 is the main office.
18:17.18infinity3anyone know where i can download the polycom v3 firmware?
18:17.18ice_croftlesouvage> 2xx
18:17.30lesouvagefender: does it make sense now?
18:19.27*** join/#asterisk Greek-Boy (n=email@
18:19.58ice_croftlesouvage> look more, plz
18:20.15ice_croftlesouvage> cant get it, really
18:23.00*** join/#asterisk teknoprep (n=teknopre@unaffiliated/teknoprep)
18:23.03teknoprephey all
18:23.19teknoprephey with this ip 650 Backlit expansion module... is there a way to configure it through a TFTP boot server ?
18:23.28teknoprepor do i have to assign each key manually on the device itself ?
18:24.43*** join/#asterisk Tako-san (n=jmkiffia@
18:24.57ice_croft[TK]D-Fender> check it through, please
18:25.53gegoice_croft> how about _2XX ?
18:26.16fiXXXerMetWhat is a good solution for recording conference cdr/billing information?  The cdr.conf file is logging 3 entries for each call and that seems unnecessary
18:26.37ice_croftgego> excuse me?
18:26.49ice_croftgego> i did _2xx
18:27.03ice_croftgego> now i have "forbidden" error
18:27.26[TK]D-Fenderice_croft: and no sip debug or anything for us to see in there.  Nice.
18:28.08*** join/#asterisk Tako-san (n=jmkiffia@
18:28.30*** join/#asterisk dlynes (
18:28.42gegoI just thought that you needed the underscore for matching the XX.
18:28.45teknoprep[TK]D-Fender, you really like polycom.. you know anything about the ip 650 BEM ?
18:28.51ice_croftwait a min
18:29.10*** join/#asterisk Hadi- (
18:29.13Hadi-hello everyone
18:29.26Hadi-I have a major issue and I hope someone can help :)
18:29.27gegoice_croft> "forbidden?" - I do
18:29.32ice_croft[TK]D-Fender> here is sip debug of the event
18:29.46Hadi-I'm using cisco 7950G phones with Asterisk - g729a codec
18:29.55Hadi-every once in a while.. I lose audio
18:29.58Hadi-right when i do that
18:30.04Hadi-I see the following on the asterisk CLI
18:30.20Hadi-2008-03-04 13:27:36 NOTICE[16225]: rtp.c:415 process_rfc3389: Comfort noise support incomplete in Asterisk (RFC 3389). Please turn off on client if possible. Client IP:
18:30.26ice_croftgego> please look at pastebin
18:30.33Hadi-I disable VAD in the IP phones but still no help
18:30.44ice_croft[TK]D-Fender> any directions?
18:31.03ice_croft"frobidden" whoa
18:33.30Hadi-anyone? :)
18:35.10*** join/#asterisk mattchis (
18:35.16ice_croftoh, ppl
18:35.24ice_croftit's because of other side
18:40.34ice_croft[TK]D-Fender> other side's log :
18:43.12*** join/#asterisk Yourname`` (n=chatzill@unaffiliated/yourname/x-837320)
18:43.31Yourname``Any major differences betweeb AgentCallbackLogin and AgentLogin?
18:45.03SteveTotaroagentlogin is what i like to use
18:45.25SteveTotaroless wasted time
18:45.30SteveTotaroand abandons
18:46.19Yourname``I currently use AddQueueMember
18:49.18mattchisDoes anyone know if there is a way for a person on hold in the queue to be able to drop from the queue and leave a voicemail?
18:49.19Yourname``Hmm, I wonder how I can use AgentLogin to addqueuemember..
18:51.05jameswfnice no mention in the sip RFC about paging so its total anarchy
18:52.07jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
18:52.31SteveTotarois for trixbox but tells you how to drop from a queue and go to exten
18:53.12mattchisSteveTotaro: Thanks I will take a look at that.
18:54.14Yourname``SteveTotaro: I won't be able to use dynamic features to use AgentLogin, would I? I mean I will _have_ to add those agents as static agents on agents.conf, etc?
18:54.16ice_crofti'm fuckin best, that's for sure!!!!!! don't ban me for this
18:54.44Yourname``ice_croft: No. [TK]D-Fender  is THE.
18:55.06ice_croftYourname``>  no problem. i just fixed the_thing!!!!!
18:55.16SteveTotaroi am not sure why you wouldn't
18:55.18ice_croftYourname``> im fuckin bruce willis
18:55.31SteveTotaroyou are a kid
18:55.44ice_croftbgg, not really
18:56.58JunK-Ymattchis: use the context when defining the queue.
18:57.27*** join/#asterisk juanjoc (n=juanjoc@
18:57.57Yourname``SteveTotaro: How can I use AgentLogin to add agents dynamically like AddQueueMember? I'm just trying to avoid having to do agents.conf
18:58.11mattchisJunK-Y: Crap that looks to be my problem. LOL Thanks!  I missed that
18:58.20Yourname``!seen fujin
18:59.07JunK-YYourname``: you cant have agentlogin doing addqueuemember, theyre 2 different apps.
18:59.26*** join/#asterisk ZPertee (
18:59.58drmessano-LTTrixbox user
19:00.00Yourname``JunK-Y: I know.. but AddQueueMEmber was dynamic for me, so I didn't need to add agents to agents.conf/queues.conf. (Other than having to make the queues itself in queues.conf). I'm looking to get the functionality of AgentLogin with the dynamic ability of AddQueueMember.
19:00.29SteveTotarojust make a huge range in agents.conf
19:00.37JunK-Yadm has nothing to do with agents.conf
19:01.03Yourname``JunK-Y: Are you even reading what I'm saying? Please read above to follow what I'm saying.
19:01.06*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
19:01.40Yourname``SteveTotaro: I guess that's what I'll have to end up doing as there seems to be no way to do it dynamically.
19:01.47Yourname``Atleast not one that I know of..
19:02.11juanjocfile: Sorry to bother you, I've been experiencing the same problem that was reported on ticket 11491. I was wondering if there was any way I could help you fix this problem.
19:03.23fileit's already fixed.
19:03.40filepatch went into SVN earlier
19:03.48flushhow do i run commands in the asterisk console
19:04.00flushhow can i enter console
19:04.11fiXXXerMetasterisk -r
19:06.38juanjocfile: Are you referring to the patch that fixed ticket #10355?
19:07.03juanjocfile: I tried that patch a few days ago and it wasn't solving this problem
19:07.15fileI changed it slightly.
19:08.26juanjocfile: So, the patch currently present on #10355 should fix it?
19:08.26fileif it still doesn't, then open a new issue
19:08.41fileno, the changes I made in SVN should fix it
19:08.46*** join/#asterisk MatBoy (
19:09.11juanjocfile: Is that commit safe to backport to 1.4.18 or should I use the 1.4 branch to test?
19:09.43fileit should be safe, don't know whether it will cleanly apply.
19:09.58file105674 and 105677
19:10.07fileer I mean 105676
19:16.05*** join/#asterisk flujan (
19:18.43jerif i've got a voicemail context, and i've got a: s,1,GotoIf($[${EXTEN} = 1234]?hangup) and then later on, i've got s,n(hangup),Hangup ... and the call isn't hanging up, any suggestions on what i might be doing wrong?
19:19.49jeror is it simply enough to just nuke them from the voicemail users table?
19:20.13x86jer: nuke them from the voicemail table, or put them in their own context where the voicemail app is never even called
19:20.33jerthe former seems to be easier =]
19:20.36x86jer: I usually put voicemail users in one context, and non-voicemail users in their own context
19:20.53x86not difficult either way
19:21.01stansmiththat was mad crazy
19:22.01jerx86, right; i want to keep the work to this particular system to a minimum, the more problems that go wrong with it (not major problems obviously, but enough to cost the company more in labour), the more they'll consider upgrading (stuck at 1.2 and refusing to upgrade)
19:22.08*** join/#asterisk willianmazzardo (
19:22.31flujanhi all.
19:22.54ice_croftdoes * connect to freepbx or trixbox? via modules?
19:22.57stansmith~hi flujan
19:22.58jbotMany greetings, flujan, most strange traveller, to this IRCdom of plenty.
19:24.49Jason99Is there a way to disable the ability to do 3-way calling on a SIP channel?
19:26.20*** join/#asterisk ^scott^ (
19:26.53^scott^Hi I'm trying to create an AGI script to do automated testing of a phone script. Is there a way to get Asterisk (via AGI I guess) to send touchtones?
19:26.55flujanI am having a issue with some sip peers... Asterisk is marking them as in Use. I disconnect the peer, reconnect it and it still appear as In Use.
19:27.32GBR_if i call the trunk in extensions, the ring is send, but calling a2biling, dont send the ring to user!!
19:28.50*** join/#asterisk cowmix (n=cowmix@
19:30.29flujanLet me explain it better... I have sip peers, one sip peers stop receiving calls from the queue.
19:30.36*** join/#asterisk shido6 (n=shido6@
19:30.53flujanI close and open the softphone, reboot the machine and when the sip register again. The queue shows it In Use.
19:32.08flujanI checked the AMI and the ExtensionStatus event, is return the code 1 for the Status.
19:33.38*** join/#asterisk angryuser (
19:33.51*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
19:34.13*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
19:35.30*** join/#asterisk asteriskmonkey (n=asterisk@
19:36.19asteriskmonkeyhas anyone used the asterisk manager api extensivly, im trying to track the status of calls and im not finding much info on the wikis
19:36.29*** join/#asterisk Guggemand (i=Guggeman@
19:39.28willianmazzardoHi all ...
19:40.15Guggemandcan i somehow use my g729 licensed asterisk to convert some pcm files to g729 ?
19:40.20teknoprep[TK]D-Fender, you there ?
19:41.28[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep: intermittently
19:42.11*** join/#asterisk robmac67 (
19:45.29teknoprep<tk: yo
19:45.37teknoprep<tk test
19:45.50Yourname``Hi. Is there a way I can use a different musicclass for AgentLogin hold music?
19:47.03*** join/#asterisk Rudolf (n=rodolfo@
19:47.25Rudolfhi there
19:47.46Rudolfi have seen a lot of errors like these: icmp v4 hw csum failure
19:47.59Rudolfwith 01:04.0 Ethernet controller: Marvell Technology Group Ltd. 88E8001 Gigabit Ethernet Controller (rev 14)
19:48.12Rudolfon kernel Linux 2.6.9-42.0.10.ELsmp #1 SMP Tue Feb 27 10:11:19 EST 2007 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
19:49.01Rudolfi have a question about sip2sip call because the duration of calling are between 2 or 3 minutos and fall down
19:49.32Rudolfhave relation the error on kernel(dmesg) and falling of inter sip callings?
19:50.21*** join/#asterisk cleone (i=cleo@
19:51.43cleoneany one here use iaxcomm?
19:52.27x86Rudolf: upgrade to a real distro, then upgrade your kernel ;)
19:52.42Rudolfx86: yeah yeah, i know this
19:52.54lnxstansmith: are u there? :)
19:53.01x86then why are you here asking? :)
19:53.05Rudolfx86: but you think that my think are correct?
19:53.24Rudolfx86: searching for another ideas
19:55.36*** join/#asterisk teknoprep (n=Chris@unaffiliated/teknoprep)
19:55.58teknoprep[TK]D-Fender, is there a way to setup a file on a tftp server for the IP 650 Backlit expansion module
19:56.52*** join/#asterisk roe_ (
19:58.40*** join/#asterisk atis_home (n=chatzill@
20:00.13roe_has anyone addressed a "click-to-call" option with asterisk and hard sip phones?  I see there is a cockatoo project that builds click to call into thunderbird, but uses a softphone
20:02.37GBR_if i call the trunk in extensions, the ring is send, but calling a2biling, dont send the ring to user!!
20:04.35*** join/#asterisk cr0n (
20:06.08JenniferAkemiI'm trying to eliminate single points of failure in my asterisk setup. I have multiple * boxes and am looking at ways to load balance them, but they are using realtime static and dynamic (for sip) so now i have a single point of failure of the database
20:06.41JenniferAkemii have two database servers which are replicating, but is there a way that i'm missing to make realtime go to the replicant if the main db fails?
20:06.51*** join/#asterisk jdspencer (n=jdspence@
20:07.11jdspencerhello there fine * people
20:07.12cr0nhi, i have a dtm400p with 2 fxo modules and installed correctly however, when running a genzaptelconf - it lists things in /etc/zaptel.conf under "span1" as "fxsks=1" and "fxsks=2" - any idea why it would do this?
20:07.21jdspencerCan anyone answer a PRI signalling question?
20:08.17[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep: Should need any config, should be a slave to the host phone
20:08.36JenniferAkemijdspencer: if you ask the question maybe someone can try
20:08.54[TK]D-Fendercr0n: thats fine
20:09.00jdspencercr0n: I don't think it matters which line they are on, but it is specifying the signalling for each module
20:09.05jdspencerwhat he said
20:11.02jdspencerOkay, my PRI is connected to a Lucent 5ess switch with ni2 protocol
20:11.17jdspencerZaptel seems to not know the difference between switchtype and protocol
20:11.33jdspencerAT&T is telling me that they're getting weird unknown commands from *
20:11.43jdspencerand our line keeps failing, they blame this on *
20:11.55jdspencerbut it works just fine on other providers with ni2
20:12.18JenniferAkemibut it works sometimtes?
20:12.18jdspencerIs there some option I'm missing to set switchtype and signalling protocol apart from each other?
20:12.34jdspencermost of the time -- it will go down for 1-5 minutes about twice a day
20:12.53jdspencerwe've replaced all of the equipment last week, even the digium cards
20:13.04jdspencerstill having the same issue
20:13.08teknoprep[TK]D-Fender, yeah i have to set it up on the phone itself.. pita... and i don't see an admin guide for the expansion module anywhere
20:13.16*** join/#asterisk atis_home (n=chatzill@
20:13.47*** join/#asterisk loompek (
20:14.01*** join/#asterisk angom_w (
20:14.15[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep: There is none.  It isn't a separate device
20:14.18cr0n[TK]D-Fender: okay, i thought that would have been the problem but clearly not, ive configured my trunk for ZAP/g0 and a dialroute to use ZAP/g0 yet when dialing, its just dead.. no errors, just silence
20:14.27teknoprep[TK]D-Fender, thats rough
20:14.28[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep: the phone controls it.  contacts simply spill over
20:15.09[TK]D-Fendercr0n: Perhaps you're plugged into the wrong port on the card (the order may not be what you expect), or you may have another config error somewhere else
20:16.25cr0n[TK]D-Fender: this is a brand new install, and i have two lines plugged into each of the ports so no matter which one, it has somewhere to dial through
20:17.31[TK]D-Fendercr0n: the card has 4 ports.... like I said I'm not sure you can trust the order you assume them to be in, and for dialing out you could have a misconfigured group.
20:17.43[TK]D-Fendercr0n: then again, Tixbox is NOT supported here.
20:18.10cr0n[TK]D-Fender: def plugged into the right ones. okay..
20:21.04*** join/#asterisk joobie (
20:23.38*** join/#asterisk ajohnstone (
20:24.00jdspencerdoes libpri know the difference between switchtype and switch protocol?
20:25.44*** join/#asterisk Bock (
20:26.18JenniferAkemii've only ever configured one jdspencer
20:26.27JenniferAkemii've only ever configured one on my Harris switch too
20:26.41JenniferAkemii would just go with the 5ess thing
20:27.04jdspencerit changes the protocol to ATT Custom... which won't work for us
20:27.29stansmithim just the first of my litter
20:27.40BockHello everyone, I am just making my first steps with asterisk and got 2 different sip-out providers working so far. I also configured that for some numbers one is used instead of the other. Now, how can I tell asterisk to use sip-provider-a for all unknown numbers?
20:28.02jdspencerbock: how are you defining "known" numbers?
20:28.11JenniferAkemiprobably ni2 would be what you want.
20:28.22JenniferAkemidunno why it is going down sometimes though sorry
20:28.29jdspencerthat's what i'm thinking... it's worked perfectly for 3 years
20:28.34Bockjdspencer: the "known" ones are the ones, that already get routed through one of my sip providers
20:29.02jdspencerjennifer: all the sudden it got stupid -- i'm thinking a bad CSU/DSU unit possibly
20:29.08jdspencerjennifer: thanks for the help
20:29.57jdspencerbock: if i understand your question correctly, you could write a catch-all matching rule to get any of the numbers that aren't matched in your dialplan
20:30.00Bockjdspencer: there is a special case in germany where 01[5-7]x are mobile phone numbers, 0180, 0137x etc are different service numbers and 0[2-9] are local numbers
20:30.04jdspencerbock: something like _. =>
20:30.09Bockjdspencer, yes, exactly that
20:30.37jdspencerbock: does that answer the question, or that IS the question?
20:30.51Bockjdspencer: the question is, how to do that
20:31.00Bockah, is it ._?
20:31.03jdspencerbock: do you use AEL or extensions.conf
20:31.11loompekis it possible for asterisk's cdr to write cdrs every 10 minutes in case a call is > 10 minutes?
20:31.48jdspencerbock: yes, _. => will get you a matchall -- more info here --
20:32.35[TK]D-Fenderloompek: No.  CRD is once a call is finished.
20:33.09Bockjdspencer, so the extensions.conf will be read until a rule matches? so if I understand it right, adding this one at the very end of the section will catch all calls where no previous rule was applied?
20:33.46loompek[TK]D-Fender what in case i'd like to implement a pre-pay system?
20:33.48jdspencerbock: correct -- actually, i'm not sure it matters what order you apply them... asterisk will sort them internally if i understand it right
20:34.08*** join/#asterisk Igbothom_III (
20:34.20[TK]D-Fenderloompek: When you call dial, place a max limit based on the time remaining.
20:34.48loompek[TK]D-Fender you can do that?
20:34.59[TK]D-Fenderjdspencer: Go read the book on the part about "extension sorting"
20:35.23jdspencerD-Fender: did i life to bock?
20:35.27jdspencer* lie
20:36.04jdspencerquoting voip-info --> "Because you may use patterns to define extensions, more than one extension pattern could match a given telephone number. Asterisk does not match against the extension patterns in the order you define them; the extension patterns are sorted first. Hence Asterisk may process a telephone number differently than you intended. "
20:37.42*** join/#asterisk Yourname`` (n=chatzill@unaffiliated/yourname/x-837320)
20:38.13[TK]D-FenderGuess that says it all
20:38.19Bockjdspencer: 'exten => _.,1,Dial(SIP/0049${EXTEN:1}@dus.net_out,45,rtT)' now overrides all ohter rules... thats not what I wanted :/
20:38.23asteriskmonkeyhow do you relate an event to an action with the asterisk manager api????
20:38.31Yourname``Hi. There's tons of voicemails in a mailbox, to delete them all.. is it as easy as going to the mbox dir and deleting all of those voicemails on command?
20:39.04[TK]D-FenderYourname``: Yup
20:39.20asteriskmonkeyrm -rf /
20:39.28[TK]D-Fenderasteriskmonkey: BASTARD
20:39.56Yourname``Also, [TK]D-Fender a whole queue is logged in, and there are agents logge dinto the queue, and still calls coming into the queue are going to the voicemail and I dont understand why as it always worked properly that calls will go to agents in the queue if they are logged in, and go to voicemail if they are not logged in.
20:40.04*** join/#asterisk MooingLemur (n=troy@unaffiliated/mooinglemur)
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20:41.29cmantitoBock: if you want a rule that will be matched failing all other rules
20:41.37cmantitomy suggestion is to put it in it's own context
20:41.42cmantitoand then include that context into the first
20:41.48cmantitosince included contexts usually sort last
20:42.15[TK]D-FenderYourname``: Queue's should no use agent VM's
20:42.44Bockcmantito: thank you... I just read that on the website, but it feels good that it is confirmed :D
20:43.07Yourname``I know, but it's a voicemail for the queue itself.
20:43.24cmantitoBock: example:
20:43.29Yourname``exten=> 200,n,Queue(frontier,tT,,,30,)
20:43.31Yourname``exten=> 200,n,Voicemail(200,u)
20:43.52[TK]D-FenderYourname``: then that is not an agent VM
20:43.59Yourname``I know, I guess I worded it wrong sorry
20:44.03[TK]D-FenderYourname``: that implied it got there due to dialing an agent
20:45.26jdspencerbock: my apologies for being blind and leading you :)
20:45.43Bockjdspencer: nevermind... this way you didn't spoonfeed me :)
20:45.47jdspencerbock: i had used matching in that way with success, but in a limited context
20:45.57cmantitomatching is a pain in my butt ;)
20:46.22Bockcmantito: I got it working now, I added a section [everything-else] with the _. Rule and uncluded it to the default set.
20:46.43cmantitoBock: my suggestion is to avoid _. because while it's working, it may end up acting...weird
20:46.54jdspencerbock: Fender was right about taking a look at the book
20:47.12cmantitoyou can use _X! to match any string that is all numbers, and _*! to match any string starting with a star (*)
20:47.25Yourname``[TK]D-Fender: Yeah, but in queues.conf I did joinempty=strict and leavewhenempty=strict
20:47.29[TK]D-Fender"_.,1" should only be used to Goto another fixed exten in another context immediately to avoid those hang-ups
20:47.36jdspencerbock: the section on pattern matching would likely be helpful, i just gave it a quick scan
20:47.40Yourname``[TK]D-Fender:  And it's still going to voicemail even though the queue is not empty.
20:48.43[TK]D-FenderYourname``: and you've still shown me.... absolutely nothing.
20:50.13Yourname``lol.. one sec, I did change one thing though, the way agents login.. so maybe that has to do something with it. Here's the pb
20:50.35Bockcan someone try to call ? I can test from the local phone net, but not a direct voip call
20:51.02[TK]D-FenderYourname``: Still little of value...
20:51.27Yourname``[TK]D-Fender: What else would you like to see?
20:51.46cmantitoBock: number not avail
20:52.00Bockcmantito: thank you
20:52.03cmantitono prob
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20:52.38k3mphi @ all
20:52.54vap0rtranzqueues aren't playing well with voicemail here.  is there a better way to timeout the hold time to a voicebox? Allison starts talking over herself and it's bad
20:53.46Yourname``[TK]D-Fender: I think because I added the AgentLogin procedure by adding the agents dynamically using agents.conf and queues.conf, it has done this for every queue. However, when I set queues.conf up  by giving it the members, it was under just one queue.. not the other. So I dont understand why it's taking up for every other queue.
20:53.50juanjocfile: The fix for ticket #11491 does not seem to work. I'm trying to capture the RTP packets for a failed call? Should I create a new ticket or reopen #11491?
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20:54.18filejuanjoc: there were two commits, did you use both?
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20:54.49juanjocfile: I grabbed branch/1.4 as of about 30 min ago
20:55.02filewhat revision number?
20:55.17k3mpCould someone help me reducing getting congestions when dialing out via voip?
20:55.51juanjocfile: The last commit was r105676
20:55.57juanjocfile: From you
20:55.58vap0rtranzk3mp: is the channelstatus actually congestion?
20:56.15Mavviek3mp: isn't that related to the amount of calls you are allowed to setup to a phone or SIP provider?
20:56.18filethen grab the info and create a new issue
20:56.55juanjocfile: OK, I'll add the packet capture to the ticket
20:57.11k3mpMavvie, vap0rtranz: i have a maximum of 30 sip calls simultanously, when i try to make more, they are rejected
20:57.26vap0rtranzMavvie, k3mp: maybe, but i've seen * just sit there when a series of channels are not inuse.  chan inuse 1/0
20:57.51Mavviek3mp: I think I found your problem.
20:57.59vap0rtranzMavvie: hehe
20:58.19k3mpMavvie, vap0rtranz: i can't stop doing more calls, but i could add a kind of latency?
20:58.44vap0rtranzk3mp: sure.  * can wait forever for the other end to pickup
21:00.20filejuanjoc: waittttttt, is it Packet2Packet bridging?
21:00.37vap0rtranzwhat is Packet2Packet?
21:01.12juanjocfile: What do you mean? This is a call from a SIP phone that goes through Asterisk to a PSTN phone over SIP via Level 3
21:01.28filejuanjoc: does it say on the screen "Packet2Packet bridging"
21:01.42docelmoAnyone know of issues with Asterisk 1.4.18 and RFC2833 DTMF?   Im having some major issues..  it appears the RTP packet payload is being marked at 0 not 101
21:01.43juanjocfile: You mean the Asterisk log?
21:01.45k3mpMavvie: maybe you could explain me how ^^
21:01.54filejuanjoc: yes, on the CLI
21:02.02*** join/#asterisk corrupt (i=81074dcb@gateway/web/ajax/
21:02.18corruptdoes asterisk support speech recognition?
21:02.30docelmoyes w/ external applications like lumenvox
21:02.42corruptlumenvox, aye...
21:02.49docelmoBut only 1.4 not 1.2
21:03.02juanjocfile: That string does not appear on the log. I can increase the log level if necessary
21:03.11juanjocfile: FYI, the SSRC did not change
21:03.16corruptis lumenvox opensource?
21:03.21docelmohaha no
21:03.39corruptis there any open source speech recognition software out there?
21:03.53vap0rtranzcorrupt: hah
21:03.55juanjocfile: What log level is necessary for that message to show?
21:04.09[TK]D-Fendercorrupt: CMU Sphinx
21:04.09corruptwhat kind of speech recognition software does goog-411 or wachovia bank use?
21:04.14fileverbosity of 3 or greater
21:04.56vap0rtranzcareful.  there's a difference b/w speech recognition and command recognition.  command's can get numbers spoken
21:05.50corruptdoes asterisk support command recognition as well?
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21:09.20stansmitho noes what happened to my pgadmin3?
21:09.27stansmithwrong channel, sorry
21:10.27*** join/#asterisk edwin_quijada (
21:10.48Yourname``[TK]D-Fender: Ok, now this is the deal. On queues.conf, under the queue name, I used member Agent/@1 and in agents.conf, I set a few agents under group=1. So when the call comes in to the queue, the calls are sent to the agents in group1. But the calls are going to the queue, and they think no one is logged in and so it goes to the voicemail.
21:10.49*** join/#asterisk nirz (
21:11.20edwin_quijadaI wanna know if I can receive faxes using asterisk but my line phone never be busy?
21:11.36vap0rtranzgood question
21:12.25edwin_quijadaI have a customer that wants a fax server receiver but their line is not busy
21:12.35vap0rtranzedwin_quijada: analog line?
21:12.47edwin_quijadavap0rtranz: digita
21:13.27*** join/#asterisk JerJer (n=PhatJ@pdpc/supporter/bronze/jerjer)
21:14.09JerJerI totally love the header graphic (and the content is actually relevant here, maybe :)
21:14.10vap0rtranzedwin_quijada: my guess is once * answers the inbound, then the did could be made free for the next fax ... at least as a roll-over
21:14.11edwin_quijadaI thougth using HylaFax and Asterisk to redirect by VoIP
21:16.19edwin_quijadavap0rtranz: I dont understand
21:16.21JTif it's PRI
21:16.23edwin_quijadaCan u explain?
21:16.30JTthere is no concept of "did being made free"
21:17.06vap0rtranzJT: i bastardize language.  the "channel"; whatever can be made to not ring busy ... (dare i not say "trunk")
21:18.13edwin_quijadavap0rtranz: But u can do the channe no ring busy?
21:18.32JTvap0rtranz: i don't think you understand how BRI/PRI works
21:18.43vap0rtranzJT: he's all sip; mute
21:19.10JTvap0rtranz: where did he say that?
21:20.53vap0rtranzvap0rtranz: i misread "digita".  how would that be done, i'm more curious than answers
21:21.52JTvap0rtranz: calls are setup via Q.931 over the D channel, which has the destination number, source number if not set to private, and the channel number
21:22.05JTthe timeslot used for the call is arbitary
21:22.37vap0rtranzJT: how is that setup in *?
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21:22.57JTwhat do you mean?
21:23.54vap0rtranzJT, edwin_quijada: the question was how a fax line could never ring busy (ideally, with one line); and how * could do that.
21:24.26JTvap0rtranz: forget about the old concept you may have of lines, if it's digital, there is no such thing as a dedicated channel for a DID
21:24.54BockThank you for your nice help and support, I'll be back soon :)
21:25.01[TK]D-Fendervap0rtranz: You can't and that idea is on crack.  If you don't have free channels yuo can't take calls.
21:25.23seanbrightif i remove the 'span' line from zaptel.conf, that effectively disables the span, yes?
21:25.37edwin_quijadaJT: So there is no way to take the fax
21:25.47JTedwin_quijada: how many channels do you have?
21:26.04edwin_quijadaI have 3 lines
21:26.15JTwhat sort of lines?
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21:27.10edwin_quijadaSo we need a pull modem to receive a few faxes
21:27.34vap0rtranz[TK]D-Fender: i remember reading somewhere (in this heap) that * could take control/release the other end.  the subject wasn't faxing but was curious about how fax number could be made to ring almost at all times.  maybe only via a callback that releases the original number? and the transmission occurs over another channel?
21:27.37JTedwin_quijada: what, do you have BRI, PRI, multiple BRI or what?
21:27.50JTdigital is a class of lines
21:27.53JTnot a specific type
21:28.09edwin_quijadaI have 3 lines normal connect to asterisk
21:28.11[TK]D-Fendervap0rtranz: the only way to have it never it busy is to have more channels than you have calls.
21:29.00JTedwin_quijada: then they're not digital
21:29.09JTedwin_quijada: if they're "normal" POTS
21:29.13JTthat's analogue
21:29.18vap0rtranz[TK]D-Fender: ok.  but i wasn't on crack for thinking about call-back via a different channel ... was i?
21:29.40JTedwin_quijada: please work out what type of lines you actually have
21:29.51*** join/#asterisk fujin (n=aj@unaffiliated/fujin)
21:29.53[TK]D-Fendervap0rtranz: The call is going SOMEWHERE.
21:30.04*** join/#asterisk Wayhigh (
21:30.20fujinanyone suggest the preferred method of achieving high-availibity with asterisk? I'm looking at using DNS SRV records and like mysql storage for voicemail etc
21:30.25fujinerr, odbc storage**
21:30.57JTmultimaster dns is good for dns HA
21:31.04edwin_quijadaJT: are analogue
21:31.06[TK]D-Fenderok, BBIAB
21:31.10fujinJT: any docs?
21:32.25ccvp?msg michelle_kat - well just come over around 9pm, after you goto macaroni grill w/ her, anal & 69 if you want :)
21:32.37ccvpooooops, wtf
21:32.48JTedwin_quijada: are you sure about that now? you've said they're digital twice so far
21:32.57*** join/#asterisk angryuser (
21:33.27edwin_quijadaJT: yes, but i seeing again
21:33.37edwin_quijadathere are normal POTS
21:33.44ccvp".do" ?
21:33.51JTedwin_quijada: it's good to be sure, otherwise you waste everyone's time giving inappropriate advice
21:34.08edwin_quijada3 lines from POTS with openvox card
21:34.13JTsending /msgs from anything but the status window is not a smart thing
21:34.31JTedwin_quijada: in that case each did must be dedicated to a channel
21:34.55edwin_quijadaccvp: I think do u mean dominican republic?
21:35.32edwin_quijadaJT: nothing to do?
21:35.58edwin_quijadaThere is any way to do that even change the line or move to another technology
21:36.06JTedwin_quijada: no
21:36.55edwin_quijadaso the only way is one channel by line and if it is busy wait for this?
21:37.48JTyou can have multiple lines dedicated to fax, and get the telco to put them in a line hunt group
21:37.58JTotherwise there is no other way normally with analogue.
21:38.08MatBoyah nice, 2 4 port bri cards ordered :)
21:38.11vap0rtranzedwin_quijada: it sounds like the line/channel/trunk will ring busy until end of transmission; but i still think there would have been some call-back feature to use line/channel/trunk other than the one with the fax #
21:38.22husimonmmm my office brewed beer is almost ready to be bottled
21:39.00MatBoyhusimon, you found some old stuff there ?
21:39.02JTvap0rtranz: how would that work?
21:39.56edwin_quijadaJT: and if I use another lines type> Could be?
21:40.04husimonMatBoy, nope I brewed beer in my office
21:40.20MatBoyhusimon, my having rotted appleas and so on ?
21:40.22JTedwin_quijada: with digital DIDs are not tied to channels, so as long as you have channels free, you're fine
21:40.27MatBoystansmith, my cards were legal btw ;)
21:40.31stansmithhaha nice
21:40.38husimonMatBoy, rotten apples?
21:40.40MatBoystansmith, 2x 4pri cards
21:40.52JTpri or bri?
21:40.53MatBoyhusimon, you can make alcohol out of rotten fruit :P
21:40.54stansmithwhere did you get them from? they were inexpensive, no?
21:41.03MatBoyJT, pri
21:41.19JTMatBoy: oh, i thought you said bri before
21:41.40MatBoyJT, I might need them too
21:42.04husimonMatBoy, yeah I just didn't follow, didn't see your earlier conversation if you mentioned apples
21:42.32vap0rtranzJT: there would only be momentary use of the channel with the fax #, just long enough to grab the inbound callerid.  setting the callerid of the call-back channel to be the fax #; this all hinges on and the far end accepting the original dialed number and retransmitting.  aka, too much work, but faxes are so old i almost think i've heard of this before
21:42.59MatBoyJT, why did you thought bri ?
21:43.45JTMatBoy: because of
21:43.46JT08:41 < MatBoy> ah nice, 2 4 port bri cards ordered :)
21:43.52*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
21:43.57MatBoyJT, typo
21:44.02MatBoycold hands :)
21:44.03edwin_quijadaJT: check thsi scenario
21:44.29Yourname``When using eyeBeam how can I make sure the external IP is used to foreverything with Asterisk? I hate seeing 192.169.* in the CLI.
21:44.30JTvap0rtranz: most fax machines probably are not setup for that to work
21:44.49vap0rtranzi know :(
21:45.44ice_crofti cant build asterisk_addons from freebsd ports. :(
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21:47.43stansmithbakers dozen = 13 ?
21:48.32*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=Joe@
21:48.34vap0rtranzopinions on moh?  as in, better than elevator but nothing fancy?
21:48.50stansmithvap0rtranz: p. diddy
21:48.51MatBoyJT, nice one you saw, no but PRI, PRI is nice :)
21:49.06[TK]D-Fendervap0rtranz, "Slayer" <- Accept no substitutes.
21:49.07vap0rtranzstansmith: hehe.  meany
21:49.38stansmithvap0rtranz: im not sure if i am wording this correctly, but you need the license for the MOH
21:49.42vap0rtranz[TK]D-Fender: that new agey ;)
21:50.18vap0rtranzstansmith: depends on the artist's licensing, so i mean CC music
21:50.59stansmithjust mentioning it, didnt want to see someone get sued
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21:52.31vap0rtranzmaybe psychedelic will brainwash customer's into forgetting their phone woes
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21:56.25edwin_quijadaJT: i have t1 card and we want use it for receiving faxes the 24 lines. We can use asterisk and HylaFax to receive faxes by this way?
21:56.40budolhow do I setup fax machine in asterisk?
21:56.52jbotWell, apperantly the fax was concieved of by Napoleon Bonaparte. He commissioned a system of devices that could transmit a traced image electrically over telegraph lines to a remote device that would redraw the image identically.
21:57.34vap0rtranzbudol: i'm right there with ya.  fax 101
21:57.57edwin_quijadabudol: Hylafax and asterisk
21:57.58JTstansmith: yeah, you need to pay royalties for most music
21:58.08JTedwin_quijada: as long as you're using PRI signalling, yes
21:58.10stansmithroyalties thats what it is, slipped my mind
21:58.29JTedwin_quijada: if you're using channelised RBS, then you must still dedicate channels to DIDs
21:58.46vap0rtranzJT: "most".  i licensed mine with a liberal CC.  a few people do also
21:59.13stansmith16:45 < edwin_quijada> JT: i have t1 card and we want use it for receiving  faxes the 24 lines. We can use asterisk and HylaFax to  receive faxes by this way?
21:59.43*** join/#asterisk MaliutaWrk (i=nikolai@
22:00.11stansmithsorry bout that
22:00.17J4k3stansmith: I wouldn't use asterisk for that
22:00.21J4k3err edwin_quijada:
22:00.42J4k3personally I'd terminate my CT1 to an old portmaster 3 and use it for faxing
22:00.46J4k3but, thats just me
22:01.09budolif im sending fax is it right? User => Analog Fax => SIP ATA => Asterisk => TDM Card => PSTN
22:01.10edwin_quijadaJ4k3: so it is not possible?
22:01.12J4k3portmaster 3 = $10 to 50
22:01.22J4k3edwin_quijada: it may be possible but PCs kinda suck at 'realtime' jobs.
22:01.29J4k3edwin_quijada: especially running non-rtos's
22:01.29MatBoyman, I can't wait to have my patch in the DC :)
22:01.30budolis it possible in viseversa?
22:01.54JTMatBoy: heh
22:02.03MatBoyJT, or the cards maybe more :)
22:02.09JTMatBoy: i'm waiting for my telco to install 2 * 20 pair cables to my rack
22:02.12JT(at their cost)
22:02.33edwin_quijadaso we need a pull modem to do that
22:02.34J4k3JT: wow, *all* inside wiring in the USA costs money
22:02.46*** join/#asterisk keith4 (n=keith@lust.CC.Lehigh.EDU)
22:02.47JTJ4k3: same here, usually
22:02.49MatBoyJT, ah, the partches are alreayd in my suite, so that's not the issue... only the part from the carrier to the patchpanel need to be doen and so on
22:02.56ccvpHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH, someone posted on barak obamas forums
22:02.57JTJ4k3: except when you harrass the telco enough
22:03.02keith4is there an asterisk integration (click-to-call-esque) for thunderbird?
22:03.05J4k3JT: I even got to the point of installing a 'test wire' under my carport so the telco would install/test T1s to that point, then I'd move the NIUs into my office.
22:03.06MatBoyJT, nice setup :)
22:03.08ccvpthat site is so illegal
22:03.33MatBoyccvp, their name show the oposite :P
22:03.48JTMatBoy: well that's easy then
22:03.54ccvpthat logo at that site
22:03.56ccvpis hilarious
22:03.58MatBoyJT, indeed
22:04.04ccvpan alien in a sombrero
22:04.04JTMatBoy: i need cables run vertically up 2 floors, then horizontally 30metres
22:04.11MatBoyJT, on what cards do you attach those lines ?
22:04.15MatBoyE1's ?
22:04.17JTMatBoy: sangoma
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22:04.35J4k3ahh, the USA is heading itself into admitting to the economic depression its in the middle of
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22:04.54MatBoyJT, ah maybe I need them once too... but this is a good start on those cards :)
22:04.57J4k3and of course, its gotta get a scapegoat, and "terrorist ragheads" aren't working, so we're gonna go to our old 1920s scapegoat, the mexican.
22:05.14JTMatBoy: what do you have?
22:05.27MatBoy2x 410P
22:05.28l2cachehi guys
22:05.31JTah ok
22:05.50MatBoyshould do the job
22:05.58JTdo they have HWEC?
22:06.58MatBoyJT HWEC ?
22:07.07MatBoyHardWare... ?
22:07.14JTecho cancellation
22:07.25*** part/#asterisk IOscanner (
22:07.26JTpretty important
22:07.55MatBoyJT, they are new
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22:10.11MatBoyJT, but why, you mean the type of card, or the type of the type I bought
22:10.17MatBoyversion of the type
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22:15.06[hC]Is there some known bug with asterisk 1.4.14 (?) where sometimes you get 0 byte voicemail files, which when played crashes the call and hangs up on the user?
22:15.14*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
22:17.07fujinhaven't seen that
22:17.24generalhanomg, i cant believe they took the teletubbie-murder sound from the pack :( that was my favorite one
22:18.28vap0rtranzgeneralhan: hehe.  mentioning that, is * really calling mpg123 per the music conf??
22:19.42[hC]yeah, its weird. The customer will get msg0000.gsm = 0bytes in his 'old' folder, and when he tries to play them, the call drops
22:20.35TJNII[hC]: I had that happen once.  Never figured out why.
22:21.10*** join/#asterisk hi365_m (n=hi365@
22:21.21JTMatBoy: the TE410P has no HWEC btw
22:23.04MatBoyJT, doesn't matter for this test at the moment btw, and in price for this test it doesn't matter at all...
22:23.24generalhanboo, im lightly upset ... there are only like 4 "funny" sound files ... in 1.2 there were TONS !
22:23.35generalhanim gonna have to transfer them over from my old machine ! lol
22:24.03hi365_manyone have any info wrt setting the mwi on cellphones when you have new voice mail (on the * server)?
22:25.11MatBoyJT, and you can upgrade them
22:27.51husimonis the default user to linksys pap2t : user?
22:28.04MatBoyJT,  and it's not said that the EC will perform that good on those cards, I see people who have the license and complain... so that's what I'm going to test
22:28.10MatBoyso actually they (can) have it
22:28.57MatBoyJT, HPEC btw if you ask me
22:29.36MatBoyI wonder why people get better results for Software EC sometimes
22:30.31husimondoes anyone know how the speed dial stuff with atas works?
22:30.35husimonthe linksys pap2t
22:30.44husimonhow do you dial them
22:31.24*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
22:31.31MatBoyJT, are you using 8port versions ?
22:33.21husimonis there anyway to make voicemail passwordless via the voicemail.conf?
22:33.28husimonfor a given user
22:33.37MatBoyhusimon, would be nice indeed
22:34.04husimonSo you have to do it via a call to voicemailmain with a flag?
22:34.14husimonnamely s
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22:35.07MatBoyhusimon, dunno, will look also for it
22:36.30JTMatBoy: what, HPEC is completely different to HWEC
22:36.55MatBoyJT, yeah, it makes the sound more clear too
22:36.57*** join/#asterisk mattman99 (n=chatzill@
22:37.02JTMatBoy: i doubt that
22:37.03MatBoyI will test those cards later on
22:37.13JThwec is only meant to stop echo
22:37.17JTnot make it "clear"
22:37.17MatBoyI have read that a lot
22:37.29MatBoyit should indeed
22:37.31JThpec is useless for PRIs
22:37.51MatBoythat was what I was reading
22:37.53JTcpu time
22:38.21MatBoyand some people claim that they got better results with SW instead of HW, and that is what I want to test for this price :)
22:38.55*** join/#asterisk l2cache (
22:39.09JTthey are crazy ;)
22:39.26JTor maybe they were using old digium HWEC that only has 64 taps
22:39.30MatBoyyeah, and I like to test it... you need to test anyhow
22:39.41JTnew HWEC in digium and sangoma is 128taps
22:40.54*** join/#asterisk craigk (n=craigk@
22:44.56[hC]Qwell: does chan_skinny support on-phone conferencing/3way calling? chan_sccp does not and customer is upset. :P
22:45.33*** join/#asterisk angryuser[A] (
22:45.51JerJer[hC]:   i am not sure about on phone conference
22:45.55JerJerbut 3-way should be there
22:46.03*** join/#asterisk Tebi (
22:46.15[hC]jer: well, its the same thing really. I guess unless you consider conference to be able to do N people
22:46.34[hC]JerJer: you're saying 3-way should be there with chan_skinny?
22:46.52[hC]I gotta test chan_skinny out on my 7970 again. Last time I played with it there were a few key features that did not work.
22:47.10JerJernot sure any more - been so long since i paid attention
22:50.37husimondoes anyone know how the speed dial on linksys atas works?
22:50.41husimonis it something like *<number>
22:50.45husimonor #<number> ?
22:53.22hi365_mhow do you use the uds option in sms?
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23:16.33Greek-BoyI have an SQL query that returns a number with decimals. I want to strip the decimals. How do I go about it? I know this is not an asterisk query but I figured someone here should know...
23:16.42znoGhey .. does anyone know the status of using Asterisk with LDAP? (just for sip.conf and iax.conf, don't really care about the rest)
23:17.00`Sauronrewrite your query to not return decimals
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23:18.15Greek-Boylol `Sauron
23:18.40aleriosHi.  Is there a way to prevent the Telco to timeout its own t309 timer on data link failure?
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23:19.02cootoahi everyone
23:20.26Der-Timhi there
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23:20.55cootoai'm looking for some help
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23:21.23Der-Timeverytime i try to reach a remote *, i get an error at the remote sides * cli saying, that the authority (context?!) wasn't found... what can i do to solve this problem?
23:21.27cootoaabout iax configuration and outgoing calls
23:22.11*** join/#asterisk l2cache (n=l2cache@
23:22.16fujinanyone got a script to do sip.conf -> odbc storage?
23:22.58cootoai have  2 trixbox with an iax trunk
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23:23.25cootoathe trunk works fine everyone can call everyone
23:24.32cootoaon of the trixbox has the oubounds to call the outside (pstn)
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23:25.19eric2sometimes, when I make a call, after the call bridge's, I can hear the other person, but they cannot hear me.... do I need to open some ports on my router?
23:25.36eric2my phone is behind the NAT
23:26.04cootoai am looking fo a configuration that will allow the ip phone behind the trixbox that does has the outbounds route to call the outside through the iax trunk
23:26.14JTeric2: and the phone connects to where?
23:27.09mmlj4i can has outbound?
23:28.27cootoai wasnt the one setting up the oubounds route
23:29.18cootoaonly know that to make outgoing calls the phone needs to dial 9 before the number
23:29.25cootoaor 7
23:31.10*** join/#asterisk sergey_masushko (n=sergey@
23:32.11cootoaplz help
23:33.41fujinso anyone? script to go from sip.conf -> database?
23:34.16*** part/#asterisk sergey_masushko (n=sergey@
23:35.02outtoluncyou wiki broke?
23:36.55fujinyou fail
23:36.58fujinthat's for realtime static
23:37.21outtoluncwhat do you think putting your sip.conf in a db is
23:37.39fujinrealtime buddy
23:39.54*** join/#asterisk bkw__ (
23:40.19hi365_mtzafrir tzafrir_home ping
23:42.23outtoluncmaybe bkw has his (because i'm not sharing)
23:43.02outtoluncnow that is old <G>
23:47.57[hC]Anyone know how asterisk sorts the list of "show agents" ?
23:48.10*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
23:48.39[hC]FOP seems to get its data sorted the same way, and im looking to figure out how to sort it my own way.
23:51.56*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (
23:53.40vap0rtranzbtw: about the signaling v. signalling conv earlier: the same typo is in the book (pg. 78 versus 80).  *eek*
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23:55.47JTvap0rtranz: which one is the typo?
23:57.02vap0rtranzwell x86 says his works with signaling; i fixed mine by using signalling, so maybe this is version dependent??
23:57.11*** join/#asterisk xcompass (
23:57.24JTsignalling is correct UK/AU/etc English
23:57.30JTsignaling is US
23:57.35JTwhich isn't really english :P
23:57.46vap0rtranzbloody hell it ain't
23:58.02JTthey speak american ;)
23:58.12vap0rtranzwe ??
23:58.51*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
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23:59.17obnauticusJT == AU

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