IRC log for #asterisk on 20080223

00:00.08drmessanoThen it MUST be good
00:00.09JTBenGR: it sounds specifically like it is NOT working
00:00.18_-Jon-_Question question..  Couldn't find an answer on Google.  I'm wondering how I would make it so Asterisk queries a PHP script to see if a number is a rejected one, and if so, somehow returns a result which jumps to another extension
00:00.26SteveTotaroyou should buy a switchvox system
00:00.26BenGRSteveTotaro ok that's a nice suggestion too. the problem is how to install the isdn card. trixbox is an asterisk dashboard, not an operating system interface
00:00.45SteveTotaroit is a whole OS
00:00.48drmessanoYesterday, I couldn't find the * on my keypad.. Now, I R Asterisk CallCenter Windows technician.  Thank you Cygwin!
00:00.49JTBenGR: it probably won't work
00:01.02JTBenGR: asterisk hardware is only designed to work in linux typically
00:01.13JTcygwin is useless for interfacing with hardware directly
00:01.31BenGRJT: my isdn card has drivers for windows and it works
00:01.36drmessanoTrixbox is an entire Linux + Asterisk + FreePBX + SomeStuff install that takes an hour to install
00:01.44JTthen why are you coming here?
00:01.45drmessanoIf you cant install Trixbox, you fail at life
00:01.56BenGRtrixbox doesnt support my ISDN card directly. it needs some drivers
00:02.09tsabiBenGR: which one?
00:02.21drmessanoWell, shoot.. If windows supports it, then by all means, stick with it
00:02.22BenGRJT because I can talk for 15 seconds. i can hear and they can hear me. means it works. but after 15 seconds the connection is broken. which means something is wrong on my configuration
00:02.27SteveTotarowhen is the win64 port coming out?
00:02.39BenGRtsabi: HFC-PCI isdn
00:02.46drmessanoBenGR: Thats called "Trying to run a realtime application on Windows"
00:02.53SteveTotarodo you answer() before establishing the call?
00:03.19drmessanoBenGR what speed is this Windows PC?
00:03.24drmessanoCPU and RAM
00:03.28BenGRSteveTotaro sorry? I just pick up the phone when it rigns
00:03.35BenGRdrmessano: core 2 duo, 2 giga
00:03.38SteveTotaroa pentium 233
00:03.43SteveTotarohe has an isa card
00:04.00BenGRits a pci as I already mentioned
00:04.00drmessanoWhich version of windows?
00:04.11BenGRXP for the time. the final server will be 2003 :D heh
00:04.16drmessanoOH GTFO
00:04.35_-Jon-_Any ideas?
00:04.40drmessanoBenGR, this is a joke, right?
00:04.51drmessanoWe celebrate that day on April 1 in United States
00:05.05drmessanoI am not aware of joke day 2/22 in other countries
00:05.21drmessanoAsteriskWin32 on XP
00:05.26drmessanoCome on..
00:05.36SteveTotaroditch the windows idea
00:05.38drmessanoSteveTotaro: Laugh, like you get the joke
00:05.44SteveTotaroyou will be glad you did
00:05.48BenGRno this isn't a joke. I was unable to setup this card on linux. two people with knowledge on asterisk was unable to setup it. so Im giving a try to windows before I buy a 500euro card
00:05.56SteveTotaroyou can hire someone to ssh your box and set it all up
00:05.59drmessanoTwo people?
00:06.04BenGRSteveTotaro i already, 2.
00:06.07SteveTotarothen use g4u to make an image
00:06.17JTthey musn't be very smart
00:06.20BenGRthey have setup many other asterisks. I have seen it
00:06.29BenGRbut my card sucks, i dont know why
00:06.29JTto use a pci hfc card
00:06.30drmessanoOn windows?
00:06.34JTinstall bristuff
00:06.36JTset it up
00:06.54drmessano1. Download a bootleg VLK XP ISO off usenet
00:07.06drmessano2. Install it along with AsteriskWin32
00:07.13drmessano4. Callcenter!!!
00:08.08BenGRok guys i know its funny for you, it sounds crazy. asterisk for windows. but the problem I have it looks common for many other users on linux version. can someone gives me some directions about that "__ast_smoother_feed: smoother was working on" warning?
00:08.11drmessanoBenGR: Asterisk 1.2 is not even going to be supported anymore... yet another reason it's a bad idea
00:08.53JTBenGR: did you even try to use bristuff on linux?
00:09.09drmessanoHow can you be sure the problem isn't with AsteriskWin32?
00:09.25drmessanoNo, you can't..
00:09.35drmessanoThat's the difference
00:09.40BenGRjt: we tried trixbox only. an old version was working well. we had some noise problems. we had to plug out the isdn modem out of the computer for 1 minute every 2-3 days
00:09.42drmessanoThat's like troubleshooting a VM
00:09.49BenGRthe next version (latest of trixbox) was unable to see the card at all
00:09.55BenGRand then I switched to windows :)
00:09.56JTBenGR: trixbox is fucking useless
00:10.00JTBenGR: get bristuff
00:10.08drmessanoTrixbox is less Windows that Windows
00:10.08JTi guarantee if it's a hfc pci card
00:10.11JTit will work
00:10.42drmessanoAnyway.. I stopped laughing like 5 mins ago
00:10.50BenGRjt is that an  interface like trixbox that I can set it up quickly?
00:11.04BenGRcause I dont know to use the command line commands. im a poor windows delphi/c++ developer.
00:11.14JTBenGR: no, it has a configuration interface that allows you to set it up so it works (configuration files)
00:11.21JTstop being lazy and learn
00:11.27JTall you need to do is edit text files
00:12.05BenGRJT i just want to setup a small center for 2 phones in my office and I have to spent one month to make things work. ok does anyone here provide remote services?
00:12.07drmessanoSteveTotaro: I have the answer
00:12.34drmessanoBenGR: If it's taken you a month, maybe you need to try Skype
00:12.39drmessanoI hear it's Skyperiffic
00:13.14BenGRdrmessano: yeap for you it may take 10 minutes but there are some other things that for me it takes 10 minutes while for your it will take ages ;)
00:13.22*** join/#asterisk PMantis (
00:14.04drmessanobenGR: You wasted a month that you could be using to learn REAL Asterisk on Linux
00:14.11drmessanoIt's NOT that hard if you READ and stop being lazy
00:14.24jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
00:14.27BenGRi didnt. i said if I have to spend. I just spend 2 hours for windows.
00:14.43PMantisI have an IAX phone call that I'm receiving a HANGUP request from the other end 119ms into the call, "CAUSE CODE : 16". What's cause code 16?
00:14.47BenGRim not lazy. I'm doing what I can do best, programming.
00:14.55drmessanoWindows is NOT.. NOT .. NOT a platform for realtime apps like Asterisk, and especially under a shitty application layer
00:14.56_-Jon-_So anyone know how I can get an AGI script that returns true to jump to another extension?
00:14.59JTPMantis: normal call clearinh
00:15.34drmessanoWindows barely reboots
00:16.20PMantisJT: That's weird, since this was an inbound call, ACCEPTED, ACK'd and then ~60ms later, we see a HANGUP request. the caller was still waiting on the phone.
00:16.36JTPMantis: perhaps a dialplan issue?
00:16.55BenGRJt: did you see my pm?
00:16.59PMantisJT No, when I allow gsm, it works fine.
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00:17.11JTPMantis: what are you allowing?
00:17.16PMantisJT:  g729
00:17.43JTPMantis: licences?
00:17.49PMantis4, 0 in use
00:18.13PMantisJT: show g729 shows that.
00:18.13JTcan you test the licences using another channel type?
00:18.27SteveTotaro1.2 is fine
00:18.28PMantisHmmmm, dunno.
00:18.29SteveTotarowho cares if it is "supported"
00:18.33SteveTotarosupported by whom?
00:19.07PMantisSteveTotaro: Security updates won't come out for it... that's what "not suported" is.
00:20.25PMantisJT: This machine and the provider are the only machines I know of with g729 support.
00:20.35drmessanoSince they haven't even taken the time to port to 1.4, chances are it will still be on 1.2 long after it's abandoned
00:20.51_-Jon-_well this channel is useless
00:20.53drmessanoIt shows lack of initiative to even half ass their half ass port
00:22.07drmessanoI'm gonna port 1.0 to BeOS
00:22.37*** join/#asterisk AndyGraybeal_ (
00:22.57SteveTotaroi thought security updates were going to continue for 1.2 but that was it
00:23.06drmessanoThats correct
00:23.12drmessanoNot bugfixes
00:23.18SteveTotaroso i am happy with 1.2
00:23.30SteveTotaronew code = new bugs
00:23.46*** join/#asterisk Hyphenex (
00:23.56jeranybody here have any experience porting a landline telephone number to a voip carrier in Canada? it's my understanding all you need is a pstn connection in the same area code as the DID exists for it to happen, am I correct?
00:24.21HyphenexHey gang, I'm trying to configure my Avaya IP phone with SIP, but first I need to set it up on the network, it's asking for a VLANID (VLANID=183)  What is that all about??
00:24.27drmessanoYou're missing the point.. If I going to commit to a port on a some wacko OS that really shouldn't even begin to have a port, at least throw the port in newer code so it doesn't look in 2 years like 1.0 does now
00:25.11drmessanoThats was the only reason I said what I said
00:25.13drmessano1.2 isn't bad at all
00:25.29JTHyphenex: vlan tagging
00:25.45SteveTotarook, gotcha
00:25.50drmessanoJust would be funny as hell to see some 1.2 port on windows get pwned by a SIP exploit some time down the road lol
00:25.57SteveTotarobottom line is forget windows for asterisk
00:26.01drmessanoThat too
00:26.32drmessanoYou know
00:26.48drmessanoYou could run it on an WRT54G with less aggrevation
00:26.52drmessanoMaybe THAT is the answer
00:27.12SteveTotarojust get fc8 and yum install everything
00:27.42HyphenexWhat happens if I don't have a VLAN?
00:27.46drmessano..or use that older trixbox version he said worked
00:27.48SteveTotaroi have no idea about the isdn stuff but if they have a script like bristuff it should be easier than easy
00:28.34drmessanoSteveTotaro: Stop making sense please
00:28.42SteveTotarofirestarter has to be the easiest app for firewall/internet connection sharing, i love it
00:28.43drmessanoSteveTotaro: Next time, it's a ban
00:31.53SteveTotaroyeah, i had the pleasure of installing bristuff, the script does everything from downloading all of the asterisk pieces, patching and building
00:32.31SteveTotaromy problem was that the latest centos kernel had a problem with the system clock jumping ahead minutes at a time
00:32.39drmessanoBut were there clicky GUI boxes?
00:32.52SteveTotarono clicky boxes
00:33.41SteveTotaropure white text on black scrolling at a matrix like speed
00:34.07drmessanowow.. $44.6 billion for Yahoo
00:34.25drmessanoThat like, $3.50 per cheating soccer mom yahoo user
00:36.08methodsdefsdoor:  what ?
00:36.22jeranybody know the requirements for LNP in Canada? been googling with no success =/
00:38.15SteveTotarojer = jerjer?
00:38.35SteveTotaromr nufone?
00:38.52[hC]different jer :)
00:41.12jerSteveTotaro, no jer == jer
00:42.03drmessanoSteveTotaro: Any ideas about inbound routing of calls from Bluetooth?
00:42.53drmessanoCalls going to s@context
00:42.55SteveTotaroyou mean from your phone and chan_mobile?
00:43.13tzafrir_laptopSteveTotaro, I have some further improvements to the bristuff compile script in my latest version
00:43.18SteveTotaroyou set the context in mobile.conf i believe
00:43.20drmessanoI guess I am gonna have to create a context for them
00:43.29drmessanoI was trying to use my default
00:43.34tzafrir_laptopmost of my improvements made into it into bristuff, some didn't
00:43.39drmessanoBut no CID or DID info
00:44.01SteveTotarotzafrir_laptop: what improvements, i have to go back to that customer site next week
00:44.25tzafrir_laptop  <-- contents of the tarball
00:44.34*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
00:44.45tzafrir_laptopspecifically, check
00:44.56tzafrir_laptopand also
00:46.06tzafrir_laptopI like quilt
00:46.13tzafrir_laptopok, time to go to bed
00:46.26*** part/#asterisk methods (
00:46.51SteveTotarogood night txafrir
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00:59.36BBHossanybody know how to change the signaling type on an AA50?  Everytime i change zaptel.conf and zapata.conf, it gets wiped out on reboot, and yes im using save_config
01:00.27russellbi think it expects that you use the GUI to change it
01:00.38BBHosstheres no option as far as i can tell
01:01.07russellbi know that stuff is in the gui .. maybe it's in the 1.1 build
01:01.16russellbi guess just contact ..
01:01.20BBHossthis is AADK 0.7
01:01.50russellbdo you know how old that is?  i can't remember
01:01.50FrogzooBBHoss: think you want to set driver options in /etc/modprobe.d/options ?
01:02.11BBHossthe main reason i want to change the signaling is because i'm getting some super weird behavior.
01:03.43BBHossWhen an incoming call comes in through fxo port, it goes out to extension 6000 via an fxs port.  The phone connected to the fxs will ring, but AS SOON AS YOU PICKUP, the caller hears a busy signal, and you get the outside line
01:04.05PMantisJT: I think it's the provider that has an issue with g729. to test, I'm ordering my own license.
01:04.12BBHossthis is using kewlstart, i'm thinking it should be loopstart
01:04.20PMantisJT: (that was my clients' PBX)
01:04.46BBHossever heard of such a thing russellb
01:05.35BBHossBTW AADK 0.7 was released August 10, 2007
01:09.21russellbgotcha ...
01:09.28russellbi just know there has been a ton of work since then ...
01:10.04[hC]There is something going on i think with AADK and asterisk-gui with some branch merges
01:10.17[hC]cause id love to be able to use the AADK + new asterisk + asterisk-gui as well
01:10.20[hC]but its out of date badly
01:10.53*** join/#asterisk Nasra (
01:11.19riddleboxdoes anyone use astercrm?
01:11.59*** join/#asterisk djs (n=djstillm@unaffiliated/djs26)
01:18.18*** join/#asterisk AJayMN (i=4360bbd1@gateway/web/ajax/
01:18.29AJayMNis there a way to check to make sure the application .so files are the correct versions? I think i might have a mix of old and new
01:19.24JunK-YAJayMN: juste rm -rf /usr/lib/asterisk/modules then make install again?
01:19.57*** join/#asterisk BeeBuu (n=beebuu@
01:21.09*** join/#asterisk seanbright (
01:21.17*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
01:21.51[hC]Is there a variable in 1.2 that provides just the username portion of the sip user who's placing the current call?
01:22.07[hC]ie if i dial something with SIP user JOE-102, i want a variable that contains "JOE-102"
01:22.44[hC]no, exten is what you dialed.
01:23.01BeeBuuwhat your mean?
01:23.44[hC]no, EXTEN is the extension you dialed
01:23.55[hC]I dont think there is a variable for what I want, i'll have to mangle ${CHANNEL}
01:25.29ManxPower[hC]: nothing listed in channelvariables.txt  1.4 added a bunch of SIP specific variables
01:27.00russellbthere may be a dialplan function to get it
01:27.03russellbbut it wouldn't be in 1.2
01:27.11russellbwell, i'm sure there is, just not in 1.2
01:29.50ManxPowerAre you running 1.2 or 1.4, [hC]?
01:30.20[hC]mixed :) but im concerned about 1.2
01:33.23*** join/#asterisk creativx (
01:34.22ManxPowerSIP_HEADER            SIP_HEADER(<name>)                   Gets the specified SIP header
01:34.30ManxPowerSounds pretty easy to me.
01:34.33*** join/#asterisk citats (
01:35.01ManxPowerfrom "show functions" in 1.2
01:35.55[hC]that still returns more than i want that I have to parse down though
01:36.07[hC]For example if i grab "From" I'm going to get the full sip uri
01:36.30[hC]i only want the sip username, and I dont believe there's a header that contains just that
01:36.32seanbrightthen just strip off the hex at the end of the channel name and you're golden
01:36.45seanbrightin 1.2 i think its 4 digits
01:36.52[hC]Ive already done it now using CUT
01:37.15seanbrightthat will work as long as your peers don't contain - in their names
01:37.21ManxPowerunless you have - in your sip userid
01:37.31[hC]ah very true.
01:37.35seanbrightotherwise you're all set
01:37.37[hC]Well then, even easier
01:37.40russellbyeah, but doign that is bad for other reasons too
01:37.45russellbit breaks device state handling ...
01:38.00seanbrightdoing what is bad?
01:38.02russellbso, don't have peer names with - in it :)
01:38.05ManxPowerhalf the things people do in Asterisk are not a good idea. 8-)
01:38.06russellbthat ^^
01:38.30[hC]I have sip peers with - in them
01:38.31seanbrightthat sounds like a bug in device state handling ;)
01:38.38russellbmaybe it got fixed ...
01:38.40[hC]and thats bad?
01:38.52russellblet me look at what the code does now
01:39.00ManxPowerEvery single of our SIP peers have - in the peer name
01:39.15*** join/#asterisk BenGR (
01:39.21[hC]This is retarded that CUT wants a variable without ${}
01:39.35[hC]now i cant manipulate it like ${VARIABLE:0:5}
01:39.37ManxPower0004f211f932-a is an example
01:39.52russellb[hC]: well, you can ... it just takes a few steps, heh
01:40.07[hC].. :)
01:40.25ManxPowerrussellb: that's what I was getting read to type. 8-)
01:40.31ManxPowerread == ready
01:40.48russellbok, so, i forgot that the '-' thing is handled now :)
01:40.50russellbnm ;)
01:41.13[hC]so in that case, to get the sip user name, where having -'s is okay, i could do Set(FULLSIPPPER=${CHANNEL:0:5}) and then CUT(FULLSIPPEER|/|2)
01:41.19seanbright"now" being which versions?
01:41.30[hC]it would have just been much handier if i could have done the ${VAR:0:5} step inside the cut is all
01:41.30russellbseanbright: 1.4 and trunk at least
01:41.42seanbrightrussellb: phew
01:43.33plikJ4k3: intel fxp / em  ftw
01:43.36J4k3(its an athlon64 3000+... it'd be a big step up from what I'm using)
01:43.39ManxPowerYou can still get PCMCIA ones
01:43.44plikoh cardbus ;?
01:44.11J4k3its a laptop
01:44.19J4k3(aiming for lowish power consumption)
01:44.34J4k3and, I already have the machine, and its rock stable just not very fast.
01:44.35plikand no need for a ups ;)
01:44.40J4k3and its heavy as a stack of bricks
01:44.41J4k3that too ;)
01:44.53J4k3that thing got 6 hours with the LCD closed idle in XP
01:45.00J4k3off the stock lowish-capacity battery
01:45.13J4k3the battery in it is dead, but $40ish on ebay gets me a refurb
01:45.56Wayhighanyone know of a voip provider with cheap minutes that you don't prepay for?
01:46.02J4k3at idle in kubuntu live cd, it consumes about half as much as the P3-700 desktop I'm using now
01:46.22J4k3Wayhigh: yeah, but they all require a deposit ;)
01:46.29J4k3or an approved line of credit
01:47.03[hC]How can i mangle ${VARIABLE} to strip the LAST 8 characters off the end?
01:47.04WayhighI don't mind getting an approved line of credit
01:47.23Wayhighjust having trouble getting my wife to do a $50 buy-in unless I want to wait a week..
01:47.31Wayhigh(trying for instant gratification here)
01:47.39ManxPower[hC]: it's documented in channelvariables.txt aka README.variables
01:47.48J4k3thats why god made credit cards
01:47.51J4k3pay now, debt later!
01:48.15J4k3I use vitelity, I think they're about $10 buyin but the minutes aren't horribly cheap
01:48.26[hC]ManxPower: Im looking at it.. But, it goes VAR:length:offset - it all seems to be based around knowing how many characters you want to keep from the left to the right
01:48.32J4k3I think us48 termination is at ~1.3c or so
01:48.39Wayhighj4k3: end of the month.. we pay off every month..
01:48.54ManxPower[hC]: combined with the LEN() function.....
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01:49.15J4k3Wayhigh: do you need a lot of call paths?
01:49.43J4k3you can get unlimited us48 termination for like $6/month/line from sellvoip, assuming they're still in business, and they're working this week.
01:49.53Wayhighj4k3: probably not.. the trouble is the big one I need right now is to brazil
01:50.06J4k3look for a brazilian itsp
01:50.08ManxPowerAs long as it's less than 1.9/cents/min I'm happy if they are reliable
01:50.13J4k3thats usually cheapest
01:50.36WayhighI was going to use voicepulse connect because I've heard good things about them
01:50.52Wayhighbut they have that $50 prepay
01:51.03J4k3damn, thats just... eee
01:51.10ManxPowerSo many poor people on this channel.
01:51.14J4k3$50 to test something that has a high chance of not being acceptable
01:51.28ManxPowereither that if cheap bastards.
01:51.50J4k3ManxPower: $50 is mighty damned high for prepaid termination
01:52.00J4k3theres *no* logical reason for that
01:52.00ManxPowerJ4k3: I agree
01:52.19ManxPowerJ4k3: keeps away the casual users and is not much of a barrier for higher volume users.
01:52.33J4k3especially since they 'own' the switch.  you run out of $$, your call drops.
01:52.45Wayhighj4k3: that's my issue with it too
01:52.47J4k3ManxPower: yeah...  makes sense.
01:53.04[hC]ManxPower: what  a pain. So I have to get the length, then subtract 8 from that, then use the result in the original substring.
01:53.09J4k3ManxPower: I can see setting the bar high for support reasons...
01:53.28J4k3if its a support-related issue, maybe you could contact and get a lower initial buy-in
01:53.34*** join/#asterisk mosty (
01:53.49J4k3and that you cannot get $50 allocated to test the route
01:54.03J4k3but a lower test buyin could be possible, etc.
01:54.16J4k3of course, I'm also a cheap bastard
01:54.21J4k3but being a cheap bastard usually pays
01:54.31J4k3I pay $900 for a T1 I was originally quoted $1450 for
01:54.42J4k3why?  cheapbastarditis...  I talked the guy down for 6 months
01:55.19Wayhighj4k3: ya know.. they supposedly have $2 for trialing the connection
01:55.36Wayhighbut my point is.. $2 doesn't make sense when you have to pay $50 to get it..
01:55.38J4k3that works
01:55.52ManxPowerJ4k3: or you can just use a different company.  It's not like there are not many choices
01:56.37drmessanoMy ITSP pays me to use their service
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01:56.52drmessanook, no
01:58.01Wayhighdrmessano: who do you use.. RBN? :P
01:58.30jbot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet telephony Service Provider or "VoIP Telephone company". The allow you to either PLACE calls to the PSTN (called Termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called Origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs
01:58.46jbotrumour has it, vontage is ZOMG I R USE VONTAGE FOR MY IRTP
01:59.39drmessanoI think I have managed to lower the IQ of jbot by 75 points or so
02:00.18[hC]so for anyone curious, here's what i did to finally get the sip user name:
02:00.19[hC]exten => s,2,SetVar(FULLSIPPEER=${CHANNEL:0:$[${LEN(${CHANNEL})} - 9]})
02:00.20[hC]exten => s,3,SetVar(ORIGCID=${CUT(FULLSIPPEER|/|2)})
02:00.29[hC]ORIGCID contains the sip username.
02:00.49drmessanoah sweet
02:01.11[hC]this is of course presuming that the identifier at the end of ${CHANNEL} is always 9 characters including the dash :)
02:01.15ManxPower[hC]: now you are starting to get the sick twisted way we use to set up dialplans
02:01.37seanbright[hC]: do you know of sip.conf in 1.2 supports the setvar option?
02:01.40[hC]ManxPower: oh I have plenty of these nuggets. But, its 6pm on friday and not all of my neurons are firing :)
02:01.51[hC]seanbright: i hate you.
02:01.54[hC]seanbright: yes it does.
02:02.29seanbright[hC]:  :)
02:02.38seanbrightjust came to me
02:02.40[hC]asterisk makes me want to punch babies sometimes
02:02.59[hC]You know the shitty part too is, I came up with that weeks ago as the solution, and when i sat down to tackle this today
02:03.18[hC]I forgot, and went along the common thought path, forgetting that nice little feature
02:03.33ManxPower[hC]: my asterisk macros are complex, ugly, twisted, but they work
02:03.36seanbrightalways works out that way
02:04.04[hC]ManxPower: yeah, i have a ton of that crap. The difficult part is reading it again afterwards. How many times have you stared at: })}])]})
02:04.12seanbrighti spent 3 hours today debugging a problem that ended up being the difference between calling "foo.ThisMethodName()" and "ThisMethodName()"
02:04.18seanbrightfelt like a moron when i figured it out
02:04.40[hC]those are the best arent they? :)
02:04.54NuggetJust delete lines until the code compiles.  that's how I debug.
02:05.17drmessanoIt's far better when you change something and forget to reload
02:05.21drmessanoKeep getting the same result
02:05.31drmessano"NO WAI"
02:05.36drmessanoYah, way
02:05.40plikis it possible to create a local file that will match incoming caller-id to locally created list of names, without getting in to AGI scripting if poss?... grateful for any pointers besides ~book or ~wiki
02:06.23[hC]haha. now its one line
02:06.54[hC]oh well. lessons have been learned anyhow.
02:07.13seanbrightyeah, lots cleaner
02:07.31[hC]readable dialplans++
02:07.34seanbrighti generate all of my peers out of a mssql database
02:07.36mostyplik, sure, just make your "local file" in the dialplan format and #include it from extensions.conf
02:07.39seanbrightso it makes stuff like that trivial
02:07.51[hC]so do i. this will save a lot of time
02:07.52seanbrightchanging stuff like that trivial, rather.
02:08.20[hC]or rather, it would have before i spent the time making that cut function work. :)
02:08.28plikta mosty, will have a go
02:08.46Wayhighthis place apparently doesn't know what "instant activation" means
02:09.00ManxPowerplik: "show application readfile"
02:09.18plikManxPower: also noted, thank you
02:09.18mostyplik, ie it's exactly the same as encoding that into extensions.conf, except it's in a separate file
02:09.46ManxPowerplik: it's not very useful in 1.2, but in 1.4 it should be very useful.
02:10.22plikgot 1.4 here  :)
02:13.22ManxPowerplik: reading "show applications" and "show functions" is VERY good for learning asterisk
02:13.29ManxPowerjust remember functions are ALL UPPER CASE.
02:13.43ManxPower"show function x" won't work, use "show function X" 8-)
02:14.23plikyeah... tab completion helps get that right  :)
02:15.04Wayhighsoo.. I just emailed this place to let them know that claiming "instant activation" and then requiring forms is a violation of consumer protection acts.
02:15.34Wayhighit'll be interesting to hear what they say in response.. I'm guessing it will be something similar to.. <comfort noise generation here>..
02:17.02*** join/#asterisk Strom_C (n=strom@
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02:20.37mostyWayhigh, maybe it is activated instantly when the forms are recevied?
02:22.07outtolunctry getting a secure cert without filling in some forms
02:24.07Wayhighhahaha what's instant about having to fax in forms and activation being "within 2 days"
02:24.48Wayhighthey're lucky my state is only actual damages for something like this or I'd go after them for the small check it would be worth
02:25.01outtoluncit is activated, just not verified <G>
02:25.26Wayhighyou'd have an awefully hard time arguing that successfully..
02:25.34outtoluncnot really
02:26.24Wayhighinstant activation would mean, to a person of average intelligence, that they would be capable of using the service immediately upon completion of the online form and giving them your credit card number.
02:26.58outtoluncnot if said service, not 'semi-yadda' person was unaware of other requirements
02:27.02WayhighI totally understand why they're doing what they're doing but it's just silly fauxsecurity
02:27.15outtoluncthose requirements can be at a different level, like govt
02:27.32*** join/#asterisk AndyGraybeal_ (
02:30.19WayhighI hear ya.. but that still doesn't mean that advertising "instant activation" isn't a material nondisclosure
02:31.54outtolunci hear you also, i just understand that 'instant' in this day and age, also means '*after* all of the following happen.. cc validation, card bang, verification, risk assessment, form verification, etc etc etc
02:32.24outtoluncall of which 'should' hopefully happen in one fell swoop
02:32.28outtoluncbut doesn't always
02:32.52outtolunci have had risk assessment group contact me days later..
02:33.08outtoluncsaying 'you didn't send them product yet did you'
02:33.59outtolunchere is another example
02:34.07*** join/#asterisk marc\cba (
02:34.26outtoluncthawte used to send me an email to 'instantly update' my *existing* secure cert
02:34.38outtoluncfill in form
02:34.39WayhighI work in the security field and this voodoo feel-good security crap bothers me.
02:34.41outtoluncband card
02:34.44outtoluncer bang
02:35.01outtoluncthen *require* me to fill out the SAME f'n forms, 5 years in a row
02:35.35Wayhigha credit card, cvv2 number for proof of card, and a statement in the form regard it being a legal digital signature..
02:35.51Wayhighthat should be all you need to establish the ToS
02:36.20Wayhighhonestly.. asking for a copy of the drivers license AND the credit card affixed to a fax is just sooo heinous
02:36.38outtoluncwhat is this for again?
02:36.51Wayhigha simple $2 trial voip account
02:37.04outtoluncumm 'just say no' (tm)
02:38.12ManxPowerteliax and vitelity both were instant access once you paid your min signup.
02:38.54mostyWayhigh, it's not security so much as legal requirement
02:40.05ManxPowermosty: there is less paperwork to sign up for an ADULT site.
02:40.12Wayhighwhat legal requirement?
02:40.33ManxPowerOne would assume that keeping kids from porn would be more important than keeping kids from making $2 worth of VoIP prank calls.
02:41.11Wayhighif you were going to make voip prank calls.. wouldn't you just use 1800free411 anyways?
02:41.26mostyWayhigh, agreements between the credit card companies and the company in question, without certain paperwork/signatures, the CC company can penalise the company in questio
02:42.04Wayhighright.. and I'm saying that as long as they have proper documentation.. that does not necessarily have to be hard copies.. there shouldn't be a problem..
02:42.33Wayhighthe only thing that shows me is that their merchant account is not enabled for online processing.. and if that's the case then it's a very sketchy merchant account indeed
02:43.20*** join/#asterisk Strom_C (n=strom@
02:43.21mostysome CC companies don't accept faxed signatures
02:44.49Wayhighhell.. most CC companies don't even look at signatures anyways
02:45.09mostynot until there is a disputed payment
02:45.48mostyand then the CC company will penalise the merchant if they don't have the correct documentation for the charge
02:45.51drmessanoI put "SEE ID" on the back of my debit card
02:45.57ManxPowerIf they have a faxed photo copy of the card, can they flag the transaction as "card present" and get the lower transaction fee?
02:45.58drmessanoTook 6 months before someone asked
02:46.12mostyManxPower, i don't think so
02:47.18ManxPowermany credit card companies in the USA will permit no-signature transactions under $20
02:54.30outtolunci can't believe it is only 6:54pm (locally) feels like it is midnight
02:55.45jm|homeSat Feb 23 02:56:38 GMT 2008
02:55.52jm|homedoesn't feel like midnight here
02:57.39AsterlinktechyHi, I got this error when I try to call thru my IAX trunk
02:57.42Asterlinktechy[Feb 23 10:54:30] NOTICE[2458]: chan_sip.c:13795 handle_request_invite: Failed to authenticate user "6000" <sip:6000@>;tag=14687580-AB787F87
02:58.03AsterlinktechyIf I try to use my SIP Trunk its okay to call outside
02:59.11*** join/#asterisk coppice (
02:59.11ManxPowerAsterlinktechy: you do not have a [6000] entry in sip.conf
02:59.33drmessanoOh nice
02:59.34AsterlinktechyI have and my polycom phone registering to it
02:59.34ManxPowerAsterlinktechy: You CANNOT get that error with IAX, you can only get that error with SIP.
03:00.15ManxPowerAsterlinktechy: that message means either the userid was not found or the password is wrong.
03:00.16Asterlinktechy6000/6000            D          5060     Unmonitored
03:00.48ManxPowerAsterlinktechy: NO!  The device at is trying to register as user 6000
03:01.08ManxPowerthat's kind of why the IP address of the offending device is put in the NOTICE
03:01.08AsterlinktechyI try this extention locally and it works heheh
03:01.31ManxPowerI give up.
03:01.39Asterlinktechyhehe thanks
03:02.42ManxPowerI do think that might get upset with you using their name
03:03.17Asterlinktechy:)) I just think this name :P
03:03.28AsterlinktechyI'm asterisk newbie :)
03:04.08ManxPowerBTW, what is your native language?
03:05.26Asterlinktechyjust start studying asterisk :)
03:05.33jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
03:05.36jbotSearch Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at or search through it at, or and there is also the Macintosh Asterisk mailing list at
03:05.53jbotmethinks docs is Documentation can be found at or or or or
03:05.53outtoluncit's been almost 20 years since i was in PI
03:06.06Asterlinktechyk thanks
03:06.28ManxPowerAsterlinktechy: in the future you might mention English is not your native language
03:07.18ManxPowerPeople may be more patient with your questions.
03:26.17NasraSteve here tonight?
03:27.57coppiceManxPower: if his mother tongue is tagalog, he should have no problems with english
03:28.10outtolunclast i remember he was saying something about giving up and vesa <G>
03:28.13*** join/#asterisk ltd (
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03:31.53Asterlinktechyi just get quick reference... :)
03:33.14ManxPowercoppice: Bad English is OK as long as it isn't your native language.
03:33.46coppiceits rare to meet a tagalog speaker who has much trouble with english
03:34.25coppicethey can't claim to be the third largest english speaking country, and not speak it well :-)
03:38.03J4k3define 'bad english'
03:38.09J4k3english is pretty bad to begin with
03:38.37coppicebad english == things like harbor, color, etc
03:38.45seanbrightJ4k3: the terrorists just won
03:38.49seanbrightnice work.
03:40.00J4k3seanbright: there are no terrorists.
03:40.19J4k3the only *terror* is in your own head
03:40.20seanbrightJ4k3: there is no spoon.
03:40.29seanbrightdamn hippy
03:40.33J4k3if you're that scared, you're a woman's sex organ :P
03:40.42J4k3damn pussies
03:41.02*** join/#asterisk bobnormal (n=bob@
03:41.04J4k3fuckin pussies are gonna blow the world up
03:41.07J4k3one of these days
03:41.48bobnormalerr, moving right along, anyone have experience integrating asterisk with php (or other scripting languages) for custom incoming call-center operator interfaces?
03:42.23bobnormali'm trying to figure out the best way of doing this and am quite surprised not to have found any relevant docs yet via google
03:42.26seanbrightbobnormal: i use .net for that stuff, but sure.
03:43.16TJNIIphp and asterisk integrate quite nicely
03:43.19bobnormalseanbright: how do you get the link going?  i have a queue set up and functioning, but wish to deliver the incoming call event through to my server-side web app (already has ajax-based polling set up for updating individual operator interfaces)
03:43.44seanbrightbobnormal: you can use AGI
03:43.46TJNIIAll my * agis are in PHP, it wasn't that hard
03:43.47bobnormali guess calling AGI is an easy out, but the problem is i'm not sure which queue member will take the call yet
03:43.51mostybobnormal, what sort of things do you want to do?
03:44.09seanbrightbobnormal: then write something to monitor the AMI, and when the call is delivered, you will know which agent
03:44.30bobnormali need to pass the caller ID and other information (language, possibly tertiary information from a database with that caller ID) to the receiving operator
03:45.19bobnormalseanbright: is that the simplest/most elegant method?  i am planning to have quite a few queues.  is there something pre-written for this?  it seems like it should be a common requirement
03:45.26seanbrightbobnormal: do something like this... write an agi that you call when the call starts (before the caller gets to the queue) that stores off the ANI, DNIS, unique id, etc to the DB
03:45.33mostybobnormal: personally, i would write a queue macro and not use app_queue, then you have a lot more control
03:46.07seanbrightthat's a dumb idea
03:46.28seanbrightbobnormal: there are plenty of boilerplate examples out there
03:46.35seanbrightbobnormal: i'm just telling you what i have done that works
03:46.35mostyapp_queue is a pain to use, in my experience
03:46.58bobnormalseanbright: ok, much appreciated, thanks.  could you point me to one of those boilerplate examples?
03:47.00seanbrightmosty: to each their own, then.  i've had 0 problems with it.
03:47.46bobnormali had some reservations about app_queue in that i need to modify/reload the queues conf to add/remove users, plus it might be annoying for my operators to have to reject a call to 'opt out' of the queue for a few minutes if they need a break
03:48.11mostyseanbright, ideally i would like to rewrite app_queue, but i don't have enough time
03:48.12bobnormali can see the value in integrating a button in the web interface for them to achieve this more quickly
03:48.16seanbrightbobnormal: you can use AMI to add and remove queue members in realtime
03:48.35mostybobnormal, you can use realtime queues and realtime queue members
03:48.45seanbrightbobnormal: (don't use realtim)
03:49.08bobnormalseanbright: why do you think realtime queues are a bad idea?
03:49.18seanbrightbobnormal: mosty will answer the rest of your questions, sorry i couldn't help you.
03:49.56mostyrealtime in general is a bit of a mess imo, but i find that queues and queue members work ok
03:50.39mostythe benefit is that it's trivial to write code that modifies the queues and their members, for example from a website
03:50.42bobnormalok.  i only have TFOT2 as an AMI reference
03:50.47bobnormalare there any other docs you can recommend?
03:51.36mostythe wiki
03:51.59bobnormalok cheers guys
03:52.07bobnormali'll get stuck in to that now and come back if i have issues
03:52.17bobnormalall help much appreciated!
03:52.19*** join/#asterisk TJNII (n=TJNII@
03:52.35seanbrightno problem
03:52.47bobnormalone more thing, have you guys tried 'adhearsion'?
03:53.19seanbrightbobnormal: i have not.
03:54.58*** join/#asterisk LiNeTuX (
03:55.50*** join/#asterisk jameswf-home (
04:00.31*** join/#asterisk Hyphenex (
04:05.58ManxPowerUm, the docs directory of the asterisk source code is the correct reference for manager stuff.
04:09.34grandpapadot[i]nvalid [d]ealer [k]ing?
04:10.16Wayhighis there a howto anywhere on getting peerings for free calling? :P
04:11.36bobnormalManxPower: cheers
04:13.08*** join/#asterisk TJNII (n=TJNII@
04:16.34HyphenexI'm logging into a SIP server over the internet (from behind a NAT).  How would I go about doing this if my phone does not support STUN?
04:17.31jameswf-home~taze is <reply> DON'T TAZE ME BRO
04:17.32jbotokay, jameswf-home
04:17.38jbotDON'T TAZE ME BRO
04:17.54jbot[nat] Network Address Translation  Usable in Asterisk sip.conf file with externip, localnet, and localmask setup properly.  See docs.
04:17.58TJNIIHyphenex: ^
04:18.25Hyphenexactually... I'm trying to get my phone working with Free world dialup first before I move onto asterisk
04:18.34HyphenexI've even set it behind a DMZ and no luck :(
04:19.20TJNIIHyphenex: Getting your phone to connect to your * box will probably be easier because of no NAT and the debug console
04:19.22bobnormalis there an easy way to authenticate incoming SIP registrations against mysql?
04:19.50bobnormali've got the right event showing in the AMI already (to generate a web-platform event), but the only identifier is the sip user
04:19.51jameswf-homeHyphenex: is it a netgear
04:19.55bobnormalmanaging sip users manually will be a pain
04:20.12Hyphenexjameswf-home: Nope, an an Avaya IP phone
04:20.13TJNIIbobnormal: I think there are scripts for that.
04:20.58jameswf-homeno your router
04:20.59TJNIIHyphenex: be carefull, I know a couple people that got Avaya phones thinking they were SIP and found out they really wern't.
04:21.29TJNIIOne now has a nice box of bricks he can't use.
04:21.51HyphenexTJNII: I've got SIP firmware on it now, it can register and everything fine, it's just that when I dial the call back on Free World Dialup for example, I can't hear anything
04:22.21TJNIIFair enough.
04:25.43*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=angeldav@
04:29.45*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
04:32.22mostyHyphenex, can you run a packet trace on your router/somewhere in the middle to see what's going where?
04:32.36jameswf-homeHyphenex: what brand router
04:32.46HyphenexJust a crappy little D-Link router
04:33.31jameswf-homeHyphenex: cheap routers suck at nat and SPI will also bork sip
04:33.53Hyphenexjameswf-home: hmmmm
04:34.00bobnormaltjnii: it seems the real answer to my question was to use 'ARA' (asterisk realtime architecture) to move /etc/asterisk/ config files in to a relational DB
04:34.02Hyphenexwhat to do then?
04:34.14jameswf-homecheck for firmware update
04:34.20bobnormalahh hes gone
04:34.33bobnormaldrmessano: learn :) its not hard
04:34.35mostybobnormal, beware of the restrictions on some realtime entities, eg no sip nat keepalives
04:34.43Hyphenexcould one of you give me an account on a public Asterisk server so we could trace down the problem there?
04:34.54*** join/#asterisk sergey (n=sergey@
04:35.01bobnormalmosty: are the full set of restrictions documented somewhere?
04:35.04mostyHyphenex, that won't help
04:35.13mostybobnormal, not that i know of
04:35.33Hyphenexmosty: Why wouldn't that help?  I could check if it's dialing a number, check if audio is one way, or not at all
04:35.40bobnormalmosty: i use a second asterisk box with IAX trunking as a NAT workaround anyway
04:35.51bobnormalmosty: ie: my gateway runs asterisk :)
04:36.56mostybobnormal, i recommend that you keep as much as possible in standard config files (maybe produced from a db script), and only have specific things as realtime, that you know work well
04:37.19mostyHyphenex, it's more important that you check what's going on at your end
04:37.26bobnormalmosty: the only thing i need is the sip configuration, since i want to manage user accounts for operators using my existing web framework
04:37.38Hyphenexmosty: I don't think I can do that though
04:37.58Hyphenexwhat would the possible causes of not hearing any audio, could that be because of a lack of STUN?
04:38.17mostybobnormal, look at ajam
04:38.26jameswf-homeon the TV show kung foo how do they equate david caridinr to asian
04:38.45jameswf-homeHyphenex: its likely RTP
04:38.46mostyHyphenex, most likely a nat issue, combined with a misconfiguration on your end
04:38.50jbotrtp is, like, The Internet-standard protocol for the transport of real-time data, including audio and video. RTP is used in virtually all voice-over-IP architectures, for videoconferencing, media-on-demand, and other applications. A thin protocol, it supports content identification, timing reconstruction, and detection of lost packets.
04:39.36Hyphenexjameswf-home: could that be these lines I commented out?  ## SET RTCPMON      ""
04:39.37Hyphenex## SET RTCPMONPORT  "5082"
04:40.05jameswf-homeidunno try it
04:40.35jbotTry not.  Do. Or do not.  There is no try.
04:40.44Hyphenex## is a comment
04:42.01*** join/#asterisk b1ch0 (
04:42.21b1ch0ZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 1: No such device or address (6) error during Yeastar card installation
04:43.43*** join/#asterisk iPod-nano (
04:43.54iPod-nanoDoes Asterisk Win32 support MP3Player?
04:44.12*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=angeldav@
04:45.22jameswf-homei need  haircut I look like a hippy
04:46.13*** join/#asterisk AndyGraybeal_ (
04:47.02HyphenexAnybody here have there Asterisk configured with Free world dialup?
04:47.37jameswf-homeHyphenex: did you look @ voipinfo
04:47.45HyphenexYep :)
04:47.48Hyphenexhad a good look there
04:51.20*** join/#asterisk Docfxit (
04:56.02DocfxitWith a softphone what conf file in Asterisk specifies what ports to use?
04:56.28iPod-nanoDoes anyone know how to play MP3s under Windows/
04:57.27drmessanoWrong channel?
04:57.31drmessanotry #ipod
04:58.34jameswf-hometry #windows-didnt-pay-lucent-license-fees
05:01.37jameswf-home[Error] #windows-didnt-pay-lucent-license-fees is currently unavailable.
05:03.27drmessanoAnyone have app_flite working under 1.6?
05:09.50*** join/#asterisk esaym (n=user@
05:10.07jameswf-homedrmessano:  file: said your using okld shizzo
05:11.38jameswf-homewe were originating 8 calls a second on te via processor that thing hates us
05:12.02jameswf-homewe will evntualy smoke it
05:13.25J4k3which via chip?
05:13.28J4k3c3 or c7?
05:13.39J4k3c7's really just a downclocked modernized duron
05:14.32jameswf-homeI think c7 its the 199 wal-mart special
05:17.06J4k3ahh nice
05:26.59*** part/#asterisk iPod-nano (
05:28.15drmessanoGuess he got his MP3s working
05:28.33J4k3I gotta move this server
05:28.54drmessanoNot quite effin sure why in the Sam-shit he came here for info on MP3s
05:34.14*** join/#asterisk arcanine (n=saxon_m2@
05:35.32drmessanoWayhigh is starting up MouseTel
05:35.51*** join/#asterisk jicksta_ (
05:42.23*** join/#asterisk Nasra (
05:42.28coppicedrmessano: have you found any supporting evidence that PAP2Ts support T.38?
05:43.47*** join/#asterisk russellb (n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla)
05:43.47*** mode/#asterisk [+o russellb] by ChanServ
05:44.49jameswf-homePAP is the worse name you could give a product
05:45.09drmessanoOther than dozens of user posts
05:45.34drmessanoand lots of sites selling them as having T.38 support
05:45.50*** join/#asterisk lowlevel (
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05:48.07coppicei'll see your "random guy on a forum" and raise you the manual, the release notes for the latest firmware, and nobody being able to find T.38 anywhere in the config menus
05:48.16Wayhighanyone here using enum or dundi?
05:49.11Wayhighdrmessano: dude.. I'm totally starting up mega mouse killa zone
05:49.47coppicethere is a good reason why you found that guy on the forum in .au saying it does T.38. Half the other T.38 on PAP2T refererences you can find in a Google search in some way reference him
05:50.08drmessanoYour argument is weak
05:50.10Wayhighbrb while I get peanut butter, 4 more traps, cheese and wasabi peas
05:50.29drmessanoWhat you are basically telling me is
05:50.45Corydon76-digWayhigh: mix boric acid and confectioner's sugar
05:50.59Corydon76-digUltimate pest cocktail
05:51.00drmessanoThere's quite a few stores selling PAP2T's as having T.38 falsely
05:51.09drmessanoIsn't that fraud?
05:51.42coppicecan you find a store doing that?
05:51.52terraconthere's 2 versions of pap2t's from what I see
05:52.03jameswf-homedata sheet says does fax
05:52.05coppiceI am genuinely interested. I've spent hours with these things
05:52.09terraconI was lookint at them earlier
05:52.40coppiceits does not say it does T.38, though
05:53.42coppiceactually, there are numerous ATA which specifically say they do T.38, when they don't. The linksys is straightforward, though. they make no claim to support T.38
05:54.01drmessanoThe PAP2T firmware from v3.3 and above adds T.38 support
05:54.16terraconthe Linksys SPA2102-NA do and the SPA3102-NA
05:54.23drmessanothe Data sheet is spec'ed on the original release, which was on 3.0 firmware
05:54.28coppicedrmessano: can you point me at anything supporting that?
05:54.49coppicethe latest downloadable firmware doesn't seem to support it
05:55.16coppiceand where does that say anything about T.38?
05:56.19terraconLinksys SPA2102-NA (router, 2 FXS, dual G.729, T.38)
05:56.20drmessanoAll over the docs
05:56.24coppiceah,. yes. the release notes do say T.38. well, nobody seems to have that in their PAP2T. I've worked with a few of them
05:56.36terraconLinksys SPA3102-NA (router, 1 FXS, 1 FXO, dual G.729, T.38)
05:56.43drmessanoWhy cant you just read instead of being so fucking indignant?
05:56.46coppicemost of the ones in shops right now still don't have that
05:56.52drmessanoThe release notes are all over that link
05:58.07coppiceI wasn't indignant. I just asked for solid evidence, instead of random guys on forums. maybe those release notes have been updated, as a couple of months ago there was no mention of T.38 in anything I could find on the linksys site.
05:58.17WilliamKah the nice T.38 discussions again
05:58.28drmessanoI gave you links to stores selling them and you still ignored it
05:58.29jbotmethinks t38 is see for a decent overview of how it all works, no, it's not ready yet, we'll let you know. a really lousy spec. a lightweight fighter, also known as the Talon
05:59.07WilliamKthe T.38 info has been out for a while - like before the last time I mentioned it and pressed the issue...
05:59.31coppiceyou didn't reference a store. you referenced a forum note, and some notes on another site. however, even stores mean nothing. I have various boxes which don't have T.38, which explicitly say they do
05:59.49drmessanoYes, actually, I did
06:00.09drmessanoWilliamK: I am gonna need a Linksys employee to verify that, and their mom to verify they exist
06:00.19coppiceah, the latest firmware (5.x) doesn't mention T.38. Only the 3.x software says T.38
06:00.40jameswf-homeall linksys employees are in india
06:00.49jameswf-homethey cant spell t.38
06:01.05drmessanoYou mean D 38?
06:01.13coppiceI've had people checking directly with linksys, who have said there is no T.38 support. The PAP2T has been a realy PITA to me
06:02.07WilliamKok the T.38 support was there for the SPA-2102 before December 2007 - because I made purchases based on it having it from telephonydepot, and then come to find out can't make it work with *
06:02.12coppiceis the 5.x firmware for a different version of the hardware? it seems completely different and less capable than the 3,x firmware
06:02.34drmessanoThey probably mention less because there's no point in referring to old news
06:03.00jbotlinksys is, like, a tool of satan
06:03.22coppicepeople are buying boxes today without T.38, though I've no idea how long they have been in stock somewhere
06:04.27drmessanoWell, the 3.1.22 FW came out last year sometime, I believe
06:04.31WilliamKand the firmware for the SPA-2102 file date says 9/6/2007 - v5.1.12 - that file has T.38
06:04.35drmessanoand 3.3 was the first to support T.38
06:05.03drmessano3.1.22 came out in late 06.. geez
06:05.42WilliamKanyway, instead of argueing about dates... when do we get some T.38 action?
06:05.43jameswf-homesee t.38 is so 2 years ago get with the now
06:05.44coppicethere was T.38 for the 2102 a long time ago, but it never worked properly and seemed to be withdrawn
06:06.43coppicethe 2102 was actually launched as DOES T.38 (*)
06:06.44coppice* = feature to added some time later
06:07.11coppiceand the "to be added some time later" was very very small print
06:08.23Wayhighoperation mouse killa is a go
06:08.48jbotAsterisk mouse WAZ in his 1U, eatinz his thermo ribbons.. HE R MOUSEKILLA
06:13.12coppiceso, it looks like I need to get someone to upgrade their PAP2T and see if their T.38 works. considering their history, there might well be good reason why its not in the manual. :-)
06:13.47drmessanoI'm sure it will work about 80%
06:13.57drmessanoBut there's maybe a 30% chance of that
06:14.10coppicethe stuff they did for the 2102 a long time ago was total rubbish
06:14.29drmessanoActually, the linksys boxes are nice.. but I think T.38 is just a %$%#$ to begin with
06:15.08drmessanoCan't blame someone for failing to implement a partially working excuse for a band-aid to a bigger issue
06:16.42Wayhightell me how you really feel
06:16.52coppicethe chinese stuff for the PAP2T still doesn't mention T.38
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06:17.31coppiceand the chinese site has no updated software available :-\
06:18.00AJaymni have threewaycalling=yes in zapata.conf yet 3 way isnt working.. Anywhere else you have to turn it on?
06:18.32drmessanoTry buying her flowers
06:18.38drmessanoShe'll be more receptive
06:18.41drmessanooh.. wait
06:20.37Wayhighdrmessano: that only works if you have externalhost= set so you're not getting any localnets
06:25.05bobnormalcoppice: im australian but i live in china and read chinese, let me know if you want me to write a mail or something n your behalf
06:25.46Wayhighbob: you got hit by backflow didn't you?
06:25.57bobnormalok :)
06:26.06bobnormalWayhigh: backflow?
06:26.44Wayhighyeah.. that's when you have negative pressure flowing one way so a separate pipe flows the opposite direction..
06:27.00Wayhighas in.. so many chinese in australia that you ended up going the opposite direction
06:31.22drmessanoWine 0.9.56 Released
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06:31.31drmessanoOnly 197 more releases to 1.0
06:33.35coppicedrmessano: checking by a production date marker, I think the PAP2Ts must have still been leaving the factory without T.38 support up to at least the end of 2007. have you seen one come out of the box with the appropriate firmware?
06:34.55drmessanoCouldnt tell you..
06:35.31drmessanoI've had my hands on a few, never touched the T.38 stuff
06:37.21J4k3drmessano: no they'll go to 0.10.xx
06:38.02drmessanocoppice, I found some of those unreliable posts you are so not a fan of, point to T.38 on the PAP2T from way back in 06
06:38.37AJaymnis Zaptel backwards compatable to older asterisk? or do they have to be matched up?
06:39.28mostyzaptel 1.4 works with asterisk 1.2
06:40.15AJaymnmosty any problems with conference room with 1.2 and zap1.4?  I dont have a digium card so im using USB timing
06:40.54coppicedrmessano: people are really really sleazy about what they claim in a lot of VoIP stuff. much of it *is* pure fraud, and much is "follow the microscopic print". most 2102 buyers bought them thinking they did T.38
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06:41.58drmessanoI understand that, but it's not hard to sift through available user data and arrive at conclusions that are correct
06:42.06mostyAJaymn, i haven't tried it
06:42.30coppicewell, if i look at all the latest material, and call linksys, the conclusion is no T.38 support
06:42.57coppiceand they may be saying that, because its actually in a similar state to the 2102, and is not really usable
06:43.38drmessanoThat's subjective.. Is T.38 usable period? lol
06:44.42coppiceT.38 is very usable within certain contexts, but current implementations are generally flaky, and even when done right they will have problems with really poor network paths
06:45.27coppiceif its you to your provider, and maybe T.37 from there on, it can be very usable. I doubt the ATAs are going to gain T.37 support at any point
06:46.02drmessanoMight be better to push for users to get a firmware update to "Scan to Email 1.0"
06:46.11drmessanoFax is a waste
06:46.33coppiceFax is growing again because of Sarbanes Oxley. stupid but true
06:48.29drmessanoUntil Fax machines are required to store incoming faxes for 5 years
06:48.39drmessanoThen it will die completely
06:50.03drmessanoArchving faxes from fax machines will drive the cost up exponentially
06:50.20drmessanoThen fax really won't be worth it
06:52.23coppicepeople will currently spend a *lot* if they feel it helps with sarbanes oxley compliance. lots of lawyer stuff only takes place by fax, too. that could all change. a postal stike in the UK was the impetus for most UK businesses to buy their first FAX machine, and some similar foulup could precipitate the end of FAX. cost is unlikely to, as the remaining use of fax is considered high value
06:53.04drmessanoDo you work in corporate america?
06:53.48drmessanoTrust me.. if the price of faxing were to even double due to some retention need, fax would be out
06:54.10coppicenope. i just look at what they do. I developed my fax stuff to ease the transition to all IP networks, but I now see people are gonna keep using it, until something actually kicks them hard to stop them
06:54.41coppicehave you seen the amount of additional spending being sanctioned because of sarbanes oxley?
06:54.41drmessanoThe price of paper and an increased cost for faxing would kill it.. even the paper cost is almost enough
06:54.48drmessanoyes, I have spent some of it
06:55.17drmessanoI am well aware of the cost of SOX and what changes it's brought.. I live them every day
06:55.56coppicewell, they are all stupid, so a sharp kick will change the whole picture again, but right now its growing fax volumes
06:56.30drmessanoI also know that for most SMB's, printing and faxing is a cost they would love to get rid of..but they know they can only cut back so far.. if the cost of faxing went up, it would be gone
06:57.32coppiceI think in most small businesses the FAX machine is now a thing in the corner gatehring dust, that they just can't motivate themselves to cut the line for
06:59.15coppicetelex was kept alive for a crazy period, because it was very bogusly accepted in court. as soon as a court or two accepted a fax bogusly as a legal document, telex died. telex cost a *lot* more than fax does
06:59.46drmessanoActually, I think medium sized businesses are more likely to get rid of it first.. It's a very real cost to them, and they can afford a $10000 all-in-one to obsolete their faxing..  The small guys having a cheap fax is really no big deal to them, and probably works out ok for their small volume..
06:59.57*** join/#asterisk BeeBuu (n=beebuu@
07:00.16drmessanoThey would stand to gain if the medium sized businesses pushed fax out of he market and make scan to email more commonplace
07:00.22drmessanoIt would trickle down from there
07:00.59drmessanoI think most small businesses mistakingly think they need fax to look like the big guys, and that scanning to email is too foreign and would be looked at negatively
07:01.00coppicesomeone aggressively shooting down a bogus fax in court might be fun, too
07:03.19lmadsendrmessano: sometimes I wonder if you're a bot since you never sleep...
07:03.26drmessanoSlowly but surely the value of "DRM for documents" has worked it's way into the concious of decision makers.. At some point, encrypted PDFs sent via email will be the only accepted way of legally transmitting documents electronically
07:03.43drmessanoNah, bots are much smarter and swear less
07:05.15drmessanoThis new job will have me getting up at 6am quite a bit, so the night owls can have a drmessano free evening most of the time now :)
07:05.15coppicean ex-boss had been the manager of a telex machine group. he had to appear in court sometimes, to shoot down a bogus telex. the only way he could do this was over formatting details, which indicated the printout could not have come for the machine it was supposed to have. if they crooks had been more careful the court would have accepted the telexes as solid legal evidence, deciding cases of...
07:05.15coppice...$100m or more
07:05.47drmessanoYet another affirmation of how stupid the legal system is
07:07.14coppiceits mostly that experience that shapes my expectations for the future of FAX, since it is now the substitute for telex
07:07.14drmessanoYeah, what it will take is a high profile case, some very well forged faxes, and some expert testifying that faxing is too easy to spoof
07:07.17bobnormalerr, so i've got the AMI data for a link event between my operator and a caller, but now i cant tell which queue the caller passed through to get there
07:07.23bobnormalanyone know how i can accomplish this?
07:07.30bobnormalsame problem with parsing CDR output
07:08.03bobnormalthe only hack i can think of is appending the queue name to the callerID
07:08.29bobnormalbut ideally i could find a way to inspect variable state and set it that way, or something else a bit cleaner
07:08.38drmessanoWell, the e-mailing of PDFs has pretty much become the norm in most corporations I have dealt with.. Sending anything like contracts or personnel documents via fax is considered crappy at best
07:08.52bobnormaldrmessano: its the norm here in china!
07:09.15J4k3drmessano: fax is dead in my world, has been for at least 10 years now
07:09.24J4k3I've been in business since '96, never owned a fax machine
07:09.32drmessanoI don't see the upswing
07:09.44drmessanoUnless it's in circles I am very unaware of
07:09.45J4k3fax = see office space
07:09.57jbotWell, apperantly the fax was concieved of by Napoleon Bonaparte. He commissioned a system of devices that could transmit a traced image electrically over telegraph lines to a remote device that would redraw the image identically.
07:10.20drmessanoMost faxing is associated with crappy machines that produce horrible printouts with headers on them
07:10.45bobnormalif you need to do fax, use hylafax + iaxmodem + asterisk, i set it up last week, it's fantastic
07:10.56J4k3drmessano: and anything better gets tedious at 14.4k :)
07:11.10coppicea lot of these legally acceptable faxes are still on thermal paper that fades to invisible in a couple of years
07:11.15drmessanoIf you need to do gopher, NCSA Mosaic still runs on XP
07:11.42drmessano..or one hot trip to the lawyer :)
07:11.46coppicebobnormal: thankyou :-)
07:11.57bobnormali have to fax contracts to/from thousands of hotels, hylafax is perfect
07:12.03bobnormalvery unix-like, very scriptable
07:12.32bobnormalPDF conversion, email-connectivity, customisable cover pages/headers/footers
07:12.43bobnormalits the way to go
07:12.55coppicebobnormal: it will be even better when I can get around to making iaxmodem into sipmodem
07:13.14drmessano"PDF conversion, email-connectivity"  <== thats what makes it 2008-able
07:13.15bobnormalcoppice: its fine now, i only need localhost connectivity
07:13.36mostyhylafax shows its age, and it's not pretty
07:13.41coppiceyeah, but sipmodem will be a lot more flexible in what can talk to it, and will do T.38 as well
07:13.53bobnormalmosty: i like it!
07:14.07coppicehylafax is one of the most robust fax platforms around
07:14.17drmessanoThis is still like talking about a hot new usenet client
07:14.24bobnormalUSENET LIVES
07:14.31mostycoppice, i agree
07:14.31coppiceits usually the modems that let it down
07:14.41J4k3usenet is more active than ever
07:14.49drmessano..for warez
07:15.00J4k3because: A> thats where half the fuckin' crappy web-forums get their content
07:15.01J4k3B> warez
07:15.02mostyi have problems with the core of hylafax, my fax cards work without issue
07:15.08coppicelittle pools in usenet are very active. comp.dsp, for example
07:15.14drmessanoC> Google Groups
07:15.26bobnormalmosty: are you using hylafax+ ?
07:15.33coppicemosty: are youusing hylfax or hylfax+? + is far more reliable
07:15.44J4k3google groups... lowering the average IQ of usenet one gmail user at a time
07:16.00mostycoppice, i'm using whatever debian stable has currently
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07:16.33coppicewhat makes you think its hylafax and not your modem which is troublesome?
07:17.31bobnormalback in '91, i had an acoustic coupled 300 baud modem in original box, perfect condition
07:17.36coppicecourier v.everything is one of the worst FAX modems around. nothing USR made ever worked reliably for FAX
07:17.36bobnormaldamn parents threw it out
07:17.40bobnormalwhat a collectors piece
07:17.51mostycoppice, because the modems have nothing to do with the log files becoming corrupted, nor the pdf processing
07:18.19mostyand the send queue is horribly inefficient when the queue is large
07:18.25bobnormalmosty: i use tiff2pdf, not the builtin fax2pdf script
07:18.29J4k3coppice: heh, further proving things have to be completely back-asswards for fax to work
07:18.40mostybobnormal, i do pdf -> fax, not the other way around
07:18.47drmessanoJ4k3, we should set up fax trunks for PDF to Fax to PDF conversion
07:18.47bobnormalmosty: i do both
07:19.11coppicehylafax queueing is inefficient, but pretty reliable
07:19.21mostybobnormal, i find that ghostscript barfs on PDF's created by certain applications
07:19.45coppiceghostscript has a lot of issues
07:19.50mostycoppice, i know- i wrote a pre-queueing system to keep the throughput high
07:20.12bobnormalmosty: thats pretty damn cool
07:20.48bobnormalmosty: what are the parameters for real queue entry?
07:21.39*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
07:21.39mostybobnormal, the main paramaters are how low you want the hylafax queue to be when the pre-queue tops it up, how often this is checked, and how many entries to top up with each time
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07:22.17coppicewe had hylafax+ and iaxmodem doing 500 concurrent FAXes on a quad core xeon, as a test. that worked OK
07:22.50mostycoppice: you have 500 concurrent lines?
07:23.22coppiceno. it was actually 2 boxes talking to each other. one sending 500, and one receiving them
07:23.44SteveTotaroi found that each call take about 5% cpu with hylafax
07:23.45mostymy fax setup is hyalafax with two eicon diva E1 cards
07:23.56bobnormali just set up a pool of 10, but i see zero cpu load with two concurrent transfers (four iaxmodems + four faxgettys)
07:24.03coppicedid the same thing with callweaver doing the faxing internally, too
07:24.04SteveTotaromaybe it is the fax to pdf conversion
07:24.08drmessanoSo that's 2500% CPU then
07:24.18mostythe main issue is with how many small files hylafax creates when you queue an outgoing fax, and the way it leaves lots of them around afterwards
07:24.26SteveTotarodrmessano, do you ever sleep?
07:24.26drmessanoMy box only goes to 120%
07:24.37drmessanoWhy does everyone keep asking me that
07:24.43drmessanoSCREW U GUYS
07:24.54drmessanoOk, no, sorry
07:25.16coppicedrmessano: its the people who never sleep, and see you here all the time that ask
07:25.27drmessanoThat's true
07:25.29SteveTotarodrmessano:  is an AI bot
07:25.40drmessanoNah.. As I told lmadsen
07:25.50drmessanoBots swear less and are much smarter than I
07:26.04J4k3drmessano is quite human, obviously
07:26.12drmessanoI'm just a foul mouthed dumbass
07:26.22drmessano<--- Not a bot
07:26.25J4k3fowl mouth
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07:27.09drmessanoI'm just a foul mouthed dumbass who has chan_mobile working and feels all bluetooth cool
07:27.27J4k3asterisk<>cell or asterisk<>earpiece?
07:27.41drmessanoAsterisk <> Cell
07:27.48J4k3what phone/provider?
07:27.53drmessanoI was showing my wife how I can take my cell calls on my desk phone
07:27.59bobnormaldrmessano: i just bought a bluetooth headset yesterday, it was the first i've had in like 2 years, its jabra (thinking i'd get a recognised brand), but it sux.  sound quality is TERRIBLE.
07:28.04drmessanoVerizon, Samsung A930
07:28.07J4k3add a family talk line, and dedicate it to *
07:28.10J4k3woah, nice
07:28.16J4k3can you make calls?
07:28.22bobnormaldrmessano: do you know if there are higher-rate codecs in use by some bluetooth headsets, or are they all crap?
07:28.35drmessanoI dunno about the headsets
07:29.12bobnormali guess if you're only doing GSM it doesnt matter
07:29.38J4k3the problem is the earpiece itself needs to speak the same protocol as the phone's codec, so theres no nasty resample.
07:29.41bobnormali was evaluating the headset for incoming PSTN lines for a call center im setting up, decided to just get wired ones instead
07:29.49drmessanoJ4k3.. I can literally bring my phone home, plug it in on the nightstand in the bedroom and have all my calls ring into my office phone, and use it as an outbound as well
07:29.52J4k3I have a hard enough time understanding gsm<->cdma calls
07:30.11bobnormalwhats the default cdma codec?
07:30.16J4k3drmessano: free n&w ftw
07:30.36J4k3drmessano: and you've got a true GPS-equipped e911 voip setup ;)
07:30.38drmessanoIts very slick how it refreshes every 30 seconds and just picks up my phone when I get inside the house
07:30.56drmessanoActually, I didnt even think of that
07:31.02drmessanoBut I now have 911
07:31.11J4k3yep, better 911 than a landline IMHO
07:31.27J4k3lat/long > nonsense address, especially out here in the sticks
07:31.29drmessanoyes.. no reliance on shitty phone records
07:31.32J4k3so many 911 maps are flat wrong
07:32.11J4k3I wish shipping companies would abandon street addresses and go to a lat/long setup
07:32.26J4k3well, maybe not in the city
07:32.35J4k3but for anything beyond suburbia
07:32.51mostyyou could launch package missiles :)
07:32.58drmessanoMy dad works for the Post Office... trust me, you don't want THEM going by lat/long at least
07:33.15drmessanoThey would bring their own missiles to work
07:33.17J4k3USPS works suprisingly well out here
07:33.30drmessanoUSPS is great
07:33.39drmessanoEspecially when you pwn the mailman
07:33.44J4k3so many shippers won't do usps or usps isn't price efficient
07:34.12drmessanoTheir too lazy to get proper postage.. damn lazy flat rate SOB's
07:34.13J4k3so...  I get to deal with losers like UPS
07:34.19J4k3our boys in brown deserve a turd in their shirt.
07:34.23drmessano"That's gonna be $8.. for a coin:
07:34.25drmessano"That's gonna be $8.. for a coin"
07:34.36drmessanoFedex is the worst
07:34.41drmessanoThose guys
07:34.46drmessanoFirst against the wall
07:34.53J4k3fedex can usually find my house, but the whole company otherwise is screwed.
07:35.05J4k3fedex has screwed up handling deliveries and pickups here so many times
07:35.17drmessanoMy wife ordered a $60 cheesecake from NYC for my birthday...
07:35.22J4k3one time the damned driver dropped off a 'must sign' package, after we refused it (and he didn't get a signature)
07:35.24bobnormalfedex let me send a laptop in to china knowing full-well i'd be busted for more money than the whole thing was worth in customs duties
07:35.24drmessanoIt ws shipped via Fedex
07:35.38J4k3fedex rapes on international shipment
07:35.42drmessanoFedex will NOT Leave packages at apartments
07:35.59bobnormalfedex uses asterisk!     <-- trying to stay on-topic
07:36.06drmessanoEven if it's a duplex with a balcony with area out of clear sight
07:36.21J4k3fedex will screw up delivering your voip phones, cards, and atas
07:36.28drmessanoSo they send this thing out for delivery, make ONE drop off attempt
07:36.48drmessanowhich was 4 1/2 hours past their 10am guarantee
07:37.02J4k3ups last week misrouted a 2 day shipping delivery (+1 day) then decided to not deliver it the next day (+1)
07:37.06drmessanoand then tell me my frozen cheesecake in a box is going to be delivered the next day, "Sorry"
07:37.12J4k3so 2 day overpriced shipping turned into 4 days of pissed-off shipping
07:37.28drmessanoI came fucking unwound.. and got my cheesecake..
07:37.40J4k3drmessano: "I suggest you cram it up your ass, cuz its insured"
07:38.06drmessanoOh I gave her about 30 mins of full ear drmessano
07:38.33drmessanoand i'll be damned if they didnt turn a truck around and meet me at my place about 45 mins later
07:38.55drmessanoUPS and USPS are 10x better
07:39.37bobnormalis there a console command to see the callerid of the channel currently connected to a particular SIP user? or do i have to use AMI?
07:40.02drmessanoNot surprising that Fedex bought Kinkos.. a company living in the stone age buying a company that deals with faxing and copying paper
07:40.02mostybobnormal, try "show channels verbose" ?
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07:41.44bobnormalmosty: cheers, actually core show channels was enough.  thanks :)  i was going nuts trying to get it out of 'sip show...'
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07:45.10bobnormalmosty: actually it didnt get caller id, only the sip peer name, did need verbose.
07:48.53drmessanoAsterisk is worth $9.5 million
07:49.09drmessanoWell no
07:49.28drmessanoIt's estimated cost to produce is $9.5 million, according to ohloh
07:50.25J4k3asterisk has to be worth a hell of a lot more than $9.5M
07:50.49drmessanoMore than effin Yahoo
07:51.12drmessanoAsterisk: Less Soccer Moms than Yahoo, but a lot more action
07:51.57drmessanoYahooMom37: Wanna see my tattoo
07:52.07drmessanoAsteriskGuy42: Wanna see my dialplan
07:52.11J4k3milfy fun
07:52.37drmessanoAsterisk is more likely to cause a divorce, however
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07:55.12HyphenexHey guys.  Can asterisk be used as a SIP client & server at the same time (to act as a gateway to services such as Gizmo and PSTN termination services and what not)
07:55.30Hyphenexnow that is sooo cool
07:55.40drmessanoYep.. Asterisk rocks
07:55.44Hyphenexwhat about if I've got a few CISCO phones, does it play nice with them?
07:55.55Hyphenex(that don't support SIP)
07:56.00drmessanoSee, why you wanna start trouble?
07:56.12drmessanoSome have made them work
07:57.47Hyphenexawesome, I've got a lot of work to do then :)
07:58.13J4k3hell, it can route calls between your cellphone and your 1920's table phone.
07:58.18J4k3(given the right hardware in between)
07:58.55J4k3does * support pulse dialing and/or is there any pulse-dial friendly hardware out there?
07:59.02drmessanochan_mobile... the new hotness
08:03.28drmessanoRage Against the Appliance
08:04.04J4k3psk31 over telephone!
08:04.33drmessanoActually.. thats mode mode that would freaking work
08:05.39J4k3I read this really interesting proposal about a modernized DSL plant doing 'dialup dsl'
08:05.47J4k3essentially programming your ADSL via dtmf
08:06.17J4k3the ability for, say, your employer to get a frame or atm line in from the telco, and you basically dial up a pvc to it
08:06.27J4k3same for your ISP
08:06.55drmessanoThere's no end to getting people out of the loop
08:07.22J4k3well, its a good thing
08:07.36J4k3hell, you could multihome over your residential phoneline, technically
08:07.41J4k3since you could dial up two ISP PVCs
08:07.48J4k3and you'd just pay for the loop and pvc
08:08.27J4k3err pvc(s) :)
08:08.47J4k3who/how you got internet would be up to you, like the dialup days
08:09.38drmessanoI wonder how hard it would be to implement the following:
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08:10.08drmessanoGPS attached to PBX.. I make a 911 call and it sends the lat/long from the GPS to the 911 center
08:10.28J4k3*technically* it'd be really easy if everyone wanted to play right.
08:10.44J4k3plus an attached GPS has its advantages
08:10.46J4k3like sync'd time
08:10.57drmessanoBarring it's not a POS
08:11.13drmessanoI've tried a POS GPS before with timesync.. not pretty lol
08:11.18J4k3even some pos gps's can be dropped into time-only mode
08:11.19drmessanoBut yeah
08:11.23J4k3just have to be careful what you buy
08:11.54J4k3but yeah, you can't use a GPS for 'religious' time operations
08:12.07J4k3if you need accuracy, you gotta open up the wallet wider
08:12.38drmessanoWe use MasterClock stuff
08:12.42drmessanoIt's pretty decent
08:14.03drmessanoBut even a $99 GPS would rock for the location bit
08:15.17drmessanoI need any easy way to manipulate a parallel port inside Asterisk
08:15.43drmessanoCould set up something in the dialplan to shoot off an APRS emergency beacon when 911 is dialed
08:16.11mkl1525Hi, trying to get realtime extensions to work, have added "extensions => mysql,asterisk,extensions_conf" to extconfig and have a "switch => Realtime/@extensions_conf" statement in extensions.conf. when I do a show dialplan I see in the "from-sip" context a "Alt. Switch =>    'Realtime/@extensions_conf'   [pbx_config]", database is at When dialing to 301 I don't get any output with verbose/debug 10 and my phone returns a "Not
08:16.44drmessanoYou should have pastebin'ed your question
08:19.17*** join/#asterisk AJayMN (
08:19.26AJayMNthere a way to check what Zaptel version is loaded?
08:20.48drmessanozap show version
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08:21.59AJayMNthat doesnt work
08:23.42J4k3haha drmessano, APRS emergency beacon
08:23.47J4k3set off one of those plane crash beacons
08:23.50J4k3the 406 mhz ones (iirc)
08:23.57J4k3ELT, yeah
08:24.29J4k3screw onstar, I got APRS!
08:24.48J4k3thats one thing I could see being logically useful... an airbag deployment elt-style transmitter
08:25.06J4k3cuz, well, airbags these days don't deploy on their own
08:25.13J4k3it takes a hell of an impact
08:25.37drmessano121.500 FTW
08:26.24J4k3hope you got your radiotelephone operators permit!
08:26.29drmessanoAirbags.. Making your dash rattle more since 1987
08:26.43J4k3maybe thats whats rattling in my dash
08:26.55J4k3pretty much anytime I get my truck over 85 the dash starts resonating like crazy
08:27.02J4k3100+ is quite annoying
08:27.11J4k3well, in 4th gear
08:27.14J4k3doesn't do it in 5th
08:27.35drmessanoI have an airbag assembly rattling in my vehicle.. started right after I pulled the headliner down to do the radio install
08:28.01J4k3I'm pondering adding some N-female bulkheads to the roof of my SUV
08:28.16J4k3and using sealer caps
08:28.28J4k3just wish I could figure out a locking mechanism for all that
08:28.35J4k3maybe a backnut to put pressure against the cap
08:29.15drmessanoYou use proper antenna mounts and the caps have rubber washers in them
08:29.15J4k3I wouldn't be attaching antennas directly, when using antennas I use a rack ontop of my roof rack
08:29.31J4k3yeah the N-Fs I use are sealed
08:29.45J4k3they'd be practically invisable, tucked behind the roof rack rails
08:29.48drmessanoKeeping them that way is another thing
08:30.22J4k3well, N's seal fairly well, if I make sure it can reasonably vent inside it shouldn't pull water past the seal
08:30.23drmessanoWe use bulkhead SO-239s on our vans, and damn
08:30.27drmessanoThey get worn the hell out
08:30.52drmessanoOf course, they're not monkeyproof
08:30.59J4k3yeah the lowest frequency I'll be doing so far is 900
08:31.02drmessanoMonkeys will screw anything up
08:31.17bobnormalAJayMN: locate |xargs -n 1 strings |grep -i revision
08:31.49drmessanoIsn't zap show version a bit easier?
08:31.56bobnormalAJayMN: you will get multiple lines if there's more than one version on your system (ps: you will need slocate and to run 'updatedb' first ;) )
08:31.59bobnormaldrmessano: he said it didnt work
08:32.16drmessanoI missed that
08:32.25bobnormaldrmessano: doesnt work on mine either, think you're dreaming ;)
08:33.11drmessanopbx11*CLI> zap show version
08:33.11drmessanoZaptel Version: SVN-branch-1.4-r3869 Echo Canceller: MG2
08:33.13drmessanoMust be
08:33.37bobnormaldrmessano: must be new ;)
08:33.42AJayMNdrmessano im running 1.2.26.... think zap show version is in 1.4
08:34.03bobnormalim running 1.4.17
08:34.20drmessanoGuess it's a 1.6 thing
08:35.29AJayMNbobnormal i got $Revision: 78370 $ 5 times, and Revision: 100835 once...
08:35.38AJayMNthat mean i have 6 instances of Zaptel?!
08:35.55bobnormalajaymn: yeah, chop it down to locate and see where they are
08:36.43drmessanoSo lets see..
08:37.02drmessanoI got Chan_mobile with 1.6.. But Flite is broken and AstAssistant doesn't work
08:37.42J4k3use 1.6 to hand off directly to your 1.4 install
08:41.11*** join/#asterisk Oztzrf (
08:41.55Oztzrflooking for suggestions on sip provider that works well to test asterisk from home
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08:42.07jbot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet telephony Service Provider or "VoIP Telephone company". The allow you to either PLACE calls to the PSTN (called Termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called Origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs
08:42.08Oztzrflos angeles area if that makes much of a diffeer
08:42.58AJayMNOztzrf Broadvoice has LAX server
08:43.14Oztzrfdo you use them
08:43.23AJayMNyep. over 2 years
08:43.29Oztzrfi used telasip for last 1.5yrs and just dropped them
08:44.10AJayMNhigh setup charge.. like 35.. but nice monthly.. 5.95 basic line no mins.. 9.95, unlimited state. 19.95 unlimited
08:44.20Oztzrfi want to use my aastara phone and play with asterisk and trixbox .. so you like  them
08:44.59AJayMNthey have been decent. but you have to know what your doing in asterisk.. they dont give you alot of help.. but the settings are on there website for asterisk
08:45.45Oztzrfdid you hear anything about them and trixbox? that's what we have at work
08:46.02AJayMNtrixbox = asterisk....
08:46.11AJayMNjust pretty interface..
08:46.56Oztzrf:D true
08:47.20drmessanotrixbox is asterisk + freepbx + monkeypoo
08:47.43Oztzrfseems ok at work but it's only been running like 3 months
08:48.05AJayMNmonkeypoo x 100
08:49.24pkunkraugh.  i hate websites that try to talk to me.
08:49.50pkunkra#1 rule of most websites....  no sound unless explicitly requested.
08:50.02AJayMNyou drinking?
08:50.09AJayMNive never had a website "talk" to me...
08:51.19Asterlinktechyhello gurus... What is the possible problem of this?
08:51.23pkunkrathat is annoying.
08:52.04AJayMNIve already been tippin the bottle.. so... ;)
08:52.26pkunkrahow many fingers am i holding up?
08:53.00AJayMN1 hands holding the bottle.. the other holding a glass
08:53.53pkunkrawhy bother with the glass?
08:54.50pkunkrai'm not sure which will win out, the coke waking you up, or the rum putting you to sleep.
08:55.01AJayMNnice balance..
08:55.09AJayMNits great being the boss.. booze in the server room ;)
08:55.13pkunkrathough, rum and coke is one of my favorites
08:55.36pkunkrahave anyone under you or are you self-employed?
08:55.51drmessanoServer rooms don't have litterbox's in them
08:56.17pkunkrai'm in the same boat.
08:56.27pkunkrado plan on hiring sometime in the near future.
08:56.45pkunkrawhen i do, i'd never drink in front of my employees
08:56.52pkunkraor in the server room.
08:57.13pkunkracertain part of me just tells me that's sheer negligence....
08:59.22bobnormalme too guys
08:59.47bobnormalmaybe theres a high correlation between asterisk systems and self employment
09:00.08pkunkraquite possible.
09:00.21bobnormalpkunkra: in china, you *have* to drink *with* employees/employers, it's part of the culture
09:00.27pkunkraits probably to do with the skill level required to set up the asterisk box.
09:00.39drmessanoIn Georgia, getting drunk with your boss is "Dang cool"
09:00.52bobnormalpkunkra: one of my friends recently got really pissed at her end-of-chinese-year party (they hired a huge restaruant) and wound up getting it on with some other chick in front of the whole company :)
09:00.59bobnormalpkunkra: great times! :P
09:01.38pkunkrabobnormal, yeah.  they have the drinking politeness thing going on over there.  happens at weddings too i hear.
09:01.54pkunkradrmessano, i hope at a bar instead of in the server room.
09:02.20AJayMNinstalling Asterisk directions:  1 linux box, Asterisk source, 1 bottle of Rum, 24pack Coke, and a late night...
09:02.23bobnormalpkunkra: no, at the celebration/reception :)
09:02.37drmessanoWe used to have something called "beverages with the boss" where we would all get drunk at work the last friday of every month
09:02.55bobnormalnice. company pags?
09:03.00bobnormalpays, even
09:03.12pkunkrathat's sweet
09:03.12bobnormali could deal with that
09:03.12drmessanoAfter a while, they started calling it "Beverages with Danny"
09:03.16drmessano<---- Danny
09:03.31pkunkra(hope one person on call is required to be sober)
09:03.34AJayMNI like " Beverages with Self"
09:03.36drmessanoI think I was driven home 3 or 4 times
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09:04.00drmessanoI actually spend the better part of one of them putting 4 stations back on the air remotely
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09:04.05drmessanoIt was great
09:04.27pkunkrawow.  that says something if you can do your job hammered.
09:04.34J4k3local engineer here would be wacked out of his mind on pills doing his job
09:04.37J4k3and did a damned good job
09:04.40bobnormalwhat is it with many tabs of dodgy websites making firefox unresponsive.  does anyone else have this problem?
09:04.41pkunkranot sure what, but it says something.
09:05.01drmessanoI work best when my BAL is about 25% of the legal limit
09:05.06drmessanoNot drunk, but just a good buzz
09:05.23pkunkranot sure.  never had the firefox issue.  only one i have is the flash plugin making firefox core dump on fedora
09:05.41drmessanoFirefox has the worst memory management of any app ever
09:05.49bobnormalmine dies on flash and adobe reader
09:05.50J4k3I've finally admitted to myself I'm ADD, now I gotta go talk to a doctor about it, cuz I obviously need medication :|
09:05.52drmessanoFF 3 Beta 4 is gonna blow that away
09:06.04bobnormaldrmessano: is that out yet?
09:06.18drmessanoIm eagerly awaiting
09:06.23pkunkra"FF 3 Beta 4" usually implies its not out yet.
09:06.27bobnormalactually mine goes 100% cpu, i dont think its a memory thing
09:06.31pkunkra... say what i mean about the drinking....
09:06.48drmessanoSupposed to be using some library that BSD uses for memory management
09:07.01drmessanoIt's cross platform, so all versions are getting it
09:07.17bobnormalsounds good to me
09:07.26pkunkraBSD is quite efficient at memory.  did a lot of freebsd.  quite surprised at it.
09:07.48pkunkraused to hack for openbsd a *long* time ago.
09:08.00drmessanoSound effing awesome to me... Firefox memory management currently blows like a cold hard wind across my chapped left butt cheek
09:08.06pkunkragood stuff across all the version.
09:08.16bobnormali dunno, efficiency isnt really useful unless you're planning to run out of resources though
09:08.34drmessanoFirefox is horrific at reusing memory
09:08.38drmessanoIt just uses, and uses, and uses
09:08.53drmessanoGives up a little, uses even more
09:08.55bobnormalsounds like politics, or a legal/marketing department
09:08.59drmessano"ZOO NOO 1GB"
09:09.30drmessanoI had FF eat up 960MB Ram once
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09:09.50drmessanoIt was one version that had a really bad flash problem
09:09.56drmessanoand I left a tab open with some flash game
09:10.11drmessanoWoke up next morning, PC unresponsible
09:10.16drmessanoI have 4GB RAM
09:10.31drmessanoIt had 960MB of it locked and 100% CPU pegged
09:10.32drmessanoGood stuff
09:10.55bobnormalwhat about asterisk flash operator panel
09:11.17pkunkragui's are bad.
09:11.21pkunkragive me a cli anyday.
09:13.34drmessanoI always thought Windows 3.1 was pretty hot
09:14.30pkunkrayeah, i remember 3.1
09:14.42pkunkrahell, i remember pre-windows
09:14.51pkunkraall i had was dos
09:15.17pkunkrai think i had dos 3.0 was it?
09:16.06pkunkraah, dos 3.3. right
09:16.13pkunkrareleased in '87
09:16.23pkunkrai hacked on it in '88
09:16.33bobnormali started on dos5
09:16.54pkunkrayeah, that's when i got better.
09:16.59pkunkrai remember that
09:17.34bobnormalrebooting to enable EMS
09:17.47bobnormalediting config.sys to disable/enable drivers and reboot just to change games
09:18.00pkunkrayeah, i had my HIMEM and EMM386 all tweaked out to the max
09:18.09bobnormalthe hardest game to run was quarantine
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09:18.40bobnormalyou couldnt do it with mouse driver loaded, had to be blaster.sys and emm386
09:21.25bobnormalim just glad linux scales from nothing to mainframe
09:21.33bobnormalcant be bothered jumping through those kinds of hoops again
09:21.50pkunkrayeah, the memory limit was the worst part.
09:22.01drmessanoUbuntu Mainframe?
09:22.03pkunkraglad the dumped the whole os and wrote a new one.
09:22.14pkunkrathe newer one had its own issues
09:22.44drmessanoUbuntu Mainframe 10.1: Burpy Beaver
09:24.46bobnormalhow many intelligence agencies do you reckon monitor this channel
09:25.02Frogzoobobnormal: for what?
09:25.34bobnormaltelephony is critical infrastructure, keeping track of people who are involved and their affiliations is potentially valuable information
09:25.37FrogzooI think this whole NSA paranoia gets a bit out of hand
09:25.53bobnormalpfft, call me paranoid, its the truth.. and whoever reads this is laughing too ;)
09:25.55pkunkragorilla.bas ...
09:26.20drmessanobobnormal, on IRC, everyone is an FBI agent
09:26.25drmessanoI have been 3 or 4 times
09:26.31bobnormaldamn, i'd better leave
09:26.53bobnormalpkunkra: gorilla.bas music! what a trip
09:26.56drmessanoZOMG Gorilla.bas
09:27.53Frogzoothat's just silly, there's 57k chans on freenode, it's impossible for NSA to have a human read them all
09:28.24bobnormalyeah but if you were going to pick some to read, this'd be one of them
09:28.48bobnormalanyway forget i mentioned it
09:29.02FrogzooI would think if you wanted to pass coded text, #politics or other random chatter high volume # would be easier
09:29.41drmessanoUh, ignore that
09:29.43bobnormaldrmessano: hahaha :)
09:31.23Frogzoodrmessano just won a one way trip to an undisclosed location
09:31.51bobnormalvia germany!
09:32.18pkunkraremember simcity 2000
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09:34.14bobnormalyeah that was classic, i think dune2, descent 1, heretic and quarantine were the best of that era though
09:35.13bobnormaloh and xcom :)
09:35.43bobnormalsomeone should do an asterisk-based competition where you have to identify the games that certain sounds come from
09:36.23pkunkrathat would be funny.
09:36.29pkunkrasleep time
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09:43.00J4k3xkobo 4 life
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09:48.53J4k3great game
09:56.25J4k3damn I need some gig-e
10:16.48*** join/#asterisk Paladine (
10:17.08Paladinedoes anyone know of any linux softphone which works with pulseaudio?
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11:50.42SteveTotarough, it's early and my back hurts, that's what I get for sleeping on the couch, the worst part is dreaming along with that "Click to Cash Website" infomercial.  You too can have ten internet websites.
11:56.39bobnormalwho do i pay?
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12:02.47SteveTotaroi pay all day for a stiff back and neck, that's who
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12:35.29bobnormalhow do i get asterisk -r to run as a non-root user?
12:35.49bobnormalim trying to have a cgi grab some data from it
12:36.19bobnormalbut it always dies with "Unable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk.ctl exist?)"
12:36.25bobnormali dont think my webserver is chrooted and the file exists
12:37.24clickonceCheck to see if it is chrooted first. ;)
12:37.36clickonce"I think" isn't the best way to solve problems.
12:38.52bobnormalthe file's there, even from the same cgi i can ls it
12:39.06bobnormalclickonce: but likewise, if you're completely certain of everything, it could take you ages ;)
12:39.52bobnormalvery strange
12:40.16bobnormali suppose i can strace it
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12:42.36bobnormalthat doesnt enlighten either
12:43.21bobnormalguess i could read the code... :(  i hate c .. i guess if i understood it better the strace output would be enough to make sense of :)
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12:46.35bobnormalcode isnt making me any clearer either .. asterisk.c line 1099 is the attempt, line 2811 is the error
12:50.29Paladineanyone know of a linux softphone that works with pulseaudio?
12:52.13*** join/#asterisk DiscoKing (
12:52.58Mw3bobnormal: check your asterisk.conf, and be sure that the apache user has write access to asterisk.ctl
12:53.14DiscoKinganyone know what would cause messages played in asterisk to be so jittery that you can't understand what is being said
12:53.26bobnormalmw3: i can run the perl script OK when i start a shell with 'sudo -u lighttpd /bin/bash'
12:53.59bobnormalDiscoKing: if they're new, then possible incorrect encoding...  like wrong sox args during conversion
12:54.33DiscoKingi used the one's that it installed and i also tryed wav's
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12:55.58bobnormalDiscoKing: sorry, dont know then.  have you tested the phone with another sip/iax peer?  that could help to narrow it down
12:56.17DiscoKingthe calls between the phones are perfect
12:56.26DiscoKingit's just when it read prompts
12:56.39DiscoKingmoh is perfect
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12:57.30DiscoKingi tryed trixbox and that worked
12:57.35bobnormalDiscoKing: i am guessing but its probably something to do with the codec conversion process, ie: stored .gsm -> whatever your phones use.
12:57.50DiscoKingbut the calls had static
12:58.48bobnormalDiscoKing: also you could explore the possibility of high interrupt load, this can cause weird stuff.  i never saw it but i read somewhere it happens with the cheaper single-POTS line clone cards, heavy hard drive/network card usage, etc.
12:59.04bobnormalDiscoKing: would like to keep brainstorming for you but i dont know enough to really help, sorry :)
13:01.06DiscoKingi'm using pure sip with softphones
13:01.32DiscoKingthere is no dropped packets
13:01.32bobnormalwhat kind of network are you going over?
13:01.44bobnormalcould be a dodgy hub/switch?
13:01.51bobnormaltry changing or using a direct x-over cable
13:02.26bobnormalalso check your network card driver, a lot of linux kernel networking drivers have options to increase speed/decrease system load by using faster memory techniques
13:02.38bobnormaland also lower interrupts
13:02.48bobnormaland first up, easy one, check your cpu load during a choppy call
13:02.57DiscoKingthe calls are fine
13:03.05DiscoKingit's just the voice prompts
13:03.09bobnormalchoppy playback then
13:03.18DiscoKingreally choppy
13:03.35DiscoKingit takes 5 seconds to say goodbye
13:03.42coppicepork choppy, or lamb choppy?
13:03.46DiscoKinggoooooooddddddd byyyyyyyyeeeeee
13:03.48bobnormalget wireshark going
13:04.08bobnormalmaybe theres some network issues going on you're not aware of
13:04.23bobnormalthough i dont know why it would only affect playback
13:04.35bobnormali really think its most likely to be cpu related during codec conversion
13:06.09bobnormaldumb question, but are your sound files stored on a slow medium like an overloaded hard drive or a network share?
13:06.14DiscoKingi thought it was something to do with
13:06.17bobnormalthat could also be a cause
13:06.34DiscoKingno they are on a dedicated drive with asterisk
13:06.42bobnormaldoes 'dmesg' contain any hard-drive related errors?
13:06.58bobnormalok sorry im out of guesses :)
13:07.01bobnormalupgrade asterisk? :P
13:07.38DiscoKingdon't tempt me ;)
13:07.40bobnormalotherwise, recompile your kernel and carefully select all options to do with basic system configuration
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13:10.18DiscoKingwell that for the help i'll give those things a try
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13:10.28DiscoKingthanks not that
13:10.30bobnormalgood luck :)
13:10.39bobnormali hate weird issues!
13:11.02bobnormal(ps: if all else fails, try changing cpu/motherboard/memory, could be quicker than trying to find the cause)
13:11.12SamuraiDiois there some asterisk command to shoe the current date and time?
13:11.14DiscoKingwhat really baffed me was trixbox was fine but asterisk was not
13:11.43bobnormalDiscoKing: it has a different kernel, and is probably a slightly different asterisk version
13:12.20DiscoKingthanks again!
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13:18.43bobnormalwho was asking about pulseaudio
13:19.28bobnormalwhoever it was, i reckon you can probably get it to work by outputting pulseaudio to a device and having icecast stream from it, since i read somewhere something about icecast<->asterisk
13:19.37bobnormalgood luck with that too :)
13:19.37rafikshey ! newbie question ,does kernel preemption affects an asterisk box? does it cause problems?
13:19.53bobnormalrafiks, kernel effects everything
13:20.21bobnormalwhether its good or bad, i cant tell you, but i would err on the side of good :)
13:20.52bobnormalbasically as i understand it it's a method of making sure high-priority processes get dealt with quickly, therefore resources are shared 'more smoothly' at the price of some overhead
13:21.05bobnormalon an asterisk box, my gut feeling is thats a 'good thing'
13:21.08rafiksbobnormal : i have a standalone box,not a desktop ,i've been having dropped calls recentsly
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13:22.16rafiksbobnormal : i've isolated my problem to be the asterisk,not my pap2t,and not my provider since ,i tried using a softphone and its all good
13:23.57bobnormalrafiks: just ideas, i really know nothing about that, plus i never had that problem so i dont know.... BUT it might help to remember the cause may be elsewhere (network hardware, etc.).  if you can try to get a tcpdump of a call dropping or some more asterisk logs (i wouldnt know how to get these enabled though) and analyse the cause from there.
13:24.15rafiksbasically ,what i get after about 20 minutes of connection is a very long buzzing sound .. i will try to see if i get a logs
13:24.50bobnormalrajiks: more ideas.  dont know.  BUT  is there a POTS side to the connection?  could be some kind of electrical buildup on the POTS side? :)
13:32.57rafikswill try getting a tcpdump today,,
13:32.57rafiksbobnormal : no,all voip
13:32.57rafiksbobnormal : i have comcast ,,if that's relevant ..
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13:36.37bobnormalrafiks: no idea sorry
13:37.03mkl1525Hi, I've read that it's possible to store agents.conf with realtime in mysql - but didn't found anywhere the structure the db table has to have, any hints?
13:37.10bobnormalrafiks: i'd google "'dropped calls' asterisk" and go from there, surely there's some good writeups on possible causes
13:37.33bobnormalmkl1525: you need to use ARA - asterisk realtime architecture
13:37.48bobnormalmkl1525: check doc/realtime.txt and doc/extconfig.txt in the asterisk source
13:38.14bobnormalmkl1525: also check /etc/asterisk/extconfig.conf
13:38.45clickonceWhat are the builtin extensions? I can't find any information about them.
13:39.57bobnormalmkl1525: the issue is, you still need to generate the mysql table in the right format.  it might be easier to have your existing user-management system generate new files for /etc/asterisk via a script then issue an "asterisk -rx 'reload'" instead
13:40.45bobnormalclickonce: they're in the main section of /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf - if you didn't know that, you should read the TFOT book
13:43.35mkl1525bobnormal thanks for the infos - we want to create a simple web interface so using mysql would be great, ARA is configured already for sip users, extension, voicemail - problem is I don't get how the mysql table for agents should be created, just columns "agentid","agentpassword","name"?
13:45.01clickonceStrange... brb
13:45.21bobnormalmkl1525: i've never used ARA, i considered it and decided not to.  only docs i've seen on that are the doc/realtime.txt and doc/extconfig.txt files, sorruy
13:49.06SamuraiDiois there some asterisk command to show the current date and time?
13:50.26bobnormalSamuraiDio: not that i know of, but you could consider using a system call to the 'date' utility
13:51.02SamuraiDiobobnormal, how does it get the calls date, then?
13:51.20jbotYou can buy "Asterisk the Future of Telephony" at so go buy it SERIOUSLY
13:52.04clickonceI have i => { in my .ael file, but, when I call an extension that doesn't match any of the rules in that context, I don't get to the i context... any ideas? I get no errors or warnings.
13:52.42bobnormalSamuraiDio: that will only be the date that you run the system() command .. if you need complete call length data (start/stop), consider parsing the /var/log/asterisk/cdr-csv/Master.csv file instead
13:56.37SamuraiDiosystem() command, on asterisk?
13:57.41bobnormalits called something like that
13:57.56bobnormalit lets you run arbitrary commands as part of the dialplan
13:58.41SamuraiDiohow do i use it?
13:59.34SamuraiDioSTRFTIME              STRFTIME([<epoch>][,[timezone][,for  Returns the current date/time in a specified format.
13:59.55SamuraiDiois this an asterisk function? how can i use it?
14:00.18jameswf-homeSamuraiDio: seriously google
14:00.19bobnormalits called System() --
14:00.45jboti guess fish is FISHFISHFISH! DO THE FISH DANCE! "Give a man a fish and you'll feed him a day. Teach him how to fish and he'll feed himself for the rest of his life." This is so appropriate, instead of asking us to tell you exactly what to do, why not read some docs, then come back and ask specific questions which aren't covered?, or ...
14:00.48SamuraiDiook, sorry by bothering
14:00.52jbotBender : Light a fire for a man and he's warm for a night.  Light a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life...
14:02.22clickonceThat's incorrect.
14:02.38clickonceYou learn him how to light a fire. You don't put him on fire.
14:03.04jameswf-home?learn him how to light himself on fire?
14:03.43bobnormalhaha :)
14:03.56bobnormal"learn me up, scotty!"
14:04.57jameswf-homebut technicaly if a man is set on fire and the fire burns long enough int the man warm for the rest o his shortened life
14:05.35BeeBuuis there any usb asterisk adapter?
14:05.38bobnormaljameswf-home: dont worry, comprehended ;)
14:06.16bobnormalbeebuu: there's a few .. usb sound devices, bluetooth to a headset, bluetooth + ip + iax tunneling, you name it!
14:07.16BeeBuui mean a usb zaptel or something like that...
14:08.40clickonceDo I need to enable anything to get the i extension working?
14:11.12SamuraiDiothe system() command is used on calls, right? i need something to use on the asterisk shell ($ asterisk -r)...
14:12.45jameswf-homeits like a cat you feed em they keep coming back
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14:29.18patrick--hey, ive got a BN4S0 HFC Card, where Port 1 is TE for PSTN connection and 2-4 are NT for ISDN phones, where there is 2 phones connected to each port. is it possible to set callerid for each phone, or just portwise? cause you are only able to set context portwise...
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14:34.46bobnormalpatrick--: there should still be unique channel IDs for each phone, right? so you can use an AGI or a conditional on the channel name to set the caller ID from the common context you've set for that channel-bank
14:35.30patrick--like if numer = xxx set callerid yyy ?
14:35.42patrick--the phones have msn's set
14:35.45patrick--could i use those?
14:35.46bobnormalpatrick--: i'm not sure on the hardware but it may also be possible to break up the channelbank definition to many definitions covering individual incoming channels
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14:36.07patrick--thing is there is more than one phone connected to an S0 bus
14:36.35bobnormalpatrick--: i dont even know what msns are! but if they're available to asterisk, an AGI could use them for setting caller ID
14:36.49patrick--im a starter
14:36.54patrick--i dont even know what agi's are :D
14:37.12jbotYou can buy "Asterisk the Future of Telephony" at so go buy it SERIOUSLY
14:37.19patrick--im reading it right now :D
14:37.28bobnormalok well there's a whole chapter on it!
14:37.31bobnormali think its #8 from memory
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14:38.38dofearcan we get sip peers with asterisk realtime from two seperate database?
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14:41.12dofearcan we get sip peers with asterisk realtime from two seperate database?
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14:46.02bobnormaldofear: maybe you can if you use stored procedures in your database to generate virtual tables that are built dynamically from two places
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14:47.11dofearbobnormal: good idea ... but no built-in mechanism in asterik, yeah?
14:47.24dofearbobnormal: i am heading to mysql channel
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14:56.39SwabbyWhat is the easiest way to change the IP Address on your already  configured asterisk server?
14:58.00patrick--Whats the variable for the callernumber of an incoming call _
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14:58.20bobnormalswabby: edit all the files that have a specific IP set in /etc/asterisk/*.conf ... and change it to the new one
14:58.32bobnormalSwabby: then shut down asterisk completely and start again
14:59.24lmadsenpatrick--: it's a dialplan function
14:59.47patrick--lmadsen: i want to append a 0 to the callers number
15:00.01patrick--that doesnt seem to be right ;D
15:00.14lmadsenpatrick--: it's a dialplan function -- core show functions
15:00.19lmadsennot a variable
15:01.18patrick--so how do i grab it ? CALLERID() ?
15:01.34lmadsenpatrick--: you need to learn how dialplan functions work it seems -- please read some documentation
15:02.04jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
15:02.10*** join/#asterisk oej (
15:02.12patrick--im reading it right now :D
15:02.42lmadsenSet(DIALPLAN_FUNCTION(arg)=value)      --     NoOp(${DIALPLAN_FUNCTION(arg)}  <-- returns a value)
15:02.53patrick--ill read uo
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15:05.52patrick--lmadsen: but i have to read out the callerid before i can write it, dont i?
15:06.01lmadsenyou were on the right path
15:06.15lmadsenI just refuse to hold your hand... we barely know each other :)
15:06.25patrick--sorry honey, let me give it another try ;D
15:07.32patrick--what about this one?
15:07.49lmadsencloser :)
15:07.51patrick--argh! :D
15:08.01patrick--gotcha! set($CALLERID(num)=0$($CALLERID(num)))
15:08.05lmadsenyour value is incorrect
15:08.11lmadsenrather... the format is wrong
15:08.14lmadsen(syntax error)
15:08.26patrick--The allowable datatypes are all, name, num, ani, dnid, or
15:08.38lmadsenno no... not what I mean
15:08.53lmadsensyntax:   ${FUNCTION(arg)}   and FUNCTION(arg)
15:08.58lmadsenlook at that, and now look at yours
15:09.10patrick--ah brackets?
15:09.34lmadsenand misplaced dollar signs
15:10.32lmadsenlook closer
15:10.44lmadsenmisplaced dollar signs*
15:11.06lmadsenand applications are App(arg) format
15:11.12lmadsennot App{arg}
15:11.21[TK]D-Fenderthis is just painful...
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15:11.40lmadsen[TK]D-Fender: if you just tell the answer, you learn no debugging skills
15:11.42[TK]D-Fenderlmadsen, you have master my art far beyond my expectations!
15:12.40lmadsenpatrick--: look at the formatting again.  Applications:      Dial(.......)      Writing a function:    FUNCTION(arg)=value     Reading a value from a function:   ${FUNCTION(arg)}      Reading a value from a variable:  ${VARIABLE}
15:12.55lmadsenpatrick--: much closer -- read my last comment, and try again
15:13.07lmadsenSet() is an application.
15:13.17patrick--ok gimme a sec
15:13.20lmadsenLook at how you write to a function, and what you have wrong
15:13.37lmadsenWriting to a function:    Set(FUNCTION(arg)=value)
15:14.25lmadsenWriting the value from a variable and assigning it to another variable:   Set(VARIABLE=${FOOBAR})
15:14.35lmadsennotice the formatting of the functions and the variables are very similar
15:14.45lmadsenthat is not by accident
15:15.00lmadsenyou are sooooooooooooooo close :)
15:15.32lmadsenremember when I mentioned extra dollar signs?
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15:15.39lmadsenis that right?
15:15.45patrick--you tell me :)
15:15.53lmadsenoh no -- you tell me if you have it right
15:16.13Wayhighanyone know where to find rate card compilers? (something to grab the rate card from many voip providers)
15:16.15lmadsenbased on all the formatting I told you, is it right?
15:16.43patrick--seems so
15:16.59lmadsenpatrick--: go give it a shot then and see if you get a syntax error on your dialplan (btw: it is correct)
15:17.08patrick--it works fine
15:17.12patrick--thank you :)
15:17.14lmadsenwell there ya go :)
15:17.22patrick--up for another question?
15:17.46lmadsennow take your new found knowledge and try to remember the difference between assigning and reading from a dialplan function, because you'll need it for your dialplans
15:17.53lmadsenpatrick--: are you sure you want me to try answering it? :)
15:18.23patrick--i have a HFC card with 4 ports, where 1 is TE (PSTN) and 2-3 are NT for ISDN phones, where theres 2 phones on each port. i can only set a context per port so is there any way i can set callerid for the phones specific and not only per port?
15:18.28patrick--i am :)
15:19.16lmadsenI'm not sure I understand the question.... isn't per port a specific phone?
15:19.24lmadsenoh nevermind
15:19.27lmadsen2 phones per port
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15:19.45lmadsensorry, there isn't going to be any way for asterisk to know the difference between the two phones I don't think
15:19.56lmadsenalthough I don't know if digital phones work any different than analog
15:19.58patrick--what about the msn's the phones are sending?
15:20.10patrick--you can assign numbers to to the phones
15:20.22lmadsenI've never used an HFC card, so I'm not positive if there is a value that they send or whatnot that you can parse from the dialplan
15:20.50patrick--thx anyway
15:20.54lmadsenif you have some sort of channel variable to differntiate the phones, then you could look up the info in the AstDB (after you put it there), or statically assigned it in the dialplan
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15:29.02patrick--another strange thing is
15:29.09patrick--Set(CALLERID(name)=xxx) wont work
15:29.37lmadsenyou mean for your service provider?
15:29.43patrick--internal calls
15:29.49patrick--isdn phone -> isdn phone
15:29.51lmadsenit should if your phone supports it....
15:30.00patrick--it does... it did with the old hardware pbx
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15:31.44jameswf-homeI like ubuntu but Iswear to god there are some roaches in the user base
15:32.13[AMB]Hi there
15:32.17patrick--lmadsen: anything else that could be troubling it?
15:32.20patrick--setting numbers works fine
15:32.25lmadsennot sure... probably not
15:32.28[AMB]THere is an alternative to WaitExten()?
15:32.48[TK]D-Fender[AMB], to do what?
15:33.27[AMB]I need to obtain the digits that the caller enter
15:33.40[TK]D-Fender[AMB], "core show application read"
15:33.42[AMB]So i can use them to transfer to an extension
15:33.53[AMB]Ok :)
15:34.02jameswf-homejust noticed lmadsen is on the top doner list for pastebin
15:34.16lmadsenjameswf-home: filthy stinkin' lies!
15:34.31[AMB]I don't know why WaitExten() isn't working for me :(
15:34.37[AMB]But i am a Newbee
15:34.43jbotDon't bother telling us you're a "newb" or a "n00b".  We can tell.
15:35.08lmadsenjbot: no, newb is Don't bother telling us you're a "newb", "n00b", or "nub". We can tell.
15:35.09jbotokay, lmadsen
15:35.35jameswf-homeI am an 1337357 Schmuck :))
15:35.50jameswf-homeI however am not 1337 enuff for bsd
15:36.02lmadsenheck no
15:36.06lmadsenno one really is
15:36.18jbot<unixdog> Everyone use BSD gah linux sux progress is overrated use my project gah
15:36.25Wayhighevery night.. unf
15:37.26*** join/#asterisk spyder12345 (
15:38.07jameswf-homehad a new employee ask me to define what the kernel was... I told him the old guy in the white suit who owns the plantation and makes fried chicken.... he looked at me with thea fu glare and walked away
15:39.38Wayhighnext time.. tell him the kernel is just one part of the larger cob
15:39.46jameswf-homeI had a coworker ask once " have you ever done something stupid and lived to regret it" I answered "no, everytime I do something stupid I die" got the same look guy didnt talk to  me for 2 weeks
15:41.53jameswf-homeI have started putting post-it notes on every day objects around the office with linux commands. on the fire extinguisher i put "mount /dev/fire_e /wall"
15:42.52the_5th_wheelcan i use a PRI canrd to connect to a normal pabx without going thru telecom equiptment?
15:43.09the_5th_wheelto make a voip bridge for this PABX
15:43.14jameswf-homethe_5th_wheel: does your pabx support pri
15:44.30clickonceIs it possible to exclude matches from extensions? I.e. match 00Z[1245789]XX. (matches any non-cellular number in Sweden), but, would it be possible to execlue e.g. 00855332255 from this match?
15:45.04the_5th_wheeljameswf-home: yes
15:45.07Wayhighjames: shouldn't that have been "cat /dev/zero > /tmp/fire"?
15:45.12LiNeTuXWho's the best VOIP carrier to park a phone # with (US phone #)
15:45.26jameswf-homeclickonce: you could make a dial rule specific to that number
15:45.26LiNeTuXBest as in you just want to 'hold' onto it
15:45.58jameswf-homeWayhigh: only when used otherwise it is just mounted to the wall.
15:46.33jameswf-homemaybe use instructions umount /wall && cat /dev/zero > /tmp/fire
15:47.52jameswf-homeumount /wall && cat /dev/fire_e | /tmp/fire
15:48.52clickoncejameswf-home: That will not work.
15:49.25clickoncejameswf-home: The wildcard one will take preceedence.
15:49.48clickonceI can't get the i (invalid) extension to work either.
15:49.57[TK]D-Fenderclickonce, what do you want to do with that number that is excluded?
15:50.14clickoncePlayback an invalid message and hangup.
15:50.19clickonceCertain numbers should be blocked.
15:50.27[TK]D-Fenderclickonce, the do a GotoIf based on that single number
15:51.08[TK]D-Fenderclickonce, and "i" is only used for IVR's, not for inbound connection attempts
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15:51.20clickonceah, damn
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15:51.56spyder12345Anyone know on a sip to sip call when only one side hangs up, the other side gets a busy tone if they are still offhook?
15:51.59[AMB]Anyone can recommend me a good softphone to use to develop an IVR
15:52.07[AMB]X-Lite isn't working fine :S
15:52.18jbot[~softphone] A soft-phone is a program that lets your computer use a compatible audio interface (usually a speaker&mic, or headset), and optionally a webcam, to place VoIP calls with a given protocol (SIP/IAX/H.323/MGCP/etc). For links enter ~zoiper , ~xlite , ~twinkle , ~bria , ~eyebeam
15:52.51[AMB]Ok, let's give it a try to zoiper
15:53.17[AMB]Thanks [TK]D-Fender
15:53.50[TK]D-Fenderspyder12345, only stupid phones like the Linksys SPA series do that.
15:54.40spyder12345hmm.. Ok, but there is no fix? I have this problem with the cheapy Budgetone 100 which makes sense, but I have this problem with Cisco ATA's as well..
15:54.57[TK]D-Fenderspyder12345, ATA's CAN'T hang up on the attached phone.  Its analog
15:55.29[TK]D-Fenderspyder12345, live with it, or replace it.  Your choice
15:55.45jameswf-homeignorepat => 9 <<<<is this how to mimic a key system?
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15:56.00[TK]D-Fenderjameswf-home, No
15:56.19[TK]D-Fenderjameswf-home, that only keeps dialtone on extens starting with 9 on a zaptel interface
15:56.57jameswf-homeright so on zap channels they get the happy feeling of dt when they hit 9
15:57.02[TK]D-Fenderjameswf-home, key systems do other things like SLA, etc.... "9" + tone is kinda global
15:57.23[TK]D-Fenderjameswf-home, uyp.  Polycoms and possibly some other phones can do that as well
15:58.00jameswf-homeI had an end user figt his system ror 3 hours before calling me, he says I hit 9 I get silence then reorder......
15:58.06spyder12345Right, I dont care necessarily care about the hangup I just want to prevent the Immediate busy tone or at least delay it.. Main reason is an ATA attached to a regular message recorder.. It records the immediate busy tone after hang up because I guess there is a delay after hang up on the message recorder side.
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15:58.40clickoncejameswf-home: Do you know how to match strings in the .ael file? I.e. if( ${EXTEN} == "001234") { doesn't work... and I can't find any information about it
15:58.50[TK]D-Fenderspyder12345, why does this ATA have a recorder attached to it?
15:59.20[TK]D-Fenderclickonce, virtually no-one uses AEL.
16:00.02jbotagi is, like, the Asterisk Gateway Interface...  similar to CGI for web applications AGI lets you script call control and access databases using your favorite language.  AGI wrappers are available for Python (pyst), Perl (astperl?) and other languages
16:00.38jameswf-homeused agi to make my dial-a-distro box...
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16:01.21spyder12345because the setup I have is where it rings my VOIP phones but then falls back to calling the message recorder where someone can leave a message.. I have the message recorder hooked to an ATA to convert it to VOIP obviously so that I can control it thru asterisk.
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16:02.56mmurdockspyder12345: Why don't you use voicemail?
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16:03.57[TK]D-Fenderspyder12345, And why don't you just have ASTERISK record the message?
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16:04.52spyder12345well two reasons... I have mainly analog phones connected to ATA's and as far as I know there is no indicator to show there is a voicemail left on the line with this setup. Second, is the ability to have someone leave a message and the people in the household being able to hear it as it is left.
16:05.14spyder12345Cisco ATA's to be exact
16:05.27[TK]D-Fenderspyder12345, Cisco ATA's can't do MWI?  That sounds crazy
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16:06.41patrick--exten => _[2][12345],1,Dial(mISDN/1/**2$(${EXTEN}))
16:06.43jameswf-homewow everyone seems to have their own version of this thin client..
16:06.46patrick--whats wrong with this extension?
16:07.09[TK]D-Fenderpatrick--, your barckets.... 2 sets of them actually.
16:07.34[AMB]Mmm, i was using dtmfmode=info lol xD
16:07.36[TK]D-Fenderpatrick--, You seem to failing rather dismally at understanding how to reference variables
16:07.50patrick--seems so
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16:08.33spyder12345Well, if they do have, I am not sure how to set it up to work with Asterisk..
16:09.34[TK]D-Fenderspyder12345, Did you set up their accounts to look at your mailbox?
16:10.08patrick--exten => _[2][12345],1,Dial(mISDN/1/**2${$(EXTEN)})
16:10.19[TK]D-Fenderpatrick--, You tell me.
16:10.24patrick--wont work
16:10.54[TK]D-Fenderpatrick--, Indeed you don't seem to be understanding variables at all.
16:11.09patrick--thanks for the encouraging :)
16:11.23[TK]D-Fenderpatrick--, Never said you wouldn't get it, just thats where you are now.
16:11.44jameswf-homedo scrap that
16:11.48[TK]D-Fenderpatrick--, if you have a variable named "BOB", how would you get its contents?
16:12.02jameswf-homedo over
16:12.17spyder12345yes.. Let me look some more about the MWI on Cisco though.. Cause I don't know if there is a visual light that comes on with the ATA's or what.. The main thing I need is a visual indicator of messages.. That is why I was trying to incorporate the message recorder..
16:12.49patrick--${BOB} prolly
16:12.58[TK]D-Fenderspyder12345, the light is on your PHONE.
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16:13.14[TK]D-Fenderpatrick--, Correct.  Now stop adding 15 extra brackets around it
16:13.45patrick--but i want to add **2 to ${EXTEN}
16:13.46mmurdockspyder12345: Alot of phones have a light for when the phone rings or you missed a call, or you have voicemail.
16:14.05[TK]D-Fenderpatrick--, ... **2${EXTEN}
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16:14.51spyder12345Yah but in that case I think I am definatley screwed.. Because the analog phones I have probably don't even support that... Let me research it somemore and see... Thanks for the good info..
16:14.51patrick--[TK]D-Fender: doesnt work for me..
16:15.12patrick--exten => _[2][12345],1,Dial(mISDN/1/**2$(EXTEN)})
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16:15.58[TK]D-Fenderpatrick--, Where the hell did you see me add () brackets in mine?
16:16.21[TK]D-Fenderpatrick--, ... **2${EXTEN} <- watch the braces.  Do those look like () to you?
16:16.42[TK]D-Fenderpatrick--, Yours don't even match on either side
16:17.08mmurdockspyder12345: The lights are ususually on phones that show caller id.
16:17.41[TK]D-Fenderpatrick--, $(EXTEN)} <- you start with a "(", then end with another ")" (both bad), then add a closing "}" that never even had an opening "}" to begin with.
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16:18.15patrick--[TK]D-Fender: thanks, fixed it
16:18.16[TK]D-Fenderpatrick--, ${EXTEN} <-- how you reference a variable.  No () brackets!
16:18.21spyder12345On One last note.. What would my viable solutions be for having the message heard through a speaker of some sort as it is recorded.. Such as with a normal message recorder?
16:18.40patrick--thx [TK]D-Fender
16:18.52[TK]D-Fenderspyder12345, that requires real trickery.  They really need to hear it as its left and can't wait till the end?
16:20.34*** join/#asterisk FireMac (
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16:23.54spyder12345Yah with this setup it is preferred.... Basically the setup they currently have, they want duplicated with just the addition of having individual phone extensions using asterisk. Currently it rings in, goes to a message recorder, if it is someone important they pickup and grab the call.. Now grabbing the call is a different matter.. I was basically going to set it up so that it rang the users extensions, then went to the original
16:23.54spyder12345analog message recorder and have a couple phones still connected via analog from which they could pick up on..
16:24.05ZPerteeany way to do a GoToIF call came in on zap/1?  would save me a lot of repeat code
16:24.21ZPerteeor any zap channel for that matter
16:25.24[TK]D-FenderZPertee, Just do the GotoIf.
16:25.27jameswf-homespyder12345: this may be way in left field but there is a new technology called CALLER ID
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16:26.29spyder12345lol... yah dont want to pay for it.. Already been that route.. :)
16:26.49jameswf-homewow seriously.... dont wanna pay $5 bucks?
16:27.28jameswf-homeyou can make callers self identify with a prompt please enter your phone number
16:29.00ZPertee[TK]D-Fender, I know how to do a gotoif statement just not how to do a if a call comes in on zap/1 go here if a call comes in on zap/2 go there, and so on.  how would the gotoif statement look
16:29.02jameswf-homeOkay I need a way to travel from point A to point B the points are 60miles apart and I need to get there in 1 hour.... but I cant use any technology
16:29.03spyder12345hmm... yah thats an idea..
16:29.23[TK]D-FenderZPertee, You set each zaptel channel into its own context.  End of story.
16:30.56spyder12345Well, I will talk to them and see what they want to do.. Just wanted to throw it out there and see if anyone had any good ideas.. Thanks all for the help..
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16:32.16mmurdockjameswf-home: In your zapata.conf.
16:35.32ZPertee[TK]D-Fender, I have an overhead pager system plugged into an fxo port.  the only difference in the code is that if a call comes in on zap/1 i want it to say "sales line one" but if on Zap/2 "sales line two" etc.  do I really have to have repeat code for each five telephone lines?  can't I just follow along until I am ready to use the pager and then have it branch off acordingly to which line it comes in on?
16:36.28*** join/#asterisk BadHorsie (n=sebas@
16:39.31[TK]D-FenderZPertee, 1 context per line, 1 exten per line each with 1 priority which calls a macro passing the recording to play and proceed accordingly.
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16:40.31ZPertee[TK]D-Fender, ok makes sense thanks
16:40.47pawhich was the url for that voip wiki?
16:41.10jbot[~wikis] VoIP Wiki covering Asterisk, FreeSWITCH, TrixBox, SER, OpenSER, sipX, CallWeaver, and YATE. (c) Arte Marketing Inc / CommPartners
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16:41.17paah thanks!
16:42.57ZPertee[TK]D-Fender, does something like this work: GotoIf("Zap/3"?line_three_page)?
16:43.55[TK]D-FenderZPertee, My last idea didn't involve a GotoIf at all
16:44.22ZPerteeI know.  but know I am just curious if that would work or not.
16:44.28[TK]D-FenderZPertee, And you don't seem to understand Asterisk Expressions based on your sample.
16:45.11[TK]D-FenderZPertee, You could chop off part of the channel name to get the port and jump accordingly, or play a "variable" recording based on it.
16:45.42*** part/#asterisk jivco (n=jivco@
16:45.54ZPertee[TK}D-Fender, ok thanks.  sorry to bother you curiosity just got the best of me
16:46.47[TK]D-FenderZPertee, its typically best to put zap channels into their own context and if they are to end up needing to do the same thing, simply jump to that same place.
16:47.18[TK]D-FenderZPertee, makes changing your mind about how to treat individual ports easier down the road and gives you an immediate sense of separation.
16:47.28ZPertee[TK}D-Fender, yeah that makes more sense, easier to follow, and is generally easier
16:47.28russellbGotoIf($[${CUT(CHANNEL,/,2)} = 3]?line_three_page)
16:47.32russellbsomething like that :-p
16:47.51ZPerteerussellb, hey thanks!
16:47.57russellbbut dont' use it :)
16:48.01russellbuse contexts
16:48.15*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
16:48.24ZPerteerussellb, yeah but now my curiosity is satisfied
16:48.32russellbmine too
16:48.49russellbactually, that still won't work
16:49.01russellbbecause it won't be "Zap/3"  it will be something like "Zap/3-1"
16:49.40[TK]D-Fenderrussellb, Actually.... being an FXO channel you can pretty much bet it'll always be "Zap/3-1"
16:49.47russellbthat's true
16:49.48[TK]D-Fenderrussellb, thus negating the need for CUT at all
16:50.01pai discovered yesterday the project Asterisk-GUI, which by the way seems quite young and i have properly installed but cant reach.. Now i discovered freepbx... which GUI for asterisk you advice me?
16:50.14russellb$["${CHANNEL(name)}" = "Zap/3-1"] or whatever
16:50.50russellbpa: are you sure you configured it right?
16:50.56jbotgui is, like, (Graphical User Interface) Any system that uses graphics to represent the functions of a program. All Windows operating systems are GUI. or point-and-drool, double-click, drag-and-drop, ... or at  Of course Real Programmers use the command line interface.  See cli
16:50.58russellbpa: run "make checkconfig" in the gui source dir
16:51.12ZPerteepa in freepbx you can't modify asterisk configs manually.  personally i prefer asterisknow
16:51.30pai did and it seems fine, but if i try to reach from browser i get "nothing to see here."
16:51.37paso it's like i cant reach the page
16:51.53russellbprobably the wrong URL
16:52.06russellbwhat URL did you use
16:52.07pai copied from "make checkconfig"
16:52.08[TK]D-FenderZPertee, Or a niftier : "Goto(page,${CHANNEL(name):4:1},1)" and make them like "exten => 3,1,NoOp(Yay, line 3!)
16:52.37paactually i used instead of the hostname too
16:52.37jameswf-homethat is incorrect you CAN manualy edit the configs if you do it their way, if you must use a GUI use a compiled solution like asterisknow or elastix
16:52.40russellbhm, ok, i'm not actually sure if cfgbasic.html still exists :)
16:52.46russellbpa: let me check real quick
16:52.48payes, there is there
16:52.55pai mean in config-static directory
16:53.06pai tried also cfgadvanced or other pages
16:54.35russellb/var/lib/asterisk/static-http right?
16:56.27russellbrunning asterisk as root?
16:57.13russellbrun "http show status"
16:57.29russellbthe prefix should show "/asterisk", and you should see /asterisk/static as an enabled URI
16:58.03russellbyou should also see "Server Enabled" or whatever ...
16:58.07*** join/#asterisk oej (
16:58.11pafrom where?
16:58.13pai mean
16:58.14russellbthe asterisk CLI
16:58.16pahttp show status
16:58.25paok so, i launch asterisk -f
16:58.29pathen asterisk-cli?
16:58.40russellbum ...
16:58.53russellbi assume if you're trying to test the GUI, asterisk is already running
16:58.56russellbso, run asterisk -r
16:58.59russellbto connect to it ...
16:59.04russellb*CLI> http show status
16:59.27russellbbut honestly, if you want to use it, try asterisknow ... and save yourself all of this trouble :)
16:59.33paServer Enabled and Bound to
16:59.47pai actually tried also to bound to
16:59.49pajust in case
16:59.51pabut nothing
17:00.04pawell, i have my ubuntu already configured
17:00.14pawith some tons of services :)
17:00.23paPrefix: /asterisk
17:00.47pa/asterisk/static/... => Asterisk HTTP Static Delivery
17:01.27russellband you have enabled and webenabled set to yes in manager.conf as well?
17:01.32russellbthis is usually trivial to install :)
17:01.42*** join/#asterisk tobias (
17:01.51pai enabled it in manager.conf and http.conf
17:02.04russellbecho "hello!" > /var/lib/asterisk/static-http/hello.txt
17:02.55pait cant find it too
17:02.57*** join/#asterisk Docfxit (
17:03.07russellbwell damnit
17:03.25russellbmaybe asterisk is looking in the wrong directory ...
17:03.33outtoluncdoesn't ubuntu use /var/www ?
17:03.33payes, probably
17:03.43russellbouttolunc: this is the asterisk built-in http server
17:03.53russellbpa: how did you install asterisk?
17:04.02pai did through apt-get install
17:04.06outtoluncsorry obviously missed parts of this convo
17:04.12pawhile i installed asterisk-gui from the tar
17:04.16russellbi bet the package uses a different directory
17:04.34jameswf-homeln -s foo bar
17:04.44paumh.. how to find it out?
17:04.44russellbpa: check /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf
17:04.47andrewnin extensions.ael, why would "switch (${EXTEN:2:3}) {" cause ${EXTEN} to revert back to the pattern string _1NXXNXXXXXX instead of the actual number dialed? If I comment out this switch statement it stays the number dialed
17:05.04russellbpa: and see what astvarlibdir is set to
17:05.17paastvarlibdir => /var/lib/asterisk
17:05.25russellberr, astdatadir
17:05.30DocfxitWhen I sign in through ssh how can I get to the CLI?
17:05.38padont hav eit
17:05.44mmurdockDocfxit: Asterisk cli?
17:05.54mmurdockDocfxit: asterisk -r
17:06.00pai can add
17:06.09pado i have to add /var/lib/asterisk ?
17:06.11russellbpa: add astdatadir => /var/lib/asterisk under astvarlibdir
17:06.23pathanks! let me try
17:06.31russellbpa: and you have to restart asterisk for it to take effect
17:07.06pai did
17:07.13DocfxitUnable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk.ctl exist?)
17:07.23pabut i still cant reach that from the broweser
17:08.05pai copied astvarlibdir in astdatadir
17:08.12pajust under it
17:08.21paso i have astdatadir => /var/lib/asterisk
17:08.34mmurdockHey russellb on your blog your latest post mentions T.38 termination in asterisk addon 1.6b2, does that mean asterisk can now send and recieve fax's?
17:08.36russellbpa: and you totally restarted asterisk?  not just reconnected to the CLI?
17:08.55payes, restarted asterisk -f
17:09.14pain one screen
17:09.19russellbmmurdock: yeah.  you could always send/receive faxes using spandsp.  but now we have an app in asterisk that uses spandsp that can also originate and terminate T.38 faxes
17:09.36russellbpa: gotcha ... well ... i would say install asterisk from source :)
17:09.39russellbbecause i _know_ this works
17:09.51payou suggest
17:09.52russellbbut that package has a crapton of changes and i don't feel like going to look
17:10.01payou suggest me asterisk-gui as a config gui for asterisk?
17:10.09mmurdock@russellb: Where would you suggest I look to find out more information on this?
17:10.15russellbi suggest that you evaluate it to see if it fits your needs
17:10.24paok :)
17:10.24russellbthe 2 that i suggest are the asterisk-gui or switchvox
17:10.36russellbmmurdock: i don't know if there is any more information :)
17:10.58russellbbut if you install asterisk and asterisk-addons 1.6, and have spandsp installed, you will have an app_fax that can do it
17:11.10pathanks for the help anyways ! strange behaviour tough
17:11.20russellbpa: indeed, sorry i couldn't fix it
17:11.32mmurdock@russellb: I've never played with spandsp, so I better check that out first.
17:12.34mmurdock@russellb: BTW I enjoy your blog.  It's a great place to stay up to date.  :)
17:13.38ZPerteerussellb where is your blog?
17:14.13russellbjbot: russellb is also
17:14.13jbotrussellb: okay
17:14.50ZPerteerussellb, thanks I'll take a look around when I get a chance
17:15.00*** join/#asterisk oej_ (
17:15.25ZPerteeis jbot something that anybody can use or is it somebody I am confused
17:15.41russellbit's a bot :)
17:15.51ZPerteeis there any info on how to use it
17:15.56pamaybe if there is some unofficial updated ubuntu pkgs for asterisk-gui? :)
17:15.56russellbheh, not really
17:16.00russellbjbot: die
17:16.00jbotACTION takes two shots to the head and crumples to the ground, lifeless.
17:16.08ZPerteeha ha
17:16.23russellb~thwack jbot
17:16.24jbotACTION smacks jbot on the head with a Holy Bible
17:16.35russellbof course, it has a lot of useful information stored, too ...
17:16.56jbotACTION watches russellb pull the trigger:  Click!
17:16.59outtoluncdo the book do the book <G>
17:17.12jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
17:17.31jbotGrandSuck phones & gateways are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice.
17:17.44seanbrightthat's weak...
17:17.48ZPerteehaha that is a good one
17:18.10jbotwell, polycom is the manufacturer of one of the best IP phones in the market. - Note: Here is where you can get some downloads:,,pw-6812-12612,00.html
17:18.24thedonvaughni've had _NOTHING_ but trouble with polycom 430s in my office
17:18.26thedonvaughnhad to send 'em back
17:18.29thedonvaughnjust fyi :)
17:18.33seanbrightjbot is known to be extremely impartial, obviously.
17:18.52seanbrightjbot: you are a corporate shill.
17:18.52jbotseanbright: what are you talking about?
17:19.04ZPerteebasically try something and if it works great, if not try something else and learn as you go with jbot
17:19.07jboti heard snom is like all German products. High quality, but wacky engineering. :)
17:19.21jameswf-homelmao  so Jeremy McNamara's blog has a user readability deal on it... I ran it on Kerry g's blog it came back elementry school
17:19.28mmurdockI actually have about 100 snom's in the field.  I like them.
17:19.32russellbjameswf-home: lol!
17:19.45russellbi think mine came back as high school :-/
17:20.10jameswf-homeI am at Jr High :)
17:20.14jameswf-homeI feel so dumb
17:20.31jameswf-homebut kicks the crap out of elementry
17:20.32russellbhe must be putting SIP packet traces in his blog
17:20.43russellbthat would confuse that tool :)
17:21.20jameswf-homeI have severel videos maybe that dumbs it down
17:23.35[TK]D-Fenderrussellb, Yes..... Kerry G IS a tool ;)
17:23.59[TK]D-Fenderrussellb, And far from the sharpest in the shed!
17:24.10russellbthat's not what i said, but ok :) only gets college level so I dont feel as bad cause that dude is probably way smarter than me....
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17:39.56jameswf-homeI have to fly wendsday I hope the eastcoast weather crap clears up
17:40.12seanbrightwhere you flying to ?
17:40.34*** join/#asterisk esaym (
17:40.44jameswf-homeSouth Carolina by way of Atlanta... Atlanta to SC how poinless is that leg
17:42.00seanbrighti flew from baltimore to gainesville and had to stop in atlanta
17:42.45seanbrightmy first flight ever, actually.
17:42.47jameswf-homeatl must have gone to bed with someone to make all flights go through there
17:43.06obnauticusIs it possible to use GSMFR on asterisk?
17:43.13seanbrightswitched to a puddle jumper in atlanta and i got to sit right next to the prop... that wasn't scary at all
17:47.03jameswf-homeI have never flown before... looks like Ill be doing a bt of flying for work now...
17:47.52*** join/#asterisk codejunky (
17:48.47obnauticuscan anyone here help me with this problem
17:48.47obnauticus[Feb 23 12:46:44] WARNING[4070]: channel.c:2734 set_format: Unable to find a codec translation path from g729 to gsm
17:48.51*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
17:48.58seanbrightjameswf-home: never flown?  like ever?
17:49.13*** join/#asterisk DJF5 (
17:49.57lmadsenobnauticus: you don't have a g.729 codec license, so no transcoding is allowed
17:50.10lmadsenor you've run out of licenses
17:50.12obnauticuswhere does one obtain one.
17:50.33*** join/#asterisk brainy_ (
17:50.37brainy_hi there
17:50.59codejunkyHello, is it possible to play a custom sound on a sip 404 error, when the caller dials an unknown number?
17:51.11*** join/#asterisk land0 (n=land0@
17:51.16Wayhighstevetotaro:hey man.. thanks for showing me how to use the asterisk cli.. I never knew just how useful it could be but I just solved a long-standing problem because of your help.
17:51.24brainy_codejunky: you just need a exten => i,1,Playback(xxx)
17:51.34jameswf-homeyea never been on a plane that didnt have its wheels chocked
17:51.41*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
17:51.42codejunkybrainy_: okay, I will try, thx
17:52.12brainy_codejunky: the i-extension will be used for invalid extensions e.g. non-existing ones
17:52.16seanbrightjameswf-home: good luck and god speed :)
17:52.52land0Is there a resource available that could help me to determine which Digium product would best fit my business needs?
17:52.56codejunkybrainy_: hm, okay, that is not exactly what I want because I have connected asterisk to a sip provider and the provider gives asterisk a 404
17:53.09SteveTotaroWayhigh:  Now it is time to learn the AMI ;)
17:53.19brainy_hm, i have a BN4S0 ISDN Card with mISDN .. everything looks good but the mISDN uses a lot of cpu when a call is active.. i'm not sure if this is a common problem or a configuration problem
17:54.12brainy_codejunky: ah, ok.. maybe you can use the HANGUPCAUSE variables in your dialplan
17:54.39obnauticuslmadsen it's saying i cannot translate
17:54.40obnauticusbut im uhh
17:54.45obnauticusim just trying to doa call
17:54.48obnauticusg729 <-> g729
17:54.57lmadsenobnauticus: no.... one party is gsm, one is g729
17:55.00lmadsenthat is transcoding
17:55.02Dovidwhat does: manager.c: Accept returned -1: Too many open files mean ?
17:55.03lmadsenthat is not allowed without a license
17:55.06obnauticusWell i need help though
17:55.10codejunkybrainy_: i will take a look at it, thanks
17:55.11obnauticusi understand it's sayiung that
17:55.12WayhighAMI.. isn't that the hot chick with huge boobs we saw?
17:55.12obnauticusbut it shouldn
17:55.15obnauticusit should not be
17:55.25seanbrightDovid: check your ulimit
17:55.43seanbrightDovid: you should up the open files cap for asterisk
17:55.43lmadsenobnauticus: it shouldn't, but it is, and you can verify the codecs that are being offered by the endpoints by looking at the sip trace
17:55.52obnauticushow do i do that?
17:55.55obnauticussip debug
17:55.57lmadsenobnauticus: yes
17:56.04brainy_codejunky: regarding the docs it should do what you want.. you just have to check the hangupcause in the dialplan then jump somewhere else to notice the use
17:56.19Dovidseanbright: ulimit is ?
17:56.35seanbrightDovid: `man ulimit`
17:57.26Wayhighm/sg stevetotaro has a 10/100 24port switch for $19 shipped
17:57.51russellbm/sg seanbright what are you wearing?
17:57.52obnauticusCapabilities: us - 0x106 (gsm|ulaw|g729), peer - audio=0x502 (gsm|g729|ilbc)/video=0x0 (nothing), combined - 0x102 (gsm|g729)
17:57.52obnauticusNon-codec capabilities (dtmf): us - 0x1 (telephone-event), peer - 0x1 (telephone-event), combined - 0x1 (telephone-event)
17:57.52russellboh crap
17:57.58seanbrightDovid: each unix process has a set of limits that it can't exceeded.  ulimit let's you change that value.
17:58.06russellbstupid typos ...
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17:58.44seanbrightm/sg russellb i always IRC naked
17:58.49SteveTotarogood deal on the switch
17:58.51obnauticuslmadsen did you see that?
17:59.13Wayhighyeah.. I keep track of good deals.. I may replace my extreme switch with it instead..
17:59.18SteveTotaroi bought a dell 24 GigE web managed for ~$250
17:59.23Wayhighthe extreme is nice but it's kinda overkill
17:59.32lmadsenobnauticus: gsm is being offered first it seems
17:59.42obnauticushow do i disable that?
17:59.43obnauticusi mean
17:59.52Wayhigh24GigE is nice.. I got a 8 port gigE unmanaged w/ metal case for $40 a while back
17:59.55tzangerare there any known probelms with asterisk 1.4 tryign to register to asterisk 1.2 (SIP) ? I get bad auth but the secrets are good
18:00.02obnauticusalso lmadsen is there a plugin of some sort for GSMFR
18:00.57WayhighI've got a cisco catalyst 3200 I'm not using too.. it has like 2 oc3 jacks on it and 8 10/100 but ya know.. no reason to fire it up at the moment
18:01.06russellbtzanger: not known, no ... seems like something we'd hear about quickly
18:01.12russellbtzanger: but it's possible
18:01.14Wayhigh<-- collects hardware
18:01.16SteveTotaroi bought this bad boy
18:02.12Wayhighdude.. I'm so going to have to buy one of those
18:02.17Wayhigheven if it is from Dell
18:02.31SteveTotarodell has come a long way with switches
18:02.31obnauticusGet a PowerCurve
18:02.31russellbdude, you're getting ..... nevermind ....
18:02.34obnauticusor a Cisco cwitch.
18:02.42Qwellrussellb: arrested for possession? :p
18:02.43obnauticusI would never buy networking components from dell
18:02.49russellbQwell: lol, yes :)
18:02.51Qwell^^ Dell guy
18:02.56Wayhigh"Dell" translates to "betta have yo warranty beeeootch"
18:03.07SteveTotarofor a switch, common
18:03.15Qwellrussellb: that guy will never live that one down
18:03.35SteveTotarowhat did they expect, he was a pot posterchild
18:04.08outtoluncdoob is so close to dude <G>
18:04.33Wayhighhere's a funny Dell story for ya.. my friend has this dell laptop and the screen hardware connection broke.. so she didn't know the warranty would cover it.. she got a new computer.. had me fixing her old one and I was like "well.. why don't you have dell fix the screen of your old one?".. so she calls them up and find out the warranty ran out 4 DAYS AGO..
18:04.39tzangerthat's really weird
18:04.44tzangerSIP OPTIONS gets through
18:04.46Wayhighand since she told them about the broken screen.. they wont renew it
18:04.56tzangerbut an INVITE is not seen by the 1.2 asterisk box
18:07.13tzangerI bet it's a "smart" firewall
18:07.38*** join/#asterisk ZPertee (
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18:08.35obnauticussmart firewall?
18:08.47obnauticusIDS + other services = smart firewall+ing
18:08.51obnauticusand filter+ing
18:09.28SteveTotarothe web interface on this dell switch makes cisco look stupid
18:09.41SteveTotarowhy did i bother getting my ccna in 96?
18:09.46obnauticusthat statment made you look stupid.
18:09.53obnauticusWeb interface < CLI
18:10.00SteveTotarook guy, i am a cisco guy
18:10.05obnauticusso am I
18:10.36SteveTotarobut that dell switch is rock solid, has all the features of cisco, easy to configure, and has cli too
18:10.45obnauticusthen go for it
18:10.47SteveTotarocan't beat the price either
18:10.53SteveTotaroi already did go for it
18:10.57*** join/#asterisk Datax (
18:11.04SteveTotaroit has been in production for at least nine months
18:11.04DataxHi all
18:11.29DataxI have a wifi cisco 7921 phone but it only dials the first digit
18:11.32Dataxany idea why ?
18:14.16SteveTotarothe dialplan on the phone
18:15.04SteveTotarodoes the cisco work like the polycom?  dial the number with the handset in the cradle and then hit send
18:15.33SteveTotaroor dial
18:15.37DataxI thought of that and had a look at the files it was trying to pull off the tftp server but it doesn't seem to be looking for a dialplan file
18:15.45Dataxwhats a polycom ?
18:15.51SteveTotaroa phone
18:15.56SteveTotaroit has a dialplan
18:15.57Dataxah ok ^^
18:16.31pano way to get log from asterisk http server?
18:16.34SteveTotarobut the dialplan can be bypassed if you dial before you have dialtone and then press the softkey dial or send or whatever it is
18:16.40pai tried -vvvvvv but no log on the console
18:16.47pa(for the http part)
18:16.47DataxSteveTotaro: I'll try that now
18:17.21DataxSteveTotaro: doesn't look as if it is possible to get a dial tone without having entered a number before
18:17.45SteveTotaroif you press a button it doesn't show?
18:18.23SteveTotarojust dial the number then hit send or dial
18:18.26Dataxbut when I hit the dial key it only takes the first digit in to account
18:18.50SteveTotarohave you tried different first digits?
18:19.00Dataxnope will do now
18:19.13Dataxsame problem
18:19.26SteveTotarodid you try all the digits?
18:19.36SteveTotarowhat does the cli show?
18:19.41Wayhighdude.. snakes on a plane is on.. sweet
18:20.44seanbrightthere's mother f**kin' snakes on this mother f**kin' plane!
18:22.05parussellb, couldnt i try to move the /var/lib/asterisk/static-http/config into an apache httpd docroot ?
18:22.08pato use it i mean
18:22.39SteveTotarodatax, i have no idea about skinny, why not convert them to sip?
18:22.49Dataxthe 7921 doesn't have a sip firmware
18:23.11DataxI also use 7961 phones and those are running SIP since a SIP firmware is available for it
18:26.09Paladinemy missus bought a really bad budget dvd from a market the other week thinking it was a transformers movie (it was called transmorphers but she is dyslexic)
18:26.16Paladineserious budget movie
18:26.26Paladineand it had a trailer for a budget movie called Snakes on a Train
18:26.36Paladinegod help us all
18:27.30Paladineimagine a Revenge of the Killer Tomatoes`esque Snakes on a Plane movie but egads, on a train
18:27.35*** join/#asterisk AJaymn (
18:27.43AJaymnhow can i tell what version of Zaptel is running?
18:30.27land0Paladine: I heard Westley Snipes was replacing Samuel Jackson in the trains sequel. :D I guess he was hard up for cash. ;)
18:31.46Paladineyou mean Jackson doesn't want to do the sequal despite the excellent performance in SOAP?
18:32.10PaladineI was surprised he didn't get an oscar
18:32.14*** join/#asterisk chigital (
18:32.16Paladineno really I was
18:32.29land0There was only one good line in that movie
18:32.59Paladinenot because he deserved it, but because for a movie with such a ridiculous plot and title to actually do well at the box office, they must have been slipping the audience a mickey in the buckets of cinema soda
18:33.22land0you will reveal too much
18:33.36Paladineall your ghb are belong to Sony
18:34.00chigitali have a problem with zaptel and a motorola sm56 softmodem/winmodem. is there a chance
18:34.00Paladinethis is kinda asterisk related right?
18:34.07Paladinein a roundabout way
18:34.23Paladineif they had had voip on the plane they could have confused the snakes
18:34.59Paladineactually thats a good movie title "VOIP on a Plane"
18:35.22land0that would be a great service
18:35.36land0if the airlines could pull it off
18:35.39*** join/#asterisk Daejeo (n=chatzill@
18:35.44Paladinehehehe use your sssssssssssip phones to kill the snakes ;)
18:36.17Daejeono audio for incoming?  vtwhite-ITSP
18:36.39Daejeoanyone can help?
18:38.06*** part/#asterisk land0 (n=land0@
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18:40.51PaladineI caught and ate a rattlesnake in sonoma once
18:41.09Paladinebbq'd it first of course
18:41.18tzangerwow that is fucked up
18:41.27tzangerI have an asterisk box no nat, no nothing
18:41.32Paladineactually it was pretty darn good
18:41.33*** join/#asterisk Nasra (
18:41.38tzangerI have a home * box that is also no nat
18:41.54tzangerI can make a sip call from home* to remote* THROUGH middle* without issue
18:42.16tzangerhowever twinkle, behind nat, cannot call remote* through middle*, middle* cannot reach remote*
18:42.16BBHossthats odd
18:42.38BBHosshave you tried iax2 just for kicks?
18:42.40tzangerhome <-- no nat --> middle <-- no nat --> remote == goodness
18:42.50brainy_does someone know if the TE* ISDN Cards from Digium are active or passive cards?
18:42.59tzangertwinkle <-- nat --> middle <-- no nat --> remote == middle cannot get to remote
18:43.53WayhighI got mad at a couple hoodlums in a pet store last week cause they were talking about killing a copperhead
18:43.59tzangerthe question is why does middle miss remote when that connection is not changing?
18:44.05*** join/#asterisk kclaussen (n=kclausse@
18:44.18Wayhighand about copperheads being dangerous and stuff.. I was like 'fucking idiots.. they're only midly venemous and don't bother you if you don't bother them'
18:45.16PaladineWayhigh, I used to look after pythons with gum rot in my local reptile store when I was a kid and at the time I ate the diamond back I owned a pair of California King Snakes too (male and female)
18:45.19Paladineso I love snakes
18:45.19BBHosswhat about cottonmouths
18:45.24Paladinebut I am also a carnivore
18:47.22tzangerthe invites are identical
18:47.27pkunkrahey wayhigh, by chance, did you once live in santa cruz?
18:47.35Wayhighyeah man
18:47.38Wayhighthat's me
18:48.00tzangeroh wait, I'm dumb
18:49.12PaladineI asked santa to give me penelope cruz for xmas but he didn't
18:50.45blitzragethat's because I asked first
18:53.19chigitalcan anyone help
18:55.28SteveTotaropenelope is my high school friend's ex girl
18:55.51SteveTotarooh sorry wrong, it was that other attractive spanish girl
18:56.15SteveTotarofrom Dogma, can't remember her name now
18:57.11Nasrahello SteveTotaro:
18:57.41Nasradoing okay today I guess....
18:57.57Nasradreaming with those spanish
18:59.03Paladineselma hiack or however you spell her last name?
18:59.12SteveTotaroyeah that's it
18:59.45SteveTotarodamn Ed Norton, he was such a dork in school, if he were not a Rouse, he would never had made the bigtime
18:59.52PaladineI used to know a very good friend of Kevin Smith's heheh
19:00.01Paladinehe actually had a cameo in dogma
19:00.29PaladineBob Shrek (vp of sales at DC Comics)
19:00.53Paladinenow someone do a link to shrek ;)
19:01.19obnauticusAnoyne here know where this could be comming from, from a2billing
19:01.20obnauticus[Feb 23 13:57:32] NOTICE[4041]: chan_sip.c:12180 handle_response_invite: Failed to authenticate on INVITE to '"1" <sip:1@>;tag=as795c269d'
19:01.34obnauticusi cannot find registry information for the username `1` in any of my configuration files.
19:01.47obnauticustherefore i have no idea where the call is going lulz.
19:01.54obnauticusor where the registration information is
19:02.26*** join/#asterisk JunK-Y (
19:02.34obnauticusIt's not in extensions.conf either
19:07.02*** join/#asterisk djs (n=djstillm@unaffiliated/djs26)
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19:18.42gr0mithi - anyone used astmanproxy?
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19:31.16Wayhighthe score is now Wayhigh:5   Mice:0
19:32.05WayhighI apparently got the momma mouse the other day.. so the little ones are coming out looking dazed and confused
19:32.13WayhighI just tossed their ass outside
19:34.43PaladineI don't get why people kill/get rid of mice
19:34.55Paladineits not like they do anything apart from eat paper and leave the odd dropping
19:34.58PaladineI find them rather cute
19:35.17*** join/#asterisk FireMac (
19:41.23Wayhighpaladine: wife acceptance factor
19:41.47Wayhighand we have birds.. they leave food on the floor.. if we didn't we'd be overrun in a short time
19:42.01drmessanoYeah, nothing unsanitary about mice droppings
19:42.08drmessanoEver heard of the PLAGUE
19:42.22Wayhighdr: are you serious?
19:43.11drmessanoAbout the plague
19:43.26Wayhighyeah.. cause it's showing a gross lack of knowledge
19:43.36drmessanoSure.. You think getting rid of a cold is bad, try getting rid if death
19:44.01Wayhigh"Infection in a human occurs when a person is bitten by a flea that has been infected by biting a rodent that itself has been infected by the bite of a flea carrying the disease." <-- wikipedia
19:44.03drmessanoI'm always serious about plagues
19:44.31drmessanoThat's what the CIA wants you to think
19:44.36Wayhighfleas and ticks were the carriers of the plague.. not droppings
19:44.52drmessanoTell me something
19:44.56Wayhighmouse droppings ARE bad because they have been linked to some diseases
19:45.09drmessanoWhen you go to the store and look at pet supplies
19:45.21drmessanoWhat are the most common supplies for pets, next to food
19:45.36Wayhighwater :)
19:45.38drmessanoFlea powder, flea collars, flea spray
19:45.39blitzrageso is the air we breathe because of the chemicals we burn and release into the atmosphere from vehicles and plants
19:45.51blitzragejust living will kill you :)
19:46.03WayhighI get rid of mice because of WAF and because of Hanta virus
19:46.10Wayhighthese little babies I just tossed out were cute
19:46.15drmessanoFlea powers, sprays, and collars are what the CIA uses for their mind control, and they disguise it as something to help keep your precious pet healthy
19:46.30drmessanoPeople fear fleas, and who would argue.. especially when it comes to helping their pers
19:46.34WayhighI made sure to play with them a bit (in a nice way) before putting them outside in the freezing cold
19:46.37pahow can i check where the asterisk http server docroot points?
19:46.55*** join/#asterisk ZPertee (
19:46.57Wayhighthey're goners anyways.. I killed their mom
19:47.48Paladinedrmessano, I dunno about you, but I am not in the habit of ingesting mouse droppings or picking them up with my fingers for an inquisitive inspection
19:47.57drmessanopa: Wrong channel
19:48.04*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
19:48.18drmessanoDude, there's mouse droppings in the food you eat
19:48.18Paladinemouse dropping + vacuum cleaner = cure for plague :p
19:48.28Paladinedude there isn't
19:48.31padrmessano, ???
19:48.34drmessanoYes there is
19:48.41Paladineno there isn't lol
19:48.45pawrong channel?????
19:48.48drmessanoUnless you don't eat any processed foods
19:48.54Paladineno I don't
19:49.02drmessanoWell :P then
19:49.22drmessanoPA: the only GUI addressed in there is CLI
19:49.24drmessanoPA: the only GUI addressed in here is CLI
19:49.26PaladineI eat fresh meat and dairy and thats about it
19:49.40drmessanoOk, ok, you got me
19:49.49drmessanoThe rest of us do
19:49.55padrmessano, so where should i ask for the asterisk http server?
19:50.00Paladinebut maybe my foods food had mouse droppings in it
19:50.09drmessanoread the topic, PA
19:50.11Paladinepa - freepbx?
19:51.36drmessanoUnless we've all be duped and it's a trixbox
19:51.43drmessanoThen you can try #gtfo
19:51.50drmessanoOuch, that was harsh
19:52.35PaladineI actually tried trixbox
19:52.39Paladinebut it was broked
19:53.17drmessanoAt one time, I used Trixbox
19:53.36drmessanoJust got sick of it being broken and the spyware crap
19:53.57Paladineit wouldn't boot for me, died somewhere in init and I couldn't be arsed to figure out where so I installed ubuntu+freepbx in half the time
19:54.26drmessanoIts amazing how much lighter a box feels if you go that route lol
19:55.06PaladineUbuntu uses redbull
19:55.09Paladineso it has wings
19:56.06Paladineof course I still can't use my asterisk server (although it does look very pretty sitting there in the asterisk cli console)
19:56.21drmessanoWHy not?
19:56.35Paladinecos I need to reqire my entire house for the phone circuit
19:56.54Paladineasterisk server is in office in basement, phone point is 2 floors up on the opposite side of the house
19:57.17Paladinerequire? I meant rewire
19:57.20*** join/#asterisk Kumba_ (
19:57.23drmessanoJust pull a 50 pair cable down there
19:57.55Paladineyou ever tried to rewire a network with a 2 year old monster running around the house?
19:58.09Kumbaok, right one...
19:58.16drmessanoCough syrup
19:58.21Paladine"Son give me back that sharp knife..." "I neeeeed it!"
19:58.37drmessanoLots and lots of cough syrup
19:59.04Paladine"Son don't point the drill at daddy like that"
19:59.34Paladinemy 2 year old monster is 3'6" too
19:59.42drmessanoMy father used to put me to work when he did drywall stuff.. Gave me the nail holes to fill in..
19:59.44Paladineso he is bigger than most 4 year olds
19:59.55KumbaMake him mow the lawn?
20:00.00drmessanoI tell you what.. I can fill in a damn nail hole now that requires no sanding lol
20:00.53*** join/#asterisk elguero (
20:01.16Paladine"Son, where did you put those crimpers?" "Hiding *giggle*" "No son, seriously, I need the crimpers." "Don't know daddy find it..."
20:01.50KumbaAint kids cute?
20:02.08Paladinecouldn't eat a whole one though
20:02.19drmessanoCough Syrup
20:02.30drmessano"Under 6, above 6, who cares"
20:02.57outtoluncjust not after they hide the crimpers
20:02.58PaladineI have to be nice to my son, cos he will be 7' tall before he reaches 16 and knock me out if I don't lol
20:04.46CrashSysJust remember to sucker punch him first in that case :)
20:04.58CrashSysWhat my dad did to me when I thought I was going to beat him down...
20:05.21lirakisi put together a simple script that automates emailing of voicemail for vanilla asterisk installs
20:05.57CrashSysemailing of voicemail?
20:06.03Paladineis there any way to hook up asterisk to an sms gateway for outbound & inbound sms?
20:06.07CrashSyslike, what asterisk already does?
20:06.11lirakisCrashSys: err
20:06.12PaladineI see a lot of companies doing outbound but no inbound
20:06.15lirakisuh yeah
20:06.29lirakisCrashSys: ha ha.. im actually doing some other stuff with call files
20:06.52CrashSysCan this script send to multiple e-mail boxes from one VM account?
20:06.55CrashSysCause that'd be handy
20:06.59lirakisCrashSys: this is just a generalized version that determines if the vm's are new or old
20:07.02lirakisCrashSys: yes it can
20:07.08Paladinewould be nice to find a voip provider that forwards sms to email for your voip phone number
20:07.25lirakisCrashSys: just seperate the email addy's by commas
20:07.56CrashSysI always knew if I waited long enough I would one day randomnly find someone who would write such a thing...
20:08.20lirakisCrashSys: lol  .. i was working on it + call files for part of a on call solution
20:08.31lirakisCrashSys: i figured i would generalize it and make it public
20:09.05*** join/#asterisk cesar_CR (n=cesar@
20:09.25Paladineoops I better take the beast's juice bottle upstairs or he is gonna beat me up brb
20:09.45lirakisCrashSys: the whole on call package .. actually has a db of contacts, who are oncall during certain hours.. and that script will email a general oncall email address, and attempt to call each tech a specified number of times..  before it escalates to the next tech
20:09.51*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
20:10.17lirakisCrashSys: ill probably sanitize, and make that available too, as it might be a little more use full than.. just this ;)
20:10.42CrashSyssounds like good stuff
20:11.05lirakisunless.. you need to email vm to multiple addresses of course... in which case this is GOLD !! absolute GOLD!!
20:13.29CrashSysDear god, debian has 3 DVD's?!?!?
20:14.17lirakisif you want all the packages
20:14.37lirakisyou can essentially create your own apt mirror with those
20:14.45CrashSysI'll just try the first DVD
20:14.59lirakisheh hehe
20:15.20*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux (
20:15.31CrashSyswell, i'll be lagging off here in a little bit... linux torrent's seem to do that...
20:16.01drmessano3 DVDs?
20:16.04cesar_CRhi guys, anyone that can help me conecting two asterisk via IAX2, I've followed the book but nothing ...
20:16.31drmessanoI'll stick with CentOS, thanks
20:16.34CrashSysdrmessano: evidently... i'll just try the first 1... I think the other 2 are X and sources..
20:17.04drmessanoI bet there is a freakin package called "Birthday"
20:17.10drmessanoand "Birthday-dev"
20:17.40Paladineactually I think birthday does exist
20:19.09drmessanoJust the sort of asshattery you would see in 3 DVDs
20:19.37Paladinepaladine@main:~/Desktop/alsa-plugins-1.0.16$ sudo apt-cache depends birthday
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20:20.42drmessanoThats funny
20:21.29CrashSyslooks like thier torrent is broke for deb 4.0
20:22.35CrashSysEither that or RR has cut me off
20:22.58Paladinep2p network management?
20:23.12outtolunccable shaping <G>
20:23.27CrashSysTorrentFlux :)
20:23.46CrashSyssince windows like to bomb when I get more then 500 tcp/ip connections going into it
20:24.06drmessanoTry a Linksys cable modem with 11
20:24.33CrashSysSupposively they have been upgrading a lot of their switches in this area becuase a network analyst firm told them 80% of their bandwidth is used by 10% of their customers :D
20:24.38SteveTotarotylenol PM works wonders
20:24.47CrashSysI guess they were having congestion issues...
20:25.16CrashSysI want OC3-level performance delivered to my door-step for my $80/mo!
20:25.29Paladinemove to sweden
20:25.44Paladineor korea
20:25.50drmessanoCrashSys: Like the rest of the world has for $40/mo?
20:26.05CrashSysdrmessano: exactly :0
20:26.36drmessanoThe CIA wants you to think internet is expensive
20:26.39drmessanoIt really isn't
20:26.40Paladinein the UK when we get OC3TTH it will have a "Fair Use Policy" of 5GB per month
20:27.32SteveTotarothe old metered premium internet billing
20:28.06LiNeTuXHow many phones/users can you support on 100bT? (simutaneous)
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20:28.40Paladineyeah I am glad credit defaults expire after 6 years on the register, you don't even wanna know what my phone bills were before flat rate arrived :)
20:28.44LiNeTuXso about 87kbps/call w/overhead?
20:29.09SteveTotarogo with speex at 8k has a bandwidth calculator under the tools tab
20:29.24LiNeTuXthat's what I want ;)
20:29.38SteveTotaroi did that between dc and uganda
20:29.47CrashSysput in your codec, technology, and concurrent call volume, and it'll spit out bandwidth requirements...
20:29.50SteveTotarotwo second lag but perfect voice quality
20:30.14SteveTotarogsm was very choppy
20:30.31CrashSysand how was ULaw?
20:30.47SteveTotarolol, useless
20:31.37LiNeTuXCrashSys: that's exactly what I was looking for, I just didn't know it!  Thx again.
20:31.57SteveTotaroyou can get used to a two second lag when you are saving alot of money
20:32.14SteveTotarodaily calls lasting hours
20:32.26ruiedSteveTotaro, 2 second is really much, he can get used to put
20:32.42SteveTotaroyou have say "over"
20:33.06ruiedSteveTotaro, 2 second is really much, he can get used to but the called person's don't...
20:33.28SteveTotaroyes they do because they had an asterisk box on their side
20:33.34SteveTotarosame company
20:33.39ruiedah, ok
20:34.01SteveTotarothe CEO was happy as hell
20:34.16SteveTotaroor should I say heaven
20:34.34LiNeTuXa pig in shit
20:34.40LiNeTuXas they say at my work
20:34.54SteveTotarosh*t a brick
20:35.02SteveTotaroafter eating at five guys
20:35.09LiNeTuXthat's the truth
20:36.01SteveTotarodo any phones support speex hacked or native ?
20:36.25SteveTotaroiax and speex
20:36.56drmessanoI've only seen Speex on softphones
20:37.22SteveTotarospeex, openvpn, and IAX2, they would be good sellers in 3rd world areas especially where VoIP is illegal
20:38.00drmessanoLeave the SPeex for the interasterisk part and you're set
20:38.38SteveTotarotoo bad none of the phones out there run linux like the old wrt54g s
20:39.18drmessanoHows the transcoding from G711 to Speex?
20:39.48SteveTotarocpu intensive i guess
20:40.04SteveTotarosounds good though
20:40.11drmessanoThats what matters
20:40.56*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
20:41.50SteveTotarodid you know that the asterisk in fc8 repo builds chan_mobile by default
20:41.59SteveTotaroi guess it builds everything, no speex though
20:42.17SteveTotaroi just did a yum install asterisk*
20:42.39SteveTotaroinstalled freetds and all kinds of kewl stuff
20:45.45jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
20:45.56SteveTotarowho was asking about mISDN yesterday?
20:47.14SteveTotaroah yeah, how could i forget that win guy
20:47.20SteveTotarocheck this out
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20:48.28drmessanonice.. done
20:49.05SteveTotaroi hope the win guy comes back
20:49.28SteveTotarothis looks like a winner FC8 bare and yum install asterisk*
20:50.20drmessanoThe sad thing is, more hardcore Windows admins think any talk about linux is anti-windows rhetoric
20:50.27drmessanoThey limit themselves in the tools they use
20:50.39drmessanoI am 80% a windows admin, but Linux rocks my socks
20:50.43SteveTotarounixodbc is a very nice thing to throw in this package
20:51.18SteveTotaroi learned linux when i started using asterisk
20:51.33SteveTotaropre1.0, i guess six or so years ago
20:51.42drmessanoThe iksemel is a good touch too
20:52.10SteveTotarodont feel like googling it, brief summary please?
20:52.33drmessanoDependency for the XMPP/Jabber stuff.. I guess the library that does all the work
20:52.38SteveTotarolets see if i can yum install wanpipe
20:55.30SteveTotarothe yum install is smart enough to put the new confs with .new at the end
20:55.55SteveTotaroactually .rpmnew
20:57.43ManxPowerdrmessano: windows admin?  I always knew there was something "off" about you.  *grin*
20:58.30drmessanoWell, i've spent 11 years doing it so far
20:58.36drmessanoIt pays the bills
20:59.13drmessanoApparently I am pretty good at it, because I find people in better paying jobs that know less lol
20:59.49drmessanoI guess I need to quit being a cheapass and come off the $$$ to get that insane M$ certs
21:00.52*** join/#asterisk signius (
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21:04.40SteveTotarojust get the easiest win cert and then you are an MCP
21:05.40Paladinepeople still do MS certs? I thought there was a patch for that?
21:07.02drmessanoThere needs to be
21:07.58Paladineactually a friend of mine recently started his XP cert (god knows why) and no-one has seen or heard from him since
21:08.02Paladinewhich is a bit worrying
21:08.46Paladinebut he is scottish, so we are not that bothered
21:09.47gr0mitso, anyone using astmanproxy?
21:10.04Paladinedude I keep parsing that as assmanproxy
21:10.14Paladinewhich is a little scarey
21:10.37Paladinewith tape on the arm?
21:10.39drmessanoIt's pretty stupid that you would need to be certified in WINDOWS
21:10.46drmessanoThats like having a bicycle license
21:10.54gr0mitheld together with Araldite
21:11.02Paladinedrmessano, actually it stands perfectly to reason that you would need to be certified to use windows ;)
21:11.23Paladinecertified as mentally ill that is
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21:11.51Paladinegr0mit, so where in BrownLand are you then?
21:12.15Paladineooo posh
21:12.51gr0mitnah. and you?
21:12.56LiNeTuXBut if you don't have a Windows cert, how on earth is an employer to know you know what you're talking about?
21:13.13Paladinebut well travelled
21:13.15gr0mitaaaah ok. almost in Scotland ;-)
21:13.21Paladinehense knowing where basingstoke is :)
21:13.51gr0mitbut I am none the wiser about astmanproxy
21:14.10drmessanoLiNeTuX: True.. But how is an employer supposed to know you're not just a dumbass that tests well?
21:14.49LiNeTuXoh wait, I forgot to <sarcasm> </sarcasm> my last comment.  Heh.
21:15.05gr0mitusing astmanproxy to filyter out everyone elses traffic on a colo asterisk box
21:15.19LiNeTuXdrmessano: it would NEVER have to do with references, would it?  Nah, that's crazy talk.
21:15.40drmessanoReferences?  Only if it's Microsoft employees
21:15.46drmessanoThats as good as a cert
21:15.59PaladineLiNeTuX, in the UK it is illegal to give a bad reference
21:16.04LiNeTuXThen you get back to that certified/certificate thing.  Heh.
21:16.10gr0mitu using Asterisk then Paladine?
21:16.32Paladinegr0mit, not strictly using it in the "using" sense of the word no
21:16.36PaladineI have it installed though
21:16.44gr0mitaah ok
21:16.49LiNeTuXPaladine: there's a lot of things about EU that makes the US look bad.  Being fically (sp?) responsible for companies you start it one.
21:16.53Paladineneed to rewqire my house first
21:17.21Paladinecos my phone point is about 200 feet of cable run from my asterisk server
21:18.00gr0mitcant you move one closer to the other?!
21:18.22Paladinenot really, well not practically
21:18.30PaladineI need to run cable through walls to avoid the problem
21:18.35Paladinewhich means getting the drill out
21:18.37gr0mit200 feet? thats, what, 65 metres!
21:18.49gr0mitbig houses up north!
21:19.13Paladinenot a big house, just 2 floors between the two and they are on opposite sides of the house
21:19.20Paladineserver is back of house phone point is front
21:19.40gr0mitaah ok
21:19.43drmessanoBig drill
21:19.59Paladineyeah I need to get the drill out, but as I said I have a 2yr old running around most of the time
21:20.03drmessanoFind an outside wall, drill til it's shiny through the hole
21:20.21drmessanorun a nice piece of 50 pair to the box
21:20.22gr0mit2 yr olds love playing with electric power drills
21:20.29Paladineexactly my point
21:20.48Paladinemy two year old's favourite cartoons are Bob the Builder and Handy Manny
21:20.59gr0mitoh dear.
21:21.05LiNeTuXWe can fix it.
21:21.06gr0mityou are in deep trouble then
21:21.32gr0mitbut if you use voip, why do you need to get near a phone line anyway?
21:21.49*** join/#asterisk mrdigital (
21:21.53Paladineto run the pots connection into my card
21:21.58mrdigitalcan iphone be used on asterisk?
21:22.22gr0mitanalogue is always a disapointment
21:22.23Paladineiphone kinda defeats the point of asterisk I think
21:22.31Paladineasterisk is an economical solution
21:22.57[TK]D-Fendermrdigital, Sure your typical Asterisk server doesn't put out enough EM to disrupts an iPhone sitting on top of it
21:23.18[TK]D-Fendermrdigital, So go right ahead and sit on your * server and use your iPhone to your hearts content@!
21:23.22Paladineoh crap I have to go to the shop, they close at 10 up north
21:23.52Paladineoh I probably have to do that too
21:23.57*** join/#asterisk Winkie (
21:24.00Paladinebut I can pretend I didn't notice if I avoid the kithcen
21:24.02gr0mitwifey is watching the england-france match
21:24.09mrdigitalisnt there a native iphone sip client app
21:24.25Paladinemrdigital, think about that for a minute
21:24.28drmessanoyes, but it's only good in $200,000 vans
21:24.38drmessanoDoesn't work outside their EMP field
21:24.54Paladineif you were Apple and getting 10% of all revenues from the telcos for iPhone use, would you include a sip client?
21:25.38Paladinelaster gr0mit, nice to meet you
21:25.38drmessano<LOTZA SARCASM> yes </LOTZALESS SARCASM>
21:26.03drmessanoiphone is a waste of time
21:26.08defsdoorPaladine: I thought they just got % of line rental
21:26.16Paladineiphone is waste of a lot of things
21:26.26Paladinedefsdoor, nope 10% of all revenues
21:26.32Paladineat least in the UK thats what they get
21:26.51drmessanoIt's just another excuse for Mac fanboys with tiny penises to keep living in their moms basement
21:26.53defsdooro2 are idiots then for agreeing to that
21:26.57Paladinealthough the media could be lying I guess, it wouldn't be unheard of
21:27.30Paladinedrmessano, only mac users would invent an interface that requires them to stroke their hardware
21:27.52defsdoorthe iphone/ipod touch UI is lush
21:27.53Paladineoh I forget, they never invented it, they stole it
21:27.57drmessanoMaking up for the lack of Right-Click
21:28.29defsdoorI don't believe it should be a phone though
21:28.31Paladinedefsdoor, i can think of many other things I would rather stroke, I would say what but this is a family channel
21:28.40defsdoorI still favour seperate hardware and bluetooth
21:28.40Paladinebrb have to go to shop
21:30.05defsdoorI got an eee pc and nokia n810 at work this week
21:32.06LiNeTuXdefsdoor: what do you think about the eee?
21:32.14defsdoorLiNeTuX: It's lovely
21:32.24defsdoorreally nice
21:32.31*** join/#asterisk chigital (
21:32.54defsdoorshame the screen isn't as big as it could be - but still everso nice
21:33.15drmessanomrdigital, do you speak french
21:33.17defsdooreveryone in the office fell in love with it
21:33.34LiNeTuXdefsdoor: which model did you get?
21:33.38defsdoorand they work out of the box with huawei usb UMTS modems
21:34.05defsdoorLiNeTuX: not sure - our stores guy ordered it - I don't think its the one with more RAM
21:34.26LiNeTuXdefsdoor: did you get hot pink? lol
21:34.56defsdoorI've just got to get openvpn on it and we have a great out of hours support device
21:35.37LiNeTuXdefsdoor: does it support win terminal services?
21:35.57defsdoorbut there's massive scope for using them as data collection, on site stuff in general - I'd love to take time out to create some web base stuff to demo it and get some business
21:36.32defsdoorLiNeTuX: it's a proper pc - whatever you want it can do it there's software for it
21:37.00LiNeTuXI haven't seen a whole lot on the distro it runs (for software updates, etc)
21:37.16defsdoorout of the box is a asus cut of xandros
21:37.27defsdoorbut lots of people blank it and stick ubuntu on
21:37.35Paladinehey defs, you in the UK then?
21:37.52defsdoorI work for a UK mobile SP
21:37.57Paladineok I am currently looking for some phones to replace our DECT phones
21:38.09Paladineneed 3, but not too spensive
21:38.20Paladineand they need to be VOIP phones
21:38.38ManxPowerWould you like a unicorn too?
21:38.43Paladinethey don't have to have any pots functionality
21:38.44drmessanoNo shit lol
21:38.46defsdoorPaladine: I've put in 10 siemens sip/dects
21:38.55defsdoorseem to work ok
21:38.58drmessanoVoIP + DECT + Not expensive
21:39.03drmessanogood luck
21:39.20Paladinedrmessano, as I said they don't need any pots functionality
21:39.25Paladineso they don't need to be dect
21:39.26drmessanoRuns off solar powered pixie dust
21:39.34Paladinejust sip
21:39.48Paladinebut they need to be wireless and they need to be standalone (only pc's are in my office)
21:40.17Paladinethat siemens is a dual phone
21:40.22Paladinepots and sip
21:40.29defsdoordon't plug it in
21:40.35defsdoorthen it's just sip
21:40.39*** join/#asterisk Oztzrf (
21:40.46drmessanoPaladine: Do you REALLY think it's the POTS that makes it expensive?
21:40.48drmessanoCome on now
21:40.55Paladineyeah but at 80 quid each, I am paying for the fact that it is pots
21:40.59defsdoor75 quid isn't expensive
21:41.00drmessanoUh no
21:41.26PaladineI have seen loads of sip only for under 40 quid
21:41.30drmessanoPOTS is 6USD worth of parts.. SIP is the other 150
21:41.31PaladineI just don't know what is any good
21:41.49*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
21:41.52defsdoorPaladine: I've not heard a peep out of the company that had 10 of those
21:42.47drmessano40 QUID is what $60 USD
21:42.52Paladinewhat about something like that but not tied into msn messenger?
21:42.58drmessanoI have never seen a $60 SIP Wireless
21:42.59Paladinedrmess, no more like 80
21:43.03Paladinethe USD is crap atm
21:43.03drmessanoEven still
21:43.16drmessanoI have never seen a SIP wireless for under $100
21:43.34defsdoorwtf is windows live call ?
21:43.38Paladinedrmessano, I just posted a link to one
21:43.41drmessanoIts for MSN Messenger
21:43.43drmessanoNot SIP
21:43.45Paladinewhich is also a dual phone
21:44.02drmessanoThats NOT SIP
21:44.17drmessanoI can get MSN and Skype wireless phones at wal mart for $50 USD
21:44.22drmessanoStill doesnt make them SIP
21:44.30defsdooror good
21:44.42nvrpunkthey need to hack those cheapies
21:44.45nvrpunkwith linux
21:44.49nvrpunkand make em sip
21:44.53drmessano[16:37] <ManxPower> Would you like a unicorn too? <---- I refer back to this point
21:46.10drmessanoTHAT is what you are looking at, market-wise
21:46.22drmessanoUnless you get a cheap ATA and some 5.8GHZ phones
21:48.19*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
21:55.38Paladinea cheap ATA?
21:55.52Paladinesorry was miles away then
21:57.16Paladineam all about cheap, not gonna fork out 240 quid on phone my son will trash in 2 months
21:58.50mrdigitalheyy i got a working asterisk Extenstion on my iphone!!
21:59.19Paladineand here I thought the iPhone was another type of extension
21:59.26PaladineI am not worthy
21:59.27mrdigitalhuh pa
22:02.50*** join/#asterisk mmurdock (
22:15.05Paladinedrmessano, how about these?
22:15.27Paladinethats a bit more reasonably priced
22:15.40Paladine60 quid a pop
22:16.29drmessanoThats about right, I guess
22:16.34drmessanoThats one extension though
22:16.42drmessanoOne Asterisk extension
22:17.02ManxPowerHow does that differ from One Nortel Extension?
22:18.23*** join/#asterisk kamitodo (n=user@
22:18.43Paladinewere those other ones multiple extensions?
22:20.21ManxPowerAnd your iPhone is not an extension, it is a device.  An extension (in the Asterisk universe) is what translates dialed digits into a destination device to send the call to.
22:21.28ManxPowerAnd that is why a single device that can be called via an unlimited number of extensions
22:21.42Paladineit would actually be kinda nice to have 3 individual wifi voip phones that can each have their own extension but don't need to be plugged into a PC
22:22.12Paladineerm I didn't need to qualify wifi twice I guess hehe
22:22.37ManxPowerThere is no reason a vendor could not do that.
22:22.48PaladineI have a nice phat omnidirectional internal antenna
22:23.08mmurdockPaladine: Is there a good wifi phone out there?  I think dect would be the way to go.
22:23.33Paladineyeah but dect limits me to one extension as drmessano pointed out
22:23.56Paladineit woudl be very nice for me to have my own extension so when the baern is asleep upstairs the phone in the bedroom doesn't wake him for example
22:24.15mmurdockHave you looked at snom's m3?
22:24.19ManxPowermmurdock: The current state of WiFi phone products dictates that if you want a good wireless phone, you go with a cordless phone (with either a built in ATA like that Gigaset or a cordless phone with an external ATA)
22:24.22Paladinegot a link?
22:24.57mmurdockPaladine: A bit expensive though.
22:26.45Paladinerule #1:  If they don't provide a price, you can't aford it
22:26.56kamitodoI'm setting a pbx at home.  What is the recommended ATA device nowadays?  I see that sipura 3000 is replaced by SPA 3102.  Are they good?  Or should I get IP phone(s)?
22:27.23mmurdockPaladine: There you go:
22:27.27*** join/#asterisk rhombus (
22:27.37ManxPowerkamitodo: that all depends on your needs.
22:27.56mmurdockkamitodo: If you have cat5 everywhere then sip phones are more fun :)
22:28.52kamitodono cat5
22:29.25kamitodomy needs are basic: mostly to learn this stuff
22:30.14kamitodohow about wifi sip phones? any good ones upto $100?
22:33.15mmurdockkamitodo: I think the general rule is they all suck.
22:34.19kamitodommurdock: "they all"?  are you referring to the wifi sip phones?
22:35.16mmurdockkamitodo: Correct.
22:35.32mmurdockkamitodo: There are many good sip phones.
22:36.51kamitodommurdock: so wifi sip phones have poor sound or what?
22:37.26drmessano[17:16] <ManxPower> How does that differ from One Nortel Extension?  <--- 5 stand alone phones is 5 addressable extensions, one DECT phone and 5 handsets is ONE
22:37.43drmessanoBut I am sure you knew that are were just being a smartass :)
22:38.39drmessanoI still say a cheap ATA and $29 cordless are the way to go
22:39.03mmurdockkamitodo: Can't keep a good connection, bad interface, hard to use.
22:39.21hmmhesaysI use one daily
22:39.25Paladinehmmmm am I brain dead?  I must be tired
22:39.29hmmhesaysi like my cordless with an ata
22:39.45hmmhesaysnow wifi phones... just suck
22:39.47Paladinecan't I just put my existing dect phone straight into my x100p sp?
22:40.20Paladineand not have to buy ip phones?
22:40.52mmurdockPaladine: Isn't the x100p a fxo device?
22:41.13kamitodommurdock: OK, so then SIP or regular + ATA.  What shall I pick?  Any SIP phone recommendations?  Any ATA recommendations?
22:41.21*** join/#asterisk andrewn (
22:41.33Paladinehas two ports, one for line and one for "phone"
22:41.40mmurdockPaladine: Then no, you plug the line from your telco into that.  You need a fxs device so you can plug your phone into that.
22:42.04Paladineso what is the "Phone" port for in the card?
22:42.31mmurdockPaladine: Probably phone pass through just like a standard modem.
22:42.47drmessanoThats a passthru
22:42.54drmessanoX100P is not an FXS
22:43.30mmurdockkamitodo: So I'm a bit partial, I like snom.  As for a ata get the spa2102
22:43.38Paladinewell we don't use voip for outgoing anyway, we have free outgoing calls for the next 12 months
22:43.43drmessanoIf you're gonna run a POTS line into an X100P and use a bunch of phones on one lines, what again are you using Asterisk for? LOL
22:44.16hmmhesaysdoes anyone use free world dialup anymore?
22:44.22drmessanoI do
22:44.23Paladinebecause I need to record the calls and keep logs and start to play with voip for when our current phone deal ends
22:44.32drmessanoI have a peer to it.. dont "use" ot
22:46.31Paladinedrmessano, we have a harassment problem at the moment and need to record/log calls for trading standards and the police
22:46.44Paladinewhich is why I got the x100p and installed asterisk
22:47.42Paladineit was much cheaper to buy the x100p than buy recording hardware to fix to the phone
22:47.48mmurdockPaladine: You need something like this I have no affiliation with telephonydepot.
22:48.27drmessanoPaladine: You would have been better off with an SPA-3102
22:48.37sbingnerI just got a SPA-3102 --- works great
22:48.37Paladinemmurdock, thats aneitrely too expensive and I already have a genuine x100p special edition :p
22:48.38drmessanoWhich is what I tried to recommend a while back
22:48.58drmessanoPaladine: Great, you got an X100P.. Now you need an FXS device or SIP phones
22:49.05drmessanoWhich an SPA-3102 would have handled both
22:49.22mmurdockJust don't buy a pap2
22:49.34Paladinedrmessano, well no I don't need them, I got the x100p specifically to allow us to log/record incoming calls
22:49.42mmurdockYou will be talking and then you will hear dtmf tones.  It's great.
22:50.01drmessanoPaladine: How are you going to record calls without them going thru asterisk?
22:50.08drmessanommurdock: Not true
22:50.28drmessanomaybe you had a bad box
22:50.33Paladinedrmessano, I have asterisk setup to use the fxo card
22:50.45Paladineit gets the call from pots and deal with it
22:50.47mmurdockdrmessano: Mine does.  Actually it's a pap2t
22:51.07drmessanommurdock: Never heard that problem.. I personally have 41 of them
22:51.20Paladineif we don't recognise the number from our callerID we don't answer and let asterisk answer it
22:51.21drmessanoLots of others use them too
22:51.31drmessanoPaladine: Isnt that an answering machine?
22:51.36rhombusDoes the a extension only work during a voicemail prompt?
22:51.42Paladineor that was the plan anyway, I haven't actually set it up yet
22:51.55drmessanoWhy didnt you just buy an answering machine? lol
22:52.03Paladinedrmessano, no an answering machine is no good for legal purposes
22:52.12Paladinewe need logs and full recordings of the calls
22:52.32drmessanoBut you're not gonna record anything other than left voicemails
22:52.36drmessanoYou realize that, right?
22:52.56Paladinethe don't leave voicemails, we have voicemail already
22:53.19drmessanoIm confused
22:53.33drmessanoUnless Asterisk is handling the call, no recording
22:53.38PaladineI can answer the cals using my comp[uter and asterisk with my usb device
22:53.52mmurdockdrmessano: I'm glad they have worked for you!  I put in a spa2102 and all my problems went away.  I have two other pap2t's at work and they also give random dtmf tones.  It's weird.  It may be that they are hooked up to cordless phone. who know...
22:54.04ManxPowerPaladine: Asterisk is not an answering machine, it is a PBX.  If you want Asterisk to record the call then the call has to be handled by Asterisk.
22:54.17Paladinemanx yes thats what I just said
22:54.27drmessanoSo are going to be using a softphone?
22:54.31drmessanoSo YOU are going to be using a softphone?
22:54.33Paladinethe call comes in, if we know it to not be the asshats harassing us we answer with regular phone
22:54.43Paladineif not we answer via asterisk using sip forwarding
22:54.57PaladineI will be using the softphone for just those calls yes
22:55.01mmurdockIf I get a telemarketer I transfer them to the monkeys...  :)
22:55.04Paladineso i can record them
22:55.55mmurdockThe next step is to record my 4 year talking about transformers.  Then they can listen to that. :)
22:56.13Paladinesorry if I wasn't being clear been up the better part of 30 hours trying to fix alsa-plugins
22:56.48drmessanoI think I would have gone to Radio Shack and gotten a phone tap box and a $19 digital recorder
22:57.13Paladinethe cheapest hardware phone recorder available here is like 8x more expensive than the x100p was
22:57.22rhombusManxPower: What would this context do?
22:57.44Paladineand it just records the call, it doesn't keep a log
22:57.58Paladinewe need to log the frequency of the calls too
22:58.14ManxPowerrhombus: what does it look like it does.
22:58.22Paladinethe telco doesn't log incoming calls
22:58.29Paladineonly outgoing
22:58.33Paladineso we can't get the logs off them
22:58.39drmessanoSo the computer was free?
22:58.50PaladineI have loads of computers that part wasn't an issue
22:58.51drmessanoHow fast is it?
22:59.05rhombusManxPower: Well, I know what I want it to do, and what I expect it to do, but it ain't doing it. I would expect this to send me to the VoiceMailMain(300) if I hit *
22:59.07Paladinethe server is dual athlon MP 2800 barton cores
22:59.16Paladinewith 2GB ECC Registered server ram
22:59.17rhombusManxPower: what it does instead is hang up.
22:59.26Paladinejust a spare box I had lying around
22:59.42ManxPowerrhombus: for one thing remove the (300) from VoicemailMain extension
22:59.43drmessanoThats a lot of horsepower to throw a shitty X100P in to keep from buying a $160 recorder
22:59.54drmessanoBut whatever
22:59.55Paladineits not just my asterisk server
22:59.57ManxPowerwhat DOES it do when you hit *?
23:00.09Paladineits my media center, web server and mail server as well
23:00.11rhombusManxPower: It hangs up
23:00.25ManxPowerrhombus: and the CLI message you get is?
23:00.26rhombusManxPower: and I want to access 300, so why would I take it out?
23:00.32mmurdockrhombus: What context is your phone in?
23:00.36ManxPowerrhombus: just try it.
23:00.41rhombusManxPower: Hang on, I'll get it
23:00.41drmessanoAsterisk loves to be run on multitasked machines
23:00.46ManxPowermmurdock: did you look at his pastebin?
23:01.00Paladineits only a single line and from what I read it should be fine
23:01.09Paladineif it was multiple lines it might be problematic
23:01.48mmurdockManxPower: yes
23:02.50Paladinebut once our current telco deal ends I will be wanting to switch to a full voip setup so I figured it would give me a chance to get familiar with asterisk as well ready for that
23:03.39Paladinecurrently we get free outbound calls for 12 months to any national number (not special numbers like toll free etc)
23:03.45mmurdockrhombus: How is your phone connected to asterisk?
23:03.51Paladineso no point paying for a voip out service
23:04.12rhombusmmurdock: this is for remote voicemail retrieval
23:04.24drmessanoToll Free calls cost you?
23:04.37rhombusManxPower, mmurdock: a similar rule works fine during open hours.
23:04.55Paladinewell I didn't mean toll free, I meant 0845 etc but if you not in the UK you won't know what they are
23:05.52kamitodommurdock: Does spa2102 need unlocking or anything like that?  I found a used one for ~ $20.
23:06.00drmessanoAn 0845 number is the same thing as regional tollfree
23:06.14Paladinewell not toll free but local rates
23:06.17rhombusManxPower: here is what shows in CLI when I hit *:
23:06.48*** join/#asterisk mosty (
23:06.49Paladinebut they are not covered on our plan
23:07.05*** join/#asterisk naxeji (
23:07.10Paladineso we would still pay local rates on those instead of free
23:08.02mmurdockkamitodo: Mine didn't but if it's tied to a specific provider it might.
23:08.18PaladineI would really like a digium but I have to wait til I graduate before I can justify the cost
23:08.19drmessanoWorld will be a better place when we're all using SIP/IAX
23:08.55Mavviedrmessano: for VoIP yes.
23:09.55ManxPowerrhombus: you are pressing * before Voicemail is run, and so asterisk is trying to go to the * extension
23:10.15ManxPowerit is VOICEMAIL and VOICEMAILMAIN that send the call to 'a' when you press '*'
23:10.18drmessano<Mavvie> drmessano: for VoIP yes.  <--- ass opposed to?
23:10.21drmessano<Mavvie> drmessano: for VoIP yes.  <--- as opposed to?
23:10.43rhombusManxPower: Right -- so how do I handle * when not in VoiceMail()? Is that even possible?
23:11.03mmurdockrhombus: Can't you change the a to a *?
23:11.14rhombusmmurdock: is that valid?
23:11.19Mavviedrmessano: physical forms of interaction, the way we bring food to our mouth, the approach to mathematical problems etc. Any but VoIP that is.
23:11.23mmurdockrhombus: Not sure.. try it
23:11.37drmessanouh ok
23:11.53rhombusManxPower: So the a standard extension only works in VoiceMail(), then
23:12.09drmessanoI don't think you can eat an IAX
23:12.44drmessanoI tried
23:12.44drmessanoToo salty
23:12.44rhombusManxPower: what's puzzling to me is that it would look for an i extension in the calling context, rather than the context in which the key was pressed
23:12.45ManxPowerrhombus: that is correct.
23:13.07rhombusManxPower: how do i handle * when I'm not in VoiceMail(), then?
23:13.22ManxPowerrhombus: exten => *,1,Goto(a,1)
23:13.57ManxPoweractually, exten => *,1,Goto(voom-closed,a,1) or whatever context the exten a is in
23:14.05rhombusManxPower: okay... good. I was concerned that * might have special meaning in an extension.
23:14.17rhombusManxPower: thanks. I'll try it out.
23:14.18mmurdockrhombus: It's not a wildcard.
23:15.13ManxPowerrhombus: * and # are just digits to Asterisk.  That's the reason ; is the comment character in Asterisk's config files instead of #
23:15.47rhombusManxPower: Sweet enlightenment. Thank you.
23:16.40*** join/#asterisk drako (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
23:18.00rhombusManxPower, mmurdock: Success. It works as advertised. Thanks again.
23:18.36ManxPowerrhombus: I don't know why it's looking for * in a different context than we would expect.  UNLESS of course, you get to the voicemail context via a Gosub()
23:19.04rhombusManxPower: no, it's a simple include -- but perhaps that's handled in a similar way.
23:19.15ManxPowerrhombus: yes, that would do it.
23:19.27ManxPowerWell include => would do it
23:19.27drmessanoSteveTotaro: You there?
23:19.35rhombusManxPower: ah.
23:20.37ManxPowerrhombus: this is an example of where knowing more about your dialplan would have helped us diagnose the issue, but you could not have known that at the time
23:21.21rhombusManxPower: I recognize that having the whole dialplan is always better, but it's a production server and I have to be careful about privacy.
23:21.23rhombusManxPower: but I take your point.
23:22.01rhombusManxPower: Anyway, we got there okay, thanks to your patience.
23:22.25ManxPowerrhombus: Privacy isn't really what I was thinking of.  It's just that it's DIFFICULT to understand someone else's dialplan, no matter how much of extensions.conf you see.
23:23.06rhombusManxPower: well, dialplans don't have metafields for intent :P
23:23.30drmessanoA 5 min expiring pastebin and a PM with a link goes a long way
23:23.30SteveTotarosomeone looking for me?
23:23.34drmessanoSteveTotaro: Yes
23:23.44drmessanoI found an issue with my setup lol
23:24.01drmessanoChan_mobile, etc
23:24.14drmessanoI can answer calls on my cell, but no audio
23:24.15SteveTotaroso what's teh problemo
23:24.34SteveTotarohave you tried a different phone?
23:24.41SteveTotaromaybe incompatible
23:24.42drmessanooh hang on
23:24.53Paladinedrmessano, so if I go with something like Digium TDM11B (1 fxs + 1 fxo) we would be able to use our existing dect phones to dial out through asterisk?
23:24.55drmessanoI think I may have just found it to be intermittent
23:25.21rhombusdrmessano: i'll try that next time :)
23:26.07SteveTotarotry a different phone and see if distance is the issue
23:26.22SteveTotarothat BT stuff never goes as far as advertised
23:26.28drmessanoits 6 feet
23:26.33drmessanoDistance isnt it
23:26.41drmessanoyes, I just made another call and it not work
23:26.42SteveTotaroplus update bluez if you can
23:27.07drmessanoTheres a thought.. Im using whats likely an old RPM
23:27.14drmessanoFrom the CentOS repo
23:27.38*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (
23:28.09drmessanooh geez
23:28.12drmessanoThey're at 3.27
23:28.53SteveTotaroworth a try
23:29.12drmessanoYeah... I will do that.. See how it goes
23:29.49drmessanoI had a problem earlier with no audio and could have sword I could answer both places
23:30.13drmessanoand just when I started to think I was crazy and it never worked, I made another call and had audio when I answered on the cell
23:30.30drmessanoThen another call with no audio
23:30.33drmessanoSo.. worth a try
23:30.57drmessanosword too.. maybe I need a big sword
23:31.03kamitodoDo the extensions have to be numbers?  If no, then, how is the extension dialed?
23:31.19drmessanokamitodo: I have a thru z on my phone
23:31.49drmessanoBut c u s t o m e r s e r v i c e  takes longer to dial than 123
23:32.23drmessanoGenerally SIP aliases are for calls
23:32.32kamitododrmessano: What if the phone doesn't have a separate (or switchable) keyboard?
23:32.45drmessanoThen we use numbers like the rest of the planet
23:34.03drmessanoX-Lite will make alphanumeric sip calls, as will some other softphones
23:34.17kamitododrmessano: thanks, sorry for the stupid quesiton.  it's a bit overwhelming trying to figure out everything in one day.
23:34.26drmessanoIt wasnt stupid
23:34.30kamitodox-lite does it? how?
23:35.06drmessanofor example, I can type on the keypad and asterisk will attempt the call
23:35.22drmessanoThats the backbone of so called "unified messaging" using SIP aliases
23:35.37kamitodotype where? on x-lite? is my email address, my phone address, etc
23:35.49drmessanoHit the space bar to change to alpha
23:36.02drmessanoand type in and hit send
23:38.18kamitodoare some ip phones as sofisticated as x-lite?  for example, can i bound a sip address to a speed dial address (or would I do the mapping through a short extension in asterisk?)
23:38.47drmessanoI dunno
23:39.01drmessanoYou can set up an extension in asterisk just fine for it
23:39.05drmessanoI do that all the time
23:40.28drmessanoThats hannibal lecter, BTW
23:40.30drmessanobe careful
23:40.45drmessanodinner, bbiaf
23:40.46kamitodohehe :-)
23:40.52*** part/#asterisk rhombus (
23:41.20kamitodois it a good idea to map a bunch of contact to short local extensions for speed dialing?
23:41.22SteveTotaroJoin the Asterisk Team @ World Community Grid
23:41.26*** join/#asterisk Greek-Boy (n=email@
23:43.35Greek-Boydoes ${DIALEDPEERNUMBER} work or not?
23:47.48jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
23:50.57*** join/#asterisk _n2deep_ (i=chrism@
23:51.13_n2deep_is it cool to ask questions in here?
23:51.51mostydon't ask to ask, just ask
23:51.55*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
23:52.09Greek-Boydoes ${DIALEDPEERNUMBER} work or not?
23:52.30_n2deep_So I did a FreePBX upgrade on an inherited Asterisk system.   Failboat.       I've gotten just about everything else to work again, except this
23:52.30ManxPowerGreek-Boy: what version of Asterisk?
23:52.55Greek-Boyi have a PRI to a mobile company
23:53.05ManxPower_n2deep_: We are sorry for your loss.  You should go to #freepbx for grief counseling.
23:53.06_n2deep_calls can come in, hit the IVR and get routed to a queue.  I have phone techs logged into that existing queue, however they never get a pending call routed to their phone, they just sit there.     Any ideas where I should be looking?
23:53.12Greek-Boyi need to know the dialed number so I can know which extension to send it to
23:53.17_n2deep_hah yeah, lesson == learned here =(
23:53.22mosty_n2deep_, try #freepbx
23:53.57_n2deep_dead chan, which is why i'm here. =(   I'm going to be rebuilding the pbx in a day or two when my new card gets here, but I just wanna get this thing rolling now if possible. =(
23:54.07mostyGreek-Boy, are you talking about incoming calls?
23:54.30drmessano_n2deep_: I didnt see where you asked your question in there
23:54.41_n2deep_scroll up. =)
23:54.49mostyGreek-Boy, are they coming in as iax, sip, pri or what?
23:54.49_n2deep_oh, nick was chrism in there
23:54.54ManxPower_n2deep_: what makes you think we can help with a system that is so complex we would have no idea even where to start?
23:54.55_n2deep_i had to change it / reg to get into here
23:55.08ManxPowerFreePBX is not just Asterisk with a different name.
23:55.13jbot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
23:55.22_n2deep_Just figured you might have an idea here. =)
23:55.23Greek-Boymosty they are coming in as pri (zap)
23:55.25ManxPowerAnd THAT is the REASON
23:55.31_n2deep_hah fair enough
23:55.48mostyGreek-Boy, then ${EXTEN} should be what you want
23:56.57Greek-Boymosty but i dont want the call to be answered and then IVR. I want it to ring directly to an extension
23:57.36mostyGreek-Boy, referencing ${EXTEN} doesn't automatically answer a call
23:58.15Greek-Boyyes but the dialed number has to come through the PRI signalling, isn't it so?
23:58.34Greek-Boyasterisk knows the caller id but does not know the dialed number
23:58.55mostyGreek-Boy, asterisk does know the dialed number with PRI
23:59.11mostyit's only analogue zap lines where asterisk doesn't know the dialed number
23:59.15Greek-Boyand that is with ${EXTEN}?
23:59.54mostyyes. put this in your incoming context: exten => _X.,1,NoOp(call came in to: ${EXTEN}) and see for yourself
23:59.54ManxPowerGreek-Boy: ${EXTEN} is the dialed number except for in cases of Analog FXO, Macro, Goto, or T-1 FXO

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