IRC log for #asterisk on 20080221

00:01.04*** join/#asterisk coppice (
00:01.49*** join/#asterisk demlak (
00:02.08demlakhi.. anyone able to make a test call to me? SIP
00:02.19demlakwill give number
00:03.14demlakim testing askozia PBX
00:05.08Peacefulgrandpapadot, I'm provisioning through tftp
00:09.31nvrpunkI have two accounts on the same network with1 DID per each
00:09.38*** join/#asterisk ph0ne (
00:09.41nvrpunkand im having trouble getting the inbound calls to route
00:09.43nvrpunkto the phone
00:09.53*** join/#asterisk ZaVoid (
00:09.56nvrpunkanyone have time to look at my configs and give a pointer?
00:12.16nvrpunkQwell, funny
00:12.34nvrpunkthe sad part is I actually got the joke
00:12.40jbotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there, just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
00:13.03*** part/#asterisk Deeewayne (n=Deeewayn@
00:13.03ph0neI thought that was apt
00:13.14nvrpunkno, apt is a package manager
00:13.19nvrpunkyou are wrong
00:13.22*** part/#asterisk demlak (
00:13.23jbotwell, apt is the really annoying bot.
00:13.44Qwelljbot: no, apt is not as cool as jbot
00:13.45jbotokay, Qwell
00:13.51*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki (
00:14.45ph0newhy don't you paste bin your config files nvrpunk ?
00:14.50grandpapadotPeaceful: Login to the web console and make sure what your sending matches the config it pulled, i.e., local changes overwrite pulled settings
00:15.15*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (n=nighty@
00:15.29nvrpunkones my extensions.conf
00:15.31nvrpunkand my iax
00:16.50nvrpunkthe explanation is this, 2 junciont netoworks accounts, both with their own DIDs
00:16.56nvrpunkim trying to get both routing in
00:17.11nvrpunkbut im confused as to what context I should put the incoming extension under
00:19.06*** join/#asterisk ZaVoid (
00:20.18*** join/#asterisk ZaVoid (
00:21.30SteveTotaroWayhigh: around?
00:23.44Peacefulgrandpapadot, yup config sure matches up
00:24.07zobiaanyone knows what can cause RTCP Read too short?
00:24.14Peacefulgrandpapadot, I'm gonna have to continue this tommorrow -- thanks for the comments
00:25.29*** join/#asterisk DJF6 (
00:35.17*** join/#asterisk m4sk4r4 (n=m4sk4r4@
00:52.04*** join/#asterisk ZaVoid (
00:55.35*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-92ab253e4b73b301)
01:00.48*** join/#asterisk isamar (n=isamar@
01:02.18isamarneed a quick reference of "IF" inside extensions.conf
01:02.44isamarcan anybody just copy and paste please?
01:03.08isamarno graphic internet here....... only text terminal :-)
01:04.18*** join/#asterisk adjohn (
01:04.52drmessanoSorry, I dont have text
01:04.55drmessanoI only have jpg
01:05.09JunK-YSet(foo=${IF($[ ${x} = 7]?tval:fval)})
01:06.30isamarhi adjhon...
01:06.37isamarin Japan...
01:06.52isamarI miss Tokyo... believe or not
01:07.54Nuggetnihon wa iki desu ne
01:08.13drmessanoteo torriate
01:10.10grandpapadotIs there a way to specify a codec prior to placing a call without modifying the peer definition?  Somehow through the dial-plan?
01:14.36_ShrikEgrandpapadot: See ${SIP_CODEC} in channelvariables.txt
01:14.43grandpapadotCool! Great, thanks.
01:15.00_ShrikEgrandpapadot: lemme know how it works.. i've never used it.
01:16.32*** join/#asterisk mjackson (n=happy@
01:17.21cmantitoquick question, the callerid line in sip.conf/iax.conf, does that override the client specified CID details, or is that used if there are no client specified CID details?
01:19.33grandpapadot_ShrikE: Is seems it still has to be in the allow list ...
01:20.35drmessanoWhat exactly are you trying to do?
01:21.02grandpapadotI want my peer definition for this particular itsp to be g729 but I want to override it in some cases with ulaw.  Just a bandwidth conservation technique.
01:21.15grandpapadot.. if it was possible
01:21.31*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
01:25.52*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
01:26.38mjacksonI'm trying to, through either the manager api or AGI, take an existing call and conference in another party.  Is the best way to do this to Redirect the existing channel to a meetme room and then dial the 3rd party and drop them into the meetme room as well?
01:28.43*** join/#asterisk Igbothom_III (
01:29.25*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
01:33.59*** join/#asterisk anthm (
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01:34.40*** join/#asterisk Tigerplug (n=chatzill@
01:34.51mjacksonWhen a SIP device is on a call, how can I find out what channel the other party on the call is on?
01:34.52TigerplugHow long are you guys working with Asterisk?
01:39.50*** join/#asterisk simonr (
01:40.25drmessano26 hours a day
01:40.38*** join/#asterisk nvrpunk (n=root@
01:40.59nvrpunkhow do I make the voicemail prompt so the user can play back their message?
01:41.07nvrpunklike not HangUp()
01:44.14*** join/#asterisk Mavvie (
01:44.15*** join/#asterisk jameswf-home (
01:45.50*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=angeldav@
01:48.18*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
01:59.40jameswf-hometzafrir Debian : lmao
02:02.39*** join/#asterisk SteveTotaro (
02:03.05SteveTotaroone of my groups
02:03.45SteveTotarogot my USRP and four TB all ready
02:08.00tzangeryeah I read about that
02:09.15*** join/#asterisk delphus (
02:09.58delphussorry if this is quite trivial but, there is anyway to store register=> in realtime database ?
02:10.00SteveTotaroi have been following that for over a year
02:10.31SteveTotaroi can get frames from the BTS no problem just cannot crack the A5
02:10.52SteveTotaroas soon as they release this, i am going to have my own encrypted BTS
02:11.04SteveTotaroconnected to asterisk and a T1
02:11.11jameswf-homehmm watch american idol or shaq debut.... basket ball sucks
02:16.12jameswf-homelike presidential elections
02:17.01*** join/#asterisk profounded (n=bruiz@nat01-quad3-ext.Rutgers.EDU)
02:17.31*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
02:18.41profoundedhey everyone, i just got my asterisk pbx all setup with freepbx (voicepulse is my carrier) and everything is great, except for call forwarding..  it forwards the calls but the line is silent on both sides when answered..   is there any obvious reason for this?
02:21.01jbot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
02:21.48profoundedill try that, ty
02:22.07*** join/#asterisk simonr (
02:29.43*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=Joe@
02:31.18*** join/#asterisk Tuari (
02:54.47JunK-Ywow, the moon is orange now.
02:57.08jameswf-homeDo you pine for the days when men were men and wrote their own device drivers?
03:00.26J4k3the moon is on the other side of a lot of clouds here :(
03:04.17*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (
03:06.51*** join/#asterisk webar7 (
03:07.43webar7my asterisk is trunked to an ITSP using IAX .... inside our firewall all the devices connect to the * box using SIP
03:07.55delphussorry if this is quite trivial but, is there anyway to store register=> in realtime database ?
03:08.32webar7if someone calls our DID and enters and extension thnings ring through to the SIP phone on the LAN
03:08.45webar7but sound is only one way
03:10.20styelzwebar7 do you have externip and localnet set ?
03:11.33Tigerplugis there an open source solution to start a VOIP provider business?
03:11.45webar7styelz, hmm yes but they look wrong
03:12.00Tigerplugsomething that allows you to manage large numbers of users easily
03:12.09webar7styelz,thanks I will try that and see if it fixes anything
03:14.00jameswf-homeTigerplug: my guess if your asking here and didnt find it on google you cant manage anything of the sort
03:14.27jboti guess fish is FISHFISHFISH! DO THE FISH DANCE! "Give a man a fish and you'll feed him a day. Teach him how to fish and he'll feed himself for the rest of his life." This is so appropriate, instead of asking us to tell you exactly what to do, why not read some docs, then come back and ask specific questions which aren't covered?, or ...
03:15.03jbotBender : Light a fire for a man and he's warm for a night.  Light a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life...
03:15.05Tigerplugjameswf-home - thanks for the input. Very valuable, someday I may know as much as you. Until then I guess I can only hope and look up to you.
03:18.06*** join/#asterisk lmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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03:18.58*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
03:19.41lmadsencurious... how many lines are your dialplans typically... and what is the purpose of the dialplan at that line length?
03:20.42_ShrikEReplacing MySQL() with func_odbc has made my dialplans much shorter :)
03:23.54Tigerplugguys I have been reading through the Asterisk book and it does explain many things. However, my setup will be completely VOIP and I am just not having any look with it
03:24.01_ShrikETypically about 300 priorities in a pbx type build for us
03:24.51TigerplugI have looked at sample config files and read etc but still havint difficulty. I am a noob on the subject and I have put in the time to read material (maybe not enough), but I'm still having difficulty with it. Anyone suggest some more learning resources?
03:26.39plikTigerplug: go slow and actually follow the examples in the book, disregarding the stuff for external lines
03:27.56Tigerplugplik -> thats where I have trouble applying it. I had a simple dial plan setup and I was able to make internal calls etc and then when I started following the examples in the book I couldn't get anything working. I think I'll start again, build the system and install from there
03:28.43lmadsen_ShrikE: interesting. My dialplans have gotten a lot more powerful because of func_odbc... but I wasn't using MySQL before. However I know what you mean because I had a client that took about 7 or 8 lines of MySQL in a macro and converted it to 1 line with func_odbc.
03:29.03delphus_ShrikE: how did you put register=> lines into odbc database ?
03:29.14_ShrikEdelphus: I didnt
03:29.35lmadsen_ShrikE: this dialplan I've been working on for 2 months and is coming to fruition tonight is a redundant system using DUNDi and func_odbc, and it's 880 priorities
03:29.38plikTigerplug: yeah, try that... change a little at a time, test & play... comment as you go
03:29.49lmadsenoh, and lots of realtime
03:30.05_ShrikEsounds impressive
03:30.06lmadsenwell... for sip extensions, queues, and queue_members
03:30.06Tigerplugyup I guess. Any learning resources that you can recommend (from experience)? was definitely useful, but theres probably as much out-dated or wrong oinfo there as good stuff...
03:31.08plikso good luck with that
03:31.29_ShrikETigerplug: have you read the book?
03:32.17_ShrikEerr. backreading I see you already have :)
03:32.30delphuslmadsen: is extension realtime supporting t and s priorities now ?
03:33.05plikthe book + voip-info + google + common sense + lurking here + willingness to try things = success
03:33.33delphuslmadsen: I mean i and s
03:34.51jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
03:38.36*** join/#asterisk ZaVoid (
03:38.53*** join/#asterisk Kumba_ (
03:39.13Kumba_The volgain in voicemail.conf, does it apply to voicemail in general or just the e-mail?
03:40.08jbot[~wikis] VoIP Wiki covering Asterisk, FreeSWITCH, TrixBox, SER, OpenSER, sipX, CallWeaver, and YATE. (c) Arte Marketing Inc / CommPartners
03:41.09*** join/#asterisk trnzmeta (
03:41.14lmadsendelphus: I don't put the dialplan in the database -- the dialplan stays as a flatfile and is version controlled with svn, and I use func_odbc to control the dynamic data fromt eh database
03:41.36delphuslmadsen: oh I got it.
03:41.53lmadsenI can't imagine how you would ever program anything by having the dialplan in the database.... :)
03:42.04*** join/#asterisk Kumba_ (
03:42.18lmadsenchapter 12 -- if you want to get started on how I personally do clustering... read chapter 12 of tfot2 :)
03:42.38jameswf-homeI keep my dial plan on a 5.25 floppy in a safe under the bed
03:42.43lmadsenthat chapter is the starting block of all the high level dialplan language I utilize and what I learned over the last 2 years
03:42.56lmadsenjameswf-home: I have an 8" on my shelf that I keep mine on
03:43.09Wayhighsup jameswf
03:43.12jameswf-homethats what she said
03:43.18styelzmines on punch cards burried in a chest on an island
03:44.15Kumba_Sounds like a good christian song
03:44.25jameswf-homejbot: shesaid is <reply>I have an 8" on my shelf that I keep mine on
03:44.26jbotokay, jameswf-home
03:45.26*** join/#asterisk wolvenar (
03:46.25tzangerheh I've heard that song
03:51.28*** join/#asterisk obnauticus (
03:51.51*** join/#asterisk Robba (n=rob@
03:53.06Robbadoes anyone know if there are any problems using "xfersound ="
03:53.18drmessanoI have this great idea
03:53.29drmessanoA telephone system that runs on linux
03:53.55drmessanoI'm going to call it "pound" after my fav button on the keypad
03:54.50plikit'll never work... europeans call tht the hash, ansd some weirdos even say octithorpe
03:55.23lmadsenoctothorpe forever!
03:56.31plik"when you have finished recording your message, you may hang up or press the octothorpe for more options "
03:57.14*** join/#asterisk suvir (
03:57.29Robbaand has anyone had any issues using someone elses IVR on an asterisk box?
03:57.35NivexPress the octothorpe until it megahertz
03:57.50jbotACTION pounds head on desk
03:58.00suvirhas anyone ever added a new language to say.c and app_voicemail.c?
03:58.03jboti heard octothorpe is ASCII character 35: #; AKA hash, Pound, <shift> 3, gliph, number   see
03:58.13jameswf-homewow jbot is smart
03:58.31drmessanoHashPBX "It really smokes"
03:58.35plik"for marijuana, press the hash key"
03:58.59jbot[HappyClownPBX] is currently in closed beta, approaching 12GB in size, uses Asterisk for it's core, and it pwns
03:59.18J4k3jbot: hashpbx is <reply> It really smokes!
03:59.19jbotJ4k3: okay
03:59.21jbotIt really smokes!
04:00.23J4k3jbot: blenderpbx is <reply> will it blend?
04:00.25jbotJ4k3: okay
04:00.32jbotwill it blend?
04:00.43J4k3yes, yes it will.
04:02.06jbot[HappyClownPhone] is a happy softphone using the latest GSM codec and uses closed APIs to communicate with HappyClownPBX.  It also pwns
04:02.08RobbaWhere is [TK]?
04:04.49J4k3jbot: happyclownphone is also gay
04:04.49jbotokay, J4k3
04:05.36Robbawell drmessano i have decided i will also create a phone system that runs on linux although i will call mine DND
04:05.59Robbafor the same reason as you
04:06.14jameswf-homeYou should call it HTH (hide The Human)
04:06.31J4k3Waste Client's Time
04:06.53jameswf-homemaybe WhatNowPBX
04:06.56J4k3then theres the pressure cooker sales version, IAE
04:07.02J4k3I Annoy Everyone
04:07.05Robbai was thinkin as a bit of a joke i was going to use microsoft narrator to create the files for my IVR lol
04:07.07jameswf-homeor AserixkWhatNow
04:07.21drmessanoTell Me If This Sounds Like Me Hanging Up On You
04:07.38jameswf-homefanboy pbx
04:07.43drmessanoThats Trixbox
04:07.52jameswf-homecould be a fork
04:07.58J4k3the pbx with a spoiler.
04:08.00drmessanoWrought with fanboyism
04:08.10Robbai used to like trixbox
04:08.19Robbabut not so much anymore
04:08.26J4k3fork asterisk, call it pound
04:08.34jameswf-homemaybe KornFlakesBox or LuckyCharmsBox
04:09.24drmessanoCookieCrispBox Pro
04:09.26jameswf-homethey use to have phones with hex digits.... guess base16 phone numbers didnt make it
04:09.55drmessanoMost 2 way radio keypads are 1 - 9, *, #, and A thru D
04:10.25jameswf-homebinary phone numbers... please enter your 64bit binary phonenumber
04:10.44drmessanoTheres no reason they couldnt implement the extra 4 DTMF tones
04:10.47jameswf-homedoh i transposed the 32nd 0
04:12.30drmessanoDude, call me @ a0987d45fa67b42
04:12.47Qwellno way, 128 bit hex.  ipv6
04:12.53sbingnerjameswf-home, are you serious (hex)
04:13.18drmessanoGood god
04:13.20jameswf-homeno hex for me, I am saving my self for marige
04:13.52sbingnerSIP/[2002:ce7e:3ba:1:0:0:0:3] <-- that's me!
04:14.13Qwellsbingner: 1::0:0:3
04:14.19drmessanoSIP/danny@  <--- Call me
04:14.32sbingnerQwell, so 1::3? ... I'm missing something
04:14.35Qwellipv6 short for is awesome
04:14.39Qwellsbingner: umm, yeah
04:14.41Qwellthat too
04:14.47Qwellshort form*
04:15.08drmessanoThere's no place like
04:15.09sbingneroh yea I added the 0's to make it longer
04:15.21*** join/#asterisk Sniffadog (
04:15.26QwellAddress unreachable. :(
04:15.35sbingneryou can't hit 2002:ce7e:3ba:1::3 ?
04:15.46jameswf-homeid hit that
04:15.52Qwellprobably my side
04:16.37jameswf-homemy netgear doesnt do ipv6
04:16.58Qwellmy (modified..) Digium AA50 does.
04:16.59drmessanoMy ISP barely does ipv4
04:17.07*** join/#asterisk webar7 (
04:18.03*** part/#asterisk Sniffadog (
04:18.46sbingnerQwell, I can hit 2001:470:0:64::2 ( so yea
04:18.58Qwellyeah,I can't hit anything
04:19.19sbingnerQwell, I stopped using tunnel brokers, and moved to 6to4 -- it's faster and more reliable ;)
04:19.40jameswf-homeQwell: so cheap he wont buy a $5nic he robs the hw graveyard
04:19.57Qwellhw graveyard?
04:20.03sbingnerhardware graveyard
04:20.11drmessanoNone of my NICs will do ipv6
04:21.31brookshirei thought ipv6 was just a software thing
04:21.56brookshireany nic that can do ipv6 can do ipv6
04:21.58Qwellit's like ipv4, but +2
04:22.02Qwellyeah, it's protocol level
04:22.06brookshirei mean
04:22.07JTdrmessano: :o
04:22.11brookshireipv4 can do ipv6
04:22.21JTNICs don't care about IP
04:22.23drmessanoNon of my NICs will :(
04:22.26JTthey only care about frames
04:22.26Qwellno special hardware needed.  just a decent OS
04:22.35JTdrmessano: are you serious?
04:22.40drmessanoOh yes
04:22.58drmessanoI go to Start > Settings > Control Panel.. NO IPV6
04:22.58brookshirewhat are they? 10baseT ?
04:23.04brookshireoh.. windows
04:23.13Qwelldrmessano: update to windows 3.11
04:23.28drmessanoDo you think that will help?
04:24.02drmessanoI'm running Windows XP.. I guess that's like 2.0 or so?
04:24.15drmessanoOk, I will go buy the update
04:25.57drmessanoIf I get this IPV6, will my ICQ work faster?
04:26.11brookshireprobably not
04:26.13Qwelldrmessano: it's more digits, so it'll be slower.  it's like adding xml.
04:26.21drmessanoOh crap
04:26.22sbingnerdrmessano, absolutely!
04:26.58brookshirebut everyone in the world can have like 10 public IPs
04:26.58sbingnerdrmessano, xp = "ipv6 install" and you'll have ipv6
04:27.03drmessanoI <3 IPV6
04:27.18Qwellthere are a ridiculous number of addresses with ipv6
04:27.24brookshireso what happened to IPV5?
04:27.32Qwellwe don't talk about ipv5
04:27.35drmessanoSo if I have public IP, you can see my hard drive files, yes no yes?
04:27.52sbingnerdrmessano, yes no yes
04:27.57brookshireQwell: i think i'm going to wait on IPV-LIVEXP
04:28.06*** join/#asterisk adjohn (n=adjohn@
04:28.11*** join/#asterisk AdamWest (
04:28.11*** join/#asterisk bobnormal (n=bob@
04:28.14brookshirethe microsoft version will be better
04:28.32bobnormaldoes anyone know how to integrate zoiper with firefox so when users click a sip:// url it initiates a call in zoiper?
04:28.49drmessanoMy friend told me Microsoft invented linux but they didn't sell it because it was too much like DOS
04:28.59drmessanoI guess DOS was better
04:29.16sbingnerdrmessano, who let the cat out of the bag?
04:29.36drmessanoHave you ever noticed how DOS and Linux are the same color?????!!!!
04:29.40*** part/#asterisk profounded (n=bruiz@nat01-quad3-ext.Rutgers.EDU)
04:29.50sbingnerdrmessano, the white in dos seems whiter
04:29.56*** join/#asterisk webar7 (
04:30.03drmessanoYes, it much faster too
04:30.17drmessanoand commands have good names like "format"
04:30.24*** join/#asterisk Mavvie (
04:30.29drmessanoin linux you use like flagglepoop c: to format
04:30.33drmessanoWhy so complicated?
04:31.00Nivexfraggle poop?
04:31.10drmessanoNo, that partition
04:31.14sbingnerdrmessano, no it's "mformat c:"
04:32.08drmessanoI install Asterisk to C:\Asterisk
04:32.45drmessanoBut it no run
04:32.48drmessanoDumb XP
04:33.21sweeperdrmessano: u need to edit the registr
04:33.45drmessanoEww no, I delete registry.. too many words
04:35.30*** join/#asterisk AdamWest (
04:36.58drmessanoSo I install Trixbox and my friend on skype can't call my drmessano@asterisk1.local address, WHY???!!!??!?!?
04:38.31jameswf-hometell em to try sippyskype
04:38.56sbingnerdrmessano, they need to add asterisk1.local to /etc/hosts with your IP
04:39.15angryuserskype is not so bad, first mass good quality soft
04:39.17jameswf-homedrmessano: did you reboot
04:39.23drmessanoAdd?  Is that like calculator stuff?
04:39.27angryusereven if it is not open source
04:39.37drmessanoSkype is the devil
04:39.37*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
04:39.41jameswf-homeopen sores?? ewwww
04:39.48sbingnerdrmessano, sorry I meant C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts
04:40.45sbingnerskype is retarded imo
04:41.00angryuseri mean, add a button on site and being called by skype on you sip device is not so bad idea
04:41.39Nuggetthe skype client is pretty slick, I have to admit.  I wouldn't mind if there was a SIP softphone that was even half as nice as skype.
04:41.50angryusersbingner so we have 7.1 mil people out there, retarded
04:42.09Nuggetand their clever tcp and rfc1918 discovery tricks do a great job piercing NAT where SIP and IAX will just give you fits.
04:42.35sbingnerangryuser, many more than 7.1 mil people who are retarded
04:42.43sbingnerangryuser, I expect about 2/3 of the population is
04:43.08angryusersbingner , dont see any argument
04:44.20*** join/#asterisk pigpen2 (
04:44.40eric2I installed the lic for g729, edited the sip.conf file and set my phone to use g729 too... how do I know its working?
04:44.41angryusersbingner , the main idea is, adapting to many networks brings more users, and skype can be a big advantage
04:45.08eric2I even restarted asterisk
04:45.09pigpen2hi all, I am needing to prove to a customer that their employee's are streaming radio and such, that is causing high latency and borking their IAX trunk.
04:45.37pigpen2Can anyone suggest any package that can monitor/log/graph protocol bandwidth usage?
04:45.59pigpen2Ah, the "new" etherreal
04:46.07pigpen2k, didn't know it could do this...
04:46.12pigpen2I'll check it out.
04:46.37drmessanoWireshark makes my bed every morning
04:47.17pigpen2Heh, my wife needs it for house chores....lord knows she won't do it.
04:47.29drmessanoI order my wife to do hers
04:47.35drmessanoGotta keep her in line
04:47.50drmessanoI had her toes cut off so she could stand closer to the sink
04:48.29pigpen2Yeah, we talk big when they arn't looking.
04:48.47drmessanoHell yes
04:48.51jameswf-homeyou know why brides where white....
04:48.54jameswf-homeso the dishwasher matches the stove and fridge
04:49.42drmessanoWhy do brides smile on the way down the aisle?
04:49.58drmessanoBecause they know they'll never have to have sex again
04:50.06pigpen2hmm..maybe I should be Mormon.  Fridge is white, stove is black, sink is beige.
04:50.13jameswf-homeyou know what the first thing a woman should do when she leaves the battered womens shelter....
04:50.18jameswf-homethe dishes if she knows whats good for her
04:51.05angryuser<eric2> force codec to g729
04:51.30drmessanoI get into work today and my boss walks up to me.. "I guess everyone now knows you're leaving"
04:51.33drmessano"Oh how?"
04:51.37sbingnereric2, sip show channels will list active codec
04:51.45drmessano"You left a copy of your resignation on the copy machine"
04:51.58sbingnerLOL nice
04:52.16sbingneris that true?
04:52.20drmessanoWhen I made a copy, it made 12.. I thought I had grabbed them all
04:52.21angryuseryou found a new job ?
04:52.27drmessanoHell yes
04:52.34Qwelldid your boss already know?  heh
04:52.58drmessanoI came in yesterday and made a copy.. someone left "12" copies on the machine and didnt clear the # out
04:53.05Qwellthat might've been awkward
04:53.06drmessanoSo I hit start and it started running
04:53.20drmessanoI grabbed all but one, I guess,  and shredded them
04:53.34angryuserwhatever it's not like you quit you wife ;)
04:54.05drmessanoThere's been like 24 hours of high drama
04:54.33jameswf-homedrmessano: you need a road trip to SC
04:54.42drmessanoyeah I do
05:00.21*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (
05:01.26variable_officehas anyone here dealt with gr303 much? I am confused is it packet based or not?
05:01.28drmessanoLooks like the missile hit the spy satellite
05:01.36drmessano..and france surrendered
05:02.31drmessanoGlad someone got it
05:03.40*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
05:04.08wolvenaranyone have experience setting up a bit more advanced stuff with broadvoice as a provider?
05:05.09wolvenartrying to use a single account at bv with multiple numbers and route by incoming # dialed
05:09.36jameswf-homeno video of them shooting the ufo i mean satelite
05:10.51*** join/#asterisk mmurdock (
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05:13.53*** part/#asterisk delphus (
05:14.58angryuser<jameswf-home> if you have a camera on 240 km orbit, call me next time we will film it
05:15.29angryuserso gn everybody
05:15.55angryuser&have fun
05:16.31jameswf-homewill a webcam on a hobby rocket work
05:17.21drmessanoThat sounds like a bad cinematography method for porn flicks
05:21.06*** join/#asterisk Maxous (n=Maxous@
05:24.20*** join/#asterisk ahbritto (
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05:28.05*** mode/#asterisk [+o russellb] by ChanServ
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05:37.25*** join/#asterisk UnixDog (
05:37.43UnixDoghad to have it
05:42.25*** join/#asterisk terracon (
05:42.37russellbUnixDog: what?
05:42.59UnixDogdundns has a new domain
05:43.00*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (n=brian@
05:43.20UnixDogso we are playing with hames
05:55.09*** join/#asterisk joelsolanki (i=joelsola@
05:55.51joelsolankiHi room
05:56.10joelsolankiwant to use ss7 with sangoma 104D. what is the best tested solution available ?
05:56.19joelsolankichan_ss7 or sangoma SMG ?
06:04.13joelsolankianybody here ?
06:04.20joelsolankiany experienced guys plz ?
06:06.31*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (
06:06.53MavvieIs there a PHP class which connects to the asterisk manager?
06:07.33Mavviegot one
06:08.37*** join/#asterisk adjohn (n=adjohn@
06:10.04nvrpunkis there a way to make g729 sound better for voicemail?
06:18.08sweepernvrpunk: mm, you might be storing it as something not-g729
06:18.13sweepertranscoding ftl
06:18.17nvrpunki got it
06:18.20nvrpunknow :)
06:23.25jameswf-homeMavie you can simply open a socket
06:26.03jameswf-home < php socket
06:27.38jameswf-homesuch things are better served as a function then a class...
06:28.06Kumba_I'd like to submit a feature request: wget compatible links on for downloading :)
06:28.50jameswf-homeKumba they use to be but thats hard to track.. simply type the path it works
06:32.11*** join/#asterisk FireMac ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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06:32.26jameswf-homekubrick is kinda a crap node
06:33.16*** join/#asterisk egecko (
06:33.55egeckoafter editing an extensions.conf file .. is there anything that needs to be reloaded/restarted? I assume that .conf file is read in real-time
06:34.19*** join/#asterisk Azam (
06:34.56Azamhi mysql_query give me segmentation fault can anyone help me please
06:40.05pkunkraazam, out of curiousity, what made you decide to come into #asterisk
06:41.06Azambcuz i am trying to connect to mysql DB in my asterisk application
06:41.17pkunkraoh.  it is asterisk related.  hah
06:41.36pkunkrano idea.  sorry.
06:41.36Azami thought may be the addon i am using to connect has some bugs
06:41.41Corydon76-digfunc_odbc already takes care of the API for you...
06:41.44Azamok thanks anyways
06:41.54drmessanoWhy is it so hard to meet hot asterisk loving single women on ICQ?
06:42.13pkunkradrmessano, because there aren't any really.  :-)
06:42.16Azamthanks Corydon76-dig
06:42.38Corydon76-digGo look at configs/func_odbc.conf.sample
06:43.37pkunkradrmessano, show me an asterisk girl, and i'll show you a girl with more nerds chasing after her than she knows what to do with.
06:43.49drmessanoAmen, bro
06:45.11wolvenarhmm ,
06:45.25Corydon76-digpkunkra: so you're saying it's prime feeding grounds for gay men?
06:46.06pkunkranow that one i don't know about.  i guess the channel with have to answer that.
06:46.40Corydon76-digActually, there aren't enough gay men in here...
06:46.48Corydon76-digNot local (to me) anyway
06:47.00pkunkratoo bad.
06:47.28pkunkrabut #asterisk probably isn't the best place to go looking, however.....
06:54.36drmessanoSomeone should have told me Asterisk won't run on a Kaypro
07:01.35*** join/#asterisk Tuari (
07:04.13*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
07:10.39clickonceIf I want to make the caller enter their e.g. social security number and store it in a variable, should I do this using something else than alot of exten => lines?
07:11.37Corydon76-dig"core show application Read"
07:13.51clickonceThanks! :)
07:15.05*** join/#asterisk af_ (
07:17.01pkunkradrmessano, kaypro?  its a little early for april's fools.
07:17.36pkunkrayou can try it on my old 8088 if you like.
07:17.59nvrpunkso question, is it possible to notify certain voip phones that they have voicemail?
07:18.04*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
07:18.15pkunkranvrpuck.  yes.  i don't know how though.
07:18.20pkunkrai e-mail the messages
07:18.31clickonceJesus, the Kaypro II computer looks alot like a huge oscillator :P
07:18.35pkunkra1.6 has some improvments in it though
07:19.03pkunkraclickonce, well.  that's because there were probably made around the same time and by the same company at first.
07:19.37pkunkrakaypro based its designs on the oscillator itself.
07:19.54pkunkrasince that was all they had back then.
07:19.59clickonceCoule be.
07:21.16pkunkramac classic was pretty revolutionary back then.
07:21.22pkunkraso it was either pick the oscillator p.c.  or the new fangled mac classic.
07:21.54drmessanoor a commodore 64
07:21.58pkunkraspeaking of which, i ran into an apple retailer that built its front desk out of about 50-100 mac classics in nyc.
07:22.08pkunkravery tasteful construction work.
07:22.11clickonceOh, nice =)
07:22.38nvrpunkthat makes me wonder id wordstar still exists
07:22.54pkunkratry abandonware maybe?
07:23.26pkunkrai used to get good games that were abandonware
07:27.33pkunkraone of my favorites was released as open source eventually.
07:27.43pkunkrafolks started developing and fixing it.
07:27.52pkunkraits available on fedora now.
07:28.02pkunkratry looking up  "uqm"
07:28.34pkunkraused to play that a lot when i was a teenager.
07:28.57drmessanoThats easy to find, clickonce
07:29.04puzzledclickonce: google around. I've come across it several times
07:29.07drmessanoThats the ringtone on my phone
07:29.21clickonceI found some on YouTube but the quality sucks. :)
07:30.21pkunkrathere you go
07:31.46*** join/#asterisk Dayver (
07:32.10Dayverdoes anyone know how to assign DID to Zap channel?
07:33.10clickoncepuzzled: Thanks! :D
07:33.18puzzledhave fun
07:34.30*** part/#asterisk UnixDog (
07:34.41*** join/#asterisk jivco (n=jivco@
07:36.46Anthony76hi, I which transfert call to other asterisk and in my log I have:
07:36.47Anthony76Feb 21 08:34:10 NOTICE[16522]: chan_sip.c:6932 get_refer_info: Supervised transfer requested, but unable to find callid '3c274d2d668a-41wafpzcsx98@snom360-000413236351'.  Both legs must reside on Asterisk box to transfer at this time.
07:37.02Anthony76How can I fixe ? I use asterisk 1.2.13
07:40.46Anthony76I use two ipbx and I want transfert an external call to internal number where my phone is connected on the second ipbx
07:43.42patrick--Hey, my asterisk keeps crashing, when i put someone on hold for too long. what could cause this? (BN4S0 HFC Card)
07:48.56*** join/#asterisk agx (
07:49.46clickonceWhat's it called when all phones ring at the same time when a call is coming in?
07:53.01Dataxchaos ? :p
07:53.37patrick--Is it possible to have the recorded Voicemail messages in mp3 format?
07:56.06*** join/#asterisk esaym (
07:57.15*** join/#asterisk clandmeter (n=Carlo@
07:58.07clickonceDatax: Nah, I just want more than one phone to ring when a call is coming in. Just like the POTS systems.
08:05.43*** join/#asterisk Chris-NB (
08:06.03clickonceI've tried Dial(SIP/ext1&SIP/ext2) but it doesn't work.
08:06.13clickonce(Which I took from a sample config)
08:09.40*** join/#asterisk Alexandre_fr (
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08:17.36defsworkclickonce: that looks correct to me
08:18.01defsworkclickonce: show application dial - seems to confirm it's correct
08:19.44*** join/#asterisk steliosk (
08:19.47clickonceHmm, this is strange... seems like Asterisk doesn't want to connect to my VoIP provider either. Strange since it's the same sip.conf I used yesterday (without mods)
08:19.55clickonceI don't get any errors anywhere either.
08:20.25*** join/#asterisk SomethingISOdd (
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08:20.40SomethingISOddhello all quick question i hope is there anyway to break into a conversation ?
08:24.49*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-be8bb91660045ef5)
08:26.25clickonceGod damnit, my sip.conf is correct but "sip show registry" doesn't show anything.
08:26.53sweeperclickonce: sip show peers?
08:26.59styelzpastebin it someone might look at it
08:27.44clickonceI have a line which resembles my VoIP provider there. (Unmonitored)
08:30.04clickonceWorked yesterday
08:30.37*** join/#asterisk ^shark_ (n=^shark_@
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08:31.18jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
08:31.47sweeperclickonce: try putting the registry line in the general section, instead of in the [ext3] section ;)
08:35.10*** join/#asterisk oej (n=olle@
08:36.06clickoncesweeper: ah, damn
08:36.33clickoncesweeper: How friggin' simple. :)
08:37.01*** join/#asterisk WilliamK (
08:42.26*** join/#asterisk fordfrog (n=fordfrog@gentoo/developer/fordfrog)
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08:49.19sweeperyea, asterisk config files :P
08:49.54sweeperI like freeswitch's notion of xml, now if only fs's configs were actually VALID xml, I might be swayed :P
08:55.48*** join/#asterisk g0mb0 (
08:59.01*** join/#asterisk bronson (
09:00.23*** join/#asterisk Sniper_linux1234 (
09:00.57Sniper_linux1234Hi all, I need to ask in which file we an configure the asterisk to send the local ip instead of localhost( ip?
09:06.56*** join/#asterisk Maxfactor (
09:08.33clickonceI need someone to record message for me that I can use in Asterisk :)
09:09.01Maxfactorhello...first time here....
09:09.02*** join/#asterisk stkn|work (n=stkn|wor@gentoo/developer/
09:09.19Maxfactorneed help real bad
09:09.45*** join/#asterisk KermitTheFragger (
09:10.25Maxfactorbeen reading alot about asterisk and is interesting..
09:11.47nixguyMaxfactor: dont ask if you can ask just ask
09:12.09Maxfactorhi nixguy
09:12.26Maxfactorgonna ask you a few questions
09:12.36Maxfactorbut don't laugh at me...
09:12.37nixguyim no expert on asterisk
09:12.49nixguyi wont laugh but i might say read up more ...
09:13.05Maxfactorwhere do i get the SPA 3102?
09:13.15nixguywhat is that?
09:13.16Maxfactorand a linux distro
09:13.17nixguya codec?
09:13.43nixguyyou can find a linuxdistro downlodable on the internet
09:13.54nixguyis the distro im using for my asterisk project
09:14.01Maxfactoris it good?
09:14.13Maxfactorwhat version?
09:14.44Maxfactorso I download it off the internet..
09:14.51nixguyyes and burn the cd's
09:15.02nixguyhow much IT experience have you got?
09:15.03Maxfactoris it zipped?
09:15.14nixguyits an iso image
09:15.28nixguyi have a hunch you are going to have a hard time if you've never run linux before
09:15.30Maxfactorjust been reading alot...
09:15.47*** join/#asterisk XnOSX (i=d491af1a@gateway/web/ajax/
09:16.03nixguydebian is a lot less automated
09:16.04Maxfactorand JAMD
09:16.13nixguyless gui and eye candy
09:16.46Maxfactorthe distro zipped?
09:17.00Maxfactorthen need to unzip..
09:17.10nixguyi told you
09:17.11Maxfactorand then burn into cd..
09:17.13nixguyit's an iso image
09:17.22nixguyif you dont know how to burn an iso image
09:17.25nixguythe google for it
09:18.00MaxfactorI have a lattop
09:18.15Maxfactorwith windows on it
09:18.40nixguyso far your questions have been related to linux not to asterisk
09:18.44Maxfactordon't need windows for now
09:18.45nixguyi recomend you to try #debian
09:18.48nixguyor something like that
09:19.10Maxfactorthe spa 3000
09:22.59Maxfactorbesides the debian and asterisk I need some type of card installed on my laptop?
09:23.47nixguyMaxfactor: to do what?
09:24.17Maxfactorto get my system going...
09:24.40nixguyto run a pbx you dont need any card
09:24.51nixguyif you want to be able to call to the pstn
09:24.57nixguyyou need some kind of connection to it
09:25.24nixguyeither a card of some kind or a sip trunk to some operator to bridge you out to the pstn
09:25.31nixguythis is all described in the first pages of the asterisk manual
09:25.38nixguyhmm was it something like that
09:25.44nixguycant remember
09:25.53nixguyjust google for the manual
09:26.21MaxfactorI am reading the future of telephony...
09:26.21nixguycome back when you've read the asterisk book by o'rileys
09:26.35Maxfactordoing now
09:27.27Maxfactorhow do I get started alltogether?
09:27.39nixguyMaxfactor: in your case not to sound evil or anything
09:27.43nixguyyou need to read more
09:27.59nixguyobviouesly you are lacking some fundamentals as when it comes to understanding asterisk and linux
09:28.20nixguyyou need a base of knowledge to ask your questions here not to piss people of (at least me)
09:28.44Maxfactorsorry man
09:28.50nixguyim not angry
09:29.18nixguyi'm no asterisk expert but running a asterisk on your laptop if you want it to connect to the pstn desent sound plausible
09:29.34nixguyi belive cards you buy to connect to the pstn are PCI cards
09:29.38nixguyyour laptop doesent have pci cards
09:29.50*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
09:31.02Maxfactorthought I need a different one
09:32.04*** join/#asterisk af_ (
09:32.33nixguyMaxfactor: read
09:32.39nixguyno go my son!
09:33.08nixguyif you arent familiar with the linuxterminal i belive i won't see you untill you've mastered it
09:34.01jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
09:34.05sweeperfailsauce :P
09:34.58*** join/#asterisk jarod14 (
09:35.04Maxfactornixguy thanks
09:36.12defsworknixguy: I ran asterisk on a laptop at home - connected via a spa3102
09:36.28defsworknixguy: the laptop had a broken screen but otherwise was fine
09:36.30defsworkuntil the HD died :(
09:40.35*** join/#asterisk Mavvie (
09:49.09nixguydefswork: whats spa3102
09:50.39*** join/#asterisk badcfe (
09:50.55badcfeis it possible to reload the manager.conf without restarting *     ?
09:51.11nixguybadcfe: thereis reload manager
09:51.16nixguymaybe thats what you are after
09:52.13badcfenixguy: shouldve become manager reload no?  oh i see its considered core, so the command doesnt start off by the functionality name
09:52.19badcfenixguy: thanks!
09:53.32badcfei got 1.4.17 and theres no "manager reload" in CLI, i can do "reload manager" only.  huh, it tells me Please use 'module reload' instead.
09:58.16*** join/#asterisk Lawbringer (
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09:59.16*** join/#asterisk xezz (
10:00.10xezzhello, i have an isdn PRA (30 channels), i am planning to user asterisk+sangoma a101d, is the card suitable for the PRA line ?
10:00.38*** join/#asterisk tsubasafr (
10:00.41tsubasafrhi !
10:01.26Chris-NBanyone using a cisco 7970 phone?
10:01.51Chris-NBor anyone knows if it is possible to get the BlindXfer Softkey on 7970? 7960 had this softkey
10:02.57*** join/#asterisk oej (n=olle@
10:04.17*** join/#asterisk joelsolanki (i=joelsola@
10:04.21joelsolankiHi room
10:04.41joelsolankianybody using asterisk + sangoma ss7 ?
10:04.41*** join/#asterisk ChkDigit (
10:04.45tsubasafrsorry for my question, but you provide the asterisk daemon for Asterisk Recording Interface
10:05.05tsubasafrbecause it seem the daemon not running unable to connect to localhost:5038 (Connection refused)
10:05.14joelsolankiI m in process to choose either sangoma ss7 or chan_ss7
10:05.23joelsolankineed some feedback / talk on this.
10:05.25joelsolankianyone plz ?
10:06.57*** join/#asterisk qdk (n=qdk@
10:07.25tsubasafrWho provides ARI ? ( asterisk recording interface )
10:08.05SomethingISOddhello all quick question i hope is there anyway to break into a conversation ?
10:08.13Sniper_linux1234Hey all
10:08.19sweeperSomethingISOdd: there is
10:08.28sweeperit's called "barging"
10:08.49SomethingISOddok let me look that up thanks sweeper
10:08.53Sniper_linux1234I have freepbx installed on my machine..the issue is in the INVITE message the freepbx is sending the localhost IP( instead of its local IP
10:09.07Sniper_linux1234do you have any Idea about houw to fix it?
10:12.11SomethingISOddsweeper what version of asterisk did that come out in?
10:12.23sweeperSomethingISOdd: pretty old
10:12.27SomethingISOddi tried core show function baring and barging and both say its invaild command
10:12.38SomethingISOddi`m using Asterisk 1.4.6
10:14.40SomethingISOddsweeper chanspy only listens doesnt it
10:16.21SomethingISOddsweeper perfect thank you
10:16.47sweeperSomethingISOdd: chanspy can also talk
10:17.00sweeperthe w option allows that
10:17.26SomethingISOddsweeper what i am wondering if i can play a recording instead of talking..
10:17.45sweeperfo sho
10:18.26*** join/#asterisk ToTo (n=ToTo@
10:18.31sweeperchanspy hooks one channel up to another
10:18.44patrick--does anyone have a sample dialplan with callerID on it for me to have a look at? i think ive built up my dialplan a bit wrong
10:18.59sweeperactually, there might be an easier way
10:19.06SomethingISOddsweeper ok?
10:20.24SomethingISOddsweeper i wonder if i could setup a dsp, to play the recording on the execution of the chanspy command
10:20.41*** join/#asterisk af_ (
10:21.47sweeperSomethingISOdd: you could, but that's nasty
10:22.59sweeperlooks like your best bet is to use chanspy to hook up a dummy channel that uses Playback()
10:23.19SomethingISOddok let me go a head up how to create a dummy channel :-)
10:24.14SomethingISOddthanks sweeper
10:28.12badcfeon * 1.4.2 when i do ${STRFTIME(|GMT+1|%Y%m%d-%H%M%S)} i get the right local time.  on 1.4.17 i dont.  on the 1.4.17 i have to do just ${STRFTIME(||%Y%m%d-%H%M%S)}, wich gives me correct local time.
10:28.23*** join/#asterisk vale-ICS (
10:28.41badcfeis this a difference between * versions or rather my time setop on the gnu/linux.
10:29.07sweeperI blame asterisk!
10:29.22badcfeofcourse doing date command on the two shows the same thing, that ive verified..
10:29.28badcfesweeper: u do?
10:29.36badcfesweeper: or is it ironic?
10:29.54sweeperwell, assuming you're doing these tests on the same box, yea
10:30.16sweeperto keep things working across several versions, you could always run a shell command that returns the properly formatted time
10:30.17badcfesweeper: its on different boxes.  but theyr both debian with same ntp config and showing same date.
10:30.19clickonceGuys, when someone call me or I call them, I hear them perferctly while they barely hear me. I haven't added any encoding/quality stuff to extensions.conf nor sip.conf. What do you recommend that I add to get the best possible quality? (Not exceeding 256kbit/s)
10:30.29sweeperbadcfe: then yea, asterisk!
10:31.09sweeperclickonce: are they hearing choppy audio or staticy audio, or echo?
10:31.15badcfesweeper: thing is that all the gmt localtime unixtime timezones conversion locatlisation and so on on the lurky nix boxes there may be some differences in the setup, and thats why asterisk behaves differently on the two.  theyr both debian etch tho
10:31.30clickoncesweeper: I kinda disappear from time to time. (Mostly 100% of the time)
10:31.33sweeperchoppy = bandwidth, static = codecs, echo = nasty analog things
10:31.59sweeperbadcfe: so use UMT!
10:32.58sweeperclickonce: sounds like chop to me. trying killing all internet traffic except for your voip
10:33.16sweeperI'm assuming you have decent bw available
10:33.20clickonceIt's as dead as it can be and it's a 100Mbit/s connection.
10:33.31clickonceAnd according to the ISP it should be 100/100
10:33.53sweeperthat's where your asterisk box is, or where your sip client is, or both?
10:34.12clickonceI suspected it could be the belkin wlan AP, but, when I call my softphone client on my WinBox (not wlan) it works fine.
10:34.53clickonce(I know belkin isn't state-of-the-art but I borrowed it from my GF, but, as said, it works find internally)
10:35.07badcfehow many simultaneous calls can a all-intel quad1333 with enough mem take doin only forwarding of alaw-alaw ?
10:35.42badcfe100?  then youll get jitter introduced from the box?
10:35.44sweeperbadcfe: test and find out. usually single-box limit is around 300 calls, but there's lots and lots of variables
10:35.47clickoncesweeper: It sounds like 24kbit/s music :)
10:36.25sweeperoh, so they hear SOMETHING the whole time, just not always something intelligible?
10:36.45sweeperI am going to be eaten alive by ant proto-queens
10:36.47clickonceYes, always something, but it's like low-bit crap and the volume goes up and down.
10:37.20sweeperwell, try disallow=all; allow=ulaw
10:37.36sweeperin sip.conf's general section
10:37.52sweeperand make sure you don't have any contradicting directives elsewhere
10:38.39clickonceWas that for me or badcfe?
10:39.23sweeperfor you
10:39.44*** join/#asterisk exvito (n=exvito@
10:40.38clickonceThat sounds better internally, let me make an external call.
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10:43.26clickonceCan I increase the quality even more? By changing allow=ulaw...
10:43.53sweeperwell, ulaw is equivalent to pstn calls
10:43.59sweeperand is pretty standard
10:44.12clickonceOkay, then I'll let it be. :)
10:44.26sweeperso unles you're calling, for example, someone with HD audio codecs on their client, you're not gonna get much better
10:44.31clickoncePerhaps it gets better when I get my new Asterisk box along with a new 10/100 switch and a SPA-962
10:44.49clickonceInstead of a going through a Belkin WLAN AP :)
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10:52.31nebojsajsimichi all
10:58.29nebojsajsimiccan someoane help with phpagi i make call with dial and it works fine but i can't set MOH
10:58.35nebojsajsimicis there any idea
10:58.54nebojsajsimic$zovi = $agi->exec_dial(SIP,$broj,25,m);
10:59.12nebojsajsimicworks ok but when i try
11:00.04nebojsajsimicit doesnot and from ext 1,1,Dial (sip......,m(xxx)); works too
11:01.01nebojsajsimici think that is broblem to send "(xxx)" as param to exec_dial any idea
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11:08.57nebojsajsimicand then play defoult moh to answer
11:09.37nebojsajsimicani idea why my moh class start then dial then stop and change to defoult
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11:14.47nebojsajsimicand it work from extensions
11:14.48clickonceTo enable more than one incoming call and more than one outgoing call on the same POTS number I have from my SIP provider, do I need some support at the provider site as well?
11:15.55clickonceCurrently I have Asterisk programmed so that I can call in on my POTS number, press 5, enter a number, press # and asteriskd dials that number out, but, I get a busy tone. I suspect my SIP provider doesn't have support for more than one call at the same time over the same SIP trunk or is it my asterisk that is misconfigured?
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11:19.09nixguyfrom what version of asterisk is iax2 supported?
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11:30.32sweeperclickonce: probably the provider
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11:32.33clickoncesweeper: Better call them then.
11:34.31sweepersome providers charge more for each concurrent call
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11:42.46marlhi can anyone help me? i have a * box setup with a dedicated disa number, basicly i dial into the disa number, * uses my CID to authenticate my call, and then allows me to dial outwards, problem i have is if i setup a basic phone (sony ericson) with a  number like: 01418761234p01415641232 * dials the second number after the pause without any problems, but when i dial the same number from my xda2 OR if i only dial the disa number and try to manually enter the
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12:06.46srd2how do I setup an extension to say, if callerid matches 123 or 456 it'll go to something else?
12:08.25mostyUse GotoIf and the CALLERID function
12:08.47marlexten => extensionnumber,n,GotoIf($["${CALLERID(num)}" = "CIDOFMOBILE"]?disa-matt,s,1)
12:09.02marlworks great for my disa auth via CID
12:09.59marlallows me to dial in from my mobile, and then place an outbound call as if i was sittig in the office
12:11.14srd2ah, same here, except I use mine to let me call long distance/int
12:11.38marlyup, can use it for that as well
12:12.14marlanyone know if autofallthrough can be set within an extension context without affecting the rest of the dial plan, or is it a global only option?
12:13.32srd2I used to have it so, I could spoof my callerid through one of my outgoing iax and have fun with people at work, making it look like they were calling themselves lol
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12:14.30mostysrd2, just use the n priority
12:14.57mostyyou should not need to rely on auto fall through, if you do then it's a sign of a bad dialplan design
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12:16.25marlmosty, were u talking to me there about autofallthrough?
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12:18.16marlif i ensure that all my extension definitions end with exten number => n,HangUp()     that should be ok shouldnt it?
12:18.25marl(all my extensions end with this at the mo)
12:19.17mostyyes, assuming you don't have any crazy Goto's
12:20.38marli dont always set i and s prioritys
12:20.39mostyyou probably also want something to happen for i, t and T extensions
12:21.25marlor t and T prioritys
12:22.03srd2got an interesting one, even tho I have language=en, it doesn't always play files from the en sub-directory in sounds, even when the file in that dir exists
12:22.05mostydepends on the context, if you need those obviously
12:22.25marlok thanks :) ill see if this solves the problem :)
12:22.41srd2so, say I go into voicemail, I'll get a mixture of two different voices like (a)you have (b) # (a) messages
12:25.47srd2played around with it to, like changing it from en to uk, both in language= and the sub-directory name, still does it tho
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12:28.10mostyonly in voicemail?
12:30.17srd2nope not just voicemail
12:32.31marlmosty, ive set autofallthrough to no, but i still dont get a chance to dial a number when i dial in to my disa number :( i have digit and response being set to 10 but it falls through as soon as i hit the first digit :( any ideas?
12:32.56mostyi know nothing about disa, sorry
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12:34.46marlits not specific to disa, its something to do with the timeouts etc :(
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12:48.37defsworksrd2: got some files missing ?
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12:51.28zeeeshusing rhel4, when service iptables is stop, asterisk is working fine .. when its stoped ... call connecting but unable to hear voice .. how hear .. IVR,,, voices... ???????
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12:59.11clickonceHmm, which one do you recommend, ext..conf or ext..ael?
12:59.43SAL123I get an "481 Call Leg/Transaction Does Not Exist" from my provider, when trying to call-transfer as reply for REFER packegt. He uses Asterisk. Can somebody help me, what to suggest him to fix this problem?
13:10.18lirakismorning all
13:12.08codefreezeclickonce: I'm definitely biased toward extensions.ael
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13:15.52mostyclickonce, one major benefit of extensions.conf is that you will find a lot more help/docs/etc. even if it is quite an ugly language
13:16.16clickonceOkay :(
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13:28.10zeeeshwhen "service iptables is stop" asterisk server is working fine... when "service iptables start" unable to hear voice,IVR, although call is connected untill i disconnected it ?????????
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13:28.54lmadsenzeeesh: you haven't opened the appropriate ports, obviously
13:29.03jboti heard ports is, or, or the FreeBSD ports system etc etc, or
13:29.11MigraneHi. I'm trying to config a t1 pri line for the first time in my life.
13:30.21lmadsenzeeesh: see chapter 4, around page 97 of TFoT2
13:30.28MigraneRight now, the back of my digium card shows a yellow alarm, from my asterisk CLI.. pri intense debug shows a continues  "Unnumbered frame: SAPI: 00....." msg over and over.
13:31.05MigraneIs that frame from my side or the remote side?
13:31.08jameswf-homeMigrane: pastebin your zaptel.conf
13:31.18jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
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13:34.08zeeesh<lmadsen>:port 5060 is opened . coz .. my sip client is registering by using 5060 ,,, its making calls .. but i m unable to hear any voice and IVRs .. when i just enter the command at my asterisk server "service iptables stop" .. asterisk server working fine .. ????
13:34.32lmadsenzeeesh: RTP carries the audio, not SIP
13:34.38jameswf-homezeeesh: 10000-20000
13:34.44lmadsenjameswf-home: don't make it too easy :)
13:34.47clickonceIn ext..ael I have context welcomemenu { ..., in ext..conf I want to goto that context, but exten => 4561,1,Goto(welcomemenu) doesn't work, I assume it's not the proper way to goto it, so, how should it be done?
13:34.57jameswf-homeoh sorry retract that
13:34.58lmadsenand by 10000-20000, jameswf-home means whatever you have configured in rtp.conf
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13:35.23jbotYou can buy "Asterisk the Future of Telephony" at so go buy it SERIOUSLY
13:35.42lmadsenclickonce: that would only goto a priority label called welcomemenu -- you need Goto(welcomemenu,EXTENSION,PRIORITY)
13:35.54lmadsenchange EXTENSION and PRIORITY to something useful
13:36.04Migranehere it my zaptel.conf jameswf-home
13:36.18mostygoto with only one argument assumed that the argument is a priority (from memory)
13:36.20clickoncelmadsen: ah, okay
13:36.42jameswf-homespan=1,1,3,esf,b8zs is your problem LBO is almost never 3
13:36.53jameswf-homemake LBO 0
13:37.45Migranelet me try
13:37.51jameswf-home0 works 99.9999999999% of the time
13:38.27jameswf-homejust like d4,ami wtf who uses that
13:38.39jameswf-homekentuckey :)
13:38.50patrick--I keep on loosing my parked callers. i put them on park and then after a few seconds waiting i get a busy tone and they are somewhere lost in my asterisk :D how can i get them back?
13:39.03patrick--and in most cases the pbx crashes if the caller waits too long
13:39.06jameswf-homepatrick--: what asterisk version
13:39.07srd2What about that 0.00000000001% of the time?
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13:39.17pylinuxianhi every1
13:39.23patrick--jameswf-home: 1.4.18
13:39.31jameswf-homeoh snap
13:39.33pylinuxianI have got a question regarding E1
13:39.40jbotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there, just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
13:40.13Migranejames: I still have a yellow alarm when I do zap show status
13:40.21patrick--Im using asterisk 1.4.18 with mISDN and beroNet BN4S0, where Port 1 is TE and 2-4 are NT for ISDN Phones.
13:40.36pylinuxianok ! i ask : I need to  inteface with a voice gateway model QUINTUM DX2030
13:40.37jameswf-homeMigrane: did you ztcfg
13:40.47Migranejames: I did.
13:41.01pylinuxianfrom my DIGIUM TE212P Card
13:41.12jameswf-homeok next change timing to 0 if that doesnt work get a loop back
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13:41.38pylinuxianhas anybody tries to interface with a Quintum E1 port ?
13:41.41jameswf-homejames must hit the commute see you all in 1.25 hours
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13:44.44patrick--can anyone tell me how i can get parked callers back on the line?
13:45.01pylinuxiangot disc
13:45.09ManxPowerpatrick--: dial the number that was read back to the person that parked the call.
13:45.10pylinuxian<pylinuxian> has anybody tries to interface with a Quintum E1 port ?
13:45.22patrick--that was read?
13:45.34pylinuxianwell ?
13:45.41pylinuxianas i got disc i don't know
13:45.42ManxPowerpylinuxian: How is the Quintum different from all the other T-1/E-1 devices out there?
13:46.02patrick--ManxPower: I park calls by Pressing the R button on my Phone
13:46.13pylinuxianwell its a voice gateway ... & its my first time ...
13:46.19ManxPowerpatrick--: when you park a call you should hear the parking lot number.
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13:46.29ManxPowerpatrick--: R = Flash
13:46.39patrick--so what does that mean?
13:46.39robl^patrick--: when you park a call, a voice tells you a number like "seven zero one".  Just pick up a phone and dial those digitis
13:46.41ManxPowerYou need to do an ATTENDED transfer to the parking extenson
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13:47.09pylinuxianso ?
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13:47.25patrick--when i redirect calls, i press R, dial the target number and then just put the phone down
13:47.41ManxPowerpatrick--: then you are doing it wrong.
13:47.43[TK]D-Fenderpatrick--: You have to do an attended transfer to 700.
13:48.03ManxPowerHow about you dial the number, wait for the number to be read back to you, then complete the transfer.
13:48.16[TK]D-Fenderpatrick--: Having "include => parkedcalls" in your phone's context.
13:48.34[TK]D-Fenderpatrick--: While in the transfer * will read back which lot # you have to DIAL to get them back
13:48.41patrick--i need to use the R button
13:48.55ManxPowerpatrick--: The R button is just a way of doing a transfer.
13:48.58[TK]D-Fenderpatrick--: No, you DON'T.  That is not how this works.
13:49.06[TK]D-Fenderpatrick--: Time to do it properly.
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13:49.52tzanger[TK]D-Fender:  <-- I want that on a poster
13:51.01kyrontzanger, nice poster ;)
13:53.14[TK]D-Fendertzanger: Get me a better res, I have a banner-capable inkjet here :)
13:53.21robl^[TK]D-Fender: don't just love when someone asks you how to do something and then after you tell them, they tell you they don't want to do it that way and can't understand why it doesn't work?
13:53.33tzanger:-)  I know, I am emailing a friend of mine right now to see if she can create a high-res vesion of this.
13:53.48tzangerShe can do the font, and I'm sure she can find a pic of an institution of higher learning similar to the background
13:53.57tzangerthe private though might be a problem
13:54.10tzangershe can put it together and I'll get something done up...  I so want that for a poster though
13:55.25ManxPowerrobl^: pretty standard around here.
13:56.28kyronrobl^, kids are always like that
13:58.10ManxPowergood things robl^ is too smart to have kids.
13:58.14robl^ManxPower: same here in my office.  "Robert, why can't I dial international long distance?"  "You forgot to dial 011 before the country code." "But I don't  to dial those extra digits."
13:58.52tzangerwhat would hte name of the private be in that pic?  It's a famous picture with the double-cup from WW2-era...
13:59.01ManxPower"Sorry, we limit Interntional calls to people with the special code.  Don't tell anyone, that special code is "011"
13:59.19robl^I have an 18 yr puppy -- he's close enough to being a "kid"
13:59.28michael-iHi everyone. I think I'm missing something regarding nat=yes|no|never in sip.conf. What situations would having nat=yes cause problems? Is it normally safe just to set it?
13:59.53ManxPowermichael-i:  a few less common phones have had issues with nat=yes in the past.
14:00.10ManxPowerYes, it is normally safe to set it, even on non-NAT connections.
14:00.33michael-iManxPower: thanks, that's the conclusion my reading had led me to. Just looking for any gotchas.
14:00.42clickonceYay! Got queueing working.
14:00.58robl^I usually leave nat=ye, only time it tends to be an issue is if the phone it self has NAT features turned on.
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14:02.02ManxPowerI find the best way to get people to use something is to forbid them from using it.
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14:03.31robl^ManxPower: true..  but then we have people eager to use things.. they just don't want to take 30 secs to learn how to use it correctly -- so they yell at me for 2 hours
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14:04.34[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Perverse psychology :p
14:04.36ManxPowerrobl^: that's the genius, they can't complain if they are not supposed to be using whatever it is.
14:05.35ManxPowerfor a while we had people NOT dialing the 1 before the 504 area code.
14:05.49JenniferAkemi-has anyone here used the ipod touch to do sip?
14:06.02ManxPowerSo, I put in _9504NXXXXXX,1,Playback(must-dial-1-and-areacode)
14:06.21ManxPowerstansmith: say something interesting and someone might respond.
14:07.45stansmithhas anyone here used the app_swift module?  I have installed it, I would just like to talk about a couple issues
14:07.59[TK]D-FenderManxPower: You could always just ADD the "1" and not nag your users.  My dialplans adapt to 7-10-11 digit all seamlessly
14:08.15x86[TK]D-Fender: amen... mine too
14:08.23ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: we could do that, but we don't.
14:08.36x86ManxPower: that's user abuse ;)
14:08.46[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Surprising since getting idiots to change isn't your forte...
14:08.50ManxPowerx86: no, that is the standard dialplan instructions.
14:09.22ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I don't CARE if they can't call someone.  They can follow the directions or not use the phone.
14:09.56robl^[TK]D-Fender: we do 10/11 easily.. but no 7 digit dialing (except for internal site dialing (3 digit office code) + (4 digit extension).  we have 3 area codes in our city that are all LOCAL, so it is mandatory to always dial areacode
14:10.03ManxPowerIt's pretty simple.  Calls within same area code 9+7-digit number.  All other calls 9+1+area code+ 7-digit number.
14:10.07[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Wow, forcing them to evolve beyond Homo Verbratis Gellatinous, I'm impressed!
14:10.36[TK]D-Fenderrobl^: Here we can still assume 1 for the most-part
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14:11.15ManxPowerUnfortunatly, we are now starting to use carriers that have local and toll calls in the same area code.
14:11.24ManxPowerThat complicates things a litt.e.
14:11.51robl^eww!   then you have to look at the excahnges
14:12.20ManxPowerrobl^: nope.  we let the carrier play a message telling them what to do.
14:12.57tzangerwoohoo!  I found a nice high res version of that guy
14:13.05tzangerI can buy the original poster for $25 too
14:13.39[TK]D-Fendertzanger: Worth it for the cost / quality of printing it yourself.
14:13.54tzangeryep, but that's not just what I want
14:13.57tzangerI need the whole thing put together
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14:14.34robl^ManxPower: ahhh.  we have to be a little more selective here.  if something is considered non-local, the call has to be flagged and require a billing code before the call completes.
14:15.00ManxPowerrobl^: *nod*  We should do that and may do that in the future.
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14:15.12JenniferAkemi-robl^: do you do that in a database?
14:15.25ManxPowerFor most of the offices all calls to Louisiana and Mississippi are free.
14:15.55ManxPowerToll calls come out of a pool of something like 20,000 mins/month that is included in the phone service.
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14:17.03robl^JenniferAkemi-: yes.  it integrates with our internal systems.. EVERYTHING is tagged with a Client / Matter number and we use a central database that integrates with the phone, finances, HR, email, document management systems, etc.  all hightly integrated
14:17.30ManxPowerrobl^: Your users bill the client for every phone call, so you need to do that
14:17.32JenniferAkemi-robl^: that's great
14:18.08JenniferAkemi-robl^: my task now that I have the basic asterisk working with phones and a pri is to make it be database driven
14:18.13robl^ManxPower: every phone call, postage stamp, photocopy, printed document, cup of coffe, text message..
14:18.47robl^if they could figure out a way to bill toilet paper usage back to a client, theywould
14:19.04JenniferAkemi-do you work at a law firm or something?
14:19.34ManxPowerIf lawyers spent less time finding ways to squeeze money out of clients and more time lawyering...well...the would be better lawyers.
14:19.36robl^JenniferAkemi-: yes.  I work at a very large law firm.
14:19.52ManxPowerrobl^: you really need to get me a consulting gig there. 8-)
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14:21.07robl^ManxPower: we already have nearly 120 I. T. / Telecom ppl in the firm.   I am sure we could squeeze in another
14:21.16stansmithdoes X11 have that much of an impact on resources if the server has a dual core xeon and 2 gigs of ram?
14:21.25stansmithwhile running asterisk
14:21.30[TK]D-Fenderstansmith: No, thats fine
14:21.31ManxPowerrobl^: Yeah, but I'm better at networking and telecom and all of them combined
14:22.12ManxPowerstansmith: it's not X11, it's the fact that almost all graphics chips lock interrupts for long enough to corrupt audio and signalling information
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14:22.52ManxPowerIf you are only doing VoIP with no telecom cards in the server, you might be able to get away with it.
14:23.15stansmithi read not using X11 is reccomended, and im having audio quality issues using a digium card
14:23.30robl^if you have a digium card, turn off X
14:23.34stansmithyea ok
14:23.38ManxPowerstansmith: Good thing you know how to fix that.
14:23.46stansmithManxPower: ?
14:23.55ManxPowerstansmith: you fix it by not running X
14:24.00[TK]D-Fenderstansmith: Stop X and see if that helps.  And while you're at it you should be describing everything involved in these calls.  You could waste a long time guessing what it could be if you don't tell us what you're actually doing.
14:24.51stansmithsetting up an IVR on new hardware
14:25.00stansmithi set it up already on old hardware and it works great
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14:25.29stansmiththe new hardware is a HP ML350..and as a part of HP, you need to install a lot of their proliant stuff to get the drivers for the nic card
14:25.35stansmithand to install that, you need X11
14:25.49ManxPowerthen turn off X after it's installed
14:26.40BadHorsiehi, i'm still running asterisk 1.2.14, and for some reason, when sporadically i see that show channels (or action: status) doesn't show some channels that are currently active, but, after a while it shows them back with their same ID and i know the call hasn't dropped coz i'm chanspy'ing on it, anybody has an idea of why could this be happening?
14:26.51ManxPowerNo matter how much you scream, complain, and otherwise refuse to accept reality it does not change the fact that running graphics on the server (X11, frame buffer, etc) will frequently cause problems
14:27.22ManxPowerBadHorsie: first upgrade to the latest 1.2.x
14:27.41stansmithManxPower: I would rather not run X11, I would like to use Arch linux, but my boss recommends using CentOS or RHES
14:28.07*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
14:28.09ManxPowerneither CentOS nor RHES require X11 to run.
14:28.20stansmithcorrect, but i need to install those HP drivers
14:28.23stansmithand that requires X11
14:28.24BadHorsie1.2 is not deprecated yet right?
14:28.36ManxPowerso install the drivers then turn off X
14:28.50[TK]D-FenderBadHorsie: Yes, there are no more bug fixes coming.  It is DEAD
14:28.51BadHorsieHP drivers requiring X11, now THAT is loathsome
14:28.52stansmithyea we have already come to this conclusion haha
14:28.59ManxPowerBadHorsie: 1.2 is no longer maintained except for maybe security fixes
14:29.10robl^stansmith: once the systems is all installed and running, you can turn off X.  it's just a program that runs on the box like anything else
14:29.10[TK]D-Fenderstansmith: Just bloody-well TEST it already
14:29.21BadHorsietime to search for a migration guide from 1.2 to 1.4 then.
14:29.23ManxPowerstansmith: "chkconfig dm off"
14:29.39stansmithdm = desktop manager?
14:29.53ManxPowerBadHorsie: it's called "upgrade.txt" or similar in 1.2 and 1.4, you should read the files in both versions
14:30.10ManxPowerstansmith: Display Manager, it's what starts X on most distros
14:30.28stansmithhm...thats good to know, i thought i would change the runlevel
14:30.37ManxPoweryou can do that too.
14:30.59ruiedI have the following error: " Unable to open file '/var/lib/asterisk/moh/fpm-world-mix': No such file or directory". but the file exists. where is the 'fpm-world-mix-file' defined?
14:31.35ManxPowerruied: Where is the file defined?
14:31.50ManxPowerruied: MoH is configured in musiconhold.conf
14:32.47ManxPowerruied: what is the file extension in the results of this command: ls -l /var/lib/asterisk/moh/fpm-world-mix.*
14:33.50ruiedManxPower, .wav
14:34.03ManxPowerruied: and when do you get that error?
14:34.20ruiedwhen I put a call on hold...
14:34.46ManxPowerI guess you need to put the contents of /etc/asterisk/musiconhold.conf on then
14:35.16ManxPowerruied: and what is the file size reported by the "ls"
14:35.35ruiedManxPower, it's the default configuration...
14:35.48stansmithruied: are you loading the wav format modules before loading res_musiconhold ?
14:35.58ManxPowerruied: "default configuration" changes depending on the release.
14:36.10*** join/#asterisk rpm (
14:36.22[TK]D-FenderManxPower: You don't stop X from loading by removing it with chkconfig... you just change your bloody run-level :p
14:36.55hmm-homenot in all distro's
14:37.10[TK]D-FenderDisclaimer : I suck at Linux and get by on 30% Instinct, and 70% Google.
14:37.15hmm-homesome call gdm in run level 3
14:37.18ruiedstansmith, maybe not, going to check, it's the default configuration...
14:37.32stansmithruied: does that mean you typed "make samples" during compilation?
14:38.02ManxPowerruied: the sample config files are NOT designed to work.  They are designed to show examples of many things.
14:39.05ruiedstansmith, ManxPower Wht I normally do is a make samples and then cut what I don't need... maybe it is a bad idea...
14:39.15stansmithi do the same
14:39.42*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki (
14:39.44ManxPowerToo bad I never got to see that musiconhold.conf.  Now I have to go to work.
14:39.47stansmithim in the process of whittling the system down to just whats needed though
14:41.01ruiedManxPower, sorry, have a good work!   I'll get there....
14:41.06*** join/#asterisk tobias (
14:41.47*** join/#asterisk Sniper_linu (
14:42.00stansmithanyone here use Cepstral TTS?
14:42.31[TK]D-Fenderruied: pastebin your msuiconhold.conf , "ls -la /var/lib/asterisk/moh", and the CLI output of your failed attempt at verbose 10
14:42.33jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
14:42.42*** join/#asterisk grandpapadot (
14:42.45*** join/#asterisk jbigbee (n=jbigbee@
14:43.36Sniper_linuHi All,I have an asterisk server installed on a Centos machine... I have a problem when making a call that the asterisk server is not sending the codecs supported by the asterisk it self
14:43.52Sniper_linumy question is where I can define the codecs supported by the asterisk server?
14:44.14[TK]D-FenderSniper_linu: in the appropriate channel-driver's config file.
14:44.43[TK]D-FenderSniper_linu: typcailly sip.conf / iax.con / users.conf (for those hapless chumps running the UNSUPPORTED GUI)
14:44.53*** join/#asterisk JoseBravo (n=jbravo@
14:45.24BadHorsiei just saw that with action: status it shows up to 100 lines of output, so maybe under high load i will only get 100 lines no matter how many channels are active, right?
14:45.31Sniper_linu[TK]D-Fender, DO you mean that the codec lists is defined in all these files?
14:45.51stansmithSniper_linu: if you are only using SIP, you only need to worry about sip.conf
14:45.55stansmithfor instance..
14:46.11Sniper_linustansmith, let me che ck this fileand let you know
14:46.32JoseBravoIm receiving call from a SIP over Internet to my PBX, with out problems, and I have a FAX connected over a Linksys Phone Adapter, but I can't receive faxes over the SIP. I have connected to same PBX a FXO and the fax works fine. Any idea?
14:46.56*** join/#asterisk hmmhesays (
14:47.26Sniper_linustansmith, I have g711 and g729 codecs defined there, as follow:
14:47.27Sniper_linubindport=5060; UDP Port to bind to (SIP standard port is 5060)
14:47.27BadHorsiewhich makes me think action: status is not the right way to gather the channel information, what would be the proper way to gather ALL the active channels (no matter how many they are) from the AMI?
14:47.27Sniper_linubindaddr=; IP address to bind to ( binds to all)
14:47.41jbot[~pastebin] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
14:48.26*** join/#asterisk jameswf-home (
14:50.06JoseBravoIn other words, My PBX have two incoming trunks (SIP over Internet and FXO), I also have a FAX connected to my PBX, if anyone send me a FAX over the FXO works fine, but if he send over SIP the fax dosn't works. I can receive voice calls from SIP and FXO. Any idea?
14:50.47jameswf-homelmadsen: ping.
14:51.45ruied[TK]D-Fender, It seems a g729 translation problem... doesn't Digium B410P came with g729 licences
14:52.43lmadsenjameswf: yo
14:53.34JTruied: why would it come with any G.729 licenses?
14:53.42[TK]D-Fenderruied: NO
14:53.51lmadsenjameswf: you have exactly 10 seconds, then I gotta leave
14:53.56*** join/#asterisk JayTee52 (
14:54.04jbigbeeruied, The TC400B is the card that comes with g.729
14:54.43[TK]D-FenderSniper_linu>allow=g711 <- nope.  G.711u = ulaw, G.711a = alaw
14:54.47jbigbeeruied, with the latest drivers it supports about 120 g.729 liceses
14:54.53[TK]D-FenderSniper_linu: Get your formatting right
14:55.29*** join/#asterisk Docfxit (
14:55.53*** join/#asterisk ZaVoid (
14:55.54Sniper_linu[TK]D-Fender, you mean instead of allow=g711 I should put G.711=ulaw?
14:55.56[TK]D-FenderJoseBravo: fax over SIP is likely to fail.  compression, jitter, delay, etc will kill faxes
14:56.05[TK]D-FenderSniper_linu: "allow=ulaw"
14:56.05ZaVoideveryone see that lunar eclipse last night?
14:56.13ruiedhmm, ok, so it seems that is the problem...
14:56.20hmmhesaysblood moon
14:56.22hmmhesaysit was sweet
14:56.46Sniper_linu[TK]D-Fender, I have it already
14:57.13[TK]D-FenderSniper_linu: pastebin the complete failed call attempt at verbsoe 10, SIP debug enabled.
14:57.15jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
14:57.20ZaVoidpicutre of it THE ELCIPSE
14:57.38stansmithelcipse, lol
14:57.45Sniper_linu[TK]D-Fender, ok I'll do that
14:57.50hmmhesaysnice shots
14:58.28*** join/#asterisk webar7 (
14:58.49JenniferAkemi-oops. i guess you book guys already know about the typo on page 159, but just in case you don't it has MCARO_EXTEN instead of MACRO_EXTEN
14:59.04JenniferAkemi-ps. thanks for the book. love it.
14:59.11*** join/#asterisk ghenry (
14:59.32webar7I am almost there :) .... now when I am in the console and type sip show peers I get :
14:59.35webar7222/222                    (Unspecified)    D          0        UNKNOWN
14:59.35*** join/#asterisk _foxfire_ (
14:59.37hmm-homeahh the book
14:59.58hmmhesaysIs it good I i've never read a page out of it
15:00.03webar7but if I drop my firewall then I can see the peer
15:00.05NivexZaVoid: nice!  Mine didn't turn out as good
15:00.13JenniferAkemi-it's good for if you don't know anything when you start hmmhesays
15:00.17JenniferAkemi-which was me
15:00.26ZaVoidthanks Nivex
15:00.34webar7I have port 5060 open for my LAN so shouldn't I be able to see the phone?
15:00.38JenniferAkemi-and i bet there are some things in it that you don't even know about that could be totally useful
15:00.45JenniferAkemi-like the (!) template thing
15:01.01webar7do I need another set of ports open for the SIP registration to work?
15:01.36Sniper_linuThis is the pastein address, the SIP packet has been captured on the PSTN switch Server
15:01.47[TK]D-FenderSniper_linu: I said COMPLETE.
15:02.22[TK]D-FenderSniper_linu: and include your [general] section of sip.conf, and any peers matched in your attempt
15:03.03Sniper_linu[TK]D-Fender, I'll do that, thx a lot
15:03.04*** join/#asterisk wmaulik (n=wmaulik@
15:03.52JoseBravoAnyone can helpme?
15:05.02webar7isn't port 5060 sufficient?
15:05.17[TK]D-Fenderwebar7: NO
15:05.18stansmithwebar7: im taking a wild shot, but you opened tcp and udp?
15:05.19Sniper_linu[TK]D-Fender, the SIP request is on the following link
15:05.26[TK]D-Fenderwebar7: 10000-20000 as well
15:05.37Sniper_linu[TK]D-Fender, I'll paste now the sip.conf file
15:05.39webar7stansmith, yeah
15:06.02webar7[TK]D-Fender, yeah I did that part fron the rtp.conf
15:06.07[TK]D-FenderSniper_linu: Where is this debug coming from?
15:06.25webar7I'm sort of trunking different channels
15:06.39Sniper_linu[TK]D-Fender, This SIP packets has been captured on the PSTN gateway
15:06.42[TK]D-Fenderwebar7: Are you trying to have a remote phone register to an * beox that is behind NAT?
15:06.49[TK]D-FenderSniper_linu: obtained how?
15:06.55webar7calls come in and out via IAX but then go from the asterisk box to the phones using SIP
15:06.56Sniper_linu[TK]D-Fender, by a snoop
15:07.12[TK]D-FenderSniper_linu: NO.  I want' * CLI SIP debug at verbose 10 like I asked the first time.
15:07.50Sniper_linu[TK]D-Fender, Can you check please the SDP on the INVITE packet sent by the asterisk server?
15:08.08webar7[TK]D-Fender, basically  [internet cloud+POTS]<----->DID@ITSP<------IAX2----->[my LAN with *box]<---SIP--->phones
15:08.40_foxfire_hello guys, i am having a serious problem here at our university, we are running asterisk 1.2 and we want to upgrade to version 1.4. I 've changed the configuration files to be compatible with 1.4. Our system has an  Digium, Inc. Wildcard TE210P, when we start getting some calls , the hole thing crashed , after an cold reboot it took about 5-10 minutes to crash again.
15:08.43[TK]D-FenderSniper_linu: Please provide the output I have have now repeatedly requested.
15:08.44Sniper_linu[TK]D-Fender, if you check it then you'll find that the asterisk server is not trying to negotiate any codec there
15:08.45webar7[TK]D-Fender, since I am "translating" a system that worked under 1.2 to 1.4 I am fixing things but missing others
15:09.00Sniper_linuLet me do that plz
15:09.12_foxfire_unfortunatly the system is in production so i could not play araound and had to revert to 1.2 , the kernel dump pointed to an zaptel problem
15:09.24Sniper_linu[TK]D-Fender,  In the meantime can you check please the sip.conf file?
15:09.40[TK]D-Fender_foxfire_: Here's hoping that you upgraded Zaptel to an appropriate version as well, all from scratch
15:10.06_foxfire_iup upgraded all the modules to the last one
15:10.17[TK]D-FenderSniper_linu: sip.conf is where?
15:10.47*** join/#asterisk Brat3 (n=brast@unaffiliated/brat3)
15:11.08[TK]D-FenderSniper_linu: Where is your peer section header in there?
15:11.25*** join/#asterisk Koshatul (
15:11.43Sniper_linu[TK]D-Fender, this is all the file
15:11.49webar7[TK]D-Fender, basically the SIP phones aren't visible because of a firewall issue I guess ...
15:12.15webar7[TK]D-Fender, but I have opened every port between the phones and the * box :)
15:12.16Sniper_linu[TK]D-Fender, Should I add anything?
15:12.23[TK]D-FenderSniper_linu: fine, continue to get the infor I first asked for.
15:12.35[TK]D-Fenderwebar7: NOT ENOUGH : go read :
15:12.37jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT :  otherwise check the WIKI at
15:12.38*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (
15:12.46Sniper_linu[TK]D-Fender, ok let me do that please
15:13.08*** join/#asterisk Brat3 (n=brast@unaffiliated/brat3)
15:13.18webar7[TK]D-Fender, ok but tell me that what I am trying to do is OK :)
15:13.19_foxfire_running asterisk 1.4.18 and zaptel  1.4.8 libpri 1.4.3
15:13.32webar7[TK]D-Fender, [internet cloud+POTS]<----->DID@ITSP<------IAX2----->[my LAN with *box]<---SIP--->phones
15:13.44webar7SIP on the LAN only
15:14.05webar7with the trunk to my ITSP using IAX2
15:14.37webar7[TK]D-Fender, I'm afraid I forgot to turn on some simple channel2channel thingie somewhere
15:15.39[TK]D-Fender_foxfire_: update to Zaptel 1.4.9 and confirm that it is loading successfully then try to start * manually and pastebin the complete output of all of this.
15:15.42jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
15:16.08[TK]D-Fenderwebar7: pastebin is your friend.  Grab some meaningful output for us to examine.
15:16.16webar7my calls are only sip calls between the phone and the * box ... after that they go via the trunk ...
15:17.51_foxfire_ok D-Fender will do that , can't do it now , will do it as soon as possible
15:18.24_foxfire_thanx, did notice that 1.4.9 was out
15:18.48_foxfire_i meant i did not notice that 1.4.9 was out ;-)
15:21.34JoseBravo[TK]D-Fender how can I receive dax over Internet without SIP?
15:22.00[TK]D-FenderJoseBravo: Go read up on T.38
15:23.08*** join/#asterisk Maxfactor (
15:23.52*** join/#asterisk msetim (n=msetim@
15:24.06msetimhi guys
15:25.04msetimHow can put a call of an agent in Hold?
15:26.01robl^msetim: press the HOLD button on a phone?
15:26.34coppice[TK]D-Fender: that's not a nice thing to tell someone to do :-)
15:26.42msetimmsetim, without it... I would like to create an application... like #XX
15:26.53Maxfactorg'day all
15:26.59msetimrobl^,  without it... I would like to create an application... like #XX
15:27.34robl^msetim: then park the call
15:27.44wmaulikcan anyone link any tutorials that explains how to configure the pots line for an asterisk server
15:28.07Maxfactornew to the site...starting from scratch lol
15:28.25msetimrobl^, right :)
15:28.59msetimrobl^, however it is not "easy to use" to an agent working dialy in a Callcenter.
15:29.29robl^msetim: are you using analog phones or IP phones?
15:30.50msetimrobl^, we are using headset connected with ATA Linksys
15:31.34Maxfactorwhere will I get a good image of debian?
15:31.48Maxfactorwrong channel
15:31.55JayTee52wmaulik, try the O'Reilly book Asterisk, The Future of Telephony. It's available as a free PDF download on O'Reilly's site.
15:32.23*** part/#asterisk exvito (n=exvito@
15:32.34wmaulikthanks, do you have the link for the O'Reilly site
15:33.04robl^msetim: so.. analog.  do an attendend transfer to 700 and park the call.  you can use a dtmf button sequence for that.
15:33.39webar7ok does this look bad ?
15:34.12robl^msetim: if you want easier to use, buy your call center people phones that have "hold" buttons
15:34.30JayTee52wmaulik, try
15:34.34msetimrobl^, right :)
15:34.38msetimrobl^, thanks
15:36.18jbotYou can buy "Asterisk the Future of Telephony" at so go buy it SERIOUSLY
15:37.07*** join/#asterisk oppassum (
15:37.21oppassumhey all - newb question -- how do i enable "presence" and "buddywatch"?
15:37.41wmaulikjaytee52 it seems that this book costs money, do you know of any free tutorials
15:37.59jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
15:38.16robl^wmaulik: download a PDF of the book for free
15:38.37webar7OMFG it works
15:39.15webar7phone [222] is at IP phone address 192.168.28
15:39.35wmaulikit worked tyvm
15:39.50*** join/#asterisk Anthony_Senna (
15:40.13webar7and the asterisk box is at   .... in the host= line of the entry for [222] in my sip.conf file I had ....
15:40.25webar7(the address of the phone)
15:40.49Anthony_Sennahello everybody. I use asterisk 1.4.17 And I have this error when I try to hangup a call: Failed to authenticate on BYE to ..... How can I fixe?
15:40.49webar7but phone/user 222 registers on the asterisk box ...
15:40.56webar7so ...
15:42.49webar7  doesn't work ... but does
15:43.29webar7[TK]D-Fender, if you tell me that was my problem I will have to kill myself ...
15:43.53webar7I will attempt to kill myself and hopefully be revived
15:44.03JayTee52robl^, thanks for doing the book thing, I'd forgotten about it and couldn't find the link for the free download.
15:44.41webar7JayTee52, it is updated for 1.4 which is essential reading!
15:44.45Anthony_Sennaor somtimes I have this: Failed to authenticate on INVITE
15:45.04[TK]D-Fenderwebar7: Well you never even bothered to set your codecs.  That is very bad
15:45.07JayTee52yeah, I've got the 2nd edition PDF. I just couldn't find the link to give to wmaulik
15:45.13Poincareanyone have a clue about why 'hint' works on sip channels defined in the config file but not on sip channels defined via res_mysql?
15:45.31robl^webar7: your domain= is wrong in both
15:45.52wmaulikthats fine, but ya having an actual text book is much better than jumping for web tutorial to web tutorial
15:46.17webar7robl^, what should it be .. I got that tip from a user group
15:46.48JayTee52wmaulik, you can also reference and They both have loads of usefull info.
15:47.03oppassumhey all - newb question -- how do i enable "presence" and "buddywatch"?
15:48.04webar7robl^, I do get messages like --->    chan_sip.c:15051 handle_request_register: Registration from '222 <sip:222@>' failed for '' - Peer is not supposed to register
15:48.06robl^domain=,internal  is wrong.. should either be a domain name or an IP..  drop the ",internal" at least
15:48.30webar7I thought the context could go in there
15:49.23Sniper_linu[TK]D-Fender, still here?
15:49.30robl^context doesn't go there.  context is asterisk specific..  domain is a SIP protocol requirement.  you will get weird results
15:50.12[TK]D-FenderSniper_linu: Yes, finally have it?
15:50.14JoseBravoHow can I know what codec Im using in my SIP peer?
15:50.46Sniper_linu[TK]D-Fender, Yes I'll paste it soon
15:50.49*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
15:51.32*** join/#asterisk [T]ank (
15:51.45[T]ankAnyone else here using binfone?
15:52.56*** join/#asterisk eelcob (
15:54.37JoseBravoHow can I know what codec Im using in my SIP peer?
15:54.59[T]ankJoseBravo: sip show channels
15:55.30[T]ankthat will show you the codec you are currently using on connected calls.
15:55.56[T]ankif you are just interested in seeing what you have a peer set to either look at it in the sip.conf of do a sip show channele <sip peer>
15:56.01[T]anksip show channel
15:56.13[T]ankspelling is not my thing this morning apparently
15:57.43[T]ankcan anyone recommend a good residential voip provider? I am currently with binfone and they have been down for some reason for the last 24 hours. i have a pay per minute plan at about two cents per minute. recommendations would be appreciated.
15:57.45_foxfire_D-Fender , i am compiling zaptel as you recomended , there are several warning that pop up , i was ignoring it earlier because modules are build and loaded anyway without any problems
15:57.59_foxfire_WARNING: "_spin_unlock_irqrestore" [/usr/src/zaptel-1.4.9/kernel/wct4xxp/wct4xxp.ko] undefined!
15:58.20Sniper_linu[TK]D-Fender, Please check the following link
15:58.32*** part/#asterisk Alexandre_fr (
15:59.34[TK]D-FenderSniper_linu: I asked for sip debug, not core debu, and you are using FreePBX which is not supported here.
15:59.37jbot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
16:01.54robl^[TK]D-Fender:   Why do I get this on my screen?
16:02.23filerobl^: you have a virus! quick, run!
16:03.01*** join/#asterisk putnopvut (n=putnopvu@
16:04.00drmessanoVirus = Very Yes
16:04.04drmessanoComputer Over!
16:05.05PoincareI'm using Asterisk 1.4.17 with the mysql addons for sip configuration. When I do a 'core show hints', sip channels configured in mysql are always 'Idle', sip channels configured in sip.conf work properly. Any 'hints' for me?
16:05.09_foxfire_D-Fender by the way i am running aD-fender i am running kernel version , is it worth upgrading to the last one ?
16:05.38*** join/#asterisk egecko (
16:05.45filePoincare: they don't work with realtime.
16:05.48*** join/#asterisk mib_3vvtcz9a (i=0ca5bc82@gateway/web/ajax/
16:06.04Poincarefile: it worked in 1.2 but not anymore in 1.4 ???
16:06.30fileit was never designed to work with realtime... they require keeping stuff in memory, which doesn't happen with realtime unless you use caching
16:07.11Poincarefile: ah ok, and caching can be enabled or just isn't implemented?
16:07.26fileit's a sip.conf configuration option
16:07.36x86rtcachefriends=yes, generally
16:07.42fileI *think* it works with caching... haven't tested it
16:07.45Poincarefile: ah ok, I'll try that, thanks
16:07.47x86there's another cache option too
16:07.53x86forgot it though
16:07.55mib_3vvtcz9aI am running meetme on asterisk 1.14.13 and after a while for some users the audio is changed to oneway.(listen only) Did anybody experienced this?
16:08.22*** join/#asterisk CVirus (n=GoD@
16:08.36mib_3vvtcz9aSorry, I am running meetme on asterisk 1.4.13
16:08.53x86file: how do you do hints for a range of extensions? say I've got extensions 200-299 and devices SIP/200-SIP/299
16:09.01x86file: can i do those with one simple line?
16:09.24fileyou can not, there is a patch on the bug tracker that tries to implement it but I do not remember the number
16:09.37x86oh weak
16:09.59anonymouz666corydon wrote this patch
16:11.24*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (
16:13.21hmmhesaysx86, with a fancy bash script that writes them out for you
16:13.23x86file: yeah seems like even with caching it only shows Idle, or unavailable if that device is not registered
16:13.35x86hmmhesays: perl one-liner you mean? :)
16:13.42*** join/#asterisk jpeeler (n=jpeeler@
16:14.13hmmhesaysx86 that works too
16:14.20*** join/#asterisk adorah (n=Michael@
16:14.51x86seems hint support in asterisk is still not very mature yet
16:14.55x86will give it some more time :)
16:15.04Poincarefile: that does the trick, thanks for your help
16:15.20fileso we've got one where it doesn't work, and one where it does
16:15.30*** join/#asterisk seanbright (i=seanbrig@
16:16.07drmessanoIf Asterisk only does half as much as it needs to, it still does 3x as much as the other guys
16:16.12x86file: hmm interesting
16:16.39x86file: rtcachefriends=yes, rtupdate=yes, rtautoclear=yes # in my sip.conf
16:16.50hmmhesaysdrmessano, heh
16:17.01drmessanoWhen I was interviewing for this job, they read the stuff about Asterisk on my resume, and asked me if I thought I could work with Cisco VoIP stuff...
16:17.02x86file: using
16:17.17drmessanoI told them "Yeah, I may have to unlearn a few things.. but sure"
16:17.44x86drmessano: did you tell them you know how to flash cisco phones with the SIP firmware and use them with asterisk too? :)
16:18.20drmessanoNo, but they have no idea what's in store for them :)
16:18.30hmmhesayscisco's + asterisk = PITA
16:18.35hmmhesaysgo with a poly
16:19.16hmm-homeI need to find an old version of skype for linux, coming up short
16:19.20drmessano"Did you guys know you can sell a customer Asterisk and Polycom, undercut the other guy, and have a much greater profit margin?"
16:19.38hmm-homeI try and stay away from the end user market
16:19.43mib_3vvtcz9aCan anybody help me out why is dropping  audio in meetme conference?
16:19.44drmessano"Oh yeah, and it does more"
16:19.46JenniferAkemi-if i have two offices, and two phones, both for the same person, is it generally considered annoying if i only give them one mailbox?
16:19.57hmm-homeJenniferAkemi- I do it all the time
16:20.03JenniferAkemi-on the one hand it seems liek it would be easier to check etc
16:20.26hmm-homejust make sure when they go to check it they are only able to access one box, a well placed func IF takes care of it
16:20.28*** join/#asterisk timeshell (
16:20.28JenniferAkemi-but on the other hand, if you're sitting at DeskA and someone leaves a message at the phone at DeskB, then your MWI light turns on at DeskA that might bea nnoying
16:20.29drmessanoThats how I would do it.. Unless the person is one of those that likes things seperated
16:20.57timeshellIs anyone here familiar with the Panasonic Globarange phones that are preprogrammed to use JoiP?
16:21.01drmessano<stansmith> asl? <-- Who was that for?
16:21.03JenniferAkemi-ok thanks guys.
16:21.18drmessanoI'm a guy, dude.. stop hitting on me
16:21.20timeshellAre they locked to JoIP or can they be connected to a Asterisk?
16:21.47stansmithcat ran across the keyboard, sorry
16:22.07drmessanoand hit A, S, and L, followed by ? .... ?
16:22.20JenniferAkemi-do you have a function key bound to "asl?"
16:22.24stansmithyea, amazing how it doesnt have a thumb but could hit shift + ?
16:22.28Anthony_SennaHow can I fixe this message: Re-invite to non-existing call leg on other UA. When I hangup a call, my phone ringing during 1 second and hangup after
16:22.28hmm-homenow thats how you hit on someone
16:23.23pylinuxianhi - everyone !  anybody has any experience with Quantum Tenor DX2010
16:23.46JenniferAkemi-so calls on my g729 codec sound great. But the DTMFs aren't very good. The asterisk box doesnt' recognize them at all.
16:23.52drmessanoJenniferAkemi-, do you even allow PM's in your IRC client?
16:24.06drmessanoIf you do, you are brave
16:24.09hmm-homeonly from ugly trolls like me
16:24.22pylinuxianI need to connect my Digium Card to a Quintum DX2030
16:24.29pylinuxiananybody can help ?
16:24.29JenniferAkemi-i'm just good at ignoring people
16:24.35JenniferAkemi-(if necessary)
16:24.37hmm-homepylinuxian: fun
16:24.42mib_3vvtcz9aCan I ask for help?
16:24.56stansmithmib_3vvtcz9a: no
16:24.59JenniferAkemi-mostly i'm up for being amused though.
16:25.01hmmhesaysdon't ask to ask
16:25.02drmessanoBeing a female on IRC is bad enough, being one on the sausagefest known as freenode has to be worth hazardous duty pay
16:25.05[TK]D-FenderJenniferAkemi-: you should be using rfc2833
16:25.07pylinuxiananybody has any previouse exp in doing this ?.
16:25.12hmmhesayspylinuxian, yes
16:25.14x86drmessano: hah
16:25.18JenniferAkemi-thanks [TK]D-Fender
16:25.29pylinuxianhmmhesays, good
16:25.36drmessano"ZOMGGG A WOMAN!!!1112!!ONES!!! ASL??? ASL??? ZOMG"
16:25.39*** join/#asterisk eelcob (
16:25.41mib_3vvtcz9astansmith; thanks
16:25.51stansmithmy personal fave is "OMG BEWBZ LOL"
16:26.01JenniferAkemi-in my younger days i used to hang out on #sex on efnet :P
16:26.05pylinuxianhmmhesays, can i see your zaptel.conf & zapata.conf iles ?
16:26.23drmessanoJenniferAkemi-: Did you go through a lot of keyboards?
16:26.24hmmhesayspylinuxian, um no. Each configuration is different
16:26.27mib_3vvtcz9aI have issues with meetme conference
16:26.28*** join/#asterisk russellb (n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla)
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16:26.32x86drmessano: i always say legal/yes please/old enough.... seems to scare most people off ;)
16:26.35pylinuxianwell, I can get started
16:26.47x86drmessano: legal/yes please/anywhere you want it
16:26.49hmmhesayson a dx2030 i'm assuming your using E1
16:26.52pylinuxianare you interfacing E1 or T1 ?
16:26.55drmessanoOn IRC, all you need is "Are you pinay?"
16:26.58JenniferAkemi-heh. gotta go run. my year old is coming home early and she hates when i am on the treadmill.
16:27.00pylinuxianyep E1
16:27.02drmessanoA simple yes/no will suffice
16:27.06JenniferAkemi-two year old i mean
16:27.07pylinuxianfrom equal at france
16:27.11x86drmessano: pinay?
16:27.14pylinuxiane-qual is the provider
16:27.20hmmhesayspri, or cas?
16:27.45drmessanoI dont know the etemology, but pinay = from the philippines
16:27.57pylinuxianmy card is Digium TE212P
16:28.07pylinuxian2 ports
16:28.10hmmhesaysok, thats pretty straight forward then
16:28.19hmmhesaysyou want asterisk to be the master or the slave?
16:28.26drmessanoI've gotten thousands of PMs from group of islands
16:28.26x86drmessano: it's a female from the phillipines
16:28.30drmessanoAh ok
16:28.32x86drmessano: aka Filipina
16:28.37pylinuxianslave you mean clock side ?
16:28.39x86drmessano: wikipedia++ :)
16:28.39*** join/#asterisk jbigbee (n=jbigbee@
16:28.58drmessanoThere I go.. Never once bothered to look it up, but I used it lol
16:29.56*** join/#asterisk SteveTotaro (
16:30.14hmm-homeslave/master  user/network   whatever you want to call it
16:30.32pylinuxianok then : Master
16:31.19*** join/#asterisk arguile (
16:31.46hmm-homeshould be pretty straight forward, where are you having your troubles?
16:31.50*** join/#asterisk afed (n=rooot@2001:470:1f07:360:211:11ff:fec4:45f1)
16:32.04jbotasteriskcat is probably not amused
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16:32.17pylinuxianwell, its my first interfacing with DX2030 hardware
16:32.17[TK]D-Fenderpylinuxian: what are you connecting to each end of this unit, and why?
16:32.28hmm-home[TK]D-Fender: its a quintum
16:32.33[TK]D-FenderhmmI see that.
16:32.41SteveTotaroquintum rulez
16:32.42hmmhesaysI'm having multiple personalities today
16:32.43*** part/#asterisk arguile (
16:32.51[TK]D-Fenderhmm-home: Doesn't say HOW he's trying to use it
16:32.52mib_3vvtcz9aHi everyone. Does anybody experience oneway audio in conference?
16:32.55hmmhesaysI use quintum pretty heavily for ds3 and under installs
16:33.11SteveTotaroi have setup four quintum tenor ax 24 FXS boxes
16:33.15pylinuxianAsterisk <--> Digium TE212P <---> DX2030
16:33.30hmmhesaysSteveTotaro, I've probably done 3-400 quintum installs in my life
16:33.33x86I'm happy with CAC for channel banks
16:34.09[TK]D-Fenderpylinuxian: Since the DX2030 speaks SIP, why go through it in the first place since * can ALREADY talk SIP?
16:34.09hmmhesaysI'm going to guess, radius
16:34.09grandpapadotI have a number of Queues (asterisk 1.2.26), they have members.  Some members are in more than one queue.  Is there a way for the queue to check if a member is on the phone before sending a call?  I know it won't send the call if the member pulled a call from the queue, but what about other calls?
16:34.15*** part/#asterisk afed (n=rooot@2001:470:1f07:360:211:11ff:fec4:45f1)
16:34.18stansmithdoes anyone here run Arch linux for use with asterisk?
16:34.20pylinuxianwell, I need more advice then i thought then
16:34.23[TK]D-Fenderpylinuxian: Thats like speaking english to a translator, having that translator speak french to another translator who'll translate it back to enlish.
16:34.31*** join/#asterisk zeeesh (i=zeeesh@
16:34.47hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender, radius would be a huge reason, or h.323 translation
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16:34.52hmmhesaysthere are many reasons why you would do that
16:35.00[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays: None of which I've heard
16:35.04pylinuxian[TK]D-Fender : I need to do other stuff than just place sip calls
16:35.18[TK]D-Fenderpylinuxian: So indeed, what exactly are you trying to accomplish with it?
16:35.37hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender, radius accounting and authentication would be the big one
16:35.45lirakisgrandpapadot: if it is not a call from the queue.. it will try and send calls to the agent :( (from my experience) .. id love to figure out how to make this not happen
16:35.51hmmhesaysasterisk + radius = suck.
16:36.00lirakisif .. any one has a way to do it.. id be very happy :)
16:36.05grandpapadotlirakis: yea, that's what we're having.  hmm....
16:36.07[TK]D-Fenderpylinuxian: So * already can talk SIP, and has a PRI interface of its own.  I still don't see what this DX2030 is suppsed to be doing for you.
16:36.13pylinuxianasterisk + other applications <-----> Digium TE212P <----> Quintum DX2030 from provider for long distance calls
16:36.28x86quintum is a full VoIP switch eh?
16:36.32x86no need for asterisk?
16:36.35hmmhesaysok its ignore hmmhesays day
16:36.38[TK]D-Fenderpylinuxian: How is the DX2030 connected to this provider?
16:36.46pylinuxianvia satellite link
16:36.54[TK]D-Fenderx86: its a simple SIP/PRI gateway
16:37.06hmmhesayshardly simple
16:37.09pylinuxianPRI in here
16:37.19stansmithhardly simple or simply hard?
16:37.20[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays: You can tell me 100 MORE possible uses that have NOTHING to do with his needs if you want to, but really, whats the point?
16:37.36[TK]D-Fenderpylinuxian: So you have a PRI from the telco?
16:37.40grandpapadotHmm.. maybe tackle this from the phone's side, silence the call waiting ring ...
16:37.43mib_3vvtcz9aTK]D-Fender: can you help me out with some audio issues?
16:37.44pylinuxianyep PRI
16:37.45hmmhesaysmaybe he's using radius, maybe he's using h.323, maybe he's transcoding g.723 over a satellite link
16:37.59[TK]D-Fenderpylinuxian: Then what are you doing as far as SIP is concerned?
16:38.07hmmhesaysall of which are good reasons to have that gateway sitting there
16:38.34ruiedI need an opinion, I'm choosing my sip phone codec, I'm planning PCMU for the Intranet and g729 transcoding for sip ans isdn trunks... is it a good solution?
16:38.52ruied(several phones)
16:38.57pylinuxian[TK]D-Fender : I don't understand you, you mean i can place call on the DX2030 without using my digium card ?
16:39.23[TK]D-Fenderpylinuxian: you can do this DIRECTLY through your Digium card and have no NEED for the DX2030 at all.
16:39.51[TK]D-Fenderpylinuxian: Plug your TE212P into your telco-provided PRI and you're DONE.  You have no need of the DX2030 in this case
16:41.01pylinuxianwell, actually the DX2030 is the actuall PRI interface that i have here .... there is no other PRI interface as far as i can see
16:41.08hmmhesaysunless he needs g.723 and or radius
16:42.28pylinuxianT1/E1 and Fractional T1/E1 with a built in CSU.
16:42.28pylinuxianT1/E1 Signaling:
16:42.28pylinuxianChannel Associated Signaling (CAS)
16:42.28pylinuxianCommon Channel Signaling (CCS)
16:44.05pylinuxianso ?
16:44.31[TK]D-Fenderpylinuxian: Take the PRI jack out of the DX2030, plug it into the TE212P and you're DONE.
16:45.27pylinuxian[TK]D-Fender : satellite dish <-----> reciever <----> quintum <-----> digium card <---> asterisk
16:45.53pylinuxiani must go thru dx2030 to get to link of service provider
16:45.58[TK]D-Fenderpylinuxian: what does this receiver pass to your Quintum?
16:46.42*** join/#asterisk Corydon76-vcch (i=red@pdpc/supporter/bronze/Corydon76-home)
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16:46.49pylinuxianits a VoIP provider
16:47.07pylinuxianover satellite
16:47.12stansmiththats sick
16:47.18SteveTotarothat is lag city
16:47.25stansmithis it?
16:47.28[TK]D-Fenderpylinuxian: So this "receiver" is talking SIP to your quintum?
16:47.42pylinuxianhow would i know ?
16:47.48*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
16:47.55pylinuxianI know only that the quintum is providing E1
16:48.05[TK]D-Fenderpylinuxian: Holy crap, you have NO CLUE what you're even doing NOW.
16:48.27[TK]D-Fenderpylinuxian: Go call a tech to figure out what you've got now and why its set up the way it is
16:48.37SteveTotarosend me your quintum gear, i hear it is no good ;)
16:48.40drmessano[11:36] <[TK]D-Fender> pylinuxian: So you have a PRI from the telco? [11:36] <pylinuxian> yep PRI   <-- FAIL.. the dx2030 is his "PRI"
16:48.56[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: I WANT MY WEEKEND BACK
16:49.04drmessanoSorry dude :(
16:49.23Dovidever since upgrading to 1.4X I am unable to use MP3's for MOH. What am i missing ?
16:49.42[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: we oughtta form some sort of club....
16:49.42[TK]D-FenderDovid: asterisk-addons?
16:49.49drmessano[TK]D-Fender: Sometimes "No" means "No", and "Yes" means "I have no idea what I am talking about, applesauce, yes I have a PRI"
16:49.58*** part/#asterisk jivco (n=jivco@
16:50.22stansmithDovid: you need mpg123 if you want to play back mp3 moh
16:50.29pylinuxian[TK]D-Fender : what is wrong with my setup ?
16:50.34[TK]D-Fenderstansmith: NO.
16:50.40Dovidstansmith: Argh !!!!
16:50.43*** join/#asterisk methods[laptop] (n=daquino@
16:50.55[TK]D-Fenderpylinuxian: We can't tell, you can't even adequately describe it.
16:51.03stansmith[TK]D-Fender: dont kill the messenger.....
16:51.04drmessano[TK]D-Fender: Don't get frustrated, let the bunny handle it:
16:51.27stansmithsomeone else send [TK]D-Fender a link
16:51.28methods[laptop]when you run asterisk does it keep recreating the ctl file constantly ?
16:51.29[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Comedy gold!
16:52.10[TK]D-Fenderstansmith: That guide is BS.
16:52.17stansmithi didnt write it
16:52.21pylinuxian[TK]D-Fender : I ll get back to you in a while
16:52.29stansmiththats what happens when you google
16:52.38[TK]D-Fenderstansmith: You only spewed its misinformation to others :)
16:52.51methods[laptop]why would the startup script remove the ctl file ?
16:53.13x86so these Quintum devices are used basically to terminate T1/E1 lines and do SIP/H323 trunking to the phone system?
16:53.22jbotmethinks wut is a lamer way of saying what
16:53.29stansmith[TK]D-Fender: im not seeing how that guide is BS, even if that mp3 playback is wrong, the rest of it looks legit
16:53.43pylinuxianx86 : yes
16:53.54*** join/#asterisk joelsolanki (i=joelsola@
16:54.04x86seems kind of cool, actually
16:54.10drmessanoWe need a #jobot-commits channel
16:54.12pylinuxianx86 : but for me they only terminate E1 lines
16:54.14drmessanoWe need a #jbot-commits channel
16:54.44pylinuxianthe rest of what they do i don't care
16:55.00stansmith~hi joelsolanki
16:55.01jbotMany greetings, joelsolanki, most strange traveller, to this IRCdom of plenty.
16:55.47joelsolankiis there any proven ss7 implementation available other than sangoma SMG ? i want to use with sangoma A104D card
16:55.59*** join/#asterisk javar (n=javar@
16:56.05signiuswhy dint the thumbs work on that guide tho
16:56.19*** join/#asterisk simbol76ss (
16:56.24javarsmsq support sip?
16:56.27drmessanoOk, so I have a POTS line from my telco
16:56.39drmessanoOk well, it's kind of a POTS line
16:56.41x86I want to see an SS7 over IP implementation with asterisk... that'd be hawt
16:56.50drmessanoHas anyone ever heard of Vontage?
16:57.19joelsolankithe opensource available implementation is chan_ss7
16:57.24stansmithvoip provider, no?
16:57.36[TK]D-Fenderstansmith: plenty of errors in there and hard links to ancient versions
16:57.37drmessanoGoogle is my ISP and I guess Vontage is my AT&T
16:57.42simbol76ssin che senso
16:57.43joelsolankiwant to check if any body using chan_ss7 on production server ?
16:57.47simbol76ssvoip provider??
16:58.26drmessanoWut I want to no is, can I make Google calls on Vontage like Myspace without Firefox??!?!?!??!
16:59.04defsworkso, how does jabber integration work ?
16:59.27drmessanoYou can send messages to Jabber clients from within the dialplan
16:59.34Dovidstansmith: I have it installed.
16:59.38defsworkthat it ?
16:59.50defsworkmore annoying than useful :)
16:59.59drmessanoYou can do Gtalk voice as well, but I could care less about that
17:00.12*** join/#asterisk kahless_ (
17:00.24defsworkI install jabber servers at all my customer sites - was wondering if it might be of use
17:00.27kahless_hi all
17:00.30drmessanoI use it
17:00.34stansmith~hi kahless_
17:00.35jbotMany greetings, kahless_, most strange traveller, to this IRCdom of plenty.
17:00.59defsworkdrmessano: for what kind of messages ?
17:01.03joelsolankiany guys using ss7 in asterisk /?
17:01.04davevg-btwtechnot annoying if you want to use the jabber messaging for screen pops
17:01.11drmessanoI sent out call notifications and can have it send me server stats when I dial certain extensions
17:01.28mib_3vvtcz9ameetme audio drop audio on asterisk 1.4? What I am doing wrong?
17:01.48drmessanoIt's kinda neat as an additional notification if doing any voicemail blasting
17:01.57defsworkdavevg-btwtech: you can just do screen pops ?  is that a client specific thing or built into xmpp ?
17:02.13*** join/#asterisk DarKnesS_WolF (n=sherif@unaffiliated/sherif)
17:02.26drmessanoOpenfire does screen pops
17:02.50davevg-btwtechdefswork, we use jabber for screen pops, each client has a java app using the smack library
17:02.53drmessanoUse it with the Asterisk-IM module
17:02.57kahless_is there any asterisk (or out of the box thigy) which supports isdn configuartion via gui?
17:03.08defsworkAre they just status notifications ?
17:03.16drmessanoCall notifications
17:03.23drmessanoStatus notifications
17:03.26drmessanoIntegrated dialing
17:03.43drmessanoRight click and call another extension
17:03.51drmessanoPopup to dial any number
17:04.14defsworkI might have a play then - would be useful for a popup showing each incoming call at least
17:04.26*** join/#asterisk simbol76ss (
17:04.34drmessanoAre you using ejabberd?
17:04.43Dovidstansmith: any other ideas ?
17:04.51defsworkno - I've got jabberd and jabberd2
17:05.05drmessanoOpenfire is the way to go with Asterisk
17:05.27defsworkI put a jabber server on all my office installs so customers can msg each other and also msg me
17:05.30stansmithDovid: how do your modules.conf and musiconhold.conf files look?
17:05.44defsworkgot some scripts I wrote to prepopulate and repopulate rosters
17:05.56defsworkmuch easier with jabberd2-mysql
17:07.05*** join/#asterisk esaym (
17:07.12defsworkI don't fancy openfire
17:07.20defsworkjava :o
17:07.28stansmithjava = tits!
17:08.54webar7ejabberd is nice
17:09.28webar7whey do I keep getting this message?
17:09.31webar7chan_sip.c:15051 handle_request_register: Registration from '222 <sip:222@>' failed for '' - Not a local domain
17:09.47webar7"Not a local domain" is driving me nuts
17:09.56drmessanodefswork, you mean like adding new users to everyones rosters?
17:10.01webar7is it a DNS SRV thing?
17:10.03defsworkdrmessano: yes
17:10.06drmessanoOh god
17:10.14drmessanoOpenfire does all this from the GUI.. two clicks
17:10.21drmessanoWeb GUI
17:10.31defsworkso everyone sees everyone in the same company, departmentalised etc..
17:10.34webar7ejabberd has a web gui too
17:10.51defsworkyou kids and your web guis
17:10.51drmessanoYes, but it doesnt have Asterisk support
17:10.53drmessanoMove along
17:11.29drmessanoMy point, defswork, was that it has really tight asterisk integration, and the support for groups is outstanding
17:11.45defsworkyeah - but it's java :)
17:11.55drmessano...which means it's better?
17:12.14drmessanoCould be worse.. WTF is an ERLANG?
17:12.25defsworkheh true :)
17:12.37webar7java is open source :-)  sun will make it available real soon now
17:12.40drmessanoI thought an ERLANG was 2 kilometers across a pasture in dublin
17:13.22drmessanoI've been using Openfire for over a year now.. it's damn solid
17:13.31drmessanoEven Spark is 10x better than it was even 8 months ago
17:13.41drmessanoThe asterisk stuff pwns
17:13.43defsworkI've been using jabberd for at least 5
17:14.15drmessanoI was playing with XMPP back in the late 90s :P
17:14.39stansmithsun jdk crushes gcj in terms of performance
17:15.02robl^I've been using Ms. PacMan since the 80s!
17:15.12defsworkcan't remember when I first started using it - I was working in Edinburgh at the time
17:15.21drmessanoI got PacMan back in 79
17:15.24defsworkrobl^: I heard she was using you
17:15.46defsworkshe's still seeing Mr Pacman on the side
17:15.48drmessanoPacman was the worst first person shooter ever
17:16.06robl^defswork: shhh.  let me keep up with my fantasy of being the user.  its less painful and traumatic that way
17:16.21defsworkrobl^: don't aspire to be a user
17:16.27defsworkAdmins rule!
17:16.51*** join/#asterisk digime (n=digime@
17:17.20digimeLooking for a toll free DID provider in USA, any suggestions?
17:18.16defsworkanything interesting happening on the adhearsion front ?
17:18.53defsworkI'm doing some rails work at the moment - wouldn't mind playing with some adhearsion asterisk stuff
17:19.13*** part/#asterisk joelsolanki (i=joelsola@
17:20.25kahless_is there any asterisk (or out of the box thigy) version which supports isdn configuartion via gui?
17:20.37defsworkkahless_: get away
17:20.47defsworkkahless_: whats the point of that - you only do it once
17:21.34kahless_yeah, but i dont spam, i only ask twice
17:21.56defsworkyou only setup ISDN once - then it's done
17:22.07defsworkwhat would the point of a web gui for it be
17:22.19stansmithkahless_: respond
17:22.23kahless_.. oops (sorry im too tired, totally misunderstood you)
17:22.40defsworkthe sangoma install autocreates the 3 files needed
17:23.08defsworkthen you just need to spend 3 hours hunting through the mostly wrong information about configuring it on the internet
17:23.31*** part/#asterisk [T]ank (
17:23.44kahless_if isdn is working, then i can configure the other stuff with the gui?
17:23.52defsworkother stuff ?
17:24.12defsworkif you mean dial plans and stuff - freepbx
17:24.25kahless_defswork: like voicebox
17:25.11kahless_defswork: not only voicebox, voip too
17:25.30robl^most asterisk configuration GUIs are limit much of the flexibility in asterisk -- restricting you to doing things a certain way..  plus.. they make a mess out of the configuration files
17:25.54defsworkrobl^: freepbx is pretty good imho
17:26.06Migranedoes asterisk support caller id with name on a PRI line?
17:26.17MigraneI'm getting number now, no name.
17:26.26defsworkMigrane: your telco provides the name ?
17:26.29QwellMigrane: nothing does.  you need to call your telco to set it.
17:26.51*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (n=arodgers@
17:27.00Migraneso if they set it on their side, I won't have to do anything on mine?
17:27.12Qwellcorrect.  if they allow setting it.
17:27.18Qwelland I assume you mean sending?
17:27.26defsworkheh - I assumed receiving
17:27.32Migranenono, Im not getting name on my incoming calls.
17:27.41Qwelloh, well tell your telco you want name
17:27.53defsworkMigrane: name of who ?
17:27.54robl^defswork: its not BAD, but it still restrictive and tends to create overly complex config files that are difficult to debug..  but if somoene is willing to work within those limits, then go ahead with freepbx --at least that is my impression of it
17:28.00stansmithCID info is sent through the copper, correct?
17:28.00Migranethe name of the incoming caller.
17:28.10defsworkMigrane: how would your telco know that ?
17:28.23Qwellthey would look it up in the big callerid database
17:28.26Migranecaller id with name?
17:28.55robl^hey twisted one
17:29.01defsworkMigrane: I lookup the CLI against a phonebook to get the name
17:29.33twistedMigrane: you have to ask your PRI vendor for name
17:29.42Qwellpersonally, I just memorize the phone book, so when I get an incoming call, I know who it's from.
17:29.44defsworkQwell: there's such a thing ?
17:29.52Qwelldefswork: how do you think phonebooks are made?
17:30.09twistedQwell: magic!
17:30.22defsworkQwell: I'm ex-directory
17:30.38Migranedefs: Doesnt it work just the same as caller-id with name on pots lines?
17:30.48robl^I know this one!  I saw it on "How Things Are Made"..  Starts with a tree that gets turned into paper
17:30.59defsworkMigrane: we don't have such a thing in the uk
17:31.10javarsomebody knows if smsq works over SIP?
17:31.28Migranedefs: That explains it.. You guys are still driving on the left side of the road as well...
17:31.42defsworkMigrane: we're waiting for you to join us
17:32.10MigraneMigrane: I actually do drive on the left, friday when I'm loaded.
17:32.19robl^Migrane: shh.. they're still upset about the whole tea into the ocean business.
17:32.34twistedi invented the phone.
17:32.36defsworkrobl^: yeah that gutted us that did
17:32.39stansmithmy uncles friend did
17:32.44SteveTotaroit was a harbor not an ocean
17:32.48defsworkso much dunking opportunity wasted
17:32.50MigraneI invented the internet.
17:32.58twistedMigrane: you're Al Gore?
17:33.08stansmithi used to kick it with denzel washington
17:33.14robl^SteveTotaro: true.. But I like to exagerate a bit ;-)
17:33.16defsworkcan you kick it ?
17:33.40*** join/#asterisk lonebobwhite (n=rleblanc@
17:33.56stansmithlonebobwhite: o yea?
17:33.56twistedlonebobwhite : a-
17:34.52*** join/#asterisk angryuser (
17:36.16*** join/#asterisk Peaceful (n=peaceful@
17:36.48PeacefulMy polycom 550 won't dial 3-digit numbers--weird!
17:36.54*** join/#asterisk slima (i=slima@unaffiliated/slima)
17:37.10PeacefulI just tried upgrading to the 2.2.2 polycom firmware, and it STILL won't dial 3-digit numbers!
17:37.17PeacefulWon't even send the request to asterisk
17:37.25PeacefulHas anyone ever encountered that before?
17:37.26QwellPeaceful: fix your phones dialplan
17:37.46PeacefulQwell, I just reset it to the default digitmap for 2.2.2, if that's what you mean
17:37.56*** join/#asterisk stkn|work (n=stkn|wor@gentoo/developer/
17:38.03Qwelldoes the default digitmap know about 3 digit numbers?
17:38.09Qwell(the answer may surprise you)
17:38.25PeacefulThe first one ought to match 911, at least
17:38.34Peacefuland 911 gives me the same error
17:38.51PeacefulI tried adding 3xx, for my 300-level extensions, and that didn't change anything
17:39.07Peaceful(rebooted the phone and verified the config on the phone, of course)
17:39.33drmessanoWhatever happened to letting Asterisk manage it..
17:39.49*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
17:40.22drmessanoMore problems are caused by stupid phone dialplans than anything else
17:40.46drmessanoYou make it generic as hell, and asterisk will tell you if you did something wrong
17:40.54Peacefuldrmessano, regardless of the dialplan, the phone won't let you send a 3-digit number at all.  Not even pressing the "send" soft-button.
17:41.15drmessano[12:37] <Qwell> does the default digitmap know about 3 digit numbers? <--- O.o
17:41.23[TK]D-FenderPeaceful: show us your dialplan
17:41.55drmessanoEveryones diaplan is perfect until .. it's not
17:41.56PeacefulThe dialplan itself actually works; if I add "3xx" as a pattern, pressing "301" will make the "send" soft button disappear, but the phone says "Enter more digits" and doesn't send anything to asterisk.
17:42.04Peaceful[TK]D-Fender, I DID  ^^
17:42.21[TK]D-FenderPeaceful: that does not account for 3XX
17:42.21Peacefulhere it is again: dialplan.digitmap="[2-9]11|0T|011xxx.T|[0-1][2-9]xxxxxxxxx|[2-9]xxxxxxxxx|[2-9]xxxT"
17:42.33Peacefulyou're right, like I said, I set it back to default
17:42.45[TK]D-FenderPeaceful: And you're wondering why it doesn't work?
17:43.02[TK]D-FenderPeaceful: > insert "duh" here <
17:43.07Peacefulthe problem's not the auto-dialing, it's that the phone refuses to send 3-digit extensions at all, whether auto-dialed due to the digitmap or manually entered with the "send" soft button
17:43.22PeacefulThe phone displays "Enter more digits"
17:43.33PeacefulI'm using 911 to test right now
17:43.40Peacefulor 211, or 311, or 411, etc.
17:43.50angryusersouns like a stupid problem
17:43.56*** join/#asterisk LiNeTuX (
17:43.56drmessanoIt is
17:44.05[TK]D-FenderPeaceful: sounds like you should be staring at sip debug while you're at it.
17:44.40*** join/#asterisk zobia (n=laurashr@
17:44.41Peaceful[TK]D-Fender, that's worth a try.  Maybe it is actually sending "something" to asterisk...
17:44.52zobiahello i am using 1.4.18
17:44.55Peacefulthough the console shows nothing with debug and verbose to 99
17:45.05stansmithzobia: im using 1.4.17
17:45.07zobiabut i keep get RTCP Read too short when i using sip trunk. anyone knows why this happened?
17:45.18drmessanoI am on 1.4.18 too!
17:45.24drmessanoLETS BE FRUNDS!
17:45.34stansmithdrmessano: add him to your top 8
17:45.42Qwelltop 8 is so 2006
17:45.50drmessanoTop24, bitches
17:45.57zobiastansmith:i was using 1.4.17 2 days ago. just upgrade to this one
17:46.03Peaceful[TK]D-Fender, so I turned on sip debug for the IP of the polycom phone, entered "911", got NO output, and the phone displays "Enter more digits"
17:46.06robl^not MyFaves?
17:46.06drmessanozobia: You rock
17:46.16stansmithzobia: ive been developing on top of 1.4.17, to risky to upgrade despite newer versions
17:46.19drmessanoI TOTALLY JUST upgraded TOO
17:46.41drmessanoI was like, 1.4.17 is so teh kewl
17:46.43*** join/#asterisk anthm (
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17:46.50LiNeTuXdrmessano: you forgot to say "LIKE"
17:46.51drmessanoand liek, russellb was like, "zomg, 1.4.18"
17:46.57drmessanoand I was all like "ZOMG, NO WAI"
17:47.01drmessanoand he was liek "Yah"
17:47.05zobiaok. so any one knows why i get RTCP Read too short using sip trunk for 1.4 version
17:47.07drmessanoand I was like "ZUPGRADED!"
17:47.35stansmithzobia: are you trying to execute Read() in the dialplan?
17:47.41*** join/#asterisk mort_gib (
17:47.46drmessanoOh, he actually has a problem
17:47.50*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
17:47.50clickonceThe default voice files, invalid, etc where are they located? I can't find them anywhere on my disk.
17:47.57zobiastansmith: no i don't use read()
17:48.26zobiastansmith: i think it happened when it using voicemail()
17:48.36russellbdrmessano: ORLY?!
17:48.44stansmith~pb zobia
17:48.51angryuseri wonder whne 1.6 will be released, or at least RC1
17:48.57stansmith~pb | zobia
17:49.03PeacefulSoooo...polycom's just don't handle 3-digit numbers?  Must make it dangerous for emergencies...
17:49.08stansmithzobia: pastebin the error
17:49.52Peaceful[TK]D-Fender, I messed up.  I mistyped the sip debug command.
17:49.57[TK]D-FenderPeaceful: You've messed something up...
17:50.00Peaceful[TK]D-Fender, now there IS some output
17:50.01zobia[Feb 21 17:41:21] WARNING[26795]: rtp.c:891 ast_rtcp_read: RTCP Read too short
17:50.02x86Peaceful: polycom will support anything you want
17:50.11zobiastansmith: [Feb 21 17:41:21] WARNING[26795]: rtp.c:891 ast_rtcp_read: RTCP Read too short
17:50.16*** part/#asterisk simbol76ss (
17:50.17jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
17:50.19Peacefulok, so let's see what this sip debug output means...
17:50.30x86Peaceful: play with the dialplan in the phone
17:51.19Peacefulx86, [TK]D-Fender: Here's my sip debug that I'm looking through:
17:51.45*** topic/#asterisk by russellb -> Asterisk: The Open Source Telephony Application Platform ( -=- Asterisk, -Addons, Libpri 1.6.0-beta4 (2008/02/21), Asterisk 1.4.18 (2008/02/07), *-Addons 1.4.5 (2007/12/1), Zaptel 1.4.9 (2008/02/18), Libpri 1.4.3 (2007/12/13) -=- #asterisknow or #asterisk-gui for AsteriskNOW ( -=- #switchvox for Switchvox ( -=- #freepbx for FreePBX/trixbox
17:52.14*** topic/#asterisk by russellb -> Asterisk: The Open Source Telephony Application Platform ( -=- Asterisk 1.6.0-beta4 (2008/02/21), Asterisk 1.4.18 (2008/02/07), *-Addons 1.4.6 (2008/02/21), Zaptel 1.4.9 (2008/02/18), Libpri 1.4.3 (2007/12/13) -=- #asterisknow or #asterisk-gui for AsteriskNOW ( -=- #switchvox for Switchvox ( -=- #freepbx for FreePBX/trixbox
17:52.32*** topic/#asterisk by russellb -> Asterisk: The Open Source Telephony Application Platform ( -=- Asterisk 1.6.0-beta4 (2008/02/21), Asterisk 1.4.18 (2008/02/07), *-Addons 1.4.6, 1.6.0-beta2 (2008/02/21), Zaptel 1.4.9 (2008/02/18), Libpri 1.4.3 (2007/12/13) -=- #asterisknow or #asterisk-gui for AsteriskNOW ( -=- #switchvox for Switchvox ( -=- #freepbx for FreePBX/trixbox
17:52.51LiNeTuXQuestion: is there a reason to include a dialrule on a trunk if the only route using that trunk already has a dial pattern associated with it?
17:53.06zobiastansmith: i am not sure it's becoz of voicemail(). it just show on CLI so frequently.
17:53.37stansmithzobia: you got to post more then that
17:54.02zobiastansmith: each line are the same like that except timestamp
17:54.40russellbwhat about beta3
17:54.47drmessano-Addons 1.4.6, 1.6.0-beta2 (2008/02/21),
17:54.49russellbbeta3 had some silly codec/format bugs
17:55.07russellbnah, -addons is only at beta2
17:55.16drmessanoIm dumb
17:55.20russellbyes, you are.
17:55.23russellbj/k!  <3
17:55.34drmessanoI was misreading the commas
17:55.45drmessanoAddons 1.4.6 and 1.6.0beta2
17:55.51drmessanoSAD FACE
17:56.04drmessanoI was thinking 1.6.0 went back a beta
17:56.12russellbthat would be amusing :)
17:56.20drmessano"Screw it, going back to Beta 2..... .1"
17:56.40drmessanoA beta x.1 release would be hilarious
17:56.44drmessano"OH, COME ON!"
17:57.24clickonceWhat format would you recommend for "record"? I.e. for recording voicemail messages.
17:57.26zobiastansmith: any idea?
17:57.27drmessanoNo worse than Wine 0.97.516.12.11alpha6
17:57.38stansmithnot sure, but that might help you pin point it a little more
17:57.44drmessanoWine "screw 1.0, we're having fun with the Betas"
17:58.03zobiastansmith: thank you . let me read
17:58.12Qwelldrmessano: I think they broke 0.100
17:58.24JayTee52we could be more like Microsoft and call all our alpha code versions beta and our beta code versions RTM..........on second thought let's not.
17:58.25drmessanoNo way.. now thats funny
17:58.28Qwellwait, no, they cheated
17:58.35russellbthat's not even numerically valid ...
17:58.36russellboh well
17:58.38drmessanoI always love 0.9 releases that go to 0.10
17:58.48russellbi guess we do that too
17:58.49russellboh well
17:58.54russellb1.4.9, 1.4.10
17:58.59stansmith0.10 > 0.9, duh
17:59.02drmessanoSure.. but 0.x is the kicker
17:59.08WayhighI vote for you being like Oracle and only fixing known bugs 6 months later..
17:59.12PeacefulSo the closest thing that I can find to an explanation to the 3-digit not dialing is: "SIP/2.0 484 Address Incomplete" on line 264 of
17:59.14drmessano0.99 >>>> 0.100
17:59.17clickoncestansmith: 0.10 < 0.9 :)
17:59.29stansmithok, i was joking
17:59.31drmessanoThat's the easy way to never hit 1.0
17:59.31clickoncestansmith: if it had been 0.09 it would have been correct
17:59.39stansmithclickonce: i know lol
17:59.47russellbbetter use 0.00009, and leave some room
18:00.28drmessanoI can deal with the Asterisk release system.. At least 1.4.18 is more honest than 3 full version releases a year because the numbers ran out
18:00.33drmessanoAsterisk 11.0 coming in may!
18:01.11outtoluncAsterisk 3000
18:01.15russellbasterisk 1.6 <3
18:01.19russellb1.6 is the hotness
18:01.32russellbthat is all
18:01.38drmessanoI'm gonna load 1.6 later on
18:01.49drmessanoI'm not scared anymore
18:02.09*** join/#asterisk generalhan (
18:02.14russellbdrmessano: let me know how it goes
18:02.25russellbdon't forget to read UPGRADE.txt, though
18:02.26drmessanoYou know I will
18:02.33russellband fix your dialplan ...  s/|/,/g
18:02.36drmessanoYou'll hear ALLLLL about it
18:03.06*** join/#asterisk mmmToop (
18:03.06drmessanoI just got a ream of paper to print upgrade.txt
18:04.37drmessanoI was reading through chan_sip.c the other day and noticed how unfunny the comments are
18:04.45drmessanoYou need more comment drama
18:04.50russellbyeah, we don't have enough humor in our code
18:05.15drmessanoFixed this crap that russell threw in, guess he was drunk at the time
18:06.15generalhanhey all, its been a long time since i messed with my TE210, can some one take a look at my zaptel/zapata config sections to make sure that i have this properly setup, please !
18:06.43generalhanrather the TDM40B is what i need to be sure is setup correctly. the TE is working just fine
18:06.46clickonceIs it possible to send a beep to the client? I.e. record message after the beep.
18:06.57drmessanoSo anyway
18:07.10generalhanclickonce: there is a beep file in the sounds folder
18:07.28drmessanoI guess I need to generate some patches for more funny
18:07.47[TK]D-FenderPeaceful: pastebin your dialplan
18:07.51russellbdrmessano: go for it
18:08.00[TK]D-FenderPeaceful: from ASTERISK
18:08.04russellbwe need some silly CLI commands ...
18:08.46stansmithis there some kind of repository of sound clips to use with asterisk? if so, i would like to contribute one
18:08.56hmmhesaysfinally I got my skype trunk stable on this machien
18:09.08Davieyrussellb: !sl would be quite silly (if installed)
18:09.20drmessanocore show asl
18:09.40Davieyhmmhesays: using which channel?
18:10.04drmessanoUsing that wacky skype thing that james posted?
18:10.05generalhanthe best one EVER is the "... has been brutally murdered and mutalated by the teletubbies" ! lol
18:10.49drmessanoI tried a few variations of skype interfacing just so I could say I have it set up,and all of them sucked
18:10.57Davieyhmmhesays: i don't think reproducing chanskype would be too hard - i refuse to pay :)
18:11.05drmessanoOne sucked so bad, I lost my spare car keys in the vortex
18:11.19DavieyIt just uses the API and xvnc
18:11.27hmmhesaysDaviey: probably not, they're just piping audio through different fifo's
18:11.39mort_gibhmmhesays: have a look at voipstunt
18:11.47*** join/#asterisk activo (
18:11.51zambasuggestions for sip softphones under linux?
18:12.25zambaekiga does strange things
18:12.37zambalike disconnecting a call after exactly 30 seconds every time
18:12.41mort_gibThey are SIP native, and are free for loads of countries
18:12.50drmessanoXlite is really solid
18:12.52mort_gibSo no need for chan_skype ;-)
18:12.56activovery solid
18:13.06zambagizmo can register with a sip proxy?
18:13.07Davieymort_gib: and it peers with skype?
18:13.09*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
18:13.16*** join/#asterisk af_ (
18:13.23drmessanoIt supports Speex now, so you can use something other than ULAW/ALAW that's NOT GSM
18:13.26mort_gibNot as far as I know
18:13.28drmessanoWhich is VERY cool
18:13.30*** join/#asterisk qdk (
18:13.35drmessanoScrew skype
18:13.38drmessanoThis isnt #skype
18:13.43mort_gibYes, skrew Skype
18:13.48jbot[~skype] Skype is a free VoIP software and service using a closed client and propritary protocol.  Only commercial channel drivers exist, all of which are poor implementations of convoluted hacks. In general, forget about using Skype with Asterisk...
18:13.52drmessanoSkype uses ONE client
18:14.00drmessanoIts proprietary
18:14.05hmmhesaysI just have to figure out how to change my sound buffer size
18:14.11drmessanoand every effort to make it work with Asterisk as an UGLY HACK
18:14.16Davieyand interfacing it with * is OT
18:14.27zambaDaviey: do you have to sign up with gizmo to use it?
18:14.28Davieyis not Off topic
18:14.35Davieyzamba: not afaik
18:14.36activocome to taling about xlite wonder which laptop has the best built in mic/speakers for using it or somw how could support a blue tooth wireless headset.
18:14.39Peaceful[TK]D-Fender, You're right.  911 simply wasn't on the dialplan.  Wacky!  And the parked calls (my 300's) are simply not functioning.  Probably has to do with my trying to upgrade to 1.4 and then reverting to 1.2 and not reverting some config setting.
18:14.44drmessanoNo, but asking if Xlite works with Skype is OT
18:15.01Peacefuldrmessano, [TK]D-Fender, x86: Thanks for all the help!
18:15.08Davieyzamba: actually mentions * on the sign on screen :)
18:15.14[TK]D-FenderPeaceful: Go pummel yourself with a halibut
18:15.22*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
18:15.27yangvncI experience the following issue with ISDN, the incoming call comes in properly - by the outgoing call when I call number 041710598 I see on my VOIP phone 503710598 -
18:15.36activoTK give me the Halibut :)
18:15.52drmessanoYou can not only set up a SIP extension to Asterisk in the Gizmo client, but you can use Gizmo PEERS in Asterisk
18:16.14drmessano"Not the dialplan"
18:16.14drmessanoIt never is
18:16.48drmessano[x.] rather
18:16.57clickoncegeneralhan: thanks!
18:17.23zobiastansmith: i read that link. if it's gsm file problem. the only gsm file i have and using is the voicemailmain fucntion's gsm file. do you know how to make this kind of file 33 multiple size?
18:17.26activoIts been a while since I have been here. Doing remote trouble calls and deployments can be tiring :) put in 1,000 kms yesterday. Never been to the Kootnies of BC before
18:17.43*** join/#asterisk draygon-w (n=draygon@
18:17.45*** join/#asterisk [T]ank (
18:17.55stansmithzobia: no i do not, sorry
18:18.00[T]ankanyone using dell poweredge 1550 or similar for their servers?
18:18.20stansmith[T]ank: hp ml350..but are you having some kind of issue with that server?
18:18.31activotank, trying to recall is that a 2u server?
18:18.44zobiastansmith: no roblem. let me figure it out
18:18.54zobiastansmith:thank you
18:19.16[T]ankstansmith: no... looking for assistance on configuring wake on lan. online resources not getting me far, and I know many of you all are using dell poweredge.
18:19.19[T]ankits a 1u
18:19.22*** join/#asterisk atik7 (n=chatzill@
18:19.54activotank, ask Hc he has one at one our clients locations.
18:20.03stansmith[T]ank: ahh, im trying to deploy this system on a HP server, and the proliant (what HP calls its drivers n such) seem to be interfering with things
18:20.07activoLooks like he left
18:20.16*** join/#asterisk Leiste (
18:20.22stansmithjust wondering if you were having some of the same issues as me
18:20.46activowith the voice quality?
18:20.49*** join/#asterisk anthm (
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18:20.58stansmithactivo: me?
18:21.10atik7Hi, is this right place for asking asterisk user question?
18:21.18[T]ankstansmith: what issues are you having. I use the dl3XX series servers and have had some headaches that I have figured out
18:22.10Leiste...Hey guys, I'm trying to get the BLF running with ring state (Polycom 650, Asterisk 1.4.18 or Astrisk 1.2) has anybody some expieriences with that?
18:22.47[TK]D-FenderLeiste: Polycom reports "ringing" as "in use".  Thats a notification error on their part
18:23.11[TK]D-FenderLeiste: Aastra's presence supports reports it properly
18:23.18stansmith[T]ank: im using the app_swift module, and it seems to be bogging the system down
18:23.30stansmithbut i have the exact same stuff running on old hardware (non HP) and it works perfect
18:23.39*** join/#asterisk JenniferAkemi (
18:23.44stansmithi reinstalled without the HP drivers and it seems to be working better
18:23.58stansmithdrmessano: 20/m/ohio, why do u ask?
18:23.59[T]ankyeah... hp has a way of doing that. sorry, i dont have an answer for you there.
18:24.09JenniferAkemii need a new name.
18:24.17Leiste[TK]D-Fender: So you mean we are not able to make that work?
18:24.32atik7i am having some problem with asterisk playback, it doesnt move to next dialplan command, its keep stop on playback, any one knows what is the couse for this?
18:24.33drmessanoYes you do, but first, ASL?
18:24.37stansmith[T]ank: nah its cool man, im gettin to the bottom of it, what were your issues with that server?
18:24.46*** join/#asterisk BCS-Satori (n=somewher@
18:24.49[TK]D-FenderLeiste: If you are asking what I jsut specified, then no.  You can get "in use", but "ringing" will get lumped into that category.
18:24.49Maqdamn nickserv
18:25.06activo[TK]D-Fender ever hear of askerisk used ask for DTMF prompts to fetch PDF work orders from a web server and fax them to a work site? We have a case where this would help streamline our operations.
18:25.15[TK]D-Fenderatik7: pastebin your dialplan, and the CLI output at verbose 10 of your attempt.
18:25.18jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
18:25.29stansmith^^^ in case you didnt see it ^^^
18:25.30[T]ankstansmith: irq sharing I had to turn off half of the servers hardware to get my t1 card to be on its own irq
18:25.42[TK]D-Fenderactivo: Doable
18:26.34stansmith[T]ank: yea, i had a similiar problem, the pci-x bus wasnt working with the test tdm400p card i had, moving it to a pci-x bus with higher speed seemed to solve it...that irq conflict, good to know though
18:26.36activoTK it probebly is. Now the next question which languages would be the most likely use for this? I know almost nothing about perl but know it could be used.
18:26.39stansmithill keep that in the back of my mind
18:27.01atik7*CLI> core set verbose 10
18:27.02atik7Verbosity was 3 and is now 10
18:27.04[T]ankit sucks... because i had to turn off my redundant nic
18:27.05atik7*CLI>     -- Executing [500@default:1] Playback("SIP/6404285496-08202b78", "demo-abouttotry") in new stack
18:27.14[T]ankbecause it shared the same irq as the pcix slot
18:27.55stansmithcalling digium, they said the cards require 2.2 compliance, i called hp and they said all my pci-x bus' are 1.08 compliant, so im scratching my head as to how it works
18:28.04atik7then it keepwait  here, and no audio
18:28.37[TK]D-Fenderatik7: PASTEBIN what I requested please.
18:29.17[TK]D-Fenderactivo: Whatever you feel like using
18:29.24*** join/#asterisk egecko (
18:31.01*** join/#asterisk Rei-chan (
18:31.22robl^PCIX != PCI
18:31.28activoprobebly true. Often we are in the field and the cleints have a firewall locked out network so we cannot just log into our site and download and print the work order. This would be a simple solution to just call the asterisk server, log in, request a work order number then it prompts me for the fax number and sends it to me.
18:31.30stansmiththe man loves not using pastebin
18:32.22WayhighI've got some strange pci slots in my server board.. 64bit pci slots that can run at 66Mhz?
18:32.28[TK]D-Fenderatik7: LAST TIME.  Pastebin your dialplan direct from extensions.conf, and the complete CLI output of your attempt.  Do not spam in here
18:32.56Wayhighactivo: too high.. AMT for me..
18:33.04Wayhigh(ok ok.. bad pun..)
18:33.20atik7ok , i got it now, this is my first time using irc,
18:33.31Rei-chanIs there an FAQ on getting Asterisk to compile for Ubuntu 7.10? I hit the no termcap support problem, and found only dead forum topics in the support forum on both sides.
18:33.43*** join/#asterisk thedonvaughn (i=jayson@unaffiliated/printk)
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18:34.08clickoncegeneralhan: Where are the sounds folder located? I can't find it.
18:34.09stansmithRei-chan: if you follow the asterisk book, which lists the can usually just replace [package name]-devel with [package-name]-dev
18:34.15WayhighAMT = alternative minimum tax.. it's the stuff you get hit from by the .gov in order to smack you down for being successful and make you more in line with all the other poor people.
18:34.30stansmithRei-chan: what part is the compilation complainin about?
18:34.41Rei-chanconfigure. No termcap support found.
18:34.45clickonceclickonce: And when I built asterisk I saw something about ringtones, where are those? I've updatedb'd and locate'ed the files without any results.
18:34.59clickoncegeneralhan: ^^
18:35.14Rei-chanand aptitude does not have a termcap lib package. I'm told that termcap is ancient and no longer supported and the application should be checking for ncurses.
18:35.56[TK]D-FenderRei-chan: NCURSES , NCURSES-DEVEL , ETC
18:36.37stansmithRei-chan: yea, did you get ncurses-dev?
18:37.52Rei-chanThere we go, yay. Where's this book?
18:37.58jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
18:38.05*** join/#asterisk guillote_GNU (
18:38.08Leiste<[TK]D-Fender> but with snom it work fines -doesn't it?
18:38.26Rei-chanOk, that's what I've been using excerpts from in various ubuntu tutorials, thanks.
18:38.36[TK]D-FenderLeiste: Maybe, I don't use Snom
18:38.41stansmithRei-chan: page lists RH package names but its not too hard to translate it to .debs
18:40.42stansmithrunlevel 3 doesnt have X11 running? [confirm/deny]
18:41.05clickonceX11 usually goes in 5
18:41.20clickonceAt least on the dists I've been using.
18:41.24Nivexunless you are under Debian/Ubuntu, in which case everything runs at runlevel 2
18:41.27lirakisis there any indicator that a callfile has been succesfully processed?
18:41.38stansmithyea, 5 = 3 with X11...or so /etc/inittab says
18:41.42clickonceWell Ubuntu is a windows-crap-wannabe so...
18:41.46lirakisI guess... the cdr .. maybe
18:41.49clickonceI couldn't care less about it.
18:42.46drmessanoUbuntu needs a better name and KDE by default
18:43.14drmessanoYeah, thats not "Ubunut"
18:43.14clickonceKDE is so very bloated... It used to be good.
18:43.17drmessanoYeah, thats not "Ubuntu"
18:43.26drmessanoKDE 4 looks awesome
18:43.27stansmithit is the essence of ubuntu
18:44.46drmessanoKubuntu as an option is still Ubuntu 9.10 Goatse Giver not having KDE when Mr n00bsmith installs it
18:45.15stansmith9.10 really gonna be called that? lol
18:45.23drmessanoIt should be
18:45.25stansmithive been tricked!
18:45.27Leiste[TK]F - so you get the busy signn, but not the blinking while it is ringing - write? Are you able to pick the call up at his moment?
18:45.43drmessanoand Ubuntu server is a joke..
18:45.48drmessanoIt needs work
18:46.24stansmiththe man loves caps lock and then using shift still
18:47.12[TK]D-Fenderstansmith: I work in all-caps a lot and miss it occasionally.
18:47.16drmessanoUsually that means we're at NEWBCOM 4
18:47.30drmessanoNEWBCOM 5 is "~GTFO"
18:47.32[TK]D-Fenderstansmith: at least you can tell what if anything I actually intended on emphasizing.
18:47.32*** join/#asterisk af_ (
18:47.40stansmithlol yea
18:47.44jbotSorry sir, I won't bother you anymore.
18:47.49[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: that'd be "NEWBCON".
18:47.59drmessanoUh yeah
18:48.20drmessanoFor some reason I didn't think it sounded right lol
18:48.28drmessanoDEFCON = NEWBCON
18:48.32stansmithnewbcom sounds more authentic
18:48.34Leiste[TK] F : Yes, thats right :) - I'd like to see the blinking on my phone if A calls B - and when B is not avaible - I'd like to pick the call up via pressing the button auf the Polycom phone
18:48.45drmessano"NEWBCON 4, scramble the bombers"
18:48.45[TK]D-FenderDEFCON = DEFense CONdition.
18:48.49Leisteyou know what i mean?
18:49.07drmessanoDude, I totally saw Wargames 1000 times..
18:49.34[TK]D-FenderLeiste: You can still pick it up by pressing the speed-dial you linked to his presence.  it won't BLINK like you'd like it to, but you can still see ti at least.  the actual act of grabbing his call is up to you and your dialplan.
18:49.55[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: I partially saw it once, does that count?
18:50.04drmessano"Take us to DEFCON 1, and get me the president on the line"
18:50.23denonwest wing re-runs?
18:50.26drmessanoWargames is obligatory, you have to see it, own it, etc
18:50.29denonoh, wargames
18:50.50Leiste[TK] F - What means ti?
18:50.52drmessanoAsterisk == The WOPR
18:50.58*** join/#asterisk simbol76ss (
18:51.40[TK]D-FenderLeiste: s/ti/it/
18:51.43drmessanoI've heard asterisk has a hidden CLI function to scramble the bombers
18:51.55drmessanoWar Operations Planned Response
18:52.03drmessanoThe WOPR
18:52.09drmessanoHey denon
18:52.20JunK-Ysure, its !/usr/sbin/start_bomb
18:52.22drmessanoGoogle for CPE1704TKS
18:52.45Leiste[TK]F - Thanks for your help! Last question - what SIP Version do you run with your 650? sorry for the ti question!!! you see that I'am not a native speaker...greetings from Hamburg,Germany
18:52.48drmessanoSadly, I remember that from the Movie
18:53.10drmessanoThat was the launch code
18:53.13[TK]D-FenderLeiste: I don't have a 650, and if I did, it'd probably be SIP 3.0.0
18:53.38LeisteOK - I'running it! Fine
18:53.45LeisteBye @all
18:58.45*** part/#asterisk [T]ank (
19:02.48*** join/#asterisk angom (
19:06.24*** join/#asterisk neoalex (
19:06.52neoalexhi, what options do I have for sending SMS from asterisk
19:07.25Davieyneoalex: Using what sms sending hardware?
19:07.33Davieyie, end user hardware?
19:07.54*** join/#asterisk AndyGraybeal (
19:08.17neoalexno hardware, just a a 3rd party gateway like bayham for example
19:08.42neoalexor SMS through my land-line though as far as I know that's only possible in europe
19:08.46DavieyIf you aren't using some funky sip phone, i'd not use asterisk at all for that
19:08.53Davieyprobably perl/bash scripts
19:09.20neoalexwell yes, but asterisk has to run one of those scripts, basically I want to send an SMS when I have a new voice-mail
19:09.26Davieythats if you use a net sms gateway
19:10.13neoalexdo you happen to know other gateways?
19:10.19DavieyThree ways come to mind:
19:10.25Daviey1) monitor voicemail folder
19:10.36Daviey2) write in an agi script into the dialplan
19:10.56Daviey3) email notification of vm to sms@localhost
19:11.04*** join/#asterisk cjk (
19:11.05Davieywhere sms@localhost = procmail
19:13.40drmessanowhy 3/
19:13.40drmessanowhy 3?
19:14.25Davieydrmessano: thats not sms :)
19:14.42drmessanoNo, same difference
19:14.43Davieynot every network/country supports that
19:15.06drmessanoWell, the US supports it, and we're behind the rest of the world
19:15.15drmessanoSo it can't be that uncommon
19:15.44stansmithamerica r0x!
19:15.48drmessanoI've been sending emails to cell phones for 10 years now
19:15.54Davieygood for you
19:16.12drmessanoWow, you're an ass
19:16.23x86but that's not SMS drmessano
19:16.39drmessanoWhats the difference how it gets there?
19:17.05Daviey19:14:43 < Daviey> not every network/country supports that
19:17.07x86for example, I have to pay for inbound email support on my phone (so that it shows up like a text message would)
19:17.08neoalexyeah, it's not sms, we're doing that now, and for some reason my boss wants me to find a way to send true sms, though for the life of me I can't see why
19:17.09drmessanoPagers and cell phones have supported email > phone for years.. thats how I have always done it
19:17.24cjkhi, i have a problem. when i take a call there is a delay of approximately 1 second till the call is established. the first 2 works are cut off. any idea? later in the call there is no delay
19:17.29x86drmessano: some carriers you have to pay for that, where as SMS may be included with the plan, etc
19:17.39drmessanoSMS is only going to cost more in the long run if you do it that way
19:17.41Davieycjk: * behind a NAT?
19:17.55cjkDaviey, no
19:18.07JoseBravoHow can I change the codec that use one SIP trunk?
19:18.08stansmithcjk: Answer(2); ?
19:18.19drmessanox86: Most carriers support it without having "EMAIL"
19:18.22neoalexdrmessano: I know, I'm not paying for it though
19:18.29DavieyJoseBravo: hint: disallow all, allow $codec
19:18.41JoseBravoDaviey: Thanks
19:18.44neoalexJoseBravo: in the trunk say disallow=all then allow= some codec
19:18.48cjkstansmith, why should i answer a call in the dialplan. this will cost money. i answer if the call with my phone
19:19.02stansmithmisunderstood, chill
19:20.10JoseBravoDaviey, done... how can I check what codec is the SIP using?
19:20.58*** join/#asterisk defsdoor (
19:21.26DavieyJoseBravo: make a call, then sip show channels
19:22.02Daviey(under title FORMAT)
19:23.09JoseBravoDaviey see my output:
19:23.24yangvncI experience the following issue with zaptel ISDN, the incoming call comes in properly - by the outgoing call when I call number 041710598 I see on my VOIP phone 503710598 -
19:23.32DavieyJoseBravo: using gsm?
19:23.45*** join/#asterisk lmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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19:25.02defsdooryangvnc: outgoing cli is usually set by the telco
19:25.57yangvncdefsdoor: do you know how to fix it, it cannot dial 503710598 (the number doesnt exist) it doesnt connect me
19:27.05defsdoorwhat's the cli when you dial a normal phone ?
19:27.13JoseBravoDaviey, I haved g711 and changed for ulaw and now shows ulaw..
19:28.54yangvncdefsdoor: what do you mean with normal phone?
19:28.54*** join/#asterisk dswillia (
19:29.25defsdooryou are dialling out over your isdn line to a voip service
19:29.41yangvnci am dialing over isdn to a pstn number
19:29.46SteveTotaroi support SMS
19:29.49yangvncand that always comes up
19:29.52SteveTotarowith Kannel
19:30.14defsdooryangvnc: aaah - so the "I see on my VOIP phone" was just to mislead ?
19:30.25defsdooryangvnc: speak to telco
19:30.30dswilliahey all, quick newb questions i am needing to find a list of announcements that are played during our conference bridge usage, what config file are those found in?
19:30.52yangvncdefsdoor: well, do you think my zapata.conf might be wrong?
19:30.59activoWhat is the lowest power server for a office of 10 users that can be deployed? Perfer embeded with the nessesary pci-x or pci slot capability to take fxo/fxs cards.
19:31.02yangvncdefsdoor: or signaling?
19:31.09defsdooryangvnc: no
19:31.15activoIe, a server that consumes the least amount of power
19:31.20yangvncdefsdoor: i can show you my zapata.conf if you think there is a fix for it
19:31.25defsdooryangvnc: unless your telco lets you set the cli to anything you please
19:31.29neoalexSteveTotaro: do you use any hardware with Kannel?
19:31.41neoalexor just a phone
19:31.43jbotsomebody said stevetotaro was an IRC nub
19:32.00yangvncdefsdoor: but how can i dial out to "any" number if (503) always comes first
19:32.21SteveTotaroi use a whole bunch of bluetooth phones
19:32.26SteveTotaroto send sms
19:32.27defsdooryangvnc: you aren't making sense
19:32.28[TK]D-Fenderyangvnc: pastebin your configs
19:32.42yangvnc[TK]D-Fender: sure
19:32.46neoalexit works via bluetooth too, that's cool
19:33.07neoalexcan you use chanmobile at the same time?
19:33.09[TK]D-Fenderdswillia: its only in the source
19:33.27SteveTotarowell once paired via bluez it is just a modem as far as linux is concerned
19:33.49SteveTotarochan mobile seems to only support one phone per dongle
19:34.07SteveTotarowith Kannel, i can connect a BUNCH of phones on one dongle
19:34.11drmessanoheh, dongle
19:34.23DavieySteveTotaro: you use SMS() for that?
19:34.29activoSteveTotaro which ones
19:34.33SteveTotarono, i use Kannel
19:35.19SteveTotarowith kannel, you can send sms by hitting a properly formed url with username password destination message all part of the url
19:35.36*** join/#asterisk DJF6 (
19:35.57SteveTotaroso system(lynx${url}) or whatever
19:36.02DavieySteveTotaro: how does the outbound message get to Kannel?
19:36.11Davieyahh, i see
19:36.26SteveTotaroit works very well
19:36.38stansmithhey, computer science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes
19:36.39SteveTotaroeach phone gives me 1 sms per second
19:36.53Davieygeez, how many do you send?
19:37.13yangvncdefsdoor: [TK]D-Fender
19:37.14SteveTotaronot many now but my new startup could be sending thousands
19:37.18SteveTotaroin bursts
19:37.31DavieySteveTotaro: wouldn't a bulk sms net gateway be cheaper?
19:37.41SteveTotaronot in the US
19:37.48SteveTotaroi can receive too
19:38.03SteveTotaroa short code in the us is $500/mo
19:38.10DavieyUS ftl :(
19:38.11SteveTotaroor something like that
19:38.30*** join/#asterisk Docfxit (
19:38.40[TK]D-Fenderyangvnc:    -- Executing [041710598@buster:1] Dial("SIP/30-c000a180", "ZAP/g1/041710598") in new stack
19:38.41SteveTotaroright now, per five phones I pay $125 for unlimited SMS in and out
19:38.46[TK]D-Fenderyangvnc: yOU DON'T have A "GROUP=1"
19:39.07DavieySteveTotaro: *unlimited*?
19:39.10[TK]D-Fenderstupid caps
19:39.29yangvnc[TK]D-Fender: Yeah, I am not familiar with groups...whoops that i need to change in zapata.conf
19:39.31SteveTotaroyes, unlimited plan is $20 extra on a family plan
19:39.47SteveTotarofamily plan can have up to five phones
19:40.01yangvncZAP/g1/041710598 is related g1=group1 ?
19:40.08DavieyI wonder if they moan if you send thousands per week
19:40.24[TK]D-Fenderyangvnc: *yes*
19:40.25SteveTotaroi have done it several times for testing
19:40.52SteveTotaro10,000 was the most i sent just to get an idea of scaling and throughput
19:41.06neoalexin a week or month?
19:41.15SteveTotaroKannel didn't even cough
19:41.23SteveTotaroall at once queued up in Kannel
19:41.38neoalexwooow... nice
19:41.41SteveTotaroso ten a second total
19:41.51Davieyshame you can't spoof sender id tho (for genuine purpose)
19:42.03SteveTotarowhat is 10,000 divided by 60?
19:42.22DJF6[Win]+[R] > calc > [ENTER]
19:42.47SteveTotarono workie in linux
19:42.47*** join/#asterisk nvrpunk (n=root@
19:42.59DJF6should be a calc in your menu ;)
19:43.10SteveTotaroi am on the linux cli
19:43.17Davieyalt + f2 => gcalctool
19:43.38DJF6var_dump(10000/60); ?>
19:43.41defsdoornever heard of bc ?
19:43.55nvrpunksay, I have an extension 1004, but right now in my extensions.conf it doesnt just dial at 4 digits, you have to hit dial on the phone, how would I make it realize 4 digits is an acceptable amount to autodial?
19:44.02SteveTotaroi just wanted someone else to do my math for me
19:44.18defsdoornvrpunk: dial plans on the phone config
19:44.30neoalexnvrpunk: what phone?
19:44.31nvrpunkdefsdoor, ah
19:44.36nvrpunklinks 922
19:44.40drmessanodefsdoor: Dialplans on phones are NEVER a problem
19:44.44*** join/#asterisk stack_ (
19:44.45SteveTotarobc is boston college
19:44.52Daviey$ echo $(( 10000 / 60 ))
19:44.56neoalexnvrpunk: there's usually an auto dial delay option in the phone
19:45.04defsdoordrmessano: pardon ?
19:45.20nvrpunkcouldnt i do some sort of pattern matching?
19:45.23defsdoordrmessano: you saying users must always tell phone to dial instead ?
19:45.24yangvncAnother question which I have is, that we got this weird situation now, I have always used asterisk on a public IP, and now we have just one public IP and router behind it and asterisk NAted IP is , How can I make this asterisk to be able to accept calls from outside...Do I need to forward some ports from the router?
19:45.26nvrpunki was thinking it was asterisk
19:45.28nvrpunknot the phone
19:45.31drmessano<sarcasm />
19:45.36drmessanoIt's never the phone
19:45.41defsdoornvrpunk: most phones dial plans are patterns
19:45.44drmessanoDiaplans are never a problem
19:45.56jbotfrom memory, dialplan is the thing configured in extensions.conf
19:46.18stack_Our asterisk server connects to a SIP peer named 'trunk1', so if we want to reach an extension at that site, I dial SIP/trunk1/101.  If I try to use that extension in a call queue, the queue marks these entries as invalid.  Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong?
19:46.31clickonceI found this wonderful SPA-932 addon as well :)
19:46.31SteveTotarodialplan can be configured in database, jbot is old skewl
19:46.35[TK]D-Fenderyangvnc: Read up :
19:46.38jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT :  otherwise check the WIKI at
19:46.54neoalextry SIP/101@trunk1
19:47.12neoalexstack_: try SIP/101@trunk1
19:47.18drmessano~phone dialplans
19:47.18jbot<sarcasm> phone dialplans are never a problem </sarcasm>
19:47.35stack_neoalex: okay, thanks
19:47.46drmessano~phone dialplans
19:47.46jbot<sarcasm> phone dialplans are never the problem </sarcasm>
19:47.46neoalexyou missed the sarcasm part drmessano ?
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19:48.13SteveTotaromy siptrunk is acting funny
19:48.16drmessanoNo, just the statement of
19:49.06drmessano"I am having a problem dialing out.. When I dial 83 digits, there's 20 seconds of silence and then 911 is dialed.  It's not the phone dialplan, any ideas?"
19:50.20defsdoorthat sounds like your dial plan timeout on the phone to me - have you checked  it ?
19:50.34drmessanoIt's not the dialplan... Let me paste it
19:50.55defsdoorin irc of course
19:51.02stack_neoalex, that seems to have done it, thanks
19:51.25drmessanoAnything wrong with that?  SEE, NO.. THOUGHT SO
19:51.28drmessanoNOW HALP ME
19:52.04drmessanoMaybe it's my IAX.conf
19:52.11defsdoordrmessano: I can help you but first you must lick the poles of a 9volt battery
19:52.36yangvnc[TK]D-Fender: thanks
19:53.03drmessanoOk, I think I narrowed it down
19:53.06[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Not enough PI!
19:53.22drmessanoIts not asterisk, and it's not my phone.. Can I paste my autoexec.bat and config.sys in hear?
19:53.52clickoncehear? jesus :P
19:53.58defsdoorI have a bunch of english sound files - do I just replace the existing with them or can I put them in a different location ?
19:54.24drmessanoI don't mean to be a jerk (yes I do), but if I hear, one more time, "It's the dialplan in the phone"
19:54.26clickoncedefsdoor: Whatever you want :)
19:54.47drmessanoAfter hours of "No, it cant be"
19:54.57DJF6what is the syntax a dailplan excists of? google couldn't awnser that question :s
19:54.59drmessano911 works, and Pi works
19:55.15drmessanoSo I changed my phones to extension 911 and 3.14
19:55.20yangvnc[TK]D-Fender: very great thanks, which time are you online tomorow?
19:55.22drmessanoSo I think i'm set
19:55.51jboti guess asteriskcat is not amused
19:56.23[TK]D-Fenderyangvnc: depends
19:56.42drmessanoI have been asked to create the job posting for my job
19:57.08[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: I had a guy here stuck with the same.  Serious shafting.
19:57.22[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Time to make your life sound as miserable as possible!@
19:57.28drmessano"Must enjoy crappy hours, 2am phone calls for MySpace problems, low pay, and painful urination"
19:57.42*** join/#asterisk joelsolanki (i=joelsola@
19:58.02yangvnc[TK]D-Fender: I will be around experiencing troubles probably 9am UTC+1 , at that time nearly nobody speaks here
19:58.05drmessano[TK]D-Fender: You should at least know me a LITTLE by now....
19:58.10drmessanoIm gonna make this thing SHINE
19:58.20drmessanoI am gonna make it sound like the best job EVAR
19:58.32[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: time to beak out the Turd Polish (TM)
19:58.47[TK]D-Fenderyangvnc: What troubles?
19:58.56yangvnc[TK]D-Fender: NAT issues perhaps
19:58.56drmessano"Do you want an EXCITING career in a FAST PACED industy with EXCITING benefits and painful urination"
19:59.03drmessanoOk, not the last part
19:59.23[TK]D-Fenderyangvnc: Just go read the guide and follow it
19:59.33defsdoordrmessano: have my job
19:59.47yangvnc[TK]D-Fender: i surelly will do that !
20:00.03drmessanoTake mine
20:00.46drmessanoFun, but boring an low pay
20:01.08drmessanoIn 3 or 4 years, they may be ready for VoIP
20:01.14defsdoormy problem is I am paid too much
20:01.29defsdoorso I can't leave and do my own thing
20:01.45drmessanoSo you're not challenged, but the pay is good
20:01.52stansmithdrmessano: what is your job?
20:02.17drmessanoFor the next two weeks I am the IT Director and Engineer for 7 radio stations
20:02.19defsdoorI do my own thing pretty much - but we got taken over last april
20:02.46clickonceEy! I think the dialplan in the UniPhone (P990i WLAN SIP software) is screwed... whatever number I dial... I get an error...
20:03.01drmessanoRadio pays lousy and continues to be technologically behind
20:03.17activoMy job can be stressfull as a bell/ibm contractor but at least I get a 1 year old van to use all the time :)
20:03.45jameswfRadio is like BSD :))
20:04.03drmessanoThats another one of my problems.. Its VERY stressful, but not for the right reasons
20:04.28jbot<unixdog> Everyone use BSD gah linux sux progress is overrated use my project gah
20:04.46activodrmessano ever work on the traciever equipment? Is the FCC licence still required to work on the gear? I still have mine 15 years running.
20:05.09drmessanoYep, done a share of RF work
20:05.27drmessanoMonday: We decided we're going to give every listener in the area a computer to listen to our streaming stations on.. You're building them.. need them done by Friday
20:05.28activoso fcc lience still required?
20:05.35drmessanoNot anymore
20:05.46jameswfmmmmm tower work, never a cold day whrn your in front of a dish,,,,, oh look cancer
20:05.51drmessanoTuesday <> Thursday: FAST, WE NEED THOSE BUILT
20:06.18activoIts most likely still used for Aviation and ship based work
20:06.19drmessanoFriday: You know what, we decided it was a bad idea.. Take those 11,000 machines you already imaged and send them back
20:06.47jameswfI didnt like being up on 25ft poles I wouldnt wanna be on a 150ft tower
20:06.57drmessanoI'll go up about 40 ft
20:06.59drmessanoThats IT
20:07.01activoI thought of tower work
20:07.17clickonceI'd sure as hell climb a tower server.
20:07.21activoNice being in the mountains in the fresh air :)
20:07.24drmessanoThats enough to do grounding and fix minor issues with line management
20:07.45joelsolankiHi all
20:07.51stack_I have a queue with two members.  if a member is "In Use", the queue still tries to dial that person, even though they are on the phone.  Is there a way to stop this?
20:07.57drmessanoI was dared to go up 60 feet..
20:08.01jameswfthe best part when I worked for "the company" was parking my truck in the road and shutting off a lane of traffic when there was a 30 ft easement...
20:08.04drmessanoI got to 40 "Ok, this kinda scary"
20:08.12joelsolankiimplementing chan_ss7 with sangoma A104D card on production server is stable ?
20:08.14drmessano41 "Im gonna die"
20:08.15joelsolankiany body using it ?
20:08.52jameswfthe resident sangoma guy stepped out
20:09.18joelsolankiwho is that ?
20:09.21activodrmessano our company just finished up a network install with fiber and cable in a 140,000 sq foot warehouse with 50 foot Ceilings ;) Warehouse was of course massive.
20:09.41joelsolankihmm. is he is from sangoma ?
20:09.54jameswfnah just a fanboy
20:10.07joelsolankioh ok.
20:10.09jameswfDo you use Stvegoma cards
20:10.12drmessanoI MAY survive a 50 foot lift
20:10.22activodont see a stevegoma here.
20:10.26joelsolankii dont see him online right now
20:10.26drmessanoHands white from clutching the basket
20:10.33drmessanoStevegoma is elusive
20:10.42activoDr, the lift was pretty big.
20:10.44jameswf25ft on a phone pole in a windstorm your expected to use both hands to work....
20:10.49DavieyStevegoma is an irc noob - so maybe he got lost :)
20:11.01joelsolankii use sangoma
20:11.02sweeperjameswf: clench those thighs boy!
20:11.02joelsolankioh ok
20:11.15jameswf~stevegoma is oh nevermind
20:11.15jbotokay, jameswf
20:11.20activoEver install a sangoma on a micro itx?
20:11.30Davieysounds fun...
20:11.37drmessanoStevegoma has 2 kids.. he named them FXO and FXS.. guess which one is a boy and which one is a girl..
20:11.37activovia micro itx?
20:11.52jameswfyou mean a foft Ramora on a 6'' board
20:12.21jameswfput your FXS in your FXO
20:12.45stack_I have a queue with two members.  if a member is "In Use", the queue still tries to dial that person, even though they are on the phone.  Is there a way to stop this?
20:12.48jameswfwanna se my FX-OH face
20:13.16activoOne  of our clients lost there dsl or T-1 one circuit to Bell and all there phones and work stations were dead in the water :)
20:14.20activoGuess thay never heard of the Single point of Failure network model ;)
20:14.55jameswfredundancy is overrated
20:14.56stansmithjameswf: LOL
20:14.58AndyGraybealactivo: what would they have done to get around Bell's failure?
20:16.25drmessanoI hear a that a satellite backup with a virtual PRI works wonders
20:16.30JoseBravoAnyone can recomend me a good SIP client for windows and free?
20:16.41*** join/#asterisk blaylock (
20:16.44jameswfwe are getting ready to add a satelite link
20:16.57blaylockwhat is the diff between cdr-csv and cdr-custom?
20:17.23jameswf8 megs trunked to WA for backup T1
20:17.45drmessanoUsing Sangoma cards?
20:17.52jameswfnah Openvox
20:18.09JoseBravodrmessano do you know one that support transfer calls?
20:18.16drmessanoWhat are those $20 chinese knockoffs
20:18.43codefreezeblaylock: cdr-csv has a fixed format, and cdr-custom allows you to modify the format
20:18.59jameswfoddly Ramora cards dont have an fcc logo
20:19.00blaylockahh gotcha
20:19.11drmessanoWhat about a KGB logo?
20:19.15blaylockcodefreeze, thanks man
20:19.20JoseBravodrmessano my x-lite says to upgrade to eyebeam to transfer feature...
20:19.37blaylockcodefreeze, but otherwise all calls are logged to both correct?
20:19.55drmessanoVoiper maybe
20:20.13codefreezeyep, and if you configure both, you'll end up with fairly duplicate sets.
20:20.37codefreezeuh, blaylock ... see above ^
20:21.13drmessanoOk, bbiab
20:21.31blaylockcodefreeze, thanks again
20:22.09*** part/#asterisk mmmToop (
20:22.15BCS-Satori~voip provider
20:22.23jbot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet telephony Service Provider or "VoIP Telephone company". The allow you to either PLACE calls to the PSTN (called Termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called Origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs
20:22.47jbot[~itsplist-us] Here are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones : , , ,, or, or, or
20:23.28stansmithjbot: LOL
20:23.28jbot[lol] stands for Laughing Out Loud. It is grammatically incorrect to use LOL in the first person; use 'heh' or 'haha' instead. If you want to use LOL, do '/me lol' instead.
20:23.48J4k3jbot: lol is also for aolers
20:23.48jbotJ4k3: cannot alter locked factoids
20:24.16hmodeshrmm...  just got a 1.6-beta4 release email, but it's not on
20:24.18stansmithjbot been acting different lately
20:24.29jbotWhy would a Wookiee, an eight-foot tall Wookiee, want to live on Endor, with a bunch of two-foot tall Ewoks? That does not make sense! But more important, you have to ask yourself: What does this have to do with this channel? Nothing
20:24.53*** join/#asterisk webtech_m33 (
20:25.15jboti heard kenya is Where can you find Lions?  Only !
20:25.32J4k3omg I Got beat to the kenya lions
20:25.54webtech_m33does anyone know where i can find some perl examples for Asterisk::Manager
20:26.43jbothmm... perl is at or at, or a knitting stitch, or the Pathologically Eclectic rubbish Lister, or that other "P" language
20:27.05*** join/#asterisk goodmove (n=yves@
20:27.28J4k3jbot: kenya is also
20:27.28jbotJ4k3: okay
20:27.55signiusHas anyone here messed around with the pbx-in-a-flash and if so whats your opinion of it ?
20:28.08webtech_m33yeah the one
20:28.17goodmoveHello all
20:28.50goodmoveI have an unusual problem that I have been battling
20:29.08*** join/#asterisk anthm (
20:29.09*** mode/#asterisk [+o anthm] by ChanServ
20:29.37goodmoveI am attempting to set up Asterisk to use Mysql using Redhat Linux
20:30.20webtech_m33for mysql support you have to load asterisk-addons
20:30.32goodmoveMysql client and server are working ok but when I compile the asterisk-addons it does not recognise that mysql is installed
20:30.51webtech_m33you need the mysql dev libs
20:30.58webtech_m33so it can find mysql.h
20:31.14webtech_m33not sure what rpm in redhat that package is
20:31.31webtech_m33debian it's libmysqlclient15-dev
20:31.39goodmoveI used rpm -qa | grep mysql and I see
20:32.03Shaun2222rpm -qa|grep -i mysql
20:32.09*** join/#asterisk ruied (
20:33.31goodmoveI see the following packages
20:34.16blaylockjbot: shut up
20:34.16jbotyes, master blaylock
20:34.25Shaun2222mysql.h comes from the mysql-devel pacakge on Redhat based distros normally.
20:34.25*** join/#asterisk horsesgofaster (
20:34.43goodmovelibdbi-dbd-mysql-0.8.1a-1.2.2, mysql-5.0.22-2.1, mysql-server-5.0.22-1.1
20:34.45*** join/#asterisk GreyFoxx (
20:34.57Shaun2222goodmove: what os?
20:35.27*** part/#asterisk horsesgofaster (
20:35.30goodmovethe os is Redhat linux Enterprise 5.0
20:36.01Shaun2222i think RHEL 5 uses yum now... i wont pay for RH so i use CentOS 5 which is the same....
20:36.05Shaun2222yum install mysql-devel
20:36.30goodmoveShaun2222, I am assuming that the libdbi-.... package is the development library..
20:36.47Shaun2222thats for perl
20:37.00Shaun2222mysql-devel is what you want
20:38.12goodmovedo you have any idea of how I could get mysql-devel using yum?
20:38.26goodmoveI mean commands..
20:38.37Shaun2222yum install mysql-devel
20:38.57goodmovethank you shaun2222
20:39.09webtech_m33after that is install then try install asterisk-addons
20:39.13webtech_m33and it should install
20:40.33goodmoveWebtech, Thanks for the tip will do..
20:40.55Shaun2222goodmove: it will put mysql.h in /usr/include/mysql/mysql.h
20:41.12Shaun2222cant remember if you have to specify that when building the addons...
20:41.19Shaun2222you'll find out soon enough when you try to build.
20:42.24Shaun2222one of the asterisk packages had some issues finding somthign where i had to specify the path but i think that was only a 64bit issue and with /usr/lib
20:42.39goodmoveThanks a million guys, I am off to try your suggestions. my yum commnad failed because I did not register my RedHat. I will take care of this then proceed to tryout what you have suggested
20:43.19Shaun2222ya, you'll have to register...
20:45.41clickonceEy, can someone record voice message for me? I hate recording them on my own.
20:46.06webtech_m33i think you can use sox and record your own
20:46.18webtech_m33or use some tts to make files
20:46.30clickonceI know how to...
20:46.40clickonceI just don't like my voice :P
20:46.42stansmithi use the cepstral TTS allison smith voice, its pretty good
20:46.47stansmithi have her say "
20:47.01clickonceWindows XP Text-To-Speech :)
20:47.05webtech_m33yeah tts
20:47.40*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
20:49.42webtech_m33anyone good at scripting with Asterisk Manager Interface
20:49.51clickonceDarn, I only have Sam.
20:51.30webtech_m33i have this perl mod ... but i am not sure how to get Action => 'SIPPeers' to work
20:52.03*** part/#asterisk GreyFoxx (
20:53.46stansmithwebtech_m33: did you look at that came with the package?
20:54.12webtech_m33yeah .. it works for events and calls, but i want to get all of the sip peers
20:54.28webtech_m33and put them into an array then dump it to a web page
20:57.02webtech_m33the makes a connection at stays connected in a eventloop
20:57.23webtech_m33i want to get in, grap all of the SIPPeers and get out
20:58.38stansmithconnect, grab the sippeers and disconnect, whats the problem?
20:58.42webtech_m33i shoot an email off the to writer dude to see if he can help me
20:59.00webtech_m33the commands i do to get the sippeers doesn't work
20:59.10webtech_m33rint STDERR $astman->sendcommand( Action => 'SIPPeers');
20:59.20webtech_m33with p in the front
20:59.39webtech_m33i am not sure how to make it haappen
20:59.48stansmithhave you ever used the perl AGI before?
21:00.48*** join/#asterisk arguile (
21:01.40stansmithwebtech_m33: maybe just $astman->sendcommand( Action => 'SIPPeers' );
21:01.41*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
21:01.46stansmithi havent used the perl AGI for AMI
21:01.47defsdoorI've installed some new sounds (a lovely sounding chap) into sounds/en_GB and he sounds great apart from when extension numbers are read out in voice mail where it switches back to Allison - I have .pcm files in digits though
21:02.15*** join/#asterisk DrkShadow (
21:04.41*** join/#asterisk Nasra (
21:06.00*** join/#asterisk maszlo (n=reckenro@
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21:06.03*** mode/#asterisk [+o lmadsen] by ChanServ
21:07.36maszloi am looking to get my cdr problem figured out.  it is not inserting records into the database anymore, it was working at one time and then after a update it no longer works.
21:07.47*** join/#asterisk lunaphyte__ (n=lunaphyt@
21:08.08webtech_m33what did you update?
21:08.12codefreezemaszlo: what version of asterisk?
21:08.13maszloit does not show that the insert failed in /var/log/asterisk/full
21:08.51maszlowe are running trixbox
21:09.00jbot[~trixbox] trixbox is a full linux distro that includes FreePBX and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox VERY difficult to support, and is not supported in #asterisk. Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & wiki at
21:09.37maszloi hate when bots yell at me
21:10.14maszlois there a file that enables the cdr?
21:10.36defsdoor  < is this a big ? It's playing the sounds out of sounds/en_GB for all apart from digits
21:10.48codefreezemaszlo: yes, the config files, with the appropriate i/f detected during the "configure" run...
21:12.11codefreezemaszlo: the config files are in /etc/asterisk, usually. But if trixbox does a lot of twiddling, that may be only part of the story. For instance, there's no /var/log/full stuff with asterisk plain.
21:12.36maszloit seems at though it is not trying.  we had a incorrect password before and it erroring in the logs not it does not do that.
21:12.54maszloseem as if it is not enabled
21:13.19webtech_m33my guess would be that the is not loading.. i would guess it's missing
21:13.46webtech_m33but i couldn't tell you where trixs hides it
21:14.13maszlothat would be loaded when asterisk starts?
21:14.31webtech_m33it's in the modules.conf
21:14.52maszloi will give it look
21:14.59webtech_m33mine auto loads .. but i didn't compl the addons
21:15.06webtech_m33so it didn't load
21:17.12*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
21:17.55maszloi found the  it is not in the modules.conf
21:18.19webtech_m33you may have to add it
21:18.31webtech_m33but if i am wrong asterisk will CRASH on boot
21:18.35webtech_m33or a restart
21:19.09maszlohas autoload=yes  would that bring in them from a directory or somthing
21:20.05maszlothere are actually zero loads in the files, they are al noload
21:20.14webtech_m33yeah the autoloads all of the .so
21:20.25webtech_m33so you are missing the file
21:20.37webtech_m33i would check with the trixs chat and see if they know
21:21.18Nasraaren't they supposed to give you support?
21:22.07webtech_m33i know you can load trixs with out support
21:22.48codefreezeNasra: I'd imagine its just like here; you toss in your problem, and pray someone takes pity on you...
21:23.05cmantitoyay for pity
21:23.06[TK]D-FenderSupport?  Trixbox?  This isn't a WondreBra you know, more like Kleenex stuffing :p
21:23.32webtech_m33maszlo> i would check with trixs, if you did an update, and now it doesn't work.. sounds like a bug to me
21:23.40maszlowe dont pay for support, it was loaded on a rhino system we bought
21:23.43[TK]D-Fendermaszlo: Yup, you're up a creek.  You've got distro blow-up issues and nobody here wants to hear about them.
21:24.31maszlothats a blunt way of putting it out there
21:24.42[TK]D-Fendermaszlo: I thought this said it all :
21:24.44jbot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
21:24.47jbot[~trixbox] trixbox is a full linux distro that includes FreePBX and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox VERY difficult to support, and is not supported in #asterisk. Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & wiki at
21:25.14[TK]D-Fendermaszlo: Most would have gotten the "Why am I here?" a little quicker.
21:25.33[TK]D-Fendermaszlo: When in doubt start over with your install and say a prayer
21:25.52[TK]D-Fendermaszlo: Because you have already sold your soul to the lowest bidder
21:26.02maszloits not like calls are not going through, just the reports are not working
21:26.21[TK]D-Fendermaszlo: Well you know where to go.  Best of luck with that.
21:26.34[TK]D-Fenderalrighty, checkout time, BBL
21:27.17maszloi have had no prior experience with any sort of pbx, i dont feel it was the lowest bidder..  i do appreciate the help
21:27.42maszlothanks again
21:27.48webtech_m33sorry i can't help more.. when i first load the cdr for mysql
21:28.02webtech_m33it took me a few times to get it to load
21:28.13cmantitoI had no problem with cdr_addon_mysql
21:28.32webtech_m33yeah i forgot to do a ./configure
21:28.40webtech_m33so it didn't find mysql.h
21:28.42stansmithsilly webtech_m33
21:28.48webtech_m33my bad
21:28.50cmantitobiggest thing I can suggest is make sure the module is loaded
21:29.06webtech_m33or try updating asterisk-addons
21:37.09eric2I'm with voip carrier A and am trying to call someone with voip carrier B, with a simple Dial(SIP/4165551234) I get a fast busy - congestion, what needs to change?
21:37.37Mavvieeric2: you didn't specifiy where to find that SIP host.
21:38.36eric2something like:   Dial(SIP/
21:38.53*** join/#asterisk husimon (n=nhuisman@aeko.IfA.Hawaii.Edu)
21:38.58eric2how will I know what carrier that other person is with if I only have a number?
21:39.00husimondoes anyone know much bout xml services on 79xx?
21:39.20husimonI was trying out the directories.xml file and it's totally useless, only lets you have 32 entries
21:39.28husimonwanted to duplicate that via an xml service instead.
21:39.36Shaun2222anybody know how i can acheive waht i'm trying to do?
21:41.08eric2what if I'm routing all my calls out through my virtual pri, then my pri provider doesn't have the various carriers?
21:42.34husimonanyone use xml for a directory services on cisco 7940s?
21:43.25NuggetI did a long time ago, but gave up because in practice it wasn't very useful.
21:43.59Nuggetwhy would I want to use my phone to look things up when I have my computer, right there, a foot to the left of the phone?
21:44.16Nuggetnavigating the cisco menus is more of a pain than dialing a number.
21:44.40Nuggetand if you really want to get fancy you can get asterisk to dial a call from a web page and transfer it to your phone, which is a lot more useful
21:45.44husimonNugget, yeah I think you're probably right
21:45.47husimonNugget, oh well
21:46.16husimonNugget, unfortunately the menu is so clunky with just a number pad
21:46.24husimonhard to type in someones name
21:46.37husimonnow what would be neat
21:46.42Nuggetand, at least on the sip firmware, the cisco implementation is REALLY flaky
21:46.45husimonis a predictive text auto completion thing
21:47.23*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
21:48.00stansmithdeeper '07 what can i do?
21:51.00*** join/#asterisk Strom_C (n=strom@
21:51.12stansmithStrom_C: sup buddy!!!
21:51.29stansmithits me, your best friend!
21:55.34husimonmmm this black bean chili is so good :)
21:55.53stansmithhusimon: o yea?
21:55.56*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (n=strom@
21:56.31husimonyeah I made it last night
21:57.04stansmithcan i have some?
21:57.12*** join/#asterisk ThatKidKel (
21:57.24husimonsure let me open an IAX trunk and pour some in.
21:57.26*** join/#asterisk bsdwarrior (
21:57.29*** part/#asterisk ThatKidKel (
21:57.56bsdwarriorI can't get a phone to register with asterisk from a remote location. any know if I need to set the proxy address ,etc?
21:58.39husimonbsdwarrior, I'd guess it's an issue of firewall ports not being open
21:58.51*** join/#asterisk dexpdx (
21:59.17bsdwarriorhusimon, I dont remember the setting to tell the phone ip to connect to.
21:59.43dexpdxanyone ever seen that one before?
22:00.05stansmithbsdwarrior: are you using SIP?
22:00.16husimonman my office mates are not going to like me later
22:00.22stansmithhusimon: lol
22:00.44husimoni remember eating chili for like 3 days straight
22:00.49*** join/#asterisk waKKu (n=eurulo@unaffiliated/wakku)
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22:00.57husimoni realized I was eating too much of it when my pee started to smell like cumin
22:01.54*** part/#asterisk JayTee52 (
22:02.35mikemkingI'm using realtime queues, and dynamic members (or realtime static members) and I am trying to figure out how I can not send a call to a member who is already on a queue call. Can anyone help?
22:02.40*** join/#asterisk drfreeze (n=Jim@
22:02.47drfreezeAnyone know a reason I am getting Congestion problems when I have open lines?
22:03.28mikemkingdrfreeze: any log errors?
22:03.45drfreezemikemking: lemme check
22:05.21mikemkingI know that I can disable call waiting on the device, but that is not an option in this case
22:06.26drfreezethere are a few data format errors that got emails
22:07.20mikemkingdrfreeze: what are the errors? Hearing fast-busy is often a sign of an error, not just of congestion
22:09.16*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
22:09.22drfreezeFeb 21 12:03:25 talky sendmail[22091]: m1LI3Jij022089: to=<>, ctladdr=<root@localhost.localdomain> (0/0), delay=00:00:0
22:09.25drfreeze6, xdelay=00:00:05, mailer=esmtp, pri=120427, [], dsn=5.6.0, stat=Data format error
22:09.26webtech_m33well l8r all
22:10.09*** part/#asterisk webtech_m33 (
22:10.41dexpdxdrfreeze: those are mail errors
22:10.47dexpdxnot asterisk errors
22:10.57drfreezeyeap. no asterisk errors other than congestion
22:11.13drfreezethe event_log is empty
22:11.15mikemkingfreeze: have you watched the asterisk CLI while making a call?
22:11.21dexpdxasterisk -vdgr
22:11.32dexpdxcheck your dialplan
22:11.52mikemkingand what messages go by when you get congestion?
22:12.03drfreezethe uptime is 20 weeks
22:12.59mikemkingif you hear congestion, you should see a warning or error in the CLI. Otherwise, Congestion() was called by the dialplan
22:13.54drfreezehave had a few instances of congestion in the past - 600 logged cases over 1.5 years - 212 occurances today
22:14.22drfreezethe staff said they could not make outgoing calls - only one person at a time
22:14.23mikemkingare these inbound or outbound calls?
22:14.26husimondrfreeze, i'd check your zaptel device
22:14.28drfreezeotehrs got a fast busy
22:14.28[hC]What is it about my sip peers that makes them reset to username = s after a call comes in from them? sigh.
22:14.46drfreezehusimon: zaptel looked good. no errors in status
22:14.55mikemkingfreeze: are you sending calls out zap or a sip trunk?
22:14.56drfreezemikemking: outbound
22:15.09husimondrfreeze, i'd definitely load up the cli and turn on debug and make two calls and see what happens
22:15.28drfreezehusimon: k. but it seems to be working now
22:15.45husimondrfreeze, do you log your cli to a file?
22:15.57drfreezeI'll watch it for a bit. They don't seem to call when the problem is occuring
22:16.02drfreezehusimon: yes
22:16.06drmessanoI got a $12 bluetooth USB thingo from CompUSA
22:16.09mikemkingthat's always the way :-)
22:16.14husimondrmessano, what's it do?
22:16.26husimondrfreeze, odd that they don't call when the phones don't work ;)
22:16.26drmessanoUSB Bluetooth Adapter
22:16.41drmessanoWhere is Stevegoma when you need him
22:18.43*** join/#asterisk GlobeTrotter (n=eric@
22:19.44drfreezeon sip show channels, does Tx: ACK mean the line is being used?
22:24.56drfreezehusimon: see pastie above
22:25.56Mavvieputnopvut: thanks!
22:26.24drfreeze50.97 is ext 510
22:26.55putnopvutMavvie: are you the reporter on issue 11917?
22:27.00Mavvieputnopvut: yes I am.
22:27.00drfreezeSo, does Got SIP response 500 "Internal Server Error" back from mean that my phone is going bad?
22:27.05putnopvutMavvie: Ah, okay :)
22:27.15*** join/#asterisk Beave (
22:27.29mikemkingdrfreeze: might be your PSTN connection
22:27.50drfreezeah, so maybe the adtran board is going bad
22:29.02mikemkingor your carrier is congested ;-)
22:30.23drfreezemikemking: what do you think the internalserver error from the phon emeans?
22:32.53mikemkingdrfreeze: not sure on that one
22:34.18signiusis it a 500 server error and what phones you using ?
22:34.43drfreezesignius: polycom 501
22:35.43signiusdoes that maybe point you in the right direction ?
22:35.45*** join/#asterisk lonebobwhite (n=rleblanc@
22:38.33signiusHave you got the buddy watch setting activated ?
22:38.57drmessanoAnyone know what chipset is needed to make chan_mobile work?
22:39.08drmessanoWhat kind of bluetooth chipset is supported
22:39.10Qwelldrmessano: any?
22:39.17drmessano?  Could be
22:39.19Qwellif Linux supports it, so will chan_mobile
22:39.28drmessanoI guess I asked that stupidly
22:39.33signiusThere seems to be an article for trixbox that seems to be related to this and polycom 501s
22:39.34Qwellthere are only like 3 major ones, and iirc, Linux supports them all
22:39.40drmessanoWas trying to be simple about it
22:40.04Qwellsignius: are you using trixbox?
22:40.07drmessanoI got this $12 one from CompUSA and I was gonna go back and get another
22:40.18Qwellor, drfreeze rather
22:40.24Qwelldrmessano: another Doctor!
22:40.55drmessanodrfreeze, you are trying my patients
22:41.20drfreezesignius: hmm
22:41.49drmessanoDinner time, brb
22:42.30drfreezedrmessano: not using trixbox
22:44.00signiusi know you didnt say you were using trixbox but trixbox does use asterisk and it might be related to the same element is what i was thinking
22:45.24drfreezelooks like the server error is harmless and can be fixed with rebooting the phones
22:45.36*** join/#asterisk lonebobwhite (n=rleblanc@
22:45.50drfreezethanks everyone for your help
22:47.29Mavvieputnopvut: The original DTMF debug was invalid because of the path it took. I tried to strike it out (HTML wise) but it kind of failed.
22:47.48putnopvutMavvie: ah, okay. I'm not sure why it works for me but not for you.
22:48.04putnopvutThere's nothing odd in your DTMF debug messages either.
22:50.02Mavvieputnopvut: that is with asterisk 1.4.18 you did it with?
22:50.26putnopvutI tried both the tagged 1.4.18 and the latest SVN revision of 1.4.
22:50.27*** join/#asterisk antonyo14 (n=tony@
22:50.28MavvieAnd with an FXO or FXS card or with a PRI ?
22:50.34*** join/#asterisk nvrpunk (n=root@
22:50.36putnopvutFXS port.
22:50.59nvrpunkquestion, some phone numbers register our dtmf and some dont
22:51.09nvrpunkwould that be a setting at the pstn gateway?
22:51.15nvrpunkor possibly something on our side
22:51.15antonyo14I am wondering if anyone has any experience with static when using speakerphone
22:51.17nvrpunkcausing it
22:51.56Mavvieputnopvut: It was an PRI card for me. I just did a test with a SIP phone and it indeed worked fine.
22:53.04putnopvutI wonder if anyone here has a PRI card set up that they could test on...?
22:54.09Mavvieputnopvut: I just tried it on the 1.2 instance we have still running and it worked fine there. Also with a PRI.
22:54.39putnopvutMavvie: are you the one who sent an e-mail to the asterisk-dev list about this issue or is that someone else?
22:54.56Mavvieputnopvut: that was me.
22:55.11putnopvutOkay, because if it was someone else, I was going to ask if he was using a PRI.
22:55.20putnopvutBut obviously he is :)
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23:12.11sun_moonhello dr
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23:12.27sun_moonlong time no hear howz atlanta
23:12.40drmessanoDunno.. Im in Augusta
23:13.10sun_moonsorry I meant to type augusta and instead typed atlanta
23:13.36sun_moonso whats going on with the latest release ofasterisk ?
23:14.03drmessanoI dunno.. I think it still makes phone calls
23:14.25sun_moonthat was a good one
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23:20.07drmessano$6.60 for a USB Bluetooth
23:20.16sun_moonoh cool
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23:20.33drmessano$1.00 + $5.60 S&H
23:21.16drmessanoIssue #2
23:21.21Wayhighany idea what chipset? some of them you can do the handsfree with
23:21.35drmessanoI dunno
23:22.10drmessanoHow does one USB do the handsfree and one not?
23:22.28Wayhighsome don't support the profile in their drivers for some reason
23:22.37Qwelldrivers?  linux.
23:23.16Wayhighthe only reason it matters is because if you have the handsfree profile setup you can bridge your cell phone calls
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23:24.11WayhighI'm trying to find a way of having a verizon prepaid that wont cost $30/mo to use it daily..
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23:25.00Wayhighthen I could bridge the prepaid to my in-network verizon phones and if they get angry you're only out a prepaid :)
23:25.23drmessanoI was thinking it would be cool to use Chan_mobile with an extra phone.. blah blah blah...... and then I realized the utility of having it work with MY phone when it's sitting here
23:29.28*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
23:29.35Dovidhi. Can anyone help me with this ?
23:30.34MavvieDovid: if you explain what it is, what happens and what you expect to happen.
23:31.20DovidI am have an E1 and I am unable to make calls. I know that is a broad statement.
23:31.28Dovidi get back congestion from my carrier
23:31.44MavvieDovid: do they require a valid CallerID?
23:31.57Mavviealling Number (len= 4) [ Ext: 0  TON: National Number (2)  NPI: ISDN/Telephony Numbering Plan (E.164/E.163) (1)
23:31.58MavviePresentation: Number not available (67)  '' ]
23:32.16Dovidi will check the CID
23:32.17Dovidone sec
23:34.08Dovidnope. CID is being set
23:34.12jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
23:34.26drmessanoIf only there was a book
23:34.34Mavvieso, give a new trace.
23:34.57mvanbaakQwell: we need drivers on bsd
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23:36.48Corydon76-vcchmvanbaak: you find me someone local to write the drivers, and I'll be happy to loan him the cards
23:37.43drmessanoAsterisk was the top PBX, and somehow down the list a few, Trixbox showed up..
23:37.50Mavviekernel work. my favourite! seven reboots in twelve minutes, and you still have no idea why even the simplest example program doesn't work.
23:37.57drmessanoSo either someone is a dumbass, or Asterisk made the list twice
23:38.39Dovidi wonder what this is: [Feb 22 01:35:38] WARNING[7640] pbx.c: Ignoring entry 'CALLERID(num)XXXXXXXXXXwith no = (and not last 'options' entry)
23:39.15drmessanoEvolution PBX as well
23:39.26Dovidhmm. now i get a new error
23:39.29drmessanoUnless they change the core
23:40.08MavvieExt: 1  Cause: Unallocated (unassigned) number (1)
23:40.10Corydon76-vcchdrmessano: also inaccurate, but the that's the case in any of the "top *" articles out there
23:40.18Dovid> Calling Number (len=14) [ Ext: 0  TON: National Number (2)  NPI: ISDN/Telephony Numbering Plan (E.164/E.163) (1)
23:40.18Dovid>                           Presentation: Number not available (67)  'XXXXXXXXXX' ]
23:40.25drmessanoThey're all pretty bogus
23:40.26Corydon76-vcchdrmessano: how exactly is Sangoma "open hardware"?
23:40.28Dovidsorry for the 2 lines
23:40.40MavvieDovid: but still: Presentation: Number not available (67)  ''
23:41.08DovidMavvie: What does that mean ?
23:41.09Corydon76-vcchI know of zero commercial vendors who have "open hardware"
23:41.19drmessanoTrue.. The fact they write drivers for open source systems doesnt exactly fit
23:41.26MavvieDovid: that you didn't set tthe callerid.
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23:41.51Dovidbut i DID :( :( :( :(
23:41.57Dovidi guess they dont like it
23:42.01drmessanoand EIKGA
23:42.08drmessanoEKIGA anyone?
23:42.10MavvieDovid: read line 5.
23:42.15Mavvieand read line 6.
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23:42.36fbntsHi, has anyone use the ExtensionState Manager AGI function?  I am trying to check the status of our SIP Phones but it always returns 0 regardless of if the phone is in use or ringing
23:42.57DovidMavvie: How do I block my CID on a PRI ?
23:43.04Doviddoes that depend on the carrier  ?
23:43.12Corydon76-vcchAnd describing Digium as "one of the leading providers" is dishonest, as well.  Digium is the progenitor of Asterisk.  Without Digium, there would be no Asterisk.
23:43.24MavvieDovid: SetCallerPres(prohib)
23:43.58Dovidi am using Set(CALLERID(num)=XXXXXXXXX) is that correct for a PRI ?
23:44.35Mavviedepends on if you replac ethe X's with a valid number or not.
23:44.36Dovidseems they dont like blcked CID
23:44.37DovidPresentation: Presentation prohibited of network provided number (35)  '' ]
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23:45.01DovidMavie: it is valid. just wonderd if that was correct (not that it shouldnt be but maybe for a PRI.........)
23:45.11drmessano"Digium is one of the leading providers of Asterisk’s open source PBX software"
23:45.18drmessanoor "The one"
23:45.24MavvieDovid: first issue is to make the basics work. Later on, you can do funky stuff.
23:46.00drmessanoThis list was probably make up by one of those Skype using losers over on TMCnet
23:46.10drmessano"Asterisk not supports SIP"
23:46.14drmessano"Asterisk now supports SIP"
23:46.26drmessanoand other highly riveting articles
23:46.57drmessano"Facebook's next big thing: VoIP"  Oh, pardon, there's been no VoIP apps for facebook yet?
23:47.54DovidMavvie: goto give them a ring tomorrow
23:48.47drmessanoand lets not forget:
23:48.52drmessano"MobiCents is billed as “the most popular Open Source Service Logic Execution Environment (JSLEE) and SIP Application Server for the Java platform."
23:48.53MavvieDovid: they will tell you: you're not sending the caller id.
23:49.57drmessanoThats a way to have a niche
23:51.06drmessano"HappyClownPBX is the fastest open source asterisk based PBX branded specifically for use in circuses, childrens hospitals, and as a mobile application platform for pedo's in red vans with 'Free candy' painted on the side"
23:51.09drmessanoNice niche :)
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23:52.08drmessanoI'm easily the most qualified doctor in here that has an italian last name
23:52.57DovidMavvie: And I am
23:53.09Dovidexten => _[0-9*#]!, 1, Set(CALLERID(num)=0788187123)
23:53.11MavvieDovid: not according to the last paste you did.
23:53.14*** part/#asterisk beek (n=klinebl@
23:53.27Dovidoh last paste was blocked. I changed it back
23:53.45Dovidnow I get the error that I got b4 (67)
23:53.57drmessanoQwell: I have 3 of those $6 Bluetooth USB DONGLES coming, so I guess I am gonna see how this crap works
23:58.13DovidMavvie: Thanks for the help
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23:59.56SteveTotaroI am such a nice guy

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