IRC log for #asterisk on 20080218

00:00.06haxseanbright: do they 'sound' a particular way? or, how are you supposed to go about knowing what's the issue?
00:00.10mvanbaakI'll have to take my laptop
00:00.26mvanbaakgoing to talk to olle about this multiparking stuff I took over from him
00:00.28seanbrighthax: you should ask on irc in #asteri... oh wait... crap
00:01.00haxseanbright: yeah, i'm currently trying that, but i'm not sure if they're really going to be able to help... though i think it's probably a fairly common question
00:01.07mvanbaakI'm redoing the 'multiple parking contexts' branch he once did
00:01.12mvanbaakbut he lost interest
00:01.19mvanbaakand I want to get it merged
00:01.19seanbrighthax: well i feel like i've let you down.
00:01.25seanbrighthax: i'm just going to go...
00:01.36mvanbaakso I'm updating his branch. but it's lagging for 8 months
00:01.39haxseanbright: heh
00:01.40puzzledmvanbaak: saw the branch msgs on the ml
00:01.49mvanbaakbasically it means I have to do it all over again
00:02.02mvanbaakmight be a good thing to sit down with olle and talk it over
00:02.12mvanbaakcan be on thursday, or on the fosdem
00:02.23mvanbaakwe both will be there
00:02.37nvrpunkis it notransfer=no or transfer=no
00:02.51nvrpunkto disable native iax transfering
00:02.52mvanbaaknvrpunk: IAX ?
00:03.17puzzlediirc notransfer=yes
00:03.29puzzledbut you can find it in the sample configs
00:03.34mvanbaakin trunk
00:03.49mvanbaak;transfer=no            ; Disable IAX native transfer
00:03.49mvanbaak;transfer=mediaonly     ; When doing IAX native transfers, transfer
00:04.13haxseanbright: it's just odd because it seems to work fine, but it's like there's little dropouts, almost like when a cell phone doesn't sound perfect
00:04.17mvanbaaknvrpunk: look in the asterisk sources dir: configs/iax.conf.sample
00:04.26haxseanbright: i'm thinking maybe it's the codec or something, but i don't see any statistics or anything i could use to see what's going wrong
00:04.49mvanbaak5% battery power left ;)
00:05.23haxseanbright: actually, maybe it's just my microphone
00:05.32mvanbaakmeh, my nagios is sending me emails
00:06.11mvanbaak'thinkpad warning - battery power is below 5%'
00:06.11mvanbaaklatero all
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00:26.43nvrpunkso question, we have SIP phones going out an IAX2 to a pstn gateway (junction networks)  and we are getting 50packets per second per call
00:26.54nvrpunkon the tx
00:26.55Sniffadoganyone able to answer basic asterisk questions?
00:27.03nvrpunkand then 150 pps on the rx
00:27.17nvrpunkif it was trunking shouldnt the calls combine into the same packet?
00:27.22LiNeTuXSniffadog: sometimes :)
00:27.26nvrpunkand thus only 50 pps for two calls?
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01:18.46ManxPowerperhaps trunking is enabled in one direction only
01:26.53*** join/#asterisk m4sk4r4 (n=m4sk4r4@
01:41.43DocfxitI just connected a new install to phone lines. If I try calling out I get a dial tone. I'm calling 91805xxxxxxx or 9xxxxxxx If I try calling in I get the voice menu. I can call in from the outside to an extension.
01:42.07*** join/#asterisk florz (i=nobody@2001:1a50:503c:0:0:0:0:1)
01:42.07DocfxitI think my dialing rules are set up correctly.
01:42.28DocfxitI have re-booted all the phones.
01:43.17DocfxitThey are Polycom phones. The display has black phones that are solid black.
01:44.13*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (n=kumbang@
01:49.43*** part/#asterisk Docfxit (
01:51.07*** join/#asterisk Docfxit (
01:51.33Docfxit[5:42pm] <Docfxit> I think my dialing rules are set up correctly.
01:51.33Docfxit[5:42pm] <Docfxit> I have re-booted all the phones.
01:51.33Docfxit[5:43pm] <Docfxit> They are Polycom phones. The display has black phones that are solid black.
01:52.56*** join/#asterisk Mavvie (
02:02.40*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
02:07.43Wayhighthat dang mouse somehow got out of the glue trap..
02:07.52Wayhighit must have only got one paw in it
02:08.39WayhighI've made a decent trap for it now.. glue traps funnelling the mouse to the other live catch trap
02:09.52LiNeTuXWayhigh: just make one big 120V metal platform.  It steps on it, volia'!  Cooked mouse!
02:11.06Wayhighthat's a decent idea.. wonder if I can find a pressure switch light enough so I don't have to have the mouse cooker running all the time.
02:11.22Mw3actually a 230V one would be better :D
02:12.16Wayhighyeah but that'd certainly fry anything it touched
02:12.26Wayhighincluding people..
02:12.40LiNeTuXWayhigh: or even better, put in on an angle so when it crossed the threshold for the bait... switch... zappo!
02:12.41Wayhighthere's a good chance you're coming away from a 120v shock but not a 240v
02:13.16Wayhighi'm just praying there's nothing bigger than a mouse in my basement..
02:13.27Wayhighcause whatever got stuck on the trap drug it about 1.5 feet
02:13.41LiNeTuXWhen the lights go dim...
02:17.28nvrpunkive got whacked by 240 three phase
02:17.30nvrpunkit hurts
02:17.33nvrpunkbut not deadly
02:17.51nvrpunkyou feel for about 1 hour after :/
02:18.10drmessanoAll 3 phases?
02:18.13drmessanoor 1 phase?
02:18.23LiNeTuXi don't think people have 3 hands :)
02:18.23nvrpunkthink just one or two
02:18.32drmessanoIf it was more than one, you wouldnt be here
02:18.32nvrpunkI was holding the metal parts of my multimeter :p
02:18.41obnauticusi could attach 3 phases to my penis
02:18.44obnauticusat the same time
02:18.46obnauticuswith some sort of machine
02:18.52*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
02:19.00nvrpunkit's the amps that get you
02:19.10obnauticusya high voltage just burns you really badly.
02:19.15obnauticusa quarter of an amp can kill you
02:19.16billytwowillysmells like burnt hotdogs..
02:19.25nvrpunk1/4 amp across the heart
02:19.26drmessanoone phase, you're a highly resistive path to ground, 2 or more and you become a low resistant path between phases, and you end up being the fuse
02:19.31drmessanoSo 2 phases, gone
02:19.39nvrpunk1 amp inderectly is survivable
02:20.11drmessanoSo Im guessing you touched 1 phase :)
02:20.20nvrpunkdrmessano, didn;t put much thought about it, I just know it hurt
02:20.21obnauticusi need a 3 phase generator
02:20.24obnauticusi can't run big PDU'sb
02:20.28obnauticusbecause i don't have a 3 phase
02:21.13drmessano3 phase is fun
02:21.20drmessanoEspeically when you single phase
02:21.21obnauticushow do you get your 3 phase?
02:21.34drmessanoOff the pole lol
02:21.43obnauticushow much do they make you pay for that
02:22.04drmessanoNo clue.. Cant remember the last power bill I had to deal with
02:22.14obnauticusit's not that expensive though is it
02:22.15drmessanoNo more than the basic price of power per kw
02:22.21nvrpunkobnauticus, it was equipment off the army I got whacked with
02:22.25Wayhighobnauticus: the problem is.. the voltage taking the shortest path to the ground may go through your heart which causes it to stop beating..
02:22.44drmessano30ma is all it takes
02:22.44Wayhighso yeah.. high voltage does burn.. but it's the path it travels to ground that is the real problem
02:23.13drmessanoBumping 240 with your hand is no biggie
02:23.16drmessanoSucks, but you live
02:23.30drmessanograbbing something else when you're doing it.. BYE BYE
02:23.32Wayhighdude.. have you ever seen what happens to people that grab high voltage lines?
02:23.47Wayhighthe arc blows out the backside of their leg usually.. it's pretty nasty looking
02:23.49Qwellhe IS a dr afterall
02:23.54drmessanoI saw a pic of a guy that blew himself up stealing copper
02:24.18drmessanoSome guy was stealing copper from... a substation
02:24.24Wayhighman.. if you're stealing live copper you so deserve what you get
02:24.33drmessanoand somewhere I have a real graphic pic of his 3 or 4 pieces
02:25.04nvrpunkthat were left?
02:25.15nvrpunki saw a picture of a marine who bit a blasting cap and lived :(
02:25.18nvrpunkpretty nasty
02:25.23Wayhighthat's about as good as siphoning gas using a shopvac
02:28.54drmessanoI'll crack my laptop open later and put that pic online.. its apparently not on my personal machine
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02:34.43drmessanoFamily Guy.. good stuff
02:34.55Wayhighwonder if I can find someone with a lot of co2 I can pump into my basement..
02:35.22Wayhighremove family from home.. pump co2 into basement/house.. no more live mice
02:35.39drmessanoPut a couple 18 inch JBL speakers down there
02:35.45drmessano500 watt crown AMP
02:35.49DocfxitI just connected a new install to phone lines. If I try calling out I get a dial tone. I'm calling 91805xxxxxxx or 9xxxxxxx If I try calling in I get the voice menu. I can call in from the outside to an extension.
02:35.56drmessanoGenerate a 20,000 cycle tone
02:36.00drmessanoand wait
02:36.09DocfxitI have re-booted all the phones.
02:36.18Wayhighjust figuring I'll drive it/them out?
02:36.23DocfxitThey are Polycom phones. The display has black phones that are solid black.
02:36.25drmessanooh yes
02:36.46DocfxitMy dialing rules are set up correctly.
02:37.16drmessanoOnce you get about 16,000, humans lose out, and the rats start getting it
02:37.24drmessano20,000 is a good number
02:37.41DocfxitAny ideas why I only get a dial tone when calling out?
02:39.12*** join/#asterisk LiuYan (n=LiuYan_f@
02:44.09drmessanoHOLY CRAP
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02:44.35Qwellwhere have you been?
02:45.16drmessanoWhat ever do you mean?
02:45.19Wayhighsome places are finding those teenage control products illegal to use
02:45.47Wayhighand personally.. I hate them because I may be 35 but I can hear the anti-mosquito racket and it really is VERY irritated to my ears
02:45.51drmessanoI guess in a cave.. didnt know someone made use of the technology like that... an outdoor mounted teenager deterrent..
02:46.47drmessanoI was trying to find some data on hearing range loss with age.. and I found that
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02:47.02Wayhighsome teenagers near my place were shocked when they found out that I could hear their ringtones
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02:47.34Wayhighwe were on the metro and I asked them to shut off their ringtones cause it was disorienting
02:48.07drmessanoWe tried that at work last year with some decent speakers and Adobe Audition generating the tones.. I think my limit was 15,000.. and the 20 yr olds were up near 18,000
02:48.31Wayhighit's strange.. I used to have a 40% hearing loss..
02:48.53Wayhighnow I'm wondering if there's just some lower tones I have a hard time hearing but can thear the upper ones more clearly
02:48.59drmessanoMy hearing sucks.. too much rock music as a teenager
02:49.17drmessanoIts possible
02:52.55LiNeTuXThis Knight Rider sucks.  It's nothing more than a Ford & MS commercial.
02:54.29*** join/#asterisk mltlnx (
02:57.07*** join/#asterisk Telek (
02:57.55TelekHey, can someone point me to a tutorial on setting up asterisk with a WRTP54G for the sip lines?
02:58.24*** join/#asterisk Docfxit (
02:58.42DocfxitI just connected a new install to phone lines. If I try calling out I get a dial tone. I'm calling 91805xxxxxxx or 9xxxxxxx If I try calling in I get the voice menu. I can call in from the outside to an extension.
02:58.59DocfxitI have re-booted all the phones.
02:59.14DocfxitThey are Polycom phones. The display has black phones that are solid black.
02:59.23TelekI had one set up at some point in the past, but don't have the config files handy to figure out what I'm doing wrong. It's registering fine, and it has some communication with the asterisk server (since pressing # gets me a message about 'thank you for using asterisk, blah blah blah), but actually dialing of extensions hangs for about 10 seconds then throws a busy signal.
02:59.25DocfxitMy dialing rules are set up correctly.
02:59.36DocfxitAny ideas why I only get a dial tone when calling out?
03:09.52drmessanoThis isnt Knight Rider
03:09.59drmessanoThis is "The OC Rider"
03:10.27drmessanoWho the eff is MIKE?
03:10.54drmessanoScrew this.. I want Hasselhoff.. I want treating women like sex objects
03:11.48drmessanoSolar powered and energy efficient?  HA.. BURN SOME GAS KITT, LIKE ITS 1984
03:13.21drmessanoNext they'll bring Airwolf back, and it will be a Hovercraft
03:14.46scooby2a stealth solarpowered huey
03:15.24drmessanoWelcome to 2008.. KITT: Powered by Windows Mobile
03:15.28*** join/#asterisk tomierna (
03:15.40LiNeTuXdrmessano: that's why it can't outrun the POS other Fords
03:16.39drmessano"Michael, I can't arm the missiles right now, I have to reboot to install this windows update"
03:17.05LiNeTuX"But KITT!"  "I'm sorry Mike.  There's 32 critical updates - just this hour."
03:17.15tomiernaHi. Trying to set up a digium AA-50 for the first time. It's not publishing DHCP as promised. Anyone know of any tricks?
03:18.11LiNeTuXKITT: "Oh dear.  I seem to have been 0wn34d.  Michael, what does that mean?"
03:20.40*** join/#asterisk trnzmeta (
03:21.18NuggetWindows and Ford -- seems like a perfect match to me.
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03:23.55Nuggetthen again, if KITT ran Linux Michael would never get out of the garage.  He'd just be surrounded by wrenches and poring over the FUEL INJECTION HOWTO trying to recolve a conflict between the KDE ECU and and the gnome-maf-0.02b package.
03:24.30Nuggetand of course the limited slip differential package is abandonware writtedn by some 19 year old liberal arts student while he was high.
03:27.29styelzand then ya die
03:28.13*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
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03:31.58drmessanoNugget: ROFL
03:32.31*** join/#asterisk ZaVoid (
03:34.07russellbsooooooo ...
03:34.19russellbsomeone start fighting or something, i'm bored
03:34.36jbigbeeha, what's going on russel?
03:34.55russellbwaiting on a delayed flight ...
03:36.06russellb~hug file
03:36.06jbotACTION gets a running start and tackle-hugs file
03:36.09LiNeTuXGaaahhh!  You dirty brat!  Look what you've done!   I'm MELTING!  MELTING!
03:36.28MrTelephonewhen is the next asricon
03:36.28jbigbeerussellb, so I've decided to pick up a challenge. I'm going to run/swim/cycle in a triathlon. Think Digium would sponsor me?
03:36.36russellbMrTelephone: :)
03:36.41MrTelephoneare you going?
03:36.46russellbjbigbee: i ... have no idea
03:36.50russellbMrTelephone: of course :)
03:37.02MrTelephonerussellb, some kids rooted my server with that new vmsplice exploit
03:37.04filejbigbee: I would totally give you currency
03:37.30jbigbeefile, there are qualifying events in canada. I'd be sure to use it
03:37.40russellbMrTelephone: should i know what you're referring to?  :)
03:37.50russellbNugget: oh god, that's terrible
03:38.03jbigbeeI can see it, Ironman triathlon 2008 won by Digium Sales Rep.
03:38.37drmessanoOH WOW
03:38.40fileNugget: you probably mean X101P
03:38.46scooby2MrTelephone: why did they have local system access?
03:38.51drmessanoX101P 4 LIFE
03:38.51jbigbeeNugget, I get a lot of requests for that card
03:39.03MrTelephonea mistake
03:39.47drmessanoIf you install 8 X101P cards, you end up with a box with 8 X101Ps... :/
03:39.57Docfxittomierna » I'm no expert. But I believe for DHCP you need to have another box that has a DHCP server.
03:40.21drmessanoLet me get this right
03:40.27russellbdrmessano: did you just say 8 == 8 ?
03:40.32drmessanoThey can't turn KITT back on because he's exploitable
03:40.32russellbthat's brilliant
03:40.58jbigbeeit's insane
03:41.12drmessanoNo, I said the equivalent of.. If someone gives you 6 blocks of SPAM for christmas, 6 people hated you enough to give you SPAM for christmas
03:41.25DocfxitI just connected a new install to phone lines. If I try calling out I get a dial tone. I'm calling 91805xxxxxxx or 9xxxxxxx If I try calling in I get the voice menu. I can call in from the outside to an extension.
03:41.31russellbdrmessano: oic.
03:41.34DocfxitI have re-booted all the phones.
03:41.41Nuggetto paraphrase jwz...
03:41.44DocfxitThey are Polycom phones. The display has black phones that are solid black.
03:41.55DocfxitMy dialing rules are set up correctly.
03:41.55Nugget"Some people, when faced with a problem, say to themselves 'I know!  I'll use an X100P"
03:42.00Nugget"Now they have TWO problems."
03:42.05DocfxitAny ideas why I only get a dial tone when calling out?
03:42.15drmessanoThey turned KITT back on, and quickly enabled the Windows Firewall
03:42.23russellbDocfxit: because your extension that dials out is probably wrong ...
03:42.27russellbDocfxit: pastebin it
03:42.29jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
03:43.02Docfxitrussellb» What should I pastebin?
03:43.12russellbthe extension that handles dialing out that isn't working
03:43.12MrTelephonedocfxit, change your dtmfmode in sip.conf to rfc2855 or whatever it is
03:43.24LiNeTuXTHAT was the windows firewall
03:43.26drmessanojbot: KITT is the Knight Industries Two Thousand, the car of the future
03:43.27jbotdrmessano: okay
03:43.33LiNeTuXEffective, no?
03:43.54drmessanoWhat they did was more like pfsense
03:44.07Docfxitrussellb» All extensions are the same. Only dial tone when dialing out.
03:44.20MrTelephoneanyone know where to get a cisco as5300 with 2 t1s with 60 dsps for under 5 thousand :(
03:44.50MrTelephonedocfxit, your not breaking tone if your not sending a digit
03:45.05drmessanoActually, if you want to be technically correct, his father is Michael Long, not Michael Knight
03:45.13*** join/#asterisk ZaVoid (
03:47.36DocfxitMrTelephone » My Sip.conf is the same when I had all phones plugged into an AsteriskNow setup. I installed Asterisk into Ubuntu with the same conf files .
03:48.10DocfxitMrTelephone » I don't see dtmfmode in sip.conf. I'll look at the samples.
03:51.19MrTelephonepaste some log output into pastebin of an outgoing call
03:51.26*** join/#asterisk AndyGraybeal (
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03:52.01TelekOkay, I have asterisk setup fine and the router configured to connect, and capable of using the demo extensions, however they do no seem to be configuring properly for dialing amongst themselves... any thoughts?
03:54.42DocfxitMrTelephone » How can I find a log of an outgoing call. The Asterisk log doesn't say much.
03:55.11MrTelephoneasterisk -rvvvvv
03:56.46MrTelephoneit worked in asterisknow?
03:59.09*** join/#asterisk FuturePrimitive (
04:00.11FuturePrimitiveGood evening.  I am trying to get a census on which Asterisk distribution seems to be the most popular.  So far, PIAF and Elastix seems to be the top picks?  Any other great recommendations?
04:00.49FuturePrimitiveAlso, I am looking for which distribution works best with 1.6
04:00.55FuturePrimitiveI need the TCP features.
04:01.27MrTelephonewhy do you need tcp
04:02.15FuturePrimitiveI have a gateway server between my other pbx that only works using SIP TCP.  I have tried to work with OpenSER and SipX, but I would rather everything in one box.
04:02.44russellbi don't think there are any distributions that support 1.6 yet
04:02.48russellbyou will have to install that yourself
04:02.48FuturePrimitiveI tried the TCP patch, but it seemed really buggy.
04:02.50MrTelephonewhat brand pbx?
04:03.06russellbthe patch isn't the same code that went into 1.6 ...
04:03.09DocfxitMrTelephone » Example of outgoing call log.
04:03.37FuturePrimitiveyeah, I heard they completely rewrote the TCP part for 1.6.
04:03.37FuturePrimitiveThats why I was interested.
04:04.08FuturePrimitiveNow dont flame me here, but the other PBX is OCS.
04:04.55MrTelephonedocfxit, it looks like it should work
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04:05.24DocfxitI can't figure out why it won't.
04:05.44DocfxitI have the same config files from the other box when it did work.
04:06.04DocfxitI have the same card from the other box.
04:06.29DocfxitI do get incoming calls just fine.
04:06.35MrTelephoneand they sound ok?
04:06.46FuturePrimitiveSo, my best bet for 1.6 is to just install it on top of say CentOS 5.1 and then load up FreePBX 2.4?
04:07.09FuturePrimitiveAnyone have experience with 1.6 yet?
04:07.09MrTelephonecan you setup an extension so that it dials ZAP/g1 without the number
04:07.28MrTelephonesetup extension 9 so it dials ZAP/g1
04:07.42MrTelephonedo you know how to do that?
04:08.25DocfxitI have a GUI installed.
04:08.58DocfxitThat may make it easier.
04:09.04MrTelephonecan you snoop on the call with an analog handset to see if its even sending the digits?
04:10.17DocfxitI have an analog handset. I'd have to figure out which line it's going out on. I'll try.
04:10.45MrTelephoneyour telco might not be recognizing dtmf or something
04:13.08*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
04:13.51FuturePrimitiveHas anyone had any issues installing 1.6?
04:14.08DocfxitThe same phone lines/connection are in use now as with the AsteriskNow box that worked just fine.
04:14.31MrTelephoneis the zapata.conf the same too?
04:14.36MrTelephonethe rx/tx gains?
04:15.21MrTelephonei dont want to send you on a wild goose chase though
04:18.42Docfxityes. it's the same
04:19.02DocfxitI'll gook at the gains.
04:20.02DocfxitThe gains are both set a 5. The same as on the other box.
04:20.37*** join/#asterisk putnopvut (
04:21.24*** join/#asterisk HelloWorl (
04:22.44HelloWorli'm trying to set up my asterisk for dialing out pstn via tdm400p
04:22.59DocfxitI connected an analog phone up to every line while dialing out. I only heard dial tone. no tones.
04:23.17HelloWorlnot having very good success..
04:24.01DocfxitMrTelephone »Go ahead and send me on a wild goose chase. I'm desperate to get this up and running tonight.
04:24.37*** join/#asterisk egecko (
04:25.09DocfxitCould it be it's not recognizing the card eventhough the GUI says it is?
04:26.43DocfxitDo I need a dtmfmode line in sip.conf. even though it worked without it in AsteriskNow?
04:32.37ManxPowerDocfxit: stop comparing with Asterisknow
04:32.48*** join/#asterisk Telek (
04:33.00DocfxitI currently don't have dtmfmode = rfc2833 in my sip.conf Should I put it in?
04:33.19ManxPowerDocfxit: Does it work without it?
04:33.39DocfxitManxPower >> not now.
04:33.51DocfxitIt did before.
04:34.05DocfxitNot with this build.
04:34.32DocfxitI'm in the U.S. Is that the correct tone?
04:34.54DocfxitIt's the default in the sample file.
04:40.17Docfxitdtmfmode = rfc2833 I put it in the sip.conf, activated changes. It didn't help.
04:48.28*** join/#asterisk esaym (
04:49.37drmessanoI have a question
04:49.43drmessanoIm missing something stupid
04:58.03*** part/#asterisk FuturePrimitive (
05:01.47*** join/#asterisk Benny_132 (
05:04.59Benny_132Hi all im having a problem which is i have 2 cards a digium wildcard TE405P E1 card and a Sangoma A200 analog card, the problem is that the analog card is coming in on random zap channels instead of the range 32-35 which i have set E1 uses 1-15, D-channel 16 than 17-21
05:07.24JTBenny_132: E1 uses 1-15 for B chans, and 17-31
05:09.29Benny_132thanks i'll make that change we only have 10 lines anyway, the E1 works perfect its jsut the analog lines when when u ring in come in on like Zap/1-1 instead of Zap/32-1 like it says in the zaptel and zapata conf files
05:10.35cmantitoso I've decided to make a phone based IRC client XD
05:11.26cmantitonot like, mobile based, there's lot of those, voice based, using ast
05:12.05cmantitoI've already got it connecting to servers and reading off chatter in the room
05:12.10cmantitonow I need to design an input method
05:13.06styelzcan you change channels and join channels with voice commands
05:13.52cmantitonot yet
05:14.02cmantitoI can't afford voice recognition :P
05:14.08cmantitoso I'm gonna have to do something with keypad input
05:14.41styelzoh fun
05:14.56cmantitoI haven't found any open source voice recogs yet anyway :P
05:19.08mihinomenestof course not, they're too profitable.
05:19.24*** join/#asterisk AndyGraybeal (
05:26.15styelzyou could set it up to controll a botnet remotely i guess...
05:26.38sweeper23:14 < cmantito> I haven't found any open source voice recogs yet anyway :P
05:27.00styelzits not very good though is it
05:27.04cmantitoI was looking at that but from what I ready it didn't work with asterisk cause of .. something.
05:27.07styelzdidnt work well on zork
05:27.13styelzat least
05:27.32sweepernaw, doesn't work well, like mihinomenest said, good voice recog makes too much money
05:28.18sweeperI dislike even good voice recognition anyways
05:28.31cmantitoI don't need it to work well, does it work at all with ast then?
05:29.01cmantito"It is fairly easy to integrate Asterisk with Sphinx, the only trouble is that you
05:29.01cmantitoneed to have an Acoustic Model (AM) for 8KHz, which are not (yet) readily available."
05:29.09cmantitoare they available at this point?
05:30.43sweeperprobably not, see the next note
05:30.53drmessanoI've almost got grandcentral pwn3d
05:43.27drmessanoI have great news
05:43.43drmessanoChris Pirillo figured out how to get Fax over VOIP working..
05:43.44drmessanoI mean
05:43.50drmessanoAll the brainpower in here
05:43.54drmessanoScrew you guys..
05:43.59drmessanoChris Pirillo got it
05:44.39cmantitodoesn't look any different than all the other things I've read :P
05:45.04drmessanoLooks like the same lame ass, half ass attempts at making work that everyone else has tried
05:45.05drmessanoBut het
05:45.23drmessanoIt's DONE
05:46.05drmessano"When all else fails, call your VOIP provider."
05:46.19drmessanoYes, i'm sure they would like to know that Fax over VOIP doesn't work
05:46.34drmessanoBecause, you know, they don't already..
05:47.23drmessanoThis is why I love twitter.. It's like a troll search engine with chat built in
06:02.58HelloWorlanyone up to helping get my cisco 7960 working with asterisk? (pbx iaf)
06:03.48HelloWorli was able to upgrade the phone to SIP 8.8 i'm like a quarter of the way there...i think
06:09.16*** join/#asterisk MaliutaWrk (n=nikolai@
06:18.17jbottroll is probably a race on some muds; a guy under a bridge: an annoying robot; a port scanner, or somebody faking being clueless to be shown the One Linux Way so he can argue against it for his psychology thesis on linux advocates, or an employee of trolltech, or at or ...
06:18.40*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
06:22.35J4k3jbot: h4x is the core coding style for Linux and all related projects
06:22.36jbotJ4k3: okay
06:22.47drmessanoOh god
06:23.04drmessanoStallone is going to resurrect his character from "Cliffhanger" for another movie
06:23.08jboti heard omfg is "oh my fluffy gerbil"
06:23.32jameswf-homemy gerbil is declawed
06:24.09jbotWhy would a Wookiee, an eight-foot tall Wookiee, want to live on Endor, with a bunch of two-foot tall Ewoks? That does not make sense! But more important, you have to ask yourself: What does this have to do with this channel? Nothing
06:24.31jbotyou are probably the leading cause of censorship in #asterisk, or a jbot junky in training
06:26.00jbotfrom memory, 42 is the answer to life the universe and everything, see also,_the_universe,_and_everything
06:26.05jbotfrom memory, 88 is two fat ladies
06:26.28jbothmm... 69 is something you must learn to know more about.. looks the same if you turn it upside down
06:26.53jbotfrom memory, 73 is Ham Radio speak for "10-4, over and out"
06:26.55drmessanoI rule
06:27.15jameswf-home~stupid human
06:27.37jbotit has been said that id10t is a chair to keyboard user interface error.
06:27.40jbot[happyclownpbx] currently in closed beta, is close to 7GB in size, and it pwns
06:28.01drmessanoI need to fix that
06:28.12jameswf-home~centpbx is dead
06:28.12jbotjameswf-home: okay
06:28.16jbotfrom memory, centpbx is dead
06:28.53jameswf-home~adminsparadise is dead
06:28.53jbotjameswf-home: okay
06:29.12jbotfrom memory, pbxinaflash is Ward Mundy's toy assembled by joe roper visit or #pbxinaflash
06:29.22jbot[HappyClownPBX] is currently in closed beta, approaching 12GB in size, uses Asterisk for it's core, and it pwns
06:30.11jameswf-homeI hear its just another crap trixbox clone
06:30.38drmessanoI heard it has more bloat
06:30.42drmessanoNot sure I believe that
06:32.28*** join/#asterisk Chris-NB (
06:34.39jameswf-homelets go to our judges
06:34.46jbotI dunno I am on the fence
06:34.53jbotfor me it was just kina aight dawg yeah just aight
06:35.00jbotThat was utterly and completely mind numbingly painful I would rather debug windows
06:35.43*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
06:36.07HelloWorli'm trying to set up cisco 7960 for pbx iaf...any suggestions?
06:36.15jbotcisco makes the routers that move the pr0n across the internet at a very high rate of exchange. a company full of patent protected punks!
06:37.41HelloWorlwell...i managed to get sip 8.8 loaded...what to do now...i have tftpboot with SIPDefault.cnf...when i call asterisk...i get fast busy
06:41.26HelloWorlno helpy?
06:41.34HelloWorlwell i tried...thx
06:43.20drmessanoI guess I am gonna go to bed.. big day tomorrow
06:46.48*** join/#asterisk nvrpunk (n=root@
06:47.11nvrpunkhow do I make it so a certain set of phones dont route out?
06:47.19*** join/#asterisk Docfxit (
06:50.15SwKnvrpunk, read up on contexts
06:50.16*** join/#asterisk ixx (
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07:12.37loompekanyone of you guys ever successfully registered sysmaster tornado m20 to your asterisk server?
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07:20.32g0mb0hi, I'm looking for good open source h323<->sip signalling proxy
07:20.50g0mb0are there such software?
07:31.18*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-10fe7bb5d212cbf6)
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07:44.01nvrpunkcan you have 1 user with 2 contexts?
07:48.47sweeperanyone around know much about mrtg? I want to know how to put info from two devices on one graph...and there's no #mrtg here :P
07:57.51*** join/#asterisk fordfrog (n=fordfrog@gentoo/developer/fordfrog)
08:01.48*** join/#asterisk agx (
08:02.58*** join/#asterisk RealUser19633469 (
08:03.16RealUser19633469i'm having a problem with adding destination of DID in a2billing, i need to see if someone knows how to fix it
08:03.26RealUser19633469anyone alive?
08:04.50tzafrirRealUser19633469, maybe. But you also provided practically 0 information about the problem
08:05.15tzafrirUnless the fact that you use a2billing is the problem
08:06.08RealUser19633469the problem is that i want to forward the DID to an iax user
08:06.23RealUser19633469how shall i type the iax address?
08:08.32RealUser19633469tzafrir, can pvt u
08:08.48tzafrirIt won't really help
08:08.55tzafrirI don't know a2billing
08:09.16RealUser19633469u know how does iax exntsion looks like?
08:09.30RealUser19633469i mean for sip it will be   sipid@domainname or ip
08:09.36RealUser19633469how does iax looks like?
08:10.29nvrpunkRealUser19633469, is the last leg of the DID voip?
08:10.37nvrpunkcoming into you
08:10.55RealUser19633469it is coming i can see it in asterisk -vvvvr
08:10.57RealUser19633469Enter the phone number you wish to call, or the VoIP client to reach. (ie: 347894999 or SIP/jeremy@ If the call is VoIP, the VoIP_Call must be set to yes.
08:11.02nvrpunkRealUser19633469, you have to contact them then.  Its tricky
08:11.19nvrpunkalready did reasearch on using them for our billing
08:11.20RealUser19633469to contact who nvrpunk
08:11.22nvrpunkit can be done
08:11.29nvrpunktheir support
08:11.36RealUser19633469i did everything , there is nothing about it online man
08:11.44nvrpunkyeah i know
08:11.59nvrpunkwe are getting a custom build of a2billing from them
08:12.22nvrpunkthey already informed us DID inward with last leg voip is tricky
08:12.23nvrpunkto setup
08:12.38nvrpunk-inward as DID obviously states that
08:13.11RealUser19633469from who man
08:13.22nvrpunkonce we have our custom build I am sure i would be able to answer the question
08:13.24nvrpunkthe devs
08:13.37nvrpunkanyhow, contact them off their site
08:13.39nvrpunkand ask
08:14.01*** join/#asterisk Alexandre_fr (
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09:14.14cmantito <-- the AGI script on that page, is that called using AGI() or Perl()?
09:14.26cmantito...correction, the Perl example AGI script.
09:15.07cmantitoI know that question should really answer itself, but a one word answer would be appreciated ;)
09:16.12*** join/#asterisk gazzerh (n=garryh@
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09:53.49cmantitoanyone happen to know if res_perl works under ast 1.4?
10:00.26RoyKcmantito: prolly portable
10:00.52cmantitowell I can't get it to compile on it's own, and afaict, it's suposed to be part of asterisk-addons, but I don't see it in there -_-
10:01.25cmantitoso I was just looking for any information anyone might have on trying to make it work lol :P
10:13.46tzafrircmantito, AFAIK, it doesn't
10:14.01cmantitoto think
10:14.06cmantitoI just recompiled perl for this.
10:14.11cmantitoah well
10:14.17cmantitonext hopeful solution.
10:15.18cmantitothanks tzafrir
10:16.18loompekso i guess you had no success with tornado m20 :S
10:51.47*** join/#asterisk ahbritto (
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11:02.42bakerboiHi... can anyone please help me with a NAT problem?
11:05.26*** join/#asterisk fiddur (i=fiddur@
11:05.47fiddurHello.  I just installed asterisk-gui from svn trunk.  It starts well, but the "Service Providers"-part in cfgbasic and the same in setup/install just throws me back to the first page in that context (that is, cfgbasic.html or setup/install.html).    It says "Loading" for a short while, and then loads start page again...  There's no output in the console... Where can I start debugging?
11:05.50*** join/#asterisk quigon (n=matias@
11:06.22fidduroh sorry, missed that there was an #asterisk-gui channel.
11:07.40*** join/#asterisk quigon (n=matias@
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11:30.43tzafrirfiddur, not that there are some many people on it :-(
11:38.49*** join/#asterisk Chris-NB (
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11:42.12*** join/#asterisk davidcsi (
11:43.23davidcsianyone knows what "asterisk[4085]: rc_avpair_new: unknown attribute 1490026597" is? i've only got iax with trunking running on that box
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11:47.03ruiedcan I use the set(callerID()) in sip.conf? I have two fax machines and would like to set the outbubound number XXX for fax X and outbound number YYY for fax Y. I'm trying to do with GotoIF() is there a better method?
11:48.05ruiednot outbound, the fax public number
11:48.43loompek[Feb 18 12:47:59] WARNING[13061]: chan_sip.c:12621 handle_response: Remote host can't match request NOTIFY to call '63dc0b42005a482a0cd1e36170c0e70b@'. Giving up.
11:48.59loompeki've got quite a few of this messages
11:49.03loompekbecause of tornado m20
11:49.24loompekanyone ever heard of it? or even configured it
11:50.23jksanyone knows how to force a channel "on hold" from asterisk, instead of from the SIP phone?
11:51.17*** join/#asterisk Poincare (
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11:57.02davidcsijks, i think you can park it..
11:58.02davidcsijks    exten => 6000,1,Answer
11:59.34*** join/#asterisk Avatar42 (
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12:09.03loompekthat won't place the call 'on hold'
12:10.01yangvncWhy does error framein: no samples for ulawtoalaw happen ?
12:10.07yangvnckje si loompek
12:10.28*** part/#asterisk zamba (
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12:23.57byte_slavei want to have a wepage with internal extension, customers numbers, etc and i would like to do soemting that when i clicked in a contact asterisk dial it. I would have a first page login, for me to know who wants call a specific contact and after that establish the connection automatically
12:24.09byte_slaveany ideas how to do this?
12:24.59jksdavidcsi, well, that is for a "new call" or how you would phrase it
12:25.11jksdavidcsi, I'm looking for something that can take an existing conversation and put it on hold
12:25.38*** join/#asterisk mort_gib (
12:25.39jksdavidcsi, (and obviously be able to resume the conversation a while later)
12:43.38davidcsianyone knows what "asterisk[4085]: rc_avpair_new: unknown attribute 1490026597" is?
12:47.23*** join/#asterisk nebojsajsimic (
12:47.26nebojsajsimichi all
12:47.41nebojsajsimiccan someone use php agi???
12:48.01nebojsajsimicdoes someone use php agi>???
12:48.26nebojsajsimici need some explanation for exec_dial
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12:52.13nebojsajsimicwhen i answer call i don't get res 'ANSWER'
12:54.09*** join/#asterisk Docfxit (
12:59.05*** join/#asterisk Stingy1 (n=tbaa@
12:59.34Stingy1i try to complie app_asr.c with asterisk 1.4.18
13:00.04Stingy1but i get some errors. has anybody else try this?
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13:11.05defsworkbyte_slave: asterisk call files would be the easiest way to go
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13:30.07saint_monis it possible to call from iax2(zoiper) to sip(xlite) on the same box with vmware(centos,asterisk) in it?
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13:36.11SkamakaziHello, does anyone have any experience with the grandstream gxp-2000 phones? Im getting a weird problem where even though the GMT offset is set to 0 in the config file, the phone is setting itself to be GMT-12
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13:44.15nebojsajsimiccan someone help me with phpagi
13:53.01*** join/#asterisk geminidomino (n=ciro@
13:53.48geminidominoStumped.. Anyone have any experience on what might cause this: WARNING[9023] app_dial.c: Unable to create channel of type 'ZAP' (cause 0 - Unknown)
13:55.41*** join/#asterisk ruied (
13:56.08tzafrirgeminidomino, that's a very generic error message
13:56.12tzafrirAnything before it?
13:56.47byte_slavedesfwork, i ear about taht, i'll give it a shot and see if it applies to my needs, thanks
13:57.02byte_slavedefswork, i ear about taht, i'll give it a shot and see if it applies to my needs, thanks
13:57.02geminidominotzafrir: No, that's what makes it so odd. The first warning preceeding it is just a dialplan glitch reporting.
13:57.07x86geminidomino: do 'zap show channels' in CLI
13:57.21x86make sure zaptel is loaded
13:57.23geminidominox86: It is
13:57.38x86geminidomino: pastebin the output of zap show channels
14:02.42*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
14:02.46x86ok, now show us your Dial statement
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14:08.47geminidominothe log message?
14:10.07geminidomino(phone number replaced)
14:10.34x86yeah no wonder
14:10.37x86fix the Dial ;)
14:10.46x86also, pastebin both zaptel.conf and zapata.conf
14:11.00geminidominowhat's wrong with the Dial?
14:11.13x86show me the Dial from the dialplan
14:11.20anonymouz666wow. d-fender changed his nickname to x86 ;)
14:11.38x86anonymouz666: no, I'm just the protege ;)
14:16.27*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
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14:17.31geminidominoI can't find it. So a broken Dialplan can cause a "cause 0", or are you just messing with me?
14:17.35*** join/#asterisk `Sauron (
14:26.20*** join/#asterisk jhb (
14:27.30jhbhi *. I have an agi-script that uses Dial(Sip/123&SIP/456). How can I catch the case that nobody answers the call (I would like to send an xml-rpc request)
14:27.54lirakisgeminidomino: your dial is messed up
14:28.14lirakisgeminidomino: you should use & to seperate multiple peers
14:28.56lirakisgeminidomino: unless thats .. not your actual dial statement
14:29.10geminidominothat's what's showing up in the log
14:29.26geminidominoI'm still trying to untangle this #$! dialplan to find the actual
14:31.15*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@
14:31.42lirakisgeminidomino: sounds like youve got other issues... i mean .. if you cant find the Dial call
14:32.25geminidominoOh, I've got issues aplenty.  I just didn't want to hose my dialplan if it turned out to be a hardware problem.
14:33.22lirakisgeminidomino: (shrug) dont know.. but its unlikely
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14:33.50Zeeekanyone using an AA50?
14:34.04geminidominoAll right. Guess I'll have to tear it down and start again then. Thanks
14:35.47*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki (
14:38.55nebojsajsimicHow to catch answer in php agi dial ???
14:41.16nebojsajsimicexec_dial in php agi don't send back Answer just -1 when call end any idea for this prob
14:43.52x86geminidomino: just search your dial plan for Dial statements... grep is your friend ;)
14:44.07x86geminidomino: grep -r 'Dial' /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf
14:44.09geminidominox86: There's a lot of them.
14:44.22geminidominoSo I was trying to backtrack to find out which one it was
14:44.26x86ok, limit it further by dials out of the g2 group
14:44.58geminidominoif it's a dialplan issue, then you guys can't help me anyways. :)
14:45.44*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
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14:45.49x86geminidomino: no?
14:46.10x86sounds like you do not desire help ;)
14:46.11geminidominox86: Nope. That puts it into FPBX clusterfsck territory.
14:46.14lirakisx86:  i dont think i want to see his dial blan
14:46.27lirakisgeminidomino: ahh .. well your in the wrong channel friend
14:46.29geminidominoNot at all. I just don't desire to be flamed for not reading the /topic :)
14:46.50geminidominolirakis: I know. That's why I wasn't asking about the dplan here.
14:48.57*** join/#asterisk seanbright (n=elixer@
14:50.18SteveTotarolooks like a tough room this morning
14:51.20SteveTotaroriddlebox around?
14:51.21x86SteveTotaro: never a dull moment ;)
14:53.24*** join/#asterisk kyron (
14:56.39patrick--Hey, my asterisk suddently stopped during the day and i dont have a clue why.
14:56.44patrick--can someone tell me how to debug?
14:57.43lirakispatrick--: look at your log files  /var/log/asterisk/
14:57.50patrick--messages doesnt show anything
15:01.01*** part/#asterisk Zeeek (n=Heh@pdpc/supporter/active/Zeeek)
15:01.11patrick--where would i have to look?
15:01.26saftsackis there a channel for electronic purposes? nand-gatters and microcontrollers?
15:01.38deeperrormay have dumps in there
15:02.23patrick--nah dumps is nothing
15:03.29*** join/#asterisk james4765 (
15:04.08patrick--[Feb 18 16:01:23] WARNING[24143] chan_misdn.c: Could not create channel on port:1 with extensions:
15:04.13patrick--whats that all about?
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15:07.58james4765I'm having a bit of a problem with my TDM400 after installing Trixbox 2.4 - it's getting a ring signal but no sound is going through
15:09.16jbot[~trixbox] trixbox is a full linux distro that includes FreePBX and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox VERY difficult to support, and is not supported in #asterisk. Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & wiki at
15:09.17james4765I've got a handset connected in parallel with the line, and there's no problem with the signal
15:09.55ruiedI have a voipcheap account for outgoing calls, I would like also to receive the incoming calls from voipcheap also. My problem is: a person that tries to add my pbx's voipcheap account into the friends list, needs to be accepted by the other party (my pbx account). Is there any option so a person that adds my pbx voipcheap account be automattically added into the his/her friends list without the other party confirmation?
15:10.30*** part/#asterisk james4765 (
15:10.41ruiedthe other party confirmation = my pbx account confirmation...
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15:11.37patrick--can anyone tell me why my asterisk keeps crashing?
15:11.45patrick--i cant see anything from the log files
15:12.04ManxPowerhow often does it crash?
15:13.40ManxPowerWell if you don't want help...
15:14.50x86anyone know of a java applet softphone? preferrably IAX?
15:15.11x86i've checked out jiaxclient, but it only supports windows and linux... no MacOS X support :(
15:15.24jboti heard manxpower is Consulting for Asterisk, Polycom, Sangoma, Digium, Cisco, LAN, WAN, QoS, T-1, PRI, Frame Relay, Linux, and network design.  Based near Birmingham, AL.  Now accepting clients worldwide.
15:15.26x86njiax seems to be just a library with no applet front-end
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15:16.24jbotholds MrTelephone to the floor and spanks him with a cat-o-nine-tails, courtesy of royk
15:18.09ManxPowerjbot is well trained.
15:19.05jbotyou are probably an IRC nub
15:20.26patrick--ManxPower: sorry... it crashes when theres much telephony going on
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15:22.32`paulim trying to configure an audiocode mp124 to work with asterisk and i get a "determine_firstline_parts: Bad request protocol asterisk SIP/2.0" warning. what seems to be the prob? pls help...
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15:26.45nebojsajsimicok can somone help please with php dial and result
15:27.11nebojsajsimici get status when line hung-up
15:27.19riddleboxcan any Sangoma AFTA101, card handle a pri? I only see something about the 8 port cards and PRI?
15:27.45riddleboxnebojsajsimic,what script?
15:28.02nebojsajsimici make php script
15:28.03ManxPowerpatrick--: then you need to read backtrace.txt in the asterisk source code.
15:28.24nebojsajsimicwhen i do $agi->exec_dial(.........)
15:28.36nebojsajsimici get result -1
15:29.01nebojsajsimic$zovi = $agi->exec_dial(SIP,$broj);
15:29.05ManxPowernebojsajsimic: the results are not for AGI, they are for C modules.
15:29.21ManxPoweryou would need to check the value of DIALSTATUS, etc.
15:29.45nebojsajsimici try but php stop and wait for call end
15:29.53ManxPowerand shouldn't it be Dial(SIP/$broj)
15:30.09nebojsajsimici get same result
15:30.28ManxPowerYes, your AGI script will stop running until the call ends.  That is why it is not a good idea ro execute Dial inside an AGI script.
15:31.03nebojsajsimicis some way to fih this or just to make calls from conf???
15:31.46ManxPowernebojsajsimic: I designed my scripts so I did not have to do Dial from AGI.  I split my AGI into two parts, the in the dialplan I run the first AGI, then the Dial, then the 2nd AGI
15:32.15ManxPowerObviously everything still stops until the call ends.
15:32.22nebojsajsimicok i can make on that way i just ask is some way to make in one agi
15:32.36x86anyone know of a java applet softphone? preferrably IAX?
15:32.50nebojsajsimicbecause i have more vars to pass fromm first to second agi
15:32.52ManxPowerthe only other option is to use .call files, but you still can't do the Dial within the AGI
15:33.15ManxPowernebojsajsimic: you can easily set the VARs in the first AGI to be read by the 2nd AGI
15:33.37nebojsajsimiccan you show some example?? plz
15:34.05ManxPowernebojsajsimic: you do not know how to set vars in the php-asterisk library?
15:34.53nebojsajsimici think not :(
15:34.54ManxPowerthis is in Perl: $AGI->set_variable("VOICEMAIL_GROUP", "$group_list");
15:35.30ManxPowerthe variable VOICEMAIL_GROUP will be set in the dialplan for all other apps/agis that are part of that call
15:35.50ManxPowerI can't tell you how to do it in PHP
15:36.40nebojsajsimicok thx
15:37.44SteveTotaroanyone test ?
15:39.14defsworkSteveTotaro: no - but I will now - sounds great
15:39.44SteveTotaroi want to test it on a thinclient
15:39.59SteveTotarothat would be awesome if it works well
15:41.21defsworkwonder if it will work on an eee pc
15:41.49ManxPowerif it worked well everyone would be using it.
15:42.38SteveTotaromaybe they are on the down low or maybe it has not gained attention yet
15:42.48SteveTotaroi just learned of it a week or two ago
15:43.41ber___skype has a plugin which gives you a click to call on all ph#s in IE
15:44.00ber___phone calls are pretty cheap so it doesnt bother me its skype versus my own system
15:44.06SteveTotarobut this is iax2
15:44.18SteveTotarocan you use speex with it?
15:44.37ber___whats teh benefit of IAX2 or SPEEX over standard skype?
15:44.49ber___i can see this maybe being useful for dialing stuff which isnt standard nanpa #s
15:44.56ber___like say you had a large company intranet with extensions
15:44.59SteveTotarohow about in 3rd world countries where port blocking is a reality for VoIP
15:45.00ber___all web based
15:45.08defsworkskype is evil
15:45.26ber___skype works for me, who knows if they are shunting off my data to the nsa :)
15:45.28SteveTotarothis isn't the skype channel
15:45.51ber___no all im saying is that what that app tries to do users can already get in some form
15:45.55jbot[~skype] Skype is a free VoIP software and service using a closed client and propritary protocol.  Only commercial channel drivers exist, all of which are poor implementations of convoluted hacks. In general, forget about using Skype with Asterisk...
15:46.32SteveTotaroyes, that argument can be made for most things, including asterisk
15:46.35SteveTotaroand skype
15:47.02ber___well anytime you have a new app users will move to it if it can do something new or significantly better than existing
15:47.26ber___so one thing the skype piece cant do is things that require fancy dialplans, its good for normal direct dials only
15:47.46ber___for cheapness free versus $.02 a minute doesnt matter that much to me
15:48.03SteveTotarooh so i cannot connect to a repeater in afghanistan?
15:48.11SteveTotarovi app_rpt with skype?
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15:48.54defsworkwhat do you guys use to route calls out over GSM ?
15:49.02agxisn't google talk working exactly like skype? you create an account, install software and it works ? (+ you can integrate with asterisk and others softswitch? )
15:49.10jbotit has been said that gsm is a codec, operating at approx 13kbps up/down.
15:49.40defsworkSteveTotaro: I mean route calls out via GSM operator (SIM dialler)
15:49.40agxnot true, GSM has a real bw of 32/38 knps
15:49.46jbotGoogle has a free 411 service call 1-800-goog-411
15:50.14SteveTotaroyou can use chan_mobile
15:50.31SteveTotaroturn bluetooth cells into FXOs
15:50.48x86anyone know of a java applet softphone? preferrably IAX?
15:51.15x86only works with windows or linux
15:51.27x86need something that works on macosx as well
15:51.53x86hmm, can be flash, doesn't have to be java I guess
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15:52.22SteveTotaroyou can compile it so why can't you compile it to work with mac?
15:52.42x86because it has os-specific libs?
15:53.03SteveTotarodunno i am not a mac guy
15:53.07x86jiaxc_linux_x86.jar and jiaxc_windows_x86.jar
15:53.35SteveTotaroi thought mac was using x86 hardware now, shows how much i know
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16:02.13x86SteveTotaro: they are? ;)
16:02.20x86SteveTotaro: but still not a windows box? :)
16:02.46SteveTotaroi saw one running an instance of xp or maybe it was vista
16:07.38agxwich FW do you guys uses with GXP 2000 ? I found comfortable with but the new model comes with 1.1.4.x or 1.1.5.x and there is no way to rollback...
16:08.37x86SteveTotaro: my mac dual-boots MacOS and Vista
16:08.54x86SteveTotaro: but the point is, my customers may be running MacOS, and I need to support that
16:09.50ber___can u tell them to use the windows emulator?
16:10.07x86you know of a windows emulator that runs on a Mac?
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16:11.08x86ber___: no, I want a web-based (java or flash) SIP or IAX phone so I can do click-to-call from my website to my asterisk server
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16:12.53SteveTotaromuxaur or whatever sells what you need
16:13.01SteveTotaronot sure if it works on a mac though
16:13.14x86it does, but I was looking for free ;)
16:13.35SteveTotarohow many instances do you need?
16:13.37ber___if they use mac they should be used to paying for things :)
16:13.56x86ber___: most of the software I use on my Mac is free....
16:14.10x86ber___: MacOS X probably has just as much free software as any other OS
16:14.24ber___i meant the fact th hardware costs 2x as much
16:14.48ber___its good, was looking at powerobook or pc laptop, i just didnt want to spend the extra cash
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16:14.52ber___many peopel i know have switched to mac
16:14.56SteveTotarois it just one, your mac?
16:16.41ber___you can do click2call from a website to asterisk with other options than java or flash
16:16.49ber___there were some freeware php implementations of it
16:17.09x86ber___: since powerbooks have been discontinued for some time now, you can probably get one very cheap
16:17.24ber___whatever their highest end notebook is
16:17.26x86ber___: php can handle client-side audio?
16:17.29ber___i dont know the nomenclature
16:17.44x86last I knew, php was server-side, not client-side
16:17.49ber___oh you want to do it to voip? i was thinking it could click2call to a phone
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16:18.07x86that's click2callback
16:18.11x86completely different
16:18.35SteveTotarojust pony up and pay
16:18.48ber___yeah all the time you invested in talkign about this crap you could have bee making money
16:18.50SteveTotaroinstead of asking the same question over and over ;)
16:19.04ber___but you are right, click2call i never messed with
16:19.09ber___just that callback app
16:19.22x86SteveTotaro: I believe I'm discussing potential options, not asking over and over ;)
16:19.35ber___i def odnt knwo the answer
16:19.42ber___does google come up with anything good?
16:19.47x86not really ;)
16:19.54ber___if google cant find it
16:20.05x86I found something called TringMe
16:20.36x86which is free and flash-based, but when the call is placed into asterisk, and I pick up my phone, no audio is ever exchanged
16:20.48ber___do you haev source to it?
16:21.06ber___you can just debug the flash
16:21.35ber___and run protocol sniffer on yoru side make sure RTP is bridged end2end
16:21.57ber___no audio is normally an IP reachability thing
16:22.18ber___but i dont know the implementation library this flash app uses
16:24.00x86i think it's because I'm going out the pix, and coming back in via 1:1 static NAT
16:24.12x86so I think I need someone on the outside of my network to try calling in
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16:27.03SteveTotaro(10:36:07 AM) x86: anyone know of a java applet softphone? preferrably IAX?
16:27.33x86SteveTotaro: first couple times I was asking for java, then I was asking for flash... see the difference? :)
16:27.49SteveTotaro(10:17:55 AM) x86: anyone know of a java applet softphone? preferrably IAX?
16:27.57x86uh huh ;)
16:28.24SteveTotaro(10:00:09 AM) x86: anyone know of a java applet softphone? preferrably IAX?
16:28.50x86yay! steve can effectively copy+paste!
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16:29.58jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
16:30.04ber___yeah it doesnt sound like an issue in the app sounds like a network issue
16:30.34jbotcisco makes the routers that move the pr0n across the internet at a very high rate of exchange. a company full of patent protected punks!
16:30.50SteveTotarothey also have some really good networking certs
16:32.32SteveTotaroi have yet to meet a ccie that didn't know networking
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16:35.44SteveTotaroanyone know of a webbased iax or sip phone that can diagnose my PIX and NAT settings for free?
16:36.21SteveTotaroanyone know of a webbased iax or sip phone in Java that can diagnose my PIX and NAT settings for free?
16:36.32SteveTotaroanyone know of a webbased iax or sip phone in flash that can diagnose my PIX and NAT settings for free?
16:36.49ber___yuou are mean
16:37.06SteveTotaroi am funny!
16:37.29SteveTotarox86 is a good sport
16:37.40ber___anyways x86 can you unprotect yoru server from your firewall for your testing
16:37.52ber___then test and if the app is working ok start fixing th eissue
16:38.17ber___1:1 map external IP to server
16:38.25x86I have 1:1 map
16:38.45x86I guess I can do access list myacl permit ip any host blah
16:38.54ber___yeah any type of filtering remove
16:39.08ber___sometimes people inadvertantly filter some of the RTP possible ports
16:40.30x86yeah I know
16:40.50x86and with SIP, it's a PITA because the RTP port range can be 2000+ ports
16:41.03x86that's why my original question was preferring IAX ;)
16:41.14x86since it uses a single port for both signalling as well as RTP
16:41.30SteveTotarotry it with a linux or windows box first
16:41.35SteveTotarothen mess around with mac
16:42.17x86I've got a friend external to my LAN who is testing on windows
16:42.51x86but since it's flash, all of the hardware is abstracted anyway, and there is no need for os-specific stuff for connecting to audio devices
16:42.58x86(unlike Java)
16:43.17SteveTotaroanyone know of a webbased iax or sip phone in java or flash that can diagnose my PIX and NAT settings for free? oh and run on a mac....
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16:43.54SteveTotaroi say simplify as much as possible first and then make it more complex if needed
16:44.24x86it is simple
16:44.29x86very simple ;)
16:44.36x86at least with flash
16:44.48anonymouz666SteveTotaro: Take a look at JIAXCLIENT and please stop repeating yourself. it's annoying.
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16:45.45SteveTotaroi am not repeating myself, i changed my question each time'
16:45.54SteveTotarosee the difference?
16:46.24filenow now... everyone play nice
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16:47.01lirakisthinking about doing hvm with xen
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16:50.04Enf0rc3rsup homie?
16:50.18SteveTotaronot much here
16:50.23Dovidis there any way of seein if a digium card is physically installed on a box with out installing zaptel
16:50.24SteveTotarojust messin around
16:50.25Enf0rc3rthis is my nagios box
16:50.27Enf0rc3rModelPentium 75 - 200
16:50.27Enf0rc3rChip MHz165.96 MHz
16:50.34Enf0rc3rIDE Deviceshda: QUANTUM BIGFOOT_CY2160A (Capacity: 1.97 GB)
16:50.38Enf0rc3rold skewl
16:51.04ber___dovid, 'lspci'
16:51.08ber___or check out dmesg
16:51.21SteveTotaronice ber
16:51.38ber___lspci is normally what i use if i have a driver issue
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16:52.22apocnHello, when an agent is talking to a client (from the queue) and another call comes in, he's softphone starts ringing (even tho he's talking to another client)...
16:52.25apocnhow can I prevent this?
16:52.54SteveTotaroapocn, turn off call waiting on the softphone
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16:53.59apocnSteveTotaro, thanks
16:54.11SteveTotarode nada
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17:01.22fiddurHas anyone here implemented any kind of "skills based routing" for queues in asterisk?   e.g what is described here:
17:01.59coppicedumbass avoidance routing
17:02.07fiddur...the example there is a bit easy though;the point is combined skills...
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17:03.22SteveTotaroskills based routing on who is about to make commission, don't route to them anymore
17:03.37SteveTotaroi bet alot of bosses would like that
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17:04.20SteveTotaroroute to the next best closer who is further from hitting his numbers
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17:05.49coppiceoh, you mean dumbass seeking routing
17:06.08SteveTotarono, you want it to go to a good closer
17:06.13fiddurBut seriously...  a manager is supposed to update everyones skills in e.g. e-mail-support and norwegian language... and a call matching these two criteria should be routed to the one best suited to serve him/her in that language...
17:06.17SteveTotarobut you want to avoid commissions
17:06.39coppicethe good closers hit their numbers, so your requirements are in serious conflict
17:06.53SteveTotaronot if you run a tight ship
17:07.02fiddur...if it isn't done allready, I guess I will add it, and some gui for it...
17:07.06SteveTotarodangle the carrot on a string
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17:07.44SteveTotarofiddur, you could automate that with a customer survey, if they will take the time to answer
17:08.07drmessanoGotta love a job interview
17:08.28SteveTotarogiving or getting interviewed?
17:08.29fiddurSteveTotaro: That would be a call center karma system then? :D
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17:09.04SteveTotarofiddur, why not?  it is certainly worth a try
17:09.23SteveTotarocustomer feedback is more valuable than some supervisor's opinion
17:09.44clyrradIf using func_odbc.conf to select data, and your select returns multiple rows, how does asterisk receive it?  Does it come back as one variable thats comma seperated?  Or does it return ARRAY or something similiar that we walk though with while loop?
17:09.49SteveTotarodid the dr get a jobby job?
17:09.52fiddurSteveTotaro: Well, it's worth a look... but that's AFTER I've gotten the routing up in first hand!
17:10.09MrTelephonefor who
17:10.12drmessanoIm pessimistic
17:10.28SteveTotarothat's no good for interviews
17:10.32drmessanoSome IT company that does helpdesk and onsite
17:10.48SteveTotaroyou have to walk in there knowing you nailed it before you even say word one
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17:11.22SteveTotarofiddur, do you have metrics for agents stored somewhere else?
17:11.31drmessanoI walked in with a good attitude
17:11.33SteveTotarosome kind of crm
17:11.40drmessanoand I showed them I knew a lot more than they expected
17:11.59clyrradanyone done this?
17:12.00drmessanoBut we got into a back and forth over enabling the windows zero wireless config wizard
17:12.03SteveTotarodon't show them you know more than expected, doh!
17:12.08DataxHi all, I have a Cisco 7961G with the SIP41.8-3-1S firmware but I can't get it to register with asterisk
17:12.18drmessanoI think it can be done from double clicking the tray icon
17:12.24drmessanoand hitting a button
17:12.25Dataxthe asterisk server keeps saying that the registration failed
17:12.45drmessanoThats what he said.. "this is how you need to do it"
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17:12.49clyrradDatax: doule check the username / password
17:12.57drmessanoI at least told him how to get to the service in CP
17:13.07drmessanoBut I dont think I would walk a user through that
17:13.20Dataxclyrrad: I agree that that looks to be the problem and I have checked. I'm wondering if I'm not just messing up in the XML file that the cisco phone downloads
17:13.22SteveTotarostart run cmd services.msc
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17:14.00drmessanonet start wzcsvc
17:14.02clyrradDatax: like I said double check the username and password as well as the registration context
17:14.40clyrraddo any of you know the answer to my Database question?
17:14.45mort_gibdrmessano: Only loosers ask for stupid stuff like that
17:14.53SteveTotaroand losers too
17:14.54fiddurSteveTotaro: no, not yet..  I can put it where I want it; it'll start out with only 18 people, and I think there'll be 4 skill areas plus 3 languages.. for starters.
17:15.04mort_gib:-) Yes, very right
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17:15.39SteveTotaroare you going to use agent penalty for skills based?
17:15.46SteveTotarothat's what i did
17:16.22fiddurSteveTotaro: What does that mean?
17:16.49SteveTotaroyou can give an agent a penalty from 1 to 100
17:16.57SteveTotaroi believe 1 is the default
17:17.17SteveTotaroso you just use the AMI to update their penalties on the fly
17:17.38SteveTotaroyou may have to patch AMI for that, i am not sure, it has been a while
17:19.11fiddurHmm... you mean using penalty to make the normal queue-operations to prioritize the better skilled?
17:19.47SteveTotaroyes, along with the penalty you create creative use of queues and cascading queues
17:19.48lirakisSteveTotaro: why dont you just use a different queue?
17:20.05SteveTotarohow many different queues are we talking about
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17:20.14SteveTotarolet's say you have a spanish queue
17:20.23SteveTotarowith 100 agents
17:20.32lirakisSteveTotaro: lin queue mac queue win queue ... then send to the properly trained group
17:20.55lirakisSteveTotaro:... or have agents be members of more than 1 queue
17:20.59SteveTotaroand in that group how many members
17:21.09lirakisSteveTotaro: i dont know.. thats up to you
17:21.15SteveTotarohow do you rank the members?
17:21.21SteveTotarowith agent penalty
17:21.31lirakisSteveTotaro: im talking about NOT using penalties
17:21.45SteveTotaroit all comes down to agent penalty with the fine grain
17:22.06fiddurSteveTotaro: I have thought of auto-creating queues from the skills-db...  There would be at least 12 main queues with a prio set by penalties then...
17:22.19lirakisSteveTotaro: depending on your operations... i mean if you offer a product for 3 os's .. then you have 3 queues
17:22.29lirakisSteveTotaro: thats a simple operation...
17:22.35SteveTotaroewww queueprio killed my live call center
17:22.40lirakisSteveTotaro: but getting into penalties can be sticky business
17:23.10fiddurBut is it so hard to hack in another queue-operations mode so that it's worth creating queues from outside?
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17:23.32SteveTotaronot really, penalties are easy
17:23.49fiddurIt would be very easy to make a program that can see who is most suited of all available agents right now..
17:23.51SteveTotaroeasy to move people around
17:24.18SteveTotarodo what you want, i am just telling you what i know works well
17:24.19lirakisSteveTotaro: i guess my point is... it is probably best to first analyze your operation, and design your queues accordingly, instead of just slapping penalties all over to "control" a generic queue
17:24.58SteveTotaronobody said slapping penalties all over a generic queue except you
17:25.22SteveTotaro(12:05:00 PM) irc: yes, along with the penalty you create creative use of queues and cascading queues
17:25.35lirakisSteveTotaro: guess i got to the conv. late.
17:25.54lirakisSteveTotaro: 20-25 min late
17:26.14fiddurNo not one generic queue; on queue per relevant combination of skills...
17:26.37*** join/#asterisk Docfxit (
17:27.20SteveTotaroand my suggestion is then you can get to finer grain by using penalties
17:28.55*** part/#asterisk geminidomino (n=ciro@
17:30.00fiddurSteveTotaro: yes, that's a good solution that I guess will work well for the need.  I sitll consider writing a new queue-handling-method though; I have to place the code that generates those lists somewhere, and it could as well be done from the asterisk queue and then get the agents skills in the same gui that sets up the agents themselves.
17:30.23fiddurbut I thank you for your suggestions!
17:30.38SteveTotarono problem
17:30.47SteveTotaroyou are talking about a 1 megapixel camera
17:31.09SteveTotaroi am looking at an 8 megapixel that you can blow up to super fine granularity
17:32.11SteveTotarosomething you could not get unless each agent in a group of one hundred agents unless they all had their own queue
17:35.07*** join/#asterisk DarWin_vcch (i=red@
17:36.34fiddurSteveTotaro: I think the result will be the same... if the queue-method considers the skills the same way a queue-constructor with penalty would, the result is the same... it's just the gui and the implementation that differs; the same agent would be rung in both cases
17:38.05fiddurMind you I am quite new to asterisk, and don't know how the queue methods are coded... but I'm not new to coding or messing around with open sources :)
17:48.24jksanyone knows how to force a channel "on hold" from asterisk, instead of from the SIP phone?
17:50.07*** join/#asterisk shido6 (n=shido6@
17:51.33ManxPowerjks: you might be able to via the Manager Interface
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17:55.57jksManxPower, that's what I'm trying to do - but I'm not sure how :-|
17:56.41jksManxPower, I don't see any manager actions that indicates a hold possibility... but it might be something that must be done through a combination of things or similar
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18:03.50ManxPowerjks: If you can't do it via manager, then you can't do it.
18:04.13ManxPowerwhy do you want to place a call on hold not using the phone and what are you trying to accomplish?
18:05.50jksManxPower, hmm, well, I don't know if it is possible from the manager - I'm just not able to figure out how to do it
18:05.58*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki (
18:06.13jksManxPower, the reason for putting the call on hold not using the phone is that I have a SIP headset
18:06.24clyrradCan anyone tell me how to handle multiple ROWS with REALTIME?  IE... How do you get the next row from the result set?  Currently I have it working but it only every returns the first hit, how do you itterate the whole result set?
18:06.30jksManxPower, so there are no keys or buttons for placing the call on hold on the phone itself
18:06.43ManxPowerthen your softphone sucks
18:06.53jksManxPower, it's not a softphone.
18:07.03ManxPowerthen what is it?
18:07.12ManxPowerDoes it require a PC to work?
18:07.13jksManxPower, a SIP phone (hardware)
18:07.17jksnope, doesn't require a PC to work
18:07.28ManxPowerThenyour SIP phone sucks.  Every single phone I've seen has a hold button
18:07.33jksManxPower,  I've written an app that gives me access to the "missing" features such as DTMF dialing
18:07.39jksManxPower, it's not a "phone" phone
18:07.43jksManxPower, it's a wireless headset
18:07.44Qwellyour phone can't dial?
18:07.57clyrradall the examples I find on google and voip-info demonstrate returning 1 row, but what if there are more than one row?  If anyone can help I would apprecate it :) :)
18:08.07jksManxPower, so it has button for taking the call, volume up and down... that sort of thing.... no hold button
18:08.14ManxPowerjks: Well you need some form of phone to access Asterisk.  Either a softphone or a hardphone.
18:08.22jksManxPower, it is a hard phone
18:08.25cli4meis there another config, similar to callprogress= that will allow me to try and pass call status to the PBX behind my * box?
18:08.32jksManxPower, it's just a desk phone with a gazillion buttons
18:08.48ManxPowerjks: One might think that if you had bought a decent phone in the first place, you would not be wasting your time.
18:08.54jksManxPower, it's a small thing you wear on a ear-clip... there's a limitation to how many buttons will fit there ;-)
18:09.04jksManxPower, I think you're completely missing the point
18:09.23QwellBT headset > SIP phone > Asterisk
18:09.23ManxPowerjks: No, you are missing the point.  The CLIENT is supposed to be the device that puts a call on hold.
18:09.24jksManxPower, I'm really fond of this phone... I'm not wasting my time... I just want to implement a hold feature
18:09.42jksManxPower, yes, but in this case the client cannot do it, so I want to initiate it from the server
18:09.50ManxPowerjks: Then I guess you had better start hacking chan_sip.c then.
18:09.59ManxPoweror res_manager.c
18:10.01jksManxPower, Okay, I might have to resort to that then
18:10.47jksQwell, I did that before, but I like the fact that I don't have a phone occupying space on my desk... (bit weird, I know)
18:11.02clyrradcan anyone help me out with my REALTIME question?
18:11.13Qwellclyrrad: use func_odbc
18:11.33clyrradQwell: how do I handle itterating multiple rows though?
18:12.19Qwellfunc_odbc in 1.6 can do multirow
18:12.34clyrradQwell: how do I do it with 1.4?
18:12.36ManxPowerQwell: so the answer is "you can't do it in any released version of Asterisk"?
18:12.40QwellCorydon76-dig: is there a 1.4 backport for that?
18:13.37clyrradREALTIME works fine, but only seems to get the first row :P
18:15.57clyrradI am trying to make a realtime DB table where extensions can opt in and opt out of the paging group, but for it to work need to be able to handle mulitiple rows being returned.... if current versions dont support multi-rows, have you guys done anyting similar?  If so how did you work around this limiation?
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18:24.43clyrradwhere'd everyone go? LOL
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18:35.06PseudoNimhey all
18:35.47PseudoNimi'm trying to set up a callback/dialout gateway... but i can't quite wrap my head around the Authenticate() command. is it possible to have it so that if i enter one password it goes to one context (in which it asks me for a callback #) and if i enter another password it would give me DISA?
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18:54.16*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
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18:54.53DocfxitWhere can I find instructions on how to setup a message box?
18:55.13ManxPowerDocfxit: You mean voicemail?
18:55.52ManxPoweryou should know this already
18:56.17DocfxitI'm looking for a manual to record a greeting.
18:56.34DocfxitHow to record a greeting.
18:56.49JerJerlogin to the voicemail main app and listen to the prompts
18:56.57ManxPowerlog into voicemail, option 0, then follow the options
18:57.21ManxPowerBut your question was not how to record a greeting, but was how do you set up a voicemailbox.
18:57.47DocfxitWhen I listen to the prompt she doesn't say how to end the greeting.
18:58.15DocfxitHanging up the phone wipes out the greeting you just recorded.
18:58.28ManxPoweryou press #, IIRC
18:58.40DocfxitGreat. Thanks.
18:58.43ManxPowerand I believe it does tell you that
18:59.47DocfxitI didn't find that. Thanks.
19:09.06*** join/#asterisk jdg (n=jdg@
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19:12.39DovidI am using n+101 if my primary route does not work. If my primary route does not respond (at all) it takes about 30 seconds before asterisk rolls over and tries the n+101 extension. When running a sip trace asterisk seems to send the invites over and over. Is it possible to loer this time ? (Yes I alredy checked the wiki and I didn't find anything there).
19:14.15ManxPowerDovid: Don't use +101
19:14.41ManxPowerThat feature may have been removed from 1.4 already.  If not, it should be removed in 1.6
19:15.05ManxPowerDovid: Asterisk will keep trying.
19:15.27ManxPowerUse qualify= or a low registration length
19:15.27DovidManxPower: Anyway I can set it to stop after X amount of seconds ?
19:15.43ManxPowerDovid: I don't believe you can.
19:15.55Dovidtime to start a bounty
19:15.57*** join/#asterisk SteveTotaro (
19:16.03ManxPowerthere might be some settings in sip.conf.sample, but I assume you looked at that before taking up our time.
19:16.13Dovidyes i did Manx
19:16.13shido6anyone know where I can get something similar to this :
19:16.37shido6im building a training facility for asterisk
19:17.11drmessanoI got a perfect assignment
19:17.27SteveTotarofix my pc
19:17.30drmessano1. Install Linux
19:17.35drmessano2. Install Asterisk
19:17.39drmessano3. ???????
19:17.42drmessano4. Callcenter
19:17.48drmessanoWorth 100 points
19:18.02drmessanoEst time: 1 Hour
19:18.15seanbright1. Steal Underpants
19:18.16seanbright2. ???
19:18.19seanbright3. Profit!
19:18.29drmessanoGet cracka-lackin.. I want some queues, bitches
19:18.57SteveTotaro"finance" computers for a $2000 profit
19:19.06*** join/#asterisk x86 (n=x86@p3m/member/x86)
19:19.45drmessanoBetter yet
19:20.00drmessanoDo it the way americans schools do
19:20.21drmessanoMake them type in all the source code and then compile it.. They should know Asterisk inside and out by then
19:20.40drmessanoOh wait, that doesn't work
19:20.50*** join/#asterisk simbol76ss (n=simbol@
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19:23.27simbol76ssHi chat!!!
19:23.43simbol76ssAsteriskB ootCamp  is a good Course???
19:24.30DovidManxPower; The qualify seemed to do it
19:24.46Dovidit "poked" the primary IP which failed of course and rolled right over
19:27.03ManxPowerExpect that device to randomly be unreachable.  sip qualify will take the device offline if even one packet is missed.
19:28.21*** join/#asterisk redax (
19:29.47SteveTotaroAsterisk boot camp is a paper mill!!!
19:30.25*** join/#asterisk Katty (
19:30.47SteveTotaroi think it retries six or eight times before becoming unreachable
19:31.56redaxanybody using mISDN here?
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19:32.55ManxPowerSteveTotaro: IAX2 qualify has smoothing.  SIP does not, as of 1.4, IIRC
19:33.55Kattyhewwoes? :<
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19:36.36Kattyso unusually quiet.
19:37.22defsdooryou can help solve my problem if you want :)
19:38.09defsdoorI'm currently manually clearing calls whenever it surfaces
19:38.09Kattyi has wanpipe problems.
19:38.09Kattymore like, i'm the problem.
19:38.20defsdoorI have asterisk still spewing call streams at phones when the phone doesn't think it has a call problems
19:39.01tclarkso i am clearing out some t1 gear any in a real compant need a smokin deal on a sangoma 104 w/hw echo canlel pm if you want
19:39.07Kattyi don't think i've ever had that problem with asterisk before.
19:39.07defsdoorI'm clinging on to a hope that is related to one line not hanging up
19:39.27defsdoorKatty: me neither - on 2 other similar installs
19:39.29Kattywe have hangup problems sometimes..
19:39.36Kattybut they were on ole analog tdm cards
19:39.39defsdoortclark: what sort of price ?
19:39.45tclarkpm me
19:40.05Kattywhere's mister fender?
19:40.14_ShrikEhes been mia lately
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19:41.10lirakisKatty: not working today
19:43.01Kattyoh :<
19:43.03Kattyis he ill?
19:43.21anonymouz666Katty is back!
19:43.23lirakisKatty: dont think so... it is a holidy here
19:43.57SteveTotaroand then it tries again a minute later which can be changed in the source code
19:56.28*** join/#asterisk grandpapadot (
19:57.28grandpapadotOn Aastra 480i CT phones, anyone having issues using a hostname in the config file for the proxy addresses?  A hostname in TFTP seems to work, but the phone seems to flake out *sometimes* using anything but an IP address in the config files.  At first, we thought it was a DNS issue, but it's definitely with the phone.  Latest firmware.
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20:12.54juananthi people
20:12.59juananti need help
20:13.40juanantit playback with full path but not with only the name
20:13.50juanantcan anybody helpmy??
20:14.13juanantseanbright ARE YOU HERE????
20:14.29seanbrightjuanant: no, i'm not here.
20:14.54juanantyou whent the last day
20:15.00juananti am here again
20:15.22seanbrightjuanant: you don't need the /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/ part
20:15.34seanbrighterr, nevermind
20:15.41ManxPowerjuanant: looks like you are using a pre-built package.
20:15.54juanantyep i am using fedoras package
20:16.08juanantsorry, fedora packages
20:16.15seanbrightjuanant: run this at a command prompt: ls -al /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/demo-congrats.gsm
20:16.17ManxPowerjuanant: then you will have to ask the fedora packager where they set the default location for Asterisk sounds
20:16.28juanantManxPower what i should do????
20:16.34ManxPowerThey must have changed the defaults from /var/lib/asterisk/sounds
20:16.51ManxPowerjuanant: either remove the package and install from source, or contact the package maintaner for support.
20:16.54juanantmmm interesting....
20:17.29mvanbaakor look in /etc/asterisk.conf
20:17.42seanbrightor maybe he doesn't have the GSM sound files installed...
20:18.37juanantastetcdir => /etc/asterisk
20:18.38juanantastmoddir => /usr/lib/asterisk/modules
20:18.40juanantastvarlibdir => /var/lib/asterisk
20:18.46mvanbaakthat one is correct
20:18.51seanbrightjuanant: run this at a command prompt: ls -al /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/demo-congrats.gsm
20:19.07juananti installed wav and gsm
20:19.15seanbrightjuanant: run this at a command prompt: ls -al /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/demo-congrats.gsm
20:19.19*** join/#asterisk CrashSys (
20:19.35mvanbaakhow long are you going to repeat that seanbright ;)
20:19.44juanantwhait i will run it....
20:19.45seanbrightuntil he does it?
20:20.12seanbrighti prefer the eliminate-the-obvious form of problem solving
20:20.20seanbrightrather than the random stab in the dark form
20:20.20ManxPowerseanbright: I usually give them three chances, then stop helping them.
20:20.50CrashSysI am running Asterisk v.2.3 and want to know how to make the IVR menu change when they press 3
20:21.00juanant-rw-r--r-- 1 asterisk asterisk 64746 nov 20 17:26 /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/demo-congrats.gsm
20:21.03juanantthis is
20:21.06CrashSysIt's also not connecting to vonage
20:21.14CrashSysand it's virtualized
20:21.41seanbrightjuanant: now this: ps -ef | grep asterisk
20:21.41mvanbaakCrashSys: maybe that's because asterisk 2.3 is not out yet. We are in the process of getting 1.6 out
20:21.52seanbrightjuanant: and paste the output into a pastebin
20:21.54jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
20:21.56*** join/#asterisk ph0ne (n=ph0ne@
20:22.57ManxPowerCrashSys: you are a moron.  There is no such thing as Asteriwk 2.3
20:23.01ManxPoweror Asterisk 2.3
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20:23.37seanbrightManxPower: that's kinda harsh, no?
20:23.46CrashSysYes, I know... but people do e-mail me about Asterisk v.2.3 (trixbox)
20:23.48ManxPowerseanbright: not if you'd talked to him before.
20:23.54juanantasterisk 20823     1  0 14:42 ?        00:00:02 /usr/sbin/asterisk -U asterisk -G asterisk -C /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf
20:23.55juanantroot     21528 18627  0 15:21 pts/1    00:00:00 grep asterisk
20:23.56seanbrightManxPower: good point
20:24.15jbot[~trixbox] trixbox is a full linux distro that includes FreePBX and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox VERY difficult to support, and is not supported in #asterisk. Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & wiki at
20:24.21ManxPowerCrashSys: There is no such thing as Asterisk 2.3.  Therefore you should be asking on some other channel.
20:24.33CrashSysManx: Twas a joke mang...
20:24.43juanantthats all
20:24.57ManxPowerAh, so you are just trying to waste all our time.
20:24.59seanbrightjuanant: hrmmm
20:25.04CrashSysVirtualized trixbox connecting to vonage sounds kind of funny to me...
20:25.08CrashSysManx: Pretty much
20:25.44mvanbaakwhat's funny about virtualized asterisk ?
20:25.53juananti also installed asterisk-java and its working well but with the full path too
20:26.06seanbrightjuanant: does it work when you specify the absolute path?
20:26.18seanbrightjuanant: oh
20:26.26seanbrightjuanant: problem solved then.  use the absolute path.
20:26.46juanantbut i need to use sayAlpha
20:26.49juanantand sayDigits too
20:27.01ManxPowerjuanant: Have you confirmed that SayDigits and Sayalpha does not work?
20:27.10juananttaht functions cant use absolute path
20:27.16juanantthe doesnt work
20:27.37ManxPowerthis is not racket science.
20:27.38*** join/#asterisk bkw__ (
20:28.08seanbrightjuanant: or rocket science either.
20:28.59juanantmaxpower homer rocket science???
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20:29.27juanantok tanks a lot maxpower
20:29.36seanbrightjuanant: that is probably a humrous pop culture reference in south america
20:30.16juanantore you kidding?
20:31.00NuggetYou don't have to be a rocket surgeon to install asterisk.
20:31.38juananti am only 15 sorry
20:32.00CrashSysWhat version of Asterisk are you using?
20:32.12juanantok i will try using gcc and unistalling the rpms
20:32.21mvanbaakCrashSys: must be v 2.3
20:32.23juanantthanks bye sean bye maxpower
20:32.30seanbrightjuanant: adios
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20:55.08x86seanbright: obviously!
20:55.15x86<-- chingon
20:55.36*** join/#asterisk nny_1 (n=Scott_My@
20:55.50seanbrightx86: that you are... that you are
20:56.05nny_1gotta 7940 en route from ebay for testing
20:56.19x86nny_1: sorry to hear that
20:56.32x86Cisco phones suck
20:56.35x86all of them
20:56.41nny_1yeah i have been reading
20:56.44x86Polycom phones are really what you want
20:56.55nny_1that's what I have now and sell
20:57.47nny_1but i bought a cisco to have a first hand experience with it.. We have "cisco" advertised, I don't recommend them, but people are inclined to recognize the name, sadly
20:58.02anonymouz666Asterisk just support sending SIP MESSAGE method while a dialog is established. Does that make sense for you? :-) I couldn't resist.
20:58.22jbotcisco makes the routers that move the pr0n across the internet at a very high rate of exchange. a company full of patent protected punks!
20:59.37nny_1I am sure I will have plenty to bitch about come next week
21:00.09nny_1till then, I am off to buy an yugo and get a high maintenance replacement GF for the "experience" :P later
21:00.31*** part/#asterisk nny_1 (n=Scott_My@
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21:10.36nitrus^has anyone here had a problem where they experience a loud screetching noise in the middle of a conversation if the conversation is over a certain length?
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21:11.41seanbrightonly everytime i call my inlaws!
21:11.42seanbrightba dum dum
21:12.11*** join/#asterisk iamhrh (
21:13.04iamhrhis anyone here familiar with the cisco 7961? specifically, how to set up things in the skinny.conf file to get the thing working properly. I'm able to place and recieve calls with is, but can't get hinting and speed dials to work
21:13.33Qwelliamhrh: 1.4?
21:13.40mvanbaakiamhrh: 1.4 or 1.6 ?
21:13.56Qwellhinting is a speeddial line, like speeddial => 1234,Bob,exten@context
21:13.58Qwellor something
21:14.08Qwellerm, no
21:14.25x86what does hinting do?
21:14.31iamhrhso in extensions.conf, i should have:
21:14.40iamhrhexten => 1000,hint,SIP/1000
21:14.42x86nice description... almost ;)
21:14.50Qwellexten => 6006,hint,Skinny/6006@7961
21:14.56QwellThat's what I have to hint my skinny phone
21:15.07Qwellthen in skinny.conf, for another phone to monitor that one, I have
21:15.07x86what does hinting do?
21:15.17iamhrhatm I'm tring to show the status of some sip devices on the skinny device
21:15.18Qwellspeeddial => 6006@hints,qwell
21:15.30mvanbaakthat's how it works
21:15.38mvanbaakspeeddial => 6002@hints,Livingroom
21:15.58mvanbaakand in extensions.conf:
21:16.16mvanbaakexten => 6002,hint,Skinny/6002@livingroom
21:16.53iamhrhis there a better way to reload the skinny config than restarting asterisk (i'm sure there is, but didn't see it listed in the under the help from the cli)
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21:17.13QwellI don't remember whether we fixed reloads for chan_skinny or not
21:17.24iamhrhheh, yeah i don't think so
21:17.34iamhrhcause even issuing a "reload" doesn't do it
21:17.40iamhrhhave to stop gracefully
21:17.41iamhrhand restart
21:17.46x86Qwell: are hints just so you can subscribe and do stuff like SLA and so forth?
21:17.54iamhrhand skinny reload diesn't do anything
21:17.59mvanbaakQwell: no
21:18.00iamhrhits for like busy lamps and whatnot
21:18.06mvanbaakyou cannot reload skinny
21:18.11mvanbaakyou have to unload and load it
21:18.15mvanbaakeven in trunk
21:18.15x86iamhrh: yeah, SLA ;)
21:18.32x86iamhrh: shared line appearances
21:18.41iamhrhmvabaak: what commands would i use to do that?
21:18.44iamhrhx8x: thanks
21:19.20mvanbaakmodule unload
21:19.20iamhrhmodule unload skinny?
21:19.26iamhrhah ok thanks
21:19.26mvanbaakmodule load
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21:19.41mvanbaakx86: hints is for busy lamps
21:20.01Qwellbusy lamps != "SLA"
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21:21.03x86Qwell: what's the difference?
21:21.14ManxPowerx86: you can make calls on SLA lines
21:21.21x86Qwell: isn't SLA just a busy lamp everyone who is subscribed to that extension can see?
21:21.27QwellBLF is just lights.  SLA is something completely different.
21:21.41ManxPowerWell, SLA seems to be BLF + somethnig else.
21:21.54QwellManxPower: don't even really *need* BLF
21:22.03ManxPowerBut as I understand it, hints are used in both BLF and SLA
21:22.28angryuserSLA shared lines, old way
21:22.33ManxPowerQwell: So the user just has to press the line appearance to see if it's available or not?
21:22.50ManxPowerSLA without busy lamps seems pretty useless.
21:24.18ManxPowerangryuser: Users sure do love their key systems
21:24.34iamhrhok, now I'm seeing "chan_skinny.c: 1295 find_subchannel_by_instance_reference: could not find subchannel with reference '0' on 'wtf'
21:24.34iamhrhmy device registration looks like this:
21:24.34iamhrhcallerid="Test 7961" <1004>
21:24.40iamhrhspeeddial=>1000@phones,Extension 1000
21:24.42iamhrhspeeddial=>1001@phones,Extension 1001
21:24.44iamhrhspeeddial=>1002@phones,Extension 1002
21:24.46iamhrhspeeddial=>1003@phones,Extension 1003
21:24.48iamhrh(sorry for the wall of text)
21:25.05ManxPoweriamhrh: next time use
21:25.10jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
21:25.14mvanbaakiamhrh: I'm getting those find_subchannel_by_instance_reference too all the time
21:25.19mvanbaakignore it
21:25.22mvanbaakthat's what I do
21:25.26angryuserno, before there were no busy lamps at all so, so secretary receved a call from A, A asked talk to B, secretary call B and "there is someonne who whant to talk you on Line X" B hang up, press Line X
21:25.43iamhrhheh, well , i would but the buttons still don't work :-(
21:26.11ManxPowerangryuser: that's how things work NOW in Asterisk
21:26.25iamhrhoh bloody hell, i used the wrong context.
21:26.33iamhrhshoulda been 'internal'
21:27.29angryuser<ManxPower> well after Sla was integrated, yes, but before, no, only with xfer, and xfer on hang up + pers scripts + parking of course
21:29.08ManxPowerThis is exactly how all my users do it now: secretary receved a call from A, A asked talk to B, secretary call B and "there is someonne who whant to talk you on Line X" B hang up, press Line X
21:29.21ManxPoweriamhrh: either stop flooding the channel or we will ban you
21:29.36angryuser<ManxPower> so you are yousing sla?
21:29.39ManxPowersorry, my scrooback buffer was messed up.
21:29.52ManxPowerangryuser: no, we are not using SLA
21:30.10ManxPowerAh.  sorry, I miss read what you said.
21:30.14anonymouz666Asterisk is now AUDIO-LESS!
21:30.15iamhrhouch, flooding the channel? sorry man :-(
21:30.33ManxPowermy users do this: secretary receved a call from A, A asked talk to B, secretary call B and "there is someonne who whant to talk you on Line X" A hangs up.
21:30.36ManxPowerthere, that's better
21:30.50angryuser<ManxPower> ok so we understand each other ;)
21:31.21ManxPowerIt saves a step or two
21:31.56*** join/#asterisk jpeeler (n=jpeeler@
21:32.05angryuser<ManxPower> yes standard good way, but some old folks dont like that, so Sla appeared ;)
21:32.28Kattyanyone have experience with wanpipe?
21:33.05mvanbaakanonymouz666: actually, it's pretty cool that oej fixed that
21:33.44angryuserha someone heard about a book of asterisk 1.4 by Wintermeyer(aprox) ?
21:33.52clyrradManxPower: You still here?
21:34.08angryuseror Wintermayer
21:34.12clyrradManxPower: found another alternate solution to the multi row not being supported until 1.6
21:34.27*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
21:35.03sweeper <-- got my new asterisk boxen :D
21:35.27angryuserthis one, i am tempted tu buy, but need some feedback coz it is not cheap
21:35.50*** join/#asterisk umay (
21:36.47iamhrhok, still not having any luck with this speed dial business. here are the relevant (i think, please tell me if there is more you need to see) configuration lines:
21:37.49ManxPoweriamhrh: Are you sure that the SCCP channel you are using even supports speeddials?
21:38.18*** join/#asterisk Mavvie (
21:38.19iamhrhits a cisco 7961, has 6 lighted keys, and the text is showing up next to the keys
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21:38.31iamhrhi'm pretty sure it does, but i've been wrong before
21:38.37angryuserand tell me what is speeddial for ;) like you press 40 it dials 4030238493492439 really fast ?
21:40.08sweeperangryuser: honestly, I really really doubt it's worth 100 e-bucks
21:40.08sweeperjust take a pdf of tfot to a print shop :P
21:40.21angryuser<sweeper> yes i was impressed by 600 paged
21:42.40angryuserbut there is a lack of info in the "book" about * inteconnection dundi, mass deploy, lack of agi knowledge, load balancing, failover, more examples also needed.
21:42.43BBHossangryuser, its a translated book so i dunno
21:44.20ManxPoweriamhrh: See:
21:44.33ManxPowerthat is an old message
21:46.06lirakislater all
21:46.26*** part/#asterisk lirakis (
21:46.38iamhrhyeah - are you saying that the chan_skinny doesn't support the speedials?
21:47.21ManxPoweriamhrh: This one is from 2007:
21:47.37ManxPoweriamhrh: I am saying read the links and make up your own mind.
21:47.58iamhrhi'm reading it right now man, i've been at this for like 6 hours
21:48.15Qwelliamhrh: you can try removing the #ifdef's, but it'll probably crash
21:48.31ManxPoweriamhrh: very few people use SCCP/Skinny with Asterisk
21:49.24mvanbaakdont remove the ifdefs
21:49.25iamhrhthat's what I'm starting to see, I've been investigating it while I wait for my cisco login to get updated so I can get the sip firmware
21:49.28mvanbaakit will crash
21:49.29mvanbaakI tried it
21:49.38angryuserwhen you read changelos, it does not changed a lot also from 1.2-1.6 beta, some changes, but not a big progression
21:49.44Qwellmvanbaak: it's probably a trivial fix, if you're bored
21:50.05Kattyanyone have experience with wanpipe?
21:50.19ManxPowerKatty: Yes.
21:50.48mvanbaakQwell: is there a way to test skinny with a softphone ?
21:51.02Qwellthere's a skinny softphone out there, but it sucks
21:51.07J4k3heh, wanpipe
21:51.12angryuser<Katty> sangoma's cards?
21:51.13Qwellplus the cisco one, which is non-free
21:51.13drmessanohey, skinny
21:51.18J4k3another company thinking you can make a decnet router of a peecee?  *vomit*
21:51.28J4k3been there/done that/got the card, got the invoice, got the hassles, got the cisco.
21:51.29mvanbaakQwell: I dont feel like taking my skinny phones to fosdem :)
21:51.38drmessanoskinny is the way of the future
21:51.40J4k3decent, not decnet ;)
21:51.41Qwellmvanbaak: build a robot
21:51.42Kattyangryuser: yes. (=
21:51.48mvanbaaklol Qwell
21:51.54Kattyangryuser: having some compiling errors.
21:51.54Qwellyou could probably telnet into it :p
21:51.54Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
21:52.00KattyNugget: you are.
21:52.10jbotwell, nugget is &
21:52.23jbotit has been said that & is AND
21:52.33jbotit has been said that and is a binary operation, when 1 is returned ONLY when both operands are true
21:52.38mvanbaakQwell: not into the 7905
21:52.41Qwellmvanbaak: ahh
21:52.48*** join/#asterisk Jake[work] (
21:52.54mvanbaakmy 7960 is rebooting
21:53.12mvanbaakbecause the speeddial #ifdef is there for a reason ;)
21:53.13angryuser<Katty> not a clue
21:53.55NivexJ4k3: 3v1l
21:54.02KattyManxPower: from the page I have downloaded wanpipe-3.2.3.tgz for my a101d (echo) card.
21:54.48J4k3your server is already a piss-poor router!
21:55.05KattyManxPower: around the section of selecting the drivers for my card, i get a little confused.
21:55.30ManxPowerpick the TDM (asterisk) only option
21:55.31J4k3Katty: terminate your circuits to a box of cracker jacks, you'll be better off.
21:55.47BBHossKatty, what error is it giving
21:55.54J4k3or, are these lame cards also being used as T1 interfaces for asterisk?  *shudder*
21:55.54mvanbaakJ4k3: the A101d actually is a very nice card
21:56.15ManxPowerJ4k3: what Katty is doing has nothing to do with routing, regardless of the driver names
21:56.20J4k3mvanbaak: well, it might be for asterisk connectivity.  I've seen a lot of 'serial interface routing cards' over the years, and they all universally sucked.
21:56.40ManxPowerJ4k3: She has a Sangoma, which does not universally suck.
21:56.56mvanbaakJ4k3: since this is #asterisk we assume it's for asterisk connectivity
21:57.10KattyManxPower: "TDM Voice (zaptel) support, correct? not the one with wan protocol support?
21:57.18mvanbaakKatty: indeed
21:57.26ManxPowerKatty: ""TDM Voice (zaptel) support"
21:57.58Kattyk, it's doin its thing
21:58.02ManxPowerunless you are doing something incredibly stupid like want to use the box as an IP router as well.  In that case, you are beyond even my help.
21:58.05mvanbaakhhmm, the cisco's annoy me
21:58.16Kattyjust want this card to work.
21:58.20mvanbaakbut I dont feel like fixing it right now
21:58.21J4k3mvanbaak: I'd still have a really hard time buying from some manufacturer that says a line like this... "So your server can become the router it was designed to be, routing IP over multi-megabit per second links with the reliability, ease of use and security inherent in a no-box solution."
21:58.27defsdoorKatty: I have 2 sites with A101D and they "just work" (tm)
21:58.55KattyManxPower: i'm not smrt enough to do anything too fun (=
21:59.18KattyManxPower: it's asking to visually confirm driver compilation...
21:59.22KattyManxPower: i'm unsure how to do that.
21:59.28Jake[work]just take the defaults
21:59.29ManxPowerKatty: does it look like it worked?
21:59.40KattyManxPower: i didn't see any errors.
21:59.46KattyManxPower: but i'm not sure what to actually check
21:59.55Jake[work]it would show errors
21:59.56ManxPowerthen assume it worked
22:00.15KattyManxPower: and enabling startup scripts is good, yes?
22:01.48Kattyis there anything else i need to do?
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22:01.55Kattylike make samples..or...some other thing
22:02.15defsdoorKatty: it's actually on the sangoma wiki
22:02.37enzoi' seen links on skype supported by asterisk (or sip gateway, or skype channel), do you know if this is already possible ?
22:02.49*** join/#asterisk AppleBoy (n=AppleBoy@about/cooking/nakedchef/apple/tarts)
22:02.53AppleBoyfile: you there?
22:03.02jbot[~skype] Skype is a free VoIP software and service using a closed client and propritary protocol.  Only commercial channel drivers exist, all of which are poor implementations of convoluted hacks. In general, forget about using Skype with Asterisk...
22:03.16mvanbaakwhat jbot said
22:03.46*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
22:03.53Katty[hC]: (=
22:04.49[hC]Hello Katty, how are you? :)
22:04.58Katty[hC]: confused. first wanpipe install
22:05.13ManxPowerKatty: all any of us did was follow the Sangoma wiki
22:05.19[hC]Katty: ahh! I can help you if you need some help
22:05.20KattyManxPower: do you have a link?
22:05.21[hC]most liekly.
22:05.27Kattyprobably, hc.
22:05.34[hC]Where are you stuck?
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22:11.36[hC]Anyone here use snom phones very much? specifically the 320/370?
22:11.52BBHossi have used the 320 extensively, and the 370 somewhat
22:12.06x86anyone ever use FOP?
22:12.29*** topic/#asterisk by russellb -> Asterisk: The Open Source Telephony Application Platform ( -=- Asterisk, -Addons, Libpri 1.6.0-beta2 (2008/01/28), Asterisk 1.4.18 (2008/02/07), *-Addons 1.4.5 (2007/12/1), Zaptel 1.4.9 (2008/02/18), Libpri 1.4.3 (2007/12/13) -=- #asterisknow or #asterisk-gui for AsteriskNOW ( -=- #switchvox for Switchvox ( -=- #freepbx for FreePBX/trixbox
22:13.14fileAppleBoy: erm?
22:13.34[hC]BBHoss: so quick question.. the 320 has kinda smushy rubber buttons.. is the 370 more hard-plastic buttons? it looks to be in the pictures.
22:13.35x86i'm having some issues getting FOP to monitor a range of zap channels... worked fine for my first span (also specified as a range), but when I go to specify the second range it doesn't seem to work
22:14.05*** topic/#asterisk by russellb -> Asterisk: The Open Source Telephony Application Platform ( -=- Asterisk, -Addons, Libpri 1.6.0-beta3 (2008/02/18), Asterisk 1.4.18 (2008/02/07), *-Addons 1.4.5 (2007/12/1), Zaptel 1.4.9 (2008/02/18), Libpri 1.4.3 (2007/12/13) -=- #asterisknow or #asterisk-gui for AsteriskNOW ( -=- #switchvox for Switchvox ( -=- #freepbx for FreePBX/trixbox
22:14.16BBHoss[hC], the early-rev snom phones have the squishy buttons, but they told me that they had a new rev where they were all the hard ones
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22:14.32[hC]BBHoss: yeah, im glad they did that. i dont like squishy buttons.
22:14.47[hC]BBHoss: i think they also have new material ont he handset that is more grippy on the inside
22:15.14*** join/#asterisk iamthelostboy (
22:15.57iamthelostboyi have a small problem with my queue
22:17.05BBHoss[hC], yeah last expo i went to, there were people bitching about the color of the phone, it was too blue.  I didn't think it was a big deal
22:17.23[hC]BBHoss: meh. big deal. its so dark it really doesnt matter.
22:17.36Kattyfile: mew?
22:17.48*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
22:17.49iamthelostboyits quite simple, in that the queue phones several sip accounts whenever a call comes into it... when one of the phones answers, it should stop ringing the rest, which mostly is what happens, though sometimes some of the sip phones keep ringing, and when answered show 'call ended'
22:17.56*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
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22:36.42vk4akpHI everyone.
22:37.12vk4akpI've just installed Asterisk 1.4.11 and set up an outbound SIP account.
22:37.17vk4akpI dial in and get the demo stuff.
22:37.21vk4akpI'm so happy!. :)
22:38.02vk4akpI'm wondering if someone can walk me through a quick setup to add a conference extension PSE?
22:39.13murdmath[hC] The snom 320's now come with hard buttons
22:39.18Jake[work]vk4akp: - is this what you're looking for?
22:39.43vk4akpTNX, I'll have a look now.
22:40.10Kattyi like the speakerphone meetme.
22:40.16Kattyor.. i guess they call that intercom.
22:40.29Kattyall you techy people and your techy words.
22:40.50murdmath[hC]: The sidecare also has the hard buttons now.
22:41.11*** part/#asterisk AppleBoy (n=AppleBoy@about/cooking/nakedchef/apple/tarts)
22:41.36murdmath[hC]: But the handsets on the 300, 320, & 370 all seem to be the same.
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22:42.02[hC]Ive just started getting my hands ont he snom's ... I like them quite a bit so far... i seem to recall some people not being so impressed.. but so far i like them..
22:42.19murdmath[hC]: I took two 320's one with the soft buttons and one with the hard buttons and they are not interchangeable.
22:42.37murdmath[hC]: I have about 100 in service right now.
22:43.02[hC]murdmath: any beefs with the line?
22:43.32J4k3[hC]: everything is a matter of perspective.  I still like my grandsuck budgetnone 101's
22:43.50J4k3yes, I know they're inferior to every other phone on the market
22:44.13murdmath[hC]: always test new firmware before deploying...  The way they tilt the screen is a bit cheap.
22:44.13[hC]i put my budgetone in the bathroom
22:44.14J4k3...  and they're half the price (or less) of the nearest competitor... and they still work beter than any POTS line in the whole f'n county :P
22:44.18[hC]i use it as bathroom music moh
22:44.27J4k3[hC]: haha, not a bad idea
22:44.54J4k3[hC]: I use one of mine as a wifi phone
22:45.03[hC]J4k3: .... ?
22:45.23J4k3lunchkit + battery + wifi bridge + gsbt01
22:45.26J4k3er gsbt101
22:45.29murdmath[hC] The 370 has a nice screen compared to the rest.
22:45.43[hC]murdmath: yeah it looked that way.
22:45.52murdmath[hC]: Expensive though.
22:46.03J4k3it works, which is more than I can say for the 4 wifi 'handsets' I used.
22:46.11J4k3I'd rather like to move to a wifi-to-dect setup
22:46.24J4k3the SBCs I'm using support USB
22:46.26ManxPowerThe only thing worse than a Grandstream is a WiFi SIP phone.
22:46.27J4k3err USB2
22:46.41J4k3so I could easily add a USB DECT base of some sort
22:46.55murdmath<J4k3>: I want to try snom's m3
22:47.03J4k3ManxPower: well, I'd say the grandstreams are several orders of magnitude better than any wifi handset I've touched :)
22:48.59sweeperJ4k3: so grandsream must have hired an entirely new crew to do their wireless stuff?
22:49.26sweeperbecause grandstream wired handsets are orders of magnitude worse than any other wired handset I've touched :P
22:50.20*** join/#asterisk Enron (n=foo@
22:50.35EnronHi anyone here use cisco ip phones?
22:50.55ManxPowerEnron: not nearly as many as use Polycom phones
22:51.25Enronheres our problem cisco 7912 phones time are off by +1 hour, but the newer models all have correct time
22:51.27Jake[work]i udr s 7960
22:51.37Jake[work]use a
22:51.53Enronthe phone itself doesn't have a time setting i'm thinking it gets time from our asterisk server
22:51.53drmessanoENRON would use Cisco
22:52.02drmessanoNo wonder they're out of business
22:52.15drmessanoEnron: WUT STOCK?
22:52.18ManxPowerEnron: the time on the phone is NOT set by Asterisk.
22:52.38ManxPowerThe phone needs to be configured with the right timezone and NTP server
22:52.59Enronit downloads the config from the tftp server right?
22:53.13Enronare the config for each phone same or do each have their own?
22:53.53*** join/#asterisk hfb (
22:54.11ManxPowerEnron: I think you need to go to Cisco
22:54.15ManxPowers site for some docs
22:54.15Enronnot sure how half the phones are correct and the others arn't
22:54.28Enronthought it was an asterisks thing sorry :)
22:54.29ManxPowerI am assuming you are using SIP phones, not SCCP/Skinny.
22:54.34Enronyea sip
22:59.47*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
23:01.39J4k3sweeper: they don't make wifi handsets
23:06.00drmessanoDoes this mean Enron is back in business?
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23:19.03sweeperJ4k3: oh, gotcha
23:19.23sweeperwell, I've got a utstarcom 1000, it's rpetty basic, but it's pretty trouble-free
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