IRC log for #asterisk on 20080211

00:00.00jameswf-homea dirt exchange if you will
00:01.20jameswf-homethe real question is how much wood could a wood-chuck chuck if a wood-chuck could chuck wood
00:01.39drmessanoSecurity holes are funny.. It can be critical, or critical, and somehow have two different sizes
00:01.57*** join/#asterisk MaliutaBris (
00:02.28MaartenBwhat security hole are you guys talking about?
00:02.57*** join/#asterisk MaliutaWrk (
00:03.16drmessanoEVERYONE, QUICK.. SHUTDOWN -NOW
00:03.50drmessanoI think this was making the rounds last night
00:03.54drmessanoSo it's a day old
00:03.58*** part/#asterisk PepOSX (n=angeldav@
00:04.03Greek-Boywhat is the best practice of calling voicemail for internal users and to avoid them having to put in their mailbox number? VoiceMailMain(${CALLERID(num)}) ?
00:04.43Greek-Boywhat happens if a user without a mailbox dials that? will it ask for a mailbox number in that case?
00:07.48lmadsenGreek-Boy: yes
00:08.11Greek-Boythanks, sorry for all the questions
00:08.18Greek-BoyI am checking out the wiki
00:08.18lmadsenyou could always just try it...
00:08.26Greek-Boybut some stuff are outdated
00:08.32lmadsenI wish more people would try things out and learn
00:08.35Greek-Boyespecially with all the deprecated stuff
00:08.43lmadsenyes... the wiki is super outdated
00:08.56drmessanoIf only there was a good book
00:09.00lmadsenif only
00:09.11hmodessomeone should write one...
00:09.17lmadsenmight as well just switch to trixbox
00:09.19lmadsenasterisk is useless
00:09.29lmadsenand trixbox has the worlds largest asterisk community
00:09.44lmadsenat least that's what their advertising says
00:09.49ManxPower"A sucker is born every minute."  -- PT Barnum
00:10.15drmessanoYes, trixbox has more asterisk users than asterisk
00:10.50drmessanoI just installed asterisk... now what?
00:11.48completely_phuktphukin' polaks found the hole in linux. I am compiling the code now....
00:11.48drmessanolmadsen, wouldn't someone be better off writing a trixbox book?
00:14.46haxlmadsen: it doesn't look like i'm going to be able to get ztdummy to run... is there a list of things i won't be able to do without that module?
00:15.12drmessanoWhy cant you get it to run?
00:15.18lmadsenanything with timing... which is mostly:  app_meetme, iax2 trunking, and probably something else
00:15.23*** join/#asterisk ahbritto (
00:15.26lmadsenbut it shouldn't build fine, even on a xen enabled kernel
00:15.46haxdrmessano: google tells me it won't work on a uml server
00:16.14JTdon't run any real time stuff on that
00:16.17JTor near real time
00:16.40JTit's a much lesser form of virtualisation than xen
00:17.19haxit seems to work fine, i host with, and i haven't seen anything unexpected or laggy yet
00:17.30JTyes i have a linod too
00:17.38JTwould never use it for voip
00:17.42JTuml is completely unsuitable
00:17.53teknoprepJT, from what i hear para-virtualization with asterisk is actually pretty good
00:17.58JTyou might get away with it for very light load
00:18.00JTteknoprep: yes
00:18.12JTteknoprep: but uml is nothing like proper paravritualisation
00:18.25jameswf-homeanyone seen this....
00:18.30teknoprepJT, xen is so much better then vmware server
00:18.31*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (n=tzafrir@
00:18.41teknoprepJT, but vmware infrastucture 3.0 is the shiznuts
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00:18.52haxJT: i think it's probably worth a try, i mean, i'll know if it doesn't work, right?
00:19.05drmessanoIts already doesnt work
00:19.08JThax: but it might work today and not tomorrow
00:19.09drmessanoYou cant use ztdummy
00:19.13JTif the shared load goes up
00:19.21teknoprephax, honestly i would try using Xen or VMware server 2.0 beta
00:19.38teknoprephax, although XEN is much better for paravirt
00:19.49teknoprephax, vmware server 2.0 beta supports para-virt
00:20.22completely_phukthey guys, don't worry about the hole in linux. it ONLY works if u r not root or member of root user group. So, everybody QUICKLY log on as root
00:20.38completely_phuktif not already
00:21.33jameswf-homewhew ok i am root now wha
00:22.01haxteknoprep: from what i can tell, ztdummy doesn't want to run on xen either
00:22.21drmessanoMAH BOXEN R SAFE NOW
00:22.26drmessanoASTERISK CAT APPROVES
00:22.43JTi have co-located servers for voip stuff
00:23.56teknoprephax, it runs on a para-virtualized xen install
00:24.40JTperhaps use stuff that does need zap timing ;)
00:24.47JTmakes life so much easier
00:25.22haxteknoprep: is there more than one kind of xen install?
00:25.39teknoprephax, you can either use para-virtualization or full-virtualization
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00:25.53JTyou need cpu support for paravirtualisation
00:25.59JTit's far superior
00:26.00[Latino]hi all
00:26.15JTnew xeons and opterons and probably some others have said support
00:26.16teknoprephax, i suggest you install CentOS 5.1 with the gnome server-gui and virtualization check boxes checked
00:26.29teknoprepJT, i thought it was for full virtualization you needed special CPU's
00:26.35teknoprepJT, amd-v or intel-v
00:26.40haxteknoprep: i can't, i'm just a lowly VPS subscriber, not a provider :)
00:26.42teknoprepJT, para is supported on almost ALL cpu's
00:26.51JTmaybe i've got my terms mixed up
00:26.53teknoprephax, centos 5.1 is free
00:26.59teknoprepJT, i am pretty sure you do
00:27.22teknoprepJT, xen requires the hardware hypervisor for full-virtualiztion
00:27.46haxteknoprep: yeah, but my provider uses UML
00:27.55teknoprephax, use a better provider ?
00:28.18teknoprephax, use a better provider for just one server ?
00:28.31teknoprephax, to tell you the truth.. i would just use a colocated "real" box for you service
00:28.49haxteknoprep: yeah, i know, but all tha is expensive, and i'm trying to be cheap
00:28.49teknoprephax, if you want colocation for asterisk
00:28.57teknoprephax, it is very cheap to do this
00:29.10teknoprephax, talking less than 100$ per month at the planet
00:29.37haxyeah, plus a server
00:29.38teknoprepwow this FRIS vodka is really really good
00:29.45JTthe planet, didn't they have a massive outage?
00:29.48JTor was that rackspace?
00:29.55haxthat was theplanet
00:30.07teknoprephax, i run an office with 15 VoIP channels from on a dual p3 866 server
00:30.09JTyeah, lame power backup design
00:30.22*** join/#asterisk hmm-home (
00:30.23*** join/#asterisk putnopvut (
00:30.48JTseriously... chillers going offline during a power outage... ...
00:30.50teknoprephax, you can get a nice hp LP p3 1ghz machine for 130$ on ebay
00:30.54[Latino]could someone tellme if there is any way of setting the source IP for the RTP of and expecific peer ?
00:31.09jboti guess fish is FISHFISHFISH! DO THE FISH DANCE! "Give a man a fish and you'll feed him a day. Teach him how to fish and he'll feed himself for the rest of his life." This is so appropriate, instead of asking us to tell you exactly what to do, why not read some docs, then come back and ask specific questions which aren't covered?, or ...
00:31.41hmm-homeoh trilian how great are thee
00:31.55lmadsenwhat a bitch... had to run rpmbuild on the php src rpm along with a million dependencies to build the module so that I could write a vm-pin-change.php script for my ODBC enabled voicemail so when someone updates their voicemail pin from app_voicemail it'll also update the MSSQL database so that change is saved. Working though, w00t :)
00:32.54jameswf-homelmadsen: Ron paul could have done than in 5 minutes in pen
00:33.09lmadsenI'm certainly no Ron Paul :)
00:33.13drmessanoon a napkin
00:33.18teknoprep60 minutes has hillary on
00:33.19*** part/#asterisk Greek-Boy (n=email@
00:33.20tzangerjameswf-home: heh, I like "give a man a password and he'll log in for the day.  Teach him to hack and he'll log in whenever he wants."
00:33.35teknoprepi want obama but i wouldn't mind if hillary wins
00:33.45drmessanoRon Paul can compile a napkin with code written on it
00:33.46jameswf-homeI can hack iny box with 3 minutes and a sharp axe
00:33.51lmadsenI'm just happy one of the Bush daughters isn't running for president
00:34.12jameswf-homehuh huh bush daughters huh huh
00:34.25teknoprepi am happy they didn't overturn the admendment that only allows for 2 full terms
00:34.37*** part/#asterisk tuxfoo (
00:34.54teknoprepi would have to leave the country if they re-elected bush
00:35.00jameswf-homedecember 31st 2008 bush calls marshal law..... ohhhh snap
00:35.14drmessanoI was just gonna say lol
00:35.27drmessanoIt ain't over yet
00:35.30putnopvutJanuary 1st, an armed rebellion burns Washington to the ground...
00:35.47coppicebush is a wishy washy liberal. a strong leader would have scraped elections :-)
00:35.49drmessanoDon't count your chicken.. because the CIA already is
00:35.53teknoprepwe need like 10 million american's to change our government
00:35.56jameswf-homeJanuary 2nd Ron paul new president
00:36.15drmessanoWe need a DIGGolution
00:36.25teknoprepwe need voting booths that work?
00:36.33lmadsenwe need smarter americans
00:36.38jameswf-homedamn a hanging chad
00:36.56teknoprepsmarter american... thats a horrible oxymoron
00:36.58lmadsenthe impossible dream I suppose
00:37.14drmessanoWe need voting machines with better security than a Wal Mart filing cabinet
00:37.57coppiceamericans are no dumber than the people of any other country. they just have a strong cultural need to behave dumber
00:38.01teknoprephonestly.. the govn't can't come up with something better then the security of windows 95 directly connected to the inet ?
00:38.02drmessanoI'm not sure where the joke is there.. the lack of security, or the fact that they use the same key
00:38.04lmadsenwelp, I'm done working for the day finally... time to chill on the couch with mary and maybe some of the UK version of The Office
00:38.23putnopvutlmadsen, which series?
00:38.31lmadsenputnopvut: uhh.... The Office... :)
00:38.46lmadsenthe UK version was like... 6 episodes or something... and is about a million times better than the US version
00:38.48putnopvutYeah, series is what the Brits call a season.
00:38.51lmadsen(us version was based on it)
00:39.02lmadsenputnopvut: ahhh.. I thought there was only 1?
00:39.09putnopvutNope, two.
00:39.12putnopvutI've seen both.
00:39.24lmadsenooo... ! then there will be some I haven't seen then!
00:39.31lmadsenI've only seen the 1st one
00:39.41lmadsenthis one seems to have a christmas special too
00:39.51drmessanoI still think Roy, the guy that works in the warehouse, is the funniest dude ever
00:39.53putnopvutYep, there was a Christmas special after the second one too.
00:40.16putnopvutI think the second season of the American Office was about as funny as any show I've seen in recent memory.
00:40.38drmessanoNot Roy, Darryl
00:40.47drmessanoHim and Creed
00:41.50drmessanoDarryl asking Michael for a raise.. and he shows Darryl his own paystub to jusitfy not giving him one.. so Darryl snaps a camera phone shot of it and sends it to one of his buddies
00:42.31*** part/#asterisk completely_phukt (
00:44.19*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=angeldav@
00:48.08jameswf-homeoffice space is on woohooo
00:48.31JTif you could just go right ahead and keep watching
00:48.33JTthat'd be great
00:50.00drmessanoTwo chicks at once
00:50.34sbingnerchicks with dicks?
00:50.44teknoprepnow that sounds really fun
00:50.47sbingneridk why i said that
00:52.26haxJT: so if i find a xen box that loads ztdummy... that should be an acceptable platform to run the pbx on, right?
00:53.18JThax: are you using something that requires zaptel timing?
00:53.54haxJT: well, i don't really know, i guess i'd like to be able to do a conference call
00:54.14JTthere's app_conference
00:54.53haxhmm, that looks promising
00:55.02haxmaybe i actually can get away with not need ztdummy
00:55.35hax*not needing
01:03.30jameswf-homeso there it was 2 girls and 1 cup
01:03.43*** part/#asterisk techie (
01:04.24jameswf-homethere is no paperjam...
01:04.27*** join/#asterisk techie (
01:11.35JTjameswf-home: i was utterly disappointed by 2 girls 1 cup
01:11.41JTeveryone talked it up too much
01:11.57haxJT: is there something like app_conference but for music on hold, which wouldn't require ztdummy?
01:12.05*** join/#asterisk mmurdock (
01:12.07pkunkrawatched five seconds.....  wanted to vomit
01:12.15JThax: i don't think so
01:12.17JTpkunkra: lame
01:12.21haxpkunkra: you're new to the internet, eh?
01:12.26JTit's just chocolate moouse
01:12.32JTit was obviously fake
01:13.01pkunkraas i said.... watched it for five seconds.
01:13.03drmessanoBest comment on Digg ever.. when the ran the story about it being fake:
01:13.05haxi don't know if that makes it any better
01:13.07pkunkranot enough time to tell.
01:13.13drmessano"You mean I threw up in my trashcan at work for nothing??"
01:13.23jameswf-home2 girls 1 finger?
01:13.35pkunkradrmessano, nah.....   utterly grossed out.
01:13.51*** part/#asterisk techie (
01:13.56drmessano2 girls, 1 PBX
01:14.04*** join/#asterisk techie (
01:14.17JTi guess some people just have weak stomachs
01:14.22pkunkrai heard of a professor that gave a student an F because he wrote about that video.
01:14.49drmessanoAll that crap is fake
01:14.53pkunkradrmessano, i think i'd be much more interested in 2 girls, 1 PBX.
01:15.06*** join/#asterisk russellb (n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla)
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01:15.08drmessano"Take the case of 2 girls, 1 cup for example..." <--- Fake
01:15.08JTthat would be easy if gumstix based
01:15.12pkunkra2 girls trying to hack up an asterisk dialplan.
01:15.20pkunkranow, that's sexy!
01:15.54pkunkrai think they'd give up and start talking about their hair instead.
01:17.43jameswf-home2girls 1 pbx
01:18.05pkunkranice.  looks like sales bunnies.
01:18.07*** join/#asterisk esaym (
01:18.55russellbnothing like whoring out your girlfriend at a tradeshow to get attention to your booth
01:19.17jameswf-homelol yeah
01:20.27pkunkrarussellb, tried and true...  ;-)
01:21.03jameswf-homesadly I didnt see what that picture had t o do with the article
01:22.45jameswf-homeshe bent over and pooped out a ringgroup
01:27.02*** join/#asterisk metfan2007 (n=metfan20@
01:27.16metfan2007hi all!! anyone has implemented VICIDIAL?
01:28.31*** join/#asterisk AndyGraybeal (
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01:29.55jameswf-homewtf is david kullmann
01:30.46drmessano <-- that guy
01:32.12jameswf-homeyeah wtf is he
01:32.43russellbewww, the green thing blinded me
01:33.57drmessanoI didnt realize trixbox rocked that hard
01:34.00drmessanoWait, no
01:35.49metfan2007do you know if vicidial supports asterisk 1.4?
01:36.22hmm-homewhy would you want to even try that sounds like a nightmare
01:37.02metfan2007why do you think so?
01:37.10jameswf-homeI cant wait to use the idolizer accros 2 t1's
01:37.16metfan2007vicidial is a great app, or do you know something better?
01:37.48hmm-homei didn't say vicidial was bad, I said trying to use it with versions other than what they recommend sounds like a nightmare
01:38.06*** join/#asterisk phix (
01:38.14*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (
01:39.57*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (n=ZX81@
01:40.43ZX81hi all, does anyone know how to do an ISDN redirect (i.e. some hangup cause I expect)
01:41.06jameswf-homeISDN is so 1972
01:41.21jameswf-homeoh wait we are in america carry on
01:41.27JTjameswf-home: except that it's used by all most big businesses
01:41.35JTs/all most/most/
01:42.14*** join/#asterisk Wi_Fi (
01:42.30jameswf-homeallot of big business still have dos based merlin dishwashers doesnt make it good
01:42.55JTi hope you're joking
01:42.58JTPRI == ISDN
01:43.11JTwhat's wrong with pri?
01:43.34jameswf-homewell its better than nothing...
01:43.51jameswf-homepri isnt as bad as bri I guess
01:44.06jameswf-homeall that work for 2 channels holy crap
01:45.06drmessanoComing in 2009:
01:45.12drmessanoLarry the Cable Guy in
01:45.15drmessanoDid Ya'll Call me? - The Story of Asterisk
01:45.42*** join/#asterisk theron (
01:46.59theronHi all, I'm looking for a way to get two extensions to ring at the same time.  any simple examples?
01:47.08jameswf-homelarry has open sores?
01:47.29jameswf-hometheron: google asterisk ring group
01:47.40theronthanks jameswf-home
01:47.53JTjameswf-home: what work? bri is far better than POTS
01:48.17JTjameswf-home: so there's nothing wrong with PRI then i take it? ;)
01:49.08*** join/#asterisk vn (
01:49.35jameswf-homeits hokey, expensive and a waste of bandwith.
01:49.45*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (n=dsp@
01:49.57vnhi, why would my voip line suddenly half-working?  I call a number, it dials but doesnt ring and it makes contact with the other number...but there's no voice
01:49.58jameswf-homeAll telecom except the last mile is voip now anyway
01:50.22jameswf-homevn firewall
01:50.54vnjameswf-home: I thought about that but even if I put the device in the DMZ, same thing
01:53.16JTjameswf-home: what's a waste of bandwidth?
01:53.52JTi think you'll find quite a lot of telecom is still TDM
01:55.04[Latino]anyone knows if the multi-homed problem it's resolved ? .. I mean an * machine with more than 1 IP on one interface
01:55.56JTalso, VoIPoI isn't a good replacement for TDM
01:56.04Frogzooasterisk takes a couple of rings to pass an incoming ring from the fxo line to a handset attached to an fxs port - any ideas?
01:56.27JTand if it's a dedicated dsl link for VoIP without Internet, why bother with VoIP at all? just go tdm
01:57.02ManxPowerFrogzoo: it's waiting for callerid info
01:57.52jameswf-homeJT what do you do exactly
01:58.17jameswf-homeever been in a cross box
01:58.27*** join/#asterisk AndyGraybeal_ (
01:58.29JTi'm not familiar with that term
01:58.58FrogzooManxPower: so I need to disable caller id?
01:59.29JTjameswf-home: what is a cross box?
02:00.41jameswf-homeI have worked on the business residential and telco side of telecommunications... I work now for a manufacturer, I have been in c/os and in the cross boxes and all over all telecom at somepoint is voip. just because its copper at your dmark doesnt mean it is 1500 feet away
02:01.25jameswf-homethe last mile is all thats copper
02:01.31JTyes obviously
02:01.36JTit's converted to TDM at the exchange
02:01.55JTthen carrier over pdh or sdh
02:03.24JTi'd be surprised if telecomms infrastructure is substantially different between our contries, apart from a few standard and acronyms
02:03.33JTthe principles are similar
02:04.41*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
02:04.43jameswf-homeT1 hasnt changed since 1961 yeah cant beat that
02:05.08russellbit's pretty darn solid.
02:05.09JTjameswf-home: are you saying that in us telecomms they have pretty much eliminated pdh and sdh/sonet in the carrier networks?
02:05.16JTjameswf-home: E1 can beat it ;)
02:06.20jameswf-homeIf the eu and us would catch up with japan we could have fttc and pure voip with no last mile would be a reality
02:07.20JTi don't see what the attraction to pure voip is
02:07.31JTespecially if you're trying to do fax or modem signals
02:07.56jameswf-homejt we are talking about leaving the 70's in the 70's
02:08.21jameswf-homelet go
02:10.27drmessanofax or modem signals?
02:11.03JTjameswf-home: it's nothing to do with what decade we're in
02:11.09JTit's just a matter of right tool for the job
02:11.10drmessanogood god.. You mean to tell me you can't send facsimilies of documents or surf the web over IP?
02:11.28JTtdm is the most appropriate way to send a constant stream of realtime data like voice
02:11.47JTpacket is the most appropriate way to send random data at random intervals
02:12.15drmessanoComplaining that fax over VoIP doesn't work is saying that fax has a place in modern technology.. it doesn't
02:12.43jameswf-homelet go
02:12.49jameswf-homethis is the future
02:12.52JTfax isn't going to go away any time soon
02:13.00drmessano..for that reason
02:13.06drmessanoDinosaurs holding onto it
02:13.06jameswf-homeno need to make packets audio to make em packets again
02:13.14drmessanoIf the transport died, Fax would be replaced as it should be
02:13.28jameswf-homefax works over IP asterisk may not like it but it works
02:13.40drmessanoDialup internet died, people came off their quarters and got DSL and Cable
02:13.45JTbah, you can chant this is the future until the cows come home, it won'tchange the fact that tdm is still the best for certain applications
02:13.54JTtotally different scenarios
02:13.56drmessanoPeople will learn to scan and email when Fax becomes a problem
02:14.08jameswf-homeyou have yet to give an application thats valid
02:14.31JTvoip uses more bandwidth than tdm
02:14.35JTfor the same codec
02:14.45jameswf-homevoice including radio and telivision all digital, even pots runs over voip next
02:15.12JTyes, digital
02:15.14JTbut TDM
02:15.17JTnot VoIP
02:15.21JTi am not advocating POTS
02:15.29jameswf-homethe US actualy says all television has to be digital by 2008
02:15.32JTPOTS is reliable but sucks balls
02:16.09JTwhat does that have to do with voip? :)
02:16.55jameswf-homevoip is a generic term voip is used to describe voice in any packet stream waether ip or not
02:17.33JTok, but you realise that most carrier networks, whilst the voice is digitised, is not travelling over voip?
02:17.55JTvoip does actually specify ip, but yeah
02:17.59jameswf-homeare you really hung up on a protocol???
02:18.17JTthere's significant technical and functional differences
02:18.30JTi just think i'm not explaining well
02:18.44JTmaybe i'm not that easy to comprehend
02:18.57jameswf-homeif i drop a voice call across a novell network its still voip.
02:19.12drmessanoVoIPX ;)
02:19.14jameswf-homeregaurdless of routing
02:19.19JTbut if it's tdm, it's digital but not voip
02:19.38JTcircuit switched data is completely different to packet switched data
02:19.41jameswf-homedigital = packet streams see where we are going
02:20.00JTdigital = quantitised into specific defined states
02:20.09JTdigital may or may not be packet based
02:20.28jameswf-homeWell we will agree to disagree you hang out in 1984 I will sit in today
02:20.28JTi think this is where the confusion is
02:20.54JThow am i hanging out in 1984?
02:23.14JTi love digital
02:23.29JTi just like to use the most appropriate tool for the job :)
02:23.52*** join/#asterisk nvrpunk (n=root@
02:24.42nvrpunkif I am trying to dial back to the USA over an IAX trunk using a SIP phone, is there anything special I need to do to make SIP go over to IAX?
02:25.57JTdo you have an asterisk server between the sip phone and the iax?
02:26.01nvrpunkI have the IAX dialplan setup
02:26.35JTasterisk should automatically transport voice between different channel drivers as needed
02:27.02nvrpunkok, so it's not like I need to put the same dial plan in the SIP config then
02:27.11nvrpunkthat the IAX one has to them
02:27.15JTdialplans go in extensions.conf
02:28.25*** join/#asterisk obnauticus (
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02:29.08nvrpunkwhat I have right now is two test phones setup for internal SIP to SIP
02:29.19nvrpunkdo those need to be reconfigured in the sip.conf
02:29.29nvrpunkso they have a real number and extension?
02:29.36jameswf-homeI am filtering through vendor pages man some stuff is really outdated... spent 45 minutes doing wikis
02:29.40JTthey should have extensions
02:29.50JTjameswf-home: pm
02:29.53nvrpunkthey are 1001 and 1002
02:30.12vnum...anyone happens to know how i can reset RTP ports on a SPA2102?
02:36.03nvrpunkAnyone sending calls must set a VALID ANI CallerID. You may not deliberately set it blank or to a false number
02:36.24nvrpunkJT, does that mean I have to set a full NPANXXXXXXX?
02:36.36nvrpunkerr NPA NXXXXXX
02:36.52drmessanoreset RTP ports on a SPA2102?
02:37.04JTnvrpunk: i don't know, probably
02:38.36vndrmessano: nevermind, my provider was the problem
02:40.16jameswf-homewow hillary changed horses mid-stream
02:40.18teknoprepi set my CID to 0000000911
02:41.16JTjameswf-home: hi
02:41.33jameswf-homeEvery election year the people should watch wag the dog
02:43.23*** join/#asterisk clandmeter (n=Carlo@
02:43.44*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
02:43.55*** join/#asterisk AndyGraybeal_ (
02:44.49*** part/#asterisk vn (
02:48.33b11djameswf-home.. i was just thinking about that movie not five mins ago.. nice call :)
02:49.26*** join/#asterisk InsolentDreams (
02:50.47InsolentDreamsHey all, anyone know a easy way to query the state of a time condition from the console?  Eg, I have a GotoIfTime(090-170|mon-fri|1-31|jan-dec?app-announcement-2,s,1), and would like to write a script or have a command to tell me if that will goto right now or not.
02:51.17InsolentDreamsWell, that copy/paste got a little muffled, the time is actually right on my side.  ;\
02:52.03ZX81heh just figured out why my xchat keeps flashing at me for no reason - you said announce :)
02:52.17ZX81why not just ring that extension
02:52.21ZX81and see what it does
02:53.42*** join/#asterisk [gnubie] (n=[gnubie]
02:54.38*** join/#asterisk osiris (
02:56.23*** join/#asterisk clandmeter (n=Carlo@
02:57.40jameswf-homeSo if the writers are on strike who is writing the agreement... and if others can write who needs writers
02:58.11pkunkrabut these are smart and funny writers...  for the most part.
02:58.31jameswf-homeI watch CNN for funny
02:58.32pkunkrayou can hire anyone....  but you may get what you pay for.
02:59.06jameswf-homeif you want funny elect ron paul
02:59.08pkunkrainteresting....  i watch comedy central for funny.
02:59.16*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE-LT (
02:59.54drmessano~ron paul
03:00.17drmessanoForget 1.6, someone needs to work on that bot
03:00.32jameswf-homeuh oh someone forgot ron paul
03:00.38jbotit has been said that asterisk is the best free PBX in the world, or #asterisk on, or
03:00.47drmessano~ron paul
03:01.04drmessanojbot: ron paul is Never Forget!
03:01.04jbotokay, drmessano
03:01.09drmessano~ron paul
03:01.10jbothmm... ron paul is Never Forget!
03:01.28jbotjbot is probably a hack!, or known to have only said one useful thing. a tool, or dating the fembots, or  [TK]D-Fender's b*tch
03:02.04Nugget20-Jan-2008 19:16 <jbot> ron paul is, like, my choice for president in 2008
03:02.04jameswf-home~no ron paul is <reply> Ron paul could kick chuck Noris; Arse
03:02.05jbotokay, jameswf-home
03:02.26Nugget02-Feb-2008 18:01 <jbot> it has been said that rupaul is less ghey than Ron Paul
03:02.27b11dtoo bad Ron Paul is pretty much withdrawing.. too bad too.. he actually made sense.
03:02.33*** join/#asterisk coldstea1 (n=coldstea@unaffiliated/coldsteal)
03:02.34b11dI dont like that he wanted to withdraw from the UN though..
03:02.56jameswf-homejbot dropdatabase;
03:02.57jbotSo you think you could kill me, did you. You thought you could come in here, in my own home, and take me down without a fight. I would have given you a chance, really. But now, you have unleashed hell. May god have mercy on your soul.
03:03.18jbothmm... drmessano is the leading cause of censorship in #asterisk
03:03.20pkunkra~show tables;
03:03.31pkunkrahah.  worth a try.
03:03.34drmessanodamn right I am
03:03.36jbotb11d is a constant source of misinformation...
03:03.36coldstea1I have a problem I come home toay and I can't call out and now one can call in but I have a dialtone
03:03.39b11dhaha true
03:03.40coldstea1and internet
03:03.50Nugget~'; drop database jbot;
03:04.09jboti guess jameswf is he has way to much time on his hands, or a GOD
03:04.35coldstea1*I have a problem I come home today and I can't call out and now one can call in but I have a dial tone and my asterisk server can reach the Internet
03:04.40coldstea1how could I fix it?
03:04.48b11dgotta go wax my car.. bbl all
03:05.16NuggetI did that yesterday
03:06.18coldstea1I forget what I'm supposed to post
03:06.30jbotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there, just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
03:06.59pkunkrawho is here against their will?
03:07.00drmessanocoldstea1: Maybe you need to defrag and scandisk
03:07.06drmessanoI am
03:07.30coldstea1I posted the question
03:08.17coldstea1drmessano: i don't know how to defrag on linux and it was working fine a few hours ago
03:09.16pkunkracoldstea1, we'll need more info.
03:09.18*** join/#asterisk tuxfoo (
03:09.38coldstea1pkunkra: okay what would you like and ill get w/e log you need or w/e
03:09.39pkunkrathe question you posted is equivalent of "It doesn't work.  Why?
03:10.09coldstea1pkunkra: okay what info would you like so far that's all I know
03:10.25coldstea1and I'm loged in the asterisk cli right now
03:10.39pkunkrafirst tell me what problems you're having and some steps you took to try to solve it.
03:11.02coldstea1okay I can't call and no one can call me
03:11.12coldstea1I logged in and restarted asterisk
03:11.18*** join/#asterisk __freedom__lover (
03:11.21coldstea1and I still have the same problem
03:11.44JTcoldstea1: pb your config for a start
03:11.57*** join/#asterisk angryuser (
03:12.16pkunkratry bumping up debug and verbose
03:12.23ZX81oh well - everyone's left the office - time for shareazza
03:12.27pkunkrathat should yield some answers.
03:12.47coldstea1I can see it does try to call out but it ends up with circuit busy
03:12.59ZX81via VoIP?
03:13.02coldstea1pkunkra: okay give me a sec
03:13.12ZX81try configuring a soft phone to talk directly to the provider
03:13.13coldstea1ZX81: via the cli
03:13.22ZX81who says circuit buys?
03:13.25jameswf-homecoldstea1: pastebin the last 500 lines of your log
03:13.37[gnubie]in the auto-attendant, how will you instruct only those extension numbers in a particular context must be dialed during the WaitExten() on the callers side?
03:13.38jbot[~pastebin] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
03:13.55ZX81[gnubie], happens automatically
03:14.17ZX81[gnubie], goes to exten => i,1, otherwise
03:14.24ZX81or hangs up if there isn't one
03:14.30coldstea1jameswf-home: which log?
03:14.40ZX81unless you mean a different context
03:14.43ZX81in which case
03:14.52ZX81include => mycontext
03:14.52coldstea1pkunkra: let me take out the passwords from my conf
03:14.54jameswf-homeasterisk/full or asterisk/messages
03:14.58haxabout how much ram does the asterisk process usually take up?
03:15.19[gnubie]ZX81: you mean, there's no possibility that the caller will key in 9. where ignorepat=9 and EXTEN:1?
03:15.25ZX81hax, really depends on what you're doing - but a linux machine should take all ram for caching eventually
03:15.30jameswf-homehax asterisk is like a woman it will take all it wants
03:15.46haxso... like <100mb?
03:15.51ZX81it can run on openwrt though which has like 8mb or some such
03:16.02ZX81there is a define for low memory
03:16.07ZX81in make menuconfig
03:16.23ZX81[gnubie], you need to pastebin your conf
03:16.43ZX81:( shareaza crashed
03:16.45[gnubie]ZX81: ok.. for a while..
03:17.00ZX81like if you have
03:17.08ZX81exten => s,1,Answer
03:17.16ZX81exten => s,n,WaitExten()
03:17.26ZX81exten => 3,1,NoOp(3 pressed)
03:17.31ZX81and someone presses 4
03:17.39ZX81it will go to exten => i,1,
03:17.45haxalso, anyone aware of a cheap hosted asterisk service that doesn't suck?
03:17.54ZX81mine :)
03:17.58ZX81if you're in New Zealand
03:18.01*** join/#asterisk tclark (
03:18.46teknoprepso i have been skrewing with polycom digitplan's .. this one seems to be perfect
03:18.47teknoprep<digitmap dialplan.digitmap="911|0T|011xxx.T|[2-9]xxxxxxxxx|1[2-9]xxxxxxxxx|1xxx|*xx"
03:18.52ZX81coldstea1, um not much useful in there
03:18.56ZX81see if you can find the error
03:19.22ZX81(x.) is fine
03:19.24teknoprepwhy ?
03:19.29ZX81just annoying
03:19.30teknoprepits really nice to have that
03:19.34ZX81I always forget something
03:19.35teknoprepit auto dials when it matches
03:19.38ZX81PSTN feature codes etc
03:19.42ZX81we have
03:19.54ZX81etc etc
03:20.00ZX81and there's always one more
03:20.02InsolentDreamsThe sanity man...
03:20.04teknoprepthats stupid
03:20.07InsolentDreamsUse commas instead of returns, ugh
03:20.09teknoprepyour pbx is setup stupid
03:20.17ZX81that's the PSTN
03:20.18coldstea1ZX81: the only error I see is [Feb 10 21:16:33] ERROR[8851] res_config_pgsql.c: Postgresql RealTime: Failed to connect database server asterisk on Check debug for more info.
03:20.22ZX81not the PBX
03:20.38ZX81coldstea1, you said it said circuit busy
03:20.49ZX81I guess warning
03:20.50teknoprepwell you could always end it with x.
03:20.54coldstea1yeah I ment in the file I posted
03:20.58ZX81but then I get calls
03:21.00teknoprepthat way if you dial say ... 911 it goes through right away
03:21.06tclarkis there any one here or who knows anyone that has a iax pbx test end pt some where in costa rica near san jose central valley on a dsl/cable service
03:21.09ZX81saying I normally don't have to press call
03:21.16ZX81why do I have to press it for "x" feature
03:21.28teknoprepi am adding 10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19
03:21.31riddleboxI wish I could speed up my grandstream phones, so it wouldnt take 11 seconds hear a call ring
03:21.32ZX81or "why does it take 6 seconds to dial my x"
03:21.33teknoprepfor my parking lots
03:21.45ZX81tclark, not i
03:21.49teknopreppolycom phones are the BEST
03:21.53ZX81riddlebox, 11 seconds!
03:22.07ZX81you could shave 3 or 4 by disabling callerid if you're not using it
03:22.09*** join/#asterisk asr33 (
03:22.12teknoprepi am never buying another cisco phone again
03:22.13ZX81and are using an analogue trunk
03:22.19ZX8111 seconds is a long time though
03:22.26ZX81teknoprep, really?
03:22.30ZX81xml good?
03:22.30teknoprepyes really
03:22.34teknoprepi love it
03:22.47ZX81do they have xml browsery things?
03:22.57teknoprepyou mean web page
03:23.04teknoprepmini browser
03:23.14teknoprepi think the ip650 does
03:23.14ZX81for stock tickers etc
03:23.22ZX81prices good?
03:23.34teknoprepsound quality is the best i have ever heard
03:23.47teknoprepi bought an IP320 and i love it for my house
03:24.00teknoprepi have a 4port POE switch in the basement and it really is nice
03:24.08ZX81yeah - although I kinda like my microphone - condensor - plugged into mixer with speakers in the other room
03:24.12ZX81great quality
03:24.14teknoprepwell 8port switch 4port poe
03:24.17ZX81but can only talk to the other room
03:24.31teknoprepyou can buy a polycom pc speakerphone
03:24.43ZX81yeah if it did wifi :)
03:24.51ZX81I have a CTU
03:24.55ZX81and use my cell
03:25.16ZX81brb ciggy
03:25.27ZX81will read that when I get back
03:25.28coldstea1this is what I get in the cli when I make a call
03:26.02ZX81and try to make the call using the reg details in a softphone
03:26.10teknoprepcoldstea1, are you behind a NAT ?
03:26.15*** join/#asterisk mmurdock (
03:26.35coldstea1teknoprep: yes
03:26.42teknoprepcoldstea1, did you setup your nat settings ?
03:26.59jameswf-homemaybe outside ip changed
03:27.13coldstea1where do I put this canreinvite
03:27.59asr33I've read the ~book it was very enjoyable, I now think should learn greater detail about SIP, there are many books on the subject, can somebody recommend an easy to understand book about SIP?
03:28.01teknoprepcanreinvite=yes ; put this in your settings for your SIP connection to your ITSP
03:28.21jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
03:28.27jbotnat is probably Network Address Translation  Usable in Asterisk sip.conf file with externip, localnet, and localmask setup properly.  See docs.
03:29.07jbotYou can buy "Asterisk the Future of Telephony" at so go buy it SERIOUSLY
03:29.23[gnubie]ZX81: still there? my dialplan is here already =>
03:31.11coldstea1I already have all thoese settings in my sip.conf
03:31.42ZX81so what context am I looking at?
03:31.42[gnubie]ZX81: i want that when an incoming call asked to key in the extension number to call, i just want that my pbx will only accept extension numbers of my [family] context and other than that, invalid already
03:32.11ZX81exten => s,1,Answer()
03:32.24ZX81exten => s,n,Background(dialanumber)
03:32.34ZX81exten => s,n,WaitExten()
03:32.42ZX81include => extensions
03:32.52ZX81where extensions is a context that has your extensions in it
03:32.57coldstea1I can't ping
03:33.02[gnubie]ZX81: please take a look at my [menu] context
03:33.33ZX81you will need to include the contexts that have your extensions
03:33.48ZX81i.e. family, relatives, friends
03:34.02ZX81then it should work fine
03:34.28ZX81so add in include => family
03:34.31ZX81include => friends
03:34.31[gnubie]basically, my [menu] and [inbound_trunks].. and the [family] context must be the only recognize extension numbers when keyed-in during the [menu] 's WaitExten()
03:34.45ZX81yeah so include whatever you want to be recognized
03:35.01[gnubie]ZX81: where shall i insert it?
03:35.08ZX81just after [menu]
03:35.32ZX81gotta run - be good
03:35.41*** join/#asterisk adjohn (
03:36.08coldstea1oh wait I can ping it but the time is real bad
03:36.09coldstea1$ ping -c1
03:36.09coldstea1PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
03:36.09coldstea164 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=44 time=57.6 ms
03:36.09coldstea1--- ping statistics ---
03:36.09coldstea11 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
03:36.11coldstea1rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 57.691/57.691/57.691/0.000 ms
03:36.24coldstea1I didn't think that was going to be that big sorry
03:37.18JT57ms is real bad?
03:37.41coldstea1it takes a while to respond
03:37.59JT57ms is less than 1/10th of a second
03:38.06teknoprep57ms is fine
03:38.16teknoprepthats .057 seconds
03:38.31[gnubie]is there such thing as "exclude => blah" in the asterisk's dialplan?
03:38.49*** part/#asterisk theron (
03:39.24lmadsen[gnubie]: nada
03:39.48[gnubie]i see.. thanks..
03:39.52lmadsenyou shouldn't need it
03:40.17coldstea1okay I got it working
03:40.38[gnubie]lmadsen: were you able to read our discussions with ZX81 earlier regarding my problem with the dialplan?
03:40.46coldstea1I unplugged my ATA and plugged it back in
03:40.48lmadsensorry, I didn't scroll back
03:40.59lmadsenI'm actually just checkin' the email quick then off to read
03:41.56[gnubie]lmadsen: this is my extensions.conf =>
03:43.49[gnubie]lmadsen: my problem is whenever a caller from an inbound_trunks asked to key in an extension number to call during my [menu]'s WaitExten() , it should only accept those extension numbers under the [family] context and other than that must be invalid
03:44.17jbotsomebody said rob was (Radically Omnipotent Boy) A tall, bearded, long-haired person who is scarily intelligent and often dangerous (they have been known to be photographed with axes and chainsaws). A ROB normally likes to drive really fast cars and eat lots of pizza. ROBs also frequently contribute nearly 100% of the content of on-line Internet webzines.
03:45.45jbotNo devices specified to be checked!
03:45.55jameswf-home~fsck hda1
03:45.55jbote2fsck /dev/hda1 : warning! filesystem contains helpdesk workers!
03:45.59*** part/#asterisk coldstea1 (n=coldstea@unaffiliated/coldsteal)
03:46.07jameswf-home~fsck sda1
03:46.08jbote2fsck /dev/sda1 : warning! filesystem contains dumbasses!
03:46.15jameswf-home~fsck sda2
03:46.15jbote2fsck /dev/sda2 : warning! filesystem contains helpdesk workers!
03:46.48[gnubie]lmadsen: ZX81's suggestion was to add "include => family" below the [menu] line.. does it mean that it will automatically exclude the other contexts and whenever a number that is not a member of the [family] context are invalid?
03:47.49lmadsen[gnubie]: you probably don't want to use an include there then because there is no way to block the transitive properties. What I'd do is use a separate pattern match in the [menu] to explicitly match what you want, and control access to the other context that way
03:48.43[gnubie]lmadsen: sample please from my existing dialplan if you don't mind?
03:49.18lmadsen[gnubie]: sorry, that was pretty straight forward and I only give out so much free consulting a day ;)
03:49.52[gnubie]ok. thanks anyway.
03:50.28lmadsenbascially I'm saying remove the include entirely and create a separate pattern match with a Goto()
03:50.41lmadsenexten => _4XXX,1,Goto(${EXTEN},some_context)
03:50.45lmadsenin your menu context
03:50.48lmadsenand with that... I'm out!
03:52.07[gnubie]lmadsen: ok.. thanks again.
03:55.51*** part/#asterisk lmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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04:32.48*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (i=L_NUX@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
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05:00.21*** join/#asterisk apollonx (n=admin@
05:03.42*** join/#asterisk metfan2007 (n=metfan20@
05:04.00metfan2007Hi, how do I find the version number in a zaptel instalation?
05:04.52metfan2007great, thanks
05:06.30metfan2007and for openh323? xD
05:19.32*** join/#asterisk MaliutaWrk (
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05:44.10[gnubie]is there a default variable in asterisk-1.4 that is similar to "dialed ID" or "called ID" ?
05:44.31*** join/#asterisk emist (n=emist@unaffiliated/emist)
05:45.01[gnubie]i know there is a CALLERID variable but that one is the caller.. i'm looking for the callee's id if there exist
05:51.12pkunkra$EXTEN ?
05:55.33findlayoh, wrong answer
05:58.35findlayshould be ${EXTEN}
05:58.36*** join/#asterisk mmurdock (
06:01.28[gnubie]findlay: ok.. thanks..
06:03.50emistyo guys, in case it hasn't reached you yet, if you're running kernel .17-24 it would be a good time to patch
06:06.35jameswf-homeomfg get over it
06:06.55*** join/#asterisk shtoom (n=godson@
06:07.22drmessanoGood god
06:07.25drmessanoNothing to see here
06:07.29drmessanoGo back to your families
06:07.43jameswf-homeI logged in as root to fix it
06:07.54jameswf-homenow everything i do is as root
06:08.03drmessanoI closed Internet Explorer, and it was gone
06:08.23jameswf-homerm -rf *.bug
06:08.39jameswf-homerm -rf *.securitah_holez
06:08.41drmessanoThis isn't even a news story, it's BLOG SPAM
06:08.51drmessanoPut BLOG SPAM on Digg where it belongs
06:09.09emistwell, seeing as the latest stable kernel is vulnerable i would call it a news story
06:09.10drmessanoLink me something with LINUS or TORVALDS on it, pls
06:09.13jameswf-homeno no its true I read it on slashdot
06:09.31drmessanoNot the link you posted
06:09.31emister...i tested it on 19-24 personally
06:09.37emistim lost
06:09.43drmessanoyes, you are
06:09.44DocfxitWhere can I find the backtrace.txt file in Asterisknow? I have looked in /etc/asterisk/doc. There is no directory called doc within the asterisk directory.
06:10.02drmessanoBlog spam blows
06:10.05emista real story?
06:10.09drmessanoIf you got a good link, link it
06:10.16DocfxitI found backtrace.txt on the internet but not loaded on the system.
06:10.41jameswf-homebig perm i mean worm
06:10.42emistmaybe thats a little more real
06:11.02drmessanoThat's better.. I'm trying to make you one less person that posts a blog post when a better authority exists for all to see
06:11.07jameswf-homeOH NOZ HAXORZ MIL WURMZ
06:11.30emist[+] mmap: 0x0 .. 0x1000
06:11.30emist[+] page: 0x0
06:11.32emist[+] page: 0x20
06:11.34emist[+] mmap: 0x4000 .. 0x5000
06:11.36emist[+] page: 0x4000
06:11.38emist[+] page: 0x4020
06:11.40emist[+] mmap: 0x1000 .. 0x2000
06:11.42emist[+] page: 0x1000
06:11.44emist[+] mmap: 0xb7f8c000 .. 0xb7fbe000
06:11.45drmessanoSTOP PASTING
06:11.46emist[+] root
06:11.48emist$ whoami
06:11.52emistcalm down son
06:12.11drmessanoStop pasting, SON
06:12.33emisti just did son
06:13.08jameswf-homedamn dad
06:13.22emisteither way, if you have any idea what the kernel is and how to patch it you might want to go for it, if not forget what i just said
06:13.30emistgood day
06:13.38jameswf-homelmao trollz
06:13.54jbotsomebody said troll was a race on some muds; a guy under a bridge: an annoying robot; a port scanner, or somebody faking being clueless to be shown the One Linux Way so he can argue against it for his psychology thesis on linux advocates, or an employee of trolltech, or at or ...
06:14.24drmessanoNo shit
06:15.10jameswf-homethe script secretly rewrites the env to display root when an idiot types whoami woooooooooo
06:16.08jameswf-homecrap he is probably haxoring me right now
06:17.20drmessanojbot: blogspam is when someone posts a link to some unofficial or self-gratifying blog post on a story where a more official source of the information exists, and is often linked to somewhere in the middle of said blog post, making the link to the blog post nothing more than "Spam"
06:17.21jbotdrmessano: okay
06:17.27jbot[blogspam] when someone posts a link to some unofficial or self-gratifying blog post on a story where a more official source of the information exists, and is often linked to somewhere in the middle of said blog post, making the link to the blog post nothing more than "Spam"
06:19.15drmessanojameswf-home, when they hell are they going to release Web 2.1? There's quite a few bugfixes and new features I am waiting on.
06:19.42jameswf-homeI dunno I am allready on web 4.0 alpha
06:20.03*** join/#asterisk obnauticus (
06:20.55drmessanoWeb 4.0 will be the the full circle convergence of VoIP + Web where people stop blogging about shit and actually call each other like they did in the 70s and 80s
06:24.36drmessanoPeople will grow tired of phones with a bunch of buttons and long for the days of rotary, making pulse dialing stability the key feature in Asterisk 1.8
06:26.24drmessano"If you are using a touch tone phone, please hang up, get back into your time capsule, and set a course for 1999.. Rotary is back!"
06:28.04drmessanoI also want my 12 button cable boxes back too
06:28.30drmessanoPush down 2 + 5 + 9 and get playboy
06:37.48[gnubie]hello all..
06:38.17[gnubie]kindly check out =>
06:38.52[gnubie]what do you think of the line 6 of my [auto-attendant] context? is it on a proper syntax or not?
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06:49.22the_5th_wheelIs there any reason why someone would be moved later in a queue when they sit in th que? it seems the last people are being helped first
06:50.16*** join/#asterisk [T]ank (
06:50.42jwhthe_5th_wheel: what queue?
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06:59.14[T]anki am looking for a comparison of codecs on sip and how much bandwidth they take. I am trying to decide which codec is the highest quality with the best use of bandwidth. can anyone refer me to a link with this kind of info?
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07:35.40yangvncHas anyone experience with Grandstream phones + BLF lights + Asterisk, I can use the keys, but they don't blink red on busy signal...
07:38.14*** join/#asterisk harpal (n=harpal@
07:38.58harpalHey any one has used earthcaller site? I cant make call with that site, so any one tell me what port I have to open to make it work
07:50.19the_5th_wheeljwh: i have tech support que. its a ringall. it keeps on telling people you are nr3 in the queu, then it says you are nr 5 in the que
07:50.45jwhmm, no console messages?
07:50.53jwhlike, indicating change?
07:51.47the_5th_wheellemme try it
07:53.12the_5th_wheeluhm, its rather difficult to test it without there actually being clients on the que
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07:54.58the_5th_wheel <-- this is my que config
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08:00.50jwhlooks fine
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08:24.19the_5th_wheelCan i use an SPA3102 as a LCR?
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08:33.05krdian_yangvnc: have u configured hints ?
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08:34.59the-moogHi,   I need some help getting asterisk-addons to compile.
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08:40.51tzafrirthe-moog, what error do you get? on what platform? what verisons?
08:43.54yangvnckrdian_: yes, I have configured hints
08:44.09yangvncgood Morning tzafrir
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08:44.47yangvnckrdian_: thanks, the link is helpfull
08:45.01the-moogtzafrir:    ubuntu 1.7 (kernel 2.6.22-14) on i686 with asterisk 1.4.17.    asterisk addons is from the trunk
08:45.41the-moogtzafrir:  Applying the 1.4 patch for chan_mobile fails.
08:46.15tzafrirI don't think trunk addons and asterisk 1.4 can build
08:48.20the-moogSo why publish a patch, see
08:51.20*** join/#asterisk shinao1 (n=shinao1@
08:57.43the-moogYep, that's the bit that goes wrong, see
08:58.17the-moogIt appears that the code in trunk has been updated and the code in the patch not.
08:58.43the-moogI wonder if I can find what version the patch came from
09:06.32the-moogtzafrir:   checking out version 454 allows patch to work :)
09:06.59yangvnckrdian_: Are you using the grandstream phone?
09:10.32*** join/#asterisk Cyorxamp (n=Cyorxamp@
09:11.26the_5th_wheelon my SPA3102, correct me im wrong, but this would make that all calls excluding 08xxxxxxxx and 07xxxxxxxx go to the pstn line?
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09:13.58*** mode/#asterisk [-o+b Cyorxamp *!*Cyorxamp@212.57.232.*] by twisted
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09:16.28krdian_yangvnc: yes,
09:16.34krdian_yangvnc: unfortunatly
09:17.40krdian_yangvnc: *unfortunately
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09:22.05yangvnckrdian_: ok i did everything correct, but this happens when i try to takeover the call by BLF key
09:23.03yangvncast_get_group: Ignoring invalid group 65 (maximum group is 63)
09:23.13yangvncI wonder what this error relies to
09:23.58*** mode/#asterisk [-b *!*Cyorxamp@212.57.232.*] by twisted
09:28.59yangvncalso the call gets totally weird with echoes if i apply that rule
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09:30.39*** join/#asterisk Sinar (n=bwoSinar@
09:31.30Sinarmorning. Is there a way of getting Playback() to access a remote file? Wanting to access a file from a webserver, not on the local machine. I'm using FastAGI so don't have access to the stream. Wanting to play back a custom file, not use this for music on hold streaming
09:32.03tzafrirWhat type of remote file?
09:32.10tzafrirGenerally, no
09:32.17tzafrirBut maybe there's a way
09:32.25Sinarulaw sound file. pre-rendered text-to-speech content.
09:32.42Sinarso that's why I need to use Fast AGI to pass variables around so the dialplan plays back the right file
09:32.53tzafrirYeah, but how do you get to that file?
09:33.03*** join/#asterisk XnOSX (i=d491ac7f@gateway/web/ajax/
09:33.06SinarI was hoping for http:? :)
09:33.10krdian_yangvnc: try to use dial instead of pickup
09:33.16Sinari guess it could be a samba share
09:33.21mvanbaakSinar: use wget to grab the file
09:34.12Sinarok I'll look into that. but not sure how that'll work with Fast AGI running on a different box
09:34.22yangvnckrdian_: is there a difference between exten => _**5X,2,Hangup or Hangup() ?
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09:35.19tzafrirIf it is a samba or NFS share, you can mount it, and it becomes a local file
09:35.23krdian_yangvnc: not really
09:35.49tzafrirAs for http: you can try grabbing that file beforehand with curl, I guess
09:36.46yangvnckrdian_: do i need to enter exten => _**6X,1,Dial(${EXTEN:2}) or exten => _**6X,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:2})
09:36.58tzafriror maybe use something like
09:37.15tzafrirSinar, ==^
09:37.25krdian_yangvnc: exten => _**6X,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:2})
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09:40.30worgili am using DVG-1402S and have two line ont this, but when it login to asterisk server only one line be up, other line is waiting to query. how can i do it for ?
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09:42.45yangvnckrdian_: if i apply DIAL command instead of pickup then the users gets the second call
09:43.05yangvncif i press the BLF button
09:43.35yangvncusually the call is being taken with *8
09:43.38yangvncwhich works fine
09:44.32worgili am using DVG-1402S and it have two line on this, but when it login to asterisk server only one line be up, other line is waiting to query. how can i do it for ?
09:44.39krdian_yangvnc: oh, sorry right, i didn't check ur dialplan
09:45.22yangvncI might test this later in the afternoon, everyone is making the calls now
09:47.59krdian_yangvnc: generaly, if u use just hints in proper context is enough to BLF
09:49.17yangvnci use exten => 60,hint,SIP/60 ; Jozi
09:49.35yangvncand in sip.conf i have subscribecontext=BLF
09:49.40yangvnchints are in BLF
09:50.19yangvncwithout the manual you told me about, the lights never went red
09:51.23krdian_yangvnc: not suer if u can use subscribecontext..., i have context with hints included in context
09:52.54krdian_yangvnc: try to include 'BLF' in context which u connfigured in sip.conf
09:54.02worgili am using DVG-1402S and it have two line on this, but when it login to asterisk server only one line be up, other line is waiting to query. how can i do it for ?
09:56.43Sinarthanks for that tzafrir
09:57.59krdian_worgil: i don't know ur phone but check call-limit in sip.conf and  ringinuse option in queue.conf
10:01.26krdian_does anybody known any voice stress analysis software similar to liarliar project but working as comand-line ?
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10:16.29worgilkrdian_, now can be online two lines but not comieng sound have you any idea ?
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10:19.26krdian_worgil: no sound ? on both lines ?
10:19.59worgilonly one linehave sound
10:21.48krdian_worgil: no idea, maybe your phone need to has second account to do as you want
10:22.57krdian_worgil: or uhave to switch accounts somehow, on my grandstream i have to push proper line
10:23.58krdian_worgil: is ur phone d-link, is it ?
10:24.47krdian_worgil: i guess it worse than grandstream :) sorry i have bad exerience with d-link switches
10:25.38krdian_worgil: oh, its gatewaay not phone ...
10:25.47worgilkrdian_, yes d-link and i can not keep up two line, when i can keep up than only one line use sound
10:26.07krdian_worgil: i think u have to configure second account on it
10:26.37worgilwhat must i do krdian_?
10:28.46krdian_worgil: u have to configure second sip account and agent on it IMO
10:29.59krdian_worgil: but as i said i dontt know ur equipment :(
10:30.35worgili did krdian_
10:30.57worgili have two acount 1011 and 1012 on d-link
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10:32.05krdian_worgil: can u call both extension directly ?
10:32.38worgili can
10:34.00krdian_worgil: so, u have problem when you calling these extension through queue, right ?
10:36.05*** join/#asterisk Dayver (
10:36.43krdian_worgil: do u see sth strange in logs ?
10:36.55worgilno krdian_
10:40.28krdian_worgil: as i understand u have two analog phones connected to this box ?
10:41.27krdian_worgil: both account have similar configs
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10:44.10worgilwhen i call other extension, they are not hear my sound
10:56.37*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
10:56.48Dovidhi. I am trying to use agentcallbacklogin
10:57.20Dovidi am having an issue where when i try to log in it asks me for a new extension. I dont see that any where in the doc's. can anyone advise  ?
11:02.01jbot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
11:02.39Dovidangryuser:  I am not using freepbx ;)
11:02.54Dovidi got the error Extension '100' is not valid for automatic login of agent '100'
11:02.57angryuseroh it is not your post related ;)
11:03.32Dovidi figured it out. I was missing a ,
11:10.01*** join/#asterisk MindTheGap (
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11:15.10Dovidanother question. If a user is logged in to a queue and they are DND it goes to VM, is there any way if the user is on DND to go to the next available user ?
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11:26.00_gmgot a UA, but i'm in state 1
11:26.44_gmany idea about above message?
11:27.52angryuser<Dovid> hi, i am using snom phones, they got dnd button ;) if it is presed * switch to next agent
11:39.47Dovidangryuser: How do you have ur queue set up ? I have a snom here and a Eye beam. if dnd on eyebeam is enabled it craps out
11:42.42Dovidangryuser: i was over complicating it. works like a charm now ;)
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12:02.31_gmanyone tried compiling sangoma drivers?
12:02.38_gmi m getting invalud arguement (22)
12:02.46_gmwhen i issue ztcfg -vv
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12:13.47tzafrirwhat versions?
12:14.13tzafrir_gm, also consider the possibility you still have an older version of zaptel loaded
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12:17.36Al_WinKillerhi guys, need help I got two Asterisk ( first is on CentOS (1.4) second is on FreeBSD (1.2) ) and some phone connected to them ( soft phones and cisco ip phones ) , they can call each other but I can't call from one server to another,, pls help
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12:27.24mmmToopanyone know how to find out if a SIP device has done a 302 "Moved Temp.." in the dialplan?
12:27.43mmmTooptried to get SIP luck
12:28.00the_5th_wheelif i get asterisk top record my phonecalls, how big will the files be per minute?
12:28.36mmmToopdepends on the format
12:28.44mmmToopif u use wav49 (gsm)
12:28.55Al_WinKillercan someone help me ? pls ?
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12:30.59mmmToopAl_Windkiller...use IAX trunks
12:33.06Al_WinKillerI do
12:33.15Al_WinKillerI got it in my iax conf
12:34.56Al_WinKillerstill doesn't work :( ,,, i go for smoke
12:37.45*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (n=Heh@pdpc/supporter/active/Zeeek)
12:38.17angryuser<Dovid> forgot to tell you agentcallbacklogin ask's you ext number because system need to assosiate ext/agent_number, from other side it let you change agent's workplac
12:39.07*** join/#asterisk Greek-Boy (n=email@
12:43.49*** part/#asterisk PepOSX (n=angeldav@
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12:44.38nebojsajsimicHi all
12:44.56nebojsajsimiccan someone give a little help with Festival
12:46.42nebojsajsimicrejected from asterisk not in access list
12:47.00nebojsajsimici know that it is some little problem for You
12:47.52russellbnot in what access list?
12:48.30nebojsajsimicwhen i make a call to festival
12:48.39Zeeekhey russellb
12:48.42*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
12:48.54nebojsajsimicfrom asterisk
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12:49.05nebojsajsimici get that message
12:49.13ZeeekI'm looking at the asterisk GUI - pretty amazing
12:49.21the_5th_wheelhow can i set asterisk up to automatically record phonecalls going to a queue
12:49.24russellbZeeek: cool :)
12:49.31ZeeekI think I know too much
12:49.54Zeeekbut I though you could add modules to the voip-only box?
12:50.05nebojsajsimicrussellb can you help ???
12:50.13russellbnebojsajsimic: probably not, sorry
12:50.19nebojsajsimicok thx
12:50.28russellbZeeek: not sure ...
12:50.41russellbtheoretically, probably, but you're not supposed to open the box :)
12:50.46Zeeekit's a little hard testing the config with n o phones :)
12:50.59ZeeekI have to bring one back from home
12:51.13Zeeekbut the appliance is pretty cool
12:51.25russellbglad you like it
12:51.28*** join/#asterisk GBR_ (n=gbr@
12:51.42ZeeekI don't know if you know the story of Astricon Paris 2 yrs ago?
12:52.00russellbnope ... wasn't there
12:52.11ZeeekI asked MArk after his keynote (in front of the whole audience) why Digium didn't make a small box with the hardware...
12:52.22ZeeekHe looked at me like I was from Mars
12:52.40ZeeekI learned an hour later that they did make such a box but it was top secret
12:53.03Zeeekthere was a big circle of people standing around a table and no one was allowed near
12:53.22Zeeekpeople were being called over: "Psssssst, look at this!"
12:54.41ZeeekI thought I heard then that you could plug both kinds of modules in. Since the connectors are there, I'm dying of curiosity
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12:56.47Greek-Boylol Zeeek
12:57.40ZeeekGreek-Boy LO @ the story?
12:58.11Zeeekit was funny, yeah
12:59.13Greek-Boyhave u been to every astricon?
12:59.53ZeeekGreek-Boy no, just 2: Madrid and Paris
13:00.12*** join/#asterisk ArchSSM (
13:00.17ZeeekI can never go to the US ones because we leave just in the beginning of Sept
13:02.32Greek-Boyat least u got to go to 2.
13:02.49Greek-Boyi haven't even been to 1
13:02.59Greek-Boyhopefully this year will be my first one :)
13:09.39Zeeekoh? Which one?
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13:41.03saftsackhi, is a via epia 1000mhz fast enough for asterisk with about 6 callers?
13:41.49ZeeekI'sd think so but it depends on things like transcoding
13:41.59saftsackno transcoding. just voicemail
13:42.14mmmToopcheck out the voip-info dimentioning page
13:42.29mmmToopbut will be fine I think
13:42.29saftsackmmmToop, where to find?
13:42.33Zeeekyopu mean dementing page?
13:42.45Zeeekor dimensioning?
13:43.37*** join/#asterisk stkn|work (n=stkn|wor@gentoo/developer/
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13:44.11saftsackthanks ,)
13:45.51*** join/#asterisk AndyGraybeal (
13:48.05tzafrirsaftsack, yes
13:50.25*** join/#asterisk AndyGraybeal (
13:51.07Zeeekwhat does Registration from .... failed for ... - ACL error (permit/deny)  mean?
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14:06.42ifnotwhynothi there i am trying to get more familiar with the variables used in the asterisk dial plan, tell me could you do something like this _XXXXAXXXXXXXXXXT,1,Set(${from_number} = S{EXTEN:0:4})   _XXXXAXXXXXXXXXXT,2,NoOP(${from_number}) to display the last XXXXXXXXXX?
14:07.11Al_WinKillerguys when I am calling from one asterisk to another I get this from destination
14:07.13Al_WinKiller83.139.12.187, request '1299501@default' does not exist
14:07.19Al_WinKillerwhat can I do ?
14:07.25Al_WinKillercuz lacally number works
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14:07.29ifnotwhynotif i do i get nothing in the NoOp command(that should print the last XXXX to cli sceen
14:07.39Zeeekdoes the default context exist and is there an exten 1299501 in it?
14:07.48ZeeekAl_WinKiller ^^^
14:07.48ifnotwhynotsorry the first numbers XXXX
14:08.08ifnotwhynotno Zeeek you have to create it
14:08.25Al_WinKillerin iax.conf ?
14:08.35Zeeekin your extensons
14:09.05ifnotwhynotno in your extensions.conf
14:09.28ifnotwhynotwhat do you want to do zeeek?
14:09.33Al_WinKillerlet me see
14:09.35[TK]D-Fenderifnotwhynot: that is broken about 3 different ways
14:10.05ifnotwhynot[TK]D-Fender what do you mean?
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14:10.23[TK]D-Fenderifnotwhynot: You should not have any white-space in your "Set", next, you do not "reference" your variable that you want to set, that pulls it s value, not the name itself.
14:10.45[TK]D-Fenderifnotwhynot: And you really want letters mixed in with your numbers in the pattern?
14:11.21[TK]D-Fenderifnotwhynot: Whats with the "A", "T", and "S" bit in there?
14:11.25Zeeekif he can dial them, they'll work
14:11.36ifnotwhynotbut i get letters from the cli string(dtmf) from the pabx
14:11.39Zeeekwell, A will
14:11.52*** join/#asterisk _mwoodj_ (n=MWoodJ@pdpc/sponsor/digium/hyper-eye)
14:12.05[TK]D-Fenderifnotwhynot: If you say so....
14:12.14Al_WinKillerthx, works :D
14:13.23ifnotwhynotif i do a noop of the ${EXTEN} i get 8989A0112328676T
14:13.59[TK]D-Fenderifnotwhynot: Like I said, your set was VERY abd.
14:14.07ifnotwhynoti just want to link 8989 to a variable i can call by name
14:16.57ifnotwhynotthank you [TK]D-Fender the spaces was the problem
14:17.24[TK]D-Fenderifnotwhynot: half of the problem.  the other is your variable referencing and added chars
14:19.12Zeeekhas anyone ever set up an asterisk appliance?
14:19.23ifnotwhynotworking now thanks
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14:20.29Zeeekplus my firends' asterisk is logging in and I'm seeing "Got SIP response 489 "Bad event" back from ...." every few minutes
14:21.00*** join/#asterisk dth0 (
14:21.12Al_WinKillerit works , but when I cal from 1 asterisk to 2 asterisk and I peak up ( soft phone ) it is still ringing :(
14:21.17anonymouz666maybe someone is sending a SIP method that Asterisk does not support?
14:21.18*** join/#asterisk pabloff (
14:21.21pabloffhi all
14:21.34Zeeekanonymouz666it's another asterisk
14:22.59[TK]D-FenderZeeek: like QUALIFY <-
14:23.09filemessage waiting indication.
14:23.23Al_WinKilleron first server I use cisco phone on second is zoiper connected ( gsm is used )
14:23.34[TK]D-Fenderfile: that too :)
14:23.57ZeeekI've never seen it beofre with a zillion things connected to my box here
14:24.07Zeeekhe is running 1.4 and I'm running 1.2
14:24.24*** part/#asterisk dth0 (
14:24.25Al_WinKilleryep,,, it is weird :(
14:24.38fileZeeek: Asterisk doesn't support receiving MWI notification over SIP, never has... so if you connect an Asterisk box up to another Asterisk box, set the mailbox option, that'll pop up eventually
14:24.38Zeeekso file, what do you know about the appliance?
14:24.55fileI have barely been involved with it... what'cha wanna know
14:25.49Zeeekfor one thing I'm getting refused login on my 1.2 asterisk with an ACL error. But what's odd is that AIX is selected and it says "login from <sip:.....>
14:26.00Zeeekalso the port in advanced settings is 5060
14:26.06filethe GUI? I have no idea
14:26.22Zeeekshould I just go in and edit the confs?
14:26.24*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
14:26.29ZeeekI'll bet that would raise some hell
14:26.51Zeeekanyway the whole point was to test the appliance out of the box
14:27.07BBHossZeeek, what problems are you having with it
14:27.36ZeeekMy biggest problem is resisting the temptation to open the box to see if modules can be plugged in :)
14:28.02BBHossive seen the inside of them, and it looks modular, but i can't be sure
14:28.11Zeeekotherwise I was trying to set up my production asterisk 1.2 as a "custom voip service provider"
14:28.34Zeeekonly because I don'thave any phoines available here atm
14:28.58ZeeekI wanted to see if it would register
14:29.05BBHossyeah its really touchy with the custom provider, doesn't give you all the options you need
14:29.06Zeeekso far, no luck
14:29.16ZeeekBBHoss you have one?
14:29.29Zeeekvoip only?
14:29.29*** join/#asterisk FabiOne (
14:29.33FabiOnehi all
14:29.53*** join/#asterisk AndyGraybeal_ (
14:29.58Zeeeklike it?
14:30.14BBHosseh, its alright, but I tend to stay away from GUIs
14:30.24ZeeekI've never used a GUI beofre!
14:30.49BBHosswell the nice thing is it won't mangle your config files like other guis will
14:30.58BBHossmost of the time :)
14:31.08Zeeekso I can add stuff like users to the conf?
14:31.25BBHossshould be able to
14:31.31*** join/#asterisk worgil (n=worgil@
14:31.36Zeeekbut that would defeat the purpose of the tests
14:31.45BBHossthey are coming out with an AA-250 soon, for bigger businesses
14:32.14ZeeekI don't need bigger. In all fairness, the GUI is great visually and it looks logical enough
14:32.19*** join/#asterisk esaym (
14:32.37BBHossback when i got mine, the gui was still in beta
14:32.50BBHossthe networking side really needs to be worked over though, still not kosher
14:32.58Zeeekin what way?
14:33.02BBHossno way to port-forward using the gui
14:33.28BBHossand when you change options in the networking page, sometimes they don't get saved
14:33.37BBHossespecially the Enable SSH option
14:33.52Zeeekthat worked here
14:34.07BBHossyeah, i've just had trouble with it before
14:34.20*** part/#asterisk dofear (
14:34.30BBHossi think it had to do with me changing multiple settings on different pages
14:34.30*** join/#asterisk dofear (
14:35.07Zeeekwithout using "apply" ?
14:35.18*** part/#asterisk lmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
14:35.59Zeeekcan the appliance be behind NAT?
14:36.29BBHossyeah, if you mess with it enough
14:37.07worgilwhich softphone can i use for windows ?
14:37.25ZeeekX-Lite, Gizmo Project, SJPhone, Zoiper
14:37.38worgilthanks Zeeek
14:38.13draygonZeeek Which is the best out of those listed?
14:38.22draygonI usually use xlite
14:38.24Zeeekthey're all the same price
14:38.31ZeeekI prefer X-Lite
14:38.32draygonisn't xlite free?
14:38.40Zeeekyes, they're all the same price
14:38.42draygonwell they have a paid version
14:38.58worgilZeeek but x-lite not support gsm and g729 codec
14:39.02draygonis anyone willing to setup a simple pbx for me with incoming and outgoing calls?
14:39.05ZeeekX-Lite is very good.
14:39.06draygonI'm willing to pay.
14:39.16styelzxlite has video
14:39.18Zeeekdraygon see
14:39.21styelzor not
14:39.42Zeeekor use free
14:39.54draygoni want it to run on my server
14:40.01styelzi tried the video with asterisk, works ok
14:40.06ZeeekYou can test free
14:40.23*** join/#asterisk _charly_ (
14:40.28Zeeekdraygon oh, set it up for you? I'm sure many can help
14:40.55draygonIs there a good guide installing asterisks on CentOS somewhere?
14:41.27Zeeekjust use the Book
14:41.32jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
14:41.55BBHossdraygon, also, be sure to look at the section that lets you run it as non-root
14:42.07worgilZeeek can we use Gizme Projet for our asterisk server ?
14:42.19Zeeekof course you can
14:42.35Zeeekasterisk works with clients that haven't even been invented yet
14:42.42ZeeekGizmo is a little special though
14:42.52worgilzoiper is not friendly
14:42.56ZeeekYou have to set your asterisk server as a "secondary" server
14:43.14ZeeekZoiper has a nice tiny footprint
14:43.20*** join/#asterisk beek (n=klinebl@
14:43.39worgilsure but for new user not easy
14:43.43ZeeekGizmo won't work without using a Gizmo account, but that's free and you can just ignore it
14:44.38ZeeekI guess I'll go home now
14:44.54*** part/#asterisk Zeeek (n=Heh@pdpc/supporter/active/Zeeek)
14:45.12*** part/#asterisk mintee (
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14:51.40drako[Feb 11 09:47:40] NOTICE[8762]: rtp.c:787 process_rfc3389: Comfort noise support incomplete in Asterisk (RFC 3389). Please turn off on client if possible. Client IP:
14:51.45drakohow can i get rid of this ?
14:52.33*** join/#asterisk ZaVoid (
14:52.36ZaVoidmorning guys
14:52.50ZaVoidcan someone point me to a function/feature that i can generate a random number in my dialplan?
14:53.03draygoncan someone help me install a pbx as non root user please
14:53.08ZaVoidfor unique ID purposes
14:53.25FrogzooZaVoid: Random()
14:54.03ZaVoidDEPRECATED: Use GotoIf($[${RAND(1,100)} > <number>]?<label>)
14:54.44Frogzoodeprecated! the * v2 book's getting a little out of date then
14:55.45ZaVoidhmm that does a bit more then i want i think
14:57.06*** join/#asterisk AndyGraybeal_ (
14:57.51[TK]D-Fenderdrako: Tell your device to stop.
14:58.10b11dall of my voicemail is being stored with timezone UTC info, but my server existsin CST6CDT.. Comedian Mail is misreading the voicemail timestamps as a result.. any way to fix this?  I didnt see a timezone preference in voicemail.conf and would rather not put the server back to UTC..
14:58.16[TK]D-Fenderdrako: looking like a softphone on the server itself I'm guessing byt eh IP
14:58.23b11dalthough I will if there is no other choice.. not that big of a deal
14:58.58drako[TK]D-Fender, im using twinkle softphone, 2 ATA grandstream and 2 grandstream IP PHONE
14:59.25nebojsajsimici get SIOD ERROR: unbound variable : tts_textasterisk
14:59.55nebojsajsimicplease help with this
15:00.43Frogzooon an fxo line which I pass through to an fxs handset, it takes a couple of rings on the fxo line before the fxs handset rings - must I disable caller id, or is there a better solution?
15:01.14*** join/#asterisk Docfxit (
15:01.15[TK]D-FenderFrogzoo: Yes, waiting for CID will delay passing on the ring.
15:01.18QwellFrogzoo: if you want callerid, you have to wait
15:01.27[TK]D-FenderFrogzoo: You want it, you wait.
15:01.39Frogzoook, well pffft
15:01.50Qwellactually, yes I do know why.  nevermind
15:01.59*** join/#asterisk teknoprep (n=Chris@unaffiliated/teknoprep)
15:02.19pkunkracaller id is always sent between the first and second rings in i recall correctly
15:02.29Qwellthere could probably be an option added like "yes, I know callerid is coming - send the call on anyways, and notify it when I get the callerid"
15:02.38[TK]D-Fenderpkunkra: In North America typically, yes
15:02.47FrogzooQwell: that would be desirable
15:02.55QwellFrogzoo: I can imagine
15:03.05[TK]D-FenderQwell: Won't work on FXO spillover onto FXS
15:03.10nebojsajsimichow to dial from php ??? can someone give me some example line
15:03.12Qwell[TK]D-Fender: why not?
15:03.13pkunkrai'm not familar with phone systems outside the U.S.
15:03.16[TK]D-FenderQwell: SIP can handle this IIRC.
15:03.22Qwellso can FXS :)
15:03.31drako[TK]D-Fender, btw, im having randon consoles disconnect and when i call uptime, it says it just started so i get it is a crash, but there is nothing non-normal at logs
15:03.34QwellI mean...think about it
15:03.54[TK]D-FenderQwell: the phone on your FXS has its specific time where you can send it.  If you don't ahve it then, you cna't change your mind after.
15:03.58Qwellincoming ring, dial out, outgoing ring, incoming cid, outgoing cid, incoming ring, outgoing ring, rinse repeat
15:04.36ManxPowerACTUALLY, many devices that support Caller*ID (at least USA style) will accept the Caller*ID FSK spill most anytime.
15:04.43drako[Feb 11 10:00:48] WARNING[9154]: chan_iax2.c:9385 build_user: Unable to support trunking on user 'konoko_pe' without zaptel timing
15:04.56ManxPowerASTERISK, however, does not.
15:05.00*** join/#asterisk binary-zero (n=binary--@unaffiliated/binary-zero)
15:05.05ManxPowerdrako: there ya go!
15:05.06Qwell[TK]D-Fender: the same specific time that you would require it to come in
15:05.14binary-zerohi guys - how can i get rid of Got 200 OK on REGISTER that isn't a register
15:05.25drakoManxPower, but i have ztdummy loaded
15:05.34binary-zerois there any configuration due to which i can have SIP wait for the message a bit longer
15:05.40ManxPowerdrako: perhaps you did not install zaptel before you installed Asterislk
15:05.53Qwellif we don't have the callerid from the fxo by the time the phone needs the fsk spill, then...we aren't getting callerid
15:06.31[TK]D-FenderQwell: Exactly my point.  You can't ahve the FXS catch up after.
15:06.36Qwellan option like that would, obviously, completely remove your ability to use callerid matching in dialplan
15:06.41Qwell[TK]D-Fender: why not?
15:06.52Qwellwe send it the same way we receive it
15:06.58binary-zeroany one for 200 OK REGISTER issue ?
15:07.03ManxPowerQwell: Well, I guess you could WRITE support for it.
15:07.12ManxPowerbinary-zero: It is a harmless message.  Ignore it.
15:07.34binary-zeroManxPower: would it cause to stop the incoming calls for some duration
15:07.45[TK]D-FenderQwell: to tell the FXS channel what the CID is, you can only do it between its first 2 rings, any timing desync causing you not to have parsed it out from FXO will mean you can't pass it on.
15:07.46binary-zeroas i can see my sip show register  as "REGISTERING" ...
15:07.52binary-zerofor a little while
15:08.05binary-zerois there any configuration which can delay re-registration time
15:08.56ManxPowerbinary-zero: not in my experience.
15:08.57*** join/#asterisk SteveTotaro (
15:09.09Frogzoobinary-zero: in sip.conf ";defaultexpiry=120              ; Default length of incoming/outgoing registration
15:09.15Qwell[TK]D-Fender: sure, but if we screw the timing on getting it, we won't have it anyways
15:09.20binary-zerothanks Frogzoo that was what i looking for
15:09.34Qwellmaybe it's just too early and I'm missing something obvious
15:09.35ManxPowerbinary-zero: don't expect it to fix the issue.
15:09.45*** join/#asterisk Knorrie (
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15:12.03Qwellwhat's the name of the kernel package you need to build zaptel on debian?
15:12.05ManxPowerIt sounds like this is what Qwell wants to do:
15:12.08ManxPowerIs that correct?
15:12.22FrogzooQwell: zaptel-source
15:12.33QwellManxPower: no, nothing like that
15:13.07ManxPowerQwell: Are you sure?  I was referring to being able to send the CID spill at any time.
15:13.08tzafrirlinux-headers-`uname -r` ?
15:13.34tzafrirQwell, ==^
15:13.42Qwelltzafrir: is that different from linux-kernel-headers?
15:13.51Qwellit says I have the latest of that, but your command gives me new stuff
15:13.54*** join/#asterisk SirThomas (
15:14.06Qwellyeah, that worked
15:14.11tzafrirthere is no single linux-headers . There is a linux-headers package per linux-image package
15:14.26drmessanoSo the question is..
15:14.50tzafrir(And now for my question:
15:14.54FrogzooQwell: you might like to read:
15:15.14drmessanoCan you ring the FXS as soon as the FXO recieves a ring, and just wait for the callerID, vs waiting for the FXO to get CID and then ringing the FXS, thus removing the delay?
15:15.18QwellFrogzoo: I've compiled asterisk once or twice before
15:15.27Qwelldrmessano: that's what I'm saying!
15:15.29*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (n=tzafrir@
15:15.43tzafrirwhat exactly does the value of the qualify parameter in sip.conf mean?
15:15.56ManxPowerdrmessano: Yes, if you write a patch to Asterisk
15:16.00tzafrirtime between checks? maximal allowed round-trip-time?
15:16.08FrogzooQwell: ooh - sarcasm
15:16.12mvanbaaktzafrir: max-allowed roundtrip time
15:16.17Qwelltzafrir: if I remove a NIC, do I have to do anything special to get the existing NIC to become eth0?
15:16.25drmessanoQwell:  I've never seen a device that was smart enough to care when it recieves CallerID.. so Asterisk would be the only issue
15:16.30ManxPowertzafrir: qualify=2000  No more than 2000ms of latency in response to the SIP OPTIONS packet qualify= sends.
15:16.30*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux[m] (
15:16.35mvanbaakQwell: no
15:16.44ManxPowerif you have even ONE packet lost, the peer will go offline.  (SIP)
15:17.17ManxPowerAnd that is why I don't normally use qualify=
15:17.30tzafrirQwell, in recent versions: the annoying  /etc/udev/rules.d/z45_persistent-net-generator.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/z25_persistent-net.rules
15:19.28drakoManxPower, i see
15:19.37drakoManxPower, and about the noise one
15:22.29drako[Feb 11 10:18:37] NOTICE[9678]: rtp.c:787 process_rfc3389: Comfort noise support incomplete in Asterisk (RFC 3389). Please turn off on client if possible. Client IP:
15:23.43ManxPowerdrako: turn off VAD/CND on your VoIP client.
15:27.07drakodamn but it keep crashing
15:27.10drakoDisconnected from Asterisk server
15:27.10drakoExecuting last minute cleanups
15:27.33ManxPowerdrako: "asterisk -cvvv" that should give you more info on the screen when it crashes.
15:29.03*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux[m] (
15:29.29*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
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15:31.51_Krieger_how to easily limit max number of concurrent calls?
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15:34.47ifnotwhynotjust spend 3 hours reworking my dialplan for app_RxFAXX keaps on shutting down my asterisk server only to realize i dont have fax=yes in my zapata,,,dumb,dumber,MEMEMEMEMEM!
15:36.01*** join/#asterisk jtknapp (
15:39.41tzafririfnotwhynot, "shuts down my asterisk server" == "segfaults"?
15:39.48*** part/#asterisk binary-zero (n=binary--@unaffiliated/binary-zero)
15:40.05tzafriranyway, get asterisk 1.2.4 and 1.4.6 beta while their hot! :-)
16:07.32*** join/#asterisk jbot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
16:07.32*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source Telephony Application Platform ( -=- Asterisk, -Addons, Libpri 1.6.0-beta2 (2008/01/28), Asterisk 1.4.18 (2008/02/07), *-Addons 1.4.5 (2007/12/1), Zaptel 1.4.8 (2008/01/14), Libpri 1.4.3 (2007/12/13) -=- #asterisknow or #asterisk-gui for AsteriskNOW ( -=- #switchvox for Switchvox ( -=- #freepbx for FreePBX/trixbox
16:07.50putnopvutHmm, do any queue members have a higher penalty than others?
16:08.07*** join/#asterisk [T]ank (
16:08.24[T]ankhow many concurrent calls should I be able to do with gsm and sip?
16:08.38putnopvutWhat happens if you run the command "queue show" from the CLI? Specifically what does it show for the member's statuses?
16:08.50hmm-home[t]ank: what a fantastically vague question
16:08.51hi365ill look
16:09.20x86[T]ank: it really depends on: 1. your server hardware, and 2. the amount of bandwidth available between both sites
16:09.52x86[T]ank: it also depends on if you're having to translate between codecs
16:10.29*** join/#asterisk Al_WinKiller (i=Alex_Win@
16:10.45[T]ankhmm-home: sorry... let me put it differently. If I have a 1.5 meg point to point t1, between two sites, and I am connecting polycome 301 phones to a hpdl380 server... what could be my limit on channels if I am using gsm the entire way and using sip.
16:10.51Al_WinKillerguys I get this fault ( calling from one to another asterisk (iax) )
16:10.53Al_WinKillerOperating with different codecs 4[(ulaw)] 14[(gsm|ulaw|alaw)] , can't native bridge..
16:11.07Al_WinKillerany help ? pls ?
16:11.57putnopvutAl_WinKiller: I think the codec ordering when using IAX is important. So the one that has gsm|ulaw|alaw could be changed to have ulaw first, it might fix the problem.
16:12.15[T]ankis g729 better to use than sip? yes, i know that is also vague... but generally speaking... which is better?
16:12.46dkatz334Tank, one is a CODEC the other a signalling system, they're not interchangable.
16:13.12[T]anksorry... i meant to ask g729 vs gsm.... not sip. still tired this morning.
16:13.53putnopvuthi365: Hmm, nothing too terrible in that output.
16:14.02hi365you would think!
16:14.17hi365ame config worked fine on another system, here its just stuck...
16:14.22Al_WinKillerok, i will try
16:14.36putnopvuthi365: that makes it all the more perplexing then.
16:14.55putnopvutSame version of Asterisk?
16:15.40dkatz334Tank, I prefer gsm due to licensing issues with g729
16:15.48putnopvutOoh, 1.2. I haven't looked at that in ages.
16:15.55BBHossspeex is nice if you don't have lots of calls
16:17.56hi365was on 1.4.17 but went back cause i though maybe it was causing issues
16:18.43BBHosshi365, what kind of issues were you having
16:19.09hi365BBHoss: ringall isnt ringing all
16:19.17hi365<hi365> sure. got a queue (duh). 20ish extensions. in ringall. call comes in. after x amount of time SOME extnesions start to ring
16:19.17hi365[18:05:59] <hi365> x can be anywhere from 0 seconds to 3 minutes
16:19.30putnopvuthi365: don't know what to tell you with regards to that queuing issue...if it's happening with 1.4 too, I might be able to help out.
16:21.38hi365it was happening in 1.4
16:27.44*** join/#asterisk scruz (n=Dell_ope@
16:27.54scruzhello all
16:28.08*** join/#asterisk b1ch0 (
16:28.52BBHosssup dog
16:28.57*** join/#asterisk uwe (
16:29.20scruznothing much
16:29.32*** join/#asterisk magumbade (
16:29.34scruztrying to get a hang of asterisk and phone systems in general
16:29.58drmessanouwe: I found an old convo of yours in here concerning ringall not working in a queue
16:30.03drmessanoAny resolve?
16:30.05uwei just killed the other uwe
16:30.30uweold conversation here ... how old you mean ?
16:30.37BBHossscruz: ~book
16:30.46drmessanoNo clue..
16:30.55jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
16:31.27uweoh , pretty old
16:32.19uwedrmessano, i think this is simply how the queue work
16:32.42dkatz334Speaking of books, anybody know of a good book that covers AGIs?
16:32.42uwethe queue retries every for example 10 seconds
16:33.23[TK]D-Fenderdkatz334: ATFOT2 covers it.
16:33.43uweim actually trying to remember exactly what the problem was
16:34.03uwebut at the end i cant confirm it was a problem, rather just queues behave that way
16:34.08drmessanoYou stated it acted like it was using some other strategy
16:34.14[TK]D-Fenderhi365: how about actually showing us the queue's state before the call comes in, another with the call as it enters, and your dialplan.
16:34.52dkatz334Fender, I was hoping for something more comphrensive than just "Here's what we think it can do.
16:34.59[TK]D-Fenderhi365: And while you're at it, your queues.conf
16:35.13*** join/#asterisk skirmisha (n=viki@
16:35.16[TK]D-Fenderdkatz334: The book shows some very solid samples.
16:35.30skirmishaguys can i send IAX as peer only, no need to register
16:35.40BBHossskirmisha, yeah
16:35.57krdian_is there any way to play files to connected channel ?
16:36.06[TK]D-Fenderskirmisha: Yes
16:36.14BBHosskrdian_, what format
16:36.17uwei dont remember drmessano
16:36.29[TK]D-Fenderkrdian_: What is on each end of the call?
16:36.51skirmishawell i see no authority found
16:36.53dkatz334I'm re-reading now, thanks.
16:36.59uwethats one year ago ...
16:37.07skirmishais this because number does not exist
16:37.15krdian_[TK]D-Fender: i like to inform caller how many minutes he spent on call
16:37.37krdian_[TK]D-Fender: or send him some information s like that
16:37.51krdian_[TK]D-Fender: externaalivr ?
16:37.59[TK]D-Fenderkrdian_: "core show application chanspy" <-
16:38.58[TK]D-Fenderskirmisha: Could be that, could be an improper context specified, bad call formatting, etc.
16:38.58*** join/#asterisk ddunavant (
16:38.58krdian_[TK]D-Fender: ok, but this way i can send him info thrugh script ?
16:39.00skirmishalet me check
16:39.10[TK]D-Fenderkrdian_: Have your script use that app.  go read.
16:39.11drmessanouwe: thats cool, thanks :)
16:43.08*** join/#asterisk putnopvut (n=putnopvu@
16:43.30krdian_[TK]D-Fender: i don't understand how i can use chanspy in for example perl script
16:44.28[TK]D-Fenderkrdian_: have your script start a local channel that will Chanspy on the the channel you want to platy the notice to and whisper in on it.
16:44.59krdian_[TK]D-Fender: ah! i see
16:46.39krdian_[TK]D-Fender: thanks, i'll try it
16:47.12*** join/#asterisk cfh (
16:47.43scruzthanks. have the book on my desktop and was looking through it this morning
16:47.45*** join/#asterisk florz (i=nobody@2001:1a50:503c:0:0:0:0:1)
16:48.09cfhhi all, i have a problem with the hint function in asterisk 1.4 but with 1.2 it works
16:48.12cfhwhat can i do /
16:48.26[TK]D-Fendercfh: SHOW US the problem, and "hint" is not a "function.
16:48.37[TK]D-Fendercfh: Pastebin is your friend
16:48.39BBHossscruz, if you're really serious about learning asterisk, i recommend getting paper copy, because it becomes tedious to switch between a terminal and pdf for referencing
16:48.39jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
16:48.52scruzguess i was put off because it starts with hardware, power supplies and whatnot.
16:49.04[TK]D-FenderBBHoss: my fingers auto-home on Alt-Tab :p
16:49.04*** part/#asterisk reber (n=reber@
16:49.28BBHoss[TK]D-Fender, well even me with dual monitors, its still nice to have a paper reference
16:49.35scruzBBHoss: thanks. will see if i can convince anyone to pay for printing the book :D
16:49.58BBHossscruz, you can buy it from many bookstores
16:50.01[TK]D-FenderBBHoss: Yeah, thats why I printed myself a copy of each from work.
16:50.12BBHossthat works :)
16:50.28pkunkrai might buy the book.
16:50.32pkunkrai like paper books.
16:50.43pkunkraplus i get to support the author.  :-)
16:50.49cfh[TK]D-Fender : if i set exten => 11,hint,SIP/11 and i try to do in asterisk 1.4 "show hints " i see always  State:Idle
16:50.59scruzBBHoss: i don't think we're quite on the same page here. i'd most likely have to order it from another country
16:51.14BBHosswasn't sure
16:51.49scruzsince the PDF is free, much better printing it at someone else's expense
16:51.59BBHosswow nigeria?
16:51.59uweive setup sip peer with insecure=port,invite and with a host, also, to the same IP i use to make calls to it, i defined it in anther section ... but after that incoming calls from that ip are not assoicated with the first sip account anymore ... any idea how to work around that ?
16:52.02[TK]D-Fendercfh: you should have "type=peer" , "call-limit=99" in your device's sip.conf entry as well.
16:52.47cfh[TK]D-Fender: call-limit=99 in the [general]  section ?
16:52.59alexcfand scruz is setting his hilights off!
16:53.05*** join/#asterisk defswork (
16:53.33alexcfmy name has cruz in it ;)
16:53.38[TK]D-Fendercfh: taht is not what I said.  Read it again
16:53.44alexcf16:50:54 #asterisk:[12]: * scruz is in Nigeria
16:53.48pkunkrascruz:  nigeria, eh?  no, i'm not interested in helping you move millions of dollars.  :-)
16:54.12BBHoss419 heh
16:54.13scruzdon't worry, i'm not asking :P
16:54.21*** join/#asterisk NetForces (n=courchea@
16:55.04NetForcesAnyone familiar with Allstream PRI and account codes? Manual dial and account codes works but D() or even M() does not work
16:55.14cfh[TK]D-Fender: ok on the phone section , i have try but it doesnt work , are there some limit on the number of hint ?
16:56.11[TK]D-Fendercfh: apstebin everything
16:56.15pkunkraa friend of mine used to reply to the nigerian scammers and messed around with them.  used to pretend to wire the money to a western union located two hours away from where the scammer requested it to be sent.  made the scammer drive out there ... but no money.
16:56.49scruzyou should search for 'scambaiter' on youtibe
16:57.05scruzvery funny videos there.
16:57.09b11dany idea why asterisk is timestamping my voicemail as UTC, while the OS is set to CST?
16:57.10BBHossbest one
16:57.30BBHossb11d, you need to define the timezone in the voicemail.conf file i thinks
16:57.33b11dI did that
16:57.36b11dtz = central
16:57.46b11daccording to the voicemail.conf.sample
16:58.09scruzdid the commands change from asterisk 1.2 to 1.4? i was trying out a few commands on asteriskwin (cygwin built from 1.2), but the commands didn't work
16:58.12BBHossno idea then
16:58.23BBHossscruz, yes, a few have
16:58.25*** join/#asterisk Corydon76-lap (n=Corydon7@pdpc/supporter/bronze/Corydon76-home)
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16:59.44NetForcesAnyone knows a way to send DTMF inband on PRI before the call is actually answered? Tried D() and M() and does not work.
17:00.44Corydon76-lapNetForces: that's part of the point of the protocol
17:00.59*** join/#asterisk twisted (n=root@pdpc/supporter/active/twisted)
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17:01.04twistedyay fiber outages
17:01.16NetForcesCory, not sure what you mean...
17:01.24Silent-XI want fiber =(
17:01.37Corydon76-lapNetForces: you are not permitted to send ANY audio on a PRI until the channel is answered
17:01.47*** join/#asterisk qdk (
17:02.27Corydon76-lapNetForces: otherwise, people could have conversations on a PRI without ever being answered (and hence never being billed)
17:02.35NetForcesHmmm. The setup is multiple PRI with allstream. Manual dial you hear a beeeeep and you punch-in your account code (4 digits) and the call gets through. Trying to automize with D() or M() and does not go through.
17:03.51*** join/#asterisk tuxfoo (
17:04.02scruzif you've used asteriskwin and asterisk, could you please compare both? i want to learn asterisk, but i can't sacrifice a computer for linux. the vmware option is good. now if my internet connection would only agree to my wishes...
17:04.30BBHossscruz, sacrafice?  i would say upgrade
17:04.45tuxfoohahah - Winders
17:04.46skirmishaguys still get no authority found
17:04.50skirmishawhere can the problem be
17:04.53Silent-XI havent used asteriskwin, but id have to say asterisk > asteriskwin
17:06.03*** join/#asterisk b1shop (
17:06.18scruzoh no, they caught up with me!
17:06.36*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
17:06.39Silent-Xhe knows our plan, we must act quickly
17:07.33b11dok.. I just had to cold restart asterisk.. I guess updating the timezone while asterisk was running isnt good enough.
17:08.22*** join/#asterisk aikanaro79 (
17:08.29tzafrirb11d, why?
17:08.31aikanaro79hi people
17:08.40*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (n=arodgers@
17:08.52b11ddont know.. voicemail would just NOT stop timestamping voicemail as UTC despite that my system was set to CST.
17:08.53Silent-Xhowd aikanaro79
17:09.04tzafrirChanging the time zone doesn't change the clock
17:09.06drakoseg fault with no info
17:09.06b11dbut I had started asterisk while it was UTC.. and then I moved to CST, but asterisk didnt catch the change.
17:09.08cfh[TK]D-Fender: what can i do ?
17:09.30b11di did a pbx_config reload and an entire 'modules reload' to no avail..
17:09.34b11dhad to stop asterisk, and restart it.
17:09.44tzafrirb11d, you set timezone through TZ or through /etc/localtime ?
17:09.47aikanaro79in my dialplan, if I define an extension like exten=>00_X!, ... it means that any number dialed that starts with 2 zeros and has 1 or more digits will do as this extension bids right?
17:10.04b11dwhich sets localtime
17:10.51tzafriraikanaro79, a '_' marks an extension as "special" (one where "X", "!" and such are meaningful),
17:10.59tzafrirbut only if it is the first character
17:11.00*** join/#asterisk stkn|work (n=stkn|wor@gentoo/developer/
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17:11.15[TK]D-Fendercfh: You did not follow the instructions I jsut gave you, nor did you show me their state was other than listed.
17:11.23Kobazso what's the best place to get sangoma cards
17:11.33tzafriraikanaro79, that pattern of your only matches to the explicit "extension" 00_X!
17:12.00tzafrirUse:  _00X!, for starters
17:12.09[TK]D-Fenderaikanaro79: exten => _00.,
17:12.14aikanaro79got it
17:13.54cfhor not ?
17:16.00*** part/#asterisk scruz (n=Dell_ope@
17:17.23NetForcesSound something interesting in regards to my DTMF and the D() flag... My account code is 0098. If I use Dial(Zap/g0/15144441212,300,D(098)) and when I hear the beeeep I press 0, Asterisk will then execute the D() flag and send 098...
17:18.03b11di love you guys
17:18.19drmessanoback at ya
17:18.25b11dthanks bud
17:19.13NetForcesany ideas?
17:19.14drmessanooh no.. nobody gets to leave
17:19.53drmessanoOk, time to head to the office.. bah..
17:21.46*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (
17:22.40b11dwhats up andresmujica?
17:22.59andresmujicaanyone knows if i can use BLADE servers for asterisk?
17:23.13SteveTotarowhat does this indicate?  "Retransmitting #4 (no NAT) to"
17:23.42andresmujicahmm resending voice control packages
17:23.47andresmujicain SIP
17:23.57SteveTotarodoes retranmitting mean there was no reply?
17:24.09[TK]D-FenderNetForces: "D()" does not activate when you push something, it triggers immediately upon answer.
17:27.59*** join/#asterisk adjohn (
17:28.03andresmujicanot necessarily
17:28.17andresmujicaas it's UDP normally there are 3 retransmissions
17:28.40andresmujicathere's no ACK at transport level. so the system send multiple times the packets
17:28.42*** join/#asterisk jpeeler (n=jpeeler@
17:29.04andresmujicathe problem is when excessuive retransmission are sent
17:29.07hmmhesaysSteveTotaro, that means didn't get any response to your sip invite
17:29.27hmmhesaysif memory serves from chan_sip.c it sends 6
17:30.07*** part/#asterisk cfh (
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17:30.44NetForcesTKD: Well, in my case it does not...
17:31.18NetForcesIf I just use the Dial(Zap/g0/15144441212,300,D(098)) it will just stay there then the allstream lady will tell me that it can not complete the call
17:31.30hmmhesaysandresmujica, you're right but not about SteveTotaro's error message
17:31.37NetForcesIf I use again Dial(Zap/g0/15144441212,300,D(098)) and when I hear the beep, I press 0, asterisk sends the 098
17:32.00[TK]D-FenderNetForces: What are you calling out on?
17:32.06NetForceswhich ompletes the 0098 account code and the call goes through
17:32.12*** join/#asterisk JenniferAkemi (
17:32.13NetForcesAllstreal PRI
17:32.18NetForcesAllstream sorry
17:33.15hmmhesaysI use dynamic feature map for that
17:34.25NetForcesTK: As soon as I press 0 or any other digit, I see "Sending DTMF '098' to the called party."
17:34.53*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (n=anonymou@
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17:37.24*** join/#asterisk teknoprep (n=Chris@unaffiliated/teknoprep)
17:38.12teknoprepnow EVERY time i setup asterisk i use nat with sip channels. i setup the sip_nat.conf file properly with it included in my sip.conf... but here i am getting one-way audio... is there a way to check that asterisk is correctly doing sip nat?
17:39.03andresmujicaupps sorry.
17:39.23teknoprepthis is the first time i have ever had a problem
17:39.35andresmujicai've sent those messages but the sip com was ok (a litle slow at the beginning)
17:39.38teknoprepi have all my settings done setup the same way as every other time i set it up
17:39.58*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux[m] (
17:42.56hmmhesaysteknoprep, rtp debug mang
17:43.24NetForcesTK: Any ideas? Looking at the app_dial code, the D() is invoke only is res ir true
17:43.42ManxPowerNetForces: DTMF inside Macro or Gosub inside a Dial doesn't work well.
17:43.58ManxPowerIn fact I never got it to recognize anything but a single DTMF.
17:44.15NetForcesok, but D() should work well no?
17:44.31ManxPowerNetForces: D() is Gosub?
17:44.49ManxPowerA Gosub and a macro are almost the same thing, BTW.
17:44.51teknoprep[Feb 11 12:44:40] Sent RTP packet to (type 00, seq 029912, ts 210816, len 000160)
17:44.51teknoprep[Feb 11 12:44:40] Got  RTP packet from (type 00, seq 001711, ts 210976, len 000160)
17:44.56teknoprepi get that over and over
17:44.56NetForcesNot even... I have en "extension" that simply does a Dial wth the D().
17:45.22ManxPowerNetForces: Then it should be sending the DTMF as soon as the call is answered.
17:45.26NetForcesI tries with the AMI and same thing.
17:45.43ManxPowerOf course ANALOG FXO ports are considered ANSWERED as soon as dialing is done.  One of the reasons ANALOG FXOs suckl
17:45.49ManxPowerand suck too
17:46.09NetForcesI tries on other circuits and that is what it does, but not on this perticular case. It need me to press a key before sending the DTMF flow
17:46.25ManxPowerNetForces: paste JUST your Dial(... line
17:46.27*** join/#asterisk ferai (n=jefferai@amarok/developer/mitchell)
17:47.27ManxPowerWhat type of port is 119?
17:47.31teknoprephmmhesays, i am not getting ANY rtp packets from
17:47.41teknoprephmmhesays, which makes no sense
17:47.48ManxPowerteknoprep: sounds like a NAT or firewall problem to me.
17:47.49NetForceslast channel of the 5th PRI
17:48.02ManxPowerNetForces: I have no idea what would cause that to happen
17:48.07hmmhesayssure does, look at the sip transaction messages
17:48.18teknoprepManxPower, i have setup NAT many times. i have everything setup correctly in m0n0wall tho
17:48.37*** join/#asterisk Fah (
17:48.38NetForcesI think I'll open a bug..
17:48.45jameswf****YOU REALLY SHOULD READ THIS****
17:49.02ManxPowerjameswf: OK, I read it, now what?
17:49.04teknoprepyou know whats really wierd... is VoicePulse works over SIP.. but doesn't
17:49.18teknoprepalso my remote extension on my laptop works over sip.. but doesn't
17:49.24*** part/#asterisk tuxfoo (
17:49.28teknoprepso i know the firewall is not blocking the ports
17:49.36teknoprepor i wouldn't be able to use my laptop or voicepulse
17:49.37jameswfi dunno but thant like the coolest thing ever
17:49.43jameswfI am easily ammused
17:50.05jameswfbe like stuffs not loading? look at your logs anything jump out at you
17:52.04drako*** glibc detected *** corrupted double-linked list: 0x08212e08 ***
17:52.39drakoand it crashed...
17:53.33*** join/#asterisk murdmath (
17:53.49ManxPowerdrako: Are all updates for your OS installed?
17:54.20bkruseHey, what performance testing tools do you guys use?
17:54.26bkrusesipp? Sip bomber? etc etc
17:54.40[TK]D-FenderNetForces: Sounds like the remote side might not be answering the call until DTMF is received due to early audio.
17:54.55tzafrirbkruse, another asterisk. Or a few other
17:55.13bkrusejameswf: I am sorry you suck so bad to have to use it :[
17:55.30bkrusetzafrir: Yes, I already have that in the mix, just wondering if there is something out that will spit out results or some sort
17:55.39Tebivgsm me no debug
17:55.53jameswfmy wife isnt... I dont care who you are you cant go 4 hours un assisted....
17:55.55Fahdrako: I saw a very similar probem that happened when a bug in libc around the resolver libraries was getting triggered under load.
17:56.15Fahunfortunately I forget the exact version, this happened a while back
17:56.58bkrusejameswf: 4 hours?
17:57.23bkruseYou are doing something wrong my friend
17:57.52bkruseBut this is not the room for that,  you can go to #sex-help if need be
17:57.59jbotupdatedb; locate; talk; date; cd; strip; look; touch; finger; unzip; uptime; gawk; head; apt-get install condom; mount; fsck; gasp; more; yes; yes; yes; more; umount; apt-get remove --purge condom; make clean; sleep, or super extractor,
17:58.11jbotARGH!!! STOP IT jameswf!!!
17:58.22jbotEvery moment in which I'm called upon is torture.
17:58.47jboti guess viagra is the nickname for the Woody Tech Support Crew
18:01.01jbothow much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
18:01.13jbotBe most excellent to each other!
18:01.28jameswfjbot: whats mine say
18:01.35jameswfjbot: what's mine say
18:01.35jbotdude! ... What's Mine Say?
18:01.36bkrusejameswf: /msg jbot and have all the fun you want
18:02.10*** join/#asterisk teknoprep (n=Chris@unaffiliated/teknoprep)
18:02.21teknoprepis there a way to make sure that my sip_nat settings are working properly?
18:02.38teknoprepi have my externip= setup and localnet=
18:02.58teknoprepnow is there a cli command to see if my nat settings are working for sip?
18:04.54*** mode/#asterisk [-v jameswf] by bkruse
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18:06.24jameswfbkruse: you have * running on openmoko
18:06.26tzafrirhe didn't run fast enough, I guess
18:07.10*** join/#asterisk worgil (n=worgil@
18:07.10bkrusejameswf: Yes
18:07.16patrick--hey there. im trying to get my FXO channel up but i get a : ZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 1: No such device or address (6)
18:07.18bkrusejameswf: and an iaxclient
18:07.19patrick--any idea?
18:07.21bkrusejameswf: just POC
18:07.32bkrusepatrick--: zttool; do you see your card?
18:07.33*** join/#asterisk shtoom (n=godson@
18:07.44tzafrirpatrick--, do you have anything in /proc/zaptel/* ?
18:08.05patrick--01:00.0 ISDN controller: Cologne Chip Designs GmbH ISDN network Controller [HFC-8S] (rev 01)
18:08.09patrick--01:01.0 ISDN controller: Cologne Chip Designs GmbH ISDN network Controller [HFC-4S] (rev 01)
18:08.12patrick--they are there tho ...
18:08.13tzafrirso zaptel is loaded, but the module for the card isn't
18:08.24bkrusetzafrir: correct
18:08.44tzafrirpatrick--, two cards?
18:08.46patrick--im pretty new to the whole telephony thing... which module is it?
18:08.49patrick--tzafrir: correct
18:09.00patrick--BN8s0 and BN4s0
18:09.03tzafrirshouldn't be relevant
18:09.20tzafrirhmm.... do you have zaptel hardware?
18:09.40*** join/#asterisk drmessano-LT (n=nonya@
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18:13.33BBHossthey got asterisk to compile on openmoko
18:14.29jameswfother than the coolness factor what would be the point of asterisk on a cell phone
18:14.45BBHossevidentally bkruse is the one doing it :)
18:15.00bkruseBBHoss: Its done
18:15.11bkruseyou can checkout the source from the openmoko repo, or download the ipkg from
18:15.18bkruseno sounds included, but its easy to add them (scp)
18:15.25bkrusesince the package bloats a lot with them
18:15.28BBHossdo they have a CDMA version of moko yet?
18:15.34bkruseno no
18:15.45bkruseThe next version is GSM, as it should be, but its more iphone like
18:15.58bkruse(not the GTA02 but whole nother phone, dont think freerunner/neo1973)
18:16.08bkruseCDMA will come when/if they sign a contract with someone, most likely
18:16.19BBHossyeah thats too bad, i have verizon
18:16.32bkruseya, it is to bad you have verizon :P
18:16.44bkruseI have one though, its a pretty neat little phone, wouldnt use it for everyday, YET
18:17.12BBHossi heard verizon is transitioning to gsm within the next couple of years, who knows?
18:18.03BBHossi hate cdma
18:18.30jameswfSOLD OUT! Arhg!!
18:19.00NetForcesTK: Any idea of a fix ?
18:19.10NetForcesSorry I was out for lunch
18:19.53badcfei have two asterisks A and B and observe something for SIP only calls going thru them:  when a phone calls A its sent forward to asterisk B -- now, the A reinvites the phone and B, all as configured.  but sometimes i see a 491 Request pending from B to A.  Actually A retransmits the re-INVITE to B even if B ansers 200 OK to it.  So finally B says 491 Request pending.  Why does this happen?  Is it normal operation when an asterisks re-INVITE
18:20.03*** join/#asterisk erago (
18:20.17[TK]D-FenderNetForces: nope
18:20.58patrick--Hey, i keep getting this error: can someone help?
18:21.45*** join/#asterisk clyrrad (
18:21.45NetForcesTK: Found this bug that might be related:
18:23.05*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (n=anonymou@
18:24.13clyrradI have a variable that I need to CUT the last 'zero' off the end.  I have NoOp( ${CUT(myVar,0,11)} ) - which as I read should CUT everything before the 11th zero.  I need to cut this string so that its exactly 10 characters.  Can anyone help?
18:25.03BBHossi can't image 100Mbits downstream from a cell connection
18:25.10[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad: Cut from which end?
18:25.22clyrrad[TK]D-Fender: the right side
18:25.32clyrradneed to strip off the last zero
18:25.37[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad: ${MyVar:0:11}
18:25.39clyrradon the end of the string
18:25.53[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad: Time to re-read "Variables 101"
18:27.31clyrradOh duh
18:27.35clyrradi knew that too
18:27.48clyrradbut actually it hsould be ${MyVar:0:10} :D
18:27.53clyrradthanks [TK]D-Fender
18:29.38jameswfthe world needs an IAX client for blackerry
18:30.04hmm-homegive me a sip client for blackberry over iax
18:30.28*** join/#asterisk hi365 (
18:31.53patrick--any idea on this?
18:32.14[TK]D-Fenderpatrick--: No more than when you asked 10 minutes ago.
18:33.33_ShrikEpatrick--: do you have any timing interfaces?
18:33.51patrick--im not sure
18:33.53patrick--i guess not
18:34.05_ShrikEif you dont have a zaptel card then load ztdummy
18:34.13patrick--i want to use asterisk with 2 cards + misdn
18:34.27*** join/#asterisk guillote_GNU (
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18:41.49nitrus^anyone know what would prevent audio on a sip<->bridge?
18:42.02nitrus^the zap channel picks up but neither side can be heard
18:42.14nitrus^this problem began after going from * 1.2 to 1.4
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18:47.33patrick--[Feb 11 15:58:42] WARNING[31806] chan_iax2.c: Unable to open IAX timing interface: No such device or address
18:47.40patrick--what do i do if i dont have a timing interface?
18:48.17pkunkramight be looking for the ztdummy device.
18:48.44tzafrirthis is needed for trunk mode (or whatever this is called) of iax2, right?
18:48.47pkunkraas far as i recall, some modules use the zaptel drivers for timing.
18:48.51*** join/#asterisk drako (n=thinkpad@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
18:49.12[TK]D-Fenderpatrick--: set up ZTDUMMY and recompile * accordingly.
18:49.12drakoManxPower, yes, its debian etch and is up to date
18:49.48patrick--[TK]D-Fender: i dont think i need IAX really
18:50.06patrick--i only use sip
18:50.35[TK]D-Fenderpatrick--: Nobody said you did.  You jsut asked what we'd do about the message you showed us.  Well what'd we'd do is satisfy its requirements.  You set it up that way.  Typically you try to make it work, not just find some other way around.
18:50.43tzafrirunload => ; in modules.conf ...
18:51.19[TK]D-Fenderpatrick--: And you'd only get that warning if you tried setting up a trunked connection int he first place.
18:51.37*** join/#asterisk timeshell (
18:51.50patrick--im really sorry. im proper beginner when it comes to telephony/asterisk. i just want to get this machine to work.
18:52.09[TK]D-Fenderpatrick--: Then go install zaptel & ZTDUMMY like you're supposed to.
18:52.34patrick--do i need zaptel?
18:52.50patrick--thought it'd work with asterisk + misdn
18:53.44ManxPowerYou need zaptel if you want MeetMe or IAX2 TRUNKING (trunking is just a way to stuff more calls into the same bandwidth)
18:53.46[TK]D-Fenderpatrick--: that has nothing to do with the IAX TRUNK you are defining.
18:54.02ManxPowerYou don't NEED trunking most of the time.
18:54.21patrick--[TK]D-Fender: lets start over
18:54.27patrick--i went by the asterisk book
18:54.31[TK]D-Fenderpatrick--: AKA "Stop talking about your radio when you can see your rear differential 50m back on the road in your rear-view mirror"
18:54.31patrick--Ive got:
18:55.36patrick--Beronet BN8S0 + BN4S0
18:55.41patrick--what do you suggest me to start with?
18:56.13patrick--i dont want trouble. im just seeking some help.
18:56.49[TK]D-Fenderpatrick--: You asked about a very specific warning message.  do you CARE about IAX at all?
18:56.59ManxPowerpatrick--: ignore the message if you are not using iax
18:57.15patrick--ManxPower: asterisk will not start
18:57.32[TK]D-Fenderpatrick--: then i highly doubt that message has anything to do with it.
18:57.37ManxPowerpatrick--: then "mv /etc/asterisk/iax.conf /etc/asterisk/iax.conf.disabled"
18:57.48[TK]D-Fenderpatrick--: pastebin the ENTIRE startup process when you do it manually
18:57.51jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
18:58.21*** join/#asterisk sx|lappy (
18:59.28patrick--im aware of that..
19:00.21shtoomHi I am getting  WARNING[16108]: callerid.c:217 callerid_get_dtmf: Couldn't detect start-character. CID parsing might be unreliable
19:00.21shtoomthat warning on console and first 3 digits of CID are missing , I am using cidsignalling=dtmf and cidstart=ring in zapata.conf
19:00.31[TK]D-Fenderpatrick--: Right now I'm thinking your misdn init is crashing.  add "noload =>" to modules.conf and try again.  if it loads, thats your problem.
19:01.01*** join/#asterisk angryuser[A] (
19:01.02[TK]D-Fendershtoom: What are you connecting to?
19:01.19patrick--[TK]D-Fender: it runs...
19:01.28patrick--how could that crash?! :O
19:01.45[TK]D-Fenderpatrick--: if the module fails, it takes out *, jsut like Zaptel issues do.
19:01.55[TK]D-Fendershtoom: Located in what country?
19:02.10[TK]D-Fenderpatrick--: Good, we can now ignore your IAX warning.
19:02.19[TK]D-Fendershtoom: Ok, and DTMF is normal there for CID?
19:02.49patrick--[TK]D-Fender: i really appreciate your help
19:02.54patrick--So how do i proceed?
19:03.46[TK]D-Fenderpatrick--: Go through whatever CLI means you have to verify that your card's drivers are correctly configured and running and that everything leading up to * is OK.  Then look at your * configs for it to make sure they seem right
19:04.27[TK]D-Fendershtoom: If you have "echotraining" enabled on a zaptel interface, that might be involved.  disable that if it isn't already.
19:05.20*** join/#asterisk JenniferAkemi (
19:05.51patrick--[TK]D-Fender: it seems all okay
19:05.58patrick--do you think i should start over with asterisk?
19:06.09[TK]D-Fenderpatrick--: What do you mean "start over"?
19:06.18patrick--uninstall and reinstall?
19:06.30patrick--cause i do think i went wrong on some interceptions
19:06.42[TK]D-Fenderpatrick--: No, you should investigate your * configs next if everything outside of * checks out OK.
19:06.54patrick--outside looks okay
19:07.54*** join/#asterisk ShadowHntr (n=sentinel@wikipedia/Shadowhntr)
19:08.00[TK]D-Fendershtoom: You can do a sanity check and try disabling EC just to see if CID starts working.  Then you might want to try and verify for certain exactly what is being applied to that line.
19:08.27*** join/#asterisk ph0ne (
19:08.58ShadowHntrgot a question. i've read about the UNISTIM module for Asterisk - anyone want to give their feedback on using it with Nortel IP phones?
19:09.37patrick--[TK]D-Fender: i just think im missing sth. out... the configs look okay
19:09.45patrick--what are the essential configs for channel configuration?
19:10.56*** join/#asterisk kyron (
19:11.51[TK]D-Fendershtoom: Ok, verify the line.
19:11.56*** join/#asterisk Greek-Boy (n=email@
19:12.03[TK]D-FenderShadowHntr: Do you have them already?
19:12.30[TK]D-Fenderpatrick--: You're going to ahve to go read some guides for this...
19:12.33*** part/#asterisk Fah (
19:12.41Greek-Boywhich dialing pattern(s) would cover all international calls?
19:12.44ShadowHntr[TK]D-Fender: no. just researching for an eventual rollout in a home office environment.
19:12.55patrick--[TK]D-Fender: i would absolutely love a great guide on beronet cards with misdn
19:12.58patrick--you got any?
19:13.02[TK]D-FenderShadowHntr: then forget about UNISTIM if you know whts good for you
19:13.08shtoomI am miles apart from the server
19:13.09ShadowHntrit seems like the Nortel phones are at a good price point, and I've used them in an office before. quality phone construction.
19:13.20[TK]D-FenderShadowHntr: Complete waste of time.
19:16.47*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (n=anonymou@
19:16.47scooby2shtoom: I thought sangoma was the devil until I got a Digium card. Now I really want the sangoma back!
19:16.47mjoycewhy did think sangoma was the devil?
19:16.47scooby2lots of echo issues
19:16.47mjoycedid you have hardware echocan?
19:16.48scooby2plus the voodoo involved getting them working
19:16.48patrick--[TK]D-Fender: is there a way to completely remove asterisk?
19:16.48shtoomscooby2:I didn't faced any major problems with sangoma
19:16.48scooby2mjoyce: supposedly hardware echo cancellation but it liked to turn itself off all the time
19:17.47scooby2sangoma a103 from 2003
19:17.47nitrus^anyone know what tone intercom systems play to get the employees attention at say best buy or something?  i have a PA system connected to one of my zap channels and i'd like it to play a tone before the speaker can begin.  I was planning on just using a follow me with a remote announce that will play the tone, i just dont know what file to use or where to find the sound.
19:17.47mjoyce3 port digital card?
19:17.47mjoycenever heard of it
19:17.47scooby22 port
19:17.58mjoycethen a102?
19:18.07scooby2nope, have it in my hand
19:18.09*** join/#asterisk Docfxit (
19:18.14scooby2rev a
19:18.14shtoomscooby2:how ever here my situation is like I don't have other options due to monopolistic nature of digium distributors here in India
19:18.23mjoyceweird, does it have the octasic chip on it?
19:18.30mjoyceit shoudl be like, under the little wiggily slots in it
19:19.02[TK]D-Fenderpatrick--: How does uninstalling * solve you issue?
19:19.05scooby2actually thats the expansion card for the second port
19:19.11scooby2the card itself is a101
19:19.36scooby2no octasic chip
19:19.55[TK]D-Fendershtoom: Nope, sorry....
19:20.13patrick--[TK]D-Fender: i'd start all over cause im afraid i wont find the mistake
19:20.14Greek-Boy[TK]D-Fender do u know which dialing pattern will cover all international calls?
19:21.09[TK]D-FenderGreek-Boy: Depends what patterns are used wherever you are.  You should already know the answer to this.
19:21.26[TK]D-Fenderpatrick--: jsut wipe your configs and reinstall.
19:21.37*** join/#asterisk worgil (n=worgil@
19:21.47patrick--make samples?
19:22.02[TK]D-Fenderpatrick--: And that is a very sad way considering we haven't even looked at your misdn config no anything supporting it.
19:22.23[TK]D-Fenderpatrick--: You can look up the sample confi right in your source folder.
19:23.11patrick--would you like to have a look at it? [TK]D-Fender
19:23.49ph0nehello, what would be the best book to read about SIP?
19:24.46ph0neits very technical- dry even
19:25.08[TK]D-Fenderph0ne: the very definition of "best".
19:25.31[TK]D-Fenderph0ne: Complete, from the point of origin, and irrefutable.
19:25.50ph0neok I WILL READ IT
19:25.59ph0necaps lock
19:26.29endrecruise control for cool
19:30.21angryuser[A]i need for * to wait when EXT is fully dialed, i do WaitExten(8) but when i press any number it stops waiting for next digits and tryed go to that extension, any help ?
19:31.09[TK]D-Fenderangryuser[A]: pastebin is your friend.
19:31.44jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
19:31.45[TK]D-Fenderangryuser[A]: Show us your code and your CLI output at verbsoe 10
19:33.11*** join/#asterisk hmodes (n=hmodes@2001:470:1f04:59:0:0:0:2)
19:34.21styelzanyone seen this before ? .. -- Got SIP response 400 "Bad Subscription-State or Content header or message body" back from
19:37.33patrick--[TK]D-Fender: is there anything wrong with my misdn.conf?
19:37.45Greek-Boyin my case it seems that most number dialed out for international are 14 or 15 digits.
19:38.02*** join/#asterisk FlatFoot (n=chatzill@
19:38.38pkunkrawhat is a ideal/realistic latency to shoot for in VoIP apps?
19:38.50pkunkra50ms?  100ms?  200ms?
19:39.04Greek-Boyi'd say 100ms total
19:40.08bkruseAnything over 200ms is asking for trouble, especially in an unreliable means for transfer (eg through java. hehea web interface)
19:40.25pkunkraok.  so no more than 100ms, and definately not more than 200ms.
19:41.37pkunkrai've got pings ranging from about 60ms to 300ms.  i have a troublesome router on the route though so that seems to be accounting for most of the fluctuations...
19:41.40hmmhesaysit really depends on the caller for acceptable delay
19:41.58hmmhesaysTo some people that have never had phone service at all, that 500ms satellite connection is great
19:42.31hmmhesaysdelay really has nothing to do with the "quality" of the sound in the call
19:42.33pkunkrathat would sound like i'm calling someone overseas
19:42.51hmmhesayspkunkra, my statement still holds true
19:42.59hmmhesaysI've done enough satellite installs to know.
19:43.05pkunkraright, but if the network is jittery, delay makes the problem worse.
19:43.15pkunkrai have some slight jitter in my network.
19:43.44hmmhesaysyes if your delta values are crazy it does
19:44.02pkunkramostly because packets frequently take multiple routers, some routes are really fast.  others are terribly slow.
19:44.05hmmhesaysbut a high round trip delay itself does nothing to the sound quality
19:44.17*** join/#asterisk freezey (
19:44.27minteeI'm getting some errors building zaptel.  basically regarding headers
19:44.33filethis cogent link from JFK to ORD is terribly slow right now for example...
19:44.42*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux[m] (
19:44.53hmmhesaysI've had some very good sounding conversations  in the 500-600ms range if you can deal with the delay
19:44.55pkunkradelay just means the other end hears your voice later.
19:45.02pkunkraquality is not degraded.
19:45.22hmmhesaysand to the people in the grass hut in the middle of nowhere it was some kind of miracle
19:45.42pkunkrayou've had voip service to folks in a grass hut?
19:45.53hmmhesayspkunkra, I kid you not
19:46.03pkunkrayou're serious?
19:46.13hmmhesaysbamboo villages, yup
19:46.14angryuser[A] <[TK]D-Fender>
19:46.25pkunkrajust wow.
19:46.31pkunkrawhere was this?  what country?
19:46.38hmmhesaysall through out africa
19:46.54hmmhesayssomalia, kenya, nigeria (rural)
19:46.59pkunkrawhat kinda phones did you give them?
19:47.22minteehas anyone else had problems building zaptel 1.4.8 on a 2.6.24 kernel ?
19:47.22hmmhesaysusually quintum multiport fxs
19:47.23pkunkrai assume not any cisco equipment.
19:47.25*** part/#asterisk lirakis (i=lirakis@
19:47.41hmmhesaysthat wasn't the bulk of what I did. But it happened here and there
19:47.43pkunkraregular handsets with an FXS card
19:47.48*** join/#asterisk lirakis (i=lirakis@
19:47.51pkunkraok.  that makes sense.
19:48.02pkunkrai though there was a real sip phone sitting in their hut.
19:48.06angryuser[A]<[TK]D-Fender> no cli output coz nothing interesting there, it works fine but application WaitExten(8) not waiting till i finish the number. i am trying to make work call-in-out like this pstn/mobile>>>asterisk ivr>>>sip provider
19:48.14pkunkrabut its just a regular phone
19:48.22hmmhesaysa lot of them at that time where h.323
19:48.40pkunkrathe backend is asterisk based, locked away in a safe telecome closet.
19:48.50hmmhesaysI've done some strange installs
19:49.01hmmhesaysespecially in countries where telecom is gov't regulated
19:49.17pkunkrawhat's the strangest yet?
19:49.45hmmhesayswhen you have a guy tell you the gateway you're configuring is locked in a closet in his basement...
19:50.06pkunkrawhat's so strange about that?
19:50.18hmmhesaysand that we can only accept traffic certain times a day otherwise the gov't will become suspicous
19:50.46pkunkrayeah...  smells fishy.
19:51.36*** join/#asterisk ZPertee (
19:51.39hmmhesaysI got out of that biz a couple years ago though, too much of a pita
19:52.14[TK]D-Fenderangryuser[A]: is that literally a paste right out of your extensions.conf?
19:52.25lunaphyte_i had another window partially obscuring this one, and all i saw was ... closet in his basement / ...will become suspicious.
19:52.34jameswfTHe us has alot of laws for unregulated telecom
19:52.39ZPerteehow can I do a gotoif statement based on which zap channel the call comes in on?
19:53.00angryuser[A]<[TK]D-Fender> no forget about => ;) dont worry they exist ;)
19:53.35[TK]D-FenderZPertee: look at the channel, and compare it to the channel you care about and do your GotoIf based on it.
19:53.53[TK]D-Fenderangryuser[A]: Show me the ENTIRE real picture, including CLI output...
19:54.09[TK]D-Fenderangryuser[A]: I want to see that whole context and everything linked to it.
19:54.34angryuser[A]<[TK]D-Fender> ok ok, do you remember how do we copy things from putty client ?
19:55.10[TK]D-Fenderangryuser[A]: Grab your mouse.  Highlight. Paste.  End of story
19:55.19*** join/#asterisk mmmToop (
19:56.26angryuser[A]<[TK]D-Fender> i want to copy content from putty to my windows clipboard
19:56.41minteeweird, the 1.4 trunk build fine.
19:56.46[TK]D-Fenderangryuser[A]: I jsut told you. HIGHLIGHT IT with your mouse and jsut PASTE.
19:57.35jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
19:57.36bkrusehighlight and right click angryuser[A] to copy, then right click to paste also
19:57.36bkruse1.4 trunk?
19:58.22badcfewhy does zap_channel get used (i use the transcoder wildcard) even for alaw-alaw bridges ?
19:58.39angryuser[A]<[TK]D-Fender> i does the paste in terminal, repeating the hightlighted text
19:58.53badcfethe transcoder counts alaw-alaw bridges 8-(
20:00.06angryuser[A]ok got it
20:00.30hmmhesaysthis guy testifying is really annoying
20:00.49badcfei have two asterisks A and B and observe something for SIP only calls going thru them:  when a phone calls A its sent forward to asterisk B -- now, the A reinvites the phone and B, all as configured.  but sometimes i see a 491 Request pending from B to A.  Actually A retransmits the re-INVITE to B even if B ansers 200 OK to it.  So finally B says 491 Request pending.  Why does this happen?  Is it normal operation when an asterisks re-INVITE
20:07.19*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux[m] (
20:11.01*** part/#asterisk andresmujica (
20:11.47tzafrir<mintee>  /usr/src/zaptel-1.4.8/wctc4xxp/base.c:52:26: error: linux/zaptel.h: No such file or directory
20:11.57tzafrirmintee, got that sorted out?
20:12.11tzafrirAre you sure you don't use a modified tarball?
20:12.38tzafrirmodified Makefile? Modified base.c?
20:12.51tzafrirmissinf -DSTANDALONE_ZAPATA somewhere?
20:13.46angryuser[A]  <[TK]D-Fender> ok i commented it a bit to make it easyer
20:14.10*** join/#asterisk inadaptado (n=matias@
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20:17.18*** join/#asterisk Strom_C (n=strom@
20:23.05*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
20:23.41[TK]D-Fenderangryuser[A]: your "8" extension is NOT a proper IVR
20:25.09patrick--can anyone tell me how i can completely remove my asterisk installation?
20:25.38[TK]D-Fenderangryuser[A]: but aside from that, you hit "0" as the first digit of your intended exten in the secondary IVR, and there is no match and * is reacting perfectly normally.
20:26.27*** join/#asterisk qufk (
20:26.29[TK]D-Fenderpatrick--: You don't need to yank out * completely.  You can do "make samples after removing all your old configs to start from scratch, but then again you are only having problems with ONE aspect of your setup.  No point in killing everything.
20:27.23*** join/#asterisk MACscr (
20:27.28MACscrphp script for remote queue agent logins?
20:28.16errrin our VPN, what ports would we need to forward to our pbx server to allow people to connect to the vpn then use some kind of soft phone to connect to the pbx and be able to send/recv calls?
20:29.25angryuser[A]<[TK]D-Fender> ok, so how to let user dial his number and call out with external sip provider?
20:29.46*** join/#asterisk ZaVoid (
20:29.54*** join/#asterisk sweeper (i=sweeper@
20:30.50patrick-- <-- thats the current log... the server still doesnt start
20:30.56sweeperhey guys, I need to find myself another voip reseller with nice web billing interface, and CONUS termination at 2 cents or less, any suggestions? we've been having a bad experience with deltathree
20:31.01angryuser[A]from ivr
20:31.54sweepererr, not a voip reseleer, a voip PROVIDEr that I can get a reseller account with
20:32.22[TK]D-Fenderangryuser[A]: Give them an EXTENSION they can dial that will let them
20:32.48angryuser[A]i have added a line like this, but it still stops after first 0 dialed exten => _000[12345789]XXXXXXXX.,3,Dial(Sip/${EXTEN:1}@voipprovider,60,t)
20:33.39*** join/#asterisk Juggie (
20:33.49[TK]D-Fenderangryuser[A]: You also didn't set your inter-digit timouts, etc.  "core show function TIMEOUT".  You need to learn how to make proper IVR's, and doing so in a giant messy context the way you are doing it is bad.
20:34.33*** part/#asterisk mmmToop (
20:35.39angryuser[A]<[TK]D-Fender> i know it is old one, i am working to clear then mess, but havent put it online yet
20:36.15[TK]D-Fendererrr: if they are VPN'd then typically they will have a local IP on the same private subnet as * is on.  This mean you shouldn't need any kind of forwarding because they are already "inside"
20:38.17*** join/#asterisk techie (
20:39.43errr[TK]D-Fender: well our vpn requires you to forward a source port with a dest port and also to select either tcp or udp
20:40.07[TK]D-Fendererrr: wierd, but OK... then follow this :
20:40.09jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT :  otherwise check the WIKI at
20:41.32*** part/#asterisk shtoom (n=godson@
20:42.30drmessano-LTjbot: drmessano-LT is like drmessano, just 1/3 less filler
20:42.31jbotokay, drmessano-LT
20:42.39jbotrumour has it, drmessano-lt is like drmessano, just 1/3 less filler
20:42.46drmessano-LTbyah too
20:42.49errr[TK]D-Fender: thanks
20:43.29drmessano-LTIf you have a VPN that requires setting ports, it cant be much of a VPN lol
20:44.05drmessano-LTSounds more like a walled garden or a decontamination chamber
20:44.18[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano-LT: it locks what you are even first allowed to access.... extra private!
20:44.56x86anyone know if a CAC Adit 600 can do PRI on its T1 port?
20:45.03drmessano-LTWe lock down subnet access.. To keep someone from having full access to the whole WAN.. but PORTS.. wow
20:45.33[TK]D-Fenderx86: keep fighting with those channel banks, you'll win for sure!  Double or nothing? ;)
20:45.51*** join/#asterisk J4k3 (
20:47.20errrdrmessano-LT: our vpn sucks. I wish we could get a real solution.
20:47.37errrbut our company is to cheap to get what I want (a firepass)
20:48.21*** join/#asterisk draygon (i=draygon-@
20:48.31x86[TK]D-Fender: not having any problems with them now...
20:48.45x86[TK]D-Fender: was just wondering if I should be using PRI... looks like the Adit 600 does not support it
20:49.16drmessano-LTerrr: I have issue with calling it  VPN.. In the future, should you refer to it here, please call it "BackyardBirthdayPartyWithNoClown"
20:49.18[TK]D-Fenderx86: No point anyways.... your analog channel has no progress anyways
20:49.49drmessano-LTBBPWNC as an abreviation will suffice
20:50.04ManxPowerx86: I have never ever heard of a plain channel bank having PRI support, but if you really want to know, CONTACT ADIT
20:50.30ManxPowerAs [TK]D-Fender said, there really isn't any point.
20:51.04x86ManxPower: err, i already said I found out ;)
20:51.27x86ManxPower: you said earlier that it's always better to do PRI?
20:51.35x86ManxPower: now you're changing your story? :P
20:51.47ManxPower"I was wondering if I should fill up my car using diesel, but my car only runs on gas."
20:51.55[TK]D-Fenderx86: keep flogging the deceased equine :)
20:52.08ManxPowerx86: It is always better to use PRI, unless you are terminating into something horrid like a channel bank.
20:52.20[TK]D-Fenderx86: to TELCO yes, PRI is best.
20:52.31[TK]D-Fenderx86: the channel banks, no.
20:52.37draygonWhat is a good document online for installing a PBX on centos 5/
20:52.49[TK]D-Fenderdraygon: ...
20:52.50x86ManxPower: right, but when I asked this morning (and specifically said channel bank), you told me PRI would be better
20:52.51jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
20:53.18draygonIs there anything more simple? heh
20:53.27x86[TK]D-Fender: I _wish_ they would let me do PRI to the telco here...
20:53.48x86[TK]D-Fender: we're an outbound call center, and we get better rates if we do CAS T1
20:53.58x86[TK]D-Fender: as CAS is dedicated, and PRI is switched
20:55.21x86AT&T is our preferred telco vendor (dont ask me why), and we're paying $0.029 per minute with CAS T1 (which is insanity, given our call volume)
20:55.40x86with a PRI T1, we're looking at around $0.039 per minute at the minimum
20:56.10chavignyhey can anyone tell me how to link two boxes, i have a PRI in one, im trying to link them with SIP users not iax, and then pass the call to that box
20:56.13*** join/#asterisk JenniferAkemi (
20:57.01*** part/#asterisk techie (
20:57.31x86chavigny: you'll get better performance with IAX
20:57.48x86chavigny: sure it's possible either way though
20:58.01chavignyok can you explain with IAX? please :)
20:58.08x86chavigny: but if you do an IAX trunk between the two servers, you'll cut your bandwidth usage down
20:58.09chavignyI want to learn something today
20:58.20x86read Teh Book
20:58.22jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
20:59.01*** join/#asterisk [T]ank (n=ckwall@
21:00.36chavignyok but x86, with sip peers couldnt I just pass the call like, exten => 5555555555,1,Dial(SIP/user:pass@ipofotherbox/${EXTEN})
21:00.51chavignybecause its only 1 number
21:01.07[TK]D-Fenderchavigny: Are these boxes on a loacl LAN to each other?
21:01.07[T]ankso i have set up a phone in sip.conf with disallow=all then allow=gsm. I am getting an error when I try to dial out from that phone (linksys spa942) that says "Feb 11 13:56:52 NOTICE[4951]: chan_sip.c:3775 process_sdp: No compatible codecs!"
21:01.14[T]anki thought gsm was pretty universal
21:01.22chavignyyes Fender
21:01.23*** join/#asterisk DarWin_vcch (n=daryl@
21:02.04chavignyTANK maybe gsm is not avail on your box
21:02.06[TK]D-Fenderchavigny: Then SIP is jsut fine, and yes you can pass off calls pretty easy.  Go lookup "asterisk dual servers" on the WIKI for some inspiration and keep in mind that some of the code may be deprecated.
21:02.23chavignyor not enabled
21:02.31[TK]D-Fender[T]ank: pastebint he complete call attempt at verbose 10 & SIP debug enabled.
21:02.39drmessano-LTSPA-942s have GSM?
21:02.49[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano-LT: Nope.
21:02.59drmessano-LTThen that why it go poo poo
21:03.03[T]ankthats more what I was wondering....
21:03.09[T]ankso spa942 is the issue, not the codec
21:03.28drmessano-LTI didnt think Linksys could spell GSM
21:03.33drmessano-LTI guess they can't
21:03.36*** join/#asterisk jm|home (n=jm|
21:05.17*** join/#asterisk mishehu (
21:07.37chavignygsm sucks
21:07.43[T]ankok, so of these codecs which would be the most compact? Codecs supported : G177u, G711a, G726, G729a, and G723
21:07.59chavignyg177 is ulaw but high bandwidth
21:08.06chavignyid use those if your on a pri
21:08.17[T]ankgsm was about 29kb per call.
21:08.41[T]ankwhich would give me about 48 concurrent calls on a 1.5mb T1
21:09.19*** join/#asterisk seanbright (n=elixer@
21:09.36chavignyoh use g729a
21:09.46drmessano-LTDo you have G729 licenses?
21:09.52chavignymight need the license from like digim
21:10.08[T]ankyeah... but dont i have to have one per phone?
21:10.15chavignyno just one per pbx
21:10.24drmessano-LTOne per channel
21:10.33drmessano-LTIf you're transcoding
21:10.46drmessano-LTThats not 1 per phone or 1 per PBX
21:10.49[T]ankthats another thing i am kind of confused about...
21:10.54[T]ankhow do i know if i am transcoding
21:11.09drmessano-LTIf the thing the G729 is talking to is not G729, its transcoding
21:11.21*** join/#asterisk jetlagmk2 (
21:11.49drmessano-LTThat could be another device, voicemail, a SIP peer, etc
21:11.58[T]ankso if i go from linksys spa942 to an asterisk server with the peer set to use g729...
21:12.14drmessano-LTYou're not transcoding
21:12.39drmessano-LTbrb.. need to go play engineer
21:14.52*** join/#asterisk jetlagmk2 (
21:15.18*** join/#asterisk WindBack (
21:15.58Greek-Boyif I use the Authenticate() app before Background() will DTMF input be considered the pin code for Authenticate() ?
21:16.47WindBackIn the CDR of asterisk.. what is the field acountcode??
21:17.15timeshellis there any work in getting asterisk to recognize 2 lines on the same IP and on the same port (ie. 5060) ?
21:17.28WindBackI saw that this field is only used in DISA
21:17.40timeshellI think I saw something like this in the features of 1.6.... is that true?
21:19.30x86anyone ever play with impedance settings on a channel bank?
21:19.51x86someone told me that I should be using 600 ohms, but my channel bank is setup to use 900 ohms
21:20.06*** join/#asterisk moa_ (
21:20.11x86I'm in the US
21:23.42*** join/#asterisk JT (n=j@unaffiliated/jt)
21:23.42timeshellHey, drmesso
21:23.51timeshellRemember our Windows sucks debate?
21:23.53*** join/#asterisk JonMcN (
21:23.57timeshellCheck this out
21:24.20*** join/#asterisk nvrpunk (n=root@
21:24.23JonMcNHi, If i want to have 1 extension number shared over two physical handsets, how can i do it?
21:24.36JonMcNI'm finding only one will ring :(
21:24.50timeshellwhat kind of handsets?
21:24.51JonMcN(using RT btw)
21:25.05JonMcNtimeshell, Linksys SPA-942
21:25.19JonMcNbut it's not the handset, asterisk only knows about one URI
21:25.31nvrpunkhey, I am trying to get my dialplan setup for a DID number <-- that's my test config anyone mind pointing out whats wrong?
21:25.31JonMcNSo is only pushing the call to one handset
21:25.59bkruseI do not know if I would go to a website with 'zomg' in the name
21:26.20nvrpunkbkruse, my fiancee's word :/
21:26.28timeshellget my messages bk?
21:26.30nvrpunki thought it was a neat domain name!
21:27.15bkrusetimeshell: yep, dont have time today, but will tomorrow, ping me about it
21:27.41timeshellJust wanted to make sure you knew the ones I sent were good (at least for me)
21:28.06bkrusetimeshell: I believe they are, initial code review was fine (i need to mark that they are good) and then discuss implementation
21:29.23timeshellthat's great.  I look forward to hearing the result
21:30.21*** join/#asterisk BCS-Satori (n=somewher@
21:30.24timeshellJonMcN:  Not sure what to tell you.  I've many times logged in as the same user from multiple devices.
21:31.04timeshellI think...
21:31.17BCS-SatoriI am attempting to setup asterisk realtime with mysql, and upon a reload i see this "[Feb 11 16:28:41] ERROR[2776]: res_config_mysql.c:853 mysql_reconnect: MySQL RealTime: Ping failed (2006).  Trying an explicit reconnect." I dont see much googling it, could anyone explain this error to me and how to resolve it?
21:31.33JonMcNtimeshell, yeah - outbound works fine - just inbound * is only ringing one handset :(
21:31.47timeshellSettings on the phone?
21:31.51timeshellRinger off?  :p
21:32.00JonMcNit's *, i'm sure of it
21:32.19timeshelldo both phones show up on sip show registry?
21:33.11moa_Anyone got a second to explain to me what the "logical span number" inside a spanmap is?
21:34.32x86someone told me that I should be using 600 ohms, but my channel bank is setup to use 900 ohms... what would this affect?
21:34.43[T]ankok, so i set my peer in spi.conf for my linksys spa942 to use g729 and this is what happened: any ideas on what I need to look at or what I did wrong?
21:35.32JonMcNtimeshell, good question - i'll check
21:35.49timeshell[T]ank:  You have the g729 codec?
21:35.55moa_I was just going to say that
21:36.00timeshell[T]ank:  It's not included in asterisk
21:36.13[T]anki assumed ;-)
21:36.33[T]anki thought i just had to get a license, not that I had to install it also.
21:36.44[T]ankdoes asterisk have to be reinstalled after I install the codec?
21:37.06timeshellI believe you may need to do a new menuselect and recompile
21:37.16timeshell(although I could be mistaken)
21:37.26*** join/#asterisk a1fa (n=a1fa@unaffiliated/a1fa)
21:37.40a1faook.. i am getting sick and tired of PAP2 instability
21:37.57timeshella1fa:  instability??  I've not had any problems with mine
21:38.07a1fawhat firmware version?
21:38.28a1fawhere is you * box at?
21:38.34a1faLAN or Internet?
21:39.01*** part/#asterisk lirakis (i=lirakis@
21:39.24timeshellAnd I'm using both lines on mine
21:39.38timeshellIs your's a NA or an unlocked?
21:40.37drmessano-LTIs this the same PAP2 you couldn't get working a few weeks back?
21:41.02a1fait may be over-heating or something
21:41.02drmessano-LTTHROW IT IN THE TRASH
21:41.15timeshellbetter yet, send it to me
21:41.16a1fai had to power it off and let it cool of for 5min before it started working again
21:41.26a1faFirmware Version: 3.1.22(LS)
21:41.32timeshellAh, overheated
21:41.36drmessano-LTTHROW IT AWAY
21:41.37timeshellMine's done that
21:41.43a1fatimeshell : does it stop working?
21:41.51timeshellIt's gone weird a couple times
21:41.58timeshellI usually just unplug/replug
21:42.07a1fathat thing
21:42.12x86anyone ever use OPS lines?
21:42.17x86Off-Premise Stations
21:42.19a1fait just stops resolving dns
21:42.19timeshellBut I think it's only happened to me like 2 or 3 times in the past year
21:42.24a1faand it stops trying to register
21:42.33timeshellMine isn't using DNS
21:42.33drmessano-LTI have had 1 stop working and needing to be reset
21:42.54drmessano-LTI think your PAP2 is broken..
21:42.58drmessano-LTThrow it away
21:43.08timeshellI also have it sitting on my other Linksys routers and a lot of heat get's generated
21:43.11*** join/#asterisk kyron (
21:43.34timeshellIt could be a buggy flash
21:43.45timeshell3.1.22 huh?
21:43.47drmessano-LTIt could be cockroaches
21:44.06drmessano-LTor maybe oompa loompas
21:44.22drmessano-LTor, idk, it could be broke
21:44.24timeshellOr drmessano's cat...
21:44.38timeshellHow's Itchy?
21:44.46*** part/#asterisk axisys (
21:44.54drmessano-LTItchy is scratchy
21:45.00timeshellthat's what I meant
21:45.33pkunkrai've heard of lots of cats getting caught in electrical closets and shorting out the equipment
21:45.59timeshellMine's never done that
21:46.06drmessano-LTSorry, drmessano pet peeve #11 If someone tells you something broke, don't show up weeks later complaining of some non-existant stability issues
21:46.09pkunkraas they say...  curiosity killed the cat.
21:46.15timeshellI could really use some advice with my polycom 301
21:46.32pkunkrawell, if there is an opening it can crawl into, it will go inside and explore
21:46.33timeshellI need to register 2 lines on it with the same server, but it doesn't seems to know how to use 5061 properly
21:46.34a1fadrmessano: why you gotta be a d1ck ?
21:46.47drmessano-LT"Asterisk 1.4 is so friggin unstable.. This PII 200 should be able to handle 100 concurrent calls"
21:46.47timeshell(or I've forgotten to do something on the asterisk server to let it)
21:47.38pkunkraif there is anything that's exposed that i might rub against... welll.  you get the picture.
21:48.19drmessano-LTBecause, a1fa, as Dr. Christian Troy says "You have to possess two things, a steady hand, and a big ____"
21:48.33timeshellYou shouldn't rub things the wrong way
21:48.39angryuser[A]<[TK]D-Fender> my autofallthrough=yes and i have added the exten => 9,1,Set(TIMEOUT(digit)=5) and then WaitExten but nothing changes, * does not wait my chain to complete
21:48.51clyrradAnyone used PrivacyManger()?  If so how do you get around the case when caller id is set to "unknown" instead of blank empty string?
21:49.20clyrradAlmost need a way to check if the caller id is numeric
21:51.02*** part/#asterisk beek (n=klinebl@
21:52.56[T]ankso i am looking at the g729 page on What is the difference between g729 and g729a? And do i have to use the intel wrapper with this also? I am really confused on this whole thing.
21:53.48timeshellWhy don't you use g723, g726 or even ulaw or alaw?
21:53.53a1fadrmessano-LT : who said that
21:54.34[T]anktimeshell: i am looking to increase the number of calls per t1 I can do, and apparently my phone does not support gsm :-(
21:54.53[T]ankhow does each of the others compare in bandwidth?
21:55.09JonMcNtimeshell, only showing 1 :(
21:56.29timeshellJonMcN:  Well, I think that's your issue
21:56.39timeshellThe other phone isn't registring
21:57.17JonMcNwell it is!
21:57.33timeshellIt doesn't need to register to make calls
21:57.34JonMcNbut, using RT, * is only caching 1
21:57.48nvrpunkhmm, anyone mind looking at my test extensions.conf  trying to setup DID on one extension and haven't had any luck
21:58.00timeshellA phone needs to register to receive calls
21:58.02jameswfRon paul can run 25 calls on a Single Pots line while doinf TDM in hid head
21:58.11JonMcNtimeshell, it is
21:58.31jameswf*doing *his
21:58.33[T]anktimeshell:so if i am reading this right.... g723 would be better than gsm.
21:58.43JonMcNg723 :(
21:58.43[T]ankcall quality suck?
21:58.46JonMcNg729 :)
21:59.14[T]ankJonMcN:yeah, thats what I was planning on using... sounds like i was being talked out of it.
21:59.15timeshellI'm not qualified to advise on the best codec.
21:59.25[T]anki am confused as to how to impliment it.
21:59.37[T]anklooks like i has to either use windows or an intel wrapper. is that correct?
21:59.42timeshellg723 seems to use reasonable bandwidth.
21:59.58timeshellI'd suggest try it first and move along to something else if it doesn't work for you.
22:00.06timeshellAt least you know it'd work
22:00.35Davieyg723 uses more cpu and bw than g729
22:00.38Davieywhy use it?
22:00.41jameswfRon paul can transcode to 32 different codecs while sleeping
22:01.24timeshellnvrpunk:  What's your incoming #?
22:01.29a1faChuck Norris can transcode to 100 devices
22:02.22timeshellnvrpunk:  No 1?
22:02.25a1faChuck Norris FTW
22:02.27jameswfRon Paul can make Chuck Noris his peison b*** with a spoon and have a total of 132 codecs while sleeping
22:02.32nvrpunkwell theres a 1
22:02.34nvrpunkbefore it
22:02.41nvrpunkusa number
22:03.30[T]ankso just answer me this so i can keep researching... is g729 and g729a the same thing or two different codecs?
22:03.30nvrpunktimeshell, do I need to change the actuall extension to have the 1 ahead of it?
22:03.42*** join/#asterisk fiXXXerMet (
22:03.43nvrpunkisnt there a and b
22:03.54timeshellIs this a SIP incoming?
22:04.12fiXXXerMetAnyone here use Cisco IP phones?  Need some help with getting a 7914 expansion module to work with a 7961 ip phone.
22:04.32nvrpunktimeshell, IAX trunk with an IAX softphone
22:05.04nvrpunkG.729a is compatible with G.729, but requires less computation
22:05.14nvrpunkso different but work together
22:05.15timeshellI've had trouble getting callerid working on a iax2 trunk...
22:05.30timeshellAlways showed me the connections id rather than the callerid
22:05.35[T]ankso I would want g729a then
22:06.05nvrpunktimeshell, im just interested in getting it so they can dial my iax2 via that number
22:06.25nvrpunki have 4 soft phones, 2 sips, 2 iax
22:06.28nvrpunkiax 1 and 2
22:06.30nvrpunksip 1 and 2
22:06.31timeshelluse s, then for your incoming
22:08.09nvrpunkso, exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,s,1,Playback(beep) ?
22:08.16nvrpunkerr -1
22:08.33*** part/#asterisk marlow (
22:11.15nvrpunkso in theory, I should be able to call myself and get a busy signal, correct?
22:11.36timeshellWhat is the # coming infrom?
22:11.46timeshellIAX2 server?  PSTN?  SIP?
22:12.00timeshellUsing zap?
22:12.09nvrpunkjunction networks
22:12.12nvrpunkno clue
22:12.14*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=Joe@
22:12.18nvrpunkthats not my end
22:12.26timeshellHow is it getting to you?
22:12.37nvrpunkvia them
22:13.00timeshellIf you call yourself, unless you can only use one channel, I'd say you'd get ringing.
22:13.34nvrpunknot getting anything
22:13.42nvrpunkdid you take a look at my extensions.conf?
22:14.06nvrpunkonly think I changed was the _1NXXNXXXXXX to s
22:14.19timeshellWhat's your console telling youu?
22:14.36nvrpunkhow do i check that, im a noob
22:14.45timeshellasterisk -r
22:15.14variable_officewould it be possible to have a single ata register as one sip user and then spit out each of the concurrent calls down a different pots line?
22:15.34timeshelluh what?
22:15.49timeshellDoesn't sound like it.
22:16.13[TK]D-Fendervariable_office, Umm... what "pots line"?  Calls from where to where?
22:16.18timeshellUnless the ATA has multiple ports with individual connection settings
22:16.27nvrpunktimeshell, I did asterisk -r but not seeing anything across the console
22:16.28a1fa[TK]D-Fender ^5
22:16.36timeshellmake the call again after you run asterisk -r
22:16.41variable_officehave the incoming calls from SIP go out a different fxs line on the ata
22:16.43timeshellYou should see some verbage
22:16.52*** join/#asterisk Ryushin (
22:17.01kyronQ: does anyone have any concise references to setting the optimal MTU for VoIP traffic (µLaw)? I'd guess something around the average packet size of a stream (then again, I could get burned on the IAX trunk side)
22:17.06timeshellHave multiple lines on the ata login with the same user
22:17.11timeshellon different ports
22:17.19nvrpunk[Feb 11 20:29:27] NOTICE[3325]: chan_iax2.c:6031 update_registry: Restricting registration for peer 'iax2' to 60 seconds (requested 1200)
22:17.19timeshellThat might do it
22:17.41a1fai am eating lill cezars pica
22:17.57timeshellYou know nvrpunk, I'd suggest speaking with your provider on what your settings should be...
22:17.59nvrpunktheir pizza's not as good as it used to be
22:18.01nvrpunkback in the day
22:18.07a1fai dont know
22:18.09a1faits good $5
22:18.18a1fait beats pizza hut at $15
22:18.22timeshellIf you're not even getting something coming in...
22:18.26nvrpunktimeshell, the way it was is the way they stated :p
22:18.30russellbfor $5, it's a win
22:18.39timeshellnvrpunk:  Do you have a register line in your iax2.conf?
22:19.01variable_office[TK]D-Fender, is what i said possible or make sense?
22:19.16variable_officeI am just trying to figure out how to deal with concurrent calls on an ata
22:19.17timeshellDid you register your asterisk server with your provider?
22:19.30nvrpunktimeshell, my iax.conf has one
22:19.35nvrpunkand the trunk is registered
22:19.45nvrpunki can call out
22:19.46nvrpunkjust fine
22:19.48nvrpunkthrough them
22:20.00[TK]D-Fendervariable_office, What ATA?
22:20.01*** join/#asterisk craigk (n=craigk@
22:20.23timeshellWhen you call your 800# you should at least see something coming in on your console indicating what it is.
22:20.39variable_office[TK]D-Fender, its for our business customers, we havent committed to anything yet, obviously i would like something good and inexpensive as possible; any suggestions on this?
22:21.22[TK]D-Fendervariable_office, ok, you are throwing nameless scenarios areound poorly worded.  start over.  You are not yet clear and your situation not somethign you can "show" use since it doesn't exist yet
22:21.47[TK]D-Fendervariable_office, Please be very specific with references to any tech involved with each call you are referring to.
22:23.20*** join/#asterisk inadaptado (n=matias@
22:23.59variable_officeOk, I want business users, who are use to using a single multi-line phone with say 4 pots lines to be able to migrate to Sip.  The easiest way I can think of doing this is giving their ATA a single SIP registration back to our server and set maxcalls=4 and then their phone number can have up to 4 calls similar to their old pots setup.  But in order to use the same phone, each call would need to come off a different line so that it could g
22:23.59variable_officeo into their old 4 line phone. does that make sense?
22:24.27[TK]D-Fendervariable_office, Yes, now it makes sense.
22:24.55a1favariable_office : you have a pbx at the office?
22:25.15[TK]D-Fendervariable_office, HOWEVER.... this is cludgy and means you'll need 2 ATA's for a 4-line phone.  That would cost over 110$ USD for which you could get them a NICE phone instead.
22:25.17variable_officenot at the customers office, no, i just wanted it to be a drop-in ata
22:25.32[TK]D-Fendervariable_office, but yes you can do this and it would involve some dialplan trickery.
22:25.35variable_office[TK]D-Fender, could i not get a 4 line-ata?
22:25.37a1fa[TK]D-Fender : or he could get a nice zap card
22:25.48[TK]D-Fendera1fa, ..... YUCK!
22:25.51timeshellWouldn't it be better to create a ring group and ring all?
22:25.52a1favariable_office : grandstream makes an 8 port one
22:25.56a1fa[TK]D-Fender : =)
22:26.20a1fai'd do what d-fender suggests.. buy policom phones
22:26.24a1farun some cat5
22:26.31a1fait will be cheaper + better experience for end user
22:26.32variable_office[TK]D-Fender, so it is not possible to make this a simple ata-level logic, of, for each new call that comes down sipuser1, drop the call onto a new fxs line?
22:26.39a1fadont use atas dude
22:26.44a1fai've done that once
22:26.52a1fahooked ATA to POTS PBX
22:26.59a1fanot a very good idea
22:27.06[TK]D-Fendervariable_office, I just said "YES".  However just because you can do something doesn't mean you SHOULD.  This is an UGLY and non-cost effective solution.
22:27.22a1fait will cost you more in the long run
22:27.25a1faif you run atas
22:27.35a1fabecause you will see that this solutions sucks
22:27.41a1fait also adds a lot of overhead management
22:27.48[TK]D-Fendera1fa, ATA's are jsut fine.... if you are using a single port for a single phone you're more than fine.  Trying to recycle multi-line analog phones is BS however
22:28.02angryuser[A]i am using application Playtones(!440) and after i execute read, i would like it to stop generate tone after first digit pressed, how?
22:28.15a1faIP 550
22:28.20variable_office[TK]D-Fender, ya but try convincing a business owner of that
22:28.20a1faPolycom does 4 lines
22:28.28angryuser[A]<[TK]D-Fender> it is working now thx
22:28.31a1fatell him it will be cheaper in the long run
22:28.32[TK]D-FenderIP 550 = waste.  Overpriced and no point...
22:28.45a1faor 320 then?
22:29.02a1fawhat do you have in mind
22:29.17[TK]D-Fendervariable_office, easy... no MOH for your analog phones.  have to WAIT for CID.  No proper conferencing across multiple calls.  More complex dialplan and devices to configure
22:29.33[TK]D-Fendervariable_office, that idea SUCKS and is to be avoided unless necessary
22:29.57[TK]D-Fendera1fa, yup, IP 320/330 depending on Cat5 availability
22:29.59angryuser[A]what about snoms? nice phones
22:30.05[TK]D-Fenderangryuser[A], Bleh
22:30.35[TK]D-Fenderangryuser[A], Second rate audio, firmware flakyness, poor LCD usage, etc.
22:30.48a1fa[TK]D-Fender : he wanted 4 lines so i suggested 550 :P
22:30.58variable_office[TK]D-Fender, ok, well say i get them convinced to do sip phone, how would I run it so that each new call goes to a different line then (the goal is to NOT have to mess with my asterisk dialplan for every new user)
22:31.02angryuser[A]<[TK]D-Fender> you got a point on firmware
22:31.22a1favariable_office : configure your shit right
22:31.45a1fayou wouldnt have to mess with dialplan if you set it right the first time
22:31.58a1faXXX dials SIP/XXX
22:32.07a1fathats one way around that problem
22:32.13[TK]D-Fendervariable_office, You clearly have never worked with a decent SIP phone before.
22:32.18timeshellOk, so while we're talking about polycom, how to do you get a polycom 301 to register 2 lines on the same server without getting authentication digest errors when trying to dial out from the second line on the same port?  OR, how do you get the polycom to register the second line on a different port?  I've tried changing the second line's port to 5061, but it won't register on the Asterisk.
22:32.47variable_officealfa thats not the part i am concerned with
22:33.13angryuser[A]<[TK]D-Fender> but besides that when using 6.2.3 it is working fine, i have another aastra phone, the xfer usage is poor, not user friendy
22:33.17[TK]D-Fendervariable_office, there is nothing to configure in * for a normal sip phone to handle multiple calls.
22:33.32[TK]D-Fenderangryuser[A], Yes, I hat Aastra for different reasons :)
22:35.24variable_office[TK]D-Fender, but then the sip phone will just put each current call in the same line on the same phone, I want it to be spaced out across multiple phones
22:36.11timeshellThat statement doesn't make sense to me
22:36.34variable_officeso that, for example, if this is a restaurant that gets calls, I want it so that the customers can dial the same restaurant number, but it will ring a free phone each time
22:36.45angryuser[A]<[TK]D-Fender> on snom you push transfer and blf ocnfigured button, on aastra you can have BLF but no that direct transfer without consulting, on aastra you need to dial manually ext each time, total mess
22:36.50jameswfWhy would a 7 foot wookie live on...... it does not make sense
22:37.03timeshellvariable_office:  Why not use a call queue or a ringgroup then?
22:37.39variable_officebecause that is stuff that then has to be manually configured on my end
22:38.26timeshellHave your ata log in with multiple lines with the same user on the asterisk server.
22:38.54variable_officetimeshell, would asterisk space them out evenly?
22:39.10timeshellTHey would all ring
22:39.41jameswfjbot: tell variable_office about buybook
22:39.43*** join/#asterisk egecko (
22:39.49variable_officeand then the first to pick up would win?
22:39.57timeshellIf you want to consecutively ring them, you need a queue or a ringgroup
22:40.07timeshellvariable_office: basically
22:40.38variable_officei seem to remember trying multiple simultaneous registrations before, but i thought that wasn't correct, you have done that before?
22:41.20timeshellI have done it.  I don't know how it would fare as a production configuration, but I've had it work.
22:42.07variable_officeanybody using that method in production?
22:42.51jameswfwe have individual users with a soft phone and a sip phone both registered but not across multiple stations
22:42.51nvrpunktimeshell, I had to set the whole extension on to 18772629143
22:43.32timeshellGlad to hear you got it to work.
22:47.32variable_officejameswf, so you had two sip devices registered to the same server as the same sipuser?
22:48.22jameswfnot devices
22:48.31jameswf1 device one soft phone
22:48.54ManxPowerjameswf: that is two devices.  that won't work.  Don't do it.
22:49.17ManxPowerThe last device to register on that account is the one that will get the calls.
22:49.29[TK]D-Fendervariable_office, You would have to make a kludgy dialplan to account for this.  it would be messy, but possible
22:49.50variable_officeManxPower, thats what I thought, i dont know if you saw any of the above, but do you have any idea on how to do that?
22:49.58[TK]D-Fendervariable_office, seriously though, this idea is STUPID and should be avoided.
22:50.19variable_office[TK]D-Fender, then how can i have multiple phones ring for the same number?
22:50.22ManxPowervariable_office: you don't do it.
22:50.41ManxPowerexten => 666,1,Dial(SIP/user-a&SIP/user-b)
22:50.42[TK]D-Fendervariable_office, That question shows you don't even know the Dial application.
22:50.50timeshellvariable_office:  I have to agree.  Although it may work, it's not a preferred way to do it
22:50.52[TK]D-Fendervariable_office, You need to find a Clue, and fast...
22:50.56[TK]D-Fender~cluebat variable_office
22:50.57jbotACTION pulls out a ClueBat (tm) and thwaps variable_office.
22:51.11jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
22:51.14ManxPowerwhere user-a and user-b are accounts in sip.conf
22:51.31ManxPoweri.e. in sip.conf [user-a] and [user-b] entries.
22:51.47[TK]D-FenderRinggroup is NOT a real telecom or Asterisk term!  Forget it NOW.
22:52.07variable_officeuggh, i understand that, I understand the basics of asterisk, that would be easy for a user or two, but i do NOT want to have to reedit the dialplan every single time I add a new user
22:52.10ManxPowervariable_office: one of the most important (maybe THE most important) thing you need to understand about VoIP is that an extension is just a number, the PBX maps that number to the real device (sip, IAX, etc)
22:52.25variable_officethis isnt for a one time only setup, I want a cookie-cutter repeatable approach
22:52.34ManxPowervariable_office: That is another thing you will have to learn.  you need to edit the dialplan for every new device.
22:52.52ManxPowerYou can whine, scream, throw temper tantrums, but that is the way it is.
22:52.57variable_officeManxPower, not the way I have it now, it is all enum and fanciness
22:53.12ManxPowervariable_office: and as you can clearly see it does not scale for complex dialplans.
22:53.26timeshellvariable_office:  I have to agree with these guys.  If you want to find a fancy way to go about it, I think you're basically on your own.
22:53.53timeshellvariable_office;  Trial and error .
22:54.07ManxPowerusing the extension as the device ID is not a good way to design a dialplan.
22:54.33timeshellI agree with that why does *gui do that?
22:54.34variable_officeManxPower, thats not what I am doing, I have each number in enum, and then each user has a customer user id
22:54.37ManxPowerHell, not even the TELCO supports the same number on different lines.
22:54.45jameswfjbot tell variable_office: about freepbx
22:54.59jameswfjbot tell variable_office about freepbx
22:55.40[TK]D-Fenderjameswf, FreePBX won't survive the analog craziness he was looking for.
22:55.42ManxPowertimeshell: because that is what users want and freepbx does MASSIVE amounts of work and incredibly complex dialplans and configs to make that work to the user.  I guarntee you that freepbx does not use the same sip userid for multiple devices.
22:55.43variable_officeManxPower, i agree with that, But I am trying to improve upon that
22:55.54jameswf[TK]D-Fender: will anything
22:56.03jameswfwithin his power
22:56.10ManxPowervariable_office: then you would be the first person to succeed in doing that in the entire history of Asterisk.
22:56.20[TK]D-Fendervariable_office, Ok, I'll sum this up nice & quick : You are trying to outsmart * and you will almost certainly fail, and hard.
22:56.25jbotwglwat is, like, well, good luck with all that
22:56.51timeshellManx:  You dont' have to convince me!!!
22:56.55variable_officeughh, i just I could just set calllimit=1 and then if the line is busy drop it off to line b, then line c and so forth like the telco eh?
22:57.02jameswfi saw walmart :)
22:57.11ManxPowerAsterisk does not support registrations from different devices to the same SIP UserID.  If you don't like that then you are welcome to rewrite chan_sip.c
22:57.31jbothmm... rtfc is read the fine code
22:57.54ManxPowervariable_office: that is pretty much exactly what we do.  We set the SIP UserID to be the MAC address of the phone with -a, -b, -c etc appended to it for 1st line appearance, 2nd line appearance, etc.
22:58.00pkunkrai think they should have used the more colorful version of "fine"
22:58.01ManxPowerThen we tell the phone to turn off call waiting
22:58.23[TK]D-FenderManxPower, Yeah, but your situation is typically considered psycho and to be avoided ;)
22:58.52ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: Maybe so, but I can route calls far more finely then you could ever hope to.
22:59.11jameswfoooh fight fight
22:59.27[TK]D-FenderManxPower, Nope, I have a fraction of your SIP.CONF entries, a far simpler dialplan :)
22:59.45ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: can you route calls to individual line appearances on each phone?
23:00.08[TK]D-FenderManxPower, When all roads lead to Rome there's no point in giving them different names, just arrows for the direction to head :)
23:00.28ManxPowerSo the answer is "no".  We have a need to do that.
23:00.44ManxPowerYou (and many people) do not.  In which case, things can be much simplier.
23:01.00[TK]D-FenderManxPower, Were I to have a person who even NEEDED to have multiple identities on a phoen, yes.  Then again, I buy each of my users their own and don't force them to commune with each other like rats in a nest :p
23:01.24[TK]D-FenderManxPower, that is the point of course.
23:01.43[TK]D-FenderManxPower, You client is a cheap silly twit :)
23:02.27ManxPowerMany of my users don't need multiple identities, but enough do that we had to write the scripts for it.
23:02.58ManxPowerFor example one secretary needs to have the callerid some from 3 different bosses, depending on which line she picks.
23:03.09ManxPowersome == come
23:03.50[TK]D-FenderManxPower, Nope, she could dial OUT with an exten that would set accordingly.
23:03.53Igbothom_IIIManxPower, I was gonna suggest receptionist for a place with multiple clients, but the secretary for multiple bosses also works
23:04.08[TK]D-FenderManxPower, but that would feel less "natural"
23:06.03ManxPowerOur users sometimes have trouble mustering the brain power to remember to breath, anything complex on a phone just makes the scream.
23:06.09moa_Quick question, if I reload zaptel to bring up another PRI.  Will I drop calls?
23:06.20*** join/#asterisk hi365_m (n=hi365@
23:06.41ManxPowermoa_: reloading zaptel won't bring up another PRI (changing signaling, adding/removing channels, etc doesn't work on a reload)
23:07.05ManxPowerHowever, a simple "reload" of "reload" won't drop calls.
23:07.29moa_what about init.d/zaptel reload
23:07.41*** join/#asterisk atis_home (n=chatzill@
23:08.05ManxPowermoa_: You should expect that to drop all zap calls on the system.  It calls ztcfg to reload /etc/zapata.conf that ztcfg drops all calls
23:08.14ManxPowerremember, is NOT zaptel
23:08.46moa_Thanks, guess this will have to wait until the maintenance window.
23:08.51[TK]D-Fendermoa_, Yes, you will lose your calls.
23:08.52*** join/#asterisk MaliutaWrk (i=nikolai@
23:10.01ManxPower"All the calls dropped?  It must be a telco issue, I'll call in a trouble ticket."
23:10.24ManxPower<-- BPAFH
23:10.31angryuser[A]i have a sipprovider, let's say dns request on that adress returns 2 ip's , asterisk take sometimes firs one, sometimes second one, and if he is unable to register * dont try to tegister with another ip adress, any way to fix that problem ?
23:10.33moa_To bad I'm working with the telco.
23:10.34ManxPowerBastard PBX Admin From Hell.
23:10.42ManxPowerWe are closely related to BOFHs
23:11.55angryuser[A]and as a result i have sip peers offline
23:12.13angryuser[A]any cheapes fxs box dont have that issue
23:13.54Corydon76-lapManxPower: have you recently said "I see that you have 100 message slots available in your Voicemail INBOX currently..."
23:14.18Corydon76-lapin response to "I need more message slots..."
23:14.48Corydon76-lap"You mean I have 100 more, now?" "Noooooo..."  "Augh!"
23:15.02jameswfCingular drops allot of calls no one cares
23:17.13*** join/#asterisk JT (n=j@unaffiliated/jt)
23:18.28ManxPowerCorydon76-lap: Nope.  I say "You have 100 messages in your INBOX.  You won't be able to get any more messages until you clean out your inbox.
23:19.15scooby2can you weight individual agents?
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23:26.01*** join/#asterisk Robba (n=rob@
23:26.40RobbaIs anyone using the Linksys SPA-941/942's?
23:27.02Igbothom_IIII've used one before but don't like them
23:27.12Igbothom_IIIdo like them better than the Netcom phone, tho
23:27.21*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
23:27.33Robbado you know anything about line configuration with them?
23:27.38pkunkraif you have to ask about a home based router impacting your VoIP communications, then yes.  you need to replace it.  it is crap.
23:28.30pkunkrasorry. thought the linksys was a router
23:28.40Igbothom_IIIisn't this the Linksys phone?
23:28.58pkunkrayeah, its a phone
23:29.17*** join/#asterisk inadaptado (n=matias@
23:31.45[TK]D-FenderRobba, <- you you need hints on how to set it up.
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23:33.33riddleboxis there a way I can see a call come into a zap channel or any activity on that channel?
23:33.34RobbaTK, its not just setting it up
23:33.46Robbaits getting the multiple lines to work
23:33.55Robbaone line works fine
23:34.16Robbabut one or more and it tends to give 486 busy here responses
23:35.17Robbasorry not one or more
23:35.20Robbatwo or more
23:36.35*** join/#asterisk mchou (
23:37.09*** join/#asterisk Absorto (n=user@
23:37.25Absortohello! how can I tell which audio files the meetMe app is playing?
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23:37.54hi365_mb listening when it palyes it
23:37.55tzafrirAbsorto, core set verbose 3
23:38.06hi365_mor by watching the cli
23:38.12[TK]D-FenderRobba, describe your line usage on it
23:38.24Absortothanks tzafrir!
23:38.30tzafrirgee, xchat does not complete asterisk CLI commands :-(
23:38.31Absortono thanks to you, hi365_m!
23:38.54Absortono, wait: thank you too :)
23:39.16*** part/#asterisk Absorto (n=user@
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23:50.46adeelmy sip provider doesn't terminate my toll free 8xx calls, can anyone point me to a provider who'll terminate my toll free calls for free?
23:52.52riddleboxis there a way I can see a call come into a zap channel or any activity on that channel?
23:58.31riddleboxI have configured a tdm card with 4 fxo ports correctly, the card passes ztcfg -vv I have set the context to demo, and there is a demo context in extensions.conf, but it just rings and rings?
23:59.17ManxPowerYou would see that sort of stuff on the Asterisk CLI
23:59.41riddleboxManxPower, you talking to me?
23:59.51ManxPowerriddlebox: yes

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