IRC log for #asterisk on 20080210

00:00.27obnauticusIs anyone here good with a2billing?
00:00.27obnauticusbecause im wondering where i put the registration info for my trunks
00:05.43blitterchipi've configured a TE121 card but it refuses to show up in asterisk
00:05.45blitterchipany ideas?
00:09.08*** part/#asterisk TeamINM (
00:10.15scooby2how many contractors hang out here?
00:11.54timeshellThere is a huge fundamental flaw in pbx_config.c with regards to queuing.   :(
00:16.03timeshellUnless I'm missing something, it would be impossible to configure an agent with a single extension using users.conf and also have the same extension use voicemail without having the queued calls have the possibility of going to a specific agent's voicemail.
00:17.04timeshellThere appears to be no direct way to communicate from a queue to stdexten that the call is from a queue and therefore shouldn't go to voicemail.
00:19.24scooby2sounds complicated
00:19.36scooby2i can't get this stinking directory to work
00:21.45scooby2i'm going to have to hire someone if i dont figure this out soon
00:21.57timeshellWhat's youre issue?
00:23.02scooby2let me paste bin. one sec
00:27.49scooby2s1 and s2 run but then any digit dialed says invalid extension
00:28.52scooby2won't let me enter an extension. After 1 digit it says invalid and then hangs up
00:29.42scooby2and no i didnt write the mess
00:30.25scooby2some dCAP certified consultant conned us
00:32.18*** join/#asterisk tuxfoo (
00:33.42timeshellWhat's the verbage telling you?
00:33.56timeshellCan you pastebin what's on the console?
00:34.44scooby2when i hit 5 it gives me: WARNING[2850] pbx.c: Invalid extension '5', but no rule 'i' in context 'did'
00:35.18scooby2let me paste did
00:36.37timeshellJust a thought, but I'd suggest moving 5 and 8 to the context that calls the macro-main-ivr
00:37.58scooby2thats did
00:38.37hmmhesaysI just cannot figure this out
00:38.48timeshelldid you try what I just said?
00:38.54timeshellJust a thought, but I'd suggest moving 5 and 8 to the context that calls the macro-main-ivr
00:39.21scooby2yeah i saw
00:39.32timeshellI have something similar set up that way that works
00:42.09scooby2would I also need to include the local extensions there so those are usable?
00:42.19scooby2i'm assuming so
00:43.06timeshellsounds reasonable
00:43.16scooby2thank you very much
00:43.19timeshellIn fact, remove that same line from the macro
00:43.24timeshellYou won't need it there.
00:43.29timeshellLet me know if it works
00:44.25timeshellAt least, you won't need it there if my suggestion worked... :p
00:45.11hmmhesaysI can't figure out why trying to read from stdin in two different places in the script cause this to hang completely
00:46.05hmmhesaysthis is perl, do I have to do something crazy with stdin before I read from it a second time?
00:48.43timeshellclose it in the first place?
00:49.44timeshellWhen you're finished with the first one, kill it before trying another one.
00:53.12*** join/#asterisk msolomos (
00:54.45msolomosi have configured a TE121 but it refuses to show up in asterisk
00:54.49msolomosany ideas??
00:55.09shido6:) loaded
00:55.24shido6whats ztcfg -vv say?
00:57.35msolomosall configured ...
00:58.40jameswf-homemsolomos: did you use a script to configure
00:58.56msolomosyes ofcourse we did
00:59.05*** part/#asterisk iamhrh (
00:59.06msolomoswe have been struggling for the last 10 hours
00:59.34jameswf-homeso I imagine you used genzaptelconf do you have your includes in place
00:59.48msolomoseverything it's in place
00:59.59msolomosit's correct
01:00.05msolomosi bet same for zapata.conf
01:00.15msolomosbut card still refuses to show up in asterisk
01:00.19msolomosi mean the channels
01:00.25msolomoszap show channels brings nothing
01:00.36timeshellThere needs to be a ${MACRO_FUNCTION} variable to tell which function called a macro.
01:00.37jameswf-homepastebin the last 100 lines of /var/log/asterisk/full or /var/log/asterisk/messages
01:01.18timeshellOr does such exist already?
01:03.40msolomosas far i am concerned it's a digium's bug
01:03.45msolomosi bet on it
01:04.05msolomosbut what would you have if you had to deliver the machine by tomorrow?
01:05.17jameswf-homeI dont see chan_zap mentioned are you running a compiled solution or did you compile
01:06.05msolomoswe have compile and compile again and again
01:06.10msolomos3-4 different versions
01:06.22jhivercan anyone tell me why $self->agi()->get_variable("ANSWEREDTIME") returns an undefined value when the call has been answered?
01:06.29jameswf-homedid you compile zaptel before asterisk
01:06.30jhiver(this is an agi related question btw)
01:06.51*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
01:07.29msolomosi bet you everything has been done correctly
01:07.35msolomosbut still refuses
01:08.01hmmhesaysthis playing back audio to both parties in a call is a b1tch and a half
01:11.33jameswf-homeI could probably fix it for a 6 pack :)
01:11.47msolomosjames r u talking to me ?
01:12.33jameswf-homemsolomos: can you open 22 for an ssh session
01:13.11msolomosit's opened
01:13.19DocfxitWhat does this mean in the log?
01:13.22Docfxitapp_system.c: Unable to execute 'ztscan > /etc/asterisk/ztscan.conf'
01:13.32jameswf-homepm the ip and root pw
01:14.15shido6ok im back
01:14.23shido6msolomos ....
01:14.40shido6ztcfg -vv shows what? it...
01:14.52msolomosshido i did
01:15.01shido6sorry I missed it
01:15.03shido6can u rep -
01:15.22msolomosshido as you probably know ...already
01:15.30shido6ok - what kind of card is this again?
01:15.35msolomosam in a deep shit if i dont have this fixed by tomorrow
01:15.57msolomossingle span te/e1   pcie express
01:16.06shido6ok whats odd
01:16.11shido6is that i dont see your b or d channels up
01:16.13shido6at all
01:16.15jameswf-homeits probably something simple as i said....
01:16.35shido6how long has the T1 been not in use?
01:16.36jameswf-homeshido you need 3 v's to get channel map
01:16.44msolomosis not that simple
01:16.46luke-jrDoes anyone know if it's possible to find dedicated servers with pings under 50ms to all the continental US (assuming reasonable connections on the other end)?
01:16.53msolomosi bet you all
01:17.00asteriskrulesyeah, those are usually simple things is how it seems to work
01:17.01shido6be careful with the bet
01:17.03msolomosi have spent 10 hours on that
01:17.06shido6i make my money on bets against asterisk
01:17.16msolomosshido i bet you
01:17.19shido6how much?
01:17.22msolomos....someone has my paypal account
01:17.33msolomosyou set the price
01:17.34jameswf-home<< works for an oem works 10+ hours a day on astersik
01:17.55msolomosmsn me pls
01:18.00andrewnjust opened my spa3102
01:18.05andrewnall it's doing is blinking lol
01:18.11*** join/#asterisk CrashSys (
01:19.14CrashSysI use notepad?
01:21.04*** join/#asterisk pior (n=pior@
01:22.21*** part/#asterisk tuxfoo (
01:23.15scooby2yahoo supposedly rejected the bid today
01:23.59jameswf-homeor i mean yahooooooo
01:24.18scooby2google is going to invest in them which does not really make sense to me
01:24.25scooby2at least thats the latest talk
01:24.30CrashSysmaybe google will update yahoo
01:24.46*** join/#asterisk techie (
01:25.24jameswf-homecall it yoogle or gahoo
01:25.30scooby2i guess investing in your competitor is better than letter m$ take tem
01:26.10jameswf-homeI seem to remember 10 years ago google was yahoos backend
01:26.10scooby2i can type, really I can
01:26.10CrashSysI remember when webcrawler was good
01:26.17scooby2thats when yahoo was good
01:26.18jameswf-homemaybe 6 or 8 years ago
01:33.08scooby2i need to figure out if freebsd or a decent linux distro will run on this laptop
01:33.33scooby2vista is the suck
01:33.57outtoluncjust fire up a live cd and see how it runs
01:36.31scooby2ubuntu runs i guess. looks like Dell has a reinstall dvd.
01:37.24outtoluncif it is a newer dell laptop it should have the install on a dos partition
01:37.33timeshellCan anyone tell me by my pastebin why it's not going to 20??
01:38.18scooby2outtolunc: brand new dell. The week after I ordered it they started shipping with ubuntu.
01:38.39scooby2though for some reason it cost like $280 more
01:38.57scooby2i would think no vista would mean a little cheaper or same price
01:39.25outtoluncpoint being, if you have the stock install partition, then dumping the windows partition is no biggie for you to restore it if you do not like the ubuntu install
01:40.14*** join/#asterisk andrewn (
01:45.38*** join/#asterisk rfernandez (n=rfernand@
01:46.28rfernandezi have a little trouble with an 1200p (openvox) when i have a huge ammount of calls the card doesnt work and i saw a rare thing on my proc can anybody help me please?
01:50.17timeshellnm my pastebin, had the values reversed.
01:50.18timeshellworks now
01:53.06timeshellErr...ok...maybe not exactly
01:55.56timeshellOk, so I have a problem with a GotoIf
01:56.23timeshellIt doesn't seem to be going to the false value.  Always going to the true value
02:02.13outtoluncthere is plenty wrong with it
02:02.15scooby2what are you trying to goto if Queue=True
02:03.14*** join/#asterisk brookshire (
02:04.46outtolunche might also want the front $ and ending )
02:05.54outtoluncexample would be exten => s,1,GoToIf($["${SOMEVAR}" = "SOMESTR"]?2:20)
02:06.22outtoluncbut that is really easier expressed as such
02:08.25outtoluncsorry, phone
02:09.01outtoluncumm as either = 1 (because he was looking for = 'True')
02:09.25outtoluncor use IF(ISNULL(${VAR}) then the goto
02:10.43*** join/#asterisk s0lid (n=s0lid@
02:11.47outtoluncor just GoToIf(ISNULL(${VAR})?2:20)
02:12.11rfernandezif i got a pro interrupt with this message sounds that the fxo card its fine? cause i dont want to know that ihave two devices with same irq  84262335   IO-APIC-level  uhci_hcd, opvxa1200  that means any trouble?
02:12.23outtoluncvar being whatever he was really going after .. as mixed case vars probably should not be used
02:33.12*** join/#asterisk coppice (
02:33.53obnauticusCan anyone here help me, I haev 1-way audio between 2 sip peers on my boxen
02:34.00obnauticuswait, not 1-way audio, no audio
02:34.03obnauticuson both sides.
02:34.31obnauticusand I don't know why :|
02:36.24*** join/#asterisk timeshell (n=Khoja@
02:37.36timeshellouttolunc: I tried GoToIf(ISNULL(${VAR})?2:20)
02:37.46timeshellI still get the same result.  Only going to the true value.
02:38.00timeshellI didn't get what you said about ending )
02:38.10timeshellI see proper brackets
02:40.31*** join/#asterisk GlobeTrotter (n=eric@
02:40.55timeshellOk, I figured out how to get it to work.  Thanks anyway...
02:41.02timeshellPart of the problem was case setting for the var ;)
02:41.13timeshellI set it all upper case, but only cap Q on the read.
02:43.08GlobeTrotterhey guyss,, having problems with attended transfer with polycom 550..  when you hit the transfer button the second tiome the call dropss
02:43.29GlobeTrotteranyone had that problem before?
02:50.40*** join/#asterisk SteveTotaro (
03:04.02jameswf-hometb as they "embed really should use the freepbx authentication backend
03:05.01BBHossobnauticus, no NAT?
03:05.15jameswf-homescratch that
03:05.19jameswf-homedamn tabs
03:08.20*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
03:08.46riddleboxhrmm I wonder if there is some sort of wiki for grandstream phones
03:09.00riddleboxfor showing features in asterisk
03:12.53*** part/#asterisk techie (
03:33.59riddleboxdrmessano, I have the paging and two way intercoming working on them and would like to help anyone else out
03:35.21riddleboxI do have a question, exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(Zap/1/${EXTEN}#) <---is the # sign valid?
03:38.22jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
03:39.16Corydon76-digand please buy a copy... if the authors can make a living writing books, they'll write more of them...
03:39.23*** join/#asterisk adjohn (
03:40.45coppiceyeah, that's the drawback :-)
03:42.13jameswf-homejbot: buybook is <reply> You can but "Asterisk the Future of Telephony" at so go buy it SERIOUSLY
03:42.14jbotokay, jameswf-home
03:43.27jameswf-homejbot: no buybook is <reply> You can buy "Asterisk the Future of Telephony" at so go buy it SERIOUSLY
03:43.28jbotokay, jameswf-home
03:45.21riddleboxjameswf-home, I already bought the first edition
03:45.36riddleboxthe 2nd edition is way bigger
03:45.40jameswf-homeyou should upgrade...
03:46.44coppiceriidlebox: didn't anyone ever tell you not to buy version 1 of anything :-)
03:46.49luke-jrDoes anyone know if it's possible to find dedicated servers with pings under 50ms to all the continental US (assuming reasonable connections on the other end)?
03:47.13riddleboxdoes that dial line I had up there look right, if I have the # after I enter the digits then it will dial faster
03:54.48[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox, No... it will merely dial a # at the end.
03:55.15[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox,  Whether that means anything or not is up to the controller of your zaptel channel
03:56.37riddlebox[TK]D-Fender, dang because if I press the # sign the phones will not wait 4 seconds to actually dial
03:57.36riddleboxI did read that they have something called early dial, it works on the asterisk 484 response, so I guess I will read up on that
04:03.43*** join/#asterisk vgster (
04:08.51riddleboxI guess there is always something to read about :p
04:11.48jameswf-homeanyone been through the atlanta airport, any idea how to kill 2 hours there....
04:12.03drmessanoWalk from one end to the other
04:13.08jameswf-homeI didnt get this fat walking.... ahhh trains
04:13.25*** join/#asterisk goodmove (n=yves@
04:13.47drmessanoIn Nov 2001 I ran one end of it to the other.. had a flight arrive late
04:13.49jameswf-homeI founs a sabarros in concourse c that makes me happy
04:13.54drmessanoIm surprised I am still alive
04:14.26jameswf-homewow if you run in an airport now you get shot... well if you run through screaming jiiiiihadddd
04:14.27drmessano"Don't taze me, Mr TSAGUYSHOOTINGMAN"
04:14.59drmessanoI ran from one end to the other with a wheeled carry-on.. It was a sight
04:15.16jameswf-homeI am going to say that to security DONT TA duh duh duh dont tah tah taze me bro
04:15.47drmessanoAugusta had JUST started implementing post-911 security here, and all the guards were 87 yrs old
04:15.55drmessanoSo every flight out of here was 30 mins late
04:16.18drmessanoI had a 30 minute layover, which became ZOMG 0 MINUTES
04:16.26jameswf-homeit's like the wal-mart greeter stopping a shoplifter
04:16.39goodmoveI am using redhat linux enterprise 5.0 with Asterisk. I have mysql package installed and this is working. I then downloaded the asterisk-addons but it will not recognise that mysql is running and therefor does not give the option to install the cdr modules, etc
04:17.04luke-jrgoodmove: why are you using RedHat anything?
04:17.06goodmovecan someone please tell me what I am doing wrong? I am using asterisk 1.4.18
04:17.16jameswf-homejust because mysql is installed doesnt mean its running
04:17.18scooby2goodmove: force it to install
04:17.20*** join/#asterisk joez212 (
04:17.58jbotSQL (Structured Query Language) database server. URL:
04:18.00goodmovejameswf-home, I checked that it is and I can connect to it
04:18.37goodmoveI was even able to creat the asteriskcdrdb database
04:18.42*** join/#asterisk adjohn (
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04:21.08goodmovejameswf, there does not seem to be any problem with sql. I just do not understand why when I use menuselect when compiling asterisk-addons, that the modules are XXX.
04:21.59goodmove... I mean the modules for mysql
04:24.54jameswf-homegood move configure --with-mysqlclient=y
04:27.15goodmovejameswf, you mean to add this switch to the ./configure command?
04:27.27jameswf-homeummmmmm yeah
04:27.40goodmoveI will try it now
04:28.19Corydon76-digTypically that means that you're missing the -dev headers
04:31.54goodmovejameswf, i get an error message telling me that my MySQL client installation on this system is broken
04:32.32GlobeTrotterhey guyss,, having problems with attended transfer with polycom 550..  when you hit the transfer button the second time the call drops.. but blind transfer works
04:32.33goodmove...but mysqld is running and I am currently connected to the mysql server
04:33.19goodmovejameswf, any ideas
04:39.28*** part/#asterisk goodmove (n=yves@
04:45.51*** join/#asterisk heison (
04:48.16*** join/#asterisk heison (
04:49.36heisonanyone from asterlink who can help restore an account?
04:55.06Qwellheison: #asterlink
04:55.10Qwellif it's still around
04:55.27Qwellor you
04:55.54heisonqwell: brian w is on freeswitch, but he doesn't seem to be around :P(
04:56.16heisoni might have to wait til monday and call
04:59.04drmessanoIRC client spam.. nice
04:59.16*** join/#asterisk heison (
04:59.28drmessano"our non-colored lines of text are way better than the other guys"
05:02.34drmessanoLast weeks "Network World" had an article on Asterisk
05:10.35Nivex$COWORKER saw it in the print edition and handed it to me :)
05:12.34haxwould it be possible with asterisk to forward calls to my cell phone, but if my cell phone doesn't answer, have it go to asterisk voicemail instead of my cell's voicemail?
05:13.37drmessanoset the timeout for less than your cell phones timeout
05:13.44*** join/#asterisk Fleg- (
05:14.21haxdrmessano: i thought that, but sometimes the phone is simply off, and it'd go straight to voicemail
05:14.54drmessanoChange your greeting to a SIT tone
05:15.45haxoh, heh
05:15.47drmessanojust.... nevermind
05:15.56haxwell, i'm new :P
05:16.08haxi get it now :/
05:16.54drmessanoI dont know the correct answer on that.. I think once Asterisk hands the call off, it's handed off
05:17.10drmessanoI can't wrap my head around doing it differently
05:18.39haxyeah, heh
05:19.28haxdrmessano: there's some commercial services i've seen that have the PBX call your cell phone first, then you touchtone whether or not you want to accept the call... but that'd still require the PBX to somehow know if the cellphone didn't pick up, otherwise it'd just hang there and never get a dialtone, plus leave a long voicemail
05:19.29*** join/#asterisk [gquit]bombadil (
05:25.21drmessanoThey have a poll question "Would you ever consider an Open Source PBX?"
05:25.34haxdrmessano: actually, gotvmail was the one somebody linked me to, but there's a bunch that do this
05:25.37drmessano39% - Yes, in the future
05:25.54drmessano49% - We already do
05:26.06drmessano12% - No, never
05:26.24drmessanoThat's an awesome sample
05:27.23coppiceprobably a pretty skewed sample, too
05:27.34drmessanoWhy would you say that?
05:28.11coppicethe kind of people reading the article will not be a cross section of PBX users
05:29.03coppicethe biggest group reading such an article is usually existing users looking for affirmation of their choice
05:30.32drmessanoI dunno about that..if it was a VoIP centric website, yes
05:32.18coppiceit doesn't matter what kind of site it is. this is normal human behaviour. word gets around the existing users, they all read, and many vote. its a normal thing you have to allow for when judging the validity of polls.
05:34.06drmessanoSo that doesn't work both ways?
05:34.27*** join/#asterisk Wayhigh (
05:34.42coppicewhat is the other way?
05:34.49drmessanoA bunch of Cisco admins could have just gone there and voted NO just the same
05:34.57drmessanoWhats the difference?
05:35.26coppicebecause far few non-users will be drawn to read the article. its the fan effect
05:36.00drmessanoThat doesn't really address my question
05:37.32coppiceif they published a britney spears article and had a poll for "who is a better singer, britney spear or placido domingo" you would get a similarly skewed answer for the same reason.
05:37.40drmessanoThat's like telling me people that dislike MS aren't drawn to vote down in polls questioning Windows use..
05:38.05haxdrmessano: so... any thought on the whole "how can asterisk tell if a cell phone's voicemail picked up" thing?
05:38.11coppiceasterisk doesn't polarise people the way windows does
05:38.42drmessanoYou ever talk to a diehard Cisco admin? lol
05:38.50drmessanoApparently not
05:38.52Qwellever talked to a Cisco employee?
05:39.08Qwellit's not pretty
05:39.59coppicemost of the PBX world still doesn't really notice asterisk is there. expecting it to polarise people is rather pretentious
05:41.01drmessanoWell, I suppose that's the case if you are blisfully ignorant to the fact that many have, and have attempted to counter the usefulness of it
05:41.01WayhighYesterday I stumbled across an asterisk install cd that contains Centos, Asterisk, freeswitch, etc. but isn't trixbox, asterisk@home, or asterisknow. Any idea which it is? (I think it's something quite new but I may be mistaken)
05:42.09drmessanoIn case you hadn't noticed, there are closed source vendors that dislike open source, regardless of the size or scope of the product
05:43.15coppicein case you hadn't noticed, only 12% in that poll said they would not consider an open source option. I find the remarkably low, considering the attitude of many large IT departments who suck at the MS nipple
05:44.28obnauticusNow this is confusing.
05:44.30drmessanoWell, I think you are unaware of how many Microsoft shops suffer from lock-in due to user or application support issues that would love to flip a switch and use open source in a heartbeat.. It's not always about making a simple preference choice
05:44.33obnauticusI got a 43U server rack ...
05:44.37obnauticusand it's in my room
05:44.43obnauticusthis is going to suck.
05:45.10drmessanoI think the reality would surprise you
05:47.04coppicedrmessano: you obviously haven't seen how IT works in many many large companies. the IT department goes ballistic when they see anything non-MS in the place. its a threat to them. GPL3 has played into their hands. I know several major corporates who have used its vague wording about patents to have all new Linux distros banned
05:48.10Wayhighcoppice: that may be true in a lot of places but thankfully the .gov seems like they're starting to get some clue
05:49.05drmessanoActually, coppice, I work in a large company and I know exactly how it works.. You would be suprised how many times an M$ solution is deployed begrudgingly simply because of the need to deploy a solution that matches existing infrastructre
05:49.31coppiceit depends on the company and its culture
05:52.56*** join/#asterisk techie (
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05:54.14CrashSysThe best tagling I like for M$ is "It's a stable company and a commercially supported product"... no matter how crappy the solution is...
05:54.30CrashSyserr tagline
05:54.45drmessanoNotice they never put "stable" and "product" together?
05:54.52coppiceyeah, and what is stable typically full of?
05:55.20CrashSysbut stable does not relate to product
05:55.32drmessanoI know.. that was my point lol
05:55.32CrashSysjust that there will be a company to call about the product for the rest of your life
05:55.41drmessano"Its a stable... company"
05:55.53coppicethat's what VAX users thoguht, too :-)
05:56.10CrashSysI get a kick when I hear the M$ guys go "Wow, this server's been up a month! That's why exchange and SQL are bombing, it needs a reboot!"
05:56.31CrashSys3-months is some kind of holy grail of uptime
05:56.35drmessanoYou know what's hilarious
05:56.41CrashSysthat we bitch about it?
05:56.58ManxPowerthat we accept it
05:57.19drmessanoI remember months of uptime from windows 2000 boxes BEFORE Windows Automatic updates the company mandates to install the patches on the day of
05:58.02drmessanoI have boxes on their on segment that go 4 or 5 months without a reboot..
05:58.24drmessanoBut I think thats allowed M$ to go back to the "It only need to run for 31 days" mentality
05:58.35drmessanoDamn if you can get Exchange 2003 to last 45 days lol
05:58.49CrashSysI've had win 2003 servers with 9-10 month uptimes... but it was just active directory, file sharing, and network fax... no exchange/SQL hogs
05:59.25CrashSysand no automatic updates
05:59.48drmessanoNow they know everyone is rebooting every month, so they only have to shoot for 31 days uptime for anything
06:00.24CrashSysIf microsoft wasn't 90% of the desktop/application market, they'd be LONG out of business...
06:00.26drmessanoIt's alright.. they're still 5 or 10 years behind everyone else
06:00.55drmessano2 years ago they couldnt even spell VoIP
06:01.42drmessanoLCS was a glorified IM server that happened to use SIP.. now it's "VoIP"
06:01.44CrashSysThe one thing that M$ has the market cornered on is network/application integration...
06:01.48coppiceactually, they've had VoIP stuff for a very long time, they just haven't got any part of it except netmeeting to move for them
06:03.41drmessanoM$ does a good job of poorly implementing things
06:04.08coppicethey win by strategically poorly implementing things
06:04.42CrashSysImplementation sucks, but they intergrate everything to everything...
06:05.22CrashSysand they do it so it's point-click simple...
06:05.29CrashSysand that's about it...
06:06.36coppicebad implementation has been strategic for their lockin. several times in court they have used "we are just lousy engineers" as a successful defence
06:06.38drmessanoI'm still not impressed with LCS or OLCS
06:07.02drmessano"VoIP as you are, because OLCS doesn't work with PSTN hardware"
06:07.26CrashSysI still liked the whole hotmail fiasco...
06:07.45Qwellwhich one?...
06:07.53CrashSysworked great on linux servers... then they installed Exchange 2003 and it bombed...
06:07.59Qwell^^ bsd
06:08.04CrashSyserr BSD
06:08.17Qwelland more like 2000
06:08.28drmessanoExchange 2k
06:08.36drmessanoIt got somewhat better with 2003
06:08.42drmessano2000 was a horrible POS
06:09.09QwellI doubt it was really even exchange that killed it - probably iis
06:09.33CrashSysDidn't they end up with 4x the exchange servers to handle the same load?
06:09.37drmessanoIf you ever read the history of Exchange server, it really sounds like "Two guys and Devkit"
06:09.39Qwellsomething like that
06:09.41drmessanoIf you ever read the history of Exchange server, it really sounds like "Two guys and A Devkit"
06:10.01drmessanoNo, really..
06:10.20CrashSysI believe it, just never heard it put that way :)
06:10.41CrashSysExchange itself looks like some half-ass VB-code tacked onto active directory...
06:10.46drmessano"We fixed some bugs, made POP work, so we decided we could release it as a product and not just use it internally... so Exchange 4.5 was born"
06:11.47drmessanoI take that back
06:11.58drmessanoI dont think Exchange had POP/SMTP until 5.0
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06:12.58CrashSysWell the only thing keeping windows in the server market is it's 90% share of the desktop market and that XP integrates with 2003...
06:13.19CrashSysofcourse, "web 2.0" (I hate MBA's that think up acronym's) is changing that a little
06:13.52CrashSysRemember when we called them firewalls, not UTM's?
06:14.10drmessanoWhats going to be interesting is seeing how 2008 goes with Vista being the flop that it is
06:14.12CrashSysAnother one of those lovely MBA term's
06:14.22drmessanoGenerally platforms hang around together
06:14.53drmessanoExchange 2007 hasn't had widespread adoption due to the Server 03/Exchange 03 combos "working"
06:15.06drmessano08 will be affected by Vista, I think
06:15.13CrashSysI'll gladly buy a copy of XP because it's fairly stable and it's what my adobe/games run on...
06:15.37drmessanoSlowly I think things are unraveling for them.. SLOWLY
06:15.47drmessanoBy no means is 2009 the year of the big switch
06:16.03drmessanoBut web apps are thinning the herd a little
06:16.18CrashSysOther then that it's openoffice/firefox/etc...
06:16.44drmessanoOffice apps are even becoming less important
06:17.45CrashSysYeah... a slow migration from desktop to network app's...
06:17.47drmessanoE-mail is the word processor now, Excel is being replaced by web apps that display data better, Powerpoint is being replaced by interactive websites.. and Access may as well be dead
06:18.19CrashSysI remember writing a CRM in access 8 years ago... company ran on it up until they went out of business...
06:18.34ManxPowerIt's not sad that crappy applications might be used less, but it IS sad that so much stuff is moving to remotly hosted services.
06:18.36drmessanoOutlook is really the stronghold for the desktop.. People live in it..
06:18.52timeshellAmen Manx
06:19.12drmessanoWell, in a corporate setting, that works MUCH better
06:19.25drmessanoCentralized data storage instead of exchanging excel sheets, etc
06:19.45timeshellIf you consider it secure that way
06:19.59timeshellAnything that's not on your site can't really be considered secure.
06:20.02drmessanoExternally hosted is bad
06:20.08drmessanoI agree
06:20.21drmessanoInternally hosted apps replacing desktop apps is good
06:20.25ManxPowerdrmessano: you mean "Centralized data storage only accessed via limited "web 4.0" technologies, subject to network latencies, outages, etc instead of exchanging excel sheets, etc"
06:20.48CrashSysWhat happened to web 3.0?
06:20.52drmessanoIt works..
06:21.00CrashSysdid I miss the memo?
06:21.06ManxPowerdrmessano: So did Windows 3.1
06:21.13timeshellWeb 3.1?
06:21.15CrashSyssomeone went and upgraded my intarwebz
06:21.17ManxPowerBut it does not work WELL most of the time.
06:21.27drmessanoIt works a lot better than the exchanging of Excel sheets
06:21.29timeshellWeb 95?
06:21.40ManxPowercorporate quality connectivity is expensive.
06:21.51drmessanoWhen it's done correctly, it a improvement
06:22.08drmessanoITS AN
06:22.12drmessanoDamn typing
06:22.25CrashSysMust have a windows-keyboard
06:22.28ManxPowerdrmessano: I assume you are not meaning BROWSER access to apps, right?  You are talking to application access to remote data?
06:22.37drmessanoNo, browser access
06:22.44ManxPowerWhat kind of sick are you?
06:23.28ManxPowerI can't even tab between fields in most forms in a browser.
06:23.29drmessanoPeoplesoft is a good example.. It's whole heck of a lot better than anything else we've done before it
06:23.46drmessanoand it's all accessed in the browser
06:23.50ManxPowerwell, you can tab, but it doesn't go where you want to.
06:24.06CrashSysI must say that tracking state in a stateless world does give me headache's...
06:24.21drmessanoApplication connectivity to remove data stores is way too slow anyway
06:24.22ManxPowerCrashSys: That would have been my 2nd point if I had not already had a few beers.
06:24.47CrashSysPlus the usually complete loss of environment (printer controls, keyboard alt-ctrl keys, etc)
06:25.19ManxPowerCrashSys: It's SO limiting, isn't it?
06:25.21drmessanoI have SQL based apps that grind to a halt running across a wide open 3 meg connection
06:25.44CrashSysI like the idea, but it's one of those so close but so far deals
06:26.05ManxPowerCrashSys: I always thought things were supposed to get easier as tech progressed.
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06:26.47ManxPowerdrmessano: I'll even concede that a remote hosted app can be a good thing, I just think a browser is not the way.
06:27.00drmessanoWell, if they would stop hiring website designers to create web apps and hire application programmers, it would make a difference
06:27.02CrashSysManx: Only easier to the end-user who doesn't create the damn things...
06:27.43ManxPowerCrashSys: I don't think a web browser is easier for the end user for many many things.
06:28.02drmessano"HTML skills" doesn't mean "I can write an awesome front end to your database"
06:28.12drmessanoIt means "I can make rock"
06:28.19ManxPowerWindows Explorer .vs. Web Based File Management Apps.  Explorer is the hands down winner.  Hell, WinSCP would be the hands down winner.
06:29.10ManxPowerThat's right, click "OPEN" to upload.
06:29.41CrashSysfreakin' blogs
06:30.03CrashSysRemeber when you could surf the internet without 5-million people telling you how bored they were?
06:30.19drmessanoMy former assistant built our Sharepoint site.. he was a graphics guy, and sucked at IT.. Our Sharepoint site was the most non-functional POS ever.. I spent a week and actually "made it work"
06:30.33ManxPowerCrashSys: I would not mind blogs if 1) news sites didn't try to pass them off as stories and 2) there as an "exclude blogs" option on Google Search.
06:30.33drmessanoWell, as well as Sharepoint "works"
06:31.03lmadsenwuz up nerds
06:31.06drmessanoI think company blogs are hilarious..
06:31.30drmessanoSome of them are Nazi propaganda at it's best
06:31.32drmessanoI mean
06:31.41CrashSysI also find things like myspace celebrities kind of repulsive...
06:31.47drmessanoMicrosoft blogs.. Goldmines of "We really do focus on YOU"
06:32.48drmessanoTheir fake admission of suckiness, in their attempt to be "open"
06:33.16drmessano"It was no secret to use that everyone disliked Happy Fun Mail 7.. we hated it too"
06:33.20drmessanoYeah right
06:34.16ManxPowerI don't think I've ever been to myspace
06:35.30drmessanoI tried to MySpace, so I could be all hip with the 20 year olds at work.. It lowered my IQ too much to support breathing and cardiovascular processes
06:36.46CrashSysI went to myspace once because some chick gave me that instead of her phone number... it was full of 12 year olds complaining about being bored and 20-something's bitching about working...
06:37.06CrashSysso I closed the firefox tab and filed it away under "Been there, done that"
06:37.11drmessano"Being an adult is like, so teh suck"
06:37.33drmessano"Liek, i complately had to pay my rent, and I was like oh hell no"
06:37.50CrashSysor "God, I worked today, and the manager asked me to sweep the floor AND clean the counter... who does he think he is?"
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06:38.22drmessanoI had an underling send out a myspace bulletin.. ok
06:38.27drmessanoI was on his friends list..
06:38.57drmessano"Theres this nasty AIM virus going around.. So dont click a link that says blah blah blah.  I got it here at work, and it was nasty"
06:39.17CrashSysAhhh, yes underlings... Have them do your evil bidding while you work your dastardly deeds in the lab!
06:39.17drmessanoFirst I heard of it... from a myspace bulletin
06:39.31drmessanoNo phone call that we had a virus on a mission critical machine
06:39.56CrashSysI would immediately reply with an e-mail that had "Blah blah blah" in the subject line
06:40.19drmessanoLong story short, I ended up remoting in and remotely crashing apps on a few machines until he got so freaked out, he called me and told me about this virus he got on the machines the other day
06:40.46drmessanoI told him he was stupid and how close I came to firing him, he promised to never do it again, so sorry, blah
06:40.53drmessanoBut it was great.. myspace bulletin
06:41.48CrashSysI also want to create a website called "" with spyware that's easy to remove... that way all the idiots can download spyware and meet their daily quota's without seriously screwing up their system...
06:41.55CrashSysAnother windows feature, spyware...
06:42.11drmessano...and trixbox
06:42.16drmessanoErrrr uMMMM
06:42.43drmessanoYeah, how many Linux apps begin with "anti-"
06:43.43CrashSysQuite a few... and most of them deal with windows programs
06:44.32timeshellOk, I've added a fully functional feature to the asterisk-gui that will allow a queue to not go to voicemail when queued to an agent with voicemail.
06:44.35CrashSysprotecting windows from itself :)
06:44.50denondrmessano: you mean like anti-aliasing?
06:45.15CrashSysI was guessing anti-spam, anti-spyware, anti-fishing...
06:45.18timeshellWhat do I have to do to get it added to the branch?
06:45.41denonyeah ..
06:45.50denonbut I was pointing out that it was a silly statement of him to make :)
06:46.00drmessanoNorton Anti-User 2008
06:46.21drmessanoI didn't say "none".. I left it to be less than completely exclusionary :)
06:47.03denonwell, you said how many..
06:47.15denonso antigravitaattori counds
06:47.30drmessanoWell, even a 20 to 1 ratio would still prove my point
06:48.13denonspose, I do tire of all the anti-OS stuff though
06:48.21drmessanoKnowing how many "anti-" apps there are for windows, i'd say 20 to 1 was being generous :)
06:48.28denonusually when someone can't make something work on whatever OS, I tend to blame the user before the OS
06:49.04denon'cause hey, they run stable cars on windows, stable routers on vxworks .. just 'cause whatever user can't do it, doesn't mean it's the OS's fault
06:49.31timeshellI blame Windows
06:49.41CrashSyswhat he said
06:49.45denonyeah, 'cause it's trendy to hate microsoft
06:49.51timeshellMS sucks
06:50.09denontimeshell: how would you know? you probably claim to have not touched windows in years
06:50.12drmessanoWindows isn't the problem.. It's the applications, Microsoft and otherwise, that run on Windows
06:50.20timeshelldenon: nope
06:50.26denondrmessano: plenty of buggy linux apps..
06:50.28timeshelldenon: I support an office full of it
06:50.33denonjust look at asterisk 1.6 <G>
06:50.34drmessanoSure there are
06:51.02drmessanoBut Windows applications are poorly written because flashy GUI's are all that is needed to make a 1.0
06:51.18timeshellsad, but true
06:51.29denontimeshell: how would you like to support that same office full of linux/open office users, saying "how come this doc file won't open" or "how come this powerpoint from my vendor looks different?"
06:52.13drmessanoI take my example earlier of 7 applications that I upgraded that suddenly forced themselves to "Start with Windows" when I had explicitely unchecked those options after installing the applications the first time
06:52.35timeshelldenon:  I'm working towards that.  :p
06:52.39drmessanoI never changed my mind.. nor did I bypass an installation default
06:52.40denonshrugs, that's no different than when package managers screw up and stuff things in the wrong places
06:52.46denonwe've all seen it
06:53.21timeshellAll I can say is every OS has it's place.
06:53.37timeshellI will also say that I will never purchase another MS OS higher than XP
06:53.39denonblame poor coders then, not the OS - it's just as easy to stick in an init.d entry as it is to put a registry key in for startup
06:54.03drmessanoI'm not blaming the OS
06:54.27timeshellI am.  :D
06:54.27drmessanoI clearly stated that earlier
06:54.27denondrmessano: ok, so I guess I'm talking to timeshell then
06:54.35timeshellEvery time MS makes Windows more secure, something breaks.
06:54.36denonanyway, I could care less what platform people choose
06:54.56timeshellWhich could have been a well written program before but no longer works with the newest security patch or service pack.
06:55.06drmessanoI do think Windows has it's issues, but the pport coding of Win32 programmers is something that is continually ignored..
06:55.13denontimeshell: 2.4, 2.6
06:55.20denonit happens on every OS
06:55.32drmessanoTheres no such thing as a buggy windows app, it HAS to be Windows.. what else could it be.. Windows sucks, right?
06:55.36denonjust that msft rolls out updates that don't require the user to rebuild all their apps
06:55.54denontimeshell: kernel updates can be horrific, depending on what's installed
06:56.04timeshelldenon:  I know, I've been there.
06:56.09denonI doubt you know many users that have had XP SP2 or such make their system unbootable
06:56.19denonbut you wouldn't be at all surprosed to see a 2.6 upgrade do that
06:56.50timeshelldenon:  Heh, it took MS to get to XP to get that right though
06:57.08timeshellHow many Win2K and WinNT systems have you seen die with simple updates.  I've seen many.
06:57.18denon... so you're saying MS has gotten there, but linux hasn't?
06:57.28drmessanoHow long did it take to get Linux to not suck?
06:57.36denondrmessano: still waiting :)
06:57.43timeshellI've seen XP have it's share of problems. Albeit not as many as NT4 and Win2K
06:58.07denonanyway, I blame the user, not the OS
06:58.20timeshellEspecially in recovery on different hardware.
06:58.39timeshellVanilla Linux is usually take the HDD and stick in a new computer and away you go.
06:58.48timeshellWindows XP and 2003 stick have a hard time doing that.
06:58.58drmessanoIf you think about it, Windows NT 3.1 to Windows XP was only 9 years.. Linux has been around longer
06:59.01denonwell, Windows tends to load a specific HAL if the hardware can support it. You can always do a generic if you expect to shuffle it around
06:59.06denonsame for chipset support
06:59.15denonjust like you'd do a linux kernel with tons of unused crap in it
06:59.36timeshellLinux will usually still boot where Windows get's stuck.
06:59.39CrashSyssomeone mention redhat?
06:59.51drmessanoBut coding for Windows is easier, and it's easier to make the same canned shit mistakes over and over too lol
06:59.58denontimeshell: I'm saying windows won't "get stuck" if you pre-load lots of chipset support and a generic kernel
07:00.12denonand there are tons of tools to move windows between dissimilar hardware if you didn't
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07:00.53timeshellwell, we all have our opinions don't we.  :D  I've got to get back to my coding.
07:01.36AJayMNAnyone ever used a Netgear WGR613V ?
07:01.45denonat least we can all agree on world domination via AmigaOS
07:01.57CrashSysI was guessing BeOS
07:01.58drmessanoBeOS FTW
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07:02.16denonok, fine - compromise .. VMS
07:02.24denonit's been cluster-ready for like 20 years!
07:02.29drmessanoFreeBSD is the only REAL OS, come on people
07:02.41denondrmessano: actually, I like FreeBSD a lot
07:02.50denonCrashSys: VAX is a platform
07:02.52denonthat runs VMS :)
07:03.01CrashSysVMS it is then
07:03.01drmessanodenon: but you bash Linux users over it? lol
07:03.32denondrmessano: nah, I'm not bashing anyone .. I just don't really like people ignorantly whining about microsoft, just 'cause it's cool to do in opensource chans
07:04.02denonI mean, reality is, Microsoft is currently more successful in numbers, deployment, finances, etc
07:04.11ManxPowerThe more you use open source products the more limitations you see.
07:04.12denonhowever bad they suck, they seem to know something
07:04.25drmessanoThere's lots of good reasons to bash Windows when you know the specifics than just the usual "MS is the devil" banter
07:04.28ManxPowerdenon: they know MARKETING
07:04.50CrashSysWhen you code OpenSource, you code for Communism!
07:04.53denonManxPower: in a world where consumers need to understand their options .. then maybe we've gotta learn from that
07:05.36denonManxPower: besides, if you want to talk about a company that knows more about marketing than products, I assume we'll talk Apple
07:05.44ManxPowerCustomers will never understand their options -- Microsoft is just the best known example of that.
07:05.46drmessanoMicrosoft is the Hyndai of programming + the Bentley of Marketing.. They know how to make something with all the features everyone wants, albeit poorly, and sell it for $100,000
07:05.46denonand the open source community loves apple, mostly because they're not msft
07:06.21ManxPowerdenon: I never had anything good to say about apple until OSX happened.
07:06.25denonfunny thing about apple, the first thing on the product spiffs is the case color (or fruit likeness)
07:06.43tzafrir_homedrmessano, actually, they are now being cut from below by "free software"
07:06.55drmessanoHow so?
07:07.00CrashSysI'd be happy if apple when away... if I get ran off the road by one more idiot with their iPOD I might have to buy a gun...
07:07.00denonManxPower: ah, admit it, you've got at least one ipoo
07:07.23ManxPowerdenon: no, but I consider apple every time I buy a laptop.
07:08.04denonfor it's sleek lines and pasty white appearance?
07:08.13tzafrir_homeThere's a limit to how much you can rely on MS-Office to be your cash cow, when someone out there gives a product with "all the features consumers want" for much less of a price
07:08.49denonanyyyyway, I wasn't tryin to start one of these discussions
07:08.57tzafrir_homeYou can take the argument to both sides
07:09.09denoncertainly so
07:09.15drmessanoThats where the Bentley of marketing comes in
07:09.32denondrmessano: if msft is the bentley, what's apple?
07:09.47denonapple is all marketing, and they're the first to say it
07:09.47CrashSysThe Mini
07:09.47drmessanoTesla Motors
07:09.48ManxPowerPT BARNUM?  No!  That's MS
07:10.01drmessanoAm I wrong?
07:10.26drmessano"it looks like a sunflower, and powered by pixie dust.. it's the Mac Mirage"
07:11.05denon"It looks like it was dropped in a vat of white paint!"
07:11.16drmessanoThink abou this..
07:11.17CrashSysLOL... steve job's is all pro-enviroment but his products are the least enviromentally friendly
07:11.17denonor like it got eaten by a grape
07:11.44denonor a blueberry, as the case may be
07:11.45drmessanoHow many people are going to buy Microsoft OLCS because they've heard about "VoIP"
07:12.08drmessanoIt has the V, it has the OIP.. so it has to be "VOIP"
07:12.15Fleg-How Can I send FAX over with oder SIP?
07:12.15drmessanoI'll take two
07:12.35denonFleg-: T.38
07:12.46denonor preferrably t.37, but that's not really over sip
07:12.48Fleg-How Can I send FAX with Asterisk over SIP?
07:13.03CrashSysI hope microsoft does VoIP better then crisco... cause I just cant wait to interface to a MCS :(
07:13.03denonFleg-: read first, then talk
07:13.05Fleg-denon: Understand. But I can't configure it.
07:13.06obnauticusthe same way you modulate data through the PSTN
07:13.20denonFleg-: odds are you won't be happy with the results of what you're tring to do
07:13.30jbotWell, apperantly the fax was concieved of by Napoleon Bonaparte. He commissioned a system of devices that could transmit a traced image electrically over telegraph lines to a remote device that would redraw the image identically.
07:13.43denoneh ok
07:13.46denonnot what I was hoping for
07:13.57Fleg-denon: why? Is it so bad?
07:14.00drmessanoUnless something has changed, you need an existing PBX to interface MS OLCS to the PSTN
07:14.28denonFleg-: because you're asking a protocol that doesn't mind losing a few packets here and there (SIP) to do a low-latency, precise communication session (FAX)
07:14.39drmessanoI dont know if it even handles ITSP peers..
07:15.13jbotit has been said that foip is Fax over IP. This requires funtionality standardised by T.38, realtime fax over IP, or T.37, store-and-forward via email. See for more detailed info about the subject
07:15.30Fleg-denon: hmm. Does fax protocol have no error correction?
07:15.36drmessanoand I think it's not only using SIP TCP by default, but limited to TCP
07:15.45drmessanoSounds like MS alright
07:16.12denondrmessano: clearly, in order to satisfy the masses, all it needs to do is support technology from the 80s
07:16.17denonFleg- is case in point
07:17.05denonFleg-: configure all your stuff to use ulaw, QoS the heck out of everything you can, then cross your fingers and pray
07:17.39CrashSysSacrificing a chicken on a full moon to the god Cthulu doesn't hurt either
07:17.43CrashSysbut that's just my 2-cents
07:18.05denondoesn't help, and cost too much in production
07:18.15denonone chicken per fax, over a couple dozen channels .. really adds up
07:18.26CrashSysOpen up a fried-chicken stand
07:18.38CrashSysFax your order in, get half-off a chicken
07:18.42ManxPoweryou are welcome to some of the chickens I have around me.
07:18.55ManxPowerESPECIALLY the roosters.
07:18.59denonnobody wants fax-sacrificed chickens.. they taste lousy
07:19.09Fleg-denon: i can't get it dialing the number. I'm newbie in asterisk. Don't really understand how to write the script.
07:19.11denonlike thermal paper
07:19.21drmessanoYAY THERMAL FAXES
07:19.21CrashSysI tried to fax a chicken last night but the legs got packet lost
07:19.27CrashSysand I like the dark meat :(
07:19.32denonFleg-: you've not really explained your situation very well .. how is your fax machine attached to asterisk?
07:19.36ManxPowerFleg-: expect to spend at least a month learning about Asterisk before you can REALLY understand it.
07:19.58drmessanoIT WUZ ALL BLACK
07:20.13Fleg-ManxPower: I'm afraid I have to.
07:20.28denonfleg, explain how it's attached . .
07:21.10Fleg-denon: I want to send a fax to remote fax machine over SIP. The machine has a normal inland FAX number.
07:21.31drmessano"I just took a job as a manager of a 2000 employee callcenter that uses Asterisk.. So, how does Asterisk work?"
07:21.45denonFleg-: you have a fax machine sitting on your desk ..
07:21.48ManxPowerFleg-: Then you should start by reading The Book, then browsing the Wiki (be careful, it has much outdated info), then the mailing list archives.
07:21.50denonwhat is it's phone line plugged into?
07:21.56CrashSysIt's shaped like a flower and operates on pixie dust... it's the Asterisk Mirage!
07:22.30ManxPowerFleg-: What you want to do will take at least $1,000 worth of hardware
07:22.32drmessano"It's a Panasonic Fax connected to a Grandstream VoIP modem"
07:22.34Fleg-ManxPower: I have the O'rely book. It must be good i think.
07:22.38ManxPowernot including the fax machines.
07:22.44jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
07:23.00drmessano"Voip modem" <-- my fav
07:23.07denonManxPower: $10 says it's plugged into an X100P
07:23.10Fleg-denon: no. only SIP. have no hardware at all.
07:23.18denon(and yes, I know it's not an FXS device)
07:23.32denonFleg-: here's the thing, you can't shove paper into your computer
07:23.34drmessanonice, denon..
07:23.47denonthere needs to be a fax machine, somehow attached to the intarwebber
07:23.51drmessanoIs that like plugging a T1 card into a Linksys switch?
07:24.02drmessanoWondering where you set the IP
07:24.03Fleg-denon: I don't need to if I have an tif image.
07:24.11ManxPowerFleg-: You will need to get two TDM400P cards with the correct modules.
07:24.16denonok, so now you're talking about making asterisk a fax client ..
07:24.20denonwhich is totally different
07:24.38denonread up on spandsp, hylafax and iaxmodem ..
07:24.40ManxPowerdenon: Don't you hate it when they change their goal in the middle?
07:24.43denonthen, quite honestly, don't do any of it
07:24.46Fleg-denon: yes. What do you ment?
07:24.51denonbecause it will not be stable in production
07:24.57drmessanoIm still lost.. when did Fax start working over SIP?  I missed the memo
07:25.02denonwe have all beat our heads against the wall after spending months trying to get this to work
07:25.31CrashSysHylafax + IAXModem works when connected to PSTN :)
07:25.35CrashSysor T.37...
07:25.55CrashSysnot really VoIP tho
07:26.01ManxPowerdrmessano: Oh, you can do it.  But don't expect it to be reliable.  We told him that and he can't come crying to us when it doesn't work.  Changes are he doesn't realize the complexity, cost, or time involved and will five up in a few days anyway.
07:26.02drmessanoCrashSys, so a PSTN <> SIP CONVARTAR should work, eh? lol
07:26.17CrashSyseverything works in theory
07:26.22drmessanoMy experience was a half page worth
07:26.29Fleg-denon: hmm. I installed it all and I need to configure it (write a correct script) The fax is answearing but I can't get asterisk dial a number.
07:26.30ManxPowerTalk about typoes....
07:26.31drmessanoIt sent half the page and hung up
07:26.40drmessanoThen it sent half the page again and hung up
07:26.45drmessanoand then I stopped
07:27.06CrashSysHas Digium got the faxing on their T1 cards working?
07:27.23CrashSysI.E. T1 native bridging from span to span?
07:27.28ManxPowerCrashSys: It's not really a BUG, it's a DESIGN issue.
07:27.36denonFleg-: I'm not sure I really follow, but there are several good articles that I think you'll find helpful
07:27.52drmessanoImma send Fax over TDMoE
07:28.13CrashSysInteresting idea... wonder how stable the jitter is
07:28.54drmessanoI'm sure it works like a windsock on a skyscraper in Chicago..
07:29.21CrashSysso reliably and robustly?
07:29.35drmessano"It blows"
07:29.54denonheh, I just bought a new vaccuum for the house a while ago
07:30.21Fleg-denon: I have this one:
07:30.22denonand every single review, "Man, this thing really sucks!"
07:30.22denoneveryone thinks they're so clever
07:30.22drmessanodenon, wrong direction, same idea
07:30.26Fleg-denon: why shouldn't I use it?
07:31.08drmessanoSome people just have to learn from experience, I guess
07:31.09denonFleg-: it's highly unstable
07:31.20Fleg-denon: ok.
07:31.23denonFleg-: you will get it set up, it'll work .. 1 page will work .. 2 pages will work ..
07:31.26drmessano"But it's posted on a wiki!!!!ones!!!!
07:31.28denonyou'll say "cool!"
07:31.36denonand you'll foolishly put it into production
07:31.57denonthen all the sudden, people are complaining . . missing pages .. re-sending faxes .. slow connections ..
07:32.04denonand you'll waste your weekend chasing your tail
07:32.33ManxPowerWe speak from experience.
07:32.46denonyour wife will ask what you're doing, and you'll get disgruntled because you could be out to a movie, but instead you're huddled over your SSH window, trying to fix a protocol that sucked even in 1983
07:32.51CrashSysdenon: But then he could blog about it like nerdvittles!
07:33.01drmessanoFax Over IP should stop at "I got to eFax's website to manage my account"
07:33.29ManxPowerdrmessano: But it's NOT FaxOverIP.  It's FaxOverVoiceOverIP
07:33.30denont.37 rocks, really
07:33.39ManxPowerand usually +OverInternet
07:33.57denonas5400s can push thousands of faxes, millions of pages, no problems
07:33.57drmessanoyeah yeah
07:34.19drmessanoManxPower: Do you always need to correct someone when they agree with you :)
07:34.40denonsome of us just need to feel like it was our idea
07:35.01ManxPowerdrmessano: Your term is misleading in my opinion. 8-)
07:35.11drmessanoIt is called FoIP
07:35.21drmessanoEven if the V is left out
07:35.27drmessanoand it ruined my joke anyway
07:35.30drmessanoSo.. there
07:35.50denonso yeah, guys, im trying to connect into this BBS in switzerland over my vonage account ...
07:36.00denonwhy can't I get a 56k connection? it's digital!!
07:36.15CrashSysIs it a Renegade BBS?
07:36.20denonno, MajorBBS
07:36.23denonis that the problem?
07:36.29CrashSysOhh, well there's yer problem!
07:36.40drmessanoI couldnt get two USR modems to talk at 9600 between ATAs
07:36.42denondarn, guess I'll just move it to Wildcat
07:36.44CrashSysIf you were running Oblivion/2 or better it'd be bullets!
07:37.00drmessanoMaybe it was the ATAs.. ive heard 14,400 works
07:37.03CrashSysYuck... wildcat...
07:37.32drmessanoI should have taken a pic of my test setup.. it was fun trying to get two modems to talk
07:38.00denonactually, earlier on, I did used to do modem connections over cisco atas
07:39.01drmessanoWell, I tried for a few hours
07:39.02CrashSysCisco is the answer!
07:39.15CrashSysWhen in doubt, pay 3x what it's worth!
07:39.40drmessanoand then the sound of modems redialing and not connecting gave me too many flashbacks of my days of dialup internet and failed connects.. I wet myself and started crying.. so it was all voer
07:41.25drmessanoI remember waiting for all the Free ISP's I used to use to connect.. connection dropped, and it would take 20 mins to get back on sometimes, if at all
07:41.28drmessanoThe good old days
07:45.51*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (
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07:51.22*** join/#asterisk JT (n=j@unaffiliated/jt)
07:54.11drmessanoI guess I need to figure out WTF is up with my Grandcentral setup
07:54.25lmadsenRemote Access was the best BBS software
07:54.49lmadsenand now I sleep
07:56.48alrsI met Tom Jennings at a DIY easy-bake oven contest last year
07:57.33drmessanoI uh
07:57.33drmessanoDo I want to ask?
07:57.43*** join/#asterisk JT (n=j@unaffiliated/jt)
08:06.00*** join/#asterisk BeeBuu (n=chatzill@
08:06.09drmessanoCalls from Grandcentral > Gizmo are broken again, I think.. My asterisk seems to be fine
08:06.12BeeBuuhelp me anyone,please
08:06.31BeeBuu-- Executing [s@macro-dialout-trunk:25] Dial("SIP/1002-09a99828", "ZAP/g0/1234567890|300|") in new stack
08:06.33BeeBuu-- Called g0/1234567890
08:06.34BeeBuu-- Zap/1-1 answered SIP/1002-09a99828
08:07.04BeeBuuit's mean * made a call by ZAP channel?
08:07.14*** join/#asterisk nvrpunk (n=root@
08:07.38nvrpunkI installed asterisk on debian and ran asterisk -r but there is no "dialplan" command
08:07.42nvrpunkanyone know why?
08:07.56nvrpunkyes, I used the binary package :p
08:08.10BeeBuunvrpunk: which version is ?
08:08.31nvrpunknot good
08:09.03BeeBuuY not 1.4?
08:09.43nvrpunknot sure? i just apt-get installed it
08:10.26BeeBuuwhat you get when you run asterisk -r?
08:10.44nvrpunkand asterisk -V
08:10.47nvrpunksame dif
08:10.49nvrpunkone min
08:10.55BeeBuuon my side,i got: Asterisk 1.4.17-1 RPM by, Copyright (C) 1999 - 2007 Digium, Inc. and others.
08:11.49nvrpunkyeah fetching new packages
08:11.51nvrpunkreal fast
08:12.08nvrpunkwent with stable but Debian's release cycles are uber old hehe
08:12.28nvrpunk1.4 is considered unstable by debian
08:12.30nvrpunkimagine that
08:12.53BeeBuumaybe,but i using good...
08:13.12nvrpunk1.4 is fine, Debian is just old
08:13.18nvrpunktrixbox? no
08:13.25nvrpunksome pos my boss gave me
08:13.27nvrpunkto test it on
08:13.27drmessanoNot you
08:13.32BeeBuudrmessano: yes,i am,would you help me?
08:14.01BeeBuu-- Executing [s@macro-dialout-trunk:25] Dial("SIP/1002-09a99828", "ZAP/g0/1234567890|300|") in new stack
08:14.09drmessanotrixbox is against my religion :(
08:14.11BeeBuuwhat's wrong?
08:14.38BeeBuuwhat's that mean?
08:15.29BeeBuui got 2 FXO,and i want to dial out with a sip phone
08:15.53drmessanoFirst off, trixbox isn't supported here, second off, you need to stop pasting a bunch of lines into IRC channels.. there's pastbin for that
08:16.29BeeBuutrixbox is base on asterisk,right?
08:16.42jbot[~trixbox] trixbox is a full linux distro that includes FreePBX and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox VERY difficult to support, and is not supported in #asterisk. Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & wiki at
08:16.49CrashSysYes... and Budweiser is based on beer
08:16.59CrashSysbut I wouldn't call Trixbox Asterisk necessarily...
08:17.26drmessanoI can tell you're smarter than "Yes... and Budweiser is based on beer"
08:17.34drmessanoWhat about
08:17.38CrashSysNot at 3:19am on a saturday
08:17.51drmessano"But Budweiser is made with water too, right?"
08:17.52CrashSysPlus i've been dipping into my stella's...
08:18.16CrashSyssince they were all sold out of modelo especial's
08:18.39drmessanoI always go for the lowest common denominator when I am busting someone out on comparison's
08:18.48drmessanoIt maximizes the effect
08:18.56drmessano"But.. they're both linux, right?"
08:19.26CrashSysI prefer to go above their head so that they will ask someone else who has time to explain it :)
08:22.34BeeBuuany way,anyone tell me what's that mean?
08:22.38drmessanoBeeBuu: trixbox changes all the rules, much like how using a command prompt in windows isn't "DOS"
08:22.48CrashSysDrMessano: See! Proof of Concept!
08:23.20drmessanoBeeBuu: try #trixbox or
08:24.13BeeBuu#trixbox room's topic:Since trixbox is comprised of many other projects, it's hard to offer support in one place. Please try #freepbx for support with PBX-related issues,
08:24.35jbot[~trixbox] trixbox is a full linux distro that includes FreePBX and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox VERY difficult to support, and is not supported in #asterisk. Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & wiki at
08:24.38drmessanoI can do that too
08:25.53BeeBuu#trixbox can't help,and here too?
08:26.02drmessanoDid you read ?
08:27.07*** join/#asterisk Datax (
08:27.09BeeBuuwhere i should go?
08:27.49drmessano  <-- LOTZA TRIXYBOX SUPPORTS
08:28.09drmessanoLearn that address... if you're using trixbox, you'll need it
08:28.59BeeBuudamn trixbox,why make diff asterisk?
08:29.56nvrpunkglad my boss opted to let me build my own asterisk box
08:30.05nvrpunkand lemme install what i want on it
08:31.10nvrpunkwhat codecs use 30ms samples?
08:31.55drmessanoI started out with trixbox.. it was cool. it was like swimming wearing a winter coat and parachute pants.. but swimming..
08:32.17drmessano... and then, the sharks showed up
08:35.32CrashSysand you began bleeding profusely?
08:41.23nvrpunkdrmessano, question, I am following to Oreilly guide, even when i do dialplan reload and then dialplan show I have an amass of stuff that it hasnt mentioned, like ael-default etc.  Is this of importance>
08:42.39drmessanoAre you using the sample config files?
08:43.11nvrpunkwell there are a lot of them in the directory
08:43.16nvrpunkdo I need to move them all out?
08:43.23nvrpunkand just leave the extensions.conf?
08:44.01nvrpunkas I didn't compile from source, i am guessing all these example configs were installed from the binary package
08:44.38drmessanoWithout knowing what you're seeing, starting out with clean config files is always best
08:44.52*** join/#asterisk admin0 (n=admin@
08:45.05JTnvrpunk: a lot of codecs can use 30ms samples, but asterisk only supports 20ms last i checked
08:48.27*** part/#asterisk WAudette (n=chatzill@
08:52.11nvrpunkwell thats inefficient packet usages
08:53.36*** join/#asterisk keulin (
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09:02.53syzygyBSDanyone from teliax in here?
09:03.48syzygyBSDI figure I would ask before I send my hate mail into support and cancel my account which has NEVER worked (your new system sucks balls) after not hearing anything back in a week
09:04.10*** join/#asterisk sergey (n=sergey@
09:06.32*** join/#asterisk AJayMN (
09:07.34AJayMNi heard someone say 10digit Extensions is not a good thing, but i never heard why.. or if thats true.. Anyone know?
09:08.56nvrpunkI have followed the Asterisk oreilly book up to configuring for soft phones, is that enough to make internal calls from softphone to softphone?
09:09.00nvrpunkif I configure 2
09:09.51AJayMNshould be able to dial the others softphone exten and work.
09:10.03nvrpunkok :
09:10.03AJayMNusing g711 codec
09:10.09nvrpunkone step at a time
09:10.23nvrpunksomeone said asterisk doesnt support 30ms samples
09:10.27nvrpunkis this true?
09:11.04nvrpunkthats a waste of 1/3 of the packets :/
09:13.47*** part/#asterisk AJayMN (
09:15.30JTnvrpunk: i think you're being a bit dramatic about the waste
09:15.34JTbut yes asterisk is 20ms
09:19.59nvrpunkhow is the dramatic?
09:20.06nvrpunkit's really not
09:20.09nvrpunkactually :P
09:21.22JTi don't see how it "wastes" 1/3 the packets
09:21.50JTand the advantage is slightly lower latency, but the 20ms thing is due to it being hard coded i guess
09:22.29nvrpunk30ms uses the full amount per packet available
09:22.38nvrpunk20ms uses 2/3
09:22.44JTamount of what?
09:22.46nvrpunkhence 1/3 wasted packets
09:22.52nvrpunkin the packet
09:23.07nvrpunkwe run a satellite isp
09:23.09JTIP is not ATM
09:23.10nvrpunkjust trust me
09:23.16nvrpunk20ms is a huge waste
09:23.17JTno, i'd rather an explanation
09:23.32nvrpunkthen google
09:23.35nvrpunkand research
09:23.43nvrpunkrather than assume its not a huge waste
09:23.55JTi know there's some waste
09:24.01nvrpunkwhen you pay 5k per Mbps youll think differently
09:24.08JTi just don't think it's as dramatic as you're speaking of
09:24.17JTunless you're talking about a very specific scenario
09:24.43nvrpunkok, pps is what voip relies on heavily yes?
09:24.49nvrpunknot so much bandwidth
09:24.59nvrpunkif you are going over a sat link
09:25.06nvrpunkpps is not what you have so much of
09:25.10nvrpunkso its a huge loss
09:25.14nvrpunkin our business
09:25.22nvrpunkwe want to use everything we can
09:25.25nvrpunkto not waste packets
09:25.30JTso why not 40ms then?
09:25.32JTor more
09:25.44nvrpunkbecause that doesnt work with out MTU
09:25.51nvrpunkits the math we have in place
09:25.55nvrpunkthat makes it wasteful
09:26.02JTso it's about YOUR mtu
09:26.11nvrpunkyou got it!
09:26.24JTthe one that you didn't want to specify
09:26.25drmessanoWell shit
09:26.31drmessanoThey MUST patch this IMMEDIATELY
09:26.40nvrpunkim not saying that
09:26.49nvrpunkill ask ol dude why we cant change the MTU
09:26.58nvrpunkand put VOIP on a dif vlan
09:27.03nvrpunklike i already suggested
09:27.05JTi mean, you don't have to use asterisk :)
09:27.18nvrpunkJT, hey man it was my choice
09:27.24nvrpunkim not the network engineer though
09:27.39nvrpunkim the guy who does the um stuff he doesnt want to do
09:27.44nvrpunklike this
09:28.19JTwhat is your mtu?
09:28.29drmessanoSure, but you're the one complaining how wasteful asterisk is when YOUR system is the issue.. Isn't that a bit douche?
09:28.58nvrpunkdrmessano, no when asterisk prides itself on being flexible and I DONT
09:29.10drmessanoWell, in that case..
09:29.52nvrpunkyou asked, I know the answer was assinine
09:30.17nvrpunkand pompous
09:30.30drmessanoMay I ask you a personal question?
09:30.43nvrpunkwhy not
09:30.49JTafter a while, you come to learn that there are many areas that asterisk does not pride itself on being flexible
09:30.52nvrpunkseeing as im sure i pissed you off
09:30.55*** join/#asterisk keulin (
09:31.14drmessanoAre you drunk, stoned, or otherwise in need of the help of a mental health professional?
09:31.38nvrpunkdrmessano, im in Iraq fighting a war
09:31.42nvrpunkdoes that count?
09:31.49nvrpunkor rather, assisting in it
09:32.15nvrpunki mean, theres mortars, rocket attacks.  Yet i still go outside to smoke
09:32.22nvrpunki still drive place to place
09:32.30nvrpunki think thats a form of insanity
09:32.39nvrpunkhowever slight
09:34.09nvrpunkseriously though, im just a soldier working for an ISP on the side trying to setup VoIP so soldiers can call home
09:34.43nvrpunkand give them DID :)
09:38.20Fleg-denon: are you here?
09:39.32Fleg-I have configured iaxmodem and efax but I can't get iaxmodem dialing over SIP.
09:42.27*** join/#asterisk oej (
09:45.42*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (n=tzafrir@
09:51.04tzafrirnvrpunk, some will say that you're profiting from a war
09:51.17tzafrirplease don't drag politics in here
09:51.47tzafrirand try avoiding it when it is mentioned. I know it takes a thick skin
09:57.32tzafrirnvrpunk, BTW: what codec did you complain tyhat can't be used with 30ms ?
09:57.55nvrpunktzafrir, JT said that asterisk doesnt work with 30ms samples
09:59.16nvrpunkah information that states differently
09:59.16*** join/#asterisk keulin (
09:59.20nvrpunkthanks :)
09:59.26tzafrirI figure that this was asterisk  1.2...
10:00.14nvrpunksorry about the politics, just was being honest about what I do :)  but I am actually in the Army :p
10:10.03nvrpunktzafrir, thank you, you are the man :)
10:16.02JTit looks like some things were improved in 1.4 :)
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12:01.07*** join/#asterisk msolomos (
12:01.23msolomosam looking for a programmer
12:01.43msolomosto write us a web interface for a calling card platform
12:01.52msolomosanyone out there?
12:06.14msolomosanyone familiar wit dtmf?
12:10.42*** join/#asterisk steliosk (
12:12.49JTdtmf, what's the question?
12:21.25IPGHOSThi buddies
12:22.00IPGHOSTcan u give me idea of any system to run an automated survey system
12:25.45tzafrirAutomated survey system? hmmm... I figure that the computer also fills out the results?
12:26.15tzafrirOr are those set by a distributed network of bots?
12:26.52Greek-Boycan I give the same extension number to an agent and is physical phone?
12:30.12tzafrirIPGHOST, serieasly, though: I saw one or two such systems in freshmeat
12:30.52Greek-BoyI am trying to achieve mobility or better known as extension roaming.
12:30.59IPGHOSTtzafrir, it is to ask & get  ans wer of few questions
12:37.07msolomosi have an application
12:37.12msolomosfor a survey system
12:37.16msolomosit works fine
12:37.26msolomosand with great success i can tell
12:39.57IPGHOSTmsolomos, what is that app?
12:40.58*** join/#asterisk keulin (
12:41.05Greek-Boyanyone know how much scopserv ITSP version costs?
12:43.25msolomoslook in
12:43.36msolomosthe autocall and survey script it's there
12:45.07Greek-Boyso nobody knows about roaming?
12:45.41msolomosnobody knows kannel ?
12:45.58Greek-Boyi know kannel
12:47.16msolomosi want someone to setup kannel server
12:47.21msolomosfor money
12:51.11*** join/#asterisk keulin (
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13:05.26msolomosdtmf issues
13:05.31msolomosany help?
13:07.32msolomosthis room has many people
13:07.39msolomos...all of them without tongue
13:07.58*** join/#asterisk m4sk4r4 (n=m4sk4r4@
13:11.17Greek-Boyits sunday today
13:11.20Greek-Boypeople are relaxing
13:19.08msolomosi have a question. probably you all know the script that people are able to place calls through their website and talk to their customers. there is a such script out there. the question is how diffucult to turn this to a database application for many uses etv etc
13:24.22JTmsolomos: got enough question marks there?
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13:25.11JTmsolomos: and i have still yet to see what the dtmf issues actually ARE
13:25.15jbotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there, just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
13:25.36JTGreek-Boy: done much with kannel?
13:31.54*** join/#asterisk tuxfoo (
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13:33.21IPGHOSTmsolomos, , is that host up ?
13:33.54msolomosit should be
13:34.43*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
13:35.13Greek-BoyJT: not much
13:35.36Greek-BoyJT: just started playing/experimenting with it recently. what about you?
13:36.44msolomosJt i solve the issues
13:36.58msolomosasterisk dtmf app is not that good
13:37.25msolomosi have a caaling card system and some users couldn't authenticate
13:37.31msolomosi thought it was my box
13:37.37msolomosor the phone booth
13:37.53msolomosbut actually is asterisk's base dtmf app
13:38.13msolomosi had to record the dtmf produced and compare it with actual one
13:38.33msolomosi replaced dtmf module and this solved the problem
13:40.26Greek-Boymsolomos have you set the correct dtmf setting in your conf?
13:40.30tzangermsolomos: asterisk dtmf had a bit that was corrected a while ago, what version of asterisk are you running
13:40.34Greek-Boywhat channels are the users coming in on?
13:41.07msolomosit's all shorted now
13:41.08*** join/#asterisk musalk (n=fun@
13:43.01Greek-Boyanyone her know if astbill runs on asterisk 1.4?
13:43.07tzafriryou mean: dtmf detection in Asterisk?
13:43.21tzafrirWhat do you mean by "DTMF app"?
13:43.31tzafrirdtmf detection? DTMF generation?
13:44.10tzafrirThere are some complaints about dtmf generation in zaptel 1.4.8
13:44.28tzafrir(for FXO channels. I'm not sure if this also applies to PRI)
13:44.41musalkhi we have a asterisk server first on ubuntu then mandriva and some how it f##ks up the root acount on both any ideas?
13:45.25mvanbaakdefine 'f##ks up the root account'
13:46.05musalkyesterday we install mandriva setup every thing and today root has expired
13:47.05musalkwe had the same problem on ubuntu but it took a week
13:47.18musalkbefore the problem apeard
13:48.01mvanbaakthe root account expired ?
13:48.42musalkrather access denied
13:49.56tzafrirmusalk, how have you installed Asterisk? from package? from source?
13:50.25tzafrirA package has to have a very broken preinst / postinst to cause that
13:50.32tzafriryou can inspect those scripts
13:50.42tzafrirrpm -qp --scripts
13:51.02mvanbaakthe ubuntu packages are fine
13:51.15tzafrirOr in debs: dpkg -I package.deb preinst # or postinst
13:51.19musalkthe installation on ubuntu ran for 5 days then access denied for root
13:51.29tzafrirAnd I don't suppose a package would be that broken
13:51.47mvanbaakmusalk: you mean you could no longer ssh in as root ?
13:52.04mvanbaakmusalk: or root could not login on the local console ?
13:52.04musalknot on too totaly different installs the same facktor is the asterisk config files
13:52.23musalknither on shh or local
13:52.34mvanbaakand after a reboot ?
13:52.41musalkhad too reset password manuly
13:52.44tzafrircan you connect as a user, and su to root?
13:52.54musalkyes as user
13:53.02musalkno to su
13:53.06mvanbaakubuntu does not allow root logins
13:53.17mvanbaakyou have to login as normal user and su to root
13:53.39musalkit dose when shh is set to root allow
13:54.00musalkanyway the systems works fine for a few days then access denied
13:54.00mvanbaakno, because by default root has no password in ubuntu
13:54.35musalkwith root login and so on^
13:55.42*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (
13:56.08musalki have setup a lot of servers with mandriva and my firend is vevry good on ubuntu and we have never seen this problem before
13:57.06musalkthe only common for this installs is the asterisk both installed from there respektive reposotorys
13:58.55musalkno ideas?
13:59.17mvanbaakif you used the default ubuntu package it must be something else
13:59.44mvanbaakbecause the default ubuntu asterisk packages does not touch the root user at all
13:59.52musalkwe used defualt on both distributions
14:00.13mvanbaakand all you did was install asterisk and alter files in /etc/asterisk ?
14:00.20musalkthe only thing thay shared is the config files and some MOH files
14:00.27*** join/#asterisk inadaptado (n=matias@
14:00.46mvanbaakcan you post the configs somewhere ?
14:01.00musalkgive a min
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14:06.05mvanbaakhey lmadsen
14:06.20lmadsenmvanbaak: lmadsen's not here man
14:07.04[TK]D-Fendermvanbaak, these aren't the droids you're looking for
14:07.43Greek-Boy[TK]D-Fender how are you?
14:08.20lmadsen[TK]D-Fender: nerd! :)
14:08.34tzangermsolomos: what did you do to correct your dtmf issues
14:08.47tzangerlmadsen: no, it's me, lmadsen, i got the stuff, let me in!
14:09.28tzanger[TK]D-Fender: if you shoot me your email I'll send you the 11 things uttered by yoda when making love
14:09.36tzangerI just had it sent to me here
14:09.44tzangeractually fuck it I'll pastebin it
14:10.09mvanbaakyeah, let us all enjoy it
14:10.59tzangerpastebin's on crack
14:11.06tzangerforbidden from my ip due to abuse?
14:11.23jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
14:14.03jblackWhat was that you were saying about being banned from pastebin for abuse?
14:14.34Greek-Boyanybody here know about extension mobility? (roaming) ?
14:17.24*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
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14:18.25tzangerjblack: it took the post as spam, blacklisted my ip
14:19.15musalkmvanbaak: ofcause no valid sip accounts
14:19.48jblackI'm making some maruchen ramen (Ramen!).... tossed the block of noodles in the bowl, threw on the beef spice packet.
14:19.50mvanbaakyou checked the logs to see noone actually changed the root password ?
14:20.05jblackThen I had a strong urge to scream "Soylent green is people!"
14:26.35*** join/#asterisk nitram (
14:31.22[TK]D-Fenderdamn dirty apes.....
14:31.43jhiverhi guys
14:31.52musalkmvanbaak: sorry to bother you we got hacked thats way
14:32.05jblackSome believe that robots will enslave humanity. Others put their stock in Apes.
14:32.16jblackI think it'll be the roaches.
14:32.33jhiveri'm trying to work out a way to do call back, i.e. you ring a number and it calls you back. I'm trying to use the 'h' extension to call a DeadAGI script to create the call file, however 'h' is not triggered if the channel was not answered first!
14:32.37jhiverany ideas?
14:32.56jblackjhiver: Yeah. Look at the outgoing spool directory for calls.
14:33.15jhiverthe plan is to do 1) dial 2) let ring 3) hangup 4) it calls you back
14:33.17jblackPlop in a text file with the right syntax and the right modification date, and it makes that call.
14:33.26jhiverthat's not the problem
14:33.41jhiverthe problem is that i need the caller id to be passed to a script after the user hangs the phone
14:33.44jblackThat's how most people setup callback services.
14:33.58jhiverand the 'h' extension is never triggered since we never answered the channel to start with
14:34.14*** join/#asterisk mikkel (n=mikkel@
14:35.08jhiverright now i do 1) set a ${CallBackNumber} variable, 2) Ringing() 3) Wait() forever until the user CANCELs the call
14:35.12jblackTry the g option.
14:35.15jblackTo dial.
14:35.24jhiverbut i'm not dialing anything?
14:35.30jhiverlet me paste what i did
14:35.34jblackor look at the M option.
14:35.37jhiverone sec
14:36.31jblackI don't see what the problem is. Someone dials in, You can do whatever you want with it while it's ringing. Just dont' answer.
14:36.47jblackCall an agi that records their callerid, etc.
14:37.14jhiverthe problem is that you want to create the call file ONLY when the user has hung up and not before then
14:37.28[TK]D-Fenderjhiver, Channel variables are gone once you hit "h" IIRC
14:37.45[TK]D-Fenderjhiver, And thats not how to make a call-back script
14:37.48jhiverand on top of that it never does anyway :)
14:37.53[TK]D-Fenderjhiver, use call-files or AMI originate
14:38.04jhiveryes i want to use call files
14:38.19jhiveri just want to create them AFTER the user hangs up
14:38.45jhiverotherwise you have to make it ring somehow in the future (a few seconds) but it's kind of horrible /methinks
14:38.52[TK]D-Fenderjhiver, Save the wait, make the call file immediately, and hang up on THEM <---
14:39.11Greek-Boy[TK]D-Fender do you happen to know about extension mobility?
14:39.23jhivernah, that's not good
14:39.27[TK]D-FenderGreek-Boy, its called cut&paste where I come from ;)
14:39.31jhiveri want to be sure that the user has hung their phone
14:39.35[TK]D-Fenderjhiver, yes it is.  Highly effective
14:39.51jhiverif you hang up on them there is no guarantee that they will actually put the phone on hook
14:39.53[TK]D-Fenderjhiver, NOTHING forces the guy to hang up.  Play a message saying "hang up NOW".
14:40.04[TK]D-Fenderjhiver, and put a bit of a delay on the call-back
14:40.10jhiverthat's horrible
14:40.32[TK]D-Fenderjhiver, there is NEVER a garuantee they will hang up their phoone so don't waste effort thinking your approach will :)
14:40.39jhiveryes there is
14:40.44jhiveralmost :)
14:41.00jblackNo, there's not.
14:41.00jhiverif i create the file as soon as i have the info 'user hanged up'
14:41.00[TK]D-Fenderjhiver, get your hands off your nuts and SIEZE THE DAY!
14:41.07jhiveri am minimizing delay
14:41.18[TK]D-Fenderjhiver, seriously not worth it.
14:41.42*** join/#asterisk mathewjenkinson (
14:41.44jhiveri'll see if i can move all in the deadagi script
14:41.47jhivermaybe that'll do it
14:42.32jhiveryes it's worth it because i find it a bit cleaner :)
14:42.35mathewjenkinsonhi, can anyone help me with an incoming route issue?
14:45.08*** join/#asterisk adjohn (
14:49.28jhiveractually i think i'll write a daemon that just watches the CDR files and writes the call file when the CDR is written
14:49.46jhiverthat seems like the best option for what i want to do
14:52.26jhiverstill horrible though :)
14:58.03jhiverhey can somebody actually ring this number? I'd like to see what the caller id will look like from abroad
14:58.11jhiverthe number is +262 262 358 298
14:58.18mathewjenkinsonill ring it if u can help me with my trunk issue?
14:58.19*** join/#asterisk boiled_fetuccini (
14:58.52jhivermathewjenkinson i don't know if i have the knowledge to help :)
14:58.56jhivershoot anyway
14:59.15jhiverif it's TDM card related i'm useless pretty much
14:59.47mathewjenkinsonwell i have the account details, and calling out works but i cant seem to get the inbound route to register,
15:00.10mathewjenkinsoncalling now
15:00.24*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (n=anonymou@
15:00.38mathewjenkinsonline just registers as blank
15:00.43jhiverhuh? I saw called ID '1234'
15:01.05jhiveryou are using a SIP provider
15:01.07boiled_fetuccinihate jumping in and asking away... but I guess it cannot be helped.  anyone has any experience with the asterisk appliance?
15:01.14jhiverand you cannot get inbound to work
15:01.18jhiveris that it?
15:01.27mathewjenkinsonya, cant get inbound to work
15:01.38mathewjenkinsonso im assuming that ive missed a bit somewhere
15:01.58jhiverwell... if you have a static IP you can ask your SIP provider to just send to this IP
15:02.03jhiverit's by far the easiest
15:02.24jhiverthen you don't need to worry about registrations
15:02.32mathewjenkinsoni didnt know that
15:02.36mathewjenkinsoni have a static,
15:02.47jhiverok we're gonna do a test
15:03.39mathewjenkinsongo for it
15:12.30jhiverok well it looks like your caller id was '1234' that doesnt' help
15:12.35jhivercan somebody else test plz?
15:13.01jhivercall +262 262 358 298 <--- only rings, so there is no charge
15:15.21mvanbaakand ended call
15:16.59jhiverok, this time i had '1325'
15:17.09jhivermy guess is that i need to go shout on france telecom :)
15:17.12mvanbaakthat's not my number
15:17.24jhiverit works for local + national
15:17.36jhiverbut i have strange stuff for overseas
15:17.43mvanbaakthis is TDM ?
15:17.45jhiverunless there is a config issue with the mediant, i'll check
15:18.17jhiveri'm going to look at the mediant's logs
15:18.19jhiverone sec
15:18.36mvanbaaklook at pridialplan and internationalprefix
15:20.06jhiverok i've activated the log
15:20.10*** join/#asterisk geist- (
15:20.11jhivercan you try again please?
15:20.29geist-i have a question about setting the outgoing caller id
15:20.56jhiverit's clear
15:20.58jhiverpstn recv <-- INCOMING_CALL (src: dst:262358298 redirect:) Trunk:2 Conn:255 BChannel:28
15:21.12jhiverthere is no CLI for inbound calls from overseas, apparently
15:21.26mvanbaaklet me try with another provider
15:21.31jhiverit may be that your telco is routing gray to my island :)
15:22.03geist-exten => _X.,1,Set(CALLERID(name)=johne doe)
15:22.03geist-exten => _X.,2,Set(CALLERID(num)=012345679)
15:22.04geist-exten => _X.,3,Set(CALLERID(all)=john doe <0123456789>)
15:22.08*** part/#asterisk tuxfoo (
15:22.09geist-whats wrong with this rules?
15:22.19jhivercan you try with your POTS telco?
15:22.23jhiversee what happens?
15:22.25mvanbaakgeist-: you can remove step 3
15:22.32mvanbaakjhiver: I dont have a pots line here
15:22.42jhiverno cell phone?
15:22.47mvanbaakthat I have
15:22.47[TK]D-Fendergeist-, nothing inherently.  Are you sure the problem is with those lines?
15:22.50geist-mvanbaak : ok thanks, but ive tried all. it still doesnt set the callerid.
15:22.54jhivercan u try plz?
15:23.08[TK]D-Fendergeist-, why don't you show us your full attempt including where it fails.
15:23.33geist-calling works, its just the callerid wont get set
15:23.59mvanbaakthere you go
15:24.05jhiversame :)
15:24.06[TK]D-Fendergeist-, PASTEBIN the complete call attempt and show us
15:24.27mvanbaakt-mobile is my cell provider
15:24.31jhiver16362392452622000164217 ???
15:25.17mvanbaakreplace that 0 with +31
15:25.28mvanbaakand the XX is for privacy reasons ;)
15:25.41jhiversearching 427244 in the log files yields nothing
15:25.48*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=angeldav@
15:25.51jhiverdefinitely a problem with FT i think
15:26.35*** join/#asterisk AndyGraybeal (
15:26.41jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
15:26.53jhiverthanks :)
15:26.57*** join/#asterisk b1shop (
15:30.28*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (n=dennis@
15:31.32geist-this is my sip and extensions.conf
15:32.39Greek-Boywhich variable is closest to channel type?
15:34.38Greek-Boyi want to use a gotoif and meet the condition that the channel type is zap, any zap channel...
15:36.30tzafrirGreek-Boy, use CHANNEL, and use the function CUT
15:37.31Greek-Boyalright. thanks.
15:37.43tzafriror even simpler: ${CHANNEL:0:3} or something similar
15:38.39[TK]D-Fendergeist-, Who is your provider?
15:39.00Greek-Boyyes but in my case the same extension(or caller ID) can come in as SIP or ZAP.
15:39.25Greek-Boytzafrir: so should I use ${CHANNEL:0:3} and function CUT?
15:40.26geist-im working for them, why?
15:40.39tzafrirJust ${CHANNEL:0:3} . Not sure 0 and 3 are the right numbers
15:40.45mvanbaakGreek-Boy: ${CHANNEL:0:3} will return ZAP or SIP
15:41.24Greek-Boyyes it will return ZAP or SIP but I need to jump to a different priority if its ZAP and a different one if its SIP.
15:42.30mvanbaakGotoIf($["${CHANNEL:0:3}" == "Zap"]?zap:sip)
15:42.34mvanbaaksomething like that
15:43.49Corydon76-digOr GotoIf($[${CUT(CHANNEL,/,1)} = Zap]?zap:sip)
15:43.51Greek-Boyhow about
15:43.52Greek-BoyGotoIf($[$["${CHANNEL:0:3}" = "SIP"] | $["${CHANNEL:0:3}" = "ZAP"]
15:44.12Greek-Boynah, that wont work
15:44.54geist-do i also need to set the outgoing callerid with the sip.conf somewhere?
15:44.57mvanbaakCorydon76-dig: did you see my remarks about the hint stuff you suggested me ?
15:45.05tzafrirIt's "Zap", not "ZAP" . OR at least should be
15:46.09Corydon76-digmvanbaak: Yep, no idea, sorry
15:46.18mvanbaakI think I'll just go for:
15:46.40mvanbaakexten => _3XX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN})
15:46.56mvanbaakexten => _3XX,2,Macro(dundilookup)
15:47.34Corydon76-digmvanbaak: You could give it a really short timeout
15:48.07Greek-Boyactually, it looks like my line will work because it needs either one.
15:48.20mvanbaakwell, Dial to a device that is not registered locally is returning almost imediatelly
15:48.27mvanbaakso it will work
15:48.40Greek-Boywhat would I change in that line to make the condition require both variables?
15:48.42mvanbaakand my qualify is set to 50
15:48.59JTGreek-Boy: sorry for the lag... but wanting to use kannel :)
15:49.14mvanbaakthat's fast enough for me. It takes people around 5 minutes to walk from DECT location 1 to DECT location 2
15:50.19mvanbaakeverything is better that what's there now
15:50.46Greek-Boynp JT. great. are you going to use it as a smsc?
15:51.11JTGreek-Boy: yeah, as soon as i work out the best way to get wholesale sms delivered to me :)
15:51.14mvanbaakit works,...... but it just looks ugly to me
15:51.24*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (
15:52.38JTGreek-Boy: anyway, off to bed, will chat another time about it
15:52.59anonymouz666Corydon76-dig: From what version we don't need to use " " anymore on GotoIf?
15:53.22mvanbaak1.0 or something
15:53.48anonymouz666version 1.2 I need to quote everything
15:54.01Corydon76-diganonymouz666: you've never needed to use quotes unless there was a possibility that something would be BLANK
15:54.03mvanbaakI use the "" to make sure it's a string. that way you can check with empty results
15:54.19Corydon76-digand you did it only to prevent a blank
15:54.34Corydon76-digYou can also prefix with a 0 and it will do the same thing
15:55.07mvanbaakGotoIf($["x${blaat}" != "x"]
15:55.11mvanbaakthat's what I use
15:55.23Greek-BoyCorydon76-dig: how do I make a GotoIf require multiple variables to be met?
15:55.26Corydon76-digand CHANNEL is guaranteed to NEVER be blank
15:55.45mvanbaakGreek-Boy: &&
15:55.50Corydon76-digGreek-Boy: Instead of |, use &
15:55.58Greek-BoyJT: enjoy your sleep. i'm sure you've seen but if you haven't, take a look at it.
15:55.59anonymouz666&& or &
15:56.03anonymouz666|| or |
15:56.12mvanbaakI think both can be used
15:56.26Greek-Boywhat is the difference between && and & ?
15:56.45Corydon76-digThe single form is the original, but murf let both work
15:57.24mvanbaakread this:
15:57.43Greek-Boyi see
16:01.06*** join/#asterisk CVirus (n=GoD@
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16:02.43andrewnis AEL useable in 1.4.18? since I'm rebuilding things I'm trying to use it
16:06.49tzafrirShould be
16:07.50andrewnhm. i'm switch()'ing on ${EXTEN:2:3} to parse the area code, setting my caller ID depending on if I'm dialing Canada or not, but when I do Dial on ${EXTEN} later it places the pattern in there instead of the actual exdtension dialed
16:08.19andrewn-- Executing [_1NXXNXXXXXX@internal:3] Dial("SIP/700-8375e000", "SIP/_1NXXNXXXXXX@vitel-outbound") in new stack
16:13.26*** join/#asterisk oej_ (
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16:23.01Greek-BoySetGlobalVar has been depreceted right?
16:23.13Greek-Boywhat should I use in its place?
16:23.55*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
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16:28.46Corydon76-digGreek-Boy: the introduction of the GLOBAL func means that now you can access a global variable, even when a channel variable of the same name exists
16:33.12*** join/#asterisk Silent-X (n=silentx@unaffiliated/silent-x)
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16:52.21Greek-BoyHow do I set GotoIf to only exectute one priority? in other words to go the priority i want it to go to without going to the next priority after that.
16:52.54riddleboxdo you think a 1.5ghz machine with 512mb ram will support 8 trunks, with about 10-20 extensions?
16:53.01JunK-Yand what about that "only" priority? hangup?
16:53.31Greek-Boylol riddlebox
16:53.35*** join/#asterisk nirz (
16:54.04Corydon76-digGreek-Boy: you're looking for GosubIf
16:54.36Corydon76-digGreek-Boy: just put a Return at the next priority and it'll come back to where you were, which is what you wanted, correct?
16:55.00JunK-Yor redirect it to at priority like 999, then just hangup() ?
16:55.25Greek-Boyi'll paste some stuff shortly...
16:55.56riddleboxGreek-Boy, do you think it will be able to handle it?
16:57.23*** join/#asterisk defsdoor (
17:00.41Greek-Boyriddlebox are u doing transcoding?
17:02.46Corydon76-digIt should handle it fine, then
17:03.02anonymouz666Corydon76-dig: are you at Digium today?
17:03.28Corydon76-digThat depends on what you mean by 'at digium'
17:03.37Corydon76-digI am at my desk
17:04.20Corydon76-digbut I am not in Huntsville
17:06.43anonymouz666I thought that -dig == Huntsville
17:10.21*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
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17:19.12jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
17:20.41Greek-Boywhat is the command for storing user feedback digits?
17:25.24jhiverBackground or something?
17:27.24Greek-Boybackground plays sound
17:27.40Greek-Boywhile waiting for an extension
17:28.01Greek-Boyi want to capture users input, key stroke and store them into a variable
17:31.18drmessanoG726 in asterisk is G726-32?
17:32.19RoyKdrmessano: unless someone has done something recently, yes
17:33.04drmessanoI'm reading g726 in 1.2 and 1.4 is G726-32.. and that the 1.2 implementation was "flawed", and exists in 1.4 as g726aal2
17:33.46drmessanoI read something further into the "flawed" bit, as meaning a "slightly different implementation"
17:33.53drmessanoBut that was a while back.
17:34.42jhiverhi, how can i check wether or not the channel is hangup from within a AGI script?
17:34.56jhiverwell, a DeadAGI script to be more accurate
17:35.37RoyKafaik DeadAGI isn't called until the channel is already hung up
17:36.55jhiverwell, that's not how astcc.agi operates :)
17:37.39Corydon76-digThen it's operating improperly
17:37.47Greek-Boyanonymouz666: read() reads a variable. I want to capture the dtmf tones and put them into a variable.
17:37.54jhiveri'm trying to finish off a custom calling card solution but i have just this one issue, i mean it all works ok but there are a couple of issues
17:38.17jhiverone of them is that if I use AGI() then i don't see a way of getting proper CDR data for the call... any ideas?
17:38.18Corydon76-digjhiver: the right thing to do is run an AGI, then intercept the HUP signal
17:38.35jhiverCorydon76-dig, will this work with fastagi?
17:38.41anonymouz666Greek-Boy: you want Read(), again
17:38.50jhiverthen i have to find a way around :)
17:39.00Corydon76-digfastagi doesn't have a method for discovering a hangup
17:39.15Corydon76-digother than attempt to do something like playback and have it fail
17:39.26jhivernyeah that's ugly
17:39.38Corydon76-digThose are your options
17:39.41jhiverso, how can i get proper CDR info?
17:40.02Corydon76-digUh, what info precisely
17:40.17jhiveri need to bill the card users right?
17:40.25Greek-Boymy apologies anonymouz666
17:41.01jhiverbut asterisk does not write the information which interests me in the CDRs... it writes the caller id (which is the phone booth the user is calling from) when i'm interested in the card serial / pin code
17:41.22jhiverthen the callee is the card's access number which is of no interest (i need the number which the user dialed)
17:41.27drmessanodoes g726nonstandard=yes exist?   or is it allow=g726 vs allow=g726aal2 ?
17:41.42jhiverand finally the time answered takes into account all the voice prompts which is not right either
17:41.49jhiverhow would you go about it?
17:42.00Corydon76-digjhiver: sounds like you'd be interested in cdr_adaptive_odbc
17:42.13jhiverbecause with AGI(), as soon as the channel is hungup that's it, you're done
17:42.22Corydon76-digso you can create arbitrary CDR columns in your database
17:42.49jhiveri'd be quite happy if all this info was stuff in one field i can parse as soon as the call is over
17:42.52Corydon76-digSo before the call starts, you do Set(CDR(cardno)=...)
17:43.00jhiveryes but
17:43.04anonymouz666Corydon76-dig: this is amazing. using cdr_mysql as I'am using today requires that you modify the source code if you wanna store something different
17:43.05jhiverhow about the Answered time?
17:43.19Corydon76-digThat's part of the standard CDR info
17:43.32Corydon76-diganonymouz666: not in addons-trunk
17:43.44jhiverno because it takes into account all the voice prompts like 'please enter your pin' and such
17:43.47jhiveri don't want to bill that!
17:44.00Corydon76-digjhiver: ResetCDR()
17:44.26Corydon76-digor ForkCDR(), your choice
17:44.38anonymouz666I am still using pretty old stuff. I wanna rewrite all my dialplan switching from app_mysql to func_odbc and use cdr_adaptive
17:45.33jhiverand is there a way i can change the EXISTING CDR fields?
17:45.50jhiverbecause replacing the caller id with the pin code would be fine
17:45.52Corydon76-digjhiver: why change the existing fields, when you can add your own custom ones?
17:46.02jhiverbecause they are of no use to me?
17:46.09jhiverwhy have all the extra info?
17:46.13jhiverthe access number won't change
17:46.14Corydon76-digjhiver: so leave them out of the database table
17:46.35Corydon76-digYou really should look at adaptive
17:47.14Corydon76-digIt's massively useful and does a lot of what people would like CDRs to do
17:47.35Corydon76-digYou can add columns, delete columns, whatever you want
17:47.57Corydon76-digYou can remap standard field names to alternative column names
17:48.14Corydon76-digand you can log to multiple databases
17:48.28jhiverthe only stuff i'm not happy about is relying on a database, i've figured out the less i use them the less stuff tends to crash :)
17:48.36Corydon76-digYou can even filter to which database which records go based upon a certain CDR variable
17:48.45jhiverlike 'ooh mysql server has gone away' aaaarrrgh!
17:49.01Corydon76-digThe ODBC stuff is very fault tolerant now
17:49.59Corydon76-digand there are branches to make it even more tolerant
17:50.29Corydon76-digbut yes, I agree, when the database goes down, there are problems.  You just have to make sure the database doesn't go down, right?
17:50.37jhiverhuh :)
17:50.54Corydon76-digand maybe you should be using Postgres, not MySQL
17:50.56jhiveri think with reiserfs, you can do quite a lot without them basically
17:51.05jhiverit's not that much more code
17:51.18jhiverand it doesn't crash nearly as much
17:51.28Corydon76-digjhiver: Uh, ReiserFS?
17:51.39Corydon76-digThe FS without a future?
17:52.02jhiveryou can have lots of files in a directory and it's not a problem
17:52.15jhiverwhich is when you want to do stuff WITHOUT database, is good :)
17:52.25jhiverbut we're drifting from the point :)
17:52.41Corydon76-digUm, why would you need lots of files in a directory for CDRs?
17:52.42jhiverin order to have useful CDRs for billing
17:52.50jhiverI MUST have a database
17:52.59jhiverno, lots of files for 1 calling card = 1 file
17:53.10jhiverwell, that blows :)
17:53.18kyronQ: Anyone here aver had experience with `Belkin F1PG111EN VoIP ATA 1FXS+1 FXO` with *? Positive/negative? This would be for home use
17:53.36Corydon76-digUh, I wouldn't do that even if I had to use a filesystem.  I'd use a Berkeley DB
17:53.49jhiverno no no
17:54.01jhiverhow do you edit a berkeley db database?
17:54.06jhiverANSWER: you don't
17:54.10Corydon76-digWith a database package
17:54.15jhiverfiles you can edit, grep, sort, script
17:54.18jhiveri like 'em
17:54.23Corydon76-digor SQLite
17:54.24jhiverfor example, maildir
17:54.29jhiveris a brilliant example
17:54.42jhiverof what you can do with a properly thought out file system
17:54.44Corydon76-digjhiver: you're a one-man shop, aren't you?
17:54.52*** join/#asterisk inadaptado (n=matias@
17:55.07jhiverad hominem attacks will not help me sort out my CDR issues :)
17:55.14Greek-BoyCorydon76-dig: please have a look at
17:55.20Corydon76-digThe main problem there is concurrency
17:55.39jhiveryes of course i know about this issue
17:55.43Greek-BoyCorydon76-dig: I am trying to achieve extension mobility.
17:55.49jhiveryou need to think about it from the start
17:55.59jhiver(which maildir does :))
17:56.29Greek-BoyCorydon76-dig: The zap channels are beceause we have a PRI to a mobile company and route all calls through our PBX.
17:57.06Corydon76-digjhiver: just use a database
17:58.06Corydon76-digGreek-Boy: I have no idea what you're trying to accomplish
17:58.18jhivernah, i like databases for querying and reporting (and use them daily for that purpose)
17:58.26jhiverbut for "almost" realtime stuff
17:58.30jhiveri think they suck
17:59.03Corydon76-digWell, you're entitled to your opinion
17:59.05jhiveron our switch i used to use a database and ran into lots of issues with them crashing with the sheer amounts of CDRs being pushed
17:59.23jhiverprocessing the CDRs daily for insertion is fine
17:59.39Corydon76-digWhat database?
17:59.49jhiverbut doing constant realtime writes + large queries = nightmare
18:00.41jhivertried MySQL + MyISAM and then the same with InnoDB (which helped for a while but not much)... I also gave a try with PostGres but the load on the box went bananas
18:01.02Corydon76-digThen use a different machine for the database
18:01.18jhiverwell, i can do as well with ONE machine, why the extra expense? :)
18:01.26*** join/#asterisk gerphimum (
18:01.32Corydon76-digApparently you don't need our help, then
18:01.58jhiveri do for my AGI issues, the problem is databases apparently :)
18:02.12Corydon76-digYou can take what we suggest or not, but don't say that it's adequate already, because if you're asking, it most certainly is not
18:02.15jhiveri'm just reluctant on using them for realtime operation because of my past experiences
18:02.29jhiveri understand your point
18:02.52jhiveri'm just trying to see if there's other options which would be more suitable is all
18:03.02jhiverno offense, i appreciate your advice
18:04.07Corydon76-digWell, you could use res_config_curl to do realtime queries on a slave database... let another machine manage the query load among several slaves or even delay writes
18:04.42*** join/#asterisk Docfxit (
18:04.56Corydon76-digI'm in the middle of teaching a class, but the class project will be writing cdr_curl
18:05.43Corydon76-digAgain, letting a remote maching decide how to write CDRs
18:05.44anonymouz666JerJer is in tha house
18:05.57anonymouz666Corydon76-dig: how do I join this class?
18:06.03JerJeri started writing cdr_curl like last week and gave up when i got to attempting to support SSL  :(
18:06.05Corydon76-diganonymouz666: you can't
18:06.10Greek-BoyCorydon76-dig: when a user dials 2222 on a IAX2 interface from another asterisk box with specific caller id, asterisk will automatically set a global variable that we always use to dial the users extension. We already know what to set the variable to because we know how to reach the user through the same IAX2 route.
18:06.51anonymouz666JerJer: hard?
18:07.14Greek-BoyCorydon76-dig: when a user dials 2222 from a sip interface on the same asterisk box, we ask him for an extension number and password and we set the global variable to the username of the phone he is phoning from.
18:07.21JerJerhard enough to put me over the time I had allocated
18:07.35Greek-BoyCorydon76-dig: so now when we dial the user it goes to that phone. we have given the user the ability to roam around.
18:08.12Greek-BoyCorydon76-dig: i made a mistake on that dialplan i pasted. the two zap entries (first two lines) should be IAX2
18:09.28Corydon76-diganonymouz666: at some point, Digium may be offering a developer training class
18:10.19anonymouz666this is nice, and then I will be ready to write chan_sip from scratch ;-)
18:10.33Corydon76-digHighly doubtful
18:10.43JerJerchan_sip using nokia's sip stack
18:10.53Corydon76-digWe aren't getting into writing core code, only peripheral code
18:10.59anonymouz666JerJer: and that will be called chan_sofia
18:11.50oej_chan_sofia_antipolis would be even better :-)
18:11.54anonymouz666I am curious to know how the audio core works. it's something that I wanna learn.
18:13.21anonymouz666Corydon76-dig, are you familiar with chan_zap code?
18:13.25*** join/#asterisk weazahl_ (
18:13.25JerJeri have had two separate companies approach me about writing a sofia based SIP channel for Asterisk
18:13.32Greek-BoyCorydon76-dig: I hope this is clearer. The first one had some errors.
18:13.49Greek-Boymaybe someone else can also take a look at my post and see if i'm on the right track?
18:14.10JerJeri told them both 1) I couldn't guarantee I could pull it off my myself 2) I couldn't gauarantee it would fix any of their problems
18:14.31anonymouz666JerJer: callweaver people are also working on this
18:14.56JerJerperhaps one of those companies are the underlying funding source - hmmm
18:15.00JerJerthey were motivated
18:15.06mvanbaakCorydon76-dig: the 'try Dial first and query dundi after that' way works fine
18:15.31mvanbaakChanIsAvail and hints are seriously borked in 1.2
18:16.11mvanbaakI'll try the chanisavail method here at home later this week (running trunk on 3 boxen)
18:19.44Greek-Boymvanbaak can u please check my pastebin post and see if it makes any sense?
18:22.43anonymouz666you don't need to use playback before read
18:22.59anonymouz666you can use your prompt inside read()
18:23.09anonymouz666it's the second arg, I think
18:23.09mvanbaakanonymouz666: he's using 2 files
18:23.19mvanbaakso playback is the way I would do it as well
18:23.30mvanbaakbut it's wrong
18:23.36mvanbaakexten => 2222,2,GotoIf($[$["${CHANNEL:0:3}" = "IAX2"] && $["${CALLERIDNUM}" = "771"]?shiftiax771,1)
18:23.42mvanbaakIAX2 = 4 chars
18:23.44mvanbaaknot 3
18:23.56mvanbaakexten => 2222,2,GotoIf($[$["${CHANNEL:0:4}" = "IAX2"] && $["${CALLERIDNUM}" = "771"]?shiftiax771,1)
18:24.00mvanbaakthat's the way to go
18:24.06Greek-Boyyeah forgot about that
18:24.12Greek-Boyi'll fix that
18:24.13mvanbaakand ${CALLERIDNUM} is deprecated
18:24.22mvanbaakuse ${CALLERID(num)}
18:24.51styelzmissing a ]
18:24.57*** join/#asterisk msolomos (
18:25.06Greek-Boyi'll polish it all up now
18:25.07mvanbaakthat too
18:25.17Greek-Boybut do u guys think the concept will work
18:25.22Greek-Boyfor roaming users
18:25.31msolomoshi greek boy
18:26.17Greek-Boyhi msolomos
18:26.33mvanbaakyou mean: you have a couple of phones and want them to be able to 'login' to asterisk from any phone ?
18:27.20Greek-Boyi want the users to be able to roam on some phones
18:27.58Greek-Boyi will create a standard macro that includes voicemail, etc.
18:28.16mvanbaakwe use AgentCallBackLogin for that, but we need to rewrite it as well because that function is deprecated
18:30.18Greek-Boybut I can still use it until 1.6 ?
18:30.41mvanbaakdont know. the boxen where we use it are 1.0
18:31.02mvanbaakthe dialplan you wrote there is ready for the future
18:31.08mvanbaakmine isn't ;)
18:31.35Greek-Boyand yours is tons bigger :P
18:31.47mvanbaakerm, yes
18:31.59mvanbaakaround 3500 lines
18:32.41*** join/#asterisk FlatFoot (n=chatzill@
18:32.43Greek-BoyAnother thing that I wasn't sure about AgentCallBackLogin is whether or not the phone will still ring when you dial its usual extension when an agent is logged in?
18:32.56mvanbaakit will
18:33.28mvanbaakI'm going to redo the setup with the use of the astdb
18:33.47mvanbaakmaybe even func_odbc so I can share the logged in stuff on a clustered enviroment
18:34.04Greek-Boydo you think I should stick to my dial plan?
18:34.12mvanbaakit looks ok to me
18:34.44Greek-BoyI can add all the users as priorities. Not a nice efficient way of doing it but it won't be more than 50 users or so
18:34.48mvanbaakif you fix the things styelz and me found
18:34.58Greek-Boyfixed those already
18:38.28mvanbaakknow what would be cool?
18:39.41mvanbaakcaller with videophone calls me, I put them on hold and they see my video on there phone
18:40.45drmessanoUnless they can read lips
18:40.56drmessano"I'm gonna blow this guy off, hes a moron"
18:41.26mvanbaakbroadcast my commercial to them while they are in the queue
18:43.01*** join/#asterisk badcfe (
18:43.55JerJereveryone go to google, type in pbx and click on the entry - it used to be number 1
18:45.13mvanbaakdone from 3 different ip's
18:46.16JerJeri've given (and inside pages as well) about 200 backlinks in the past few days -  gonna keep drip feeding them for a while
18:47.41*** join/#asterisk timeshell (n=Khoja@
18:52.28drmessanoAsterisk Wikipedia is second, and is fourth.. cool
18:52.34lmadsenJerJer: ok, done. I clicked on Fonality
18:52.58JerJergood - we need some click dispersion
18:53.09lmadsenclicked on w00t
18:53.16lmadsenfrom, what?
18:53.29JerJergoog is one huge black box
18:53.40lmadsenauto redirects to .ca
18:53.47JerJerwith many unlabeled knobs
18:53.58JerJeryeah geo-ip detection
18:53.58drmessanoJerJer.. Fonality should show up under spyware too
18:54.08JerJerdrmessano:  lets look
18:54.22*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=angeldav@
18:54.45JerJeri have a tool that will examine the first 1000 results of goog
18:55.00JerJerknow any trusted wikipedia editors ?
18:55.14JerJerone link to from that page and fonality would be rockin  :)
18:55.34drmessano"phones home" doesn't work either
18:55.39JerJeranyone complained to the ftc  ????
18:55.40lmadsenuhhh... don't think we want that :)
18:55.42JerJerthey are up there
19:02.19*** join/#asterisk IPGHOST (n=IPGHOST@
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19:12.08the_5th_wheelHow stable is the new asterisk?
19:13.23drmessanoit's not bad
19:13.24*** join/#asterisk hi365_m (n=hi365@
19:13.54drmessanoIssues here and there, but tons of fixes to go with them..
19:14.30*** join/#asterisk gentoorax (
19:14.41ManxPowerthe_5th_wheel: Earlier 1.4 releases were pretty buggy for some specific things, but recent releases seem to be very stable for most people.
19:15.07the_5th_wheelim using 1.2.10-BRIstuffed-0.3.0-PRE-1s atm
19:15.08drmessanoSeems like every few versions theres a big hump that
19:15.13drmessanoSeems like every few versions theres a big hump that's gotten over
19:15.39the_5th_wheelis it worth for me to upgrade?
19:15.44drmessanoAs in.. every few releases, theres some major improvement somewhere
19:16.28drmessanoI'm not sure about BRIstuffed + 1.4
19:16.44ManxPowerthe_5th_wheel: I'm planning on skipping 1.4 all together and going to 1.6 when it becomes stable.
19:17.07ManxPowerMost of the changes that *I* wanted in 1.2 did not happen until 1.6 that I wanted in 1.4
19:19.09the_5th_wheelhow long is the wait to 1.6?
19:19.27*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
19:19.31ManxPowerthe_5th_wheel: I plan on at leat 6 months
19:19.37ManxPower1.6 beta is out now.
19:20.38the_5th_wheelif i do a new install,should i use  1.4.18?
19:21.30hi365_mim having this strange queue issue
19:21.51hi365_mbasicly, although im using ringall, it only rings a couple of extensions at a time
19:22.23hi365_masterisk is 1.2.26
19:26.32haxfor somebody running debian etch, what version would you guys recommend?
19:31.30*** join/#asterisk xezz (
19:32.19Corydon76-digManxPower: how many of those changes did you contribute?
19:36.22*** join/#asterisk SomethingISOdd (
19:36.31jameswf-homehmmm no mention of asterisk as the cause
19:36.36SomethingISOddhello all is there anyway to see if a call is connected or not through the cli
19:37.18drmessanojameswf-home, you need the FARK effect
19:37.46timeshellWhat happened to CDR in the asterisknow branch of the gui?
19:37.54timeshelldrmessano, don't you sleep?
19:37.56drmessano"Alcatel-Lucent faces more woes in 2008. Asterisk wanted for questioning"
19:38.10SomethingISOddanyone please
19:38.24timeshellsip show channels?
19:38.59SomethingISOddit doesnt actually show if its connected
19:39.50*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE-LT (
19:41.50badcfeis it possible to have an asterisk answer DUNDi requests according to what sip users are currently registered on it?
19:42.27badcfeaccording to doc the list of published phones for answering DUNDi seems static ..
19:50.53*** join/#asterisk DarKnesS_WolF (n=sherif@unaffiliated/sherif)
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19:51.41EvilDeshianyone around that can lend a hand with asterisk realtime and getting voicemails to send to email?
19:53.12*** join/#asterisk opius (
19:57.47opiusast_rtp_read : RTP Read error   .... channel.c:3439 ast_generic_bridge: didn't get a frame for channel .. any tips on this problem? if i turn off debug i can't make a call, when debugging is on i can make the call and i see this error
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20:22.02completely_phuktI am trying to limit number of ports used by asterisk. I remember reading about it, but I can't find where. Please help :)
20:22.44completely_phuktdrmessano: thanks
20:26.08completely_phuktOK, another question: I have a small call center with up 20 people calling out (using predictive auto-dialer). If I limit RTP port to 10000 - 10100, am I gonna choke them? Or do these ports just get easily reused?
20:29.16completely_phuktdid I exceed my limit of questions? ;)
20:29.51drmessanoTheoretically, you should be fine
20:30.11drmessano20 x 2 = 40
20:30.22drmessanoOf course, you said OUT, right?
20:30.41drmessanoAny outside users connecting?
20:30.55completely_phuktthere are some incoming calls, but not more than 3 at at time
20:31.01completely_phuktno outside users
20:31.16drmessanoYou shouldnt need any ports open unless you have devices on the outside
20:31.54drmessanoSo all this is moot, really
20:32.01completely_phuktwell my IT guy is blocking both incoming and outgoing ports...
20:32.20*** join/#asterisk terracon (
20:32.52completely_phukthe doesn't like to have too many open ports
20:32.58drmessanoSo open up 5060 and 10000-11000 OUT.. nothing to bitch about there.. and you wont have to do it again later if you expand
20:33.14completely_phuktOK cool
20:33.19drmessanoYou dont need anything IN
20:33.45completely_phukthow will the incoming calls come in?
20:33.49*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
20:34.35drmessanoYou don't need any listeners exposed to the outside
20:34.49drmessanoLet me put it that way
20:40.32completely_phuktdrmessano: I should still open 5060 for incoming connections, right? so the voip provider can come in on that port.
20:41.01jameswf-homeyou can use rtp.conf to narrow the rtp range
20:41.53jbotYou can buy "Asterisk the Future of Telephony" at so go buy it SERIOUSLY
20:42.06lmadsenw00t :)
20:44.35drmessanoCan I get it from Amazon? ;)
20:45.41jameswf-hometh free way does not promote the authorship of future books
20:47.15completely_phukttoo bad ;)
20:48.27*** join/#asterisk tuxfoo (
20:48.39jbotmethinks free is stuff might take awhile to get done
20:50.46*** join/#asterisk obnauticus (
20:50.53obnauticusIs anyone here good with a2billing?
20:50.58jameswf-homewhats with all this talk about open sores
20:57.45*** join/#asterisk danalien (n=danalien@unaffiliated/danalien)
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21:03.05*** join/#asterisk CVirus (n=GoD@
21:03.25jameswf-home~nowwhat is <reply> So you just installed asterisk and arent sure what to do now? visit
21:03.26jbotjameswf-home: okay
21:04.13*** join/#asterisk xenonex (n=xenonex@
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21:06.42completely_phuktmy filter is blocking with message "This page will not be displayed because it contains prohibited words or it has exceeded its tolerance of questionable words."
21:07.02*** join/#asterisk putnopvut (n=putnopvu@
21:08.05jameswf-homepage title is cool ways to kill yourself draw your own conclusion
21:08.44drmessanoI just bought "The Book"
21:09.20jameswf-homewow you didnt already own it?
21:09.46jameswf-homeI have it on my bookshelf for looks but use pdf cause it is searchible
21:10.18lmadsenI have 10 copies on my shelf :D
21:10.27jameswf-homeI have most of my books in digital for,
21:10.34lmadsenalways handy
21:10.49drmessanolmadsen: junk those 1st edition books, I hear it's crap and out of date :)
21:11.16lmadsenI only have 1 copy of each language of the 1st edition on my shelf
21:11.22*** join/#asterisk ZaVoid (
21:11.22lmadsenthe 10 copies are 2nd editions
21:11.48jameswf-homeI want a copy in hardcover with leather "bible binding"
21:12.15lmadsenjameswf-home: lol... that'd be cool :)
21:12.59drmessanoI want a "books on tape" version
21:13.40jameswf-homeread by kerry g
21:13.49outtolunci want you guys to make a mp3 of you reading your parts <G>
21:13.52jameswf-homeooops was that out loud
21:14.30jameswf-homerumor has it there will be a 2nd edition of the trixbox book
21:15.01jameswf-homeI should write a book
21:15.13drmessanoAnother 160 pages of Trixbox
21:15.51drmessano"...featuring a preface on the value of open source by Fonality CEO Chris Lyman"
21:15.52jameswf-homeAEL another testiment of asterisk by James Finstrom..... The stuff "the book" doesnt want you to know"
21:16.46outtoluncAsterisk DIY: 5000 things you *must* know.
21:17.05drmessano"101 Ways to drive an Asterisk box wild"
21:17.07jameswf-homeChicken soup for the asterisk admins soul
21:17.34drmessano"PBX's are from mars, Asterisk is from Alabama"
21:17.38jameswf-homeThe comlete idiots guide to attracting women with asterisk
21:18.19drmessano"I just installed Asterisk, now what?"
21:18.56jameswf-homeummmmmm Asterisk what the kkk doesnt want you to know?
21:19.23outtoluncthe *other* black (as in hat)
21:19.24drmessano"The completely unauthorized biography of Allison Smith"
21:19.30drmessanoI'll take 2
21:19.33jameswf-homeHow Obama won the election with asterisk and a predictive dialer written by ron paul
21:19.55drmessano"Obama your momma: Using Asterisk to win an election"
21:20.20jameswf-homeRon paul is so cool he looked at a console and the dialplans wrote them selves
21:21.03drmessano"BlackOps PBX: Why Asterisk scares the shit out of AT&T"
21:21.20jameswf-homeThe AEL book isnt written because only ron paul knows enough to write it and if he wrote it it would be larger than War and Peace
21:22.15drmessano"Everything you always wanted to know about Asterisk but were afraid to ask"
21:22.20jameswf-homeIf ron paul becomes president AT&T will be replaced with a small shell scipt written by ron paul
21:23.07jameswf-homeRon paul cant write open source software because not even chuck noris could lay eyes on such perfect code
21:23.22drmessanoRon Paul would put all the telecoms on one big Gigabit switch in Nebraska and tell them to suck it
21:23.25drmessanoInterop or die
21:24.03drmessanoRon Paul has a CDMA iPhone
21:24.07jameswf-homeI need to start writing the book 101 things you didnt know about ron paul
21:24.26jameswf-homeron paul is the "i" in i phone
21:24.49drmessanoRon Paul runs on Ubuntu
21:25.07jameswf-homeron paul delivered steve jobs and bill gates back when he was an ob/gyn
21:25.32drmessanoRon Paul can Digg down Chris Rose
21:25.39jameswf-homehe also delivered Steve Case but he doesnt brag about that
21:25.53*** join/#asterisk FireMac (
21:26.02drmessanoRon Paul proposed to his wife with a GMAIL invite
21:26.13jameswf-homeDevelopers, Developers,  Developers,  Developers,
21:26.23jameswf-home<dance> Developers, Developers, Developers, </dance>
21:27.01obnauticusCan anyone here tell me why my call is forwarded to my provider and then nothing is happening
21:27.06obnauticusit's not calling any landlines or anything
21:27.29obnauticusi'll get more info hold on
21:29.02obnauticusThe extension: exten => _9.,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:2}@voicetrading,30,r)
21:30.02drmessanoRon Paul wrote a completely uncompressed 2kb codec for Asterisk that sounds better than G722. This was given to Mark Spence and is kept in a safe at Digium, only to be opened in the event of his death or nuclear war
21:30.38*** join/#asterisk nitram (
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21:34.13obnauticusHowever, this does work: originate sip/toast application dial sip/00*****114834@voicetrading
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21:42.38obnauticusWhat is the variable for the whole number dialed after a prefix
21:42.58obnauticus${EXTEN:1} or something like that
21:48.34fujinobnauticus: :1 means strip the first character
21:48.39fujinso 9XXX will become XXX
21:48.53fujinlocal root 2.6 exploit out
21:50.40*** join/#asterisk pabloff (
21:50.45pabloffhi all
21:52.56pabloffto config a simple asterisk to conect 2 sip phones...what configuration files have to modify??
21:53.45pabloffonly? extensions.conf no?
21:54.50fujinyou'll need to use extensions.conf if you want the phones to talk to eachother/anything
21:57.08pabloffto talk one to two..
21:58.51fujinyeah, you'll need to create a dialplan
22:10.22*** join/#asterisk lmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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22:10.31haxis there anyone who maintains new debs of asterisk for etch?
22:10.38lmadsenhrmmm... I just learned a valuable lesson...
22:10.51pabloffwith default configuration of asterisk i could talk with 2 sip phones?
22:12.24lmadsenif you have a context with two include =>'s in it, and if you dial an extension and it matches in the 2nd context, and then you do a Goto(another_exten,1), and 'another_exten' exists in the 1st included context in the root context, then 'another_exten' will be matched in the 1st included context, and not jump to the 'another_context' in the 2nd included context (as you might expect since dialplan execution is happening ther
22:12.46lmadsenpabloff: you have to program the dialplan to do it -- but luckily there is documentation to show you how to do that
22:12.54lmadsenjbot: tell pabloff about thebook
22:13.27tzangerdocumentation?  surely you jest
22:13.37tzangerwhat would you know about documentation? It's not like you're an author or anything
22:13.51lmadsentzanger: I'm not... but I play one on TV and at conferences
22:14.27lmadsentzanger: that include's stuff that I just found out... did you know that? Kinda threw me for a loop there
22:14.39lmadsenso you gotta be careful sometimes I guess....
22:14.41tzangerinclude? what do you mean
22:14.48lmadsenok.. let me write up an example
22:16.24lmadsencheck that out
22:16.46lmadsenyou have to do Goto(checkVoicemail,preAuth,1) in that case
22:16.51haxis freepbx asterisk?
22:16.58jameswf-homehax no
22:17.14jameswf-homefreepbx is a configuration layer for asterisk
22:17.24outtoluncis MS office .. windows?
22:17.40outtoluncis windows windows <G>
22:17.45lmadsenis Gnome Linux?
22:17.58jameswf-homeI hear linux is ubuntu
22:18.05lmadsenthen I hate linux
22:18.17outtoluncis are they was were then now if ?
22:18.20jameswf-homeron paul is asterisk
22:19.17tzangerlmadsen: that's fucked up
22:19.24tzangerlmadsen: actually I have run across something like that before
22:19.27lmadsentzanger: indeed
22:19.37lmadseni don't know whether that is a bug or not...
22:19.44lmadsenbecause it IS following the right rules... but ....
22:20.02lmadsenbecause execution of 8500 is actually happening in [phones], not in [checkVoicemail]
22:20.14tzangerif you have [foo] wiht exten 123 and 456, and you have [bar] with 456 and 789, and [baz] which includes foo then bar and you call 456 from it, you get the [bar] exten and not hte [foo] one IIRC
22:20.27tzangerno, I disagree with how it is matching, because in your case it should match what is in the current context first
22:20.54tzangerand in my example, it should hit the first found, which is what's in [foo]
22:20.56tzangerbut I digress
22:21.26lmadsenya... the thing is asterisk thinks it is executing in [phones], and not in checkVoicemail because that is the context your phone is associated with, and it just checks the includes ... I guess at each line of the dialplan
22:21.49lmadsenI'm not sure if I should file a bug for that or not :)
22:21.55haxso... /j #freepbx
22:22.06haxmy ^u failed :/
22:22.50*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
22:23.02jbot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
22:23.26haxyeah, i know, i typo'd :)
22:24.33*** join/#asterisk SwK (
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22:29.27*** join/#asterisk teknoprep (n=Chris@unaffiliated/teknoprep)
22:29.37teknoprephey all
22:30.14SomethingISOddhello all question is there anyway to see the calls live going through asterisk with the duration?
22:30.14teknoprepwith the Polycom IP 650 Expansion Module
22:30.46*** join/#asterisk [Latino] (
22:30.54[Latino]hi all
22:31.25*** join/#asterisk completely_phukt (
22:32.05completely_phuktAnyone know why my asterisk box would try to get out on port 59534?
22:32.36[Latino]I'm doing some hacking of chan_sip ... I want to set a FIXED IP for some peers to be used as RTP bindaddres, so I added an option to load rtp_bindaddr from sip.conf .. where should I change chan_sip to use that IP's as rtp_bindaddr on the outgoing INVITE msg ?
22:33.36teknoprepcompletely_phukt, UDP ?
22:36.46[Latino]any clue ?
22:36.57completely_phuktteknoprep: UDP
22:37.09teknoprepcompletely_phukt, is it while you are making a call ?
22:39.01completely_phuktteknoprep, I am not the one making the calls, I am just a lowly admin ;) the box is constantly in use otherwise. U think it's SIP? I limited rtp range in rtp.conf to 10000-10100
22:39.20completely_phuktbut it's stil' doin it
22:41.43haxwhat provider would you guys recommend for per-minute IAX or SIP service that i could use with asterisk? both for origination and termination
22:41.54completely_phuktoops, wife is calling... gotta go eat. Can't phuk with that. I am already completely phukt :) I'll be right back
22:42.12completely_phukthax, callcentric?
22:42.36haxcompletely_phukt: i don't know, that's why i'm asking :)
22:43.16completely_phukthax, that's what we are using and IIRC they do per minute
22:43.42haxcompletely_phukt: it looks like a consumer service though, not something asterisk would connect to
22:44.07drmessanoAsterisk works with Callcentric
22:44.11completely_phukthax, it does
22:44.17drmessanoI dont know why you would think otherwise lol
22:44.37completely_phuktreally, gotta go now
22:45.13*** join/#asterisk ahbritto (
22:45.21haxoh, alright
22:45.25JTcompletely_phukt: that rtp range is a bit small
22:45.36jameswf-homeremember vonnage is not the same as a real voip provider
22:45.49*** join/#asterisk ahbritto (
22:46.21drmessano  <--- They couldnt make it any clearer lol
22:46.51haxi see :)
22:47.26haxit doesn't say how many channels they let you use though
22:47.39Greek-Boywhen a macro a called will variables still work and be specific for the extension that its called from?
22:48.01Greek-Boyvariables like ${SIPUSERAGENT}
22:48.09haxoh, found it, 3 channels, apparently
22:50.32haxi wonder what happens when you max out your channels
22:50.46jameswf-homeall circuits are busy
22:51.29haxdoes asterisk at least get notified of that?
22:53.36*** join/#asterisk craigk (n=craigk@
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23:14.16*** join/#asterisk teknoprep (n=Chris@unaffiliated/teknoprep)
23:14.20teknoprephey all
23:14.32teknoprephow do i get rid of auto dial completion on polycom ?
23:14.35Greek-Boyhow does once force a dundi lookup?
23:14.52teknopreplets say i am trying to dial exten 102 but my parking lot is on 10 through 19
23:14.56teknoprepit just dials 10
23:15.02teknoprepit won't let me finish dialing to 102
23:15.32b11dis there any way to stop these drasted "Really Destroying SIP Dialog..." messages without disabling verbose debug?
23:15.54lmadsenteknoprep: you need to modify the dialplan on the polycom
23:16.00teknopreplmadsen, yup
23:16.02lmadsenin your sip.cfg file
23:16.11teknopreplmadsen, yup... which option.. i only have about 300 options
23:16.19lmadsenteknoprep: look for 'dialplan' I think
23:16.21teknoprepwould that be it ?
23:16.38b11dits the "digitmap"
23:16.40b11din sip.cfg
23:16.42lmadsengrab the polycom documentation from their website (administrators guide) and learn about that option
23:16.47teknoprepoh digitmap
23:17.06lmadsenGreek-Boy: *CLI> help dundi lookup
23:17.13*** join/#asterisk parfums^^ (
23:17.14b11di fought that one too teknoprep..
23:17.21parfums^^qualche italiano?
23:17.22jameswf-homeshow warranty
23:18.00teknoprep<digitmap dialplan.digitmap="[2-9]11|0T|011xxx.T|[0-1][2-9]xxxxxxxxx|[2-9]xxxxxxxxx|[2-9]xxxT" dialplan.digitmap.timeOut="3|3|3|3|3|3"/>
23:18.03teknoprepthat is what i have
23:18.15teknoprepany idea on what to change ?
23:18.23completely_phuktJT: u still there? why do u think my RTP range is too small?
23:18.52*** join/#asterisk inadaptado (n=matias@
23:19.09teknoprepcompletely_phukt, try using 1000 ports... like 10001 - 110001
23:19.29lmadsencompletely_phukt: fyi -- 1 phone call (2 channels) = 4 RTP ports
23:19.45completely_phuktOK, 1000 it is
23:20.12haxwho are the other popular providers besides callcentric?
23:20.20lmadsenand make sure your firewall matches the rtp port range you have asterisk configured as
23:20.22completely_phuktteknorep: doesn't look like u got option for 102
23:20.38completely_phuktin your digimap
23:20.41*** join/#asterisk tuxfoo (
23:21.34completely_phuktlmadsen: I will
23:21.46lmadsenor you'll get 1 way audio
23:21.56teknoprepb11d, any idea on the digitmap ?
23:23.06JTcompletely_phukt: it's 10 ports, way too small
23:23.13JTcompletely_phukt: the default range is fine
23:24.57teknoprepcan i just get rid of the digitmap ?
23:26.36teknoprepahh that works better
23:26.39teknoprepmuch better
23:26.52completely_phuktJT: why is it only 10 ports? 10000 to 10100 is 100 RTP ports, no?
23:28.11completely_phuktteknorep: u need something like [1-8]xx in your string (my memories are failing me)
23:28.19JTcompletely_phukt: ah, right
23:28.30JTcompletely_phukt: still, the default is fine for most setups
23:28.56completely_phuktJT: ok, I am convinced. 1000 it is :)
23:29.28Greek-Boylmadsen sorry I phrasd the question wrong. How can I force an extension to go to a dundi peer?
23:29.32completely_phuktteknoprep: u need something like [1-8]xx in your string (my memories are failing me)
23:29.47teknoprepcompletely_phukt, no i just left it blank.. and it works fine
23:30.30completely_phuktteknoprep, that'll do
23:31.12lmadsenGreek-Boy: I still don't understand your question...... it's just dialplan logic. Set(RESPONSE=${DUNDILOOKUP(...)})
23:31.49haxis there a list of differences between 1.4.x and 1.2.x? i'm trying to decide which to install
23:32.43completely_phukt1.4 has built-in web server 8o
23:33.28b11dteknoprep.. stil working on that?
23:33.33teknoprepb11d, naw i got it
23:33.40teknoprepb11d, i looked up how to setup digitmaps
23:33.42b11doh ok.. had to step away for abit.. sorry.. glad to hear it though.
23:33.56teknoprepb11d, very nice on how they do this... cisco sip implementation really does suck
23:34.02b11dhell yes it does
23:34.18b11dthey wanted you to use MGCP i guess..
23:34.21teknoprepb11d, i think i am going to start using only polycom phones... as i just bought an IP 650 for an office i am installing a phone system for... going to try it out
23:34.39b11dive deployed about 400 polycoms.. 501s and now some 650s and everyone loves them
23:34.49b11dand they are not so expensive, and easy to administer too.
23:35.24lmadsenya... I don't bother with anything but polycom. I don't usually have to deal with the phone part of the install, but it's the only thing I recommend
23:36.03b11dsame..  I cant think of any reason not to use polycoms, except that you cannot adjust stand the phone sits on.. and their wall-mounts are kinda weak.
23:36.09b11dbut those are trivial problems
23:36.34b11dI'd just kill for a Polycom with a built-in ATA though :)
23:37.29JTcompletely_phukt: the default is 10000-20000
23:37.38JTcompletely_phukt: that's 10000 ports
23:38.18teknoprepi have been using cisco 7940 and 7960 phones becuase i get them from companies that i switch from cisco call manager to asterisk
23:38.30completely_phuktJT: what am I gonna do with all these ports? ;)
23:38.53teknoprepi also have ALOT of 3524-pwr switches for inline power for cisco phones.. i do prefer cisco switches but there 802.3af switch are so expensi ve
23:39.06b11dpolys can take PoE just fine
23:39.55lmadsenhax: see CHANGES
23:40.00lmadsenin the source
23:40.05JTb11d: 802.3af PoE, that is
23:40.18lmadsena lot <-- two words
23:40.45SomethingISOddhello all question is there anyway to see the calls live going through asterisk with the duration?
23:40.46JTb11d: the older cisco PoE switches are not compliant with the standard
23:40.53b11dhax.. theres no reason not go to with 1.4.. I cant imagine 1.2 being supported for too much longer.
23:41.05b11doh really? that doesnt surpirse me :)
23:41.06Greek-Boythanks lmadsen
23:41.51*** join/#asterisk coppice (
23:42.28b11dit must be getting more difficult to manage asterisk with maintaining 1.2, 1.4, and now the 1.6 branch..
23:42.32Greek-Boyis it possible to echo variables from the CLI? such as ${STRFTIME(${EPOCH},,%d%m%Y-%H%M%S)}
23:43.07b11dparfums^^.. no english?
23:43.35completely_phuktparfums^^, my wife italiani. me no :)
23:44.11haxlmadsen: that is a lot of changes
23:44.19lmadsenhax: yes. it is.
23:44.25lmadsenAsterisk develops VERY rapidly
23:44.30haxb11d: yeah, but i need to either find a deb package backported for etch (which i haven't been able to do), or i need to build from source (which i'm not sure i should do)
23:44.36lmadsenif you're learning, just skip 1.2
23:44.47haxyeah, i see 1.6 beta is already on the site
23:45.12lmadsenGreek-Boy: Verbose(1,${MYVAR_OR_FUNCTION})
23:45.13haxlmadsen: how would you recommend i install it? this is 100% voip btw, no real phone hardware
23:45.28lmadsenhax: I recommend you follow the instructions in the book
23:45.35lmadsenjbot: tell hax about thebook
23:45.42jbotYou can buy "Asterisk the Future of Telephony" at so go buy it SERIOUSLY
23:45.53lmadsenjameswf-home: you might become my new best friend :D
23:46.05jameswf-homesend me a cut and... :)
23:46.15jameswf-homeI like t shirts too
23:46.38Greek-Boylmadsen: so the only way to see a variable is from the dial plan? no way from CLI?
23:46.51lmadsenGreek-Boy: what CLI....
23:46.59lmadsenI can only assume you mean the Asterisk CLI
23:47.01Greek-Boyasterisk cli
23:47.11lmadsenjameswf-home: haha... you want a cut of the $0.33? :)
23:47.27jameswf-homenot a big cut
23:47.31completely_phuktlmadsen: didja write the book?
23:47.36lmadsenGreek-Boy: the variable only exists when the channel exists...
23:47.52Greek-Boyok then
23:48.02lmadsencompletely_phukt: no, but I heard some devilishly handsome guy did
23:48.16lmadsenI just happen to have the same name as him
23:48.20haxlmadsen: hmm, i see
23:48.20lmadsenand look exactly like him
23:48.23lmadsenbut I'm cooler
23:48.30lmadsenwhich is a feat in and of itself
23:49.05completely_phuktcool. man
23:51.12jameswf-homeI pirate gpl software .....
23:51.33lmadsenummm... u go gurl?
23:52.47haxlmadsen: for 1.4 without any phone hardware, do i need to bother with the zaptel/pri stuff? the book says i probably want ztdummy anyway... but do i need that?
23:53.37lmadsenhax: yes -- you need it for timing in order to use things like MeetMe() conferencing
23:54.03jameswf-homeAP: (iraq) Suicide bombers will now have a cell phone controlled backup detination switch, based on a gps an astrisk controlled phone system will call the bombers cellphone when the reach their target in case they decide they dont want their 72 virgins
23:54.15haxlmadsen: it's a kernel driver though, isn't it? i wonder if that'll even run on my vps
23:54.26*** part/#asterisk pabloff (
23:54.45lmadsenand yes, it's a kernel module
23:54.58haxvirtual private server, as in, UML or XEN
23:55.07jameswf-homeprior to detination a file called tt-jihad recorded by the famous allison will play
23:55.07lmadsenit should...
23:56.24drmessanoI love how a security hole is HOLE
23:56.30drmessanoI love how a security hole is HUGE
23:56.52teknoprep<digitmap dialplan.digitmap="911|0T|011xxx.T|[2-9]xxxxxxxxx|1xxx"
23:56.56teknoprepso i used that for my digitmap
23:56.58drmessanoThe implication that there is size
23:56.59teknoprepworks great
23:57.03*** join/#asterisk MaartenB (
23:57.06teknoprepwhats up drmessano
23:57.18drmessanoEVERYBODY PANIC
23:57.26drmessanoHi teknoprep
23:57.35teknoprepTOO BAD I USE BSD... w0ot
23:57.38jameswf-homehow much dirt can you remove from a 4x4x4 foot hole
23:57.50drmessanoKeep Digg'ing
23:58.36hmodeseverybody picnic!
23:58.41*** join/#asterisk CVirus (n=GoD@
23:59.04lmadsenjameswf-home: none... ?
23:59.37jameswf-homeprobably as much as is equaly added

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