IRC log for #asterisk on 20080209

00:00.15samoshitnow i'm trying to see if i can DIY my office phones at work
00:00.15drmessanoNext week, on to setting up a callcenter?
00:00.15samoshitbefore i pay someone mad money to do it
00:00.15samoshitdrmessano if thats the task presented to me, sure
00:00.37samoshitjameswf thanks for the link, if you google R8FXX most product images show only 4 ports so i was confused
00:01.01jameswfthat is an old revision
00:01.03drmessanoThe 8 really confused me too.. I almost thought it was a 16 port card
00:01.42samoshiti got a quote from a guy to sell me an avaya 4 phone system for $2800
00:01.47jameswfwe use to do 2 channels to a port then thought it easier to do 8 ports
00:01.48samoshiti said nah i can do this myself
00:02.17drmessanoAsterisk is pretty easy for almost everyone
00:02.37drmessanoMaybe a few weeks to learn it all
00:02.38samoshiti just have to get the whole wiring thing down in my head, cause right now i'm confused on whats hooked up to what
00:03.06jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
00:03.11drmessanoJust remember "red and green"
00:03.15jameswf^^^^verry helpful
00:03.17drmessanotip and ring
00:03.18samoshitchristmas ?
00:03.32samoshitwhats red and green
00:03.35jameswfwho uses red green
00:03.40samoshiti have that book
00:03.48samoshitin PDF i mean
00:04.00samoshiti didn't read it, i don't like reading
00:04.08drmessanoreading sucks
00:04.19samoshiti like pictures.  anyone have any pictures of a small office wiring diagram ?
00:04.26samoshiti'm not kidding that would really help me out
00:04.27jameswfblue white/blue 1 orange white/orange 2 green white green 3 brown white/brown 4
00:04.39*** join/#asterisk ZaVoid (
00:04.44samoshitrj11 ?
00:05.08jameswfits 5 o clock somewhere and somewhere is here
00:05.21scooby2white orange/orange, white green/blue, white blue/green, white brown/brown
00:05.42samoshitso you guys do phones for a living ?
00:05.53drmessanoI usually do blue/green stripe, orange/red stripe, red/blue stripe, green/brown
00:06.27drmessanoand crimp the red to ground if you have PoE
00:07.16drmessanoI am a refridgeration manager at a fertility clinic.. I don't mess with phones
00:07.35samoshitcool man
00:07.46samoshitmaybe i should get sip phones, that would be really hip of me
00:07.51drmessanotoo much voltage
00:08.01drmessanoSIP is cool
00:12.41russellbSIP is not cool
00:13.30jblackIs it SIP, or RTP....
00:13.55russellbVoIP in general is cool
00:13.59russellbSIP is a painful approach to it
00:14.14russellbbut it's the standard ... so we deal
00:14.17[hC]SCCP came close to being cool, but cisco had to ruin it.
00:17.14drmessanosamoshit, what sort of phone system do you have currently at work?
00:19.08drmessanosamoshit ?
00:24.02russellbdrmessano: cans and string :(
00:26.32*** join/#asterisk Docfxit (
00:30.38drmessanoDialup dropped out, I guess
00:30.47DocfxitI'm having a problem with the system going down about once a day. Is there someone that knows how to figure out what is happening?
00:36.53*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (
00:45.40tzafrir_laptopDocfxit, sometimes reading the logs help
00:46.02tzafrir_laptopif you want us to help, you should probably provide more details
00:56.37Docfxittzafrir_laptop » I'm running AsteriskNow with Asterisk ver. 1.4.17 and a Digium card TDM2400P
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00:57.16tzafrir_laptopanything in /var/log/mesages?
00:57.31DocfxitI'll look.
00:57.40tzafrir_laptopAnything on the console of the machine?
00:58.32scooby2going down like kernel panic or asterisk crashing?
00:59.08DocfxitI don't have that directory in the root
01:03.52DocfxitI do have a file called messages in /var/log
01:04.04scooby2thats it
01:04.12DocfxitThere is a lot in there.
01:04.46DocfxitHi scooby2 » I didn't know your message was for me.
01:05.41Docfxitscooby2 » I think asterisk is crashing. I can't make a call out and the incoming calls are not answered.
01:05.59scooby2sounds like it
01:06.05tzafrir_laptopand what do you do to fix it?
01:06.15DocfxitShould I look for something in the file or send it to someone?
01:06.27DocfxitI re-boot the system
01:06.54DocfxitI haven't found any other way to get it back up and running.
01:07.25*** part/#asterisk lirakis (i=lirakis@
01:07.40*** join/#asterisk angryuser[A] (
01:08.03husimonso where can I find a guide on how to run asterisk on an openwrt router?
01:08.30husimonor is there a prepackaged openwrt+asterisk i can put on my linksys
01:08.44tzafrir_laptopDocfxit, does the system then respond?
01:09.02tzafrir_laptop(apart from asterisk) - ssh, web interface, etc.
01:09.40Docfxittzafrir_laptop » yes for another day just fine.
01:10.10Docfxittzafrir_laptop » I have ssh and the web interface running remotely.
01:10.38tzafrir_laptopI mean: when the system "crashes"
01:11.35DocfxitThe web interface works because I can reboot from it. SSH works also.
01:14.35DocfxitI'm reading backwards in the messages file to see what happened just before I re-booted.
01:15.43husimonneat I didn't know there was a chan_skype
01:17.04Docfxitata_piix: probe of 0000:00:1f.2 failed with error -16
01:17.10Frogzoohusimon: openwrt has a * package
01:17.36Docfxittzafrir_laptop » Is that error a problem?
01:17.59husimonfrogzoo yeah i'm trying to decide if it's worth it, I have asterisk installed already a location with a pri, I could just register my phones remotely instead of trunking another asterisk box to that pri box with aix
01:18.14husimonsorry iax
01:18.19Docfxitata: conflict with ide1
01:18.37tzafrir_laptopDocfxit, is this from system load time?
01:19.41Docfxittzafrir_laptop » I'm not sure where it started the re-boot.
01:19.57DocfxitI'm trying to figure that out now.
01:23.32DocfxitThat's after re-boot so it must be ok.
01:24.11*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
01:25.06riddleboxis there a reason that a tdm card with all fxo ports on it would need to be plugged into the systems power before the card would be recognized?
01:26.13DocfxitI can't see anything logged as an error before " shutdown: shutting down for system reboot
01:26.17*** join/#asterisk marv[work] (
01:27.19*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
01:27.55marv[work]In asterisk 1.2, how might I set a variable on another channel in the dialplan. Like I'm in a macro on the outbound leg because of the M argument to dial but want to set a variable on the channel that made the call
01:30.52*** join/#asterisk cesar_CR (
01:31.02tzafrir_laptopmarv[work], for that you'll have to use a global variable
01:33.33marv[work]so you're saying there's no way to directly do what i want? aw
01:33.46husimonmarv[work]: just make them globals and it's what you want
01:34.10husimonmarv[work]: otherwise use astdb to store your variables
01:34.16husimonmarv[work]: then you're fine
01:34.29marv[work]except they stomp on each other. Unless I put the channel name in the anme of the global or something
01:34.45husimonmarv[work]: yeah you'd need to change the variable name
01:34.50husimonmarv[work]: but take a look at astdb
01:35.19marv[work]plus they're persistent so now i'll have to clean up
01:35.47*** join/#asterisk tuxfoo (
01:35.48marv[work]i'm assuming so is astdb
01:36.06husimonyeah but i assume the variable name isn't going to change
01:36.09husimonso you can just leave it in the db
01:36.20husimonlikewise with globals
01:36.36husimonthere is no cleanup
01:37.12marv[work]that sounds like a bad idea. not only will i end up with 100's of globals, but when asterisk reuses the channel name the variable will already have a value, and if some code path skips over the step taht would overwrite it...
01:38.42husimondo you seriously use 100's of variables?
01:39.20husimoni guess I don't quite understand your application
01:39.31marv[work]1 global variable * 100 calls = 100 global variables
01:40.13husimonoh you are using variables as temporary place holders during a cal
01:40.42marv[work]yeah. what else would you use channel variables for?
01:41.17*** join/#asterisk RoyK (n=roy@
01:42.32husimonmarv[work]: would it at all work to use a global variable to pass the data between the channel variables?
01:42.45husimonthe other channel would have to "know" you were passing it and look for it
01:42.48husimonbut that seems like one way
01:43.36marv[work]yeah it should work, it's just a bit ugly, and i kind of wonder what the performance will be
01:44.49husimoni guess if you used agi you could probably have more control over the variables
01:45.19marv[work]the only way I know of to set a variable on an arbitrary channel is through the manager api.
01:45.53husimonmarv[work]: otherwise you can use astdb variables keyed on the channel and then clean up up after each call ends.
01:50.35DocfxitAny other ideas on what might be causing Asterisk to stop?
01:50.44*** part/#asterisk RoyK (n=roy@
01:50.50scooby2check the asterisk logs?
01:51.08scooby2usually  /var/log/asterisk/messages
01:53.08*** join/#asterisk obnauticus (
01:53.19obnauticusHey, I have a SIP provider that is telling me to add this to my extensions
01:53.20obnauticusexten => _*7X.,1,Switch(user,pass,${EXTEN:2}
01:53.26obnauticusbut there is no Application "Switch"
01:53.40obnauticusSo... what does it actually want me to do lol
01:54.37*** part/#asterisk marv[work] (
01:55.12DocfxitWarning: file /etc/asterisk/extensions.ael, line 276-283: The included context 'ael-parkedcalls' cannot be found.
01:55.30Docfxit(You may ignore this warning if 'ael-parkedcalls' exists in extensions.conf, or is created by another module. I cannot check for those.)
02:00.17DocfxitUnder local in Extensions.conf I see include=parkedcalls
02:00.35DocfxitI don't see anything else with parkedcalls in it.
02:00.40DocfxitIs that a problem?
02:01.54Docfxitpbx.c: Unable to register extension 's', priority 2 in 'voicemenu-custom-2', already in use
02:01.54Docfxit[Feb  8 10:56:50] WARNING[6806] pbx.c: Unable to register extension 's', priority 2 in 'voicemenu-custom-3', already in use
02:02.12DocfxitIs this a problem?
02:03.46Docfxitres_smdi.c: No SMDI interfaces were specified to listen on, not starting SDMI listener.
02:03.46Docfxit[Feb  8 10:56:50] WARNING[6806] chan_misdn.c: chan_misdn is not initialized properly, still reloading ?
02:03.46Docfxit[Feb  8 10:56:50] NOTICE[6806] app_playback.c: Reloading say.conf
02:03.46Docfxit[Feb  8 10:56:50] WARNING[3892] frame.c: Cannot disallow unknown format ''
02:03.46Docfxit[Feb  8 10:56:50] WARNING[3892] frame.c: Cannot allow unknown format ''
02:03.46Docfxit[Feb  8 10:56:50] WARNING[3892] frame.c: Cannot disallow unknown format ''
02:04.35DocfxitWhere could I find Bin ?¿
02:04.55scooby2not supposed to paste to the channel
02:05.25scooby2put there then paste the url it gives
02:06.39DocfxitShould I put the entire log for today there just incase there is something that stands out?
02:08.22riddleboxdoes anyone know why I would need to plug power from the case to a TDM card with 4 fxo ports on it?
02:11.02plikriddlebox: the power is only required for FXS ports i believe
02:11.24riddleboxplik, the card was not recognized until I plugged the power in
02:11.40riddleboxits 4 red cards on it so I know they are fxo cards
02:12.44plikno personal experience but I read that FXS required power for ringing, but I tought FXO was OK without... seems not. AFAIK the red modules are FXO yes
02:18.16*** join/#asterisk Bandit (
02:21.50DocfxitThe Messages log for this system up until the re-boot is at
02:21.59*** part/#asterisk Bandit (
02:23.32*** join/#asterisk ZaVoid (
02:26.05DocfxitI was told by Digium that the red modules don't need the power plugged in.
02:26.47DocfxitI will be back latter if any is looking at my log.
02:26.55DocfxitThank all for your help.
02:28.36*** join/#asterisk UserReg_CL (
02:30.08UserReg_CLBuenas noches !!!
02:34.20*** join/#asterisk mosty (
02:35.25riddleboxwhat is the absolute cheapest IP phone out there?
02:36.03UserReg_CLneed one gsm gateway ... know ?
02:36.07husimoncheck out
02:36.47riddleboxDocfxit, thats what I thought but it was seeing that there was something there but ztcfg -vv showed an error, until I plugged the card in
02:37.29riddleboxhusimon, I checked there already, I have a client that just wants to have some cheapy phones for some cold calling that they do twice a week
02:37.45husimonso what was the cheapest?
02:38.01husimonriddlebox: you might just consider a headset + softphone
02:38.05husimonif you use it that little.
02:38.16UserReg_CLneed one hardware gateway gsm... know one work with * ?
02:38.17husimonwhich would be about $15 for a headset
02:38.34riddleboxhusimon, these people will not have a computer
02:39.22husimonriddlebox: your other option is to use existing analog phones and buy an ata
02:39.47riddleboxhusimon, I told them that or an analog card....
02:39.54husimonbut for $44
02:39.59husimonthat gs-101
02:40.00riddleboxeither way they will be about the same price
02:40.10*** join/#asterisk jameswf-home (
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02:44.51jameswf-homejbot: ping
02:55.49*** join/#asterisk joez212 (
02:56.25joez212after i get softphones working is it possible to get voicemail working on the * box itself?
02:57.34*** join/#asterisk samoshit (
02:59.00samoshithi friends. another unrelated to asterisk yet related to telephony question:  If I'm looking to buy a phone system for an office with 4 lines, do i have to buy 4-line phones?  what exactly does a phone with multiple lines allow you to do ?
02:59.06UserReg_CLhi...  need install one gsm gateway (hardware).. know ?
02:59.17samoshiti mean if an office has 16 lines, they don't have to get 16 line phones do they ??
03:00.32*** join/#asterisk JT (n=j@unaffiliated/jt)
03:01.49*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (
03:08.31scooby2samoshit: depends if you use a pbx or not
03:11.51samoshitpbx = 1 line is fine
03:12.02samoshitphone company handles switching = 2+ lines
03:12.20scooby2you can use a pbx on anything from 1 line to hundreds or thousands
03:12.35eric2call parking comes in handy with > 1 lines
03:14.05samoshitdunno what that is
03:19.11*** join/#asterisk AndyGraybeal (
03:24.30scooby2argh i cannot figure out why this ivr will not let me dial more than 1 digit
03:26.19samoshitivr ?
03:26.32*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@
03:31.00jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
03:32.51jbotrumour has it, gsm is a codec, operating at approx 13kbps up/down.
03:42.41*** join/#asterisk jblack (
03:42.55jblackdrmessano: drmessano: drmessano: !!!
03:45.51jblackdrmessano: I found a video of mrdigital!
03:46.24jameswf-homemax headroom
03:50.54jameswf-homeholy clay aken batman
03:51.45jameswf-homemy brother had the rick springfield hair forever
03:53.11jblackYou're lucky you got rickrolled. You don't want to see what getting montgomeried is like
03:54.36Strom_CI prefer to rickroll people at the nightclub with the 12" single ;)
03:55.11jblackStrom_C: Like this? :
03:55.45jameswf-homelol its just like its just like a black jesse jackson
03:56.01jblackIt's just like! a Mini-Mall!
03:56.07Strom_Cno, like this
03:56.57jblackI emailed out three rickrolls tonight. One of them promised a video of RMS getting shaved bald.
03:56.57jameswf-homei m going to be singing that tomorrow at the flea market
03:57.23jblackjameswf-home: No! Get one of those post-70s boom boxes that take the D cells, and blast it!
03:58.31jameswf-homedo anything besides vibrators take D batteries anymore
04:00.36jblackvibrators take D batteries?
04:00.40jblackNo wonder I'm single
04:03.00*** join/#asterisk adjohn (
04:09.40*** join/#asterisk mosty (
04:10.32*** join/#asterisk Docfxit (
04:12.11scooby2finally caught my kernel panic. Definitely appears zaptel related.
04:18.02*** join/#asterisk samoshit (
04:18.46andresmujicahi, how can i configure a sip trunk to use digest authentication????
04:21.32*** join/#asterisk SwK (
04:23.44*** join/#asterisk FireMac (
04:33.33*** join/#asterisk techie (
04:39.39tuxfooI think its AUTH=MD5
04:40.46BBHossyeah, its usually lowercase though, but it might not matter
04:51.42*** join/#asterisk AJayMN (
04:52.07AJayMNAnyone use a Netgear WGR613VAL with asterisk?
04:57.36*** join/#asterisk erojasv (n=erojasv@
05:01.07andresmujicawhich option defines the digest username.. i'm getting up to the digest challenge, but it seems to be using 2 different usernames, one for registering in order to do the digest auth and the other one to register the extension... something like that...
05:03.48*** join/#asterisk FireMac (
05:06.26tuxfoodo you have a registration as well? register => 1234':'
05:07.17tuxfooremove the tick marks as the : and the p translated to :p
05:13.25*** join/#asterisk FireMac (
05:16.28*** join/#asterisk esaym (
05:18.23andresmujicayeap. when i put the register screen i'm getting the register, 401, www-auth, but after that i get an unauthorized, comparing the cpature from the softphone proveided by my ITSP i can see that i'm sending the wrong digest username...
05:19.10andresmujicawith the softphone the digest username is 1xxxxxx but asterisk is sending the 0001xxxx.   The problem lies that the softphone send for the first register the 0001xxx username....
05:22.56styelzmy TISP requires me to register with a line like, DID@domain : pass :
05:23.45andresmujicahmm i saw something like that at the wiki.. gonna try it.
05:31.40*** join/#asterisk justdave (n=dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
05:34.42*** join/#asterisk jetlagmk2 (
05:34.51*** part/#asterisk techie (
05:38.05andresmujicaok, i'm close.. i'm getting the 401 unauthorized + register.. and i'm sending the right usernames. so i'm missing the 200 - ok... i'm getting a 401 - unauthorized and the sip show registry shows Auth Sent. ...
05:39.13*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=angeldav@
05:43.05DocfxitDoes anyone know of a good file editor I can load on the system?
05:47.57andresmujicathe itsp can validate the user agent???
05:54.15styelzDocfxit: what system?
05:54.45styelzX or console?
05:56.18styelzaee, nano, pico, vi
06:02.07FrogzooDocfxit: vi for admin work I think
06:08.05DocfxitFrogzoo » Thanks. I'll look for it.
06:12.26sbingnervim *nod*
06:17.17styelzafter you spent an hour learning vi...
06:17.39styelztiz good
06:20.20*** join/#asterisk styelz (
06:23.00*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
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06:31.00Docfxitstyelz » Asterisk
06:31.27DocfxitIsn't VI and VIM two different editors?
06:31.36styelzvim has x support
06:31.51DocfxitWhat is x support?
06:31.59styelzgnome etc..
06:32.17styelzyou prob dont have it
06:32.48styelzcentos or debian ?
06:32.51*** join/#asterisk Mavvie (
06:33.06styelzok i dont know
06:33.55DocfxitI've been trying to find the download for VI. So far all I found is a cheat sheet.
06:34.55Corydon76-digDocfxit: vi or vim?
06:35.11styelzit should be installed
06:35.17FrogzooDocfxit: vi is standard on any linux
06:35.20styelztype vi, or nano or pico
06:35.48Corydon76-digThe original vi is not available anymore.  You might be able to find nvi if you REALLY want a tiny vi editor
06:36.06Corydon76-digbut most vi users nowadays use vim
06:36.12drmessanoI can't yum yum
06:36.33styelzbum bum
06:37.12DocfxitOh good that's why I can't find it. I'll look for vim.
06:37.22DocfxitI have nano and don't like it.
06:37.31styelzdont blame you
06:38.06Corydon76-digThe original vi was by Bill Joy and isn't even available on Sun machines anymore...
06:38.56mostyi like nvi
06:39.41*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=angeldav@
06:40.17styelzwhats the diff?
06:40.23styelzlooks like vi, smells like vi
06:41.23drmessanoyum -y install notepad ?
06:42.00styelzi like this
06:42.38styelzi mean this
06:43.26styelz"Intended to be usable with little or no instruction."
06:46.48mostyDocfxit, it's unusual for a linux distribution to not have some variant of vi available
06:51.19*** join/#asterisk russellb (n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla)
06:51.19*** mode/#asterisk [+o russellb] by ChanServ
06:51.41Docfxitstyelz » I'll try it. Tx
06:56.03*** join/#asterisk terracon (
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07:36.28*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=angeldav@
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08:11.42obnauticusWhy shouldn't exten => _9.,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:1}@ast,30,r)
08:11.48obnauticusif there is an [ast] context in sip.conf
08:11.50obnauticusproperly configured.
08:13.05obnauticusUnable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3 - No route to destination)
08:13.20jwhit isn't registered?
08:13.55obnauticuslemme see
08:14.06obnauticusno, it is registered
08:14.43obnauticusthe register =; what correlation does that have with sections in sip.conf
08:16.31*** join/#asterisk worgil (n=worgil@
08:18.37worgili have installed asterisk on ubuntu back to DSL line i can using local normaly but anyone call from other line or other companies i cannot hear anything, i cannot sending noise, can anyone have idea ?
08:20.29mostyobnauticus, register is so that the remote host knows where your asterisk box is if it has a dynamic ip
08:20.36mostyfor incoming calls
08:20.37Frogzooobnauticus: you need to setup the phone in sip.conf
08:21.16obnauticusFrogzoo I did
08:21.22obnauticusmemali              98 Registered           Sat, 09 Feb 2008 03:20:42
08:21.28obnauticusI'm just trying to configure outbound right now
08:21.38obnauticusexten => _9.,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:1}@memali,30,r)
08:21.41obnauticusthat's in the dial plan
08:21.52obnauticusand in sip.conf i have configuration for a peer
08:22.40mostyworgil, set externip and localnet in sip.conf? look those up on the wiki
08:22.57obnauticusand also under the [general] section in sip.conf
08:22.58obnauticusI have register => memali:******@sip.********.com
08:24.05obnauticusso when I call _9. it should dial SIP/${EXTEN:1}@memali,30,r
08:24.13obnauticusInstead it is saying no route to destination
08:25.35worgilmosty, how can i do it *
08:30.37obnauticusmosty do you know?
08:32.16scooby2Invalid extension '1', but no rule 'i' in context 'did'
08:32.38scooby2i have an 'i' rule but i'm not in did anymore
08:34.10scooby2i am coming from the did context
08:42.31hmodeswow, digium switchvox?  *blinks*
08:42.41hmodesi did not get that memo
08:57.12*** join/#asterisk sergey (n=sergey@
09:05.54JerJerlive in the now man
09:06.54*** join/#asterisk stimpie (
09:07.47styelzno now
09:08.04jblackThere's no such thing as now. By the time you hear it, taste it, see it, feel it, it's already happened.
09:08.12jblackThusly, we live in the past.
09:08.43styelzliving in the now is holding back when you need a piss
09:11.41mostyobnauticus, put qualify=yes in the sip peer definition, do a sip reload, then pastebin the output of "sip show peers"
09:16.10worgilmosty how can i solve noise problem ?
09:30.39mostyworgil, noise? what kind of noise, and what kind of channel is it?
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09:38.21Frogzoodid now happen already?
09:39.13worgilmosty, i cam calling other number ex. 1011 and speaking but not caming or going sound
09:40.38mostyworgil, no sound at all in either direction? check port forwarding on your router. also check that you have externip and localnet set in sip.conf if you're behind nat. do you control the server too?
09:41.26worgili did DMZ
09:41.33worgilbut not working still
09:44.36worgilwhat is problem for noise ?
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09:50.33mostydo you have the same codec set on the server? can you run a packet sniffer like tshark on the server?
09:51.06worgili have codec
09:51.11worgilulaw and alaw
09:53.17JTboth at the same time?
09:54.07worgilwhich i need them
09:54.28worgildisallow = all
09:54.32worgilallow = alaw
09:58.30worgilmosty, have i problem abotu tshark ?
09:59.05mostyi'm sorry, i don't understand the question
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10:16.50mvanbaakmornin all
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10:56.01jblackI am tired of perpetual motion machines.
10:56.27Frogzooyes, they do go on forever
10:58.13Frogzooany robust way to dial into an IVR service (a calling card company), and then dial in the destination number? could just put in a delay, but that's a bit...
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11:00.39Frogzooanother way to ask the same question, is there a way to bridge 2 calls through the dialplan, without using Dial ?
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11:01.45jblackI believe there's a Bridge app
11:01.55jblackshow application bridge
11:02.02Frogzooah, I will check, or if all else fails, read the code :)
11:02.56Frogzoocry - it's not there in 1.4
11:04.15Frogzooooh - ExternalIVR looks promising...
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11:22.26lohapukhi i have a question i have a ciso 7960 and have connected it to asterisk it can recieve calls fine and used to be able to make calls to other extension but not i cant make calls to other extensions at all but can recieve call fine
11:22.52lohapuki have looked in the forums and mailing lists and cant find anything just wondering if anyone has an idea
11:24.02UserReg_CLhi... need one gateway gsm (hardware) ... know one work with * ??
11:24.57tzafrir_homeThere are several gsm PCI cards, even
11:25.16mvanbaakgsm pci cards, voiceblue, chan_mobile
11:25.25tzafrir_homeor you can get a gsm->FXO or gsm->SIP gateway
11:25.45tzafrir_homeI don't have experince with any of them
11:27.11mvanbaakwe have great success with the voiceblue
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11:31.53UserReg_CLvoiveblue:  work with * ?
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11:34.42lohapukthat is the debug output for the call if anyone is interested
11:35.00lohapuki starting dialing but never connects but the phone can recieve calls fine
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12:14.02*** join/#asterisk Whoopie (n=Whoopie@unaffiliated/whoopie)
12:15.03WhoopieHi, I built asterisk staticly. Now, when loading it, I get:
12:15.06Whoopieloader.c:376 load_dynamic_module: Module '' did not register itself during load
12:15.06Whoopie: can't resolve symbol 'ast_module_unregister'
12:15.18Whoopieany ideas?
12:16.32mvanbaakis there a way to check if a sip device is registered from the dialplan
12:18.56tzafrir_homeWhoopie, asterisk will still try to load modules from /usr/lib/asterisk/modules as well
12:19.16tzafrir_homein asterisk.conf set the modules dir to something else, I guess
12:19.21Whoopietzafrir_home: ok, and they are there.
12:19.34Whoopieah, all modules are still loaded?
12:19.38mvanbaakor move the modules out of the way
12:19.49tzafrir_homewill also work
12:19.58tzafrir_homeI prefer to just edit asterisk.conf
12:21.40Whoopiewell, but how can I build the asterisk binary staticly, and leave the structure as is.
12:21.58Whoopieit's just that I don't want to have the library dependencies
12:22.52mvanbaakhhmm, if I use this: ChanIsAvail(SIP/thinkpad) it returns that it's available even if ekiga on my thinkpad is not registered
12:23.10mvanbaakthinkpad/thinkpad          (Unspecified)    D          0        UNKNOWN
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12:24.29mvanbaakI want to run a dundi query when the thinkpad is not registered to the local pbx
12:24.38mvanbaakit can be at 4 machines
12:24.45mvanbaakhow can I do this ?
12:29.54mvanbaakhhmm, I think I can use the DB functions to check SIP/Registry/${DEVICE}
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13:11.49Frogzoois 1.6b reasonably stable??
13:12.48mvanbaakit is
13:13.14mvanbaakit IS beta
13:14.06Frogzooi know, but there's betas (we think it's ready to release) and betas (this is full of bugs we haven't fixed yet)
13:14.49mvanbaaka beta is never "we think it's ready to be released"
13:14.54mvanbaakonly -rc's are
13:16.49riddleboxhow long has the gui been in beta?
13:17.01mvanbaakI have no idea
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13:25.08Mw3is anybody using 1.6.0-beta2 around here?
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13:25.50mvanbaakMw3: I'm running trunk :)
13:26.13Mw3dtmf does not work with my cisco 7912 (sip image), works fine with 1.4.18
13:26.20Mw3did you have any issues with sip and dtmf?
13:30.19mvanbaakbut I'm not runnign 1.6
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13:53.03Frogzoosuggestions to best way to dial a calling card number, then dial the destination once logged in?
13:57.51[TK]D-FenderFrogzoo, "core show application dial" + ("D" or "M")
13:58.19*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
13:59.15Frogzoo[TK]D-Fender: I'll check out those options, thx
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14:03.59eric2is dundi the best route to go for failover?
14:10.10BBHossdundi is broken in 1.6b2
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14:14.59mvanbaakhey [TK]D-Fender
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14:18.44BBHosseric2, dundi works well as a load-balancer, so you could probably use it for failover
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14:28.16shumway!j openser
14:28.27shumwaynot used to this euro keyboard yet
14:28.31eric2what's the suggested way of setting up failover?
14:35.51BBHossstart here:
14:37.59eric2I found that paper earlier today   :)
14:38.32mvanbaakit's a great piece of documentation
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15:02.33Corydon76-digThat doesn't make any sense.
15:04.52e}{istencei think i have problem with the config of gain,
15:05.49e}{istencei have one TDM2403E with hardware echocancel, and i use a Gw For landlines  and a analog Gw for cells calls
15:06.15e}{istencebut i know that the quality can be performed
15:06.31e}{istencebut i don't know how i can do it
15:06.37Corydon76-digI think you mean "improved"
15:08.09Corydon76-digHave you tried running fxotune on the FXO modules yet?
15:08.39e}{istencesorry Corydon76-dig, yes the word is improve
15:08.52e}{istencei'm sorry i from spain and my english as you can see, is bad
15:09.09e}{istencei don't know fxotune
15:09.47Corydon76-digLook in the zaptel build directory
15:10.21Corydon76-digIt's a utility for improving quality by pretuning the echo cancellation coefficients
15:11.26e}{istencethank you corydon i'm going to try it
15:12.20mvanbaakCorydon76-dig: you know of a way to detect wether a phone is registered or not from the dialplan
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15:12.59mvanbaakI have phones that can be registered on 1 of the 4 boxen that are scattered around locations of this company
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15:13.12mvanbaakI use dundi to find out where they are
15:13.35mvanbaakbut first step would be to check wether the phone is registered locally so I can dial(sip/phone) instead of running dundi
15:14.23Corydon76-digmvanbaak: What about ChanIsAvail or whatever it's called?
15:14.38mvanbaakchanisavail always returns the phone as avail
15:14.42mvanbaakeven if it's not registered
15:15.10mvanbaaksip entries are in sip.conf
15:15.22mvanbaakchanisavail works if the sip entries are in realtime
15:15.30Corydon76-digmvanbaak: It also sets an AVAILSTATUS
15:15.39mvanbaak0 all the time
15:15.47mvanbaakregistered or not, it's 0
15:16.15Corydon76-dig0 is unknown
15:16.41Corydon76-digDo you have hints for all your phones?
15:16.51mvanbaaknone have hints
15:16.53Corydon76-digTry adding hints
15:17.01Corydon76-digand then check AVAILSTATUS
15:17.20mvanbaak500 hints
15:17.25mvanbaakis asterisk going to like that ?
15:17.42Corydon76-digSure, it's fine... hints are all kept in memory, in pretty small structures
15:18.03mvanbaakhhmm, you're right
15:18.12mvanbaakand since I wont subscribe any phone to them....
15:18.15mvanbaakit should be fine
15:18.22Corydon76-digbut then you have a tracking structure for status
15:18.57mvanbaakthis is going to be a nice setup
15:19.03mvanbaak4 boxen on 4 locations
15:19.19mvanbaaknec-philips dect handsets that go from one location to the other
15:20.12mvanbaakok, let's try the hint stuff
15:23.27*** join/#asterisk nextime (n=nextime@unaffiliated/nextime)
15:24.45nextimeHello. I notice that the latest zaptel 1.4  released can't compile against kernel 2.6.24. I know that this is fixed in the latest svn branches for 1.4. When the tarball with those fix will be released?
15:24.56_ShrikEDoes anyone know what the best g.729 codec version is for a quad core xeon?
15:25.16e}{istenceCorydon76-dig what is the difference fxotune -i 4 and fxotune -i 5 ?
15:25.21BBHoss_ShrikE, are you running X86_64?
15:25.29_ShrikEno 32.
15:26.04Corydon76-dige}{istence: shouldn't matter
15:26.12mvanbaakthere's a huge difference between 1.2 and trunk when it comes to ChanIsAvail
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15:26.22Corydon76-dige}{istence: it's the DTMF tone that's used as a sample
15:26.36mvanbaakin trunk it works fine even without the hint
15:27.14e}{istenceok , i put fxotune -i 4 , and i can see that write, Tuning module dev/zap1 and the same for the other modules
15:27.17e}{istenceit's ok ?
15:32.16Corydon76-dige}{istence: I don't know, did it help?
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15:34.29e}{istenceCorydon76-dig now, i can't call
15:34.55e}{istenceCall from '100004' to extension '653829104' rejected because extension not found.
15:36.09Corydon76-dige}{istence: that's not due to fxotune, that's something else
15:36.23e}{istenceyes but i only do that
15:36.36e}{istenceand before all run well, and after not
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15:44.07ZPerteeis there any way that I can do chanspy for a definite period of time?
15:44.17ZPerteerather I mean zapbarge
15:50.20mvanbaakgheh, 1.2 is funny
15:51.11mvanbaakexten => s,n,Verbose(1,ChanIsAvail returned with AVAILCHAN:${AVAILCHAN}, AVAILORIGCHAN:${AVAILORIGCHAN}, AVAILSTATUS:${AVAILSTATUS})
15:51.23mvanbaakit transforms it into:
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15:57.02iamhrhHello! I'm setting up a new asterisk installation, and trying to build paging zones. I've read through most of the information I could find on, and I'm curious if anyone here has had experience with A) using multiple sound cards or B) using the budgettone phone and soldering a wire to it
15:59.28eric2when a DID is dialed, is there a way to send it to some context while setting an additional variable? I'd like to use GoTo but it won't accept additional data
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16:10.13Dataxhi all
16:11.02DataxI'm new to asterisk and have what is probably a dumb question. what is zaptel exactly ? I'm planning on configuring a SIP+SCCP asterisk server. Do I need zaptel ?
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16:11.32iamhrhzaptel is the interface for standard analog lines
16:11.43iamhrhwell, driver really
16:11.50Dataxok so as long as I don't use analog lines I don't need it ?
16:11.55iamhrhso strictly speaking, no you won't need it
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16:12.07iamhrhthere is a timing module that you may want in there I think
16:12.09iamhrhone sec
16:13.18iamhrhyeah, there is a module called ztdummy that you'll want to make sure you have
16:13.32Dataxwhat does it do ? you mentioned timing
16:14.19iamhrh"Thew ztfummy module is an interface to a device that provides timing, which in turn allows asterisk to provide timing to various applications and functions that reqwuire it"
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16:14.34iamhrhquoting from an orielly book
16:14.34Dataxok thanks
16:14.52*** join/#asterisk IPGHOST (n=IPGHOST@
16:14.55iamhrhso I don't know exactly other than my system seems to work, and I have it :-)
16:14.58Dataxthey should use a spellchecking unless you just rewrote that ;)
16:15.12iamhrhheh I just typed it while reading over my shoulder
16:15.16iamhrhdidn't spell check
16:15.24Dataxthanks for that info
16:15.28Dataxseems clear enough :)
16:15.32iamhrhsure thing
16:15.51iamhrhchatting about these things is the only way to get them figured out
16:15.53DataxI'm thinking of setting up a network of asterisk servers for my family
16:15.57redbackHi - for some reason when I call a certain extension the first playback sometimes starts partway through the file as though the call connected before it actually did - is there a workaround to that
16:16.12iamhrhI almost jumped out of my chair this morning when I finally got the cisco 7960s I just got working
16:16.51Dataxahh you're going to help me again ! I have a 7961 with the default SCCP firmware on it. Did you configure SCCP or did you load the SIP firmware ?
16:17.05iamhrhloaded the SIP firmware
16:17.16Dataxwhere did you get it from ?
16:17.18iamhrhhad to use the P0S3-06-3-00
16:17.26Dataxdon't know what that is
16:17.35iamhrhheh, its the firmware revision I used
16:17.46Dataxdon't know if the 7960 firmware will be compatible with a 7961 either :/
16:17.47iamhrhthis helped me:
16:17.50DataxI'll check the cisco site
16:17.54iamhrhooh good point
16:17.57lmadsenI love when people quote the oreilly book :D
16:18.16iamhrhits the whole reason I have anything working at all :-D
16:18.29iamhrhI think i read it cover to cover in one weekend
16:18.52iamhrhcompared to sifting through what info is on voip-info its a godsend
16:18.58DataxI also have a Cisco wifi 7961 handset
16:19.12Dataxbut last time I checked there wasn't a SIP firmware for it
16:21.45redbackHas anyone else experienced problems with Playback starting before the call is connected?
16:22.12iamhrhdid you Answer() the channel first?
16:22.39lmadsenredback: Playback(silence/1&file-you-want-to-play)
16:22.51redbackiamhrh: for sure
16:23.05lmadsenor add a Wait(1) before the Playback() after you execute Answer()
16:23.10redbacklmadsen: I tried silence/2 and it still does
16:23.25redbacklmadsen: that I havent tried
16:23.30lmadsenthen there is something else possibly going on with your phone then
16:23.41lmadsenbecause I've done that on dozens of systems and that's all you need to do
16:25.10redbacklmadsen: the wait worked
16:25.17redbackweird - but thankyou
16:27.10ZPerteeis there some way to put a person on hold and then continue in the dial plan with other steps.  Basically what I want to do is if a call comes in on Zap/1 I want to put them on hold and then I have an overhead paging system connected to zap/7 which I want to connect to alert me of the incoming call.
16:28.11ZPerteeI understand how to do put someone on hold and I understand how to use paging system just not sure hwo to put someone on hold and then continue farther down in the dial plan
16:33.48ZPerteelooks like after a little more research the answer is to park the call instead of just running MusicOnHold() application
16:40.59*** join/#asterisk drako (n=thinkpad@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
16:41.08drakowhy my asterisk is not compiling app_meetme
16:42.03Dataxdrako: any error messages ?
16:42.18*** join/#asterisk ice_croft (n=nolan@
16:42.19drakoDatax, no well just no app_meetme
16:42.20Dataxyou might not have some of the dependencies
16:42.22ice_crofthi all
16:42.25ice_croftwho can say
16:42.51ice_croftwhat kinds of fxo cards are supported by freebsd and zaptel?
16:44.19drakoDatax, hhmm
16:45.26lmadsendrako: you have no installed zaptel
16:45.40*** join/#asterisk Docfxit (
16:45.59lmadsenyou have to install zaptel first (at least ztdummy module) in order for asterisk to compile in the features that require the timing source, such as app_meetme
16:46.29lmadsencd zaptel && ./configure && make install && cd ../asterisk && ./configure && make install
16:46.45lmadsen(use make menuselect to select the modules you want / don't want)
16:48.38drakolmadsen, i do have it installed
16:49.06lmadsenit needs to be installed before you run ./configure in your asterisk directory, or it won't detect the modules as being installed, and thus, won't compile app_meetme
16:49.27lmadsenafter the ./configure, make sure you run 'make menuselect' and that app_meetme is selected in the Applications menu
16:49.28ice_croftso no freebsd support, right?
16:49.33lmadsenjust use linux
16:49.47lmadsenfreebsd does work for some people, but you need to know more
16:49.53lmadsen(i.e. it's not as straight forward)
16:50.02lmadsenbut some of the developers do use it
16:50.07ice_croftwell it's all about drivers
16:50.16lmadsenahhh... driver support -- none.
16:50.17*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
16:50.26ice_croftno drivers for digium at all
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16:50.52lmadsenonly linux is supported
16:51.11ice_croftthat's no good. :(
16:51.12lmadsenyou may or may not find some driver support from a third party... but I don't know for sure
16:51.38lmadsenasterisk is primary developed on linux... other OS's are supported sparsely by other developers
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16:54.03dream_this it possible to restrict outbound/routes that can be used only by specific extension?
16:54.13dream_throutes or trunk\
16:54.36ice_croftthat's not cos asterisk, but hardware drivers r absent
16:55.12DocfxitWhat is the fastest PC that Asterisk can run on?
16:55.39dream_thit should be any Pc Docfxit
16:55.43lmadsenDocfxit: that's an odd question.... it can run on the fastest available
16:56.22DocfxitCan it run on a Dule core PC.
16:56.29lmadsendream_th: you would control that via the dialplan
16:56.30lmadsenDocfxit: dual, quad, etc..
16:56.33lmadsenyes -- asterisk is multithreaded
16:56.55dream_thlmadsen: can you give me some example how would i do that (a simple one)
16:57.30DocfxitI'm having trouble with Asterisk crashing about once a day. I'm thinking it may be on a box that is too fast for the Digium card.
16:58.20lmadsenDocfxit: no, that would be an incorrect assumption
16:58.31*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
16:58.35DocfxitIt has two CPU's running 2.4ghz
16:59.08DocfxitCould it be it has too much memory at 2gig
16:59.22lmadsendream_th: have you read the o'reilly book? you would control it by placing extensions into a context that restricts them from other contexts that you don't want them to have access to
16:59.39lmadsenDocfxit: no, your approach is entirely incorrect
17:00.13lmadsenif you have the latest version of asterisk, and you're getting a crash, then be sure to read the doc/backtrace.txt file and you can file a bug at with the required information
17:00.14dream_thok thanks lmadsen i'll try to find and read how to use contexts
17:00.59DocfxitI've been trying to figure out what is killing this system. I'm looking for anything right now.
17:02.07DocfxitI had the phone company out. They found a dead short in the Digium card. I replace the card. I haven't had the phone company out to check the new card yet.
17:05.05DocfxitOther people must be running without crashing. I'm trying to figure out what is different with this install. I can see most people wouldn't use a box this fast.
17:05.40lmadsenDocfxit: lots of people use fast boxes... I deploy clustered systems on Dell 2950's which are 2x quad-core Xeons without crashes
17:06.47DocfxitIs there someone I could pay to find the cause?
17:07.19lmadsenlike I said... if you're have a crash, you may have found a bug, in which case you need to open a bug on with information about how to reproduce the error along with the backtrace
17:07.38lmadsenDocfxit: yes, you can hire the Custom Development department at Digium to debug the system and get the backtraces, etc... for you
17:08.14lmadsenyou could request me if you wanted, or you could find another Asterisk consultant
17:09.19DocfxitI was thinking of purchasing the Business edition so I could get support. They are supposed to come out with a smaller version very soon.
17:10.02DocfxitTalking to the Custom Development at Digium is very expensive.
17:10.09dream_thlmadsen: you mean this book Asterisk: The Future of Telephony
17:10.19lmadsendream_th: yes sir
17:10.24dream_ththank you
17:10.40lmadsenDocfxit: smaller version?
17:10.47Docfxitlmadsen» yes.
17:11.13Docfxitlmadsen» I think the current version supports 50 lines.
17:11.32lmadsenoh, you just mean smaller number of simultaneous calls
17:11.50lmadsenafaik that's just a function of the license limiting the number of channels
17:11.59*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
17:12.07DocfxitThey are releasing a version for 40 simultaneous calls.
17:12.54DocfxitThe only part I don't like about the business edition is that it's a very old version of the software.
17:13.19DocfxitThey are updating the software but that won't be out for a while yet.
17:14.02lmadsenDocfxit: I think you have old information, because ABE C.1.x is out, and it is based on 1.4.x
17:15.17Docfxitlmadsen» I was talking to Chris @ Digium last week. I would have thought he would be on top of things.
17:15.35DocfxitUnless I didn't understand correctly.
17:15.55Docfxitlmadsen» Are you good a figuring out problems?
17:16.02lmadsenI'd like to think so
17:16.12lmadsenif not, I shouldn't be writing books :)
17:17.05DocfxitI'd like to talk to you about what it would take to figure this one out.
17:17.54lmadsenyou'll have to talk to custom development though because that's where I do all my consulting through
17:18.34DocfxitDoesn't that cost something like a $100/hr
17:18.39eric2in extensions.conf, how can I use a GoTo and send a variable with it?
17:18.57lmadsenDocfxit: entirely possible, but that's what I charge too
17:19.09lmadseneric2: set a channel variable before calling Goto()
17:19.20eric2ok, tx lmadsen
17:19.29lmadseneric2: or you can explain what you mean...
17:20.12eric2I have multiple incoming did's, each did points to some context (hosted pbx) need one dial plan to control everything... goto + chan var is good I think
17:20.19Docfxitlmadsen» This is a small install. 9 phone lines. Maybe 20 calls a day.
17:20.54lmadsenDocfxit: you might want to find another consultant then, because those are my rates...
17:21.20lmadseneric2: catch it with a pattern match, then you can use ${EXTEN}
17:21.35Docfxitlmadsen» Any idea how many hours it would take to look over the box?
17:21.47lmadsenDocfxit: not too sure to be honest... probably 1-2
17:22.22lmadsenI have a two hour minimum anyways
17:22.43Docfxit1-2 would be great. My distributor and myself have been working on this for weeks.
17:23.05DocfxitWhat phone number would I call to get this started?
17:23.20lmadsenI'd say the sales department at digium
17:24.02DocfxitHow could I ask for your help?
17:24.04lmadsenjust request Leif Madsen
17:24.30lmadsenthat should be all you need to do
17:24.41lmadsenand your name sir?
17:25.05lmadsenso I can relate the call to this conversation in my head
17:25.05eric2lmadsen: in short, what do you recommend for failover?
17:25.05DocfxitI don't think they are open today?
17:25.22worgilhello, when i want login from x-lite looking error (reistration error: 408. request time out). what can i do ?
17:25.29lmadseneric2: depends what you're trying to do....
17:25.38worgilhello, when i want login from x-lite looking error (registration error: 408. request time out). what can i do ?
17:26.04eric22 box's, primary takes all traffic, when it goes down, 2nd machine is to pick up the traffic
17:26.15eric2no need for clustering yet
17:26.27Docfxitlmadsen» Thanks for your input.
17:26.38lmadseneric2: look into LinuxHA
17:26.42lmadsen(I think that's what it's called)
17:27.04eric2ok, have looked at it.. tx
17:27.22lmadsenDocfxit: np... I'm off to the grocery store to get some breakfast food and should be back later
17:27.48Docfxitlmadsen» Is there anything I can do to help resolve this.
17:28.03Docfxitlmadsen» Like start any traces or debugs?
17:28.14lmadsenDocfxit: ya... read backtrace.txt and valgrind.txt
17:28.16lmadsenin the doc/ dir
17:28.25Docfxitlmadsen» Thanks.
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17:41.12worgilhello, when i want login from x-lite to asterisk server, looking error (registration error: 408. request time out). what can i do ?
17:41.34timeshellping the server
17:42.45timeshellwhat's the ping time?
17:43.38worgil88.247.51.99 cevabý: bayt=32 süre=29ms TTL=60
17:43.39worgil88.247.51.99 cevabý: bayt=32 süre=26ms TTL=60
17:44.07timeshelllooks ok
17:44.29worgilit closed
17:44.47timeshellOn the asterisk server?
17:44.56*** join/#asterisk kFuQ (
17:45.28worgilbehind DSL router
17:46.39worgilnot looking any error else
17:46.54worgil408 request time out
17:50.23worgilcan it be rtp.conf timeshell?
17:51.15timeshellThe asterisk server is behind a DSL router?  Which is before the XLite?
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17:52.00Dataxnat issue ?
17:52.26Dataxworgil: have you opened the port(s) needed ?
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17:52.52Dataxcan you see the client trying to log on to the server in the asterisk CLI ?
17:53.07worgilhow can i see ?
17:53.08riddleboxis there a way to see if SIPAddHeader is working?
17:53.12*** part/#asterisk nextime (n=nextime@unaffiliated/nextime)
17:53.53Dataxworgil: asterisk -vvvvvvr
17:53.57Dataxon the asterisk server
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17:59.01riddleboxI am trying to get paging to work, I followed the instructions on grandstreams website, and setup the phones and extensions.conf, when I try to call the paging exten I get this,
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18:06.17worgili have 4 voip modem on my asterisk server on other DSL lines, must i set externip other for voip modem ip?
18:09.57eragoHello, i`m trying to setup a simple asterisk box with two sip clients, both registered. When I try to make a call I get a notice "chan_sip.c handle_request_invite: Call from 1002 to extension 1001 rejected because extension not found". I have autoload=no in modules.conf. Thanks.
18:11.52*** join/#asterisk FireMac (
18:15.57mvanbaakCorydon76-dig: the trick with hints did not work
18:16.06mvanbaakprolly because the hints are acting up
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18:19.31mvanbaaksome info:
18:20.02mvanbaakit's funny to see a peer that's not registered on the box shows up as Idle in the 'show hints'
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18:26.08riddleboxis anyone doing paging or intercom'ing over the phone speakers?
18:30.10eric2riddlebox, I need to do that but haven't gotten to it yet
18:30.42riddleboxI am trying with the cursed grandstream gxp2000's,
18:30.49eric2I think you have to use ring groups but I could be mistaken
18:35.12mvanbaakCorydon76-dig: I think I'll just use Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}) and based on DIALSTATUS run a DUNDi query
18:35.48drmessanoGrandcentral gets a BIG FAIL
18:37.48*** part/#asterisk Whoopie (n=Whoopie@unaffiliated/whoopie)
18:38.27timeshellwhat determines which context the Queue() function uses when calling an agent?
18:39.32timeshellriddlebox:  I am using a Polycom
18:40.03timeshellI have to set the AlertInfo on the phone to a value and the RingType to 4 in the sip.cfg
18:40.32timeshellAnd then set the AlertInfo in the SIPAddHeader to the same value as I did on the phone before dialing it.
18:40.40drmessanoI need to find a single EXE DNSd for Windows so I can unlock a PAP2 lol
18:41.00timeshelldrmessano: SimpleDNS
18:41.08timeshellThat's what I used
18:41.11drmessanoDoes it require an install?
18:41.33timeshellDon't know off hand... I can check
18:41.40drmessanoWell, thats the whole point
18:41.52drmessanoI can run BIND from an unpacked ZIP, I think
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18:42.24drmessanoI had a box just for unlocking PAP2s, and I blew it up thinking I wouldnt run across any more of them
18:42.27drmessanoand so I did.. lol
18:42.33riddleboxtimeshell, I just got it working, the grandstream site tells you to create a list to do it but that list is not recognized in 1.4.17, or any 1.4 I assume
18:42.52drmessanoSo I want to create an enviornment to unlock without storing a PC for it
18:43.49drmessanoIm thinking an old Linksys router for DHCP+switch, small DNSd and small TFTPd along with that AnalogX WWW server
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18:45.52drmessanotimeshell: Treewalk DNS
18:45.57drmessanoSingle EXE FTW
18:46.00timeshellSo, I'm sending calls to a queue, which in turn is calling agents.  However, the agents are defined in users.conf by asterisk-gui.  The ones in that have hasvoicemail=yes the queue is dialing stdexten macro to call them which forwards them to voicemail.  For users that have hasvoicemail=no, it just uses dial.  I need to do just dial for both.  I can't see anywhere yet where it is defined to even use stdexten macro so I need to know why it's doing that
18:49.39timeshellthere are no contexts in extensions.conf where the macro stdexten is even called
18:50.28eric2in one context I set a channel variable with the following:   exten => _X.,1,Set(Var_TO=${SIP_HEADER(TO):4:10})
18:50.57eric2then use a goto and the variable is not found in the goto context
18:51.13timeshellbut something is calling it from as it shows up in the verbose
19:00.35timeshellis there any other conf file that can run macros other than extensions.conf?
19:02.03*** join/#asterisk ZPertee (
19:02.46ZPerteehow does asterisk know where I parked a call at?  I want to park a call move on down through the dial plan and then pick it up later.  how can I do this?
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19:05.02ZPerteeso once I park a call at extension say 711 than I just dial ext 711 and I'm connected???
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19:05.39timeshellSomething like that from what I understand
19:06.02ZPerteeok thanks for your help
19:07.41eric2timeshell, you can include files of you choice
19:08.14*** join/#asterisk supjigator (n=shanebur@
19:08.18eric2for example: I created a utils directory....    #include <utils/faxing.conf>
19:08.35timeshelleric2:  That's not quite what I meant.
19:08.48merkuriemy telco (comcast) seems to not perform a battery/no battery for 10-20 seconds after the other party has hung up... anyone else ever see this?
19:08.52supjigatorAnyone here using libss7?
19:09.13timeshelleric2:  asterisk-gui appears to be making asterisk call stdexten when putting a queue'd call to an agent's extension and I'm tryin to figure out where it does that
19:09.36eric2hmm.. that's one of the reasons why I stopped using the gui
19:09.39supjigatormerkurie: I've never seen any signaling that was 10-20 seconds.
19:10.01merkuriestrange eh?
19:10.14eric2timeshell   do a search for stdexten as a string in the files?
19:10.16supjigatormerkurie: Yea.
19:10.23supjigatormerkurie: What CPE is it?
19:10.56merkuriei'll call my cell phone, hang up and watch log and won't get the battery/no battery for almost 20 seconds
19:11.12merkuriesupjigator, not sure what cpe is? still pretty new to ast...
19:11.31supjigatormerkurie: What CPE?  What cable device do you have that has the FXS port in it.
19:11.46timeshelleric2:  Yah, I'd do the same except I'm building the system for a company that needs a simpler way to manage it than conf files
19:11.53merkuriesupjigator, ahhh... i can go look, starts with an a i think =) brb... i'll look
19:11.58timeshellSo, I have to figure out the best way to make it work.
19:12.38merkuriesupjigator, "arris touchstone"
19:12.42supjigatormerkurie: There should be specs for it.  It controls the signaling.  Its most likely packetcable or SIP but it would be doing the the FXS signaling.
19:12.49timeshellI mean, all the gui does is manage the conf files right?  So it's got to be in there somewhere.
19:13.24eric2what if its in realtime?
19:13.31lmadsenmvanbaak: hi!
19:13.44mvanbaaklmadsen: ello ello !
19:13.56mvanbaaklmadsen: great work on the cli stuff m8
19:13.59lmadsenhow goes this glorious day?
19:14.11lmadsenmvanbaak: you did all the work... I just documented it :0
19:14.16lmadsenwe make a good team :D
19:14.21mvanbaakyup :)
19:14.44lmadsenI hope devcon is in holland this year
19:14.50mvanbaakit wont be
19:15.01lmadsenhaven't been there and would love to go
19:15.13mvanbaakwell, 2 man devcon :)
19:17.15lmadsenand we probably won't get much done
19:17.45drmessanowindow sucks
19:17.48drmessanosorry, obvious
19:18.31lmadsenI like WinXP... I only use it for quickbooks and azureus... but I like it :0
19:18.38lmadsendamnit... I keep doing :0 instead of :)
19:18.55drmessanoI updated a bunch of apps since I last rebooted.. All of which were previously set to not start with Windows
19:19.17drmessanoThey all changed to "start with windows"
19:19.30drmessanoI reboot after an app breaks some things..
19:19.58drmessanoI have a 2.2 GHZ box with 4GB RAM..   and it takes 12 minutes for the box to slow to "responsive enough" with all these apps loading
19:20.12drmessanoHD light just solid..
19:20.34drmessanoI said "NO".. NO MEANS NO, not "NO now, but yeah, start on boot later"
19:21.05timeshellheh,  why are you running windows?
19:21.13drmessanoApplication requirements
19:21.20timeshellWork under WINE?
19:21.40timeshellah well.
19:21.43lmadsenWinXP + VMware Server = <3
19:22.09drmessanoI'm considering that.. My windows need is becoming less and less
19:22.25lmadsenyep... I only need it for a couple of apps, and VMware Server is rock solid
19:23.27drmessanoWhat bothers me worse than Windows, is the gall of a lot of these developers of WIndows apps
19:23.35lmadsenplus it's nice to just suspend it when you're done, and you don't have to wait for bootup times
19:24.00drmessanoThis whole "start with windows" battle is beyond Microsoft
19:24.18drmessanoBeen fighting it since the days of 95.. and it just gets worse
19:24.35mvanbaaklmadsen: I'm off
19:24.38mvanbaakgoing to the bar
19:24.47drmessanoThe whole platform is like the US Congress..
19:25.48lmadsenmvanbaak: awesome.. I'm going to cook dinner for a couple of friends and open a bottle of vino... peas out
19:26.24lmadsenthinking of making a tomato pasta sauce with quick fry steak
19:26.32lmadsenwhich means I should probably start marinating that steak right now
19:26.35lmadsenso I'm off!
19:26.47tzangerlmadsen: you can't cook
19:26.53lmadsentzanger: I almost can now!
19:26.57tzangerlmadsen: excellent
19:27.04tzangerif I were going anywhere near downtown I'd stop by for sure
19:27.07tzangerI've got a strong stomach
19:27.17lmadsenoh you don't need it... I'm almost good now
19:27.23lmadsenI haven't made anything that was terrible yet
19:27.39lmadsenmaybe a couple of sauces a bit bland, but I'm learning :)
19:27.42tzangerI was in toronto yesterday and again on monday, but only to the airport
19:27.46lmadsenyou should totally come over sometime and show me how to cook, heh
19:27.55lmadsenthe airport is not in toronto
19:27.57drmessanoOne of my buddies tried to grill out last night.. invited us over.. WAY underloaded the grill with charcoal, so we it was hamburger tartar or order a pizza.. the pizza was pretty good.
19:28.04lmadsenit is in mississauga... and mississauga != toronto
19:30.14tzangerI got to meet kyron too
19:30.14tzangerlmadsen: yeah yeah yeah, that's a typical torontonian response
19:30.14filetzanger: YOU
19:30.17tzangeranything about 25 blocks in any direction of the CN Tower is not considered toronto :-)
19:31.31tzangerfile: me?
19:31.38filetzanger: maybe.
19:31.51tzangerfile: you had a GSM radio card for your laptop; what kind of plan were you on and what did it cost?
19:32.28fileI was not on a plan, I had a t-mobile prepaid SIM roaming on Rogers with unfiltered access
19:33.02tzangert-mobile prepaid SIM, ok I understand that
19:33.05tzangerroaming on rogers, I got that
19:33.09tzangerunfiltered access -- ??
19:33.39fileT-Mobile provides free limited WAP access with their prepaid, when they enabled roaming on Rogers they did not properly set it up to limit - so full data access was provided
19:33.41filethat has since been closed
19:33.44tzangerhow much was the sim, and for how much access?
19:34.08tzangerso that hole's been fixed then, has it?
19:34.32fileport filtered now, and they push everything through a transparent proxy
19:34.43fileat least while roaming here
19:34.44tzangerbugger.  no ssh even?
19:35.15tzangerwhy is fucking data access so expensive anyway
19:35.26filebecause they want it to be.
19:35.39Nivexbecause people will pay for it
19:37.52drmessanoYou see the price comparison of TXTing vs Mobile Data?
19:39.15drmessanoSomething along the lines of if you transferred 1GB of data from a $30 mobile plan, to send the same amount of data per the rate of a single text message was $32 million
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19:48.35eric2lmadsen: I'll be in toronto sunday/monday     what's for diner?
19:49.24lmadseneric2: depends what you bring :)
19:51.33hmmhesaysdoes anyone know if function VMCOUNT only returns new voicemails?
19:55.47*** join/#asterisk arekm (i=arekm@pld-linux/arekm)
19:56.57eric2looks like it does nothing more than just that
19:57.18arekmhello, I need a little help with asterisk buildsystem. I need to be linked with one more library. I added AST_EXT_LIB_CHECK() check for it but how to make chan_zap linked with thing in MYLIB_LIBS=?
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20:12.29arekmhm, found something but now it stops building chan_zap at all :(
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20:20.20hmmhesaysso something seriously goofy is going on in the dialplan now when I set the callerid
20:21.59hmmhesaysit seems it is not setting the callerid
20:25.04hmmhesaysnope it sure is not
20:35.50hmmhesaysfigured it out
20:35.54*** part/#asterisk arekm (i=arekm@pld-linux/arekm)
20:38.47redbackI am trying to use conditional branching using an example on pg 151 of the 'handbook': exten => 01142997839,n,GotoIf($[${CALLERID(num)} = 8885551212]?101,1:reject) but keep getting a syntax error: syntax error: syntax error, unexpected '=', expecting $end; Input:
20:39.28*** join/#asterisk ice_croft (n=nolan@
20:42.15eric2redback, I just did something like that...
20:42.42eric2exten => s,n,Set(PbxContext=${IF($[ ${Var_TO} = 4164554120]?mgr:)})
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20:50.53redbackeric2: so that assigns nothing or mgr to the variable PbxContext?
20:51.27eric2if its a match, then mgr gets assigned to pbxcontext
20:52.40redbackmmm, the if looks pretty much like mine except the extra spaces - I am gonna try and add them and see if that works
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20:55.07lmadseneric2: you don't need the : in there fyi
20:55.09redbackeric2: cool that single space did it
20:55.22lmadsenonly when you need to pass a false value back
20:55.33lmadsenplus, you're going to set a NULL value sometimes... if you don't already know
20:56.17redbackI think thats where the unexpected '=', expecting $end; Input: error came in when the CALLERID was not set and was null
20:56.26lmadsenI prefer to do something like:  exten => s,n,Exec(${IF($[${Var_TO} = 4164554120]?Set(PbxContext=mgr):NoOp())})
20:56.52lmadsen$[Var_TO} has to be non-null, otherwise you have to put double quotes around it and what you are comparing to
20:57.02lmadsenI prefer to do something like:  exten => s,n,Exec(${IF($["${Var_TO}" = "4164554120"]?Set(PbxContext=mgr):NoOp())})
20:57.11lmadsennotice the double quotes in the 2nd example
20:57.57lmadsenor alternatively... you can do:  exten => s,n,GotoIf($[${ISNULL(${Var_TO})}]?skip_set)
20:58.10lmadsenexten => s,n,Exec(${IF($["${Var_TO}" = "4164554120"]?Set(PbxContext=mgr):NoOp())})
20:58.17lmadsenexten => s,n(skip_set),NoOp()
20:58.22*** join/#asterisk arekm (i=arekm@pld-linux/arekm)
20:59.05eric2hmm, I think I'll use one of your suggestions lmadsen.. probably the 2nd last one
20:59.43lmadsenya... I don't tend to do the GotoIf() one unless I'm doing something I really don't want to execute at all
20:59.56lmadsenbtw: don't put extra spaces where you don't need them
20:59.56arekmer, one more q, what's the best way to link two asterisk instances running on single machine? TDM?
21:00.03lmadsenit can possibly screw up your parsing
21:00.17eric2k, excellent points!
21:00.32lmadsenonly spaces around the operator... nothing else
21:00.43lmadsen$[ ${VAR} = foo ]  <--- I don't like
21:00.52lmadsen$[${VAR} = foo]  <--- much better
21:01.20redbacklmadsen: $[ ${VAR} = foo ] worked for me and $[${VAR} = foo ] did not
21:01.22lmadsenand remember:  always double quote the values being compared if one of them could possibly be null
21:01.36lmadsenredback: you still have an extra space
21:01.42lmadsenredback: this is why spaces are BAD
21:02.01arekmthe way that would allow faxes to be transferred correctly? anyone
21:02.07lmadsenunless you are checking prior to using the variable that it is not null, always double quote
21:02.20lmadsenor you end up with essentially this:     $[ = foo]
21:02.27lmadsenthis will give you an error
21:02.45lmadsenif you double quote... then at worst you end up with:    $["" = "foo"]
21:02.49lmadsenthat will NOT cause an error
21:02.52riddleboxwohoo got the intercoming/paging working
21:04.36eric2nice!  :)
21:04.45redbacklmadsen: thanks for those tips works lovely
21:05.02JerJeryahoo turns down microsoft
21:07.12eric2arekm I was looking at faxing last week.. only way I can see doing it correctly is to use T.38
21:07.33arekmeric2: huh? both asterisk are on single network so no latency issues
21:07.45eric2d'oh, my bad
21:08.00arekmeric2: TDMoE would work... but it needs mac addresses which won't work on single machine
21:08.46eric2can TDMoE be used over the internet?
21:08.53arekmno, only over ethernet
21:09.30lmadsenfax + voip = fail
21:09.36lmadsenfax + tdm = ok
21:09.55eric2what about t.38?
21:09.56arekmlmadsen: now how to get tdm working on single machine :>
21:10.07lmadsent.38 will work
21:10.14lmadsenbut asterisk will only do passthrough
21:10.20lmadsenso both ends needs to speak t.38
21:10.23eric2passthrough is all I need
21:10.36arekmtwo network cards connected with crossover hehehe
21:14.11tzafrir_laptoparekm, I figure you can also use iax to link them. I'm not sure how you'll split the TDM channels between the two instances
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21:15.50arekmtzafrir_laptop: one will use 1 eth card, second will use 2 eth card, they will talk to each other
21:18.14tzafrir_homeWhat TDM channels do you want to use, exactly?
21:18.39arekmall of them
21:23.54tzafrir_homearekm, zaptel channels and spans are global
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21:26.06arekmtzafrir_home: hm, can I do (a1)span1 ... tmdoe ... (a2) span2 ? then half of channels would be usable at the same time
21:27.16arekmbut maybe simply using iax would be enough even for faxes (since this is single computer so only loopback on the way) ?
21:28.31tzafrir_homepeople use iax for iaxmodem . It seems to work on the same host
21:31.27arekmNow the other potential problem arises. I have three cards: 1x quadGSM and 2x B410. Will such setup work: one asterisk manages quadgsm card (zaptel) and other asterisk manages 2xB410 (also via zaptel) ?
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21:53.10Greek-BoyIs it really necessary to use dundi within a enterprise? What about using pattern matching with iax2 alone?
21:54.07BBHossGreek-Boy, what do you want to do with dundi, clustering or a e.164-type network?
21:55.38hmmhesaysI'm having a strange agi problem, if I try and read from STDIN in two places in my perl agi script it just seems to hang there
21:56.01Greek-BoyI have an organization with multiple branches. I just want all the organization's extensions to be reachable from every asterisk.
21:56.17BBHossGreek-Boy, how many branches?
21:56.49BBHossand there is an asterisk server running at each?
21:57.51Greek-BoyI've never experimented with dundi. This will be the first time.
21:58.05hmmhesaysanyone know why trying to read from stdin the second time kills the script
21:58.06BBHossGreek-Boy, it would probably be just as easy to make iax connections
21:58.09hmmhesaysit seems as though it doesn't run at all
21:58.42BBHossGreek-Boy, only problem is, that you'll be hard pressed to get DUNDi support if something doesn't work like you think it should
21:59.02Greek-Boyok, so I just should use pattern matching?
21:59.18BBHossGreek-Boy, thats what i would do, even though i use DUNDi
21:59.43BBHossnow if you had like 25 branches, i could see where having that many lines would get tedious
21:59.59jhiverhi guys
22:00.19*** join/#asterisk nitzer (n=nitzer@unaffiliated/nitzer)
22:00.36jhiveri have a question about .call files, more specifically about 'Channel'
22:00.54jhiverhow do you make it hunt through multiple routes for the outbound call?
22:01.44BBHossjhiver, you are using asterisk and not freepbx right?
22:02.19jhiveri'm thinking pehaps using Local/ ?
22:02.30jhiverand then having my hunt order there?
22:02.43BBHosswhat do you mean by hunt, what are you trying to do with it
22:03.00jhiverfirst try peerA, then if it's congested try peerB, etc
22:03.45jhiveri'd like to avoid setting up a second asterisk box just to do this :)
22:05.09drmessanoThis is an OLD pap2
22:05.16BBHossPAP2 V1?
22:05.18drmessanoCan't seem to get it where I want it lol
22:05.25drmessanoPAP2v1 with 2.x firmware on it
22:05.35BBHossthe PAP2 V2 are easy as hell to crack
22:05.40drmessanoI know
22:06.06drmessanoI seem to get this one to take 3.1.6 from the SPA FW stage
22:06.13drmessanocan't seem
22:06.50BBHossjhiver, you can use the GotoIf() application
22:08.59DataxHi all, I'm setting up my first Asterisk box and am learning about dialplans and peers
22:09.22DataxI have a SIP host that I have been able to connect to thanks to a guide found online
22:09.31Dataxbut there's something I don't understand
22:09.34drmessanoDamn... odd one
22:09.56Dataxif I set my SIP provider as a friend why can't I receive calls ?
22:10.15Dataxthey only arrive on my sip box if I set up the provider as a peer
22:10.41Agrajag-jhiver: if you have that auto fallthrough option on, Dial will go to priority n+101 on congested/busy/unavailable/noanswer
22:10.43Greek-BoyBBHoss from a security point of view is it better to go with DUNDi?
22:11.02DataxI thought that by setting it as a friend I'd be able to configure incoming and outgoing calls
22:12.07BBHossGreek-Boy, ruby encrypts the lookups and such, but it still runs over iax2
22:13.15Agrajag-jhiver: err, take noanwer out of that list
22:14.37*** join/#asterisk luke-jr (n=luke-jr@2002:440d:6de2:0:20e:a6ff:fec4:4e5d)
22:14.45jhiverok the question was about callfiles, not about hunting itself, but i think using Local channel will work =)
22:14.54*** join/#asterisk AndyGraybeal (
22:15.03luke-jrDoes anyone know if it's possible to find dedicated servers with pings under 50ms to all the continental US?
22:15.55BBHossluke-jr, it always depends on the user's side
22:16.36luke-jryes, but I mean assuming a reasonable delay on the user's end ;)
22:16.43jhiverplus hunting on busy would be kind of bad methinks :)
22:17.01jhiverif the number returns busy, there's really no point in hammering it
22:17.26jhiversince i'm always hunting the same number through different peers
22:17.35jhiverit's not like i'm ringing different phoens
22:18.58Dataxfigured it out
22:22.35variable_officemy asterisk server keeps asking my asterisk client for options but it is to: there is no such user, so the client replies 404.  any idea where the server is getting the s@ username?
22:22.58variable_officethe user is registered as sipuser16
22:28.36*** join/#asterisk FireMac (
22:28.48iamhrhdoes anyone know if the latest SIP firmware for the 7960 cisco phones supports auto answer via a sip header?
22:30.06drmessanoThat was a new one
22:30.19drmessanoI don't know if it's the hardware version, or what
22:30.46drmessanoBut I normally 3.1.9 > SPA Firmware > 3.1.6 PAP2 FW
22:31.18drmessanoThis 2.0.10 one was 2.0.10 > SPA FW > 3.1.3 PAP2 FW > 3.1.6 PAP2 FW
22:31.29drmessanoWeird shit
22:35.05*** join/#asterisk Gary (n=Gary@freenode/staff/colchester-lug.gary)
22:35.41variable_officethe Reg. Contact for the user seems to be wrong
22:35.45variable_officeit is s@
22:36.25hmodesvariable_office: does your reg line have /sipuser16 at the end?
22:36.44variable_officethats what i am looking at now, apparently it defaults to s
22:37.05variable_officethat seems stupid, why doesnt it default to the username?
22:37.34*** join/#asterisk craigk (n=craigk@
22:37.52Dataxquick question, I intend to use SCCP cisco phones with my asterisk server. I get the impression that there is more than just one SCCP module. Which one is best ?
22:38.12hmodeswell, if you're registering to things that allow the contact to differ having a default can be useful
22:38.14hmodesi guess...
22:38.25hmodesi dunno really, i always use /<contact>
22:39.14Dataxanyone ? :)
22:39.59Dataxwhat differs from skinny chan, chan_sccp and chan-sccp-b ?
22:40.40variable_officehmodes, i did that but it is still sending back 404 sometimes
22:41.58variable_officeoh wait, always,  OPTIONS request for the server are accepted, but OPTIONS request from the server are 404
22:43.19hmodespastebin sip debug?
22:43.47hmodesand the relevant sip.conf/extensions.conf too i guess
22:44.06variable_officewhat in extensions.conf would matter for this?
22:44.26hmodeswell i'm not quite sure what you mean by asking for options
22:44.34hmodesso i just default to asking for everything ;p
22:45.02hmodesafaik options should only be exchanged as part of a registration or invite
22:45.05variable_office102 options is what it says
22:45.21*** join/#asterisk TeamINM (
22:45.22variable_officei think it does it if you have qualify set to yes, but i am not sure
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22:45.33hmodesthat's entirely possible
22:45.41hmodesjust the sip debug is all i really need to see, i think
22:46.07TeamINMhas anyone had issues with a digium tdm800p card not loading the child cards?
22:46.58TeamINMchannel failed error 1
22:47.23hmodespersonally, i avoid qualify.  imo it gets used for the wrong reason a lot
22:47.44hmodesbut then i've been waiting for a registration cache forever
22:48.15hmodesrapid registration w/ caching >>> notify
22:49.15variable_officeand that dialog just keeps repeating
22:51.01hmodesthat's...  odd..
22:52.13variable_officewhich part?
22:52.26hmodesoh wait, no, that is normal for qualify=
22:52.58hmodesi guess they use that instead of notify/info now
22:53.39hmodeswhat version of * is this?
22:53.59variable_office1.4 on all involved machines
22:54.54hmodesand the machines are both registering to each other?
22:55.19variable_officeno, the client is registering to the server
22:55.54hmodesclient's sip show registry shows it as registered?
22:56.51variable_officeyep registered as sipuser16 to the dns name of the host
22:57.00variable_officeerr. to the dns name of the server
22:57.42hmodesis there a reason you have nat enabled?  it seems they are not natted from the messages
22:57.48hmodesnot that it should matter
22:58.09variable_officeit is enabled on the server by default, it doesnt hurt anything when talking to non-natted atas at least
22:58.42hmodesi'd try disabling it just to be sure, beyond that it looks like it might be a bug
22:59.15hmodesi don't see anything obviously wrong with the messages assuming the client trusts the box sending the options
22:59.28hmodesmight want to try insecure=very?
22:59.34*** part/#asterisk RoyK (
22:59.49hmodesmebbe the client is expecting auth info or something
23:01.13hmodestho' it would be sending back a 401 rather then a 404 if that were the case
23:01.17variable_officei have that, here let me show you my sip.conf it might be something there
23:01.26timeshellIs there any value that get's set when you queue a call that can be read to identify within a different context that it originated from a queue?
23:03.41TeamINMhas anyone had issues with a digium tdm800p card not loading the child cards? I am getting a zt_chanconfig failed on channel 1: device not config
23:03.41*** join/#asterisk Corydon76-dig (i=indigo@pdpc/supporter/bronze/Corydon76-home)
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23:03.55hmodesdoes the client have a [sipuser16] peer defined?
23:05.39variable_officei just added all that port stuff, it didnt help
23:06.22hmodeswell, i guess my first question is are you actually using qualify for something?
23:06.35hmodes'cause you could probably just take that out and avoid any further thought ;p
23:06.50hmodesif it's needed, i think i'm stumped
23:07.22TeamINMI am getting a zt_chanconfig failed on channel 1: device not config on my tdm800p - can anyone help me with this?
23:07.45variable_officeno but i dont think its the qualify on the client, i think its the qualify on the server that would have to be turned off.  qualify off would probably make the messages go away; but the point is that it SHOULD work
23:08.05hmodesyeah, i agree, it should work
23:09.43hmodesi dunno, i use iax2 between my boxes because i don't really trust sip between two *'s ;p
23:10.08timeshellAfter a queue gives it's call to an agent, I need a way to identify that it actually came from a queue before dialing the agent.  Not which queue it came from, but that it came from a queue (true/false).  Any ideas?
23:10.13hmodesthere's a lot of assumptions about what should and should not work given the number of insanely buggy sip implementations
23:10.16hmodesnot so much with iax
23:11.22variable_officeya, this is for a crazy test, i didnt want to produce any more errors than i had to
23:11.36variable_officethe client is running newest * too
23:11.59TeamINMcan someone just let me know that my post are posting - i'm on a beta client
23:12.08*** join/#asterisk _darkKnight_ (
23:12.44variable_officehmodes, the only difference i found was that the "Reg. Contact : sip:sipuser16@" instead of "Reg. Contact : sip:sipuser16@"
23:12.51variable_officethink that could have something to do with it?
23:13.14_darkKnight_variables inside global section in AEL are not expanded??
23:13.36variable_officeTeamINM yep can see
23:13.48TeamINMthank you!
23:14.15*** join/#asterisk alephcom (
23:14.33_darkKnight_globals { ATA01_DEV=SIP/sipura1; ATA02_DEV=SIP/sipura2; ATA03_DEV=SIP/sipura3; ALL_ATA=${ATA01_DEV}&${ATA02_DEV}&${ATA03_DEV} };
23:14.36_darkKnight_like this
23:14.53hmodesany particular reason not to just use iax variable?
23:15.31_darkKnight_when I Call(${ALL_ATA}); the variables inside ALL_ATA are not expanded
23:15.47hmodesif so, i'd probably say ask around again and if someone can reproduce file a bug
23:16.01hmodessadly i'm not equipped to try cross registering two 1.4 instances at the moment
23:16.17_darkKnight_it try to call "${ATA01_DEV}&${ATA02_DEV}&${ATA03_DEV}" and not "SIP/sipura1&SIP/sipura2&SIP/sipura3"
23:16.23alephcomI'm looking for a little wisdom.  We installed a TE210 this morning and the channels show up in ztcfg but I can't get them to show in asterisk.
23:16.34hmodesand if i had a reason to, they wouldn't need qualify anyway ;p
23:16.42hmodesso it seems like a pretty rare case
23:19.25variable_officehmodes, is it possible that i somehow need to register sipuser16 to itself?
23:19.31variable_officeor something crazy like that
23:19.59alephcomI really need to get his resolved.  I'll offer $50 USD as a bounty if anybody can help me resolve it.
23:20.09hmodeswell, technically if you trust your network you don't need to register the boxes to each other at all
23:20.23hmodesand the qualify is an extra level of overkill
23:20.49hmodesunless they're dhcp on a private network
23:21.18drmessano~ron paul
23:21.28drmessanojbot: forget ron paul
23:21.28jboti forgot ron paul, drmessano
23:21.42variable_officehmodes, if i do sip show peers it says the status is "unregistered"
23:21.49variable_officeerr. unmonitored
23:22.10hmodesi think it'll say that if it's not getting an expected response
23:22.15hmodesi.e. the 404
23:22.26drmessanojbot: Ron Paul called it quits in '08, ZOMG RONPAULAPPLEUBUNTU 2012!
23:22.27variable_officethat is on the client though
23:22.51drmessanojbot: Ron Paul called it quits in '08, ZOMG RONPAULAPPLEUBUNTU 2012!
23:22.54variable_officei mean on the client if i type sip show peers it says it is unmonitored
23:22.57drmessanodamn thing
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23:23.18hmodesthe client has qualify=yes?
23:23.25hmodesand a peer for the other box?
23:23.37*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (
23:23.44hmodesugh, show me the other box's sip.conf ;p
23:24.07*** part/#asterisk _darkKnight_ (
23:24.27hmodeswe'll call it the 'server' i guess
23:24.45variable_officehmodes, my bad, i turned off the qualify to see if that did anything; it didnt; now i turned it on and the status is back to OK
23:25.07variable_officethe server is all realtime, itd be hard to show that config
23:25.22hmodesoh dear
23:26.20hmodesadding realtime in to the mix hurts my brain ;p
23:27.18hmodesi just noticed in the original sip debug you removed the ip of 'server'
23:27.23hmodesis that because it's a public ip?
23:27.46hmodesthis machine has two nics?
23:27.54variable_officethe publics and the privates can talk directly without nat in between
23:28.05variable_officeno one nic
23:28.30hmodes'client' is sending it's traffic to 'server''s public ip and receiving the response from same then?
23:28.36*** join/#asterisk msolomos (
23:28.46variable_officeeach box only has one ip
23:28.52hmodesthat's weird, just checking ;p
23:29.41variable_officewhats weird
23:29.57hmodesrouting between public and private ip space without nat
23:30.03msolomoshi all
23:30.16variable_officeah, ya, the private space is only natted when it is going to non-our ip space
23:30.33hmodesmost network guys i've run across think that's tantamount to sin, but meh, i see no reason why it isn't valid ;p
23:30.54variable_officeworks good for me
23:31.35hmodesi could see it messing with nat/localnet settings tho'
23:31.38blitterchipso who is going to offer kindly some help on a strange really strange thing ?
23:32.30*** part/#asterisk Gary (n=Gary@freenode/staff/colchester-lug.gary)
23:32.43blitterchipzap show status works
23:32.44hmodesso yeah, sorry variable, but i'm back to 'this looks buggy' and 'i'd use iax'
23:32.59hmodesi'm stumped
23:33.00blitterchipbut it doesn't bring any channels
23:33.03variable_officethanks for the help though
23:33.34blitterchipi will keep asking for this untill someone good answer me
23:33.35*** join/#asterisk jameswf-home (
23:33.43blitterchipanyone out there?
23:34.57blitterchiphi there, we need some specialist in pri's
23:35.06tzafrir_home'zap show status' simply means that there are zaptel spans on your system
23:35.23variable_officehmodes, i must have changed something because now it says call from 'sipuser16' to extension 'sipuser16' rejected because extension not found
23:35.24tzafrir_homeyou have to have some channel => lines to get channels
23:35.31blitterchiptzafrir i can tell you that card is properly configured
23:35.40blitterchipbut for some reason it doesn't bring us the channels
23:35.45blitterchipit's a TE120
23:35.57tzafrir_homewhat is the output of: cat /proc/zaptel/*
23:36.01variable_officenvm, i figured it out
23:36.21*** join/#asterisk m4sk4r4 (n=m4sk4r4@
23:36.46hmmhesaysanyone in here using perl for their agi?
23:37.11blitterchipdo you want me to paste it here?
23:38.01blitterchipSpan 1: WCT1/0 "Wildcard TE121 Card 0" HDB3/CCS/CRC4
23:38.09blitterchipand so on so on .....
23:38.29alephcomhmmhesays: I am
23:38.30tzafrir_homeSo it is configured, but not (In use)
23:38.46blitterchipaleph can tell you more about this
23:38.57blitterchipwe have been struggling for the last 10 hours
23:39.08blitterchipit's damn strange
23:39.10tzafrir_homeblitterchip, how have you defined it in zapata.conf ?
23:40.30hmmhesaysalephcom are you using the Asterisk:AGI package? I am not
23:40.33hmmhesaysnor do I want to
23:40.52tzafrir_homehmmhesays, alephcom isn't here
23:40.54blitterchiphe is quited
23:41.01blitterchiphe is my friend
23:41.05hmmhesaysI see that now
23:41.15hmmhesaysI'm having a hell of a time with this agi, I can't figure out what is going on
23:41.21blitterchiptzafrir is the "irq misses" a worrisome thing ?
23:41.22tzafrir_homeand the package is Asterisk::AGI (part of Asterisk from CPAN)
23:41.39tzafrir_homeIf it's increasing, I guess. Not really sure
23:41.41hmmhesaysyeah my bad
23:41.48hmmhesaysyou know what I meant obviously
23:42.18blitterchipso have you got any idea why although the card is configureed
23:42.22tzafrir_homeTeamINM, pastebin your zaptel.conf, and /proc/zaptel/1
23:42.26blitterchipwe can't see any channels in asterisk?
23:43.16tzafrir_homeThe card has been configured by ztcfg . Now - did you add the proper config in zapata.conf?
23:43.28tzafrir_homeyou said it was configured. What did you mean?
23:43.31blitterchipwe did have change it 50 times
23:43.34blitterchipnothing works
23:43.45tzafrir_homepastebin your zapata.conf
23:43.57blitterchipi used zttool
23:44.00blitterchipstatus is ok
23:44.02blitterchipwith no alarms
23:44.05tzafrir_homealso: what errors do you get in /var/log/asterisk/messages?
23:44.11blitterchipno errros
23:44.16tzafrir_homepastebin your zapata.conf
23:44.54TeamINMi'm working on getting my zaptel.conf
23:45.13TeamINMwhat the best web front end for asterisk?
23:45.23blitterchiptzafrir ?
23:45.27tzafrir_homeTeamINM, none, really
23:45.40blitterchip; include zap extensions defined in AMP
23:45.40blitterchip#include zapata_additional.conf
23:45.53blitterchipchannels => 1-15,17-31
23:46.03*** join/#asterisk asteriskrules (
23:46.47tzafrir_homeblitterchip, do you have the module ?
23:46.57tzafrir_homeah, sure you have it
23:46.59TeamINMtzafrir - i think it has to do with the zaptel drivers and the tdm800p
23:47.13tzafrir_homedo you have PRI support? 'pri' command?
23:47.33TeamINMthis is another person that before, did he tell you its on freebsd?
23:47.34tzafrir_homeTeamINM, pastebin the output of cat /proc/zaptel/*
23:48.03*** join/#asterisk craigk (n=craigk@
23:48.15blitterchiptzafrir hav you seen it?
23:48.30TeamINMis this working?
23:48.47TeamINMproc zaptel doesnt exist
23:48.48tzafrir_homeblitterchip, looks ok
23:48.59blitterchipthat's what i a saying
23:49.03tzafrir_homeis it readable to asterisk?
23:49.06blitterchipbut still no channels in asterisk cli
23:49.18tzafrir_homeTeamINM, I don't know zaptel-bsd
23:49.23hmmhesays any perl agi people care to take a look at that
23:49.51TeamINMi thought maybe it was a bsd zaptel problem too, but i get the same results in linux
23:50.15tzafrir_hometry: modprobe wctdm24xxp
23:50.22TeamINMboth systems see the card, but the x400m isnot there
23:50.22tzafrir_homedoes it give an error?
23:50.35blitterchiptzafrir are you talking to me?
23:51.11*** join/#asterisk gerphimum (
23:51.20tzafrir_homeblitterchip, ls -ld /etc/asterisk /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf
23:51.54TeamINMbsd doesnt have modprobe, kldstat is the command.  it doesnt show anything for any zaptel cards
23:52.40blitterchipdrwxrwxr-x  3 asterisk asterisk 4096 Feb 10 01:45 /etc/asterisk
23:52.40blitterchip-rwxrwxrwx  1 asterisk asterisk  237 Feb 10 01:45 /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf
23:52.48TeamINMhave you heard of any problems with the x400m and zaptel?  like i mentioned, it does the exact same thing in linux
23:53.07tzafrir_homeblitterchip, world-writable files are bad for your helath, generally
23:53.27tzafrir_homeTeamINM, I have no idea
23:53.33blitterchipwhat's that supposed to me/
23:53.42TeamINMalright, thanks for your time
23:53.58tzafrir_homeTeamINM, I figure you should get errors when you load the module, or something
23:54.09blitterchiptzafrir you are my last hope
23:54.26tzafrir_homeunfortunetly I'm dead tired
23:54.42tzafrir_hometry going over the logs. You must be missing something
23:55.01tzafrir_homemaybe another asterisk is running and using those channels?
23:55.04blitterchiptzafrir if you solve this i will make you a statue
23:56.46blitterchipbig one
23:58.54blitterchipgood night then
23:59.03blitterchipi will built the statue for someoelse
23:59.45*** join/#asterisk obnauticus (

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