IRC log for #asterisk on 20080208

00:00.39pkunkrai changed "messages => notice,warning,error"  to  "messages => notice,warning,error,verbose"
00:02.08pkunkrathat did it
00:02.08pkunkraits dumping into /var/log/asterisk/messages now
00:02.15*** part/#asterisk lmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
00:03.52pkunkrahrm.  even with all this traffic, i can't reproduce.  packet loss is pretty bad and is quite jittery
00:04.04pkunkrabut considering what i'm doing, its not half bad.
00:04.35pkunkrathough, i'm only hitting the router with 100KB/s up and 100KB/s down
00:09.05CunningPikeStupid question time - how do I start the AMI on a running asterisk?
00:09.38*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
00:10.01*** join/#asterisk draygon (i=draygon-@
00:12.58mchouI saw something interesting at the local electronics surplus shop today.  Actiontec Internet Phone Wizard PCI.  Looked like a FXO/FXS.  Anyone know if there are drivers in linux for that card?
00:13.05*** join/#asterisk obnauticus (
00:13.13obnauticusI just downloaded the latest version of zaptel
00:13.15obnauticusand there is no ./configure
00:13.53Frogzoois it the case that the [default] context is used when no other context matches?
00:15.42tzafrirobnauticus, 1.2 or 1.4?
00:15.50obnauticusit has no configure i just noticed
00:15.56obnauticusi just made it
00:15.57tzafrirconfigure is only in 1.4
00:15.57obnauticusit's fine
00:16.03obnauticusis there a zaptel 1.4?
00:16.11obnauticusI just got the latest
00:16.16obnauticusthere is
00:16.18tzafrir1.4.8  is the latest 1.4
00:17.14obnauticusjsut noticed
00:17.20obnauticusit said current
00:17.25obnauticusi assumed current == latest but apperentally not
00:22.34draygonHello if someone could quickly set me up a PBX, I am willing to pay please message me
00:23.47*** join/#asterisk tobias (
00:27.51obnauticustzafrir I just installed asterisk on centos, and the command asterisk isn't found
00:28.01obnauticusI haven't installed on CentOS before.
00:28.34tzafrirHave you tried:  /usr/sbin/asterisk
00:28.43obnauticusthanks dude
00:28.59tzafrirUse 'su -' rather than 'su'
00:29.24tzafrirThis will also set the sbin directories in your PATH
00:30.18obnauticuserr redhat
00:30.34obnauticusand tzafrir on CentOS how do i have it load the zaptel module
00:30.38obnauticusalso -- on startup?
00:30.42Frogzooobnauticus: start a new shell maybe
00:31.28tzafrir'make config' in zaptel ?
00:31.41*** part/#asterisk Ad-Hoc (n=nimbus@
00:31.59husimonI installed asterisk, now what?
00:32.09obnauticusZaptel has been configured.
00:32.15obnauticusI think that the zaptel hardware you have on your system is:
00:32.20obnauticusthen it gives me prompt
00:34.20*** join/#asterisk Wangster (
00:34.43x86husimon: serious?
00:34.50x86husimon: what is your goal?
00:35.16Wangstercan someone explain to me why 1.4 over-writes the voicemail.conf file? Is there a way to stop this behaviour?
00:36.28[hC]overwrites how?
00:36.56Wangstercompletely re-writes the contents of the file with the current mailbox settings.
00:37.09x86Wangster: using a GUI?
00:37.20Wangsterno. no GUI. just stock 1.4.
00:37.40[hC]1.4 shouldnt modify your voicemail.conf file's settings at all, just passwords, if you change them.
00:38.37WangsterI have a #include directory/*.conf
00:39.06Wangsterin my voicemail.conf. It removes that and takes all the settings from those files and puts them in voicemail.conf instead.
00:39.46WangsterSo then if I add a new file to that directory it fails to read them in.
00:40.07husimonx86 i'm joking
00:40.16*** join/#asterisk ZaVoid (
00:40.40x86husimon: ;)
00:41.11x86Wangster: asterisk itself does not do this behaviour
00:41.22x86Wangster: something else is making changes
00:41.35Wangsterx86: negative. it is asterisk. it even says at the top of the file.
00:41.46Wangsterwell its "app voicemail" to be more exact.
00:41.53x86what is the message, exactly?
00:42.02QwellWangster: what do you mean "current mailbox settings"?
00:42.12*** join/#asterisk AndyGraybeal (
00:42.36Wangsterx86: ah crap I just deleted it but basically "file automatically generated by app voicemail"
00:42.41x86Qwell: he makes it sound like all of the mailboxes, etc get removed and re-created each time
00:42.53x86Wangster: it will re-generate itself right?
00:43.05Wangster;! Automatically generated configuration file
00:43.05Wangster;! Filename: voicemail.conf (/etc/asterisk/voicemail.conf)
00:43.05Wangster;! Generator: AppVoicemail
00:43.09Wangsterjust found it..
00:43.26x86using flat files or database?
00:43.36x86for your configuration
00:44.09Wangsterstrictly flat files
00:44.41x86ok, then there must be an option in your voicemail.conf related to this, can you pastebin it?
00:44.53Qwellwhat is it rewriting?
00:45.25Qwelland why is that bad?  what is is changing?
00:45.29Qwellis it*
00:45.32*** join/#asterisk mtaht4 (n=m@
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00:45.56*** part/#asterisk mtaht4 (n=m@
00:46.06WangsterQwell: because I have an include statement that it removes.
00:46.21Qwellit very clearly states at the top of the file to not do that
00:46.45WangsterQwell: so it removes the "#include voicemail.d/*.conf" and basically dumps the contents of those files into the main conf.
00:46.54Qwelldon't do that then
00:46.57Wangsterthen the next time I load it it does not read in the new files from the directory.
00:47.04Qwellthis is documented behavior
00:47.23Wangsternot in the sample conf file that I have.. unless I missed it.
00:47.31Qwell; NOTE: Asterisk has to edit this file to change a user's password.  This does
00:47.31Qwell; not currently work with the "#include <file>" directive for Asterisk
00:47.31Qwell; configuration files, nor when using realtime static configuration.
00:47.31Qwell; Do not use them with this configuration file.
00:47.33Qwellyou missed it
00:48.06Wangsteris that new in 1.4? I'm sure it worked in 1.2
00:48.14Qwellit's never worked.
00:48.33Qwelland there is a similar warning in the 1.2 config
00:49.28Wangsterwell that blows.... I don't know how to solve this then.
00:49.41WangsterThe provisioning system needs to be able to add voicemailboxes.
00:52.41ZaVoidhey Qwell .... in theory.. if i never "answer" in my dialplan there is no reason why a carrier would see me as  picking up the call right?
00:58.32*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
00:58.47mchouthis sucks
00:59.28mchoubought a linksys wrtp54g at the local surplus store on impulse
00:59.41mchouturns out it's locked to vonage
01:00.22mchouwas hoping to run openwrt and ggsip on it
01:00.27ZaVoidunlock it
01:00.43husimoni'm sure there are guides
01:00.57mchouZaVoid: yeah, phone books worth
01:01.23*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
01:01.28husimonZaVoid, if you pickup the call the call is answered.
01:01.30ZaVoidunocking guide there i just saw
01:01.37mchounot a fan of reading tech docs just to get this going :(
01:01.46husimonmchou, laugh, gl then
01:01.46ZaVoidno the problem husimon is that i'm not doing an answer
01:01.52ZaVoidjust scraping the ANI from the call
01:01.57mchouhusimon: gl??
01:01.59husimongood luck
01:02.03ZaVoidand maybe playing some tones :)
01:02.08ZaVoidwell it was working... now its not..
01:02.08mchouhusimon: ok :)
01:02.19husimonbecause reading tech documents is what life is all about
01:02.37mchouhusimon: I get paid to do that
01:02.52mchounot something I want to do on my own time :)
01:03.02outtoluncthen pay someone else to unlock it <G>
01:03.25mchouanyway, that guide is windows centric
01:03.27plikmchou: or ebay
01:03.35husimonis it possible to run asterisk on ATAs ?
01:03.39mchouI'm sure there are better ways to unlock
01:03.40husimonlike the linksys router + atas?
01:03.48ZaVoidlooks prerty straight forward from the instructions husimon
01:04.04husimonmchou, buy one that is already unlocked i would guess
01:04.14mchouhusimon: bingo!
01:04.24husimonmchou, dude it's a single exectuable
01:04.25husimonjust do it
01:04.35mchouhusimon: but then you'd have to deal with the resets
01:04.37husimonit unlocks the thing for you
01:05.21mchouhusimon: I kid you not, no windows at home
01:05.45husimonguess you better install vmware then
01:05.47mchounot even on my lappy
01:05.55ZaVoidor parallels
01:07.02mchousigh, maybe I should have bought tigerjet for $1 and tried that out
01:07.13*** join/#asterisk docelmo (
01:07.14plikwaaaah I bought the wrong thing and I don't want to read, and I can't be arsed to do anything about my problem so I'm just gonna complain in a channel that has almost no relevance whatsoever
01:07.51mchouplik: what makes you think I'm complaining?
01:08.31ZaVoidi'm complaining! i got 8 mins of battery left
01:08.33plikyour first 4 lines, and most things youve contributed to the channel since then
01:08.46ZaVoidthis mac is 9 months old and i need a damn new battery already.. holds 1/2 the charge it used to :(
01:08.56plikas of about 9 minutes ago
01:08.57husimonzavoid i have the same problem
01:09.06ZaVoidmacbook pro?
01:09.08husimoncept more then 9 months
01:09.10husimonmacbook 13"
01:09.14husimonit's just that the battery is getting old
01:09.21mchouplik: my first 4 lines simply states I didnt know any better
01:09.22ZaVoidsee my wife's macbook still holds the same charge 2 years later
01:09.35ZaVoidmy battery is rated for 5000(milliamps? sound right?)
01:09.35mchouplik: so please buzz off
01:09.42ZaVoidand now it shows only 2400 at most fully charged
01:10.44mchouplik: apparently you dont understand the finesse of openwrt
01:11.25husimonwould be sexy if openwrt could be installed on an spa3102
01:11.28husimonand then run asterisk on it
01:11.31mchouthe router part
01:11.50*** join/#asterisk coppice (
01:11.52plikopenwrt is very cool, but telling#asterisk you bought a locked one is unlikely to resolve your problem other than the advice and links you've been given
01:12.31mchouplik: dude, pls dont be dense
01:12.51mchouplik: you clearly dont understandd the concept of finesse
01:13.07findlayisn't that a light chicken gravy?
01:13.44husimonyou don't know how to spell it
01:14.10*** join/#asterisk eric2 (
01:14.21mchouI spelled finesse incorrectly?
01:17.30Frogzooopenwrt's good, but it's a bit clunky still
01:27.47BBHossanyone know why my DID provider would be trying to authenticate as my dundi user?
01:31.25J4k3openwrt is too wrapped up around junk hardware with bad driver support
01:31.36J4k3its in a world of crap... the buildtree is pretty nice otherwise.
01:31.37*** join/#asterisk nvrpunk (n=root@
01:31.53J4k3I was thinking about using it for a kiosk distro
01:32.02nvrpunkquick question, where is a good place to find out what is needed hardware wise to setup a pbx?
01:32.10nvrpunkor build my own rather
01:32.37nvrpunki was reading about S/T BRI cards but am wondering if there is anything else needed
01:32.42nvrpunkoutside of a pc
01:34.18Frogzoolonger term though, manufacturers might open up their hardware for openwrt
01:34.35tzafrirnvrpunk, you want to connect it to a telco?
01:34.38tzafrirvia BRI?
01:34.57nvrpunktzafrir, well... we are a wireless ISP based in Iraq
01:35.07nvrpunkat some point we want it to be able to dial back stateside
01:35.14Frogzoonvrpunk: that's covered in the Asterisk book, which you can download
01:35.15mchouhah, no kidding
01:35.36nvrpunkFrogzoo, ah
01:35.45tzafrirWhat type of wireless exactly? cellular?
01:36.03nvrpunktzafrir, IP phones, like some of the linksys or netgear ones
01:36.07J4k3nvrpunk: are you iraqi owned?
01:36.13nvrpunkJ4k3, haha no
01:36.17nvrpunkis my english that bad?
01:36.32tzafriryeah, but how do you actually connect to people
01:36.35J4k3nvrpunk: no... not quite the point.
01:36.36*** join/#asterisk ZPertee (
01:36.50nvrpunktzafrir, satellite link
01:36.56nvrpunkvia Swip then to usa
01:37.10pliknvrpunk: satellite safer than cables huh?
01:37.22nvrpunkku band, c band and microwave, then our network, then wireless b/g
01:37.34angryuser<nvrpunk> but the delay? ping is not too high?
01:37.44ZPerteewhat is the best way to pickup a line?  I have an overhead pager system plugged into asterisk.  What I want it to do is connect to Zap/1 and playback a file "joe Line one"
01:37.46nvrpunkangryuser, 600ms back to the states
01:37.48J4k3now, if it wants to support me...  I'm an expert in wireless and voip deployment.
01:37.50nvrpunkecho cancellation
01:37.58angryuser<nvrpunk> forget voip then
01:38.20mchounvrpunk: serious, you yanking our chain regarding Iraq or are you for real?
01:38.28nvrpunkfor real....
01:38.40nvrpunkthats us
01:38.52nvrpunkabout 2000 end users
01:39.26nvrpunkand we aren't corporate
01:39.33angryusernvrpunk: the problem is the delay, are you ready to talk like on radio ?
01:39.36nvrpunkunless you call two geeks a corporation
01:39.44mchounvrpunk: your site seems to be down
01:39.47J4k3nvrpunk: two geeks and how many security people?
01:40.06mchounvrpunk: seems to be timing out
01:40.19nvrpunkmchou, quite possibly, no clue why though
01:40.25J4k3plus... why the hell deploy it in iraq when theres plenty of territory in the states thats economically viable and not completely screwed?
01:40.28mchounvrpunk: lol
01:40.31nvrpunkangryuser, everyon here already uses VoIP
01:40.48tzafrirJ4k3, someone needs to provide communication for Iraq.
01:40.55mchounvrpunk: if your site isnt HA then you cant be telco :)
01:41.02tzafrirNow are you going to preach them here all day?
01:41.16tzafrirand find your way to the /ignore list?
01:41.25angryusernvrpunk: not the answer
01:41.31J4k3tzafrir: if you want to /ignore, go for it.
01:41.34*** join/#asterisk phix (
01:41.41mchoutzafrir: who are you referring to?
01:41.44J4k3tzafrir: no loss to me, at all.
01:42.04J4k3I don't need an /ignore-threatening nerd reading my text :P
01:42.24nvrpunkso we can't hit a real telco line
01:42.34J4k3yeah, we kinda screwed them all up
01:42.38nvrpunkbut there are providers who do VoIP to real telcos
01:42.40nvrpunkfor a price
01:42.41J4k3... go figure, theres lots of money in replacing them!
01:42.47nvrpunkwe would obviously set that up
01:42.59nvrpunkso I don't need a BRI card on a server
01:43.13nvrpunkwhat do I need to set up an internal pbx with wireless G/B
01:43.17tzafrirYou need a BRI card to connect ISDN BRI
01:43.21nvrpunkand wireless VoIP phones
01:43.26angryusernvrpunk: as i said the conversation with ping 600 is unconfortable...
01:43.28J4k3you want to grow up to be an itsp/wisp over a really crappy internet link
01:43.29BBHosscan someone tell me why my * box is telling my DID provider to authenticate as my dundi user?
01:43.30tzafrirwhich is not what you have, I guess
01:43.47nvrpunkangryuser, im already in Iraq and have used VoIP here already
01:43.51nvrpunki know what its like
01:44.00angryusernvrpunk: and ?
01:44.09nvrpunknot as bad as you are imagining
01:44.15nvrpunknot quite walkie talkie
01:44.17nvrpunkclose though
01:44.21J4k3nvrpunk: seems like getting wireless bh out of iraq wouldn't be that hard, assuming you could keep everybody from attacking it
01:44.22angryusernvrpunk: do you have any data about their setup ?
01:44.34nvrpunkwho's? ours
01:44.49tzafrirnvrpunk, besides the actual ping time - how steady is the ping time? does it vary between 595 and 610 or between 550 to 650?
01:44.54J4k3voip over a slow link isn't as bad as you'd think
01:45.00nvrpunkSAT Ku, to Hub in Kuwait, Kuwait to Hub in USA
01:45.04nvrpunkall Ku band
01:45.08J4k3the average GSM call in a busy city sounds like 500ms voip to me.
01:45.10nvrpunkand the delay isnt that bad
01:45.13angryusernvrpunk: if they use satelite or cable ?
01:45.19nvrpunkthats with a callmanager and turboIP
01:45.24nvrpunksat coms....
01:45.28J4k3nvrpunk: the problem with satellite is the speed of light.
01:45.35nvrpunkI actually run satcoms for the Army -.-
01:45.41J4k3and the fact you're talking to satellites that are 30k miles from you at the closest.
01:45.57J4k3band doesn't matter... speed of light stays the same
01:46.05nvrpunkyes, obviously
01:46.16angryusernvrpunk: if there is no pb with the ping for u start reading the book
01:46.17mchouJ4k3: only in vacuum :)
01:46.25jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
01:46.29J4k3mchou: very little change in air ;)
01:47.03nvrpunkhehe, didnt expect so many questions
01:47.08mchouJ4k3: better get your quater wave plate out
01:48.21pkunkrafinally.  a new version.
01:48.27pkunkragood docs for asterisk
01:48.50nvrpunkok, just wondering, any special hardware actually even needed for an internal pbx that doesn call out?
01:48.58nvrpunkbesides VoIP phones
01:49.06nvrpunkat 10 megs of the 14
01:49.44pkunkranvrpunk: ethernet cards
01:49.57nvrpunkpkunkra, okies, covered :P
01:50.44J4k3heres a question
01:50.45pkunkradon't really need much if its pure voip
01:50.54J4k3would using iax trunking help with the satellite performance?
01:51.00J4k3SIP is generally 50 pps
01:51.03J4k3thats a lot of traffic.
01:51.07J4k3err 100 pps (50pps both ways)
01:51.22pkunkraj4k3, i've found that sip outperforms iax
01:51.34J4k3pkunkra: over sat?
01:51.40J4k3and with lots of concurrent calls?
01:52.02pkunkrai had jittery networks that got a lot of dropped packets.
01:52.11pkunkraswitching to sip solved the issues for me.
01:52.31pkunkrawell, give it a try
01:52.39J4k3sat with decent qos would be high latency, but fairly reliable
01:53.02J4k3high end (dedicated) sat generally pings reliably within 10-20ms
01:53.03drmessanoI got a PAP2 for $25 at the CompUSA "KTHXBYE" sale
01:53.06pkunkraj4k3, true.  i had low latency but multiple paths.
01:53.13nvrpunkwell we need gateway to PSTN, billing management too
01:53.17pkunkrayour results may vary.
01:53.23pkunkrabut that's just my observations.
01:53.26nvrpunkanyone know of any offhand that work with asterisk?
01:53.34nvrpunkie outsourced companies
01:53.38nvrpunkthat handle such things
01:53.49nvrpunkor free software based solutions hehe
01:53.53pkunkraj4k3, um.  10-20ms?   no way.  that's theoretically impossibly.
01:54.07pkunkraradio does not travel that fast up to geosync orbit
01:54.08J4k3pkunkra: no, 10-20ms jitter
01:54.20J4k3ie - 610 to 630ms latency
01:54.26tzafrirpstn gateway is hardware. So it can't come free
01:54.28pkunkrahahah.  that's more like it.
01:54.41tzafrirUnless you go for a voip service
01:54.43J4k3consumer sat internet in usa = 900-1400ms
01:54.45pkunkrai suppose the latency would be good.
01:54.51tzafrir(which will cost you bandwidth)
01:55.02pkunkrabut sats always have bat latency.
01:55.13pkunkragod i can't type today.
01:56.26pkunkragot a ethernet surge ?
01:56.35pkunkrayeah yeah.  offtopic.
01:56.46pkunkrabut the on-topic channels don't cover it.
01:57.15J4k3I gave up on ethernet surge supressors
01:57.26J4k3if I need surge supression on ethernet I get out some fiber ethernet adapters and some fiber.
01:57.32J4k3nothing beats optical isolation
01:57.40*** join/#asterisk tuxfoo (
01:57.51pkunkrai want to connect my computer directly to my cable modem, without the intermediate router to improve my phone's performance.  but i'm concerned about surges and lighting strikes frying my computer.
01:58.17coppiceoptical isolation just changes the problems :-)
01:58.17pkunkrahmm.  fiber ain't cheap though.
01:58.58pkunkrai'm thinking of just stuffing a 8-port switch inbetween the two instead.
01:59.17J4k3its cheap-ish
01:59.25pkunkraso it can make a layer 2 decision instead of a layer 3/4
01:59.53husimonpkunkra, are you really going to lose that much performance with a router
02:00.05pkunkrai think the router is crap.
02:00.12husimonmaybe you need a new router
02:00.14J4k3it is.
02:00.35husimonpkunkra, that's what is running your production voip system?
02:00.37pkunkrai also have a sonicwall tz 170
02:00.38husimonhow many users?
02:00.54pkunkranope, that's what my hardware phone is sitting behind.
02:00.59drmessanoBurk makes a VERY nice PSTN surge suppressor that in 15 years, i
02:01.08drmessanoI've never had one fail
02:01.15husimonthrow away that router and buy a real one :P
02:01.16pkunkrathe production pbx is behind a pix 515e
02:01.18drmessanoBut nothing for ethernet
02:01.26J4k3ethernet is a pain
02:01.32angryuserthe crazy idea of the day
02:01.37J4k3I tried all sorts of surge supression products
02:01.41J4k3between my house and tower
02:01.47J4k3all I got was blown up equipment and/or cooked wire
02:01.49tuxfooI routed my phone on my laptop via my LAN port and then through my wireless via 11Mb and did not have any issues with my phone.  And that was through Winders XP
02:02.06drmessanoNeat thing is.. theres (2) 12 ohm resistors in them that actually go bad.. and all you do is replace them and put the box back in service
02:02.06tuxfooJust for fun
02:02.12*** join/#asterisk SteveTotaro (
02:02.14J4k3I finally said screwit... bought an isolation transformer and a 1700' spool of multimode duplex off ebay for peanuts
02:02.17tuxfooyou need a new router
02:02.23drmessanoWe keep the covers off and just keep repairing them as they go
02:02.44pkunkraj4k3, hmmm.  out of curiousity, was the blown up equipment always the first one on the line?  cause if that's the case, i think a switch will solve my needs nicely.
02:03.04J4k3pkunkra: depends on how strong the lightning hits were
02:03.15pkunkrahow close?
02:03.23drmessanoA switch isn't sufficient enough in my opinion
02:03.31J4k3tower base is 185' from my house, and the equipment room is another 30' back from there
02:03.45plikangryuser: LOL
02:03.49drmessanoI've had switches get hit via the AC and take out 5 or 10 NICs
02:03.59pkunkraj4k3 and tuxfoo. yeah.  i think this router is crap
02:04.01J4k3tower well grounded but not bonded with the electrical or house ground
02:04.05pkunkrapretty convinced too.
02:04.21J4k3drmessano: I had a c2924m blow up taking out almost all the cards attached
02:04.26pkunkradrmessano, ugh.   great.
02:04.28J4k3everything from realtek to cisco
02:04.32J4k3intel and 3com
02:04.39pkunkradoes it go past the nic though?
02:04.41J4k3well, lost a cisco router's ethernet port too
02:04.44pkunkraonto the motherboard?
02:04.48drmessanoNow and then
02:04.54J4k3pkunkra: nah, just knocked the interface off the cards in my experience.
02:05.02drmessanoIts lightning.. you can say "No, it always stops HERE"
02:05.03J4k3had some melt the line transformer thingie
02:05.42pkunkradrmessano, nothing i can do then?  even with grounding up the wazoo?
02:05.48drmessanoThis time, your switch may be the "fuse", next time, the router, time after that, the video card lol
02:05.55drmessanoGood grounding helps
02:06.01drmessanoBut nothing is 100%
02:06.33J4k3its all about fiber... fiber fiber everywhere
02:06.34SteveTotaroi can tell you something 100%
02:06.35J4k3and isolation transformers
02:06.38SteveTotarodeath and taxes
02:06.51J4k3SteveTotaro: they both leave a load in your pants, too
02:06.55drmessanoI've got an AM tower with a ground system the size of a baseball field, and 4 inch ground strap silver soldered to everything and I still lose stuff now and then
02:07.16drmessanoIts just part of life
02:07.23SteveTotaronot sure about the taxes
02:07.23J4k3the trick is
02:07.27J4k3lowering the strain
02:07.32pkunkrawell, an AM tower is a different story.
02:07.36J4k3ie - I use a medical grade isolation transformer
02:07.41J4k3its rated for >100kV sparkover
02:07.44tuxfoothat sucks - get some surge proction and a UPS
02:07.46pkunkrai don't have 100 foot tall lighting rods on my rig.
02:07.51drmessanoMost of my strikes aren't the tower
02:08.03SteveTotaroi use myself as surge supression
02:08.12J4k3drmessano: I've only had my tower hit once...  I lose trees all around my tower though... strange stuff.
02:08.23drmessanoMost of my strikes come in via the A/C or the telco
02:08.27pkunkraweird.  seems the bolts like the trees better
02:08.36drmessanoThe tower generally bleeds itself off
02:08.44pkunkraare the telco lines above ground?
02:08.49ZPerteehow can I do chanspy for only 30 seconds
02:09.03J4k3I've had lightning strikes via phone here, we're all below ground
02:09.09SteveTotarohangup after 30 seconds
02:09.13J4k3but a tree got hit across the road that had the neighbor's phone line under its roots
02:09.28J4k3tree -> roots -> phone line -> box -> a half dozen T1 repeaters -> smoke
02:09.29drmessanoJ4k3, ever seen lightning jump across a room?
02:09.32J4k3there was also a dead squirrel
02:09.33drmessanoor the result of it?
02:09.39J4k3drmessano: no, yes
02:09.40tuxfooI would think you would have died from a heart attact with many strikes that close
02:09.49drmessanoThats effin impressive shit lol
02:10.08drmessanoYou get used to lightning after a while
02:10.15J4k3yeah, a couple local telco guys have told me about their wire frame lighting up a few times
02:10.31J4k3just lose a pair or two out of it
02:10.42J4k3but an impressive light show
02:10.51J4k3they'd close the doors on the room during any thunderstorm activity
02:11.09SteveTotarocant wait for EMP weapons
02:11.24BBHossanybody here using dbsecret
02:11.30pkunkratuxfoo, humans don't use electricity....  neurons are a different power source (or whatever its called)
02:11.37drmessanoIve seen it come into a room, wack a phone, jump across the room to a rack, put a carbon trace in the paint on the rack, arc over to a piece of conduit, blow a 120V outlet off the wall, and ground out
02:11.53SteveTotarohumans use electricity
02:11.57drmessanoThat was 15 years ago now.. freaky
02:11.59J4k3drmessano: daaaamn
02:12.01J4k3drmessano: scary shit
02:12.14pkunkrai'd love to have a nice EMP/HERF gun to take out the neighbors stereo.
02:12.30pkunkradirectional would be great!  but that's probably impossible to make
02:12.34tuxfooYou live close to area 51 or something?
02:13.07SteveTotaroonetime i saw ball lightning
02:13.14SteveTotaroit chased me around for a while
02:13.21SteveTotaroblew up my car
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02:13.31SteveTotaroand then jumped into my house
02:13.35pkunkraball lighting?
02:13.38pkunkrayeah right.
02:13.47SteveTotaroand exploded my refrigerator
02:13.50drmessanoBall lightning is supposed to exist
02:13.57SteveTotaroyes, it exists
02:13.57drmessanoI dunno if it does or not
02:14.07J4k3great balls of lightning
02:14.07SteveTotarogoogle it
02:14.12pkunkradrmessano, i think god is trying to take you out or something.  i guess he must keep missing.
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02:14.37timeshellGreetings one and all.
02:14.41drmessanoWell, when you drive TO the point where the lightning is focusing, it happens
02:14.59tuxfooGovernment testing? Just kidding.  That's a lot of bad luck.
02:15.10SteveTotaroor tall tales
02:15.33drmessanoI used to take a lot of chances too.. Start working on getting a station on the air when I could hear the static popping across the insulators on the tower
02:15.36SteveTotarolike that big logger, what was his name?  Paul something
02:16.01drmessanoNow i'll sit back and give it a while
02:16.07drmessanoIt's not worth it
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02:16.49drmessanoLightning and Ice I will not mess with
02:16.58pkunkrawhy ice?
02:17.01SteveTotaroyeah, meth is bad
02:17.26drmessanoOn an 1100 foot tower, chunks the size of small children have been known to fall off
02:17.27SteveTotaroi had a friend hooked on ice
02:18.13J4k3drmessano: yeah... I don't do any work on my wisp if theres been any logged lightning within 30 miles of here in the last 30 minutes.
02:18.20drmessanoI think something the size of a golf ball can kill you
02:18.36J4k3hail sucks
02:18.46SteveTotaroit is always the same story with ice, first they just need a little boost to keep up with day to day activities, squeeze a little more out of the day
02:18.53coppiceI've seen cars smashed up by hail
02:19.17SteveTotaroi have seen cars with dents and broken windshields
02:19.23J4k3my install truck is all dinged up from hail
02:19.26SteveTotarobut i would not call that smashed up
02:19.28J4k3and that was merely 2.5" stones
02:19.35hmmhesaysmy e815 is now powered by 3 AA batteries
02:19.36drmessanoI remember early on going out to one of the sites to cut the power back, and heard a piece of ice explode on the metal roof the building.. I finished what I was doing and got the hell out of there, fast lol
02:19.47coppicewell, yeah. that's the extent of the smashing up I mean. they looked a real expensive mess, though
02:19.49J4k3hmmhesays: haha funky
02:20.20hmmhesaysyeah well I got 20 days until I get a new phone and this one doesn't charge any battery to capacity anymore
02:20.23timeshellI'm looking for some assistance with call queues.  I've noticed that when a call comes in a queue or a ring group and does a ringall, if any agent on the queue or in the ring group hits ignore, the call get's forwarded to the extension's voicemail, regardless of whether or not the call was intended to go there.  Is there anyway to designate that if a call comes in from a queue or ringgroup that it should never go to voicemail period?
02:20.44husimonis there any reason why i would get no callerid from the telco  for a given number
02:20.49husimonbut my cell phone picks it up fine?
02:20.50hmmhesaysso I soldered a couple of leads onto the battery posts and superglued a AA holder to the back of the phone
02:20.53SteveTotarotip of the day, if you freeze paint balls you can turn a paintball gun into a serious weapon
02:20.53husimonthis is for incoming calls
02:20.55drmessanoI do know one thing though..  As long it's connected with copper, lightning loves it
02:20.59husimondoes the telco sometimes accidentally block it?
02:21.09coppicehmmhesays: do you think there might be a market for cellphones that take 3 standard D cells?
02:21.36husimoncoppice, i think you can buy universal plugs that use batteries
02:21.44drmessanoI do like these burk arrestors though
02:21.51Agrajag-timeshell: don't put it in a context with voicemail?
02:21.54husimoncoppice, 3 standard D cells? you mean like a fucking brick? hehe
02:22.00drmessanoThey seem to work well.. knock on wood, havent had anything pop across one
02:22.18drmessanoIf you ever run across something called an OPTILATOR, AVOID THEM
02:22.29drmessanoIts a box with a piece of fiber in it
02:22.34drmessanoPowered on one end
02:22.44drmessanoThey are J U N K
02:23.00timeshellAgrajag: I want to be able to use the same extension for both direct calls to the extension, but also queued calls to the extension.
02:23.15timeshellBut only the direct calls should go to voicemail
02:23.24timeshellQueued calls should stay in queue.
02:23.30coppiceI've seen the aftermath of lightning hitting a cable about half a metre below ground. I was amazed that could happen
02:23.31Agrajag-timeshell: so put the same extension in different contexts, one with voicemail, one without?
02:23.54timeshellThey are.
02:24.07timeshellIt seems when hitting ignore, it gets sent to the voicemail anyway
02:24.13drmessanoI've never witnesses one in ground get hit.. but i've heard stories
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02:24.41SteveTotaroverizon cut the power to our call center one time when they were burying fiber
02:24.46Frogzooany recommendation for cheap DIDs in Sydney?
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02:24.58SteveTotarohit the main power for the whole block with a pick axe
02:25.10coppicenot a backhoe?
02:25.20SteveTotaroi looked at the hole afterward and the ground was scorched
02:25.29SteveTotaroas well as the pick axe
02:25.37Agrajag-Frogzoo: if your isp provides ones, i'd recommend that, for low latency
02:25.54FrogzooAgrajag-: it's a good point
02:25.56SteveTotarosurprised the guy walked away, i jumped it was so loud even inside the building
02:25.58drmessanoI watched a guy on a bucket trick cutting a tree down, swing the arm around and ground out the main coming into one of our buildings
02:26.15drmessanoI was shocked he lived
02:26.20drmessanoha.. shocked
02:26.51Agrajag-Frogzoo: i'm with internode, i've found nodephone to be very good (internode operate nodephone on a different network with QoS to you). calls are a bit more expensive than others (18c national), but i always get good quality calls
02:26.54pkunkradrmessano.  nice.  unintentional though.  ;-)
02:27.00pkunkrawhat are these burk arrestors
02:27.26drmessanoBurk TS-1
02:27.39drmessanoMade to go with their broadcast equipment, but we use them all over the place
02:27.52drmessanoThey clam right on a piece of ground strap
02:28.14husimonas long as you have a ground strap
02:28.31drmessanoNaah.. they have a stud on the side you can run wire to
02:28.33husimoni'm pretty sure our t1 interface to the telco is grounded to our building ground
02:29.06drmessanoThey're two line too, so we made adapters so we can flip flop the pairs when we have one lose its resistors
02:29.20drmessanoSo each gets two hits before we have to fix
02:29.21husimonyeap it is
02:29.49husimoni might buy one of those for at the summit of mauna loa where I have a telescope with network equipment
02:29.58husimonI think we just lost an onboard nic and router because of power
02:30.40husimonoh, how much are those things?
02:30.42pkunkradrmessano.  useful.  might want to try it.
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02:31.17drmessano$250, but you can find them for less
02:31.18drmessanoUmm probably has a much better price that $250
02:33.09drmessanoI've gotten them for $230 before.. but didn't have the choice of using SCMS before this year
02:33.16drmessanoHe's usually much cheaper
02:34.16timeshellhow do you define what context a queue uses?
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02:34.47[TK]D-Fendertimeshell, uses for what?
02:35.06timeshellsending calls to agents
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02:35.20[TK]D-Fendertimeshell, thats at the point where you log the agent in.
02:35.45darkcrackhi, has anyone having some trouble connecting asterisk to FWD? im having problems connecting to it..
02:35.47[TK]D-Fendertimeshell, its not the Queue that is told to point to a context, but the Agent themselves
02:35.54drmessanoFWD is a PITA
02:37.15darkcrackwhat you mean PITA?
02:37.20timeshellTKD:  I'm trying to understand how to prevent a queued call from going to an agent's voicemail
02:37.50timeshellTKD: under ANY circumstances.  I seem to be misunderstanding how to do something
02:38.00[TK]D-Fendertimeshell, then when you log them in, don't point the agent to a context & exten that leads to VM.
02:38.18timeshellRight now, when I hit ignore on a logged in agent, it get's sent to the voicemail of the extension that that agent is getting the call on
02:38.22[TK]D-Fendertimeshell, You are the one specifying the context when you log them in.
02:38.24drmessanoIts a pain in the ass to get working and keep working
02:38.44[TK]D-Fendertimeshell, Go look where that is and send them to a context that does not land on voicemail.
02:38.46drmessanoI truly believe their settings are an intentional moving target LOL
02:38.46darkcrackyeah..thats what i have been reading on their forums..
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02:39.08drmessanoIAX doesn't work at all..
02:39.15drmessanoSo you can forget IAX and FWD
02:39.34darkcrackhope they fix it..
02:39.46drmessanoSIP you can get working.. sometimes
02:39.54timeshellTKD:  So basically, the ext that they are logging into can't have voicemail assigned.
02:40.38darkcrackwhen you say sometimes? how often
02:40.39timeshellWhich would mean that if you want an agent to have an extension that has voicemail on a phone and also receive calls from a queue then the phone must have at least 2 extensions
02:40.47darkcrackhehehe do you mean unreliable
02:41.32drmessanoIt will work for a while, and then they change out something and suddenly your config doesn't work.. you make a tweak like forcing the DTMFMODE and it works fine.. for a few months.. then it doesn't
02:42.02drmessanoI don't quite understand it..
02:42.07darkcrackthats a pain in a ass
02:42.30drmessanoI'd love to claim I was doing something stupid, or REALLY didn't have it working correctly.. But it does work.. then stops
02:42.50darkcrackwell i need a reliable peer
02:43.08drmessanoWhy did you pick FWD?
02:43.28[TK]D-Fendertimeshell, a phone does not have "extensions".
02:43.59darkcrackjust testing it...if it is a good peer..i wont know if i dont test it
02:44.06[TK]D-Fendertimeshell, YOU make contexts with extensions.  They just happen to cause a particular device to ring.  Some contexts never get dialed directly by a user.
02:44.36[TK]D-Fendertimeshell, and YES, this clearly means you need a completely separate extension that does not involve voicemail for use with calling your agents
02:45.15[TK]D-Fendertimeshell, And again, "Agents" are not "extensions", and phones don't have "voicemail".
02:45.26[TK]D-Fendertimeshell, You need to lear to disassociate these things
02:46.24timeshellTKD:  YOu're obviously taking what I say as literal and not representative.
02:47.01drmessanodarkcrack, do you want a real ITSP or something to play with?
02:47.10timeshellTKD:  But thanks for clarifying anyway.
02:47.18[TK]D-Fendertimeshell, Say what you mean, because these are common misconceptions.
02:48.04timeshellTKD:  I'm just curious why programmatically a tag hasn't been implemented to identify a queue call on the same context so that it doesn't have be directed to a separate extension.
02:48.11[TK]D-Fendertimeshell, you already didn't have your head straight about where the call was being placed into and I've seen plenty more to have no reason to think that all you just wrote wasn't just more of the same.
02:48.34darkcrackthat i can use it
02:48.53[TK]D-Fendertimeshell, there is nothing "programatic" about *.  You define almost everything explicitly yourself
02:49.12[TK]D-Fendertimeshell, it is 100% your job to define every single step, and nothing is implied.  that is what * is about.
02:49.47pkunkradrmessano, so the original question i had.  do you have your computer hooked directly to your cable modem?  or do you not prefer to do so because of lighting?
02:50.02drmessanodarkcrack, Gizmo Project is free one... they offer Termination and Origination, but have a healthy number of free users on their 747 area code
02:50.14timeshellnm, you answered the question in pretty much the same way I had already figured out that I had to do it.  I was just hoping for another way around it.
02:50.35drmessanoI would never, ever hook direct to a modem, pkunkra
02:50.41drmessanoI have a 24 port switch at home
02:51.02drmessanoI run everything off it
02:51.16pkunkraand the switch is between the two?
02:51.22drmessanoYes, of course
02:51.27pkunkrano router?
02:51.48drmessanoModem <> Router <> Switch <> Everything Else
02:51.53timeshellTKD:  You have to understand that I'm trying to implement what I perceive on the outside to the inside, whereas I'm sure with your experience with asterisk you are programming inside to make it do something outside.  So, our way of explaining the implementation is different although the end result in my case ends up being the same.
02:52.06pkunkraalright.  that answers my question i guess.
02:52.15RobbaI'm now looking at setting up Queues, but i'm a bit confused as to this whole agents/members thing
02:52.41drmessanoSwitch, router, and modem are on an APC UPS..
02:53.08drmessanoRight now I have NOTHING on the Cable line coming in.. which bothers me
02:53.09[TK]D-Fendertimeshell, Well your approach is more applicable to a system that is aware of all sorts of rules.  This is not Asterisk.  Asterisk is what you make it to be.  Thats why 95% of learning * is dialplan.  Nothing is automatic.
02:53.39drmessanoI was using those little $10 radio shack inline "pop plugs" as I call em, but I kept losing them
02:53.40timeshellTKD:  Understood.  I'm trying to grasp the more advanced usage of the dialplan.
02:53.46timeshellTKD:  This is why I'm here.  ;)
02:53.50drmessanoMy modem is my "fuse" right now lol
02:55.45eric2speaking of dial plans, is it better to stuff everything into realtime or just put everything in extensions.conf?
02:55.47pkunkrahah.  well, i suppose that's the best thing to go if it does.
02:56.02drmessanoSomewhere I have an old APC BNC <> BNC NETWORK protector
02:56.09drmessanoI should throw that inline
02:56.10Robbaok member => agent/[number] is the [number] the sip extension?
02:56.25drmessanoThe little impedence bump shouldnt matter
02:56.50coppicethe achilles heal of fibre is that it normally needs a metal armour
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02:57.23[TK]D-FenderRobba, No.
02:57.39[TK]D-FenderRobba, that is neither an extension or a sip device
02:57.44drmessanoThere would be a good market for single inline Cable modem surge protectors
02:57.50drmessanoI should come up with something
02:57.53Robbado the agaents have to always manually log in?
02:58.29Robbaor is there a way to give a SIP extension a dedicated agent number
02:58.56drmessanoWhen I used to run 300ohm twinlead on CB (don't ask), I used 1 amp AGC fuses for surge protection
02:59.21drmessanoI wonder if I could use a fast AGS 1/8 amp fuse in a metal box lol
02:59.21pkunkradrmessano, i'd buy a lot of them
03:00.13drmessanoIf I did it, I wouldn't want to come up with a gimmick.. I'm not really sure what I would put inline for cable, tbh
03:00.32[TK]D-FenderRobba, Please don't use the words "SIP extension" consecutively again.  An extension is a number that can be dialed in your dialplan.  This number does not have to do anything important at all, its just has to exist.  AThe fact you may have a numbered extension that just so happens to ring s SIP DEVICE is besides the point.
03:01.42[TK]D-FenderRobba, And Agents are things you have to log in to identify yourself as.  The way that you log in will determine what will be called for that agent.
03:02.14Robbai see
03:02.30Robbaour phones are pretty much static
03:03.16Robbaso is there a way for users to stay a member of the queue?
03:03.25Robbaand not have to log in?
03:04.34[TK]D-FenderRobba, go read the queues.conf sample file
03:05.07drmessano10ohm 5 watt resistor inline and a spark gap for catastrophic failures
03:05.14drmessanoThat may work
03:05.51angryuserDBQuery is deprecated?
03:06.04pkunkrafound an old befsr41
03:06.12pkunkrasupposed to be fried though
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03:06.35Robbai have already and couldn't make much sense of it
03:06.45pkunkraand my old 100mb switch
03:06.46Robbahence why i'm here
03:06.52pkunkrai'll put that inline
03:07.52[TK]D-FenderRobba, "member => SIP/100" <- this will make that device a permanent member without logging in/out
03:09.25pkunkraeww.  pings are bad.  definate proof that the router is crap.
03:09.26pkunkrartt min/avg/max/mdev = 8.059/172.429/958.136/248.295 ms
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03:09.45pkunkrai think that's my telephone problems right there.
03:10.38dthomas`naturally, the day i come to ask a question about asterisk is the day a new release is made. :)
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03:12.25roe_anyone know if there is a widget that will interface with a VoIP phone that runs on the PC?
03:12.40Robbacan you remember my dialplan?
03:12.47[TK]D-Fenderroe_, Depends on the widget, soft-phone ,mand PC.
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03:13.09roe_[TK]D-Fender, not a soft phone, some thing will interface with a hardphone
03:13.10[TK]D-FenderRobba, No.
03:13.42[TK]D-Fenderroe_, well that would clearly be entirely dependant on the phone now wouldn't it?
03:14.29roe_[TK]D-Fender, absolutely so the better question would be is there a hard phone that exists that comes with an interface to a PC
03:15.22roe_although, there could be a program that interfaces with the operator api of asterisk to get similar information, much like what FOP does
03:15.42Robbawell for example my phones are logging in with username 7620 to 7630 so this makes them SIP/7620? so do i put member => SIP/7620 to make it always a member?
03:15.43[TK]D-Fenderroe_, Even better would be to tell us what it is you would like to do exactly.  Are you expecting the PC to be able to tell your phone to do your dishes?  Bake a cake?  File your taxes?  (wait... that might actually be possible...)
03:16.00[TK]D-FenderRobba, Yes.
03:16.10Robbaahhhh so now i get it
03:17.13roe_[TK]D-Fender, well at the least track call length and CID... At the most be able to highlight a number on a website or where ever and connect through asterisk then have that call transfer to the phone
03:17.29dthomas`so i'm looking at the agent logoff code in asterisk 1.4.17.  it seems like it's not possible to log off an agent while they're on a call?
03:18.24dthomas`from the console if you do, say, "agent logoff Agent/123" the call they're on gets disconnected, and they're still logged in.  if you do "agent logoff Agent/123 soft" they stay on the phone, the deferlogoff flag gets set, but then (at least when the agent hangs up first) they never get logged off when the call ends.
03:18.24[TK]D-Fenderroe_, there is a "click to call" addon for firefox already, and the rest in terms of seeing call activity live, etc, go look at things like "Flash Operator Panel" (get Googling)
03:18.43dthomas`am i thinking about this in the wrong way or does this sound more like a bug?
03:19.02roe_I have FOP working, but that is web based, and the firefox extension works with a soft phone
03:20.32roe_I guess the answer is nothing exists at the moment to integrate the PC with any hard phone
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03:22.16[TK]D-Fenderroe_, there are ones that can have * call your phone and upon pickup dial out to that targeted #
03:22.48[TK]D-Fenderroe_, Should not be limited to any kind of phone, it just does an AMI Originate.
03:25.05[TK]D-Fenderroe_, There are other non-web based admin consoles.  Go check the WIKI for a list.
03:25.21roe_ok will do
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03:40.23Robba[TK] do the queue levels still apply if i set member => SIP/7620,0 and member => SIP/7621,1
03:40.38angryuserhm, i compiled * beta 2, app_jack was selected in config menu, but no application/module/function is installed, have someone encountered that problem?
03:43.16JunK-Yangryuser: what happens when you do module load ?
03:44.24angryuserJunK-Y: hm file not found, recompiling
03:44.45[TK]D-FenderRobba, Yes
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03:48.05ZaVoidahh think i found it
03:48.32ZaVoidNew versions of Asterisk have added "Answer" capabilities to several functions like Playback(), which means that those functions will answer themselves if necessary.
03:48.48ZaVoidso if i use a Playback function.. it will answer the call with out me putting Answer in the dialplan
03:49.39ZaVoiddoes that make sense to anyone?
03:50.29JunK-YZaVoid: no, since sometimes you can playback without answering the channel.
03:50.58JunK-Ybut its true some apps answers it if not already answered.
03:51.17ZaVoidi can playtones fine
03:51.26ZaVoidit seems when i use playback i get the problem
03:51.30ZaVoidonly thing so far i've found
03:51.32ZaVoidi'm testing it now
03:51.49angryuser<JunK-Y> now i got "cannot open libjack.so0 nu such file or dir, i have compiled jack srom source, any ideas?
03:52.36angryuserJunK-Y do i need to load any modules in debian maybe?
03:53.19JunK-Yangryuser: in ubuntu, you need libbio2jack0-dev package, so its probably the same name in debian.
03:53.32ZaVoidAHHAH that was it!!
03:53.53JunK-Yit means?
03:54.01ZaVoidso they should change Playback() to Playbackandanswerfirstbecauseitsreallyanweraswell()
03:54.36JunK-YZaVoid: type core show application playback, you will see an option for that.
03:55.28ZaVoidoh snap
03:55.32ZaVoidthats not in the wiki info at all
03:56.00ZaVoidok so then in my case.. 1 sec
03:56.02JunK-YZaVoid: a lot of info misses the wiki, if you could update it, that will help future users :)
03:56.33ZaVoidi will add it to my list to update(ONCE  i understand it perfectly tonight)
03:56.36ZaVoidso in my case here
03:56.40ZaVoid/      $agi->exec("Playback silence/2"); is wrong obviously
03:56.46ZaVoid/      $agi->exec("Playback silence/2 noanswer");
03:56.48ZaVoidwould work
03:56.54ZaVoidin theory
03:57.15JunK-YZaVoid: dunno, i dont use that agi framework
03:57.25ZaVoidahh :)
03:57.28JunK-Yif you want to be sure, do playback directly in dialplan
03:57.30JunK-Yand see
03:57.34ZaVoidwell noanswer is the syntax for options
03:57.40JunK-Yif its okay, its a problem in the agi stuff.
03:57.42ZaVoidyeah i don't want to in this case
03:57.48ZaVoidlet me try it now
04:02.11Robba[TK] if i set member => SIP7620,0,1 will does this mean that the phone will still ring if the call changes from level 0 to level one? pretty much i want extra phones to ring when the call goes up a level
04:02.53Robbasorry SIP/7620
04:03.35[TK]D-FenderRobba, Go read the sample & wiki.  It explains priorities
04:07.43*** join/#asterisk corrupt (
04:07.45corruptwhenever i call wachovia bank or use a calling card and the system asks me to enter in my account number then pin information, what exactly am i interacting with? how is the automated system able to recognize what i'm saying or the button's i'm pressing?
04:08.35*** join/#asterisk pkunkra (
04:09.14lgchmmhesays, you there?
04:09.16russellbcorrupt: you're interacting with an "IVR" using a phone system ... like asterisk
04:09.59*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
04:10.22corruptasterick can be configured as an ivr?
04:10.53pkunkradrmessano....  aahhhh.  these times are much better.
04:10.55pkunkrartt min/avg/max/mdev = 5.737/20.675/131.311/25.634 ms
04:11.09pkunkraas opposed to....
04:11.19pkunkrartt min/avg/max/mdev = 8.059/172.429/958.136/248.295 ms
04:11.48pkunkrafirst one is without router.  second is with the router.
04:12.07pkunkrathat would definitely explain the telephony problems.
04:13.55Jake[work]and all those times you press 0 and it doesn't go to an agent, you can thank an IVR programmer
04:14.12[TK]D-Fendercorrupt, Go read the book to understand all sorts of things you can do with *.
04:14.14jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
04:15.17scooby2the book doesn't have a sample IVR in it though does it?
04:15.44Jake[work]the book has everything
04:16.22coppicethen give it some anti-biotics
04:17.51*** join/#asterisk Docfxit (
04:23.10Robbadoes anyone know about configuring the ringing timeout in the queues.conf?
04:23.29Robbai have checked around and i can't seem to find much mention of it
04:25.07*** join/#asterisk adjohn (n=adjohn@
04:30.12*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
04:30.20*** join/#asterisk jameswf-home (
04:44.34*** join/#asterisk Snake-eyes (
04:53.57b11dso is 1.4.18 stable now?  i dont see a notice on the website.. still says rc is the latest, but downloads dont reflect that..
04:55.42russellbi thought i updated the website
04:55.51russellboh, i didn't post the release announcement ...
04:55.55*** join/#asterisk fnordus (n=dnall@
04:58.17*** join/#asterisk WilliamK (
05:00.47b11dthanks :)
05:01.17b11dits not posted for the im looking at..
05:01.34b11di have..
05:01.36b11da few times.
05:01.53b11d-rc4 latest announcement for me
05:01.54russellbit's there, i know it
05:01.58russellbclear your cache or something
05:02.03jameswf-homedont use IE
05:02.10b11dI thought those problems were a thing of the past :(  Oh well..
05:02.11b11dwill do :)
05:02.16russellbsomeone else look ...
05:02.31scooby2still rc4
05:02.46jameswf-homeit up
05:02.55d-k-tfull cache clearing reset, not showing here
05:03.06jameswf-homefirefox + linux = clean web page
05:03.28jameswf-homewant a screen shot :)
05:03.32d-k-tthis is with firefox
05:03.37b11di believe you jameswf-home..
05:03.40scooby2the download shows but under announcements it says rc4
05:03.51russellbwell, the site is mirrored across multiple boxes
05:03.55russellbmaybe it takes a few minutes ...
05:04.10d-k-teven with lynx
05:04.26d-k-taye, mirroring would do it
05:04.33b11dsweet.. i totally rock "aye" too :)
05:07.11jameswf-home << look its there
05:07.18b11dim about to go throw 1.4.17 into production here... was rocking 1.2 up until now..  wish me luck.. NO PROBLEMS!! :)
05:07.27b11dthats photoshopped :)
05:07.46scooby2jameswf-home: we never said it wasnt under download
05:07.57scooby2jameswf-home: check announcements
05:07.58b11dyeah.. its not updated under "announcements"
05:08.55scooby2i wish i could figure out how to debug this kernel panic
05:09.08russellbi wish i could figure out what's wrong with my python code
05:09.16jameswf-homebah updates come to   my email
05:09.26jameswf-homeits python :)
05:09.41russellbactually, it's C
05:09.48russellbC interface to python, heh
05:10.54jameswf-homeC  has no class
05:14.53jameswf-homeI started makinf kenetic art with my coasters and coling fans
05:15.18drmessanoI'm watching the helicopters pile in from Savannah bringing the burn patients from that explosion at the sugar factory
05:15.54jameswf-homewoah an explosion at a sugar factory makes carmel
05:16.11drmessano"sugar refinery" rather
05:17.32jameswf-homeits an odd smell cooked flesh and heated sugar.... like honey ham
05:18.26drmessanoI'm 1/8 mile from the burn center where they're bringing 10 of the victims.. They're dropping them at the helipad, flying to the airport about a mile from here, and then booking it back to Savannah to make another run
05:20.33*** join/#asterisk steliosk (n=Stelios@
05:21.57drmessanoThe local EMS has 2 choppers.. one is the main one they use for most runs, the other is a spare, which is an old rinky dink chopper.. they got the spare in service.. Supervisor calls the spare on the way into the helipad "We got the media here, try to make it look good" he replies "You're asking a lot from this helicopter"
05:23.00outtolunc"try not to crash that heap on the way in, will ya"
05:23.03*** kick/#asterisk [drmessano!n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla] by russellb (for making jokes about a major accident)
05:23.03*** join/#asterisk drmessano (
05:23.14outtoluncoopse <G> my turn
05:23.37outtolunc[21:23] * drmessano was kicked by russellb (for making jokes about a major accident)
05:23.41coppicesome people have no sense of humour
05:24.03drmessanoI wasn't making a joke.. thats what they actually said on the radio :/
05:24.14outtoluncthats how i read it also
05:25.45coppice"Why were you missing from school yesterday?"
05:25.46coppice"Mummy got burned"
05:25.48coppice"Not seriously, I hope?"
05:25.49coppice"They don't mess about at the crematorium, miss"
05:26.57drmessanoFront page of, not a peep on TV
05:28.03WilliamKgood evening ya'll
05:28.50drmessanoNo way i'm cybering you dude
05:29.02drmessanoI know how this shit starts off
05:29.13J4k3amateur nerd porn
05:29.14WilliamKyer funny tooo
05:29.29outtoluncjust when you think you got it right.. the cd tray opens and asks where the hell you put my OS as it isn't here <G>
05:29.35drmessanoYou say "OOPS, I dropped.." and I am so going to hang out in #clownpron
05:30.31drmessanoWilliamK still hurting from surgery <--- Yeah, that sounds like another one of those lines
05:30.48drmessanoyou want "Nurse_____ to make it better" ?   Sicko
05:31.28WilliamKif it makes u feel better I'll move the notebook lower so you can really feel the heat :)
05:31.50WilliamKI honestly hate having to stay in bed for stays
05:32.04WilliamKerr days
05:32.42coppicedepends who else is in the bed
05:32.51WilliamKtommorow they're supposed to remove the 2 drains from my knees
05:32.59WilliamKjust me and my 2 notebook computers
05:33.07WilliamKand a perl book
05:33.18WilliamK2 cooling blankets wrapped around my knees
05:33.28drmessanoAsterisk 1.4.18 is out
05:33.33drmessanoThat should be good news
05:33.46J4k3mmm, new bugs
05:33.52drmessanorussellb sobered up and finished it
05:33.58WilliamKyum yum
05:34.42scooby2anyone know what the kernel-debug kernels do?
05:35.10scooby2does it log things or what?
05:37.01J4k3its log its log its big its heavy its wood
05:37.08J4k3its log its log its better than bad, its good!
05:37.11drmessanoIt rolls down stairs alone or in pairs
05:37.16drmessanoRolls over your neighbors dog
05:37.24drmessanoIt's great for a snack, it fits on your back
05:37.27drmessanoIt's log log log
05:38.02J4k3you want a rubber nipple?!
05:38.18drmessanoDon't whiz.... on the electric fence
05:38.20drmessanoBest. Game. Ever.
05:39.21drmessanoOur country reeks of trees.. our yaks are reaaaally large, and they smell like rotting beef carcasses
05:39.49drmessanoI want to be a royal canadian kilted yaksman
05:40.16drmessanoCNN pisses me off
05:40.42J4k3cnn pisses everyone off
05:41.22drmessanoNatalee Holloway lived the american dream of any graduating teenager.. she went to a foreign land, drank too much, did too many drugs, died while fucking on the beer, and had her body throwin in the ocean by a dutchman.. End of story
05:41.35drmessanoNot beer
05:41.46drmessanoDamn fingers <> brain
05:42.21J4k3$20 says his dad disposed of the body
05:42.45J4k3$5 more says he should have disposed of two... the other being his loudmouth son's.
05:43.16kyrondrmessano, AHhA! you _are_ a Kanuck
05:44.05jameswf-homedrmessano:  Ron paul does not aprove
05:44.38drmessanoTell that to Digg!
05:44.55J4k3meet me at the ron paul experience in one half an hour
05:44.57J4k3can you digg it?
05:51.25drmessanoThis dude keeps PM'ing me wanting to work on his system
05:51.52drmessanoI spent a day or so helping him get.... FREEPBX running.. because he couldnt add extensions
05:52.22drmessanoNow he PM's me "hey dr, http://blahip can you help me!!!!"
05:52.44drmessanoSure.. $150 an hour, rounded up to first hour.. Paypal, bitch
05:53.17drmessanoI don't mind teaching somebody something, but if I am going to be their remote pbx tech, hah
05:53.47drmessanoEspecially when they're a "consultant"
05:54.00drmessanoWhat does that even MEAN?
05:55.07coppiceconsultant == someone in a suit
05:55.33drmessanoI dunno.. thats what it USED to mean
05:55.50J4k3consultant = a guy who gets paid a lot from telling other people how to spend money
05:56.09J4k3the really greedy consultants actually pretend to do things themselves, and either get other people to do them (your case) or completely f them up.
05:56.13drmessanoNow it seems to be.. Someone who shows up, says "Let me tell you all this crap you need to buy and do" and then gets online to find people to "help" him
05:57.00coppicethe guy in the suit always got some other sucker to do the work. only their methods have changed. this is called progress
05:57.04drmessanoMaybe that's "Open Consulting"
05:57.25coppiceconsulting 2.0
05:57.25drmessanoYou tell someone what to do, get people on IRC to do it for you
05:57.49drmessanoIf you think about it..
05:58.01drmessano"Help me add these 5 extensions please"
05:58.05drmessanothats a "JOB"
05:58.10coppiceI didn't come to IRC to think
05:58.52drmessanoI'm still not sure why I am not out making money off this stuff like others are
05:59.26*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (n=nighty@
05:59.35drmessano"Open Consulting"
06:05.36scooby2now the 1.4.18 announcement is there
06:11.58Frogzoowell it's irc & asterisk, or let MS take over with their OCS
06:12.29drmessanoOCS is such a load of crap
06:12.39drmessanoVoIP as you are
06:13.22drmessanoI love how they claim you don't need to toss your old PBX.. you can use it with OLCS
06:13.52drmessanoYes, because they haven't created a component that interacts with an ITSP or uses PSTN hardware yet
06:13.58drmessanoSo you have no choice
06:14.06Frogzoobut it's good marketing, which is what MS have always done well
06:14.27drmessanoSo your options are 1. Use your old PBX with OLCS
06:14.53drmessano2. Toss your PBX, use OLCS, and only make SIP <> SIP calls
06:14.53Frogzoowill most asterisk/pbx setups use H323? are there other alternatives like etsi?
06:15.02drmessano3. Screw M$, use Asterisk
06:15.44drmessanoI know some have gotten H323 working.. I don't know all the details
06:18.07FrogzooI do think sometimes it's obvious on irc, people are asking you to do their work for them, it's happening more often, but being irc, you can choose not to
06:19.04FrogzooI like most the post from india asking for help setting up outsourcing IT operations
06:20.02Frogzoowhich if you think about it, lol, shows there's a downside to giving your s/w away for free :D
06:20.14drmessanoWell, actually..
06:20.38drmessanoIt's shown me the incredible opportunity there is
06:20.39drmessanoI mean
06:21.10drmessanoPeople get this stuff for free.. Expect to install it in 10 minutes
06:21.22drmessanoThey get in a bind, bam.. opportunity
06:25.35drmessanoAlright.. got 1.4.18 running
06:26.49*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
06:27.24drmessanoMonica Lewinsky "I'm voting republican.. the democrats left a bad taste in my mouth"
06:28.29J4k3she got paid well by the republicans, therefore she's in their target tax bracket.
06:28.52J4k3most expensive blowjobs in american history
06:29.07J4k3and $2 says she's not even worth the $2 bet.
06:29.28Frogzookind of curious she never got that dress dry cleaned
06:29.41J4k3some girls like to wear it.
06:30.39coppiceit like "Elvis kissed my cheek. I'll never wash there again"
06:30.43styelzi thought it landed on her shoulder
06:30.47Corydon76-digNothing wrong with a pearl necklace
06:32.05drmessanoBilly Boy needed a Tide Pen
06:32.26J4k3instead he used his Stain Stick
06:33.04Corydon76-digWell, you can never claim that he ever stopped using his head
06:33.35J4k3well, all monica was doing was taking a shot at a new job
06:33.41J4k3a little shot here and a little shot there.
06:35.14Corydon76-digOld man Starr, he had a circus.  E I E I O
06:35.39drmessanoThere was a story about Hillary in the paper here.. and in the comments on the papers website under the story, some ignorant hick posted something about "At least she didn't have sex with a minor like her husband did"
06:35.58drmessanoUh.. She was an intern, not a minor..
06:36.10J4k3hmm, did sellvoip ever correct the error of their ways?
06:36.18*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (
06:36.18J4k3or did they just lose all their customers?
06:36.58J4k3she may not have fucked a minor, but she is a gold digger
06:37.46Corydon76-digOr a gold swallower
06:39.48coppiceshe has that same hansel and gretel evil witch look as margaret thatcher
06:41.47*** join/#asterisk worgil (i=worgil@
06:42.03worgilhi everyone
06:42.21worgilGot SIP response 415 "Unsupported Media Type" back from
06:42.27worgilwhat is this
06:47.03*** join/#asterisk zeeesh (i=zeeesh@
06:47.09drmessanoSounds like you're trying to use a Codec on Asterisk that isn't installed...
06:47.24drmessanoor allowed
06:47.51worgildrmessano, can i use asterisk with adsl ?
06:47.59drmessanoUh yes
06:48.40J4k3unless your telco is windstream, then the adsl you're sold gets regularly outperformed by dialup.
06:49.18worgilsometimes looking sound porblem aith dsl line just wondered
06:49.36drmessanoSounds like you have codec issues
06:50.00J4k3worgil: adsl is very succeptable to qos issues
06:50.46worgilJ4k3, sure
06:51.12worgilbut wondering, which codec must i use for dsl line ?
06:51.33worgililbc or gsm and 9729a ?
06:51.44drmessanoDo you have g729 licenses?
06:51.57worgilno, how much this ?
06:52.06J4k3your internet connection has no direct relevence to what protocol you use
06:52.14drmessano$10 per channel
06:52.20J4k3other than some protocols use less bandwidth than others
06:52.55drmessanoYou can try GSM.. I hear it rocks
06:52.58worgilJ4k3, some modems not have gsm codec
06:53.11drmessanolike linksis modems?
06:53.24drmessanouse g711 then
06:53.36worgilu or a ?
06:53.51drmessanoa is good, or u
06:53.54worgili want use dtmf
06:54.03jbotDTMF: Dual Tone Multi-Frequency. The technical term describing Touch Tone dialing. Basically the combining of two tones, one low frequency and one high frequency.
06:54.04drmessanoYou want a lot, dont you?
06:54.10*** join/#asterisk reber (n=reber@
06:54.13drmessanouse u
06:54.16worgiljust learning
06:54.21J4k3dtmf is 'dial tone, mutha fucka' where I'm from
06:54.43drmessanoIf you use G711, you can only use a 12 digit keypad, but it's ok
06:54.45Frogzooworgil: do you have SIP or Sip in your dial plan?
06:55.06drmessanoHes using Trixbox
06:55.19worgilFrogzoo i have not
06:55.25J4k3trixbox 4 life!!!!!
06:55.35drmessanoTrixbox ROX
06:55.54Frogzooshould I learn trixbox or * ?
06:55.58J4k3~ron paul
06:56.09Frogzooron who?
06:56.15J4k3ron paul!
06:56.18jbot[~trixbox] trixbox is a full linux distro that includes FreePBX and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox VERY difficult to support, and is not supported in #asterisk. Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & wiki at
06:56.29J4k3mike jones > ron paul
06:56.51Frogzooron who?
06:56.57drmessanojbot: xobxirt is a rumor.. hmmmm..
06:56.58jbotdrmessano: okay
06:57.04jbotxobxirt is, like, a rumor.. hmmmm..
06:57.12drmessanojames will love that
06:57.42jbotomgwtfbbq is, like, Oh man guys, where's the freakin' barbeque?
06:58.07jboti heard avaya is some big company that equals Micro$oft in phone systems
06:58.27jbotwell, ftw is wtf backwards, or for the win, or for the win
06:58.34Frogzooon 1.4 what's the best way to play mp3s?
06:58.39jboti guess mp3 is (MPEG-1 layer 3) This is a compression standard for music. It enables you to fit over 100 full length songs on a single CD with almost no loss of quality. You can find MP3 players and MP3 files on the Web--you just have to look. The music industry is unhappy about MP3 files being swapped around and has shut down some sites that distribute them.
06:58.44FrogzooJ4k3: thx
06:59.14J4k3drmessano: winplay3 4 life
06:59.47drmessanoMedia Player 6.4, bitches
06:59.51J4k3a warezed copy of soundforge?  its good enough for microsoft!
07:00.02worgili have a company with 50 persons and i want use asterisk with local, what i need with asterisk ?
07:00.15J4k3worgil: a consultant
07:00.23drmessanoworgil: a good book and money
07:01.03worgildrmessano, book ?
07:01.04J4k3money will do everything
07:01.08jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
07:01.12drmessanoStart reading
07:01.44Frogzoothe book's actually pretty good
07:01.45J4k3oh, and not using trixbox
07:01.58drmessanoI'd also recommend "Trixbox Mady Easy" by Kerrry Garrison
07:02.02drmessanoI hear it's very good
07:02.27*** join/#asterisk HarryR (
07:02.49drmessanoI can give you an ISBN number on that if you like
07:03.15J4k3an ISDN number?  is that like a SPID?
07:03.27drmessanoSPID.. jesus
07:03.27HarryRquick question, from a source code perspective what difference is there between asterisk BE and normal asterisk?
07:04.01J4k3our telco was too lame to do bri based rotary
07:04.09J4k3so they always assigned to outside numbers
07:04.12FrogzooHarryR: I'd assume the difference is support only
07:04.20J4k3and if you wanted rotary you had to order it and get it programmed seperately
07:04.33drmessanoSPIDs and DSN's
07:05.35J4k3worst thing I ever saw for ISDN was this netgear thing
07:05.42*** join/#asterisk pkunkra (
07:06.04J4k3netgear xa101 or somesuch...  a standard 2-pots ta, serial based...  it refused to bond channels on the local CO
07:06.36drmessanoWe borrowed an ISDN box from another market to do our radiothon with.. It had a keypad off a western electric phone on the front as the dialpad
07:07.30drmessanoI don't think it did 64k
07:08.13J4k3telco sold this guy in town BRI, and didn't bother to upgrade the D4/AMI trunks
07:08.19J4k3you could dial one channel to the other
07:08.23J4k3you could dial voice
07:08.28J4k3... and absolutely ZERO data.
07:08.35J4k3well, data from one channel to the other
07:09.04J4k3the guy kept it, since it was effective the same price as two residential lines at the time
07:09.28J4k3and he could get 50.6k or faster dialup through the pots ports than 26.4k off his POTS (was a really long loop, had a mid-span amplifier on it)
07:09.40J4k3eventually they fixed it
07:09.56drmessanoWhen we ran this saturday morning call in show using ISDN backhaul to the studio.. I had to call every Friday to get Bell to fix the line before Saturday.. and by Wednesday it was down again
07:10.15J4k3that sounds like my experience with BRI
07:10.17J4k3its fragile
07:10.22*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
07:10.39J4k3I'm a special circuit kinda guy...  BRI was my first experience with pathetic telco services
07:11.08J4k3I'll say ADSL seems more much more BS resistant than ISDN BRI ever was
07:11.17drmessanoThats the truth
07:11.43J4k3and ADSL is the weakest of all the DSL technology
07:12.19drmessanoworgil: How ya coming along over there?
07:15.41*** join/#asterisk sergee (
07:16.01drmessanoJ4k3, I think he messed up his IRC codec
07:16.07J4k3oh no!
07:16.20J4k3he'll have to buy a new license
07:16.40drmessanoDo you have a keygen for IRC?
07:17.06J4k3I did but it raped me with its trojan'd horse
07:17.15J4k3at least it wore protection
07:17.29drmessanoU/N: Fleeb Jorgensen  Serial: ou812ohai269u2
07:17.49J4k3using the key fron the .nfo is cheating!
07:18.15drmessanoBLACKLISTED??!?!?!!? OH NOSE!!
07:18.52J4k3I'm debating contracts for voip phone service.
07:19.07J4k3I hate legal babble, and it never seems to improve situations legally
07:19.28J4k3I've been using really simple language short/sweet contracts over the years and never had anyone beat me in court (I also don't do anything shady...)
07:20.25drmessano"If 911 donut work, u canut suit meh!"
07:20.38J4k3thinking I might try the same for voip...  I just must stipulate the 911 system limitations plainly
07:21.02J4k3that absolutely no 911 service is offered, dialing 911 will give you an IVR that links you to the county dispatch.
07:21.04drmessanoThats probably the big issue
07:21.17J4k3or just link to county dispatch
07:21.37J4k3what pisses me off is the ilec isn't handing off any e911 info... why should I be required to?
07:22.30drmessano"I'm sorry, the number you have dialed, 911, has been changed to an unlisted number"
07:24.38J4k3well, it seems like calling county dispatch would be the best plan.  I could go as far as to say they're fixed customers with real e911 info
07:24.44drmessanoor dialing 911 and getting a busy signal
07:24.48J4k3since they'll only be able to register from their house
07:24.50J4k3been there/done that
07:25.17J4k3witnessed a fatality accident, called 911 while roaming on altell...  got a fast busy about 5 times
07:25.29J4k3didn't realize there were people on the other side of the intersection that witnessed it too, and I think they were faster to dial
07:25.51J4k3the dispatchers office prolly got flooded (in a town of 30k, in a county of maybe 45k)
07:26.44J4k3the dispatcher was like "do you need an ambulance" and I was like "yes, hopefully you do - it doesn't look good"
07:26.45drmessanoCould be worse.. improperly programmed tower that sends calls three states away
07:28.14J4k3you know what I miss, and could be much better implemented now and isn't?  back when I was an AT&T Wireless TDMA customer (00-01) I got severe weather notifications via text message for free based on whatever tower on their network I Was registered to
07:28.28J4k3that was *awesome*
07:28.30J4k3and no longer available.
07:29.29drmessanoThat reminds me of the cool stuff you could get on a pager for $4 a month that now runs 5 times that
07:29.29J4k3damned shame tdma was replaced by gsm... tdma was significantly better performing on fringe signal than gsm
07:29.46J4k3yeah, and pagers actually worked
07:29.54J4k3at the bottom of a creek or in an airplane
07:29.56J4k3it just worked.
07:30.12J4k3(yay for oodles of power on vhf frequencies)
07:30.13drmessanoI've got an EMWIN system I use for sending weather stuff out.. Damn cellphones clip everything
07:30.34drmessano152.480 @ 1000w ftw
07:31.02J4k3the best pagers I've seen are the FM broadcast subcarrier ones.  at least around here in the trees
07:31.12J4k350kW @ 500' = bang bang
07:31.33drmessanoWe used to have one on our 100kw @ 700ft
07:31.39patrick--Is anyone well with misdn? I tried installing mISDN by the book, but i keep getting those errors:
07:31.50J4k3although I don't think the subcarriers get full modulation output like the primary audio stuff
07:31.51drmessanoThey gave us pagers for free, so we would have something to test the system with
07:31.56drmessanoDamn things ran batteries down in DAYS
07:32.00J4k3oh yeah
07:32.08J4k3the FM ones are VERY hungry
07:32.13J4k3they don't idle
07:32.19J4k3the radios never sleep
07:32.59drmessanoI still have the encoder somewhere.. they left it when they pulled the rest of the equipment out
07:33.53drmessanoI may even still have the pager too lol
07:34.26J4k3crank it up
07:34.57drmessanoI have no idea what sort of encoding they used.. I don't think it was POCSAG
07:36.00*** join/#asterisk dlynes (
07:36.19J4k3dtmf? :D
07:36.43dlynesIs there a reason I wouldn't be able to connect to my unixodbc database using asterisk, but I can connect to it just fine using isql dbname?
07:37.29J4k3POCSAG is the deee-dooo-blugha-blugha-blugha-blugha pager protocol, right?
07:38.27J4k3paging by atari
07:38.33J4k3sounds like somebody playing pole position
07:38.46drmessanoMost common on the VHF and 400MHZ UHF.. 900 was Flex
07:39.15J4k3my scanner only went up to 512
07:39.16drmessanoI think they had POCSAG 512 and POCSAG 1200
07:39.38J4k3(512 mhz)
07:40.02J4k3now, I pollute 5 mhz swaths of 900, per radio.
07:40.11coppicepocsag and flex were used at the same frequencies, though flex never became very common
07:40.13J4k3of course, it goes a little faster ;)
07:40.41drmessanoWe never had Flex on VHF or Low UHF here.. but that's here, of course
07:40.56drmessanoAll the Flex pagers were 900
07:41.30J4k3I knew somebody who got a 900 pager who had it for about 3 days
07:41.33coppiceI've worked with flex at 144, 280, 433 and 928MHz. The 928MHz was mostly SkyTel in the US
07:42.03J4k3painful compared to other stuff
07:42.16drmessanoWe had a lot of local 900MHZ that wasnt skytel
07:42.31drmessanoAll of the companies here at one time had 900mhz stuff
07:42.42coppiceI mean flex at 928 was mostly SkyTel
07:42.50drmessanooh ok
07:43.13drmessanoI think all we have left now is some obligatory 152.480 transmitters
07:44.20coppiceoh yeah. it was 150+, not 144. 144 is amateur radio. its a while since I developed paging stuff
07:44.34coppicewell, its a while since anyone developed paging stuff :-)
07:44.39drmessano433 is ham too in the US
07:45.01drmessanoPaging is on 462 usually on low UHF here
07:45.12J4k3there was lots of paging stuff on UHF TV 14 in houston, iirc
07:45.19J4k3and taxi services
07:45.22J4k3and pimps
07:45.26J4k3yes, I said pimps
07:45.34drmessanoI believe it
07:45.51coppicethe area around 433 tends to be splits into narrow bits, and some countries used some of the narrow bits for paging. a lot of places use a channel or two around 433 for ISM
07:45.54drmessanoFRS doesn't cut it when you need to control your ho's
07:45.58J4k3nextel has cornered the market on pimps and drug dealers
07:46.11J4k3frs doesn't cut it for anything except tower climbing
07:46.14patrick--can someone explain the difference between TE and NT in human words? :D
07:46.35drmessanoFRS works for Office Depot
07:46.36J4k3I had a funny frs experience
07:46.56J4k3frs low channels 2nd harmonic = 924 mhz...  my 900 mhz wireless hardware would go nuts when we were using the radios on the tower
07:46.57drmessanoIf you can find the channel and PL they use to activate the overhead paging, you can pwn them
07:47.19J4k3moved to a low power 467 channel, which is slightly outside the radio's filtering...  problem solved.
07:47.35J4k3and like 8 dBm less txpower on the radio (which is fine, our tallest tower is 150')
07:48.00drmessanoThey tried to crank up some Motorola system here.. Im trying to remember what it was called
07:48.01J4k3frs and murs
07:48.07J4k3you can have lots of fun with a murs radio
07:48.11drmessanoIt was 2 channel trunking more or less
07:48.17J4k3lots of home improvement places, etc.
07:48.25J4k3applications where frs fails, murs wins
07:48.30drmessanoand one of the radios was putting out a spur on the ATC freq at the local airport
07:48.34drmessanoMURS rocks
07:48.36J4k3and murs is now unlicensed afair
07:48.57drmessanoWal Mart uses MURS here.... We've had a few convos :)
07:49.16J4k3MURS is so damned high powered/well frequencied seems like you could talk to walmart from 5 miles away
07:49.21drmessano"Jeanette.. you're fired"
07:49.35J4k3"this is the ghost of sam walton... my stomach hurts"
07:49.58drmessano"Ok, I quit.. i'm sick of all this chinese lead shit"
07:50.16J4k3"theres a cleanup on aisle 3, looks like baby shit"
07:50.30drmessanoSome McDonalds use 154.600 too
07:50.35drmessanoThats always a good one
07:51.10drmessanoWhen you key the VHF, it repeats to the lowband at the drive thru
07:51.40drmessano"Hang on, gotta scratch my butt"
07:51.49drmessano"Ok, watcha want?"
07:51.57J4k3"do you want cum on that?"
07:52.27drmessanoWe just got NEW McDonalds here.. I need to see if they're still using 30MHZ stuff
07:52.34J4k3"HURRY UP AND ORDER, [random racial slur]"
07:52.37J4k330 mhz?  wtf
07:52.51J4k3do they want to order from the other side of town? :P
07:53.08drmessano154.600 headsets <> 33MHZ at the drive thru
07:53.21J4k3seems like wired menus and high power bluetooth would be the way to go
07:53.39the_5th_wheelHi. I have a major problem.
07:53.51J4k3major problems require major solutions
07:53.55drmessanoIm trying to remember how they did unit <> unit without the drive thru picking up.. It may have been PL
07:53.56the_5th_wheeli can ping my second asterisk server
07:54.14the_5th_wheelbut, it tells me that the iax peer is unreachable
07:54.26J4k3PL would make sense
07:54.40J4k3that'd explain the two different length antennas on the repeater box
07:55.14J4k3the_5th_wheel: is the other box's asterisk running, etc?
07:55.15drmessanoIndeed.. They used PL to hit the repeater.. and in house was either no PL or a diff PL
07:55.55drmessano154.600 <> 35.020
07:55.58drmessanoWas one
07:56.26J4k3I wonder if they sell any of those cheapo chinese walkies for vhf-lo
07:56.30drmessano154.570 <> 33.140 was another..
07:56.41drmessanoI wish
07:56.44J4k3seems like the simplex range would be considerably farther
07:57.05coppiceI think SkyTel was the only operator to deploy the 2-way reflex paging system. that system was definitely a case of too little too late
07:58.02drmessanoSkytel pissed me off.. they put a box right at the door to a shared site.. made it hard as hell to get in
07:58.08*** join/#asterisk jjg (n=jjg@
07:58.17*** join/#asterisk Guest150 (n=jjg@
07:58.21drmessanoBut since that site is a high crime area, it did make a good shield
07:58.49jjghi everyone, Guest150 doesn't believe that asterisk can handle more than 10 calls simultaneously, please set her straight!!!!
07:59.15jjgi've told her several times that asterisk is the BEST!
07:59.16drmessanoGuest150, asterisk can't handle more than 3 calls, ever :(
07:59.40drmessanoIt's the DOS mode drivers for the WinModems
07:59.46drmessanoSAD FACE :(
07:59.51jjgi tell yah, that new asterisk appliance is ridiculous ... hahha, i saw it at spring von...what a joke for the price .. it was like 3000
08:00.20jjganyhoo, we are just playing IRC tonight, cya!
08:01.03drmessanoSo is Guest150 hot?
08:01.05jjgoh, she . is . hot
08:01.10jjgand she has a phd
08:01.20drmessanoPICS or she's 300lbs
08:02.40drmessanoJ4k3: I bet jjg can't handle the "concurrent calls" that Guest150 needs.. what do you think?
08:04.22drmessanoNo clue
08:04.31J4k3so I've decided to sell my shipping-crate sized cellphone
08:04.39drmessanoDrunken Fonality employees
08:05.23*** join/#asterisk phix (
08:07.35*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (n=ZX81@
08:07.44*** join/#asterisk sergey (n=sergey@
08:08.17ZX81hi all, can anyone help me with "8192 zaptel samples in 8188.904 system clock sample intervals" from zttest?
08:08.20drmessanoSleepy time.. I'm out.. Cya J4k3
08:08.25ZX81why is the data coming too fast?
08:08.26drmessano..and Guest150 :(
08:09.12ZX81losses are supposed to result in 8192 in 8193 etc
08:09.32ZX81and there are no interrupt misses when watchdog option is compiled in
08:10.49*** join/#asterisk angryuser (
08:13.01*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
08:14.01[hC]anyone else notice on link2voip incoming DID's via sip, that ringing tones sound somewhat like distrorted amp feedback/space ship/alien sounds ?
08:14.49ZX81heh sounds like you have two things playing ringing tones
08:14.58ZX81maybe asterisk and them
08:16.14[hC]yeah... very strange.
08:16.18patrick--can anyone give me a hand with solving my problems?] has
08:16.22[hC]ill dig through the dial plan
08:16.24patrick--argh sorry
08:17.29[hC]I bet its the 'tr' option passed to Dial and not paying attention to indications
08:17.47patrick--[hC]: talking to me?
08:17.58[hC]nope, sorry.
08:18.03patrick--ah, ok
08:18.59*** join/#asterisk mkl1525 (n=qwertz@
08:24.26*** join/#asterisk Aurs (
08:24.44mkl1525Hi, (1.2) having a problem with PauseQueueMember. we have 32 agents in agents.conf and now added another one. login works without problems but pause fails with "WARNING[31532]: app_queue.c:2854 upqm_exec: Attempt to unpause interface Agent/229, not found" although "show agents" says "available" - any hints what could be wrong?
08:25.40mkl1525pause fails only for this agent and all other new that we created after that
08:27.18*** join/#asterisk agx (
08:29.23mkl152532 rings some bell of some kind of max setting?
08:30.02agxhi, upgraded from 1.4.17 to 1.4.18 and got a strange problem: pid and ctl file are not created even starting asterisk with "-U root" option... something changed about the forking mode?
08:32.35*** join/#asterisk sx|lappy (
08:36.43agxah ok i needed to upgrade codec_g729 ;-)
08:38.30J4k3ok... I have a stupid question
08:38.44J4k3what happens if you have two devices log in as the same extension simultaniously?
08:38.47J4k3do they both ring?
08:38.52J4k3can you call off both?
08:39.02J4k3or do bad things happen
08:41.03dlynesIs there a reason I wouldn't be able to connect to my unixodbc database using asterisk, but I can connect to it just fine using isql dbname?
08:41.10*** join/#asterisk klauwhamer (
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08:46.28agxJ4k3, you mean both try to register the same account? asterisk does not support that AFAIK, the latest one replace the 1st
08:47.57patrick--can anyone explain the difference between NT and TE?
08:51.48patrick--Is an NT Port the port i use to connect the NTBA of my telephone provider on my BRI?
08:54.47[hC]Hrm. digium appliance has timezone uploaded and the timezone is still wrong.
09:02.38*** join/#asterisk ZX81_ (n=ZX81@
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09:24.06*** join/#asterisk GerwinKaas (
09:24.24GerwinKaasgood morning guys
09:24.54GerwinKaasI was wondering if there is a way to disable or change the default text being used with the Authenticate() function
09:25.44mvanbaakcore show application Authenticate
09:27.27*** join/#asterisk vale-ICS (
09:29.11GerwinKaasoke let me see
09:30.48[hC]Qwell: aaaagh... what the hell was the problem with the aa50 and time zones? I cant get my time zone to work... grr.
09:31.53GerwinKaasthere are options, but I do not see (or understand) howto change the default text ("Please enter your .....")
09:38.17*** join/#asterisk KermitTheFragger (
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10:02.10zeeeshcan i get g729 for asterisk server .. ?
10:02.53yangzeeesh: g729 is a supported codec in asterisk
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10:16.25patrick--anyone around that could help me fix this: ?
10:19.03mattzerahsorry patrick-- not much in there that i recognise :/
10:20.32codejunkyIs it possible to put something like phone number book on the asterisk server so that for example if i get a call from outside the name of the caller is send to all softphone instead of the number?
10:20.50codejunkythe softpghones are called with sip
10:24.59Aursi have a problem with eyebeam registered to asterisk. eybeam is behind a cisco asa 5520. eybeam is registered ok, and first incoming call works. but second call fails
10:25.59*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
10:27.06*** join/#asterisk fordfrog (n=fordfrog@gentoo/developer/fordfrog)
10:27.55Aursasterisk gets 180 ringing from eyebeam, but not 200 OK when eybeam answers the call
10:28.54*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (
10:35.36yangcodejunky: you want to dial in on one number and then call several SIP numbers from there?
10:37.37*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
10:38.03codejunkyno, my asterisk is connected to a sip provider. if someone calls me from landline my asterisk box sends the call to some phones via sip, i want that the landline numbers get translatet to a name in my address book for exampe: +00494931337 should be "kevin" on my phone when he is in my address book
10:38.18yangcodejunky: its possible - simply add exten => <your incoming number>,1,Dial(SIP/<softphone1>&SIP/<sofphone2>&SIP/<softphone3>)
10:38.41kaldemarcodejunky: function CALLERID
10:39.30codejunkyokay, thanks i wil take a look at it
10:39.40kaldemarcodejunky: set the caller id name part in your dialplan.
10:40.50codejunkykaldemar: is it possible to load the callerids from mysql?
10:41.15kaldemarprobably somehow.
10:42.57Frogzooif I'm dialling a callcard service, how to verify I'm properly logged in after dialling the calling card service, before dialling the final destination?
10:44.04Frogzoodialing all the numbers as one long string works, but seems a bit risky, as it might result in expensive international calls if the calling card doesn't connect for some reason
10:44.36*** join/#asterisk tuxfoo (
10:47.28*** join/#asterisk Strom_C (n=strom@
10:47.56codejunkykaldemar: there is a example for this here:
10:49.48kaldemarcodejunky: first you have to take a look at the caller's number with CALLERID(num) and based on that, set a name with CALLERID(name)=name.
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10:56.55mattzerahjust out of curiosity - and i'm probably going to answer my own question here - but can that lookup be froma database or something (i.e. calling a script, i believe dialparties.agi from freepbx does something like this)
10:57.57yangI am trying to record/monitor the calls, but i am experiencing such error -
10:59.26tzafrir_homeyang, you asked for mixing at the end of the recording
10:59.36tzafrir_homethe last line is he mixing
11:00.11yangits good if its mixed
11:00.14*** join/#asterisk voltagex (
11:00.18yangso i get combined recording
11:01.20yangbut at the end i get a filename like
11:01.25voltagexhi, just reinstalled asterisk after a long time, I'm behind NAT, I've forwarded the ports but I still get no audio.
11:01.39yangits missing the timestamp and exten
11:05.23yangalso one error related to that is [Feb  8 11:55:40] WARNING[28496]: translate.c:163 framein: no samples for alawtoulaw
11:08.20yangvoltagex: in sip.conf look for option externip
11:08.27yangand define your public ip there
11:08.30voltagexyang: can I give it a hostname?
11:08.34voltagexmy public ip changes
11:08.36yangi dont know
11:08.43voltagexbut I have a subdomain that always points to it
11:09.08yangits externip so i assume its gotta be an ip
11:09.24yangtry with IP if it works for you, then you can try with hostname
11:09.47yangthe other string is localnet=
11:09.53yangdefine local network there
11:10.08voltagexso, for example?
11:10.12yangthe one you have inside NAT
11:10.25patrick--anyone around with knowledge of mISDN?
11:10.30patrick--and HFC cards
11:10.44patrick--i keep getting this error
11:11.15yangpatrick--: I use vzaphfc with HFC-S card (simple isdn) and it works ok
11:11.50yangthat is zaptel driver
11:12.09patrick--yang: do you know what this error is?
11:12.55yangit looks like missing channel
11:13.12patrick--how do i create a channel? i thought i did by misdn-init
11:13.29yangpatrick--: i am only familiar a bit with zaptel
11:17.54voltagexok, localnet and extern*host* worked
11:17.58voltagexI have audio
11:18.01voltagexechotest works
11:18.14voltagexanyone got time to give me a call to test incoming?
11:18.24voltagexthanks yang
11:18.31yangvoltagex: you are welcome :)
11:18.42yangvoltagex: what is your number?
11:18.55voltagexermm, one sec
11:19.17voltagexhmm, one of my fwd numbers has disappeared
11:19.58yangvoltagex: I can only dial PSTN numbers from my handset
11:20.02styelzcan never dial my fwd number
11:20.08styelzonly *1800..
11:20.12voltagexhang on, I'll go find my IPKall?
11:21.00yangvoltagex: i can dial that too from softphone, but i dont have a mic installed
11:21.39voltagexyang: that's ok, I'm assuming audio will work, just worried about call connection
11:21.46yangok i am calling
11:22.03yangpick up and say something
11:23.15voltagexyang: I can't - asterisk has just gone insane
11:23.27voltagex100+ 407 proxy authentication needed
11:23.52yangi cannot reach you
11:24.05styelzi cant dial any fwd numbers
11:24.15styelzsays temp failure
11:24.22styelzi can dial *1800 though
11:24.27voltagexyang: try now - just enabled guest calls
11:24.40voltagexstyelz: make sure you're registered to
11:24.55yangit says unreachable
11:25.02*** join/#asterisk flujan (             860240             105 Registered           Fri, 08 Feb 2008 22:23:28
11:25.25styelzlooks fine
11:25.26yangvoltagex: do you have extension 892070 in your asterisk congfig?
11:25.34voltagexdidn't even get an error that time
11:25.57voltagexyang: no, I told asterisk to direct incoming to my softphone at phone0
11:25.59yangwhich one is correct 860240 or 892070
11:26.11*** join/#asterisk guillote_GNU (
11:26.11styelzmine is 860240
11:26.12voltagexso register string ends with /phone0
11:27.32voltagexooooooooook then
11:27.36styelzi think its fwd. but i dunno
11:27.39voltagexnow it says Ignoring SIP invite
11:27.55yangThey have 1 USD/per month USA numbers @ works well for me
11:28.25yangalso incoming
11:29.13voltagexyang: got more proxy authentication messages now
11:29.28yangwhich voip provider are you using?
11:29.39voltagexfwd and mynetfone and pennytel
11:30.22yangfwd has free dial in numbers?
11:30.49styelzthey even have pstn 1300/1800 to voip
11:31.18styelzbut mine has not worked for a few months now
11:31.35yanghey tzafrir_home if you are still around, how could i solve that monitoring ?
11:31.51voltagex"Ignoring this INVITE request"
11:32.00tzafrir_homewhat was exactly the problem with monitoring?
11:32.28yangtzafrir_home: well it doesnt create TIMESTAMP-CALLERID-number.wav files only -number.wav
11:32.43yangIt works on another asterisk, but not here i dont know why
11:34.06tzafrir_homeyang, maybe add the line:
11:34.52tzafrir_homeNoOp(${MONITOR_FILENAME} should be: ${TIMESTAMP}-${EXTEN}-${CALLERID}
11:35.14tzafrir_homealso: to make it simpler to add lines , use 'n' priorities
11:36.58*** join/#asterisk vrtk (n=bb@
11:37.17yangthanks, i will try
11:37.26voltagexyang: any ideas?
11:38.06yangvoltagex: I think tzafrir_home might know more
11:38.30yangvoltagex: i still cannot reach you
11:38.45voltagexyes, asterisk is telling me it's ignoring your calls
11:38.56Frogzoovoltagex: I get: SIP/ is circuit-busy
11:39.32styelzvoltagex: can you pastbin your fwd peer/user and reg without pass for me ?
11:39.33voltagexyes, and I get "Ignoring this INVITE""
11:40.53voltagexoh, oops the whole thing
11:40.54voltagexone sec
11:41.51styelzthats mine
11:43.55voltagexscratch that, changed it back to
11:44.50voltagexIgnoring this INVITE request
11:44.53Frogzoovoltagex: vs ?
11:46.00Frogzoovoltagex: do you need to edit the register =>  ??
11:48.14yangtzafrir_home: doesnt seem to work right yet -
11:49.26yangwrong link
11:49.40voltagexoops hung up on you starz
11:49.46styelzthat worked voltagex
11:49.52voltagexhad no bandwidth
11:49.58voltagexthat was why the thing was delayed
11:50.00styelzi had to add insecure=very
11:50.09voltagexI had to set up my extensions correctly
11:50.35voltagexnow to set up my pstn provides
11:50.47voltagexdo you use any aussie voip providers?
11:50.59styelzjust my providers iinet
11:51.06yangstyelz: i think that insecure=port should be correct
11:51.11voltagexah, I don't think they peer with anyone
11:51.29voltagexwtf, now asterisk is calling me and hanging up :P
11:51.47styelzyang: thanks ill give that a go, i have insecure=port,invite  but didnt work
11:52.03styelzits not me
11:52.05yangstyelz: i was told that insecure=very is not a good option
11:52.39styelznot much on that in this asterisk book
11:52.51*** join/#asterisk cornelinux (
11:52.55styelzenought, i guess
11:53.42*** join/#asterisk NokVoda (n=NokVoda@
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11:53.54styelzyang: yea still works, thanks
11:54.36*** join/#asterisk GBR_ (n=gbr@
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11:55.13Uatecis anybody aware of any telecoms outages in poland at the moment?
11:55.18yangthere is an option "call me" where you can check fwd account
11:55.43Uatecwhen i dial any of a bunch of polish numbers i have i'm getting a polish error message, not a connection
11:55.53NokVodadoes anyone know how to monitor asterisk using net-SNMP
11:56.23styelzvoltagex: nah they dont peer with anyone
11:56.52yangstyelz: where do you see an option on getting the free 1-800 number?
11:57.25styelzits not an option
11:57.44styelzthere are just some free 1800 numbers setup, pstn to voip gateways
11:57.57styelzyou call them, select the gateay and dial the number
11:58.02styelzthe voip number
11:58.47styelzthe one in australia is 1300558592
11:58.58NokVodadoes anyone know how to monitor asterisk using net-SNMP ??? plz help me
11:58.58styelzlets you call 5 diff gateways, fwd is one
11:59.04voltagexstyelz: but 1300 costs teh monies :P
11:59.14styelznot from a land line
11:59.21voltagexstyelz: yes it does
11:59.23voltagex25c flat
11:59.38styelzoh i see what you mean
11:59.51voltagex25c > free
11:59.56styelzcall it
12:00.18yangI guess what you want is a dial in australian DID number if you live there...
12:00.35yangstyelz: I haven't seen free DID's elsewehere than in usa
12:00.48*** join/#asterisk stimpie (
12:00.57styelzyea same
12:01.03*** part/#asterisk NokVoda (n=NokVoda@
12:01.33yangstyelz: but i do like, nice clean interface, and you can even get live help from the admins
12:02.08Frogzoostyelz: who owns the 1300558592 gateway ?
12:02.08yangthey offer worldwide did's
12:02.08voltagexFrogzoo: ozhams
12:02.08Frogzooah, thx
12:03.11styelzvoltagex: the call from the 1300 to voip is free though
12:03.21styelzbut not for mobiles?
12:03.24styelzi think
12:03.31voltagexno idea
12:03.38voltagex1300 from a mobile costs a lot
12:03.45styelzmaybe thats it
12:04.24styelzand i tihnk the US have 1800 free call gateways dont they
12:04.27styelzto voip
12:04.40yangI got 12 DID numbers from our local provider for 6 euros/month, i guess there must be some in australia
12:04.43voltagexif they did you could call from Skype for free
12:04.44*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (
12:05.09styelznah only incomming
12:05.32styelzoh i see
12:06.25styelzi think they are pretty expensive here
12:06.33styelzi have no idea
12:06.45voltagexoh hai
12:07.31voltagex13/f/horny :P
12:08.59yangstyelz: A paid provider will always make sure that you can keep your number, and you know how with free things is...once they stop working you cannot rely
12:09.26styelzi only usiing fwd to play
12:09.32*** join/#asterisk Toerkeium (i=oo@
12:11.51yangstyelz: what i think its cool, its that being reachable remotelly on a "local" number is a big plus
12:19.05patrick--hey, ive tried a test-setup with my asterisk server behind our hardware pbx. this causes all other isdn phones within the net to not respond anmore. can anyone say why this is the case?
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12:29.43defsworkcustomer I do IT for have a BT engineer in today installing replacement phone system - they never even told me
12:30.01defsworkworse thing is - they are installing the same system as the current have (bcm)
12:30.36defswork"Why didn't you tell me?"
12:34.32*** join/#asterisk cpm (n=Chip@pdpc/supporter/active/cpm)
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12:53.52patrick--hey, ive tried a test-setup with my asterisk server behind our hardware pbx. this causes all other isdn phones within the net to not respond anmore. can anyone say why this is the case?
12:54.41plikdefswork: clients like that deserve the big bills and shoddy service they'll get from BT
12:55.13defsworkplik: they've resigned a 3year lease :o
12:56.47plikbah, suckers... I know what you mean though... incredible stupidity
12:57.08jeremy_gBridge two channels
12:57.08jeremy_gUsage: Bridge(channel[,options])
12:57.12*** join/#asterisk b1ch0 (
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12:59.09jeremy_ganyways, i need some help using this bridge app. what does it mean by the channel
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13:02.34ussrbackhi all
13:02.38smacehi !
13:02.47ussrbacki have conected voip phones to my asterisk box
13:02.59ussrbackbut the voice volume on the other side id low
13:03.04*** join/#asterisk sim-NIX (
13:03.13ussrbackis there any way to increase voice volume from asterisk?
13:04.17ussrbackdoes it have config file?
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13:05.01Frogzooany decent linux sip client available? tried xtensoftphone & twinkle, neither are too great
13:05.40Frogzoooh right, thx
13:06.05smacefor using Fax should I use g711u only for the SIP extension ? (SIP.conf with disallow=all;allow=g711u;)
13:07.06mvanbaaksmace: yup. (disallow=all; allow=ulaw;)
13:07.21smaceI have my * running everything using g729a and I have just one FXO and 5 FXS I would like to use one FAX in one these FXS. When receiving one call the user could press # and then go to FAX mode. is it possible?
13:09.09ZaVoidif i have two peers with allow=g729 and both devices support g729br8 .... asterisk would just passthrough the codec and not transcode it right?
13:09.45smaceit is a HT533
13:09.50*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
13:10.00smaceI do not know g729br8.
13:12.10smacemy doubt is when the call arrives the HT503 is set to use G729a, only when the user presses FAX # that it should be ULAW, is it possible?
13:12.47BBHosssmace, fax even over ulaw is a crapshoot anyways
13:13.09jblackbbhoss: You done much faxing over ulaw?
13:13.13smaceBBHoss: you mean it is a bad idea to use FAX over IP ...
13:13.34BBHosssmace, if you can get t.38 working, then it's not a big deal
13:13.49smacet.38 ?
13:14.05BBHossgoogle that shit
13:14.23defsworkhey BBHoss - did you have anymore suggestions re. my hangup problem ?
13:14.42BBHossdefswork, sorry man, i don't know
13:14.58BBHossdefswork, i would call sangoma though, see if they have any tips
13:15.07defsworkI've been emailing back and forth
13:15.09BBHossor send you a new card
13:15.11BBHosscall them
13:15.32defsworkI suggested they should have know workign setups etc.. on their website to avoid all the bad info on the net
13:15.48smaceI need to have Fax working in our office, but I have just one line, and I would like to be free for redirecting calls, using asterisk the way I do other places without the fax need. What is the best option ?
13:16.22BBHosssmace, get a provider that does t.38 and get an ATA that does t.38, then get them to talk to eachother
13:16.58*** join/#asterisk lirakis (i=lirakis@
13:17.38b1ch0hi guys, changed succesfully language fron en to es
13:18.07b1ch0but a lot of "sounds" are missing, is there any way to get them ?
13:18.12eugoi just "discovered" the whole voip scene and now im hooked! im thinking about getting a ATA for my POTS phone (cheapest solution), but i'm wondering how i can make calls to contacts like from a POTS dialpad?
13:18.17smaceprovider = is who I bought the line from? it is one PSTN from the public telephone company. all I know is that they follow use european standard E1 = 2mbits
13:18.24*** join/#asterisk whymarkwhy (n=koos@
13:18.51BBHosssmace, so you're only faxing internally over ip, not over the net?
13:19.01whymarkwhyhi there is it possible to send your cdr-data to mysql?
13:19.42smaceBBHoss: it depends from where the extension comes. I have some remote extensions.
13:19.52smaceBBHoss: but most use will be local.
13:20.09BBHosssmace, in that case it will be even harder for you to use asterisk because you will have to terminate t.38, which asterisk by itself can't do.  However, you might be able to get away with faxing over IP internally, as long as the codec is ulaw.
13:21.29jeremy_ghow do we specify a channel as an argument to an application? I need the answer
13:21.54jeremy_gBBHoss:* 1.4 can terminate t.38
13:21.54BBHosswhich application
13:22.02BBHossjeremy_g, how
13:22.25coppice* cannot terminate T.38
13:22.59BBHossi said by itself, if you use spandsp or asterfax you can
13:23.29jeremy_gits the same as it was, its just 1.4 has the passthrough support
13:23.58jeremy_gBBHoss:you win
13:24.07jeremy_gback to my question
13:24.26BBHossare you using 1.4 or 1.6
13:24.46whymarkwhyis asterisk 1.6 out?
13:24.58jeremy_gits bleeding edge
13:25.20jeremy_gwhymarkwhy:yes its possible to send ur cdr data to mysql
13:25.37BBHossjeremy_g, ive been testing it, only found 1 or 2 bugs related to dundi, which nobody cares about anyways (except me)
13:26.34*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=angeldav@
13:26.35jeremy_gthats good
13:26.54BBHossjeremy_g, its not in the book, so on the CLI do: show application Bridge, and it should give you the syntax
13:26.56jeremy_gso how do we call this bridge app, how we specify a channel
13:27.00jeremy_gi did that
13:27.13BBHosswhat does it give you
13:27.18jeremy_gBridge(channel) but what to specify at place of the channel
13:27.58jeremy_gUsage: Bridge(channel[,options])
13:28.07jeremy_gThe current channel is bridged to the specified 'channel'.
13:29.30eugoonce i have connected my Analog-Terminal-Adapter to my PSTN phone, how do i place calls to contacts? like
13:29.53jeremy_gBBHoss: so ?
13:29.56jeremy_gany clues?
13:30.07BBHossim gonna look at the code and see if i can tell
13:30.23jeremy_ghow quick is that gonna be ;)
13:31.00BBHossgo for it:
13:32.24smaceATM I have HT533 line configured to use G729A only (once everything here is using g729a). For using Fax, I am thinking about the following schema: the PSTN call is forwared to one menu (that by default should be using g729a) that when pressing one #x he should be forwarded to one extension (SPA-2000 FXS) that is using G711u which the FAX is plugged in. I am in doubt if having HT533 line...
13:32.26smace...using G729a is one problem. is possible to automatically change codecs during one call? I am not sure about it all.
13:33.29jeremy_gBBHoss:the link doesnt work
13:33.35jbotWell, apperantly the fax was concieved of by Napoleon Bonaparte. He commissioned a system of devices that could transmit a traced image electrically over telegraph lines to a remote device that would redraw the image identically.
13:33.54BBHossjeremy_g, works fine for me
13:34.09jeremy_gmy svn co wud not do anything for that
13:34.17jeremy_goh you mean paste in a web browser
13:35.26jeremy_gBBHoss:i need an svn link for a co
13:35.50BBHossim just browsing for it, i haven't found what file the app is in
13:36.54jblackI wonder if that's true
13:39.23*** join/#asterisk AndyGraybeal (
13:40.15jblackI don't think it's true
13:40.26SteveTotarowhat is true?
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13:41.36BBHossjeremy_g, the bridge application is in res_features.c if you want to find it
13:41.53SteveTotarogreat app
13:42.09SteveTotarowould be nice to see that backported to 1.2
13:42.28BBHossSteveTotaro, do you know the syntax, jeremy_g can't figure it out
13:43.17SteveTotarono, i have been watching that app with great interest ever since it was an itty bitty patch though, great promise
13:43.39SteveTotarobut have yet to actually use it
13:44.05jblackYeah. jbot is wrong.
13:44.24*** part/#asterisk iratik (
13:44.45SteveTotarojbot is right but written history is wrong
13:44.55jblackThe first fax machine was made in 1843, known as "Bin's Telegraph"
13:45.10SteveTotarothe victor always re-writes history
13:46.03jblackNapoleon didn't conceive it. He supported Caselli, who was the first person to successfully commercialize it
13:46.11SteveTotaroi can post a link that says the earth is flat
13:46.47SteveTotarogo to nambla and see what they say
13:47.37jblackBBHoss: Yeah, the page you linked also says that Caselli was working on technology having ben first invented by bain.
13:48.56patrick--Does anyone know why misdn gives me this: ?
13:49.31jeremy_gwhere can i get the list of all channel variables
13:49.31jeremy_gthat exist in 1.6
13:49.32BBHossask the devs
13:49.44jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
13:49.55SteveTotarodoesn't have that documented yet?
13:50.06[TK]D-Fenderjeremy_g: like every other release I'm sure the docs are in the tarball....
13:50.27jeremy_gno no :D
13:50.35jeremy_gi dont mean the src code variables
13:50.43jeremy_gthe chan vars that we can use in the dial plan
13:50.45SteveTotarowhere are the docs in the 1.0 and prior tarballs?
13:51.02[TK]D-Fenderjeremy_g: You clearly never READ the docs.
13:51.14[TK]D-Fenderjeremy_g: "channelvariables.txt" <-------
13:51.19jboti guess rtfm is Read The F*cking Manual (TM). It is a suggestion to do your homework before posting a question. Sometimes used as RTFM $SPECIFIC_MANUAL to refer to a specific source of information. See also
13:52.04jeremy_gSteveTotaro:thats my gesture for showing how helpful you were
13:52.12[TK]D-Fenderjeremy_g: thats why source files usually come with glaringly obvious files like "READMENOWPLXKTHX!!!!!!.I.said.NOW!!!.txt"
13:52.19SteveTotarosorry, just being goof
13:52.40jeremy_g[TK]D-Fender:yup, i stand answered. thanks man
13:52.41SteveTotarohad a rough week where the universe aligned against me
13:52.55*** join/#asterisk Weetos (
13:53.17[TK]D-Fenderjeremy_g: Now I'm not saying that I know the 1.6 one is complete, but generally they should update that as they include it in releases.
13:53.27[TK]D-Fenderjeremy_g: But thats where you should look.
13:53.38BBHossi don't even see one
13:53.41Frogzooexten => 601,n,MP3Player(/tmp/x.mp3)  <- should work yes/no?
13:53.42SteveTotaroor ask on icq
13:53.47hmmhesaysgood lord ebay drives me insane some days
13:54.00[TK]D-FenderSteveTotaro: Stop getting ahead of yourself and read the dance card little monkey!
13:54.22SteveTotaronah, today is all about me
13:54.55[TK]D-FenderSteveTotaro: Module is already loaded!"
13:55.06jeremy_g[TK]D-Fender:the channelvars file aint that easily findable in 1.6 but i ll use the one in 1.4
13:55.23SteveTotaroman, you just proved how much of a dork i am
13:55.24BBHossjeremy_g, yeah but that doesn't give you the 1.6 variables
13:55.49jeremy_gBBHoss:but wait, let me first go thru the chan_feateure.c
13:56.36*** join/#asterisk nebojsajsimic (
13:56.38jeremy_gah! :) yeah cudnt find bridge in chan :)
13:56.54nebojsajsimichi all
13:56.59Frogzoo"NOTICE[6954]: app_mp3.c:118 timed_read: Poll timed out/errored out with 0"   - why won't my mp3 play?
13:57.18nebojsajsimiccan someone give me some instructionas for phpagi???
13:57.21jbotwell, mp3 is (MPEG-1 layer 3) This is a compression standard for music. It enables you to fit over 100 full length songs on a single CD with almost no loss of quality. You can find MP3 players and MP3 files on the Web--you just have to look. The music industry is unhappy about MP3 files being swapped around and has shut down some sites that distribute them.
13:57.35jeremy_gthere is no res_features.c BBHoss
13:57.44BBHossres_feature.c ?
13:57.51jeremy_gonly features.c
13:57.51Frogzoodoes the bot contain ANY useful information?
13:58.05jbotit has been said that stevetotaro is an IRC nub
13:58.07jeremy_gyup its features.c
13:58.16nebojsajsimicAGI Rx << <b>Fatal error</b>:  Call to undefined function:  debug_backtrace() in <b>/var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/phpagi/phpagi.php</b> on line <b>1705</b><br />
13:58.16jblackFrogzoo: Yes. Lots of good information.
13:59.25*** join/#asterisk flujan (
14:00.33SteveTotaroso i wonder, would SMS bombing someone's cell phone be illegal?
14:01.19*** join/#asterisk tsabi (
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14:01.56SteveTotaroat $.15 each, i could quickly rack up someone's bill with my five per second throughput
14:02.45*** join/#asterisk flujan (
14:03.23Frogzooare there any known issues with MP3Player on 1.4.10? is this maybe an ubuntu/gutsy issue?
14:04.06SteveTotarowhy use mp3?
14:04.29SteveTotaroslin is nice
14:05.02jblackfrogzoo: You'll need extra packages to support mp3 musiconhold. If you want to serve mp3s, I'd look at using an external player though, as the mp3player app is limited in the mp3s it can support.
14:05.04whymarkwhywhere do you need to start if you wanna make mysql entries with your asterisk cdr information?
14:05.58Frogzoojblack: thx, I'll look some more
14:06.10jblackFrogzoo: Also, the asterisk-mp3 package isn't in gutsy, but in hardy heron (which is in alpha or beta right now)
14:06.37Frogzooah, that makes it easy, thanks
14:07.00jblackjust use the external player, as per the example in musiconhold.conf. You'll be happier all around.
14:08.32Frogzoowill do, thanks again
14:15.21*** join/#asterisk maszlo (n=reckenro@
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14:19.03BBHossanyone here interested in joining an e.164 dundi network?
14:19.51jbothmm... dundi is at DUNDi, an optional Asterisk component, is a distributed, decentralized peer to peer network that provides routes to PSTNs between peers on the same DUNDi network.
14:20.26BBHossthat link is bad
14:22.00*** join/#asterisk tobias (
14:22.00SteveTotaroi guess it depends on who is in your dundi network and what the trade off is
14:22.06*** join/#asterisk javar (n=javar@
14:22.22jblackbbhoss: I'm not, but there's a dundi network out there that is looking to grow at
14:22.34BBHossyeah thats the one im in
14:23.16SteveTotarojoin that with the allstar network and there is nowhere you cannot reach
14:23.43BBHossallstar network?
14:24.37zeeeshusing "asterisk-1.4" at centos-4.6 X86_64 .. which one g729 is for me ... "1-codec_g729a_v33_opteron.tar.gz " 2- "codec_g729a_v33_nocona.tar.gz "?
14:25.09BBHosszeeesh, what kind of processor do you have
14:25.32SteveTotaroan X68_64
14:25.43BBHossno shit, what type
14:26.11BBHossa nocona is a xeon, opteron is an opteron of course :)
14:26.20SteveTotarothe 64 bit type
14:27.18zeeesh<BBHoss> : x86_64
14:27.39BBHosszeeesh, are you both braindead?
14:29.04SteveTotarocat /proc/cpuinfo
14:29.35SteveTotaromodel name      : Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU          6300  @ 1.86GHz
14:30.38*** join/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
14:30.49SteveTotaro2.6.23.14-64.fc7 #1 SMP Sun Jan 20 22:20:19 EST 2008 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
14:31.30zeeesh<BBHoss>:Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           E5310  @ 1.60GHz
14:32.35*** join/#asterisk Docfxit (
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14:35.10jeremy_gpop quiz
14:35.32jeremy_g,1,Dial(SIP/somedude && SIP/911@proxy)
14:35.55jeremy_g,2,NoOp(${CDR(channel)}) <-- whats would be the output of this
14:36.11jeremy_gwhoever picks first
14:36.18QwellIt would fail because "& SIP" isn't a valid tech
14:36.21*** join/#asterisk DarWin_vcch (n=daryl@
14:37.29SteveTotaromodel name      : Dual-Core AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 2212 HE
14:38.19jeremy_g,1,Dial(SIP/somedude & SIP/911@proxy)
14:38.22jeremy_gis that ok now
14:38.48jeremy_gQwell is brilliant
14:39.20jbotextra, extra, read all about it, qwell is a patented liquid formula that contains three plant-based bio-active agents that work together in a perfectly balanced combination. These agents act synergistically to boost your good cholesterol and slash the bad.
14:40.16*** join/#asterisk mort_gib (
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14:42.51[TK]D-Fenderjeremy_g: whitespace = BAD
14:43.10jgracinhi all!  I don't understand the concept of "renaming the channels" in Asterisk.  Could somebody please provide some pointers to the docs where this is explained.
14:43.39[TK]D-Fenderjgracin: You don't "rename" channels.  What are you actually trying to accomplish?
14:44.37jgracin[TK]D-Fender:  I'm trying to understand what's the logic behind Asterisk's renaming of channels.
14:44.56[TK]D-Fenderjgracin: What renaming?  A channel's name remains the same.
14:45.24jgracin[TK]D-Fender: but I'm getting events via AMI on the renamed channels.
14:45.39[TK]D-Fenderjgracin: pastebin it so we can see
14:45.41jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
14:45.50[TK]D-Fenderjgracin: along with a channel dump from CLI
14:46.01jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
14:46.01[TK]D-Fenderjgracin: "show channels concise"
14:46.43[TK]D-FenderSteveTotaro: WAY too slow... go caffeinate!
14:47.45shastaanyone has SPA932?
14:48.04jeremy_g[TK]D-Fender:have you been able to get this bridge app working in 1.6
14:48.19*** join/#asterisk mikegrb (
14:48.43[TK]D-Fenderjeremy_g: Haven't touched 1.6 yet
14:48.50jeremy_g[TK]D-Fender: wanna try
14:48.55shastamy SPA932 unit doesn't even try to subscribe to others' presence
14:48.58[TK]D-Fenderjeremy_g: Don't ahve an extra box laying around that I feel like experimenting with
14:49.30jeremy_g[TK]D-Fender:i have it installed here and i can show you what i am trying to do
14:49.50[TK]D-Fenderjeremy_g: Feel free though I don't know the specifics.
14:55.26phixhi sirs
14:55.30phixhey [TK]D-Fender, sup?
14:55.47*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki (
14:57.17phixyou pwn
14:57.26[TK]D-FenderDon't I know it!
14:57.34drmessanohumble too
14:57.39*** join/#asterisk esaym (n=user@
14:58.06phix[TK]D-Fender: heh
14:58.12phixlets asterisk
15:00.37d00gsterguys, my asterisk (sip) connection just does not like sitting behind a firewall/router. Is there anyway to make this work? when sitting behind a FW I loose the connection frequently
15:00.56phixummm set some option to off
15:00.57*** join/#asterisk saint_ (
15:01.05phixreinvite = no of something
15:01.14jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT :  otherwise check the WIKI at
15:01.31d00gsterok thanks
15:01.37jgracin[TK]D-Fender: Here's the dump of AMI messages received from Asterisk when a call is being transfered to a parking extension.
15:02.21JTsounds like a nat mapping issue d00gster
15:02.37*** join/#asterisk saint_ (
15:02.39phixJT: you sound like a nat mapping issue :)
15:02.41JTset qualify to yes and maybe reduce sip registration time if qualify doesn't help
15:04.27[TK]D-Fenderjgracin: a bit of a guess, but I'm suspecting that its being rebuilt as part of a transfer.
15:04.30*** join/#asterisk scruz (n=Dell_ope@
15:04.51jgracin[TK]D-Fender: I wonder about those AsyncGoto, MASQ and other channels.  The problem is that if the caller who is on hold hangs up, I get a hangup event on a channel whose name is Parked/ZAP-1...
15:04.57scruzhello everyone
15:05.24SteveTotarocomment ca va?
15:05.36scruzbien, merci. et tu?
15:05.49jgracin[TK]D-Fender: I'm looking for the docs which might explain what's going on, why all the RenameEvents.
15:06.05SteveTotarotres bien
15:06.23jgracin[TK]D-Fender: it is related to transfers, but I don't understand the logic.
15:06.26[TK]D-Fendery-a trop de francophones ici.... va t'ens sans revenir ostie! :p
15:06.46scruzsumon, [TK]D-Fender
15:06.47[TK]D-Fenderjgracin: Ok, thats a question for #asterisk-dev
15:06.50MaartenBhello everyone, is there maybe a .gsm player available for Linux?
15:07.05jgracin[TK]D-Fender: thanks for the time!  I'll check there.
15:07.30SteveTotaroi like vlc to play everything
15:07.43phixxine is my 2nd choice
15:07.49scruzas to my question, i'm new to asterisk. unfortunately, i'm not exploring for myself but my new job. time's pinching, too
15:08.31drmessanoLearning Asterisk in a hurry is always good
15:08.51MaartenBphix, my xine does not play .gsm
15:08.56MaartenBinstalling vlc now...
15:09.01*** join/#asterisk anthm (
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15:09.18scruzhere's the real question: what's a trunk, and how does it affect billing? currently, we have elastix set up, and a2billing's installed. i'd like to test billing, but i only have the test machine, my machine and a cross cable. how can i billing calls to myself using two softphones?
15:10.03scruzreading the official book (TFOT from
15:10.23*** join/#asterisk grandpapadot (
15:10.32scruz*bill calls to myself
15:10.55grandpapadotOn an Aastra 480i CT (Cordless) with multiple wireless handsets, does anyone know a way to associate a handset with a line on the phone?  So if someone calls line 2 on the phone, it rings handset "X"?
15:10.57jbotsomebody said trunk was is a word with varying definitions.  In Asterisk, a trunk is a "stream of UDP packets containing IAX2 frames from more than 1 call"; in telecom, a trunk is a "single voice channel between two pieces of switching equipment."; in Ethernet a trunk carries more than one 802.1q VLAN.  There is no such thing as a "SIP Trunk" -- Don't use the term.
15:11.09[TK]D-Fenderscruz: Those are both GUI's and external systems that are NOT supported here.  Please use their channels
15:11.17jbot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
15:11.47scruzThere is no such thing as a "SIP Trunk" -- Don't use the term.
15:11.53[TK]D-Fendergrandpapadot: You can't have independant handsets on the Aastra's really.
15:12.01[TK]D-Fendergrandpapadot: Sucks that way.
15:12.08scruzthat helps lots. now i know why i could't bill myself
15:12.15grandpapadot[TK]D-Fender: Thanks.
15:13.19SteveTotaroif you have your phones in the correct contexts, there is no reason why you cannot test billing
15:13.32scruztried to create an SIP trunk
15:14.25scruzit seems my questions will result in offtopic answers. please pm me if you want to help. thanks
15:15.05*** join/#asterisk af_ (
15:15.10SteveTotaroi think you should explain to your management that you don't have the skillset
15:15.23SteveTotaroand you need more time
15:15.37scruzunfortunately, this is nigeria where miracle happen on a daily basis
15:15.47drmessanoTell your boss to send you to Trixbox training
15:16.27scruzi'm not using trixbox. i'd have asked in #elastix, but it doesn't seem like there's anyone really there
15:16.59SteveTotaromiracles and atrocities
15:18.52SteveTotaroi would offer consulting services but i have fallen for this Nigerian bank scam too many times
15:19.19scruzactually, i don't work in a bank. nor do i want money
15:19.29scruzunfortunately, i can't also give money
15:19.31SteveTotarono, i want money
15:19.55SteveTotaroyou need to understand how the billing engine is called
15:19.59QwellSteveTotaro: I know a guy who knows a guy who needs money transfered into a US account.  He'd be willing to give 40% to the person who helps.  Interested?
15:20.23SteveTotarohow can i resist such a great deal!
15:20.29Qwellgreat, just send me $2500, and we can get it started
15:20.48scruzSteveTotaro: what if he's sending $1?
15:21.15scruzit's laughable. i wonder how people really fall for scams, then i remember: greed
15:21.41scruzbut let me not get offtopic
15:21.41SteveTotaroand old people that are so hard up they are eating dog food
15:21.51Qwellyeah, I was gonna say...
15:22.04SteveTotaronot even greed, desperation
15:22.06scruzi don't think you're eating dog food....
15:22.06Qwellthere's a very fine line between greed and desperation
15:22.30SteveTotaroi always test my dog's food
15:22.44QwellI am so quoting that back at some point.
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15:23.20SteveTotaroi had him eating steak during the whole tainted dog food scare
15:23.30scruzSteveTotaro: your dog a mobster or something? what if they dog he cheated on wants him poisoned? what happens to you?
15:24.05SteveTotarohe is an 85 pound red nosed american pit bull terrier
15:24.46drmessanoNigerian Asterisk Scammers!
15:24.53drmessanoIt's a new day
15:25.26drmessano419's bore me.. I want a 420 scammer to send me some weed
15:25.46*** join/#asterisk bartolomeojsimps (n=Raul@
15:25.54SteveTotarogood for you, i have been all over west africa
15:26.02styelzill shout you some cones
15:26.21bartolomeojsimpsi got a quuestion
15:26.38SteveTotaroi have alot of answers
15:27.09drmessanoSteveTotaro is responsible for bringing the bird flu epidemic to birdless nations
15:27.17scruzSteveTotaro: please keep being nice
15:27.26bartolomeojsimpsif i have 4 channels in a queue, what are de recommended values of maxlen?
15:27.37scruzwho says west africa is birdless?
15:27.48jboti heard humor is Q: Why are the streets of Paris lined with trees? A: Because Germans like to march in the shade.
15:28.42drmessanoFor sale: WWII Era French Army Rifle, never used, dropped twice
15:29.15scruzdrmessano: be careful, some french guys are here
15:29.29SteveTotarofreedom fries rule!
15:29.41drmessanoscruz: some americans are here too.. that never stopped anyone before
15:29.43bartolomeojsimpsany suggestions?
15:30.03scruzthings (might) have changed since WWII. Napoleon *was* french, afterall
15:30.18jbotWell, apperantly the fax was concieved of by Napoleon Bonaparte. He commissioned a system of devices that could transmit a traced image electrically over telegraph lines to a remote device that would redraw the image identically.
15:30.18Qwellhe was?  he isn't anymore?
15:30.44tzangerI don't know... if you look at history instead of just glossing it over, the french had good reason to do what they did
15:30.49tzangerthey were pretty much abandoned
15:30.58tzanger(I'm not french, I'm actually german)
15:31.10drmessanoSomeone defaced the Wikipedia entry for France.. and this actually stayed up for a while.. "It's a little known fact that France actually lost the French Revolution"
15:31.14scruzQwell: he was, since he isn't anymore
15:31.25SteveTotaroyes, no shame in surrendering .....
15:31.29drmessanoSeems like it was weeks, if not months
15:32.18scruzhow do you have an unauthorized autobiography?
15:32.24tzangerscruz: haha
15:32.28tzangermaybe you sold your rights to someone else
15:32.33scruzmultiple personalities?
15:32.41drmessanoMaybe he's got MPD
15:32.55[TK]D-Fenderno we don't!!!!
15:33.04MaartenBI installed VLC, bust still it doesn't play GSM files
15:33.13scruz[TK]D-Fender are Venom
15:33.14MaartenBis there any Linux player that actually can play GSM files?
15:33.15tzangerHello, I'm a schizophrenic, and so am I.
15:33.26tzangerMaartenB: sox piped through aplay?
15:33.30drmessanoOf course, if [TK]D-Fender had MPD, his other personality would be a 7 yr old Van Halen fan, and the whole autobiography would be written in red crayon
15:33.39[TK]D-Fendertzanger: Schitzophrenia != MPD.
15:33.50SteveTotaronambla member in good standing
15:34.24drmessanoscruz, I transferred that $10,000 into that bank account like you what?
15:34.25MaartenBtzanger, I didn't try that, I would like to have a GUI :)
15:34.26tzanger[TK]D-Fender: yeah I know, it was a joke that didn't come together
15:34.45[TK]D-Fendertzanger: Schitzophrenia takes many forms like paranoia, refression, OCD (in odd cases), etc.
15:34.55*** join/#asterisk JenniferAkemi (
15:35.22[hC]Qwell: hey, I remember asking you before about the timezone settings on the AA50... I beat my head against it all last night and nothing I seemed to do worked, until i did a simple export TZ=PST8PDT = however, even adding that to rc.local didnt seem to do me any good. Is there something weird about how it handles /etc/localtime ?
15:35.40[hC]I forget what the fix was, before.
15:36.06drmessanoInstead of beating your head against it, you could have tried to fix it... :/
15:36.10jbot[~osmosis] Osmosis is the act of beating yourself on the head repeatedly with THE BOOK, until some measure of absorption has occured ... or at least until your unconsciousness restores peace to the channel ...
15:36.14scruzdrmessano: that's real low. i didn't ask for it. moreso, you don't even have my account number.
15:36.39JenniferAkemiI'm trying to get my PRI card to work in asteriskNOW does anyone know someplace I can read more about that in particular?
15:36.48drmessanoscruz: I apologize from the bottom of my heart
15:36.51[TK]D-FenderJenniferAkemi: #asterisknow
15:36.58drmessanoscruz: I am so very sorry
15:37.12[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: pretty shallow... at least you didn't have to dig too much :p
15:37.18drmessanoscruz: Please accept my forgiveness and a small token of my friendship
15:37.29JenniferAkemii'll give it a shot thanks [TK]D-Fender
15:37.41drmessanoscruz: may I offer you soemthing to make up for it?
15:37.53scruzno thanks
15:38.04drmessanoscruz: My grandfather just died, and he left a large fortune in an overseas bank account
15:38.20scruzguys, this really isn't funny anymore
15:38.40*** join/#asterisk [T]ank (n=ckwall@
15:39.28[T]ankif i use monitor-type=Monitor in queues.conf, does it merge the in an the out files automatically? because in extensions.conf I have to use the m option to merge them.
15:40.10*** join/#asterisk Kobaz (
15:40.15[TK]D-Fender[T]ank: clearly it does not, and the sample queues.conf file tells you what will merge them for you.
15:40.27tzangerI have no idea what drmessano is apologizing for, weird
15:40.50[T]ank[TK]D-Fender: your talking about MixMonitor?
15:41.04SteveTotaroso where do i start, my swift number?
15:41.52grandpapadotOn an Aastra 480i CT (Cordless) with multiple wireless handsets, is it possible to make multipel g729a calls?  It seems to work with g711, but I was wondering if there was a switch to allow multiple g729a calls?
15:41.53scruztzanger: it's called sarcasm
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15:42.15SteveTotarowhat exactly do you need to figure out cruz?
15:42.17[TK]D-Fendergrandpapadot: Odds are it can't encode so many channels at a time.
15:42.31[TK]D-Fendergrandpapadot: Like most systems
15:42.55grandpapadot[TK]D-Fender: Right, afraid of that.
15:43.08scruzi need to set up billing for an asterisk (hint: elastix) based system. need to configure and test
15:43.14pkunkrai'm trying to figure out what this message means.
15:43.16pkunkraDEBUG[9524]: sched.c:204 sched_settime: Request to schedule in the past?!?!
15:43.27SteveTotaroi have no idea what elastix is
15:43.38scruzwhile we're at it, please confirm that TDM == time division multiplexing?
15:43.42twistedSteveTotaro: it's that stuff in the waistband of your underpants
15:43.53[TK]D-Fenderscruz: Yes
15:43.56pkunkragoogle says that its because the machine is either underpowered or overloaded.  but that's not possible.
15:44.05SteveTotaroi have dresspants with elastix
15:44.20*** join/#asterisk Giofe (n=chatzill@
15:44.25QwellSteveTotaro: sweat pants are not "dress pants", just fyi
15:44.48SteveTotaroi beg to differ, depends on who you are meeting with
15:44.51twistedthey are to some peopee, Qwell
15:45.09drmessanoscruz: WRONG CHANNEL
15:45.11[hC]They are if wearing pants at all is considered 'dressing up'
15:45.20SteveTotaronot really interested in looking into it at this point, sorry scruz
15:45.32scruzoh, just thought fyi
15:45.38Qwell[hC]: Digium has a "casual day" every year...
15:45.51[hC]Qwell: Oh man I can just imagine..
15:46.02Qwell[hC]: Marko decided that pants were optional.
15:46.02SteveTotarowhen i meet with some people they are dressed up if they shower that day
15:46.03drmessanoQwell: It's all fun and games until someone comes in wearing a speedo
15:46.08scruza2billing doesn't seem to have an IRC channel
15:46.20twistedQwell: i thought every day was casual day
15:46.24Qwelltwisted: exactly
15:46.26twistedQwell: and there was a dressup day
15:46.28jbot[rtfm] Read The F*cking Manual (TM). It is a suggestion to do your homework before posting a question. Sometimes used as RTFM $SPECIFIC_MANUAL to refer to a specific source of information. See also
15:46.33[hC]Qwell: Were underwear considered optional too?
15:46.37[hC]I hope so.
15:46.49[hC]AH WAIT
15:46.52[hC]I hope NOT
15:46.54scruzin chapter 2
15:47.01[hC]I'm not used to being up this early
15:47.06drmessanoscruz: #Asterisk isn't the "Oh no, I have nowhere else to go channel"
15:47.09drmessanoThats #linux
15:47.11grandpapadotAnoying.  There's no where in the Aastra manual that says g729a is limited to 1 channel.  It says "supports mutliple codecs" all ove rthe place.
15:47.15[hC]I had an aa50 lock up on me last night... luckily a reboot fixed it
15:47.30[hC]grandpapadot: what aastra model?
15:47.38grandpapadot480i CT
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15:47.42jbot[~trixbox] trixbox is a full linux distro that includes FreePBX and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox VERY difficult to support, and is not supported in #asterisk. Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & wiki at
15:47.50lmadseni didn't do it
15:47.59scruznot using trixbox
15:48.00[hC]Qwell: do you remember what the fix was for setting the timezone with /etc/localtime on the aa50? I spent a good 2 hours last night trying to make it take.
15:48.18tzangerlmadsen: of course you didn't.  you'd have to know what you were doing to be able to do it
15:48.48drmessanojbot: Elastix is a full linux distro that includes FreePBX and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes Elastix VERY difficult to support, and is not supported in #asterisk. Try asking in #Elastix or on their forums at
15:48.49jbotdrmessano: okay
15:48.54jbotrumour has it, elastix is a full linux distro that includes FreePBX and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes Elastix VERY difficult to support, and is not supported in #asterisk. Try asking in #Elastix or on their forums at
15:49.15[hC]grandpapadot: its the CT thats the culprit in your case. I ran into that too.
15:49.37minteeregarding cell phone fwding, once the call has been forwarded to the cell phone via extensions and use of a PRI channel, can the cell reciever place the caller on hold and transfer?
15:49.39[hC]grandpapadot: the non CT can handle more g729 paths, but the CT versions for some reason are limited to 1 g729 call to the CT
15:50.20drmessanoscruz: defiantly proclaiming you're not using trixbox doesn't make Elastix any more appropriate here..
15:50.26[hC]<- got a full sip client going on his iphone last night
15:50.32drmessano... and that's my last comment on that
15:51.36scruzdrmessano: i'm quite sure i mentioned that the only reason i asked the questions i did here was because i can't get anyone to respond to *anything* in #elastix
15:52.21drmessanoNo one answered me in #HappyClownFirewall, can you guys help me?
15:52.28[TK]D-Fenderpkunkra: BRB
15:52.33scruznot even a hello. and the point is the last question i asked was for someone to confirm that TDM is in fact time division multiplexing
15:52.37*** part/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
15:52.43jbothmm... tdm is Time Division Multiplexing. It is a scheme in which numerous signals are combined for transmission on a single communications line or channel. Each signal is broken up into many segments, each having very short duration.
15:52.50drmessanoYou're welcome
15:52.56scruzi already got an answer
15:52.56*** join/#asterisk meng (
15:53.17lmadsentzanger: I just fake not knowing. Keep expectations low in order to succeed with clients!
15:53.27tzangerlmadsen: #1 rule of contracting
15:53.37tzangerthe other is to bill for absolutely everything
15:53.47drmessanoPencil $11
15:54.03Qwellpencil sharpening fee: $86.54
15:54.25minteethanks an expensive pencil
15:54.37drmessano"I saved you $16.50 by erasing my mistake and not using a new sheet of paper, you ungrateful SOB"
15:55.12Qwellmintee: only the best for my clients
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15:55.19tzangermintee: the pencils I buy are about $22
15:55.20Qwellif that means $11 pencils, then so be it
15:55.26tzangerthey're really nice mechanical ones nd I keep losing the fuckers
15:55.31scruzit's an even more expensive sharpening service
15:55.37lmadsentzanger: Fast, Correct, and Cheap. You can have 2 of the 3. If you want it Correct and Cheap; it won't be Fast. If you want it Fast and Cheap; it won't be Correct. If you want it Fast and Correct; it won't be Cheap.
15:55.52scruzaw, there's no one in #a2blling
15:55.53drmessanoI want to to start doing the sort of Asterisk consutling where I set a box up for someone, open SSH up, and then get on IRC and beg fro someone to SSH in and make it work
15:55.57drmessanoHow do I bill for that?
15:55.58dandreHow can I configure asterisk to handle DID with a sip provider?
15:56.06jbothmm... rtfm is Read The F*cking Manual (TM). It is a suggestion to do your homework before posting a question. Sometimes used as RTFM $SPECIFIC_MANUAL to refer to a specific source of information. See also
15:56.16SteveTotarowhen you are done, i will help you
15:56.18*** part/#asterisk meng (
15:56.21drmessano"Open Consulting"
15:56.33ZaVoiddandre: you need to drop the sip provider inbound into a dialplan that then decides how to route your did
15:57.41dandreI have traced the sip data and found nothing corresponding to my did. I am not sur weather it is really transmitted
15:58.25drmessanotack a /did on the end of your register string
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15:59.12drmessanomeaning /YOURDID
15:59.15mintee*attempt #2*   regarding cell phone fwding, once the call has been forwarded to the cell phone via extensions and use of a PRI channel, can the cell reciever place the caller on hold and transfer?
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16:00.21jbotit has been said that trunk is is a word with varying definitions.  In Asterisk, a trunk is a "stream of UDP packets containing IAX2 frames from more than 1 call"; in telecom, a trunk is a "single voice channel between two pieces of switching equipment."; in Ethernet a trunk carries more than one 802.1q VLAN.  There is no such thing as a "SIP Trunk" -- Don't use ...
16:00.28na0midoes anyone know of any good how to's for setting up RealTime with mySQL
16:00.39*** join/#asterisk qthrul (n=qthrul@
16:01.25dandreok I'll try
16:01.31tnt_Hi. Anyone has experience with Polycon and vlan ? I configured the cisco router to send the voice vlan by CDP and it result in endless reconfiguring of the phone.
16:02.54SteveTotarothe ole polycom reconfiguring loop....
16:04.01*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
16:04.06*** join/#asterisk FlatFoot (n=bigflatf@
16:04.46minteebasically i'm just looking to be able to hit like, pound#, in the middle of my call to place the caller on hold.
16:05.00minteejust not sure on how to go about writing that.
16:05.06[TK]D-Fendermintee: Get a real phone.
16:05.16jbotextra, extra, read all about it, consistency is neil's word
16:05.44mintee[TK]D-Fender, not an option... looking to do follow-me services, and be able to transfer while on the road.
16:06.26*** join/#asterisk FlatFoot (n=bigflatf@
16:06.41[TK]D-Fendermintee: THAT is going to be difficult
16:07.00[TK]D-Fendermintee: hold doesn't make so much sense.  Mute would be much easier
16:07.04minteeyep... i figured as much.
16:07.35minteeMute?  not just silencing the call.   NEED to transfer.
16:07.36*** part/#asterisk lmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
16:07.46[TK]D-Fendermintee: Because hold would have to be simulated in the nastiest ways
16:08.09[TK]D-Fendermintee: transfer is easy already, "hold" is not
16:08.09minteei'd imagine that asterisk would just listen in on the call, and when a # tone came in, the caller would be placed on hold...
16:08.45minteeoh, ok... well the hold feature isn't really needed.  Just figured you'd have to place the caller on hold to transfer
16:09.06[TK]D-Fendermintee: you'd have to have * hijack that leg of the call, transfer it to MoH, take YOUR leg, transfer you to something similar where you can press # to come back, etc.
16:09.20[TK]D-Fendermintee: there is not "just", there is only PAIN.
16:09.22minteebut now I'm thinking, Donno what would prevent the caller from putting him/herself on hold then.
16:09.45tzangerputting yourself on hold?  Isn't that kind of like giving yourself a wedgie?
16:09.51[TK]D-Fendermintee: because # can be told to only apply your dynamic feature to ONE END of the call.
16:09.54drmessanoa melvin
16:10.13minteeoh, i didn't realize that.  that's cool
16:10.26tzangerwhat's a melvin?
16:10.34drmessanofront side wedgie
16:10.37pkunkrai'm not sure what to make of this.  debug=5 verbose=0 here
16:10.38minteetzanger, not putting myself on hold... basically here the concept.
16:10.53drmessanowedgie is technically in the rear of the underpants
16:10.54SteveTotarois melvin sex specific?
16:10.59minteecaller calls into the PBX, and I'm not at my office...  caller gets rerouted to my cell phone.
16:10.59drmessanoa melvin is front side
16:11.00tzanger(the scene from Robin Hood: Men in Tights where the Rabbi says "Mervin?  Your first name is Mervin?" flashes by)
16:11.11drmessanoSteveTotaro: I suppose a melvin wouldnt do much for a female
16:11.15tzangerdrmessano: ahh, I didn't realize that wedgies were side-specific
16:11.17minteefrom there, i would like to have the advantage to transfer the caller somewhere else
16:11.21drmessanoHence the masculine name, perhaps
16:11.42SteveTotaroi gave my girl a wedgie, she was wearing a thong
16:11.49SteveTotarogot the front and back
16:11.50[TK]D-Fendermintee: You can already give your cell "transfer" via "tT"
16:11.52minteemake sence?
16:12.11drmessanoNot quite as dramatic in front as a melvin is for the guys
16:12.29drmessanoand it's only a good wedgie if theres tearing of the garment
16:12.32SteveTotarocamel toe
16:12.53minteei don't know what tT
16:13.00dandreother question, How can I know, from the dialplan, if an extension is available (ie not already off hook)?
16:13.03[TK]D-Fendermintee: "core show application dial"
16:13.19[TK]D-Fenderdandre: extensiosn don't have hooks
16:13.26[TK]D-FenderSteveTotaro: nope
16:14.45dandreI haven't found chanavail
16:15.29mintee[TK]D-Fender, I understand how to dial... that's not the problem
16:16.10minteeit's after i recieve the call on my cell phone......  via the asteriskbox and the PRI, I would then like to transfer... or even conference using the T1's channels
16:17.07*** join/#asterisk Andyukgrid (n=user@
16:17.09SteveTotaroyou can on your cell
16:17.15minteecaller calls into the PBX(asterisk), caller gets routed to my cell phone via dial(), I answer and want to conference, or transfer the caller back to the pbx
16:17.35minteeusing the pbx, and not my cell phone.
16:18.21SteveTotaroall while driving slow in the fast lane?  no you cannot do that
16:19.03minteeSteveTotaro, obviously you've never drove in new jersey
16:19.19yangI am having troubles monitoring/recording a call
16:19.24SteveTotaroi have driven in almost every state
16:19.43drmessanoNew Jersey driving is fun
16:19.59SteveTotaroi usually take 295 as much as possible to avoid the parkway
16:20.05SteveTotaroturnpike i mean
16:20.11drmessano"GET OUT OF THE WAY &%$%$%!!!!"  "...but I was doing 91..."
16:20.26minteeyep, 295 == 85mph+
16:20.30drmessanoAtlanta is that way too
16:20.34drmessano90 or die
16:20.45minteeso am i at a stand still here with my ideas?
16:20.53jeremy_gThanks [TK]D-Fender, Bridge app now works
16:20.56SteveTotaro495 captial beltway is dead stop
16:21.27SteveTotarostory of my life, then you see some open road and open it up, boom there is a statie with lidar
16:21.36minteeSteveTotaro, 495, worst, road, evar
16:21.57SteveTotarotell me about it, i was stuck there yesterday for three hours
16:22.10SteveTotaroto go 30 stinking miles
16:22.15Qwellstatie?  lidar?
16:22.23grandpapadotHey thanks for the help with the Aastra HC
16:22.24drmessanoMy fav place is getting off 20 westbound onto 75 north in ATL.. Once you get around the loop, get off the stretch that basically the "onramp", head for the wall and floor it
16:22.28SteveTotarostate cop, laser
16:22.35minteei drive down to NC a few times a year, and i base my trip around hitting that area off peak hours, and still I get backed up.
16:22.41[hC]no problem!
16:22.53SteveTotarobest drive dallas to houston
16:23.03minteewell, i gotta run, more about transfering calls from a cell phone later....   It must be done!!! :P
16:23.21[TK]D-Fendermintee: You clearly DON'T understand Dial
16:23.24QwellSteveTotaro: best drive is Barstow to Vegas :p
16:23.35[TK]D-Fendermintee: Dial has parameters to ALLOW DTMF to transfer calls etc.
16:23.35Qwellspeed limit: whatever your car can handle
16:23.44SteveTotaromost boring drive kansas city to junction city
16:23.49Qwellit's not uncommon for people to go > 140mph
16:23.52FlatFootbest drive is Work To Home ;P
16:23.55anonymouz666[TK]D-Fender: do you know any SPA that includes 2 FXOs and 2 FXSs?
16:24.15[TK]D-Fenderanonymouz666: Never seen in a single box, but thats 2 x SPA-3102
16:24.39SteveTotarolook at the quintum lineup
16:24.42[TK]D-Fender\o/ new monitor... 24" 1920x1200
16:24.49Qwell[TK]D-Fender: ws?
16:24.58[TK]D-FenderQwell: Clearly
16:25.02Qwellget 2?
16:25.26*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (n=arodgers@
16:26.00mintee[TK]D-Fender, you mean like dial(Zap/1,2152152155,k) ?
16:26.03yangI am having troubles monitoring/recording a call
16:26.08SteveTotarospiriva has some nice side effects
16:26.41draygonIf anyone is willing to install a quick pbx for me I am willing to pay
16:26.43draygonplease PM me.
16:26.47anonymouz666[TK]D-Fender: I am looking for something that I can register a single FXS port to Asterisk, and another FXS to go through the FXO line directly without being routed by Asterisk
16:26.49yangmintee: use this line for zaptel exten => _X.,1,Dial(ZAP/g1/${EXTEN})
16:27.22JenniferAkemii love my 24" monitor :)
16:27.30*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (n=Zeeek@pdpc/supporter/active/Zeeek)
16:27.32SteveTotarodont forget teh T,t
16:27.33JenniferAkemidell deal of the day from june or something
16:27.46*** part/#asterisk qthrul (n=qthrul@
16:27.51JenniferAkemiwhat kind did you get [TK]D-Fender
16:27.59[hC]Apple has their 30" on from 3299 down to 1499 right now on their refurb page.
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16:28.21SteveTotarorefurb monitor, no thanks
16:28.30SteveTotarojust as bad as a refurb HD
16:28.30minteeyang, why? s,1,dial(Zap/3/215545132) works fine...
16:28.31Zeeekhi boyz and girlz
16:28.32JenniferAkemiyeah... before i got this 24 i thought 30 would be rediculouslyl large, but this 24 just seems normal. i'm sure the 30 would be normal after a couple days
16:28.53SteveTotarothats what she said
16:28.54[hC]steliosk: uh, what? one has moving parts and is sensitive to shock, the other doesnt
16:29.00Zeeekit's Friday! And you know what that means
16:29.03JenniferAkemiif a refurb HD goes bad you're screwed, but a monitor, meh, just get another one
16:29.15QwellJenniferAkemi: there is a site (lemme try to find it) that shows the relative screen sizes of the apple 30"
16:29.20QwellNugget's site
16:29.23[TK]D-FenderQwell: Acer X243w 24" 1920x1200 @ $363
16:29.36Qwellbit expensive go to hot deals to find the best deals
16:30.01[hC]i remember when 15>17" CRT seemed huge.
16:30.10jbotrumour has it, nugget is &
16:30.21[TK]D-FenderQwell: Canadian of course, which is a tiny bit more comparatively.
16:30.25minteegtg, bbl
16:30.25JenniferAkemii know what you're saying [hc]. my laptop has a 17" now and i can't stand to work on it
16:30.37[hC]oops, no s
16:30.39JenniferAkemiisn't it nice to be able to say "tiny bit more" now :)
16:30.53*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
16:30.53Zeeekrussellb: coming to Berlin?
16:30.57SteveTotarothat's what she said
16:31.06JenniferAkemiused to be on irc people would be like $363 cdn? what's that like $56 us?
16:31.11jbotWe're really sorry we beat you at hockey in the olympics, it's just that we're much much much much MUCH better than you.
16:31.23russellbZeeek: no
16:31.32jameswf-homeand your beer sucks
16:31.32Zeeeksorry to hear
16:31.36SteveTotarowhat is Canada's national defense program?
16:31.42SteveTotarothe US of course
16:31.53JenniferAkemiworks for me
16:31.55Zeeekyes, we're doing such a great job
16:31.57jameswf-homeCanada doesnt need national defense no one hates em
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16:32.06JenniferAkemii'd rather have healthcare
16:32.17SteveTotaroand wait months and months to get it
16:32.23jameswf-homewe have to find reasons to hate canada like them calling ham bacon
16:32.38SteveTotaroyeah, ham bacon
16:32.42JenniferAkemii've never actually known anyone to call ham bacon
16:32.46[TK]D-Fenderyang: You are using 2 deprecated variables in your monitor filename Set.  Go use the appropriate FUNCTIONS that replaced them.  Welcome to * 1.2
16:33.00JenniferAkemicanadian bacon isn't ham and it's not bacon
16:33.06JenniferAkemiit's actually canadian bacon :P
16:33.10JenniferAkemior wait
16:33.14JenniferAkemiyou guys call it back bacon maybe?
16:33.15SteveTotaroit's ham bacon
16:33.16JenniferAkemiis that the same thing?
16:33.20jameswf-homeI am fat and I Know bacon
16:33.23ManxPowerI thought it was "pea bacon"
16:33.29JenniferAkemiwtf is pea bacon :P
16:33.31JenniferAkemiis it green?
16:33.34[hC]its back bacon
16:33.40ManxPowerJenniferAkemi: "canadian backn"
16:33.44ManxPowerand bacon too
16:33.52Zeeekin 30 minutes you can meet Allison Smith on VoIP Users and hear the first voice prompt she ever recorded
16:33.52SteveTotaromakin bacon
16:33.53JenniferAkeminone of that really sounds very appealing
16:34.01[hC]Waqnt to see soething amusing? o ask your average american to point out canada on a map
16:34.14SteveTotaromakin bacon sounds appealing to me
16:34.18[hC]wow i probably should move my keyboard.
16:34.18Zeeek IRC #voip-users-conference
16:34.22JenniferAkemii married an american :)
16:34.32SteveTotarofrom arizona?
16:34.34JenniferAkemihe knows where canada is
16:34.35ManxPowerAllison still has a sexy voice.
16:34.35jameswf-homewhen i order a blt they better not try to pass off that canadian crap
16:34.36JenniferAkeminah from Ohio
16:34.47yang[TK]D-Fender: Yeah, it worked on 1.2 but now in 1.4 doesn't
16:34.49jameswf-home<< from Arizona
16:34.51draygonIf anyone is willing to install a quick pbx for me I am willing to pay
16:34.53draygonplease PM me.
16:34.54JenniferAkemiit's funny though, there are a lot of things you don't realize are totally different
16:35.04SteveTotarowhat exactly is a quick pbx?
16:35.12[TK]D-Fenderyang: They were deprecated in 1.2 and gone in 1.4  please read upgrade.txt
16:35.12draygonjust for one DID
16:35.13JenniferAkemionly does 1 minute calls
16:35.16draygonincoming and outgoing
16:35.22ManxPowerSteveTotaro: There's where you call 'em and then leave 'em
16:35.23draygonnothing fancy, a basic install.
16:35.51jameswf-homeI like my pbx like my women.... cold and non responsive untill you push enough buttens then it blows up
16:35.52SteveTotaroi charge $75 hr for quick pbxes
16:36.00QwellSteveTotaro: quick?
16:36.08[TK]D-FenderSilly rabbit :)
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16:36.34weazahl_who can recommend an inexpensive single span router
16:36.46SteveTotarocisco 2700
16:36.48Qwellsingle span router?
16:37.04JenniferAkemi[TK]D-Fender i was just asked if i would go to montreal for a week
16:37.04ManxPowerweazahl_: no such thing, but a used Cisco 1720 router would do it.
16:37.06jameswf-homeroutes tx to rx :)
16:37.20JenniferAkemi[TK]D-Fender: I told them maybe in the spring :P
16:37.23[TK]D-FenderJenniferAkemi: From where, for what?
16:37.29ManxPowerI would assume "span" means "T-1/E-1".
16:37.31jameswf-homeI think thats called a loopback
16:37.31SteveTotaroah, that's what i meant the 1720
16:37.37SteveTotarohave two of them in my garage
16:37.40KillerQueen_86hello everyone! :)
16:37.44JenniferAkemi[TK]D-Fender: i live near toronto. For work
16:37.54weazahl_yes, a single t1 span.
16:37.56ManxPowerSteveTotaro: thereis a 1750 in my attic
16:38.09JenniferAkemiOur switch pop is in montreal
16:38.15[TK]D-FenderJenniferAkemi: Cool...
16:38.23SteveTotaroblame canada
16:38.33JenniferAkemilast time i was in montreal there was SO MUCH snow
16:38.37[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Don't forget to leave some breathing room for the skeletons ;)
16:38.48JenniferAkemiwe couldn't get a cab at all. waited over an hour
16:38.53[TK]D-FenderJenniferAkemi: this Dec was a record for us.
16:38.55ManxPowerweazahl_: A used Cisco 1720 with all the fixin's could cost you less than $500 if you know where to look, less than $1,000 if you don't know where to look.
16:38.58SteveTotarothey are in his closet now that he came out
16:38.59*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
16:39.02[TK]D-FenderJenniferAkemi: but strangely never fell on MY car :)
16:39.23JenniferAkemiwe actually had a car
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16:39.28JenniferAkemibut it was parked in a lot downtown
16:39.32JenniferAkemiagainst a fence
16:39.43SteveTotarodon't bother with the vpn module on the 1720
16:39.48JenniferAkemiand the parking lot beside, the snow plow guy (actually a front loader) dumped the snow over the fence
16:39.53SteveTotarowhat a pain
16:39.53JenniferAkemiand right on top of our car
16:39.56JenniferAkemiso it was stuck there all week
16:39.58weazahl_ManxPower: cool, ill look around.  thinking of using the T1 card in the machine.  but would rather off load that from the *
16:40.18yang[TK]D-Fender: The builtin variables ${CALLERID}, ${CALLERIDNAME}, ${CALLERIDNUM} TIMESTAMP all removed...but nothing says what replaces those , reading UPGRADE.TXT
16:40.26SteveTotarocisco 1720 is perfect for this
16:40.28ManxPowerweazahl_: I don't like to use PCs as routers, but I'm a bit of a traditionalist.
16:40.34SteveTotarocheap and stable
16:40.45ManxPoweryang: read both the 1.2 upgrade.txt as well as the 1.4 upgrade.txt
16:40.47SteveTotarono moving parts, not even sure about a fan
16:40.48weazahl_plus, that is all eggs in one basket if it is in the pc
16:40.53[TK]D-Fenderyang: "show functions"
16:40.57*** join/#asterisk _gm (n=gmustafa@
16:41.07SteveTotarocore show
16:41.38weazahl_yeah, i would rather have an Embedded system that does not have a hdd, etc
16:41.46KillerQueen_86how can I make my dynamic members apear on "agent show" like agents??? I've config the addqueuemembers with
16:41.47KillerQueen_86exten => s,3,AddQueueMember(dinamic_queue,SIP/306,,j,Agent/303)
16:42.05Qwell[hC]: upload it through the gui
16:42.10Qwellthere's a timezone page
16:42.12[hC]I did..
16:42.25[hC]zone off the CD
16:42.35[hC]'date' shows UTC unless i set TZ=PST8PDT
16:42.42Qwellyeah, it uses utc
16:42.53Qwellit's not supposed to change that
16:42.57KillerQueen_86(this is for a migration from asterisk v2 to v4
16:43.05*** join/#asterisk pigpen (
16:43.07JenniferAkemiok time to go run
16:43.11yang[TK]D-Fender: CALLERID is still listed in "show functions"
16:43.13[hC]so asterisk doesnt follow what 'date' says for things like gotoiftime?
16:43.30_gmi am going to connect two pri's
16:43.31QwellI forget how that works ;/
16:43.32weazahl_if i could just find a router with the serial port, i have like 6 motorola FT 100S collecting dust
16:43.33JenniferAkemii'm doing the couch to 5k program. cya
16:43.45[TK]D-Fenderyang: yay... 1 down.  go read up on all the new functions.
16:43.54[hC]Qwell: :P I should check it out. if it was working the whole time ..... that would suck :)
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16:44.12[hC]Qwell: i couldnt find anywhere that did report the right time..
16:44.19Qwellvoicemail :D
16:44.26ZeeekIf you put all Allison recordings end to end, there's over 40 minutes of her on asterisk with the extras
16:44.27Qwellspecify a timezone for the vm users
16:44.36QwellZeeek: I once listened to them all through
16:44.43Qwell...once...  more like 10 times
16:45.02Qwellmy wife thought I was crazy.
16:45.07ZeeekI found a tool that listens to all files in any directory
16:45.29Zeeekso you know about pr0n ones?
16:45.30Qwellaplay *
16:46.16[hC]Qwell: reading up about uclinux, it seemed like the /etc/localtime file should control what 'date' returned... i'll play with it some more on my other aa50 here but i think it may be broken.
16:46.37drmessanoI remember when a sound card was a luxury, now you have to effort to not have one
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16:47.23[hC]I saw a box of floppy disks and a machine with a floppy drive in it the other day... that someone still used... AND it has ethernet and usb...
16:47.31[hC]I asked '......whyyyy??'
16:47.48drmessanoI have a floppy drive.. but use it for reading
16:47.51_gmhi guys
16:47.58Zeeekdoes PCI Expr eliminate the IRQ thing?
16:48.00NuggetI'm already eyeing a second 30" for home.  I've got two at the office and I really like when I'm there and have the extra space.
16:48.01[hC]some people are used to their ways
16:48.01drmessanoand a USB floppy for my laptop
16:48.01_gmi m going to connect two pri's
16:48.16_gmi have no idea what type of cable i need to use
16:48.19QwellZeeek: the problems with normal PCI should all be fixed as well now
16:48.21scruzsomeone please confirm: you can't establish a trunk using SIP
16:48.21[hC]Nugget: you fill both?
16:48.25Qwellit's not a PCI v. PCIe thing
16:48.38ZeeekQwell:  Actually, I have three digium cards in my old P4
16:48.40QwellNugget: go ahead and send me two, while you're at it
16:48.58drmessanoNope, you can't trunk with SIP
16:48.58Zeeekso it's BIOS?
16:49.01Nuggetsometimes, yeah.  I don't really /use/ the other one, but it's great for status displays and "tail -f" kind of stuff
16:49.04QwellZeeek: if you're still having any type of IRQ problems, I would *strongly* recommend calling support
16:49.08scruzthankee kindly
16:49.12Zeeeknaw, I never did
16:49.20Zeeekhave problems I mean
16:49.24yang[TK]D-Fender: setting things like this also doesnt enable channel mixing with sox...
16:49.30jameswf-homenew buzzword... notoeiou clintons are clintorius
16:49.31ZeeekX100P x 2 + TDM400P
16:49.33NuggetI feel cramped on the single 30" at home sometimes.
16:50.01[hC]Nugget: i presume that by moving to 30" youve also eliminated virtual desktops?
16:50.16ZeeekGot extra inches? Join us:
16:51.18[TK]D-Fenderyang: maybe you're missing the soxmix package.  Also you should be using MixMonitor, not Monitor.
16:51.33yang[TK]D-Fender: i just have sox installed
16:51.40NuggetI don't like virtual desktops at all.  I don't even use them when I'm on my laptop
16:51.49[TK]D-Fenderyang: then you'd better go install soxmix.
16:52.55jbot[~itsplist-us] Here are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones : , , ,, or, or
16:53.03[hC]Nugget: i couldnt live without them on my laptop..
16:53.09weazahl_ManxPower: would this do the trick?
16:54.07*** part/#asterisk Weetos (
16:54.19yang[TK]D-Fender: nothing like that in debian, maybe libsox-dev
16:54.41DocfxitI'm having a problem when a person calls in from outside to an extension and the Polycom 550 forwards the call to a cell phone. Most of the time the sound is too low for both parties. I have increased the rxgain to 24 and the txgain to 25 in the zapata.conf file.
16:54.51x86I've got some zap channels that I had to mess with the rxgain on to get to dial out properly. Now they can dial out, but the other side can hardly hear the caller from these zap channels. I was wondering if there was a way I could amplify the rxgain before placing the call on to an IAX2 trunk?
16:55.07DocfxitAny ideas on how I could increase the sound when forwarding?
16:55.46x86Docfxit: the gain settings only go from -12 to 12
16:55.50[TK]D-Fenderyang: Maybe.
16:55.52ManxPowerweazahl_: always get as much FLASH and RAM as you can.
16:55.58[TK]D-FenderDocfxit: Yuo can't
16:56.31ManxPowerweazahl_: The routers come with a 100 Mbps ethernet port and two card slots.  You would want a WIC-1DSU-T1 card for the T-1.  I don't know the card for E-1
16:56.35[TK]D-FenderDocfxit: What hardware are you using?
16:56.46x86weazahl_: I've got (3) 1721's for sale, all with 64MB flash and 64MB RAM, all with (1) WIC-1DSU-T1
16:56.59DocfxitWhy is it a few calls sound great and the rest are either garbled or very low in sound.
16:57.15DocfxitI'm using a Digium
16:57.18weazahl_x86: how much you asking??
16:57.20x86Docfxit: what kind of trunk are you dialing out on? T1?
16:57.25[TK]D-FenderDocfxit: Which?
16:57.28x86weazahl_: $750/each
16:57.29scruzthanks all.
16:57.55x86Docfxit: VoIP trunk?
16:57.59x86Docfxit: POTS trunk?
16:58.00weazahl_thats great, i found ones for under $200 with 48m
16:58.17x86weazahl_: that sounds like a better deal, jump on it ;)
16:58.22weazahl_but thanks
16:58.52Docfxitx86 I'm not sure what you are asking for VoIP trunk?
16:59.16Docfxitx86 I'll go get the card model.
16:59.18x86Docfxit: you said you are forwarding a call out to a cell phone -- what path is the call taking to get there?
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17:00.43pkunkraanyone have any luck with a cisco/sip hardware phone behind ip masquerading?
17:00.47KillerQueen_86In a migration from asterisk 2.1 to 4.1, i've some problems. How can I make my dynamic members apear on "agent show" like agents ??? (i've already config the login with addqueuemembers:
17:00.47KillerQueen_86exten => s,3,AddQueueMember(dinamic_queue,SIP/306,,j,Agent/303)
17:02.06ZaVoidhehe 4.1 :)
17:02.26KillerQueen_86well 1.2 to 1.4 :P
17:02.28ZaVoidi don't know the answer though sorry
17:02.54pkunkrayeah, i was wondering about 2.1 and 4.1
17:03.15Docfxitx86 TDM2400P
17:03.18pkunkramust be from the future then?
17:03.29pkunkraseems appropriate for me today.
17:03.39pkunkramy asterisk is complaining about events scheduled in the past.
17:03.48Docfxitx86 » How can I see the path it's taking?
17:07.47[hC]Qwell: so... gotoiftime is pulling from the timezone properly even though date is not.  interesting, but good enough for me.
17:09.09SteveTotaroi can sell you one
17:09.11SteveTotarolike i said, i have two in my garage
17:09.13SteveTotaronot sure what IOS is on it
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17:12.29x86Docfxit: so the call is being routed out a POTS line?
17:12.42x86I've got some zap channels that I had to mess with the rxgain on to get to dial out properly. Now they can dial out, but the other side can hardly hear the caller from these zap channels. I was wondering if there was a way I could amplify the rxgain before placing the call on to an IAX2 trunk?
17:13.06drmessanoWhats the difference, in terms of learning IOS between using a 1721 and say a 2621?
17:13.12Docfxitx86 » yes
17:13.17ManxPowerx86: Asterisk only supports changing the gain on zap interfaces.
17:13.28ManxPowerso, your only other option is to change the gain on the SIP phone.
17:13.47x86notice how SIP is not in my path at all
17:14.21x86drmessano: no difference, 2621 just has a better processor and more expandability
17:14.37drmessanoCool.. thank you
17:14.47ManxPowerdrmessano: all Cisco IOS is very, very similar -- the main difference is that options you have.  a 1720 won't support DS3. for example.
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17:15.27tzangercisco's firewalls are made of FBI agents and lawyers
17:15.33Docfxitx86 » It's coming in from a POTS line and going out on a POTS line.
17:16.05bsdwarrioranyone know if the cisco 7914 expansion module will work with asterisk
17:16.09bsdwarrioror has problems
17:16.26BBHosshow do i convert a wav file to ulaw with sox?
17:16.46Docfxitx86 » The phone company test all the lines at 54volts. He said they were acceptable between 48 and 50.
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17:25.15JerJer[mobile]We need to bring back up in google for the keyword pbx.    For the longest time was number 1
17:25.32JerJer[mobile]if you blog, please consider linking to with the anchor text of 'pbx'
17:26.25JerJer[mobile]I have added such a link into all pages of my various related blogs
17:26.42javarBBHoss: ./sox file.wav -r 8000 file.ulaw resample -ql
17:28.42javarBBHoos: ./sox foo.wav -t raw -U -b -r 8000 bar.ulaw
17:32.29bsdwarriorwhat comes up first now /
17:32.51bsdwarriorwikipedia is gay
17:33.03JerJer[mobile]fonality is above
17:33.06twistedwikipedia, then the wikipedia article on asterisk.
17:33.18twistedthen webopedia, then, then fonality.
17:33.27JerJer[mobile]i see fonality before
17:33.32twistedi see it after
17:33.46JerJer[mobile]prolly different goog data centers then
17:33.51JerJer[mobile]or personalized results perhaps
17:34.06[hC]i see what twisted sees
17:34.16twistednow that i finaly got rid of the sponsored links, here's the order:
17:34.23[hC]wikipedia,wikipedia asterisk article, webopedia,
17:34.43twisted1) wikipedia pbx article 2) wikipedia asterisk article 3) webopedia pbx article 4) 5)
17:34.46JerJer[mobile]does it say "personalized results" on the top right center
17:34.59JerJer[mobile]hmm - odd
17:35.00*** join/#asterisk Strom_C (n=strom@
17:35.32JerJer[mobile]i see wikipedia pbx, wikipedia asterisk, webopdia, fonality,
17:35.42twistedreset your cache :P
17:36.04JerJer[mobile]i pulled it using curl just now
17:36.11*** part/#asterisk dandre (
17:36.20[hC]probably the dc you're getting it from
17:36.23JerJer[mobile]from an Ip that hasn't searched google in a very long time (if ever)
17:37.19[hC]oh aastra... how i love to hate you so... firmware upgrade now nuked the freaking handset and its sending double dtmf.
17:37.29JerJer[mobile]unforuntately for to rank really well for PBX, it will need to be in the title
17:38.11twistedi'd say a rank of #4 is pretty good
17:38.20JerJer[mobile]not when it used to be 1
17:38.45twistedconsidering the first three are basically definition articles, sure it is
17:39.16JerJer[mobile]ok, if you say so.
17:41.27*** join/#asterisk angryuser (
17:41.45x86I've got some zap channels that I had to mess with the rxgain on to get to dial out properly. Now they can dial out, but the other side can hardly hear the caller from these zap channels. I was wondering if there was a way I could amplify the rxgain before placing the call on to an IAX2 trunk?
17:46.26tzafrir_homex86, how much rxgain?
17:46.53tzafrir_homebe back later
17:47.08*** join/#asterisk UnixDog (
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17:52.07*** join/#asterisk eric_hill (i=EricHill@
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17:55.03yangWhat substitutes function DATETIME and TIMESTAMP in 1.4 ?
17:56.25*** join/#asterisk NokVoda (n=NokVoda@
17:57.15NokVodaHello all
17:58.16*** part/#asterisk NokVoda (n=NokVoda@
17:59.12tzafrir_homejameswf-home, here?
17:59.19*** join/#asterisk ddunavant (
17:59.30yangok found
18:01.07*** join/#asterisk waKKu (n=eurulo@unaffiliated/wakku)
18:02.35jameswfdrmessano: how far are you from atlanta
18:03.14drmessano90 mins
18:03.34drmessano@ 90MPH
18:03.39drmessano2 hours normally
18:03.47jameswflol damn
18:04.02jameswf2 hours is like the whole state of GA
18:04.50*** join/#asterisk JerJer (n=PhatJ@pdpc/supporter/bronze/jerjer)
18:05.35jameswfI will aparently be in atlanta for 2 hours the 27th
18:06.13JerJerhas anyone else recorded 2 fully loaded PRI with 1.4 / trunk  ?
18:07.33JerJeri'm kinda concerned with the amount of file i/o that will be required to record 46 channels at the same time
18:07.58jameswfthen 1 hr on the 29th
18:07.59drmessanoI'm in Augusta, which is at the state line
18:08.01TebiJerJer, yep
18:08.20TebiJerJer, 4 fully loaded PRI ,)
18:08.56JerJer4 zaptel based PRI on the same machine?     Last i tried I couldn't make more than 2 work in the same chassis  -  totally could have been the MB though
18:09.23JerJeroh crap
18:09.28JerJeri'm thinking in 4 span cards agai
18:09.36JerJersorry - telco on the brain
18:09.39JerJeras you were
18:09.55Tebii got TE420B
18:10.07Tebiso 4 spans
18:10.13Tebi120 lines
18:10.19*** part/#asterisk [T]ank (n=ckwall@
18:10.27JerJergreat - thanks
18:11.07JerJerTebi:  anything special for the io subsystem?   fast drives?  raid?
18:11.53Tebitwo quad core prosessors, 2 gb ram, raptor sata drives RAID1
18:12.04Tebibut load is quite decent...20 - 30 %
18:12.08Tebino transcoding
18:12.12Tebialaw all the way
18:12.27Tebi20 - 30 % when all 120 lines are inuse
18:12.43*** join/#asterisk Abydos313 (
18:15.23*** join/#asterisk JenniferAkemi (
18:15.53JerJerTebi:  thank you much -  i haven't really played with recording channels :(until now)
18:17.02JenniferAkemiis there a recommended softphone to use with asterisk?
18:17.58JenniferAkemi(for windows)
18:18.18JenniferAkemii think i'm going to try firefly if there's not another favourite
18:18.31JenniferAkemi(i like the name ;P)
18:21.26Abydos313xlite is cool
18:22.17JenniferAkemihm looks to be only sip?
18:22.27JenniferAkemii don't know if it matters :)
18:22.31Abydos313not alot of iax clients
18:23.40JenniferAkemiwell the link for firefly i had seems to be dead. i'll give xlite a try
18:25.02JerJeri have been told the firefox SIP plugin works
18:25.21JerJeri don't run windblows so can't help ya on that platform
18:25.26Abydos313that client is iax and i've used it
18:26.21drmessanox-lite is REALLY good
18:26.40drmessanosupports Speex fully too now
18:28.43bsdwarriorthe 7914 dont do sip only sccp, thats pointless
18:28.49bsdwarriorcisco 7914's
18:30.22mvanbaakbsdwarrior: chan_skinny
18:31.44*** join/#asterisk angom (
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18:37.25[TK]D-FenderCisco = over-priced trouble
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18:41.31yangI get such error translate.c:163 framein: no samples for ulawtolin - these are my extensions
18:41.54claychey guys... so I have a kind of weird thing going on... when I make a call it will ring once then... silence, until someone picks up the phone
18:42.06claycI'm able to call out, receive calls and I get a ringtone
18:42.30claycsomehow the ringing bit is silenced... the first ring is my ata right?
18:43.15KuJaXMy current voicemail box is full (yet the hard drive is extrmeely large).  How can I extend or enable so that I can accept more voicemails?
18:43.58*** join/#asterisk guillote_GNU (
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18:46.46DarWin_vcchkujax: google is your friend -
18:47.01*** part/#asterisk Zeeek (n=Zeeek@pdpc/supporter/active/Zeeek)
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18:53.57ManxPowerUm, the correct source for voicemail.conf.sample is the Asterisk source code.  The wiki is always far far behind in updating the pages
18:54.52DarWin_vcchgood to know manxpower, thx
18:55.43ManxPowerUse the wiki just for background information or additional information
18:56.43eric_hillCan anyone give me an example of why I would use OpenSER in front of Asterisk?
18:56.59ManxPowereric_hill: if you need a SIP proxy
18:57.20*** join/#asterisk kraptv (
18:57.24eric_hillManxPower: Ok, I'm missing something.  Doesn't * already do that???
18:57.29*** join/#asterisk Laureano (n=chatzill@
18:57.42LaureanoHello, does app_meetme depends on chan_zap?
18:58.07ManxPowereric_hill: Asterisk is NOT a SIP proxy.    It is a B2BUA, which is similar to a proxy from the standpoint of a phone, but Asterisk does not forward SIP messages from one channel to another
18:59.26*** join/#asterisk JenniferAkemi (
18:59.36eric_hillManxPower: Let me rephrase my question: What's a good use-case for a SIP Proxy?
19:09.55KuJaXafter changing voicemail.conf, do I have to restart anything for changes to take effect?
19:13.57fiXXXerMetKuJaX: voicemail reload I think
19:14.26*** join/#asterisk freezey (
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19:15.08KuJaXhrmmm doesnt seem to be a correct command
19:16.39eric_hillKuJaX: reload
19:18.13*** join/#asterisk Hemos\ (
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19:24.08maszlois there any way on asterisk to know the outbound callerid is screwed up or if it is getting reset by our pri provider?  i have looked at the debug in asterisk with verbose all the way up.  and in /var/log/asterisk/full neither of them seem to have the number that is getting put as the outbound callerid
19:24.51eric_hillWhat does pri debug span show you?
19:26.45maszloi was watching the lines to see where the outbound callerid we get comes and i didnt see it go through the log
19:28.04maszlowhen i run 'pri debug span' it gives me the usage and when i put the actual span in there it just says its turned on again.. sorry im new to this system
19:28.55eric_hillAfter you've got debugging on, try "set verbose 3".
19:29.10maszloi have it 9 currently
19:29.21maszlofigured all, then filter
19:29.39maszloi used.. asterisk -rvvvvvvv
19:30.10eric_hillIn that case I cannot help you.  I would expect to see some data spew on the console when a call comes through the PRI.
19:30.47maszlowell it does, but i never see the number that is set to the outbound callerid
19:30.59maszloits a random number that we have
19:31.10maszloall extensions do the same thing the stuff on the console.
19:34.11*** join/#asterisk nvrpunk (n=root@
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19:34.33nvrpunkis asterisk gui available as a seperate package or only part of asterisk now?
19:35.12minteei'm back
19:35.17minteewith my problem
19:36.17tzafrir_homenvrpunk, the asterisk-gui is a bunch of javascript files
19:36.28tzafrir_homeYou can install it on your own
19:36.35*** join/#asterisk inadaptado (n=matias@
19:36.38nvrpunkok, cool
19:36.42maszloeric_hill: its in there
19:36.47tzafrir_homeRight now it has not yet been packaged
19:36.53nvrpunki was planning on running asterisk on debian
19:37.07tzafrir_homeAnd the svn branch with most development is branches/asterisknow
19:37.22eric_hillmaszlo: Where?  :)
19:37.41maszloeric_hill: i have never used this service, here?
19:37.57eric_hillmaszlo: That's got it... Just a sec....
19:40.04eric_hillmaszlo: The numbering you're using is National/ISDN (See lines 89 and 92).  What's the problem, it looks like the call went through.
19:40.48minteeanyone know what is cause 96/
19:40.56minteeas in
19:40.57minteespan 1 got hangup, cause 96
19:41.35maszloeric_hill: we can not get the outbound callerid to go with the call
19:42.18maszloeric_hill: the number that we get on calls is not the one we want.. the one in the logs never goes with the call
19:43.21maszloeric_hill: it does make that call, but out automated service is the number what all call are shown as.  the problem is more so that this is also the callerid on when we have call forwarding turned on
19:43.24eric_hillmaszlo: Then it's a provider issue.  Line 90 shows that you are sending a number to the CO.  Ask them if they're rewriting the CID.
19:43.39*** join/#asterisk dbtid (
19:44.05dbtidhello; which line card would i need from digium to connect to a phone line coming in from my local telco to do some experiments?
19:44.27dbtidthings like dial-9-to-get-an-outside-line from a SIP phone.
19:44.29eric_hilldbtid: A card with an FXO port.
19:44.36maszloeric_hill: i was unable to get information from verizon, but didnt want them to tell me it was my fault and then have them get off the phone
19:44.54dbtideric_hill: FX0 is "normal phone line" as opposed to T1 or such?
19:45.20eric_hillmaszlo: Do you see inbound caller-ID ok?  And if so, compare the two traces.  They should be fairly close (protocols, signalling, etc)
19:46.29eric_hilldbtid: FXO/FXS is for analog phone lines (i.e. cheapo Wal-mart phones).  FXO == The phone side, FXS == The telephone company side.
19:47.02dbtidlet me look on their site
19:47.27maszloeric_hill: we do see the inbound callerid fine, i have been in and out of any file that would have it, guess i will have to suck it up and listen to some version on-hold music.  thank you for the help
19:47.46eric_hillmaszlo: sorry for the bad luck :(
19:48.00defsdooris disconnect supervision a two way thing ? meaning - BT see me hanging up as well as I can see them ?
19:48.19dbtideric_hill: ok, the TDM411E has 1 Station module (FXS) and one Trunk module (FXO).  that would be sufficient?
19:48.54maszloeric_hill: this is really the only snag we go in setting up the whole system.  since everyone gets and sends call and voicemail and all works fine im happy with this system.  will figure it ou
19:48.56eric_hilldbtid: That would work perfectly fine.
19:49.00dbtidthank you
19:49.32dbtidso, then, properly configured, i could use asterisk to allow my SIP phones to place calls via that FXO?
19:50.15eric_hilldbtid: Correct again.
19:50.22dbtidthank you much!
19:50.51eric_hilldbtid: If you want to save a little bit of money, you could use one of the IAX gateways:
19:51.18eric_hilldbtid: Sorry, my bad.  They don't have an FXO version...
19:51.48[TK]D-Fenderdbtid: You don't need any special hardware to test & learn *
19:52.10dbtid[TK]D-Fender: no, i've been playing with the SIP part, but I need to be able to make some processor usage estimates now.
19:52.24dbtidwe're going to be using a FreeScale 5200B processor for our system
19:52.51dbtidi need to get a feel for how much that's going to be able to handle asterisk
19:52.56dbtidit's about 800 MIPS
19:54.57coppicearms can run faster than that
19:55.09dbtidyes, there are faster arms
19:55.23drmessano-LTYeah, I have an ARM that runs at 300 MOGGLEPLOPS
19:55.25dbtidnone with the combination of peripherals we need that come close to power and cost
19:56.16coppicedbtid: is this a PPC? freescale are turning those out very cheap. of course they are also loosing shedloads of money :-)
19:56.24dbtidyes it's a ppc
19:56.30dbtidit's a 603e core
19:57.00dbtidi've gotten involved in quite a complicated project
19:58.29*** join/#asterisk anthm (
19:58.29*** mode/#asterisk [+o anthm] by ChanServ
20:00.16coppicefreescale are loosing so much money, there has to be some slash and burn before too long
21:00.22*** join/#asterisk jbot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
21:00.22*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source Telephony Application Platform ( -=- Asterisk, -Addons, Libpri 1.6.0-beta2 (2008/01/28), Asterisk 1.4.18 (2008/02/07), *-Addons 1.4.5 (2007/12/1), Zaptel 1.4.8 (2008/01/14), Libpri 1.4.3 (2007/12/13) -=- #asterisknow or #asterisk-gui for AsteriskNOW ( -=- #switchvox for Switchvox ( -=- #freepbx for FreePBX/trixbox
21:00.37*** join/#asterisk emist (n=emist@unaffiliated/emist)
21:00.37clyrradtwisted: I am trying to make a way to have an agent login, when they do this they get added to all queues to which they belong
21:01.00twistedwell yes, it does that
21:01.05twistedamong other things
21:01.09clyrradtwisted: and was seeing if there was a way to avoid making an AGI on 1.4
21:01.29twistedheh, yea, using astdb and looping
21:01.35twistedbut then you're getting into some seriously crazy stuff
21:01.46clyrradits how I got it workign on 1.2
21:01.56clyrradtoo bad there is not a dial plan app that does this
21:02.01twistedlike you'd have /AGENTS/1002/aqueue,bqueue,cqueue
21:02.13twistedwhich you could loop through using cut until you hit the end, and stop
21:02.58clyrradthe way I did it before was to use the AGI and dump all queue members, then match based off that, and loop adding the Agent with AddQueueMember
21:03.13clyrradthe hack worked well in 1.2
21:03.56clyrradI used it also so if an Agent were to call forward their phone, lets say to their cell phone, it would add thier cell phone as a Queue Member :P
21:04.03clyrradthus allowing remote agents
21:05.34*** join/#asterisk husimon (n=nhuisman@dhcp71.IfA.Hawaii.Edu)
21:05.47twistedthat same hack should work in 1.4 then'
21:05.58husimondo any of you guys use sip gateways in conjunction with asterisk?
21:06.14clyrradtwisted: yea, looks like my only option until its added as a Dial Plan Function
21:06.38husimonI wanted to have a outside facing box so I can register sip phones from the outside, but I didn't really want to run another asterisk install, just wondering if there is some other simple open source program that can act as a gateway with asterisk.
21:06.54*** join/#asterisk cesar_CR (n=cesar@
21:09.26russellbtwisted: i tried to get the ASTRISK license plate today, but they wouldn't let me have it because it hasn't been unregistered for long enough, heh
21:09.56clyrradrussellb: that would be a cool plate :)
21:10.11russellbyeah, i'll have to try again next year :)
21:10.22clyrradsomeone owns it still?
21:10.24husimonrussellb: why wait a whole year?
21:10.40russellbclyrrad: there is a waiting period before someone else can get it.  twisted used to have it
21:10.47husimonwhy the hell does it matter if it hasn't been unregistered long enough, weird
21:10.47russellbhusimon: because that's when i'll think about it again, heh
21:10.57russellbi don't know ... that's how they do it here *shrugs*
21:11.08b11ddid GotoIfTime change in behaviour between 1.2 and 1.4 ?
21:11.14husimonjust put a huge slap on asterisk sticker on your car :P
21:11.16drmessano-LTPBXGOD is taken :(
21:11.22husimoni wonder
21:11.23outtoluncASTRIX taken?
21:11.24b11di moved to 1.4 last night and GotoIfTime isnt working anmymore, at least, not as expecte.
21:11.28husimonif there is a lic place page for hawaii
21:11.37russellbhusimon: heh, i already have one.  most of digium has asterisk stickers on their car, heh
21:12.06drmessano-LTAsterisk License frame
21:12.31russellbthat would rock ... don't think we have any, though
21:12.37Qwellj4m3s has quite possibly the largest sticker in existence.
21:12.53jameswfass trix?
21:13.07husimonwe can't get asterisk
21:13.09husimontoo many letters
21:13.18drmessano-LTjameswf, I heard you had your car painted lime green, dude
21:13.20russellbyeah, ASTRISK is where it's at :)
21:13.43husimondrmessano: there are girls at my house who want that stpuid color
21:13.50husimoni bitch them out everytime they talk about it
21:13.53husimonscoobydoo van green
21:13.56husimonand hot pink
21:14.15jameswfwhat do you do for a living.... turn ass trix//
21:14.29husimonCongratulations! License plate ASTRIX is available.
21:14.36jameswfron paul would deffinately not turn ass trix
21:14.53QwellI wonder if Ron Paul has the license: RONPAUL
21:14.58coppicehe would for a vote
21:15.03drmessano-LTI want ZOMGWTF
21:15.08drmessano-LTI wonder if I would get it
21:15.08Qwellbecause if MY name was 7 chars, I would totally have it as my license plate
21:15.27husimonCongratulations! License plate PBXGOD is available.
21:15.42drmessano-LTI bet TRXBOX is available.. bleh
21:15.46jameswfit is my goal to make atleast one obscure ron paul remark daily more if the oppurtunity presents it self
21:15.49husimonor fonalty
21:15.51drmessano-LTThats 7
21:16.05husimonwe only get six letters :(
21:16.07husimonsad me
21:16.12jameswfwe get 7
21:16.13outtoluncAPPSKEL would make a great plate
21:16.18jameswfmajor city and all
21:16.30russellbASTERSK is available ...
21:16.36Qwellrussellb: RFC2833
21:16.37QwellGET IT
21:16.51russellbi could draw an I in there, heh
21:16.53Qwellrussellb: you would be my *hero* if you got that
21:16.58jameswfmy olc college prof had IRTFM
21:17.02coppiceRFC2833 is obsolete
21:17.18russellbrfc2833 isn't valid, can't have more than 3 numbers in a row
21:17.20b11dAnyone? GotoIfTime change at all?
21:17.27Qwellrussellb: SIPINFO?
21:17.44husimonQwell: nah how about RFC3261
21:17.47russellbQwell: i refuse to have SIP on my plate
21:19.07husimonCongratulations! License plate PEBCAK is available.
21:19.58husimonCongratulations! License plate LOLOMG is available.
21:20.01jameswfMy old plate was ANREXIC it got looks two fat people with that plate
21:20.27jameswfwe beat anorexia
21:21.04husimonCongratulations! License plate WINSUX is available.
21:21.15coppiceI think someone at Qualcom has CDMA
21:21.24husimonno what's great about hawaii
21:21.26husimonno one has tech plates :)
21:22.04*** join/#asterisk ZaVoid (
21:22.05drmessano-LTGet ULAW and people will think you're a cop
21:23.56husimonCongratulations! License plate HTTP is available.
21:24.07drmessano-LTI should get PAP2
21:24.18moellerdkHey... I have a question: Is there a dialplan command for receiving input? Like a phone-number?
21:24.39Qwelldrmessano-LT: PAP2<space>NA
21:24.42*** join/#asterisk tecnico (
21:25.31QwellI once asked MySQL if I could get the CA plate MYSQL.  They said they wouldn't enforce TM
21:25.35jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
21:25.56moellerdkOh... sorry. Found it.
21:25.57jameswfmoellerdk: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^666
21:26.04drmessano-LTI was going to get an Amateur Radio tag.. but I think only old people get those
21:26.37moellerdkI love Asterisk naming conventions... Not :-)
21:26.51husimonCongratulations! License plate RM -RF is available.
21:27.01husimonso tempted
21:27.02Qwellhusimon: you can have dashes?
21:27.04jameswfget FUQM8 and tell them its a ham radio tag
21:27.06Qwellcan you do a *?
21:27.11husimoni tried
21:27.21husimonwe get a dash in the middle
21:28.25drmessano-LTGood luck calling THAT one in, Mr Policebadgemanguy
21:28.50jameswfdrop db
21:29.08drmessano-LTThen go 90 in a 45
21:29.22drmessano-LTGO ON, CALL IT IN
21:29.33*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
21:30.06outtoluncthis is what happens when geeks get stuck indoors <G>
21:30.19husimonHAHAHA jameswf
21:30.19drmessano-LTI am dying
21:30.32jameswfRon paul wouldnt get stuck in doors
21:30.36*** join/#asterisk kclaussen (n=kclausse@
21:30.59jameswfwe should do a "chuck noris" list for ron paul
21:31.09drmessano-LTI was just thinking that
21:31.10husimonCongratulations! License plate 18P4U is available.
21:31.22drmessano-LTRon Paul can Digg himself up
21:31.49drmessano-LTAll yours, jameswf
21:31.54husimon[hc] sound it out
21:31.57drmessano-LTIt's your joke
21:32.07[hC]one eight pee for you
21:32.13husimonoh come on 1=i
21:32.24[hC]so i ate pee for you?
21:32.30drmessano-LTYes, you did
21:32.38jameswfI am actualy probably going to get a linuxy plate.... gotta get the$30 bucks first
21:32.50[hC]i mean.. im laughing but only cause its not funny and because its so not funny, that makes it funny
21:32.56outtoluncskinny set buggered off
21:33.00husimonthere fixed it: Congratulations! License plate I8P4U is available.
21:33.17jameswfSofa King We Todd did
21:33.24husimonjameswf: see if you can get rm -rf *
21:35.01jameswfwont let me do  <space> or - but rmrf is good
21:35.07husimonI think it would be funny to use the HTML color code for your car as the lic plate
21:35.41jameswftrixbox is availible
21:35.42husimonie FFFFFF
21:35.55drmessano-LTHappyClownPBX won't fit
21:36.05drmessano-LTWon't fit on a DVD either
21:36.23minteewtf is with this HappyClownPBX ?
21:36.37drmessano-LTI can't talk about it.. it's in beta
21:36.43drmessano-LTClosed beta
21:37.23jameswfASTRISK is availible
21:37.46minteeclowns scare me
21:37.48drmessano-LTI can tell you that we use a technology based on Asterisk called ClownCore..
21:38.24drmessano-LTIt's a highly optimized Asterisk based on 1.4.x with the name Asterisk ripped out and replaced with HappyClownPBX
21:38.51drmessano-LTsed ftw
21:39.01husimondrmessano:  does it come with a bright shiny clown interface?
21:39.26drmessano-LTWe're working on the GUI.. But I can tell you the apply button is big inviting clown nose
21:39.28minteefirst hit on google for clowncore is a scary clown with like club music on youtube
21:39.36husimonCongratulations! License plate HAXOR is available.
21:40.00minteehow about stfun00b?
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21:40.17drmessano-LTHappyClownPhone is the companion softphone
21:40.48drmessano-LTHaving a few codec issues.. and the beta testers have given some nasty feedback
21:40.54drmessano-LTWho needs more than GSM and G722
21:41.21[hC]G729 ULAW and G722
21:41.22[hC]maybe speex.
21:41.26[hC]thats what i'd shoot for.
21:41.52drmessano-LTForget ULAW and G729... G722 is the new hotness.. and if you're a crybaby "non-fiber" user, GSM is for you
21:42.03[hC]Your phone will fail.
21:42.15drmessano-LTWe'll see
21:42.34[hC]how many people do you know with fiber? :) and gsm sounds like garbage.
21:42.51drmessano-LTOur goal is to put a HappyClownPBX in every office in America.. and maybe parts of Mexico
21:43.11husimondoes anyone know how to get xmeeting working as a sip client to asterisk?
21:43.26drmessano-LTWe currently have no plans for Canada
21:43.30[hC]I have xmeeting working
21:43.46jwhwho needs fibre when you've got thinnet?
21:43.54husimon[hC] can you pm or pastebin your config to me?
21:44.06[hC]for the sip peer?
21:44.31drmessano-LTFrankly, if you're not on a DS3, you shouldn't even download HappyClownPBX.. it's currently 7GB in size anyway
21:44.36husimon[hC]: yes
21:44.54bkruse[hC]: sip client on the iPhone?
21:45.02[hC]bkruse: yep!
21:45.11bkruse[hC]: no audio, right?
21:45.20bkrusewell, let me rephrase, no 2 way audio
21:45.23bkruse1.1.3 otb is unlocked btw
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21:49.49husimon[hC]: is there anything special about the config for xmeeting?
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21:52.46docelmoAnyone know anything about the DTMF bug in asterisk 1.2?
21:55.05russellb"the bug" ?
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21:55.14russellbsounds serious!
21:55.24russellbbut also good at the same time, as it implies there is only one.
21:55.37docelmohaha russell..  :)   Im having a serious issue with RFC2833 and was wondering if it was ever resolved.
21:57.01J4k3today is a "my ilec fucking sucks" day
21:57.15J4k3but, all they won today was a lawsuit and a PUC complaint, in reality
21:57.32J4k3fiber cut, our special circuits are down, 911 is broken, no outgoing/incoming long distance, etc.
21:57.54J4k3yet... their DSL continues working... they have it routed over a LATA line in a way that they refuse to let anyone else purchase connectivity
21:58.11variable_officeJ4k3, you a clec now?
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21:59.00[hC]husimon: i dont think so, just add videosupport=yes and allow=all to your sip.conf user entry
21:59.18husimonvideosupport=yes is only for video calls right?
21:59.29[hC]bkruse: so i only tried the sip phone on the iphone quickly last night... at first i didnt know why i wasnt getting any audio, then i realized i needed headphones, and it was only coming out of one side
21:59.42[hC]bkruse: I havent tried full duplex audio,b ut i did read on the page that it didnt work
21:59.47timeshellI need a little help registering a polycom 301.  Although defined on the phone, the second line doesn't register with asterisk... doesn't even appear to attempt to.  Anyone know if there's some trick to this?
21:59.51[hC]husimon: as the name would imply yes.. but xmeeting does video!
22:00.06jameswfdude brought in a automatic airsoft gun that is flippin awesome
22:01.17husimon[Feb  8 16:50:22] WARNING[22074]: app_dial.c:1191 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3 - No route to destination)
22:01.23husimonthat basically means firewall problem eh
22:01.51russellbhusimon: usually not ... either it didn't find what you said in sip.conf, or the host you defined couldn't be resolved
22:02.07husimonit's set to host =dynamic
22:02.15husimonbut it's a remote xmeeting client, not sure what that should be set to
22:02.19J4k3variable_office: I can't see any advantage in being a CLEC, other than paying a pile of money for bad legal advice.
22:02.20J4k3or well, being forced to
22:02.33husimonit registered, but it says unreachable in sip show peers
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22:09.20bkruse[hC]: it will NEVER work, dont you know the reasoning behind that?
22:09.31tnt_Does any one has the configFileEncrypt utility for the polycom phones ?
22:09.41bkruseOr, it might one day, but after some mad leet hacking....reverse eng the dialer app in asm/debug which will be hard enough on its own!
22:10.37[hC]the truphone guys got it to work by doing that
22:10.44[hC]but yeah it had something to do with full duplex issues
22:11.42[hC]bkruse: so i made a big list of all the issues i ran into with asterisk-gui.. im gonna try to address some of them myself with patches, should i submit the rest?
22:11.55[hC]bkruse: is it true that you cant do multiple priorities with outbound calling rules??
22:12.01bkruse[hC]: how do you know about the truphone guys....they didnt publish that did they?
22:12.09[hC]bkruse: they demoed it at astricon
22:12.17bkruse[hC]: wow...
22:12.18[hC]bkruse: but yeah they also published it
22:12.23bkruse[hC]: not sure if it still works.... :/
22:12.37bkruse[hC]: I have done a fair amount of iphone stuff, i am surprised at seeing the 1.1.3 otb unlock
22:12.57[hC]bkruse: yeah im still on 1.1.2, i probably wont upgrade, I dont see any real benefit
22:12.59bkruse[hC]: submit all that you can, then post patches also. So submit every bug, then post a patch (against branches/asterisknow as that is the working branch, the others are stale and will be removed soon)
22:12.59grandpapadot@bkruse: Did you see our iphone sip client?
22:13.12bkrusegrandpapadot: do you work for someone?
22:13.27bkrusegrandpapadot: I do not know who "our" is :]
22:13.42bkruseI worked on an iaxclient, and got the base framework and command line worked out, but had the binding issue as well
22:14.03[hC]bkruse: yeah i will for sure. I wish the aadk svn repos was more up to date with the rest of the asterisk/asterisk-gui tree, it seems behind
22:14.32[hC]bkruse: i still have to publish that vlan bug i found too
22:15.35bkruse[hC]: Vlan bug: yes, do so please. Aadk branch needs to be REMOVED, the private branch will take care of that
22:15.47[hC]bkruse: the sx800i branch? is it becoming public?
22:15.56bkrusesort-of, check it out
22:16.02[hC]absolutely i will. where is it?? :)
22:16.10bkrusewe are making a branch (actually, its done, just needs to be tested) that detects what envirnment it is in, then re-arranges special things based on envirnment
22:16.39bkruse[hC]: so if you are on asteriskNOW, it will appear as an asteriskNOW gui, sx00i, aadk, etc
22:16.44[hC]i would love to be able to work with the latest codebase, and submit patches back to that to help the actual shiopped product out.
22:17.06[hC]bkruse: oh cool. yeah i havent deployed any asterisknow on my own hardware, just the appliance
22:17.37[hC]bkruse: but im pushing these like mad now, and need to get all my changes into a usable code base, so expect to see a lot out of me regarding it :)
22:18.05[hC]we're authorized resellers, and having access to the private tree would be phenominal
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22:19.07bkruse[hC]: honestly, asterisknow is the place to do it, because the "allmerged" branch (which will be trunk, and the only thing that will exist for the gui in public and private, besides OEM stuff) will contain MOST of the asterisknow code and SOME of the sx00i branch
22:19.26bkruseYa, forget that the branch is called asterisknow, it is not asterisknow specific whatsoever
22:19.34bkrusebesides the name of the branch, not even in the code either
22:19.47[hC]bkruse: ok, so i will be able to build sx00i images from that branch, like i did with aadk?
22:19.56bkruse[hC]: I commit patches that work very quickly, as we do not get a lot of patches, but just bugs (its just the fact from our userbase)
22:20.04[hC]with all the uclinux stuff in it, etc
22:20.04bkruse[hC]: yep!
22:20.13[hC]i'll be doing bugs and feature patches
22:20.17bkruseWith a little hacking at most
22:20.21bkrusepost all bugs
22:20.24bkrusethen post patches for any you can
22:20.30[hC]I've already done a bunch of work in the voice menus of asterisk-gui
22:20.31bkruseI will do the rest
22:20.42[hC]So, where is the asterisknow branch that i should check out from?
22:20.52[hC]I dont see it @
22:21.36bkruseasterisknow branch works perfectly with asterisk 1.4, not just asterisknow, hints the reason we based the allmerged branch off of it
22:22.19[hC]so, should i talk to you about figuring out how to get the whole build environment for the sx00i going where I can generate an img file? or is that not ready yet
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22:23.57[hC]I dont see a branch called allmerged, unless thats hidden behind the scenes..
22:24.02timeshellWhat's the difference between username and authname?
22:24.27bkruse[hC]: Um, probably not. Are you doing these builds for the AA50? (s800i?)
22:24.32bkruseits private
22:24.34bkruseright now
22:25.15[hC]yeah, aa50.
22:25.29[hC]Thats what im going to want to deploy onto
22:25.39J4k327 mile CDMA shot
22:25.39J4k3fear my 3KB/sec 1xRTT
22:25.39J4k3damn you, Windstream.
22:25.57J4k3and damn the water company for not expecting the fiber to be ran 9" below the surface
22:25.57J4k3yes I said nine inches.
22:26.27nvrpunkquestion, are channels need for just VoIP to VoIP?
22:26.38nvrpunkinternal calls that dont hit a PTSN
22:27.08nvrpunkslightly confused about that when reading :/
22:29.43*** part/#asterisk fiXXXerMet (
22:30.05[hC]bkruse: so for the s800i builds, I wont be able to do this yet... Is it either going to become public (at least partial, for the open source bits) or should i check out the asterisknow branch and test on non-s800i to have it submitted back for future digium releases?
22:30.20[hC]bkruse: the thing is, some of it pertains to uclinux/s800i only stuff.. like adding tcpdump and fixing vlans.
22:31.42bkruse[hC]: Well, the asterisknow branch does not control all the aa50 features, only will the tmp_allmerged branch
22:31.50[hC]whoaa... is astricon being handled by pulvermedia this year??
22:31.54bkruseDo you have an sx00i build? Can you do that?
22:32.07[hC]bkruse: the only thing i have currently is aadk trunk.
22:32.13[hC]which i built the s800i image from
22:32.15[hC]but its behind.
22:34.24timeshellDoes * automagically listen on 5061, or does it need to be told to?
22:34.39timeshell(in addition to 5060)
22:34.43bkruse[hC]: were are you getting the ASTERISK part of the code?
22:35.15Corydon76-digtimeshell: Asterisk listens for SIP connections on exactly one port
22:35.45[hC]bkruse: yeah, there is an asterisk tree in the aadk branch, but its not automerged, so its behind.
22:35.57Corydon76-digtimeshell: there is NO configuration option available to make a single instance listen for SIP requests more more than one port
22:35.57timeshellThen how does it talk to 2 lines on the same IP?
22:36.42Corydon76-digtimeshell: through this magical process known as the IP header
22:36.42bkruse[hC]: Oh, gotcha. I would talk to digium about it, as I am not 100% sure on the asterisk part of the build process
22:36.55[hC]bkruse: i suppose i could check out the aadk branch then the asterisknow branch and merge them myself, but its a bit of a pain.
22:36.55timeshellI have a Polycom phone with 2 lines.  When both lines have the port set to 5060, they both register but * complains.  When I set the second to 5061, it doesn't register.
22:36.58Corydon76-digtimeshell: which just happens to contain the remote IP
22:37.43timeshellI've done this before with a PAP2 without a problem
22:37.50Corydon76-digOh, then you're misconfiguring your Polycom phone.  You don't have 2 lines, you have 2 line appearances, on a single line
22:37.59timeshell2 lines
22:38.01[hC]bkruse: yeah, i'll try to get in touch with whoever is in charge of it. I just dont understand the process currently and would love to be able to contribute more, but without a solid build environment thats up to date, its kinda difficult
22:38.03bkruse[hC]: well, for the ASTERISK side of things, bad idea
22:38.04timeshellPolycom 301
22:38.08bkruseas far as the GUI goes, wait for allmerged
22:38.20Corydon76-digtimeshell: 2 line appearances
22:38.26bkrusewell the sx00i stuff is commercial
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22:38.29timeshellEach line has it's own server settings
22:38.34Corydon76-digtimeshell: unless you're configuring different numbers on each
22:38.42timeshellCory: YES, I am
22:39.05timeshellThe first is 5221, the second 5121
22:39.06Corydon76-digtimeshell: Not well supported at this time
22:39.17[hC]bkruse: yeah. I mean, i dont need access to everything of course, just enough so that I can actually build relevant images. Digium didnt include some basic stuff like tcpdump, and i'd love to include it. I suppose its as simple as a feature request, but then i have to wait for them to get around to it.
22:39.35Corydon76-digtimeshell: I'd suggest that you configure a single line, multiple line appearances OR multiple phones
22:39.44timeshellCory:  What do you mean by that?  I've been using a PAP2 like this for a year now
22:40.06Corydon76-digWith Asterisk?
22:40.14timeshellSame version
22:40.23Corydon76-digThen your beef is with Polycom
22:41.05Corydon76-digI'd still suggest single line, multiple line appearances
22:41.19bkruse[hC]: Right. I am not sure how to go about that.....Just like if you want to add something to business edition? I am not entirely sure.
22:41.20timeshellI can't.  I need one line with voicemail, one line without
22:41.44[hC]bkruse: yeah. we'll ill figure out who the digium person would be and see if i can get anywhere with them
22:41.45Corydon76-digUm, what?
22:42.14Corydon76-digSo you configure the line your register with the mailbox you want...
22:42.44Corydon76-digand ... what's the problem?
22:44.13timeshellMultiline appearances with only one with a voicemail and the other without?
22:44.48[hC]I dont get it. you register say ext 100, and in sip.conf you put mailbox=something, and your line 2 you register as say 200, and leave the mailbox statement out
22:44.59[hC]that should be it.
22:45.12[hC]Unless im missing the point
22:45.48Corydon76-dig[hC]: I think he's making it more complex than it needs to be
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22:59.42clyrradSo I have my dynamic realtime queues setup, database is created, and have done insert to make 2 queues, I have also updated extconfig.conf with queues => odbc,asterisk,queue_table, then restart asterisk, but when I "show queues" the queues are not listed.  Any idea what I am doing wrong?
23:00.04bkruseclyrrad: see any db connection errors?
23:00.15clyrradbkruse: none, looks good
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23:01.39clyrradbkruse: any other ideas?
23:02.03bkruseclyrrad: Am thinking...Not sure. What guide did you use to do this? Did you check voip-info and search around a little?
23:02.35clyrradbkruse: here is the guide I used:
23:03.42clyrradI have done all those steps, yet I cant see the queues.  Not sure what I am doing wrong
23:04.59clyrradthere are no DB errors on the CLI when I do a reload, all looks good - just no queues :/
23:07.08clyrradI checked the odbc connection as well, its up and running
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23:09.23hmmhesaysheh guitar world started a tab site
23:09.38clyrradanyone  have any ideas for me??
23:10.05hmmhesaysturn debug on and give us some useful information
23:10.39clyrradhmmhesays:  there are no errors that i can see
23:10.47hmmhesaysthats what pastebin is for
23:10.48clyrradI have verbose set high as well
23:10.58hmmhesaysbecause you're here and asking because you don't see
23:11.18clyrradhmmhesays: what shall I paste? There are no errors
23:11.40hmmhesaysset verbose 10 and debug 10 and paste the output of when you try and call into your queue
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23:14.52hmmhesaysis this freepbx set up?
23:15.03clyrradits Stock Asterisk
23:15.08hmmhesaysyou don't have debug enabled either
23:15.20clyrradI set debug 10 on the CLI
23:15.38hmmhesaysis it enabled in logger.conf?
23:15.52hmmhesaysalso I don't see anywhere where that dialplan actually calls the queue
23:16.20clyrradhmmhesays: it wont call the queue becase it detects there are no members
23:16.24clyrradso it dumps to voicemail
23:16.34clyrradwhen I "show queues", it sais there are "No Queues"
23:16.55tzangercan't use twinkle from behind the airport wifi
23:17.05scooby2whats a reason someone would want autofallthrough on?
23:17.32hmmhesaysnot many zombies when you have a bad dialplan
23:17.44clyrradhmmhesays: I just uncommented debug => debug in loggers.conf
23:18.02hmmhesaysat debug to the end of the console => directive
23:18.17clyrradok adding
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23:18.37clyrraddo I need to restart asterisk? or just reload?
23:18.46hmmhesayslogger reload
23:18.47clyrradreload works
23:18.58clyrradok I see the debug traffic now
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23:20.00clyrradok, so I checked there are still no errors
23:20.30clyrradwhen I try to call into the queues, it wont queue becase there are no agents avail to answer the queue, and there are no agents becase when I "show queues" it sais there are "No Queues"
23:24.11clyrradalright, well thanks for trying guys
23:24.46hmmhesayswhat wrote your dialplan?
23:25.35clyrradI just found something here, when you call into the queue then say "show queues" its shows up
23:26.01clyrradbut before you call into the queue, if you "show queues", its sais "No Queues"
23:29.40husimonso sip through a firewall is 5060 and 10000-20000 ?
23:30.00clyrradhusimon: as long as you didnt change it yes
23:30.07husimonin rtp.conf?
23:30.49husimondo I really need that many ports open?
23:30.55husimonseems like if I only have like 50 concurrent calls
23:30.57husimoni'd need a lot less
23:31.31husimonis it 2 ports per connection?
23:31.38husimonso i'd need 10000-10100 ?
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23:38.57drmessanoThe number of ports really isnt the issue
23:39.10drmessanoIf the RTP listener got pwn3d it would only take one port
23:39.14samoshiti have some questions if anyone is bored: i have a PTSN with 4 lines from my VOIP company, what hardware do i need to add to my trixbox to allow use of those 4 lines
23:39.20drmessanoSo the "number" is trivial
23:40.15drmessanoOne of my two fav arguments on the TB forums in the past
23:40.38drmessano"There's a memory leak in Trixbox, it's using all my RAM!!"
23:40.52drmessano"ZOMG ALL THESE PORTS!!!! HAXORS???"
23:42.07jbotZOMG ALL THESE PORTS!!!! HAXORS???
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23:43.22samoshitguess no one is bored
23:43.33jbotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there, just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
23:43.45jameswfoh wait ~trixbox
23:43.50jbot[~trixbox] trixbox is a full linux distro that includes FreePBX and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox VERY difficult to support, and is not supported in #asterisk. Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & wiki at
23:44.46samoshiti'll try to be more clear:
23:45.03samoshitwhat hardware do i need to use my 4 lines given to me by my phone company
23:45.05jameswfno no no read the second 1
23:45.11clyrradsamoshit: I think he was refering to the trixbox part
23:45.18jbotmethinks hmmhesays is not really here...
23:45.27jameswfwait hardware I can do that
23:45.35jameswfbuy an R4FXO
23:46.09samoshitnah thats not it
23:46.34samoshiti have a cablemodem with built in voip from my cable internet company, it has 1 jack
23:46.42samoshitsomehow i have 4 lines from that 1 jack
23:46.43jameswfummm 4 linex from phone company == 4 fxo
23:47.09drmessano4 lines from one jack?
23:47.17jameswfa standard connector is 4 wires so something is odd
23:47.30jameswfmaybe you need to   manualy split em off
23:47.54samoshita 4-way splitter ?
23:48.00husimonsamoshit: they exist
23:48.03samoshitand then the 4 lines go into this R4FXO
23:48.15samoshitits all becoming clear now
23:48.33samoshitis this making sense to you guys ?
23:48.34husimonthen kick your phone company in the head for supplying 4 lines over one port
23:48.36jameswfconnrct a 8c plug on one end then each pair to a standard rj11
23:49.08samoshitokay i think i can take it from here thanks guys
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23:49.29samoshitthis isn't asterisk related but, can you recommend a good brand of office telephones?  its a 4-person office
23:49.48samoshiti meant model actually, not brand :)
23:50.13samoshitthanks for not saying cisco/avaya first
23:50.46drmessanoWhat does Avaya have to do with Asterisk?
23:50.49drmessanoARE YOU A SPY?
23:50.57drmessanoYOURE A CHANSPY!!!
23:52.24jbotchanspy is, like, an application that adds the ability to spy on any bridged call, this includes VoIP only calls where ZapScan/ZapBarge couldn't this can. As of october 19 2004, ChanSpy is not included in the standard Asterisk distribution or the development CVS tree.
23:52.40jbotfrom memory, phones is  While personal preference will dictate which phone works best for you, general consensus on a rough order of quality and suggestibility is as follows:  Polycom (any), Aastra 480i, Aastra 5i Series, Cisco 7940+, Linksys SPA-9XX, Snom, and finally everything else.  Do not consider Grandstream phones.  Ever. ...
23:52.53jbotextra, extra, read all about it, leekspin is a girl twirling a leek
23:53.13jbotfrom memory, xobxirt is a rumor.. hmmmm..
23:53.43samoshiteveryone i ask about phone equipment says avaya or cisco
23:54.01drmessanoThey're dumbasses then.. you're asking the wrong people
23:54.02samoshitearlier today i tried calling avaya, couldn't get through to a real person
23:54.08samoshitthought that was ironic
23:54.40drmessanojbot: happyclownpbx is currently in closed beta, and it pwns
23:54.41jbotokay, drmessano
23:54.47jbotsomebody said happyclownpbx was currently in closed beta, and it pwns
23:54.53jameswfAvaya the phone formally known as toshiba
23:54.55samoshiti will need 2 of these R4FXO cards right?  4 lines in, 4 out ?
23:55.07drmessanojbot: forget happyclownpbx
23:55.07jboti forgot happyclownpbx, drmessano
23:55.20drmessanojbot: happyclownpbx is currently in closed beta, is close to 7GB in size, and it pwns
23:55.21jbotokay, drmessano
23:55.25jbotmethinks happyclownpbx is currently in closed beta, is close to 7GB in size, and it pwns
23:55.27jameswfno an R8FXX with 2 FXO modules and 2 FXS modules
23:55.41jameswffor 4 in 4 out
23:55.53samoshittwo R8FXX ?
23:56.01jameswf1 R8 FXX
23:56.10husimondoes happyclownpbx come with free fries?
23:56.15jameswf$ Modules 2 fxo 2 fxs
23:56.30drmessanofeel free to add fries to it.. it's very modular
23:56.38jameswfno special orders
23:56.49samoshitthat looks like 2 lines in, 2 lines out
23:56.53drmessanoThis isn't burger king, bitches
23:56.56jameswfregret a fat azz loss of self esteme
23:57.12jameswfeach module has 2 channels
23:57.16jameswf8 total
23:57.39*** join/#asterisk angryuser (
23:58.13samoshitso it has like 8 jacks ?
23:58.33drmessanosamoshit, how new are you to this?
23:59.21jameswfsamoshit: look at private message for link
23:59.32samoshiti successfully set up asterisk on my slackware machine, hooked up to a SIP adapter, signed up at an IAX service just to play around with caller id

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