IRC log for #asterisk on 20080206

00:00.17Qwellthat video was clearly faked
00:00.38husimonQwell, obviously but its amazing it got so much coverage
00:00.45Qwellhusimon: it was pretty funny
00:00.47husimonit would be sweet to have been the person controlling the char
00:00.59angryusereven i hear of lerooy ;)
00:01.02Qwellat least I've got chicken..
00:01.11husimonQwell, yeah especially after having played that instance many times
00:01.15Qwellthere's a Leeroy soundboard that somebody made in flash
00:01.31drmessanostick to the plan
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00:01.43husimonthere huge cultural references to it
00:01.46husimonscrubs used it
00:01.50husimona toyota commercial
00:01.57angryuser here it is lerooooooooy
00:02.00warewolfanyone here ever try to use Asterisk like a voice-chat service similar to rogerwilco/ventrilo/teamspeak?
00:02.20husimonwarewolf a meetme extension?
00:02.30Qwellwarewolf: no, but I thought it would be a cool idea to have a vent channel driver for asterisk
00:02.38warewolfhusimon: I dunno what meetme is
00:02.41Qwellvent is *really* popular ...
00:02.45husimonwarewolf, conference call
00:03.31Qwellhusimon: see msg :p
00:03.31husimonQwell, so you could call a number and be added to a vent channel?
00:03.31warewolfQwell: vent is popular, but I like teamspeak better.  Vent is BW heavy, and TS does a lot of AGC stuff that vent doesn't.
00:03.31Qwellhusimon: yeah, something like that
00:03.31husimonQwell, that would be pretty neat if it was a 1800 number
00:03.31warewolfQwell: well I think teamspeak's protocol is fairly well documented, ventrilo I have no clue.
00:03.35tzangertzafrir: around?
00:03.40Qwellwarewolf: oh?
00:03.45warewolfQwell: basically I want to stop paying for ventrilo and use something free and open source :)
00:03.50husimonit doesn't seem like it would be too hard to do that
00:03.56drmessanoapp_leroy <--- randomly places a call to a $29 a minute 900 number
00:04.17husimonyou could just  make a sip -> ventrillo client
00:04.20husimonthat sat in the middle
00:04.21warewolfQwell: there are win/mac/linux clients for teamspeak
00:04.26husimondon't even modify asterisk
00:04.28warewolfhusimon: yeah, but then where'd you do the muxing?
00:04.41warewolfhusimon: that'd also lose the concept of separate users
00:04.42husimonwarewolf, it would have to be a thick client I guess
00:04.46warewolfhusimon: nod
00:04.51warewolfhusimon: or some kind of gateway
00:04.55husimonwarewolf, why ?  each person would be a different sip user
00:05.00husimonwhich would be a different ventrilo user
00:05.01warewolfhusimon: that'd work
00:05.43warewolfI don't fully grok asterisk yet, I just know it's cool :)  I don't really (personally) have a need for a PBX at home, but the geek in me really wants to play with one :)
00:05.59plikso play... it's awesome
00:06.33husimonwarewolf, yeah the thing stopping me is that I don't really need much beyond my cell phone
00:06.36warewolfI'm taking a wild stab in the dark that for conference call bridges ..etc.. the asterisk server muxes all the audio streams together, instead of sending all the audio streams back to each client
00:06.42warewolfhusimon: exactly my situation.
00:06.44husimonpaying for a voip did or another physical phone lines seems silly
00:07.11husimonnow the question is: is there anyway to get my mobile phone to act as an fx0 for asterisk
00:07.13drmessanoWatching this video again.. I realize they could have gotten out of there alive.....
00:07.20drmessano... if they cast Magic Missile
00:07.33warewolfdrmessano: sleep! sleep! magic missile! resist!
00:07.43angryuser<husimon> chan_mobile
00:07.50husimonangryuser, does it work?
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00:07.58angryuser<husimon> never tryed
00:08.04Qwellhusimon: it works alright
00:08.08drmessanoSummonger Geeks is another awesome one
00:08.18husimonQwell, do only certain phones work?
00:08.37Qwellnah, anything that supports the handsfree profile should work.
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00:08.55husimoni have a blackjack
00:09.03Qwellnewish moto?
00:09.05Qwellit'll work
00:09.09husimonit's samsung
00:09.21Qwellit'll work
00:09.33husimonvewy interesting
00:09.37plikQwell: any good docs on chan_mobile?
00:09.40husimonyou obviously need a server with bluetooth right
00:09.45Qwellplik: chan_mobile.txt
00:09.46husimoni guess i could run it on my laptop
00:09.49Qwellhusimon: obviously
00:09.52Qwelland it's Linux only
00:10.06husimoni wonder
00:10.11husimonif I could run it in a linux vm
00:10.16husimonin os x
00:10.28Qwellyou'd have to get osx to share it with vmware somehow...unlikely
00:10.36Qwellunless it acts as a usb device
00:10.37angryuserwhat about bt headsets, no quality issues?
00:11.05eric2the only issues you'll experience is with the voip line itself
00:11.05husimonyou mean bt -> sip phone -> asterisK?
00:11.23eric2bluetooth is designed to carry audio traffic
00:11.27husimoni guess that would be bt headset -> sip softphone -> asterisk
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00:11.50angryuser<eric2> a lot  of thing designet to do something but the dont do it ;)
00:12.05eric2ya, you have a point
00:12.21husimonhow do I tell what channels asterisk has been compiled with?
00:12.38husimonsorry I mean modules
00:12.46angryusermodules show
00:12.49angryuserin cli
00:12.55husimonkk yeah just saw that
00:13.01angryuseror core show modules
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00:13.09angryuserdont remember
00:13.32husimonor show modules
00:15.22craigki have noticed that when a call is not answered, two CDRs are created, one with disposition NO_ANSWER and one with disposition ANSWERED ... is this normal ?
00:16.29lmadsencraigk: depends how your dialplan is setup. If the call is coming in from somewhere else, you might have an ANSWERED call from the first channel, and a NO_ANSWER on the 2nd channel
00:16.57craigklmadsen: soory i was not cleare. I am making an outgoing call.
00:17.01lmadsenITSP --channel 1--> asterisk --channel 2--> SIP phone
00:17.11craigkalso sorry i appear unable to type correclty this monring - need mroe coffee :)
00:17.17lmadsenSIP phone --channel 1--> asterisk --channel 2--> ITSP
00:18.47lmadseneeesh.... JACK requires a kernel rebuild...
00:18.47craigkah, i see (i think), so my voip provider is actually 'answering' the call as far as asterisk is concerned
00:19.00Mavviefile: With regarding to bug #11917, is there anything else you want to have from me?
00:20.05lmadsencraigk: hard to say... the call actually goes through?
00:20.50craigklmadsen: yes. so the path is SIPPhone->asterisk->VoipProvider->externalPhone. the external phone is ringing, and i ahng up the SIPPhone
00:21.13lmadsenstill might depend on your dialplan... I haven't done much with CDRs (thank god)
00:21.21lmadsenI'd think you'd have 2 answered legs
00:21.33lmadsenunless you're not answering the other phone that is ringing
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00:21.43lmadsenin which case that might be the cause of the NO_ANSWER
00:22.36lmadsenany idea how to build cdr_sqlite? I seem to be able to build cdr_sqlite3_custom no problem
00:23.20craigklmadsen: cdr_sqlite uses sqlite 2 .... I am still using asterisk 1.4.17 and had to patch it to work with sqlite3 :/
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00:23.44lmadsenhrmmm... wonder what package I need to install then on centos5
00:23.49craigklmadsen: I assume you are using 1.6 beta - but that is a guess as i have not started using it yet
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00:24.05lmadsencraigk: using trunk actually -- about to do a 2nd round of CLI audits
00:24.12lmadsenso I'm just trying to build as many modules as possible
00:24.19patrickv0xI got a bunch of phones with extension 8XX, what kind of 'lines' i need to add in my extensions.conf to allow me to dial from 801 to 802 ?
00:24.30jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
00:24.34lmadsenpatrickv0x: read the above
00:27.52kyronmvanbaak, are-you the one that recommended I buy "The Pragmatic Programmer..." ?
00:28.55craigklmadsen: you were right about my 2 CDRs ... my dialplan said Answer, Wait(1), Dial(...) - i think i read somewhere to do that. I changed it just Dial(...) and now i get 2 CDRs where both say NO_ANSWER
00:29.00lmadsenkyron: he went to bed
00:29.18lmadsenkyron: I have that book though... read part of it :)
00:29.20craigkstrangely, i i do pick up the call, i just get one CDR that says ANSWERED .. hmmm
00:29.21drmessanoI'm going to write a book.. "Veeoheyepee for Dummies"
00:30.27kyronlmadsen, I wanted to thank him for recommending it ;)
00:32.27kyrondrmessano, wtf mate?
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00:32.44kyronlmadsen, so...part of boored
00:33.14lmadsenkyron: I don't do a lot of coding, so I put it on the shelf
00:33.21kyron"Veeoheyepee for Dummies" define Veeoheyepee plz
00:33.27lmadsenwas doing some at the time, but that came to an end, and I am much happier for it
00:33.29drmessanoV O I P
00:33.37drmessanoVee Oh Eye Pee
00:33.43kyronlmadsen,'re an integrator!
00:33.54lmadsenkyron: well, I do lots of dialplan work :)
00:34.11lmadsenI wrote an E911 portal that integrated with SOAP... wanted to kill myself
00:34.14kyronlmadsen, hehehe, you da king (pff...clustering)
00:34.22kyronlmadsen, heard you got a tatoo ;)
00:34.30lmadsenbloody lies! :)
00:34.32drmessanoEsemteepee for Dummies too
00:34.32tzangerlmadsen: not just wash?
00:34.52kyronlmadsen, I need more reading to appreciate your suicidal tendencies
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00:36.43Qwelllmadsen: geek
00:36.45kyronlmadsen, it's true!
00:36.49lmadsenQwell: heck ya
00:37.00Qwelllmadsen: I met one of the authors of that book once
00:37.03Qwellcool guy
00:37.09lmadsenQwell: I heard they were cool
00:37.18Qwelljust Jared.  The other two are nubs.
00:37.26lmadsenQwell: but I heard that Leif guy is a jerk
00:37.39putnopvutYeah, that Leaf guy is a total nub.
00:37.47kyronoh god...would love to hang around and laugh some more but have some people around...
00:37.53husimonsomeone seriously got that as a tatoo
00:37.59lmadsenkyron: ya... go hang out with real people, not irc people
00:38.01Qwellhusimon: lmadsen ...
00:38.04lmadsenhusimon: yes, I did :)
00:38.04kyronhusimon, the _author_ maybe...
00:38.19drmessanoI got rid of all my real friends.. they didn't have cool quit messages
00:38.23kyronlmadsen, all my head..llalalalalala
00:38.25husimondrmessano, AHAHAHHAHA
00:38.40husimonoh <deity>
00:38.42kyrondrmessano, LOOL
00:39.00husimoni'm still laughing
00:39.04husimonhope no one walks past my office
00:39.29drmessanoPeople would call me up "Hey man, wanna go bowling"  and i'm like "What site?"
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00:40.05husimondrmessano, or your friend sitting there telling you a story and you exlaim "PIX OR IT DIDN't HAPPEN"!
00:40.43drmessanoBreaking up with a girl sucks if you can't tell her "G T F O"
00:40.50husimonwoke up, fell out of bed, dragged a comb across my head...
00:40.58drmessanoirc > real life
00:41.24lmadsendrmessano: rule number 1 -- don't let the girl move in, and especially don't move in with her
00:41.36[hC]wtf is gtfo?
00:41.42husimonget the fuck out
00:41.52drmessanoRule #2 don't marry them
00:42.02lmadsendrmessano: I thought that rule was implied
00:42.27lmadsennever lived with a girl, and never let a girl move in with me -- I've been smart
00:42.31putnopvutlmadsen: no, it's totally cool to get long as they don't move in and it's cool to see other girls.
00:42.32drmessanoNo, you can be stupid and skip to 2
00:42.50lmadsenputnopvut: lol can happen.
00:43.04lmadsenya... I'm still looking for that I guess
00:43.09tzangerlmadsen: way smarter than me
00:43.16lmadsenideally my 'wife' would do all the work and find the girls too
00:43.29lmadsentzanger: ya well, we can't all be as smart as me
00:43.29tzangergetting married's great... but to the right woman
00:43.35putnopvutSo you'd just come home and see who she found for tonight's >2 way?
00:43.35tzangerand it's so fucking hard to do that
00:43.43lmadsenpfffffft... that's what they say, but I never hear anyone really *mean* it
00:43.52lmadsenputnopvut: exactly
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00:44.08lmadsengreater than 2 way (3-way+)
00:44.12tzanger19:45 <@lmadsen> ideally my 'wife' would do all the work and find the girls too
00:44.17tzangerQwell: ^^
00:44.38tzangerI dunno though, Corydon's been talking about Leif again lately.../
00:44.52lmadsenya... he got separated/divorced
00:45.00putnopvutOh, really? :(
00:45.28drmessanoBeen there, done that.. bought the T-shirt, she took it with her :(
00:45.35tzangerdrmessano: amen
00:45.41drmessanoI miss my shirt... not her
00:45.46drmessanoI WANT MY SHIRT BACK
00:45.47tzangermarried again though... this one is tough to live with but it's because she's as stubborn as me
00:45.55[hC]bkruse: so i've just given the vlan thing another go, and still no luck. telnetting to say port 22 connects, but no data passes. its very odd.
00:45.56drmessanoSame here..
00:46.33drmessanoThis one is pretty good... even if she's a technodunce
00:47.22lmadsenyou poor bastards and your wives
00:47.40drmessanoShe whips up something unique for dinner, and I tell her "Oh, get that from SVN?"  she has no clue
00:47.48tzangerdont' care if she's a technodunce... she is crazy about me , she's smart and she doesn't back down, which is both a blessing and a curse
00:49.01drmessanoIf they get too clingy, there's always a Tazer
00:49.24drmessanoNothing wrong setting it on low and giving a little love tap when you need your space
00:49.30lmadsenpfft... I don't date girls that know stuff about computers -- conversations get boring
00:50.03drmessanoYeah one notch above "stun the cat" and just below "pee their pants"
00:50.06drmessanoThats the ideal setting
00:50.08patrickv0xI got a bunch of phones with extension 8XX, what kind of 'lines' i need to add in my extensions.conf to allow me to dial from 801 to 802 ?
00:50.29lmadsenpatrickv0x: guess you didn't read the documentation I pointed you to
00:50.49drmessanoAt least he can cut/paste, lmadsen
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00:50.55patrickv0xxten => 8XX,1,Answer
00:50.55lmadsendrmessano: or hit the up key :)
00:51.03lmadsennot 8XX
00:51.09lmadsenwhen you understand the difference, come back
00:51.15patrickv0xlet me try
00:51.22lmadsendocumentation is a glorious thing
00:51.25drmessanonow he has to work at the UP
00:51.40drmessanoGet them to talk.. CCCCCCCOMBO BREAKER
00:51.48lunaphytehow can i avoid having a litany of extensions listed in extensions.conf to match all of the various prefixes that should go out a particular channel?
00:52.45husimonlunaphyte, _X. =>
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00:52.55husimonerr exten => _X.
00:53.07[hC]Qwell: are there parts of the aa50 fs that get wiped on every reboot? (for example /usr/lib/asterisk/modules)? If i overwrite something in there, and reboot, does it go back to a factory image, or will it keep my modification?
00:53.27Qwell[hC]: anything except what's listed in save_config, or on the CF
00:53.50patrickv0xcan someone tell me what's wrong with this: exten => _8XX,1,,Dial(SIP/8XX,60,r)
00:53.53[hC]Qwell: everything gets wiped at boot... okay.. I was also gonna ask why / wasnt set read only... but i guess it kinda is.
00:54.02[hC]well until the next reboot anyways.
00:54.16putnopvutpatrickv0x: too many commas
00:54.35patrickv0xgood catch
00:54.37patrickv0xlet me fix and reload
00:54.42husimonpatrickv0x, it should be exten => _8XX,1,Dial(SIP/8XX,60,r)
00:54.44putnopvutAnd SIP/8XX probably isn't a valid channel.
00:54.58husimonyeah you need to replace XX with digits
00:55.08putnopvut...I can't type.
00:55.16lunaphytehusimon: if i do that, how do i handle overlap?  i have other extensions that are in there as well.
00:55.30lmadsendon't use the 'r' flag
00:55.36lmadsenit's almost never necessary
00:55.36husimonlunaphyte, just do SIP/${EXTEN}
00:55.44husimonthen it gets what ever extension you dialed that matched the pattern
00:56.03lmadsenI heard there's a free book you can get that explains all of this
00:56.11husimonso exten => _8xx,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN},60)
00:56.14husimonlmadsen, me too
00:56.18patrickv0xlet me try
00:56.39husimonlunaphyte, sorry sort of mixed you and patrickv0x  up.
00:56.53drmessanoAsterisk + Wakeup.php > PAP2 > 60V DIAC > 120V Relay > Toaster
00:56.58[hC]Qwell: was there any developer documentation included in the aadk? I think i just got a regular s800i when i ordered my aadk... i could probably save a lot of time asking questions if there was a dev manual somewhere explaining a bunch of this stuff
00:57.34husimonlunaphyte, you'll have to explain your problem a little better for me to understand it.
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00:57.51lunaphytehusimon: no worries.
00:58.16husimonlunaphyte, my guess would use patterns that match more prefixes
00:59.32lunaphytei have a fairly long list of prefixes that i'd like to go out a particular sip channel, but they don't really follow any pattern, so i'm wondering i can have this list of prefixes, but not a repetitive collection of extension entries.
00:59.46lunaphyteerr, wondering how i can have...
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01:03.01putnopvutlunaphyte: if they don't follow a pattern, but they all do the same thing, you can at least minimize the amount of extension listing by having them all call a common macro.
01:03.13putnopvutYou'll still have to list each one at least once so that it calls that macro.
01:03.24husimonputnopvut, yeah i dunno i'd probably just leave it outside a macro
01:03.30husimonputnopvut, for simplicities sake
01:03.42husimoni guess unless you have hundreds
01:04.06putnopvutI'm out. Have a good night.
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01:04.22putnopvuthusimon: yeah, I guess it's a matter of preference, really.
01:04.33husimonlunaphyte, you could also include your outgoing patterns in a separate file
01:04.36husimonto make it neater
01:05.25tzangerbah, i can't seem to make 'indent' use tabs for the initial indent
01:05.40husimontzanger in what, vi?
01:05.46tzangerhusimon: no, the indent utility
01:06.09tzangerI like -kr for the most part, but I can't seem to get it to do what I want for initial indentation of code
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01:08.41florzIs there any reason why not all of digium's hardware is listed in the pci.ids file?
01:20.27Robbahi guys
01:20.56Robbaany ideas why s,1,SetCallerID(numbergoeshere) isn't working?
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01:29.29_ShrikERobba: thats been deprecated for some time
01:29.45jblackrobba: Yeah. Look at CallerID(num)=number
01:30.12jblackPardon, Set(Callerid(num)=number)
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01:42.02Daejeohello guys! any good voip for usa/canada?
01:43.04pigpenHi all.  When I use the page app more than a few times, I get "asterisk[29459] general protection rip:716b9ddf244 rsp:440e62d0 error:0"
01:43.07pigpenand asterisk pukes.
01:43.14lunaphytehusimon: here's a practical example from my dial plan :
01:43.24pigpenrunning asterisk 1.4.17
01:44.04lunaphytehow can i list patterns in a separate file?
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01:44.28pigpen53 phones, split between 3 groups, called  as a page group (kinda like a ring group)
01:44.31mostylunaphyte, #include
01:44.46lunaphyteoh, c style?
01:45.17mosty#include "filename"
01:45.21pigpenany help would be great, as if I don't get this settled, I'll get my ass ripped.
01:45.42mostyworks in every asterisk config file i think
01:47.50lunaphytethat command simply substitutes the contents of the referenced file in place of that line, right?
01:48.02lunaphyteso it would need to contain proper syntax?
01:50.00lunaphyteideally, it would be great if i could have a simple text file called local_prefixes.txt, for example, and in that file simply list any number of 3 digit prefixes, one per line.
01:50.14husimonlunaphyte, what I was saying
01:50.20husimonwas that you could put all those in a separate file
01:50.26husimonbut they would still look like that
01:50.47lunaphytestill look like standard asterisk syntax, you're saying?
01:51.02husimonso you would create a context
01:51.07husimonput it in a file by it self
01:51.12husimonthen do #include filename
01:52.26husimoni think you can also programatically define your dial plan with age ?
01:52.39husimonsorry not age
01:52.41lunaphyteregarding my imaginary file above (local_prefixes..)  is it possible to then, in extensions.conf, have something along the lines of exten => _${magical_pattern}XXX,1,Dial,SIP/ata1.1/${EXTEN}
01:53.03husimonlunaphyte, yeah not that I know of
01:53.07husimonbut i'm pretty new
01:54.08mostylunaphyte, you could do that with AGI
01:54.33husimonmosty does that mean you need to use agi for your whole dialplan?
01:54.41lunaphytea little bit of shell programming and some variable substitution, maybe, huh?
01:54.46mostyhusimon, no
01:55.14mostyyou could write an AGI script that parses a config file for patterns, then returns a pattern that matches all of them in some channel variable
01:55.33lunaphytethat sounds promising.
01:56.05lunaphyteprobably overkill for my particular application, but worth learning for the sake of it, probably.
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01:56.22husimonmosty i don't see how you would use that channel variable then
01:56.35husimonsay you have numbers 1-100
01:56.44husimonyou have 50 randomly that need to goto one trunk
01:56.49husimonand the other 50 randomly goto the other trunk
01:57.05husimonyou can't create a "pattern" that matches 50, you'd need to write 50 lines per each trunk
01:57.28Robbaok new issue
01:57.54mostyhusimon, isn't there an OR operator for asterisk patterns?
01:57.57Robbaon a 10 line PRI i can't dial out on another phone when someone is using another line
01:58.01husimonmosty i didn't think so
01:58.04husimoni can check
01:59.35MavvieWhen I write to stderr in a AGI script, where does it send the output to?
01:59.38lunaphytehmm, so i would have to call the agi script with agi() from within the dialplan?  that seems like it might defeat the purpose.
02:00.43husimonMavvie, i'd guess /var/log/asterisk/messages
02:01.15husimonhmm looks like it maybe goes to console
02:01.42Mavvieyes, I see it on the console but I don't see it in the logfiles.
02:01.58Mavviemaybe I should put debug in logger.conf
02:02.16lunaphytefunny, i just read that section in the book.
02:02.19husimonMavvie you could try opening stderr to something
02:02.20husimonliek open STDERR, "| /usr/bin/logger -p local0.notice -t AGI";
02:02.22lunaphytepage 157  ;)
02:02.25mostylunaphyte, or you could just write a script to generate the dialplan from a file containing patterns, then regenerate and reload your dialplan when it changes
02:03.24lunaphytethat's true.
02:06.15Mavviehusimon: that seems to be the solution.
02:06.17*** join/#asterisk HeXeD (
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02:08.58husimonmavvie at least that's what I saw with a quick google search
02:11.22Mavviehmm... seems like I can't give either channel variables nor command line arguments to AGI scripts initiated by call-files.
02:12.41mostyMavvie, there are no channel variables to give, are there?
02:13.16Mavvieoh damned, maybe I've been looking at the API Action Originate instead of the call-file section.
02:14.09Mavvieaha, the syntax in the call-file is "Set: "
02:14.16*** join/#asterisk NoRemorse (n=fred@
02:14.20NoRemorsehi all
02:14.41NoRemorsecan anyone suggest a good rating and billing app for trixbox please?
02:14.55Mavviewoohoo! that works better.
02:15.20mostyNoRemorse, #trixbox
02:15.23Mavviealways tricky, two identical twins.
02:17.18NoRemorsepfft as expected, no answer in #trixbox
02:19.45*** join/#asterisk gregg21 (
02:20.58gregg21I was hoping for a little help with a question.  How can I set extensions.conf to route all incoming calls straight to voicemail?
02:21.11*** join/#asterisk zobia (n=laurashr@
02:22.45mostygregg21, use an extension pattern that matches all extensions, and use the voicemail app
02:23.16pigpenmosty, I seem to remember that you are a bit "seasoned" with asterisk right?
02:23.44gregg21I think that's what I'm getting to but just can't make it all the way..this is what I have in my extensions.conf
02:23.45gregg21exten => s,1,VoiceMail(${EXTEN})
02:23.47mostypigpen, i've been using it for a few years, yes
02:24.00NoRemorseexten => _X.,2,Voicemail(${exten}@default,u)
02:24.04NoRemorsesame same
02:24.19pigpenyeah, it's been much with the page app and 50+ sip phones?
02:24.26gregg21what does the _X. do?
02:24.26mostygregg21, that only matches the s extension, ie calls that don't have a destination extension
02:24.53gregg21ah, thanks Mosty..that would explain the busy signals
02:24.55mostypigpen, which page app? there's the bristuff one and the asterisk 1.4 one
02:25.10pigpenthe asterisk 1.4 one.
02:25.14mostygregg21, look up asterisk patterns on the wiki, or in the book
02:26.22pigpenanyway, I have a deployment with only about 65 polycom phones.  page app was running fine (for the most part), moved to 1.4.17 and now it seems to be killing asterisk after about 10 pages.
02:27.03pigpenI ran into a similar issue with page app where the total number of phones I was paging exceeded the max command string length, causing a segfault.
02:27.14pigpenhowever this was with paging 180 phones.
02:28.03*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
02:28.08mostypigpen, asterisk 1.4 is buggy
02:28.39pigpenyeah, for the most part it has been good, but the dam page app has been an issue.
02:28.45mostypigpen, i recommend that you revert to whatever you were using before when it was working, and submit a bug report in the meantime
02:29.03pigpenyeah....kind what I was thinking.
02:29.16pigpenany benefit of the bristuff "stuff'?
02:31.12mostyi try to avoid bristuff if i can, i only use it if it gives me a feature i need on asterisk 1.2 when 1.2 doesn't have the feature itself
02:31.38pigpenwe moved to 1.4.x pretty early as it had realtime postgresql support.
02:32.03pigpenLet me tell you, that makes me a leaper in the realm of getting help...
02:32.27mostyi still have showstopper bugs with 1.4
02:32.39pigpenlike what?
02:32.57pigpenother than paging?  :)
02:33.52zobiahello everyone
02:34.20pigpeneveryone says "hello zobia"
02:34.34zobiapigpen :)
02:34.48pigpenwell, someone had to do it.
02:34.54*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
02:34.54zobiafinally i install 1.4 on a new machine to try the skinny stuff
02:34.59zobiapigpen, thank you
02:35.02mostypigpen, i have problems with thread deadlocks
02:35.43pigpenI know that with iax there is an entry something like maxtreads=
02:35.57pigpenmaybe something like that for skinny....but I haven't done much with it.
02:36.19zobiai find that i can not see registering infomation when the phone connect to the box. i use set verbose 10 and skinny set debug , still can not see anything. how can i see if a phone is trying to register?
02:37.22pigpentcpdump ?
02:37.36pigpenif asterisk won't show it, tcpdump will.
02:37.50pigpenor not.
02:38.17zobiapigpen: let me ask a question not related to asterisk
02:38.25zobiapigpen: let me ask a question not related to skinny
02:38.27pigpensorry, I am married.
02:38.28zobia[Feb  6 02:34:01] WARNING[15131]: config.c:1316 find_engine: Realtime mapping for 'realtime_ext' found to engine 'mysql', but the engine is not available
02:38.41zobiai got this error after i move from 1.2 to 1.4
02:38.50zobiaany idea?
02:39.05pigpenlooks like realtime is enabled....turn it off in extconfig.cfg
02:39.35pigpenoops, extconfig.conf
02:40.01zobiayes. i need realtime enable
02:40.12pigpenwell, in that case...
02:40.21zobiapigpen: sorry i need realtime enable. but don't know why it don't work anymore
02:40.37zobiapigpen:i use the same extconfig while the 1.2 use
02:40.39lunaphyteis there a difference between exten => _624XXXX,2,Dial,SIP/ata1.1/${EXTEN} and exten => _624XXXX,2,Dial(SIP/ata1.1/${EXTEN}) ?
02:40.41pigpenpossibly it is having a login issue.
02:40.54mostyzobia, are you missing the asterisk-addons package?
02:40.55pigpenI think a few things changed for the auth between 1.2 and 1.4
02:41.01*** join/#asterisk matthew_i (n=matthew@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/MasterYoda)
02:41.10matthew_iwhat time is it in nashville?
02:41.15zobiamosty: i installed asterisk-addons package.
02:41.41pigpennashville is eastern right?
02:41.54pigpenif so, 9:42p
02:42.16lunaphytei believe so.
02:42.24zobiamosty: i installed asterisk-addons-1.4.5 , is it a problem?
02:43.12mostyi don't understand what you're asking exactly. i know you need asterisk-addons for mysql support
02:43.44zobiamosty: yes i do installed that. but still get engine is not avaliable error
02:43.49*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
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02:44.04pigpenit could be several things, but probably an auth issue.
02:44.16matthew_ipigpen: it's 8:44 in nashville
02:44.16mostyzobia, check your mysql and asterisk logs
02:44.16pigpendo a debug on mysql and see if it is connecting.
02:44.36pigpenmatthew_i, shit, then why is my dell rep always leaving an hour early....bastard.
02:44.36*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
02:44.49matthew_ipigpen: thanks anyway :)
02:46.56lunaphytei'm looking at an example on a itsp's support page for use with asterisk : exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,2,Dial,IAX2/1234@itsp/${EXTEN} - is that syntax valid?
02:47.20lunaphyteshould it not be Dial(.......) ?
02:47.25pliklunaphyte: Don't think so.
02:47.38lunaphyteit's weird - i think it works.
02:48.00lunaphytei had just copied and pasted ages ago without paying attention, and have been using it for some time.
02:48.12pliknearly as odd as that matthew
02:49.03plikmaybe its a format thats deprecated, but still works
02:49.27lunaphytethat's what i was just thinking.
02:49.35*** part/#asterisk RoyK (
02:50.01VitoCorleonhey guys i have  installed a TDM400P and do not see any calls comming in
02:50.18zobiapigpen: it works. the mysql connection failed. thank you
02:50.28VitoCorleonand when i do zap show channels all i get is "Chan Extension  Context         Language   MOH Interpret"
02:51.19zobiaany one have experience of skinny?
02:51.49mostyzobia, very few people use it, compared to sip and iax
02:51.50zobiawhen my phone try to dial , it unregistered the phone
02:52.13zobiamosty: yes i know that. thank you.
02:52.27lunaphytei use sccp.
02:52.36x86zobia: put the sip firmware on the phone
02:52.37lunaphyteon one lonely phone, for s and g.
02:52.43VitoCorleonplease guys i need support, im at my clients place right now
02:52.57zobiax86 my phone could not change to sip. this is a problem
02:53.19zobialunaphyte: do you know skinny?
02:53.31x86zobia: ah, i see
02:53.46lunaphyteprobably not enough to be of any practical value.
02:53.52x86VitoCorleon: what's my cut if I help you?
02:54.03VitoCorleonlol whats the charge?
02:54.06zobialunaphyte: i use chan_sccp before on 1.4 but my phone keep registered and locked so someone here suggest me to use chan_skinny
02:54.09VitoCorleonim getting 120 to set it up
02:54.22x86friend price
02:54.33VitoCorleonhalf lol i guess better then not finishing
02:54.41lunaphytezobia: i wedged some add on into asterisk ages ago, fiddled around until it functioned and then never went back to it.
02:54.51x86if it takes more than an hour, that's more than half ;)
02:54.53lunaphytezobia: yeah, i think it's chan_sccp
02:58.28zobialunaphyte: did you have problem that it could not register phone or could not release the connection with the phone?
02:59.13Inssomniakwhat is "zaptel" exactly? google seems to pull up a calling card?
02:59.45lunaphytezobia: to be honest, it was so long ago, i don't quite recall specifically.  i think i did have trouble getting it to register, at least initially, but i think that there were a handful of issues.
03:00.27mostyInssomniak, it's a driver for digium, sangoma etc telephony cards
03:00.37lunaphyteInssomniak: software
03:00.43x86Inssomniak: it's a telephony driver
03:01.06x86Inssomniak: it runs telephony cards such as POTS, BRI, and T1/E1/J1 interfaces
03:01.34zobialunaphyte: thank you . i think i can not use sccp_chan. it's so difficult to make it run. so i am trying skinny
03:01.58lunaphytezobia: what phone?
03:02.06Inssomniakif I was to spend the money on a digium card, with FXO and FXS, is it really that much better than say a SPA 3102 ata?
03:02.56mostyInssomniak, you're better off with an ATA for FXS
03:03.14mostyand the sangoma cards are better than digium's
03:04.46Inssomniakmosty, so far the ATAs are working better than I imagined for FXS, but for FXO (my pots line), I get some weird echos and overall quality of sound is not that good
03:04.57*** join/#asterisk MaliutaWrk (n=nikolai@
03:05.17Inssomniaksorry, the othe way around I think
03:05.35mostyInssomniak, sangoma a200d is my preferred analogue telephony card
03:06.34zobialunaphyte: i use 7910 and 7960
03:06.36*** join/#asterisk tuxfoo (
03:08.00Robbacan someone tell me where i have gone wrong, when i dial out on our 10 Channel ISDN no one else can seem to make calls
03:09.28mostyRobba, pastebin your dialplan
03:11.11zobiaany one know why my redial and transfer button not working with skinny? or skinny does not support this?
03:11.16husimonso i have a problem
03:11.25husimonfor some reason all of a sudden I can't hear anything from the voicemail menus
03:11.35husimoni had my system on heartbeat, swapped to secondary, came back to primary
03:11.45husimonand now the voicemailmain doesn't even work
03:11.50husimonno errors on cli
03:12.27husimonhmm something is wrong with my zaptel chan
03:12.59Mavvievery inconsistent behaviour: for zap channels you do need agi->answer, for SIP channels you don't need it.
03:14.13*** join/#asterisk johndbritton (
03:14.45johndbrittonI've checked my authentication multiple times, anyone know of a way I can troubleshoot this error "[Feb  6 03:11:00] WARNING[9181]: chan_sip.c:8272 check_auth: username mismatch, have <102>, digest has <1 02>"
03:19.17lunaphytezobia: oh, i just have a really old 12sp+
03:22.29zobialunaphyte: do you know how to call a skinny channel in the dialplan?
03:22.47zobialunaphyte: is it like dial(skinny/phonenumber|30|r)?
03:22.55lunaphytei call mine like this: exten => 1151,1,Dial(SCCP/1151,20,tr)   ; cisco 12sp
03:23.28zobiastill use sccp? oh sorry i forget you are not using chan_skinny.
03:23.54zobiai use both sccp and skinny to dialthat phone. bot said could not create channel type sccp or skinny.
03:24.07zobialunaphyte: thank you anyway for help
03:24.13lunaphyteaside from 800, 888, 877, and 866, are there other toll-free area codes?
03:24.35Frogzoomosty: in what way sangoma's better than the digium analogue cards?
03:24.42lunaphytei saw a reference to 844, 844, 833 and 822 - but it sounded like those may not yet be in use?
03:24.56lunaphytezobia: sure, sorry i couldn't be more help
03:25.08mostyFrogzoo, better sound quality, better debugging utils, better driver
03:26.07Frogzoobetter driver than digium? that's a big call
03:26.38zobialunaphyte: no problem. hope i canfind that developer who suggest me to use chan_skinny
03:27.12Corydon76-digBetter driver?  That's weird, since Sangoma's driver is essentially a bastardized Digium driver
03:27.24zobia@Qwell: hello, do you know "could not create skinny channel" if i already load the module for ?
03:27.47mostywanpipe just hooks into zaptel
03:28.18Corydon76-digAccording to some of the module authors, it does so in a potentially dangerous way
03:28.37mostyrecent versions of wanpipe don't even patch zaptel
03:28.58mostyi've never had irq issues with wanpipe
03:29.05Corydon76-digSo they finally fixed their stuff?  That's good.  Digium has also fixed their sound quality issues.
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03:29.53mostyi never had problems with wanpipe+zaptel anyway
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03:36.39pigpenthis is great...I do 15 pages in a row, to 60 great.
03:36.50pigpentake a piss, come back....first one bombs the server.
03:36.58pigpenwell, bombs asterisk anyway.
03:37.48RobbaDial Plan
03:38.01Robbacan someone take a look and tell me whats wrong?
03:38.40eric2anyone ever use asterisk fax? or get faxing going using g.711?
03:39.02mostyeric2, it's unreliable, even on a LAN
03:39.41pigpenI use asterisk/iaxmodem/hylafax with great success.
03:39.50pigpen(you see, it doesn't include paging, so I am ok...)
03:40.24MavvieI have given up on faxing with asterisk after I talked to the person who made libdspan and ap_[rt]xfax.
03:40.37eric2so in general, should I just forget about the faxing setup? I'd like fax to email... but sending fax's is the issue at hand
03:40.50MavvieI'm now back to a DSP card with enough memory to do everything in hardware.
03:40.51eric2hmm, not good to hear Mavvie  :(
03:41.34Mavvieeric2: it might work fine on the USA phonesystem, but outside the USA its euhm.... three times nothing.
03:41.37pigpenonce again, I have several good size deployments using asterisk/iaxmodem/hylafax.
03:41.50pigpendelivery to great.
03:41.55eric2I'm within north america
03:42.07mostyeric2, hylafax works well, but i would never recommend using sip or iax anywhere on the fax call path
03:42.37pigpeneric2, yeah, I am in Texa
03:42.39eric2pigpen, are you within north america?
03:42.43Mavviemgetty+sendfax + hylafax work like a charm here.
03:42.53pigpeniaxmodem is local, so no issues.
03:43.03eric2iaxmodem, is that software?
03:43.06pigpenie: never touches the ethernet segment.
03:43.19eric2hylafax I"ve seen before somewhere
03:43.29eric2so your setup is working over g.711?
03:43.51eric2oh ya, iax?
03:43.59eric2I'll have to read up on what you're using
03:44.00pigpeniaxmodem is a iax client to asterisk.
03:44.17pigpenhylafax uses iaxmodem, well, as a modem.
03:44.25mostypigpen, how do you send faxes with iaxmodem? ie how do your end users use it?
03:44.46pigpenyou can split iaxmodem and hylafax, but not iaxmodem and asterisk.
03:45.00pigpenI use a hylafax client....iaxmodem is behind the scenes.
03:45.39mostypigpen, ahh, i use a dedicated machine for hylafax, so i have no need to asterisk in that setup
03:45.39eric2so do you have a normal gateway like a linksys 2102 with the legacy fax connected to it?
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03:46.19eric2what does the physical setup look like?
03:46.20pigpenif I have any legacy fax's, I connect them directly to an fxs off the asterisk box.
03:46.50eric2I'm all digital
03:47.24pigpendefine you have lcd's where your eyes are?
03:47.37pigpenJohnny Neumonic?
03:48.34eric2all my client phones connect to asterisk remotely
03:48.39eric2asterisk is not running on site
03:48.58eric2typical hosted setup
03:49.05drmessanoGetting the fax TO asterisk over SIP is iffy at best
03:49.10pigpenthen use a client software.
03:49.46mostyeric2, fax over voice over ip is never going to work well
03:50.06pigpenwell, put a small box locally, running hylafax, have it use the modems (iaxmodem) remotely.... it backwards.
03:51.00pigpenthat would be having the customer manage their own fax server.
03:51.54eric2ok, so let me repeat my muffled understanding.. have a computer running locally with hylafax running on it
03:51.59pigpenI have had pretty good success using a remote asterisk box via an iax trunk, with on the remote side, having a 24port fxs, connected to a fax...
03:52.02pigpengood results.
03:52.22pigpenbut the link is a DS3
03:52.38eric2I wanted to stay away from any additional hardware.. now I see its all just a pipe dream
03:54.04pigpenmay be easier just to have them pick up a few flat lines, probably need them for alarm systems anyway.
03:54.21RobbaOk can someone help with my extensions.conf file
03:54.33eric2ask away Robba
03:54.53Robbathats the dial plan
03:55.17Robbabut we have a 10 Channel ISDN circuit and only one person can dial out at once
03:55.56Robbaexample is i'm on the phone no one else can dial out
03:56.02mostyrobba: you are only dialing over a single zap channel
03:56.21Robbahow do i fix this?
03:56.31pigpenuse a group.
03:56.37pigpenor G0
03:56.41pigpendepending on glare.
03:56.42mostydial(ZAP/g1/...etc) not dial(ZAP/1/...etc)
03:56.55pigpenmosty, beat you...but yours was prettier.
03:57.04Robbacause i had g0 in originally
03:57.06scooby2Whats the proper way to set "default gateway" for zaptel in 1.4? I was using ZAP/g2 in 1.2
03:57.09Robbabut it didn't work
03:57.16*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
03:57.28mostyRobba, you need to define groups in zapata.conf
03:57.57RobbaJT from this channel re wrote my Zapata.conf
03:58.13pigpensure...blame it on JT....
03:58.16Robbawant me to pastebin zapata?
03:58.28Robbai'm not laying blame
03:58.43Robbaafter he fixed that my ISDN actually connected
03:58.53scooby2thats it the zapata group
03:59.24*** part/#asterisk RoyK (
04:01.53pigpenmosty, man, I have done like 50 pages in a row, like 15 seconds issue.
04:01.56pigpenweird eh?
04:02.08pigpenSeems like if the system has been idle, it happens then.
04:02.38*** join/#asterisk joez212 (
04:02.41joez212i got it working!
04:02.46joez212thanks for everyone who helped me
04:03.01JTRobba: was it a different version of zap/ast that fixed it?
04:03.42Robbanah when you changed my zaptel and zapata, it just seemed to work
04:03.44mostypigpen, submit a bug report
04:03.48*** join/#asterisk weazahl_ (
04:04.05JTRobba: oh ok, i don't remember you telling me this :P
04:04.07pigpenwell, I would like to have more rhyme and reason...but yeah, I plan to.
04:04.20drmessanoAt least I have chicken
04:04.21Robbawell i also reinstalled as well
04:05.14joez212so ya
04:05.46joez212centos sucks
04:05.46Robbaso when i reinstalled and put in your zapata.conf and zaptel.conf it all seemed to come together
04:05.46joez212debian is currently my favourite * os
04:05.46scooby2This crack asterisk dCAp certified guru made us this IVR and it looks like he copied our 1.2 ivr and added waitexten. When you call it it hangs up after the
04:05.59scooby2should the WaitExten be moved down?
04:10.16Robbaok after changing to g0 it still doesn't seem to work
04:11.03Robbai see
04:11.06JTG1 or g1
04:11.07scooby2you have group=1 in your zapata.conf
04:11.14JTthey just dial in different orders
04:11.36JTRobba: change channel to 1-10
04:11.43JTsince you only have 10
04:11.54JTyou were probably trying to dial from the highest number down
04:11.59JTand since it's fractional pri
04:12.02JTit was failing
04:12.14JTonly modify zapata.conf
04:12.18JTleave zaptel as is
04:13.08pigpenjust in case anyone is wondering:
04:13.21pigpeng1 dial out 1,2,3,4.....
04:13.30pigpenG1 dial out 10,9,8,7.....
04:13.42pigpenthis is for glare consideration...
04:14.02pigpenie: your telco probably sends in calls on channels 1,2,3,4....
04:14.16pigpenso you would want to dial out 10,9,8,7,....
04:18.35JTit probably makes little difference on a pri though
04:18.44pigpenheavy use it does.
04:18.54pigpenand I have 4
04:19.55JTin the case of asterisk dialling out at the exact same instance as an incoming call?
04:21.00joez212my extensions.conf has this
04:21.18joez212exten => 9250,1,dial)sip/9250,20)
04:21.24joez212next line is hangup
04:21.35joez212i thought I could dial 1000 and hear the voicemail services
04:21.59joez212or should i use the default extensions.conf?
04:24.21*** join/#asterisk dudes (
04:27.16pigpenJT, it was more of a bitch fest with a telco.
04:27.26pigpenodd things were happening, glare came up.
04:27.44pigpentelco's like to bitch if they see this when things are happening and they don't know what to do.
04:27.57pigpenBut I have seen oddities with the glare incorrect...yes.
04:28.18*** join/#asterisk Swabby (n=e741533@
04:28.32SwabbyHey. Just a quick question. What do folks typically use for the DHCP server on an Asterisk System?
04:28.34dudesTeleco's seem to be going into the toilet the last few years
04:28.50phixSwabby: I use bind9
04:28.56pigpenYeah, but ATT will come around....  :)
04:29.06pigpenafter they split.
04:29.10scooby2ma bell is back
04:29.10Swabbyphix: I was thinking about buying a switch that did this. Do you recommend running bind on the asterisk server instead?
04:29.15phixI have a spanking new TDM400p card with 3 FXS modules
04:29.39phixI can only get two working
04:30.08joez212does the default extensions.conf allow you dial 1000 from a sip extension and check voicemail, etc
04:30.10phixI tried shuffeling the modules around, and they all work, it is just the third and forth doesn't. the first and second do
04:30.23dudesperhaps a config issue
04:30.29phixI am thinking configu issue
04:31.00phixbut I have fxo_ks=1-3 in /etc/zapatel.conf and I define them in /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf
04:31.03joez212* is tricky to setup
04:31.08phixany ideas?
04:31.15dudesit's strange how the configs work in the en
04:31.25phixAny one experienced a similar prog and resolved ot?
04:31.35phixprog = prob
04:31.50dudesperhaps try setting 1-2 and 3-4 sep
04:32.06phixI tried setting them all seperate
04:32.31dudesI've never done one of those cards but if the config is anything like having multiple t410p's
04:32.35Mavviemy boss wants me to install trixbox to overcome this problem:
04:32.41Mavviethen he wants me to do it with SER.
04:33.04dudestrixbox --- OpenSER
04:33.05DaejeoMavvie: who is ur boss?
04:33.26SwabbyWe're using VoiP phones, Has anyone hooked it up where it's SEPERATE from the other "network" inhouse and had a switch with dhcp in which the phones connect?
04:33.32phixdudes: ok, hmmmm so what are my choices?
04:33.45scooby2Swabby: yes
04:33.47Mavvieand finally he found a new codebase call Yate which I now need to install and make it in.
04:33.51joez212interesting set of problems on here
04:33.51dudesI'm thinking try to pair 1-2 and then run 3
04:33.56phixdudes: I have signed up to the mailing list, should I ask there?
04:34.13phixdudes: done :) doesnt work
04:34.36dudesare all the modules fxo's?
04:34.44phixdudes: It makes the same sound as if zaptel isn't running (I hear whatever goes into my mic)
04:34.54phixwith fxo signalling
04:35.10dudesI know, they are fxo
04:35.18dudesit's all ass backwards hehe
04:35.30phixthe actual module on the card are FXS
04:35.41*** join/#asterisk pc600 (n=fewa@
04:35.57phixThey provide 3 more lines to an existing PBX system
04:35.59dudesI thought your config was fxx
04:36.08dudeserr fxs, but I"m drunk so
04:36.09Swabbyscooby: do you have a paticular model you recommend from a hardware switch perspective?
04:36.17phixdudes: :)
04:36.25phixdudes: what you drinking? :)
04:36.33drmessanodudes: I gave up FXS and FXO.. I use FXP now
04:36.37phixor jsut a figure of speach?
04:36.40drmessanoFXP pwns
04:36.43pc600Scenario problem:  I have an office in another state (USA) with 5 people.  I would like them to use our private WAN going to this location for VoIP.  How do I get a DID to them?  I have a PRI in another state, but I Can't get out-of-state (or lata) DIDs from the telco.
04:36.47dudessome Michelob Draft
04:37.08scooby2Swabby: you can always run dhcp on your asterisk box. just make sure it has two interfaces. One for the phone network and one for the normal network.
04:37.09dudesnot my prime choice but beer left over from the weekend
04:37.24pc600scooby2 - Or trunk one port :)
04:37.30scooby2or that
04:37.31phixdudes: ok, not a big beer fan my self.  Bourbon++; for me
04:37.55dudesphix - I prefer whiskey myself, but it's rare to find anyone willing to go shot for shot
04:38.02drmessanoWarm Brandy and a snuff pipe FTW, old chap
04:38.18Swabbyscooby: i wouldn't need an extra interface if i was using a card for Analog lines though right?
04:38.21pc600Anyone have any advice for my DID problem?
04:38.25drmessanoJohnny Walker Red Label is the best for figuring out problems
04:38.41dudesI like Michael Collins Blend
04:38.42drmessanoJohnnie rather
04:39.40drmessanoIf Black Label will get just a LITTLE cheaper, i'll start investing in it more.. Much better stuff
04:40.22Swabbythat's funny. My name is John Walker..people mention red all the time
04:41.18drmessanoSwabby, you and I have met on many occasions
04:41.20*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
04:41.24dudes<drmessano> - give a bottle of Mick's a chance --- not much cheaper but man, freeze it up and put it on the rocks
04:41.32dudesit's good
04:42.05drmessanoI can tell you what to AVOID.. Dewars
04:42.27drmessanoDewars is blended from the worlds finest goat piss
04:42.42dudesnever tried let alone heard of it
04:43.23drmessanoWhen I was a tee.... when I reached legal drinking age, I used to drink that stuff all the time.. I spent more time hungover than drunk.. and I would be sick for days afterwards
04:43.44dudesthat's like Phillips then
04:43.53drmessanoGetting even slightly better Scotch made all the difference
04:44.03Swabbynice hehehe
04:44.07dudesI off times wonder about that
04:44.37dudesat the end of the day it's booze, but certain booze seems to be better for the system yes
04:45.20Frogzoowhat's the pathname to the dialplan?
04:45.25dudesI say die Phillips, except root 100 if managed right
04:45.26drmessanoI've learned as I have gotten older that cheap alcohol is just that.. cheap.. in every way.. Better stuff is worth it, not just for taste, but for the lack of rat poison and goat piss they use in the cheap stuff
04:45.45dudesI agree
04:46.10dudesI'd rather drop $40 on a decent bottle than be overly sick the next morning --- vs days
04:46.11drmessanoYou can also drink LESS and get MORE from it
04:46.28dudesagreed, cause it taste better, at least in my case
04:46.48drmessanoCheap alcohol is good for chugging a bunch and passing out
04:46.51drmessanoFor $10, sure
04:46.58dudesAlthough I kind of like Cherry Coke and Black Velvet
04:47.15dudesbut it's not my choice, but I just like it sometimes
04:47.31dudesbut I steer away from it cause I'm boycotting Canadians
04:47.52drmessanoSo no Elsinore beer for you?
04:48.19*** part/#asterisk joez212 (
04:48.23dudesCanadians are pissing right and proper lately
04:48.43dudesAmericans are lazy but they take the cake
04:48.49drmessanoI'm not going to boycott Molson
04:48.52drmessanoNot for anyone
04:49.09dudesnever tried Molson but I liked commercials
04:49.15Frogzoois the dialplan a single file - or an aggregation done by asterisk from everything in /etc/asterisk/ ?
04:49.18*** join/#asterisk jameswf-home (
04:49.33dudesFrogzoo - it's like one time with includes
04:49.38jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
04:49.48drmessanojameswf-home knows what I am talking about
04:49.55Frogzoodudes: thanks - what's the default file?
04:49.58drmessanoMolson Canadian is good stuff
04:50.18dudesI prefer Killians myself
04:50.28drmessanoKillians is good
04:50.37Frogzoodudes: thanks - calling it dialplan.conf might be better, but all clear, thanks
04:50.42dudesI love red beer provided it's brewed right
04:51.04dudesI don't develop it so talk to the devs hehe
04:51.13*** join/#asterisk [DS]LynxW (
04:51.57drmessanoSomeone laughed and argued with me a few weeks ago, but 2008 is clearly the year of the "Call Me" button
04:52.04[DS]LynxWHello, I need help getting rid of a squelch issue..
04:52.15dudesCall me?
04:52.17drmessanoTurn the RF Gain off
04:52.22drmessanoWeb "Call Me" buttons
04:52.28[DS]LynxWTE220 with PRI between Telco and Nortel MICS
04:52.32dudesoh that bullshit
04:52.39dudeserr, pardon me french
04:52.53[DS]LynxWtx and rxgain = 0
04:53.04dudesI've made about 2k the last year from the web call stuff
04:53.05[DS]LynxWand it appears to be CPU or NIC related.. not quite sure yet.
04:53.09dudesso whatever you knw
04:53.19Frogzoodrmessano: 2009?
04:53.30drmessanoMy prediction for 2009?
04:53.40[DS]LynxWbut I was getting messages about "Losing some ticks... checking if CPU frequency changed."
04:53.54[DS]LynxWbut google tells me it is an SMP problem. .and I'm not running an SMP kernel.
04:53.57Frogzoodrmessano: no, I think it will take til then
04:54.08drmessanoIt's already taking
04:54.11drmessanoLook around
04:54.12JT[DS]LynxW: what's zttest like?
04:54.18[DS]LynxWbut, the test to reproduce the issue is 'ls -R /' and see what happens..
04:54.35dudeshave you checked for a interrupt issue?
04:54.40dudesor are you running x?
04:55.15[DS]LynxWnot that I'm proud.. but it's on a celeron 3.0Ghz.. 512MB RAM.. but 313MB is free..
04:55.16dudesyou are getting "squel" in your phones
04:55.24[DS]LynxWNot really..
04:55.30dudesand you ask questions hehe
04:55.36[DS]LynxWit's kinda like a digital squelch..
04:55.40dudessorry I couldn't help myself
04:55.50dudesare you transcoding?
04:56.07dudesif you are from ulaw to g729 ....
04:56.08[DS]LynxWNot that I know of, but how can I tell to make sure?
04:56.26dudesshow "your tech " channels
04:56.29[DS]LynxWWell, right now I have my cell phone dialed into a meetme.. and it's sitting on hold.
04:56.41[DS]LynxWevery once in a while I hear it.
04:56.43jameswf-homedrmessano: you going to SC
04:56.54dudesso you're thinking interference
04:57.00*** join/#asterisk saint_ (
04:57.04dudescat /proc/interrupts
04:57.18drmessanojameswf-home: I wish
04:57.26dudesif you have a NIC shared with another device or a hardware borad shared
04:57.35dudeschange it up
04:57.51[DS]LynxWDang.. what's the nopaste place again?
04:57.55drmessanoMy current employer can't spell VoIP, and I can't out-of-pocket it right now
04:58.11jameswf-homecant sell voip?
04:58.29jameswf-homeoh lol
04:59.13jameswf-homehave you played with the joe roper thing
04:59.20drmessanoAnother reason i've been searching for a new job lol
04:59.31dudeswhat do you do now
04:59.46jameswf-homewere hiring for tech support :)
05:00.02drmessanoBroadcast (Radio) IT and Engineering
05:00.06drmessano7 stations
05:00.14drmessano7x the headaches
05:00.25drmessanoyeah lol
05:00.35*** join/#asterisk LakeSolon (
05:00.41[DS]LynxWdudes: I really think it could be NIC related..
05:00.46jameswf-homeclearchannel was a 4 letter word in washington
05:00.51[DS]LynxWI'll have to check to see what slots are available.
05:00.55dudesis there a issue with your NIC
05:01.04dudesif it is, fix the issue, or replace it
05:01.05[DS]LynxWNot that I know of really.
05:01.17[DS]LynxWand it's 100 FD
05:01.18dudesdid you cat /proc/interrupts ?
05:01.25*** join/#asterisk AJayMN (
05:01.29drmessanojameswf-home: I promise not to make you say things to get you in trouble with your boss, if you agree to do the same
05:01.35[DS]LynxW(11:59:15 PM) [DS]LynxW:
05:01.37dudesand is there a shared resource
05:02.09Robbayou there JT?
05:02.12[DS]LynxWHell, at this point.. I'll pull the NIC out just for testing.
05:02.58dudesthe question is --- is it sharing
05:03.04scooby2anyone willing to share a working 1.4 ivr example w/ Directory
05:03.10jameswf-homedrmessano: your like right next door to sc...
05:03.13drmessanoI've had a lot of good experience, but i've far outgrown what I am doing all day.. I may as well be working at McDonalds when it comes to what I know vs. what I get to apply all day
05:03.25dudesit looks like it is with your USB maybe
05:03.32drmessano5 hour drive to CHS
05:03.36[DS]LynxW10:      17222          XT-PIC  uhci_hcd, uhci_hcd, eth0
05:03.44dudestry disabling that in your bios
05:03.57Robbamosty you there?
05:04.00LakeSolonIs there a way to make Asterisk use one interface for one trunk, and the other interface for another?
05:04.04[DS]LynxWCan do.. I'll be back in a little bit.. thanks..
05:04.12jameswf-homeI should encourage my goss to pony up for a car and gas money to tour the region
05:04.21mostyRobba, for about the next 2 minutes
05:04.26Robbalol ok
05:04.33Robbaquick question for you
05:04.51Robbaexten => 101,1,VoiceMailMain(${CALLERIDNUM}@${CONTEXT})
05:04.53dudes<drmessano>  - you do any coding?
05:05.09Robbaresponds back with extension not found
05:05.13drmessanoI dabble.. Nothing to write home about
05:05.34dudesno specialties in general then
05:05.54drmessanoNot coding-wise
05:06.11Robbaany ideas?
05:06.29jameswf-homei wrote home and drmessanoyour famous
05:06.34*** join/#asterisk SwK (
05:06.38dudeswhat are you making how?
05:06.40dudeserr now?
05:06.54pc600Scenario problem:  I have an office in another state (USA) with 5 people.  I would like them to use our private WAN going to this location for VoIP.  How do I get a DID to them?  I have a PRI in another state, but I Can't get out-of-state (or lata) DIDs from the telco.
05:07.11dudesyou do any marketing, sales, type work?
05:08.06VitoCorleonI have a Cisco 7960 setup to a Asterisk box. Incoming works great but when i dial out i get "Reorder", any help please?
05:08.14pc600jameswf-home - There's probably more money in it :)
05:08.27dudesperhaps pc600
05:08.28drmessanoI could probably handle sales..
05:08.57jameswf-homeI work for a manufacturer as long as there are companies out there using asterisk I should have a job :)
05:09.17drmessanoI've spent years learning to win arguments with salespeople
05:09.19dudeswhat are they making
05:09.25drmessanoI could probably outsell some of them too
05:09.46jameswf-homeDude I get to go out and talk about open source software and computers to people its not realy sales its a hobby I get money to do
05:09.49dudesI was good as a teen telemarketing
05:10.07dudesbut I'm f'n awesome selling my shizat
05:10.21VitoCorleonanyone here taht can help me?
05:10.29jbotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there, just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
05:10.29drmessanoIn our case, I know more about the product than they do.. I know the signals, I get waaay to involved in the programming side, so I know what we have on the air.. Most of them are clueless
05:11.06VitoCorleonjameswf-home,  my question was clear  :)
05:11.16[TK]D-FenderVitoCorleon, Pastebin the CLI output with SIP debug enabled for you call attempt.
05:11.19jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
05:11.26dudes<drmessano> - I'm just thinking, but a friend in Ireland and I are trying to get things booking with what we do ...
05:11.34FrogzooVitoCorleon: apparently not
05:11.51dudesand we will have a open spot --- that's why I'm wondering what you're making now.
05:11.58[DS]LynxWeth0 is no longer shared.. but I'm still getting it.
05:12.01jameswf-homeno VitoCorleon no one can help you the room only has 1 doctor which is drmessano but he is an OB/GYN so
05:12.25drmessanoNo offense, but I shy away from random job offers from startups on IRC.. lol
05:12.34dudes[DS]LynxW - kill process running that aren't required
05:12.45drmessanoYes, is there crowning?  Can you see the feet?
05:12.48dudesrun 'top' too see your CPU killer
05:12.58drmessanoHow dialated is she?
05:13.08dudes<drmessano> - no problem there
05:13.10drmessanoHave you any sheets or towels
05:13.19[DS]LynxWI have top running..
05:13.24dudesbut if you're interested in the least you can reach in #gnudialer
05:13.27[DS]LynxWnothing is really a CPU killer.. that's what gets me.
05:13.32RobbaOk in my extensions.conf file i have exten => 101,1,VoiceMailMain(${CALLERIDNUM}@${CONTEXT}) in the [services] context. [services] are included, when dialling 101 i can't get to voice mail it just responds with extension 101 not found, does anyone have any clue as to what could be causing this?
05:13.42[DS]LynxWaverage: 0.02, 0.13, 0.08
05:13.50[DS]LynxWand the .13 was starting back up.
05:14.15dudesI'm always on and always busy --- but even if not a full time gig you can make some extra cash
05:14.18[DS]LynxWI see kjournald pop to the top once in a while..
05:16.07jameswf-homeif we did a fork called xobxirt do you think they would get steamed
05:16.28drmessanothats too good
05:16.41drmessanoGotta have a slogan to get EVERYONE on board
05:16.51drmessanoxobxirt: "I'd hit it"
05:16.51dudes<drmessano> - just an offer, don't take it serious, but I often times could use help with support and I pay well
05:16.55jameswf-homepronounced zobzirt
05:17.14drmessanodudes, thanks.. something to consider :)
05:17.31[DS]LynxWjameswf-home: if the repositories worked.. it'd be golden. :)
05:17.36drmessanojameswf-home, we can make viral videos of geeks proclaiming "I'd hit it"
05:17.58drmessanoand then have them wearing xobxirt t-shirts
05:18.17drmessanoIt's just dumb enough..
05:18.27RobbaOk in my extensions.conf file i have exten => 101,1,VoiceMailMain(${CALLERIDNUM}@${CONTEXT}) in the [services] context. [services] are included, when dialling 101 i can't get to voice mail it just responds with extension 101 not found, does anyone have any clue as to what could be causing this?
05:18.28[TK]D-FenderRobba, pastebin is your friend.
05:18.35jameswf-homewe should make xobxirt shirts anyway and sell em on cafe press
05:18.41[TK]D-FenderRobba, And stop spamming the same question over and over again.
05:18.48[DS]LynxWWell... damn.. This is a test system anyway.. I guess it's time to purchase the production system and install from scratch.
05:18.59Robbawell the bot said to ask the same question
05:19.07Robbai made it as concise as possible
05:19.13[TK]D-FenderRobba, we heard it the first time, so if we knew the answer, or felt like answering your question based on the way you asked it you'd have heard from us.
05:19.48[DS]LynxWRobba: I'm hear for help as well, but what is in your voicemail.conf?
05:19.58jameswf-homeI am going to ask tony's graphic designer to make a logo
05:20.03drmessanoxobxirt CE "clean edition"   and we can do one with 70% of the GUI full of adsense and call it SE "Sellout Edition"
05:20.11[TK]D-Fender[DS]LynxW : wrong approach....
05:20.21[DS]LynxW[TK]D-Fender: my bad..
05:20.27[DS]LynxWI'll stick to my problem then.
05:21.11[TK]D-Fender[DS]LynxW, s'ok.... start at the point of origin of the problem which is to say "look at what is happening", not "look at some config thinging the problem is there without examining the evidence as it happens.
05:21.38drmessano[TK]D-Fender: Fine, insult how the rest of us troubleshoot ;)
05:21.54[DS]LynxWso maybe tail /var/log/asterisk/full first?
05:22.16[TK]D-Fender[DS]LynxW, CLI + live debug.   Debug log files = waste of time.
05:22.19[DS]LynxWor set verbose 3 to 'see' what asterisk is doing?
05:22.30[DS]LynxWwell, you have tail -f as well.
05:22.31[TK]D-Fender[DS]LynxW, max out CLI.
05:22.38[DS]LynxWand I think the logs have more info, don't they?
05:22.47[DS]LynxWah.. higher verbose?
05:23.00[TK]D-Fender[DS]LynxW, I like 10 personally.  It feels substantial.
05:23.03dudesthe best debug is some bloody printf's in asterisk code
05:23.24drmessanoSet verbose at 10 and watch your problem fix itself in front of your eyes
05:23.27[TK]D-Fenderdudes, valuable if you're trying to track a problem at the source level.
05:23.38dudesisn't the trend eh
05:23.55dudesin my case anyway
05:24.04[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano, or perhaps at least announce itself blatantly which is the case in the vast majority of cases.
05:24.09jameswf-homecore set verbose 999999999999999999999
05:24.20drmessanoWell, thats sorta what I meant :)
05:24.22[DS]LynxWWouldn't it be 'set verbose 666'?
05:24.27dudesthat doesn't do crap except waste time
05:24.33drmessanoThe feeling of "Oh shit.. there it is"
05:24.38[TK]D-FenderRobba, 45 ......Polo
05:24.56dudesdoes it really matter once you set debut over 100 ?
05:25.14[TK]D-FenderRobba, 61, *ICK* Deprecated
05:25.28Robbalol whoops...
05:25.44[TK]D-FenderRobba, 61-63 : _s is not a pattern.  That should simply be "s"
05:26.00[DS]LynxWWow.. so.. since I set verbose to 10.. I haven't heard the squelch.. good fix.. ;)
05:26.07dudesf'n bison heh
05:26.08[TK]D-FenderRobba, 70 again deprecated.
05:26.57[TK]D-FenderRobba, And the "mystery factor" for 70 is "where are all of these variables, some of which dangerously named actually being set?"
05:28.15dudescurious, [TK]D-Fender, what do you do?
05:28.42dudesI've seen you around for years, I'm simply curious
05:28.55jameswf-homedudes: mostly women I imagine
05:29.13dudesperhaps --- but women do get on IRC so
05:29.31*** part/#asterisk Swabby (n=e741533@
05:29.42jbot[TK]D-Fender is the Zen Master of the blatantly obvious, and #asterisk 's resident Google-proxy.
05:30.06[TK]D-Fenderdudes, full-time head of IT for non tech company, freelance */general IT consultant
05:30.25drmessanoI'm sure there's a lot of women on IRC using male nicks
05:30.28dudesaccording to jbot
05:30.32[TK]D-Fenderdudes, as far as tech goes.  personal stuff is a huge list
05:30.41[TK]D-Fenderdudes, ....
05:30.43jbotrumour has it, jbot is a hack!, or known to have only said one useful thing. a tool, or dating the fembots, or  [TK]D-Fender's b*tch
05:30.56jbotBe most excellent to each other!
05:30.59*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
05:31.01jboti guess drmessano is the leading cause of censorship in #asterisk
05:31.17dudesthat's funny
05:31.18[TK]D-FenderParty tiem!
05:31.34[DS]LynxWThanks for all your help.. time to go home.  I'll see if installing the TE220 on a production box AKA, not celeron with only 512MB RAM helps my situation.  if Not.. I'm sure I'll be back.
05:31.36[DS]LynxWThanks again.
05:31.52dudeswhy 512
05:32.05[DS]LynxWWell, it was a test system.
05:32.08drmessanoAs much as I hated Bill and Ted 2, best scene:  Grim Reaper "You sank my battleship"
05:32.19dudesbut a gig is cheap
05:32.20[DS]LynxWthat I kept growing.. and then this started happening..
05:32.28[DS]LynxWIt was what was laying around at the time.
05:32.36[DS]LynxWand it has 300MB free..
05:32.43dudesmakes sense then --- bugt
05:32.56[DS]LynxWBut, switching to a gigabit NIC and real server will probably help.
05:33.03dudesbut ram isn't your issue
05:33.11jameswf-homejbot: What's mine say
05:33.12jbotdude! ... What's Mine Say?
05:33.15[DS]LynxWI think it's processing.. but I'm still not sure.
05:33.27dudesa gigabit isn't going to fix your issue
05:33.33dudesit's more a chipset issue
05:33.42drmessano~leeroy jenkins
05:33.43jbotextra, extra, read all about it, leeroy jenkins is a hero to us all.
05:33.49[DS]LynxWYeah. the box I'm using isn't ideal.
05:34.04dudesas it seems
05:34.07[DS]LynxWthe onboard NIC isn't even supported under Linux yet.
05:34.25Robbathanks [TK]D-Fender
05:34.28[DS]LynxWso I had to toss in a different one. again.. from parts laying around.
05:34.35[DS]LynxWI'm going to order a nice Dell server for it..
05:34.41Robbaseems to be ok now
05:34.53[DS]LynxWnow that the project has been proven.. and this problem has just crept up.. as we kept adding SIP phones..
05:35.00scooby2good ole centos 5.1/asterisk 1.4.17 crashing about something smp on a single cpu server
05:35.01drmessanoRealtek 8139 FTW
05:35.14[TK]D-FenderRobba, Now see I had to decode that from your dialplan code itself.  I could have pinpointed a specific issueif I had seen the actual CALL like I asked.
05:35.38[TK]D-FenderRobba, So I spouted of the top 10 things I saw wrong and hopefully caught your issue in the process.
05:35.53*** part/#asterisk UnixDog (
05:36.04[DS]LynxWGoodnight guys.
05:36.07drmessano#1 rule of asking for help is knowing how to ask for help
05:36.33dudesor a decent question that appears well informed
05:36.39[TK]D-Fender#2 rule of asking for help is showing the right stuff for us to be able to help you
05:36.51Robbaon verbose 13 it jsut said the extension could not be found
05:37.10dudeswhich would probably entitle the obvious
05:37.16[TK]D-Fender#3 rule of asking for help, is being proactive enough not to make us beat #1 & 2 out of you over a drawn out process
05:37.17drmessanoI was gonna say "If you don't know what the problem is, you wouldnt be asking for help, so you can't effectively tell me/us what we do or do not need to see"
05:37.45jbot1 is a number, silly
05:37.47[TK]D-FenderRobba, You are concentrating on the ERROR message when I'm sure the line its trying to EXECUTE would have made it obvious <-
05:37.53jbot#1 is probably more like it
05:37.55drmessano"My car is broke, I don't know what the problem is, but it's not the fuel injectors"
05:38.13Robbaok sorry guys
05:38.14jameswf-homenow what
05:38.14dudesperhaps your fuel rail is jacked
05:38.29dudesor your PCM is jacked up
05:38.37drmessanoor you're out of gas?
05:38.51dudesthen your fuel pump is sucking air
05:38.55jameswf-homeMy tires are flat could it be cause I just changed my oil
05:39.05dudesyes for sure hehe
05:39.18drmessanoI had a user tell me her monitor was going out on her
05:39.27Mavvieheh... I can't use AGI because it will hangup when the call is dropped, and I can't use DeadAGI because the call isn't dropped yet.
05:39.39drmessanoI asked her if she was SURE it wasnt moved and to make sure the power cord was in the back firmly
05:39.40dudesI had a guy ask why his keyboard wasn't working --- after he moved his computer
05:39.49dudesperhaps --- it wasn't unplugged?
05:39.52MavvieAnd when I hangup the call it is going to the h extensions which I don't want to use for this purpose.
05:39.54dudesI don't know...
05:40.13drmessanoI get over there today.. and her monitor was 7 or 8 inches to the left of center, and she tells me "I figured it out.. it was the power cord"
05:40.48drmessanoShe moved it over, pulled the cord out just enough.. duh
05:40.57drmessanoLike I haven't dealt with morons for 10 years
05:41.06dudesShock and awe --- that name annoyed me during the beginning Iraq campaign
05:41.11drmessanoI know how you're going to fuck up before you even do it
05:41.25dudesat least we could have killed Saddam given the name --- and that's what it was for
05:42.03drmessanoObama will save us all, don't worry
05:42.10jameswf-homeI need to change the hologen fluid in my car... and switch the winter air to summer air
05:42.15drmessanoWhat was it a heard today..
05:43.13drmessanoOh, someone told me "You know how to get Georgians to not vote for Obama.. Throw a G in front of his name, so it's "GoBama".. they hate Alabama"
05:43.31drmessanoCorny but good
05:44.15dudesI kind of like Ron Paul
05:44.38dudesbecause, Ron Paul's got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one
05:44.50drmessanoDamnit, what was my line
05:45.07dudesI actually don't care for any of them but
05:45.09jameswf-homeput a pull an r add a g and e in ron paul is gone paul
05:45.17drmessanoPAUL IS DEAD
05:45.21dudesBut I'd probably vote for McCain if I do
05:45.29scooby2paul might run libertarian
05:45.40dudesgood for him
05:45.48drmessanoMcCain is cool.. If you're into 90 yr old men
05:45.58[TK]D-FenderRP is not spending the money he's collected to try to win.
05:46.00dudeshe's 76 I think
05:46.08jameswf-home~ron paul
05:46.10scooby2someday we may have a real third party
05:46.16drmessanoThere it is!
05:46.35dudeseveryone cried when Bob ran against Clinton
05:46.38dudeshe's alive
05:46.44dudesand he's a damn good person
05:46.45[TK]D-Fenderscooby2, GWB already talks in the thrid-person, what are you talking about?!?!
05:47.21drmessanoIf Hillary doesn't win the nomination, she can run as a Lesbitarian
05:47.44dudesI wish Dole wouldn
05:47.49jbotit has been said that hillary is see pole hugger
05:47.53dudeswould've won in 96'
05:48.26dudesI can't believe they are pushing a 3.1 trillion dollar budget
05:48.34dudesthat pisses me off
05:48.46jameswf-home~obama is <reply> yeah OBama is black like Michael Jackson is White
05:48.46jbot...but obama is already something else...
05:48.53[TK]D-Fenderdudes, That shouldn't be the problem... its the DEFICIT it comes with thats the problem.
05:49.03jbothmm... obama is a pimp
05:49.04lunaphytepole hugger?
05:49.04dudesthat's the end result isn't it
05:49.15jameswf-home~no obama is <reply> yeah OBama is black like Michael Jackson is White
05:49.15jbotokay, jameswf-home
05:49.17drmessanoI actually think Hillary will be a good president.. Obama isn't ready to handle the tabloid media, and Hillary has been in the spotlight for years..
05:49.26[TK]D-Fenderdudes, in this case yes, but say the part you really care about.
05:49.31lunaphyteoh please god no.
05:49.40dudesI care about where this Country is
05:49.41[TK]D-Fenderdudes, See people complain about stuff in the wrong way.
05:49.50drmessanoObama will spend his first 3 years answering for dead bodies and other assorted skeletons..
05:50.00dudesand it's the "I approve" all the time for this budget
05:50.01[TK]D-Fenderdudes, like for instance people say "I pay too much in taxes".
05:50.06dudesand it's been like that sicne 2002
05:50.14[TK]D-Fenderdudes, See My problem is that I don't pay ENOUGH taxes.
05:50.24dudeswhat do you pay?
05:50.40[TK]D-Fenderdudes, I need to owe $100,000K / month in taxes, but I don't.
05:50.50dudeswhy is that
05:51.06[TK]D-Fenderdudes, Because what you have to ask yourself is how much you have to EARN to owe that much :)
05:51.14drmessanoIt's not HOW MUCH we spend, it's how we spend it.. I'd trust the democrats with 3.1 trillion dollars before a republican
05:51.15[TK]D-Fenderdudes, You must learn PERSPECTIVE child!
05:51.42dudesif you had to pay 100k/mth you're making a lot
05:51.50[TK]D-Fenderdudes, See my problem? :)
05:52.08drmessanoI want to pay 100k a month in taxes too
05:52.17[TK]D-Fenderdudes, I'm not making millions... that's my problem.
05:52.36dudesif you're paying 100k/mth you're not makign millions a month
05:52.46drmessanoyes, you are
05:52.52dudesno you are not
05:52.58drmessanoYou fail at fractions
05:52.59scooby2no one pays $100k a month in taxes
05:53.12[TK]D-Fenderdudes, I also never attached a unit of measure in terms of currency or time, try not to assume one for me :)
05:53.15jbotAbout assumptions :
05:53.15dudesI do not fail at fractions
05:53.21scooby2little things called tax shelters
05:53.28drmessanoIf I make $1000 a month and pay $100 in taxes
05:53.31dudesthen you're being a ass
05:53.43dudesyou're paying a tid bit
05:53.44drmessanoI would pay $100,000 in taxes on $1 million a month
05:53.52drmessanoI want to pay $100,000 in taxes
05:54.00dudesif you paid 10%
05:54.08dudesbut who pays 10%
05:54.12drmessanoYou're still missing it
05:54.25dudeslet's stick with what is real
05:54.35jameswf-homeif you make 1,000,000 a month you have shelers so you pay like $6 bucks in taxes
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05:54.54scooby2jameswf-home: bingo
05:54.54drmessano[TK]D-Fender was trying to say he would like to be able to make enough money that he would be paying $100,000 in taxes, scaled up proportionally
05:54.59dudesmoney bags
05:55.01drmessanoDo you get it now?
05:55.23jameswf-homeIf you re paying 100,000 in taes fire your accountant
05:55.33jameswf-homedamn i cant type
05:55.46dudesafter you go over 120k you get some breaks
05:55.56RobbaThanks everyone for your help today.
05:56.07dudesso I hear anyway
05:56.27dudespersonally, taxes should be fair vs what we have now.
05:56.33jameswf-homeI have to tell my boss to pay me over 120k o i can see a tax break
05:56.50dudescause SS is such a drain
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05:57.12scooby2Warren Buffett keeps complaining that he pays less in tax then his administrative assistant does due to tax breaks and tax shelters
05:57.32dudescause the tax system is bull
05:57.33jameswf-homessi should be eliminated as far as a retirement income source
05:57.37dudesI wont argue
05:57.56dudesfamily should take care of their elders
05:58.04scooby2let us poor saps paying in put some part in our own fund
05:58.07dudesperiod, come on, take some responsibility
05:58.36dudesthey should axe the fed tax and leave it up to the state community as the consititution says
05:58.54dudesthe fed is there to protect the foreign interest of the union period
05:58.56drmessanoSo you wouldn't mind paying out $35,000 a year to support your elderly parents?
05:59.17dudesthis bullshit that's been since FDR crippled ass is crap
05:59.30*** join/#asterisk Robba (n=rob@
05:59.36dudesif it's not out of tax dollars and that's what it took
05:59.45dudesI'd get a second job
05:59.48RobbaSorry guys i have another one
06:00.30dudesthe point people need to take responsibility and quit thinking the government is going to fix it
06:00.43dudessocialism is communism and both are bad
06:01.39[TK]D-Fenderno, socialism and communism are not bad.  They are alternative system that have different inherent weaknesses
06:01.44Robba i hope this is what you require
06:02.21[TK]D-FenderRobba, And I told you that you were using something DEPRECATED on that line.  1 guess what it was...
06:02.49Robbai have no idea
06:02.54Robbai am a n00b
06:02.57Robbai admit that
06:03.03[TK]D-FenderRobba, look at the line, whats MISSING?
06:03.08jameswf-homeI depricated on the side of the road once after clearing a 5th of vodka
06:03.12dudesthey aren't bad if people were not selfish
06:03.17jbotDon't bother telling us you're a "newb" or a "n00b".  We can tell.
06:03.22[TK]D-FenderRobba, I don't care about newb.  "newb" does not mean "blind as a bat"
06:03.26dudesbut people are so insentive is key
06:03.37dudesbut I would't expect a tool to understand
06:03.51Robbathe username?
06:04.12[TK]D-FenderRobba, Stare at the output of your dialplan as its executed, and then stare at your dialplan code in extensions.conf.  What are you THINKGING you should see that you clearly are not getting?
06:04.25dudeserr, incentive
06:04.26Robbai am new to this, i am not sure whats supposed to be there
06:04.42[TK]D-FenderRobba, what is your line in extensions.conf trying to do?
06:05.02Robbaconnect to voice mail?
06:05.38dudes[TK]D-Fender - I don't know what world you live in, but the one I live in, people dont deserve shit
06:05.39[TK]D-FenderRobba, keep going... you are referencing a bunch of stuff there to a very specific end...
06:06.04dudesaside a swift kick in the ass cause they are cunts
06:06.28xcompasshi, you guys know fwdOut? is it dead?
06:06.35[TK]D-Fenderdudes, What your world lacks is a social support system that actually gets the PEOPLE to support it.
06:06.52Davieycommunism ftw
06:07.02Davieyor soclialism, meh
06:07.10dudesI have a well rounded support system thank you
06:07.23dudesI have a wealth of friends and friend I enjoy the company of
06:07.29Davieydudes: your sports bra?
06:07.42Robbaok sorry i just don't get it
06:07.51dudesI wear a sports bra cause I'm a lazy fat fuck
06:07.55Davieyoh dear, i'll get told off for that :(
06:08.43[TK]D-FenderRobba, please describe in detail exactly how and why that dialplan is being called, and why you are trying to call it the way you are.
06:08.49DavieyRobba: or voip-wiki
06:08.56DavieyCan you see what you are missing?
06:08.57*** join/#asterisk neonerz (i=18bb0206@gateway/web/ajax/
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06:09.04[TK]D-FenderDaviey, shhh
06:09.18[TK]D-FenderDaviey, Let him look at what he's doing.
06:09.21dudes<Daviey> - perhaps you people helping fucks should tell him eh!
06:09.33Davieydudes: why are you here?
06:09.40dudesto be a dick
06:10.02dudesyou limey fuck
06:10.08[TK]D-Fendercomic relief?  Warning to others?  Accident of birth? "random string theory remark here"?
06:10.21[TK]D-FenderCalm down people....
06:10.29dudesyea --- accident of birth eh
06:10.42dudesI wasn't an accident unlike your self from your whore mum
06:10.50Davieyoh geez
06:10.59[TK]D-Fenderdudes, you are a step away from a boot in the ass...
06:11.09dudesoh scared
06:11.19drmessano0 to "your mom" in 30 seconds.. welcome to IRC
06:11.28*** mode/#asterisk [+o [TK]D-Fender] by ChanServ
06:11.34jameswf-homeuh oh
06:12.11[TK]D-Fenderdudes, please just stop now already.
06:12.19drmessanoI've not seen anyone push to TK to the point that he OPs up... BRB, going to make popcorn
06:12.22*** join/#asterisk asteriskUser5443 (
06:12.34dudesyou started it with the accident comment
06:12.39dudesyou quit I shall too
06:12.55[TK]D-Fenderdudes, at the end of an obvious joke.
06:13.07asteriskUser5443anyone awake?
06:13.22DavieyHmm, can we wrap this up already - i want to see how it finishes, but i'll be late for work
06:13.23[TK]D-Fenderdudes, since it was a random pile of "I dunno, could be anythings".
06:13.32dudesI must have misplaced that memo =|
06:14.08Robbaok from what i can see, Voicemailmain tells it to connect to voicemail
06:14.12[TK]D-Fenderdudes, Check for Jimmy Hoffa while you're at it... who knows you might get lucky.
06:14.29RobbaCALLERIDNUM tells it to use the extension of the phone
06:14.37craigksorry to side track people, but i have a question :). I am using the Dial application to ring several phones at once: Dial(SIP/1&SIP/2). If I pick the call up on phone 1, when the call ends the CDR says it was picked up on phone 2. It seems that it is always being recorded as being taken by the last entry in the Dial ... anybody else seen this behaviour ?
06:14.41dudesif you say so
06:15.03SwKanyone remember what the service is where you can get CNAM over HTTP?
06:15.31[TK]D-FenderRobba, more like it uses the caller ID number.  But then again, this is the part that is deprecated.  That variable does not exist in 1.4
06:15.59[TK]D-FenderRobba, a fact you should notice because it immediately shows you the "@" without the number.
06:16.03asteriskUser5443Polycom question. They recently implemented a feature in their phones that when you press DND on the phone it notifies the sever about it. However despite the fact that it's in SIP specs current version if asterisk doesn't support it. Does the newest beta version have it?
06:16.09[TK]D-FenderRobba, "core show function CALLERID"
06:16.31[TK]D-FenderasteriskUser5443, Go check Mantis..... maybe it does.
06:16.46neonerzcraigk: just takeing a guess, but do you have a hangup priority?
06:16.50DavieyasteriskUser5443: then come back and let us know either way :)
06:17.16craigkneonerz: not that i am aware of
06:17.31*** mode/#asterisk [-o [TK]D-Fender] by [TK]D-Fender
06:18.07neonerzoh wait I misunderstood the question
06:18.17neonerzbut you should have a hangup priority anyway :)
06:18.20drmessanoRecall the bombers, and take us back to defcon 5 please
06:18.21Robbaok so what your saying is i should use CALLERID instead of CALLERIDNUM?
06:18.22dudes<asteriskUser5443> - Almost anything SIP in asterisk is a pain
06:18.27dudesDND for example
06:18.36dudesI wish it worked =)
06:18.38craigkI have added debug statements to the ast_cdr_setdestchan function and can see that the correct destChannel is set ... but during the hangup processing the incorrect one is set :(
06:18.50[TK]D-FenderRobba, You should be using the CALLERID function, not the deprecated variables.
06:19.24dudesI would think the phone would take care of that -- since it should be on that end -- at least I think it should any how
06:19.52neonerzcraigk: try throwing in a exten => h,1,Hangup at the end of the context
06:20.16neonerzI can't say it will solve your problem, but it's better then not having it
06:20.27asteriskUser5443So far the DND is the biggest issue. We're going to have 90 phones and it's either we use DND on the phone and the receptionist doesn't know the status or we dial in DND and the users have no way of seeing their status
06:20.34[TK]D-Fenderneonerz, Sorry, that really won't do anything of value.
06:20.56[TK]D-Fenderneonerz, thats saying "Don't quite.... I wanna quit first"
06:21.10[TK]D-Fenderneonerz, it'll only confuse your logs
06:21.12Robbasorry i didn't realise that value was no longer used
06:21.14dudesasteriskUser5443 - you ever considered using a FastAGI backend to manage that?
06:21.15neonerzI thought he was doing dial(sip/1) dial(sip/2) and it was calling the second extension
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06:21.30[TK]D-FenderasteriskUser5443, there are a few ways.
06:21.30Daviey[TK]D-Fender: "No you hangup" "no you!"
06:21.40neonerzits not good to throw a h in there?
06:21.57neonerzI had the problem of calls going to the next priority after hangup without it?
06:22.05[TK]D-FenderasteriskUser5443, you can use a link key w/ presence to indicate the server based DND.  Or you can advertise it via the idle microbrowser
06:22.08craigkit did not help anyhow ... and i am dial all extensions at the same time, not in order
06:22.18Davieyon a detected hangup, then hangup
06:22.22[TK]D-Fenderneonerz, "h" for no good reason is a complete waste
06:22.36*** join/#asterisk adjohn (
06:22.51asteriskUser5443never heard of fastagi - will check it out.
06:23.09[TK]D-FenderasteriskUser5443, AGI not required.
06:23.15neonerzThe reason I added it was if the farend dropped the call, the dialplan would goto the next priority without it
06:23.52neonerzso I had a catch all at the end of my context that grabbed any calls that couldn't be dialed and would return a playback
06:23.58[TK]D-Fenderneonerz, then don't put another priority.
06:24.13[TK]D-Fenderneonerz, and let your dial be the end of it.
06:24.14asteriskUser5443Fender, know of any how-to on how to implement what you wrote?
06:24.23*** join/#asterisk MaliutaWrk (n=nikolai@
06:24.50[TK]D-FenderasteriskUser5443, lookup "asterisk custom deviceState patch" in Google.  You'll find it soon enough.
06:25.06[TK]D-FenderasteriskUser5443, and the Microbrowser bit?  Thats a "gimme"
06:26.02asteriskUser5443Cool! Thanks man. I should be able to figure it out from here.
06:27.30[TK]D-FenderasteriskUser5443, Its just a question of which approach works best for your scenario and in your bigger picture.
06:27.50neonerzI'm an idiot, I was using _. instead of _X. for my catch all
06:27.58neonerzthats why it was playing on hangup
06:28.00[TK]D-FenderasteriskUser5443, I use the MB for my call center agents I monitro 4 agents & 2 queues in high detail on 10s frequency.
06:28.30[TK]D-Fenderneonerz, indeed "_." is considered a capitol offense.
06:29.20[TK]D-Fenderneonerz, if you are ever forced to use it the first thing you should do is call a macro passing the exten as an arg and get yourself to a safe exten.
06:29.34asteriskUser5443Interesting, I'll research both ways. Thank you for pointing me in the right direction.
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06:30.35[TK]D-FenderasteriskUser5443, You're welcome.  It WOULD be nice if a lot of the funky stuff Polycom supports got accepted into chan_sip.  There's talk about finalizing Park & Agent Login stuff for 1.6 last I heard.
06:31.00neonerzthanks, I'll make a note of that
06:31.01[TK]D-FenderasteriskUser5443, Server based DBD announce in SIP 3.0 is another nifty option.
06:31.03*** part/#asterisk dudes (
06:31.24neonerzis there anyway to get asterisk to mark the RTP traffic with dscp tags?
06:31.48[TK]D-FenderasteriskUser5443, Would be relatively trivial to make * react to that SIP message by initiating a Local channel in which you could do whatever you wanted with it.
06:32.00asteriskUser5443I thought that what polycom did is standard SIP
06:32.04[TK]D-Fenderneonerz, Yup... you have the source.... get coding :)
06:32.20[TK]D-Fenderneonerz, (translation : No, nothing *easy*)
06:32.24neonerzI was hoping for a dscp=46
06:32.52neonerzwould be nice
06:32.53[TK]D-FenderasteriskUser5443, All of these funky new things are not part of the standard spec.
06:33.17[TK]D-FenderasteriskUser5443, but easy enough to accomodate.  My last idea for the Local channel would be quite powerful.
06:33.58[TK]D-FenderasteriskUser5443, And at minimal effort.  I somehow think even being a complete newb to C I might be able to do it :)
06:34.19[TK]D-FenderasteriskUser5443, But otehr would care too much about HOW I do it... *sigh*
06:34.36[TK]D-Fenderanyways, keep it cool people... bed beckons.
06:34.47neonerzsame here
06:34.49drmessanochow TK
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06:48.32*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (
06:49.08Frogzooany recommendations for voip/sip/iax handsets?
06:49.51Frogzoocisco are nice but too exxie, otherwise the grandstream phones look good
06:50.11drmessanoGrandstream is cheap shit
06:50.36Frogzooso cisco or nothing?
06:50.49Frogzooany alternatives?
06:50.51drmessanoWho the heck said that
06:50.56drmessanoGoogle is your friend
06:51.15drmessanoLinksys, Polycom, Aastra, Snom
06:51.32drmessanoVarying degrees of success with any of those
06:52.44Frogzooreally? grandstream is cheap vis a vis linksys?
06:54.17Frogzoohard to tell from a web photo, but these look good:
07:01.57*** join/#asterisk sergee (
07:02.26drmessano~ron paul
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07:20.27mvanbaakkyron: yes, I was the one reccommending that book
07:24.40*** join/#asterisk littleball (
07:25.06littleballi have installed 1.4.7, from CLI, i cannot disable the debug info by set verbose 0
07:25.17littleballi can see lots of output
07:25.29littleballbut i want to disable all these output from cli
07:28.55styelzlittleball: edit logger.conf .. console => ...
07:30.19mvanbaakand you can set debug seperately from verbose
07:30.24mvanbaakset debug off
07:31.25littleballthen reload, right?
07:31.46mvanbaakI'm off
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07:36.11awkgood day, does somebody have a way to archieve all sent faxes through hylafax... so I can view the archive of all faxes at a later stage?
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07:56.37rabelaisI have a linksys spa3102 that's pulling in an PTSN line to my asterisk server, I can dial out and receive calls just fine, I need help with a dialplan entry, to unmask call blocking if I were directly connected to the PTSN line, I would have to put in *82 wait 1 sec for it to register, then dial my number...I want to emulate this functionality from my asterisk system, but am having trouble
07:58.02*** join/#asterisk reber (
07:58.15rabelaisI have tried setting a dialplan entry in my spa3102 of: *82 P1 91xxxxxxxxxx   and a corresponding dial entry in extensions.conf of SIP/spa3102/*82ww91${EXTEN}...
07:58.40rabelaisbut the two don't seem to match properly
08:00.11drmessanoTry getting rid of the *82ww91 in Asterisk
08:00.58rabelaisgetting rid of the ww's?
08:01.06drmessanoTry getting rid of the *82ww91 in Asterisk
08:01.06rabelaisor everything?
08:01.46*** join/#asterisk sergey (n=sergey@
08:02.16rabelaissorry, I don't quite follow, do you mean manually type the *8291.... stuff from my phone and let asterisk pass all of it over as the extension?
08:02.47rabelaisor just trying to make a local call?
08:03.20drmessanoYou dial the xxxxxxxxx part
08:03.25rabelaisthat will work
08:03.44rabelaisI have that part working, I can make calls out...only they will show up with CID that is private
08:04.15*** join/#asterisk AJayMN (
08:04.57drmessanoSounds like the *82 isn't working
08:05.04rabelaisit's just this pause business that is messing me up, I don't quite know how it works
08:05.47rabelaisI've put in stuff that has *xx's and things before, and that works just's just a timing issue, I don't know how to get asterisk and the linksys machine to communicate that there needs to be a wait after the *82
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08:06.45rabelaisfrom what I understand, a w in an extensions.conf dial string will give it a 0.5 sec pause wherever inserted
08:06.47AJayMNI tried to upgrade 1.2.23 to and now im getting errors when asterisk tries to load  NO Such file or Direcorty.. yet its there
08:07.47rabelaisAJayMN, try explicitly specifying the path to the file, it sounds like the asterisk default directory got moved during the upgrade
08:07.54drmessanoDoes EVERY call thru the SPA3102 need the *82?
08:08.12rabelaisdrmessano, no, not at all, only the ones that I want to unmask callerid blocking on
08:08.39drmessanoSo I think that you need is
08:08.40AJayMNrabelais /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ cannot open shared object
08:08.45AJayMNwhat would i do?
08:09.51rabelaisAJayMN, the other thing I would suggest is to check ownership/permissions to the file, find out what user the asterisk process is running as, and then see if that user can access that file
08:10.31*** join/#asterisk Alexandre_fr (
08:11.06drmessano(*82 P1 x.|x.) maybe..
08:12.30rabelaisdrmessano, you don't need to worry about getting the non *82 calls working, I only need the part of the dial plan that will work with the *82
08:13.02rabelaisI have a long dial plan on the spa3102 that does other stuff, it's just this *82 part that I can't seem to get to work, but that's because it's the only one that has a pause
08:13.21drmessano(<*82x.>*82 P1 x.|x.)
08:13.23drmessanoTry that
08:14.12rabelaisooh, a substition! I didn't think of that
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08:17.06rabelaisthat was the trick I needed
08:17.27rabelaisended up needing a P3, but it worked!
08:17.32rabelaisthanks drmessano
08:17.41drmessanoI was thinking that earlier.. too.. P3 is better
08:18.10rabelaisI had no idea of what the timing was like, but I knew the voice error that I'd get if the pause wasn't long enough
08:18.25drmessanoYou dial *82 and you get a bum bum bum bummmm here before the tone stabilizes again.. thats abou t3 seconds
08:18.37drmessanoabout 3*
08:18.56rabelaishehe,'s exactly that weird bum bum thing
08:19.58rabelaisthanks again drmessano, the substitution did the trick
08:20.04drmessanoYoure welcome
08:20.06drmessanoHave fun!
08:20.12drmessanoI am outta here... night all
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08:39.37AJayMNSomeone I have multiple instances of Asterisk on my box.. 2 different versions.. how can i uninstall the old ver?
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08:41.28mort_gibAJayMN rm -fr /usr/src/asterisk-version-you-want-to-delete
08:41.50mort_gibAJayMN cd /usr/src/asterisk-you-want-to-use
08:42.01mort_gibmake clean
08:42.25mort_gib./configure and menuselect if applicable ...
08:42.32mort_gibmake install
08:42.36mort_gibmake config
08:42.39mort_gibmake samples
08:43.07AJayMNmm ok.. ill try that.
08:44.23AJayMNmort_gib stupid question is /usr/src/asterisk-version...  have the asterisk system program stored there?
08:44.30*** join/#asterisk _gm (n=mustafa@
08:44.37_gmhi guys
08:44.48uweis there any softphone that supports g729 ... i need it to test, my asterisk is crashing since i installed g729 codec from digium! and i dont want to wait for calls to crash :)
08:44.55_gmi m having a strange problem with pri disconnection
08:45.18_gmif called party hangs up the line. zap channel hangs up after 15 seconds
08:45.25AJayMNuwe older versions of X-Lite did
08:45.54mort_gibAJayMN you have to download the source, then untar it, that becomes your /usr/src/asterisk-version
08:46.22uweAJayMN, like, how old ? before which version ... do you have any idea ?
08:46.25mort_gibIf you make clean and make make install you should have a clean install of /usr/src/asterisk-version
08:46.25AJayMNya already did that .. thats probibly why evertime id reboot and start asterisk it would be a different version ;)
08:47.43_gmanyone out here?
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08:47.59mort_gibthe "make config" copies the startup scripts
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08:50.23rabelais_gm, there isn't a free softphone with g729, but i believe you can buy a copy of eyebeam that has g729 included
08:51.10AJayMNmort_gib when it finished make install i get a message saying there are some files in the modules dir that this version did not install...  but when i run asterisk nothing happens i check the log and it says cant find
08:51.23AJayMNyet that file is in the modules dir.. (it is one file it complained didnt install)
08:51.30rabelaisunless you don't care about the licensing, then I'd go with bol sipphone at
08:51.50_gmrabelais, that's not my question ;)
08:52.16mort_gibUhm, remove those files first, or at least unload them!
08:52.31rabelais_gw sorry, got mixed up with the names, apologies, it's late here
08:52.56uwehow can debug why asterisk crashed on g729 ? it says nothing in dmesg, and logs show nothing either i have verbosity and debug on :(
08:53.02AJayMNmort_gib stupid question.. where are they listed to be loaded?
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08:54.35mort_gibAJayMN I'm guessing that it's zaptel modules that in the way, but have a look at /etc/asterisk/modules.conf
08:54.35Alexandre_frI have a question about users.conf , what are the advantages and inconveniences of using this file instead of sip.conf etc ... ?
08:55.16synthetiqhow can i have asterisk agi run a perl script returning a varaible to asterisk to use in the dial plan?
08:55.23mort_gibuwe you would want to look in /var/log/asterisk/messages (trail -f /var/log/asterisk/messages)
08:55.39synthetiqtail -f  =]
08:55.59mort_gib:-) Sorry
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08:57.50uwemort_gib, i have messages, errors ..etc all writing to /var/log/asterisk/full ... still nothing useful there ... asterisk dies silently :(
08:58.41mort_gibuwe -Sorry then I can't help...
08:59.07mort_gibuwe install of g729 went fine??, reinstall??
08:59.42uwereinstall g729 ? its just copying the .so file and registering :S
09:00.17mort_gibYes, so file rights??
09:00.52mort_gibdoes the .so file load correctly??
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09:17.15uweWELL, YES I TDOES
09:17.49agxmorning, anyone from germany that can point me out to the regional settings for a Linksys PAP2(T) for that country?
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09:19.11uwesorry, didnt mean to scream :)
09:20.57AJayMNmort_gib any other idea?  im getting Unable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk.ctl exist?) when i try to start asterisk, then do asterisk -rv
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09:27.52jblackAJayMN: It means asterisk isn't running. Perhaps it's not starting. In the case of debian and ubuntu, look in /etc/default/asterisk to see if startup is disabled.
09:28.33WorgiLhi everyone how can buy g729a codec ?
09:28.59J4k3they sell them in the shop, afair
09:29.35WorgiLJ4k3, can i register from teher ?
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09:40.37uweAJayMN, what happens when you start using asterisk -cvvvvvvvvvv
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10:07.35cjkhi, is there a variable that tells me if the channel is in t.38 or not ?
10:08.23synthetiqhow can i have asterisk agi run a perl script returning a varaible to asterisk to use in the dial plan?
10:13.26jblacksyntetiq: Use the Set application. ;)
10:13.39jblackjust as you would in the dialplan
10:14.03jblackAlexandre_fr: It's simpler to add new users, but more limited in the configurability.
10:16.44J4k3is there a free/reasonably-priced voice recognition package for asterisk?
10:16.51J4k3something for numbers
10:17.00J4k3what I'm thinking is voice dialing bluetooth headsets
10:18.05Alexandre_frjblack: have you examples of what is limited  ?
10:18.31jblackI don't use users.conf
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10:46.01ornI'm getting a stupendous amount of "Really destroying SIP dialog" messages all of a sudden, and SIP debugging is disabled. Any ideas?
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10:46.20ornThis is for Register, Notify, Bye and Invite messages
10:47.17JTorn: high load?
10:47.30AzamHello, i want to know how can i do sip redirection in asterisk
10:48.45jblackI think it's automagically done when possible (i.e. there's three legs and nobody has disabled redirect)
10:49.24Azami want to send a call to a softswitch so that asterisk is not a part of the call anymore. The softswitch should handle the call itseld
10:49.38ornJT: Shouldn't be... I was seeing this in off-office hours as well.
10:51.47nebojsajsimicHi does anybody can tell me can i on some way catch Hungup event in asterisk
10:52.41nebojsajsimici need to program my Agents on that way to know the state of agent who is on a cell phone
10:53.14nebojsajsimici make login and logout
10:53.25nebojsajsimicwhich i need
10:53.41jblacknebojsajsimic: Sure. There's an option for Dial()
10:54.04jblackIt's g, which you can look up with asterisk -r "show application dial"
10:55.05jblackOnce you fall through the dial, check DIALSTATUS for the type of call you're interested in (for example, you're probably interested in ANSWER, but not BUSY)
10:55.29nebojsajsimicno i need dial hungup
10:56.10nebojsajsimicwhen dial occure i get agent on cellphone and i must mark when he hungup
10:56.26jblackThen use what I said.
10:57.00nebojsajsimicok i will go to look all Dial parameters Thanks jb!!!
10:57.12jblackDial with the g option. Check that DIALSTATUS was ANSWER (which means there was an actual call), and then do what you want after the call.
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10:58.44J4k3woo, excitement at my house
10:58.52J4k3appears a lot of these skype phones have xlite support
10:59.05J4k3USB dect cordless here I come
10:59.30jblackI don't understand how those USB phones work when the machine is off.
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10:59.37J4k3they don't
10:59.46J4k3I have an XP box that runs pretty much 24x7 here
10:59.58jblackHeh. That's $20 a month down the toilet.
11:00.07J4k3nah, about $12
11:00.13J4k3cool n quiet to the rescue
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11:01.07jblackAhh. I guess your windows box isn't you game box w/ your typical 3-4 gigs of ram w/ an nvidia 8800 and a pair of drives etc etc?
11:01.14*** join/#asterisk sysadmin-lb22 (
11:01.30cpinai'm trying to do some transcoding to send the calls outside
11:01.47J4k3its a opteron 1210 with 2gb ddr2-667, 4 HDs (2xRAID1, two 160s, two 500s), nv6150...
11:02.03cpinaand I get this error message: Changing codec to 'g729' for this call because of ${SIP_CODEC} variable . I know that SIP softphone doesn't have g729, but Asterisk has the codecs (we bought it). How can i force Asterisk to do the transcoding?
11:02.07J4k3igp saves a ton of power
11:02.28mostycpina, disallow=g729 on the sip client
11:02.39J4k3and a certified 80%+ eff psu
11:02.40jblackQuick math here shows a 400 watt machine runs about 288 kilowatt hours a month.
11:02.50cpinammm... mosty: i will check it thanks... :-)
11:03.02cpina(i guess in the SIP client section in sip.conf)
11:03.02sysadmin-lb22Hi All has anyone any good thoughts about an SDK to create a VOIP client ?
11:03.13J4k3you're going to need a couple 8800s and a high end core2quad and a stack of drives to near 400W sustained consumption
11:03.19mostycpina, yes
11:03.31tzafrirThere are several SIP libraries
11:03.35J4k3typical gamer PC draws about 120W idleish
11:03.43J4k3200-250 under load
11:03.55J4k3sli adds like 50W to that
11:04.02jblackI don't know why you think 200-250
11:04.19jblackanyways, it's your money
11:04.34J4k3its needed for business anyways, its my network monitoring client.
11:04.44J4k3but running XP its less reliable than the network, usually ;)
11:04.45cpinait seems that the same mosty: Ignoring ${SIP_CODEC} variable because it is not shared by both ends.
11:04.59mostyi'm trying to decipher some asterisk logs, what are these "Scheduling destruction of call 'foo@host' in 1500ms" messages?
11:05.00cpinai'm forcing the codec when calling using:
11:05.15cpinaexten => s,2,Set(SIP_CODEC=g729)
11:05.49sysadmin-lb22tzafrir talking to me ?
11:05.58jblackmosty: connections aren't immediately deleted from memory.
11:06.00tzafrirsysadmin-lb22, yes
11:06.17mostyjblack, but the call was still going at this point
11:06.17sysadmin-lb22tzafrir thanks..I checked it out
11:06.25tzafrirsysadmin-lb22, in fact, why not take an existing client and modify it to your needs?
11:06.26sysadmin-lb22tzafrir actually still at it
11:06.34jblackyou got a scheduled destruction in the middle of a call/
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11:07.01mostycpina, what are you trying to do?
11:07.08mostyjblack, i believe so
11:07.14cpinaphones only supports g711 (ulaw)
11:07.19cpinai want to send the calls using g729
11:07.28cpinaso asterisk has to transcode
11:07.28sysadmin-lb22tzafrir..well for long term purposes it would be bretter if we build it from scratch..and of course royality issues
11:07.47AzamCan anyone please help me with sip redirection?
11:07.50jblackmosty: You've got me then.
11:07.59mostycpina, where are you sending the calls to? disalllow=all and allow=g729 there
11:08.18jblackazam: Just remove any references to disabling redirect, and it'll happen automatically if possible.
11:08.48jblackMake sure you don't give any dial options that require monitoring (such as blind transfer, autopark, etc)
11:08.52cpinai'm sending the calls to other system (not asterisk, but using sip), i'm not registered to this gateway so i cannot add disallow=all and allow=g729
11:09.01tzafrirsysadmin-lb22, why not use one that is free software?
11:09.08mostyjblack, i get this message several times during a call that lasted 25 minutes
11:09.17tzafrirWhy pay extra to develop on your own?
11:09.22jblackmosty: I still don't know.
11:09.28jblacktzafrir: To keep copyright?
11:09.31mostycpina, you don't have to register to set codec preference on a sip peer
11:09.41tzafrirjblack, why?
11:10.05tzafrirWhat does it help you that you have copyrights for an inferior product?
11:10.05sysadmin-lb22tzafrir..actually as jblack said copyright issues ...and of course secrecy etc
11:10.08jblackBecause code takes resources to develop, thus having value?
11:10.22sysadmin-lb22and SDKs are well tested
11:10.42tzafrirI wouldn't want to use something that depends on secrecy
11:11.06sysadmin-lb22well it is not all technical there are business rules you have to abide to
11:11.10Azamjblack: in a normal senario a call will come to asterisk, asterisk will send and outbound call to softswitch and bridge the two calls, if i do show channels on my asterisk i will see tht bridged call. What i want to do is, i want my asterisk to get rid of the bridged  call. the softswitch should handle the bridged call.
11:11.20tzafrirsysadmin-lb22, again, why?
11:11.25jblackazam: Then do what I said. :)
11:11.53tzafriryou have to spend time anyway on development. So why add extra artificial licensing costs to the process?
11:11.57BBHosswhats the deal with this new voicebus card from digium?
11:11.58jblacksysadmin-lb22: I don't know if secrecy is the right route. Less eyes means less code review.
11:12.00Azamjblack: sir can u please advise how to do it? :)
11:12.32jblackazam: I already told you how. To do more, I'd have to do it for you.
11:12.43tzafrir(licensing costs are not just money. They include all sorts of other resources wasted)
11:12.46cpinamosty: sip peer? where can i setup to force on G729 for outboudn calls?
11:13.15Azamjblack: i m a bit confused anyways i will try Thanks Alot for your help
11:13.50mostycpina, in your sip peer definition, disallow=all and allow=g729
11:14.06mostycpina, then asterisk will only be able to use g729 when sending calls to that peer
11:14.22J4k3am I completely out of my mind for considering a low-end phenom on a nv6100 board for my asterisk box
11:14.32jblacksysadmin-lb22: By the way, there are forks of asterisk that don't require copyright assignment.
11:14.43coppiceBBHoss: voicebus is the result of some serious engineering the marketing department :-)
11:14.54FrogzooBBHoss: link?
11:15.23jblacksysadmin-lb22: But even asterisk itself only requires copyright assignment to have your patches accepted into the codebase.
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11:15.36atis_workanyone knows the policy of argument separation - pipe vs comma?
11:16.06jblacksysadmin-lb22: Generally, it's a good idea to avoid forking, because by providing your patches back to the system you're using, the code is maintained and improved by everyone, not just by you.
11:16.13cpinamosty: because i'm not registering where i'm sending the calls, this peer doesn't appear on sip.conf
11:16.17FrogzooBBHoss: thanks
11:16.24cpinawhat i did is to allow g729, g711 and disallow in the individual sip peers
11:16.32cpinabut still not working
11:16.43atis_worki just tried my dialplan in 1.6 - and GoSub doesn't accept pipes in realtime, however i remember that i was pointed out some time ago that realtime arguments should be separated by pipe
11:16.44jblackcpina: Did you buy licenses for g729?
11:17.03cpina0/0 encoders/decoders of 10 licensed channels are currently in use
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11:17.10mostycpina, it doesn't matter if you register or not, asterisk will use the allow/disallow settings in the sip peer when it sends calls to that peer
11:17.14GrashHi people !
11:17.22jblackOk, well, as mosty said, disallow all, then allow g729.
11:17.25cpinamosty: then i will check...
11:18.32GrashDoes anybody know how to avoid the message "chan_iax2.c:6027 update_registry: Restricting registration for peer 'X' to 60 seconds (requested 300)" ?
11:18.49atis_workCorydon76-dig: Corydon76-vcch: ping
11:19.06BBHossdamn tornadoes woke me up this morning
11:19.18jblackYou say it as if tornados were roosters.
11:19.24J4k3hmm, I'll get a cheapo 4000+ x2 for now, then upgrade to a phenom when load increases.
11:19.38BBHossjblack, might as well be with all the sirens and such
11:19.44jblackRoosters don't throw around mooing cows.... and houses with dorothy's.
11:19.44uweconfirmed ... g729 crashes my asterisk :( ... and asterisk dies silently !!
11:20.14mostyuwe, which version of the g729 module, and which version of asterisk?
11:20.26BBHossdamn, i was hoping the democratic primary would be clear cut :(
11:20.27jblackWhat's with all these people this morning?
11:20.49uwemosty,  Asterisk 1.4.15, and g729 v33 i686
11:21.26jblackBBHoss: Heh. Oh well. (/me hopes clinton doesn't win because of the "get health insurance or we'll tax health insurance out of you" thing)
11:21.28mostyuwe, i notice that there are fixes for g729 in the asterisk 1.4.18 release candidates, try reading the changelog on those
11:21.49uwethe crash happens when i try to i try to answer a call that uses g729 somewhere in its path
11:22.10BBHossjblack, yeah that concerned me to, my biggest fear is that she allows the corporations to control it, just mandating prices, which will of course be changed in a few years
11:22.38BBHossshe did win california and florida :(
11:22.44J4k3jblack: clinton is talking republican-speak
11:23.05uweoh my god !!! [TK] is not here !!! :D this is really strange !!
11:23.07jblackI think that might be the plan (which I'm ok with). Force insurance, then hospitals/insurance companies bilk,  then she has to "fix" it by socializing it (which I'm actually for)
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11:23.28uwemosty, ill look into that
11:23.35jblackuwe: He does have one of those "job" things. Probably has a nifty 'girlfriend' model too.
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11:24.59uwejblack, hehee ... sure he does ... but its like ... he has been always there ever since i started visiting this room :)
11:25.09uweerr, channel
11:25.18jblackYou've been here for how long?
11:26.00J4k3([tk], not me)
11:26.09jblacksure. But it's 6:30 am where he is.
11:26.45BBHosshell its 5:30 here :)
11:26.59jblackwhere is it 5:30 am? Brazil?
11:27.27jblackOh, silly me.
11:27.55jblackI'm getting tired. I spun the intenal time-zone clock in the wrong direction
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11:39.25sergeejblack: 14:39 (02:39 pm :) )
11:41.25jblackThat's pretty far east.
11:41.51coppice14:39 sounds very west to me
11:42.52tzafrirThat's only slightly west
11:43.02tzafrirBut very far east
11:43.53jblacktwo wrongs don't make a right, but three lefts do. If you can reach it by going west, you can reach it by going east.
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11:45.11Frogzoobut not left three times
11:45.23jblackThough there are two spots where you can't go go east at all....
11:49.35coppiceIf I go more than a few hundred metres east from here I might drown
11:51.02J4k3wear a life preserver
11:54.40coppiceits better to use a pier to pier service
11:55.04sergeejblack: it's more like far east europe :)
11:55.46coppicemore like far west asia
11:56.45cpinahello again :-)
11:56.49cpinamosty: thanks for your help
11:56.56sergeecoppice: asia ends in Urals :)
11:57.04cpinasystem worked fine removing the Set(CODEC=g729)
11:57.11cpinaand adding in sip.conf
11:57.43mostycpina, no problem
11:58.17cpinathe peer :-)
11:58.22cpinasorry i was busy changing it
11:58.35cpinanow is working fine, incorrect approach (Set(CODEC)) to fix this problem
11:58.38cpinaso thanks again
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11:59.19cpina(here i am again)
12:03.28uweare older versions of g729 codecs available, and would it be considered acceptable to try to use an older one ?
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12:41.14ornI'm getting a stupendous amount of "Really destroying SIP dialog" messages all of a sudden, and SIP debugging is disabled. This is related to REGISTER, INVITE, NOTIFY and BYE. Any idas?
12:46.21*** join/#asterisk alrs (
12:54.50BBHossorn, i would ignore them unless you're having trouble.  I am pretty sure they are just debug messages
12:56.30cjkhi, is there a variable that tells me if the channel is in t.38 or not ?
12:59.22yangI am having a hard time hearing a call. I am calling via VOIP phone<->Router<->ASTER<->internet<->E1 . Here are debug lines from ASTER and E1 ... I cannot hear the back signal in my voip phone, but i can hear the voice when calling my mobile phone.
13:00.15yangAster has IP and also public IP
13:01.51yangI have tried all nat=yes nat=no options
13:02.30BBHossyang, you must forward port 5060 and ports 10000-20000(UDP for both) to your asterisk box
13:03.07yangFrom the router?
13:03.20BBHossmake sure its UDP
13:06.24yangbut as i know its all opened
13:06.35yangbecouse ASTER
13:06.44yangis mirrored
13:06.46BBHossdo you have externip and localnet defined in sip.conf?
13:06.48yangto a public ip
13:06.55yangno I don't have - shit
13:07.18yangexternip would be
13:07.18BBHossthat one got me too, i was having your exact problem, half-way audio
13:07.22*** join/#asterisk lirakis (i=lirakis@
13:07.24yangand localnet
13:07.49*** join/#asterisk jm|home (n=jm|
13:07.54BBHosslocalnet woul probably be depending on your subnet
13:08.00*** join/#asterisk ZaVoid (
13:12.03FlatFoothey ho all
13:12.36BBHosssup dog
13:13.10*** join/#asterisk beek (n=klinebl@
13:14.13*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
13:16.44ZaVoidmorning all
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13:22.54uwei lost "sip" from asterisk cli :( .... i see no errors on startup with -cvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
13:23.08mostyuwe: is loaded?
13:23.09BBHossheh thats no fun
13:24.14BBHossuwe, when you startuo do you see the sip module load?
13:24.29BBHossalso try reload chan_sip
13:24.34mostycheck that it isn't disabled in modules.conf
13:24.37uwemosty, it is loaded
13:25.03mostyhow do you know it's loaded?
13:25.38uwei compiled 1.4.18-rc4 and replaced 1.4.15 i had
13:26.08uweshow modules like
13:27.40mostyenable full logging, set verbose and debug to 10, then try reload
13:28.09*** join/#asterisk shido6 (n=shido6@
13:29.45uwei think i found something ... one sec
13:31.03[TK]D-Fenderuwe: You trying to run any other SIP software on your server?
13:31.15jblackuwe: There you go, feel better?
13:34.05*** join/#asterisk _gm (n=mustafa@
13:34.12ZaVoidis there really a difference between debug 6 and 10? i've never noticed a difference
13:34.24_gmanyone here tried out ldap realtime driver bundled with asterisk 1.6-beta
13:35.05ZaVoidwhat does that do? that in place of using realtime for accounts?
13:37.14ZaVoidstupid quiestion... why would yo wanna do that?
13:37.22_gmldap realtime driver was working fine with my previous install of asterisk-14
13:38.02_gmwe are writing a user management console
13:38.24_gmyou can say .. datacenter management gui
13:38.29ZaVoidright gotcha
13:38.34_gmAD for linux ;)
13:38.50ZaVoidso drones login to random terminals and their extension automaticall set up kinda thing via login?
13:39.33_gmyeah actually we want a centarlize authentication instead of creating user everywhere
13:39.56_gmfor mail phone desktop and other things
13:40.00ZaVoidright i gotcha
13:40.03ZaVoidthats pretty slick
13:40.10ZaVoidall softlclents for phones then?
13:40.19_gmdoesnt matter
13:40.34_gmu see the point is not a single terminal
13:40.55_gmsingle sign-on for all services like mail, desktop, phone and other things
13:43.25*** join/#asterisk _ys (i=yuri@
13:45.15BBHossSSO is a virtue :)
13:46.15jblackSo is retaining one's virginity until marriage.
13:47.22jblackwas it that funny?
13:47.34lunaphyte_not having to create redundant users isn't really single sign on.
13:47.58coppicejblack: I think he just giggles when anyone says virgin
13:48.00cesar_CRhi guys a good service provider for voip
13:48.08[TK]D-FenderSSO = multipoint security risk.
13:48.54lunaphyte_yeah, kinda.  although with browsers remembering the credentials anyway, it's kind of mute.
13:49.11*** join/#asterisk reber (
13:49.37lunaphyte_err, moot.
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13:56.47kyronmvanbaak, well thanks a mill, I think I'll really enjoy it.
14:03.26UatecTerminal Equipment and Network Terminator mean nothing to me. Which is which?
14:03.50kyronTE=your phone. NEtwork terminator...have a few defs in mind..
14:04.23Uatecwell my telco has a bunch of ISDN lines coming in to our office
14:04.38Uatecand i want to connect my asterisk box to them
14:04.39tzafrirNetwork Terminator is that small thing you put in the end of a coax cable, right?
14:04.46[TK]D-FenderNetwork Terminator : When Ahnold tries to legislate the web
14:05.14UatecCan we use a client/server metaphor to describe it?
14:05.25Uatecisn't one the "server" at the telcos end
14:05.29[TK]D-FenderUatec: NT = The telco
14:05.37Uatecand one the "client" at my end
14:05.52Uatecso i need to setup my sangoma a500 in TE mode then
14:06.21Uatecok, great, thanks very much :)
14:06.28*** join/#asterisk HeXeD (
14:06.29tzafrirTE - cpe . NT - net
14:07.49*** join/#asterisk Greek-Boy (n=grb@
14:07.53ZaVoidis there any reason why this would not work in a .php file that i call from my dialplan...       $agi->exec("Wait 7");
14:09.32[TK]D-FenderZaVoid: Why would you bother?
14:09.35mvanbaakkyron: good :)
14:09.48[TK]D-FenderZaVoid: jsut wait in PHP
14:09.48ZaVoidwhy would i bother calling it from the script you mean  fender?
14:09.56[TK]D-FenderZaVoid: exactly.
14:10.01ZaVoidnot wait 7
14:10.16ZaVoidoh sorry you mean a php vesion of wait and not tell asterisk to wait
14:10.31ZaVoidahhh thats a good question
14:10.37ZaVoidso sleep(7)
14:11.50uweapparently something changed in reading the configuration files between 1.4.15 and 1.4.18-rc4
14:12.11Uatecweird, this a500 has a molex conenctor on the back
14:12.18Uatecit needs it's own power?
14:12.29Uatecor is this just if you're using the daughterboards?
14:12.44[TK]D-FenderUatec: Just plug it in already...
14:13.17*** join/#asterisk shido6 (n=shido6@
14:14.01ZaVoidhey fender this is where i was using it
14:14.07ZaVoidif (is_null($row['xxxxxxxxx'])) {
14:14.19ZaVoidso instead using a sleep(7); instead you think?
14:15.23*** join/#asterisk theHub (n=theHub@
14:15.34FrogzooUatec: if it's an FXS port, it needs power to supply ring tone
14:16.42[TK]D-FenderZaVoid: Silence = wait = waste
14:17.01ZaVoid= waste?
14:17.12[TK]D-FenderZaVoid: Don't tell * to wiat... jsut WAIT
14:18.00[TK]D-FenderFrogzoo: No such thing as FXS on that card.
14:20.28*** join/#asterisk JunK-Y (
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14:21.00Frogzoowell I was guessing
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14:25.38tzafrirUatec, BRI phones take power from the NT
14:26.12tzafrirThis is something you mostly don't need . But do need if you want to connect an ISDN phone
14:26.12uwe[TK]D-Fender, BBHoss , after installing 1.4.18-rc4, g729 doesnt crash anymore, and time is down to 2 and 10 ms
14:26.44BBHossuwe, thats good
14:26.57cjkhi, is there a variable that tells me if the channel is in t.38 or not ?
14:27.07BBHosscjk, no
14:27.15cjkBBHoss: htanks
14:27.22uweyes, thats much better, thank you all :)
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14:44.30e}{istencehello every body
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14:51.10e}{istenceanyone know any softphone for Windows Mobil 6 ?
14:51.31fileit has a SIP client built in, unless your carrier has removed it
14:55.04[TK]D-Fendere}{istence: Ever been to ?
14:55.13*** join/#asterisk oej (
14:55.42[TK]D-Fendere}{istence: You'd be amazed what you can find in under 1 minute.
14:58.42Corydon76-digatis_work: in 1.6, argument delimiters are ',' not '|'.  Realtime, too.
14:58.57eric_hill[TK]D-Fender: 1 MINUTE!?  I don't type that fast!!!  ;P
14:59.57lmadsenis a callid unique in asterisk?
15:00.17lmadseni.e.... can I be relatively sure that a callid is going to be unique on a system?
15:00.53filelmadsen: it has to be eh
15:00.59lmadsenok, thats what I thought
15:01.01fileacross "space and time"
15:01.19drmessanoPest control guy shows up.. "Man, this must be the computer room, you work on them or something?"
15:01.36drmessano"No, I am the hub of a terrorist cell.. I cannot let you leave now"
15:01.37fileI just quote the RFC.
15:01.39*** join/#asterisk Ryushin (
15:02.25Qwelldrmessano: my favorite is "you must like computers" - "nope, never used one"
15:02.54denon"no computers here, just PBXs"
15:03.00drmessanoHindsight is 20/20.. "I know nothing about this shit.. It's my wifes"
15:03.30drmessanoI would have demeaned myself just for the reaction
15:04.46drmessanoSomeone needs to come up with a good Asterisk thug poster.. "I'm a memba of da Asterisk Pound, yo"
15:05.19drmessanoLet them report that to their boss.. "I think I found some gang hideout... they call themselves the Asterisk Pound!"
15:06.30drmessano"Da Asterisk Pound - Too Hardcore fo' 9's"
15:07.00*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki (
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15:10.00drmessano30 fatalities from the storms so far
15:11.32lirakisthis is an off topic question... but, does any one here work in publishing / editing?
15:11.50eric_hilllirakis: We have a publishing department...
15:12.18*** join/#asterisk FciSoft (
15:12.29lmadsenlirakis: I've worked with O'Reilly and edited documents before....
15:12.36lmadsenguess it depends what you need :)
15:12.43lirakislmadsen: i knew that ;) ha ha
15:12.47QwellI once edited a text file.
15:12.53lmadsenand then I fixed it
15:13.08*** join/#asterisk Bob-_ (
15:14.20lirakislmadsen: in all honesty, looking for some networking opportunities with editors etc.  for my wife.
15:14.30lmadsenahhh gotcha
15:15.01drmessanoQwell: I got 300 page book on Nano, if you want to borrow it
15:15.05lirakislmadsen: i think oreilly does most of their work on the west cost right?
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15:15.26lmadsenlirakis: ya, in Sebatopal (or whatever that palce is called) in Cali
15:15.50Qwelldrmessano: 300...pages?
15:15.52lirakislmadsen: yeah.. im east coast... was looking at wiley (wrox) hq in NJ
15:16.00Qwellhow do you fit 3 commands on 300 pages?
15:16.20drmessanoNano: The Future Of Publishing
15:16.22Qwellno, but seriously, there's a book on nano?
15:16.25drmessanoNo lol
15:16.29lirakisQwell: lol
15:16.30drmessanoThat would be.. sad
15:17.12drmessanoI can make a PDF of the nano man pages if you like
15:17.51Qwellnano has a man page?
15:18.17lirakisnano man(1)  .. open editor.. type.. close...
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15:18.54Qwellsomebody should google me up a nanorc with C syntax highlighting
15:19.28*** join/#asterisk angryuser (
15:19.54Qwellwow, nano actually has some useful cli options
15:20.19Qwellmouse support...autoindent...smarthome
15:22.09*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
15:22.17L|NUXHello every one
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15:26.14Bob-_I am trying to set up a system for sip conference calls on my nat, is there any way to do this without any specialized hardware? Asterisk will not have an external line, all calls will be internal. All data needs to be sent over standard ethernet as I am using software based clients.
15:27.10lirakisBob-_: no special hardware is needed...
15:27.20lirakisBob-_: well.. a pc
15:27.37e}{istencefile my carrier remove it
15:27.43*** join/#asterisk freezey (
15:27.50e}{istencei have a HTC TOUCH
15:28.04Bob-_"Note that for technical reasons, you must have at least one Zaptel
15:28.04Bob-_interface (of any kind) installed in your Asterisk system if you wish
15:28.04Bob-_to use conferencing."
15:28.17e}{istence[TK]D-Fender i have found one softphone for windows mobile 6
15:28.19Bob-_thus: Confusion
15:28.45filee}{istence: you can download a .cab that will install the parts you need for the Windows built in one
15:29.19*** join/#asterisk hi365 (
15:29.32[TK]D-FenderBob-_: that doc is ANCIENT, and yes, you must have Zaptel installed.  Use ZTDUMMY for your timer and go read a CURRENT book.
15:29.35jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
15:30.46*** join/#asterisk ghenry (
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15:31.23Bob-_Zaptel is installed, cant get dialtone. I'll read the docs and troubleshoot some more. Thanks!
15:31.54[TK]D-FenderBob-_: Dialtone from what?
15:32.04freezeyhow do i set a good audio codec?
15:32.07BadHorsiehow can i generate a phone call besides originate in AMI ?
15:32.13e}{istencefile where can i find it ?
15:32.16[TK]D-Fenderfreezey: allow=ulaw
15:32.31filee}{istence: I don't have the URL, Google can tell you
15:32.36[TK]D-FenderBadHorsie: .call file
15:32.57[TK]D-FenderBadHorsie: "originate" at CLI.
15:33.21freezey[TK]D-Fender: what conf file would that be in? and what does that exactly do?
15:33.39[TK]D-Fenderfreezey: depends on waht channel type you're working with.
15:33.44Bob-_Dialtone might be the wrong word. Cant get a connection. Asterisk is up and running, its a wetware problem.
15:33.46filee}{istence: read the VOIP section
15:33.56[TK]D-Fenderfreezey: Its looking like you don't even understand what a codec is....
15:34.09freezey[TK]D-Fender: SIP
15:34.20freezey[TK]D-Fender: i know what a codec is
15:34.38[TK]D-Fenderfreezey: Well go tell your device what codec(s) its allowed to use then
15:35.18freezey[TK]D-Fender: i was just wondering if you had to change a setting in asterisk somewhere.. or just use any old codec.. cause i right now i am testing this over sip and have these sip desktop phones and i get some delay
15:35.18*** part/#asterisk nkoth (
15:35.38eric2anyone have any luck with the app_rxfax application?
15:35.41e}{istencefile thank you very much
15:35.42[TK]D-Fenderfreezey: Codec rarely has anything to do with delay
15:36.05freezey[TK]D-Fender: so what do you think the delay would have to do with?
15:36.32[TK]D-Fenderfreezey: Well you haven't mentioned anything informative about your entire setup.
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15:36.43[TK]D-Fenderfreezey: Am I to start guessing blindly?
15:37.03freezey[TK]D-Fender: well no you could just ask what you want to know in order to try and help me
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15:37.32[TK]D-Fenderfreezey: You should know to describe all the devices you're using, networking involved, etc.
15:37.33xhelioxAnyone have any issue with MixMonitor being out of sync on 1.4.18-rc4?
15:37.46freezey[TK]D-Fender: k i was typing that right now
15:37.58[TK]D-Fenderfreezey: Describe the delay itself.
15:38.11[TK]D-Fenderfreezey: is it a pure delay?  More like echo?
15:38.41freezeyyou can hear the echo that might just be comin in on the other persons speakers
15:38.50freezeyand it seems like a delay
15:39.03[TK]D-Fenderfreezey: So you are hearing yourself come back?
15:39.10freezey[TK]D-Fender: let me think.. ok so this is strictly being done locally i have a point to point connection through my firewall to another office in manhattan
15:39.16freezey[TK]D-Fender: yeah
15:39.35[TK]D-Fenderfreezey: Describe the hardware / software involved.
15:39.51freezey[TK]D-Fender: i am using a sip phone called xlite and as well are they... i am using sip proxy for both people to register..
15:40.11freezey[TK]D-Fender: the box i have asterisk on is just some dell machine its not high high quality but its not horrible either
15:40.19freezey[TK]D-Fender: the firewall is a gnet
15:40.24drmessanoX-Lite with speakers and a mic?
15:40.28[TK]D-Fenderfreezey: odds are its acoustic echo caused by the mic picking up the speaker output
15:40.36drmessanoThats the problem
15:40.52[TK]D-Fenderfreezey: softphone+speaker+mic = suck
15:41.05freezey[TK]D-Fender: work around?
15:41.11freezeyi am thinkin about just buying 2 ipphones
15:41.13[TK]D-Fenderfreezey: by real hardware
15:41.18drmessanoor that too
15:41.19freezeythats what i was thinking
15:41.28freezeyhow about the cisco 7912's
15:41.31freezeythey look pretty good
15:41.42[TK]D-Fenderfreezey: Crap
15:41.48freezeyjust for testing though?
15:41.59[TK]D-Fenderfreezey: Not even
15:42.10freezeyany exact reasons why the softphone+speaker+mic would be crap?
15:42.13[TK]D-Fenderfreezey: What are you trying to accomplish in the long run?
15:42.24drmessano<[TK]D-Fender> freezey: odds are its acoustic echo caused by the mic picking up the speaker output
15:42.32drmessanoThat's why
15:42.36[TK]D-Fenderfreezey: Shitty mic, shitty EC, shitty speaker, being tied directly to a PC
15:42.39freezey[TK]D-Fender: eventually after done testing move everything over to VOIP and use asterisk to handle everything
15:42.43L|NUXcan some one tell me how can i play mms:// when some one dial sip ?
15:42.46eric2freezy, I've got a linksys spa942 and I'm happy with it (so far)
15:43.00[TK]D-Fenderfreezey: what is "everything".  Please try to stop being so vague and give real details.
15:43.05freezeyso pretty much your saying there is no delay its just the echo that screwing things up?
15:43.22[TK]D-Fenderfreezey: if you hear yourself coming back, its echo.
15:43.36Qwellunless it's sidetone
15:43.40freezey[TK]D-Fender: move over all the office people to voice over ip with asterisk handling it rather than using my old avaya system that is not compatible with asterisk
15:43.48L|NUXany one ?
15:43.57[TK]D-FenderQwell: Oh, quite possible, but his scenario has the full friggen orchestra :p
15:44.00drmessanoOften times causes by YOUR voice being picked up by the mic on the OTHER end as you're coming out the speakers on that end
15:44.22drmessanoIts a clusterf***
15:44.51[TK]D-Fenderfreezey: So you plan on an * on your site, another on theirs?
15:45.13[TK]D-Fenderfreezey: and what kind of calls passing between the two?
15:46.06freezey[TK]D-Fender: i plan to remove the avaya system and basically throw it out in this office and remove manhattans phone sytem and replace it entirely with voip and have asterisk handle it...
15:46.17DavisGrI prefer Linksys SPA 9xx and Snom 3xx phones & no problems width echo!
15:46.53[TK]D-Fenderfreezey: and exactly what kind of lines at each site, and what kind of calls are you looking at passing over the internet?
15:47.03freezey[TK]D-Fender: so i will take my phone provider and let them know whats going on get the correct PRI from them... and then do the rest
15:47.41freezey[TK]D-Fender: well the calls are pretty much just business calls some confrences here and there... and when you say lines at each site?
15:47.48[TK]D-FenderSnom = not a cost effective / quality solution in most countries.  Linksys = cost effective in just about everywhere that Polycom isn't.  Polycom > ALL
15:48.31freezeyyeah i heard snom and polycom where good
15:48.39[TK]D-Fenderfreezey: is the connection between these 2 boxes only for inter-office user calls?  Or for providing PSTN access?
15:49.14[TK]D-FenderSnom is second rate and further down the "suggested list"
15:49.32DavisGrI had on client who have policom and there is problems - they are broking down the same ar granstreem !
15:50.01freezey[TK]D-Fender: its going to be used for interoffice and making calls out recieving calls etc
15:50.42drmessano[Slashdot] Fifth Cable Cut, Iran Loses Net Connectivity  <----- ut ro
15:50.42[TK]D-Fenderfreezey: so 1 site will not have any kind of actual phone lines in it at all?
15:51.26freezey[TK]D-Fender: well the faxes will have actual phone lines
15:51.45L|NUXdid any one used mms_client with asterisk ?
15:51.45BadHorsiei'm curious if the best way to monitor a phone call would be to select a channel and use an originate Monitor so i can listen to it in another extension...
15:51.56*** join/#asterisk Docfxit (
15:52.07[TK]D-Fenderfreezey: Ok, but no voice lines.  So if you link is broken for any reason, they are stranded.
15:52.12freezey[TK]D-Fender: its pretty much like this... i want to put asterisk into my environment and you said at one point my avaya system is completely old..  which sucks cause i used to work on an avaya system with asterisk... so now i have to look into another solution
15:53.00[TK]D-FenderBadHorsie: "core show application chanspy" <-
15:53.22DavisGrfreezey btw AVAYA U conected width h323 trunk or other way
15:55.52freezeyDavisGr: i am not sure...
15:56.00DocfxitHow can I change the root password?
15:57.54ManxPowerDocfxit: Asterisk does not have a root password.
15:58.05freezey[TK]D-Fender: i got my cut sheet from my provider so answering some questions about the exact setup would be alot easier
15:58.37[TK]D-FenderDocfxit: log in as root, do "passwd"
16:00.03asr33Docfxit: what version of Linux are you running?
16:00.04freezey[TK]D-Fender: unless i just get naother avaya system... i would rather do that
16:00.36[TK]D-Fenderfreezey: Ditch both, never look back.
16:00.58[TK]D-Fenderasr33: "passwd" is pretty much *nix universal...
16:01.37asr33ok I got ya....
16:02.02*** join/#asterisk _LoneCrow (
16:02.13freezey[TK]D-Fender: so you say ditch both and continue to stick with VOIP
16:02.20_LoneCrowheya.. anyone know the default user/password for the Web-MeetMe Login?
16:02.25DavisGrfreezey if U will make all on AVAYA that will cost a lot of $$$$
16:03.10drmessano_LoneCrow: is that a trixbox?
16:03.33_LoneCrowits built in.. .. maybe  should go to #trixbox I just thought baout it
16:03.56drmessanoMaybe need to ask on their forums.. its probably not standard
16:06.27_LoneCrowfresh trixbox install so I figured there would be docs for th at
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16:08.26[TK]D-Fenderfreezey: its nto a question of "stick to VoIP", but rather stick to a solution that doesn't own your ass.
16:08.40[TK]D-Fenderfreezey: Right no each site has their own phone lines, right?
16:09.10[TK]D-Fender_LoneCrow: not here there isn't
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16:10.22jbot[~trixbox] trixbox is a full linux distro that includes FreePBX and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox VERY difficult to support, and is not supported in #asterisk. Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & wiki at
16:10.32*** join/#asterisk InsolentDreams (n=Insolent@
16:11.22drmessanoNothing they do is standard, and they've even started ripping out and changing pieces of FreePBX, so you won't even be able to rely on IT being standard in tb either
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16:12.50InsolentDreamsOk... so I have a dynamic queue, and I'm polling it's information about once every 5 seconds via a cli script to feed to  queue members on a website to show them the status of the queue, members in the queue, etc.  What I'm worried about is some slowdown from overdoing it here.  Already I have 4-5 people simultaneously using this script, so techincally it _may_ be polled 5 times a second, then 5 seconds later, 5 more times in that second.  These
16:13.14InsolentDreamsI'm worried about performance... should I go down a different path and make a fifo daemon that I queue instead of asterisk like this?
16:14.24InsolentDreamsAs it is, when in the console with any debugging on it says Remote unix connection and disconnection around 1-2 times a second.  :\  I have a feeling this is a bad idea to continue down this path... suggestions?
16:16.14freezey[TK]D-Fender: ok so i am thinkin this... maybe get to connections from my ISP so incase one goes down the other is a failover and if both go down just have some analog lines still coming in to back that shit up
16:17.21drmessanofreezey, why not use analog lines anyway?
16:17.52drmessanoJust because you have Asterisk, doesn't you you have to switch all your service over to a VoIP provider
16:18.11drmessanoThere are interface cards, or so I hear ;)
16:18.18DavisGrInsolentDreams if U giving once every 5sec info for website why are you not using website refreshing every 5sec for any conection - so if website is light so you can handle lotoff users
16:18.25[TK]D-FenderInsolentDreams: Make 1 process do all the lookups and create a static page for all the others to see
16:18.35freezeydrmessano: yeah but TK was telling me that my avaya system is not compatible with asterisk its to old
16:18.44drmessanoYeah, ditch it
16:19.04freezeydrmessano: so then where to go from there?
16:19.16[TK]D-Fenderfreezey: well I asked what kind of line  ports you have on that system...
16:19.31QwellInsolentDreams: use manager
16:19.35InsolentDreamsYeah, the users using this will get into the 30-40's when really deployed... and I don't think a simple refresh will do it.  I looked into the PHPAGI and don't seem too impressed, and am considering writing a polling / collection daemon.
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16:19.41jbotami is, like, the Asterisk Manager Interface, a way to control an Asterisk server via a TCP/IP socket. See
16:19.52DavisGrfreezey witch avaya U have Definity or som G6xx width S8xxx
16:19.54Qwellget your stats from there
16:20.18freezey[TK]D-Fender: ESF/B8ZS
16:20.31[TK]D-Fenderfreezey: You have a PRi on both sites?
16:20.38freezey[TK]D-Fender: yeah
16:20.53InsolentDreamsAhh Qwell, that might be what I should be doing it looks like.  :)  Nice.  Thanks, and thanks for other comments all.
16:21.05[TK]D-Fenderfreezey: Then you could buy a T1 card for *, and use that to pass of calls to the other server.
16:21.25[TK]D-Fenderfreezey: And the remote one could remain with their Avaya
16:21.31freezeyDavisGr: well my phones are 5410's i forgot what the othe hardware is i was about to go take a look again... ( i am new this site)
16:21.37ManxPower5th fiber cut in 10 days.
16:21.46[TK]D-Fenderfreezey: so * will only be used as gateway from their PBX to yours.
16:21.52drmessanoManxPower: I beat you to it
16:21.59drmessanoTook Iran down
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16:22.07coppiceManxPower: these things become fashionable, and everyone wants one
16:22.09[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: "mission accomplished"
16:22.12ManxPowerdrmessano: it isn't a contest 8-)
16:22.18drmessanoSure it is
16:22.25freezey[TK]D-Fender: which card do you recommend?
16:22.32drmessanoThe internet is a big contest, and I am gonna hit the end guy one day
16:22.39Qwellfreezey: Digium T1 card, of course
16:22.43[TK]D-Fender1st step of military invasion : cut off the enemy's ability to respond/communicate
16:23.47coppiceHow do you declare war in the 21st century?
16:23.48coppiceBlow out all the oppositions early warning systems in one go :-)
16:24.03[TK]D-Fenderfreezey: Since you're going direct to VoIP I would suspect you wouldn't need HWEC, so a Sangoma A101 or Digium TE120P would do.
16:24.07iratikits odd that voicepulse doesn't support g729.... are g729 and speex unpopular among trunking providers?
16:24.14[TK]D-Fendercoppice: Wire cutters.
16:24.32coppiceyou need a saw for fibre
16:24.34ManxPoweriratik: many providers that are NOT based on Asterisk support G729
16:24.34freezeyok ok so... see this is what my old site was like... i had a t1 directly plugged into the back of asterisk
16:24.51freezeybut i had a definity system over there
16:24.52[TK]D-Fendercoppice: Sharks with friggen lasers on their heads
16:24.59DavisGrfreezey U must look on "display system-parameters customer-options" and find out if You have h323 - so if You hav then find out cyril poust to configure asterisk width avaya
16:25.01iratikManxPower: can you recommend a g729 or speex provider?
16:25.21coppicesharks don't attack the modern fibres. that was an 1980s thing
16:25.25drmessano[TK]D-Fender: Grizzly Bears with machines guns on their backs are much more effective
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16:26.08freezeyDavisGr: ok i am vnc'ing into my voicemail system now
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16:26.35drmessanoWhat's really scary is whether or not wackjob in Iran will see this as a threat, especially if it really is some coincidence
16:26.47ManxPoweriratik: no speex, but try or
16:27.10DavisGrfreezey I am going Off now till tomorow
16:27.31freezeyDavisGr: i will talk to you when i see you tomorrow then
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16:28.24ManxPowerin fact every one I just checked have G729
16:28.27iratikhmmm... odd that teliax doesn't seem to provide rates for US
16:28.39ManxPoweriratik: 1.9 cents/min for per min plans
16:28.59ManxPowerIt might be less now.
16:29.01InsolentDreamsbroadvoice is great, if you can really do it on your own.  Their customer service is terrible now though, just a fore warning.  :)  I use 'em though
16:29.16ManxPowerI have personally used Teliax and Vitelity.
16:29.21InsolentDreamsJust don't expect their help, come here instead
16:29.22freezey[TK]D-Fender: ok let me try and make sense of this for myself... so i would have a t1 line directly plugging into the asterisk machine with this digium card.. this will come strait from the wall and asterisk will be my pbx and handle all the calls in my current office... and then a connection would go over to the other office they would keep their avaya system
16:30.35[TK]D-Fenderfreezey: your Avaya will be your PBX, all * will do is pass your external calls out the PRI over to your other * server to be actually terminated  / processed
16:31.10BadHorsiei think i'm doing something wrong or several things not done in the right way, i monitor channels from a php that gets updated every 5 seconds, whenever i see an active channel i click to generate an originate call to a certain extension that is defined in extensions.conf that in the end points to chanspy with my extension so i can listen to it, now it takes a long time to start receiving audio even tho the call to my phone is done quickly, and most
16:31.10BadHorsieof the time the calls are too short so i get connected in the end of the call, is there a chance i can start the monitoring of the call first and then make the connection to my phone? maybe that would do it better...
16:31.23freezey[TK]D-Fender: hmm i but what if i wanted it to handle internally as well as externally
16:31.26[TK]D-Fenderfreezey: This is on the assumption that you will be using * as a pbx on the other side as their primary PBX.   This machine should have a HWEC card
16:31.48[TK]D-Fenderfreezey: Fix your dialplan on your avaya to dial out your PRI for those DID's.
16:32.09freezeyahh yes very very true
16:32.12InsolentDreamsYash?  Maxim?
16:32.18ManxPowerPRI -> Asterisk -> T-1 or PRI -> Legacy PBX -> Legacy Phones.
16:32.38freezey[TK]D-Fender: i thought you were saying my avaya system is no good
16:32.52InsolentDreamsBadHorsie: You sound eerily like someone at my work trying to do this.
16:33.00ManxPowerfreezey: the number one thing you MUST remember is that legacy PBXs were never designed to do anything USEFUL with regards to integrating with other systems.  Don't expect the legacy box to do everything you want in regards to call routing.
16:33.06InsolentDreamsBadHorsie: and having the same problems.  :P
16:33.07[TK]D-Fenderfreezey: It isn't.  What I was saying is that you can't have * run those phones and control your calls.
16:33.32[TK]D-Fenderfreezey: The setup I described doe not have * handle how your avay hardware processes its calls internally.
16:33.33BadHorsieInsolentDreams, huh... boss? :P
16:34.06angryuserhow many concurrent call broadcom allow?
16:34.09BadHorsieInsolentDreams, well are you having any luck with developing a better solution?
16:34.24[TK]D-Fenderfreezey: angryuser Go ask them.
16:34.30ManxPowerWe actually have that setup except we also use Polycom phones hanging off Asterisk -- in fact all new or replaced phones are on the Asterisk box.
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16:34.38angryuserfor one account <ManxPower>
16:34.40freezey[TK]D-Fender: hmm when i had an Avaya Definity PBX
16:34.45InsolentDreamsBadHorsie: Well it's not me it's a colleague, and no they have similar problems.  In fact when they monitor often they end up crashing our asterisk server.  :)
16:34.48ManxPowerangryuser: almost all providers allow unlimited calls on their per/min plan
16:34.53freezey[TK]D-Fender: asterisk did everything ha
16:35.16freezeyjust wanted to thank everybody again for the help your giving me
16:35.23[TK]D-Fenderfreezey: you saying that witht he definity * was in control of one internal phone talking to another?
16:35.26InsolentDreamsBadHorsie: They have a bit older of a asterisk version, but crashing it outright scares the hell out of me.  That is_no_ good
16:35.30angryuser<ManxPower> i saw thay have unlimited plans, do you know the limit?
16:35.46[TK]D-Fenderangryuser: Go ask THEM.
16:36.11angryuser<[TK]D-Fender> it is not written on site
16:36.22angryuser<[TK]D-Fender> nor in terms & conditions
16:36.23[TK]D-Fenderangryuser: They have a phone number.  Get dialing.
16:36.52[TK]D-Fender"Hi, I'm thinking of becoming a customer.  Answer my questions and you might win me over"
16:37.08freezey[TK]D-Fender: yeah actually a guy i set this up wrote up a documentation on it and presented it at a conference in las vegas its a powerpoint doc avaialble on the internet.. i dunno if you want to check it out what he did was pretty interesting
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16:37.28angryuser<[TK]D-Fender> ?? calm down
16:37.38[TK]D-Fenderfreezey: Doesn't really impact your specific box though, so no matter
16:37.44freezey[TK]D-Fender: k
16:37.58freezey[TK]D-Fender: afk for a lil bit
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16:38.28coppiceremember. customers make pain days possible
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16:39.53hmmhesayscoppice: lol
16:40.06hmmhesaysoh and mediatrix makes pain.
16:41.04coppicemediatrix has the worlds' funkiest protocol implementations
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16:42.11freezey[TK]D-Fender: so if i wanted asterisk to handle everything i need a new avaya system... thats pretty much what i want to accomplish but its so dam pricey
16:42.50freezey[TK]D-Fender: and voip would be cool to have but if i have this system i would just like to improve the dam thing
16:42.55hi365anyone know of any applications/products to create sefisticated IVR (data retrevial)?
16:43.06ManxPowerfreezey: make sure you have the worlds EXPERT on the Avaya handy as well.
16:43.45freezeyManxPower: just pisses me off its so dam old
16:44.17[TK]D-Fenderfreezey: ARGH
16:44.32[TK]D-Fenderfreezey: no NEW Avaya ANYTHING
16:44.46[TK]D-Fenderfreezey: I was showing a way to leave one you HAD in "service"
16:44.47ManxPowerfreezey: integrating different brands of PBXs is HARD.
16:45.00ManxPowerDon't do it unless you have to.
16:45.19freezey[TK]D-Fender: oh yeah tahts right sorry.. but i am thinkin screw the other office let them be and just do this to mine
16:45.58[TK]D-Fenderfreezey: You are coming from so many direction its nigh impossible to get this story straight and advise you.
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16:46.37coppiceManxPower: BlendTec can help :-)
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16:46.52freezey[TK]D-Fender: ok so let set my goal on one thing for now.. cause you already explained how i can merge the two of them... i just want to move my current status in this one office with the use of asterisk handling all the calls incoming and outgoing
16:47.11BugKhaManyone has an experience with using Linksys WIP300?
16:47.32hmmhesaysstay away
16:47.49[TK]D-Fenderfreezey: You need to draw a complete picture of "now", and how you expect the new setup to function (without mentioning by what means you think it should work)
16:48.02[TK]D-FenderBugKhaM: Ditto
16:48.02hmmhesaysshort battery life, and it hangs a lot
16:48.05sx|lappyhmmhesays: that's pretty clear message ;-)
16:48.21BugKhaMit just doesn't get registered for more than 10 secs I guess
16:48.22[TK]D-FenderIndeed, battery doesn't last 4 hours with intermittant use
16:48.23phillipkBugKhaM: We use a couple of them here. They've been discontinued, I think.
16:48.37hmmhesaysI use mine, but the charger is always near
16:48.58[TK]D-FenderI now have a UTStarcom F3000 that I'm RMA'ing for it locking up and losing link constantly
16:49.09hmmhesaysI have yet to find a decent wifi phone
16:49.10BugKhaMphillipk: haven't you had registration problems with *?
16:49.22file[TK]D-Fender: have you crashed it yet?
16:49.26hmmhesaysI just plugged my spa-942 back in yesterday, I like these phones
16:49.35[TK]D-Fenderfile: it crashes all by itself.  Driver optional.
16:49.43file[TK]D-Fender: :D
16:50.06drmessanojbot: A wirenut is the solution to the problem of "Should I switch to Asterisk, should I keep my Avaya, should I keep my Cisco, or should I integrate them"
16:50.06jbotdrmessano: okay
16:50.10freezey[TK]D-Fender: ok i am going to come up with a complete idea of what exactly is going on back there... maybe a little visio diagram.. and you might be so kind to analyze? =o)
16:50.12jbotwirenut is probably the solution to the problem of "Should I switch to Asterisk, should I keep my Avaya, should I keep my Cisco, or should I integrate them"
16:50.13phillipkBugKhaM: Not really. The main problem I have is that the phone seems to go "idle" and loose its connection to the AP at random.
16:50.19[TK]D-Fenderfreezey: 2 of them
16:50.40BugKhaMphillipk: I use WIP300 to connect to my * within the same subnet with qualify=yes
16:50.40phillipkBugKhaM: I find myself constantly tapping the little joystick to keep the phone awake.
16:50.49freezey[TK]D-Fender: ok so one with how exactly its doing back there and the other with how this should work
16:50.50hmmhesaysphillipk, yeah
16:51.20BugKhaMphillipk: and sip show peers just say "Unreachable" all the time
16:51.51phillipkBugKhaM: We use 2 in a ring group for mobile tech support folks. We haven't had any trouble with registration.
16:51.51BugKhaMphillipk: heard a few other people said that too
16:51.58[TK]D-Fenderfreezey: 1 comprehensive picture of what you have NOW at both sites and all links between.  #2 with what you KNOW you're going to do for a site you have solidified on, and show its impact on connectivity betweent he two and PSTN
16:52.28BugKhaMphillipk: ok
16:52.37phillipkBugKhaM: We do have trouble with roaming between APs, though. We have to power cycle the phone to get it to pick up a new AP.
16:52.43freezey[TK]D-Fender: gotcha when i complete this you will hear from me =o)
16:53.08BugKhaMphillipk: yeah, I have that roaming problem too
16:53.10drmessanoIs that a threat or a promise?
16:53.53phillipkI'd really like to find a decent wifi phone, because the convenience factor for our tech support folks is huge, but the phones just don't seem to be any good. Has anyone tried the WIP320?
16:54.06drmessanoWhy not use an ATA and a cordless?
16:54.16Qwellphillipk: go with DECT...
16:54.30Qwelleven SIP+DECT
16:54.40phillipkI'm in a campus style situation. Tech support has to go too far.
16:54.40Qwellsip base station, DECT handsets
16:55.01Qwellthey'll have to charge the phones a few times a day with wifi...
16:55.10Qwellwifi phones have *very* poor battery life
16:55.18drmessanoWifi chips burn jucice
16:55.20Qwellespecially if you're using it a lot, like tech support would be
16:55.20drmessanoWifi chips burn juice
16:55.42[TK]D-Fenderphillipk: the Hitachi seems to be the most highly regarded one so far
16:55.50Qwell[TK]D-Fender: true
16:56.02[TK]D-FenderQwell:  Everything in perspective...
16:56.02QwellI think twisted had one of the Hitachi's for a while
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16:57.49phillipkThis one:
16:59.17aiureaI have a setup in which asterisk calls me(via asterisk/outgoing), I hit a button and asterisk Dials another number and connects me to it. However if I(the first person called) end the call the person's after me call isn't terminated
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16:59.37aiureaconfusing, right:)?
17:00.31[TK]D-Fenderphillipk: I've heard more on the IP-5000.  Not sure how the IP-3000 measures up.
17:00.43aiurea this is a part of extensions.conf
17:01.05phillipk[TK]D-Fender: Thanks. I'll look for the 5000.
17:01.25ManxPowerI'm getting REALLY REALLY REALLY sick of support departments that give you the WRONG info, send the wrong attachment, or just plain take 4 days to respond.
17:02.38BadHorsiei wonder if instead of having Application: chanspy call in an originate in the AMI would make any significant difference to having AMI trigger extension.conf rule for monitoring and calling chanspy inside of it...
17:02.50[TK]D-Fenderjameswf: No, he prefers others...
17:03.23jameswfI wa sgoing to go bust some heads... guess not..
17:04.16drmessanojameswf: I have an issue with your support
17:04.33jameswfdrmessano: your opinion doesnt count
17:04.35drmessanoI had a card that wasn't working.. why didn't you people know enough to CALL ME?
17:04.52drmessanoI waited hours :(
17:04.53jameswfwe would have called you but your card wasnt working
17:05.01ManxPowerdrmessano: we frequently get e-mails sent to our support desk telling us that e-mail is not working
17:05.04drmessanoOhhhhhhhhh I see
17:05.10iratikis the default maxexpiry=3600?
17:05.13[TK]D-FenderManxPower: SMRT
17:05.16drmessanoIs that like the e-mail microsoft sent me to reactivate my outlook?
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17:06.17drmessanoWhen we have a WAN outage, and someone calls me, every now and I then I tell someone "Im looking into it, please send me an email on that"
17:06.30drmessanoOnly the stupid ones though
17:06.41drmessanoIt's like a sick game I play, that only I have the chance to win
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17:07.11jameswfSorry all IT  issues must go through the web based ticket system.... But the networks down... NO EXCPTIONS!!
17:07.27drmessanoTICKET OR IT DIDNT HAPPEN!
17:07.43[TK]D-Fender"We have a Zero Intelligence policy here!"
17:07.47sudhir492Is it possible to use asterisk with VPN
17:07.52Qwellsudhir492: sure
17:08.08jameswfwhen our network goes down everyone wallpapers the IT guys door with postits
17:08.35ManxPowerour entire network almost never goes down.
17:08.40jameswfhe hates us :))
17:09.06sudhir492The Asterisk is on a public IP address where there is no restriction. However, the client's phone is in a place where the ISP is blocking all SIP traffic. What is the best way to setup things
17:09.23jameswfOur network never goes down except the few times that it goes down but other than when it is down it is always up
17:09.27iratikWhat is going here - I can't issue an originate command and am getting an odd error back - let me know if you need more info -  (trunk works, but issuing originate through AMI suddenly stopped) - asterisk 1.2 on slackware
17:09.39drmessanoWe had 3 sites on one connection into our corporate cloud.. It was mess whenever the hub site, highly prone to lightning problems, would get taken out
17:10.04drmessanoIts only slightly better now, with one builing on its own circuit
17:10.17sudhir492Qwell: have you set up something like that
17:10.22drmessanoBut nights like lastnight where all of the southeast was out... sucked
17:10.25Qwellsudhir492: there's nothing to setup
17:10.32Qwelljust setup the vpn like normal, and you're done
17:11.18sudhir492Qwell: The asterisk box is also accessed by phones which do not use any vpn,
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17:13.42iratikhmm congested.?
17:16.09drmessanoNo, runny nose
17:16.28drmessanoBut thank you for asking
17:19.51jblackholy fuck.
17:19.51aiureaif I have a small macro on a loop, if I terminate the call shouldn't it stop running?
17:20.03jblacka _fifth_ fiber cable was cut
17:20.35jblackIran is now offline
17:20.39Qwelljblack: welcome to 5 hours ago
17:20.41Qwellthen again 3 hours, and 1 hour
17:21.16jblackI think I can be forgiven for being 5 hours out of sync with the news.
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17:23.11generalhanhey all !
17:24.02cpjoshMorning all, im having a problem getting my context's to work properly....
17:24.05cpjosh0/17, span 1
17:24.10cpjoshi keep getting that error..
17:24.17jblackThe news is only 2 hours old
17:24.23smash-how do i setup my asterisk box
17:24.36smash-so i can have another asterisk box uplink to it through voip, and use the pri channels
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17:25.40generalhanwe are opening up a remote office, with 8 users. we want these 8 users to connect their SIP phones through another * server and connect that box to our local * box via IAX2 ... anyone have any adice on the bandwidth that i should get for this remote office to ensure good qaulity on thier phones ??
17:27.01generalhanin what little experience i have, i've found that a general consumer cable connection works well for one phone, but calls start to get rather choppy with 2. and the ISP there is offering me a 15M up 2M down stream on a cable connection, but i fear that wont be enough
17:28.35cpjoshgeneralhan: use a sip phone and just record how much bandwidth your really using..
17:29.13generalhancpjosh: i dont really have that option ... this office has no connection, and i dont want to sign a year lease for a testing phase
17:30.35generalhanand in our local office we have a T connection, which isnt really comparable. i just want to know if anyone has used a cable connection successfully in a situation like this, and at what speeds they got it to work
17:32.48[TK]D-Fendercpjosh: Clearly you do not have an exten in your [incoming] context to match that DID.
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17:34.16cpjosh[TK]D-Fender: Im assuming this context is in the extensions conf or in the zaptel conf?
17:34.31[TK]D-Fendercpjosh: Extensions are in extensions.conf
17:34.40cpjoshok thanks
17:34.43[TK]D-Fenderone would think the name sorta said ti all
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17:35.45cpjoshyeah it didnt, but thank god your around to help us figure it out
17:35.53drmessanoThis reminds me of a parody someone did years ago... "Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran..."
17:36.05cpjoshi think it should be put_in_your_extensions_here.conf
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17:40.32bsdwarriorare voip phones drift time after several days,weeks. ntp is running on the server, I believe I have to add  option ntp-servers  to our dhcpd.conf. Am I correct?
17:42.16[TK]D-Fenderbsdwarrior: depends where your provisioning tells them to get their time from and what resync period
17:44.07bsdwarriortkd-fender when you say provisioning, do you mean in the phones or in asterisk ?
17:45.11[TK]D-Fenderbsdwarrior: Only one "provisions"
17:46.12bsdwarriorso its in the phones ?
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17:46.45aiureait weird, I have an identical sip.conf on an asterisk 1.2 and 1.4. 1.2 detects a hangup, 1.4 doesn't
17:47.03[TK]D-Fenderbsdwarrior: Yes
17:47.22[TK]D-Fenderaiurea: SIP does not "detect" hangups.  It is an absolute
17:47.42[TK]D-Fenderaiurea: hangup "detection" is an analog thing
17:48.17aiurea[TK]D-Fender, what could be different that would affect it? I am calling the same phone, 1.2 sees the hangup and exits, 1.4 continues
17:48.36[TK]D-Fenderaiurea: show me something sueful and describe your scenario
17:48.52aiurea[TK]D-Fender, just a sec while I prepare it
17:49.29VitoCorleonI have a Cisco 7960 setup to a Asterisk box. Incoming works great but when i dial out i get "Reorder", any help please?
17:49.38bsdwarriorwierd I have the sntp_server set in the sipblah.cnf
17:49.52QwellVitoCorleon: try repeating your question again - I don't think anybody saw it the first 4 times
17:50.03drmessanoEffin Spammer
17:50.35[TK]D-FenderVitoCorleon: and I asked you for details CLI output with SIP debug enabled yesterday and you're revolving like a broken record.
17:50.54VitoCorleondid you?
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17:51.06VitoCorleoni didnt type that lol sorry
17:51.17VitoCorleonim not sure why my xchat repeated itself
17:51.20[TK]D-FenderVitoCorleon: Yes, not if you want help, give us something we can help you based on
17:51.25drmessanoUp arrow, enter
17:51.26drmessanoUp arrow, enter
17:51.29[TK]D-FenderVitoCorleon: pastebin is your friend.
17:52.24VitoCorleonyep yep :)
17:52.33VitoCorleonim going over to my client again today
17:52.42VitoCorleoni will be back in here :)
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17:55.32ZPerteeI have an overhead pager system and a cell phone.  I would like to be able to dial a number if I'm in the office so that incoming calls will page me and if I leave dial another extension and have calls forwarded to my cell phone.  this needs to happen for multiple people in my office.  Any ideas?
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17:56.38bsdwarriortkd-fender if the phones are behind a firewall on pvt network, I doubt they could sync time with a ntp server with a public ip right ?
17:57.19[TK]D-FenderZPertee: All dialplan stuff. "core show application gotoif", " "core show function DB"
17:57.29[TK]D-Fenderbsdwarrior: Sure they can
17:58.05bsdwarriortkd-fender wierd, cause its not working.
17:58.57[TK]D-Fenderaiurea: SIP/smartcall1-081ceaf0 <- what is this coming from precisely?
17:59.48aiureaasterisk is calling me (asterisk/outgoing)
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18:02.06PDanihow can i give empty string as parameter to a command called from System()?
18:02.15c4t3lhello guys, are there any polycom gurus in here. I'm having trouble with ver 2.1.1 and asterisk sending callerid to the line apearances
18:03.41ManxPowerc4t3l: make sure the callerid contains nothing except for numbers and letters.  no " not other special chars.
18:03.54ManxPowerPDani: ""
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18:04.29walhalamay some one can explain me this message : "Incoming call: Got SIP response 415 "Unacceptable Content-Type" back from" ?
18:07.16c4t3lManxPower: the specific problem I have is that older versions of the SIp firmware (ie 1.6) would display inbound callerID on the line appearance.  The newer version 2.1.1 displays caller ID on the very bottom.  do you know of a setting in sip.cfg that might help
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18:09.55[TK]D-Fenderaiurea: that does not tell me anything useful about the device
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18:10.59aiurea[TK]D-Fender, I don't know what else to share, everything is routed via SIP to the provider
18:11.06hmmhesaysami callerid stuff is completely screwy
18:11.37aiurea[TK]D-Fender, there are not physical telephony devices used in this setup
18:11.45aiurea[TK]D-Fender, except the phone:)
18:12.08[TK]D-Fenderaiurea: What is the device making that channel I asked about?
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18:13.28aiurea[TK]D-Fender, it's a sip connection to a remote provider. I don't know what they are using. and the device to which it's going is a mobile phone
18:14.03[TK]D-Fenderaiurea: This is the part where the suspicion of failure immediately falls on them
18:14.24aiurea[TK]D-Fender, yes, but why would asterisk 1.2 work in the exact setup?
18:14.40[TK]D-Fenderaiurea: Show 2 calls with SIP debug enabled through each
18:18.04PDaniManxPower: doesn't work
18:18.11bsdwarriortkd-fender im still stumped on something we talked about. im running a perl daemon that sends outbound calls to phones every 20secs (if any). my problem is I cant find out what happened to the call properly. you said I have to set the userfield for cdr in the dialplan, howerver im running a script.
18:20.16PDaniManxPower: if "" is the last parameter
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18:36.42[TK]D-Fenderbsdwarrior: Set the userfield before dialing out the first lefg of your call.
18:37.51aiurea[TK]D-Fender, sorry for the delay, I screwed up something in the 1.4 setup and I haven't figured out exactly what
18:39.11bsdwarriortkd-fender, so set a channel variable ?
18:39.26[TK]D-Fenderbsdwarrior: No, set the CDR USERFIELD.
18:40.11[TK]D-Fenderbsdwarrior: Setting a variable for tracking live, but you're going to want that var to match CRDisn't a bad idea either.
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18:43.01bsdwarriortkd-fender ill give it another shot
18:45.51ZaVoidanyone know if g.729 license on asterisk supports g.729br8 ?
18:48.24lmadsenit's G.729a
18:48.42ZaVoidyeah just g.729a though right?
18:52.31lmadsenthat's what I just said :)
18:52.46lmadsenI dind't say g.729a/b/ab/foo
18:55.07aiurea[TK]D-Fender, how should I send you the logs?
18:55.41[TK]D-Fenderaiurea: Pastebin them and maybe someone else can follow up, because I ahev to head out for a few hours
18:56.05aiureajust when I finished them
18:56.49[TK]D-Fenderaiurea: well it took you over 3/4 hour to do this so you'd better not waste the effort
18:57.54aiureathere was a nasty permission bug I managed to introduce while testing it:) this is 1.2
18:57.57iratikCan asterisk management interface support more than one person logged in under the same account?
18:58.26aiurea this is 1.4
18:59.17[TK]D-Fenderiratik: Yes
18:59.29[TK]D-Fenderok, I'm off, BBL
18:59.29iratikhmm.. k thanks
19:04.35cappizis there a way to make the voicemail announce a different number rather than the extension itself?
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19:14.34adelasanyone know of a simple program to convert files to .gsm files so i can replace the default asterisk greetings?
19:15.19eric_hillJust set up a voicemail box that you can record some messages into.  Asterisk will save the VM in the gsm format for you.
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19:31.03shido6asterisk rocks
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19:35.38generalhananyone have any suggestions on upload/download bandwidth for a 10 SIP phone remote office connecting via IAX2 to the local Asterisk machine ?
19:36.54BBHossgeneralhan, so im assuming you have two asterisk boxes?
19:37.23generalhanyes, one local connected to a PRI, and one that i am sending to the remote office to connect to the local one via IAX2
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19:37.42BBHosswhat kind of codec?
19:37.56ctdamAnyone interested in a full time Asterisk-related position in the NYC area, please PM me
19:38.03generalhanbut i need to setup the ISP in that building and i dont want to go with a cable connection and have it be a crappy connection
19:38.48generalhanBBHoss: i forget what im using .. one sec lol
19:39.56generalhanBBHoss: on my local machine here i allow gsm, ulaw, alaw ... in that order
19:39.59J4k3generalhan: 160kbit * 10
19:40.03J4k3generalhan: for g711
19:40.15J4k3(or 80k per direction)
19:40.21BBHossgeneralhan, i would get g729
19:40.24J4k3figure 32k-ish per direction per call for g729
19:40.57BBHossan SDSL connection would handle the g729 calls
19:41.21generalhanthat seems off to me ... maybe i need to do some adjusting ... when i was testing this server at my house on a 2M cable connection 1 phone worked well, but 2 phones started chopping up really baddly
19:41.34BBHossJ4k3, it can work though, i get like 0.3 ms jitter on my Comcast
19:41.41xp_prganyone use perl with asterisk here?
19:41.50generalhanBBHoss: but that is for only one phone, right
19:42.17BBHossgeneralhan, no, an SDSL connection should handle 10 g729 calls at least
19:42.51J4k3BBHoss: you're in a very rare location
19:43.00BBHossJ4k3, you better believe it
19:43.04generalhani would love to put in a full T-1 line at this office ... but it would be a difference of like $400/month over the 12M cabel connection
19:43.13J4k3BBHoss: all it takes is one jackass kid with deepish-pockets parents and a giganews account and/or bittorrent to ruin that
19:43.18BBHossi consistently get 38ms ping
19:44.20drmessano-LTI've run 4 calls, bidirectional, on a 8/768 Comcast line before
19:44.22BBHossgeneralhan, DSL of any type is less susceptible to packet loss and jitter because your neighbors usage doesn't effect it as much as cable
19:44.30tuxfooanyone try to get bluetooth working with asterisk 1.4?
19:44.43drmessano-LTAfter that it got bad
19:45.07J4k3then I moved a few feet and lost 7/8ths of my bandwidth :)
19:45.09generalhanBBHoss: this office is in BFE though ... no where NEAR a DSL location
19:45.09BBHosswow, EVDO?
19:45.16drmessano-LTSo you should be able to handle more G729 than that
19:45.32jbot[bfe] B F-ing Egypt...or like nowhere
19:45.43J4k3it ain't bfe if you can get cable
19:45.44J4k3I'm in bfe
19:46.00J4k3the last F connector is 2.9 miles west, or 40+ miles east
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19:46.13J4k310 miles south, and 23 miles north
19:46.28J4k3DSL... well the CO has it, but I'm 28kft from the CO
19:46.32J4k3so haha, riiiight ;)
19:47.38generalhanso if i could get a 20M download and 3M upload on a cable connection for the same price as a 1.544 T1 connection, which would you recommend to run these phones
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19:47.55J4k3generalhan: depends on what you want
19:48.02BBHossJ4k3, yeah but they use fiber to the fiber termination box, then run it into a DSLAM
19:48.02J4k3cable generally has at least a 3 day 'wait for repair' time
19:48.35generalhanim only looking for call reliability for the IAX2 transfer to my local machine ... that is the only thing i am concerned with
19:48.55BBHosswe're telling you DSL
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19:49.13generalhanBBHoss: that isnt an option in the location of this office
19:49.21BBHossi wouldnt touch cable without an SLA
19:49.35BBHossgeneralhan, so you've checked then?
19:49.36generalhanBBHoss: i can either get Cox Cable out there or a T1
19:49.40generalhanBBHoss: yes
19:49.59BBHossyou can try it
19:50.41bsdwarriortkd-fender in my perl script Im sending this command to the manager before I make the call and it doesnt work. Set(CDR(userfield)=1234)
19:50.49generalhanBBHoss: see i REALLY dont want to try something ... i have to sign a year contract with any of these companies ... i even asked if i could do a trial period for assesment and was denied
19:51.25BBHossgeneralhan, just get the business class service, if its not business class, then don't pay the bill
19:52.35BBHossgeneralhan, g.729 has got a robust PLC algorithm, and IAX2 has a jitterbuffer you can use
19:52.44BBHossi would definitely use that
19:52.48BBHossor ILBC
19:53.02BBHossbut ILBC is not as efficient as g729
19:53.19generalhanhmm, never played with the jitterbuffer before
19:53.30BBHossit can help loads
19:53.45BBHossi have a friend is au that was having trouble connecting over iax2 to the us
19:54.07BBHosssound quality was horrible until he turned the jb=on
19:55.19generalhando thats it ? just jitterbuffer=yes in iax.conf ?
19:55.30generalhanno manual configuration ?
19:55.57BBHossyeah i think that was it
19:56.05generalhansweet ill try that !
19:56.08Frogzoocan't you tune the size of the introduced delay?
19:56.18BBHossjust make sure you disable the phones jb
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19:56.53minteeI'm looking to have a voicemail box that must be setup before it's working by the user...  The first time someone calls the number, they will get the intro with instructions to setup their voicemail, including recording their away (sorry) message and changing their PIN.  After the voicemail has been setup, the user will never hear the intro message again.
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19:57.11minteeis that something that's concievably easy to setup?
19:57.12BBHossFrogzoo, yes, maxjitterbuffer=n (number)
19:57.31anarcatso i'm still pondering on buying a Polycom station for our conference room and i've been impressed by a cisco phone that had a speakerphone...
19:57.52anarcathas anyone here played with softphones with speakerphones that work well?
19:58.00anarcat(sorry for being offtopic...)
20:01.03RoyKis slin wideband?
20:03.11BBHossRoyK, i don't think so, but i read somewhere that Asterisk can run up to 16k internally, so maybe it is :)
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20:08.07annielouI am trying to automate some calls from asterisk extensions - I've successfully gotten extension to extension calls going through /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/ - however, I'm interested in having a particular extension auto-dial some other digits which are not necessarily extensions (e.g. *72/*73 for traditional PSTN Call Forwarding, etc.).  Anyone have suggestions on how this can be accomplished?
20:08.54xp_prgannielou so you want to dial calls out?
20:08.54sudhir492what are the softphones for windows that support iax2?
20:09.14BBHosssudhir492, zoiper does i think
20:09.54sudhir492thanks, let me try
20:10.03annielouxp_prg:  yes, dialing out to a VOIP service provide which supports *72 to set CF, so just want to automate calls to enable CF.
20:10.50xp_prgannielou can you tell me an example, I am confused
20:11.05xp_prgyou want to call forward an extension to another phone number yes?
20:13.44annielouxp_prg:  sure.  take example of schedule CF - the user sets up a schedule through some web interface.  at the start time of the scheduled event, i need asterisk to dial *72+NPANXXXXXX+# so that CF is enabled.  At the end time of the event, i want asterisk to dial *72.  i want to forward calls, not via asterisk logic, but via the existing logic for *72 and *73 which is implemented by the VOIP service provider.
20:14.34defsdoorannielou: use a prefix
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20:16.52drakowhats the trick with ooh323
20:17.11drakoi compiled, its on modules but on help does not show anything about it
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20:21.47annieloudefsdoor:  thanks, i haven't heard of prefix - will read up on it.  let me know if you have any examples.
20:22.20defsdoorannielou: dial 9*72
20:22.39defsdoorremove the 9 in your dial plan
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20:28.56smash-Hey could someone give me a url or a couple of voip/sip uplink providers.
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20:30.36jbot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet telephony Service Provider or "VoIP Telephone company". The allow you to either PLACE calls to the PSTN (called Termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called Origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs
20:31.07jbot[~itsplist-us] Here are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones : , , ,, or, or
20:31.23ManxPowerI use as well
20:33.29jbot[~itsplist-ca] Here are some popular ITSPs (Canada) starting with the more respected ones : , ,
20:33.48kyronah, interesting
20:34.25tzangerwhat's the thought on thinktel?
20:36.35fiXXXerMetHow else can I stress test conferencing without getting 15 real people to call up?
20:36.54annieloudefsdoor:  i don't have a 9 in my dial plan.  but your comment did help me to think of the solution to the problem, so thanks.
20:38.58minteecan anyone link me to a few samples of conditionals in asterisk?
20:39.28minteeexten => s,1,IF(system(touch helloworld)?ok:nok) isn't working for me it seems, and I don't know why.
20:39.42tzangermintee: GotoIf($[ ${LEN(CALLERID(num))} = 10 ]?goodcid)
20:40.30tzangermintee: GotoIf($[ ${MYVAR} < 3 ]?newcontext,someexten,1:greater_or_equal)
20:41.05bsdwarriorIm using Orginate with the manager and I can't set the userfield in cdr for the life of me
20:42.07bsdwarriorVariable: userfield=test doesnt work. nor does SetCDRUserField(1234) or Set(CDR(userfield)=1234)
20:42.20minteetzanger, thanks.   I'm looking to actually check if a file exist on the filesystem when a specific call comes in, and it it doesn't then create the file and do something else.
20:42.47spongermintee: why not just write a simple agi to do that for you
20:43.21tzangersponger: because agis suck? :-)
20:43.34spongerhaha ok
20:43.48minteebecause I don't know what an agi is... reading now...
20:43.59minteeand tzanger thinks they suck so there :P
20:44.05spongertzanger: can you elaborate?
20:44.09tzangermintee: try "core show function STAT"
20:44.30RoyKwtf is 'show translation' become in 1.6?
20:44.36tzangersponger: I don't want to have a dozen little shell scripts hanging around waiting to get invoked
20:44.51RoyK~lart himself
20:44.51jbotcuts himself into thin stripes
20:44.53minteetzanger i don't have stat... working with an older version of asterisk
20:46.09minteewhenever i try and use IF i get No application 'IF' for extension (test-play-with-conditional, s, 1)
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20:46.48RoyKmintee: it's a function, not an application
20:48.32minteeah, so it has to be used inside an application?
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20:51.39minteeok, i changed the line to exten => s,1,set(myvar=${IF(system(touch /var/log/test-play-with-conditional.touched)?ok:nok)})
20:51.47minteeand i got myvar=ok
20:51.54minteebut the file still doesn't exist
20:53.39ctdamAnyone interested in a full time Asterisk-related programming position in the NYC area, please PM me
20:53.57RoyKmintee: iirc system() returns true anyway, but it sets a variable indicating its return value
20:55.01minteeReturns -1 on failure to execute the specified command. If the command itself executes but is in error, and if there exists a priority n + 101, where 'n' is the priority of the current instance, then the channel will be setup to continue at that priority level. Otherwise, System returns 0.
20:55.15tzangermintee: I don't think you can do it that way
20:55.26tzangeryou can't execute an application inside an IF function block
20:55.46minteedid you see what I'm trying to do in the long run... I assume that I'm doing it the hard way anyhow
20:55.48spongermintee: the other guys can rip me if they want but this can be done in a few line sof perl or php
20:55.56b11dhow exactly does the #include <filename>  stuff work for extensions.conf?  can I setup a context like [faculty] and #include <ext.faculty.conf> and then follow with another context like [students] and include another like "ext.students.conf" ?
20:56.05tzangermintee: show function STAT, is it there?
20:56.12minteeI'm looking to have a voicemail box that must be setup before it's working by the user...  The first time someone calls the number, they will get the intro with instructions to setup their voicemail, including recording their away (sorry) message and changing their PIN.  After the voicemail has been setup, the user will never hear the intro message again.
20:56.22tzangerif not, you'll just have to use a script or try to piss around iwth system
20:56.24tzangeroth are nasty
20:56.37minteetzanger, oddly, STAT doesn't exist
20:58.05sbingnermintee, you could also use ASTDB to check if a voicemailbox is 'initialized' yet
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20:59.39phsdshftHow do I specify the DTMF tone duration on SIP channels (I'm using the sendDTMF() command, using a SIP outbound channel)
20:59.57phsdshftI dont see how to do it anywhere in the documentation for SIP channels.. just toneduration for a zap channel
21:00.36xp_prgsip protocol is the generic protocol that communicates with asterisk yes?
21:00.58spongerif you are using DTMF mode info or rcf2833
21:01.05spongerthat doesnt mattter
21:04.56phsdshftI'm using rfc2833..
21:05.25minteesbingner, is that something I'm going to have to code? Like add another field to the database and all, or is that already ready already?
21:05.28phsdshftbut, since I'm making outbound calls using asterisk and senddtmf.. how do I control how long the duration of the tone is? Also.. I could be using inband as well..
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21:07.20spongerphsdshft: your outbound calls are "sip" to the pstn via a provider?
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21:08.06phsdshftmy outbound calls are out to broadvoice via SIP, then out to the PSTN via them, correct
21:08.38spongerthen broadvoice will be sending the dtmf for you... if you use inband expect it to suck
21:09.41phsdshftright.. so I'm trying it with rfc2833
21:09.57phsdshftso asterisk controls how long the dtmf tones are w/ senddtmf
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21:15.03defsdoorwhy would my telco not know when my sangoma a200 has hung up a call ?  The line is staying open
21:15.53defsdoorsponger: it's doing a hangup
21:16.04defsdoorjust not being detected by the telco end
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21:24.44bsdwarriortkd-fender I've tried all over the following with the manager and still cant set the userfield.  Variable: userfield=test doesnt work. nor does SetCDRUserField(1234) or Set(CDR(userfield)=1234)
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21:34.58drmessano-LTI guess Vito got wacked
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21:40.12sbingnerwhat is generally the problem when DTMF tone detection goes to shit?
21:40.30BBHossdefsdoor, are you using the correct signaling?
21:40.59defsdoorBBHoss: fxs_ks
21:42.07defsdoorhangup on outgoing calls works fine
21:42.27defsdoorit's only incoming that stay active until calling party hangs up
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21:42.52defsdoorbut that will obviously be a problem as next outgoing call will get that call again
21:43.25BBHosshave you tried fxs_ls?
21:43.25defsdoorI could limit the effect of it if I could get asterisk to round robin the channels - but it uses first available
21:43.31defsdoorBBHoss: no
21:43.35defsdoorI will now
21:44.03BBHossif not i'll be back in about 1 hour and i will help some more, got a damn exam :(
21:44.23defsdoormy card/driver doesnt do fxs_ls
21:44.30defsdoorzap won't loa
21:45.01defsdooroo hangon
21:45.08defsdoorI need to change zaptel too
21:45.18*** join/#asterisk Vco (
21:45.57BBHossyou can also try gs too, but ls and ks are the only ones ive seen
21:45.58defsdoorhmm - no - still doesn't like it
21:46.14*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
21:46.27generalhanok so i got the final pricing on the connections at the office ... 1.5 T1 = $499/mo. and the 15M cable connection is $419/mo ... so now the question is: is it worth $80 for me to have that T1 in there over the cable
21:46.37Spyder12345Semi newbie question here. I am trying out the devel 1.6 beta 2 and having problems with just a basic sip registration using xlite. Is there a know problem or a change for basic registrations or am I missing something really simple?
21:47.52phsdshftHow do I specify the DTMF tone duration on SIP channels (I'm using the sendDTMF() command, using a SIP outbound channel)
21:48.35d1masSpyder12345: why don't you use stable 1.4 ?
21:48.59Spyder12345need sip tcp support and I guess from my understanding it has been added to 1.6
21:50.38d1masphsdshft: SendDTMF does not let you specify duration - it passes duration=0 to lower level API which means "use default" to it
21:51.18d1masnot a big deal to patch though
21:52.06d1masSpyder12345: yep, you are right. Have you tried 1.4 ? Xlite supports UDP too...
21:53.17Spyder12345I actually need to sip tcp to connect to an exchange 2007 Unified Messaging system. However, just for basic testing I was trying to get a Xlite client to register via SIP and the normal way in 1.4 seems like a no go in 1.6 unless I am missing something.
21:54.18d1masSpyder12345: I understand you want TCP :) However if I were you, I would start with 1.4+Xlite(UDP) and IF it worked - update to 1.6
21:55.02husimongeneralhan, Is this under some year contract?  If not I might just try the cable for a while and see how it goes.
21:55.18d1masthis way you will know if your basic config is wrong or the problem is 1.6
21:56.20husimonis chan_local the best way to do forwards ?
21:56.30husimoni mean Dial(Local...
21:56.43husimonto change contexts to the outbound and then dial the new number
21:56.47*** join/#asterisk nybbled (n=nybbled@about/apple/performa/nybble)
21:57.21d1mashusimon: why you need so?
21:58.36husimonhow else would you forward a call
21:58.48husimonsay you want to forward a call to your cell
21:58.59husimonother then of course using the call forwad option on the phone.
21:59.45husimondlmas the idea was to have a user configurable call forward key combination.  I found a macro to do it, just asking if anyone had thoughts on it.
21:59.58d1mashusimon: ah. Yes, just do Dial. You do not necessarily need to use Local - you can Dial(Zap/something), Dial(SIP/something) etc
22:00.40husimonyeah except the phones can be outside my system
22:00.44nybbledhey all, were timed includes (ie.include => context|<times>|<weekdays>|<mdays>|<months> ) removed from asterisk 1.6.0 beta 2 ?
22:00.49husimonso I assume dialing sip or zap sort of restricts it
22:00.52*** join/#asterisk dofear (
22:01.10d1mashusimon: however if you some outbound context which dispatches calls to different providers depending on number - then yes, Local seems to be logical choice
22:01.48dofearHi, can anyone please comment on if TE412P is compatible with Delll PowerEdge 2900
22:01.49d1mas"if you some
22:01.57d1mas"if you some"="if you have some"
22:02.04*** join/#asterisk funxion (n=x@
22:02.17dofearPowerEdge comes with 1 PCI Express X8, 3 PCI Express X4, 2 64-bit/133MHz PCI-X
22:02.25funxionis there something wrong with zaptel branch 1.2?
22:02.42dofearBut TE412P is a 33MHz 3.3 Volt PCI card
22:02.46funxionIm getting /usr/src/zaptel/Makefile:106: /usr/src/zaptel/Makefile.kernel26: No such file or directory when trying to make clean
22:02.51d1masfunxion: AFAIK it won't work with latest asterisk
22:03.00d1maslatest 1.4 I mean
22:03.01defsdoordofear: it will work in the PCI-X slot
22:03.07funxionIm using 1.2
22:03.07tzafrirfunxion, not that I know of
22:03.08phsdshftd1mas: How do I change the default DTMF duration then (for SIP channels)
22:03.16nybbledanyone have an idea? (timed includes with asterisk 1.6.x)
22:03.22funxionhow do I get around that
22:03.30funxiongoto 1.4?
22:03.37[TK]D-Fenderhusimon, A call is a call is a call.  You "forward" (stupid term in dialplan) the call to somewhere the same way you'd call it normally.  Its just that you end up in a different place that you might "normally"
22:03.40dofeardefsdoor:  even if the PCI-X slots are atleast of 66MHz
22:03.50tzafrirfunxion, all the drivers should be available for zaptel 1.2, if you really need that
22:03.58d1masphsdshft: you can not. There is only one constant specifying default DTMF duration for every channel. And you have to recompile asterisk in order to change it
22:04.11phsdshftd1mas: is it in channels.h?
22:04.26funxiontzafrir Im getting a lot of dropped calls over a t1 pri
22:04.34lirakislater all
22:04.36*** part/#asterisk lirakis (i=lirakis@
22:04.41funxionI found that there is a bug in the version that Im using and was looking to upgrade
22:04.43*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
22:04.45d1mastzafriri: will latest 1.4 compile and work with Zaptel 1.2 ?
22:04.55d1massorry, tzafrir.
22:04.58dofearQuoting from dell forum
22:04.59dofearPCI-X slots run at 66 or 133MHZ not 33MHZ.
22:05.00dofearif the card does not tolerate that speed it wont work.
22:05.00dofearAll 64 bit slots by default are 66mhz 3.3V OR 133MHZ 3.3V only.
22:05.03husimon[TK]D-Fender, i'm just going to Dial(Local/<number>@maincontext)
22:05.19husimonwhere maincontext is where all my phones are, and where all the incoming and outbound contexts are included
22:05.23husimonis that the correct way to do it?
22:05.34husimoni think I should show my extensions.conf. sec
22:05.37[hC]bkruse: any ideas on the vlan issue with the aa50?
22:05.43dofearAnyone running these 3.3 volt 33MHz digium cards on pci-x?
22:05.49[TK]D-Fenderhusimon, total waste.
22:05.53d1masphsdshft: if you really want change the duration, I would suggest you patchin app_sendtmf instead. You do not need to change defaults then
22:05.55tzangernice, 5th cable cut
22:06.03tzafrirfunxion, what card?
22:06.14defsdoordofear: pci-x runs at the speed of the slowest card
22:06.24bkruse[hC]: no idea, if it is not dropping packets on the iptables side of things, then I really do not know
22:06.32husimon[TK]D-Fender, what do you mean total waste?
22:06.34bkruseI am going to try to mess around with it a little though, because I too, want to know :]
22:06.58[TK]D-Fenderhusimon, you are creating extra channels, more CDR, etc for nothing.  Just do the REAL Dial.
22:07.07[hC]bkruse: have you done it before? Its very strange. tcpdumping the other side (since i dont have the pleasure of tcpdump on the aa50) shows weird unknown DSSP packet types
22:07.07defsdoordofear: pci-x is backwards compatible with pci
22:07.18funxionwill 1.4 zaptel work with asterisk 1.2?
22:07.25nybbledhas include => time thing been replaced with GotoIfTime?
22:07.31[hC]bkruse: i thought it might be an mtu issue with the vlan tag on the packet... Shrinking the MTU on both sides didnt help. It will open the socket, just not send any data.
22:07.52[hC]bkruse: I even tried older firmware just incase there was an issue in the recent release.
22:08.13defsdoordofear: "newer 3.3-volt PCI cards will work in a PCI-X slot"
22:08.22d1masphsdshft: I told you complete bulshit. there IS timeout parameter for SendDTMF
22:08.34husimon[TK]D-Fender, i'm doing something similar to :
22:08.45husimonare you saying that is the wrong way to set that type of forwarding up?
22:09.11funxionwill 1.4 zaptel work with asterisk 1.2?
22:09.13dofeardefsdoor: thanks
22:09.21d1masphsdshft: You do not need to do anything - just SendDTMF(123456789,300) where 300 is in milliseconds
22:09.24[TK]D-Fenderhusimon, stop calling is "forwarding".  its jsut friggen dialplan.  And you do not need to recurse back into the dialplan and spam your CDR jsut to dial something DIFFERENT
22:09.29tzafrirfunxion, basically yes. But you have to provide two symlinks from /usr/include/zaptel/*.h to the old places of zaptel 1.2
22:10.40funxionI would like to get 1.2 to work which it did in the past but I redownloaded it thinking it would be a newer version and now it doesnt werk
22:10.45dofearIs there any free callshop application for asterisk?
22:11.42funxionI keep getting usr/src/zaptel/Makefile:106: /usr/src/zaptel/Makefile.kernel26: No such file or directory
22:11.42funxionmake[2]: *** No rule to make target `/usr/src/zaptel/Makefile.kernel26'.  Stop.
22:12.17[hC]oh here's something interesting
22:12.22[hC]tcpdumping the packet,
22:12.27[hC]i DO see the response
22:12.28*** join/#asterisk erojasv (n=erojasv@
22:12.45mvanbaakhhmm, the ppl at only install zaptel and asterisk
22:12.50[hC]but tcpdump is classifying the packet type as "Unknown SSAP"
22:12.52mvanbaakwhy not libpri ?
22:12.56*** part/#asterisk dacs (n=haiger@unaffiliated/dacs)
22:13.00[hC]and I suppose, misinterpreting it.
22:13.28husimonmvanbaak, do you need libpri if you are just using sip?
22:13.41husimonmvanbaak, sorry I mean just an fx0 to a phone line.
22:14.08bsdwarriortkd-fender I've tried all over the following with the manager and still cant set the userfield.  Variable: userfield=test doesnt work. nor does SetCDRUserField(1234) or Set(CDR(userfield)=1234)
22:14.25mvanbaakhusimon: guess not, but pri needs it for sure
22:14.41mvanbaakand since isdn10 is dirt cheap here
22:14.42*** join/#asterisk asr33 (
22:14.55defsdoorisdn10 ?
22:15.47funxionFYI the branches version of zaptel isnt working right now
22:16.02funxionI was getting the errors I posted ablove
22:16.09mvanbaakISDN15, -20, -30
22:16.17funxionI just got and it werx fine
22:16.19mvanbaakthat's the pri lines we have in .nl
22:16.46defsdoormvanbaak: seems like a tariffing choice not a hardware/system solution
22:16.58funxionsomeone may want to look into that
22:17.04mvanbaakisdn15 is E1 with 15 channels disabled
22:17.06mvanbaakthat's it
22:17.16defsdoorin the uk you get isdn 30 and choose the number of channels - minimum 8
22:17.32mvanbaakyeah, this is the same
22:17.54mvanbaakisdn 30 and you can get 15, 20 or 30 channels
22:18.24asr33Hello guys; Should I be worried "SIP/2.0 404 Not Found" error message in my "sip debug" output?
22:18.37*** join/#asterisk hi365 (
22:18.56funxiondid anyone get that
22:18.57mvanbaakasr33: depends
22:19.20mvanbaakasr33: if you want to reach exten 39 in context default you should be worried indeed
22:19.43asr33i'm having difficulty search google for the answer
22:19.46mvanbaakfunxion: it it a clean checkout
22:20.14asr33mvanbaak: the phone works perfectly
22:20.31mvanbaakLooking for 39 in default (domain xxx.112.72.48) <--- pretty clear
22:21.19asr33what should I put where to fix that? mvanbaak?
22:21.58tzafrirfunxion, which version of zaptel didn't build?
22:22.08asr33it's like a failed DNS lookup?
22:22.21*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=thinkpad@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
22:22.27funxionthe braches
22:22.41funxionwhich I thought was latest stable no?
22:22.42mvanbaakasr33: in [default] add 39
22:22.50tzafrirfunxion, branches/1.2 ?
22:22.59asr33just 39?
22:23.16mvanbaakexten => 39,1,Verbose(1,${CALLERID(num) tried to reach 39 in default)
22:23.16funxiontzafrir yes branches/1.2
22:23.23mvanbaakexten => 39,n,Hangup()
22:23.26tzafrirOn what platform?
22:23.28mvanbaaksomething like that
22:23.53asr33ok i'll try that thankyou!
22:24.21phsdshftd1mas: cool, thanks
22:24.35mvanbaakasr33: I forgot a } in the first line
22:24.48mvanbaakexten => 39,1,Verbose(1,${CALLERID(num)} tried to reach 39 in default)
22:24.52asr33got ya
22:25.29asr33i'll be right back
22:25.41mvanbaakhb sweety
22:26.11tzafrirfunxion, this is a clean checkout?
22:26.27[hC]bkruse: so i have a tcpdump now illustrating exactly whats going on. the problem is that its not immediately clear. Maybe ill toss it up on the embedded list.
22:26.38*** join/#asterisk javar (n=javar@
22:27.56tzafrirah, with Sarge kernel. That makes sense
22:28.12tzafrirThere's a problem there indeed, but will only be exposed with older kernels
22:29.02stochastikI want to accomplish DIAL(SIP/10@confserver) with Transfer... is TRANSFER(SIP/10@confserver) the correct syntax?
22:29.38bkruse[hC]: I would suggest that, and to try that. This is really stumping me
22:29.58[hC]bkruse: my first hunch is that its padding the tag past the end of the ethernet frame and confusing things
22:30.05[hC]bkruse: ive seen it before, but its been years and years
22:31.10d1masppls, could someone do me a favor - I have a movie on YouTube (Axe commercial - 2 mins) in which I cannot understand just one sentence. I need someone with native English (or just good listening skills) :) I know, it is complete offtopic, sorry. If someone can do that, please contact me in private chat. Thanks
22:31.13bkruse[hC]: what causes that? A possible driver issue?
22:31.44[hC]bkruse: yeah, I fixed a bug for this in the old eepro100 driver in like... kernel 2.4 - it was just a matter of hte kernel driver not expecting to ever have to deal with it
22:32.09asr33mvanbaak: it worked, I can't thank you enough
22:32.25asr33mvanbaak: is my yoda
22:32.44mvanbaakasr33: remember it and when you are near me buy me a bottle of single malt irish whisky
22:33.00asr33will do
22:34.41bkruse[hC]: that is really old though, i would not imagine it popping up here unless it IS driver specific
22:35.30[hC]bkruse: yeah.. Its strange. I do see the data i am expecting in the response packet, but something about the packet gets treated not as a TCP packet but as a logical link control packet, which means something is being malformed somehow.
22:35.55bkruseOH, so it IS getting through and responding?
22:36.10mvanbaakI like the density of 'somehow' and 'something' in that sentence
22:36.12[hC]yep! I did a tcpdump and I see the response come back, but the packet is not being interpreted properly
22:36.17bkruseThat would make it seem that the initial device (aa50) is not responding correctly because it does not know the initial frame
22:36.55[hC]bkruse: i'll attach the pcap file to my email on the list if you want to look? I'm going to look some more too, but since i am not much with C, it may not get very far! :P
22:37.13mvanbaakheh, the joys of linux
22:39.18*** join/#asterisk scr (
22:41.17b11dhow exactly does the #include <filename>  stuff work for extensions.conf?  can I setup a context like [faculty] and #include <ext.faculty.conf> and then follow with another context like [students] and include another like "ext.students.conf" ?
22:41.39b11dsweet.. thanks
22:42.07mvanbaak#include just puts the content of the included file at that position
22:42.54tzafrirfunxion, please make update
22:43.04tzafrir1.2 should build again
22:43.18b11dthanks mvanbaak.. thats what I figured, nice to get verification on that.
22:43.57mvanbaaktzafrir: you use the 'expect' wrapper or do you have your cert password in your .subversion/servers file ?
22:44.26mvanbaakerm, yes to 1 or 2 ?
22:45.06mvanbaakI added svngpg to repotools. maybe you like that better ;)
22:45.07tzafrirWhat about gpg-agent?
22:45.32tzafrirI have a little patch of my own to repotools
22:45.42tzafrirJust didn't know where to submit it
22:46.08mvanbaakI can commit there
22:46.10*** part/#asterisk RoyK (
22:46.53mvanbaakand svngpg is my project. so if it's about that send it to
22:50.47b11dif I start a context like [faculty] with an #include beneath it, I should NOT be having [faculty] in the actual included file, correct? it would be redundant..
22:51.13anarcatsounds right
22:51.21b11dI guess I'll find out soon enough :)
22:51.28b11dim not including it... so.. we'll see.
22:54.01tzafrirmvanbaak, sent
22:55.33defsdoorBBHoss: you back yet ?
22:57.57mvanbaakmakes sence to me
22:58.41husimonQuestion:  I have a cell phone and an office phone.  Say i want to ring both at once.  I would use Dial(<BLAH>&<BLAH), but if my cell phone has no coverage it instantly goes to voicemail.  This of course picks up and ruins the idea of calling two places at once.  Can anyone think of a solution to this?
22:58.46mvanbaaktzafrir: I'll talk to kevin about it when he returns
22:59.12husimonbecause I can be in my office and have no coverage and then people can't contact me.
22:59.25anarcathusimon: turn off voicemail on your cell? :)
22:59.26husimonthe obvious solution is to not forward while i'm in my office, but I walk around the building so much it would be a pain.
22:59.27mvanbaakI did the same over and over again to my copy because of the same reason
22:59.34d1mashusimon: you want easy one? Turn off voicemail on cell :)
22:59.35husimonanarcart laugh
22:59.50mvanbaakI put ${HOME}/bin/repotools in my ${PATH} as well
22:59.52anarcati'm serious, actually
22:59.57husimonI was thinking maybe dial my office phone for 3 rings first, and then forward to cel
23:00.13anarcathusimon: then you'll have callers wait for a while... but it's a good idea
23:00.25husimonmaybe just two rings
23:00.26husimoni dunno
23:00.37cappizsomeone has norwegian sound files for asterisk?
23:00.38husimoni wish there was a way for asterisk to know if a caller picking up was real or voicemail
23:00.51mvanbaakhusimon: there is
23:00.57husimonyeah but for a cell phone?
23:01.09husimoni can see that working for a sip phone connected to *
23:01.15d1mashusimon: you can do it manually. But it requires experienced person
23:01.16mvanbaakanswering machine detection
23:01.47mvanbaakhusimon: asterisk*CLI> core show application AMD
23:02.02mvanbaakAttempts to detect answering machines
23:02.06husimonyeah i'm reading it
23:02.17d1masthe key here is _attempts_ :)
23:02.30husimoncan you think of a way to use that with my situation?
23:02.39mvanbaakbest way is to disable voicemail
23:02.48mvanbaakhusimon: yup
23:02.56husimonyeah that's not a solution I like :P
23:03.14anarcatinteresting stuff anyways
23:03.22d1masmvanbaak: actually he can call cell and play something like "press 1" to accept the call. And only when 1 is pressed - do bridging
23:03.29mvanbaakmake the local stuff execute a macro
23:03.50mvanbaakd1mas: thats......evil
23:03.56stochastikI want to accomplish DIAL(SIP/10@confserver) with Transfer... is TRANSFER(SIP/10@confserver) the correct syntax or is that now how Transfer works?
23:04.02mvanbaakI would hangup on that
23:04.20d1masmvanbaak: that is the only way AFAIK (except for disabling voicemail)
23:04.23mvanbaakstochastik: core show application TRANSFER
23:04.25husimonmvanbaak, so you are saying use a macro in the dial statement instead of a real dial
23:04.34mvanbaakhusimon: yup
23:04.41husimonthe & can handle that?
23:04.52mvanbaakI use it all the time
23:04.54d1masmvanbaak: it works with any kind of answering machine and does not require any "training" and configuration
23:05.00stochastikmvanbaak: Yes... already know that.  The syntax isn't working... that's why I asked specifically.
23:05.06husimonso how do you tell it ok now it's really picked up on one side?
23:05.31husimonafter you do the answering machine detection
23:06.08d1masthere is no reliable way of detecting answering machine Im aware og
23:06.11mvanbaakhusimon: check the variable AMDSTATUS
23:06.24mvanbaakd1mas: app_amd does a great job
23:06.27phixany one awake that can assist me with a zaptel / TDM400p issue I am having?
23:07.05d1masmvanbaak: from its description it looks like I have to tune it
23:07.10phixWhere can I paste?
23:07.32phixnah too slow to load up
23:07.32stochastikI want to accomplish DIAL(SIP/10@confserver) with Transfer... is TRANSFER(SIP/10@confserver) the correct syntax?  I'm trying to accomplish a SIP REFER with Asterisk.
23:07.41husimonphix wtf connection are you on
23:07.55husimonthat pastebin is too slow
23:07.56phixhusimon: I will try again
23:08.27phixWow they must of upgraded their end, it used to take ages to load
23:08.47phixI am on 4mbit / 1Mbit or something
23:09.21phixthat is my /etc/zaptel.conf and /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf configuration files
23:09.23jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
23:09.23anarcatthere are lots of pastebins around.. is also pretty good
23:09.28mvanbaakthere you go
23:09.36phixmvanbaak: thnx
23:10.04phixmvanbaak: Well I already pasted at, the link is a few lines up :)
23:10.38stochastikAhh... maybe Transfer is broken:
23:10.58phixtransfer? does that help me?
23:12.10phixso any way, the problem is only the first two FXS modules seem to work (I have three).  It doesn't matter if I switch them around, only the first two ports have a dial tone, the other ones sounds like zaptel is not running at all (no dial tone, and it amplifies whatever you say on the phone)
23:12.36phixwhen the wctdm module loads it picks up allthree
23:12.47phixthe other two work great
23:12.48*** join/#asterisk angryuser[A] (
23:13.00phixso what else could it be? what can I do to try and resolve this issue/.
23:14.10JTi'll have a look if you put it on :P
23:14.23phixJT: lol it is on pastebiN!!!!
23:14.39JTi can't access it.
23:14.59mvanbaakphix: move around the physical lines
23:15.05mvanbaakmaybe it's a dead line
23:15.23phixmvanbaak: I did
23:15.53phixmvanbaak: the lines plug into a PBX system (giving the PBX system three new lines to allow its telephones to ring ppl on)
23:16.21phixmvanbaak: It isn't a dead line, they all work on the PBX system
23:16.35phixexcept for the third one that is :)
23:16.46JTyou left a gap?
23:17.05phixJT: no, I tried moving the modules around to see if it was the TDM card at fault
23:17.16phixwell yes I guess I did leave a gap
23:17.19phixI have 3 modules
23:17.29JTso if the module that was not working is moved to a slot that is working
23:17.31JTit works?
23:17.42JTit's not 1-3 just due to testing?
23:17.54phixthat is correct
23:18.05JTtry a different version of zaptel and asterisk
23:18.08phixit was 1-3 when I got it
23:18.11JTif that does the same thing
23:18.18JTreturn the card
23:18.18phixzaptel from debian testing
23:18.21JTas it is defective
23:18.34phixI would like a debian package
23:18.46JTi don't care, you need to test, please compile.
23:18.47phixI should get the debian package source?
23:19.03phixhmmmm, ok sir :(
23:19.11jbothmm... zaptel is zapata telephony interface. A low level interface designed to abstract hardware access to a variety of devices for BRI, PRI or analogue access.
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23:19.21phixjbot: a url would be great
23:19.45*** part/#asterisk tuxfoo (
23:20.08phixJT: so it is def not Asterisk? I am using version 1.2something
23:20.15phixfrom deian stable
23:20.17phixdebian even
23:20.52*** part/#asterisk DarWin_vcch (
23:20.59ManxPowerphix: We do not consider precompiled packages to be "asterisk".  At best it would be "asterisk customized and built in ways we have no way of knowing about"
23:21.16ManxPowerAnd if you want help with the package then talk to the package manager.
23:21.47Daviey"Hi apt-get, how are you?"
23:22.04Davieys/manager/maintainer :()
23:23.48anarcatManxPower: isn't "no way of knowing about" a bit of a stretch?
23:24.00anarcatdebian packages include detailed patches and a changelog, for example
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23:26.41mvanbaakanarcat: like we have the time and resources to keep track of all them distribution patches out there
23:26.58mvanbaakevery person that creates a package for $distribution does it their own way
23:27.06mvanbaakthey maintain their own patches
23:27.13mvanbaakwe cant keep track of that
23:27.18anarcati agree
23:27.29anarcati just wanted to correct a little tidbit :)
23:27.37mvanbaakso you have 2 ways to go
23:27.53anarcatthere are ways to know about the changes in the packages, it's just it's too much trouble to keep track of all configurations
23:27.58mvanbaakeither install the package from your distribution and ask them about bugs
23:28.04anarcatand anyways, (for example) debian has its own BTS
23:28.19mvanbaakor install the official version and contact for support
23:28.58mvanbaakyeah, debian and friends have their own BTS
23:29.08mvanbaakbut some distros tell you to comlpain upstream
23:29.14mvanbaakand that's just plain wrong
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23:33.21ManxPoweranarcat: And we would have to study them extensively to help someone with a debian package.
23:33.26eric2is there anyway to increase the audio gain on a call?
23:33.40ManxPowereric2: rxgain= and txgain= in zapata.conf
23:33.49ManxPowerif you are not using zap, then you are out of luck
23:34.01eric2I'm not using zap devices...  :(
23:34.18ManxPowereric2: then the gain must be changed where the call is converted between PSTN and VoIP
23:34.24mvanbaakeric2: almost 100% of the devices can handle volume settings
23:34.37eric2ok, everything here is without direct pstn connectivity
23:34.41anarcatManxPower: indeed
23:34.44ManxPowerunless you just want to change the gain on the phone, but if that was the case you would have given us more information like what damn phone you are using
23:34.45eric2so zapata is no good for me
23:34.56eric2ya, stupid phone!
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23:35.10mvanbaakeric2: use the volume buttons on the phone
23:35.11eric2n, phone works fine... its the fax I'm trying to get going
23:35.18ManxPowereric2: VoIP does not have ANY volume loss, so it would be silly to compensate for it, even if all the other things were perfect.
23:35.18eric2got 1 fax out of 5
23:35.20mvanbaakhell, even the BT100 has volume buttons
23:35.36ManxPowereric2: that's pretty common with FaxOverVoiceOverIPOverInternet
23:35.45eric2ya, I'm all depressed now
23:35.52eric2been looking for a work around
23:35.56ManxPowereric2: get yourself an analog fax line
23:36.03mvanbaakfax over wan is _NOT_ going to work
23:36.09eric2that would mean defeat
23:36.19eric2but I know you're right
23:36.36ManxPowerALL other solutions are orders of magnitude more complicated
23:37.00mvanbaakand they will never guarantee you that it's 100%
23:37.08eric2hylafax, iax modems and the rest of the crap.. astrafax
23:37.27mvanbaakfaxovervoip over the internets is not ok
23:37.46mvanbaakin a local lan it works great
23:37.54eric2timing issue?
23:38.13mvanbaakbut there you dont have to worry about packetloss, variation in latency etc
23:38.35eric2using tcp, is there not a buffer that can be used?
23:38.49mvanbaak* does not do tcp
23:39.07mvanbaakno way to know for sure wether your packets arrived or not
23:39.22eric2hmm, so much for beating this dead horse
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23:40.12mvanbaakget a landline
23:40.22mvanbaakand enjoy faxes
23:40.51mvanbaakI'm off to bed
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