IRC log for #asterisk on 20080205

00:00.03kyronPWahahahahahaha.... 726 16K <---
00:00.09kyronhusimon, ;)
00:00.56lmadsenDUNDi is used more internally for passing information between boxes you control than toll-bypass
00:01.07lmadsenfor example, I use it when I build clusters
00:01.18*** join/#asterisk real0ne (
00:01.23AndyGraybeal_but the toll-bypass sounds very interesting :)
00:01.39ZaVoidwhat do you use it for lmadsen
00:02.00lmadsenZaVoid: re-read what I just wrote
00:02.01[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano, You're confusing #dundi with #bdsm again....
00:02.07[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano, silly rabbit...
00:02.19ZaVoidyeah i what info between your boxes in a cluster i mean
00:02.26drmessano[TK]D-Fender: I didn't tell you that you could SPEAK yet.. Back in your cage!
00:02.40lmadsenZaVoid: where people are registered, what system is controlling a particular conference room or queue, etc...
00:02.55ZaVoidahh i see
00:03.29ZaVoidfeatures not routing configs.. gotcha
00:03.29lmadsen"Hey cluster, I have a call for lmadsen, who has him registered to them?"
00:03.29lmadsenthen I route the call to the remote box that replies
00:03.29kyronDoes anyone know if buying the 729 CODEC online is instantaneous or if I have to wait for a human to react to my request?
00:03.31ZaVoidi was gonna say.. i got all my carriers in my realtime db.. how i cluster my aterisk farm
00:03.44kyronlmadsen, that's cool
00:03.47ZaVoidi remember gettinga pdf with the license file kyron
00:04.04hmmhesaysasterisk farm, that sounds scary
00:04.18kyronZaVoid, as in, as soon as you bought the license it was sent to you via e-mail
00:04.19ZaVoidi call 12 boxes a farm :) or more like a zoo
00:04.26kyronThe computers go Moooooooooooo
00:04.29ZaVoidhonestly i don't remember that part kyron sorry
00:04.39ZaVoidits been a while since i bought g729 licenses
00:04.49lmadsenZaVoid: you'll have to come to it360 in Toronto and listen to my talk on clustering I guess :)
00:05.20kyronlmadsen, when is that taking place?
00:05.49lmadsenkyron:  <-- April 7-9
00:06.10kyrongerh...timing might be a wee bit off..
00:06.12ZaVoidso the talk is on asterisk clustering?
00:06.18lmadsenmy talk is, yes
00:06.50ZaVoidonly clustering i worry about is the DB clustering.. i just let all the asterisk boxes pull from the DB cluster
00:07.02kyronlmadsen, so _you_ are one of the ones polluting my definition of Clustering! ...pfff (HPC :P)
00:07.20lmadsenkyron: quite :)  what else do you want me to call it? :)
00:08.22kyronUhhmmm...farming :P
00:09.03kyronplik, h04k3r! Y0'r s0 1337
00:09.26lmadsenkyron: weird term... but I'll try and remember it :)
00:09.45husimonso I'm using the default call parking setup but can't figure out how to get it to announce what number it got parked on, what setting do I need to look at to change this?
00:10.06lmadsenalthough if I say I'm a consultant specializing in asterisk farming... I have a feeling I'm going to get some weird emails
00:10.34kyronlmadsen, get C0wagra Now!
00:10.54kyronlmadsen, load balancing
00:11.22kyronlmadsen, well, that's the problem, it _is_ actually "clustering" even in the sense of distributed processing ;)
00:11.42lmadsenaye :)
00:11.50lmadsenplus it sounds so much cooler :)
00:12.05ZaVoidi just put a registration server in front of my asterisk boxes and load balance calls :) thats clustering too :)
00:12.12drmessanolmadsen, I wouldn't worry about it.. since when has the very specific use of industry terms ever been an issue for anyone? lol
00:12.23lmadsenoh I'm not too worried about it :)
00:16.54husimonanyone here using call parking?  It says on the wiki that it should announce which extension the call got parked on but it's not doing anything.
00:17.20plikhusimon: it just worked for me
00:17.24ZaVoidnot me husimon sorry
00:17.47hmmhesaysZavoid who was that sms provider you use?
00:18.03ZaVoidits in pm
00:18.28husimoninteresting it says it's playing the digits on the cli
00:18.31husimonmaybe i'm doing it wrong
00:18.36husimoni'm doing a blind xfer to the call park numer
00:19.00hmmhesaysthats right thanks ZaVoid
00:19.29kyronlmadsen, yeahh....there _is_ a coolness factor...especially since HPC is becoming the hot cool topic :P
00:19.34plikhusimon: you got K or k as an option at the end of the exten => line that you're using?
00:19.45kyronwho's has * running off a PS3 here?
00:19.54husimonplik, it's just set to the default 700
00:19.58husimonfrom features.conf
00:20.19plikyeah, bu tin extensions.conf...
00:20.31plik*but in
00:20.44husimonperhaps i'm missing something, the wiki said to just setup features.conf, then include the parkedcalls context
00:21.05pliksoemthing like :  exten => 333,1,Dial(SIP/333,20,TK)
00:21.28husimoni don't have a K in any of my extensions
00:21.39pliktry that
00:22.20husimonwell call parking does work
00:22.39husimoni'm not using the built-in transfer keys though i'm using a blindxfer button on the phone
00:22.42husimonthat's probably why huh
00:23.39plikI use ## to transfer , features.conf is pretty much default I think, and likes as above in extensions.conf
00:23.43plikworks for me
00:26.11[TK]D-Fenderhusimon> i'm doing a blind xfer to the call park numer <- thats the problem
00:26.20[TK]D-Fenderhusimon, You should be doing an attended transfer
00:26.47[TK]D-FenderAnd you don't need a dial parameter for parking.
00:27.02husimon[TK]D-Fender, well I tried that too,
00:27.09[TK]D-Fenderplik, and DTMF transfers = SUCK
00:27.19husimon[TK]D-Fender, i think part of the issue might be that i'm using the transfer button and blindxfer buttons on my phone
00:27.26husimon[TK]D-Fender, so i'm trying it without that
00:27.39plik[TK]D-Fender: yes, but ...
00:27.58[TK]D-Fenderhusimon, you include [parkedcalls] into your phones context and you simply transfer to 700 (or whatever you overrode it to)
00:28.12plikI guess the parameter must have been more outdated stuff on the wiki :/
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00:28.46[TK]D-Fenderplik, More like "outright wrong"
00:29.23plikbah... so I can get rid of that then... what about the T & W for transfer & monitor?
00:29.28plikare they wrong too?
00:29.57husimon[TK]D-Fender, yeah did that. I'm just not hearing the digits
00:30.28[TK]D-Fenderplik, no, not "wrong", just the wrong way to want to deal with transfers. "wW" for automon *IS* a legitamite use of features.conf
00:30.45*** join/#asterisk Putzz (
00:30.46plikok thanks...
00:30.48[TK]D-Fenderhusimon, pastebin is your friend....
00:31.57husimon[TK]D-Fender, k second let me get all the stuff and pastebin it
00:32.28Putzzwhat songoma card do you guys recommend for a single PRI?
00:35.48lmadsenPutzz: TE122
00:35.56lmadsenwhich is actually a Digium card :)
00:36.27husimon[TK]D-Fender,, what other information do you need
00:37.06[TK]D-FenderPutzz, A101d
00:37.33[TK]D-Fenderhusimon, REAL extensions.conf, and comprehensive CLI output.
00:38.17Putzzthanks you sir
00:38.55scooby2[TK]D-Fender: sorry i was just venting at the wonderful clueless tickets I get
00:39.37scooby2now to figure out what this means: WARNING[3326] acl.c: Unable to lookup ''
00:40.41lmadsenscooby2: sounds like you have a deny= or permit= with no address in a file somewhere (probably sip.conf)
00:40.48husimon[TK]D-Fender, found the problem, i was using t instead of T which didn't let the blindxfer key to work.
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00:41.06x86what are ya makin?
00:41.07husimon[TK]D-Fender, apparently doing the xfer on the phone to the call park doesn't allow for the digits to be played back to the call
00:41.28husimonwhen I say xfer on the phone I mean using the gui menus on the phone instead of the xfer key #
00:43.09scooby2lmadsen: thanks
00:43.19jm|laptopagi-test.agi: Failed to execute '/usr/local/share/asterisk/agi-bin/agi-test.agi': No such file or directory
00:43.29jm|laptop[root@voip /usr/local/share/asterisk/agi-bin]# ls -lha agi-test.agi
00:43.30jm|laptop-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel   1.7K Feb  4 21:56 agi-test.agi
00:44.46scooby2read the top line of it
00:45.09jm|laptop"No such file or directory" ?
00:45.12*** join/#asterisk mltlnx (
00:45.25scooby2whats the top line of agi-test.agi say?
00:45.27[TK]D-Fenderhusimon, What phone are you using?
00:45.35scooby2head -1 /usr/local/share/asterisk/agi-bin/agi-test.agi
00:46.00jm|laptop[root@voip /tmp]# head -1 /usr/local/share/asterisk/agi-bin/agi-test.agi
00:46.00jm|laptop[root@voip /tmp]# which perl
00:46.00jm|laptop[root@voip /tmp]#
00:46.06mltlnxhello, is there a way (without agi) to grab the channel names of a bridged call?
00:46.06[TK]D-Fenderhusimon, and the only reason not to hear the digits is becasue its a blind transfer.
00:46.25jm|laptopscooby2: thanks and sorry :(
00:46.40husimon[TK]D-Fender, actually it did playback the digits with the blindxfer
00:47.45[TK]D-Fenderhusimon, its still BAD.  ti will TRY, and FAIL
00:48.04husimon[TK]D-Fender, i heard it
00:48.15[TK]D-Fenderhusimon, If you do a blind transfer to parking, no, you won't
00:48.21husimon[TK]D-Fender, i just did it
00:48.27husimoni press #700
00:48.38husimonit says "TRANSFER" "7" "0" "1"
00:48.50[TK]D-Fenderhusimon, Holy shit, why are you using DTMF transfers?
00:49.16husimoni'm not using K
00:49.22husimoni'm missing something here
00:49.35[TK]D-Fenderhusimon, Wrong answer, try again.
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00:52.00husimonok so using # from features.conf is a DTMF transfer?
00:52.05[TK]D-Fenderhusimon, Yes
00:52.15husimonok, so what is the other way to transfer?
00:52.16chalcoI currently have a trixbox server. If I wanted to consolidate to another server, I can just install asterisk and freepbx and have the same thing, right? I'm not using anything else trixbox provides
00:52.31[TK]D-Fenderhusimon, real transfer button on a decent phone.
00:53.09husimon[TK]D-Fender, that's the problem, I tried using the transfer buttons on my 7940 and in both cases (attended transfer and blind transfer) I hear no digits, yet on the CLI i see it is playing them.
00:53.13[TK]D-Fenderchalco, Sort of answering your own question, aren't you?
00:53.28chalco[TK]D-Fender, just looking for validation :)
00:53.32drmessanoThat's an EXACT Paste of what he asked yesterday
00:53.40husimonchalco, you will need to figure out the differences between the gui's
00:53.47chalcodrmessano, in another channel, where it was never answered
00:53.48husimonchalco, or write the dialplan yourself
00:53.56[TK]D-Fenderchalco, even mentioning FreePBX in here is more likely to find you being lynched :)
00:54.15drmessanoPersonally, I love Trixbox
00:54.18drmessanoIt's so... green
00:54.23mltlnxDoes FreePBX support SLA? Just kidding!
00:54.52chalcoI'd stick with trixbox or a prebuilt thing, but I want to install it on another server I already have running
00:55.11[TK]D-Fenderchalco, Well if FreePBX is all you wanted, then by all means
00:55.22chalcodrmessano, perhaps you can answer my question next time, if you don't like copy/paste
00:55.24drmessanoNothing like throwing Asterisk and FreePBX on a webservermailservergameserver box
00:55.28[TK]D-Fenderhusimon, You are clearly doing something wrong...
00:55.31mltlnxfujin: in what way?
00:55.57drmessanochalco, maybe you can stick around in a channel long enough for UNPAID VOLUNTEERS to answer you on THEIR time
00:56.03chalcodrmessano, we all have different needs
00:56.11fujinmltlnx: either with meetme or app_conference, I want to be able to create conferences on the fly and invite third parties into them
00:56.11chalcodrmessano, I was there for a whole day
00:56.16husimon[TK]D-Fender, clearly, any idea where I should look to figure out what i'm doing wrong?  this is a 7940 cisco phone.
00:56.47[TK]D-Fenderhusimon, I think you should actually show me the stuff I ask you for and answer my questions the first time...
00:57.06chalcodrmessano, if I don't get an answer after a day, I'm likely to go elsewhere, aren't I?
00:57.29[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano, Ok cp'n.... you're goin' overboard...
00:57.57chalcoI help out in other channels, I know the score.
00:57.58drmessanoNaah.. I said my piece.. :)
00:58.10mltlnxYou can create conferences on the fly.....You can then transfer callers in to it. That said, you can use ChannelRedirect() to move caller into the conference room
00:58.17[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano, now rest in pieces :)
00:58.59drmessano[TK]D-Fender, I got an awesome "noob moment" for you... and it involved myself
00:59.21kyrondrmessano, where you're the n00b?
00:59.30drmessanoSet up a SPA-3102 at work.. Got it running, but not passing CID
00:59.38fujinmltlnx: how do you create meetme conferences on the fly?
00:59.39drmessanoSo, I banged my head a bit.. moved on
00:59.52drmessanoGo back a few weeks later (today) and started working on it
01:00.07husimon[TK]D-Fender, here you go :
01:00.11drmessanoStill not doing it.. I had the PSTN answer delay on 1 for some reason, but that wasn't it
01:00.11jm|laptopdrmessano: have the same 'issue'
01:00.19drmessanoSo I am thinking.... thinking....
01:00.26jm|laptopdrmessano: for me: first time no CLID - ever time after CLID
01:00.32drmessanoOH %$%$#$, I DONT HAVE CID ON THAT LINE
01:00.38drmessanoNo.. shit
01:00.41jm|laptopthat doesn't help
01:00.46mltlnxYou can use MeetMe with "d" option I believe
01:01.15drmessanoI don't know why I thought I had it on there.. I manage the lines..
01:01.43husimon[TK]D-Fender, by the way feel free to yell at me and tell me what is wrong with that extensions.conf so I can rework it.
01:01.48drmessanoTypical engineer blinders.. Focus on one problem, ignore some glaring detail
01:01.56mltlnxfujin: give me a scenario with on the fly conferencing/
01:01.57drmessano<---- n00b
01:02.00kyrondrmessano, this is interesting, I'm about to maybe acquire one of those... and don't have CID on my line...
01:02.02husimon[TK]D-Fender, if you feel it is written in a bad way.
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01:02.48drmessanoI know the CID works on the 3102.. and I knew how to get it working.. I had it working at another location..
01:02.57drmessanoBut damn.. I laughed for 5 minutes
01:03.24kyrondrmessano, am-I to understand the SPA-3102 b0rks if it's configured for getting CID and the line doesn't give one?
01:03.44drmessanoNo, it doesn't bork.. but it doesnt pass it if it's not there ;)
01:04.21kyronre-read your initial "problem".... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
01:04.30[TK]D-Fenderhusimon, you still need to learn to make better use of macros and for your your phone internal ext's I'd put the comment at the ent of the line. and kill the blank lines between.
01:04.51chalcothank you, [TK]D-Fender, husimon.
01:05.17xp_prganyone use perl to interact with asterisk here?
01:05.30[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano, Wheneveer things go wrong, reach for the lowest level sanity test you can perform and work your way up.
01:05.30husimon[TK]D-Fender, I agree the about the blank lines.
01:05.36*** part/#asterisk chalco (n=chalco@about/networking/
01:05.51husimon[TK]D-Fender, could you elaborate on the macros part?
01:06.05real0newhen i want to install zaptel
01:06.10real0nei have this message
01:06.12drmessanoYep.. I felt so dumb.. Failed "Basic Troubleshooting 101"....
01:06.26real0neNo functioning zap hardware found in /proc/zaptel, loading ztdummy
01:06.26real0neRunning ztcfg: done.
01:06.38[TK]D-Fenderhusimon, your outbound dialing has a lot of repitiion.  Sure you made ringing your phones better, but your OUTBOUND stuff is still very redundant
01:06.58husimon[TK]D-Fender, yeah I realized I could probably shorten that section to about 2 lines
01:07.02husimonone with a 9 and anything
01:07.06husimonand one without a 9 and anything
01:07.23husimonis that what you mean?
01:07.35[TK]D-Fenderhusimon, something like that.
01:07.39husimonin fact i guess screw it and ignore the 9 via ignorepat
01:07.55[TK]D-Fenderhusimon : you are using Zaptel FXS?
01:08.40mltlnxrealone: and...
01:09.22real0nei don't know mltlnx
01:09.25husimon[TK]D-Fender, do you mean what hardware am I using to access the pri?
01:09.36real0nemltlnx is that not a problem?
01:09.44[TK]D-Fenderhusimon, no, ignorpat is only for zaptel FXS channels.
01:10.07[TK]D-Fenderhusimon, You are running on a small mountain of misconceptions about 8....
01:10.11[TK]D-Fender* even
01:10.19*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (n=nighty@
01:10.28kyrondrmessano, heh, I have some wost ones...
01:10.41mltlnxno its not a problem, music on hold and conferencing need a zaptel timing device. If you do not have a zaptel device installed, then you can use ztdummy.
01:10.49*** join/#asterisk lunaphyte (
01:11.15drmessanoI'm trying to think of what my worst fail was
01:11.34husimondrmessano, imagine working on a server trying to figure out why all your applications are spitting out odd failure messages
01:11.46husimonthen three days later finding out the disk space had ran out.
01:11.49real0nei don't have anydevice
01:12.05husimondrmessano, most applications don't really display a useful error when that happens
01:12.10Davieyhusimon: heheh
01:12.10mltlnxyeah, that is why ztdummy is getting loaded.
01:12.13husimondrmessano, they just go haywire
01:12.17drmessanoI didn't go three days, but I ignored a disk space error for a few hours once
01:12.53real0nei should install ztdummy
01:12.59husimonThe problem I had was there was no message that said there is no disk space
01:13.05DavieyI moved /var/mysql and /tmp to NFS once to circumvent low disk space, how nasty is that..
01:13.08husimonjust weird errors that didn't mean anything
01:13.54drmessanoI tried once to combine my business and automation network, to keep us from using 2 drops and 2 NICs in machines that needed access to both
01:14.06drmessanoThey were 10M/b hubs....
01:14.15mltlnxreal0ne it sounds like it is loaded. What distro of Linux are you using?
01:14.31real0nemltlnx debian
01:15.07mltlnxtry lsmod | grep ztdummy
01:15.13drmessanoThat was 10 years ago... My first and last major FAIL with networking.. I decided after that I needed to "learn" it
01:15.16mltlnxyou should see ztdummy is loaded
01:15.45drmessanoNothing like the sound of 4 Radio Stations going off the air..
01:16.34kyronhusimon, after a few times, you get used to type `df`
01:16.42husimon[TK]D-Fender, so based on those config files and cli output do you see any reason why I shouldn't hear the digits from the call parking?  Or is it probably just a phone related issue.
01:16.46husimonkyron, yeah i do
01:17.14kyrondrmessano, went big
01:17.25real0nemltlnx wait plz
01:17.32kyronLike I always tell the students, you only learn from make em!
01:18.16husimondrmessano, lots of collisions eh.
01:18.43drmessanoIt took less than 45 seconds
01:19.22drmessanoI went down the hall to check a machine.. and I didn't get inside their office doorway before the 120db alarms went off
01:19.23husimon[TK]D-Fender, btw yeah I mixed up the terms FXS and FXO a minute ago when you asked about zaptel FXS.
01:19.42husimondrmessano, what were the alarms for?
01:20.07drmessanoThe 4 radio stations I knocked off the air
01:20.50drmessanoTwo months on the job.. Figured "Eh, networking is easy"
01:21.02drmessanoI was green as hell, cocky to go with it
01:22.21[hC]so, was there a big change in dtmf (primarily rfc2833 via SIP) in asterisk 1.4?
01:23.20husimonlaugh yeah ignorepat=>9 just keeps the dial tone going, it doesn't remove it from the dial string..
01:23.21husimonstupid me
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01:39.56husimonis there any way to change the callerid of a transfered call?  I want the callerid to be the person calling, not the phone it was forwarded from.
01:40.35drmessanoInvalid access to mod_kfc
01:40.38fujinusing featres.conf transferring or your phones transfer?
01:40.38drmessanoCOLONEL PANIC!
01:41.15husimoneither i guess
01:41.36husimoni really meant to ask about forwarding not transferring, but both apply
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01:42.34fujinhusimon: well if you're using phones, I don't think there's a way to do it
01:42.46fujinapart from set callerid on your sip.conf stuff and don't override it in the dialplan at all
01:43.07fujinbut if you're using asterisks transfers, you should be able to do it
01:43.11husimonfujin, if i'm doing a call forward via the dialplan, then what?
01:43.26fujinwell, before the transfer (when the call comes in
01:43.47fujinand then before the transfer, set callerid to ${CALLER}
01:44.11lunaphytei've got some terminology questions - in sip.conf or iax.conf, are the object each entry defines called channels?
01:44.18husimonk trying it
01:45.16husimonfujin with SetCallerID(${CALLER}) right?
01:45.27fujinno, Set(CALLERID(all)=${CALLER})
01:45.29[hC]bkruse: hey, you here still?
01:45.37husimonah i must be looking at old syntax
01:45.41fujinyes, that's 1.2
01:45.43fujindeprecated now
01:45.49husimonyep i see the new one now
01:47.21kyrondrmessano, LOL
01:47.58kyronQ: anyone here used the IPP implementation of 729?
01:48.26ZaVoidyou mean the wierd license file one kyron ?
01:49.14kyronyeah, prolly the "this is how we implemented 729 but you shouldn't use it" ...
01:49.36kyronbut I only wat to test and "play around" with my friend and out iax2 trunk ;)
01:49.36ZaVoidjust but a real license file
01:49.39ZaVoidyou'l be happy
01:49.43ZaVoidor get a device with g729
01:49.57kyronmy mediatrix and polycom both support 729
01:50.49ZaVoidthen you don't need a license
01:50.51mihinomenest...or use 711u for your testing...
01:50.59kyronthe way I understand the licensing is that I need 1 license per audio stream that needs to be converted from/to 729
01:51.15kyronmihinomenest, the point is to test all other than 711u
01:51.23kyronbandwidth hog
01:51.48mihinomenestexactly, things break quicker when 711u is around.
01:52.03ZaVoiddo you need to convert kyron?
01:52.11ZaVoidif both legs are g729 your fine
01:52.13kyronnohup_, I'm an agnostic
01:52.31kyronlol...I hit tab after no O_o
01:53.02ZaVoidno both legs are not g729?
01:53.10kyronZaVoid, uhm...don't I need g729 for the following: 729 -- * -- iax2 -- * -- 729 ?
01:53.50jblack[TK]D-Fender: Ping
01:54.28ZaVoidkyron: you would need it if your transcoding form say g711 to g729
01:55.11jblackAnyone that's been following my mrdigital saga...
01:55.31drmessanojblack: You know where I can get a good van?
01:56.11jblackDepends. What sort of price market are you in?
01:57.41drmessano$195,000 <>$205,000
01:57.55husimonquestion: does anyone know if it is possible to get cisco 7940 phones to let you start typing phone numbers in without taking the phone off the hook?  The old sccp firmware let you type in a number then press the speaker phone or pickup the phone and it would dial.
01:58.02husimonthey are now on sip firmware
01:58.03jblackSure. I can hook you up. I suppose you'll want a spare, in case the main one breaks?
01:58.11jblackThink of it as raid for wheels.
01:58.34drmessanoI wonder if I can get them with cash registers installed
01:58.37drmessanoand fry baskets
01:59.36jblackheh. He got fired for making shitty fries. :)
02:00.10drmessanoI call bullshit.. people get PROMOTED for making shitty fries
02:00.41*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
02:03.04kyronZaVoid, oops, yeah, the details: 729 -- * -- iax2(711, since * doesn't support 729 ) -- * -- 729
02:03.32ZaVoidits passthrough its fine
02:03.36ZaVoidshould be a tleast
02:04.45kyronso you only need the license if you need * to be the termination of the call (ie: conference, voicemail, any decoding...)
02:06.02kyronhusimon, my cordless with an LCD does that... if CISCO can't do it with high-tech equipment like VoIP phones...
02:06.59*** join/#asterisk joez212 (
02:07.01joez212hey guys
02:07.11joez212still having issues with setting up a sip softphone :(
02:07.42joez212do you need to setup the ip address even if its alreaedy set via a dhcp server from the router?
02:07.54husimonkyron, i dunno they just changed their ui
02:08.08husimonbtw I have an odd problem with one 7940 phone in my network.
02:08.18husimonit can place outbound calls, but not receive inbound
02:08.43husimonIt says it can't find a route to the sip user, but obviously it's there in sip peers
02:12.07husimonwhat a moron
02:12.50husimonthat's just about as good as "I'm a tool, ok cisco ream my ass for $100k and give me voip"
02:13.19mihinomenestthat works really well for a lot of people btw.
02:13.32mihinomenesthusimon: can I see your entire sip/extenions.conf?
02:13.37husimonmihinomenest, sure
02:15.11[hC]i can ping devices on this vlan ive assigned it to, but I cannot actually transmit data.
02:15.15[hC]how fun!
02:15.37mihinomenesthooray vlan!
02:15.46*** join/#asterisk UnixDog (
02:17.42mihinomenestwhich one's the phone that you're having problems with?  300 something?
02:18.40joez212this is impossible
02:20.09husimoni have the DID 300 on two phones as two sip users, 300_1 and 300_2
02:20.12husimon300_1 works fine
02:21.58husimonjblack how much you wanna be he's 14
02:21.58mihinomenesthusimon: ever think about using something like "exten => _37[0-9]" ?
02:22.39mihinomenestfwiw, I think there's something funny with the hardware that you've got.
02:22.49husimondo you mean the phone?
02:23.17husimondrmessano, i got bets on 14 years old.
02:23.24mihinomenesthusimon: yes.
02:23.33husimonmihinomenest, i think i'll try and factory reset it
02:23.40mihinomenest14 year olds can't get married or own homes.
02:23.41husimonmihinomenest, sick of banging my head against the wall about it.
02:23.48husimonmihinomenest, no shit but they can lie about it :P
02:23.54mihinomenestor replace it.
02:24.12x86mihinomenest: 14 year olds can too be married
02:24.16mihinomenesttrue, and that doesn't even touch on the idea that he could be 35 with the mental maturity of a 14 year old.
02:24.19x86if their parents sign consent waivers
02:24.22husimon14 year olds need love too
02:24.26mihinomenestx86: only in arkansas.
02:24.28husimonespecially girls.....
02:24.31x86in any state
02:24.37husimon15 in hawaii
02:24.43x86any state
02:24.45mihinomenest(or the circus)
02:24.55x8615 is the legal age of consent for a minor to have consentual sex
02:24.56mihinomenestany state...with the consent of the parents.
02:25.07husimonmihinomenest, that _37[0-9] does what?
02:25.15x86which is different from emancipation / minor marriage
02:25.19NuggetXP was released 10/2001
02:25.19NuggetSP1 was released 9/2002
02:25.19NuggetSP2 was released 8/2004
02:25.31Nugget is what I meant to paste.
02:25.51mihinomenesthusimon: in your extensions.conf, instead of writing a line for every extension, you can write one line that describes many extensions.
02:25.53husimonjust in case you want to look up on the fly before you do her?
02:25.55ZaVoidanyone else see new pgsql released today?
02:25.56drmessanoWhat does age of consent have to do with XP?
02:25.59Nugget in particular.
02:26.11Nuggetnothing.  the XP shit is just what was previously in my clipboard.
02:26.22mihinomenest_37[0-9] would replace 370,371,372,373,etc.
02:26.26drmessanoDude, gave you a chance for a punchline.. you blew it
02:26.26NuggetI must have fat-fingered command-c
02:26.29mihinomenest1 line, ten extensions.
02:26.32husimonwhy the hell is the male and female age separate
02:26.51lunaphytein sip.conf or iax.conf, are the objects each entry defines called channels?
02:26.53husimonmihinomenest, yeah but that removes the ability to customize dial flags
02:27.04drmessanojblack: Im already up to that
02:27.12jblackYou're up to 21:25?
02:27.28mihinomenestI just figured I'd suggest it.
02:27.38jblackI must be hitting the max for pastebin
02:28.22russellbjblack: i have only caught pieces of this story, but it's still hilarious
02:28.34husimonmihinomenest, yeah thanks
02:28.34lunaphytecan anyone enter text in the area code field on this page?
02:28.39jblackIs there a way in irssi for me to save the contents of a chat/
02:28.55jblackNot log from here forward, but to log what's already transpired?
02:29.15x86jblack: hmm... dont think so
02:29.24x86jblack: copy+paste+vi?
02:29.31mihinomenestyou could build a time machine.
02:30.01husimonjblack is there more?
02:30.12husimonjblack less talky, more pasty!
02:30.53ZaVoidjblack:  what version is irssi at now?
02:30.54*** join/#asterisk angryuser (
02:31.00ZaVoidthink last time i used that was like .081 or somthing
02:31.23tzangerwhoo sittin in the aeroport :-)
02:31.50jblackOk, Let me put this somewhere good.
02:31.55jblackI copied the whole thing into a text file
02:32.57jblackThe final chapter of the Mr Digital saga.
02:33.31*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (
02:33.44joez212i get an error when i start up asterisk
02:34.11joez212chan_mcgp unable to load
02:34.14joez212ip address nto found
02:34.18joez212mcgp disabled
02:34.27joez212could this explain why i am having troubles connecting? lol
02:34.51plikjblack: /LASTLOG -file ~/irc.log should do it
02:35.06jblackplik for one window?
02:35.06plikZaVoid: 0.8.12  now  :)
02:35.24jblackahh /lastlog -window 5 .....
02:35.28jblackplik: Thanks!
02:35.30plikas far as I know, for the window you're in...
02:35.31*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
02:35.35pliknot tried it though
02:35.43ZaVoidmaybe it was .61
02:35.51ZaVoidit was like 6 years ago i used
02:36.14*** join/#asterisk nkoth (
02:36.38jblackOnly three of you are going to read the conclusion of the MrDigital saga? You're missing out, because the opening chapters were a doozy. :)
02:36.58jblacki wish i had kept the first half of this story.
02:37.54jblackplik: Thanks. Wish I had known that 3 weeks ago.
02:38.12joez212pbx-dundil also have an error about the lookup of my computer name
02:38.58husimonjblack reading now
02:39.10husimonjblack you could summarize for s
02:39.26ZaVoidi miss bitchx
02:40.06plikZaVoid: Irssi 0.8 docs were written in 2000, so your were likely right the first time :)
02:40.28ZaVoidpossible :)
02:40.30husimonjblack, what what a retard
02:40.59ZaVoidi just remember its windows were really annoying and bitchx and screen were much easier
02:42.16husimonhey jblack what server is that on?
02:42.21husimoni'll go offer to loan him money
02:42.29jblackHe's here on freenode.
02:42.50husimonhe log off?
02:43.13drmessanoIm back
02:43.13*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (
02:43.14husimonoh i misspelled
02:43.26drmessanoWorkin on my Resume'
02:43.37drmessano* Cooks Fry's
02:43.50drmessano* Under-court Cat5 installation
02:44.13joez212would anyone be able to assist me?
02:44.34joez212i just want to test out asterisk with a centos box
02:44.41ZaVoidi use centos!
02:44.42joez212using x-lite software on my PC
02:44.42ZaVoidworks great
02:44.44lunaphytego for it.
02:44.57joez212i was able to install and compile everything
02:44.57husimonjoez212, do you need mgcp, if not just remove mgcp from your  modules.conf
02:45.17husimonjoez212, otherwise I think the issue is that the hostname of your box doesn't line up with you ip address and asterisk is complaining
02:45.18joez212i have no idea if i just need mgcp for sip operations?
02:45.20husimoni had that same problem
02:45.24husimonjoez212, you don't
02:45.35joez212ok lemme take it out
02:46.01husimonadd a "noload =>" in your modules.conf
02:46.33mihinomenestjblack: my home eq loan is killing me too.
02:48.07joez212ok i stopped * gracefully
02:48.10joez212how should i reload it?
02:48.41mihinomenestwith the rc script?
02:49.11joez212i actually set the ip of my * asterisk in my sip.conf file
02:49.34joez212i am using the example directly from this website
02:49.54joez212i replaced it with the dhcp ip address currently set by my router
02:50.01*** join/#asterisk mltlnx (
02:50.53joez212ok i just reloaded * with -vvvvvc
02:50.55kyronso which is the coolest Codec to use in an IAX trunk?
02:51.27joez212dundi.conf still shows an error with the host name
02:51.35joez212but says its listening ??
02:51.45ZaVoidanything wrapped with GIPS KYRON
02:52.41ZaVoidits what all the cool kids are using these days :)
02:52.49ZaVoidyahoo, google, me :)
02:52.59ZaVoidthose 2 are a bit cooler though i guess
02:54.15joez212bah its taking too long to register
02:54.32kyronZaVoid, LOL
02:54.55joez212408 again
02:55.09joez212is there some other simple simple test to see if * is functioning?
02:55.31drmessanoGIPS is so "last week", I am using GROPS now
02:55.36*** join/#asterisk nkoth (
02:56.03joez212i have a router
02:56.09joez212do i need to add the iptables entries?
02:56.16joez212the orielly book mentions them
02:56.27joez212some parts of the book are not accurate
02:57.12jblackoh geesh. my check card caught on fire today.
02:57.33joez212still won't register
02:57.39joez212what could i be doing wrong?
02:57.40husimonmy work cc got hacked off a website and used for wow registrations today
02:57.43husimonfun stuff
02:57.49kyronokok...let me restate that: whilst staying in the opensource realm, which codec is c00l to use for IAX, especially since IAX is probable the only one to support it for the moment (speex?)
02:58.24mihinomenestuse skinny.
02:58.31husimonoh god please don't
02:58.36kyronCentOS 5 sucks, can't install icc 10.1.008 on it...pffff
02:58.49joez212i'm using 4.4
02:58.59kyronO_o... skinny
02:59.18joez212for some reason doesnt work
02:59.47*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
02:59.52joez212i get service unavailable when i use that address
03:00.05joez212ipchains issue?
03:00.22kyronPolycom 601 any good?
03:00.22mihinomenestaren't IPChains/IPTables redundant?
03:00.59lunaphyteiptables supersedes ipchains.
03:01.09*** join/#asterisk SomethingISOdd (
03:01.13joez212mihi, that's why i'm asking
03:01.21joez212i just want to test out *
03:01.25SomethingISOddhello all anyone here use chan_h323, as i am compiling i keep getting make[2]: *** [/root/openh323/lib/] Error 1
03:01.27joez212it seems quite difficult to setup
03:01.30SomethingISOddanyideas how to fix this pleas?
03:01.45joez212SomethingISOdd: which flavour of linux are you running?
03:02.18joez212which one?
03:02.26SomethingISOddCentos 4.6
03:02.39joez2122.6 kernel?
03:02.51SomethingISOddyes 2.6.9
03:03.09joez212is that when you do the compile on asterisk?
03:03.25SomethingISOddthats when i do make on the h323
03:03.31SomethingISOddunder channels.
03:03.47joez212i believe that comes with *
03:03.53SomethingISOddyes it does.
03:03.54husimonjoez212, it's not a walk in the park, but if you read the book and play around for a day or so you can get it.
03:04.22joez212husimon: i've been playing for 2 days, a bit disappointed that its not easy after 2 days?
03:04.32mihinomenestI got it in two and I'm a windows admin!
03:04.34joeSomethingISOdd: atrpm has packages iirc
03:04.42husimonjoez212, I started 2 weeks ago and I still don't know what the hell i'm doing....
03:04.48SomethingISOddjoe oh let me check
03:05.46joez212something: the manuel i use said to install asterisk last, you install the other two firs
03:05.57joez212i think its matters
03:06.28SomethingISOddya i did
03:06.30joez212husimon: also many people in here are experts
03:06.37*** join/#asterisk jameswf-home (
03:06.43joez212i am no expert
03:07.02joez212if i put host=dynamic
03:07.11joez212it should put the dhcp ip address from eth0 right?
03:07.32[hC]Qwell: Does skinny.conf not know about dtmfmode= anymore?
03:07.44SomethingISOddhost=dynamic under the user account will allow that phone to login from anywere as long as they are using a username/password
03:07.51SomethingISOddthat is assigned in the config file
03:08.36joez212but i understand why my x-lite softphone refuses to register
03:08.56*** join/#asterisk mbt (
03:09.02joez212i'm sure the 5-6 sip.conf files have been fine
03:09.12joez212i am using this one at the moment with no luck
03:09.24joez212i dont think x-lite can see the * server
03:09.50SomethingISOddare you sure you are confiruing x-lite correctly?
03:10.08joez212something i would say about 90% certain
03:10.13joez212but this version of x-lite is new
03:10.19joez212and all screenshots utilize an old verison
03:10.21joez212but still
03:11.00SomethingISOddi havent used xlite in years. have you ever had anything registered to your * via sip
03:11.19joez212something: no
03:11.24*** join/#asterisk adjohn (
03:11.28SomethingISOddcan you show me your bindaddr?
03:11.58joez212sorry its .100
03:12.04mbtDoes anyone know if there are directories of PRI services somewhere?  I am trying to figure out if I can find less expensive PRI services than AT&T in my area
03:12.20SomethingISOddmbt message me..
03:12.24joez212mbt: no idea
03:12.42husimonso what are the best cheap ATAs? linksys SPA what?
03:13.05joez2123201 is what i have been told to get
03:13.19mihinomenestgrandstream 386 is probably the "cheapest"
03:13.45joez212i have a computer store that carries mine and its a 25 minute bus ride from my apartment
03:13.51joez212the linksys atas
03:14.20husimonwell i'd like something that is hassle free
03:14.34husimonanything under $100 is fine
03:14.46husimonas long as it works well and isn't a piece of crap
03:14.55joez212the 3201 is under 80 dollars
03:15.01*** join/#asterisk h3x (i=Hex@
03:15.04joez212searching for the grandstream
03:15.08h3xi knew it
03:15.14husimon$63 for 3201
03:15.24h3xthat problem i was having with module-assistant in ubuntu server building zaptel was just ubuntu server edition
03:15.35h3xtried it on desktop and it works fine, which makes me believe theres something wrong with dependancies
03:15.50joez212wow the grandstream is only 49 dollars
03:16.03h3xwow the grandstream sounds like a tin can
03:16.03drmessanoWhats a 3201?
03:16.55husimoni think he means
03:17.10husimonwhich is what I meant too
03:17.17joez212sorry guys lol
03:17.24drmessanoFor $63?
03:17.31husimonfrom the link i pasted
03:17.41lunaphyteyeah, i just bought one from them.
03:17.43husimonso what's the deal with asterisk and fax
03:17.49lunaphytedrmessano: the one you were helping me with.
03:17.49husimondoes it work with any atas?
03:17.52joez212h3x: have you tried linksys atas?
03:18.04drmessanoThats awesome
03:18.10drmessanoAwesome price
03:18.32drmessanoI paid $80 for mine lol
03:18.46joez212my local ma/pop shop is higher cuz not many stores carry such exotic pieces of hardware
03:18.51*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (
03:19.04husimonanyone have experience with the best way to do fax with asterisk?
03:19.17joez212husimon: i think i read somewhere
03:19.24joez212"dont do it"
03:20.01husimonthat's kind of sad, I want it to work
03:20.37*** join/#asterisk rcslex (
03:21.25*** join/#asterisk ZaVoid (
03:22.35h3xyeah linksys atas are alright
03:22.40lunaphytei have a somewhat long list of prefixes that i'm sending out a particular channel.  how can i construct a list outside of my dialplan and reference it within?
03:22.43h3xi think overall snom phones are the best
03:23.01h3xtheres still room for improvement, but at least it covers a full spectrum of features people usually want
03:23.17h3xpolycoms look nice but they are the hardest to configure
03:23.41husimonso the 3102 is the standard working ata that people buy?
03:23.50husimongoing to purchase about 7 if so
03:23.55lunaphyteseems to be.
03:24.08lunaphytebut i guess it depends on what your particular needs are.
03:24.10h3xuhm no its 1fxs 1fxo
03:24.13h3xare you sure you need a fxo port
03:24.26rcslexI have a lot of echo with the 3102s
03:24.27h3xi think you want the 2102 usually
03:25.07drmessanoThe PAP2-T
03:25.10drmessanoThats the 2 port FXO
03:25.14husimonyeah this is a 1 port
03:25.22drmessanothe 2102 is a router
03:25.27ZaVoidPAP2T IS 2 port fxs
03:25.29drmessanoRouter + ATA
03:25.39*** join/#asterisk mltlnx (
03:25.39drmessanoI had FXO on the brain
03:25.54husimonfxs is the phone side right, fxo is the ptsn side?
03:25.55ZaVoidfxs=plug phone in  fxo=plug phone line from pstn in :)
03:25.56drmessanoPAP2-T = 2 port FXS
03:26.01ZaVoidright husimon
03:26.14husimonk just making sure :P
03:26.16drmessanoSPA-2102 is a FXS + Router
03:26.19ZaVoidpap2t is cheap piece of junk
03:26.21ZaVoidfor example
03:26.26drmessanoSPA-3102 is a FXO + FXS + Router
03:26.34ZaVoidit supports 1 line of g729 and 1 of g723 or 2 g723
03:26.34joez212now it says sip listening on port
03:26.37drmessanoPAP2's work very well
03:26.47drmessanoPAP2T supports 2 lines of G729
03:26.57drmessanoPAP2 supports 1 line of G729
03:26.58ZaVoidhowever if you have 1 session up and have advertised g729 in the SDP then G729 is not available on line2 even if line1 didn't use g729
03:27.09ZaVoidnope both support only 1 line drmessano
03:27.38husimonso the spa 3102 can failback to to a normal phone line if the voip fails?
03:27.50ZaVoid2102 can do two lines of g729
03:28.20lunaphytehusimon: yes.
03:28.27husimoni guess i'll just never use that part
03:28.38husimonsince i'm doing asterisk -> sip -> ata -> analog phone.
03:28.41drmessanoThe PAPT has 2 G729 licenses
03:28.44husimonthat's correct right?
03:28.48drmessanoDo a search of PAP2T and G729
03:28.52lunaphytedon't waste your money if you don't need an fxo port.
03:29.30husimonok so the lesser one is what model? 2102?
03:29.48drmessano2102 is FXS
03:29.53drmessano2 x FXS
03:30.00drmessanoand a router too
03:30.11lunaphyteboth the 2102 and the pap2t are 2x fxs
03:30.26plikhas anyone seen / got good docs on setting up the SPA 3102? ... mine should arrive tomorrow or Weds
03:30.28drmessanothe pap2t isn't a router.. thats the difference
03:30.46husimonk yeah I don't need a router
03:30.51drmessano3102 is a router, FXO and FXS
03:30.54lunaphyteplik: i was able to find (along with help here) what i needed.
03:31.12husimonthe pap2t work well enough?
03:31.15ZaVoidit doesn't work drmessano
03:31.17drmessanoThe 3102 is a meant to be a branch office solution, but its also the cheapest way to get FXO on Asterisk
03:31.26plikand so you've wtirrten a nice concise how-to ?
03:31.33ZaVoidi got hundreds of them in use
03:31.38lunaphyteplik: yeah, in my head..  :p
03:31.42husimonZaVoid, ah nice
03:31.58*** join/#asterisk `Sean (
03:32.05husimondrmessano, as opposed to a digium card eh
03:32.25drmessanoyes, and as opposed to the piece of crap X100P
03:32.31husimoni'd be tempted to play with asterisk as a home line but I only use my cell
03:32.42ZaVoidhusimon: not really
03:32.51drmessanoIt's effectively the best way to entry level an FXO
03:32.52husimonZaVoid, not really as they suck?
03:33.29ZaVoidthey are ok but they are cheap ata's
03:33.39ZaVoidgranted thet are better then really cheap ata's from china.. but still
03:33.42husimonwhat type of problems have you had?
03:33.54ZaVoidmostly codec issues and general freezing of the units
03:34.18husimonsee this why i'm asking, i'm willing to spend more money to get good units, i guess i'll just go with 3102 unless someone can suggest a better unit.
03:35.40drmessanohusimon, I have several SPA-3102s in service and they work fine for me..
03:36.14drmessanoI've also got dozens of PAP2s out there, and they work fine too
03:36.23drmessanoBut, everyone has their experiences :)
03:37.19lunaphytenow, who can tell me how to avoid having a litany of extensions listed in extensions.conf to match all of the various prefixes that should go out a particular channel?
03:37.40plikhow do you handle Transfer on an analogue phone plugges in to FXS? DTMF?  ordoes the ATA understand flash-hook / recall ?
03:38.20ZaVoidso drmessano  you have a pap2(any variant) with 2 lines of g729 active at the same time when you go to the info page?
03:38.28plikcheers drmessano
03:38.41drmessanoI only have standard PAP2's
03:38.56[hC]Qwell: alive?
03:38.59drmessanoI take that back.. I have one V2
03:39.32h3xi hate those locked V2's
03:39.41h3xsuch a pain
03:39.46drmessanoI've always heard the PAP2Ts could handle two channels of G729.. even seen it said here a few times.. but if you say it doesn't work, then ok
03:39.51drmessanoYeah, the V2s such
03:39.52ZaVoidnope they don't
03:39.52drmessanoYeah, the V2s suck
03:39.59ZaVoidi've tested each variant
03:40.22ZaVoidwhats crazy drmessano is that the SDP advertises the g729.. but it won't allow it to be used
03:41.01ZaVoidyep quality
03:41.20drmessanoSo you'd rather use a grandstream? :)
03:41.34h3xuse an old spa-2100
03:41.35h3xthey rock
03:41.43h3xt.38, 2x g.729
03:41.50ZaVoidhehe i didn't say that drmessano
03:41.59ZaVoidactually i do like my gxp-2000 on my desk.. works fine
03:42.05ZaVoidcept for the speakerphone
03:42.15drmessanoOther than the glaring G729 issue, i've had no issues with the PAP2s.. Running 3.1.6 firmware on the lot
03:42.39drmessanoG711 works fine for me anyway :)
03:44.41drmessano..and the CID on the SPA-3102 doesn't work with a shit if you don't have CallerID on the line :)
03:45.40husimondrmessano, laugh
03:45.41drmessanoI'm going to fix that crap tomorrow
03:45.49drmessanoFirst thing
03:45.50husimoni am thinking the 2102 because then I get two FXS
03:45.58husimoni need about 5 analog lines so...
03:46.03drmessanoMy business manager will complain.. but I have a reputation to rebuild
03:46.16kyron`core show translation` (<<--is it really re-calculated?) is interesting, basically telling me not to use more than 1 codec..
03:47.10drmessanoallow=gsm is all you need..
03:48.01ZaVoidg.729 for life
03:48.24[hC]I use g729 on PAP2s?
03:48.27[hC]Whats the problem?
03:48.46ZaVoidtry to use 2 lines of g729 simultaneously though
03:49.06[hC]I presume a second call on call waiting counts?
03:49.11[hC]I can do that.
03:49.15drmessanoBoth LINES
03:49.27ZaVoidline 1 and line 2
03:49.33[hC]Oh, you mean physical line1 and 2.
03:49.36drmessanoBoth HOLES
03:49.50[hC]Thats interesting.
03:50.07[hC]using 2 g729 licenses that way should count the same as 2 licenses being used on one active handset.
03:50.12[hC]You'd think, anyways.
03:50.17kyronwell meself a poly 601 now...
03:51.21drmessanoI'm gonna get a bunch of Cisco softphones.. X-Lite is too cheapy for me
03:51.24*** join/#asterisk supjigator (n=shanebur@
03:51.46[hC]You worked last time i tried you, and now you refuse to dial
03:52.21kyrondrmessano, soft for another... tsk
03:52.24ZaVoiddrmessano: this is form the pap2 admin guide
03:52.26ZaVoidA codec resource is considered as allocated if it has been included in the SDP codec list of an active call, even though it eventually may not be the one chosen for the connection. So, if the G.729a codec is enabled and included in the codec list, that resource is tied up until the end of the call whether or not the call actually uses G.729a. If the G.729a resource is already allocated and since only one G.729a resource is allowed per
03:52.59kyronthat "sucks"
03:53.36drmessano*shrug*.. thats cool... Just always heard the PAP2T allowed 2.. but I never used one, so have nothing to back it up :)
03:53.37kyronI have doubts on the validity of `core show translation` , the figures are too stable :P
03:53.39drmessanoNot surprising
03:53.39ZaVoidso even advertising g729 disables g723 from being used on line 2 if its in use on line 1
03:54.07drmessanoI got enough PAP2s I unlocked that I never bought a T
03:54.34drmessanoAfter my one try at T38 with a SPA3102, I decided I didn't need a T for anything anyway
03:56.40husimoni'm just gonna get a handful of pap2t
03:56.47husimonand throw more at the problem until it goes away!
03:56.59husimonscrew you stupid wireless handset users!
03:57.31drmessanoPAP2 + cordless phone = much love
03:57.45drmessanoScrew those $300 wifi sip phones!
03:57.55husimonsip phone -> forward -> cell phone
03:58.03drmessanoI got S-IP... Sorta IP
03:58.17husimonalthough I think I might get a nice headset so I can walk into the server room and talk
03:58.17kyrondrmessano, yeah, Mediatrix 1104 + 4 cordless ;)
03:58.20husimonmy cell phone cuts out there
03:58.20jameswf-homeWe use asstra +DEC
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03:59.31drmessanoI've become addicted to grandcentral
03:59.40drmessanoI cant get my number to ring enough places
03:59.44drmessano8 is NOT enough
03:59.58husimondo you really want to be bugged that much :P
04:00.18drmessanoWell, I am going to give the number out at work
04:00.28husimoni wonder what frequency wireless headset is best for going through walls
04:00.33[hC]why on earth would you do that
04:00.41[hC]thats the last people i want calling me on EVERY PHONE IMAGINABLE
04:00.45drmessanoI sent myself an invite on our corporate email addy and got a "work only" number
04:00.53J4k3husimon: 49 mhz
04:00.57kyronthe higher the frequency, the lower the penetration (900MHz)
04:01.05husimonthey make 49mhz wireless handsets?
04:01.05drmessanoSo I am gonna run it to my cell, desk phone at work, and one emergency phone at home
04:01.26drmessanoand other places at work as needed.. I got up to 8 and it was actually a bit much
04:01.39drmessanoBut I am trying to cut back on my cell minutes
04:01.57drmessanoDamn calling me on my cell when I am at another building with a LL on the desk in front of me
04:02.47husimonisn't 49mhz like old cell phones?
04:02.55drmessanonot cell
04:03.25husimonyeah but they don't make modern phones on that frequency anymore right?
04:03.54drmessano49.61, .63, .67, .71, .73, .77, .81, .83, .93, .97
04:04.02J4k3husimon: theres actually been a 'reemergance' of 49 mhz stuff.
04:04.17drmessanoNot 49
04:04.25drmessano46 was the desk
04:04.31drmessano49 was the handset
04:04.35kyrongnight all
04:04.39husimonso the best you can get now for going through walls is 900mhz
04:05.00[koss]pull-up antennas <3
04:05.00kyron(low freq phones might be a good idea)
04:05.11drmessano46.61, .63, .67, .71, .73, .77, .81, .83, .93, .97   and 49.81, 49.83, 49.87, 49.93, and 49.97
04:05.11J4k3it covered a good sized chunk of my ~1000 home neighborhood
04:05.22J4k3husimon: yes and no
04:05.22kyron[koss], yeah...except for that ;P
04:05.32J4k3husimon: it penetrates best, but your noise at 900 may be very high and walls won't hold it out
04:05.48husimonJ4k3, guess i'll just buy a few and find out
04:05.49[koss]haha i think we just remember a long range because the antenna was 4 ft long
04:05.56drmessanoHigher freq, higher penetration
04:06.23J4k3drmessano: longer the wavelength the better the effective penetration
04:06.42J4k3but logically higher noise, since anything emitting that noise will actually penetrate
04:06.58J4k32.4 crap... you get a couple layers of foil-backed foam insulation and the signal disappears ;)
04:07.00drmessanoWhat do you define at effective penetration?
04:07.12husimonwhen the bitch moans
04:07.22mihinomenest(the longer the wavelength, the less energy is wasted on oscilation; more energy for penetration)
04:07.29J4k3when she calls back the next day and she's still breathing hard?
04:07.41husimonwhen she calls back the next day, can't walk, but wants more.
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04:08.50J4k3we're dirty!
04:09.02Ritzeriskwhats a good dialer program to consider
04:09.23husimonso here's a question: what is the best basic sip phone
04:09.30husimongood deal for the money kind of phone
04:09.35J4k3define 'best' and 'basic'
04:09.50J4k3I think the best effective bang/buck is the grandsuck budgetnone 101
04:10.06J4k3but, its a grandsuck budgetnone 101... but damn its half the price of the next cheapest SIP handset
04:10.12mihinomenesthusimon: the $85 grandstream GXP-2000 ?
04:10.15husimonwe have 7940's
04:10.17husimoni don't want to buy more
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04:10.37husimonwell hmm those are 189 now
04:10.40husimoncheaper then before
04:10.45husimonplus no stupid cisco license fee
04:10.52mihinomenestthe grandstream will leave you wanting something with a richer featureset, though.
04:11.04J4k3a bt101 will make you want... a phone
04:11.18J4k3but, its still a great deal
04:11.26J4k3folks here love polycom, thats my next personal phone purchase
04:12.27mihinomenestPolycoms look cartoony, IMO.
04:12.55husimonit's those stupid red and blue buttons they use
04:13.08mihinomenest(and the handsets)
04:13.16husimonwhat handsets?
04:13.34husimonwhich ones have handsets i mean
04:14.23mihinomenestthe desktop polycoms...
04:15.14[TK]D-FenderIP301 = dead choice.
04:15.44[TK]D-FenderThe only Polycom without a handset is the IP 4000, but thats a technicality
04:15.49mihinomenestanything on this page really:
04:15.54husimonthere is always 7970's :P what a waste of money
04:16.00husimon~$500 for a phone
04:16.08J4k3a 7970 is a fucking ripoff
04:16.13husimonno kidding
04:16.16J4k3you can buy a PC with a 17" LCD to run a softphone on
04:16.16husimonoo man a color screen
04:16.18J4k3for that price
04:16.21drmessano"Can anyone hear my baby monitor?"
04:17.23J4k3my friend in downtown austin says its at a whole different level now
04:17.25drmessanoYes, and we can hear you doing the nasty if the crib is still in your bedroom
04:17.58mihinomenestI had a customer connected to my 900MHz FWAP.  turns out it was her neighbor's video baby monitor over 400yds away.
04:17.58J4k3900 and 2.4 NTSC cameras
04:17.58J4k3voyeurism objects to the new night rider
04:18.12husimoninteresting, the uniden phone with 5.8ghz handset
04:18.14mihinomenestI've also had way to many customers call up and complain that their internet stops working while they're on the phone.
04:18.27husimonmihinomenest, that's what you get for using 2.4ghz phones
04:18.39mihinomenest"oh really, let me take a look" so I ping'em.  "tick tick tick tick tick"
04:18.54J4k3husimon: DECT is a nice choice
04:19.01J4k31.9 ghz, penetrates like PCS cellular
04:19.14mihinomenesthusimon: I've had more problems with 5.8GHz phones interfering with my 900MHz last mile than I have had 900MHz phones interfering.
04:19.20J4k3I wanna say they allow about 40mW EIRP on it, maybe 100mW... something like that, at least
04:19.33jameswf-home<bevis> yeah yeah penetrate </bevis>
04:19.36J4k3mihinomenest: because most "5.8" phones only do 5.8 one way
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04:19.51mihinomenestJ4k3: I know.
04:20.14J4k3DECT stuff is all on 1.9ghz
04:20.22J4k3its actually a 5 mhz sliver in the middle of the pcs cell band
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04:26.18VJFROMGTI sudently stop getting audio via iax trunk, signaling works but no audio
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04:39.53jameswf-homePlop plop fizzz fizzzz
04:54.22J4k3if your plop fizzes, you should go to the clinic immediately.
04:55.31[hC]I dont suppose its possible to originate a call as g729 rather than slin?
04:56.14[hC]im trying to originate a call which plays a g729 file to a box which answers on SIP and accepts only g729, but it complains that it cant translate from slin to g729 (lack of g729 license)
04:56.22[TK]D-Fender[hC], your initial channel should use whatever codecs your peer (you ARE using a defined peer, RIGHT?) was set up to offer.
04:58.12[hC][TK]D-Fender: im just using a call file which starts with dialing Local/999@default, which dials out (IAX) to a remote box that plays a file using g729 - this works when i call it with a g729 capable phone
04:58.21[hC]then the other leg of the call does another call to a different peer, using g729 as well
04:58.25[hC]and it still tries to transcode to slin
04:58.47[hC]ive also tried replacing one of the call-outs with a Playback(tt-monkeys) which only exists in g729, and it wants to transcode to slin
04:58.53[TK]D-Fender[hC], well I'd inspect your peer definition and the CLI output of your call.....
04:59.07[hC]presumably because all originated calls from within asterisk itself using call files start by trying to use slin..
05:00.00[hC]calling from g729 capable phones, both local extensions work without need to transcode. but, trying to bridge two outgoing calls that were both made using g729 together is not working.
05:00.13[hC]All I want to do is originate a ton of calls out using g729 to test the load of a line
05:00.23[hC]but on this architecture, there is no g729 codec available.
05:00.34[TK]D-Fender[hC], Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, ok, fine, sure.  Lest talk, more show!
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05:01.05[hC]I'm trying to figure out a way to do it! It just doesnt look like its possible.
05:01.10[TK]D-Fender[hC], pastebin makes most things possible
05:01.18[hC]aside from placing all of these calls from an actual handset.
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05:01.55[hC]I can try to show you, sure, but i dont think there is a solution... Hold up, i'll pastebin it all
05:08.22hmmhesayssing us a song you're the piano man
05:09.14[TK]D-Fender'cause we're all in a mood for a melody...
05:09.54hmmhesaysoh that song never gets old
05:10.04hmmhesaysI jammed last night on the big stage here
05:10.15[hC]Ok I think I may have found the problem
05:10.20[hC]Milliwatt() uses slin. :|
05:10.45[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays, if you acutally played that, I'm impressed
05:10.48[hC]Is there a way to generate g729-only tones that are constant? aside from using a .g729 file with a constant tone in it?
05:10.52hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender, I didn't
05:10.58hmmhesaysI just played some pop/punk stuff
05:11.01hmmhesaysa little blink 182
05:11.07[TK]D-Fender[hC], play milliwatt and encode it
05:11.13[hC]Yeah, I can do that.
05:11.15[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays, Bleh
05:11.22drmessanoBlink 182 = blah
05:11.27hmmhesaysbeer and no warm up, and only getting 2 songs doesn't make for much of a jam
05:11.34hmmhesaysblink always gets the crowd going
05:12.27hmmhesaysanyway, I'm going to pick up some of these cheap ass yoki d drums on ebay
05:12.39hmmhesayswe lost our practice area so now we have to be quiet
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05:15.45markgreeneHow can I output everything being sent to the CLI, to a file? So that I don't need to be looking at the CLI to see an error go by.
05:15.59jameswf-homemarkgreene: logger.conf
05:17.00markgreenejameswf-home: I'll google that then. Thanks
05:17.28hmmhesaysthe only way to quiet a drummer down is to make him go digital for practice
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05:34.35jblackthe other way to quiet a drummer is to threaten them with a nuisance lawsuit
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05:38.59markgreeneAnyone in here know mysql enough to tell me how I can sort call records by the number of digits in the dst field? Baiscly I only want to see where the destination was a 4 digit extension.
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05:40.46micanderselect * from tableName where Len(fieldName)=4; should work
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05:43.38[hC][TK]D-Fender: so here's something relevant. When calling from my phone, this all works now (eliminated milliwatt) but when originating a call i get "No codecs found to offer, cancelling call" - SIP debug and traceroute both show that no attempt was made.  Doing a sip show peer <x> it claims that it knows about g729.
05:44.03[hC]Maybe asterisk wont originate a call with only g729 available when no is loaded..
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05:45.22[hC]yeah the problem is on the originating box, when you bring up the first leg of the call (before the second leg is up) it tries to speak slin. There's not gonna be any way around this.
05:45.35[TK]D-Fender[hC], Makes sense
05:46.00[TK]D-Fender[hC], Sure there is... buy a friggen license
05:46.05[hC]It does yeah, it would be nice if you could tell it not to try defaulting to slin, though.
05:46.15[hC]I'm doing this on blackfin, there is no available for it.
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05:50.32hmmhesays[hC], you're working on a blackfin also?
05:51.00[TK]D-Fender[hC], I am continually amused by your ability to stack improbably and doom concepts together in new and unusual ways that can only end in failure...
05:51.39[hC][TK]D-Fender: how else would we learn where the limits are? :) you should be thanking me!
05:51.52[hC]hmmhesays: yeah, im doing a lot of work with the aa50
05:52.41[hC][TK]D-Fender: it shouldnt be that unreasonable to try to load test the capacity of an embedded box using g729 passthru! :)
05:53.07hmmhesays[hC],  I'm working on getting spandsp working
05:53.25[hC]hmmhesays: wow, that sure is a challenge to bite off :)
05:53.57[hC]hmmhesays: im trying to figure out whats wrong with VLAN tagging on this thing, and would love to see a become available.
05:54.09hmmhesays[hC], compile one
05:54.19hmmhesaysthe sources are available
05:54.22[hC]hmmhesays: i just may have to.
05:55.01hmmhesaysI have spandsp running with rxfax on my blackfin, but there is too much floating point code slowing things down
05:55.18hmmhesayscoppice suggested I started converting equalizer to fixed point
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06:52.04metfan2007Hi all, I have an issue in iax.conf, I setting callerid for a user like callerid="Name" <9393>, but the issue is when I try to get that values using ${CALLERID(name)} and ${CALLERID(num)}, a receive blank variables... any idea?
06:58.40ManxPowerdon't use quotes
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07:00.10ifnotwhynothi there could anyone please give me the link to the new asterisk 1.4 book please
07:02.21jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
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07:39.37BBHosssup fools
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07:48.16jblackdrmessano: Sir?
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08:16.28jblackIt's quiet tonight
08:17.25BBHosssure is
08:17.49BBHossprobably too early for europeans to come on
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08:27.59endreit 9.27am
08:28.04endrein central europe
08:28.13BBHoss2:28AM here
08:28.22BBHossCentral US :)
08:28.23endrehah that's early then
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08:32.41BBHossthat was odd
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08:37.20NavionAnyone had any trouble being able to break dial tone with Sangoma FXS's?
08:39.32NavionIt seems like some DTMF digits are not being recognized while dial tone is present. Once the dial tone is broken all the digits are recognized, even the ones the card wouldn't decode with dial tone present.
08:41.23NavionSo many people logged in to computers at work... Everyone is asleep here.
08:41.47BBHossjust can't help you :)
08:42.13NavionThat's comforting. ;)
08:42.24BBHossi would suggest calling sangoma
08:43.06NavionI sent them a tech eMail. Seems like I've sent those before without a response.
08:43.28BBHossemails are a dime a dozen
08:43.30Navionmaybe a phone call would be better.
08:43.55NavionAny idea where their tech support is?
08:44.09BBHossno idea
08:44.55NavionI never know if it's better to call in daytime in the Americas, Europe or Asia
08:45.12NavionOf course it's all made in China...
08:45.46NavionOr Canada...
08:46.45*** join/#asterisk grantm ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
08:46.58BBHossNavion, they are after hours :(
08:47.10NavionI'll prpbably have to have a french translator
08:47.12BBHossheh they have a conference
08:47.28BBHossafter-hours conference
08:48.02NavionOh well....BBL
08:48.58BBHossNavion, heh call the tech support
08:49.07BBHossthey have a call-back service :)
08:49.30*** join/#asterisk keith4 (n=keith@lust.CC.Lehigh.EDU) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
08:50.38BBHossNavion, try adding relaxdtmf=yes to zapata.conf
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08:59.48FlatFootmorning all
09:02.30*** join/#asterisk cjk (n=ldidelot@
09:02.34cjkhi, is there a variable that tells me if the channel is in t.38 ?
09:03.51*** part/#asterisk dominic1 (n=dob@
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09:09.25obnauticusI just got some dell rapid vrails for a 7950 and epic failure.
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09:38.20nebojsajsimichi alll
09:38.25BBHosssup dog
09:40.42obnauticusJT ya
09:41.17FlatFootmorning BBhoss
09:41.27*** join/#asterisk qdk (n=qdk@
09:41.34obnauticusBBHoss bows to no man!
09:41.38FlatFoothow's the detox program ;)
09:41.45BBHossfsck that
09:41.51JTobnauticus: the rails don't fit?
09:42.04obnauticusno JT, they looked like rails for a 2-4U case
09:42.13obnauticusinstead, they are just for a dell Poweredge 7950
09:42.23obnauticusnow they are useless unless i actually buy them
09:42.33obnauticusi got them for free
09:42.34obnauticus3 kits of them
09:43.00JTah ok
09:43.04JT7950 must be huge
09:43.07JTand old?
09:43.13obnauticusthey are new
09:43.14obnauticusand small
09:43.24obnauticusthese rails look like they can take a 4U load
09:43.43*** join/#asterisk XnOSX (i=d491af1a@gateway/web/ajax/
09:44.22obnauticus1750 sorry
09:44.50XnOSXanybody here have problems with the fax in asterisk (T38)?
09:45.16obnauticusJT I got my 42U rack
09:45.23obnauticusit's actually like a 43.5U rack.
09:45.39BBHossobnauticus, where the hell are you putting that?
09:45.55obnauticusBBHoss a lot of stuff
09:46.05obnauticusi have 3 servers right here
09:46.09obnauticusand a 2U switch
09:46.15obnauticusthat's like 16U's
09:46.18BBHossheh, sounds like my room
09:46.20obnauticusand im going to buy some ProLiant's off of ebay soon
09:46.24XnOSXwhen the calls enter in my pbx asterisk think that is a fax and hang up the call inmediatly
09:46.25obnauticusBBHoss i'm 16 though
09:46.35BBHossyeah, i remembered that
09:46.47obnauticusI'm thinking of getting an osciloscope just to put it in there
09:46.53obnauticusbecause i have nothing else to put in there
09:47.01BBHossso are you just ordering this stuff fof learning/fun or an actual purpose
09:47.07obnauticusactual purpose.
09:47.17obnauticusslash fun
09:47.35BBHossyou must be making some nice money from freelancing
09:47.36obnauticushobbys other than sports are always good.
09:47.50obnauticuswell im a cheapskate so i got this rack for $50
09:47.58BBHossdamn that is cheap
09:48.07obnauticusyou know what OSDL is right?
09:48.09BBHossi need more room, right now i'm in a dorm room
09:48.16obnauticustheir old uhh
09:48.28obnauticusis like a few miles from me, and linus used to wokr there
09:48.32obnauticusLinus used the server cage i got
09:48.40BBHosswhat kind of other fun shit do they have
09:48.48obnauticusthey used to have a lot of stuff
09:48.51obnauticusbut i got an SAS array
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09:49.06obnauticuswith 5 147.4GB HDD's in it
09:49.10obnauticushot swappable
09:49.14BBHoss15k or 10k?
09:49.21BBHossvery nice
09:49.21obnauticusfor 200 duckets.
09:49.22JToscilloscopes are pretty useful
09:49.35obnauticusJT, I know I made one out of an old cathode ray tube
09:49.45obnauticusI'm going to get a spectrum analyzer soon though.
09:49.50obnauticusand perhaps a GNURadio.
09:49.54BBHossyeah ive always wanted an osc, but now that i'm at a university that has 100s, there is really no point
09:50.11JTi have 2
09:50.13obnauticusI'm lucky that WSU lets me use their stuff for BGA soldering
09:50.23JTa dual channel CRO
09:50.31JT100MHz i think? maybe 20?
09:50.33BBHosshopefully this summer i can move into a house, then i can really jack the power bill up :)
09:50.38JTand a 10MHz LCD handheld one
09:50.40obnauticusBBHoss lmao
09:50.46obnauticusI use solar panels.
09:50.55BBHossyeah, if i buy we may do that
09:50.55obnauticuswell i try to as much as possible
09:51.01obnauticusI have a single point of failure though
09:51.05obnauticusif power goes out im toast
09:51.13obnauticuswell i have a 4U APC that will keep me up for 4 hours
09:51.15BBHossim starting to get some more clients for my asterisk consulting
09:51.18JTput important stuff in a datacentre
09:51.20obnauticusother than that, there's an epic failure.
09:51.28obnauticusJt, that's what colocation is for
09:51.40BBHosscolo is too fscking expensive
09:51.48obnauticusnot really
09:51.58obnauticusif you generate enough money for it, it will pay for it's self.
09:52.02BBHossid like to open up a colo center in an old nuke silo, that would be cool
09:52.07JTcolo is cheap these days
09:52.10JTas a customer
09:52.16JTnot to build a datacentre
09:52.18obnauticusi think he's talking about like
09:52.22obnauticustwo racks
09:52.30obnauticusThat's what i would use
09:52.39BBHosscheaper in bulk, but the small stuff gets expensive
09:52.41obnauticusand a lot of internet.
09:52.42JTi have one rack
09:53.01obnauticusI have one now
09:53.20JTi meant colo
09:53.21obnauticusfor this next year it will look riduclous with only like 7 things in it though
09:53.23JTi also have one at home
09:53.36obnauticusDidn't I tell you what i saw in a colo one time?
09:53.41obnauticuslike two nights ago
09:53.41BBHossive got a sun X4100 that i should colo, its just collecting dust because it is SOOOO loud
09:53.55obnauticusBBHoss ProLiant's are also extremely loud
09:53.58obnauticusi have one sitting outside my room
09:54.02obnauticusi cannot sleep with it on
09:54.04BBHossdunno if they can top this one
09:54.05BBHosssame here
09:54.10JTBBHoss: is that 1RU?
09:54.11BBHossits like 40db MINIMUM
09:54.16BBHossJT, yeah
09:54.21obnauticusmine sounds like a vaccuum cleaner.
09:54.30obnauticuswith all what
09:54.32JTBBHoss: yeah, that's the one i saw in a datacente with a SATA enclosure
09:54.33obnauticus12 fans it has in it
09:54.35obnauticushot swappable.
09:54.37JTwhole rack dedicated to it
09:54.47obnauticusthat's cool
09:54.57obnauticusI have a rack near mine that's just all ATX cases stacked up
09:54.57BBHossits got 6 small-diameter high-rpm fans that turn at like 6000rpms minimum
09:55.01obnauticusfor about 4 feet
09:55.21BBHossanyone ever try Asterisk on SPARC?
09:55.25obnauticusI dunno the specs of the priliant's.
09:55.55obnauticusDL380 G4's are really nice though
09:55.58obnauticusI like the iLO
09:56.17BBHossoh the ILOM on the Sun is awesome
09:56.20JTthe latest DL360s are pretty nice
09:56.26obnauticusI haven't tried those
09:56.28JT1RU with redundant PSUs
09:56.34obnauticusI try to stick to IPMI though.
09:56.38BBHossremote console, display, cdrom, harddrive, floppy, everything
09:56.46obnauticusremote console, nice.
09:56.51obnauticusI have the adapters you know
09:56.54obnauticuswith the console server switch
09:57.07BBHossoh its more than console, you can use it with GUIs too
09:57.16obnauticuslol X11 LOM
09:57.20obnauticusGUI LOM
09:57.28obnauticusi was just kidding
09:57.37BBHossmostly for windows dudes
09:57.52BBHosswell who runs x11 on a server?
09:57.53obnauticusbut when i fill this whole rack up
09:57.58JTi'm trying to decide what phone to put in my co-lo rack
09:58.01obnauticusBBHoss people who run gustygibbom
09:58.05JTit has to be a cheapish phone
09:58.07JTbut not shit
09:58.09obnauticusJt you are putting a phone in there
09:58.11obnauticusto annoy people?
09:58.14obnauticusthat's what i would do
09:58.19obnauticusput a speaker in there
09:58.19JThow would it annoy them?
09:58.21obnauticusblare music
09:58.22obnauticuscall them
09:58.24obnauticuswhen tehy are near by
09:58.27obnauticusstream a webcam
09:58.29obnauticusthrough the internet
09:58.32obnauticusand yell at them when they walk by
09:58.38JTi see
09:58.45obnauticusI'll set that up in a week
09:58.47BBHossobnauticus, just hook up asterisk to the OSS/ALSA sound card and plug a speaker in
09:58.48obnauticusand crap in the bottom of my rack
09:58.54JTmore like when i want to make calls when i'm at the rack
09:58.57obnauticusplay 8 bit music on hold stuff.
09:59.01JThate using mobile phones when unnecessary
09:59.05JTalso for testing
09:59.08obnauticusJT I know.
09:59.15obnauticusdoes your colo have WiFi?
09:59.20obnauticusyou could just use that on your server.
09:59.34JTmy rack doesn't
09:59.38obnauticusMine doesn't have WiFi but a few punks setup some Aironet's in their racks
09:59.43JTuse it on my server for what?
09:59.54JTyeah i see some people have tried to hide aps in their racks
09:59.58obnauticusi mean use their WiFi so you can text a softphone
10:00.06obnauticusya, the people can't locate it
10:00.11obnauticusthey screwed it into their case i heard
10:00.12obnauticusit was funny
10:00.20JTand another rack has a pile of crappy gsm antennas sitting above their rack on the cable tray
10:00.30JTand about 6 GSM cards
10:00.38obnauticusI'll get you a picture of the dudes who stacked the ATX cases in the rack
10:00.42JTmultiport gsm card too
10:00.46obnauticusit's like crooked too
10:00.49JTi can't take pictures
10:00.52obnauticusnot even properly stacked.
10:00.57obnauticusthey don't let you?
10:00.58JTagainst datacentre rules
10:01.03obnauticususe your cell phone
10:01.06JTall photos must be approved by management
10:01.12JTpeople have done that before
10:01.21JTand security have gone up to them within 2 minutes
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10:01.31obnauticusact like you are calling
10:01.34obnauticusand press the take picture button
10:01.46JTthose pictures suck anyway
10:01.57obnauticusJust hook a webcam to your server.
10:02.00obnauticusthat would be entertaining.
10:02.04JTand someone may or may not have taken pictures near my rack before cctv went up there
10:02.10JTwith a dslr
10:02.34obnauticusI can bring an SLR into mine
10:02.39obnauticusthey don't care
10:02.44JTso can i
10:02.46JTexcept they care
10:02.51obnauticusDo racks exist with biometric locks?
10:03.11JTbit of a wank
10:03.20JTif the person got past building security
10:03.22JTthere are issues
10:04.00obnauticusmine generally aren't diccks
10:04.04obnauticusprobably because of my age
10:05.02JTi have to swipe 7 times to get to my rack
10:05.06JTand pass the security desk
10:05.16obnauticusRFID and biometrics
10:05.20obnauticusat mine
10:05.20JTyour face from the record is displayed on an lcd above the second entrance door
10:05.22obnauticusboth insecure
10:05.46JTthey have 24/7 security, better than any automated security measures
10:05.49obnauticusthat's pretty cool
10:05.56obnauticusDisneyland-ish though
10:06.14JTminimum 4 security guards on after hours, 5+ business hours
10:06.22JTfacility security guards that is
10:06.32JTsome suites have private security too
10:06.35obnauticusI like watching the fat person at the NOC
10:06.57JTone floor of the datacentre is owned by the federal government here
10:07.03JTand they have armed guards
10:07.05obnauticusOh that makes sense.
10:07.16JTwhich are a government agency
10:07.20JTnot private security
10:07.26obnauticuslol what if they used tasers
10:07.39JTshrug, that floor, the guards have guns
10:08.33obnauticuswhat address range do you get?
10:08.36obnauticusand how much bandwidth you got?
10:08.43JTBBHoss: feds
10:08.48JTthe have a whole floor
10:08.57BBHossJT which datacenter do you use?
10:09.15JTthis datacentre has 6.5 floors of colo space
10:09.21JT1.5 floors of facilities
10:09.26obnauticuswhere is this
10:09.27obnauticusthat is huge.
10:09.35BBHossahh yes
10:09.40JTspace for over 3000 racks
10:09.51JTpower usage when full will be around 50MW
10:10.13JTat the moment they are having issues with energy supply
10:10.43JTthey have 2 redundant set of incoming power cables taking diverse routes, each running at 33kV
10:10.53JTand each has dual 33 to 11kV transformers
10:10.59obnauticusYa, I need to up the amperage on my circuits to my room too
10:11.09JTthe cables and globalswitch transformers can handle the power
10:11.13obnauticusmine's got n+1 with power
10:11.15obnauticusi think they are fine
10:11.32JTthe transformers sending the power from the power company are getting maxxed out
10:11.40JTat the substation
10:11.59obnauticusWonder what their power bill is per month eh
10:12.03obnauticusprobably more than their backbone
10:12.15JTglobalswitch is strictly carrier neutral
10:12.29obnauticushow do your lines terminate
10:12.29JTthey do not offer telco/Internet connectivity under any circumstances
10:12.31obnauticusin your cage?
10:12.35BBHossi dunno why more of these companies don't do solar
10:12.45JTbecause solar is a waste of time
10:12.54JTfor such high power
10:12.56obnauticuswind generator!
10:13.02BBHossthey used to be, but the new solar is much more efficient
10:13.15JTobnauticus: i get connectivity from the company that leases this cage
10:13.26JTglobalswitch is just an it real estate provider
10:13.33JTit's pretty much the best arrangement
10:14.38obnauticusI dunno how good the guys are at montioring my usage
10:15.13obnauticusthey give me a port on a cisco switch and if i want to split it i can...
10:15.23obnauticusas long as i have the space to
10:15.38obnauticusit's only like 40/40 though
10:18.07cjkhi, is there a variable that tells me if the channel is in t.38 or not ?
10:18.19BBHosshas anyone here been getting a "your search looks like a bot" message from google?
10:18.35*** join/#asterisk ifnotwhynot (
10:19.02ifnotwhynotsorry to ask agian book for asterisk 1.4 link please
10:19.10jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
10:22.46obnauticusBBHoss i've gotten that once.
10:23.01BBHossits happening constantly to me, so damn annoying
10:23.19BBHossit happens whether i use the firefox-builitn or
10:23.59obnauticuscheck your browser useragent
10:24.07Alan1234Morning.  Question: Can some recommend a company in the UK that can give me a UK number and SIP access to my Asterisk system?
10:24.11obnauticusMaybe that's what's causing it.
10:24.25BBHossAlan1234, so you want a UK DID?
10:24.52obnauticusWhat kind of LOM do eservers havE?
10:25.19obnauticusOR do they have any :|
10:25.22Alan1234BBHoss: i am just coming up to speed on all this terminology, so yes, i think DID is what i want
10:26.02BBHossAlan1234, provides unlimited DIDs for a monthly fee, you might try them
10:26.15Alan1234BBHoss: thank you, appreciate the pointer
10:26.30BBHossAlan1234, there are TONS out there though, look around
10:26.50Alan1234yup, now you told me the term to search for i see oodles! thanks
10:28.21*** join/#asterisk badcfe_ (
10:28.26badcfe_hello everybody.  i just installed the TC400B wild card.  and modprobed it alright as i can see in dmesg with a "successfull" notice and all.  now, i start the asterisk and write "show translation" in the CLI, and theres no new possibly translation apearing.  also, theres no command such as "show transcoder" like written in the pdf doc of the card from digium.  i have left out something, but nothing thats written in the doc afaik ... help?
10:29.12agxlittle question: when i fork a call with Dial(SIP/10&SIP/11) and i answer with SIP/10 on LCD of SIP/11 i've "missed call: 1" is there any option to avoid this?
10:29.38jblackIf the phone rings, it rings.
10:29.38badcfemaybe one must add something in modules.conf  ..?
10:29.56jblackTry one phone at a time
10:30.16jblackBut still if a phone rings an you don't answer it on that phone, then it's a missed call on that phone
10:30.27badcfeor is there some --with-zaptel that must be specified when compiling asterisk?
10:30.34agxjblack, but i've answered onto another phone, so its not a missed call ;-)
10:30.42BBHossagx, there is really not a great solution for it
10:31.06agxBBHoss, i could imagine but normal pbx does not have this little drawback
10:31.09jblackagx: Logic with me won't do you any good. Try making logic to the phone you didn't ansewr.
10:31.34BBHossagx, it doesn't have anything to do with asterisk, it has to do with the phones
10:32.13BBHossagx, if you hook a polycom up to one of those new-fangled nortel boxes, it will do the same thing
10:32.16agxBBHoss, is any phone able to distinguish between a SIP CANCEL and a "no answer" timeout?
10:32.29BBHossagx, not sure
10:32.53tzafrirbadcfe, no. normally configure should detect an installed zaptel
10:33.36obnauticusbed times!
10:33.46obnauticuscya BBHoss, JT
10:33.52BBHossobnauticus, cya
10:33.53badcfetzafrir: is it possible to check if my running asterisk is aware of zaptel?
10:34.01obnauticusBBHoss i bow down to no man.
10:34.11obnauticusya that's right
10:34.26agxBBHoss, should i ask on -dev? it seems if you send an optional header with the CANCEL the phone will not show the missed call
10:34.36agxBBHoss, for instance: Reason: SIP;cause=200;text="Call completed elsewhere"
10:34.48tzafrirbadcfe, I figure: ls -l /proc/PID_OF_ASTERISK/fd | grep /dev/zap
10:35.08BBHossagx, you could try, i dunno how you would customize it though, but it would certainly be nice if we had an option for that
10:35.24JToh, obnauticus left :/
10:35.30JTwas going to url some pics of the dc
10:35.36BBHossagx,you can disable the missed calls though
10:35.48BBHossfeature.8.enabled="0" will disable it
10:36.25badcfetzafrir: that command (substituted the pid ofcourse) gave nothing.  maybe a problem that i run it as asterisk user?
10:36.44BBHossnice, thats huge
10:37.17tzafrirIt means asterisk has not opened any zaptel device file
10:37.46tzafrirThis may be because it hasn't tried (no support) or because zaptel kernel support is not there
10:37.59tzafrirlsmod | grep ^zaptel
10:38.12JTBBHoss: those pics are from a year ago
10:38.22JTnow there's much less light coming from the windows
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10:38.29BBHossi bet
10:38.33JTthey board up the windows when an area becomes in use
10:38.49BBHossdamn, so security concious
10:38.59badcfetzafrir: zaptel                192584  1 zttranscode
10:39.04JTyeah the 3rd floor is completely boarded up
10:39.06BBHosswhat would they do if someone came in there guns blazing though?
10:39.18BBHossso... :)
10:39.20JTfirst, how would they come in?
10:39.43JTthe reception is about half a floor above the road
10:39.49JTthere's a first door at road level
10:39.50badcfetzafrir: when i compiled zaptel i had kernel headers, _not_ all the kernel _source_.  is that an evil?
10:39.54JTa second door
10:39.55tzafrirbadcfe, zaptel's there. I guess asterisk indeed has no support
10:39.56BBHosswell, ideally, they would have colo space to get access
10:40.10JTthen mantrap tubes
10:40.12tzafrirbadcfe, zaptel is OK, as you can see
10:40.13BBHossor turn someone in security
10:40.25JTthen lift or door to get to L2 colo corridor
10:40.25BBHossburn i mean
10:40.40badcfetzafrir: okay.  i tried to run the asterisk daemon as root and without safe_shit.  still the same.
10:41.13BBHossapparently its a CIA term, it was used in a book i read
10:41.42JTah ok
10:41.55badcfetzafrir: where is a config file that specifies how asterisk looks for zaptel stuff?
10:42.05JTlet's say they get past reception
10:42.12JTwhich means smashing about 3 sets of glass
10:42.21JTthen they have to get past fire doors
10:42.28JTor elevtor
10:42.38JTthen there's more fire doors
10:42.51BBHosssounds great
10:42.54JTto the rooms off the corridor on each floor
10:43.04BBHossbut does security have access to all of these things
10:43.21JTexcept the inside of some customers' cages i'm guessing
10:43.27BBHossthey never pay the security guys enough
10:43.30tzafrirbadcfe, headers: /usr/include/zaptel
10:43.58tzafrirbadcfe, you need codec_zap, right?
10:44.18tzafrirDo you have the module
10:44.19JTit would have to be stealthy
10:44.30badcfetzafrir: i guess its something more lame i have forgotten, as i am a newbee to zaptel.  but its something missing from the doc ive read.  must i run ztcfg or something?
10:44.35JTso shooting up the place wouldn't work
10:44.40JTcops would be there in 3 minutes
10:45.00BBHossJT, usually those places have great physical security, but you always have to remember the human element
10:45.10tzafrirbadcfe, zaptel is OK
10:45.14tzafrirLook into Asterisk
10:45.22badcfetzafrir: show modules like zap gives only the
10:45.23yangWhen I am calling my mobile number from asterisk from the extension 059209586 (which should show this CALL-ID), I am seeing number 0338606057 . I have specified callerid=059209586 ...
10:45.33BBHossJT, but then again, thats true for every organization
10:45.37tzafrirbasically, look into the results of configure
10:45.55BBHossits one of my hobbies to analyze how to break into a place using social engineering :)
10:46.06badcfetzafrir: does the configure script log .. where?
10:46.13BBHossjust for fun though of course
10:46.23BBHossit would be nice if i could get paid for it though :)
10:46.30*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
10:46.33JTlet's say you got all the way into a cage
10:46.45JTthen the racks have keys, and a lot of cages have customer run cctv
10:46.51JTthat customer nocs monitor
10:46.59sergeeare there any experienced spa962/932 users here?
10:47.15BBHossJT, what kind of response time would you get out of CCTV though?
10:47.27BBHossJT, or you could use something to disable it
10:47.38BBHossmassive infrared light or something
10:47.49JTbuilding security could respond within minutes
10:47.59sergeei wonder, is it possible to use linebuttons from spa962 in the same way as buttons on spa932 (to monitor some lines)?
10:48.01JTwell if it was been interfered with, they would probably send someone
10:48.26BBHossmaybe, but if they didn't see you they might just assume equipment malfunction
10:48.33BBHossand send someone the next day
10:48.40JTmaybe, depends on customer
10:48.44JTsome are really paranoid
10:49.03BBHossand what kind of keys to the racks have, like 2-pin locks?
10:49.11JTthe cage next to me has over 200 racks in it, and over 30 cctv cameras run by the customer
10:49.20JTand 5 racks dedicated to the security gear
10:49.42JTand some of their sub cages have full rfi shielding mesh
10:50.02yangI am using these extensions -
10:50.07JTdepends on the rack that people use
10:50.48BBHossthe cheaper ones would just have like a minibar key that could be bumped easily
10:51.12BBHossi guess the biometric ones would present a problem
10:51.17yangThe VOIP provider admin has unlocked the CALLER-ID function for me, otherwise I am always going out as CALLERID as my primary number
10:51.19JTperhaps, but again if you're not meant to be there and they see you, you may be out of luck
10:51.49BBHossit would definitely be easier to infiltrate the corporation that owns it
10:53.27JTit's funny in equinix sydney
10:53.31JTit's one big open floor
10:53.35JTsome in cages
10:53.37JTmost not
10:53.42JTbut there's 2 suites
10:54.02JTso they're like grey square boxes with walls and roofs inside the co-lo area
10:54.14JTone belongs to optus, the other to telstra
10:54.29JTthe optus one has cctv cameras mounted on the cable trays pointing at the roof
10:54.34JTto monitor the exhaust air vents
10:54.45JTfor the suite
10:54.51BBHossthats cool
10:55.21JTequinix sydney is a joke facilities wise though, glad i only have 1RU there
10:55.39JTthey only have 3 gensets iirc
10:55.46JTand no gas fire supression
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10:56.52*** join/#asterisk jmls (n=jmls@
10:57.04jmlswondering why my zttest is so bad
10:57.17jmlsaverage is 99.977315
10:57.28BBHossjmls, what kind of mobo is this?
10:57.29JTthat's on the edge of ok
10:57.30jmlsrunning on a dell 2950.
10:57.46jmlsit's a TE410P
10:57.51jmlsor TE405P.
10:57.59JTBBHoss: did i mention that GS has 10 2.2MVA gensets atm?
10:58.03JTbut they're upgrading
10:58.18BBHosswhat kind of AC?
10:58.23JTthey already get noise complaints from residents
10:58.29JTeven with 10metres of baffling
10:58.38JTand water sprays to suppress noise
10:58.53JTthe gensets run at 11kV 3 phase
10:58.56BBHossi know The Planet had plenty of power backup, but their AC wouldn't restart so they had to shut donw :)
10:58.59jmlshow in god's name do I turn off the IO-APIC-level and revert back to a standard IRQ 1-13 ?
10:59.17JTBBHoss: the AC does not shut down at global switch in a power outage
10:59.30jmlsi've got wct4xxp on IRQ 193 with IO-APIC-level
10:59.37JTupgrading to 22gensets eventually
10:59.53JTthey use rotary upses
11:00.17JTthey can power the chillers and all necessary equipment and customer gear before a genset starts
11:00.25BBHosspower shouldnt be a problem then :)
11:00.38atopwhat can cause low results for zttest? my system shows an average of 98.75 but the calls sounds ok. Is is something to worry about?
11:00.38JTeach rotary ups lasts for 19seconds max
11:00.48JTgenset takes 9 seconds max to start providing clean power
11:00.55BBHossthat works
11:01.02JTthe gensets are hotstart
11:01.04JTit's insane
11:01.24JTi couldn't work out why the generator rooms were so noisy with them off
11:01.54BBHosswhat kind of fuel?
11:01.57JTuntil the guy said that they have electric motors constantly spinning the cranks at operating rpm, and coolant and lubricant is kept at operating temp 24/7
11:02.02MavvieCan some bugmanager put #11917 from feedback to open?
11:02.09JTthese are massive Cat V16s too
11:02.21BBHossof course
11:02.40BBHossmaybe they should see if they can get a test nuclear reactor to power it :)
11:02.51JTas if, no nucelar power in australia
11:02.55JTbig political shitfight
11:03.00BBHossoh really
11:03.19BBHossi have one less than 20 miles from my location
11:03.28JToh and the Thrane chillers are pretty impresive too
11:03.28Mavvieme too.
11:03.31Mavviethe only one in .au
11:03.43JT3 installed, will be turned into 6
11:03.49JTeach chiller is 3.2MW
11:04.02JTMavvie: that's not nuclear power though
11:04.16MavvieJT: it's the closest thing there is to it.
11:04.28BBHosswhat are you talking about?
11:04.43JTthere's a nuclear reactor for medial/scientific purposes
11:04.48JTnot power generation
11:04.51JTmuch smaller scale
11:05.36JTon cold mornings you can see clouds of steam rising from global switch
11:05.42JT~60 cooling towers iirc
11:06.46Mavviethat reminds me that I have to find the real date of their power maintenance work.
11:06.58BBHosswe have 3 GE BWRs here, nearly 3840 megawatts of electricity
11:07.03JTmaintenance eh?
11:07.25JTwhat are they doing?
11:07.58MavvieNot really sure, but then went from room 1 to room 5.
11:08.14Mavvieskipped room 2 till 4
11:08.21JTon l2?
11:08.30JTdoes it involve people losing power?
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11:08.44Mavvieone day lead A, next day lead B
11:09.02JTloss of power? that's stupid
11:09.15JTthey have static switches
11:09.22JTi don't see why they need to shut power down
11:11.14Mavviegot the email here:
11:11.23MavvieAs you may be aware changes in OH&S legislation related to electrical
11:11.23Mavvieworks on switchboards require Global Switch to upgrade all level 2
11:11.25yangWhen I am calling my mobile number from asterisk from the extension 059209586 (which should show this CALL-ID), I am seeing number 0338606057 . I have specified callerid=059209586 ...
11:11.29yangI am using these extensions -
11:11.43JToh i see
11:11.51XnOSXi have a pbx asterisk machine, when a call try access asterisk think that its a fax and hang up the call, what can i do for recive my calls wihout problems???
11:11.54JTglad i'm not on level 2 then
11:13.31Mavvieit's not my idea of a great time, in one rack we have two boards which are both drawing both 14 Ampere. If you turn one off, it will go to something > 16 Ampere and shutdown the board.
11:13.35badcfei have zaptel, but my newly compiled and installed asterisk 1.4.17 does not see it.  how can i proceed?
11:13.40JTno idea what the changes involve?
11:13.46MavvieNot really sure how to resolve that one yet except using next racks powerboards.
11:14.13MavvieNo, is on need to know base and we're just little fishies.
11:14.16JTtell them to give you temporary extra feeds
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11:14.34JTit's just power works, you wouldn't think it'd be a huge secret
11:14.39JTmay i'll ask security next time
11:14.57Mavvieask the little round electrician :-)
11:15.13JTi'm never in the l2 colo space
11:15.16JTwell i was today
11:15.22JTbut that's not normal :)
11:15.57badcfei see no /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ ... should this have been there?
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11:17.10badcfemy crying is maybe over.  i figured out that i must /etc/init.d/zaptel start
11:18.41badcfebut no .. no one has /dev/zap/transcode open, and asterisk does not have any zap in it .. 8-(
11:19.14BBHossbadcfe, did you compile zaptel first then asterisk?
11:20.06BBHossalso, when you compile asterisk, make sure you make menuselect then go in and make sure the zaptel stuff is enabled
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11:24.51badcfeBBHoss: yes.
11:25.44badcfeBBHoss: chan_zap has XXX is menuconfig 8-(
11:25.56BBHosshmm, what distro is this
11:26.35badcfedebian etch with zaptel zaptel-1.2.23 and asterisk-1.4.17 on an amd64
11:27.32BBHosswell apparently asterisk can't see that you have zaptel installed
11:28.09BBHossthe modules aren't loaded either are they?
11:28.42badcfeBBHoss: theyre not.  my operating system has got zaptel module perfecly up and running tho
11:29.01jblackhuh. i didn't know calls between callwithus numbers are free
11:29.16badcfeBBHoss: i now tried ./configure ; make menuselect from a shiny new 1.4.17 tar-ball.  same thing
11:30.09BBHossi guess go back to the zaptel direcotry
11:30.11badcfecodec_zap has XXX too, in the menuselect.  and ive even started the zaptel init script!
11:30.17BBHossmake install
11:30.19BBHossmake config
11:30.26BBHosstry it again, then try asterisk again
11:30.33badcfeill do it ..
11:30.59atopyou are running the asterisk ./configure before checking menuselect again right?
11:31.03badcfeshould i nuke the previous zaptel build directory first?
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11:31.10BBHossmake clean
11:31.45badcfeBBHoss: theres no configure script in zaptel
11:32.35atopthere is in mine
11:32.45atopoops, wrong window
11:33.05BBHossbadcfe, you are correct, just make and make install
11:33.41badcfeBBHoss: even tho previously i did see that zaptel was prefectly installed (aparently) in dmesg and all
11:34.03atophang on, why are you using 1.2 zaptel with 1.4 asterisk?
11:34.05BBHossis this just for ztdummy, or do you have a card
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11:34.35badcfe/usr/teas/src/zaptel-1.2.23/xpp/xbus-core.c:1254: warning: cast to pointer from integer of different size
11:34.39badcfethis is an amd64
11:34.58BBHosshave you tried the 1.4.8 branch?
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11:35.01badcfemay be a problem?  (i dont think so since the system got zaptel good)
11:35.20badcfe1.4.8 of zaptel?
11:35.32badcfewhere can i fetch that?
11:35.36BBHossor w/e the latest is
11:35.50atopI dont think asterisk 1.4 will 'see' a 1.2 zaptel, which would explain the lack of a zap channel
11:36.20BBHossatop, it was my understanding that 1.4 will work with both 1.2 and 1.4 zaptel versions, but i may be incorrect
11:36.30defsworkis IAX safe to running stragith over the internet ? or should it always be via VPN ?
11:36.47BBHossdefswork, its as safe as anything else
11:36.56BBHossyou can even add encryption in it
11:37.04atopBBHoss, you may well be right, I dont know either way, but unless there's a really good reason to use a 1.2 zaptel....?
11:37.08BBHossyou cant do that with SIP (in asterisk)
11:37.30badcfei put MODULES="$MODULES wctc4xxp" in /etc/default/zaptel and comment the rest
11:38.16badcfei dont need the other modules right?
11:38.31BBHosswell you have a wctc4xxp card correct>
11:38.59BBHossthats alll you should need then
11:39.12badcfehmm.  the "make configure" in zaptel tells me about a "/etc/sysconfig/zaptel" --- i dont have such a file
11:39.24BBHossmake configure?
11:39.49BBHosson 1.4, run ./configure
11:40.07badcfeZaptel has been configured.
11:40.14badcfeI think that the zaptel hardware you have on your system is:
11:40.34badcfethats what the make config in zaptel tells
11:41.07BBHossahh, you must have zap 1.4x for asterisk 1.4x
11:41.34BBHossit says so in the USERS MANUAL
11:41.52atopyeah, I should read that one of these days
11:41.55SteveTotarowhere can one find this USER'S MANUAL?
11:42.19BBHossSteveTotaro, this is for the TC400P/M card
11:42.28BBHossbut digium makes users manuals for all of their products
11:43.00SteveTotaroThat is a nice addition
11:44.56BBHossbadcfe, are you trying to install 1.4.8 now?
11:46.17SteveTotarommmm, first cup of coffee for the day...
11:46.29mvanbaakSteveTotaro: wow
11:46.39badcfeBBHoss: yes.  i did make config too.  which ends in I think that the zaptel hardware you have on your system is:
11:47.16BBHosstype: modprobe wctc4xxp
11:47.26SteveTotaroblack coffee, no sugar, no cream...
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11:47.47badcfezttranscode            13968  1 wctc4xxp
11:47.56badcfeand all is there (as before) .. the system has it.
11:48.16BBHossbadcfe, then look at dmesg and see if you see something about wctc4xxp: Wildcard tc400P........\
11:48.33badcfeZaptel DTE (G.729a / G.723.1) Transcoder support LOADED (firm ver = 6.12)
11:48.33badcfeFound and successfully installed a Wildcard TC: Wildcard TC400P+TC400M
11:48.47SteveTotarois that trixter?
11:49.02BBHossbadcfe, ok good so far
11:49.05badcfe(as before (zap 1.2.23))
11:49.30BBHossyou need to remove all traces of 1.2.23 from your system
11:49.30badcfewhats the next step (maybe at some point i vomited on my system)
11:49.48BBHossthe next step is to compile asterisk
11:49.55BBHossbut since you already have it compiled
11:50.03BBHossyou probably need to make clean first
11:50.06BBHossthen make
11:50.09BBHossthen make install
11:51.31badcfeAND ITS GOOD!
11:51.38BBHossgo ahead and make
11:51.41BBHossthen make install
11:51.52badcfeok (was it the "old" zap that fooled me..)
11:52.13BBHossyeah i believe since you were using 1.2 with 1.4 asterisk, it didnt see it
11:53.22badcfeBBHoss: but is that version of zap kind of development branch?
11:53.36BBHosswell, as much as 1.4 asterisk is
11:58.02BBHossbadcfe, does it work
11:58.10BBHossyou can check it out with show transcode
11:58.53badcfeBBHoss: yes it does.  thank you.  im eager to set up a call bridged by it now.  a sec..
11:59.38ifnotwhynothi ther i hav a problem with my asterisk box if i want to go to my cdr directory it just hangs does anyone know how to solve this?
11:59.56*** join/#asterisk coppice (
12:00.01tzafriranyone managed to get a remote asterisk hung with completion lately?
12:00.09tzafrire.g: I run:
12:00.21tzafrir'originate Zap/1 application echo'
12:00.46tzafrirafter that I type: 'so' and press Tab (to complete to 'soft hangup')
12:00.54tzafrirand my asterisk -r is hung
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12:02.26XnOSXhave asterisk beta2 v1.6 support for T38???????
12:02.36elverkildeHi all - * clears the callerid on my trunk, setting it to "new user", any suggestions?
12:02.40BBHosstzafrir, just tested on mine, works fine here
12:02.53BBHosstzafrir, im running 1.6.0-beta2
12:03.07yangWhen I am calling my mobile number from asterisk from the extension 059209586 (which should show this CALL-ID), I am seeing number 0338606057 . I have specified callerid=059209586 ...
12:03.12yangI am using these extensions -
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12:04.37yangThe VOIP operater told me something about spoofing CALLID numbers and that these are restricted with anti spoofing on my account
12:04.43*** part/#asterisk jmls (n=jmls@
12:04.45XnOSXhave asterisk beta2 v1.6 support for T38? anybody here know about this!
12:05.25BBHossXnOSX, i think there was a patch to add SendFax and RecieveFax, but im not sure if it required spandsp or not
12:06.38XnOSXBBHoss: i have a problem with a some calls in my asterisk when a call enter, asterisk cant recognized if is a call or a fax and the call is hang up :(
12:06.59BBHossyang, why aren't you setting the callerid in extensions.conf?
12:07.21BBHossXnOSX, why do you think that asterisk thinks its a fax
12:08.22XnOSXbecause i was set a debug mode and the result say me that is a fax
12:08.33XnOSXsorry my english is not so good friend
12:08.54BBHossdo you use fax?
12:09.38XnOSXi only want to recive calls but the calls hang up inmediately friend
12:10.05Uatechi, i'm using an SPA 922, when i press set call fowarding to another phone, sometimes this other phone goes straight to voicemail, so the first number goes straight to voicemail
12:10.12Uatecthis is fine if it's just one phone
12:10.14BBHossXnOSX, pastebin your zapata.conf and zaptel.conf
12:10.19jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
12:10.30XnOSXBBHoss: ok hold on please
12:10.35Uatecbut if that phone is in a call group, none of the other phones ring, the call just goes straight to voicemail
12:10.40Uatecis there anything i can do about that?
12:10.45Uateci don't have any idea how i could stop it really?
12:12.18tzafrirThe one I'm currently using is Debian packages 1.4.17
12:12.29tzafrirBut I recall this on some earlier versions
12:12.52BBHosstzafrir, i am not using zaptel, can you reproduce the issue using a sip channel?
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12:13.45XnOSXBBHoss: zapata.conf
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12:14.26XnOSXBBHoss: i dont have a zaptel.conf in this asterisk
12:15.47BBHossXnOSX, try putting faxdetect=no in each of the groups
12:16.26tzafrirgot it
12:16.38BBHosstzafrir, what was it
12:16.39tzafririt's when the originating channel doesn't answer
12:16.54XnOSXBBHoss: oki i´ll try it
12:16.55yangBBHoss: like ;exten => 59209583,1,Set(CALLERID(059209583)=Joe Smith <59209583>) , before the DIAL command ?
12:17.04tzafrirdialplan add extension noanswer,1,wait(60) into demo
12:17.08XnOSXand i´ll tell you latter the result
12:17.13BBHosstzafrir, yep, same here
12:17.13yanghi tzafrir
12:17.31tzafriroriginate Local/noanswer@demo application echo
12:17.31BBHosstzafrir, but if it answers it unlocks it
12:18.52BBHossthink a bug-report is needed?
12:20.46tzafrirBBHoss, any chance you could report it? It will take me a while to set up trunk to replicate it there
12:20.57tzafriryang, hi, what's up?
12:21.11BBHosstzafrir, yeah
12:21.46yangtzafrir: ah well, I am dealing with dialplan
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12:22.18yangtzafrir: on the other asterisk it works well simply with callerid= option, and on the new provider it doesn't work
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12:23.26SteveTotarosome providers do not allow you to set your callerid
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12:23.42yangthis one allows, i talked with operator
12:23.54yangbut he mentioned that it needs to be set correctly on my asterisk
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12:24.58SteveTotarodid he clarify "correctly"?
12:25.32yangSteveTotaro: he was mentioning that I had enabled anti-spoof on their side, and now he has disabled it, but still my callerid doesnt work...
12:26.12SteveTotaromaybe they have to do a "reload" ;)
12:26.40SteveTotarosi senior
12:26.48carrarnever mind
12:27.04nixguytonari no totoro tototoro
12:27.07nixguytotoro totoro
12:27.25carrarI just arrived here
12:27.34nixguytokyo rox
12:27.36carrarfull of sushi and sake
12:27.42nixguyand cute girls!
12:27.42carraryeah it does
12:27.47SteveTotaroand hot asian women
12:27.51carrarin little plade skirts
12:27.53nixguyveeellli hot
12:28.31yangSteveTotaro: no it was reloaded (I guess), since now i receive the number 0338606057, and previously I always received my "primary defined" number...
12:28.50carrarMark is missing out
12:28.57SteveTotarocarra, qui est la?
12:28.57carraron the hottie Asian scene
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12:30.06BBHosstzafrir, alright, reported
12:30.19tzafrirwhat number?
12:31.54BBHossshould be sufficient, especially since it's reproducible
12:35.03BBHosstzafrir, fair enough
12:35.43BBHossdamn i'm fscking starving!
12:37.18SteveTotarodrink more coffee, that is my breakfast and lunch
12:37.19BBHossdamn, china is planning to rollout 300 gigawatts of PBMR reactors!
12:37.57coppicejust keeping down the carbon footprint :-)
12:38.15BBHossyeah, sure...
12:38.46coppicethey could use some of that power this week
12:38.56BBHossPBMR's are of an elegant design
12:39.17coppiceelegant, but kinda untried
12:40.53BBHosswonder how you would shut it off
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12:41.39coppicelots of desigs looked good, until people saw how the whole lifecycle worked out
12:41.42cpmpbmrs are pretty neat.
12:42.23BBHossit would be even better if Thorium could be used instead of the normal enriched uranium
12:42.28cpm'nuclear power' lifecycles work out pretty nasty, but folks still love their nuke power.
12:42.30coppicethe existing reactors in china were built by foreigners. I don't think there is a lot of local experience of any kind of reactor
12:42.44BBHossheh, kind of scary eh?
12:43.17cpmisn't pbmr kinda proprietary anyway? I would expect it would be foreigners doing this work as well
12:43.48BBHossapparently there have been a few made, one in Germany, China, and ZA
12:44.17BBHossall of them are low-mW reactors though, wonder how it scales
12:44.37cpmwell, time will tell, won't it?
12:45.08SteveTotaromeltdown, china syndrome
12:45.22BBHossAAE holds a patent related to PBMRs in the US
12:45.30cpmpepsi syndrome more likely
12:47.44BBHosswho knew the germans have been fscking around with PBMRs since '66
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12:48.17coppiceits more the pepsi syndrome that worries us about the french built PWR china has near here :-\
12:49.58SteveTotaroas long as it isn't the McDonald's syndrome, I guess it will be OK
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12:54.41coppiceMcDonald's syndrome? you mean truly dead end jobs?
12:56.57SteveTotarothat would be Walmart Syndrome
12:57.38SteveTotarowhile deadened, a McDonald's manager can make $100k +
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13:03.35hi365is there an eta for 1.14.18? (or is going to be released based on bugs, etc.)
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13:05.50ifnotwhynoti am having problems loging agents onto asterisk ask me for a username(accepts info) ask me for password(accepts info) ask me for new extension ?????????????????????? this is where they loose me, in cli get this error  Extension '101' is not valid for automatic login of agent '101'???????
13:06.03SteveTotaroi thought all of 1.4 was released based on bugs
13:06.37yangWhen I am calling my mobile number from asterisk from the extension 059209586 (which should show this CALL-ID), I am seeing number 0338606057 . I have specified callerid=059209586 ...
13:06.47yangI am using these extensions -
13:11.26ifnotwhynotyang do you have a wifi phone with softphone installed on it?
13:11.46ifnotwhynotlooks like you are dialaing a sip phone
13:11.55yangits a handset
13:12.06ifnotwhynotsip handset?
13:15.41cappizis it possible to manipulate the SIP From header?
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13:18.14ifnotwhynottry this yang
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13:20.37sob0lis it possible to add trustrpid collumn to sippeers ?
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13:21.18Alan1234i have some firewall issues i think.
13:21.30Alan1234i have a remote user who is trying to connect to our Asterisk server.
13:22.05Alan1234he can make a call to us; and we can make call to him.
13:22.10Alan1234it gets connected.
13:22.25Alan1234HOWEVER ... only outgoing voice can be heard; nothing he says gets through us to
13:22.33Alan1234[Feb  5 14:24:27] WARNING[25488]: app_dial.c:1196 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3 - No route to destination)
13:22.50ifnotwhynotport 5060 must be opened
13:22.56Alan1234on which side?
13:22.59BBHossAlan1234, make sure your NAT settings in sip.conf are configured
13:23.06BBHossbefore you do ANYTHING else
13:23.10ifnotwhynotboth must be open
13:23.15BBHossmy port 5060 is not open and it works fine
13:23.19Alan1234yes, ours is open here fine.
13:23.39BBHossAlan1234, configure the localnet option and the externip option in sip.conf
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13:23.44ifnotwhynotlooks like you context can be wrong
13:23.47Alan1234BBHoss: what should they be?  he is behind a NAT, we are not.
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13:24.03BBHossso your asterisk server is not behind NAT?
13:24.18Alan1234but our remote user is.
13:24.25BBHossAlan1234, hang on a quick sec
13:24.32Alan1234sure thing. thx
13:24.36lirakisahh.. (snifff) 2.6.22-14 ... fresh... :)
13:25.00*** join/#asterisk Psychobilly (
13:25.04BBHossAlan1234, do you have nat=yes in sip.conf for your remote user's peer?
13:25.10BBHossor friend
13:25.36BBHossalso, what type of phone is he using?
13:25.40Psychobillydoes asterisk support codec re-negotiation during a call? especially when it has to hadle fax data?
13:25.56Psychobillyi searched a bit on the net but didnt find much
13:26.05Psychobillyim asking about asterisk 1.4
13:26.29BBHossPsychobilly, it probably means that it doesn't support it :) but you might ask in #asterisk-dev
13:26.58Psychobillythx BBHoss i ll try there too :)
13:27.00Alan1234BBHoss: right i have set it now to =yes and he's using a softphone zoiper
13:27.14BBHosshe is using SIP, correct?
13:27.54Alan1234BBHoss: He's checking that now.
13:27.57ifnotwhynotcan you  get incoming calls from the user alan1234??
13:28.26Alan1234ifnotwhynot: yes, but he can only hear me.
13:28.35BBHosswhat kind of router is it?
13:29.12Alan1234router? at his side?
13:29.31Alan1234not sure, but he can port-forward whatever is required to his desktop
13:29.40Alan1234got 5060 port forwarded
13:30.05BBHossthe only bad thing is for rtp, you have to forward 10000-20000 by default
13:30.22BBHossyou can try IAX since its zoiper, it only require 4569
13:30.50BBHossalso you might want to enable stun server if using SIP
13:31.20ZaVoidsjphone works great too for sip clients
13:31.50Alan1234thanks chaps -- will let you know how we get on
13:32.05cjkhi, is there a variable that tells me if the channel is in t.38 or not ?
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13:48.03nebojsajsimichi all again
13:48.17ifnotwhynothi nebojsajsimic
13:48.18nebojsajsimicplease for little help vith AGI
13:48.29nebojsajsimicI can't get $agivar['agi_extension'];
13:48.33nebojsajsimiclike variable
13:48.45nebojsajsimic$pozvani = $agivar['agi_extension'];
13:48.55nebojsajsimicin PHP
13:49.12nebojsajsimicany help???
13:50.59*** part/#asterisk Titanous (n=Jon335@unaffiliated/titanous)
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13:53.48jmlshi guys
13:54.10jmlsis there any way of completely disabling the blind transfer in features.conf ? If I ; it out, it defaults to #
13:55.59jmlsaha. you post a question, the answer pops into your head
13:56.05jmlsblindtransfer =>
13:58.40SteveTotaroblindtransfer => #*#*
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14:00.39jmlsSteveTotaro: just setting "blindtransfer =>" disables it entirely by the looks of things
14:01.26SteveTotaroyes, i always leave stuff in but make it hard to access for some reason
14:02.19eric2I have an issue calling some local numbers where the phone service is provided by the local cable company, other numbers work well, anyone else experience this?
14:02.33SteveTotaroi guess because someone is always sure to ask for whatever is disabled at some point
14:02.46eric2I get the following message:   Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:0/1/0)
14:03.39SteveTotaroeric2: how are you calling them
14:04.24jmlsSteveTotaro: yeah, but we just had a problem where an inbound caller "accidently" triggered the blind transfer function. Couldn't find any way of ensuring an inbound outside channel couldn't access the transfer :(
14:04.38eric2SteveTotaro:   exten => _705NXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@vpri_gw1)
14:04.58eric2it works for people with the traditional land lines
14:05.09eric2but for those with cable type phones.. fast busy
14:05.33eric2and it works for those on voip too
14:05.37SteveTotaroso vpri_gw1 sends calls out a pri?
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14:05.46eric2virtual pri
14:05.56SteveTotarobut they are your pstn connectivity
14:06.08SteveTotaroyou need to contact them and let them know
14:06.10eric2yes, I do belive so
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14:06.21SteveTotarogive them some example numbers
14:06.22eric2so something on their end?
14:06.31eric2ya, I sent them 2 numbers yesterday...
14:06.38eric2is this normal?
14:07.00eric2a number is a number and it should work... my provider is a clec
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14:07.04michael-iwhen i pick up a ringing ZAP channel, that extension's number is played back in dtmf (phone 1111 rings, I pick up, I hear 1111 then the call connects). Has anyone heard of this? (zaptel-bsd, asterisk 1.4.17)
14:07.41eric2thanks SteveTotaro
14:09.11SteveTotaroi had that issue with GXing on a T3
14:10.37eric2did it take them long to fix?
14:11.06SteveTotarodamn wifi stinks in the fog
14:13.06SteveTotaroyes, i gave them example numbers and they found something wrong in their call routing
14:13.06SteveTotarothey should be able to reproduce it on their end I assume
14:14.49*** part/#asterisk jmls (n=jmls@
14:15.41SteveTotaronot long to fix once i convinced them to try a couple of example numbers
14:17.41SteveTotarobut that took a while
14:17.41SteveTotaroITSPs are probably alot more responsive than huge monolithic companies like GXing
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14:26.37yangDo I need to setup codecs in zapata.conf ?
14:26.51yangI had some problems with that calls were deaf
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14:32.29synthetiqno doces in zapata.conf
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14:33.58ifnotwhynotca one asterisk to work with mysql?
14:35.24ifnotwhynotyes micheal
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14:39.24jeremy_gdoes * support PRACK
14:39.45freezeywhats a good IP phone for testing?
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14:44.56RoyKfreezey: softphone?
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14:47.28jeremy_gwhatsChannelRedirect() ;; asynch goto, redirect chan to context/exten/priority
14:47.37jeremy_gwhat do we mean by asynch?
14:49.15mostyis the global variable FORWARD_CONTEXT used in asterisk 1.2? it works for me in 1.4 but not sure if it's used in 1.2
14:49.45Corydon76-digjeremy_g: meaning the Goto happens when whatever is executing returns, not immediately
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14:51.53cappizis it possible to have different values for remote-party-id and the From in SIP-headers?
14:53.39freezeyRoyK: na i want a physical phone like maybe cisco or polycom
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14:59.19RoyKfreezey: grandstream have some rather cheap ones, but I don't know how good they are
14:59.31RoyKSNOMs are great, but more expensive
14:59.39RoyKyou get what you're paying for.....
15:00.20styelzjust get an ata
15:00.23badcfehello i have this transcoding wildcard.  the pdf doc talk about a "mode" variable..  where is that to be set eventually?
15:02.20badcfegrep mode /etc/zaptel.conf /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf gived me nothing
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15:03.57jbotgrandstream is probably the Yugo of VoIP hardware.  Run.  Run away now.
15:06.33ZaVoidi like my gxp-2000
15:07.13freezeyRoyK: how are the polycoms? or the cisco 7906G
15:07.47freezeythis one cisco phone says its a Sip phone
15:07.51freezeyso i guess that would be pretty good
15:09.37freezeymosty: how do you feel about the cisco 7906G SIP phone?
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15:10.47mostyfreezey, personally i would go for polycom or snom if you want a sip phone
15:10.56ifnotwhynotis there a free monitoring application for asterisk?
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15:12.09ifnotwhynoti u looking at pricce the snom is not a bad price for good quality, cisco a bit pricy
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15:12.52freezeyifnotwhynot: yeah i mean i want to just spend like 300 for 2 phones for testing
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15:13.26ifnotwhynot300 $ use snom i use them work great
15:14.31ifnotwhynotdoes anyone know if there is a free monitoring application for asterisk?
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15:16.05kyronfreezey, polycom
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15:26.19eric2how much ram is required to handle 100 simultaneous calls using g.729?
15:26.35Qwelleric2: ram wouldn't be the issue there
15:26.47eric2processor speed?
15:26.58Qwellpretty much
15:27.01*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
15:27.13Qwelland the answer to your next question - it depends
15:27.41ManxPowereric2: Your question is like "how much bandwidth do I need?"
15:27.56eric2ya, that's another issue I need to figure out
15:28.19eric2I see 711 takes about 40k or so
15:28.34RoyKg.711 takes 64kbps + ip + udp + rtp
15:28.44Qwelleric2: it's about 80k
15:28.45RoyKwith 20ms packetization, that is 80kbps
15:28.51ZaVoideric2: i have 100 simultaneous calls on my boxes now with g729
15:28.56ZaVoidbut i'm not transcoding all of those
15:29.03RoyKwith 40ms packetization, it's 72kbps
15:29.15eric2so some you run at 711, some at 729 I guess
15:29.47eric2as for getting 729 setup, the only way is through digium?
15:29.50ZaVoidno some come in g729 so i don't transcode them because all my calls go out g729
15:30.04eric2ah, interesting   :)
15:30.06ZaVoidif calls come in at a different codec.. say g711.. i transcode them to g729
15:30.16ZaVoidor if they come g723 i send them to a transcoding box first
15:30.58eric2so if a call comes in on 729, your server doesn't have to do any conversions, you just pass them on as 729 to the end user.. correct?
15:31.12ZaVoidassuming the far end allows g729
15:31.26ZaVoidjust make sure you have allow=g729
15:31.38eric2I'm setting the up to use g729 with availability to use 711 if required
15:31.44ZaVoidmost of my configs are disallow=all then allow=g729
15:32.17freezeyifnotwhynot: which phones do you use cause i will just get the same? and are they out of the box ready? or no
15:33.09kyronQ: About transcoding: if 2 callers in a conference are 729 and 5 are 711, are the 2 calls transcoded to 729 or will I have to pay 7 licenses to transcode the conference to 729. I guess the other way of putting this, does * "upgrade" the codec or does it use the lowest common denominator?
15:33.18eric2linksys ip spa942's is what I'm using
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15:36.04freezeyeric2: are they good? and did the come out of the box ready to go?
15:36.44eric2ya, easy to configure... I'm happy w/them
15:36.53freezeynice nice
15:36.58freezeygonna take a look at these as well
15:37.01freezeywhos your VOIP provider?
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15:37.21fiXXXerMetCan I change the conference recording location?
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15:43.48NavionAnyone had any trouble being able to break dial tone with Sangoma FXS's? It seems like some DTMF digits are not being recognized while dial tone is present. Once the dial tone is broken all the digits are recognized, even the ones the card wouldn't decode with dial tone present.
15:46.09kyronNavion, could it be VAD related?
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15:48.22*** join/#asterisk teknoprep (n=Chris@unaffiliated/teknoprep)
15:48.23teknoprephey all
15:48.38teknoprepi have some questions about g729 and dtmfmodes
15:49.11teknoprepi am trying to find out why i can not either have both voicemail digit recognition or outbound to real world recognition.
15:49.27ManxPowerteknoprep: no questions needed.  INBAND DTMF does not work in compressed codecs like G729.  RFC2833 is the recommended DTMF mode, INFO should only be used as a last resort.
15:49.50teknoprepManxPower, well if i set my dtmfmode to rfc2833
15:50.11teknoprepManxPower, i also use the g729 on all outbound calling. and ulaw on the internal network
15:50.39teknoprepManxPower, i have this problem.. i tested this out by calling my cell phone... when i hit a button on the phone.. i hear it as if it was pressed 6 times
15:50.46ManxPowerteknoprep: For ulaw, I actually suggest INBAND, then use RFC2833 for the PSTN legs
15:51.01teknoprepManxPower, what about the phone setting?
15:51.11ManxPowerteknoprep: remember Asterisk's RFC2833 support is...not...the greatest.
15:51.11teknoprepManxPower, keep it on inband also.. i am using the cisco 7940
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15:51.43teknoprepManxPower, i am going nuts with this.. everything works great with ULAW and inband dtmf
15:51.58teknoprepManxPower, i am trying to switch to g729 so i can squeeze more calls onto a T1
15:52.00ZaVoidis there bugs with asteirsk rfc2833 manx?
15:52.24ManxPowerteknoprep: when you call the PSTN your phone is NOT calling the PSTN.  The phone is calling Asterisk, think of that as the FIRST call.  Then Asterisk calls the PSTN (sounds to me you are using an ISTP), that call can use a different DTMF mode.
15:52.46teknoprepManxPower, i understand this
15:53.07ManxPowerZaVoid: I don't know exactly, I just hear people complaining about it and some carriers like Level 3 don't even work with RFC2833
15:53.13ManxPowerteknoprep: so what is the problem.
15:53.18ZaVoidooo you know what
15:53.24ZaVoidsince you mention level3 i do have DTMF issues with them
15:53.36ManxPower<-- smarter than he looks
15:53.37ZaVoidsometimes it works and sometimes i get the dreaded "user entered nothing"
15:53.43ZaVoidi love that
15:54.01ManxPowerZaVoid: If you are able to, use ulaw for your L3 connection and INBAND
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15:54.28teknoprepManxPower, istp is an internet phone provider ?
15:54.37ZaVoidi see it
15:54.57jbot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet telephony Service Provider or "VoIP Telephone company". The allow you to either PLACE calls to the PSTN (called Termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called Origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs
15:55.38teknoprepManxPower, thats what i thought.. and yes i am using ISTP
15:55.51teknoprepManxPower, its
15:56.39teknoprepManxPower, the problem is when i use compression codec ... and call someone... when a digit is pressed it sounds like its being pressed 6 times
15:57.08teknoprepManxPower, so when i dial a phone number... it connects me. i get connceted to an IVR that says please press the number of the extension i would like
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15:57.15ManxPowerteknoprep: G729, I assume.  What DTMF mode?
15:57.31teknoprepManxPower, i press 1 - 0 - 2 ... and it does.... 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 2
15:57.49teknoprepManxPower, if i use info it doesn't even work
15:57.50ManxPowerteknoprep: post the sip.conf entries for both the provider and the phone
15:58.27phsdshftHi. When I'm using a SIP connection to Broadvoice through a Checkpoint Firewall, After approximately ~180 seconds, I cannot make further outbound calls (they fail,) although I remain registered. What settings can resolve this (maxexpirey, defaultexpirey, rtptimeout,rtpholdtimeout..)
15:58.38teknoprepManxPower, well i would have to reconfigure the system... right now its up and running and i can't change it.. let me make it up as if i was going to set it up.. but it will take a bit.. i had to change them back to ULAW before they opened shop today or they would have had alot of problems
15:58.54*** join/#asterisk Bourrelle (n=Bourrell@
15:59.28BourrelleHello 1 quick question
15:59.42ManxPowerteknoprep: just show me the entries
15:59.50Bourrelleis theres a conversation between 2 endpoints by an asterisk server
16:00.15Bourrelleand one of them put the call onHold
16:00.40Bourrelledoes asterisk forward this "SIP event" to the other endpoint
16:00.56BourrelleSIP event = onHold event
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16:02.08ManxPowerBourrelle: Asterisk NEVER forwards ANYTHING except for audio between the two endpoints.
16:02.20ManxPowerSIP proxies forward events.  Asterisk is not a SIP proxy.
16:02.20neonerzthats the new commands in sip.conf for 1.4 that allows DTMF to work with 1.2?
16:02.24neonerza link would be nice
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16:02.47ManxPowerneonerz: there's nothing in sip.conf.example?
16:02.59neonerzI'm using my old sip.conf from 1.2
16:03.12neonerzI made a backup of all the configs before hand
16:03.18ManxPowerneonerz: then look at 1.4's sip.conf.example.  Did you even read upgrade.txt ????
16:03.22neonerzbut somehow sip.conf got corrupted
16:03.32neonerzahhh sip.conf.example
16:04.34neonerzI didn't upgrade btw
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16:05.03ManxPowerneonerz: read upgrade.txt even if you didn't upgrade your box.  You are trying to upgrade your BRAIN with 1.4 info.
16:06.31neonerzI went through everything before the upgrade (thats how I knew about the command addtion)
16:06.35neonerzI just couldn't remember the commands
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16:07.22neonerzsip.conf.example <-kick started my brain though
16:07.31ManxPowerHonestly, I'm not aware of anything having to do with DTMF between 1.2/1.4
16:08.29fileneonerz: find it yet?
16:09.05BourrelleManxPower is there a way for an endpoint to know that he is onHold ??
16:09.14Bourrelleis asterisk doesnt forward anything except audio
16:09.30filecurrently no.
16:09.48fileit would be possible to forward that through... but nobody has written it
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16:10.41neonerzManxPower: rfc2833compensate=yes <----
16:11.03ManxPowerneonerz: you're so smart
16:11.06Bourrellebut asterisk must at least forward the SIP INVITE
16:11.11fileBourrelle: why?
16:11.14ManxPowerBourrelle: why?
16:11.16neonerz;rfc2833compensate=yes          ; Compensate for pre-1.4 DTMF transmission from another Asterisk machine.
16:11.24Bourrellehow cant he forward another SIP commands
16:11.37neonerzI only have ONE client that connects to me with a asterisk
16:11.38ManxPowerBourrelle: Asterisk is considered a SIP endpoint.
16:11.57fileAsterisk is a PBX... when you put someone on hold what do you expect? you expect that they hear your hold music... that is what happens, the INVITE is not forwarded on... Asterisk simply starts playing music to them
16:12.41Bourrelleok Imagine Client1 - Asterisk - Client2
16:13.08ManxPowerBourrelle: NO SIP PBX forwards SIP packets.
16:13.15BourrelleClient1 wants to make an audio session with Client 2
16:13.52Bourrellehe send an Invite with his SDP for codec negotiation
16:13.54fileit doesn't, it makes a connection to Asterisk and then Asterisk makes a connection to Client 2... Asterisk sits in the middle, also known as a B2BUA (back to back user agent)
16:14.03Bourrellebut your saying that Client 2 doenst receive it
16:14.05fileyou aren't making a direct connection.
16:14.12Bourrellehow can he negociate his codecs ?
16:14.25ManxPowerBourrelle: no, asterisk generates it's own INVITE and sends THAT to the other end.
16:14.38Bourrelleok perfect
16:14.47Bourrellethx alot guys very appreciated
16:14.52ManxPowerBourrelle: the phones are not negotiating codecs with each other, they are doing that with the PBX.
16:15.09ManxPowerBourrelle: if you want SIP packets to be forwarded, use a SIP proxy like SER (SIP Experess Router)
16:15.43Qwellfile: is that a term that we made up? O.o
16:15.51Qwellor are there other B2BUAs?
16:15.54fileQwell: wazzat? B2BUA? nosir
16:16.13Qwellor is that one of those things that only really exist in RFCs?
16:16.27fileit exists in a world of dreams.
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16:17.52phsdshftHi. When I'm using a SIP connection to Broadvoice through a Checkpoint Firewall, After approximately ~180 seconds, I cannot make further outbound calls (they fail,) although I remain registered. What settings can resolve this (maxexpirey, defaultexpirey, rtptimeout,rtpholdtimeout..)
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16:20.40filephsdshft: define "they fail"... do you have a sip debug?
16:21.38phsdshftyes. it looks like it is sending out INVITE's but not getting any response
16:22.43fileyour firewall might have a low time for dropping UDP mappings
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16:23.40filedo you forward ports or rely on Broadvoice's NAT stuff?
16:23.58eric2for outgoing calls, if my sip provider gives me gw1 and gw2  in order for me to forward my calls to, what's the best setup for fail over in case gw1 goes off line as outbound calls should then be routed through gw2..?
16:24.27fileeric2: two peer entries with qualify=yes to monitor the two servers, then dialplan logic that does failover
16:25.02phsdshft@file: It goes through a checkpoint firewall which is SIP aware.. it looks like it actually reads the SIP headers and makes decisions based on that..
16:25.04fileeric2: you could also use the RAND dialplan function I suppose to spread across the two servers as well...
16:25.18phsdshftif I changed the defaultexpirey (I think thats the one) it increased the timeout value
16:25.29phsdshftbut I was hoping there is another setting that I can use?
16:25.37phsdshftin asterisk.. to increase the session length or whatever
16:25.43phsdshftor have it send keepalives of some type
16:26.00eric2I think I"ll try to spread out the load and do some dial plan logic... tx file
16:26.12ZaVoidooo load average 41.02
16:26.14ZaVoidthats fun
16:26.37eric2looks like a crazy load to me
16:26.37ZaVoidwonder what the hell is causing that
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16:33.40lmadsenputnopvut is now free to answer all questions you may have in a private chat window
16:33.52putnopvuthardy har har
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16:44.23BourrelleCan I ask one more thing
16:44.31QwellBourrelle: you just did
16:44.55Bourrelledoes asterisk works the same way that a Cisco CallManager works ?
16:45.14Qwellwhat do you mean by "same way"?
16:45.41mostyBourrelle, they work very differently internally
16:45.46Bourrellehehe above they told me that asterisk doesnt forward any SIP call
16:45.50Bourrellefor exemple
16:45.59BourrelleClient1 - asterisk - Client2
16:46.04mostyBourrelle, you can configure asterisk to forward sip calls
16:46.07Bourrelleclient send an onHold messagr to asterisk
16:46.13ManxPowerBourrelle: no, it does not directly forward the SIP PACKETS.
16:46.15Bourrelleasterisk doesnt inform Client and just start playing music
16:46.23Bourrelledo you think that a cisco callmanager qworks the samwe way
16:46.27mostyBourrelle, have you read the book?
16:46.29jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
16:46.42ManxPowerBourrelle: I don't know for sure, but that is pretty much the standard design of VoIP PBXs
16:46.55ManxPowerBourrelle: I suspect you think this is a problem.  It is not a problem.
16:46.57Bourrelleno thx ill read it
16:47.30fileif it was a problem tons of people would be rebelling
16:48.32*** join/#asterisk _Krieger_ (n=krieger@
16:49.07_Krieger_what is the condition[s] when CLI 'restart now' is not working?
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16:54.24fileAsterisk could be deadlocked
16:55.27twistedit could be bound and gagged
16:56.21Corydon76-digCompile with DONT_OPTIMIZE and DEBUG_THREADS and when that happens, run a 'core show locks', copy the output to pastebin, and signal us here
16:56.46Qwellit could be in a contention wait
16:56.51Qwell(I crack myself up)
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16:59.25lunaphyte_are the objects that entries in sip.conf and iax.conf define referred to as channels?
16:59.33Bourrellehow can I make it forwards SIP call
16:59.37Bourrellenever heard of that
16:59.41mostyBourrelle, read the book
17:03.58filelunaphyte_: do you mean like peers and users?
17:05.26filethey are not channels... they are entries used for authenticating inbound calls and placing outbound calls
17:05.46lunaphyte_what is a channel?
17:06.03ManxPowerlunaphyte_: A channel is one leg of a call for VoIP.
17:06.11ManxPowerheck it is for PSTN too.
17:06.27Qwella "channel" needn't even go anywhere
17:07.35lunaphyte_so, for example, the media stream between a sip phone and whatever is at the other end of that stream, be it asterisk, or some other phone?
17:08.24Qwella channel doesn't necessarily need to have media
17:08.32lunaphyte_oh, no?
17:08.38*** join/#asterisk teknoprep (n=teknopre@unaffiliated/teknoprep)
17:08.42teknoprepi am at this dental office
17:08.50teknoprepand i am having problems with DTMF and g729
17:09.17teknoprepwhen i press a button on an outbound call... say i hit 1... it actually does 1 1 1 1 1 1
17:11.20mostyteknoprep, what dtmf mode are you using?
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17:12.27teknoprepulaw is the codec on the LAN with inband dtmf
17:12.36teknoprepg729 on outbound calls with rfc2833
17:12.46lunaphyte_if i have a sip device with an fxo port that is registered w/ asterisk, and i'm sending extensions that start with certain prefixes out through it, would it be accurate to refer to that connection to the pstn as a "channel"?
17:13.26mostylunaphyte, it's a sip channel from asterisk's point of view
17:13.31ManxPowerlunaphyte: Only if you were too lazy to use the correct terms.
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17:16.01lunaphyte_well, i hope i'm not lazy - but i do know i'm uninformed.  hopefully i can change that a bit.
17:16.29lunaphyte_ManxPower: what would the correct terms be?
17:19.09teknoprepmosty any idea ?
17:19.48mostyteknoprep, try dtmfmode=auto
17:20.13mostyand perhaps dtmfmode=info on the lan side
17:20.36teknoprepmosty if i set dtmfmode=info on the lan side... i can not access voicemaiil
17:20.37ManxPowerlunaphyte: well the sip.conf entry for the device would be called "peer" or device".  The actual call between the asterisk and the ATA is one channel, then the call from the ATA to the PSTN would be a 2nd channel.
17:21.30lunaphyte_ok, i understand.
17:21.32mostyteknoprep, can you set your phone to use SIP info for dtmf?
17:21.51neonerzManxPowerlunaphyte: Only if you were too lazy to use the correct terms. <-awsome
17:22.29teknoprepmosty i have a cisco 7940
17:22.45mostyteknoprep, good luck figuring that one out then :)
17:22.47teknoprepmosty # Out of band DTMF Settings (none-disable, avt-avt enable (default), avt_always - always avt )
17:22.58ManxPowerlunaphyte_: Hardcore PBX people (and VERY weirdly enough GUI people) sometimes call it a route as well.
17:23.09ManxPoweravt is RFC2833
17:23.11mostyteknoprep, i can't help with cisco phones, sorry
17:23.48neonerzwouldn't route be more of a TDM term
17:24.36teknoprepManxPower shoudl i set the phone to be AVT_ALWAYS
17:24.52teknoprepManxPower then the asterisk ext to set dtmfmode=rfc2833
17:24.54ManxPowerteknoprep: I would assume so.
17:24.58teknoprepManxPower then the outbound to rfc2833
17:25.02SomethingISOddanyone here using a2billing
17:25.03teknoprepManxPower i'll try that
17:25.08ManxPowerteknoprep: but everyone I've ever heard of using Cisoc phone did not have to screw with the DTMF mode on the phone
17:25.39neonerzdoesn't cisco phones do rfc2833 by default?
17:25.51teknoprepManxPower are they using g729 on there outbound channels
17:26.14teknoprepManxPower this is the problem i am having... internal is fine. its going out over g729 .
17:26.25neonerzI know its not inband or info by default
17:26.36neonerztekno are you using ast 1.2?
17:26.48neonerzthat blows that thought away
17:27.45neonerzI have a bunch of 7940-60-70's with 1.4 and leaving cisco's default (which is rfc2833) seems to work without any changes
17:28.09neonerzits the outbound trunk that has a problem reading the DTMF?
17:28.11*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
17:28.22teknoprepi have no idea at this point
17:28.37saftsackhi, is a compact flash card fast enough for using asterisk?
17:28.39mvanbaakI use chan_skinny and it works fine :)
17:28.44mvanbaaksaftsack: yes
17:29.24neonerzI came in pretty late, what exactly is the problem?
17:29.58teknoprepon internal dtmf with ulaw everything works great
17:30.05saftsackmvanbaak, so i can do queue and voicemail without using a ramdisk?
17:30.23teknoprepbut on outbound over g729 dtmf is crazy... i call my cell phone per say to test this out... i press 1 on the cisco phone... it actually does 1 1 1 1 1 1
17:30.49neonerzhave you tried with a different phone?
17:30.50mvanbaaksaftsack: depends. if you do recording of the queues and you want to push a lot of queue calls it will wear out the flashdisk pretty fast
17:31.08mvanbaaksaftsack: but queue calls without recording should be no issue
17:31.09neonerzhave you tried using 729 internally to see if it has the same problem?
17:31.19teknoprepneonerz yeah i have a few old polycom phones here also
17:31.25ManxPowerteknoprep: that is a classic problem with DTMF mode to the carrier.
17:31.26teknoprepneonerz yes same problem
17:31.27saftsackmvanbaak, there aren't more than 2 similar voice recordings
17:31.40ManxPowerbut since you refuse to pastebin the relevant entries, I can't help you anymore.
17:31.41teknoprepManxPower so you are saying it could be the carrier ?
17:31.46neonerzteknoprep: have your provider cap the RTP traffic to see what they ssee
17:31.52teknoprepManxPower well i had to come into the shop.
17:32.01fileteknoprep: adding dtmf to your console line in logger.conf and doing logger reload will tell you what Asterisk sees coming from a device, if it's RFC2833 going out then rtp debug will show the packets going out
17:32.01mvanbaakyou might want to look into mounting some nfs share for your call recordings and mount the CF disk read-only
17:32.02teknoprepManxPower i will pastebin now.. i was at home when i first talked about this
17:32.17fileso if the DTMF coming from your device looks fine then you just eliminated half the possible problem...
17:32.36ManxPowerI am SO glad we never have DTMF problems.
17:32.37neonerzfile: he said internally DTMF seems to work - its just when he sends the call to his provider
17:32.44teknoprep@file dtmf on lan should be fine.. i can access voicemail np
17:32.57neonerzwe had a ton of DTMF problems with ast 1.2 and nortal's new VSP cards
17:32.59teknoprep@file also when i call ext - ext and i press buttons they sound fine on the other end
17:33.09fileI would bet on the carrier then as well
17:33.40neonerzteknoprep: have your carrier cap the RTP stream to see what they get for DTMF
17:34.27teknoprepneonerz i am using they are supposted to be pretty good... but let me call them
17:34.34neonerzVerizon started upgrading all their nortel media gateway's with the newest firmware for the VSP cards, and one by one customers were breaking
17:34.51fileDTMF doesn't really have to be that hard...
17:35.03neonerzI only ask that because you might see everything as fine, but they might see something you dont
17:35.13*** join/#asterisk linagee (n=linagee@about/linux/staff/linagee)
17:35.40Qwellneonerz: L3 had the same "problem", for the same reason, I believe
17:35.50neonerzlike before I knew there was a problem with rfc2833 and ast 1.2, it took us and Verizon weeks to figure it out
17:36.07neonerzQwell: Nortel said its not a problem - Asterisk was the problem
17:36.11neonerzwhich I guess was true
17:36.13Qwellneonerz: they're right
17:36.18filesort of right.
17:36.19Qwellbut it's been fixed in 1.4
17:36.24neonerzsort of*
17:36.26Qwellfile: well...heh
17:36.33neonerzsince it works with Nortel's older VSP cards
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17:36.43neonerzit was just the latest and geatest it didn't work with
17:36.47fileI still say looking at the actual amount of time between the begin and the end versus the duration value in the actual RFC2833 packet is silly
17:36.49filebut that's just me
17:36.53teknoprepi'll be back laster
17:37.05neonerzfile: doesn't matter what we think
17:37.10mamephow can i enable call forwarding?
17:37.34filemamep: without knowing what device/phone you are asking about, can't be answered with certainty
17:38.09neonerzdoesn't x-lite do the call forwading itself?
17:38.22fileI don't know if x-lite supports it... might have been one of the features they took out
17:38.32neonerzno i was wrong
17:38.34neonerzyour right
17:38.38neonerzit does do DND though
17:38.49mamepdo not distrub?
17:39.05filemamep: since X-Lite doesn't support it you will have to write dialplan logic in Asterisk to do call forwarding
17:39.09file(if you want it)
17:39.10neonerzmamep: some phones will let you do call forwarding directly from it
17:39.16neonerzsome you have to build an app
17:39.27mamepyeah it's better to make it through asterisk
17:39.31mamepany guidance available?
17:39.44filethis can be accomplished using the DB dialplan function and the Read dialplan application, plus setvar in sip.conf or the caller ID number
17:40.26saftsackmvanbaak, do you have a cf * server?
17:40.34mvanbaaksaftsack: yes
17:40.37fileplus the GotoIf dialplan application I suppose
17:40.49neonerzjust have it write to the DB that the exten number is forwarded to whatever, then make it check the DB on inbound calls to that exten
17:41.11saftsackmvanbaak, do you do logging on a ramdisk/nfs partition or directly on flash?
17:41.56*** join/#asterisk FlyboySR22 (
17:42.04mvanbaaksaftsack: remote syslog daemon
17:42.35neonerzmamep: <-the extension.conf app
17:42.38mvanbaakand CDR logs are stored using cdr_adaptive_odbc
17:43.07mvanbaakbrb, have to go to trainstation to pickup wife there
17:43.13saftsackso i take a normal linux, and the only thing which is written very often are the logs or do i have to do some other special things so that the cf card isnt often written?
17:43.16mamepneonerz : aserisk 1.4?
17:43.36neonerz <-how I check for it on my incoming trunk
17:43.44neonerzyour probably not going to want to use my way
17:44.22neonerzon the cfon and off app
17:44.28neonerzyou could leave out the first include
17:44.34neonerzI stole the app from FreePBX
17:44.43*** join/#asterisk d-k-t (n=dt@
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17:45.30neonerzmamep: I send all inbound calls to custom-check-cf and it rolls from there
17:45.44neonerzmind you though, that app sends the call out of the box
17:54.31filequite quiet...
17:56.03Corydon76-diglike the quiet before a storm?
17:57.35Corydon76-dig<cue song>
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18:19.53zobiaQwell:good afternoon!
18:20.17zobiaQwell: i got a request from my carrier about the 200 ok message
18:20.30zobiaQwell: but i don't know how to change my sides's 200 ok message
18:20.39zobiaQwell: Here is what he said "Now in your 200 OK answer you are sending m=audio 41098 RTP/AVP 0 8 101. You need to send m=audio 41098 RTP/AVP 0. Means please do not send "101".
18:20.59zobiaQwell: can you help me to understand what he need me to change?
18:22.10filezobia: set dtmfmode to info or inband.
18:22.23file101 is RFC2833 DTMF
18:22.42fileand 8 is alaw in case you didn't know
18:22.57zobia@file:thank you very much
18:23.14SuPrSluGhi all, i'm getting heavy static on my phones. what generally causes static?
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18:26.33fileSuPrSluG: always?
18:26.48SuPrSluGjust recently
18:27.14fileI meant if you call remote devices, prompts, etc...
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18:41.27XnOSXast_rtp_read: RTP Read too short (WHY??????)
18:42.40fileXnOSX: unknown... the remote device could be sending some sort of proprietary keep alive packet on the same port as the RTP...
18:42.47*** join/#asterisk oej (
18:43.01filethe data read in simply was not big enough to be an RTP packet
18:45.08tzafrir$ lsb_release -i
18:45.08tzafrirDistributor ID: Debian
18:45.24tzafrirSadly lsb_release is not guaranteed to be intalled everywhere...
18:46.32XnOSXim triying recive calls in my asterisk pbx server but for any reason when answer near phone grandstream the call is down
18:48.05XnOSXfile: take a look
18:48.56fileyou are doing T38?
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18:50.22XnOSXfile: no
18:50.34XnOSXi would like onlye send and recive calls
18:50.56fileXnOSX: apparently this disagrees... disable it on your grandstream?
18:51.01XnOSXbut for any reason this is the mensage in the debug sip mode in a CLI console
18:51.40XnOSXfile: ummmm i dont know let me see
18:52.54*** join/#asterisk jameswf-home (
18:53.46Davieyjameswf: Why do you feel the need to tell everyone where you are?
18:54.17fileplay nice!
18:55.20jameswfbecause when i have -home it says dont call my boss..... otherwise I am on wok time
18:56.13XnOSXfile: no this phone havent a T38 configurationç
18:56.28filesomething is doing T38.
18:58.46XnOSXown telecom provider send calls with T38 or AUDIO, and they cant change these
18:59.50fileyou can try t38pt_udptl=no in sip.conf
18:59.58filein the general section
19:00.10XnOSXummm ok let me see
19:02.42lmadsenatis_work: that is normal -- they are two separate channels. You need to use variable inheritance to pass them through.
19:03.14lmadsenSet(_SOMEVARIABLE=foo)  <--  inherited to the next channel
19:03.33lmadsenSet(__SOMEOTHERVARIABLE=bar)  <--  inherited to all following channels from that call
19:04.48lmadsenatis_work: I'd like to see the dialplan where this is not working, because I do channel variable inheritance all the time with Local channels
19:05.14lmadsenif variable inheritance didn't work, I'm sure I would have run into it by now...
19:06.41*** join/#asterisk angom (
19:06.56lmadsenatis_work: SIP (channel 1) --> Local (channel 2) --> Dial(SIP/...) (channel 3)
19:07.08atis_worklmadsen: no, it's about callfile
19:07.12lmadsento get channel 3 to see the variables from channel 1, you need to do a double underscore
19:07.16atis_workotherwise it works great
19:07.22atis_worki know that ;)
19:07.54lmadseneither way, if it is a bug, it should be discussed here until a bug is opened on, at which point you can discuss in #asterisk-bugs
19:08.15pliklmadsen: is the underscore / double-underscore only used when Setting the variable, or when recalling its value - ie with ${__WHATEVER} ?
19:08.23lmadsenonly when setting the variable
19:08.26fileplik: only when setting
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19:08.54atis_worklmadsen: i create a callfile to Local/123@invite and send it to join,456,1
19:09.16atis_worklmadsen: i'm not sure that this is bug, so i would want architectural confirmation from developers
19:09.19lmadsenwhere are you setting the inherited variables, and can I see the dialplan?
19:09.33atis_workand if it's a bug, i could probably get it fixed with some pointers
19:09.43lmadsenatis_work: no, you need to confirm it is a bug first, then you can open a bug, then you can confirm the architectural stuff
19:09.52lmadsenright -- bug needs to be confirmed, then filed first
19:10.10lmadsenotherwise #asterisk-dev becomes 2nd and 3rd tier support, which it is not
19:10.18atis_worki know :)
19:10.23lmadsenplease paste the callfile and the relevant dialplan parts into a pastebin
19:10.41atis_workhuh, that would be quite some effort, i have a lot of macros
19:10.44kyronlmadsen, got the book, a bit disappointed, it looks the same as the pdf...
19:11.12lmadsenatis_work: "relevant" parts -- this means the callfile you're using, and the dialplan portion that is setting the underscores
19:11.15kyronA bit heavier though :P
19:11.27atis_worklmadsen: still half-hour of work :p
19:11.33lmadsenkyron: the book and the PDF are the same -- the entire book is released under the creative commons license
19:11.55lmadsenatis_work: I think you're thinking about way too much of the dialplan, or your dialplan is quite twisted
19:12.05atis_workit is
19:12.06zobia@file:hello @file. do you know how to set the asterisk to autostart if there's deadlock happened?
19:12.08lmadsenatis_work: you don't have to, but the developers are either going to ignore you, or tell you to do what I just told you
19:12.22kyronlmadsen, I was teasing you :)
19:12.35lmadsenkyron: I see :)  Humour can be lost on me when in IRC
19:12.57filezobia: you could setup something to monitor it...
19:13.02filezobia: I have never done it, and thus can not answer
19:13.10kyronlmadsen, sorry about that.
19:13.19lmadsennp... I guess I'll go back to doing some real work now :)
19:13.47zobia@file: ok if there's no strait config for asterisk to do so, i have to setup a program to monitor it. thanks for answer
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19:14.50Davieywatchdog \o/
19:15.14kyronWhat will I be slashed, tortured and burned with if I buy anything from ?
19:21.50Qwellkyron: clone cards?  only by your users/customers
19:21.59Qwelland you'll want to /wrists
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19:24.24plik\o/ ^o^ o< /o\
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19:25.23kyronhehehehehe LOL
19:26.49kyronwell, for home use I wouldn't question, but for any _real_ implementations I would be disturbed to see people buy such low-priced clones...
19:29.34*** part/#asterisk fiXXXerMet (
19:29.48zobia@file: hello . do you know what's Driver for channel 'SIP/pbxmgr-vegas-0a015498' does not support indication 3, emulating it means?
19:30.47file3 is ringing
19:31.06fileit means chan_sip wants the core to provide the ringing sound as an audio stream
19:31.13fileinstead of telling the SIP device to generate ringing on it's side
19:32.12zobia@file. what i can do to avoid this error?
19:32.31zobiai have to generate ring?
19:32.47zobia@file: like use dialplan to ring(4)?
19:33.09fileit's not an error
19:33.13fileit is a debug message meant for developers
19:33.36fileunless you are a developer, or a developer has told you to turn on debug logging... don't
19:33.51fileit *will* freak you out
19:34.09hmodesignore the code behind the curtain.
19:34.15*** join/#asterisk ZPertee (
19:35.44ZPerteehow long is one ring?  I want to dial an extension for 4 rings what is that equal to in seconds?
19:35.50atis_worklmadsen: i posted dialplan pieces and log here:
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19:36.20atis_workyou can see that from init_vars - call_id should be initalized only once, then in child channel it should be inherited
19:36.36atis_workhowever with callfile - those channels seems unrelated
19:37.02*** part/#asterisk Synoptic (
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19:38.50mvanbaakdebug messages are fun
19:39.06mvanbaakand the asterisk ones are pretty friendly
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19:41.05lmadsenatis_work: got it loaded, just doing some testing with a client, so I'll try and check it between tests
19:42.25atis_worklmadsen: thanks for looking
19:42.30atis_workdo any other developers have some thoughts on this?
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19:42.56lmadsenfile: hrmmm... when doing a Redirect from AMI, should the channel that gets hung up still execute the 'h' extension as per normal? (Because that doesn't happen)
19:43.31fileI would think so, but I do not know
19:45.34lmadsenfile: ya... I think it's a bug...
19:45.44lmadsenlol, I was just about to respond to atis_work
19:45.46lmadsen[Feb  5 11:12:41] DEBUG[16068] channel.c: Copying hard-transferable variable call_id.
19:45.46lmadsen[Feb  5 11:12:41] DEBUG[16068] channel.c: Copying hard-transferable variable TRANSFER_CONTEXT.
19:45.56lmadsenI don't see where it isn't doing what it is told to do
19:46.22*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
19:47.28lmadsenatis_work: wb
19:47.32atis_worklmadsen: you can always redirect other channel by adding ExtraChannel
19:48.11lmadsenatis_work: where are you calling this? (I don't see the output in the cli log)
19:48.32*** join/#asterisk LeBowlingAlley (n=derek@
19:48.38atis_workoh, i cutted that parts out, they really aren't relevant
19:48.39jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
19:49.27mvanbaakwe should create
19:49.33lmadsenatis_work: what isn't being inherited then? I see the [Feb  5 11:12:41] DEBUG[16068] channel.c: Copying hard-transferable variable call_id. stuff
19:49.59lmadsenmvanbaak: I'm getting this from pb, but it's being dumb and making 1 line copied = 2 lines pasted
19:50.05atis_workyes, but i guess - that's copied to SIP channel, not Local/@invite
19:50.19lmadsenatis_work: that's where it's set... not copied to....
19:50.30lmadsenyou're calling the Local channel with the set variables...
19:51.05mvanbaaklmadsen: I know, it does that to me too all the time
19:51.10atis_workuh, i mean Local/2601@invite-8302,1 - that's where join_conf is executing
19:51.31atis_workthe bridged channel
19:52.25atis_workyou see - i set __call_id in Local/2601@invite-8302,2
19:52.45lmadsenyes I see that
19:52.47atis_workso, it seems that Local/2601@invite-8302,1 which is bridged gets initialized before
19:52.49lmadsenwhat version is this?
19:53.10lmadsenSo you're going calfile --> Local --> SIP --> Local ?
19:53.15fileyou're trying to inherit a variable up
19:53.28atis_workumm, no, down
19:53.51atis_workwell, as it seems now - it's Callfile -> Local,2 -> SIP -> Local,1
19:54.32atis_worki would want to inherit from Local,2 to Local,1 (and i don't get - why they are in reverse order)
19:55.04ManxPoweryou can't send variables across SIP easily.
19:55.22file2 is executing the dialplan, 1 is/will be executing dialplan also (per your callfile)
19:55.29fileyou are trying to pass a variable from 2 to 1
19:55.37fileso that it appears on the other side
19:55.58atis_workwell, but i would want that 1 is created first, as it's executed first
19:56.52filethey are created at the same time.
19:57.14atis_workshould they?
19:58.08*** join/#asterisk oej (
19:58.54fileyou can't do two things at once on a channel... that's why chan_local creates two channels
19:59.16fileone is executing dialplan, the other is (usually) bridged to another channel OR is also executing dialplan logic
20:00.03zobia@file: do you know "Didn't get a frame from channel" and then "channel.c: Bridge stops bridging channels " issue?
20:00.21filezobia: it almost always means that the channel hungup
20:00.26zobia@file: do you know the possible way that can cause this?
20:00.58zobia@file: can this be a signal of "deadlock" channel?
20:01.11filezobia: no, it's normal
20:01.29filezobia: just turn off debug now.
20:01.30atis_workfile: so there's now way that this is gonna get fixed sometime.. it just makes passing variables between callfile-originated channels impossible (or very hard)
20:01.33zobia@file: thank you
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20:01.53zobia@file: i have to turn on debug. cause i want to know what cause the channel deadlock
20:01.59fileatis_work: in your specific scenario for what you want to accomplish, I do not believe there is a way
20:03.25atis_workfile: i want to be able to link them together in CDR
20:03.56atis_workusually i'm doing it by checking variable call_id, and if it's empty set __call_id=${UNIQUEID}
20:05.12zobia@file: whenever i got "channel.c: Avoiding initial deadlock" the deadlock will spread to every channels. do you have a better way for me to tell what can cause this?
20:05.14atis_workfile: i tried local channels without /n - that gives me SIP channel in the end, and variables are inherited to that, but again - there's problem that local channel migrates to SIP at some point after answer
20:05.48filezobia: it is currently normal to have that message come up
20:06.22filezobia: the way to debug this was previously mentioned, compile Asterisk with DONT_OPTIMIZE and DEBUG_THREADS and when a deadlock happens use core show locks to get the info and submit a bug
20:07.12fileatis_work: I can only tell you how chan_local works and why it is doing what it is doing.,
20:07.22zobia@file: yes i know that is for 1.4. but now i am running on 1.2 and could not shift to 1.4 until it become stable with all my features. so iam struggling with it with 1.2 right now.
20:07.32zobia@file: do you know what can cause " channel.c: Dropping duplicate answer!"
20:08.05filezobia: it received a duplicate answer? a lot of the messages you are seeing are perfectly normal...
20:08.31zobia@file duplicate answer are normal?
20:08.55fileit is possible.
20:09.20zobia@file: whenever i got this duplicate answer, after a while this phone will dead and the channels will be gradutelly all deadlock.
20:09.57filezobia: okay.
20:10.07zobia@file. the phone which has "hangup duplicate answers" is with 2 lines.
20:12.08zobia@file. how to force the 1.2 to through a core dump whenever there's deadlock?
20:14.30fileI do not remeber.
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20:17.10atis_workfile: you don't have opinion that there should be some way how to pass variables from one channel of originate to another?
20:17.19*** join/#asterisk JonMcN (
20:18.00fileit's not originating that is your issue... it's the fact inheritance only happens at channel creation time, you want to pass variables from one channel to another (in this case Local channels)
20:18.44JonMcNHi, can someone help me find out why zaptel-1.4 (svn snaphost) won't build?
20:18.59fileatis_work: it could be useful
20:19.37JonMcN./configure ; make # works fine
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20:20.00JonMcNjust can't install >:(
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20:21.09atis_workfile, lmadsen - thanks.. i guess i'll be going with generating some unique hash when creating callfile - and then mess around with db to get something working..
20:23.28lmadsenatis_work: sorry :(
20:24.01atis_worklmadsen: you see why i wanted developers point of view ;)
20:24.31lmadsenatis_work: yes, but it still wasn't necessary appropriate for that channel until it was verified
20:24.33atis_workis this still classified as user-ish question? :p
20:24.37lmadsenyes it is
20:24.55fileyou're just lucky I'm helping in here today
20:25.19fileand know how it works.
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20:26.23zobia@file: yes i think i am also luck that met you today.
20:26.28lmadsenotherwise I would have just told you to file a bug, which would have been the next logical step
20:26.45zobia@file: i found the problem before deadlock. it's right after the user delete a voicemail
20:27.06*** join/#asterisk Cyon (n=cyon@
20:27.26zobia@file: do you think deleteing voicemail could cause channel deadlock?
20:27.46JonMcNand this if i use the current tarball:
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20:27.57filezobia: I suppose it is possible, but I do not remember that code 'nor am I going down that road
20:28.47zobia@file. no problem. since you thinkg it's possible, i will go on finding the reason.
20:29.04zobia@file. i never knows that deleting a voicemail can cause this.
20:40.08DavieyHmm, do you have the kernel-headers installed properly?
20:40.19*** join/#asterisk SwK (
20:40.31Davieyzaptel should compile fine against the headers
20:40.39Davieyyou shouldn't need the full source
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20:47.32LeBowlingAlleyHello, I'm having an intermittent issue (1-3 times a day) of incoming calls being answered but there is no audio.  Meanwhile, the outside caller can hear the person that answered.  The * logs are reporting "Didn't get a frame from channel (whatever SIP phone tried to answer the call)".  Anybody have any idea what could be happening?  system has been working for about a year prior.
20:47.56LakeSolonAfternoon Folks
20:48.48fileLeBowlingAlley: that means the channel hungup
20:51.13LeBowlingAlleyso any idea what else i could be looking for that would be related to the issue?
20:54.17hmmhesaysI bet the called party is answering just as the calling party is sent to voicemail, or something like that
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20:57.51filea complete console output would confirm or deny hmmhesays' hypothesis
20:58.21LeBowlingAlleyi dunno.  it just started happening.
20:58.37hmmhesaysfile: indeed
20:59.26LeBowlingAlleyi can't imagine after a year, we would start having so many cases of that happening.
21:05.59hmmhesays<file> a complete console output would confirm or deny hmmhesays' hypothesis
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21:06.50hmmhesaysgood lord mediatrix sucks for faxing
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21:07.19LakeSolonSo I have a weird question, and there may well be another way of going about it, but what I've come up with right now is to run two instances of Asterisk on the same box each bound to a different IP, and 'bounce' a trunk off of the second one so that half my traffic comes from each IP.
21:07.45hmmhesayswhy would you do that?
21:07.47LakeSolonFor the purpose of load balancing over two WAN connections.
21:08.12*** join/#asterisk Atkins (n=atkins@
21:08.42LakeSolonI can bind one IP to one WAN, and one IP to the other.
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21:10.56zobia@file: do you know "rtp read too short"?
21:11.09fileI already said what it was earlier.
21:11.19husimon-awaythat's what she said.
21:12.19zobia@file: you don't know ?
21:12.36filethe packet that was received is too small to be an RTP packet
21:14.16plikhusimon-away: sorry about the confusion with 'k to park' yesterday - but this is where I read it:  pesky wiki lies :/
21:14.29husimon-awayyeah no problem i've run into the same crap reading wikis
21:15.04husimon-awaythe truth is i needed "t"
21:15.22husimon-awaybecause for some reason call transferring on my phone won't let asterisk playback the park digits
21:15.29plikwhen I learn a bit more I moght go on a wiki cleansing session
21:15.34husimon-awayi guess k is for the "park hot key" ?
21:15.43plikah, prolly
21:15.55jameswfanyone seen any issues mixinf t1 with e1 in asterisk
21:16.00husimon-awaywas what I saw in my features.conf
21:16.05plikI have the same siyuation as you with cisco 7949s....
21:16.24husimon-awayplik, yeah kind of annoying, i don't really want to use two different methods of call transfering
21:16.28plikdtmf transfer plays the digits, but the phones softkeys dont
21:16.35husimon-awaybut luckily only about one person in the building uses it
21:16.42husimon-awayso I just tell him the other way to do it
21:16.50husimon-awayoptionally I could just enable k
21:17.19plikonly 1 cisco here so not too much of a prob...
21:18.09zobiayou people are really luck only 1 cisco phone. here are full of which drives me mad.
21:19.26plikthe initiall connfig was a pain, but once done I'd think it not tooo hard to replicate
21:20.23plikcisco's on ebay seem to be the cheapest way of getting a voip phone round here ( apart from grandstream 101)
21:21.01plikI could get 2 7940s for the price of a polycom 330 or linksys 942  :/
21:21.16Qwellaren't the 330s like $90?
21:21.37QwellI would doubt that even 1 used 7940 could be had for less than that...
21:21.46plikprolly, but they're also like GBP 90
21:21.53plikthats the polycom
21:22.03Qwellplik: find a better reseller
21:22.08plikciscos are like GBP 35-45 mostly
21:22.23plikQwell: all pretty similar over here
21:22.23Qwellwhat's that in USD?
21:22.41plikabbout double
21:22.49bkrusevalentines day is so expensive.
21:22.52plikso 70 -70 USD for a cisco 7940
21:23.04Qwellbkruse: just wait
21:23.53bkruseQwell: lol. I have to go get some nice stuff, ideas ideas
21:24.13bkruseI do not know if I am fully aware where I am asking this question.... :P
21:24.57Qwellplik: that's pretty cheap for a cisco
21:25.12plikyeah - thats used on ebay though....
21:25.19Qwellerm, still
21:25.22bkruseplik: cosmetic scratches?
21:26.07plikbkruse: some worse than others - one I got is practiaclly mint --- just a little dusty
21:26.24bkruseplik: nice! sounds well worth the deal then
21:26.54plikit is - I just wish there was a nice alternative at a similarly good price  )
21:27.11eric2faxing support over g.711... anyone have this going?
21:27.46eric2I'm guessing I need the nv_faxdetect installed?
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21:27.56findlayin when using the Voicemailmain() application is it possible to forward a message to a user in a different voicemail context?
21:28.09findlays/^in //
21:28.12eric2ya, it's possible
21:28.25eric2I haven't done it, but it cannot be too hard
21:28.34Qwellthere's an option in the menu
21:28.40eric2just make sure you specify the user + context
21:28.41bkruselisten to the lady
21:28.41Qwelloh, context
21:28.48Qwellhmm, probably not
21:28.51findlaywhen you push 8 it asks for an extension, nothing about context
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21:31.29findlayis it possible to replicate the functionality of Voicemailmain() with other applications?  Maybe I could make it work manually?
21:34.18cesar_CRhi guys, FWD is for any type of calls PSTN? CELL???
21:34.19*** join/#asterisk [DS]LynxW (
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21:36.12DovidI just updated my kernel and I am trying to build zaptel-1.2 from trunk. can anyone help me with this error ?
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21:38.28inv_arp[work]Dovid: what is the make line you passed
21:39.32Dovidmake clean
21:39.51Nivexcd shower;make clean
21:40.09Dovidsame rror
21:40.30Dovidthere is no shower directory
21:41.34Dovidi checked it out from
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21:45.46iratikin AMI , if I had started a telnet session with AMI and did not logoff and my client became terminated... I cannot logon from another client until the first (terminated) client logs off?
21:45.46Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
21:46.34eric2telnet shouldn't be used
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21:47.01eric2unless you're connecting to
21:47.05iratiki am
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21:47.51iratikthats aside from the point.... how do i logoff orphaned sessions?
21:48.08eric2or w32?
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21:48.31eric2if you have console access (linux) kill the process
21:48.46eric2kill -9 `ps -aux | grep telnet`
21:48.58eric2pooOOFFFF, it'll be gone
21:49.04iratikbut that doesn't issue "Action: logoff" from that client
21:49.11iratikthat would just orphan the session
21:49.16eric2can you restart the service?
21:49.21iratiknot now
21:49.24iratikcalls going
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21:49.37iratikthere may be no way to do this
21:49.45eric2did you google?
21:50.01iratikas soon as a call ended
21:50.10iratikthat logs off all AMI instances
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21:53.17lirakislater all
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21:55.00cesar_CRhi guys, I am from costa Rica, any good voip service provider that you can recomen me ?
21:55.18eric_hillAnyone have any experience with Qwest VoIP service?
21:57.39*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=Joe@
21:59.20[DS]LynxWHello,  I'm using a TE220 and am getting a "squelch" type sounds on inbound and outbound calls.  Any ideas before I call Digium support?
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22:02.34[DS]LynxWAnyone heard of this, even?
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22:07.18eric_hillSquelch --- wow... that takes me back...
22:07.36eric_hillIs it just when the call starts up, or during the call?
22:07.40[DS]LynxWWell, I'm not sure that is the term... it's something digital.
22:07.46[DS]LynxWduring the call.
22:08.11eric_hillI knew exactly what you meant.  :)
22:08.22[DS]LynxWthe system is mainly a "middleman" between the telco and a Nortel MICS
22:08.26eric_hillIt's a problem with the codec on a line when the latency gets too high.
22:08.45[DS]LynxWWell, googling sqeltch and asterisk doesn't seem to help.. so I wasn't sure.
22:08.51eric_hillWe had the same problem on our frame relay connections when the pipes were somewhat full.
22:08.57Qwellwho had that probem earlier with compiling zaptel 1.2?
22:09.03eric_hillWe fixed it with a good QoS classification and MPLS.
22:09.23[DS]LynxWWell, it wasn't a problem before the Asterisk system was installed.
22:09.36[DS]LynxWright now, it's Telco->Asterisk->Nortel MICS
22:09.50QwellDovid: Give this patch a try.
22:09.52[DS]LynxWand even calls between Asterisk<->Nortel MICS seem to have them.
22:10.25[DS]LynxWI'm ready to install the latest zaptel drivers (probably tonight after 2nd shift leaves) and see if that helps.
22:10.42[DS]LynxWbut, I don't remember it being there when I originally setup the system about 3 months ago.
22:10.57eric_hillMake sure you're running full duplex on all of your Ethernet connections.  Half-duplex could cause that problem.
22:11.25[DS]LynxWlet me check.
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22:11.58JonMcNIs a consistent zttest of 98.547363% acceptable?
22:12.03QwellJonMcN: no
22:12.26JonMcNQwell, How can i find out why it is so low?
22:13.12eric_hillJonMcN: what's the output of "lspci -tv"?
22:14.06neonerzeric_hill: ahhh frame relay, thats so 1990
22:14.39eric_hillneonerz: Agreed.  We're literally 60% of the way through our MPLS migration.  QoS is so nice.
22:15.02eric_hillneonerz: And 1995 to be precise :)
22:15.13bkruseyou sharing irq's?
22:15.22bkrusedoes your call quality go down when you move your mouse? :[
22:16.00xp_prganyone use perl to interact with asterisk here?
22:16.25[DS]LynxWeric_hill: eth0: negotiated 100baseTX-FD, link ok
22:17.15eric_hillJonMcN: you're having problems with zttest because your card is hanging off that sub-PCI device.  It's probably a PCI bridge.  Try moving the card to another PCI slot.
22:17.48[DS]LynxWHmm.. I thought that was a gigabit nic.. and it is..  It must not be in a gigabit port on the switch :(  I'll have to fix that as well.
22:18.19eric_hill[DS]LynxW: A) what's the latency between the asterisk box and your Nortel?  B) If you do a ping flood with large packets (+4k), do any packets get dropped?
22:18.44[DS]LynxWHow can I test the latency?
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22:18.56JonMcNeric_hill, will do, the problem is that the motherboard has a special riser daughter board to expand the PCI slots - so could they all be the same
22:19.12eric_hill[DS]LynxW: Ping response time.
22:19.15JonMcNIt's also full height PCI slots, with the smaller style card
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22:19.50[DS]LynxWSorry for my ignorance, how would I ping the Nortel?
22:19.53eric_hillJonMcN: Had exactly the same problem with a 2U server from HP.  The "left" side was across a bridge, the "right" side was direct...  Of course they didn't document that :)
22:20.29JonMcNeric_hill, i'll try that now - this is a 2U Supermicro
22:20.29eric_hill[DS]LynxW: Am I missing something?  Are you talking to the Nortel over IP?  Or is it a T1?
22:20.31[DS]LynxWJonMcN: I can't say for sure, but some riser cards give the first slot direct access.
22:20.49[DS]LynxWTE220 is dual T1, one for Telco, one for Nortel.
22:20.52eric_hill[DS]LynxW: Well it sure is hard to ping down a T1 :)
22:20.55JonMcNwill try now and report back
22:21.03eric_hill[DS]LynxW: Analog T1, or PRI?
22:21.10SomethingISOddhello is there anyway to see live calls? that are connected to asterisk
22:21.17eric_hill[DS]LynxW: Who's doing the clocking?
22:21.46eric_hill[DS]LynxW: And are you using q.SIG (q.931), or some other framing?
22:21.50[DS]LynxWeric_hill: Dunno, how do I tell?
22:22.42eric_hillIs your signalling set to pri_cpe, or pri_net?
22:24.01[DS]LynxWactuall, telco is pre_cpe and Nortel is pri_net
22:24.06jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
22:24.08QwellSomethingISOdd: you should read that
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22:24.43[DS]LynxWYeah, I plan on buying that.. in bulk.. to give to customers as well.. This is my first T1 system.
22:25.08[DS]LynxWI followed the "Nortel-Asterisk-0.2.pdf" guide for this.
22:25.12[DS]LynxWand that is what it said to use..
22:25.39eric_hill[DS]LynxW: Phone companies almost always supply the clock.  I treat the clock similar to NTP: Let the clock direction follow the "client".
22:25.44[DS]LynxWbut now that I think about it, if Asterisk is talking pri_cpe to the telco, wouldn't the Nortel be expecting the same thing?
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22:26.04SomethingISOddQwell ok thanks
22:26.16[DS]LynxWSo, would that be correct?
22:26.22eric_hill[DS]LynxW: If the asterisk box is going between the two locations, the asterisk should be set to pri_cpe for the PSTN side, and pri_net for the Nortel side.
22:26.26JonMcNeric_hill [DS]LynxW:  bottom of 3 slots now (was middle) =  Average: 99.951172
22:26.54eric_hill[DS]LynxW: So, yes, it's correct.
22:27.01eric_hillJonMcN: woot!
22:27.24JonMcNeric_hill, thanks
22:27.44JonMcNAlthough, i'm sure i've had better timers from ztdummy in the past :(
22:28.31eric_hill[DS]LynxW: What is the output of pri show span 1?
22:28.41eric_hill[DS]LynxW: And 2 of course.
22:29.16[DS]LynxWAnything I should be looking for?  I don't have direct copy/paste into IRC :/
22:30.17eric_hill[DS]LynxW: I'd look for things like "Retrans > 0".
22:30.22husimon[DS]LynxW, it shouldn't say no pri running on X
22:30.39[DS]LynxWI hope that works.
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22:31.37eric_hill[DS]LynxW: Any idea what that N200 Counter is?
22:31.40[TK]D-Fender[DS]LynxW, what ver of zaptel?
22:31.47[DS]LynxWOh.. and doing a call recording doesn't "hear" the sound.
22:32.10JonMcNeric_hill, bah, on another machine ztdummy just produced:  Best: 100.000000 -- Worst: 99.890137 -- Average: 99.949341,  and hardware = Best: 99.963379 -- Worst: 99.938965 -- Average: 99.952958.. Seems unfair :(
22:32.23[DS]LynxW[TK]D-Fender: can you tell from the source? I wasn't smart enough and left it named zaptel-1.4-current.tar.gz
22:32.55eric_hillJonMcN: of course.  Production is never as happy as test...
22:33.21[TK]D-Fender[DS]LynxW, Ok, its 1.4 series at least... go "up"?grade to the latest 1.4 release (non RC)
22:33.22*** join/#asterisk SwK (
22:33.33[DS]LynxW[TK]D-Fender: I have 1.4.8 waiting to go.. but I can't play with it till tonight.
22:33.50[TK]D-Fender[DS]LynxW, ok, for sanity check, pastebin "cat /proc/interrupts"
22:34.12*** join/#asterisk tuxfoo (
22:35.23[TK]D-Fender[DS]LynxW, and another with "dmesg" and your zaptel.conf.
22:35.37husimonhey [TK]D-Fender you mentioned before that using DTMF to do call transfers, etc was bad.  Could you comment on why it is a bad idea?
22:35.57*** join/#asterisk primenz (
22:36.27[TK]D-Fenderhusimon, It means you are putting responsibilty for bread & butter stuff in *'s hands and delays passing DTMF to IVR's, etc.  Let your phones do the work they are supposed to do by themselves.
22:37.49[TK]D-Fenderhusimon, Also part about why Zaptel FXS = ASS
22:37.57[DS]LynxW[TK]D-Fender: my dmesg is very messy right now.. I was doing ztdiags
22:38.06[TK]D-Fender[DS]LynxW, thats ok.
22:38.07*** part/#asterisk RoyK (
22:38.15[TK]D-Fender[DS]LynxW, dump it all, I'll sift through
22:38.19[DS]LynxWbut I do have this message:  Losing some ticks... checking if CPU frequency changed.
22:38.36[TK]D-Fender[DS]LynxW, Ah, have you shecked your kernel timer freq?
22:38.56[TK]D-Fender[DS]LynxW, do it!
22:39.04[TK]D-Fender[DS]LynxW, needs to be 1000.
22:39.14*** join/#asterisk stanhope (
22:39.26husimon[TK]D-Fender, yeah i'm going to use linksys atas for my fxs.
22:39.34[TK]D-Fenderhusimon, Good call.
22:39.53[TK]D-Fenderhusimon, Anything below 24 ports = Linksys
22:40.37husimon[TK]D-Fender, yeah I only have about 8.   For future reference what do you recommend past 24?
22:40.49[TK]D-Fenderhusimon, For 8-port : SPA-8000 <-
22:40.54*** join/#asterisk angryuser (
22:41.14[TK]D-Fenderhusimon, For 24+ I would probably go for a Mediatrix 1124 or AudioCodes MP-124
22:41.29*** join/#asterisk SwK (
22:41.34eric_hill[TK]D-Fender: Any thoughts on the Rhino channel banks?
22:41.36husimon[TK]D-Fender, unfortunately the ports are spread across two floors and different patch panels so I just got 2 port models
22:41.43jm|laptopwhy is Asterisk appending @my-asterisk-ip to my SIP calls when I specify CALLERID(all)="name <number>"
22:41.54husimon[TK]D-Fender, yeah i was thinking mediatrix audio codes too
22:41.55BBHosseric_hill, i've heard good things about Rhino in general
22:41.55[TK]D-Fendereric_hill, I reqally prefer not to, but if you have the extra T1 port, its not "bad".
22:42.02*** join/#asterisk tristanbob_ (n=tristanr@oalug/member/tristanbob)
22:42.04husimonerr "and audiocodes"
22:42.30BBHossaudiocodes's mediatrix is nice too
22:42.31eric_hill[TK]D-Fender: Unfortunately I have to support about 20-25 cheap-ass Wal-Mart phones on a factory floor...
22:42.39[TK]D-Fendereric_hill, I'll say as channel banks go they are very friendly and the company good to work with.
22:42.48[TK]D-Fendereric_hill, I jsut don't like the technology
22:42.58BBHosschannel banks are never fun
22:42.59[TK]D-Fendereric_hill, thats fine... Sip gateways <---
22:43.04BBHossespecially when using CAS
22:43.10uweum, i just purchased g729 codec from digium, and when i do show translation, it shows that converting from various codecs to g729 will take 48 milliseconds ! is this normal !!! this is a lot !
22:43.24eric2what's the cpu speed?
22:43.26BBHossuwe, sounds really high to me
22:43.36[TK]D-Fenderuwe, I'm not sure thats MS... thats just relative wieght as far as I know.
22:43.37Qwelluwe: 48 milliseconds for 1 second of audio
22:43.45uwe2992.674 Mhz
22:43.53angryuser<[TK]D-Fender is there any way to detect if internet is failing and signal that to asterisk? or for example can * read a value from file (0|1) ?
22:43.54husimonuwe what type of chip...
22:43.55BBHossthat doesn't say much
22:43.58eric2xeon, p4, opteron?
22:44.01husimonuwe, dual core xeon, etc etc
22:44.10Qwelland yeah, if you're going from like ilbc or speex to g729, it will take a while
22:44.25husimoneric2 i challenge you to find anything below a p4 that goes to 2992mhz :
22:44.31*** join/#asterisk jm|laptop (n=jm|
22:44.32husimoneric2 in the intel line...
22:44.34Qwellhusimon: Sparc
22:44.35[TK]D-Fenderangryuser, its not * job to look for this, and you can have your external process warn * any way you want.
22:44.36eric2I don't know the intell lineup
22:44.40BBHosshusimon, you can get a celeron that high
22:44.43eric2I stay away from intel
22:44.47uweIntel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz
22:44.58husimonyeah p4 3ghz is a little slow
22:45.00uwenothing, plain p4 machine
22:45.01[DS]LynxW[TK]D-Fender: Sorry, how do I check the kernel frequency?
22:45.03BBHossprobably a p4c800
22:45.19[TK]D-FenderQwell, can you fill [DS]LynxW in on that?
22:45.32Qwellno idea, and I don't think it matters anymore
22:45.34angryuser<[TK]D-Fender> what is the simpliest way? agi? php sript?
22:45.48BBHossuwe, try core show translation recalc
22:45.55[DS]LynxWGoogle is telling me to add clock=pmtmr to the kernal boot options.
22:46.01eric_hill[DS]LynxW: What flavor of linux?
22:46.04[TK]D-Fenderangryuser, there is this huge "depends".  You need to tell me very specifically how and where you would check for this.
22:46.12uwe[TK]D-Fender, show translation --> Translation times between formats (in milliseconds)
22:46.30[DS]LynxWCentOS 4 AKA Trixbox.
22:46.31[TK]D-Fenderuwe, Ok, I wasn't 100% sure on it, but thanks for the clarification.
22:46.38uwesame results BBHoss
22:46.43[DS]LynxWYeah.. I know..
22:46.57Qwelluwe: what are the slin > g729 and g729 > slin times?
22:47.04[DS]LynxWBut, it's fast and easy.. for the most part.
22:47.11[DS]LynxWAnd works fine for analog.
22:47.15Qwelland which version of the codec did you use?
22:47.21eric_hillUbuntu + apt-get install asterisk :)
22:47.23[TK]D-Fender[DS]LynxW, Believe me, that doesn't spare you any funny looks at all...
22:47.23[DS]LynxWthis is the first problem I have had with a stable system.. if there is such a thing. ;)
22:47.38angryuser<[TK]D-Fender> ok for example we ping if timeout internet is down, so i want to use gotoif, the question is, how to change the value in * db from external program
22:47.49*** part/#asterisk primenz (
22:47.51[DS]LynxWyeah, I know.. = yum install asterisk as well.
22:47.51[TK]D-Fender[DS]LynxW, if you're running a Trixbox install there is no need to look for anything else.
22:48.04husimonwhat are the benefits of using g729 vs g711?, it's just low bandwidth?
22:48.05*** join/#asterisk drako (n=thinkpad@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
22:48.06BBHossmy processor is like a celeron 1.4ghz and i get 13200 slin>g729
22:48.11[TK]D-Fender[DS]LynxW, The kernel was primed for *.  Its jsut a question of your MB & other hardware
22:48.19[TK]D-Fenderhusimon, correct
22:48.26drakois there a way to listen conversation live?
22:48.35*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
22:48.36BBHossand g729>slin is 2800
22:48.37eric2like a spy?
22:48.38uweQwell,  2 and 47
22:48.41BBHossthats microseconds though
22:48.42[DS]LynxWdrako: chanspy
22:48.47eric2spying is bad
22:48.51[TK]D-Fenderhusimon, anything other than G.711 is only there for bandwidth savings (except G.722 which is there to make you think you should waste more for no good reason)
22:48.52Qwelluwe: and which codec module did you use?
22:49.09[DS]LynxWeric2: depends on your job.
22:49.35uweQwell, codec_g729a_v33_i686.tar.gz
22:49.37[DS]LynxW[TK]D-Fender: Well, This wasn't an issue in the beginning.. it's just gotten to this point.
22:49.40uweif this is what you mean
22:49.45Qwellit is
22:49.48angryuser<[TK]D-Fender> no idea ?
22:49.52[DS]LynxWOr at least not this bad.. or not as noticable.. or I wouldn't have put it into production.
22:50.08Qwelluwe: asterisk 1.4?
22:50.20uweyes Qwell
22:50.36eric_hill[DS]LynxW: Is your call plan transcoding anything?  I.e., is it a CPU-bound problem?
22:50.42[DS]LynxW[TK]D-Fender: not it seems like every call has it..  and only one side can hear it.. but it might be internal or external, it seems random.. or maybe its the originating party.
22:50.47uweyesterday i tried the opensource g729, and it was 2 - 9 i think
22:50.51*** join/#asterisk craigk (n=craigk@
22:50.56codejunkyhello, I have a sip hardware phone connected, "sip show peers" show the phone with status: OK (300 ms), 300ms is really slow for normal ethernet, right?
22:51.16[TK]D-Fenderangryuser, "how to change the value in * db from external program" = asterisk -rx "database set system down 1"
22:51.17[DS]LynxWeric_hill: Well, load average: 0.01, 0.02, 0.00
22:51.20[DS]LynxWso I don't think so.
22:51.27Qwelluwe: does the i586 version change the numbers at all?
22:51.36uwei can try ...
22:51.52drako[DS]LynxW, ty
22:51.53BBHossuwe, on my anemic celeron 1.7ghz i get 13.2ms slin>g729
22:52.01eric_hill[DS]LynxW: Are you out of magic pixie dust?
22:52.19[DS]LynxWeric_hill: aside from trying to upgrade the drivers tonight.. I think so.
22:52.22uwecreepy ...
22:52.44[DS]LynxWI just don't want to have to rebuild the system at 3am to get it back up before people come in.
22:52.53eric_hill[DS]LynxW: If it /was/ working and then started acting up, you might have a shitty interface card.
22:53.11eric_hill[DS]LynxW: Can you swap the two ISDN PRI cards and see if that helps?  Or is it a two-port card?
22:53.18[TK]D-Fenderg723 gsm ulaw alaw g726aal2 adpcm slin lpc10 g729 speex ilbc g726 g722
22:53.28[DS]LynxWtwo-port card.
22:53.30eric_hill[DS]LynxW: Or can you run a diag on the Nortel card?
22:53.40[TK]D-FenderMine seems fine
22:53.45[DS]LynxWShoot.. I hate the Nortel..
22:53.48BBHosshey whats that site that lets you give your stuff away to other people in the area (not craigslist)
22:53.59eric_hillBBHoss: ebay?
22:54.00[TK]D-FenderBBHoss, Ebay?
22:54.05plikBBHoss: freecycle ?
22:54.12[DS]LynxWfreecycle :)
22:54.20[DS]LynxWanyway.. I'll try upgrading to night..
22:54.27[DS]LynxWand stop in if I still have issues..
22:54.32[DS]LynxWthanks for all the help.
22:54.38husimoni'm pretty sure my asterisk boxes are way more powerful then they need to be :P
22:54.49angryuser<[TK]D-Fender> thanks
22:56.30JonMcNgah, i reinstalled wanpipe, now back to 98.535156% >:/
22:57.13angryusercodejunky i have one, what is the problem?
22:57.27*** part/#asterisk [DS]LynxW (
22:57.27uweQwell, same same :(
22:57.41codejunkyangryuser: sip show peers shows what tim in ms?
22:57.54codejunkyangryuser: phone/phone           D          5060     OK (304 ms)
22:57.57angryusercodejunky wait
22:58.19codejunkyangryuser: Is the webinterface *really* slow for you?
22:58.45angryusercodejunky yes 119 ms bigger that everyone else
22:59.06uwecodejunky,  qualification ping (read sip qualify)
22:59.16codejunkyhm, okay
22:59.25uwe :)
22:59.43angryuser<codejunky> i like it coz it's numerotating really fast
22:59.44codejunkyI have the problem that the phone is sometimes unreachable
22:59.51Qwelluwe: can you pastebin the entire output of core show translations?
22:59.52jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
23:00.07uweone sec
23:00.15codejunkyasterisk reports that the phone is not reachable, I do not know why
23:00.16angryuser<codejunky> firmware upgraded?
23:00.23codejunkyangryuser: not done yet
23:00.46codejunkyangryuser: I did not find any links on the homepage for the firmware files
23:01.00codejunkyangryuser: and in the webinterface the button to upgrade does not work too :/
23:01.25angryuser<codejunky> i did and the only thing annoing from that phone that i got mess in CLI  "Got SIP response 405 "Method Not Allowed" back from"
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23:01.47codejunkyangryuser: hm okay
23:02.03angryuser<codejunky> i upgraded from interface
23:02.09codejunkyangryuser: when did you the firmware upgrade? I was not able to find the proper files anymore
23:02.17[hC]bkruse: ping!
23:02.38bkruse[hC]: pong!
23:02.49bkruseyou just caught me, whats up?
23:02.50[hC]bkruse: hey! :) I had a couple questions for you about the aa50, if you have a sec?
23:03.03bkruse[hC]: shoot
23:03.07angryuser<codejunky> long time ago, half a yerar maybe
23:03.15bkruseI will try my best
23:03.16codejunkyhm okay
23:03.17uwethere is an ugly shift in the table ... :) shift everything from the second raw to the left one col :)
23:03.22codejunkyangryuser: I will try the qualify thing
23:03.42[hC]bkruse: Did you say you got VLANs working from the ssh shell?... I have it "working" - but all I can seem to do is ping, any time i try to transfer data, it just hangs.
23:03.59[hC]bkruse: including telnetting to port 22, in either direction, and expecting to see an ssh header, for example.
23:04.01bkrusedid you flush your iptables? (nat rules at least)
23:04.09drmessano"Mobile VOIP" is not the same as "I've got my Asterisk box in the back seat"
23:04.15tzangerdrmessano: hahaha
23:04.17bkruseiptables -t nat -F
23:04.19[hC]I killed udhcpd, dnsmasq, and iptables -t nat -F
23:04.45bkrusehmm, but your icmp requests are getting through? hmmm... did you iptables -F before starting? because it does not some DROP rules that may not be in nat
23:05.04cappizi get : Unable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk/asterisk.ctl exist?) when i try asterisk -r
23:05.06[hC]I did iptables -F and iptables -t nat -F
23:05.12plikdrmessano: how about Asterisk running on my laptop using starbucks wifi?
23:05.15cappizthe file does exist, and asterisk is running
23:05.15codejunkyuwe: I have no "sip qualify " on asterisk 1.4.17, any ideas why?
23:05.23[hC]bkruse: to set up the vlan, i simply did vconfig add eth1 20, then ifconfig eth1.20 ip netmask blah
23:05.30[hC]It seemed like all that was necessary.
23:05.34bkruseright right
23:05.42codejunkyuwe: sorry, got it
23:05.47[hC]bkruse: they're there, nothing weird in the way.
23:06.10[hC]bkruse: I exhausted all i could think of for a few hours and eventually gave up... are you using vlans on yours?
23:06.41bkruse[hC]: i will think about it....hmmm
23:06.53uwecodejunky, its a part of sip configuration
23:07.10uwesorry, just got all responses at one time !!
23:07.16codejunkyuwe: yeah, okay, thanks. :-)
23:07.40codejunkyuwe: I disabled it, is it the right choice to solve my problems?
23:07.48[hC]Also - another thing I was looking at last night, is the aadk SVN branch does not seem to be autotag updated when the normal asterisk trunk is updated? Is that going to change? I was looking to take advantage of the newly opensourced res_phoneprov, and the old commercial one (which is much more limited) is still in the aadk image.
23:08.01[hC]Along with the old (broken)
23:08.05drmessanoIm trying to remember who it was... Had asterisk VM's installed in Windows, and used X-Lite to connect to the asterisk VM, IAX from the Asterisk VM to an Asterisk VM on his sisters and mom's laptops and they had similar setups
23:08.19uweum, im not sure, but i think it would be wise to set it to a hight value ... like 5000
23:08.32JonMcNDoes a PRI card need to be connected to the telco network, for the timing to work?
23:08.44drmessanoSo they each 3 had Asterisk VMs, IAX2 connected between them, and Xlite softphone to talk to each of their Asterisk Vms
23:08.49[hC]i wanted to update my aadk image but its svn tree is old.
23:09.04drmessanoThat a HUGE WTFFFFFFF
23:09.07[hC]bkruse/qwell ^^ (if either of you know?)
23:15.26cappizi get : Unable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk/asterisk.ctl exist?) when i try asterisk -r. File exist and asterisk is running
23:15.39*** part/#asterisk karlh626 (
23:16.34husimondrmessano, that sure sounds like a stupid way to do it
23:17.29husimondrmessano, did he also need a $1900 loan ?
23:18.24husimonand have $200k vans?
23:20.28drmessanoSadly, this wasn't just 1 stupid lump... this is actually TWO different people
23:20.43drmessano<deity> help us!
23:21.04drmessanoSuper Tuesday is so exciting
23:21.06husimoni'm so using that
23:21.10*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
23:21.10jcimsbest quality softphone?
23:21.10husimonyeah i bet
23:21.14jcimsfor winders
23:21.20drmessano"Digg predicts Ron Paul to win Republican nomination"
23:21.21jcims(free or $$$)
23:21.22husimoni'm just going to read the news tomorrow
23:21.28husimondigg is full of shit
23:21.29*** join/#asterisk CobraCommand (n=x@
23:21.31drmessano"..and be declared real winner of superbowl"
23:21.42jm|laptopwhy does callerID always show MY asterisk server after the @ ?
23:21.47jm|laptopfor incoming SIP calls
23:22.37husimondrmessano, did digg also say that rudy giuliani is a real american hero and 911 is the answer for everything?
23:22.40CobraCommandhi guys, I need some help, I have an asterisk which transfers incoming calls from an E1 to a SIP Phone, using a Digium TE220, but why does it sounds like a robotic voice? It seems Darth Vader is on the line
23:22.53husimonCobraCommand, are you sure it's not your father on the line?
23:23.11CobraCommandhahaha I'm sure
23:23.18*** part/#asterisk PepOSX (n=angeldav@
23:24.28CobraCommandany ideas?
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23:25.32neoalexhi guys, I'm having a problem when trying to call a SIP address from one of my extensions I get Failed to authenticate on INVITE
23:25.39plikCobraCommand: no, but you should take advantage of it and record some really cool sounding prompts ;)
23:26.36QwellCobraCommand: what codec  is the sip phone using?
23:28.01[hC]Qwell: hey, do you know if the aadk tree is going to start getting autotagged from the asterisk trees or possibly trunk tree? the 'asterisk' tree in the aadk repos is behind significantly..
23:28.08CobraCommandQWell: it's an X-lite soft phone
23:28.21QwellCobraCommand: what codec?
23:28.46jcimsspeaking of soft phones, is there a short list of 'best' softphones out there?
23:28.57jcimssoft phone reviews or whatnot
23:30.32plikjcims: not sure about reviews, but I think there a list on the wiki.... you could always try a few and update it with your verdicts
23:31.04jcimsthat's always the hard part...coming back around to share your opinion :)
23:31.34plikwhat platform you on , anyway?
23:31.57jcimswindows for the most part.  i'm trying to set up a small volunteer call center and want something that folks can use from home
23:32.27jameswfI like mozphone simple and easy
23:32.40*** join/#asterisk CobraCommand (n=x@
23:32.46plikdunno then... prolly a toss up between x-lite,  sjphone and wengophone
23:32.49CobraCommandQWell: it uses Broadvoice-32, Broadvoice 32-fec, g711 alaw, g711 ulaw, ilbc, Speex fec, speex wideband, speex wideband fec
23:32.51jcimsjameswf: do you use a headset with it?
23:32.57plikor mozphone :)
23:33.01jcimsplik: thanks...i'll start there :)
23:33.16plikgood luck ..., and don't forget to report back  ;)
23:33.43jcimshaha....will do
23:33.59mvanbaakQwell: ping
23:34.47jcimsin the eternal words of Lord Farquad 'Someday I will repay you, unless of course I can't find you, or if I forget. '
23:39.07*** join/#asterisk CobraCommand (n=x@
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23:58.06drmessanoThe internet is being goofy
23:58.21drmessanoSounds like a job for LEROOOY JENKINS
23:58.55husimonive done exactly what leroooy did :)
23:58.59*** join/#asterisk Robba (n=rob@
23:59.13RobbaHi Guys
23:59.26husimonit is amazing how popular he got
23:59.45RobbaI have a problem with asterisk recognizing a Zap Trunk
23:59.50husimonwow his name was even the answer to to a jeopardy question

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