IRC log for #asterisk on 20080126

00:11.42QwellDrkShadow_: sounds like you're using a 64-bit kernel with 32-bit userspace.  Zaptel doesn't like that.
00:12.37*** join/#asterisk Paleo (
00:12.46nephflso, what does it cost to get someone to write this script for me?
00:14.21Paleohi guys. I need help with an issue regarding a T1 line. However, i'm using cisco callmanager express... I bet I'm not welcomed here ? :0)  Sorry, but that's the only place I could think of, to find T1 "experts".
00:15.20*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (
00:16.32*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
00:20.24DrkShadow_hum.. my asterisk server is behind nat. rtp.conf specifies ports 10000-10999, and also forwards ports 5600--> 5060. I can't do RTP with either of two models of phone that I've tried... ideas?
00:20.27*** join/#asterisk florz (i=nobody@2001:1a50:503c:0:0:0:0:1)
00:20.33DrkShadow_(the rtp ports are forwarded, I have checked)
00:22.38drmessanoHave you added the proper settings for NAT?
00:23.02drmessanolocalnet, externip/externhost, etc?
00:23.28DrkShadow_I have, in sip.conf, #include sip_nat.conf; in sip_nat.conf is nat=yes; extip= (the outside IP), localnet= (inner net), qualify=yes
00:24.08drmessanoYou're the VMware guy
00:24.13DrkShadow_sadly, it was working yesterday but I lost the settings
00:24.14DrkShadow_no vmware
00:24.28DrkShadow_and as for the audio problem, it was ztdummy, not a network setting.
00:24.49drmessanoIts a virtual server, RIGHT?
00:24.57DrkShadow_yep. I.e. not vmware.
00:25.20DrkShadow_so, any ideas, or no?
00:26.23*** part/#asterisk d00gster (
00:27.30*** join/#asterisk Martz (n=Martz@pdpc/supporter/active/Martz)
00:27.52drmessanoSo what/who is fueling the TCP SIP movement?
00:27.55drmessanoOther than M$?
00:29.25drmessanoPeople complaint about the lack of TCP SIP in Asterisk like it's some ZOMG DEAL BREAKER
00:30.46jblackdrmessano: firewalling.
00:31.10*** join/#asterisk asr33 (
00:31.42jblacktcp forwarding is incredibly easily trucked through firewalls.
00:31.57jblackYou can even do it with a ssh tunnel
00:32.08DrkShadow_uhm, "sip show settings" says nat: rfc3581; qualify: 2000 and nothing about externip or localnet.. are these settings proper for my server being behind nat? :-/
00:32.13jjshoeand nothing sucks more then people who can't configure their $20 home router
00:33.32jblacka $20 home router isn't going to be able to trivially tunnel through 2 or 3 firewalls...
00:33.33*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
00:34.16jblacksure, if you can get get it on every firewall & nat between the two points.
00:34.38drmessanoI played with Siproxd.. waste of time
00:34.55jblackYeah. Good luck getting it to run on the same machine as *. ;)
00:35.13drmessanoI was trying to get it to run on a Floppy based router
00:35.17drmessanoIt was a nightmare
00:36.25jblackjjshoe: Granted. It's doable, for 50 phones, to tunnel/forward 5 or 6 udp ports per phone, provided you have access to control the firewalls themselves.
00:36.44jblackWith tcp though, you don't exactly need root level capabilities.
00:37.21*** join/#asterisk TedStevens (n=andrew@unaffiliated/andrew)
00:39.54sbingnerwtf would you want voice TCP traffic?
00:40.04asr33"Asterisk the future of telephony" book: allow all traffic to UDP 5060 + 10000:20000 can I just allow IP address of my ITSP's to connect to those and it will work?
00:40.06sbingnerbesides port forwardinfg
00:40.58jblackThat's the only good reason I'm aware of. That simplicity has a high cost though.
00:42.29jblackMostly in latency, limiting OOB transmissions and out of order transmissions.
00:43.20jblackI suppose in wasted bandwidth to a limited exten.. packets in the pipe that are too late can't be dropped. You still have to chew 'em.
00:44.39drmessanoLarger packet sizes for messaging
00:44.45drmessanoThats one I found
00:44.48*** join/#asterisk husimon (n=nhuisman@dhcp12.IfA.Hawaii.Edu)
00:44.51drmessanoTCP vs UDP
00:45.06jblackI don't get you.
00:46.13jblackI'd think you're individual packets are going to be limited by the smallest MTU/MRU along the path, regardless of the protocol.
00:46.38drmessanoTrue.. which is why im not sure what the point was
00:46.59drmessanoDunno.. Looking for valid TCP SIP vs UDP arguments
00:47.03jblackIn fact, tcp is always going to be slightly smaller, because of the extra signalling fields.
00:47.06drmessanoNot finding anything profound
00:47.28husimonI"m having a problem with asterisk 1.4.  I was previously using 1.2 and now with 1.4 I get the following errors in my log.  I think i can just unload the database related stuff so it doesn't look for it but I am not sure why my zaptel isn't working any longer, and i'm not sure what phone.conf is.
00:48.01jblackJust that UDP is difficult to get through all but the simplist setups, while TCP can damn near be routed over rusty barbed wire.
00:48.21sbingnerI think that was a bad thing, larger packet sizes required for tcp to make up for all the extra overhead?
00:48.42sbingnerjblack, but what good is your voice conversation 2 days later and out of order?
00:48.47jblacksbingner: Yeah, you're definitely going to take a hit on latency and throughput for a zillion reasons.
00:49.03*** join/#asterisk cesar_CR (
00:49.05jblacksbinger: Hmmm. Did you just say that 2 days ago, because we're talking on tcp now. :)
00:49.17sbingner2 days is a relative term
00:49.32jblackHeh. The difference betwen udp and tcp isn't _that_ signficant.
00:49.40sbingnerif I unplugged my modem and plugged it back in, we would lose our conversation here
00:49.48sbingnerbut if it was UDP... we'd just pick up when it was plugged bacn in
00:49.49drmessanoI know one reason is that M$ is using SIP TCP for their "VoIP" products... however, I have a valid question
00:50.13jblacksbingner: Often, but not always.
00:50.35sbingnerthe comment was in reference to the "barbed wire" comment... you could get the data over it but it would be pointless by that time
00:50.40*** part/#asterisk TedStevens (n=andrew@unaffiliated/andrew)
00:50.48sbingnerso if your connection isn't good enough to do it over UDP... it's no use doing it at all
00:50.52husimonanyone  got any ideas?
00:50.54drmessanoM$ claims you dont need to toss your PBX.. you can use your old PBX with the M$ VoIP product and not replace any hardware.. Well, if I need to buy the M$ $$$$oftware to get more out of my PBX, why not save the money on software and use Asterisk with new hardware??? :)
00:51.07*** join/#asterisk cesar_CR (
00:51.21jblacksbingner: If your latency is too high, and your throughput too low, for udp, then yes, tcp would be even worse. I absolutely agree.
00:51.37husimonwhat is chan_phone.c
00:52.07jblackHowever, if you can't route calls over tcp, then I doubt the udp calls are going to be very practical either.
00:52.09husimonwhich I assume is part of
00:52.22sbingnerjblack, in the sat world... wrong
00:52.37sbingnerjblack, high latency screws up TCP much more than UDP
00:53.05drmessanoUDP "Fling it out there, it will make it eventually, or not"
00:53.09jblackOnce upon a time, I would have agreed with you.
00:53.25sbingnerso you think TCP over a sat link would do it? heh
00:53.27jblackNot for the last 5 years would I agree with you, for at least this application.
00:53.47jblackI think a person trying to ssh over a SAT would become suicidal. I don't think so for phones.
00:54.05drmessanoYeah, SAT doesnt work for VoIP
00:54.13jblackThe cell phone out here has a latency of a whopping 400ms.
00:54.15drmessanoI've tested it.. it's worse than horrid
00:54.25sbingnersat works fine for UDP VOiP
00:54.39sbingnerI was using it earlier today
00:54.43drmessanoHmm.. Not for me it didnt
00:54.55sbingnerour total latency was about 300ms each eay
00:54.58sbingnereach way
00:55.09drmessanoWhat system/provider?
00:55.17sbingnerwe have out own sat
00:55.39sbingnerit's a VSAT system though
00:55.48jblackAnd that's not two phones across country. That's two phones in the same room.
00:55.57sbingnerjblack, damn
00:56.12sbingnerjblack, my sat call was better lol
00:56.27jblackSo, the latency of tcp on this dsl line, right here, is perhaps 10% worse than UDP.
00:56.31sbingneryou saying 400ms one way or round-trip?
00:56.45jblackAt it's worst, one way.
00:56.56sbingneruntil you get >200ms or so tcp will be ok
00:57.00drmessanoHughesNet just sucks then, I guess
00:57.12drmessanoWe never got VoIP working in the Mobile Operations Center
00:57.14jblackSo, I'm not going to notice 60ms vs. 66ms.
00:57.26sbingneryou're not understanding I think, but ok
00:57.32jblackProbably not even 200 vs. 220.
00:57.39sbingnerlet me try again
00:57.40jblackI understand more than you think.
00:58.22sbingnerour sat link has a bandwidth of about 60Mbit.  A tcp session over that link gets a max of about 60kbit I think, I could test it again
00:58.56jblackAnd.... what? You suspect your provider is rate limiting individual ports?
00:58.59sbingnerlol no
00:59.07sbingnerwe don't rate limit anything and we HAVE NO providor
00:59.16sbingnerI manage all the equipment
00:59.23sbingnerit's because of how TCP works
00:59.37sbingnerwe can put a TCP accellerator on the link and get a goof 50-60Mbit
00:59.50sbingnerwhich is essentially just breaking the TCP protocol
00:59.57jblackI've done telnet over 9600 baud from a ship, to a satellite, back to server, with latency of 5000ms.
01:00.05jblackDuring a war.
01:00.21sbingnertelnet is insanely less bandwidth than a voip call
01:00.43sbingner9600 baud isn't even enough for a voice call generally
01:00.46jblackTelnet is _so_ much worse than voice. That's what you don't get.
01:01.01jblacke.v.e.r.y. single character requires a roundtrip.
01:01.08sbingnerso you're saying you could deal with a voice call over tcp and a latency of 5 seconds?
01:01.30jblackWith voice, as long as your packets have enough throuput to get through with latency of less than human time (say... 400 ms or so), you're fine.
01:01.36sbingnerTCP itself requires a round-trip for every few packets
01:01.37jblackPeople are not modems. ;)
01:02.01drmessanoshort. sentences. roger.
01:02.05husimonI have ok alarms for my zaptel device but asterisk won't load it, any ideas?
01:02.06jblackIt does, and that's what killed us back in the 90s. These days, reasonable systems can cope with out of ordering packets.
01:02.08husimonchan_zap.c: Unable to get parameters
01:02.15husimonhan_zap.c: Unable to register channel '1-23'
01:02.48jblackonce upon a time, if you received more than one packet out of order, you threw all three of them out.
01:02.59husimonany ideas?
01:03.01sbingnerit's not out of order packets... it's that it sends a certain amount of data and waits for an ack.   which means the max amount of data per round-trip time is the window size.
01:03.11sbingnerordering is irrelevant
01:03.20jblacksbigner: You don't undersatnd tcp as well as you think.
01:03.30sbingnerbetter than you apparently, but ok
01:03.52jblackYes, there's handshaking, but it's handled out of order too.
01:04.40jblackThe days of "Ok, everybody stop talking, let's check sequences" is well more than a decade in the past.
01:05.21husimonodd what does this mean :
01:05.29husimonignoring switchtype? why would it ignore it
01:05.38sbingnerjblack, also nothing to do with sequence numbers.  *sigh*
01:05.39jblackthese days, that only happens if a host falls to far behind or a packet gets lost.
01:06.16sbingnertoo far behind = sat link problem
01:07.54sbingnerTCP uses a sliding window flow control protocol. In each TCP segment, the receiver specifies in the receive window field the amount of additional received data (in bytes) that it is willing to buffer for the connection. The sending host can send only up to that amount of data before it must wait for an acknowledgment and window update from the receiving host.
01:08.17jblackYes, said much better than I've been saying it.
01:08.29jblackWindows used to be tiny. They're not so small any more.
01:08.48sbingnerthey're still far too small for a sat link, unless you have some other app inline to buffer
01:09.13sbingnerand modify the window sizes to excessively large sizes that windows or unix would never do by default
01:09.22jblackSo, because you're got crappy, proprietary hardware with 256k of ram.....
01:10.00jblackI don't care about your crappy receiver. I'm terrestrial, and tcp works _fine_.
01:10.09sbingnerwindow size for our link is about 20MB
01:11.09sbingnerbut unless you have that hardwar inline to make tcp work well, it'll be useless.   if you end up with high latency on your terrestrial link for a few seconds, you're screwed.
01:11.29*** join/#asterisk Mavvie (
01:11.46jblackFor a few seconds, I definitely agree.
01:12.08husimonany idea what this error means when I try to load ? [Jan 25 20:03:38] ERROR[12347]: chan_zap.c:10725 build_channels: Unable to reconfigure channel '1-23'
01:12.18jblackMOst people don't have latency of a few seconds. You're practically living in the ghetto, though, if you have latency of over than 200.. And that's _more_ than good enough for voice.
01:12.21sbingnerhusimon, you can't reconfigure channel '1-23'
01:12.41husimonsbingner: yeah, do you know where I can look to find out why not?
01:12.55sbingnerhusimon, just don't DO it... it's in zapata.conf
01:13.08husimondon't I neeeed to configure my channels
01:13.14sbingneryes. once.
01:13.16sbingnernot twice
01:13.32sbingnerunless I misunderstand the error
01:13.34husimonI only have it once
01:14.09husimon my zapata.conf
01:14.13plikwhere (specifically) can I find out about ACL is  in regards to SIP users please?
01:15.15sbingnerhusimon, and channels 1-23 exist?
01:15.53husimonresults from ztcfg
01:15.59husimonwhich says i have 48 channels
01:16.16husimonthe second set is because the zaptel device has 2 interfaces
01:16.31husimonthis worked fine in 1.2
01:16.50husimoni wonder if maybe the zaptel version I have doesn't work with this version of asterisk
01:17.44husimonI have asterisk be verison C which is asterisk 1.4 based, I then installed a patched version of zaptel 1.4.7
01:18.03sbingnerI doubt that, you don't have something lockign any of the channels do you?
01:18.07Qwellwhy are you patching zaptel?
01:18.29husimonQwell: because the zaptel device is really using tdmoe which isn't supported with the stock version of zaptel
01:18.42husimonyes I know tdmoe (yuck) but that's what i have right now.
01:19.30husimonhow can I find out if the channels are locked?  they show yellow alarms right now since there is no pri plugged in.
01:19.42jblackOh, there's another good use for sip over TCP.  TLS is only defined for sip over tcp
01:21.55husimoni'm just not sure where to increase verbosity or what else to do in order to find out why it won't load the channels
01:22.04jblackThere's nothing in sip to make it impractical.
01:23.39drmessanoShouldnt that be ectoplasm?
01:23.43drmessano"He slimed me"
01:24.02sbingnerhusimon, debug level 9 ?
01:24.08husimonon that already :)
01:24.23drmessanoasterisk -vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvr ftw
01:24.24husimonstupid debug doesn't goto 11!
01:24.36Qwellhusimon: sure it does
01:25.00husimonit was a joke (amp goes to 11) but I don't think it does anything beyond level 9 does it?
01:26.01sbingnergrr.  Liar Liar from netflix is 4:3, wtf.
01:26.05*** join/#asterisk toddejohnson (n=toddejoh@
01:26.35husimoni do see  something interesting when I restart zaptel
01:26.44husimonan 25 20:18:00 voip2 kernel: Span ZTD/ethmf/eth1/00:50:C2:65:D2:52/0: Expected seq no 0, but received 11358 instead
01:29.26sbingnerhusimon, what if you just configure one channel?
01:29.45sbingnerdon't see why it would matter but it's something to try heh
01:30.06husimonsure i'll try
01:30.09husimonchannel => 1 eh
01:30.49husimonsame thing
01:30.54husimonunable to register channel 'x'
01:31.09sbingnerwhere x was 1?
01:34.07sbingnerZaptel dynamic span creation failed: File exists
01:35.10husimoni think that's because I already created it then zaptel started but then i'm runnig ztcfg again
01:35.16husimonunless i'm wrong then maybe that's something to look at
01:36.01sbingneryou could stop it, run it and see if it still does it
01:36.34*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (n=arodgers@
01:36.42sbingner <-- could be related
01:38.23waKKufolks.. does someone there with experience with IBM ServeRAID ?? I'm getting problem to add a new disc to an array raid 5
01:38.24husimonyeah if I have zaptel stopped
01:38.28husimonthen ztcfg doesn't display that error
01:38.53husimonWakku how is that related to asterisk?
01:39.00drmessano#IBM ??
01:39.16waKKuhusimon hm... is in asterisk server ? .... sorry.. have no more places to ask ;(
01:39.26husimoni'd google it
01:39.29husimonor call ibm
01:39.38waKKui really did it.. did it too..
01:39.40husimonit's completely independent of asterisk
01:39.43waKKuok ok ;)
01:39.46waKKuforget it
01:40.08drmessanoHELP: Can someone tell me why my brownies come out raw in the middle and crunchy on the edges?
01:40.22sbingnerdrmessano, your oven was too hot
01:40.22drmessanoI have no one else to ask :`)
01:40.55husimonoh darn sbingner  answered first
01:41.01husimoni was in a different window
01:41.18waKKusee.. i'd create a new topic ;)
01:41.21*** join/#asterisk ectospasm (
01:41.26drmessanoI was beginning to think I had the TCP Window set too large in brownie.c
01:41.26*** join/#asterisk LancerZ (
01:41.33drmessanoTjhank you
01:41.36sbingnerdrmessano, rofl
01:41.51LancerZCan, someone provide some advice for me please....I am having some issues with configuration files.
01:42.05husimonnow how about this question:  What changes do you make to a cookie recipe to make the cookies thick, moisty and chewy instead of crunchy and flat?
01:42.05sbingnerLancerZ, buy WZEN
01:42.08drmessanoI deleted all my config files.. they got in the way
01:42.28sbingnerhusimon, add more crisco?
01:42.29LancerZIt's for polycom phones though.
01:42.55drmessanoI combined they all into one asterisk.txt and symlinked everything back to it
01:42.55drmessanoWorks ok, I guess
01:43.05husimondrmessano: laugh
01:43.15husimonyou know some people don't know better and will isten to you
01:43.27toddejohnsonI'm running pbxinaflash and freepbx and when I try to park a call it does not tell me where I parked the call.  Any ideas or places to look.
01:43.39sbingnertoddejohnson, try your garage
01:43.39drmessanoIm a friggin idiot, no one should ever listen to me
01:43.45drmessanoNow drink your Kool Aid
01:43.50drmessanoQuickly pls
01:44.29sbingnerwow pbxinaflash actually exists
01:44.33drmessanoDon't mind the gritty stuff in the bottom, it's happy dust
01:44.45*** join/#asterisk Shaun2222 (
01:44.54LancerZWhat is WZEN....
01:44.57drmessanotoddejohnson: This is NOT the correct channel
01:45.01Shaun2222anybody know where i can find the LiS drivers any whre?
01:45.05sbingnerLancerZ, it's a gaming company in korea
01:45.14toddejohnsondrmessano Ok what is the correct channel
01:45.27drmessano#freePBX or #pbxinaflash
01:45.35LancerZsbingner: I assume they can help me with the config files on a server?
01:45.41sbingnertoddejohnson, that wasn't a joke?
01:45.51sbingnerLancerZ, nah... you asked for advice... didn't say what kind
01:45.59jbot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
01:46.01sbingnerthat was financial advice
01:46.29toddejohnsonI am asking in freepbx currently
01:46.29husimondo you folks autoload=yes in your modules or manually load them all
01:46.37LancerZsbingner: Do you have any advice on config files for polycom phones so you can store on server for FTP configuration?
01:46.43drmessanoI autoload.. I like excitement
01:46.51husimoni need to turn some off I think
01:47.03sbingnerLancerZ, I'm afraid all the advice I have on that is to read the documentation for the polycom phones and check google... somebody else may know tho
01:47.09drmessanohusimon: you need to reformat and install Trixbox, I think
01:47.35LancerZsbingner: Thanks for your advice. I did try those, the documentation wasn't too clear. I appreciate your thoughts though.
01:47.41husimonah, just found an asterisk slimming bit on the wiki
01:47.47drmessanoYour box sounds like a cornicopia of tom fookery
01:47.48toddejohnsonLancerZ I have some. I use tftp and ftp just set it up in dhcpd
01:48.04husimondrmessano: yeah the default load is probably way more then you want.
01:48.09LancerZtoddejohnson: I am on static does that change any factors?
01:48.52husimonLancerZ: what exaclty are you asking
01:48.53drmessanohusimon: For most people its not an issue.. I think your problem is somewhere else
01:48.53toddejohnsonLancerZ, you will have to configure each phone to the provisioning server
01:48.56husimonwhat to store them on?
01:49.00drmessanoYoure grasping for straws here
01:49.20Shaun2222anybody have or know where i can find the Stream kernel driver source... ( LiS )
01:49.27husimondrmessano: oh i meant in general i need to unload them, they were spitting out errors about missing config files,  obviously they have nothing to do with the zaptel problem.
01:49.28drmessanoWhat version of Zaptel, husimon?
01:49.36husimon1.4.7 patched for redfone
01:49.56drmessanoSure about that patch?
01:50.05husimonit came from their site
01:50.10husimonso i'm sure it's patched
01:50.14LancerZtoddejohnson: thanks. I am mainly looking for config files for 2 different types of phones. I am assuming the config files are different per phone. Can you advise?
01:50.19drmessanoSure it STABLE?
01:50.24husimonI'm probably just going to call them about it
01:50.55husimonor use 1.2 until they fix it
01:51.23husimonLancerZ: i'd look up asterisk and polycom phones and find out what they need to be provisioned
01:53.01b1ch0hi everybody, im trying to hear asterisk sound from windows (audacity program) but it doesnt work
01:53.08b1ch0any idea ?
01:53.16husimonwhat do you mean hear asterisk sound?
01:53.26husimoncreate sounds for asterisk? or open the gsm files
01:53.35toddejohnsonLancerZ, Mostly they are the same xml format.
01:53.56b1ch0open gsm, ulaw and g729 files
01:53.57drmessanob1ch0: You're only gonna hear WAVs
01:54.05toddejohnsonLancerZ, They have a nice howto video
01:54.26b1ch0i want to use spanish sounds
01:54.27LancerZtoddejohnson: thankyou for advice/links. I am checking them out now.
01:54.39husimonyou might be able to download a whole spanish set
01:54.43b1ch0but i want to listen to them before copy in my pbx
01:55.05husimonb1ch0: you can setup a simple number in your dialplan that usees the playback() application
01:55.22husimonwhich would let you listen to any file you want
01:55.35b1ch0i have downloaded a set from voipnovatos
01:55.55b1ch0and just want to listen to it
01:55.57husimonb1ch0: just load them and use the playback application
01:56.00sbingnerb1ch0, you can also use sox to play them if you have sound on your linux box
01:56.27husimonthat too
01:56.30husimonor even convert to wav first
01:57.19sbingnerfor i in *.gsm; do sox $i `basename $i .gsm`.wav; done <-- will convert all gsm to .wav
01:57.21husimonsimple enough to do "   exten => 500,1,Playback(yoursoundfile,skip) "
01:57.40sbingnerdon't ask why I use $i
01:57.54husimonbecause it's the interator everyone konws
01:58.04husimonand it's short
01:58.15husimonyou wanna know why you use i j and k and l?
01:58.24sbingnerbecause they're after i
01:58.27b1ch0thanks guys
01:58.59*** part/#asterisk LancerZ (
01:58.59*** join/#asterisk LancerZ (
02:01.03*** join/#asterisk lemanal (
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02:01.48b1ch0i supose that i have to add that line on my extensions.conf ... isnt it ?
02:02.01b1ch0and just call 500 ?
02:02.16sbingnerexten => 500,1,Playback(yoursoundfile,skip) <-- yea
02:03.13*** join/#asterisk Mavvie (
02:05.06husimoni believe you leave off the extension to the soundfile...
02:05.12jblackHeh. the spa8k is an odd creature. sometimes, it ignores an ip. other times, it refuses to reboot.
02:09.20jblackIt's just like an eight year old. "Take out the trash". "Ok!"... 5 minutes laster... "did you take out the trash?" "what trash"
02:14.07*** join/#asterisk CrashSys (
02:14.27CrashSysAnyone ever ran into the park function from features.conf not announcing the parking extension?
02:14.51toddejohnsonyes me
02:14.59CrashSysWhat was the fix?
02:15.14*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (
02:15.15toddejohnsoni asked 5 mins ago still waiting
02:15.24CrashSysOhh, ok...
02:15.33toddejohnsonu running freepbx?
02:15.44CrashSysI'm running Vanilla Asterisk
02:15.50CrashSyswith some sprinkles :)
02:16.07toddejohnsonwhat version of asterisk?
02:17.26toddejohnsonI have thsame here.
02:17.47*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
02:19.43CrashSysDEar god, I told them to spice up the lo mein, I didn't know that included hot sauce plus half a pound of chopped jalapenos :(
02:21.22*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
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02:36.25husimondo the subversions of zaptel and asterisk have to match up?
02:36.53*** part/#asterisk mrpurple (
02:53.12sbingnerhow do you use a function from an AGI?
02:53.24*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
02:58.50djc_gafachi is a pia
02:59.05djc_apparently you cant register with them unless you provide a phone # they can call
02:59.48djc_i could waste my time and go create a free ipkall number, but if they are gonna be assholes about it, then fuck em i'll take my money elsewhere
03:00.21*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
03:01.24*** join/#asterisk weazahl (
03:01.47J4k3djc_: I ended up getting a cheap account from vitelity to test with..  and I'm still using them like 2 years later
03:01.48*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
03:02.05J4k3prolly out of being to lazy to port the #'s elsewhere, but their service is pretty decent usually
03:02.16weazahli called a local phone vendor today, asked them if they could install a MGI for my clients phonesystem so they could get cheaper phone and data services...  he told me that they dont do VOIP anymore, they exclusivly sell samsung.  so, i said "Wow, stone ages" and terminated the call abruptly. SO....
03:02.27djc_oh i have sip service (in and out) from a variety of providers.. im looking on the t.38 support shortlist, and there aint much there
03:02.30*** join/#asterisk SteveTotaro (
03:03.24weazahlthe buttmuncher calls into my office, and tells on me..  tells my secretary i was rude after he asked for my manager...
03:03.48J4k3a SALES DROID pulled this?
03:03.52J4k3I'd have his ass
03:03.53weazahlim the president, my voice is on the IVR...
03:04.06weazahlyeah, monday, i playback the call for his boss
03:04.20weazahlhe was informed his call was recorded.
03:04.20J4k3I'd have my girlfriend ordering a $100k phone system from him next week... only to terminate the order about the time it all arrived at their facilities :P
03:05.01riddleboxJ4k3, we've had people sign the contract then 1 day before the install say no, they almost paid for the system in the restocking fee
03:05.20J4k3riddlebox: yeah, but that doesn't work when the line of credit never *actually* existed :)
03:05.22weazahlwell, since they wouldnt help my client with an MGI, ill gut it all.  they have cat5 to all stations.
03:05.58J4k3Money Grabbing Interface?
03:06.18weazahlso once i have that contract, ill go and meet with his boss.  and thank his guy for selling $20k for me
03:06.36weazahlMedia Gateway Interface....  Fancy ATA
03:07.21ManxPowerthey have analog?
03:07.34J4k3ah... a media converter for pbx systems
03:07.47ManxPowerI meant analog to the telco
03:07.59*** part/#asterisk Paleo (
03:08.21weazahlthey can get a DS3 for what they are paying for channelized.
03:08.50ManxPowerCould you just put Asterisk between the PBX and the telco?
03:08.51weazahlthey have T1 for LD and TollFree, analog local trunks
03:09.30weazahlyeah, could.  but i dont know squat about avaya
03:10.05weazahland they dont like their 15+ year old merlin
03:10.25riddleboxspeaking of DS3, we get ready to punch down 500 cables and install a 4 T1's and a DS3 for a customer with a Avaya S8300
03:10.56J4k3punching down 500 pairs sounds like a blast [not!]
03:10.59riddleboxweazahl, thats what my company's bread and butter is, the legend/magix and partner
03:11.11SteveTotarojust get the cans to do the punching
03:11.24J4k3thats what we do in texas
03:11.37SteveTotarothat's what we do in DC
03:11.43riddleboxit wont be me, we have guys that do our cabling, but I was there today to help them install the cabinets and cable tray to them
03:11.52J4k3well, we charge the customer for engineers to do it, then we pay mexicans to do the job, mostly wrong.
03:11.56SteveTotarohose-a and hose-b
03:12.20SteveTotarocabling guys here do it right and do it cheap
03:12.24weazahli guess i could hook up a terminal w/ VNC and pay one of ya that knows avaya to do that part
03:12.37SteveTotarothere are alot of crews to choose from
03:12.45riddleboxweazahl, why, you dont need a terminal transfer *10
03:14.32weazahlok, so if i get the 16 port ATA and * up, someone could do the legacy setup remotely for me?
03:15.05riddleboxyeah, why not
03:16.04*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
03:16.11SteveTotaroquintum makes a great high density ATA
03:16.35weazahlriddlebox: ok, VM system.  they have 4 port merlin mail.  the asterisk box could be setup to replace that pretty easily i imagine, right?
03:17.06weazahlthey cannot forward VM, no IVR, etc.
03:17.22weazahlSteveTotaro: cant pass pin(?) codes right
03:17.24riddleboxweazahl, you would need CLI info to get the calls to load the right box
03:18.46SteveTotarowhen i did something similar, i put asterisk in front of the legacy box
03:18.46weazahlok, deal breaker! rip it out and go VOIP
03:18.46SteveTotarodefinity g3
03:18.46riddleboxSteveTotaro, I love programming the definity series
03:18.47SteveTotaroyou would have loved this one
03:18.59SteveTotarowe had the main code to turn on all the features
03:19.20riddleboxdadmin, dadmin1
03:19.33riddleboxor they paid for all licenses?
03:19.53weazahlok, so short answer on replacing VM system is 'no'.  long is 'yes, but....'
03:20.14SteveTotaroi have no idea, when avaya found out i had their login, they immediately freaked and wanted to dialin
03:20.19riddleboxweazahl, I am attempting to put asterisk on a partner this weekend to see if I can do it, I will let you know if it works
03:20.21SteveTotaroi hungup
03:20.43SteveTotarobut the system was three chassis and full of FXS, FXO, and T1 cards
03:21.04riddleboxSteveTotaro, yeah by default a definity comes with dadmin login, but the first time avaya logs in they change it so you cant do everything, what a crock!
03:22.20SteveTotaroyeah, it was non dadmin though i forget the login but it had the ability to turn on features like hospitality
03:22.34SteveTotarothe owner of that company was REAL shady
03:24.05J4k3somebody changes your passwords, file a lawsuit.
03:24.39riddleboxJ4k3, thats how it is for some reason, they just do it, thats why we dont call them if we need support
03:26.22weazahli had an evolution box (dont work worth a ***********) and found a backdoor password in the DB.  I posted it on my website, and informed them they their stupidity compromised everyone of their customers systems
03:26.32weazahli was not happy about that at all
03:26.38SteveTotarono, this was the password that allowed you to turn on licensed features
03:26.47SteveTotarobig time $$$
03:28.01weazahlthey told me that i knew to much about asterisk and that is why i couldnt make their system work.  was sad. their backup/restore solution was horrid and failed always
03:28.15weazahlintuitive voice.
03:28.44SteveTotarothat is a voice recog system?
03:29.19weazahlno, it is a management IF for asterisk box.  a bit like trixbox.  but sucks
03:29.37SteveTotaronever heard of it
03:29.42pliks/but/also  ;)
03:29.51SteveTotaroworse than freepbx?
03:30.42SteveTotaroswitchvox is awesome
03:30.42weazahli installed a wake-up app. and they tried to tell me that that violated the warrentee and that is why it doesnt work.
03:30.42SteveTotaroonly complaint with switchvox was the crappy server they sent
03:30.52SteveTotaronot sure how it is with digium owning them, that was a year and half ago
03:31.04weazahlSteveTotaro: oh yeah...  real bad.  it took like to days to get it to connect to a provider that wasnt on their 'list'
03:31.10SteveTotarothe server came and would not boot up, it was a piece of junk
03:31.29SteveTotaroand the SATA cable was disconnected to the HD
03:31.47SteveTotaroi "guess" that could happen in shipping
03:32.01weazahli like freepbx.  a few quirks in it. but all in all makes life a lot easier
03:32.05SteveTotaroi really like thirdlane
03:32.15SteveTotaroyeah freepbx is allright too
03:32.29SteveTotaroi am not sure why people bash it so badly
03:32.33weazahlSteveTotaro: intuitive shipped their servers with Halt on all Errors set
03:32.46*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=Joe@
03:32.48toddejohnsonCan anyone help me I am trying to get the default call parking to announce where the call is parked for attentded transfers.  Any ideas?
03:33.20SteveTotarowhat would cause networking to crap out on linux
03:33.44weazahlSteveTotaro: define crap out
03:33.57SteveTotaromy fc 7 desktop is having issues with all networking, two wifi connections and a gigabit port
03:34.03SteveTotaromissing pings
03:34.12SteveTotarothings timing out
03:34.16SteveTotarono firewall
03:34.31SteveTotaroi am just going to format it
03:34.38weazahlip route ls, shows the correct routes?
03:34.50SteveTotaroyes, i checked all of that
03:35.09SteveTotaroin windows i would remove tcp/ip
03:35.10weazahlSteveTotaro: tried pclinuxos?  i like it a lot.
03:35.17SteveTotaroand re-install, not sure about linux
03:35.41SteveTotaroi am going to throw fc 8 on it
03:35.53SteveTotarois pclinuxos a good desktop distro?
03:36.08weazahlSteveTotaro: duck yeah!
03:36.33SteveTotarohave you tried fc 7?
03:36.50SteveTotaroit is better?
03:37.00weazahl3d desktop features accually work.  better luck with ati than nvidia on 3ddesktop oddly enough.
03:37.34weazahli have ~8 fc7-8 machines.  i put pclinuxos on my laptop and love it
03:37.48*** join/#asterisk Strom_C (n=strom@
03:38.28SteveTotaroi am just offloading all my data, onto a 500gb my book
03:38.34weazahli used fc8 for my HTPC but for desktop workstations...  pclinuxos is very nice
03:38.48SteveTotaroyes my htpc is running fc7
03:39.09SteveTotarodell dimension 9200 c2d
03:39.11weazahli need to get off of here and get back to that...  i got 1.3TB that i have to get back onto my arrays
03:39.48weazahlstupid non-real raid card
03:40.08weazahl$11 lesson on to cheap to be true
03:40.18SteveTotaro$11, lol
03:40.53*** join/#asterisk Strom_C (n=strom@
03:40.53SteveTotaropromise had a cheapo ATA100 card with two connectors
03:40.59SteveTotaroback in the day
03:41.24SteveTotaroyou could solder a resistor between ground and a pin and get hardware raid1
03:41.51*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=angeldav@
03:41.52weazahlyeah, 2 sata 1 pata.  nice card for $11. they should have to specify SOFTWARE RAID.
03:42.29SteveTotarowell for $11 it was a cheap lesson
03:42.45weazahli still would have bought it, i just wouldnt have wasted the time trying to do hardware raid when soft worked just fine, only a touch slow
03:43.47SteveTotarowhere did you get it?  pci what?
03:43.50weazahli mean, 400Mb over the network aint bad, but could be a touch better if the CPU didnt have to do all the math for the RAID
03:44.37weazahlits a rosewill (newegg brand) pci sata+ide card.
03:46.33weazahli just wanted to get those USB disk out of my living room, so i got GB ethernet, then i could move em to my server.  since the server is a nice midtower, i didnt need external anymore. so i got a card and added 3 more devices, totalling 7 disk in this machine...
03:46.51weazahlif it was pci-x, i wouldnt need a sata card now would i?
03:47.12*** join/#asterisk jameswf-home (
03:47.14SteveTotaronice it was ata66, i have four in a box of parts modded
03:47.41SteveTotaroyes, i could add sata to a few older boxes i have
03:47.57SteveTotarodoes it do sata300 or 150
03:48.08SteveTotaroi guess i can just go to newegg and take a look
03:49.09weazahli remeber them...  i know they sold raid cards.  so the raids were the same as the non raids...  i hate it when they do that...  its like restricter plate, and they will take the plate off for $2k
03:49.12*** join/#asterisk angryuser (
03:49.51angryusergood night&day&evening verybody
03:49.55weazahlit is 1.5 the one i got.  it had the 1 IDE channel on it to.  i needed that so i didnt worry about 1.5 v 3
03:51.06weazahlit would be nice if this card didnt scribble on my drives and i can rebuild the array.
03:51.13*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
03:51.16jameswf-hometrixboys have done it again, they removed mp3 compatibility for performance
03:51.19angryuseri have never worked with card E1/T1 and libpri, are they harder to configure then Misdn b410p ?
03:51.31weazahlbut i bet it did
03:51.57weazahljameswf-home: that is why you have gcc
03:51.59SteveTotaroi wonder if there is a card like that for a 1u server
03:52.09*** join/#asterisk osas (n=nnnnnnnn@nslu2-linux/osas)
03:52.18weazahlit has a LP braket
03:52.18SteveTotaroi have some ibm x305s that could use SATA300
03:52.35SteveTotaroreally, now that is interesting
03:52.37carrarshouldn't be using illegal copied mp3's anyways :)
03:52.55weazahlbut LP is bigger than 1U?
03:53.02SteveTotaroe1/t1 is simple
03:53.12SteveTotarolittle learning curve but easy enough
03:53.13jameswf-homewhat if they are legal coppies offf illegaly burned cd's?
03:53.20SteveTotaroLP should fit 1u
03:53.22carrarcreate wav
03:53.39carraror ulaw
03:53.50angryuserSteveTotaro: ok thx, misdn can be a pain in the ass
03:53.53carrarfrom your illegal cd's
03:54.15osasanyone here familiar with SIP_HEADER function?
03:54.21carraror compile
03:54.25SteveTotarohow can anyone own a series of 1s and 0s?
03:54.41carrarI own 1
03:54.44weazahlor, how bout public domain music...  since artist are finally figuring out that if they have talent, they can sell tickets and make money.  instead of just feeding the RIAA.
03:55.01weazahlbut, i could go on about corprate music farms for days
03:55.18SteveTotaroever see a tv show where they sing "happy birthday to you"?
03:55.23SteveTotaroor a movie?
03:55.27weazahlid like to buy a '2' pat!
03:55.30carrarYou'll need to pay ascap for that
03:55.51weazahlim sorry, there are no 2's in the puzzle.  next spin please
03:57.34weazahlboth times i saw dresden dolls, they admitted they cant sell records, thanked us for buying tickets and encouraged us to buy $40 t-shirts
03:58.08carrarThats why for my customers on-hold music, I'll make up a song with their name in it and single it
03:58.13SteveTotarowhat happened to the dresden files on sci-fi?
03:58.17carrarerrr sing it
03:58.44carrarI'll include the marmonica for a extra $25
03:59.09SteveTotarono need to fix your spelling mistakes to me
03:59.28carrarYour three sheets also?
04:00.01SteveTotaronah, quit drinking over 3 years ago because i would go six or more sheets
04:00.22sbingneranybody have a test number I can call that is in and/or
04:00.52weazahlsbingner: thats greek to me so i guess, no
04:01.19SteveTotaroactually, i don't miss it a bit, no hangover, lots more money, lots more time
04:01.32weazahloh well, i have to go fix this array
04:01.40carrarget a 3ware
04:01.43SteveTotaroI went to WVU
04:01.44carrarw/battery backup
04:02.06carrarSteveTotaro, just drink lots of water
04:02.18SteveTotaroi do, and coffee too
04:02.21weazahlcarrar: its just software RAID0 for media.  i probably will soon though
04:02.28weazahli might BBL
04:02.30jameswf-homeI am going to compile app_mp3 and post it just to annoy em
04:02.40SteveTotaroyou should
04:02.50SteveTotarothere is nothing wrong with mp3
04:02.55jameswf-homesuck that performance
04:03.07SteveTotarothis is trixbox you said?
04:03.11weazahlother than fraunhoffer holds patents and wants royalties
04:03.13jameswf-homelol yeah
04:03.15carrar9550SX-4LP, mirror with spares
04:03.26carrarcan't go wrong
04:03.43carrarunless your card dies
04:04.02weazahlthats reassuring
04:04.03jameswf-homethere should ba an app_ogg
04:04.12weazahllater all
04:06.26SteveTotaroanyone here play with gnuradio?
04:08.02*** join/#asterisk jm|home (n=jm|
04:09.01SteveTotaroit would be cool to see an app_gnuradio
04:09.08SteveTotaromuch better than app_rpt
04:13.51sbingnerjameswf-home, wth would app_ogg do?
04:14.11SteveTotaroplay sound files
04:14.13sbingnerplay ogg files?
04:14.17SteveTotarovorbis ogg
04:14.22sbingnerwhy not just make format_ogg then
04:14.58sbingner(I think I may have made one of those at some point, then deleted it)
04:15.09*** join/#asterisk sergey (n=sergey@
04:16.16jameswf-homeyeah ogg is the trendy way to ditch mp3's in open source...
04:16.39sbingnerbetter quality + less size usually
04:17.20SteveTotarohey i asked this before but has anyone seen issues using realtime via mysql on a separate server, the db server is way overkill and on the same switch
04:18.24SteveTotaroif i try to make a call via a sip client configured in realtime, dialing from the sip client could take up to ten seconds to do anything, nothing on the cli
04:18.38SteveTotarobut if i use a static sip.conf entry it is immediate
04:18.54SteveTotaroping time to the box is .33ms
04:19.12jameswf-homejust looked ogg is there allready
04:19.27SteveTotarorunning asterisk 1.2.18 and asteriskadd-ons 1.2.6
04:20.45SteveTotaroi guess a later version of asterisk may have some realtime bugfixes
04:20.54SteveTotaroas well as asteriskadd-ons
04:21.01SteveTotarofor the myslq connector
04:22.59weazahlSteveTotaro: i gained ~150-200GB by using a larger chunk and XFS on my RAID0.
04:23.28weazahlbefore it was 912GB.  now it shows as 1.1TB
04:23.54SteveTotarohuh, that's cool
04:24.08SteveTotaroso the default actually gave you less space?
04:24.50SteveTotarommmm, ice cream
04:25.47sbingnerfood. hate.
04:26.17SteveTotaroice cream is a frozen drink
04:26.23weazahlsure did,  XFS works better for large files.  and since this is for media, nothing is smaller than 3MB, stretching to 8GB.  so a 128k chunk and XFS.  should be alot faster
04:26.52weazahl/dev/md1               1.1T   5.3M   1.1T   1% /mnt/md1
04:27.18SteveTotaroi just wonder where that extra space came from
04:27.37SteveTotarois it just wasted or used by ext2/3?
04:28.08weazahlwell, larger chunk size means less wasted space tracking chunks, half as much as 64
04:28.30weazahlXFS is better for large files, not sure if the file table is smaller
04:28.35SteveTotarothe downside?
04:28.43weazahlslower for small files.
04:28.51SteveTotaroah, makes sense
04:28.58weazahli dont have them. so i dont see a down side
04:29.17weazahlxfs can delete GBs in seconds
04:30.08SteveTotaroi can delete huge files in seconds too
04:30.20weazahlomg!  the 500GB usb i was using to hold stuff is not mounting!
04:30.23SteveTotarobut not tons of small files adding up to googs
04:30.54weazahli need to go back down stairs to the server....  no ext3....
04:31.43weazahlthat 1 at the end of /dev/sdf makes all the diff
04:32.02weazahli almost shat myself
04:32.31weazahli was thinking, it will take me weeks to get that porn back
04:34.02angryuserweazahl:easy to fix, goget a girlfriend
04:34.27SteveTotarolol, mine is sleeping, nice quiet time
04:34.41SteveTotarothought you were out of here angry
04:35.04weazahlwhat about the porn we made
04:35.32weazahlat least i got the master DVDs
04:35.43SteveTotaroplus you can always make more
04:36.04SteveTotarogood excuse
04:43.58weazahlyeah, but my butt will be sore if we have to make more porn :D
04:53.37jameswf-homeI posted to the trix forums... $5 bux says my boss gets a call tomorrow (monday)
04:55.54drmessanoThats place is getting SOOOO volatile
04:56.03drmessano"Hey this is broke"
04:56.10drmessano"DID YOU DONATE, ASS?"
04:56.17drmessanoI give it maybe 6 months
04:56.22jameswf-homeMy boss always gets the hey your monkey is throwing poo again calls
04:57.14jameswf-homeAnd I am like dude seriously it was chocolate... promise
04:58.04weazahlyou think trixbox is in its death trows?
04:58.06drmessanoIts just funny that theres really this huge divide now
04:59.02jameswf-homeI see a bounty for a server time control module...  someone should develop that for pbx, take the bounty (fonality mached) and put it also to freepbx
04:59.06drmessanoi think the community is becoming strongly divided due to the fanboys who want to keep the project from dying, based on the FUD that its unsupported and barely scraping by, and the "freeloaders" who want it free and aren't afraid to say so
05:00.09weazahlwell, be like yahoo.  dont like paying a vendor, buy them.  i.e. zimbra
05:00.11drmessanoSo anytime you ask for something, or complain, youre an asshole who is asking for something from the fragile owners of the project and shouldnt be asking for soemthing unless you plan to donate $1000000000
05:00.34drmessanoSo they've created a divide
05:00.44jameswf-homeI thought about a 1,000,000,000 donation and it is the thought that counts
05:01.01weazahlthats pesos right?
05:01.30jameswf-homeheck now in pesos hat would be like $100 bucks.. I am a starving coder
05:01.34weazahlwho am i kidding, the dollar is making the peso look like a good investment oppertunity
05:02.00drmessanoSo right now, depending on what you believe.. its underfunded, can't pay its own bills, no one can request anything for fear of fanboys bashing them for being freeloaders, so no growth
05:02.31drmessanoI dont think its dying, but I think its at risk of a fork, or something..
05:03.19*** join/#asterisk andrewn (n=andrew@
05:03.20drmessanoI pay way too much attention.. I guess as a former user I can appreciate the drama based on all my concerns that I see contuning to snowball
05:03.35*** part/#asterisk osas (n=nnnnnnnn@nslu2-linux/osas)
05:03.43weazahli cant say i would use trixbox in a production install again.  i might.  but, i think something that polycom will sell you phones for might be a better idea
05:04.33drmessanoI think that it's terribly unguided by the community
05:04.39drmessanoNevermind it's other flaws
05:05.55weazahlit works great in my office.  the 40 user hotel that i used trixbox in...  results have been less than favorable.
05:06.15drmessanoForget the obvious purist concerns over it including FreePBX, it does too much hand holding and forces too many nonstandard defaults on users who then learn these as "standard"
05:06.31jameswf-home << this looks awesome
05:07.00drmessanoIt's also going to become an ad-filled nightmare and a data mining appliance
05:07.54jameswf-homenah the ads are easy enough to kill
05:08.47weazahlhere is a cute thing.  my cell phone is an extension so i can use it in a ring group...  a Misc. ext.  i must use a SIP/.  well there is no way to set a CID.  so a call inward to the ring group will present CID.  a outbound to my EXT will not present CID
05:09.00jameswf-hometook all of 2 seconds to kill the freepbx add
05:09.14weazahlthey have ads in it now?
05:09.20jameswf-homejust 1
05:09.25weazahltime to fork it
05:09.34jameswf-homeonly when you connect to their update server
05:09.51weazahloh, that aint bad.
05:10.02drmessanoHA.. loved that
05:10.04jameswf-homeits ok cuse the freepbx guys are actualy broke
05:10.24drmessanoYes, FreePBX gets nothing from TB
05:10.32drmessanoThey deserve a little something
05:10.35jameswf-homenot even patches
05:10.35*** part/#asterisk Kimitaka (
05:10.52drmessanoFonality OWNS trixbox.. but yet, Trixbox is "scraping by"
05:11.03drmessanoTotal crap
05:11.35drmessanoThey scrape anonymous data from boxes already
05:11.51drmessanoand theres talk of an ad supported GUI
05:11.56weazahli really wish i had hardware raid.  this soft stuff is TOO SLOW
05:12.02drmessanoWhich will probably happen.. "Feelers" my ass, i'm sure code is ready
05:12.26drmessanoMore and more reasons to avoid it
05:12.28andrewndrmessano, the cupcakes were very popular today.  if you closed your eyes they tasted quite good lol
05:14.38jameswf-homemmmmmmmmm cupcakes
05:15.09drmessanoOH MAN
05:15.11drmessanoI am so dumb
05:15.22weazahlare you kidding, im william shatner.  i can score anything
05:15.27jameswf-homeI didnt wanna say it
05:15.31drmessanoandrewn.. I should have told you to tell them they were "Pudding top"
05:16.02drmessanoMy aunt made a cake once.. It was one of those that had pudding in the mix..
05:16.07drmessanoShe cooks it for 3/4 of the time
05:16.13drmessanoIt comes out and the middle is raw..
05:16.33drmessanoCut into it, and the middle RUNS out.. She says "thats a pudding in the mix cake"
05:16.41drmessanoNo, thats "raw", dumbass
05:18.18jameswf-homeI was thinking about it and everyone was ok with the hw audit tool update... You know I can make a post script in my rpms do anything and well so can they so technicaly if you dont look at every rpm thy can run their code that way...
05:18.21drmessanoThe best part of that trailer was when he smashed the inside of the roof of the van and the lights came on
05:18.31drmessanoIm so doing that to my vehicle
05:18.42weazahlload average: 4.63, 4.19, 2.90.  i wish this machine had a dual core
05:18.58jameswf-homemy laptop is dual core :)
05:20.09drmessanojameswf-home, there is a lot they can do without telling anyone.. and obviously, their ethics are questionable, with Chris Lyman only supporting their "this is business, money is money" attitude with his rants about open source
05:20.13weazahlmy laptop has the second fastest amd before the 939s a 3400.  the fastest in the socket a is a 3800.  and i cant find em for a reasonable price.  cant imagine why
05:20.16drmessanoI wouldnt trust them with my toaster
05:20.36drmessanoId get it back with ads on every slice
05:21.36weazahlarrange the nichrome wires in a NBC peacock shape.  or a Y!
05:21.37drmessanoTrixbox is that girlfriend that you never really trusted..
05:22.16jameswf-homeyeah but she was good in bed
05:22.30sbingnerjust don't let her in your house
05:22.39drmessanoYeah, even if she did smell like your best friends body spray
05:23.11jameswf-homemmm sloppy seconds
05:23.53drmessanoTrixbox is Peters girlfriend from Office Space  "Dude, I just get a bad feeling about her"  "Nah, shes ok"
05:24.04weazahlmy friends dont use body spray.  even after the petition they still dont
05:25.05jameswf-homedude you slept with lumbergh
05:25.31jameswf-homeYou can just go ahead and move a little bit to the left. Yeah, that's it. Great.
05:26.00drmessano"Dude, there's ads in there now?"  "Yeah, that's their 'O Face'"
05:26.32jameswf-homeHow dare you judge me? I mean what are you? You think you're some kind of, like, angel here? No, you're just this penny-stealing... wanna-be criminal... man.
05:26.42jameswf-homeYeah, well, that may be. But at least I never slept with Lumbergh.
05:26.52weazahlLocal disk space 1.71 TB total, 764.08 GB used.  i love moore's law
05:27.26drmessanoTrixbox CE 3.0 , Start of every call, "This phone call is sponsored By the FREE version of Fonality's Trixbox PBX"
05:27.53jameswf-homeI think we will see the ads in the 2.6 betas
05:28.11drmessanoWouldnt surprise me
05:28.27J4k3heres the question
05:28.33jameswf-homeIll release a patch under a pen name as to prevent a call to my boss
05:28.40J4k3why hasn't anyone released an "asterisk distro" that isn't, well, gay?
05:28.54jameswf-homeMy disro isnt well gay
05:29.05sbingnerit's sick gay?
05:29.21drmessanoI want a distro that's crazy delicious
05:29.41weazahlthen make one
05:29.58jameswf-homeI am going to rewrite my distro to a debian backend when i get the motivation
05:30.02drmessanoDrBoxPBX "Making VoIP Crazy Delicious"
05:30.28sbingnerand giving you FREE PAP smears!
05:30.51alrsAsterisk installs pretty easily in Debian.
05:31.03weazahloh, get this...  IBM loves linux an OSS right?  then why is it these netvistas will lock up after running (any) linux for 21hrs.  but run windows for days and days???
05:31.08drmessanoI'll include a provisioning tool for PAP2s and Grandstreams.. and build my RPMs to not work at all with Ciscos
05:31.11jameswf-homeit install easy on anything with common sense
05:31.38alrsjameswf-home: if you're willing to forsake package management, sure
05:32.15jameswf-homeMy current build is sourced based on all asterisk components
05:32.49J4k3I should just clue up and attempt to make a gentoo install that works
05:33.08jameswf-homeI say its to remain flexible truth is I am to lazy to make roms
05:34.41weazahland why is it that trixbox makes it next to impossible to get a clean X install?  sure, you shouldnt use X on a PBX.  but you have to admit it would be nice sometimes to fire up X for a few to manage some stuff
05:34.59sbingnernot really
05:35.08drmessanoYeah, no X for me
05:35.12jameswf-homenever put X on a server.... bad
05:35.14weazahlok, YOU dont have to
05:35.25drmessanoIts not at all necessary
05:35.47sbingnerit's only necessary for people who ... would... run things like trixbox....
05:35.49weazahllike i said, NICE.  not required.  but nice
05:36.14sbingnerX annoys me
05:36.18jameswf-homeno giving up stability for toys is not nice
05:36.28drmessanoA real ass thing to do would be to extent FreePBX just a little to include the MeetMe panel as a tab.. and you'd have 95% of TB without ads and fluff
05:36.39[TK]D-FenderI have X on my * server... and probably the biggest screen of anyone here :)
05:36.55drmessanoand show the users how little they know about what in there
05:36.58weazahlif it is not running, how does that hurt stability?
05:37.00drmessanoJust as a proof of concept
05:37.24drmessano"Oh, you mean they dont add that much?
05:37.36*** join/#asterisk andrewn (n=andrew@
05:37.49sbingner[TK]D-Fender, what size?
05:37.49jameswf-homeMy distro only has freepbx no frames and my users dont omplain
05:38.02[TK]D-Fendersbingner, 120" :D
05:38.09jameswf-homecomplain even
05:38.12sbingneryah you got me beat
05:38.18drmessanoMy main box here is nothing but what I just described..
05:38.42sbingnerwtf do you do with a 10' screen?
05:38.49[TK]D-Fendersbingner, Movies, duh!
05:38.55jameswf-homesbingner: porn
05:39.31sbingnerporn must look AWFUL on a 10' screen
05:39.35[TK]D-Fendersbingner, a friend of mine has more movies & TV than most have even seen in one place (short of a video store), and I fill up over there regularly.
05:39.38sbingnereach pixel like 3" across
05:39.45weazahlmy friends wife turned on his 37" viewsonic TV.  static jumped through the plastic button to the circuitry and toasted it.  it wont post now
05:39.46[TK]D-Fendersbingner, "actual size" applies :p
05:39.46J4k3sbingner: its great if you're like 18-24' away
05:40.00drmessanoI redid the Web MeetMe to not suck and work with 1.4, glued it into FreePBX.. and that
05:40.06drmessanois pretty much all one needs
05:40.14drmessanoIf you want a GUI that is
05:40.20sbingnerI only have 400 DVDs, he's probably got me beat too
05:40.29drmessanoDamn sheep
05:40.37[TK]D-Fendersbingner, he downloads.... and 400 doesn't even come close
05:40.38drmessanoBAAH BAAH
05:40.50sbingner*nod* I don't download... so yea
05:41.06[TK]D-Fendersbingner, scary thing is how cheap it is too...
05:41.11weazahlDVD, an archaic media for transportation of 1s and 0s before the advent of high speed data networks
05:41.19J4k3weazahl: remote controls didn't get popular for no reason :)
05:41.22[TK]D-Fendersbingner, Projector was 600$, screen $135
05:41.37sbingner[TK]D-Fender, friend of mine is installing one very similar
05:41.55*** join/#asterisk Keltus (i=Keltus@about/cooking/nakedchef/beefstew/Keltus)
05:41.56sbingnerI'm happy with my 60"
05:42.29[TK]D-Fendersbingner, I still have an 80" screen leftover :)
05:42.32sbingnerthe 120" is 1080p I assume?
05:42.33weazahlJ4k3: its ok, it was a cross shipped RMA for 2 dead pixels.  and viewsonic never asked for the broken one back...  so we had a spare in the office
05:43.00[TK]D-Fendersbingner, nope, 800x600, but keep in mind thats enough for DVD and I don't have any HD sources (no cable or satelite)
05:43.06J4k3mmm those kinds of deals are always nice
05:43.26[TK]D-Fendersbingner, believe me you really don't miss higher res.... it has that movie theater effect.
05:43.31sbingneryou can get a 1080p projector pretty cheap too
05:43.33J4k3I'm happy with my 15.4"
05:43.35weazahldid i mention the 27" tv they replaced with a 32" they forgot to ask for also?
05:43.44[TK]D-Fendersbingner, depending on your idea of "cheap" sure..
05:44.09sbingnerheh, less than my 60" flatscreen was ;)
05:44.18[TK]D-Fendersbingner, 720p would have run me about 1000 at almost half the lumen count.
05:44.33weazahlwe dont sell viewsonic anymore.  they really suck now
05:44.34sbingneryea I think his is costing about 1500
05:44.52sbingnerweazahl. really? I have a viewsonic monitor that works great... is this recent
05:45.20[TK]D-Fendersbingner, I was cheap about it because I don't watch that much, and it meant I didn't have to fight with X for the res, etc.
05:45.25weazahlwell monitor failures have not been that bad.
05:45.36weazahlbut dont get a viewsonic TV for sure
05:45.44J4k3I can't see ever buying another 'tv'
05:45.54J4k3I never watch them enough to warrant it
05:46.04J4k3I'd rather have a nice monitor in the living room :)
05:46.16sbingnerI want a 400-disc DB or HD-DVD changer...
05:46.19sbingnerBD even
05:46.21[TK]D-Fendersbingner, I'm only watching DVDs and DivX so I though "sure 800x600 is just fine" and it left money in my pocket.
05:46.32sbingner[TK]D-Fender, true enuff
05:46.32weazahlthe replacement they sent me for one that had image retention and vertical banding problems had a bright pixel and get this, wont work with a viewsonic remote
05:46.42sbingner[TK]D-Fender, I watch 720p divx a lot tho
05:46.50weazahlbut it will work with a RCA using a code search
05:46.51J4k3haha wtf
05:46.58sbingnernot divx
05:46.59J4k3thats goofy
05:47.28weazahlyou can see why we didnt feel that inclined to send em back till they asked.  and they never did.
05:47.34sbingnerH.264 *nod*
05:47.41drmessanoI've got a lot of nice Quicktime MOVs
05:47.57sbingnerdrmessano, time to update your porn
05:48.19drmessanoWhats wrong with QT porn?  It works great in GNUTunes
05:48.21*** join/#asterisk grndslm (
05:48.29weazahlHD porn.  See ass zits in great detail!
05:48.59drmessanoHD Porn scares me
05:48.59weazahlyou cant make this up
05:49.01J4k3get drunk
05:49.05J4k3that'll make it look better.
05:49.07drmessanoThe whole concept
05:49.10J4k3for a better wanking experience!
05:49.16drmessanoRon Jeremy is UGLY
05:49.19*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
05:49.21drmessanoMORE ugly in HD
05:49.31sbingnerwtf why are you looking at the guys?
05:49.34J4k3ron jeremy is porn for dudes that still have hope their ugly asses can score a hot girl
05:50.00J4k3and ron jeremy proves, with enough cash, blow, and bling, you can still nail hot chicks in front of a video camera
05:50.05J4k3even if you're dog-ass ugly
05:50.15drmessanoI just dont want to see his zit covered ass all over my 1080p
05:50.27drmessanoWhiteheads are not cool
05:50.28weazahli have had pretty good luck at that...  but, pretty on the outside. rotten in the head seems to be the theme for me
05:50.35sbingnerok, sombeody must have a number I can call to test that's registered in (or .org if not)
05:50.41J4k3drmessano: herpes sores are worse
05:50.47drmessanosbingner, call an 800
05:50.51drmessanoErr tollfree
05:51.02sbingnerdrmessano, what 800 number is registered in e164?
05:51.04drmessanoTheres a tollfree gateway on ENUM
05:51.05weazahleww, she has warts...  someone should tell that dude.
05:51.23drmessanoI make all my tollfree calls over ENUM
05:51.25drmessanoworks great
05:51.31*** join/#asterisk hunnad (n=hunnad@
05:51.41J4k3"I call my girlfriend Linksys" "whaaa" "she has wrts"
05:51.44J4k3ok, bad joke.
05:51.45drmessanoJ4k3: Someone get her some cream
05:52.03J4k3rub it in!
05:52.07sbingnerit caled it, but it sucks
05:52.29drmessanoIve not had any quality issues
05:52.49sbingnerit never actually rang
05:52.54sbingnertried to call
05:52.59sbingnerfor 18005551212
05:53.29sbingnerI think I have an issue in my pattern replacements
05:53.33weazahli wish i knew why myth likes to run commercial flaging jobs on the slowest machine in my house
05:54.43weazahlits got 5 to choose from and it picks the C1000 if the master frontend is flagging.  and leaves 3 2.2G TBirds idle
05:55.53drmessanoIs it possible to use Netcat in such a way that I can create a connection outbound from say a clients PBX, that will transverse a firewall and give me a socket somewhere I can use to connect to the box via SSH or HTTP?
05:57.41drmessanoLike maybe from their box to a running NC on a my desktop, and I can connect to localhost on some obscure port that will tunnel back into that box....
05:57.58drmessanoDunno.. Need to man more of NC
05:58.44J4k3weazahl: it doesn't trust the AMD's output?
05:59.20weazahlit heard that intels are better maybe?
05:59.48drmessanoThats completely awesome jameswf-home, thanks
06:00.35drmessanoI need to play with setting up System() to create and tear it down
06:00.37J4k3other than Intel always made the super heat
06:01.01weazahlits crazy, that box is wireless, slow.  the others are on GB ethernet and decent machines, lots more RAM too.  oh well.  not like i really care.  just funny
06:02.27weazahlwell, considering AMDs quads are $230 and intels a $1200.  i am not really sure which one i will get.  let me check my wallet...  yep, nothing there.  so it looks like im saving for a phenome
06:03.09J4k3you can get a good Intel quad for $260ish OEM
06:03.23J4k3and stick it on a $45 mobo
06:03.33J4k3you're not going to find an AM2+ board for $45
06:04.08weazahlthat performs about the same as a phenome.  but if you want just a little bit more.  it's back to doing gay porn to make a few bucks
06:04.41J4k3yeah, but... its an AMD board
06:04.56J4k3which means its either Via crap, nVidia crap, or ATI^H^HMD crap
06:05.05CrashSysSeems like I have less buss/irq/sata issues on AMD boards... for whatever reason...
06:05.24weazahli sold a phenome this week.  still havent sold an intel quad.
06:05.27J4k3I have too many weird timing problems on the modern amds
06:05.54J4k3I mean, my mail server could use it, maybe, sometimes.
06:06.12CrashSysWindows servers need quad just to give you a login-screen
06:06.19CrashSyscause they are busy making sure it's safe to boot
06:06.34J4k3but, I dunno, I just moved up to dualcore personally... its a significant upgrade...  the times I've played with a quad its insignificantly different
06:06.37weazahldanm, its too bad we had power failures a couple months ago.  i could show you some uptimes on AMD's compared to my uptimes on my Intels
06:08.09CrashSysI've had a greater occurrence of issues with intel CPU's on intel Chipsets then with AMD CPU's on Nvidia chipsets...
06:08.15weazahlHTPC is a good reason for a quad. 1Core display, 1 core record, 1 core commercial flaging and one is left over to handle those I/Os
06:08.34CrashSysPlus for some reason I get SATA soft-reset issues on intel chipsets...
06:08.37sbingnerstrange doesn't reply to my INVITE
06:09.27weazahli will not buy an AMD video card though.  nope.  not going to happen here
06:13.20weazahlat what point did buying ATI become a good idea.  that is a bit like, "lets go do some heroin.  that sounds like a good use of my time"
06:14.11J4k3I dunno... AMD screwed up entirely
06:14.45J4k3the last time I bought ATI and liked it, was I got a 9500 256-bit and moved a resistor on the gpu case and flashed the bios to make it a 9700
06:15.14J4k3then strapped a tbird retail cooler on the GPU, lathered it up with arctic silver, vmod'd it, and ran it overclocked to hell for 2.5 years
06:15.18J4k3one day I woke up and it didn't.
06:16.19*** join/#asterisk CCFL_Man2 (
06:16.22sbingnercan somebody tell me if you can call SIP/
06:18.13weazahlnope.  cant tell ya
06:24.34drmessanosbingner, my calls go to SIP/
06:27.07drmessanoQuestion: How to avoid viruses in Limewire? Answer: STOP USING LIMEWIRE, YOU IDIOT.
06:29.14weazahli cant tell you how many times we see the same computer a week later with limewire reinstalled and has viruses again
06:30.47alrssbinger: why not just use
06:31.00alrssbingner: or are you testing some new e.164 stuff on there?
06:31.08drmessanoWill that work?
06:31.18drmessanoMy dial command shows what he pasted
06:34.36drmessanoOk, that works too
06:34.43jblackI'm bored.
06:35.12drmessanoso is cool
06:35.33jblackI'm using the mnow too. prior to that I was using fwd
06:35.36drmessanoIve always let enum handle it
06:35.44jblackactually, I still have fwd as a backup to enum
06:35.46drmessanoNever tried it direct
06:36.11jblackheh. enum, not mnow.
06:36.16alrsjblack: the same people that run have a freenum itad, as well
06:36.36jblackalrs: freenum itad? What's that?
06:36.52alrsjblack: itad=internet telephony administrative domain
06:37.10alrsthey're handing out numeric domains in an enum address space on
06:37.29alrsso orgs get their own domain such as "262" for fwd
06:37.41*** join/#asterisk suvir (
06:37.41jblackhuh. Yet another toy for me.
06:37.45alrsso if you want to call the fwd conference at 514, you dial "514*262"
06:38.20*** part/#asterisk suvir (
06:38.20jblackAhh, sort of like sip broker
06:38.39alrsjblack: yeah, but this is an iana-supported project
06:39.14*** join/#asterisk jql (
06:39.31jblackI'm getting the impression that mere mortals need not apply.
06:39.42alrswhy not?
06:39.49alrsThey give you a whole howto on
06:40.06jblack"ISN provides an easy way for campuses, enterprises, and service providers to acquire globally-unique and globally-routable subscriber numbers to support new communications services."
06:40.46drmessanoThats interesting
06:41.27alrsThey gave me one
06:41.49alrsand if you're on fwd you can just use that as your isn
06:42.25jblackThen I better hop on the boat before they change their mind
06:43.28*** join/#asterisk suvir (
06:44.03*** part/#asterisk suvir (
06:48.21drmessanoI wonder if they will reg my LLC
06:48.27*** join/#asterisk docelmo (
06:48.31alrsthey registered me
06:48.33alrsand I'm just some guy, LLC
06:49.49jblackI'm working through it now.
06:49.57docelmodoes anyone know if GET DATA agi command is broken in 1.4?
06:50.04docelmoCause its not working..
06:53.20jblackHow is are ENUM and ITAD faring against one another?
06:54.27alrsITAD is ENUM based
06:55.00alrsit just maps to its own namespace instead of trying to salvage e.164
06:55.13jblackPardon, how does it fare against
06:56.57alrsI get the impression that freenum has more capacity to scale than does
06:58.00jameswf-homescalibility is overraed
06:58.09drmessanoSo is speeeling
06:58.11alrsI'm attracted to ITAD because I think that numeric addressing is going to stick around
06:58.41alrsbut I'm not that interested in welding my identity to a telephone number controlled by the carriers
06:58.48drmessanomy wiff saws I speel ral good
06:59.28drmessanoalrs: thats one reason I appreciate ENUM
07:00.02drmessanoNot the DID <> Address mapping
07:00.13drmessanoBut their pool of numbers
07:00.21drmessanoIt's just 8000 digits long
07:00.41jblackHeh. The origination of ITAD, from the perspective of, is hilarious.
07:00.57drmessanoI havent implemented my pool of assigned ENUM numbers because I cant count that high
07:01.09drmessanoSo I use it for the basic DID <> Address mapping
07:01.10jblack"ISN/ITAD was designed primarily for educational institutions in the US to try and avoid legislation relating to law enforcment......the regulator in the US took the more pragmatic approach that if it quacks like a duck and walks like a duck then it probably is a duck....."
07:01.52*** join/#asterisk wasme (
07:02.21drmessanoSo if I have 678 as my ITAD, we should be able to exchange ext*itad as a number, correct?
07:02.42alrsI'm 2839*827
07:02.45jblackIf you've setup * to take advantage of ITAD, that should be, yes.
07:02.46drmessanoThats wicked
07:03.07alrsor you can just use a freeworlddialup ext
07:03.11jblackSeeing as how it relies on dns, I bet you don't even need to be in ITAD to use it.
07:03.14alrswith that I'm 91876*262
07:03.28alrsexten => _X.,1,Dial(SIP/${ENUMLOOKUP(+${EXTEN},sip,,1,})
07:03.56docelmoDoes anyone know of a way to check and see what variables are set in the channel?
07:04.05wasmeI'm trying to convert an ilbc file to speex. But Ubuntu's asterisk package is missing ilbc support. So I took and out of an rpm and put them in the appropriate directory. But file convert still says "No such format 'ilbc'" ... does this mean I have to compile all of asterisk myself to get ilbc support?
07:04.43docelmowhy the hell wouldnt you build it from source to begin with?
07:05.05alrsI've never seen the need to build asterisk from source, ever
07:05.46docelmoI hack code all the time.. So I do..  I guess the novice would enjoy packages..  But I find them a pain in the ass
07:06.16alrsNot just the novice, I have done this stuff professionally.
07:06.56drmessanoI built from source "Just because" and ended up needing it later when I wanted to add jabber support
07:07.02drmessanoSo it has its advantages
07:07.30drmessanoOtherwise, and in most cases, no
07:07.55jameswf-homeneed source for mfc/r2
07:08.45jameswf-homefreeswitch has allot of cool toys damn forks
07:09.06docelmoAnyone know why AGI GET VARIABLE would show it being returned in the CLI but stdin doesnt show the result?
07:10.12docelmoits funky..  I use GET VARIABLE early in the script and it works fine..  I use it after using the READ application and I cant pull back the damn data from it.
07:15.44drmessanoIm bored
07:25.32jblackme too.
07:25.43*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
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07:28.52drmessanoI want to break something
07:29.27jblackInstall trixbox. It'll break your heart.
07:30.06drmessanoBeen there, done that
07:34.04jblackhmm. the crysis demo is 1.6 gigs.
07:43.11drmessanojblack: You see what I said in channel earlier about the police scanner + asterisk?
07:48.55x86drmessano: i missed it, but sounds cool
07:48.57*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (n=ZX81@
07:48.57x86whats up?
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07:52.00*** mode/#asterisk [+o bkruse_home] by ChanServ
07:52.15drmessanoIts simple to do with a spare ATA
07:53.06jblackdrmessano: No, missed it
07:53.30jblackOh, I know that.
07:53.48jblackI was actually thinking about doing it through moh, though.
07:53.59jblackJust use the otherwise-useless onboard sound on the server
07:54.29drmessanoTheses docs for using line-in for MOH.. so it shouldnt be hard at all that way
07:54.41jblackThat's what I figure.
07:55.26moellerdkDoes anybody have any experience using as SIP provider? I'm also n00b as to what they mean by "Tier 1 numbers" and "Tier 2 numbers".
07:55.41drmessanoI have one of my scanners on Icecast
07:55.44drmessanoOff and on lol
07:56.22jblackyah mozilla.
07:56.50jblackCanonical Inc. has really done an excellent job of bring that windows experience to the free software world.
07:57.27jblackI told you about the grub mess I had to deal with over reboot?
07:58.59jblackA long while back, they went from ide naming to uuid naming. then, they went to scsi naming. Now, they're back to uuid naming.
07:59.38jblackEach time I find out after the fact that not only did they change things up again, but that they didn't bother to update grub's menu.list.
08:00.53jblackI can take a shot at /dev/hda1, or /dev/sda2 for the root filesystem, but there's no way i can take a random stab at root=UUID=1f00b700-02f5-4326-a6c5-b34144fa2f8d
08:01.17jqlleast they could do is allow wildcards
08:01.43jblackfor all I know, you can.
08:02.15jblackBut with no way to search for root filesystems in grub, that would still be a 1 in 2^8 chance of finding it
08:03.24*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (
08:06.01jblackyeah, that's why it took me three hours.
08:06.23nephflmy asterisk says it doesnt know what the MYSQl application is, an i have installed the addon package
08:06.34jblackThe alien zombies could have started their big attack, and I would have been none the wiser for hours.
08:06.45jqlnephfl: did you load it?
08:07.00nephflwhere do i need to do that?
08:07.13drmessanolol.. good ole ubuntu
08:08.20jblackMaybe he does. I prefer software that runs.
08:08.44jqlhowever, I'll stick with the cocaine, and leave the crack to y'all
08:09.24jblackLeave it to a South African to try and turn free softare into a drug trade, eh?
08:10.02jqlthis ubuntu junk is the shit, man
08:10.32jblackhuh. Wait until taking down your system results in no internet, no phone and no TV.
08:10.56nephflis there a page with instructions on loading the mysql application?
08:10.58drmessanoIf they based Trixbox on Ubuntu, the alliance of the fates would be complete
08:11.01jblackI feel like I'm stuck on the side of a road with a broken down car when mercury is sick.
08:11.15jblackdrmessano: Only if they integrated xbox live....
08:11.22*** join/#asterisk oej (
08:11.33drmessanoTrixbuntu Live
08:11.34drmessanoI love it
08:11.44drmessanoTrixbuntubox Live
08:11.53jqlnephfl: sometimes, I load apps using 'module load' from the console
08:12.18drmessanoTrixbuntubox Live - "ZOMG I CAN DO EVERYTANG NOW!"
08:12.29jblackTrixbuntuNOW LiveDVD w/ support for Lindows archives.
08:12.54jblackHeh. s/lindows/linspire
08:15.37jblacksheesh. 2 hours to download the 1.8 gig crysis demo.
08:15.48*** join/#asterisk tc3driver (
08:15.53drmessanoUbuntu 9.11 Stanky Suzy: Coming soon
08:16.48jblackspeaking of stanky.. you seen mary-kate lately?
08:17.08jblack .
08:17.52jblackShe looks like an aids infested skeleton with a crack problem.
08:18.10drmessano"Ubuntu really works for me because I totally love pokemon"
08:18.41drmessanoI just made that up lol
08:19.02drmessanoNo way
08:19.10jblackno quotes, of course.
08:19.27J4k3wow mary-kate needs to lay of the yayo
08:19.48J4k3she's sucked so much blow up her nose she caved her cheeks in from the vacuum
08:20.01drmessanoNext time some I know OD's on prescription drugs, im totally calling Mary-Kate
08:20.15drmessanoFuck OnStar.. I get in a wreck, first call is to Mary-Kate
08:20.28jblackI'd never buy something with onstar in it.
08:20.58drmessanoHer cell phone needs to be in ENUM
08:21.10J4k3onstar...  wtf is that analog shit gonna do for you after feb 18th?!
08:21.21jblackj4k3: Very new systems have the new modules.
08:21.27drmessanoThe newer stuff is digital
08:21.34J4k3my girlfriend took the module out of her cadi
08:21.35jblackCars as young as 1 year are fucked permanantly.
08:21.44J4k3when she purchased it
08:21.45jblackSome, that is
08:22.15J4k3I dunno...  I like her car... mostly cuz you can tap a few buttons and it spits out the profuse quantity of logged ECU errors due to the fact its a GM vehicle.
08:23.00drmessanoMy Daihatsu didn't come with OnStar, but something called "HappyFastHelp".. I havent figured out how to use it really, but it does play Leekspin if I take a corner too fast
08:23.31J4k3haha... my hyundai came with a "Good luck" card.
08:23.43J4k3"heres the 800 to roadside assistance... good luck!"
08:24.02drmessanoYeah, how long does it take to send a tow truck from Seoul?
08:24.29*** join/#asterisk reber (n=reber@
08:25.34J4k3well, the problem with hyundai is all their parts (and their roadside assistance people) are in california
08:25.54J4k3so your car breaks down, and some hyundai mechanic fixes your shit, and it comes back ready to break worse.
08:25.59J4k3due to the moron that just worked on it
08:26.19J4k3thats why I have at least 2 bent valves on my 2.7L...  the engine *was* fine, all it needed was an accessory belt tensioner
08:26.32J4k3the mechanic that misdiagnosed the noise also didn't get the repair right... go figure
08:27.25J4k3(he decided he should replace the crank pulley on the timing belt...)
08:27.30drmessanoI remember going to KIA for an oil change at 58,000 miles.. 2k before my engine warranty ran out...
08:27.46drmessano"get the timing chain replaced.. trust us"
08:28.01J4k3timing belts on 4 cylinders tend to go early
08:28.09J4k3they're pretty violent
08:28.16J4k33's are even worse
08:28.38drmessanoI knew at that moment.. I was lorraine bracco in GoodFellas when Jimmy (DeNiros character) tried to get her whacked
08:28.55drmessano"No, the third door"
08:29.02drmessano"keep walking"
08:29.27sbingnermeh, numbers don't seem to all actually work... bastards.
08:29.44drmessanoWhat do you mean?
08:30.08sbingnerI found a couple URLs that didn't work
08:30.10jblackdrmessano: is practically unused by anyone, so I imagine he's just figuring it out.
08:30.29jblacksbingner: Give a try. 1800-numbers didn't even work
08:30.44jblackYes they do.
08:30.48sbingnerright now?
08:30.51drmessanoWorks fine here
08:30.54jblackmaybe not at this exact second, but I'll try it now
08:31.15drmessanoJust dialed one
08:31.35sbingneryou can reach ?
08:31.45sbingnermy box just sends packets out and gets nada back
08:31.55jblack1641641 800 555 1212
08:32.06jblackWhy don't I just dial 8005551212 and make sure it went through enum
08:32.11sbingnerit did
08:32.14sbingnerbut you can :)
08:32.25sbingnerit'll resolve to that heh
08:32.29jblackyup, fine here.
08:32.48jblackDont' mind me then, I'm just slightly behind the curve.
08:33.00sbingnerso there's something wrong on my end
08:33.07sbingnerbut I can reach other sip servers
08:33.15drmessano2 of us have it working
08:33.21drmessanoand I cant even spell akerisk
08:33.28jblackIt's the conspirasey
08:33.36drmessanoI R TOTLE NEWBORN
08:33.39sbingnereither of you behind nat?
08:33.44drmessanoI am
08:33.47jblackU R SUX0RS!
08:34.03drmessanoU R WINDOZ MELENIAM
08:34.08jblacksbingner: I'm effectively not natted.
08:34.18J4k3U R TEH VISTAR
08:34.20jblack(Actually, the phone is _double_ natted)
08:34.21drmessanoWhy should NAT even matter?
08:34.22J4k3VISTAR PROS
08:34.39jblackwith sip?
08:34.45drmessanoFor ENUM
08:34.48jblacklet me count the ways.
08:34.53sbingnerdrmessano, trying to figure out why I get no responses from them is all
08:35.05sbingnerENUm resolves fine
08:35.08drmessanoNAT shouldnt matter at all with what youre doing here
08:35.09sbingnerI just can't reach the url
08:35.14jblackwait.. did you and I get into it earlier, sbingner, about UDP vs. tcp?
08:35.21sbingnerjblack, hush
08:35.33drmessanoU R MSCE VISTA
08:35.46jblackKarma is so nice, when it's not my turn to pay up.
08:36.10jblackseriously, though... Do a sip debug.
08:36.12drmessanoU R TRAXBOX FtOCC
08:36.27jblackjbot: smack drmessano back into sense
08:36.28jbotACTION smacks drmessano back into sense upside the head.
08:36.43jblackfeel better buddy?
08:37.07drmessanoTrixbox FtOCC = man asterisk && man freepbx && man apache && man php
08:37.24jblackI think you got a temporoary trixbox virus that caused you to go temporarily stupid.
08:37.53J4k3trixbox...  for her pleasure
08:37.56drmessanoMac user
08:38.03J4k3oh shit
08:38.04J4k3now thats cold
08:38.10J4k3and its not mac 'user'
08:38.12jblackhey. 1 hour and 33 minutes to go for crysis
08:38.13J4k3its mac 'weenie'
08:38.31J4k3used in a sentence: "this fuckin' mac weenie wants technical support"
08:38.42drmessanoGo back to iChat, Aquaspooge
08:38.59jblackwhat are the ingredients in aquaspooge?
08:39.17J4k3a macintosh and a mac weenie?
08:39.20jblackinquiring minds want to know
08:39.21drmessanoDig + OSX + iPhone.. Shake well, post often
08:39.25drmessanoDigg + OSX + iPhone.. Shake well, post often
08:39.55sbingnerjblack, sip debug doesn't tell me much when I get no packets back from them
08:40.06J4k3but GSM blows too hard in rural america...  I need a CDMA model
08:40.12sbingnertrying to look for them at my upstream router now
08:40.14drmessano"Apple R c0me out with new case.. Digg this liek to front page ZOMGGGG CENSURSHIP"
08:40.30jblackJ4k3: Here, found you something:
08:40.55jblacksbingner: Actually, it does tell you a bit.
08:40.56J4k3~book ?
08:40.57jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
08:40.57*** join/#asterisk adjohn (
08:41.06jblackyou can look to see what the calling address is.
08:41.24jblackI bet their machine, no matter how well intentioned, is going to send packets back to
08:41.36jblackis not going to, that is.
08:41.43*** part/#asterisk adjohn (
08:41.56jblackIf they're address properly, then at least you know to sit on your router and see if they're being dropped.
08:42.20jblackIt's possible you didn't forward the _10,000_ ports that * defaults to.
08:42.32sbingnerjblack, yea
08:42.48drmessanoThe penultimate Digg healine: "Ron Paul uses iPhone to thank Mark Shuttleworth for help dual booting OSX / Ubuntu on Macbook Pro"
08:43.24jblackHe's effectively out of it now, right?
08:43.33drmessanoWas he ever NOT?
08:43.40drmessanoExcept for Digg?
08:43.50jblackgood point.
08:44.00J4k3you forgot to blow steve jobs somewhere in that line.
08:44.13drmessanoZOMG he got .00000005% of the vote!!!!!   THE INTARWEBS WORK!
08:44.30J4k3cuz, we all know, everyone cares what steve jobs does
08:44.43drmessano"Steve Jobs likes mustard on his iDog"
08:44.55J4k3steve jobs has a nano-sized iDOng
08:45.09J4k3iDong, a voip phone for mac weenies
08:45.27jblackJ4k3: You're a very refreshing person. You remind me of my ex-wife
08:45.47drmessanoI think its great how he's made a career based on flagrant fanboyism and unwaving attention to details nobody really gives a shit about, except Mac users
08:46.19jblackWhat? You thought Hubbard was the only one that could turn a cult into a multi-million dollar business?
08:46.25drmessano"OMG, THE USB PORTS R VERTICAL!!"
08:47.07jblackWell, I wouldn't mind having that acceleration sensor. That is kinda cool.
08:47.25drmessanoGood lucking finding that piece of crap that looked like a sunflower
08:47.26J4k3so get a wii controller and have a blast.
08:48.24J4k3(wii awesome, nintendos nazi 3rd party game licensing sucks...)
08:48.44*** join/#asterisk defsdoor (
08:49.03jblackJ4k3: You've got a lot of amazing opinions!
08:49.16drmessanoIf youre really that hard up to use something so ungodly different from windows that people accuse you of being an elitist fanboy, surely theres a flavor of Linux you can choose instead
08:49.25jblackVim or Emacs? Red or Blue? With or without mayonaise?
08:50.09jblackdrmessano: Heh. Where do you think mac people come from? They're people that couldn't figure out how to install/manage a linux distribution
08:50.23drmessanoYeah, and people that cant right click
08:50.38J4k3I'd say at least half the mac users out there purchase their systems as an excuse to be completely worthless with their computer.
08:50.54sbingnerfixed it, heh... except they have 2 addresses and one says sip unreachable
08:50.54sbingner22:50:43.959190 IP > ICMP udp port sip unreachable, length 556
08:51.06drmessanoWhere the crap is the Open-Apple key?  Damnit!
08:51.17sbingnerthe other one works tho
08:51.18jblackIf you were using sip over tcp, you wouldn't have this problem. =)
08:51.27sbingnerjblack, yes I would
08:51.38sbingnerjblack, they aren't accepting traffic on 5060 on one of the hosts
08:51.41jblackFair enough. You might have this problem.
08:51.41drmessanoAdjust your RWIN size
08:51.52sbingnerI just wouldn't have had the problem I had a moment ago
08:52.14drmessanoIt could be an MTU issue, reformat
08:52.18J4k3my typical operating scenario with mac users... mac weenie: "I can't do..." me: "well, I have no idea, I use windows and in windows it works like this" mac weenie: "omg my computer is so much better than that blahblahblahblahsunshineandroses" me: "so...  you figure out how to do what you wanted to do yet" them: "no" me: "may you get toxic shock syndrome from the apple I'm requesting you shove up your ass"
08:52.23jblackwe need to move to ipv6 so that it's a moot point.
08:52.45sbingnerI have ip6, do you?
08:53.00jblacknot out here.
08:53.04J4k3sbingner: does your ISP hand it off, or is it one of those highly inefficient tunnel scenarios?
08:53.17*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@
08:53.24sbingneractually I'm using 6to4
08:53.28sbingnerworks quite well
08:53.42sbingneryou use the nearest-router anycast address
08:53.45sbingnerfor outgoign packets
08:54.23drmessanoJ4k3, maybe you can help me, do you have Norton Antivirus for OSX?  My machine didnt come with it :````(
08:54.25sbingnermy last ISP actually gave me ip6... but they were too expensive
08:54.28J4k3drmessano: oh lord... do they really make such a creature? :)
08:54.34jblackI think it'll take the US government to issue mandates.
08:54.44sbingnerjblack, they have....
08:54.48drmessanoThey make Symantec Antivirus for Linux
08:54.49sbingnerto the military
08:54.52sbingnerand they don't even listen
08:55.02J4k3the military is like... "fuck it, we got nat"
08:55.11jblackThey mostly did, kinda. The mandates were heavily bugged.
08:55.18drmessano"We're .mil, suck it"
08:55.25sbingnerno, the military is like.. fuck it, we got class-Bs out the ass
08:56.02jblackI mean a real mandate.
08:56.06sbingnerI had two class-Bs at my last job
08:56.14sbingnerfor one base :p
08:56.39J4k3of course, that /22 is just about used up
09:00.55tc3driverI think my boss is officially the cheapest person on the earth :/  120 handset asterisk system about 62K US and he says "too expensive" and I came in at less than half of any other voip people :/
09:05.32J4k3must have been a nice setup for >$500/phone total
09:05.40drmessanoNo kidding
09:05.43*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
09:06.41J4k3I'm feeling pretty tight with my P3 and the $35ish grandsucks
09:06.54J4k3$500-a-phone... gold plated baby.
09:06.55drmessano120 $250 phones and $30000 machine
09:07.02tc3driverthe servers were the largest part of the bill followed by the phones themselves
09:07.19drmessano$30000 for the servers?
09:07.22J4k3why would you need to spend that much on servers for a 120 phone network?
09:07.27jqlgold heatsink
09:07.31drmessanoNo shit
09:07.55jql120 phones... ~10 megabits
09:08.02jql80s tech
09:08.12tc3driverabout right... less for the phones about 200 each, the rest was making up for a poor wire job
09:08.25jqlalthough you'd probably have used a hub back then. big no-no
09:08.38drmessano$7000 PoE Cisco switches
09:08.43tc3driverc-mon they were 2 raid 10 boxes set up to be redundant to eachother
09:09.32tc3driverdell poe switches
09:09.39J4k3jql: in the 80s...  you'd probably daisy chaining coax around the office
09:09.42tc3drivernot even cisco
09:09.46J4k3... arcnet maybe :)
09:09.58jqlbnc me
09:10.00tc3drivereach server was about 15 grand
09:10.01drmessano120 extensions.. dual RAID 10 boxes
09:10.07drmessanoCan I bid on it?
09:11.00drmessano15 grand for an Asterisk box for 120 users?  Couldnt find the 800 number for Cisco?
09:11.26tc3driverdidn't want cisco :P
09:11.36jqlto each his own
09:11.45jqlhelping the economy, and all that
09:11.47tc3driverbesides... it is not like it is going in a proper data center
09:12.11tc3driverpower sucks where we work...
09:12.20drmessanoNo wonder your boss said no... I would have told you "Dont bother turning in your keys, we've already changed the locks.. now GTFO"
09:13.05tc3driverlets see here I cut shoretell in more than half
09:13.08jqlI'd be sticking 24-port PoE switches and UPSes behind people's desks
09:13.16jqlsideways, of course
09:13.38jblack59 minutes to go
09:13.51tc3driverif you saw the layout you would know, that way wouldn't work
09:13.54drmessanotc3driver: This is where people really.... bother me.. The argument "Its cheaper than ____" doesnt cut it
09:13.59J4k3I'd be running it all back into the office and running it all off a reasonably good 24 or 48V battery bank
09:14.11jqlpeople and their silly mega-chassis 1500-watt switches and patch panels
09:14.48drmessanoPrices are derived from proper equipment selection, labor, and suitable markup.. not the effective best comparison to the competition
09:15.11drmessanoIf that were the case, I could sell Asterisk for $5000 less than Cisco, with a $12000 markup, and be swimming
09:15.16drmessanoThats not really the point
09:16.32jqlthere's a reason I'm not responsible for hardware provisioning...
09:17.33drmessanoMy former assistant wanted a fax system for our office.. Im thinking "Cool, maybe Hylafax or something".. He comes back to me with a $12000 system, which was cheaper than this other $16000 system, to replace 6 fax machines
09:17.38drmessanoIve never laughed so hard
09:17.51jblackare you serious?
09:18.00tc3driverI wanted to make sure that there would be 0 stuttering problems, with 50+ lines lit up at peak times... I wanted to be sure... maybe I went a little overboard... but meh...
09:18.03jblackWhy do I not have a job?
09:18.07drmessano"But.. its $4000 cheaper than _____"
09:18.27jblackThere are so many well employed, legally certified morons...
09:18.40jqllocation, location, location
09:18.55drmessanoSo, he pushed me on it...
09:19.06drmessanoSo I decided I needed a laugh
09:19.23drmessanoand I told him to email my regional manager and ask him what he though
09:19.41drmessanoMy regional replied back "eFax is good"
09:19.50drmessanoHe was CRUSHED
09:19.55drmessanoIt was great
09:20.26drmessanoI tired to get him to look at something linux based, but he couldnt find the Start Menu shortcut for Linux
09:21.06tc3driverI'll be the first to admit that I am completely new to phone systems...
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09:21.23drmessanotc3driver: never would have guessed :)
09:21.28tc3driverthis was just one of those "we want you to try this" things
09:21.44drmessanoI think you'll find you could get by with less
09:21.54drmessanoand maybe make that quote more reasonable
09:22.25jblackThis fax talk reminds me. I need to run a couple more lines.
09:22.51tc3driverthe question would be how much less?  where is the safe break off point for processing power, from the research that I did, it seems that in voip systems the most important component was the processor
09:23.08jblacktc3driver: How many concurrant calls?
09:23.19J4k3a $255 core2quad can handle more calls than you have handsets
09:23.38J4k3the issue I see is disk I/O
09:23.38drmessanotc3driver: start off by checking some of the sites that offer PBX systems based on Asterisk
09:23.53jblackthat's why you stick 4 gigs in the boxes
09:24.01drmessanoSee what level they place "100 user systems"  "150 user systems"
09:24.06drmessanoThat can be your guide
09:24.12J4k3bah, asterisk work with 64 bit?  8 is cheap these days.
09:24.48jqlI can't imagine how to cause asterisk to use 4 gigs, let alone 8
09:25.03J4k3jql: disk cache can be helpful
09:25.09jqlI'm not sure I want to know
09:25.26jqlI have about 100MB of disk files
09:25.33jqlnothing to read, there
09:25.49jqlmy shit is weak
09:25.50J4k3well, theres voicemail
09:26.16jqlahh, that's what I'm missing
09:26.21J4k3but yeah, its extreme overkill
09:26.41J4k3vmail for 120 users shouldn't ever get bigger than maybe a few gigs
09:29.23drmessanoJust as a quick comparison... The most expensive TB appliance is $3300
09:29.33jblackyeah, I was just doing the math on 50 concurrant voicemails
09:30.24drmessanoTheres no reason to buy a DL385 with a SAN for Asterisk lol
09:30.27jblack32 megabits, 4 megabytes.
09:30.27tc3driverso uhhh... 4 quad cores was a bit much?
09:30.47jblackI was figuring filesystem access. figured you were covering the processor.
09:31.39drmessano4 Quad Cores is a bit much
09:32.00J4k31 for asterisk, 3 for gaming
09:32.21jblack4 gigs of ram, 2 contemporary drives in raid 1, the filesystem would be covered well.
09:32.34J4k3in reality you could prolly run it all just fine on a $75 "pentium dual core" (e2xxx series c2d) or a cheap athlon64
09:32.45J4k3with a 2-drive RAID1
09:32.53J4k3and be perfectly content with its performance
09:33.37tc3driverwhere did my calculations go so horribly wrong :/
09:33.55jblackI haven't gotten a good feel on processor usage yet. 3 or 4 concurrant calls don't even register in top with a 3.2ghz dual core.
09:33.56drmessanoBecause youre an IT guy
09:34.04drmessanoIT and Telephony don't mix
09:34.08jblack* is all it's doing?
09:34.09J4k3imac? :D
09:34.39drmessanoIT guys think a 4 x 10 core system would work well for anything
09:34.47drmessanoI am one, so I know
09:34.53J4k3(I've been meaning to look around for a usable OS for an imac for web-terminal use...  no storage, etc.)
09:34.56jblackI think they would suck for pdas. :)
09:35.04drmessanoYes, too thick
09:35.19jblack"Man, this pda smokin, but it only lasts for 2 seconds"
09:35.31tc3drivermaybe a little too much heat generation... would be nice on those cold mornings though
09:35.34J4k3jblack: 3 or 4 concurrent calls don't register a noticable amount of time on my P3-700
09:35.38drmessanoJust remember this
09:36.09drmessanoSomewhere there is a 120 user NEC system hanging on a wall somewhere with as much power as a 386
09:36.26drmessanoAdd in Linux, transcoding, etc.. and scale UP from there
09:36.27J4k3yeah, but its also a pure TDM backplane too, afaik
09:36.37J4k3the 386 is simply switching calls, not actually handling the data
09:36.48drmessanoDont go with "ZOMG I NEED A SERVER FOR A DATACENTER" and scale DOWN
09:36.57tc3driverwe currently have a nec phone system :/
09:37.02jblackI imagine you start running into timing problems long before you start getting noticeable cpu saturation
09:37.52J4k3well... maybe not really
09:38.04J4k3a sip call can handle what, 50ms jitter before a human notices?
09:38.28J4k350ms @ 2.4ghz*4 = a holy shitpile of cycles
09:38.41jblackThis is anecdotal, but I've noticed problems with mythtv and * on the system system.
09:39.06J4k3what was your input device on mythtv?
09:39.06jblackon the same system, as they're both realtime apps, and mythtv isn't particularly well behaved.
09:39.13jblack2 hdtv tuners.
09:39.29J4k3I can make my P3-700 based * lag with a dd if=/dev/zero of=filename bs=1024k count=#
09:39.32jblackbit bangers. It's far from an ideal solution. It's just a little more than the scheduler can handle.
09:39.33drmessanoIm gonna try using an X100p as a timing source
09:39.37drmessano$25 is worth it
09:39.39J4k3to its crappy IDE drive.
09:39.53J4k3drmessano: that might actually be useful
09:40.09drmessanoTK says its WAY better than ztdummy
09:40.25jblackIn 30 hours, the machine's already done 86 mil context switches.
09:41.01J4k3hrm drmessano, how much are true x100p's going for
09:41.06drmessanoIm gonna grab one from ePay and see if I can hammer ir
09:41.20drmessanoWell, how do you define "True x100P" lol
09:41.21*** join/#asterisk defsdoor (
09:41.32J4k3an x100p that generates accurate usable time
09:41.37J4k3I mean, I have a $10 "x101p"
09:41.44J4k3an intel 536ep iirc.
09:41.52drmessano$25 or so
09:41.55drmessanofor a real X100P
09:42.02drmessanofor a "real" X100P
09:42.09jblackAnybody know offhand how to check the timeslice size in 2.6.x?
09:42.44J4k3thats not bad at all
09:43.08J4k3if it improves accuracy
09:43.37J4k3the intel modems I got as x101p's... they seem to SUCK resources
09:43.49J4k3they generate something along the lines of 10k interrupts/second, which kicked the little P3's ass.
09:44.29drmessano$19 + $10 shipping
09:48.53J4k3with SIP, is there any way to control the packet/second count?
09:49.10J4k3like, I'm used to seeing 50 pps both ways (20ms samples)
09:49.23J4k3could I use, say, 40-50ms samples instead to lower traffic?
09:49.48J4k3(I ask because we're using half-duplex 802.11 for some of our customers... high pps = hassles)
10:00.32*** join/#asterisk bkruse_home (n=kruz@
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10:00.48sbingnerJ4k3, you'd probably have to hack source... I haven't seen anything in configs...
10:03.16sbingnerJ4k3, pretty sure it's possible tho...
10:03.27sbingnerI KNOW you can with h323, heh
10:03.38drmessanoGood god
10:03.40sbingnerwsqait.. I think it was avaya SIP
10:03.47sbingnereither way not *
10:03.51drmessanoEver heard of a SOHO Conference card?
10:04.36drmessanoUnless I am COMPLETELY missing something
10:04.53drmessanoThats a $99 $25-Soundcard
10:06.14sbingnerEcho Cancellation <-- maybe that?
10:06.19drmessanoIf your soundcard is that shit, buy a Sound Blaster
10:06.36drmessanoSure.. Any Sound Blaster decent card could do that
10:06.45J4k3its not even a sound card
10:06.49drmessanoMy internal card does echo cancellation
10:06.54sbingnerread the note down at the bottom
10:06.56J4k3you daisy chain it between your sound card and your speakers and mic
10:07.00drmessanoI know.. its a loopthru echo canceller
10:07.01sbingnerit actually just forwards audio to your sound card
10:07.01J4k3yeah, its prolly just a delay
10:07.20sbingneryah or you could just do it in software
10:07.26drmessanoI think my SB-128 would do that much lol
10:07.49J4k3well, the thing is
10:08.02J4k3look at conference phones... they want $600 for an entry level phone
10:08.29*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux[m] (
10:08.49drmessanoConference phone pricing is WAY stupid
10:08.56jqlI'd gladly pay the $600 if it actually did the conferencing. :)
10:13.02*** join/#asterisk mosty (
10:15.00drmessanoI should sell green and red telephony socks
10:15.11drmessanoGreat geek gift
10:15.39drmessanoThen offer yellow and black ones.. "thats my other line"
10:16.49drmessanoEveryone else sells total crap on eBay
10:16.55drmessanoWhy not I?
10:31.44defsdoorturned out the line was duff
10:39.40J4k3"voice frames per tx"
10:39.47J4k3is an option on my grandsuck phones
10:41.32jblackwow. crysis looks like a movie.
10:41.47J4k3I'm assuming thats just holding back 'x' frames before dumping them to ethernet
10:42.10J4k3so the same quantity of packets, just potentially less collissions on a hub'd network?
10:43.08jqlno, frames are 10 or 20ms intervals
10:43.11jqlI forget which
10:43.42jqlsends fewer packets when bigger
10:48.59sbingnerJ4k3, but then a collission would cause a larger amount of data to be lost... you probably only want to increase the size of the packets if you have very low packet loss
10:49.31sbingnereach frame is probably 20ms - that's what it is on Avaya
10:49.39sbingnerand *
10:58.40*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=angeldav@
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11:10.54jblackdrmessano: So.. I'm on comet. My daughter has luna. Mercury is in the closet, neptune in the kitchen, and pluto in my bedroom.
11:11.03jblackWanna guess the hostname for my vista-box? =)
11:12.49*** join/#asterisk Qapf (
11:13.33jblackuniversity of carolina south carolina?
11:13.52Qapfhey guys, a question. i have 2 asterisk boxes talking to one another via a connection that while it drops no packets, has wild swings in latency from 30ms to over 300ms at times, im playing with jitterbuffer in 1.2 but i can't seem to make the problem go away. anyone have any hints or clues at what i can do to improve call quality on my trunk?
11:14.25jblackhow do you know you're not dropping packets?
11:14.38jblackand is the latency caused by a saturated link
11:14.40Qapfwatching the connection between the systems
11:14.44Qapfand no
11:14.56Qapfsingle call, plenty of bandwidth, problem is line quality sucks
11:15.00Qapfbut nothing i can do about it
11:15.10Qapfnever buy dsl in mexico
11:15.26jblackwhat are you using? iax2?
11:16.41jblackI'm looking about
11:18.47jblackdid you turn on forcejitterbuffer ?
11:19.22jblackalso, consider setting maxjitterbuffer higher.
11:19.22Qapfnot during the day's calls. just turned it on now
11:19.27Qapfmaxjitterbuffer is 1000
11:19.38Qapfthe line is, of course, perfectly normal at 3am
11:19.47Qapfbut business hours hit and it goes nuts
11:19.52jblackThat's probably too high. That's going to force 1 second latency.
11:20.16Qapfi would rather people have to put up with 1 second latency than get bad call quality, but true. ill probably lower that
11:20.19jblackhow about resyncthreshold? (I'm reading these off , by the way)
11:20.30jblackYou said worst case was 300ms, right?
11:20.32Qapfdon't have it defined, whats a good value
11:20.53Qapfive seen as high at 300ms
11:20.58Qapfwouldn't put it past to go a bit higher
11:21.14jblackI'd set it to 450 myself (worst+50%).
11:21.29jblackSure, you may get noice once a day, but you'll make conversations much more comfortable
11:22.19*** part/#asterisk hunnad (n=hunnad@
11:22.20jblackI'd just just read it youself. I don't think I can put what it says in a way that makes more sense.
11:22.26*** join/#asterisk hunnad (n=hunnad@
11:22.30Qapfi am, rather good document
11:22.32Qapfthanks for the link
11:23.11Qapfis jitterbuffer improved in 1.4 beyond applying to non-iax calls?
11:23.48jblackhonestly, no idea.
11:24.04jblackI don't have a latency problem up here, so I've never had to fiddle with jitter
11:25.22Qapflast question, know any good tools for automated call quality metrics? part of my problem here is i have people complaining and i have no real data to say "calls sound this bad"
11:25.37Qapfor conversely, calls sound this good, shut up and stop bitching
11:26.04jblackhow about... adding an option to dial to not hang up, and giving them the # option to hang up. Then, ask them to rate things on a scale of 1 - 5/
11:26.12jblackJust an idea, mind you.
11:26.34jblackI don't know of anything offhand that reports dropped packet counts or anything
11:26.47Qapfoh well, to google i guess
11:26.50Qapfthanks for the help
11:26.52jblackbasically, after their call, but before they hang up, ask
11:26.57jblacksorry I've been very little help.
11:27.20Qapfhey, any information is more information :)
11:28.21jblackI'd force jitterbuffer on on both sides, get the queue down to 450ms (which leaves 150ms of packet after worst known), and get a better grasp of what resyncthreshold does.
11:28.49*** join/#asterisk MACscr (
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11:29.31MACscranyone here use callcentric? i cant for the life of me get inbound routing to work based on DID
11:30.49jblackset verbose=10 and debug 10.
11:31.01jblackOdds are it's going to extension DIDNUMBER in the context you set for the peer.
11:31.16jblack(asterisk -r is where you set those options and watch)
11:31.31jblackHowever, if you've got a firewall or nat in the way, that could also stop calls.
11:32.10*** join/#asterisk tuntap (
11:33.42tuntapi've few questions;
11:33.54tuntapis it clever to run asterisk in vmware ?
11:34.52MACscrjblack: it works if i just dont filter calls by DID and setup my IVR to play for any DID/CID. So i know that part works. Here are some snippets from my log output
11:35.13tuntapi have a sip phone from my telephony provider and would like to replace it with an asterisk box; do i need any special parameters from my provider ?
11:35.40MACscrtuntap: should be the same registration details
11:35.51MACscrwho is your provider?
11:37.13MACscrand they use true sip thats compatible with asterisk?
11:37.24MACscrmost likely is, but its always good to make sure
11:39.10tuntapi don't know about that, but some 6 months ago they said they're not ready yet for such configuration due to unresolved billing issues...
11:40.03tuntapand that it will be solved in near future
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11:48.32MACscrdo i need to put each trunk on a different port? such as 5060 and 5061?
11:51.34mostyMACscr, if you're behind nat, or have multiple clients using the same ip, it's a good idea
11:52.06MACscrmosty: the asterisk box is at a DC and all extensions will be at remote locations and behind nat
11:52.31*** join/#asterisk Nicopatch (
11:52.40MACscrasterisk box is not behind nat
11:52.41Nicopatchhi all
11:53.49*** join/#asterisk [gnubie] (n=[gnubie]
11:54.24[gnubie]is it a good idea to put i and t extensions for every context in my dialplan?
11:55.45BBHossMACscr: no, all your trunks can run over 5060
11:56.05NicopatchI am searching for a way to create MGCP channels on asterisk; I've seen on the wiki it is not possible in the last release, but is there a way ? (with an .agi or anithing?)
11:56.39BBHossNicopatch: if you're not using SIP or IAX2, then you're going to have trouble :(
11:57.12bkruse_homeh323? :[
11:57.15BBHossthey seem to be the best supported, the other transports seem neglected and dilapidated
11:57.32bkruse_homeNicopatch: call file you could TRY
11:57.34BBHossyeah 323 is alright but its not as good as the sip and iax implementations (i've heard)
11:57.48Nicopatchwell, i've seen rtc too
11:57.54bkruse_homenah 323 is dead
11:58.02bkruse_homewell, channel driver in asterisk anyways...
11:58.41MACscri really hate setting up a polycom without tftp.
11:58.50BBHossNicopatch: just wondering, what exactly do you have that needs MGCP
11:59.13BBHossMACscr: use ftp, its got the benefits of TFTP with more advantages
11:59.33Nicopatchmy isp provide voip based uppon mgcp auth
11:59.45BBHossdamn i didnt realize it was 6am :)
11:59.49MACscrBBHoss: i only need to setup 1 phone
11:59.49BBHossNicopatch: ooh too bad
11:59.56MACscrso i shouldnt have to go through that much trouble
12:00.48BBHossare there no other ITSPs in Belgium that support SIP
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12:02.29NicopatchI've thought to plug an mgcp hardphone on my pc, or anithing else, to asterisk feel as an rtc, or else  *-)
12:03.18Nicopatchi know i will suxx but, really need :(
12:03.56Nicopatchmmm physical telephony network
12:05.11BBHossso whats the reason you can't use a different VoIP provider? maybe someone like packetnet...
12:06.19NicopatchI have some sip providers, and would like to build bridge btw its and this mgcp line
12:06.25Nicopatchon asterisk
12:06.59BBHossok i think i understand
12:07.50BBHosswell the MGCP driver for asterisk sucks first of all, second of all its really designed to be a server for cisco phones and such, not connecting to a provider
12:09.59BBHossheh $40 bounty, big whoop!
12:11.22Qapfanyone know what the output of iax2 jb debug means?
12:12.55BBHossQapf: its the debug for the iax2 jitterbuffer
12:13.32*** part/#asterisk hunnad (n=hunnad@
12:14.36QapfBBHoss, yes but its a stream of letters, do you have a key for what each letter means?
12:14.55BBHossheh no idea, you could pastebin it and ill see if i can make any sense out of it
12:15.35Qapfthe interesting shit in the middle corresponds to a drop in audio
12:17.03BBHossthat is interesting, no idea what it means though
12:17.58Nicopatchmmm I could emulate an usb hardphone as a 56k modem... lol
12:27.08*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@
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12:40.57thevoipforum_orgnew community resource available
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13:00.30mockerthevoipforum_org: You already posted that last week.
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14:00.22[gnubie]what is the proper way to add if statement in the dialplan if the entered number is a member of a "foo" context.. otherwise returns an invalid audio output.. this is for an auto-attendant
14:03.39mosty[gnubie], use GotoIf
14:04.27*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
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14:45.37riddleboxwhat pc specs do you guys recomend for a system that will start off with 6 phones, 7-8 trunks, and the possibility to grow to 20-30 phones and a T1? or do you recomend upgrading if they get that big?
14:47.03mosty7-8 trunks? transcoding?
14:49.26mostythe base level server pc from dell should be able to handle that i think
14:49.33mostyor anyone else
14:49.42defsdooryeah - difficult to buy a new pc that couldn't
14:50.42defsdoorI've not seen cpu get busy unless something else is running
14:52.25riddleboxmosty, I could get away with ulaw transcoding,
14:53.09_ShrikEriddlebox: I've got 30 phones and a PRI running off a 2.4g P4 and it's never under any real load.
14:53.11riddleboxdo you guys think I can a dell pc, or an actual server
14:54.48riddleboxthis guy is excited to get asterisk in his business, it will cost him a fraction of the Vodavi XTSip he bought for his other site
14:55.27mostyriddlebox, a 2Ghz p4 machine would probably be fine. so just buy a new machine from dell (or similar) and you should be fine
14:55.37riddleboxhis company is even wanting to just put me on their payroll as the IT staff for this area
14:56.01riddleboxmosty, do you recomend buying the 24 port TDM card right away as well?
14:56.33mostyprobably not no. do they have 24 analogue phone lines?!
14:57.19riddleboxwell he isnt sure how much he wants to grow, with trunks, I guess I will try to talk to him some more about it
14:57.42mostyi'm not sure what you mean by "trunk", can you clarify that?
14:57.44riddleboxwhat type of switch do you recomend? I guess a POE, I told him to get the Polycom phones
14:58.03riddleboxmosty a phone line from the phone company
14:58.09mostyok, that's not a trunk
14:58.13defsdoorriddlebox: I got a nice netgear 728 for a good price - 24 port poe
14:58.21mostya trunk is a "shared" line of some kind
14:58.53mostyany switch will do, get a PoE switch if you want to use PoE phones
14:59.15*** join/#asterisk esaym (
14:59.41riddleboxmosty, I guess it depends because for legacy equipment we always have to put in "trunk cards" to add more lines from the phone company
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15:00.06mostyriddlebox, there is a big difference between analogue and digital (isdn, T1/E1) phone lines. you will need to find out what they have before you buy the pstn hardware
15:00.50riddleboxmosty, he wants to start off with 7 or 8 phone lines, and possibly add a T1 or PRI later but he may grow in between
15:00.52*** part/#asterisk adjohn (
15:00.58esaymhow does asterisk do dtmf?  It seems that it first detects it and then regenerates it and forwards it out to the phone or next server?  Is there anyway for dtmf to just pass through asterisk without it messing with it?  Like a dtmf pass through mode
15:01.13_ShrikEriddlebox: at 7 or 8 lines, you may want to price a t1/pri anyway
15:01.19mostyriddlebox, 7 or 8 analogue phone lines? it might be cheaper to get a fractional T1
15:01.26riddlebox_ShrikE, he said it is to expensive right now
15:01.41riddleboxhe can only get phone service from a Union provider
15:01.55_ShrikEer.. gotcha
15:02.13riddleboxwhich means AT&T around here, I told him some other providers to look into, hopefully they are union
15:02.27riddleboxhe cant even use one that is partially union
15:02.31mostyriddlebox, personally i recommend sangoma cards, an a200d with remora daughter card, with 4 FXO modules would do
15:02.57mostyriddlebox, and if you change to T1, get an a10Xd
15:03.26riddleboxwhere do you guys buy them from, I cannot use the distributor we use at work, because then my boss will know that I am doing this on the side
15:04.15mostyfrom a local distributor
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15:04.43riddleboxhaha there are no local distributor around here
15:05.02mostyask mr google, there are plenty of places
15:05.38riddleboxyeah I have bought some stuff from voipsupply, and one other place which I cannot remember
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15:08.39defsdoorriddlebox: I'm, currently building a system with a sangoma A200 and 3 FOX modules
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15:11.20riddleboxI just bought a TDM card with 1 fxo for my house, I was upset with the ATA I bought to handle it, when the phone line rings the fxs port rings automatically even though it is registered with the system and it is not supposed to ring
15:14.06mostysounds like an asterisk config error, not the ata
15:14.35riddleboxmosty, nope its how the ata is
15:15.11riddleboxit was a cheapy grandstream model, that couldnt even do caller id, I emailed their support and they said thats just how it is
15:15.32mostynever ever buy grandstream
15:15.57riddleboxyeah I know, I was just starting with asterisk and didnt really know
15:16.09riddleboxI still use it today as an ata for my cordless and it works great
15:19.27jameswf-homewine people say photoshop cs2 should now work... we shal see
15:20.07riddleboxI have never gotten into the gimp/photoshop stuff
15:20.57jameswf-homeI use gimp out of spite for windows but ps native wuld be awesome
15:22.21rafiks..getting stuck with voicemail setup ,,does one have to have a RDB to have voicemail?
15:25.15mostyrafiks, no. the default setup is to use regular files
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15:28.21Woifi1988i want to do a load test! I want to test how many simulous calls with rtp media my asterisk can handle
15:28.39Woifi1988is there a easy way to do that?
15:29.05Woifi1988i read something about sipp but i dindn't find any utorial to do that
15:29.33ahilbDid murf ever merge ??? into trunk (see and if so, please can someone tell me at what revision?
15:30.39rafiksmosty : kept getting error ,failed to get database object
15:30.49troubledquick question guys. When I want to have a certain phone number do something else, is a GotoIf with the ${CALLERID(num)} the only way? I thought that there was a simpler way using a syntax like: 5551212,1,Dial(${MYPHONE}) ?
15:32.28codefreezeahilb: cdrfix5? no, haven't paid attention to that in a while. I could merge it for you later today, gotta do the pinewood derby thing right now....
15:32.51mostyrafiks, are you trying to use realtime?
15:33.00rafiksmosty : recompiling without res_odbc and stuff,will see if this works
15:33.14rafiksmosty : no just plain app_voicemail
15:33.20mostyrafiks, you might be loading the wrong voicemail module
15:33.29ahilb@codefreeze : so you basically ditched it?
15:33.49rafiksmosty :how many voicemail are there?
15:35.04mosty3 in asterisk 1.4, i think
15:35.34mostytroubled, read the book, look at the descrition of the dialplan
15:35.36jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
15:36.37rafiksmosty : ok ..recompiling fixed it
15:37.41rafiksmosty :funny,i am reading ~book and i skipped a chapter ,went straight to RDB's
15:37.53ahilb@codefreeze: Pinewood Derby looks cool (I'm from uk)
15:39.39*** join/#asterisk lemanal (
15:41.59codefreezeI've had 6 boys in Scouting. This is the last. He's putting on the final paint now. Race in a few hours.
15:43.32ahilbcodefreeze: excellent! enjoy :)
15:44.36[gnubie]gtg now..
15:44.40*** part/#asterisk [gnubie] (n=[gnubie]
15:44.42codefreezeI'll update the cdrfix5 branch this afternoon, in about 3 or 4 hours.... hopefully before you go to bed!
15:46.19real0necan i use asterisk to call any phone from the world from my computer?
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15:47.02florzreal0ne: Nope, you can't call the unplugged phone standing on my desk with it.
15:47.05troubledmosty: the book only seems to cover GotoIf method, but searches on google show examples using: s/5551212,2,<.....>
15:47.27real0neflorz explain more^^
15:47.41troubledmosty: the problem is the examples use a numbered priority. not sure what happens when i use "n"
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15:53.40nephflis there anyone who does asterisk/scripting very cheaply?
15:54.28mostytroubled, the n priority is converted into numbers when you load the dialplan
15:55.15Woifi1988i want to do a load test! I want to test how many simulous calls with rtp media my asterisk can handle --> is there any tuorial available for asterisk testing with sipp?
15:55.25troubledmosty: the example used the same priority twice though. one for s/5551212,2,.... and one for s,2,.....
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15:55.55troubledwhich implies that duplicates are allowed for numbers that arent the same
15:56.13mostytroubled, yes. you step through priorities for the first extension that matches
15:57.11drynishHi I have a Cisco 7940 as an ip phone and when I try sending digits to my provider voicemail, it seems to get a lot of digits instead of one. So let say I'm pressing 9, the provider may get 99.
15:57.25mostydrynish, using sip?
15:57.47mostydrynish, i can't help then, sorry
15:57.59drynishthrough a sip trunk
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15:58.24mostydrynish, how do you use skinny "through a sip trunk" ?
15:59.06drynishskinny is the way the cisco phone is registring to my asterisk
15:59.19drynishafterwards it is using a sip trunk to make calls
15:59.26troubledmosty: just funny that when i use multple s/<number> matches, the dialplan fallsthrough. but if i use a single one it matches fine
16:00.26troubledunless i number the first priority of each s/<match num> as a number and not "n"
16:01.20mostytroubled, the n priority is kinda dumb, it does a simple increment, even if the extension changes. perhaps that is what you've got wrong?
16:01.40mostytroubled: 'show dialplan <context>' will tell you how asterisk has interpreted your extensions.conf
16:04.15mostytroubled, pastebin the output for show dialplan context for both cases
16:08.47mostytroubled, notice that the n priority doesn't start at 1 when i think you are expecting it to
16:09.58troubledwell the 1. Answer() is the same for both
16:10.15mostyof course, because you set that explicitly
16:10.17troubledi would assume n would be set to 2 for both cases but i guess not
16:10.33mostythat's where you're wrong. n just increments blindly
16:10.39*** join/#asterisk flujan (
16:11.01troubledi just didnt expect it to ++ based on priorities that it shouldnt have matched
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16:12.06mostytroubled, i have learnt to assume that asterisk is stupid, not to assume that it's smart ;)
16:13.39troubledwell, thanks for helping anyways. i dont mind dealing with it. just glad i got all the idiosyncracys figured out
16:15.18real0nehow can i use asterisk on debian "apt-get install asterick"???
16:16.15troubledreal0ne: apt-cache search asterisk
16:16.15real0neand can i call only computer wich have asterisk?
16:16.39troubledno, you can call any device with a protocol asterisk supports
16:16.53real0neand i can' call phone?
16:16.54troubledie: you can call other peoples sip phones
16:17.38troubledyou cant call a real landline without real hardware or a voip provider for which you have an account that allows you to route a phone call through to a pstn
16:17.59*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
16:18.00real0nethanks a lot
16:18.05real0nefor all information
16:18.10*** join/#asterisk zerohalo (
16:18.24real0nei thing i can call with asterisk all phone
16:21.13jameswf-homeI have photoshop cs2 woking native in linux //Happy Dance//
16:22.36*** part/#asterisk drynish (
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16:27.06Nuggetewwww linux.
16:35.41jameswf-homeBSD is in the past Windows is the now linux is the future
16:36.03jameswf-homeI hav been looking at gOS it is pretty neat
16:37.18*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=Joe@
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16:49.00*** join/#asterisk HowdyDoody (
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17:02.41drmessanoDang.. who sets up an IAX trunk with no security?
17:04.49*** join/#asterisk [Mr_X] (
17:08.30*** join/#asterisk adker (
17:11.50drmessano"Whats a secret?"
17:12.45af_an hidden thing and/or idea, concept?
17:13.11UnixDogFreeBSD is NOW and the Future
17:13.28UnixDogLinux is a playtoy os and windows is just plain evil
17:15.03drmessanoI predict a sharp rise in BeOS users in the fourth quarter
17:16.00UnixDogis BeOS even alive
17:16.18UnixDogI thought the project dies along with OS/2
17:16.25af_I predict that a brand new sharp os soon bypass all the others, for a long universe domination
17:17.57drmessanoIts pretty dead
17:18.29drmessanoIt forked 11 times, then died from the overuse of Machintoshes
17:24.30drmessanoApparently they developed some fork of a recreation of BeOS called "Haiku"
17:24.39drmessanoFork of BeOS
17:24.44drmessanoNo one still remembers it
17:24.49drmessanoGet a new hobby
17:24.52drmessanoYAY.. Haiku
17:26.13drmessanoEvery OS should have two requirements.. IRC and Asterisk... Because if you have no one to talk to, you're just a basement troll
17:31.58*** join/#asterisk asr33 (n=asr33@
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17:40.55jameswf-homeif you listen real close you can hear the ocean
17:43.38plikto hear the ocean, press 6...
17:43.44jameswf-homesad 7 channels open not crap goin on
17:43.49asr33hello ladies and gentle men: I was just thinking of lurking in an effort to learn something new!
17:44.15plikgood plan - it's what I've been doing
17:44.32plikand its been successfuk so far :)
17:44.38jameswf-homeI shall teach you something new lets see.... the square root of 69 is 8 something
17:44.53drmessanoOk, heres the less plan for today
17:44.57drmessanoListen closely
17:45.21drmessano1. Stop asking stupid questions and start pasting - [TK]D-Fender
17:45.49jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
17:46.00*** join/#asterisk jtknapp (
17:46.01drmessano2. Asterisk doesn't make all your telephony free - drmessano
17:46.16UnixDogyes it does
17:46.23drmessano3. BSD and you.. No, BSD doesn't need you - UnixDog
17:46.40UnixDogunless you have to call a company that does not have a sip connection
17:46.53UnixDogBSD rules the planet
17:46.59jameswf-homeof the apes
17:47.02UnixDogand bsd will always neeed a unixdog
17:47.21drmessano4. How to say what's on your mind without saying whats on your mind - jameswf-home
17:47.36*** join/#asterisk deeperror (
17:47.48asr33why doesn't Asterisk have a irc channel but doesn't a conference channel?
17:47.53*** join/#asterisk gentoorax (
17:47.54deeperroris there any commands that would return a zap channels current rx/tx levels?
17:48.36drmessanoI need someone to teach "Trixbox is to Asterisk what a 75lb tick is to your left leg"
17:48.47drmessanoOk, I will teach it.. thats Lesson 5
17:49.30jameswf-homeremember kids when you make an off color remark disclaim it so your boss doesnt get called
17:49.51drmessano6. SIP and NAT, why it takes you 15 minutes to open a box of cereal too - jblack
17:50.05jameswf-home2 wrongs dont make a right but a few shots of vodka and lime juice makes a great drink
17:50.07UnixDogipv6 will change all this
17:50.15UnixDogwhen it finaly hits
17:50.31drmessanoipv6 will continue to get molded into ipv4 part 2
17:50.54drmessanoipv6 was supposed to fix the need for DHCP until some dumbass admins started crying
17:51.15drmessanoI wonder what other kludges we'll drag into ipv6
17:51.32mvanbaakyou dont need DHCP with ipv6
17:51.43drmessanoBut it's being implemented
17:51.48jameswf-homeThe US has 80% of the ipv4 number space who needs ipv6
17:52.05mvanbaakdrmessano: yeah, but by default you dont need it
17:52.10mvanbaakthat's the difference
17:52.13drmessanoI know
17:52.23mvanbaakthere is a lot implemented that is totally useless
17:52.27drmessanoBut we're still going to end up with a bunch of ip4 admins with DHCP all over the place
17:52.31mvanbaakit doesn't mean you have to use it
17:52.41drmessanoYeah, but it will be
17:52.43drmessanoThats the thing
17:52.44UnixDogyou really dont need dhcp unless you a lazy andmin and to lazy to setup your network correctly. only dhcp if you dsl/isdn/net provider requires it
17:53.43drmessanoIIRC, that was one thing that slowed IPv6 being implemented on Windows XP.. The lack of DHCP support
17:54.00jameswf-homethe sign of a good admin is the ability to be lazy.. spend all day playing soduku if you have to manage your network you have done something wrong
17:54.28mvanbaakdrmessano: bullocks. autoconfig for ipv6 has been in windows xp ipv6 stack from the start
17:54.40drmessanoNot autoconfig.. DHCP
17:55.02plikjameswf-home: I thought that was why dhcp was a good thing - 1 config file and back to leisure time
17:55.18mvanbaakautoconfig is the way to do your ipv6 handling
17:55.21mvanbaaknot dhcp
17:55.24drmessanoI KNOW
17:55.30drmessanoYou dont get it
17:55.46drmessanoDHCP is being slapped on top of IPv6
17:55.49jameswf-homewho the heck wants to type http://fe80::250:56ff:fec0:1
17:55.51drmessanoDHCP != Autoconfig
17:56.06mvanbaakdrmessano: uhhuh. but why is that a bad thing ?
17:56.16UnixDogboys back to your seperate corners
17:56.19UnixDogtime out
17:56.25florzjameswf-home: nobody, for that's an invalid URI =:-)
17:56.34mvanbaakif ppl want DHCP in ipv6 they can install an ipv6 DHCP server and ipv6 DHCP clients
17:56.37drmessanoBecause DHCP is an evil kludge for IPv6 when a perfectly working autoconfig system exists
17:56.39mvanbaakby default it's not there
17:56.44drmessanoThe whole point is to use autoconfig
17:56.48ManxPowersometimes the issue is simply that the IT department is massivly, incredibly, almost criminally under funded.
17:57.11mvanbaakdrmessano: our ipv6 setups run fine with autoconfig
17:57.21drmessanoIm sure they do
17:57.22mvanbaakand our provider's as well
17:57.29drmessanoThats the whole idea
17:57.34mvanbaakso why are you worried about DHCP ?
17:57.45drmessanoGood god
17:57.57mvanbaakI mean, it's working without
17:58.01mvanbaakso simply dont use it
17:58.12drmessanoBecause people WILL IMPLEMENT IT
17:58.21mvanbaakyeah ?
17:58.31mvanbaakppl implement windows platforms as well
17:58.31plikmvanbaak: I think that was his point - it;s being slapped on regardless... scroll back up and re-read til you get it
17:58.53*** join/#asterisk mcab (
17:58.56mvanbaakppl implement voip setups with grandstream phones
17:59.22plikmostly through ignorance or cheapskateness
17:59.48mvanbaakit's as bad as using dhcp with ipv6
17:59.56plikso really we need better educated users....
17:59.57mvanbaakthe answer is very very simple
18:00.04mvanbaak"I dont support that"
18:00.08plikbut trying to get users to give a damn is .....
18:00.14mvanbaakanywayz, food
18:00.19plikvery difficult
18:00.20drmessanoThe answer *was* not to implement it in the first place
18:00.31drmessanoM$ is to blame for a lot of that.. Windows Admins demanded it
18:01.00drmessanoThere was a really good article in TechNet magazine about it last year, I think
18:01.07jameswf-homea phone is a phone a sip phone is a sip phone what difference does it make if you can save a few bucks... we are in a recession damnit
18:01.29drmessanojameswf-home: If it works and isnt screwing with anything, who cares..
18:01.52drmessanoIt's one thing to not use shit that doesn't work
18:02.31pliktrue, but that kind of attitude leads people to buy macs and give up civil liberties in exchange for wire taps and surveilance and drm
18:02.36plik- i mean security
18:03.31ManxPowerThink of the children!
18:03.39drmessanoNo, being uneducated does that.. But an educated user that uses their abilities to implement something cheaper due to their specific knowledge of the functionality of the product should never be discounted
18:04.17jameswf-homeI am going to go work  my masters in forensics... I can be part of the prob i mean solution
18:04.38plikyes - that was my point earlier about better educated users / people ... but sadly most people don't care enought coz they don't understand enough
18:05.23drmessanoI was having this same sort of discussion, actually "argument" with a friend of mine a few weeks back.. About buying two-way radios from China for $50 a piece
18:05.30jameswf-homeI have decided actualy thinking for my self is way to hard thats why I am voting for hillary
18:05.32*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
18:05.55drmessanoThey're the same as the $400 radios without the label and markup... If it's the same, or maybe just SLIGHTY cheaper quality, but WORKS, who cares
18:06.42drmessanoAfter he got off his Motorola/Kenwood fanboy podium, he bought one of the $50 radios too and he loves it
18:07.12plikthere are times when thats all well and good, but as a aweeping generalisation it gets us in grief...
18:07.15ManxPowerdrmessano: the thing is even if they have TWICE the failure rate, you'll still be saving money.  Just buy a few spares.
18:07.36*** join/#asterisk hfb (n=hfb@
18:07.51ManxPowerWe do that with some of our cisco equipment.  It's SO cheap that we just buy a spare or two instead of a maint contract
18:08.04drmessanoYes ManxPower, or if I go out at wreck and it it bust a window open and the radio smashes in two pieces, im not out $400 for ONE radio
18:08.14drmessanouse it*
18:08.17jameswf-homeagain if you have to manage your network you are doing something wrong
18:08.53ManxPowerjameswf-home: How do you define "manage your network"?
18:09.36ManxPowerFor the most part we just wait until something breaks and some complains.
18:09.55jameswf-homeif less than 95% of your time is spent not on youtube, in solitare or with soduku etc you are managing your network
18:10.13ManxPowerIf we had more than 1 support person per 200 users maybe we would be a bit more proactive about it
18:11.24*** join/#asterisk tiav (
18:11.49jameswf-homeeducating and restricting users is part of making your network stable and allowing you to be lazy
18:12.07ManxPower(and more than 1 network/telecom/design guy per 300 users)
18:12.40ManxPowerjameswf-home: you are assuming that users are willing and/or able to be educated.
18:13.01jameswf-homeno that is what restrictions are for
18:13.02ManxPowerIn my experience, that is simply not the case.
18:15.24*** join/#asterisk ice_croft (n=nolan@
18:16.28weazahljameswf-home: its amazing home many problems you can eliminate by moving your clients from a public email server to a managed server with virius and spam scanners
18:17.12*** part/#asterisk deeperror (
18:17.33jameswf-homeI use linux what is this virus you speak of :)
18:17.49weazahlzimbra rocks. at least till yahoo stole it from the world
18:18.27weazahli dont know.  i have practical immunity also.  but my clients for some reason still believe then need M$
18:19.22jameswf-home << viruseseses lol
18:19.47anonymouz666is there some app to forward the recorded message? let's say 15 secs...
18:21.29anonymouz666fast forward
18:25.55jameswf-homeIsnt that awesome with enough silence they learn to use google
18:27.47anonymouz666jameswf-home: you know there are lots of apps... It's not hard to forget one or another.
18:28.37jameswf-homeI have enough going on in my head to remember more than the core apps for all else there is the book
18:31.01drmessanoman woman
18:31.18drmessanoNo manual entry for woman
18:32.05endre% man "how to get off"
18:32.05endreNo manual entry for how to get off
18:32.41drmessanoman automatic
18:32.44drmessanoNo manual entry for automatic
18:33.52jameswf-home$ finger woman
18:33.52jameswf-homefinger: woman: no such user.
18:34.34De_MonI like jameswf-home's better
18:34.41drmessanoI tried to finger cop and I got booted.. So I did sudo finger cop and it was much lulz
18:34.50De_Monman women is pretty good too
18:35.00jameswf-homegrep "intelligent life" Earth
18:35.12drmessanocat dog
18:36.25jameswf-homekillall -9 stupid_people
18:36.41drmessanoSomeone told me /dev/null was a safe place to store my documents
18:36.51drmessanoSo I moved them there, and now they're gone
18:36.55drmessanoHALP MEH
18:37.11jameswf-homecp ~/bank_accounts /dev/null
18:37.54jameswf-homejbot: /dev/null
18:37.54jbotwell, /dev/null is a bit bucket, or where you should move your via boards to
18:37.55drmessanoMaybe I should move /etc/asterisk there and see if I can call it?
18:39.37jameswf-homewe were trying to add dd to the trixbox commands to see if we could make the file lie 20 megs
18:41.15jameswf-homeit kept crapping out.... perl sucks
18:41.33drmessanoAlways funny when someone from Fonality claims to know a lot about perl
18:41.36drmessano"We know you do"
18:41.40drmessano"We've seen your work" FTW
18:42.17jameswf-homedont cast your perl before swine
18:44.15jameswf-hometrixbox bug reports kernel-PAE installing, trixbox says they cant replicate meaning there test systems dont support pae... what kind of old junk are they using for test
18:44.37*** part/#asterisk asr33 (n=asr33@
18:44.50jameswf-homedeveloping on P2
18:45.09*** join/#asterisk oxylin (
18:45.10jameswf-homealso explains why mp3's slow em down
18:45.25oxylinI everybody
18:46.49oxylinI would like to forword some prefixes (I already do that) and set the callerid to the callerid of the client who use my aterisk to go to the endpoint which is pointed by the prefix... The problem is over the callerid settings...How can I do that?
18:48.55oxylinno one?
18:50.06*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux[m] (
18:51.36*** part/#asterisk [Mr_X] (
18:53.59drmessanojameswf-home: MP3's are the devil
18:54.08drmessanoBecause we don't support them
18:54.11drmessanoYeah, thats it
18:55.24ManxPoweroxylin: So you want the PSTN to send the caller's Caller*ID info to the destination phone?
18:57.05oxylinManxPower, yes but incoming calls come only from other asterisk servers or softphones
18:57.21ManxPoweroxylin: the Caller*ID should be transported along with the call.
18:57.51weazahlmodel name      : AMD Athlon(tm) Processor  cpu MHz         : 935.952....  thats antique and works fine.
18:58.04weazahlused to be on an intel 600
18:58.46weazahlopps  wrong window :D
18:59.01drmessanoWhat are you jibber jabbering about?
18:59.31oxylinManxPower, in fact not really as I saw. A user (an asterisk server) use my asterisk to call other phone numbers and it's my caller id which is transported, not his one
18:59.38weazahltalking about old hardware used in *.  some people do it since its all you need
19:00.03ManxPoweroxylin: "your callerid" means the callerid of the main number?
19:00.18nephfli really dont like doin this asterisk stuff...someone want to do it for me?
19:00.22oxylinmain number? what you mean?
19:00.40ManxPowerWhat is the "my caller id "
19:00.57ManxPoweroxylin: English is not your native language?
19:01.21drmessanoThe point was that Trixbox has all sorts of performance issues
19:01.23*** join/#asterisk fiXXXerMet (
19:01.38drmessanoProbably relating to a piss poor devel env
19:02.26*** join/#asterisk gentoorax (
19:03.03oxylinManxPower, no... I'm sorry. I have a so bad written english?
19:03.20jameswf-homeI  installed b in vmware to do rpm's etc and had to convert zaptel to source.. they patch the hell out of the zaptel source... I
19:04.03ManxPoweroxylin:  Your English is not terrible.
19:04.20jameswf-homeoslec patch, sangoma patch, voipsex patch i was like geeze
19:05.52jameswf-homeI wish people wouldnt push to make oslec a standard, It really sucks in large enviroments
19:05.57oxylinManxPower, so... That's ok.. I found the problem, in fact it's my SIP account provider which override the caller id
19:11.15jameswf-homewow that polocy chick has a chicken head :))
19:12.00jameswf-homeI wonder is any of the popular candidates would make ron paul their vice
19:17.31*** join/#asterisk luckyone (
19:17.36luckyoneI am working on setting up fax-to-email on my asterisk server, but I am getting an error using SetVar()
19:18.59jameswf-homethe Mac Air looks cool but I would so break it...
19:20.00*** part/#asterisk Neuro2112 (
19:20.05ManxPowerluckyone: SetVar is being removed.
19:20.16luckyonewhat is it in 1.4.17?
19:20.20ManxPowerluckyone: if you had read the upgrade.txt you would know what things are being removed, recpecated, etc.
19:22.09ManxPowerIn fact I always recommend reading the upgrade.txt for the version you are installing and the previous major version as well.
19:23.19*** join/#asterisk mrdigital (
19:23.46luckyoneManxPower: I still don't see what it was replaced with after reading the upgrade.txt file
19:25.30luckyoneI imagine the 1.2 upgrade.txt file explains what to use because that is the version where it was depricated...
19:27.49jameswf-homesummary of changes between 1.2 and 1.4 depricated depricated add orre this and that
19:36.18*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (
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19:45.08luckyoneManxPower: is there an Asterisk API anywhere?
19:45.46luckyonefor the conf files?
19:46.19drmessanoan API for the conf files?
19:47.02ManxPowerluckyone: no API for conf files.
19:47.02luckyonedrmessano: I don't know.. something that describes how I am supposed to do things that worked in 1.2, but no longer
19:47.14luckyoneyeah, API was a bad choice
19:47.16ManxPowerluckyone: THAT would be upgrade.txt
19:47.25luckyoneheh, I don't see it in there
19:47.36ManxPowerluckyone: you have the asterisk source code, right?
19:47.38drmessanoluckyone, its called "know how"
19:47.45ManxPowerYou looked in the docs/ directory
19:47.48drmessanoRead the upgrade.txt and work out whats changed
19:47.54luckyonewill do
19:47.57luckyonethanks for the motivation!
19:48.30drmessanoI lost my copy if change_12_stuff_to_14.vbs
19:49.29ManxPowerSo now not only do we have to tell people where to find the docs, now we also have to motivate them to read the docs?
19:49.36ManxPowerI quit!
19:49.45drmessanoManxPower, DO IT FOR ME
19:50.07luckyone" You should use the equivalent dialplan
19:50.10drmessanoI GAV U PASTEBAN, U EDIT NOW?
19:50.46drmessanoTEAL ME WEN UR DON, KTHX?  :)
19:50.58drmessanoU VRY HALPFUL MAN, MAN :)
19:51.16drmessanoU R DONE YET ?!?!?!
19:51.51luckyoneI am sorry if I sound that way
19:51.53ManxPowerMUCH better.
19:52.39drmessano1. Ask for help
19:52.41drmessano2. Demand it
19:52.45drmessano3. Rush it
19:52.48drmessano4. ??????
19:52.57ManxPower5. Profit!
19:53.02ManxPoweroh, wait, wrong channel
19:53.27drmessanoI cant remember who did that to me.. I was working on helping someone
19:53.48drmessanoand they dropped the "How much longer this take?  Need to have office up soon :)"
19:53.57luckyoneso, if I was to look at the 1.2 upgrade.txt, I would see some mappings between DBGet and what it was replaced with
19:53.58drmessanoI did a /quit right then and there
19:54.05drmessanoCame back the next day
19:54.11ManxPowerluckyone: you should.
19:54.55drmessanoI dont think this was an Asterisk issue IIRC.. but in any case.. good stuff
19:55.34drmessanooh crap
19:55.37drmessanoI left off one
19:55.53drmessano6. After HALP is completed, question it
19:56.06luckyonelook at me go!
20:09.08*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
20:11.31*** join/#asterisk byte_slave (n=chatzill@
20:12.37byte_slavei 've recently unplugged the cables from my old alcatel central that where connected to asterisk server
20:12.57luckyonefor 1.4 is compiling spandsp the only way to do faxing?
20:13.22ManxPowerluckyone: the only way to do faxing without a fax machine or fax modem, tes.
20:13.41luckyoneManxPower: yes, that is what I mean, specifically fax to email
20:13.51byte_slavenow i've at * CLI obviously a msg that Primary D-Channel on span 7 down also for span 1,2 and 8
20:13.56ManxPowerhylafax supports fax to email, I think.
20:14.16byte_slaveto deactivate this do i need to reeinstall the octobri card drivers?
20:14.17luckyoneManxPower: would you recommend it to me (an idiot)
20:14.19ManxPowerbyte_slave: D channels are only supposed to be on channel 24 (T-1) or channel 16 (E-1)
20:14.36ManxPowerluckyone: we process hundreds of faxes per week using spandsp and rxfax
20:14.46luckyoneManxPower: then I am down with that
20:14.55ManxPowerbyte_slave: sorry, you said "span".  nevermind.
20:15.18ManxPowerbyte_slave: all that means is "the PRI is not working"
20:15.30luckyoneManxPower: v 0.0.3?
20:15.34*** part/#asterisk zerohalo (
20:15.40ManxPowerluckyone: I have no idea.
20:15.40byte_slaveor i can simply edit some .conf file to fix this?
20:16.00UnixDogthere is no simple fix to life
20:16.13ManxPowerbyte_slave: we don't have even close to enough information to answer that.
20:16.26ManxPowerdoes zttool show the spans in red or yellow alarm?
20:16.37kaldemarbyte_slave: if you're not using the spans, you can comment them out in zapata.conf. after restart, you won't see those any more.
20:17.10byte_slaveok, answered, i thought it would be necessary to reconfigure the driver
20:17.24byte_slavethanks kaldemar and ManxPower
20:18.45*** join/#asterisk generalhan (
20:18.52generalhanhey all !
20:19.33byte_slavei don't have any info about the chanels in zapata.conf but zapata.conf as "#include zapata-BRI-HFC.conf" can that information be there? this ins supposed to be a comment?
20:20.05ManxPowerbyte_slave: not many people here us BRI.
20:20.38*** join/#asterisk d00gster (
20:23.04byte_slaveManxPower: that octobri card i use as 4 inputs and can be jumper confugured ti suport until 8 lines, i have 4 lines connected to the NTs  and other 4 connected to the alcatel old telephony central, i just want to deactivate these 4 lines from alcatel central
20:23.29kaldemarbyte_slave: most likely your channels are configured there. comments start with ;'s, not #'s.
20:27.04generalhanim currently using 1.2.23 in production, and was thinking about changing to 1.4.x, but i have a lot of custom-like code that i use for my queues. i was wondering if there was an easier way to accomplish these tasks in 1.4.x, or at the very least that this code will still work when converting to from 1.2.23.
20:27.16generalhanwould some one mind taking a look at what i have please?
20:28.05ManxPowergeneralhan: there is a very simple answer to your question.
20:28.18generalhanManxPower: yes ?
20:29.39ManxPowergeneralhan: read the upgrade.txt file for both 1.2 and 1.4  Those files are SUPPOSED to contain ALL the info required to upgrade.  And yes, read the 1.2 upgrade.txt too.
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20:31.01generalhanok, i think i can manage that ! :)
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20:31.48generalhani need to start reading up on dynamic queues too, wonder how difficult that will be for me to figure out !
20:37.44ManxPowerI tried queues at one point, was not what we needed.
20:38.03ManxPowerI use my internal designed "fake queues" using chan_local
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20:46.18generalhanManxPower: you have a link or other documentation to explain to me what you did? maybe i dont need to be using queues either ! lol
20:51.47drmessanojblack: Where you at, foo?
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20:58.08ManxPowergeneralhan: there really isn't any docs for that
20:58.42luckyonehow well does faxing over SIP/IAX2 work?
20:58.53luckyoneor receiving faxes
20:59.11generalhani could get rid of one of those peices of code if i could just figure out if there is a way to disable call-waiting on my Aastra phones !! no one seems to know how though. even Aastra ! lol
21:03.37luckyone/join #callweaver
21:04.11luckyoneI'm that guy
21:04.23drmessanoThat guy?
21:04.38luckyonethat types things in the wrong irssi window... do any of you know agx?
21:07.32J4k3screen -dr
21:07.51J4k3yeah, don't front.
21:07.56byte_slavea stupid question what is a span?
21:10.15byte_slavei'm newbie and getting confused between span and channel
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21:15.52_ShrikEbyte_slave: read the text in zaptel.conf.... spans are for E1/T1
21:16.24_ShrikEyou should also read the book
21:16.26jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
21:17.42J4k3I wonder if the local hastings actually has that in print format
21:18.00J4k3I hate pdfs, especially free ones from orielly as they usually don't include toc/index
21:20.24_ShrikEgiven its the best doc out there on the topic, I dont complain given its free.
21:27.28luckyonehas anyone recently installed spandsp-0.0.4
21:29.30drmessanoSorry, I don't know anything about pokemon
21:33.57byte_slaveweird, they allow ppl to download the ebook online???
21:34.20*** part/#asterisk fiXXXerMet (
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21:40.10IPGHOSThi guys
21:40.27IPGHOSTi wana make some IVR survey system on asterisk , any ideas or help
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21:49.43sbingnerdo you guys think it would be worthwhile for me to run a small company to do PSTN termination to hawaii?
21:50.05sbingnernobody else seems to do it...
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22:20.22drmessanosbingner: Sure, why not
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22:22.01J4k3so far theres no CLECs capable of porting numbers in the area, I assume its bullshit with the antique 911 office
22:22.16drmessanoWhere is "here"?
22:22.21sbingnerall I'd need is a T1 from my telco right?
22:22.24J4k3I'm thinking... I can get any number in the area transfered to an ilec-provided ($550/mo, not too bad) pri...
22:22.35sbingnernot really too sure how to go about doing this...
22:22.41J4k3here = grapeland, texas, usa... windstream is the ilec.
22:22.54lmadsenis there grapes?
22:23.02drmessanoProbably not
22:23.12J4k3lmadsen: not that many anymore.
22:23.15J4k3watermelons are the new crop
22:23.23lmadsenI love watermelons
22:23.24J4k3theres also a ~150 acre blueberry farm
22:23.44lmadsenI guess watermelonland doesn't have the same ring to it
22:23.56J4k3I grow watermelons..  I'm tempted to do my whole 5 acres with them this year
22:23.58drmessanoCall it "Blueberry Bell"
22:24.03J4k3I hate mowing grass and thats one way around it
22:24.45sbingneror would I need to become a CLEC?
22:24.49J4k3well, I hate feeding my lawn mower gas and parts...  at this point it needs a whole new engine (~$400 ebay, $750 local retail)
22:24.59J4k3so might as well do something productive instead.
22:31.16*** join/#asterisk grandpapadot (
22:31.33BBHossdoes anyone here get pissed when telemarketers call you on your cell phone with a fake ANI, and then you realize the hold music is the stock stuff that comes with asterisk, and the prompts are recorded by allison?
22:31.36grandpapadotMan, if it wasn't for customers I would enjoy my job.
22:31.47grandpapadotBBHoss, lol.
22:31.49sbingnerBBHoss, hasn't happened to me
22:32.05BBHossyeah they always call with like 5551212 or something
22:32.29grandpapadotMy Asterisk Book: "Fun with ANI" or "How to change your outbound caller id for fun and entertainment"
22:32.59BBHossi've told them numerous times to remove me from their list, no luck
22:33.32J4k3the asterisk license should exclude the ability to use for telemarketing purposes
22:33.53BBHossJ4k3: no it shouldnt
22:34.07BBHosstelemarketing sucks but people spread * because of it
22:34.17J4k3telemarketers could pay for development
22:34.19J4k3straight up
22:34.41BBHossJ4k3: and its already illegal in the US to do what they're doing, so why would they care about a petty license
22:34.59J4k3telemarketing is sleazy business...  a pile of grandsuck phones and a used peecee from the local goodwill and you're on your way to an annoying income
22:36.21J4k3asterisk's other job in life is ensuring you get the best quality technical support possible from India when you call any US-based corporation.
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22:40.34drmessanoJ4k3: I had a guy from india wanting me to build him an Asterisk box and send it over there
22:40.42drmessanoSo I asked him 'Who would support it?'
22:40.50drmessanoHe said he wanted me to support it
22:40.54drmessanoSo I asked him..
22:40.55NovceGurummmmmmmmm bitterman
22:41.13J4k3I get my support from you, Dante.
22:41.16drmessano"Let me get this right.... You want india to call the U.S. for tech support?"
22:41.24drmessanoHe didnt get the irony
22:41.26grandpapadotWe get calls all the time people wanting asterisk support, what's funny is they don't want to pay for it.  Some lady actually had the nerve to tell me "Why should we pay for support, Asterisk is free"
22:41.42drmessanoI laughed for days
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22:50.33troubledhmm, my TDM is getting really bad echo when bridged to the pstn line. is that normal when echo cancel is on?
22:51.03jbothmm... tdm is Time Division Multiplexing. It is a scheme in which numerous signals are combined for transmission on a single communications line or channel. Each signal is broken up into many segments, each having very short duration.
22:52.09asr33sorry i'll private message next time!
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22:52.51troubledsorry, its a TDM400p card
22:53.14asr33great thanks, I'm a newbie
22:53.25ManxPowertroubled: echo is difficult to remove.  You could change the a different EC in ztconfig.h in the zaptel source, IIRC.  Recompile after, of courese.
22:53.30jbothmm... newbie is someone who is new to linux or debian, and should read the docs (/usr/share/doc/)
22:53.35J4k3POTS should be avoided at all times.
22:53.47RypPnhey there, anyone have any ideas why zaptel 1.4.8 would fail to compile like so? . Zaptel compiles fine against the same kernel.
22:54.00drmessanoPOTS is evil.. it's the gateway to worse things
22:54.26troubledManxPower: well, the echo is fine and the sound quality is amazing between the fxo modules, but soon as I bridge to the pstn, it gets real bad and quiet compared to the other lines
22:55.32troubledManxPower: another thing that makes it a pain is im using debian stable so im stuck with 1.2 precompiled
22:56.23troubledalthough i supose I could sit down and recompile or maybe even move to 1.4 from svn if it has a chance of improving
22:57.22troubledone question though. the zaptel config mentioned about hardware echo cancel and software. is my TDM400p hardware echo or can i actually tweak those echo levels for the pstn line to my liking?
23:00.57grandpapadottroubled: eh?  You can compile any version on debian.  You don't have to use the packages.
23:01.07J4k3cancel pstn, transfer number to a nice new BRI.
23:01.12J4k3cancel POTS
23:03.31J4k3the only thing I keep a POTS line for is I can't get my # ported to a capable provider, and the losers want a little over $100/month for a BRI
23:06.53drmessanoBRI... Breaks Really Intermittently
23:08.57mamephey anywhere to get callerid after ivr redirection?
23:11.37grandpapadotNoOp(${CALLERID(all)}) ??
23:12.09grandpapadotWhat type of redirection?
23:12.57ManxPowertroubled: If you have echo on a call where there is no VoIP then you have SERIOUS problems with your system.
23:13.37grandpapadoti.e., PCI interleaving
23:13.37ManxPowerIVRs do not change callerid
23:13.37ManxPowerUnless you tell them to
23:14.13ManxPowertroubled: you are not STUCK with anything precompiled.
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23:16.17troubledgrandpapadot: sorry back. i realise that, but im using a fai setup to manage the reinstalls. doing a svn install just adds a whole bunch of steps. a last resort for sure
23:16.51ManxPowerum,. download the 1.2.x or 1.4.x tarball, untar/uncompress, compile, install
23:17.06ManxPowerno sane person would use SVN in production.
23:17.14tzafrir_hometroubled, so build a backport of the 1.4 package
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23:17.23ManxPowerOr more specifically, a random checkout of SVN
23:17.36mamepgrandpapadot : ivr menu
23:17.42grandpapadotOh, that's easy, if you're interested.  Just do a simple shell script that wget's the files you need (from somewhere inside your network).  Garbage in, garbage out, i.e., if the base ssytems are teh same from install to install and you run the script at the same step each time it should work great to download, decompress, make; make install
23:17.46mamepand then redirect to internal number
23:18.07grandpapadotThen just add some simple chown's to the script and cp the init.d, update_rc.d, etc.
23:18.27tzafrir_hometroubled, zaptel builds fine on Etch. Asterisk - requires two changes: run the scripts debian/backports/etch*
23:18.27rabelaisdoes the grandstream gxp-2000 work well with asterisk? there's a pretty huge page on about the phone with problems and complaints, does anyone have personal experience with it?
23:18.34grandpapadotOh, and add your user/group
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23:18.48grandpapadotGrandscream sucks in general, buy polycom
23:18.50ManxPowerrabelais: virtually all grandstream products suck, regardless of what system you use them with.
23:19.01rabelaiswell, that answers my question
23:19.06rabelaishehe, thanks
23:19.46rabelaisI'm glad I went with the spa3102 instead of the handytone 488 then...
23:20.57troubledManxPower: well, ill have to check into it more. I havent done the custom kernel yet so im pretty sure im still run 250hz. was just wondering if there were any suggestions on where to start
23:21.30mamepgrandpapadot : so any guidance?
23:22.06grandpapadotSorry, missed some of the conversation.  You're caller ID isn't changed unless you explicitly change it yourself inside the script.
23:22.24grandpapadotSo ${CALLERID(all)} should be the same ..
23:22.29mameplet me give a paste
23:22.36grandpapadotis this an Asterisk install or FreePBX/TrixBox?
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23:22.51mamepwhen i can through zap channell
23:23.21grandpapadotAre you attempting to "switch" through zap channels?  i.e., take an inbound zap call and send it back out via zap?
23:23.46grandpapadotIt should be unchanged, definitely pastebin your extensions.conf and I'll take a look
23:24.04mamepn i can through zap channell
23:24.05mamep[01:22am] [mamep] asterisk
23:24.41mamepcheck here
23:24.45mamepi get these errors
23:24.47mamepfirst of all
23:25.12ManxPowermamep: that has nothing whatsoever to do with an IVR
23:25.15grandpapadotOk, that generally means missing or *badly* malformed caller id.
23:25.36mamepyeah but i told it was ivr's problem
23:25.43mamepso how can i fix this one first?
23:25.54ManxPowergrandpapadot: It frequently means the audio gain is either too high or too low.
23:26.13grandpapadotWhen you Anser() the zap channel, right after that, do an exten => s,n,NoOp(${CALLERID(all)}) and tell us what you get in the CLI
23:26.19grandpapadotAnswer() rather
23:26.31mamepjust a sec
23:26.36ManxPowerYou do not need to answer the line.
23:26.37grandpapadotManxPower: Ahh! Never thought of that.
23:26.58grandpapadotLet me rephrase, right after the call is answered, dump the callerid string and see what it is.
23:27.37mattwj2005well I am going to install AsteriskNOW when I get the file downloaded
23:27.52grandpapadotmamep: ManxPower suggest audio gain which makes sense to me... Since the caller id info is sent after the first ring
23:28.37mamepso a possible fix?
23:30.01grandpapadotLower the gain or use the zaptel tuning until to troubleshoot, you're out of my scope now, I just do SIP
23:30.13grandpapadotuntil = util
23:30.17grandpapadotsorry, can't type today
23:30.34grandpapadotWhat TDM card are you using, mamep?
23:32.10mameptdm400p with 3 fxo modules
23:33.47grandpapadotGoogle "asterisk FXOtune utility" it will likely lead to your fix
23:33.57grandpapadotor zaptel fxotune utility
23:37.37mamepfound something in voip-ingo
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23:45.22sbingneranybody use sipgate? - I got a number but I get invalid number when I try to call it
23:47.39grandpapadotClearly, if you can't get a hold of them via their published number and they are a provider, might be best to move on to the next one
23:50.36mamepgrandpapadot :
23:50.46mamepbut trying and can't get anything working
23:52.00grandpapadotAhh.. way out of my area of expertise.. lol
23:52.18wwalkeris there a way to turn on boot_wait on a wrt54gl before replacing the firmware?  Currently, I put openwrt on it, then immediately enable boot_wait.
23:55.43sbingnergrandpapadot, it's a free termination in germany... and I'm going there soon so I was hoping to set it up for calling back here heh
23:56.06grandpapadotDo you guys have SIP termination providers over there?
23:57.09troubledhow long should this fxotune take on one fxo channel?
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23:57.27troubledjust seems to keep repeating something about setting the registers over and over
23:57.30asr33jbot is a sexual pervert?
23:57.41jbotextra, extra, read all about it, milf is a mom that you would want to apt-get install condom; mount; fsck; gasp; more; yes; yes; yes; more; umount; apt-get remove --purge condom; make clean; sleep
23:58.03jbotPorn remains one of the largest problems with Open Source Software. Often causing development delays, flooded links and, in extreme cases, disabling programmers ability to type.
23:59.16wwalkerwhat worries me is that jbot requires a condom for porn
23:59.50SwKjbot belives in safe sex

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