IRC log for #asterisk on 20080116

00:00.25RipeR-81nevermind found it
00:04.44phixumm where is the asterisk reference?
00:05.03jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
00:05.59phixoh it is in there?
00:07.01mvanbaakbye all
00:12.36*** part/#asterisk macli (
00:13.32*** join/#asterisk Porks (
00:14.10phixBeen a while ay :)
00:14.16Porksphix, hi!
00:14.32*** join/#asterisk esaym (
00:15.16esaymwhat is a decent software phone for linux that works with asterisk?  I need to test my setup and my hardware phones are still  in the mail...
00:22.33phixesaym: anything that uses SIP
00:22.44phixxlite isn't bad
00:22.50phixbut not opensource
00:23.36esaymI can't really find anyting
00:23.56JunK-Yuse zoiper.
00:24.06*** join/#asterisk RoyK (n=roy@
00:25.11phixesaym: can you find xlite?
00:25.45esaymyea I am looking right npow
00:30.25_ShrikEphix: devstate is not in 1.2
00:32.54*** part/#asterisk Porks (
00:33.13Olobolais fastagi ok in a busyish production environment?
00:33.29phixok well I dont use the vairable that dial status sets, I use dial+101 (where dial is set to the umm number where the Dial call is :))
00:34.46phix_ShrikE: the problem is dial+101 gets jumped to if the person being called hangs up on a mobile instead of answering
00:35.04phixAny was to tell the difference?
00:35.16mostyphix, it's best not to use priority jumping, better to use ${DIALSTATUS}
00:35.46phixmosty: is that the same thing though?
00:36.15phixI mean with ${DIALSTATUS} tell me that the person being called press the red button instead of the green one? :)
00:36.17esaymhmm this might work:
00:36.53*** join/#asterisk EvilDeshi (
00:37.05phixAwesome hold music, too bad it is breaching copyright :P
00:37.18EvilDeshiis there a tutorial somewhere for getting flite to work with *?
00:37.48mostyphix, the code that performs priority jumping does so by using ${DIALSTATUS}, so you can use it to cause exactly the same behaviour if you wish
00:38.19mostyOlobola, i thought the whole idea of fastagi was for busy servers
00:38.31phixwhere is the list of result codes for DIALSTATUS?
00:38.45mostyon the wiki i think
00:42.25*** join/#asterisk RoyK (n=roy@
00:43.36lmadsen_ShrikE: hey, just trying to figure out how to schedule a shipment on :)
00:44.11_ShrikElmadsen: you mean like scheduling a pickup?
00:44.16Olobolamosty: I keep running into complaints about phpagi/fastagi. Would perl make much of difference over PHP for a fairly simple phone maze (db connections etc)?
00:44.20lmadsen_ShrikE: aye
00:44.47lmadsenOlobola: why not just use the dialplan and func_odbc for DB connections?
00:45.33phixyay, it is CHANUNAVAIL
00:45.48phixso CHANUNAVAIL == 101 ?
00:45.58phixhmm now to find out what the numbers mean
00:46.13*** part/#asterisk RoyK (n=roy@
00:47.02Olobolalmadsen: I've written 500 lines of code already. If have to switch I will, just not sure if I absolutely need to.
00:47.10lmadsenOlobola: gotcha
00:47.20lmadsenjust use the built in DB connections for PHP
00:47.34lmadsenI didn't read the scrollback though, so I'm sure I've missed a bunch of the conversation
00:47.57_ShrikElmadsen: I think I can do that for you.  Do you want it picked up at your APT?
00:47.58lmadsen_ShrikE: hrmmm... well, I'm waiting for to email me my login, so it might just be quicker to walk up to a shipping centre tomorrow
00:48.05lmadsen_ShrikE: sure, that'll work too :)
00:48.10lmadsenI'll be here all day tomorrow
00:48.17EvilDeshihow do i load app_flite i added it to modules.conf and still when i try the command flite it says that application was not found
00:48.35Olobolalmadsen: I just don't want to have to rewrite crap! Everything works fine as is, just not sure about scalability.
00:48.41lmadsen*CLI> module load <module>.so
00:48.55lmadsenOlobola: ahhh.. gotcha -- SIPp and test it :)
00:49.15lmadsenno one can answer your question about scalability -- it can only be answered by actually testing
00:49.20EvilDeshilmadsen it said it did not register itself and could not load
00:49.32Olobolaok, thank you.
00:49.34lmadsenthen the module probably doesn't exist in /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/
00:49.40jbot[sipp] a free Open Source test tool / traffic generator for the SIP protocol available from If you really want to know how many channels your Asterisk box can do, learn how to utilize this program.
00:49.44EvilDeshiit does as i put that module there
00:49.58lmadsenthen there is something possibly wrong with the module if it won't load
00:50.24EvilDeshiok where can i get the latest verion of that app?
00:50.36lmadsenI have never heard of it, so it's obviously not standard asterisk
00:50.38EvilDeshii honestly grabbed it from some rpm
00:50.46lmadsengoogle probably is your best bet
00:50.58EvilDeshiyeah been there done that which is why i came here oh well no big deal
00:51.06EvilDeshiim sure i can just use festival
00:51.10lmadsenthen that app is probably very old and not supported by anyone
00:51.16EvilDeshiI was messing with a weather AGI script
00:51.27EvilDeshiits new app
00:51.29_ShrikElmadsen:  any time better than another?
00:51.34lmadsen_ShrikE: anytime after 10am :)
00:51.35EvilDeshisome new version of festival TTS
00:52.06lmadsen_ShrikE: although even before then is fine too, just make a note to "knock loud" because my apartment has a long hallway, so I can't always hear the door
00:52.58drmessanoWeather AGI?
00:52.59_ShrikElmadsen:  Done.. tomorrow between 11:00am and 3:00pm
00:53.01drmessanoFrom where?
00:53.24EvilDeshidrmessano it was a nerd vittles post
00:53.26lmadsen_ShrikE: awesome -- can you msg my your fedex number so I can mark the "Bill duties and taxes to" box?
00:53.39lmadsenoh nevermind
00:53.42lmadsenI see it in the box above :)
00:53.53drmessanoThats not new lol
00:54.03EvilDeshioh its not?
00:54.08lmadsenmaybe new to you...
00:54.10EvilDeshiim wondering if i can just edit the perl script
00:54.15EvilDeshiand replace flite with festival calls
00:54.18*** join/#asterisk tripps (
00:54.58drmessanoI dunno.. I use the U.S. one
00:55.05drmessanoIt works pretty well
00:55.09EvilDeshigot a link for that one?
00:55.36EvilDeshiyeah i got that one too
00:55.48EvilDeshiit too uses flite
00:55.52*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
00:56.18drmessanoIt works
00:56.24EvilDeshiwell i cant get flite to load
00:56.28EvilDeshithat is the problem i am having
00:56.36EvilDeshithe module wont load
00:58.45*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (
00:59.32*** part/#asterisk asr33 (
01:00.59lmadseninteresting, for some reason this packing tape smells like chocolate
01:01.13lmadsenoh! I know what it is now... cocoa puffs
01:01.18_ShrikEits to throw off the dogs
01:01.39lmadsensmells exactly like it... which kinda scares me, because that probably means some chemical in the glue is also in cocoa puffs :)
01:01.43lmadsen_ShrikE: lol
01:02.20*** join/#asterisk georgem11 (n=g@
01:02.57georgem11Hey if anyone is alive I am having a wierd issue that I could not find a similar case of it happening to anyone else on the forums.  I have a successful install of asterisk for 2 years now without any hiccups.  However today, I am only getting one way voice when making outgoing calls (they can't hear me, but I can hear them).  The only recent change I did was add an extension.  I am really stumped by this and our telco provider swears up and down it is not th
01:03.38lmadsenideally you should find another provider to test with.. also, you can debug with 'rtp debug' to make sure the RTP packets are going in both directions
01:03.46*** join/#asterisk jtknapp (
01:04.35georgem11testing with another provider isnt really an option, everything is setup with a t1 pri at the moment on the server
01:05.13lmadsenall you can do is verify the rtp is flowing then
01:05.29lmadsenyou're getting one way audio on your T1?
01:05.41georgem11we have 5 T1's bonded into the Telco's adtran
01:05.44jblackPerhaps someone controls a firewall between you and the endpoint, and recently started blocking more ports.
01:05.57georgem11from there its a pri handoff into the t1 card on asterisk
01:05.57lmadsensounds like he's not using VoIP.......... so I'm confused
01:06.09georgem11yeah its not voip externally, just internally
01:06.31lmadsenall you can do is what I suggested I guess
01:06.39lmadsenthat's all I do when I check for one-way audio
01:07.07lmadsenthen I verify the configuration of my peers (canreinvite=no, nat=yes)
01:07.31georgem11how do I do that debug command, Ive never done one before?
01:07.44lmadsen'rtp debug'
01:07.47lmadsenas I stated....
01:08.01lmadsenand 'rtp no debug' to turn off
01:09.54*** join/#asterisk MaliutaWrk (n=nikolai@
01:10.07georgem11once I do that in the cli it shows up in the full debug log?
01:11.41TJNIIgeorgem11: So you have a T1 to the telco, but what kind of phones?
01:12.13georgem11on this call I called out to my mobile but I was unable to hear myself when talking on the mobile to my desk phone
01:12.17georgem11Jan 15 20:10:53 VERBOSE[4543] logger.c: Got RTP packet from (type 0, seq 58832, ts -485918959, len 160)
01:12.18georgem11Jan 15 20:10:53 VERBOSE[4543] logger.c: Sent RTP packet to (type 0, seq 11301, ts 155200, len 160)
01:12.18georgem11Jan 15 20:10:53 VERBOSE[4543] logger.c: Got RTP packet from (type 0, seq 58833, ts -485918799, len 160)
01:12.18georgem11Jan 15 20:10:53 VERBOSE[4543] logger.c: Sent RTP packet to (type 0, seq 11302, ts 155360, len 160)
01:12.20georgem11Jan 15 20:10:53 VERBOSE[4543] logger.c: Got RTP packet from (type 0, seq 58834, ts -485918639, len 160)
01:12.27georgem11that was some of the rtp logs, not sure how to interpret them
01:12.44georgem11we use polycom 501 SIP's
01:12.48jblackYay autoignore.
01:12.52*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-d663e74a195e255b)
01:13.02JTthanks for that georgem11
01:13.33TJNIIgeorgem11: Are the polycoms on the same network?
01:13.38*** join/#asterisk joe (
01:13.48georgem11yeah its's all on a flat lan with the pbx
01:13.58JTgeorgem11: please do not flood the channel again
01:14.14georgem11sorry, i only meant to copy and paste two but a few more came with it
01:15.11georgem11can anyone tell me what the RTP logs mean?
01:15.32*** join/#asterisk lirakis (
01:15.39joewhat's the name of the voicemail subsystem for asterisk?
01:15.48lirakisjoe: ?
01:16.00lirakisjoe: the applications you can call?
01:16.07jblackjoe: Commedian mail?
01:16.17JTgeorgem11: it means it sent and received packets
01:16.28_ShrikEgeorgem11, it looks like asterisk is sending and receiving audio to and from, which I assume is your polycom?
01:16.44joejblack: ah right! thanks
01:17.07jblackbleh. Someone with a noisy line is sitting on coffeehouse. I suspect he's not getting packets either, so nobody can tell him his line is crappy.
01:17.19jblackWell, either that, or he shouldn't make calls from within power supplies. ;)
01:18.18georgem11yes, is the polycom on my desk
01:18.43georgem11i tested from other 501's around the office and a few 301's and had the same results.  rebooted them as well and same results
01:18.45*** part/#asterisk nny_1 (n=Scott_My@
01:19.00TJNIIgeorgem11: Is it only incoming/outgoing?  Does an echo test work?
01:19.18georgem11incoming calls to the pbx are fine, voice works both way
01:19.28JunK-Yjblack: i know i was lost, thanks :)
01:19.36_ShrikEIf you truly havent changed anything I would start to suspect the card
01:19.45trippsjust to clarify - setting host to fixed IP for a friend rather than dynamic would stop the device from registering with *? also can you have static host and qualify=yes?
01:19.45_ShrikEor the provider equipment
01:19.48georgem11outgoing calls to anywhere , they usually cant hear me, or sometimes i cant here them
01:20.15TJNIIJust outgoing calls on yout T1 lines
01:20.28_ShrikEnot incoming?
01:20.35_ShrikEbuy thats odd
01:20.49jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
01:21.17georgem11thats why I dont suspect the card, since incoming calls are fine
01:21.35georgem11i would like to blame the provider, but want to cover all of the bases before they come out tomorrow
01:22.21_ShrikEthe'll put a tberd on it and have an answer for your quickly
01:22.25georgem11those rtn debug logs show that voice is going both ways from those snipets i showed?
01:22.49georgem11or at least asterisk thinks voice is going both ways
01:22.51_ShrikEyes, you see the "sent packet to" and "got packet from" entries
01:23.25georgem11yeah, the telco said they would put a t-berd on it any know right away if it was the router
01:23.25jblackHmm. Perhaps its me.
01:23.38*** join/#asterisk lters (
01:23.44TJNIIThe fact that it is intermittent on outgoing only means that it probably isn't a SIP/RTP issue to the phone.
01:23.48_ShrikEgeorgem11, thats part of what you pay them for.
01:24.16lters seems to not exist?
01:24.32mostywhat channel variables (if any) are passed to the server with iax?
01:24.34georgem11yeah, but you know how the blame game goes for telco's, they will probably come out here and it will work fine
01:24.37georgem11and I am back to square one
01:25.18joeis there a limit on the number of sip phones * can support?
01:25.28georgem11lmadsen: do you have any more ideas for the rtp debug?
01:26.35georgem11or any other ideas in general?
01:30.14TJNIIzomg.... I think I just found my new moh .... "Banned Barbershop ballads"
01:30.17*** part/#asterisk shtoom (n=godson@
01:30.54trippsi guess let me re-ask my question a different way; is it a best practice with fixed endpoints (i.e., deskphones) to give them static IPs, not have them register with * and set host=<IP> and turn off qualify to cut down on SIP traffic on the LAN?
01:30.58*** join/#asterisk Keltus (i=Keltus@about/cooking/nakedchef/beefstew/Keltus)
01:31.16jblackHmm. I don't think they can hear me.
01:32.04TJNIItripps: Why do you need static IPs for that?
01:32.19TJNIIOh, nm.  I misread that.
01:34.43trippsi suppose it depeneds on the size of the network though - if you're deploying dozens of endpoints it maybe easier to use DHCP and register in the tftp config or whatever
01:35.40*** join/#asterisk goatmilk (
01:36.09TJNIIYea, if you have enough that you have to care about SIP traffic you have enough you want to have them autoprovision.
01:36.51trippsi don't suppose it's possible to configure the sip debug on the CLI so that it only logs certain kinds of messages . . . when debugging call issues it's a pain when you've got dozens of REGISTER messages to cull through . . . of course you could increase the interval i suppose
01:39.30mostytripps: you can tail -f /var/log/asterisk/full | grep -v 'patterns you dont want to see'
01:40.01*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
01:40.54*** join/#asterisk javar (n=javar@
01:41.53*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
01:42.15phixWhat is the point of NoOp? just for logging purposes?
01:43.08*** join/#asterisk jblack (
01:43.15mostyphix: logging, and also useful where you want a priority label but no particular action
01:43.38jblackHmm. I'm getting a metric boatload of droped tcp packets with a dest of 25932. Could that be * related?
01:43.46phixthank you :)
01:44.05phixhaha metric boatload :) I like
01:44.23*** join/#asterisk BeeBuu (n=beebuu@
01:45.06jblackYeah, coming from all over the interwebs.
01:45.17phixis that format of measurement similar to the length of a metric peice of string?
01:45.24phixpiece even
01:45.27TJNIIThat's 1.567 standard boatloads for you imperial types
01:48.16trippsmosty: yeah that's what i already do  . . . .the pain isn't on the * end in my case, it's on the sip gateway end where the SIP debug messages aren't nearly well as organized and it's almost impossible to cull them out without some fancy block regex filtering
01:49.17trippss/well as/as well/
01:49.38jblackNah, it can't be *. It's coming from a metric boatload of different hosts. Must be a new worm or something.
01:51.30mostytripps, if you find a good way, let me know :)
01:52.13trippsmy dad has a NEC KSU in his house with fancy nec phones but wants to play with voip - i'm wondering if I can splice in a sipura 3000 or equivalent, put * on the lan and still be able to use those phones somehow . . .
01:52.43*** join/#asterisk RoyK (n=roy@
01:53.38trippsthat is without installing a $$$$ voip card nec would love to sell . . .
01:53.54TJNIII wish wget's man page was in alphabetical order...
01:54.31QwellI should make a SIP card for Asterisk.  I'd make millions off of idio^H^H^H^Hcustomers
01:55.22*** join/#asterisk lzhang (
01:55.51TJNIIQwell: Just repackage NICs
01:55.55trippsgoogling phone systems and asterisk gives useless results since the pages always talk about the asterisk key on the phone ;)
01:56.11QwellTJNII: that's what I'm thinking.  $10 realtek
01:56.40fileQwell: O.O
01:56.47trippsi'm thinking put the NEC sys on ebay and get polycoms . . . . probably what i'll end up doing
01:56.58fujinright, anyone familiar with diagonising a segmentation fault in Asterisk with a backtrace?
01:57.06fujini've created the backtrace, (bt, bt full)
01:57.07Qwellfile: we could sell it under the Telecomjoshvoxmart, Inc. brand
01:57.13JunK-Yfujin: read backtrace.txt
01:57.14fileQwell: good idea
01:58.25fujinbugger it, i wish you could redirect output from gdb
01:59.10trippssweet current bid on nec electra phone sys on ebay with hours to go is $3.25 . . . .
01:59.50Qwelltripps: I wouldn't pay more than $3.18
02:00.11ltersQwell: where is the 1.4 svn branch?
02:00.22Qwelllters: gone for now
02:00.45Qwelllters: down for maintenance
02:01.21ltersa server or vserver or something?
02:03.22*** join/#asterisk nkoth (
02:03.43*** join/#asterisk voiper1 (
02:04.22*** join/#asterisk jm|home (n=jm|
02:05.50*** join/#asterisk jm|home (n=jm|
02:08.14*** part/#asterisk lirakis (
02:08.39*** join/#asterisk jjshoe (
02:08.50jjshoeis anyone aware of an application to see if a context exists?
02:10.59*** join/#asterisk jm|laptop (n=jm|
02:12.06fujinhow the hell do you add an attachment to a digium bugreport
02:13.12*** join/#asterisk jblack (
02:13.18JunK-Yjjshoe: DIALPLAN_EXISTS() and VALID_EXTEN() functions
02:13.20jblackHmmm. Nobody can hear me on coffeehouse.
02:13.30jblackYet I can hear myself on fwd echotest just fine.
02:13.30mostyfujin, there's an upload file thing on the bug page if you are the reporter, not sure if anyone can upload
02:13.32JunK-Yfujin: after you report it, return to ur bug and attach it.
02:15.42voiper1is there anything wrong with running zaptel 1.4.x and asterisk 1.2.x?
02:16.35mostyvoiper1, i believe it should work
02:17.35voiper1it does im just wondering whether it will cause issues been different versions.
02:17.36fujinah yep.
02:17.50fujinanyone with lots of Asterisk debug experience feel like taking a look at
02:17.55*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
02:19.31*** join/#asterisk mog (
02:19.31*** mode/#asterisk [+o mog] by ChanServ
02:20.47jjshoeJunK-Y those looked to squeek in in the end of december, anything in 1.2?
02:21.22JunK-Yfujin: in gdb, can you do "p bridgepeer->name" ?
02:21.36JunK-Ybridgepvt = (struct sip_pvt *) 0x0
02:21.53JunK-Ythe private struct is NULL, so thats the problem, now why!
02:21.55jblackJust to be clear about this, sip can come in anywhere from port 10,000 to 20,000, right/
02:22.10JunK-Yjjshoe: not that I know for 1.2, sorry.
02:22.24jjshoejblack sip can be any port at all, along with rtp, which can be any port.
02:22.38jblackhmm. I must be blocking out sip calls then.
02:22.52jjshoesip is usually 5060
02:23.00TJNIIjblack: SIP is usually bound to one port, RTP is usually 10k-20k
02:23.30jblackI'll read over the firewall howto again to make sure I'm letting the right things through.
02:23.36JunK-Yso the chan is <ZOMBIE> that might be a reason why.
02:23.48TJNIIjblack: Is the server on a public IP?
02:23.58JunK-Ycan you reproduce it easily or you just let it run and it crash at some point?
02:24.13fujinJunK-Y: that's just normal running throughout the day
02:24.44fujinI don't know what is causing it, as such, cannot reproduce it
02:24.53jblackYes, it is. I've set my firewall up to drop packets by default. I've opened up a handful of things (udp: 4520, 4569, 5060, 10000:20000,  tcp: 10000:20000).
02:25.07jblackI can hear myself on fwd echotest, but people can't hear me in fwd coffeehouse.
02:25.29jblackI also allow through packets with a state of RELATED,ESTABLISHED
02:25.55fujinJunK-Y: any ideas?
02:26.22TJNIIjblack: fwd -> free world dialup?
02:26.56TJNIIIf the server is on a public IP you shouldn't need to mess with the client side firewall
02:27.10[TK]D-Fenderjblack, pastebin up your sip.cofn
02:27.17TJNIIAre echotest and coffeehouse on the same server?  I don't use FWD
02:27.40jblackwtf, the firewall comments don't match the firewall rules.
02:27.44jblackCase in point:
02:27.48JunK-Yfujin: the only "normal" <ZOMBIE> ive seen are redirected chans.
02:27.50jblack# SIP on UDP port 5060. Other SIP servers may need TCP port 5060 as well
02:27.50jblackiptables -A INPUT -p udp -m udp --dport 5004:5082 -j ACCEPT
02:27.58JunK-Yare you using redirect ?
02:28.19fujinJunK-Y: I initially thought that aswell, as I had noticed crashes before when the phones have SIP 302 callforwards turne don
02:28.26jblackI haven't defined redirect one way or another.
02:28.26fujinbut went and checked 716 and it didn't have it on
02:28.48TJNIIJblack: Are echotest and coffeehouse on the same server?  I don't use FWD
02:29.00JunK-Yi could write you a quick hack, but that wont be a proper fix, just a way to avoid * to crash
02:29.12[TK]D-Fenderjblack, .....pastebin up your sip.conf....
02:29.13jblackThey sip to the same place, so probably. I can hear other people talk, they just can't hear me.
02:29.18jblackSure thing.
02:29.29fujinJunK-Y: well, I'd rather try and work out what is causing it (if it's something I can control, perhaps)
02:29.32jblackOh, I have canreinvite turned off
02:29.41[TK]D-Fenderjblack, GOOD
02:29.44*** join/#asterisk FireMac (
02:29.58TJNIIjblack: If the sip connection for echotest and coffehouse go to the same place, and one works then the problem is not your firewall.
02:30.28JunK-Yfujin: start logging full (with verbose) maybe you will see what makes it crashes.
02:32.43jblackTJNII: That's what I'd think. Yet I heard several other people talking with no problem, but seemingly no one hear me.
02:32.50JunK-Yfujin: like maybe 716 did something
02:33.17TJNIIjblack: Is that a giant chat room?
02:33.21jblack[TK]D-Fender: I removed the local phone contexts from sip.conf.
02:33.35jblackTJNII: It is a chatroom. I don't think it ever gets giant in size. ;)
02:33.49TJNIIAre you sure you don't have to do something to speak?
02:34.08fujinJunK-Y: I went up there as soon as I saw it.. and well, he didn't appear to have done anything
02:34.10jblackNo, I can't say I'm sure of that, but I wouldn't think so.
02:34.18fujinJunK-Y: perhaps he did a transfer, I don't know
02:34.26fujinI can't read that gdb output to understand what happened
02:34.43jblackPerhaps it's my insecure=very that's doing it.
02:35.06jjshoeJunK-Y do you know of any way to 'hook' show dial plan?
02:35.28JunK-Yhook? show dialplan?
02:35.37JunK-Yi dont understand the question
02:35.40TJNIIjblack: If echo test works the problem is not your config.
02:35.52TJNIIFWD's echotest, that is.
02:36.57*** join/#asterisk craigk (n=craigk@
02:37.36jblackTJNII: LIke I said, plenty of other people talking..
02:37.42jblackI've got to think that _something_ isn't right.
02:38.34TJNIIyes, but you said echotest works.  So your connection obviously works.
02:38.42jjshoeJunK-Y to see if a context exists?
02:41.23JunK-Yjjshoe: i already answered that question earlier.\
02:41.40JunK-Yfujin: in gdb: p p->owner
02:42.03jjshoeJunK-Y you answered if there was some way to get the output of show dialplan in asterisk, via exec for example?
02:42.29JunK-Ysure: asterisk -rx'show dialplan'
02:42.39JunK-Yor via the AMI.
02:44.12fujinJunK-Y: $1 = (struct ast_channel *) 0x827cf10
02:44.40fujinit says that the line of chan_sip.c is 14062                                                   if (bridgepvt->t38.state == T38_ENABLED) {
02:44.46fujincan I dsiable t38 globally or something?
02:44.52fujinI'm not doing any faxing
02:45.49jjshoeheh back to voip-info for some real help :P
02:46.05fujinwhy would you need to see if a context exists?
02:46.13jblackLessee.. * has tcp 5038, ucp 2727 open. I certainly don't want to open 5038. 2727 is mgcp. Hmmm. it looks like I should have that one open.
02:48.44mostycan asterisk take an iax g729 call and convert it to a sip g729 call without transcoding?
02:50.27*** join/#asterisk cpatry (
02:52.41thedonvaughnhey. I have an asterisk server, dual span T1.  Zap/g1 (span 1 group) and Zap/g2 (span 2 group).  I want to be able to dial out of Zap/g1, and if no Zap channels available then dial Zap/g2 and so forth.  I do not want to trunk them, as I like to have control of each span.  I am currently switching depending on DIALSTATUS CONGESTION and CHANUNAVAIL.  It has been working, but feels like a cheap way (maybe not? :).  Is there a prefered way of doing
02:54.59fujinthedonvaughn: two dial statements
02:55.02jblackMy rtp.conf was missing. The conf file says the defaults are rtpfstart=5000, and rtpend=31000.
02:55.15jblackSince I opened 10k-20k, some calls would work, and some wouldn't
02:55.53thedonvaughnfujin: just a exten = blah,n,Dial(Zap/g1/blah) then nextline exten = blah,n,Dial(Zap/g2/blah) ?
02:57.54thedonvaughnfujin: the second dial statement will only be dialed if the first one can't?
03:00.20*** join/#asterisk jblack (
03:03.22fujinthedonvaughn: correct
03:03.29jblackdrats. everyone left coffeehouse
03:03.33fujinthe macro/context will end on Hangup
03:04.04thedonvaughnfujin: simple enough thanks :)
03:09.38*** join/#asterisk angeldavid (n=angeldav@nelug/coreteam/pepo)
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03:25.57[TK]D-Fenderjblack, was away sorry. glad you found it.  No need to leave such a hugh RTP hole up there if you don't need.
03:26.38jblackNope, that wasn't it.
03:27.00jblackI thought so, but the fix didn't fix anything. It's rather flummoxing.
03:28.18jblackI think I'm on the right track though. The firewall also does masq for internal machines. Perhaps masq is getting confused and redirecting packets (I know it's not dropping)
03:30.36jblackHmm. Looks like I have a dialplan flaw, from what I just saw.
03:31.25jblackyou should be able to get in now
03:32.57jblackguest IAX was trying to drop you into a non-existant incoming context.
03:34.05jblackWoot! "Deposit PAYPAL"
03:37.46*** join/#asterisk hades123 (
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03:41.14esaymanybody run the asterisk package in debian etch?  It won't let me run /etc/init.d/asterisk start as root, what the heck?
03:41.52esaymso how do I run it under the user asterisk if the user doesn't have a password?
03:42.21mostyesaym, /etc/init.d/asterisk start works fine for me
03:42.32mostydid you edit /etc/default/asterisk first?
03:45.59*** join/#asterisk russellb (n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla)
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03:47.33russellb[TK]D-Fender: what'd you do?
03:47.53jblackMade me sell out my soul.. or at least my privacy.
03:48.25hades123Da Devil
03:52.21jblackI like kinder eggs.
03:52.40hades123sorry jblack, I am keeping it all
03:52.49jblack'tis ok
03:53.17hades123well then, stop looking at it
03:53.51jblackpardwon moi!
03:56.01hades123The toy was Shrek
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04:18.53phixhey, if I call a macro which runs Dial, after the macro call will $DIALSTATUS be set?
04:19.08phixor is it scoped only in the context where the Dial is run?
04:19.15lmadsenit's a channel variable, so it'll be available, yes
04:21.42phixcause I am attempting to write a fallback dial macro
04:21.54phixthat calls a dial macro
04:22.02riddleboxwhat would lspci show if you had a tdm card in the pci slot?
04:22.40phixriddlebox: words
04:23.11phix00:0c.0 Network controller: Tiger Jet Network Inc. Tiger3XX Modem/ISDN interface
04:23.22riddleboxphix, hrmm mine is showing that
04:23.23phixthat is what mine says anyway
04:23.49riddleboxI also have configs that I took from one pc and moved them over to a new one and now ztcfg -vv shows 0
04:24.11phixlmadsen: you have a fallback dial example ?: )
04:26.07lmadsenif Dial completes, it won't continue on in the dialplans
04:26.57lmadsenjust perform a GotoIf() or MacroIf() based on the ${DIALSTATUS} variabl
04:27.00lmadsenseems pretty straight forward
04:27.27[TK]D-Fendertypically don't even need to care about the GotoIf, and can fly right on into dialing out #2
04:27.42lmadsenyep... as my first example showed :)
04:28.39drmessano[TK]D-Fender: I have a much better nightmare user for you
04:28.57[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano, I have a sharper sword... gimme a sec
04:29.09jblackIs there a way to get D() to dial dtmf _after_ the call has been bridged?
04:29.17lmadsenchange the source? :)
04:29.23drmessano[TK]D-Fender: Pentium 1, 260MB HD, 32MB Ram, Windows 98, browser takes 5 minutes to change pages in FreePBX
04:29.27jblackheh. That's always an answer. :)
04:29.31drmessanoI win
04:30.07lmadsenjblack: umm.... maybe try using G() and then using SendDTMF() -- I can't remember if you can execute dialplan logic after -- I think you can execute like one line or something...
04:30.13hades123I still have a 486 lying around
04:30.18drmessanoHes been calling me sir, but I told him to call me by my real name: Donatello Raphael
04:30.23drmessanoGotta love Ninja Turtles
04:30.37lmadsenmy grandma still uses her 286/16
04:30.59hades123was my first PC, good ol days
04:31.14phixlmadsen: well I am having issues
04:31.21drmessanoI have a 286/12
04:31.22lmadsensorry to hear that
04:31.25drmessanoA DTK
04:31.36hades123I remeber I was stunned at prince or persia when it first came out
04:31.49phixlmadsen: actually I have another problem, one of my VoIP providers expects numbers in a certain format (COUNTRYCODE STATECODE NUMBER)
04:32.03*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (n=ZX81@
04:32.03lmadsenphix: that's not really a problem...
04:32.17lmadsencan be easily solved with a pattern match
04:32.17*** join/#asterisk UnixDog (
04:32.48jblack.. "You cannot use any additional action post-answer options in conjunction with this option".
04:32.50phixlmadsen: I have regex in my first dialplan, which calls my dialoutWithFallback macro, then I run the dialoutFunnyVoip macro which has regex in it again to change the numbers in expected format?
04:32.57jblackI understand what each of those words means, yet I can't quite decipher it
04:33.27phixlmadsen: when I run the macro s,1, is run first right? what do I put in there to make it match regex?
04:33.33phixgoto(${ARG1}) ?
04:34.21lmadsenphix: sounds like you're making it too complicated
04:34.26lmadsenanyways, good luck, I'm out
04:34.47phixI dont want complication! how do I simply do it!
04:34.49phixcrap he left
04:35.21phixwho wants to take lmadsen's place? :)
04:37.19fujinphix: what are you trying to do
04:37.21fujinspell it out
04:37.25fujinand pastebin your current configs
04:37.27jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
04:37.38*** join/#asterisk ZX81_ (n=ZX81@
04:38.25jblackTODO: Hook my scanner up to an extension
04:38.41riddleboxhrmm, I wonder why I cannot get this to work, lspci sees the card, the fxo port lights up on it, I am using configs that I pulled from another system, basically my asterisk system moved from one machine to another, but ztcfg -vv shows 0 channels
04:38.43fujinI'm heading home
04:38.47fujinphix: if you're around in 45 mins
04:42.27skopiihello what is the difference between dial(sip/trunk/ext) and dial(sip/ext@trunk)
04:45.03[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox, go check zaptel.conf
04:45.43[TK]D-Fenderphix, you don't "goto" out of a macro.  Thats the first rule of structured programming
04:46.13JunK-Yand u dont use goto at all its the 2nd rule :)
04:46.14[TK]D-Fenderphix, and like I said, if you want a fallback, just dial out the second place IMMEDIATELY following the first.
04:46.36[TK]D-FenderJunK-Y, And the 3rd rule of Fight Club is... you don't talk about Fight Club!
04:46.50*** part/#asterisk voiper1 (
04:47.22JunK-Yzip it :)
04:47.38jwhso doing callerid manipulation, and then a Goto() is bad?
04:48.39riddlebox[TK]D-Fender, zaptel.conf is fine, I pulled the card and the config files from one machine(one that worked) and put them in another and now I cannot get the ztcfg to work
04:48.43kyronpbzip it
04:48.53*** join/#asterisk x86- (
04:48.54[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox, PASTEBIN everything.
04:49.40x86-How can I remove  modules directory contents
04:50.17[TK]D-Fenderx86 : "man rm" <-
04:50.23kyronThe only place I've seen GOTOs warranted is in kernel driver code
04:50.55[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox, .... and the rest?
04:50.58x86-ahh.. so I have to just remove all the modules
04:51.03skopiibind uses goto
04:51.13[TK]D-Fenderx86-, I never said that.
04:51.22riddlebox[TK]D-Fender, what else do you want, zapata.conf as well?
04:51.25x86-the modules there, aren't compild against the same version of asteirsk
04:51.30[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox, Everything.
04:52.10x86-so i'm just trying to fix that problem.. I was told to remove module directory contents .. so if I just rm * asterisk and recompile it everything should work correctly?
04:52.13[TK]D-Fenderx86-, if you say so...
04:52.26riddlebox[TK]D-Fender, thats both of them
04:52.27JunK-Yx86-: yes
04:53.05[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox, Show me how your card registered on boot, show me that the module is even loaded, etc.
04:53.27JunK-Yrm -rf /usr/lib/asterisk/modules && make install will reput all ur .so in that dir.
04:53.33x86-my question is this though...why would I have to remove module contents? wouldn't they get removed when I delete asterisk and then reinstall (compile)
04:53.35JunK-Ywith ur specific * ver
04:54.07JunK-Yx86-: nope
04:54.08[TK]D-Fenderx86-, Any matching one would get overwritten, thats all
04:54.20drmessano[TK]D-Fender: Tell me I am not crazy:
04:54.21drmessanochan_sip.c: Registration from 'desktop <sip:1005@>' failed for '' - ACL error (permit/deny)
04:54.31drmessanoFirst impression?
04:54.31[TK]D-Fenderx86-, Anything extra would stay behind and cause possible issues on "autoload=yes"
04:54.33JunK-Yso when you boot ur * you have problem with ur modules.
04:54.57[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano, how about the glaring "ACL error (permit/deny)" <- ?
04:55.11drmessanoSo im not crazy
04:55.21drmessanoThis guy is KILLING ME
04:55.37[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano, I didn't say that.  You just asked what my first impression of that statement was.
04:55.52[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano, You are still crazy regardless of your being right or not :p
04:56.07JunK-Ydrmessano: yeah [TK]D-Fender is [TK]D-Fender !
04:56.23JunK-Ybut you know what? i love you [TK]D-Fender !
04:56.28x86-I just rm -rf /usr/lib/asterisk/modules && make install         this is what happend              
04:57.20JunK-Yx86-: be in /usr/src/asterisk/
04:57.30JunK-Yor whatever the source of ur asterisk source are.
04:57.48[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox, "cat /proc/interrupts" , "ztcfg -vvvv" and before doing the latter, please remove all the commented out junk out of both of those files permanently.
04:58.08JunK-Yand whats app_flite.c ?
04:58.10[TK]D-Fenderouttolunc, You know my friends too?!?!
04:58.43outtoluncany of them on american idol? and like to say 'vicorious'?
04:58.48outtoluncer +t
04:58.53x86-alright i'm in usr/src/asterisk-1.4
04:59.19JunK-Ynow do make install
04:59.45JunK-Yat the end ls /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ should be filled correctly again.
05:00.05*** join/#asterisk Olobola (
05:00.46JunK-Yso everything fixed x86- ?
05:01.23[TK]D-Fenderouttolunc, some of them worship strange idols and have delusions of adequacy.... does that count?
05:01.34kyrongee, building * is like building a kernel ;)
05:01.44kyronapparantly, even has a menuconfig!
05:01.53kyronhow easy can it get?
05:01.58[TK]D-Fenderkyron, Turn up the heat, wait for it to pop, then smother it in butter :p
05:03.11kyronI love commenting on stuff I haven't done building my own *...but it will come...and I will pop up here more noisily ;)
05:03.52kyronthe build porcess is nice but also a PITA for integrating into Gentoo... sigh...
05:03.53outtolunc[TK]D-Fender: close enough
05:03.58[TK]D-Fenderkyron, in a Jiffy I'm sure....
05:04.51kyron[TK]D-Fender, large jiffy...I have to type up my masters before I take up anything serious like that :P
05:06.07[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox, that is messed up
05:06.21riddleboxwhat do you mean?
05:06.34[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox, you say "zaptel.conf", it has no channels, and looks like the rest of zapata.conf in there, much of which is wrong
05:07.05x86-app_flite.c:260: warning: function declaration isn't a prototype
05:07.07x86-make: *** [app_flite.o] Error 1
05:07.43riddlebox[TK]D-Fender, zaptel.conf has channel =>1
05:08.03[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox, look at your last pastebin and tell me what I should be seeing in there.
05:08.22[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox, "channel => 1" is ZAPATA.CONF syntax!
05:08.42[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox, Put. Down. The. Crack. Pipe. (c) JerJer
05:10.20jblackAnyone have time to take and receive a sip call?
05:10.21phixfujin: I am still here :)
05:10.27[TK]D-Fenderjblack, sure
05:11.57phix[TK]D-Fender: If I dialout immediately following the first then it tries the next channel even if the person being called cancels the call instead of picking up
05:12.45riddlebox[TK]D-Fender, I have fxsks=1, loadzone=us,defaultzone=us , thats what the book says to use?
05:13.13phix[TK]D-Fender: I only want to fallback if the channel is unavailable, that is the SIP provider cannot register or DNS / Internet is down
05:14.09hmmhesaysjblack: $1 a minute
05:14.31hmmhesaysphish tha tis pretty simple
05:15.12phixhmmhesays: it is simple?
05:15.42phixgoto(s-${DIALSTATUS},1) ?
05:15.58phixor somethign better than that?
05:16.35*** join/#asterisk catch23 (n=catch23@
05:16.52fujinphix: now what was the problem? did you end up pastebinning it?
05:17.01catch23hi, anyone here know if callweaver supports fastagi (fastogi in their world)
05:17.08phixfujin: not a problem, I am just trying to figure out how to do this
05:17.18phixfujin: fallback that is on CHANUNAVAIL
05:17.31phixs/that is//
05:17.31hmmhesaysthat simple
05:17.42phixthnx jbot :)
05:17.43fujinuh, what's so hard about that?
05:17.58phixI dont know how to do it
05:18.00fujingoto (s-${DIALSTATUS},1) and be done with it
05:18.21phixfujin: ummm but I need to fallback again if tha doesnt work
05:18.34phixI have 3 different channels
05:18.41phixPSTN, VOIP1, VOIP2
05:18.45fujinI prefer to use switch(${DIALSTATUS}) { case blah: {} default: {} }
05:18.51fujinphix: oh, you don't need dialstatus then -
05:18.59fujinjust use dial(); dial(); dial();
05:18.59phixwhat do I need then ?
05:19.18phixfujin: but I only want it to dial on chanunavail
05:19.30fujinit'll only fall through on chanunavail
05:19.38riddlebox[TK]D-Fender, found the problem, I had the right file, in the wrong place, I had  my good copy zaptel.conf in /etc/asterisk
05:19.43fujinafaik, anyway
05:19.45phixfujin: ?
05:19.54x86-I just recompiled asterisks .. still getting the same error trying to get  the flite module to work for 1.4.x anyone get it working?
05:20.11JunK-Yx86-: what is app_flite exactly?
05:20.15phixfujin: no it will fall through if the end party hangs up instead of picking up
05:20.20phixI dont want that
05:20.33fujinwhat end party?
05:20.36fujinthe dialee?
05:20.39x86-It reads text
05:20.53x86-it's a module to read text to voice
05:21.06fujinphix: then explain to me why works
05:22.14phixfujin: the person you are dialing
05:22.15JunK-Yx86-: ha the stuff from nerd viffle or something like that?
05:22.27fujin(note: there really needs to be a better way to group together outgoing sip peers)
05:22.29phixfujin: if they cancel the call instead of picking up then it will try the next dial
05:22.45fujinphix: yeah, so?
05:22.48fujinso they cancel it twice
05:22.52fujinor they accept it th esecond time
05:23.22x86-JunK-Y yup excatly man that stuff is sweet over there..
05:23.37fujinphix: here, take a look at this - sounds like it does what you need. I use that for internal dialling.
05:23.40x86-Junk.. I figured it was instability due to the module being compiled under a diff version of asterisk..
05:23.41phixfujin: but it will be using different channels, I dont want that, each channel has its own pricing
05:23.42fujinalthough you could obviously adapt it
05:23.52phixfujin: PSTN is more expensive than VOIP1
05:23.53x86-I rm'd and recompiled asterisks like you said .. still no luck.
05:24.16fujinphix: ugh, use your brain
05:24.23fujinI just gave you a perfect example for modification
05:24.53x86-any idea? all the links are right .. I did ldconfig ..
05:25.19JunK-Yx86-: its probably a module for 1.2
05:28.13drmessanoACL = Asterisk Can't Lie
05:28.42drmessanoACL = Ain't Configged, Loser
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06:00.57phixfujin: grrrrr
06:05.00*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (
06:06.56tengulreLoading... ...
06:08.13vnanyone has luck with * and TDDs  (telephone device for deaf)?
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06:35.25jblackDear fwd: You're like a girlfriend after a year. You were so promising, but you're really teh sux0rs
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06:36.19[TK]D-Fenderjblack, more like Monica Lewinski...... sure it blows now, but it'll screw you later ;)
06:38.17[TK]D-FenderOK, CHECKOUT TIME.
06:38.19[TK]D-FenderLATER ALL
06:43.18*** join/#asterisk jarod14 (
06:46.04fujinphix: still can't manage a little bit of extensions code?
06:46.10fujinyou might aswell give up while you're ahead tbh
06:46.13fujinyou fail, at life
06:49.18*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (n=tzafrir@
06:52.31drmessanoFWD is less reliable than telegraph
06:52.58jblackI can't argue with you right now.
06:53.16drmessanofujin: I have a bigger fail
06:54.07drmessano4 days trying to get a PAP2 (easy, wut?) set up with a FreePBX ext
06:54.11drmessanoI mean
06:54.17drmessanoThats like..
06:54.25drmessanoX-lite is "harder" than a pap2
06:54.28fujingtfo, take it to #freepbx
06:54.36fujinyou fail at everything
06:54.40fujinpap2 is like
06:54.42fujinpoint click done
06:54.57drmessanofujin, quit being such a Nazi
06:54.57fujineven easier than configuraing a spa9x2
06:55.13fujin4days is pretty epic though
06:55.28fujineven on my first day of asterisk I managed to reinstall it and get the office functional again (sure, only 4 extensions, but hell)
06:55.32fujinfail is fail
06:56.14drmessanoYeah, wasnt my box.. you fail at trolling me.. again
06:56.16jblackI thought the spa8k was surprisingly difficult to configure. Not because the required amount of work to get them working is much (it really is trivial), but because it's loaded with so many options, finding the 3 things that need to be setup are flooded out.
06:56.36fujinjblack: same with the spa9x2's though.. so many options
06:56.37jblackThat, and the various ui bugs that infest the thing.
06:56.45fujinand you have to go admin login -> advanced to get anywhere
06:57.15fujindrmessano: why not nuke it and install plain old *?
06:57.23drmessanoNot my box
06:57.26drmessanoSome dude in India
06:57.44jblackwhat is he running,
06:57.54drmessanoTB with a PAP2
06:57.55drmessanoI mean
06:57.59drmessanoHOW HARD IS THAT
06:58.14jblackNo idea. I have neither one nor the other. =)
06:58.14drmessanoThats training wheels with no bike
06:58.32drmessanoOh god
06:59.48jblackIn all fairness, * itself isn't very difficult.... one you spend 3 weeks getting a solid grasp of the terminology, methodology and paradigms
07:01.46drmessanoIm getting web access to this box now
07:01.53drmessanoThis should be absolutely fascinating
07:02.03drmessano"Wate, wut?"
07:03.41*** join/#asterisk slavon_net (
07:04.01slavon_netwhere 1.4 brbranch?  in svn i see only 1.2 =( or its closed?
07:04.30jblacklol. "iMetal heaphones"
07:05.06drmessanoI need a bigger keyboard wrist rest
07:05.13jblackI can't wait for this "let's put an i on the front" fad to be over.
07:05.21drmessanoMy forehead keeps hitting the desk
07:05.56jblackHeh. Go get some sleep. :)
07:06.04drmessanoiAsteriskd 2.0
07:06.35drmessanoI cant wait for the 2.0 names with ER or ED at the end missing the E
07:07.06*** join/#asterisk MaliutaWrk (i=nikolai@
07:07.47*** join/#asterisk jblack (
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07:16.35drmessanoIm close to shoving an Asterisk install guide in front of this guy and telling him to call me in a week
07:22.36jblackGive him the contents of ~book
07:22.53UnixDog~ book
07:22.54jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
07:23.02drmessanoI almost stroked out on him.. his extension had a diff password than what he gave me
07:23.09drmessanoBut apparently he changed it in the device too
07:28.03drmessanoSeriously ... need.... gangsta rap
07:28.22jblackTry afroman
07:29.00jblackIt's Cali rap rather than gansta rap. It'll help you calm down. Especially if you have a blunt handy
07:30.11jblackThat wakeup script you gave me only works on the minute
07:30.55xachenafroman :)
07:31.54*** join/#asterisk jochien1 (n=jochieng@
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07:33.07jochien1hi -- can some 1 tell me why  libpri is important for 1.4 i m trying to install it on etch
07:33.41jblackjochien1: I'm sure it's used with zapata (a type of hardware) devices.
07:34.35jochien1jblack:  and how is it different from zaptel-1.4-current
07:36.08*** join/#asterisk af_ (
07:36.39jblackI lied. It's for isdn
07:36.54jblack(apt-cache show libpri1)
07:37.06jochien1i have got important links for these here if any1 wanted to know
07:37.42jochien1jblack: thanks tho -- i had to do more research since u had said u belived... ;) thanks man
07:38.22*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
07:39.08*** join/#asterisk adjohn (
07:40.18adjohnhello, I have a basic install of asterisk on my server.  If I use a client like x-lite to connect to it via localhost, it works fine.  If I put the IP address instead of localhost it won't connect.  This is without a firewall running, and everything is on the same machine.  Any ideas?
07:41.43jochien1adjohn: where do u out the IP address?
07:42.19adjohnI am putting the IP address in the "domain" field of the x-lite client setup
07:42.57adjohnI am trying to troubleshoot a different problem, of no one externally being able to connect to my server as well.
07:43.16drmessanoSorry, was in another channel
07:43.21drmessanoI got that guy in india up
07:43.51*** join/#asterisk ionix (
07:44.39drmessanoHe didnt APPLY
07:44.50jochien1adjohn: reserve the ip addr for the sip server
07:44.53drmessano4 days
07:44.55drmessanono apply
07:45.03adjohnjochien1, how do I do that?
07:45.35jochien1adjohn: i mean put the ip of ur server in the sip server filed on xlite
07:46.16jochien1adjohn: and domain field you can put ut TLD
07:46.25jochien1adjohn: ur*
07:46.54adjohnin sip.conf?
07:47.08jochien1adjohn: no on xlite
07:47.28adjohnon the sip accounts, I only see domain for  server address
07:47.54jochien1adjohn: hold on
07:47.59adjohnokay thanks
07:50.15jblackThanks drmessano
07:51.32adjohnjochien1, I was able to get it working on another server.. Sort of, here is the log from asterisk:
07:52.05adjohnjoshien1, but on the client, it appeared to not ever connect and eventually timed out.
07:53.37*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
07:54.13jochien1adjohn: this can help and
07:54.27*** join/#asterisk Chris-NB (
07:54.32adjohnjochien1, thanks
07:57.37jochien1any body tried 1.4.17
07:57.40*** join/#asterisk sergey (n=sergey@
07:57.53mostyjochien1, of course
07:58.13jochien1mosty: no bugs?
07:58.29jochien1mosty: any trouble i mean?
07:59.26mostythere are a few, no showstoppers for the most common setups/scales though
07:59.30*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
07:59.32mostythat i know of, at least
08:01.19jochien1mosty: i wldnt want to use something with trouble now init? anyways what about 1.4-current
08:01.55mostyuse 1.2 if you want something a bit less buggy, but it has a lot fewer features
08:02.10jochien1mosty: i have been using 1.2 but now i want to switch to the latest version fro better features
08:02.29mostytry it out on a test box
08:02.44jochien1mosty: ok thanks man
08:03.08jochien1mosty: if i have trouble whr do u think i shld first run too ;)
08:05.39mostyrun to
08:06.02mostyand read the 1.4 upgrade docs in the asterisk source/on the wiki
08:06.17jochien1mosty: ok
08:08.26*** join/#asterisk Alexandre_fr (
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08:23.05jochien1mosty: considering 1.4.17 it is less buggy u said?
08:23.25mostyi have no idea what you're trying to ask
08:24.59jochien1mosty: 1.4.17 is not so problematic?
08:25.37jochien1mosty: i just read tht it fixes the bugs from 1.4 but does it have its own bugs
08:25.42*** join/#asterisk ronr (
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08:27.25mostyit's not bug-free
08:27.32mostyno large piece of software ever is
08:32.22jochien1mosty: thts true
08:32.52jochien1mosty:  i hope it has good documentation for these bugs or maybe 1.4 has better documentation?
08:33.03jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
08:33.48*** join/#asterisk J4zen (
08:34.26jochien1mosty:  thanks man
08:37.13J4zenDoes anyone know of an Xen Asterisk image? Did anyone make one yet?
08:37.43nixguythere is one
08:37.50nixguyon digiums site
08:37.53J4zenis it available?
08:37.55J4zenoh really?
08:38.40nixguyor at least there was 2 months ago when i downloaded it and tryed it out ..
08:38.55J4zenwhat were your expierences?
08:39.17nixguyim quite new to the asterisk world
08:39.30nixguyso i went back and installed a fresh asterisk from packages instead
08:39.39J4zenok, too bad :)
08:39.42nixguyto get a feeling for things instead of trying out something prebuilt
08:39.42J4zenthanks for the info though
08:39.46nixguyis where you get int
08:40.27drmessanoYAY... Coin toss for Asterisk, 8 lines
08:40.43J4zenthanks nixguy
08:41.08nixguyyoure welcome!
08:43.26*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (n=ZX81@
08:43.55nixguyJ4zen: my initial thought thouhg is
08:44.12nixguythat if you wanna use your xen asterisk with some real hardware (like a pri card)
08:44.20nixguyyou will need a loot of fiddling
08:45.16J4zenbut im not going to
08:45.30J4zeni'll be using a SIP-trunk in stead of PRI interfaces
08:45.51J4zeni tried going down the BRI/PRI road, but it would be far too much work for this particulair situation
08:45.59nixguyJ4zen: hehe yes
08:46.11nixguyso poorly documented how to install PRI cards
08:46.19J4zennot so much configering, but maintenance and new implementations would be an arse when i leave the company next year lol
08:46.23J4zenyeah its tricky
08:46.37J4zenyou'll get there though ;) just mess around and watch it light up :D
08:46.40nixguyi went the pri way , a little bit afraid i would have timing issues with sip...
08:47.02J4zen< Quadbri
08:47.14nixguythe pri part is up and running but im still a noob so reading about dialplan planning right now
08:47.28J4zenhehe yeah i hear ya
08:47.40J4zenonly have about 4 months expierence myself
08:47.54J4zencame in as a windows user lol
08:48.05J4zenalthough this probably wouldnt be the best channel to mention this on
08:48.05nixguyhehe ok
08:49.53J4zenlol thats odd
08:50.15J4zenmy PBX or my SIP-trunk is crashing my phone when i call it with my mobile lol
08:50.46EvilDeshican a sip user be in more then one context?
08:50.47jochien1i have only been given a chance to prove my sys admin by installing asterisk n i m doing it in vmware from a cisco backgroud. its now 3 weeks
08:51.19J4zenjochien1: afaik VMware definatly is not recommended , nor efficient
08:51.23jochien1although i hv used linux
08:51.59jochien1J4zen: it has been working for me
08:52.27J4zenhow many sip-channels active on averige?
08:52.41*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (n=leon@
08:54.18nixguycoming in from the windows world thats though its qyite differente
08:56.07J4zenoh yes
08:56.43J4zenyou catch on rather fast though
08:56.52*** join/#asterisk tiav (
08:58.12*** join/#asterisk admin0 (n=admin@ is down?
09:03.05J4zenwrong channel, sorry
09:09.06xachenJ4zen: its working for me
09:10.38jochien1is 1.4.17 now a stable version
09:11.16BBHossdunno if its stable or not, but its the latest :)
09:11.35BBHossapparently they are getting better though
09:12.00jochien1i thought i give it a try
09:12.03*** join/#asterisk Stefan1979 (
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09:12.16BBHossgo ahead, report bugs plz :)
09:13.10drmessanoIm thinking Rock, Paper, Scissors for Asterisk
09:13.44jochien1mosty r u still with us?
09:14.50*** join/#asterisk macros73 (
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09:17.34*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
09:17.41FuriousGeorgehey all
09:18.05FuriousGeorgeanyone else notice 1.4 missing from svn
09:19.02*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-4aaf4b9263be4ba4)
09:21.39FlatFootmorning all
09:24.39jochien1mosty: is 1.4.17 a stable version
09:24.42BBHossFuriousGeorge: yeah i noticed that.  Wonder why?
09:25.38FuriousGeorgeBBHoss: perhaps new release imminent?
09:25.43mostyjochien1, you don't need my permission to try it, see for yourself
09:26.59BBHossFuriousGeorge: well the bugtracker has versions up to 1.4.20 if that means anything
09:27.20jochien1mosty, ok
09:27.47BBHossbut the last release was 01/02 i wouldnt think there would be another release within two weeks
09:27.49FuriousGeorgeBBHoss: i still think all the releases are just a way to get us to reboot often
09:27.54BBHossheh yeah
09:29.17BBHossfrom logs today : <mvanbaak> markit: asterisk svn is down at the moment
09:29.41BBHossno details though, and zaptel 1.4 is still there
09:29.45FlatFootwhat were those blokes on when they recorded the music on hold ?????
09:29.58FlatFootmy mate in the office wants to know cos he wants some
09:30.31*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (
09:31.12BBHossFlatFoot: meth
09:31.25FlatFootaha i shall pass on the info
09:31.52BBHossand weekend doses of PCP
09:32.03BBHossit should do the trick
09:32.58BBHossnight all or morning :) 3:33AM
09:34.28*** join/#asterisk stkn|work (n=stkn|wor@gentoo/developer/
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09:45.53*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (n=Nothing@
09:46.20Dr-Linuxi'm using asterisk ver 1.4.17 but i don't have
09:46.24Dr-Linuxhow can i get it?
09:54.05*** join/#asterisk ccesario (
09:54.57jbotpaste is, like,, or see also pb
09:55.06jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
09:56.50phixok, here is my attempt at a fallback dialing macro
09:57.11phixIt seems to work, but I would like to feedback, I have probably done some stupid or redundant things in it :)
09:59.40phixanother question, how do I get my softphone ringing tone the same as my PSTN ?
10:07.56phixI eargily await your comments
10:08.05*** join/#asterisk sergee (
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10:36.08*** join/#asterisk jmls (n=jmls@
10:36.26jmlstrying to use #exec to get some dialplan from a script
10:37.02jmlsfrom the bash prompt, "/etc/asterisk/myapp/ getqueuedialplan?dialplantype=external"
10:37.07jmlsreturns the data
10:37.24jmlsif I use #exec with the exact same command, it fails
10:37.36*** join/#asterisk af_ (
10:37.51jmls[Jan 16 10:32:15] WARNING[7096]: config.c:806 process_text_line: No '=' (equal sign) in line 1 of /var/tmp/exec.1200479535.31992720
10:37.57*** join/#asterisk tcseke (
10:38.06jmlsI use #exec in the globals section with no problem
10:38.56*** join/#asterisk Lawbringer (
10:49.26J4zenDoes anyone know of an AGI script for Asterisk and such that will e-mail or call on a trunk-failiure?
11:00.42FlatFooti am seeing voice drop from * to sip phones ( snom ) all equip is on external ( real IP's )  running 1.2.13 on debian has anyone come across this ? can anyone point me in the right direction to investigate ?
11:01.18FlatFootthere is no drop from phone to * which is why i am perplexed
11:02.06*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_home (
11:09.18defsworkwhat needs restarting after a change to zapata.conf ?
11:13.01tzafrirdefswork, depends what you change
11:13.14defsworkI set priindication=outofband
11:13.15tzafrirIf you change signalling or span configuration: yes
11:13.26tzafriryes, this probably requires restart
11:13.38defsworkof just asterisk or drivers too ?
11:13.48tzafriror maybe just: module unload ; module load
11:18.41*** join/#asterisk _ys (n=_ys@
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11:32.58defsworkanyone know what CAS signalling on span 2 conflicts with HDLC with FCS check on channel 16 is about ? (sangoma twin E1)
11:34.21tzafrirdefswork, what version of zaptel?
11:34.33defsworkI'm not sure
11:34.52tzafrirThat is typically a bogus error message issues by some earlier versions of ztcfg
11:34.53defsworksystem was workign fine  - I just rebooted after adding that priiindication entry :o
11:35.12Alexandre_frHello guys
11:35.15tzafrirdo you happen to have a digital (E1/T1) card that is placed after an analog one?
11:35.56defsworksingle dual port E1 sangoma
11:37.40defsworkany ideas ? asterisk won't start - fails to load chan_zap :o
11:44.00*** join/#asterisk zaur_pronet (n=zaur_pro@
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11:46.14glen2Is there an AUG in London?
11:47.30*** join/#asterisk Mavvie (
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11:50.41jblackglen2: Every year.
11:50.47tzafrirAusies group?
11:53.20glen2London Asterisk users group.
11:53.41glen2London in Englandshire.
11:55.02*** join/#asterisk cpm (n=Chip@pdpc/supporter/active/cpm)
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12:01.56franckone thing I don't understand, how can I have echo between two VoIP phones connected to asterisk?how do I fix that?
12:02.17RoyKglen2: LAUG - Norwegian word meaning 'group' or 'guild' or similar :P
12:12.32*** join/#asterisk fors1 (
12:14.05fors1Hi! We're running web-meetme on our asterisk pbx, but there are som problems. Asterisk doesn't always recognize the DTMF tones sent from skypeout users. Is there any way I can tweak my asterisk pbx to make it recognize skypeout users?
12:15.46RoyKcreativx: that's a name... Ã…slaug, Ã…s is from the the norse word for god...
12:23.03creativxi know RoyK
12:24.07*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (n=anonymou@
12:26.49defsworkhmm now I'm getting app_dial.c: Unable to create channel of type 'ZAP' (cause 0 - Unknown)
12:28.08*** part/#asterisk jochien1 (n=jochieng@
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12:43.09tzafrirfranck, echo can also be generated at the handset
12:43.29tzafrirdefswork, that's a generic error message
12:43.42tzafrirWhat was the Dial command?
12:43.47defsworksomehow my zap trunk changed from working as g1
12:43.49tzafrirPlease provide a more complete trace
12:43.55defsworkchanged to g0 and now it works
12:44.07defsworkI've no idea why
12:44.18defsworkor even where the g0/g1 reference is tied
12:44.35defsworkthis box hasn't been touched since last march
12:51.50tzangerthe driver tries to sleep while atomic
12:52.59tzafrirtzanger, what version?
12:53.15tzafrirwhat rev.?
12:54.07tzangerit says I'm at revision 1270 actually
12:54.19tzafrirWhat problem?
12:54.29tzafrirah, ok
12:54.40tzangerBUG: sleeping function called from invalid context at include/asm/semaphore.h:99
12:54.43tzafrirnot a nice place to sleep at
12:54.44tzangerin_atomic():1, irqs_disabled():1
12:54.48tzangerwhenever zaptel disables the echo can due to tone
12:55.05tzangerI haven't dug into it only because it's not killing mre
12:55.07tzangerer me
12:55.18tzafrirDo you happen to have the backtrace?
12:56.36*** join/#asterisk ToTo (n=ToTo@
12:57.01tzangerthere's a bunch of 'em :-)
12:57.45tzafrirI'll try to look at it later. But generally David Rowe is quite responsive
13:06.27defsworkjblack: I need that
13:06.52defsworkjblack: for a hotel - but they will need web interface to view/set etc.. too
13:07.29jblackI dial mine in. It's pretty easy to setup a web interface to do that. Look into "asterisk outgoing spool"
13:07.55jblackDrop a specially formatted file into the right dir, and based on the modification time of the file, it dials out.
13:07.59*** join/#asterisk Victor_Yure (n=Victor_Y@
13:11.56jblackPerhaps it's a good thing for society that * isn't trivial to setup. Asterisk practically begs users to abuse the phone system
13:12.12jblack* in the hands of a 13 year old could be a disaster.
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13:20.07defsworkjblack: I've read about attended alarm setups - you dial in the time etc..
13:23.59tzafrirtzanger, convert that lock to a spinlock? :-(
13:26.02*** join/#asterisk jm|laptop (n=jm|
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13:32.00*** join/#asterisk Op3r (n=Op3r@
13:33.12Op3rcan anyone tell me why Im getting error like this even though my sip account is correct?     -- Executing Dial("IAX2/edwin-5", "SIP/vd1/89055107081||60|tTo") in new stack
13:33.13Op3rJan 16 16:28:48 WARNING[2242]: chan_sip.c:9870 handle_response_invite: Forbidden - wrong password on authentication for INVITE to '"edwin" <sip:asterisk@>;tag=as73ba0b0d'
13:35.02tzafrirSomeone is being anti-social and doesn't like your invitations
13:35.38*** join/#asterisk af_ (
13:36.27tzafrirWhat are you connecting to?
13:37.12Op3rto my gateway
13:37.28Op3rlet me paste my sip.conf entry for the gateway
13:37.34*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
13:40.10Op3ris that correct?
13:41.38tzafrirWhy is that?
13:41.39Op3rtzafrir: oh sorry  here's the correct 1
13:42.15Op3rnow I see it
13:44.13Op3rbut I still have this error
13:44.14Op3rJan 16 16:43:52 WARNING[2242]: chan_sip.c:9870 handle_response_invite: Forbidden - wrong password on authentication for INVITE to '"edwin" <sip:asterisk@>;tag=as5cbe4dfc'
13:44.50*** join/#asterisk nkoth (
13:45.22tzafrirdid you reload?
13:45.43*** join/#asterisk fiXXXerMet (n=kjohnson@
13:47.22*** join/#asterisk beasty_ (n=jdecoste@about/apple/macbook/beasty)
13:47.23beasty_hi there
13:47.29beasty_anyone ever saw this error before ?
13:47.34beasty_[Jan 16 14:32:47] WARNING[11140]: app_dial.c:1099 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3 - No route to destination
13:47.46oejtoo many times...
13:47.47[TK]D-Fenderbeasty_: By itself is meaningless
13:47.54beasty_i know
13:48.17[TK]D-Fenderbeasty_: PASTEBIN the complete CLI output of your call at verbose 10, and sip debug enabled.
13:48.19jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
13:48.21*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@
13:49.28Op3r[TK]D-Fender: kindly please check the config i did? im getting this error Jan 16 16:43:52 WARNING[2242]: chan_sip.c:9870 handle_response_invite: Forbidden - wrong password on authentication for INVITE to '"edwin" <sip:asterisk@>;tag=as5cbe4dfc'
13:49.28Op3r<Op3r>     -- SIP/vd1-08d4a110 is circuit-busy
13:50.34[TK]D-Fenderbeasty_: I see no sip debug in there.. show "sip show peer dbwifi" as well please
13:51.10[TK]D-FenderOp3r: provide everything I just asked of beasty_
13:55.43[TK]D-Fenderbeasty_: and the reason I didn't see any sip debug in your first PB?
13:56.27beasty_i didn't set the sip debug on
13:59.54*** join/#asterisk [koss] (
14:00.04[TK]D-Fenderbeasty_: Then go do it
14:02.59*** join/#asterisk shido6 (n=shido6@
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14:06.06*** join/#asterisk Alexandre_fr (
14:06.32x86what commands do i use with dig to find the DNS servers for a given IP range?
14:06.35x86dig does not seem to show what i want
14:10.08*** join/#asterisk egypcio (n=vinicius@
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14:21.15[koss]can someone suggest any good alternative to something like fonality
14:21.30wayfearerhey there can anyone tell me what i can do with a asterisk server in the web
14:21.49mostywayfearer, like what?
14:21.54wayfearerlike netPBX
14:22.16wayfeareri don't really understand in which way it could be useful for me
14:22.23mostywhat's netpbx?
14:22.31mostywhat do you mean by "in the web" ?
14:22.55wayfeareri've got a root server
14:23.11wayfearerand have the option to install it with Asterisk NOW
14:23.35wayfeareri know that asterisk is for providing telephone services
14:23.37tzangernice, my cell calling dialplan is much better now
14:23.49mostywayfearer, yes
14:24.23wayfearerbut how does it work
14:24.35wayfeareri call the server and it calls my friend for free ?
14:24.57mostywayfearer, no it won't magically let you call the regular telephone network for free
14:25.11wayfearerbut ...
14:25.26mostywayfearer, but if you and your friend are both connected to it using voip phones, you can call your friend for free
14:25.31*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
14:25.34wayfearerah okay
14:26.00mostywayfearer, or you could connect asterisk to a paid service that lets you call to/from the regular telephone network
14:26.14wayfearerso if i have a internet flat and a voip phone  or a terminal adapter and all my friends too, we can call us for free
14:28.20mostyyou can connect to the the regular telephone network in various ways, some requiring hardware, some not, but they all cost money
14:31.17*** join/#asterisk lmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
14:31.17*** mode/#asterisk [+o lmadsen] by ChanServ
14:31.55wayfearerokay thanks ! ;-)
14:32.59[koss]can someone suggest any good alternative to something like fonality
14:33.16lirakisI have a dial macro that forwards a call to my cell if i dont answer my extension.  When the call forwards to my cell, I can NEVER hear the caller, but they can hear me.  I have no issues in any other situation with one way audio, and my pbx is on public ip... so im uncertain what else could be causing this.
14:33.22mosty[koss], not since you last asked
14:33.41[koss]lol mosty
14:33.54mostylirakis, is nat involved?
14:34.25*** join/#asterisk putnopvut (n=putnopvu@
14:34.37lirakismosty: no .. pbx is on public ip. caller can be calling from pstn or a voip phone.. same issue
14:35.23mostywhat channel type do you use to dial your cellphone?
14:35.33lirakismosty: sip
14:35.42lirakismosty: out to my service provider
14:36.02mostylirakis, do you have canreinvite=no in the service provider's setup?
14:36.39*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
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14:37.26lirakismosty: not sure ... but would reinvite be required? since its terminating to a cell?...
14:37.41lirakismosty: ill check and add it if it is not, then try it out
14:38.06*** join/#asterisk gardo (n=gardo@
14:39.03mostyyour calls will still work with canreinvite=no, it just forces the audio to always go through asterisk
14:39.31lirakismosty: i know what reinvites are.
14:39.40lirakismosty: i was saying, i dont think it will make any difference
14:39.45ManxPowerreinvites do not generally work if there is NAT involved.
14:40.10mostylirakis, when you say the happens for pstn calls too, what type of pstn connection do you have?
14:40.11lirakismosty: call -> my* -> attempt ext.... attempt cell
14:40.53lirakismosty: the endpoints arent changing so there is no need to reinvite for any reason
14:41.07ManxPowerlirakis: So you have a Zaptel card in your server?  An ITSP to terminate the call?
14:41.49ManxPowerlirakis: reinvites is not usually about the end points changing, it's about getting the server out of the call and letting the endpoints send audio direct, rather than thru the server.
14:41.51*** join/#asterisk luygy (
14:42.11lirakismosty: .. okay .. so you arent listening, or just dont get what i'm saying.. ;) .. no worries  i do not have any kind of pstn connection in my pbx.. i said "caller can be calling from pstn or a voip phone" as in the person calling me .. can be calling from a phone on the pstn unrelated to my pbx all together.
14:43.08ManxPowerlirakis: SIP Phone <-> Asterisk <-> NAT <-> Internet <-> VoIP Provider <-> PSTN
14:43.12mostylirakis, so the call comes in via sip, and might be sent back out via sip, and when that happens you get one way audio?
14:43.25ManxPowerIs THAT your setup?  If so then reinvites could be happening
14:43.42lirakisManxPower: no NAT ...
14:43.55mostyreinvites can break even without nat
14:44.02ManxPowerlirakis: So all your devices are on public IP addresses.
14:44.10*** join/#asterisk luygy (
14:44.20lirakismosty: no the call can come in from my provider (from some land line or whatever) and terminate back out my provider to reach my cell.
14:44.22ManxPowermosty: maybe so, but broken reinvites when no NAT and no firewall is involved is not all that common.
14:45.00lirakisManxPower: .. not all devices, some handsets can be, but since this issue is about when the pbx attempts to redirect a inbound call to my cell phone, NAT is not involved
14:45.18mostyManxPower, setting canreinvite=no is a quick and easy test, probably better to just try it imo
14:45.33ManxPowermosty: Rather than arguing about it.
14:45.48lirakisManxPower:  call from .. wherever -> my provider -> internet -> my * ->internet-> my provider-> cell
14:45.48ManxPowerlirakis: BTW, the term for that is a "hairpin"
14:46.08ManxPowerlirakis: I assume there is also no firewall involved?
14:46.13lirakisManxPower: no
14:46.33ManxPowerand nothing on the asterisk console to indicate a problem?
14:46.53lirakisManxPower mosty: FYI i did try with canreinvite=yes and no and have the same result
14:47.40lirakisManxPower: no , it says attempting native bridge .... and the call sets up.. then when i hangup everything hangs up fine.. i just get no audio on my cell phone.  but the caller can hear me.
14:47.44mostylirakis, next step i would try personally is to run a packet logger on your asterisk box, and verify that rtp packets are coming in/going out with the correct source/dest addresses
14:48.13fiXXXerMetchan_zap shows Depends on: res_smdi(M), zaptel_vldtmf(E), zaptel(E)  Does M mean What does M and E mean?  It looks like chan_zap is good as it is marked (*)
14:48.25ManxPowerlirakis: you have the classic symptom if a NAT problem -- but without any NAT.
14:48.33lirakisManxPower: yeah, i know
14:48.39lirakisManxPower: which is why im confused
14:48.40lirakisha ha
14:48.40ManxPowerlirakis: does your asterisk box have more than one IP address?
14:48.46lirakisManxPower: nope just one
14:49.27lirakisManxPower: i should setup a different carrier and attempt to terminate out that ... maybe my provider doesnt like it (shrug)
14:50.35lirakisManxPower: ill bump up debug and see if i can get anythign else on the cli before i start messing with that though
14:53.18*** join/#asterisk j_wizworks (
14:54.24j_wizworkshello, having some trouble getting Asterisk registered on Broadvoice can anyone assist?
14:56.10mostyj_wizworks, broadvoice perhaps?
14:56.18*** part/#asterisk jmls (n=jmls@
14:56.29j_wizworksmosty:  yes indeed.
14:56.44j_wizworksMy register string looks like this:
14:58.08j_wizworksregister =>
14:58.33j_wizworksI get the following in the CLI:
15:00.14j_wizworksJan 16 09:59:35 NOTICE[2665]: chan_sip.c:5431 sip_reg_timeout:    -- Registration for '' timed out, trying again (Attempt #91)
15:00.17J4zeni was wondering the same thing lol
15:01.27mostyj_wizworks, why do you have everything in your register line twice?
15:02.18mostylirakis, do you have an incorrect externhost or related setting?
15:02.48x86what's the cheapest headset that will work well with a Polycom IP301?
15:03.13lirakismosty: no i have no externhost set
15:03.50lirakismosty: some time back i had it set, then my dns changed and the whole system went berzerk.. so i no longer set it for production systems ha ha
15:03.54lmadsenafternoon all -- I've got a bunch of Mitel 5220 phones here that have been "bricked", but apparently can be reflashed. If anyone knows how to reflash these phones, please msg me, and if it works, I'll send you a free 5220
15:04.18lirakislmadsen: ahhhh mitel
15:04.47tzangerhelp me fix my crappy phones and I'll give you one!
15:04.50fiXXXerMetEver since I installed ztdummy and recompiled asterisk for zaptel support, I can no longer hear sound from files, such as the voicemail prompt, or conference prompts.  I have tried installing zaptel both from source and packages, and still - no sound.  Ideas?
15:04.54lmadsenI have a 5220 on my desk (the only one of the batch that works), and it's a pretty decent phone... but I have this box of them in my storage locker, and it's a shame because I could donate them to TAUG
15:05.03x86tzanger: haha
15:05.13tzangerI'm hooked on polycom
15:05.15ManxPowerfiXXXerMet: you have a problem with your kernel
15:05.22mostylmadsen, do the bricked phones go into a reboot loop?
15:05.23mockerugh, that reminds me.  I need to prepare for my lug meeting this month.
15:05.26fiXXXerMetManxPower: Oh yeah?  How so?
15:05.28x86tzanger: ever use headsets with your polycom phones? :)
15:05.35x86tzanger: if so, what did you use?
15:05.38tzangerbut they have the ports I know
15:05.41mockerer, aug meeting.
15:05.42lmadsenmosty: I think that's what I was told (honestly I haven't turned one on, but that sounds very familiar)
15:05.50x86yeah i know, but I'm not sure what i need...
15:05.59mostylmadsen, there's a page on the wiki with a solution
15:06.03ManxPowerfiXXXerMet: no idea, I don't use ztdummy.  Your problem is not unique.  Check the mailing list archives or (maybe) the Wiki
15:06.06lmadsenmosty: the mitel wiki?
15:06.18mostylmadsen, no voip-info
15:06.19fiXXXerMetManxPower: OK, thanks.
15:06.30lmadsenmosty: ok cool -- I'll look for it
15:09.18*** join/#asterisk Meaty (
15:10.09lmadsenmosty: ok... so perhaps I'm blind, but I can't find the page you're referring to :)
15:10.16[TK]D-Fenderx86 : Plantronics M22 Amps + H263 Binaural headsets w/ polaris quick-connect
15:10.23mockerUgh, I think I may have to get some Grandstreams.
15:10.43x86[TK]D-Fender: looking for cheap
15:11.01jbotmethinks cheap is a bad idea.  If you're setting up an Asterisk system, one of the wisest pieces of advice you can take is this: DON'T BE A CHEAPSKATE.
15:11.10[TK]D-Fenderx86 : What phone do you have?
15:11.18x86[TK]D-Fender: IP301
15:11.19mocker[TK]D-Fender: Do you know how much a Polycom 330 is in Sofia, Bulgaria? :P
15:11.36mockerOh, I thought you were doing the ~cheap to me.
15:11.37x86[TK]D-Fender: the M22 is $82 alone...
15:11.42[TK]D-Fendermocker: Whats the average air-speed velocity of a swallow?
15:11.56x86[TK]D-Fender: was looking for something like the GN2010
15:12.09x86[TK]D-Fender: can i use the GN2010 (which is half the price of the M22 amp alone)
15:12.12[TK]D-Fenderx86 : you can try to find an RJ9 > 2.5mm adapter, but unamped it sucks.
15:12.18mocker[TK]D-Fender: African or European?
15:12.29[TK]D-Fenderx86 :un-amped = bad.  Try it and find out.
15:12.38[TK]D-Fendermocker: I don't know!
15:12.40*** join/#asterisk AndyGraybeal (
15:12.41x86[TK]D-Fender: any cheaper solution?
15:12.56[TK]D-Fenderx86 : Don't be a cheap-ass.
15:14.03RoyK~seen inspired
15:14.05jbotinspired <n=mikael@> was last seen on IRC in channel #debian, 17d 6h 37m 24s ago, saying: 'thanks'.
15:14.38j_wizworksmosty:  sorry boss called me for a few monutes...   The reg string I have is the same string format that BV recommends on their support page.
15:14.57mostyj_wizworks, best give them a call then
15:15.42j_wizworksAlready done that...   they have stated to me that they support asterisk, but it's the user's responsibility to properly configure it.
15:16.21mostyj_wizworks, is your asterisk box behind nat? if so try setting externip
15:16.22j_wizworksI have tested the SIP acct on a soft SIP phone and it works...  so I know the account info is good.  I just can't seem to get asterisk to register.
15:16.38lirakisj_wizworks: .. did you try what we reccomended? i.e. not having a duplicate domain
15:16.45j_wizworksmosty: externip is set to WAN IP.
15:16.54mostyj_wizworks, what lirakis said
15:17.50AndyGraybealall day is asterisk day today :)
15:17.59j_wizworksyes tried removing that...   and no difference...   at home (on another BV acct) I have an Asterisk @home box and it uses the same reg string format (but on a diff. account).  This ast. box here is installed on a Debian 4 system using the apt-get packages.
15:18.24j_wizworkslirakis:  yes tried that, no success.
15:18.26*** join/#asterisk esaym (
15:18.35esaymis a sound card needed with asterisk?
15:19.03esaymand is this a problem: chan_iax2.c: Unable to open IAX timing interface: No such file or directory
15:19.11lirakisesaym: no
15:19.17esaymusing asterisk 1.2
15:19.35mostyesaym, no sound card needed. you need a zaptel card for some applications like meetme, or iax trunking
15:20.20esaymwell I connect to the voip provider with iax.  I don't know if that is trunking though.  Either way it is not working :-/
15:20.47esaymand calling the demo extensions does nothing, no sound or anything but I think it answers
15:20.49mostyesaym, well that's just a warning that you can ignore for now then. set trunk=no in iax.conf
15:21.02mostyyour error is elsewhere
15:21.11_ShrikElmadsen: Ive done the supkey thingy in the past.
15:21.50j_wizworksthis is the first time I'm trying to set up asterisk without a GUI (as like ASterisk @ Home).  Plus I prefer a Debian based OS underneath it as opposed to a RH like OS (CentOS)
15:21.55*** part/#asterisk jarod14 (
15:23.27x86[TK]D-Fender: works perfectly fine with an un-amped headset
15:23.35j_wizworksthe files I've modified are :  /etc/hosts (inserted the record), /etc/asterisk/sip.conf, and /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf
15:23.43x86[TK]D-Fender: i stole one from an analog VXI dialpad phone.. works great
15:23.52j_wizworksaccording to BV's support page.
15:24.17j_wizworkswould there be any other file or setting I would need to check/change in the configs?
15:24.35j_wizworksJan 16 09:59:35 NOTICE[2665]: chan_sip.c:5431 sip_reg_timeout:    -- Registration for '' timed out, trying again (Attempt #91)
15:24.55lirakisj_wizworks: so, can you ping
15:25.18lirakisj_wizworks: so get some sip msg debugging going on
15:25.28j_wizworksreply: 64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=249 time=6.81 ms
15:25.53lirakisj_wizworks: asterisk -vvvvvvvvvvvvvr .. then do sip debug peer
15:25.56*** part/#asterisk mog (n=mog@
15:26.03j_wizworksok lemme try that....
15:27.04lirakisnot peer
15:27.18j_wizworksNo such peer ''
15:28.10j_wizworksRetransmitting #6 (NAT) to
15:28.12j_wizworksREGISTER SIP/2.0
15:28.13j_wizworksVia: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK7a2bf52c;rport
15:28.15j_wizworksFrom: <>;tag=as5d8bad5f
15:28.16j_wizworksTo: <>
15:28.19j_wizworksCSeq: 277 REGISTER
15:28.21j_wizworksUser-Agent: Asterisk PBX
15:28.22j_wizworksMax-Forwards: 70
15:28.24j_wizworksExpires: 120
15:28.25j_wizworksContact: <sip:s@>
15:28.27j_wizworksEvent: registration
15:28.28j_wizworksContent-Length: 0
15:28.34mostydon't paste here
15:28.37*** join/#asterisk jpeeler (n=jpeeler@
15:28.40jbot[~pastebin] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
15:28.52j_wizworksnew to IRC
15:28.55j_wizworksgo easy on me please.
15:31.24j_wizworksok sent to the pastebin, how to send the pastebin to another?
15:31.29j_wizworksjust send the URL?
15:31.47*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (
15:32.20fiXXXerMetj_wizworks: yes, the url
15:32.38j_wizworksok here goes:
15:32.42lirakisanyone know if ASTCC is still maintained? it seems dead
15:33.08lirakisj_wizworks: thats like .. have a register message
15:33.40j_wizworkslirakis:  yeah looks to be so, but for whatever reason I get the failed registration.
15:34.18lirakisj_wizworks: come on man.... we need to see the error.. not just the first part saying " going to try to register now"
15:34.34j_wizworksok let me paste the error int he bin...
15:35.07lmadsen_ShrikE: thanks for the tip -- I'm hoping I can give this a try tonight and get some of the phones working
15:36.02lirakisj_wizworks: paste in all!!!
15:36.33j_wizworkslirakis:  how do go back to seeing the error - it is still showing the reg attempts from the sip debug ip command?
15:36.39j_wizworks<--- new to CLI
15:37.18lirakisj_wizworks: ...
15:37.25*** join/#asterisk teknoprep (n=Chris@unaffiliated/teknoprep)
15:37.34teknoprepwhere do i get the firmware for polycom phones?
15:37.38teknoprepi have an ip320
15:37.46lirakisj_wizworks: scroll up.. or just sit there .. it will attempt to register again
15:37.51lirakisteknoprep: uhh... polycom
15:37.54mostyteknoprep, polycom's website
15:38.09_ShrikEteknoprep: you can get older firmware on the polycom website, if you want the new stuff you need to talk to your reseller
15:38.12[TK]D-Fenderj_wizworks: pastebin your sip.conf masking only passwords.
15:38.12teknoprepyeah no crap... where on there site.. and do i have to pay for it like cisco ?
15:38.23[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep: from your reseller
15:38.40j_wizworksok D-fender
15:38.40mostyteknoprep, support, phones, model
15:39.24*** join/#asterisk hfb (
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15:40.44j_wizworkslirakis: here is the debug and the error:
15:41.27Unianyone know offhand of where I could find info on setting the callerID of all outgoing calls to a single ID string? I've found some docs and played with SetCallerID but haven't had any luck so far
15:41.43[TK]D-Fenderj_wizworks: that tells very little, now provide what I ask for.
15:42.01[TK]D-FenderUni : "show function CALLERID"
15:42.26j_wizworksd-fender, copying the file and masking passwords...
15:43.24esaymWhere do I start trouble shooting if none of the demo extensions in the default configs work?  Or atleast I don't hear any sound...
15:43.44*** join/#asterisk itguru (n=gabriel@
15:43.58lirakisj_wizworks: sigh again.. you are not giving all the messaging...
15:44.05esaymThat is with the gizmo soft phone though, I can't get the x-lite soft phone to register
15:44.08itguruHello all you asterisk people!
15:44.21eric_hillesaym: on the asterisk console (asterisk -r) do a "set verbose 9" and see if that helps.
15:44.25lirakisj_wizworks: its clear you dont understand what is important in the data... so leave it all in and let us decide what to look for, instead of cutting out all that you think isnt relevant.
15:44.46itguruI've got 24 hours to get a working VoIP setup up and running, and I'm in need of some serious help
15:45.09j_wizworkslirakis: I'm new  yes I do not understand, but I'm trying, being new to IRC adds another layer of complication to the issue...   I'm pasting the sip.conf file and it's taking time brb
15:45.53kyronj_wizworks, just make sure you don't paste here ;)
15:45.56itguruHas anyone ever got an Avaya handset running, or a Cisco 7910 connected to an asterisk box?
15:46.25alrsitguru getting Cisco stuff to work can be a bit of a bottomless pit
15:46.50alrsitguru: I've helped set up a trunk directly from an Avaya Definity system to an Asterisk box
15:47.38eric_hillitguru: Practically all of the Cisco phones I've tried work just fine.  7905, 7910, 7940, 7960, etc.
15:47.46j_wizworksthat's why it's taking me forever to copy the sip.conf file out of the putty window...   into the pastbin, is there an easier way to get the contents of this file out and paste?
15:47.48esaymeric_hill:  console says " -- Executing Playback("SIP/111-0818f978", "demo-abouttotry") in new stack    -- Playing 'demo-abouttotry' (language 'en')" when I dail the 500 extension but I don't hear anything
15:48.07[TK]D-Fenderj_wizworks: 1 swipe with the mouse grabs everything....
15:48.42eric_hillesaym: If asterisk thinks it's playing the file, chances are that it is and your phone isn't decoding the audio correctly.  Softphone?  Physical phone?
15:48.50*** join/#asterisk qdk (n=qdk@
15:48.57j_wizworksI have the file open with the nano text editor...  (debian OS) I have to scroll the file, then highlight and it';s a pain... is there a simpler method?
15:49.05esaymeric_hill: crappy softphone
15:49.18esaymata adapter coming in the mail today
15:49.30*** join/#asterisk Havokmon (
15:49.44eric_hillesaym: Try the X-Lite SIP phone:
15:50.31esaymeric_hill: ye i have tried that, I couldn't get it to reg, it timed out
15:50.44*** join/#asterisk spid3r_ (
15:51.52*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
15:52.03jim``wengophone has worked best for me for testing
15:52.08spid3r_is there a way to know which sip user is making a call with a predefined variable?
15:52.37[TK]D-Fenderj_wizworks: cat it from CLI copy & paste.  5 seconds
15:52.46mostyspid3r: set a channel variable in sip.conf
15:53.15j_wizworkssweet...  lemme try that.
15:53.25spid3r_mosty: thanks i'll give it a look
15:53.43[TK]D-Fenderspid3r_: just parse out ${CHANNEL}
15:53.57*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki (
15:54.30lirakisesaym: make sure you set proxy and register host on xlite even if they are the same.  ive never had any problems with it
15:55.43esaymlirakis: Yea I am messing with it right now, it just keeps timing out
15:56.21esaymnothing in the logs,
15:56.40esaymmy network sniffer shows it sending packets to the server but it never responds
15:57.43[TK]D-Fenderesaym: enable SIP debug on * CLI and pastebin the full call attempt.
15:59.13[TK]D-FenderSUN Buys MySQL , wheee! --->
16:00.06drmessanoNot sure if thats good or bad yet
16:00.10nixguyfor 100 million
16:00.13nixguyor something like that
16:00.15nixguyniiice :)
16:00.21Qwellthey were worth more, IMO
16:00.28Qwellquite a bit more
16:00.30nixguymysql is a swedish company
16:00.49tzangerhopefully sun'll bury it
16:00.50nixguyactually they used to sit in the office i worked in a couple of years back
16:00.53tzanger<-- NOT a fan of mysql
16:01.09*** join/#asterisk JayTee52 (
16:01.35AndyGraybealnixguy: that's pretty cool
16:02.28drmessanoMaybe they they buy PHP too.. so the crap will work better together lol
16:02.35drmessanothey will*
16:03.57Havokmonbetter?  How so?
16:03.58cappizsomeone here knows how i can "hack" asterisk to send DID? my IAX provider doesnt send DID... but iax debug shows CALLING NUMBER:
16:04.10cappizwith the correct DID
16:04.43drmessanoTheres still a LOT of issues with PHPs MySQL modules
16:04.44lmadsentzanger: pgsql, what?!
16:04.48esaym[TK]D-Fender:  one second, I am on to something...
16:05.03drmessanoNeed of a group up rewrite, IMO
16:05.09lmadsencappiz: uhhh... you mean callerid?
16:05.33lmadsenand if the provider doesn't send it (or allow you to send it -- it's not clear what direction you're going) -- there is nothing Asterisk can do about it
16:05.47Havokmondrmessano:  link?  I don't doubt you, I just want to know what to look out for.
16:05.55cappizi called form my cell... to my pbx... IAX debug shows the number i called form my cell under "CALLING NUMBER:"
16:06.16lmadsenyour provider isn't sending the CID probably then -- that's a provider issue
16:06.23lmadsenor your dialplan is wrong -- use CALLERID() function
16:06.32drmessanoYou find it here and there
16:06.37j_wizworksthe sip reg error
16:06.57[TK]D-Fenderj_wizworks: go into your sip.conf and permanently wipe out every commented-out line and repastebin it.
16:06.59Havokmondrmessano: lol I didn't want to sift through idiots who're causing their own problems :P
16:07.18drmessanoThere isnt ONE PAGE thats says PHP + MYSQL SUXORS HERES WHY
16:07.22drmessanoJust need to look
16:07.50cappizisn't DID the my pbx phonenumber?
16:07.54HavokmonThat's what I wanted ;)  "don't use if..."
16:08.12j_wizworksactually this is the correct post:
16:08.19lmadsencappiz: DID is Direct Inward Dialing -- it is the number that Asterisk should be matching on
16:08.27j_wizworkssorry bout the confusion.
16:08.34lmadsencappiz: I think you're using the wrong term
16:08.38lmadsena DID is a phone number
16:08.48lmadsen(that you would dial and would be routed "somewhere")
16:09.07lmadsenfrom what I can tell, you're talking about CallerID
16:09.08cappizyeah... thats what im thinking about
16:09.21cappizno i want to use inbound routes
16:09.30docelmoWow someone asking VERY basic questions..  Aparently he didnt bother to check for himself anywhere..
16:09.37cappizand route call to different direction depening on which number the user dialed
16:09.53cappizbut my iax providers doesnt provide me with DID
16:10.09docelmocappiz who's your IAX provider?
16:10.12cappizi have several iax/sip trunks
16:10.30cappizdocelmo, a norwegian provider
16:10.45RoyKcappiz: lite firma?
16:11.06cappizwe'll do norwegian in a private chat
16:11.22itgurualrs: I've got 30 Cisco phones :( - and about
16:11.38docelmoitguru sorry to hear that
16:11.50*** part/#asterisk lmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
16:12.30j_wizworksd-fender:  is there an easy quick way to wipe out those lines?
16:13.00*** join/#asterisk RipeR-81 (n=ircap8@
16:13.13[TK]D-Fenderj_wizworks: to the more knowledgeable, yes.  just do it.... it shouldn't have taken even the 5 minutes since I asked to to it the :hard" way
16:13.18RipeR-81anyone available ? im integrating ccm6 and asterisk
16:13.44RipeR-81having asterisk as a gateway and ccm as my pbx using cisco ip phones 7941
16:13.53j_wizworksif I make a copy of the file and process the copy thru sed will that work?
16:14.07j_wizworks(just not sure of the sed syntax)
16:14.18j_wizworksand also trying to save you time.
16:14.23RipeR-81i am not able to send the calls from cisco call manager 6 to asterisk
16:15.20itgurudocelmo: Why sorry?! Do I have a lot of work ahead of me??
16:15.45*** join/#asterisk ayrjola (
16:16.08*** join/#asterisk iratik (
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16:16.59iratikConsidering buying a TDM800P.... So I can have 8 FXS ports or 8 FXO ports... or have 2 cards - one with 8 FXS one with 8 FXO?
16:17.44[TK]D-Fenderiratik: Zaptel FXS = ASS <-
16:17.47Qwelliratik: TDM2400, get all of them
16:17.57[TK]D-Fenderiratik: and at 8 FXO you should look at partial PRI
16:18.08[TK]D-FenderQwell: Got that in PCMCIA? ;)
16:18.11iratikI've got voice t1 coming in
16:18.23[TK]D-Fenderiratik: then whats 8 FXO for?
16:18.31Qwell[TK]D-Fender: I did see a PCMCIA analog card once by some company..  no zaptel/asterisk drivers though
16:18.34Qwellneat idea, but...meh
16:18.36iratiknot using all the lines
16:18.49[TK]D-Fenderiratik: for your FXS : Linksys SPA-8000
16:19.12eric_hillRipeR-81: Cisco CCM uses CSSP to negotiate with the phones, but it will connect to remote SIP targets.  What have you tried?
16:19.29anonymouz666[TK]D-Fender: is it the same PAP2 firmware?
16:19.52iratikI think I like the TDM2400 better so far
16:20.07[TK]D-Fenderanonymouz666: More like SPA-2102 expanded
16:20.11tzafririratik, it would generally be recommended to have just one card
16:20.12*** join/#asterisk jochien1 (n=jochieng@
16:20.48j_wizworkshow's this?
16:20.52RipeR-81eric_hill no i havent . i just followed the guide
16:20.53jochien1hi- friends. i m looking for a free sip telephony provider account!
16:20.55[TK]D-Fenderiratik: Zaptel FXS handling = BLEH, Wiring costs = bleh, COST = bleh, size of the card = bleh.
16:20.58j_wizworksall commented lines removed.
16:21.17iratikso the FXS ports will not work properly?
16:21.32RipeR-81eric_hill all the phones are connect to the ccm 6... are able to call within them selves
16:21.40Qwell[TK]D-Fender: howso?
16:21.41tzafrirAnd plently of BLEH devices with bleh handling, because the handling is not under your control
16:21.59iratikbut FXO ports will work fine... so I will have to pretty much end up hooking up IP phones or ATAs to the network ?
16:22.00[TK]D-Fenderj_wizworks: You have to move your REGISTER from 30 to 34, and set canreinvite=no under [genera] and every other section.
16:22.17QwellI've never had any trouble with zaptel fxs O.o
16:22.26eric_hillRipeR-81: Have you set up the SIP trunk like the web page shows?
16:22.35jochien1some pls help with my inquiry
16:22.47iratikI can run the individual lines into the many FXO ports the TDM2400 will provide me... then I will have a zaptel trunk ... then I can hook-up ipphones or ATAs to the network
16:22.51j_wizworksok I'll try that...
16:23.13[TK]D-FenderQwell: Load on your server, no redundancy, more to configure, DTMF transfers/conferences =ew
16:23.22eric_hillRipeR-81: If CCM is sourcing the call correctly, then you need to make sure your asterisk sip.conf file puts the inbound calls into the correct context.
16:23.32Qwellzaptel has like no load...
16:23.36[TK]D-FenderQwell: and on top costs more and is on that HUGE ass card that won't fit in many servers.
16:23.47eric_hillRipeR-81: The asterisk console should show an inbound call.
16:23.49RipeR-81eric_hill i have put the sip trunk just like the page shows
16:23.52itguruAny idea how to get Cisco 7910 phones working with *isk
16:23.55[TK]D-FenderQwell: Adds cards to a box that doesn't need it.
16:23.55RipeR-81eric_hill no.. wont show inbound
16:24.03jochien1hi- friends. i m looking for a free sip telephony provider account! where can i get 1 ;)
16:24.07Qwelland it's less to configure.  ATAs are a PITFA
16:24.09RipeR-81eric_hill thats what i think the problem might be
16:24.32eric_hillRipeR-81: Can you watch a call from the CCM?  I've only worked with CallManager Express, not the full Call Manager.
16:24.37[TK]D-FenderQwell: 5 mins to setup, all said & done
16:24.40Qwellnot only would you have to configure the ATA, you'd have to configure sip.conf
16:24.43iratikATA's would probably stink anyway
16:24.45Qwellsure, same with zaptel :p
16:24.46RipeR-81eric_hill yeah i can see the call
16:24.51iratikthats why i'd like to use FXS ports
16:24.57Qwellit's like 2 lines in zaptel.conf/zapata.conf
16:25.01[TK]D-FenderQwell: unless you run into IRQ issuse, kernel source, etc....
16:25.02RipeR-81eric_hill i can even make phone calls from asetrisk extensions to CCM extensions
16:25.07iratikthat way ... the client's employees have no clue that they ever switched the PBX out
16:25.18jochien1[TK]D-Fender: thanks let me check it out
16:25.20[TK]D-FenderQwell: bad timers, and the million other things then never EVER happen with PCI solutions ;)
16:25.25Qwell[TK]D-Fender: if you have IRQ issues with a Digium card, I'll let you call me personally :p
16:25.31QwellI will personally handle your case ;)
16:25.42Qwell(no, not really)
16:25.48[TK]D-FenderQwell: Well played :p
16:26.10iratikIf I were considering hosting an asterisk installation on Amazon EC2 or hosted provider with a much bigger bandwidth pool what would you sayu
16:26.28eric_hillRipeR-81: So what does the call show when CCM->asterisk?
16:27.01*** part/#asterisk ayrjola (
16:27.37[TK]D-Fenderiratik: No, more bandwidth is bad...
16:27.51iratikwhy more bandwidth==bad?
16:27.52[TK]D-Fenderiratik: </sarcasm>
16:27.57iratikoh kay
16:28.13[TK]D-Fenderiratik: WTF do you think we're going to say "Yes your idea of a massive uprgade is a bad thing?!"
16:28.20kyronmeh, bandwidth is useless if you don't have latency
16:28.38RipeR-81eric_hill let me check
16:28.44iratikwell... I figured i might get some type of argument against putting a PBX on a hosting provider like EC2
16:28.45*** join/#asterisk hades123 (
16:28.49[TK]D-Fenderkyron: Latency is bad, so not having latency, and having bandwidth is GOOD <-
16:28.52j_wizworksno change.
16:28.56[TK]D-Fenderkyron: ...:p
16:29.14eric_hilliratik: EC2 instances can be shut-down by Amazon on a whim.
16:29.24kyron[TK]D-Fender, I forgot _low_ latency ;)
16:29.39eric_hilliratik: They'll start another one up for you, but I wouldn't like my phone system going down "just because"
16:29.39kyronor guaranteed latency at that matter
16:29.40RipeR-81eric_hill i beieve one of my errors is not setting the incoming context...
16:29.52RipeR-81eric_hill is there a guide? im googling
16:30.07[TK]D-Fenderj_wizworks: under [] you should have "nat=no".  Also what have you forwarded to your * box?
16:30.18eric_hillRipeR-81: The incoming context name is set in the sip.conf.  The context should match a section in the extensions.conf.
16:30.31eric_hillRipeR-81: Can you pastebin those two please?
16:30.52RipeR-81eric_hill sure
16:30.57iratikso ... not a good idea --- i'll find a dedicated hosting provider .. kay
16:30.59*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
16:31.21RipeR-81eric_hill i havent set the incoming context on extensions.conf only have the ccm as friends on sip.conf
16:31.25iratikone last question... can anyone point me to a resource of howto's with AMI .... like in particular... how to use reinvite
16:31.38j_wizworksok I'll change that setting ...   so far 5060 is forwarded to the * box.
16:32.39RipeR-81eric_hill the url is
16:33.09[TK]D-Fenderj_wizworks: 5060 "what"?
16:33.44j_wizworks5060 UDP
16:33.47eric_hillRipeR-81: So your inbound calls should drop into the default context.  Pastebin your extensions.conf so I can see what's in the default context.
16:33.59itgurueric_hill: Thanks for the URLs, the one on the wiki, I've seen that before, but I didn't find it helpful enough
16:35.10itgurueric_hill: I know that I need to have a SIP phone image, and get that image onto the handset, but once that is on the handset, how do I configure it?
16:35.30[TK]D-Fenderj_wizworks: you did not put "nat=no" under [] , and you need to forward 5060, 10000-20000 all UDP to *
16:35.32RipeR-81eric_hill this is my extensions.conf default context
16:35.40eric_hillitguru: I don't think the 7910 has a SIP image available...  please hold...
16:36.13eric_hillRipeR-81: does the call come in as 75xx or 79xx?
16:36.15j_wizworksok I'll forward that range as well...
16:36.23[TK]D-Fenderj_wizworks: and you'll have to make sure your firewall is not in the way
16:36.31eric_hillRipeR-81: duh - scratch that.  The calls are coming in on 75xx, right?
16:37.02RipeR-81ok 75xx are asterisk extensions
16:37.10RipeR-8179xx are ccm extensions
16:37.31RipeR-81eric_hill i believe im missing something here...
16:39.17j_wizworksD-Fender:  ok checked all those things and made the additional range forward - no other firewalls in the way.  Still unable to register:
16:39.19eric_hillitguru: Still trying to log in to Cisco
16:39.49*** join/#asterisk umay (
16:40.54eric_hillitguru: Confirmed.  7905/7912/7940/7960 has SIP firmware. 7910 is SCCP only.
16:40.56[TK]D-Fenderj_wizworks: what router are you using?
16:41.28[TK]D-Fenderj_wizworks: did you setup a hosts entry for
16:41.34j_wizworkssame as I'm using at home.  and the Ast@home box works even without the port forwards on another BV account.
16:41.40eric_hillitguru: Wow.  Not only that, but the 7910 firmware is *old*.  Jun 30, 2005.
16:41.46*** join/#asterisk russellb (n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla)
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16:41.47j_wizworksthere is a hosts entry
16:42.01j_wizworkspointing to the nyc proxy
16:42.02[TK]D-Fenderj_wizworks: ok, I'm at a loss at this point then
16:44.30itgurueric_hill: Thanks for the tip! I really appreciate that. Now I just have to figure out how to get SCCP working
16:44.39j_wizworksthe only difference with thos box and the one at home is this one is one is my 1st attempt to build an * box on Debian using the APT repos.  I like the debian OS better than the RH based ones like CentOS, Fedora, etc.
16:44.47*** join/#asterisk hmmhesays (
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16:46.08j_wizworkswish there was a debian based version of *@home.
16:46.12j_wizworkswould be sweet.
16:48.05*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
16:50.04*** part/#asterisk SexyKen (
16:51.19AndyGraybealdoes xlite run slow on others computers?
16:51.23[TK]D-Fenderj_wizworks: you sure that externip is right?
16:52.10[TK]D-FenderAndyGraybeal: Yeah it does... and it take 5 minutes for FreePBX to change pages on this P90 win98 machine!  Can you haelp plaese?!?!?!
16:53.00hmmhesaysis one of the tza's around here I could use some blackfin advice
16:53.25j_wizworksyes that 209 address is our WAN.
16:53.48tzangerhmmhesays: hahah yes
16:54.43*** join/#asterisk Victor_Yure (n=Victor_Y@
16:55.10*** join/#asterisk Greek-Boy (n=email@
16:55.20hmmhesaystzanger: is there some why I can find out what version of gcc was used to compile my current blackfin firmware. I'm trying to set up my devel environment
16:55.23eric_hillRipeR-81: sorry, had a call come up.  At this point you need to trace the call and see how far it gets.
16:55.26hmmhesaysstrings tells me nothing
16:55.28[TK]D-Fenderj_wizworks: ok, try another BV peer...
16:55.35[TK]D-Fenderj_wizworks: mayeb NYC = DOA
16:55.57eric_hillRipeR-81: CCM should tell you /why/ a call didn't go through, and asterisk (console, set verbose 9) should show you a failed inbound call, or no call at all.
16:56.21*** join/#asterisk bsdwarrior (
16:56.21j_wizworksok I will try that but I used an Xlite softphone to test the acct on that BV peer and the xlite phone fired right up.
16:57.01bsdwarriorI want to play a message every 30 seconds when someone is in a queue.  im doing Wait(30) but this cuts off the hold music
16:57.16tzangerhmmhesays: I already told you how, with strings on the asterisk binary that has not yet been stripped
16:57.33hmmhesaystzanger: if I had access to one
16:58.35*** join/#asterisk Navion (
16:58.44tzangerahh but you do
16:58.58tzangerbuild_xxx/asterisk/main/asterisk I think
16:59.02tzangermain may not be right
16:59.19*** join/#asterisk saint_ (
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17:00.15eric_hillbsdwarrior: Instead of Wait, look at the "announcement" argument of a Queue.
17:00.53bsdwarrioreric_hill thanks.
17:01.11bsdwarrioreric_hill im learning, slowly
17:01.18x86why can I icmp ping a peer by IP address, but chan_iax2 refuses to connect to the host with "UNREACHABLE" messages?
17:01.24x86that's highly misleading, imho
17:01.30x86since it's certainly reachable
17:02.13bsdwarrioreric_hill, that will play the message, but I want it to repeat every 30 seconds
17:02.16x86any ideas how to force to connect to a host that it thinks is unreachable, but it certainly is reachable?
17:02.44aydiosmioHow do I test for a Dial() timeout int he dialplan? Do I check ${DIALSTATUS}? I don't see a timeout return code for it
17:03.18*** join/#asterisk kkn088 (n=kikoun@
17:03.27Qwellaydiosmio: it would probably be NOANSWER
17:03.38hmmhesaystzanger: I don't have access to the machine this firmware was built on
17:04.06tzangeryou may very well be screwed then.  I am sure there is some identifying mark held somewehere in the ELF image, even stripped, but I don't know where to look
17:04.14hmmhesaystzanger: hence my delima
17:04.17eric_hillbsdwarrior: In that case, how about the "periodic-announce" feature of a regular queue.
17:04.19hmmhesaysthis image came for xorcom
17:04.25aydiosmioso I can do: exten => s-NOANSWER,n,NoOp()
17:04.30aydiosmioin case of a timeout
17:04.46tzafrirhmmhesays, so ask Xorcom?
17:05.12hmmhesaysI'm going to
17:09.44bsdwarrioreric_hill hmm, hope that works with the queues being in postgres
17:09.54itguruIs SCCP standard in an asterisk install, or do I need to add it?
17:10.53Qwellitguru: chan_skinny in asterisk 1.4 or higher
17:11.03aydiosmioif I do exten => s,n,Goto(s-${DIALSTATUS},1) and say s-BUSY does not exist in the dialplan, what happens to the call flow?
17:11.12*** join/#asterisk ozant (n=ozanturk@
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17:12.57*** join/#asterisk Ritzerisk (n=Ritztech@
17:13.14Ritzeriskso anyways in my iaxmodem logs i get.... Unable to pass the full buffer onto the device file
17:13.19*** join/#asterisk tcseke (
17:14.36[TK]D-Fenderaydiosmio: Go find out
17:15.13itguruI got 1.4.9 so, I should be okay @ Qwell
17:17.23itguruQwell: I'm still lost as to how to actually get my Cisco Phone to communicate with my asterisx box :(
17:17.29itguruway too much reading to do
17:17.53badcfemy asterisk says its playing 'digits/hundred' (language 'fr'), but its _not_ reading my /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/fr/digits/hundred.alaw, just the /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/digits/hundred.alaw
17:18.31badcfehow do i get it looking into the language directory for digits (for non-digits messages it _does_)
17:18.36drmessano[TK]D-Fender: I am having a small problem installing Asterisk.. do I want to run the Live CD or install to Hard Drive?
17:18.37*** join/#asterisk kyron (
17:19.09[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: with all this atlk about hard & floppy.... shouldn't we be having more fun? ;)
17:19.22hades123I have kind of a design question guys
17:19.35hades123Now asterisk works as B2BUA right
17:19.47hades123can I set it up so it only handles signanling
17:19.59drmessanoThat guy that ate 4 days trying to get a PAP2 working on um.. that Green Boxes PBX thing system... yeah.. comes back.. "HOW WORK GIZMO TRUNK drmessano, halp me no?"
17:20.01[TK]D-Fenderbadcfe:  /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/fr/digits/hundred.alaw should be /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/digits/fr/hundred.alaw
17:20.02hades123when two internal extensions
17:20.12hades123wants to talk to each other
17:20.23Qwelldrmessano: HALP YOU YES SEND MONEYZ
17:20.27badcfe[TK]D-Fender: thanks, by the way this is 1.4.13
17:20.28drmessanoYes lol
17:20.29[TK]D-Fenderhades123: * is a B2BUA.  Period. End of story.
17:20.33drmessano4 days.. for a PAP2
17:20.54drmessanoIm thinking.. I can see the pages in my sleep.. WTF can he be doing wrong..
17:20.58drmessano3 days later
17:21.03drmessano"U SUCK, DIE"
17:21.08badcfe[TK]D-Fender: heh, ill make symlinks as "compatibility hack". -- or are symlinks not followed explisitly by asterisk?
17:21.34*** join/#asterisk emist_ (n=emist@unaffiliated/emist)
17:21.55hades123[TK]D-Fender : it will help in scaling the number phones, and reducing the oad immensely
17:21.57drmessanoSad part is.. I couldnt tell him. "Maybe hand config asterisk isnt for you... you know Fonalit....." Nope, hes was already there
17:23.47drmessanoNow he want Gizmo "CUZ ASKERISK HALP ME MAKE FREE CALLS"
17:24.09drmessanoThe power of open source
17:24.38hades123seems this topic has been discussed here alot
17:24.52drmessanoI would seriously love an Asterisk YouTube video
17:24.56drmessanoWith umm
17:24.57mikkelIs it possible to buy a BRI card for ISDN connections and a TDM40B and connect Analog phones and make them ring ?
17:25.08Qwellmikkel: sure
17:25.21Qwellyou need FXS modules on the TDM400p
17:25.22drmessanoGuy getting a bill with a $20 long distance call on it.. then he installs asterisk and AT&T sends him a CHECK
17:25.47hades123drmessano: What?
17:25.49mikkelQwell, So Asterisk will convert between Digital and Analog ?
17:25.56mikkelQwell, Yes 4 FXS on it.
17:26.03hades123drmessano: Never heard about at&t giving money to anybody
17:26.03Qwellmikkel: it does them as two separate unrelated channels
17:26.16Qwellit's not so much "conversion" as it is...well...yeah, it's conversion :p
17:26.20drmessanohades123: A play on those that think they install Asterisk and all calls forever are suddenly "just free"
17:26.27Qwellbasically every channel type in asterisk ends up as an "asterisk channel" in the core
17:26.44hades123drmessano: LOL, didn't get the joke
17:26.48Qwellso yeah, you can connect many different types of things, with many different other types
17:26.49hades123at first
17:26.57Qwellif that...answers your question
17:27.09mikkelQwell, But it will be able to answer a ISDN connection and transfer it to an analog phone on the TDM40B card ?
17:27.20mikkelQwell, Cool, thanks.
17:27.29drmessanoIP = no phone lines = no charges from AT&T = Free calls worldwide forever YAY
17:27.37Qwellor a SIP device, or IAX2 device, or back out another ISDN channel...whatever, doesn't matter
17:27.51hades123drmessano: at one point , this will actually happen
17:27.59hades123drmessano: no dought
17:28.15drmessanoSure.. if everyone is using Asterisk
17:28.18drmessanoor VoIP
17:28.21Qwelldrmessano: give it time
17:28.27hades123drmessano: it will be one charge , your internet , with it comes entertianment and phones ..etc
17:28.34drmessanoI have no doubt it will happen
17:28.55*** join/#asterisk ronr (
17:29.08drmessanoProblem is, someone downloads Trashbox and they jump on IRC wanting to know "Y CALL NO FREE?  WARE FREE CALL?"
17:29.28drmessanoand thats the ONLY reason they googled asterisk in the first place
17:30.29drmessanoExperience, outtolunc
17:32.20aydiosmio[TK]D-Fender: yessir, I will report back with my findings!
17:33.03drmessano"Ok, I go now.. Let me know you want SSH remote access"
17:33.19*** join/#asterisk AndyGraybeal (
17:35.34x86anyone ever mess with the Adit 600?
17:36.00jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
17:36.06_ShrikEx86: yes
17:36.22NavionHas anyone played with OpenVox cards?
17:36.28jboti guess cheap is a bad idea.  If you're setting up an Asterisk system, one of the wisest pieces of advice you can take is this: DON'T BE A CHEAPSKATE.
17:36.28x86_ShrikE: I bought one and had it shipped to a branch office... will it self-configure to a T1 just like a Rhino will?
17:36.41jbotsomebody said free was stuff might take awhile to get done
17:37.01_ShrikEx86: dont think there is any self configure in the adit
17:37.21x86Navion: if by play you mean "take side cutters and tin snips to", then yes ;)
17:38.02lirakis~lastseen DarylVoip
17:38.04NavionHmmm... Well, that wasn't exactly what I ment.
17:38.17justdaveI'm trying to set up with a new SIP provider, and when I get inbound calls from them, they come back with a different authentication username than the one we're registering with.  What do I need to tweak to get the call recognized?
17:38.57justdavedo I need the authentication name they're using as a sip [name] entry in the sip.conf or is there a field I can add to the entry for them to specify it?
17:39.41*** join/#asterisk aiksa[LV] (
17:40.12justdaveI suspect adding their [authname] as a section to sip.conf would work but trying to avoid that if there's another way to do it because that would make things confusing to have a different name for their channels on inbound than the outbound ones, especially when their inbound 'name' is just a number that has nothing to do with their name or our phone number
17:40.25*** join/#asterisk truz_`24 (n=truz_`
17:40.50aiksa[LV]hi everyone. its been a while since my last visit here.
17:41.18aiksa[LV]today i encountered following message in asterisk CLI: Got SIP response 400 "SIP Parser Error : Unexpected 'N', line 3, column 9"Got SIP response 400 "SIP Parser Error : Unexpected 'N', line 3, column 9"
17:41.35aiksa[LV]could be fualty sip message?
17:41.41aiksa[LV]sorry, faulty.
17:42.49*** join/#asterisk asr33 (
17:43.07[TK]D-Fenderaiksa[LV]: Thats what its telling you....
17:43.29aiksa[LV]okay, so wheteher it's Nokia's stack or 3com's
17:43.54aiksa[LV]i guess 3com is more likely to have caused that
17:45.08hades123speaking about 3com , what do you guys thing about the 3com v3000
17:45.19hades123or 3com voip products in general
17:45.51hades123please tell me it's shit
17:46.34aiksa[LV]urgh sorry, not the 3com. its micronet
17:47.01aiksa[LV]so - i am not suprised at all. taking into account any other their IP product i have ever used
17:48.22*** join/#asterisk rhombus (
17:48.57rhombusI hear that Digium has blocked the use of
17:49.06rhombus"asterisk" in Google Adwords
17:50.09rhombusFound out through a friend. If true, that's a sure way to destroy your business. I wonder whose idea that was?
17:50.47AndyGraybealcan you explain why it's a sure way to destroy your business?
17:51.14drmessanoSo, Digium has no rights to Asterisk then?
17:51.58rhombusAndyGraybeal: because it prevents all the partners and people who sell related services from marketing through Adwords
17:52.18rhombusand it destroys community goodwill
17:52.28AndyGraybealinteresting, thank you for explaining.
17:53.02rhombusThis is especially true if you do something like that without 1) notifying people and 2) offering the community an alternative
17:53.07aydiosmioAsterisk is a Digium trademark
17:53.14aiksa[LV]emm, so right now partenrs are encourged to use 'wildcard' instead of 'asterisk'?
17:53.23aydiosmioDiguium has to protect its marks
17:53.23rhombusaydiosmio: Yes, yes, we've heard that
17:53.35defsworkyou can't trademark an everyday word
17:53.37aydiosmioauthorized resellers woudl be allowed to use asterisk as a an adword
17:53.47rhombusaydiosmo: oh? Says who?
17:53.48aydiosmioasterisk isn't an everyday word
17:53.54rhombusaydiosmio: yes it is
17:53.55aiksa[LV]aydiosmio: oh, yes it is.
17:53.58defsworkof course it is
17:54.00aydiosmiosays normal corporate policy
17:54.05defsworkit's in the dictionary
17:54.09aiksa[LV]it has been around well before digium
17:54.17_ShrikEthe use of the word asterisk would be nearly impossible to enforce
17:54.42aydiosmioaiksa[LV]: That's not what defines that portion of the trademark law
17:54.43rhombusaydiosmio: "normal corporate policy"? Whose policy?
17:54.51aydiosmiolost of normal everyday words are trademarked
17:55.15Shaun2222asterisk doesnt have the ability to append to a gsm/wav file does it?
17:55.15Unidefswork: I beg to differ on the "<defswork> you can't trademark an everyday word" comment
17:55.17_ShrikEThose trademarks still dont prevent the everday use of the words
17:55.29UniApple is a registered trademark,
17:55.43Uniand apple is a much more common word than asterisk
17:55.44_ShrikEso I cant offer an add selling apples?
17:55.46aydiosmiorhombus: when you do business with a company, it's standard procedure to be allowed use of product images and trademarks for marketing purposes
17:55.49defsworkUni: Windows isn't  - unless you spell it with a capital W
17:56.02aydiosmio_ShrikE: not if it's a computer-related ad
17:56.07rhombusaydiosmio: are you working for Digium?
17:56.21rhombusaydiosmio: you are speculating
17:56.24aydiosmiotrademark protections only apply really when companies that are inthe same business conflict
17:56.27Unidefswork: agreed, but I don't think the courts are case sensitive
17:56.35rhombusaydiosmio: what matters is Google's policy and Digium's policy
17:56.36aydiosmiocreating a situation where a consumer would be "confused" by usage
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17:56.42rhombusand Google has blocked use of "Asterisk" wholesale
17:56.45Unior at least, not necessarily case sensitive
17:56.47defsworkUni: that's the whole point - they are
17:56.50aiksa[LV]aydiosmio: i never said it cann not be used as trademark
17:56.57defsworkthats why windows isn't a trademark  and Windows is
17:57.05aiksa[LV]aydiosmio: i was refering to whole google adwords thing
17:57.05aydiosmiolet's get down to brass tacks
17:57.22aydiosmiowhat are YOU sellign that requires adwords advertising to market that has to do with asterisk?
17:57.30aiksa[LV]that adding apple to 'black list' for non apple affiliates would seem outright wrong, wouldnt it?
17:57.43rhombusaydiosmio: I am selling Asterisk consulting services, but I don't use Google Adwords
17:57.53aiksa[LV]aydiosmio: furthermore apple is also a treadmark of a record comapny established by beatles
17:57.56defsworkrhombus: bad you!!
17:57.57Unidefswork: so your saying that the use of the word windows as the first word in a sentence would fall under that?
17:57.58rhombusHowever -- I still find this action to be self-defeating, and frankly, dumb
17:58.08defsworkUni: no - you need context
17:58.12aydiosmioaiksa[LV]: and they've beenin trademakr disputes for several years now
17:58.18rhombussince lots of businesses are in the Asterisk ecosystem and market their product specifically for use with it
17:58.21aydiosmiobecause they'reboth now in the music business
17:58.27rhombusI can think of some biggies like Aastra
17:58.40Unisure, and even in a computer related ad, it would still be the same. ie. "Windows compatible hardware device for sale"
17:58.41aiksa[LV]aydiosmio: i am pretty aware of that.
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17:59.08aydiosmiorhombus: yes and again, companies that market products specifically for Asterisk are often given explicit permission to use trademarks for marketing purposes
17:59.09rhombusdefswork: Yes, bad me. I should be shot for trying to make a living off my experience. This is exactly why this move is a mistake.
17:59.12aiksa[LV]thats another problem with using common words for brands
17:59.27rhombusaydiosmio: You are guessing, friend. There is NO evidence that Google is making exceptions for anybody.
17:59.32aydiosmioDigum has prevented in the past copmanies form using the Asterisk mark to sell certain products
17:59.32rhombusThis is a wholesale change
17:59.36aydiosmioit's not unreasonable
17:59.42aiksa[LV]aydiosmio: i guess it would even make it easier to declare it as a 'common name' in a trademark sense
17:59.57rhombusaiksa[LV]: bingo
18:00.37rhombusaydiosmio: Digium is only hurting itself by this action.
18:00.50aydiosmioI'm sure they feel horrible about it too.
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18:01.04rhombusaydiosmio: they will when it impacts their sales
18:01.09aydiosmioit won't
18:01.10Unidefswork: I suppose my point all in all was that common words can indeed be trademarked, however I do agree that there remains possibility of the courts finding one way or another based on the casing of said word.
18:01.11hades123hmmm .. I agree with rhombus
18:01.57Unithe validity of that, or of this particular alleged move by digium/google is another matter I don't think I'll weigh in on
18:02.01*** join/#asterisk atisss (n=atisss@
18:02.06rhombusThe number of businesses reselling Digium hardware through Adwords can't be counted on hands and feet
18:02.45aydiosmioread this
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18:02.48aydiosmiothen get back with me
18:02.57aiksa[LV]afk 5min
18:03.13defsworkrhombus: so sangoma for instance cannot sell "Asterisk compatible PRI" on google ?
18:03.24rhombusdefswork: exactly
18:03.28defsworkrhombus: I disagree
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18:03.43rhombusdefswork: hey, I disagree too -- but that's what's happened
18:03.45defsworkrhombus: that's not masquerading as Asterisk or pretending to be asterisk
18:03.49rhombusEVERYTHING is blocked
18:04.00defsworkrhombus: so theres no violation of anything - only a reference
18:04.04rhombusdefswork: i know -- are you sure you're arguing with the right person?
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18:04.13rhombusdefswork: man, you're preaching to the choir here
18:04.16defsworkrhombus: you can legally reference any trademark
18:04.19defsworksorry not arguing
18:04.21defsworkdiscussing :)
18:04.24rhombusall I'm saying is that that's what they've done
18:04.37x86_ShrikE: how do i configure it for my T1?
18:04.39rhombusand I'm saying it's 1. wrong, 2. a mistake, 3. will hurt them more than it helps them
18:04.42defsworkrhombus: if that is the case then it does truly suck
18:05.03rhombusdefswork: with respect to the Digium staff here on the channel: not the smartest thing they've ever done
18:05.04_ShrikEx86: I need a better idea of what you are trying to do with it exactly.
18:05.21lirakisisnt there a "last seen" command for jbot?
18:05.22rhombusand made infinitely worse by the lack of communication on the subject. No press release, no community notice, nothing.
18:05.24x86_ShrikE: i'm not in front of the unit so I have no idea how to tell someone how to set it up
18:05.24drmessanoIf your business is that fragile that a lack of a google adword is going to crush it, maybe now would be a good time for self-evaluation
18:05.29rhombusGee, where have we heard that before?
18:05.37defsworkrhombus: where is this published - that google won't allow anyone other than digum to refer to asterisk ?
18:06.09x86_ShrikE: I've got an Adit 600 configured with 24 FXS ports
18:06.10defsworkthey've not just paid for an exclusive word have they - nothing to do with trademarks etc.. ?
18:06.17rhombusThere's a discussion ongoing on the biz list -- people who have been advertising using Asterisk in the ad for years have had their ads blocked with a trademark warning
18:06.22x86_ShrikE: I want to connect it to an asterisk server over T1 interface
18:06.45_ShrikEx86:  You will need someone to get into it with a console cable so you an give it an IP address.  Then you can set it up remotely via telnet
18:06.47rhombusdrmessano: my business will do fine -- I don't use adwords
18:06.59rhombusdrmessano: but that doesn't make this idea any less stupid
18:07.22defsworkrhombus: but according to the digum trademark policy unless you sell AsteriskManager or the like theres no violation
18:07.28esaymI can't seem to get a box with 1.2.13 to register with a box with 1.2.24 with iax.  Did something change with iax between these two versions.  The 1.2.24 box sends the auth but the 1.2.13 box sends back inval
18:07.53rhombusdefswork: only aydiosmio thinks that using Asterisk in a Google ad is a trademark violation
18:07.56esaymlike the password is wrong but it isn't
18:08.00rhombusso again, you're preaching to the choir
18:08.28x86_ShrikE: what if there is no console cable?
18:08.38rhombusanyway, I've said my bit
18:08.54_ShrikEx86: screwed, or try to guess the ip thats on the unit
18:08.57rhombusI hope Digium wakes up and at least says something about it
18:09.01*** join/#asterisk ajohnson (n=ajohnson@
18:09.08x86_ShrikE: it has no default config?
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18:09.14drmessanorhombus: then it's a pointless argument of semantics with no real world data to back up the implications
18:09.19ajohnsonDoes anyone know if app_mysql is threaded or not?
18:09.27drmessanoI guess so
18:09.48ajohnsonI seem to get one DB connection that hangs and everything that uses it stops executing
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18:10.06ajohnsonuses app_mysql hangs I mean
18:10.43drmessanoDigium has to make money too.. if they want to buy an exclusive on an adword, more power to em
18:10.48drmessanoBut thats my .02
18:11.15*** join/#asterisk catpants (
18:11.28_ShrikEx86: by default I think it maps all the fxs ports in order to the T1 interface, I dont know what the default IP is though, and you will need to get into it.
18:11.39hades123from somebody who is savy in theinternet marketing  business
18:11.39_ShrikEx86: especially if its not new
18:11.54hades123I am telling you rhombus is right
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18:17.44Shaun2222what source file contact the background cmd?
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18:20.59hmmhesayssrc/apps/app_background.c probably
18:23.47tzafrirShaun2222, hint: grep for the help text in */*.c in the source directory
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18:27.33*** join/#asterisk Woifi1988 (
18:28.31Woifi1988is there a way to build or install packets on a astlinux embedded os?
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18:29.44bkruseWoifi1988: what OS are you thinking?
18:30.56bkruseI mean, embedded device?
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18:31.51Woifi1988i have an image for an i386 architecture. it surely is similar to the image for wrap
18:32.02bkruseahh, wrap boards, nice.
18:32.19Woifi1988no its an alix
18:32.31Woifi1988but there is no image for my alix available
18:32.47Woifi1988and wrap is too old ;->
18:32.59bkruseI am not sure, personally, I would just install deb minimal (if its i386 and you can) and then build asterisk
18:33.11bkruseor build the binaries and ship em over (just like debian packages actually do)
18:33.27Woifi1988okay thats a good idea
18:33.36Woifi1988i have to use astlinux
18:33.42Woifi1988for my academic gradues
18:33.59Woifi1988i have to try many asterisk versions on many platforms
18:34.00bkruseahh, I understand
18:34.13bkruseto see which or something?
18:35.04Woifi1988yes to test performances and availability and also things like diffculty and time it consumpts
18:35.20Woifi1988the most time I spent for the alix
18:35.28Woifi1988it was really difficult
18:35.59bkruseAhh, I understand. That makes sense
18:36.06bkruseis it a project? or just for your knowledge?
18:36.15Woifi1988it's a project
18:36.24x86_ShrikE: ok, got serial, but no ethernet
18:36.36Woifi1988its combined wlan (with handover and qos) and voip
18:36.43x86_ShrikE: there is no ethernet available in the area where my phone system is (they are all used already)
18:37.07x86_ShrikE: so how do i set this thing up with just serial?
18:37.09Woifi1988just have a look:
18:37.14Woifi1988but it's german!
18:37.17x86_ShrikE: I'm having trouble finding documentation for it
18:37.38bkruseWoifi1988: that is interesting
18:37.52aydiosmioIs there a way to specify the name of the voicemail file to be saved with VoiceMail()?
18:37.59Woifi1988but it finishes in 3 month
18:38.05bkruseWoifi1988: I would personally try the debian way, then you can build the binaries on another box VERY quickly with a bash script, even overnighted
18:38.08Woifi1988and that i go for my final exams
18:38.11bkrusescp ; make install
18:38.58Woifi1988bkruse: yes i tried ubuntu server. it was quite easy but i had some problems with configuring
18:39.02esaymanyone know why I can't register my asterisk 1.2.13 box with a 1.2.24 box using iax?
18:39.03Woifi1988special with zapata
18:39.16esaymit acts like the password is inval but it is right
18:39.17lmadsen_ShrikE: FedEx just left with your box!
18:39.49bkruseWoifi1988: configuring what exactly?
18:39.58lmadsen_ShrikE: so you should be able to track it shortly
18:40.33Woifi1988bkruse: i tried to install the zapata drivers and there was a problem because of the ubuntu headers
18:41.16bkruseWoifi1988: apt-get install kernel-headers
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18:42.28Woifi1988it was not that easy
18:43.18Woifi1988there has been a conflict with some slinks... it was a stupid mistake but cost me much time
18:43.38_ShrikEx86: do a show a:1 to get the current setup on the T1
18:44.33_ShrikElmadsen: thanks
18:44.34twisted,141410-c,windowsbugs/article.html <-- bit ballsy, ey?
18:44.53lmadsen_ShrikE: np -- thank you!
18:46.39*** join/#asterisk Patrickz_ (
18:46.53Patrickz_Hello all
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18:47.14Patrickz_first time here!
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18:53.01[TK]D-FenderPatrickz_: Don't expect everyone to just jump upp
18:53.33Patrickz_yeah... I think so..
18:54.25mvanbaakheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey Patrickz_ !!!!!!
18:54.28mvanbaakwelcome !
18:55.06Patrickz_hello mvanbaak! just newbie here
18:55.23mvanbaakPatrickz_: dont worry. we all were once
18:55.25Patrickz_never use irc almost 10 years
18:55.29mvanbaakcept [TK]D-Fender
18:55.35mvanbaakhe was born a legend
18:56.29Patrickz_I'm Asterisk newbie, just visit IRC community.
18:57.57HavokmonWelcome to the wall, flower.  :)
18:58.44Patrickz_I from Thailand
18:59.32mvanbaaktwisted: this is big news as well:
19:01.25Patrickz_that's big news, thanks
19:01.52*** join/#asterisk glen2 (
19:03.03aiksa[LV]mvanbaak: it aint a silly joke or aanything?
19:03.15mvanbaakno, it's true
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19:03.36mvanbaakit's on their website
19:04.07*** join/#asterisk Yourname`` (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/yourname/x-837320)
19:04.13Yourname``Hello errbody.
19:04.24aiksa[LV]well, well
19:04.33*** join/#asterisk oej (
19:04.36mvanbaaklet's hope they can beat the crap out of some f the more silly bugs in mysql
19:05.03twistedthey're just gonna turn it into a java bean and make it use more resources than necessary
19:05.11brodiemugh wtf
19:05.23jpsharptwisted:  That's messed up.  True, but messed up.
19:05.30mvanbaakrewrite mysql in java
19:05.32aiksa[LV]twisted: as if it did not already
19:05.34mvanbaakyeah, that will be fun
19:05.37brodiemtwisted: and spill pages and pages of useless debugging info.
19:06.00twistedit's not useless if you know how to read it, but it is a PITA to follow the trail
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19:07.21brodiemyea but you usually can't rely on the logs it generates to find anything useful..
19:07.59Yourname``Hi. How easy is it to creat click2dial for about 10 agents?
19:08.29aiksa[LV]on related news tomorrow: SCSO states that they suspect mysql *might* use some of propertiary code from the unix branch they are the IP holders of
19:08.48jpsharpWait, SCO is still around?
19:09.01aiksa[LV]jpsharp: just kidding
19:09.01mvanbaakaiksa[LV]: huh? SCO has money left to go to court ???
19:09.35aiksa[LV]i just remebered good ol' times and the fun everyone made at them
19:10.03jpsharpThe only useful thing about SCO was the couple of grand I made shorting the stock.
19:10.06mvanbaakoej: you tried to call me yesterday at around 5/6 PM CEST ?
19:10.06aiksa[LV]SCO they might get a loan for giong to court
19:10.19aiksa[LV]using secret source codes as security
19:10.34oejmvanbaak: No, not me
19:10.42mvanbaakthen it was Erik ;)
19:10.58Corydon76-digGiven that they're likely to lose, no bank in the world is going to make that loan
19:11.07mvanbaakI only have 2 numbers listed under the companyname that showed up in my screen
19:11.14KermitTheFraggerCorydon76-dig: maybe the citibank :)
19:11.19mvanbaakbut I was busy so could not answer, and I got no mail
19:11.23aiksa[LV]Corydon76-dig: they put a bet on subprime though.
19:11.33Corydon76-digCiti didn't make most of those loans... they only bought them
19:11.54aiksa[LV]when all the common sense indicated against that
19:11.57Corydon76-digand if/when they can prove fraud was involved, they can reverse the transaction
19:12.37aiksa[LV]as a matter of fact I start liking the idea of court process financing
19:13.33aiksa[LV]with a margin of 300% a year, you'll even be okay with loosing every second case
19:13.47brodiemanyone know if there have been any updates/improvements/patches/etc to being able to use local channels as dynamic agents with queues? I.e. the ability to use Local with /n option and have the ability to transfer a call without it keeping the agent tied up?
19:14.22aiksa[LV]At least thats (the margin) they are giving for small unsecured loans to a persons with low credit worthness over here
19:15.18aiksa[LV]in other related news: Sun announces strategic partnership with Steorn which will be powering next edition of Mysql with mystical ORBO
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19:17.41jblackHow is steorn doing?
19:18.47[TK]D-Fenderbrodiem: Only way to trasfer and free up the agent is via DTMF.
19:18.49jochien1just got 1.4.17 running, how do i connect it to the other asterisk server
19:19.04[TK]D-Fenderjochien1: Go lookup "asterisk dual servers" on the WIKI
19:19.16jblackSame old same old.
19:20.27aiksa[LV]jblack: same old, same old also regarding orbo
19:22.02esaymthere is an asterisk svn right? for both 1.2 and 1.4?
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19:26.25enjay5150Im doing some testing with the Asterisk Appliance, and when Im using MixMonitor to record calls there is severe static on the recordings (not in the live conversation) has anyone experienced this?
19:26.59NavionWhat's the best solution for a single FXO and a single FXS at a remote site?
19:27.24enjay5150TDM400 card with a single FXO and a single FXS module?
19:27.53NavionAnd a computer and asterisk and a keyboard and display...
19:28.04enjay5150you asked...
19:28.47mvanbaakbrodiem: asterisk trunk has this solved by giving you the possibility to monitor another device then using in your member device
19:29.09mvanbaakthat way you can use /n and still monitor the agents device to determen 'inuse' state
19:29.33NavionSo the Linksys SPA3102? Sipura 3000? are not viable options?
19:29.44enjay5150not familiar with either.
19:30.33mvanbaakNavion: I haven't used any of them, but I hear good reports from all of them
19:31.46NavionOK, I need to be able to set up a one person office remotely. Really don't want to send a whole computer out there.
19:32.23mvanbaakNavion: yeah. use the linksys
19:32.43NavionI see the Sipura 3000 is advertized for more money than the Linksys but that might just be because they aren't being made anymore.
19:33.27KermitTheFraggerdoes anybody know how to really disable the imap storage ? im still getting imap related errors with --without-imap
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19:33.53mvanbaakin configure ?
19:33.58*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (n=ZX81@
19:34.18KermitTheFraggermvanbaak: i did, but im still seeing app_voicemail_imap.c:74:21: error: imap4r1.h: No such file or directory
19:34.28jblackdrmessano: Ping
19:34.39mvanbaakKermitTheFragger: the error is in configure or in make ?
19:35.18Patrickz_Anyone used Cisco AS5300?
19:36.12fiXXXerMetIf I have the ztdummy and zaptel modules installed, I can't hear any sound from Playback(), voicemail, and what not.   As soon as I rmmod those modules, I can hear the sound just fine.  I saw a few occurrences of this in the mailing list, but no definite solution.  Any ideas?
19:38.18tzafrirfiXXXerMet, when the module is loaded, what is the output of zttest ?
19:38.45mvanbaakKermitTheFragger: try: make menuselect
19:38.52mvanbaakthere you can disable stuff
19:38.56fiXXXerMettzafrir:  Without -v, nothing - it just seems to keep going.  With -v, hold on - let me run it again.
19:39.22x86_ShrikE: you around?
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19:40.02tzafrirfiXXXerMet, it's the same with and without -v
19:40.08KermitTheFraggermvanbaak: ugh ok that was stupid of me, thanks!
19:40.22fiXXXerMetHow long does a pass take, tzafrir?
19:40.24tzafrirlsmod | grep zaptel
19:40.42tzafrirA few seconds, the most
19:40.56fiXXXerMetThen nothing.  When I kill it (ctrl+c), it was "results after 0 passes"
19:41.04*** join/#asterisk RoyK (n=roy@
19:41.41*** join/#asterisk mgaal (
19:41.58mgaalhello friends, i have a query
19:42.21tzafrirfiXXXerMet, cat /proc/zaptel/*
19:42.35mvanbaakKermitTheFragger: ur welcome
19:42.56fiXXXerMettzafrir: Span 1: ZTDUMMY/1 "ZTDUMMY/1 (source: RTC) 1"
19:42.58mgaali need a hosted service that will provide me with a) a 1-800 number b) the ability to dial in to it, put in a code, and let the person calling be able to call anywhere through that number on my dime - basically a glorified hosted calling card
19:43.13mgaalanyone know of anything that fits the bill?
19:43.50*** join/#asterisk atisss (n=atisss@
19:47.04CrazyYossmgaal: I dont know of any service, sorry
19:47.40*** join/#asterisk magumbade (
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19:51.49aiksa[LV]leaving, bye
19:52.26fiXXXerMettzafrir:  Any other ideas?
19:52.55*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
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19:53.30*** join/#asterisk Toerkeium (i=oo@
19:54.40Toerkeiumhello everyone. Does anyone knows a good/cheap sip+gsm gateway?
19:55.19mvanbaakToerkeium: good and cheap dont go together
19:55.52Toerkeiuma reasonable cheap one? and reasonable good?
19:56.23mvanbaakwe use the 2CN VoiceBlue with success
19:56.42Toerkeiumhow many chips support the 2CN VoiceBlue?
19:57.00*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (n=manxpowe@
19:57.02Toerkeiumahh, each one?
19:57.22mvanbaakno, they have 2 and 4 SIM models last time I checked
19:57.37mvanbaakoh, you can also have a look at the GSM cards from
19:57.39tzafrirfiXXXerMet, what version of Zaptel is it?
19:57.47tzafrirWhat kernel version?
19:57.54mvanbaakyou put them in your asterisk machine
19:58.05ManxPowerDoes anyone know any dialplan differences between an attended/supervised transfer and a blind/unsupervised transfer?
19:58.08Toerkeiumthanks mvanbaak, gonna check that
19:58.37mvanbaakManxPower: they both can be done on the phone ?
19:58.43[TK]D-FenderManxPower: as in?
19:58.43mvanbaakno need for a dialplan
20:00.53_ShrikE_x86: Im back
20:01.02ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: call comes into the operator/receptionist.  If the receptionist does a supervised transfer (on the polycom) and the destination does not answer the call goes into their voicemail.  If the receptionist does a blind transfer, the call times out to the directory.
20:01.26ManxPowerI'm trying to find out what is different about the two types of transfer from the dialplan standpoint.
20:01.34[TK]D-FenderManxPower: shouldn't be any at all
20:01.42ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: Well, that's what *I* thought.
20:01.49[TK]D-FenderManxPower: 1st guess : She's jsut doing it wrong
20:02.01ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: not as far as we can tell.
20:02.16[TK]D-FenderManxPower: get'em Eagle-eye!
20:02.33ManxPowerThis has been going on for weeks.  Thought it was a race condition because sometimes it happened and sometimes it doesn't.  turns out different receptionists do blind or supervised.
20:02.52[TK]D-FenderManxPower: look at how "Directory" gets called in your setup...
20:03.01*** join/#asterisk lmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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20:03.23x86_ShrikE: /query for a minute?
20:03.49ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: It gets called if the receptionist does not answer the original call.  It's LOOKING like the call is falling back to the original extension's dialplan
20:04.05Yourname``Is this a good format in manager.conf for "permit=,,"??
20:04.27[TK]D-FenderManxPower: She's probably punching in the target exten and HANGING UP like old key-system reflexes have you do
20:05.35ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I guess when I told her to press BLIND (she didn't know about the button) she could be doing that contrary to every other transfer this person has ever done.
20:06.16[TK]D-FenderManxPower: if the reports of this happening are constant, then watch her do it.
20:07.02ManxPowerIt's constant only if they are using polycom Blind button during a transfer.
20:07.20*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
20:07.41ManxPowerthe thing is, why is the call continuing in the dialplan on the receptionist's extension?
20:07.58[TK]D-FenderManxPower: SIP debug & CLI....
20:08.05*** join/#asterisk waverly360 (
20:08.34ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: you want to help me debug the sip debug?
20:09.01ManxPowerI really need to wait until the system is not busy or it will be hell to try to figure it out.
20:09.41ManxPoweras you know my macros are already spagetti code.
20:10.47*** join/#asterisk codefreeze (n=steve_mu@
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20:11.21waverly360Hey guys, have any of you ever run into an issue on a pri where inbound calls throw a "Ring requested on channel 0/3 already in use on span 1", but outbound calls work just fine?  I have 22 b channels available on my pri, but when I get about 6 of them in use, any inbound calls just get a busy signal.
20:11.23*** join/#asterisk AndyGraybeal (
20:13.38ManxPowerwaverly360: Are you using g or G as your group indicator  i.e. G1 or g1
20:14.02ManxPowerand when calls come in from the telco are they coming starting at the lowest numbered channel or the highest numbered channel?
20:14.32*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
20:15.44fiXXXerMetAre there any extra configuration steps for Asterisk when using ztdummy?
20:15.53waverly360ManxPower: That entire PRI is setup in group 2, so I'm using g2 as the group.
20:16.09waverly360ManxPower:  It looks like all inbound calls start at the lowest numbers
20:16.44ManxPowerwaverly360: use G2 then
20:17.03waverly360ManxPower: That starts them from the other end?
20:17.03[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Hey remember htat issue where running ztdummy you get no audio? (no cards in system) and rmmod-ing it solves that.  Do you know how to get it to WORK?
20:17.29ManxPowerPeople will tell you that glare cannot happen on PRIs, but the way Asterisk handles channels on PRIs makes glare possible
20:18.14*** join/#asterisk Beirdo (n=gjhurlbu@unaffiliated/beirdo)
20:18.19ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I vaguely recall it has to do with a weird kernel RTC htz setting.
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20:18.25jpsharpI hate when my circuits glare at me.
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20:20.18phocusi am trying to telnet to asterisk, but i dont know wich account it wasnt me to log in with
20:20.37jblackHey guys. Look what I found:
20:20.47jblackThat looks perfect to hook up to a * system
20:21.10phocusdoes anyone know how to figiure out wha account it is using
20:21.17phocusi am trying to write a caller ID plugin for MCE
20:21.42jblackphocus: you can figure out what user asterisk is running as by typing "ps aux | grep asterisk"
20:21.42ManxPowerphocus: ssh into the server, su to root, ps -aux | grep asterisk, look at the userid of the process.
20:21.56ManxPowerbut really, that is a LINUX question not an ASTERISK question
20:22.52phocusi thought it had unerlying accounts it used for remote communication
20:23.51CrazyTux[m]Does anyone know if * lets me change timezones (GMT) for specific contexts/mailboxes?
20:24.09jpsharpthe tz option in voicemail.conf
20:24.23CrazyTux[m]jpsharp, I just specify the offset i.e. -8 or?
20:24.37phocusit says its runnig as a user asterisk, what is the default pw ?
20:25.04AndyGraybealjblack: haha that site gave me an interesting idea.... somehow hook up the security system so if there is an intruder in the building, the security system "tracks" the intruder through the building, and "rings" the phones that he is near.... so if he walks through the building/buildings, the phones he walks past ring.... and if he picks it up it says something about the police are on their way.. etc.
20:25.28jpsharpCrazyTux[m]:  You can specify a timezone.  I have tz=central and tz=pacific in mine.
20:25.33jblackAndyGraybeal: Sure, that's doable. IR detection devices.
20:25.39jpsharpFor users around the US.
20:25.43CrazyTux[m]jpeeler, ah, from /usr/share/zoneinfo
20:26.12AndyGraybealjblack: that would be crazy to be some kinda theif... and walk through a building and every phoen that your in proximity with rings
20:26.30jblackI think it's not worth the effort, imho.
20:26.43AndyGraybealjblack: yea yea, i guess i was having fun with my thoughts.
20:26.44jpsharpIt'd be fun, though.
20:27.52jblackSure, fun.
20:28.10jblackMore useful would be to ring _every_ extension in the joint, all at once.
20:28.33jblackAnd the employees, and the police.
20:28.52jpsharpAnd the intercoms.
20:29.37AndyGraybealjpsharp: intercoms, :)
20:29.44AndyGraybealjblack: employees homes, yes nice!
20:29.49AndyGraybealvery fun thoughts.
20:30.00jblackHere's something I bet you would love doing, that would be really useful. Setup snmp in your system, and if a system disapears, gets overly loaded, the drives fill up, etc, have * call you with the last known stats for the troubled machine.
20:30.32AndyGraybealnice that is awesome
20:30.38mvanbaakjblack: we already done that :)
20:30.50jpsharpYou could have nagios drop a .call file into *
20:31.02jblackmvanbaak: I'm sorry. I meant to address that to andrygraybeal. Sorry for confusing you.
20:31.42AndyGraybeali made my first asterisk call today from one xlite phone to another xlite phone on my machine :)
20:31.47mvanbaakjpsharp: or let it connect to the AMI to originate a call
20:31.59jpsharpmvanbaak:  Either way.
20:32.03[TK]D-FenderfiXXXerMet: ManxPower>[TK]D-Fender: I vaguely recall it has to do with a weird kernel RTC htz setting. <----
20:32.46[TK]D-FenderAndyGraybeal: And after being here for only what.... a YEAR? ;)
20:33.02*** join/#asterisk _Vile (n=vile@
20:33.10AndyGraybeal[TK]D-Fender: yes yes, that is correct
20:33.18jpsharpSome people are just late bloomers.
20:33.31jblackMost people bloom before they're gray.
20:33.34AndyGraybealnow to get xlite to dial my phone connected to the fxo
20:33.50Yourname``Does anyone have any experience with :
20:36.30*** join/#asterisk keulin (
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20:38.21waverly360ManxPower: I'm sorry..I got pulled away from my pc for a bit.  I just did a lookup on glare.  That sounds like something that would happen intermittently..but this wasn't intermittent.
20:38.55waverly360ManxPower: It was happening constantly, and I couldn't receive any inbound calls.  I ended up restarting asterisk, and now that problem seems to have gone away.
20:39.25*** join/#asterisk drmessano-LT (n=nonya@
20:40.27jblackdrmessano: drmessano, wherefore are thou, drmessano? Deny thy telivision and refuse thy commercials
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20:40.37jblackwhoah! I summoned him!
20:41.17jblackNot you. :)
20:41.29hi365_wfile ping
20:41.39*** join/#asterisk d-k-t (n=dt@
20:41.55AndyGraybeallmadsen: your name is in my asterisk book!!
20:42.05AndyGraybealit's on the xlite phone config i'm looking at right now!
20:42.08lmadsenAndyGraybeal: w00t! :)
20:42.20lmadsenjblack: darn, I felt special there for a second
20:42.23jblackhi365_w: 10582 bytes from /etc/passwd: icmp_seq=1 ttl=1 time=0.00ms
20:42.39enjay5150Im doing some testing with the Asterisk Appliance, and when Im using MixMonitor to record calls there is severe static on the recordings (not in the live conversation) has anyone experienced this?
20:42.53jblacklmadsen: You are special. Your very words are within 2 feet of my body, approximately 15 hours a day, six days a week.
20:43.12jblackIn the _very_ high ranking spot of "right next to my coffee cup".
20:44.24*** join/#asterisk ghenry (
20:44.30jblackConsidering the volume and the quality of my library, you should consider that high praise.
20:45.17jblackSo, I summoned drmessano, but he's mute. /me tries another strategy
20:45.24jblackdrmessano-LT: Speak, boy! Speak!
20:45.28lmadsenjblack: :)
20:45.37fiXXXerMet[TK]D-Fender: A weird kernel RTC htz setting?
20:45.50*** join/#asterisk scurb (
20:45.50lmadsenand you can all have your very own autographed copy for the low low low price of $257.93
20:46.28jblacklmadsen: If only I could afford it these days. So far, I've spent well over $700 to bilk verizon out of $30 a month.
20:46.43lmadsendon't ya love that? :)
20:46.56jblackI have to admit, yes.
20:46.58waverly360whois anthm
20:46.59lmadsenhence my reason for paying $25 a month to Rogers for an HD PVR...
20:47.08lmadsenwhoisn't anthm
20:47.08waverly360mistake :)
20:47.22jblackCertainly, though, * is pure crack. You start off with a softphone. Soon, you have softphones on all the computers in your house.
20:47.43jblackThen, you need to get your fix by getting an ATA and more phones. Which leads to running more lines.
20:47.45lmadsenjblack: it really is... that's why I've been doing it for nearly 6 years now :)
20:47.46mvanbaakeven on the PSP
20:47.47*** join/#asterisk ZX81_ (n=ZX81@
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20:47.54jblackBefore you know it, you're mainlining polycoms.
20:48.03lmadsenmy cell phone has a SIP client on it :)
20:48.10lmadsenand I have 7 hard phones on my desk
20:48.27lmadsenactually... 6 now.. I sold one to _ShrikE :)
20:48.27jblackOh, for testing and debugging.
20:48.51lmadsenactually 5.5 phones... the Cisco 7912 is barely a phone
20:50.16nhuisman_workneither is the 7910
20:51.14nhuisman_worki use a cell phone, screw having 15 phones in the house.
20:51.20[koss]do polycoms support VLANs?
20:51.27lmadsenpretty sure they do
20:51.44*** join/#asterisk phix (
20:51.57enjay5150yes they do.
20:52.08jblacknhuisman_work: I don't want to pay $50 a month just for one phone.
20:52.08lmadsenjblack: yah -- 1 phone for a company I consult for, another phone for my own PBX, and 3-4 phones at any time for consulting gigs (setting up clustered environments and such)
20:52.20*** join/#asterisk iulius_ (
20:52.30nhuisman_workso you don't have a cell phone then?
20:53.06nhuisman_workYeah I'm to used to having instant phone anytime.
20:53.35jblackAbout three years ago, I cut back on my verizon habit. Canceled the $70/mo cell phone. Cancled the $60/mo aircard. Terminated the $30/mo local phone service. Cut the $120/mo DSL to $40 a month.
20:53.59jblackI went from $280 a month down to $40 a month.
20:54.12jblackNo, that was closer to 2 years ago.
20:54.38nhuisman_workwhat's an aircard?
20:54.57jblackThat's a pcmcia card that provides interwebs access over the cellular network.
20:55.20jblackThink of it as crappy dsl, with 1500ms latency.
20:55.22nhuisman_workyeah I just have my $55 cell, cable i split with a few other people so that's like $10
20:55.39jblackDont' get caught "sharing" cable.
20:55.52nhuisman_worknot like that
20:55.53jblackYou're not screwing with the riaa. They jail people that catch doing that.
20:56.00nhuisman_workwe have cable internet and cable in our house
20:56.03nhuisman_workand more then one person lives there
20:56.26nhuisman_worki'm pretty sure they can go fuck themselves in that situation.
20:56.47jblackIn one house? I imagine you're fine.
20:56.58nhuisman_workone house
20:57.11nhuisman_workmy gf and I + a roommate in the extra room.
20:57.58mvanbaakI have wires running to 2 neighbour houses
20:59.42nhuisman_workin college I bought dsl in the dorms
20:59.50nhuisman_workand then ran lines to two other dorms
21:00.01nhuisman_workran some packet shaping stuff and gave them a slice
21:01.08*** part/#asterisk scurb (
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21:07.18hi365_wanyone working woth polycom's? my new 650's keep getting stuck at "Checking Application"
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21:10.34mvanbaaknhuisman_work: yeah. my openbsd altq setup is shaping stuff nicely
21:11.18*** join/#asterisk cheGGo (
21:11.31cheGGohi there
21:12.38fiXXXerMet[TK]D-Fender: Interesting, because I am getting lots of rtc: lost some interrupts at 1024Hz. in dmesg
21:16.20[TK]D-FenderfiXXXerMet: should be 1000hz, not 1024
21:16.41*** join/#asterisk uluatu (n=deg@
21:16.42[TK]D-FenderfiXXXerMet: that appears to be the issue
21:16.47fiXXXerMetIs that the RTC setting you mentioned?
21:16.56[TK]D-FenderfiXXXerMet: Yes
21:19.56*** join/#asterisk Beirdo (n=gjhurlbu@unaffiliated/beirdo)
21:22.29fiXXXerMet[TK]D-Fender: Do I have to recompile the kernel to fix that, or something?
21:22.38ManxPowerhi365_w: chances are the sip.ld on your server is not compatible with the 650
21:22.39fiXXXerMetGuess I should direct my question to #ubuntu.
21:22.43*** join/#asterisk wishbone__ (n=wishbone@
21:22.47[TK]D-FenderfiXXXerMet: Yes, you should
21:22.53fiXXXerMetThank you.
21:23.43*** part/#asterisk ManxPower (n=manxpowe@
21:24.42[TK]D-Fenderok, heading home...
21:24.53JayTee52good luck with Ubuntu, that channel is usually jam packed and scrolls at lightspeed
21:26.03fiXXXerMetyeah :(
21:26.06fiXXXerMetAnd they're pointing me back to here.
21:27.18wishbone__hi all., can I use asterisk in a telecom company to play like a telephony switch ?
21:27.31*** join/#asterisk uluatu (n=deg@
21:29.00mockerGuh, I hate reading through sip debug logs
21:29.38cheGGowho not? ;P
21:30.33JayTee52fiXXXerMet, what version of Ubuntu are you running Asterisk on?
21:30.42fiXXXerMetThe most recent, JayTee52
21:31.00JayTee527.10 Gutsy Gibbon? Server or Desktop
21:31.40JayTee52there is a RT kernel image available in the repositories.
21:32.12fiXXXerMetlinux-image-2.6.22-14-rt ?
21:35.02*** join/#asterisk trippss (n=sean@
21:35.05JayTee52I was running Asterisk 1.2 on Ubuntu but we just migrated to 1.4 on a new Dell PowerEdge Quad Core Xeon that came with 64 bit RHEL 5
21:36.15lmadsenthat's what I run too, but s/RHEL 5/CentOS 5
21:36.24lmadsenDell PowerEdge 2950
21:36.27JayTee5264 bit?
21:36.35lmadsenya, but running 32bit OS
21:36.42lmadsen(64 bit stuff wasn't stable at install)
21:37.02JayTee52ah, this came with RHEL 5 64 bit and get this.....Gnome installed by default.
21:37.09*** join/#asterisk itguru (
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21:38.02lmadsenwouldn't have mattered what was isntalled -- I would have reinstalled it (even if I was gonna use RHEL 5 again)
21:38.29JayTee52if you want linux factory installed by Dell so you get their support for it (my boss did, I didn't care) it only comes with 64 bit. I had a bit of trepidation but I compiled the libpri, zaptel and Asterisk and she's  up and running like a top.
21:38.31fiXXXerMetJayTee52: Should I recompile zaptel or asterisk after installing linux-image-2.6.22-14-rt ?
21:38.45fiXXXerMetBoth or just *?
21:38.50lmadsenJayTee52: yah, I have my stuff running on 64bit here too at home
21:39.32AJaymnIf you had a choice of SIP or IAX from a provider what one would you use? and why is one better over the other?
21:39.55JayTee52fiXXXerMet, I'd backup your /etc/asterisk/ config files and then recompile all of it then copy your configs back into /etc/asterisk
21:40.30fiXXXerMetaye, ok.  thanks.
21:40.44JayTee52If I'm running Asterisk and my provider offers IAX I'd go with IAX.
21:41.13AJaymnjust curious.. whats the benifet?
21:41.42JayTee52IAX trunks, SIP doesn't trunk in a real sense, just kind of a kludged sense
21:41.55nhuisman_workJayTee52, how so
21:42.24jwhIAX on asterisk == pain
21:42.47jwhtry dealing with 2000 calls/minute over IAX ;)
21:42.49AJaymnwell ive been having issues using trying to use IAX to Vitelity.. is i use SIP to them i have less nasty call-ness ;)
21:44.07JayTee52nhuisman_work, I'd go into more detail as I understand it but it's quittin time for me so I gotta scoot.
21:44.14*** join/#asterisk atisss (n=atisss@
21:44.18JayTee52later all
21:45.47ZX81_weird why did xchat flash at me :)
21:45.51*** join/#asterisk iulius (
21:46.31tzafrirbecause you were at a different desktop?
21:46.44*** part/#asterisk JayTee52 (
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21:52.59adeelhi, i'm having a very trivial problem, but i can't seem to figure it out....where do i define the incoming call handling? extensions.conf?
21:55.01[TK]D-Fenderadeel, ALL call handling = extensions.conf
21:55.20adeelthat's what i thought...
21:57.15*** part/#asterisk ozant (n=ozanturk@
22:00.52bsdwarriorperiodic_announce_frequency im assuming is in seconds ?
22:01.18[TK]D-Fenderbsdwarrior, yes
22:02.18bsdwarriorI can't get it to play the message.
22:04.02bsdwarriorim using realtime queues and I set periodic_announce and periodic_announce_frequency in the db
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22:06.38bsdwarriortkd-fender, I cant get this to play the periodic message.
22:07.06[TK]D-Fenderbsdwarrior, Yes its incredible.  Almost like I didn't hear you say that 5 minutes ago!
22:07.52bsdwarriortkd-fender, sorry man
22:14.46enjay5150Im doing some testing with the Asterisk Appliance, and when Im using MixMonitor to record calls there is severe static on the recordings (not in the live conversation) has anyone experienced this?
22:15.25jblackdrmessano-LT: Look what I found for us:
22:20.55bsdwarriorI can't figure out for the life of me how asterisk is reading the queue_table from a database
22:21.30bsdwarriorits commented out in extconfig.conf
22:21.42bsdwarrior;queues => odbc,asterisk
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22:31.37gene2has something happened to svn?
22:33.55gene2anyone here?
22:34.55tzafrirEveryone were eaten by the Subversion Monster
22:35.19gene2that monster
22:35.21gene2i better run
22:35.46tzafriryeah, it's currently recovering from some unplanned maintinance...
22:35.59gene2i see
22:37.28*** join/#asterisk Giofe (n=chatzill@
22:39.42wishbone__hi all, please somebody break me a leg! Can I use asterisk in a telecom company to play like a telephony switch ?
22:40.29wishbone__jblack, can u tell some good reading about it?
22:40.36jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
22:41.34wishbone__something about how to build it?
22:41.44*** join/#asterisk Igbothom_III (
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22:45.28Dayverdoes anyone has a list / site of main US SIP providers ?
22:45.35[TK]D-Fenderwishbone__, Go read the book
22:45.53[TK]D-FenderDayver, WIKI has a large list
22:49.23*** part/#asterisk RoyK (n=roy@
22:50.14mvanbaakzzzz time
22:58.39drmessano-LTI R USE AKERIST?
22:58.59*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
22:59.30lmadsenShaun2222: yes, there is an option to dial for GoSub()
22:59.40lmadsenShaun2222: just look at the options and you would have seen it
22:59.54putnopvutIt's the 'U' option
23:00.07lmadsenputnopvut: shhhhhhhhh :)
23:00.28putnopvutI agree though, it's good to check the options before asking.
23:00.36Shaun2222i've been looking at VOIP's docs... guess i should be looking at 'core show application dial'
23:00.45putnopvutYep, that's how I got the answer.
23:00.48*** join/#asterisk jburbage (
23:00.53Shaun2222even though that doesnt show me the option
23:00.59Shaun2222is the U option only in trunk
23:01.20Shaun2222ok, does trunk have any major issues... am i going to regret bumpin up to it?
23:01.37Shaun2222oh oh oh... does background work in gosub?!@!!!@
23:01.52Shaun2222backgroun/waitexten broken with dial+macro's
23:03.07lmadsenShaun2222: there is warning not to use trunk in production -- use at your own risk
23:07.01Shaun2222ya sure that warning always exists
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23:10.23jburbageanyone here who can answer some questions about call queues?
23:11.08Shaun2222i can answer that question... yes
23:11.10*** part/#asterisk Cresl1n (n=matt@
23:11.51jburbageI read that AgentCallbackLogin will be deprecated soon, so I tried to design my queue as described in the queues-with-callback-members.txt file
23:12.06Shaun2222hmm trunk is bitching about a few app, chan and func modules that exist it didnt install...
23:12.10Shaun2222where these ditched?,
23:12.27lmadsenShaun2222: /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/
23:12.30jburbagebut I also want to use FOP (asternic) to monitor the queue, and it won't recognize the agent login if it's loggint into Local/${EXTEN}@agents
23:12.44lmadsenrm -f /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/* && make install
23:12.48Shaun2222lmadsen: ya but some of these look important.... like
23:12.58lmadsenthey will be reinstalled
23:13.03lmadsenbut the right modules this time
23:13.14lmadsenassuming you selected them in menuselect
23:13.17lmadsenmake a backup first
23:13.34Shaun2222is that new?
23:13.40Shaun2222i just ran a ./configure && make && make install
23:13.40lmadsen(as you should always do when someone you don't know on IRC tells you to remove all the files in a directory)
23:13.44Shaun2222no that stuff isnt there...
23:13.50lmadsenmenuselect is new in 1.4... so... over a year old
23:13.58Shaun2222lmadsen: i have the old source a can just do a make install on it
23:14.05lmadsen./configure && make menuselect && make install
23:14.10*** join/#asterisk macli (
23:14.19jburbagehey, I've met lmadsen, I'll delete whatever he tells me to >.>
23:14.21Shaun2222didnt know about that... guess i'll check it out
23:14.31jburbageshaun2222: did you see my question?
23:14.36lmadsenjburbage: that lmadsen guy is bad news
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23:14.47lmadsenShaun2222: you should read TFoT2 isnt in the list, my guess is it was removed or combine with app_voicemail.c
23:16.07[hC]god damn... these vendors are killing me. its really hard to provide solid voip services when phones crash and fuck up all the time
23:16.26[hC]This polycom slowdown and eventual reboot when monitoring +20 sip extensions is going to be the death of me.
23:18.08Shaun2222lmadsen: menuselect have pretty much everything selected..
23:18.11Shaun2222by default
23:18.58lmadsenbut you learned something
23:19.01DayverHey I am using as my main sip provider, does anyone can suggest any good SIP providet out there.
23:20.17Shaun2222well func_moh or whatever isnt there anymroe..
23:22.16Shaun2222actually i look to be ok
23:22.23Shaun2222none of the modules i have set to load are missng
23:24.00*** join/#asterisk JayTee52 (
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23:31.51cappizis it possible to make an ssh tunnel to SIp
23:32.11cappizlike ssh ssh-server 5060:sip-server:5060 ?
23:32.34JayTee52don't think so
23:32.50JayTee52might be possible though
23:33.07lmadsencappiz: try it
23:33.17lmadsenI think it should work... just not sure how latent it would be
23:33.18JayTee52by default SSH uses port 22
23:33.37lmadsenI create tunnels for connection to MySQL servers all the time
23:33.50lmadsenssh -L 5432:myserver:5432 lmadsen@myserver
23:34.01*** join/#asterisk Docfxit (
23:34.30lmadsenso see no reason you couldn't do it for SIP... think the connection has to be initiated from the same box that tunnel is created from though
23:34.52JayTee52worth a try anyways
23:35.19DocfxitHI,  Does anyone know how to enter the default gateway and DNS servers into a cfg file for Polycom phones?
23:36.10cappizhum... doesnt looke like it works... you think it might be an TCP/UDP issue=
23:41.54[hC]any of you guys watching 20+ hints on a polycom with firmware 2.0+ ?
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23:50.47jbotOh, no! There's a test and I haven't studied!
23:53.58cappizi get this in my debug: Received incoming SIP connection from unknown peer to XXXXXX (SIP username from provider) and then it plays: "ss-noservice"
23:54.08cappizwhat would be the most common reason?
23:56.44*** join/#asterisk jm|home (n=jm|
23:58.23jblackwhoah. The fwd<=>packet8 gateway actually works.
23:58.46Qwelljblack: occasionally
23:59.45jblackfair enough.
23:59.53jblackwhoah. The fwd<=>packet8 gateway is actually working at this minute!

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