IRC log for #asterisk on 20080112

00:00.48drmessanoPaladine clearly stated they didnt want to spend the money
00:00.55drmessano[TK]D-Fender suggested an X100p
00:01.01drmessanoI referred them to a link
00:01.53mvanbaaknot a X100p
00:02.07mvanbaakway better to get an ATA for that then
00:02.16drmessanoFor $90
00:02.27mvanbaakah well
00:02.42mvanbaakat least I dont have to work with it
00:05.43tzafrir_homeX100P is cheaper than most FXO ATAs. I do agree about the cheap part
00:07.49mvanbaakI tried a X100P onec
00:08.09mvanbaakI still regret it
00:08.21mvanbaakreplaced it with a TDM400 wildcard
00:08.41mvanbaakman, my life started to have meaning again
00:09.17alrsx100p is tolerable if you use it with oslec
00:09.28alrsand is fine if you just want a timing source
00:10.11mvanbaakztdummy ?
00:10.27alrsmvanbaak: I'd rather have an x100p than rely on ztdummy
00:10.43alrsmvanbaak: and an x100p you can use as a timing source for Asterisk in a Xen domu
00:10.48Paladinedrmessano, I can't find that card in the UK, just the Wildcard version
00:10.50mvanbaakalrs: as long as you dont run xen and/or virtualbox that will work
00:11.25mvanbaakalrs: yeah, in 1 xen domu
00:11.29mvanbaaknot in multiple
00:11.51alrsallegedly it will work in multiple if the ztxen patch ever surfaces
00:12.00alrsbut yes, now it only works in 1
00:12.00mvanbaakit wont
00:12.11mvanbaakbecause ztdummy works fine in xen
00:12.28mvanbaakand if you have multiple zaptel cards in the host you can assign one to a vm
00:12.40alrsyeah, I've done just that
00:12.48mvanbaakme too
00:13.06mvanbaaksome E1 cards in the host
00:13.30mvanbaakand some domU's that claim a specific E1 card
00:13.35mvanbaakworks great
00:13.56*** join/#asterisk trukosh (
00:14.06mvanbaakcombine that with a redundant E1 failover switch
00:14.10mvanbaakand there you go
00:19.37tzafrir_homemvanbaak, ztdummy works fine? what kernel? Any patches needed?
00:20.13tzafrir_homeThe ztxen patch?
00:22.06tzafrir_homealrs, how do you use the x100p card with xen? expose the card directlyto that specific guest?
00:23.10trukoshHi, i have a minipci isdn card(HFC). I want to connect an NTBA. I think it must be A1<->B2, B1<->A2, A2<->B1, B2<->A1, as that was it before when cable-colours are right - but that seems so wrong to me ... Anybody, who really knows?
00:24.55mvanbaaktzafrir_home: 1.4 svn worked fine here
00:25.32*** join/#asterisk RoyK (n=roy@
00:25.34tzafrir_hometrukosh, what card, exactly?
00:26.56tzafrir_homeMaybe I'm missing something, but can't you just use a flat "ethernet" cable?
00:27.05*** join/#asterisk etfonhomey (
00:29.15trukoshCameronet ISDN-MiniPCI Card based on Cologne-Chip HFC-S..
00:34.36*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (
00:34.48mvanbaakflat ethernet cable should work fine
00:36.00*** join/#asterisk etfonhomey_ (
00:36.41nhuisman_workflat ?
00:37.03nhuisman_workwhat is that?
00:37.31mvanbaaknormal cat5 cable
00:37.31trukoshAt the moment i soldered a cabl at the card and NTBA is directly next to it. And: I have no tools to crimp.
00:38.30*** join/#asterisk Lawbringer (
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00:38.50nhuisman_worki've never heard it called a flat cable before
00:38.52nhuisman_worki've heard patch
00:39.11trukoshThe Card and the are NTBA labled with A1-B2 - i just not sure about the right pairs ..
00:39.22nhuisman_worki'm off
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02:25.46*** join/#asterisk dacs (n=haiger@unaffiliated/dacs)
02:26.53*** join/#asterisk MrTelephone (
02:27.16MrTelephonewhy would it be a bad thing to disable nonce checking?
02:28.15Paladinedrmessano, managed to find one of the x100p SE cards, had to order it from hong kong though so it will take 3 or 4 days to arrive
02:29.34*** join/#asterisk osiris (
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02:35.34MrTelephoneanyone here program chan_sip.c?
02:36.07*** join/#asterisk kisu (n=kisu@
02:38.10tzafrir_homeMrTelephone, better ask specific questions
02:42.15MrTelephoneits a step question
02:52.56*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (i=nikolai@
02:58.14*** join/#asterisk lmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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03:07.45lmadsenevening all
03:07.57katsupanyone know of a setting in asterisk that would possibly block a sip refer transfer
03:08.14katsuphi lmadsen
03:08.27lmadsencan't think of anything
03:10.10katsupok, let me describe the situation.  there are two * boxes.  When calling through 1* to the 2*, then with the 2*, preforming a sip refer transfer, the transfer fails
03:10.24katsupbut if I stay only inside 2*, the transfer works
03:10.50lmadsenrefer being attended transfer, or blind?
03:11.08lmadsenwhat version of asterisk?
03:11.32katsuplatest is on 2*
03:11.35katsupnot sure about 1*
03:11.38lmadsenthat's not an answer :)
03:11.43lmadsenwho is 1*?
03:11.57katsuplet me ask and I'll come back
03:12.12katsupcan you think of anything offhand that would cause it though?
03:12.14*** join/#asterisk lowlevel (
03:12.15lmadsenI'll try and reproduce here
03:12.29lmadsenI'm pretty sure it works on my ABE boxes
03:12.39lmadsenI'm gonna try because I need to test for a client anyways
03:12.54katsupon 1*
03:13.07lmadsenhow are the boxes connected?
03:13.21katsupstandard cable connection
03:13.26lmadsenthat's not an answer
03:13.26katsup*ISP cable
03:13.32lmadsenI mean via Asterisk
03:13.42lmadsenI'm assuming layers 1-4 are fine
03:14.10katsupcan i pm?
03:14.35lmadsenno, just msg here
03:14.44lmadsenso everyone can benefit
03:14.53katsupthey are not connected in the asterisk
03:15.03lmadsenthen how do you expect the transfer to work?
03:15.07katsup1* is just directing the call to 2*
03:15.13lmadsenthen they are connected somehow
03:15.27lmadsenhow are they connected?
03:15.33katsupi have to look into 1* more
03:15.38katsupi'll get back to you
03:15.40lmadsenyou need more information
03:16.12lmadsenyou don't even have the basic topology understood
03:33.56*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
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03:51.32UnixDogwhats not going on here
03:51.47UnixDogI dont see dial plan running across the screen
03:52.40lmadsenit's friday night -- people wen tout
03:53.18[hC]UnixDog: set verbose 10 ?
03:53.29[hC]lmadsen: happy belated bday, not sure if you saw my msg the other day
03:53.46[hC]after reorganizing my office and carrying a heavy ass tv and two chairs upstairs, its time to depart to the bar myself
03:54.00lmadsen[hC]: heh, I just got back :)
03:54.05lmadsensorry, I missed the message, but thanks :)
03:54.16[hC]you're also +3h so that makes sense
03:54.57lmadsenwas considering moving to vancouver though
03:56.30[hC]ooo really
03:56.42[hC]something here for you? need a job? :)
04:16.57*** join/#asterisk Lawbringer (
04:17.51lmadsen[hC]: I'm self employed, but I do consulting :)
04:18.13*** join/#asterisk mog (
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04:18.46*** join/#asterisk jameswf-home (
04:21.45J4k3vancouver sounds nice
04:21.50J4k3well, areas around it
04:21.52J4k3cities = bleh
04:22.28lmadsenI like downtown
04:22.34lmadsenon the west side
04:22.47lmadsenmy buddy lives at Granville and something (if I'm remembering that name right)
04:23.48fileprobably not, I just randomly chose that word
04:24.10lmadsenunion is toronto :)
04:24.17jameswf-homesuch violence
04:29.20*** join/#asterisk gardo (n=gardo@
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04:41.26UnixDoghaving issues
04:42.15UnixDog[Jan 11 23:41:39] WARNING[1173]: chan_sip.c:3674 sip_write: Asked to transmit frame type 2, while native formats is 0x100 (g729)(256) read/write = 0x2 (gsm)(2)/0x2 (gsm)(2)
04:42.24jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
04:42.31UnixDogwhy is it not trans coding
04:42.42UnixDogI have g729
04:48.02*** part/#asterisk Blinkiz (
04:49.10UnixDogok I am on sip my cousin is on iax2
04:49.21UnixDogand the error above is what we get
04:54.43UnixDogits working now
04:55.35denonUnixDog: sounds like my current luck
04:55.46denonfirst time this asterisk box has been rebooted in almost exactly a year ..
04:55.49denonand its not coming back up
04:55.56denonI'm remote, of course
04:56.10UnixDoghe had to set his cliennt to gsm only
04:56.17UnixDogand then it works fine
04:56.33jameswf-homebending glass this would be awesome stoned
04:57.36jameswf-homeyou need a robt
04:58.06*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
04:59.06denonleave my filesystem alone your silly linux config
05:02.20jameswf-homeI love this... I have installed a zillion systems and this is the first time using xyz card I normally use abc card  and its not working wah wah
05:04.03*** join/#asterisk beek (
05:04.10denonso quit buying sagnoma cards :)
05:04.54UnixDogsangoma cards rock
05:04.57UnixDogand they work
05:05.06UnixDogI set them up all the time
05:05.21jameswf-homeno  with sangoma cards I could see that cause they are all f**d up but any zaptel card will be the same
05:06.50jameswf-homestupid wanpipe crap wtf quit trying to be different
05:07.30UnixDogwhat issue you having
05:07.39*** join/#asterisk meshuga (
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05:08.10UnixDogI find sangoma cards to be better then digium cards in performance
05:08.21meshugahey anyone have the latest polycom 650 firmware?
05:08.30UnixDog2.2.0 ?
05:08.40UnixDogits the latest polycom firmware
05:08.46meshugai saaw bootrom 4.0 came out
05:08.54UnixDogits been out
05:09.01UnixDog3 months now
05:09.05meshugayou got it?
05:09.07UnixDogyour behind
05:09.20meshugai havent done a polycom implementation lately :)
05:09.25jameswf-homespeeking of obscure upgrades need to upgrade kde
05:09.33UnixDogsome where I have to dig it up and shove it to a server
05:09.40*** join/#asterisk anthm][ (
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05:11.14meshugaanyone else have it? i've tried 3 or 4 ftpd and the polycom doesnt seem to connect at all
05:11.31meshugaand tftp timing out like its natted even tho its local
05:11.37jameswf-hometried polycom?
05:11.50meshugathey only give current to resellers
05:12.08meshugaand the prev is oct 06 which is what i got
05:12.19jameswf-homemaybe for a reason
05:16.32jameswf-homeuse rpm2cpio to extract
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05:21.24UnixDog~ book
05:21.24jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
05:36.51*** join/#asterisk mordaunt (n=mordaunt@unaffiliated/mordaunt)
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06:09.31AndyGraybealwhen i talk about asterisks to my g/f ... she keeps making fun of me and saying i'm learning new ass trix..........
06:09.53AndyGraybealshe says.. your learning new ass tricks with the phone now?!
06:09.58jameswf-homewhats your old ass trix
06:09.59AndyGraybeali'm like.. GArGHh shuttup
06:11.14jameswf-homethe difference between a wife and girlfriend... miy wife knows not to ask... I start tech talking her eyes glaze over
06:11.24*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (i=nikolai@
06:12.43russellbAndyGraybeal: yes that is the #1 most unfortunate mis-pronunciation of the word :)
06:14.10AndyGraybealrussellb:  :)  looks like there's binary version for opensuse 1.4.15 or 1.4.17.. i'm not sure which.. but either way, i think i'll be off to a good start... damn this dialup connection thouhg
06:14.39russellbthough you should just compile from source
06:14.41russellbit's not that hard :)
06:15.08AndyGraybealtrue... some guy over in #suse says, someone already bothered to make the binaries, so why compile?
06:15.24AndyGraybeali don't know what to do :)
06:15.26russellbdepends how up to date you want to be, heh
06:15.36russellbif they have 1.4.17, use that
06:15.43russellbif they're on 15, i'd compile it ...
06:15.45AndyGraybeali just want to play
06:15.53russellbthen just install what they have
06:15.55russellbit doesn't matter
06:15.58AndyGraybealand make pd patchies for it :)
06:16.12russellbwell, when you get to that point, you _have_ to compile it
06:16.24russellbto get all that stuff, it's all development code
06:16.57AndyGraybealthis guy in #suse says they have 1.4.17.. but i don't think they do i think it's 1.4.15.. so i'm gonna download just the asterisk-zaptel stuff and see what happens
06:17.24*** join/#asterisk Maliuta_ (i=nikolai@
06:17.30AndyGraybealrussellb: ah... wait a second.. i'd have to compile asterisk from scratch to make pd stuffs?
06:17.47drmessanoWhats so bad from compiling from source? lol
06:17.52AndyGraybealthen i'm going to do that.. the goal really is to make pd stuffs for asterisk
06:17.54russellbAndyGraybeal: correct
06:17.58drmessanoWhats so bad about compiling from source? lol
06:18.14AndyGraybeallearning asterisk is secondary, but necessary, and if compiling is necessary then i will compile the latest devs...
06:18.14russellbAndyGraybeal: i just write the jack interfaces ... they aren't even in the main development tree, much less a release
06:18.22AndyGraybealdrmessano: i'm scared of the source luke!
06:18.32russellbAndyGraybeal: it's in one of my personal developer branches ... it's about as experimental as it gets, heh
06:18.33drmessanoIt's easy
06:18.42drmessanoDont use someone elses binaries
06:18.52drmessanoDo it once, and you're set for life
06:18.56russellbthis is the code you want to use ... $ svn co asterisk-jack
06:19.12russellb$ cd asterisk-jack && ./configure && make && sudo make install && sudo make samples
06:22.00drmessanoAll the cool kids compile from source.. you know you want to
06:22.07drmessanoCome on.. everyone else is doing it
06:22.14drmessanoPeer pressure rocks
06:22.33russellbAndyGraybeal: i haven't even finished everything with my jack code, heh
06:22.44russellbAndyGraybeal: one interface is working, the other still needs some debugging
06:23.00*** join/#asterisk AndyGraybeal_ (
06:24.00AndyGraybeal_okay... so i'm compiling from source
06:24.02AndyGraybeal_looks liek to get the zaptel drivers working i'll need my linux sources... which i don't have
06:24.04AndyGraybeal_or atleast ii don't think i have
06:27.18[TK]D-FenderAndyGraybeal_, This is usually where your choice for "binary" keeps circling around to bite you in the ass :)
06:28.08AndyGraybeal_i get like anxiety attack whenver i compile anything
06:28.25russellbAndyGraybeal_: lol
06:28.44[TK]D-FenderKDE4 looks perrrrty
06:28.53drmessanoAt least you won't ever have to deal with "This is release 7 of the same version of the same app because we keep compiling it wrong, sorry"
06:30.51UnixDogis it official yet
06:31.02UnixDogit is looking nice
06:31.18UnixDogbut I thought it was still a few months away
06:32.24drmessanoReleased today
06:32.32drmessanoYesterday now
06:34.00*** join/#asterisk Abydos313 (
06:34.52MrTelephonerussellb how come your up so late
06:35.03AndyGraybeal_MrTelephone:  :)
06:35.27MrTelephonewhats happening
06:36.05AndyGraybeal_waiting for all my repodata to come down so i can install the 'kernel-sources' for opensuse10.2 right now... go go dialup
06:36.29AndyGraybeal_this only takes like 45 minutes
06:36.45[TK]D-FenderAndyGraybeal_, no broadband available where you are?
06:36.46AndyGraybeal_this isn't even to download the kernel-sources!
06:37.40*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (
06:37.55AndyGraybeal_[TK]D-Fender: cellular broadband and sattilite are options, but i'm sketched out by sattilite and we don't have a south facing horizon... cellular reception is very poor here, and cable is about 3 miles down the road.
06:38.38[TK]D-FenderAndyGraybeal_, Can't pay to run a wire?
06:39.03AndyGraybeal_run a wire?  where to?
06:39.31AndyGraybeal_i dont' think there is an option to run a wire somewhere
06:39.57AndyGraybeal_as far as i understand it... we'd need to get a higher population density in my area for the cable people to even think about getting any closer
06:40.12MrTelephonewhy opensuse?
06:40.31AndyGraybeal_MrTelephone: i'm not sure, it's the only one i could get to work with all my hardware
06:40.59AndyGraybeal_MrTelephone: and that means.. that it pretty much worked at install.....    i don't know how to mess around with much of the hardware
06:41.03*** join/#asterisk mkl1525 (n=qwertz@
06:41.06AndyGraybeal_i tried most distros too
06:41.26AndyGraybeal_i mean... "mess around getting the software to work with the hardware"
06:41.49MrTelephonewhat kind of hardware
06:42.31AndyGraybeal_i don't even remember at this point, but i think that somewhere between my firewire card and my soundcard
06:42.52AndyGraybeal_opensuse was the only o/s to work with my firewire card right at the install, same with my soundcard
06:43.13AndyGraybeal_i had better luck actually with the pc-card version of my soundcard than the pci version!
06:43.13MrTelephonei know what you mean though
06:43.18MrTelephonesucks fighting with drivers for shit
06:43.54drmessanoSat and VoIP do not mix
06:43.55AndyGraybeal_i'm not very good at any of this stuff, i just want to program
06:44.00drmessanoThats another good reason
06:44.04AndyGraybeal_it's pretty much the only thin that keeps me happy
06:44.25AndyGraybeal_drmessano: yea, sat just seems like a really horrible fix
06:44.47drmessanoYep................            ................................lots of latency
06:45.25AndyGraybeal_MrTelephone: i like your nick .... MrT :)
06:45.48drmessanoNow I want some MrT cereal
06:45.57AndyGraybeal_i;'m headed to sleep.... can't stand waiting for this repos to download
06:46.01drmessanoI pity the fool who don't eat my cereal
06:46.03AndyGraybeal_thanks for the help so far
06:46.11drmessanoChow AndyGraybeal_
06:47.38MrTelephonethanks, it was a last minute nick thing
06:47.55MrTelephoneshow how handicapped i am..
06:48.19MrTelephonethen when I join a channel about computers I'm screwed
06:48.24MrTelephonei have to change it to MrComputer
06:51.53MrTelephoneyou know Im trying to fix a sip issue on a client but the only way to recreate the problem is to wait 4 days :(
07:18.31mkl1525Hi, having problems with queues: our agents have snom phones and when they want to pause they press a key where 998 is called to do a PauseQueueMember. problem: when a caller is in the queue the caller is connected to the extension that does the Pause cause the phone sends a "Got SIP response 302 "Moved Temporarily" back from" - anybody know how to hold the caller in the queue?
07:22.37*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
07:31.45[TK]D-Fendermkl1525, Your attempt to pause the member clearly did not work, and the redirect is the phones fault for being forwarded
07:32.21[TK]D-Fendermkl1525, * can't make a phone respond with a redirect.
07:49.30*** join/#asterisk Lawbringer (
07:56.51mkl1525[TK]D-Fender thanks, found a way to block 302 on the snoms will try it
07:57.59[TK]D-Fendermkl1525, You should stop that person from forwarding in the first place, or better yet, find out where you failed to properly pause the member
08:04.48*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
08:08.16mkl1525[TK]D-Fender put a the extension and a log to maybe you could have a look - when the agent presses the key for "998" extension is ringing with the caller
08:09.40[TK]D-Fendermkl1525, Why is the phone FORWARDING to the logoff option?
08:10.20[TK]D-Fendermkl1525, and clearly ${AGENTBYCALLERID_${CALLERID(number)}} is not evaluating
08:12.09[TK]D-Fendermkl1525, And that is a key part of the problem... your queue CALLER is the one whose caller-id is being used to try to match against the agent.
08:12.16[TK]D-Fendermkl1525, You caller is not your agent
08:12.42[TK]D-Fendermkl1525, So forwarding to 998 = completely wrong idea.
08:14.30mkl1525thanks, the problem is the phone has no forward setting set that should forward the call to the extension the agent wants to call, will have a talk with snom if they know the problem
08:15.08*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
08:15.26[TK]D-Fendermkl1525, No, the phone is clearly doing this forward.  keep checking what selective & automatic means it might be using to do this.
08:15.28mkl1525so atm the caller is forwarded to what the agent should get
08:16.18[TK]D-Fendermkl1525,  ${AGENTBYCALLERID_${CALLERID(number)}} <- when the CID is your customer and not the agent this isn't going to get you anywhere
08:18.24mkl1525I know the problem is I don't know why the caller comes in this extension (and not the agent), caller should stay in the queue and wait for the next agent being available
08:19.02[TK]D-Fendermkl1525, the problem is that phone is forwarded.  It should not have been.  Go fix it.
08:23.20dacsanyone got FWD account working with *? can you help me
08:25.32*** join/#asterisk Lawbringer (
08:27.12[TK]D-Fenderdacs, Whats the problem?
08:28.37TJNIIIn an agi, if I'm using WAIT FOR DIGIT to get input from the user, will calline EXEC BACKGROUND (file) work as expected where it will not block WAIT FOR DIGIT so the user can interrupt playback by pressing a key, or will it block like EXEC PLAYBACK (file)?
08:33.54*** join/#asterisk ToTo (n=ToTo@
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08:51.20dacs[TK]D-Fender: i need help setting up my account with *
08:51.29[TK]D-Fenderdacs, go follow their guides
08:51.58dacs[TK]D-Fender: its talking about iax and i don't have one
08:52.11dacs[TK]D-Fender: maybe you have a diffrent link?
08:52.29[TK]D-Fenderdacs, how about THEIR site.....
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09:27.45badcfei am making an ivr in the asterisk dialplan and want the SayNumber to compose arabic numbers from my arabic numeric sound files.  now, the problem is that, as i just learned, the arabic composed numbers are pronounced in reversed order that the wesern fashion.  for example 61 is to be composed like "1.alaw" followed by "60.alaw" (in case of alaw codec).  is there a way to set this number-composition order to be reversed for the SayNumber application
09:28.10Al_WinKillerhi guys, I have set up mysql db for cdr according to this
09:28.19Al_WinKillerbut it doesnt save it in mysql
09:28.37Al_WinKillershould I change something in cdr.conf to save cdr in mysql ?
09:28.42Al_WinKillercan someone help me pls ?
09:32.55Al_WinKillerppl ? some help ?
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10:48.51mkl1525Al_WinKiller, does "show modules like mysql" list the module?
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11:03.29tzafrir_homeAl_WinKiller, have you install the mysql modules from addons?
11:04.13tzafrir_homebadcfe, you probably need to write some code in C
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11:04.50tzafrir_homePatch main/say.c and maybe some other places
11:10.01tzafrir_homeLook at the following extensive patch for Hebrew:
11:10.39tzafrir_homeYou don't need all of it for a sinple SayNumber
11:11.15*** join/#asterisk ZX81_ (n=ZX81@
11:30.20puppetbad same in norway
11:32.24puppethhow do i do it so phonecalls on two lines is ulaw/alaw and gsm on the rest?, i mean incoming
11:35.34RoyKpuppet: er ikke du svensk?
11:36.19RoyKpuppet: btw, afaik say.c is has norwegian fixed already
11:37.03tzafrir_homepuppet, also try playing with say.conf, which does not require coding in C
11:37.12tzafrir_homeBut it will not work for all languages
11:38.11RoyKrewrite say.c to fully support linguistics generically..
11:40.52Pagautasanybody could help me to configure quintum dx gateway?
11:41.31tzafrir_homeRoyK, say.c (and voicemail.c, and one or two other files) have hooks for language-specific functions
11:41.54tzafrir_homeThough there's quite a lot of copy&paste between those functions
11:41.56Pagautascall from pbx to sip works perfect
11:42.22Pagautasbut i get "Got SIP response 400 "Bad Request" back from" when i call from asterisk to quintum
11:43.44puppetRoyK: jo men jag har ju plugat i norge o vet det ;P
11:49.24tzafrir_homePagautas, it would help to pastebin relevant configurations
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11:50.49chronossomeone know what is field regexten on creation of sip friend?
11:56.38badcfetzafrir_home: yes .. a patch in say.c, so ... should i publish this patch then?  where?  it will be to handle arabic numbers.
11:57.00badcfetzafrir_home: and ... how do i make a unified diff that is practical for folks to use with patch?
11:57.22tzafrir_homebadcfe, diff -u
11:57.38tzafrir_homeor better: svn diff, if you work vs. a copy from the svn
11:58.06badcfetzafrir_home: by the way, the patch already contains "flaws" according to arabic syntax, due to decisions taken as part of our proprietary solution ...
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11:58.28badcfetzafrir_home: diff in your diff -u is normal diff right, not svn diff .. ?
11:58.46tzafrir_homediff -u produces unified diff
11:59.10tzafrir_homesee the man page for diff. This is also the default output format for 'svn diff'
11:59.47badcfetzafrir_home: since the patch is not strictly following the necessity according to arabic syntax, i guess its not interresting for asterisk main development branch.  however it must be released this patch according to license no?
12:00.51tzafrir_homeIf you distribute Asterisk (and not with a proprietary license - e.g: the business edition), then you must provide all your modifications to whoever you disribute Asterisk to
12:01.06tzafrir_homeOr at least clarify to them how to get those modifications
12:01.37badcfeRoyK: i just learned how arabic number composing is structured.  actually exactly like the old kind of norwegian except that the plurial form of 2 (two) is different for the rest (for hundredth and thousands) ..
12:02.04tzafrir_homeSo if you just install it to your clients, you are only required to provide it to them (and they may distribute them to whoever they choose)
12:02.27tzafrir_homeThat said, in the long run, maintaining patches is not fun
12:02.32badcfeRoyK: in arabic, for 1234 you would say "thousand" "2" "hundred2" "4" "30"
12:02.50tzafrir_homebadcfe, there are also gender forms
12:03.25badcfetzafrir_home: yes.  thats part of our proprietary flaws.  i ignore gender, cause we always apply it to "minutes"
12:03.27tzafrir_homeSome parts are said with the male form, and others - with the female form. At least this is how it is with Hebrew
12:03.59tzafrir_homebadcfe, I suggest you commit it as-is. It is a start. And hopefully someone will fix it
12:04.57tzafrir_homeThere are no differences in the syntax between various dialects of Arabic with respect to saying numbers, right?
12:05.56tzafrir_homeWhat country is this for?
12:05.58badcfetzafrir_home: okay, but can i just commit?  i not a "committer", how do i become one, or where do i get info about that?
12:06.19badcfetzafrir_home: "ar", but maybe i should use something else for arabic?
12:06.47tzafrir_homeno. You submit a bug to . It is of severity "feature". prefix the title with [patch]
12:07.10badcfetzafrir_home: thank you.  ill do so.
12:09.30tzafrir_homeIt would also help testing if you can provide a set of sound files
12:10.32tzafrir_homeEven if they are low-quality ones you record on your own.
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12:24.35InHisNameCan I set asterisk to limit # calls and duration of calls for an extension ?
12:24.44InHisNameper day
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12:28.14tzafrir_homebadcfe, The "names" for languages are ISO-639-1 language codes. See e.g. . So yes, you should use "ar"
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12:42.05kareenais there is software for taxation for siemens pbx
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12:44.02kareenais there is software for taxation for siemens pbx
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13:03.31tzafrir_homekareena, no need to ask twice. And also: how is this relevant to Asterisk?
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13:06.56k-man_if i am behind a firewall, do i need to do anything so my sip phone can receive calls directly from my vsp?
13:08.00mvanbaakanyone here using openfire ?
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13:14.50k-man_so broadly speaking, how do i set up a dialplan to dial out on my sip line?
13:15.32lmadsenmorning all
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13:15.44lmadsenk-man_: there's lots of documentation to show you how to do that
13:15.51jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
13:16.01k-man_ill look at that
13:16.14lmadsenthat's why we write documentation -- so it can be used :)
13:16.16k-man_in fact, i was already looking at it
13:17.23k-man_i have set up 2 extensions, and i can succesfully call between the
13:17.43k-man_however if i call the test echo dial plan i made, it doesn't echo
13:17.51k-man_it picks up... but no echo
13:18.26k-man_thats from an spa942 and from zoiper
13:19.12k-man_should i worry about it?
13:28.05tzafrir_homek-man_, now it is a good time to look at the trace in the CLI
13:28.13tzafrir_homeasterisk -r
13:28.17tzafrir_homecore set verbose 3
13:28.26tzafrir_homeand see what happens
13:29.39mvanbaakhey lmadsen
13:29.57k-man_it says it ran the echo test aplication
13:29.58lmadsenmvanbaak: yo
13:30.08mvanbaaklmadsen: you ever tried openfirew ?
13:30.17mvanbaakopenfire without the w actually ;)
13:30.18lmadsennever heard of it
13:30.51lmadsenno idea :)
13:33.35*** part/#asterisk maldous (
13:36.14InHisNameAm I able to set asterisk to limit # calls and duration of calls for an extension ?  (per day)
13:42.13k-man_any idea what the error " No audio format found to offer." means when i try and make a sip call?
13:42.28fugitivomaybe wrong codecs
13:43.07k-man_fugitivo, where do i specify the codecs?
13:43.48k-man_right, i have allow=g729
13:43.53lmadsenInHisName: yep, look at the GROUP() and GROUP_COUNT() functions for limiting number of calls, and look at Dial() flags for the time lengths
13:43.59k-man_maybe i don't have that codec?
13:44.00mvanbaakdo you have a license for g729 ?
13:44.11lmadsenInHisName: then use func_odbc or AstDB to keep the info in a DB
13:44.13mvanbaakthen you cant use it
13:44.17fugitivok-man_: maybe, try allow=gsm and allow=ulaw
13:44.27k-man_ill try those
13:44.45fugitivoulaw will use more bandwidth
13:44.56InHisNamethanks for the tips, lmadsen
13:45.57marlquick question, can the voicemail.conf setting : externnotify : be used in individual contexts, or is it only posible to use it under [general] ? is htere a way to find out if other commands are context or general?
13:48.07fugitivomarl: it's a [general] setting
13:49.23marlhad been reading that page, just wasnt very sure if it could be used within the contexts, just a bit more programming then to get my program to work then :( LOL
13:49.31marlthanks fugitivo
13:55.35k-man_so the register =>  line is for incoming calls?
13:56.01lmadsenmarl: just have the script check the context it is in.
13:58.30k-man_is the => syntax the same as just =?
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14:10.00fugitivok-man_: no
14:13.17Al_WinKillercan anybody help me wit good manual "asterisk + radius + mysql" ?
14:17.30tzafrir_homeraduis and mysql?
14:17.50tzafrir_homelook for docs for asterisk+raduis and asterisk+mysql
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14:29.25mvanbaakdrmessano: ping
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14:44.03mvanbaakhey oej
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14:45.02mvanbaakyou know where I can get openfire(wildfire) 3.4.2
14:45.15mvanbaakthe latest stable wont connect to asterisk :(
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14:45.32Al_WinKillerno, asterisk + radius, and with support of mysql ( want to save cdr in mysql )
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15:12.57mvanbaakhhmm, anyone can tell me how I can test MD5 auth to the manager interface ?
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15:32.58teknoprepanyone know how to turn on SNMP in the cisco phones.. when using SIP ?
15:33.03teknoprepcisco 7940
15:38.39jblackThere's a terminator series? COOL!
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16:28.07Mw3the sarah conor chronicles?
16:32.00jbotpoe is probably Perl Object Environment, an event driven daemon architecture,  Power Over Ethernet, a method to fed power through a RJ45 connector from the ethernet switch to devices:
16:33.16kyronyes, I know that... I want to know about the caveats and known issues of PoE and SIP phones... you lack I.N.T.E.L.L.I.G.E.N.C.E. jbot :P
16:33.56jboti guess jbot is a hack!, or known to have only said one useful thing. a tool, or dating the fembots, or  [TK]D-Fender's b*tch
16:34.35[TK]D-Fenderkyron, Now "caveats"?  Only 1 : if your switch goes down, your phone isn't powered.
16:34.41[TK]D-Fenderkyron, PoE is DESIRABLE
16:35.21kyron[TK]D-Fender, I can live with that, if my switch goes down, I have other issues ;)
16:35.52kyronThe way I fugre it, a PoE-able switch is less expensive than buying all the powersupplies for the SIP phones ;)
16:36.34kyronalso quite less of a hassle for the end user (less wiring, no transformer to take up a complete powerbar, etc.)
16:37.16ManxPowermany poe switches can't power all ports at once.
16:37.23tzafrir_homekyron, but you can't plug the phone to a different switch
16:37.36[TK]D-Fenderkyron, depends on the phone, and how many, but possibly
16:38.00kyronahhhhhh... now _THAT_ is what I call caveats!
16:38.23kyronI am thinking around but not more than 20 phones
16:38.39ManxPowerknow how much PoE power the device takes, know how much power the PoE switch can provide.
16:38.40[TK]D-Fenderkyron, Well clearly there is an equipment cost... that isn't a caveat, thats a fact
16:39.52[TK]D-Fenderkyron, 20 x IP320 PS ($24ea) = $480.  D-Link 1228P 24 port PoE Switch = 364$
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16:44.35dacsgood morning guys
16:44.36RoyKwhat's the new stuff in trunk, btw?
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16:45.43kyron[TK]D-Fender, yeah, that clearly gives the switch an advantage over buying 20 PS units
16:47.31kyron[TK]D-Fender, btw, where did you get that price for a 24 port D-Link 1228P (do you know it to be reliable?)
16:47.32[TK]D-Fenderkyron, Everything "depends".
16:47.59[TK]D-Fenderkyron, Yes, they are a big place...
16:48.31[TK]D-Fenderkyron, And I have customers using them happily, and I myself use its predecessor the DES-1536
16:49.22kyronlet's see if they ship to Canada ;)
16:50.16[TK]D-Fenderkyron, This is all just commodity gear.  Price it out wherever you like.
16:50.31[TK]D-Fenderkyron, NCIX should have decent pricing, etc.....
16:51.22kyrondunnow ncix ...but will look around. ie, a local dealer seems to have nothing under 600$ for 24 ports :
16:51.33anonymouz666[TK]D-Fender: what you would use it for a big analogic solution? TDM2400P or an Astribank?
16:52.00[TK]D-Fenderanonymouz666  : Neither.  Mediatrix 1124 or AudioCodes MP-124
16:52.36[TK]D-Fenderanonymouz666, depending I would also include the Linksys SPA-8000
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16:56.20anonymouz666[TK]D-Fender: I don't know about Mediatrix or Audiocodes, but I'll search about it.
16:56.42_Raptor_hello, how can i create an extension of the form _+491234? as it seems asterisk does not like the leading +
16:59.35_Raptor_ok, it works
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17:08.36tzafrir_homeHmmm... what should the '+' mean?
17:08.44tzafrir_homeWho interperts it?
17:12.28mvanbaakkyron: grab a cisco 3750 with PoE ;)
17:13.20kyronmvanbaak, got 1M$ to spare?
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17:14.23kyron170W seems like not much power for 24 ports... (DES-1228P)
17:17.12JunK-Y[TK]D-Fender: mediatrix rocks :)
17:19.38kyronJunK-Y, no bias huh ;)
17:19.44kyronmy 1104 are noisy as HELL
17:20.19kyronI am thinking of taking them apart and bolting a 120mm fan on top of em (not going to stack em anyways ;) )
17:20.51jblackdtmf tones seem to have a habit of getting "stuck"
17:21.14JunK-Ykyron: i prefer a noisy shit which works correctly (and my computers room doest complain at all about it!!!) then a non-functionnal gateway.
17:22.20kyronJunK-Y, yes, obviously, but that means I _have_ a server room and can afford to run the phone wires all the way back to that room...which is not that common for small companies ;)
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17:27.43jblackOk, so I have a weird problem.
17:27.59kyronjblack, I see that
17:28.04Nuggetif you can't afford a cable pull you've got bigger problems than your phone system.
17:28.27jblackKitchen calls office. Then, kitchen does #72 (parked call). The transferring seems to work, except what I hear on office, rather than music on hold, is a solid dtmf tone. either # or 2, I can't tell which
17:28.42jblackThe dialplan log looks about right though,
17:29.06jblack(that's not the dialplan, but a capture of the log during the call)
17:31.05kyronNugget, problem is we need to demonstrate the usability of the system before we get a go... no one wants "change" without proof that the alternative is better (this is especially true for small businesses where every penny counts...)
17:31.33kyron_and_ employees are "prima donnas" with an attitude
17:31.52jblackkyron: Sensible on the employees part. Better the devil you know, then the one you don't.
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17:33.35jblackDo you have any constantly hungry employees, and are you willing to take a personal risk?
17:33.57jblackIf so, offer a pilot project for a handful of people. Promise them a steak dinner if they decide to go back to the old way after 2 weeks.
17:34.48kyronthe problem is that there is a big demand such employees...even if they are incompetent and don't know how to use their tools efficiently. So a change to their working environment, especially a critical part such as the phone system, is quite a feat to perform..
17:35.12kyronI can already hear them complain they don't like the system attendant's voice...
17:36.20kyronjblack, but who will absorb the material cost of "going back"...and one cannot transfer a phone # back and forth within weeks...hell, transferring a phone number takes from 30  to 45 days and you don't know _when_ it will happen...
17:37.12kyroncan't do that for a business... but I am thinking of a quick way to "test" the installation.... get a DID and simply transfer the present phone # to test the VoIP solution. If it fails, cancel the transfer.
17:38.15kyronThink that would be the most transparent and seamless approach without major interruption and a good fallback plan in case the test fails (but that doesn't cover the material costs...)
17:38.38jblackShrug. When I have pushed difficult things through in the past, I did it by taking a personal risk
17:40.35kyronok, untold truth, the customer is my father and I can't afford to crash his business on a whim ;) But I strongly believe they would benefit from the move (+voicemail,+private extensions,+much more lines,+free inter-office calls,etc.)
17:41.09jblackIf you're that sure, then take a personal risk.
17:41.21jblackIf you're not, then don't do it.
17:42.16*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
17:43.35kyronmyeah, always boils down to that. I have to make sure I plan all of this right and buy the right equipment. It would be easy if I had done 1,2,+++ implementations with hardware (experience), but this would be the first time. So 1001 questions tend to come to mind (proper bandwidth+latency, good hardware, redundancy, UPS requirements, etc)
17:44.04kyronVoIP is definately a multidisciplinary field ;)
17:47.35*** join/#asterisk Vulkano (
17:48.06VulkanoHat jemand Erfahrung mit 1und1 und Asterisk?
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17:49.03Vulkanoausgehende Gespräche gehen bei mir nur eingehend funktioniert nix
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17:52.19m160858hi guys
17:52.37m160858i'm testing queues on asterisk 1.4.17
17:52.57m160858but i've a little problem
17:53.38m160858my agent has configure with password in the agents.conf
17:54.06MaxousAfternoon everyone.
17:54.26m160858but when i try to login, show me up password incorrect
17:54.41m160858any idea?
17:54.42*** part/#asterisk Maxous (n=Maxous@
17:55.24TJNIIIn an agi, if I'm using WAIT FOR DIGIT to get input from the user, will calline EXEC BACKGROUND (file) work as expected where it will not block WAIT FOR DIGIT so the user can interrupt playback by pressing a key, or will it block like EXEC PLAYBACK (file)?
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18:01.37dacsquick question: my x-lite can call my ATA exten, but when i try to call my x-lite from my ATA extention i get fast busy
18:01.44tzafrir_homem160858, what do you mean by " show me up password incorrect"?
18:02.24m160858Parsing '/etc/asterisk/sip_notify.conf': Found
18:02.24m160858[Jan 12 06:53:30] WARNING[9773]: file.c:643 ast_readaudio_callback: Failed to write frame
18:02.30tzafrir_homedacs, can you call other extensions (e.g: echo test) from there?
18:02.32jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
18:03.06tzafrir_homem160858, are you sure the password was actually sent?
18:03.10dacstzafrir_home: i don't know how set up echo test
18:04.06tzafrir_homedacs, please pastebin a CLI trace of calling from the ATA to the softphone
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18:04.31jblackhmmm. maybe 1.4.10 has a bug with that
18:04.36jblackthe dtmf sticking
18:05.14tzafrir_homem160858, can the same SIP phone use any type of IVR? e.g: the demo, or voicemail?
18:05.32tzafrir_homeMaybe the problem is that DTMF digits are not properly detected
18:06.30jblackbut something is doing the equivilant of holding down a button
18:06.59curtnhow can I change the SIP user on a cisco gateway ?
18:07.19jblack1.4.15 is in hardy. I'm going to move up to that
18:07.19curtn(all my incoming calls fall in the defaut context)
18:08.17curtn"Found no matching peer or user for ..."
18:08.22tzafrir_homedacs, could you please disable sip debug, but set verbosity to a hi enough value?
18:08.26tzafrir_homecore set verbose 3
18:08.34tzafrir_homesip set debug off
18:08.51m160858maybe, but the asterisk accept the agent number ... neither should do it ... right?
18:09.37m160858i'm using asterisk-gui .... bad choice, i think
18:10.47tzafrir_homem160858, if you can ask asterisk questions, you can ask them here
18:14.08m160858i was that
18:14.13m160858maybe, but the asterisk accept the agent number ... neither should do it ... right?
18:14.32tzafrir_homedacs, you get an error for "extension not found". So you have missing parts in the dialplan to fill
18:15.07dacstzafrir_home: but when i call from exten 500 it ring exten 600
18:15.34tzafrir_homeYou don't call from an "extension". You call from a channel
18:15.46tzafrir_homeThe channel has an initial context set to it
18:16.06tzafrir_homeIn that case, the context can be seen in the settings of the sip user
18:16.24tzafrir_hometry: sip show users
18:16.32dacstzafrir_home: i am confused
18:16.33tzafrir_homenote: this also show passwords
18:16.55dacsit shows both of them
18:17.28tzafrir_homefor the user of the ATA: to what context does it go?
18:18.19dacsUsername                   Secret           Accountcode      Def.Context      ACL  NAT
18:18.21dacsphone1                    888                           internal         No   RFC3581
18:18.46tzafrir_homeso the context is "internal"
18:18.54dacsno no
18:19.01tzafrir_homeWhat is in that context?
18:19.06tzafrir_homedialplan show internal
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18:21.00jblackHeh. Bug fix logs always make bugs look disastrous.
18:21.23dacstzafrir_home: in pm
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18:31.50*** join/#asterisk ZaVoid (
18:32.20puppethow do i do it so phonecalls on two lines is ulaw/alaw and gsm on the rest?, i mean incoming
18:32.51mvanbaakpuppet: what tech ?
18:32.56tzafrir_homepuppet, that's what "allow" and "disallow" are for
18:33.24puppettzafrir_home: well you cant use allow/dissalow on one registry can you?
18:33.39puppetthe allow dissalow is on top of the file, and affects all registrys dont it?
18:33.45ZaVoidpuppet:  dissallow all
18:33.50ZaVoidthen allow stuff you want
18:34.04puppetewll yeah, but i want alaw/ulaw for TWO registry rest i want gsm
18:34.20ZaVoidfor each device?
18:34.21tzafrir_homeso use specific peers / users
18:34.36ZaVoidthanks jblack i am pretty damn amazing ;)
18:34.36jblackNo problem any more.
18:34.42jblackYeah, you're amazing
18:35.02puppetZaVoid: two numbers are for faxm, and they need incoming ulaw/alaw
18:35.10puppetZaVoid: rest is voice and can use gsm for incoming
18:35.16ZaVoiddifferent sip.conf entries right?
18:35.37puppetcan i have a register line, then new allow/disallow for next registry?
18:35.40puppetdoes that work?
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18:36.56TJNIIpuppet: You can put allow/disallow in individual channel entries.  It doesn't have to be global.
18:37.13puppetTJNII: chan_sip im talking about right now
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18:37.39puppetTJNII: and two sip registry should be alaw/ulaw rest sips gsm, incoming im talking about now, outgoing is no problem since i set that in sip_buddies
18:39.22TJNIIpuppet: Okay, If I understand corectly you have one or two devices that require u/alaw and the rest gsm.  I assume you have a [entry] in your sip.conf for them?
18:39.38*** part/#asterisk dimas (
18:39.44puppetTJNII: yeah, but it didnt go after that allow line, somehow it picked gsm anyway
18:40.32puppettrying agin now
18:40.51ZaVoidshow me your sip.conf
18:40.56TJNIISomebody else help me with the terminology here, what do you guys refer to the [entry]\nconfig\nconfig entries in a config file as?  I forget
18:41.03puppetzav:     08500023XX  14503d25339  00103/00000  gsm   No       Tx: ACK
18:41.05*** part/#asterisk Maxous (n=Maxous@
18:41.24puppetZaVoid: but in the allow line in the sip_buddies it says ulaw;alaw;ilbc
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18:41.33puppetZaVoid: and disallow all
18:41.43tzafrir_homeTJNII, context, or section, or whatever
18:42.05ZaVoidpuppet show it to me please
18:42.30TJNIIpuppet: You put allow alaw and disallow gsm in the sip.conf context of the device and not under the register statement, correct?
18:42.59puppetZaVoid: its in realtime most of it but ill copypate groundconfig
18:43.04puppetTJNII: ill pastebin groudnconfig
18:43.14jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
18:43.35jameswf-homethat should say or penutbutter
18:44.20*** join/#asterisk Maxous (n=Maxous@
18:44.27dacstzafrir_home: how can i fix it
18:45.06jameswf-homepixie dust
18:45.06tzafrir_homeset context=internal   for the ATA as well
18:45.14puppetZaVoid, TJNII
18:45.24puppetthe parts that ahve to do with codecs and the order i do registr
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18:45.46TJNIIpuppet: Which ones need a/ulaw
18:46.10jblackI think that should say "3 or more".
18:46.29TJNIIpuppet: Is that your entire sip.conf?
18:46.37puppetTJNII: not entire, but rest is in realtime
18:47.00puppetTJNII: the middle at illu needs ulaw/alaw and the last at clearminds
18:47.27TJNIIWell, the problem I see is that you have no contexts for those devices where you tell * they have to use alaw/ulaw
18:47.37ZaVoidthe devices are in realtime?
18:48.11ZaVoidso in your db... what do you have under the allow and disallow tables
18:48.18ZaVoiddisallow should be all
18:48.26ZaVoidallow should be alaw;ulaw
18:48.33puppetZaVoid: but in the allow line in the sip_buddies it says ulaw;alaw;ilbc ZaVoid: and disallow all
18:48.34ZaVoidat least that way for pgsql format
18:48.44ZaVoidand still picking gsm?
18:48.53ZaVoidyou sure its hitting realtime entry?
18:49.28puppethavent checked the sql query, just to extracheck the name in the realtime should it be the name of the context? or can it be anything?
18:49.34jameswf-hometzafrir_home: are you representing xorcom at the IT confrence
18:49.42puppetcould be that in that case caues i have named them a bit diff, with comp name too
18:50.07dacstzafrir_home: i fix it now , thank you
18:50.35tzafrir_homejameswf-home, what conference?
18:50.45*** part/#asterisk Maxous (n=Maxous@
18:51.05jameswf-homeit expo in Florida thought I  saw your companys name on the list
18:51.20jameswf-homeif = internet telephony
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18:55.12dacstzafrir_home: can you help me test this
18:56.21tzafrir_homejameswf-home, no. I'm not going to be there
18:56.41dacsok now after you help me fix my problem , another one showed up, i config my FWD DID, and i can call my FWD DID from my x-lite (works fine) but when i try to call it from my cellular its not ringing
18:56.42drmessanodacs: have you actually made a call yet with Asterisk?
18:56.58dacsdrmessano: trying too :)
18:57.10drmessanoIt's been 3 weeks
18:57.13dacsdrmessano: am able to call internaly
18:57.32dacsdrmessano: i know man but trying to learn
18:57.43drmessanoSure you wouldnt rather use Trixbox? lol
18:57.51dacsdrmessano: nope
18:58.17drmessanoI'm just giving you a hard time.. keep on
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18:58.38dacsdrmessano: i am studying for CCNA , plus work, plus family plus reading * book
18:58.43puppetehm i think something is wrong with the did, cause when i call the 70 number, and i check the channel it says it isincomign on the 75
18:58.44dacsyou know how it goes
18:58.52*** part/#asterisk atomicd (
18:59.06drmessanoIm getting ready to work on my CCNA
18:59.15dacsdrmessano: REALLY
18:59.32jameswf-homecreatively certified nurses assistant?
18:59.53drmessanoCertified, Can't Network Anything
19:00.35drmessanoI'm one of those idiots who spends years doing IT and doesn't get certs to back up what he knows
19:00.45drmessanoSo I am in the process of shelling out cash so I can get the paper
19:01.16dacsdrmessano: makes two of us
19:01.19jameswf-homeyeah gotta choose wisely on certs.. when looking at resumes I avoid MCP and MCSE like the plague...
19:01.43jameswf-homeI see that and Im like idiots
19:01.57dacsjameswf-home: MCSE is nothing Cisco is the way
19:02.07drmessanoI'm staying away from the MS Stuff.. I can partially accept needing an A+, Network+, CCNA for a job.. But I think employers realize an MCSE is like having a bicycle license
19:02.38jameswf-homeCisco = overpriced linksys or is linksys an properly priced cisco i forget
19:02.40drmessanoSome jobs won't even consider you without it..
19:02.45drmessanoWhich is insane
19:02.53drmessanoQ: What is a motherboard
19:02.58drmessanoQ: What is a CPU
19:03.03jameswf-homeI dont like A+ either a monkey can plug in wires
19:03.05drmessanoQ: Why does the mouse make a ding
19:03.15dacsdrmessano: you know that most of telecom companys are now merging to Cisco equipment
19:03.27dacsfor IPBH, and IPSHO
19:03.58jameswf-homewe are making good money on the telcos upgrades so they can comply with the patriot act :)
19:04.11dacs^^IPBH=IP Back Hall , IPSHO= IP Soft HandOff
19:04.15drmessanoRight now the big push is Networking skills.. Network hardware is too expensive and too essential to have the same dumbasses adminning it that didnt know what they were doing 10 years ago either
19:04.52jameswf-homeI would consider netwrk+ or security+ but never A_
19:05.16dacsdrmessano: when i saw how much my company paid for Cisco router they bought resentaly!!!1 i was shocked
19:05.32drmessanoCisco switches are no different
19:05.35drmessanoThey work an all
19:05.36dacsand i said to my self i must get Cisco Certified
19:05.38drmessanoThey work and all
19:05.41jameswf-homewhat can a sisco do that linux cant....
19:05.50dacsdrmessano: $$$$$$ for routers
19:06.10*** join/#asterisk sergee (
19:06.45drmessanoHell, we just updated some circuits to bonded T1s, and had to shell out for a 2800 because our 2600 couldnt handle the WIC capacity
19:06.57drmessanoNEW Cisco just to add a couple lines
19:06.59jameswf-homebuying a cisco or any other such product is like using a propriatary pbx... no real need to spend all that money but if your rich
19:07.10drmessanoI completely agree
19:07.27*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (n=nikolai@
19:08.16drmessanoFunny thing is
19:08.24dacsdrmessano: we just added 4 7613 Cisco routers
19:08.58drmessanoIf I tell corporate I need switches, they JUMP on us getting them.. moreso than any other piece of equipment..
19:09.07drmessanoObviosuly they can argue with you needing more drops
19:09.36drmessanoBut I needed new switches and had them in 2 days.. done.. handled.. Cisco 2960s
19:09.42dacsdrmessano: they will rather spend money in Marketing , than IT
19:09.55drmessanoOther than setting the IP, don't do shit-else with em
19:09.56dacsdrmessano: they will say you are the IT guy make it work
19:10.09denondrmessano: they're probably scared you go to CompUSSR and buy some linksys switches if they dont
19:10.23drmessanoIve actually done that
19:10.26drmessanoBut got out of it
19:10.45dacstzafrir_home: are you here
19:10.47drmessanoRealized they loved Cisco so much that I dont even try to save them money anymore
19:10.50jameswf-homethats the issue... why trixbox is so popular not only is it cheap but they can fire the IT guy and let the secretary manage it.... bastards
19:11.01tzafrir_homedacs, yes
19:11.43dacstzafrir_home: so, i was saying that i can call my FWD DID from x-lite but not from external phone, like my cell
19:12.28denondrmessano: cisco makes a nice switch .. a network full of linksys will get very quirky very fast
19:12.48drmessanoDepends on the size
19:13.00tzafrir_home"an external phone"? Through what device? or provider?
19:13.04denonwell, over a few dozen users
19:13.14drmessanoI wouldn't go over 72 ports
19:13.22denonlinksys gig-e isn't exactly gig-e :)
19:13.26drmessanoBeyond that you need a diff network segment anyway
19:14.00jameswf-homenothing makes me more giddy than a giant colission domain
19:14.40drmessanoMy former assistant built the network at one of my locations, right... took me almost 2 years to go back and rebuild it....
19:14.50drmessanoThis is how we basically had it set up..
19:15.24jameswf-homehow many hubs can you uplink :)
19:15.32*** join/#asterisk Lawbringer (
19:15.48drmessanoUsers ----> 3 24 port switches (mixed) <---- Single Cat 5 ---->  Switch <--- All the servers in a single rack
19:16.08drmessanobottleneck anyone?
19:16.40jameswf-homeooooh 10 MB hubs like sfo users that would be sweet
19:17.16jameswf-homewow brain and fingers not friends
19:17.31drmessanoALmost forgot the best part
19:17.46drmessanoswitches were daisychained, not starred
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19:18.10jameswf-homeI think topology is overrated
19:18.37jameswf-homesave money wire cat 3
19:18.54jameswf-homeeveryone on hpna
19:19.07dacstzafrir_home: my cellphone
19:19.21drmessanoI had users on the second user switch running reports off on of the servers.. Took 32 minutes.. When I moved them to the first user switch, one hop up.. Dropped to 10 minutes
19:19.47drmessanoI didnt know we had as large a problem until then
19:20.05dacstzafrir_home: i have IPKALL which assign a phone number to DID
19:20.21drmessanoWant a cool IPKALL trick?
19:20.34dacsdrmessano: shoot
19:20.44tzafrir_homedacs, so what happens when a call comes in? To what context does it go?
19:20.51drmessanoset the server to your server name, set the extension to the DID itself
19:21.05drmessanothen set an inbound route for that DID
19:21.08J4k3ethernet is the product of people who did way too much lsd.
19:21.12tzafrir_homedrmessano, first let's teach him to walk
19:21.14dacsdrmessano: hold on please
19:21.27dacstzafrir_home: thats right
19:21.33drmessanoWell, thats the best way to route inbound calls for IPKALL
19:22.11tzafrir_homedrmessano, again, in 'sip show users', to what context do calls from FWD go?
19:22.26*** part/#asterisk kiscokid (
19:22.36tzafrir_homeand don't paste the full line
19:22.44tzafrir_homeIt has your FWD secret...
19:23.35drmessanooh god
19:23.39drmessanoHang on
19:23.47drmessanoWhy dont you test with FWD SIP first?
19:24.02drmessanoIAX is worse than flaky with them.. you dont have a working variable there
19:24.42Mw3hm, my telco has put some annoying voice mail on my line (isdn2). they say i should deactivate it by dialing #62#. can i do that with asterisk? i think this is some kind of vertical service code, which cant be dialled with Dial()
19:24.48tzafrir_homeIAX works much nicer over NAT and such
19:24.59drmessanoYoure missing what I am telling you
19:25.17drmessanoFWD IAX doesn't work half the time.. LOTS of user issues
19:25.30dacsdrmessano: you are spinning my head
19:25.57J4k3Mw3: tell the telco to remove it.  if they refuse, offer to cancel.
19:26.01dacs^^ thats what you are doing
19:26.07tzafrir_homewell, are nice for starting up, and have IAX as well
19:26.14drmessanoIf he's NEW, get it working with SIP
19:26.56drmessanoNo, dacs I am not
19:26.56J4k3Mw3: thats the only way I could get our local ILEC to get the pay-per-use 3 way and their ghetto-assed voicemail off my lines.
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19:26.57drmessanoI am trying to tell you FWD IAX is not a 100% working system you can test a newb again
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19:26.57drmessanoYou wont ever know if youre wrong or if its broken
19:26.57Mw3J4k3: well, they are willing to remove it if i cant, but it takes a week (because they need to assign a task to some techical guy)
19:26.57drmessanoTry SIP
19:26.58dmzanyone use #asterisk-users anymore? :)
19:27.05UnixDogFWX IAX has issues
19:27.09Mw3J4k3: so it would be better if i could remove it somehow with this damned code
19:27.10UnixDoguse SIP
19:27.12drmessanoThank you, UnixDog
19:27.24J4k3Mw3: actually, deactivating it will likely activate billing.
19:27.50J4k3Mw3: tell them they obviously didn't need a service order to add it, so you don't need one to remove it.
19:27.50UnixDogdrmessano, hass issues but we deal with him i day at a time
19:27.52dacsbut when i call 884909 it works
19:27.53tzafrir_homeBTW: what's the deal with ipkall?
19:28.02J4k3give them about a 4 hour window, thats being nice.
19:28.10drmessanodacs: Are you routing your IPKALL number to FWD?
19:28.19dacsdrmessano: yes
19:28.31tzafrir_homeDo they make some money from this? Just being nice?
19:28.31drmessanodacs, I can help you get that going, EASY, without FWDD
19:28.35drmessanoThey do
19:28.39dmzanyone here use app-conference & *1.4?
19:28.40drmessanoThey make money off all incoming calls
19:28.54drmessanoThey have an FAQ on Voxilla somewhere
19:29.16drmessanoExplains their 30 day rule on unused numbers, etc
19:29.19UnixDogI am currently porting app_econfrence
19:29.37dacsdrmessano: here
19:29.45UnixDogmuch better conf system
19:30.09drmessanoDo you have a static IP or external DNS name for the PBX?
19:30.29dacsdrmessano: no
19:30.37tzafrir_homethere we go. The fun of externip / externhost
19:30.42tzafrir_homeJust use IAX
19:30.43UnixDogthe drmessano headache line
19:31.18drmessanotzafrir_home, then good luck.. FWD IAX doesnt work, and you'll confuse him more by trying to get a non working provider up
19:31.38drmessanoAt least use SIP if youre going to get FWD going
19:31.38tzafrir_homeSo don't use FWD. There are a number of IAX providers out there
19:32.00UnixDogwhat are the other off shoots of asterisk
19:32.10UnixDogI know theres a few
19:32.18drmessanoHe wants to route IPKALL to his FWD URI
19:32.25tzafrir_homeFWD aren't that good. Not plenty of codecs to choose from. Good luck to you if g711 is too much a bandwidth for you
19:33.26UnixDogyou would think they would allow gsm
19:35.51UnixDogwhat are the other opensource pbx names
19:37.15tzafrir_homecallweaver, yate, freeswitch bayonee, sipX, openser
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19:40.09UnixDogok back to drivers
19:40.17UnixDogfound what I was loking for
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19:40.44UnixDogxpp is in need of fixiing
19:43.39drmessanoFWD does allow gsm
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19:44.52tzafrir_homeUnixDog, where?
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19:45.09tzafrir_homeah, ok
19:46.33J4k3heh gsm
19:46.54J4k3is that a human voice or a dying goat?
19:48.40J4k3what annoys me is all this voip crap is still wrapped around a pstn world.  thats about the only place where services like skype can thumb their nose at conventional voip
19:49.06J4k3skype sounds *really damned good* with a decent internet connection (and a g711's worth of bandwidth)
19:50.40jblackThis is odd.
19:51.39jblackAfter parking someone and dialing the parking lot, blind transfer (with #) is open
19:51.48jblackI dont' have blind transfer turned on
19:52.25ScrwLoosehey anyone good with iaxcomm ?
19:53.07UnixDogi thought iaxcomm died
19:53.32ScrwLooseWhat alternatives are there? I tried linphone but that wont start
19:53.41ScrwLooseI need a later version 1.6
19:54.26ScrwLooseheh that wont start lol i dont' use kde
19:54.45jblacksounds to me like you're having a locked audio device problem to me.
19:54.46UnixDogshould work
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19:55.06ScrwLoosewell probably a distro issu
19:57.50jameswf-homekiax sucks and is outdated
19:57.57jameswf-hometwinkle is ok
19:58.12jameswf-homeI use mozphone verry simple
19:58.55jameswf-homeI am not a fan of fluf
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19:59.38ScrwLoosecol that looks like it will work
20:03.49ScrwLoosebut twinkle is a sip app
20:06.35jameswf-homeScrwLoose: mozphone does iax
20:07.10DavieyHmm, i'm running both 1.4 and trunk.  1.4 doesn't seem to clear calls when the remote party hangs up - but trunk does using phone SPA942.  Is this known?  Google aint sharing much :(
20:07.37Davieynot normally an issue, but is with page!
20:08.30ScrwLooseit just so happens the page is down
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20:14.08DavieyAnybody here using SPA942's?
20:15.09tzafrir_homejameswf-home, any idea how complex it would be to set up mozphone on Linux? dependencies and such?
20:15.36tzafrir_homeI'm in need for an IAX phone in addition for twinkle (sip)
20:16.05tzafrir_homeand my candidates are so far kiax, iaxcomm and yate-gui
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20:17.12jameswf-homemozphone installs as a firefox extension so its painless
20:17.13WilliamKhiya tzafrir and oej
20:18.10WilliamKhow goes?
20:19.46tzafrir_homehmm.... running firefox just for a softphone. Not fun
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20:26.58tzafrir_homejameswf-home, well, right now I can't even get to the homepage
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21:25.35InHisNamewhere can I read about using group() and group_count() functions ?
21:25.37DavieyHi, i have a problem.. asterisk 1.4 (svn) doesn't seem to locally clear the call (on the handset) on linksys spa942's if the calling party hangs up.. but works fine in trunk!  Any ideas?
21:26.26*** join/#asterisk magic_hat (
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21:27.30magic_hathi all. I just installed ubuntu on a new server, along with the build-essential package. * is not letting me compile, though. I try to run make install and it tells me to run configure, which I've already done. Help?
21:27.45jblackdaviey: I've been seeing something similiar on sip calls as well. Calls not auto-terminating.
21:27.56jblackThat doesn't help you, but perhaps misery loves company.
21:28.12Davieynot a problem with normal calls - but a killer for page!
21:28.45fileupdate to latest SVN.
21:28.57Davieyfile: it is 1.4 svn
21:29.05*** join/#asterisk Lawbringer (
21:29.20filethe 1.4 branch can change every hour during the week
21:29.39fileso make sure you are running the latest
21:29.40Davieyfile: owww, will update - this is 24hrs old
21:31.29Davieyfile: just compiling now
21:32.12Davieymaybe i should have tried the tarball :/
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21:32.45G-nerdhello guys
21:33.34magic_hatanyone got a list of dependencies I need to get * to compile?
21:33.41G-nerdI have a GOOD NEWS! I bought Reily's Asterisk book!
21:35.37Davieyfile: Arg! well what do you know, that fixed it >:/
21:35.59Davieyfile: wasted 2 days on that.. thinking it was me or the newish linksys firmware
21:36.14Davieyfile: thanks! I owe you a beer
21:36.25Davieyjblack: ^
21:37.23*** join/#asterisk neturallyspeakin (
21:37.58jblackdaviey: Me? I didn't help you. Just comiserated.
21:38.20Davieyjblack: just letting you know updating worked
21:38.26*** join/#asterisk Mercestes (
21:38.28jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
21:38.30jblackAhh. Thank you.
21:39.02InHisNamedoes that mean you are non comittal, neturallyspeakin ?
21:39.10jblackI'll probably wait for a new version to hit hardy.
21:39.30neturallyspeakinnot at all
21:43.09*** join/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
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21:43.25magic_hatanyone got some help for me? * is not letting me compile, though. I try to run make install and it tells me to run configure, which I've already done.
21:44.19tzafrir_homemagic_hat, maybe ./configure gave you an error?
21:44.25jwhhey guys, i'm using asterisk 1.2, on a pbx which does h323<->iax2, after about 3000 calls or so, it stops dead and starts eating all the available cpu, anyone know why this happens?
21:45.01nephflhello, I need to set up a system for IVR polling, I need a dialer, I am trying to avoid writing as much as possible without paying for programs, can anyone recommend an autodialer or full on ivr polling software
21:45.08magic_hathmm.... termcap support not found
21:45.30tzafrir_homeaptitude install libncurses-dev
21:46.21Mercestesjwh:  Did you try upgrading?:
21:46.27Mercestes1.2 is a little old.
21:46.38jwhMercestes: not yet, worth a shot?
21:47.26tzafrir_homemagic_hat, check the script from
21:47.35Mercestesdepending on which 1.2 you are running, there are some bug fixes along those lines.  Is asterisk chaining multiple threads or is it a single thread that is eating all your CPU?
21:47.49jwhMercestes: single thread seemingly
21:48.11jwhthey're all short calls (10 seconds max)
21:48.22jwhextremely busy
21:48.31magic_hateek... I just installed the package to get all the dependencies. I'll try the later version after that.
21:48.41MercestesHrm.  Usually I see asterisk fail to respond withina  certain amount of time so it chains off a new thread (which eats more CPU) until it starts cascading threads.
21:49.07MercestesSo, I would definately atleast score a new box and try 1.4 adn see how it works for you.
21:49.18MercestesI can say that h.323 is not exactly the most supported feature of asterisk.
21:49.29Mercestesbut I can't say your problem is h.323 related or not.
21:49.29jwhawkward customer, but also the buggest
21:49.49jwhI will try 1.4 first
21:50.43nephflanyone with suggestions, google is not helping me at all
21:51.30J4k3jwh: be sure to charge accordingly :)
21:52.19jwhJ4k3: oh they pay $$$
21:52.31jwhthey can have whatever they want ;)
21:53.00J4k3right on
21:53.09J4k3I'm about to double my rates
21:53.15J4k3for technical services
21:53.33J4k3I've discovered everybody else is charging a lot more than me
21:53.38J4k3in the area
21:53.44J4k3so its like...   no wonder I get no respek
21:53.57jwhthis customer pays silly rates
21:54.10*** join/#asterisk russellb (n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla)
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21:55.31jwhthe most notable thing is
21:55.32DavieyJ4k3: It's crazy - think of the highest number you feel comfortable charging then double it
21:55.38jwhconsole is full of that when it dies
21:55.47jwhso it could be a timing issue?
21:57.18DavieyJ4k3: partly joking btw
22:03.53G-nerdhi guys, which channel is for programming Linux in C or C++?
22:05.23jblackhmm. looks like fwd services are down. I can't reach 511, 612, 613.. heck. any of them
22:07.06drmessano613 works
22:07.10drmessanoEverything else is toast
22:07.57mvanbaakdrmessano: as of today openfire works with asterisk-trunk :)
22:08.11jblackperhaps you got lucky with 613. I can't reach it.
22:08.17drmessanoyou were using Trunk?
22:08.24mvanbaakdrmessano: I am
22:08.38drmessanoHad I known that
22:08.43drmessanoManager 1.1 issues
22:09.06mvanbaaknah, it was something in the manager MD5 auth
22:09.49mvanbaaksrt found it and wrote a patch for it. Corydon76 committed a fix based on his problem description
22:10.55drmessanoAsterisk patch or Asterisk-IM patch
22:12.00*** join/#asterisk theunabonger (
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22:13.51nortexDoes anyone know if there is a way from the dialplan to get a users email address out of their voicemail settings?
22:15.07russellbnortex: nope, not a built in way .... the only good way would be to write an agi that opens the file and finds it
22:16.24nortexAlright, I know you can do it by putting voicemail.conf in realtime and using the realtime application, but I hoped for something by way of variables. Thanks Russell
22:16.54*** join/#asterisk AndyGraybeal (
22:17.34nortexrussellb: Don't work to hard this weekend.
22:18.00russellbnortex: ha, thanks :)
22:18.04russellbi'm not very good at that ...
22:19.01*** join/#asterisk RoyK (n=roy@
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22:25.33jblack[TK]D-Fender: Ping
22:26.42*** join/#asterisk anthm (
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22:27.44jblack[tk]d-fender: Do you have a google checkout address, by any chance?
22:28.11[TK]D-Fenderjblack, nope...
22:28.31jblackaww. ok
22:28.48[TK]D-Fenderjblack, Well I DO have a google address....... ;)
22:28.57[TK]D-Fenderjblack, Go check it out!
22:29.00[TK]D-Fenderjblack, ;)
22:29.39drmessanoGoogle checkout?
22:29.55jblackdrmessano: Google's version of paypal
22:29.56drmessano~Google checkout
22:30.10drmessanoGoogle Checkout: Another forgotten Google app
22:30.32drmessanoI know
22:30.35*** join/#asterisk mog (n=mog@
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22:30.40drmessanoBut Google Checkout is like binpaste
22:30.46drmessano"Not pastebin, but close"
22:30.47*** join/#asterisk groogs[h] (
22:32.11jwhMercestes: hey
22:32.16jwhupgraded to 1.4, same thing
22:32.49jwhdies quicker too
22:33.04*** join/#asterisk Jam0r (i=Jamie@
22:34.07jwhah, I get useful errors now
22:34.08jwh[Jan 12 22:30:58] NOTICE[53182]: chan_iax2.c:6689 socket_read: Out of idle IAX2 threads for I/O, pausing!
22:34.11jwh[Jan 12 22:30:58] NOTICE[53182]: chan_iax2.c:959 __schedule_action: Out of idle IAX2 threads for scheduling!
22:34.41jwhany way to increase the number of threads?
22:34.47jwhas its only hitting 50 or so currently
22:37.12*** join/#asterisk Lawbringer (
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22:42.03mvanbaakisn't there some var in chan_iax.c ?
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22:45.05Jam0rits defined in there yeah, but locking up about 30k calls short of the limit
22:47.43mvanbaakdrmessano: asterisk patch
22:49.34*** join/#asterisk RoyK (n=roy@
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22:57.13*** join/#asterisk marc7 (
22:57.42magic_hathey everyone. I'm getting a file not found error when the system goes to play a background sound. The file does in fact exist... ideas?
22:58.08marc7[root@lucent:~]# zttest // Opened pseudo zap interface, measuring accuracy... -200.002335% -199.994522% -200.001862% -199.999451% -200.000717%
22:58.11marc7come on... that can't be good
22:58.42*** join/#asterisk nDuff (
23:00.00nDuffAnyone in Austin have a PRI with spare capacity? I'm looking for somewhere to host my phone server for a few weeks on very short notice; we don't typically use more than a few channels at any given time.
23:01.24mvanbaakA telephone company cut off an FBI international wiretap after the agency failed to pay its bill on time, according to a U.S. government audit released on Thursday.
23:01.39*** join/#asterisk adker (
23:02.01_ShrikEyeah, some of those taps were FISA even!!
23:02.25mvanbaakindeed !
23:02.31mvanbaakbrilliant !!!!
23:03.32mvanbaaklet them tap me, they wont pay so it's not going to be an issue ;)
23:04.27mvanbaakthose are the links to the story
23:04.39mvanbaakPoor supervision of the program also allowed one agent to steal $25,000, the audit said.
23:04.47mvanbaakholy crap, I want to work there !
23:05.21magic_hatfile.c:563 ast_openstream_full: File cdngreeting.gsm does not exist in any format .... anyone?
23:05.56mvanbaakmagic_hat: what's your dialplan line ?
23:06.18magic_hatexten => s,4,BackGround(cdngreeting.gsm)
23:06.40puppetremove .gsm ?
23:06.43nDuffmagic_hat: presuming it exists, leave off the .gsm; asterisk will look for the extension itself.
23:06.51mvanbaakuse: exten => s,4,BackGround(cdngreeting)
23:07.30magic_hatyeah, i added the extension and the path to see if that would help. it doesn't work with BackGround(cdngreeting) either
23:07.52mvanbaakyup, my ibook is bricked
23:07.54magic_hatthis was working on my old box... just switched everything over to a new server and now it's barfing.
23:07.57tzafrir_homemarc7, what Zaptel device do you use? or is it ztdummy?
23:08.28marc7tzafrir_home: it's ztdummy, and we're trying to use High Resolution Timer support in
23:08.48marc7after building zaptel, it says "High Resolution Timer started, good to go" in the dmesg
23:08.59marc7and both zaptel and ztdummy are listed in an "lsmod"
23:11.01marc7i'm almost at my wit's end with timing support with ztdummy.. i'm disabling kernel support for IRQ balancing  and upping my timer frequency from 250Hz to 1000Hz
23:12.29tzafrir_homemarc7, echo 3 >/sys/modules/ztdummy/parameters/debug
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23:12.52tzafrir_homeThen you should get a kernel message every 5000 ticks
23:13.05tzafrir_homeThis should be 5 seconds
23:13.55marc7I see the "ztdummy: 5000 ticks from hrtimer" output in dmesg every 5 seconds
23:14.12tzafrir_homereally? not 2.5 seconds? strange
23:14.46marc7anything else I'm supposed to gleam from that? nothing except that same message repeated over and over in dmesg
23:14.48*** join/#asterisk catharina (
23:14.52tzafrir_homeWhat version of zaptel is it? cat /sys/modules/zaptel/version
23:15.17marc71.4.7.1, just grabbed it out of svn a moment ago
23:16.15*** join/#asterisk Lawbringer (
23:16.59tzafrir_homeAgain: are you sure that you get those messages once per 5 seconds? and not once per 2.5 seconds?
23:18.03*** join/#asterisk marcan (
23:18.14marc7if I look at /var/log/kernel, it's every 20 seconds
23:18.27marc7i was previously using dmesg, but the timestamps are every 20 seconds
23:19.08*** part/#asterisk dacs (n=haiger@unaffiliated/dacs)
23:20.19tzafrir_homehmmm... what do you see on zttest -v -c 3
23:21.19marc7Results after 0 passes // Best: 0.000 -- Worst: 100.000 -- Average: 100.000000, Difference: 100.000000
23:21.51*** part/#asterisk catharina (
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23:25.00tzafrir_homehmmm.. 0 passes? just drop the -c, and try 2 or three lines
23:26.16marc78192 zaptel samples in 32768.203 system clock sample intervals (400.002%)
23:26.16marc78192 zaptel samples in 32767.646 system clock sample intervals (399.996%)
23:26.22marc7that's from just zttest -v
23:26.35marc7this is just with the HPET support...
23:27.20marc7having *no* timer support (USB support isn't compiled into my kernel) performed better than this... 99.0% average which isn't great... but better than this :)
23:34.33tzafrir_homemarc7, any chance you could file a bug report with the relevant config details?
23:35.39marc7i'd love to! and *which* config details? my kernel's /proc/config.gz? what output from the zaptel compile directory?
23:36.39marc7zaptel's timing (when I have no dedicated digium hardware for that purpose) is my single gripe about the awesomeness of asterisk
23:36.52marc7that and how roundrobin was deprecated. what were they thinking?!
23:37.04Qwellmarc7: rrmemory
23:37.39marc7but I don't *want* it to resume where it last left off! I want person A always to be called first... person B to be called if person A is on the phone. person C to be called if A is on the phone and B doesn't answer
23:38.03mvanbaakQwell: DON'T !!!!!!!!
23:38.16mvanbaakyou have to commit cfwd.diff before you die !
23:38.21Qwellmarc7: it's not my argument..
23:38.56marc7fair enough, I know what roundrobin was deprecated in favor *for*, I just think that was a silly idea when I actually wanted what roundrobin did.
23:39.22russellbi agree that's silly if there is no suitable replacement for the same behavior
23:39.45Qwellwell, I think it was decided that rrmemory was what people "actually" wanted.  but that apparently isn't the case
23:39.55russellbwell, perhaps that's what most people want
23:40.01mvanbaak<--- updating patches that are left alone
23:40.04russellbbut the other still gets used ..
23:40.07mvanbaakdoes that make me sick ?
23:40.24Qwellrussellb: so maybe it's something we should revisit at some point..
23:40.45Qwellthis isn't the first time I've heard this
23:40.53russellbi don't remember that discussion when it got deprecated
23:40.53*** join/#asterisk piper69 (n=haiger@unaffiliated/piper69)
23:41.23_ShrikEI would like to share the contents of the asterisk database between multiple servers.  Can multiple asterisk servers use the same AstDB?
23:41.34mvanbaak_ShrikE: no
23:41.34Qwell_ShrikE: no
23:41.35russellb_ShrikE: no
23:41.42Qwellin surround sound
23:41.48mvanbaakmulticast reply !
23:42.19Qwell_ShrikE: doing so would be a *disaster*
23:42.24russellb_ShrikE: i would recommend using func_odbc if you want to share dialplan accessible database stuff.
23:43.09mvanbaakQwell: can you commit 10740 please ?
23:43.44Qwellwill you comment it, so I can look at it again on Monday?
23:43.48jblack_ShrikE: no  (Bouncing off a far-away mountain)
23:43.49QwellI had some issues with it, iirc
23:43.51tzafrir_homemarc7, yes, the details you mentioned
23:44.06mvanbaakblitzrage had no issues, me had no issues
23:44.16Qwellmine were hypothetical issues
23:44.28mvanbaakI'll upload a patch that puts the option in configs/voicemail.conf.sample
23:46.40jblackMan. Callwithus _rocks_.
23:46.57jwh16k thread limit, still locking up periodically, guess its not releasing/reusing them
23:47.50mvanbaakQwell: commented, and uploaded new patch
23:49.27mvanbaakrussellb: any update on 11116 ?
23:52.01russellbit's the weekend
23:52.05russellbi refuse to look at the bug tracker
23:52.09russellbunless it's like ... critical
23:54.53*** join/#asterisk JunK-Y (
23:56.54mvanbaakI'll stop then
23:57.48mvanbaakI guess a module for talking to a specific CRM application wont make it into the core of asterisk right ?
23:58.35*** join/#asterisk Lawbringer (
23:59.17lmadsen_ShrikE: use DUNDi and call the DB() function in the mapping on the remote server to get the data back
23:59.56lmadsenhaha... not here :)

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