IRC log for #asterisk on 20080111

00:01.14*** join/#asterisk Braxus (
00:05.55drmessanoAsterisk needs more games
00:06.24drmessanoLike "Higher/Lower"
00:07.40mockerI want a Simon game.
00:07.46mockerI think it's simon anyway.
00:07.56mockerthat had the lights that you pressed in an order and had to repeat them back.
00:07.59drmessanoWhat about a 12 panel minesweeper
00:08.04drmessanoOne for each button
00:08.09drmessanoYes, love Simon
00:08.18puckArgh, crappy LinkSys PAP2 ATAs that have crashy webservers
00:08.49drmessanohow does the web server on a PAP2 crash?
00:08.58puckIt just stops responding.
00:09.08drmessanoIve not seen that
00:09.11puckI hit the IP, and then none of the links work, and I can't reload the page.
00:09.26puckoh, oh, oh, its coming, just slowly.
00:09.29puckNope, local network.
00:09.37puck(almost local, routed through one box)
00:09.39jblackpuck: I noticed that my spa8000 gets really laggy when it's doing a register.
00:09.58puckjblack:  hmmmm, could be it...
00:09.58drmessanoRouting AT ALL messed up the GUI on the PAP2
00:10.05drmessanoIt doesnt work across a simple VPN
00:10.08puckdrmessano:  Oh really?
00:10.15puckthat bites.
00:10.16drmessanoThats the GUI now
00:10.21drmessanoNot the device in general
00:10.57drmessanoI VNC into boxes on the local subnets and admin them that way
00:11.03drmessanoIts SUX0RS
00:11.07drmessanoBut thats the only way
00:11.29jblackwhat are the common names from G711u, G711a, G726-16, G726-24, G726-32, G726-40, G723 ?
00:11.36drmessanoEver try to admin a WRT54G on a diff segment?
00:11.41Qwellcommon names?
00:11.58jblackWell, for example, I think g711u is ulaw, but I'm not sure.
00:12.00mockerulaw alaw ?
00:12.34Qwellulaw and alaw, and I think g726 is a form of ADPCM
00:12.45Qwell(but there is also an ADPCM format...which is not g726)
00:12.59puckNope, never tried a WRT54G.  All our people tend to reflash OpenWRT on them anyhow.
00:13.11puckNo responce in the text browser.  :(
00:13.11drmessanoIs this for the Linksys?
00:13.24jblackWho, me?
00:13.26drmessanojblack: for the SPA800
00:13.29drmessanojblack: for the SPA8000
00:13.41drmessanoPCMU, PCMA
00:13.58drmessanoG726-16, etc for G726
00:14.07Qwellg723 is also known as "that patent encumbered heavy cpu usage codec"
00:14.27drmessanoThose are the defaults
00:14.41jblackso, G723 is one of the evil ones.
00:14.47mockerIs speex in there somewhere?
00:14.49Qwellg723 is a great codec
00:14.54mockerOr is it just known as speex.
00:15.01tzangerilbc FTW
00:15.08tzangeror wait, LPC10
00:15.10Qwellmocker: it's just speex.  I don't know if speex is a "spec"
00:15.20jblackThere is 711, 726, 729 and 723
00:15.23Qwelltzanger: lpc10 using the JPAH swec
00:15.34drmessanojblack: did you follow the names?
00:15.38QwellJPAH is the most awesome EC ever.
00:15.39jblackI thought 729 was the evil one.
00:15.45Qwelljblack: g729 too
00:16.10QwellI mean...seriously...  how could a codec named after *ME* not be awesome?
00:16.23drmessanoI have my G729 encumbered boxes on Sealand.. Let them find me
00:16.27jblackOk, So avoid 723 and 729. 711(u|a) Are ok, and 726-(various bit rates, I believe) should be ok.
00:16.36Qwelljblack: asterisk supports g726-32
00:16.52drmessanog726-32 = g726?
00:16.57drmessanoFor an allow
00:17.00Qwellor g726-aal :p
00:17.04Qwelldepends on the device...
00:17.12drmessanoFor asterisk
00:17.14Qwellit's all b0rked up
00:17.26Qwellyeah, allow=g726 or allow=g726-aal2
00:17.27drmessanoWhats the allow for g726..?
00:17.33Qwellit depends on the device...
00:17.39jblackThings are working fine as is. I set the default to g711u
00:17.41drmessanoI see what youre saying
00:17.52QwellAAL2 or RFC3551 codeword packing
00:18.08Qwellsome devices lie (are wrong) about what they actually support
00:18.26QwellI think the SPA/PAP2 was one of the ones that did that wrong
00:18.37jblackI was hoping one of these magic numbers was gsm, since I'm already reducing to that on voip calls.
00:18.40drmessanoSo it would be -aal2?
00:18.53Qwelldrmessano: I don't recall which way they were broken
00:19.12drmessanoIve not seen a linksys with GSM
00:19.23drmessanoUnless I missed something on the SPA-3102
00:19.46Qwellit's not all that common for hardware devices to do gsm
00:19.56Qwellthey're already using g729, so...what's the point, ya know?
00:20.03drmessanoGSM is a great codec, if you're only calling people using cordless phones in public toilets
00:20.21jblackHow did you know?
00:20.32drmessanoIm figuring you out, jblack ;)
00:20.38Qwellthere are better codecs than gsm, both quality and size wise..  g729 is an example, but it's not free, which is why software uses gsm a lot more
00:20.50drmessanoIve noticed that
00:21.11drmessanoHardware seems to support G729 a lot, and software has GSM in lieu og G729
00:22.32jblackAs I understand things (yeah, limited understanding), the unencumbered options are basically either gsm or pcmu, which can be generalized as "bandwidth scrooge" and "I don't like to waste bandwidth, but my calls should be clear", respectively.
00:23.01ManxPowerg.726 is becoming popular in both software phones and hardware
00:23.01jblackThough I guess there's LPC, which could be retermed as "I don't give a shit what you say"
00:23.04puckI just went up 4 floors to restart the PAP2, now links can see the page....
00:23.13drmessanoGSM - "Let me call you on the radio, it sounds better"
00:23.44jblackManxPower: But isn't g726 encumbered?
00:24.59*** join/#asterisk Winkie (
00:28.49drmessanoMy best friend, who is not as literate with IT as I am, has been dablling with VoIP basically "through" me, tells me today the radio consoles hes using at work can interface with SIP devices
00:29.02drmessanoHe says "Man, we can talk to this think with Asterisk!! COOL!"
00:29.06drmessanoSo that should be fun
00:29.28Qwelldrmessano: see app_rpt
00:29.37Qwellradio hardware stuff
00:29.46drmessanoIm familiar.. app_rpt is sweet
00:30.41jblackHas anyone seen [TK] lately?
00:30.52jblackOh, he's here.
00:31.40drmessanoIm pretty sure these consoles can act as a softphone on one hand, and also accept incoming calls to patch to a radio channel on the other side
00:33.01*** join/#asterisk ZX81_ (n=ZX81@
00:33.16drmessanoCould set up app_rpt on a box for radio <> asterisk, then an asterisk trunk to the console, then back to radio there
00:34.12*** join/#asterisk Lawbringer (
00:34.53drmessanoI'd love to see the hams implement an asterisk based solution for the so called "Ham VoIP" they've been using
00:35.21drmessanousing app_rpt
00:35.50drmessanoBut all these proprietary apps seems to have a foothold
00:36.05Qwelldrmessano: Jim Dixon has been doing just that..
00:36.17QwellI think that's exactly why he wrote it
00:36.44drmessanoyeah, I know it's being used.. but in horribly small numbers
00:37.25drmessanoWhcih sucks, because its a WAY better solution
00:40.13drmessanoI've toyed with designing a lower end interface card for asterisk myself and open sourcing the design
00:40.42drmessanoFor Radio, that is
00:41.29drmessanoThe Quad Radio PCI card is nice, just a tad bit expensive.. I saw one in action in Atlanta, and it does all it claims
00:44.08drmessanoI was just reading that
00:44.48drmessanoAny idea how common a CM-108 USB device is?
00:45.02Qwellno idea
00:45.17drmessanoIt could be as common as an Realtek NIC for all I know
00:45.21drmessanoJust never heard of it
00:47.10JTdrmessano: you can also use a TDM400P or a channel bank, and ARIBs
00:49.15J4k3quad radio controller for voip patches?
00:49.23J4k3how do you keep the radios from crosstalking like crazy? :P
00:50.03J4k3afaik the only places you might effectively run autopatch is 2m (sketchy), 70cm and 1.2ghz.
00:50.21drmessanoWhy is 2m sketchy?
00:50.32J4k3dtmf over 2m tends to piss people off? :)
00:50.40JTeasy, duplexors
00:50.50drmessano2m is the most common place for autopatches
00:50.59drmessanoThe ones that exist anyway
00:51.31JTcommercial repeater sites have tonnes of different requencies on the same tower
00:51.32drmessanoWe had one on every repeater in town years ago
00:51.37JTthere are heaps of autopatches on 2m
00:52.13J4k3well, I think it my listening for autopatches on 2m may be limited.  nobody cool hangs out on 2m :)
00:52.21drmessanoAutpatches are also dead
00:52.28drmessano2m is the CB band now
00:52.41drmessanoI put up a 440 machine and havent looked back
00:53.03J4k32m is the only thing that effectively works here, but theres not enough hams around to bother.
00:53.07*** join/#asterisk Netgeeks-laptop (
00:53.09mostyi have a problem with accepting an iax call, asterisk says rejected <ip addres> who was trying to call <number>@ , but the context is empty
00:53.11J4k3here being rural east texas (pine tree hell)
00:53.20JTdrmessano: there is certainly no reason why you need to buy the quad radio interface card
00:53.26mostybut the iax account has a context set
00:53.32JTcurious why you thought that was the only option
00:54.07drmessanoWell, the way it was presented to me some time back was that there was either that card or purely non-prefab do it yourself
00:54.16J4k3back in the early 90s in houston there was repeaters that seemed to only exist for autopatch.. all 70cm (but I never heard much on 2M in houston... either interference issues or my scanner was a pieceofcrap)
00:54.21drmessanoNot even "Build from this", but "grab the iron and some parts and go to it"
00:54.57J4k3it appears the only things you need is a GPIO-ish signal line, and an decent sound device.
00:55.03*** join/#asterisk DrRighteous (
00:55.11JTdrmessano: on the apt_rpt page, it shows the ARIB as well as the quad radio interface board
00:55.21J4k3shouldn't require any more advanced gear than the average APRS site (just split tx/rx)
00:55.40drmessanoI see that.. I got the impression the ARIB was non existant
00:55.45DrRighteousAnyone know the reboot button combo on a Cisco 7970G
00:56.03JTdrmessano: weird, i have a pile or ARIB PCBs at home
00:56.42drmessanoNot "non existant", but abandoned for the newer card
00:57.13JTthe newer card is certainly more efficient
00:57.20JTespecially if you have multiple repeaters
00:57.56jblackAww. Callwithus doesn't seem to honor Set(Callerid
00:59.20jblackhmm. according to their faq, user error.
00:59.29drmessanoI think I also assumed from where I click the order page for the blank PCB, it only lists the Quad card
01:00.07lmadsena lot of ITSP's don't allow you to set your own CID
01:01.06jblackI've been lucky then. Teliax does. Callwithus claims to too, provided one can pass basic reading tests like "is able to read the faq". :)
01:01.44JTdrmessano: i don't think you can build your own quad card
01:02.06JTin most countries you cannot set your callerid to a number you don't own
01:02.17drmessanobut I click the link for ordering ARIB PCBs
01:02.23drmessanoand it takes me to the order page for the Quad card
01:02.30drmessanoNo mention of the ARIB
01:02.38drmessanoHence my thought of it being extinct
01:02.56jblackThese are numbers that route to me. The number that needs to be set depends upon what number I'm calling, though.
01:03.29drmessanoYou go to and they push the Quad card or the USB device hack
01:04.05jblackI know better than to misbehave with callerid, as tempting as it is. I'm 35, not 15. ;)
01:04.08drmessanoUSB audio kinda scares me
01:05.02*** join/#asterisk Igbothom_3rd (
01:05.02*** part/#asterisk DrRighteous (
01:05.09JTdrmessano: maybe they've stopped selling the ARIB
01:05.12JTwhich would suck
01:05.21JTyeah usb radio, evil
01:05.30*** join/#asterisk Lawbringer (
01:05.31jblackI own a kid, a house, a car, and computer. The last thing I want is people in black suits showing up on my doorstep deciding that they're now theirs.
01:05.47jblackwell, many computers.
01:07.10drmessanoJT: Thats what it looks like
01:07.50drmessanosurely a PCI sound card with a game port would work
01:08.01drmessanoif the pieces existed lol
01:08.14*** join/#asterisk kiscokid (n=ron@
01:08.31drmessanoWell, no
01:08.37drmessanoGame port wouldnt work
01:13.33kiscokidanyone built and used RxFax lately?
01:17.13lmadsennever used it
01:17.18lmadsenfaxing is ol' sk00l :)
01:19.17J4k3fax is for suckers
01:19.24J4k3if you can't email it, I don't wanna see it
01:19.48kiscokidyeah, tell tht to the powers that be
01:20.21J4k3I have
01:20.35J4k3I've been in business, >10M income in the last 15 years, and never owned a fax machine
01:21.04kiscokidthey want to see signatures for some reason
01:21.21puckFaxed signatures are legally binding in most countries...
01:21.23J4k3thats why god made fedex
01:21.39kiscokidfedex takes too long
01:21.54J4k3they aren't effective.  its too easy to get out the scotch tape and move a signature from one piece of paper to another.
01:22.11J4k3its been shown to work just fine in court.  you show a jury doubt, you're out.
01:22.35*** join/#asterisk Igbothom_III (
01:23.02*** join/#asterisk RoyK (n=roy@
01:23.08kiscokidI don't get paid to tell them how to run their business, just get paid to implement stuff they want
01:26.48*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
01:26.55Dovidi am trying to use exten => 1212,2,Set(DB(fwd/${CALLERID(num)} = ${CALLERID(num)})
01:27.11Dovidhow ever when getting the value out of asterisk it seems to have a space before the value
01:27.18Dovidso if the callerid is 304
01:27.32Dovidthe value ends up being " 304"
01:27.41Dovidwith a preceding space. anyone ever see it ?
01:37.22*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
01:37.28mostydovid: don't put spaces around the =
01:38.26jblacklmadsen: btw, for what it's worth, perhaps sometimes it would be good if more providers allowed setting callerid. Back when I used skype, they had set my callerid to "012345". Used to drive people crazy. :)
01:38.46jblackI couldn't do a thing to fix it.
01:44.28*** part/#asterisk RoyK (n=roy@
01:46.21*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-32977ffcf2d91f38)
01:55.34*** join/#asterisk mog (
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01:58.13*** join/#asterisk Lawbringer (
02:07.13*** join/#asterisk nybble (n=nybble@about/apple/performa/nybble)
02:07.47*** join/#asterisk macros73 (
02:11.32kiscokidI saw a discussion of faxing with Asterisk and they mentioned some hardware from Digium that related to faxing.  Anyone know what that is?
02:11.47*** join/#asterisk etfonhomey (
02:12.09J4k3a modem?
02:14.01kiscokidIs there any builtin fax detection in * when it answers a call?
02:17.32[TK]D-Fenderkiscokid, Yes, go read up on *'s Standard Extensions
02:17.54kiscokidok, thanks
02:18.52*** join/#asterisk fuzzbawl (
02:19.07*** part/#asterisk fuzzbawl (
02:20.35*** join/#asterisk anthm (
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02:22.14*** join/#asterisk dacs (n=haiger@unaffiliated/dacs)
02:22.36lmadsenjblack: I built an ITSP, and I don't necessarily think implicitly allowing the client to set their CID is a good idea
02:23.01lmadsenkiscokid: hint -- it starts with 'f'
02:24.10kiscokidyeah, I found it
02:25.00*** join/#asterisk tobias (
02:25.13dacshipeople lmadsen
02:30.42dacswhen i set vebose to 7 "asterisk -rvvvvvvv" and i do sip set debug. by the time i scroll up to copy , it will already start rolling the new info
02:31.23[TK]D-Fenderdacs, when you want to grab, hit EXIT
02:31.32[TK]D-Fenderdacs, grab what you need, then reconnect
02:32.42dacs[TK]D-Fender: you mean do sip set debug, then when something i am intrested in comes up, i type exit ?
02:32.54[TK]D-Fenderdacs, yes
02:33.09[TK]D-Fenderdacs, make you test. once it fails... well STOP
02:33.43[TK]D-Fenderdacs, or set some sort of hot-key to copy the entire scroll-back buffer live
02:35.03dacs[TK]D-Fender: i don't know how to do that, i am using putty
02:35.22[TK]D-Fenderdacs, then method 1 it is.
02:35.33dacs[TK]D-Fender: yep
02:38.47Olobolaare there any advantages of using perl over PHP for dial plans? I've read conflicting reports. This will be written for a potentially high volume system.
02:39.23[TK]D-FenderOlobola, AGI period is a load regardless of the language that you use
02:39.47[TK]D-FenderOlobola, AGI should be restricted to the minimum of what cannot be done in * standard logic
02:40.18[TK]D-FenderOlobola, And "high volume" is a very relative concept
02:40.33JTif you've got high volume
02:40.36JTuse FastAGI
02:40.45Olobolaok. I need to connect to DB is the only issue, assuming this can't be done directly through a dialplan at this point
02:40.51JTin fact, if you use AGI, you should use FastAGI
02:41.05JTusing plain AGI is illogical from a resources point of view
02:41.08JTOlobola: it can.
02:41.46[TK]D-FenderOlobola, * has access to ODBC and MySQL rather natively
02:42.50Olobolaok, thank you. It's just nice to be able to whip a little php script, easy.
02:42.53Olobolaeventually it will need to be much more robust.
02:43.08*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
02:43.21JTphp sounds erroneous to use for telephony, but that's just me
02:44.09J4k3pee ache pee
02:44.22J4k3if you experience it, you might need to go to the clinic
02:44.45jblackIt kind of makes sense to me. There's a multitude of neat integration between * and websites just begging to be taken advantage of.
02:44.59*** part/#asterisk kiscokid (n=ron@
02:45.02JTphp shouldn't exist, even for web sites ;)
02:45.39J4k3it burns! it burns!
02:49.23*** join/#asterisk truz_`24 (n=truz_`
02:49.40drmessanophp is sweet
02:49.46drmessanoYo mock the PHP?
02:50.07J4k3php is simple
02:50.08J4k3and kinda fun
02:50.14J4k3but its easy to mock.
02:50.30BraxusPHP: training wheels without the bike.
02:50.32drmessanoNo, LOLCAT is easy to mock
02:51.04drmessanotubgirl? wut?
02:51.23J4k3the other day I had the occasion to point at a goat and say "goat, see?"
02:51.38J4k3I felt pretty wrong about doing it, despite its complete innocence.
02:52.24drmessanoCOmplete geek moment, I love it
02:52.56*** join/#asterisk WilliamK (
02:53.21[TK]D-FenderJ4k3 + complete innocence.... lemme think on that :\
02:54.13*** join/#asterisk asr33 (
02:54.19drmessanoThat would be like [TK]D-Fender pwning a total newb by accident
02:54.26drmessanoOh wait, Hi [TK]D-Fender
02:55.07[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano, No... I'm rather deliberate in that sort of thing :)
02:55.39drmessanoMy point exactly ;)
02:55.43J4k3but I *am* going to your momma's house!
02:57.42drmessanoIf you cut a grandstream in half, does it become an F> or an <S device?
02:58.02J4k3prolly a P( or an )S
02:58.29drmessanoPV and a VN
03:00.24drmessanoAnother reason I love Twitter:
03:00.30drmessano"Configuring X-Lite soft phone in Vista to work with Trixbox VOIP system at corporate"
03:00.45drmessanoSca.......ry........not sure which part
03:01.49*** join/#asterisk iamthelostboy (n=nathan@
03:02.43J4k3I need a real machine so I can actually use a softphone
03:02.51J4k3this thing chunks no matter what
03:04.53iamthelostboyis there anyway, other than adding an external server, i can have a client behind NAT connecting to a server behind NAT?
03:05.05iamthelostboyi've been reading a little about it, and im slightly confused
03:07.00[TK]D-Fenderiamthelostboy, No need for any external server, read up :
03:07.00drmessanoI do it all the time
03:07.02jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT :  otherwise check the WIKI at
03:09.18*** part/#asterisk asr33 (
03:13.11jblackIs there a way to get debug info for iax2?
03:13.58[TK]D-Fenderjblack, "iax2 debug"
03:14.29*** join/#asterisk kusznir (
03:15.13WilliamKzaptel broken on the latest svn update
03:15.24kusznirHi all:  I have a "strange" application for asterisk, and was looking for some advice for potential configuration of the CDR system.
03:15.42drmessanoTheres no such thing as a strange Asterisk application
03:15.54iamthelostboythats pretty much the document i was looking for
03:16.25drmessanochan_plant is as weird as it gets
03:16.28kusznirI'm using asterisk to create a 2-phone system for use in a psycology/computer science experiment where we will have peopole perform "daily living activities" including useing the phone.  The space will be instrumented so that the computer can try and follow their progress in completeing these activities.
03:16.59jblackno iax2 debug here
03:17.22kusznirTo this end, I need a way to get when a call is started, ended, and what number it dialed into our "system".  Ideally, asterisk will call a program (shell script/perl script) with the values, and that script will do the magic to get it into our main system.
03:17.53kusznirWe can do a post-process .csv, but if asterisk has the ability to run the script "real-time" as "events" (phone calls) happen, that could be easier and would be preferred.
03:19.11kusznirTo the best of my knowledge, asterisk can write to a .csv file (or other file format), or to an SQL db.  Can it call a script with some CDR data as command line options (or env vars)?
03:21.41[TK]D-Fenderkusznir : just about anything you'll think of, yes
03:22.02*** join/#asterisk khronos (
03:22.15kusznir[TK]D-Fender: where do I find info on how to configure it to do so?
03:22.47[TK]D-Fenderkusznir, you need to read up on how * works, and all of its dialplan applications.  Then read up on AGI for the complex bits.
03:22.52[TK]D-Fenderkusznir, for now :
03:22.55jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
03:23.20[TK]D-Fenderkusznir, its all in there.  The application reference yuo can skip to right away for a tase of how you can do things
03:24.26kusznirAhh...I've read the book.  I've actually been running * for a few years now, just on very small scale, and always where I didn't care about accounting.  The last time I looked at the book, I found it didn't seem to have much of the technical details on configuring *...more of a "this is what VoIP is and this is how to get a very basic VoIP system working"; for complex/advanced things, you were left on your own.
03:24.37kusznirDid they release a new version now?
03:24.56[TK]D-Fenderkusznir, yes
03:25.32kusznirAnd for what I'm looking for, I don't use the CDR modules at all; just pure AstCGI?
03:25.38lmadsenkusznir: there is a 2nd edition now
03:25.48[TK]D-Fenderkusznir, well you're not going to find a "here's how to make a Phone-based Casino".  Some thing you have to just imagine yourself and realized the pieces that will help you do it
03:26.05WilliamKkinda interesting
03:26.24[TK]D-Fenderkusznir, I don't see where CDR is integral to your plan yet..
03:26.35[TK]D-Fenderkusznir, why is that the point of interest?
03:26.36mmlj4grrr... i can't get incoming calls with FWD... it tells me that the extension doesn't exist, and I keep telling it that it does too exist
03:26.51[TK]D-Fendermmlj4, and you do this and show us NOTHING :)
03:27.16mmlj4hey, copy-n-paste from the wiki, all I did
03:27.17[TK]D-Fendermmlj4, "Your failure is complete" - The Emperor
03:27.28jblackTo have one's very existance challenged by a computer... Ohhh, the humanity
03:27.34[TK]D-Fendermmlj4, Oh yeah, and the WIKI's never wrong.
03:27.50jblackEven in the matrix, they let us exist as batteries!
03:27.51mmlj4[TK]D-Fender: that's what I was thinking, but you never know...
03:27.59[TK]D-Fendermmlj4, So that aside, pastebin the whole mess including SIP debug of your failure and we'll take a look
03:28.00jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
03:28.16mmlj4if i can't figure it out, sure
03:28.44[TK]D-Fendermmlj4, Sorry we're here to help.  If all you want is sympathy try #barbrawalters , or #oprah
03:28.47kusznir[TK]D-Fender: We're working on artifical intellegence algoritms to detect a person's daily living activities, and ultimately help elderly/brain dammaged/etc people live independantly longer.  By detecting ones habbits and "normal behaviors", we can detect if something has happened that might need assistance.
03:28.48mmlj4i'm just using you guys to gripe to
03:29.55[TK]D-Fenderkusznir, and I still have no idea of your focus on CDR at the END of a call and have no more idea of what * is doing at all
03:30.00kusznirAntoher application is detecting someone "freezing" in a task and providing a cue or prompt or something.  Psycology research has shown that one's phone usage is actually a very useful indicator.  So for this experiemnt, we're trying to detect "successful phone usage" and feed that to the AI system as one of many (30-50) inputs.
03:30.56kusznirIn a most basic situation, we can use a traditional, phone-company POTS line and a "line use detector" and get the bare bones info.  However, 1) we don't have a POTS line at the installation, and 2) we'd rather be more forward-looking and get "more details".
03:31.02[TK]D-Fenderkusznir, again you give us no clue of *'s involvement in any of this...
03:32.30kusznirSo, we're using Asterisk to provide a phone.  It will be pre-programmed with a few specific phone numbers.  The user will be told to look up a specific person from the phone book and call them.  Asterisk will route this "real" phone number either to another person involved with the experiment, or a message.  If the person fails to dial the correct number, we need to know.
03:32.53kusznirThis shows wether the person is successfully able to 1) use a phone book; 2) use a phone; 3) communicate with others not physically present in the same room.
03:33.07*** join/#asterisk russellb (n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla)
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03:33.29[TK]D-Fenderkusznir, basic CDR can tell you that easily enough.  or you can make a catch-all extension and parse the entire event live.
03:34.47jblackwould someone mind dialing and seeing if they get a voice prompt? Someone I'm doing dundi with is swearing my machine doesn't exist. :)
03:35.09kusznir[TK]D-Fender: I origionally thought using CDRs would be fine, and in a "worst-case", we'd import the CDR.csv after the experiment into our main event database so we can run our algorithms that detect these activities and there sucess level.  Ideally, though, these events will be inserted into our main database more or less as they happen.
03:35.44kusznirSo if I can get a basic CDR that instead of being written to a file, calls a system program with the same data that would have been written out, that would be ideal.
03:36.52kusznirWhile we are currently post-processing the experiment, we are working toward real-time processing, and at that point, we'll have to have the events inserted in real-time.  All we really need to know is when a call was placed, how long it was, and ideally, what number was dialed.
03:37.16iamthelostboyin regards to the * -> Nat -> Nat -> Client.. is forwarding a lot of ports like is recommended going to disrupt the connection, if it is shared with a bunch of computers browsing etc?
03:39.31_ShrikEkusznir: why dont you log your cdr directly to the database?
03:40.25*** join/#asterisk etfonhomey (
03:41.16kusznir1) our eventual archetecure does not have the database as the center (real-time users of the data will subscribe to a messaging system to get the data); 2) the database format is quite fixed and specialized with multiple table references, and I didn't think asterisk could adapt into our existing schema (remember, we have ~50 different data sources, only one of which is asterisk)
03:43.02[TK]D-Fenderiamthelostboy, Follow the guide....
03:46.31*** join/#asterisk marcan (
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03:55.50etfonhomey[TK]D-Fender, how's it going?
03:56.11[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey, getting by, just jamming away right now
03:58.59etfonhomey[TK]D-Fender, reading about setting up DNS/NAT so remote users can get my * box without having to do it via an IPSec VPN tunnel.
03:59.38ManxPoweretfonhomey: Most of us can do that in our sleep, assuming your router is not a POS
03:59.42[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey, You know the link....
04:00.10etfonhomey[TK]D-Fender, you talking about ~sipnat?
04:00.17[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey, yup
04:01.16etfonhomey[TK]D-Fender, got that.  Wanting to read about SRV records.
04:03.44ManxPoweretfonhomey: no real need for SRV records unless you want "failover" or roaming between a network that is local to Asterisk and one that is outside the NAT
04:04.05etfonhomey[TK]D-Fender, completely unrelated to this channel.  Know anything about cell phone signal boosters?
04:04.19[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey, mostly scams
04:04.57etfonhomeyManxPower, just need static NAT and my remote users need to know the external IP, correct?  Static NAT for both SIP and the media?
04:05.52ManxPoweretfonhomey: External IP or hostname
04:06.14ManxPowerspecifically port forwarding.  Don't know what "static nat" is.
04:07.29etfonhomeyManxPower, gotcha.
04:08.01etfonhomey[TK]D-Fender, what about this stuff:
04:08.23[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey, no clue
04:08.33*** join/#asterisk Lawbringer (
04:08.34etfonhomey[TK]D-Fender, the reason I ask is that the president of our company lives in a rural area that doesn't get very good cell phone coverage.
04:09.10[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey, don't forget to change the time for sunrie & sunset so that it fits his tastes while you're at it....
04:09.20etfonhomey[TK]D-Fender, He wanted to me to see of there were viable options for boosting the signal.
04:10.03etfonhomey[TK]D-Fender, Hey, I don't mind these things, pay me a good salary and benefits, plus let me come and go to do consulting during the day.
04:10.53iamthelostboyetfonhomey: we had a gsm repeater put into our warehouse
04:11.30etfonhomeyiamthelostboy, do you have a good signal outside of the warehouse?
04:11.57iamthelostboywe had terrible reception.. in our case it was too many strong signals.. we talked our provider into putting in a repeater, which turns out to be stronger than the rest of the singals, so our phones use that instead
04:13.10etfonhomeyiamthelostboy, I have the case were there is very little signal and need a way to amplify it.
04:13.21iamthelostboythough it outputs stronger signals than a cellphone, so can connect to cell sites further away, if there is a weak signal
04:14.16iamthelostboywithout really going searching...
04:14.48iamthelostboyi would look at the brand of ours for you, though I'm not near it at the moment
04:14.57etfonhomey[TK]D-Fender, how do you do call forwarding with your Polycoms?  Do you just do it at the phone?
04:15.10[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey, usuall
04:15.30[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey, unless I care about being able to remotely maintain it
04:16.36etfonhomey[TK]D-Fender, in call forwarding at the phone, does the media stream actually travel to the phone and then get redirected?
04:17.05[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey, no, just the sip invit. which gets redirected.  Media doesn't land
04:18.47*** join/#asterisk grandpapadot (
04:19.02etfonhomey[TK]D-Fender, I'm using an ITSP currently.  So, if I call forward to my cell from one of my Polycoms, does the media stream of a call go like this:    PSTN -> ITSP -> Internet -> * -> Internet -> ITSP -> PSTN
04:19.29grandpapadotHI all.  Anyone use static realtime with queues.conf in the db?  How are member => whatever treated?  Each row found added?  I ask because all other values are name = value, members are member => value
04:20.02grandpapadotetfonhomey: Yes.
04:22.56ManxPoweretfonhomey: has a bunch of RF stuff, including (somewhere on their site) cell repeaters
04:23.12etfonhomeyManxPower, thanks.
04:24.26*** join/#asterisk lowlevel (
04:24.47etfonhomey[TK]D-Fender and ManxPower, you guys use * realtime in production?
04:25.21ManxPoweretfonhomey: the "new products" link on the site
04:25.43ManxPoweretfonhomey: My asterisk servers have less than 80 phones each, no need for a database
04:26.46ManxPowercell booster/releaters, not cheap:
04:28.25etfonhomeyManxPower, Thanks.  Have you messed with any cell phone repeaters before?
04:44.11dacs[TK]D-Fender: do you have time to help me
04:48.22*** join/#asterisk pepo-- (n=pepOSX--@
04:49.52dacscan someone explain the syntax :exten => 400,1,Dial(sip/Phone1) please
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04:51.51etfonhomeydacs, did you make up with [TK]D-Fender?
04:52.16dacsetfonhomey: what do you mean?lol
04:52.50etfonhomeydacs, seemed to me like you were steaming a week or so ago...
04:53.23dacsetfonhomey: oh yeah, we got on the wrong foot, but its cool now
04:54.23dacsnow i have a softphone and a phone connected to my ATA, both register , but i can't call any off them
04:54.53etfonhomeydacs, What's your SIP debug look like?
04:56.30*** join/#asterisk Lawbringer (
04:59.54dacsetfonhomey: take a look
05:00.25*** join/#asterisk RB2 (
05:02.06etfonhomeyWhat kind of ATA?
05:02.32dacsetfonhomey: Cisco ATA186
05:10.07etfonhomeySo, did you dial 500?
05:10.43dacsnothing just dead air
05:10.59etfonhomeyYou have no Dial() application in your internal context for that extension.
05:13.15etfonhomeyShouldn't you have a Dial(SIP/phone1) if you want that phone to ring?
05:14.58*** join/#asterisk lzhang (
05:15.19lzhanghello, I just installed asterisk and set up a couple sip phones on the same lan
05:15.40lzhangis it normal to be hearing a .25 second lag in audio when talking between the two phones?
05:16.05dacsetfonhomey: now its Dialing after i add the Dial application, now i have to figure for the other phone to ring
05:16.21JTlzhang: your ears measured the 0.25 seconds?
05:16.33lzhangJT: it's a guess
05:16.47lzhanga noticeable lag not longer than half a second
05:16.57dacsand why did you choose .25 sec
05:16.57JTi'd say it's way off unless there's something wrong with your lan
05:17.03JTit's probably way less
05:17.09lzhangshould it be nearly instantaneous?
05:17.24JTsure but you will still hear an echo if you use echo test
05:17.29*** join/#asterisk mast3rpyr0 (
05:17.50lzhangI used one sip phone to call the other
05:18.08lzhangobviously the echo test will be delayed significantly
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05:18.14mast3rpyr0umm hey could i get some quick help
05:18.17JTwhy is it obvious?
05:18.19[TK]D-Fenderdacs, Your dialplan puts you in an echo test.  if you talk you don't ehar it echo'd back?
05:18.36dacs[TK]D-Fender: no
05:18.41lzhangbecause the point is to hear the audio come back, so the pbx should send it delayed instead of immediately as you are speaking
05:19.09mast3rpyr0what goes in the service provider part in the AsteriskNOW gui?
05:19.43lzhangis there a point to the nitpicking about my guesstimate numbers? all I'm looking for is an idea of what I should be expecting
05:20.00JTlzhang: absolute rubbish
05:20.07JTlzhang: asterisk sends packets back immediately
05:20.10dacs[TK]D-Fender: now when i call from my ATA to my x-lite, it will ring the x-lite and i can hear my voice in my PC speackes
05:20.16JTas soon as the audio comes in, it spits it out
05:20.27JTlzhang: the point is to test the latency of the network, etc
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05:20.33JTnot to make an artificial echo
05:20.43JTdon't make assumptions
05:21.01lzhangis that so
05:21.51lzhangwhen I tried the echo test I also heard the lag
05:22.10lzhangso maybe this indicates some sort of network issue, or configuration problem
05:22.53JTit indicates normal operation
05:22.59JTunless it was significant
05:23.56dacsetfonhomey: [TK]D-Fender : thank you guys, now i can call my ATA from my X-lite and vis versa
05:24.08dacstime to continue reading
05:24.17lzhangthat's my problem, what is a significant amount of delay
05:24.18etfonhomeydacs, I'm glad I could help.
05:24.35lzhangis .25 seconds significant
05:24.45etfonhomeydacs, because usually I don't.  I'm the one asking the questions. :)
05:25.48JTlzhang: i'm not sure, i have no idea what the intenal lag of ip phones are
05:26.03JT.25 seconds of network lag on a lan would be bad
05:26.15lzhangmight be the crappy test phones I was using
05:27.44JTwhat phones?
05:29.44lzhangcor-something; I'm not at the office and I can't recall the actual name at the moment
05:29.47*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (i=L_NUX@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
05:30.27mast3rpyr0does anyone know what to put in for service provider in the initial setup?
05:30.29lzhangI'll probably put the phones and server on the same switch instead of running through our physical network, make sure it's not any of the connections
05:30.45lzhangsee if that changes things
05:31.05lzhangprobably also test with xlite
05:31.23mast3rpyr0why would you need a service provider when your the server?
05:31.27dacsetfonhomey: lol, are you new too
05:31.41etfonhomeythrice new
05:32.03dacsetfonhomey: welcome to the club , hahaha
05:32.59mast3rpyr0soo.. is service provider important?
05:33.23dacsmast3rpyr0: if you want to make calls ...YES
05:33.38lzhangmast3rpyr0: if you want to make outbound calls to other numbers
05:33.45mast3rpyr0i though asterisk was the server tho.. i want to be my service provider...
05:34.46dacsmast3rpyr0: nope , asterisk, refered to here as (*) is a PBX
05:34.55dacsmast3rpyr0: you know what is PBX
05:35.23dacsmast3rpyr0: no no no, not (wtf) it is (*)
05:35.42mast3rpyr0what is the point of this software if it doesnt give me free calls
05:36.08dacsmast3rpyr0: if you slighly know what a PBX, do you expect to be a Service Provider?
05:36.28mast3rpyr0ya im trying to set up voip for the ipodtouch
05:36.48dacsmast3rpyr0: it make sense to us crazy people here
05:37.02JTmast3rpyr0: if you want to connect to the PSTN, you need a VoIP provider, or real phone lines.
05:37.59mast3rpyr0they should say that in the description.. i just wasted the last 5 hours of my life with this
05:38.19JTwhat the hell are you talking about?
05:38.27JTwhinge whinge whinge
05:38.35JTperhaps you should learn to read
05:38.48*** part/#asterisk lzhang (
05:38.58JTasterisk allows you to make free calls between people connected to your asterisk server
05:39.09JTit is a hybrid ip/tdm/etc PBX
05:39.10*** join/#asterisk lzhang (
05:39.23outtoluncit is *magic* <G>
05:39.24dacsmast3rpyr0: i see where you coming from , is it because it say "OpenSource PBX"?
05:39.38mast3rpyr0it was free so i tried it lol
05:39.49mast3rpyr0its not sip?
05:39.57JTit supports SIP
05:40.02mast3rpyr0but its not...
05:40.03dacsit support SIP
05:40.05JTbut it is not exclusively SIP
05:40.10JTit supports SIP
05:40.13JTwhat more do you want
05:40.16mast3rpyr0to be it
05:40.23JTSIP is a common voice over ip protocol
05:40.23dacsmast3rpyr0: what is SIP?
05:40.31mast3rpyr0what he said
05:40.34JTi think you need to learn what SIP is
05:40.38dacsmast3rpyr0: what does is mean
05:40.44JTmast3rpyr0: you clearly have no idea what sip is
05:40.59mast3rpyr0session initiats protocol
05:41.14mast3rpyr0you know what i mean
05:41.49mast3rpyr0what does a site liek use then?
05:41.49JTyou clearly don't know what it means if you think a voip pbx can
05:41.54ManxPowerunderstanding the words and understanding the design and concepts are two different things
05:41.54JTyou clearly don't know what it means if you think a voip pbx can "be sip"
05:42.04*** join/#asterisk AndyGraybeal (
05:42.04JTwho knows
05:42.05dacsmast3rpyr0: well the same way you used google, you can read the whole thing
05:42.14jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
05:42.22mast3rpyr0i read that
05:42.33Qwellno you didn't
05:42.35lzhangI read it 5 times
05:42.46mast3rpyr0why the hell would you do that..
05:42.46lzhangmemorized it too
05:43.02outtoluncmaybe he has no life <G>
05:43.04ManxPowera PBX can hav nothing to do with SIP and SIP can have nothing to do with a PBX and SIP and a PBX can work togather.
05:43.05JTmast3rpyr0: you would understand if you read it
05:43.26dacsJT: err sorry
05:43.49dacsJT is it possable that you can name is ~TheOnlyBook
05:44.00mast3rpyr0ok fine forget this, any idea where i can get a server
05:44.10JTdacs: that doesn't make sense
05:44.11ManxPowermast3rpyr0: is english your native language?
05:44.22dacslzhang: lol
05:44.24mast3rpyr0a voip server
05:44.34JTmast3rpyr0: then add asterisk
05:44.35mast3rpyr0that doesnt cost $400 liek this one
05:44.37dacsmast3rpyr0: then
05:44.46dacsthey are cheap too
05:44.59lzhangmast3rpyr0: imagine that you have a tv
05:44.59mast3rpyr0im running it from home on the computer i have
05:45.12lzhangjust because you have a tv doesn't mean you can watch anything
05:45.14ManxPowermast3rpyr0: Asterisk is not really a PBX.  It is a toolkit that allows you to build a PBX.
05:45.17lzhangyou still need to buy cable service
05:45.22mast3rpyr0i know more than you think i do..
05:45.24ManxPowerIf you want a turnkey PBX, you should not be on this channel
05:45.34JTsure, then what's the problem mast3rpyr0 ?
05:45.44ManxPowerThere are turnkey PBXs that use Asterisk, however.
05:45.44JTasterisk can be a voip server
05:45.49mast3rpyr0i want this free thats the problem
05:46.17mast3rpyr0not exactly that but same concept
05:46.35ManxPowermast3rpyr0: you want trixbox, asterisk gui, asterisk now, freepbx or some other Asterisk GUI
05:46.41JTmast3rpyr0: so you're too lazy to spend time working on asterisk and OpenSER yourself
05:46.55mast3rpyr0will * do it?>
05:47.00ManxPowerWe help people here learn asterisk, not learn guis or other products.
05:47.07drmessanoIt says it USES ASTERISK
05:47.23Qwelldrmessano: in like the second paragraph
05:47.25lzhangso is everyone in this chan usually so cranky
05:47.28drmessano"It is based on the Open Standard SIP Express Router (SER) and Asterisk."
05:47.38Qwelldo you really think he got that far? ;/
05:47.42ManxPowerlzhang: it depends on what questions are asked.
05:47.47drmessanoNO SPEEDA DE ENGLIS?
05:47.51JTlzhang: when they act really annoying and demandingly
05:47.57ManxPowerBut we tear people to pieces that don't want to learn
05:48.00*** join/#asterisk jblack (
05:48.16lzhangManxPower: that's the thing, I don't feel like that's something to be proud of
05:48.17mast3rpyr0if this will do what i want it to do ill learn it
05:48.50JTlzhang: but it is
05:48.57drmessanoIf someone wont HELP the people in here to HELP them, theyre NOT worth it
05:49.03JTlzhang: we deal with enough idiots in our day jobs, we don't need this
05:49.09ManxPowerlzhang: I didn't say we are "proud of it", but asking for a turnkey Asterisk solution on this channel is like asking to buy a fully functional car at an auto parts store.
05:49.10drmessano"But I dont wanna read"  "So why should WE HELP?"
05:49.22dacsjblack: wb
05:49.31ManxPowerYou'd get laughed out of the store or referred to a place that sells pre-assembled cars.
05:49.33jblackHere's my lesson of the day.
05:50.11jblackLet's say you're doing iax2 with a provider that you register with. Everything is _great_. Then somebody tries to call you on iax2, and he _swears_ you have a firewall. "Nah" you say, becuase the provider works FINE!
05:50.13ManxPowerHeck, we spent close to 18 months working with asterisk before we put our first asterisk server into production
05:50.23drmessanoEspecially if you find some damn webpage, come in here and ask "R AKERISK LIKE THIS?  HEP ME PEESE" when it says "ASTERISK" in flashy purple letter with sparkles
05:50.31ManxPowerjblack: you'd be wrong.
05:50.43jblackwell... before one gets _too_ insistent, check carefully for RELATED,ESTABLISHED to see if perhaps provider is getting a hidden exception.
05:50.51mast3rpyr0gah give me a minute im regiestering domains and talking to 2 other people and too much at once..
05:50.54[TK]D-FenderHey... I bought an AM radio.... anyone want to help me make a satelite? :)
05:51.06ManxPowerjblack: the new incoming connection is neither related or established.
05:51.17drmessano[TK]D-Fender: CAN AKERISK DEW THAT?
05:51.23jblack[TK]D-Fender: YOu did the hard part, and someone else should do the easy part of providing the rocket?
05:51.29dacs[TK]D-Fender: yep, get a big Dish and connect it to the radio
05:51.30lzhangManxPower: 18 months is a too long of a time, depending on how much you and your coworkers are being paid I think it mightve been better just to buy a solution form someone
05:51.31[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano, I'm quite sure dew would cause a short!
05:51.45ManxPowerlzhang: I didn't say we did it full time.
05:51.58drmessano[TK]D-Fender: R U NO SAY AKERISK DO, NO?
05:52.07ManxPowerThe Asterisk servers we have provide many more features than the existing turnkey pbxs we have.
05:52.16lzhangI can has VOIP?
05:52.17jblackManxpower: O RLY? K THX BYE
05:52.32Qwelloh, so...  when I get a car...
05:52.34drmessanoI CAN HAZ AKERISK?
05:52.37[TK]D-Fenderjblack, No No.. I have an AM radio... a receiver, not a transmitter, but how hard could it be..... oh yeah and it has to be VOIP and NUKE-ULAR!
05:52.38Qwellmy license plate is gonna be ICANHAZ
05:52.52jblackSome day I'm gonna get T-shirt that has O RLY on the front and K THX BYE!!! on the back
05:53.02[TK]D-Fenderjblack, already done...
05:53.24jblackNo doubt.
05:53.42ManxPower*sigh*  I just realized I forgot to bring my "No, I don't fix your computer" t-shirt with me on this trip.
05:54.11drmessanoI want a shirt that has "Trixbox" on the front and a silk screened "Kick Me" sign on the back
05:54.12jblackThat is pretty close.
05:54.13[TK]D-FenderManxPower, I like the dual-purpose "I read your e-mail" sysadmin shirt :)
05:54.24ManxPowerWhy anyone would say "OK, Surround sound, thanks" is beyond me.
05:54.32lzhangthe best part about using mac/linux is being able to say to windows users; shit, I don't know what's wrong with your comp man... I use linux myself
05:54.44ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I have that as a bumper sticker.  The users at my customers would take the t-shirt too literally.
05:55.07ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: Do you remember me saying that I fired a customer?
05:55.09jblackI had a problem with people thinking I was empathetic and nice at work...  So I wore a t-shit for a couple days that said "Am I pretending to care enough, yet?"
05:55.29Qwella couple days?
05:55.31Qwellin a row?
05:55.33drmessanoNo, the best part of using a Mac is the lifetime license to be an elitist ass**** on Digg.. the SECOND part is the bit about being better than Windows :)
05:55.34jblacksolved that problem. The whiners left me alone after that.
05:55.44lzhangjblack: maybe cuz you smelled
05:55.47Qwellthat wasn't why they stopped talking to you :p
05:55.51ManxPowerI don't fix computers, I fix networks. 8-)
05:56.00jblackqwell: yeah. Clothing washers work overnight, and it made sure people noticed it.
05:56.07lzhangManxPower: so you're saying you run cable
05:56.13[TK]D-FenderManxPower, Yeah I think so...
05:56.33drmessano"I dont fix computers, I fix people who use computers"
05:56.45lzhangI'm thinking about fixing my dog
05:56.48[TK]D-Fender"Guns don't kill people.... *I* kill people"
05:56.59drmessano[TK]D-Fender: I believe that ;)
05:57.11lzhangfrom shoot'em up: Guns dont kill ppl, but they sure help
05:57.20ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: Their new consultant migrated their domain to his servers, set up all their accounts for e-mail and told the previous provider to kill the domain and accounts on their server.  The consultant didn't realize the customer had all their e-mail hosted on an IMAP server at their previous provider.  All the customer's e-mail was lost.
05:57.29[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano, I think its time we bury the hatchet... you do know what a hatchet is don't you? ;)
05:57.30drmessano[TK]D-Fender is the Dexter of #asterisk.. Just taking out the trash
05:57.59[TK]D-FenderManxPower, IMAP woohoo!
05:58.07dacsjblack: mine says "DON'T HIT KIDS,no seriously. THEY HAVE GUNS NOW"
05:58.14*** join/#asterisk fuzzbawl (
05:58.43JTDexter is the best
05:58.48drmessanoYes he is
05:58.49ManxPowerI love IMAP.  Keeps you from having to migrate their e-mail to their latest computer.
05:59.00lzhangseriously guys, is sip phone to asterisk to sip phone supposed to be almost instantaneous audio???
05:59.02jblackYou can still hit kids with guns. You've just got to make sure the first whack really counts.
05:59.11lzhangI hate imap because it's slow
05:59.15ManxPowerWould that be Dexter the serial killer, or Dexter the 7-yr old boy genius?
05:59.18mast3rpyr0gah ok i think im gonna abandon this and save this project for someone who knows about phone protocols
05:59.26drmessanoNot IMAP 3000 miles away
05:59.30mast3rpyr0tahnks for your help and sarcastic remarks
05:59.37ManxPowerlzhang: My users can't tell the difference.
05:59.48jblackmast3rpyr0: Aww. I feel bad. Want a non-sarcastic comment/
05:59.50Shaun2222anybody know a why a incomming call on a zap interface wouldnt be able to join a queue?
05:59.51lzhangwhat if the phones are in the same room
06:00.15ManxPowerlzhang: then you could notice a delay, much like if you have 2 cell phones talking to each other in the same room
06:00.26lzhanghere's the real problem
06:00.37*** join/#asterisk Lawbringer (
06:00.43lzhangI have our old altigen system, and our new asterisk test box set up
06:00.44ManxPowerBut I've never heard of a delay being more than you would experience with a cell phone.
06:00.55lzhangthe president of the company comes in and complains about the delay
06:01.06lzhangI try it on our altigen shite, and it is instantaneous
06:01.08lzhangsame room
06:01.15lzhangnoticeable lag with the asterisk setup
06:01.23ManxPowerYou can usually shrink the jitterbuffer to reduce the delay or turn on reinvites (but that can cause a short delay just at the start of the call)(
06:01.25dacsjblack: "SL_T, all i need is U"
06:01.46jblack"AKERISK SUX0RZ! I want my 1 minute of googling back!"
06:01.48dacsjblack: that will be a nice gift for girl friend b-day
06:01.54Shaun2222wouldnt there always be a delay from the overhead of compressing/decompressing the audio?
06:01.56ManxPowerlzhang: I have no idea what an altigen is.  Some form of PBX, I assume.
06:02.11ManxPowerShaun2222: why compress/decompress the audio for calls on the same lan?
06:02.11jblackdacs: Not bad.
06:02.13lzhangManxPower: sounds like something I definitely want to try, thanks
06:02.29drmessano"I UNZAPED AKERSIK ON VISTA AND EXE NO CUM UP...... .... Y THIS??? "
06:02.34ManxPowerWe use ALL ulaw for phone<->asterisk calls.
06:02.43lzhangShaun2222: this is running over a local network, maybe I should run the least compressing protocol?
06:02.45ManxPowerAsterisk <-> Asterisk calls are usually GSM, I think.
06:02.47Shaun2222ManxPower: i figured all the codecs did some audio compression/encoding...
06:02.58*** join/#asterisk adker (
06:03.03ManxPowerShaun2222: ulaw/alaw is what the telcos use.
06:03.14jblackCompressing audio is a good thing. It makes my girlfriend sound skinny
06:03.15Shaun2222good to know.
06:03.17mast3rpyr0lol you guys must have no lives if your still going on about me..
06:03.18lzhangthe thing is I tried disallow all and allow ulaw in my sip.conf
06:03.23drmessanoLOL jblack
06:03.40lzhangbut watching the CLI I cant tell if it is actually running using ulaw
06:03.47Shaun2222jblack: lol, that sucks ;)
06:03.47mast3rpyr0go talk about your switches and fancy protocols that dont work like anything else
06:03.48jblackWell... if I had a fat girlfriend. Sadly, I don't even have _that_
06:03.48ManxPowersip show channels
06:03.54drmessanomast3rpyr0, you're just another n00b who doesnt read.. we've moved on
06:04.08lzhangok I will write this stuff down for tomorrow, thanks a lot for your help Manx
06:04.30mast3rpyr0lol doesnt look liek it
06:04.31lzhangjblack: what are you talking about fat girlfriends are awesome
06:04.32ManxPowerlzhang: feel flattered, I'm officially on asterisk support strike.
06:04.45lzhanghow magnanimous of you
06:04.56jblacklzhang: Sure, if you need to test your car's struts.
06:05.05mast3rpyr0but whatever, im getting outa freenode before i catch something
06:05.07drmessanoY R AKERISK NOT GUI?
06:05.08ManxPowerlzhang: you may bask in my magnificence
06:05.13jblackBad, if you need to take a right turn at speed.
06:05.23lzhangit's... so.. beautiful!!
06:05.32Shaun2222nice nick....
06:05.45jblackIsn't there a h9k reference in the code somewhere?
06:05.47ManxPoweroh, that's magnanimousnes
06:06.09drmessanoThat was a lousy SQL statement
06:06.12jblack./main/http.c:return ast_http_error(403, "Access Denied", NULL, "Sorry, I cannot let you do that, Dave.");
06:06.51[TK]D-FenderHAL : Hardware Abstraction Layer MY ASS!!!!!!!
06:06.53drmessanodrop table dumbshitmast3rpyr0said;
06:07.37Shaun2222hmm does the stupid linksys wifi phones not let you enter keys while on a call?
06:07.56jblackThey couldn't be that dumb.
06:07.59dacsShaun2222: why is that
06:08.00lzhangthe life of a php developer trying to set up asterisk is an arduous one
06:08.15Shaun2222dacs: it was a question...
06:08.19[TK]D-Fenderjblack, Linksys Wifi has no Transfer, conference and a whole host of other useful things...
06:08.23Shaun2222trying to go through a IVR using it.
06:08.35lzhangyou could make the dtf with your voice
06:08.40jblacksure, but no dtmf?
06:08.40dacsShaun2222: tellabs
06:08.45[TK]D-FenderShaun2222, And the lack of DTMF is because you didn't set the mode right
06:08.50Shaun2222[TK]D-Fender: this one has transfer and converence and line 2...
06:08.50drmessanolzhang: remember register_globals = very yes
06:08.52jblackThat doesn't even rise to the level of a $3.99 walmart phone.
06:09.11Shaun2222[TK]D-Fender: set the mode right where?
06:09.17[TK]D-FenderShaun2222, sip.conf
06:09.19lzhangset register globals ON
06:09.30Shaun2222register_globals is evil
06:09.37drmessanoYes it is
06:09.42[TK]D-Fenderjblack, just a bad mode choice...
06:09.42drmessanoVERY OFF NOW KTHBYE
06:09.50lzhangregister globals is like bareback sex
06:09.54lzhangAWESOME but DANGEROUS
06:10.31Shaun2222[TK]D-Fender: never had to do that before, but my other phones are polycoms... what do i need to set it to?
06:10.33drmessanoI was thinking "What does her husband coming home have to do with PHP?"
06:10.43drmessanoI got ya now
06:11.37[TK]D-FenderShaun2222, I suggest AVT on the linksys rfc2833 on *
06:11.40Shaun2222i wouldnt say register_globals being on is awsome... or like bareback sex... more like oh shit the condom broke
06:11.52Shaun2222whats his bitch have :)
06:12.14jblackYeah. turning on register_globals on is exactly like a condom. One small break, and you're fucked.
06:12.16lzhangfor a second there I thought your were insulting my gf
06:13.16lzhangok I'm outs thanks for the help guys
06:13.46jblackwhat's this? Sun is outsourcing itself?
06:15.30Shaun2222[TK]D-Fender: i need to set dtmf on the phone it self too?
06:15.30jblackApparently, they're gonna virtualize the data center, saving on machines.
06:15.55jblackPerhaps then they'll virtualize the virtualized machines, and then virtualize that.. Thereby causing Sun to collapse in on themselves, causing a black hole
06:16.24[TK]D-FenderShaun2222, I answered BOTH END on that one already...
06:16.28jblackdacs: Your authentication is wrong
06:16.37jblackSIP/2.0 407 Proxy Authentication Required
06:17.13[TK]D-Fenderjblack, not necessarily
06:17.14Shaun2222[TK]D-Fender: n/m i figured it out, i didnt need to change anything on asterisk... just needed to enable dtmf relay on the phone....
06:17.25[TK]D-Fenderdacs,  pastebin please...
06:17.40jblackHe put things up here:
06:18.55[TK]D-Fendertath same ting?  Thats jsut an echo test, the call is accepted and he's in the echo test.  Whats the issue?
06:19.01drmessanojblack: Is that like installing windows in a VM on an Asterisk box to install a softphone so it can call itself?
06:19.08jblackYeah, I may be wrong. His dialplan is executing
06:19.18AndyGraybealwhat is a fun softphone for linux?
06:19.22jblackdrmessano: No idea... but here's fun.
06:19.33drmessanoFun softphone?
06:19.43AndyGraybealyea, like exciting!
06:19.44jblackEarlier today, I considered hooking up accoustic modems over a couple * phones, to see if I could get a routable network.
06:19.44drmessanoWackyClownPhone 0.97beta is HILAAAARIOUS
06:20.00AndyGraybealyea, i'd imagine something like indiana jones phone would be awsome
06:20.05dacsjblack: i changed line 208 to exten => 500,1,Dial(SIP/phone1)
06:20.08jblackI could do *, over ppp, over * over ethernet. That would ROCK!
06:20.24drmessanojblack.. thats funny
06:20.39[TK]D-Fenderdacs, pastebin yuor extensions.conf ,"dialplan show", and the clie output of your next call
06:20.41drmessanoAsterisk Online ?
06:20.43Shaun2222how can i debug why i call cant join a queue... nothing in the console or full log is giving me any ideas
06:21.03[TK]D-FenderShaun2222, show US <-
06:22.35drmessano[TK]D-Fender needs a bot, Called "Pastebin_It_Now", so he can P-A-<TAB>
06:22.52[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano, I have a bot already!
06:22.55jbotsomebody said jbot was a hack!, or known to have only said one useful thing. a tool, or dating the fembots, or  [TK]D-Fender's b*tch
06:23.14jbot[TK]D-Fender is the Zen Master of the blatantly obvious, and #asterisk 's resident Google-proxy.
06:23.17jbot:), [TK]D-Fender
06:23.26drmessanoObviously your bot
06:24.00drmessanoIm almost certain you're one too.. and I had no clue that Alice had gotten so advanced
06:24.06drmessanoMust be running SVN or something
06:24.08[TK]D-FenderShaun2222, "show queue sales" and pastebin queues.conf
06:24.26drmessanoYep, SVN
06:24.36jblack0xb65fa173 in strlen () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/
06:24.50*** join/#asterisk neoalex (
06:24.56JTdrmessano: it's riker's bot
06:24.57jblackI'd say bad config file.
06:25.13neoalexhi guys, does the metermaid patch work for asterisk 1.2.24
06:25.43[TK]D-FenderShaun2222, Your queue has no valid members <-
06:25.52[TK]D-FenderShaun2222, it is a dea-end, no wonder it won't let people in
06:26.08Shaun2222bahh.. forgot joinempty = yes
06:26.12[TK]D-FenderShaun2222,   local/306 (Invalid) has taken no calls yet <--
06:26.31[TK]D-FenderShaun2222, there is a difference between "joinempty" and "joinhopeless" you know...
06:26.41jblackholy crap. ekiga does 2163 opens before it segfaults.
06:26.49Shaun2222wonder why it says local/306 is invalid
06:27.04jblack.gtk-bookmarks alone, no less than a dozen times
06:27.04[TK]D-Fenderjblack, darn.. I was sure it'd hit 3000 easy!
06:27.17[TK]D-FenderShaun2222, because you didn't specify...... a CONTEXT <-
06:27.38Shaun2222i just changed it to local/306@default
06:27.40Shaun2222same thing
06:27.42drmessanoZOMG, A CONTEST.. DID I WIN?
06:28.01[TK]D-FenderShaun2222, pastebin please... including dialplan.....
06:28.03Shaun2222[default] has exten => _3XX,1,Dial(SIP/306) also....
06:28.22Shaun2222which is ghetto i know... it's a test
06:28.37*** join/#asterisk jblack (
06:28.43jblackHuh. There was nobody in #akerisk
06:29.06[TK]D-FenderShaun2222, pastebin........
06:31.06dacs[TK]D-Fender: info you requested
06:33.28[TK]D-Fenderdacs, so whats the problem in there?
06:33.36*** join/#asterisk jblack (
06:33.38[TK]D-FenderShaun2222, All of the backup please...
06:33.49Shaun2222all of the backup?
06:35.13dacs[TK]D-Fender: now i want to bring in my voip provider
06:35.31Shaun2222fuckin a...
06:35.32[TK]D-Fenderdacs, So you weren't showing me a *problem*?
06:35.36Shaun2222[TK]D-Fender: n/m i figured it out
06:35.47Shaun2222i hit # instead of @ with teh member context
06:35.56[TK]D-FenderShaun2222, do be a lad and smite yourself justly! :p
06:36.35Shaun2222[TK]D-Fender: ya i'll take care of it :)
06:37.02dacs[TK]D-Fender: you asked for the info
06:37.26*** join/#asterisk jarod14 (
06:37.58[TK]D-Fenderdacs, I was told you actually had a problem...
06:38.08AndyGraybealhahha the freshmaker..
06:38.54dacs[TK]D-Fender: my problem is i want to get my provider in asterisk servcer now
06:39.20[TK]D-Fenderdacs, that isn't a problem, thats a nameless wish list.
06:39.54jblackWhere is dacs at? Did the previous problem get fixed?
06:42.13[TK]D-Fenderjblack, There wasn't one apparently
06:42.39[TK]D-Fenderdacs, Go read a guide on how to set them up.  when in doubt also look at how other ITSPs are set up.
06:44.15*** join/#asterisk Porks (n=Porks@
06:51.26Shaun2222QUEUE doesnt happen to set a env variable thats set to the queue name now would it?
06:52.21Shaun2222i need a way to get the queue name a call was received from to the member..
06:52.47Shaun2222right now i'm setting a __Var but that seams alittle ghetto.
06:57.47*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (
06:59.40drmessanoOk, next its my turn to set up an ITSP
06:59.46drmessanoLet me know when youre ready
06:59.56drmessanoNot add one, but I want to be one..
07:00.00drmessanoOn 768k DSL
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07:14.01tones95hey ya'all
07:14.14tones95can I ask a question I am sure/hope you hear a million times a day
07:14.34tones951 way audio, I think it's a nat issue, but don't have a non-nat machine to work with to verify at the moment
07:16.28mtryfossnat=yes enabled ?
07:18.09*** join/#asterisk Porks (n=Porks@
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07:21.41Shaun2222does a channel need to be answered in every context it's sent to?
07:24.08tones95mtryfoss nat=yes enabled
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08:02.42Shaun2222is it better to use | or , in the extensions.conf?
08:02.51nixguyShaun2222: it doesent really matter
08:02.57nixguywhen asterisk parses the config file
08:03.08nixguyit replaces all | with ,
08:03.11nixguyor viceversa :)
08:03.17Shaun2222ya i know they both work, but with how asterisk likes to depricate things...
08:03.43Shaun2222i would rather just use what it wants and be proper
08:04.23nixguysorry  bout that
08:04.32nixguyim still a noob so i can only tell you what i've read
08:04.45nixguyand and in my oreiley guide book they use ,
08:04.49nixguyin their examples
08:05.12nixguyeventhough they state that you can use |
08:05.31Shaun2222alot of the examples i see use , too
08:05.38Shaun2222i'll just use those i guess
08:05.47nixguythat will make the two of us!
08:06.00nixguyspreading ,,,, in asterisk land!
08:06.32Shaun2222that wasnt hard :)
08:06.41*** join/#asterisk xbmodder_ (n=Sargun@atarack/staff/sargun)
08:06.47xbmodder_I'm having one way audio issues
08:06.57Shaun2222now watch my extensions go hay wire
08:07.14xbmodder_With Gizmo
08:07.51xbmodder_I can hear the Gizmo user, they cannot hear me
08:08.00xbmodder_I am not behind a NAT
08:08.05xbmodder_or firewall
08:09.08Aursfrom sip.conf.sample: "; See doc/README.tos for a description of these parameters.
08:09.21Aursbut I can't find that file?
08:13.16*** join/#asterisk Alexandre_fr (
08:20.37drmessanoxbmodder_: Your box is on a public IP?
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08:29.18Federico2hi there
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09:16.18SinarAnyone know how to prevent extra INVITE packets being sent after a call has been forwarded? Seeing extra invites AFTER native bridging is established, but if I turn off 'canreinvite' the native bridging doesn't happen
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09:36.53SinarIf i do anything to stop the extra invite packets, it seems the native bridging fails, and even though the call is ACK'd and answered ok, there's no audio
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10:31.02jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
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11:32.36yangHow do I solve Jan 11 12:31:44 WARNING[13511]: app_dial.c:972 dial_exec_full: privacy: can't create directory priv-callerintros: No such file or directory
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12:32.54cjkhi, is there an application to send mwi messages to a user?
12:34.15ManxPowercjk: no.  What are you trying to do, send morse code?
12:34.44*** join/#asterisk jim`` (
12:34.48cjkManxPower, oh now, i just do not like the voicemail application in asterisk its far too complex. so i write my own in agi. now i want to send mwi
12:36.35ManxPowerI don't know about in 1.4, but in 1.2 and earlier there is no application to do that, however, you can just create the .msg and .txt files in the user's mailbox, asterisk will automatically turn the MVI on or off.
12:39.17*** join/#asterisk jochien1 (n=jochieng@
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12:39.52jochien1how can i upgrade 1.2 to 1.4 on etch
12:40.43choogaistirguys, i have one fu**n question about call queue and calls transfer which not in queue_log. Why? )))))
12:41.06ManxPowerjochien1: we don't really support prepackaged asterisk here.
12:41.28ManxPowerjochien1: read UPGRADE.txt in 1.2 and 1.4 source code, that should give you everything you need.
12:42.46mtryfossis it recommended to have the irqbalance deamon enabled or disabled when using zaptel ?
12:43.21jochien1ManxPower: i hope i keep my configs intact after the upgrade
12:43.41ManxPowerjochien1: I doubt you can, as some features in 1.2 have been removed or replaced in 1.4
12:43.55ManxPowerWhich is why I suggested you read UPGRADE.txt
12:44.28jochien1ManxPower: ok
12:46.09nixguydoes one want to upgrade to 1.4?
12:46.14nixguyis it "stable" enough?
12:46.37nixguya colleauge of mine constantly compalains about the spaghetti code of asterisk, but im no programmer so i cant really say..
12:48.27Alexandre_frasterisk 1.4 is stable, but you have to be carefull when you upgrade because some featurs change
12:49.46*** join/#asterisk cpm (n=Chip@pdpc/supporter/active/cpm)
12:49.49jochien1i only have basic configs n i dnt mind loosing any ;-(
12:52.17jochien1does 1.2 support IM services
12:52.35mvanbaakasterisk does not do IM
12:54.03*** join/#asterisk af_ (
12:54.37jochien1mvanbaak:  i meant SIP messaging
12:55.37puppetmvanbaak: doesnt asterisk support jabber?
12:57.38mvanbaakpuppet: it does, but only for some stuff
13:22.10*** join/#asterisk Cart- (
13:22.34Cart-any idea why asterisk segfaults in ubuntu 7.10 when trying to start it?
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13:28.41jblackAwesome. Now I'm part of a dundi network.
13:28.59creativxcrocodile dundi
13:32.53jblackHuh. My very first * call was December 24th, at 17:40pm.
13:35.57jblackI wonder why all my cdr logs say DOCUMENTATION
13:38.24[TK]D-Fenderjblack: .... RTFM :)
13:38.43jblackHeh. I should. :)
13:39.16*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
13:39.29jblackcorrection, I will
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13:40.02jblackMy bet is that it's a statement of being. I'm so full of wisdom, that any call I'm in qualifies as DOCUMENTATION
13:40.29mvanbaaklol yeah
13:41.52jblackahhh. amaflags.
13:42.28[TK]D-Fenderjblack: If they call them "wisdom teeth", then why aren't they smart enough to leave by themselves when its time?
13:42.52*** join/#asterisk shido6 (n=shido6@
13:43.02jblackGood question.
13:43.28jblackcmon book, tell me what automated message accounting flags does for me!
13:46.07jblackImagine. George bush and Lewis Monisky are setting up trysts on my conference line. Before I know it, Starr is at my door with a warrent.
13:46.42[TK]D-Fenderjblack: Lies... we both know "W" doesn'[t feel he NEEDS to issue warrants for stuf ;)
13:47.18jblackWhen it's his dirty laundry? Hell. I bet he thinks a warrent isn't good enough at all, when it comes to him.
13:52.39jblackBut first, I'm going to start the first national "Start smoking" hotline. How to get past the first smoke. How to buy in bulk. What diseases smoking protects against. One stop shopping!
13:57.25*** join/#asterisk jarod14 (
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14:04.05choogaistiranybody knows why transfered calls from agents not storing in queue_log as TRANSFER ? only COPLETECALLER/AGENT
14:06.16lirakischoogaistir: what version of *
14:06.59choogaistirlirakis, Asterisk 1.4.11
14:07.32*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
14:09.48[TK]D-Fenderchoogaistir: How are you transferring the call?
14:09.50lirakischoogaistir: and are calls transfered from the phone features?
14:10.45choogaistir[TK]D-Fender, lirakis, yep, cisco 7940 with sip firmware
14:11.06[TK]D-Fenderchoogaistir: You need to use features.conf DTMF transfers and the "tT" flags on app_queue
14:11.46choogaistir"tT" already set
14:12.01choogaistirand transfers work fine )))
14:12.36choogaistir[TK]D-Fender, but any information about calls transfer not storing to queue_log
14:13.19jochien1!classful routing
14:13.44[TK]D-Fenderchoogaistir: You CANNOT use the "transfer" button on your phone.  It must be via DTMF
14:15.47choogaistir[TK]D-Fender, hm, thats... if i wanna to log transfers, i must transfer calls via dtmf, not by button?
14:16.02[TK]D-Fenderchoogaistir: 3rd times the charm it seems.... YES
14:16.15choogaistirwtf? )))))))
14:18.15choogaistir[TK]D-Fender, where i can see it? google say nothing
14:18.33lirakischoogaistir: .. lol .. i mean.. how is * supposed to know what your phone is doing magically?
14:20.49*** join/#asterisk fiXXXerMet (
14:20.52choogaistirlirakis, i dont know, simply when i pressing "transfer", call transferin` )))
14:21.27[TK]D-Fenderchoogaistir: "Transfers of calls that are answered out of a queue must be done using Asterisk '#' transfers (enabled with the 't' option above). SIP transfers result in the Agent remaining affiliated with the call until its eventual termination, preventing that agent from being offered another call."
14:23.08choogaistir[TK]D-Fender, 10x
14:26.25davevg-btwtechis there a known limitation in AGI on setting a variable based on an asterisk function (specifically STAT)?
14:27.14*** join/#asterisk fordfrog (n=fordfrog@gentoo/developer/fordfrog)
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14:35.13[TK]D-Fenderdavevg-btwtech: Well, what happens when you try?
14:36.56davevg-btwtechsets it to the string instead of interpolating the results.. ie:  ${STAT(e,/var/lib/asterisk/sounds/c3/tts/test.ulaw)} instead of 1, 0 or null
14:37.11[TK]D-Fenderdavevg-btwtech: And when you try with any other function?
14:37.55*** join/#asterisk dundel (n=daniel@
14:38.23davevg-btwtechi've tried SET VARIABLE and EXEC SET with both the same results
14:39.01davevg-btwtechi can work around it by creating a shell script with an exit code and using system
14:39.34[TK]D-Fenderdavevg-btwtech: Shell Script?  You're already in AGI... what language doesn't let you do that from within its confines?
14:39.49[TK]D-Fenderdavevg-btwtech: And I asked about your use of a function BESIDES STAT
14:39.52davevg-btwtechusing fastagi, the agi script is not run on the * server
14:40.07[TK]D-Fenderdavevg-btwtech: Make sense
14:40.22*** join/#asterisk hmmhesays (
14:45.00*** join/#asterisk putnopvut (n=putnopvu@ doesn't seem to be responding.
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14:52.42[TK]D-FenderfiXXXerMet: What protocol?
14:54.02*** part/#asterisk dacs (n=haiger@unaffiliated/dacs)
14:54.17fiXXXerMet[TK]D-Fender: http
14:54.20*** join/#asterisk macros73 (
14:54.21fiXXXerMetAh, back up now.
14:54.38*** join/#asterisk JunK-Y (
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15:01.58fiXXXerMetQuestion about using realtime with MySQL.  I already have my system configured using static, flat files (the default way).  When I setup extconfig.conf and res_mysql.conf, how do the settings get from the flat files, into the database?
15:02.08fiXXXerMetAlso, need I manually create the database tables, or is there a script somewhere?
15:02.38*** join/#asterisk Blinkiz (
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15:04.57shido6you can write a perl script to do it quickly..... or u can enter them one at a time , muahaha
15:05.16shido6i think there is a script you can run to jump start your development
15:05.46fiXXXerMetOK, so I need to hand-enter the values, that's fine.   What about when I want to make changes - I'll directly update the database with sql, instead of changing the flat files, right?
15:06.01shido6i dont think you can use both
15:06.05lmadsenbasically the format of the static realtime tables is a column for each option
15:06.10mkl1525Hi, tried to use ChanIsAvail to check if an agent is logged in but that seems not to work. should this work or is there any other way to check if an agent is logged in or not?
15:06.11shido6unless you do a switch
15:06.14*** join/#asterisk nephfl (
15:06.17lmadsenand I think 'name' is the [name] part
15:06.42lmadsenfiXXXerMet: yes, you'll update the DB, then reload the appropriate module (as if it were a flatfile)
15:07.01nephflhello, I'm having some trouble with digitmaps and dialing back from caller there an easier way to get all this crap to work together?
15:07.11lmadsenmkl1525: chanisavail() will check to see if a channel is available
15:07.17fiXXXerMetI guess I'll end up writing a little web frontend for updating the values in the db
15:07.19lmadseni.e. in SIP, if it is registered, that is all
15:09.12mkl1525@lmadsen thanks thought that sip registration (I'm a phone and ready) would be similar for an agent (I'm an agent and wait) after login
15:09.36lmadsenno -- different things
15:09.52lmadsenChanIsAvail() just checks to see if the channel would be available to accept a call
15:09.56lmadsenAgents are different things
15:11.00*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki (
15:12.41nephflcould you use soft keys and zap barge to make asterisk behave like a key system?
15:14.08hmmhesaysahh key systems
15:14.48*** join/#asterisk dandre (
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15:18.27[TK]D-Fendernephfl: thats what *'s 1.4 fake SLA is for....
15:19.28jameswf-homeI like my SLA wit a little cole in the front and a W in the back
15:22.42*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (
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15:23.14ZaVoid370 active SIP channels
15:23.24ZaVoidDAMN asterisk lies!
15:24.01jameswf-homea misplaced decimal isnt a lie :)
15:24.17jameswf-homeasterisk -rx "show warranty"
15:24.27ZaVoidits only off by a bout 180 channels
15:25.09jameswf-homewell the specs allow up to 200 off so it is within the acceptible range
15:25.35*** join/#asterisk florinel (
15:25.45ZaVoid200 off?
15:25.48ZaVoidoh channels haha
15:26.14florinelhello guys.  does asterisknow beta 6 include all the addons?
15:26.41ZaVoiddunno bout asterisknow sorry
15:26.55jameswf-homeI wonder is the microsoft folks raise an eyebrow when I log in ti their oem site on linux...
15:26.58*** join/#asterisk AndyGraybeal (
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15:28.58florinelis there a good addon for asterisk that displays stats and dialplan info?
15:29.26hmmhesayswhat exactly do you want to see?
15:30.16mikkelWhen accessing I get "Nothing to see here. Move along. Asterisk Server", anyone know what is could be ? Have done all in the README file.
15:30.54mikkel"make checkconfig" give all OK
15:31.04jameswf-homeshow dialplan xyz
15:32.07florineli want to see call stats and maybe server/network stats also
15:32.17jameswf-homestep 1 you cut a hole in the box
15:32.41hmmhesaysstep 2 put your junk in the box
15:32.59jameswf-homestep  make her open the box
15:33.11jameswf-homeah hell
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15:38.48florinelanyone using a third party statistics addon with asterisk?
15:39.02jblackyou mean a cdr browser?
15:39.18florinelya or adhearsion
15:40.00jblackI went looking for about 15 minutes. I didn't see anything blatently obvious, but I didn't exactly look carefully
15:40.33florineltried cdr, but the install instructions are a bit vague
15:41.04florineldoesnt say if a db has to be created...    i bring it up on a browser and i get 404 errors and stuff
15:41.44florinelthere's no index.php and when i point to any other php filees for cdr firefox tries to save em instead of parsing them
15:42.21hmmhesaysasterisk-stat-v2 is ok
15:42.29hmmhesaysthats because your webserver is set up wrong
15:42.58florinelwell...the asterisk gui works fine
15:43.13florinelim assumin it's using the same webserver
15:43.14hmmhesaysasterisk gui doesn't use php
15:43.27hmmhesayshence, your webserver is set up wrong
15:44.31florinelany idea on what id have to do?  do i upload my asterisk-stat-v2 in //var/lib/asterisk/static-http?
15:44.33hmmhesaysin fact doesn't asterisk-gui use its own webserver?
15:44.51hmmhesaysif you use asterisk stat you need to install apache or something similar with php
15:45.17florinelinteresting that this linux distro doesn't come with all that
15:45.25hmmhesayswhat distro?
15:45.45florinelwelll it's asterisknow, i believe its built on either aslinux or centOS
15:46.01hmmhesaysdid asterisknow come with asterisk-stat-v2?
15:46.08fiXXXerMetHow do I manage things like variables and includes from the extensions.conf file, in a database (realtime)?
15:46.13florinelhad to download it
15:46.28hmmhesaysthen you need to install apache or something similar if it isn't installed along with php
15:46.39florinelk.  thanks
15:46.55hmmhesaysyum install httpd
15:47.05florinelno yum in here
15:47.10florinelor apt-get
15:47.13hmmhesaysits centos with no yum?
15:47.18hmmhesaysbah install yum
15:47.21*** join/#asterisk JaminCollins (n=jcollins@
15:47.31florineli think it uses conary for installs
15:47.46florineland not 100% it's centos
15:47.55florineluname -a dont say anything
15:49.08hmmhesaysditch it
15:49.24JaminCollinsI'm using cdr_odbc.conf to log cdr information to a MySQL DB and noticed in my testing that the first call of the day is not logged to the database table.  I assume this is due to the connection being idle for longer than MySQL's timeout value (8 hours).  However, is there a way to force asterisk to confirm the record was written or detect the insert failure and reconnect?
15:49.28hmmhesaysinstall asterisk on cent or debian
15:49.58hmmhesaysJaminCollins: whoa that is weird man
15:50.05jameswf-homeWords you should never hear together: I am a linux newb and want to recompile from source
15:50.27*** join/#asterisk pLr (n=bobo@unaffiliated/plr)
15:50.46hmmhesaysWords you should hear together: I am a linux newb and I want to pay you to teach my the ways of the geek
15:51.03JaminCollinsnot really weird, just the insert being lost due to the connection being idle for too long... the next insert succeeds...  so, it is reconnecting... but it's a problem to have a CDR insert lost
15:51.49florinelyea...the reason i use asterisknow is so that i have a quick install, so i can spend my time in setup
15:52.00hmmhesaysI guess you could do a dirty hack and have a script make a connection every once in awhile
15:52.06JaminCollinsI can increase the MySQL timeout, but that will only make the problem happen less frequently
15:52.22hmmhesaysI would lower it to next to nothing and figure out a fix
15:52.31hmmhesaysflorinel yeah that is a bad idea
15:52.43hmmhesaysyou want to know what is going on in the background
15:53.08jameswf-homethe real question is whats wrong iwith your server that makes it take solong to connect
15:53.13hmmhesaysJaminCollins: in fact its probably not asterisk specific I bet you can find a similar problem on google
15:53.22nephflso, there is no easy way to get all the digit maps call back from caller id to work consistently? just have to fiddle with it?
15:53.24JaminCollinsafaics the proper fix would be having asterisk reconnect and resend the insert again
15:53.26drmessanoWords you should never hear together: I installed Linux and I don't see it in the Start Menu
15:53.48JaminCollinsthe problem is all over google with the mysql timeout, the fix is to have your app detect and reconnect
15:54.06jameswf-homemy linux has a start menu or umm a k menu thats in the same location
15:54.09hmmhesaysdoes that problem exist with postgres?
15:54.37JaminCollinsunless postgres doesn't close its idle connections I would think so
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15:55.07lirakisdrmessano: lol
15:55.35lirakisi wonder why on earth anyone installs X on a server
15:55.38hmmhesaysI haven't had any problems with func_odbc or cdr_odbc and postgres
15:55.45lirakis.. maybe its not purely a server (shrug)
15:56.22drmessanoIs a server "A singularly tasked box for running mission critical daemons"
15:56.33JaminCollinstwo questions... how long does the server ever go idle between calls and are you absolutely certain all calls are getting logged to the DB?
15:57.09pLrlirakis: i use X on servers to have pretty graphs shown so that i feel important
15:57.16hmmhesaysI guess this server is nearly never idle
15:57.20hmmhesaysfor more than a couple hours
15:57.32hmmhesaysbut I'm definately going to test this now
15:57.37drmessanoIf the latter, X is probably fine
15:57.42JaminCollinsproblem will only happen with a default mysql configuration if it's idle for more than 8 hours
15:57.55hmmhesaysJaminCollins, in the mean time why don't you just script up something and have cron connect every few hours?
15:58.28drmessanoFor some, a "Server" means "The old laptop in the closet with Ubuntu on it"
15:58.29JaminCollinsnot sure that would work... since it's not asterisk's connection
15:58.40hmmhesayscron a call file
15:58.42lirakisdrmessano: dopewars.. hehe .. i remember playing that on my ti-81 calculator in highschool
15:58.53hmmhesayshaha ti-83 here
15:59.01drmessano<-- Palm IIIc
15:59.13AndyGraybeali always got kiilled in dopewars
15:59.29hmmhesaysI remember when they finally cracked the ti assembly code
15:59.31JaminCollinshmmm, a call file connected to a hangup script...
15:59.31AndyGraybealdrmessano: your really too funny
15:59.32hmmhesaysthen the games got cool
15:59.32drmessanoBest game ever.. it was good practice for my carrer
15:59.37drmessanoBest game ever.. it was good practice for my career
15:59.40drmessanoEh, nm
15:59.48hmmhesaysJaminCollins: sure
15:59.54lirakishmmhesays: bill nagel = genius
16:00.16drmessanoI remember "CRAP, ONE OF MY HO'S GOT SHOT"
16:02.05khronosAnybody have an Aastra 9133i they can give me the button layout on?
16:03.04*** join/#asterisk UnixDog (
16:03.21UnixDog1.24.17 is a thorn
16:04.19UnixDog1.4.17 that is
16:05.07AndyGraybealiax is pronounced 'eeks' LOL!@
16:05.56nixguyok a simple que4stion, im trying to learn asterisk with some tutorials, and i just cant get background() to work
16:06.04nixguywhenever i try to enter a digit
16:06.08nixguyi get an invalid extension
16:06.32nixguythe log doesent even say i pressed a number
16:06.35fiXXXerMetnixguy: ~book has good examples of that
16:06.40jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
16:07.14fiXXXerMetnixguy: Download the PDF and jump to page 127
16:07.26nixguyi am on page 127 :)
16:07.31nixguyim doing everything right
16:07.39nixguyi think
16:07.50nixguyis the manual for 1.4 or 1.2?
16:07.53nixguyim using 1.2
16:08.08UnixDogI thought 2ed was 1.4
16:08.12JaminCollinsthe book is for 1.4
16:08.15UnixDog1st ed was 1.2
16:09.24nixguyanyone with a link to the first edition?
16:09.59[TK]D-Fendernixguy: pastebin your dialplan and the CLI output of your failed attempt at verbose 10
16:10.01jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
16:11.01nixguyyou want it all or is [incoming] enough?
16:11.22[TK]D-Fendernixguy: I'd better see everything thats used in your CLI attempt and anything it links to
16:11.39JaminCollinshmmhesays:  originate Zap/pseudo application hangup
16:11.47*** join/#asterisk macros73 (
16:11.59JaminCollinsthat appears to do the trick
16:12.23*** join/#asterisk jmesquita (n=jmesquit@
16:13.01JaminCollinsmomentary blip on the CDR just enough to cause it to write a record and the channel would never be used for an actual real call so we can filter it out of our reports
16:13.04*** join/#asterisk h4lt (
16:13.11h4lthello people
16:13.14florinelhey guys....i was reading the manual and its getting confusing.  do i need both the [incoming] and the [employees] contexts?
16:13.39JaminCollinsdon't truly need either... it's all about what you want the system to do
16:13.42lirakisflorinel:  thats arbitrary
16:13.45florineli just wanna setup a simple peer to peer sip call centre
16:13.53lirakisflorinel: you can have whatever contexts you want
16:13.54florinelwith 20 users or so
16:14.04lirakisflorinel:  uhh... then you need to read a lot more
16:14.07jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
16:14.13florineli know, but everytime i touch my gui it makes changes into thew extensions file
16:14.21*** join/#asterisk jameswf (
16:14.23lirakisflorinel: what gui?
16:14.25florineland i have no idea what to include where anymore
16:14.34florinelthe asterisk gui
16:14.40florinelthe standard one
16:15.24lirakisflorinel: .. yeah .. if you make changes in the gui .. it changes your config... thats the idea of the gui
16:15.41florineli've read the book and i followed the samples
16:16.06florinelit always refers to this extension 123 which throws me off big time.  users have 101, 102, 103...etc
16:16.27UnixDogI hate 3 digit user extensions
16:16.35lirakisflorinel: .. re-read.. starting on pg. 119
16:16.54florinelwell..the manual referrs to 3 digit extensions.  i actually use 2 digits
16:17.51lirakisflorinel:  you are going to go down in a giant fireball that smells like poo .. if you dont read.. b/c right now ... its clear you need to do some more legwork ... im not trying to be a jerk... but you need to grasp the basic concepts before you can move on.
16:18.06lirakisflorinel: dont think about a call center right now..
16:18.07*** join/#asterisk variable_office (
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16:18.58florinelwell..i got phones working...i just wanna clean up the extensions file
16:19.33florineli just wasnt sure on what this 123 extension was for, thats all
16:20.13lirakisflorinel: .. again .. thats "arbitrary" .. it is just an extension ..
16:20.40lirakisflorinel: pastebin your extensions.conf
16:20.45lirakisflorinel: the whole thing
16:20.48jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
16:20.57florineli wish the book was a bit more consistent.  up until pg 119 its talking about an internal context and after 119 about the incoming context
16:21.26lirakisflorinel: .. you need to understand contexts !!!!!
16:21.38florinellirakis: sorry i got u mad dude
16:21.53florineldo i need to download postbin for this?
16:21.55lirakisflorinel: the names of contexts are arbitrary.. the are associated with peers/friends/users
16:22.01variable_officeI am having problems with bad voice quality, I am trying to trace down the issue; the user is not behind nat, i am running 1.4.11; pinging the ata from the asterisk box doesn't result in high or jittery pings, about 10ms +- 2ms; any ideas on other things i should check? also, is there a good utility out there for diagnosing problems like this? or should i just keep using a combination of ping and ping -f ?
16:22.05*** join/#asterisk Lawbringer (
16:22.16lirakisflorinel: did you even click one of the links?
16:22.19florinellirakis: u want the file in private?
16:22.20jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
16:22.31*** join/#asterisk angeldavid (n=angeldav@nelug/coreteam/pepo)
16:23.28hmmhesaysthere is an #asterisk-now channel
16:23.47lirakisflorinel: internal is a context (that the book defines .. the name is arbitrary .. it could be [bob]) that its peers are members of... this means when a user picks up a phone.. their call will start processing in the [internal] context
16:24.04florineli see
16:24.57lirakisflorinel: [incoming] (again name doesnt matter .. could be [asdafs]) is what the book defines sets for the context of the peer that will be reciving inbound calls (from a provider) .. so inbound calls will start processing in that context
16:25.06lirakisflorinel: now go read the book
16:25.16lirakisflorinel: and play around on a smaller scale
16:26.08florinelwill do
16:26.18variable_officei had read at one time that you needed to setup a false zaptel interface if you dont have any real zaptel interfaces so that the timings are right, do i need to do this maybe?
16:26.20florineli got my extensions.conf in pastebin
16:26.25florinelwanna have a look at it?
16:26.36*** join/#asterisk vetetix (
16:26.52lirakisflorinel: ... well you dont really have a specific question .. so unless you do.. no not really
16:27.57florinelwell..i am wondering if things are correct in it
16:28.12florinelor if iam duplicating things
16:28.23florinelhave a look pls
16:29.43florinelmy question is: my [phones] context containing all my sip users...are the includes in that correct?
16:31.03florinellirakis: lemme know if u're havin a look or if i should just mind my business
16:31.11lirakisflorinel: its pretty much an incoherent mess.. i suggest you join the #asterisk-gui channel
16:31.29florinelincoherent mess...   hmm
16:31.43florinelactually i've seen uglier samples, but thanks
16:31.44lirakisflorinel: i mean there is stuff in there you def. dont need... stuff that .. is not properly implemented (VM)
16:32.04lirakisflorinel: i mean .. what is [phones] ??
16:32.06florinelvoice mail works great thos
16:32.26florinelin my sip.conf, each user has context=phones
16:32.27lirakisflorinel: so .. you were planning on adding a line for every vm account you have?
16:32.56florinelwell i use the vm macro, so a line per user would have been ok still..
16:33.51*** join/#asterisk `paul (n=aldee@
16:34.01florinelill only have up tp 30 users
16:34.02lirakisflorinel: its .. not good... i mean..  you dont use [incoming] at all from what i can see
16:34.10lirakisflorinel: trust me.. its not the right way
16:34.35*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (n=arodgers@
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16:34.42florineldo u have a few tips?  i mean i wanna reinstall and start fresh, but i fear that if i follow the book ill end up in the same spot
16:34.47`paulif a call enters a queue how can i know which agent(extension) received the call.... i need to append it to the voicelog file name
16:36.01lirakisflorinel: voicemail(${CALLERID(num)})
16:36.19snuffie16anyone know where to get install instruction guide for 1.2?
16:36.40lirakispaul: queue_log .. possibly from dstchannel in cdr .. but thats not really reliable
16:37.10*** join/#asterisk maldous (
16:37.11`paullirakis: how about the sip extension that answerd the call?
16:37.36lirakisflorinel: start fresh.. but the book isnt a howto implement "insert what you want here" ... its a guide .. to show you how things work.. so you can understand and implement them yourself
16:38.01lirakisflorinel: and again.. start small ... youll shoot yourself in the foot 100 times if you try to implement a call center right now
16:38.16*** join/#asterisk mascool (
16:38.17maldousdoes anyone know if there's a *free* iax/sip/skype solution available today?
16:38.28florinellirakis: see something like exten => 11,1,Macro(voicemail,${TEST1}) cannot be replaced with what u suggested, because this is calling to a macro for the voicemail app
16:38.55mascooldoes anyone know how to fix this error: an_sip.c:8165 check_auth: Correct auth, but based on stale nonce received from
16:39.04mascoolthe phone does not register
16:39.29florinellirakis: it is small, im just testing 2 softphones untill everything is good, then we'll have 20 or so users - which is still small
16:40.01lirakispaul: ... check eparam1 from queuelog
16:40.51snuffie16is there a channel for 1.2?
16:40.53florinellirakis: for a simple setup like mine...u need general, global obviously + incoming, outgoing, internal extensions.  right?
16:40.58florineli mean those are a must
16:41.17florinellirakis: not extensions sry..i meant contexts
16:41.52*** join/#asterisk tsearle (
16:41.52lirakisflorinel: .. sigh .. exten => *97,1,VoicmailMain(${CALLERID(num)}@yourcontext) ...
16:42.07lirakisflorinel: we are done .. go read ..
16:42.52lirakisflorinel: and go to #asterisk-gui next time
16:42.58mascoolanyone ?
16:43.46*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
16:44.28florinellirakis: ok...let's make sure u dont start sweating
16:44.29snuffie16can anyone steer me towards help with asterisk- ?
16:44.36`paullirakis: so theres no way to append the extension in real time to the file name of the voice log?
16:45.09florinellirakis: thanks for the huge efforts u've put in support in the last 10 minutes.  Goes a long way
16:45.52lirakis`paul: are you on 1.2?
16:46.28lirakismascool: post the right error.. thats a botched copy paste ... whats your network latency?
16:46.54*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
16:47.06mascoolthis is only happeneing to some phones, not all, behind the same nat, asterisk has public ip
16:47.56fiXXXerMetI am getting "No application 'MeetMe' for extension (tvicorp, 555, 1)" when I try to access my voicemail.  The extension is under the [tvicorp] context and in meetme.conf I just have conf => 555
16:48.35lirakisfiXXXerMet: why are you using meetme ... for vm?
16:48.51fiXXXerMetWhen I try to access my conference rooms
16:48.52*** join/#asterisk lzhang (n=lzhang@
16:49.30lirakisfiXXXerMet: pastebin extension.conf
16:49.46lirakisand meetme.conf
16:49.52lzhangJT: I've identified the echo issue as feedback from my handset on this "cortelco" ip phone
16:51.53*** join/#asterisk oej (
16:51.56fiXXXerMetlirakis: Do I need to do MeetMe(@tvicorp) or something?
16:52.06*** join/#asterisk zeppelin_ (
16:52.58lirakisfiXXXerMet: Meetme(555)
16:53.41fiXXXerMetSame thing.
16:53.50fiXXXerMetNo application 'MeetMe' for extension (tvicorp, 555, 1)
16:53.59lirakisfiXXXerMet: Meetme(555|c)  will announce the number of callers when you enter
16:55.02lirakisfiXXXerMet: did you compile meetme?
16:55.15lirakisfiXXXerMet: 1.4 doesnt do it by default
16:55.29fiXXXerMetThat would be the problem.
16:55.32lirakisfiXXXerMet: type show modules
16:55.35lirakisat cli
16:55.46*** join/#asterisk redback (n=kieran@
16:55.52jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
16:56.20maldousdoes anyone know someone here who uses skype with asterisk?
16:56.41fiXXXerMetlirakis: Not there.  Looks like I also need a "zaptel timing interface"
16:57.20lirakisfiXXXerMet: yeah you need ztdummy for conferences if you have no cards
16:58.48lirakismaldous: ive heard of Chanskype .. but i dont know much about it
16:59.37jameswfI need a to use on my home system
16:59.42maldouslirakis: i'm starting to think there's no 'free' solution.
16:59.48maldousi see there's a bounty for it.
17:00.10lirakisjameswf: lol
17:00.29*** join/#asterisk nclx (
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17:01.26lzhangare there any echo cancellation plugins for sip -> asterisk -> sip calls?
17:01.28jbot[~skype] Skype is a free VoIP software and service using a closed client and propritary protocol.  Only commercial channel drivers exist, all of which are poor implementations of convoluted hacks. In general, forget about using Skype with Asterisk...
17:02.12*** join/#asterisk qdk (
17:02.12c4t3lgreetings, can anyone point me to a detailed explanation of the output of the "pri show span n" command
17:02.27[TK]D-Fenderlzhang: No.
17:02.30lzhanglirakis: I'm looking at that page already, it seems to be all zaptel related stuff?
17:03.02nclxI have an asterisk server behind NAT (unfortunately no choice), it is registered via SIP to, I can call internal phones no problem, if I try to call out through broadvoice it rings the phone, however when they answer neither party can hear audio, I know this is an RTP issue with NAT.  What is recommended, I have set on my [] context in sip.conf: nat=yes externip=myexternnatip localnet=asteriskboxip, I forwarded 50
17:03.03lzhang[TK]D-Fender: thanks, I guess my only recourse is to use a higher quality ip phone with less leakage?
17:03.46[TK]D-Fenderlzhang: What do you have now?  And what is on each of of this SIP -> SIP you're talking about?
17:03.47puppetgod i dont want to write a realtime edit thing... anyone know any simple editthing for mysql where u can save queries? or wait i can use the windows thing, if i just rememebr the name
17:03.49variable_officewhat features of asterisk have a required pre-requisite of a zaptel channel?
17:04.03[TK]D-Fendernclx: Go read this now :
17:04.05jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT :  otherwise check the WIKI at
17:04.26[TK]D-Fendervariable_office: Meetme, Page, IAX2 Trunking
17:04.29lzhang[TK]D-Fender: 2 cortelco phones connected to an asterisk box all on the same network
17:04.45[TK]D-Fenderlzhang: Coretelco = analog?
17:04.50lzhangno, they're IP phones
17:05.05[TK]D-Fenderlzhang: Ok, then they suck.  Tweak them if you can, replace them if you must
17:05.06nclxvariable_office meetme will work, but the admin commands in the meeting will not
17:05.28[TK]D-Fendernclx: No, without a zaptel timing source Meetme will not work at all.
17:05.29variable_officeok, but sip shouldnt have a problem right?
17:05.42c4t3lare there any old-school telco dudes here?
17:05.46nixguyvariable_office: zip works fine
17:05.48[TK]D-Fenderc4t3l: plenty
17:07.00c4t3lI didnt mean to ask a newB question, I just want to learn more about what I'm seeing with the "pri show span n" commands
17:07.07variable_officeI am having some problems with sip skipping and being overall crappy, but the network from the asterisk box to the user has no nat and the ping times are good 8-12ms; any ideas on what else I could check?
17:07.19*** part/#asterisk florinel (
17:07.26c4t3lI've got a telco disputing with my equipment saying that it is mis-configured
17:08.13c4t3lits my inderstanding that if telco is providing pri to my box then I set it on "pri_cpe" in zapata.conf
17:09.15[TK]D-Fenderc4t3l: pastebin your zaptel & zapata
17:09.26nclxis it possible to specify multiple localnet's for a context?
17:09.29c4t3lhold plz
17:09.34*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (n=dennis@
17:10.36nclxnever mind I found that it is
17:11.01[TK]D-Fendernclx: You don't specif localnets for your PEERS (stop calling them "contexts"), this is for your * server only, and belong under [general]
17:11.57c4t3l[TK]D-Fender: plesae see
17:13.53maldous[TK]D-Fender: thx
17:14.02maldousis there anyone here from digium?
17:17.01c4t3lIs there a good book someone could point me to to learn more about PRIs ISDN and the ilke?
17:17.18lirakisc4t3l: t1 survival guide
17:17.23lirakisc4t3l: oreilly
17:17.30c4t3lsweet, thanks
17:18.16[TK]D-Fendermaldous: just ask your question
17:18.24*** join/#asterisk Dr{Who} (
17:19.00[TK]D-Fenderc4t3l: bchan=4-23 should be bchan=1-23
17:19.27[TK]D-Fenderc4t3l: and channel=>4-23 as channel=>1-23
17:19.39*** join/#asterisk Victor_Yure (n=aaa@
17:20.07c4t3l[TK]D-Fender: my telco requires that it be that way, they broke out their channels all screwy and it absolutely didn't work the "defualt" way
17:20.40[TK]D-Fenderc4t3l: What signalling did they provision you for exactly?
17:22.39c4t3lthe first four channels were broken out as single lines going to an Adtran 608
17:22.49pLrdoes anyone have a cheap voip provider w/ callerid spoof on and unlimited minutes?
17:24.03[TK]D-Fenderc4t3l: Waitasec... are you sure that adtran is spitting PRI back out to * and not CAS?
17:24.17[TK]D-FenderpLr: "Would you like fries with that, sir?"
17:24.29Dr{Who}easy one.. the term used to refer to a device that has sip/ethernet on one end and a fxs port on the other.
17:24.32outtoluncpull up to next window <G>
17:24.47_ShrikEDr{Who}: ATA
17:25.17lirakishmm... im monitoring some agent calls.. and i hear what sounds like an AC hum .. and some "blipping" .. like little jitters here and there
17:25.25c4t3l[TK]D-Fender: the adtran 608 is splitting those first 4 to a 66 block the remaining to go to b channels
17:26.18[TK]D-Fenderc4t3l: then you should not be using PRI signalling if they're all "b"'s
17:26.33c4t3lwell there is a D on 24
17:28.48[TK]D-Fenderc4t3l: not if they're all "b"'s' it isn't
17:29.41[TK]D-Fenderc4t3l: I doubt it can split off 4 as CAS and still leave a D on 24 for the others... thats whacked... usually your 100% PRI or not.
17:29.44*** join/#asterisk ddunavant (
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17:30.39c4t3lthe carrier is Logix communications out of Houston TX
17:30.40outtolunci'd like to know how he got the signal back out.. i think the 608 only has a eth port and a v.35 'going out'
17:30.55*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (n=anonymou@
17:31.13Dr{Who}i have seen fxs refered to as station or subscriber.. what is more common?
17:32.16outtoluncunless he got the optional dsx-1
17:32.54nDuffDr{Who}: I've seen station more often.
17:33.12c4t3lthere are 2 t-1s inbound, one for data the other for voice, but the splitout is very uncommon eh?
17:33.43outtoluncwhat is 'uncommon' is the *multiprotocol* pass through
17:34.22outtoluncmeaning, once the 608 takes a PRI and breaks it out to B's it will then pass B channels (E&M) to the next deviec
17:36.01lirakisdoes any one know of a "simple" jitter test tool
17:36.05[TK]D-Fenderc4t3l: I've never seen one that takes in PRI/24, spitting out CAS/4 + PRI/19
17:36.43[TK]D-Fenderouttolunc: Nobody said E&M did they?  Or is this your more intimate knowledge of this aprticular model?
17:37.24outtoluncjust my dealing with 'other' multiprotocol channel banks
17:37.28outtoluncnot this one
17:43.54*** join/#asterisk atisss (n=atisss@
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17:46.09jameswfem is ass
17:46.42jameswfem(o) the signalling method that should kill it's self
17:47.48outtoluncon the optional DSX module the choices (i see) are ESF or SF, and B8ZS or AMI, nothing for determining timing on that one.. so i would try setting the asterisk box to pri_net
17:48.14outtolunc(if using the ESF/B8ZS obviously)
17:48.44outtoluncif that doesn't work, just use SF/AMI and LS and set asterisk to E&M
17:49.39jameswf<cough> our channelbanks auto configure </cough> :)
17:50.16outtoluncsee appendix D
17:51.42*** join/#asterisk vrtk (n=bb@
17:53.47UnixDogI keep getting bus error core dumbs with asterisk 1.4.17
17:55.20kusznirIs there some where I can go get/look at the asterisk sample config files?  My installation didn't come with them.
17:55.41nclxWell I found my NAT problem, asterisk is set to use RTP on 10000:20000UDP, which was allowed through my firewall but apparently broadvoice is requesting RTP on ports up in the 28000 range, so I had to allow UDP through 10000:31000 through my firewall and now it works, thanks for the links [TK]D-Fender
17:56.06nDuffUnixDog: turn on core dumps. recompile with debug symbols if necessary. use gdb to get a stack trace. where's it happening?
17:56.59UnixDogwell it gets to the cli sits there for 5 min the core dumbs with bus error
17:57.11UnixDogbut ok will recompile
17:59.13*** part/#asterisk dandre (
18:00.07nDuffUnixDog: well -- if you're getting a core dump, you can use that to do a backtrace in gdb already. Won't do much good if your build doesn't have debug symbols enabled, but can't hurt to check if you don't know if they're on or not.
18:03.25lirakiskusznir: make samples
18:04.10lirakiskusznir: pg 48 of
18:04.13lirakis~the book
18:04.30jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
18:04.44drmessano-LTJAHHH!!! KDE 4.0 was released.. time to go upgrade my PBX
18:04.52lirakisha ha
18:05.28mvanbaakdrmessano-LT: while you're at it, please fix pbx_kdeconsole.c
18:05.35lirakisi wish ubuntu standardized on kde instead of gnome .. but (shrug)
18:05.44drmessano-LTKubuntu lol
18:05.55*** join/#asterisk murdmath (
18:05.56lirakisthen we could all run ubuntu kde pbx's
18:06.27drmessano-LTUbuntu + Asterisk + KDE = VoIP 2.0
18:06.33lirakisha ha
18:06.35jameswfI wonder when my distro will release it... the rc kinda sucked kde4 is verry vistaish
18:07.18drmessano-LTUbuntu + Asterisk + KDE + Ron Paul on a Mac = Digg frontpage
18:07.23lirakisjameswf: your distro ? .. like ... "my island" ?
18:07.49jameswflike pen island
18:08.25lirakiskastarbu he he
18:08.41drmessano-LTmuja muja to you too
18:08.54lirakisuhh.. i think its time for lunch soon.. my brain is obviously out of fuel for which to function good
18:09.43jameswfI keep trying to upgrade to internet 2.0 but it says some crap about dont be a moron
18:10.56lirakisheh heh
18:11.20[TK]D-Fenderkusznir: "your installation"?  How did * get installed on your system?
18:11.35*** join/#asterisk mintee (
18:11.49minteewhat's a good SIP service provider for home use in the US?
18:12.28hmmhesaysitsp's suck
18:26.31hmmhesaysinternet telephony service provider
18:26.35mockerI use Vitelity and have had good lukc.
18:26.50pLrteliax is great
18:26.51hmmhesaysmocker: I've had problems with there 1+ terminations this week
18:27.35mockerhmmhesays: I've been out of town this week, that's not good though.
18:27.46mockerDid teliax ever decide to offer e911?
18:27.47hmmhesaysI changed to voipjet this week
18:27.54hmmhesaysfor my outbound routing
18:28.24hmmhesaysI'm actually working on a script to dynamically change my providers based on a few routing metrics
18:32.05lirakishmmhesays: like what kind of metrics?
18:32.16*** part/#asterisk ddunavant (
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18:37.38jboti heard voipsex is NOTICE[6151]: File chan_sip.c, Line 5074 (handle_request):core dump
18:38.11Qwelljust wow
18:38.46minteepLr, it's interesting that teliax can't even create a website that works.. I donno how i feel about them being my itsp.
18:40.37fiXXXerMetAfter I install ztdummy, need I recompile asterisk?
18:42.13[TK]D-FenderfiXXXerMet: yes
18:44.31*** join/#asterisk bhima (n=gopi@
18:46.20*** join/#asterisk oej (
18:46.23bhimaIs it worth getting echo cancellation on a T1 card? Can I do that in software if I don't have a heavily loaded box?
18:46.41Qwellbhima: it's often a good idea to get hwec, if you can
18:47.01Qwellthere are swec's in zaptel though
18:48.10bhimaQwell: Are they poorer quality, or more latency, or do they just suck a lot of CPU...?
18:48.31Qwellnot sure about latency, but the first and third are pretty true
18:49.05drmessano-LTIts also about where youre applying it in the chain too
18:49.18drmessano-LTMay as well nip it at the source then to try to DSP it out later
18:49.50bhimaOk, thanks. In the past I've seen hardware accelerators that got obsolete quickly as computer CPUs got faster. Hardware compression for Stacker was only worth using for a year or so...
18:51.01*** join/#asterisk fiXXXerMet (
18:52.09*** part/#asterisk maldous (
18:52.29drmessano-LTPop on, pop off echo cancellation on a card would rock
18:52.41drmessano-LTWhich I am sure someone is gonna tell me already exists
18:55.18bhimaWhere does the echoing on a PRI come from?
18:55.39*** join/#asterisk atomicd (
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19:02.54hmmhesaysfrom a pri plugged into a voip gateway terminated to an analog pstn line
19:06.49bhimaI'm using Ethernet phones and going to a CISCO IAD device that is generating the PRI locally.
19:07.07JaminCollinsthat's enough to get echo
19:08.10bhimaWhere in that loop is the echo coming from, then...?
19:09.14JaminCollinsprobably happening at the conversion between the PSTN and VoIP networks
19:09.27JaminCollinsbut that's just speculation on my behalf... it is the likely point though
19:11.35bhimaRight now AIUI the signal path is VoIP ethernet phone via SIP to Asterisk, via PRI to Cisco IAD2431, via SIP to something at NuVox HQ, via PRI to PSTN.
19:11.47bhimaI need to find out if NuVox will just let me do SIP straight to them.
19:12.31*** join/#asterisk ZaVoid (
19:12.36bhimaI poked around on the Cisco box but wasn't able to extract the SIP credentials from it.
19:13.19*** part/#asterisk snuffie16 (
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19:20.55_ShrikEbhima: NO
19:25.16*** join/#asterisk jeally-bean (
19:27.33*** join/#asterisk UCFmethod (
19:30.26*** join/#asterisk theHub (n=theHub@
19:30.50*** join/#asterisk FlatFoot (n=chatzill@
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19:33.24metfan2007Hi all, do you know if some h323 driver has transfer capabilities?
19:33.58UCFmethodI am getting the following error when trying to run 'make menuconfig' for zaptel-  "Install ncurses to use the menu interface!"  I have the following 2 rpm's installed  ncurses-5.5-24.20060715 and ncurses-devel-5.5-24.20060715 on a CentOS 5.1 box
19:34.12UCFmethodwhat gives?
19:35.24[TK]D-FenderUCFmethod: You need libncurses
19:35.51*** join/#asterisk _jwd_ (
19:36.04_jwd_hello there
19:36.49UCFmethod[TK]D-Fender: curious why asterisk doesnt seem to need the same package to run 'make menuconfig'
19:36.49*** join/#asterisk G-nerd (
19:36.49_jwd_hey UCF
19:36.49G-nerdHello my best friends!
19:36.57_jwd_I am a little confused on something
19:36.58UCFmethod_jwd_:  hey
19:37.22metfan2007I'm working right know in a Avaya H323 Asterisk integration, I can start calls from Avaya phone to H323 trunk, but Avaya sends messages about "codec mismatch", and Asterisk does not show any error in CLI, any idea? I just enable all codecs in ooh323.conf "allow=all"
19:37.40_jwd_you need to have a T1 to create a voip phone setup
19:37.43G-nerdjwd, you are confused? why? you should be happy
19:37.46_jwd_and if so you need to have the card
19:37.54G-nerdiz there a girl involved?
19:37.57*** join/#asterisk K1W2U3 (n=K1W2U3@unaffiliated/K1W2U3)
19:38.05_jwd_I am happy, I have been reading and reading and can't figure out my answer
19:38.17G-nerdwhat is the question?
19:38.17_jwd_which in turn means I am asking the wrong question or a lame one
19:38.29G-nerdI just got in here
19:38.44_jwd_in every case for asterisk setup you need a T1 card?
19:39.04nDuff_jwd_: no.
19:39.12_jwd_okay so when would you
19:39.15_jwd_and when wouldn't you
19:39.22nDuff_jwd_: if you're getting a PRI from the phone company, you need a phone card.
19:39.23G-nerdwell I am not familiar with that card, but it depends with what you want
19:39.40nDuffs/phone card/t1 card/
19:39.44outtoluncin every other case that doesn't require t1 connectivity to the PSTN or some other PBX/chanbank
19:39.46nDuff_jwd_: if you're connecting to most channel banks, you need a t1 card
19:40.11nDuff_jwd_: otherwise, if you're doing all VoIP or connecting to POTS through equipment that does SIP, you don't need one.
19:40.24G-nerda PRI is like ISDN PRI? right?
19:40.28_jwd_so to connect to a POTS channel bank you would need the card
19:40.28*** join/#asterisk thinko (
19:40.33_jwd_yes G-Nerd
19:40.40UCFmethod[TK]D-Fender:   make menuselect solved it... go figure
19:40.53nDuff_jwd_: most channel banks, yes. There are some that are USB, but I don't think I'd trust them.
19:41.19G-nerdwell if you have such a ISDN connection, than there is no other choise, unless you switch to another type of interface/connection
19:41.35_jwd_so technically 1 FXS card and 1 FXO card
19:41.50_jwd_would be suffucient using say Comcast Business
19:41.58_jwd_no t1
19:42.14nDuff_jwd_: I'd just buy a SPA-2100 or such in that case, personally.
19:42.27nDuff_jwd_: not as reliable faxing as using a PCI device, but much more convenient.
19:43.01G-nerdanyway, the point is, you need something to convert T1 to a connection which Asterisk can use on a pc
19:43.29_jwd_you need the t1 card if you got a t1 from the phone company
19:43.35_jwd_Comcast = Cable company
19:43.39_jwd_not a t1
19:44.06_jwd_I guess my main question would be what is the reason for the t1 card in general. what does it do
19:44.17G-nerdAsterisk is just software (well it is more than just hahaha), so there are several adapters/converters to connect different type of telephoneconnections to the pc
19:44.28jbotrumour has it, t1 is two pairs of copper wire that carry data at a rate of 1.544 Mbps. T1 lines are used to carry 24 DS-0 signals (i.e. 24 telephone conversations) or 1.536 Mbps of data.  For more information see
19:44.50nDuff_jwd_: over a PRI, you have 23/24 lines of channelized, time-division-multiplexed voice. It's not ethernet, so your ethernet card can't speak it.
19:45.10nDuff_jwd_: ...does that answer your question?
19:45.22_jwd_getting there...
19:45.41G-nerdjwd, when I ask such questions, a lot of guys told me to read the book. They think I am lazy, but that is not true :(
19:45.41*** join/#asterisk drmessano-LT (n=nonya@
19:46.21*** part/#asterisk jeally-bean (
19:46.23_jwd_no I have been reading too, but I know what you are saying
19:46.25G-nerdnDuff is the Master telephone dude
19:46.49G-nerdnDuff, are those only TDM?
19:47.00J4k3a PRI, under normal circumstances, is a T1.
19:47.02G-nerdno FDM too?
19:47.11_jwd_thank you VERY much
19:47.58G-nerdlike cablemodem, it modulates on a certain frequency and maybe in that particular frequency there is also TDM
19:48.20G-nerdbecause we get also TV from the same cable
19:48.58J4k3and that simply doesn't happen with a PRI.
19:49.37J4k3also, telephone twisted pair simply doesn't have that much headroom.  all phone wire is good for is inter-pair crosstalk :P
19:49.42G-nerdreally? maybe because it hasn't the properties for it
19:50.05J4k3and because you're dealing with the phone network
19:50.20J4k3pretty much every telco circuit out there was designed around the same time the transistor was invented.
19:50.23drmessano-LTYou're getting a PRI from comcast cable?
19:50.57G-nerdno not me
19:51.13J4k3comcast can deliver a PRI.  They're just another lamer-ass clec.
19:51.16_jwd_so to use 4 lines I would need 1 FXS and 2 FXO cards
19:51.19G-nerdPRI comes from the classic telepfhone cable
19:51.28drmessano-LTI was gonna say
19:51.31drmessano-LTAs a CLEC, yes
19:51.38drmessano-LTOver their cable, HAH
19:51.45J4k3haha yeah
19:52.07J4k3you can barely shove a couple decent voip calls over a docsis plant.  I can't imagine trying to emulate a PRI over one.
19:52.10J4k3that'd be one fucked up PRI.
19:52.28drmessano-LTKnology got as a BRI for an event we did.. They basically called AT&T up and sent us a bill for the cost + 10%
19:52.45drmessano-LTA DOCPRI
19:52.48drmessano-LTThat sounds HOT
19:52.57G-nerdno, from the cable we have analog and digital tv, internet (LAN about 8 Mb/s) and maybe other stuff
19:53.14*** join/#asterisk gardo (n=gardo@
19:53.17J4k3'lan' my ass.
19:53.21drmessano-LT23 lines of dropouts, and a somewhat working D channel
19:53.21J4k3thats docsis, and it sucks balls
19:53.39drmessano-LTComcast sucks balls
19:53.45drmessano-LT8MB on their best day
19:53.50drmessano-LT12 at night
19:53.55drmessano-LTUsually 3 during the day
19:54.06drmessano-LTI get the burst at 3am
19:54.10G-nerdanyway, but it is possible ;P
19:54.13drmessano-LT"YAY, Speedboost"
19:54.16drmessano-LTUh no
19:54.25drmessano-LTThey can order a PRI for you
19:54.28drmessano-LTBut not ever DOCSIS
19:54.38drmessano-LTThey can order you a hamburger too
19:54.41drmessano-LTDoesnt mean they make it
19:55.03FlatFootlasagne for me please
19:55.11G-nerdanyway I am from holland, so I am not familiar with those companies
19:55.24drmessano-LTI hope to <insert name of preferred deity here> they dont install the PRI
19:55.27*** join/#asterisk jcmoore (n=jcmoore@unaffiliated/tgrman)
19:55.34drmessano-LTThey have whoever supplies it handle it
19:55.53G-nerdfrench fries? we got dutch fries
19:55.55drmessano-LTCoax connectors for RG-6 will NOT fit in an RJ-45 socket
19:56.02Qwelldrmessano: push harder
19:56.09G-nerdwith mayo, ketchup and unions
19:56.19*** part/#asterisk mintee (
19:56.22drmessano-LTWire Nut
19:56.53drmessano-LTGod, I wouldnt want Comcast ordering ANY ACRONYM for me
19:57.15J4k3I will say my T1s have more operating voltage (~300V) than my old Time Warner cable drop had (120V influence... you couldn't touch the damned coax without getting the shit whacked out of you)
19:57.39J4k3that TW plant is now owned by comcrap
19:57.41J4k3go figure.
19:57.52drmessano-LTThe good news:
19:58.09drmessano-LTIf youre using Comcast.. no more having to QoS BitTorrent traffic
19:58.11drmessano-LTTHEY DO IT FOR YOU
19:58.29J4k3its comcastic!
19:58.36J4k3comcastic craptastic
19:58.39drmessano-LT"Yet another service we provide free of charge.  Thank you for using comcast"
19:59.16drmessano-LTCrap, I need to update my Comcast supplied McAfee Viruscan
19:59.44J4k3mcafee... I think you'd be better off without a virus scanner at all
19:59.54drmessano-LTI'm glad they take network security seriously.  "We don't support using a router, but here's some McAfee for ya"
20:00.12drmessano-LTTalking about hitting a guy when he's down
20:00.16J4k3mcafee = norton's boyfriend's name.
20:00.43drmessano-LT"Sir, do you have a virus on your PC?"  "No"  "Do you have 400,000 viruses on your PC?"  "Yes, very yes :("
20:00.50FlatFootJ4k3: what's the preffered antivirus then ?
20:01.33outtolunca shack in the mountains <G>
20:01.37drmessano-LTSymantec is ok.. corporate, not Notin' Antivirus 2009 Premiere Pro Premium
20:01.40*** join/#asterisk atisss (n=atisss@
20:01.43J4k3no software can protect the PC of a dumbass user.
20:01.45FlatFootanyone use AVG ?
20:01.58J4k3I use AVG on PC's that people think they need an AV on
20:02.01J4k3the price is right.
20:02.09drmessano-LTNorton AV "BUT I DIDNT INSTALL A DAMN FIREWALL!!!???!!!"
20:02.10*** join/#asterisk nshm (
20:02.25J4k3everyone else... I'm pushing the 'if the user keeps getting the PC loaded with virii, its the user - not the OS"
20:02.34FlatFootwe as a firm moved to avg cos Norton messed up all install's of SAGE
20:02.40nshmhey all
20:02.49drmessano-LTAV helps when I got to warez...... SECURITY websites
20:02.53nshmI wonder if it's possible to install * in a custom prefix
20:03.05nshmconfigure --prefix seems to be broken :(
20:04.15J4k3drmessano-LT: warez sites suck, get some usenet.
20:05.14*** join/#asterisk ZenBSDi (n=zenbsdi@unaffiliated/ZenBSDi)
20:05.17J4k3on the windows platform, I've noticed that you basically need 512MB ram and a whole spare CPU core to not notice the AV slowing you down.
20:05.25J4k3this laptop... loading an AV makes it pathetically slow.
20:05.33J4k3without an AV, everything is quite perky.
20:05.39drmessano-LTI run Symantec corp and dsiable most of the BS
20:05.45G-nerdhi guys, do you know a good opensource softphone, I'm planning to get Asterisk running for the first time
20:05.46drmessano-LTLike the 99% CPU startup scan
20:05.58ZenBSDiG-nerd, for windows or linux?
20:06.05FlatFootJ4k3: AVG onb my laptop which is not much of a machine runs quite well
20:06.20G-nerdwindose, because I have two laptops using windose
20:06.37J4k3FlatFoot: avg is pretty high overhead.  I think part of it is related to HDD speed.
20:06.49ZenBSDiX-Lite is great g-nerd
20:06.49J4k3if you've got a fast cpu and a 4200 rpm HD, you'll never notice the AV slowing you down.
20:06.55G-nerdok thnx guys
20:07.07FlatFootJ4k3: on scan it slows but otherwise i don't notice it
20:07.14J4k3I've got a brand new 7200 rpm hd connected to a slow-ish machine (P-M (not P4M) 1.7)
20:07.18*** join/#asterisk rantsh (n=rantsh@
20:07.27drmessano-LTPeople can help you if you fuck up X-lIte, not many people know what HappyClownPhone 0.99Beta is
20:07.31rantshHello people
20:07.34drmessano-LTBut they soon WILL... Muhahahaha
20:07.44jbotNewsflex has a free-agent like interface, but without requiring Gnome or KDE, you can find it at freshmeat
20:08.05jbotwell, agi is the Asterisk Gateway Interface...  similar to CGI for web applications AGI lets you script call control and access databases using your favorite language.  AGI wrappers are available for Python (pyst), Perl (astperl?) and other languages
20:08.24J4k3but, I also use radio mobile which chews through like 6GB of topo info every time I generate a map
20:08.31J4k3and AVG insists on scanning that crap
20:08.39J4k3oh well, I've been antivirus free for almost 6 months now
20:08.54FlatFootJ4k3: you do radio links then ?
20:08.56J4k3I'll load AVG for a few hours, scan, take it back off... no problems.
20:09.00*** part/#asterisk nshm (
20:09.01rantshanyone knows how I can get to do something like $agi->exec("show agents"); in an agi script?
20:09.13J4k3FlatFoot: yeah, I do some rural WISPing for my real job.
20:09.21drmessano-LTRadio Mobile is fun with SAV too
20:09.25FlatFootJ4k3: what kit ?
20:09.30*** join/#asterisk a1fa (n=a1fa@unaffiliated/a1fa)
20:09.38a1fanever do any business with valcom
20:09.40a1fawhat a shady company
20:09.44J4k3FlatFoot: 802.11 based exclusively.  using ubiquiti gear at 900 mhz.
20:09.57a1fathey are advertising their products as sip capable... with some unknown firmware revision
20:10.02G-nerdyou guys are using X-Lite too with asterisk?
20:10.03a1fano documentation on the website...
20:10.10a1fano firmware updates
20:10.13drmessano-LT"SIP Cabable"
20:10.16a1fasupport is shady too
20:10.19drmessano-LTMY toaster is SIP CAPABLE
20:10.20FlatFootJ4k3: i use SkyPilot , Alvarion , OsBridge for most of my day job ( * for the rest )
20:10.31a1fadrmessano: noo. as in they do SIP
20:10.31ZenBSDirantsh, what language are you scriptings with?
20:10.40rantshZenBSDi, perl
20:10.58ZenBSDimmm.. I'm a asterisk-java user myself =p
20:11.05drmessano-LTSorry, I dont like marketing terms
20:11.16FlatFootJ4k3: 5.4Ghz , 5.8Ghz only
20:11.23a1fa"SIP Wall Speakers"
20:11.28drmessano-LTSip capable = It could definitely do SIP if we let it
20:11.31a1fathats what they advertise their product as
20:11.34rantshZenBSDi, but agi should be about the same... have you been able to do something like that?
20:11.47a1fano.. they advertise it as "SIP"
20:12.00drmessano-LTSip compatible = A SIP product can work with this.. not necessarily via SIP
20:12.01a1famaybe it stands for Shitty IP Multicasting
20:12.02ZenBSDishow agents? haven't been worried about that yet.. I wanted to get credit card processing and database recording going
20:12.04a1fano no..
20:12.12a1fadrmessano: they advertise it as SIP
20:12.17a1faSIP SPEAKER
20:12.27drmessano-LTSIP Aware: It has a SIP menu
20:12.29ZenBSDibut I'm hitting the asterisk-java docs now heh
20:12.37a1fastupid fucks
20:12.39a1faavoid them
20:12.50a1faalso avoid Cybergear
20:12.52drmessano-LTSIP compliant: Not SIP, but won't mess with it either
20:13.09*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
20:13.16drmessano-LTSIP supported: We'll call you on our SIP phones, Mr Toaster owner
20:13.18a1fatry to avoid Cyberdata
20:13.28a1fatheir sales team sucks
20:13.47drmessano-LTSIP Derived:  We used SIP once, now its a closed protocol
20:14.09rantshZenBSDi, I thought of doing that too... but it concerns me that the line is not encrypted, so a man in the middle  attack could steal dtmf and or conversation and eventually someone's identity
20:14.17J4k3FlatFoot: ahh.  too much foliage here to use 5ghz for anything except PTP
20:14.17a1fadrmessano: point noted
20:14.50drmessano-LTIAX compatible: SIP, but if you connect it to an Asterisk box, very FTW
20:14.57a1faCyberData also sucks
20:14.57FlatFootJ4k3: where are u then ? we mainly have hills and very flat bit's here in Kent UK
20:15.07a1fadrmessano: i dont know of any iax speakers
20:15.18rantshme brb
20:15.23drmessano-LTDude, ive moved on from your speaker issue
20:15.44drmessano-LTYou need to ask people if it works with Asterisk.. if they dont know what Asterisk is, they dont know SIP
20:15.50drmessano-LTand if they dont know SIP, the box is useless
20:16.07J4k3 = pictures of the average terrain around here
20:16.11J4k3from about 30m up.
20:16.17J4k3(I'm in east texas)
20:16.29drmessano-LTThey dont have to support it, or even care about Asterisk.. but if the dont know WUT N AKERISK R, run away
20:16.31ZenBSDirantsh I don't follow... if the person is just using dial tones to input info and the network is secure where is the problem?
20:16.38a1fadrmessano: any IAX speakers?
20:16.41J4k3 (a few pics...  I need to take more)
20:16.49drmessano-LTNo, IAX is a silly protocol for clients
20:16.57a1faso SIP
20:17.07ZenBSDisip is the future :)
20:17.16G-nerdIs X_Lite really opensource??
20:17.19FlatFootJ4k3: nice mast !
20:17.22drmessano-LTIAX2 does exactly what its designed for, and well
20:17.32drmessano-LTX-Lite is free, not open source
20:17.44drmessano-LTIf you want "OPEN SOURCE", good luck finding one that doesnt suck
20:17.55*** join/#asterisk Maxous (n=stephen@
20:18.12ZenBSDig-nerd you'll have to hit google and type in "softphone + opensource" if you want an OSS piece
20:18.14G-nerdmaybe it is for me a challenge to develope one
20:18.29MaxousGood afternoon all.
20:18.38ZenBSDig-nerd, doubt it.. I've seen some opensource versions that were compiled for windows too
20:18.38G-nerdI have done that, most software are only free, but not opensource
20:18.39drmessano-LTYes, the market really needs another SIP Softphone
20:18.45adelasdoes asterisk support multiple network cards?
20:18.47J4k3I think the problem with opensource and softphone is the codecs
20:18.53fiXXXerMetSo I installed ztdummy and the recompiled asterisk......  What next?  Did it handle everything for me, or do I need to work on zapata.cnof or something?
20:19.04J4k3nobody wants to listen to awful gsm, and g711 eats the bandwidth like mad
20:19.04drmessano-LTJ4k3.. Shoosh.. we need another softphone
20:19.04FlatFootJ4k3: thats us
20:19.06drmessano-LTSay it with me
20:19.16drmessano-LT"We need YET ANOTHER softphone"
20:19.30G-nerdZenBSDi: in that case maybe I can help if there are some bugs
20:19.33ZenBSDiadelas, considering asterisk only cares about trunks from zapata compatible cards .. sip/iax is open for business on any amount of nics =p
20:19.50G-nerdbut first comes first, to get Asterisk running
20:20.00ZenBSDiG-nerd, :)
20:20.01drmessano-LTTheres dozens of Free ones... and on Open Source one will be a useless project because the main developer will do all the work, and eventually tire of it.
20:20.03adelaswell, i have 2 nics, and ony the first nic works with asterisk
20:20.08J4k3FlatFoot: nice, thats actually a good chunk of turf.
20:20.24drmessano-LTAt the end of they day you'll have a softphone
20:20.27adelasi can't seem to get asterisk to work with the 2nd nic
20:20.27ZenBSDiadelas, what protocol you using? sip or iax?'
20:20.33J4k3and thanks to my parents watching EastEnders on PBS for years, I know about where you're at (the opening theme music had a panning map of london, at least back in the 80s... haha)
20:20.41G-nerddrmessano, you are very optimistic
20:20.45ZenBSDiyou using softphones?
20:20.51drmessano-LTNo, I am being sarcastic
20:20.55rantshZenBSDi, that's if the network is secure
20:20.58FlatFootJ4k3: what a terrible program that is
20:21.00drmessano-LTThats like coding a new IRC client from scratch
20:21.03drmessano-LTWhy oh why
20:21.38J4k3FlatFoot: agreed.  especially when it came on at the same time as benny hill
20:21.50G-nerddrmessano, because of the challenge, or to learn more on programming
20:21.50rantshZenBSDi, but i'm guessing your payer will connect to you through a public network right? you can still decode dtmf sounds to know what numbers someone presses
20:21.53J4k3I'd wander off and watch some dirty old man vs watching some dirty ol' drama.
20:22.01FlatFootJ4k3: yep , now there was a funny man
20:22.04adelasZenBSDi, its sip, and each nic is different subnet
20:22.09ZenBSDirantsh, nope.. through a POTS =p
20:22.12drmessano-LTWell, good luck on that
20:22.29G-nerdwish me luck to get Asterisk running hahaha
20:22.44ZenBSDiI have a 4 line zapata card and 4 trunks configured
20:22.51drmessano-LTForget asterisk, you have a softphone to code
20:22.51G-nerdthat was meant sarcastic :p
20:23.08drmessano-LTWant to take over devel of HappyClownPhone 0.99?
20:23.11ZenBSDiso unless the caller is stupid and on a 700mhz wireless phone .. no problem :)
20:23.12*** join/#asterisk SirThomas (
20:23.55drmessano-LTI'm pretty sure 2008 is the year of HappyClownPhone
20:23.58drmessano-LT1.0 baby!
20:24.25FlatFooti think i'll wait till
20:24.37drmessano-LTTHAT COULD BE YEARS
20:24.43drmessano-LTI mean, "cool"
20:25.01drmessano-LTGotta launch the PBX product too
20:25.30FlatFootdrmessano-LT: don't take on too much
20:25.48jblackSo, I'm doing some googling about securing my voip communications. What I'm finding is not encouraging
20:26.06ZenBSDiadelas, in your sip.conf .. what are you using for host=?
20:26.20drmessano-LTWe're very close to release on that too.. just have to get mod_honk out of beta
20:26.54FlatFootdrmessano-LT: and what have you been drinking tonight ? i think i want some :P
20:27.02jblackdrmessano-LT: Did they get the extra large shoes in this release?
20:27.05drmessano-LTNo drinking, I am at work
20:27.25drmessano-LTmod_shoes was rewritten and is working
20:27.26FlatFootdrmessano-LT: soory , what time you got then ?
20:27.35FlatFootsorry *
20:27.35drmessano-LT3:27PM here
20:27.40jblackGood. It's important for this release to get caught flat footed.
20:27.49drmessano-LTNOT CLOSE ENOUGH TO 5:30
20:28.07FlatFoot8:30 and almost time for beer
20:28.11MaxousI just got the 3com Asterisk box.
20:28.26a1faMaxous : woot
20:28.29a1fahow much $$$?
20:28.40drmessano-LT3com isnt bankrupt?
20:28.46Maxousnot yet
20:28.59drmessano-LTThank god USR is still selling USB modems
20:29.10MaxousI think list it's about $1700
20:29.21a1fathats how much i payed for my new motorcycle ;P
20:29.29jblackman. the book's answer sucks even worse than google.
20:29.34drmessano-LTI remember when a 3C905c was a badass NIC card
20:29.39drmessano-LTThen I used them
20:29.48drmessano-LTand they started dying from static hits
20:29.57drmessano-LTLike, 3 a day during T-STorm season
20:29.59ZenBSDiI'm an all intel man myself
20:30.02Maxousthe 3C number for it is 3CR10551A
20:30.07FlatFootsomeone mention coax ?
20:30.13jblack"For example, a vpn between sites could be employed
20:30.43*** join/#asterisk kamanashisroy (n=root@
20:30.46MaxousI have a question for yall.
20:31.26MaxousWhat is the best way to get into selling the Asterisk?
20:31.28drmessano-LTLinksys LNE-100, $20 each... 3C905Cs, $95 each.. the choice was easy
20:31.32jblackmaxous: No, that dress makes you look just as skinny as when we met.
20:32.10Maxousjblack:Oh stop it, :-*
20:32.16jblackmaxous: Perhaps an ad in the local paper, targetting small businesses.
20:32.21drmessano-LT"Selling the Asterisk"sounds like an 80s movie with Patrick Dempsey and Demi Moore
20:32.32kamanashisroyhi .. I have a question too. I want to send billing information in each second to the calling party .. for this reason I use dial with G() option .. this executes two dialplans in two channels .. But unfortunately one channel does not hangup if other channel hangs up :( .. any clue ?
20:32.33J4k3drmessano-LT: yeah...  I have them in my pc-based router.  every time we take lightning around here I lose at least one.
20:32.48jblackdrmessano: The sequel (Romancing the Akerisk) was even worse.
20:32.53Maxousjblack: I mean, getting educated on it.
20:32.59J4k3of course, last time we took lightning I ended up having things on the tower with melted ethernet transformers (the black boxes by the ethernet jack)
20:33.00drmessano-LT"License to Asterisk"
20:33.08jblackmaxous: OH! That's easy.
20:33.24jblackYou start off by learning how to install, deploy and maintain asterisk. Then... PROFIT!
20:33.28drmessano-LTMaxous: Ask [TK]D-Fender to teach you.. he loves it
20:33.30J4k3'Asterisk Overdrive'
20:33.37J4k3a Stephen King horror story
20:33.39drmessano-LT1. Install Ubuntu
20:33.42jblack[TK] is amazing.
20:33.43drmessano-LT2. Install Asterisk
20:33.45drmessano-LT3. ?????
20:33.50drmessano-LT4. Profit!!
20:34.05Maxousjblack: I mean from the get go. Like if you have no idea how to install linux.
20:34.14Maxousjblack: Is there a beginers guide?
20:34.15jblackThat reminds me, in this modern age, can prophets profit?
20:34.16J4k3I should start a consulting company called the Profit Prophets.
20:34.23J4k3oh snap, jblack
20:34.24drmessano-LTIf you cant install linux, back away from the PBX
20:34.26jblackMaxous: There's (Dah Dah dah) THE BOOK
20:34.48jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
20:35.11Maxousjbot:TY TY!
20:35.11jbotACTION shouts to the world in a very loud voice, "TY! is the most awesomest person ever!  Extra!  Extra!  Read all about it."  And of course, it's carried on every major network world-wide...
20:35.21drmessano-LTbest way to learn Linux is do the opposite I did
20:35.37jblackWho's TY? TK's evil clone?
20:35.39drmessano-LTDont install some packaged crap and keep fixing it, learning in the process
20:35.42jblack... or is that KY...
20:35.42ZenBSDibest way to learn linux is to study a certification guide .. like LPI's ..
20:35.51MaxousTY = Thank you.
20:35.56drmessano-LTInstall it, try to install crap, and break it
20:35.59drmessano-LTBreak it more
20:36.02a1faZenBSDi : lol
20:36.03MaxousI am new to this IRC thing.
20:36.04FlatFootMaxous: FreeBSD thats the way to go
20:36.04drmessano-LTThen fix it
20:36.20ZenBSDior install vmware server .. install your linux distro.. use the nifty snapshot feature.. break it .. roll it back =p
20:36.21kamshi .. I have a question too. I want to send billing information in each second to the calling party .. for this reason I use dial with G() option .. this executes two dialplans in two channels .. But unfortunately one channel does not hangup if other channel hangs up :( .. any clue ?
20:36.29MaxousFreeBSD 'eh? Why not Ubuntu
20:36.40ZenBSDi/home/bsdi/bin/ -{c|d|k|m|v|a}
20:36.41drmessano-LTHad I known Linux wasn't nearly as intimidating, I would have started using it 10 years ago
20:36.43ZenBSDiDIS: Slackware 11.0.0
20:36.44jblackOhhh, you meant to thank me (as contrasted with your actual result of getting jbot to cheer a non-existant person on your behalf)
20:36.44FlatFootMaxous: FreeBSD bit more secure
20:36.49tzafrir_homeFreeBSD folks will tell you that Ubuntu is too easy
20:36.54jblackYW! YW!
20:37.00kamsMaxous: or let me start a new company to help friends like you
20:37.05drmessano-LTUbunturisk PBX FTW
20:37.06kamsanyway ..
20:37.12kamshi .. I have a question too. I want to send billing information in each second to the calling party .. for this reason I use dial with G() option .. this executes two dialplans in two channels .. But unfortunately one channel does not hangup if other channel hangs up :( .. any clue ?
20:37.15jblackMaxous: Hey, I know someone you can hook up with. MrDigital.
20:37.29jblackHe told me just a couple days ago that he's working on a 1/2 million dollar * project.
20:37.39jblackHe could... use another eye... on the job
20:37.58ZenBSDiFlatFoot, fyi, ubuntu can be made to be just as secure.. just edit the hosts.allow and hosts.deny .. setup your iptables firewall and when you add users ... make sure their not in the same group that is already configured in sudoers ..
20:38.03fiXXXerMetHaving trouble with conferencing.  I've specified the 'i' option but I am not getting any messages when joining the room.  Also, I am not being prompted for a password.
20:38.05drmessano-LTMrDigital is the great-great-step-uncledad of Steve Worziak.. Whose name rhymes with Steve Wozniak
20:38.09drmessano-LTHe can help
20:38.37jblackWorziak is the original implementer of clownphone, right?
20:38.49jblackDid the prototype?
20:38.54ZenBSDifreebsd is only more secure out of the box than ubuntu .. once a little work is done ubuntu is just as secure as any stiff linux distro or BSD =p
20:38.54drmessano-LTHe developed it until .03.. Then he had his accident :(
20:39.08drmessano-LTRIP Steve
20:39.26drmessano-LTThat was a sad day for HappyClownPhone
20:39.34jblackZenBSDi: check out the server release. Nothing sitting on an open port after install at all. Not even smtp
20:40.01drmessano-LTOne day Ubuntu will be as secure as Windows Vista
20:40.07jblackIronic that it's the server version that comes with no running servers at all.
20:40.08MaxousWhen does he sign on?
20:40.11a1fadrmessano: you are full of it
20:40.22kamsdrmessano-LT: I hope that should not happend
20:40.25jblackI think he's right.
20:40.32ZenBSDijblack, you mean ubuntu server?
20:40.32jblackI can't get vista to run long enough to be a target
20:41.01jblack(well, not really, but it sounded funny)
20:41.09jblackzenbsdi: Yes. There's a server release of ubuntu these days.
20:41.17jblackIt's split into desktop and server.
20:41.17drmessano-LTUbuntu Server is a joke... It's almost as much of a joke as when MS decided Windows NT was going to have a server edition
20:41.25ZenBSDiI know.. I'm using ubuntu 7.10 server for my asterisk server :)
20:41.28drmessano-LTIt was a server because it was locked in the closet
20:41.34kamscan anyone help me with dial parameters ?
20:41.43Maxouswhat is a trixbox?
20:41.58drmessano-LTQwell: Stop me
20:42.02jblackBah. everyone has a server in their closet. Who else, other than me, can say they have a computer permanantly stationed on their bed?
20:42.08ZenBSDiI just love when people put down ubuntu .. they have either never tried it or can't wrap their heads around something as simple as apt-get =p
20:42.23drmessano-LTUbuntu is a fine desktop OS
20:42.28drmessano-LTNot a server
20:42.41ZenBSDiespecially the gentoo folks .. they're the worst =p
20:42.47kamslet us drop it ..
20:43.06kamsubuntu .. fedora .. centos .. freebsd  all are fine
20:43.14kamsnow let us come to the point ..
20:43.16jblackZenBSDi: There's just some people that think there are magical differences between kernels and stripped down installs.
20:43.24kamsdo you know the dial parameters well ..
20:43.26drmessano-LTMaxous: Trixbox is the center of all evil in the VoIPiverse
20:43.28jblackkams: Yeah? What about Lindows?
20:43.29ZenBSDidrmessano, I've been a nixer for 11 years now and I've been a working admin for 7 .. there is nothing "joke" about ubuntu server =p
20:43.34kamsI am talking about the G() option
20:43.51kamslet us come to the point ..
20:44.01jblackHow do you say "G()"? g-spot?
20:44.18Maxousdrmessano-LT:  hah, I am on now.
20:44.19ZenBSDimmm I like to like the g-spot on sexy women :D
20:44.32ZenBSDierrr s/like to like/like to lick/g =p
20:44.33drmessano-LTTrixbox is the best way to learn nothing about Asterisk expect what someone wants you to see, and when it breaks you're more than screwed.
20:44.58ZenBSDiamen to that.. edit the asterisk configs by hand.. be a man!
20:45.03kamswhen the dialplan execution stops on the separate channels when we use dial with G() option ??
20:45.07drmessano-LTTrixbox is bike with training wheels that you suspiciously never feel like you own
20:45.09Maxousdrmessano-LT: I see. So basically, its a good amount of fluff that smells like roses till it breaks.
20:45.21J4k3updating my ancient trixbox install made call performance here suck
20:45.23ZenBSDiexten => 1300,1,Agi(agi://localhost/hello.agi)
20:45.26*** join/#asterisk lackli (
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20:45.32J4k3calls get completed before my phones get the calls routed in, etc.
20:45.34J4k3its a mess
20:45.49J4k3I called someone a few minutes ago... they weren't sitting by the phone or anything, I never heard a ring... I heard... "hello!"
20:45.50drmessano-LTI will be the n00b bastard and say I like FreePBX for some things.. and it has its place.. But what they do with a Trixbox is a cancer compared to just installing FreePBX
20:45.53J4k3I'm like... wtf
20:45.56kamswhy are you showing extensions ?
20:46.09drmessano-LTIts bloated and is more like a Windows 1000 tasks in one box than a PBX
20:46.09J4k3and since its trixbox, its too hard to bother fix it
20:46.19ZenBSDikams, why not?
20:46.34*** join/#asterisk neoalex (
20:46.54lacklii'm helping a network admin configure asterisk for his business.  he may not be there long, and wants the next guy to have an easy time with it, so he's looking for GUIs...can anyone recommend some asterisk accessories?
20:47.00kamsI think people have gone crazy .. I think the weather is bad ..
20:47.08neoalexhi guys, I'm having a weird problem... I have call pickup set up so that when I dial **Exten while the extension is ringing it picks up the call
20:47.26kamsasterisk accessories !! what does that mean ?
20:47.35Maxousdrmessano-LT: Thanks for letting me know that.
20:47.37neoalexthat works fine, however when I set a function key on my Snom as a destination to ** something it doesn't work
20:47.43Maxousdrmessano-LT: See my company is a 3Com Dealer.
20:47.50drmessano-LTyou shouldnt need a 6GHZ Pentcore RAMblaster box to run Asterisk.. but throw in a CRM, spyware, GUIs for useless info you can get from the CLI, etc
20:47.57lacklisome GUIs, kams, some GUIs....
20:47.58Maxousdrmessano-LT: But we know the days of 3Com might be comming to an end.
20:48.14Maxousdrmessano-LT: So, we are in search of a new phone system to sell.
20:48.24QwellMaxous: 3com sells an Asterisk box now
20:48.37jblackmaxous: Here's how you can get rich.
20:48.40cpmdoes 3com even exist anymore?
20:48.41MaxousQwell: Yep. I have it on my desk now.
20:48.42neoalexany ideas on what might be causing this
20:48.46drmessano-LT1. Install Ubuntu
20:48.52drmessano-LTGo on, jblack
20:49.02jblackPut up a big * box that takes calls from people on a 976 line. Then, call them back later, and wake 'em up!
20:49.04ZenBSDiman.. I just don't understand some of the things people try with asterisk... I think of my setup like a business and go from there. whats this with picking up a line while it's ringing business? why not just setup an inbox and in the dialplan IfBusy goto voicemail?
20:49.08a1fatrixbox ftw
20:49.14Maxouscpm: Oh yes. 3Com is still around. With tons of great products.
20:49.30G-nerdhello guys, is MSN also based on SIP (I mean the speech part)
20:49.33a1faMaxous : you are crazy for paying $1700 for asterisk appliance
20:49.41a1faG-nerd : MSN has SIP
20:49.47Maxousa1fa: I didn't i'm a dealer.
20:49.51a1faG-nerd : their integrated phone has it
20:49.52cpmtons eh?
20:49.55drmessano-LTBesides, Trixbox phones home more than Vista does..  Wearing your underwear inside out, Fonality already knows
20:49.57G-nerdso you couls also communicate with a MSN
20:49.59a1faMaxous : drug dealer?
20:50.04Maxousa1fa: People will pay for it. 3Com Dealer.
20:50.06G-nerdoooh ok
20:50.19a1faMaxous : liar
20:50.20drmessano-LTDrug dealers need PBXs too
20:50.22drmessano-LTand IVRs
20:50.29Alan_Hicks3com ain't what it used to be though.
20:50.34drmessano-LT"For smack, smack the 1"
20:50.40a1faPress #1 for Coke, Press #2 for Marry-Jane, Press #3 for E
20:50.40Maxousa1fa: :-/ ?
20:50.45G-nerdbut what about the other which you can talk with other msn users, without that built in telephone
20:50.48Alan_HicksThey seem to have lost a lot of their visibility when they stopped making consumer NICs.
20:50.51MaxousYou are right. they arn't as strong.
20:50.58cpm15 years ago, heck, even 10 years ago, I loved 3com, then , , well, , they seemed to have lost focus
20:50.58jblackI thought all a drug dealer needed was a ho to carry around his cell phone?
20:51.02a1faG-nerd : negative
20:51.06G-nerdanyway, I got the point
20:51.13kamsasterisk should write chan_solid to deliver drugs ..
20:51.13drmessano-LT3com is a company without an identity
20:51.20G-nerda1fa I know why
20:51.30Alan_HicksMaxous: Yeah I know.  They just don't seem to know what that market is, IMHO. :^)
20:51.44Alan_Hicksrob0: Be honest!  You never had focus!
20:51.44jblackI'll tell you what they do.
20:51.44drmessano-LTI bought a 3com toaster last week.. WTF
20:51.48G-nerdbut it must use voip, with their own protocol I guess
20:52.03jblack"Convergence applications".  "Open services networking"  "Secure converged networks"...
20:52.07jblackOh, and samba
20:52.16ZenBSDiNetBSD and AI scripting .. cause you know you want to see the toaster bang the dog =p
20:52.19drmessano-LT"Unified Communications"
20:52.37drmessano-LTGlue an Asterisk Box to a Toaster.. Unified Breakfast
20:52.41Maxousdrmessano-LT: It's more like Secure Converged Networks.
20:52.48Alan_HicksMaxous: s/Moron of a //
20:52.58Alan_HicksThere, fixed your redundancy.
20:53.09jblackdrmessano: No. You have to glue the * box  _inside_ the toaster. Makes the fork-work more interesting
20:53.15Maxousdrmessano-LT: aww, we don't need to be mean about 3Com.
20:53.26G-nerdWhy Digium developed IAX? just to communicate between asterisk machines?
20:53.40jblackg-nerd: In simple terms, because sip sucks.
20:53.40rob0Does 3com still own the digits 5 and 9?
20:53.42Alan_HicksSeriously though, if I could buy 3co NICs and switches that were high quality without being ridiculously expensive, I would do so in a heart beat.  They would get all my business.
20:53.53jblackTry it. make a sip sound with your mouth. Notice that you're sucking
20:53.58Alan_Hicksrob0: No, Dolly Parton copyrighted those.
20:54.00a1fa<jblack> Try it. make a sip sound with your mouth. Notice that you're sucking
20:54.05drmessano-LTmaxous: No biggie, 3com is too far behind to develop technology to hear us
20:54.12G-nerdjblack, are you kidding?
20:54.23a1fadefinatley sucking
20:54.30kamsjblack: lol
20:54.33jblackg-nerd: Not about the sucks part. It's a nightmare with firewalls and nat.
20:54.38drmessano-LTA 3com switch
20:54.41MaxousAlan_Hicks: I hear ya. They do have great switches.
20:54.43drmessano-LTWow, next to my HP switch?
20:54.44a1fa3com switch < gay
20:54.53Maxousdrmessano-LT: lol
20:54.54G-nerdand IAX will make change of that?
20:55.00drmessano-LTProCurve FTW
20:55.00jblackas to whether or not your sipping sucks, that would depend upon whether or not you have cheeks....
20:55.05a1fa[TK]D-Fender : just checking if you were alife
20:55.17Alan_HicksProCurve switches are just completely out of the picture for all my clients.
20:55.27Maxousa1fa: Hah. They have great switches.
20:55.29Alan_HicksFar far far too expensive.
20:55.33a1faProCurve sucks
20:55.36a1faboat anchors
20:55.42MaxousAlan_Hicks That depends on your needs.
20:55.50drmessano-LT100VG FTFW!!!!
20:55.52MaxousAlan_Hicks: they have a huge range of switches.
20:55.54Alan_HicksMaxous: I work with small and medium businesses.
20:56.11kamsyou know I am looking for an equestion ... (income - cost*0) = profit ..
20:56.13Alan_HicksMost are served fine with a non-managed 24-port switch.
20:56.29MaxousAlan_Hicks: the Baseline switches and office connect switches are a good fit there.
20:56.32jblackkams: Sell your toe lint.
20:56.34a1fa<kams> you know I am looking for an equestion ... (income - cost*0) = profit ..
20:56.41a1fakmas: you must spend money to make money
20:56.49drmessano-LTI didnt know HP made switches until someone sent me a case of Ciscos in a shipping box for HPs
20:56.52Alan_HicksMaxous: Still to expensive when you consider I can buy two or three lesser switches for the same ammount.
20:56.57[TK]D-Fendera1fa: An Equestrian?
20:57.07*** join/#asterisk nhuisman_work (n=nhuisman@aeko.IfA.Hawaii.Edu)
20:57.09[TK]D-Fendera1fa: Go camel-jockey!
20:57.11a1fa[TK]D-Fender : whats that?
20:57.12G-nerdjblack when does SIP screws, if you make connections outside your locan network?
20:57.20drmessano-LTThe equation is easy
20:57.23drmessano-LT1. Install
20:57.24MaxousAlan_Hicks: Hum, really? Are they running VoIP as well?
20:57.25drmessano-LT2. Configure
20:57.29drmessano-LT3. ?????
20:57.32drmessano-LT4. Profit!!!
20:57.40jblackg-nerd: Yes. especially then.
20:57.43MaxousAlan_Hicks: then you can use PoE.
20:57.45nhuisman_workdoes anyone know of a stand alone little bit of scripts and maybe gui for handling phone firmware provisioning and sip/skinny.conf
20:57.55kams3 = customize ..
20:58.02Alan_HicksMaxous: No, most of my clients aren't.  We're not strictly VoiP.
20:58.04kamsI do the 3rd part ..
20:58.11nhuisman_workand no, i don't want to go with one of the asterisk integrated packes, I have asterisk business edition and need to extend that.
20:58.12kamsprofit goes to my clients ..
20:58.19G-nerdhmmm, but how is it possible voip keeps groing, while using SIP. And how about H.323?
20:58.25MaxousAlan_Hicks: gotcha.\
20:58.53a1fai smell fear
20:59.01Alan_HicksMostly small businesses, smb and ISVs.
20:59.25MaxousAlan_Hicks: for a baseline, unmanaged, 24 port switch with 2 gigabit uplinks, the MSRP is ....
20:59.42nhuisman_workwhen I installed asterisk I got a whole bunch of sample configs put in place, is there some bare minimum number of config files i can have in the /etc/asterisk dir, i don't want the sample files anymore.
20:59.45G-nerdjblack, Firewall is just doing his job, to keep security. Maybe you need to learn from Skype, check which ports they are using
20:59.52*** join/#asterisk Lawbringer (
21:00.00jblackg-nerd: Well, as much as sip sucks, getting *ganked* by telcos sucks much worse.
21:00.03*** part/#asterisk kams (n=root@
21:00.19Maxous179 from CDW
21:00.28jblackg-nerd: uhm, skype is patented, and doesn't exactly give out their codebase.
21:00.38Alan_HicksYeah that's not too bad, but still pricey for many of my clients.
21:00.47G-nerdit is not that, but they use also SIP or H.323
21:00.48MaxousReally? do they need the gig uplinks?
21:00.50Alan_HicksOf course, many of my clients only have half a dozen computers too.
21:00.59nhuisman_workwhat is that an ata device?
21:01.08nhuisman_workoh, nm a switch
21:01.26Alan_HicksMaxous: Like I said, small business. :-)
21:01.28nhuisman_workhow is $180 for a 24 port switch too much money
21:01.30*** join/#asterisk atisss (n=atisss@
21:01.38jblackg-nerd: Nope. just their own secret protocol.
21:01.43Alan_Hicksnhuisman_work: When I can get three for that cost.
21:01.54G-nerdjblack you don ' t convinced me about the SIP
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21:02.05jblackthat's one of the places sip doesn't suck. sip is an open protocol
21:02.12*** part/#asterisk supjigator (n=sysgod@
21:02.16nhuisman_workAlan_Hicks, oh i guess you probably don't need the gigabit uplink ports, that probably makes it much cheaper without those.
21:02.17G-nerdif SIP is useless, than it was allready dead
21:02.36*** part/#asterisk lackli (
21:02.43jblackI said it sucked, not useless.
21:02.47Alan_HicksMaxous: I only have a handful of clients with two dozen or more nodes.
21:02.53[TK]D-FenderG-nerd: SIP is useless?  Tell taht to all these ITSPs....
21:03.09G-nerdD-Fender, jblack told me it sucks
21:03.10Alan_HicksMaxous: That's not bad at all.
21:03.10nhuisman_workwhy are you saying sip is useless?
21:03.15a1fathere is no alternative to sip
21:03.34jblackperhaps iax2 some day.
21:03.48G-nerdI thought IAX is to cummunicate between Asterisk machines
21:03.52Alan_Hickss/no alternative/no superior alternative with native support in the phones/
21:03.58drmessano-LTIAX is good for Trunks
21:03.59[TK]D-FenderG-nerd: It is
21:04.07*** join/#asterisk nortex (n=chatzill@
21:04.11drmessano-LTIAX2 IS KICK ASS for trunks
21:04.16G-nerdwell than jblack gives me totally wrong questions
21:04.26G-nerdI mean explenations
21:04.48jblacki don't see where I told you anything misleading or inaccurate.
21:05.05drmessano-LTG-nerd: You cant spell out iNTER aSTERISK ExCHANGE any clearer
21:05.15drmessano-LTThats what it does
21:05.28G-nerddrmessano, tell it to jblack
21:05.35drmessano-LTIAX can do double duty as a client protocol
21:05.37Alan_HicksWould be really nice if IP phones spoke IAX.
21:05.41drmessano-LTand it does the job well
21:05.51a1fayour mom speaks iax
21:05.56jblackI wish
21:06.04a1fawe communicate on the same protocol
21:06.09MaxousWell guys, it's been fun.
21:06.14Maxousi g2g install a firewall now.
21:06.23G-nerdmaybe his mom could understand what the boy wants
21:06.23drmessano-LTYour mom is in my FreePBX phonebook
21:06.23Alan_HicksMaxous: Later.
21:06.40rantshanyone knows how I can get agent status from agi?
21:06.49jblackUnfortunatley, she passed many years ago. I guess she'd have to use the Ether-net
21:06.51Alan_HicksSay what ya want about me, but leave Mama out of it.
21:07.02drmessano-LT"I have a custom extension for your girlfriends cellphone"
21:07.11G-nerdI saw a spider coming out of a man' s mouth
21:07.32Alan_HicksG-nerd: Must have been on the IAX-Files.
21:07.37G-nerdI don' t talk about anyone's momma
21:08.02G-nerdI respect everybody, also their relatives
21:08.09drmessano-LT"I SIP'ed your girlfriend"
21:08.15nhuisman_workit's easy to respect someone when you are on top of them.
21:08.34drmessano-LTI respect you, jblack
21:08.58drmessano-LTIm having a small problem with an SPA-3102
21:09.06G-nerdI don' t know how jblack' s telephonebook looks like if the only thing he can say is suck
21:09.21drmessano-LTThe power supply has the distinct smell of baking bread, and it wont come on
21:09.32ZenBSDiexten => 1200,1,MeetMe(yer_mom) exten => 1200,2,DoMe(yer_mom) exten => 1200,3,LetMeSleep_now_thatwasgood(yer_mom)
21:09.54Alan_Hicksdrmessano-LT: Stick a screw-driver in it to jump it off.
21:10.03drmessano-LTGood idea
21:10.28drmessano-LTMaybe i'll stick YOUR MOM.. oh nevermind.. brb
21:10.34G-nerdZen, I personally thnk you go to far with your low IQ joke, sorry to say that, but that is my opnion
21:10.43*** join/#asterisk comprookie2000 (
21:11.04drmessano-LTLow IQ?
21:11.09ZenBSDiyer just jealous you can't write a pretty dialplan like I can =p
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21:11.22nhuisman_workyeah i'd say that was a lot better then <insert sentence here> + your mom.
21:12.15ZenBSDihey it's the asterisk room ..  it's <insert dial plan here> + your mom =p
21:12.46drmessano-LT"Who is your ITSP?"  "Your mom"
21:13.10drmessano-LT"Where can I paste this debug?"  "your mom"
21:13.10G-nerdbut anyway, he was just exploring the border
21:13.12ZenBSDiMy trunk runs to "your mom" =p
21:13.15drmessano-LTIt all works
21:13.44G-nerdcome on guys, can we get back on asterisk, with no mamma
21:13.47ZenBSDiWelp, thanks for showing what a prick you are G-nerd.. last time I answer any of your questions =p
21:14.31G-nerdZen, this doesn't mean I can' t give you my opinion
21:14.33drmessano-LTWhat do you expect.. Google Nerd is still in beta
21:14.55G-nerdBut thank you very much for your help Zen, I still appreciate it
21:14.58a1fa[TK]D-Fender : quick question
21:15.06a1fa[TK]D-Fender : do you use allowguest in your installs?
21:15.17a1fai am debating about it
21:15.26a1fai have some users that would like to call me like that
21:15.38jblackIs it someone else's bandwidth?
21:15.40[TK]D-Fendera1fa: depends whose
21:15.56ZenBSDiyou need to lighten up G-nerd .. this may be the asterisk room but obviously some people were having fun with momma jokes and I wanted in .. no need to call me "low iq" when the fact is I AM a linux admin and last time I checked you need atleast a Mid IQ for that =p
21:16.12G-nerdhmmm I need to concetrate on the asterisk book to get asterisk running
21:16.20jblackzenbsdi: Hey, there's a rumor going around that you have a low iq. Any truth to that/
21:16.22ZenBSDino.. you just need to learn to google
21:16.31G-nerdZen hahahahahah
21:16.41G-nerdyou are right Zen, sorry, I appologize
21:16.56jblackg-nerd: Did you have a specific question in mind?
21:17.00G-nerdWould you forgive me momma Zen?
21:17.15ZenBSDijblack .. not as frupid as I am you think triend =p
21:17.33ZenBSDino wait.. thats drunk =p
21:17.36jblackO RLY? K THX
21:17.37*** join/#asterisk Lucky7 (i=Lucky7@
21:17.57G-nerdjblack, if it is not about SIP I' ll give ya a holla
21:18.17ZenBSDilol@iax2kthxbye =p
21:18.25Lucky7is there anyway to have the server beep when it starts recording a call?
21:18.32G-nerdok, guys , I have to fix Asterisk man, I' ll catch ya up later
21:18.40jblackg-nerd: basically, you want iax, but most everything out there is sip. So, you need it.
21:18.55ZenBSDilucky7 .. fastagi script .. script it to play a sound .. otherwise I don't think there is a built in way
21:18.58[TK]D-Fenderjblack: And why would he want IAX?
21:19.06G-nerdok jblack., I understand and I believe you, thank you
21:19.16Lucky7ZenBSDi: figured it have to be something like that.
21:19.23jblackEasier to get through and around firewalls, calls are trunked. It's a neater, smaller package all around.
21:19.28Lucky7ZenBSDi : Thanks.
21:19.32jblackI think it also gets your whites whiter without dulling your colors.
21:19.37a1fatrunk ftw
21:19.43[TK]D-Fenderjblack: unless you need the bandwidth saving, I wouldn't touch it
21:19.47drmessano-LTIAX for clients isnt practical... Learn to fix NAT problems, and use IAX for trunks
21:19.49G-nerdso jblack, for communicationg in a local network like my house, I better need to use IAX?
21:19.55ez`i would liek to use my previous asterisk ; 1.4.17 seem have dtmf problem ; i can compile 1.4.15 and make insatll  over my current asterisk ( 1.4.17 )
21:20.05ZenBSDiyeah lucky7, all the really cool tricks require scripting .. and unless you're learning java I can't help .. my agi scripts are all java =p
21:20.12jblackg-nerd: People more experienced than I are saying no
21:20.15drmessano-LTGood god
21:20.26drmessano-LTIAX 4 CLIENTS = VERY NO
21:20.27DrAk0why a2billing is so confusing...
21:20.49drmessano-LTIts a BETTER protocol, but its waste pondering it
21:20.55G-nerdmore experienced than you, hmmm, than I have to think about D-Fender
21:21.00ZaVoidwhat makes it better?
21:21.11ZaVoidi've never quite understood this
21:21.22drmessano-LTThe obvious NAT issues and less overheard with multiple channels
21:21.30*** join/#asterisk qdk (n=qdk@
21:21.31nhuisman_workdoes anyone know what the bare minimum number of configs in /etc/asterisk is?
21:21.32drmessano-LTIts good for what its designed for
21:21.34jblackcertainly there's room for agreement that opening up 10k ports is not comforting.
21:21.36ZaVoidaside from nat
21:21.43nhuisman_worki have a shit load of sample files in there but I don't want them messing up my install.
21:21.51drmessano-LT10,000 ports to ONE listener
21:21.57ZenBSDi[TK]D-Fender is a very knowledgable person with asterisk. when I had some questions he had the answer .. so don't ignore [TK]D-Fender 's advice on things or if he just points you to the doc
21:22.08drmessano-LT1 port on one bad listener is no worse than 10000 to a secure one
21:22.31ZaVoidSIP just seems a lot more flexible to me as a protocol
21:22.31jblacknhuisman_work: make a sample dir, move them into there. Then, as you realize you really do need them, move them back. Hopefully you'll learn sooner than I to move nearly all of them back.
21:22.33drmessano-LTI hate that argument about "the number of ports" immensly
21:22.34G-nerdD-Fender, the Asterisk Master
21:22.40ZaVoidbut i came from the H.323 world.. so i love sip
21:22.48drmessano-LTSIP is very flexbile
21:22.54drmessano-LTand you can fix NAT if you know what youre doing
21:23.02ZaVoidnothing worse then LRQ's and ARQ's and h323 v2 vs v1 incompatabilities
21:23.02nhuisman_workso most of them are required eh
21:23.05[TK]D-FenderG-nerd: Not so much, but I've got a good grasp of the basics and a bit extra on top.
21:23.05drmessano-LTEveryone is SOO down on SIP/NAT/SIP/NAT
21:23.08ZaVoidhell ever read a h.323 debug? its not fun
21:23.16ZaVoidiax looks the same.. crappy debugs
21:23.22G-nerd??? Zavoid, H323 is not the same as SIP though they are the same VOIP protocols
21:23.37ZaVoidthey're both signaling protocols G-nerd
21:23.50[TK]D-FenderIIRC H.323 closely resembles PRI QSIG.
21:23.51G-nerdD-Fender, to me you are the MASTER, sensei
21:24.01ZaVoidit does fender
21:24.26jblackI'm sure I'm overly biased as I spent a lot of time trying to wedge siproxd and * on the same box.
21:24.27ZaVoiddoesn't mean its elegant
21:24.33[TK]D-FenderZaVoid: I recall some mention of it as such whil would explain why it is often preferred by carriers.
21:24.36ZaVoidnothing was worse then multi gatekeeper hopping
21:24.49ZaVoidwell carrier world is moving away form it now
21:24.54[TK]D-FenderZaVoid: Would mean more easily transportable signalling
21:25.02ZaVoidall the major SBC's support both and all new turnups unless requested seem to be SIP
21:25.22ZaVoidat least thats been my experience recently
21:25.39ZaVoidmost major carriers are pushing SIP now. and slowly removing h.323 endpoints
21:25.41[TK]D-FenderOk, checkout time at the office... I'm fried and heading home, BBIAB
21:25.46*** join/#asterisk jdiego (n=root@
21:25.47ZaVoidsee ya fender
21:27.41drmessano-LTTime for me to go fight with router install
21:28.59*** join/#asterisk skirmisha (
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21:29.20c4t3lhowdy gang
21:29.55skirmishawhen u have moh in queue and when queue anounce msg then moh song starts from begining, is this a bug or how can i fix it. I use native MOH
21:31.01UnixDogok this day sucks
21:31.07skirmishaany ideas
21:32.45nhuisman_workHey I setup my dhcp for phones but it seems like the phones aren't accepting the addresses, it just keeps looking with DHCPDISCOVER, DHCPOFFER, DHCPREQUEST, DHCPACK
21:32.54nhuisman_workany idea why the phone would jsut take the ip?
21:33.12nhuisman_workkeeps looping those in the log
21:33.33*** part/#asterisk jdiego (n=root@
21:33.34c4t3lskirmisha: if you use madplay to stream MOH you can specify a random order
21:34.08skirmishai use native MOH
21:34.12G-nerdjblack was saying that SIP sucks because of bas soundquality, now I' ve read that SIP is like H.323 (which Zavoid corrected me) signal protocols. And the sound "the media" is taken care by RTP, so the soundquality is determined by the RTP or other alike protocols
21:34.26skirmishabut problem is that if queue anounce msg then moh starts over
21:34.35ZaVoidcorrect G-nerd
21:34.51c4t3lskirmisha: not sure if i can help with this one
21:34.54*** join/#asterisk Lawbringer (
21:35.25G-nerdThnx Zavoid, but could it be that the bad sound also means to many delays, instead of litches and pops
21:35.27nhuisman_workdo the phones have to be configured in asterisk before they accept an ip?
21:35.47puppetanyone in sweden that could try faxing me or anyone anywhere just try to send a fax_ >(
21:35.50ZaVoidsure cutomers "bad quality" can be many reasons
21:35.59ZaVoidlatency, jitter packet loss and much more
21:36.11outtoluncUnixDog: that special eh
21:36.28G-nerdhmmm, actually I have never experienced voip, I have no one to talk with in Skype :(
21:36.44puppetskype isnt real voip <P
21:36.50UnixDogits one of those days
21:37.39*** part/#asterisk G-nerd (
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21:38.37G-nerdmy laptop sucks
21:38.50bsdwarriorI setup func_odbc.conf do I need to do a "reload" or will reload extensions work?
21:39.18ZaVoidlol how isnt skype real voice over internet protocol?
21:39.18bsdwarriorI am already using unixodbc for cdr, but the function I created in func_odbc.conf doesnt work
21:39.39ZaVoidrestart now bsdwarrior
21:40.05bsdwarriorzarviod do I have to do a "reload" everytime I add a function to that file?
21:40.28*** join/#asterisk CanWood (n=chatzill@
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21:44.21CanWoodHey Folks.  I want to have an Asterisk box on a separate VLAN in our network.  If I populate the Vlan Tag and Priority value in the Layer2 Qos settings on a GXP2000, does anyone know if the DHCP broadcasts it sends out will be tagged?  That way I can run the DHCP server on the Asterisk box to service only that VLAN
21:44.39*** join/#asterisk atisss (n=atisss@
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21:52.29bsdwarriorim calling a function defined in func_odbc.conf but it doesnt put anything in the db. any suggestions
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22:00.16bsdwarrioranyone around ?
22:01.59G-nerdDamn! sip.conf is a very long configuration file, pffff
22:02.14G-nerdare you still talking about mom?
22:02.27*** part/#asterisk ddunavant (
22:02.49[TK]D-FenderG-nerd, You have our permission to shorten it
22:02.56UnixDogwhat are you using odbc for
22:03.05syzygyBSDhmm, I am trying to get a "Please deposit 25c if you want to continue" type message going... but I can't find the right prompts in default sounds, anyone have some?
22:03.17UnixDoguse the mysql and or pgsql connectors
22:03.32G-nerdno, there must be a reason for it
22:03.33syzygyBSDgonna have that be my zapateller message
22:03.42UnixDogsyzygyBSD, you doing a payphone pbx
22:03.52syzygyBSDno payphone...
22:04.00G-nerdD-Fender, is that meant sarcastic?
22:04.14syzygyBSD[TK]D-Fender: :) oh I have used allison a lot
22:04.25[TK]D-FenderG-nerd, Slightly.  Its your config, do what you want with it.
22:04.28UnixDogI think its ment ask her to record the sound
22:04.35syzygyBSDeven have her saying "No spitting swearing farting or picking your ass"
22:04.45G-nerdyeah, but not to mess my config up
22:04.46syzygyBSDjust not the one i want right now...
22:05.00G-nerdbtw it is almost all outcommented
22:05.01UnixDogthat would not work sin [TK]D-Fender does all those
22:05.15bsdwarriorunixdog - im using postgres, I want to do an insert and nothing gets added to the db
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22:05.38G-nerdD-Fender, will I get it run within a few hours?
22:05.41UnixDogdid you conpile asteris with pgsql support
22:05.50[TK]D-FenderG-nerd, thats just SAMPLE junk.  That isn't your config, thats just junk documentation
22:05.50UnixDogor with unixodbc support
22:05.57bsdwarriorres_odbc.conf is correct.
22:06.05bsdwarriorunixdog - im already using unixodbc for cdr and thats working
22:06.19UnixDogyou dont need odbc to connect to postgress now days
22:06.29ZX81how do you pass a sip username in a dialstring?
22:06.35UnixDogthere is a postgres connector
22:06.44G-nerdhmmm, you mean I need to start from scratch?. Anyway, I just follow the asterisk pdf book
22:06.59ZX81is it possible?
22:07.06bsdwarriorunixdog, I can't redo the entire config right now for a live system,
22:07.23bsdwarriorunixdog, how can I enable debugging for func_odbc ?
22:08.33UnixDogdont use odbc dont know
22:08.41bsdwarrioris this syntax even correct anyone? exten => 7,n,Set(foobar=ADDCALLBACK_MAIN(${CALLBACKNUM} ) )
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22:09.42ZX81I'm trying to set callerid on an outbound sip trunk but the from: field never gets populated
22:09.44ZX81asterisk 1.4
22:09.55ZX81using set(CALLERID(all)=1234 <1234>
22:10.02ZX81where 1234 is the cid
22:10.17ZX81if I set fromuser it works
22:10.24ZX81but want to just pass the cid
22:10.33*** join/#asterisk Lawbringer (
22:10.46ZX81exten => 125,1,Set(CALLERID(all)=2122827000 <2122827000>)
22:11.17ZX81exten => 125,2,Dial(SIP/366015162339718@nextcarrier)
22:11.43*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
22:11.43mvanbaakZX81: did you try with 2 calls, one for CALLERID(name) and one for CALLERID(num) ?
22:11.47mvanbaakthat's how I do it
22:11.58ZX81I did that first
22:12.15fiXXXerMetWhen I call voicemail, conference - whatever - command line shows the 'Playing 'file-name' output, but I don't hear anything on the phone.
22:12.38fiXXXerMetAll of the sound files are in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds
22:12.47mvanbaakfiXXXerMet: turn up the volume ;)
22:12.54ZX81From: "Unknown" <sip:Unknown@>;tag=as4a198239
22:13.10fiXXXerMetI wish it were that easy mvanbaak
22:14.14fiXXXerMetIt doesn't say that it can't find the file, it says that the file is playing - I just don't hear it.
22:14.19bsdwarriorI want to be able to use sql statements (postgres) in the dialplan. can someone point me in the right direction ?
22:15.54fiXXXerMetbsdwarrior: I don't think that is how it works.
22:17.15bsdwarriorfixxxermet I see people doing this exten => s,n,MYSQL(Connect connid acd acdpass acd)
22:17.25bsdwarriorhow can I do the same thing with postgres ?
22:18.10fiXXXerMetYikes, no idea.
22:18.19nhuisman_workany of you folks use cisco 79XX phones?  What version of SIP firmware do you suggest?
22:19.21bsdwarriorP003-08-6-00 works fine for us
22:20.05bsdwarriorany gurus around
22:20.09nhuisman_workdo you have any experience with upgrading SKINNY to sip and then back?
22:20.16nhuisman_worki want to make sure I can back out of the sip firmware.
22:20.41bsdwarriornhuis no sorry
22:21.09nhuisman_workdid you have to upgrade in stages?
22:21.19nhuisman_worksomewhere I read you can't go all the way to latest  in one upgrade
22:22.16bsdwarriorthats possible. its a pita
22:22.24pucknhuisman_work: I still have 7905's, but can't get the latest firmware for them anymore.  :(
22:22.27c4t3lwhat is the general consensus here regarding asterisk and GUI interfaces?
22:22.36nhuisman_workpuck do you have cisco support?
22:22.44syzygyBSDc4t3l: don't
22:23.02pucknhuisman_work: no, but a friend who does checked and couldn't find it
22:23.05syzygyBSDhmm, maybe another command
22:23.07jbotsomebody said gui was (Graphical User Interface) Any system that uses graphics to represent the functions of a program. All Windows operating systems are GUI. or point-and-drool, double-click, drag-and-drop, ... or at  Of course Real Programmers use the command line interface.  See cli
22:23.11nhuisman_workpuck, checking
22:23.26nhuisman_workpuck, sip?
22:23.35puckc4t3l: I've starting playing around with some desktop integration goodness
22:23.37syzygyBSDhmm, I liked fender's quote about the gui...
22:23.37pucknhuisman_work: yeah
22:24.44[TK]D-FendersyzygyBSD, Which?
22:25.01nhuisman_workfirmware i mean
22:25.11bsdwarriorhey unixdog
22:25.15syzygyBSDthe one about learning asterisk with a gui being like ....
22:25.25c4t3lsyzgyBSD: I've been  working with * for a couple of years now and the company I currently work with has made the descision to sell a GUI based * :(
22:25.25pucknhuisman_work: just checking
22:25.27[TK]D-FendersyzygyBSD, thats not my quote..
22:25.31jbotmethinks zeeek is someone who once said "learning asterisk using a GUI is like learning sex through masturbation. You'll never get to the good stuff."
22:25.46syzygyBSDahh, but you were the one that knew the command
22:25.48pucknhuisman_work: 1.02.00
22:26.12[TK]D-FendersyzygyBSD, But I almost never call it.... that's usually ManxPower
22:26.53syzygyBSDI use a gui for my configuration... made it myself, it is a textbox for each extension if it is "custom", or you can have it automatically do 10 or so different types of extensions
22:26.55c4t3lI have installed 3 systems in the last 2 weeks that should have only taken 1 hour tops, but because the GUI is there things have to re-programmed-very unhappy
22:27.41pucknhuisman_work: awesome, thanks!
22:27.47nhuisman_workerr 8.0(1)
22:27.54puckgood for a 7905G?
22:27.56c4t3li personally hate the damn gui
22:28.05nhuisman_workit's listed for 7905s
22:28.25puckgreat, thank you!
22:28.27nhuisman_workSIP software for Cisco 7905 IP Phone - build 060412A - for Non-CallManager applications
22:28.38nhuisman_workanyone else want firmware ? hehe
22:28.46c4t3lyou really cant do anything with it.  Maybe I should look for another job eh?? hint hint...
22:28.57puckheh, I've always been disappointed that these phones don't do the XML menus...  :(
22:29.17puckoh, my baby daughters awake, off to get her up
22:30.01UnixDogwow more bsd people here
22:30.18DavieyHi, for some reason Hangup isn't working in this example - any ideas?
22:30.32UnixDogall the bsd people to the right side for the room and all the linux people leave the channel
22:31.26nhuisman_workthat'd be one small circle jerk left :P
22:32.27G-nerdwhat is a dialplan exactly, I just started to configure sip.conf
22:32.44UnixDoglook at extensions.conf and learn
22:32.47syzygyBSDlol UnixDog
22:32.58G-nerdUnixDogg, am not talking to you
22:33.25CanWoodHey UnixDog, Free, Net, or OpenBSD?
22:33.32syzygyBSDA dialplan tells how all calls will be handled
22:33.59G-nerdwell that is clear, I' ve read that in asterisk book too, but still don' t have a clue
22:34.04UnixDogG-nerd, how are to ever learn if you dont jump in and doggy paddle
22:34.15CanWoodthe consultant setting us up said "linux or you'll regret it" and I'm looking for horror/success stories with OpenBSD
22:34.34UnixDoga dial plain is how you write what functions your system can do and your users have access to
22:34.47UnixDoglike callwaiting and callforwarding
22:34.59UnixDoglook at extensions.conf and read it many times
22:35.04UnixDogit will come to you
22:35.21syzygyBSDwell, I used freebsd for a while, it was very stable and had great disk access speeds, eventually I moved off just to keep management down to one OS
22:35.27[TK]D-FenderG-nerd, You've been answered.  dialp = extensions.conf <---
22:35.49G-nerdAccoording to Asterisk book 2nd edition I have to start with SIP.conf, not with extension.conf ok
22:36.06syzygyBSDI hope you don't believe everything you read...
22:36.09UnixDogalso at a asterisk cli do core show applications
22:36.19UnixDogread it and compaire it to the dial plan
22:36.25UnixDogit will help you to learn
22:36.27G-nerdaaah ok D-Fender, so I have to read extension to know what' s going on
22:36.40UnixDognow go padawond and learn the ways of asterisk
22:36.41G-nerdok thnx UnixDog
22:36.54UnixDogbecome one with your pbx
22:36.59UnixDogcommune with it
22:37.27UnixDogits how we all learned and now its your turn
22:37.40G-nerdyeah, so is my wife, work, rent......:(
22:38.13G-nerdanyway I want to get Asterisk running before I sleep
22:38.16syzygyBSDactually, I learned by osmosis.  I slept on the book
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22:38.45UnixDogthen go get centpbx and install it
22:38.54UnixDogit comes with a functional dial plan
22:39.13UnixDogand learn to use it and come back here when your really ready to learn
22:39.25*** join/#asterisk Lawbringer (
22:39.26Davieymake samples ; comes with a "functional dial plan" :)
22:39.36UnixDognot really
22:39.43UnixDogsemi functional
22:40.26UnixDogit wont have all the NANPA Vertical dial plan in it
22:40.31Davieyanyway.. why isn't my hangups working!
22:40.43G-nerdUnixDog, come back here when you are really know how to communicate
22:41.42G-nerdjust say nothing and read here how D-Fender does, you can learn a lot from him
22:42.30DavieyD-Fender hasn't won any prizes for his people skills AIUI
22:42.54UnixDogG-nerd, get real and listen we are trying to help you to learn
22:43.06puppet$["${PHASEESTATUS}" = "0"]11? isnt that right syntax?
22:43.10fileUnixDog: not all those across the land require a "fully functional" dialplan
22:43.35UnixDogif you need a pbx now and are not willing to take the time to learn the get centpbx install
22:43.51UnixDog90% do from what I have learned over the years
22:44.05UnixDogthey are to lazy to learn
22:45.16*** join/#asterisk jameswf-home (
22:45.51[TK]D-Fender"fully functional" means what exactly?  What is this miraculous benchmark that all others must compare to?
22:46.05syzygyBSDevery feature ever!
22:46.33[TK]D-FendersyzygyBSD, And since you could call anything an exten does a "feature", then your dialplan would be infinitley sized.
22:46.36UnixDogthat it has full nanpa vertical dial plan
22:46.47*** join/#asterisk Grash (
22:46.47G-nerdUnixDog, let me explain you this. If I have a whole free day I will know 70% of the whole Asterisk thing, ok. But as a father, husband and employee (as a programmer for embedded systems and server applications for windose) I don' t have all the time. So if you just don' t compare my lifestyle to yours, than you can at least show some understanding. And that is the last thing I say.
22:46.57UnixDogmatches what most standard pbx systems have
22:47.41UnixDogI have 2 kids a x wife 2 dogs and a house with 2 roomates
22:47.47jameswf-homecan it poor me a beer
22:47.59[TK]D-FenderUnixDog, O RLY?  For me NANPA means being able to dial 7-10-11 digit #'s on the PSTN.  But wait, that assumes the system even has anything to DO with the PSTN.  If I make a PBX for use solely within the scope of 1 building, do I need to give a hoot about NANPA?  No.
22:48.46UnixDogmost pbx systems have full nanpa  callforwarding callwaiting call return enable/disable
22:48.52UnixDogand more
22:49.03[TK]D-FenderG-nerd, The "samples" that can't with * are just that, "samples".  You should trash sip.conf & extensions.conf right after you install and start from scratch and use the samples as nothing more than inspiration.
22:49.08UnixDogand thats what alot of companies and users look for when they say pbx
22:49.09puppeti love recieving faxes now ;P
22:49.13puppet-- Executing SipT38SwitchOver("SIP/", "") <3
22:49.17jameswf-homemy PBX can burn CDs
22:49.25[hC]puppet: what are you using for t38?
22:49.32[hC]puppet: at the gateway/client ?
22:49.39puppet[hC]: not asterisk im sorry to say
22:49.46[TK]D-Fenderjameswf-home, My PBX plays me movies on its 120" HT screen :p
22:49.58[TK]D-Fenderjameswf-home, And used to make me coffee.
22:49.59UnixDogit also has to do full status checking to see whats enabled and disabled on the line
22:50.22syzygyBSDwell, last time I will be here in this country, g'bye everybody!
22:50.22[TK]D-FenderUnixDog, Does your PBX make you coffee?  I think you might be missing some important "features" there :)
22:50.29G-nerdD-Fender thnx for the advice. I have commented all out the conf-file, so I can follow the instructions step by step accoording to the Asterisk book. Later I'll create new conf files from scratch. But thnx
22:50.45jameswf-homeWe were going to buy an old coke machine and make it asterisk ready
22:50.49UnixDogI dont drink coffie but it is linked to mr house and controls my house with dial plan
22:51.09[TK]D-FenderUnixDog, Ok, close enough...
22:51.19[hC]puppet: what was that output from?
22:51.29puppeta fork of asterisk
22:51.38jameswf-homeI should have it read dirty stories to me
22:51.44puppeta fork of asterisk
22:51.50puppetwrong window the last :)
22:52.56UnixDogthe sad part is this. Microshaft has done a good job at training people not to touch config files let the gui do it.
22:53.01[hC]puppet: your own, or?
22:53.11[TK]D-Fender[hC], Callweaver
22:56.24jameswf-homedirty forker
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22:56.43syzygyBSDgotta love them forks
22:57.04catharinahello all
22:57.14syzygyBSDcatharina!!! how are you?
22:57.21puppetjameswf-home: well nothing bad about asterisks, but after i tried CW, no laggy MoH on sip channel, better faxrecieving, i havent seen anything bad so far :) and no more ztdummy. But then it comes from asterisks so :)
22:57.21catharinavery fine, thank you
22:57.33catharinaexcept for my asterisk issue :-)
22:57.42nhuisman_workis it possible to setup two dhcp servers on the same layer 2 but configure one to only answer to certain mac addresses?
22:58.01syzygyBSDwhats the issue?
22:58.32syzygyBSDnhuisman_work: yes.. but you have to configure the other one not to answer for it either
22:59.10catharinai've registered to a sip provider in my country. i have a voip-in number. dialing in and out works perfectly (most of the time)
22:59.15*** join/#asterisk eldon (n=eldon@
22:59.19syzygyBSDI was running two on my network without realizing it... huge problem when you are trying to change settings
22:59.26catharinaafter a while, the dialing in functionality stops working
22:59.38catharinaalthough it shows as registered
22:59.49syzygyBSDregistered at your end...
22:59.57UnixDogthat could be many issues catharina
22:59.57catharinaI have to make an outbound call (or do a sip reload) and then the dial in works again
23:00.19catharinaseems as though it times out or something or looses the registration at their end
23:00.25syzygyBSDcatharina: your sip registration is longer than your providers.  make your's refresh sooner
23:00.30*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (
23:01.07nhuisman_worksyzygyBSD, hmm yeah.  I wanted to test my asterisk server in the same network as the current voip
23:01.12nhuisman_workmaybe i'll just figure out another network configuration to test.
23:01.22catharinais that the defaultexpiry option in sip.conf ?
23:01.59syzygyBSDI use zap as my provider, or IAX.  Let me check
23:02.18syzygyBSDyes the keyboard works
23:03.18syzygyBSDcatharina: registertimeout=3600 will reregister every hour
23:03.27syzygyBSDwait, nm
23:04.27syzygyBSDthe better place to look
23:04.39syzygyBSDanyway, make it reregister sooner
23:04.48syzygyBSDboss just brought beer, I am signing off now
23:04.51syzygyBSDgood luck
23:04.58G-nerdHello, what is trunk mean in Asterisk context?
23:05.22CanWoodfrom SIP to beer.  A natural transition
23:05.48mvanbaakCanWood: to understand and like SIP you need shitloads of beer
23:05.55mvanbaakso yeah, it's pretty natural
23:06.12G-nerdHello, what is trunk mean in Asterisk context?
23:07.23*** join/#asterisk maldous (
23:08.04maldousdoes anyone know if asterisk will run on a ADM5120 or if there would be codec limitations?
23:08.15mvanbaakG-nerd: can mean several things
23:08.23mvanbaakG-nerd: are you referring to the version
23:08.38mvanbaakG-nerd: or to something like 'SIP-trunk, IAX-trunk'
23:08.49G-nerdlike what? I guess the latest ones
23:09.52drmessanoG-nerd, are you reading the book?
23:09.54catharinadoes anyone here have some experience with a cisco 7912 ?
23:10.37G-nerdthe electronic one, I' m almost blind
23:12.33G-nerdno reason for sorry cat
23:12.44G-nerdI'm a joke my whole life
23:12.58*** join/#asterisk Lawbringer (
23:13.24*** part/#asterisk `paul (n=aldee@
23:14.34*** join/#asterisk CanWood (n=chatzill@
23:15.10puppethmm something strange here i fax number 75, and the channel says it takes 70:s settings
23:15.18nhuisman_worktrying to load a 7940 via dhcp and tftp and it's saying load id incorrect, any ideas?
23:18.10puppethow come it always picks gsm when i dont even haev it in the list of the once i want to use
23:18.14catharinajust a guess: check if the image version in SIPDefault.cnf matches the image on your tftp server
23:22.12puppethmm cant i change codec on just one incoming number? do i really have to change it on all numbers?
23:24.05*** join/#asterisk vrtk (n=bruno@
23:26.35[TK]D-Fendercatharina, You running your server behind NAT?
23:27.10catharinaactually no
23:27.16[TK]D-Fendercatharina, sounds like the UDP window is closing behind you
23:27.21catharinait runs on an openwrt box
23:27.27catharinawhich has a public adress on the outside
23:27.35[TK]D-Fendercatharina, * on WRT w/ a WAN ip direct?
23:27.36catharinawhat do you mean [TK]D-Fender ?
23:27.50[TK]D-Fendercatharina, check your firewall on it.
23:28.01[TK]D-Fendercath make sure 5060,10000-20000 are open
23:28.13catharinaincoming ?
23:28.14[TK]D-Fendercatharina, (all UPD)
23:28.18[TK]D-Fendercatharina, both ways
23:28.28catharinawell it's open outgoing
23:28.52catharinaand it's a statefull firewall
23:29.13[TK]D-Fendercatharina, fat lod of good that'll do *... UDP is stateless.
23:29.22catharinaah ok
23:29.27catharinagood point
23:29.30catharinanot an expert here
23:29.40[TK]D-Fendercatharina, np :)
23:29.53catharinayou said the UDP window is closing, is there anything I can do on my side to keep it open ?
23:30.00catharinaa sort of keepalive or something ?
23:30.46[TK]D-Fendercatharina, that was under the assumption of NAT which isn't supposed to be the case.
23:31.18[TK]D-Fendercatharina, I'd still look at your firewall mind you, and it would probably be a decent idea to enable Qualify on your SIP peer to your ITSP
23:31.33catharinawhat is qualify ?
23:32.30*** join/#asterisk Paladine (
23:33.01catharinaah ok
23:33.02catharinafound it
23:33.13Paladinewow hope I am in the right channel given how many are in the topic lol
23:33.19*** join/#asterisk etfonhomey (
23:33.25PaladineI am basically just looking for a little bit of advice
23:34.49[TK]D-FenderPaladine, just ask it.
23:34.49PaladineI would like to install asterisk for 2 pourposes, firstly because of the saving we can make by switching to VOIP and secondly because I need to collect evidence for a criminal case involving harassing phonecalls
23:34.50Paladinethis would be at my home so we only have 1 line
23:35.14PaladineI have a spare server (real server not little PC) and I need to know what other equipment I need to plug it into the UK telephone system
23:35.16nhuisman_workcan't you just use the phone bill for harassment logs?
23:35.38Paladinephonebill only gives me the number sI call not the numbers people call me from
23:35.39nhuisman_workyou'll need an interface card
23:35.49nhuisman_workPaladine, i'm sure the phone company could give you that information
23:35.51Paladineand I need to actually record the calls for evidence (as in the conversation)
23:36.07Paladineno they can't, the phone company don't log incoming calls, only outgoing
23:36.13Paladineit is a common problem in the UK
23:36.14[TK]D-FenderPaladine, Digium TDM01B for your POTS line.
23:36.15nhuisman_workwow that's pretty stupid
23:36.30PaladineTK is that a PCI card?
23:36.30[TK]D-FenderPaladine, * can record calls and you get the callerID, etc...
23:36.31nhuisman_workof them.
23:36.38[TK]D-FenderPaladine, Yes
23:37.29drmessanoYou also need to check with local law enforcement and find out what they need from you specifically
23:37.52[TK]D-FenderPaladine, And verify the legality of your recording
23:37.58drmessanoUnfortunately, a report that makes sense to you may look stupid to them
23:38.21drmessanoSo specifics are good..
23:38.36Paladinealready verified, it is perfectly legal in the UK for an individual to record calls
23:38.45Paladineonly companies have to inform the other party
23:38.52catharina[TK]D-Fender: i've been running a tcpdump on my box the entire evening.
23:39.00nhuisman_workyeah but will law enforcement be able to use your recording against the offending party
23:39.02catharinai can see sip registrations every 10 minutes
23:39.03nhuisman_workis what you want to make sure of.
23:39.07catharinaso registration is ok
23:39.25catharinaa few minutes ago, incoming phones were not working
23:39.48adelascan anyone here help me with setting asterisk up to take 2 network cards?
23:39.49[TK]D-Fendercatharina, Still sounds like a networking issue to me...
23:39.49Paladinedrmessano, also done, I need to provde a sample of voice calls recorded (not all of the calls just a few) plus a log of dates/times durations of calls and number called from
23:39.55catharinaso in the trace I can see a sip cancel message
23:40.01adelasi have my sip.conf to be listening at
23:40.19[TK]D-Fenderadelas, thats good so far
23:40.21nhuisman_workPaladine, if you are just setting up asterisk for that I might suggest just getting a tape recorder and some caller id box.
23:40.26Paladinenhuisman_work, yes they can, it is police who have asked me to take this action
23:40.27nhuisman_workbut otherwise go for it.
23:40.33drmessanoPaladine: and they will accept a CDR reports from an Asterisk phone system
23:40.43Paladinetape recorder won't work we have dect phones
23:40.50[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano, CDR is nice, recording, more so
23:40.54Paladineso there is no socket to plug the recorder into
23:41.01nhuisman_worki see
23:41.02drmessanoThey'll want logs
23:41.06*** join/#asterisk cesar_CR (n=cesar@
23:41.09adelas[TK]D-Fender, but asterisk won't take incoming traffic from the 2nd nic. I know the 2nd nick works b/c of the http server and ping services
23:41.21[TK]D-FenderPaladine, well i told you the kind of card you'll want
23:41.22drmessanoand logs in a format they are familiar with and that are admissible in court
23:41.24adelasis there any other problem?
23:41.25PaladineI presume asterisk can log calls effectively, failing that I suspect just the file creation time and date would be sufficient
23:41.42PaladineTK yeah I am trying to find one now, thanks for that
23:41.54[TK]D-Fenderadelas, Well you haven't described whats on each of these NIC's, showed us your configs, etc...
23:42.08adelaseach nic is a different subnet
23:42.29[TK]D-Fenderadelas, elaborate.....
23:42.36adelasnic1 is like 10.11.12.x, while nic2 is 10.11.14.x
23:43.01adelasi was hoping for asterisk to be able to listen and take traffic on both nics
23:43.04PaladineTK, wow that is more expensive than I expected
23:43.47*** join/#asterisk Lawbringer (
23:44.08[TK]D-Fenderadelas, set "localnet" for each of them
23:44.37[TK]D-FenderPaladine, You might get away with an X100P clone, but they are often flakey....
23:45.10[TK]D-FenderPaladine, And I'm thinking that you'll want decent call quality and disconnect supervision.
23:45.18[TK]D-FenderPaladine, this is something tricky in the UK
23:45.25adelas[TK]D-Fender, what do you mean by "localnet"
23:45.30catharinai'm going to bed
23:45.33catharinathanks all for the help
23:45.50catharinasee you later
23:46.38PaladineTK, yeah but $160 is waaay expensive when you are a student with an adult dependent, a 2 year old and a mortgage hehe
23:46.42adelas[TK]D-Fender, there are 2 physically differnet networks
23:47.23[TK]D-FenderPaladine, go find an X100P then.
23:48.11[TK]D-Fenderadelas, under general add : localnet=
23:48.14[TK]D-Fenderadelas, under general add : localnet=
23:48.59*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
23:51.25adelas[TK]D-Fender, sorry i'm a noob, but you mean general under the sip.conf?
23:52.54Paladine[TK]D-Fender, would this be suitable?
23:54.06*** join/#asterisk AndyGraybeal (
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23:55.08drmessanoI think this is a better x100p:
23:58.30mvanbaakdrmessano: no
23:58.45mvanbaakall them clones are as bad as horsedoodles
23:58.48mvanbaakget a TDM
23:59.21mvanbaakthe X100P is awefull

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