IRC log for #asterisk on 20080109

00:01.58Kattyso quiet tonight..
00:05.39*** join/#asterisk ghenry (
00:10.33*** join/#asterisk Magicianx (n=chezvous@
00:14.51bjinglesThis may be an oddball question but in the polycom .cfg files where do I find the one to edit that will give me ext.cfg that macaddress.cfg pulls from
00:15.15bjinglesit says do not edit phone1.cfg but the top part of it looks like the part I have to edit for the phone to take an extension
00:17.31*** join/#asterisk grandpapadot (
00:18.14grandpapadothi all.  In sip.conf, after disallow=all, the allow=g729,gsm,ulaw line represents the preferred order.  For some reason, in 1.2.24, I have to specify allow=g729 only otherwise it will fall back to ulaw, any ideas?
00:19.52JTgrandpapadot: the line does not represent the preferred order, it represents allowable codecs
00:21.04grandpapadotJT: How does one set the order?
00:21.06*** join/#asterisk Yourname` (i=Myztic@unaffiliated/yourname/x-837320)
00:21.12grandpapadotAnd thanks for the help.
00:21.31JTgrandpapadot: you don't
00:21.31Yourname`Happy new year errrbody!
00:21.34*** join/#asterisk tripps (n=ss@
00:21.35JTasterisk can
00:21.38JTasterisk can't do it
00:21.41grandpapadotSo I can't specify use g729 over ulaw?
00:21.57JTyou can specify one instead of the other
00:21.59JTbut not both
00:22.03grandpapadotOk, thanks.
00:22.52bllzmwhat will show up in asterisk callerid if it's unknown or number is blocked, is there one universal way to recognize these or does it vary from operator to operator ?
00:24.13ManxPowerbllzm: what shows up in Asterisk and what shows up on the phone are two different things
00:24.31ManxPowerBlocked depends on the telco, unknown is an empty callerid
00:25.15bllzmManxPower, I need to identify ( on asterisk system ) blocked caller id and respond accordingly
00:25.43bllzmnot concerned with phone
00:26.14ManxPowerbllzm: Are you using a PRI?
00:28.21bllzmManxPower, yes
00:28.34bllzmManxPower, IAX trunk, other end is PRI
00:28.47bjinglesAnyone here knows anything about polycom config files?
00:29.24JTbllzm: so not really a pri
00:29.24Kattythey fit nicely into the shredder.
00:29.28Kattyi know that (=
00:30.06ManxPowerbllzm: IF you have a PRI you should be able to get the status if the Caller Presentation (see channelvariables.txt in the asterisk source code /doc direcotry)
00:31.26*** join/#asterisk tobias (
00:31.40bllzmManxPower, does this apply even if I don't have access to PRI but only IAX trunk on the other end ?
00:32.14ManxPowerbllzm: I have no idea.  That is what I asked if you had a PRI.
00:40.25bjinglesthe whitepaper for setting up the phone1.cfg file and sip.cfg from polycom states that you need to set up macaddress-user.cfg and randomsip.cfg and then it proceeds to give examples of how they "should" look but gives you no clue as to how to make them
00:40.34bjingleshow are you people making your .cfg files for provisioning?
00:40.54mostybjingles, use a text editor
00:41.07mostyor write a script to generate them from a database with your settings, or something
00:41.13bjinglesand just rip directly from the examples given in the whitepaper?
00:41.27bjinglesIE manually type the text into a txt editor and name the files?
00:41.27*** join/#asterisk flenders (n=fserto@unaffiliated/flenders)
00:42.03mostybjingles, copy+paste from the examples if you don't know how else to get started
00:42.55dacsquiestion on Unique identifier, in sip.conf e.g. [400], i know i can change it to whatever name i want e.g [DACSIP], but how i would assign it the 400 exten?
00:43.46_ShrikEexten => 400,1,Dial(Sip/DACSIP)
00:43.54mostydacs: just name it whatever you want in sip.conf, extensions are configured in extensions.conf
00:43.57bjinglesMosty I did that and it fried my phone when I provisioned it
00:44.25mostybjingles, probably have the wrong config for your firmware version, or incomplete config or something
00:44.35*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-3c12c2ebf95024e5)
00:44.35dacs_ShrikE: mosty aha, i was reading the book and i just got a little confused , thank you
00:45.14bjinglesI think that the whitepaper misses something
00:45.17mostybjingles, look in your server's logs to see if the phone is downloading all the files
00:45.30bjinglesit did
00:45.33bjinglesand it updated
00:45.42bjingleswhen I put all the stock files in the folder
00:46.03bjinglesand now that I want to edit them and provision them to certain extensions based on mac addresses the whitepaper misses a part I think
00:46.39mostybjingles, there is a config file with the mac address as part of the filename, you edit that with the details specific to that extension
00:46.57bjinglesthat was created
00:47.15bjinglesand then put that in the sip.cfg "CONFIG_FILE" with phone1.cfg and sip.cfg?
00:47.45mostyno. the phone will try to download the file named with its mac address
00:47.54dacstalk to you later guys
00:47.57*** part/#asterisk dacs (n=haiger@unaffiliated/dacs)
00:48.30bjingles<APPLICATION APP_FILE_PATH="sip.ld" CONFIG_FILES="phone1.cfg, sip.cfg" MISC_FILES=""
00:48.30bjinglesLOG_FILE_DIRECTORY="/log" OVERRIDES_DIRECTORY="/overrides" CONTACTS_DIRECTORY="/contacts"/>
00:48.40bjinglesthat's what's in the file
00:48.50mostydon't paste here, use if you want to paste the contenfs of your config files
00:49.01bjinglesit was two lines so I figured it was alright
00:49.18bjinglesso I should put the ext.cfg in CONFIG_FILES
00:49.27bjinglesalong with phone1.cfg and sip.cfg
00:49.32bjingleshow is ext.cfg generated
00:49.34bjinglesthis is where I'm stuck
00:49.44bjinglesthe whitepaper assumes you already have it
00:50.15bjinglesI have the extension already set up on the asterisk server
00:50.29mostythere is no standard program that generates polycom config files for you
00:50.45mostyyou have to write them yourself, or write a program/script to do it for you
00:51.16bjinglesso to write one myself I'd use a text editor and call it ext420.cfg
00:51.25bjinglesand then write what? this is what the whitepaper doesn't explain
00:51.29bjinglesit just assumes you already know
00:51.32mostyyes, start by copy+pasting an example
00:51.46bjinglesbut that fried my phone
00:52.20mostythen you made some sort of error
00:52.28bjinglesit does say use an XML editor
00:52.31mostywhat does the phone say?
00:52.32bjinglesI used pico
00:52.43bjingleson boot it says Misc fille error
00:52.47bjingleserror is 0x20
00:53.23mostyyou obviously have some sort of error in your file. btw that wiki page has a link to a provisioning util that might help you:
00:53.29bjingleslol that's the guide I'm going off
00:55.54ManxPowerAs I said, check your syntaxz
00:56.09ManxPowerbjingles: chances are pico wordwrapped
00:56.19fujinapt-get remove pico
00:56.20bjinglesthis is what I think happened
00:56.22fujinapt-get install vim
00:56.37Kattyvim :<
00:56.39bjinglesoh yah lol
00:56.43ManxPowerPersonally I use jedit for stuff like that, where XML or source code is involved
00:56.44Kattyemacs :>
00:56.50bjinglesI'm using open office right now
00:57.09ManxPowerbjingles: I see you are trying to use EVERY tool that you should not use
00:57.23bjinglesso vim
00:57.41fujinit's the *only* _real_ editor.
00:57.46bjingleswell it'll always be there
00:57.48drmessanoI edit XML with MS Word 2000
00:57.50drmessanoIts cool
00:58.03*** part/#asterisk angom (
00:58.26hmmhesaysI can't find documentation for directory.xml on polycom phones,
00:58.44ManxPowerhmmhesays: It's not in the admin guide?
01:00.11hmmhesaysHey Katty: long time no talk
01:00.19hmmhesaysNo its not in the admin guide
01:00.34hmmhesaysI think i figured out all the params from the options displayed on the phone itself
01:02.14bjinglesnano isn't xml no
01:02.21bjinglesupgraded pico to nano
01:03.33hmmhesaysthey also make no mention of being able to map the expansion module keys
01:04.39ManxPowerhmmhesays: weird, the diretory xml format is documented in section of my admin manual
01:05.26ManxPower3.1.17.1  Local Contact Directory File Format
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01:06.03hmmhesayshold let me look again
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01:07.19hmmhesayspage 4-10 yeah but it does list what each tag is
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01:09.10hmmhesaysyeah I'm just having problems today
01:09.23hmmhesaysattended transfers don't set any transfer variables that I can use in the dialplan
01:09.43ManxPowerhmmhesays: What crappy admin guide do you have?  Mine lists each option
01:10.03ManxPowerfn UTF-8 encoded string of up to
01:10.03ManxPower40 bytes
01:10.04ManxPowerfirst name
01:10.31bjingleshm ok some progress
01:10.32*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
01:10.47bjinglesI was able to assign the extension to the phone I was working on but it's still saying "Line not registered"
01:11.12bjinglesafter pasting the example and going from there, I believe it may be because I didn't put the secret in and I don't know the syntax to doing that
01:11.19bjingles*to do that
01:11.45hmmhesaysnevermind I found it
01:11.49hmmhesaysI'm just having a bad day here
01:12.12hmmhesaysManxPower: have you ever seen anything that will default speed dial transfers to blind?
01:13.30mostybjingles, well that is obviously where you put your first pet's name and the name of the first street you lived on, so that your phone knows your porn name
01:14.49bjinglesok thanks
01:15.02ManxPowerbjingles: See
01:15.04bjinglesI had to manually add that let's see if it takes
01:15.09bjinglesok thanks max
01:15.21ManxPowerhmmhesays: There are some options for default transfer type in 2.x and later
01:15.47ManxPowermosty: I thought that was your Drag Name
01:16.17*** join/#asterisk franck (n=franck@tikiwiki/franck)
01:16.20hmmhesaysYeah ManxPower: I've been looking for them the one I have found is for ip 320/330's
01:16.24franckHi all
01:17.07franckI'm looking at my calls using freepbx and the max use of zap is 3 while I have 8 channels. Something limiting that?
01:17.07ManxPowerhmmhesays: I don't think that option is phone specific
01:17.18jbot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
01:17.23jboti heard zeeek is someone who once said "learning asterisk using a GUI is like learning sex through masturbation. You'll never get to the good stuff."
01:18.11franckthere is no special stuff in asterisk that limits the number of zap used?
01:18.28hmmhesayscall.transfer.blindPreferred <-- is tha the parameter you speak of?
01:18.44bjinglesHm, epic fail, it took the name and secret but still says the line not registered
01:18.50ManxPowerhmmhesays: I have no idea what it is, I set it 4 years ago and never dealt with it again
01:19.02bjingleswhich is of course why I started this provisioning server
01:19.12hmmhesaysthats the only parameter I can find in the manual and it says it is specific to ip 320/330's
01:19.37hmmhesaysso your default when you hit transfer key then a speed dial key is a blind transfer?
01:20.35*** join/#asterisk kyron (
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01:21.46bjinglesWhat I don't understand about these polycom phones is why they have to register to work and what the benefits are and why you can't turn it off
01:22.00bjinglesthe sipura phones will work no problem with this asterisk server
01:22.26ManxPowerbjingles: they do not have to register to work.
01:22.54ManxPowerjust like every other SIP phone out there.
01:23.12*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
01:23.13bjinglesit's odd because you try calling other extensions and nothing, you try calling out and nothing
01:23.31bjinglesthe sipura phones work with all the same settings
01:23.47hmmhesaysManxPower: when you hit transfer then speed dial button it is a blind transfer on your poly?
01:27.34*** part/#asterisk ashert (
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01:28.47*** part/#asterisk ashert (
01:28.48ManxPowerhmmhesays: I am 20 miles from the nearest polycom phone.
01:29.08*** join/#asterisk ashert (
01:29.51hmmhesaysI've looked through the admin guide to find a parameter that would produce that behavior
01:30.05*** part/#asterisk ashert (
01:30.09hmmhesayscause default is to create an attended transfer when you hit transfer-->speedial
01:30.14hmmhesays*speed dial even
01:30.25*** join/#asterisk jamincollins (
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01:31.48jamincollinsis it normal for Asterisk Realtime to query each extensions context and priority 3 times?
01:31.51ManxPowerI take it your users are too stupid to press "BLIND" during a transfer?
01:33.37hmmhesaysIts not a stupid user problem, it is a trying to get as close to key system functionality as possible
01:33.57ManxPower*shrug*  You are destined to fail.  Asterisk is not a key system.
01:34.08hmmhesaysnot to mention when you use an attended transfer asterisk doesn't set any variables that I can use to trigger certain actions
01:34.33hmmhesaysYou I know you are one of those people that say "Just make your users change" but that is a shitty selling point, period.
01:34.39bjinglesdestined to fail with Asterisk lol
01:34.43ManxPowerhmmhesays: Chances are An attended transfer is really a three-way call where one leg drops off
01:34.43bjinglesI should tell that to my boss
01:35.11hmmhesaysAsterisk debug says gives some indication there was a transfer, but that is useless in the dialplan
01:35.23hmmhesaysIf I can make the poly default to blind then all is well
01:35.23bjingleswe've put so many man hours into this sytem we could have purchased 3 telco-run systems by now
01:35.31ManxPowerbjingles: If you try to make lemonade out of a chicken you are also destined to fail.  A chicken is not a lemon.  Asterisk is not a key system.
01:35.47bjinglesyeah there's some cliche I wish my boss would understand
01:35.56hmmhesaysbut people want basic key system functionality, of which you can get most of with poly's and asterisk
01:36.15hmmhesayspeople want blinky lights and line appearances, it makes them feel better
01:36.19QwellManxPower: fresh squeezed chicken...sounds delicious
01:36.26ManxPowerWe have something like 5 Asterisk systems in production, 3 of them for at least a year.  Two more will be installed in the next 30 days.
01:36.35bjingleseither way we'll keep dumping man hours into this heap and hope when it breaks we have the money for something else
01:37.01bjinglesyeah we run 3 systems in 2 offices and 40 phones
01:37.03ManxPowerbjingles: we tested Asterisk for about 18 months before putting the first system into production.
01:37.25jamincollinsour primary system is pushing a year and half... no problems with it
01:37.40bjingleswith the newly discovered incompetence of the new sys admin the asterisk program has been dumped on me
01:37.52mostybjingles, if you don't know what you're doing you should pay someone who does, or get one of the "toy" systems like trixbox
01:37.56hmmhesaysI will be moving away from asterisk when something better comes along
01:37.57Qwellwhy is your sys admin handling your telephony?
01:38.03bjinglesyes agreed
01:38.06hmmhesayssomething that doesn't have a broken sip stack
01:38.07bjingleswe should pay someone
01:38.33bjinglesuntil we realize it's a sinking ship I need to get this figured out
01:38.39ManxPowerStrangely, we have the telecom admin manage the Asterisk systems.
01:38.55bjinglesand right now I need to understand why these polycoms won't register after I've provisioned them
01:39.08bjingleswhich is leading me to the sip.cfg
01:39.20jamincollinssome companies strangely think that since it runs on PC hardware it's IT's job to manage it... bad idea
01:39.29bjinglesjamin - you're correct
01:39.32ManxPowerbjingles: you have the link to my working example config files.
01:39.39bjinglesmanx yeah I've read them
01:39.45bjinglesis that bootrom 4.0.0?
01:39.57jamincollinsbjingles: I know... I've been doing PC based phone system installation and support for nearly a decade
01:40.11ManxPowerbjingles: none of thse boot files are for a bootrom.  The job of the bootrom is just to load the SIP stack
01:41.14bjinglesah yes sorry
01:41.35Qwellwhen I design a phone, I'm going to make the IP stack load the bootrom
01:41.35ManxPowerI'm sure the sip.cfg and phone1.cfg files are for older 2.x sip firmware.
01:41.48ManxPowerQwell: PXE
01:42.07Qwellahh, of course
01:42.40QwellI need to design a phone that actually runs asterisk
01:42.47jamincollinsbjingles: you could check a sip debug of the phone's IP... check to see that it's even attempting a registration... if it is, check the message
01:43.01hmmhesaysI use a wrtsl54gs as a asterisk phone for awhile
01:43.03jamincollinsasterisk or IAX?
01:43.15Qwelliax on a phone is pretty dumb
01:43.23hmmhesaysusb port with a usb sound card and chan_oss
01:43.36jamincollinsasterisk on a phone seems serious overkill
01:44.46jamincollinsso, no takers on whether it's normal for realtime to query each extensions entry three times?
01:45.36hmmhesaysit is
01:45.43mostyjamincollins, no idea, realtime is messy code afaik
01:45.59ManxPowerRealtime scares the hell out of me.
01:46.17jamincollinsseems to be working well enough so far... just hitting the DB a LOT
01:46.32ManxPowerEspecially when we moved all the e-mail users into an MySQL database that was stored on a harddrive that failed 30 days later.
01:46.34Qwellrealtime extensions is pretty pointless imo
01:47.29jamincollinsto each their own... customers don't tend to like editing configuration files
01:47.48*** join/#asterisk Lawbringer (
01:47.59Qwellwell, with something like func_odbc, it makes that point moot
01:48.01ManxPowerSo don't make them. 8-)
01:48.24Qwellbesides, you're still editing a config file, just in a different way
01:48.29jamincollinsI don't make them... but if they want to pay me to give them a web interface to their call flow... more power to them
01:48.51drmessanoQwell: IAX on a phone is a good idea when you have an 8 line phone with 8 active calls :)
01:48.52ManxPoweryou can have a web interface to text configs -- as every sissy asterisk gui has proven
01:48.53drmessanoOh, wait
01:49.41*** part/#asterisk jamincollins (
01:49.58drmessanoIts shocking how many people want an IAX phone.. My guess is "IAX = ZOMG No NAT problems" for those who don't get fixing SIP
01:50.16drmessanoBut non-sensical, of course
01:50.33ManxPowerEvery time a customer asks me to build a web interface to Asterisk I say "give me a list of things you want it to be able to do", and the customer never does that.
01:51.04ManxPowerIt's pretty obvious they just want a gui, they don't want it to be able to do anything.
01:51.15drmessanoI can code that
01:51.17ManxPowerAnd without a list of requirements, design, etc, any project will fail.
01:51.20drmessanoBig Asterisk logo
01:51.31drmessanoLots of orange
01:51.49drmessanoA big button that says "ok"
01:52.49drmessanoPeople want to be able to say they have a Web GUI, because unlike us geeks who got over it in 2000, people are astonished by web GUIs for products
01:53.34drmessanoYou could design a toaster with a web gui that flashes an animated GIF "Toasting" when its ON, and people would buy tens of thousands of them
01:54.30drmessanoBTW, thats my idea.. I'll sue if I see that at Walmart
01:55.23ManxPowerI want to become a Walmart Secret Shopper
01:56.21ManxPowerEvery time I go to Walmart I see something incredibly stupid.  Today all the networking gear (linksys routers, wifi cards, etc) were locked in a security cabinet and the lock on the cabinet was broken so you could not even BUY anything out of the cabinet.
01:57.14ManxPowerAnother time ALL of the brand/size of peanut butter I buy was removed from the area where the peanutbutter is and was moved 2 aisles over.
01:57.17drmessanoId love to manager a walmart if they didnt have overwhelming Orwellian corporate control of each store
01:57.44ManxPowerdrmessano: I just want to be a walmart manager's worst nightmare.
01:57.48drmessanoId put the pink USB drives by the tampons.. "Who else would buy these?"
01:58.08drmessanoSales would be up 300% after I was done
01:58.25drmessanoId put the comic books by the computer parts
01:59.06drmessanoToys on the shoe isle.. So every parent that drags a kid down to buy shoes will have to buy a toy too
02:00.10drmessanoFlashlights by the christmas lights "Because youre PROBABLY gonna trip a breaker"
02:01.16drmessanoand burned Linux ISOs by the Windows boxes
02:01.22*** join/#asterisk karmicthreat (
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02:01.39drmessanoBecause people will buy a $9 game and bootleg windows
02:01.47drmessanoThey'll buy a $5 CentOS Cd
02:02.37drmessanoAsterisk CDs by the Skype stuff "Friends dont let friends Skype"
02:03.07karmicthreatAnyone know any cheap fxs to ethernet channel banks?  I have a crap load (49) of phones I need to hook up.
02:03.42_ShrikEkarmicthreat: that many channels on any channel bank wont be "cheap"
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02:04.17karmicthreatWell yea.  But I'm wondering if anything beats rhino.  Its something like 1500$ for 24 ports.
02:04.51_ShrikEI have had rather good success with audocodes MP devices.
02:04.58_ShrikEThey have a 24 port device as well.
02:05.11mostyi have a polycom 550, when i pickup the handset and dial 115, it makes the call as soon as i enter the second 1. is there a dialplan setting somewhere that might cause this?
02:05.44_ShrikEmosty: check your dialplan in sip.cfg
02:06.13drmessanoI priced this out once.. and we came up with $1200 for 24 ports, I believe
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02:06.39_ShrikEyou can also speciy dialplan per phone config
02:07.15karmicthreatYea, thats about why I was getting as well.
02:08.01karmicthreatHopefully nobody will tell me to just use 13 ultra cheap 4 port ATAs.
02:08.04ManxPowerI just sent walmart an e-makil via their web site 8-)
02:08.12*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-d6e71230c020d589)
02:08.19drmessano$58 per port
02:08.26drmessanoYou can almost get cheap phones for that
02:08.31ManxPowerI use Sangoma card + Adtran channel bank
02:09.01mostyshrike: ahh, i see. cai i just delete the dialplan?
02:09.07karmicthreatThe problem is this is in a hotel, and all the wiring is in wall.  It would cost a crap load to drag ethernet into 49 rooms.
02:09.25drmessanoNot 120?
02:09.49_ShrikEmosty: you should set the digitmap to match your particular needs
02:09.55drmessanoSome dude came to me a while ago wanting to do 120 rooms
02:10.22drmessanoIt was $7000 for the channel banks.. period
02:11.06karmicthreatI'm tempted to see if I can get 10Mbs over  the cat 3 to the rooms.  Yea, the channel banks are fricking pricey.  Are wifi handsets any cheaper yet?
02:11.23drmessanoBut considering a run of Cat5 is $100 now for labor + the cable, thats not too bad
02:11.26mostyshrike: i'm trying to figure out if i need a dialplan at all. does it do anything besides dial immediately if one of the patterns matches?
02:12.27ManxPowermosty: if you want to press SEND after you are done dialing every time then you don't need a dialplan
02:12.53_ShrikEmosty:  Thats right, it sends digits on pattern matches.  You can press send most of the time, but things like blind transfer dont have a send button and require the match (I think).
02:13.35mostyis there a timeout? ie if nothing was dialed in the last 3 seconds, then deliver the call?
02:13.37_ShrikEIm does
02:13.59ManxPowermosty: you can also do a timeout.
02:14.11ManxPowerIn my experience users HATE timeouts and/or having to press SEND
02:14.42karmicthreatdrm: 100$ isn't to bad.  But I always charge hourly for cableruns.  Just because people always want me to run it through the most cramped, blind, cat crap infested room.
02:14.58_ShrikEYeah.. I've hear the send button called too "cell phoneish"
02:16.10ManxPowerI don't run wire.  that's what the cable people are for.
02:16.42mostythe only problem i have with the dialplan now is that i can't dial anything beginning with 11, i'm trying to figure out why extensions beginning with 11 should be forbidden
02:17.05mostyactually make that anything beginning with 1
02:17.14ManxPowermosty: it's pretty pointless to ask here, the answer is in YOUR dialplan on YOUR phone.
02:17.14_ShrikEmosty: are you using a config server?
02:17.40drmessanoYeah, pulling cable is never fun
02:17.58drmessanoEspecially when you get halfway through and dont know what liquid you slid through
02:18.08mosty_ShrikE, yes. i want to be sure i'm not doing something stupid by allowing numbers beginning with 1 in the dialplan before i change this though
02:18.16_ShrikEpb your sip.cfg and phone.cfg
02:18.49mosty_ShrikE, i won't paste the whole thing, but the dialplan is [2-9]11|0T|011xxx.T|[0-1][2-9]xxxxxxxxx|[2-9]xxxxxxxxx|[2-9]xxxT
02:20.02ManxPoweryou realze that no part of that dialplan allows 11 at the start of the number, right?
02:20.32ManxPowerin fact, it does not look like you have ANYTHING the match your internal extensions
02:20.34mostyManxPower, yes, but this is from a tarball i downloaded from polycom
02:20.46ManxPowermosty: THEN MODIFY IY
02:21.04_ShrikEmosty: like I said, you need to modify it to match your particular setup
02:21.26mostyManxPower, i am going to, i'm in the process of figuring out if i will break anything in doing so, these phones are in a different state
02:21.45ManxPowerOf course you are going to break something. 8-)
02:22.01drmessanoDifferent state?
02:22.06drmessanoOh, yeah.. they're toast
02:23.36mostyis the dialplan setting available in the web interface? i can't seem to find it
02:24.07mostyahh i see it in the web interface now
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02:47.54phixthe asterisk cdr csv format, where can I find this out
02:48.54phixmosty: Now where?
02:49.08mostyuse the search engine
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03:24.22mostyhow many udp ports should i restrict for rtp for a pbx with about 20 extensions?
03:24.50mostywhat i'm trying to say is, how big a range do i really need in rtp.conf?
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03:29.28TJNIImosty: IIRC, 2 are used per channel.  So you need to ficure out how many sip channels you expect to use and go from there.
03:30.21mostyok, so i can cut the range way down from the 10,000 ports for a tiny pbx like this
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03:38.49bintuthello all..
03:39.41*** join/#asterisk Lawbringer (
03:39.43bintutwhat is the right term again for the right type of switch to use for a lan voip?
03:40.11bintuti mean, for a voip on the lan?
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03:51.43teddy233i'm almost embarrassed to ask this
03:51.51teddy233but can asterisk run on windows?
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03:56.06drmessanoteddy233: I LOL'ed
03:56.13drmessanoThere is an asteriskwin package
03:56.17drmessanoI tell you this
03:56.22drmessanoSo you avoid it
03:56.49drmessanoNot because i'm anti windows
03:57.11drmessanoBut because Asterisk runs on Linux and any windows port is going to be lacking
03:57.14drmessanoAs is that one
03:57.17drmessanoSo "No"
03:58.04teddy233does the NOW have some functions as installing linux then asterisk ?
03:58.12teddy233or is it limited?
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04:00.15bintutteddy233: there are lots of asterisk based software appliances
04:00.34drmessanoAsteriskNOW won't do all that Asterisk CAN do, but thats a large task for ANY wrapper
04:01.11drmessanoNot that its lacking.. but there would be a large expectation to cover ALL facets of Asterisk
04:01.27teddy233but it can do advanced configuation ?
04:01.36teddy233like phone to phone calls
04:01.39teddy233with extensions ?
04:01.44drmessanoThats not advanced lol
04:01.46teddy233and music on hold
04:01.56drmessanoThose are not advanced things
04:02.02drmessanoThose are expected
04:02.15drmessanoIt will probably do all you expect
04:02.25teddy233what would advance mean to you?
04:02.41drmessanoReally crazy custom applications
04:02.53teddy233for example ?
04:02.56drmessanoWhich you could do from CLI
04:03.05drmessanoHard to explain
04:03.27drmessanoIt will do all the average admin would need
04:03.34drmessanoAs will most of the GUIs
04:03.54drmessanoYes, thats crazy lol
04:04.11teddy233and on my 100Mbit link between sites.. i should be ok ?
04:04.37drmessanoYes :)
04:04.48teddy233is that website about pot ?
04:04.58bintutteddy233: trixbox, asterisknow, switchvox (limited), centpbx, askozia, elastix, etc..
04:05.14drmessanoDont say the T word
04:06.07*** join/#asterisk keith4_ (
04:06.33d3waynehere's another:
04:08.59keith4_that's me trying to receive a fax last night
04:09.48keith4_incoming fax (from a free 800 service) was routed properly to Zap/7, but then it dropped
04:09.48teddy233OMG that scares me
04:11.02*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (i=L_NUX@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
04:13.04CrashSysAnyone know of a linux-based music-on-hold program that will auto-mix commercials into the stream?
04:13.47*** join/#asterisk bjweeks (n=bjweeks@unaffiliated/bjweeks)
04:14.48drmessanoMOH automation?
04:15.51CrashSys (something like that)
04:16.06CrashSysbut that runs through linux... so I dont need a windows box to sit there and be a maintenance nightmare :)
04:16.38CrashSysWould be real nice if it had a web interface too ;)
04:17.35kyronHey all, I am browsing through 's list of VoIP phones and would need to know what would be considered a decent phone for Business purposes. With capabilities of about 4 lines, call transfer, conference functions basic stuff you find on bisuness phones. I guess my question is to also know which brand is know to be reliable (comparable to a real phone system)
04:18.31bjweekskyron: Polycom, Cisco and Snom are the big 3
04:19.29CrashSysPolycom IP501+ or Snom 300+
04:19.38CrashSysDoes cisco make a general-purpose SIP phone yet?
04:19.43kyronOk, so Astra is not really in the game?
04:20.11jbotit has been said that phones is  While personal preference will dictate which phone works best for you, general consensus on a rough order of quality and suggestibility is as follows:  Polycom (any), Aastra 480i, Aastra 5i Series, Cisco 7940+, Linksys SPA-9XX, Snom, and finally everything else.  Do not consider Grandstream phones.  ...
04:20.16kyronCrashSys, `Cisco CP-7912G` seems like a quite affordable buy...
04:20.29CrashSysThe few astra's I've seen are the 480i's and they are severly lacking from what I think a phone should be for asterisk... just my opinion tho...
04:21.01CrashSysAlthough, the aastra's have backlight LCD's screens :)
04:23.56CrashSysThe only polycom with backlight LCD screen is the 650...
04:24.51NuggetDo not buy a cisco phone unless you have an unshakably compelling reason to do so.
04:24.54kyronCrashSys, lacking in the forms of what, quality?
04:25.07Nuggetthey're a pain in the ass to buy, an even bigger pain in the ass to get working, and a total pain in the ass to use.
04:25.40kyronNugget, really?...why so, we had Cisco at our U for a few years (now switched to Nortel...must have to do with funding...)
04:25.54Nuggetrunning callmanager, I'm sure, not asterisk.
04:26.15kyronNugget, oh that's for sure... Open source at the U...pfff...never
04:26.23kyronok, so rule out Cisco..
04:26.28Nuggetcisco sip is not UNsupported, it's DISsupported.
04:27.04bjweeksdoes the polycom 320 have the "buddy list" in 2.1? it says it does yet my phone doesn't have any sign of it
04:27.23CrashSysKyron: the Aastra's? They look like 1982 "new wave" phones... they seemed unstable and didn't support many features... but maybe the firmware got better :)
04:28.30bintutgtg now
04:28.44kyronCrashSys, what I like about the Astar's 9112i is that it LOOK exactly like what the employees are used to (
04:30.08CrashSyswell get what you feel comfortable with... lots of people use Aastra's... just not me...
04:30.19CrashSysJust like lots of people drive chevy... just not me... same thing...
04:30.29J4k3I want a decent phone that doesn't cost as much as a workstation PC.
04:30.36J4k3$100 for a phone?  bullshit.
04:30.47J4k3I can buy a pocketpc for that price.
04:30.51kyronCrashSys, you say you've seen the 480i...the cordless?
04:30.56J4k3with cell and wifi radio and a real screen
04:31.04J4k3why the hell do they want so much for a wired voip phone?
04:31.11CrashSysthe cordless is 480CT... never worked with one, but known people who did, it's a real glorified POS
04:31.32kyronI would never propose cordless for any serious installation anyways..
04:31.33bjweeksJ4k3: they are made of large corporations with lots of money
04:31.50CrashSysKryon: better off with a PAP2 and a regular cordless from walmart
04:32.03J4k3bjweeks: well, that market is pretty much saturated... end users need phones too.
04:32.14kyronJ4k3, cell phones are a POS as far as sound quality is concerned and are worthe 4 to 5X what you pay for them since they are heavily subsidized..
04:32.26J4k3and personally I hate the idea of deploying POTS adapters.  POTS blows by default, and POTS adapters are generally poor POTS implentations
04:32.26bjweeksJ4k3: end users need IP phones that work with a PBX?
04:32.44J4k3bjweeks: yes.
04:32.47Nuggeta wise person once said....
04:32.49Nugget<J4k3> "its not that everyone else is expensive, its that grandstream is cheap in every sense of the word"
04:33.10J4k3Nugget: grandsuck sucks, we both know it
04:33.17bjweeksJ4k3: if they are using a PBX they aren't end users...
04:33.17CrashSyshahahahaha... grandstream... now there's an exercise in futility...
04:33.25J4k3but, I will say, at 1/2 to 1/3rd of the price of the cheapest competition model phones, they're quite decent.
04:33.41Nugget*shrug*  those are your words.  :)
04:33.51J4k3but, they suck.
04:34.07J4k3but, theres no reason why a $35 phone has to suck
04:34.09keith4_anyone want to take a look at my attempt at fax pass-through using Zap channels?
04:34.11kyronGrandstream are a hell of a lot cheaper
04:34.14J4k3or a non-sucky phone has to cost $100+
04:34.29keith4_i like the $100 snom
04:34.36J4k3kyron: I think I paid $32 for some 101s.  they work, thats all I can say positive about them.
04:35.14jblackI'm running cat5e through the home. I'm using blue/brown for phone, and orange green for ethernet.
04:35.28kyronjblack, don't
04:35.50drmessanoBudget Ones?
04:35.50Nugget29-Jan-2007 23:06 <J4k3> is it common for grandstream budgetone 101's to lock up regularly?
04:35.53kyronunless you promise to stay with 100BT ehternet
04:36.08J4k3Nugget: yeah, the firmware installed
04:36.08kyronNugget, I love you quote machine
04:36.14Nuggetla la la
04:36.16J4k3when I bought my phones
04:36.20keith4_jblack: sip phones? or are you going to run analog phones in the same cable as ethernet?
04:36.23jblackYeah, it's a 200 megabit switch. I dont plan on going gigabit.
04:36.25J4k3big fucking deal, every phone builder has bad firmware.
04:36.35jblackAnalog phones, that are going to an spa8000
04:36.51keith4_200mbit = 100mbit full duplex?
04:37.00jblackYeah, it's a full duplex switch, so 100mb tx, 100mb rx
04:37.00J4k3and this is #asterisk, not #sip-device, lets move on.
04:37.09drmessanoIsn't that a 100Mb then?
04:37.14jblackYou're right. This is off topix
04:37.24J4k3(there needs to be a #sip-device...)
04:37.37keith4_faxing? anyone? .... please?
04:37.43jblackThe question, actually, is a _punchdown_ one.
04:37.56drmessanoSince when is devices used with Asterisk off topic? lol
04:38.00Nuggetjblack is a type 66 in a type 110 world.
04:38.07J4k3drmessano: since none of them run asterisk itself?
04:38.12kyronWhat is more critical for asterisk performance, CPU power or latency? (ie: preferred scheduler clock setting in the kernel)
04:38.21J4k3drmessano: at least none that advertise such.
04:38.24jblackKyron: latency, imho.
04:38.44jblackAnyways, what I was going to ask was whether to punch down the ethernet or leave a hanging jack.
04:38.50drmessanoDidnt know there was traffic control
04:39.23kyronOuch..Snom ain't cheap
04:40.24kyronthat is always questionnable
04:41.09keith4_well, the way I see it... the $100 snom is more useful than the $120 avaya crap phones we use at work
04:41.09BBHossyou balking at snoms?
04:41.21keith4_for that matter, the $100 polycom is better, too
04:41.28BBHossif you want expensive, go cisco :]
04:41.32keith4_or even the cheapest linksys sip phone
04:42.42BBHosspolycom has some very inexpensive phones as of late though
04:43.02BBHosswhich is a nice change
04:43.27keith4_yah, and their low-end PoE option isn't bad
04:43.39keith4_you need to spend a lot more to get PoE in snom, for example
04:45.28kyronWell, I am attempting to see how much it would cost to switch over to VoIP without loss of functionality + Quality from a system with 4 lines/phone + conferencing...
04:47.53*** join/#asterisk Xen^ (i=L_NUX@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
04:53.04keith4_kyron: conferencing is easy, and is a function of the pbx, not the phone...
04:53.36kyronkeith4_, I know...but the button needs to be there ;)
04:53.52keith4_well, the button helps.... but you don't *need* it
04:54.06kyronand call transferring is also a ++
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04:54.35keith4_so.... programmable buttons then
04:54.56kyronI am wondering if it's possible to have each phone (the ones with multiple lines) connect to the same lines as the present system (ie: each phone has a line 1 to 4 and can be picked up but anyone)
04:55.50kyronI guess I would have to assign a SIP # for each phone for each line and make call groups or something...
04:57.39kyrond3wayne, cool!...thanks
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05:06.11*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
05:10.44tessierHelp get RMS laid: <- Nominate for BEST OF!
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05:11.37Slingkyhi guys! could somebody tell me if asterisk gui allows to configure DISA easily (like freepbx) ?
05:11.53keith4_what's asterisk gui?
05:12.14bjweekskeith4_: digiums go at freepbx
05:12.37keith4_ohhh, that
05:13.26keith4_if i had some suggestions on changes to make to vmail.cgi, where should i send them?
05:13.28Slingkyit's the one is asterisknow
05:13.54bjweeksDISA is just plain easy to configure without a GUI
05:16.14Slingkymaybe, but it's few clicks with freepbx, just wanted to know if it's same in * gui
05:16.19ManxPowerLook at the /topic, do what it says
05:16.31ManxPowerSlingky: nobody here uses Asterisk GUI.
05:16.47ManxPowerIf they did they would be on *gasp*  #Asterisk-GUO
05:16.51Slingkyi was running adminsparadise then i try to comeback to trixbox 2.4 but jitter audio problem even with boot params changed
05:16.52ManxPower#asterisk-gui that is.
05:16.59keith4_wow, freepbx really *does* create people who don't know how to configure asterisk
05:17.02Slingkyso i'm asking if *now can do the job
05:17.24ManxPowerSlingky: exten => 666,1,DISA(no-password)
05:18.40ManxPowerAsking GUI questions here is like asking Windows questions on a Linux channel.  It is rude, unproductive, and just plain not nice.
05:18.52ManxPowerExpecially when the /topic directs you to the correct channel
05:19.42keith4_especially when the first result for "asterisk disa" on google tells you the answer
05:19.59bjweeksasking for freepbx help is more funny
05:20.09bjweekser, funnier :/
05:20.40Slingkysorry again, what can i tell more ?
05:21.01ManxPowerWe'll beat you up for a few more mins before we calm down.
05:22.06keith4_well, it's not like he asked about trixbox
05:22.19jblackmanxpower: You sound like you could use a night at the bar or something.
05:23.15kyronHey!.. I use Trixbox and it's the gratest and the best and the whole 9 yards!
05:23.23Slingkyi won't ask for switchvox too since it's written in topic to don't do that!
05:24.15jblackthe nice thing about this rewiring is that I'll be able to switch to ip phones soon enough.
05:24.50keith4_double-heading cat5 isn't the *worst* thing you could do... but it's probably on the list somewhere
05:25.11kyronBTW, Snom seems to be appreciated here...does this mean I could trust all Snom Phones? IE: I see a bunch of em sold on e-bay (Snom 220)
05:25.15jblackI'm not thrilled about it either.
05:25.45*** part/#asterisk osas (n=nnnnnnnn@nslu2-linux/osas)
05:25.46kyronjblack, especially with phone signla/power
05:25.58jblackThe house is a hundred years old, though. I'd have to put holes in walls to run multiple cables. I'm barely sliding by with using the old phone cord to pull the new cord though.
05:26.57jblackSome day, after I win the lottery, I'll shell the place out, put in new electrical and ethernet done right.
05:27.22jblackUntil then <shrug> it'll do.
05:28.12*** join/#asterisk macros73 (
05:28.20kyronjblack, ohhh...old . I would worry about the 80V ring that comes through for disrupting the ethernet traffix ;)
05:28.46jblackActually, there's no pots here, just an ATA.
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05:29.25jblacknm. Same 80 volts.
05:30.14jblackI had to make compromises in the wiring itself, and that's 115vac
05:30.40jblackPardon, compromises in the running, right next to electrical conduit.
05:31.06J4k3I'd rather live in something that appears more like a datacenter than a home
05:31.20jblackAye. There's ups and downs. As an upside, I'll never, ever run out of space.
05:31.24J4k3a bricked metal building with raised floors in the living space would be *awesome*
05:31.55J4k3of course, this is an add-on nightmare and the 2000 sqft house wasn't
05:32.12J4k3when I shake loose of this POS, I'm doing the bricked-up-metal-building routine.
05:32.17J4k3its getting very popular here
05:32.28jblackI have an office, a workout room, a game room, a nice kitchen. I have my bedroom, and my daugher has her. She also has her own playroom. We have an excercise room and a server room. I even have a library with a more extensive developer library than most public libraries.
05:32.35J4k3also, no 2nd story.  f stairs.
05:32.42jblack4 stories here.
05:33.09J4k32 here, the ground is too shifty for a basement.
05:33.44J4k3this house was also originally 1 story, they added the 2nd...  its strong enough for it, but the original downstairs layout wasn't done with stairs in mind
05:33.53J4k3what I really need is use of a large backhoe
05:35.18jblackWhile running cable tonight, I found a cable run that just.. stops. At least it's capped, but ...
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05:37.28J4k3jblack: I ran into a house a few days ago that had the most insane situation possible.
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05:37.55J4k3cloth cord -> 2 bare wire strung above the back yard, to a shed
05:38.05J4k3the shed end was no more than 2 meters (6') off the ground.
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05:38.20J4k3I damn near put my aluminum ladder into it
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05:39.43*** part/#asterisk Slingky (
05:40.32jblackwhat was on the wire? ac?
05:40.41J4k3120VAC, no ground fault
05:40.49J4k3one of those old light-socket fuses 'protecting' it
05:41.05J4k3optimally I would have been cursing profusely had I hit it
05:41.14jblackFind any dead squirrels underneath?
05:41.27J4k3nope, luckily the wires ran about a foot apart.
05:41.57jblackYeah, I found a cloth wire too.
05:42.01kyronI helped out on some renovations of a 1920 house a while back and it had bare running wires held up by ceramic posts in the ceiling of the basement...quite interesting, especialy when you ASSume they are dead...
05:42.02jblack{no} idea what it is.
05:42.17jblackNever assume they're dead in an old house.
05:42.36J4k3yeah.. NEVER assume wiring is dead
05:42.52jbotAbout assumptions :
05:42.53jblackNot unless you can hold both ends in your hands, anyways.
05:42.54J4k3and even if your meter says its dead, it might just be that you're testing against the same leg.
05:43.59kyronThe chap I was working with didn't have a "magic pen"...quite handy to have
05:44.01jblackyeah, those puppies may be hot to the same voltage. Hold one in your hand, reach over with your other hand and grab a water pipe on accident....
05:44.35jblackAlso, you can't assume that old houses have a good ground either.
05:44.38J4k3or do what I did the other day... working on something live...  put my sweaty leg against a metallic flexible AC vent
05:44.42jblackOr any, for that matter.
05:44.48J4k3bzzzt + damn near falling through customer's roof.
05:45.01J4k3yeah, and forget the grounds being properly bonded
05:45.29jblackYeah. I've got a bad ground here. All of the ups' in the house have a nice ugly red light to remind me.
05:45.38J4k3same here.
05:46.03J4k3the only stuff thats fully wired is the stuff I've added.
05:46.06jblackTried strining some moderate guage water to the cold water pipe. No luck. I need an actual electrician to take care of it.
05:46.39J4k3yeah.  houses like that/this are always good for blowing up modems
05:46.42J4k3and things of the sort
05:46.59J4k3sure you can bond the power box to the phone box.... but thats not *Really* enough.
05:47.21J4k3it'd be nice to even possibly think the ground pin on the outlet was wired back up to the box.
05:47.24kyronI redid most of the wiring in mine at the moment and still much needs to be done...old houses accumulate messy workmanship over the years
05:47.24J4k3but I'm not that foolish :)
05:48.11*** join/#asterisk Slingky (
05:48.13jblackYeah. That's why I got that 66block. It's replacing a rat's nest.
05:48.20jblackFirst time I ever actually used one. ;)
05:48.25J4k3oh well, hang onto the old houses... I figure within the next few years the USA will try to do some buy-out program for older houses for energy consumption reasons.
05:48.37J4k3plus its a great way to falsely raise the economy.
05:49.40jblackYeah, this one wasn't even insulated when I bought it five years back. I had the roof insulated about 2 years ago. I still need to redo the windows and get insulation pumped into the walls though.
05:50.25jblackThis is dead center coal country. Energy was free. Huge places, no insulation.
05:51.11J4k3thats the point where I think houses should get 'totaled out'
05:51.14J4k3like a beat up old car
05:51.27J4k3quite simply, after all that, you've spent enough to build a new efficient house
05:51.38J4k3and it'll never come close
05:56.08jblackI think they should be modernized and preserved.
05:56.15J4k3its impossible
05:56.34J4k3preserved maybe, but not as actual lived-in homes.
05:56.42J4k3too expensive
05:57.04J4k3eventually they'll be too expensive to live in due to energy costs being so high, because people still insist on living in energy-munching homes
05:57.08J4k3and driving energy-munching SUVs
06:03.43kyronwhy do we still use incandescent... what about LEDs!
06:04.38Corydon76-digIncandescent bulbs will be illegal to sell in a few years
06:05.05jblackand cfc bulbs will be illegal in 30.
06:05.06Corydon76-digFluorescent and LEDs will be the only types you can get
06:05.24jblackJust wait and see, since they have mercury in them.
06:06.36J4k3LEDs are far more efficient
06:06.40J4k3just a matter of cost and output
06:06.57kyronenergy doesn't cost enough yet..
06:08.15J4k3yep, give it time
06:08.46J4k3hell, when random power outages become a way of life rather than a rare exception, people will likely end up DCing the essentials in their homes
06:08.53J4k3inverters are simply too damned inefficient
06:09.57[TK]D-Fenderjblack : But where else are we supposed to get our RDA of mercury from?  There are only so many fish in the sea, and I give them 20 years tops!
06:11.18[TK]D-Fenderok, bed time.  later all
06:11.23drmessanoWhat do you mean I can't have nuclear fission in my office, FBI agent?
06:11.35kyronsame here, l8rs ;)
06:11.48J4k3sleep is for the weak
06:12.02kyronyes J4k3, sleep for a week ;)
06:12.22J4k3I try ;)
06:12.54*** join/#asterisk metfan2007 (n=metfan20@
06:13.04drmessanocfc bulbs will be illegal in 10 years
06:13.15drmessanoLED's FTW!
06:13.28gerphimumleds look terrible.
06:13.39drmessanoThey're taking over
06:13.54J4k3the only problem I've got with LEDs so far is screwy light spectrum issues (getting better by the day...) and the fact that all the LEDs out right now are running at 30 or 60 hz.
06:13.56drmessanoWe're even using LED's for our tower beacons now
06:13.56gerphimumi havent seen an led light bulb - like, to light a room - ever
06:14.05J4k3like florecent, they need to be cycled MUCH faster to keep me from wanting to cry.
06:14.07metfan2007Hi all, I'm trying to use func_odbc, I already configured func_odbc.conf, but I'm receiving error messages that ODBC_DSNNAME is not a registered function, any idea?
06:14.25J4k3LEDs don't fail every 2000 hours
06:14.30J4k3like light bulbs do
06:14.55J4k3the longest life tower bulbs I've seen are 8000 hrs
06:15.03gerphimumi dont know what theyre called, but ive got this track light thing which bulbs that came with it have been working for 2 years now
06:15.06gerphimumtheyre small little bulbs
06:15.11J4k3gerphimum: are they hot?
06:15.16J4k3if so, they might be halogen.
06:15.20gerphimumcould be.
06:15.22J4k3yeah, thats halogen
06:15.23gerphimumthey look damn good
06:15.25gerphimumtheyre bright
06:15.26drmessanoI don't know what the life on an LED beacon is
06:15.29gerphimumand last for fuckin ever
06:15.34drmessano8 years or something
06:15.59J4k3drmessano: something lik 20k hours of actual 'lit' time, and most of the LED tower lighting is only running like 25% duty cycle
06:16.08J4k3so... 25% of 50% of the nighttime hours.
06:16.17J4k3(for a blinking light)
06:16.36drmessanoYeah, but as explained to me, you subtract enviornmental too
06:16.36metfan2007any help?
06:16.40J4k3I'm just glad the f'n strobes are going away.
06:16.46drmessanoHell yes
06:17.01J4k3cingular tried to erect a tower with strobes here.. the locals kept shooting the light out
06:17.01drmessanoI have a strobe lit tower.. NIGHTMARE
06:17.13J4k3after like 5 service calls in a few weeks, it got re-lit.
06:18.01J4k3apparently the light wasn't diffused properly, people were complaining the thing would put shadows in their house *with* their miniblinds shut.
06:18.10J4k3it hurt my eyes to look at, thats for sure.
06:18.26drmessanoor they left it on DAYTIME 24/7
06:18.52J4k3well, they actually still have a strobe on it, that runs during the day
06:19.04J4k3at nightfall the strobe goes off and its red light.
06:19.39drmessanoA tower crew left mine on daytime once.. and I almost had to put sunglasses on going there that night for fear of seizure
06:19.40J4k3personally, I say, if you're flying ghetto-IFR (I Follow Roads) sub-500'
06:19.43J4k3you're asking for it
06:20.35gerphimumno business in the air if youre gonna hit a damn tower
06:20.43drmessanoyeah, birds
06:20.45*** part/#asterisk franck (n=franck@tikiwiki/franck)
06:20.46J4k3I can see lighting >500' towers insanely
06:21.01J4k3but sub-500, unless theres a damned good reason to be that low I just don't get it.
06:21.07gerphimumcept for in the crazy fog, but in that case you shouldtn be flying at all
06:21.15J4k3the old excuse was navigation
06:21.19drmessanoI helped someone petition the FCC to unlight their 199 foot tower
06:21.23J4k3I Say... buy a f'n GPS and STFU :)
06:21.25drmessanoCant believe the process
06:21.57gerphimum discuss
06:21.58J4k3tell the FCC the structure fell down ;)
06:22.07drmessanoLet me tell you
06:22.15drmessanoOne of my towers... burned to the ground..
06:22.20drmessanoNo... really
06:22.35drmessano50 years ago.. The TV station that occupied the building had a fire
06:22.48ManxPowergerphimum: totally useless unless you have an "n" card
06:22.48drmessanoThey claimed the tower burned down too, and got insurance
06:22.56drmessanoWent to get it registered back when ASR started
06:23.08drmessanoand the FCC had it marked as having BURNED DOWN
06:23.14drmessanoThat was awesome
06:23.38J4k3I'm thinking... "short of a lot of magnesium... I can't see a tower burning down" :)
06:27.32J4k3using oxygen in nitrogen-filled feedlines? :)
06:27.45J4k3"oh, I think that was the wrong bottle"
06:29.27*** join/#asterisk oej (
06:30.35drmessanoNothing is louder than the sound of a Nitrogen bottle running out
06:30.44drmessanoI dont mean "loud"
06:31.05drmessanoI mean, like the loudest sound in a gunfight being "click", sort of loud
06:31.16gerphimumManxPower >> doesnt it perform better than your typical routers in regards to wired performance as well ?
06:32.30J4k3drmessano: like "nothing is louder than the engines shutting down on the passenger jet you're flying in" ;)
06:35.23metfan2007pls, I need help, I cannot get after make
06:36.11ManxPowergerphimum: I can't imagine any reason that it would.
06:38.20drmessanoI think I am gonna print the PDF of the Asterisk book tomorrow
06:38.22drmessano11 times
06:38.37gerphimumdrmessano >> thats some serious business
06:41.32ManxPowermetfan2007: your extensive search of the mailing list archives and wiki was not helpful?
06:44.17metfan2007ManxPower, yep, I already checked that unixODBC and ltdl are already installed in my CentOS server, the res_odbc.conf file is already configured, I run make menuselect to see if func_odbc is selected, but it shows XXX like dependencies are not installed
06:47.15metfan2007ManxPower, really I don't know what else to do
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06:59.29J4k3oh man, a GSM brick phone
06:59.44J4k3of course, its from china, so its probably 95% empty dead unused space, and totally sucks.
07:00.04J4k3but, alas, what the world needs is a good modern brick phone.
07:00.28*** join/#asterisk harpal (n=Harpal@
07:01.28hmmhesaysthat episode of earth final conflict was a pile of crap
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07:03.50drmessanoI just got a chinese two-way radio
07:03.55drmessanoITs actually kinda slick lol
07:03.59J4k3uhf or vhf?
07:04.13J4k3I've been eyeing getting a couple VHF's for MURS use
07:04.20J4k3eventually 2M use if I ever bother getting my license.
07:04.33drmessanoUHF with scrambling
07:04.39drmessano(voice inversion)
07:04.56drmessanoThe PUXING 777s
07:05.05drmessanoCheapie, but cool
07:05.25drmessanoIm thinking about getting another one to use for patch with a PAP2
07:06.26J4k3the specs look decent
07:06.43drmessanoAll plastic
07:06.47drmessanoLight as hell
07:07.05J4k3yeah, built like a decent FRS walkie talkie really
07:07.16drmessanoThats how I would rate it
07:08.01J4k3I've lost one of my uniden frs walkies from 150' onto sandy grass-covered dirt... the battery door didn't even fall off.
07:08.33J4k3now, I dropped a cobra from the same tower, same location (both accidental, you'd think I'd make a better lanyard for them...) and it hit th concrete base and busted into a dozen pieces.
07:09.06J4k3the uniden ones work fairly awesome for plane-to-plane
07:09.35J4k3it'd still break squelch at 30 miles
07:09.44drmessanoIm gonna build a phone patch for FRS <> PAP2 for asterisk
07:09.54J4k3much better than the 11 mile rating, or the half mile I get around here on the ground (trees)
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07:20.33linageedoes anyone know how cox provides their "cox digital telephone" service? is it packetcable / g.729?
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07:34.07bjweekslinagee: some proprietary over-the-cable system
07:34.57linageebjweeks: are they compressing? it sure sounds that way. or maybe analog telephony just sucks. :(
07:35.17bjweekslinagee: not sure, I dumped it while back
07:36.14linageebjweeks: does anyone here get ISDN service to their house just for the purpose of a "hard digital line"? heh
07:36.19J4k3voip over docsis = get knife, stab eyeball
07:36.27linageeJ4k3: ew
07:36.30J4k3oh, forgot the last step
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07:52.42drmessanoVoip on cable is UUUGLY
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08:48.43cjkhi, why is asterisk doing an asyncgoto from the place it has stopped and not from the users default context?
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08:54.05J4k3what the world needs is ilbc-style loss handling with g729-ish sound quality
08:54.23J4k3cuz this ilbc sounds awful.  maybe its the software I'm using.
09:06.25sergee"[12:05] <-- L|NUX has left this server." hmmm... core dumped? :))
09:19.34J4zenWhat are your opinions on running Asterisk in Xen?
09:19.45J4zenDo the same performance issues occur?
09:20.02J4zenin relation to other virtualisation methods
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09:42.05Al_WinKillerhi guys, need help, so,, I got asterisk up and running with digum TE220 card
09:42.23Al_WinKillerseems work good ( mean users can call each other ),,
09:42.47Al_WinKillerthe problem is e1 is connected to cisco 5350 ---- > meredian
09:43.01Al_WinKillerand I can't establish connection via e1
09:43.06Al_WinKilleranybody can help me ?
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09:43.11Al_WinKillerto explain ?
09:43.20Al_WinKillerI am new in Asterisk and VoIP
09:44.42ronrAl_WinKiller: you installed zaptel? libpri? configured zaptel? zapata.conf?
09:55.05*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
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09:59.12Al_WinKilleryes, all of them
09:59.35Al_WinKillerwhen I do ztcfg -vvv
09:59.42Al_WinKillerI see the channels
09:59.58Al_WinKillerChannel 01: Clear channel (Default) (Slaves: 01)
09:59.59Al_WinKillerChannel 02: Clear channel (Default) (Slaves: 02)
09:59.59Al_WinKillerChannel 03: Clear channel (Default) (Slaves: 03)
10:00.04Al_WinKillerand more
10:00.23Al_WinKillerand in the end I see
10:00.24Al_WinKiller31 channels to configure.
10:00.41*** join/#asterisk fujin (n=aj@unaffiliated/fujin)
10:00.52Al_WinKillerI can show you zapata and zaptel conf too
10:01.28ronrAl_WinKiller: you configured your dialplan? something like Dial(Zap/g1/<number>) ?
10:01.30tzafrir_laptopAl_WinKiller, what i the output of: pri show spans
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10:03.06Al_WinKillerdude, hold on a second, ( chief is calling me ) brb
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10:14.00ronris there a tool that converts a mp3 to a bunch of different formats (for moh) like: wav ulaw alaw gsm g729 (basically, the list asterisk install with the default moh sounds)?
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10:17.19J4zenronr: check sox
10:18.20tzafrir_laptopnot g729, though
10:18.53tzafrir_laptopg729: asteris's convert command. If you have a license
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10:20.43Al_WinKillerso dude, I am back, when I do "pri show spans"
10:20.44zeeeshgetting problem by dialing some of my peers who are having "UNREACHABLE" status .. how to make them reachable ?
10:20.56Al_WinKillerI get PRI span 1/0: Provisioned, In Alarm, Up, Active
10:21.13ronrJ4zen: thx, I'll try sox
10:21.29ronrAl_WinKiller: try zttool
10:21.38ronr(commandline, not asterisk CLI)
10:22.40Al_WinKillerI have no zttool , got zttest
10:24.09ronrok, you need to figure out what alarm you got, but you could try enabling / disabling crc4 in zaptel.conf (that was causing an alarm for me when I was installing asterisk, but no doubt there are many more causes for alarms)
10:24.26ronrbtw. what color does the led on the digium card burn at
10:24.26Al_WinKillerok, hold on a second
10:24.50Al_WinKilleri got this in zaptel.conf span=1,0,0,ccs,hdb3,crc4,yellow
10:25.34Al_WinKillergreen color and from cisco I get something like "multiframe transfer is established" ( sorry for my english )
10:25.50ronrAl_WinKiller: why did you put yellow in there?
10:26.12ronrAl_WinKiller: if you got access to the cisco, check if it also has crc4 enabled, if it doesn't remove crc4
10:26.21Al_WinKillerI saw it in manual ( put it last time ) before was without yellow
10:26.34Al_WinKillerok, hold on
10:27.26*** join/#asterisk KermitTheFragger (
10:27.52Al_WinKilleron cisco I got only
10:27.53Al_WinKillerinterface Serial3/1:15
10:29.24ronrAl_WinKiller: I don't have cisco here so can't tell you how you could check if crc4 is ok, but try span=1,0,0,ccs,hdb3 and see what happens
10:29.31Al_WinKilleron on cisco I have framing NO-CRC4 so I removed it
10:30.32Al_WinKillerok, done it
10:30.55Al_WinKillerand in ztcfg -vvv I still got last line "31 channels to configure"
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10:32.32Al_WinKillerwhen I am calling from softphone via cisco and meredian to a phone I got this
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10:32.52Al_WinKillerbut when I call from softphone to cisco ip phone it is ok
10:33.20Al_WinKillerI got both of them ( softphone and cisco phone ) in sip.conf and in extensions.conf
10:35.36Al_WinKillerdude ?
10:35.40Al_WinKillerare you there ?
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10:40.09tzafrir_laptopAl_WinKiller, hmmm.... you said layer 1 was up. So why mess with it?
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10:41.15Al_WinKillerdon't know dude,, this is my first asterisk and first time I am configuring e1
10:42.21Al_WinKillerso look what I did in extensions.conf
10:42.39Al_WinKillerexten => 1299044,1,Dial(ZAP/g1/${EXTEN})
10:42.42Al_WinKillerand I got
10:46.24Al_WinKillerI think the problem is with channels ( on e1 )
10:47.13Al_WinKillerin my zaptel.conf i got
10:47.15Al_WinKillerbchan = 1-15, 17-31
10:47.15Al_WinKillerdchan = 16
10:47.15Al_WinKillerloadzone = ru
10:47.18Al_WinKillerdefaultzone = ru
10:50.13tzafrir_laptopAl_WinKiller, first-off, use a pastebin
10:50.17jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
10:50.38tzafrir_laptopanother thing to do: pri debug span 1
10:51.01tzafrir_laptopAnd paste that huge cryptic trace :-)
10:52.33ronrAl_WinKiller: was called away for a while, did you get rid of the alarm on the card?
10:55.08Al_WinKillerso I did debug on cisco and linux ( asterisk ) and look what i got
10:55.48Al_WinKillerJan  9 14:47:54: ISDN Se3/1:15 **ERROR**: call_incoming: Received a call id 0x1DEE with a bad bearercap from 1299401 on b channel 1
10:55.51Al_WinKillerit is on cisco
10:57.39Al_WinKillercan you check my zaptel and zapate conf ? I want to be sure
10:58.16Al_WinKillerso this is zaptel.conf output
10:58.18Al_WinKiller[root@asterisk asterisk]# cat /etc/zaptel.conf
10:58.18Al_WinKillerbchan = 1-15, 17-31
10:58.18Al_WinKillerdchan = 16
10:58.18Al_WinKillerloadzone = ru
10:58.19Al_WinKillerdefaultzone = ru
10:58.25Al_WinKillerand this iz zapata.conf output
10:58.48Al_WinKiller[root@asterisk asterisk]# cat /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf
10:58.54jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
10:59.10Al_WinKillersorry for flooding
10:59.17ronruse a pastebin!!
10:59.28Al_WinKillerchannel => 1-15,17-31
10:59.30Al_WinKillerend of zapata.conf check it please
10:59.32Al_WinKillerok, that was all
10:59.45Al_WinKillercan you check it ? or I have to use pastbin ?
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11:00.03ronryou have to use a pastebin
11:00.11Al_WinKillerok, hold on
11:01.52Al_WinKillerok, did it, check it please
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11:05.18ronrand pri show span 1 still shows In Alarm?
11:07.04Al_WinKillerasterisk*CLI> pri show span 1
11:07.04Al_WinKillerPrimary D-channel: 16
11:07.04Al_WinKillerStatus: Provisioned, Up, Active
11:07.04Al_WinKillerSwitchtype: EuroISDN
11:07.04Al_WinKillerType: CPE
11:07.05Al_WinKillerWindow Length: 0/7
11:07.07Al_WinKillerSentrej: 0
11:07.09Al_WinKillerSolicitFbit: 0
11:07.11Al_WinKillerRetrans: 0
11:07.13Al_WinKillerBusy: 0
11:07.15Al_WinKillerOverlap Dial: 0
11:07.17Al_WinKillerT200 Timer: 1000
11:07.19Al_WinKillerT203 Timer: 10000
11:07.21Al_WinKillerT305 Timer: 30000
11:07.23Al_WinKillerT308 Timer: 4000
11:07.25Al_WinKillerT309 Timer: -1
11:07.27Al_WinKillerT313 Timer: 4000
11:07.29Al_WinKillerN200 Counter: 3
11:07.31Al_WinKillersorry :(
11:07.41ronrok, I'm done... really, learn to use pastebins and try again with someone else / tomorrow
11:08.17Al_WinKillershould we try again ? I will use pastbin
11:10.14Al_WinKillerok dude,, thnx anyway , I will figure it out from here,, sorry for pasting it here
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11:11.16ronrgood luck
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12:05.40RedStalker_Mikehi all
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12:31.46ronrwhat options should I pass to sox to turn a mp3 into .wav suitable for usage in * moh ?
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12:34.34fetcheris there any conceivable way to change codecs on the fly (in mid call)?  For either a SIP channel or IAX2?
12:41.20RoyKfetcher: iirc that's done with a reinvite - as with a t.38 call. it starts with an rtp session and later sends a reinvite to switch to udptl
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13:27.08dominic1Does anybody use crypt with misdn??
13:28.52alinux-lb22Hi All i have Asterisk card with four modules all are RED ..are this FXS or FXO modules ?
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13:30.30[TK]D-Fenderalinux-lb22: FXO
13:30.58[TK]D-Fenderalinux-lb22: On the (safe?) assumption your meant a DIGIUm modular analog card of some sort.
13:32.51alinux-lb22thanks [TK]D-Fender
13:34.27ronrin musiconhold.conf I set mode to quietmp3, dropped a bunch of mp3 files in the right dir and did moh reload, what did I forget (because, it's not working, I get no moh and the console tells me it is unable to open the file (it shows the file without the .mp3 extension)
13:36.25[TK]D-Fenderronr: Go verify what version of mp123 you're running...
13:36.54ronr[TK]D-Fender: you mean mpg123 I think, that's 0.67
13:37.23[TK]D-Fenderronr: thats bad.  The only version taht is supported by * is 0.59r
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13:37.34[TK]D-Fenderronr: Yes, mpg123
13:38.40ronr[TK]D-Fender: ok, I'll look that version up somewhere and install it (I still wonder why sox -c 1 <mp3file> output.was didn't work btw)
13:38.48ronrthat should be output.wav
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13:39.17[TK]D-Fenderronr: Why aren't you using Native MoH anyways?
13:40.30ronr[TK]D-Fender: dunno, been trying to replace the default music with some mp3's, tried converting them with sox to other formats but it didn't work so I decided to try and let the mp3's play
13:40.31tzafrir_laptopI must point out that 0.59 is quite obsolete by now. mpg123's development has moved on. 1.01 as been released recently
13:41.21[TK]D-Fenderronr: Using MP3 is fine... just let Native do it.
13:41.44tzafrir_laptopbut still, using mp3 moh for playing files is quite pointless
13:41.59[TK]D-Fendertzafrir_laptop: True, but for all reports, 0.59r is still the only one that really reliably(?) workds with *
13:42.15ronr[TK]D-Fender: so, just mode=files should do it? (I though I already tried that, but I'll try again)
13:42.37[TK]D-Fenderronr: Correct.  And naturally you need asterisk-addons (format_mp3) for that
13:43.45[TK]D-Fendertzafrir_Yes converting to a mono telecom-related codec does make sense, but it saves you mucking around when you can just drop in music in the form its most often encoded in
13:44.24ronr[TK]D-Fender: that's not the agx-ast-addons package nor in asterisk right?
13:45.02[TK]D-Fenderronr: Correct.  just the one clearly listed at
13:45.15ronr[TK]D-Fender: what should be the correct options for converting it to the right wav (got plenty of diskspace and never enough cpu speed)
13:45.20*** join/#asterisk RockHound (n=rockhoun@
13:45.46[TK]D-Fenderronr: You can find that on the WIKI, I don't know offhand... I just use MP3 personally...
13:45.48RockHoundgood day. is it possible to log when a trunk can not be dialed since it is full?
13:46.07[TK]D-FenderRockHound: Sure.... add something in your dialplan for that.
13:46.27ronr[TK]D-Fender: ok, thx, I'll just install the addons and move to wav if stuff gets too slow
13:46.27[TK]D-Fenderronr: In you place I'd just install asterisk-addons...
13:46.41[TK]D-Fenderronr: What CPU & kind of load?
13:46.48RockHound[TK]D-Fender: ok thanks
13:47.32ronr[TK]D-Fender: no problems whatsoever right now, very low load (on a pentium duocore), but the company has been growing quite rapidly the last few years and if that continues....
13:48.27[TK]D-Fenderronr: I don't think will have to worry about then unless you've got a lot of calls on hold... even then..
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13:50.11*** join/#asterisk |chodorenko| (
13:50.15|chodorenko|Hi ALL
13:50.24|chodorenko|i Have one problem
13:51.10|chodorenko|in extenshen i check present file or not
13:51.37|chodorenko|if present then play this file, if no then skip
13:52.07|chodorenko|exten => pizza_in,n,Wait(1)
13:52.07|chodorenko|exten => pizza_in,n,Set(prazdnik_YesNo=${IF(STAT(t,pizza/prazdnik)?yes:no)})
13:52.08|chodorenko|exten => pizza_in,n,ExecIf($[${prazdnik_YesNo} = yes]|Background|pizza/prazdnik)
13:52.41|chodorenko|why prazdnik_YesNo always == yes ? hou its correct
13:53.36ronr[TK]D-Fender: mp3's working fine now, thx
13:54.39Al_WinKillerronr ? dude ? help ? :)
13:54.42[TK]D-Fender|chodorenko|: because you are not evaluating STAT.  You forgot to reference it in ${}
13:54.44Al_WinKillerI got this one
13:55.16Al_WinKillerwhen I start asterisk with asterisk -vvvvvvvvvvgc
13:55.20Al_WinKillerany idea ?
13:56.42ronrAl_WinKiller: no, I don't know, but maybe [TK]D-Fender or tzafrir_laptop knows, just make sure you use a pastebin ;)
13:57.00Al_WinKillerok, I will
13:57.34Al_WinKillerI have done "pri debug span 1 " so I will past it on pastbin ( output ) you check it pls
13:57.52|chodorenko|[TK]D-Fender: please correct my error
13:58.21[TK]D-Fender|chodorenko|: I jsut told you exactly where the error was.  How about you try and show me where you think they belong....
13:58.33tzangermorning tk
13:58.41Al_WinKillerok, here is it
13:58.46|chodorenko|(prazdnik_YesNo=${IF(${STAT(t,pizza/prazdnik)}?yes:no)}) this?
13:58.59[TK]D-Fender|chodorenko|: See?  Not that hard...
13:59.06[TK]D-Fendertzanger: Mornin'
13:59.30Al_WinKillerronr ?
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14:00.05Al_WinKillerguys ? can someone help me ?
14:00.40ronrAl_WinKiller: this is out of my league (for now anyway), can't help you
14:00.53Al_WinKillerok :(
14:00.56[TK]D-FenderAl_WinKiller:  Ext: 1  Cause: Incompatible destination (88), class = Invalid message (e.g. parameter out of range) (5) <-- not sure about the full meaning of this, but ar you sure the # you dialed is valid?
14:01.54*** join/#asterisk Havokmon (
14:01.58Havokmongm all
14:02.37Al_WinKilleryou mean destination ? yes,, it goes like this asterisk (E1)---->(E1)Cisco 5350(E1) --->(E1)Meredian ---- > phone
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14:03.00HavokmonCan someone bind up the voip provider list for me?  I forget the keyword
14:03.09|chodorenko|[TK]D-Fender: i not fully understand You , my english is veary bad :(
14:03.12[TK]D-FenderHavokmon: For where?
14:03.24[TK]D-Fender|chodorenko|: Looks like you fixed it fine
14:03.27jbot[~itsplist-us] Here are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones : , , ,, or, or
14:04.01[TK]D-FenderAl_WinKiller: Ok, so not a real PSTN number per-se?
14:04.04Al_WinKillerand from cisco I got this
14:04.26Al_WinKillerJan  9 17:56:35: ISDN Se3/1:15 **ERROR**: call_incoming: Received a call id 0x2227 with a bad bearercap from 1299402 on b channel 1
14:04.26Al_WinKillerJan  9 17:56:35: ISDN Se3/1:15 EVENT: process_rxstate: ces/callid 1/0x2227 calltype 2 CALL_CLEARED
14:04.37Al_WinKilleryes it is a pstn
14:04.58*** join/#asterisk waKKu (n=eurulo@unaffiliated/wakku)
14:05.35Al_WinKillerand in extensions.conf I got this "exten => 1299044,1,Dial(ZAP/g1/${EXTEN})"
14:06.27[TK]D-FenderAl_WinKiller: Ok is was just a guess and is equally out of my league, sorry....
14:06.40Al_WinKillerhm,, ok :(
14:08.42*** join/#asterisk FOMICIANO (i=FOMICIAN@
14:09.36ronrAl_WinKiller: I'd call over the telco company and have them call over the a guy with his own PBX and let them proof to you the cisco is configured ok and works
14:10.43ronr(I've spend days trying to get my E1 to work and finally the telco box was misconfigured, they came over and 5 min. later I was calling out)
14:11.37kaldemarAl_WinKiller: the cisco complains about the bearer capability, you can see the sent bearer capability in the SETUP message.
14:12.35Al_WinKilleryes,, I know,, and I don't get it , cuz in Cisco I got speech,,, bearer I mean,, so it should work
14:13.55[TK]D-Fenderchodorenko: And while you're at it, re-read STAT's instructions : show function STAT
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14:17.54defsworkwhat are my options for providing 90 analog pots ?
14:18.30Qwelldefswork: quad T1 card, and a few channel banks, probably
14:18.46[TK]D-Fenderdefswork: 4 x AudioCodes MP-124
14:19.07[TK]D-Fenderdefswork: (or MediaTrix 1124's)
14:19.10Qwellaudiocodes a sip gateway or something?
14:19.17[TK]D-FenderQwell: Yup
14:19.38defsworkfeck  - expensive
14:19.42[TK]D-FenderQwell: Far less load on *, redundency capabilities, and no Zaptel madness to worry about.
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14:20.51[TK]D-Fenderdefswork: Or you could make a bigger wiring mess and use 12 x Linksys SPA-8000
14:22.08[TK]D-Fenderdefswork: Mediatrix 1124 = $1500 ($62.5/port).  SPA-8000 = $240 ($30/port)
14:22.47[TK]D-Fenderdefswork: I've got my first testimonial on the SPA-8000 now and its everything I expected.
14:23.06Qwell[TK]D-Fender: "it doesn't suck that much"?
14:23.38*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
14:23.43[TK]D-FenderQwell: You're sounding more and more like coppice every day ;)
14:24.05defswork[TK]D-Fender: well ?
14:24.13[TK]D-FenderQwell: The Linksys were always pretty friendly and feature-full.  Its just like 8 ATA ports slapped into 1 box.
14:24.47_x86_[TK]D-Fender: do they make an SPA that has 24 ports?
14:24.49[TK]D-FenderDodge! Parry! Lunge! THRUST!!!!!!!!
14:24.52_x86_or better, 48 ports?
14:24.58[TK]D-Fender_x86_: Nope.
14:24.59defswork[TK]D-Fender: do you recall me mentioning hotel - I went to see them - they need to stick with analog handsets
14:25.08defsworkbut they've only got 20 rooms anyway
14:25.28[TK]D-Fenderdefswork: Thats fine.
14:25.46defsworkbut now a guy I know whats to look into his hotel - 90 rooms :o
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14:27.21defsworkSPA 8000 is 185UKP - but I don't fancy 12 of them
14:27.47Qwelldefswork: that's going to be one of the cheapest options
14:28.26[TK]D-FenderQwell: the SPA-8000 scales at the same price as their 2-port models.... very nice.
14:28.39[TK]D-FenderQwell: and 8 is a great density for smaller companies.
14:28.40defsworkQwell: yeah but think of the mess :)
14:28.57Qwellwell, there's still the other two options...
14:29.16defsworkI'm just looking for UK suppliers to see the uk price
14:30.10chodorenko[TK]D-Fender: i reread  stat function manual 10 and not understant why if file exist then fungtion return "1" , and if not exist return ""
14:30.20chodorenkowhy not "0"
14:31.38[TK]D-Fenderchodorenko: <-- whree do you see this "t" option for "file exists?".
14:32.51chodorenko[TK]D-Fender: not t , its error my , i can use e and f
14:33.26[TK]D-Fenderchodorenko: Good, now go fix your error.
14:33.34chodorenko[TK]D-Fender: yes
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14:34.28drmessano20 SPA8000s?
14:34.34drmessano12 I mean
14:34.44defswork < what about this ? 48 FXS
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14:40.30_x86_[TK]D-Fender: when there is an ATA with 24 or 48 ports in a single box, I might consider using one
14:40.49*** join/#asterisk Beirdo (n=gjhurlbu@unaffiliated/beirdo)
14:40.57defswork_x86_: I just pasted one
14:42.58[TK]D-Fenderdefswork: That'd work fine.  Is the cost good/port?
14:43.19*** join/#asterisk Morrocco (n=ivan@
14:43.44_x86_what's that translate to Real Money(tm)?
14:43.50_x86_i mean, USD... typo sorry
14:44.01[TK]D-Fenderchodorenko: exten => pizza_in,n,Set(prazdnik_YesNo=${IF(STAT(f,pizza/prazdnik)?yes:no)}) <-- you forgot to evaluate STAT again....
14:44.09defsworkwell most uk stuff is expensive - might well be 40-50USD
14:44.34[TK]D-Fender_x86_: Um... USD isn't real money... its being printed out of the Milton Bradly:Monopoly factory :p
14:44.43*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (n=Nothing@
14:44.58_x86_wow! they have a USD currency button... i clicked it and the price for one of these 48 port units is $4,167.90
14:45.02Dr-Linuxhow can i export/import astdb?
14:45.15_x86_that's insane
14:45.57defswork_x86_: thats uk price simply converted to us
14:46.14Dr-Linux_x86_: talking to me?
14:46.18defswork_x86_: bought in us I'd bet its about 2200 USD
14:47.17_x86_defswork: that's a great price, actually... if only i could find a US reseller that carries that brand ;)
14:47.31_x86_googling for it only shows suppliers in .UK and .RU
14:47.43chodorenko[TK]D-Fender: evaluate ? ${IF((${STAT(f,pizza/prazdnik)})?yes:no)}) ?
14:47.57_x86_defswork: here we go...
14:48.11_x86_defswork: $4,000 USD from a US supplier... that's crazy take
14:48.12defswork_x86_: 41750 for the 24 port
14:48.21_x86_url me
14:48.49defswork1584 even there
14:48.55[TK]D-Fenderchodorenko: No, but getting warmer.
14:49.11defswork2754 for the 48 port
14:49.17_x86_I have an account with VoIP Supply too
14:49.31[TK]D-Fenderdefswork: Well its definitely better scaled than the Mediatrix 1124 there.
14:49.41defsworkthats 1400UKP
14:49.45defsworkI might import some :)
14:50.10defswork_x86_: get one and let me know how you get on with it :)
14:50.28_x86_that's the Vega 5000 48-port
14:50.46[TK]D-Fenderdefswork: Duty + VAT = ouch
14:50.55_x86_I'm paying $54.16/port now with Rhino analog FXS channel banks
14:51.03_x86_although, I'm not at all happy with them
14:51.12_x86_I've had to return 4 so far
14:51.18[TK]D-Fenderdefswork: Poor over-taxed Brit.... should ship it via Sherwood to avoid "the man" ;)
14:51.45defsworkget them to ship it with stated value of $10
14:52.05[TK]D-Fender_x86_: And you constantly leave off the cost of your T1 card and the zaptel craziness you go through for it and lack of reduncy capabilities
14:52.18_x86_[TK]D-Fender: yeah I was just thinking that...
14:52.44_x86_hmm this sounds very feasible actually
14:53.01_x86_anyone ever use one of these vegastream boxes?
14:53.06_x86_i've never even heard of them
14:53.18defsworkget one on approval
14:53.28[TK]D-Fender_x86_: A few of the more experienced people here have and have been happy with them.
14:53.32defsworksomeone must be willing to provide one to test etc..
14:53.59_x86_I do have an account with VoIP Supply ;)
14:54.25_x86_[TK]D-Fender: who specifically? I'd like to talk to them about their experiences with it
14:55.00defsworkI must admit I have little motivation for doing anything analog - I'm still loved up on asterisk and ip phone goodness
14:55.28_x86_defswork: oh me too... but the company I work for does not wire cat5 to salespeoples' desk, just cat3/rj11
14:55.31[TK]D-Fender_x86_: Can't rcall offhand
14:55.41_x86_defswork: (sales people here have no computer... just telephone sales)
14:55.54defsworkcall center ?
14:55.55[TK]D-Fender_x86_: Stupid people.
14:56.05_x86_defswork: i'd love to put Polycom IP330's everywhere :)
14:56.12_x86_[TK]D-Fender: no kidding
14:56.43[TK]D-Fender_x86_: If they have no computers you coud save some $ and go with IP 320's
14:56.50defswork_x86_: I've only used aastra handsets so far
14:56.53_x86_hmm audiocodes has a 24-port FXS SIP gateway too
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14:57.07defsworksomeone here recommended them and I've had no problems so far
14:57.20_x86_[TK]D-Fender: true, but the point is mute... they are not going to spend $50k or more re-wiring all the desks ;)
14:57.35_x86_defswork: I'm a loyal polycom user :P
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14:58.04defswork_x86_: do they tftp boot etc.. ?
14:58.11[TK]D-Fenderdefswork: You're in the UK, pricing changes things a lot.  Over there, Linksys is probably your best choice.
14:58.43[TK]D-Fenderdefswork: Polycoms HTTP,FTP,TFTP and the secure variations of eatch
14:58.54Dr-Linuxhow can i export/import astdb?
14:58.56defswork[TK]D-Fender: linksys models are the cheapest for sure
14:58.57coppiceIf you're in the UK, emigration is your best choice
14:59.12defsworkcoppice: oddly enough I tend to agree
14:59.15[TK]D-Fendercoppice: Ex-pat FTW...
14:59.20tzafrir_laptopDr-Linux, look for berkely db 1.85 utilities maybe?
14:59.44defsworkcoppice: NZ is top of my list
15:00.08coppicelooking for sheep country, so you must be Welsh
15:00.09Dr-Linuxmaybe db1_dump185 tool
15:00.19tzafrir_laptopDr-Linux, or generally, so dbFOO tools of the ancient berkely db version used in Asterisk
15:00.21defsworknah - plumb bang in the midlands
15:00.47coppiceplumb bang in the midlands of nowhere
15:00.49chodorenko[TK]D-Fender: please give me excample hove i can chect present file or not ?
15:01.15chodorenko* check present
15:02.36[TK]D-Fenderchodorenko: You already see what it returns.. just deal with that.
15:05.39_x86_what do you guys think of that one?
15:06.54[TK]D-Fender_x86_: 4x the price of everything else... oh yeah... a bargain for sure
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15:10.02defsworkwhat poe switches do you guys use ?
15:11.41marlhi folks, can anyone give me any hints asto how to do the following? have a number going to my * box via IAX, want to be able to dial that number, and then imediatly dial a 4 digit extension, and have that then dial other numbers according to the 4 digit extension. eg. dial 01411231234p1234 and have that dial my mobile (using 4 digits to provide some security against non auth use) p=pause
15:12.01[TK]D-Fenderdefswork: D-Link DES-1536's (now DES-1228's)
15:12.34_x86_defswork: I use HP ProCurve 3500yl
15:12.51[TK]D-Fendermarl: Basic IVR...
15:12.56_x86_defswork: 48 10/100/1000 PoE ports, 4 10/100/1000/10000 uplink ports
15:13.13defswork_x86_: expensive I bet :)
15:13.19*** part/#asterisk harpal (n=Harpal@
15:13.51_x86_defswork: $5000 USD
15:14.05defsworkI'm a cheapskate :)
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15:20.01defsworkthanks VijayG
15:20.03[TK]D-Fenderdefswork: Get a Linksys PoE switch then
15:20.12[TK]D-Fenderdefswork: Again best pricing in UK
15:20.40_x86_[TK]D-Fender: would you say vegastream > mediatrix?
15:20.42defswork[TK]D-Fender: just been looking at those dlink 1228s
15:20.58*** part/#asterisk VijayG (n=vijay@
15:21.03defsworkthey aren't poe afaict
15:21.40[TK]D-Fender_x86_: No personal experience with Vegastream, but I haven't heard ill of them
15:22.08coppicestreaming all the way to Vega much incur big latencies
15:22.14defsworkaah 1228p :)
15:22.15[TK]D-Fenderdefswork: DES-1228P <-
15:22.29*** join/#asterisk VijayG (n=vijay@
15:22.30[TK]D-Fenderdefswork: $357 USD :)
15:23.05defsworkyeah abut 300GBP
15:23.19*** part/#asterisk VijayG (n=vijay@
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15:26.45marlhi, if im setting up an IVR in *, is there a way to force a call to a certain option or extension according to there CALLID? eg. if  a call comes from my mobile im atomaticly sent to extension 4321 and if a call is withheld/unaavailable then it goes to exten 1234 ?
15:27.06marland any other numbers calling in go to the ivr
15:27.34defsworkmarl: sounds perfetcly doable to me
15:28.13marlah, doable i know, any idea how to config the exten lines thow? LOL
15:28.22[TK]D-Fendermarl: "show function CALLERID"
15:28.33[TK]D-Fendermarl: "show application gotoif"
15:28.42marlive seen it done before, i even had it running on one machine, but that was trashed and cant find any backups of it now :(
15:28.52marlthanks TK :)
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15:45.07fiXXXerMetWe're going to have multiple locations.  Our own, then we own a few companies in a few locations.  So we'd use a separate context for each, right?
15:45.19fiXXXerMetThen in each context, we can use whatever extensions and devices (sip.conf) that we want?
15:45.39fiXXXerMetSo SIP/2000@loc1 != SIP/2000@loc2 ?
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15:47.54HavokmonDo all switchtypes support callerid?
15:48.24Havokmonpri switch types I should say.  Not getting any with national2.. not sure if I'm not sending, or not receiving
15:48.54jpsharpShould be part of the call setup message, if your provider is sending it.
15:49.14HavokmonI am the provider ;)
15:49.33Havokmonbesides being extremely rusty, I just never worried about caller id :)
15:49.44jpsharpNI-2 does support callerid, so if its not there, something's amiss.
15:49.52Havokmonok.  thanks
15:52.41[TK]D-FenderfiXXXerMet: Are we talking about them all using 1 system or 1 PBX each?
15:53.08[TK]D-FenderHavokmon: AFAIK all PRI supports CID & DID
15:53.27mostyi have a polycom 550 here, i'm trying to get it to display both callerid name and number, currently it only shows the name. is this something that requires a specific firmware version to work?
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15:54.14[TK]D-Fendermosty: it should display both....
15:54.23methodsis there anyway for me to connect to a phone and reconfigure it over the network ?
15:54.54[TK]D-Fendermethods: Depends on the "phone" and the "network".
15:54.55mosty[TK]D-Fender, what firmware version are you running?
15:55.04[TK]D-Fendermosty: All sorts.
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15:59.07mosty[TK]D-Fender, on the first line it shows the callerid name, on the second line it shows the phones extension (which is the sip username). i can append ${CALLERID(num)} to ${CALLERID(name)} and then the correct callerid number appears on the first line, but it's truncated
16:00.39mostyfirmware version is
16:01.16mmlj4anyone have any problems with teliax tech support?
16:02.40*** join/#asterisk Federico2 (n=fede@pdpc/supporter/base/Federico2)
16:02.42Federico2hi there
16:03.14Federico2I'm running * behind a firewall/NAT that isn't allowing UDP traffic nor incoming TCP connections
16:03.46Federico2Is there a way to set up STUN or something else to let me receive calls from the Internet?
16:04.56mostyFederico2, why can't you fix your firewall?
16:04.58fiXXXerMet[TK]D-Fender: We're going to host all of the sites here with 1 asterisk box
16:06.26mosty[TK]D-Fender, where on the display is callerid number displayed on your polycom phones?
16:07.21Federico2mosty: because it's not mine :)
16:08.03jpsharpYou're pretty well stuff-outta-luck.
16:08.25*** join/#asterisk p4c0 (n=dark@
16:08.38p4c0hello, [TK]D-Fender have a minute?
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16:09.40ronrFederico2: do you have port 22 outgoing access? you could create some tunnel to some other server that is allowed to do stuff (dunno how reliable that is though)
16:09.45*** join/#asterisk JayTee52 (
16:09.59[TK]D-FenderfiXXXerMet: well you can't have multiple SIP accoutns with the same username, but you can have the same extensions, jsut in different contexts, yes
16:10.06[TK]D-Fenderf4Just ask your question...
16:10.09JayTee52mornin *ers
16:10.34[TK]D-FenderFederico2: If it isn't allowing UDP, you're baked...
16:10.37Federico2ronr: nope... I'm behind a corporate firewall
16:10.40*** join/#asterisk nixguy (
16:10.42[TK]D-FenderFederico2: Read up :
16:10.45jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT :  otherwise check the WIKI at
16:11.36nixguyhi im having some problems getting my pri card working properly
16:11.48nixguyplacing calls to the pstn gives me:
16:12.02Federico2exact... I'm just searching about STUN
16:12.11nixguyrunning ztcfg -vv shows my 31 channels as being configured :|
16:12.30p4c0i have a ATA that will like to sniff any ideas? my network is wireless and i have one wired and one wireless interface
16:12.40mostydoes anyone have a polycom phone that shows both callerid name and number simultaneously on incoming calls? i want to know where the number is on the display
16:12.45*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki (
16:13.27ronrmosty: mine shows name & SIP channel
16:13.28[TK]D-Fendernixguy: your "/r" is not appropriate.  Remove
16:13.51nixguy[TK]D-Fender: hm k
16:14.07nixguyany idea what configfile i have it in?
16:14.09[TK]D-Fenderp4c0: Whats to sniff for?
16:14.16nixguyill check the ones under /etc/asterisk
16:14.24mostyronr: does it show the sip channel underneath the name, or on the same line?
16:14.29[TK]D-Fendernixguy: How is it you're running * and don't know where that line comes from?
16:14.34p4c0[TK]D-Fender, user agent
16:14.42ronrmosty: underneath
16:14.53[TK]D-Fenderp4c0: did you set it up with *?
16:15.12nixguy[TK]D-Fender: im still learning :)
16:15.17nixguyfound it
16:15.25[TK]D-Fendernixguy: You set this up?
16:15.44mostyronr: and the sip channel that is displayed, is that your sip channel, or the caller's?
16:15.53*** join/#asterisk MrWorta (
16:15.53p4c0[TK]D-Fender, no, it's from the provider i can't modify it, maybe just to set my ip to match the one of the provider and try it to connect to me... but isn't something esier?
16:16.23nixguy[TK]D-Fender: i got som help with the pri/asterisk stuff, i dont really come from the telephony part of it.
16:16.33[TK]D-Fenderp4c0: Wireshark, etc
16:16.37nixguybut he couldnt finish it , so i started looking at it myself
16:18.03nixguy[TK]D-Fender: same msg
16:18.15Federico2this is not going to be easy
16:18.16ronrmosty: don't know (my sip channels are mac addresses so I don't recognize them and I think by now I have all or near all caller ids overridden in asterisk so it's hard to test)
16:18.17nixguyi reloaded the asterisk config, and could verify that the /r wasnt there
16:18.23*** join/#asterisk gm123 (
16:18.45ronrthere is one phone laying around telling me the sip channel, but I don't know which one
16:19.16mostyronr, thanks anyway. my phone here displays it's own channel, which is not what i would expect
16:19.17*** part/#asterisk fiXXXerMet (
16:20.02dbtidout of curiosity, i'm trying to go to but it doesn't seem to exist.
16:20.05dbtiddid something happen to it?
16:21.36dbtidi guess it is now ?
16:21.58filedbtid: thevoice went away... awhile ago? over a year? you can now order prompts directly from
16:22.13dbtidi'm reading the pdf book and it's mentioned there
16:22.15nixguydbtid: i dont knnow about the old name, but there doesent exist such a dns record anyawy so yes probably
16:22.26*** join/#asterisk Steven_elvisda (n=Steven_E@
16:22.39mogdbtid, its now the far easier
16:23.17mogif you go to, click store and then ivr prompts
16:24.44*** join/#asterisk didz_ (n=voce@
16:24.53dbtidi do love the "weasels have eaten our phone system"
16:25.09mogtt-weasels is my favorite prompt
16:25.21nixguy[TK]D-Fender: you still around? i know im close, when i call into my asterisk from the pstn i actually see my phone number and the connection its trying to make..
16:31.14*** join/#asterisk ddunavant (
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16:32.54*** join/#asterisk chanko (n=chatzill@
16:34.07chankoPlease, is there anyone with expirience with both, sangoma and digium cards?
16:34.20*** join/#asterisk dandre (
16:34.51mostychanko, yes
16:35.50dandreis it possible from the manager interface to dial an extension and then place it in some context that could be a playback message and then a record application?
16:35.57*** join/#asterisk exvito (n=exvito@
16:36.06chankoHi mosty ... I have to decide what card to order for ss7 signalling purposes..
16:36.41*** join/#asterisk kareena (n=k@unaffiliated/kareena)
16:37.08kareenais there any programme that encode wav and .au to g723 and G729 format?
16:37.35mostykareena, asterisk
16:37.49kareenacan do it from windows?
16:38.28mostykareena, you run asterisk on windows?
16:38.47*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
16:39.26nixguydear god
16:39.48kareenalike pbx
16:39.54kareenafor testing
16:41.28chankoYes I've seen that. Ppl behind libisup recommend Sangoma ...
16:42.00mostykareena, do you have g729 licences installed on asterisk in windows? if not, then you can't encode/decode g729
16:42.11dandreis it possible from the manager interface to dial an extension and then place it in some context that could be a playback message and then a record application?
16:42.39mostydandre: originate command?
16:43.15dandreI haven't succeed in using it
16:43.29chankomosty, I'd like to hear from someone with real experience with ss7 and digium cards ...
16:43.51exvitohi all... does anyone know of a SIP hard-phone that, when ringing on an incoming call, can have the "answer" controlled remotely by software ? (note: this is different from autoanswer)
16:44.17mostydandre: pastebin the context in your dialplan, and the originate command you are trying
16:44.42mostyexvito, for what purpose?
16:44.56*** join/#asterisk d00gster (
16:46.01mmlj4anyone have any problems with teliax tech support?
16:46.03exvitomosty: integration with call centre agent software (agent gets notification of incoming call - both ring + application - and clicks button on app to answer phone)
16:46.08jblackmmlj4: I do.
16:46.26mmlj4jblack: do tell
16:46.32kareenamosty yes i have two type of license one from digium and one free from intel
16:46.33mostyexvito, sounds like you should be using a softphone instead
16:46.43dandreI use this command:
16:47.05mostykareena, then it would probably work, but i do not have experience with asterisk in windows
16:47.13dandrebut it shows me the help message of the originate command
16:47.36exvitomosty: ...that would be a possibility but then again, how to have the soft-phone answer when the app button is clicked ?
16:48.20exvitomosty: (I'm looking for a way of having the agent interact only with the app and not with the phone interface - whichever it is...)
16:48.24mostydandre, then you're not calling originate properly
16:48.51mostyexvito, you could turn this app *into* a softphone
16:49.08dandrethat what I guessed but I don't know how to call it properly
16:50.52exvitomosty: ...that is a good idea. However it seems a bit out of our direction / skills. How would you go about it ? (developing a soft-phone from scratch is, for me at least, out of the question!) ;)
16:51.49*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
16:52.09dbtidok, i'm not understanding something about dialing one sip phone from another
16:52.12*** join/#asterisk gardo (n=gardo@
16:52.14dbtidin sip.conf i've defined 1000 and 1001
16:52.20dbtidin extenions.conf
16:52.23dbtidi've configured
16:52.35*** join/#asterisk ashert (
16:52.43dbtidexten => 1000,1,Dial(SIP/1000@
16:52.43dbtidexten => 1001,1,Dial(SIP/1001@
16:52.50dbtid10.0.24.108 is my * server
16:52.55jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
16:52.58mostyexvito, you could try integrating an opensource softphone. maybe you could run asterisk on these pc's, and use the manager interface
16:52.59*** join/#asterisk _ys (
16:53.01dbtidwell, it's 2 lines...
16:53.08dbtidunless you want the whole thing...
16:53.15dbtidwhich i can put them up if you want
16:53.16jblackpeharps it would be better to use that to paste more information, rather than being so selective.
16:53.37*** part/#asterisk duncanh (
16:53.44tzangerjust call it the BSA
16:53.47tzangerBigass Storage Array
16:54.00*** join/#asterisk `paul (n=aldee@
16:54.07tzangerwrong channel
16:54.12jblacktzanger: A good name, if I ever heard one. :)
16:55.00outtoluncBASS  big ass storage system <G>
16:55.07`paulevrything was running well and then i installed a mailserver on the machine where asterisk was running suddenly i cant register my sip phone... help pls
16:56.29exvitomosty: ok.. asterisk on the PC's would be overkill and not doable as they'll be running windows; the second issue about having the app be a soft-phone as well is very interesting but difficult since we're targetting a lightweight web-based front end... (but still possible with webbased / java/activex softphones)
16:58.29dbtidjblack, did you look at my paste?  could you please give me an idea as to what my mistake is?
16:59.05UatecSER isn't as complicated as i first thought
16:59.13Uatecbut getting the bloody thing working with radius is a bummer
17:01.36chankopaul, could you check is your asterisk running "asterisk -rvvv", for the beggining ...
17:02.52mostyexvito, you might be able to use SIP NOTIFY messages to tell a phone to answer, but i don't know which phones if any support that.
17:03.46*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (n=arodgers@
17:04.37*** part/#asterisk Rawplayer (
17:05.12exvitomosty: ...that would be something more along my initial thoughts. Now, either via SIP NOTIFY of via some "phone-specific" HTTP service, the question remains (as it would be the easiest to implement): is there any such phone ? I guess I'll post this question to the asterisk-users mailing list...
17:06.17*** join/#asterisk gongoputch (n=gongoput@
17:07.37hmmhesaysI wonder how hard it would be to write a small app to alert that there is mail in your voicemailbox
17:08.18Qwellit runs an external script/app when you get new vm
17:09.48hmmhesaysQwell, well I mean some application that is notified the same way say your phone is
17:10.46`paulchanko: iam running it at vvvvvr
17:11.19`paulchanko: the problem occured when i installed a mail server... maybe its blocking some ports or sumthin
17:13.24marlcan anyone spot what ive done wrong with his exten line? exten => 01411231234,n,GotoIf($["{CALLERIDNUM}" = "012312345"?emmaoutbound|stephen|1:)
17:14.00putnopvutAnd put a $ before {CALLERIDNUM}
17:14.09Qwelland I'm not sure what happens if you have a : there..
17:14.19chankopaul, ok and with netstat -naup | grep asterisk"
17:14.52chanko... you can see line with port 4060
17:15.16russellband don't use CALLERIDNUM, use CALLERID(num)
17:15.38dbtidi'm trying to dial from one sip phone @ 1000 to another @ 1001
17:16.10marlok, will try that in a few mins, bck soon thanks
17:16.16chankosorry 5060
17:16.25`pauludp        0      0
17:16.30`paulits right there
17:18.02chankopaul, and iptables -L shows you there is no blocking on udp ports
17:21.22`paulthere are few lines with DROP,ACCEPT and REJECT
17:22.14*** join/#asterisk cjk (
17:22.47cjkhi, after a forkcdr asterisk does not fill out duration and billsec so my calls is like it has never been answered. is that normal?
17:22.49*** join/#asterisk Kigh (n=kai@
17:27.37*** join/#asterisk khronos (
17:28.27mostycjk, forkcdr is a hack
17:28.34Kighi have two asterisk servers (1.2.19) that are behind a NAT and both connect to the same asterisk on the internet..
17:28.58Kighi now realize, that the asterisk on the internet treats connection attempts from both machines the same
17:29.08cjkmosty, its a really important application
17:29.48mostycjk, it's still a nasty hack
17:30.09Kighwhat do i need to do so that the asterisk on the internet to treat both peers as different ones?
17:30.54Kighboth machines must register with credential on the internet, but one of the peers is never registered. (asterisk matches the second peer as the first one, based on the public IP i think)
17:31.28mostycjk, you might be able to use chan_local with the /n option instead, depending on what you're trying to do
17:31.33Kighi want them to use different contexts, but at the moment they use the same .
17:32.06cjkmosty, well user one calls user two, i need an outgoing cdr for one and an incominv cdr for two
17:32.29mostycjk, why?
17:33.03mostycjk, i mean, wouldn't the CDR's be identical?
17:33.36cjkmosty, no, after the cdr i set some different variables
17:33.44cjki mean after the fork
17:33.48cjki change the accountcode
17:34.16mostycjk, so you can bill both parties?
17:34.36*** join/#asterisk Ritzerisk (n=Ritztech@
17:34.36cjkmosty, yes
17:34.42Ritzeriski cant for the life of me get iax exts to register i get like output connection refused in the iax debug
17:34.50Ritzeriski get like an error 29
17:35.15Ritzeriskand they are registering no localhost
17:35.26mostycjk, you can probably use userfield to set the callee's account code, and just use a single cdr
17:35.56cjkmosty, thats more of a hack
17:36.09cjkmosty, but the problem is with blind transfers
17:36.21cjk302 redirects etc...
17:36.45khronosHow can I tell what password a certain sip peer is trying to login to my server with?
17:37.18khronosI have a peer that keeps failing nad I'd like to have my server match what the peer is trying to send.
17:38.23*** join/#asterisk oej (
17:38.56mostycjk, the asterisk CDR code is messy in current versions of asterisk, there is no good way to deal with all possibilities at the moment that i know of. i think i read that the cdr code is being redesigned for asterisk 1.6 though
17:39.16cjkim on 1.6
17:39.45codefreezeyeah, I've done some work, but none of it is finished enough to commit.
17:41.27*** join/#asterisk oej (
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17:43.04Ritzeriskwould there be a reason or a limit i can adjust for IAX2 exts to register as the localhost
17:43.16*** part/#asterisk chanko (n=chatzill@
17:43.30dbtidi don't mean to be a bleating horse, but would someone mind looking at this?
17:43.37*** join/#asterisk atisss (n=atisss@
17:43.41dbtidjblack perhaps?
17:43.49jblackSorry. I had to go clean the kitchen
17:43.50dbtidi didn't know you'd left
17:43.53dbtidoh, i understand
17:43.59dbtidi do a lot of housework too
17:44.03dbtid(i'm assuming you're male)
17:44.08*** join/#asterisk qdk (
17:44.08dbtidnice to work from home.
17:44.20jblackI wasn't expecting it. My daughter does most of the cooking in the house. Went into the kitchen, realized it had to be clean. Yeah, I'm male.
17:44.34dbtidhow old is your daughter?
17:44.49jblackShe cooks well, but can get forgetful about cleaning up after herself.
17:45.05jblackCan you remind me as to your symptoms?
17:45.33HavokmonWow.  I had to finish the Mac and Cheese my 14 year old started yesterday :/
17:46.16jblackYeah. Night before last (she has the flu), she made lemon baked fish. Night before that, parmasean encrusted chicken bread.
17:46.37jpsharpDamn.  Can I adopt her?
17:46.40jblackdbtid: Remind me what's wrong for you?
17:46.42HavokmonWow.  That's impressive.
17:47.18jblackjpsharp: If you want me to sell her, then I gotta tell you about all of the features of this model. Full yes/no sir support, straight A student. Also does laundry.
17:48.15jblackWell, considering her skills in coffee making... let's say an even upteen billion dollars?
17:48.40jpsharpDone.  Just don't try to cash the check for a day or two.
17:51.34jblackdbtid ran away
17:52.05Havokmonheh 'Make Offer:  Amazon-descendant, phone-obsessed, hearing impared and strong willed 14 yr old girl.  Can cook Raman noodles, fill dishwasher, and recite PETA propaganda.'
17:52.28jpsharpSo, a typical teenager.
17:52.29jblackyou poor man.
17:52.31*** join/#asterisk wglenncamp (
17:52.57Havokmonlol.. hey my wife has "Mom's night", here is as good a place as any ;)
17:53.00jblackMine cares about animals, but not so much that she won't eat them. ;)
17:53.10*** part/#asterisk exvito (n=exvito@
17:53.18jpsharpI just have a "very spirited" 5 year old daughter.
17:53.20wglenncampNeed an opinion for a small call center deployment.  Interfacing with T1 line...   Digium Cards or Mediatrix (or Audiocodes) digital gateway?
17:53.30Havokmonyeah - the vegetarian thing is new this week :/
17:53.34*** join/#asterisk spatulamaan (n=ggilmore@
17:53.56hmmhesaysbah the polycom's are using a refer on attended transfers
17:54.03jpsharpI'd go with a digium card.  One less piece of hardware to mess with.
17:54.15`paulquestion my machine seems to block incoming ports used by asterisk... how do i edit iptables?
17:54.19dbtidjblack, the problem is that * doesn't like my extensions
17:54.23wglenncampBut quality-wise...  Which is better.
17:54.26dbtid[Jan  9 11:50:33] WARNING[24401]: app_dial.c:1112 dial_exec_full: Dial argument takes format (technology/[device:]number1)
17:54.45jblackOk, that's useful. Which number were you trying to dial?
17:54.51wglenncampI am looking for the best quality.  And trying to limit the load on the server.
17:54.53dbtidi've got this laptop, a VM, a windows machine, and two irc sessions going :)
17:55.05dbtidwell, i'm trying to dial 1000 from 1001 and/or 1001 from 1000
17:55.12dbtidoh wait
17:55.24dbtidi don't know that i defined what extension 1000 IS
17:55.26dbtiddid i?
17:55.28dbtidis that my problem?
17:55.38dbtidin sip.conf [1000] is kind of like a user account isn't it?
17:55.42jblackYou do in internal.
17:55.46jblackAnd include it in phones.
17:55.55gm123can anyone help with Asterisk SLA using SIP trunks??
17:56.00dbtidwell, then i did that
17:56.04dbtidbecause [phones]
17:56.04jblackYes, 1000 is a user account.
17:56.17mostywglenncamp, sangoma card with hardware echo cancellation
17:56.18dbtidok, so then the association is there
17:56.19jblackI notice that they're not requiring auth, btw.
17:56.27dbtidwell, right now, this is all a test
17:56.29*** join/#asterisk af_ (
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17:56.32dbtidi want to be able to make these work
17:56.38dbtidin the real environment, there will be auth
17:56.41dbtidi'm just playing now
17:56.41jblackYou may want to consder adding "secret PASSWORD" to them.
17:56.46jblackBecause here's your problem....
17:57.02jblackOh, no, that's not it.
17:57.18dbtidwell, doesn't SIP/1000 refer to sip.conf's [1000] entry??
17:57.19wglenncampMy distributor doesn't offer sangoma.  Digium, Audiocodes, or Mediatrix?
17:57.26jblackYes, it does.
17:57.29dbtidi should say
17:57.29Qwellfind a new distributor?
17:57.32jblack* is griping your Dial is wrong, though.
17:57.35Qwelloh, wait
17:57.37jblackAs in syntax.
17:57.38Qwell. != ,
17:58.08dbtidexten => 1000,1,Dial(SIP/1000@
17:58.15dbtidexten => 1001,1,Dial(SIP/1001@
17:58.24wglenncampI am pretty happy with them..  Anywho..  You think that an internal interface card has better quality than an external gateway?
17:58.35dbtidthat connects exten 1000 w/ sip.conf [1000] right?
17:58.47dbtidanthat connects exten 1001 wd / sip.conf [1001] right?
17:58.54jblackYes, it does. We already covered that.
17:59.08Qwellwglenncamp: I'm biased, but go with Digium
17:59.30*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
17:59.38wglenncampHey, the server will be running Asterisk BE though.  ;)
17:59.54jblackHmm. Is this your actual extensions.conf, as is on the hard drive? And did you reload * after you changed it?
17:59.57fileyay I can afford dinner
18:00.02Qwellwell, you're gonna have a hard time getting support with anything else...
18:00.08Qwellfile: O.o
18:00.14wglenncampI see...
18:00.26wglenncampDigium it is then...  Thanks!
18:00.35gm123nobody has done it??
18:01.26dbtidi bet i didn't reload
18:01.51dbtidi just did
18:01.54dbtidit fails
18:02.03jblackWhat's the error this time?
18:02.14dbtid[Jan  9 13:01:42] NOTICE[25045]: chan_local.c:570 local_alloc: No such extension/context 1000@default creating local channel
18:02.14dbtid[Jan  9 13:01:42] NOTICE[25045]: app_dial.c:508 wait_for_answer: Unable to create local channel for call forward to 'Local/1000@default' (cause = 0)
18:02.32jblackRemember how I said "you want secrets for these phones?"
18:02.42dbtidi sure do
18:02.50jblackWell, the phones aren't logging into their sip contexts, so they're dropping to default.
18:03.06jblackAdd secrets to both of them. The user name will be the sip context, the pass will be as you set.
18:03.08Ritzeriskhmmm im having an issure registering more then 2 iax2 exts is there like a force or allow more then 2
18:03.09dbtidi'll update that in the phones and in sip.conf
18:03.19jblackritzerisk: Type ~pb
18:03.47mostyRitzerisk, pastebin your iax.conf
18:04.51*** join/#asterisk Steven_elvisda (n=Steven_E@
18:07.50tzafrir_laptopjbot, tell Ritzerisk about pb
18:08.35*** join/#asterisk de4dpixel (n=de4dpixe@unaffiliated/de4dpixel)
18:09.19dbtidjblack, if i do something like secret=1000
18:09.21dbtidis that ok?
18:09.26dbtidor does it have to be in quotes or something?
18:09.34dbtidbecause one of the phones doesn't appear to be registering
18:09.38jblackhow about secret=unguessable
18:09.39dbtidunless i put the password in wrong...
18:09.48dbtidwell, in this little environment, it really doesn't matter
18:09.50jblackbut it can be a number.
18:09.54dbtidand one of the phones will only let me use numbers
18:10.20jblackI don't know very much about IP phones.
18:10.33dbtidit's ok
18:10.37dbtidthis one is kind of odd
18:10.45dbtidit's got an "Authentication" and a "Password" entry
18:10.50dbtidi must have just used the wrong one
18:11.03jblackMany things have "userid" and "authentication".
18:11.18jblackThe authentication one is almost always not the one you want.
18:11.40dbtidstill not working
18:11.43jblackThat's used to authenticate as one person, then be addressed as someone else.
18:12.02dbtidwell i have both values set at the same thing
18:12.19jblackWell, if you just want to play with things a bit before you actually fit it, put in [default] in your extensions.conf, "include => internal"
18:12.27jblackbefore you fix it, that is.
18:12.43jblackOh wait. I see a problem in your sip.conf
18:12.50jblackNever mind.
18:13.06dbtid[Jan  9 13:12:58] NOTICE[25138]: chan_local.c:570 local_alloc: No such extension/context 1001@default creating local channel
18:13.12dbtidwhy is it going for [default]
18:13.16dbtidwhen context=phones
18:13.17dbtidin sip.conf?
18:13.30dbtidat least, that looks what it's trying to do
18:13.50jblackBecause the phones aren't logging in. :)
18:14.03dbtidi'll shut one of them off
18:14.05jblackrun asterisk -r, then run "sip show peers"
18:14.07dbtidand just work with one of them
18:14.11dbtidi have
18:14.13dbtidhere's the results
18:14.23dbtid1001/1001              D          5060     Unmonitored
18:14.26dbtidi shut off the one phone
18:14.31dbtidthat information is correct
18:14.34*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
18:14.35jblackHuh, ok, that one is good, then.
18:14.41dbtidbut i'm gonna shut off that phone now and watch the process
18:14.42jblackDid you reload your sip.conf too?
18:15.13dbtidyeah i had
18:15.20dbtidbut i just reloaded everything and i'm powering up 1000
18:15.52dbtidhow do i know it logged in properly?
18:15.56dbtidi can paste the logs
18:15.57jblacksip show peers.
18:16.18dbtid2 sip peers [Monitored: 0 online, 0 offline Unmonitored: 1 online, 1 offline]
18:16.22dbtidit shows that 1000 is there
18:16.26dbtid1001 is powered off
18:16.40dbtidis there more detailed info in 'sip show peer 1000'?
18:16.44jblackOk. So, dial 1000 from 1000. See if you get congestion.
18:16.46jblackThere is.
18:17.13dbtid[Jan  9 13:16:54] NOTICE[25145]: chan_local.c:570 local_alloc: No such extension/context 1000@default creating local channel
18:17.18dbtidsame problem
18:17.41dbtidok all the algo say MD5
18:17.52dbtidthat's just the encryption being sent i assume
18:17.56jblackThat's another way to authenticate. I haven't used it.
18:18.07dbtidthe phones are apparently both doing it :)
18:18.36jblackOffhand, I don't see what's wrong.
18:18.48dbtidthank you for all your time
18:18.52dbtidi'm gonna go get some lunch
18:21.54*** join/#asterisk RipeR-81 (n=ircap8@
18:22.31RipeR-81hello.. anyone here has used asterisk with vonage ?
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18:26.40TwoCardsanyone alive for helping me about configuring zaptel.conf and zapata.conf for two cards (d)in one system ?
18:26.54TwoCardsanyone alive for helping me about configuring zaptel.conf and zapata.conf for two cards (digium te120p and tdm800p)in one system ?
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18:29.07mort_gibTwoCards: What's your problem??
18:29.55TwoCardsi have successfully installed trixbox... added extension, did some modem configs etc, also IVR and Voicemail is okay
18:30.17TwoCardsi can dial out to PSTN and of course i can receive calls from PSTN
18:30.20jbotextra, extra, read all about it, trixbox is a full linux distro that includes FreePBX and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox VERY difficult to support, and is not supported in #asterisk. Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & wiki at
18:30.48mort_gibTwoCards: I think trixbox is like a swearing word here :-) -Thanks Qwell
18:30.56TwoCardsso TDM800 is working... yeeaah i realise it :)
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18:31.09TwoCardsTDM is configured perfect i believe
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18:31.14TwoCardshold on i'm sending via private
18:33.22iCEBrkrhaha.. trixbox == swear word.
18:35.18*** join/#asterisk Lawbringer (
18:36.38Nugget"Hi everyone, I need help.  I'm trying to run trixbox with realtime patches on an eMachines server I found in the storage closet.  I've got 40 users with a mixture of grandstream phones and x-lite (unregistered).  I'm using four clone x100p cards I bought off ebay and I compiled a pirated version of the g729 codec.  Can you help me set up fax over sip?"
18:36.47*** join/#asterisk dataworm (
18:37.15Nugget"oh, and I'm in a hurry because all the phones aren't working and my boss is mad"
18:37.45jpsharpHey, I'm having the same problem!
18:40.07mostyNugget, ask #trixbox - we don't do that here
18:40.43mostyi should have realised nobody is quite that stupid
18:40.51Qwellmosty: you'd be surprised
18:40.51jpsharpHook, line...
18:42.23*** join/#asterisk fordfrog (n=fordfrog@gentoo/developer/fordfrog)
18:42.32outtoluncand stinker
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18:48.39_x86_Nugget: hahahaha
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18:54.33mostyi'm trying to get Pickup working with asterisk 1.4.17, no matter what context i put in Pickup(123@context), asterisk says "pickup_exec: No target channel found for 123", even though 123 is in the ringing state. what could i have missed?
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18:54.42NirShello all
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19:11.24dbtidjblack, what context should [general] have in sip.conf?
19:11.36dbtidit WAS context=default
19:11.46dbtidi set it to context=phones
19:11.51dbtidbut that causes weird things :)
19:11.59dbtidLOTS Of error messages, and CONGESTION messages
19:12.00*** part/#asterisk orioni (n=orion@
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19:17.00dexpdxwhat would the correct way to signal a polycom to auto-answer from the dialplan?
19:18.36datawormIf I want to try SRTP witch Asterisk branch should I get?
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19:24.06dexpdxin otherwords does SipAddHeader work?
19:29.38Corydon76-digYes, it does
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19:34.38tzafrir_laptophi NirS
19:36.21Havokmonugh.. all these itsp's have $25 DID port fees :(
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19:44.02dbtidjblack, i fixed it
19:44.04lmadsenHavokmon: ya, because they have to pay the port fees
19:44.17dbtidin extensions.conf i was using SIP/1001@
19:44.21dbtidwhat i needed was
19:44.29dbtidit all works now
19:44.36lmadsenya, rarely do you need the @foo part
19:44.47lmadsenthat should be defined by your peer in sip.conf
19:49.20hmmhesayswhat the hell is tos=0x68 that doesn't add up
19:51.39*** join/#asterisk angom_w (
19:52.08Havokmonlmadsen: yeah I understand - but paying $2000 just to port numbers so customers don't get a busy kinda sucks
19:52.34lmadsenit sure does :)
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20:07.49captiancrashis it possible to make SIP calls from an Astereisk server to an Iwatsu PBX that has IPNET cards?
20:08.05Qwelldo the IPNET cards let it do SIP?
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20:08.48captiancrashQwell, I suppose that's more the question I should have asked.   Do the IPNET cards do SIP...
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20:08.52Qwellno idea
20:14.34Havokmoncaptiancrash: I think Iwatsu's are the old Fujitsu's... and if so, no, that's only for FIPN
20:19.00kyronWhere should I look for how the calculation of bandwidth per line? I need to know which type of Internet connection I will require for my installations ;)
20:20.24jpsharp1.21 GIGABITS!
20:20.44jpsharpBut seriously, bandwidth depends on what codec you use.
20:20.56kyronrajiv, didn't notice you were here: Assuming that you're the one responsible behind net-misc/asterisk, I wanted to know if it was still active and if it required much work to bring it up to 1.4.1?
20:21.07kyronjpsharp, hehe, conservative figures heh...
20:21.36kyroninter-office codec I control, but my provider only accepts u-ulaw
20:22.06jpsharp75kbps per call, about.
20:22.35jpsharpulaw is 64kbps + 10-12Kbps overhead.
20:23.15kyronand we're talking bits not bytes...of course..
20:23.42jpsharp75 kilobits per second. ulaw is quite close to the PRI BW
20:23.58*** join/#asterisk fnordus (n=dnall@
20:24.20kyronso I'm looking into an ADSL connection and wondering how many calls I could carry over it....and also wondering if I should play with the MTU
20:24.25jpsharpIt is the same.  The voice on a PRI is digitized using ulaw or alaw, depending on which side of the atlantic you're on.
20:24.46jpsharpnah, the MTU should be fine.  Voice packets are pretty small.
20:25.54kyronjpsharp, yeah, I was actually thinking of lowering it..actually, it
20:25.55chodorenkoplease answer me howeto i can check exist file or now ? and if exist play as background sond ?
20:26.06kyronit's the window size that should be tweaked in this case..
20:26.31jpsharpNo, the window size shouldn't change.   This is UDP not TCP.
20:26.32kyronwow, thats almost understandable
20:26.49kyronjpsharp, as I as typing that I also kicked myslef in the head
20:27.21jpsharpNow that takes talent.
20:28.22kyronjpsharp, flexibility ;)
20:28.48chodorenkoplease answer me howeto i can check exist file or now ? and if exist play as background sond ?
20:29.22*** join/#asterisk remmo (n=junk@
20:31.13davevg-btwtechchodorenko, look at the STAT function to see if a file exists
20:34.22chodorenkodavevg-btwtech: if file note exist this fungtion return is "" and if a use "IF" fungtion then i return error
20:36.03davevg-btwtechchodorenko, here is a sample from one of my dialplans  GotoIf($["${STAT(e,/var/lib/asterisk/sounds/btwtech/${messageid}.ulaw)}"="1"]?:dial)
20:36.06chodorenkodavevg-btwtech: its my error in code ? jr this bug &
20:38.12*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (
20:38.51chodorenkodavevg-btwtech: Yeh ...... You Supper !!!!!
20:39.20chodorenkodavevg-btwtech: "fsdafsdf"="1"  its my error , no one manual this no write
20:40.23CrazyTuxHello guys, anyone ever seen this: [Jan  9 14:38:15] WARNING[8007]: chan_sip.c:4852 process_sdp: Unsupported SDP media type in offer: image 18340 udptl t38.  I'm trying to receive a fax inbound, however receiving that warning.
20:41.35twistedyes, that's called T.38
20:42.39CrazyTuxtwisted, yes, but what do I need to do to support it
20:43.27*** join/#asterisk atisss (n=atisss@
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20:45.38CrazyTuxtwisted, 1.4 is suppose to have proper support, no/
20:48.32jpsharpI'm running 1.4.4 and its still hit & miss whether it works or not.
20:49.30puppett38 support in * as i get it isnt complete
20:49.42puppetit cant be endpoint as i get it
20:51.56jpsharpI've been trying to use it as a relay between T.38 capable ATAs and my Quintum CMS960.  It sort of works with Grandstream ATAs, doesn't work with the VoipInc ATAs I have, and if I try to use it with the Quintum ASG200s I have, it really irritates *.
20:53.39*** join/#asterisk mtryfoss (
20:54.38mtryfossis it possible to pass a variable through the queue application? (from the callling channel to the called channel)
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20:57.15dbtidinteresting; this UTstarcom F3000 has rlogin WIDE OPEN.
20:58.15puppetcany anyone recomend the cheapest sip-phone there is avaiable or cheapest atabox
20:58.19*** join/#asterisk trippss (n=ss@
20:58.22puppetthat is something to have
20:58.25jbot[cheap] a bad idea.  If you're setting up an Asterisk system, one of the wisest pieces of advice you can take is this: DON'T BE A CHEAPSKATE.
20:59.18puppetQwell: not for a big company ;)
20:59.26puppetQwell: just need something that "works"
20:59.33puppeteveyone dont need a ciscobox at home :)
20:59.36trippssso i'm installing a new test * server from ubuntu packages - i'm going to use it for local sip phones and trunk all activity over iax to remote * server . . . do i need to install zaptel drivers?
20:59.47puppettrippss: yes
20:59.49puppettrippss: for ztdummy
21:00.15trippsspuppet: ok thanks
21:00.33mtryfosspuppet: linksys spa-942 is a good and cheap phone
21:01.59puppetMrWorta: i could have one of those at home, but my GF colleges, at her company just need a basic BASIC phone with like answer/hang on function, or best way is a atabox then?
21:04.10fujintrippss: yes and no, some things require a timing source (MeetMe, trunk=yes for IAX2, app_page, some MOH)
21:04.24fujinfor example I don't have ztdummy at all, yet have a fully functional pure-voip system
21:04.29fujin(we opted to not use MeetMe)
21:04.40fujinor IAX2, for that matter :0
21:05.31*** join/#asterisk jstew (
21:06.28jstewCan anyone recommend a good traffic shaper? I have a T1 that's saturated alot of the time and need some QoS for our voip calls.
21:06.50[hC]for something as small as a t1, id suggest a wrt54gl running dd-wrt
21:06.56[hC]or a linux box with a traffic shaper on it
21:07.33puppet[hC]: openwrt ftw ;P
21:07.36jstewI have some traffic shaping on our firewall using pf but things get messed up during heavy downloads from our users
21:07.47[hC]puppet: same thing, dd-wrt just doesnt make you use the CLI :)
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21:07.55puppet[hC]: not openwrt niehter
21:08.04[hC]puppet: new UI?
21:08.13puppetOpenWrt Kamikaze - With X-Wrt Extensions 7.07
21:08.16jstewWe have 2 DMZs on our firewall though
21:08.18*** join/#asterisk AndyGraybeal (
21:08.40jstewSo I was thinking of a router that sits between the T1 line and the fw to do nothing but traffic shape :D
21:09.34[hC]puppet: cool, ill have to dig up some screenshots.. but ive been really happy with dd-wrt too
21:09.56[hC]jstew: pf configured properly could do it
21:10.28puppet[hC]: dd-wrt lacked some stuff tho, and its not gpled
21:10.31jstewhmmm you think so? I have 2 dmzs as well as a lan to take into consideration.
21:10.46puppetasit should be
21:10.52puppet[hC]: dd-wrt breaks licensing rules
21:10.59puppetlast i checked anyway
21:11.07[hC]puppet: what did it lack? i dont lose sleep over them breaking licensing.
21:11.25puppetwas something i needed anyway but iu dont rememebr right now ill come up with it soon :)
21:11.34jstewDownloads are a problem because once the packet gets accepted into the interface, it's already too late to do any QoS because the bandwidth has already been used.
21:13.14hmmhesaysyeah you can only really traffic shape your uploads
21:13.40[hC]it does also somewhat work for downloads in my experience
21:13.52[hC]because the interface will start queueing and slowing down the download
21:13.55tzafrir_laptoptrippss, try: m-a a-i zaptel
21:14.03jstewbleh, I'm just going to get a separate data line and be done with it
21:14.14tzafrir_laptopthat is: after installing the package zaptel-source
21:14.18jstewI've spent too many hours on this anyway lol
21:14.23hmmhesaysyou don't really need to traffic shape your downloads anyway, usually your upload buffer is going to cause the problem
21:14.25trippssfujin: thanks - i didn't think it was absolutely necessary but we're using trunk for IAX2 . . . cool.
21:15.18trippsstzafrir_laptop: sorry for being dense - what do you mean by m-a a-i
21:15.50fujinmodule-assistant is the tool to get debianized source of kernel modules
21:16.06trippssok gotcha
21:16.17tzafrir_laptoptrippss, this is a command to run in the terminal, as root
21:20.13trippssmodule assistant is ma what is ai
21:21.52trippsstzafrir_laptop: were you sending me something? i haven't gotten anything. tia
21:22.07tzafrir_laptoptrippss, no
21:22.25tzafrir_laptoptrippss, a-i stands for auto-install
21:22.52tzafrir_laptopbuild a -modules deb package and install it
21:23.19puppet what do u guys thkn?
21:23.28jbotextra, extra, read all about it, cheap is a bad idea.  If you're setting up an Asterisk system, one of the wisest pieces of advice you can take is this: DON'T BE A CHEAPSKATE.
21:23.28errrif my voicemail volumes are too low when being emailed I see in voicemail.conf you can do volgain= what values should I try to raise it?
21:23.30tzafrir_laptopAlternatively: m-a build zaptel # just build a deb package
21:24.01tzafrir_laptopQwell, any better IAX+SIP ATA?
21:24.39puppettzafrir_laptop: and tis one here dont cost a fortune and i need 2-3
21:25.10trippsstzafrir_laptop: i was going to install zaptel-source, module-assistant prepare, m-a build zaptel, then dpkg -i the deb package. sound right?
21:25.43tzafrir_laptoptrippss, m-a a-i saves you the need for dpkg -i
21:26.16tzafrir_laptopAnd usually m-a prepare is not really needed
21:29.23*** join/#asterisk keulin (
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21:31.11MrTelephoneis there any good solution to low voicemail volumes?
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21:37.34darkseeranyone can help me with a little question? what machine i need to build an asterisk with 500 lines without slowdowns? :) (sorry my english) :P
21:38.01puppetdarkseer: 500 lines wich type, what codec, etc etc?
21:39.17darkseerhumm lemme see
21:39.59trippssmmm maybe I needed to install zaptel before asterisk? i don't see ztdummy . . .
21:40.26trippssand maybe i need libpri or not?
21:40.40HavokmonMrTelephone: advertise a phone sex service? ;)
21:40.41JTyes zaptel needs to be installed before asterisk if you want asterisk to use it
21:40.56HavokmonThat'll increase the volume on your vm system ;)
21:43.07*** join/#asterisk atisss (n=atisss@
21:46.22*** join/#asterisk genz (
21:46.37MrTelephonesound volume not call volume
21:47.25genzUsing Originate, like the first example in the wiki, the caller-id gets sent to the context, but not the exten
21:47.32genzAny idea on how to get it to send to both?
21:55.28tzafrir_laptopwhich phones, besides polycoms, can be provisioned over http?
21:56.11trippsslsmod | grep zap shows i've got a crc_ccitt module in use i haven't seen nor do i think i need. how can i remove this from loading?
21:56.15tzafrir_laptoptrippss, you don't need libpri. However, if you use asterisk from packages it is built with libpri support
21:56.45tzafrir_laptoptrippss, this means that zaptel uses that module
21:56.45trippsstzafrir_laptop: yeah I noticed that the ubuntu pkgs have it in there . . .
21:56.49tzafrir_laptopno problem here
21:57.01trippssnever seen it on any other box running ztdummy . .
21:57.47JTztdummy has nothing to do with libpri
21:57.57JTlibpri is for pri signalling
21:58.32trippssmmm i suppose crc_ccitt must be built into the kernel on the other boxes . . . who knew ;)
21:59.30genzAnyone know much about Originate?
21:59.47*** join/#asterisk Roa (n=roa@unixmexico/Roa)
22:01.27outtoluncgenz: what is wrong with the info on the wiki
22:02.16genzouttolunc: That system only sends caller ID to the context (internal) but the the exten (external).
22:02.17*** join/#asterisk G-nerd (
22:02.22G-nerdhello guys!
22:03.21outtoluncwhen you 'originate' the channel TECH type needs to allow the callerid rewrite, which also means in the case of provider/pstn they must also allow it
22:04.00genzouttolunc: Which also means when the provider is giving you control, and you don't send it, you show up as private. Which is the problem I'm living in now.
22:04.34outtoluncgenz: note, most 'provider' do the callerid 'name' lookup from their databases regardless, some allow you to rewrite the callerid 'num'
22:05.53genzouttolunc: I have a T1 Pri, and can send/block my CID from all the phones, its the click-to-call functionality of Originate that's being ornery.
22:06.05outtoluncso set it
22:06.43Netgeeksah, you mean when you originate the channel originate allows you to specify callerid, but the next part - the exten that you connect the originated channel to, doesn't?
22:07.13genzNetgeeks: Thank you. Yes.
22:07.21NetgeeksYeah, we ran into that too
22:07.28genzDid you find anything?
22:07.42Netgeeksno, I band-aided and bubble gumed it
22:08.01*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
22:08.16genzThat sounds better to me than not being able to use it at all for some numbers. Can you point me in the right direction?
22:08.35genzOr, at least, in the direction you followed...
22:09.24NetgeeksI basically created a call request record (set up a db entry in an external db) and called an extension that was actually the, then I loaded that db entry and set  up the call.  Note that I was already using external db for other thiings and the setup record already existed, so I wasn't adding alot.
22:09.31Netgeeksthats probably not the case for you
22:10.31darkseeranyone have only a little knowledge to tell me usin any type of codec etc, to work with 500 lines without problems? if u already saw anythin like it workin =p u have an ideia! hehehe at moment i need only this info! :)
22:10.52genzouttolunc: its ok, you problably just skipped over some lines of my messages
22:11.23genzNetgeeks: oy, my kingdom for an elegant solution... yours is a pretty creative method
22:11.26outtoluncyeah obviously my fault <G> haha
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22:13.12lmadsendarkseer: eh?  I tend to use G.711u, or G.729a for high density (as long as I don't have to transcode)
22:14.31NetgeeksI don't know the problem with originate, it could possibly be an easy fix, or both you and I could be not doing something a little simpler like for the channel use a local channel, and have that local channel store the callerid in an asterisk db or maybe a global variable specific to the channel, then in the extension portion of the originate have the extension code pull the data out and clear the db tree if thats what you used.
22:14.31NetgeeksLike I said bandaid and bubble gum tho
22:14.35darkseerand the machine to keep it working?
22:15.43Netgeeksof course the problem with local channels and all that stuff is that your cdr records can get ... um.... interesting to read
22:15.46outtoluncNetgeeks: he most likely just needs to fill other 'Variable's with that callerid info, and set them back to callerid vars in the context on connect
22:15.56genzNetgeeks: Couldn't we use VARIABLE, have the config read it, and then set it over there
22:16.12Netgeeksgenz: I think thats just what out recommended
22:16.26genzNetgeeks: So I see
22:18.20mockerAnyone here using Aspect w/ Asterisk?
22:19.50darkseerlmadsen hum, what type of hardware i need to keep these 500 lines workin without slowdowns?
22:20.28lmadsendarkseer: probably 4GB RAM + 2x dual or quad-core CPUs, and ideally a RAMdrive
22:20.56darkseermocker lol
22:21.00lmadsensee TFoT2 for the noticeable number of additional channels you can run when running in a ramdrive :)
22:21.06lmadsenyou can thank file for that test
22:21.17G-nerdlmadsen, you could also buy telephonecard using DSP processors
22:21.18JTrunning 500lines soley on one machine is a dumb idea though
22:21.19lmadsendarkseer: note NO TRANSCODING :)
22:21.28lmadsenJT: I would agree
22:21.46lmadsenbetter to spread that over 2-4 boxes
22:21.59lmadsenalthough it does complicate the logic a bit
22:22.09genzNetgeeks: Variable: TESTVAR=Bob in the c2c should it answer as ${TESTVAR} in a noop, right?
22:22.09G-nerdCyberthech has telephone cards compatible with Asterisk
22:22.27lmadsenyou need to use more tools like DUNDi and replicating data (or storing some of it in the database -- I like to use func_odbc)
22:22.32Netgeeksgenz: that is what I understand
22:22.51genzouttolunc: That's what you'd say, too?
22:23.08G-nerd500 lines, how does one want to connect all those cables to a pc?
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22:23.33HavokmonG-nerd: 110 ;)
22:23.46G-nerdhow much lines can a pc handle fysically?
22:23.59outtoluncgenz: use 'Variable: __PHONENUM=xxxxxxxxxx' (dont' forget \r\n), and in extensions use exten => _X.,n,Set(__PHONENUM=${CALLERID(num)})
22:23.59darkseervia ip phone :P
22:24.10G-nerdso ther is actually already a limit
22:24.19drmessano-LT500 lines on one machine
22:24.19outtoluncthose __ are important
22:24.19G-nerdyes all those phone cables
22:24.26JTG-nerd: PRI or IP would probably be the best
22:24.33drmessano-LTCan I be your on-call support?  $100/hour
22:24.34JT500 analogue lines would be stupid
22:24.51JTbecause analogue friggen sucks arse
22:24.52G-nerdnot cost effective?
22:24.53JTit's shit
22:25.03JTpoor call control, too many cables
22:25.10JTpoor audio
22:25.10drmessano-LTBut i'm not punching down 500 lines
22:25.23G-nerdhmm I guess you are right JT
22:25.23JTget with the 90s, get PRIs
22:25.31[hC]anything above 10-12 lines, no sense to use analog lines.
22:25.54outtoluncwrong code
22:25.57JTthe level is closer to 5-6 where i am
22:26.19G-nerdbut could an ethernet cable handle 500 telephone lines?
22:26.28G-nerdI mean virtual telephone lines :)
22:26.37[hC]over IP? yeah of course.
22:26.39outtoluncgenz: in extensions do something like exten => _X.,n,Set(CALLERID(num)=${PHONENUM})
22:26.40JTi guess it's possible to put 500 g.711 calls over sip over 100Mbit/s
22:26.50JTyes, obviously
22:26.51[hC]its absolutely possible to do 500 g729 calls.
22:26.59[hC]and yeah you could probably do g711 too.
22:27.09G-nerdoooh ok, than we are talking about at least 100MB connection
22:27.19JTnot 100MB
22:28.01genzouttolunc: Ok, but when you set it in the Originate action, how do you access it from the normal method. The noop doesn't return the value as one would expect
22:28.06G-nerdso with a good Linux server with Ateris installed on it could handle 500 telephone lines simultaneously?
22:28.37outtoluncgenz: you need to be 'originate'ing from a manager session
22:29.48JTi'm sure you can get machines to handle 500 channels
22:29.57JTbut it's advisable to have more than one
22:30.00JTas machines fail
22:30.31G-nerdBut personally I still don't like the concept to use the pc as a DSP, telephonecards should do the work
22:30.46G-nerdyes I understand JT
22:30.49JTthen asterisk is probably the wrong thing for you
22:30.59G-nerdhmmm, why?
22:31.11JTthe whole philosophy of zaptel is using the host cpu for processing
22:31.16JTread up about zaptel
22:31.28G-nerdyes you're right
22:31.42JTalthough some people have now realised that doesn't make much sense for things like transcoding to g.729
22:31.58G-nerdThat's why these cards circuit were actually quite simple
22:32.00JTso digium have even released devices more on the dsp side of things
22:33.47G-nerdJT, the reason why I don't like the concept, is because the CPU is actually intended to do more OS related stuff and not doing number crunching things (well, number crunching in another manner)
22:34.36JTso should we get DSPs for microsoft word?
22:34.44JTanother DSP for internet explorer?
22:35.01fetcherafter an Asterisk server outage, a lot of Polycom SIP phones (IP 501's) seem to get into a "stuck" state where they can't properly re-register.  Manually power cycling the phones fixes it.
22:35.18fetcherIncoming call: Got SIP response 500 "Internal Server Error" back from  <--- this is the error message that appears on the * console, over and over, once for each affected phone
22:35.27G-nerdno no, DSP is more for processing signals, like audio, or radiosignals etc....
22:35.35fetcherand only when * goes down briefly but the phones don't
22:36.06G-nerdlike the acronym stands for
22:36.56tzafrir_laptopG-nerd, the problem is that developing hardware takes much more time
22:37.05tzafrir_laptopAnd hence it costs much more
22:37.37G-nerdmaybe it is more an money issue
22:37.59tzafrir_laptopFurthermore, developing software, it is cheaper to fix your mistakes, and hence the price of improving is not as high
22:38.41JTpc cpus are quite powerful now that dsps often aren't needed
22:38.42G-nerdbut than Asterisk should run on Linux with no GUI or something, just a very stripped Linux and Asterisk
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22:39.25tzafrir_laptopThat is not to say that DSPs are of no use.
22:39.50G-nerdyes, you are right, this is actualy the best way to have very cheap pbx and stable
22:41.03G-nerdwell I mean asterisk as PBX as one thing
22:41.19G-nerdI  know the possibility is endless
22:42.28kyronYeah, as a comparison, traditional PBXs ran under Motorola's 68K processors... quite a few leaps back from present multi-core multi-GHz processors ;)
22:42.32G-nerdI have some C/C++ experience, but I have never programmed for Linux OS' s applications, only that windose stuff
22:42.49G-nerdoooh really?
22:43.00kyronG-nerd, don't start programming under Linux, you won't be able to go back to windows
22:43.13G-nerdwell, that is actually the point
22:43.36G-nerdI don' t hate windose, but the strategists of windose
22:44.03G-nerdIf they can, you pay even a license for everytime you start windose
22:44.03kyronG-nerd, yes, really, traditional PBX are pure hardware (digital + analog) oriented beasts that are robust, complex, and tend to have some cryptic language to configure (hey...quite like *!)
22:44.03tzafrir_laptopG-nerd, but then again, some people take the "DSP" approach too seriously:
22:44.51fetcherG-nerd: extra money for every reboot, huh?  Now there's a guaranteed money maker ;)
22:45.12G-nerdwell, DSP' s were maybe more important when there were no powerfull processors
22:46.02G-nerdI work at an telecom comapny and they work with windose systems only
22:46.21G-nerdthat is why I want to learn Linux well
22:46.22kyronG-nerd, DSPs are still very important and aren't close to being obsoleted by mainstream processors
22:46.27fetcheryeah, I remember some old 68k-era Apple Macs that had Motorola 56001 DSP coprocessors.  Those were dropped when the switched to PowerPC architecture
22:47.01G-nerdno I know that kyron, there are certain field where DSP' s are necessary
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22:47.16G-nerdlike control loopbak
22:47.18kyronTelecom with windows only...yerk!... that's like Fido (Microcell) that had their cell system bogged down to a halt because they were "smart" enough to use Exchange and windows on their infrastructure (Melissa virus days)
22:47.53kyronG-nerd, well...any field where analog meets digital ;)
22:47.58G-nerdyes yes, but I was happy to have a job
22:48.28G-nerdyep kyron, I agree with you
22:48.38kyronG-nerd, Microsoft is employment security, you'all always have to do (repair) stuff around a Microsoft infrastructure.
22:49.01G-nerdthe clients already told us to use Linux, but we don' t have experience on Linux
22:49.11kyronHey, the'll even make sure you keep learning...let's revamp the GUI!
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22:49.21kyrontsk...get some!
22:49.38mercestesif you are on IRC, chances are your not getting any from the opposite sex.
22:49.41JTkyron: he probable means for windows for management
22:49.46kyronQwell, ok, in a closed isolated environment...maybe not
22:49.55JTkyron: most of telecomms does still happen in dsp
22:49.57Qwellisolated?  no
22:49.58G-nerdNow I' m a bit familiar with Linux, the hard thing is still configuring with bash
22:49.59mercestesoh, that's not what he meant by "get some."
22:50.01mercestesnevermind then.
22:50.29kyrondid I say something suggestive without my consent?
22:50.56mercestes<kyron> tsk...get some!
22:51.02G-nerdbut who said that programming in Linux is very addictive?
22:51.15kyronG-nerd, well, leraning _that_ approach is the best since it's the most flexible and independant of a GUI...much more portable and useful wise...
22:51.33kyronmercestes, yeah, didn't think it could be interpreted in that manner..
22:51.38G-nerdyes kyron, it is the hard way but the best way
22:51.55JThard is debatable
22:52.12JTconsidering the wide availability of free development tools
22:52.20JTeasy comes to mind
22:52.34kyronG-nerd, anyhoo, if you want to go "500 lines on a machine" get serious redundant hardware, of which you have 2 choices:  hyper redundant hardware or redundant server (offline hotswap)
22:53.03G-nerdooh that a good point, which development tools do Linuxprogrammers use? I  mean for writing Linux services etc...
22:53.51kyronJT, it's hard to configure * using vi and a command line. It's easy doing it with FreePBS...but you don't learn much (ironically, this is how I did it for the moment but I do intend to rebuild my * machine under Gentoo)
22:53.59G-nerdkyron, and what about using multiple machines and those machines connected with each other
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22:54.27JTkyron: i think it's easier in many ways to hand code asterisk
22:54.39kyronG-nerd, keep a clone (and I really mean clone) as a spare and swap it if required
22:54.50JTyou have precise control, with freepbx, who knows wtf it will do
22:54.52G-nerdthey say a big problem must be cut into smaller problems ;)
22:55.03puppetJT: the code gets cleaner
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22:55.16kyronJT, yes, once you know it well enough... ie: inserting 500 SIP extensions is a joke to script...don't even think of using a GUI for that
22:55.16puppetin freepbx u get like, 1000 config files
22:55.34puppetkyron: realtime ftw
22:55.58kyronpuppet, that why I get lost when attempting to understand the config?... good to know it's not "standard"
22:56.13puppetkyron: the config isnt hard if u have seen a workign config, then read samples >(
22:56.44kyronpuppet, that's what I wanted to do with FreePBX...but I found the 1k config files a little overwhelming
22:57.13puppethaha yeah ;P
22:57.19puppetu cant do it ther u have to try manually :)
22:57.23JTit does everything in stupid obfuscated ways
22:57.36JTit has random useless AGI
22:57.44JTand horrible dialplans
22:57.46G-nerdWho runs his own biznez selling Asterisk machines?
22:58.20puppetJT: bump
22:58.22G-nerdanyway, that says enough hahaha
22:58.45JTpuppet: ?
22:58.47puppetG-nerd: well wich biznez uses freepbx?
22:58.57puppetJT: bump as in, true very true about agi and stuff
22:59.00G-nerdwhy not?
22:59.09JTunfortunately a lot use freepbx
22:59.16[hC]I own a 'biznez' selling asterisk systems
22:59.18mercestesI have several clients who used freepbx.  That is why they are my clients now.
22:59.24[hC]although i really refuse to say biznez
22:59.27[hC]Are you 19? heh
22:59.31angryusergooed evening everybody
22:59.31G-nerdI read on a forum they changed the freepbx skin of the GUI
22:59.40JT[hC]: that's unfair on most 19yos
22:59.43G-nerdand put their won logo  on it
22:59.48[hC]JT: you're right im sorry.
22:59.54JTfonality owns it now
23:00.00JTthey now sell a proprietary version
23:00.02JTtrixbox pro
23:00.05JTown trixbox that is
23:00.13[hC]they still have trixbox CE too
23:00.17puppet[hC]: i said it cause he said it ;P
23:00.37tzafrir_laptoptrixbox != freepbx. And they're not the only one distributng freepbx
23:01.06angryuseri am searching a good tutorial for asterisk realtime, like hiw extensions are managed and examples of tables, any ideas besides voipinfo?
23:01.27puppetangryuser: read the wiki
23:01.54puppetvoipinfo says it all
23:01.55drmessanoYou dont need Trixbox to have FreePBX.. thank god
23:02.06bkruseyou do not need either, thank God.
23:02.10G-nerdwell guys, I got to go the bed, Got to work tomorrow, programming C# for windose, but I' ll dream tonight about programming C/C++ on Linux :)
23:02.32bkrusejust playin :]
23:03.09puppetc# is easy to code ;P
23:03.14G-nerdc u next time guys, thanks for talking
23:03.36G-nerd(well not in C++ and C for ARM microcontroller)
23:03.41G-nerdok but got to go
23:05.17angryuseri am thinking of writing my manager in windev wish me luck ;)
23:06.01angryuseryes google wil help you
23:06.55angryuser<puppet> wiki was updated recently, more info, thx for pointing me back
23:07.37puppetsays it all, i just did that and it worked splended
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23:11.16AndyGraybealrussellb: should i install the asterisk-alsa module?
23:11.37AndyGraybealwooh, softfax for asterisk :)  nice
23:11.57russellbAndyGraybeal: sure, if you want
23:12.10russellbit just lets you make calls from the asterisk CLI using an ALSA sound device
23:12.11AndyGraybealdo i need to it work with jack and asterisk and pd?
23:12.18AndyGraybealah okay
23:12.23russellband the jack stuff is _brand_ new
23:12.28russellbit's in a developer branch
23:12.39russellbsvn co asterisk-jack
23:12.47AndyGraybealjack russell :)
23:12.53AndyGraybealokay rock on thank you
23:13.49QwellAndyGraybeal: that's funny...
23:14.33AndyGraybeallemme get this asterisk installed... my distro has packaged the asterisk version 1.2.13-21 ...... this is probably not the version i want eh?
23:15.16AndyGraybealQwell: haha.. in another channel .... this guy name 'sprouts' is in.. and 'russellb' was right above him in my nickname list... and i read "brussellspouts" at first glance.
23:15.25AndyGraybealer.. i mean "brussellsprouts"
23:15.26drmessanoHow can you download something, install it, and while you get ALL the updates to the app and OS, it's never REALLY updated....
23:15.33QwellAndyGraybeal: nice
23:15.33russellbAndyGraybeal: 1.2.13 is pretty old
23:15.37russellba few years probably
23:15.50AndyGraybealrussellb: tha's what i thought.... most evil... go openSUSE packagemanagement
23:15.52russellbAndyGraybeal: that developer branch is the bleeding edge plus the jack stuff, heh
23:16.10drmessanoFurthermore, how can I download say 2.0 of something, upgrade all the pieces to new, and still have 2.0
23:16.24mockerHey, I like 1.2.13. :)
23:16.46mocker.17 ftw.
23:17.34angryusercan onyone help me solve the problem withe the message "rtc: lost some interrupts at 1024 hz" ? all last versions of *
23:17.58angryuserit is a non stop flood
23:18.23drmessanoWhat kind of versioning scheme results in "I have 2.0, which has all the code of 2.8 but shows 2.0"
23:18.28hmmhesayslooks like a problem with your real time clock
23:19.27drmessanoQwell: I have a question
23:19.28angryuseri have enabled then emulation in kernel recompiled, but nothing happens....
23:19.42Qwelldrmessano: I have an answer
23:20.06drmessanoIf you created an app
23:20.09drmessanoLets call it..
23:20.17Qwelllet's email it
23:21.00drmessanoThats a GOOD name
23:21.09Qwellokay, matchbox
23:21.18drmessanoand I gave you 1.0 to download
23:21.35drmessanoyou gave me 1.0 to download
23:21.41drmessanoand I use it.. la la la la
23:21.41Qwellwhy would I give you 1.0?
23:21.48drmessanoUpdate it 17 times
23:21.59drmessanoBecause you cant wait for me to use it
23:22.07Qwelldid you buy it?
23:22.10drmessanoTO where 1.1.7 is out
23:22.14drmessanoNo, open source
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23:22.29drmessanoand I came back to you for support
23:22.37QwellI'd charge you $1M.
23:22.40drmessanoand you have this half ass numbering scheme
23:22.48drmessanoWhere I actually am on 1.0
23:22.48Qwellwait, go back
23:22.56drmessano1.0 with all updates
23:23.00drmessanoNo 1.1.7
23:23.05QwellI wouldn't use a half-ass numbering scheme
23:23.06drmessanoBut 1.0*
23:23.10drmessanoSay you did
23:23.16Qwellokay, say I did
23:23.17drmessanoJust.. for shits and giggles
23:23.37drmessanoI have 1.0*          *Not 1.1.7 but all the files of 1.1.7
23:23.54drmessanoHow the HELL would you keep up with who has what and how to support it?
23:24.10Qwellyou don't
23:24.11drmessanoBecause technically...
23:24.19drmessanoI can have 1.0 ALA 1.1.7
23:24.23drmessanoI can have 1.0.1 ALA 1.1.7
23:24.28drmessanoetc etc
23:24.42drmessanoI was beginning to think something liek that would make sense on this planet
23:24.54drmessanoThat *I* was the crazy one for thinking "WTF"
23:24.57Qwellare you going somewhere with this? O.o
23:25.06drmessanoMy fav subject
23:25.10drmessanoThat Matchbox sounding app
23:25.27QwellI would've called it cocopuffsbox.
23:25.28drmessanoDescription of the number system
23:26.08drmessano"Hi, I am using 2.0 not 2.0, but 2.0-ish 2.1.7-like-ish"
23:26.14drmessano"Oh, continue"
23:27.05drmessanoI got a Slurpee like Brain Freeze from reading that
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