IRC log for #asterisk on 20080103

00:00.18riddleboxdo you guys suggest having your data on a separate network than your voice? I will be talking to a guy tonight about putting in data and voice and want to see if I can get him to bite on an asterisk system
00:00.52NovceGurudefine seperate network
00:00.52fujinI do.
00:00.52fujinseperate being vlan (802.1q)
00:01.05fujinredundant switch pathing, and n+1 routers
00:01.08riddleboxI was thinking one switch for data and a different switch for voip
00:01.34NovceGururiddlebox: how big of a setup
00:01.45riddleboxI think about 20 phones
00:01.50fujinmost phones support 802.1q trunking, as such I went the route of cisco 3560's, 24 port PoE's, they carry both VLAN's down asingle wire, the phoen breaks out the connection to the PC
00:01.55fujinso 1 wire, 1 phone, 1 pc
00:02.23NovceGuruthats nice
00:02.37fujinwell, most 'good' phones
00:02.42fujin(we went with linksys spa942's)
00:02.50fujinbut I would go with polycom ip330's now,
00:02.59NovceGuruI would say any smaller I would put them on the same network and just use vlan (or not, depends) but deffintly QoS
00:03.23fujinyeah, expedited forwarding sip/rdp
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00:05.30riddleboxso any smaller than 20 you think it would be ok to put them on one network?
00:05.43fujinwith qos, sure
00:05.58fujinand qos capable devices
00:08.13CrashSysSometimes I realllly wish I knew C
00:09.41riddleboxI guess the other question would be, how they use their network too, right, if they pull down big files and stuff like that?
00:10.41outtoluncmulticast multiple dvd's <G>
00:10.53[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox, Save on the Cisco router and passthrough concerns and just get a Linksys PoE Switch and IP 320's instead.  It'll pay for the difference in equipment savings and offer greater flexibility down the road
00:11.18jblackIs it possible for extensions.conf to load another config file? I want to make a telemarketer hell dialplan, but I don't want to load my real dialplan with 1800 lines of garbage
00:11.43[TK]D-Fenderjblack, #include "otherconfig.cfg"
00:12.11jblackMy daughter and I are going to make it a project.
00:12.20riddlebox[TK]D-Fender, cool I will do that
00:12.39[TK]D-Fenderjblack, I just feed mine to the weasels
00:12.51De_Mon[TK]D-Fender what? #include?
00:12.56riddlebox[TK]D-Fender, I feed mine to screaming monkeys
00:12.57NovceGuruSo do you guys think once my PSTN number is transfered to a VOIP provider, I could then transfer to a provider that cant port my number directly from the PSTN provider?
00:13.07[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon, telemarketers silly!
00:13.10coppice[TK]D-Fender: you feed weasels to weasels?
00:13.21De_Mon[TK]D-Fender I use include => somefile.conf myself...
00:13.23[TK]D-Fendercoppice, Cannibalism at its best :)
00:13.25riddleboxNovceGuru, broadvoice can take up to a month to port your number
00:13.28[TK]D-Fendercoppice, I like the irony
00:13.44NovceGururiddlebox: they seem to be the only ones that can port my number :(
00:13.45[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon, that include format is to include a CONTEXT.
00:13.51jblackYeah, I'll put weasels in there... after they go through 50 prompts of "If you are calling from Alabama, please press 1. If you are calling from Alaska, please press 2"
00:13.52[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon, he wants to include a FILE <-
00:14.00NovceGuruI wondered if once with them, I could transfer to someone say, voicepulse
00:14.47riddleboxNovceGuru, I like broadvoice they always did just fine for me, I think I am going to port my cell number to them when my plan goes up
00:14.50De_Monoh, humm I think I've misplaced my brain... have you seen it by chance?
00:14.57_ShrikENovceGuru: The port process is not trivial and will take a few weeks for most carriers.
00:15.46NovceGururiddlebox: I have one client that uses them, they seem to have been ok. I was just gonna tranfer to voicepulse once I got it ported to broadvoice since I already have a voicepulse account
00:16.20NovceGuruand 4 lines to play with on there, and there's like a $1/month charge for a number
00:16.55riddleboxI need to look at voicepulse, I want to port my cell number and have asterisk use it so that when someone calls it, it rings my house phones and my work cell
00:17.33NovceGuruthats exactly what I'm doing atm
00:17.58NovceGuruwith a different number, was just gonna port my parents number, but voicepulse cant port it
00:18.05De_Monyikes! that could be bad(tm)
00:18.25NovceGuruthen have it ring both their cellphones and get naked dsl
00:18.39riddleboxDe_Mon, what could be bad?
00:18.39[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox, do a separate metered test.  If they answer the call before ringing your cell, you're DOA.. also if you cell is off it's VM will steal calls from your home IMMEDIATELY.
00:19.16mvanbaakzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz time
00:19.18mvanbaaklatero all
00:19.38NovceGurucould have it ring the house, then ring your cell
00:19.42NovceGuruor whatever order you want it in
00:20.08riddlebox[TK]D-Fender, yeah, I really just want to keep the number, since I have had it for 7 years, but work is paying for a cellphone with text messaging and unlimited data
00:20.24jbotit has been said that context is like LaTeX but less messy and more oriented to DTP instead of academics.
00:20.37NovceGuruim paying $11/month for 4 "channels" and 1 number
00:20.53NovceGurua call in then out to your home phone and cell phone takes 3 of those channels
00:21.14NovceGuruunless your home phone is a sip/iax client of the * system
00:21.23[TK]D-Fenderdacs, ......
00:21.30[TK]D-Fenderdacs, .... Chapter 5 ;)
00:21.42craigkquick zaptel question ... I am using an analog phone connected to a zaptel card to place a call out a PSTN line connected to the same card. The problem is where I am calling wants me to enter data separated by the # key - but the # key does not seem to be sent ... any ideas ?
00:22.29dacs[TK]D-Fender: am still in 4
00:22.35dacsgot busy at work
00:22.44[TK]D-Fendercraigk, watch out for the "tT" parameters in Dial stealing your DTMF for transfers.
00:23.07NovceGuru_ShrikE: I know it takes a while, but since voicepulse cant directly port my number, I wondered if they could _after_ it gets ported to broadvoice
00:23.16craigk[TK]D-Fender: I do have thsoe set ... but have redefined them to not use # key
00:23.18_ShrikEprobably not
00:23.21[TK]D-Fenderdacs, You rally shouldn't try to kid yourself about doing this right.  Just go read the chapter already
00:23.36[TK]D-Fenderdacs, its right there.
00:23.54NovceGuru_ShrikE: the more I repeated that the more wrong it sounded
00:23.59[TK]D-Fendercraigk, Oh?  I don't recall the ability to set the char for basic transfers.
00:24.32*** join/#asterisk MrFollies (
00:24.47riddlebox[TK]D-Fender, did you see that I got my call-waiting to work, but I havent figured out how to transfer on my cordless phone for some reason
00:25.02craigk[TK]D-Fender, in features.conf i set various values in the featuremap section. The new values work so I assuemd that the default # values are not being used
00:25.56_ShrikENovceGuru:  Did voicepulse tell you why the couldnt port that number in?
00:26.14[TK]D-Fendercraigk, Where in there did you ever see transfer defined anyways?
00:26.45[TK]D-Fendercraigk, I don't see "transfer" in there....
00:27.12[TK]D-Fendercraigk, straight transfer is hard-coded in app_dial last I checked. "show application dial"
00:27.13craigk[TK]D-Fender: I set disconnect, atxfer, blindxfer, and parkcall
00:27.44[TK]D-Fendercraigk, looking at it now...
00:28.05[TK]D-Fendercraigk, hrm.
00:28.16craigk[TK]D-Fender: show application dial gives me for tT "Allow the calling party to transfer the called party by sending the DTMF sequence defined in features.conf"
00:28.33craigk[TK]D-Fender: so i redefined them to free up # key :)
00:28.44[TK]D-Fendercraigk, yup, seems to be...
00:29.05[TK]D-Fendercraigk, pastebin your features.conf
00:30.49dacsgot to go , will talk to you later
00:30.52dacsbye all
00:30.52craigk[TK]D-Fender: pastebin'd
00:30.58craigklater dacs :)
00:32.11craigk[TK]D-Fender I am 'assuming' that the # key is not being sent, because if i call using a phone connected direct to the PSTN line then everything works, but when i go via asterisk/zaptel then the menu i am interacting with just times out instead of accepting my data
00:33.07[TK]D-Fendercraigk, does "show features" compare properly with your config?
00:34.41craigk[TK]D-Fender show features tells me <sorry about this>:
00:34.44craigkBuiltin Feature           Default Current
00:34.56craigk---------------           ------- -------
00:35.00craigkPickup                    *8      *8
00:35.02*** join/#asterisk nny_1 (
00:35.04craigkBlind Transfer            #       **1**
00:35.08craigkAttended Transfer                 *1
00:35.12craigkOne Touch Monitor
00:35.16craigkDisconnect Call           *       *0
00:35.20*** join/#asterisk obnauticus (
00:35.20craigkPark Call                         *7
00:35.24craigkDynamic Feature           Default Current
00:35.27*** join/#asterisk vrtk (n=vyrotiko@
00:35.28craigk---------------           ------- -------
00:35.36craigkCall parking
00:35.39jbot[~pastebin] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
00:35.44craigkParking extension   :   70
00:35.44craigkParking context     :   parkedcalls
00:35.44craigkParked call extensions: 71-79
00:35.44craigk<apologies all for that paste>
00:35.50nny_1craigk: stop
00:35.55nny_1craigk: ~pastebin
00:36.01CrashSysOhh the humanity of it all
00:36.30nny_1any other aastra geeks here?
00:37.34riddleboxweird I cannot transfer ** from my analog phone
00:37.57craigk[TK]D-Fender so show features seem to indicate that the default value of blind transfer is #, but that i have redefined it to be **1** ... again, i assumed this means that # is no longer trapped
00:37.59`Sauronwtf is aastra?
00:38.24[TK]D-Fendercraigk, yeah its all starting to look "kosher".
00:38.40[TK]D-Fender`Sauron, a very popular maker of SIP phones
00:39.54nny_1yeah trying to discern if i can tell a 480i ct to stop trying to hit a config server.. every boot yields different results.. it hangs.. (reseting to factory defaults). I seem to remember the web config stuff can conflict with the stuff loaded by provisioning.. (long story I would provision if all the factors were right)
00:40.13vrtkis this the ultimate resource for using SRTP on Asterisk: ?
00:42.03craigk[TK]D-Fender: does that mean i have it configured correctly, but for some reason it is not working ? maybe there is some way i can see what chan_zap is doing with my DTMF ... guess i am off to read the code :)
00:42.05nhuisman_workhow can I figure out what zaptel version I have installed?
00:42.19nhuisman_workis there some -V flag somewhere?
00:42.35nhuisman_workthis is asterisk business edition and it masks it with the business edition version
00:42.43[TK]D-Fendercraigk, Yeah I'm a bit confused on why this wouldn't work.  For a sanity check, remove all dial options and test.
00:42.47nhuisman_workwhen I use the package manager to look
00:42.54[TK]D-Fendernhuisman_work, "ztcfg -v
00:43.01craigk[TK]D-Fender great suggestion, thanks .. .trying now
00:43.36nhuisman_work[TK]D-Fender, didn't display a version
00:43.40[TK]D-Fendernhuisman_work, well the version it froze at should be documented somewhere.
00:43.51[TK]D-Fendernhuisman_work, then again very few of us here use ABE
00:43.54nhuisman_workyeah I know
00:44.07nhuisman_workthe same goes for asterisk
00:44.13nhuisman_workis there a way to display that version?
00:44.25nhuisman_worknm the overwrote it
00:44.33nhuisman_workasterisk -V just displays the business edition version
00:45.26craigk[TK]D-Fender that did it, without the rTWK flags it works fine
00:45.39tzafrir_homemodinfo zaptel | grep ^version
00:46.00tzafrir_homeor: cat /sys/module/zaptel/version
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00:46.47[TK]D-Fendercraigk, well sounds like tis time to start layering your tests
00:46.49nhuisman_workboy they are tricky, they even removed the version in the modinfo
00:47.11tzafrir_homenhuisman_work, switchvox?
00:47.16[TK]D-Fendernhuisman_work, So... you you have sold a smaller pieve of your immortal soul? :)
00:47.29nhuisman_workwell it seems like it has tdmoe support so I guess it's fine
00:48.22tzafrir_homenhuisman_work, modinfo xpp
00:48.38nhuisman_workno  such  module
00:48.45tzafrir_homeeven better
00:51.16nny_1anyone using res_snmp successfully in here yet?
00:51.29craigk[TK]D-Fender so if I ahve any of the T, W or K flags it does not work :(. I was hoping that it was going to be one flag/feature in particular but it does not look like it.
00:52.22[TK]D-Fendercraigk, now start commenting in/out options in features.conf
00:54.04craigk[TK]D-Fender but if i comment out blind transfer, that will revert to the default of # :(
00:54.17[TK]D-Fendercraigk, try, then start messing with it.
00:56.24*** join/#asterisk truz_`24 (n=truz_`
00:57.35nny_1so i am trying to change the local dial plan to allow (essentially) 1917145551212 and 197145551212 and 195551212 in this aastra phone... i add (because god forbid they make a wildcard) 19xxxxxxxxxxx 19xxxxxxxxxx and 19xxxxxxx and the damn phone won't register...
00:57.46nny_1lol yeah smores!
00:58.45nny_1i mean regardless of what is or isn't right with it.. why would a local dialplan entry cause the phone not to boot.. it's not like that kind of state is something you could diagnose..
00:58.52nny_1er not boot, register
01:03.28*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
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01:04.24craigk[TK]D-Fender commenting out the features one at a time did not help. I left blindxfer to the end, and when I pressed the # key it started a transfer instead of sending the DTMF. So it seems there is no way to turn the features off completely. I will look into the code and see what I can see.
01:06.18[TK]D-Fendercraigk, So * is getting "grabby"
01:18.59De_Monso um... what would you expect this to return? exten => s,n,NoOp($["test string" : "(.*)s"])
01:21.44*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
01:24.44craigk[TK]D-Fender i think so .... but so far there is nothign obvious in the code (not that i am an expert, but i _think_ i have found where the dtmf is being handled at least ... nearly there :) )
01:27.51nny_1so someone poke a cell for me here.. i have added 1[2-9]xxxxxxxxxx as well as 19xxxxxxxxxx and the phone keeps cutting the user off at the last digit.. any other sip client can dial out that way, so i don't suspect a dialplan issue, as they are all in the same contexts...
01:27.56nny_1i get   == Spawn extension (from-internal, 19184338472, 2) exited non-zero on 'SIP/141-b760d980'
01:28.18nny_1(yay for spaz clients testing)
01:28.30nny_1i have an example of the actual number i told him to dial one sec
01:28.38*** join/#asterisk clusco (i=clusco@
01:28.51craigk[TK]D-Fender hmmm, i am running asterisk 1.4.14, res_feature.c Revision: 89248. On line 1076 I can see where it is decided to sotre the feature digits instead of passing them through (in my case, this means store # instead of passing it on) ... still looking but i think this might be the error
01:28.57cluscog00d morning!
01:29.01nny_1so it is cutting off the last 2
01:29.08nny_1this must* be int he aastra local dial plan
01:29.34nny_1any thoughts appreciated.. gonna have a smoke and marinate on it
01:30.10[TK]D-Fendernny_1, no, thats not the same channel at all.
01:30.33[TK]D-Fendernny_1, SIP/141-b7609268 != SIP/141-b760d980
01:37.40craigk[TK]D-Fender forget what i said before ... this is only an issue when i use zaptel ... so there is nothing 'wrong' with res_feature.c ... changing to look at chan_zap.c now :)
01:38.11[TK]D-Fendercraigk, Actually I have concerns with app_dial directly....
01:38.25[TK]D-Fendercraigk, As that's what uses it.
01:39.01craigk[TK]D-Fender oh ... i guess i can not definitivly say that it works with SIP as my SIP phone uses # internally and does not send it :/
01:39.22nny_1[TK]D-Fender: hmm the 141-bXXXXXXX seems to change on each call.. i think i may have figured it out.. the aastra may be defaulting to the 19xxxxxxxxx entry before mine.. trying a different angle
01:39.58*** join/#asterisk BajaEd (n=ednagy@
01:40.34[TK]D-Fendernny_1, it IS a different call, that *'d channel name
01:41.38nny_1[TK]D-Fender: ahh got it
01:42.50nny_1[TK]D-Fender: in the aastra dialplan "2xx#|[2-9]11|9911|1[01]xx|[2-9]xxxxxx|1[2-9]xxxxxxxxx|1[2-9]xxxxxxxxxx|011x+#|xx*|*xx+#|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx#"
01:42.50nny_1the second 1[2-9]x etc is ignored if you dialed 198435551212 and it defualts to the first one
01:43.02nny_1this i did not know
01:45.46*** join/#asterisk apardo (
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01:52.23De_Monnny_1 dial patterns always use the FIRST matching pattern
01:53.32*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
01:54.12*** join/#asterisk m160858 (n=m160858@
01:54.15ariel_hello everyone
01:54.59m160858i need a little support about queues with asterisk 1.4
01:55.11ariel_ask the question
01:55.14nny_1De_Mon: yeah i am now going on the notion this excersie has had some pebkac in it... I have dealt with minor changes to polycoms etc. in the past, but never had to add one in this matter
01:55.44m160858i've a queue with 60 agents
01:56.58ariel_a queue with 60 agents that is nice.  And?
01:57.13m160858with AgenLogin command, the call are quick ... one by one
01:58.01m160858but with AgentCallBackLogin ... the calls are slowly
01:58.09m160858sorry by my english
01:58.38[TK]D-Fenderm160858, elaborate on "slowly" please, and provide CLI output in a pastebin for us to see.
01:58.40jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
01:59.49ariel_~weather ktmb
02:00.02nny_1De_Mon: i am still learning (and will always be) i have been working with asterisk since august of last year, and until i cough up the dough for boot camp, some lessons come a bit harder
02:00.25ariel_boot camp
02:00.42nny_1alternatively (i have the old book, getting the new one soon) if anyone has any ways to sharpen skills outside of working on systems, i am all ears
02:01.14ariel_work, work, on test box, work try things read the wiki
02:01.18ariel_help here,
02:01.27ariel_google is your friend
02:01.41nny_1ariel_: yeah thats what have been doing... even been getting into some of the crazier stuff (snmp etc)
02:02.01ariel_but I would suggest basic first
02:02.12ariel_as it's what will keep you up and running in the long term
02:02.15nny_1ariel_: i will say it's by far the most interesting software i have had the pleasure of working with
02:02.34nny_1ariel_: yeah i have a box here we have setup scratch dialplans on multiple times
02:02.49ariel_I do have to say it's improved allot since I first started with it. Back a few years ago at version .5
02:02.57nny_1ariel_: also reinstalled different os (centos, ubuntu, debian) and installed asteriska nd zap siz ways of sundays
02:03.14nny_1yeah my hat goes off to the more experienced developers who dealth with asterisk in it's infancy
02:03.17*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
02:03.32nny_1sounds like that includes you ;)
02:03.40ariel_me no never
02:04.27ariel_just remember there are over 100 different ways to do the same thing in asterisk
02:04.28nny_1ariel_: will say i have had the fortune of having a more experienced asterisk guy working with us on projects as a consultant.. i try to not pretend I know enough outside to do basic basic things, break stuff, and be dangerous, at least right now
02:04.38ariel_so what might work for someone one way might not work for you.
02:04.42nny_1ariel_: :) that's what makes it great
02:05.33ariel_yes, there are allot of things that can be done with the systems
02:05.38nny_1ariel_: oh i can imagine, we have a client who uses asterisk in some pretty unique ways
02:05.49ariel_that is good
02:06.51nny_1ariel_: the reality is from my past experience with (nortel, avaya, etc.) this thing runs circles around the customization stuff.. although simplicity does have it's benefits, it's not without costs (literally, after seeing the price tags)
02:07.35ariel_Nortel's and Avaya have there place.
02:07.44ariel_Asterisk still has allot of growth ahead of it.
02:08.21ariel_It's a good product, but there are still many things need to be fixed, upgraded, and worked on.
02:08.52nny_1hopefully someday soon i'll be able to do more than just work with it and be able to work on it
02:09.08ariel_it's a start
02:09.23nny_1hehehe learning nuances now :)
02:09.24ariel_where are you located? And seems your working for someone that puts systems up.
02:09.38m160858ok ... hello again
02:09.44m160858i've this configuration
02:09.53nny_1ariel_: south carolina, and i have a small firm that does IT here
02:10.40nny_1ariel_: I am an owner, so as much as I focus on asterisk, I also deal with MS sys admin (bleah), linux fileservers, gateways, ddwrt stuff, spyware, pebkac, and just about everything else under the sun
02:11.00m160858i need to know why the command AgentLogin() don't work same to the command AgentCallBackLogin()
02:11.37*** join/#asterisk bintut (n=bintut@
02:11.43nny_1I like it though.. I expect to be able to pass some of the lesser duties off here soon to some new recruits, but I am going to focus on * for a bit
02:11.56nny_1but yeah it's awesome
02:12.11ariel_it's hard finding good asterisk people
02:12.32nny_1ariel_: indeed.. I am working on a nation support site that hires out to consultants
02:12.34ariel_seems all the good ones have to be either home grown or worked with via a consultant.
02:12.56nny_1ariel_: it's very very premature but is the base
02:13.39nny_1ariel_: I would rather pay someone a consultant's fee up front who really knows the system than elsewise. i can always charge accordingly, and still be reasonable or even low priced (gotta be careful with low price, you attract the wrong people)
02:14.07ariel_some times it does
02:14.41nny_1yeah I have to read those cases individually
02:15.26ariel_I used to work for myself.  But wife got to me and I have been working for a large call center for almost 2 years now.
02:15.26nny_1but nah it's good stuff, and our closest competition locally is a strict MS and cisco shop that has gone elitist.. the rest are all mom and pop stores that do the basics and sell PCs
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02:15.45ariel_But sometimes I think of going back to working for my self.
02:15.50nny_1ariel_: nice what kind of call work?
02:16.17ariel_it's kinda very hard to discrible all we do
02:16.51nny_1but i understand
02:17.09drmessanoDo you get free Pureeez water?
02:17.17nny_1my old bix partner was a marketing major, learned a lot from him
02:17.23m160858hello? somebody help me?
02:17.34nny_1m160858: i could try :)
02:18.15m160858i'm to using 2 command for login
02:18.30m160858AgentLogin and AgentCallBackLogin
02:18.39m160858AgentLogin works great
02:18.42ariel_We just got PureEZ up, in our office we have them setup. At home not yet.  Can't keep enought of them in stock yet
02:18.59m160858but AgentCallBackLogin ... works slowly
02:19.08m160858i don't understand why
02:19.17nny_1m160858: i did a core show application AgentLogin and core show application AgentCallbackLogin and it seems there are some differences
02:20.14m160858yes, but both are using for login
02:20.20nny_1m160858: any output from console when you dial 554 you could post?
02:20.40m160858no,i don't have
02:20.51m160858the problem is about calls
02:20.58nny_1speed you said?
02:21.04nny_1er whothefuckami yoda?
02:21.24nny_1you said callback is slow right?
02:21.30m160858i don't speak english .. but i try
02:21.35nny_1ahh no problem :)
02:21.40nny_1i apparently don't eithetr
02:23.02ariel_m160858, need more info as all your users on same network?  You seem to have a basic call setup not local settings for call routes?
02:23.15nny_1but yeah could you open an asterisk console (asterisk -r), turn up the verbosity of asterisk so it gives you a lot of detail (try core set verbose 5) and ( debug level 5) and c/p the output of what happens when you try AgentCallbackLogin
02:23.16m160858the callback is slow ... why? .. i don't understand the reason
02:24.06m160858mmmmm .. ok
02:24.42m160858ariel: yes, all the user are on the same network
02:25.10ariel_in agent call back do they stay logged in?
02:25.34ariel_what is the status of each agents when you check there available status
02:25.53m160858all available
02:26.02[TK]D-Fenderm160858, SHOW US
02:26.13nny_1:) hope I am not getting in the way
02:26.24m160858i can't 4 today
02:26.45[TK]D-Fenderm160858, Come back when you're in a position to do something about your problem then.
02:26.53[TK]D-Fenderm160858, if we can't see it, we can't help it.
02:27.26m160858ok, not problem
02:28.09*** join/#asterisk xxoxx (n=xxoxx@tor/regular/xxoxx)
02:29.44nny_1m160858: yeah, getting to the console and really getting it to churn out output is usually the best start to digging down on an issue
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02:33.54m160858by otherhand ... you know any console like isymphony but not as expensive?
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02:36.33UserReg_CLmmm hi
02:37.05ariel_oh it's just another gui type of setup.
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02:37.29nny_1hmm windows api no less
02:38.20nny_1ariel_: to be honest with you, no matter what console you dealt with, nothing would show you (unless this isymphony really has verbose console logging) the information you would need to diagnose an issue of this nature
02:38.24nny_1oops mt
02:38.32nny_1m160858: that was for you ^
02:38.45ariel_m160858, your better off starting with asterisknow
02:38.59m160858it's for my client
02:39.02[TK]D-Fendernny_1, did YOU see him say he was USING it?
02:39.21[TK]D-Fendernny_1, He wouldn't be complaining about its cost if he did <-
02:39.36[TK]D-Fendernny_1, now you need to focus on the small print :)
02:39.37m160858they want other console
02:39.40nny_1[TK]D-Fender: nah didn't mean to make it sound like i did.. :)
02:40.04m160858Dislike FOP
02:40.15nny_1my bad, thought he was trying to address his issue with it
02:40.31[TK]D-Fenderm160858, perhaps you should be clearer about what it is you are looking for exactly.  the term "console" is not  enough to imply what you are looking for.
02:41.13m160858oh ... sorry
02:41.33m160858software for managing phone calls via the Open Source Asterisk platform
02:41.47m160858on windows
02:41.47[TK]D-Fenderm160858, now manage in what way?
02:42.40ariel_m160858, depends on how many users, queues, reports.  AsteriskNow is a good start.  Also switchvox,  Or depending on how you see things even freepbx is a good way to start without much cost.
02:43.03[TK]D-Fenderm160858, Again we need SPECIFICS.  define "manage".
02:43.14[TK]D-Fenderm160858, These mean different things to different people.
02:43.33nny_1only a suggestion, damned if i have been able to get it working
02:43.39m160858no, i need more ... that hudlite
02:43.51m160858i have 200 users
02:44.08[TK]D-Fenderm160858, how about telling us?  You seem to keeping yours needs awefully secret and badgering it out of you is getting tiring...
02:44.49m1608584 queues ... i need to see the calls waiting, agents logged, channels availables
02:44.55ariel_200 users it's not a system your going to be able to see the users like a FOP or Hublite.
02:45.24m160858i know
02:45.58[TK]D-Fenderm160858, indeed Custom may be worth it.
02:46.17*** join/#asterisk UnixDog (
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02:46.38UnixDogwhen is asterik going to move from 8 khz to 16khz ?
02:46.43ariel_users... hummm we have well over 300 plus so there is no off the shelve system that will give us what we need.
02:46.51nny_1yeah i have a bid for close to 2000 phones in the works, and we have already decided we are gonna have to hire some help to work on the backend interface
02:47.15UnixDoginterface for what
02:47.19[TK]D-FenderUnixDog, Since the pstn uses 8khz we don't really care.
02:47.28ariel_2000 phones... well having phones does not equal queues and agents.
02:47.38UnixDogbut pstn is not the say all in voip
02:47.54UnixDogand native audio is 16khz
02:47.57nny_1yeah not the same as a call center, more of a apartment complex/ resort / office front end
02:48.06[TK]D-FenderUnixDog, Native to WHO?
02:48.20[TK]D-FenderUnixDog, thats just another rate like another other.
02:48.25ariel_nny_1, you don't need much of a gui or setup for that
02:48.28nny_1just a pretty way for the managers to parse the cdr data and print out pdfs..
02:48.34ariel_it's fairly simple what your looking at
02:48.40nny_1ariel_: yeah the asteriskcdr stuff works well so far
02:48.46russellb"native audio is 16 kHz"  ... where did you get that from?
02:48.57[TK]D-Fenderrussellb, I roasted him first!
02:49.07russellboh, darn
02:49.08UnixDogmost audio files nowdays I pull are 16khz and endup having to be resampled for only asterisk to 8khz
02:49.22russellboh well, besides, asterisk 1.4 has G.722 passthrough support
02:49.24UnixDogthere is no roasting
02:49.31russellbasterisk trunk can transcode g.722
02:49.35m160858yes, but i need any visual environment 4 supervisors
02:49.43russellbi just merged a new channel driver, chan_console, that operates in 16 kHz natively ...
02:49.48[TK]D-FenderUnixDog, Oh, YOU'RE the standard!  Its all so much clearer to me now! :)
02:49.53russellband wrote a new module, codec_resample, which resamples between 8 kHz and 16 kHz
02:49.58russellbso, it already does.
02:50.04ariel_m160858, I have over 70 different queues and about 30 managers
02:50.30UnixDogno I am not the real world is applications like sphinx and recordit and most others are all native 16khz
02:50.32ariel_an off the shelve product is not going to work out.  You need a ture setup configured to your needs and call center views.
02:50.57[TK]D-FenderUnixDog, And when you think about it are your 16khz samples.... STEREO?  Because even G.722 isn't.
02:51.03ariel_UnixDog, mono
02:51.22russellbhey, i answered the question, asterisk already supports it
02:51.27m160858ariel: i dont understand ur comment
02:51.30russellbno reason to continue arguing about it :)
02:52.06russellb~flog [TK]D-Fender
02:52.06jbotACTION whips [TK]D-Fender with a cat-5 o' nine tails
02:52.11UnixDogok when will it be merged into a release version
02:52.22ariel_m160858, with 200 users for a call center and 4 plus managers that will be changing adding agents around you will not be able to get that with a predone off the selve product
02:52.24russellbwhen 1.6 is released, which will be the first quarter of this year
02:52.25[TK]D-Fenderrussellb, sticks & stones, whips and chains, whee!
02:52.40[TK]D-Fenderrussellb, z0mg LEAK!!!!
02:53.28russellbi intended to start the process a couple months ago
02:53.31russellbbut have had to hold off .....
02:53.42UnixDogastgui aka vikidial
02:54.01UnixDogis good for callcenters
02:54.01ariel_astgui/vicidial has a very large short coming
02:54.11ariel_it's uses meetme for calls yuke
02:54.17UnixDogI know I tried setting it up once
02:54.27UnixDogit uses app confrence
02:54.35ariel_yes same shit
02:54.46*** join/#asterisk Maliuta_ (n=nikolai@
02:55.04[TK]D-Fenderapp_meetme & app_conference all become nearly defunct with 1.6 :)
02:55.19m160858but it consumes many HW
02:55.24UnixDogcant wait to see what they use for confrencing in 1.6
02:55.47ariel_UnixDog, we have 5 dialers working on asterisk with allot of trafic. AstGui could not even come close
02:55.59UnixDogwhat dialer
02:56.23UnixDogm160858, what phones are you planning to use
02:56.48m160858just softphones
02:57.00UnixDogif I where you I would look at a asterisk server + fxs channel banks
02:57.06ariel_softphones..... ahh there windows phone I bet.
02:57.30*** join/#asterisk egecko (
02:57.32UnixDogyou can do a server + 200 fxs for about 10 grand
02:57.56UnixDogand then add a few hunderd on for manager sip phones
02:58.19ariel_humm putting two 4 port 412 boards.... into one box..... hummm
02:58.27nny_1anyone know of a sip client for macs?
02:58.31UnixDogxorcom channel banks
02:58.37russellbnny_1: xlite
02:58.42nny_1russellb: thanks
02:58.42russellbor whatever they call it these days ...
02:58.46russellbnny_1: or asterisk ;)
02:59.15nny_1russellb: hehe
02:59.21ariel_My frist setup with with 7 adtrans 750's just for that type of setup.
03:00.06*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-a46a422edadd3aff)
03:00.12UnixDogI just did a 75 exten setup for a client and I hated doing it
03:00.20UnixDogthey where so cheap about it
03:00.44ariel_nny_1, I have a customer that I setup in CA with 4 TE410e in a box running many channel banks for an old office building.  It works.
03:01.06craigk[TK]D-Fender so, I found my problem with zaptel and the missing # .... <hangs head in shame> I was pressing the keys to dman fast, it was dropping keys :)
03:01.10UnixDogthey used gxp1200 for 70 desk ad a gxp2020 for the front desk and the rest got gxp2010
03:01.31[TK]D-Fendercraigk, that'll learn' ya! :p
03:01.51UnixDogbut thanks gawd they did not use trashbox
03:01.58UnixDogI would have choked
03:02.31craigk[TK]D-Fender :). I eventually worked out how to get debugging output showing what dtmf keys were being handled ... i could see some missing if i was too fast. Time for me to change to decaf and slow down a bit me thinks
03:02.52nny_1ariel_: yeah i am waiting for the day i get an install that requires integration with older phones.. looked at the xircom channel banks..
03:03.54[TK]D-Fendernny_1, non recyclable non redundant.  I wouldn't touch'em
03:03.57ariel_nny_1, xircom are ok for small setups. But for larger buildings your better off with a real good channel banks like Adtran
03:04.17UnixDogI am getting ready to do a install with 5 32 channel fxs xorcom units and 1 32 channel xorcom server and 12 polycoms 1 601+sidecars
03:04.36nny_1[TK]D-Fender: i tend to agree.. and hope it never ever happens,
03:04.36UnixDogwich adtran
03:04.55nny_1[TK]D-Fender: i think the general feeling right now is, either go all the way or let em go lesewhere
03:04.59ariel_most of the ones I have used are the 750 and 850
03:05.57m160858and thanks
03:06.38ariel_my heats are going down in flames.... It's been a  bad year for south florida teams....
03:08.50[TK]D-Fendernny_1, Zaptel can flake out.  Thats why I advise SIP gateways.  Far more flexible and take all the load off of *
03:10.35[TK]D-Fenderno more dial options to fiddle with, single user interface, multi-homes servers, etc.
03:11.39ariel_[TK]D-Fender, and what large sip gateways do you recommend?
03:12.14[TK]D-Fenderariel_, Mediatrix 1124 or AudioCodes MP-124.  For smaller installs Linksys SPA-8000
03:12.32hmmhesays1124's pretty much rock
03:12.48hmmhesaysi've used them heavily in the past
03:12.52[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays, they are dead easy...
03:13.05ariel_I need something in the DS3 range
03:13.57UnixDogjust not usb channel banks please
03:14.08UnixDogsmall sites maybe
03:14.15UnixDogday no more the 6 lines
03:14.58ariel_I have 2 asterisk (custom) setup for gateways that can handle 644 channels of sip from Qwest. but need to back them up with some old fashion DS3 setups.
03:15.57hmmhesaysyou could always go with a cms
03:16.12hmmhesaysby quintum, you have to break your ds3 off into t1's
03:16.14ariel_I was looking at an Excel switch
03:16.32ariel_lucent but it's 250k to start with
03:17.35ariel_To one of our locations which is withing 100 feet of a major L3 pop I can get a great DS3 setup from them.  But need to be able to terminate it correctly into our 22 asterisk setups accross the contry
03:19.23ariel_it's so hard to scale up our systems as it is.  Need to figure out how to setup 2 more call centers into our mix.
03:24.18*** join/#asterisk mog (
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03:26.19ariel_mog, long time no see. Hope all is well
03:36.02*** join/#asterisk Lucky7 (n=abaird@
03:36.27Lucky7Hey - whats the command that will show you where your Digum cards are plugged into?  (like what slot and stuff)
03:37.09Lucky7sorry - i ment span
03:37.36Lucky7I've got a WE12XP T1 card that randomly alarms yellow after a restart
03:38.07De_Monzttool? not sure about that one
03:38.30Lucky7nah- its not tool
03:39.27ariel_zap show status
03:40.47*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (i=L_NUX@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
03:41.34Lucky7i'm getting a ZT_SPANCONFIG failed on span 0
03:41.43Lucky7its almost like it doesn't know that span 0 exists
03:41.54Lucky7i remember seeing a tool that told me what is on each span
03:42.50ariel_zttool will tell you allot of info
03:43.03Lucky7oo - thats neat
03:43.08Lucky7now it doesn't see my TDM card at all
03:43.11Lucky7er, TE card
03:43.32De_Monzomg what did you doo!
03:43.41Lucky7probably something to do with genzaptel
03:44.07Lucky7thats it
03:44.13Lucky7cat /proc/zaptedl*
03:46.06ariel_you can get that as well by doing ztcfg -vv
03:46.26Lucky7Not if it isn't loaded
03:46.34Lucky7it'll just be really pissed off and give errors
03:47.38ariel_Ok it's sleep time. Need to be up by 5:30 am.   It's sure cold outside here.  Please send the cold weather away don't need it.
03:53.56Lucky7the system doesn't recogize its a TE12XP
03:54.12Lucky703:02.0 Ethernet controller: Digium, Inc. Unknown device 0120 (rev 11)
03:57.40Lucky7How do i tell what is causing a YEL alarm?
04:01.20*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
04:01.49Lucky7thats with lsmod
04:01.49Lucky7whatelse am I supposed to have there?
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04:11.41[TK]D-FenderLucky7, modprobe the driver
04:20.29Lucky7i did
04:20.47Lucky7what actually landed up doing it was doing an lsmod
04:20.58Lucky7and somehow the it loaded like 6-7 drivers on zaptel
04:21.03Lucky7I modprobe -r'd everything
04:21.15Lucky7and the second i removed tor2 - it changed to OK
04:21.49[TK]D-FenderLucky7, So all good now?
04:21.55Lucky7Yup yup
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04:35.02egeckohas anyone tried to implement some kind of automatic gain control on the audio from voicemails? would something like "sox" do this?
04:35.31jlewisif anyone has access or knows someone...the link for asterisk 1.4.17 at actually points to 1.4.1.  Looks like someone typo'd/dropped a 7.
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04:39.34[TK]D-Fenderegecko, AGC adjusts the overall interface once to match the telco.  Not message to messge.  So if they are poor relative to one another, its the endpoints fault
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04:41.39egeckoI was thinking of doing some post-processing to voicemails after they have been saved.
04:42.02egeckobefore emailing it to the user as an mp3 .. running it through some "effects" filters first
04:46.34*** join/#asterisk jochieng (n=jochieng@
04:53.45[TK]D-Fenderegecko, there are clear places to trigger such scripts in voicemail.conf
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05:20.16Mavvie <- anybody got a copy of the conf.agi mentioned there?
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05:42.08emike79All, I got a quick question regarding codecs
05:42.18emike79I know asterisk does not support g729B
05:42.45emike79I also know that it announces codec as g729 - does not specify g729a or g729b
05:43.09emike79what happens is the remote end assumes g729b and uses that causing poor voice quality
05:43.23emike79and many messages to be printed on the console
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05:43.45emike79how do I force it to announce g729a such that the remote end does not use g729b
05:44.30emike79any ideas?
05:48.02emike79hmm.. maybe this is already done -- I see that in the SDP, asterisk does announce "annexb=no"
05:48.19emike79anyone know how to get NexTone to honor this?
05:56.57[TK]D-Fenderemike79, If they don't want to then thats the end of it.  You don't MAKE them do anything.  They either cooperate, or they don't
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06:02.41zeeeshhi getting one way trafic ... wil u pls guide how to troubleshoot ...
06:02.58[TK]D-Fenderzeeesh, describe the scenario
06:05.39zeeeshi have server in usa  where i registered abt 10 sip peers .. in my office abt 6 peers registered from 6 different comuters or cell phones are communicating each other fine .. but if a user register from outside the country .. i m unable to hear his voice .. he can hear me ..
06:06.05[TK]D-Fenderzeeesh, well if either side has NAT involved, then here :
06:06.08jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT :  otherwise check the WIKI at
06:06.25zeeeshi hv mentioned nat=yes with all the peers
06:06.47[TK]D-Fenderzeeesh, there is more than just that...
06:07.25zeeeshas well by using sip .. when i involove any route getting same problem .. just getting one way trafic .. anyway let me check ..
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08:07.22R1ckwould you guys recommend configuring asterisk by hand or using a gui like asterisknow or trixbox?
08:08.51drmessanoTo answer a question much like religious preference
08:09.02drmessanoI would use Asterisk + FreePBX, but not Trixbox
08:10.20R1ckwhy freepbx? is it a lot of work to set up a trunk and extensions?
08:10.41drmessanoDepends on how you look at it
08:10.44R1ckcause right now I have a configuration I understand very little of, because freepbx made it very complicating
08:11.12R1ckand i'm thinking of reinstalling the box and doing things by hand
08:11.23Alexandre_frIf you have time, the best way to understand asterisk it's doing it by hand
08:11.26drmessanoIf you use a WYSWIYG web editor, you create "working" HTML that probably makes little sense and is hard to edit manually.. but works
08:11.40drmessanoIf you want real control, you hand edit
08:12.03drmessanoIf you want a quickie interface that does the job for casual admins, FreePBX is nice
08:12.09drmessanoDepends on the admin
08:12.28drmessanoas Alexandre_fr, if you want to REALLY learn Asterisk, hand edit is the way to go
08:12.48R1cki would need to configure ring groups, queues, voicemail.. at least
08:12.58R1ckabout 20 extensions
08:13.07*** join/#asterisk ralfep (
08:13.19drmessanoAre you going to be the admin?
08:13.23drmessanoDay to day?
08:13.58R1ckright now i have a fairly good understanding of how it works
08:14.05R1cki just dont like the complicated configs :P
08:14.07ralfepHi all. Could someone either briefly explain to me how conference calls work in asterisk, or poit me to a good tutorial please?
08:14.10drmessanoExpect lots of changes?
08:14.21R1ckno not really
08:14.57drmessanoI'll be honest.. I like digging to config files, but FreePBX makes it easier.. and if you know something about Asterisk, you can troubleshoot most FreePBX problems
08:15.04drmessanoBut again, its religion.. lol
08:15.21R1ckwell, the problem i'm having, is that asterisk doesnt set the correct MSN when dialing out, which is really difficult to debug like this
08:15.57drmessanoI think FreePBX does what it does very well.. but.. it only does as much as it does
08:16.06drmessanoTheres a lot asterisk will do that FreePBX doesnt touch
08:16.21drmessanoFor most people it does enough
08:16.30drmessanoFor a lot of people it does enough
08:16.34drmessanoId say try it
08:17.18ronris there a way to measure echo and the effects of echo cancellation other than just making a call?
08:17.23drmessanoBut if you want a GUI, dont get a box like Trixbox, it will mess with your head
08:17.35drmessanoBuild something up and put just FreePBX on it
08:18.58drmessanoI'm sure if you ask the right person, they'll tell you "ZOMG UR A N00B MORON DONUT UZE A GEWI", but go with what works for ya
08:20.26tzafrir_laptopronr, in ztmonitor you can record either before echo cancellation or after it
08:20.40tzafrir_laptopThough not in the same run
08:21.02tzafrir_laptopBut also look at OSLEC's scary zaptap patch
08:22.16R1ckis it better to run asterisk 1.4 instead of 1.2?
08:22.25R1ckif you have a zaptel device
08:22.45tzafrir_laptopzaptel 1.4 is improved, slightlly
08:22.48R1ckcause the junghanns drivers seems to be experimental
08:22.53tzafrir_laptopchan_zap is improved
08:23.53drmessano1.4 has been out long enough that I think it's silly not to be using it, unless you've got some very specific dependancies
08:24.59R1ckyeah im just googling for user experiences with bristuff 1.4
08:26.26tzafrir_laptopR1ck, what card do you have?
08:26.42R1ck01:02.0 ISDN controller: Cologne Chip Designs GmbH ISDN network Controller [HFC-4S] (rev 01) quadBRI
08:27.29tzafrir_laptopFrom what I see the most up-to-date drivers are in his latest zaptel 1.4 release
08:27.37*** join/#asterisk syneus (
08:27.48tzafrir_laptopThough IIRC the difference in qozap is not as big as the one in cwain
08:30.20ronrtzafrir_laptop: ok, I'll try that (in some calls I have really annoying echos and in others none at all)
08:37.21*** join/#asterisk glen2 (
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08:45.19cluscohow does to connect between 2 asterisk ????
08:49.42*** join/#asterisk bakarat (
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08:50.36bakaratsupposing i have a telefone line, can i set asterisk up as a sip gateway for myself? (so basically i can access it as a sip account from another internet-connected device)
08:50.58*** join/#asterisk stimpie (
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09:08.27fujinbakarat: yes, of course
09:08.52fujinget an fxo/fxs card, from digium or sangoma
09:09.00fujinconfigure a sip account, and a basic dialplan
09:09.03fujinand you're done ;)
09:09.10bakaratfujin: sweet, thanks :D
09:09.34fujinif you're not really interested in the nitty gritty, other projects like asterisknow/freepbx/trixbox etc will take care of the magic for you
09:11.50bakaratfujin: ah, good to know, might be a better option for a beginner like me :)
09:20.57*** join/#asterisk Itiliti (
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09:41.45ToTohi all
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10:10.03*** join/#asterisk KnowWhat (n=sajid@
10:10.06KnowWhatHi all
10:10.17KnowWhati need some tutorial on configuring x100p card please
10:10.26KnowWhator its clone
10:10.36KnowWhatmd3200 chipset may be
10:24.35*** join/#asterisk qdk (n=qdk@
10:26.47*** join/#asterisk Zap-W (
10:26.53Zap-Wdoes asterisk support pam
10:27.00Zap-Wor kerberos or gSSAPI
10:28.38*** join/#asterisk Porks (n=Porks@
10:29.22tzafrir_laptopZap-W, no
10:29.49tzafrir_laptopFor what kind of application?
10:30.00*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (
10:30.27tzafrir_laptopauthenticate phones to asterisk? agents to asterisk?
10:31.00Zap-Wsip clients
10:39.41KnowWhattzafrir: got any clue of md3200 configuration
10:41.27tzafrir_laptopKnowWhat, how does it show up on lspci?
10:43.17R1ckanyone here running hylafax with iaxmodem and asterisk?
10:44.08R1ckiaxmodem is succesfully registered to asterisk, it creates the device, hylafax opens the modem but when calling the extension, I get no fax beeps
10:44.40tzafrir_laptopKnowWhat, It should be picked up by 'modprobe wcfxo'
10:45.22*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-03ebd2317f5821a8)
10:46.15tzafrir_laptopBut I recently fixed wcfxo.c in zaptel svn to recognize the md3200-based clone I have at home
11:00.38*** join/#asterisk Winkie (n=urmom@
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11:04.35l0verb0yhey hows it going
11:06.53KnowWhatit is picked up
11:07.02KnowWhatbut i am having an error here
11:07.54KnowWhatChanging signalling on channel 1 from Unused to FXO Kewlstart  ZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 1: Invalid argument (22) Did you forget that FXS interfaces are configured with FXO signalling and that FXO interfaces use FXS signalling?
11:09.05l0verb0yhey does anyone have any advice on faxing with asterisk
11:09.08*** join/#asterisk wakku (n=eurulo@unaffiliated/wakku)
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11:18.50tzafrir_laptopKnowWhat, you need fxsks=1
11:18.56tzafrir_laptopnot kxoks=1
11:19.19tzafrir_laptopthat is: not fxoks=1
11:19.38tzafrir_laptoptry running: xpp/utils/zapconf
11:28.30*** join/#asterisk kFuQ (
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11:36.47lilalinuxhow do I transfer a call from a zap channel to a sip channel and vice versa?
11:37.55*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-0926cfd72ce42fd5)
11:38.57KnowWhatok thanks tzafrir_home
11:41.14*** join/#asterisk [gnubie] (n=[gnubie]
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11:59.11lilalinuxI have atxfer => *2 in my features.conf, but asterisk ignores when I dial *2. blindxfer with # works, but I need attended call transfer
12:00.15waKKudont you have any other feature using * as start ?
12:00.59waKKudo a "feature show" on cli
12:01.48lilalinuxNo such command 'feature show'
12:02.26lilalinuxdo I have to activate features.conf somehow?
12:03.05waKKuare you using 1.4 or 1.2 ?
12:04.33waKKumaybe you need to set it as DYNAMIC_FEATURES global in extensions.conf... but i'm not sure
12:04.55lilalinuxI have DYNAMIC_FEATURES=automon
12:05.12waKKutry it
12:06.31JunK-Yin 1.2, it's show features.
12:06.46waKKuread it too:
12:07.36lilalinuxthx, I'll try
12:09.05*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
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12:24.36lilalinuxwaKKu: thx, I configured atxfer now as #. *2 didn't work
12:24.47*** join/#asterisk Steven_elvisda_ (n=Steven_E@
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12:31.19lilalinuxIs there something like a blind-attended xfer?
12:31.54lilalinuxI want attended xfer, but sometimes want to be able to hangup before the other picks up
12:31.55*** join/#asterisk _ys (
12:32.29lilalinuxwith attended xfer I can't hangup before the otherone picks up
12:32.59lilalinuxand with blind xfer I can't announce the call
12:34.14rdisHi, using chan_misdn, I get "extensions can never match" . Using latestet fedora kernel (x86_64) with mISN 1.1.7. Any ideas?
12:36.58*** join/#asterisk stuarta (n=stuarta@unaffiliated/stuarta)
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12:38.38pugais there a link that specifies every varible created by asterisk during a call?
12:40.10pugaI found
12:40.29*** join/#asterisk nkoth (
12:48.21javbpeople, have an issue, with asterisk 1.2 everything was ok, now, with 1.4, a softphone and a polycom 501, can transfer well, but my 8 polycom 330 cant transfer or use callwaiting, asterisk cli says "cant authenticate the user" ... any ideas?
12:48.27*** join/#asterisk rdis (n=Kenoby@2002:c317:170e:1:217:f2ff:fec6:5f6d)
12:48.40jwhjavb: using insecure=very?
12:48.47javbjwh, no.
12:49.41rdisHi! Any chan_misdn users/experts around here/
12:53.32javbi placed it in sip.conf, did sip reload, and still getting the same... any other idea?
12:55.34*** join/#asterisk coppice (
12:55.42puga*** Install ncurses to use the menu interface! ***
12:55.42pugamenuselect changes NOT saved!
12:55.52pugancurses is already installed
12:56.45tzafrir_laptopyou need development curses
12:56.47*** join/#asterisk rdis (n=Kenoby@2002:c317:170e:1:217:f2ff:fec6:5f6d)
12:57.08*** join/#asterisk ZaVoid (
12:57.13pugaI've already installed ncurses-devel
12:57.35pugaInstalled Packages
12:57.35pugancurses.i386                             5.5-24.20060715        installed
12:57.35pugancurses-devel.i386                       5.5-24.20060715        installed
12:57.36coppiceI thought all development was cursed
12:58.01javbjwh, it works with the polycom 501, and softphones, isnt it weird ?
12:58.06*** join/#asterisk mort_gib (
12:58.19jwhjavb: very
12:58.44jwhnot sure what to suggest other than double check the ones that aren't working, and making sure the settings are the same
13:00.29zeeeshi m unable to hear ivr like ""tt-weasels"" or any other asterisk ivr ... by using sip client .. getting the same problem when peer calling .. i m getting one way trafic ... wil u pls guide?
13:01.07FlatFootzeeesh: duplex mismatch ?
13:01.35zeeesh<jwh>:    nat=yes ....fiewall disabled .
13:01.59jwhzeeesh: may need stun if you're behind nat
13:01.59*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (n=anonymou@
13:02.10pugaI've already installed asterisk 1.4 in CentOS 5, but I dont remember what package I had to install to stop this alert
13:03.58zeeesh<FlatFoot>: duplex mismatch ? sorry .. what u mean ?
13:06.00FlatFootduplex , network connection try google . Duplex mismatch can cause one way traffic only
13:11.43*** join/#asterisk lirakis (n=lirakis@
13:15.05pugait insists that I dont have ncurses installed
13:15.36stuartamissing the -devel package?
13:17.34pugaInstalled Packages
13:17.34pugancurses.i386                             5.5-24.20060715        installed
13:17.34pugancurses-devel.i386                       5.5-24.20060715        installed
13:21.53jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
13:22.48pugacant believe
13:23.09*** join/#asterisk Steven_elvisda (n=Steven_E@
13:23.49lilalinuxMay I have a [globals] section inside an #included file?
13:24.41*** join/#asterisk logyati (n=logyati@
13:24.46logyatihello guys
13:25.00logyatican i use * 1.4 with zaptel drivers 1.2?
13:25.52*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
13:31.38*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
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13:44.45*** join/#asterisk fiXXXerMet (n=kjohnson@
13:45.37fiXXXerMetI am calling my softphone (1002) from my ip phone (1000) just fine, but I am not able to call the ip phone from the softphone.  The softphone rings, but the ip phone never does - it just sits there.
13:47.22fiXXXerMetNow they can't call each other.
13:47.32fiXXXerMetIs QoS needed, or something special?
13:49.54fiXXXerMetIt is weird because if I unplug the phone, or disable and reenable the account on the soft phone, things start working again.
13:51.38fiXXXerMetI wish it were 31F here.  It's like 11F!
13:52.15*** join/#asterisk fugitivo (
13:52.36coppiceits 20C here, and I think its damned cold
13:53.01FlatFoot20C the average for summer
13:53.04FlatFootin the uk
13:54.18fiXXXerMetCan I use a name, instead of a number, for an extension?
13:55.40*** join/#asterisk ghenry (
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13:57.59RoyKcoppice: shut your mouth
13:58.34RoyKfiXXXerMet: a little colder than here....
13:58.42anonymouz66620C for RoyK it's summer
13:58.51coppicehey, we're suffering. I'm actually sleeping under a duvet at the moment
13:59.39RoyKcoppice: I do that something like 350 days a year
13:59.48lilalinuxIs there some magic I have to take care off, when using #include "foobar"? It doesn't work, and it doesn't even complain when the file doesn't exist
14:00.21coppiceRoyK: does that mean you travel south for 15 days a year?
14:01.02fiXXXerMetOK, I have my phone registered as 'kyle'.  Now...  how do I dial that extension?  I tried 5953 but that didn't work)
14:01.28lilalinuxfiXXXerMet: SIP/kyle
14:01.56lilalinuxfiXXXerMet: from where do you want to dial?
14:01.57*** join/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
14:01.59fiXXXerMetHow do i do that from an IP phone with a normal number pad
14:02.08fiXXXerMetLinksys SPA941
14:02.29*** join/#asterisk k-man (n=jason@unaffiliated/k-man)
14:03.23k-mani have created an extension called 1000, but when i dial it, i get the error "call to 1000 rejected because extension not found"
14:03.28lilalinuxfiXXXerMet: don't know that, but you could always create another extension that is reachable via numbers and do the Dial(SIP/kyle)
14:04.34lilalinuxexten => 5953, 1, Dial(SIP/kyle)
14:04.45[TK]D-Fendercoppice: Yeah its 20c here alright....
14:04.52[TK]D-Fendercoppice: NEGATIVE <-
14:04.52fiXXXerMetAhh, thanks lilalinux
14:05.17lilalinuxfiXXXerMet: maybe there is something more generic, but for the moment ...
14:05.40[TK]D-FenderfiXXXerMet: Quick lesson : you do not dial a "phone", you dial an "extension".
14:06.34coppice[TK]D-Fender: holidaying in Siberia?
14:06.55[TK]D-FenderfiXXXerMet: lilalinux gave you some dialplan code that upon dialing "5953" will then call your SIP device.  Never mix those 2 ideas up.  You can have 1,000,000 extensions that never lead to making a phone ring.
14:07.16[TK]D-Fendercoppice: Nope... Welcome to Quebec winter.  We also just broke our record for snow in December.
14:07.29[TK]D-Fendercoppice: we got another 20cm on Ney Years eve
14:07.30fugitivois agentcallbacklogin deprecated in 1.4.x?
14:07.42fiXXXerMet[TK]D-Fender: I'm still trying to get my head around that, but thanks
14:07.46[TK]D-Fenderfugitivo: Yes, you really should read upgrade.txt
14:08.00javb[TK]D-Fender: i have a an issue with asterisk 1.4, and polycom 330 sets... in 1.2 those phone were able to transfer and use call waiting, now, the cant, asterisk says "[Jan  3 10:07:09] NOTICE[2831]: chan_sip.c:13794 handle_request_invite: Failed to authenticate user" ...  had google a lot.. and had studied sip debug... can u help ?
14:08.06[TK]D-FenderfiXXXerMet: well hopefully this is helping get you you on the right path
14:08.20coppice[TK]D-Fender: I think another 20cm is what they promised me in those e-mails I keep getting
14:08.38[TK]D-Fendercoppice: ;)
14:08.40fiXXXerMetYes it is [TK]D-Fender
14:08.45javba 501 and a softphone (Ekiga), works great. The polycoms 330 worked GREAT in 1.2
14:09.19[TK]D-Fenderjavb: pastebin your sip.conf entry for them. and then pastebin a Good call followed by a bad call.
14:09.26[TK]D-Fenderjavb: With sip debug of course
14:09.28*** join/#asterisk wulfy814 (
14:09.55k-manso when i load my extensions.conf file, it says extension 1000 (and 500) created, but when i dial those extensions, it says extension not found
14:10.18*** join/#asterisk skymeyer (
14:10.47k-manany ideas how i can work out why i can't dial the extensions?
14:11.39iCEBrkrYou know what I wish?
14:11.43iCEBrkrI wish VoicePulse was usable.
14:11.53wulfy814so I'm being stupid -- I'm trying to set outbound callerID based on the extension that dialed out
14:12.01iCEBrkr[Jan  3 09:09:42] NOTICE[31272]: chan_iax2.c:8101 __iax2_poke_noanswer: Peer 'vpconnect-t01' is now UNREACHABLE! Time: 54
14:12.05iCEBrkrAll morning long.
14:12.10fiXXXerMetiCEBrkr: What's wrong with em?
14:12.28iCEBrkrIt keeps bouncing
14:12.30wulfy814but, it doesn't seem to passing the correct info
14:12.35[TK]D-Fenderk-man: probably because they aren't in the CONTEXT that the device is using <-
14:12.41iCEBrkr[Jan  3 09:12:17] NOTICE[31267]: chan_iax2.c:8101 __iax2_poke_noanswer: Peer 'vpconnect-t01' is now UNREACHABLE! Time: 1057
14:12.45iCEBrkr[Jan  3 09:12:28] NOTICE[31271]: chan_iax2.c:7295 socket_process: Peer 'vpconnect-t01' is now REACHABLE! Time: 1049
14:12.47[TK]D-Fenderk-man: Or you might have just done them wrong.
14:12.54iCEBrkrSeems like every 10 seconds or so.
14:13.14*** join/#asterisk JayTee52 (
14:13.21fugitivohonestly the new way to add agents to queues in 1.4 is not good
14:13.24iCEBrkrI had to setup a second IAX channel with another provider
14:14.16javb[TK]D-Fender    --->   good call with 501:    | bad call with 330:   | good call with softphone:    | sip.conf:
14:14.30k-man[TK]D-Fender, when i create a device section, called say [1000], how do i set it up so that when i dial 1000, it goes to that device?
14:14.34lilalinuxWhat trunk do I use, when I have ZAP and SIP and CAPI? (for example)
14:14.54lilalinuxin [globals]
14:15.13k-manis that what this line does? exten => 1000,n,Dial(SIP/1000,30)
14:16.36fugitivok-man: yes but you should have a line before with order number 1 or replace that n by 1
14:16.49k-manfugitivo, yeah, i do
14:16.57k-mani was just checking i unserstood what that meant
14:17.31k-manso if i have a device called [xyz] i could change SIP/1000 to SIP/xyz?
14:17.42fugitivoif it's in sip.conf yes
14:17.52k-manfugitivo, righto, thanks
14:17.55fugitivoif it's in iax.conf it should be IAX2/xyz
14:18.06javb[TK]D-Fender   ->  Now, for SOME reason, all the 330 in this office has gone like this   "sip show peers"  ... <--- those peers were not like that.
14:18.53k-manso how do i tell asterisk that my sip device [1000] can dial my test numbers?
14:18.57k-mani think im missing something
14:19.11fugitivowhat test numbers?
14:21.01k-man500 say
14:21.19k-mani mean, just a local dialplan
14:21.33k-mancan i paste 3 lines here?
14:21.47javb[TK]D-Fender  : Those "unmmonitore" peers are able to call, but not to be called.
14:21.48k-manok, 2 secs
14:22.31jblackk-man: The context you set for an account in sip.conf is the context that they start in, in extensions.conf
14:22.33wulfy814I want to set outbound callerID based on the extension I'm calling out from
14:23.04k-manjblack, so if its in [1000].... ?
14:23.15k-manin sip.conf
14:23.18wulfy814can't I do: exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Macro(pri-out|${CALLERIDNUM}|${EXTEN})
14:23.29jblackThe context= line in sip.conf
14:23.34k-manjblack, ah...
14:23.35fugitivok-man: when you setup a device, you set the context, be sure that 500 is in the same context
14:23.40k-manthat might be what im missing
14:24.10k-manok its in default
14:24.55k-manhow do i let it do [internal] calls?
14:25.48jblacklets say you have 3 internal phones, authenticating with sip.
14:25.59jblackDefault them all to the internal context
14:26.24jblackANd let's say you have a sip/iax account with SomeCompany. Put them in the incoming context.
14:26.40jblackof course, these names are arbitrary.
14:28.41k-manah, that fixed it
14:28.44k-manthanks jblack
14:28.54*** join/#asterisk roe_ (
14:34.15k-manok, so when i dial my Echo() test dial plan, it doesn't seem to echo anything
14:34.48jblackMake sure your microphone is up, not muted, etc.
14:34.55jblackThat's a conventional adminitration problem
14:35.23k-manits a handset
14:35.44k-manthe mute button is not lit
14:36.15jblacktry reading through the sip debug then (asterisk -rvvvvvvvvvv and type "sip debug"
14:36.52jblackalso, if you turn sip debug off, you can watch the call traverse the dialplan.
14:37.02jblackWatch it take the steps, and make sure it's getting to echo.
14:37.28jblackIf you like, you can put your sip.conf and extensions.conf up on pastebin, and I'll take a look at them
14:38.06jblackI know that some of the hardware phones need special settings in sip.conf to make them work just right.
14:38.25jblackI don't know which phones need what, but google should be able to tell you.
14:39.12[TK]D-Fenderk-man: No, defining a SIP.CONF entry has nothing to do with having an EXTENSION lead to it.
14:39.21[TK]D-Fenderk-man: see my above comment to fiXXXerMet
14:39.43jblack[tk]d-fender Including setting context= ?
14:39.47*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@
14:40.16jblackI may have given you bad advice, k-man.
14:40.20[TK]D-Fenderjblack: in order to set the actual context, yes.  And you should never have a "default" context that does anything important.  un-authed calls fall there.
14:40.32[TK]D-Fenderjblack: Every device definition should set their context.
14:40.54jblackI agree with those points. =)
14:41.14jblackHaving a good day so far?
14:42.06[TK]D-Fenderjblack: Not too bad.
14:42.16[TK]D-Fenderjblack: 6.5h to go :)
14:42.26javb[TK]D-Fender : Did you see the pastebin ?
14:42.50jblackSome day, you may come to miss work. A little.
14:43.08[TK]D-Fenderjavb: thats a remote phone isn't it?
14:43.21javbno.. all of those are local.
14:43.36mtryfossare there any good explanation on how a sip 486 (busy) message becomes a 603 (declined) when passing through an asterisk server ?
14:43.48jblackk-man;: Mom
14:44.07*** join/#asterisk jedaustin (
14:44.11[TK]D-Fenderjavb: I want to see 1 good call with the 330, 1 bad.
14:44.23[TK]D-Fenderjavb: and just it's config
14:44.26jblackOk, so your 1000 phone will go to the phones context. that's good
14:44.45jblackk-man: Ok, look at your phones context.
14:44.49k-manjblack, yeah, i worked that out after what you said about contexts
14:44.55jedaustinAnyone here familliar with provisioning Polycom phones?  How do I set the transfer and other buttons to dial asterisk # and * codes?
14:45.06jblackYou're missing your start extension. Pull out your book, and take it to page....
14:45.30[TK]D-Fenderjedaustin: You don't want that...
14:45.32javb[TK]D-Fender: mmm, if the 330 calls a 501, and then trys to transfer the call to the softphone, PERFECT. ... if the phone calls a 501, and trys to tranfer to a 330, "failed to authenticate"
14:46.04k-manjblack, which book are you refering to?
14:46.05jblackWait. How many phones do you have? Just one?
14:46.10jblackThe asterisk book.
14:46.22[TK]D-Fenderjedaustin: Leave Polycom's transfers the way they are.  DTMF transfers are BS
14:46.29k-manjblack, yeah... so far just one, but i do intend to connect a second phone
14:46.42jblackOk. You need two phones.
14:46.45[TK]D-Fenderjedaustin: Go read the user's guide to learn how to handle calls on them.  They are currently the best in the industry.
14:46.58jblackso you can call yourself. Go get another one, either hard, or soft
14:47.04k-manjblack, the o'riely one? or osmething else?
14:47.06jblackIs there a ~ for soft phone suggestions?
14:47.06[TK]D-Fenderjblack: Umm... whats this about him needing a "start extension"?
14:47.18jbot[~softphone] A soft-phone is a program that lets your computer use a compatible audio interface (usually a speaker&mic, or headset), and optionally a webcam, to place VoIP calls with a given protocol (SIP/IAX/H.323/MGCP/etc). For links enter ~zoiper , ~xlite , ~twinkle , ~bria , ~eyebeam
14:47.23k-manjblack, ok
14:47.31jblackk-man: Get one of those, so that you can call between yoruself.
14:47.48javbwow, this is driving me crazy, need coffee
14:47.51k-manany recommendations as to which one?
14:47.58k-manfor windows
14:48.11jblack[tk]: I figure there's two ways to go about it.. Set him up with the nodephone entry, so he can call his extension, which leads to worrying qabout firewalling and such.
14:48.43jblackk-man: Look at the softphone line above.  [tk]d-fender (who I think a supergenius) prefers zoiper. I found x-lite easier to deal with.
14:48.58lilalinuxI'm looking for some free music on hold mp3
14:49.16[TK]D-FenderX-lite IS very friendly, but lacks a native "Transfer".  Zoiper is also multi-protocol which is nice and handles more calls.
14:49.25jblacktk: Or making him do a second local extension, so he can make * works internally.
14:49.31[TK]D-Fenderlilalinux: Google it up.
14:49.52lilalinuxOf course I did that, but I found only non-free ;-)
14:49.55jblackIf he's dialing extensions directly in his phones context, he wouldn't need an s right off the bat, I figure.
14:50.00mockerI hate Zoiper.
14:50.08[TK]D-Fenderlilalinux: your Google-Fu is weak.  Try again
14:50.22[TK]D-Fenderjblack: "s" has no place in SIP calls :)
14:50.26jblackIf I get him able to dial 1000 to 1001, then I can say "Oh, and s is the answering extension"
14:50.38[TK]D-Fenderjblack: only for IVRs & MACROs
14:50.52[TK]D-Fenderjblack: Nope, try again....
14:51.09tzafrir_laptoptry again
14:51.21jblackWell, isn't it used for when you just goto(context) ?
14:51.55k-manjblack, well, im going to try setting up zoiper, and creating a new extension for it
14:52.04javbthose anyone here has the default musiconhold.conf file created by asterisk 1.4 on make samples?
14:52.05jblackPlease do.
14:52.08[TK]D-Fenderjblack: Only if YOU tell it to go to "s"
14:52.17javbdoes anyone here has the default musiconhold.conf file created by asterisk 1.4 on make samples?
14:52.23[TK]D-Fenderjavb: its in your source folder....
14:52.28jblackHeh, and I do.
14:53.06jblackk-man: You're catching on what's going on here, right? I'm pretty new at things, and I don't have a completely accurate understanding yet.
14:53.07[TK]D-Fenderjblack: and you can't just Goto to a context.  check your parameter precedence.
14:53.12*** join/#asterisk ToTo (n=ToTo@
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14:53.26jblackI'm looking at them now. I'm using s in a pointless way.
14:53.28k-mangetting the hang of it
14:53.36k-mani played with asterisk about 6 months ago
14:53.39jblackIt works, but it's irrelevant.
14:53.47[TK]D-Fenderjblack: Well I can't say that your use of it is "pointless"... go show me :)
14:53.51k-manbut then didn't do anything and promplty forgot all i had learned
14:53.56k-manit's coming back to me though
14:54.29[TK]D-FenderCapRicORN^80: So.... figured out what you need to fix in your dialplan (or what you were dialing) in order to call out to FWD yet?
14:54.58jblackWell, for example, I have an inbound context, that IPKall and teliax go to. When those extensions pick up, I send them to public,s,1
14:55.03[TK]D-FenderCapRicORN^80: (beyond that 1 fixed test # you got up the other day)
14:55.19[TK]D-Fenderjblack: Well that IS a perfectly good thing to do.
14:55.33jblackYeah, it's valid. If it wasn't, it wouldn't work. :)
14:55.34[TK]D-Fenderjblack: Running an IVR in that context off the "s" exten?
14:55.46jblacki don't know what IVR means
14:55.46*** part/#asterisk Steven_elvisda (n=Steven_E@
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14:55.51[TK]D-Fenderjblack: By valid I don't just mean syntax, but your approach as a whole.
14:55.53jblackInternet Value Resaller?
14:56.11CapRicORN^80[TK]D-Fender: hi
14:56.12[TK]D-Fenderjblack: IVR = menu where they can punch in DTMF to go through your extensions.
14:56.17jbotfrom memory, ivr is Interactive Voice Response
14:56.19CapRicORN^80thanks for your help
14:56.29CapRicORN^80as i said i can dail that no
14:56.39CapRicORN^80it was mistake in context name
14:57.05CapRicORN^80well fWD . not working yet
14:57.11[TK]D-FenderCapRicORN^80: So... you had some number like 600 for echo or something working right?  But as I recall you didn't figure out how to dial any other # yet.  Is that still the case?
14:57.15jblackI think it's ok. Perhaps a little confusing if I give it to other newbs.
14:57.34javbi have in musiconhold.conf, mode=files, and the directory, i have the files in the directory in gsm format...
14:57.39[TK]D-FenderCapRicORN^80: enable SIP debug, try another call and pastebin it alogn with your dialplan.  You did something SILLY last time.
14:57.45CapRicORN^80listen my sip users can call each other
14:57.46javbbut when i press hold, it says started and stopped, an nothing else
14:57.49javbany ideas?
14:57.54CapRicORN^80but the problem is with FWd
14:58.04[TK]D-FenderCapRicORN^80: I left you a while to see if it would come to you but the answer WAS remarkably quick and easy, but I wanted you to try to come to it yourself.
14:58.25[TK]D-Fenderjavb: pastebin EVERYTHING <-
14:58.35CapRicORN^80right . but sorry i didnt
14:58.37k-manjblack, cool, got that working
14:58.41k-mani can now call myself
14:58.46[TK]D-FenderCapRicORN^80: so show me a new call and I'll tell you straight up where you went wrong.
14:58.51jblackSo now you know you've made progress. :)
14:59.02jblackLet me look over the extensions you set up
14:59.07[TK]D-Fenderk-man: Next so psychotherapy.... stop talking to yourself dammit!
14:59.23jblackOk, with your soft phone, dial 501
14:59.23CapRicORN^80hmm . ok i am working on it
14:59.37CapRicORN^80actually i am little confused with things mention on fwd website
15:00.00javb[TK]D-Fender   ---> (musiconhold)
15:00.06[TK]D-FenderCapRicORN^80: Just give me the 2 bits.  You had completely failed to see what you were doing.
15:00.24[TK]D-Fenderjavb: keep going...
15:00.30k-manjblack, seems to work too
15:00.44CapRicORN^80;exten => _393.,2,Dial(IAX2/${myid number}:${mypassword}${EXTEN:3},60,r)
15:00.47javb[TK]D-Fender: (asterisk output)
15:00.55CapRicORN^80exten => _393.,2,Dial(IAX2/${myid number}:${mypassword}${EXTEN:3},60,r)
15:01.17[TK]D-Fenderjavb: keep going...
15:01.20jblackk-man: So your sound problem is local to the hard phone?
15:01.26yangWhich are some well supported ISDN cards to use with Asterisk ?
15:01.33javb[TK]D-Fender here is everything, even the "ls"
15:01.45[TK]D-FenderCapRicORN^80: PASTEBIN the complete call at verbose 10 and SIP debug enabled as I requested, along with your complete dilaplan
15:01.51k-manjblack, i think so... but i can hear myself from the spa942 on the softphone
15:02.02jblackTry calling into 500 again on the spa
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15:02.05k-manjblack, so im not sure what it is
15:02.30CapRicORN^80ok i will
15:02.33k-manjblack, anyway
15:02.39k-manits time for bed..
15:02.42k-manthanks for your help guys
15:02.43yangIs ISDN controller Cologne chip design HFC-43 any good ?
15:02.46CapRicORN^80but the above line is correct ?
15:03.00k-manill probably be back tomorrow :)
15:03.02Alexandre_frDo somebody know a sip call generator ?
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15:03.40[TK]D-Fenderjavb: ls -l plese
15:04.50[TK]D-FenderCapRicORN^80: MAYBE.  Now please provide that pastebin
15:05.03CapRicORN^80[TK]D-Fender: sure . actually i am afraid of you
15:05.13CapRicORN^80thats why i am thinking to paste it or not :)
15:05.23defsworkanyone recommend a handset model suitable for a hotel's rooms ?
15:05.40[TK]D-FenderCapRicORN^80: If you don't let your mechanic look under the hood don't expect him to be able to fix anything <-
15:05.48[TK]D-Fenderdefswork: Analog phone.
15:06.00defswork[TK]D-Fender: how so ?
15:06.04javb[TK]D-Fender, saw it?
15:06.05mocker[TK]D-Fender: You should charge what mechanics charge.
15:06.06[TK]D-Fenderdefswork: Something you can afford to have raped like drunk guests do to them
15:06.23[TK]D-Fendermocker: I am a consultant...... I jsut help a lot free here too
15:06.30mocker[TK]D-Fender: I know. :)
15:06.39[TK]D-Fenderjavb: "ls -l", not "ls"
15:06.53[TK]D-Fenderjavb: I doubt your pirv's
15:06.54defswork[TK]D-Fender: that's not a real problem for me - I'm not buying em :)  But I'd really like IP phone
15:07.11[TK]D-Fenderdefswork: Polycom IP 320 on a PoE Switch
15:07.20[TK]D-Fenderdefswork: but no, you DON'T actually.
15:07.25CapRicORN^80well i did and you really slap me :(
15:07.33[TK]D-Fenderdefswork: that will allow them ot forward calls and do other evil shit
15:08.06[TK]D-FenderCapRicORN^80: You really needed it if I did.  So get over it and we'll get this solved.
15:08.23defswork[TK]D-Fender: customer will have to pay for calls on checkout - I can restrict some stuff too
15:08.38CapRicORN^80let me figure out my files
15:08.40CapRicORN^80then i paste it
15:08.57[TK]D-Fenderdefswork: Hey, if you insist.... but I really wouldn't... costs more, adds nothing and frankly might confuse a guest.
15:09.53defswork[TK]D-Fender: hmm - I'd still rather not do analog if I can avoid it
15:10.01mockerdefswork: Why?
15:10.10defsworkmocker: cabling
15:10.18[TK]D-Fenderdefswork: Your call, but I've already advised the best low-end high-quality SIP phone for you.
15:10.32defsworkhave single CAT5 in rooms - no voice
15:10.37[TK]D-Fenderdefswork: You can run RJ11 of Cat5 you know...
15:10.50defswork[TK]D-Fender: lose IP in room then though
15:10.58[TK]D-Fenderdefswork: Get a splitter then
15:11.03[TK]D-Fenderdefswork: Or wifi
15:11.13[TK]D-Fenderdefswork: Splitter would be cool.
15:11.47defsworkwhat are the real issues with an IP phone in the room though ? apart from cost ?
15:11.48[TK]D-Fenderdefswork: 10/100 runs on 1,2,3,6.  POTS would sue 5,6.
15:12.00[TK]D-Fenderdefswork: security.
15:12.13mockerWhy does my phone have all these buttons?
15:12.16javb[TK]D-Fender what pirv ?
15:12.23[TK]D-Fenderplenty of good reasons not to.  Also CONFUSING to your guests <---
15:12.27[gnubie]gtg now..
15:12.29FlatFootmocker: to hit when angry
15:12.29*** part/#asterisk [gnubie] (n=[gnubie]
15:12.36[TK]D-Fenderjavb: Priveledges <-
15:12.47mockerOhh yeah, and launching ethereal to listen to other guests.
15:12.52defsworkmocker: I've not stayed in a hotel in the uk that had a phone without feature buttons
15:12.57Qwellmocker: that'd be fun!
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15:13.06[TK]D-FenderDid I forget to mention "security"? ;)
15:13.18mockerdefswork: People in the UK aren't as easily baffled.
15:13.25defsworkmocker: how'd they listen on a switched network ?
15:13.30javbdid u see the ls -la
15:13.32[TK]D-Fenderdefswork: stop ^@#@ing with hotel room phone you h4x0r!
15:13.41Qwelldefswork: surely you don't have a switch for each room
15:13.54Qwellerm, nm
15:14.16[TK]D-Fenderjavb: please chown those and fix the rights
15:14.41[TK]D-Fenderomg, they are SUPPOSED to look like that?
15:14.48yangWhich are some prefered ISDN cards to use with Asterisk ? any special ones from Digium ?
15:15.00Qwellyang: isdn as in bri?
15:15.11yangQwell: yes bridge you mean?ž
15:15.24[TK]D-Fenderjavb: Are you running * as root?
15:15.27QwellI said nothing of the sort
15:15.34javb[TK]D-Fender, YES
15:15.46[TK]D-Fenderjavb: Ok, now things are getting wierd...
15:15.52yangQwell: ISDN as an asterisk to the pstn ISDN gateway
15:16.00Qwellyang: bri or pri?
15:16.11javb[TK]D-Fender, funny question: "EASY WAY TO GO BACK TO ASTERISK 1.2 ? "
15:16.29yangQwell: i dont know the difference
15:16.38Qwellyou'll need to find out
15:16.45[TK]D-FenderCapRicORN^80: I said your entire diaplan and CLI output with SIP DEBUG enabled <-
15:17.00defsworkyang: BRI is 2 channel PRI is 30
15:17.09[TK]D-Fenderjavb: Just flush your modules folder, and recompile * 1.2
15:17.25[TK]D-Fenderjavb: if yous till have your source folders, even a make install alone will do.
15:18.08javb[TK]D-Fender, its a shame that i `m not able to use 1.4 because of two INCREDIBLE weird bugs...
15:20.05yangQwell: BRI then , a small PCI card
15:20.13QwellDigium b410p
15:20.23yangQwell: thanks
15:20.58yangQwell: much better than the ISDN Controller cologne Chip HFC-4S if you know it?
15:21.49javbcan use asterisk 1.2 with zaptel 1.4 ?
15:22.08[TK]D-Fenderjavb: nope
15:22.36*** join/#asterisk powerkill (
15:22.38dmzmorning y'all
15:22.47dmzanyone here use *1.4 w/app_conference?
15:23.02javbso, i dont understadn the process to clean everything, downloading zaptel 1.2 and doing make clean and make and make install will overwrite zaptel 1.4 ?
15:24.12dmzyou should try to remove 1.2 files & modules to be "safe" :)
15:24.20dmzi don't think the make file has an uninstall option
15:24.34dmzyou can try just overwriting w/1.2 but who knows what wil be different
15:25.38yangQwell: I googled around and that ones costs around 900 USD...Its quite a lot ?
15:26.25javbguys, any help on the correct way to remove everything asterisk and zaptel ?
15:27.53CapRicORN^80[TK]D-Fender: check my sip enabled here :
15:28.29*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (
15:28.39dmzyang, what are you trying to buy?
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15:34.36jblackAha. I know where I got the misunderstanding about s. Macros.
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15:36.54lilalinuxcan I have a [globals] section in an #included file?
15:37.53lilalinuxI want to separate the distribution supplied conf from my own, and would like to keep the original one mostly untouched.
15:38.19yangdmz: something for around 100-200 eur?
15:38.43tzafrir_laptoplilalinux, yes
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15:39.35dmzyang missed the start of your questions, what are you tryng to buy :)
15:39.59tzafrir_laptopjavb, mostly. zaptel 1.2 and 1.4 differ by locations of the userspace .h files they install
15:40.05yangdmz: BRI, a small PCI card
15:40.30*** join/#asterisk AlexTO (
15:40.34javbtzafrir_laptop, i see. how do i uninstall zaptel, librpri, and asterisk 1.4 ?
15:40.49logyatiis anyone here familiar to asterisk-gui?
15:40.55lilalinuxtzafrir: thx, do entries in the included [globals] override the original ones?
15:41.04AlexTOHi, there is some familiar setting up CDRs on MYSQL?
15:41.16[TK]D-FenderCapRicORN^80: looks like your phone is trying to reinvite.
15:41.24De_MonAlexTO yeah it was easy, just followed the directions...
15:41.39[TK]D-FenderCapRicORN^80: set "canreinvite=no" under [general] and every other section of sip.conf
15:42.08dmzyang ah, sorry i dno't know any good sources for bri cards
15:42.16[TK]D-Fenderlogyati: Yes, but this isn't the support channel for it
15:42.20AlexTOde_Mon, I already install the addon and the module has been loaded fine but i dont have samples to follow, the help for that is not to mucho
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15:43.09logyati[TK]D-Fender, i know but there is only ghosts there, they dont answer, and dont even chat
15:43.20yangdmz: ok
15:43.30logyati[TK]D-Fender, asterisk-gui didnt detect my analog ports :(
15:43.36[TK]D-Fenderlogyati: Here we will actively berate you :)
15:44.10[TK]D-Fenderlogyati: Sorry but that stuff is definitely not supported here.
15:44.32logyati[TK]D-Fender, anyway, ty :( i understand
15:44.49logyatiif anyone here can help me, please pm me then
15:45.06CapRicORN^80[TK]D-Fender: ok i did that
15:45.22AlexTODe_Mon,  u there?
15:45.25[TK]D-FenderCapRicORN^80: Sorry I misread something in there.
15:45.29CapRicORN^80every thing else is fine ? i mean can i move to fwd
15:45.38[TK]D-FenderCapRicORN^80: You have 1 leg as SIP the other is IAX, you CAN'T be re-inviting...
15:45.41*** join/#asterisk nny_1 (
15:45.46jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
15:46.23nny_1hmm not on amazon
15:46.27nny_1luckily i hat eamazon
15:46.30CapRicORN^80ok i made changes in sip.conf users and set canreinvite=no
15:46.30nny_1hate too
15:46.35[TK]D-FenderCapRicORN^80: FWD isn't even responding
15:46.45[TK]D-FenderCapRicORN^80: Let me read their guide & instructions.
15:48.38*** join/#asterisk Toerkeium (i=oo@
15:48.44logyati[TK]D-Fender, ok the, so, about asterisk... the command zap show channels will show any analog port is i didnt configure zapata.conf?
15:48.52*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
15:50.54nny_1any other asterisk books recommended around here? I know the cookbook is in utero
15:52.17*** join/#asterisk teletouch (n=teletouc@
15:53.16*** join/#asterisk Havokmon (
15:54.03HavokmonMorning all.   Where is the best 'place' for a sip proxy?  It doesn't help if it's outside the registrer's network, but the phone is still behind a nat, does it?
15:54.55*** join/#asterisk af_ (
15:55.08logyati[TK]D-Fender, WARNING[30149]: app_system.c:107 system_exec_helper: Unable to execute '/sbin/zapscan.bin'   this zapscan comes with asterisk?
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16:04.21[TK]D-Fenderlogyati: Sorry, if there's an issue with it, thats a binary build on a custom OS.
16:04.32*** join/#asterisk binary-zero (n=binary--@unaffiliated/binary-zero)
16:04.32[TK]D-Fenderlogyati: All the reasons we don't want to deal with them.
16:04.39*** join/#asterisk dswillia (n=me2@
16:04.55binary-zeroguys i am getting a stupid error: file.c:517 ast_openstream_full: File /var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3/fpm-calm-river does not exist in any format
16:04.58dswilliais there a list of default commands that can be issued within a meetme conference?
16:04.59binary-zerocan any one help on this
16:05.03[TK]D-FenderHavokmon: it should on the inside LAN and the sole thing forwarded out from there
16:05.25[TK]D-Fenderbinary-zero: Go show us the file is there.
16:05.35binary-zero[TK]D-Fender: i can assue it is
16:05.43binary-zeroin mp3 format & permissions are also good
16:05.44[TK]D-Fenderbinary-zero: And show us the line that generated the error, not just the error itself
16:05.55[TK]D-Fenderbinary-zero: * doesn't support MP3 by default
16:06.01binary-zeroyup i am using mpg123
16:06.07[TK]D-Fenderbinary-zero: You need to install format_mp3 which is part of asterisk-addons
16:06.15[TK]D-Fenderbinary-zero: that is NOT using mpg123.
16:06.19binary-zeroum let me check that
16:06.26[TK]D-Fenderbinary-zero: that error is saying * is trying to  play it, not mpg123
16:06.37[TK]D-Fenderbinary-zero: You're probably on mode-files
16:06.50[TK]D-Fenderbinary-zero: and frankly you should be using mpg123 anymore anyways
16:06.52*** part/#asterisk harpal (n=Harpal@
16:07.05binary-zerocorrect , should be or shouldn't be ? [TK]D-Fender
16:07.06[TK]D-Fenderdswillia: "show application meetme"
16:07.13logyati[TK]D-Fender, but app_zapsan isnt an asterisk module?
16:07.23[TK]D-Fenderbinary-zero: shouldtn't <- sorry
16:08.12[TK]D-Fenderlogyati: perhaps, but your version is FIXED.  If you can download and install the latest zaptel on top we might be able to support that.  But I'm not sure thats even part of * the core zaptel
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16:09.41FlatFootdaft question , building a * that is only NETWORK no cards ( BRI/PRI ) do i need zaptel ??
16:09.45binary-zero[TK]D-Fender: thanks, format_mp3 solved the issue
16:10.08dswillia[TK]D-Fender:  thanks, but are there default codes a user can enter to say record a call on demand, or mute parties, etc
16:10.09CapRicORN^80[TK]D-Fender: you said you have configure fwd with your asterisk
16:10.15[TK]D-FenderCapRicORN^80: Found the problem
16:10.27[TK]D-FenderCapRicORN^80: You setup iax.conf for FWD.
16:10.35[TK]D-FenderCapRicORN^80: but look at your DIAL : -- Executing [613@internal:1] Dial("SIP/saji-08cff460", "SIP/") in new stack
16:10.47[TK]D-FenderCapRicORN^80: You are trying to use SIP to call them there
16:10.52tzafrir_laptopFlatFoot, maybe for timing and for mixing (Meetme)
16:10.59logyati[TK]D-Fender, im using zaptel SVN--r downloaded from     isnt it supported here?
16:11.12logyati[TK]D-Fender, i downloaded it today
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16:11.26CapRicORN^80i am calling from my sip user to call to other sip user
16:11.40CapRicORN^80which is not in my asterisk . thats what fwd do
16:11.42FlatFoottzafrir_laptop: in that case do i need to fool zaptel into thinking it has a card ? is it ztdummy ?
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16:13.22BCS-SatoriHas anyone configured Cisco 7960 (SIP) on asterisk but has skipped line buttons on the phone, say only register line button 1 and line button 6.  I can get 1 to register but not 6, but if i move 6 to line button 2 it works. (yes i know sounds confusing)
16:14.54*** join/#asterisk lirakis (n=lirakis@
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16:15.05lupino3hello everybody
16:15.29*** join/#asterisk Neil_L (n=NLiningt@
16:15.36lupino3is there any way to group together all CDR entries related to a single queue call?
16:15.41*** join/#asterisk rantsh (n=rantsh@
16:15.41lupino3I see different entries
16:15.46rantshhi people
16:15.55rantshHappy new year to all
16:16.05*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
16:16.09lupino3and I'd like to associate one ID in the CDR userfield
16:16.15lupino3in order to do some further processing
16:16.22rantshI'm having a hard time setting ilbc on 20 ms mode on asterisk 1.4.2
16:16.22*** part/#asterisk lmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
16:16.27lupino3can anybody help me, please?
16:16.28Steven_elvisda_any tutorial how to make two people talk each other by useing asterisk?
16:16.38[TK]D-FenderCapRicORN^80: No, you are trying to CALL FWD using the SIP protocol, but you set them up for IAX
16:16.45[TK]D-FenderCapRicORN^80: pastebin your dialplan again
16:16.49lupino3(forgot to mention: asterisk 1.2.2x)
16:16.50Steven_elvisda_i know i need to config in extern.conf and sip.conf
16:16.53Steven_elvisda_but i don know how
16:16.54rantshI keep setting it as "ilbc:20" in sip.conf but when I do sip show settings it shows "ilbc:30"
16:16.56[TK]D-FenderSteven_elvisda_: ....
16:16.58jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
16:17.02jbot[~jerjerguide ] Jeremy McNamara's quick sample guide to setting up * :
16:17.45[TK]D-Fenderlupino3: Yes, the UNQUEID field is what ties them together.
16:17.50Steven_elvisda_thanks [TK]D-Fender
16:18.09jbotit has been said that ilbc is at
16:18.13lupino3[TK]D-Fender, I tried to write CDR(UNIQUEID) in the userfield
16:18.19lupino3but I get different values :(
16:18.29[TK]D-Fenderlupino3: it IS a field aready!
16:18.39lupino3yes but it doesn't get written
16:18.45[TK]D-Fenderlupino3: sure it does...
16:18.52lupino3maybe I need to enable it in source code
16:18.56[TK]D-Fenderlupino3: check your field listing and show us a dump
16:19.18lupino3I can confirm that uniqueID is empty :(
16:19.32*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (n=arodgers@
16:19.36[TK]D-Fenderlupino3: Something is definitely screwed up then
16:20.16lupino3even if it doesn't get written
16:20.27lupino3shouldn't CDR(uniqueid) give me the same value?
16:20.50rantshIn any case, I've made a paste bin of the relevant parts
16:20.58rantshyou may see it here:
16:24.30FlatFootanyone in from amsterdam ?
16:25.39[TK]D-FenderCapRicORN^80: this is the line you showed me from your CLI output : -- Executing [613@internal:1] Dial("SIP/saji-08cff460", "SIP/") in new stack
16:25.54[TK]D-FenderCapRicORN^80: and THIS is the line that appears in your dialplan : exten => 613,Dial(IAX2/iaxfwd/613)
16:26.02[TK]D-FenderCapRicORN^80: you didn't apply your changes! <---
16:26.23*** join/#asterisk _ys (
16:26.58CapRicORN^80what changes i should make ?
16:27.01CapRicORN^80i mean i am not getting you
16:27.58[TK]D-FenderCapRicORN^80: Look at the dialplan thats being executed.  taht isn't what you just pasted for me.  You changed your extensions.conf but didn't put your changes into EFFECT <-
16:28.11[TK]D-FenderCapRicORN^80: * has NOT reloaded your ned configs and
16:28.18[TK]D-FenderCapRicORN^80: new*
16:28.26[TK]D-FenderCapRicORN^80: do "dialplan reload"
16:28.28rantshno one knows what to do with my ilbc issue?
16:28.54*** part/#asterisk binary-zero (n=binary--@unaffiliated/binary-zero)
16:29.40CapRicORN^80i didnt
16:30.24[TK]D-FenderCapRicORN^80: Go reload your dialplan
16:30.40[TK]D-FenderCapRicORN^80: because you showed me 2 totally different things and thats why its not working.
16:30.50CapRicORN^80i did
16:31.12[TK]D-FenderCapRicORN^80: look at those 2 lines I pasted.  You are either wrong, or you are lying to me.
16:31.12CapRicORN^80i didnt . seriouly i did reload asterisk
16:32.12[TK]D-FenderCapRicORN^80: LOOK AT THEM.  they are clearly not the same line.  You are either showing me the wrong file or are showing me thing from different points in time that do not apply.
16:32.28[TK]D-Fender[11:25]<[TK]D-Fender>CapRicORN^80: this is the line you showed me from your CLI output : -- Executing [613@internal:1] Dial("SIP/saji-08cff460", "SIP/") in new stack
16:32.29[TK]D-Fender[11:25]<[TK]D-Fender>CapRicORN^80: and THIS is the line that appears in your dialplan : exten => 613,Dial(IAX2/iaxfwd/613)
16:32.35[TK]D-Fender^^^ NOT the same
16:32.56[TK]D-FenderCapRicORN^80: So Go pastebin another call attempt along with your "current" dialplan.
16:33.18*** join/#asterisk Steven_elvisda (n=Steven_E@
16:33.21[TK]D-Fenderrantsh: I can't see any reference to the syntax you are using to set the bitrate as being valid.
16:33.30*** join/#asterisk VJFROMGT (
16:34.00VJFROMGTanyone know about nxtvox analog cards ?
16:34.17rantsh[TK]D-Fender, I remember reading it in a book or something, but... it was a long time ago and I don't have the book anymore
16:34.58[TK]D-Fenderrantsh: well so far nothing I can find validates what you're doing so with that in mind my first guess is that it will not work and cannot be done
16:35.06rantsh[TK]D-Fender, but if you know of any way I could get ilbc working on 20 ms mode I'd very much appreciate it if you could lighten my path
16:36.05[TK]D-Fenderrantsh: Sorry, not offhand, thats for sure.  Get Googling
16:37.00RoyKhow's the t.38 support status in asterisk atm? still only passthrough?
16:37.02rantsh[TK]D-Fender, well that's ok... thank you very much
16:37.23[TK]D-FenderRoyK: Correct
16:37.45lupino3[TK]D-Fender, I use MySQL backend, and UNIQUEID was not getting written. I had to modify the addons' Makefile in order to make it write the UNIQUEID field (as indicated in
16:37.49RoyKany idea if there will be any more progress with t.38 endpoint/gateway?
16:37.54*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=pepOSX--@
16:38.08lupino3[TK]D-Fender, but still.. I get different uniqueid's for calls related to a queue
16:38.19[TK]D-Fenderlupino3:  `clid` varchar(80) NOT NULL default '',  <-------
16:38.49lupino3[TK]D-Fender, that is the caller id, right?
16:38.50[TK]D-Fenderlupino3: hrm : A: You need to define MYSQL_LOGUNIQUEID at compile time for it to use that field.
16:38.55*** join/#asterisk m160858 (n=m160858@
16:39.08lupino3[TK]D-Fender, isn't the field 'uniqueID'?
16:39.17coppiceroyK: "more" progress? there hasn't been any so far :-)
16:39.25VJFROMGT$50 for 8 port FXO card
16:40.11[TK]D-Fenderlupino3: You know.. I think I'll elave this alone right now.... Its insane that it wouldn't include the full details you get in the CSV output.... but as I haven't really worked with it directly much I think you may be best off continuing your research based on the book.
16:40.11RoyKcoppice: bingo
16:40.53RoyKcoppice: only someone told me "it's in progress" some weeks back
16:41.00lupino3[TK]D-Fender, thanks however :)
16:41.03[TK]D-Fendercoppice: technically getting T.38 passthrough is progress from not having any T.38 support at all so his term is valid :)
16:41.37coppicehe said gateway and termination. he didn't mention passthrough
16:42.57coppicepeople will tell you all sorts of things are in progress, like they'll tell you code for X exists when its just a few lines thrown onto a web page somewhere
16:43.09[TK]D-Fendercoppice: RoyK>how's the t.38 support status in asterisk atm? still only passthrough? <-- sorry, my opinion stands :)
16:43.13RoyKimho 'having' support for t38 passthrough is state, not progress :P
16:43.38[TK]D-FenderRoyK: "Off" is a state too...
16:43.42coppiceOK. I only saw "any idea if there will be any more progress with t.38 endpoint/gateway?"
16:43.55*** join/#asterisk russellb (n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla)
16:43.55*** mode/#asterisk [+o russellb] by ChanServ
16:48.25logyatirussellb, are u there?
16:48.40logyatirussellb, ops, wrong channel
16:49.22RoyKI think there was some talk about doing full t38 for asterisk some two years back or so :)
16:49.24russellbi am here
16:49.36*** join/#asterisk Greek-Boy (n=grb@
16:50.17coppiceRoyK: I think that was me talking, but then the digium people tried their hardest to piss me off.
16:52.02Greek-BoyIs the Digium Wildcard TE412P the top-of-the-range card?
16:52.14RoyKcoppice: I remember
16:52.19[TK]D-Fendercoppice: Does it take that much effort?  You are 99% "cynically snide" then it seems :)
16:52.48coppicethe digium people have driven away most of the major contributors
16:52.51[TK]D-Fendercoppice: Endearing in its own way of course ; you are "original".
16:53.17[TK]D-Fendercoppice: Yeah, thats the optome of commercialization... you go for money and control.
16:53.28fugitivotaking away Agentcallbacklogin was the worst decision
16:54.01RoyKGreek-Boy: well, unless you count sangoma in, it might be. if you _do_ count sangoma in, it's not
16:54.11[TK]D-Fenderfugitivo: no need with the new login metheods.
16:54.59fugitivo[TK]D-Fender: new login methods = that thing called queues-with-callback-members ?
16:55.05Greek-BoyRoyK: and it's a PCI-X card, right?
16:55.26[TK]D-Fenderfugitivo: "AddQueueMember" <-
16:55.56[TK]D-Fenderfugitivo: Since you can add any channel as a memeber live in the dialplan, who needs a dedicated app for Dialplan based?
16:56.00RoyKGreek-Boy: Sangoma have PCI and PCI express cards. no need for PCI-X for a card with a maximum throughput of 8Mbps
16:56.18[TK]D-Fenderfugitivo: I don't think you've realized quite how to use that app yet...
16:56.36RoyKGreek-Boy: digium's stuff is PCI as well, or have they started selling pci express?
16:56.37fugitivo[TK]D-Fender: well, that breaks every application for call centers developed for 1.2.x
16:56.55[TK]D-Fenderfugitivo: Welcome to the wornderful world of GROWTH.
16:56.57Qwellfugitivo: 2 major versions isn't long enough?
16:57.16Qwellnobody is being forced to change their agents until 1.6
16:57.17fugitivoi'm not the only one saying that
16:57.25[TK]D-Fenderfugitivo: "But Why won't my old Apple ][ programs work on my new Inte C2D Mac Pro>?!?!?!"
16:57.26fugitivothere's a lot of people complaining about that
16:57.46Greek-BoyRoyK: It's just PCI, PCI-X
16:57.47[TK]D-Fenderfugitivo: Yea yeah... keep whining...
16:58.07fugitivo[TK]D-Fender: ? are you a kid?
16:58.08[TK]D-Fenderfugitivo: Seriously... new versions, things change, time for them to get off their asses and adapt.  Or simply die off
16:58.30RoyKGreek-Boy: PCI, then. I doubt they have 64bit cards for that. no point
16:58.36Greek-BoyRoyK: And PCI-X is 1064 MB/s, not 8Mbps.
16:58.40fugitivoQwell: well, that's good news, thanks
16:58.43[TK]D-Fenderfugitivo: Things change.  Its bound to happen.  You don't maintain backwards compatibility forever without becoming unstable & bloated
16:59.14[TK]D-Fenderfugitivo: And given its flaws some things are best left FAR behind
16:59.17RoyKGreek-Boy: sure, but the actual load on the card is max 8Mbps since there are four  2Mbps ports on it, given you're running E1s
16:59.37fugitivo[TK]D-Fender: I know things change man, MY bussiness is software development, but when you have to change a BIG feature, you think it twice
17:00.31coppiceIf I thought twice about a big change, I'd never make it. I have to blunder in quick before good sense takes hold :-)
17:00.34RoyKGreek-Boy: I think those cards are PCI 2.3 compliant, meaning 32bit 66MHz, theoretically 200MBps, quite sufficient for the load
17:00.37[TK]D-Fenderfugitivo: Well this is also OSS, not a stagnant fixed-purpose commercial platform.  You have chosen the platform for your development, so you shouldn't be too quick to judge when the ground moves out from under you.
17:00.37Greek-Boyyes I'm running E1's
17:01.08[TK]D-Fenderfugitivo: * will not stop for any 1 higher-level project that depends on it.
17:01.25[TK]D-Fenderfugitivo: And if it does, well... watch people flock to the "next big thing"
17:01.29RoyKGreek-Boy: they might even be PCI 2.1, meaning max 33MHz, 32bit, theoretical speed 120MBps or so, which is also quite sufficient
17:01.32Greek-BoyRoyK: I have no choice but to go for a digium card since I'm running a SS7 channel
17:01.41HavokmonUmm Actually, I can run my Apple ][ programs on my new Mac Pro ;)
17:01.42RoyKGreek-Boy: why?
17:01.53[TK]D-FenderGreek-Boy: Oh?  Where does it say that Sangoma cards won't work?
17:01.56coppiceGreek-Boy why would SS7 require a Digium card?
17:01.58RoyKGreek-Boy: sangomas use zaptel as well. asterisk doesn't see the difference
17:02.08fugitivo[TK]D-Fender: whatever...
17:02.19[TK]D-FenderHavokmon: s'ok.. I'll come up with another nasty attempt, the point is the same :)
17:02.33Havokmonlol I hear ya.
17:02.36RoyKGreek-Boy: what sort of ss7 solution is this? sangoma has their own which is quite robust......
17:02.52[TK]D-Fenderfugitivo: Sorry to be the messenger.  But let me say that the 1.4 way IS a lot better....
17:03.18RoyKcoppice: what's the name of the L2 standard for E1 and so on again? Q.932?
17:03.34Greek-BoyRoyK: I'm playing around with chan_ss7 and want to try out libss7 too
17:03.49fugitivo[TK]D-Fender: sure it is
17:04.18Greek-Boythe chan_ss7 implies that it only works with Digium E1 cards.
17:04.24Greek-Boymaybe a mistake on the developers part
17:04.25RoyKGreek-Boy: short advice: drop it. Get an ss7box and a sangoma card and go with their solution. wasim, sometimes in here, has a few setups with that scattered across pakistan
17:04.42RoyKGreek-Boy: sounds like bull to me
17:04.58*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
17:04.59Greek-Boythanks for warning me
17:05.17[TK]D-FenderGreek-Boy: where does it imply that?
17:05.19Greek-BoyRoyK: what do u mean by ss7box?
17:05.49RoyKGreek-Boy: it probably works with zaptel and zaptel only runs _natively_ over digium cards and compatible ones, but sangoma wanpipe abstrahises that so zaptel runs with sangoma.
17:05.59RoyKGreek-Boy: sec
17:06.55RoyKGreek-Boy: that's a good solution...
17:07.42tzafrir_laptopRoyK, q921 (layer2) and Q931 (layer3)
17:09.02Greek-BoyRoyK: Looks robust. Thanks a lot.
17:09.47RoyKtzafrir_laptop: thanks
17:10.12[TK]D-Fender- Supports Digium E1 (T1 and other zap-compatible cards should be easy to add).
17:10.47[TK]D-FenderGreek-Boy: I wouldn't take it as "Digium only", but I can see a point of poetential doubt.
17:10.50*** join/#asterisk lftsy (
17:11.08[TK]D-FenderGreek-Boy: keeping in mind that a Zaptel interface at the channel-driver level all uses the same base.
17:14.10RoyKI'd guess if Greek-Boy is going to use ss7 in production, sangoma's solution might be better. It only costs $4k or so for the first ss7 link and less for the remaining ones. It doesn't license per traffic link either, and an ss7 link and hold the traffic for a medium-sized city
17:15.36RoyKs/hold/be enought for/
17:19.32Greek-Boydont u think I should try out chan_ss7
17:19.37Greek-Boymight work
17:19.50Greek-Boyif i was a telco then I would go with the sangoma solution
17:19.57Greek-Boybut I just want to terminate a few calls
17:20.03Greek-Boyand originate them
17:21.46RoyKGreek-Boy: then why on earth would you want to use ss7?
17:22.21RoyKif it's just a few calls, do it over SIP
17:22.39RoyKif it's a hundred concurrent calls, use PRI termination
17:22.43RoyKif it's big, use ss7
17:22.48Greek-Boybecause I've got a deal with a mobile CDMA company. They only use SS7 for interconnect
17:23.07RoyKyou don't use exterior BGP on your LAN, do you?
17:23.32hi365how can i set a database value as blank?
17:24.07RoyKanyway - if you can afford the sangoma solution, use it. it's supported and it works. the other ss7 stacks around are non-supported and lack a lot of stuff last I checked
17:24.26RoyKhi365: I'd guess like a variable Set(ASDF=)
17:25.08Greek-BoyRoyK as long as I can get it to make and receive calls then I'm happy. And ofcourse DTMF should work...
17:25.28Greek-Boyas for the sangoma solution, I will be sure to use it in my next big project.
17:26.03Greek-Boyis the $4k just for software or complete solution?
17:26.39*** join/#asterisk shadebob (n=chatzill@
17:26.43RoyKGreek-Boy: that's for the ss7box. in addition you will need an asterisk server and a Sangoma card for PSTN connectivity
17:26.46*** join/#asterisk harryr (
17:27.22RoyKGreek-Boy: I'm not 100% sure of the price, though - contact sangoma
17:27.54Greek-Boythanks RoyK
17:29.28RoyKGreek-Boy: np :)
17:31.33[TK]D-Fenderhi365: .... What database?
17:31.42*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
17:31.49[TK]D-Fenderhi365: Just delete the key.
17:32.04hi365and if i dont wan to?
17:32.09*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (
17:38.19russellbfwiw, asterisk trunk has some ss7 support in chan_zap as well, via libss7
17:38.28russellbwhich matt f. from Digium has developed
17:40.19RoyKmethinks a well-proven solution from sangoma might perhaps be slightly better
17:40.41russellbyou sound like a marketing droid
17:40.48*** join/#asterisk BCS-Satori (n=somewher@
17:41.03RoyKrussellb: nope
17:41.09russellbyou probably didn't even know that existed, but you're pretty quick to dismiss it
17:41.26russellbso you have no idea what it supports, how many people are using it, ...
17:41.32RoyKrussellb: or you might say so, but somehow I prefer solutions from sangoma. Those I've tried work for me
17:41.48russellbexactly my point, you dismissed a _free_ option without even knowing a thing about it
17:41.54russellbsounds like someone i really want advice from
17:41.54RoyK[18:38]  <russellb> fwiw, asterisk trunk has some ss7 support in chan_zap as well, via libss7
17:42.13RoyKsounds like you're advising people to use pre-alpha software in production
17:42.30russellbit's not pre-alpha
17:42.35RoyKnow that's a good advice....
17:42.37BCS-SatoriDoes anyone have a Cisco 79xx with multiple lines registed none sequentialy.  I am able to registed line 1 and 2 on the cisco phone, but if I move line 2 to say line 6, the phone never attempts to register it.
17:42.38Nuggetthey're already using Linux, how much worse can it be?  :)
17:42.50*** join/#asterisk Lawbringer (
17:42.54Corydon76-vcchUh, the Sangoma alterations to Zaptel are, at best, pre-alpha quality
17:43.09RoyK"You get what you're paying for and it's free" :)
17:43.16Corydon76-vcchWhy do you think their changes never got accepted into the codebase?
17:43.25RoyKCorydon76-dig: have you seen the actual zaptel patch?
17:43.26russellbRoyK: you're such a troll
17:43.42Corydon76-vcchRoyK: yes, I have, and it breaks every time we fix a bug in Zaptel
17:43.44russellbRoyK: yes, we have all seen their changes
17:43.58RoyKrussellb: it's six lines or so with defines
17:44.05Corydon76-vcchTheir patches are essentially band aids to make their stuff work...
17:44.19russellbi know what they are
17:46.18RoyKif zaptel is so crippled it can't stand a patch like this, I have a hard time thinking of zaptel as good software
17:46.39Corydon76-vcchThen why hasn't Sangoma written their own drivers?
17:47.37*** join/#asterisk angom (
17:49.20RoyKCorydon76-dig: sangoma has their own drivers - it's called wanpipe. only it's easier to interface with zaptel than to write something from scratch. Also, that patch is only necessary if you want firmware HDLC and not HDLC in zaptel
17:50.07RoyKCorydon76-dig: now, what about that patch would break anything else in zaptel?
17:50.37Corydon76-vcchRoyK: sorry, I really can't go into this right now.  I have accounting work to take care of
17:51.00JunK-YCorydon76-vcch: cant or want? :)
17:51.18Corydon76-vcchJunK-Y: I have real work to do
17:51.33RoyKwell - nothing can. it's a patch with three #define statements and an if clause needing one dedicated flag to be set. it can't fail
17:52.03Corydon76-vcchYou know, the stuff I get paid for?
17:52.04Greek-Boyrussellb: I have actually being thinking about trying out libss7. But it currently only runs with asterisk trunk
17:52.34ZaVoidmorning guys
17:53.05RoyKevening, ZaVoid
17:53.27AbsortoHello! ls
17:53.32*** join/#asterisk cesar_CR (n=cesar@
17:53.48RoyKrussellb: ping
17:54.08russellbi also have real work to do
17:54.33*** join/#asterisk jlar (
17:54.45RoyKrussellb: so I guess neither you can explain why those lines of code are so bad?
17:55.37JunK-YRoyK: i really dont understand why each time you come on IRC, it's only to start fights.
17:55.50russellbit's a dirty hack for something which can be done another way in zaptel ... there have been list discussions on the topic
17:55.59RoyKJunK-Y: I didn't start one.....
17:56.07russellband quite frankly, i don't care to continue discussing this right now
17:56.18JunK-Yu keep trying to start one...
17:57.17RoyKHonestly, I didn't start it. I was merely talking about Sangoma's ss7 solution and someone started to insult me for not looking at other solutions in the asterisk trunk, which is, by default, unstable
17:57.48JunK-Ygive a try and report bugs so we can make it stable.
17:58.27russellbno, i mentioned another solution, and you immediately dismissed it without knowing a thing about it, and then i called you out on it
17:58.38russellband then it went downhill from there
17:58.39*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
17:58.43russellbanyway, back to real work
17:59.53*** join/#asterisk egecko (
18:03.10*** join/#asterisk dacs (n=haiger@unaffiliated/dacs)
18:03.20dacsGood morning all
18:04.36outtoluncif you say so <G> jk'n
18:09.16*** join/#asterisk Unst4ble (
18:10.37Unst4bleHey all,  I have a SIP account with a provider which i can use from both a SPA3102 and softphone by entering the SIP details.  How would i set this up on asterisk? No matter what settings i use i cant get it to make outgoing calls through the trunk.
18:11.01*** join/#asterisk jcims (
18:11.49jcimsgood viop provider for inbound 800 access?  i want to stand up a conference calling capability for my employees
18:12.23jcimslol, s/viop/voip
18:14.40jblackIt was worth a try
18:14.44jbot[~itsplist-us] Here are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones : , , ,
18:15.03jblackUm, There's a variety of providers. Most of them offer 800, usually for around 4-5 US cents a minute.
18:16.07jblackThat'll be per caller, and there's usually a 20-25 monthly fee for the number. So, a five person conference will end up costing you about 15 bucks an hour. Probably worth it. :)
18:17.07Qwell4-5c?  nowhere near
18:17.14Qwellusually 2c at worst
18:18.32jblackFor 800 numbers?
18:18.39pugaanyone knows where can I find CentOS 5 repositories with asterisk pre-compiled?
18:18.46*** join/#asterisk tripps (n=ss@
18:18.52russellbjbot: itsplist-us is also
18:18.53jbotokay, russellb
18:18.58russellbanother good one that i like ...
18:19.04trippshappy new year * people
18:19.24mvanbaakhow about ?
18:19.29russellbalso good
18:19.58NovceGuruhey guys, settings up a very very simple IVR here, after the inital call is answered, and exten => s,5,Background(sai-welcome) plays, the call hangs up,I have done a Set(TIMEOUT(response)=10) but I don't believe this is enough
18:19.59russellbjbot: itsplist-us is also
18:20.00jbotrussellb: okay
18:20.56trippsbefore I rewrite app_nv_faxdetect, I wanted to ask if anyone had seen anything that ALWAYS assumes inbound calls are faxes, i.e., to set up a dedicated fax extension that plays a proper fax tone and would work with old faxes as well as new ones
18:21.12jblack says 4.9c  I wasn't able to quickly find the toll free rates at the other providers
18:21.40russellbi seem to remember 3.9 cents for junction networks ..
18:24.07jblackSo, I don't quite understand the correction you're providing me. I'd love an amplification so that I don't give that wrong info out again
18:25.48NovceGuruafter playing my menu I see Auto fallthrough, channel 'SIP/REMOVED' status is 'UNKNOWN'
18:26.22jblacknovce: have you seen the i and t extensions?
18:26.54NovceGuruI guess not :(
18:26.55*** join/#asterisk mtryfoss (
18:27.11jblackCheck 'em out. One is for errors, and one is a... kind of default if you fall through
18:27.25NovceGuruI see, thanks :)
18:27.47NovceGuruactually, just alt-tabbed back to firefox and scrolled down to the I extenion
18:28.15jblackI figured something like that.
18:29.34*** part/#asterisk ddunavant (n=David@
18:29.41NovceGuruI need it to just "wait" 10 seconds or something
18:29.46*** join/#asterisk ddunavant (n=David@
18:30.14HavokmonI'm trying to get a handle on SIP and NAT.   If I have an asterisk box on an internal corp network, and want to deploy sip phones that could be behind NAT - what's the best network layout for that?
18:30.35Havokmonuhh I should say, the deployed phones would be at user's homes, across the 'net
18:30.40*** part/#asterisk Unst4ble (
18:30.45jcimsvpn between the two
18:30.49jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT :  otherwise check the WIKI at
18:30.57*** part/#asterisk jcims (
18:31.04Havokmonvpn would be good, but we're cheap
18:31.09NovceGuruPPTP then :P
18:31.15NovceGurustun server and port forwarding
18:31.23NovceGuruor just port fowarding
18:31.44NovceGuruor put the * server in a DMZ
18:31.54NovceGuruor give it it's own WAN ip..
18:32.02Havokmonport forwarding? I don't want to configure end-user firewalls - or am I overcomplicating the incoming call info?
18:32.09*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
18:32.12NovceGuruno, port fowarding where the * server is
18:32.18[TK]D-FenderNovceGuru: You need to set "autofallthrough=no" under [general} <---
18:32.23mvanbaakHavokmon: read the guide I posted
18:32.35Havokmonyeah I can get to the * - it's receiving calls on the phones I'm worried about..
18:32.43Havokmonmvanbaak:  I'm bringing it up now - thanks :)
18:33.04[TK]D-FenderHavokmon: Read that 1st guide.  It covers what you need.
18:33.09NovceGurumvanbaak: i'm behind a nat and recieve calls fine
18:33.14Havokmonoh that's it?  Damn
18:33.18HavokmonThanks :)
18:33.19NovceGurufender, thanks <3
18:33.26*** join/#asterisk Porks (n=Porks@
18:33.32mvanbaakNovceGuru: same here
18:34.02NovceGuruand it seems to have magically handled about ANY hotel/corp network i've been in
18:34.06[TK]D-FenderNovceGuru: more than just that...
18:34.19HavokmonI've 2 problems.. 1st, my kphone doesn't seem to work with alsa right, 2nd, the inter-tel phone can't call out because sonicwall causes problems *shakes fist*
18:34.42[TK]D-FenderHavokmon: Tell your SonicWALL to NOT do any SIP transform.
18:34.49Havokmonok.. so I was just making it more complex than it really is.
18:34.52[TK]D-FenderHavokmon: And then jsut forward the ports on it and you'll be jsut fine
18:34.58NovceGuruI'm just a n00b, but the defaults for the xlite phone in the example seem to work great
18:35.06Havokmonfender: hmmm  k
18:35.55[TK]D-FenderHavokmon: I'm running jsut fine behind a SonicWALL TZ170 at the office myself...
18:36.19Havokmonnope.. something else is going on.  Only the Intel-Tel phone doesn't work.. kphone and Grandtech work fine  (I don't have the grandtech with me now though)
18:36.57mvanbaakwe use OpenBSD for our firewalls
18:37.10HavokmonI think it has something to do with the application filtering, it WAS catching the Inter-Tel phone as a vulnerability, and dropping the packet.. but I disabled that check - still no go.
18:37.28*** join/#asterisk `paul (n=aldee@
18:39.46HavokmonHrm.. this is a pro 3060.. Guy from corp came in and spent a week trying to combine my old Linux fw, and separate OpenSwan box into this beast...
18:40.32mvanbaakget OpenBSD, spent an hour and be done with it
18:40.50trippsis it possible to skip nvfaxdetect entirely and just call rxfax application? if so, would this work on older faxes or would I have to generate the fax answer tone?
18:40.53davenhello, do any of you know where to get help for doing IAX connections to Free World Dialup?
18:41.15pugaanyone knows where can I find CentOS 5 repositories with asterisk pre-compiled?
18:41.23mvanbaakdaven: the fwd pages ?
18:41.27davenIt is trying to register, but appears to be unable to do so, giving errors such as
18:41.30davenJan  3 18:40:28 NOTICE[23716]: chan_iax2.c:7536 socket_read: Registration of '885454' rejected: 'Registration Refused' from: '
18:41.46mvanbaakdaven: check your username and password
18:41.59davenyep, they seem ok
18:43.05[TK]D-Fenderpuga: just compile from source like the rest of us
18:43.25puga[TK]D-Fender okay xD
18:44.46outtoluncdaven, remember using 'user/peer' is directional
18:45.26*** join/#asterisk Assid (n=assid@unaffiliated/assid)
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18:50.26davenouttolunc: is there a place to discuss this that's more relevant to freeworlddialup
18:51.36outtoluncno idea, i used FWD like twice... umm like 4-5 years ago
18:52.07outtolunccheck your user/pass make sure you remove teh ""'s and check your firewall for port 4569
18:52.38outtoluncyou can also enable iax2 debug
18:52.52outtoluncand see 'why' its being rejected
18:53.20davenmvanbaak: my username/password all seem to be correct, I've tried the username as both the FWD number and the actual UserName that I've signed up with. I've set up IAX to work with other servers fine before so that should all be fine; I'm guessing it could perhaps be fwd is slow to update or something.
18:53.31outtoluncactually you that might not help <G>
18:54.14errris there a device where I can take my pots line from home and plug it in and then have the device connect to my server over the internet which is in a datacenter running asterisk?
18:54.44jbotforeign exchange office - type of port you need to connect a POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service) line from your telco to a pbx
18:54.46mvanbaakerrr: yes
18:55.36errr(that link is bad btw)
18:57.28*** join/#asterisk beighto (n=chatzill@
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19:01.48juniperi have to do a newbie question
19:04.49HavokmonMint - The nat settings seem to work, I even called from behind the same nat I received to - thanks guys :)
19:06.53beekerrr: spa3102 Sipura
19:07.13*** join/#asterisk Schumie (
19:08.43[TK]D-FenderHavokmon: You're welcome
19:08.54errrbeek: sweet, I was just reading about that wondering if that was what i needed or not. Thanks
19:09.11[TK]D-Fendererrr: Yes, very cost-effective and flexible little box.
19:10.35pugaSetVar() was removed from * 1.4 ?
19:10.50[TK]D-Fenderpuga: Yes, and replaced by Set since 1.2
19:11.04[TK]D-Fenderpuga: Yuo had a few years warning on that...
19:13.31*** join/#asterisk P4C0 (n=Dark@
19:14.26P4C0hello guys, can someone explain me why the registry is important? i mean to registry with a proxy server, is that for incoming or outgoing calls??
19:15.08jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
19:15.10jbot[~jerjerguide ] Jeremy McNamara's quick sample guide to setting up * :
19:15.23jbot[~sipregister] SIP Registration is to tell your provider as to what IP address & EXTEN to send INCOMING calls to. Some ITSP's let you use a fixed IP or host rather that register.  Registration is NOT normally needed to PLACE a call, as those are typically auth'd independently.  Others accept UN-AUTH'D calls once you are registered (saves on negotiation BW)
19:16.21P4C0[TK]D-Fender, thank you :) just having problems placing calls, my sip provider doesn't want to give any support so i have to figured it out by myself, thanks for your time
19:16.45*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
19:16.47*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
19:17.07[TK]D-FenderP4C0: perhaps if you pastebinned your failed call with SIP DEBUG enabled for us to look at we might be able to advise you...
19:18.06P4C0[TK]D-Fender, thanks, i will do it later, just let me try a couple of things first, i can get calls, but when i place a call the invite doesn't have any username or password, and the provider replies with forbidden
19:18.24[TK]D-FenderP4C0: And why DON'T you have a user & pass?
19:18.44syzygyBSDcan anyone recommend a soft phone for osx?
19:18.45[TK]D-FenderP4C0: "registering" has nothing to do with authing calls you place or receive.
19:18.46pugausing Set() I can change some channel variable like CALLERID(num) ?
19:19.13[TK]D-Fenderpuga: Yes, Set is an "in-place" replacement for SetVar, and CALLERID is a *function*
19:19.20P4C0[TK]D-Fender, that's what i'm checking, i think i have them specified int he sip.conf
19:22.31*** join/#asterisk ajohnson (n=ajohnson@
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19:26.48Havokmonah ha-.. FYI. Sonicwall Pro has an Intrusion Prevention setting under VoIP "sipXtapi Remove Buffer Overflow" blocks Inter-Tel 8622 from dialing if enabled
19:28.16*** join/#asterisk CVirus (n=GoD@
19:34.56P4C0[TK]D-Fender, i don't know why it's not placing the user/password in the sip... maybe the "insecure=very" have something to do?
19:35.21[TK]D-FenderP4C0: perhaps you can SHOW US what you're doing so we don't have to guess....
19:35.30P4C0[TK]D-Fender, yes, moment
19:42.04*** join/#asterisk patrickteng0615 (
19:43.49patrickteng0615hi, i know this probably isn't the right channel for this question, but I was wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction on how to configure a cisco catalyst switch with linksys voip phones
19:44.57fiXXXerMetpatrickteng0615: Go figure that I have a 50-page booklet on just that which one of our consultants set up
19:45.25fiXXXerMetI've never done it though, so
19:45.51patrickteng0615fiXXXerMet: thanks though...that booklet wouldn't be in pdf format would it?
19:46.43fiXXXerMetNo :(
19:47.02*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (
19:47.05P4C0[TK]D-Fender, here it is:
19:47.19patrickteng0615fiXXXerMet: it's cool, no worries
19:48.01rantshhello people
19:48.14jbotInnovative load-balancing/batch-processing system and rsh replacement. URL:
19:49.07rantshhey [TK]D-Fender, jbot is your bot isn't it?
19:49.42[TK]D-FenderP4C0: SIP/2.0 403 Forbidden (Not Proxy/Gateway) <--- I have a suspicion that they may not allow * as a UA
19:49.46*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
19:49.49jbotextra, extra, read all about it, jbot is a hack!, or known to have only said one useful thing. a tool, or dating the fembots, or  [TK]D-Fender's b*tch
19:49.55rantsh[TK]D-Fender, the link it has on ~queue is broken
19:49.56[TK]D-Fenderrantsh: Not "officially" ;)
19:50.18P4C0[TK]D-Fender, humm, let me check, thanks
19:50.31rantsh[TK]D-Fender, oh! so he's just your b*tch ... I get it XD
19:50.40[TK]D-Fenderrantsh: The Bot belongs to FreeNode and is a member of MANY channels
19:50.53[TK]D-Fenderrantsh: that is not an * related answer
19:51.17rantsh[TK]D-Fender, I noticed...
19:51.30[TK]D-Fenderrantsh: I can MAKE one for us if there is something relevant to say.
19:51.43P4C0[TK]D-Fender, but i'm sending User-Agent: Asterisk PBX in the invite
19:51.44[TK]D-Fenderrantsh: I maintain the majority of the jbot trainings.
19:51.55rantsh[TK]D-Fender, nice
19:52.06[TK]D-FenderP4C0: I know.... and I also know of some providers who REFUSE you based on it
19:52.31[TK]D-FenderP4C0: "We don't want to hear about your *!"
19:52.58[TK]D-FenderP4C0: Some providers are jerks that way.  Not saying thats whats happening here, but the error looks a bit like it...
19:53.15P4C0[TK]D-Fender, humm but that UA is hard coded? right?
19:53.20rantsh[TK]D-Fender, since we're already chatting allow me to ask you something... if I'm using queue(some_queue|t) the agent is supposed to be able to transfer the call to another extension... I just forgot the most basic little thing
19:53.22[TK]D-FenderP4C0: you can override it.
19:53.35P4C0[TK]D-Fender, in the config? without recompiling?
19:53.39[TK]D-Fenderrantsh: What sort of phone are they using?
19:53.48rantsh[TK]D-Fender, what is the sequence of buttons? #exten# ? ?
19:53.50[TK]D-FenderP4C0: yes, in sip.conf.  Go read the sample.
19:53.56P4C0[TK]D-Fender, thanks
19:54.08[TK]D-Fenderrantsh: "show application queue"
19:54.15[TK]D-Fenderrantsh: that is NOT a proper answer.
19:54.24[TK]D-Fenderrantsh: what MODEL exactly?
19:54.37[TK]D-Fenderrantsh: And what kind of agents?
19:55.04rantsh[TK]D-Fender, :O sorry... dinamyc, and some use softphones
19:55.15*** join/#asterisk ob_graldo (n=graldo@
19:55.34ob_graldoi am having an issue with dtmf tones.
19:55.42ob_graldoi can dial an internal extension and get it to work,
19:55.51ob_graldobut if i dial out to an outside number it does not.
19:55.55rantshouttolunc, according to it should be only one |
19:56.00[TK]D-Fenderrantsh: .... MODELS!!!!!!!!!!!!
19:56.13[TK]D-Fenderrantsh: "show application queue" <--
19:56.19ob_graldomy set up is i have one asterisk server vs 1.2 connecting to an asterisk gateway vs 1.4 at which point it goes out to a PRI
19:56.40[TK]D-Fenderob_graldo: pastebin the failed call at verbose 10, and SIP DEBUG enabled.
19:56.43jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
19:56.57ob_graldok... sec
19:57.01rantsh[TK]D-Fender, they are proprietary softphones, I don't know what else to tell you, they're not grandstream (hard) necessarily, and their certainly not xlite
19:57.20[TK]D-Fenderrantsh: Do they have a transfer feature of their own built-in?
19:57.40[TK]D-Fenderrantsh: Much better answer BTW.
19:57.59rantsh[TK]D-Fender, hehe
19:57.59[TK]D-Fenderrantsh: Ok, well read the Queue instructions.  It'll tell you what it uses.
19:59.03rantsh[TK]D-Fender, I did... all it says on transfer is --> 't' -- allow the called user transfer the calling user
19:59.09rantsh[TK]D-Fender, it doesn't say how :s
19:59.18[TK]D-Fenderrantsh: it if doesn't say, start with the assumption that it uses the same means as features.conf
19:59.42rantsh[TK]D-Fender, I'll try that... thanks
19:59.47P4C0how is called the devices that act like a sipphone but with rj11 jack for normal phones? ATA?
20:00.00`paulcan i connect a local number/line to my asterisk server? what are the hardware requirements?
20:00.00[TK]D-FenderP4C0: Yes.
20:00.08jbotrumour has it, ata is Analogue Terminal Adapter which provides an FXS and/or FXO and ethernet, see
20:00.12De_MonI think we might need to improve the documentation of that so it matches the Dial command
20:00.45[TK]D-Fender`paul: what kind of "line"?
20:01.16`paulhmmm... analog line.... i mean a regular phone with a regular number
20:01.57ob_graldothere is a few other calls in there... too much to take out... but the number dialed was 9832001
20:02.32*** part/#asterisk juniper (n=juniper@
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20:06.57P4C0hum is there a way to get a list of user agents by manufacturer/model?
20:08.53P4C0thanks [TK]D-Fender
20:09.15ob_graldoif i change my dtmfmode from rfc2833 to dtmfmode=info then it works outboud, but then it stops working for inbound.
20:10.16jblackI decided to setup fwd on my server. Does it take some time for them to setup the iax connections?
20:13.01*** join/#asterisk Telamon (
20:14.25TelamonIs there some way to log something to the asterisk message file from the dialplan?  Like a Noop alternative that gets put in /var/log/asterisk/messages?
20:16.00jblackOh well.
20:16.12jblacktelamon: Hold
20:16.36jblackLook at the Verbose() option
20:17.32TelamonExcellent, that's exactly what I was looking for.  Thanks jblack. :)
20:17.52jblackHave you head anything about iax2 on fwd not working?
20:18.11[TK]D-Fenderob_graldo: SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized <-- YOUR SIP PHONE'S AUTH IS BAD
20:18.17TelamonSorry, no, I just use SIP.
20:19.20[TK]D-FenderP4C0: setup X-Lite on your *.  Then call from X-Lite to * and steal its UA string :)
20:21.01beightoThis may not have anything to do with Asterisk, but after installing an Asterisk system with 8 Polycom phones the network pretty much died.  Only one or two computers will work on the internet at a time.  The VPN works and one can ping through the VPN tunnels, but not out to the internet.  After things got screwy the hub was replaced with a nice beefy switch.  The only other networking...
20:21.02beighto...component that hasn't been replaced is a Cisco PIX.  This is probably just a networking issue, but I was wondering if anybody has encountered this before after installing a new phone system.
20:21.04P4C0[TK]D-Fender, they use some occtel ata
20:21.42[TK]D-Fender`paul: to take in ana analog line you'd use one of any of these for example : Digium TDM400P, Sangoma A200 , or Linksys SPA-3102.  For small-time use I'd suggest the Linksys
20:21.55[TK]D-FenderP4C0: Well just pick a good one to fake out
20:22.07*** join/#asterisk gr0mit_home (
20:22.22P4C0[TK]D-Fender, but why in the invite there's no digest information?? do * waits for reply to re-send the invite with the digest information?
20:22.45[TK]D-FenderP4C0: Could be you need to set the "realm"
20:22.53[TK]D-FenderP4C0: that could be it all by itself
20:23.08P4C0[TK]D-Fender, what do you mean by real?
20:23.37[TK]D-FenderP4C0: Go read up on SIP.  I don't understand it well enough to explain properly.
20:24.03P4C0[TK]D-Fender, ok, thank you
20:28.08NovceGurudialplan is kinda fun once you barely grasp it
20:29.50jblackI found realm is a great thing to fiddle with to make things not work. ;)
20:30.28jblackI think, that to get it to work on linphone for the day I used it, that I set realm to "asterisk". Either that, or the hostname of the server. I can't remember
20:32.13*** join/#asterisk spatulamaan (n=ggilmore@
20:34.26trippsdoes anyone have an ancient (G2) fax machine around here we can run a quick test with?
20:34.44trippsi.e., one that doesn't generate tones automatically
20:35.09trippsi think i have the solution i was looking for to receive faxes from them . .
20:35.16jblackheh. From what I'm reading, now is a good time to abandon trying fwd
20:36.06NovceGurufunny, vlc wont play the default wav format asterisk sends voicemails in
20:36.43P4C0need to get the user agent of octtel SP4220... anyone? :)
20:37.23*** join/#asterisk jstew (
20:38.18jstewI have a bit of a strange request. Anyone know what a milliwatt test number is in the 616 area code? Do they follow a certain scheme?
20:40.03*** part/#asterisk Assid (n=assid@unaffiliated/assid)
20:40.39Telamonjstew: Try 616-<exchange>-9994.  IE 616-958-9994
20:41.52jstewMuchos gracias
20:43.36*** part/#asterisk nny_1 (
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20:46.27[TK]D-FenderNovceGuru: works for me...
20:46.47NovceGuruit plays for about 1 second then stops, wonder whats up with that
20:47.01*** join/#asterisk h4lt (
20:48.18h4ltwow... how many people here! :D
20:49.26russellbh4lt: only 2 ... the rest are bots
20:49.34russellbit's just me and you
20:49.55jblackInput error -3
20:51.18[TK]D-Fenderh4lt: Should have taken the RED pill :p
20:52.11jstewHas callerid reception been a bitch for anyone else with the TDM400P?
20:54.39h4ltreally? :(
20:55.11h4ltI wasn't in irc for a long time (maybe five years). now I returned, to join in the #asterisk-br channel
20:55.44[TK]D-Fenderjstew: pastebin your zaptel & zapata ana tell us where you're located
20:55.47jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
20:57.24*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
20:58.15*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
20:58.22jstewUS 616 area 454 exchange and Here you go:
20:59.12SwKwanted: iraq DID...
20:59.40NovceGuruhmmm doing Dial(extensionhere&extensionthere) is pretty unreliable
21:00.01jwhalexcf: did you find out what was causing the zombie channels?
21:00.03[TK]D-Fenderjstew: immediate=no <- move that ABOVE your "channel" line
21:00.23[TK]D-Fenderjstew: the restart * and test.  Does * wait for the 2nd ring before picking up after that>
21:00.30jstewarrggh... that must be it.
21:00.30NovceGuruwonder if I can set the first extension to ring X number of times before going to voicemail, even if that client isnt connected
21:00.55[TK]D-FenderSwK: We've found the Telco's of Mass DID!
21:01.01jstewshould it be under [general]?
21:01.11[TK]D-Fenderjstew: just 2 lines up
21:01.33[TK]D-Fenderjstew: under the [channels] heading, but above the "channel=" directive
21:01.39jstewI see
21:02.05[TK]D-Fenderjstew: so update, restart *, test, and report.
21:06.43jstewyes, it answers after the 2nd ring now. Still no cid info though
21:07.14jstewI can see it being sent with ztmonitor
21:07.30[TK]D-Fenderjstew: Does it work with a regular phone?  Also do NoOp(CallerID is "${CALLERID(all)}") as your first line and paste the output
21:08.24jstewI'll have to get my hands on a regular phone and report back.
21:10.59[TK]D-Fenderjstew: would be nice to know you actually HAVE CID :)
21:11.34jstewhaha, yes it would.... it was working when we pulled the pots lines off of our old phone system.
21:12.28syzygyBSDcan asterisk act as a softphone?
21:14.06[TK]D-FendersyzygyBSD: I suppose in a sense with Chan_oss
21:14.18[TK]D-FendersyzygyBSD: Thogh why would you do that?
21:14.47syzygyBSDbecause I can't find any softphones for OSX that don't crash every call
21:15.49syzygyBSDthe mac image isn't valid
21:16.13[TK]D-FendersyzygyBSD: Ekiga?  Zoiper?
21:16.20syzygyBSDhaven't tried those
21:17.08jstewsyzygyBSD: I'm using eyebeam right now as we type.
21:17.25syzygyBSDhow is eyebeam?
21:17.31jstewZoiper is poop on OSX. So is eyebeam, but it's less poopy.
21:18.02syzygyBSDit could just be my computer... I need to reinstall everything.  Been testing way too much out on my first mac
21:18.03jstewWell it works and has most of the features I need, but the interface is ugly IMHO
21:18.48jstewsyzygyBSD: Probably not your computer. There are many broken softphones out there for Mac OS. Leopard did something that borked most of them
21:19.00*** join/#asterisk merkurie (
21:20.54davenaaaargh, this is IAX free world dialup issue is really beginning to get on my nerves
21:21.33hmmhesayswhy are you using iax with fwd?
21:21.48jstewdaven: I never was able to register. SIP works fine though
21:22.13jstewI think they lie about IAX support lol
21:22.21syzygyBSDnm, for some reason the x-lite download only did 4 megs
21:22.29davenno, there is an option to activate IAX support
21:22.42davenbut I guess I'll stick to SIP
21:23.23mockerIf you check their forums, they acknowledge that IAX support blows.
21:23.49jstewsyzygyBSD: I haven't checked in a month or so but x-lite does not support leopard. Only the pay version (eyebeam) did.
21:24.29jstewI used the IAX activate option, waited a week, then 2 weeks... still rejected my registrations, so I just said screw it.
21:25.04fiXXXerMetTrying to access my voicemail.  I've recorded one, and setup my box in voicemail.conf.  Following the debug on command line, I see that I've entered my mailbox id and password correctly, but it tells me incorrect.
21:26.07mmlj4how can I tell how many voicemails a particular box has? aside from inside the vm enviromnent, i mean
21:26.19merkuriei have dialplan set to playback a sound file on an fxo channel, incoming call, but its like the first second of the sound file gets cut off, i setup an extension to play the sound file and when i call it internally, it plays fine... something with the phone co?
21:26.40fiXXXerMetI see that context = default but I set the context to tvicorp...  Or so I think that I did.
21:28.58*** join/#asterisk teknoprep (n=teknopre@unaffiliated/teknoprep)
21:29.02teknoprephey all
21:29.22fiXXXerMetyo teknoprep
21:29.24teknoprephey is it possible to have a hosted PBX ... and then behind a NAT have say 20 phones
21:29.26teknoprephey fiXXXerMet
21:29.37teknoprepthe NAT'd phones do not have a SIP proxy
21:29.48teknoprepthey just connect to the Hosted PBX
21:29.57teknoprepwill this scenario work fine ?
21:30.08teknoprepor do i need a SIP Proxy at the location with 20 phones >?
21:30.20*** join/#asterisk zydrunas (
21:30.39hmmhesaysserver.1.register.1.expires is the registration timeout on polycom right?
21:30.40`paulcan i have a custom hold music for each sip users??
21:30.54hmmhesays'paul yes
21:31.10jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
21:31.36`paulhmmm: how? i mean where...?
21:31.56teknoprep`paul are you using FreePBX ?
21:31.59fiXXXerMetWondering if anyone can help with my voicemail issue.  I am following the example in the book.  Debug @ and .conf files @
21:32.03teknoprepif so try joining #freepbx
21:32.29teknoprepso anyone on my problem ?
21:33.11`paulusing asterisk
21:33.35hmmhesaysshow application SetMusicOnHold
21:34.14`pauli mean if a user pressd the hold button the other person will hear a custom music based on the user(who pressd hold)
21:35.32hmmhesaysset a channel variable that sets the music on hold class based on who called in
21:35.37*** join/#asterisk brad[] (
21:36.07brad[]Hi folks, can someone enlighten me on what DIALSTATUS=CANCEL means?
21:36.20hmmhesaysit means the calling party cancelled the call
21:36.39hmmhesaysbefore the call was bridged
21:39.36brad[]hmmhesays: Okay, so if I'm seeing that in the log of a failed SIP call, that would indicate the call was successfully placed from the SIP client through asterisk and on to the ITSP before failing?
21:39.54brad[]hmmhesays: Excluding issues that could have disconnected it
21:40.38hmmhesaysbrad[]: that would indicate that either asterisk or your client are cancelling the call before the itsp terminates it successfully
21:40.46hmmhesaysyou would get a different dialstatus if the itsp was failing the call
21:40.53fiXXXerMetWondering if anyone can help with my voicemail issue.  I've left myself a voicemail, but am unable to log in to access it.  I am following the example in the book.  Debug @ and .conf files @
21:41.16brad[]hmmhesays: Hm, okay. Thanks
21:41.19hmmhesaysexample: you place a call with your phone to asterisk,  you hang up while it is ringing, your phone is going to send a sip cancel message, resulting in dialstatus cancel
21:41.45*** join/#asterisk denon (
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21:41.56hmmhesaysits actually one of those sip messages that accurately describes the situation
21:43.19hmmhesaysfiXXXerMet: you dialing 400 to try and access the voicemail?
21:43.42*** join/#asterisk test34 (n=test34@unaffiliated/test34)
21:44.07lirakislater all
21:44.11fiXXXerMethmmhesays: yes.  I get the prompt, enter my informatoin, and get denied.
21:44.15*** part/#asterisk lirakis (n=lirakis@
21:44.54Mavvieboth our PABXs which I upgraded to SVN-branch-1.4-r96102M have just paniced.
21:45.11*** join/#asterisk obnauticus (
21:45.30syzygyBSDcalm them down with some rum
21:45.41QwellMavvie: use the latest zaptel release, rather than svn right now
21:46.32*** join/#asterisk corporeal (n=corporea@
21:46.53corporealhow easy is it to get a sip server going using asterisk
21:46.58MavvieQwell: nice :-/
21:47.29Mavvieone day the boss says "We need to upgrade immediately", and the next day he says "We have a serious problem" :-P
21:47.37`paulhow do you set a custom hold music during transfer (# by default)?
21:48.10hmmhesaysfiXXXerMet: what is the message that is played back?
21:48.10fiXXXerMetI am also getting WARNING[3412]: channel.c:3281 ast_request: No channel type registered for 'IAX2' and I don't know why.....  I have an iax provider setup in iax.conf
21:48.25hmmhesaysand lets see your voicemail.conf
21:48.26fiXXXerMet"Login Incorrect"
21:48.50*** join/#asterisk Porks (n=Porks@
21:50.19hmmhesaysI take donations via paypal
21:50.43fiXXXerMetWhy does it require that, if it's already under the tvicorp context?
21:51.03hmmhesaysIf a mailbox is not provided, the
21:51.03hmmhesayscalling party will be prompted to enter one. If a context is not specified,
21:51.03hmmhesaysthe 'default' context will be used.
21:51.12hmmhesaysvoicemail context not dialplan context
21:52.58fiXXXerMetah, thank you sir.
21:53.10hmmhesayswork now?
21:53.14fiXXXerMetYes it does. :)
21:53.15Mavvieheh... hangs faster than I can login to it...
21:53.48hmmhesayslooks like you'll have to start it manually
21:54.01*** join/#asterisk murdmath (
21:54.04rantshanyone knows how I can get a chart like this? ->
21:54.19*** join/#asterisk zuchmir (
21:55.00zuchmirI get "configure: *** The ISDN PRI installation on this system appears to be broken." any ideas?
21:55.02Mavvie[~] edwin@k7>ftp -a
21:55.02Mavvieftp: connect: Connection refused
21:55.10Mavvieoh, it's http
21:55.34_ShrikEwas there a revision to the tc400b driver that now allows it to handle g.729 calls?
21:55.37syzygyBSDMavvie: just use wget
21:55.41_ShrikEi mean 120 calls
21:55.50Qwell_ShrikE: it's always been able to do g729
21:56.07_ShrikEsorry.  i meant 120 concurrent g729 calls.
21:56.11murdmathrantsh: show translation in the * consol
21:56.13*** join/#asterisk asagage (i=asagage@
21:56.35*** join/#asterisk qdk (
21:56.38murdmathrantsh: Ooops wrong table.
21:56.59rantshmurdmath, that isn't exactly translation... it's some sort of supported codecs mode
21:57.23rantshmurdmath, sorry, hitted enter before noticing you noticed
21:57.28asagageI seem to be having a problem between my asterisk server and Cisco call manager.  The SIP trunk has no audio on every other call through the trunk.  The first call through the trunk works fine.  The second concurrent call is silent on both ends.  The RTP stream on second call goes from phone to asterisk, but not from asterisk to call manager or vice versa. A third concurrent call will work fine and the forth will fail in the same way.
21:57.47Mavvieasagage: scary.
21:58.47asagagei see no erros anywhere, just missing rtp
21:59.01zuchmiris there a special configuration to use librpi with 64bit linux?
21:59.19Qwellzuchmir: no, it just works
22:00.06zuchmirquell: i get this when i run configure --with-pri=/usr/lib "configure: *** The ISDN PRI installation on this system appears to be broken."
22:00.27jwh21:38:50 < Sharkz> can't remember my darn password..LMAO..
22:00.29Qwelldid you install libpri?
22:01.14jblackasagage: Neat.
22:01.14zuchmirquell: i did "make install" in the libpri-1.4.x folder
22:01.28zuchmirthen i did the configure
22:01.28jblackSo, if you have four calls at the same time, the first and third work, the second and fourth don't ?
22:01.56Qwelljblack: makes it sound like a feature
22:02.02asagagethats right
22:02.33jblackScientific studies say 1/2 of calls are worse than average, and 1/2 are better than average.
22:02.48Qwellwe just doubled average
22:02.49jblackYou're being spared all the bad calls.
22:02.55Qwell..or halved it
22:03.27Qwellasagage: you would have to look at a SIP debug to see what's different about the calls
22:03.41murdmathQwell: Or made it so all the calls are bad because your dropping all the good ones.
22:03.50asagagei dont see anything different
22:03.58Mavviebrilliant... now the chan_zap doesn't get loaded.
22:04.12asagagewould anyone like to see?
22:04.17Mavvie[Jan  4 09:04:06] WARNING[19456]: chan_zap.c:904 zt_open: Unable to specify channel 1: Device or resource busy
22:04.38*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
22:04.38MavviePRI span 1 is down at this moment...
22:04.42Mavviecould that be the issue?
22:14.40Mavviethat elqRedir script doesn't really work....
22:15.09Mavviemental note: don't upgrade two asterisk boxes at the same time, even if $boss is annoying.
22:17.55*** join/#asterisk AlexTO (
22:20.00murdmathI swear, all telco's are in a race for last place.
22:20.14zuchmirwhen i do make testprilib (in the libpri-1.4.x folder), i get "testprilib.c:46:26: error: linux/zaptel.h: No such file or directory
22:20.49zuchmiris that normal?
22:21.07fiXXXerMetIs ${ARG1} something special that is used in macros?
22:21.35fiXXXerMetLike, it'll use the first variable that was used in the context that called the macro?
22:23.36Mavvieasagage: do you have the released version of asterisk or the SVN version?
22:24.09fiXXXerMet is my dialplan and I can't figure out why it isn't working.  After the 10 second delay, I get a fast busy signal.
22:24.10obnauticusIf anyone here's good with Chan_Mobile then i need some help
22:24.38QwellMavvie: your zaptel problem is fixed
22:25.05MavvieQwell: you're a chamption :-)
22:25.09QwellI didn't fix it
22:25.18Mavviebut still :-)
22:25.29Qwellwell, feel free to send lots of money then
22:25.41Mavviewe already did.
22:25.48Mavviewe got free quad E1s for them!
22:25.52hmmhesaysfiXXXerMet: dialing 260?
22:25.53Qwellno, I mean, to me personally :p
22:25.59fiXXXerMethmmhesays: Yes
22:26.22fiXXXerMethmmhesays: Fixed it.  The book said MCARO_EXTEN and I put that, but it meant MACRO_EXTEN :)
22:26.35fiXXXerMetI've seen quite a few mistakes in the boox
22:27.09hmmhesays${ARG1} is equal to voicemail in that case
22:28.07hmmhesaysi'm guessing you want Dial(${ARG2})
22:30.31MavvieQwell: I'm kind of confused about the mailman overview, can you tell me which commit message it resolved?
22:30.32zuchmirany ideas about this: "testprilib.c:51:17: error: zap.h: No such file or directory"
22:31.02QwellMavvie: no idea
22:31.39Qwellzuchmir: did you...install zaptel?
22:33.59zuchmirquell i did (make install; make install-include) in zaptel-1.4.x
22:34.52zuchmiri also tried find . -name zap.h in zaptel-1.4.x and zothing showed up
22:35.27syzygyBSDzuchmir: try automake
22:35.55zuchmirin which folder ? (zaptel / libpri - or both)?
22:36.05syzygyBSDum.. both
22:36.15Qwellno idea where zap.h is supposed to  come from
22:37.51Mavvieoops... now I have asterisk running in console mode on my laptop.
22:37.56nhuisman_workso i'm wondering what I need to put in zapata.conf
22:38.10nhuisman_worki currently have a loopback connector on my card
22:38.20nhuisman_workbut i will be using a t1 pri eventually
22:39.11AlexTOSomeone can tell me how disable the default cdr and enable the cdr_mysql, i already set the addon and create the DB in MySQL? Thanks..!
22:39.55asagageMavvie: Asterisk 1.4.16-1 RPM by
22:40.04zuchmirafter commenting out that "include <zap.h>" i get:
22:40.10Qwellasagage: trixbox?
22:40.18jbotfrom memory, trixbox is a full linux distro that includes FreePBX and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox VERY difficult to support, and is not supported in #asterisk. Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & wiki at
22:40.18nhuisman_workcan someone point me in the right direction
22:40.24Qwellthere's your problem
22:40.25ManxPowerasagage: except that 1.4.16. has a major security vuln.
22:40.59jboti heard zeeek is someone who once said "learning asterisk using a GUI is like learning sex through masturbation. You'll never get to the good stuff."
22:41.39jblackohh, nice fortune cookie. "They will be grateful that you cared enough to make it"
22:41.59asagagei am seeing the same issue with another server running Asterisk 1.2.14 svn rev 48468
22:42.17nhuisman_workdoes anyone know how I would find out what signalling and switchtype my t1 pri use?
22:42.32syzygyBSDnhuisman_work: where are you?
22:42.41syzygyBSDbesides work...
22:42.50Mavvienhuisman_work: ask your telco is the first step.
22:42.55tzafrir_laptopzap.h is from the obsolete zaptel library
22:43.19tzafrir_laptoplibzap in Debian until Etch, I think
22:43.27nhuisman_worksyzygyBSD, hawaii
22:43.43nhuisman_workI have a cisco vg200 already using the pri
22:43.45syzygyBSDtry that
22:44.07nhuisman_workif i'm testing a loopback will that still work?
22:44.12nhuisman_workusing a loopback
22:44.31zuchmiri'm using libpri-1.2.7, and the testpri.c has that in there
22:44.42nhuisman_workisdn switch-type primary-dms100
22:44.47nhuisman_workthat's in my cisco config
22:44.48syzygyBSDuhh, someone else will be able to answer that, I have never tested anything, I just put it all right into production, deal with the screams then
22:44.50nhuisman_worki guess that  means I need to change it
22:44.52Mavviegood, all up and running now.
22:44.58nhuisman_workto dms100
22:45.02Mavviemental note: don't upgrade a redundant system in one step.
22:45.25nhuisman_workMavvie, you mean you upgraded both at once instead of one at a time?
22:45.45Mavvieyou can shoot me.
22:46.08obnauticuson a digium bug report
22:46.12Mavvienhuisman_work: silly $boss was so afraid of the security alert send out yesterday.....
22:46.17obnauticushow do I freaking upload a patch and a source that came with my package.
22:46.29*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
22:46.43nhuisman_workdoes anyone know how to test asterisk with my hardware and use a loopback on my t1 port?
22:47.01mockerMavvie: Don't let $boss read those.
22:47.19Mavvienhuisman_work: but a common solution is to just try some standard settings and see if they work.
22:47.44nhuisman_workit's mostly just wanting to check the gateway hardware
22:47.47nhuisman_workit's not a digium card
22:48.03Mavvieif you have it working on a Cisco voice router, you should know them.
22:48.18nhuisman_workno, its another card
22:48.26Mavvieexcept that that line you mentioned didn't really give me any clues netiher.
22:48.28nhuisman_worki can't unplug our current system right now to test it.
22:48.44nhuisman_worktest plugging in the t1 pri to my redfone gateway.
22:48.53nhuisman_workso I made a loopback cable
22:48.59zuchmirlibpri-1.4.3 also has the include zap.h
22:49.03nhuisman_worki just wanted to make sure asterisk saw it.
22:49.20*** join/#asterisk ez` (
22:51.01asagageanyone have any ideas about the sip trunk problem?
22:51.57obnauticus~sip trunk
22:52.30lesouvagenhuisman_work: that is why it wise to always buy a 2 ports card. Then you can use a cross cable to connect both ports and do our testing with one port in TE mode and the other in NT mode.
22:52.39nhuisman_worki do have a 2 port
22:52.53*** join/#asterisk dkatz334 (
22:52.53lesouvagenhuisman_work: great!
22:53.01nhuisman_worki'm just trying to find docs to read to tell me how to test that
22:53.17lesouvagenhuisman_work: is it a sangoma card
22:53.26nhuisman_workno, it's a fonebridge2
22:54.19lesouvagenhuisman_work: the idea is to configure one port in TE mode (terminal equipment, normally your asterisk box) and the other one in NT mode (playing telco like kpn)
22:54.20nhuisman_worki guess i'd need to set one side to pri_cpe and one side to pri_net
22:55.15lesouvagenhuisman_work: make yourself a little isdn crosscable and connect the two ports.
22:55.19nhuisman_workyeah I have that now
22:55.23nhuisman_workwhere do I set the types?
22:55.28obnauticusK i made a bug report for da stuff:
22:56.01nhuisman_workzttool shows both as "ok"
22:56.16lesouvagenhuisman_work: but what are the modes?
22:56.33nhuisman_workwhere do I set the modes? zaptel.conf?
22:56.36*** join/#asterisk Maliuta_ (i=nikolai@
22:56.54nhuisman_workhmm guess not
22:57.09lesouvagenhuisman_work: wait a moment, I check for you. Takes a moment.
22:58.18lesouvagenhuisman_work: /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf
23:00.58nhuisman_workyeah i'm trying to figure out what to change in that file
23:02.06lesouvagenhuisman_work: I can use pastbin to show you a working example of a 2 port sangoma card
23:02.24lesouvagenhuisman_work: wait a minute
23:02.31*** join/#asterisk fujin (n=aj@unaffiliated/fujin)
23:03.16*** part/#asterisk corporeal (n=corporea@
23:05.12dkatz334Can anybody help me with a really annoying problem related to BLFs and "Early Dial?"
23:07.25lesouvagenhuisman_work:  check
23:09.18nhuisman_workhas anyone here ever had ztcfg crash your server?
23:10.09dkatz334yes...  with nethdlc enabled.
23:10.30nhuisman_workhmm trying to remember what the error message on mine was
23:10.38nhuisman_workkernel panic me twice so far though
23:10.41nhuisman_workand now its fine
23:10.47dkatz334Are you trying to use nethdlc?
23:10.56nhuisman_workhow can I check
23:11.09nhuisman_workmy device is tdmoe
23:12.47*** join/#asterisk EvilMetal (
23:13.00dkatz334what's in your /etc/zaptel.conf?
23:13.00nhuisman_workwhy would asterisk run on span 2 and 3 instead of 1 and 2?
23:13.27dkatz334nhuisman: post your zaptel.conf
23:13.38nhuisman_worki was trying to past the pastbin address
23:14.35nhuisman_workalso, do you know what these errors mean ?
23:16.41nhuisman_workPRI got event: HDLC Bad FCS (8) on Primary D-channel of span
23:16.46nhuisman_workanyone know what those men?
23:17.04dkatz334never seent he ethmf
23:17.05lesouvagenhuisman_work:  check
23:17.56nhuisman_workethmf is something special for this gateway I think
23:20.59lesouvagenhuisman_work:  google is your best friend. check
23:21.11nhuisman_worki am searching google now
23:21.19nhuisman_workguess I just didn't see that one
23:21.45nhuisman_workugg that looks bad
23:22.44nhuisman_worki wonder if this is happening because it's really just a loopback
23:22.49*** join/#asterisk EvilMetal (
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23:34.11*** join/#asterisk HybridStorm (
23:34.48HybridStormDoes anyone know the best way to have a sip asterisk box failover to another location should the internet connection drop out?
23:36.30*** join/#asterisk trippss (n=ss@
23:37.09hmmhesaysyou can qualify the peer you are calling
23:37.24hmmhesaysI've found that it works intermittently though
23:37.51lesouvagenhuisman_work: Have you checked -> install_guide link.
23:39.52*** join/#asterisk cli4me (
23:40.03hmmhesayslow sip registration timeouts help too
23:40.05cli4meanyone familiar with polycom dialplan?
23:40.50hmmhesaysits a pretty basic sudo regex isn't it?
23:41.07HybridStormhmmhesays: so you are saying basically have two running at once and keep the timeout low so it will move over when the first one fails?
23:41.35hmmhesaysor modify chan_sip to fail right away instead of sending out 6 invites when it doesn't receive a response
23:41.36HybridStormI was thinking more along the lines of having the second asterisk start when something detects the failure of the first
23:41.41hmmhesaysthats actually what I do
23:42.00nhuisman_worklesouvage, yes
23:43.17hmmhesayswrite a small perl script to ping one server and start asterisk if it fails
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23:45.32hmmhesayssimple enough
23:51.11hmmhesaysyou could then use the manager interface to modify the extension and point it at your second server
23:51.17hmmhesaysuntil the first server comes back online
23:51.56hmmhesayshell you could do it based on anything, if your ping times become erratic
23:55.05hmmhesayscan you set a global variable with the manager?
23:57.01ez`where could i read about redundant server asterisk and incomming zap line example ?
23:57.58hmmhesaysthat gets difficult
23:58.48hmmhesaysI should write that script for changing the server IP

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