IRC log for #asterisk on 20080102

00:00.28_ShrikEHappy New Year everyone!
00:02.38*** join/#asterisk hi365_m (
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00:34.49jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
00:42.36jblackIs the following legal?   lblackall=${lblack}&${lblackmyth}
00:46.36*** join/#asterisk etfonhomey (n=chatzill@
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00:57.57etfonhomey[TK]D-Fender, got much experience with call queues?
00:59.07etfonhomeyOr anyone else?
00:59.45dacsetfonhomey: stick with [TK]D-Fender he is the master
00:59.52*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-8ba9f722c3282f33)
01:00.04etfonhomeyI noticed you guys became friends earlier.
01:00.07dacs[TK]D-Fender: lol
01:00.21dacsetfonhomey: yep
01:00.41etfonhomeyHe's helped me with many * / Polycom problems.
01:00.51dacsetfonhomey: do you know how i can restart my *
01:01.07etfonhomeyFrom the * CLI?
01:01.17etfonhomeyrestart gracefully
01:01.44etfonhomeyIf not at the * CLI, get there and then do the restart gracefully
01:01.58dacsnope i can't get to the CLI , because * not started yet
01:02.17etfonhomeyKill the process?
01:02.39dacsand how to start it again, this is what i am asking?
01:03.24Corydon76-digYou should probably use "safe_asterisk" to start it
01:03.38etfonhomeyIf it's already running, you'll get "Asterisk already running on /var/run/asterisk.ctl.  Use 'asterisk -r' to connect"
01:03.56etfonhomeyCorydon76-dig, got much experience with call queues?
01:03.57Corydon76-digor asterisk -Rc
01:04.06*** join/#asterisk mrdigital-deskto (
01:04.22Corydon76-digetfonhomey: uh, no?
01:04.37dacsmpg123: no process killed
01:04.37dacsAsterisk ended with exit status 1
01:04.37dacsAsterisk died with code 1.
01:04.58Corydon76-digdacs: it's probably already running
01:05.04dacsAutomatically restarting Asterisk.
01:05.15Corydon76-digdacs: killall safe_asterisk
01:05.32etfonhomeyCorydon76-dig, oops, got a sec to help me with a small call queue problem?
01:09.31dacsnow i am in the CLI
01:09.57etfonhomeyOK, ok, here's my call queue issue:  Agent A logins in to receive calls and is the only logged in agent.  Agent A makes an outgoing call from his phone.  While Agent A is on the phone to his outgoing call, a call comes into the queue.
01:10.22etfonhomeyThe call gets sent to Agent A even though he is still on the phone with the outgoing call he placed.
01:11.34etfonhomeyWhat setting am I missing that tells the queue not to send the call to Agent A.  I've set ringinuse=no
01:12.37etfonhomeyin queues.conf
01:15.30dacshow to tell if SIP messages are making it from the Asterisk server to my  ATA
01:15.51etfonhomeyDoes your ATA have a web interface and a log?
01:15.56*** join/#asterisk k-man (n=jason@unaffiliated/k-man)
01:17.07dacsetfonhomey: my phone was ringing when i call it using just the ATA, now i config my ATA to work with *, when i call i don't hit my *
01:17.22dacs'Phone does't ring
01:19.05etfonhomeysip set debug peer nameofyouratainsip.conf
01:19.24etfonhomeyAnd see if what messages you get in the CLI.
01:19.34k-manhow do you associate a particular extension number with a particular phone?
01:24.07k-manhow do i reload the extensions.conf file?
01:24.55etfonhomeyextensions reload
01:25.11etfonhomeyor is it dialplan reload
01:25.51etfonhomeyor both?
01:28.01etfonhomeyNo one with any clues on my call queue problem?
01:31.31*** join/#asterisk etfonhomey (n=chatzill@
01:48.30jblackk-man: asterisk -r, then dialplan reload
01:56.17jblackThere it is
02:05.40*** join/#asterisk clusco (i=clusco@
02:06.24cluscohie everyone!
02:08.09*** join/#asterisk saint_ (
02:09.27k-mani've tried to set up a test extension (500) to echo
02:09.47k-manbut when i dial the number, asterisk says extension not found
02:10.44cluscotry create 1 more extension
02:11.44k-manto do the same thing?
02:12.27k-manwhen i reload the dialplan, it says adding 500
02:12.59k-mando i have to add something to allow my extension to dial 500?
02:13.40*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux[m] (
02:13.52k-manie, my extension is called [jason]
02:14.04k-mando i have to allow jason to dial 500 somehow?
02:23.08*** join/#asterisk clusco (n=clus@
02:26.54cluscohie everyone....
02:29.53*** join/#asterisk etfonhomey (
02:32.53*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-2c82c32af86d1ce5)
02:46.51*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
02:48.29*** join/#asterisk Nugget (
03:02.21jblackk-man: ping
03:08.10jblackk-man: Well, when you come back, I can answer your question, if you dont' already have the answer
03:16.23*** join/#asterisk kbrooks (
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03:56.44HaMYaIHi, I am having problem with agi->get_data() when the caller enters the number so fast
03:56.51HaMYaIasterisk will just hangup
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04:27.11*** join/#asterisk BearPerson (n=karsten@sourcemage/wizard/freenode.staff-emeritus.BearPerson)
04:28.13BearPersonI know this will sound silly, but - is there a software modem utility for asterisk?
04:29.20BearPersonI'm wondering if it's possible to abuse one of my voip numbers to provide myself with (horribly slow, but cheap) net access when I'm out somewhere with just a laptop, modem, and a phone line ;)
04:31.56jblackwhy don't you look at mgetty?
04:32.09jblackthat takes a real number, but <shrug>
04:33.59BearPersonmgetty still seems to need some kind of modem
04:34.41dmzi've not had much luck with voip & modems
04:34.48BearPersonwhat I'm looking for is something that provides a terminal [device] on one end and eats/produces sound sent through asterisk on the other
04:35.09dmzvoip quality tends to not be where it needs to be for modulation to work properly w/modems
04:35.24dmzbugger, just upgraded a box from 1.2 -> 1.4 and now extensions can't call each other
04:35.28BearPersonI admit that tunneling modulated data through voip is somewhat redundant, but the result could be neat ;)
04:35.52dmzit would be really neat, and if you can get it working post on a wiki somewhere :)
04:36.37BearPerson"be your own ISP with asterisk and a spare voip number" ;)
04:38.45*** join/#asterisk techie (
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04:50.17*** join/#asterisk gardo (n=gardo@
05:03.03*** join/#asterisk craigk (n=ckowald@
05:04.29Nuggethow does that make you an ISP?
05:05.00Nuggetoh, n/m, I see.
05:07.14mrdigital-desktolinuxmce uses asterisk cool
05:10.07etfonhomeyOK.  Who wants to help me with a minor call queue issue?
05:32.54*** join/#asterisk techie (
05:36.01[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey, What is it?
05:36.35etfonhomeyThere you are.
05:36.54etfonhomeyOK.  Here goes:
05:37.24etfonhomeyI have one (and only one) agent logged into the queue to receive calls.
05:37.57*** join/#asterisk cyberscan (
05:38.27etfonhomeyThat agent makes a call to anywhere and while on that call, a call comes into the queue.
05:38.32[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey, pastebin it all
05:38.52etfonhomeyringinuse=no  :) Too late just one more line
05:39.13etfonhomeyThe call gets delivered to the agent even though they are on the phone.
05:40.15[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey, Good... now pastebin it all.
05:40.41etfonhomeyThought you wanted me to pastebin my explanation cause it was long winded.
05:41.07etfonhomeyWhat do you need?  agents.conf, extensions.conf, and queues.conf  and verbose CLI output?
05:41.26[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey, Everything re;event
05:42.03etfonhomeyIs it my connection or is down?
05:43.24jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
05:52.07etfonhomey[TK]D-Fender,  That's agents.conf, queues.conf, and extensions.conf, gonna recreate the issue and paste the CLI verbose output now.
05:53.15[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey, * can't know that a callback agent is on the phone.  It has no idea what that dialplan that is to be called will DO.
05:54.28[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey, and secondly, FFS stop using extesn with VOICEMAIL FOLLOWING for your agents!
05:54.38etfonhomeyWhy is there the "ringinuse" option?
05:54.57[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey, only functional for DEVICES.  Chan_local is not a device.
05:55.23etfonhomeyso the agents are considered chan_sip?
05:56.40*** join/#asterisk mrdigital (
05:57.19[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey, No, agents as called through agentcallbacklogin is jsut a local channel.  not a SIP channel.
05:57.43[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey, its all jsut dumb dialplan.  For all * knows, it'll just call Wait(100000000) and sit around doing NOTHING.
05:58.46etfonhomey[TK]D-Fender, what I want to accomplish is that if this situation does occur that the call will wait until the agent is off the phone.
05:59.01etfonhomey[TK]D-Fender, any work around?
05:59.01jblackAh. I see agent is french for "slave wage treadmill of neverending death"
05:59.45[TK]D-Fenderjblack, no its for "Tabarnac y-a trop d'anglophones ici."
06:00.14[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey, well if they're in a queue it'll jsut keep calling till it gets through.
06:00.32etfonhomey[TK]D-Fender, as long as I don't have that voicemail in there, right?
06:00.33[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey, depending on your timeouts.  That and not using extens with VOICEMAIL ATTACHED DAMMIT :p
06:00.54[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey, haven't I bludgeoned you for this earlier already? :)
06:00.59jblackHeh. Google tells me that means "Tabarnac are too many English here."
06:01.38etfonhomey[TK]D-Fender, I'm sure.  What's your best practices for doing VM for internal extensions?
06:01.57[TK]D-Fenderjblack, French tend to use religious words as swear words considering their  deep involvelement with the church.  hence the use of "tabernacle" (translated).
06:02.25[TK]D-Fenderjblack, you might jsut as well say "holy shit" or "fuck" in its place for your understanding :)
06:02.53etfonhomeyThat was the only part of that comment that I wasn't sure about...
06:02.58[TK]D-Fenderwelcome to #linguistics
06:03.17jblackYes... Fuck the americans, the great cockroach of the internet.
06:03.26etfonhomey:)  I can read and translate French pretty well, but have never been immersed in it.
06:03.50[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey, the problem is you didn't hold your head under long enough ;)
06:04.20jblacket... I have voice mail for internal extensions, and I didn't have to go through any weird sort of agent stuff.
06:04.38jblackAre you doing something weird, or could a newbie like me be able to lend you a hand?
06:04.41etfonhomeyI was in Paris last summer and would say something that they understood, but then would just stare glass eyed when I tried to slow down their response so that I could understand it.
06:05.42[TK]D-Fenderjblack, he's using call Queue for distribution of queued up callers to the first available agent.  Not a basic dial.
06:06.06[TK]D-Fenderjblack, This functionality is what is assumed when someone says the want to set up an "inbound call center"
06:06.06jblackOk, so he's doing what he's supposed to be doing, then subverting it somehow
06:06.19[TK]D-Fenderjblack, Correct.
06:06.23etfonhomey[TK]D-Fender, looking through the CLI output, I see where it registers as Local.
06:06.32[TK]D-Fenderjblack, "queues.conf" , "show application queue"
06:07.00[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey, Congratulations, now make you loging use another context where the extens DON'T lead to an "Answer" condition.
06:07.00jblackYeah. I understood agent when I looked it up. I used to pity and cry for the monkeys every time I went out to chain smoke
06:07.04*** join/#asterisk remmo (n=junk@
06:07.41[TK]D-Fenderjblack, not healthy.... consider a resolution for it...
06:07.53etfonhomey[TK]D-Fender, "loging"?
06:08.11etfonhomeyAh, logins!
06:08.34jblackas it's already the 2nd, I'll consider it for next year
06:09.58[TK]D-Fenderjblack, Its the 1st in PST still...
06:10.48etfonhomey[TK]D-Fender, If I use a Goto to jump to another context, will ${CALLERID(num)} still be the same?
06:11.27[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey, just DON'T ok?  stop asking for pain and just double it up.
06:13.10jblackAhh, luck for me that I'm in EST. :)
06:13.22jblackOr unlucky as you'd likely phrase it
06:13.30jblacket: Yes.
06:13.36etfonhomey[TK]D-Fender, How do I set it up so that the phone can have two contexts as you suggest?
06:14.05[TK]D-Fenderjblack, pray for your tar-charred lungs and those around you :|
06:14.13etfonhomey[TK]D-Fender, btw, what did you do to dacs?
06:14.48[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey, that isn't a PHONE having 2 contexts, thats your agent dialing INTO a separate context to ones that point to the same DEVICES.
06:14.53jblackUh-uh. I pray for no one. I already know what my tombstone will read, and I smoke outside these days. Even when it's <0c out
06:15.06[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey, And please stop calling a SIP device an "extension".
06:17.00etfonhomey[TK]D-Fender, How do I have my agent dial into separate contexts?
06:17.01[TK]D-Fenderjblack, Like the spinster who wanted on her tombstone "Born a virgin, lived a virgin, died a virgin".  Instead the Tombston engraver (having been an ex-post office worker) decided to abbreviate as "Returned unopened" :p
06:17.16[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey, go look where your LOGIN points to <---
06:17.26jblacklol. I like that one!
06:18.24etfonhomeyI'm surprised you had that much patience...
06:19.08jbot[~H2SO4] "John was here but is no more, for what he thought was H2O was H2SO4"
06:21.40etfonhomey[TK]D-Fender, do you need a "hint" in every context in which a SIP device could change status for presence?
06:22.21[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey, You need it in the context used for subscriptions (where the phone's context or "subscribecontext") points to.
06:24.10etfonhomey[TK]D-Fender, When would the "ringinuse=no" in queues.conf actually prevent a call from being delivered to an agent?
06:25.04[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey, it wouldn't.  For final repetition, * has NOT IDEA what that dialplan will execute and can have no sense as to what device to VERIFY.
06:25.27[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey, it was not meant for Agents at all.  That means will not work.  Period.
06:25.50etfonhomey[TK]D-Fender, so what is the purpose of the option?
06:25.53[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey, Dr. Phil and Oprah are available for bookings if you are having trouble coping :)
06:26.02[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey, for fixed devices obviously.
06:26.12etfonhomey[TK]D-Fender, such as?
06:26.22[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey, member => sip/100 <- yippy-kai-yay
06:26.48*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
06:26.59jblackHeh. A guy in montreal sold the snowbank in front of his house $3550CDN. That's worth something like $300k US these days.
06:27.04etfonhomey[TK]D-Fender, gotcha, now I understand what you mean by fixed.
06:27.40[TK]D-Fenderjblack, nope, dollar is pretty much par currently... and how did he sell a snowback for that?
06:27.58[TK]D-Fenderjblack, I've got a tone fo the white shit outside.... I could be making a killing!
06:28.08jblackI was being sarcastic. On ebay, as a joke,
06:28.14jblackThought you'd get a kick out of it
06:28.49etfonhomey[TK]D-Fender, in call queues, do fixed devices still need to login?
06:29.35[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey, no they don't
06:30.18[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey, Go read up on the new options with 1.4 for "addqueuemember", etc.  THESE will allow you to do the sort of stuff you want.
06:30.26[TK]D-Fenderjblack, interesting.
06:30.48dacs[TK]D-Fender: do you ever sleep man?:)
06:30.50[TK]D-Fenderjblack,  Alberta : Where the land is so flat you can see your dog running away from you for DAYS <-
06:31.04[TK]D-Fenderdacs, yup, heading out momentarily
06:31.22*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
06:31.39jblackI've never made it up to alberta. Just Montreal and Vancouver
06:31.42dacschees & crackers
06:32.00[TK]D-Fenderjblack, Next time you're up here we'll grab a beer
06:32.22jblackI'll take you up on that sometime.
06:32.23etfonhomey[TK]D-Fender, thanks for your help AGAIN.
06:32.28dacs[TK]D-Fender: dream that you are helping me nicely from now on
06:32.47dacs[TK]D-Fender: have a wonderful night
06:32.57jblackdacs: I haven't been here much yet, but everyone I've ever seen him lart deserved it.
06:33.35jblackI think he's pretty patient for a guy that keeps teaching people how not to stick forks into toasters
06:33.47[TK]D-Fenderjblack, And the rest only delusionally believe they were larted in the first place.  over-sensitive bunch!
06:34.34[TK]D-Fenderjblack, keep the change ;)
06:34.43jblackspeaking of forks and toasters, I still have a little smoke coming out of mine. Nothing that can't hold.
06:35.00etfonhomeyjblack, out of your fork or your toaster?
06:35.22jblackActually, a more correct analogy is that after having spent so much time poking a fork into my toaster, my toaster now no longer browns both sides of the bread.
06:36.00jblacket: Neither one nor the other.
06:36.18jblackThink you might be able to lend me a hand? It could be hard to find.
06:36.52jblackOr incredibly simple. It's either obvious, or the result of something I did when I started off that seemed smart, but was incredibly stupid.
06:37.04etfonhomey[TK]D-Fender and jblack, good night!
06:37.06jblackThus breaking assumptions that you may have.
06:37.13jblackOr not. sleep well et.
06:37.37[TK]D-Fenderjblack, todays final deep thought : If a buttered piece of toast always lands butter-side down, and a cat always lands on its feet : What happens when you push a cat with a piece of buttered toast tied to its back off the counter? :)
06:38.24jblackWould you believe that I have personal observance in the answer to that question?
06:38.58[TK]D-Fenderjblack, jsut food for thought.... the toast... NOT the cat :)
06:38.59jblackWhen you get down to it, it depends on how hard you push the cat at the floor.
06:39.11[TK]D-FenderAlas I am off.  Later all.
06:39.11jblackDarn, cause I heard cat tastes like chicken
06:39.15jblacksleep well.
06:39.43jblackI'm still having trouble with blind transfers. Anyone care to lend a hand?
06:46.38*** join/#asterisk kbrooks (
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07:00.29*** part/#asterisk cyberscan (
07:04.19jblackis gsm known by another name as well? I can't seem to find it in x-lite's configuration
07:12.08jblackOk. I think I know what's going wrong.
07:12.44jblackFor my blind transfers. I think that the calls are at different protocols, and * is refusing to do the transfer
07:14.23*** join/#asterisk harpal (n=Harpal@
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07:43.07*** join/#asterisk Schumie (
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08:09.36dacsall sleep
08:21.30*** join/#asterisk ice_croft (n=nolan@
08:23.55dacstzafrir_laptop: can you take a look at my sip show peer and tell me why i can't recive a call please
08:24.32tzafrir_laptop'sip show peers' is generlly lees relevant than 'sip show users'
08:24.57jbothmm... paste is
08:26.22*** join/#asterisk obnauticus (
08:26.27tzafrir_laptopnote that 'sip show users' contains the passwords of your users
08:26.30obnauticusanyone here good with chan_mobile?
08:26.50jbot*** anyone: No such nick/channel - and yes, there probably is someone, somewhere, who knows or runs it; that doesn't mean /I/ do.
08:27.06obnauticusokay tzafrir_laptop who should I highlight then?
08:27.33obnauticusUnless you can come up with a solution i think that saying that asking `anyone' is fine :|
08:27.50tzafrir_laptopdacs, the point is: take a look atthe output there. Is the username / password correct?
08:28.13tzafrir_laptopalso: if you enable sip debug, do you see something happening?
08:28.44tzafrir_laptopobnauticus, the point is that you haven't actually asked
08:29.05obnauticusWell with my previous attempts in this channel it seems not many people use chan_mobile.
08:29.11*** join/#asterisk Micc (
08:29.25dacstzafrir_laptop: i just enabled sip debug
08:29.41obnauticusbut the whole question with details provided are in this paste:
08:29.47dacswhere can i see if it is doing anything , just try to call
08:30.30tzafrir_laptopjust call, yes
08:30.44tzafrir_laptopIf anything happens, you'll see lots of junk
08:30.56tzafrir_laptop(and probably won't be able to make sense of it)
08:31.18dacsnothing is happening, not even my phone is not ringing
08:31.33tzafrir_laptopBhave you tried to call?
08:32.00tzafrir_laptopIf you don't see anything with sip debug on, nothing got to Asterisk
08:32.25tzafrir_laptopEither you call the arong (IP) address, or there's a firewall in your way
08:33.29*** join/#asterisk soylentgreen (n=fgast@
08:33.48*** join/#asterisk Frek818 (
08:36.03tzafrir_laptopno luck
08:38.23Frek818tzafrir_laptop: What problem are you having?
08:38.33*** join/#asterisk qdk_ (n=qdk@
08:42.03tzafrir_laptopWanted to check some extra capabilities
08:42.53tzafrir_laptops/some [a-z]*/a few/
08:44.53tzafrir_laptopwell, even ed could do better
08:45.35jbotmethinks ed is the standard UNIX line editor.  It underlies vi, and is closely related to sed.  Unlike most editors, works even without cursor addressing, and can be quickly learned.
08:48.07Nuggetvi is an editor that has two modes: one which beeps at you and one which doesn't.
08:51.46*** join/#asterisk FlatFoot (n=bigflatf@
08:52.54dacstzafrir_laptop: can you check you pm
08:53.28*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
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08:54.26tzafrir_laptopdacs, are you sure you set the IP address right?
08:54.52tzafrir_laptopnext thing, run a sniffer (e.g: tcpdump) on the asterisk server
08:58.16tzafrir_laptopso do you see any traffic from your ATA when you call?
08:59.06tzafrir_laptopCheck the IP address / port on your ATA
09:02.45tzafrir_laptopare both Asterisk and the ATA on the same LAN?
09:02.57tzafrir_laptopIs there any firewall between them?
09:03.50dacsyes to all except the lat question.
09:04.34tzafrir_laptopAny chance it filters SIP transport?
09:05.07dacsi don't think so
09:05.31tzafrir_laptopCan you check that with a computer?
09:05.50dacswhat do you want me to do
09:06.23tzafrir_laptopecho test | nc -u asteriskserver 5060
09:06.42tzafrir_laptoprun that from a computer behind the same firewall
09:07.06tzafrir_laptopand check if you see that in tcpdump on your Asterisk
09:07.23tzafrir_laptoptcpdump 'udp port 5060'
09:07.38tzafrir_laptopor maybe: tcpdump -n 'udp port 5060'
09:07.52tzafrir_laptopAnd make sure you run it on the correct network interface
09:09.47*** join/#asterisk kbrooks (
09:11.53dacsecho test | nc -u asteriskserver 5060 is there is a same command as this for windows
09:12.17*** join/#asterisk Bladerunner05 (
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09:21.11R1ckanyone know if siemens phones work well with Asterisk?
09:21.25mtryfossgigaset wireless ?
09:21.48R1cknot wireless, just the gigaset s450ip
09:22.11jbot*** anyone: No such nick/channel - and yes, there probably is someone, somewhere, who knows or runs it; that doesn't mean /I/ do.
09:22.36mtryfossyes, it works fine
09:22.44R1ckcool thanks
09:23.19mtryfosshowever, stay away from the version with integrated router
09:35.35dacsgood night all
09:35.48*** part/#asterisk dacs (n=haiger@unaffiliated/dacs)
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09:43.28hi365im trying to write: if extension is 900-998 go to qeng. is this correct?
09:43.28hi365Gosubif($["${AMPUSER}" >= 900] & $["${AMPUSER}" <= 998]]?qeng)
09:46.35hi365for some reason the first cindition is alwyas false (0)
10:08.17hi365how in the world is this true???!!!
10:08.22hi365GosubIf("Local/*46@from-internal-ec2b,2", ""900" = "999"]?qop|1")
10:13.23*** join/#asterisk fujin (n=aj@unaffiliated/fujin)
10:13.23tzafrir_laptop= ?
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10:19.39dickyjoeHello all
10:20.02dickyjoeCan someone help me with ENUM lookups on asterisk on a centos machine
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10:25.43dickyjoeanyone home?
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10:38.15stonyis it possible to readjust the volume of the voip-connection in asterisk ?
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11:23.25badcfewhen i include a context in another, may i have a timeout extension in the included context?
11:23.56badcfewill this timeout be treated in scope as if in the included context itself?
11:26.07tzafrir_laptopbasically, yes
11:26.30tzafrir_laptopif there was already a 't' extension there, things might get messy
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12:42.23Winkieis there anything cheaper than the IAXy when trying to get a single FXS port? it doesn't have to be a standalone device
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12:54.28Sniper_linuxHello All
12:54.45Sniper_linuxI need to ask about earlier media when making a VOIP call
12:55.00Sniper_linuxSomeone has any idea about earlier media?
12:57.07JTan idea would be to ask the question :)
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13:00.06tzafrir_laptopWinkie: I saw one made by "" . There's also one made by atcom
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13:00.55obnauticus!seen dseeb_
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13:29.18zeeeshanybody there ... i m getting problem with sip call .. i m just getting one way trafic .. a receiver can just hear my voice .. but i m unable to hear his voice .. one way trafice .. how to troubleshoot ????
13:29.34*** join/#asterisk Winkie (
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13:35.26fiXXXerMetI setup asterisk at my home and had 2 IP phones working (they were registered and could call each other).  I've setup port forwarding on my firewall (opened up 5060, 4569 and 10001-20000 and forwarded them to my asterisk box) at home, brought the phones to work, and now they aren't registered.  Anything else that I need to open up?
13:35.56shido6zeeesh its either a router or firewall issue
13:35.59Qwell5060 udp?
13:36.12fiXXXerMetAll UDP, yse
13:36.43QwellfiXXXerMet: are the phones trying to connect to an internal IP?
13:36.47shido6fiXXXerMet: this is a new network you have to open up the same ports at work
13:36.53fiXXXerMetQwell: Nope.
13:37.08fiXXXerMetshido6: So I need to setup rules to the firewall here, as well?
13:37.10Qwellport forwards inside a LAN don't work if you use an external address
13:37.24fiXXXerMetQwell: What do you mean?
13:37.32Qwellie; connecting to which forwards to
13:37.35Qwellwill not work
13:37.51zeeesh<shido6>: i m doing peer calling .. so route issue is finised .. within my place .. i hv too different peers in 2 diffferent pc .. its working fine .. but the other peer is registered from another country .. he can hear my voice .. but i can't ... ?
13:38.06fiXXXerMetI have the phones connecting to a hostname, which resolves to a public address, which goes to my firewall, which goes to my server?
13:38.20Qwelloh, the asterisk box is at home
13:38.54shido6if you have one way audio an RTP port is being blocked or not going through a firewall or router
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13:39.01fiXXXerMetshido6: What ports do I need to forward at work?
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13:39.17shido6how many phones are at work using SIP?
13:39.24fiXXXerMetI have just 2 now.
13:39.45fiXXXerMetWe'll have 50+ when everything is deployed, but right now I awnt these two to call each other, through my box at home, while at work
13:40.11shido6frankly I would use 5060 for one phone and 5061(both UDP ) for the other phone then 10001 - 20000 UDP  and make a quick change in one of the phones to use 5061 instead of 5060
13:40.47shido6then check rtp.conf to make sure you you're using that port range for RTP
13:41.33fiXXXerMetThat's right
13:41.53fiXXXerMetSo for the work firewall, I need to open 5060 and 5061 from the asterisk IP to the phones IP?
13:42.08shido6just do 5060 UDP for now
13:44.40fiXXXerMetThese SonicWall firewalls are such a pita
13:44.40*** join/#asterisk lirakis (n=lirakis@
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13:50.54fiXXXerMetRegistration State:Failed
13:51.52fiXXXerMetI don't see anything in /var/log/asterisk
13:54.21*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
13:54.21FlatFootafternoon all
13:54.33FlatFootanyone had much to do with ...
14:02.22shido6whats up FlatFoot?
14:03.00FlatFootshido6: not a lot just trying to find if anyone had much exp with this unit before i buy one
14:03.27shido6theres some info on the other unit
14:03.43shido6the 2n Ateus
14:03.45FlatFootwhat the MV-372 ?
14:04.04shido6voiceblue, stargate, bluestar, bluetower, etc
14:04.14*** join/#asterisk brpvieira (
14:04.45FlatFootwas just wondering about call quality
14:04.55FlatFootwether it is any good basically
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14:16.06fiXXXerMetshido6: My firewall has 5060 udp open, and the work firewall has everything from lan, going out, open.  Still, my phone won't register?
14:16.14fiXXXerMetNothing in the logs either except "failed" from the phone.
14:16.32*** join/#asterisk ddunavant (n=David@
14:16.33shido6going out is nice
14:16.37shido6but what about going IN
14:17.09shido65060 is forwarded to what ip on the router?
14:17.13fiXXXerMetWell, isn't the connection originating from inside?
14:17.21shido6it should be forwarded to one of your phones
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14:19.20fiXXXerMetshido6: I have 5060 going from wan to lan, and lan to wan, all open
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14:19.31fiXXXerMetDo I only need 5060 udp?
14:20.51tzafrir_laptopif you upgrade sox on debian to 14, be sure to install libsox-fmt-all
14:21.07tzafrir_laptopotherwise you might be srprised that sox doesn't know of the format gsm
14:22.14[TK]D-FenderfiXXXerMet: YOU NEED FAR MORE FOR nat SETUP.  rEAD THIS NOW :
14:22.16jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT :  otherwise check the WIKI at
14:22.25[TK]D-Fenderdarn caps....
14:24.14*** join/#asterisk mog (n=mog@nat/digium/x-e5ce4ae83d11b6e4)
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14:30.07lilalinuxis it possible to administrate the phonebook of the Siemens Gigaset SL75 WLAN sip phone?
14:30.11lilalinuxvia asterisk
14:33.05[TK]D-Fenderlilalinux: Well * can be used to trigger a SCRIPT that can do something perhaps.
14:33.29[TK]D-Fenderlilalinux: but directly, no.  There is no miracle "phone directory protocol".
14:33.56[TK]D-Fenderlilalinux: So ask yourself what ways your phone can get its directory information from
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14:35.10mvanbaakanyone knows of a SIP softphone for the Playstation portable ?
14:40.34R1ckhow do I set an ISDN MSN number on outgoing calls for a zap device?
14:41.12*** join/#asterisk putnopvut (n=putnopvu@nat/digium/x-ba471829ddb094f1)
14:41.20fujinmvanbaak: it doesn't have a microphone
14:41.45mvanbaakfujin: the lite+slim can handle a headset
14:42.02fujinI've got an oldschool PSP. originally was 1.5
14:42.09fujinIt's a little more piratey now.
14:42.12mvanbaakyeah, that one cannot handle it
14:42.30mvanbaakI bought a lite+slim one today
14:42.36mvanbaakfor my wife
14:42.47mvanbaakbut would be cool to have a softphone on it for me ;)
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15:02.38Neil_LHi everyone, I need to record all the incoming and outgoing phone calls at a call center and wondered if there was a good front end already written for asterisk?
15:02.47fiXXXerMet[TK]D-Fender: I have sip.conf setup right (I think - I followed the links you sent me) and I have port forwarding setup, but my phone is still failing to register.
15:03.01[TK]D-FenderfiXXXerMet: PASTEBIN is your friend.
15:03.03jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
15:03.12fiXXXerMetWhat do you want me to paste?
15:03.21[TK]D-FenderfiXXXerMet: your sip.conf masking only passwords.
15:03.42[TK]D-FenderfiXXXerMet: then if that checks out we'll move on to SIP debug analysis
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15:06.34ZaVoidmorning guys
15:07.46fors1Hi! My norwegian employer is opening a new office in Mountain View, CA. I've been given the task to get internet and phone connection up and running. I want a integrated T1 for that office. Problem is finding a provider. I've tried AT&T, but they couldn't offer integrated T1 in that area. Suggestions?
15:08.23*** part/#asterisk sholden (
15:08.57ZaVoidfors1 did you try like to find a provider?
15:10.07fors1ZaVoid: no, I haven't seen this one. I tried an other service like this, but didn't get any quotes back. I'll give this a try. Thanks :)
15:10.13[TK]D-FenderfiXXXerMet: please permanently remove all commented lines and pastebin again.
15:10.26ZaVoidhey [TK]D-Fender how was your holiday?
15:10.35R1ckanyone know anything about zapata with MSN numbers?
15:10.39[TK]D-FenderZaVoid: All too short....
15:10.44ZaVoidi hear ya
15:10.54fiXXXerMet[TK]D-Fender: I did with grep -v ';' but since there are comments on 'uncommented' lines, do you know how to do that?
15:11.26[TK]D-FenderfiXXXerMet: do it line by line if you have to.  Jsut get rid of the useless filler.
15:16.51*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
15:17.10hi365file: ping
15:17.50filehi365: pong
15:19.13dmzfiXXXerMet grep -v "^;" will clear out the lines that start w/comments
15:20.13hi365ide love to give ssh access, but im working on the box atm. (11654) will you be around in an hour or two?
15:20.35fiXXXerMetdmz: Thanks :)
15:20.36[TK]D-FenderfiXXXerMet: looks mostly fine..and your PHONES entry?
15:21.02dmznp :)
15:21.09dmzhey anyone here use app-conference w/1.4?
15:22.44*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
15:22.57fiXXXerMet[TK]D-Fender: I guess I don't have one......  I used asterisk gui to create two extensions.  They worked locally, though they don't work remotely (outside of the LAN)
15:23.15fiXXXerMetWould that be the [A] and [B] options at ?
15:23.35[TK]D-FenderfiXXXerMet: is your remote phone behind a NAT of its own?
15:25.26*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki (
15:25.32[TK]D-FenderfiXXXerMet: then make sure it is set to "nat=yes" as well.  Then if things still aren't working, enable sip debug, restart the phone and pastebin the failed attempt at verbose 10
15:26.25fiXXXerMet[TK]D-Fender: nat=yes is already set.  I'll enable debug and then get back to you.
15:26.39*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (n=dwayne@nat/digium/x-8ff806d541976255)
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15:26.45[TK]D-FenderfiXXXerMet: you need it in the PHONE's entry as well, not just under [general]"
15:26.57[TK]D-FenderfiXXXerMet: * needs to know if it can trust the return info the phone is sending
15:27.09fiXXXerMetCould you show me an example of this phone's entry?
15:28.46*** join/#asterisk wakku (n=eurulo@unaffiliated/wakku)
15:29.25fiXXXerMet[TK]D-Fender: I mean, guess they're the [A] and [B] sections as shown at but I don't know how those get assigned to a phone.
15:29.59[TK]D-FenderfiXXXerMet: do sip show peer [yourphonesentrywithoutbraces]"
15:30.17[TK]D-FenderfiXXXerMet: and see if its set.  Then do the test I told you should follow
15:30.37Dr-Linuxi installed new version 1.4.16, all went fine, but i'm unable to install mysql driver from asterisk-addons 1.4.5. What's wrong with it?
15:31.22mvanbaakDr-Linux: please pastebin the error
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15:32.46Dr-Linuxmvanbaak: it doesn't even try to bother installing mysql module :S
15:33.05*** join/#asterisk CapRicORN^80 (n=you@
15:33.26mvanbaakinstead of 'make install' do a 'make menuselect', deselect the chan_ooh323, save, run ./configure and run make install
15:33.50De_MonI just had a user report that the person he called couldn't hear him 10min into a call.
15:34.01mvanbaakthe error is not with the mysql driver, it's abouth the chan_oh323 driver
15:34.26mvanbaakDe_Mon: what tech ?
15:34.39mvanbaaksip/iax/zap/h323/skinny/etc ?
15:34.40De_Monit was a SIP (user) <-> Asterisk <-> SIP itsp (called party)
15:35.04mvanbaakany NAT in the game ?
15:35.25De_Monyeah, but the call was working fine the first 10min
15:35.27Dr-Linuxmvanbaak: cp: cannot stat `.libs/': No such file or directory  << is not a problem i can fix it, but i don't really need it, i need mysql drvier
15:35.42mvanbaakDr-Linux: so do as I say
15:35.45filemake menuselect, unselect chan_ooh323
15:35.48mvanbaak16:33 <       mvanbaak> instead of 'make install' do a 'make menuselect', deselect the chan_ooh323, save, run ./configure and run make install
15:36.02De_Monmvanbaak didn't you say that in -dev?
15:36.05mvanbaakDe_Mon: maybe the firewall is expiring the NAT state ?
15:36.14mvanbaakDe_Mon: no, I said it here
15:36.22Dr-Linuxi see
15:36.25Dr-Linuxhold on
15:37.38*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
15:37.49fiXXXerMet[TK]D-Fender:  Those lines repeat a number of times
15:37.54De_Monoh, nm that question came up in dev yesterday
15:38.11Dr-Linux[root@i2c-RHEL-PBX1 asterisk-addons-1.4.5]# make menuselect
15:38.11Dr-Linuxmake: *** No rule to make target `makeopts', needed by `menuselect/menuselect'.  Stop.
15:38.16*** join/#asterisk marlow (
15:38.38De_Monmvanbaak hrrrm you might be on to something there.
15:38.38mvanbaakrun: ./configure
15:38.41[TK]D-FenderfiXXXerMet: SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized <- bad user/pass
15:38.45Dr-Linuxmvanbaak: ok
15:39.32mvanbaakDr-Linux: after that run: make menuselect
15:40.22fiXXXerMet[TK]D-Fender: The password hasn't changed since it worked internally, though I change reset it and it still fails.  What about the  "Transmitting (no NAT) to" in the logs?
15:40.24Dr-Linuxi got a new page
15:40.27fiXXXerMet"no NAT"?
15:40.29*** join/#asterisk lftsy (
15:40.31[TK]D-FenderfiXXXerMet: Also <--- SIP read from ---> comes in from the OUTSIDE, and then "Sending to : 5060 (no NAT)" is sends to the INTERNAL IP the phone seems to provide.  it sis NOT set properly
15:40.34mvanbaakDe_Mon: I got that once
15:40.38Dr-Linuxmvanbaak: how i can deselect chan_ohh323?
15:41.12[TK]D-FenderfiXXXerMet: Yes, that is also bad.  so your phone's auth is wrong and * was not told it was behind NAT.  As those settings are buried in users.conf thatnks to the GUI I cannot help you there.
15:41.27badcfe|is MacroExit() the way to return from a macro?
15:41.33mvanbaakDr-Linux: go to the item and hit the spacebar
15:41.58mvanbaakDr-Linux: after that, hit the s key to save the changes
15:42.06De_Monmvanbaak is there some sort of setting that would control that sort of NAT behavior?
15:42.13De_Monin the firewall
15:42.15badcfeor will a macro "return" by itself once theres no more extentions in it?
15:42.36badcfei wander if an explisit MacroExit should be done or if its not needed or not good to do it
15:42.43mvanbaakDe_Mon: I have no idea. I fixed it by adding some static redirections.
15:42.44Dr-Linuxmvanbaak: i've only this >
15:42.47Dr-Linuxnothing else
15:42.49mvanbaakDe_Mon: not all setups can do that
15:43.11mvanbaakDr-Linux: what does it read on top ?
15:43.31mvanbaak'Press 'h' for help.'
15:43.47*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (
15:43.52mvanbaakthe arrows show you what option is highlighted
15:43.59mvanbaakwith <Enter> you can select it
15:44.03Dr-Linuxmvanbaak: i've all this
15:44.04mvanbaakso do that in this case
15:44.07[TK]D-Fenderbadcfe: is the instruction page for its use not clear enough?
15:44.10Dr-Linuxyeah got it
15:44.24mvanbaakDr-Linux: there you can select h323 and deselect it with the spacebar
15:44.47mvanbaakif that's done, hit the <- key on your keyboard to return to this welcome screen
15:44.55mvanbaakthen hit the s key to save and exit
15:45.04fiXXXerMet[TK]D-Fender: I set NAT for both phones in users.conf and they both now have a dialtone and are registered.  So, hurah to that.  However, when I try to dial each other's extension, I get "Call from '' to extension '6001' rejected because extension not found."
15:45.08Dr-Linuxmvanbaak: i got this after hitting enter >>
15:45.31[TK]D-FenderfiXXXerMet: dialplan errors.  go debug.  The messages are pretty blatant.
15:45.42mvanbaakDr-Linux: yeah, so navigate to number 4 with the down arrow key
15:45.58Dr-Linuxwhat's "XXX" ?
15:45.59mvanbaakand you dont have libmysqlclient-dev installed
15:46.03[TK]D-FenderfiXXXerMet: And keep in mind the GUI plays games with your settings... this isn't a support channel if things get messy...
15:46.08mvanbaakthat's why you cannot select the mysql stuff
15:46.27*** join/#asterisk reber (
15:46.31[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux: 90% of your Inbox :)
15:46.41mvanbaaklol [TK]D-Fender
15:46.59mvanbaakthe biggest part of your Movies/ directory ;)
15:47.12mvanbaakok, I have to run
15:47.18[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux: the other 10% are credit-fix scams to help clear the debt from your pr0n overexpenditures :p
15:47.38Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: Happy new year,
15:47.50[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux: thanks.... I'm going to need it.
15:47.53Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: i'm happy to see you cheering for the first time
15:50.52badcfe[TK]D-Fender: hmm, seems that since i have autofallthrough=no i should always do an explisit MacroExit
15:51.15[TK]D-Fenderbadcfe: no need
15:51.39[TK]D-Fenderbadcfe: autofallthrough should have no impact on macros
15:59.26*** join/#asterisk asteriskmonkey (n=philip@
16:01.53*** join/#asterisk prophety (
16:02.39jblackHello, world
16:02.40*** join/#asterisk scurb (
16:03.28[TK]D-Fenderjblack: mornin'
16:04.57*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (
16:04.57jblackI think I got a hint about what's wrong with transferring on my system.
16:04.57jblackNot everything is using the same protocol.
16:05.41asteriskmonkeyanyone doing voicemail storage on an nfs mount with 1.4 and 1.2?
16:05.42[TK]D-Fenderjblack: Shouldn't be an issue.
16:05.54[TK]D-Fenderjblack: pastebin some stuff up for us to examine
16:05.58*** join/#asterisk cesar_CR (n=cesar@
16:06.04jblackOh, good, because I don't think I can fix that.
16:06.31jblackSure, I'll pastebin some stuff, but according to the dialplan, the lines are transferring. Just as that happens, both ends say the call is cleared by remote user
16:06.39jblackdialplan debug, that is
16:07.34*** join/#asterisk ice_croft (n=nolan@
16:09.06jblackDo I have to enable transfer explicitely anywhere else, other than t and T in Dial() ?
16:10.11De_Monit has to be mapped in features.conf
16:10.26jblackThats' interesting
16:11.10prophetyhi everyone,  i have a T1 and i would like to  reroute or transfer my sip outgoing calls (from the callback) to my sip incoming calls channels
16:11.18jblackI never explicitely said that # maps to blind transfer in features.conf, but the chick says "Transfer" when I press #
16:11.19prophetyis it possible ?
16:11.42De_Monjblack it may be the default setting
16:12.37[TK]D-Fenderjblack: You only need "tT'when you are on a phone that doesn't support its OWN transfers (like shit phones like X-Lite)
16:13.12[TK]D-Fenderprophety: you can send your calls any which way you want.
16:13.46*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (n=dennis@
16:14.24*** part/#asterisk harpal (n=Harpal@
16:15.58jblackI plan on buying shit phones.
16:16.31jblackOk, here's a log from 2 calls as seen by dialplan
16:16.58jblackThe first one is the broken transfer,  the second one (seperated by a dozen newlines) is calling 1001 directly, showing the intended result
16:18.46jblackre shit phones.. I ordered a yesterday, with the intent of getting cordless phones.
16:19.23*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (n=arodgers@
16:20.39[TK]D-Fenderjblack: Oh wait.. this is where it was dropping the call even though it looked like it should be fine, right?
16:21.01[TK]D-Fenderjblack: EW, GrandSuck
16:21.14[TK]D-Fenderjblack: What are you testing with?
16:21.25De_Monjblack btw...
16:23.54jblackYeah, same thing.
16:24.09R1ckanyone know the Syntax required by KPN (dutch telco provider) for MSN numbers?
16:24.56jblackI'm testing from sip:/jblackwin to sip:/jblack are both ext 1000. Calls between them generally work fine.
16:24.59[TK]D-Fenderjblack: What phones?
16:25.20jblackjblack is ekiga, jblackwin is x-lite.
16:25.44*** join/#asterisk lftsy (
16:26.35jblacksip:/lblack goes to 1001 in the dialplan (which is off, so it's dropping to vm)
16:26.49[TK]D-Fenderjblack: try Zoiper, it supports normal SIP transfers, and FORGET that DTMF transfer garbage.
16:27.35jblackYou did catch that I plan on adding analog phones to the mix over the next few days?
16:27.54Alexandre_frHey folks
16:28.43jbot[~zoiper] Zoiper (Formerly known as Idefisk) is a free SIP and IAX soft-phone for Windows, MacOSX, and Linux that can be found at
16:28.53jblackYeah, I'm downloading it now
16:29.00Alexandre_frSo it's better to transfer with a phone which have is own transfer than using asterisk capacity ?
16:29.00[TK]D-Fenderjblack: Yes, with that GS bleh-box
16:29.28[TK]D-FenderAlexandre_fr: Its all * "capacity", just that listening in on DTNF for it is BS.
16:30.02Alexandre_frok, and it's not working very well ?
16:30.03jblackI wasn't sure what to get. Among the two suggestions, that was $115. The other suggestion was about 500 bucks.
16:32.17[TK]D-Fenderjblack: Linksys SPA-8000  +/- $240 for 8 port
16:32.44[TK]D-Fenderjblack: or for jsut 4 ports, you'd be better off with 2 x SPA-2102 @ $70
16:33.08[TK]D-FenderAlexandre_fr: complicates your dialplan, adds issues, etc.
16:33.30jblackI'll try to cancel my order with grandstream.
16:33.36[TK]D-FenderAlexandre_fr: its useful if you NEED it.
16:34.30jblackZoiper can do transfers.
16:36.14*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
16:36.55jblackI think I still need blind transfer to work for analog phones, won't I?
16:37.51[TK]D-Fenderjblack: the ATA should provide that functioanlity, not *
16:38.39[TK]D-Fenderjblack: the SPA series are quite full-featured and offer jsut about everything you can imagine implementing on an analog device.
16:38.50*** join/#asterisk hfb (
16:41.21jblackOk. I'll get a SPA
16:41.58*** part/#asterisk Alexandre_fr (
16:43.46*** join/#asterisk jobalcaen (n=joel@
16:44.16jobalcaendoes anyone know how to update trixo using the package manager
16:44.34jobalcaenI know how to get there but I dont know which packages I need to get me to 2.4.0
16:44.39De_Montrixo isn't something that comes with asterisk...
16:44.41jobalcaensorry..i mean trixbox
16:45.29jobalcaensorry...I find it confusing sometimes
16:45.50jobalcaenwasnt trixbox formely known as asterisk@home
16:45.58Qwellasterisk@home != asterisk
16:46.12jbotfrom memory, trixbox is a full linux distro that includes FreePBX and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox VERY difficult to support, and is not supported in #asterisk. Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & wiki at
16:46.16jobalcaeni'm ill informed i guess
16:48.53*** join/#asterisk mikecx (
16:48.57prophetymost of the people told me that's not possible
16:49.05[TK]D-Fenderprophety: "show application transfer" <----
16:49.16De_Mon11:13AM <[TK]D-Fender> prophety: you can send your calls any which way you want.
16:50.21mvanbaakasteriskmonkey: I do
16:51.10*** join/#asterisk hi365 (
16:51.29mikecxis there any good way to watch what's happen to my faxes and why the fax machine is not able to connect once the fax has been detected by the fax machine. I'm using zapata fxo/fxs for the fax and had it working once before
16:51.36asteriskmonkeymvanbaak so you do run nfs ?
16:53.21mvanbaakasteriskmonkey: yup
16:53.55asteriskmonkeyhave you tested what happens when the nfs mount is inaccessable in 1.4 or 1.2?
16:54.43mvanbaakno, because it never is ;)
16:55.06asteriskmonkeyok looks like i have some extended testing to do
16:55.22asteriskmonkeyI wanted to know if asterisk crashed if unavailable
16:55.26mvanbaakour NFS server is a 2-node netapp cluster
16:55.49asteriskmonkeyyes, im running a bunch of freeBSD nas heads here :/
16:55.59asteriskmonkeygoing into some iscsis wooo
16:56.45CapRicORN^80[TK]D-Fender:  hi
16:57.04CapRicORN^80you were saying that i have to define 55555 in my extension .
16:57.10[TK]D-FenderCapRicORN^80: So... learned how to read what you did in your dialplan yesterday?
16:57.14*** join/#asterisk didz_ (n=voce@
16:57.23CapRicORN^80learned for almost 3 hours
16:57.31CapRicORN^80but still need more
16:57.43[TK]D-FenderCapRicORN^80: I was saying that you should realize that you didn't have an extren in your dialplan to handle the # you dialed.
16:57.53jblackBrian Hyrek, 716-250-1990
16:58.04CapRicORN^80anyways i am trying the asterisktoft book
16:58.08CapRicORN^80and now trying exten => 613,1,echo(IAX2/iaxfwd/613)
16:58.15CapRicORN^80this wrong one
16:58.15[TK]D-FenderCapRicORN^80: If you still can't see it from that context you have a real issue
16:58.20CapRicORN^80and now trying exten => 613,1,Dial(IAX2/iaxfwd/613)
16:58.28*** join/#asterisk syzygyBSD (
16:58.53CapRicORN^80now i have configured every thing right and now i am trying 613 to test . but again getting error
16:59.14*** join/#asterisk CrashSys (
16:59.32CrashSysDoes anyone know if there's a sip-header I can pass to a polycom before sending a call to make it NOT forward the call?
16:59.33jblackJust got off the phone with Those are some of the most chatty people I've ever talked to.
16:59.56[TK]D-FenderCapRicORN^80: Pastebin it....
17:00.14[TK]D-FenderCapRicORN^80: the CLI + sip debug, AND your dialplan.
17:00.30[TK]D-FenderCrashSys: There isn't.
17:00.41*** join/#asterisk inforx (
17:00.50[TK]D-FenderCrashSys: in SIP, "the phone is king".  As in each enpoint can play games to its own liking.
17:00.59jblack[tk]: You should have heard the call.. "About that linksys that was recommended to me.. That does use ethernet, right?"
17:01.14jblackAfter I had already ordered it. ;)
17:01.18inforxhow can one find out what codecs remote IAX endpoint is supporting ?
17:01.26[TK]D-FenderCrashSys: You can I believe disable the feature COMPLETELY in provisioning IIRC
17:01.32mvanbaakinforx: send an invite to it
17:01.41[TK]D-Fenderinforx: Send them an invite
17:01.46mvanbaakinforx: in the IAX debug you'll see what they support
17:02.00inforxI set iax debug, but it doesn't say
17:02.06tzangerhello everyone
17:02.10inforxhow do I send them invite mvanbaak ?
17:02.12CrashSysd-fender: Yeah, but then they cant forward the ext to their cell phone... problem is all phones ring on incoming, and if one person words they are all SOL...
17:02.25CrashSysd-fender: Does the i option in 1.4 get around this?
17:02.38[TK]D-FenderCrashSys: Tell them to stop
17:02.45mvanbaakinforx: exten => something,1,Dial(IAX2/remotebox/exten-on-remote-box)
17:02.52[TK]D-FenderCrashSys: And make a dialplan means for forwarding.
17:02.54CrashSysYeah well, i'm in a situation where a salesman sold the thing...
17:02.58[TK]D-FenderBRB, lunch
17:03.40jblackYay. They stopped shipment on the other one. Life is good
17:04.42inforxmvanbaak, I have that already, but not sure how I see the codecs on there, PREF_CODECS Is empty when I debug and make the call
17:07.49nDuffCrashSys: disable on-phone forwarding completely through provisioning, and allow it to be done through your stdexten (or equivalent).
17:08.26CrashSysYeah, but then I get no visual indication of forwarding... will probably just do that and tell them tough shiznit...
17:08.59CrashSysI guess the 'i' option in the 1.4 dial command wont prevent this...
17:10.54fileif the 'i' option is used Asterisk will dial the device, the device will say to forward to somewhere else, Asterisk will ignore that and stop the dialing attempt to that specific device
17:11.35CrashSyswhich is what polycom does... so that's worth a shot then...
17:11.49*** part/#asterisk jobalcaen (n=joel@
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17:13.46*** join/#asterisk nohup_ (
17:13.51nohup_hello :)
17:14.21CrashSysI have a feature request of digium... can you make wget friendly download links? :D
17:14.26nohup_is there a function i can use in extensions.conf to make asterisk send a dtmf digit to the calling party ?
17:14.40CrashSysnohup: senddtmf
17:15.01nohup_exten => bla, n, Senddtmf(0) ?
17:15.03nohup_like that ?
17:15.33CrashSysYes, basically
17:16.02nohup_awesome, thanks :)
17:16.14CapRicORN^80[TK]D-Fender:  you there ?
17:18.15*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
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17:21.24[TK]D-FenderCapRicORN^80: Looking for 613 in tutorial (domain ----SIP/2.0 404 Not Found
17:21.41*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
17:21.46[TK]D-FenderCapRicORN^80: Read the big print....
17:21.58CapRicORN^80big print ?
17:22.17[TK]D-FenderCrashSys: for visual notification, you can use a line-key for presence + Custom DeviceState
17:22.48[TK]D-FenderCapRicORN^80: the error message I pasted tells you exactly what its looking for and that its not finding it.  And it SHOULDN'T
17:22.54mvanbaakCapRicORN^80: you have to put extension 613 inte your tutorial context
17:23.14CapRicORN^80ok listen
17:23.28CapRicORN^80how can i test fwd ?
17:23.43CapRicORN^80i am getting voicemail messages from fwd on my email
17:23.59[TK]D-FenderCapRicORN^80: look at the extensions you put in your contexts vs what you are dialing.  What you dialed yesterday wouldn't match anything.
17:24.16[TK]D-FenderCapRicORN^80: and you couldn't even tell me which line you thought was SUPPOSED to match.
17:29.47CapRicORN^80[TK]D-Fender:  wait
17:30.06CapRicORN^80sorry i didnt made changes in sip.conf
17:30.27[TK]D-FenderCapRicORN^80: Go fix all of your contexts and extens.
17:30.29CapRicORN^80i was using tutorial instead of internal
17:30.44CapRicORN^80now i can call 613
17:32.07*** join/#asterisk shido6 (n=shido6@
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17:33.27af_asterisk run on linux 2.4 kernels?
17:34.27mvanbaakbut zaptel may not
17:34.46CapRicORN^80[TK]D-Fender: if i have to check fwd . i mean i want to do test call to some other user
17:35.04CapRicORN^80is there any number ?
17:35.14[TK]D-FenderCapRicORN^80: Yes I know.  your problem was never with FWD.  it was always dialplan errors.
17:35.33[TK]D-FenderCapRicORN^80: Go fix the last of those and we'll see if you even have a problem with FWD at all.
17:35.42[TK]D-Fenderaf_: yes, and yes
17:35.55CapRicORN^80i have
17:36.00CapRicORN^80i can 613 now
17:36.11CapRicORN^80dial *
17:37.31rob0I used to use zaptel on 2.4.x, doesn't that still work? Might have to manually set device nodes, but that's the only problem I know of.
17:37.51[TK]D-Fenderrob0: Slackware = 100% happy
17:40.45inforxdoes anyone know if I need something special for g.729a pass thru mode ? I added allow=g729 into sip.conf and set g729a as pref codec on the spa unit
17:40.50mvanbaakI dont like slackware
17:40.55mvanbaakand slackware doesn't like me
17:41.31mvanbaakinforx: pass thru mode should work fine without any special need
17:41.41[TK]D-Fenderinforx: Make sure both ends of your call are using the same codec and * doesn't need to transcode (recording, etc), and you'll be fine
17:44.06inforxmvanbaak, I am getting chan_sip.c:5420 process_sdp: No compatible codecs, not accepting this offer!
17:44.27inforxit would appear its trying to transcode
17:46.28mvanbaakmeans the other side of the call does not accept g729a
17:47.31[TK]D-Fenderinforx: This is the point where you should be pastebinning the complete CLI output of your failed call from beginning to end including SIP debug.
17:47.52[TK]D-Fenderinforx: so we can see exactly where the mismatch is happening.
17:47.56jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
17:52.11*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
17:53.18jblack[tk] : You should have heard my call when I canceled the grandstream and ordered the linksys. After I finished up doing all the ordering, I said "Uh, btw, this uses ethernet, right?".
17:53.33jblackSo, thank you for being the sort that makes no mistakes. =)
17:54.07[TK]D-Fenderjblack: Exactly what model did you order?
17:54.47jblackExactly the one you recommended, the Linksys SPA-8000
17:54.52*** join/#asterisk karleeto (n=karl@
17:55.20fiXXXerMetAny recommended softphones for linux?
17:55.21[TK]D-Fenderjblack: Cool.
17:55.27[TK]D-FenderfiXXXerMet: ...
17:55.30karleetohello people
17:55.31jbot[~ekiga] Ekiga is an OSS SIP soft-phone for Windows, MacOSX, and Linux (Requires GTK+ which is included with the binary releases) that can be found at
17:55.36jbot[~zoiper] Zoiper (Formerly known as Idefisk) is a free SIP and IAX soft-phone for Windows, MacOSX, and Linux that can be found at
17:55.42jbotrumour has it, linphone is a SIP VOIP phone.  To configure it to use, ask ibot about linphone config . not working with
17:56.23jblackI never could get linphone to authenticate over sip to *. Thats why I ended up with ekiga
17:56.29inforxcan I use Dial app with pass thru mode ( g.729a ) ?
17:56.37*** join/#asterisk iratik (
17:56.37fiXXXerMetSweet - ekiga is installed in ubuntu by default.
17:56.50[TK]D-Fenderinforx: Yes. how else ddo you think calls get paced out of *?
17:57.01[TK]D-Fenderinforx: Now please provide the pastebin I requested
17:57.04jblackfixxermet: Sure. Ubuntu even has the kitchensync
17:57.16[TK]D-Fenderjblack: nice....
17:57.19inforxhm I was reading
17:57.39inforxmy config is really simple, all I have is diasallow=all and allow=g729 in sip.conf
17:57.49jblackinforx: You're not new to asterisk, are you?
17:57.51[TK]D-Fenderinforx: Stop reading, and show us what you're DOING so we can sonve this fast.
17:57.52inforxthen just dial string in extensions.conf
18:01.38*** join/#asterisk myiagy (n=Jose@
18:01.58NovceGuruHey guys, if I can get my land line transfered to a VSP that can port it, could I then (likely) transfer to a VSP that can't port it directly from my PSTN provider?
18:02.21jbotrumour has it, vsp is a VoIP Service Provider
18:05.34*** join/#asterisk UserReg_CL (n=dede@
18:05.37*** join/#asterisk [T]ank (n=ckwall@
18:05.42jblackOk guys, so I'm giving up on the blind dialing, and want to get Features to work (*1 to automon, *2 for attended transfer, *3 to park calls, etc). I have uncommented them under [featuremap], but pressing *2 are being ignored
18:05.49UserReg_CLhi... good year all !!!
18:05.52[TK]D-Fenderinforx: your [sipura1] is using Capabilities: us - 0x8000e (gsm|ulaw|alaw|h263), peer - audio=0x100 (g729)/video=0x0 (nothing), combined - 0x0 (nothing)
18:06.17jblackIs there more to it than just removing those comment markers?
18:06.20UserReg_CLone question please... need show only user sip conect (from console)
18:06.27[TK]D-Fenderinforx: So * says that account only supports gsm|ulaw|alaw|h263 , and the PHONE itself says G729 ONLY.
18:06.32inforxwell on sipura I set the g729.a as preferred codec [TK]D-Fender
18:06.33[TK]D-Fenderinforx: Fix your sip.conf entry!
18:07.00[TK]D-Fenderinforx: sure you told your SIPURA to use G.729, but you didn't tell * to LET it.
18:07.25jblackuserreg: I don't understand. You want to know which sip users are connected?  does "sip show peers" give you what you want?
18:07.55[T]anki had a php script crash on me, and now asterisk is acting up. I am wondering if it is the manager that is not working properly. The symptoms I am having are that when I do a show channels it does not show me the summary of total channels. and if I try to do anything after that I have to exit out of the CLI and go back in to make anything work again. it is like asterisk is trying to crash. I know that if i were to restart asterisk it would fix it, but I ha
18:08.26jblack[t]ank: You got cut off at "...fix it, but I ha"
18:08.54[T]ankI know that if i were to restart asterisk it would fix it, but I have a lot of calls on and do not want to do that if I have other options. Any advice would be appreciated.
18:09.22UserReg_CLjblack: thank... sorry... need know which users is talk (or InUse) only
18:09.39jblackDid you run a ps aux to see if the script is still running? Perhaps you could kill it, thus returning control
18:09.52[T]ankyeah, i have killed a number of scripts.
18:09.54[T]ankit helped.
18:10.01[T]ankbut not 100% fixed in asterisk
18:10.07[T]anki did a reload manager also
18:10.15[T]anksince the php scripts use AGI
18:10.24jblackI think I remember a timeout option that causes stuck things to get dumped.
18:10.30jblackI can look for it, but it'll take me a minute
18:10.36inforx[TK]D-Fender, I am getting now chan_sip.c:3670 sip_write: Asked to transmit frame type 2, while native formats is 0x100 (g729)(256) read/write = 0x100 (g729)(256)/0x100 (g729)(256)
18:10.44[TK]D-FenderUserReg_CL: "show application chanisavail"
18:10.49[T]ankyou thinking of rtptimeout?
18:10.51jblacktank: Is this agi, or system ?
18:10.57[TK]D-Fenderinforx: ENTIRE call attempt please...
18:11.04[T]anki "think" it is AGI
18:11.13*** join/#asterisk Steven_elvisda_ (n=Steven_E@
18:11.26[T]ankit is AGI that I am using and php that crashed, so I am assuming the issue with asterisk is AGI related
18:11.27inforx[TK]D-Fender, it's flooding my screens with that
18:11.38jblackOk, gimme a moment
18:11.51jblackLook at the set_time_limit() option for php
18:12.02[T]ankin php?
18:12.05[T]ankor asterisk
18:12.31jblackThat'll tell the php interpreter to kill the script if it runs for longer than that.
18:12.42[TK]D-Fenderinforx: Can't help you until you pastebin the whole call. from the beginning.
18:12.53UserReg_CLThank Fender
18:13.36jblack[t]: by the way, when the scripts get stuck, are they stuck in an idle loop, or a busy loop?
18:13.37inforx[TK]D-Fender, i figured it, it was in iax.conf
18:14.15jblack[t]ank: by the way, when the scripts get stuck, are they stuck in an idle loop, or a busy loop?
18:14.16inforxanother question, for IAX trunking I only need to enable port 4569 on the firewall right ?
18:14.57[TK]D-Fenderinforx: Yes, it uses only 4569 UDP
18:15.17[T]anki did not look. we killed them before knowing for. I would GUESS busy, as the cpu was running at 100% for that PID
18:16.09jblackOk. Well, verify that. If it's a busy limit, you can also look at setting up ulimits in the php script.
18:16.36jblackThat's moe complicated, but it'll let you base suicide on computer time, rather than wallclock time
18:17.13*** join/#asterisk hfb (
18:17.50jblackAnd make your life easier by setting up a test suite for your php scripts, so that you catch bugs when you run it, instead of when asterisk runs it. ;)
18:18.22[T]ankthis is one of those things that has been working well for a long period of time, and for whatever reason it crashed the other day and we just found out.
18:18.47jblackrarity doesn't turn a bug into a feature. :)
18:18.58CrashSysworks for M$
18:19.12jblackBugs for M$ are rare?
18:19.22CrashSyswhen they turn from a feature into a bug
18:19.38CrashSyslike vista's aeroglass "feature"
18:19.46CrashSysis pretty much a large flawed bug in the operating system now
18:20.05CrashSysEhh... guess it's not that rare...
18:20.45*** join/#asterisk atomicd (
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18:21.55hi365file ping
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18:28.05jblackOh cute. zoiper isn't able to do dtmf tones for me
18:28.11alexcffirst off.. :p im not coder/linux guru :p
18:28.28*** join/#asterisk lewis333 (n=lewis@
18:28.52alexcfcan anyone help me with that?
18:29.11lewis333Looking for help connecting a Polycom IP 4000 to an Altigen system - anyone got any experience?
18:29.36jblackshow me fxotune.c lines 130-140 ?
18:30.23[TK]D-Fenderjblack: it works fine.
18:31.10jblackI'll sip debug it. The visual impression I'm getting is that it's not sending dtfm2833
18:31.12*** join/#asterisk teknoprep (n=tekno@unaffiliated/teknoprep)
18:32.13alexcfalso, dunno if anyone has had the problem, but when a call comes into the queue and it gets terminated as a ZOMBIE in the queue_log, it stalls asterisk and i have to restart it
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18:32.39alexcflike so
18:32.44jblackalexcf: What compiler are you using?
18:33.03alexcfhow would i find out?
18:33.10jblackSee line 134? That's C99.
18:33.36jblackIf you're using an old compiler or a compiler pretending to be old, it won't like that.
18:33.48alexcfgcc version 2.95.4 20011002 (Debian prerelease)
18:33.52alexcfso yea, old
18:34.10alexcfjwh: voip0 is lame :p
18:34.15jwhalexcf: it certainly is
18:34.40alexcf(jwh used to work for the company i work for)
18:35.03jwhat least yours doesn't sit in STOP state randomly :P
18:35.05*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
18:35.06alexcfasterisk barf'd something chronic on debian etch too
18:35.19alexcf(luckily i hadn't formatted the old machine)
18:35.27jblackI'll look at my dtmf problem when I get back
18:36.22alexcfbut yea, jwh, that's the issue :p
18:37.36jwhstill 1.2?
18:38.32*** join/#asterisk _ys (
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18:41.00teknoprepanyone here use SIP on Teliax before and asterisk ?
18:41.05teknoprepi am having odd problems
18:41.19jblackI'm using IAX on Teliax.
18:41.39jblackI'm not sure why you'd use sip instead of iax, since they support it.
18:41.43beekI too use IAX on Teliax... no problem.
18:42.14teknoprepi don't have a Zaptel card
18:42.19teknoprepso it uses ZTdummy
18:42.45jblackYou don't need a zaptel card to do iax. :)
18:43.18jblackThey even provide an iax context to log in with iax over ip.
18:43.27Qwelliax over ip?
18:43.30Qwellas opposed to?
18:43.37jblackNo idea. :)
18:44.07Qwellfile: iax2 over serial.  get on that.
18:44.15fileyes sir
18:44.24mogiax2 over zap Qwell
18:44.31Qwellmog: I was thinking that
18:44.46mogwe need switchtype=iax2 get creslin on that
18:45.13QwellPRI is like...iax2 trunking.
18:45.39Qwellerm, nm, trunking does the audio too, doesn't it?
18:45.43*** join/#asterisk vrtk (n=bb@
18:47.09marlowmog: iax2 over zap is easy .. HDLC trunk :)
18:47.30Qwellhdlc != ip?
18:47.47marlowQwell: hdlc is lower layer
18:48.01marlowQwell : data framing for pri
18:48.04[T]ankis there a way to show channels in order of how long they have been connected?
18:48.22marlowQwell : you can on asterisk use part of PRI for voice and part of it for a data trunk
18:48.43Qwellyes, I knew that, just didn't know much more than that.  heh
18:50.53*** join/#asterisk Iamnach0 (
18:54.37[T]anki have killed all of the php scripts completely. So now, is it possible to recover asterisk without having to restart it. It is taking about 3 minutes for it to complete a "show channels" request. There are only about 50 calls in the system so it should be instant.
18:56.49marlow[T]ank : you can always do a graceful restart, which means it'll only restart once all calls are gone
18:57.20_ShrikEonce a graceful restart has been issued, doest asterisk continue taking new calls?
18:57.31_ShrikEdoest = does
18:57.31[T]ankwell.. there will be calls until we close, so I can just reboot once we close.
19:01.04marlowstop gracefully: Gracefully shut down Asterisk, i.e. stop receiving new calls and shut down at empty call volume
19:03.23marlowyou can also use:
19:03.25marlowstop when convenient: Shut down Asterisk at empty call volume
19:03.42marlowwhich means it doesn't stop until no calls are on the system, but it still takes calls in
19:03.54marlowit just waits for an idle point
19:04.37_ShrikEwith a stop gracefully, what does asterisk issue if a new call comes in via sip?  503?
19:06.16*** join/#asterisk dacs (n=haiger@unaffiliated/dacs)
19:06.34dacsgood morning all
19:07.59[T]ankmarlow: i was hoping to find someway to do this without restarting.
19:08.18[T]ankgetting 50 people off the phone with our call volume is going to be a nightmare.
19:08.48Alan_HicksJust a quick question for you guys.  I don't see anything in sip.cfg that jumps out at me.  I'm using Polycom IP 320 phones and I was wondering if there's any way to make a distinctive ring on transfers.
19:09.13Alan_HicksIf you could just point me in the right direction I'd appreciate it.  No hand-holding required. ;-)
19:09.46jblackalan_hick: Forgot to feed the monkeys that live in the phones and play special tones, eh?
19:10.05CrashSysalan_hicks: search for "polycom auto-answer"
19:10.19CrashSysit'll tell you how to add a sip header to make the phone change ringers/etc...
19:10.34Alan_Hicksjblack: Damn!  I forgot to feed them over the holidays!
19:11.07Alan_HicksCrashSys: That's just it though, the phones handle the transfer themselves, no config necessary for asterisk (at least to my knowledge).
19:11.18*** join/#asterisk jm|laptop (n=jm|
19:11.52jblackThat'll do it every time. :)
19:12.15lewis333there a channel for Altigen systems?
19:12.25Alan_HicksCrashSys: I configured auto-answer correctly for paging and did a distinctive ring.
19:12.49Alan_HicksBut transfers as near as I can tell, don't touch the dialplan, so there's no way to add a SIP header.
19:14.46Alan_HicksThink that's bad?  They're projecting cotton at 68 cent in March.
19:15.51jblackYeah, it may close at 100 today. It's 99.59 right now.
19:16.07syzygyBSDfuck it, I am moving away
19:16.18syzygyBSDoops, sorry,
19:16.27syzygyBSDs/&#*$/a nicer word/
19:16.56fiXXXerMetIs there any way to output sip debug to a file?
19:16.58jblackI think this is good news. Let the markets crash, let oil go to 3k, let inflation turn the dollar to nothing, causing a great depression. Then NOBODY will have a phone, and i won't need to debug my asterisk installation!
19:17.20*** join/#asterisk scrllock (i=p0m@
19:17.55syzygyBSDjblack: you forgot about all the people that are trying to figure out what happend will be calling eachother, because they can't afford to go anywhere with the price of oil
19:18.57tzafrir_homeHey, they will still be able to use strings and cans
19:19.18jblacktza: Can I use IAX2 on strings?
19:19.38*** part/#asterisk myiagy (n=Jose@
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19:26.14jblackI suppose it's possible... string is made from plants. Plants have branches, which come off of trunks. IAX does trunking.
19:26.56jblackand now that I think about it, I do have a * on my christmas tree.
19:28.23jblackGreat. as if asterisk weren't already hard enough to configure, now I've got to worry about poking my eye out with pine needles.
19:28.43syzygyBSDgood thing you can configure it remotely
19:28.51jblackWith a string!
19:29.11*** join/#asterisk duki (
19:29.15jblackPull on the string hard enough, and I can change my tree from a vertical to a horizontal configuration
19:29.57*** join/#asterisk LeddyHM (
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19:34.03jblackSince things are quiet...  What do you guys think about medicine made out of sperm? seriously.
19:34.36syzygyBSDas long as I get some of the profits I am all for it
19:34.39vrtk$100 a barrel!
19:34.42vrtkwhole shift!!
19:35.38vrtkthanks god i've got legs
19:36.07jblackheh. The soles of your shoes are made out of oil too.
19:37.33syzygyBSDnot mine, I have wooden shoes
19:38.17vrtkyou just had to remember that, hadn't you ?
19:39.10jblackI'd suggest you swim to freedom instead.. but you'd have to do it without those nifty goggles.
19:39.21*** join/#asterisk glen2 (
19:39.53vrtkwhere did you get this info about cotton prices ?
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19:40.26*** join/#asterisk Curi (n=creinero@
19:40.42CuriHi all
19:40.52jblackOhhh. This is better. RMS and TdR are in a namecalling match, including things like "your big fat lying mouth."
19:42.36jblack2008/1/2. Heh. Happy new year
19:43.07*** join/#asterisk EdNagy (n=moose@
19:43.11CuriHas anyone had a problem with asterisk (i'm using when it tries to register a sip account in another server it times out, but the box actually receives the packet and it's asterisk that's not reading the queue. If i do a netstat -na i see that the recv-q keeps piling up
19:43.43jblackcuri: Sounds like a firewall problem to me
19:44.09Curibut the server is receiving-- i see like if ipchains were running right?
19:44.11enviseanhey guys, does anyone know where I can get some pretty standard IVR prompts?
19:44.49enviseani got the ivr module installed for freepbx
19:44.57enviseani have all the default sounds
19:45.05enviseanbut i meant like a default greeting, and also the phone book
19:45.21syzygyBSDI don't know.. I never do anything with freepbx
19:45.50tzafrir_homeenvisean, that is a freepbx question, not an asterisk question
19:46.02enviseanok thanks tzafrir_home
19:46.03tzafrir_homefreepbx questions got to #freepbx
19:46.21jblackenvisean: How about yo' mamma?
19:46.36jblackGive her a visit and shove a microphone in front of her face. ;)
19:47.03enviseanjblack: wow
19:47.06tzafrir_homejblack, and if you read carefully there, you'll see RMS uses no web browser
19:47.13*** join/#asterisk spatulamaan (n=ggilmore@
19:47.50Curijblack: but wouldn't a firewall just drop the packet? i see the packet geting in, it's just that asterisk is not reading it from the queue
19:47.51jblackOr combs.
19:49.35jblackcuri: What a firewall does with a packet is variable.  How do you know that the packets are getting to asterisk, and not getting dropped/rejected/redirected/etc ?
19:49.43jblackDid you strace asterisk to verify that?
19:50.11jblackOr run sip debug ?
19:50.22Curijblack: i'm running tethereal/wireshark and see the packet geting in the interface
19:51.00Curijblack: but then with a sip debug i only see the packets that asterisk sent, not the ones that came in
19:51.36Curijblack: and when i do a netstat -na i see that the recv-q for the udp 5060 port is filling up, because asterisk is not reading the packets
19:52.46jblackHmmm. You checked lsof -i, to make sure it's listening on the right interface?
19:53.07*** join/#asterisk angom (
19:54.52Curijblack: it's listening in
19:55.05Curijblack:  *:5060
19:55.21jblackI'm out of ideas
19:55.51fiXXXerMetIs there any way to output sip debug to a file?
19:55.53Curijblack: me too :(
19:57.05jblacktry "asterisk -rvvvvvvvvvvv | tee logfile"
19:58.47*** join/#asterisk supjigator (n=sysgod@
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20:05.51mikecxfaxes using tdm800P with fxo/fxs lines are detected by the fax machine, it then tries to connect and fails. my dialplan (ignore the comments)
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20:07.06jdspencerCan anyone point me to or tell me what the bus speed for the Digium TE41x cards would be? (The 3.3V PCI-X ones)
20:07.12*** join/#asterisk gerphimum (
20:09.55Alan_HicksCrashSys: I configured auto-answer correctly for paging and did a distinctive ring.
20:10.04Alan_HicksOops.  :-)  Ignore.
20:10.26Alan_HicksJust a quick question for you guys.  I don't see anything in sip.cfg that jumps out at me.  I'm using Polycom IP 320 phones and I was wondering if there's any way to make a distinctive ring on transfers.
20:11.05Alan_HicksThese phones handle Transfers via one of their soft buttons.
20:11.43*** join/#asterisk russellb (n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla)
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20:19.02[TK]D-FenderAlan_Hicks: look at *'s standard variables.  there is one for "blind transfers" as an indication.  There may be one to indicate an attended transfer is in progress.
20:19.17[TK]D-FenderAlan_Hicks: You'd have to add some dialplan checks to see if you need to add a header based on that.
20:19.25[TK]D-FenderAlan_Hicks: All around of course.
20:19.36filewith SIP you don't know it's an attended transfer until you actually complete the transfer... fyi
20:19.43*** part/#asterisk Curi (n=creinero@
20:19.51Alan_Hicks[TK]D-Fender: See that's just the point though, I haven't done anything with Transfers in *.  I'm just using the phone's built-in transfer soft-button.
20:20.04[TK]D-Fenderfile: Yeah, thats what I though, but I wanted to leave that open...
20:20.18[TK]D-FenderAlan_Hicks: I didn't say through * DTMF.
20:20.34jbotDTMF: Dual Tone Multi-Frequency. The technical term describing Touch Tone dialing. Basically the combining of two tones, one low frequency and one high frequency.
20:20.44*** join/#asterisk greekguy8888 (
20:20.50greekguy8888hola everyone
20:21.07greekguy8888have a question for the ages
20:21.21greekguy8888anyone have experience with * queues and transfers?
20:21.37Alan_Hicks[TK]D-Fender: I'm not sure I follow you.  What does DTMF have to do with it?
20:21.38[TK]D-Fendergreekguy8888: Yeah... it ties up your agents until the transferred call terminates
20:21.50greekguy8888unless you use the # right?
20:21.55greekguy8888anyway around this?
20:22.23[TK]D-FenderAlan_Hicks: you phone's soft-keys transfer capability have nothing to do with the "tT" transfer options via DTMF (following your comment " I haven't done anything with Transfers in *. ")
20:22.38[TK]D-FenderAlan_Hicks: Wasn't sure exactly what you meant so I tried to head that thought off at the pass
20:22.41greekguy8888is there a way to block the soft key use in polycoms?
20:22.54greekguy8888i know you can remap keys
20:23.02greekguy8888but remapping screwa all other functions of that key
20:23.07Alan_Hicks[TK]D-Fender: Ok.  I'm not entirely sure what I mean either half the time. :^)
20:23.12*** part/#asterisk supjigator (n=sysgod@
20:23.30[TK]D-FenderAlan_Hicks: So together we know either everything you want, or nothing at all :)
20:23.50[TK]D-Fendergreekguy8888: only stops the HARD keys.  You can't stop the soft keys
20:23.55Alan_Hicks[TK]D-Fender: I'm afraid it's "nothing at all" far too often. :^)
20:24.11[TK]D-Fendergreekguy8888: So functions you can disable in provisioning.
20:24.20[TK]D-Fendergreekguy8888: Go Check the admin guide
20:24.23greekguy8888so in an enterprise deployment, you have a key of death on the phone and pray no one uses it?
20:24.55greekguy8888i remapped the hardkey just fine, its the availability of the softkey that scares me
20:25.21Alan_Hicks[TK]D-Fender: Ah!  Think I get it now.  The Polycom soft button is jsut sending a standard transfer DTMF signal to asterisk which then dials the transferee party.
20:25.35[TK]D-FenderAlan_Hicks: NO.  the exact opposite
20:25.36greekguy8888well no
20:25.47greekguy8888it transfers only the sip channel when you use the polycom transfer
20:25.56[TK]D-Fendergreekguy8888: you mean "Reject" I presume...
20:25.56Alan_Hicks[TK]D-Fender: Enlighten me then please. :-)  I've apparently gotten it all wrong again.
20:26.06greekguy8888if there si an agent channel attatched, its not acted upon, that's why the agent looks like it's in use
20:26.18[TK]D-FenderAlan_Hicks: SIP transfers are seperate from *-managed DTMF initiated transfers
20:26.33greekguy8888much different
20:26.43[TK]D-Fendergreekguy8888: Yeah, I wish they'd free up the agent as well...
20:26.46greekguy8888the transfer actually happens via a redirect via the buttons i believe
20:26.59[TK]D-Fendergreekguy8888: Tahts in various states of "repair" depending on when you check the bug tracker.
20:27.07Alan_Hicks[TK]D-Fender: Then how do I transfer to an outbound line via my wctdm card?  That's not SIP.
20:27.13greekguy8888yeah i checked it till my eyes rolled into the back of my head
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20:27.48[TK]D-FenderAlan_Hicks: That is often done via DTMF features, but should also (for FXS) be able to trigered through flash.
20:28.13[TK]D-Fendergreekguy8888: Great view of a cavernous mass? :)
20:28.14Alan_HicksI'm so confused. :-)
20:28.32greekguy8888so there's nop hope for a workaround then i guess
20:28.35Alan_HicksLet me make an example here, and maybe that will help me understand.
20:29.11Alan_HicksCaller dials my PSTN number.  Asterisk answers and dials my internal SIP phones.  SIP/alan picks up the line.
20:29.46Alan_HicksSIP/alan decides to transfer the call to another PSTN number.  The user hits the softbutton labelled "Transfer" and dials 555-5555 (whatever).
20:30.08Alan_HicksThis can't be a SIP transfer, right?  * has to dial out the wctdm.
20:30.18greekguy8888it is a sip transfer
20:30.20*** join/#asterisk teknoprep (n=tekno@unaffiliated/teknoprep)
20:30.22[TK]D-Fendergreekguy8888: Well there's hope, but I'm not a core coder, perhaps you could get involved with those who are and see if you can't nudge the process along.
20:30.38greekguy8888any * admins on?
20:31.05[TK]D-FenderAlan_Hicks: Yes.  which is a SIP transfer, not an * DTMF transfer.  Same end result, except that you phone does the work, and has a nice interface.
20:31.26greekguy8888the thing that sucks is, i can't be the only one dealing with this... there are like 4-5 enterprise opensource releases of *, and nothing, i mean nothing, looks like there will be a fix to this
20:31.44greekguy8888cmon, how do they deal with this on switchvox?
20:31.48Alan_HicksOk.  So to do what I want to do, I need to enable DTMF transfers.  Say user dials *8 or something, then the number or extension.
20:32.06Alan_Hicks* would intercept the *8 and act on it according to the dial-plan, right?
20:32.12greekguy8888alan, yes use your features.conf file and make sura all dials have the tT on the end of them
20:32.24[TK]D-FenderAlan_Hicks: you don't need *'s involvement to transfer a call via a Polycom.
20:32.38greekguy8888unless you are transferring from a queue, no
20:32.45Alan_Hicks[TK]D-Fender: Apparently I do if I want the call to have a distinctive ring.
20:32.55greekguy8888in that case yes
20:32.58greekguy8888but again
20:33.02[TK]D-Fendergreekguy8888: Oh yeah!  If you want to transfer a call out of a queue is you call your Agent via a Local channel you can use the "tT" transfer and that WILL free up the agent.
20:33.05greekguy8888you can do this with feature code
20:33.12[TK]D-Fendergreekguy8888: Horribly unnatural, but it works from what I recall.
20:33.23greekguy8888send it into another context where you can set distinctive ring b4 you dial
20:33.50Alan_Hicksgreekguy8888: I was thinking I would just use a macro or something, like I did for distinctive rings on paging.
20:34.00greekguy8888so fo instance instead of using sip/wkjhsdfgdf
20:34.02[TK]D-Fendergreekguy8888: Yeah, I nearly forgot that bit... go try
20:34.08greekguy8888which is ext 333
20:34.11[TK]D-Fendergreekguy8888: yeah.
20:34.14greekguy8888i would instead set the membername to
20:34.17*** join/#asterisk Absorto (n=user@
20:34.22Alan_HicksI'll have to read up on features.conf though.  Thanks for all the help, and the nice cluebat strike to the forehead.  That always helps.
20:34.25greekguy8888like that?
20:34.40[TK]D-Fendergreekguy8888: member => Local/333@contextwithmyexten/n
20:34.41mikecxasterisk does not like me
20:34.55greekguy8888fender thanks for the clue, let me try that out
20:34.56[TK]D-Fendergreekguy8888: and make sure that the dial you use enabled those dial features
20:35.15greekguy8888you mean the tT
20:35.39[TK]D-Fendergreekguy8888: Yes
20:36.13*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_home (
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20:39.09pagecanyone having problems with Polycom 601 phones not wanting to boot since newyears?
20:39.25Qwelly2k8 bug?
20:39.50pagecsorta looking like it :(
20:40.46Qwellpagec: to be honest, I'd call Polycom and ask them..  they may have had similar reports
20:41.30mikecxanyone have problems with faxes over fxo/fxs lines refusing to connect?
20:41.52pagecQwell: tried, unless you have a reseller pin you cannot get them on the phone
20:42.02Qwellcall your reseller?
20:42.49pagecQwell: did, CDW is being slow to respond, and ppl tend to get pissing when the phones aren't working
20:44.09*** join/#asterisk p4c0 (n=Paks@
20:45.26p4c0hello, i'm using asterisk to connect to my voip service provider, however when i try to make outgoing calls asterisk invites doesn't have user/password, and server replies with forbidden, is there a way to force this? even if i'm registered with the voip service provider??
20:46.57pagecp4c0: which server is replying with fobidden, your server to your telephone (or soft phone) or their server to your server?
20:47.47Qwellregistering has nothing to do with making calls
20:47.55p4c0pagec, the server of the provider (to my invite request for outgoing calls, i debug them and noticed that there's no user/password there)
20:48.49*** join/#asterisk danalien (n=danalien@unaffiliated/danalien)
20:49.13pagecdid your provider suppy you a user name and password when you paid/signed up for their service to make outgoing calls with?
20:49.17p4c0Qwell, how can i make my invites to have the username/password? or to resend them after a forbidden from server?
20:49.35p4c0pagec, yes, the same as for registry
20:49.45*** join/#asterisk javb (n=javb@
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20:50.48javbhi, i had asterisk 1.2, everything PERFECT. now, after upgrading to 1.4, i cant transfer, or even make a new call, while i`m using the other line of the phone (polycom 330), the notice i get is: "[Jan  2 04:46:32] NOTICE[1931]: chan_sip.c:13794 handle_request_invite: Failed to authenticate user "102" <sip:102@>;tag=A5C8F780-3952FB9D"
20:50.53javbAny ideas?
20:51.09javbNo changes to any config file
20:51.15p4c0it should be of type peer right?
20:51.38pagecp4c0: friend (at least for my provider)
20:51.49p4c0pagec, i'll try, thanks
20:52.05Alan_HicksHmm... wonder if I can reconfigure what the Polycom's transfer soft-button does?
20:52.10pagecp4c0: who is your provider?
20:52.43p4c0pagec, some local one...
20:52.45pagecjavq have you tried doing something like 'sip show users' and seeing if "102" is a user?
20:53.11pagecjavb: ^
20:53.49*** join/#asterisk marcan (
20:54.15pagecp4c0: well i cannot find their web site, but they probably probably have a sip config howto
20:54.27javbhere is "sip show users"
20:54.35pagecsoemtimes you need a specific user name in addition to the password/name (or other settings)
20:54.48p4c0pagec, i have done it
20:54.53pagecthe username being the [section header[
20:55.02pagecglad to see it's working then
20:55.28greekguy8888fender u still here?
20:55.30mikecxgrrrr, why wont this damn fax answer
20:55.37javbthis is so weird, everything was ok in 1.2
20:55.46asteriskmonkeyin asterisk 1.2x has anyone expericend an issue where you have a 2 box setup.. 1 has the pri lines and the other is sip only, if you have a phone on the pri box you can make calls perfectly and on the sip only box calls can be made but international calls come back with a trouble cause 41
20:56.01pagecjavb: yeah you have the user 102 with password pass
20:56.13jblackOk. So i'm reading up much more carefully in features.conf. As I understand it, there's 4 parts.
20:56.43jblackThe first part is to set something up in application map..   name => buttonsequence, Command to run
20:56.47asteriskmonkeyalso get a 500 internal server error back on the sip only box
20:56.56jblackThen, in featuremap, you then do commandname => buttonsequence
20:57.06javbpagec, iknow, i repeat, this is out of the question, i have not made ANY change... wow... and googling doesnt seem to help... :/
20:57.06*** join/#asterisk gaero (n=theo@unaffiliated/balkantools)
20:57.13gaerohi there
20:57.25jblackThen, one adjusts DYNAMIC_FEATURES, possibly through extensions.conf globals, to run on FEATURENAME#FEATURENAME ....
20:57.36jblackThen, finally, one adjusts dial options.
20:57.36gaerosomebody have eard about RMS norm of telecommunications ?
20:57.38jblackIs that correct?
20:57.43greekguy8888anyone have knowledge on queues and transfers using the sip transfer on polycoms?
20:57.47*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
20:58.25pagecjavb: i would install a softphone and get that working from scratch.  there is probably some little thing that is off which getting a new connection to work will highlight to you
20:58.45[TK]D-Fenderjblack: Yup
20:58.59pagecthere are a few differences between 1.2 and 1.4, i don't know if i woudl expect 1.4 to work perfectly off of 1.2 stuff
20:59.15jblackOk, good.
20:59.20p4c0pagec, humm the textual reply from provider is "SIP/2.0 403 Forbidden (Not Proxy/Gateway)" just after a "SIP/2.0 100 Trying" however there's no user/passwor on the invite that i'm sending
20:59.37jblackthen I ahve some questions.
20:59.54asteriskmonkeyi have 2 boxes 1 has a pri the other dosnt,using the same context that the sip only box is registerd too on the pri box international calls can be made, yet on the sip only its gets a 500 error, but local works fine.. odd...
21:00.04jblackFirst, it seems redundant to have featurename => keysequence in both featuremap and applicationmap
21:00.29jblackIs it actually redundant and a way to potentially get onself into trouble, or is there a benefit to it?
21:01.02[TK]D-Fenderjblack: Featuremap is for *'s interal offered features.  Application map is for really custom stuff you want to do
21:01.24[TK]D-Fenderjblack: like "attended transfer" is not a dialplan feature.
21:01.48[TK]D-Fenderjblack: You can use applicationmap to allow you to play back some sort of scripted message to your caller for instance.
21:01.54marlowwhich is, why it's a bitch, when you've got mixed devices
21:02.16[TK]D-Fenderjblack: Or as a cool example : Record a bunch of DTMF tones in a sequence and trigger them as a macro
21:02.24[TK]D-Fenderjblack: To speed a login or something
21:03.01[TK]D-Fenderjblack: Or to Flash an analog line for example to access PSTN call-waiting.
21:03.36jblackOk. Looking through the * book, I don't see a Dial flag for atxfer.
21:03.47pagecp4c0: idk, you may want to call your provider then
21:03.52jblackHow do I find what the dial flag is?
21:04.04p4c0pagec, yes
21:04.12[TK]D-Fenderjblack: "tT" each allow access to atxfer if you set it in DYNAMIC_FEATURES
21:04.26jblackso t and T are for both blind and attended
21:04.33[TK]D-Fenderjblack: But remember this is only for devices taht don't have this functionality all by themselves.
21:04.39[TK]D-Fenderjblack: Exactly
21:04.46*** join/#asterisk Falle (
21:05.03jblackUnderstood. Let devices do things on their own when possible.
21:05.41ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: do you use Adtran channel banks?
21:06.02[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Nope, only used Rhino.  You know my avversion to using T1 tech for analog needs
21:06.11asteriskmonkeyManPower: ever had an issue like this? , i have 2 boxes 1 has a pri the other dosnt,using the same context that the sip only box is registerd too on the pri box international calls can be made, yet on the sip only its gets a 500 error, but local works fine
21:06.38ManxPowerasteriskmonkey: sorry, I'm not helping people on the channel for a while.
21:06.53ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: we had one lock up on monday.  really odd.
21:07.50javbok, i cant do it with the softphone, but no with the polycom set
21:09.10pagecjavb: then i would look at the polycoms configuration.  there are various pages on the web on how to setup polycoms to work with asterisk
21:09.28mvanbaakManxPower: gheh, why not ?
21:09.40javbpagec, my 12 polycoms here WERE working great!
21:09.53pagecjavb: be sure the search for the specific model polycom you have
21:10.13pagecjavb: for better or worse you went with 1.4 and it is a new day
21:13.07*** part/#asterisk gaero (n=theo@unaffiliated/balkantools)
21:16.47javbin sip debug, i see i`m getting something like "User-Agent: PolycomSoundPointIP-SPIP_330-UA/"
21:17.09javbmaybe there is the authenti.. problem ?
21:17.53ManxPowermvanbaak: I'm being an asshole.
21:18.28mvanbaakManxPower: yeah. but that was true even back in the days that you did help ppl ;)
21:24.03[TK]D-Fenderalrighty.  Gheckout time.. off to go guitar-shopping.
21:24.26*** join/#asterisk mrdigital (
21:25.26pagecjavb: the polycom is your phone, perhaps the problem is with your phone and the asterisk server, not your provider?
21:26.41javbpagec, not my provider
21:27.17*** topic/#asterisk by russellb -> Asterisk: The Open Source Telephony Application Platform ( -=- Asterisk 1.4.17 (2008/01/02), *-Addons 1.4.5 (2007/12/1), Zaptel (2007/12/13), Libpri 1.4.3 (2007/12/13) -=- #asterisknow or #asterisk-gui for AsteriskNOW ( -=- #switchvox for Switchvox ( -=- #asterisk-commits to monitor svn/mantis -=- #freepbx ( or #trixbox for trixbox ( support
21:29.51lirakislater all
21:29.59*** part/#asterisk lirakis (n=lirakis@
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21:41.37greekguy8888anyone have knowledge on queues and transfers using the sip transfer on polycoms?
21:42.29ManxPowermvanbaak: Mostly I got tired of the quality of the users around here.  I decided to take a break from them.
21:43.07ManxPowerIf enough people do that maybe Digium will put a support person here.
21:44.16mvanbaakthat would be nice eh ?
21:45.55ManxPowerI'm just grumpy.
21:48.54*** join/#asterisk phillipmarlowe (n=marlowe@
21:49.59nhuisman_workanyone here using rpath?
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21:54.56ManxPowermvanbaak: Digium has an unofficial presence on this channel, just not an official one dedicated to support.
21:55.27mvanbaakand I understand why
21:55.38mvanbaakwe give support on IRC as well with our company
21:55.55mvanbaakand you will need a fulltime gal/guy on the channel
21:55.59mvanbaakthat's just too much money
21:57.42greekguy8888anyone have knowledge on queues and transfers using the sip transfer on polycoms?
22:01.14tzafrir_homenhuisman_work, #rpath ?
22:02.32darthahmedhi everyone
22:08.53jblackwhat's with these polycoms, that everyone is always asking for help on?
22:09.20jblackAre they either bad devices or incredibly common?
22:11.03darthahmed@jblack they r a pain to configuure
22:11.04BBHossjblack, non-trivial configuration
22:11.53darthahmedand not remotely worth the pain
22:12.57BBHossdarthahmed, they are nice, well built
22:13.12BBHossbut lets not start that shit again
22:15.41hmmhesaysdoes zaptel check for dialtone before trying to send a call out a particular fxo channel?
22:18.38nhuisman_workman, digium better fix their damn iso they are shipping
22:18.55nhuisman_workit has a python error on the installer which prevents you from choosing anything except express install
22:19.07nhuisman_workand then the config file for the repository on their rpath linux is wrong so you can't update it
22:21.54*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=Joe@
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22:24.06fiXXXerMetProblem with my phones.   I am able to call other extensions, including my own, and I can get a dial tone, but after making/receiving certain calls (like, other extensions), I do not have any ring tone after dialing the number?
22:24.17*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux[m] (
22:24.54nhuisman_workcould someone do me a favor and browse to
22:24.57nhuisman_worktell me if it is working
22:25.05fiXXXerMetNot working.
22:25.08nhuisman_workah good
22:25.13nhuisman_workat least it isn't just me
22:25.25jblackNobody and no thing should work in hawaii. They should just go to the beach.
22:25.43nhuisman_worktell that to my asterisk install which isn't working yet :P
22:25.44jblackNo answer here. PRobably took my beach advice
22:25.57dacsis there is a way i can access my ATA webconfiguration remotly, if my publick ip is xx.xx.xx.xx and my ATA is
22:26.15_ShrikEmaybe its boycotting the warriors display at the sugar bowl.
22:26.31nhuisman_workman they got owned
22:26.35nhuisman_workwhat was their display?
22:26.41nhuisman_workor do you mean their performance
22:26.53_ShrikEyeah.. i felt kind of bad for them... yeah i meant performance.
22:27.23*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=pepOSX--@
22:27.30_ShrikEdacs: that would need to be configured in your firewall.
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22:28.38dacs_ShrikE: how, can you plese point some guide for me
22:28.56_ShrikEread the port forwarding section of your firewall manual
22:29.16BBHossdacs, or you could use ssh tunneling/vpn
22:32.52dacs_ShrikE: BBHoss thank you guys, will look into it
22:34.54*** join/#asterisk craigk (n=ckowald@
22:38.15*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (
22:38.33dacsi got a question about the * book, chapter 4. Initial Config of *. it is listed that if i am going to use SIP insteade of FXS/FXO or IAX i should skip to SIP config section,pg 82 "Just as we did with the extensions.conf file; run the following commands
22:39.00dacsin your bash shell:" i am having a hard time getting my extention to work.
22:39.26[TK]D-Fenderdacs, perhaps you could show us the actual problem.  Pastebin is your friend.
22:39.55jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
22:40.06dacs[TK]D-Fender: i don't understand how to config the extention.conf, the syntax of it
22:41.06[TK]D-Fenderdacs, thats what Chapter 5 is all about.  This is the absolutely most important part of * to learn.
22:41.53[TK]D-Fenderdacs, its all explained in there in detail.
22:42.38dacs[TK]D-Fender: so i should just contiue reading , because i thought after i config'd my sip.conf i should confige the extention.conf so that i can get * to work
22:42.52jblackPersonally, I think the rest of the book is a cover for Chapter 5 and appendix B
22:43.13[TK]D-Fenderdacs, wel yes, extensions.conf is next in line.  But if you don't understand it at all well you're just going to have to read now aren't you?
22:43.46dacsyep, i just want to make sure i am on the right path
22:43.52[TK]D-Fenderjblack, largely yes
22:44.14dacs[TK]D-Fender: thank you , i will continue to read.
22:44.22[TK]D-Fenderdacs, well you need to prove that your work in sip.conf is right so you're going to need to have something to be able to dial.
22:44.30dacsi just can't wait to get my system up and running
22:44.41jblackdacs: Heh. this sounds so familiar to me.
22:44.51dacsjblack: lol
22:44.58dacs[TK]D-Fender: you right
22:45.16jblackDo you understand what contexts are yet?
22:45.28dacsjblack: nope
22:45.40jblackOk. I know exactly where you're at.
22:45.52jblackYou've already played with them some, if you did sip.conf and iax.conf.
22:45.54dacsgo read from the begining
22:45.58jblackBasically, they're logical groupings for things.
22:45.59[TK]D-Fenderdacs, Chapter 5 awaits you.  You can't really shortcut this with dedicated training.
22:46.40dacsjblack: not yet iax i just setup my sip.conf
22:46.55dacsi will just continue reading
22:47.43jblackThat's best. I'll be here for hours, if you get confused by anything you read.
22:48.31*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
22:48.34dacsjblack: thank you , i will come here and ask you then, i really appreciate it
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22:51.11*** join/#asterisk BajaEd (n=ednagy@
22:52.14De_MonI never read a book about asterisk and I turned out *okay*
22:52.33De_Monbut I'm special so pretend I didn't say anything... :X
22:53.30darthahmeddoes anyone have any guides for upgrading from 1.2 to 1.4?
22:54.37darthahmedchanzap is doing my head in
22:54.50De_Mondarthahmed asterisk documentation includes that info in the UPGRADE.txt file
22:55.16darthahmedthanks De_Mon
22:55.39[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon, thats why you get to ride the "little bus" ;)
22:56.05darthahmedi follwed that, but it doesnt say anything regarding install order
22:56.17darthahmedor version issues
22:56.31darthahmedi just got the latest versions of zap,lib and *
22:56.40darthahmedand compiled in that order
22:56.44[TK]D-Fenderdarthahmed, go download THE BOOK.  It describes in detail how to insttall *.
22:56.46jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
22:57.12darthahmedis that 1.4 based?
22:57.19darthahmedi got the old book
22:57.20jblackOh, I didn't know there was a pdf for it.
22:57.24[TK]D-Fenderdarthahmed, in order : libpri, zaptel, asterisk, then add-ons
22:57.39[TK]D-Fenderdarthahmed, yes its for 1.4
22:57.39darthahmedso lib first?
22:57.48darthahmedthans man!!!!
22:58.14jblackThey should put in a chapter about how to make friends, so that people will actually call.
22:58.49*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (n=nikolai@
22:59.00De_Monwe should start asking for the ISBN of "The book" before providing support ;)
23:00.00darthahmedi'll just ask botman :)
23:00.18[TK]D-Fenderjblack, thats a different book by Dale Carnegie
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23:00.58jblackWin friends? I have that somewhere.
23:04.19*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (
23:06.36darthahmedbook says zaptel lib then *
23:07.07tzafrir_homejblack, now that should be trivial: echo 'friends:' >> Makefile; make friends
23:07.22tzafrir_homedarthahmed, the order between them doesn't matter
23:07.41darthahmedi know it shouldnt
23:07.44tzafrir_homelibpri is generally trivial and faster to build, so start from it
23:07.52darthahmedas long as lib preceeds *
23:08.13jblacktzafrir: Don't forget to touch and strip them
23:08.30darthahmedjust being careful here cos of the problem i had earlier today
23:09.02darthahmedi did zap,lib,* and when i ran menuselect chanzap was disabled
23:09.14darthahmedi taught it migh have to do with the compile order
23:09.33De_MonBajaEd you touch and strip ALL your friends?
23:09.39De_Monwhoops jblack
23:13.05*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (
23:13.15jblackDe_Mon: Having already established that I don't have any? Yes.
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23:35.53De_Monjblack well, I don't think you'll keep any friends with that particular policy
23:37.00De_Monremember how I wanted a search/replace function a while ago? Well, I came up with a great implimentation
23:38.37De_MonI just wish there was a way I could get by without setting all those variables before hand
23:40.59CrashSysAnyone had good luck takin a 1.2 dialplan to 1.4?
23:41.19[TK]D-FenderCrashSys, yup
23:41.33CrashSysAny noteworthy gotcha's? or pretty much fires right up?
23:41.35[TK]D-FenderCrashSys, if your setup was fully 1.2 compliant, then it'll be fine in 1.4 for the mostpart
23:41.48[TK]D-FenderCrashSys, ready upgrade.txt and the other docs.
23:42.05CrashSyswill do
23:45.00CrashSysyou just use 1.2 sounds with 1.4 or is it included in the 1.4 tarball?
23:48.05[TK]D-FenderCrashSys, upgrade the whole pile.
23:48.16[TK]D-FenderCrashSys, and like Nike said "Just Do It".
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23:56.24NovceGuruim glad broadvoice's site goes down in the middle of signing up :(
23:57.21outtoluncbefore or after the payment <G>
23:57.31NovceGuruouttolunc: after HAHA
23:59.04NovceGuruWe are sorry.
23:59.05NovceGuruWe have encountered an error.
23:59.05NovceGuruA detailed report have been sent to our engineering department.

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