IRC log for #asterisk on 20071229

00:04.25*** join/#asterisk comprookie2000 (
00:21.26De_Monhomebrew for the wii in 2008!
00:24.19De_Moncreated without an offical sdk  full DRM circumvention
00:28.36De_Monsorry *run software* created...
00:29.38*** join/#asterisk MooingLemur (n=troy@unaffiliated/mooinglemur)
00:38.22SargunDe_Mon, how much do the Wii controllers cost?
00:38.27Sargunthey interface over BT right?
00:38.36Sargundo they have an LCD?
00:41.06nhuisman_workafter seeing what that guy did with them
00:41.12nhuisman_workhelmet sensor stuff
00:41.17nhuisman_workand poormans lcd overlay board
00:41.23nhuisman_workreally neat
00:43.22De_Monduno, but wii remotes have been usable on computers for a while. You just need the sensor bar for some of the motion sensing
00:43.39nhuisman_workthe sensor bar is just a few leds
00:43.39De_Monerrm pointing? -shrug-
00:43.51nhuisman_workjust powered leds
00:43.56De_Monyup, easy to hook into a computer
00:45.00*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-35c90ed92e6623c8)
00:45.24De_MonI want a video player that doesn't require streaming over the opera client myself
00:57.27*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (
01:00.56*** join/#asterisk cesar_CR (
01:02.32*** part/#asterisk rnovotny22 (
01:03.37*** join/#asterisk SOLARIS_s (
01:11.00*** join/#asterisk jameswf-home (
01:11.12jameswf-homeping tzafrir_home
01:11.54*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
01:12.07*** join/#asterisk russellb (n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla)
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01:12.57tengulreanybody developt rtp here?
01:19.21*** join/#asterisk vetetix (n=vetetix@
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01:34.15*** join/#asterisk beek (
01:37.34*** join/#asterisk daven (
01:44.28*** join/#asterisk xbmodder_ (n=Sargun@atarack/staff/sargun)
01:51.28nhuisman_workbout to say f u to digiums low support list of distros
01:51.33*** join/#asterisk bmcghee (
01:51.35nhuisman_workfc4 and rhel 4
01:51.37nhuisman_workcome on guys
01:52.13bmcgheeon my asterisk system (1.4.14) when i change music on hold in the ques it works but when i change it in a extention it stays at default
01:52.28jengelhnhuisman_work: make it your advantage - sell fc8 support yourself
01:55.03nhuisman_workscrew that, how bout debian support
01:55.37russellbdon't underestimate how much work it is to add support for a distribution ...
01:55.46rob0Huh? They did some support work on my Slackware long ago.
01:55.47jengelhnhuisman_work: debian no way, ubuntu perhaps :D
01:55.54nhuisman_workubuntu is not a production os
01:56.02nhuisman_workoh i understand it's a ton of work
01:56.03russellband you need to clarify, you're talking about support for users of the commercial version of asterisk
01:56.05jengelhand there is no company behind debian
01:56.09nhuisman_workthey are just behind and i'm joining in at a bad time
01:56.12russellbnot general support contracts, or support of the hardware
01:56.35nhuisman_worktheir next release, asterisk be version C will have rhel 5 I assume
01:56.48rob0The guy ssh'ed in and helped me set up a zaptel card.
01:57.02russellband besides, we want to encourage users of BE to use our rpath based distribution, anyway
01:57.13russellbrob0: you're talking about hardware support, he's talking about asterisk business edition support
01:57.13nhuisman_workyeah I had problems with rpath earlier today
01:57.35nhuisman_workthe repository was all messed up and the support guy couldn't figure it out.
01:57.46nhuisman_worksomehow it was looking for debug versions instead of the normal ones
01:57.59russellbah, i apologize.  our main rpath developer is on holiday vacation ...
01:58.05nhuisman_workit's ok.
01:58.09nhuisman_worki may try out rpath again though with the new version
01:58.18nhuisman_workthe cd I got was an older version then the latest on the website
01:58.25russellbgotcha ...
01:58.38bmcgheeok this is wierd
01:58.52nhuisman_workrussellb, you have any idea how to run a later glibc in a chroot?
01:58.59russellbnhuisman_work: no clue.
01:59.13nhuisman_workyeah, lets try rpath one more time.
01:59.17nhuisman_work*puts in cd*
02:00.44bmcgheeDID (set to non for MOH) , QUE (set to "brent" MOH), My EXT (set to "brent" MOH) but it plays no music if calling in to the system, when i call out, put on hold. plays default
02:00.57nhuisman_workrussellb, is it very hard to create rpath packages? ie, heartbeat
02:01.14russellbnhuisman_work: no, it's not that bad, actually
02:02.29russellbi haven't messed with it in quite a while, though.
02:02.49nhuisman_workhmm it seems like the iso doesn't have rpath on it
02:04.33nhuisman_workany clue on how to get the latest rpath installer?
02:05.42russellbif you bought BE you should have access to the BE portal on to download the latest stuff ...
02:05.54russellbi'm not sure exactly how it works, i rarely work on any of the digium commercial things.
02:06.27nhuisman_workyeah I have access
02:06.37nhuisman_workthe iso i downloaded in there just has the 3rd party distro packages
02:06.42nhuisman_workno updated rpath
02:10.33*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
02:10.37nhuisman_workrussellb, is there a cutoff for tech support hours? or are they 24/7?
02:10.42nhuisman_worki'm in hawaii so... heh
02:17.53russellbi don't have the answer to that one ...
02:18.00russellbthere are 24/7 options available, though.
02:18.06QwellI think 7-7
02:18.26nhuisman_workguess i'll wait until tomorrow
02:18.28nhuisman_workerr nm
02:18.55nhuisman_workpretty burned out with installing linux over and over for today :P
02:19.06nhuisman_workinstalled rpath, then rhel 4, then fedora
02:20.29nhuisman_workmaybe I can install b-2.2 then pop that 2.3.6 cd in and ruh the install script
02:22.36nhuisman_workhmm, guess not, the doesn't have anything specific in it to detect rpath
02:24.13nhuisman_workthat asterisk book is layed out pretty terribly
02:24.22*** join/#asterisk coppice (
02:38.05*** join/#asterisk kclaussen (n=kclausse@
02:44.25*** join/#asterisk asdx (
02:48.48*** join/#asterisk mordaunt (n=mordaunt@unaffiliated/mordaunt)
02:52.31*** join/#asterisk teknoprep (n=tekno@unaffiliated/teknoprep)
02:52.37teknoprephey all
02:52.41teknoprepi am on the east coast of the USA
02:52.58teknoprepanyone have a good provider for voip that is reasonable priced and has decent quality
02:56.31teknopreplet me check it out
02:56.41teknoprepdon't really want IAX2 trunks tho
02:56.46alrsteknoprep: I like Garachi
02:56.50alrser, Gafachi
02:57.02coppiceI like smoked salmon
02:57.56asdxteknoprep: they do SIP as well
02:58.08teknoprephey i have a question
02:58.14teknoprepcan you port 1-800 #'S ?
03:02.23jbotsomebody said voip was Voice over IP
03:02.32De_Monoh ~itsp-us
03:02.44*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (
03:02.46jbot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet telephony Service Provider or "VoIP Telephone company". The allow you to either PLACE calls to the PSTN (called Termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called Origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs
03:02.53jbot[~itsplist-us] Here are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones : , , ,
03:03.58coppicejbot: obscure is choosing tags like "itsplist-us" to get the names of a few ITSPs :-)
03:03.59jbot...but obscure is already something else...
03:04.32jbotACTION is a store of obscure knowlege, or a bit fuzzy
03:08.40teknoprephow is teliax ?
03:08.45teknoprepthey seem decent
03:08.50teknoprepasdx you still there ?
03:09.01asdxteknoprep: yeah
03:09.15asdxteknoprep: they are decent
03:09.22teknoprepasdx, how is setup done?
03:09.34teknoprepasdx, do i have to get someone on the phone before i am able to get my sip information ?
03:09.40teknoprepasdx, or is everything done online ?
03:10.06asdxteknoprep: well, i used iax and they explain you what to put in your sip or iax configuration
03:10.20teknoprepasdx, that is now what i was asking
03:10.23asdxteknoprep: i used it with asterisk
03:10.32teknoprepasdx, i was using voicepulse.. and before you get your information
03:10.39teknoprepasdx, you have to fax something into them
03:10.46teknoprepasdx, and they aren't open on saturday
03:10.46asdxteknoprep: i see
03:10.57teknoprepasdx, do you have to do this with teliax ?
03:10.59asdxteknoprep: i did the setup myself
03:11.15teknoprepasdx, so i order the setup... and then they email the information ?
03:11.17asdxteknoprep: i think they have a support, i didn't use their support myself
03:11.34teknoprepasdx, do i have to sign anything and fax it in when i sign up for this ?
03:12.06teknoprepasdx, yes ?
03:12.09asdxteknoprep: no, i think you buy it straight away with a credit card
03:12.24teknoprepasdx, ok... how is there voice quality ?
03:12.26*** join/#asterisk Kobaz (
03:12.37asdxteknoprep: it's good
03:12.59asdxi used the gsm codec with asterisk
03:13.00teknoprepasdx, i like the unlimited 4 channel plan
03:13.11teknoprepasdx, you don't use asterisk anymore ?
03:13.39asdxteknoprep: nope, but i plan to use it on the future again, this teliax account i bought for a customer
03:13.55teknoprepasdx, ahh
03:14.26teknoprepasdx, i have a box in my basement with some cisco 7940's connected to it.. i also have a polycom 320
03:14.30asdxasterisk owns
03:14.33teknoprepasdx, yes it does
03:14.40*** join/#asterisk jblack (
03:14.43asdxteknoprep: cool
03:16.38jblackAm I going crazy, or does ekiga like to drop dtmf keys?
03:19.26teknoprepdoes taliax send you a bill ?
03:19.40teknoprepor does teliax just take right off your CC ?
03:19.51*** join/#asterisk exvito (n=exvito@
03:21.31*** join/#asterisk tobias (
03:22.54asdxteknoprep: i don't know, i didn't use my credit card, the customer bought it directly
03:23.09tobiashello, is there a way to use asterisk to support basic dial-in internet service for a couple users?
03:26.49teknoprepdial-up ?
03:27.05teknoprepyou would probably want to look into PPP
03:28.48tobiasteknoprep: my asterisk instance is connected to the PSTN only through a voip provider (no hardware).  is it still possible?
03:29.10coppicetobias: very unlikely
03:29.51tobiascoppice: for reasons similar to those that prevent faxing over voip lines?
03:30.53coppiceonly its even worse than FAX, because there is less opportunity for error recovery, echo cancellation needs to work end-to-end, etc.
03:31.25tobiasso attempting something like isn't even worth the effort
03:33.00coppicethat page isn't talking about the use of a VoIP path.
03:33.37teknopreprob0, you want to use dial-up over VoIP ?
03:33.41*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=pepOSX--@
03:33.57teknopreptobias, you want to use dial-up over VoIP ?
03:34.01rob0Sign me up.
03:34.18tobiasteknoprep: yes
03:35.06teknopreptobias, thats just crazy.. you would only be able to get reliable speeds at maby 4800 buad
03:35.10*** join/#asterisk WilliamK (
03:35.14teknoprepMABY if you're lucky 9600
03:35.17teknoprepbut i doubt it
03:35.26tobiasteknoprep: k :)
03:36.07tobiasshucks.  i was trying to figure a way to use up some of my voip channels
03:36.16coppiceit has little to do with the bit rate. if it works for V.22bis, it will probably work for V.34. The snag is it probably won't work for V.22bis
03:36.28tobiasand give myself free internet when i'm out in the boonies
03:44.58*** join/#asterisk zerohalo (
03:46.04WilliamKtobias whatcha trying to do? sorry I missed the convo
03:47.27tobiasWilliamK: hey.  I'm just wondering if there's a way that I can use asterisk to get myself on the internet, by dialing in through my cell phone
03:47.53tobiasthe problem is that i have no hardware - just a voip provider
03:48.07tobiaslots of free channels and plenty of bandwidth though :)
03:50.33WilliamKI wouldn't do that even if I could
03:50.39WilliamKcell phone bill would be HIGH
03:51.23WilliamKand if you're in a VZ/Sprint area, you'd be better off getting an aircard
03:51.34WilliamK49.99 for an unlimited sprint EV-DO aircard
03:51.57WilliamK500-3Mbps down, 1.8Mbps up (variable of course)
03:56.56WilliamKby the way, that's an unlimited plan
03:57.25tobiasWilliamK: yeah, i won't need it much though.  and i can confine my usage to N&W
03:57.50tobiasbut once or twice a year i spend a few days out in the country
03:58.00tobiaswhere there may not even be EV-DO
03:58.14tobiasbut there is regular cell service
03:58.54WilliamKif you don't have EV-DO, it'll goto RT1xx
03:59.01WilliamKit works off regular cell towers
03:59.43WilliamKyou could add a data service as needed to your cell and tether your notebook to your cell
04:00.19tobiasyeah.  probably easier.
04:00.38tobiasi love hacking at things that are impossible though :p
04:00.41WilliamKwho's your cell provider?
04:01.41WilliamKyou can probably tether, also if you work for a major company see if you get discounts if you haven't checked yet
04:01.49WilliamKmost major companies get like 15-17%
04:03.24WilliamKalso VZ gives 10% discount if you bundle wireless with landline
04:13.35*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (
04:14.07*** join/#asterisk Corydon76-dig (i=grey@pdpc/supporter/bronze/Corydon76-home)
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04:18.00jameswf-homegprs isnt that like 8kbps
04:22.15daventhe symbian softphone seems to do quite interesting stuff when it crashes
04:22.22davenas it takes a lot of other stuff out when it falls over
04:26.02*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (
04:44.09*** join/#asterisk truz_`24 (n=truz_`
04:51.52*** join/#asterisk etfonhomey (n=chatzill@
04:54.20*** join/#asterisk prg3 (
05:09.27*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
05:21.54*** join/#asterisk tRSS (
05:22.12tRSShow can I place a call from the cli and then forward that call to another number, just from asterisk cli?
05:23.23Corydon76-digtRSS: you can't
05:23.46Corydon76-digThe CLI is for status and command and control, not for call manipulation
05:24.01tRSSooh, i thought it was possible.. i was wrong, hmmm... thanks though
05:24.10Corydon76-digIf you want remote call manipulation, use AMI
05:24.30tRSSbut I remember doing something like this in the past... it has been while using asterisk again
05:24.51jblacktake a look at AGI
05:25.00Corydon76-digWell, you could use the originate CLI command
05:25.11jblackIt's a way to pass control from dialplan to scripts.
05:25.18Corydon76-digbut once the call starts, the only thing you can do to the call is request a hangup
05:25.19prg3Is there any good starting point to start looking at building a small callcenter on Asterisk?
05:25.36Corydon76-digprg3: read the book
05:25.39jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
05:26.10tRSShmm.. i will check my options.. thanks Corydon76-dig:
05:26.12jblackprg3: The O'reilly book is ok. It has enough information to get started, and makes the example config stuff understandable
05:27.09prg3jblack: Corydon76-dig I've done some home stuff with asterisk, but some of the call center routing looks tough..
05:27.29Corydon76-digUh, routing?
05:27.30prg3the client I have wants to have incoming calls forwarded out to remote agents over POTS on both sides.. this posisble?
05:27.41Corydon76-digYou're just talking about queues, right?
05:27.41prg3ok, routing may be the wrong word..
05:28.03jblackWith the right hardware, sure.
05:28.07prg3queues sound like a reasonable concept for what I'm thinking :)
05:28.24prg3They have a Sangoma 8 port FXO board..
05:28.25tRSSprg3: that shouldnt be hard.. although, it doesn't make sense to forward the call onto POTS again.
05:28.48prg3tRSS: the remote agents are offsite, with no reliable net.. possibly to cells or something
05:28.57jblackunless he's shipping calls to some place in india with no intar-web but plenty of phone lines. ;D
05:29.03Corydon76-digNot a great idea, but if you use AddQueueMember with a Local channel, it's doable
05:29.16prg3and it's going to be ever changing who's actually taking calls..
05:29.31Corydon76-digThat's true in any call center
05:29.54Corydon76-digbut how exactly is it a call center, if you only have 8 POTS lines and 4 of them will be used by agents?
05:30.00prg3Corydon76-dig: right, but the off-site with non-PBX lines is odd
05:30.18prg34 inbound, up to 4 outbound to agents, with some local calls..
05:30.31prg3little call center
05:30.31*** join/#asterisk ar3dam (n=fl3pix@
05:30.34Corydon76-digYeah, tiny call center
05:30.43tRSSvery tiny indeed :)
05:30.52Corydon76-digWhen you said call center, I was  thinking 200 agents
05:31.18Corydon76-digand if they're all on SIP phones, it's a LOT easier
05:31.39prg3Oh, I know.. I've got Polycom IP600 and IP500 phones for the local agents..
05:31.44ar3damhi there .. how need to do for receive call from my voip provider... any advice?
05:31.52Corydon76-digThe problem with POTS is typically glare
05:32.16Corydon76-digand glare on POTS confuses the crap out of Asterisk
05:32.37*** join/#asterisk lowlevel (
05:32.39Corydon76-digGlare is the term for when an incoming call and an outgoing call collide on the same trunk
05:33.01Corydon76-digYou ever pick up the phone just before it rings, so somebody is already on the line?  That's glare.
05:33.07prg3I think I can avoid that by having dedicated inbound and outbound lines..
05:34.00prg3And I'm going to push them to move from POTS to SIP, but I need to get things working before.. and they need a fatter pipe then they have now for net
05:34.55De_MonPOTS or PSTN
05:34.59tRSSprg3: i would suggest setting things up for SIP rather than doing it with POTs and then moving over
05:35.35prg3tRSS: I agree.. but I don't know if I can get them to make the move that way.
05:36.01prg3De_Mon: I'm not familiar enough to know what the distinction you are getting at is..
05:36.08tRSSit would be a smart gamble right now, rather than doing it later
05:36.28tRSSPOTS: plain old telephony systems, PSTN: Public Switched Telephone Network
05:36.49prg3It's POTS over PSTN then
05:37.14De_Moni thought they were the same thing
05:37.20prg3what sort of bandwidth do I need to ensure decent quality per call?
05:37.24Corydon76-digDe_Mon: if you read up, you'll see that he was using POTS for agents
05:37.44Corydon76-digDe_Mon: POTS and PSTN are not the same thing, no
05:37.54Corydon76-digPOTS is a method of getting to the PSTN
05:38.01De_MonPOTS and T1s and such all use the PSTN?
05:38.04Corydon76-digPRI is another method
05:38.07prg3Corydon76-dig: all of my POTS/FXO lines are PSTN lines..
05:38.17Corydon76-digPublic Switched Telephone Network
05:38.27prg3or is that implicit in FXO?
05:38.28Corydon76-digThe whole shebang is the PSTN
05:38.49De_Monooh everyone i've known in the "industry" made fun of me when I used the term pots like it was last centry
05:38.58coppiceexcept all the specs call it the GSTN
05:38.58Corydon76-digprg3: no, you can have FXO ports that do not attach to the PSTN
05:39.11prg3Corydon76-dig: as in they attach to FXS ports on another system?
05:39.14Corydon76-digThink of the PSTN as an analogue of the Internet
05:39.36coppiceexcept its mostly digital :-)
05:39.43prg3POTS = Ethernet, PSTN =Internet
05:39.46De_Monyay I learned something today, I was getting worried
05:39.52Corydon76-digJust like you need a network connection to connect to the Internet, but a network connection does not necessarily connect to the Internet
05:40.34tengulreanybody which rtp library is best for developtment?
05:40.54tengulreanybody known wich rtp library is best for developtment?
05:41.00De_Monshoulda just looked at wikipedia a few months ago when I got confused over the whole thing
05:41.03coppicetenguire. if you want to use C++ there are a couple. if you want to use C, they all suck
05:42.23prg3Ok, I think I need to digest a bit what I've found out here.. Thanks everyone, I'll come ask more questions when I know enough to ask good ones
05:43.02tRSSprg3: it is always good to ask... asking never hurts! :)
05:44.20prg3tRSS: It's painful to ask the dumb questions though.. :)
05:44.32prg3I've got to play with this a bit, and then things will start making more sense..
05:48.51*** join/#asterisk JJLinman (
05:50.30JJLinmanNe1 know something about recording calls?
05:51.38JJLinmanIn the docs it says that i am supposed to use soxmix but it is nowhere to be found
05:51.45[TK]D-FenderJJLinman, "show application monitor" , "show application mixmonitor"
05:52.26[TK]D-FenderJJLinman, Then go install it for your OS.  And thats if you want * to mix the ends together.  You could record them seperate and leave them that way if you really wanted.
05:53.15JJLinmancan you use mixmonitor instead of soxmix?
05:56.32[TK]D-FenderJJLinman, looks like
05:57.39JJLinmanthx - I am on the right track now..
05:58.39prg3Can you have time dependant dialplans?
05:58.47prg3as in, behavior changes dependant on time of day?
05:59.25De_Monprg3 like show application gotoiftime?
06:00.07prg3De_Mon: something exactly like that :)
06:00.21De_Monthere's an execiftime too
06:00.25codefreezeor contexts with time specs...
06:01.35prg3and blacklists look pretty easy to implement as well?
06:02.09[TK]D-Fenderprg3, "show function DB" , "show application gotoif" , "show application gotoiftime"
06:02.46De_Monwow I didn't know include could do that!
06:03.22De_Moncodefreeze are you talking about include => or something else?
06:03.48codefreezeyes, sorry, I'm too tired to blurt out the right stuff
06:28.30*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (
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07:42.50*** join/#asterisk dennisonicc (
07:43.09dennisoniccI have a small question about asterisk
07:43.13*** part/#asterisk jengelh (
07:43.22dennisoniccI mean about voip
07:43.55dennisonicccan I connect my PSTN phone to my voip provider via a normal 56k modem?
07:45.36dennisoniccmihinomenest: so I need an adsl modem right?
07:46.55dennisoniccso how can I connect pstn phones to a computer with asterisk?
07:50.11dennisoniccmihinomenest: thank you very much and sorry for aking stupid n00b questions :)
07:53.50mihinomenestwell, you don't know what a modem is, and obviously never read about it, but hey, it's not your fault.
07:53.58mihinomenestyou're the victim of a failing education system.
07:55.09*** join/#asterisk groogs[h] (
07:57.21*** join/#asterisk groogs[h] (
08:02.54dennisoniccmihinomenest: I just thought if a modem can recieve calls
08:03.11dennisoniccIt can also be a gateway
08:03.16dennisoniccbut nevermind
08:05.37dennisoniccmihinomemi: can I achieve the same using fxo to just connect my pstn phone to asterisk?
08:06.54dennisoniccoh sorry
08:06.57dennisoniccits fxs
08:11.50*** join/#asterisk flatline5 (
08:13.05flatline5hi! if anyone around at this time... i'm new to asterisk and wonder how a call out can be made? (like sip->pstn)
08:17.03flatline5like i dont want the whole details... i understand you need a did provider that would support sip to get something like pstn->sip... what about the reverse?
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08:27.45dennisoniccflatline5: most of sip providers provide ability for calling pstn and vice verse
08:28.12flatline5dennisonicc, yea i've been reading... like the provide would have a sip gateway or sip proxy, is that it?
08:58.54*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
09:02.05ChannelZI just hacked my own asterisk and made a new option for the Voicemail app to not play a mailbox greeting at all (I wanted to allow callers to leave a voicemail into a specific user's box after hours but to play an 'after hours' message as part of the dialplan). Any merit to anyone else?
09:11.08*** join/#asterisk sergey (n=sergey@
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09:39.13JJLinmanNe1 know which port(s) must be open on my firewall to make a SIP connection?
09:39.46fadeyudp 5060
09:40.10JJLinmanthat the only port?
09:41.53fadeymmm... depends. tcp 5060 could also be needed. you'll need to open some RTP ports as well
09:42.01fadeyif you are going to make calls
09:43.11fadeyreal time protocol
09:43.57JJLinmanwhich ports does it run on?
09:44.47fadeyfor asterisk those usually are udp 10000-20000
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09:45.03fadeyother programs could be different
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09:59.59jengelhWhere would I find the 'capi_request' function? Compilation on channels/chan_capi.c fails because of it.
10:00.16*** part/#asterisk ChannelZ (
10:01.46jengelh*sigh* a patch is culprit
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10:08.57cluscohello everyone!!!!
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10:13.43cluscobetween trixbox n centpbx.... which one much easier n simple ?????
10:28.21*** join/#asterisk markit (
10:29.45markithi, I'm desperate :( time to time I get the message "ast_rtcp_read: RTCP Read too short" but seems to make no harm, until I receive a call and I route to VoiceMail... during the message recording, a flow of these errors is shown and the message recording stops there :( no crash, and after the caller hangs up the messages stop
10:30.07markitif I use voicemail from a local extension, it works fine
10:30.44markitalso if I speak to the caller instead of record his message
10:33.40*** join/#asterisk Lawbringer (
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11:03.10tzafrir_homemarkit, the same thing happens with a simple Record() ?
11:03.59markittzafrir_home: yes :(
11:06.51markittzafrir_home: if I answer the phone, everything is ok, just some of those messages
11:07.12markitif a voicemail or record is started, it's of for 2-4 seconds, then I've that flow of errors
11:07.19markitand recording does not work anymore
11:07.55markitbut if I have voicemail or record of a call that comes from a local phone, everything is ok
11:08.07markitmaybe some codec translation triggers the problem?
11:09.58markitlet's try with wav instead of gsm
11:10.30markitno :(
11:11.41markittzafrir_home: any clue?
11:11.42*** join/#asterisk evilsense (n=santhu@
11:12.34tzafrir_homemarkit, does the audio work well in both directions?
11:12.38evilsenseok , I want to setup a video + audio chat server on my linux box, is asterisk the right software?
11:12.53evilsenseI am new here :{
11:13.01markittzafrir_home: if I answer the phone, I can talk with the caller without problems
11:13.22markitif I let the call go through voicemail, or if I use record, after some seconds I have that problem
11:14.17tzafrir_homeBut the problem is unidirectional? Just on the recording side? The remote caller can properly hear prompts?
11:14.33evilsenseHow much bandwidth will it take? IS video supported?
11:14.45tzafrir_homeevilsense, I don't think Asterisk can serve video chats right now
11:15.01evilsensetzafrir_home: oh ok
11:15.10markittzafrir_home: you can hear prompts, everything is ok until the recording starts, then after some seconds, recording does not work, nor seems able to get # or other from caller
11:15.14tzafrir_homeaudio chats are generally a well-known and mature feature to set up. You should have no problem with that
11:15.38evilsensetzafrir_home: oh thanks !
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11:16.11tzafrir_homeclusco, simple for what? For initial setup, or maintinance later on?
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11:18.14tzafrir_homemarkit, what codec is used for the call?
11:18.34tzafrir_homeWhat if you record to a format that uses the same codec?
11:19.32markitI've tried gsm, wav and wav49 without success
11:19.42markithow can I tell what format is used ?
11:20.00markitI mean, what format the caller - asterisk agree upon?
11:23.22markitI've forced ulaw and same result
11:25.31mvanbaakI have seen the same with the latest firmware load in a GXP2000
11:26.19mvanbaakI fixed it by forcing the phone to use a 20ms payload size
11:27.17mvanbaakwhen it's set to the defaults  (30ms) I get those RTCP Read mesages
11:29.20CpuIDhey, any of you guys ever used any call switching hardware?
11:29.49CpuIDeg. something which lets you talk to it at a high enough level to give application/business logic to the calls, eg. bridge x channel to y channel...but the calls themselves are routed purely through the hw
11:30.02markitmvanbaak: same rtp problem I have?
11:30.09mvanbaakmarkit: yes
11:30.22markitmvanbaak: but this is not with sip <--> asterisk, but Voip -> asterisk IF recording
11:30.35markitif I'm not recording, I've only some of those messages
11:30.38markitI'm puzzled
11:30.43CpuIDmainly after some kinda hardware to do the job to handle high volumes of voice traffic really
11:30.44mvanbaakI also had this trouble with NEC_Philips dect phones
11:30.55CpuIDbut be able to throw IVRs into the equation in certain situations
11:31.11mvanbaakmarkit: correct. phones can handle this, but the recording stuff in asterisk is fixed for 20ms
11:31.16CpuIDdont really feel comfortable with my experiences so far pushing large quantities of calls through *
11:31.39mvanbaakmarkit: as long as the phone is receiving 20ms and sending 30ms and asterisk does not have to record it everything is fine
11:31.40markitmvanbaak: so how can I solve this problem?
11:32.01mvanbaakmarkit: you see some of those messages when asterisk is transcoding, but you dont hear any chops or anything.
11:32.19mvanbaakmarkit: force the phone in question to use 20ms payload for RTP
11:32.31markitmvanbaak: when is recording, I see a FLOW of those messages, and no sound is recorded anymore
11:32.39mvanbaakI know
11:32.42mvanbaakI had the same
11:33.05markitmvanbaak: it's ok with my local phones, the problem is when I receive a call from my VoIP provider
11:33.13markitso how can I fix it with them?
11:33.23mvanbaakthe FLOW is only generated when asterisk has to record audio, during normal call you get an occacional warning because the transcoding is not going too well
11:33.27markitI mean, is a sort of parameter I can negotiate when registering?
11:33.44mvanbaakI never had that problem
11:33.49mvanbaakonly with local phones
11:34.13mvanbaakSIP or IAX2 ?
11:34.31markitbtw, I suppose they use an asterisk box too, but they don't provide iax registration so far
11:34.55mvanbaakcan you try to enable the jitterbuffer ?
11:35.49markitmvanbaak: forgive my ignorance, is long time I don't play with asterisk, had to "resume" now that I've switched my old activity isdn phone line to Voip
11:35.57markitis something I can set where? sip.conf?
11:37.28markitok, I see a lot of parameters in sip.conf regarding it
11:38.13mvanbaakjust enable it
11:38.25tzafrir_homemarkit, 'sip show chanels' show the current codec of the SIP channel
11:38.32mvanbaakjbenable = yes
11:38.33mvanbaakjbmaxsize = 200
11:38.33mvanbaakjbresyncthreshold = 1000
11:38.33mvanbaakjbimpl = adaptive
11:38.37mvanbaakthat's what I have
11:39.02mvanbaaksorry for the paste, should have used pastebin I know
11:40.01markitmvanbaak: ok, I reload now and try
11:40.29markitno, same problem :(
11:40.46mvanbaakit was worth a try at least
11:41.00markitsure, I'm desperate :(
11:42.22markitcould it be that I've too recent / too old libraries? I'm compiling asterisk from 1.4.x stable trunk under debian sid
11:42.34markitor some compilation option I've missed?
11:43.19markitin any case, since works locally, should not be the case
11:43.35markit(locally = if I record calls from local extensions)
11:43.48markitmvanbaak: could you call me and try to record a message?
11:43.54*** join/#asterisk nybble (n=nybble@about/apple/performa/nybble)
11:44.01mvanbaakcan I reach you by sip ?
11:44.02*** join/#asterisk nirz (n=nir@
11:44.18markitmvanbaak: yes, you should, let me find my public IP
11:45.00mvanbaakgheh, spammers are now writing the word sex like this: se)(
11:46.21markitmvanbaak: the phone should ring 5 seconds, and then you will enter voicemail without prompts, just hear beep
11:46.30markitat least, this is how is expected to work :)
11:46.39mvanbaakhang on
11:46.57mvanbaakany extension I should add ?
11:47.19*** join/#asterisk qdk_ (n=qdk@
11:47.35tzafrir_homeI figure it should work for most cases
11:47.58markittzafrir_home: thanks, I will have a look later, seems interesting tip
11:48.13markitmvanbaak: you are coming
11:48.21*** join/#asterisk RedStalker_Mike (
11:48.22tzafrir_homemarkit, generally, run that, and put the output in the "general" section
11:48.25RedStalker_Mikehi all
11:48.30markitbut phone did not ring
11:48.33tzafrir_homeSaves you finding that information manually
11:49.10mvanbaaknice script there tzafrir_home
11:52.08markitmvanbaak: could you try again? I've put in sip.conf incoming-voip as default context now
11:53.34mvanbaakhang on
11:53.57markithan_sip.c:13854 handle_request_invite: Call from '' to extension '' rejected because extension not found
11:54.04markitmm I've _X.
11:54.17mvanbaakhang on
11:54.52markitok, recording
11:55.07markit[Dec 29 12:54:52] WARNING[5790]: app.c:602 __ast_play_and_record: No audio available on SIP/
11:55.13mvanbaakthat can be me
11:55.19mvanbaakI need to fix my nat shit ;)
11:55.35mvanbaak--- set_address_from_contact host ''
11:55.42markit:) ok, let's give up if too complicated for you
11:55.58markitthat's the ip of my asterisk box
11:56.06mvanbaakyou behind nat
11:56.12mvanbaakdid you setup nat stuff correctly ?
11:56.22markitI've shorewall, and DNAT rules
11:56.29mvanbaaklike extern ip and localnet ?
11:56.41markitwell, don't know...
11:56.45markitlet me check
11:56.46mvanbaakin sip.conf
11:57.27markitI've not them set up
11:57.37mvanbaakplease do
11:57.46markitthought were important only if you run asterisk in the same box that acts as router/firewall
11:58.07mvanbaakno, it's important if you run asterisk behind nat
11:58.11jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT :  otherwise check the WIKI at
11:58.18*** join/#asterisk fadey (
11:59.53markitdo I have to set nat=yes also? as global setting (I have in single peers setup)
12:00.58mvanbaakdont think so
12:01.36markitok, retry please
12:01.56markit(is nat=yes in the url you provided me with jbot)
12:02.10mvanbaaklets try
12:02.16mvanbaakif it wont work you can set nat=yes
12:02.38markitseems recording
12:02.51markitexited without errors
12:02.58mvanbaakand no more internal ip on my console
12:03.14markitmvanbaak: well, in any case thansk a lot for these tips
12:03.15mvanbaak--- set_address_from_contact host ''
12:03.22mvanbaakno problem dude
12:03.25markitI try again with my voip provider
12:03.32markitmaybe it fixed the rtp problem also
12:03.37mvanbaakwho knows
12:03.46markityes, guesswork :)
12:04.01markitseems to work now
12:04.12mvanbaakso it was a NAT issue afterall
12:04.32mvanbaakwe just saved his day
12:04.37markityes, but is something I could never fix myself
12:04.57markityes, really I was desperate
12:05.13markitI've switched my isdn to voip and the day I had to make it work, I had this problem
12:05.22markitthat would have made almost useless the switch
12:05.33markitand google was of no help at all
12:05.45markitnor the channel, since I'm sure is a really strange error
12:05.55markitmvanbaak: I do thank you a lot!!!
12:06.11mvanbaakno problem. I'm glad it's working now
12:06.16markittzafrir_home: and thanks to you also :)
12:08.40markitmmm no errors but not sound in the message, let me try again
12:12.25markitok :))
12:27.45*** join/#asterisk Bladerunner05 (
12:37.07tzafrir_homeBladerunner05, you asked about about busydetect in Italy?
12:37.26Bladerunner05YES this is my big problem
12:38.43tzafrir_homeWhat are your current settings?
12:39.51Bladerunner05consider I'm using asterisk and zaptel
12:40.41tzafrir_homebusydetect=yes          ''this cause problem with asterisk
12:40.51tzafrir_homeA comment should begin with ';'
12:41.15tzafrir_homeMaybe the value "yes          ''this cause problem with asterisk" simply is not detected as "yes"?
12:42.04mvanbaakand where did you get asterisk ?
12:42.20tzafrir_homeanyway, it worked before and doesn't work now? In what version it did work?
12:42.26Bladerunner05I download it from
12:42.42tzafrir_home1.4.16.[12], I guess
12:43.10Bladerunner05sorry mistake
12:43.14tzafrir_homeyeah. I hope we won't get to .12 . .2 is the current record
12:44.11tzafrir_homeanyway, in what version this has worked?
12:46.03*** part/#asterisk jengelh (
12:46.10Bladerunner05So if I use busydetect=yes it recognize the hang up but asterisk return this error WARNING[2687]: file.c:643 ast_readaudio_callback: Failed to write frame and hang up the line
12:46.38Bladerunner05If I comment busydetect=yes no error but no hangup !
12:47.20tzafrir_homewell, first-off it is a warning. The call should be hung up and is hung up, right?
12:47.33tzafrir_homeah, it doesn't
12:47.43Bladerunner05So If busydetect=yes the hang up is arbitrary
12:48.04tzafrir_homewhat version did work?
12:48.05Bladerunner05while I press a key or listen to a message it hang up
12:48.26Bladerunner05I notice that this problem persist from 1.4.x
12:48.29tzafrir_hometry setting busycount=5 ; or even 7
12:48.51Bladerunner05and leave busydetect=yes ?
12:48.54tzafrir_homeSo the problem was with previous 1.4 versions as well?
12:49.22Bladerunner05I don't remeber 'cause before I used capi
12:51.44Bladerunner05the problem persist also with busycount=5 and busycount=7
12:52.02*** join/#asterisk af_ (
12:52.42Bladerunner05this is zapata.conf now
12:53.51tzafrir_homeBladerunner05, anyway, "busy" is always detected but sometimes you get that warning and the hangup fails?
12:55.37Bladerunner05•tzafrir_home• this is the asterisk log but the hangup u will see is not caused by the caller
12:58.16*** join/#asterisk feqma (
12:59.59tzafrir_homeBladerunner05, in that stage, do you still see the channel in 'show channels'?
13:00.32tzafrir_homeNot sure exactly what might cause this. But looks like a bug-reporting-worthy behaviour
13:03.36Bladerunner05this is the result while a call is in progress and when it do hangup (without any reason) all channels are free
13:36.23*** join/#asterisk dacs (n=haiger@unaffiliated/dacs)
13:36.58dacsGood morning
13:37.02R1ckhello, any idea why outbound cid doesnt work, the interface says to use the magic string 'hidden' to hide it, but that doesnt work, also, if I set one of our other numbers, it doesnt work, it only (and always) uses our main number for outbound dialing.. the line is an isdn2 line, and I use a quadbri ISDN card
13:40.30DarKnesS_WolFanyone can send me a fax to test with in egypt ?
13:41.08DarKnesS_WolFR1ck: explain more i didn't get the problem .
13:41.14dacsenta f masr
13:41.20DarKnesS_WolFdacs: ah :-)
13:41.44DarKnesS_WolFdacs: u ?
13:42.02dacstab 3aweez the fax or if i heard the tone i will hung up
13:43.05DarKnesS_WolFdacs: la2a 3awiz fax :-) 3lshan test ;-)
13:43.18R1ckDarKnesS_WolF: as you can see it sets the CallerID, but its not the same as number I see on my phone
13:44.39DarKnesS_WolFR1ck: then ur provider not passning the CID
13:45.07R1ckbut it did work on our old siemens pbx
13:45.15DarKnesS_WolFR1ck: most of providers having local termination on the contry ur calling so when u dial u just get local number
13:46.53*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
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13:53.29jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
14:00.01*** join/#asterisk k2nt23 (n=rubsoft@
14:12.20riddleboxif person1 conferences in person2 with their phone to a meetme conference can an admin of the conference drop person2 if they want
14:19.06*** join/#asterisk amir_ (n=amir@gentoo/developer/amir)
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14:45.29*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=Joe@
14:50.16riddlebox[TK]D-Fender, you alive?
14:59.36*** join/#asterisk jblack (
14:59.45jblackGood morning/afternoon/evening.
15:02.28jblackWould I be crazy to think that each sip client that is ported to linux suffers a different key flaw? Ekiga likes to drop dtmf tones, linphone has problems with authentication, x-lite (at least the windows version) won't make sip calls and is proprietary.
15:04.51De_Monjblack xlite works for me in windows?
15:04.59jblackWith sip calls?
15:05.19Iamnach0works for me too
15:05.48jblackOh, then I must have done something wrong. x-lite for windows won't place calls to an ip for me.
15:06.07*** join/#asterisk tobias (
15:06.23De_Monriddlebox if person1 is conferencing someone else in, that person didn't actually join the conference and no a meetme admin can't kick them without kicking the person who conferenced them in
15:08.58riddleboxDe_Mon, thats what I thought
15:09.26riddleboxso person1 could transfer person2 to the conference and let them join it properly though
15:16.24[TK]D-Fenderjblack, what mode are you using for DTMF?
15:16.45[TK]D-Fenderjblack, And why are you dialing by IP on a soft-phone?
15:18.47tzafrir_homejblack, considering Ekiga used to be called GnomeMeeting, it's not exactly "ported to Linux"
15:28.07DarKnesS_WolFanyone did iaxmodem + * + hylafax ?
15:28.35DarKnesS_WolFi used NVfaxDetect and asterisk dials the iaxmodem peer but it keeps rining and the other side got NO Answer any idea where i can debug ?
15:29.46jblack[TK]D-fender: Sorry. Had to fix the daughter's computer from a botched upgrade.
15:30.24jblacktzafrir: Yeah. Ported was a bad term. s/ported//.
15:31.27jblack[TK]D-fender: All of them. And I'm dialing by ip to reach the server itself. ;)
15:32.45[TK]D-Fenderjblack, You should not be specifying it when you dial in the # entry line
15:33.15jblackI can reach the server fine. The problem happens when I'm already connected, trying to navigate through the dialplan prompts.
15:33.27[TK]D-Fenderjblack, And what mode are you using?
15:33.33jblackoffhand, it feels as if about 75% of button presses are ignored by ekiga.
15:33.39jblackI tried all of the modes one at a time.
15:33.49[TK]D-Fenderjblack, you SHOULD be on rfc2833.  If you aren't go fix that now
15:34.01[TK]D-Fenderjblack, And make sure it matches in sip.conf entry
15:34.11*** join/#asterisk lmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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15:35.13jblackYah, ekiga is on rfc2833. I'll set it for the peer in sip.conf now
15:35.18*** join/#asterisk russellb (n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla)
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15:37.05jblackNope. That didn't solve it.
15:37.42jblackUnder the [jblack] sip entry, I set dtmfmode=rfc2833 and verified that dtmf was set to rfc2833 as well
15:38.21jblackOhhh... wait.
15:38.49[TK]D-Fenderjblack, and is it USING that entry?
15:39.04[TK]D-Fenderjblack, or are we back to your "un-authed" sillyness?
15:39.13jblackNah, we're authed.
15:39.24[TK]D-Fenderjblack, and multiple soft-phone on 1 PC deal?
15:39.40jblackNo, just one soft phone, on one pc. :)
15:42.29jblackI'm watching the asterisk console with level 10, sip debug on. Sometimes, asterisk gets dtmf signals from ekiga, sometimes it doesn't.
15:44.36jblackDTMF through the prompt by calling in over the phone (using IPKall) works fine, DTMF with linphone (unauthenticated) works fine as well.
15:46.52jblackgoogling gave me plenty of dtmf related bugs with older versions of ekiga
15:50.29jblackI found the problem.
15:52.06jblackwell, at least a solution. Things work much more reliably when I disable all the codecs but gsm. I suspect that whatever codec I was defaulting to didn't handle dtmf right.
15:56.13*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
15:58.16jblackOk. I definitely found it. The problem occurs when, and only when "silence detection" is turned on in ekiga. Turn it off, no problem, regardless of codec. Turn it on, very unreliable dtmf. ;)
15:59.43[TK]D-Fenderjblack, * does not support VAD
15:59.49*** join/#asterisk piper69 (n=haiger@unaffiliated/piper69)
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16:04.37jblackI'm sorry. I have no idea what you mean
16:04.54piper69good morning all
16:04.59jblackGood morning!
16:05.04*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@
16:05.21piper69and good ,evening to those who are in evening time now :)
16:05.53jblackawww. You're gonna make people in late-night time zones jealous.
16:12.05jblackAhh. VAD = voice activated detection
16:17.35*** join/#asterisk russellb (n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla)
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16:21.19russellbanyone here want to test a new console channel driver?
16:21.43russellbi wrote one that works on my mac, but it should work on linux and other platforms as well
16:22.10*** part/#asterisk feqma (
16:27.55coppiceVAD is short for DARTH VADER
16:29.47*** join/#asterisk ronr (
16:30.13PepOSXrussellb, channel driver?
16:30.51jameswf-homechan_vad.c [DEBUG] luke I am your father//
16:31.55ronrhi, I got a Goto statement in my dialplan that should goto to some context,extension,priority, the extension is in a variable, so I use Goto(outgoing,${VAR},1) but asterisk complains that there's no priority labeled outgoing, which is the 1 arg Goto mode, what am I doing wrong?
16:32.55jameswf-homepastebin your dialplan
16:33.06jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
16:41.51jameswf-homewhat context does 200 sit in
16:42.53jameswf-homescrew it
16:43.01ronr30? doesn't exist
16:43.10jameswf-homeadd include => outgoing to phones
16:43.16ronror 300, thats phones
16:43.45ronrsry, last line, including outgoing in phones, wasn't pasted
16:46.45ronrah, I see it
16:46.53[TK]D-Fenderronr, exten   =>  _[1-8]XX,n,GotoIf($[${OUTGOING} = 1]?outgoing) <-- here you refer to "outgoing" as a label within the CURRENT exten.
16:46.55ronrforgot to add the prioirty label
16:47.03ronrin the goto
16:47.07[TK]D-Fenderronr, you don't HAVE a priority with that label on it
16:47.19ronr[TK]D-Fender: I just noticed that
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16:47.56ronrhaving the goto forwarding me to a context with the same name got me on the wrong track
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16:57.50SwKanyone have iraq DIDs?
17:05.21SOLARIS_snot i
17:05.27SOLARIS_sbut im looking for toronto DIDs
17:05.46Bladerunner05I need to see any italian zapata.conf script using tdm400p
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18:26.38jameswf-homethe biggest problem with releasing code is someone who shouldnt will get it and blame you because they are stupid
18:27.39jameswf-homeyou shouldnt have to write 5 pages to document a 1 page script... bleh
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18:31.23jameswf-homeI am going to add an --emo switch to my scripts which will make all output sad and depressing :))
18:31.54lunaphytei'm hoping some folks here might be able to offer some insight regarding an ata i'm suddenly having trouble with - not specifically asterisk related though - it won't acknowledge an ethernet connection.
18:35.30lunaphyteit's a linksys pap2t, new out of the box as of 2 days ago.  i put it on the network, poked around a bit, came back to it a day later, and now i get power and internet leds blinking.
18:35.54lunaphytei'm wondering if i broke it by changing something and not realizing it.
18:39.32mvanbaakswitchport died ?
18:41.21jameswf-homelunaphyte: is it a unlocked pap2 or a vonnage pap2
18:42.22lunaphyteit's unlocked (err, was, anyway) :) - bought here :
18:42.50lunaphytemvanbaak: i've tried it on multiple ports, all of which work ok w/ a laptop.
18:43.50lunaphytei found some suggestions for "resetting" it via touchtones from a connected phone, but it doesn't appear to work in my case.  it sort of sounds like you need a dial tone first, and i hadn't even made it to that point yet.
18:45.05jameswf-homeif you press **** you should get a voice
18:47.17rob0./jameswf-home --emo
18:47.54jameswf-homecant spell
18:48.02jbotemp is probably in physics an ElectroMagnetic Pulse, which is essentially a high density wave of beta radiation
18:58.22lunaphytejameswf-home: even w/out a dial tone?  it doesn't seem to work.
18:59.07jameswf-homedialtone is for humans and has no bearings on anything in the telephone world
18:59.11mvanbaakunplug the ethernet and power, and replug the power
18:59.29jameswf-homethere are reset pins on the pap2 you may have to crack the case
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19:12.47lunaphytejameswf-home: well, maybe not a dialtone, but 48v, right?  i have a basic wired handset connected, and can't generate tones.
19:13.01lunaphytemvanbaak: no luck there.
19:13.48lunaphytelooking at the board, i don't see anything that appears to be reset pins or such.
19:14.25lunaphytei do see pads that look they're intended for a power switch, but that's about it.
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19:24.56[TK]D-FenderIf you have no dialtone its simply not registered
19:26.10lunaphyteyeah, that much i know.  :)  i'd be happy at this point if it would lease an ip.
19:26.40[TK]D-Fenderlunaphyte, it isn't picking up an IP?
19:28.27[TK]D-Fenderlunaphyte, I believe **** (pause) 110# will tell you its IP
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19:42.36lunaphyte[TK]D-Fender: i don't even get a link light on my switch.
19:47.29lunaphyteit seems that this thing may have just simply died.  i'm not sure how long it should normally take before hearing a response from the ivr after doing ****, but i can't imagine it's any longer than 60 seconds.  i guess i'll give linksys a call on monday.
19:48.12jameswf-homethe ivr responds almost immediatel y have you tried a hard reset
19:49.47lunaphytejameswf-home: it's not clear to me how to do a hard reset (aside from power cycling).  there is no reset button on the unit, and no mention of hard reset that i can find.
19:54.31jameswf-homeyou have to open it up and thre ae two pins
19:57.44lunaphytelooking at the board, i don't see anything that appears to be reset pins or such.
19:57.49lunaphytei do see pads that look they're intended for a power switch, but that's about it.
19:58.56jameswf-homedid centpbx die?
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20:17.40mechanicus01hi everyone, about how many simultanious calls for 1mg are posible?
20:18.00mechanicus01on g729
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20:19.13mihinomenestyou know what the rate for g729 is, right?
20:20.02mechanicus01looking for it now
20:21.20markithi, upon loading, in cli I have this message: WARNING[10286]: chan_sip.c:16170 add_realm_authentication: Format for authentication entry is user[:secret]@realm at line 861  what could I have wrong in sip.conf?
20:22.02dlynesmarkit: let's see line 861
20:22.14markitoh, I thought was the source code line, lol
20:22.14mechanicus01rate for g729 is 8kbps
20:22.30markityes, I've a auth=md5, that I don't know what means, I will investigate
20:22.37markitthanks dlynes
20:22.41dlynesmarkit: 16170 is the line number in the source code
20:22.50dlynesmarkit: 861 is the line in your sip.conf file
20:22.50mihinomenestmechanicus01: what then, can we infer the call volume to be for 1mbps?
20:22.59russellbthat line is not valid for sip.conf
20:23.01russellbjust remove it
20:23.31mechanicus01mihinomenest about 100 calls
20:23.33markitrussellb: thanks, I've in in wengophone account section, maybe I found it in some sample online
20:23.35dlynesmihinomenest: under ideal conditions
20:23.44mihinomenestmechanicus01: don't forget overhead.
20:23.54dlynesmarkit: auth=md5 is for iax.conf, not sip.conf
20:24.29markitI see
20:24.46dlynesmarkit: generally, you don't want an auth= line in your sip.conf
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20:31.12markitI also have some of these messages, time to time: ast_get_srv: SRV lookup for '' mapped to host, port 5060
20:31.42markitare them of any interest / problmematic simpthom?
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21:12.57dlynesmarkit: that just means that your dns server is providing an SRV entry for your sip server
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21:52.57etfonhomey_Does * use UDP sip or TCP sip?
21:53.53jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
21:53.54*** join/#asterisk jedaustin (
21:55.20jedaustinI have asterisk/Freepbx setup with device and user with multiple sip devices pointing to the same user.  When you call the user extension all the phones ring as expected.  When the first call is answered, additional calls go to VM.. How do I get it to ring the remaining devices instead before timing out and going go voicemail?
21:57.22[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey_, SIP only until 1.6
21:57.45*** join/#asterisk Toerkeium (i=oo@
21:57.46[TK]D-Fenderjedaustin, FreePBX is not supported here, please refer to their support channels.
21:57.55jbot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
21:58.05etfonhomey_[TK]D-Fender, is it SIP via tcp or SIP via udp, though?
21:58.37[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey_, Sorry, meant to say : SIP via UDP only.  SIP TCP support will come with 1.6 supposedly
22:00.13etfonhomey_[TK]D-Fender, Thanks.  Next question:  With * behind a PIX, you're supposed to disable the "fixup protocol sip udp 5060", right?
22:00.42[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey_, last I heard yeah, you want the PIX to keep out of things.
22:03.09rob0Does a PIX do anything right? SMTP fixup is a/k/a fuxup.
22:03.44[TK]D-Fenderrob0, not much... its the worst thing they've made I believe.
22:11.09etfonhomey_[TK]D-Fender, Can you tell me what would cause the 404 in this sip debug output?
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22:11.33[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey_, the WHOLE CALL PLEASE
22:11.38etfonhomey_[TK]D-Fender, If you look at the sip show peers results, this registration is supposedly OK.
22:12.14etfonhomey_[TK]D-Fender, this is not a result of a call.
22:12.17[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey_, registration does NOT mean you peer is set up right!
22:12.37etfonhomey_[TK]D-Fender, just means it registered right...
22:12.45[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey_, ....
22:14.22etfonhomey_[TK]D-Fender, now, I'll make a call.  The symptoms are that if I call my cell phone using this SIP provider, it takes over a minute for the call to ring (on both the cell phone and on the local phone I'm using to call from).
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22:27.07etfonhomey_[TK]D-Fender, is there a way to redirect the console output to a file?
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22:30.48d-techI executed a 'yum install kernel-devel' and still do not have a kernel source ... can someone give me a hint?
22:34.06mihinomenestwhy don't you just download them as a tarball and extract that?
22:38.22mvanbaakd-tech: try kernel-sources
22:45.38etfonhomey_[TK]D-Fender, here's most of a call attempt
22:46.56[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey_, #
22:46.56[TK]D-FenderX-Asterisk-HangupCause: Network out of order <--
22:47.09[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey_, And they are 404-ing your Quailfy.  Disable it.
22:47.26etfonhomey_aka qualify=no?
22:47.39[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey_, ....
22:50.01etfonhomey_[TK]D-Fender, the Hangup is happening when I actually hangup the call from the originating phone once it finally starts ringing (after over a minute of silence).
22:50.21[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey_, they list a network error, not you
22:50.29[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey_, looks like their side has issues
22:51.20etfonhomey_[TK]D-Fender, the network error being "Network out of order"?
22:51.51[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey_, says it out loud, doesn't it?
23:00.16d-techmvanbaak: no difference
23:01.04d-techit load the repo lists and then says 'nothing to do'
23:10.50tzafrir_homed-tech, uname -r; rpm -qa | grep kernel
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23:11.19tzafrir_homeI suspect you installed kernel-devel of a newer version
23:11.37tzafrir_homeWith some luck:  ./install_prereq install
23:11.44tzafrir_homewould get the right version
23:12.02mvanbaakI really like the 'with some luck'
23:30.36*** join/#asterisk RoyKa (
23:30.57markitI've an ag468 ATA, I've upgraded the firmware but now it asks for username and password, and the "admin / voip" combination of the manual does not work. Anyone has that device and knows why? since has telnet interface, any tool that can discover by "brute force"?
23:30.57Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
23:33.21dacsNugget: ssh is GOD!
23:33.32mvanbaakNugget: wouldn't it be cool if all voip phones and ata's would come with an ssh server ?
23:34.10dacsmvanbaak: that would be like making love to a hot blond!
23:34.35mvanbaakdacs: now calm down. it would be nice, but not _that_ nice
23:34.46Nuggetyay ssh
23:35.18mvanbaakmaking love to a hot blond > ssh
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23:41.57tzafrir_homeYou can view star-wars through telnet:// . Yet voices in the channel say
23:42.33tzafrir_home(ah, ok. Just testing is that was fully-automated) gheh
23:43.43dacsanyone know a software/guide that will convert PDF to audio , that way i can load it in my ipod a listen to it.
23:44.20mvanbaakcat file.pdf | festival
23:44.27d-techfound the problem with 'yum install kernel-devel' ... note CentOS now 'excludes=kernel*' by default ... you'll need to edit the yum.conf if you want a source
23:44.55mvanbaakd-tech: that's just.......weird
23:44.57mvanbaakstupid centos
23:45.38d-techno-one wants you to have a kernel-tree anymore???
23:46.09mvanbaakno-one in the centos team
23:46.10tzafrir_homed-tech, they want to prevent you from upgrading the kernel too easily?
23:46.19mvanbaaksane distributions dont do that
23:46.28dacsmvanbaak: and that will output to an ipod format?
23:46.48mvanbaakdacs: no, that will read the source of a pdf
23:46.50tzafrir_homemvanbaak, xpdf-utils has pdftotext
23:46.51mvanbaakbut you dont want that
23:47.08mvanbaaktzafrir_home: I know
23:47.17mvanbaakbut most PDF files are just one big image
23:47.41mvanbaakso no text can be extracted
23:47.41tzafrir_homeThat requires an OCR
23:48.04tzafrir_homeBoth tiff and PDF are common inputs to OCR programs
23:48.05mvanbaakok, dont look weird when I type strange now
23:48.12mvanbaakmy cat is walking around on my laptop
23:48.49tzafrir_homecat >/dev/null #:-(
23:49.25dacstzafrir_home: what do you mean " xpdf-utils has pdftotext"
23:49.44dacsmvanbaak: why i don't want to do that
23:49.52tzafrir_homeThe package xpdf-utls (in Debian) has a program called pdftotext
23:50.07mvanbaakdacs: well try it: cat file.pdf
23:50.11mvanbaakand see for yourself
23:50.33dacstzafrir_home: happen that i do use debian :)
23:57.25dacsso PDFtoTEXT -> festival

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