IRC log for #asterisk on 20071228

00:00.18zperteeHello.  I have a question.  What is the average hourly cost for pbx consulting?  If I ask $20/hour is that too much if I am acting as a sub contractor to a company?
00:00.55fujinjust for consulting, or actual work?
00:01.02fujinconsulting and contracting are two different things you see
00:01.16zperteeboth.  I designed and installed
00:01.20fujinI charge upwards of 90$usd/h for asterisk-based VoIP contracting
00:01.22De_Monzpertee i've never met a computer consultant that charged less than $40 (and that is low imho)
00:01.34fujinbut I do awesome stuff, so, go figure ;>
00:01.53De_MonI do between 60-80 depending on the PITA factor
00:02.22fujinyeah, fully depends (for me) on the size of the target
00:02.26zperteeokay good.  I'm still young and have a lot to learn so I'm trying to charge low.  but a customer is complaining about $20/hour and I thought that was more than reasonable
00:02.49fujinFind a new customer ;P
00:03.03De_Monzpertee the young learn fast, they are taking advantage of you!
00:03.03fujin20/h is pretty base-rate cheap.
00:03.21zperteeyeah I hear ya, problem is it is family friends so it's a little more complicated
00:03.28De_MonI got paid $20 for computer work at 10-15
00:03.33fujinI hate doing that kind of work.
00:03.36De_MonRUN AWAY
00:03.36*** join/#asterisk bmcghee (
00:03.42bmcgheeim getting this error.
00:03.46bmcgheeAsterisk 1.4.14
00:03.57bmcgheetrying to do ext to ext calling
00:03.58zperteedo you charge for any research needed?
00:04.05De_Mondon't charge friends and family. Either help for free and remind them as much when the complain, or don't help at all.
00:04.17fujinI can't see any errors bmcghee
00:04.42bmcgheeit wont ring on the other end
00:04.45De_Monzpertee sometimes...
00:05.16zperteeDe_Mon: ok I had to do some research as I was trying to implement asterisk with a legacy pbx that I wasn't quite familiar with
00:05.31fujinfuck I hate legacy pbx's.
00:05.37fujinI just have someone plot out what usually happens
00:05.38De_MonI wouldn't charge for 100 hours of "research" but I'd definaly do 10-20% of the actual time I spent, depending on how basic the research was
00:05.39fujinand replicate it with *
00:06.08Downchuckis using a dedicated SDSL line for a 15 person office a bad idea?
00:06.11zperteeok makes sense.  that's about what I did.  Thanks for the reassurance
00:06.27De_Moni smell food -- afk
00:06.30Downchucki figure i can get off with one SDSL and one Cable,  use the backup for their porn browsing, and as a backup in case of crap.
00:10.22[TK]D-FenderDownchuck, You didn't say what bandwidth your SDSL was or what you planned on passing OVER it.
00:10.48Downchuck1.5M, voice
00:10.56DownchuckI'd imagine i could go with gsm
00:11.08a1fadoes anybody know if avaya's power brick is 802.3af compliant?
00:11.18zperteefujin: is 80-90 hours too long to charge if I have to personally purchase all items (most at store), install them, run wire, setup and configure asterisk, and implement it with legacy pbx?
00:11.30Downchuckwas thinking the digium appliance
00:11.52fujinwell, was it actually 80-90 hours?
00:12.07fujinI always charge exactly what I do
00:12.19fujinsubtracting a bit here or there if I was lazy
00:12.20zperteeyes, but was wondering if that sounded totally ridiculous or not?
00:12.21Downchuckzpertee:  your customer is being a bad customer.
00:12.28fujinmm, I think that's the case.
00:12.43fujin80-90 hours at 20/h for a VoIP contractor/consultant is pretty cheap tbh.
00:12.47fujinsounds like you've done a pretty intense job
00:13.10a1fain 802.3af, 7&8th wires are power?
00:13.47zperteealright I get it.  I'm obviously over worrying about nothing!  sorry to bother you and thanks for all of your help.
00:13.59a1fafucking thing sparks everytime i hook it up
00:14.09fujinyou're doing it wrong.
00:14.14a1fahow so?
00:14.28fujinI dunno.
00:14.30fujintwo plugs
00:14.33fujinone end to switch
00:14.35fujinone end to $device
00:14.36fujin&& done
00:14.39fujinsparks = wrong
00:14.41fujinno sparks = good
00:14.52a1fai have a poe brick dude
00:14.59fujinoh, fail
00:15.01fujindefinitely doing it wrong
00:15.22a1faok genius
00:17.35*** join/#asterisk MrFollies (
00:18.29a1fai think this power supply is only charging 7&8 wire
00:18.58a1fa7th wire -48, 8th wire +48
00:21.04a1faanybody have any experience with poe?
00:23.52a1fawhat a bullshit
00:23.57a1faanyone uses valcom products here?
00:28.10Downchuckrepost..  1.5mbps SDSL w/ 15 active calls using GSM -- over the digium appliance.. Will that work out for me?
00:28.30DownchuckI think that the 64kbps codec would max out at 10 calls..
00:29.38craigkis there any trick to re-parking a previously parked call which I have picked up? I park a call using the one step parking feature, then pick the call back up again - and then i can not park it again :(
00:31.08*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=Joe@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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00:38.03*** join/#asterisk CpuID (n=cpuid@gentoo/contributor/cpuid)
00:38.56CpuIDhey ppls, ive got a TDM400 card with a single FXO and single FXS, ive got the home landline connected to the FXO and a cordless to the FXS, theres also an IAX handset in the mix there, if i call the landline the CID of my mobile shows fine on the IAX phone, but not the cordless (which has a display for it and all)...
00:39.31CpuIDeach of the IAX phone and the cordless both have extensions (200 and 201 respectively), so i can call between the 2 for testing as well
00:39.37CpuIDany ideas as to why the CID isnt working on my FXS?
00:39.45CpuIDits a panasonic cordless, pretty basic
00:41.46*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-9ceceaececb68237)
00:43.53tzafrir_laptopdo you actually get CID?
00:46.10[TK]D-FenderCpuID, Means you didn't set your zapata.conf right for your fxs channel.  pastebin the whole file please.
00:46.12jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
00:50.54bmcgheeasterisk is running
00:50.59bmcgheebut its reporting that its not
00:51.43bmcgheeVerbosity is at least 3
00:51.49bmcgheeis what asterisk consol sayin
00:57.07CpuIDsec [TK]D-Fender
00:57.42[TK]D-Fenderbmcghee, Not sure I follow...
00:58.42*** join/#asterisk Tebi_ (
01:01.17tzafrir_laptopCpuID, you need to use: callerid=asreceived
01:01.18*** join/#asterisk techie (
01:01.24tzafrir_laptopfor the FXO channel
01:02.33CpuIDah sec
01:02.39[TK]D-FenderCpuID, <- give that a whirl after restarting *
01:03.09CpuIDtzafrir_laptop, funny thing is if i call from the iax phone to the cordless i should expect the IAX phones cid, but i dont get that :P
01:03.10tzafrir_laptopfor callerid= setting: I think a reload should do
01:03.14*** join/#asterisk mechanicus01 (n=none@
01:03.14CpuIDso asreceived wouldnt quite help there
01:03.17CpuIDsec checking pastebin
01:03.35CpuIDbit cleaner btw [TK]D-Fender :)
01:03.40CpuIDless assumptions lol
01:04.02mechanicus01hi everybody, anyone know where i can download trixbox softphone?
01:04.15bmcghee[TK]D-Fender, asterisk can recieve calls into the IVR but you cannot go to an EXT, nor can a extention logged in as a agent recieve the calls. also i cannot call a ext from my ext. i get DENIED
01:04.25bmcgheethe panel says asterisk isnt running but i see it running
01:05.07mechanicus01or maybe HUDlite softphone
01:05.33*** join/#asterisk MrFollies (
01:06.22tzafrir_laptopgood? no idea. atcom sell IAX phones and ATAs.
01:06.40[TK]D-Fenderbmcghee, There are way to many things going on there.  First lets jump to the fact you have QUEUE?AGENT issues.  Thats its own little world.  but before that you say you can't even pick an OPTION on an IVR thats supposed to lead to that QUEUE?
01:06.47tzafrir_laptopI have one such ATA and it looks reasonable
01:07.07[TK]D-Fenderbmcghee, and what "panel" are you talking about?
01:07.18[TK]D-FenderMrFollies, No.
01:07.29bmcgheefreepbx isnt connecting to asterisk
01:07.33[TK]D-Fenderbmcghee, You already know whats coming next....
01:07.42*** join/#asterisk jwh (
01:07.44bmcgheebut im having asterisk problems as well
01:07.57bmcgheeand freepbx chan is dead. no one answering
01:08.00Qwellunless you have configs you wrote 100% by yourself, it's a freepbx problem
01:08.12tzafrir_laptopbmcghee, ask asterisk questions
01:08.17[TK]D-Fenderbmcghee, and I guess you don't see fit to tell us what your call is coming in on either.... this may have something to dow ith your IVR issues...
01:08.31bmcgheeeverything worked until i changed passwords in manager.conf and amportal.conf
01:08.42Qwellsounds like a freepbx problem to me
01:08.47[TK]D-FenderQwell, Like that isn't a ready-made contradiction in terms the moment you uttered it :)
01:08.48bmcgheeivr works fine
01:08.53bmcgheeivr to que works
01:08.57tzafrir_laptopbmcghee, asterisk -r
01:08.58bmcgheeque to EXT dont work
01:09.12tzafrir_laptopdo you have messages about failed manager login attempts?
01:09.14bmcgheek im -r
01:09.16[TK]D-Fenderbmcghee, "asterisk can recieve calls into the IVR but you cannot go to an EXT," <--- you just said you can't dial an ext....
01:09.37Qwelltzafrir_laptop: the answer is that the password in the database is wrong.
01:09.44Qwellit's clearly not an asterisk problem...
01:09.47[TK]D-Fenderbmcghee, And yes this is clearly a FreePBX issue.  All of this.  You mucked around and can't bail yourself out.
01:12.30MrFolliestzafrir_laptop: Any idea where I can buy these things?
01:13.50[TK]D-FenderMrFollies, No. <-
01:14.00CpuID[TK]D-Fender, weird...same issue
01:14.08CpuIDfile is much cleaner now at least but yea :P
01:14.17[TK]D-FenderCpuID, Do you get the CID from the IAX phone?
01:14.35CpuIDcalled the landline/fxo and got my mobiles cid showing on the iax phone
01:14.36[TK]D-FenderCpuID, Are you WAITING for the CID to appear from both ends?
01:14.51CpuIDive got it set to ring both handsets at the same time when a call comes in on the landline (doesnt run Answer first either)
01:15.16[TK]D-FenderCpuID, You need to wait a few sec for your analog phone to get the CID info....
01:15.24[TK]D-FenderCpuID, Usually between the 1st & 2nd ring
01:15.30CpuIDah sec
01:15.33CpuIDexten => s,1,Wait(1)
01:15.33CpuIDexten => s,2,Dial(IAX2/nathanhome1&${ANALOGHSZAP},120)          ; Call Both Office Phone And Kitchen Analog Phone For Incoming Calls
01:15.34tzafrir_laptopMrFollies, their site is , which should give you an idea of the available models.
01:15.36[TK]D-FenderCpuID, Are you letting it ring 2-3 times?
01:15.39tzafrir_laptopJust look for them
01:15.49[TK]D-Fenderatcom = BLEH
01:15.54tzafrir_laptopFor some strange reason the first hit I got was amazon UK
01:15.54CpuIDya i let the fxs ring a few times
01:16.04CpuIDas i know it sometimes takes a few rings for the cid to appear on the cordless
01:16.11CpuIDthe iax phones cid is instant of course
01:16.14bmcgheeit put all passwords back to there default
01:16.16bmcgheestill not working
01:16.40CpuIDive pretty much eliminated any issues with the fxo by calling between the iax phone and the cordless...cid shows on iax while not on cordless even with internal calls
01:16.52[TK]D-FenderCpuID, Do you ever see CID on the FXS?
01:17.01MrFolliesK, thanks...
01:17.10tzafrir_laptop[TK]D-Fender, their A188 is nice
01:17.23CpuID[Dec 28 11:16:48] WARNING[16783]: chan_zap.c:4125 zt_handle_event: Didn't finish Caller-ID spill.  Cancelling.
01:17.26CpuIDi did just see that though
01:17.32CpuIDwhen tryign to call the cordless from the iax phone
01:17.43CpuIDand i did see it before as well when trying to call the landline/fxo
01:17.51[TK]D-Fendertzafrir_laptop, Can you link it?
01:17.53CpuIDnah i never see it on the fxs...
01:18.00CpuIDunless the cordless is plugged into a standard landline :P
01:18.06CpuID(bypassing *)
01:18.14[TK]D-FenderCpuID, Well that proves its the FXS, not the phone
01:18.22[TK]D-FenderCpuID, pastebin your zaptel.conf
01:18.57[TK]D-Fendertzafrir_laptop, Single-port FXS?
01:19.32CpuIDill pastebin just the uncommented lines (i used a basic example and uncommented lines, mofo comments :))
01:19.48[TK]D-FenderCpuID, trash everything commented out permanently THEN pastebin it
01:19.52CpuIDhehe :P
01:20.38fujinsed 'd/^#.*/'
01:20.45CpuIDlol outta like 100+ lines the config was like 4 lines :P
01:20.47CpuIDpastebining now
01:20.49tzafrir_laptop[TK]D-Fender, yes
01:21.33CpuIDthe loadzone/defaultzone are giving me AU dialtones/busy tones which is mainly what i wanted (make it sound more local to the average person using the phone)
01:21.43CpuIDand its a standard AU cordless, nothing special bout it
01:21.53[TK]D-Fendertzafrir_laptop, Well their PA1688 stuff was BLEH.  phone felt like garbage and sounded much the same.  I suppose an ATA can be an inherently better experience.  They work ok?
01:22.07[TK]D-FenderCpuID, You in AU with that?
01:22.12tzafrir_laptop[TK]D-Fender, yes
01:22.39CpuIDya, australia
01:22.47[TK]D-Fendertzafrir_laptop, Well I'll take your first-hand accounting of it then.  How intuitive are calling features compared to say a Linksys?
01:23.02[TK]D-FenderCpuID, I've heard PLENTY of issued with AU CID with Zaptel....
01:23.12tzafrir_laptopwell, I just use it as a phone
01:23.47tzafrir_laptopwhat cid method is used in australia?
01:23.49[TK]D-Fendertzafrir_laptop, well.. yeah!  But give the basics a try : 3-way, CW-CID, Blind & attended transfer, etc
01:24.28CpuIDcant remember what CID method is used here
01:24.39CpuIDthe standard landline/fxo's cid is fine i mentioned :)
01:24.58*** join/#asterisk fugitivo (
01:25.00CpuIDits just the fxs thats the problem, which both ends are local/in my control (to an extent i spose, cant mess with the cordless's settings hehe)
01:34.34CpuIDno ideas...? :)
01:38.24[TK]D-FenderCpuID, Go check the WIKi for more info on AU CID and see what you can turn up
01:38.31[TK]D-FenderCpuID, And Google it as well
01:39.18rob0that's IT ... hallucinating!!
01:49.44*** part/#asterisk simonr (
02:00.36*** join/#asterisk deltaray2 (
02:01.34deltaray2Hi, I'm just learning asterisk.  I have a system that someone setup for me and then he had to move away.  Anyways, I've setup another extension on it and I can call out from it, but none of the other phones can call it.  Did I miss some configuration some where?
02:03.27Notre1is there a way to do some sort of distictive ring on zap phones (using Digium FXS card) in lieu of a mwi lamp?
02:08.08*** join/#asterisk beek (
02:09.50[TK]D-Fenderdeltaray2, This is typical of an incorrect setup where NAT is involved
02:10.23[TK]D-Fenderdeltaray2, is there a NAT between * and that phone?
02:14.12deltaray2No, its all on the same network segment.
02:14.42deltaray2All the phones and the asterisk server are on the same segment.
02:15.32deltaray2To create the new extension, I copied one of the other extension's configs in the config files where I found that extension and changed the relevant values.
02:15.38*** join/#asterisk beek (
02:16.11MrFolliesWhat type of phone is it?  Softphone, hardware, zap, sip???
02:16.57deltaray2Hardware: linksys SPA942.  All three phones are this model.
02:17.13MrFolliesIs the SPA registering with asterisk OK?
02:17.42deltaray2It seems like it.  Would it need to register to be able to place a call to another phone?
02:18.13MrFolliesregistering tells asterisk that you are ready to receive calls.
02:19.07MrFolliesRun the command : asterisk -r -x "sip show peers"
02:19.11MrFolliesWhat does it tell you?
02:19.36deltaray2phone3/phone3         D   N      5060     OK (5 ms)
02:19.42deltaray2That's the phone I setup.
02:20.35MrFolliesThen it's registered OK.   The entry in extensions.conf is it the same as the others?
02:20.50*** join/#asterisk cymon (
02:20.54MrFolliesWhat does it look like?
02:21.23cymonokay, quick IAX2 question about FWD
02:21.36cymonI'm getting registration refused messages from their IAX2 host
02:21.47cymonphone number and pass are correct
02:21.54cymonand I've only allowed ulaw as a codec
02:21.55CpuID[TK]D-Fender, sendcalleridafter=2
02:22.07[TK]D-FenderCpuID, :)
02:22.12deltaray2MrFollies: Whoops: exten => 1003,1,Dial(SIP/phone2, 15)
02:22.17deltaray2I missed changing that line.
02:23.25deltaray2COOL!  It works now. Thanks.
02:23.30deltaray2Phones ARE exciting.
02:23.52MrFolliesThat line is ideed crutial :)
02:24.46MrFolliesphone2 should of course be phone3
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02:57.35hmmhesaysack my polycom ip 320 hung on updating initial configuration
02:58.47hmmhesayswhen there is no tftp server present anyone else run into this?
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03:08.36objectiveDoes anyone know why I can see my * console output scrolling by even when i haven't logged into my server?
03:09.22fujinstarted with -c?
03:12.45objectivefujin -- hmm, that could be it... i'll have to check...
03:12.58fujinps aux|grep asterisk
03:13.00fujinwill soon tell you
03:15.38*** part/#asterisk phalacee (
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03:18.35objectivefujin -- yup, asterisk -vvvgcd
03:19.49objectivei only noticed because i kvm'd into a box and could run CLI commands without having to ever login...
03:36.43BBHossanybody know of an aastra configuration tool
03:38.30*** part/#asterisk a1fa (n=a1fa@unaffiliated/a1fa)
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03:47.08*** join/#asterisk brimstone (n=brimston@pdpc/sponsor/digium/brimstone)
03:47.58brimstoneif i have one call, go zap->asterisk -iax->asterisk is there a way i can make the last asterisk system tell the first asterisk system that it can't handle the call and it should continue it's dialplan?
03:48.09brimstoneping Corydon76-dig
03:48.25fujinnot cleanly
03:48.37brimstoneyeah, autofallthrough isn't working for me
03:49.22fujinalthough if a dial fails for whatever reason, it'll fall through to the next priority quite happily
03:50.04brimstoneit's not though, the first asterisk system just says "oh, a hangup, i like those" and drops the call
03:50.33fujinit shouldn't do, afaik
03:50.42fujinI dial twice for redundancy
03:50.59fujindifferent peers
03:51.01fujinand that works fine
03:52.07brimstoneah, stupid Answer() got in the way on the 2nd system
03:52.15brimstoneno Answer() and it's happy
03:52.21brimstonethanks fujin! i'm not completely crazy
03:52.35fujinawesome ;P
03:54.19*** join/#asterisk [T]ank (
03:56.28[T]ankanyone interested in a sangoma 104d T1 card? looking to sell it.
03:58.18hmmhesayspost on the asterisk forums or ebay
03:58.30hmmhesaysi've always gotten pretty good prices on ebay
03:58.41[T]ankwill do... just offering it here first. thanks
03:58.44hmmhesaysmutually beneficial prices I should say
04:02.30[T]ankyeah... i am seeing that too
04:05.13*** part/#asterisk brimstone (n=brimston@pdpc/sponsor/digium/brimstone)
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04:24.19bhrobinsonhey is anyone in here familiar with the astribank?
04:35.25*** join/#asterisk Itiliti (n=Itiliti@
04:36.15*** join/#asterisk drfreeze (n=Jim@
04:36.33ItilitiI am having a "wabble sound " on my server. It is running th eSMP kernal, and the latest Zaptel, asterisk, etc.
04:37.04ItilitiWhen people are talking it is fine. It is only during quesues, and announcements, etc.
04:37.13ItilitiAnyone have any ideas what could be causing it?
04:39.35Corydon76-digAre you running X or frame buffer console?
04:39.57fujinItiliti: check the duplex settings
04:40.08Corydon76-digAnything that eats interrupts for breakfast could cause that
04:40.47fujinItiliti: are they mp3's?
04:41.12drfreezeIs there an ISO that will install linux and asterisk for a quick start?
04:41.45fujinubuntu && apt-get install asterisk
04:42.19nhuisman_workyeah but you do get a nice installer and web gui with asterisknow
04:42.33fujinthey're more likely to break stuff.
04:42.44fujinclicky buttons and asterisk in the same sentence is so wrong
04:42.44nhuisman_workunfortunately i wouldn't work with my hardware since the version of glibc was too old
04:43.18nhuisman_worki dunno, I think having some basic small subset of commands for day to day use in gui wouldn't be that bad.
04:43.46nhuisman_workdefinitely most of it should be cli configured
04:44.01drfreezefujin: :). thanks
04:44.24Itilitino fX or frame buffer console.
04:44.48Itilitino they ar enot mp3's. They are just the recordigns in PCM 8bit, 16Khz, mono.
04:44.58fujinchecked your duplex?
04:45.09nhuisman_workon the servers soundcard?
04:45.14Itilitiwhat do you mean duplex? for the soundcard?
04:45.14nhuisman_workdo they make half duplex cards these days?
04:45.28nhuisman_workor do you mean on the network connection to the phone/server
04:45.57nhuisman_worktime for a crash course in asterisk to replace our current voip
04:46.00Itilitithere is a sound card there, but this isnt an issue on the  overhead speakers thetr. it is even happening when people call in and hear the main IVr. Would the Soundcard have something to do with that?
04:46.08nhuisman_workour primary call manager server just died right before I was ready to upgrade.
04:46.58ItilitiI will admit, they do hear some gargling on the overhead speaker throught soundcard, but I thought it would be a zaptel timing issue, or something weird going on with the SMP..
04:47.18*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-a3911ff9bf26304e)
04:47.47fujinI mean the network
04:57.08*** join/#asterisk n3glv (
04:58.02n3glvtzafrir_home, u around m8 ?
05:03.37Itilitifujin it is running in Full Duplex. on a Gig switch.
05:03.57Itilitiand at the full 1000MBit port.
05:04.41Notre1How do I play a sound file as a voicemail greeting?
05:05.26ItilitiI do notice when running a ZTTEST, I am getting down to th 70% mark. it iswings between 99 and 70 and then 80 then 70 then 99, then 70, etc.
05:06.03*** join/#asterisk fiXXXerMet (
05:06.14Itilitiit is definitely an issue with the zaptel.. How can I trouble shooot it?
05:07.03fiXXXerMetI have a few asterisk questions, if anyone has time.  I want to setup a pure VoIP system and use either vonage or voipstreet for my phone number.  I have a broadband connect, a VoIP phone, and I can sign up for either service.  I don't need any other hardware, do I?
05:07.36fiXXXerMetAnd if so, does anyone have a good asterisk+gui VoIP howto for ubuntu/debian?
05:09.45remmoapt-get install asterisk
05:10.03remmowhats a gui?
05:10.09fiXXXerMetLike a web interface
05:10.13fiXXXerMetFor administration.
05:10.30fiXXXerMetI also want to have this use MySQL to log call information.
05:10.46remmothere really is none web interface that really works well
05:10.58remmomysql integration is not that hard.
05:11.05remmohas all the answers for you
05:11.16fujinThere's a free MySQL CDR interface which is quite reasonable
05:11.24fujinalthough formulating your own would probably be preferable to that.
05:11.31fiXXXerMetHow come?
05:11.43remmocause all the user interfaces are SHIT
05:11.48fujinyou get what you need, and nothing that you don't.
05:11.52fiXXXerMetOh :)
05:12.00fujinasterisk is really set-it-and-forget-it.
05:12.11fujinconfigure it once off, and you'll never really have to touch it short of adding new devices
05:12.16fujinif you do it right, of course
05:12.21fiXXXerMetI think I'll setup a virtual server for asterisk so if I screw up, I can start over
05:12.37*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (n=nikolai@
05:12.47fiXXXerMetUnless it really is as easy as apt-get install asterisk
05:13.04fujinThat'll do the basics, and install the samples.
05:13.12fujinI prefer to build asterisk.
05:13.30fujinGet everything I do need, and nothing I don't.
05:13.33remmoi prefer to build. i add extra settings to rtp.c
05:13.41fiXXXerMetI always build dspam because it's very site/install/user specific.  Is it like that?
05:13.59fujinone would hope so
05:14.19fujinand the version of asterisk in deb/ubu isn't up-to-date
05:14.31fujinand you can't do cool stuff like drop in russelb's backported func_devstate.c and build it, etc
05:14.33fujinI dunno.
05:14.36fiXXXerMetI'll try building.  Do I need zaptel or libpri or anything like that?
05:14.40fujinI wouldn't build Postfix
05:14.48fujinyou'll need whatever you need~!
05:14.58fiXXXerMetFor pure voip?
05:15.03fujinJust asterisk :)
05:15.25[TK]D-FenderZaptel is advised
05:15.32fujinfor app_page, meetme etc.
05:15.44fujinonly if you intend on using functionality requiring a dummy timing interface
05:15.54[TK]D-FenderIAX2 trunking, better MoH timing, a few things..
05:16.01fiXXXerMetOh yes, I remember now.
05:16.02fujinyou need zaptel for iax2 trunking??
05:16.12fujinI haven't seen any moh issues without ztdummy
05:16.24[TK]D-Fenderfujin, Which when you get down to it typically settles as a "hell yeah!"
05:16.26remmozaptel is only used for timing
05:16.33remmoconferences and trunking iax
05:16.47[TK]D-Fenderfujin, It does work BETTER.  Fewer timing complains, but it isn't absolutely necessary
05:16.58fujinI see
05:19.16*** join/#asterisk mechanicus01 (n=none@
05:50.18fiXXXerMetQuestion about Call Detail Recording.  I see cdr+pgsql, but not cdr_mysql.  Should I use cdr_custom?
05:50.30fujinno, cdr_mysql is in asterisk-addons
05:50.53fiXXXerMetI'm in make menuselect right now, so should I unselect all of those?
05:51.01fiXXXerMetAnd then do I add that later on?
05:51.45fujin[Dec 28 18:50:58] NOTICE[6929]: chan_sip.c:15647 sip_poke_noanswer: Peer 'wxc' is now UNREACHABLE! Last qualify: 0
05:51.49fujinhow can I force another poke?
05:51.51fujinit doesn't even try
05:51.56fujinand I know the peer is standing up
05:52.09*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (
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06:15.05nhuisman_workdoes anyone know how to use an mgcp gateway
06:15.25nhuisman_worki have a cisco vg200 with a t1 pri in it and i'm wondering if asterisk can talk to it
06:16.07*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-10a05256521fa020)
06:23.56bhrobinsontzafrir_home are you around? I need a hand with your Xorcom driver
06:24.10nhuisman_workhey how are you folks partitioning your asterisk boxes?
06:24.25nhuisman_work... /boot, /, and /var ?
06:25.00bhrobinsonI have all but the initialize_registers to kick in
06:26.22bhrobinsonI am not getting the XPD folder in the proc/xpp/XBUS
06:26.34*** join/#asterisk DaPrivateer (
06:36.16nhuisman_workgrr wtf
06:36.24nhuisman_workasterisk be installer crashed with a python error
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06:52.41Corydon76-dignhuisman_work: are you using one of the supported distros?
06:52.50nhuisman_workit is the cd that came with it
06:52.53nhuisman_workrpath linux
06:53.01Corydon76-digOh, okay
06:53.10Corydon76-digCall support in the morning
06:53.18nhuisman_workyeah trying the installer one more time
06:53.24nhuisman_worki saw one bug report of the same error
06:53.28nhuisman_workand then they couldn't repeat it
06:53.31nhuisman_workso trying mine one  more time
06:54.32nhuisman_worksame crap
06:55.00nhuisman_workmaybe i'll try expert install instead of custom
06:56.53fiXXXerMetOK, I've setup asterisk, added an extension, and plugged in my ip phone, which has an ip address.   Now what? :)
06:56.56nhuisman_workCorydon76-dig, do they supply some sort of source or packages on the cds they give you?
06:57.10nhuisman_workCorydon76-dig, to let you install it on a different version of linux
06:57.51craigkanybody know why i can not re-park a parked call that i have picked up ?
07:00.56hmmhesayscause its a shitty bug
07:01.00fiXXXerMetomg.  the phone itself has a web interface!
07:01.05fiXXXerMeti just came.
07:04.22*** join/#asterisk sergee (n=serg@
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07:10.38fiXXXerMetUgh, still can't figure out how to register my phone to asterisk
07:13.42fiXXXerMetWhat is an Auth ID (SIP ID)?
07:16.40nhuisman_workusing express mode works
07:18.17*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-df7d59ed3aedd97b)
07:18.41ReDNeQsup everyone
07:19.51ReDNeQhappy holidays/new year
07:20.53fiXXXerMetthank you
07:21.08*** join/#asterisk dkatz334 (
07:21.09nhuisman_workhey does anyone know if it is possible to use mgcp as a gateway
07:21.15nhuisman_worknot just as a phone interface
07:21.18nhuisman_workie a t1 pri gateway
07:21.25fiXXXerMetCan anyone help?  I need help setting up my first phone (linksys spa941) with my first asterisk install
07:21.36nhuisman_workit seems like asterisk is only setup to use mgcp for endpoints
07:21.42fiXXXerMetDo I need to setup some kind of SIP ID or something?
07:21.49ReDNeQyes fiXXXerMet
07:21.57ReDNeQyou need to setup a SIP account for the phone
07:22.03ReDNeQwith the asterisk server
07:22.16fiXXXerMetOs that all within sip.conf?
07:22.48ReDNeQyou need to read up on this if this is really your first time. or you may want to try FreePBX as well
07:22.58ReDNeQits a grapchical interface to help people that are new to this
07:23.11fiXXXerMetI installed asterisk-gui as well but I don't see any sip conf stuff there
07:23.52ReDNeQyea. im not too familiar with the asterisk-gui.. does it have a section that uses or calls them extensions?
07:24.29fiXXXerMetIt has a users section, where I added an extension
07:25.29fiXXXerMethmm, now I have a dial tone!
07:28.38*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (
07:33.32fiXXXerMetI wish my phone would show my name. :(
07:38.43*** join/#asterisk inv_arp[work] (
07:39.58*** join/#asterisk Sargun (i=nobody@atarack/staff/sargun)
07:40.05Sargunhaven't visited you guys in forever.
07:40.36fujinhow are you today?
07:40.44Sargungood, you?
07:41.00fujinI'm not too bad.
07:41.05fujinon a wild hunt to find some marijuana.
07:41.09fujinNot here, obviously :)
07:41.27fujinare you an IRC operator here?
07:43.12n3glvwhy u need an op?
07:46.29fujinno, just wondering lol
07:46.33fujini though the staff/
07:46.52*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-b18580aa9c5ba7a8)
07:47.31denonhe figures he'll only yack about weed in the channel if there's nobody around who will kick him out
07:47.55fujinno way~
07:48.20fujinsomething wrong with weed?
07:50.26denonI'm headed to bed - if you'd like a detailed explanation, call the police, give them your current location, and tell them you've got a bag of weed
07:50.31denonthey'll fill you in
07:51.32drmessanoI am a pretty free thinking person....
07:51.45drmessanoLegalizing stupidity was a bad move
07:52.44*** join/#asterisk bmcghee`home (
07:53.16bmcghee`homeCLI is saying "<SIP/2590-b74056f0> Playing 'vm-password' (language 'en')" but there is no audio coming out
07:54.28*** join/#asterisk NolanG (n=ngarrett@
07:56.01fiXXXerMetSetting up my VoicePulse account now.
07:58.28nhuisman_worknot to yo
07:58.38nhuisman_workstupid distro that asterisk be comes with has an old version of glibc too
08:01.05nhuisman_workman this is lame
08:01.25nhuisman_workthis stupid redfone gateway software requires a new version of glibc and none of the supported asterisk be distros have it
08:04.47*** part/#asterisk NolanG (n=ngarrett@
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08:29.11fujininstall the new glibc in a chroot
08:29.15fujindebootstrap or something
08:29.24fujinis it really necesary to run the redfone softwar on the same server?
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08:43.43Alexandre_frsomebody knows how to handle the url in the queue ?
08:44.36Alexandre_frI put an url in the command queue but when the agent answer I don't have anithing
08:48.07*** join/#asterisk FlatFoot (n=bigflatf@
08:49.16FlatFootmorning all
08:56.39SargunURL in the queue
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09:03.29Alexandre_frexten => 1,n,Queue(support|t|
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09:05.22Alexandre_frbut when my agent answer there is no popup of a browser, or an url on the softphone display
09:06.42nhuisman_workfujin is that very hard?  Running it in a chroot
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09:30.27badcfecan i use #include file in extensions.conf
09:30.54badcfei have many related contexts that i want in a separate file
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09:55.09badcfei want to include a whole file as dialplan, how do i do this?
09:56.03*** join/#asterisk qdk_ (n=qdk@
10:03.32RoyKbadcfe: see the samples
10:03.45RoyKbadcfe: yes, you can use #include
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10:22.01R1ckhello, any idea why outbound cid doesnt work, the interface says to use the magic string 'hidden' to hide it, but that doesnt work, also, if I set one of our other numbers, it doesnt work, it only (and always) uses our main number for outbound dialing.. the line is an isdn2 line, and I use a quadbri ISDN card
10:22.57FlatFootR1ck: are you in the uk ? if so have you got TON5 setup on your lines ?
10:23.12R1ckno i'm in .nl
10:23.42R1ckwhats TON5, could it be that there is something similar here?
10:23.56FlatFootah ok , in the uk you need to sign a ton5 agreement so that you can present any outgoing number BUT agree that you will not send daft numbers etc
10:24.04R1ckah right
10:24.51R1ckthe weird thing is that it does work when I connect the lines to our old Siemens PBX, it sends a different number and is able to call out with different numbers
10:25.30FlatFootin that case i would check with the isdn supplier that you are able to send out many numbers
10:25.54R1cki can, the Siemens pbx can do it.. so should Asterisk..
10:26.14FlatFootdoes the seimens use the same line then ?
10:26.58FlatFootcan you show your outgoing context ? pastebin
10:27.01R1cki either patch the lines to the Siemens box or the Asterisk box
10:27.02jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
10:27.28R1ckhmm just a minute
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10:33.41R1ckugh, its too complex (trixbox)
10:34.22FlatFootR1ck: trixbox , i should wander off to #trixbox for help on that
10:34.49jbottrixbox is probably a full linux distro that includes FreePBX and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox VERY difficult to support, and is not supported in #asterisk. Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & wiki at
10:35.27R1ckyeah I tried there but nobody is responding
10:37.39*** join/#asterisk Porks (n=Porks@
10:38.09mvanbaakprobably too busy to fix their own systems ;)
10:40.14R1cki guess :)
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10:57.35nhuisman_workanyone know where to start in installing linux-ha on rpath linux?
10:57.40nhuisman_work(the distro that comes with abe)
10:57.58nhuisman_workguess just install it via source
10:58.09mvanbaakapt-get install heartbeat2 ?
10:58.21mvanbaakgeez, cant type this morning
11:00.37nhuisman_workum rpath doesn't have apt-get
11:00.55mvanbaakany other package manager ?
11:01.13nhuisman_workwhich points at digiums repository which only contains asterisk stuff
11:01.42mvanbaakmaybe you can add the default repositories ?
11:01.53nhuisman_worktrying to find a repository
11:02.57nhuisman_worklooks pretty doubtful
11:03.30mvanbaakI dont want to look into it ;)
11:04.00nhuisman_worki think I need to call them tomorrow to see what options I have
11:04.24mvanbaakyou can call digium for free with IAX
11:05.02mvanbaakor go for the source way
11:05.11nhuisman_workwell I did buy their software so I should be able to call them
11:05.11*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
11:05.29nhuisman_workkind of disappointing that the other distros they support are fedora and rhel
11:05.33nhuisman_work3 and 4
11:05.53badcfehow do i set multiple variables in ami, for example an originate action?
11:06.09badcfehow do i separate the assignments?
11:07.08mvanbaakthey should start supporting debian
11:08.00nhuisman_workno kidding
11:08.07nhuisman_workor a new friggin version of fedora
11:08.43mvanbaakI tried fedora but it's not my fav
11:08.54FlatFoottry FreeBSD
11:09.01nhuisman_worki'm just trying to find a way to upgrade to glibc 2.4.x
11:09.02FlatFootthats what we run works a treat
11:09.15nhuisman_workdoesn't look like I will be able to using the "supported" distros
11:09.25nhuisman_workunless I figure out a way to upgrade glibc in a chroot
11:10.01mvanbaakFlatFoot: we use debian and openbsd
11:10.10mvanbaakFlatFoot: debian where we need PRI hardware
11:10.14mvanbaakopenbsd otherwise
11:10.29FlatFootFreeBSD is able to run pri np
11:10.48FlatFooti am running a 2 port pri card on FreeBSD 4.2
11:10.59nhuisman_worki like debian quite a bit more then most distros
11:11.04nhuisman_workubuntu for my desktop use
11:11.06FlatFootthe old * was debian but the hardware has seen better days
11:12.09mvanbaakFlatFoot: I know, but we already have to support 2 different operating systems
11:12.14mvanbaakthat's enough for us
11:12.55mvanbaakand like nhuisman_work I'm running ubuntu on my laptops
11:15.58*** join/#asterisk fordfrog (n=fordfrog@gentoo/developer/fordfrog)
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11:20.02tzafrir_homebhrobinson, here?
11:20.03FlatFootmvanbaak: i have oly in the past year started to use freebsd , come from a windoze backgroud
11:20.52mvanbaakI started with Debian back in the days where you had kernel only unnumbered releases of debian
11:20.57FlatFootall the other blokes here are UNIX from the start
11:21.18mvanbaakthen couple of years ago I started with openbsd for redundant firewalling (2 weeks after they imported pf)
11:21.24FlatFootmy first intro to the world of computers was a VIC20
11:21.35mvanbaakmine a Sinclair Spectrum
11:21.41FlatFootabout 25 years back
11:21.57mvanbaakI still have my sinclair. and it's still working
11:22.08FlatFootah but i had the 16k ram pack with mine , it was the rolls royce of the vic20
11:22.27mvanbaak12:21 <       FlatFoot> about 25 years back
11:22.36mvanbaakI was 4 back then
11:22.41FlatFootswapped mine for a stereo
11:22.41mvanbaakso no computer for me ;)
11:22.47FlatFootwell i'm an old git m8e
11:23.00FlatFooti was 14
11:23.01mvanbaakgit clone FlatFoot
11:23.34mvanbaakI only played on the sinclair for 6 months. Then my dad bought a 386
11:23.47mvanbaakwith a whopping 1 MB of RAM and a 40MB harddrive
11:24.08FlatFooti moved on to a commodore 64
11:24.25mvanbaakwe had a commodore 64 as well, but only for games and game programming
11:24.29FlatFooti still have my monochrome 286 laptop ( orange screen )
11:24.39mvanbaakthe 386 was for the real work. qbasic and all
11:24.51FlatFooti used to use that to decode sattelite television
11:25.54mvanbaakand when I went to collage I got my IBM Cyrix 166 mhz. There I moved to debian and never left the *NIX side
11:26.30mvanbaakonly windows pc I sometimes have to touch is the one on my parents house
11:26.34FlatFootah i left the world of computers until i started work at the channel tunnel programming in access v1
11:26.52FlatFootthat was about 15 years back
11:27.10nhuisman_workyou know, I guess I could just run asterisk in a non-supported distro to get glibc 2.4
11:27.18nhuisman_worki mean asterisk business edition
11:27.29nhuisman_workwhat's the point of paying for support then though, i guess.
11:27.48mvanbaaknhuisman_work: I wont run ABE on a non-supported distro
11:27.57FlatFootis anyone actually working today ? or are we all in reminising mode ?
11:28.11mvanbaakI'm working a little bit
11:28.21mvanbaakonly support calls get attention
11:28.28mvanbaakall the other stuff is suspended till Jan 7
11:28.40nhuisman_workmvanbaak, are you a digium employee?
11:28.47mvanbaaknhuisman_work: unfortunatelly no
11:29.09mvanbaaknhuisman <
11:29.09nhuisman_workguess I need to call redfone and say wtf, make me a glibc 2.3 version of your latest software
11:29.14mvanbaaknhuisman <-- dutch ?
11:29.19nhuisman_worksounds that way doesn't it
11:29.25nhuisman_workpretty sure my family came from there
11:29.29nhuisman_worki'm in Hawaii
11:29.36mvanbaakyeah, noticed that
11:29.39mvanbaak12:28      host  | n=nhuisman@aeko.IfA.Hawaii.Edu
11:30.23mvanbaakI do know how digium works, so I dont think you'll get support when running ABE on non-supported OS
11:30.44mvanbaakhhmm, RHEL does not include ha ?
11:31.01nhuisman_workyeah I think I can get ha working with rhel
11:31.05nhuisman_workwith a separate repository
11:31.19FlatFootmvanbaak: your website is very LOUD ;)
11:31.27mvanbaakit is ?
11:31.44mvanbaakwhat's loud about it ? , or is that just your provider ?
11:31.56nhuisman_workI need to figure out how to run glibc in a chroot
11:31.58mvanbaakthat's my provider
11:32.02mvanbaakit's ugly
11:32.11mvanbaakFlatFoot: mine is
11:32.19FlatFooti now have a headache looking at that
11:32.36mvanbaakFlatFoot: yeah, xs4all website always makes me grab my sunglasses
11:32.54FlatFootyours is very subtle choice of colours
11:33.03FlatFootwe are
11:33.33mvanbaakmy company is
11:34.04mvanbaakorbital needs to start using stripslashes()
11:34.11mvanbaakORBITAL chooses \"THE BUNKER\" -
11:34.52FlatFootdidn't notice that . don't really look at the site much
11:35.00FlatFootnormally out working too much
11:35.14mvanbaakI dont look at our website neither
11:35.29mvanbaakand I'm not responsible for it, so I dont bother
11:35.47FlatFootspend most of my time building a wireless network around the county
11:36.04mvanbaakI spend most of my time programming
11:36.24FlatFootdon't get to do so much programming now
11:36.29FlatFootkinda miss it
11:36.37rob0"I am a wireless lineman for the county"?
11:38.20FlatFootrob0: what gear do you use ?
11:40.45rob0nonono I was just trying to sing the Glen Campbell song.
11:41.03FlatFootah ok
11:44.39*** join/#asterisk Zefk (
11:45.08FlatFootrob0: i do use linesman pliers if that helps
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13:03.25carrellohi all
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13:03.50Tourinhogood day all
13:04.03*** join/#asterisk CVirus (n=GoD@
13:04.19carrelloI write from italy here
13:04.33Tourinhowhen I start my Asterisk, it start a mpg123 process automatically, where can I found this rule? I looked in /etc/asterisk and didnt found anything
13:04.47mvanbaakTourinho: musiconhold.conf
13:05.03Tourinhomvanbaak: thanks... Ill take a look
13:07.26Tourinhomvanbaak: ok.. i found it.. just the last question, after some time running (ie. 1 month) the mpg123 process doent stop running.. doesnt asterisk need to kill the process?
13:07.48mvanbaakit does
13:08.22Tourinhoif I run ps aux on my system, i can see more then 20 mpg123 process
13:08.27mvanbaaknormally asterisk kills the mpg123 process
13:08.32mvanbaakbut it goes wrong sometimes
13:08.36mvanbaakI noticed that too
13:08.47Tourinhohumm.. right
13:08.50*** join/#asterisk shido6 (n=shido6@
13:08.54mvanbaakdont use mpg123
13:11.01mvanbaakuse the file based moh
13:11.14mvanbaakthat has some nice text about it
13:12.44*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (
13:19.22Tourinhomvanbaak: ok.. Ill take a look, tahnks
13:19.35Tourinhohad to go now.. thanks for your help. cya
13:19.41*** join/#asterisk kn0x (n=pinochle@
13:22.11*** join/#asterisk biw (i=ben@colchester-lug/member/Ben)
13:22.53biwhi, I'm writing some macros and I'm jumping from one to another.  I can't track down whether variables I define in the first macro are available to be updated once I'm into the second?
13:29.57shido6so use a no op
13:30.00shido6to display the variable
13:30.12shido6so when you are debugging
13:30.16shido6you can keep track
13:38.54tzafrir_homeanybody get to try that Astercon2 ?
13:39.59mvanbaakI dont even know what that is ;)
13:41.53tzafrir_homeannounced today on voip-info by James Zhu from OpenVox
13:43.21mvanbaakwebsite is freaking slow
13:44.25*** join/#asterisk implicit (i=implicit@gateway/tor/x-2211b0f36f816eba)
13:46.12shido6please tell me its not all in chinese
13:46.44*** join/#asterisk ronr (
13:47.21mvanbaakwaiting 68 seconds for a screenshot just to look at some chinese characters
13:47.29Qwellthat name won't last long
13:48.06ronrin asterisk 1.4, how do can I do something conditional on timeout of Dial, so Dial(<something>, 10) success Hangup(), timeout, Dial(<something else>, 20)?
13:48.55mvanbaakDial will end dialplan processing once the call is connected
13:49.15mvanbaakso as long as the call is not connected in 10 seconds it will move on to the next priority in your dialplan
13:49.26*** join/#asterisk hmmhesays (
13:49.41ronrah, I see, actually a lot easier than I though :)
13:50.12mvanbaakronr: maybe it's a good idea that you reed THE book first
13:50.14jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
13:51.25shido6this scares me
13:51.26shido6we allow Chinese word and English word mix on page!
13:51.52shido6I dont want to configure something and hit a brick wall because the 2nd half is in chinese
13:52.50*** join/#asterisk fadey (
13:53.28Pagautasanybody online?
13:53.40jengelhNo, I just rebooted the Internet.
13:53.52hmmhesaysThen I pulled the ups out
13:53.53*** join/#asterisk markit (
13:53.55Pagautasi've updated asterisk to and host based auth doesnt work anymore
13:54.11Pagautasis there any way to work around this?
13:54.21Pagautasi'm using asterisk with cisco router
13:54.42hmmhesaysdefine host based auth?
13:54.54Pagautasand cisco router is authorized by host not by user and passwd
13:54.56markithi, I would like that incoming call wait 10 seconds then I answer with a message... I use wait(10), but caller don't hear dialtone during waiting... what can I do? is it normal?
13:55.25hmmhesaysyou want the caller to hear dialtone for 10 seconds?
13:55.38markithmmhesays: yes, during the wait time
13:55.49markitnow is silence until my message plays
13:55.52hmmhesaysare you looking for user input at that point?
13:55.55Pagautashmmhesays: host based i mean when username and passwd is not used, just ip address
13:56.01markithmmhesays: no, just have to wait
13:56.14markithmmhesays: and I don't want to answer (yet)
13:56.15mvanbaakwhy wait 10 seconds ?
13:56.23tzafrir_homemvanbaak, it may eb not so trivial: the database also needs to know how to store and process multi-byte characters
13:56.24shido6here we go.......
13:56.32markitmvanbaak: is just an example
13:56.33tzafrir_homePrevious versions of mysql had problems with that
13:56.34hmmhesaysbah doesn't jbot have the cmd list
13:56.40hmmhesaysmarkit, look at playtones
13:57.02markithmmhesays: thanks (does it work even if I've no answered? )
13:57.07mvanbaaktzafrir_home: it depends on what backend you use
13:57.11hmmhesaysyou have to answer to play audio
13:57.19badcfeim sorry, what do one normally call the # character in the us?
13:57.19mvanbaakmyisam and innodb both support utf-8 storage
13:57.27hmmhesaysbadcfe "pound"
13:57.32*** join/#asterisk inv_arp[work] (
13:57.37badcfehmmhesays: thanks
13:57.39hmmhesaysyou must be one of those "hash" people
13:57.40markithmmhesays: mmm no, I just want it to work like a regular phone... you call someone and you hear dialtone until someone answers
13:57.46tzafrir_homeRight. But it a bit more complicated than "HTML allows unicode so it should just work"
13:57.56hmmhesaysmarkit, I think you are trying to say ring tone
13:58.06mvanbaaktzafrir_home: tell me about it
13:58.09markithmmhesays: right! sorry,ring tone!
13:58.18hmmhesaysyour phone should generate the ring tone
13:58.20mvanbaaktzafrir_home: I'm core dev of a webbased CRM tool
13:58.22*** join/#asterisk Schumie (
13:58.32tzafrir_homeah, I forgot
13:58.44mvanbaakwe use UTF-8 as default charset
13:58.46hmmhesaysas long as you don't answer the call first
13:59.04mvanbaakbeen a pain to switch from LATIN-1 to UTF-8
13:59.06*** join/#asterisk fadey (
13:59.11markithmmhesays: voip provider -> asterisk -> mysipphone
13:59.14mvanbaakall kind of detection and conversion shit
13:59.33hmmhesaysand on what side of the call are you having the ring tone problem?
13:59.57markithmmhesays: Someone calls (no ring tones!) -> voip provider -> asterisk -> [wait(19) -> mysipphone
14:00.55hmmhesaysis there a reason you aren't using cmd dial to call 'mysipphone' right away?
14:01.02badcfehmmhesays: and the * character is it commonly called star, or asterisk?
14:01.12hmmhesaysbadcfe star
14:01.39markithmmhesays: yes, I would wite a certain number of time based upon other condition, and after that time answer / play a message / send to voicemail
14:01.56hmmhesaysmarkit, you might try cmd ringing before your wait
14:02.11markithmmhesays: thanks, I try and let you know :)
14:02.22*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (
14:02.23Pagautasso any help with asterisk and cisco router?
14:02.53hmmhesaysyou are having the host based auth problem?
14:02.58hmmhesayswhat exactly is failing?
14:03.22PagautasFailed to authenticate user
14:03.38hmmhesayspastebin a sample sip.conf entry
14:04.18markithmmhesays: perfect!!! thanks very very much
14:04.31hmmhesaysmarkit, that works?
14:04.44markithmmhesays: yes, like a charm :)
14:05.55*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=pepOSX--@
14:05.56Pagautasmy network looks like [many sip users] --- [asterisk] -- [cisco] --- [pstn]
14:06.10Pagautasusers cant get call from pstn
14:06.31Pagautascisco has not way to auth with username/passwd
14:06.51markitbtw, when I record the call (voicemail), I have a flow of these messages in the console: Dec 28 15:06:16] WARNING[8902]: rtp.c:891 ast_rtcp_read: RTCP Read too short
14:07.17Pagautascant turn allowguest=yes because server is public accessable
14:07.49QwellPagautas: using realtime?
14:07.59markit(and the message is recorded briefly until this flow of WARNINGS start, sigh)
14:08.02Qwellif so, use latest 1.4 svn
14:08.24hmmhesaysgood lord this computer is dying
14:09.05*** join/#asterisk egypcio (n=vinicius@
14:09.16hmmhesaysare you sure the ip you are trying to register from is the same ip you have in the host field?
14:09.28Pagautasyes i'm sure
14:09.49hmmhesayschange type from friend to peer
14:09.53hmmhesaystry again
14:11.51bhrobinsontzafrir_home are you there?
14:12.23*** join/#asterisk carrello (
14:13.15Pagautasnothing changes
14:13.17PagautasFailed to authenticate user "123456" <sip:123456@cisco_ip>
14:13.32carrellohi all again
14:14.32hmmhesayswait, you are regexten=<some_ip> ?
14:14.56hmmhesaystry [123456] regexten=123456
14:15.03hmmhesaysthat would make more sense to me
14:16.10Pagautashmmhesays: but what if number is not 123456
14:16.44hmmhesaysso you want any number coming from <cisco_ip> to be registered?
14:17.17carrelloI have a problem: gsm files played by background on asterisk 1.4.14 sounds very bad when a call arrive, while musiconhold (wav files) no...why according to you?
14:17.29*** part/#asterisk biw (i=ben@colchester-lug/member/Ben)
14:17.58Pagautasmy config where working well untill i've updated from 1.4.4 to
14:18.30hmmhesayshmm I have no idea
14:18.33hmmhesayssorry version is
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14:22.27hmmhesayscarrello: what does your cpu usage look like while you are playing back those files?
14:23.22carrelloi have to see
14:25.37carrellohmmmm: top shows no load
14:25.58*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
14:27.31hmmhesaysok so thats not a problem
14:27.49Pagautasheh i've found what was wrong
14:27.55hmmhesaysPagautas: do tell
14:28.02Pagautasinsecure=invite,port was missing
14:28.10carrellohmmm: i don't believe; I'm trying only with a call
14:28.26Pagautaseverything else left the same
14:28.27hmmhesaysPagautas: that doesn't make much sense in regards to a Register
14:28.35hmmhesaysor is it registering fine and failing on invite
14:29.12mvanbaakhmmhesays: I dont think it has anything to do with registering
14:29.19Pagautashmmhesays: cisco router doesnt register to asterisk
14:29.35*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
14:29.38hmmhesaysmvanbaak: thats where I got confused, I thought it was failing auth on register
14:30.15*** join/#asterisk ronr (
14:30.26hmmhesaysthats what I get for not paying attention
14:31.23carrelloI have a problem: gsm files played by background on asterisk sounds very bad when a call arrive, while musiconhold (wav files) no...why according to you?
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14:31.59mvanbaakcarrello: transcoding I think
14:32.13mvanbaakcarrello: try using wav files for background as well
14:32.27hmmhesayshe has, they have no problem
14:32.28mvanbaakor the gsm files are very bad quality :)
14:33.27carrelloi have a digium tdm400P
14:35.06*** join/#asterisk putnopvut (n=putnopvu@nat/digium/x-0b8f70f6ab47b871)
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14:36.44carrelloI have a problem: gsm files played by background on asterisk sounds very bad when a call arrive, while musiconhold (wav files) no (digium tdm400P)...why according to you?
14:37.26mvanbaakplease stop repeating your question
14:37.49carrelloexcuse all
14:39.42toresbedoes anyone here have a modem  connected to something SIP or IAXable?
14:40.15*** join/#asterisk minkus (
14:41.30[TK]D-Fendertoresbe: Havew before.  Highly inadvisable
14:41.46*** part/#asterisk minkus (
14:41.50toresbe[TK]D-Fender: We're only going to run 300 baud FSK.
14:41.57*** join/#asterisk clusco (
14:42.05[TK]D-Fendertoresbe: Might survive on G.711
14:42.28[TK]D-Fendertoresbe: Most connections are very sensitive to delays, echo, jitter, PL, etc
14:42.52*** join/#asterisk minkus (n=minkus@2001:5c0:9968:5b91:21b:77ff:fe23:178f)
14:44.30hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: have you ever seen a polycom ip 320 just hang on "updating configuration" screen when the tftp server is unavailable?
14:44.46[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays: Can happen if you mangle their config files
14:45.08[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays: And all it can do is keep trying to load a broken one locally
14:45.14hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: The phone booted fine grabbed its config and worked fine
14:45.29[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays: Dunno what to say at that point then
14:45.37hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: yeah I don't know either
14:48.24hmmhesaysgod myspace is annoying 45 http requests just to log in
14:48.35*** join/#asterisk grandpapadot (
14:49.00grandpapadotHi all.  Is there a channel variable in 1.2 that represents the sip peer user from sip.conf?
14:51.10*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
14:52.22[TK]D-Fendergrandpapadot: Chop it off the channel name
14:52.54grandpapadotGot it.  Thanks, TK.
14:56.54*** join/#asterisk punkgode (i=Sr@gateway/tor/x-d79fb1ce97621166)
14:57.37mvanbaakor use the setvar stuff in sip.conf
15:01.33punkgodehi, what should contain the "channel" variable when a call is terminated ? I'm having different behaviours, sometimes is the caller channel and sometimes is the callee channel. Apparently it's random
15:02.20*** join/#asterisk ACiDV (
15:06.33*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (n=IceChat7@pdpc/supporter/active/Zeeek)
15:06.42Zeeekjoin voip-users-conference
15:06.55grandpapadotTK: Wow, the CUT function is pretty powerful.. wonder  how I missed it up to now..
15:07.30Zeeekgranpapdot you should see the PASTE!
15:07.57jengelhdon't forget COPY
15:10.33Zeeekby the way, where IS the asterisk pasteboard?
15:11.38jbot[~pastebin] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
15:12.12Zeeeknaw, that's not a pasteboard, that's a pasteBIN
15:13.25*** join/#asterisk a1fa (n=a1fa@unaffiliated/a1fa)
15:13.36a1faanybody familiar with 802.3af (PoE) here?
15:14.04*** join/#asterisk ddunavant (n=David@
15:15.10a1fa[TK]D-Fender : hi buddy
15:15.41toresbeAnyone around who have a modem, a way to connect it to asterisk, and spare time?
15:15.48*** join/#asterisk jcmoore (n=jcmoore@unaffiliated/tgrman)
15:15.51a1fai have an avaya poe brick that sends power over wires 7,8
15:16.00*** join/#asterisk Bladerunner05 (
15:16.05a1fahow crazy
15:16.08Zeeek[TK]D-Fender HAPPY XMAS and a Merry Niu Year!
15:17.33[TK]D-Fendertoresbe: You don't have enough to test your setup yourself?
15:18.27*** join/#asterisk anthm (
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15:23.53Bladerunner05hola all, using asterisk, tdm400p and a wellcome gsm sound create with sox -r 8000 -c 1, but when I play it the sound is not clear
15:24.20QwellBladerunner05: by "not clear" do you mean "terrible"?
15:24.42Qwellif so, you've probably been hit with what we think is a bug in gcc 4.2 - check what you used to compile asterisk
15:26.12Bladerunner05@Qwell: I used gcc version 4.2.3 20071123 (prerelease)
15:26.12mvanbaakgcc has bugs ?
15:26.23mvanbaakBladerunner05: then indeed you hit the bug
15:26.28QwellBladerunner05: you're going to want to recompile with 4.1...
15:26.47Bladerunner05@Qwell: Thanks I'll do that
15:27.27tzafrir_homeBladerunner05, any reason you use gsm rather than wav?
15:27.36Qwellof course - there is also the possibility that sox would also be affected by this
15:27.37tzafrir_homegsm means lowe quality
15:27.52Qwelltzafrir_home: are you aware of a way to tell what version of gcc a deb package was built with?
15:28.26Bladerunner05If I use wav file instead of gsm I resolve this ?
15:28.32tzafrir_homeno. But normally packages are just built with "gcc" of that distro
15:28.35QwellBladerunner05: sort of
15:29.26QwellBladerunner05: people have reported that this bug has also affected even alaw<>ulaw transcodings
15:29.44Qwellyou might get lucky, but to be perfectly honest, the only thing I would recommend is recompiling with gcc 4.1
15:30.16tzafrir_homeor convert the file with asterisk instead?
15:30.21*** join/#asterisk Brixius (
15:30.23Bladerunner05@Qwell: sure thanks
15:30.26tzafrir_hometo see if this has caused the problem?
15:30.33mvanbaakI dont think you can see what version of gcc was used
15:30.35Qwelltzafrir_home: I'm certain of the problem :)
15:31.55*** join/#asterisk cpm (n=Chip@pdpc/supporter/active/cpm)
15:33.19af_hfc chipset isdn card (1 bri) are directly supported by zaptel framework now?
15:34.45tzafrir_homeaf_, you need bristuff
15:35.02Qwellmattf actually did write a driver in zaptel, heh
15:35.19QwellI have no idea if it works - probably not
15:35.24tzafrir_homeand mattf is working on BRI support in trunk
15:35.33af_I am reading a thread in the ml, but didn't understood which modules are needed
15:35.34tzafrir_homePTP works well. ptmp doesn't
15:36.23af_the digium isdn adapters are hfc based?
15:36.48tzafrir_homeyes (on the same HFC 4S chip as the junghanns and cards)
15:37.26*** join/#asterisk holiday_42 (
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15:39.35af_infact uses misdn framework too
15:39.47af_continue to not understand the thread in the ml
15:40.37tzafrir_homeFrom the little I know, qozap as-is won't work with the Digium cards. e.g: look at this little adjustment that is needed for cards:
15:41.02af_I would like to not use bristuff
15:41.06*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=pepOSX--@
15:41.34af_but I guess is the only alternative available
15:41.45coppicelike to use misdn == masochism
15:42.02coppicemisdn == poo poo
15:42.21af_do not understand what means
15:42.34af_poo meaning?
15:42.40coppicemisdn == crappy by design
15:42.50tzafrir_home . I was actually a bit amazed to read that patch to qozap
15:43.02mvanbaakBRI == crappy by design
15:43.27coppicewhat is wrong with BRI
15:43.49_ShrikEAnyone using signalogic C5561 with asterisk?
15:44.22mvanbaaka lot
15:44.35Zeeekgentlemen, start your engines
15:45.02mvanbaakunreliable, lots of different implementations, impossible combinations of signalling etc
15:45.23javbguys, im having this error, "Failed to authenticate user <sip:8093681228@>;tag=1c341680962" ... where "8093681228 is the callerid of my cellphone... cant understand this error...
15:45.38coppicethere is a lot wrong with various implementations, but there's nothing wrong with BRI itself
15:45.38javbThe call is comming from a SIP trunk via a SIP service provider.
15:45.40javbAny ideas?
15:46.05Zeeekcoppice if you had one voip-related wish for 2008, what would it be?
15:46.16[TK]D-Fenderjavb: yeah, actually show us the entire call from beginning to end with SIP debug and your config masking only passwords....
15:46.18jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
15:48.15javb[TK]D-Fender:   the call:
15:48.30javb[TK]D-Fender: What do you mean with "config masking only passwords?"
15:48.42coppiceZeeek: that people wake up and stop trying to put PCI cards in PCs for telephony. embrace VoIP properly, and use gateway boxes for those interconnect jobs. :-)
15:49.03[TK]D-Fenderjavb: Means show us the SIP.conf and only change the passwords.
15:49.20Zeeekcoppice gateway boxes like what?
15:51.11*** join/#asterisk minkus (n=minkus@2001:5c0:9968:5b91:21b:77ff:fe23:178f)
15:51.19javb[TK]D-Fender:    sip.conf   ->
15:52.09[TK]D-Fenderjavb: add "insecure=port,invite" to your [sdq1] section
15:52.39[TK]D-Fenderjavb: And retry.  Also please specify your codecs for it, and remove the callerID entry
15:54.52[TK]D-FenderZeeek: AudioCodes Mediant, etc....
15:55.59[TK]D-Fendercoppice: In your opinion, what are the better makes & models of SIP gateways (FXO & Digital)?
15:56.01coppiceZeeek: you catch on fast :-) That is the other part of the puzzle. You develop a set of standardised low cost gateway boxes for analogue, BRI. PRI, etc. and get various Chinese makers to churn them out at low cost :-)
15:56.32javb[TK]D-Fender: Changes made. but didnt work. Here is the sip debug:
15:56.53javb(yes, i did sip reload)
15:57.26[TK]D-Fenderjavb: BIG PRINT : Looking for 8092024084 in from-dgtec (domain <---------- SIP/2.0 404 Not Found
15:57.54Zeeekcoppice the way things are headed, is there still going to be a market for high end hardwxare devel?
15:58.27javb[TK]D-Fender: i`m sorry ?
15:58.46[TK]D-Fenderjavb: Means "fix  your dialplan "
15:58.56*** join/#asterisk brpvieira (
16:00.03coppiceZeeek: what is your definition of "high end hardware devel"?
16:00.10javb[TK]D-Fender: i have, in context [from-dgtec] exten 's' .. just that. .. can u help see the problem?
16:00.35[TK]D-Fenderjavb: its not LOOKING for "s". its telling you its looking for "8092024084".  Go make it
16:00.57Zeeekcoppice "if you have to ask..." :)
16:01.28Zeeekit means I was talking through my cheap modem
16:01.46coppiceZeeek: oh, you mean the "fleece the suckers" hardware bracket
16:02.17Zeeekheh, eggs-acly
16:06.52javb[TK]D-Fender: u are right. Can you tell me what part of the sip debug did you saw it was looking for that exten ? and i didnt give me the error ("uknown exten"), instead, it was giving me "failed to authenticate" ?
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16:11.18[TK]D-Fenderjavb: I copy & pasteed it for you... go get some coffee
16:11.33*** join/#asterisk DarylVoip (
16:12.19javbOk, perfect. Thanks.
16:12.58coppiceZeeek: the blood sucking segment seems to have moved from hardware to services. even the highest end hardware seems to be pretty cheap these days, as so much of it can leverage the low cost of commodity bits and pieces. services seem to bleed people pretty well, though
16:14.25Zeeekcoppice well, it's no accident that the verb "to service" means what it means ;)
16:16.22coppiceif you look that the current telephony cards, those are still blood sucking, but that's not going to be a long lived thing. A card that costs <$100 to make selling for $1500 is a a dreamlike markup for most of the electronics industry :-)
16:18.40Zeeeksuch is life
16:19.01Zeeekbut as the saying goes, "what the hooker earns, she spends in makeup" - applies to VOIP too
16:19.44ZeeekOh, spam time: VOIP Users Conference is in 40 minutes. Info:
16:19.56coppiceyeah, companies making huge markups have a remarkable ability to disipate them :-)
16:20.08jbotzeeek is, like, someone who once said "learning asterisk using a GUI is like learning sex through masturbation. You'll never get to the good stuff."
16:20.17Zeeek-no joke, what can possible be NEW in VOIP for 2008?
16:20.34ZeeekI was soooo young when I wrote that :)
16:22.23*** join/#asterisk twisted (n=twisted@pdpc/supporter/active/twisted)
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16:22.47coppicein a sane world new in VoIP in 2008 would be people taking the high ground with VoIP, instead of being a me too for the PSTN at a lower cost and crappier quality
16:22.54*** join/#asterisk ronr (
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16:23.47Zeeekyou mean - gasp - create something new instead of a clone of century-old technology? Nah
16:24.55*** join/#asterisk killfill (n=killfill@
16:25.11coppiceWell embracing wideband, which the PSTN has never been able to really get to grips with, would be a start. actually try to make the telephony experience better, instead of cheaper but crappier
16:25.23killfillmy mashine is telling "Channel x/y, span 1 got hangup request, cause 16"
16:25.34killfilland cause 102 too.
16:25.39killfillwhat does the codes mean?
16:25.43cluscohi everyone.... im damn newbies about all this Voip stuff.... where should i start 1st????
16:25.44mvanbaakcause 16 is normal clearing
16:25.52killfill(is there a dictionary for error codes somwhere?
16:25.55mvanbaakclusco: go read THE book
16:25.57Zeeekcoppice funny you mention that. A lot of people are asking for it on phone-in podcasts now. Which you can get - almost - with Skype
16:25.59cluscodoes it sound good for me to start from asterisknow ????
16:26.00jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
16:26.23jbot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF
16:26.33cluscoi had dload that book....
16:26.40killfillmvanbaak: whats the 102Â?
16:26.42ZeeekI SAID Nook, not Book
16:27.02jbot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF
16:27.24cluscojust nook
16:27.48jbotACTION implodes
16:27.55Zeeekwhew, thanks
16:28.16*** join/#asterisk AlexTO (
16:28.38cluscoZeeek: does asterisknow good for newbies like me ????
16:28.52coppiceZeeek: once you go wideband, you never go back :-)
16:28.57Zeeekseriously? Try it and see. It makes it so easy to just try it out
16:29.43mvanbaakkillfill: I'm looking for the conversion table
16:29.51mvanbaaksorry I cant answer you from memory
16:29.52mvanbaakhang on
16:29.58Zeeekclusco the try it out was for you
16:30.02Zeeekcoppice Even if I do wideband, my providers need to do it or no one hears it. Like the tree falling in the forest
16:30.15cluscoZeeek: thanks
16:30.21killfillmvanbaak: if you found where that table is online, please tell!
16:30.30coppiceZeeek: providers are just a passing fad
16:30.43Zeeekclusco I think there are a couple of CD you can try asterisk on without even installing it. Someone ?
16:31.05cluscoZeeek: do you mean livecd ???
16:31.05Zeeekcoppice truer words were never spoken. But then life itself is temporary
16:31.26Zeeekclusco I'm pretty sure there are a few
16:31.36cluscothere's no livecd for asterisknow 6 yet
16:31.40Zeeekcome to the conference in 30 min and ask
16:32.06mvanbaakkillfill: 102 is AST_CAUSE_RECOVERY_ON_TIMER_EXPIRE
16:32.36killfillmvanbaak: timer?.. i.e d-channel?
16:32.41*** join/#asterisk russellb (n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla)
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16:32.45mvanbaakthink so
16:32.48mvanbaakhey russellb
16:33.07killfillthat could be good, becouse it measn the error is on the telco.. :P
16:33.26russellbjbot: wave to mvanbaak
16:33.27jbotBye, to mvanbaak
16:33.27mvanbaakkillfill: you can find the causes here:
16:33.30killfillmvanbaak: your see that on the code?
16:33.42mvanbaakrussellb: you want me to leave ?
16:33.47russellbmvanbaak: no!
16:33.50mvanbaakyou broke my heart
16:33.53russellbmvanbaak: it was supposed to be a wave hello
16:34.07AlexTOHi everyone, i'm trying to setup the CDRs on *NOW for 64, but when i try to make the install it show me error
16:34.08Zeeekrussellb I spoke to Mark a few minutes ago and he ordains that you guys join in in 20 min
16:34.24cluscoZeeek: which one that was with web based admin ????
16:34.30coppicerussellb: as opposed to an ogg hello?
16:34.34Zeeekwkae up and smell th'e bakelite insulation burning
16:34.40AlexTODoes anyone know about it, who can help me out?
16:34.48russellbZeeek: is he on today?
16:34.57Zeeekisn't there an asterisknow IRC channel?
16:35.03Zeeekrussellb no next week
16:35.39russellbtwisted: !
16:36.06mvanbaaklooks like it's wakuptime in the us
16:36.28*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (
16:36.28twisteddunno about wakuptime, but it ranges from 8am to 11am in the CONUS
16:36.28Zeeekdon't you hate that spam keeps changing countries? So now I'm reading about vi@gr in Italian
16:36.39killfillmvanbaak: what else coult it be?.. (apart of a telco problem)
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16:37.11mvanbaakkillfill: I have no idea. I dont have much experience with zaptel
16:38.53Zeeekif my cell is so smart, how come it asks me the time and date when I turn it on? And why is the default date 2002? I think I need a new "smart" phone
16:39.25jengelhI think you need a new battery.
16:40.30holiday_42don't turn it off ;)
16:41.16killfillanyone know why would on get an AST_CAUSE_RECOVERY_ON_TIMER_EXPIRE, on a zaptel call?
16:42.09ZeeekOne minute to launch
16:42.24coppiceZeeek: that is not a phone issue. its a network issue. take it to India, for example, and it will set the time automatically
16:42.30Zeeekholiday_42 actually it's rarely on
16:42.37*** join/#asterisk shadebob (n=chatzill@
16:42.39mvanbaakZeeek: talkshoe conference ?
16:42.50Zeeekmy other phone sets the time on the same nw
16:43.06Zeeekmvanbaak yes:
16:43.08*** join/#asterisk ReDNeQ (
16:43.27mvanbaakcan I listen from there ?
16:43.44coppiceZeeek: phones typically have a config option to never set the time from the network
16:43.46ZeeekI believe there's a Flash badge there
16:44.03jwhnot all networks support retrieving he timethough
16:44.05Zeeekcoppice I know, this is an old Nokia candy bar.
16:44.31ZeeekI now have a free cell service from my DSL provider
16:44.45Zeeekwell, free received calls. 10 minutes of calls per month free
16:44.56mvanbaakthat one ok as well ?
16:45.16Zeeekgotta run, you guys are all welcome to come and be brilliant in #voip-users-conference
16:45.21*** part/#asterisk Zeeek (n=IceChat7@pdpc/supporter/active/Zeeek)
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16:55.34ReDNeQis there a way to clear cf on an ext in config files.. Phone has turned it off but * still says it is on
17:00.01De_Monwhat is cf?
17:00.29ReDNeQcall forwarding
17:01.06rob0Cystic Fibrosis. :(
17:01.28De_Monhow do you see that in asterisk?
17:01.44ReDNeQasterisk -vvvvvcr
17:01.46[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon: brace for impact :)
17:01.56ReDNeQwhen a call is made to that ext that is what is reported
17:02.00De_MonReDNeQ sorry what?
17:02.03[TK]D-FenderReDNeQ: pastebin the entiore call where yuo see this occuring from beginning to end
17:02.14ReDNeQ[TK]D-Fender, ok...
17:02.16jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
17:02.27De_MonReDNeQ could there be another phone that is forwarding the call maybe (thats what pastebin will tell us)
17:02.36*** join/#asterisk Schumie (
17:03.22De_MonI could keep talking, but will just look at the pastebin instead
17:03.30[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon: Good call
17:03.45De_MonI learned THAT lesson yesterday talking about macros and call files!
17:04.40[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon: When in doubt, sit back and enjoy the show, and let them incriminate themselves.   Asking for anything but the raw evidence is a waste of time in 99% of cases
17:04.48ReDNeQok here it is
17:05.02toresbe[TK]D-Fender: well, I don't have a remote modem, no
17:05.13ReDNeQthe main problem i am have is that the hunt is only working on the last extension in the group and is bypassing ext 10 and 130
17:05.43[TK]D-FenderReDNeQ: As suspected that FREEPBX BS and has nothing to do with Asterisk.
17:06.18ReDNeQso this is strictly something to do with FreePbx...
17:06.29[TK]D-FenderReDNeQ: Yes.
17:06.53ReDNeQand how do you come to that, just because i use it.. I mean i really need some guidance?
17:07.28[TK]D-FenderReDNeQ: I know it because I see that their dialparties AGI is pulling DB vars up in determining what it FELLS LIKE DOIND.
17:07.33jbot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
17:07.39[TK]D-Fender"FEELS LIKE DOING"*
17:07.42*** join/#asterisk simond (n=simon@
17:07.58simondw/hois jerjer
17:08.00ReDNeQDe_Mon, you dont have to bot me with quotes i know and understand what is and isnt
17:08.02[TK]D-FenderReDNeQ: FreePBX is not supported here and you should know better than to ask.
17:08.10simondis Jared around here somewhere?
17:08.25ReDNeQ[TK]D-Fender: i really thought this was in asterisk... That is only why i asked
17:08.50[TK]D-FenderReDNeQ: Of course you did.... based on what might I ask?
17:08.51De_MonReDNeQ knowing and not doing, means you don't really KNOW
17:08.53ReDNeQi see dialparties.agi and thought that was *
17:09.29ReDNeQDe_Mon, no shit! maybe thats why I ask, if I knew I'd be a FUCKED GOD like you?
17:09.33jwhhow would one limit asterisk to certain contexts when using sip uri dialling?
17:09.36[TK]D-FenderReDNeQ: its a friigen AGI!  Thats 3rd party code no different thatn dialplan sand gets CALLED by the dialplan.
17:09.54jwhas basically, I can dial any regardless of which context its in
17:10.01ReDNeQ[TK]D-Fender: as alwasy thanks for straigting me out..
17:10.05ReDNeQsorry i asked
17:10.09jwhwhich also means outbound calls can be made without authentication
17:10.31De_Mondon't get pissed at me you're the one that said you KNEW. Geez quite a little phylosophy and he bites my head off.
17:10.32ReDNeQ[TK]D-Fender, your help is appreciated really no j/k
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17:10.52[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon: ok, tone it down a bit please...
17:10.52ReDNeQDe_Mon: no i didnt say I knew, i said i thought!
17:11.28[TK]D-Fenderjwh: That places an un-authed call to "target".  And the receiving end does whatever it feels like with it.
17:12.03[TK]D-Fenderjwh: and a "URI" is not a thing in a "context".
17:12.10jwh[TK]D-Fender: ok
17:12.20De_Monsorry I type slow and was replying to an earlier comment...
17:12.22[TK]D-Fenderjwh: Perhaps the dial statement with that URI is....
17:12.46jwh[TK]D-Fender: but the main problem is, as i've obviously allowed outbound calls for customers, if someone dials 01xxxx@ip, it sends outbound calls out via the pstn without any authentication
17:13.21[TK]D-Fenderjwh: then you should pay attention to the context you set under [general} <--
17:13.49ralfephi all. I'm new to Asterisk. Could someone help me with a SIP problem? When my SIP phone tries to connect, asterisk says "Peer is not supposed to register". What does that mean?
17:14.08minteeI've got an auto answer on an exten, but it picks up so fast the message is trunked... how can I put like a 2 second pause before my exten => 533,1,Answer
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17:14.18minteeor between the Answer and Playback?
17:14.32[TK]D-Fenderralfep: Means you set "host=[something specific other than dynamic]" and then your device is trying to register to that account
17:14.36jwh[TK]D-Fender: tyes, the context i've set contains just inbound ddi's
17:14.53ralfepso i must set that line to "host=dynamic"?
17:15.03[TK]D-Fenderjwh: You've clearly set something wrong so pastebin a sample of a call that goes bad, and your dialplan & sip.conf
17:15.15[TK]D-Fenderralfep: if you're expecting your device to register, yes.
17:15.31ralfep[TK]D-Fender: Thanks. I'll try that now.
17:16.01[TK]D-Fendermintee: Answer, Wait(2), Playback
17:16.36minteeThanks [TK]D-Fender
17:18.48[TK]D-Fendermintee: np
17:19.17*** join/#asterisk Cherebrum (n=jgarland@pdpc/supporter/base/Cherebrum)
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17:28.49jwh[TK]D-Fender: sec
17:32.01Bladerunner05using asterisk I get this error: file.c:643 ast_readaudio_callback: Failed to write frame
17:34.44De_MonBladerunner05 and?
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17:36.52AlexTOdoes anyone set add_on in 64?
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17:38.19Bladerunner05•De_Mon• and what ?
17:38.50De_MonBladerunner05 you haven't mentioned why you're shaing this information
17:40.24*** join/#asterisk jdspencer (n=jdspence@
17:41.07jdspencerAnybody alive?
17:41.39De_Monnobody here but us bots
17:42.19jdspencerCan anybody help me with what seems to be a hardware incompatibility issue? (Digium TE412P and Dell PowerEdge 2950)
17:42.26jdspencerI've burnt out two motherboards
17:42.37jdspencerOnly when the two are paired
17:42.47fugitivochange dell for another brand
17:43.06jdspencerLove to... but I have a production system that needs to come back up while the new system is on order.
17:43.35jdspencerAny recommendations on brand? I'm thinking IBM.
17:44.09De_Monwhat do you mean burnt out two motherboards?
17:44.21De_Monliteraly dead even after removing the card?
17:44.22jdspencerSpecifically the PCI bus fails
17:44.33jdspencerindeed, even after the card is gone
17:44.42jdspencerDell is pointing the finger at Digium
17:44.51jdspencerNobody is available at Digium because of the holiday
17:45.25jdspencerI just called to purchase support and was told nobody was in the office who could help me with that purchase.
17:45.50jdspencerThis really builds confidence in Digium/Asterisk for my management.
17:45.58jdspencerBut I'm sure it's all Dell's fault
17:46.11De_MonI see a big "for use only with a 3.3 volt PCI slot" warning but crap that sucks
17:46.25jdspencerThe voltages match
17:48.15*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
17:48.45killfillis there any way to tell ${CURL(url)} a timeout value?  i.e. 2 seconds
17:48.46ariel_hello everyone
17:48.55jdspencerhey ariel
17:48.55Bladerunner05using the latest asterisk and addons in specially cdr_mysql how can I popule uniqueid ?
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17:49.26jdspencerblade: uniqueid usually populates itself
17:49.56Bladerunner05in my case not
17:50.02De_Monyou can't, see the documentation for the list of modifiable cdr values
17:50.11jdspencerblade: have you been through this document? --
17:50.45jdspencerblade: looks like a compile flag needs to be edited, but I'm not sure how up to date the info on that page is
17:51.33jdspencerblade: you could also cheat and set that field to AutoIncrement
17:53.46*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
17:57.00Bladerunner05•jdspencer• I intend the uniqid of asterisk not auto_increment of mysql filed
17:57.35jdspencerblade: so you are logging multiple asterisk servers to one database?
17:58.15jdspencerYou mean the uniqueid Asterisk assigned!
17:58.52jdspencerYou'll need to follow the instructions in that link I pasted under the heading "Storing the Unique ID"
18:00.14ariel_I don't know why they never just defaulted to have that included to start with.
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18:07.57jdspencerAnyone have a further thought on why a TE410P and/or TE412P would be causing the PCI bus in a Dell PE2950 to hardware failure?
18:09.10ariel_yes seem that before on the 2850.  Give me a minute my network is about to get reset. I'll be back.
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18:09.49ariel_Ok back
18:11.40Bladerunner05Using I notice a lot of file.c:643 ast_readaudio_callback: Failed to write frame and then hangup
18:12.22Bladerunner05I'm using the tdm400p with zaptel-
18:13.12russellbthat is usually when the far end hangs up
18:13.26russellbmake sure you don't have callprogress turned on ...
18:13.35russellbor busydetect while we're at it
18:14.57ariel_jdspencer, we had to run linux without the acpi support
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18:15.16jdspencerand afterward all was happy?
18:15.43ariel_So far we have about 10 2850 with them up and running no issues with them any more.
18:16.01jdspencerexcellent to hear
18:16.19jdspencerthat's just a kernel arg of "acpi=off" right, or did you recompile without acpi support?
18:16.43ariel_I have about 12 2850,s 5 1850 and 4 1950s all running with acpi=off
18:16.55Bladerunner05@russellb sure now it works
18:17.20jdspencerAnd your issue was basically a PCI bus failure?
18:17.22Bladerunner05but it didn't reach the hang up first of 10 seconds when I hang up
18:18.01Bladerunner05@russelb: sorry It continue as I didn't hang up.....
18:18.15ariel_jdspencer, frame slips
18:18.25jdspencerwe're getting those too
18:18.52jdspencerI'm still confused about how anything could translate into needing a new motherboard
18:19.18jdspencerBut if it happens again we'll drop that system for a different line of hardware.
18:19.28jdspencerThanks for your help!
18:20.42ariel_any time
18:21.23*** join/#asterisk nny_1 (
18:22.25nny_1quick q, looking for a place to research the idea of how to setup a round robin between two extensions.. not trying to use the Queue application, as the extensions don't report their status to *. Just want asterisk to use 1, than the other, than the 1st one.
18:22.56*** join/#asterisk implicit (i=implicit@gateway/tor/x-a5858d684bfcc3ff)
18:22.59jdspencernny_1 you could maintain a global variable in your dialplan to track which one is up next
18:23.32[TK]D-Fendernny_1: "show function DB" , "show application gotoif" , "show application set"
18:23.55jdspencerthat's right, you could also use the internal DB
18:24.12De_Monariel_ is a frame slip when frames get "off by one" ?
18:24.40De_Monevery once in a while I'll see warnings audio 240 frame 350 next waring is audio 350 audio 120 and so on...
18:25.30De_Monapci is something you can disable in the bios too isn't it?
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18:26.34ariel_De_Mon, depends on the mb
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18:28.00De_Monis what I described above a "frame slip"?
18:29.35davidnicolplayback in 1.4 does not appear to be sending RTP -- is there a playback.conf or something?
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18:30.59nny_1lol splits...
18:31.16Bladerunner05there is alternative to busydetect=yes bucause without this tdm400p don't recognize hangup and with this asterisk hang up the channel
18:31.18nny_1eh my client just stated that 210 people left the channel
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18:31.51AlexTOHi, i'm having a problem setting up the add_on on 64, looks like the destination folders are differents that it has already setup.
18:32.12AlexTOwhen i make the  "make install"
18:32.32De_Mondavidnicol your talking about the Playback() application?
18:32.49De_Monnet split
18:32.52AlexTOdoes any one familiar with it that cn help me
18:33.05nny_1[TK]D-Fender: I am assuming the use of the DB is for consistency, or loss through a restart? In other words, If i defined my magic variable as one value at startup, and then changed it back and forth, it would still work
18:33.14nny_1of course i plan to have a failsafe or otherwise afterwords
18:33.35nny_1if this=this than dial foo, if this=that than dial bar, else dial =foo
18:33.56nny_1er if this=this than dial foo (set this=that)
18:34.05nny_1sorry i know thats not the most eloquent way of putting it
18:34.16jdspencernny: you're making sense
18:34.18De_Monthe asterisk database is persistant across restarts (or can be)
18:34.49jdspencernny: so you could do it using your magic variable if you don't care about start-state consistency
18:35.00De_Monand its for tracking data, how else are you going to know which extension to call first, a global variable?
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18:35.14nny_1jdspencer: ahh ok thanks
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18:35.31nny_1jdspencer: gonna work on setting it up now.
18:35.41nny_1good to know the variable could be consistent, though
18:38.33*** part/#asterisk simond (n=simon@
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18:42.44[TK]D-Fendernny_1: Yes
18:43.37*** join/#asterisk beek (n=klinebl@
18:48.39nny_1[TK]D-Fender: heh cool, i think i got it.. gonna test now
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18:50.23nny_1heh i just thought about this, and it seems noobish, but it would be nice if there was a dialplan editing app that, eh i guess auto correct is a poort choice of words, but like a spell checker for the asterisk language... just a thought
18:51.40De_Monnny_1 you can use vim with hilighting that will tell you if the keywords are spelled wrong
18:52.53nny_1De_Mon: ahh nice have to try that out, been told it is far superior to nano when dealing specifically with code
18:54.11*** join/#asterisk ReD-MaN (
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18:59.34De_Monsyntax hilighting is very nice
18:59.38davidnicolDe_Mon: yes, exactly; and derivatives, such as DateTime
19:00.08davidnicolI am now able to route RTP via the system, but cannot play files from it
19:00.47davidnicolyes nny_1 vim seems to know .conf syntax OOTB
19:01.03De_Mondavidnicol make sure you are Answer() ing any channels first before you try to play audio over
19:01.26davidnicolDe_Mon have that, yes.
19:01.29twistedoej: you around?
19:01.31De_Monit does, but there are specific syntax definitions for /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf and friends
19:02.08davidnicolI answer, wait one second, DateTime; the console says "playing day-5" or something like that and sends exactly one RTP packet
19:02.14davidnicol(debug rtp) is on
19:02.23davidnicolno stream of them
19:02.46De_Monhrmph 1.4 trunk by chance?
19:02.51nny_1davidnicol: thanks
19:02.57De_Monerm branch
19:03.01davidnicolyes, exactly
19:03.16davidnicolor at least a recent 1.4 release
19:03.19De_Monas in, not a release like 1.4.16
19:03.25nny_1jdspencer: [TK]D-Fender thanks, it works beautifully...
19:03.35davidnicolnot sure .. checking
19:04.00davidnicol1.4.15 release
19:04.22davidnicolis this fixed in .16?
19:04.48De_Monduno, im using 1.4.13 and its working normally
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19:07.00nny_1anyone have any thoguhts on the sercurity risks of using proftpd?
19:07.09nny_1i.e. plaintext passwords, etc
19:07.28Qwellnny_1: I think proftpd has had remote root exploits in the past
19:07.39Qwellthere's always some risk
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19:09.09nny_1Qwell: indeed
19:10.08nny_1discussing how to handle clients provisioning on smaller systems (1-5 phones)... be nice to have smaller systems just ftp cfg and firmware updates from our ftp server...
19:12.32nny_1eh at least the version we have here is 1.3.0, which I seems to have the root exploits fixed
19:12.56nny_1there is, however, a local overflow exploit, but not too concerned about local accoutn access
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19:17.54killfillis there any way to tell ${CURL(url)} a timeout value?
19:19.06killfillim loading an URL from the dialplan. but it i have no network, the thing stays in the curl call. cannot permit this.. :S
19:19.48[TK]D-Fenderkillfill: "show function CURL"
19:20.41killfill[TK]D-Fender: cannot see a timeout there.. :S
19:20.49[TK]D-Fenderkillfill: then tahts your answer.
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19:25.25Bladerunner05I'm looking for italian configuration for busy detect using zapata.conf
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19:48.26hardwiredo most of y'all use rate-engine for LCR?
19:49.13hardwireI can see how well it would work.. but I'm totally boggled by what other options there would be for straightforward LCR for large area deployments.
19:49.35hardwirenny_1: nah.. I grew up with southern parents.. but I'm a Colorado native (living in Alaska)
19:49.55nny_1hardwire: hehe ok.. yeah i was born in NY, raised in CA, lived in SC for 10 years now
19:50.18nny_1i have no freaking clue what i am :)
19:50.18hardwirenny_1: an oddity if you were in the civil war.
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19:50.35hardwirenny as in johnny?
19:50.52nny_1well as in johnen vasquez.. yeah
19:51.00*** part/#asterisk kraptv (
19:51.09nny_1er yeah johnny, johnen vasquez's character
19:51.56davidnicolupgraded to and still doesn't work
19:52.26mmlj4any teredo users? how well does this work for road warriors, say with iax?
19:52.27davidnicolthe console seems color-enhanced now though
20:02.12De_Mondavidnicol this over sip, iax..?
20:03.26davidnicoland RTP will route for calls through, including to and from registered softphones
20:03.41*** part/#asterisk beek (n=klinebl@
20:04.02mvanbaakdid you issue Answer before running Playback ?
20:04.08nny_1this is gonna be a weird q, but does anyone have a cool way to c/p an entire config file over an ssh session without using scp?
20:04.38davidnicolnny_1: cat > newfile
20:04.49mvanbaakopen a new buffer in vim and edit a file on the remote machine with it
20:04.50davidnicolend with ctrl/d
20:05.08nny_1davidnicol: er sorry, thinking I guess to local clipboard
20:05.17mvanbaak:e ssh://mvanbaak@server/etc/asterisk/sip.conf
20:05.34davidnicolhow do yuo have a local clipboard over a ssh session?
20:05.55nny_1davidnicol: like if i needed to post a log file that was 10 pages deep from a remote server to pastebin.. i usually scp it over, open it in abiword, and then edit select all --> copy --> paste
20:07.07davidnicolyou can't select the scroll buffer in your terminal?
20:07.25davidnicolputty might let you log the session
20:07.33davidnicolto a file
20:08.18mvanbaakvim scp://hostname/path/to/file
20:08.23mvanbaaklike that
20:08.26nny_1davidnicol: er using gterm on local nix machine
20:08.40nny_1mvanbaak: hmm i like that
20:08.45mvanbaakselect all
20:08.47davidnicolgood for you.  Can't select the scroll buffer?
20:08.52mvanbaakpaste in a new buffer
20:08.58mvanbaaksave new buffer to local file
20:09.12nny_1davidnicol: heh sorry no not that i can see
20:09.27mvanbaaknny_1: when in vim command mode type this: :help netrw
20:09.33nny_1just a q.. always figure i have been doing it the hardway for a long time
20:10.45*** join/#asterisk javb (n=javb@
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20:12.00javbHi, have a custumer, who doesnt have enough money for polycom / snom sets. Has anyone here worked with grandstream gpx2000 ? BT-102 !@#$ ... any idea...
20:13.13jbotGrandSuck phones & gateways are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice.
20:13.34nny_1javb: you can score some nice polycom 320's for under 100 bucks
20:13.45mvanbaakI did have some customers that really really wanted to use the gxp2000
20:13.50mvanbaakand they do work
20:14.11mvanbaakhell, even the indication leds and stuff work
20:14.37mvanbaakbut they break easily for no reason, lockup, screen gets blank, quality is sucky
20:14.44javbnny_1: polycom 320 has just 1 ethernet port. i need two. and 330, its 105... plus taxes and taking them to custumers country reach 175
20:14.58davidnicolso it still appears that the playback RTP is trying different UTP than the ones in use by the NAT system:
20:15.40mvanbaakand you really really really dont want to use the BT-102
20:15.42nny_1javb: indeed
20:17.25nny_1javb: basically.. form what i have seen, (Check on the gs stuff) is yes! they are garbage, but they apparently are capable of handling basic needs.. i would be twice worried if i needed to send something like that to a place I couldn't physically be.. I have a client in Panama with 10 snoms, and thew damn things issue a password challenge for the sip user whwnever they have an issue connecting...
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20:18.11nny_1javb: so i have to remote desktop in, hit the interface, and change it from whatever extensions the client was tryng to dial when the snom issued the challenge,... it's.. furstrating to say the least...
20:18.17nny_1sorry spelling sucks today
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20:19.24javblol... well, thanks
20:19.52mvanbaaknny_1: that snom issue is irritating indeed
20:20.40nhuisman_workdoes anyone here use redfone?
20:20.49*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=Joe@
20:21.27davidnicolon 1.2, the packet goes to the same port, the first one, then the rest of them.  On 1.4, the first packet goes to a different port from the port where the sounds from the phone come from.
20:21.45davidnicolwhere do I report this if not here?
20:22.39davidnicolor does 1.4 have additional subtlety to nat=yes canreinvite=no?
20:23.10De_Monif you haven't already read  update.txt for 1.2 and 1.4 that might tell you
20:23.20De_Monwhat you describe does sound like nat issues
20:25.13nny_1mvanbaak: yeah.. i'd give anything for some kind of resolution on it.. been pouring through the snom wiki looking for a way to disable or at least break it... don't get me wrong the phones *aren't* that bad, but they aren't that good either
20:26.25mvanbaakI have not found a way to 'fix' it
20:28.02nny_1hopefully there is some movement to change that at snom... for now I have a machine dedicated as a remote desktop just to login and fix it when it happens... unfortunately for snom, I won't be buying another one fo their phones until the issue is resolved..
20:30.11nny_1some of the stuff on them isn't so bad.. the config menus are robust.. you can do test dials viz the web interface.. these things are good.. but that one issue makes the rest of those pretty much useless
20:30.15nny_1buit yeah /rant
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20:31.43tzafrir_homecisco phones are also like that, right?
20:32.31nny_1heh yay even there email support a question stuff is way over zealous..
20:32.44nny_1gonna try to contact them and get some kind of statement on the matter
20:32.56davidnicolchanging canreinvite to nonat instead of no make no difference
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20:34.44mvanbaaktzafrir_home: maybe the sip load. I have not seen it with my 38 skinny loads
20:36.29nny_1sent them an email.. if any good comes of it, i'll forward it along
20:37.19[TK]D-FenderPolycom > All
20:38.10nny_1need to try out the kirks.. i use Aastra for cordless (non 2.4) needs.. it works great, but I hate having polycoms and kirks in the network.. confuses the users
20:38.16nny_1er polycoms and aastra*
20:38.27nny_1i won't deal with 2.4 sip phones
20:38.34nny_1er 2.4 GHZ
20:42.12tzafrir_homedavidnicol, please pastebin sip.conf
20:46.19De_MonI have an aastra that use to work till i upgraded to 1.4 then it just stopped. very weird but never had time to look into it :(
20:47.19AlexTOthere is anyopne familiar with CDRs in MySQL?
20:47.53nny_1De_Mon: by stopped working you don't mean the right menu button 86's the phone do you?
20:47.59jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
20:51.19mvanbaakAlexTO: I use it
20:56.01[TK]D-Fenderdavidnicol, You have no localnet clause, no externIP, and a ton of other appropriate missing stuff.
20:56.04jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT :  otherwise check the WIKI at
20:59.20mvanbaakyou beat me on that one
21:00.33davidnicolit's getting the correct IP, and routing through it -- I am listening to the digium MOH via my X-lite, via the box in question.  It's just playback that doesn't work.
21:01.36davidnicolIAX2/  i will return presently
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21:04.09FlatFootevening all
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21:07.07nny_1how do i check which codecs (for example in the IVR) asterisk is using ?
21:07.10nny_1in console
21:07.22nny_1nm lol
21:07.26nny_1love asterisk console
21:07.35nny_1at least that it is intuitive
21:09.13nny_1hmm.. i have gsm support, i have the pls-hold-while-try.gsm file in my sounds dir, but when console gets to that part is says filenot found in any format... i just compiled asterisk add-ons into the system, could something else have broke?
21:09.30nny_1fwiw it worked before i comipled * addons
21:11.04nny_1meh my biz partner did "make samples [STRANGLE] during the process, let me just restore the conf backups
21:13.18nny_1playback_exec: ast_streamfile failed on Zap/1-1 for pls-hold-while-try
21:13.34HavokmonI have a pri to another pbx, by default does asterisk verify dialtone prior to placing a call over that pri?
21:14.10HavokmonI should say, I have a pri from asterisk to another pbx
21:14.47nny_1so even though gsm shows up in codecs, it is not trying to use it.. now to figure out what borked
21:15.31nny_1well the file exists at least
21:17.25nny_1eww woah
21:17.38nny_1the invalid extension message sounds like poop
21:18.13nny_1which is pbx-invalid.gsm
21:18.20nny_1so it plays *that* gsm file
21:18.24nny_1meh wtf
21:20.48jblackHello. I'm having a slight problem with setting up sip for the first time.
21:21.28jblackI set up ekiga to dial into a new asterisk server. I set the context in sip.conf for the sip connection to go to phones, but it seems to be going to the default context instead
21:22.58[TK]D-Fenderjblack, how are you entering the @ to dial into it?
21:23.48nny_1so is gsm supposed to sound like garbage?
21:23.52*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
21:24.00Qwellnny_1: rebuild asterisk with gcc 4.1
21:24.05Qwell4.2 sucks
21:24.10nny_1Qwell: interesting
21:24.16Qwellit's broken, heh
21:24.36nny_1Qwell any way to see what version of gcc I am using nowq?
21:24.41Qwellgcc -V
21:24.55jblackd-fender: I'm just dialing to the ip of the asterisk server.
21:25.01jblackI can connect _to_ the sip phone.
21:25.32jblackMy goal is that when an internal sip phone dials into the server, it gets a different context for tings like outgoing calls.
21:25.34[TK]D-Fenderjblack, .... how EXACTLY are you entering it into the field?
21:25.38nny_1Qwell: well.. you guesses what version I am using, so you win the prize.. well I win the prize, i get to downgrade gcc and recompile -_-
21:25.53Qwellwhat's my prize?
21:26.19jblack(My thinking is that I can give authenticated sip phones a different context than unauthenticated connections from outside)
21:26.26tzafrir_homeQwell, what's so wrong with 4.2? Could you please be more specific?
21:26.31[TK]D-Fenderjblack, exactly.
21:26.36Qwelltzafrir_home: nope, it's just broken with transcoding
21:26.48[TK]D-Fenderjblack, if you dial it as a full URI w/ an "@" then its an unauthed call
21:26.52Qwellthere's a bug report on gcc's tracker
21:26.56tzafrir_homeAny specific bug?
21:27.04Qwellno, they want us to find it
21:27.08davidnicol[TK]D-Fender:  I have a type-9 installation, neither of those are needed
21:27.24jblackWith @, unauthenticated. Without an @, authenticated. Correct?
21:27.31nny_1Qwell: me bitching and complaining about gcc at this point.. :) so this is a common issue? I am experiencing to issues atm.. gsm sounds like garbage (ex: stock voicemail responses, etc.) and for some reason asterisk doesn't see pls-hold-while-try.gsm as even existing, in spite of the fact that 1.) it is in my sounds dir and 2.) it has the same perms as every other gsm file in there
21:27.34tzafrir_homeQwell, in what distro?
21:27.38Qwelltzafrir_home: all
21:27.47Qwellwell, presumably
21:27.50[TK]D-Fenderdavidnicol, pastebin your actual peer entries and do a complete job this time, and include CLI output, SIP debug, etc.
21:28.18tzafrir_homeThere are no bugs abotu it in Debian
21:28.22Qwellnny_1: are you trying to play "pls-hold-while-try.gsm" or "pls-hold-while-try"?
21:28.40tzafrir_homeAnd we ship gsm sounds by default, sadly
21:28.54jblackOk. Regardless of using @ or not in front of the ip, I get the same result. My authenticated sip phone is dropping straight to the default context
21:29.06nny_1Qwell: sry it is pls-hold-while-try
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21:29.20nny_1Qwell: I assume it always seeks the best format based on settings
21:29.24Qwellit does
21:29.41nny_1Qwell: funny thing is it just worked* 1 hour ago until my biz partner compiled in asterisk addons
21:29.48davidnicolwhat would one look for in SIP debug?  Are there "this-is-my-port" entries in the SIP messages?
21:29.59jblackI put my extensions.conf and sip.conf at
21:31.16nny_1Qwell: seems fair enough
21:31.36nny_1Qwell: bug report describes most of my issues, i will deal with the missing gsm file that isnt afterwards
21:32.10tzafrir_homeQwell, thanks
21:32.12syzygyBSDanyone know where I can get better rejection line recordings
21:33.05[TK]D-FendersyzygyBSD, thats a poor business decision for the phone-sex industry.....
21:33.09nny_1syzygyBSD: my personal voicemail has some GREAT rejection recordings
21:34.34syzygyBSDnny_1: ya, I got one last night.... someone drunk dialed the wrong number... I was so confused
21:34.38nny_1Qwell: have to recompile for snmp and mysql cdr support anyways.. will work on that this weekend.. nothing life threatening atm... i'll post back if anything unusual happens
21:34.49syzygyBSD[TK]D-Fender: you are back!
21:36.05nny_1syzygyBSD: lol nice.. you think you were confused.. person that called you probable saved a load of embarassment on a DUI (Dialing under the influence)
21:36.35jblackAny suggestions of things I can look at?
21:36.38Qwelluntil said person brings it up to the intended recipient.
21:36.51Qwell"What?  You never broke up with me over the phone..."
21:37.05syzygyBSDya, too bad they didn't give me the right phone number, I would have delivered the message for them
21:37.15syzygyBSDevery minute... for an hour
21:41.52*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (n=ZX81@
21:42.41nhuisman_workman I wish I had a few more months to wait for asterisk be version C, the current version is way out of date.
21:43.05[TK]D-Fenderjblack, pastebin the complete CLI output of a failed attempt at verbose 10, sip debug enabled
21:44.48*** join/#asterisk fujin (n=aj@unaffiliated/fujin)
21:45.14ZX81fujin: hi - shouldn't you be out enjoying the weather?
21:45.26fujinonly just woke up ;]
21:45.46fujinmight go for a drive, soon. find some weed.
21:46.33*** join/#asterisk ZX81_ (n=ZX81@
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21:47.24ZX81_downloading 2000 emails over a ~56k connection sucks
21:47.42fujinthank god for HSDPA
21:48.02drmessano56k.. go find a Taco Bell
21:48.15ZX81_lol yeah
21:48.26ZX81_supposed to be faster but isnt
21:48.46Qwell[TK]D-Fender: send me one, I'll try it out
21:49.13ZX81_bye all
21:49.25[TK]D-FenderQwell, I would... but its be roaming where you are and you'd get smashed on data :)
21:49.35Qwellsurely they can be unlocked :p
21:49.54fujinbleh, htc touch
21:49.57[TK]D-FenderQwell, There is no data plan where you are that competes with mine :)
21:49.59jblack[KB]: Pastebin is still down, so I pasted to:
21:50.12fujinreverse enginered freetouch dll ftw
21:50.26[TK]D-Fenderfujin, Works wonderfully for me.  Plays all my music & videos, browse the web, do e-mail, Google Maps on demand....
21:50.36Qwellgmaps + gps?
21:50.43fujintouch doesn't have gps nah
21:50.45fujinbut you can BT -> gps
21:50.53[TK]D-FenderQwell, no gps.. bu supports an external one.
21:50.55fujinonly tytn II has built in gps
21:51.46jblack[tk]d-fender: Ok, I have it up at
21:52.11[TK]D-Fenderjblack, Found no matching peer or user for ''
21:52.16[TK]D-Fenderjblack, not authing....
21:52.36jblackCalls from IPKall are going to the phone though.
21:52.53jblackOh, I know. I think I'm running two softphones on two machines at once. perhaps that confused things
21:53.07JerJerprolly need insecure=port
21:53.16[TK]D-Fenderjblack, Yes, we are definitely confused now.
21:53.20JerJeror  port=5088  ... in the peer
21:53.56JerJerbut i have no real clue what is being talked about here - just popping in
21:54.12jblackI'll relog it, with just one softphone, with insecure=port added to sip.conf under the [jblack] entry
21:56.40jblackwoot. insecure=port solved it
21:58.17*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (n=dennis@
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22:11.01[T]ankanyone interested in a sangoma a104d t1 card? only used for 1 month. then switched it out for SIP Provider. purchase price was about $2000. Would let it go for substantially less.
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22:56.23HavokmonI've connected a Fujitsu pbx to Asterisk via a PRI.  when I try and call myself from the Fujitsu, asterisk says:    Extension '6204' in context 'fujitsu' from '' does not exist.  Rejecting call on channel 0/9, span 2
22:56.35HavokmonAre the extensions context sensitive?
22:56.49*** part/#asterisk AlexTO (
22:57.41Qwellyou mean will it look for 6204 in other contexts than fujitsu?  no, it won't
22:59.08*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
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23:03.11De_MonHavokmon you have to Include => context for it to do something like that
23:03.23De_Moninclude => local-numbers
23:03.38HavokmonThat worked.  Is there another way to label your channels?
23:03.50De_Monother than...
23:04.08HavokmonDe_Mon - No just used the context to label my channels, so I knew what was what.. and I'm using some particular software package to create extensions ;)
23:04.19Havokmoncontexts :)
23:05.04Havokmonhmm ok, I see there is a from-internal context.. I'll just play with it
23:05.05HavokmonThanks :)
23:05.12HavokmonHave a good weekend all!
23:05.16De_Monyou too
23:12.30jblackThanks for the help. ;)
23:26.20_ShrikEanyone here used signalogic boards with asterisk?
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23:33.54nhuisman_workdoes skinny support normally come with asterisk or do I need to compile it in?
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23:34.54lmadsenshould compile if you select it in menuselect
23:35.12nhuisman_worki'm using binaries
23:35.15nhuisman_workthis is business edition
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23:41.47lmadsenoh, I don't think ABE has skinny
23:41.55SwKanyone have DIDs in Iraq?
23:41.59nhuisman_workevery so clever of them.
23:42.00lmadsenSwK: I do
23:42.13SwKlmadsen, you do or lmh does?
23:42.14lmadsennhuisman_work: it's because only complete channel drivers and features are included in ABE
23:42.20lmadsenSwK: neither -- I was lying
23:42.25nhuisman_workmakes sense
23:42.29SwKlmadsen, hows it going
23:42.36lmadsenSwK: not too shabby! you?
23:42.48SwKlmadsen, not too bad
23:42.53nhuisman_workman this upgrade from cisco to asterisk is going to be a one way rollercoaster to hell
23:43.02nhuisman_workthere is no rolling back the phones if all goes sour
23:43.17lmadsenI'd probably do one and test then
23:43.22nhuisman_workyeah i'm going to
23:43.30nhuisman_worki guess one of each type of phone
23:43.32lmadsenCisco phones can be switched from SCCP to SIP and back again
23:43.37lmadsenI've done it
23:43.56nhuisman_workanyone use cisco phones and know what version of the sip firmware is best?
23:44.34jbotbest for what? please define what you mean by "best"  Gloria Gaynor!  Tina Turner!  Aretha Franklin!  Men without Hats!  Women without Hats!  Flock of Seagulls!, or fvwm!  Women without clothes!
23:45.14nhuisman_workbest for a balance of stability and features
23:45.24lmadsenI've used 8.8 without a crash
23:45.51nhuisman_worki remember having fun with older versions
23:45.58nhuisman_workpressing lots of buttons power cycled the phones
23:46.07nhuisman_work8.8 is the latest eh
23:46.55lmadsenrunning it on my 7960, but it's just a test phone. I register it and use it to place and receive calls
23:47.00lmadsenI don't use anything fancy on it
23:47.11lmadsen7.4 had no problems with long calls
23:47.11nhuisman_workyou got a link for how to downgrade and put skinny back on a cisco phone?
23:47.17lmadsenhaven't done a long call on this 8.8 though
23:47.26De_Moncrap crap crap. I misplaced my bridge() backport
23:47.26lmadsenI think you just reflash it from tftp
23:47.32lmadsenDe_Mon: you bastard
23:47.36lmadsenlet me find it again for you
23:47.48De_MonI have that, but I improved it
23:47.51De_Monand lost that one :(
23:48.39lmadsenand you didn't send it back to me?!
23:49.16nhuisman_workanyone know of a nice little application to handle phones and their firmware? I know I can use tftp and build all the mac adress files and such but something that works and has a little gui or something would be nice.
23:50.05*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (
23:53.04nhuisman_workcan 7935's be upgraded to sip?
23:55.37*** join/#asterisk Meaty (
23:56.50De_Monlmadsen nothing major, I swiped the original commit by russle with cleaned up formatting and massaged it to merge cleanly with the other debian patches for asterisk
23:57.24ariel_nhuisman_work, look at a combo release for asterisk and freepbx like CentPBX it might be what your looking for

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