IRC log for #asterisk on 20071224

00:04.06wglenncampI could fawking kick myself!
00:04.56wglenncampAll of my .cfg files were missing the phone1.cfg, it's no wonder it didn't work..  ARGHH..  Thanks TK for your help
00:05.06wglenncampIt's working fine now.
00:06.48wglenncampThis is how I set my phones  phone<ext>.cfg , server.cfg, phone1.cfg, sip.cfg
00:07.05wglenncampNow they are working great.  All is well in the world..  Now for the next fire.
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00:25.50*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
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00:34.46Greek-Boydoes anyone know where I can download old version of asterisk? as in 1.0 or previous versions?
00:42.33Greek-Boy[TK]D-Fender; I hope you dont hate me for always asking stupid quetions
01:07.16*** join/#asterisk Phillis (
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01:59.59*** join/#asterisk mcf3782 (
02:03.42mcf3782Hi folks.  I need a little help with syntax for the Dial() application.  I have a POTS line connected to my Asterisk system.  It seems that Bellsou..err "the new at&t" has somehow set this line to block sending CallerID information.  So until I can get them to fix it, I want any call that dials '9' to dial outside the PBX to send "*82" before it dials the number. That turns off the CallerID block for that call.  I can't figur
02:04.42[TK]D-Fendermcf3782, Well.... jsut shove the *82 in front of the number you want to dial!
02:04.46*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
02:05.25mcf3782Sounds simple enough. But so far, everything I've tried has failed.
02:05.36mcf3782exten => _9.,1,Dial(zap/g2/www${EXTEN:1})
02:05.45mcf3782Where does that *82 go in that line?
02:05.52[TK]D-Fendermcf3782, Go shove the *82 in there!
02:06.20[TK]D-Fendermcf3782, I'll give you a clue... what gets dialed out that line is everything AFTER the second slash...
02:07.31mcf3782Oh. So ...zap/g2/*82www${EXTEN:1})  ?
02:08.13[TK]D-Fendermcf3782, I might suggest a "ww" before and after the *82 for a 1s pause on either side.
02:08.20[TK]D-FendermcrfBut pretty much, yeah.
02:08.27mcf3782Ahh. Good idea.
02:08.47[TK]D-Fendermcf3782, you definitely DO want a pause between the *82 and you ACTUAL number for sure
02:10.11mcf3782Ahh! Perfect!  That did exactly what I wanted.
02:10.27mcf3782*sigh* I should have just asked the question hours ago.
02:10.32mcf3782Thanks, TK!
02:10.55[TK]D-Fendermcf3782, Glad to help
02:11.28[TK]D-Fendermcf3782, when dealing with dialing CLASS codes like that you want to elave an extra second or two in there for it to accept the code and begin sending the secondary dialtone
02:11.50*** join/#asterisk mrdigital (
02:12.07mrdigitali need to relearn the mysql dialplan coding can anyone give me a recap on how to do it?
02:12.17mcf3782Makes perfect sense.  I'll scribble a note about that in my notebook.
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02:17.04mcf3782I can only hope that making this SIP ATA I have work is going to be as simple; but I'm not holding my breath.   It works great on my internal LAN, but I'm going to try taking it to my dad's this week and connecting back to my system from his house across his cable modem, the Internet, and to my Asterisk system.
02:17.46mcf3782I've heard all manner of horror stories about getting SIP and NAT to work together; so I'm expecting an exercise in frustration.   But, that's the best way to learn. :)
02:18.03jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT :  otherwise check the WIKI at
02:18.07[TK]D-Fenderno big deal
02:18.21mrdigitalmcf3782: use hamachi
02:18.22[TK]D-Fendermost of the time.
02:18.30mrdigitalit bypasses the nat
02:18.38mrdigitaland goes thru adiff network
02:18.45jqlyay frustration
02:18.59[TK]D-Fendermrdigital, Yeah.. if he installs it on his dad's router maybe.... good luck with THAT idea
02:19.15mrdigital[TK]D-Fender: doesnt go on the router
02:19.37mrdigitalthe hamachi client goes onto each PC
02:19.38[TK]D-Fendermrdigital, well if you looked at what he was asking about.... what ATA do you know that supports it on the ATA itself?
02:19.51mrdigitalthe ATA nvrmind LOL
02:19.54[TK]D-Fendermrdigital, because he sure didn't say "soft-phone"
02:20.04mrdigitalim tired  lol
02:20.32[TK]D-Fendermrdigital, Sleep!  It works for billions world-wide!
02:21.39mcf3782Softphone would be nice.  I'd just install the zoiper IAX softphone and be done with it.  But best to stick with technology dad understands first. :)
02:22.08*** join/#asterisk Legend (n=Legend@
02:22.57jqlyou mean familiar like ?
02:23.45mcf3782Now *THAT* is funny! :)
02:24.29mcf3782If it weren't $250, I'd buy one just for the entertainment value of being able to walk down the street talking on it and watching other people try and figure it out. :-)
02:26.00*** join/#asterisk ZX81_ (n=ZX81@
02:26.52[TK]D-Fendermcf3782, or you could just read that guide, chage a few settings and let life go on at no greater expense for time & money
02:27.16mcf3782I'm reading now. :)
02:30.28mcf3782Cool.  The page looks like a pretty straightforward senario. Nothing at all mentioned about needing a STUN server.  Excellent. :)
02:30.41*** join/#asterisk implicit (i=implicit@gateway/tor/x-e104ca077d4d9a20)
02:30.46Qwellmcf3782: stun is very rarely (never?) needed
02:30.48[TK]D-Fendermcf3782, you're welcome.
02:31.02Qwellso...pulseaudio is freaking awesome
02:31.22[TK]D-FenderQwell, Bell Tactical Defense rotary phone FTW!
02:31.43mcf3782I've already got UDP 5060 and 10000-20000 forwarded from *my* router to my Asterisk box, so it looks like my network is set. The rest should be just tinkering with sip.conf.
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03:11.37*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
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03:34.22_x86_anyone home?
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03:42.52*** join/#asterisk GuyOCanada (i=GuyOCana@
03:44.12GuyOCanadaHello guys
03:45.00GuyOCanadaI am looking for a good but not so pricy voip hardware phone (with the capability of at least 2 lines) and a backlit lcd would be cool anything you can recommend?
03:45.50_x86_grandstream has backlit LCD
03:45.55_x86_but grandstream is total crap
03:46.05mcf3782I'm very happy with my Grandstream GXP2000's.
03:46.05_x86_might check out Linksys, they might have backlit LCD
03:46.08_x86_check out the 942
03:47.27jqlboo grandstream
03:47.42_x86_mcf3782: grandstream is complete arse
03:47.48mcf3782To each his own.
03:48.01mcf3782I've had zero problems with mine.
03:48.18_x86_must not use it in a production environment then ;)
03:48.33_x86_for minimal home use with limited features, it works in a pinch
03:48.39_x86_jql: haha
03:48.46_x86_jql: had that problem with my BT101
03:49.18jqlI tried jogging on the firmware treadmill with them, too
03:49.20jqlbad idea
03:49.26_x86_oh yeah
03:49.30jqlreally, monumentally bad idea
03:49.39_x86_my entire GS experience was bad
03:49.41mcf3782I did at my last job.  We installed an entire 250 seat office with GXP2000's, connected to Cisco POE switches.
03:49.59_x86_mcf3782: is that why you no longer work there? :)
03:50.22mcf3782Out of the 270 phones we ordered, we had to send 3 back for hardware problems. With those 3 exceptions, they just worked.
03:51.09jqlI don't doubt they work well enough for some people... after all, someone has to buy them
03:51.28mcf3782I no longer work there, because once me and the other guy who were designing and installing the system got it all up and runnig and stable; the management decided that the normal desktop IT support people could run the phone system.
03:51.42mcf3782They're finding out it's not that simple now. :-)
03:52.10jqlthey have poe and a backlight. great potential, great price. kept getting complaints, though
03:52.27_x86_jql: i can't think of anything good about grandstream
03:52.40_x86_even for home use my BT101 was unacceptable
03:52.53_x86_i've got (3) Polycom IP601's at home now ;)
03:53.19_x86_you've got a 550 at home?>
03:53.24mcf3782My only "complaint" is/was that their documentation is pretty poor.  But I had great response from their tech support folks when I had questions.  It never took more than a few hours for someone to get back to me.
03:53.24jqlyeah. go backlight!
03:53.48jqlI should get a wallmount bracket for it, though
03:53.49_x86_mcf3782: when i have a problem with polycom, i get someone INSTANTLY on the phone
03:53.54jqlI don't much like their desk profile
03:54.18*** join/#asterisk teknoprep (n=tekno@unaffiliated/teknoprep)
03:54.26teknoprephas anyone here used ASTassistant before?
03:54.34mcf3782Now, we did find that there was a major difference between version 1 of their hardware and version 2.   Version 2 has far, far better voice quality.
03:54.35_x86_never heard of it
03:54.49teknoprepits actually pretty nice
03:54.51jqlteknoprep: *shrug*
03:55.02teknopreponly problem i am having is using it with SCCP phones
03:55.05mcf3782I got an answer on the phone when I called Grandstream too.  But I hate talking on the phone.  I'd rather send email. :)
03:55.38teknoprepmcf3782, grandstream still sucks
03:55.46_x86_teknoprep: thank you!
03:56.00_x86_teknoprep: we've been trying to convince him of that for like the last hour ;)
03:56.05teknoprepmcf3782, i got rid of ALL my grandstream phones except where i need a global speakerphone for Intercom
03:56.36mcf3782*shrug* Sorry you had problems.  I like mine. :)
03:56.37teknoprepmcf3782, i hook the stereo mini jack out of the grandstream to a stereo... and wala... an uber nice and easy to setup intercom system
03:56.43_x86_teknoprep: they'd work decently as paging stations
03:56.46Kobazif only you could use speakerphone or a headset without having to unplug the headset, grandstream isnt that bad
03:56.47teknoprepmcf3782, have you ever used other phones before?
03:57.23teknoprep_x86_, i have the parts of on inside a box... i use it for ppl trying to enter the back door of the building
03:57.38mcf3782Cisco, Polycom, Linksys, other one that I can't remember the name of right now.  Really dorky looking thing.
03:57.46jqlpretty dorky
03:57.46teknoprepjql, i love cisco now.. now that i have them set up with sccp
03:58.01mcf3782May have been a Snom.
03:58.02jqlnever considered sccp, really
03:58.06teknoprephow can you like grandstream when you have used Cisco / Polycom phones
03:58.07_x86_Aastra phones are fairly dorky looking
03:58.13jqlI do business over the internets... don't trust it
03:58.16jqlaah, aastra
03:58.18mcf3782Aastra! that's it.
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03:58.27teknoprepjql, sccp over inet was very very easy to setup
03:58.28jqlyeah, that thing is so ghetto-european
03:58.29mcf3782very....dumb looking phone, imo
03:58.33jqlbut, hey, it's backlit. :)
03:58.36_x86_aastra phones are decent quality
03:58.46WilliamKhadn't had time to play with it
03:58.55WilliamKhave 3 new polycoms being delivered tommorow
03:59.00teknoprepand grandstream gxp-2000 doesn't look and feel very cheesy ?
03:59.02WilliamKthey'll be in their boxes too for a while
03:59.05_x86_teknoprep: i've got a spare BT101 sitting around... i'm thinking about setting up what you're talking about
03:59.12_x86_teknoprep: what did you do? just make it auto-answer?
03:59.16jqlI've been meaning to certify the aastra for my company. have to nail down its remote config options, still
03:59.19WilliamKgot the cisco ones working, so I'm not giving the client new Polycoms
03:59.24_x86_teknoprep: the mini headphone jack takes standard headphone plug?
03:59.33teknoprepwell i use GXP-2000 for the intercom
03:59.41teknoprepSIP auto answer in the header or whatever
03:59.44mcf3782Personally, I find the Cisco phones difficult to configure.  And for their price, we just didn't see any benefit to them over the GXP2000s.
03:59.50teknoprepit auto picks up
03:59.56WilliamKCisco ones are a royal pain
03:59.59_x86_teknoprep: BT101 auto picks up too?
04:00.02teknoprepare you guys nuts
04:00.06mcf3782That's one of the first things I turned off (auto answer).
04:00.10teknoprep_x86_ i never used a BT101
04:00.20WilliamKteknoprep, u got nuts? :)
04:00.32mcf3782I want to know that there's a live mic in the room, just just have someone dial an extension and be able to listen.
04:00.33jqlheh, auto-answer is one of the things I explicitly added *in* to my polycom config
04:00.51jbotGrandSuck phones & gateways are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice.
04:00.54jbotmethinks grandstream is the Yugo of VoIP hardware.  Run.  Run away now.
04:01.00WilliamKauto answer is cool for Colo rooms
04:01.01jqlmcf3782: that's half the fun. as a service-provider, that is
04:01.05WilliamKNOT cool for your house
04:01.07Kobazjust in case... anyone know if it is possible to use the speakerphone or headset without unplugging the headset on a gxp2000?
04:01.07_x86_jql: hmm polycom 601 can auto-answer?
04:01.13WilliamKhas a privacy issue there
04:01.18teknoprepWilliamK, mcf3782, cisco is pretty much the easiest phone to configure... get your SIPDefault.cnf out and program ALL your standard settings.. then get your SIP<mac>.cnf and set your per phone settings as needed
04:01.22jql_x86_: it will ring first, but you can set the ring to silence
04:01.30[TK]D-Fender_x86_, ALL Polycoms can
04:01.35_x86_jql: can i take the headset jack to my home stereo?
04:01.40teknoprepWilliamK, mcf3782 , you guys must be too lazy... you need your GUI to configure crap
04:01.44WilliamKmight be doing the deed in your house and someone from work or a neighbor call to say hi....damn cisco auto-answers
04:01.44jqlI dunno
04:01.52WilliamKSNOM has the auto answer capability too if I remember
04:02.02_x86_[TK]D-Fender: you know if it's possible to take the headset jack into an RCA input on a stereo?
04:02.04teknoprepWilliamK, grandstream has it also
04:02.09mcf3782All my configs were done as text files, thankyouverymuch.
04:02.10jqlyeah, Snom does too. I remember setting the Snom to download ringtones from the internet
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04:02.14WilliamKteknoprep, I just wrote all the files by hand and typically don't use a GUI
04:02.18jqlimperial march from Star Wars: RING
04:02.34teknoprepmcf3782, they have to be setup that way
04:02.38[TK]D-FenderGuyOCanada, If you're solid on your need for backlight and tight on money, the SPA-942 wouldn't be a bad choice.
04:02.39teknoprepmcf3782, its cisco
04:02.45jqlda da dada da dada da dada
04:02.51_x86_[TK]D-Fender: that's what i had recommended :)
04:02.54[TK]D-Fender_x86_, And why would you want to do that?
04:02.56mcf3782I dislike GUI config thingies for the most part.  But I'm an old Unix guy. I *like* command lines. :)
04:03.09_x86_[TK]D-Fender: want to use my home stereo for paging
04:03.11teknoprep[TK]D-Fender, i dunno .. i don't really like the SPA-942
04:03.19WilliamKI only like GUI when it works right the first time and it's not buggie as hell
04:03.23[TK]D-Fender_x86_, Chan_oss <-------
04:03.24WilliamKmost GUIs I see are buggie
04:03.30jqlthe 942 kinda looks like a cisco, but it feels amazingly cheap
04:03.37_x86_[TK]D-Fender: the asterisk server is in another room
04:03.42teknoprepjql agreed
04:03.55_x86_polycom IP601 and grandstream BT101 in the same room as stereo
04:04.06[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep, Well the Linksys are "ok", but its a question of bang-buck + quality where someone makes the backlight a make-or-break deal component
04:04.24teknoprepdoes the Polycom 320 have a backlight?
04:04.29[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep, nope
04:04.34_x86_only 550/650 do iirc
04:04.45jqland the screen doesn't warrant it. it's... small
04:04.46[TK]D-FenderPolycom IP 550 / 650 are the only ones with backlight
04:05.00teknoprephey [TK]D-Fender how is that HD audio
04:05.05teknoprepdo you notice a difference?
04:05.11[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep, waste of money
04:05.17teknoprepthats not what i asked
04:05.21[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep, It'd only matter between 2 of those phones.
04:05.33jqlfortunately, not a waste of bandwidth. :)
04:05.34teknoprepahh ty ... thats what i asked lol
04:05.44_x86_teknoprep: the speaker and microphone are far superior on the 550/650
04:05.45[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep, And since I don't care about eharing my co-workers any better than the outside world I could care less.
04:06.03teknoprepHD Audio only works between polycom phones?
04:06.04_x86_teknoprep: the fact that it uses G722 instead of G711 isn't that much of a difference tho
04:06.14[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep, the PSTN is *not* HD.
04:06.16jqlHD audio certainly does jack on the PSTN
04:06.26_x86_teknoprep: "HD Voice" is only the use of the G.722 codec instead of G.729
04:06.28teknoprep[TK]D-Fender, i don't use PSTN lines
04:07.05[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep, I don't care HOW you get the to the PSTN, if you do by any means welcome to "lowest commond denominator"
04:07.18_x86_wtf is commond
04:07.23jqlI dunno if asterisk will transcode to another 16khz codec. might have to use a softphone that supports g722 to hdvoice it up
04:07.26_x86_commond and conquer ;)
04:07.40teknoprep[TK]D-Fender, hey that work that bananaskin helped me with using SCCP over SIP with the cisco phones... wow what a GREAT difference...
04:07.59[TK]D-Fender_x86_,  "common" + a trailing letter :p
04:08.06teknoprep[TK]D-Fender, i would have to say i am thouroughly impressed with cisco phones and asterisk
04:08.27[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep, ok-fine-sure-whatever.  And what did this add for you?
04:08.32teknoprep[TK]D-Fender, but you were right... it really is the SIP implementation from cisco
04:08.36_x86_[TK]D-Fender: yeah i was just poking fun :)
04:08.37jqlhey, Cisco is good enough for the CTU in 24
04:08.54teknoprep[TK]D-Fender, well .. i have 0 echo at all now
04:09.07[TK]D-Fenderjql, "24" is a 1-Hour running commercial for Ford, Cisco, Dell, and Apple.
04:09.10teknoprep[TK]D-Fender, i have control of input gain... echo cancelation
04:09.21jql... and the Republican Party
04:09.40[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep, NOW!?!?  Lol I never had echo with my Polycom gear in the first place.  You are celebrating ADEQUACY <-
04:09.55teknoprep[TK]D-Fender, i agree with that idea
04:09.55jqlecho is a sin. do not commit it
04:09.57[TK]D-Fenderjql, Oh yes...
04:10.05teknoprep[TK]D-Fender, but its still nice to have my cisco stuff working with asterisk
04:10.09teknoprep[TK]D-Fender, correctly
04:10.43[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep, Congratulations on your stuggle to catch up to what superior gear has been doing far cheaper for ages now.
04:11.14teknoprep[TK]D-Fender, why the hostility?
04:11.32teknoprep[TK]D-Fender, one i get the phones extremely cheap.. 2 i can see you really don't like cisco
04:11.33*** join/#asterisk UnixDog (
04:11.43_x86_teknoprep: [TK]D-Fender is always like that
04:11.50[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep, Not hostile, just poking fun at your marvelling of things we've taken for granted.
04:12.00UnixDogstop being hostel and go to your rooms
04:12.06_x86_teknoprep: i've never met him personally, but i imagine him as some old dude with grey hair that refers to younger people as whippersnappers
04:12.17[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep, You take the hard road on all of this, expect a few lumps, even in jest from us :)
04:12.40[TK]D-Fender_x86_, Don't let your imaginateion wander... its too little to be let out alone :p
04:12.48_x86_[TK]D-Fender: *nod*
04:12.50teknoprep[TK]D-Fender, i have talked to him many times... and he always pokes at me when i say something stupid... he put me in place the other day as i am reading up on the asterisk book.. so i do not become trapped by GUI interfaces
04:13.07_x86_yeah..... GUI == crap
04:13.18teknoprep[TK]D-Fender, actually... i took your advice the day i asked all about the polycom phones
04:13.30[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep, A conversation I fully expect may have little impact on your end decision, but it was there to be made.
04:13.32teknoprep[TK]D-Fender, i had the office order a polycom ip320 and ip650
04:13.38teknoprep[TK]D-Fender, just to test them out
04:14.04[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep, go get the Admin guide & firmware pronto from your reseller and provision them yourself.
04:14.06_x86_650's are NOT WORTH the money
04:14.21jqlindeed not. 550 has everything a growing boy needs
04:14.24UnixDogSnom it
04:14.27teknoprep_x86_ not my money
04:14.45teknoprepi showed them the phones.. and someone else made the choice.. not my office
04:14.50[TK]D-Fender_x86_, Well they are in a way.... HD = meh, backlight = nice, USB expansion & greater RAM is a good thing down the road as is longer product lifespan.
04:15.05[TK]D-Fender_x86_, As long as you aren't loading up an office on them, 1 or 2 isn't a bad thing.
04:15.21[TK]D-Fender_x86_, IP 550 = total waste however :)
04:15.21_x86_[TK]D-Fender: USB expansion? for what? a sidecar?
04:15.32teknoprepUSB thumb drive
04:15.34teknoprepto play music
04:15.38jql_x86_: missile launch key
04:15.38_x86_oh, lame
04:15.39teknoprepits a portable MP3 player
04:15.46[TK]D-Fender_x86_, Thats a little up in air right now, but it does open doors, so I'd rather spend a tad more for them.
04:15.48teknoprepyou have to buy a battery for the power input
04:15.51_x86_minus the portability
04:16.14teknoprepi want a damn phone
04:16.17teknoprepthat has bluetooth
04:16.26teknoprepso i can use a bluetooth headset
04:16.32_x86_with a desk phone?
04:16.34_x86_that'd be leet
04:16.35mcf3782Yes. I agree there.
04:16.57[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep, that could be an options with a USB BT adapter one day
04:17.01teknoprepbleh.. i want it built into the phone
04:17.03_x86_yeah you can always add a plantronics bluetooth headset and lifter to any phone
04:17.11[TK]D-Fenderjql, not practical right now...
04:17.12UnixDogpolycom 601 next firmware release should have it
04:17.19UnixDogsince it has a usb port
04:17.24[TK]D-Fender_x86_, a lifter on a Polycom.... total BS
04:17.34[TK]D-FenderUnixDog, not the 601....
04:17.40teknoprep[TK]D-Fender, a physical lifter.. or software lifter ?
04:17.41jqlhah, the lifter bracket for the polycom is comical
04:17.46mcf3782Every piddly little cell phone made can do bluetooth these days (even the Sony Eericson crap). How hard could it be to build that into a Voip desk set?!
04:17.47_x86_teknoprep: physical
04:17.48[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep, Physical duh!
04:17.58_x86_never had a problem with mine ;)
04:18.01teknoprepi hate em
04:18.04jqlyes. it's polycomical
04:18.06_x86_no better way to do it
04:18.20_x86_polycomical roffle
04:18.29teknoprepcisco has the software lifter
04:18.33[TK]D-FenderYeah BT should be a standard on the higher-end phones...
04:18.34teknoprepor so whatever its called
04:18.43teknoprephit the button on your headset and it answers the phone
04:18.44jqlwell... cisco rox0rz
04:19.00_x86_cisco SUCKS
04:19.05[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep, means the receiver has a wired connectio to signal the phone.
04:19.12teknoprepyeah i know
04:19.15[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep, and comes at a steep price
04:19.17teknoprepi know what it means lol
04:19.24jqlcisco the company sucks. cisco the hardware is sweet. :P
04:19.30teknoprepelectronics is what i studied in the navy
04:19.41teknoprepi was an EOD with my first job being an AT
04:20.19_x86_jql: no, cisco telephony crap is just that... CRAP
04:20.40teknoprep_x86_, i was thinking that.. but i like sccp
04:20.59_x86_SCCP sounds tinny as hell
04:21.05mcf3782I think Cisco should stick to making network gear, and leave making phones to people like Grandstream who know what they're doing... ;)
04:21.07teknoprepit does a bit
04:21.11teknoprepbut its still very good
04:21.47_x86_teknoprep: i wish someone would
04:21.49jqlI never used sccp, so I wouldn't know if it's tinny
04:22.06teknoprepjql are you using the sip implementation for your cisco phones ?
04:22.18jqlit's not plural. just one. not in production
04:22.27teknoprepis it sip ?
04:22.31jqlit's my own personal status symbol; nothing more. yes, sip
04:22.39teknoprepwould you like to try out sccp ?
04:22.42teknoprepi can help you with this
04:22.52teknoprepits quite easy
04:22.55jqlno. it was sccp before. I went through hell "downgrading" it. :)
04:23.04teknoprepits REALLY easy
04:23.22*** join/#asterisk implicit (i=implicit@gateway/tor/x-1086d1c94289aebd)
04:23.24teknoprepi can send you all of the neccesarry files
04:23.33GuyOCanadais a better channel mode
04:23.35jqlheh, I can't enable sccp on it really, since it's linked to my company's official pstn servers. I can't turn sccp on for those
04:23.54jqlI'd have to boot up a proxy
04:23.56teknoprepyou can setup sccp for just one phone if you want
04:23.56[TK]D-FenderLast I heard SCCP bombs bad with NAT
04:24.11teknoprepalso sccp works well with nat
04:24.12jbotfrom memory, sccp is Proprietary protocol used between Cisco Call Manager and Cisco VOIP phones. Also supported by some other vendors.  Also Signaling Connection Control Part (SCCP), a routing protocol in SS7 protocol suite in layer 4, provides end-to-end routing for TCAP messages to their proper database.
04:24.19teknoprep[TK]D-Fender, lol
04:24.32[TK]D-FenderGuyOCanada, Ciscos Crappy Communication Protocol
04:24.37jqlI mean, I can't load mod_sccp at all on the production servers. just test servers
04:24.54jqlchan_sccp. I have apache on the brain
04:24.59GuyOCanadaand why do we wanna run that crappy protocol?
04:25.09teknoprepfor cisco phones
04:25.33[TK]D-FenderGuyOCanada, because it makes Cisco phones less crappy than with their SIP implementation
04:25.33GuyOCanadabah cisco phones require that?
04:25.50jqlGuyOCanada: it's more of a desire than a require
04:25.53[TK]D-FenderGuyOCanada, Requires no, made for and works better with = yes
04:28.23teknoprepi get cisco 7940 phones for $60 a peice
04:28.43teknoprepits really the only reason i bought them.. but i have noticed that when ppl buy polycom they rarely sell them
04:28.55_x86_teknoprep: right
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04:29.52teknoprepi need a poe switch for my house
04:30.02teknoprepi am going to buy a bunch of sip phones for it
04:30.12teknoprepand i don't want to have to plug them in
04:31.02_x86_linksys POE switches aren't too bad
04:31.11teknoprepyeah i put one in at a dental office
04:31.11[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep, yeah at that price it'd be really hard to argue.  Your deal is indeed phenomenal
04:31.14_x86_thinking about getting me one of them
04:31.41_x86_teknoprep: can you get me a 7940 for $60+shipping?
04:31.43teknoprep[TK]D-Fender, those phones don't have power adapters.. but i get those in at 5-10 for each
04:31.59teknoprep_x86_, local guy has 400 of them left from a call center that closed shop
04:32.07[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep, Still less that any anything else close.
04:32.08_x86_teknoprep: they take standard PoE right?
04:32.15_x86_no need for a power brick
04:32.15[TK]D-Fender_x86_, lol, no
04:32.21_x86_well, cisco PoE
04:32.23[TK]D-Fender_x86_, Cisco PoE
04:32.25teknoprep_x86_, no the 7940 is pre standard cisco poe
04:32.43_x86_but still no power brick if the switch supports pre-standard cisco poe
04:32.51lucentCisco doesn't do anything according to established standards, that is what I am hearing
04:32.57teknoprep_x86_, i was wondering if the cisco catalyst 3500 had cisco POE
04:33.10_x86_3500 is ancient
04:33.19_x86_doubt PoE was even thought about at that time
04:33.24teknopreplucent, there newer phones like the 7970 has standard poe
04:33.36jqlwell... it's more like: Cisco submits standards they've already implemented, and everyone else ignores them
04:33.39teknoprep_x86_, do you know of a switch that has POE ?
04:33.44teknoprep_x86_, for cisco phones
04:33.53_x86_a lot of them support both standards
04:33.59teknopreplike ?
04:34.01_x86_adtran makes them with both
04:34.06_x86_so does HP
04:34.10_x86_not sure if linksys does or not
04:34.24_x86_I like the HP ProCurve 3500yl
04:34.30_x86_that's a badass switch there
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04:35.26lucentsay, what would you all suggest I say to my boss, he's asked me to put on "blinders" and only focus on learning Trixbox
04:35.30[TK]D-FenderHP switches are real workhorses, and come with a price-tag attached of course.
04:35.31teknoprepthe 3560 has power over ethernet
04:35.40jqlyay, blinders!
04:35.54[TK]D-Fenderlucent, "learning" and "Trixbox" in the same sentence... *snicker*
04:35.56lucentI don't know, this is not such a good idea I think, but what to say?
04:36.12[TK]D-Fenderlucent, If he wants a toaster sure why not.
04:36.13teknoprepHP switches suck
04:36.21_x86_[TK]D-Fender: yeah but HP switches have a lifetime warranty!
04:36.24HybridStormI prefer cisco
04:36.25jql"Thanks for taking responsibility for any failure in our future, boss. Oh, you didn't mean...?"
04:36.27teknoprepdoes HP have a VTP structure ?
04:36.28Qwelllucent: if he insists on using trixbox...  there are two magical words you can use
04:36.31_x86_[TK]D-Fender: no annual smartnet contracts
04:36.32Qwell"I quit"
04:36.40_x86_teknoprep: yes
04:36.49lucentQwell: funny, not very realistic.  Funny, though.
04:36.49teknoprepQwell, trixbox isn't that bad lol
04:37.00teknoprepQwell, if setup right it does the jo
04:37.01Qwellteknoprep: yes, yes it is
04:37.05Qwellno, no it doesn't
04:37.05_x86_trixbox SUCKS
04:37.19teknoprepyou have 10 phones? whats wrong with it?
04:37.24teknoprepadd 10 phones
04:37.26lucentI don't want to start arguments here, but boss wants a turnkey distro with COMMERCIAL support
04:37.31[TK]D-Fenderlucent, Have you looked at what Trixbox was designed to let you do, and is that what you want?
04:37.34teknoprephave your outbound and inbound setup... and your done
04:37.35Qwelllucent: switchvox
04:37.38_x86_(trixbox,grandstream)-- for (;;);
04:37.43lucentQwell: will check that out, thanks
04:38.31teknoprephmm switchvox looks nice
04:38.52teknoprepQwell, i have been using elastix lately... do you have any comments on elastix
04:39.04Qwellnever looked at it
04:39.16Qwellbut if it uses freepbx, it can't be that good
04:39.24lucentI'm leery of AsteriskNOW in beta
04:40.02teknoprepQwell, you don't like freepbx aye
04:40.04[TK]D-Fenderlucent, maybe you should clarify your needs.  That might help in suggesting which way you might want to go.
04:40.14teknoprepQwell, switchvox looks pretty nice
04:40.40lucent[TK]D-Fender: boss won't say, he goes on raving about how he was able to set up trixbox in 5 days without any knowledge, and that I must offer a compelling reason to use something else
04:40.43jqldigium has enough money to buy it's forks. a good business model, if you can afford it. :)
04:41.00[TK]D-Fenderlucent, 5 days for Trixbox!?!?!?! LOL!
04:41.05Qwelljql: forks?
04:41.06lucentI don't know
04:41.15Qwellwhat fork of anything have we bought?
04:41.17[TK]D-Fenderlucent, A PBX made for idiots and it takes him 5 DAYS!
04:41.33[TK]D-Fenderlucent, Thats so phenominally sad
04:41.43lucentI'm not disagreeing with that
04:41.47_x86_there's your compelling reason that you shouldn't use it
04:41.54jqlI said digium has the money to, and it's worth getting into the forking business
04:42.00jqlnot the digium business
04:42.05Qwellwhy would be buy a fork of anything?
04:42.09[TK]D-Fenderlucent, So with your boss "not saying" what his needs even are its hard to sugegst what might serve you best
04:42.23lucentagreed. I tried asking him today and he got really pissed with me
04:42.32jqlif you don't see the value in buying competitors, that's short-sighted
04:42.38jqlif they're worth it
04:42.42lucent"what do you want"  he goes on about how just because microsoft sucks, we don't stop using Windows
04:42.56Qwelljql: what are you talking about?
04:43.08teknoprephey Qwell does switchvox work with sccp phones?
04:43.12[TK]D-Fenderlucent, get some answers and we'll make some suggestions.
04:43.13Qwellteknoprep: doubt it
04:43.17lucentI'm asking, if I have to find a commercially in-use asterisk based distro... I think this Trixbox thing will blow over
04:43.32[TK]D-FenderQwell, hard to believe... its jsut 1 more config file..
04:43.45lucentSwitchvox looks interesting
04:43.46Qwell[TK]D-Fender: and one more module, and one more (buggy) thing to support
04:44.01teknoprep[TK]D-Fender, well i wouldn't mind doing the configs by hand
04:44.09teknoprepQwell, [TK]D-Fender, well i wouldn't mind doing the configs by hand
04:44.09[TK]D-FenderQwell, You are on the path to ToasterVille!
04:44.11QwellI sure wouldn't be comfortable supporting it commercial - and I rewrote half of it
04:44.37Qwellespecially not with asterisk 1.2
04:44.57lucentpicking evils here, what's the most mature toaster distro?
04:45.10teknoprepQwell, [TK]D-Fender , the thing i am thinking is in freepbx.. when you setup a custom extension like an sccp phone in freepbx.. you have an option for the phones extension and voicemail and everything the phone can do.... but the configuration of the phone is still setup inside of sccp.conf
04:45.12rob0Wastin' away again, in Toasteritaville ...
04:45.33Qwellteknoprep: chan_sccp is junk, don't use it
04:45.46teknoprepQwell, i will not agree with you on that
04:45.50[TK]D-Fenderlucent, If you're looking for all-in-one, just cave in and take Trixbox and move on to other concerns.  When you or the boss can't livel with the way it was designed to operate, come back.
04:45.52Qwelluse chan_skinny, save yourself some headaches
04:45.52teknoprepQwell, sip on cisco phones is junk
04:45.59teknoprepQwell, what headaches ?
04:46.00Qwellteknoprep: I'm not disagreeing with that one :p
04:46.00lucent[TK]D-Fender: :)
04:46.11[TK]D-Fenderrob0, Jimmey Buffet = bleh
04:46.16teknoprepQwell, i found it very quick to learn ..
04:46.24Qwelluse chan_skinny, far better, more supported
04:46.28Qwellnot abandoned
04:46.39[TK]D-Fenderlucent, Seriously the best option for you.
04:46.45teknoprepQwell, they abandoned ?
04:46.54Qwellteknoprep: well over a year ago
04:46.55[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep, you'd almost think he just said that! :p
04:47.16teknoprepQwell, why is it updated for 1.4 then ?
04:47.29Qwelldoesn't make it any less abandoned
04:47.46Qwellpeople just re-fork it every 6 months, and no progress ever gets made
04:48.00SwKcause qwell wanted to have more code to fix the for cli interface for :P
04:48.03teknoprepwhat else needs to be done on it ?
04:48.08_x86_Qwell: is it significantly broken?
04:48.17Qwell_x86_: yes, and always has been works great
04:48.23Qwellit has some fundamental flaws
04:48.59Qwellyou can't not update something for 12-18 months at a time, and expect it to actually work
04:49.21teknoprepQwell, ? wtf are you tlaking about.. i am using it now..and it works GREAT
04:49.34Qwellteknoprep: try to transfer or park a call
04:49.39teknoprepalready did
04:49.39Qwelltry to put a call on hold
04:49.43teknoprepdid that too
04:49.45Qwellit'll segfault most of the time
04:49.57teknoprepeither by doing ##9 or by hitting the more button and then hit park
04:49.59Qwell(hell, making a call segfaults it half the time)
04:50.02teknoprepand no it never seg faults
04:50.12teknoprepi have only had one seg fault error
04:50.18teknoprepand thats when i have a phone with a faulty config
04:50.24teknoprepthat trys to log into the system
04:50.46_x86_if a phone's config can make something on the server segfault... THERE IS A FUCKING PROBLEM
04:51.31Qwellexactly my point
04:51.41Qwellit's just fundamentally broken
04:52.14lucentoh-snap, Digium is leading the Switchvox effort
04:52.26lucentvery interesting
04:52.32Qwelllucent: we bought them a few months ago - Oct I think it was
04:52.44[TK]D-Fenderlucent, translation : bought by
04:53.30_x86_i'm trying to find commercial support for Asterisk running Sangoma hardware
04:53.39[TK]D-Fenderlucent, Strangely enough I meant it.  Start with Trixbox, see if that shuts him up and you can both live with it.  If you can, great, if you can't, at least it dodn't cost you a penny
04:53.41jbothmm... wglwat is well, good luck with all that
04:53.51Qwell_x86_: ^
04:54.14[TK]D-Fender_x86_, what kind of support?
04:54.18_x86_Qwell: i'm just in the wrong area... if i was in chicago or some big metro area, it'd be a non-issue
04:54.37_x86_[TK]D-Fender: someone my company can call if i get hit by a beer truck and the phones break
04:54.56_x86_i would assume mostly remote support, but sometimes on-site i rekon
04:55.15[TK]D-Fender_x86_, Well remote support is always a possibility, but physical presence depends where you are, and that already doesn't sound too promising.
04:55.22lucent[TK]D-Fender: I hear you on that. Keeping my eye open for an alternative though.
04:55.27jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
04:55.32_x86_even if i was running digium i couldn't find anyone local heh
04:55.52[TK]D-Fenderlucent, Plenty of GUI's out there, but he sounds impressed and you don't have a list of needs to fill, so what the heck.
04:56.29lucentI got stamped with "You know Linux, you're invincible" sticker
04:56.59lucentany problem that happens can obviously be solved by running Linux on it
04:57.29mcf3782yep. :)
04:57.44teknoprephey Qwell i setup skinny righ tnow
04:57.44_x86_oh noes... the flux capacitor needs plutonium! better put linux on it!
04:57.50teknoprepand its making asterisk server crash
04:57.51mcf3782Especially if the problem is caused by something Microsoft. ;)
04:57.53lucent"My mom needs her laptop with 16mb ram to browse the web, I want you to put Linux on it and make it work for her"
04:57.55[TK]D-Fenderlucent, something I learned long ago : There's very little you can't to with really, REALLY *REALLY*......
04:57.56teknoprepQwell, lol
04:58.00[TK]D-Fenderlucent, BIG LASERS :p
04:58.33[TK]D-Fender_x86_, that's what the Mr.Coffee is for :p
04:58.37_x86_lucent: sounds like a really shitty place to work
04:58.41lucentI do appreciate all your folks' opinions
04:58.52_x86_lucent: my opinion: find a better job
04:59.09_x86_[TK]D-Fender: 88mph?! that's near impossible!
04:59.25[TK]D-Fender_x86_, You know why its 88?
05:00.28mcf3782Because they only had 2 LED digits, and 99 just didn't look as cool as 88.
05:00.41[TK]D-Fendermcf3782, nope, nice try though
05:01.03mcf3782It was a joke, son.. you know.. a funny... HA HA.
05:01.10Qwell88mph, because that's how fast you need to go - duh
05:01.12[TK]D-Fendermcf3782, _x86_ : because "8" read as the symbol for "infinity" sideways twice.
05:01.57_x86_[TK]D-Fender: oh nifty
05:02.25mcf3782Must have been thought of by someone who also thought Cisco phones were cool too.
05:02.46_x86_or grandstream phones too
05:03.42teknoprephey Qwell you there?
05:05.14*** join/#asterisk The_TiK (
05:06.54teknoprephow do i see how long asterisk has been running since last "restart gracefully"
05:07.11teknoprepnvm .. show uptime
05:08.06WilliamKanyone remember the default http path for *?
05:08.36lucent'*'GUI ?
05:08.36teknoprepasterisk has a web interface?
05:09.14[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep, No, but there are many bolt-on options.
05:09.43[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep, CrazyGlue, duct-tape, and ritual goat sacrifice not included.
05:09.43_x86_teknoprep: yes, asterisk has an http interface in 1.4
05:09.55_x86_[TK]D-Fender: asterisk does too have an http interface
05:10.31teknoprep_x86_, lol where?
05:10.41[TK]D-Fender_x86_, If you are intending merely HHTP for AMI, then perhaps, though it depends on how much of an "interface" you have in mind
05:11.07_x86_AJAM is pretty decent building block
05:11.40[TK]D-Fender_x86_, we already had AMI.... who cares about HTTP...
05:12.12_x86_im just correcting your incorrect assertion
05:13.30teknoprepwell i get my polycom phone tommorow
05:13.43teknoprep[TK]D-Fender, do you have a good site on setting one of these up?
05:14.00*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (
05:14.02_x86_teknoprep: read the admin guide (PDF)
05:14.08_x86_teknoprep: google for "polycom admin guide"
05:14.18_x86_everything you need is contained therein
05:15.33[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep, . The Wiki also has a good guide on them.
05:15.50_x86_teknoprep: make sure you provision them!
05:16.01_x86_teknoprep: don't use the crappy phone interface to set the phones up
05:16.07_x86_if you do, you fail
05:17.14lucentI gather that Polycom is the VoIP phone of choice for a corporate setting?
05:17.28_x86_polycom is the best for any application, imho
05:18.55[TK]D-Fender_x86_, Not "any", but the vast majority
05:19.44coppiceI've never used polycom IP phones (I did suffer their crapyp conferencing stuff a long time ago) but not everyone's view of polycom is so positive
05:19.56[TK]D-Fenderlucent, they are arguably the most solid choice out there.  Economics vary on this, as do specific requirements, but in most cases comes out a clear winner
05:20.28[TK]D-Fendercoppice, To you all of telecom is a gian letdown, so lets leave names out of it :)
05:20.34lucentthe A/V integrator I subcontract as an installer to uses a lot of Polycom gear
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05:20.43lucenthave to agree, there's always a live person to help out
05:20.49lucentit's nice for support reasons
05:21.32coppice[TK]D-Fender: as I said, I've never used them, but I do see lots of rather negative comments, as well as great praise. I must commend them for doing something about wideband, though ;-)
05:21.46_x86_coppice: never seen anything negative in here about polycom
05:21.53[TK]D-Fenderlucent, With Polycom you will find many people here with knowledge to help you out where needed, and many of the GUI's out there can provisioning them as part of their setup
05:22.22coppicenot here maybe, but [TK]D-Fender's sales pitch is the stromgest polycom voice here :-)
05:22.41_x86_mine too
05:22.55[TK]D-Fendercoppice, Yeah, though its like betting on the underdog like US 2008 candidate Mike Gravel.  Sounds great, but simply has no chance of meaning anything to anyone.
05:23.00coppicepolycom sucks here, just from the pricing they use in asia
05:23.07_x86_and like 10 other unpaid polycom sales reps that hang out here too
05:23.07rob0But ... but ... he doesn't like Jimmy Buffett!
05:23.36[TK]D-Fenderrob0, Campy loser accoustic beer songs.
05:23.49jqlwell, everyone in the debat might die one day
05:23.49[TK]D-Fenderrob0, Go look up some real artists :)
05:23.54jqland gravel is locked out
05:24.06jqland, we *have* to pick kang or kodos
05:24.07[TK]D-Fenderjql, yup...
05:24.13jqlso, there ya go
05:24.18coppiceis Jimmy Buffett any relation to Warren? :-)
05:25.16[TK]D-Fenderjql, I took a survey on-line to pick the top 3 candidates that fit my answers.  It gave me (in order) : Kucinich, Gravel, an Paul.  Not a bad pick...
05:25.38[TK]D-Fendercoppice, No but either being all-you-can-eat still comes out "hard to swallow" ;)
05:26.23coppicethe other day someone told me Dan Folgelberg had died, and all I could do was struggle to remember which crappy song from years ago he sang. I failed.
05:26.28[TK]D-Fenderjql, I might put Gravel first, but that kind of idealism just isn't practical.
05:26.37rob0did he really? wow.
05:26.38[TK]D-Fendercoppice, lol :)
05:26.46jqlI already registered republican for paul. too late for me
05:27.45[TK]D-Fenderjql, How does "registering" work anyways?  Isn't everything up in the air until the real vote?  Or is it that you basically picked "GOP" and he's the only one you'd vote for?
05:28.04coppicepeople complain about lying politicians, but if a president actually did what he/she/it said he/she/it was going to do, there would be a revolution
05:28.05jqlwell, you get a different ballot in the primary
05:28.19jqlkinda depends on your state
05:28.32jqlin the general, it doesn't matter at all
05:28.58jqlbut yeah, I picked GOP, and there's nobody else to vote for. heh
05:29.07[TK]D-Fendercoppice, US 2008 has 3 people who are actually capable of serious change... assuming they live long enough
05:29.13coppiceso you register en mass for the party you don't like, and try to get a really sucky candidate into the final election :-)
05:29.32jqlcoppice: it's a tradition as old as the primary election. :)
05:29.39[TK]D-Fenderjql : indeed.  my 2 Dem picks I would be thrilled to see on the final ballot.
05:29.54jqlI liked it better when candidates were selected in a smoky room by a group of rich white guys
05:30.19[TK]D-Fenderjql, Why do you think Hillary & Giuliani are still running...
05:30.19rob0It still basically is like that.
05:30.29coppicejql: yeah, but both sides do this, which is why the final choice is always between two people you'd trust so much, you'd count your fingers after a handshake
05:30.47jqlif only Kerry was running again...
05:31.14[TK]D-FenderRomney is loaded as well, but has a full deck against him, and Huckabee will tank with any luck.
05:31.19[TK]D-Fenderjql, What of the masses begging Gore to run?
05:31.30coppicejgl: I thought that was the electoral college system they use now :-)
05:31.30jqlI predicted Romney for the Rs way back in August
05:31.34jqlstill sticking with it
05:31.52[TK]D-Fenderjql, As running to the final ballot?
05:32.06jqlyeah, as the nominee
05:32.26jqlhe's the only one with money (besides Paul)
05:32.31[TK]D-Fenderjql, Mormon is a minus, his policy another.  He's got dirt.
05:33.01coppicea dirty mormon - excellent news media material :-)
05:33.32[TK]D-Fenderjql, So far my top 3 really don't have any dirt to be dug up from what it seems.  Only their "quirkiness" counts against them, and the 2 bigger guns have real money, experience and following.
05:33.39coppiceI like the Onion thing about the bullshit ratings of all the candidates
05:33.48[TK]D-Fenderjql, I could live with Obama if only for the fact he's "mostly harmless"
05:34.22[TK]D-Fendercoppice, I love how professional the Onion looks.... kinda scary at times that the uninformed take it as actual news
05:34.23jqlI like Paul over Kucinich because he has an even longer record to run on. The man is unimpeachable (in one sense, not the other)
05:35.00[TK]D-Fenderjql, I would be thrilled to see any of my 3 take office.
05:35.55The_TiKsorry to interupt your discussion but I was wondering if you guys had any ideas for fun stuff to do with asterisk
05:36.01jqlviva la revolucion
05:36.18rob0Call up presidential campaign offices?
05:36.18The_TiKive got flite saying chuck norris quotes right now...looking for something else to do
05:36.19[TK]D-Fenderjql, indeed.
05:36.26jqlThe_TiK: war dialing is fun. caller-id spoofing is fun (why is "666" calling me. AGAIN???)
05:36.31coppicethrills are the last thing you want from a president
05:36.53The_TiKjql:ive done the callerid is fun :)
05:37.00[TK]D-FenderThe_TiK, go look "tt-weasels" for telemarketers.  Go make a weather script.  Go buy some X-10 gear and dial up some coffee.
05:37.01jqlDTMF-powered jukebox is fun
05:37.30The_TiKok, thanks
05:37.53[TK]D-Fendercoppice, BS.  After GWB invaded Iraq, you can hardly imagine the lineup of people willing to line up to suck Clinton's knob to get him back...
05:38.25jqlsetting up call-files and cron jobs to call your parents isn't so much fun as it is depressing
05:39.13coppicea good president is always in much greater danger of impeachment. a loony creates too much activity for people to focus on core values - like impeaching for any hair brained reason
05:43.47coppicea president has little to loose by starting wars. It is very hard for a ruler fighting a war to loose an election. Mrs Thatcher was a classic example. heading for a historic catastrophic defeat in the election, she screwed up and had an unnecessary war with argentina, and got a landslide victory
05:44.35rob0I couldn't really blame her for that, as much as I would have liked to.
05:44.58jqlending a war is also the kiss of death. churchill, nixon, bush I. Dewey even defeated Truman kinda.
05:45.36coppiceshe was entirely to blame. they gave argentina quite string signals there would be no response to an invasion of the falklands
05:45.43[TK]D-Fenderjql, Then again... those were also collosal douchebags in their own right... coincidence I say :)
05:46.33jqlrampant douchebaggery is the hallmark of politicos
05:48.44[TK]D-Fenderjql, Yeah, but such candidates for live-action "Animal Farm" are really special.
05:49.06rob0coppice, oh, I didn't hear that. Sounds like Bush Sr. and Kuwait.
05:51.24jqlthese false "signals" are why leaders shouldn't appoint sycophants as ambassadors
05:54.56*** join/#asterisk TJNII_Away (n=tom@
05:57.02[TK]D-FenderAlrighty.... bed dtime.
05:57.06[TK]D-Fenderlater all.
05:58.01*** part/#asterisk mcf3782 (
05:58.13coppicerob0: the argentinians invaded South Georgia to test the waters. the response they got - almost none - must have seemed a pretty clear indicator to proceed with the Falklands
05:59.55*** join/#asterisk tobias (
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06:10.45HybridStormDoes anyone have a way to make a fully sip asterisk box redundant?
06:22.09*** part/#asterisk techie (
06:31.43GuyOCanadawhy would someone put cronjobs to call their parents?
06:33.23drmessanoThats probably the best application for asterisk, ever
06:33.49TJNII_AwayGuyOCanada, I know someone who does that
06:33.58GuyOCanada:d well if you can make asterisk talk in your voice and respond to questions :D ok that would be nice maybe
06:34.07drmessanoNo. no
06:34.08GuyOCanadaTJNII why does he/she do that?
06:34.28TJNII_AwayIt checks to see if he has been reading his email, and plays your son may/may not be dead depending on the status
06:34.46drmessanoHave it call your parents when you know they're at work.. and play a message.. "hey mom (dad).. um just called to say I love you.. Guess I will call back next week"
06:34.49drmessanoand done..
06:34.52drmessanoNo more guilt
06:34.58TJNII_AwayApparently he doesn't call his parents very often.  He said it was his father's idea
06:35.16TJNII_Awaydrmessano, .... BRILLIANT!
06:35.16GuyOCanada:D oh well thats a nice idea
06:35.23GuyOCanadai can doo that
06:35.31GuyOCanadaI really hate talking to my father on the phone
06:35.38GuyOCanadasince we started using voip
06:35.48GuyOCanadahe calls me and when i pickup
06:35.53GuyOCanadahe talks and talks and talks
06:36.00GuyOCanadathe last time it was 3 hours and 45 minutes :S
06:36.19drmessanoOne of those "Let me give you an ext on my PBX" deals?
06:36.41GuyOCanadahe still uses skype I would never give him an extension to my pbx
06:36.52GuyOCanadaor he would call me every 2 seconds
06:36.57drmessanoMy father has one on mine.. its horrible
06:37.02GuyOCanadahe only calls me when he sees me on skype
06:37.12GuyOCanadawhich is maybe twice a week or so
06:37.24drmessanoDad calls me when eBay is down
06:37.40GuyOCanadalol to do what?
06:37.56drmessanoBecause I have a server at his house, so he thinks I control his internet
06:38.09drmessano"Doesnt it all go through your server?"
06:38.27lucentokay.  that deserves a 'lol'
06:38.33drmessanoIf it did, I would have pornd running on there saving his bandwidth
06:39.05GuyOCanada@google pornd
06:39.12arctanxThere are worse people. A friend of mine's mum tried to get her glasses changed from metal frames to plastic frames because she heard that metal frames pick up the radiation from the monitor and give you cancer
06:39.49drmessanoOh, I got one..
06:39.56GuyOCanadawell i had to install ipcop at home
06:40.25GuyOCanadabecause my sister was downloading so much shitty stuff and had some spyware
06:40.29GuyOCanadaattacking my router :)
06:40.37drmessanoMy father bought a digital camera and it had unsigned Windows XP drivers.. so he googled for the error and disabled the unsigned drivers warning in the registry
06:40.43lucent:)    I introduced myself to IPCop recently
06:40.54lucentnot sure yet how to limit the rate of LimeWire
06:41.06GuyOCanadalucent its easy
06:41.34lucentthere's no port ranges allowed in QoS!
06:41.41arctanxdrmessano: kudos to your dad
06:41.42lucentsorry guys, off topic
06:42.02GuyOCanadalimewire users ip is lets say you set up ipcop or other things and say all ports rate 1kb/second except port 80 :)
06:42.07drmessanoIt scared the crap out of me.. hes is NOT a tech..
06:42.21lucentGuyOCanada: ohhh... makes sense
06:42.24drmessano"You were in the...... wait... what?"
06:43.00GuyOCanadaI have a question
06:43.07drmessanoThats all anyone needs
06:43.11lucent"you know the registry thing, I couldn't find copy and the paste"
06:43.29GuyOCanadalets say i buy a linksys voip to analog phone converter stuff
06:43.55GuyOCanadai connect it to my internet connection at my home
06:44.20GuyOCanadaand also connect it to phone system i have at home (old fashioned pbx)
06:45.07GuyOCanadacan i do this: i call the box using sip and can get out to the normal pstn network?
06:45.27lucenttell the outbound route to dial 9 or whatever on top of the outbound number
06:45.44GuyOCanadaand also someone at home
06:45.52GuyOCanadacan dial my extension
06:45.53lucentI read about this working, have not tried it myself
06:45.55drmessanoSPA3102 will do it
06:46.02drmessano1 FXO, 1 FXS
06:46.02GuyOCanadaand they can talk to me ?
06:46.17GuyOCanadawell the thing is
06:46.34GuyOCanadaI actually live in Turkey but I am studying in Canada
06:46.47GuyOCanadaand it will be like that for the next 4 years i think
06:47.02GuyOCanadaand calling turkey with any voip provider costs really much
06:47.14GuyOCanadathere is a big difference between calling from my home phone
06:47.28drmessanoYour home PBX.. how many exts?
06:48.02GuyOCanada6 external (3 used) 18 or 24 internal but only 12 of them are used
06:48.23drmessanoYou live in a mansion?
06:48.33drmessanoAre you the prince?
06:48.38GuyOCanada:) lol
06:48.46GuyOCanadaWELL no a big family
06:48.54drmessanoYoure telling me
06:48.59lucentlook, James Bond is coming up on the driveway
06:49.06GuyOCanadahaha yeah :P
06:49.13lucenthide the other 12 extensions
06:49.18drmessanoAsterisk will protect you
06:49.38GuyOCanadaI asked my father if i can throw the hardware pbx away
06:49.40lucentsorry. lame I know
06:49.42GuyOCanadaand asterisk the house :)
06:49.44GuyOCanadahe said no :(
06:50.04lucentyou would be doing VoIP phones too?
06:50.07drmessanoGuyOCanada, old boss was like that too
06:50.13drmessanoThey fired him
06:50.16drmessanoSo, fire your dad
06:50.18lucentwhat kind of TDM does 12 lines
06:50.25GuyOCanadadrmessano: no need to fire
06:50.35GuyOCanadaI just dont give him an extension on my asterisk
06:50.44drmessanoI didnt mean firing squad..
06:50.44GuyOCanadalucent you dont need a tdm
06:50.51GuyOCanadayou can use adapters
06:51.30GuyOCanadaor maybe he was scared of my project :)(
06:51.38lucentoh one per phone then? I don't know
06:51.55lucentboss has me using a VegaStream 50 FXS (8fxs 2fxo)
06:52.29GuyOCanadaI have a question about the SPA3102
06:52.31drmessanoGuyOCanada... you just need some cool AGI scripts to convince dad to convert
06:52.33GuyOCanadaanyone using it
06:52.40GuyOCanadadrmessano: for example?
06:52.44lucentnot I
06:52.58drmessanoLike on that fetches stock prices from the US Exchanges, or the Nikkei (sp?)
06:53.01lucentthere's in-depth guides on configuring the SPA3102 for '*'
06:53.28lucentI used some of said guides for helping me to configure the Vega
06:53.33lucentso they must be working
06:55.19GuyOCanadaI wanted to integrate the house security stem with asterisk :) maybe that was his fear :P
06:55.39GuyOCanadai will talk to him when im back there probably 6 months later
06:56.25drmessanoSome people fear Voip
06:56.32drmessanoIt confuses them
06:56.38GuyOCanadawell SPA3102 has an FXO and FXS right
06:56.51drmessanoTrick is to wow them with it.  Those that are afraid are usually wow'ed easily
06:56.53GuyOCanadaso this means i need two extensions ?
06:57.35GuyOCanadaon my old pbx
06:57.36drmessanoYour asterisk box is going to be where?
06:57.56GuyOCanadathe asterisk is in germany on a dedicated server
06:58.12GuyOCanadai will have a soft or hardware phone in canada
06:58.23GuyOCanadathe SPA3102 will be in turkey at my home
06:58.42GuyOCanadawith no other asterisk capable eqiupments in that house :) (people fear of them)
06:59.01drmessanoWell, depends how you do it
06:59.14drmessanoYou can use the FXS as an outgoing line on the PBX
06:59.21drmessanoYou can use the FXS as an outgoing line on the Old PBX
06:59.52GuyOCanadawell ok let me give more information
06:59.57GuyOCanadamy scenario is this:
07:00.17GuyOCanadalets say my extension on my old pbx is 15
07:01.06GuyOCanadasomeone from the house calls 15 or someone redirects an incoming call from outside to 15 it will be redirected to asterisk and from asterisk to my extension 100
07:01.57GuyOCanadasecnario 2: I will call extension 105 (which will be the spa3102) then i will dial anyone at home or i will dial 9 and get an make an outgoing call from my old pbx
07:02.59drmessanoWell, SPA3102 needs standard pstn signaling to work
07:03.12drmessanoWhat sort of phones does the lucent use
07:04.42lucentboss has pstn
07:04.58lucentI don't have VoIP at my own place here
07:05.18lucentconfiguring everything via VPN for boss
07:05.56lucentisn't FXO typically outgoing?
07:05.57drmessanoGuyOCanada, sorry.. half asleep here
07:06.04drmessanoWhat sort of PBX is that is home?
07:06.11GuyOCanadaone sec
07:06.11drmessanois that at home
07:06.32lucentwhat impedence in Turkey?
07:06.33drmessanoI dont think you can connect the SPA3102 as an extension to your home PBX
07:06.55drmessanoI think you would need to use an outgoing line on the Home PBX to the FXS of the SPA3102
07:07.08drmessanoWhich the PBX would see as a line
07:07.37drmessanoThey would dial 8 or something to grab that line, and dial your extension on *
07:07.57drmessanoYou would dial that extension from * and it would ring into the analog PBX at home
07:08.14drmessanoWhich means you could use an FXS only device.. like a PAP2T
07:09.32GuyOCanadai think its this one
07:10.25drmessanoYou could program the Analog PBX with a route to your Voip adapter
07:10.33GuyOCanadaits not a bad product
07:10.34drmessanoSay give it a dummy extension of 32
07:10.41*** join/#asterisk harpal (n=Harpal@
07:10.53drmessanoand it grabs the outside line and passes 32
07:11.03drmessanoWhich would be your * extension
07:11.45GuyOCanadasorry for that :)
07:11.51drmessanoWhen you dial 32, it would ring into the PBX
07:12.09drmessanoSo you would need an IVR or something from which you would dial their extension
07:12.46drmessanoSorry, scratch that last bit
07:12.48GuyOCanadawell cant i connect both the FXO and FXS ports to the pbx?
07:12.55GuyOCanadausing two extensions?
07:13.04GuyOCanadaone incoming one outgoing or whatsoever
07:13.08drmessanoFXO cant connect to it
07:13.29drmessanoFXO would need to see a pstn line
07:13.39drmessanoFXS looks like a line
07:13.51drmessanoSo the FXO would a pseudo outgoing line on the pBX
07:14.07drmessanoSo they would dial 32 and it would pass to that outgoing line and dial 32
07:14.11drmessanoCalling your ext in Canada
07:14.16drmessanoThen you would dial say 33
07:14.24drmessanoand it would ring the FXS port at home
07:14.30drmessanointo the PBX
07:14.38drmessanoFrom where you could dial any ext
07:15.01GuyOCanadabut i dont have an IVR chip at home
07:15.18drmessanoWhat happens if you call the PBX from aland line?
07:15.22drmessanoWhat happens if you call the PBX from land line?
07:15.27drmessanoThe one at home
07:15.29drmessanoDirect lines?
07:17.34GuyOCanadaok i have to 3 lines
07:17.58*** join/#asterisk mog (
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07:18.06GuyOCanadaending 60,61,62 and they are pbx at the provider if 60 is busy it goes to 61 and so on
07:18.15GuyOCanadai also have an FCT terminal
07:18.24GuyOCanadawhich i have a GSM card a cellular line
07:18.39GuyOCanadaand when you call any of those 4 lines
07:18.43drmessanoSo this would be another line that would ring into your PBX then
07:19.05GuyOCanadasimultaniously extension 20,22,15 are ringing
07:19.19GuyOCanadaanyone from those 3 numbers
07:19.22*** join/#asterisk dacs (n=haiger@unaffiliated/dacs)
07:19.23GuyOCanadacan picup the phone
07:19.31drmessanoYou just need to set up behavior from the FXS device then
07:19.35GuyOCanadaor anyone else from any other extension you can dial 3 and pickup
07:19.39drmessanoLike you would route any line
07:20.12drmessanoId say its pretty simple
07:21.22GuyOCanadawell here is the thing
07:21.35GuyOCanadawhich i dont understand
07:22.18GuyOCanadaat home I have an analog phone with the extension lets say 11
07:22.40GuyOCanadasomeone dials 11 my phone rings
07:22.49GuyOCanadai open and start talking
07:22.49drmessanoYou can not hook a device to your phone system that will pretend to be a PBX phone
07:23.03GuyOCanadathen i hang up
07:23.25GuyOCanadapick up the phone and have a dial tone from the pbx
07:23.33drmessanoWhat youre asking for in that scenario is a device that pretends to be a PBX phone
07:24.04drmessanoYour PBX phone is not a Wal Mart phone.. theres more to it
07:24.12GuyOCanadayes it is
07:24.19drmessanoIt is?
07:24.26GuyOCanadaits a normal regular phone
07:24.33GuyOCanadaall my phones at home are
07:24.36GuyOCanada5 - 20 $
07:24.37GuyOCanadanot more
07:24.50dacswhich * release is stable or you guy recommand?
07:25.33drmessanoMy bad then.. Didnt look like that thing used pots phones
07:25.54drmessanoIf indeed it does, then you can use the FXO on a SPA3102 wired to it
07:26.31GuyOCanadawell yes it uses the plain old telephony system
07:26.45*** join/#asterisk xheliox (n=jeff@pdpc/supporter/active/xheliox)
07:27.29drmessanoOn the phones
07:27.34drmessanoNot the incoming lines
07:27.49GuyOCanadawell yes
07:28.04drmessanoYou can take an extension phone and plug it right into the wall?
07:28.04GuyOCanadayes i can
07:28.09drmessanoThen youre set
07:28.15GuyOCanadathe two cables from the wall go to the pbx
07:28.20GuyOCanadaits powered from the pbx
07:28.20dacsfor a newbie which * ver is recommanded please? any suggestions
07:28.29GuyOCanadadacs: the stable version
07:28.51dacsGuyOCanada: which is ver ?
07:29.28GuyOCanadaclick on downlods
07:29.42drmessanoLet me try this differently
07:29.48drmessanoIf I buy a regular phone
07:29.53drmessanoFrom the store
07:29.57drmessanoI can use it on that PBX?
07:30.01GuyOCanadayes you can
07:30.10drmessanoLike a regular sony, GE, whatever phone
07:30.11GuyOCanadayou just have to find an empty spot in my home :D
07:30.15GuyOCanadawhatever you want
07:30.26GuyOCanadai prefer GE
07:30.37drmessanoThen the FXO port on the SPA-3102 will work
07:30.39GuyOCanadabut it really does not matter
07:30.45drmessanoBecause its looking for a POTS line
07:30.51drmessanoand in that case it will see it
07:31.22drmessanoSo it can very well act as an extension
07:31.33dacsGuyOCanada: it doesn't say which one is stable
07:32.42dacsshould i get *NOW?
07:33.22WilliamKanyone successfully have the directory working on a 79xx series phone that's on *?
07:33.26GuyOCanadawhat are you trying to do?
07:33.53drmessanoDo you want asterisk or a trixbox/elastix all in one bundle?
07:34.05drmessanoYoure not being clear
07:34.24drmessanoAsterisk 1.4 is stable as far as I know.. I mean.. I make calls on it.. it works
07:34.33GuyOCanadadrmessano: are you looking to the pdf?
07:34.53GuyOCanadapage 14
07:35.17dacsdrmessano: this will be my first time to install it, so do you suggest it for a newbie
07:35.35drmessanoDacs: Depends on what you want
07:35.59drmessanoIf you want a single CD install and plug n play, theres several out there
07:36.06GuyOCanadaand page 30
07:36.09drmessanoI would suggest learning Asterisk and rolling your own
07:37.20*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (n=ZX81@
07:37.21GuyOCanadamy look like fulya on page 30 but are normal dtmf phones
07:37.41drmessanoSo they just have different wiring for the feature phone then
07:39.12GuyOCanadathe console phones use 6 wires
07:39.16GuyOCanadaor 4 wires
07:39.20drmessanoShould be no problem then
07:39.23GuyOCanadathe normal standard phones (extensions use 2)
07:40.14GuyOCanadaso in that case what device should i get? maybe a cheaper one that does not have the FXS port which i dont need or a better one just for my scenario :)?
07:44.05drmessanoYou cant get a 1 FXO device
07:44.10drmessanoNot an ATA
07:44.20drmessanoSPA-3102 is the best youre gonna do
07:44.29dacsdrmessano: if i only want to use ATA and not an FXO
07:45.27drmessanoYou want like a FXS box..?
07:45.48drmessanoLinksys PAP2T or whatever the new little 2 port is
07:45.59drmessanoSPA-2002 I think
07:47.18GuyOCanadalol drmessano
07:47.36GuyOCanadai will tell you something but promise not to kill me :P
07:48.00drmessanoDo tell
07:48.07GuyOCanada_x86_ go away i dont like x86 i like x64 :P
07:48.22GuyOCanadaur a lamer
07:48.37drmessanoThe lines with the regular phones are direct wired
07:48.44drmessanoNot thru the PBX
07:49.02drmessanoOk, youve been messing with me?
07:49.14GuyOCanadai went to google seraching on turkish sites to check who sells the SPA-3102 and the price and i went to the first site
07:49.22GuyOCanadaand it says
07:49.45GuyOCanadawith its FXO support you can connect it to your internal pbx and let all your employees enjoy voip :P
07:50.06drmessanoYeah.. no
07:50.23drmessanoHere the rule of thumb
07:50.37drmessanoIf you can connect a $9 wal mart/dollar store phone to it
07:50.53drmessanoFXO device will work
07:51.29drmessanoMy Samsung PBX at work
07:51.35drmessanoIf I connected a SPA3102
07:51.37drmessanoIt would melt
07:51.45drmessanoLike, ball of goo
07:52.09drmessanoMaybe not a "ball"
07:52.17drmessanothat would take controlled congealment
07:53.41drmessanoI dont remember the specs, but the wiring on the PBX is odd and the power is in a weird place
07:53.58drmessanoI know people have connected answering machines to it, with limited goo-ment
07:54.13GuyOCanadawho would need an answering machine
07:54.20GuyOCanadaIN AN office
07:54.23GuyOCanadause asterisk :P
07:54.35drmessanoWe may be switching to asterisk
07:54.40GuyOCanadai need some cool AGI scripts, can anyone point me in a direction
07:54.47drmessanoMy old boss was not an IT guy.. and hes no longer with us
07:54.59drmessanoSo now I get the run of the place
07:55.08drmessanoand we're getting more asterisk in 2008 lol
07:55.59GuyOCanadawell i still couln't decide what ip phone i should get :(
07:56.58drmessanoGet a Cisco, then set an auto message in here "Help, I need help with sccp... :(" to run every hour
07:57.08drmessanoYou'll have it working in a day or less
07:57.23GuyOCanadaaND Be oN The +b
07:58.40GuyOCanadahow do you setup the spa3102
07:58.52GuyOCanadaand its dialing plan
07:59.21drmessanoGet one and then ask me.. I have a method of doing with it simply being regged to Asterisk
07:59.29drmessanoNo flaky dialplans in the SPA3102
07:59.34drmessanoNo weird setups
08:00.02drmessanoI have mine working at my office at work, regged to my PBX at home
08:00.15drmessanoand I can answer my phone here, and make calls over my direct line at work, from here
08:00.15GuyOCanadawell IM asking it because
08:00.36GuyOCanadaI will buy it from a turkish site and let them deliver to my father so he can plug it in and set it up
08:00.59GuyOCanadais it easy to setup or will i be in need of remote desktoping and seting it up or vpn ing :)
08:01.16drmessanoCan he manipulate a Linksys web interface?
08:01.54GuyOCanadawell not sure but he can read me what he sees
08:02.00GuyOCanadaand i can help him what to enter
08:02.06GuyOCanadaif it has a web interface its not a big deal
08:02.22drmessanoYou can set the IP address via a phone connected to the FXS port, using DTMF
08:02.27drmessanoSet the gateway and DNS
08:02.46drmessanoThen Firefox to the Web Gui, and add the 10 or so settings
08:02.49drmessanoand done
08:03.23GuyOCanadawow you set the ip with dtmf :D
08:03.37drmessano**** to get the admin
08:03.55GuyOCanadaok but then you never need to use that again right?
08:03.57drmessanoThen 110 I think checks the IP, 111 sets it
08:04.00GuyOCanadayou can always use the web gui?
08:04.19drmessanoRight.. thats to keep him from having to look up the device in DHCP or whatever
08:04.49drmessanoSet the IP info via DTMF, GUI the rest for now one
08:04.50drmessanoSet the IP info via DTMF, GUI the rest for now on
08:04.59GuyOCanadawell ok
08:05.41GuyOCanadathen he can just plug it in to my ethernet port and my pbx line and then look up in dhcp clients and setup a dmz for it? so i can remotely program it using the webgui
08:05.56GuyOCanadaor not NAt / DHCP friendly?
08:06.18drmessanoHe could do that too
08:06.21*** join/#asterisk KermitTheFragger (
08:06.27drmessanoIve set them via NAT before
08:06.44drmessanoIts actually a router as well, so its designed to be remote admined if need be
08:07.36GuyOCanadaok i have another question the bandwith i have here in canada is 10mbit, no big problem also the asterisk server is runing on a 100mbit connection. the home has 1 mbit at the moment i reduced it to 1 mbit as im not there using it anybody hardly ever uses it
08:08.10drmessano1mbit up and down?
08:08.15GuyOCanadaand there is another point i want to put that in a friends house which has 256 kbit or if recently upgraded to 512kbit would that be a problem
08:08.20GuyOCanadano 1mbit download 256 upload
08:08.45drmessanoIve used 1mb / 256mb with a single device and it works fine
08:09.24drmessano512 ....
08:09.49GuyOCanada1 mb download 256kb upload not mb though
08:10.12GuyOCanadathat 512/128 is never used for internet
08:10.25GuyOCanadait will be just for the phone
08:10.29drmessano512/128 is tough..
08:10.38drmessanoIve used it with G711
08:11.06drmessanoBut the connection didnt have ANY room to be flaky
08:11.11drmessanoOccasional drops
08:11.44drmessanoYou would want to see about using G729 on something like that
08:11.54drmessanoDepending on if you have access
08:12.41GuyOCanadaok whats the best codec? for me to use at now i am on a 1.5 mbit telus connection (telus sucks when it comes to international so i am changing to shaw highspeed) my latency now is 500ms between me and the asterisk
08:12.54GuyOCanadadepending on if i have access?
08:14.41*** join/#asterisk harpal (n=Harpal@
08:15.27drmessanoYes, G729 requires licensing
08:16.00drmessanoG711 is a good all around, good quality, but at lower bandwidths like that, you need something better
08:16.17drmessanoI know the linksys boxes dont have GSM
08:16.26GuyOCanadawhats the licencing for g729
08:16.28drmessanoor a LOT dont
08:16.29DarKnesS_WolFG722 i heard it is good
08:16.33GuyOCanada:( gsm was good
08:16.51DarKnesS_WolFGuyOCanada: there is a opensource from G729 but for commercial ue u hve to pay 10 USD per channel
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08:17.26GuyOCanadaDarKnesS_WolF: well mine is not commercial, im just using it to talk to my family, friends etc :)
08:17.45GuyOCanadanot a company thing
08:17.45drmessanoI dont think its "commercial"
08:17.52GuyOCanadadoesnt look like
08:17.58drmessanoI think its testing vs production
08:18.11GuyOCanadathen mine is testing not production :P
08:18.25GuyOCanadawell 10 USD is not a big deal
08:18.30GuyOCanadaill get 3 of them :P
08:18.34GuyOCanadaif its a one time fee
08:18.56GuyOCanadawell i have a question what lets say linksys box does not have GSM but i use a phone that has GSM and gsm is my preferred method, when asterisk connects the call it choses the codec for the other party right?
08:19.14drmessanoAsterisk will transcode for you
08:19.38DarKnesS_WolFdrmessano: yes true also ... u can test with the free one when u like it then get one for 10 USD :P
08:20.03auraxanyone here experienced with chan_sccp module ?
08:20.22drmessanoSaying its for commercial use is innaccurate though.. If youre "using" it, you need to pay for it, as I understand it
08:20.34drmessanoJust wanted to be accurate :)
08:20.39DarKnesS_WolFaurax: not that much i just used Cisco phones with my * box and i did use SIP as far as i recall
08:21.27GuyOCanadawell i hate that term
08:21.28auraxi install elastix and compiled the module fine... noticed that cyrus-master (imapd) is grabbing port 2000...
08:21.33DarKnesS_WolFGuyOCanada: yes it is a one time fee
08:21.36GuyOCanadaits not clear on any peice of software
08:21.42auraxso i disabled it... but still no line sound when i pick up the phone...
08:21.48GuyOCanadafor commercial use what does that really mean
08:22.09DarKnesS_WolFaurax: codecs issue as i think
08:22.13DarKnesS_WolFthe phone rings?
08:22.25GuyOCanadaa) it means i can use it in a private environment which is not for profit eg my home pbx.
08:22.37WilliamKI very much dislike cisco's Ip phones now
08:22.43WilliamKworst xml I've seen
08:22.45GuyOCanadab) if i use it in my office pbx and i gain profit out of my phone i have to pay licensing
08:22.48WilliamKand have yet to get it to WORK
08:22.52drmessanoArguing about G729 use is like arguing about the existance of God, or Buddha, or whoever... you really wont know who is right until you're caught or you die
08:22.56GuyOCanadac) if i create a product and sell it i have to pay for it
08:23.27WilliamKc is an interesting idea
08:23.28auraxhmm DarKnesS_WolF any way to test it ? i only have one phone
08:23.29WilliamKor method
08:23.52WilliamKI think I'm going to turn into Dr. McKay from Stargate Atlantis
08:24.03WilliamKI've watched over 200+ mins now of SG
08:24.08GuyOCanadawell i can create a product for example a calling card software that uses g729 and sell it to WilliamK, but then i have to pay licensing as i have sold him the product :)
08:24.15WilliamKwhile trying to fix this cotten picken XML
08:24.43GuyOCanadaSG i havent had the time to download it
08:24.46GuyOCanadaim watching Bones right now
08:24.54drmessanoThat makes my life seem somewhat sadder
08:25.00WilliamKGuy - you can stream it via winamp/shoutcast
08:25.09GuyOCanadaim hoping to get the 1tb usb 2.0 harddrive for 179 Canadian dollars on boxing day
08:25.18drmessanoI listened to Meatloaf - Bat Out of Hell while building my current PBX
08:25.21drmessanoIt helped lol
08:25.31GuyOCanadaWilliamK: i use vlc to do that
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08:25.41GuyOCanadaand thanks for reminding me WilliamK
08:25.51drmessanovlc is sweet
08:25.51GuyOCanadadoes asterisk have video capabilities?
08:26.09drmessanoIve use it with softphones
08:26.25WilliamKI'm sick of fighting Cisco's bugs/issues
08:26.56GuyOCanadaok can i put a video file on the box where * runs and stream it to a voip capable phone or softphone
08:27.01drmessanoTheres nothing      with Cisco
08:27.03drmessanoOh crap
08:27.08drmessanoPacket loss, brb
08:27.33drmessanoNot sure GuyOCanada
08:27.34WilliamKand you were saying? :)
08:27.37drmessanoI would imagine so
08:28.14GuyOCanadaWilliamK: i wanted to ask that streaming thing a week or so ago but i forgot about it untill you said streaming using shoutcast :D
08:28.15_x86_DarKnesS_WolF: where did you go?
08:28.19drmessanoCisco is great if you want to spend more time configuring than you do talking
08:28.27drmessanoCisco is a technicians phone
08:29.04WilliamKI copied several examples from the net for the directory and NONE work
08:29.08WilliamKBTXML error
08:29.19drmessanoCisco is also great if you woke up this morning and decided you need a phone + wanted to set $200 on fire
08:29.56drmessanoFor only $200 more than the othey guy, you can have sccp
08:30.05DarKnesS_WolF_x86_: i'm here dude !
08:30.15GuyOCanadaanyone using text to speech or speech to text?
08:30.17DarKnesS_WolF_x86_: really missing talking to u alot bro ... ! missing kickin ur ass in pool :P
08:30.19WilliamKthey had these prior, I'm trying not to give my new Polycom's away
08:30.21auraxDarKnesS_WolF: should i set on the phone configuration gateway -> asterisk server?
08:30.50DarKnesS_WolFaurax: gateway for network ? i don't think so
08:31.05auraxthen how the ip phone should know the asterisk server
08:31.12auraxmaybe the tftp configuration ?
08:31.17DarKnesS_WolFCisco using a TFTP server to grap the configurations check voip-info had some nice howto
08:31.39DarKnesS_WolFaurax: no there is also SIP configurations on the phone as far as i recall
08:31.42WilliamKDarkness, nothing from voip-info works for the directory
08:31.49aurax7902g has no sip
08:34.17_x86_DarKnesS_WolF: talk in #shellshark
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08:36.40GuyOCanadaany agi tutorials?
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08:49.39FlatFootmorning all
08:56.38auraxcan someone hook me up with 7902g firmware?
08:58.00FlatFootdid you want SIP ?
08:58.10auraxit's sccp
08:58.34FlatFootaurax: i got the sip firmware for 79xx if you want it
08:58.56FlatFootor anyone else for that matter
08:59.11auraxbut i know that 7902g is Sccp only
08:59.12auraxnot sip
09:00.10FlatFootyes mine are 7905's but the firmware says it covers the 79xx range of phones
09:01.06auraxshoot then :)
09:01.54FlatFoothang on i'll stick it on a webserver
09:03.50auraxaight thx :)
09:06.54*** join/#asterisk RedStalker_Mike (
09:06.55FlatFootGuyOCanada why so glum ?
09:06.59RedStalker_Mikehi all )
09:09.12GuyOCanadacouldn't find a good tutorial on AGI scripts has a nice one
09:11.31_x86_AGI, EAGI, XAGI, etc
09:11.55GuyOCanadaEAGI XAGI?
09:12.10_x86_google for "AGI"
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09:18.15GuyOCanadaanother q, how do you create a call-file?
09:18.44_x86_write stuff to a file and put it in the right place
09:19.00_x86_google for "call file"
09:19.11GuyOCanada_x86_: are you a bot ?
09:19.35FlatFootaurax: did you get the files ?
09:19.39_x86_just trying to rid the channel of questions from people who refuse to google before asking dumb questions
09:19.41GuyOCanada:) no you are a bot with a nicely coded AI
09:19.55_x86_uh huh... sure
09:19.57GuyOCanada_x86_: I love google is my best friend
09:20.00_x86_how does that make you feel?
09:20.31GuyOCanadabut im really not in the mood of typing stuff to google or voip-info at 1 am in the morning without sleeping for the last 48 hours or maybe more
09:20.47_x86_odd that you can type on IRC just fine
09:20.52_x86_seems lazy to me
09:20.54_x86_sorry ;)
09:21.03_x86_we dont buy that crap
09:22.39GuyOCanadagoogle is not human
09:22.44GuyOCanadapeople on irc are human
09:22.52GuyOCanadahuman can give quick answers :P
09:23.02GuyOCanadaand another thingy
09:23.11GuyOCanadai dont sell crap
09:23.14GuyOCanadaso you cant buy it :)
09:23.22_x86_i'm sure google can offer faster answers than any human can
09:23.29_x86_i'll bet money on it
09:23.53_x86_see all this time you've been bitching you could of had your answer long ago ;)
09:25.17_x86_doesnt matter if you think you're selling or not... you are ;)
09:25.44_x86_you're selling the idea that you're not lazy, and some how your access to google / ability to parse google's output is somehow broken
09:29.17auraxerrr, i can't get this sccp phone to work
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09:47.53GuyOCanadaI deffinately have to map the N key with another key :S
09:48.17GuyOCanadaI keep on hitting N instead of Spacebar and VLC is going to the next episode :@
09:48.48GuyOCanada_x86_: i said i dont like x86 but you are right :P
09:49.01GuyOCanadasomeone changed my parsing algorithm
09:56.21*** join/#asterisk coppice (
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10:06.22ronr_hi, I'm looking for a graphical pinout of a E1 crosscable (so I can just say that color should be on that pin)
10:07.00GuyOCanadaronr_: google
10:08.04ronr_GuyOCanada: for what? I can find pinouts a lot but not which colors
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10:11.18GuyOCanadaif you are going to make a cable
10:11.24GuyOCanadacolors are not important
10:11.31ronr_GuyOCanada: nevermind, got it (but really, if you're not willing to help,don't say anything, shouting google aint helping, say google FOR <....> is..)
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10:11.55GuyOCanadaif it says pin 1 to pin 6
10:12.03GuyOCanadathen pick a color for example blue
10:12.07GuyOCanadapin 1 blue to pin 6 blue
10:12.13GuyOCanadaif it says pint 2 to pin 7
10:12.19GuyOCanadatake another color green
10:12.24GuyOCanadapin 2 to pin 7
10:12.40ronr_ok, didn't know colors didn't matter at all, thx
10:13.09_x86_colors are just to make it easier for the person crimping the cable
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10:13.34_x86_otherwise you'd have no idea what order to put the wires in on each end ;)
10:13.41GuyOCanadaand ronr_: sorry i thought you were looking for the wiring numbers thats why i pointed you to google
10:13.57GuyOCanadawhen i was wiring my home
10:14.04GuyOCanadai had two kinds of connectors
10:14.29GuyOCanadaone was straight lines and the other was zigy zaggy lines :D
10:14.34_x86_you are talking about jacks or plugs?
10:14.52GuyOCanadawhen i used the straight ones
10:14.55_x86_zig-zags are to show you white pairs
10:15.01GuyOCanadait was 10.0 mbits / second
10:15.09_x86_blue / blue+white, etc
10:15.11GuyOCanadazig zags were 100.0 mbits/second
10:15.16GuyOCanadano no thats not what i mean
10:15.37_x86_so you had some cat4 jacks and some cat5 jacks?
10:15.56_x86_or hell, probably more like cat3 jacks and cat5 jacks
10:16.02_x86_cat4 can do 25Mbps ;)
10:16.17_x86_hmm although i think cat3's rating is less than 10mbps
10:16.18GuyOCanadanot really
10:16.24_x86_yes, really
10:16.33_x86_look at the standards before debating me, nub
10:16.43GuyOCanadacat5 cat3 cat4 cat6e
10:16.51GuyOCanadaarent those cables
10:16.55_x86_there is no such thing as cat6e
10:16.56GuyOCanadawith different qualities
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10:17.02GuyOCanadasorry :)
10:17.20_x86_goes from cat1 to cat7
10:17.28_x86_although cat7 isn't ratified yet
10:18.19GuyOCanadawell i have cat5e
10:18.23_x86_cat1 and cat3 are generally used for running voice
10:18.34_x86_you'll never see cat2
10:18.47_x86_cat4 is very rare, but i've seen installations of it
10:18.57coppicecall these number cat sounds very Dr Suess
10:19.10GuyOCanadawell the school here still uses coax
10:19.21_x86_vampire taps?
10:19.31_x86_thicknet or thinnet?
10:19.45GuyOCanadaanyone using WRT54 series linksys wifi-routers?
10:19.50_x86_i am
10:20.19_x86_i've got (2) WRT54GL's sitting here bridging
10:20.21GuyOCanadawhich one GL GS G?
10:20.41GuyOCanadaI purchased an G here but it is an v8 one :(
10:21.02GuyOCanadaso i am planing of buying a new one a GL or GS
10:21.36_x86_get the L
10:21.38GuyOCanadaI have seen on ebay people selling omni 251mW antennas
10:21.41_x86_it has 16mb of flash
10:21.56_x86_pfft... 250mW omnis are nothing
10:22.07_x86_what you want is a 2W 8dBi omni
10:22.18_x86_you'll get decent range out of that ;)
10:22.27GuyOCanadai need 2km :P
10:22.33_x86_you know the antenna has nothing to do with the input wattage right?
10:22.48GuyOCanadawell with dd-wrt
10:22.51GuyOCanadayou can increase it
10:22.59_x86_that's the radio, not the antenna
10:23.06GuyOCanadaas far as i heard anyways that is not the case
10:23.09GuyOCanadaoh sorry
10:23.15GuyOCanadathe one i have right now
10:23.20GuyOCanadaits a shitty antenna you cant unplug it
10:23.56GuyOCanadaI have a WRT54G v8 the antenna on it is not changeable you can not unplug it, can you chance the antenna of the GL without opening the box
10:24.18drmessanoV8s are so shitty
10:24.21drmessanoI got one for work the other day
10:24.30drmessanoFeels like a tinkertoy
10:24.39GuyOCanadaI know drmessano
10:25.04coppicenone of the linksys's are exactly robust
10:25.04GuyOCanadaso thats why i am selling it to a friend to get the GL or GS which has Linux instead of WxVox or whatever it is
10:25.45drmessanoThe older ones were
10:25.55drmessanoThe V5 and on just got worse
10:26.07GuyOCanadaI tried to run woxkiller stuff from dd-wrt site
10:26.09coppicethe RF connectors in the older ones fall apart if you sneeze.
10:26.19GuyOCanadait killed the router so i went back and said it stopped working :)
10:26.37coppicei never understood why they didn't eliminate the antenna leads completely
10:26.41GuyOCanadathey exchanged it over the counter i went and got a GS and said ok i got it she did not scan it at first then someone else came and said that is a GS :D
10:26.56drmessanoAntenna leads?
10:27.00drmessanoOn the boxes themselves?
10:27.08drmessanoOr the antennas specifically
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10:27.50GuyOCanadamodified ram?
10:27.54GuyOCanadahe claims he has 64 ram
10:28.05coppiceinside the boxes there are leads from the antennas to the PCB, and they have really crappy connectors
10:28.14drmessanoOh ok
10:28.35drmessanoWasnt sure which ones you meant
10:28.43coppicebut one such a high volume product I would expect such leads to have been engineered out
10:29.05GuyOCanadaUp ram 16 MB to 64MB hight stability and you can select up firmware between Tomato or DD-WRT from us
10:29.36GuyOCanadayou can upgrade the ram in the router?
10:29.41ronr_I think I screwed up my telco's modem settings for the E1 box, it's a athrea ac 2032/t and the telco in BBNed (in the Netherlands), anyone has such a box or knows the correct settings
10:30.39*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
10:31.56drmessanoYou can do all sorts of crap with WRT54Gs
10:32.18drmessanoSerial ports, USB, CF cards
10:32.18GuyOCanadaGL has 16 ram and 4 mb flash
10:33.48GuyOCanadawell I want to setup a hotspot
10:33.58GuyOCanadaand get as much range as i can with a better antenna
10:34.07drmessanoMake a slot antenna
10:35.38GuyOCanadaslot antenna
10:35.46GuyOCanadagoogleing that
10:36.41GuyOCanadaa metal plate
10:41.04GuyOCanada thats a good idea
10:42.32drmessanoNot for a hotspot its not
10:44.29GuyOCanadaok i need something to transmit my wifi to another point (in one direction 1.5 miles away)
10:44.31drmessanoI love those
10:45.13drmessanoDo you have direct line of sight?
10:45.29ronr_anyone here with a bbned isdn connection (if so, could you do a console login and tell me the output of the conf command, i'm looking for what's behind set mode)
10:46.44GuyOCanadawell that is a tricky question no but there are no big buildings
10:47.59drmessanoThere needs to be nothing between
10:49.36drmessanoHow high will the antennas be/
10:50.09GuyOCanadaWell I can probably put them on the roof
10:50.38GuyOCanadaRouter will be in point A on the map
10:50.40mvanbaakronr_: what type of router/modem ?
10:50.47ronr_athrea ac 2032/t
10:50.55mvanbaakah, sorry
10:50.59mvanbaakdont have one like that
10:51.11ronr_but I guess the operation mode should be the same
10:51.35ronr_automatic-ces, bridge, tdm or ntp
10:51.46drmessanoyou're gonna need about 50 ft of height
10:51.52mvanbaakmine is set to bridge
10:52.32ronr_ok, than at least I know that
10:52.53ronr_crc4 is on I guess
10:53.11GuyOCanada15 feet of height for the antenna ?
10:53.21GuyOCanadaor 15 feet over ground level?
10:53.31drmessano50 above ground
10:53.49GuyOCanadathats not a big problem and what kind of antenna do i need?
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10:54.05coppicemore specifically 50 ft above a point half way between your antennas
10:54.10drmessanoCouple of Yagis would probably do it.. High gain
10:54.18GuyOCanadamy roof is about at 50 feet
10:54.39drmessanoI dont see many trees
10:54.50drmessanoSo rooftops would be your own obstacle
10:55.02drmessanoGet above them probably have line of sight
10:55.27drmessanoBiggest problem wont be antennas
10:55.38coppiceyou really need line of site. nothing whatever in the way
10:55.40GuyOCanadawhat will the problem be?
10:55.52drmessanoIt will be feedline to the access points, where all the loss is.. and aiming
10:56.17drmessanoaligning is going to kill you doing it by hand
10:56.25coppicethat part is easy. put the access point near the antenna, and make the cate 5 long
10:56.29GuyOCanadabah any better solutions
10:56.37GuyOCanadai wonder if i can find those old routers
10:56.41GuyOCanada5 miles 1 mbit
10:56.48drmessanoand hes gonna have to remote the power
10:56.53drmessanoWaterproof the box
10:57.02GuyOCanadaI really dont care about the speed
10:57.03drmessanoI wouldnt go 10 feet on feedline
10:57.09ronr_mvanbaak: you know the loop setting of e1? local or remote?
10:57.35GuyOCanadawell maybe i should not use internet on location B :)
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10:57.47GuyOCanadaor stick whit the shitty school terminals :S
10:58.09GuyOCanadathey recently blocked so i cant remote desktop anymore ssh is also blocked only port 21 and 80
10:58.16drmessano1.5 miles is better served with something like motorola canopy radios and not consumer hardware
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10:58.35drmessanoIt CAN be done
10:58.44drmessanoBut it takes some rigging that most people wont do
10:59.21drmessanoI mean, put the boxes in pelican cases, use PoE for the power (building your own injector)
10:59.34drmessanoBuild the antenna arrays
10:59.56drmessanoand then the first storm that comes through, and bam.. gone
11:00.15GuyOCanadawhy does everyone like PoE
11:00.25drmessanoIts not about liking it
11:00.36drmessanoIts about not running two cables
11:00.52drmessanoor needing power at a device
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11:01.04GuyOCanadawhich cables do you use?
11:01.16drmessanoIf a device needs power
11:01.26drmessanoYou need power and ethernet
11:01.33drmessanowith PoE its one
11:01.54GuyOCanadayes but arent all the pins used?
11:02.12drmessanoWithout PoE?
11:02.56GuyOCanada4-5 78?
11:04.05drmessano1,2 TD, 3,6 RD
11:04.36GuyOCanadawell im wondering why they created so many cables :P if we dont use them
11:05.48drmessanoTo sell more RJ-45s
11:05.53drmessanoand copper
11:06.10GuyOCanadawe could have used RJ-11's
11:06.42Porksdrmessano, cable for gigabit will use only 1,2, 3,6 too?
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11:07.36drmessanoGigabit uses pins, I believe
11:07.40drmessanoGigabit uses all pins, I believe
11:08.31drmessanoIf I remmeber correctly
11:08.45drmessanoAll are assigned.. not sure how they get used
11:09.29coppice.5 GB per pair
11:09.38drmessanoI know theres 4 pairs, bidirectional
11:09.44GuyOCanadamaybe they should create something called UEP or UEB :)
11:09.55GuyOCanadauniversal ethernet bus, universal ethernet port :P
11:12.35coppicegig-E uses the same bandwidth on the pairs as 100M ethermet. they use 2 pairs, and each pairs carries a modulated signal, rather than simple digital pulses, like 10M and 100M ethernet
11:14.04drmessanoI havent messed with any GigE yet.. sadly
11:14.09coppiceon second thoughts, they use 4 bits per symbol, so the bandwidth is a little higher. the symbol rate is 125M
11:14.37drmessanoBut next week I get a nice primer lol
11:15.35coppicereusing 100M wiring for gig-e is often troublesome, because many of those pairs that were neevr actually use turn out not to have wired correctly :-)
11:17.20drmessanoI've got some new GigE switches coming, and am looking forward to playing with it
11:17.31drmessanoIf nothing else, for linking switches
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11:23.45uwehello, im getting strange problem, asterisk is not restarting , and i cant do sip show peers ... ! any idea what the issue could be ?
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11:29.07GuyOCanadaservice asterisk stop
11:29.14GuyOCanadaservice asterisk start
11:29.23GuyOCanada(not restart)
11:29.33GuyOCanadaor kill it
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11:42.01_x86_can someone send me a test fax?
11:42.09FlatFootwhat number ?
11:42.56mvanbaak_x86_: FoIP ?
11:44.13FlatFoot_x86_: on its way
11:44.49_x86_mvanbaak: kind of
11:45.07_x86_mvanbaak: CO line --> asterisk --> iaxmodem/hylafax --> email
11:45.14_x86_FlatFoot: thanks
11:45.51mvanbaakfor now we do: CO line --> asterisk --> chan_capi's RXFax
11:46.56_x86_FlatFoot: simon?
11:47.09_x86_mvanbaak: RxFax sucks
11:47.19_x86_FlatFoot: got it, looks great
11:47.22mvanbaakbut hey, it works
11:47.32_x86_by the way, it emailed it to my iPod Touch
11:47.51FlatFoot_x86_: where did my name appear from then ? somewhere on the fax ?
11:47.57_x86_so i'm looking at this little robot thing holding up this code on my iPod...
11:48.06_x86_FlatFoot: yeah the CLID
11:48.30FlatFoot_x86_: The robot thing is advertising the digital switch over for terrestial tv
11:48.46_x86_"24 Dec 07 13:04 Simon Garvey 08701232042"
11:48.56_x86_FlatFoot: ah cool
11:49.03FlatFootas we in the uk lose our analouge signal in 2012 i think
11:49.12_x86_man the quality on this is great
11:49.17FlatFootcan't spell for toffee today
11:49.35_x86_did you use a physical fax machine or email-to-fax or something?
11:49.38mvanbaakFlatFoot: here in .nl we are going to loose analog signal as well
11:49.39FlatFootits come via our HP7140xl
11:50.16FlatFootmvanbaak: do you get our analog signals ?
11:50.34FlatFootchannel 5 ?
11:50.52mvanbaakcant remember which
11:51.04mvanbaakI switched to a dish couple of years ago
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11:51.13_x86_we're losing our analog sometime in 2009 i think
11:51.18FlatFootthats one of the reasons we have to switch over , because channel 5 is on the same freq as a station in france
11:51.30FlatFootso we can't transmit it along the coast
11:51.45DovidAnyone here from Australia ?
11:52.00Dovidor Argentina ?
11:52.27DovidI need a test call to a toll free number there
11:52.35_x86_FlatFoot: what is W1T 2BU
11:52.57FlatFoot_x86_: it's a postcode
11:53.09FlatFootfor the west end of london
11:53.15FlatFootWest 1
11:53.31FlatFootzip code for you i think
11:53.42_x86_i'm in the states ;)
11:53.44FlatFootin the states
11:53.47*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
11:53.56Dovidand I am in Israel ATM
11:54.03FlatFootit's called a zip code over there isn't it ?
11:54.06_x86_my zip code is 61611 hehehe
11:54.17DovidI travel to dmanmuch
11:54.20_x86_we don't have letters in our zip codes
11:54.22_x86_or spaces
11:54.29_x86_they are all 5-digit numbers
11:54.52FlatFootours all start with the first or first 2 letters of a postal area
11:55.05FlatFootwe are TN23 6LL ( ToNbridge )
11:58.24_x86_i dont know the rhyme or reason of ours
11:58.36_x86_they dont seem to make much geographical sense, imho
11:59.13FlatFooti would have thought it would follow the grid system that most of the cities seem to be built on
12:00.03_x86_most cities only have one zip code
12:00.22_x86_except large cities have more than one sometimes
12:00.40_x86_like Peoria, IL... population ~250,000
12:00.52_x86_has roughly 10 zip codes
12:01.02_x86_and no, follows no pattern
12:01.37FlatFootgot a zipe code map on there
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12:29.25ronr_I got a sitecom utp cable tester, can I use this to test a E1 cross cable (between my athrea modem and a digium card)?
12:37.34JTif it can tell you what pin goes to what pin, sure
12:41.51ronr_JT: it doesn't, the **** thing just has a few leds marked 1&2, 3&6, 4&5 and 7&8
12:43.08JTthen use a multimeter?
12:43.19FlatFootronr_: buy a tester from IDEAL they seem to be the best we have come across
12:45.40ronr_thx, I'll go and get a good tester
12:55.50FlatFootronr_: this is our favoured tester
13:06.38ronr_ok, I think I'm a bit further now, unfortunately I can't get a cable tester on short notice, my digium card is showing a red flashing led, is this definitely a wrong cable or can I also check other things?
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13:11.45ronr_anyone knows framing for a bbned e1, cas of css?
13:15.37JTdunno what bbned or css is
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13:15.42JTbut it'd be ccs
13:15.56JTand i said a multimeter would work
13:16.13ronr_JT: yeah, and if I'd have one around here...
13:17.51FlatFootronr_: small battery few bits of wire and a bulb , dismantle a torch that works
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13:19.24FlatFootthat'll do a continuity test
13:20.06ronr_FlatFoot: that's new for me, is there a scheme somewhere on the internet?
13:20.33FlatFootbattery two wire of the terminals two wires of the bulb terms
13:21.05FlatFootthen connect to pairs 12 , 36 etc and use the cat5 as the rest of the connection between the batt and bulb
13:23.09ronr_FlatFoot: thanks, I'm gonna try and build that
13:23.29FlatFootpretty simple test but it will show if the core is broken at least
13:23.36FlatFootwon't test for speed etc though
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13:38.45FlatFootstraw poll , who's working over christmas then ?
13:46.21tzafrirFlatFoot, ask that tommorow...
13:48.14FlatFootnot me m8 i shall be full of guiness
13:48.32mvanbaakbut I wont be here
13:48.39mvanbaakonsite work
13:50.05FlatFootmvanbaak: at least onsite work should be nice and quiet
13:52.44auraxwhat is better, elastix or centpbx?
13:52.59auraxor same thing diff package...
13:55.47[TK]D-Fenderaurax, yipy just another distro with * and FreePBX slapped on.
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14:08.09FlatFootah well off to do the christmas shopping , hope all enjoy the day whatever you are doing
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14:35.18ronr_I got a athrea modem with an E1 port connected at the E1 port with a E1 cross cable to a digium TE120P card, the cable is good (1->4, 2->5, 4->1, 5->2), but the digium card led flashes red, where do I look?
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14:42.04ronr_found it, I needed a patch cable, not a cross cable
14:46.58ronr_what a blue alarm on a digium te120p?
14:56.03*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
14:56.49ronr_mvanbaak: you know what switchtype in zapata.conf bbned needs (and is it cas or ccs)?
14:58.20mvanbaakI have no idea
14:58.57ronr_ok, i'll just try some
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15:18.12ronr_I defined a trunkgroup as trunkgroup => 1,16 and a channels section group 1 to zaptel device, all lines are free but when I try to call out asterisk tells me everybody is busy/congested at this time, what can I do about this?
15:20.36[TK]D-Fenderronr_, "trunkgroup" has nothing to do with sending your basic b-chans to the same context
15:20.43[TK]D-Fenderronr_, thats for bonding MULTIPLE PRI
15:20.44*** join/#asterisk sergee (n=serg@
15:21.04[TK]D-Fenderronr_, pastebin your zaptel & zapata.
15:21.06jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
15:26.00[TK]D-Fenderronr_, you're pluggin into a telco smartjack?
15:26.25[TK]D-Fenderronr_, Oh, and is this a brand new card?
15:26.33ronr_[TK]D-Fender: yeah, I got a green light on the digium card and no alarm on zttool
15:26.40ronr_[TK]D-Fender: indeed, brand new
15:26.55ronr_[TK]D-Fender: jumper is set to E1
15:27.00[TK]D-Fenderronr_, by default those card have a jumper that is set to T1 mode that you'll have to move to the E1 position.
15:27.10[TK]D-Fenderronr_, Good, you covered that one
15:27.15[TK]D-Fenderronr_, 1 sec
15:27.47[TK]D-Fenderronr_, So this goes to telco?
15:27.56ronr_[TK]D-Fender: it does
15:28.42ronr_[TK]D-Fender: ill try that, 1 sec
15:28.48[TK]D-Fenderronr_, minor fixes.  put them in and enable pri debug when you try a call again (You'll need to stop *, and redo ztcfg -vvvv)
15:30.20ronr_[TK]D-Fender: and what's the card in extensions, not Zap/G/${EXTEN} anymore I guess
15:31.14[TK]D-Fenderronr_,  Dial(Zap/g1/${EXTEN})  depending on your use of prefixes, etc
15:32.16ronr_[TK]D-Fender: how do I enable debug on pri?
15:32.51[TK]D-Fender"pri debug"
15:32.55[TK]D-Fender"pri debug span 1"
15:36.12[TK]D-Fenderronr_, that could mean the # is actualy busy
15:36.15[TK]D-Fendertry another
15:36.28dacs[TK]D-Fender: good morning
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15:37.59ronr_[TK]D-Fender: I tried a few more, same result (I'm sure nobody is using my mobile that I have lying right here)
15:38.38[TK]D-Fenderronr_, do "pri debug span 1" and try again.  I didn't see anything in that last apptempt
15:39.11*** join/#asterisk WilliamK (
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15:40.09ronr_[TK]D-Fender: same results, somehow it looks like pri is never used
15:40.45ronr_[TK]D-Fender: I'll try recompiling libpri
15:40.57[TK]D-Fenderronr_, "pri show span 1"
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15:43.40[TK]D-Fenderronr_, look like maybe the telco isn't live yet
15:43.56[TK]D-Fenderronr_, this a newly ordered circuit?
15:44.27ronr_[TK]D-Fender: yeah it is, it should be live since about 10 days
15:44.37[TK]D-Fenderronr_, hrm...
15:44.52ronr_[TK]D-Fender: but it's 99% that the problem is there?
15:44.52[TK]D-Fenderronr_, Silly though.  maybe try rebooting the box
15:45.09ronr_[TK]D-Fender: can always try that
15:45.25[TK]D-Fenderronr_, I'm not an expert by any means on PRI but have set them up before.  Just going on experience and a little instinct
15:45.42ronr_[TK]D-Fender: it's rebooting now (will take a while)
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15:47.00WilliamKthey put the d-chan on a diff chan than US by default for euroISDN?
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15:47.59WilliamKinteresting, looking at notes now
15:49.44*** join/#asterisk teknoprep (n=tekno@unaffiliated/teknoprep)
15:50.05[TK]D-FenderWilliamK, 30b+d, d=16, and several framing differences.
15:50.23[TK]D-FenderWilliamK, USA != Center of the Universe
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15:51.12WilliamKTK; gah!
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15:56.52ronr_[TK]D-Fender: I now get an error: Unable to create channel of type'Zap' (cause 66: Channel not implemented) (after reboot)
15:57.39tzafrirronr_, chan_zap failed to load for some reason? Look for error messages from it
15:57.53[TK]D-Fenderronr_, means zaptel didn't laod on boot and chan_zap failed to load
15:58.13[TK]D-Fenderronr_, stop * and do "ztcfg -vvvv"
15:58.31[TK]D-Fenderronr_, And you'll want to have it load in your startup sequence.  What OS are you runnign?
15:59.40ronr_[TK]D-Fender: /etc/init.d/zaptel isn't in debian startup yet, so I did it manually and now I'm back at the congestion error
16:00.11[TK]D-Fendertzafrir : he can't seem to get any PRI debug.  Think you can pick this one up from here?
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16:03.26ronr_tzafrir: do you need the asterisk output with pri debug enabled?
16:03.55tzafrirronr_, do you actually have the channels in asterisk?
16:03.59tzafrirzap show channels
16:04.34ronr_tzafrir: yep, 15 channels on incoming context with no set language and MOH interpret default
16:04.47ronr_tzafrir: and 1 pseudo
16:05.03tzafrirJust 15 channels? Is that on purpose? (a fractional PRI)?
16:05.30ronr_tzafrir: yeah, it's a ISDN 15 as they call it around here, half an E1
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16:06.15tzafrirWhat is the output of 'pri show span 1'?
16:07.35TitanousI'm trying to compile a app, and I get error: too few arguments to function ‘ast_channel_alloc’, It has six parameters currently. What do I need to add to it?
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16:13.38ronr_hmm, I decided to try to recompile libpri, but there's an error now: too many arguments to function ‘libpri_copy_string’
16:13.41*** part/#asterisk Titanous (n=Jon335@unaffiliated/titanous)
16:17.41codefreezeHappy Holidays, Everyone!!!!!
16:18.20zuezIs there any application which will accept arbitrary user input in the form of DTMF tones?  For example, if I prompt a user for a passcode when they dial into my DID?
16:20.00[TK]D-Fenderzuez, "show application read"
16:20.34[TK]D-Fenderronr_, Go get the latest copies of *, Zap & PRI.
16:21.06ronr_[TK]D-Fender: ok, just compiled the latest pri, will also do the others
16:21.26zuez[TK]D-Fender: Ah perfect! I'm surprised this application isn't one that's repeated in the asterisk dialplan chapters.
16:21.36zuez[TK]D-Fender: considering it could be used for internal extensions, etc.
16:23.11[TK]D-Fenderzuez, its in the book in a few places and you should go over what ALL of the dilaplan applications do.. There is a comprehensive list in the book itself, and there is "show applications" and "show functions" as well
16:23.19[TK]D-Fenderzuez, This isn't anything new.
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16:26.54ronr_[TK]D-Fender: when configuring asterisk cpp fails sanity check?
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16:28.22[TK]D-Fenderronr_, There are certain newer versions I know * doesn't appreciate.  You have to install the earlier libs for this.
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16:29.01ronr_[TK]D-Fender: I was missing or having an incorrect g++ version
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16:42.35ronr_[TK]D-Fender: I recompiled and restarted everything, but the results are still exactly the same
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16:45.39tzafrircpp is the C Pre Processor, not c++ compiler
16:46.21tzafrirautoconf checks for cpp before it checks for cc. So that is the error you get when you don't have gcc installed
16:47.05ronr_tzafrir: already fixed that by installing g++ (cc1plus couldn't be found)
16:47.44tzafrirnext time install build-essenial
16:49.31ronr_tzafrir: wasn't the first time I compiled * on this box, guess some updates screwed to stuff up
16:49.34tzafrirAnyway, the span is still down?
16:49.52ronr_tzafrir: yep, no change
16:50.07tzafrirWhat versions of asterisk and co. are used?
16:50.54tzafrirAre there any alarms on the span?
16:51.09ronr_tzafrir: *, libpri 1.4.3 and zaptel
16:51.33ronr_tzafrir: zttool says OK at the Alarms
16:52.13tzafrirpri intense debug span 1
16:52.18tzafrirdo you get anything?
16:54.20tzafririn short: nothing
16:54.27tzafrirJust the SABMEs you send
16:54.40tzafrirpri no debug span 1
16:54.42ronr_tzafrir: I guess not, I'm new to it so it's not telling me much
16:54.47ronr_tzafrir: already did that
16:56.56tzafrirThe '>' in the beginning are messages you send.
16:57.57tzafrirI figure that the next thing would be to either call the telco or do some loop tests.
16:58.08tzafrirNot really sure about either of the two
16:58.42ronr_tzafrir: ok, how would I do a loop test (it's already 6 pm here and christmas eve so I think the telco will be closed)
16:59.11ManxPowerif you are not getting any messages on the D-channel from the telco then you call the telco and say "I'm not receiving any data on the D-channel".  They will say "there is nothing wrong on our end" and then the line will magically begin to work.
16:59.32ManxPowerI've done this a few times before. 8-)
16:59.39ronr_ManxPower: :D
17:00.00alrsMy experience echoes that of Manxpower.
17:00.11ManxPowerIf all else fails demand they send a tech with a "T-BERD" to test the D-Channel.
17:01.12ManxPowerIf you are not getting any alarms and not getting any D-Channel messages then it IS a telco problem
17:01.35ronr_but that is what's happening? I try to call out over Zap and it says congestion
17:02.06ManxPowerronr_: you can't tell what is happening by Dialing.  Only PRI debug will tell you
17:02.23ManxPowerPRIs are pretty chatty, data is exchanged even when there are no active calls.
17:02.32alrsronr_: Is this a trixbox?  That congestion message is the catchall for any of the ISDN cause codes that come back from a PRI
17:02.42tzafrirManxPower, there's nothing in the D channel
17:03.02ManxPowertzafrir: then all the work in the world won't make it work.
17:03.06ronr_it's not trizbox, it's debian with asterisk compiled manually, pri debug says nothing
17:03.13ManxPowerronr_: then call your telco
17:03.20ronr_i will
17:03.20alrswhat does "zap show channels" show ?
17:03.35ronr_alrs: that I have 15 channels
17:03.59ManxPoweralrs: it doesn't really matter.  NOTHING he can do will fix the problem.
17:04.37tzafrirManxPower, how can you be sure that this is not a local problem?
17:04.47alrsronr_: Are you dialing using a zap channel or a zap group?
17:05.04ronr_zap ground (Zap/g1)
17:05.11alrsah ha
17:05.18alrsyou have a group set in zapata.conf?
17:05.22ronr_telco is closed
17:05.26ronr_yes, group=1
17:05.35ManxPowertzafrir: "pri debug span 1" does not give a "command not available" so he has libpri installed and Asterisk recognized it.  The line is not in alarm, so it's not a zaptel problem.
17:06.01alrsronr_: try dialing with Zap/1 instead of Zap/g1
17:06.38ronr_alrs: same result
17:06.45alrsno pri debug chatter at all?
17:07.14ManxPowerI've had similar problems in about half of the PRI installs I've done.  If there is no chatter in pri debug, then it is ALWAYS a telco problem, assuming libpri and zaptel are installed
17:07.17ronr_alrs: nope, none
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17:07.52alrsthere should be some failure messages, at least.
17:07.53ManxPowerUsually the answer from my telco is "oh, we forgot to DACS the D-channel"
17:08.20ronr_I'll call them again after christmas (which is thursday around here)
17:08.22ManxPowersometimes the answer is "we have no idea why it's not working, but we tore down and rebuilt the PRI" and then it starts working.
17:08.44ManxPowerThe telco I work with (a CLEC) is very good about such things.
17:09.29alrsronr_: you've got a cutsheet and you're sure you've got the switchtype right?
17:09.40ronr_alrs: no, and no
17:10.15tzafrirswitchtype = euroisdn ?
17:10.18ronr_I wasn't here when the telco installed the modem (emergency mail server crash)
17:10.21ronr_tzafrir: yes
17:10.29alrsronr_: Where are you?
17:10.44ronr_alrs: Rotterdam (The Netherlands)
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17:11.26ManxPowerI wanted to see Rotterdam when I was over there, only got to see Delft, Amsterdam, and Eindhoven (sp?)
17:11.52ronr_I used to live in Delft
17:12.31ManxPowerronr_: I grew up in Holland, Michigan, USA.
17:12.42ronr_ManxPower: :)
17:12.54ManxPowerGuess who founded the town 8-)
17:13.18ronr_ManxPower: some guy from germany :S
17:14.01alrsronr_ have you posted your /etc/zaptel.conf to pastebin?
17:14.40ronr_alrs: should be somewhere, I'll try and find it again
17:15.05pikosis there a way to config an x100p to dial slower?
17:15.30ronr_new one:
17:15.35ManxPowerpikos: Yes.  Exactly how depends on how you define "slower" (yes there are different kinds of "slower" in Asterisk)
17:16.41ManxPowerIf you want to make it START dialing slower, then you add 1 or more "w" in front of the number i.e. Dial(Zap/1/ww5551212)
17:16.41pikosi just changed my service provider here in Greece and i am facing strange problems
17:16.44tzafrirpikos, add 'w'-s?
17:16.58ManxPowerIf you mean "longer DTMF tones", that is done in /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf, IIRC
17:17.13ManxPowereach "w" is .5 second delay
17:17.35ManxPower*grumble* I don't want to go to the store today.
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17:17.57teknoprepcan nat be the issue with voice quality at times?
17:18.05alrsronr_ I'm looking at at conf example on for NL that is a little bit different in that it adds "crc4" at the end of the span definition
17:18.06teknoprepnow if i have to NAT i always NAT using a 1:1 nat
17:18.08pikosManxPower: you mean that each number will be dialed every 5 secs ?
17:18.08ManxPowerteknoprep: no.
17:18.17teknoprepManxPower. thanx
17:18.21ManxPowerpikos: no, a "w" means 1/2 second delay
17:18.37pikosok cool
17:18.38alrsronr_ The comment "ISDN 15 or 30 from KPN Netherlands"
17:18.48pikosi'll try it now
17:18.49ManxPowerteknoprep: NAT issues never happen after the first 1 second of the call.
17:19.08teknoprepManxPower is that why i get that grable of the first second of a call
17:19.47ronr_alrs: I'm not on KPN, but maybe it says something useful anyway
17:19.57alrsronr_ is there any chance that your dchan is on 17 instead of 16?
17:20.07ManxPowerteknoprep: I doubt it, but maybe.  Usually the audio is either one way, the audio never works, or the audio works only for the first second of the call, then fails (this can happen when reinvites are enabled)
17:20.25teknoprepManxPower i don't have problems with audio reaching either person with NAT
17:20.35teknoprepManxPower i know how to setup NAT pretty easily so it works
17:20.43ronr_alrs: could be
17:20.52ManxPowerteknoprep: *nod*  NAT is not really hard to deal with
17:20.52ronr_so channels 1-15 and dchan 17?
17:20.53teknoprepManxPower my problem is i am having echo / delay / staticy sounding calls
17:21.11ManxPowerteknoprep: those are three different problems
17:21.22*** join/#asterisk Tili (
17:21.26teknoprepManxPower always seems to be on thing or the other
17:21.28ManxPowerD-channels are never on 17
17:21.38*** join/#asterisk af_ (
17:21.53[TK]D-FenderWell... almost never
17:21.55teknoprepManxPower its probably becuase i only use VoIP connections
17:22.04auraxi have problem deciding which pbx dist is better, trixbox or elastix?
17:22.07pikosManxPower: it is working !!! thanx very very much!!!
17:22.30ManxPoweraurax: You will have to ask on a different channel.  We do not use, support, or recommend GUIs on this channel.
17:22.50[TK]D-Fenderaurax, Same shit, different smell
17:23.13[TK]D-Fenderaurax, Its all just * + FreePBX + CentOS, so whats the difference?
17:23.14ronr_adding crc4 to my zaptel.conf causes zttool to give me a blue alarm / recovering cycle
17:23.19teknoprepaurax, the only benefit to elastix is it uses 1.4 instead of 1.2 of asterisk
17:23.45[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep, Except from what I've read Trixbox is converting to 1.4
17:23.52teknoprepyeah it is
17:23.55teknopreptaking forever tho
17:24.58pikosi have converted my trixbox into 1.4 asterisk and updated freepbx etc.. it is easy and it works nicely :)
17:25.36teknoprepi am working on a project right now... running asterisk inside of vserver
17:25.39teknoprepshould work fine
17:25.52[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep, As for your static/echo/whatever issues.... either your networking path is messed up, your provider sucks, your phones suck, or some nifty combination of the above
17:25.53teknoprephosting multiple business from a single server
17:26.09teknoprep[TK]D-Fender i agree with you on all 3 of those
17:26.25tzafrirteknoprep, generally works fine. If you need Zaptel, you'll need an explicit mknod
17:26.41[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep, And no, it isn't a NAT issue.  With NAT you either get data through or you don't.
17:26.54teknoprep[TK]D-Fender well my LAN is perfect.. i can vouche for that... but my inet connection here sucks... Comcast... and is there provider.. but i was under the assumption that was decent
17:27.12jbotAbout assumptions :
17:28.02pikosi have an other question now :D.. about realtime extentions.. is it ok if i alter the extentions table and convert the priority from tinyint into a varchar?
17:28.44ManxPowerIt's not about bandwidth, it's about jitter
17:30.40ronr_gotta go, thx for the help, I think I'll be back thursday
17:34.51pikosany one?
17:39.52tzafrirhmm, while you're here: there's a bug in the Mantis I don't understand well enough.
17:39.59tzafrirSimply a matter of ignorance
17:40.26tzafrirI can easily replicate and confirm it
17:40.45tzafrirBut I don't understand what a "master" channel is
17:41.07tzafrirWhat is "clear=1-31" used for?
17:41.14Kobazis it possible to get the callerid name from voicepulse incomming?
17:42.20*** join/#asterisk dlynes (
17:43.08dlynesJust curious which package it is debian needs to satisfy ncurses for zaptel?
17:44.38tzafrirdlynes, ./install_prereq test
17:44.53dlynesKobaz: thanks
17:44.58dlynestzafrir: what's that?
17:45.13tzafrirshows you what you need to install to build Debian
17:45.21KobazThe VoicePulse Connect for Asterisk service does not offer CallerID Name on inbound calls yet. In the future, CallerID Name will be an optional feature available for VoicePulse Connect for Asterisk accounts.
17:45.34*** join/#asterisk karleeto (n=karl@
17:45.57tzafrirCurrently only available for Zaptel. And only implemented for Debians and RedHats
17:46.45dlynestzafrir: ah...doesn't seem to do the ncurses, though
17:46.47tzafrirwith "install" instead of "test" it will actually install those packages
17:46.57dlynestzafrir: only the required packages, not the optional
17:47.00tzafrirSo you probably already have it installed
17:47.20tzafrirdlynes, that's an idea for an option to the script
17:47.25dlynestzafrir: well, ncurses is's needed for make menuselect...not the main make
17:47.42tzafrirnewt and libusb are certainly optional
17:48.02tzafrirncurses isn't optional, sadly
17:48.07tzafrirtry building without it
17:49.36dlynesKobaz: sadly, that doesn't satisfy the requirement
17:49.49tzafrirdlynes, BTW: I have a pending bug to include such a script for Asterisk. There the distiction between required and optional is much more important
17:50.22dlynestzafrir: ic...i saw that you wrote that script, too
17:56.13akant2hey all, is there better way to get Caller-ID from Asterisk to display on a mythtv box?  I am referencing
17:56.37akant2I was not sure if there was something more integrated no-adays?
17:56.39Kobazdlynes: hmm, well you definitly need that, you also need libncurses5 which should be already installed
17:56.59dlynesKobaz: that installed, too
17:57.05karleetoOK, for some reason, my dial by name directory doesnt work, it just hangs up on you
17:57.13dlynesKobaz: when that didn't work, i installed all the stuff for libncurses4, too
17:57.19dlynesKobaz: and still not working
17:57.23karleetoall names are recorded, all are using default VM context
17:58.11Kobazdlynes: did you rerun ./configure
17:58.41dlynesKobaz: did just now, when you mentioned it...still doesn't work
17:58.50Kobazlemme see what i got
17:59.23dlynesKobaz: but yet, according to configure, all the checks for ncurses pass
17:59.24Kobazlibncurses5 libncurses5-dev libncursesw5 ncurses-base ncurses-bin
17:59.41dlynesKobaz: lemme check ncurses-base...that's the only one I haven't tried
17:59.53dlynesKobaz: but that's already installed
18:00.05Kobazand you did a make menuconfig
18:00.12Kobazand it still shows up as unavailable?
18:00.43dlynesKobaz: stupid
18:00.53dlynesKobaz: if libnewt and libusb are missing
18:01.04dlynesKobaz: then it says ncurses is missing
18:01.44dlynesKobaz:'s still bitching when I run make menuselect, but not configure
18:02.06dlynesKobaz: and yet all the configure checks pass
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18:02.13Kobazthose punks
18:03.24dlynesKobaz: oh well...i've wasted enough time on it...just going to install all the drivers instead
18:03.59Kobazi already had all the ncurses stuff installed and i did a config and make menuconfig and it just worked
18:04.09Kobazi guess check out the config.log
18:04.23Kobazand as a last resort check the source of menuconfig
18:05.19*** part/#asterisk zerohalo (
18:05.36dlynesKobaz: yeah...seems to not be finding the ncurses include files, but found everything else for ncurses
18:09.02Kobazdpkg -L libncurses5-dev | grep include
18:09.23tzafrirdlynes, huh? what error message do you get?
18:09.52Kobazdlynes: if that works fine, you have the include files, and the zaptel script is borken
18:13.12tzafrirdlynes, ping
18:16.53dlynesKobaz: yeah...i've got the ncurses.h file in /usr/include, where it should be
18:17.23Qwellmake distclean
18:17.58tzafrirdlynes, first-off 'make menuselect' is an optional step
18:19.13s0lid!taray Siakol - Kabilang Mundo - 01 - Kabilang Mundo.mp3  ::INFO:: 6.8MB
18:19.14s0lid!taray Siakol - Kabilang Mundo - 02 - Plastik.mp3  ::INFO:: 5.3MB
18:19.14s0lid!taray Siakol - Kabilang Mundo - 03 - Nilalang.mp3  ::INFO:: 5.5MB
18:19.14s0lid!taray Siakol - Kabilang Mundo - 04 - Basted.mp3  ::INFO:: 6.4MB
18:19.24s0lid!taray Siakol - Kabilang Mundo - 05 - Kwarto.mp3  ::INFO:: 5.3MB
18:19.24s0lid!taray Siakol - Kabilang Mundo - 06 - Gobyerno.mp3  ::INFO:: 5.7MB
18:19.24s0lid!taray Siakol - Kabilang Mundo - 07 - Lakas Tama (Panibagong Tama).mp3  ::INFO:: 7.4MB
18:19.24s0lid!taray Siakol - Kabilang Mundo - 08 - Gabay.mp3  ::INFO:: 9.2MB
18:19.24s0lid!taray Siakol - Kabilang Mundo - 09 - Aanhin.mp3  ::INFO:: 6.9MB
18:19.25s0lid!taray Siakol - Kabilang Mundo - 10 - Kung Walang Ikaw.mp3  ::INFO:: 5.9MB
18:19.28*** mode/#asterisk [+b *!*n=_freq@210.213.198.*] by Qwell
18:19.28*** kick/#asterisk [s0lid!i=north@pdpc/sponsor/digium/Qwell] by Qwell (Qwell)
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18:21.51karleetoOK, for some reason, my dial by name directory doesnt work, it just hangs up on you
18:22.06karleetoall names are recorded, all are using default VM context, anyone know what else i may be forgetting or what the problem might be?
18:22.24[TK]D-FenderQwell, batting 1000 today....
18:22.55[TK]D-Fenderkarleeto, go prove that dtmf is functional, then show us your configs and the CLI output of your failed attempt at verbose 10
18:23.18[TK]D-FenderQwell, No, just a convenient play on words :)
18:23.21karleeto[TK]D-Fender: alight
18:23.35Qwellmust be too early
18:23.52[TK]D-FenderQwell, brace for extra innings :)
18:28.07[TK]D-Fenderkarleeto, Um... that isn't app_directory, and doesn't tell us anything.  Nor did you show your configs.
18:28.19*** join/#asterisk teknoprep (n=tekno@unaffiliated/teknoprep)
18:28.24teknoprephey all
18:28.26[TK]D-Fenderkarleeto, How is it you think we know all about this 3rd party script you seem to be running?
18:28.30karleeto[TK]D-Fender: that was one of your requests, im working on it
18:28.38karleeto[TK]D-Fender: trixbox
18:28.54[TK]D-Fenderkarleeto, You can stop right now....
18:28.59*** join/#asterisk _ys (
18:29.06teknoprep[TK]D-Fender, do you have an application that you would recomend... that does this... a windows / linux based app.. non-web based. that can transfer calls... show you when ppl are on the phone ... allow chatting between users ... see what calls are in the parking lot
18:29.06karleeto[TK]D-Fender: ?
18:29.10[TK]D-Fenderkarleeto, Their junk is not supported here.
18:29.20karleetoyou know what dude
18:29.48karleetoi have just about enough of your grumpy ass bullshit over the last 6 months. you can kiss my round white ass and fuck off
18:29.51teknoprepkarleeto, its just how [TK]D-Fender is... take it with stride bro
18:30.03karleetoyou think you're smart, well i got news for you buddy
18:30.17karleetoteknoprep: ive tried for months
18:30.25karleetosarcastic ass bastard
18:30.30[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep, there are other GUI panels that use AMI.  Go check the WIKI for a list of them.  I recall ones named "Asterisk Receptionist", and I forget the other that went through some name changes
18:30.46teknoprepkarleeto, [TK]D-Fender is one of the better asterisk lusers  i know
18:31.02teknoprepkarleeto, he is set in his ways no doubt.. .but he still knows what he is talking about
18:31.43[TK]D-Fenderkarleeto, You know their stuff isn't supported here and you keep on trying.  What is it you think you're doing?  I'm sorry you feel jilted by our lack of support for painful to support 3rd party code, but you knew that walking in the door.
18:31.46Kobazhmm, savings account rates keep going down down :(
18:32.27[TK]D-Fenderkarleeto, Go turn up AGI debug and see if you cal tell what its doing.
18:33.44*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
18:36.04karleeto[TK]D-Fender: i'm sorry, just on edge, UPS screwed me this morning on dropping off 15 polycoms and a sangoma cardd
18:36.28karleetovoip-supply charged me an extra $54, and i'm gonna be dealing with all this on xmas
18:36.30[TK]D-Fenderkarleeto, By not doing so I take it?
18:36.45[TK]D-Fenderkarleeto, Oh and voipsupplys prices are really inflated.
18:36.56karleeto[TK]D-Fender: yeah, and saying that they came by and i'm "on a holiday"
18:36.57[TK]D-Fenderkarleeto, I'd recommend you head to
18:37.00karleetoholiday my ass
18:37.18[TK]D-Fenderkarleeto, TD has considerably better pricing and shockingly fast turnaround.
18:37.44karleeto[TK]D-Fender: cool, thanks man, i will keep the address
18:38.00karleeto[TK]D-Fender: vs gives me deals though, will these people?
18:38.21karleeto[TK]D-Fender: is there a certain person i should speak with
18:38.48[TK]D-Fenderkarleeto, what kind of deal did you get?
18:39.14[TK]D-Fenderkarleeto, everything is relative.... discounted expensive may still be expensive...
18:39.18karleeto[TK]D-Fender: i get about 25 off 501s and 150 or so off of advertised sangoma prices
18:39.27karleeto[TK]D-Fender: yeah, i know, lol
18:39.46[TK]D-Fenderkarleeto, give me exact figures and I'll let you know who competes
18:40.23[TK]D-Fenderkarleeto, There is also . No Sangoma gear, but slightly better Polycom pricing still.
18:40.32karleeto[TK]D-Fender: i paid 950 for a sangoma A40004D card (8fxo)
18:41.35pikosit seems that i can't get the ResponseTimeout application installed in asterisk 1.4.14, is it something extra? how can i install it?  Aren't they the ones that buy used cards for like $100 and turn around and sell them as new?
18:42.18*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
18:42.32karleetoQwell: i think so, hahaha
18:42.48[TK]D-Fenderkarleeto,  $903.00
18:42.56Qwellvoiceinternational or whatever
18:43.00karleeto[TK]D-Fender: awesome! thanks for the tip man
18:43.24*** join/#asterisk CrashSys (
18:43.43[TK]D-Fenderkarleeto, looks like my previous quip turned out real...
18:43.50[TK]D-Fenderkarleeto, And what about your Polycoms?
18:44.40[TK]D-FenderI seem to be spreading the "cheaper elsewhere" around a lot these days....
18:45.45[TK]D-Fenderat my best friend's birthday party last friday his brother and SO ordered a bottle of wine.  I pulled out my cell and surfed up the SAQ's price on it... 13.96 instead of the $40 they were charged
18:52.37*** join/#asterisk Greek-Boy (n=email@
18:54.18Qwell$14 bottle of wine - must have been pretty awesome
18:55.24[TK]D-FenderQwell, a vintage Chateau Couche-Tard or perhaps a Cuvee du Boni-Soir
18:56.02[TK]D-FenderQwell, You know you can get some real 4 star wines for 20$ if you know what you're doing....
18:56.39Qwell$6 box of wine from walmart tastes the same as a $3000 bottle, IMO :p
18:57.07[TK]D-FenderQwell, cheap date you are!
18:58.55drmessanoQwell: and you get to keep the box afterwards
19:01.03*** join/#asterisk Swabby (
19:07.32tzafrir_laptopdrmessano, buy a 3000$ box for 6$, then
19:08.21tzafrir_laptopOr maybe it's even hand-made. So just make one yourself
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19:11.49Qwellthey should make an expensive boxed wine
19:13.12drmessanoThey just need to bring back Seagrams Golden Wine Coolers
19:13.20drmessanoThats about a boxed wine
19:21.07lmadsenfunny thing about boxed wine is it tends to be more consistant than corked
19:22.58[TK]D-Fenderlmadsen, well bottles with real cork can rot which is why you sniff the cork to make sure it hasn't gone bad.
19:23.18lmadsenhence my comment above
19:23.18[TK]D-Fenderlmadsen, Artificial corks are much less susceptable
19:25.59lmadsenthe boxes of empty 1.5L wine bottles and a rack of empty bottles of decent wines will attest to my wine drinking sk1llz
19:28.17[TK]D-Fenderlmadsen, wit-a-Z y0!
19:28.49lmadsenoh... nevermind
19:28.57[TK]D-Fenderlmadsen, go have another drink :)
19:29.03lmadsenthat's the problem
19:29.14lmadsentrying to quit intoxicants
19:29.52lmadsennot really quit... well... quit one, and cut back on the other
19:30.42[TK]D-Fenderlmadsen, Quit which, and cut back on which?
19:30.59lmadsenone and the other
19:31.20lmadsenquit smoking, and cut back drinking
19:33.36[TK]D-FenderAlrighty... gotta head out for a bit back later...
19:36.13pikos\quit init 0
19:57.24*** join/#asterisk Titanous (n=Jon335@unaffiliated/titanous)
19:58.28TitanousI'm trying to get asterisk talking to a Allworx PBX. I have outbound calls trough the Allworx working, but incoming calls aren't doing anything. Can anyone help me decipher the SIP debug?
20:04.16Corydon76-digTitanous: wrong password
20:04.26lmadsenCorydon76-dig: howdy!
20:04.51Corydon76-digTitanous: also, make sure you have pedantic=yes in sip.conf
20:04.58Corydon76-digAfternoon, lmadsen
20:05.24*** part/#asterisk knarfly (
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20:07.15BrijnHello all
20:08.14lmadsenbecause it's WAY too cold in here
20:08.32Corydon76-diglmadsen: you talk too fast to be Southern
20:08.39lmadsenthat is also true
20:08.41lmadsenI'm a fake
20:08.59TitanousCorydon76-dig, it's the same password that it registers successfully with
20:09.38BrijnI'm trying to get automon working.. Thing I followed what is in voip-info.. But can't get it work on last stable release.. Any magic needed?
20:09.38Corydon76-digOkay, it's possible that you have more than one dialog happening at once
20:09.50Corydon76-digEach new dialog generates a new nonce
20:10.14Corydon76-digIt's possible that you're responding to a stale nonce
20:13.30BrijnIs there special magic to automon?
20:13.55TitanousCorydon76-dig, what do I do about it? Also, what does pedantic do for me?
20:14.57Corydon76-digTitanous: don't know, and it might help
20:15.11Corydon76-digI am not one of the big SIP experts
20:24.02lmadsenis there really such a thing? :)
20:24.22Corydon76-digas a SIP expert?
20:29.03Corydon76-digWell, oej
20:29.41lmadsen85% :)
20:30.31lmadsenok, now that I finally got my infrastructure setup again at my parents house after a bunch of network runaround, I'm too cold and tired to work anymore... off to read I guess. Back later
20:31.30BrijnAnyone a suggestion for automon. or is it non functional in 1.4 atm?
20:32.41lmadsenshould work... just haven't really tried it
20:36.00BrijnGoogle, turns up quite a few hits, all problems, no solutions (or at least none that work for me :-)
20:40.56BrijnIt's weird.. It listens to DTMF, the cli shows it under features.. It just doesn't do anything :(
20:44.33*** join/#asterisk katsuodo (
20:45.15katsuodo[TK]D-Fender, Hello question?
20:51.58*** join/#asterisk hmmhesays (
20:53.08cesar_CRhi guys!! anybody with a script for QoS ???
20:55.01*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (n=NightMon@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/NightMonkey)
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21:04.30cesar_CRwow thanks Brijn
21:13.14*** join/#asterisk mike-ekim (n=mike@
21:13.28mike-ekimHi, can someone help me im having a problem registering my office phone against my home PBX
21:13.48mike-ekimi enabled 5060 tcp and udp on my cisco
21:16.53[TK]D-Fendermike-ekim, go read this :
21:16.56jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT :  otherwise check the WIKI at
21:22.39ManxPowerenabling 5060 TCP does nothing
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21:32.25[TK]D-FenderManxPower, No.... it exposes another unused port so that any TCP stack he's got can be exploited 1 more way ;)
21:32.52ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: well there is that. 8-)
21:34.01[TK]D-FenderManxPower, See.. bonus!
21:36.22*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
21:36.32riddleboxhow do I answer a call waiting call?
21:37.04[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox, obviously depends on your phoone.
21:38.13ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: you'd think riddlebox would know that by now.
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21:42.19[TK]D-FenderManxPower, I'm sure there is a name for the state where the brain is operating on the bare minimal synaptic functioning.
21:47.55[TK]D-Fendertzafrir_laptop, lol..... its more comfortable to generalize about them as a whole :)
21:48.15[TK]D-Fendertzafrir_laptop, But that was an individualistic comment.
21:48.20*** join/#asterisk implicit (i=implicit@gateway/tor/x-6ee6da535c3773b5)
21:50.20ManxPowertzafrir_laptop: that state would be Mississippi
21:55.38*** part/#asterisk ManxPower (
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22:13.18GuyOCanada-[ZzZ]blah i  have 400 tabs open in firefox !!
22:14.53[TK]D-FenderGuyOCanada, Alt-F4
22:15.20lesouvageDoes the line "zaptel disabled echo canceler because of tone (tx) on channel ....." ring a bell to you. It appears when the isdn30 of the telco stops working. Any clue?
22:16.03lesouvageThis happens once in a while (2, 3 days)
22:16.28Corydon76-diglesouvage: fax tone
22:17.17lesouvageCorydon76-dig: inbound or outbound?
22:18.11GuyOCanadais that true?
22:18.21GuyOCanadacopied from the wiki
22:18.42lesouvageCorydon76-dig: the message is given for every channel both tx and rx
22:22.04lesouvageCorydon76-dig: and the last two lines are: Zaptel: Master changed to WPE1/1   Zaptel: Master changed to WPE1/0
22:22.50*** join/#asterisk egypcio (n=egypcio@
22:25.41tzafrirlesouvage, you got a fax?
22:25.50BrijnAnyone here with automon working in 1.4
22:28.59lesouvagetzafrir: yes, there are 2 faxes on the Asterisk box connected with a grandstream ata and two faxes on the Tenovis PBX that is connected with an isdn30 trunk between the Asterisk box and the tenovis pbx.
22:30.30lesouvageThe connection with the outside world is done with an isdn30 trunk that goes down random once every 2, 3 days.
22:30.35tzafrirSo one line became non-available?
22:30.59lesouvagetzafrir: yes, the telco isdn30 trunk
22:32.47Kobazanyone familiar with getting h323 clients going with asteirsk and ooh323 (or something equivalent)
22:34.12lesouvagetzafrir: the internal isdn30 trunk between asterisk and the Tenovi pbx keeps working ok. We use one Sangoma 2 * E1 card
22:41.57*** join/#asterisk apocn (n=apo@unaffiliated/apocn)
22:46.34Corydon76-diglesouvage: if the master changes, that probably means that you lost sync on your E1 line
22:47.23*** join/#asterisk adjohn (
22:48.46lesouvageCorydon76-dig: is this something that can happen just 2 or 3 times a week if it is caused by the Asterisk box or could this be a telco problem?
22:49.15Corydon76-digIt's a line problem... could be either end
22:51.54lesouvageCorydon76-dig: it is a nasty problem because I run out of options to look for. We actually did anything we could think of. What could be the connection with the fax?
22:52.20Corydon76-digRed herring
22:52.50Corydon76-digAre you getting into red alarm?
22:52.59Corydon76-digor even a yellow?
22:53.38lesouvageCorydon76-dig: no, the lights stay green and there is nothing to find in the wanpipe loggins or in the Asterisk loggings.
22:54.02Corydon76-diglesouvage: contact your reseller or the manufacturer for support
22:54.47lesouvageCorydon76-dig: I am the reseller <;-(
22:56.03lesouvageCorydon76-dig: When we make an outbound call we hear a busy tone that (most likely) must be provided by the telco.
22:59.41lesouvageCorydon76-dig and Tzafrir: thanks for the input.
23:00.11WilliamKcan anyone tell me what the rtp packet size is on * by default?
23:02.54Corydon76-digWilliamK: depends upon the codec
23:03.10Corydon76-digfor ilbc, it's 30ms, for almost everything else, it's 20ms
23:03.32WilliamKfinally got an ATA that understands it
23:10.17WilliamKoooo silence when I said that....
23:26.27*** part/#asterisk rnovotny22 (
23:32.41*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
23:39.58*** join/#asterisk Newbeee (n=aku@

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