IRC log for #asterisk on 20071223

00:06.11*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=pepOSX@
00:12.03teknoprephey all
00:12.21timeshellhi ho
00:15.06teknoprephey Bananaskin
00:16.26*** join/#asterisk adam1 (
00:16.31*** part/#asterisk adam1 (
00:17.10WilliamKcan anyone verify if it's just me - on the latest SVN -  if you try and do sip debug peer 134 the command works, however the CLI help menu doesn't finish out
00:17.10Bananaskinteknoprep u have mail
00:18.26Bananaskincreate the sccp.conf from the example on the forum link
00:19.03teknoprepgive me a minute
00:19.19teknoprepi have to move upstairs i don't have a cisco phone here next to me... you know what
00:19.22teknoprepi am going to move it down here brb
00:21.34teknoprepok back
00:23.49teknoprep10 carmina dr 19608
00:23.56teknoprepDec 22 19:23:40 WARNING[27933] loader.c: Loading module failed!
00:24.27teknoprepDec 22 19:23:40 VERBOSE[27933] logger.c:  []Dec 22 19:23:40 WARNING[27933] loader.c: /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: __ast_string_field_empty
00:24.53Bananaskinhmmmm, you may have to compile your own version
00:25.11BananaskinI know the 1.2 version works across who 1.2.x relese
00:25.59teknoprepi can get it off the repository i hav einstalled
00:26.55*** join/#asterisk droemel (
00:27.20teknoprepto do this tho i have to upgrade some stuff.. will take a bit
00:28.20teknoprepif sccp works
00:28.22teknoprepin asteris
00:28.32teknoprepthere are alot of benifits with sccp on cisco devices
00:28.39Bananaskinnot a case of if... it does
00:28.48teknoprepsorry for using enter as punctuation... i usually do not do that
00:28.55Bananaskinyep, you loose some of the features using sip
00:29.29Bananaskinie the ability to show the called or received number on a handset on the line appearances of a different phone etc
00:29.31teknoprepdoing a yum -y update
00:29.34teknoprepgoing to take a bit
00:29.38BananaskinUsing the Hints facility
00:29.56teknopreptweaking of input gain
00:29.59teknoprepseems to have been lost
00:30.48teknopreponly case from i found on changing input gain was if you were using cisco call manager on a cisco switch/router and you set the router/switch port to gain or lower the input gain
00:31.31Bananaskinhmmm, must look into that cos I run a few bits of cisco kit here
00:31.36Bananaskinrouters and switches
00:32.05*** join/#asterisk matsk (n=mk@
00:32.29teknoprepyeah 3 years ago i ended up having to get my ccna ccnp for a contracted long-term posistion
00:32.33teknoprephavn't needed it since
00:33.18Bananaskinu got a smartnet account or do u want me to grab firmware for ya
00:33.25teknoprepyes please grab it
00:33.28teknoprepi never renewed it
00:33.37teknoprepi am thinking about having a client of mine do that fo rme
00:33.40teknoprepand just use thers
00:34.03teknoprepi have 7940 phones
00:34.15teknoprepbut i think the firmware is the same for 7960
00:34.26Hadi-anyone here using the cisco phone
00:34.28Hadi-with 729
00:34.31teknoprep110 updates to go
00:34.32Hadi-codec with asterisk?
00:34.39BananaskinHadi- yep
00:34.44teknoprepHadi-, we are setting up sccp with *
00:34.55teknoprepHadi-, Bananaskin tells me it works better with these phones
00:35.46teknoprephey Bananaskin have you ever worked with cisco sip ?
00:36.05teknoprepdo you notice a difference using SCCP with * and cisco phones over * / sip / cisco
00:36.45teknoprepi mean this is what this is really all about lol
00:36.47Bananaskinyeah, I used to have 7940's and 60's on sip
00:37.14teknoprepfrom what [TK]D-Fender tells me... cisco sip implementation blows
00:37.36teknoprepand from what i have found from use... is pretty much the same
00:37.53*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (
00:37.53*** mode/#asterisk [+o Deeewayne] by ChanServ
00:38.01Hadi-im having nothing but issues
00:38.06Hadi-with the Cisco 7960
00:38.09BananaskinIMHO the cisco performs better using sccp
00:38.14Hadi-codec g729a
00:38.17*** join/#asterisk xim010 (
00:38.17Hadi-on asterisk 1.2
00:38.22teknoprepHadi-, what is the problem?
00:38.25teknoprepHadi-, echo ?
00:38.27BananaskinHadi- what issues ?
00:38.27Hadi-even when I disable VAD
00:38.32Hadi-I lose audio
00:38.38teknoprepHadi-, are you using trixbox ?
00:38.39Hadi-every once in a while
00:38.54teknoprepHadi-, i had that problem ALOT when using trixbox with cisco phones
00:39.04Bananaskinwhat g729 are u using
00:39.15Hadi-the one from digium
00:39.30teknoprepHadi-, the free one or the one that you pay for ?
00:39.38Hadi-pay for it
00:39.53Hadi-there is no issues with any of the ATA's
00:39.54BananaskinI use the free one with no bother, I bought 1 licence from Digium and the fecker didn't work
00:39.59Hadi-only issue is with Cisco phones
00:40.15teknoprepHadi-, are you using trixbox ?
00:40.23Bananaskinhow many licences did you buy ? 1
00:40.27teknoprepHadi-, that is your problem
00:40.32xim010Could someone assist me with attempting to get my X100P working?
00:40.41Hadi-I think the issue is not trixbox
00:40.46Hadi-its the version of asterisk
00:40.50teknoprepHadi-, i had the same problem as you
00:41.02teknoprepHadi-, i would suggest using elastix if you must have a GUI
00:41.10teknoprepHadi-, or just install asterisk / freepbx by hand
00:41.11BananaskinWell TBH guys, I am running 1.2 here and G729 is fine
00:41.15teknoprepHadi-, freepbx is REALLY easy to install
00:41.35Hadi-the issue is with Silence Suppression
00:41.36DeeewayneBananaskin: if you bought a license from Digium and it 'doesn't work' then contact their technical support
00:41.39Hadi-and asterisk 1.2
00:42.06teknoprepHadi-, if you turn off VAD and you loose voice ... its not silence supression
00:42.20teknoprepHadi-, are you using SIP channels ?
00:42.21BananaskinDeeewayne the "doesn't work" bit is that it didn't create the appropriate file when the licence server ran
00:42.24teknoprepHadi-, to your provider?
00:42.40Hadi-well every time
00:42.42Hadi-i lose audio
00:42.44Hadi-I get:
00:42.45Hadi-2007-12-19 21:12:57 NOTICE[6760]: rtp.c:415 process_rfc3389: Comfort noise support incomplete in Asterisk (RFC 3389)
00:42.48Hadi-in asterisk CLI
00:43.02*** join/#asterisk eluizbr (n=eluizbr@
00:43.15Hadi-teknoprep: yes
00:43.20Hadi-SIP is what we are using
00:43.24teknoprepHadi-, try enabling the jitterbuffer
00:43.35teknoprepHadi-, in your sip.conf do this
00:44.14BananaskinHadi- a wee google of the error would have given you - 1. Explanation:
00:44.15BananaskinAsterisk does not (yet) support voice activity detection (and comfort noise generation).
00:44.15*** join/#asterisk joat (
00:44.18eluizbrSomeone can help me with an error on the asterisk CLI
00:44.38eluizbrmy error:
00:44.39eluizbrasterisk  -rcvvvvvvvv
00:44.39eluizbrAsterisk, Copyright (C) 1999 - 2007 Digium, Inc. and others.
00:44.39eluizbrCreated by Mark Spencer <>
00:44.39eluizbrAsterisk comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; type 'core show warranty' for details.
00:44.39eluizbrThis is free software, with components licensed under the GNU General Public
00:44.41eluizbrLicense version 2 and other licenses; you are welcome to redistribute it under
00:44.43eluizbrcertain conditions. Type 'core show license' for details.
00:44.47Deeewayneeluizbr: what is the error message ?
00:44.51eluizbrSegmentation fault
00:45.06eluizbrdeeewayne: asterisk  -rcvvvvvvvv
00:45.06eluizbrAsterisk, Copyright (C) 1999 - 2007 Digium, Inc. and others.
00:45.06eluizbrCreated by Mark Spencer <>
00:45.06eluizbrAsterisk comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; type 'core show warranty' for details.
00:45.06eluizbrThis is free software, with components licensed under the GNU General Public
00:45.07eluizbrLicense version 2 and other licenses; you are welcome to redistribute it under
00:45.07teknoprepin your sip.conf add this
00:45.09eluizbrcertain conditions. Type 'core show license' for details.
00:45.14teknoprepjbenable =yes
00:45.17eluizbrSegmentation fault
00:45.19teknoprepjbforce = yes
00:45.28jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
00:45.29teknoprepHadi-, jbenable = yes
00:45.32*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
00:45.34teknoprepHadi-, jbforce = yes
00:45.39teknoprepHadi-, in your sip.conf
00:45.40Hadi-let me try
00:45.44BananaskinHadi- did u see the post ?
00:45.56Deeewayneeluizbr: pastebin the entire output and I'll look at it
00:45.58Bananaskinlook at -
00:46.13eluizbrDeeewayne: pastebin is out
00:46.20xim010is there one for setting up FXO with X110P
00:46.30xim010X100P     sory
00:46.39Deeewayneeluizbr: where ?
00:46.40Hadi-teknoprep: under [general] ?
00:47.19teknoprepHadi-, yeah
00:47.34Bananaskinxim010 -
00:47.54Hadi-what is that for anyways? ;P
00:48.28eluizbrDeewayne:  my CPU
00:48.29xim010Thanks Bananaskin
00:48.39xim010I will give it a shot
00:49.09teknoprepwow so much crap to update wtf
00:49.13teknoprepHadi-, jitterbuffer
00:49.34Hadi-okay lets try this and see if it made any changes
00:49.39eluizbrDeeewayne: can you help me?
00:49.51teknoprepHadi-, make sure it parses that properly i don't know if that does anything inside of * 1.2
00:50.12timeshellYah, on the subject of the X100P... mine seems stuck on IRQ7
00:50.13Hadi-teknoprep: it looks like its only for 1.4
00:50.24teknoprepHadi-, i would suggest updating
00:50.27timeshellBut I need that IRQ for my LPT port
00:50.33*** join/#asterisk windsor510 (
00:50.35teknoprepHadi-, try using elastix if you need to have the GUI
00:50.48teknoprepHadi-, elastix keeps up2date on new releases of asterisk
00:51.06teknoprepi would honestly suggest what i am doing
00:51.06Bananaskintimeshell u can assign irq for printer in BIOS
00:51.17teknoprepand that is read and learn asterisk
00:51.18timeshellI tried...didn't work
00:51.33teknoprepBananaskin, only 160 updates to go
00:51.38Bananaskinis that all
00:51.56timeshellAt any rate, I'd prefer to change the IRQ of the X100P.   For a modern card, it seems unusual that you can't change the IRQ
00:52.01timeshellWhat if you wanted to use 2 of them?
00:52.15eluizbrSomeone can help me with an error on the asterisk CLI
00:52.30eluizbrmy error
00:52.43eluizbrmy CPU info
00:52.54teknoprephey Bananaskin wtf is up with the .exe you sent me?
00:52.58windsor510Hi, I've been reading how-to's on setting up Asterisk behind a DSL router / firewall. If I am able to port forward to my internal Asterisk server, do I stand any chance of establishing voice calls from outside my firewall (Internet)?
00:53.17Bananaskinits a rar
00:53.44Bananaskinohh, I see what u mean
00:53.49teknoprepinside the rar is an exe file
00:53.51teknoprepi run ubuntu man
00:53.56Bananaskinjust ran it herte
00:53.59teknoprepi have a window smachine upstairs lol
00:54.03Deeewayneeluizbr: can you post a backtrace?
00:54.12teknoprepi have crossoffice which ran the rar file
00:54.16Bananaskin2 secs teknoprep
00:54.17teknoprepbut didn't do much other then error out
00:54.59eluizbrDeeewayne: What it is?
00:55.28eluizbrDeeewayne: Better .. How so?
00:55.36teknoprepwindsor510, use IAX2 provider
00:55.41jbotbt sux0rs.  Bhutan
00:55.51teknoprepwindsor510, you only have to forward port 4569
00:57.42Bananaskinteknoprep email sent
00:57.52*** part/#asterisk joat (
00:57.52teknoprepty and the updates are done
00:58.25Deeewayneeluizbr: check russell's nov 2,2007 8:41 am post
00:59.24teknoprepi just install chan_sccp from the repo
01:00.02teknoprep[root@asterisk1 modules]# asterisk -r
01:00.02teknoprepUnable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk/asterisk.ctl exist?)
01:00.11teknoprepasterisk is running tho...
01:00.23teknoprepis there a way to fix this problem without rebooting the server
01:00.26Bananaskindid it install ok, make sure that you have in modules.conf noload statement for the
01:00.31teknoprepyeah it installed fine
01:00.34teknopreplet me reboot the server
01:01.05jwhteknoprep: do you really need to reboot? why not just kill asterisk..
01:01.13teknoprepkilling asterisk
01:01.17teknoprepis what makes that happen
01:01.30jwhdoes it get stuck?
01:02.00jwhie; is the process in a STOP state?
01:02.13teknoprepasterisk is working fine
01:02.21jwhoh right
01:02.21teknoprepit just won't connect to the asterisk -r cli
01:02.34jwhand the path is correct?
01:02.43teknoprepwell think of it this way
01:02.44teknoprepif i reboot
01:02.47teknoprepeverything works fine
01:03.21xim010OK I am not sure where to go from here ... all this thing will show me is that I have pseudo channel
01:03.46xim010lspci shows me  the x100p but I can't seem to do anything with it
01:04.04windsor510teknoprep, sorry I got distracted. Can you recommend any IAX2 soft-phone's that will work in Linux and/or Windows?
01:04.52windsor510I have calls going in/out, but the RTP hand-off is failing when going through my firewall, so I just don't hear any audio.
01:05.28Bananaskinwindsor510 idefisk
01:05.30teknoprepBananaskin, you still there
01:05.33teknoprepguess so
01:05.48teknoprepwhich file do i update for sccp to tell the phone to use the sccp file you gave me
01:06.12teknoprepis it still the SIPDefault.cnf
01:06.17Bananaskinin the tftp dir ?
01:06.42Bananaskin2 secs
01:07.14windsor510awesome, I will give this a shot. looks like idefisk is now called zoiper.
01:07.15squiglyso im trying to debug why i cant register with my provider
01:07.20squiglyany ideas where to start?
01:07.28teknoprepyeah thats it
01:08.29windsor510lol, lynx web browser doesn't like my firewall's javascript configuration menu. I may not be able to forward iax2 remotely.
01:08.44xim010Where can I go to find out what I need to do to determine if this card is no good or what I need to do to make it work? Please help if you can or direct me to where I can get help with this thing.
01:10.58Bananaskinok, in the tftpboot dir there is a file OS79XX.TXT ?
01:11.11teknoprepwhat do i need to put in there?
01:11.17*** join/#asterisk eluizbr (n=eluizbr@
01:11.18Bananaskin2 secs, will paste
01:12.06Bananaskinmake sure that you unzip the contents of the zip to the tftpboot dir as well of course
01:12.16teknopreprebooting the phone
01:12.18teknoprepwell yeah of course
01:12.20Bananaskinyou will also require a config file for the phone
01:12.24teknoprepi apreciate the obvious
01:12.29eluizbrDeeewayne: My internet fell .. You entered something?
01:12.29Bananaskinso don't reboot the phone yet
01:12.39teknoprepwell i want to see if the updates go through
01:12.54*** join/#asterisk Unst4ble (
01:13.14Unst4bleHey all, anyone got experience setting up a VoIPStunt SIP trunk?
01:14.07teknoprepits not taking the updates
01:14.15teknoprepBananaskin, can you send me a sample SEP*.cnf file
01:14.16*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
01:14.21Bananaskin2 secs
01:16.06eluizbrDeeewayne: ??
01:17.06Bananaskinteknoprep check mail
01:18.06Bananaskinexample config - make sure you save it as SEP<MACADDY>.cnf.xml
01:18.33Bananaskinmake changes as necessary IP wise to suit network
01:19.02teknoprepalready done
01:19.06teknoprepand loading up the new firmware
01:19.19teknoprepi am pretty good with stuff.. this is just really new configurations
01:20.29xim010Does Wildcard x100p carry such a stigma that no one anywhere will even talk about it?
01:20.34teknoprepBananaskin, missing some file United_states
01:20.36Deeewayneeluizbr: sorry, I'm in and out...
01:20.45Bananaskinteknoprep yes thats fine
01:21.16Bananaskinxim010 - Nail, Hit and Head ring a bell
01:21.26Deeewaynewhen you start asterisk, type: 'asterisk -vvvvvvvvvvvvvvgc'
01:22.03*** join/#asterisk mordaunt (n=mordaunt@unaffiliated/mordaunt)
01:22.06rob0xim010: It's junk. Did you have a specific question?
01:22.16xim010Oh well I will drop it in the trash and move on to anther project
01:22.20eluizbrDeeewayne: This is for me?
01:22.30Deeewayneafter it crashes, type 'gdb /usr/sbin/asterisk /path/to/core.12345, where 12345 is the asterisk pid
01:22.38Deeewayneeluizbr: yes ^^ for you
01:22.52xim010nope I just want it to work. I have a friend and his works fine but this POS is just recognized and nothing else will fly
01:23.11rob0you have zaptel drivers installed?
01:23.15eluizbrDeeewayne: ok.. moment please
01:23.23Bananaskinxim010 you will spend more time and effort trying to get it to work right, when in reality you should have bought a Digium or Sangoma or other reputable card.  Don't worry though I imagine most of us here have tried a X100p of sorts and instantly made it into a boomerang
01:23.23Deeewayneeluizbr: at the gdb prompt, type 'bt' then 'bt full', and post the output to pastebin
01:23.41Deeewayneeluizbr: I may be in and out, but post it and I'll look at it in a couple minutes
01:23.43*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
01:24.06xim010I will save my pennies and do it right next time
01:24.15rob0The one good thing about x10xp is that it's a cheap way to dabble in zaptel hardware.
01:24.34eluizbrok.. thanks
01:24.36xim010that was my initial idea and all it has been is a PITA
01:24.36Bananaskinrob0 - true statement
01:25.15Bananaskinteknoprep has the 7940 booted after the flash ?
01:25.15teknoprepBananaskin, not really having any luck with tihs
01:25.19teknoprepBananaskin, yes
01:25.28Bananaskinok, so whats it doing ?
01:25.37teknoprepBananaskin, opening
01:25.43xim010can someone recommend a reputable card that is reasonable for dabbling
01:25.45teknoprepBananaskin, i have to change that quick to
01:26.06Bananaskindid u edit the sccp.conf ?
01:26.53Bananaskinxim010 look at a Digium TDM card Card with 1 FXO port will cost approx £70 or US140
01:27.08xim010OK thanks you
01:27.10Bananaskincan support up to 4 ports in any cfg of FXO and FXS
01:27.17Bananaskinmodular design
01:27.23squiglydoes any one know of a provider i can register my asterisk against as a client so i can try and debug my problem?
01:27.24xim010have a url for reference
01:27.40Bananaskinbottom card
01:27.51teknoprepBananaskin, yes
01:28.02teknoprepBananaskin, i have to now look to see if everything is right
01:28.02xim010thank you all again.
01:28.10*** part/#asterisk xim010 (
01:32.43teknoprepBananaskin, almost there
01:32.53teknoprepi have no lines registered
01:32.57teknoprepbut the phone is up and running
01:33.08Bananaskinok, you are getting somewhere
01:33.23Bananaskinyou have the cfg in the /etc/asterisk die
01:33.27Bananaskindir even
01:33.31teknoprepyes of course
01:33.39teknopreplet me change the name of this
01:33.44Bananaskinthere was 1 example ext on the cfg
01:34.29Bananaskin1 example device and 1 example extn
01:34.51teknoprepdo i need both the device and the ext ?
01:35.14Bananaskindevice is for devices etc etc
01:35.27*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
01:35.34Bananaskinin the device section, chnage the 7970 reference to 7940
01:37.04Bananaskinthe auto login line is the ext number of the lines which are created below the devices
01:37.16Bananaskinin the example I have 135
01:37.29Bananaskinchange that to whatever you require
01:37.49teknoprepalready did that
01:38.13Bananaskinok at bottom of the device section, there is a device => SEPMACADDRESS
01:38.14*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
01:38.32teknoprepalready did that too Bananaskin
01:38.43teknoprepi don't understand how to register the line on the phone
01:38.47teknoprepin the config it says siplines
01:38.50Bananaskin2 secs
01:39.00teknoprepfor the SEP<mac> file
01:39.34Bananaskinwhat cfg says sip lines ?
01:39.49teknoprepi skrewed up
01:40.06teknoprephey whats that webaccess ?
01:40.23teknoprepdoes the phone have a web config?
01:40.29Bananaskinyou can access the web server in the phone for stats
01:40.35teknoprepoh ok
01:40.35Bananaskinnever mind that for now
01:40.53Bananaskinhave you then cfg'd the extn in the sccp.conf file as well ?
01:41.02teknoprepwhats that for
01:41.06teknoprepyes Bananaskin
01:41.13teknoprepnow i need to configure the SEP<MAC>
01:41.23Bananaskinthe ip is the asterisk server
01:41.42Bananaskinthe sepmac.cnf.xml is fine atm
01:41.50Bananaskinapart from the ip
01:42.29teknoprepwhere do i put my LINE information?
01:42.34teknoprepin the sepmac.cnf.xml ?
01:42.46*** part/#asterisk RoyK (
01:42.48teknoprepthat goes into the sccp.conf
01:42.51Bananaskinjust change the ipaddress section to relate to your PBX
01:42.57teknoprepgot ya
01:43.09Bananaskinthere are logical steps here and you are jumpin all around the place
01:44.15Bananaskinteknoprep did you change the ip address in the sepmac.cnf.xml
01:44.25teknoprepall done
01:44.30Bananaskinok, save and do no more with it for now
01:44.33teknoprepi needed to change ALL the ip's correct
01:44.47teknoprepi set the ntp server to
01:44.49Bananaskinno need just yet
01:44.59teknoprepwell i already did lol
01:45.01Bananaskinthe ips at the bottom are for services
01:45.21Bananaskindo u already have a 1001 in freepbx
01:45.36teknoprepdo i need to remove it?
01:45.37Bananaskinok, delete it
01:45.42teknoprepor set it up as a custom extension?
01:45.55Deeewayneeluizbr: can you try to latest 1.4 code ?
01:46.02Bananaskinyep custom
01:46.31Bananaskinatthe section - This device uses custom technology. the dial string is SCCP/1001
01:46.40Bananaskinfor the 1001 extn, clearly
01:46.57eluizbrdeeewayne: It is happening any version of the series co 1.4
01:46.59teknoprepok thats done
01:47.09*** join/#asterisk nirz (
01:47.21*** join/#asterisk truz_`24 (n=truz_`
01:47.29eluizbrDeeewayne: With the 1.2 series is not true that
01:47.38teknoprepBananaskin, thats all done
01:47.44teknoprepBananaskin, reboot the phone?
01:47.59teknoprepi am getting arm spasms
01:48.00Deeewayneeluizbr: are you only trying versions or have you checked out the latest 1.4 code from subversion?
01:48.54eluizbrDeeewayne: Already tested several versions
01:49.15eluizbrDeeewayne: subversion too
01:49.19teknoprepwell now it doesn't say no line registered
01:49.34teknoprepjust gives me nothing when i hit the speakerphone button or pickup the handset
01:49.45Bananaskinin asterisk -r
01:50.08Bananaskindo unload
01:50.12teknoprepi have to reboot my asterisk server to get that back up and running
01:50.20teknoprepgive it a minute
01:50.21Bananaskinthen load
01:51.19teknoprepi need to make a drink
01:52.22Deeewayneeluizbr: Try setting /etc/asterisk/modules.conf autoload=no and comment out 'load' lines, then restart asterisk
01:52.23*** join/#asterisk implicit_ (i=implicit@gateway/tor/x-8450a4b8b3408c92)
01:52.52BananaskinDeeewayne u can use noload as well
01:53.59teknoprepBananaskin, ty for this help bro... it this works out... w0ot w0ot
01:54.06teknoprepBananaskin, i am really enjoying this too....
01:54.25Bananaskinhas the phone registered an extn ?
01:54.33teknoprepwell i am rebooting my server
01:54.37eluizbrDeeewayne: Same mistake
01:54.38teknoprepbecause of the one issue i have
01:55.13teknoprepBananaskin, btw
01:55.20teknoprepBananaskin, i was saying ty lol
01:55.32Bananaskink :)
01:55.42eluizbrDeeewayne: The asterisk this running. I so can not access the CLI
01:56.59DeeewayneI just updated my 1.4 branch to revision 94667 and do not see this problem
01:57.08*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=pepOSX@
01:57.16teknoprep-- SCCP: Alarm Message: Severity: Warning (1), 6: Name=SEP000A8A93D529 Load=8.0(7.0)File Not Found [2050/1661602314]
01:57.31teknoprepno lines registered
01:58.01Bananaskinemail me your sccp.conf
01:58.24teknoprepone sec
01:58.27teknoprepi will pastbin it
01:58.30teknoprepso that you can edit it easy
02:00.31Bananaskinfirst mistake
02:00.37Bananaskinline 65
02:00.44Bananaskinautologin 1001 not 135
02:01.41teknoprepok changed
02:01.51Bananaskindo a
02:02.10Bananaskinunload then load
02:02.18Bananaskinfrom the asterisk console
02:04.04Unst4bleHas anyone got a sucessful Finarea SA trunk working in asterisk?
02:04.07teknoprepok now its working sorta
02:04.10teknoprepi get dialton
02:04.13teknoprepbut i can't call out
02:04.24teknoprepi dial a number and it just hangs up after a second
02:04.37Bananaskin2 secs
02:05.09Bananaskindoes it show the line appearance for 1001
02:05.37teknoprepinbound works tho
02:05.43teknoprepExt 1001
02:05.43Bananaskinmight be your context
02:05.53Bananaskinwhat is your normal context for the phones
02:06.14Bananaskinsure ?
02:06.37teknoprepthats also the default in freepbx
02:07.41Bananaskin2 secs
02:07.56teknoprepsorry wrong paste
02:08.09teknoprepDec 22 21:07:26 WARNING[3677] chan_iax2.c: Unable to create translator path for unknown to g729 on IAX2/VoicePulse4-12
02:08.24teknoprepthats where it hangs up
02:08.28teknopreplet me take off g729
02:08.32teknoprepi don't have g729 on this box
02:09.01Bananaskinline 11
02:09.16teknopreptaking it off now
02:09.23teknoprepits working
02:09.27teknoprepi love you man
02:10.25windsor510hi guys, thanks for the help. got iax2 working, able to connect to my * server behind my DSL/firewall and check/record voicemail while sitting here at a cafe (most likely another nat'd IP).
02:10.48Bananaskinu using idefisk ? or zoipper or whatever its called
02:10.55windsor510yep, zoiper
02:11.22windsor510working like a charm, I just have to go tidy up my config files after I take a brain-break. =)
02:12.33*** join/#asterisk Coder365_ (
02:12.51Coder365_has anyone had any trouble with gizmo+grandcentral
02:13.00Coder365_(+ asterisk)
02:13.52Bananaskinteknoprep do u consider the audio quality better than sip ?
02:14.05*** part/#asterisk eluizbr (n=eluizbr@
02:15.10windsor510<< never used any hardware with * servers (yet). sorry
02:15.34Coder365_windsor510: was that directed to me?
02:15.42windsor510yea, sorry I didnt prefix it
02:15.50Coder365_gizmo is a sip trunk
02:16.07Coder365_and grandcentral is a forwarding thing that forwards to gizmo
02:16.12windsor510isn't grandcentral a hardware unit?
02:16.19windsor510oh, my bad
02:16.34teknoprepdude sccp kicks ass
02:16.41teknoprepyes its fucking kick ass
02:16.45windsor510I'm an asterisk noob anyways. =P
02:16.51windsor510what is sccp?
02:16.55teknoprepBananaskin, everything is f'n perfect
02:16.59Bananaskinglad you approve teknoprep
02:17.03Coder365_anyway, I can forward it to my cell just fine, and it'll connect. But, when i forwrad to my gizmo it wont terminate the call
02:17.14Coder365_it'll ring and gizmo will answer, but it'll keep ringing
02:17.48teknoprep+ everything is kick arse bro on the skinny look
02:17.53windsor510unix style right click paste buffer.. didnt mean to spam you guys. =)
02:18.12teknoprephey Bananaskin how do i add a new device now?
02:18.28Bananaskindo u have more than 1 cisco unit ?
02:18.39Coder365_does anyone happen to have a fwd account laying around they can help me test some stuff out with?
02:18.50teknoprepi have 30 at one office all on SIP
02:18.55teknoprepi am going to transfer them over soon
02:19.01teknoprepsay 2 or 3 at a time
02:19.02windsor510I have a FWD account
02:19.13Coder365_okay, hold on
02:19.24teknoprepdo i just create a context for each one?
02:19.26windsor510lemme fire up my client
02:19.35windsor510aaaah.. sorry
02:20.07Bananaskinok, well all you need to is copy down the device statement, change the details to reflect the phone ie the auto login extn etc, and the macaddy, then add all the relevant extns as well.  The do the custom extns in freepbx thats it
02:20.26teknoprepok i got the last part
02:20.44Bananaskineach device statement relates to 1 phone
02:21.00Bananaskinso you need X device statements for X phones
02:21.04teknoprepdoes it have to be [devices]
02:21.10teknoprepor can it be whatever i want it to be
02:21.33Bananaskinno it's devices
02:21.40teknoprepthen i put the lines in
02:22.03Bananaskinno need to repeat the devices or lines statements
02:22.03teknoprepand i need X [lines] for each [devices] that points to a specific [lines]
02:22.11Bananaskinonly 1 occurance in the cfg
02:22.27Coder365_windsor510: 883524
02:22.33Coder365_lemmie know if it connects
02:22.59teknoprepcan you show me your sccp.conf
02:23.02teknoprepso i can learn
02:23.10Bananaskin2 secs
02:24.56windsor510coder365_: ok, calling in a sec
02:26.33windsor510I get an error. I am able to call myself however, and I believe I am on the network.
02:26.53Coder365_its at my end
02:26.59windsor510I'm also relatively confident in my being on the network, because I was chatting with a friend earlier.
02:27.07Coder365_its me
02:27.09Coder365_gonna t/s
02:27.23teknoprepBananaskin, you there bro?
02:27.29windsor510k. I have settings for 'Wengophone' if you want them.
02:27.35teknoprepBananaskin, must be taking out the secret info
02:27.47Bananaskinnah, 2 secs, wife nattering to me
02:28.50teknoprepi am changing the office over to this tommorow
02:28.54teknoprepthis is simple as hel
02:29.23Bananaskinu can even add Ip Communicator as well (Cisco Softphone)
02:29.43windsor510as a iax client?
02:29.54Bananaskinno.... :) sccp
02:30.50teknoprepis Ip Communicator free /
02:30.55Bananaskinnope :)
02:30.58teknoprepdidn't think so
02:31.08Bananaskinif uu have a smartnet account it is
02:31.54teknoprepif you set the
02:31.55teknopreptype =
02:32.02teknoprepit doesn't start over until you get to the
02:32.19teknoprepdevice =>
02:32.20BananaskinMac address
02:32.26teknoprepthen just start over again
02:32.31teknoprepthats EASY AS F**K
02:32.44Bananaskinessentially, copy and paste then change the details
02:32.56teknoprepadd a SEP<mac>
02:33.01teknoprepwhich you odn't even need to change
02:33.07Bananaskinthere is a lot you can have in the general section
02:33.30teknoprepi like the skinny firmware interface much better roo
02:33.31Unst4bleHow do i enable NAT on external peers?
02:33.32Bananaskinbtw, look at line 293 ad 294
02:33.38teknoprepUnst4ble, nat=yes
02:33.43Unst4bleSo when i do a sip show peers it says nat Y
02:34.02Unst4bleIt's being overridden somewhere because when i do sip show peers i get nat N
02:34.22windsor510I have a question (now I'm using iax, not sip), and I want to have one extension for people to call me, but stay registered in two locations, do I have to worry about being booted fom one soft-phone when connecting on another?
02:34.29teknoprepBananaskin, ahh for call pickup
02:34.36Bananaskinteknoprep *8 you can assign call groups and pickup groups
02:34.39teknoprepBananaskin, so a manager can do a call pickup if things get bussy
02:35.01teknoprepBananaskin, very nice
02:35.03Bananaskinor diff depts
02:35.17teknoprepyeah thats not the groups i am targeting right now
02:35.23Bananaskinie sales are call and pickupgroup 1 - complaints are 2 etc etc
02:35.33teknoprepso how does sccp perform over nat and over the inet
02:35.34windsor510Unst4ble: you can do nat=yes in sip.conf in the [general] section, but maybe you need it in each entry for the sip connections.
02:35.35teknoprepis it reliable
02:36.04Bananaskinreliable as any other ip
02:36.32teknoprepif i have a remote ext
02:36.35teknoprepis it easy to configure
02:36.39teknoprepdoes it only use port 2000
02:37.16Bananaskinno, it uses a few more, 2 secs
02:40.17teknoprepBananaskin, do you have the 1.4
02:40.22teknoprepor is that the one you sent me in the email
02:40.33BananaskinI emailed it yes
02:40.44teknoprepbecuase at home i still use asterisk 1.2
02:40.53BananaskinI can send you 1.2
02:40.53teknoprepbut at the office i contract for i am using 1.4
02:40.55teknoprepi have 1.2
02:41.16Bananaskinis that what didn't work earlier the 1.4 on the 1.2 box ?
02:41.31Bananaskincos you said that you were using 1.4 ?
02:41.36teknoprepyeah thats fine
02:41.44teknoprepi can use that at other places
02:41.48teknoprepi needed it
02:42.15Bananaskink, it should work on 1.4s same as the 1.2 does
02:43.31*** join/#asterisk Winkie (
02:43.59Bananaskinstill trying to locate ithe info on the ports that sccp uses, it is tcp/2000 for the sccp there are other ports though (or at least I think)
02:45.09Bananaskinteknoprep - you may get some info here -
02:47.12*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
02:47.29*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
02:52.05Coder365_im having trouble getting fwd to register on my asterisk machine
02:52.55teknoprephey Bananaskin how do i get button 2 to have an extension on it?
03:01.53Bananaskinteknoprep on the device for that phone, you will see auto login line it has 1001 atm, add the other exnt you want
03:02.07Bananaskinlook at my 7970 for the example
03:02.51Bananaskinline 66
03:08.30teknoprepcan i have the same extension 2x's ?
03:08.39teknoprepor would that be stupid with skinny
03:09.43Bananaskinerm, good question, don't know what would happen with inbounds, you can degine how many inbound calls you can handle on 1 ext though
03:10.24teknoprepyeah i saw that
03:10.27teknoprepthats very nice
03:10.45teknoprepinstead of just 2 calls being answered in SIP
03:10.51teknoprepyou can have as many as you want i guess
03:11.03*** part/#asterisk Unst4ble (
03:11.11Bananaskinu can also have line appearances for example if there is a shared exnt the line appearance shows busy
03:11.37teknoprepyou can share extensions?
03:11.42teknoprepthats crazy cool
03:11.57teknoprepso every phone could have ext 1000 voicemail extension
03:12.16Bananaskin2 secs
03:12.18teknoprepsay its an extension setup for global voicemail in a small office
03:12.29Bananaskinconfirming my comment
03:13.27teknoprepi hope mwi works
03:13.30teknopreptesting it now
03:13.36teknoprephasn't lit yet tho
03:13.44Bananaskintakes 30 - 60 secs
03:13.49teknoprepthats ghey
03:14.15Bananaskinit so that the network ain't bombarded with broadcast traffic
03:15.12teknoprepstill isn't lit
03:15.19teknoprepbut it shows that i have a voicemail
03:15.25teknoprepnext to the button
03:15.28Bananaskinon the screen ?
03:15.30teknoprepbut the light isn't lit
03:15.34teknoprepyeah on the screen but no light
03:15.55Bananaskin2 secs
03:16.49piper69Bananaskin: you here
03:16.55piper69Does anyone here know how to configure a Cisco ATA-186 for use with freeworlddialup? My adapter currently has firmware version 3.1.0. If this needs to be upgraded, does anyone have the upgrade file available? I am behind a NAT router.
03:17.12Bananaskinnope, this is a recorded message, please leave your questions after the ....
03:17.15teknoprepwhy do have this dire need to use such an old ATA
03:17.51BananaskinI have 2 of em :)
03:17.51teknoprepwell i still don't have MWI light
03:17.51Bananaskin2 secs
03:17.51teknoprepbut it shows up on the damn screen
03:17.52teknoprepthat sucks
03:18.55teknoprepi like how it keeps an open session with the server
03:19.07teknoprepevery button press is pretty much recorded
03:19.13teknoprepeven if you open up with speakerphone
03:19.21Bananaskinchange the config to reflect - device - mwilamp = on
03:19.29teknoprepalready did that
03:20.29teknoprepyay it works
03:20.43teknoprepi did it in the general configuartion area
03:21.48teknoprepcan't sccp be transcoded ?
03:21.56Bananaskinto what ?
03:22.07teknoprepfrom g729 sscp <-> iax2 gsm
03:22.15teknoprepmy provider is iax2 gsm
03:22.26Bananaskinyep but your PBX transcodes
03:22.26teknoprepbut when i enable g729 it doesn't work anymore
03:22.30teknoprepoh wait
03:22.36teknoprepi don't have g729 on my damn pbx lol
03:22.41teknoprepwell not this one
03:22.46Bananaskinnothing to do with sccp
03:22.52teknoprepok np
03:23.21Bananaskinteknoprep where you from ?
03:23.42teknoprepi live near philly now
03:24.32teknoprepwhat about you?
03:25.00teknoprepthat would be Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in the US
03:25.42Bananaskinfigured that :)
03:25.45*** join/#asterisk Unst4ble (
03:26.21Unst4bleHi all.  Can asterisk spoof itself to make it look like an SPA-3102 to the SIp providor?
03:26.55Unst4bleI have a SIP account that i can connect to and make outgoing calls from my SPA 3102. But can't get a trunk configured for it in asterisk.
03:36.55teknoprepBananaskin, i am very happy bro
03:37.02teknoprepBananaskin, i am extremely happy man lol
03:37.14teknoprepBananaskin, sccp works much better on these phones then sip will ever
03:38.17*** part/#asterisk timeshell (n=Khoja@
03:38.41piper69Bananaskin: do you have any guide on config ATA 186 SIP
03:44.07teknoprepBananaskin, how do i reassign the buttons
03:44.16teknoprepBananaskin, i want to put the buttons i want in the order i want
03:44.40Bananaskinteknoprep just change the order
03:45.05Bananaskinie if it is autologin 1001, 1000 change to 1000,1001
03:45.13teknoprepnono the options on the screen
03:45.24Bananaskinwhat options
03:45.44teknoprepthe dynamic buttons on the screen
03:45.48teknopreplike end call
03:45.51teknoprepthat crap
03:45.56Bananaskinnope, u canny do that
03:46.18teknoprepthat sucks
03:46.20teknopreppark is on page 2
03:46.32Bananaskinthats all part of the firmware
03:46.45Bananaskinwhats wrong with ##70 ?
03:46.51teknoprepthats what i usually do
03:47.04teknoprepactually i changed it to ##9
03:47.50teknoprephow do i do a conference call
03:48.32Bananaskinuse asterisk for conf calls
03:48.40Bananaskinthe conf facility
03:48.46teknoprepi used to conf call with the phone
03:48.48teknoprepit was much easier
03:49.33Bananaskinhow did u manage a conf call with the 7940 ?
03:49.57teknoprepwith SIP
03:50.00teknoprepthere was a CONF button
03:50.07teknoprepyou made another call after hitting that
03:50.10teknoprepand then hit join
03:50.16teknoprepit joined the calls together
03:51.37Unst4bleWhat would make a SIP connection work fine from an SPA 3102, but UNREACHABLE from asterisk trunks?
03:51.55Bananaskinwell tbh, never used it, alwyas tfr callers to an actual conference
03:52.10teknoprepyou transfer calls to a conference
03:52.14teknoprepthen join the conference?
03:52.23Bananaskinyou can tfr calls to conf yes
03:52.33Bananaskin##conf number
03:52.41Bananaskinblind transfer
03:52.52teknoprepyeah i understand what ## does lol
03:53.12teknoprepthe phone is showing the wrong time by 1 hour
03:53.15teknoprepthis will be my last question
03:53.25teknoprepi am using to set the time
03:53.33Bananaskinits in the sepmacaddy.cnf.xml
03:53.36Bananaskinlook for -1
03:53.44Bananaskinor +1
03:53.49jqlthe time is correct; the zone, though...
03:55.55teknoprep<timeZone>EST Standard/Daylight Time</timeZone>
03:56.22*** part/#asterisk Coder365_ (
04:04.40teknoprepwell this was a kick ass evening
04:04.44teknoprepthanx Bananaskin
04:05.52piper69Bananaskin: check pm
04:08.30*** join/#asterisk tobias (
04:20.42*** join/#asterisk craigk (n=ckowald@
04:37.39*** join/#asterisk Cherebrum (n=jgarland@pdpc/supporter/base/Cherebrum)
04:39.27CherebrumI figured out that the Polycom IP500, IP501, IP600, IP601 all use the same chipset as the IP650 and IP550... If you add G722 codec support to the non HD Polycom phones then you can do HD audio! :) 16k sample rate with G722 and the same bandwidth as G711 at 8k! I've tested it with FreeSWITCH and it works great! :)
04:39.55Cherebrumyou just have to add G722 in the config file for the IP50x/60x phones
04:40.06*** part/#asterisk Cherebrum (n=jgarland@pdpc/supporter/base/Cherebrum)
04:42.00WilliamKwow only a few of us been here for hours....
04:42.29Unst4bleIs there any way to force NAT on a trunk? nat-yes doesnt seem to be doing it
04:42.50jqlyou mean you want to set the externalip?
04:43.02jqlor externip or whatever that damn var is called
04:43.06Unst4bleI have sip_nat.conf set up
04:43.18Unst4blebut when i do a sip show peers it says nat isnt on
04:44.06Unst4bleI'm sniffing a call and it seems very one way.
04:44.20Unst4bleREGISTER sip:sip.voipstuntREGISTER sip:sip.voipstuntREGISTER sip:sip.voipstuntREGISTER sip:sip.voipstuntREGISTER sip:sip.voipstuntREGISTER sip:sip.voipstuntREGISTER sip:sip.voipstuntREGISTER sip:sip.voipstuntREGISTER sip:sip.voipstuntREGISTER sip:sip.voipstuntREGISTER sip:sip.voipstuntREGISTER sip:sip.voipstuntREGISTER sip:sip.voipstuntREGISTER sip:sip.voipstuntREGISTER sip:sip.voipstuntREGISTER sip:sip.voipstuntREGISTER sip:sip.voipstun
04:44.29Unst4bleno response from server
04:44.37Qwellerr, what?
04:44.44jqlwhat does the server see?
04:44.51Qwellhow is he planning on "adding g722 codec support" to a 601?
04:44.55Unst4bleI don't know, it's external
04:45.16BananaskinUnst4ble - its best not to paste a load of text to a irc channel, best to use
04:45.45Unst4bleSorry, didnt mean to copy that much. Only wanted 2 or so packets.
04:45.58_x86_Qwell: does polycom offer an "hd voice" firmware option for the 601's?
04:46.10Qwelluhh...considering the phone doesn't support it - no
04:46.12_x86_Qwell: or only the 550/650 will run "hd voice" eh?
04:46.20_x86_Qwell: codec is in software, no?
04:46.30Qwelland there were hardware changes to support it
04:46.45Qwellthe speakers and mics on the 650s are *FAR* superior
04:46.54_x86_ah cool
04:47.03Qwellthey sound *amazing*, even with g711, heh
04:47.04_x86_so even if you use g711 it sounds better?
04:47.09_x86_ah nifty
04:47.11Qwellyep, very much so
04:47.16*** join/#asterisk Cherebrum (n=jgarland@pdpc/supporter/base/Cherebrum)
04:47.22QwellI mean, Polycoms sound great normally, but..
04:47.24Cherebrumthere is a sample config
04:47.34jqland they added the "radio announcer" effect to the speakerphone. it's weird. even g711 calls sound "rich" on the 550
04:47.34_x86_too bad they dont offer "hd voice" on any other models
04:47.37jqlhard to explain
04:47.46QwellCherebrum: that doesn't mean it's "supported"
04:47.51Cherebrumno.. but it works
04:47.56_x86_550/650 are the only "hd voice" capable phones eh?
04:48.01QwellCherebrum: I doubt it
04:48.04CherebrumI tested it
04:48.06Cherebrumworks great
04:48.17CherebrumYou can definately tell a difference
04:48.18_x86_Cherebrum: what? g722 on a 501/601?
04:48.19SwKQwell, enabling the built in echo canceller on the handset isnt supported but it does work heh
04:48.27Cherebrumcall to test it
04:48.38MooingLemurpolycom 500/501 speakerphones have low-bitrate mp3-like distortion with g711
04:48.42MooingLemurit's really bad
04:48.46CherebrumSwK: only if you have 2.1.2 or newer I beleive
04:48.52_x86_MooingLemur: yeah i know :(
04:48.59Cherebrumthe HD only works with the handset
04:49.03_x86_MooingLemur: my 601's don't sound a lot better than my 501's
04:49.14Cherebrumdoesn't work with headset or speakerphone.. even on the 650 and 550
04:49.16_x86_but both the 501s and 601s i have sound better than my 301s
04:49.28SwKCherebrum, what the echo can?
04:49.30Cherebrumthe 501 and 601 have a difference chipset..
04:49.34CherebrumSwK: yes
04:49.43SwKCherebrum, that works on everything back to like 1.3.x
04:49.44Cherebrumdifferent then the 301 I mean..
04:49.45_x86_Cherebrum: echo cancellation doesn't work on speakerphone?
04:49.50SwKits just disabled by default int he configs
04:50.08SwKits great for masking that pesky echo on TDM400s sometimes
04:50.51jqlI wish I could force every phone/telco to install echo cancellers. grr
04:50.53CherebrumIf you enable syslog on the phone...
04:50.58Cherebrumyou can see what chipset the phone is using..
04:51.10Cherebrumand then you go look it up on and you can see what codecs are supported by that chip
04:51.20Cherebrumthe 501, 601, 550, and 650 all use the same TI chip
04:51.27Cherebrumthat TI chip supports G.722
04:52.12CherebrumBy the way... FreeSWITCH supports G.722 at 16k and you can do a 16k conference. ;)
04:52.23Cherebrumit's sounds f'in awesome
04:52.32Cherebrumer it
04:52.41*** join/#asterisk coppice (
04:53.13Cherebrumand you don't a damn zap* module for it to work... I'm running mine on a hosted Xen server and it sounds wonderful
04:54.27CherebrumSpeex will also do 16k
04:54.46CherebrumIf you use Google Talk with dingaling you can do 16k Speex
04:54.53WilliamKis that some sort of concrete spackle talk? :)
04:55.17WilliamKspeex = spackle
04:55.27WilliamKkinda like peter piper picked pickled peppers
04:55.29Cherebrumspeex is a codec
04:55.49WilliamKI know what speex is... just insanely bored
04:56.14coppiceoh course you're bored. it christmas
04:56.16Cherebrumhmm... ultra-wideband speex looks like fun... 32k
04:56.40CherebrumI should setup a 32k conference bridge
04:57.03WilliamKleast I don't have relatives coming over, etc...
04:57.16WilliamKand I'm off my day-to-day gig till Jan 2nd
04:57.17coppiceultra-wideband speex sucks - I have Jean Marc Valin's word on that :-)
04:57.23Cherebrumoh yea?
04:57.29CherebrumAny other codecs that do 32k?
04:57.45coppiceMP3, vorbis
04:58.08WilliamKhey coppice, do you know if the latest spanDSP works with SVN (asking before I harzardly find out)
04:58.13Qwellwhy stop at 32k?
04:58.17Qwellgo to 48k
04:58.19CherebrumI don't have a softphone that does vorbis
04:58.31coppicewhen you get that wideband, speech oriented codecs tend to make less sense
04:58.37CherebrumI don't have a softphone that does 48k either
04:58.47WilliamKI often wonder how I would sound if we used a full 45Mbps
04:58.52Qwellcoppice: dumb question - how do mp3 or vorbis handle speech?
04:59.01jqlat that point, go *stereo*
04:59.06coppiceWilliamK: work with the SVN of what?
04:59.08jqlyeah, stereo speech codecs
04:59.17WilliamKSVN of asterisk
04:59.19WilliamKlatest ver
05:00.19WilliamKooo and I'm eagerly thinking of getting another cell to wifi router...and trying voip over it
05:00.23WilliamKnever done that before
05:00.56coppiceMP3 and vorbis are generalised sound codecs. The remove what your ears can't recognise
05:00.58coppiceSpeech codecs are targeted to one kind of source sound. The further remove what your voice can't produce.
05:01.00coppiceThat's why they tend to sound awful for anything but a single voice.
05:01.22coppiceSo, MP3 and vorbis code speech well, but take a higher bit rate to do it
05:01.36Qwellmakes sense
05:01.54Qwellis there a reason for that high bitrate with speech?
05:02.16coppiceduh! if you remove less, you end up with more bits
05:02.17QwellI guess your last sentence answered that
05:02.21Cherebrum<action application="set" data="absolute_codec_string=speex@32000h,G722@16000h,G722"/>  <action application="conference" data="1000@32k"/>
05:02.23Cherebrummuhahahaha! should work at 32k speex now
05:04.00Cherebrumnow I just need to find a softphone that supports 32k speex
05:07.30Cherebrumhmmm... Twinkle for Linux does Ultra-Wideband Speex
05:07.41*** part/#asterisk Unst4ble (
05:15.30tzafrir_homeWilliamK, there's app_fax in addons of trunk
05:15.44tzafrir_homethat is: in trunk of asterisk-addons
05:15.54tzafrir_homeDidn't get to test it
05:19.36*** part/#asterisk Cherebrum (n=jgarland@pdpc/supporter/base/Cherebrum)
05:24.41*** join/#asterisk UserReg_CL (n=COB@
05:25.12UserReg_CLhi all !!!
05:25.19UserReg_CL(hola a todos)
05:25.32WilliamKI've just had a hard time trying to get a fax machine to work on inbound calls with the SPA-2002
05:25.35WilliamKworks great outbound
05:25.59WilliamKeven a modem (postage machine) works fine over the SPA-2002
05:26.15UserReg_CLwhere change time register in asterisk ?
05:26.29WilliamKhad it working a while back, and then went to a newer ver of SVN branch 1.4, and it broke
05:27.56WilliamKUserReg, if I'm understanding you right and assuming you're using SIP.... sip.conf
05:28.38WilliamKHowever, beware - boredom for me leads to falling asleep
05:28.41WilliamKand I'm quite bored
05:30.55WilliamKUserReg, this will probably help you -
05:33.18UserReg_CLthankn friend
05:34.08tzafrir_homeWilliamK, modem? with the RTP traffic going back and forth to Asterisk?
05:34.41tzafrir_homeor did you set it to noreinvite? (but in such a case you couldn't do fax detection and such)
05:38.39WilliamKtzafrir,  E&M T1 on PSTN --- Asterisk -- SPA-2002 --- modem
05:38.42WilliamKand yes RTP
05:39.11WilliamKcanreinvite=no has always been in the sip.conf file
05:39.29WilliamKcan't remember off the top of my head what the SPA was set to
05:40.00WilliamKactually in sip.conf it's set to =yes now
05:40.18WilliamKdon't remember when that got changed, probably when it was moved to the outside of the firewall
05:42.11WilliamKI had some rogue setting that was causing it to do a codec unknown 100 error, and then I read on serveral sites that T.38 isn't supported on the SPA-2002
05:42.21WilliamKso hopefully monday the newer SPA-2102 will be here
05:54.26*** join/#asterisk mmurdock (
05:54.35lucentwhat causes a 404 when a trunk registers with us?
05:54.45lucentI mean, what are the possible causes
05:54.54lucentwould an invalid user/pass do it
05:55.07lucentsorry... not "trunk"
06:04.35*** join/#asterisk FireMac (
06:07.15piper69lucent: are you related to lucent tech
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06:35.34*** join/#asterisk AJaymn (
06:35.59AJaymnAnyone know of a wholesale provider in US less then .01 per min?
06:36.06AJaymnfor outbound
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06:39.56lucentpiper69: negatory
06:42.24piper69lucent: what you mean
06:42.41jqlAJaymn: if you find one, you lemme know. :)
06:43.03AJaymnjql: i found one but have to fill out FCC Form 499...
06:43.25AJaymn(havnt sat down to read the 50page form example sheets) lol
06:43.43jqlah, joy
06:44.06AJaymnVoicePulse advertises less then .01    BUT calls are rounded to the whole min
06:44.28piper69lucent: i am a 5ESS DCS Engineer
06:44.34_x86_twas the night before the night before christmas; not a creature was stirring, except the computer mouse
06:44.47AJaymnIm using Vitelity now that charges 1.34cents...  But they do charge correctly.. they dont round it
06:44.50jqlwell, the government thinks it will only take on average 10 hours to fill out
06:44.53jqlhow nice
06:45.10_x86_AJaymn: i know of a provider
06:46.05lucentpiper69: 'lucent' is a nickname I picked for myself
06:47.09lucentI've installed plasma televisions and such at the Lucent Tech establishment in Illinois, it is a very strange (beautiful?) building
06:47.23lucentcoincidence only
06:48.03piper69i hope you charged them over $250k
06:48.06lucenttonight (and the past 4-5 nights) I am struggling with asterisk to talk to a VegaStream 50 FXS
06:48.35piper69well they make bank every 1hr
06:49.13lucentI don't know specifics, I subcontract for my friend who works at the audio/visual firm
06:49.23lucentit must be many millions
06:51.29lucentthere I am with a work cart and a $50,000usd christie roadster projector on top, wheeling it up to the door
06:51.49lucentyou know, there's a speed hump in the road that blocks the access ramp
06:52.15lucentscared the willies out of me trying to navigate it with the projector and the cart
06:56.43Tilihow do we call registered iax peers. Dial(IAX2/user)
06:57.27*** join/#asterisk mog (
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07:05.06jqlAJaymn: hmm... the answer was apparently icall
07:16.31WilliamKAJaymn, BroadWing if you have enough volume
07:17.04WilliamKaka now L3
07:19.11AJaymnjql icall? what?! ha? lol
07:19.34Tiliwhen using outgoing callback, how do we give max limit of call?
07:19.56AJaymnL3 would require a huge commitment
07:20.17WilliamKAJaymn, you might also look at Transcom (aggregator for alot of bell co's)
07:20.29WilliamKyeah most are going to require a commitment
07:20.33WilliamKpay or play
07:28.36*** join/#asterisk wglenncamp (
07:30.02wglenncampgot an easy question for ya (hopefully)..  I am trying to register a Polycom IP501 to an asterisk box.  I am getting the error "device does not match ACL"
07:30.05wglenncampany ideas?
07:30.28jqlinteresting error
07:31.38wglenncampI have had a heck on a night with these phones..  :)  I generally haven't had a problem with the Polycom's, but I purchased these used.  And I updated the firmware on them tonight.  That is when the horror started.
07:32.09wglenncampAnyway, I got it worked out, and now this is what I got...  Running bootrom 4 and SIP 2.2
07:32.51wglenncampOf course, I could be tired and the settings are hosed...  But I can make outbound calls, just can't recieve them..  Wierd..
07:34.22lucentwglenncamp: did the auth username change?
07:35.19lucentunrelated, I had a VegaStream 50 FXS that was saying the same thing to me, I had no clue what the username was
07:35.23*** part/#asterisk Keltus (i=Keltus@about/cooking/nakedchef/beefstew/Keltus)
07:35.40lucentnow I sorted that out and at least it is registering
07:35.44wglenncampnope, I verified them and they match.  I'll check again though..  Like I said, I'm pretty tired.  I may sleep on it if I don;t get it soon.
07:36.00lucentmight be a good idea (to sleep on it)
07:36.14lucentmakes sense though, there's two registrations - one inbound and one outbound
07:36.30lucentstuff i never understood about SIP 4 days ago
07:37.28lucentsay if I do host=a.b.c.d does this tell asterisk to go and register with that IP?
07:37.38lucentI have host=dynamic at the moment
07:37.43lucentit's working okay
07:38.07lucentI want to accept registrations from a host
07:38.29lucentmy question is, does host=dynamic correlate to the appropriate way to do this?
07:46.52*** join/#asterisk c4t3l (
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07:47.40c4t3lgreetings all... are there any agi gurus in the house tonight?
07:49.43c4t3li'm writing an agi script that will allow a caller to announce they're name and then call my cell and play their recorded name back to me and give the option of accepting or rejecting call
07:50.11c4t3lthe prob is that I'm not sure how to actually connect the call once I accept it
07:52.22*** join/#asterisk markgreene (
07:52.39markgreeneDoes anyone here have fonebridge from red-fone?
07:52.52c4t3lsorry, not I
07:53.24markgreenec4t3l: thanks for letting me know that you do not have it.. lol
07:54.03markgreeneI am a bit frustrated b/c their website is down and i need their version of zaptel
07:54.37c4t3lwhich version number, maybe I have it in my repo, or is it patched by them?
07:55.35markgreeneNo it's not plain old zaptel. I could download that from a number of sites. It's a version they wrote to include a better version of TDMoE
07:56.22c4t3lhmm, those jerks!
07:56.40markgreeneYeah well it is pretty great actually. But the fact that their site is down is not
07:56.48markgreeneIt's been down for over 10 hours
07:57.14_x86_no, they are jerks for not committing the patch to the main zaptel branch ;)
07:57.29markgreeneActually I don't know why they didn't
07:57.41tzafrirwhere can I find their code?
07:58.24markgreeneLOL - On their site, that's offline! It went down about 10 hours ago when I was half way through installing one of their products
07:58.26*** join/#asterisk FireMac (
07:59.07markgreeneI am really excited about getting it working. It's going to expand my options a ton
07:59.21_x86_what's wrong with standard TDMoE?
08:00.00tzafrirmarkgreene, how does it compare to a dedicated PC serving TDMoE?
08:00.07tzafrirIs that possible with Zaptel?
08:00.27markgreeneWell the MAIN reason I can't use it is because this fone-bridge won't work with it because it's only programemd to work with thier version. And their version uses some kind of multi channel... something
08:01.09markgreenetzafrir: I dont' know how it compares. I've never uesed one. This is my first
08:01.17_x86_regular TDMoE can certainly handle multiple channels lol
08:01.55_x86_what is red-fone?
08:02.21tzafrirA dedicated TDMoE device
08:02.38markgreeneIt's the name of the company that makes it
08:02.43markgreeneBut yes the device is pretty neat
08:02.53markgreeneOr, in theory it is. I have not set it up yet
08:05.17markgreeneAlright guys I'm out then
08:05.23*** join/#asterisk sergey (n=sergey@
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08:08.40WilliamK#1 way of telling if someone is bored or tired of being spammed.... spending hours training SpamAssin's filter
08:09.05*** join/#asterisk FireMac (
08:09.41jqlI gave up on handling email so long ago... I surrendered my communication rights to Yahoo long ago
08:09.46_x86_#1 way of telling someone is bored: they've started reading up on learning Cobol
08:10.06_x86_jql: gmail is much better
08:10.29jqlI have that too, for "official" correspondence
08:10.41jqlbut my primary has been yahoo for way longer
08:11.28_x86_i used to use yahoo but i've long since switched ;)
08:14.35WilliamKx86, funny you mention that... I used to do night ops stuff for a company using Cobol
08:14.59_x86_i'd never put myself in that situation
08:18.56WilliamKI only did it for 89 days
08:19.17WilliamKday before my "eval term" came up, I told them I was quitting
08:19.32WilliamKcouldn't stand my dad's friend (higher level mgr) nor the supervisor under him
08:19.51WilliamKwas working at an insurance company doing their nightly tasks
08:20.09WilliamKlemme tell you, it sucked
08:20.17WilliamKmore less the politics
08:22.35*** join/#asterisk FireMac (
08:30.34tzafrirspamassisin works great here
08:30.42tzafrirAnd didn't need much tuning
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08:37.14*** join/#asterisk fujin (n=aj@unaffiliated/fujin)
08:37.24fujinhey uh
08:37.29fujinhowcome I get colour with -c
08:37.31fujinbut not without?
08:37.43fujinI'd like colour, but for it to be daemonized so that if I reattach later it has colour
08:38.27lucentuse with 'screen' may support such a thing
08:38.40fujinnext idea
08:38.52fujinI've seen it started from init.d as a daemon with colour before
08:39.26lucentyeah I don't really think my idea was ideal
08:40.04fujinnm, I'll play with it
08:40.47WilliamKx86, he didn't especially like it when I said I was going to work for another ISP right after he finished my training, etc... but I didn't care for someone who was B.S.'ing his way through things either
08:44.50fujinis there a particular command line flag which gives colour?
08:45.03fujinasterisk -c gives me colour, but nothing 'asterisk' just forks without colour
08:45.37fujinoh, I suppose i can -cF
08:45.49fujinegh that doesn't work.
08:47.21WilliamKso where does everyone do most of their traffic termination trading nowdays (websites)
09:00.22*** join/#asterisk fujin (n=aj@unaffiliated/fujin)
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09:38.39tzafrirasterisk -n disables color
09:39.10tzafrircolor is currently disabled by defualt when in remote mode. Which is kind of strange
09:39.30tzafrirasterisk -c forces asterisk not to detach
09:39.43tzafrirA very lame way to get color.
09:40.36*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
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10:23.53Juggiei've seen color using a remote console before
10:23.59Juggiei think
10:24.11Juggieusually on the local console of the box.
10:25.11mvanbaakremote console as in: asterisk -r
10:25.43mvanbaakthat has color here
10:27.31Juggieyeah, works for me
10:29.39*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
10:33.02mvanbaaksame here
10:34.10DarKnesS_WolFgood evening
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10:35.43Dovidany one here from Australia ?
10:46.55*** join/#asterisk rvhi (n=chatzill@
10:47.23rvhianyone knows how to convert a wav file to mp3 with sox?
10:49.41tzafrirmvanbaak, is that trunk?
10:49.54tzafrirrvhi, sox file.wav file.mp3
10:50.39tzafrirYou'll only lose quality in the process, though...
10:51.19rvhisox: Failed writing msg0045.mp3: Sorry, no MP3 encoding support
10:52.45mvanbaaktzafrir: yes, trunk
10:52.58mvanbaakAsterisk SVN-trunk-r92206 built by root @ on a i686 running Linux on 2007-12-10 18:59:05 UTC
10:53.02tzafrirI think that issue was fixed there
11:00.30tzafrirrvhi, so don't use sox. Use lame or whatever
11:01.36mvanbaakor ditch mp3 and go for some more open format like ogg
11:09.08*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
11:09.53tzafrirmvanbaak, hmm, did you see that commit yesterday to chan_sip in 1.2? It's not in , right?
11:10.08tzafrir.1? .2?
11:12.08mvanbaak1.2.26.2 is not there yet
11:12.23mvanbaakI think they should release it
11:12.30mvanbaaksame as 1.4.something
11:21.08Dovidany one here from Australia ?
11:21.43DovidI need a toll Free Number there checked as well as some one in Argentina
11:22.06*** join/#asterisk PiterPunk (
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12:36.00squiglyDovid hello?
12:36.11squiglyoh he quit
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13:39.37ronr_anyone knows what causes the error led LOS on the athrea ac 2032/t?
13:44.42ronr_it's loss of signal, so I think my cable is broken
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15:59.04piper69Good morning all
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16:16.17tzafrirGood evening
16:16.31piper69tzafrir: its morning here
16:17.02tzafrirpiper69, it's evening here
16:17.25tzafrirAnd I bet you think that this is not a normal weekday
16:17.28*** join/#asterisk keulin (
16:17.31piper69where is here
16:17.54tzafrirpiper69, that's what you have whois for
16:18.28*** join/#asterisk Faustov (n=faustov@unaffiliated/faustov)
16:18.40Faustovhi all
16:19.06piper69Faustov: hi
16:20.50piper69tzafrir: Iseral
16:21.56piper69tzafrir: i used to fly in "Al aresh"
16:23.01piper69tzafrir: nice to meet you any ways ;)
16:23.15Faustovtzafrir: regarding your last advice, about setting up incoming calls (context=xyz in sip.conf, then [xyz] exten => Dial(SIP/0001) in extensions.conf) - are you sure that is all i need to do to get incoming calls working?
16:24.06piper69ok guys i have Cisco ATA 186 , i want someone please to take a look at the configuration at tell me if this is right for SIP
16:24.15tzafrirFaustov, that depends to what number you called
16:24.47[TK]D-FenderFaustov, and that exten... HAS no exten.
16:24.48tzafrirThat extension needs to handle that number
16:26.17Faustovhow do i do that?
16:26.45piper69is this is correct
16:27.28[TK]D-FenderFaustov, pastebin your config and show us the complete CLI output of a failed attempt at verbose 10 & sip debug enabled
16:27.46[TK]D-Fenderpiper69, does it work?
16:28.01Faustov[TK]D-Fender: the funny part is, at core set debug 20 i dont get anything when i try to call the number assigned by the voip provider
16:28.20piper69[TK]D-Fender: i don't know where to put my info
16:28.23Faustovi'll pastebin the cfg parts
16:28.32[TK]D-FenderFaustov, and I said with "sip debug" enabled which has nothing to do with "core debug"
16:28.53[TK]D-FenderFaustov, And typically you have to register with your ITSP for them to know where to send calls to.
16:28.57c4t3lare there any AGI gurus here
16:29.06[TK]D-Fenderpiper69, Does it WORK?
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16:29.29piper69[TK]D-Fender: can you take a look at the web config and please tell me if this look like where i put my info
16:29.39c4t3lI have a lil question regarding channel assignment in the AGI variable list
16:30.30Faustov[TK]D-Fender: <--- here's my cfg
16:31.34[TK]D-FenderFaustov, And how does your ITSP know to send calls to you in the first place?
16:31.42[TK]D-FenderFaustov, Did you give them your IP, etc?
16:32.24Faustov[TK]D-Fender: no... doesn't * register with them in the first place?
16:32.35Faustovusing user and pass from sip.conf?
16:32.45[TK]D-FenderFaustov, that's what the "REGISTER" command in sip.conf is for.
16:32.55[TK]D-FenderFaustov, And you don't have one.
16:33.07c4t3lI'm trying to connect an inbound call to agi, have agi call out to cell phone, play message and accept DTMF to accept or reject call.  can anyone point me close to the right direction?
16:33.15[TK]D-FenderFaustov, read this sample for some inspiiration :
16:33.18jbot[~jerjerguide ] Jeremy McNamara's quick sample guide to setting up * :
16:33.26piper69[TK]D-Fender: will this ATA work for SIP
16:34.31[TK]D-Fenderpiper69, .... go read the WIKI.  These are ridiculous question you could have answered with a 4-word Google query
16:35.28teknoprephey all
16:35.30Faustov[TK]D-Fender: i've been following that guide, altho it doesn't say anything about registering with the sip provider to allow incoming calls, just basic setup
16:35.38piper69[TK]D-Fender: please don't give me this crap i have been working on this ata for the past 5 night to get it to this point, if you are willing to help me i will really appreciate it
16:35.40teknoprep[TK]D-Fender, did you ever run asterisk inside of vserver or qemu ?
16:35.59Faustov[TK]D-Fender: register => user[:secret[:authuser]]@host[:port][/extension] <---- i put this in the sip account context?
16:36.23[TK]D-FenderFaustov, Wow.. you're right, he didn't include the REGISTER
16:36.35[TK]D-FenderFaustov, Well go read the WIKI ro sample sip.conf on this.  its all in there
16:36.37c4t3llooks like I'm on my own here... later
16:36.39[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep, nope
16:36.41blitzrageFaustov: registrations go in the [general] section
16:36.52Faustov[TK]D-Fender: that's where i got this line from :P
16:37.12[TK]D-Fenderc4t3l, what makes the AGI begin to execute in the first place?
16:37.15teknoprep[TK]D-Fender, i was thinking that would be a good solution to running many asterisk boxes on one machine since it uses actual hardware and not virtual hardware
16:37.41[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep, Don't you have enough problems already? :)
16:37.51teknoprep[TK]D-Fender, lol no not really
16:38.06[TK]D-FenderFaustov, and "just basic setup" doesn't say anything much at all.
16:38.12teknoprep[TK]D-Fender, won't ever know if it works if you don't try it
16:38.15[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep, Then keep at it, you're almost there!
16:38.24teknoprep[TK]D-Fender, lol
16:38.48[TK]D-Fenderpiper69, <-----------------
16:39.14c4t3l[TK]D-Fender, the agi is called from my dialplan (ivr), I've discovered a way to beat my cell provider in terms of monthly cost by using DISA and a VOIP account
16:39.54[TK]D-Fenderc4t3l, So you want to call *, then have it hangup and call you back to count as a "free incoming call" right?
16:40.02piper69[TK]D-Fender: well i read it all , the H.323 keep failing all the time
16:40.03c4t3lCID doesn't pass thru tho, and my VIOP provider will not ever pass thru CID :( so th AGI is just to read the CID to me
16:40.35[TK]D-Fenderpiper69, well you were asking about SIP, so whats this about H.323 now?
16:41.12c4t3l<[TK]D-Fender> not exactly, i want it to ask the originating caller to record name, then call me on cell and play said name and give me the option of accepting or rejecting the call
16:41.17[TK]D-Fenderpiper69, but clearly yes, * can work jsut fine witht he device and I've already linked you to the page that tells you all about using it with *
16:41.42[TK]D-Fenderc4t3l, you don't need AGI for that at all
16:41.50piper69[TK]D-Fender: this is were i am getting confused , because someone told me i have to have H.323 to get it to work, my question was for you to check and see my web Server for that ATA i post here and tell me do i have a hope of getting it to work
16:42.05[TK]D-Fenderc4t3l, just use Record before diaing out with the "M" option.  "show application dial"
16:42.23c4t3ldid I miss something? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
16:42.45[TK]D-Fenderpiper69, the page I linked you to clearly says it can talk SIP, MGCP, H.323, and SCCP.
16:42.51[TK]D-Fenderpiper69, so go read.
16:42.53c4t3l<[TK]D-Fender> once again thank you
16:43.06[TK]D-Fenderc4t3l, np
16:45.45*** join/#asterisk fordfrog (n=fordfrog@gentoo/developer/fordfrog)
16:45.57Faustov[TK]D-Fender: ok, now that * has registered - what else can i check?
16:45.59blitzragegentoo?! BAH! :D
16:46.22Faustovmy * is running on gentoo :>
16:46.31blitzragenow that I've started a religious war... I'm out! heh
16:46.39[TK]D-FenderFaustov, Try calling with SIP debug enabled and see what happens
16:47.45[TK]D-FenderFaustov, And has it indeed registered?
16:48.32Faustovyes, because i entered the pass incorrectly to see if it gonna whine
16:48.36Faustovand it whined
16:48.39Faustovso no the pass is correct
16:48.59Faustovand yay i noticed one packet with number-im-calling-from in the debug log
16:49.04Faustovlets see if it actually works now
16:50.08[TK]D-FenderFaustov, and the proper way to check is "sip show registry"
16:54.38Faustov[TK]D-Fender: i'll pastebin the output in a moment
16:56.04teknoprepdoes anyone here work with sccp in 1.4 of asteirks
16:57.35Faustov[TK]D-Fender: can i somehow change the registry expire timeout? looks like the default is 120 seconds
16:58.26Faustov[TK]D-Fender: <--- i set the debug for only the ip of my provider, because there was too much noise
16:59.29Faustov[TK]D-Fender: so, i'm getting INVITEs, but looks like i'm not answering to them?
17:05.38[TK]D-FenderFaustov, put "nsecure=port,invite" into your peer entry and reload
17:06.55Faustov[TK]D-Fender: you mean "insecure"?
17:07.02[TK]D-FenderFaustov, just do it
17:07.07*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
17:07.11Faustovyeah, obviously :>
17:07.16[TK]D-FenderFaustov, your provider doesn't want the proxy auth on incoming calls
17:07.37*** join/#asterisk adjohn (
17:09.12piper69what does it mean "Set UID0: to your-login-line1"? is here where i put my sip phone number?
17:11.38Faustov[TK]D-Fender: ok, it works... but all mixed up for some reason
17:12.17Faustovphone number assigned to provider account 1 -> context 3
17:12.23Faustovi'll recheck my cfg
17:12.39[TK]D-Fenderpiper69, this is explained quite well in the first obvious externally linked guide in that WIKI page I gave you...
17:15.16piper69[TK]D-Fender: where i can't see it man
17:16.03piper69[TK]D-Fender: i am on that page
17:16.09*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
17:16.30[TK]D-Fenderpiper69, well then go look for the first blatantly obvious externally link guide on setting it up.
17:16.32piper69[TK]D-Fender: talks about that ATA 186 /188 and SIP H.323
17:17.07[TK]D-Fenderpiper69, maybe some of it, but you are beginning to look completely blind.
17:17.31Faustov[TK]D-Fender: is there a limit to how many accounts i can register?
17:17.38[TK]D-Fenderpiper69, Actually alomst none of that page...
17:17.47piper69[TK]D-Fender: yes because i only spend last night reading this page over and over again
17:18.10[TK]D-Fenderpiper69, A detailed practical explanation how to configure ATA-18x with Asterisk (including password reset procedure):
17:18.21[TK]D-Fenderpip is that link not bloody well obviou enough for you?!
17:19.01[TK]D-Fenderpiper69, under a giant header called "Configuration".
17:19.19drmessanoh.323 will be deprecated from Asterisk before he gets that working
17:19.32drmessano"What do you mean it won't work in Asterisk 1.8?"
17:19.39[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano, this page has virtually nothing to do with H.323.  Leave it alone.
17:20.32*** join/#asterisk Mmurdock (
17:20.34piper69[TK]D-Fender: i read that page too sir, plus i am not using the asterisk box with this ATA
17:20.53ManxPowerpiper69: If you are not using Asterisk, why are you here?
17:21.47piper69ManxPower: Because i first want to make sure that the ATA is working then i will connect it to asterisk, i am trying to avoid trouble shoot both
17:21.50piper69you get me
17:22.05ManxPowerpiper69: you really can't test it without a server to connect to.
17:22.54[TK]D-Fenderpiper69, if you want to see if its working, then use it with *.  You can't control your ITSP, but you can control your * box.
17:22.55piper69ManxPower: yes i can, are you telling me that i can't just hook my ATA to the router after i config it. to make calls
17:23.13[TK]D-Fenderpiper69, and until you try and connect it somewhere you won't know if its right
17:23.44ManxPowerpiper69: not unless the "router" is a voip server as well.
17:23.48[TK]D-Fenderpiper69, thats like trying to "test" a car without actually driving it!
17:24.03ManxPoweryou could do "direct ip calls" but almost nobody even knows how to do that.
17:24.40[TK]D-Fenderpiper69, You are completely backwards.  Go follow the guide.  You are wasting your time and ours.
17:25.00piper69ok thanks
17:25.01*** join/#asterisk aurax (n=axaxax@
17:25.20auraxhello, can anyone explain to me how can i connect to phone that uses sccp protocol?
17:25.35piper69aurax: you can't
17:25.50drmessano[TK]D-Fender he's been asking for help with H.323 for days, I could care less what your page says.. I don't see it happening.
17:26.00piper69aurax: is that a Cisco
17:26.17ManxPoweraurax: SCCP/Skinny is not all that common with Asterisk.  You can do it, but not many people can help you.
17:26.30piper69aurax: model
17:26.31auraxi see
17:26.36[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano, 11:24 <piper69> ok guys i have Cisco ATA 186 , i want someone please to take a look at the configuration at tell me if this is right for SIP
17:26.36auraxbetter get ip phone that uses sip ?
17:26.42ManxPoweraurax: your best bet is the wiki and the mailing lists.
17:26.47Faustov[TK]D-Fender: soo, i got 3 accounts with the same SIP provider (each account has a number assigned), for each i got a separate context for incoming calls, but for some reason, always the last context is being chosen, no matter which number i dial - what could be wrong?
17:26.47[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano, Let it go.  He's asking about SIP.
17:26.54ManxPoweraurax: 90% of asterisk users use SIP.
17:27.45drmessano[TK]D-Fender: I've been here the last four days, and you really don't need to tell me what to do.. kthx
17:27.50auraxi can see...
17:28.17[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano, Fine then you can actually read what he asked an hour ago properly like the rest of us.
17:28.45ManxPowerdrmessano: [TK]D-Fender is one of the few people here that helps people AND knows what he is talking about.  Not good to piss him off.
17:29.13piper69ManxPower: [TK]D-Fender he is mean a55 whole
17:29.18piper69thats what it is
17:29.24drmessanoI'm not trying to piss anyone one.. just don't pick a fight with me either.  Helping doesn't give you the right to be a jerk.
17:29.39piper69help people is not asult them infront of evey one
17:29.55auraxit's been a while since i saw someone actually typing kthx... how old are you, 12?
17:30.28drmessanoYeah, 12.. you got me
17:30.43Faustovguys, stop it...
17:30.50Faustovi'd appreciate some help :>
17:30.53[TK]D-Fenderpiper69, I walked you through every little baby-step from Google, to the Wiki, heck to the specific link on the wiki that you could text-search for your key-word of "uid0" and come up with a 100% clearly understandable 1-sentence answer to your question.  How is that not helping?
17:31.30piper69[TK]D-Fender: go read what you typed
17:31.30[TK]D-Fenderpiper69, And STILL you can't even SEE it.  And I did this in an attempt to help you with a model I've never even used before.
17:31.45[TK]D-Fenderpiper69, And still managed to find the answer for in under 1 minute flat of actually trying.
17:31.46piper69go read how you treated me
17:31.58piper69and because i need your help i listen to all this crap
17:32.03piper69i even told you that
17:32.12auraxthis is funny
17:32.14[TK]D-Fenderpiper69, You come in here asking for help and can't seem to show that you're actually trying.
17:32.38Faustovaurax: no, it's not... the only person helping me around is preocupied by flamewar :D
17:32.53piper69you know what , just for get it and i don't want to be like you
17:33.01piper69thank you for everything any how
17:33.34[TK]D-FenderFaustov, make sure to specific "/[extension]" part in your "register" statements.
17:33.43piper69aurax: if this is a cisco device i will help as much as i can , i spent the last 4 days trying to figuer it out
17:33.51[TK]D-FenderFaustov, and see how they come in.  "s" is a bad thing...
17:33.53Faustov[TK]D-Fender: so i have to have them in both places?
17:34.01*** join/#asterisk shmnx (
17:34.45piper69aurax: is it ATA or IPphone
17:35.01[TK]D-FenderUID0: This is the Username for line #1.  This is the same as the username in your "sip.conf" file for a SIP peer.  Thus, you would enter "2299" if your sip.conf looked like our example listed at the top of this document.
17:35.54Faustov[TK]D-Fender: nevertheless, re-registering every 105 seconds doesn't seem right to me, should i change it?
17:36.05[TK]D-FenderIts all spelled out in gory detail in the Guide I linked :
17:36.19[TK]D-FenderFaustov, Odds are its your ITSP that's asking for it.
17:36.33[TK]D-FenderFaustov, Guess they want to know ASAP that you are still around.
17:39.33[TK]D-Fenderpiper69, First 2 links of this Google search give a 100% beginning-to-end list of settings to configure your ATA :
17:39.36Faustov[TK]D-Fender: To: <> <--- does this mean i can change s,1,Dial to 990193,1,Dial?
17:39.45piper69how can i test if my sip number is working
17:39.50[TK]D-FenderFaustov, Yes, exactly
17:40.01[TK]D-Fenderpiper69, Try dialing it.
17:40.38piper69[TK]D-Fender: or you can give me yours to say thank you
17:41.02[TK]D-Fenderpiper69, well what is this magical term you call "SIP number"?
17:41.10Faustovoh crap
17:41.15Faustovi see what i messed up
17:41.24Faustovit's /extension not /context
17:41.33[TK]D-FenderFaustov, \o/
17:42.53ManxPowerFaustov: that would do it.
17:45.17ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I'm much less grumpy since I took a vacation from helping people here.
17:46.50[TK]D-FenderManxPower, Yes, escaping the source of aggravation would tend to help that :)
17:47.10piper69ok i assigend it to a phone number phone number and when i call that number it goes right away  to the vm
17:47.44*** join/#asterisk Bananaskin (
17:47.46ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: some people are beyond your help.
17:47.55[TK]D-FenderManxPower, Entirely true.
17:48.00teknoprepBananaskin, whats up man
17:48.03ManxPowerJust remember you are under no obligation to help ANYONE.
17:48.08teknoprepBananaskin, hopefully this fixes alot of my stuff bro
17:48.18piper69Bananaskin: welcome back
17:48.28MacWinneris there a way to originate a call but give a time limit for it?
17:48.34piper69Bananaskin: damn you are loved here
17:48.47Bananaskinonly by those that want to use sccp :)
17:48.56[TK]D-FenderManxPower, Yeah well I do walk away when thing reach a certain point.  Usually the simpler the need, the longer I give, hoping that they'll come to it.
17:49.38piper69Bananaskin: no i am a SIP guy now thanks to you
17:49.49MacWinneri guess, more specifically, how do you enforce a time limit on a call?
17:49.51[TK]D-FenderMacWinner, Originate the call with a channel type that lets you set the rules.  Naturally there is only 1, so go think about it a bit :)
17:49.53BananaskinAh, did sip work for you ?
17:50.14piper69Bananaskin: yes and no
17:50.29piper69the file you send me didn't work
17:50.43piper69Bananaskin: it does the same thing
17:51.43piper69Bananaskin: it's not the v3.1.0
17:53.10teknoprepBananaskin, this is too fun
17:54.34MacWinnertkd, which channel type are you referring to?
17:55.02[TK]D-FenderMacWinner, Go through the list.  The answer should be pretty clear.
17:57.19Faustov[TK]D-Fender: ok, so i got the register with /6000 which is defined in extensions.conf in [stations-a] as exten => 6000,1,MeetMe(${EXTEN},MdDix), but in sip debug i get 404 for Looking for 6000 in stations-b (domain
17:57.22MacWinnerlocal channel?
17:57.55Faustov[TK]D-Fender: so the big question, if context for that provider account is stations-a, then why does it look in stations-b?
17:58.19[TK]D-FenderFaustov, Well you put it in [stations-a] , and it's looking in [stations-b].  Well what more do we really need to say?
17:58.27ManxPowerFaustov: did you look at the registration examples in sip.conf.sample?
17:58.37[TK]D-FenderFaustov, pastebin your sip.conf and sip debug for the incoming call....
17:58.51FaustovManxPower: yes, i got my lines from there
17:58.52[TK]D-FenderManxPower, 'register' doesn't set the context....
17:58.55Faustov[TK]D-Fender: k, one moment
17:59.04[TK]D-FenderMacWinner, Correct.
17:59.07Bananaskinteknoprep I must write up the process properly for sccp implementation
17:59.19piper69[TK]D-Fender: do you know why i get voice mail when i dail the phone number assigend to my SIP before it ring on the phone connected to my ATA
17:59.38teknoprepBananaskin, what i am doing works great
17:59.46teknoprepBananaskin, its quite easy
18:00.31[TK]D-Fenderpiper69, You haven't shown me anything so I guess I'd have to say "no"
18:01.04piper69[TK]D-Fender: i config the ata with my sip number
18:01.13Faustov[TK]D-Fender: <--- sip.conf
18:01.26Bananaskinteknoprep thats cos the legwork is done
18:01.27[TK]D-Fenderpiper69, what is this term "SIP number"?  It is not a self-defining thing.......
18:01.41[TK]D-Fenderpiper69, and you are still not showing me anything useful.
18:01.52[TK]D-FenderFaustov, and the sip debug of the call please
18:02.05ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: just put him on /ignore.  He does not want to use the troubleshooting procedures that are needed.
18:02.44teknoprepBananaskin, ?
18:02.52teknoprepBananaskin, what you mean legwork?
18:02.52[TK]D-FenderManxPower, I'm not done yet....
18:03.05teknoprepBananaskin, can you send me a copy of the cisco softphone ?
18:03.09ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: you can't force him to show you his sip.conf
18:03.12Bananaskinyou are now familiar with the majority of the steps
18:03.24teknoprepBananaskin, i'd like to play with that for nat'd softphones
18:03.31[TK]D-FenderManxPower, that isn't even what I'd want first....
18:03.32ManxPowerand we both know nobody can help him without it.
18:03.36Bananaskinwhereas to show someone from scratch is long winded
18:03.48Faustov[TK]D-Fender: <--- extensions.conf, sip debug coming up
18:03.52[TK]D-FenderManxPower, actually thats often incorrect
18:03.56teknoprepBananaskin, i might put a full how-to for both 1.2 and 1.4 * on voip-info
18:04.05piper69[TK]D-Fender: i don't understand what do you want
18:04.22BananaskinIn process of writing a howto atm, hence my statement
18:04.28[TK]D-Fenderpiper69, show me something where I can actually see the problem.
18:05.23Faustov[TK]D-Fender: <--- debug messages
18:06.05Faustov[TK]D-Fender: obviously it should look in [stations-ostc], but goes to the other context instead
18:06.13teknoprepBananaskin, at home if i dial the number it goes through right away
18:06.17teknoprepBananaskin, but not here
18:06.26teknoprepBananaskin, i think i skrewed up the number check when dialing numbers
18:06.29[TK]D-FenderFaustov, Found peer 'easycall3' -  Looking for 6000 in stations-mind (domain - Look what peer it matched, look at what context it uses and realize that exten isn't in that context.
18:06.33Bananaskinhit the #
18:06.40teknoprepi don't have to do that at home
18:06.50Bananaskinotherwise it will wait 5 secs by deafult
18:07.03Bananaskindid you have a dialplan.xml at home?
18:07.28Faustov[TK]D-Fender: ye i see it "found peer easycall3" - but it's wrong :( why 3 if i'm calling 2?
18:07.39*** part/#asterisk ManxPower (
18:07.55[TK]D-FenderFaustov, because * is matching the last entry it finds.
18:08.23[TK]D-FenderFaustov, jsut sent them all to the same context and let the extens do their work.
18:08.42Faustov[TK]D-Fender: looks like it, wanted to do it if everything else fails
18:08.57[TK]D-FenderFaustov, Congratulations.... everything else fails :)
18:10.32Faustov[TK]D-Fender: heheh... well in exchange, if a miracle happens and i dont have to work 12h/day, i'll write a patch for this, i think it lays in *'s capabilities
18:11.06[TK]D-FenderFaustov, chan_sip is going under large modification already in trunk....
18:11.14[TK]D-FenderFaustov, you've got a lot of catching up to do....
18:11.38teknoprepBananaskin, sometimes the phones get stuck in calling out
18:11.45teknoprepBananaskin, when i dial a # that doesn't exist
18:11.51teknoprepBananaskin, have you had this problem before?
18:12.15Faustov[TK]D-Fender: still, very glad to hear that
18:12.37*** part/#asterisk vn (
18:13.08Faustovok, works
18:13.11Faustovand i'm starving
18:13.29Faustovthanks for help and merry xmas!
18:16.38piper69[TK]D-Fender: so did you had time to take a look
18:17.07[TK]D-Fenderpiper69, Look at what?  I don't see you linking me to anything useful...
18:17.29piper69[TK]D-Fender: check your pm please
18:18.02[TK]D-Fenderpiper69, all I have in PM is that 1 line you sent me an hour ago.
18:18.16[TK]D-Fenderpiper69, And please don't PM me this stuff.
18:18.34piper69[TK]D-Fender: well what do you want to know, this is my config
18:19.16piper69i asked why is when i call my sip number , it goes right away to voice mail without ringing
18:19.30[TK]D-Fenderpiper69, and I don't see it, and as I mentioned to ManxPower, that isn't even what I would want to see first.  Go look at what Faustov provided for me to help him with his issue
18:20.16[TK]D-Fenderpiper69, And your config won't tell me what the full error is necessarily.  I said I need to see that actual PROBLEM.
18:20.56*** join/#asterisk wglenncamp (
18:21.40piper69lol, this is confusing as hell
18:21.45wglenncampAnyone here using Polycom Phones?  I have a question...  I recently loaded bootrom 4 on an IP501, and it seems to boot a little slower now.  Any ideas  (sorry that this is a little OT)
18:22.42[TK]D-Fenderpiper69, ok, I've spent all this time hoping you would actually use your eyes and see what it takes to debug these things on your own given time.  This is clearly not working so I guess I'm going to have to spell it out for you.
18:23.00[TK]D-Fenderpiper69, I want to see the complete CLI output of a failed call at verbose 10, and with SIP debug enabled.
18:23.13[TK]D-Fenderpiper69, THAT is what will say "Hey I failed because of reason X!"
18:23.56[TK]D-Fenderpiper69, Just showing me your config is like showing me a recipe and not letting me notice that you set the oven to 1000 C and set it on FIRE.
18:24.38[TK]D-Fenderwglenncamp, which SIP image are you running?
18:27.46[TK]D-Fenderwglenncamp, Which SIP app files are you specifically using in your <mac>.cofg for that phone?
18:28.39[TK]D-Fenderwglenncamp, thats the filename?
18:28.53wglenncampno way..  MAC.cfg
18:28.59wglenncampThey are working..  Just slow
18:29.18wglenncampI thought you were asking for the version
18:29.36[TK]D-Fenderwglenncamp, no, the files specifically, just like I asked
18:31.02wglenncampphone200.cfg, server.cfg, sip.cfg
18:31.07wglenncampThat is for extension 200
18:31.29wglenncampThen I set the phone params on the phonexxx.cfg file and the server info on server.cfg
18:31.48wglenncampIt just seems to take a while for the network init.
18:32.08wglenncampBefore it starts to load the SIP junk.  It could just be me..  I am a bit impatient.
18:32.44[TK]D-Fenderwglenncamp, Please try again... I asked exactly what sip image files were being called in your <mac>.cfg file for that phone....
18:32.58*** join/#asterisk squish102 (
18:33.04wglenncampThey are working fine though.  No, probs.  Just a little slow on boot...  that's all
18:34.23[TK]D-Fenderwglenncamp, I asked you for 1 excruciating simple and specific thing and you are dancing around it.
18:34.41wglenncampDude, I'm not dancing...  So chill out
18:34.42[TK]D-Fenderwglenncamp, And showing me everything ELSE
18:35.13[TK]D-Fenderwglenncamp, When you mechanic asks to look under the hood, you don't start giving him a detailed tour of the glove compartment and trunk...
18:36.38wglenncampAnd, I don't take my car to a mechanic that has poor social skills.  I take my business elsewhere to someone that would help me understand the issue instead of getting frustrated with me.
18:36.58*** join/#asterisk Ahmuck (
18:37.17Ahmuckhey, i have a new slogan for asterisk - wanna here it?
18:37.31wglenncampIf the mechanic clearly understood, that I didn't understand his question, then he would reword it, or help get to the right answer.
18:37.38auraxis anyone experienced with loading
18:37.59Ahmuckthe new asterisk slogan - "your pbx on steroids" :-)
18:39.42[TK]D-Fenderwglenncamp, You're <mac>.cfg specifies exactly which SIP image file names to load for you phone, that is what I have been asking for.
18:39.58wglenncampIs that what you need?
18:40.04[TK]D-Fenderwglenncamp, Yes.
18:40.47[TK]D-Fenderwglenncamp, With SIP 2.2 they broke the SIP application into several model specific components as well as including a composite SIP.LD (huge) that encompasses all model as they used to.
18:41.28[TK]D-Fenderwglenncamp, Set your phone to use the model-specific versions as layed out in the admin guide for your 501 instead of loading the bloated composite image.
18:41.40wglenncampI see.  I'll check it out.  Thanks
18:44.03Ahmuckis there a way to simulate the phone service?
18:44.19Ahmuckhook up x number of POTS lines to another machine?
18:45.57auraxis anyone experienced with loading
18:45.57[TK]D-FenderAhmuck, simulate the phone serve to whom?
18:46.29[TK]D-FenderAhmuck, um... you want * to look like the telco to another PBX by any chance?
18:47.51*** join/#asterisk A500mg (
18:49.00Ahmuck[TK]D-Fender: yes
18:49.08Ahmuckfor testing
18:49.35[TK]D-FenderAhmuck, well this involves hardware expense which if only for testing is kinda wasteful, but here goes :
18:50.24[TK]D-FenderAhmuck, Digium TDM /400P /800P /2400P depending on the number of ports required.  With this you'd get FXS modules to cover the number of ports you require.
18:51.17[TK]D-FenderAhmuck, Other models : Sangoma A200 series, Rhino has  a modular card as well.  You could also use ATAs like the Linksys SPA-2102 or larger gatways lke the SPA-8000
18:59.06A500mgquestion: AEX800/TDM800 works with OSLEC ?
18:59.43[TK]D-FenderA500mg, And device using the Zaptel channel driver.
19:01.18tzafrirA500mg, it should. OSLEC simply uses the standard Zaptel EC interface
19:01.32A500mgok :)
19:01.49A500mgand if i use a b410p, a tdm01b, and oslec, no problem ?
19:02.31[TK]D-FenderA500mg, Same answer.........
19:02.59A500mgb410p use zaptel or misdn ?
19:03.21tzafrirb410p: should. Though it is misdn, so you'll have to rely on misdn's support of OSLEC.
19:03.34tzafrirIt should support it but I have no idea how wel lit works
19:04.58A500mgCan I use b410p with classic echo canceller, and in the same time a tdm400 with oslec ?
19:08.44A500mg(I don't know if I can use oslec with misdn, I've never used misdn ...)
19:08.45[TK]D-FenderA500mg, Zaptel uses a single routine period
19:09.18[TK]D-FenderA500mg, if your card uses Zaptel, then thats the final answer.  Whether MISDN supports anything seperate or is even relevent is another matter.
19:09.32A500mgooh ok
19:09.42A500mgno relation between zaptel and misdn
19:10.11A500mgif i configure oslec with zaptel, no effect on misdn echo cancelation
19:10.46A500mgok ok :)
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19:28.32QwellDeeewayne: hey
19:28.51DeeewayneQwell: howdy!
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19:29.10Qwellhow's the Easterly coast?
19:31.30wglenncamp[TK]D-Fender, Thanks for your help.  The new sip file sped things up.
19:31.32wglenncampThanks again
19:31.44wglenncampNext time, I'll read the manual
19:32.12wglenncamper, I mean release notes
19:32.29[TK]D-Fenderwglenncamp, Always a good thing to do.
19:33.45wglenncampI just assumed it all worked the same as the old versions.
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19:35.01DeeewayneQwell: pretty good, but raining :-(
19:35.07MmurdockWglenncamp: are you moving from 1.2 to 1.4?
19:35.20[TK]D-Fenderwglenncamp, there's a great saying for that.
19:35.26jbotAbout assumptions :
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19:46.13wglenncampMmurdock, no I was updating bootroms and sip on my polycom phones
19:47.34WilliamK2.2 is alot nicer on poly's
19:48.52[TK]D-FenderEspcially given the massive improvements to thee microbrowser, dial prefix prepening, Ring on CW, etc that they added.
19:49.32MmurdockWglenncamp: ah, cool.
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20:00.23seanwg123anyone know if its possible to make routes like '+14412995959'?
20:00.29seanwg123sorry extensions?
20:01.21[TK]D-Fenderseanwg123, Don't see why no.  Have you tried?
20:01.35piper69question: i signup with and they provided my sip number (i configure it in my ATA). i also signup with to get a phone number to tie it to my sip number, now when i call the phone number provided by ipkall i get the voice mail
20:01.42seanwg123it seems to treat + as regex
20:01.54[TK]D-Fenderseanwg123, Show us the full attempt and your dialplan
20:03.00[TK]D-Fenderpiper69, If you're configuring your ATA direct with another provider, we'll never know why.  We can't debug what the device is doing.
20:03.10[TK]D-Fenderseanwg123, Pastebin it all please.
20:03.13jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
20:03.46[TK]D-Fenderpiper69, You'd be advised to configure * to connect to your ITSP, and the ATA to *.
20:05.27piper69[TK]D-Fender: ok , i am waitting for timeshell he said he will helo me setup my *
20:06.03piper69[TK]D-Fender: i will not be using FX decives , just my ATA
20:06.22[TK]D-Fenderpiper69, well you have no debug to show for whats going on with your Cisco, and * isn't even involved.  We can't help you with this.
20:07.02[TK]D-Fenderpiper69, and what do you mean with "FX" devices?
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20:07.38piper69[TK]D-Fender: i completely understand your point of view, but i am sure that at 1 point in your life you were stuck with something and you tried to go to difrenet toom to get help
20:08.21[TK]D-Fenderpiper69, I don't ask my accountant to fix my car you know.  And you have nothing to offer us to even try to help you.
20:09.42piper69[TK]D-Fender: show me another channl , talk talk about voip and i will GO
20:10.05piper69abviouslly you guys are not accountant
20:11.25[TK]D-Fenderpiper69, Go find yourself a certified Cisco tech, try in #cisco, or get Google-ing for information.
20:12.09[TK]D-Fenderpiper69,  and this isn't #voip either.  Few of us here use that model and fewer still can debug anything other than its use with Asterisk.
20:12.39[TK]D-Fenderpiper69, Yes, we do know more about spcific models, but that isn't one of the more supported ones.
20:13.01piper69[TK]D-Fender: so are you the spoke man of the room
20:13.55[TK]D-Fenderpiper69, Do you know how many years I've been in here and how much time I spend supporting this channel and * in general?  That I also consult in it, go to the occasional conference, etc?
20:14.50piper69[TK]D-Fender: do you know how many years i am a 5ESS DCS switch engineer
20:14.52[TK]D-Fenderpiper69, or perhaps that I have redone if not created most of the jbot information snippets for support & tehnical info, written up support documents for * as well?
20:15.39piper69[TK]D-Fender: maybe all your life you will not even enter the control room for that equipment , but still that why we all are diffrent , you know something and i know something
20:15.49[TK]D-Fenderpiper69, yes, your experience is with 5ESS DCS.  That is a good thing of course, but you asked me about being at all worthy of being some kind of spokesperson for #asterisk.  I think I have answered that quite well.
20:16.31piper69so you could easily forget or ignore my questions if you think you can't help me
20:16.50piper69thats why i ask in the room , hoping if someone knows something about it
20:17.41wglenncampYou may be able to find you answer at #trixbox.  ;)
20:18.09piper69i really hate to cut this short , but i need to go somewhere now.
20:18.17piper69wglenncamp: i will try that thank you sir
20:18.38[TK]D-Fenderwglenncamp, Thats just mean....
20:18.57jerif i do a: dialplan add extension 1234,1,Dial,SIP/1234 into foo ... and the context 'foo' doesn't exist, does that create the context 'foo' ?
20:19.22[TK]D-Fenderjer, you mean from * CLI?
20:19.47[TK]D-Fenderjer, Unusual, but it would make perfect sense that it would.  Go try
20:19.55jeri suppose i could do that
20:20.16[TK]D-Fenderjer, when in doubt you should always try first.....
20:20.19jerah, failed to add it
20:20.30[TK]D-Fenderjer, its not like the answer would take even as long as your question :)
20:20.57jer[TK]D-Fender, this is true, my apologies
20:25.22[TK]D-Fenderjer, I do wonder though.... why would you even want to use the CLI to add stuff to your dialplan in such a temporary manner?
20:25.44jer[TK]D-Fender, i'm just poking around
20:26.27[TK]D-Fenderjer, have fun then...
20:27.58_x86_re all
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21:37.42tzafrir_homempg123 1.0 was released...
21:44.35WilliamKthat took a while
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22:39.34knarflyI installed the asterisk-gui but cannot find the readme file...anyone know where it is...Oh yes, I run FreeBSD not linux
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23:19.38wglenncampanother polycom question.. :)   My IP501 phones MWI is working, and when I click on messages, it shows an overview of what's on the server, but when I click connect on the phone it just hangs up.  Any ideas?
23:20.29*** join/#asterisk HybridStorm (
23:20.35[TK]D-Fenderwglenncamp, Go look in sip.cfg for "OneTouch" and your mwi contact.  By defaul it tries to dial the username you register as.
23:21.44wglenncampWhen I set the Onetouch, it phone doesn't do anything after that
23:22.08wglenncampLike it doesn't know where to dial, but I have it set in phone1.cfg
23:22.33[TK]D-Fenderwglenncamp, pastebin the appropriate tags from each
23:22.35jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
23:23.13wglenncampok, one sec.
23:24.41HybridStormwhat is the best way to do failover support in asterisk?
23:25.45[TK]D-FenderHybridStorm, What you attempting to maintain in this "failover" and what role * plays is the key factor in answering that question.
23:26.39[TK]D-Fenderwglenncamp, So you want it to dial 8500 for VMM?
23:27.46HybridStorm[TK]D-Fender, what I am looking to do is have a hot spare asterisk box on call should my first one lose connectivity within my data center space and have it swap over automatically.
23:28.58wglenncampMaybe a dialplan issue?  Possibly?
23:30.03Greek-Boy[TK]D-Fender I remember when I asked you what asterisk trunk is you said something about asterisk 1.6
23:30.09Greek-Boyis "trunk" a code name?
23:30.53[TK]D-Fenderwglenncamp, Looks fine.... pastebin a failed attempt to use at verbose 10 SIP debug enabled.
23:32.18[TK]D-FenderGreek-Boy, Not so much... I'm not sure the best way to word that.  Any of the core developers would be able to elaborate better.  Try asking Qwell, file, Corydon, etc when they're around.
23:32.38[TK]D-Fenderwglenncamp, Could be, thats why I want to see exactly what comes up.
23:32.53wglenncampnothing to debug, the phone doesn't even attempt to dial
23:32.59wglenncampjust tried it
23:34.13[TK]D-Fenderwglenncamp, So you push "Messages" and nothing seems to happen at all?
23:34.32Greek-Boywill do
23:34.41[TK]D-Fenderwglenncamp, pastebin your <mac>.cfg please
23:38.19wglenncampI pasted my <mac>.cfg and phone1.cfg
23:39.19[TK]D-Fenderwglenncamp, So you see nothing with SIP debug enabled at * CLI?
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23:39.40filetrunk is where new development appears.
23:40.03[TK]D-Fenderwglenncamp, Have you attempted any other ke-remapping?
23:40.20wglenncampnope.  Everything is default.
23:40.30wglenncampI can dial the extension directly from the phone though
23:40.36file(At least for Asterisk... Zaptel is a different story...)
23:41.23[TK]D-Fenderwglenncamp, take a look in Menu > Status > Platform > Configuration directly on the phone
23:41.46[TK]D-Fenderwglenncamp, Verify what files and in which order they are listed
23:42.30[TK]D-Fenderwglenncamp, And when you showed me sip.cfg and & phone1.cfg, were those only portions of those files?
23:43.31wglenncampno, they were the whole file.  But, I also have another file that gets used..  phone<extension>.cfg
23:43.42wglenncampand server.cfg
23:44.37[TK]D-Fenderwglenncamp, I think you're missing enough of the nested tags in those 2 files to make the onles you left functional...
23:45.14[TK]D-Fenderwglenncamp, For instance a stock phone1.cfg is encased in a <phone1> tage, etc....
23:45.41[TK]D-Fenderwglenncamp, you might want to scrap your preakdown method and try to do them off the base files as provided.
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23:46.06[TK]D-Fenderwglenncamp, Tag heirarchy issues are the trickiest to debug
23:46.13wglenncampI see.
23:46.41wglenncampWeird thing is that this setup works fine in a (cough cough) ....
23:47.05[TK]D-Fenderwglenncamp, Decapitation works wonders for coughs like that!
23:48.03wglenncampI looked at the platform info, and they looked right though.  All of the files that are supposed to be listed are listed
23:48.19wglenncampBut, I didn't realize order was a big concern
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23:49.08[TK]D-Fenderwglenncamp, Order can matter if a tage repeats, etc.  Listing a minimal inner/outer tags, etc
23:49.30[TK]D-Fenderwglenncamp, Unless you really know what you're doing, rocking the boat will break things in funny ways....
23:57.45*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (n=nikolai@

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