IRC log for #asterisk on 20071222

00:02.40*** join/#asterisk apocn (n=htejeda@unaffiliated/apocn)
00:03.06apocnI have registered skype to a softswitch, how can I let a sip user make calls through it?
00:03.09*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
00:07.00mostyapocn, what softswitch?
00:14.33apocnmosty: its a class 4
00:14.52apocnI registered with my softphone (same user/pass) and I could make international calls
00:15.06apocnnow I registered my asterisk cause I want my users to make calls through it too
00:15.46apocnhow can I tell the Dial to go through it? making a [my_provider] on sip.conf as peer
00:16.04mostyapocn, what make/model softswitch?
00:16.14mostywhat software?
00:17.28apocnmosty: its a veraz
00:17.31apocndont know the model
00:18.25chisefu|afkhow are you guys accessing your sip.conf files?
00:18.57mostychisefu|afk, we use our favorite text editor. try #asterisk-gui for help with asterisknow
00:19.22mostyapocn, so you are trying to figure out how to send calls to the softswitch from asterisk?
00:21.22*** join/#asterisk beek (
00:22.21apocnmosty: right
00:22.32*** join/#asterisk chuck64 (
00:23.08apocnmosty: I want to know how to make calls through it from my softswitch (to an external phone or cellphone).
00:23.21mostyapocn, setup a peer in sip.conf then Dial(SIP/thepeernameyouchose/thenumbertodial,timeout)
00:23.43mostythen you'll have to figure out how to configure the softswitch
00:28.12chuck64Hello. Joe Newbie here... I'm just hanging out hoping to soak up some knowledge.
00:29.25*** join/#asterisk WilliamK (
00:31.06chuck64Can anyone suggest a good ATA and a reliable VOIP-to-PSTN provider?
00:31.51apocnmosty : yes the softswitch is setup
00:31.52chuck64USA. I'll eventually add Asterisk to the equation, but not at first.
00:32.15jwhhm, not sure then
00:32.23jwhif you find a reasonable carrier let me know :P
00:32.31chuck64uh oh...
00:33.08chuck64I'm guessing Skype and Vonage are curse words in this crowd?
00:33.18jwhguess so ;p
00:33.55chuck64well ok... I'll take my chances with a no-name provider. Any suggestions on an ATA?
00:34.35jwhcan't recommend any, just buy/acquire a sensible voip phone
00:34.42chuck64I saw the Systm episode where the guy used a Sipura. How are they now that Linksys bought them?
00:35.18mostyata's are cheap, but you won't get as good call quality as with a real sip phone
00:35.27mostyand less features
00:35.36mostybut the linksys ata's are ok
00:35.59chuck64well, OK. Maybe I'm attacking this from the wrong end.
00:36.01*** part/#asterisk E-bola (
00:36.11apocnmosty : now I have setup a peer in sip.conf, but... how does it know that it will have to go through the "register" ?
00:36.13chuck64What's a cheap way to get set up with VOIP phone service?
00:36.26apocnwhat parameter should I give this "peer" in sip.conf?
00:36.40apocnits fromdomain?
00:37.02mostyapocn, no, that's done in the dialplan, extensions.conf - sounds like you should read the book
00:37.05jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
00:37.23mostychuck64, get a sip phone or ata, and get an account with a voip provider
00:45.09apocnmosty: you didnt get me
00:45.38apocnI know in extensions.conf you specify where you go, but... Im talking about the sip.conf
00:45.40mostyapocn, read that free online book jbot mentioned, it will get you started
00:45.43apocnwhen I create my [peer]
00:46.19apocnhow will the peer know that it must go through the "register" ??
00:46.25mostyapocn, the dialplan says where to send calls, sip.conf just defines what peers you can send calls to
00:46.27apocnand not for example a local extension
00:46.48mostyapocn, see the syntax of the dial command
00:46.57apocnI know that
00:47.07apocnI think you are not understanding me...
00:47.16mostycan you rephrase your question?
00:47.46apocnok, in sip.conf I have [my_provider] type=peer, dtmfmode=rfc2833, etc...
00:48.24apocnI also have my register => user:pass@mydomain
00:48.29mostyyes, and?
00:48.51apocnin my extensions I have _NXXXXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@my_provider)
00:49.16apocnnow, how does asterisk know that he must route this my_provider through the registry?
00:49.29mostyi think you misunderstand what sip registration is
00:49.46mostythe sip register command just tells "my_provider" where to send incoming calls
00:50.33mostyit's like saying to my_provider "i'm logging in from here, so you know how to send incoming calls to me"
00:50.47apocnI see, thats why there is a /extension on the register line
00:50.57apocn... ok
00:52.06mostyyou only need to register to your provider if your provider thinks you have a dynamic ip
00:52.28apocnnow, if I have a:, type=peer, username=myuser, pass=mypass
00:52.45apocnand I Dial(SIP/ext@my_provider), it should work?
00:53.03apocnwhere username and pass are the ones used to authenticate to the softswitch
00:53.13mostyapocn, yes
00:53.26apocnI like jbot! hehe
00:53.42apocnmosty: ok, thanks a LOT
00:53.52mostyno prob
00:57.37*** join/#asterisk mechanicus01 (n=none@
01:00.26*** join/#asterisk mechanicus01 (n=none@
01:02.22WilliamKCan one make asterisk listen on multiple ports? (5060/5061)
01:04.46mostyWilliamK, if not, try port forwarding
01:19.00WilliamKanyone know what the default duplex setting is on an SPA-2002?
01:20.04mostyWilliamK, duplex?
01:20.19WilliamKon the ethernet side
01:22.03mostyi would imagine that any ethernet device made in the last ten years is either autosense or full duplex by default
01:22.30WilliamKactually I found it... 10/half
01:23.04WilliamKwhich is surprising considering we are talking about a voip adapter
01:23.14chuck64yeah... pretty amazing
01:23.41mostyWilliamK, maybe it's autosensing that setting
01:25.07WilliamKI finally googled enough docs and also looked at the cisco switch
01:26.43WilliamKwhat I find very amusing is the postage machine works but the fax machine won't on the SPA-2002
01:29.08chuck64Does anyone have an opinion/suggestion on a WiFi VOIP phone?
01:45.35*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
01:46.59*** join/#asterisk nny_1 (
01:47.08nny_1~ grandstream
01:47.09jbotgrandstream is probably the Yugo of VoIP hardware.  Run.  Run away now.
01:47.23nny_1~ budgetone
01:48.55riddleboxnny_1, I have three grandstream gxp2000 phones and have no problems at all
01:49.35nny_1riddlebox: looking at something for a lrage deployment for users who need nada
01:50.21nny_1either the soundpoint 320 or the budgetone, and the budgetone,wekk.. i don't have high hopes
01:50.40riddleboxI hear polycom's are the best choice
01:53.22mostysnom and linksys are also ok
01:54.10riddleboxI am interested in getting a linksys wifi cordless
01:54.10nny_1have a client with snoms
01:54.15nny_1scripts/ *** CFLAGS was changed in "/usr/src/zaptel-". Fix it to use EXTRA_CFLAGS.  Stop.
01:54.30riddleboxnny_1, ubuntu?
01:54.44nny_1riddlebox: indeed
01:54.59riddleboxnny_1, did you apt-get install build-essential?
01:55.02nny_1riddlebox: hehehe hardy (don't shoot me) trying to get snmp working on this test box
01:55.21nny_1riddlebox: yes
01:55.44*** join/#asterisk coppice (
01:55.48riddleboxhrmm I am not sure then
01:55.58nny_1riddlebox: yeah np i'll figure it out
01:56.11nny_1had dapper, and the net-snmp version had linked library issues
01:56.18riddleboxI upgraded my asterisk box from feisty to gutsy with no problem at all
01:56.41*** join/#asterisk pikos (n=pikos@
01:56.49riddleboxactually it is my mythtv and asterisk box
01:56.54nny_1riddlebox: yeah this was dapper LTS, just installed teh hardy alpha in hopes to take a shot.. seems it needs libsnmp15 (AFAIK)
01:56.57pikoshello all
01:59.30pikosdoes any one knows if i can alter the priority proprty in realtime into a varchar rather than an int?
01:59.47pikosfor the extentions
02:04.31pikosok then .. next question .. is there a way i can dynamicly alter the <number> into a context ? lets say "exten => ${MYVAR},1,Answer" ??
02:05.38riddleboxis there a way to have a conference call and set it to record when I press * and to stop # whenever I want
02:09.35*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (n=tzafrir@
02:13.29mostyriddlebox, enable one-touch recording in features.conf
02:14.17riddleboxI figured it was possible
02:19.12*** join/#asterisk __freedom__lover (
02:20.04__freedom__loverhey, can anyone say me if "ASTERISK-MIB::astNumChannels.0" is the number of activies channels?
02:22.19Nugget  <-- the Programmer Hieracrchy
02:22.27NuggetHierarchy, even.
02:25.37__freedom__loverNugget that's great
02:27.24nny_1how would you compile zaptel to not include hotplugging support
02:32.43mostynny_1, what's wrong with hotplugging support?
02:32.59nny_1mosty: make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.24-2-server'
02:32.59nny_1scripts/ *** CFLAGS was changed in "/usr/src/zaptel-". Fix it to use EXTRA_CFLAGS.  Stop.
02:33.11nny_1mosty: can't seem to satiate the makefile changes it is asking for
02:33.40mostywhat does that have to do with hotplug?
02:34.06nny_1eh maybe i assumed that was the issue as it stated make -C /usr/src/linux SUBDIRS=/usr/src/zaptel- HOTPLUG_FIRMWARE=yes modules
02:34.17nny_1but either way, still trying to get around the issue
02:35.16mostyare you using a clean zaptel source?
02:35.44nny_1mosty: yes
02:35.57nny_1mosty: 1.4.7
02:36.05nny_1mosty: well.. i have hpec in it
02:36.55mostyyou applied a patch to zaptel? does it compile without that patch?
02:39.40nny_1mosty: no patch
02:39.50nny_1mosty: well maybe not considered a patch
02:39.56nny_1i can try without anything in hpec dir
02:43.59nny_1hmmph nope
02:44.45*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux[m] (
02:47.18*** join/#asterisk adjohn (
02:50.06*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (
02:57.56*** join/#asterisk mog (n=mog@nat/digium/x-ac62de182e868059)
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02:58.21*** join/#asterisk pirulo (n=andres_p@
02:59.04*** join/#asterisk teknoprep (n=tekno@unaffiliated/teknoprep)
02:59.13teknoprepdial plans are crazy complex
02:59.21teknoprepmy brain hurts from learning this crap
03:02.23*** part/#asterisk pirulo (n=andres_p@
03:03.16*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=pepOSX@
03:03.52nny_1teknoprep: heh we are hopefully going to be doign one for 2k phones here
03:03.57nny_1imagine that
03:04.34jwhrather you that me ;p
03:05.21teknoprepits not the amount of phones that makes it complicated
03:05.40teknoprepits when you get into queues / IVR's / recording / dial plans
03:05.51teknoprepphones just take time to add as an extension
03:06.09teknoprepif you have 2k phones on 1 queue that would be very simple
03:07.49nny_1well yeah true
03:08.55teknoprepi have been setting up my systems using freepbx
03:09.07teknoprepbut i am tired of using a web gui and not knowing what is going on
03:09.16teknoprepbut i am tired of reading right now
03:09.35teknoprepi need to get my box in my basement for my house setup on a purely asterisk machine
03:09.41teknoprepi think i will do this on sunday
03:10.02teknoprepi want to setup a colocated server for small business's we are working with
03:10.10teknoprepinstead of selling them a one time solution for VoIP
03:10.36teknoprepwe want to just install phones and maby an embeded PfSense router running on a small embeded device for QoS
03:10.55teknoprepthen sell them there voip connections which are colocated elsewhere
03:11.01teknoprepsince we have the customer base already
03:11.16teknoprepwe would make monthly charges over the hi price installation charges
03:11.27teknopreponly thing is you can't run freepbx for this type of situation
03:11.35teknoprepso here i am learning asterisk
03:11.56teknoprepi do have to say tho i do not see many limitations of freepbx when using a single server for a med sized business
03:12.25teknoprepthe only real limitation i have found with freepbx is when trying to run multiple sites on a single asterisk box using freepbx as a configuration point
03:14.35nny_1yeah freepbx wouldn't really give you much in the way of config for that
03:14.40nny_1i started with asterisknow
03:14.55teknoprepthat wouldn't work either
03:15.50*** join/#asterisk mordaunt (n=mordaunt@unaffiliated/mordaunt)
03:16.07*** join/#asterisk angom (n=Angel@
03:16.12teknoprepwhere is the asterisk db ?
03:16.23teknoprepwhen i tell it to write something to the DB where does it go?
03:20.50nny_1yeah indeed it wouldn
03:24.48*** join/#asterisk jaxxan (n=jaxxan@
03:24.55jaxxanhey guys
03:25.55jaxxanany of you have any experience sending/receiving sms with Asterisk via SS7?
03:26.43jaxxanI find myself with two SMSC's, neither of which I can really use to dissect the contents of SMS and redirect to another server or database.
03:27.34jaxxanI'm thinking about using Asterisk to receive an SMS from a mobile user, verifying the contents of the message somehow and send back an acknowledgement of some sort.
03:53.16*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
03:55.55*** part/#asterisk nny_1 (
03:58.06*** join/#asterisk [gnubie] (n=[gnubie]
04:04.47*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
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04:19.37*** join/#asterisk IgorG (
04:23.48piper69i was able to downgrade my Cisco ATA186 to v3.1.0 atasip from v3.1.1 atasccp. i am also able to access i am not able to get H.323 to work , can someone help me please
04:34.14[gnubie]anyone here uses the inbound service?
04:50.49Majostis there another command I should use?
04:56.23NuggetMajost: SendDTMF
05:07.54piper69Majost: is it gated community
05:08.16MajostApartment complex, but yes.
05:08.37piper69Majost: but if you called the gate number you can't open it
05:08.45piper69Majost: i tried that
05:09.02piper69when someone call me i press 9 to open
05:09.05MajostYeah.. I want to setup an access code bypass in case I forget my keys
05:09.42piper69Majost: i lost you ?
05:10.16MajostAs in... if I dial a valid access code, it will open the gate
05:10.21piper69Majost: i have mine routed to my cellphone
05:10.52piper69Majost: maybe your is diffrent ?!
05:11.29Majostnah... I just forget my keys and phone in the apartment from time to time, and the gate closes behind me.
05:14.46*** join/#asterisk justdave (n=dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
05:14.48piper69hire someone to open it for you
05:16.14piper69will be like that other joke, that someone hired a miged and put him inside his car just incase if he locked his keys
05:17.01Majostnever heard it. heh
05:18.27piper69or the guy that bought a new car and was scared someone will steal the new car, so he bought a car alarm and wire it to a bomi3
05:19.32*** join/#asterisk jer (n=jtregunn@unaffiliated/jer)
05:20.38piper69btw , do you guys think if an ATA works with 12DCV 1A , and i connected with 12DCV 500mA will work fine
05:24.18*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=pepOSX@
05:26.12MajostProbably wont power on... or will do weird things
05:26.38MajostI have done that with small switches with those results.
05:26.45Majostbut you never know.
05:59.47*** part/#asterisk [gnubie] (n=[gnubie]
06:21.43*** join/#asterisk vn (
06:22.01vnhi, anyone knows of a smartphone that supports SIP?
06:22.22vnor one on which I can use voip with SIP while connected on a 802.11b/g wlan
06:23.26vnand uhm does asterisk has some ATS-like functionnality?
06:34.55*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (n=nikolai@
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06:54.54*** join/#asterisk AJaymn (
07:02.33*** join/#asterisk Maliuta_ (n=nikolai@
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07:31.15*** part/#asterisk AJaymn (
08:02.20*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (
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08:46.37*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (n=NightMon@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/NightMonkey)
09:02.06*** join/#asterisk af_ (
09:17.01*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (n=nikolai@
09:20.39*** join/#asterisk _ys (
10:03.51*** join/#asterisk mamep (
10:04.33mamephow can i connect two numbers using asterisk ..... like a conference
10:05.06*** join/#asterisk mog (
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10:12.17*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (n=nikolai@
10:18.56*** part/#asterisk ming_zym (
10:20.22*** join/#asterisk becks` (
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10:28.46becks`somebody knows why there is no good open-source sip client?
10:30.43*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (
10:37.13*** join/#asterisk Psychobilly (
10:51.13Psychobillyhello, can anyone suggest me some h323 providers?
10:55.54*** join/#asterisk coppice (
11:02.51*** join/#asterisk matsk (n=mk@
11:21.27*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (
11:21.34*** join/#asterisk cjk (
11:22.18cjkhi, i would like when my phone rings to play a sound to the calling party after X seconds (please hold the line), but my phone should keep ringing. any hint to put me on the right track?
11:23.34mvanbaakuse a queue
11:30.30*** join/#asterisk Greek-Boy (n=email@
11:44.22*** join/#asterisk MacWinner (
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11:46.05cjkmvanbaak, ok, thanks
11:49.34*** join/#asterisk guillote_GNU (
12:03.39*** join/#asterisk cpm (n=Chip@pdpc/supporter/active/cpm)
12:06.45MacWinnerwhat's the best iax softphone?
12:08.48*** join/#asterisk arctanx (n=VK7NML@pdpc/supporter/base/arctanx) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
12:09.38*** join/#asterisk squigly (
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12:23.13*** join/#asterisk ronr_ (
12:24.03ronr_hi, I'm getting a Error: missing /dev/zap error, I already ran make install-udev and restarted udev (debian etch), but no succes, any ideas?
12:33.47*** join/#asterisk Winkie (
12:35.07*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (n=tzafrir@
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12:44.58MacWinnerin my demo install of asterisk, when i dial an unknown extension, the "s" extension is not matching.. but if I dial the 1000 demo extension, it jumps to the "s" extension fine
12:45.14MacWinneris the "s" extension supposed to match all unknown extensions?
12:45.45ronr_found it (I was compiling zaptel with kernel headers that were slightly off)
12:46.04ronr_MacWinner: no, s means 'the next priority'
12:47.02MacWinneroh, is the info at innacurate?
12:47.07MacWinneror am i reading it incorrectly?
12:48.48ronr_MacWinner: no, I read it wrong and was confused with n
12:49.17MacWinneroh.. ok.. damn
12:50.42*** join/#asterisk ozus (n=ozus@
13:00.19ronr_I got a BBned ISDN 15 E1, anyone here knows what my zaptel.conf should look like and how I can test if zaptel is configured correctly?
13:09.22*** join/#asterisk Washy (i=Washy@gateway/tor/x-4728cb7ac6fe2d81)
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13:09.41Washycan you tunnel VoIP through ssh or a VPN?
13:11.14Greek-Boyits actually adviseable to do so Washy
13:12.06WashyWell unfortunately I'm calling PTSN phones so that's not avail but that's not Y I wanna
13:13.04Greek-Boywell if you are interconnecting asterisk boxes via IAX2 or using a SIP provider, VPN tunnels are a plus I would say
13:14.25WashyI am using a SIP provider
13:14.36Washyfor SIP to PTSN service
13:15.17*** join/#asterisk Koshatul (
13:15.30Greek-BoyI think that most SIP providers do not offer VPN access
13:15.35Greek-Boybut u can try your luck
13:17.34WashyI know, I wanted to route my calls through another host
13:26.25shido6go for it washy. :)
13:26.41shido6go to another host then that host terminates the call through another host?
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13:42.16*** join/#asterisk mvanbaak (
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13:58.27squiglyso imtrying to figure out why my phone keeps on hanging up
13:58.34squiglyi keep on getting lines like
13:58.51squiglyRetransmitting #5 (NAT) to XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
13:58.52*** join/#asterisk adjohn (
13:59.22squiglywhen i run sip debug
13:59.28squiglyany idea where to start to figure this out
14:00.51jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT :  otherwise check the WIKI at
14:01.07mvanbaakgo read that
14:06.21*** join/#asterisk mosty (
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14:19.04squiglymvanbaak, so i possibly need to add the qualify directive to my sip.conf for those handsets behind nat?
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14:44.07MacWinnerteliax or vitelity for origination?
14:48.46*** join/#asterisk LakeSolon (
14:56.54mostysquigly, with qualify=yes asterisk will send packets periodically so the nat doesn't timeout
14:58.29*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
14:58.51squiglydo you some times have to fiddle the quallify value?
14:59.39mostyi've never had to, i just use the default qualify=yes
15:00.27squiglyi have handsets on the local lan and i am getting unreachable messages from them
15:01.49squiglyis a call thats going out through asterisk getting routed to the asterisk server?
15:03.15squiglyi see these? what does that mean
15:05.04mvanbaakthat means the phone had a sip ping time of more then 2000 ms
15:05.16mvanbaakif that happens, asterisk marks them as UNREACHABLE
15:05.23squiglythats asterisk talking to it directly?
15:05.34mvanbaakthat you cannot see by that line
15:05.47mvanbaakit does not tell what ip it talks to etc. you can only see that in sip debug
15:05.50squiglywhat should i look for?
15:05.56squiglyim in sip debug
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15:07.18squiglythe peer 9001 is a local peer its siting on the desk next to my server
15:08.24mvanbaakthen your network is borked, because on a lan you should never see sip pingtimes that high
15:08.29mvanbaakor is it a wifi phone ?
15:08.37*** join/#asterisk SKu||LL (n=Pada-@
15:08.43squiglyits a ethernet attached phone
15:08.49SKu||LLhi there
15:08.51squiglycan i show you the sip debug?
15:09.01squiglyim begining to think this is a broke switch
15:09.08squigly(this all worked a little while ago)
15:09.09mvanbaaksure, but wont matter
15:09.32mvanbaakbecause if it's on a lan and switching between reachable/unreachable something is wrong with your lan
15:09.47squiglyi have another switch
15:09.50mvanbaakeither the lan is saturated (virus or worm or something) or the connection is borked
15:12.44*** join/#asterisk matsk (n=mk@
15:13.00squiglyhmm im thinking there is some thing wrong with the voip device, its a billion modem
15:13.07tzafrir_homeor the cable is bad
15:13.10squiglyas soon as i hang up it goes good again
15:13.18squiglyyeah let me swap cables
15:13.41*** join/#asterisk matsk (n=mk@
15:14.17blitzragemorning all
15:14.42mvanbaakhey blitzrage
15:14.50*** join/#asterisk matsk (n=mk@
15:14.52SKu||LLhi blitzrage
15:15.19blitzragehey hey. How goes this fine Saturday?
15:15.24squiglyare some voip devices just not able to handle the request that comes from qualify?
15:15.51mvanbaaksquigly: only really weird devices
15:15.55*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (
15:15.57blitzragesquigly: some... but it's rare
15:16.10blitzrageasterisk just cares about a response... not even what it really gets back
15:16.25blitzrageeven a 489 Bad Event is ok
15:16.30*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
15:16.53squiglyok swapped cables
15:17.40SKu||LLblitzrage are you a core team developer in the @ team ?
15:17.52blitzrageno, I write documentation and do implementations
15:18.06SKu||LLthat's good nice too meet you
15:18.10blitzrageI'm one of the few who actually know how to use Asterisk :)
15:18.20blitzrageyou too
15:18.51*** join/#asterisk lmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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15:19.05lmadsengah.... Q is too close to Tab
15:19.35SKu||LLi know a little but thing i am doin' those days is tryin to integrate a win app to administrate @ i know that it's exist many ready to use things but it's just an idea like a lot evoluating around the @ project
15:20.34SKu||LLalso interested in the new app_chanspy in the 1.4 but still not try the -w -W
15:20.44SKu||LLv V
15:21.53Qwell@ project?
15:22.50SKu||LLi was just meaning asterisk project
15:23.11squiglyso, all i can think of is that the hardware here is broken, damnit
15:24.41*** join/#asterisk masus (n=ethemc@
15:25.06mvanbaaksquigly: try qualify=4000
15:25.56squiglyi have a sip on my mobile ill try with that tomororw but tonight i cant handle typing alll the details
15:26.07masushi all, does anyone know how to replace a string in extensions. EXAMPLE SET(TEST=0049214?0049:0) so the result will be 0214
15:26.38masuscan anybody help ?
15:28.36ManxPowermasus: read doc/channelvariables.txt in the Asterisk source directory.
15:28.45squiglydo local extention settings override global settings?
15:28.58ManxPowernotice the :x and :x:y format of channel variables
15:29.08ManxPowersquigly: your question is too vague
15:29.21masusok i'll see
15:32.34masusi have only /doc/README.variables
15:32.43masusand there is no information about replace
15:33.14ManxPowermasus: in 1.2 it is called README.variables.  You do not want to replace, you want to remove parts of the variable
15:34.07masusso we cant replace ?
15:34.12*** join/#asterisk _ys (
15:34.35masusbecause the length is not always the same
15:34.50masusso i cant cut the first 4 characters
15:35.02masussometime it's 5 sometime 4
15:35.50masusso i need something like this -> SET(TEST=replace(0049214,0049,0)); and the result will be 0214
15:35.53*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (
15:36.39*** join/#asterisk FlatFoot (n=chatzill@
15:37.03ManxPoweryou are removing 0049
15:37.15ManxPowerso it would be Set(TEST=${BOB:4})
15:37.19ManxPowerthis is not rocket science
15:38.26ManxPowerthen you will have to look at much more complex functions.
15:38.41ManxPower"show applications" and "show functions"
15:39.18masusi have found what i want thanks
15:42.02*** part/#asterisk masus (n=ethemc@
15:47.30*** part/#asterisk ming_zym (
15:52.02*** part/#asterisk ManxPower (
15:54.17squiglyso it was buggy software on my router, thats connecting to the asterisk, which is now fixed combined with the loop number i was calling not being a loop and it hanging up on me!
16:09.23rob0If Asterisk isn't rocket science, how come Digium is based in a NASA town?
16:09.36*** join/#asterisk thansen|laptop (
16:13.19*** join/#asterisk maache (i=maache@
16:17.24squiglyis there a howto on setting up registration?
16:17.34squiglyso people can dial into my DID?
16:28.59*** join/#asterisk timeshell (n=Khoja@
16:29.43timeshellI am a new user of asterisk-gui as up until now I've been using CLI and .conf files to manage my asterisk server 1.2
16:29.55timeshellI just upgraded to 1.4 and am trying to install/use asterisk=gui
16:30.16timeshellDoes the asterisk-gui use your previous .conf files without modification?
16:30.55timeshellAnd second, although my permissions in the manager.conf are set correctly, the webpage keeps telling me they are not when I try to go to the basiccfg.html page
16:31.04timeshellSo, I'm looking for a little help here.
16:31.11timeshellPlease.  :)
16:36.01lmadsenjbot: tell squigly about book
16:36.37mostytimeshell, we don't support asterisknow here, try #asterisk-gui
16:36.57timeshellI don't have asterisknow
16:37.02timeshelljust asterisk
16:37.07timeshellself compiled
16:37.16timeshellbut thanks
16:37.19mostyi thought you said you were trying to use asterisk-gui
16:37.32timeshellI installed it long after I installed asterisk
16:37.33mostythat's asterisknow, isn't it?
16:37.44timeshellIsn't asterisknow a prebuilt appliance?
16:37.48timeshellI dunno
16:37.56timeshellI haven't done anything specifically for asterisknow
16:37.56mostyi think they're the same thing
16:38.15*** join/#asterisk piper69 (n=haiger@unaffiliated/piper69)
16:38.19mostywell beware that asterisk-gui will probably overwrite all your config files later if you use that
16:38.29piper69good morning all
16:38.32timeshellI've already backed em up
16:38.35timeshellBUt so far it hasn't
16:39.16mostyre manager.conf, are the file permissions ok? and the permissions inside the file?
16:39.32piper69what is a good free voip for incoming calls
16:39.34timeshellI was wondering about that
16:39.34mostyalso check the ownership
16:39.42timeshellInside the file they are correct
16:39.47timeshellEverything is running as root
16:39.52timeshellAnd the file permissions are root
16:39.57lmadsenpiper69: free world dialup -- there is no free providers for connecting to the telephone network
16:40.06timeshell(been meaning to change that btw)
16:40.22mostytimeshell, what user is asterisk running as?
16:40.35timeshellpiper69: Depends on where you are
16:40.37piper69lmadsen: i meant to call from my landline to voip
16:40.43piper69timeshell: usa
16:40.46lmadsenthat's what I just said
16:40.50lmadsendoesn't exist
16:40.56lmadsentelephony network == money
16:40.56timeshellpiper69: none that I know of there.  I have a free UK and Rome number
16:41.19lmadsenget a pre-paid account for 1.1 cents a minute
16:41.40piper69timeshell: what about free digits
16:41.41timeshellTo call into VOIP there are free gateway numbers
16:42.10timeshellAnd then you call the VOIP number
16:42.24mostypiper69, it will cost you money to connect to the regular telephone network
16:42.49timeshellmostly:  That really depends on haow
16:43.07timeshellSkype Pro is good for outgoing very cheap
16:43.10timeshellWith chanskype
16:43.24Qwellchan_skype is junk
16:43.27timeshellIncoming you can use a PSTN gatway
16:43.36mostyshow me a telephone company that will give you free access to the regular company, and i will show you a company going out of business
16:43.37timeshellAnd then dial the SIP # from there
16:43.57mostyregular telephone network, rather
16:44.01timeshellQwell: I use it and it works very well for me.  All my home phones go through it and most of my calls are long distance through Skype
16:44.16piper69mosty: i don't want to call i want people to be able to call me
16:44.21timeshellQwell:  It is the only suitable asterisk channel to skype right now so I'd hardly call it junk
16:44.34Qwellexcept that it isn't even suitable
16:44.42Qwellit's complete junk
16:44.45mostypiper69, that still costs the telco money- they wont give that to you for free
16:45.03timeshellQwell:  Again, I say you're wrong.  It works which is good enough for me.  The call quality is acceptable.
16:45.10lmadsenI think it's ridiculous people aren't willing to pay the 1.1 cents a minute several good ITSP's provide
16:45.24Qwellacceptable doesn't make it good, by any means
16:45.28lmadsentimeshell: you can't say he's wrong -- you can disagree though
16:45.41lmadsenjust because you think you're right doesn't make Qwell wrong (and vice-versa)
16:45.54timeshellImadsen:  Same diffference.
16:46.01Qwelllmadsen: Qwell is always right :p
16:46.36timeshellQwell: Show me an alternative the chanskype that works as an asterisk channel and I'll happily consider it.
16:46.36lmadsentimeshell: not really, unless you really are wrong
16:46.52Qwelltimeshell: there isn't one
16:46.55lmadsenand 'same difference' is a misnomer
16:46.57timeshelllmadsen:  Well in this case it's not really relevent
16:47.22timeshellI don't concern myself with symantics when you really already understand what I meant
16:47.22piper69have you tried
16:47.32piper69its free to recive phone calls
16:48.01lmadsenQwell: well... I can't say you're not a newb :)
16:48.08timeshellQwell: Hence I rest my case.  I agree it's not the best way to implement a channel, however, it does the job.
16:48.08lmadsenerr... can*
16:48.37Qwelltimeshell: can it run without X?
16:48.41timeshellQwell:  And since nothing else does the job, it in itself is the best available.
16:49.02lmadsenX on an Asterisk server... ya that *must* make it good
16:49.11timeshellQwell:  not to my knowledge, I use X on it anyway.
16:50.19timeshelllmadsen:  I only run a single main server at home.  I'm an energy mizer.  While in practice it's not the best, it works with minimal resource impact.
16:50.39Qwellyou'd use less energy without X
16:50.48mostypiper69, i'm skeptical
16:50.49piper69lmadsen: timeshell : let me put it this way , can i get a free SIP and program my ata to use it
16:51.01piper69mosty: what do you mean
16:51.04lmadsen"a free SIP" does not compute
16:51.06Qwellpiper69: to make/receive calls?  no
16:51.14timeshellQwell:  I use the server for other things as well, not just asterisk.  X will be on it anyway therefore that's not really an argument
16:51.15piper69Qwell: to recive
16:51.42mostypiper69, that site does not say specifically what sort of telephone number they will give you
16:52.22piper69mosty: yes, and the only downside is that you will get a number that is not in you local area
16:52.53mostyif they give you a mongolian mobile number, will your friends be willing to pay the cost of calling you?
16:53.12timeshellpiper69, let's go private
16:53.24lmadsenugh.... smells like sex in here
16:54.11*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
16:55.01mostypiper69, the website is so light on details, i would be very skeptical
17:05.05*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
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17:31.56MacWinnerso i setup a voipjet peer to their test server, but how exactly do you see if it peered correctly?  iax2 show peers says it's unmonitored
17:36.03timeshellshow sip registry
17:47.58MacWinnerso the default playback of audio file is a little choppy.. and pointers on tweaks to make this better?  is it just codec/bandwidth related?
17:53.21carrarMake sure nothing else is running on the machine
17:53.38carrarmake sure your network is fast between both points and not oversaturated with packets
17:54.02carrarMake sure the file is good to begin with
17:54.30carrarBest to keep the phone audio format the same as the file being played so there is no transcoding
17:54.38carraror vs versa
17:55.39*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
17:58.02*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (
18:00.20MacWinnercool.. i was just testing out the default asterisk welcome prompt
18:00.37MacWinnerbandwidth should be fine.. maybe it's PC issue
18:01.02MacWinneri tried out voipjet and it seems to work.. but it seems to bill a fraction of a cent for calls that are initiated but not picked up
18:08.01vndoes asterisk has some ATS-like functionnality?
18:11.10*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
18:11.37*** join/#asterisk teknoprep (n=tekno@unaffiliated/teknoprep)
18:11.49teknoprepdoes anyone know how to turn down the input gain on a 7940g cisco phone
18:15.40*** join/#asterisk abatista (
18:22.50teknoprepcisco 7940 input gain adjustment?
18:22.57teknoprepusing the SIPDefault.cnf file would be great
18:24.42piper69guys i still need help configure my Cisco ATA 186
18:26.08ariel_wow I have not seen a ATA 186 in along time.  Don't even remember them much. But there is allot of info on the wiki about them
18:26.27ariel_teknoprep, can't help you with the Cisco. I stopped using them over 3 years ago.
18:28.39piper69ariel_: i don't think so, i am having hard time with this ata
18:29.40piper69i was able to upgrade/downgrade from v3.1.1 atasccp  to v3.1.0 atasip
18:31.14piper69ariel_: this is my first time to use Cisco , i am able to access the web config , it only a one page not tabs . no?
18:32.20ariel_don't remember it much like I said last time I used them was over 3 years ago.
18:32.54teknopreppiper69, i would recommend using tftp server to configure your cisco devices with the proper xml / .cnf file
18:33.02*** join/#asterisk guillote_GNU (n=guillote@
18:33.44piper69teknoprep: like i said i was able to upgrade/downgrade from v3.1.1 atasccp  to v3.1.0 atasip
18:34.21piper69teknoprep: i used a tftp to do so, i am having a hard time to get the H.323
18:34.49teknoprephey piper69 do you know the config for input gain on the 7940
18:34.59teknoprepthrough the .cnf
18:36.57*** join/#asterisk abatista (
18:39.14vnanyone knows of a smartphone that supports SIP?
18:39.27vnor how can I use some voip on a smartphone?
18:40.30*** join/#asterisk ToTo (n=ToTo@
18:41.00Qwellvn: some of the Nokia's, I think
18:45.00teknoprepthere is software you can run on smartphones for sip connections
18:47.00*** join/#asterisk Lawbringer (
18:49.45_x86_can someone send me a test fax?
18:55.04*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
18:56.50teknoprepyeah sure
18:57.25teknoprepits on its way
18:57.55teknoprepits on page 2
19:00.50*** join/#asterisk asdx (
19:00.57teknoprepso not one person here knows
19:01.11teknoprepi'll be back later
19:01.18mvanbaakmail cisco support
19:10.05vnQwell: thanks
19:13.40piper69sorry i was away
19:16.57drmessanoHey piper69, I have a solution to your ATA problem
19:31.04*** join/#asterisk katsuodo (
19:31.50katsuodohave pc phone, ip phone, and asterisk server behind nat
19:32.24katsuodoasterisk tdm400p card and digital phone attached
19:33.33katsuodosip phones are registered on asterisk (rtp) traffic and I am able to dial extensions internally from analog phone to other phones
19:33.44katsuodohowever sip to sip direct dial phone rings
19:33.49katsuodobut no voice
19:34.14katsuodochecked ports and all well
19:34.19katsuodoany suggestions
19:38.13*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
19:54.32katsuodohallo [TK]D-Fender
20:01.02jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT :  otherwise check the WIKI at
20:01.37katsuodoyes I read this
20:01.58jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
20:02.22[TK]D-Fenderkatsuodo, Show your sip.conf masking only passwords
20:02.37katsuodoone moment
20:11.01[TK]D-Fenderkatsuodo, if your * is behind NAT you have shown NONE of the settings the quide tellso you to do.  Go read again.  You didn't even show a complete [general] section.
20:11.26katsuodoone moment
20:17.15[TK]D-Fendercan't type for beans today...
20:17.25katsuodoyes * is behind nat and what you see at the top is the general section just did not place the [general] context on the paste
20:18.37[TK]D-Fenderkatsuodo, then you have not followed the guide at all.
20:19.06[TK]D-Fenderkatsuodo, Go read it again till your eyes bleed because it looks like you haven't done ANY of what it tells you to do.
20:19.09jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT :  otherwise check the WIKI at
20:19.12katsuodookay let me go back and read and again, thanks "Sensei"
20:19.43*** join/#asterisk lmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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20:23.26MajostFor some reason or another, when I use SendDTMF(9) I am not hearing the tone for 9
20:24.16MajostDo I need to use a specific DTMF mode for SIP to do this?
20:33.44*** join/#asterisk WilliamK (
20:34.19WilliamKanyone have a good place to find templates for the cisco 79xx series phones?
20:42.03*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
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20:43.50lmadsenMajost: would have to be inband dtmf to hear it. If it's sent out of band (info,rfc2833), then you don't hear it
20:44.16MajostThanks. =)
20:45.18lmadsengoogle is your friend
20:49.42*** join/#asterisk JerJer[mobile] (n=jj@
20:53.10piper69how can i get H.323 in my ATA 186
20:53.50mvanbaakget the correct firmware
20:58.40WilliamKyeah that page isn't showing what I'm wanting from what I saw
20:58.58WilliamKI just reflashed the phone from 7.4 to 8.2 and still can't make it talk to *
21:01.55*** join/#asterisk teknoprep (n=tekno@unaffiliated/teknoprep)
21:02.19teknoprepdoes anyone here know how to lower the input gain of cisco 7940 phones ?
21:02.21teknoprepusing sip
21:04.17*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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21:08.49teknoprepjfc i am about to go crazy with these echo on the cisco phones
21:09.04teknoprepi am pretty sure that all i need to do is lower the input gain
21:09.21*** join/#asterisk zuez (i=steve@
21:10.44[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep, Do you get echo directly between 2 of these phones?
21:16.49zuezIt's possible to store a dynamic dialplan using ODBC/Realtime, correct? if I want to dynamically assign/update/remove extensions?
21:17.17zuezok, cool
21:17.25zuezthanks mvan
21:17.29mvanbaakno problem
21:18.37piper69mvanbaak: will you help me please , today is my 4th day trying to get it to work
21:19.19teknoprep[TK]D-Fender, sometimes
21:19.38teknoprep[TK]D-Fender, it never happens all the time
21:19.51teknoprep[TK]D-Fender, all the phones i had on the network are doing the same thing
21:20.07[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep, and happens between 2 SIP phones in direct contact?
21:20.22teknoprep[TK]D-Fender, every phone on the network besides the cisco phones i was able to turn down the input gain and the echo was resolved
21:20.28teknoprep[TK]D-Fender, sometimes not always
21:20.47teknoprep[TK]D-Fender, and sometimes cisco phones don't echo when going outbound to the real world ... sometimes they do
21:20.50teknoprep[TK]D-Fender, i don't get it
21:21.18[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep, Still sounds like a dodgy answer.  These are calls only between direct SIP phones?
21:21.46teknoprep[TK]D-Fender, it happens between internal phones...
21:21.59teknoprep[TK]D-Fender, it also happens on outside lines to outside phones
21:22.08[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep, Oh well.
21:22.11teknoprep[TK]D-Fender,  but it doesn't happen all the damn time which is was is driving me nuts
21:22.31teknoprep[TK]D-Fender, i don't understand how that isn't exactly what you wanted to hear?
21:23.05mvanbaakpiper69: I have no experience with h323
21:23.08[TK]D-Fender"teknoprep> [TK]D-Fender, sometimes not always"
21:23.18teknoprep<teknoprep> [TK]D-Fender, it happens between internal phones...
21:23.18teknoprep<teknoprep> [TK]D-Fender, it also happens on outside lines to outside phones
21:23.29drmessanopiper69: sell that thing on eBay.. 4 days is enough
21:23.40drmessanopiper69: I suggest "Buy it now"
21:23.49dezentenh323 is the future
21:23.57[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep, I like definitive answers like "Yeah, 2 x 7940's in seperate offices echo between each other"
21:24.13[TK]D-Fenderdezenten, lol
21:24.28teknoprep[TK]D-Fender, right now... this problem only happens on the 7940's since i was able to lower the input gain on ALL the other phones in the office that are not 7940
21:24.36drmessanoyes, h323 is the next big thing
21:24.45dezentenh323 and fax
21:24.50drmessanoI am working on making FreePBX work with GopherD
21:25.07drmessanoGopher.. Not dead yet
21:26.26teknoprep[TK]D-Fender, do you have another idea on the idea why i am getting echo on these phones?
21:27.07[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep, If its direct between them, its their gains.  Tweak your firmware
21:27.20[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep, Or stop buying trouble hardware
21:28.20teknoprephow do i tweak the firmware ?
21:28.46teknoprepor even change the input gain
21:29.01dezentenlower the volume
21:29.17teknoprepdezenten, on the 7940... how would this be accomplished?
21:29.33dezententeknoprep: i have no ide
21:29.39teknoprepdezenten, thanx
21:29.49dezentenbut its usually the way to fix echo
21:30.13dezentenis that cisco 7940 ?
21:30.30teknoprepi don't know anyone on IRC or on google that knows how to lower the input gain on a cisco 7940 unless its using cisco call manager
21:30.42teknoprepand then to lower it you have to doit on the port your phone is plugged into
21:30.47dezentenfirst image button "12"
21:31.01dezentenpress the left button
21:31.09teknoprepthats not input gain
21:31.11teknoprepthats output
21:31.25dezentenbut that might work aswell
21:31.30teknoprepno it doesn;t
21:31.40*** join/#asterisk Bananaskin (
21:33.33WilliamKhmmm, asterisk and cisco aren't playing nice
21:33.43WilliamK* is giving the phone a 401 unauthorized
21:35.16teknopreptry that
21:36.40WilliamKdoesn't work either
21:37.28teknoprepi am switching to polycom phones only
21:37.32teknoprepi am tired of cisco crap
21:37.38WilliamKI ordered 3 more for this client
21:37.42teknoprephave fun
21:37.44WilliamKI'm VERY sick of the 7900
21:37.46teknoprepwhich phone are you using?
21:37.52teknoprep7940 ?
21:37.53WilliamK320 series
21:38.02teknoprepyeah they are easy to setup
21:38.13WilliamKwe have like 5 polycom 320s already
21:38.18teknoprepdo you like them ?
21:38.20WilliamKno issues at all
21:38.35WilliamKwe did do an upgrade to the latest firmware though
21:38.59teknoprephow are your speakerphone quality on those phones?
21:39.10teknoprepare they really that nice?
21:39.11WilliamKvery good
21:39.17teknoprephow about any echo problems?
21:39.21WilliamKI can use them half way accross an office
21:39.37teknoprepwhat internet connection you using?
21:39.47teknoprepor are you using analouge trukns?
21:40.18WilliamKhey tek, I may have found something for you in regards to the gain
21:40.25teknoprepshow me
21:40.34WilliamKcovers dtmf
21:40.38WilliamKlemme just give you the URL
21:40.51WilliamKI've been copy pasting from it
21:40.54WilliamKit works so far
21:42.20WilliamKI definitely see a diff in the registration from polycom to cisco
21:42.41WilliamKdoesn't display the "extn" in quotes in the register statement
21:42.46teknoprepyeah thats DTMF
21:43.25*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
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21:44.14teknoprepi am going crazy lol
21:51.47WilliamKall I can say is the Cisco and * are fighting constantly, even on our working phones * is giving 401 unauthorized msgs in the SIP debug
21:54.15WilliamKoh nice, google shows I'm not the only user with this issue
21:58.19BananaskinAs a matter of intrest why not look at sccp for the ciscos under asterisk, thats what I do here
21:59.33teknoprepis sccp hard to setup for cisco under asterisk ?
21:59.40WilliamKI'd rather throw the phone out the window than change over to SCCP
21:59.48WilliamKSIP or die
22:00.37Bananaskinsccp sound quality is better and allows the retention of the functions which are lost when u use sip on the ciscos
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22:01.44WilliamKPoly fix Crisco come Monday
22:02.01WilliamKit would be NICE however if * played nice with the Cisco's
22:02.13teknoprepBananaskin, do you have a sccp how-to for asterisk with 7940 phones?
22:02.13Coder365_I reloaded my asterisk config via "reload" on the asteriskCLI, and now everything quit workign
22:02.23Coder365_is there any way to find out what I did and how to fix it
22:02.40Bananaskinteknoprep I can point you in the right direction and sup;lly the config etc
22:02.49Bananaskinwhat release of asterisk for a start ?
22:02.52Bananaskin1.2 or 1.4 ?
22:02.55Coder365_hold on
22:04.21Bananaskinsorry Coder365_ my questions were directed at teknoprep
22:04.27Coder365_okay :)
22:07.36rob0In CCCP phone throw YOU out window
22:07.50WilliamKgolly, I finally got it to register
22:07.54WilliamKtoo bad I can't get it to dialout
22:08.06teknoprepBananaskin, 1.4
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22:08.57teknoprepBananaskin, if you throw me a of the conf and tftp file that would be great
22:09.18Bananaskink, nps, need to grab the 1.4 sccp file from a mate, as I run 1.2 here 2 secs
22:09.31Bananaskin2 mins
22:10.09teknoprepok np
22:14.18teknoprephey Bananaskin i am heading out soon
22:14.26teknoprepcan you /query me with the info then
22:14.29teknoprepi will be back in about an hour
22:14.47MacWinnerare there any example php scripts that i can use to make asterisk dial 2 numbers and cross connect them?
22:14.59MacWinnerjust need a simple web form to get going
22:15.50WilliamKlooks like the nice callerid= line in sip.conf goofed it
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22:25.49piper69who was looking for a Cisco 7940 / 7960 SIP Firmware
22:27.29MajostIs there a setting to increase the length of a DTMF tone over SIP? From what I have read, it sounds like I am going to have to do something incredibly hacky and just record a long inband tone and then play it back as needed. heh
22:28.09WilliamKpiper, I got a few vers... what ver u got?
22:29.12piper69WilliamK: me i am looking for the H.323 for Cisco ATA 186. but i thought someone here today was looking for the 7940 firmware and i found it while looking for mine
22:29.24piper69WilliamK: do you have anything for the ATA 186
22:29.46WilliamKI quit using the 186 back when I had vonage
22:29.50WilliamKlong time ago
22:29.50BananaskinI have the sccp firmware for the 186 :)
22:32.06Bananaskinpiper69 what firmware you after for the ata-186?
22:32.20BananaskinH323 ?
22:34.28drmessanopiper69: eBay
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