IRC log for #asterisk on 20071221

00:00.03dennisharrisonrussellb, I personally think the best way is to just get some media time
00:00.06jbotACTION watches blitzrage pull the trigger:  BANG!
00:00.10russellbdennisharrison: gotcha ... well using vicidial is the best option, unless you want to code up a script to do it
00:00.12dennisharrison... other then the crap that was on cnn today
00:00.17fujinactually, fuck it
00:00.20fujinI've already made $850 USD off it
00:00.22fujinYou can have it.
00:00.37fujinmake sure you install Parallel::ForkManager, if you don' thave it
00:00.50dennisharrisonthanks fujin
00:00.52fujinand modify the relevant stuff
00:00.57fujinusername/secret, Data: line
00:01.04fujinand the channel aswell to reflect your sip peer
00:01.08fujin(or IAX)
00:02.20fujinI'm sure anyone with a bit of perl-fu could modify that as necessary
00:02.22nhuisman_workanyone know if it's possible to ugprade the glibc in asterisknow?
00:02.31fujinnhuisman_work: that's probably a bad idea
00:02.32nhuisman_workmy fonulator config for redfone won't work with 2.3.x
00:02.36nhuisman_workneeds 2.4
00:03.08fujinDon't use asterisknow? :P
00:03.14nhuisman_workyeah i guess not
00:03.34fujinI'd say you probably could upgrade it, but upgrading glibc generally means upgrading everythign that was built against it.
00:03.43russellbor don't use redfone :)
00:03.49fujinor that.
00:03.57nhuisman_workyeah I already have the hardware
00:04.07fujinebay? :}
00:04.12nhuisman_worki wonder if I can just run 2.4 in parallel with 2.3.x
00:04.13fujinsome other poor sod will have it
00:04.24fujinmultiple glibc :\
00:04.32fujinnhuisman_work: maybe in a chroot
00:04.48nhuisman_workthis is only a test anyways, i'm going to use asterisk be but it's not arrived yet.
00:04.48nny_1[TK]D-Fender: when your around hit me up, got some good news
00:04.59nhuisman_worki just wanted a quick way to get a linux box installed with asterisk on it
00:05.05nhuisman_workknow of any other out of the box installs?
00:05.15fujintrixbox, freepbx
00:05.23fujinthey're all shit, though
00:05.27nny_1anyone have any thoughts on high volume high availability systems?
00:05.36fujinhigh volume high availablity?
00:05.38nny_1like 3000 phones
00:05.39russellbi have some thoughts.
00:05.47russellbbut that's it ... just thoughts
00:05.48fujinnot entirely with Asterisk, though
00:06.00fujinprobably a combination of SER, asterisk (as the backend), and $cluster_software
00:06.05fujinredhat-cluster-suite, perhaps
00:06.07nny_1figured clustering software
00:06.16fujinheartbeat v2, maybe
00:06.23fujinyes, ser
00:06.26nny_1sip router?
00:06.32fujinkind of.
00:06.48jbotwell, ser is Sip Express Router - see, or an old secret method of obtaining a havoc of NAT problems, or at #ser
00:06.51jboti guess openser is an open source GPL project that aims to develop a robust and scalable SIP server. It is spawned from FhG FOKUS SIP Express Router (SER) and it promotes a development strategy open for contributors and contributions. From project's website
00:09.10Yourname``vicidial sucks
00:10.18nny_1i think everytime someone says sucks in here, confetti should shoot out of my monitor and sirens should go off :)
00:10.26nny_1i feel that way about snoms
00:10.28nny_1~ snom
00:10.29jbotsnom is, like, like all German products. High quality, but wacky engineering. :)
00:15.06nhuisman_workyeah you want a sip proxy probably
00:16.03nhuisman_workthe problem with asterisk is that it makes calls route through the server
00:16.28nhuisman_worki know sipexchange routes internal calls direct phone to phone.
00:16.33nhuisman_workcorrect if I'm wrong btw.
00:17.21Qwellyou're wrong
00:18.30russellbQwell: now correct him!
00:18.55nhuisman_workQwell, so asterisk can be setup to use internal calls direct ?
00:18.58nhuisman_workand not through the server?
00:20.47nhuisman_workby the way by pass through the server I mean media streams
00:22.02jncis it user=  or username= ?
00:22.12jncI knew it is secret= and not password=
00:22.51jnccan't figure that one out
00:22.56jncno username is being sent
00:23.53nny_1fujin: always wonder what you would have to do if the battery died
00:23.57nny_1accident etc.
00:24.07fujinmanual override
00:24.57Qwellrussellb: what's the fun in that? :p
00:25.01Qwellnhuisman_work: yes
00:25.07Qwelland signaling too
00:25.37nhuisman_workyes it can be changed to allow direct point to point media streaming?
00:25.46Qwellyes, among others
00:26.35nhuisman_workwell then I must have been reading some pro non-asterisk spam.  Oh well, good to know though.
00:28.01mikecxpro non, what a good combo of words. most people would have just said anti, but you went the extra mile
00:28.02JTnhuisman_work: do you really need endpoints to talk direct to each other?
00:28.28nhuisman_workmikecx, yeah :)
00:28.50nhuisman_workJT well if you have 30k phones in an organization most of the traffic is going to be between them
00:29.02nhuisman_workif it all has to pass through your asterisk servers i assume that is going to be quite a load
00:29.06nhuisman_workvs just point to point.
00:29.15JTnhuisman_work: there will be quite a load in either case
00:29.47nhuisman_workI would assume the bulk of the network load on the boxes would be the media streams
00:30.14JTnetwork load perhaps, but not cpu load
00:30.24fujinproviding the codecs are all the same, I wouldn't expect much cpu load
00:30.31fujintranscoding is usually the killer.
00:31.03nhuisman_worki guess if you just dump 10 gige and trunk them then maybe it wouldn't be a problem
00:31.25nhuisman_workyou'd probably need a pretty big cluster to run 30-50k phones
00:32.05*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (n=nikolai@
00:32.27QwellJT: network load causes CPU load
00:32.34JTone asterisk box could not flood a 10gigE link
00:32.43JTQwell: not like sip though
00:33.08JTyes but it will take a lot more work to process sip than rtp
00:33.25Qwellnetwork card interrupts will kill your box with enough calls
00:33.46JTsure but that's at a lower level to asterisk anyway
00:34.01nhuisman_workyou would need to have a bunch of cpus then turn on the interupt balancing
00:34.35JTnhuisman_work: meh, X86 still sucks for that sort of stuff
00:34.49nhuisman_workvs x64?
00:34.50fujinin a SIP/IAX only situation (with no Meetme/zap requirements), I'm sure a vmware esx farm could handle whatever you tossed at it.
00:34.57JTit will get flooded with interrupts
00:35.00JTyes it's still X86
00:35.12Qwellfujin: nope, the host OS is still interrupting
00:35.21JTsure if you had lots of physical machines
00:35.22nhuisman_workyeah but you could still split it up a lot
00:35.26mikecxwhere is the sla code in the repository?
00:35.30JTor forget about X86s
00:35.33Qwellmikecx: app_meetme, mostly
00:35.35JTand go ASICs ;)
00:35.42mikecxQwell: thanks
00:36.15jncI've got a trunk defined, can I force this to register some how?
00:36.19jncI'm debugging the settings
00:36.20jbothmm... trunk is is a word with varying definitions.  In Asterisk, a trunk is a "stream of UDP packets containing IAX2 frames from more than 1 call"; in telecom, a trunk is a "single voice channel between two pieces of switching equipment."; in Ethernet a trunk carries more than one 802.1q VLAN.  There is no such thing as a "SIP Trunk" -- Don't use the term.
00:36.43jncoh, crappy freepbx term
00:36.49jncwhat is it, SIP peer?
00:37.18jncokay so I have this SIP peer ;)   can I poke it somehow to make it attempt registration?
00:37.35Qwelljnc: add a register line, see the sample sip.conf
00:37.37*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
00:38.04jnchm, must not be in my sip.conf
00:38.10jncwas this present for asterisk 1.2.x?
00:39.16jnceven though I'm going to a 8fxs/2fxo device on the lan here, I heard that I didn't need a register line
00:39.20jncI needed peer and user auth
00:39.26jncthen I read that user auth is depreciated
00:39.40Qwellif the device is static, just set host= in the peer
00:40.00jncokay and that will attempt to authenticate when it is used? or when asterisk reloads
00:40.09Qwellwhen it's used
00:40.30jnccan I force it to make an attempt (for debugging reasons only) from asterisk console?
00:40.40mikecxhrrm. I don't get why asterisk uses meetme instead of call parking for sla
00:40.57Qwellmikecx: it can't use parking
00:41.02Qwellif a call is parked, it isn't active
00:41.16mikecxQwell: ahh, guess that makes sense
00:42.29*** join/#asterisk mo3nga (
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00:42.41mo3ngahey guys - is there any issues in having multiple SIP calls to AGI?
00:43.05dexpdxanyone got any suggestions for an affortable cordless voip speaker phone
00:43.05mo3ngai keep getting "ast_openstream_full" errors w/ multiple calls
00:50.26*** join/#asterisk adjohn (
00:50.51*** join/#asterisk GiantPickle (
00:59.26mikecxis there a chance that Progress() could be used to detect a fax?
01:00.46*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (n=nikolai@
01:08.06*** join/#asterisk docelmo (
01:11.24*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-0bcf4782d337097c)
01:18.14`SauronIs there a web frontend to one of the SQL CDR modules?
01:18.53NuggetI wrote one and then Digium totally broke it.  I blame file.
01:20.02Nugget/whois file
01:20.06Nuggetthat file.
01:23.57*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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01:29.15*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
01:36.44nny_1ahhh Sauron is in #asterisk...  heh guess he's looking for a new ring....
01:39.46jncOne ringtone to rule them all
01:39.59`Sauronand getting dropped into the telemarketer jail
01:40.17`Sauronnny_1: Save the jokes, they're old.
01:40.22nny_1lol i bet
01:40.29nny_1probably almost as old as you are
01:41.13MercestesWow, he's as touchy as the real Sauron.  Maybe it really is him.
01:41.54nny_1he would be the ultimate BOFH
01:41.57*** join/#asterisk thinko (
01:42.19MercestesLMAO>  "What's your username?"
01:42.31nny_1lol i am having to install the snmpd package just get a tasty init script
01:42.41nny_1and then remove it and use the source
01:43.01nny_1tried to use /etc/init.d/skeleton, but it made things explode
01:45.37nny_1Mercestes, you have any favorites for sites to put a howto on (voip-info vs cookbook) etc.
01:45.45Maliutanny_1: no, I _am_ the ultimate BOFH ... Maliuta was the favourite torturer of Ivan IV (aka Ivan the Terrible), the name is synonymous with "absolute complete evil" in eastern slavic languages :)
01:45.56nny_1Maliuta: woah.. niiiice
01:46.05nny_1coolest name evar
01:46.29Maliutaan it's been my nick for nigh on 10 years now
01:46.37Maliutaregistered with nickserv here for about 7
01:46.51nny_1nny is a johnen vasquez character
01:47.05`Sauronnny_1: Actually, I've used this as my nick (earlier it was w/o the `) for > 10 years. Hell, almost 15 at this point
01:47.06nny_1my original nick i am waiting on a password reset
01:47.23`SauronLong before the movies made the name commonplace.
01:48.59jeri'm getting a "_macro_exec: Context 'macro-dialext' for macro 'dialext' lacks 's' extension, priority 1" ... i just moved "macro-dialext" to a realtime extensions db, set up the macro-dialext context in extensions.conf to: switch => Realtime/@ ... and in my SQL, the entry exists as it did in the flat file (proper context, extension 's' for all 3 priorities, etc). anybody have any idea what's going wrong?
01:49.39nny_1if anyone wnats to piss themselves
01:49.44nny_1good times
01:51.32MercestesMy nick is.........heh, original. :P
01:55.10nny_1well damn that didn't work either
01:55.19nny_1(init script)
01:56.47nny_1ahh damn source doesnt put snmpd in /usr/sbin
01:57.34*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
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01:58.15nny_1er wait no
01:58.49jnchmm.. anyone familiar with using ekiga on a vpn connection?
01:58.51jncdoes it work?
01:59.05jncstill trying to debug an asterisk setup here
01:59.19nny_1i have done it here
01:59.45nny_1pretty straight forward
02:00.46jncI'm getting a timeout
02:00.50jncso it's not even connecting
02:01.03jncgotta wonder, what the trick is in configuring ekiga to make this work
02:01.10nny_1ok cool snmpd is up
02:03.55jerrealtime extensions seem to be not working for me, getting a "macro 'dialext' lacks 's' extension, priority 1" when calling an extension that uses that macro; here's the pastebin of all relevant information:
02:06.22nny_1lol bad package manager
02:06.29nny_1uninstalled my conf file too
02:06.54joatjer, i'm not so sure that SendDTMF means what you think it does...
02:09.49jerjoat, works fine when it's defined in extensions.conf
02:10.09jerexten => s,2,SendDTMF(${ARG1}) ... the problem with realtime extensions only exhibits itself when used with an 's' extension
02:10.26jeri define for example, local extensions in it, it works fine
02:12.57blitzragejer: how are you calling the macro?
02:13.01MercestesIt's kinda like, using Mysql as an overglorified text not worth it.
02:13.33blitzragejer: you shouldn't really use realtime like that -- create a static extensions.conf file and use func_odbc to store information in the DB
02:13.55jerblitzrage, like this: exten => otherexten,1,Dial(IAX2/otherprovider/1234|60|M(dialext^200))
02:14.48jerblitzrage, well, my extensions.conf is a static file, i just want certain items to be pulled from the DB so my wife can make changes to the system (i don't want her editting config files, she's not very unix savvy)
02:15.19blitzrageit's easier for your wife to modify a SQL table than a flatfile?
02:15.31jerbut one of them is the ivr, which i was haivng problems with; so i reverted back to statically defining it in extensions.conf, and picked a simple macro (this macro-dialext) to test with, same problem
02:15.40jerblitzrage, no, it's easier for her to point and click at a web page
02:15.48jerwhich is how this stuff is added to/removed from the db
02:15.59blitzrageinteresting concept... :)
02:16.18blitzragenot sure why your Macro isn't working... sorry
02:16.49jer=/ thanks anyway
02:16.49*** join/#asterisk teknoprep (n=tekno@unaffiliated/teknoprep)
02:18.02jncnny_1: you had it working over a VPN?
02:18.10teknoprepi am going to have to learn asterisk now
02:18.11nny_1jnc: yeah
02:18.22teknoprepi am tired of relying on freepbx to configure asterisk
02:18.42jncnny_1: did you configure ekiga to proxy through to the asterisk box?
02:18.49teknoprepwhat is the latest book on learning asterisk's configs
02:18.51jncI don't get it, no connection gets through
02:18.54teknoprepis it still asterisk tfot
02:19.10jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
02:21.11teknoprepi'll first start by dropping my box at home and setting up everything manually
02:21.41blitzrageif you have something setup already... keep it, and use it for a reference
02:22.14blitzragefreepbx isn't going to necessarily write a great dialplan, but there could be some useful syntax in there for things that you want to try and replicate
02:23.17*** join/#asterisk adjohn (
02:26.08*** join/#asterisk mosty (
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02:28.35jerblitzrage, not sure if this is related to my problem or not (not likely considering the error message), but rt extensions don't seem to respect ${VAR}
02:29.09blitzragethem's the breaks when you use something non-standard
02:30.04jerindeed =]
02:31.56*** join/#asterisk angom (n=Angel@
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02:38.50*** join/#asterisk anthm (
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02:41.51FuriousGeorgehey all
02:46.12*** join/#asterisk egypcio (n=egypcio@
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02:48.46teknoprepblitzrage, yeah i was just going to copy the /etc/asterisk directory
02:48.50teknoprepto my laptop
02:49.08teknoprepblitzrage, i am going to use AsteriskNOW
02:49.13teknoprepblitzrage, since its a full install
02:58.01teknoprepwhat do you guys think of AsteriskNOW ?
02:58.21*** part/#asterisk angom (n=Angel@
03:03.09[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep, Good work... escape one GUI to become imprisoned by another.  You've learned very little
03:05.07teknoprepi was actually just going to use asterisk inside of it
03:05.18teknoprepi didn't want to compile everything from scratch is all
03:05.39teknoprepmy home machine is a p3 800
03:05.43teknoprepthat would take some time
03:06.01teknoprepcan i use asteriskNOW just as asterisk ?
03:06.06teknoprepwithout using the web gui
03:08.04*** part/#asterisk egypcio (n=egypcio@
03:08.51fujinwhy would y ou?
03:09.03jncthe asteriskgui is a convenience front end
03:09.06fujinthat's like, installing ubuntu desktop and using it as a server
03:09.09jncI don't think you're required to use it
03:10.02teknoprepdoes asterisknow use a sql db for its configs?
03:10.26teknoprepdoes it add stuff to the configs on a default install ?
03:10.49[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep, How do I sum this up gently....
03:10.52mostyteknoprep, asterisknow is a gui/config engine on top of asterisk
03:10.59[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep, .... what a load of crap!
03:11.07mostyteknoprep, if you want asterisknow without the gui, just use asterisk
03:11.16[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep, Compiling will take valuable 10 minutes out of your life.
03:11.25teknoprepastlinux a good choice?
03:11.26fujinif that
03:11.56[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep, Keep running Forrest....
03:12.09teknoprep[TK]D-Fender, heh
03:12.17fujinyou're doing it wrong, as it were
03:13.14teknoprep[TK]D-Fender, which linux distro do you prefer for your asterisk os ?
03:13.26teknoprep[TK]D-Fender, or asterisk systems
03:14.37mostyteknoprep, pick whichever distribution you're most familiar with
03:15.07teknoprepmosty, well i am pretty familiar with most of the major distributions BSD / debian / gentoo / redhat
03:15.20teknoprepBSD not being linux but whatever
03:15.33MercestesI would suggest one of the latter 3.
03:15.39mostyteknoprep, i would recommend whichever you prefer out of centos/redhat/debian
03:15.42Mercestesmy fav. being Gentoo but most people in here disagree iwth me.
03:15.55Mercesteslike mosty.
03:15.57RypPnI wouldn't ;)
03:16.15MercestesThere is just something nice about "emerge asterisk" being my list of instructions, but...that's me.
03:16.16teknoprepgentoo is nice but i am definatly not compiling a system onto a p3 800
03:16.27MercestesDude, that's what gentoo is *for* man.
03:16.28*** join/#asterisk JT (n=j@unaffiliated/jt)
03:16.32Mercestesricing out $20 pcs.
03:17.46fujinfuck that ;>
03:20.48[TK]D-FenderMercestes, Did you pick up your complimentary fak Type-R sticker for your box?
03:21.10MercestesOf course.
03:21.25Mercestesand a "got rice" sticker too.
03:21.42teknoprepi have alot to learn lol
03:21.54teknoprepi am reading through the from-internal setup in trixbox
03:22.03teknoprepin extensions.conf
03:22.07Mercestesew, trixbox....nasty
03:22.18Mercestestrixbox is the devil.
03:22.23teknoprepi have been using elastix lately
03:22.25teknoprepi like it
03:22.58teknoprepbut i want to setup a box that runs solely for small business that i can resell voip to ... where all they need is phones in there offices
03:23.17teknoprepand a small pfsense embeded router for QoS
03:23.27MercestesYOu do that....and then I'll come in behind you after it breaks and charge them to wipe out trixbox and install regular asterisk.
03:23.40teknoprepno not using trixbox
03:23.48MercestesIt'd be like your my sales lead.  :)
03:23.49teknopreptrixbox i have at my house
03:23.54MercestesI'm sorry.
03:24.12teknoprepi have been using trixbox very successfully
03:24.21teknoprepbut i am tired of not knowing what is actually going on
03:24.33teknoprepso i am going to setup this crap at my house without trixbox or elastix
03:26.55mostyis there a way to set the permissions to a specific value on files created by Monitor? i can do it with MixMonitor, but MixMonitor doesn't work with the g729 transcoder card
03:29.51*** join/#asterisk mikecx (
03:31.02Mercestesmosty:  Any way you could use system(chmod)  ?
03:31.54mostyMercestes, where would i put that in the call flow? in the h extension?
03:32.39mostyi will try that
03:37.29*** join/#asterisk watchy2 (i=watchy@
03:37.45watchy2i got a freshly built * box and it seems to lag a little
03:37.58watchy2anyone had issues with new core2duos?
03:40.42*** join/#asterisk roeinstein (
03:42.15roeinsteingot a couple questions and I'm hoping maybe someone here can point me in the right direction :-)
03:42.18mostydo those cpu's support HT? have you tried disabling it?
03:43.20flendershey, got something funny going on here. I updated asterisk to version 1.4.15 a few weeks ago, and now every 2 or 3 days, asterisk 'locks up'. everything seems normal, but we can't dial out. restarting asterisk seems to fix the issue.  Sangoma A101 card, with wanpipe 3.2.1, zaptel 1.4.7, libpri 1.4.
03:43.41flendershey, got something funny going on here. I updated asterisk to version 1.4.15 a few weeks ago, and now every 2 or 3 days, asterisk 'locks up'. everything seems normal, but we can't dial out. restarting asterisk seems to fix the issue.  Sangoma A101 card, with wanpipe 3.2.1, zaptel 1.4.7, libpri 1.4.1, asterisk 1.4.15
03:43.52flendershas anyone seem something simiilar?
03:43.55mostyflenders, try upgrading to asterisk - there have been a few segfault/deadlock fixes
03:44.23flendersmosty, I thought about that, just wanted to see if someone else had similar issues
03:44.54roeinsteinfirst off I have a couple different phone numbers right now and my sip provider passes that to me in a DNIS how can I make extensions unique for those numbers? right now I have dial plans setup for each number and they play different message but the extensions all work the same on all of them.. so basically if someone hit '1' I'd like different things to happen depending on the phone # called
03:46.16flendersroeinstein: use /enten_number on the register line on sip.conf
03:46.26mostyflenders, i read the changelog for 20 minutes ago, there are lots of segfault/deadlock fixes, i'm guessing it's an improvement
03:46.42flendersI was just reading that too
03:47.56mostyroeinstein, organise your dialplan in such a way to do that. set a channel variable for the called extension, and use that to jump to a context specifically for that extension
03:48.36*** join/#asterisk coppice (
03:48.51roeinsteinflenders, mostly, any example of this online you might be able to point me too? my knowledge of dial plans is pretty minimal, mine are pretty basic right now
03:49.11[TK]D-Fenderroeinstein, the answer is to seperate your CONTEXTS.  Again now is the time to STOP just throwing questions like that out here, sit down, and read THE BOOK
03:49.15jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
03:49.58roeinsteinI believe I have seperated them
03:50.58roeinsteinhaha, I don't need a detailed answer, maybe a page that goes into more detail about dial plans becuase the ones I have seen haven't helped me with what I am looking for
03:51.11roeinsteinis that OK?
03:51.18[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage, people miss PM's (Oh I didn't see the window) or when this channel isn't blocked to non-auth'd users are INCAPABLE of receiving them
03:51.38blitzragethat makes sense
03:51.38[TK]D-Fenderroeinstein, There is a blatant chapter in the book.  Go read.
03:51.58blitzragebut is speaking in CAPS on some WORDS really NECESSARY all the time?
03:52.12[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage, No, only SOME of the time ;)
03:52.33blitzragelowercase would have been just as effective
03:52.48[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage, its all about the right emPHAsis on the right syLABle ;)
03:52.50roeinsteinhe OBVIOUSLY thinks it HELPS him make a POINT
03:53.23[TK]D-Fenderroeinstein, Its proven effective, with 4 out of 5 psychologists in agreement.
03:53.34coppicemaybe he's Nigerian
03:57.54mostyroeinstein, the book is the best place to start with this
03:58.57Mercestesactually, he really talks like that where he shouts random words in his sentence.
03:59.54MercestesI think it's terets
04:00.51MercestesThat's one way to do word association
04:01.12[TK]D-FenderMercestes, a lot of osmosis will do you good.
04:01.28MercestesMmmmm...absorption through celluar membranes.....
04:01.56*** join/#asterisk reber (
04:02.17Mercesteshey, the pummeling works.
04:02.31Mercestesfunny took me forever to find ""
04:02.37[TK]D-FenderMercestes, yeah.. it's not "Nukular Science" ;)
04:03.30[TK]D-FenderThat's a bonus... I got to slam GWB in that one too...
04:04.46roeinsteinyep reading, this is pretty helpful
04:04.59MercestesI dunno, I gotta give the man props.  He has every reporter on the planet hanging on every word he stutters in an ongoing attempt to catch, document, and advertise his every screwup on the 5 o'clock news, and he still has the brass to speak publicly.
04:05.23MercestesI would have given up by now and hired a professional speaker.
04:05.34jncN00bular Ircian program
04:06.06Mercestesbut not GWB...he just keeps on screwing it up publicly without a care.  That's the American way.
04:06.48[TK]D-FenderMercestes, Or he's too dumb to acknowledge just how dumb he is.
04:07.33Mercestesit could be that.
04:08.56MercestesI don't have high hopes of it getting better in the elections next year, though.
04:10.02MercestesGot your pick between a muslim and the woman smart enough to marry an old horndog, and still publicly "supports him" after he banged an 18 year old intern.
04:10.23MercestesI'd pick one of the other guys personally, but those seem to be the two that are winning.
04:11.07[TK]D-FenderMercestes, Some corrections, Obama is CHRISTIAN, and Hillary has so much dirt on her that I don't think enough will wash clean for her to win.  Her policy is ass.
04:11.35[TK]D-FenderMercestes, Barack is too new, it sounds like a good start for him, but I don't see it.
04:11.41MercestesObama is "christian."  atleast for the elections.
04:11.44coppicepolicy? what has that to do with getting elected?
04:11.58jncMercestes: not even a mention of Ron Paul? hope for america
04:12.01[TK]D-FenderMercestes, personally I actually have 3 candidates that I would be THRILLED to see make it in.
04:12.07Mercesteshis entire family clean on up to Moses is muslim, I don't buy that christian crap
04:12.23jnc[TK]D-Fender: steven colbert, ron paul, who's the third?
04:12.33[TK]D-Fenderjnc, He's probably my #1, Kucinich a close 2nd, Gravel an ACTUAL "no hope in hell" third
04:12.47jncpoor mikey
04:12.59[TK]D-Fenderjnc, Yup, he's WAY too cool to get anywhere.
04:13.14[TK]D-Fenderjnc, He's a utopian.
04:13.16coppiceamerica might have elected colin powell, but I can't think of any other black guy who stands a chance
04:13.55mostywayne grady
04:14.08[TK]D-Fendercoppice, He pronounces his name like a bottom part of an intestinal tract!  If that doesn't scream "full of shit", I don't know what does! ;)
04:14.20MercestesI was thinking that.
04:14.41MercestesThe "powell" on the end of it doesn't sound too comfortable either.
04:14.42[TK]D-FenderI'm really on the ball tonight...
04:15.03MercestesI'm not sure what a "powell" is but it sounds like an aggressive action verb to me.
04:16.29jnconomotopeia (spelling?)
04:16.39Hadi-anyone here using Cisco IP phone
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04:16.40MercestesI think schwartzeneggar should be president.
04:16.43Hadi-with asterisk 1.2?
04:16.48Hadi-and codec g729?
04:16.57MercestesHadi-, once upon a time.  Then I got a real phone
04:17.13Hadi-im having serious issues
04:17.14Hadi-with Silence Supression
04:17.20Hadi-and g729 codec
04:17.22Hadi-on asterisk
04:17.23mostyhadi: it should be disabled
04:17.36MercestesYea, I'm pretty certain asterisk 1.2 doesn't support silence supression.
04:17.38jncMercestes: not possible
04:17.48Mercestesjnc:  I know....I'd vote for him anyway though.
04:17.57Hadi-mosty: it is
04:17.59jncforbidden by the tiny sneeze left of the US constitution
04:18.00Hadi-im still losing audio
04:18.16Mercestesjnc:  It's like...a friggen loophole.  Schwartzeneggar is more american than muslim boy.
04:19.16MercestesYea, that pesky constitution.....I'm glad we got rid of all that crap like...freedom of speech and ....right to bear arms.  I mean..what a dumb idea.  Give everyone the right to offend one another, then the means to shoot whoever offended them.
04:19.52Mercestessuing offensive people into financial ruin for all eternity is a much better idea.
04:20.02[TK]D-FenderMercestes, you still don't get that he is not Muslim....
04:20.03jnc...and no health insurance to pay for the gunshot wounds
04:20.29Mercestes[TK]D-Fender, I get that he's "not" Muslim.  "not" in the sense that no one would vote for him if he was.
04:20.33[TK]D-FenderAnd Schwartzenegger?!  EW!
04:20.43jncMuslim? he's a douchebag, end of story
04:21.00[TK]D-Fenderjnc, slightly yeah :)
04:21.12jncbtw that could be mistaken for hating on Muslims
04:21.14MercestesI mean, please, mama's muslim and he's not?  The only way that could be true is if he's agnostic/atheist.
04:21.20[TK]D-Fenderjnc, not a serious douchebag.  I'd say "mostly harmless" :)
04:21.24jncI meant that, he's not a Muslim, because more importantly, he is a douchebag
04:22.14jncit's like Al Gore flying around to warn people about global warming that happens from people flying around
04:22.48jncyou can't fly far enough away from Illinois state to get out of the hold of Richard Dailey
04:23.11MercestesGlobal Warming is a hoax bred from uneducated fear.
04:23.17jncno matter how many first class tickets upgraded from coach at the taxpayers expense you excuse yourself for
04:23.39jncObama has no plan
04:23.50MercestesObama has a nice suit tho.
04:24.01jncnone of the candidates I have seen do, with the exception of Colbert and Paul
04:24.08MercestesI don't know if he wears the same suit to every press conference or if he just has like 8 of the same one.
04:24.11jncit is a nice suit
04:24.24jncI know what you're talking about, I agree
04:24.27jncit's striking
04:24.47MercestesIt is...
04:24.55NuggetI'll never forgive him for what he did to Meigs Field
04:25.01Nuggetwhat a fucker
04:25.05drmessanoIsnt Richard Daley the guy that does the impression of the mayor of springfield on the simpsons?
04:25.11jncI used to crew a boat there for some 10 years
04:25.17jncone day, the fucking runway is gone
04:26.02jncsome kind of cloak and dagger douchebaggery took place at night
04:26.05NuggetI'm just glad I had a chance to land their before it was gone.
04:26.11Nuggeter, "there"  :)
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04:26.28jncnice to hear that
04:27.10jncwe (speaking as a sailboater) enjoyed many a hippie-free year watching planes come in
04:27.14jncthank you
04:28.01coppicedouglas adams had presidents nailed perfectly, and nobody is a better illustration of what he said than bush
04:28.37jnchitchhiker's guide is like a bible for today
04:28.53jncI don't like the old testament, but damn I enjoy hitchhiker's guide
04:28.58MercestesWell, the whole election thing is a hoax.  "Ok, you get your choice of these three carefully selected candidates for president."
04:29.03jncshort stories with no point
04:29.29Mercestesjnc:  Hithikers or the old testament?
04:29.47Mercestes*hitchhikers even
04:29.51jncboth, I thought
04:30.03coppice"Hey folks. Here's two guys you'd be a fool to buy a used car from, and you certainly wouldn't invite for dinner. Choose one to lead our country."
04:30.04jncthe stories run together but they're really not about anything
04:30.32Mercestesjnc:  You really need to start specifying which book your referring to...I'm getting confused.
04:31.10MercestesI think i should run for president
04:31.15jncI'm saying that the "bible" and the "book" (hh2g) are roughly the same in literary excellence
04:31.25roeinsteinok hmm
04:31.57roeinsteinI see that my phone numbers are being passed as an extension so I need to figure out how to do extensions for the extension?
04:32.06MercestesI propose a candadicy of tyranny, and I will forge a future of gonads and strife.
04:32.10jncnot like oh jesus dies there and there also
04:32.16jncjust that the style is very similar
04:32.21jncshort stories with no point
04:33.28jbot[~whee] Weeeeeeeee!
04:33.46roeinsteinok so this seems to be a problem, when my sip provider passes off the dnis it makes it an extension
04:33.51jncafter reading hitchhikers, I was nearly passed out from laughter, and then I had a profound sense of "explanation" for all things in life
04:35.04Mercestesand I would approve all forms of torture
04:35.11jncoh geeze
04:35.28MercestesCan't be *that* bad, most of the girls I hang with want me to do stuff like that to them.
04:35.40coppicedouglas adams didn't say anything really novel, but the way he said things really put them into perspective.... a bit like the total perspective vortex itself.
04:36.14Mercestesand I would invade New Zealand...
04:36.22MercestesJust because....
04:36.37MercestesThey could use the air time on the news.
04:38.47coppiceMost guys would be happy just invading Jessica Alba's house
04:38.59Mercestesi'd be happy invading Jessica Alba.
04:40.13MercestesHere, Jessie, have this roofie-colada.  It's nummy.
04:40.37MercestesEh, screw it, we're talking about me being hypothetical president..I'd just have her brought in for...heh, questioning.
04:43.54roeinsteinwell I'm confused, my dialplans are broken up into different contexts
04:44.37roeinsteinwhat I dont understand is how I tie the dnis my provider is passing me to the proper context
04:44.58roeinsteinbecuase right now it passes the the dnis AS the extension
04:45.37Mercestesroeinstein:  I always did an exten => ${dnis},1,Goto(context,exten,priority) myself.
04:45.44Mercestesnot literally, of course, but, something like that.
04:47.36roeinsteinhmm nice :-)
04:47.58*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
04:48.24MercestesSo if one of your numbers is 1-800-277-4659 (a real number, btw) then you would do an exten => 8002774659,1,Goto(Context1,s,1) and do your magic there.
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05:04.41piper69!seen troy
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05:08.43phixI dial from my SIP phone, the other end picks up but my SIP phone still has the ringing tone
05:09.37roeinsteinMercestes, thanks!
05:09.44roeinsteinMercestes, that was exactly what I was looking for
05:10.03MercestesI take paypals
05:10.21Mercestesphix:  Does * see the other end pick up?
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05:10.52coppicethere should be a paypal unnumbered swiss account edition
05:11.01piper69Mercestes: can you help me with Cisco ATA 186
05:11.26roeinsteinsorry no pp or I definitely would :-) :-)
05:11.29roeinsteink I'm off :-)
05:11.32*** part/#asterisk roeinstein (
05:11.40MercestesThat's one way to get rid of 'em.
05:11.47Mercestespiper69, I'd rather not.
05:11.59Mercestesyou could, hypothetically, start with what's broken...
05:12.15piper69Mercestes: oh thank you anyways
05:13.03phixMercestes: ?
05:13.06phixhow does that help me?
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05:14.12Mercestesphix:  I've seena  few phones "stick" and not really pick up even though you put the handset to your ear.  Figured it'd be an easy solution.
05:14.20MercestesCiscos mainly.
05:14.21*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
05:14.30phixMercestes: the phone I am using is a Nokia E65
05:14.42Mercestesthat explains alot.
05:14.50phixit works when calling my voice mail on my asteriskl server
05:14.57tengulrehow to test stun ?
05:15.12phixbut it fails when calling a local SIP account or dialing via my VoIP provider
05:15.44tengulreI download the stun server & client on ,but I don't know how to test it ?
05:16.34phixI cant call my phone either wtf
05:16.39phixit says it is registered
05:17.02knnI have an Dial command issue
05:17.02knn1) Using Originate from php I land in <conf> context
05:17.02knn2) then from there i issue Dial with G option two make the dialed channel to enter Meetme
05:17.02knn3) The calling local channel goes to the <conf> context again and loops to issue Dial command again for the next conference particapant
05:17.02knnEverything works perfectly when * is run under a debugger, however without debugger when Dial just rings once for the third participant and then hangs up the third particapnt
05:17.05knnAny ideas
05:22.39Mercestesphix>  I have yet to actually make the e65 really work.
05:24.57FuriousGeorgeanyone familiar with peopleline?  i know a guy in .ca who uses them, say they force him to use # as last 'digit' to complete a call
05:25.08FuriousGeorgewonder why that is
05:27.08MercestesFuriousGeorge, The "#" key is often translated into a "dial" key on many phones.  They are probably lazily circumventing a poorly designed dialplan.
05:27.42FuriousGeorgei thought that might be the case
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05:42.21ar3damhi there .. how i can use a modem like a fxo card? .
05:43.30Mercestesar3dam, does your country use 110v or 220v?
05:44.06ar3dam:S .. what:S .. ?
05:44.45MercestesDo your outlets put out 110v or 220v?
05:44.53nny_1anyone have an opinion on  WARNING[6385]: loader.c:363 load_dynamic_module: Error loading module '': /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: boot_DynaLoader
05:45.12nny_1i am determined to get this ox spewing snmp data tonight... -_-
05:45.12ar3damok, use both outlet ..
05:45.35ar3damwhy mercestes?
05:45.38MercestesIf it's 220v you can put the leads pretty much anywhere on yoru body, if it's 110v, I would suggest a mucuous membrane, like your tongue or eyes.
05:45.53Mercestesie:  I would give up on the modem as an Fxo card deal.
05:46.02Mercestesif zaptel doesn't see it, it's impossible, and even if it will sound like ass.
05:46.22Mercestesit's only a very specific chipset that even works and I kidna wish no one had mentioned it.
05:46.53MercestesI'd just buy an FXO card.
05:47.15nny_1he just wouldn't* walk into that one easily
05:47.22*** part/#asterisk dijungal (n=kdaniel@
05:47.53Mercestesnny_1, they never do.
05:47.56jbotextra, extra, read all about it, cheap is a bad idea.  If you're setting up an Asterisk system, one of the wisest pieces of advice you can take is this: DON'T BE A CHEAPSKATE.
05:48.16ar3damja ja .. so funny man .. ok ok ..
05:49.13nny_1the boot_DynaLoader error is because libperl is missing (AFAICS net-snmp uses this). We should have autotools check for libperl and libnetsnmp stuff…
05:55.47nny_1I really really hate this shit
05:55.53nny_1such garbage
05:57.55dezentenwhats callweaver ?
05:58.16nny_1dunno.. trying to get snmp working on asterisk here and I am having one problem after another
05:59.03MercestesCallweaver could be referred to as "the rebel force" I suppose.  It's a group of rogue programmers who thought asterisk sucked so they took the source code, viciously raped it, and then submitted the nasty, used, sweaty remains as a "new release."
05:59.53dezentenMercestes: what you would call a fork
06:00.44MercestesIt says it supports T.38 passthrough and runs in a virtualized environment, but, I've never even managed to make it work.
06:01.00dezentenvirtualized enviroment ?
06:01.03dezentenlike xen ?
06:01.08dezentenor chroot ?
06:01.12Mercestesxen, Vmware, etc.
06:01.52dezenteni use asterisk on xen sometimes
06:01.53piper69where is troy?
06:01.59dezentenworks really well
06:02.06MercestesIt's ok as long as you don't need a zap timer.
06:02.22MercestesI read somewhere that * was supposed to fix that soon somewhere.
06:02.33dezenteni use it mostly for testing our product
06:03.30piper69guys i setp an ata for my dad and i sent it to him overseas, i tested before i send it and it was working fine, but now where my dad plugs it in it doesn;t work
06:03.54piper69i am thinking it could be because of the IP?!
06:03.55dezententhat sux
06:04.06dezentenif he is behind nat
06:04.15dezententhat could be a problem
06:04.35dezentennot your dad behind nat... the ata that is
06:05.10dezenteni got all my voip-stuff on public ipadresses here
06:05.11piper69i am trying to acccess his xp machine , but i don't know how to get the address of the ata
06:05.35dezentencheck the dhcp-server
06:05.50MercestesHIs country could be blocking VoIP traffic too.
06:05.59dezentenwhere does he live ?
06:06.14dezentenah yes
06:06.20piper69sudan in africa
06:06.26dezentendo you know how to configure vpn ?
06:06.45Mercestesgoogle openvpn howto
06:06.46dezenteni was talking to an ISP from africa on VON summer this year
06:06.52dezententhey were blocking voip
06:07.02dezenteni dont know which country
06:07.23dezentenopenvpn is easy and goes thru almost anything
06:07.35Mercestes3 bit encryption would be helpful too.  Enough to mask VoIP traffic but not enough for them to go "Ahh!  Encryption!"
06:07.55dezenten3bit ?
06:08.04dezentenhow do you do that ?
06:08.39dezententhats funny
06:08.41MercestesYou are, of course, risking an international event in which you could be sent to africa and made property of the province to pay of your debt of your obscene violation of their local laws.
06:08.55coppice seems to be on topic
06:09.07dezentenMercestes: true
06:10.12knnMercestes, do you have any idea on my Dial issue
06:10.39dezentenpiper69: like Mercestes says.. you should check if its legal to use encryption and stuff there
06:11.05Mercestesknn:  I suggest a consultant
06:11.11Mercestesknn:  But otherwise, not really.
06:11.32MercestesI never said he should check.  I said he'd be brutually victimized by the african authorities.
06:11.46Mercesteswas kind of hoping for it, actually.  >.>
06:11.57dezentenMercestes: yes, i told him to check because of your point there
06:12.08Mercestesspoil-sport. :P
06:12.58knnI have an Dial command issue, can anyone help...
06:12.58knn1) Using Originate from php I land in <conf> context
06:12.58knn2) then from there i issue Dial with G option two make the dialed channel to enter Meetme
06:12.58knn3) The calling local channel goes to the <conf> context again and loops to issue Dial command again for the next conference particapant
06:13.00knnEverything works perfectly when * is run under a debugger, however without debugger when Dial just rings once for the third participant and then hangs up the third particapnt
06:14.24dezenteni havnt used context other than default in 2 years
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06:18.30nny_1Mercestes: i am gonna have to put your callweaver quote in wikipedia
06:19.07piper69which tftp you guy recommand
06:19.09MercestesI think that somehow..someone, somewhere, someone might take offense.
06:19.28piper69Mercestes: for windows
06:19.45Mercestesformat c: /s /u
06:19.57MercestesThen install linux.
06:20.01Mercestesthen install opentftp
06:20.30piper69Mercestes: i did format c: /s /u and it ask me to reboot
06:20.41nny_1Mercestes: so honestly what do you think of the site? Never really done the cute approach before.. I kind of like it, but I am a weird one
06:20.49MercestesI like it.
06:21.43piper69Mercestes: should i say yes to reboot the system
06:22.30Mercestespiper69, no, that would damage the data on your harddrive.  You should definately yank the power plug to cancel changes.  Then plug it back in and tap the power button a few dozen times to clear the command outof memory.
06:23.29piper69Mercestes: when i power it back on it says no operating system found
06:23.52piper69what does that me, it never did that to me before
06:23.54MercestesPerfect!  Now insert the linux cd you burned....
06:23.59Mercestes......oh wait...that was step one..damnit.
06:25.04piper69Mercestes: how can i make it work again, i have to finish writting my sa paper for tomorrow's final
06:25.27Mercestesinstall linux and open office.
06:25.36Mercestesoh and, opentftp
06:25.41piper69only one page to go and then i can come and chat again
06:25.59piper69no i have windows
06:26.07Mercestes     btw
06:26.35Mercestesfunny how google windows tftp returned a useful result.
06:26.42piper69but i can't see the start button
06:26.58piper69the screen is all black
06:27.01dezententhere is a tftpd in windows xp i think
06:27.26piper69Mercestes: but it say operation system not found
06:27.31piper69what does that mean
06:27.41dezentenit means you got windows
06:28.30piper69but in the past i just press the power and it goes to where i can click start and use office
06:28.44nny_1that feature has been upgraded
06:28.50coppiceif you've got windows, does that mean you only have 6 months to live?
06:28.52piper69now it just black screen
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06:29.28nny_1wonder why there isnt more defenstration jokes with windows
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06:34.28drmessanoI got one
06:34.44drmessanoWhy is Windows more secure than Linux?
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06:35.12piper69Mercestes: btw, yo mama is sitting here on my lap and she was watching yo ass acting smart, she told me not to listen to you when you said format c: /s /u. she also said she will slap you in your ass when she comes back to Houston because you are gay
06:35.20drmessanoBecause Microsoft carefully HAHAHA LOLZ Sub7 HAXORED GREETZ LOL
06:35.30drmessanoBest I could do being this tired
06:36.09Mercestesdrmessano, still, better tan piper's retort.
06:37.55drmessanoI was trying to think of a good Vista joke...
06:37.58Mercestesbut....A:  my mom's never been to houston, B:  as anyone in #asstricks will tell you, not only am I not gay, my viewpoints are actually quite offensive to the lispy types, and finally C:, he has a broken ATA and no TFTP server and no one to help him, so revenge is mine.
06:38.12drmessanoBut I couldnt find anyone using it that I could use as a reference
06:38.14Mercestesdrmessano, try installing it.  Always gives me a laugh.
06:38.30MercestesI use it.  You can use me as a reference.
06:38.43MercestesLike I always said, my putty windows into linux have never looked cooler.
06:38.58drmessanoI used Vista for 30 minutes once
06:39.09MercestesOH, so you never even got to log in.
06:39.17drmessanoAHHAHA!! FTW
06:39.45drmessanoActually.. I was trying to install Cisco VPN and VNC on it
06:39.49drmessanoneither of them worked
06:39.54drmessanoI got a headache from the aero glass
06:40.18MercestesI kinda like Aero glass...but I also have a gforce gtx 8800 gfx card in my box.
06:40.23drmessanoand I told him that even though it was his personal laptop, if he wanted company software on it, he better bring it back with XP installed
06:40.36piper69Mercestes: revenge is mine, you remind me of Robin williams
06:40.37MercestesMy GPU is bigger than my other 3 computers...somehow..I couldn't bring myself to put linux on that.
06:40.41awkanyone had any issues with 1.4.16?
06:40.45awkbuddies, queues, etc etc?
06:40.51Mercestespiper69, Nice, thanks. Robin Williams is actually kinda funny.
06:41.08Mercestesdrmessano, and my beryl cube spun *way* too fast.  :(
06:41.30Mercestes*that* gave me a headache.  It was like, blindness every time I used my wheel mouse on the wrong part of my screen.
06:41.49*** join/#asterisk harpal (n=Harpal@
06:41.49jochiengHello everyone -- how do i start asterisk,zaptel on boot?
06:42.02drmessanoI got one.. Why does Linux have more security holes than Vista?
06:42.25drmessanoBecause you can actually get driver for your NIC in Linux
06:42.38piper69Mercestes: my ATA is not broken ! it a matter of me knowing how to config it
06:43.16Mercestesdrmessano, ....That is kinda true. =/
06:43.24*** join/#asterisk adjohn (
06:43.25Mercestesjopchieng:  What OS are you on?
06:43.35jochiengdebian etch
06:43.47Mercestesdont' supose you have rc-update   =/
06:43.54Mercestesyou have to add it to your rc stuff.
06:44.11Mercestesin gentoo I would just rc-update add zaptel default  but I dunno if debian etch has that.
06:44.12jochiengMercestes:i installed using apt-get install zaptel \ asterisk
06:44.55piper69they acutally say that if you place your Nikes close enought to your vista box .. it will acually install the driver "Found a new air you want me to install it"?
06:45.31drmessanoI loved the Dell ad
06:45.38piper69which one
06:45.44drmessanoThe low spec PC "Great for booting the operating system"
06:46.07drmessanoAs in, all you could do is boot
06:46.10drmessanonothing more
06:46.24piper69hahahahahh, i didn't saw that one
06:46.50drmessanoIt was a real Dell ad
06:46.57drmessanoSide by side of 3 spec PCs
06:47.12drmessanoand the middle was good for apps, the high end was good for gaming
06:47.19drmessanoAKA "Minesweeper"
06:47.37piper69drmessano: but dude they really have good service and equipment
06:47.54piper69all my boxes are dell
06:47.54drmessanoI dont blame Dell.. I blame the OS
06:48.32piper69you name it from inspiron to latitude to diminssion all of it
06:48.41piper69but the have ubuntu now
06:49.13drmessanoAt least its not an HP
06:49.35coppiceA big corporate Dell customer gets good service
06:49.36coppiceA small Dell customer gets pissed on
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06:49.41piper69omg , i hate HP i don't care what every body else say
06:49.55drmessanoIm almost certain when they merged that HPs printers lived on, and Compaqs PCs became HPs
06:50.06drmessanoBecause "HP" PC's don't exist anymore
06:50.23drmessanoAt least not the decent crap I remember
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06:50.37piper69i like the new design laptop
06:50.43piper69have you seen that
06:50.51drmessanoI have an NX9420 from last year
06:50.56drmessanoIts a piece of ELLLL CRAPPO
06:51.30piper69"ELLLLL CRAPPO"
06:51.43drmessanoDual core 1.83 Pentium M I think.. which means it runs at 1.8GHZ 50% of the time, and 1.83GHZ the other 50% of the time
06:52.47drmessanoIt would be just like the "new HP" to disallow both cores to work at the same time, or during the same hour
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06:53.54piper69drmessano: i would love to sit and chat with you , but i really want to get this stupid ATA to work , i can't load the h323 on it
06:55.31Mercestesdrmessano, that's largely true.
06:56.21drmessanoWe've been an HP shop for 3 years now.. and I miss Dell more and more
06:56.39drmessanoEverytime I get a new HP desktop I sob... just a little
06:56.46MercestesYea, The proliant series made it in, I think HP took over a few consumer Pcs, but a couple of the better compaq PCs stayed.
06:56.50piper69if anyone would like to help me with my Cisco ATA 186 please drop me pm, you made fun of my mom.
06:57.24piper69Mercestes: i will apologize
06:57.31MercestesNah, it's ok.
06:57.42drmessanoAll the HP desktops have the Green plastic crap in them.. which was my first tipoff
06:57.45MercestesI think your doomed, honestly.
06:57.53Mercestesbastard, actually.
06:57.58MercestesWell, 1, your using an ATA.
06:58.08Mercestesmmmm..basted merc.
06:58.23MercestesMe, personally, I would put an Asterisk box in Africa and IAX2 it over via a VPN.
06:58.25Mercestesbut that's me.
06:58.37Mercestes2:  Your trying to do VoIP over seas and that generally tends to be a little painful at best.
06:58.38piper69Mercestes: no no no
06:58.55piper69this ATA is here in usa
06:59.01drmessanoIf youre going to put it in Africa, better install it on an OLPC and get someone to keep it cranked
06:59.04MercestesI thought you said it was in Africa.
06:59.10piper69the other ata is diffrent
06:59.19piper69yes that was another one
06:59.28Mercestesso you have *2* atas that don't work?
06:59.30drmessanoWho has Asterisk on an OLPC yet?
06:59.48drmessanoI had the idea of "One PBX Per Child"  which is so damn american
06:59.50Mercestessave me a google?
07:00.01drmessano"One Laptop Per Child" PC's
07:00.25piper69no, the linksys ata works fine , i sent it to my dad to try and talk to him, but that one did work due to ip config
07:00.29MercestesIt can be done...
07:00.43MercestesI have asterisk on my Linksys wrt54gl
07:00.56MercestesIt *might* even handle a phone call.
07:01.01Mercestesor two
07:01.14piper69now i want to config this cisco ata 186 so i can use it here
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07:01.34MercestesMight I suggest the admin guide?
07:01.44drmessanothe world would be a better place if all those starving children in 3rd world countries had a working Asterisk PBX
07:04.14MercestesWhy would starving kids need phone calls that don't work half the time?
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07:05.05drmessanoSo you're saying they need a decent Wireless infrastructure to go with it?
07:05.18drmessanoOk, but thats gonna cut into the food ration
07:06.26drmessanoAlso need to cut a deal with Cisco for phones
07:06.53drmessanoDo they make one thats Zebraproof?
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07:10.40piper69i keep getting upgrade failed
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07:14.35piper69drmessano: you think its funny
07:16.56drmessanoYou said Cisco
07:16.59drmessanoI LOL'ed
07:18.30piper69looks like you guy feel better when someone else is strugling
07:18.59drmessanoNot at all
07:19.19drmessanoHave you reset it?
07:19.26drmessanoChecked the admin guide?
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07:31.20Mercestesdrmessano, they never read the admin guide
07:39.34arctanxguides++. I still had to make a comic about my asterisk setup though
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07:58.37arctanxIt's quite inexplicable really. I have asterisk 1.2 working fine with an SPA3000. Incoming calls have the CID prefixed with a letter, and it's set to ring on line 1 (the FXS port on the same device), but there's a selective forward to push all calls starting with that letter off to an asterisk extension, the result being that the caller doesn't get the phone picked up until asterisk does an Answer(). Found that on a forum. But come 1.4, an i
07:59.20arctanxAnd where in 1.2 I had outgoing calls going out through the FXO fine (cheers to this channel), I would get 503 circuit busy in 1.4. No idea at all why. So I went back to 1.2 :P
07:59.38arctanxThe only reason I ever bothered with 1.4 was to get volgain in voicemail.conf
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08:12.15drmessanoCentOS needs a "server CD" for 5.1
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08:15.59tzafrirarctanx, what version of 1.4?
08:16.16tzafrirIn such a case, please file a bug with a complete trace (sip debug)
08:17.24tzafrirarctanx, also, a script I use to test a different version of Asterisk with minimal disruptions to the installed version:
08:18.47tzafririt should work with any asterisk >= 1.4
08:19.16jochiengi am running v1.2 how do i add extension and agensts to start making basic calls
08:19.26tzafrirSo it can help you testing asterisk 1.4 if you can afford a short downtime
08:20.19tzafrirjochieng, "add"? to what exactly? Is this a new installtion?
08:20.26tzafrirOr an existing one?
08:20.34*** join/#asterisk joelsolanki (i=joelsola@
08:20.37joelsolankihi all
08:20.38jochiengyes this is my very first time
08:21.09joelsolankii have 4 incoming lines. when i make call i hear 3 ring then it goes to extension
08:21.31joelsolankiis there a way to make less rings or completely remove the ringing process
08:21.38joelsolankiand divert the call to extension.
08:21.49joelsolankiany hints ?
08:22.45joelsolankiit is rhino fxo card
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08:50.07X-FilezPpls, Please help, I have SNOM 320 and Asterisk 1.4 , but SNOM random time and don't use phone or use, lost registration SIP, logs SNOM -> , debug sip asterisk ->
08:53.59*** join/#asterisk implicit (i=implicit@gateway/tor/x-6af4ff2c7f5d29a1)
08:54.36FlatFootXifilez: what firmware version on snom ? and that debug is showing a password mismatch
08:54.46implicitanyone here use SIPP?
08:55.34FlatFootXifilez: try using snom320-7.1.19-SIP-f.bin it's the only one i found that works correctly
08:56.04X-FilezFlatFoot: Version 7.1.30
08:56.47FlatFootX-filez: i tried all different versions and found that snom320-7.1.19-SIP-f.bin is the only one that operates the phone correctly
08:57.41X-FilezFlatFoot: hmm, i see in , snom320 7.1.30
08:58.09X-FilezFlatFoot: this problem you have same ? and fixed in 7.1.19 ?
08:58.29FlatFootX-filez: lots of diff probs all fixed with .19
08:58.31X-Filezok thanks
08:58.57FlatFootX-filez: i have told snom and they are supposed to be making a new version that works :)
08:59.18FlatFootX-filez: but that 401 error is a password mismatch
08:59.49X-FilezFlatFoot: :( mde
08:59.58X-FilezFlatFoot: you try write to dev snom ?
09:00.31FlatFootX-filez: no i told my supplier who is the major UK retailer for snom and they are in contact with snom
09:02.47X-FilezFlatFoot: :) maybe next version fixed it...
09:03.16FlatFootX-filez: maybe , but i would'nt hold your breath
09:03.40coppicecontact with snom sounds rather unpleasant :-)
09:04.08FlatFootcoppice: i have never got through direct , only through my supplie
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09:18.42ice_crofthi all
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09:54.19gormuxhi all
09:54.51gormuxi still fail to find a way to make text messages working in my asterisk
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09:55.25gormuxi have a 415 error, and cant figure how to make this work
09:55.38gormuxany idea ?
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09:58.24gormuxdont understant, should be simple, i'ts such a simple use
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10:47.40jeanmi___after a call has been completed (one side did hangup) I'd like to know the duration of the call
10:47.55jeanmi___is there a variable that would contain such an information ?
10:47.55kaldemargormux: have you bothered to find out what 415 is?
10:48.18JTgormux: what text messages, what are you talking about?
10:48.24gormuxyes, its an unsupported media type
10:48.30gormuxthe instant messaging
10:48.47JTgormux: so why should it be easy?
10:48.56gormuxfor soft phones
10:49.07kaldemarif it's easy to use, it's easy to configure.
10:49.47JTgormux: you didn't answer my question
10:50.06gormuxonce the connection is made, i suppose its not hard to transmit simple text messages
10:50.09jeanmi___also I'd like to find out which side did hang up
10:50.27gormuxso i imagined that it would be not too hard
10:50.29JTgormux: i suppose you can also imagine a lot of things
10:50.37JTmany of them aren't true
10:50.44gormuxit seems
10:55.11gormuxso, seems that the only way to make these functions work is patching asterisk, recompile the whole thing, if i have understand
10:55.27gormuxsource :
10:55.45JTmost of us use asterisk to make and receive phone calls
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10:59.35X-FilezFlatFoot: there ?
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11:04.35gormuxJT: yeah, but it can sometimes be useful, and my boss wants it working
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11:23.45jeanmi___in an extension, I have a Wait(). The caller is hanging up during the wait. I am then getting a "Spawn extension .... exited non-zero". How can I catch that ?
11:24.19jeanmi___because there a few lines after the wait which I'd liek to be exectuted even though the caller hung up
11:35.41ai-a[dead]looking for asterisk door phone.  we have an old system that works. has an ext, and a switch.  looking for an asterisk network device that has a PSTN and a solenoid to switch the 'switch' when the internal guy (from PBX ONLY) enters a DTMF code.
11:40.40*** join/#asterisk harpal (n=Harpal@
11:41.18jboti guess bristuff is a patch collection with a hfc-pci driver supporting NT and TE mode ISDN. See for more info
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11:51.51jbotmethinks bristuff is a collection of patches to asterisk to support BRI in zaptel with HFC-based cards. See and
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11:53.38__freedom__loverhi all
11:54.01__freedom__lovercan anyone help me about res_snmp?
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11:59.52Faustovquick question on some terms: agent = registered extension for a physical phone?
12:02.04tzafrir__freedom__lover, not sure. maybe someone can if you ask a specific question
12:02.47tzafrirFaustov, basically yes
12:03.04tzafrirIt doesn't have to be a physical phone technically. But yes
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12:03.34__freedom__loveri'm trying to install asterisk mib into net-snmp. i've configured the snmpd.conf but when a use snmpwalk, it return nothing
12:04.00jochienghello ppl
12:04.07Faustovok, one more thing: could anyone point me to some manual or examples of incoming call configuration? like, call from sip provider a go to extension A
12:04.09Faustovand so on
12:04.29jochiengi am  running etch and i am getting this error wheni dial from CLI>
12:04.30jochieng-- Executing Wait("SIP/1001-0819c930", "1") in new stack
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12:05.12tzafrirFaustov, in the user/friend configuration you set context=xyz . In extensions.conf, do whatever you need under [xyz]
12:06.35jochieng#flood -- Executing Wait("SIP/1001-0819c930", "1") in new stack
12:06.51jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
12:07.36Faustovtzafrir: what do you mean by user/friend configuration? sip.conf and type=friend? (i got peer there)
12:08.28__freedom__loverdoes anyone have a good manual for res_snmp?
12:09.24Faustovtzafrir: so, type=peer lets me only make calls, while type=friend also allows receiving?
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12:13.50Faustovok found it in the manual
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12:18.35jochieng#pastbin  [] => (Dump Info About The Calling Channel)
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12:27.34Faustovtzafrir: so in extensions.conf, i got [xyz] exten => DID,1,Dial(agent) - am i getting this right?
12:27.48Faustovand i'd distinguish sip accounts by DID this way
12:27.55tzafrirFaustov, basically
12:28.23tzafririnstead of "agent", you should probably have "channel of agent". e.g: SIP/007
12:28.49Faustovand DID would be the username of that sip account, right?
12:29.20tzafrirThe DID depends on your provider
12:31.08Faustovtzafrir: so maybe a better idea to make separate contexts for each sip provider?
12:32.18tzafrirand use include => ; for the common parts
12:33.29Faustovhow would a exten => line look in each of them for incoming calls then?
12:33.54jochiengcan some body help -- i m running debian etch and i am having problems with asterisk
12:34.48FlatFootX-Filez: back now
12:36.41ice_crofthi all
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12:37.34Faustovtzafrir: exten => s,2,Dial(SIP/0007,,) <--- something like this?
12:39.26tzafrirYou can use simply:  Dial(SIP/0007)
12:39.34tzafririf you don't pass the other arguments
12:40.33Faustovoh so they are not mandatory
12:40.53jochiengplease some1 help..
12:41.43Faustovlooks like it's complete!
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13:42.08jochienghi everyone --  can some one tell me why this error is showing up (pbx.c:1741 pbx_extension_helper: Cannot find extension context 'default') I am using bebian etch
13:44.45davevg-btwtechdo you have a [default] context in extensions.conf?
13:50.20[TK]D-Fenderdavevg-btwtech: Clearly he DOESN'T
13:50.50[TK]D-Fenderjochieng: You've got something in your config pointing to a context that does not exist.
13:50.52blitzrage[TK]D-Fender: honestly... first thing I see you say today has a CAPITALIZED word?
13:51.17[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage: *sigh*
13:51.24[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage: tgif!
13:52.06[TK]D-Fender(should have been capitalized, but I wouldn't want it to be taken the wrong way)
13:52.37blitzrageyes, thank goodness it's friday... although that doesn't really mean much :)
13:53.02tzafrirjochieng, if you used Debian Etch, this wouldn't have happened ;-)
13:53.24tzafrirjochieng, seriously, when you see such a message, run from the CLI:
13:53.41tzafrirdialplan show default
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13:54.00tzafrirthat would show the dialplan context [default]
13:54.21tzafrirIt also has tab completion for context names
13:54.29[TK]D-Fendertzafrir : Whats the point of that?  It doesn't exist.  You know it doesn't exist, and Asterisk just finished telling him that to his face.
13:54.59[TK]D-Fendertzafrir : Something else is referencing it.
13:55.19tzafrirOr it can be a fallthrough
13:55.35FlatFootan aside :- anyone read this ...   ... ?
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13:55.43[TK]D-Fendertzafrir : Either way that CLI command won't give him anything
13:55.52[TK]D-Fender(of value)
13:56.10cappizI hva a queue wehere all my calls should be placed in by default... (no IVR, just straight to queue). I got one "problem", when i call the phone rings straight away, but the caller doesnt here the music/announcement before the 'agent-timeout' periode has passed.
13:56.48[TK]D-Fendercappiz: Pastebin the calls CLI output from beginning to end at verbose 10 please
13:56.52jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
13:57.08[TK]D-Fendercappiz: And have you verified through some other means that MoH is functional at all?
13:57.28[TK]D-Fendercappiz: And in your pastebin, please include your queues.conf & musiconhold.conf
13:58.02tzafrirjochieng, so in short, give some more context. What messages do you see immedietly before that one?
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13:58.13cappiz[TK]D-Fender, let me take a look
13:58.54[TK]D-Fenderjochieng: Please pastebin the complete call where that occurs as well.
14:04.20cappiz[TK]D-Fender, you want the outout of /var/log/asterisk/full ?
14:04.41[TK]D-Fendercappiz: No, I want CLI output at verbose 10 as stated
14:08.13cappizhere is the CLI sip debug
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14:13.49[TK]D-Fendercappiz: FreePBX is not supported here
14:13.55anonymouz666how do we suppose to answer an incoming SIP OPTIONS request?
14:14.34[TK]D-Fendercappiz: Executing Macro("Local/101@from-internal-0096,2", "dial|25|trM(auto-blkvm)|101") in new stack <-- and this line that gets called to actually ring your agent is using "r" to provide forced ringing.  This would override MoH
14:15.28cappizcould you explain :) ? what does r stand for?
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14:16.26[TK]D-Fendercappiz: "Ring".  But this is moot.  This isn't a system under your control, and this isn't a place to try and debug it.
14:16.55cappizvery strange that it works this way though
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14:17.45[TK]D-Fenderanonymouz666: * doesn't support responding to OTIONS IIRC
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14:19.01anonymouz666at least I don't know a way to do that.
14:19.38filechan_sip responds to incoming OPTIONS requests, happens automatically
14:21.40anonymouz666so why you must have an extension for that? My box is answering a 404...
14:22.21fileyou don't *have* to... depending on the remote SIP stack it might be perfectly happy with a 404
14:23.34filebut it does check for the presence of the extension in the OPTIONS packet
14:23.35anonymouz666I don't think so. Because it retransmits the request so fast.
14:27.27anonymouz666Very easy to fix.
14:27.39anonymouz666just s,1,NoOp and it makes * answer a 200 OK.
14:28.16anonymouz666thanks for clarifying.
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14:45.17oppassumdoes anyone know an easy way to "highlight a directory name" on a phone.  i.e. i send a signal to a phone, it reads that signal and highlights a directory name as a response
14:45.37oppassumi've got the premise done, i just need to know how to highlight the name, or make some kind of notice that something has been done
14:46.18[TK]D-Fenderoppassum: That would be extremely phone specific.
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14:46.39oppassumFender: polycom phones
14:46.40[TK]D-Fenderoppassum: And I know of no phone that can do anything like that.
14:46.56oppassumyou don't know a whole lot then, i've seen it on many phones
14:47.12ai-acontact polycom. ask for software addition :)
14:47.19[TK]D-Fenderoppassum: Closest thing to that on Polycom is to use the MicroBrowser, but that means the user has to go LOOKING for that information.
14:47.29[TK]D-Fenderoppassum: Oh, like which?
14:47.35ai-aoppassum: what phone supports it ?
14:48.02jwhit'll be nasty proprietary stuff
14:48.09oppassumnot specifically what i'm doing...but any phone that can transfer someone can do what i'm talking about.
14:48.09[TK]D-Fenderoppassum: And this one aspect is a poor one for trying to judge my experience
14:48.42oppassumFender: you may help people here, but you do it in the most conceited way. Rest assured you aren't being judged on this one instance.
14:48.43[TK]D-Fenderoppassum: Give me a specific model and a reference to a document that explains this functionality
14:49.07oppassumwell as I'm creating the functionality by hand, I obviously can't do that.
14:49.19filewhat does transferring have to do with looking up a directory name? the phone probably does it as part of the transfer but outside of that you can't control it
14:49.31fileat least in the SIP world.
14:49.48[TK]D-Fenderoppassum: So far noone else here seems to think this is anything mainstream and standardized.  Beyond SIP messaging, which * doesn't really do.
14:50.14[TK]D-Fenderoppassum: You can't show me a an example of this functionality yuo say is suported all over the place?
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14:50.26oppassumexactly what i'm trying to do isn't done
14:50.31oppassumsimilar things are.
14:50.49oppassumchanging the soft key functions, for instance.
14:50.56ai-a"<oppassum> you don't know a whole lot then, i've seen it on many phones"  <-does NOT say similar things.
14:51.09[TK]D-Fenderoppassum: So first you tell me I'm wrong and it can be, and then you tell me that it doesn't exist.  Which one is it now?
14:51.10ai-ayou claim you've seen it on many phones.
14:51.39arctanxtzafrir: The issues I described are in asterisk- My fear is that things are set up in a sort of "hackish" manner and that asterisk 1.4 is actually dealing with things more elegantly
14:51.47oppassumlook, stop attacking me here. I'm not looking for a concrete answer, I'm looking for a way to do this.  excuse me for not using the word "similar"
14:52.05[TK]D-Fenderoppassum: No, you attacked me, and I'm asking you to validate it.
14:52.07Qwelloppassum: and at least 3 people have told you that exactly what you want isn't possible automatically
14:52.41arctanxtzafrir: resulting in things not working how they do in 1.2. Still, it's bizarre. It's at work, so I can't guarantee that I'll get the chance to stuff around on there getting the right info for a bug report, but I'll see
14:52.58tzafrirarctanx, sorry. I don't recall the exact problem
14:53.27stshello folks. i seem to experiance some interrupt problems with my digium card. doesn anybody know how i could debug this issue?
14:53.36Qwellsts: call Digium support
14:53.41arctanxtzafrir: No worries, it was an SPA3000 set up in a particular way working with 1.2, then getting 302s and 503s when trying to do particular things in 1.4.
14:53.42tzafrirah, the problem with "1.4" earlier this morning?
14:53.45Qwellsts: they're best equipped to help you
14:54.51arctanxtzafrir: As I understand it, the SPA3000 is deprecated and has other issues (such as with RFC2833 DTMF) anyway
14:54.56tzafrirarctanx, if you can afford a short downtime I suggested you a way to get some debugging trace...
14:55.10arctanxYes I did see your message, I have it saved, and I will do so if I get the opportunity
14:55.15arctanxThanks for that
14:55.25tzafrira device that works with SIP of asterisk 1.2 and not of 1.4?
14:55.27stswell, the problem is that i cannot use a dedicated interrupt for my card since the BIOS of my HP server only allows me to share IRQ 7 with the first usb controller.
14:55.45stsdid anybody have the same issue?
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14:56.00tzafrirsts, have you tried support@ ?
14:56.04[TK]D-Fendersts: What version of * & zaptel are you using?
14:56.11stswhat about APIC?
14:56.12arctanxtzafrir: That's correct. However, I was using an odd configuration. Actually, I believe my work has another SPA3000 sitting around... I'll see if I can borrow it and experiment at home. I should be able to get some definitive results
14:56.41sts[TK]D-Fender: the last stable version
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14:56.52[TK]D-Fenderarctanx: SPA-3000 seems to work good with "AVT INFO" matching "dtmfmode=info" in sip.conf
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14:56.56Qwellsts: which is?
14:57.01[TK]D-Fendersts: ^^^
14:57.05dominic1which codec is better G722 or G711?
14:57.12Qwelldominic1: depends
14:57.15[TK]D-Fenderdominic1: G.722 clearly.
14:57.20tzafrirg722, if it is actually supported
14:57.21sts[TK]D-Fender: gimme a sec...
14:57.22arctanx[TK]D-Fender: That's right. I use info to avoid that rfc2833 issue
14:57.40fileif you're on a 56k modem, both suck! >:D
14:58.11arctanxThey work nicely over gigabit lan though I've found :)
14:58.41filethat gigabit ethernet stuff will never catch on! token ring I say.
14:58.47sts[TK]D-Fender: zaptel-, libpri-1.2.7, asterisk-1.2.26
14:59.11[TK]D-Fendersts: Please read the channel topic.
14:59.26[TK]D-Fendersts: We've been on 1.4 for over a year now.
14:59.53dominic1Thank you for the information. Do you know where I can get more information about the differences G711 vs G722?
14:59.59[TK]D-Fendersts: Development on 1.2 is completely dead and no bug fixes are coming out.
15:00.09tzafrirExcept for Zaptel
15:00.19jochiengHi --
15:00.24arctanxIt's interesting, debian and ubuntu both only have 1.2 in their stable repository -- does anybody know why?
15:00.26Qwell[TK]D-Fender: unless we screw up...twice
15:00.30[TK]D-Fendersts: And there have been major changes to the Zaptel driver in 1.4 to help with IRQ sharing
15:00.35tzafrirWhere bug fixes and support for new hardware are included
15:00.40jochiengi am getting this -- pbx.c:1741 pbx_extension_helper: Cannot find extension context 'default' on my debian etch
15:00.52jochiengi am using version 1.2
15:00.56[TK]D-Fenderarctanx: Because glaciers move faster than Debian packagers
15:00.56jochiengof asterisk
15:00.58tzafrirjochieng, and I asked you a followup question on that one
15:01.24arctanx[TK]D-Fender: good point. they still have gaim for that matter. Anyway, it's 2am here and time for bed
15:01.27[TK]D-Fenderjochieng: And I asked your for complete CLI output of the failed call attempt at verbose 10 over an hour ago and you have not provided it
15:01.28arctanxcheers and night all :)
15:01.31tzafrirarctanx, what Ubuntu?
15:01.44arctanxtzafrir: I think it's dapper LTS which probably explains it
15:01.57tzafrir ,
15:02.27tzafrirThat package in Ubuntu LTS is in Universe, and hence not supported as part of LTS
15:02.48sts[TK]D-Fender: well, we are forced to use the old version, tho
15:02.57sts[TK]D-Fender: since the upgrade would need to much time ATM..
15:03.15[TK]D-Fendersts: Its a really bad thing when you ask for help and can't follow through with what you need to do.
15:03.28tzafrirThe Ubuntu package is based on a Debian package. And Dapper was frozen at about the same time Etch was frozen
15:04.05arctanxtzafrir: The package is in universe for all versions, going by that list. And gutsy's a mess as far as I'm concerned, which is why I haven't encountered 1.4 there
15:04.06tzafrirIf you use Ubuntu, I'd recommend a newer version. If you use Etch: that package is reasonable, and has been updated with security fixes
15:04.54jochiengtzafrir: i tried the command you gave but still no luck .. jochieng*CLI> dialplan show default No such command 'dialplan' (type 'help' for help)
15:05.06arctanxAnyway, actually going to bed now. night all
15:06.27sts[TK]D-Fender: well the problem is the factor time... so currently i'm forced to stay at this version..
15:06.43tzafrirjochieng, if you use 1.2: show dialplan whatever
15:07.06[TK]D-Fendersts: Doesn't sound like you have much of a choice.  Digium cards + IRQ issues + * 1.2 = bad
15:07.20tzafrirjochieng, but as TK noted there, it is interesting to see what led to that message
15:07.34sts[TK]D-Fender: ok. thank you for that information.
15:07.36[TK]D-Fenderjochieng: And I told you that there was no point to that and for you to show us the complete call attempt where that error message occurs
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15:07.44tzafrirAn incoming call of soe sort? An attempt to call out some where?
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15:15.04jochieng[TK]D-Fender: & tzafrir: please take a look at these and
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15:16.55[TK]D-Fenderjochieng: And I asked you to pastebin the complete call attempt that generated that message, and if its due to a SIP call, do so with SIP debug enabled.
15:17.18[TK]D-Fenderjochieng: And please pastebin the output of "ls -l /etc/asterisk" as well
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15:17.49jochieng[TK]D-Fender: i am a newbie i am not well versed with asterisk this is my very first time to instal it
15:18.44mikecxi can't get my Playtones(ring) to stop ringing. is my extensions.conf
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15:22.39[TK]D-Fendermikecx: I might wonder because of the way that SLA uses meetme that this might be the issue
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15:23.50mikecx[TK]D-Fender: sounds about right. Is there a way to do two things during one step?
15:24.17mikecx[TK]D-Fender: i think if I had the stop tones get called in the goto it might work
15:24.48[TK]D-Fendermikecx: I'm not sure why you'd have to calling ringing yourself anyways...
15:25.07mikecx[TK]D-Fender: i pick up the call to check for faxes and the boss doesn't want an IVR
15:25.24jochieng[TK]D-Fender:take a look at this and
15:25.28[TK]D-Fendermikecx: Yes, but I thought that SLATrunk would generate ringing...
15:25.57[TK]D-Fenderjochieng: -rw-r----- 1 root     root        17706 2007-12-21 12:17 extensions.conf
15:26.16mikecx[TK]D-Fender: it does so long as the line hasn't been answered. once that happens all the person dialing in hears is silence. The phone themselves still ring, but the outside user hears nothing
15:26.22[TK]D-Fenderjochieng: All of your other configs are owned by Asterisk.  You have a files permissions issue and its not getting loaded because of this
15:27.00jochieng[TK]D-Fender:i saw that and i have corrected it immediately
15:27.10jochieng[TK]D-Fender: but still problem looomes
15:27.46jochieng[TK]D-Fender: unless i have to restart asterisk i think
15:28.02[TK]D-Fenderjochieng: You might
15:28.09[TK]D-Fenderjochieng:  but a simple "reload" might do
15:28.38jochieng[TK]D-Fender: done let me try and make a call now
15:31.26jochieng[TK]D-Fender:  after reload i see this
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15:31.54jochieng[TK]D-Fender: cld this be with my configs
15:32.21amessinaputnopvut: thanks for the fix:
15:32.51putnopvutamessina: your welcome.
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15:41.10mikecx[TK]D-Fender: do you think switching to nvfaxdetect might help at all?
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15:48.45mikecxlooks like that goto is useless
15:50.15jochieng[TK]D-Fender: Now i have this other problem :-( ;)
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15:52.38ZPerteewhen I configure zapata.conf and I split an 8 fxo port card into 8 channels does the numbering start left to right or right to left?
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15:55.13ZPerteenevermind I figured it out
15:55.22rob0:) I was going to say TIAS
15:55.49tzafrirZPertee, well, what is it? Don't keep us in the dark
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15:57.49jochiengtzafrir: kindly help with my situation for [TK]D-Fender seems not to be available at the moment
15:58.04mikecxany idea what options SLATrunk takes?
15:58.27jochiengtzafrir: with this
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16:00.38tzafrirjochieng, what did you expect to happen there? What has happened?
16:01.39ZPerteetzafrir sorry I figured since I was such a noob everyone already knew the answer.  I found in an article that they are numbered left to right
16:01.47[TK]D-Fenderjochieng: #### WITH NO DAIL TONE EITHER AND 2000 DOESN'T RING <--- 200 isn't designed to ring.  You can see that your dialplan has it answer and hangup immediately
16:02.24[TK]D-Fenderjochieng: It waits, answers , and hangs up.
16:02.31tzafrir[TK]D-Fender, ok. clam down :-)
16:02.46[TK]D-Fenderjochwhich is exactly what lines 27-29 of your pastebin tell it to do
16:03.09[TK]D-Fendertzafrir :I am perfectly calm.  The capitalization was his as written in his pastebin :)
16:03.15jochiengLET ME TRY AND CHANGE IT
16:03.26[TK]D-Fender^^^ see?  its not me :)
16:03.28tzafrirjochieng, calm down ;-)
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16:03.59jochiengtzafrir: being a newbie is not so easy ;)
16:04.21tzafrirJust don't use the caps-lock key
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16:04.35oppassumis there a way to remotely set DND on a phone?
16:04.36E-bolaHey can some1 give me some help with gotoiftime
16:04.41mikecx[TK]D-Fender: could i possibly use AGI Background to play the ringing until they enter?
16:04.47[TK]D-Fenderoppassum: Not in any phone I've ever seen.
16:04.49E-bolaGotoIfTime("SIP/35101085-082fb720", "16:31-23:59|*|21|Dec*?35101085|400") in new stack
16:04.49E-bola[Dec 21 16:58:35] WARNING[27174]: pbx.c:4063 get_range: Invalid month 'Dec*', assuming none
16:05.04E-bolai originally used dec as month, but neither dec nor Dec works, whats the correct syntax?
16:05.15oppassumis there a way to remotely change group rings?
16:05.16tzafrirA locale problem?
16:05.17bgatanyone here tried to run asterisk on a Dreambox?
16:05.18E-bolai copied dec from the wiki so asumed that was valild.....
16:05.20[TK]D-Fendermikecx: I can't see how you could control it to make it stop.  this is ugly.  You mean to say when you use SLA to ring tied-in phones that it doesn't ring for the caller?
16:05.47[TK]D-Fenderoppassum: Can you clarify what you mean by "group rings"?
16:05.48mikecx[TK]D-Fender: since i'm already picking up the line with Answer() on the way in to fax detect, no
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16:06.14[TK]D-Fendermikecx: It would make sense that SLA should have to option of answered and forcing a ring....
16:06.23oppassum*sigh* sadly i'm still stuck using trixbox..freepbx has a group rings module. From what I can tell it simple using a dial macro to dial multiple extensions
16:06.24[TK]D-Fendermikecx: there's no parameter option for it?
16:06.39[TK]D-Fenderoppassum: Those terms are meaningless unfortunately.
16:06.48mikecx[TK]D-Fender: not if the options are the same as the MeetMe options. The SLATrunk options aren't listed in the book
16:07.14[TK]D-Fenderoppassum: And FreePBX isn't a supported thing around here.
16:07.24oppassumwell then don't answer fender
16:07.28oppassumno one's forcing you to
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16:08.13[TK]D-Fenderoppassum: As for what can be changed remotely the typical answer is "sure, you can do the majority of whatever you can think of, just get coding".  However you have given all control of your setup to a Toaster-grade GUI
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16:08.36oppassumi know, it's causing dilemmas all over the place.
16:10.21E-bolaCould somebody please tell me how to specify a month in gotoiftime?
16:10.22[TK]D-Fenderoppassum: Well you know where to go for support of what you've got and that iff you head the other way perhaps we can help
16:11.02oppassumwhat pbx do you use fender?
16:11.24[TK]D-Fenderoppassum: Asterisk
16:11.48Mugatuis it possible to transcode ibound in-band DTMF to RFC2833/SIP INFO messages?    (this dtmf is coming in-band from a SIP peer over ulaw)
16:11.53oppassum...*bonks self on head*, duh.
16:11.56[TK]D-FenderE-bola: GotoIfTime("SIP/35101085-082fb720", "16:31-23:59|*|21|Dec*?35101085|400") in new stack <-- you have a very obvious typo here.  You put a "*" after Dec.
16:12.14[TK]D-Fenderoppassum: Perhaps you should rethink your question.
16:12.29oppassumno no, i understand
16:12.38[TK]D-FenderMugatu: * naturally translates those between legs of a bridged call.
16:12.45oppassumfreepbx, which is in use on my system, does nothing more than generate code for asterisk
16:12.47[TK]D-Fenderoppassum: think about it and try again
16:12.54oppassumyou do it yourself, correct?
16:13.02oppassumor am i missing something?
16:13.02E-bola[TK]D-Fender: ohh its not a typo hehe, i actualy thought u ended with a *
16:13.08[TK]D-Fenderoppassum: Yes. and I generate my own code for *, like everyone else here
16:13.17Mugatu[TK]D-Fender: OK, I'll keep looking didn't appear to be happening for me here, wanted to make sure it was possible
16:13.23oppassumso you did actually answer my question
16:13.24[TK]D-FenderE-bola: Not according to the app's instructions.
16:14.06[TK]D-Fenderoppassum: This channel is for everyone who is actually using Asterisk.  You are not.  Trixbox is using Asterisk and you have little to do with it.
16:14.32E-bola[TK]D-Fender: Do you have a tip for me for the future where to get the best information? I tried the wiki, which didnt help
16:14.41E-bolaand i did core show application GotoIfTime
16:14.43Qwell[TK]D-Fender: ab..
16:14.51E-bolawhich didnt reveal much but just told me to look at examples
16:14.55E-bolawhich didnt use months...
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16:15.20[TK]D-FenderQwell: Yes?
16:15.39Qwellor, using
16:15.40[TK]D-FenderE-bola: "show application gotoiftime" <--
16:16.00[TK]D-FenderQwell: Don't follow you...
16:16.07Qwell"Trixbox is using Asterisk"
16:16.22[TK]D-FenderQwell: Whats wrong with that statement
16:16.50drmessanoAsterisk isn't Trixbox?
16:17.04drmessanoBut.... but...
16:17.48syzygyBSDwhen is asterisk 1.6 comming out?
16:18.26jochiengtzafrir: ok it has now got to  demo-congrats and hangs up, its not easy making a dailed phone ring after all.. :-(
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16:18.59filesyzygyBSD: yes.
16:19.02iratikWhats going on herE?
16:19.10syzygyBSDfile: ;)
16:19.23tzafrirjochieng, the demo is on extension s in the demo context
16:19.56jochiengtzafrir:  i just want to ame phones rings each other
16:20.12jochiengtzafrir:  any sccripts somewhr u can direct me to learn more
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16:21.19tzafrirexten => 400,1,Dial(SIP/2000)
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16:21.36tzafrirThis means that if you dial 400 you get to SIP/2000
16:22.05jochiengtzafrir: does exten => 2000,1,Dial(SIP/2000) make more sense?
16:22.14Mugatu[TK]D-Fender: you are correct on dtmf transcoding, of course.  Either I was completely crazy, but after fiddling with dtmfmode, forcing ulaw to my peer, and a few iterations of 'sip reload', restarting asterisk finally seemed to do the trick
16:22.29tzafrirjochieng, yes. Should work.
16:22.31syzygyBSDTime to go have more fun rewiring :9
16:22.55jochiengtzafrir: thanks alot now i can begin from somewhr -- thanks alot for the info
16:23.00iratikWhats going on here? ... ... when i dial directly to the trunk its working...?!?
16:23.23tzafrirjochieng, also: exten => 200,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN})
16:23.48tzafriroops: 2000, not 200
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16:24.14jochiengtzafrir: same thing with the solution i asked you about earlier about calling the same ext.?
16:24.26mikecxwould there be any problem in having people answer the phone for faxes and then manually transfer them to exten => 999,1,Dial(Zap/1)?
16:25.14tzafrirmikecx, that has to happen fast enough
16:25.26tzafrirbefore the sending fax gives up
16:26.01iratikI'm getting "Everyone is busy/congested at this time " from every dial request
16:26.03mikecxtzafrir: we do it now for older fax machines that don't send the fax tone but that's with our old system
16:26.05iratikwhat might be wrong?
16:26.34[TK]D-Fendermikecx: No, thats perfectly viable... except I'm not sure how SLA will handle that as it passes through meetme for part of it
16:26.41[TK]D-Fendermikecx: In theory it might work.
16:26.49tzafririratik, please be more specific
16:27.08mikecx[TK]D-Fender: that's my concern too but I guess I won't know until I try
16:27.22tzafrirThat message is FreePBX's dialplan way of telling you  that "something was wrong"
16:27.28tzafrirset verbose 3
16:27.36tzafrirand look at the generated trace
16:27.44[TK]D-Fendertzafrir : No, that is a normal * message
16:28.06*** join/#asterisk teknoprep (n=tekno@unaffiliated/teknoprep)
16:28.07tzafrirhmm... mixing messages, I guess
16:28.16[TK]D-Fenderiratik: Please pastebin the entire output of your call at verbose 10.
16:28.23*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (n=nikolai@
16:29.30[TK]D-Fendertzafrir : a nearly useless one mind you :)
16:29.46iratikbut... i think i found out whats wrong
16:30.55[TK]D-Fenderiratik: Can't trust anything there until you enable SIP debug
16:31.17*** join/#asterisk Le_Vert (
16:31.25Le_Verthi :)
16:31.25*** part/#asterisk Mugatu (n=mugatu@unaffiliated/Mugatu)
16:31.40Le_Vertcould someone give me a little help to figure out why call deflection doesn't work ?
16:31.50Le_Verti'm using a 4 channel eicon diva card
16:32.10Le_Vert"/usr/lib/divas/divactrl mantool -c 1 -r"Config/Supplementary Values/SSFeatures"" gives
16:32.15Le_Vert-w------hit-[Config\Supplementary Values\SSFeatures ] = 0x10
16:32.27Le_Vertso I guess call deflection is enable on the hardware side
16:32.44Le_Vertbut capiinfo | grep -i 'Defle' doesn't return anything
16:33.32*** join/#asterisk ZPertee (
16:36.08Le_Vertany pointer would be greatly appreciated :)
16:36.52*** part/#asterisk dominic1 (n=dob@
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16:41.21*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (n=Zeeek@pdpc/supporter/active/Zeeek)
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16:42.32Zeeek is starting on the hour. Kerry Garrison will be on to talk about what they're doing at Fonality about the script issues that made the scandal sheets last week.
16:43.09ZeeekAll asterisk users are welcome to join us on IRC #voip-users-conference and post questions and comment there or join the live call
16:43.09QwellZeeek: 15m?
16:43.43QwellZeeek: tell Kerry to get on IRC
16:43.59Qwellplease :D
16:44.01ZeeekThe IRC channel is open, the Talkshoe call in server opens in a few minutes and can accept hundreds of callers
16:44.10ZeeekI'm not Kerry's boss :)
16:44.41Qwellno, but you should totally suggest it :)
16:46.03ZeeekI emailed just now
16:48.54ZeeekTo be in on this call
16:48.55ZeeekCall in now: SIP 123@
16:49.03Zeeekenter 22622# 1#
16:49.10Zeeekand you're there with us
16:49.34Zeeekthe room is non-smoking, but drugs are freely available
16:50.27*** join/#asterisk Winkie (
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16:56.35jochienghello -- i am running asterisk 1.2 on debian etch and i wld like to upgrade to asterisk 1.4 with my configs intact, how is this possible?
16:57.00iratikis there a free text to speech engine?
16:57.02Qwelljochieng: you'll need to read UPGRADE.txt in the 1.4 source dir
16:57.16iratika free alternative to cepestral?
16:58.39Qwellfestival works, but it isn't great.  It's certainly acceptable though
16:58.48Le_Vertnobody could confirm me that capiinfo should return Call Deflection
16:59.00Le_VertIt's really hard to figure out what's wrong
16:59.15Le_Vertthat would really help me to understand what's ok and what's wrong
16:59.32Le_VertI enabled call deflection at the hardware level with divactrl
16:59.42Le_Vertthat looks like being ok
17:00.05Le_Vertbut capiinfo doesn't tell me it supports call deflections then....
17:02.04*** join/#asterisk mort_gib (
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17:08.36[TK]D-Fenderjochieng: Your configs are all in 1 folder, and you need only copy them.
17:08.51[TK]D-Fenderjochieng: And keep in mind config file changes between versions
17:13.47*** part/#asterisk amessina (
17:23.58mikecxshizer, i forgot which port on my card is fxo and which is fxs
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17:27.23*** join/#asterisk dkatz333 (
17:27.41mikecxthe fxs ones are the closest to the back of the computer, the fxo's are farthest away, but which is which on the back connector thingy
17:27.46dkatz333Afternoon all.
17:28.08dkatz333Any zaptel experts onboard today?
17:33.02*** join/#asterisk reber (
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17:39.44ldsjohncan anyone point me in the right direction, I want to have one person record a message and 30 people login with a pin and listen, it used to be done on the old hardware pbx with virtual mailboxes but I can't get that to work with asterisk
17:42.06*** join/#asterisk dkatz334 (
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17:42.41ldsjohnim resorting to trying to use Record( ) to record a file and then Playback to play it but playback isnt working for me?
17:42.59dkatz334Okay, sorry for the disconnect...  My question is for a zaptel expert, anybody want to field this one? ->
17:44.48dkatz334I couldn't compile zaptel 1.4.6 with hdlc support because line 6399 of zaptel-base.c shows "skb->mac.raw = skb->data;" apparently mac doesn't exist in sk_buff anymore.  I don't think mac.raw is used anywhere else.  Any danger in commenting this line out?  It compiles without it.
17:45.35dkatz334kernel version is 2.6.23 bundled kernel with fc8
17:47.28*** join/#asterisk ar3dam (n=fl3pix@
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17:47.57*** join/#asterisk MacWinner (
17:49.18MacWinnerso tmobile has a plan with unlimited incoming/outgoing to a specific number.  if setup an asterisk box with a DID, and have it autoforward to my cell phone, can i have the callerid of the caller forwarded even though the incoming call is from my DID (and presumably 0 rated)?
17:49.43MacWinneryes, i'm trying to game the system
17:50.30dkatz334MacWinner, whats your outbound method?
17:50.50dkatz334I assume your inbound did is SIP, right?
17:50.54MacWinneri'll setup a SIP or IAX peer
17:51.10MacWinneri'm flexible.. whichever works
17:51.23dkatz334if the SIP/IAX peer allows you to set your CID to an arbitrary number, sure.
17:51.29jwhyou'll need a telco that will propogate your cid
17:51.31dkatz334I do the same with an 888
17:52.00MacWinnerDo you think tmobile will use the CID for billing purposes?
17:52.01dkatz334users call the 888, it rings at my desk, if I don't answer it rings my cell with the CID of the original caller.
17:52.28dkatz334Billing, how?
17:52.42ar3damhi there, what is named for example, if i want call long distante... i live in usa, if i wanna call to mexico i need type 01152867, but i dont wanna use this manned, i prefered type 7 and add the phone on mexico.
17:53.20MacWinnerso let's say my DID is 1234, and somecalls 1234 and then 1234 rings my cell (but sets the CID), tmobile will probably use 1234 as the originating caller right?
17:53.37dkatz334exten => _7X.,1,Dial(METHOD/01152867${EXTEN}) should do the trick
17:53.39jwhif they trust the telco enough, yes
17:53.51dkatz334Make sure you replace METHOD with however you usually dial
17:54.32dkatz334Yeah TMO just gets the CID info from your telco.
17:54.34MacWinnercause with tmobile i've configured the 1234 as the number i want to be unlimited incoming/outgoing
17:54.51joelsolankianybody's g729 working on asterisk 1.4 on celeron ?
17:54.53*** join/#asterisk Maliuta_ (n=nikolai@
17:55.04dkatz334I get it now.
17:55.12MacWinneryep, so assuming tmobile passes the CID, will they still use 1234 as the caller for unlimited purposes?
17:55.22MacWinner(sorry, i didn't explain clearly at first)
17:55.27joelsolankii installed g729 p3 version on celeron but when shutdown process it tells kernel panic
17:55.33joelsolankiany hints plz
17:55.47ar3damdkatz334, how find more information or how is nammed this?
17:56.14dkatz334It's part of the dial plan.
17:56.24MacWinnerdkatz334: did you use anything like freepbx to do this 888 configuration you have?
17:56.29ar3damOh, tks :D ..
17:56.37dkatz334_7X. means anything which has a 7 starting it and followed by any number of digits.
17:56.45joelsolankiif i remove g729 codec then it shutdown normally.
17:56.59dkatz334no Asterisk and I edited the dialplan...  did use PICO to edit istead of VI :)
17:57.28dkatz334No one has an answer for my zaptel question, eh?
17:58.02MacWinnerdkatz334: what's your zaptel question? (not that i would know the answer anyway :)
17:58.34dkatz334I couldn't compile zaptel 1.4.6 with hdlc support because line 6399 of zaptel-base.c shows "skb->mac.raw = skb->data;" apparently mac doesn't exist in sk_buff anymore.  I don't think mac.raw is used anywhere else.  Any danger in commenting this line out?  It compiles without it.
17:58.58MacWinnerif it compiles, it must work ;)
17:59.12jwhnot really ;)
17:59.55dkatz334yeah right
18:00.16dkatz334My CS students in "Intro to Programming" try to argue that with me every week!
18:01.11*** join/#asterisk michael-i (
18:02.42MacWinneryeah.. it's classic
18:06.02*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
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18:08.37MacWinneris there a good site with lots of example asterisk dialplans? is very good
18:13.42*** join/#asterisk kiscokid (
18:14.11MacWinnermy zttest on ztdummy consistently gives the following accuracies: 99.963379% 99.938965%
18:14.37mockerMacWinner: That's not good.
18:14.43MacWinneri was reading that there may be some rtc bug or something with the linux kernel?
18:15.01MacWinneror something with the code in ztdummy that is giving inaccurate info?
18:15.21MacWinnerusing a 2.6.15 kernel SMP
18:15.33MacWinnerzaptel 1.4.5
18:16.46MacWinneranyone run into this issue?
18:17.22*** join/#asterisk curtn (
18:17.32jwh99.975586% here
18:17.35jwhztdummy, works fine
18:17.38curtnhi all
18:18.43MacWinnerjwh, which kerrnel and zaptel versions are u running?
18:19.01jwhuk0# uname -sr
18:19.01jwhFreeBSD 6.2-STABLE
18:19.59jwhprobably not applicable ;)
18:20.59curtnit seems to be very difficult to obtain good voice quality on SPA3102.. I still have a very bad echo
18:23.07WilliamKinteresting, I wonder if Linksys is using the cisco designs or the sipura designs in that box
18:23.13WilliamKI know the sipura's work well
18:24.27curtnWilliamK: my PSTN line is from France Telecom
18:24.47curtnI stil have a doubt on impedance/capacity tuning...
18:25.17curtninput/output gain is difficult to tune...
18:25.31curtnecho cancellation doesn't work very well...
18:27.14curtnI understand why only ISDN is used on all "professional" VoIP installation..
18:27.30*** join/#asterisk Toerkeium (i=oo@
18:28.06WilliamKsaves alot of time, but I prefer to use ISDN PRI over T1s
18:29.12curtnthrough asterisk, the quality with my SIP provider (keyyo) is very good
18:29.13*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
18:29.21dkatz334Anybody have zaptel working with a split data/voice t1 with kernel 2.6???
18:29.42dkatz334everytime I run ifconfig on the interface is seg faults.
18:32.34WilliamKcurt... have you seen this doc yet?
18:33.11curtnWilliamK: yes
18:33.53WilliamKk, just figured I'd mention it :)
18:36.05curtnWilliamK: do I have another solution to cancel echo with asterisk ?
18:37.26syzygyBSDecho is caused by bad lines a lot of the time
18:37.35*** part/#asterisk kiscokid (
18:37.40tzafrirdkatz334, do you get something in the kernel logs?
18:38.59[TK]D-Fendercurtn: Analog can work fine with normal HWEC.  ISDN sucks as bad on the EC side if you're not covered
18:39.19[TK]D-Fendercurtn: <= go check out their forums on tweaking the SPA-3102 for echo
18:39.47curtn[TK]D-Fender: what is HWEC ?
18:40.00[TK]D-Fendercurtn: And you may want to pick some specific firmware as different revisions have different performance
18:40.14[TK]D-Fendercurtn: HardWare Echo Cancellation
18:40.25WilliamKcurtn, asterisk itself has ways to cancel but if you're going off hook using the SPA-3102 it kinda defeats the purpose
18:40.57*** join/#asterisk holiday_42 (
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18:41.09curtn[TK]D-Fender: i have thhe last firmware.. maybe not the best one
18:45.52[TK]D-Fendercurtn: Exactly.  Latest != best
18:46.03[TK]D-Fendercurtn: Go over the forums carefully
18:47.14curtn[TK]D-Fender: on the forums I can see some people having good result with very high gains... I'm not convinced
18:47.36curtntheir conditions seems to be different than mine
18:48.44curtnin general, is the "Disconnect Tone" usefull ? or not ?
18:48.45WilliamKthe other thing I noticed that was odd is it seems that Sipura doesn't manufacturer the boxes with the right ring frequence/voltage (on the US boxes anyway);  looks like they recently corrected their "defaults" to match bellcore
18:49.19nny_1god why? why must i be forsaken
18:49.46nny_1wheres my sword, i must die with honor
18:50.45WilliamKyou could always downgrade to Win3.1
18:50.56WilliamKI keep all the files on a server nowdays just for fun :)
18:51.06holiday_42only 6 disks :)
18:51.28curtnWilliamK: ring frequence/voltage is fully configurable on my SPA-3102.. it should match France Telecom..
18:52.01[TK]D-Fendernny_1: Here... you can borrow mine :) -
18:52.10coppicepeople who use high gains are usually operating their system in almost permanent clipping. many do this, despite it sounding bloody awful
18:52.22Qwellcoppice: I set my gains to 30
18:52.28WilliamKcurtn, my comment was to the fact that they didn't match bellcore standards by default prior
18:53.08WilliamKhey coppice, have you ever gotten an SPA-2002 to work on faxes?
18:53.23coppicenever used one
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18:54.07MacWinnerare my zttest result problems something to do with 1000khz clock vs 1024khz clock?
18:54.21WilliamKk, was just curious... I keep seeing the unknown codec 100 messages and when I think I had that resolved it doesn't work at all.... gave up and ordered an SPA-2102 to hope that T.38 works better than just pass-through
18:54.31MacWinnerlike is that skewing the accuracy of zttest?
18:54.43MacWinneri vaguely remember a problem with this before
18:58.10coppiceWilliamK: there are numerous ATAs, many with something in their config menus about FAX, which have zero chance of ever working with FAX due to weird things they do. See for some weird effects
18:59.12coppiceI must be getting famous. is a mass of links to other people's FAX software :-)
18:59.39iCEBrkrNo sane person should be trying to send FAXes over VoIP channels. However, in development work we do some insane things as part of our system investigations.
18:59.56iCEBrkrcoppice: Micro-celebrity
19:01.38MacWinneram i correct in saying that ztdummy is not usef if i'm setting up a basic call forwarder where someone calls my DID and then it rings my cell?
19:01.57[TK]D-FenderMacWinner: Nothing to do with that
19:02.20MacWinnerwhat's the general rule where ztdummy is used?  when sounds are being mixed?
19:02.34[TK]D-FenderMacWinner: This is documented to death already
19:02.48[TK]D-FenderMacWinner: A zaptel timingf source is needed for MeetMe, and IAX2 Trunking
19:02.49iCEBrkrTo death!
19:03.26iCEBrkr[TK]D-Fender: I guess I don't have room to talk, I didn't know a timing source was needed for IAX trunking.
19:03.56MacWinneri heard about meetme.. didn't know iax required it too
19:04.44*** join/#asterisk emist (n=emist@unaffiliated/emist)
19:05.02jeranyone recommend a reliable place to buy did's ? (particularly DIDs for NA)
19:05.56iCEBrkrI musta had ztdummy working the last time I trunked 2 asterisk boxes.
19:06.50MacWinneriCEBrkr: are you using IAX trunking now?
19:07.04iCEBrkrMacWinner: No, I mean.. well. I want to
19:07.16iCEBrkrThis was years ago when I first started tinkering with Asteriks.
19:07.29MacWinnerdo you mind sharing your zttest results?
19:07.37MacWinner(are u using digium hardware?)
19:07.51iCEBrkrNow that my primary asterisk box is located at home behind nat on a dynamic IP.. It's difficult to have a softphone on my laptop when I'm remote.
19:08.27iCEBrkrSo I was going to run a small instance of Asterisk on my hosted virtual machine which has a public IP
19:08.53iCEBrkrSo then I just connect both asterisk machines via IAX and be done with it :)
19:09.06iCEBrkrMacWinner: I haven't touched this stuff in years.
19:09.24MacWinneryeah, i wanted to be able to trunk with a provider while i'm behind NAT
19:09.55MacWinnermy zttest results don't look good enough though supposedly
19:09.55_x86_MacWinner: IAX2 is your friend
19:10.18MacWinner_x86_: but ztdummy seems to be my enemy :)
19:10.20iCEBrkrIAX is NAT friendly.. Which is pretty much the only reason for this trunking
19:10.21_x86_zttest has nothing at all to do with NAT
19:10.23*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
19:10.26_x86_MacWinner: why do you need timing?
19:10.38_x86_MacWinner: you trying to do conferencing or something?
19:10.49MacWinner_x86_: TK-fender says you need zaptel timing for IAX2 trunking
19:12.01_x86_as long as you have ztdummy you'll be fine
19:12.01MacWinnerconferencing not such a big deal.. just trying to get some call forwarding going
19:12.01_x86_if you have problems, get a X110P ;)
19:12.42_x86_i've done IAX2 without ztdummy before (not in trunk mode though)
19:12.56_x86_how many calls are you going to have going out at once to your ITSP?
19:13.07_x86_at any one given time
19:14.23*** join/#asterisk apocn (n=htejeda@unaffiliated/apocn)
19:14.43MacWinnermaybe 2-3
19:15.11_x86_how much bandwidth do you have?
19:15.16apocnHello, Im trying to register my asterisk with a softswitch and specify the user/pass/host and reload asterisk I get the following message : Got SIP response 423 "Interval Too Brief". Any help?
19:15.22*** join/#asterisk fnordus (n=dnall@
19:15.27MacWinneri found this article about ztdummy.. the guy seems to have the same exact numbers as i do for zttest.. he seems to claim that the zttest numbers are not quite accurate:
19:15.34_x86_MacWinner: trunking with only 2 or 3 calls is not going to save you much bandwidth
19:15.50_x86_MacWinner: you can do iax2 without trunking you know :)
19:15.51MacWinner_x86_: not sure if the exact amount of bandwidth, but it's a lot (dedicated server with 1and1)
19:15.51Qwellbsd?  don't bother
19:16.04_x86_yeah, just dont do trunking
19:16.07_x86_you'll be fine
19:16.13_x86_even without ztdummy
19:16.22MacWinner_x86_: oh, shiz, i forgot :)
19:16.34MacWinnertrunking just for saving bandwidth?
19:17.11_x86_trunks multiple calls along the same signalling path
19:18.11apocncan someone help me?
19:19.15michael-iI have several incoming DIDs defined for my ISDN connection and I want to catch all other numbers with an X! pattern. Currently calls to the defined DIDs/MSNs work, but the catch-all is failing rejecting the calls due to an unfound extension. My logic is here ( Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
19:22.38MacWinner_x86_: thanks for the info.. i ran a patched version of the zttest which seems to give me better results.  if i understand correctly, even though my short term zttest results are not very good, my long term ones are very good.  does that guys post make sense to you?
19:23.00*** join/#asterisk redder86 (
19:23.37redder86How does one debug these? :  Dec 21 14:21:53 WARNING[25378]: channel.c:780 channel_find_locked: Avoided initial deadlock for '0x9078128', 9 retries!
19:32.16holiday_42Michael-i: I cant see your pastebin... anyway does the pattern matching in your dialplan start with _?
19:32.32nny_1lol so if i have a network, millions of miles away, that is obviously disparate, is there any temp fix to still getting calls through even with packet loss?
19:32.52nny_1right now it thinks the sip peers are unavailable.. my luck it's some god awful 90s hub between them all
19:33.19michael-iholiday_42: : yes
19:34.32*** join/#asterisk apocn (n=htejeda@unaffiliated/apocn)
19:35.08apocnHello, Im trying to register my asterisk with a softswitch and specify the user/pass/host and reload asterisk I get the following message : Got SIP response 423 "Interval Too Brief". Any help?
19:37.53*** join/#asterisk angom (
19:38.20_x86_MacWinner: doesn't matter, you dont even need ztdummy if you dont trunk
19:39.42*** join/#asterisk chisefu|afk (n=brett@
19:39.55chisefu|afkIs there anyone available for help?
19:40.00[TK]D-Fendermichael-i: Pastebin a failed call at verbose 10
19:40.02jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
19:40.26[TK]D-Fenderapocn: The registration period is unacceptably low for one side or the other.
19:42.07*** part/#asterisk redder86 (
19:42.41chisefu|afkwhat's the AsteriskNOW command line network tool?  do we have to use ifconfig?
19:44.59michael-i[TK]D-Fender: this is someone else's box, so I can't do this myself. Just making sure my little bit of logic there was correct.
19:46.21tzafrirchisefu|afk, #asterisknow or #rpath
19:46.32chisefu|afkok sorry
19:56.43[TK]D-Fendermichael-i: And you could be showing us stuff that never comes into play.
19:56.54[TK]D-Fendermichael-i: Ask when you have a chance to do something about it.
19:59.12*** join/#asterisk xheliox (n=jeff@pdpc/supporter/active/xheliox)
20:00.58michael-i[TK]D-Fender: outgoing works, incoming works for the defined destinations. The only failures are with destinations falling into the _X! extension. Just making sure nothing obvious was wrong there.
20:02.02*** join/#asterisk jmesquita (n=jmesquit@
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20:03.26[TK]D-Fendermichael-i: I have no proof it even uses the contexts you showed us.  When you say things aren't working and I can't see everything my trust level reaches 0 almost instantly
20:04.55michael-i[TK]D-Fender: sorry you're so untrusting, thought I was making things easier by narrowing down the problem instead of throwing my hands in the air and posting 20 pages of logs and .conf files
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20:08.47[TK]D-Fendermichael-i: Oh no... showing the configs is a GREAT thing... seeing that they MATTER almost supercedes that however :)
20:09.26[TK]D-Fendermichael-i: Sorta like when Rome set out 5000 soldiers to guard the city from the Huns.... they shouldn't have been looking the OTHER WAY
20:10.13chisefu|afkthat's so FUNNY haha 5000 soldiers OH MAN they totally should have TURNED around!
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20:46.48_x86_lmadsen: heya :)
20:48.17lmadsenhowdy :)
20:48.57apocnHello, Im trying to register my asterisk with a softswitch and specify the user/pass/host and reload asterisk I get the following message : Got SIP response 423 "Interval Too Brief". Any help?
20:49.56dacsi am havining problem with ATA config
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20:53.33michael-iapocn: some info,
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20:53.55QwellCresl1n: !
20:54.03Cresl1nQwell: !!!
20:59.27Cresl1nno way! it's twisted!
21:01.06*** join/#asterisk craigk (n=ckowald@
21:01.36Qwelltwisted: I can start drinking again on the 1st :p
21:01.44twistedi didn't know you couldn't
21:02.03Qwellno, not really "couldn't", just "wouldn't
21:02.23twistedjbot: fkuc you
21:02.26Corydon76-digQwell: why'd you stop?
21:02.33Qwelltwisted: trailing /
21:02.41twistedyou don't need trailing /
21:02.45QwellCorydon76-dig: no particular reason
21:02.48Qwelltwisted: you do with jbot
21:02.48twistedonly if you are doing operations
21:02.49*** join/#asterisk BCS-Satori (n=somewher@
21:03.02twistedqwell: o reeallie?
21:03.13twistedguess so
21:03.26twistedbut see what i really meant? :P
21:03.43BCS-SatoriI having having isssues doing a make install no asterisk-addons 1.4.5 i keep recieving this error:
21:04.16QwellBCS-Satori: there's an open bug
21:04.43BCS-SatoriQwell: ah any more information I can find on it, or should i use an older verison?
21:04.56Qwellthere's a workaround patch on the bug
21:05.18dacstwisted: have you ever worked on Cisco ATA 186
21:05.38BCS-SatoriQwell: would you happen to have the link or able to point me in the correct direction?
21:05.51Qwellno, you'll have to search for it on
21:07.50mikecxon a card exactly like this one: (fxo and fxs are in the same spots) is the one nearest or furthest from the empty spots where the lines from the phone company come in?
21:14.28*** join/#asterisk shido6 (n=shido6@
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21:17.17BCS-SatoriQwell: i see the bug report from 5-1-07 but i see no workaround =/
21:19.14BCS-SatoriQwell: if we did a ln -s libchan_h323.1.0.1 it would resolve it? are they the same files?
21:22.49BCS-SatoriQwell: yep, that totally worked
21:23.27MacWinnercan you match an incoming callerID in sip.conf or iax.conf and then send to a specific context based upon CID?  or is this not standard? ie, should all CID matching happen in the dialplan?
21:23.45QwellMacWinner: do CID matching in the dialplan
21:23.48Qwellyou can do something like
21:24.13Qwellexten => 5551212/5552233,Goto(somecontext)
21:24.23Qwellif 5552233 calls 5551212
21:25.14MacWinnersorry, i'm not familiar with that notation... 5551212/5552233 matches if 5552233 calls 5551212?
21:25.21MacWinnerthat's pretty damn cool
21:25.24Qwellthat's what I said, yeah :p
21:25.39MacWinnerawesome, thanks so much
21:25.51MacWinneris it even possible to do it in the sip.conf?
21:25.57MacWinnerout of curiousity
21:26.10Qwellno ways I can think of.  I'm sure you *could* do it though
21:31.01MacWinnerqwell, i have a tmobile phone which allows allows unlimited incoming/outgoing to 5 specific DIDs.. if i setup my asterisk box with one of the DID and let other people call that DID to autoforward to my cell, i should get free incoming calls.. however, I wanted to set the CID so that I can know who is calling.  do you think this will interfere with tmobile's billing?  ie, do you think they...
21:31.03MacWinner...depend on the CID to determine whether the call is one of my 5 free DIDs?
21:31.15MacWinneror is CID distinct from the originating caller number
21:31.38Qwellit is
21:31.46MacWinner(yes, i'm trying to work the system) ;)
21:31.46Qwelltmobile doesn't care
21:32.07QwellI know at one point, they didn't bother looking at ANI, but looked at CID instead
21:32.15Qwell(same with vmail auth...scary, eh?)
21:32.33Qwellyeah, so, there's a story that goes with that...
21:32.53Qwellat AstriCon one year, people "hacked" Mark Spencer's voicemail, and had Allison Smith record a new greeting for him
21:33.25QwellI think twisted could probably tell the full version :p
21:33.35MacWinnerhe was tmobile customer?
21:33.39Qwellyeah, iirc
21:33.50Qwellmost of the providers used to have that flaw
21:34.11QwellMacWinner: here's another trick you might consider though
21:34.23QwellmyFaves costs more than "in-network" calling...
21:34.46Qwellassuming you're only doing one direction
21:35.11Qwellof course, ymmv - don't try this at home - the usual disclaimers apply
21:35.19MacWinnerhook up cell to pbx?
21:35.34Qwellnah, cid of another t-mobile cell
21:35.57MacWinnerheh, so no need for fav5
21:36.22MacWinnerso you think they use CID for the billing then?
21:36.27Qwellthey used to
21:40.15MacWinneroki, so i got the the call coming in on the sip peer, and then to the dial plan to Dial() my cell.. how do you set the CID so that my cell sees the CID of the original caller?
21:40.23MacWinneris a parameter of Dial() ?
21:41.23MacWinnernm, setcallerid :P
21:44.39*** join/#asterisk reber (
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21:56.59MacWinnerQwell: looks like you can set the ANI as well
21:57.00*** join/#asterisk disposable (
21:58.33disposablehow many concurrent phonecalls will a core2duo 2.33GHz with 4GB ram be able to handle? (no recoding, everything in g711) rough guesstimate is enough.
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22:00.14disposablecarrar: at the same time i mean :)
22:00.31*** join/#asterisk VJFROMGT (
22:00.52disposablecarrar: hence the 'concurrent'
22:00.55VJFROMGTwhat calls macro-record-enable .. i want to disbale it
22:02.54*** join/#asterisk gerphimum (
22:04.37VJFROMGTcan someone tell me how to disable a marcro?>
22:07.45*** join/#asterisk `Sauron (
22:08.57Nuggetwhat does "disable" mean in that context?  A macro is either present in the dialplan or it isn't.
22:09.12Nuggetif you invoke the macro it runs, if you don't it doesn't.
22:09.49Nuggetare you sure you're really using asterisk and not freepbx or trixbox or something like that?
22:11.31*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (n=me@
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22:13.25mikecxwhat's the CLI command to show what an application can do/it's flags
22:17.07Nuggetshow application <appname>
22:17.29mikecxNugget: thanks
22:18.03mikecxany ideas as to why the dundi stuff is still getting loaded and iaxtel is getting loaded even though it's not in the dialplan
22:18.46*** join/#asterisk matsk (n=mk@
22:19.08Nuggetadd noload lines to modules.conf if you don't want those apps loaded.
22:19.50mikecxi can't really think of a good reason to have them running
22:21.57VJFROMGTsorry, i am back, i am using trix, i want to know what would normally call macro-record-enable so i can disable it from calling
22:22.12VJFROMGTguys at #freepbx dont know taht stuff
22:22.38jbottrixbox is, like, a full linux distro that includes FreePBX and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox VERY difficult to support, and is not supported in #asterisk. Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & wiki at
22:23.48VJFROMGTqwell, under regular asterisk, what would call such a file?
22:23.53mikecxi wonder if there is a way to stop the slaline macro from hanging up on transfer
22:24.01QwellVJFROMGT: asterisk would
22:24.19*** join/#asterisk drmessano (
22:24.35VJFROMGTcorrect, what conf file, i am trying to disable it from been called
22:24.49QwellVJFROMGT: I don't know - trixbox and freepbx do things differently
22:25.05MacWinnerok, so is ANI spoofable or not?  the asterisk application indicates so, but info on the web seems to indicate otherwise
22:25.08VJFROMGTqwell, please tell me how regular asterisk would do it
22:25.17QwellMacWinner: nope
22:25.21Qwellnot over the pstn
22:25.32MacWinnerspoofable over VoIP?
22:25.44Qwellvoip doesn't really use "ani"
22:25.46fileVJFROMGT: if you go modifying extensions.conf it'll get overwritten by trixbox, you have to disable it there
22:25.56MacWinnererr, from my VoIP provider then to their PSTN connection
22:25.59VJFROMGTthanks file, that is all i was asking for
22:26.07QwellMacWinner: nope, it still goes over the pstn
22:26.18Qwellso, no ani spoofing for you
22:27.07MacWinnernot really looking to spoof ANI.. just CID.. so i can get my free unliited incoming if tmobile uses ANI for billing, but get my cell to display the CID for my convenience
22:28.25VJFROMGTfile, just a fyi trix does not write to extension.conf, it calls a file called extension_additional.conf which it does writing to
22:28.25MacWinnerQwell: what's this then:  Set(CALLERID(all|name|num|ANI|DNID|RDNIS)=_CALLER NAME_<_CALLER NUMBER_>)
22:28.31MacWinnerANI is listed there
22:28.46Qwellbecause you can set it over some technologies
22:28.58fileMacWinner: that doesn't mean it'll actually get transported...
22:28.58Qwelldoesn't mean it'll carry over to the pstn though
22:28.59QwellVJFROMGT: wrong
22:29.11drmessanoYeah, what the hell would the developers know
22:29.12QwellVJFROMGT: it 100% definitely overwrites extensions.conf
22:29.28*** join/#asterisk Lawbringer (
22:29.30VJFROMGTtehre must be a glitch in the one i am using then
22:29.31MacWinnergot it, thanks!
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22:45.31piper69guy please i need help setting up Cisco ATA 186 , every time i try to upgrade to H.323 using the tftp i get updgrade failed
22:45.37piper69any idea please
22:47.54*** part/#asterisk outtolunc (n=user@
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22:49.32redder86Would someone please comment on how to troubleshoot/debug these:   Dec 21 17:45:56 WARNING[26785]: channel.c:780 channel_find_locked: Avoided initial deadlock for '0x845f3b8', 9 retries!
22:50.16piper69redder86: wait in line :)
22:50.30redder86is there a line?
22:50.48redder86is there help?
22:50.48piper69no , jk
22:51.04mikecxredder86: depebds on if someone knows the answer or not
22:51.10piper69well i have been asking for help , but seems all are busy
22:51.21piper69^^that too
22:51.24mikecxpiper69: gotta wait longer than a few minutes
22:51.48mikecxas the people that normally help here could either be out to dinner or living lives :-P
22:51.51piper69mikecx: nope sir, i have been here since last 2 days , but i logoff and on
22:52.08mikecxpiper69: hrrm, i've kinda idled the last few days and not seen that message
22:52.19redder86well, I've been here off and on for the last few years
22:52.45piper69mikecx: just go back 3 hrs ago
22:52.57mikecxwait until you see people like bkruse, Qwell, and [TK]D-Fender on, they can usually help with most stuff
22:53.07mikecx*talking, not just on
22:53.11piper69troy was helping me the other night but i am stuck now
22:53.15piper69mikecx: yes
22:53.42mikecxredder86: have you emailed Cisco about it?
22:53.46drmessanopiper69, call Cisco
22:53.58mikecxgreat minds...
22:54.34mikecxyeah, who would call the people that make the phones ( or buy them and rebrand them) for help, that would be silly
22:54.56mostyredder86, is that just a warning, or do you have an actual problem?
22:55.03piper69i am a 1/2 CCNA
22:55.15redder86mosty: it slows down the call progress
22:55.26redder86mikecx: why would I e-mail Cisco?
22:55.37piper69redder86: it was a typo
22:55.42drmessanoSurely an IRC channel would know more than the manufacturer
22:55.53piper69drmessano: you where here last night right
22:55.55mikecxredder86: i musta hit the wrong person with that one
22:55.59mostyReD-MaN, what version of asterisk?
22:56.02mikecxredder86: sorry
22:56.06redder86mosty: 1.2.26
22:56.09drmessanoIm always here... Im built on Asterisk
22:56.29mikecxbkruse: that was me, i was telling peoples of your genius
22:56.34drmessanoI'm a perl script
22:56.35bkruseoh, awesome :P
22:57.22piper69mikecx: so do you think you could help me
22:57.52piper69i am tryiing to upgrade from SCCP to H.323
22:57.53mikecxpiper69: nope, i've never worked with the cisco stuff
22:58.29chisefu|afkhm I'm having problems getting my phones to register the lines with the server
22:58.33chisefu|afkis anyone good with this kind of thing/
22:59.03mikecxchisefu|afk: be more specific. Can your phones not register? Can you not dial out? What exactly is not working
22:59.06mostychisefu|afk, sip phones? pastebin your sip.conf and the console error message?
22:59.29piper69drmessano: have you seen troy here latly
23:00.16chisefu|afkwhen I go on my polycom soundpoint ip 430 to status->lines
23:00.22chisefu|afkit says the extension isn't registered
23:00.27chisefu|afkI can't call other extensions or call out
23:00.52*** join/#asterisk MohShami (n=mohshami@
23:00.55chisefu|afkI can connect to the phones with a browser though
23:00.56mikecxchisefu|afk: have you setup your dial plan and looked at the output from the cli?
23:01.17MohShamihey guys, does * support qsig? if it does, can someone please point me to a document that I can start with?
23:01.52chisefu|afkAsterisk 1.4.9 built by admin @ kyoto on a x86_64 running Linux on 2007-07-25 21:11:37 UTC
23:03.21*** part/#asterisk redder86 (
23:03.51chisefu|afkI can't seem to get my dial plan to save in the gui
23:03.56mostychisefu|afk, pastebin your sip.conf and the error message in the console/logs when you attempt to register
23:04.15mostychisefu|afk, are you using trixbox? we don't really support that here, try #trixbox
23:04.23chisefu|afkI'm using asteriskNOW
23:04.58mostysee the /topic - i think #asterisk-gui is the place to try
23:06.02*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=pepOSX@
23:15.31mikecxi can't tell if i'm getting closer or father away from getting SLA + Fax Detection working
23:19.00*** part/#asterisk Cresl1n (n=matt@nat/digium/x-94caefee76138fea)
23:30.35MacWinneris caller id spoofing illegal?
23:32.22*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
23:35.17mikecxfirst result in google for called id spoofing
23:40.19carrarOh see, now you are expecting people to know what google is
23:40.21MacWinnerseems to be only if intending fraud or harm
23:40.35MacWinnerbut CID spoofing doesn't seem illegal in general
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23:56.54chisefu|afkWARNING[3531] chan_sip.c: Probably a DNS error for registration to 456@dynamic, trying REGISTER again (after 20 seconds)
23:56.54chisefu|afk[Dec 21 00:00:35] NOTICE[3531] chan_sip.c:    -- Registration for '420@dynamic' timed out, trying again (Attempt #35064)
23:56.54chisefu|afk[Dec 21 00:00:35] WARNING[3531] chan_sip.c: No such host: dynamic
23:57.10chisefu|afkthis is the error that keeps coming up on my command line

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