IRC log for #asterisk on 20071216

00:10.55*** join/#asterisk zuez (i=steve@
00:11.22zuezIs BroadVoice generally a reputable company to deal with if I just need a TiSP with SIP termination?
00:14.48zuezheh, ITSP rather.
00:20.30*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux (
00:21.01CrazyTuxHey guys, why would exten => test,1,MeetMe(123|d), give me an error of no application found for 1.4?
00:22.24*** join/#asterisk mosty (
00:31.31*** join/#asterisk d00gster (
00:36.35*** join/#asterisk adker (
00:37.07*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux[m] (
00:37.42*** join/#asterisk nirz (
00:38.40CrazyTux[m]Hey guys, anyone know why application not found for 'MeetMe()' would becaused?
00:39.59*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
00:41.12caio1982CrazyTux[m]: did you compile this 1.4 with a timing source available, like ztdummy? if not, that might be the cause, you can check if it's ok with 'make menuselect'
00:41.53CrazyTux[m]caio1982, let me take a look.
00:42.33mostyor perhaps chan_zap isn't loaded?
00:45.36CrazyTux[m]mosty, looks like for that dependencies have not been met, what are its dependencies?
00:46.31CrazyTux[m]mosty, where can I pickup those drivers?
00:49.21*** join/#asterisk knarfly (
00:50.20CrazyTux[m]mosty, caio1982 thanks.
00:54.16*** join/#asterisk jm|home (n=jm|
00:55.58*** join/#asterisk Igbothom_III (
01:00.40CrazyTux[m]mosty, caio1982 anything I should look out for when installing?  It configures, makes, fine, however the make install does not appear to place any files/
01:03.40RoyKdoes digium still stick to this split license idiocity or are there any chance of asstrix going true gpl?
01:05.55Nuggetthe GPL is icky.
01:10.08knarflyRoyK: How much money you got....that will be the determining factor
01:11.16RoyKknarfly: and what do you mean with this rather stout question?
01:15.47*** join/#asterisk kingsob (
01:16.26kingsobI have my asterisk setup so when someone dials my number, it calls my cell phone... but the caller id is set as my number, not the person who is calling me
01:16.40kingsobis there a way to set the calller is to the person who called me?
01:16.56*** part/#asterisk RoyK (
01:18.44mostyhow is asterisk dialing your mobile? via what service?
01:23.21kingsobi think its iax2?
01:23.31mostyyou will need to ask them if they support that
01:24.30kingsobis there a way i could just try, and see if it works
01:24.44kingsobi dont even know what i woudl set tho
01:24.59kingsobexten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,SetCallerID(?????)
01:26.19mostylook up the SetCallerID application on
01:26.39mostybut it's unlikely to work, it depends on the provider how this is done
01:28.42*** join/#asterisk Toerkeium (i=oo@
01:29.36*** join/#asterisk egypcio (n=egypcio@
01:29.59kingsobok cool, ill ask them
01:34.47*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux[m] (
01:50.16*** join/#asterisk joat (
01:51.08*** join/#asterisk tobias (
01:52.39joatwith "exten => _205,1,Dial(SIP/300@,60,D(3844#7775551212#)"  is there a way to insert a pause between "3844#" and "777"?
01:55.27*** join/#asterisk mltlnx (
01:57.05*** join/#asterisk becks` (
01:57.15becks`hi, are multiple Allow: lines allowed in a SIP message?
01:57.26knarflykingsob: I'm not sure but it sounds like you need to set a variable first with the original callerID and then assign that to the extension when it calls your cell phone
01:57.26knarflyotherwise your cell phone will just show the callerID of the phone which is forwarding the call
01:59.06*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux[m] (
01:59.37*** join/#asterisk xheliox (n=jeff@pdpc/supporter/active/xheliox)
02:09.11*** join/#asterisk mohshami (n=mohshami@
02:09.32joatah!  I think a comma does it
02:11.04mohshamihey guys, I configured an asterisk PBX and got it to communicate with an ericsson PBX using H323, the thing is, I can make a call from an extension on the ericsson PBX to an extension on asterisk, that works fine, but if I make a call to a meetme conference the call gets dropped instantly. There is nothing happening in the logs, does it have anything to do with the fact that I'm running * on a VM?
02:24.24joatfor info, using "exten => _205,1,Dial(SIP/300@,60,D(3844#,7775551212#)"  with a comma between "3844#" and "777" works for TalkShoe dial-ins
02:32.10*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
02:34.12*** join/#asterisk bkruse_home (n=kruz@
02:34.12*** mode/#asterisk [+o bkruse_home] by ChanServ
02:48.25NovceGuruHas anybody toyed with the * appliance? I was wondering how the "paid" version of the webgui was (end user wants to be invloved or its cli all the way)
02:49.02bkruse_homeNovceGuru: I have 'toyed' with it :]
02:49.36bkruse_homethe end user gui has a ton more work into it, and its friendliness and its ability to adapt to the appliance as unit, instead of a gui in general
02:49.55NovceGuruDo you know if it lets you manually edit the cfgs and not blow away your changes after you make a change in the gui?
02:50.09NovceGurusounds promising
02:52.34bkruse_homeIt does, it even has a file editor in the gui
02:54.52NovceGuru(offtopic) I was so frustrated helping a friend out that was using DirectAdmin, you make a change in httpd.conf, he'd make one a few days later and it'd just blow away your custom config and regenerate from its own config
02:55.04NovceGuruwas fun to track down :D
02:57.13bkruse_homeIt does not do that anymore, a lot of work has gone into keeping that functionality, as with a system like asterisk, you cannot limit it to a gui, especially for users who are used to vim and /etc/asterisk/*.conf (and ael, im not hatin :] )
03:01.48NovceGuruLooks like it'll be nice to integrate with an existing POTS system to ease into an existing setup
03:03.56NovceGuruMy biggest "Caveat" will be taking an existing analog line on their panasonic system and trying to make it an extension, so people on the panasonic system can call "extension 401" (analog extension of the Panasonic) and it call a VOIP client
03:04.00NovceGuruseamlessly, :P
03:04.14*** part/#asterisk joat (
03:12.17*** join/#asterisk Kalijawan (
03:13.31*** join/#asterisk kand (
03:17.38*** join/#asterisk LeddyHM (
03:20.19Kalijawandoes anyone know if there is a good way to interrupt in process calls and then transfer them?
03:23.20kandKalijawan: depending on what you want to do features.conf has a blindxfer option
03:25.15Kalijawanwell, i think what i would like to do is from the CLI (or with a py script) is transfer a call in-progress
03:25.39Kalijawanits actually for my electronics final project, what i want to do is make a voice follow you though a house from speaker phone to speaker phone :)
03:26.19kandKalijawan: There is a usefull application ChannelRedirect in 1.4
03:27.18kandKalijawan: how about the system tracking the individual sends sip signaling (masq. as the phone) to transfer from intercom to intercom.... :)
03:28.57Kalijawanwell, there is an RF tag on a person and then that gets sent back to the main server and then a py script runs on asterisks
03:29.16Kalijawanand then it calls the next phone in advance and the phone is modified to pickup when it phone rings.
03:29.44Kalijawanhehe, sorry is that what you're kind of suggesting? whats masq mean?
03:30.09kandmasqurading (I cant spell)... Cool project tho!  Have you looked into the asterisk manager
03:30.16*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux[m] (
03:31.38kandKalijawan: Sounds like it would probably fit the bill, here is an example on processing a transfer:
03:31.52*** join/#asterisk dickyjoe (n=richardl@
03:32.03kandKalijawan: Think of it like a call management API (sortof)
03:32.33dickyjoeHello all, Richard from Wodonga, Australia here.
03:33.29kandKalijawan: This will get you started, examples on use for lots of languages.
03:33.41kandHey! Orlando, Fl
03:34.01dickyjoeI have a bit of an issue I am having trouble fixing. Thought I would post it here...
03:34.36Kalijawanokay cool, thanks kand, i think i will look into that :D
03:34.54Kalijawandoes anyone do TTS with anything other than festival?
03:35.12dickyjoeI am trunking my own personal asterisk box (debian 4, lastest zap, asterisk) trying to setup incoming IAX2 trunking from free world dialup
03:35.22dickyjoeI get the following error
03:35.34dickyjoeon an incoming call..
03:36.06dickyjoe[Dec 16 13:53:07] NOTICE[6550]: cryptostub.c:42 stub_ast_key_get: Crypto support not loaded!
03:36.06dickyjoe[Dec 16 13:53:07] WARNING[6550]: chan_iax2.c:5189 authenticate_verify: requested inkey 'freeworlddialup' for RSA authentication does not exist
03:36.06dickyjoe[Dec 16 13:53:07] NOTICE[6550]: chan_iax2.c:7702 socket_process: Host failed to authenticate as iaxfwd
03:36.40dickyjoeas far as i can see rsa is loaded, no compile issues...
03:37.04kandIt would seem you are missing the keys, permissions are missing or module isn't...nm  check /var/lib/asterisk/keys
03:37.40dickyjoei did check the keys were there and even redownloaded them from fwd
03:38.32kandwhat about permissions, can asterisk read them?  According to your error asterisk doesnt know the exist.
03:38.35dickyjoeis there a console command to check rsa keys from the cli?
03:39.19kandnot that I know off
03:39.27dickyjoewhat chmod should i pass on the files>
03:40.06kanddickyjoe: just for testing/now try 777
03:40.27kanddickyjoe: narrow it down later
03:40.49dickyjoethey both were -rw-r--r--
03:40.59dickyjoenow are -rwxrwxrwx
03:41.22*** join/#asterisk egypcio (n=egypcio@
03:41.26kanddickyjoe: then that problem was not the problem but give it a shot
03:42.15dickyjoekand: yeah same same
03:42.41*** join/#asterisk Wilddev (
03:43.02dickyjoeasterisk wont compile without openssl will it?
03:43.35Wilddevcan anyone help me with why I dont get a dialtone from my iaxy?
03:44.03Kalijawanyou configured the iax.conf?
03:44.27kanddickyjoe: oh, I believe it would.  If you have 1.4 go to your sources and run 'make menuselect'
03:44.49WilddevI can see the iaxy receives calls due to the orange light blinking
03:44.57Kalijawanusually you won;t get a dial tone if the phone is not registering
03:45.01Wilddevjust the phone never rings or gets dialtone
03:45.13Wilddevthe phone works on my tdm400p card fine
03:45.23Wilddevits registered, I checked
03:45.36kandKalijawan: then 8.  Resource Modules and make sure res_crypto is available and selected.
03:46.10Wilddevwierd things is it worked one day then the next time I went to use the phone it didnt work anymore
03:47.43WilddevKalijawan: by register you mean it shows up with iax2 show registry?
03:48.13*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (
03:48.41dickyjoekand: i ran make menuselect and it said "install ncurses to use the menu interfaces"
03:49.15Wilddevhmm, it shows with iax2 show peers, but not registry
03:49.55kanddickyjoe: Ok, try running 'module reload' from the asterisk cli
03:50.01Kalijawanmaybe you got the case wrong on one of the id's i had that happen at work before, because some things are case sensitive and some things aren't
03:51.15dickyjoeok kand getting somewhere...
03:51.26kanddickyjoe: At the moment I believe if you didn't have openssl then this resource wouldn't compile and you would have this issue.  Actualy now that I look back at your error I see Crypto support not loaded!
03:51.45dickyjoeit says...
03:51.50dickyjoe*CLI> module reload res
03:51.51dickyjoe*CLI> module reload res_
03:52.02dickyjoeits missing as you just said
03:52.46kandJust install openssl with your favorite package manager then: make clean; ./configure; make; make install
03:53.50kandshould be good to go.  If you install ncurses you can use 'make menuselect' between ./configure and make to controll in a sudo-graphical way what is going to be compiled
03:54.28kandjust remeber you need to ./configure so it see the new dependencies are satisfied.
03:54.46WilddevKalijawan: I am using freepbx to configure it
03:55.24dickyjoeis ./configure an asterisk thing or a linux thing?
03:55.57dickyjoewhy is the file put there>
03:56.42kanddickyjoe: linux program compiling thing
03:57.34dickyjoei think that becuase it compiles so fast and i don't know how to read the install log, i miss the output...
03:57.39kanddickyjoe: It is put there becuase it contains info on how to confiure the make process specificly for asterisk (or whatever program you are compiling)
03:57.48dickyjoei'm learning though...
03:58.00dickyjoethanks for all the help..
03:58.21kanddickyjoe: That is why the made menuselect, it gives you a graphical means to see and controll the results of configure.  np, good luck!
04:04.25*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux[m] (
04:04.55dickyjoewhen i try and run 'make menuselect' it tells me i need ncurses but i already have it
04:06.40*** join/#asterisk SwK (
04:08.05CrazyTux[m]Hey guys
04:08.08CrazyTux[m]Ok, ztdummy is loaded
04:08.11CrazyTux[m]modprobe ztdummy
04:08.15CrazyTux[m]asterisk reloaded.... / restarted
04:08.18WilddevKalijawan: do you use IAX2/<extension> in your extensions files for these things?
04:08.31CrazyTux[m]now, a simple exten => 10,1,Playback(auth-thankyou), has no audio?
04:08.33CrazyTux[m]Any idea what is going on?
04:11.40ectospasmCrazyTux[m]:  does the console say it's playing the file?
04:11.48CrazyTux[m]ectospasm, yes
04:12.19CrazyTux[m]ectospasm, I don't think it's a NAT issue, normal call audio is fune
04:13.28CrazyTux[m]ectospasm, any thoughts?
04:13.39ectospasmI'm thinking (-;
04:13.48CrazyTux[m]Asterisk 1.4.9
04:14.04CrazyTux[m] version zaptel
04:14.08ectospasmI dunno, I don't think I've troubleshot an IAX2 problem in a while
04:14.28ectospasmWhat kind of endpoint are you using to listen to the playback?
04:15.13CrazyTux[m]ectospasm, pap2t
04:15.17CrazyTux[m]ectospasm, PSTN
04:15.23CrazyTux[m]ectospasm, etc
04:15.56ectospasmpap2t?  I'm not familiar with that
04:16.26CrazyTux[m]ectospasm, linksys
04:16.55ectospasmI assume it uses SIP... is it behind a NAT?
04:17.17dickyjoewhat cut of linux do people here prefer when running asterisk
04:17.32ectospasmI've got it running on Ubuntu Server right now
04:18.28CrazyTux[m]ectospasm, endpoint is behind a nat, yes SIP.
04:18.52CrazyTux[m]ectospasm, however, PSTN (is not behind a nat)
04:18.52ectospasmbut a call into the PSTN to that 10 extension exhibits the same behavior?
04:18.58CrazyTux[m]ectospasm, yes
04:19.22ectospasmWhat happens if you use a call file to create a call to the PSTN, which does a playback?
04:20.12CrazyTux[m]ectospasm, so outbound audio?
04:20.43ectospasmthat should test whether it happens for both inbound and outbound call
04:20.57CrazyTux[m]ectospasm, same result
04:21.14ectospasmActually, if you call into your system, does it play an IVR?  Can you get to voicemail, does that play back any audio?
04:22.19CrazyTux[m]ectospasm, from the looks, like all application audio is dead
04:22.23CrazyTux[m]ectospasm, let me try ivr
04:22.45*** join/#asterisk osiris (
04:22.57ectospasmany reason why you're using Asterisk 1.4.9 instead of the current version?
04:24.05CrazyTux[m]figured newer?
04:24.14CrazyTux[m]i was running 1.4.4
04:24.53ectospasmThe latest at this moment is 1.4.15
04:25.11ectospasmcheck to be sure
04:25.17CrazyTux[m]latest stable?
04:25.27ectospasmlatest stable
04:25.52CrazyTux[m]oh shit
04:26.19ectospasmyou can use subversion to get it, svn co asterisk-1.4.15  ...
04:29.16CrazyTux[m]I wonder where I got the impression
04:29.19CrazyTux[m]1.4.9 was stable
04:29.22CrazyTux[m]I feel stupid.
04:29.46Wilddevisnt 1.2 the stable branch and 1.4 the dev branch?
04:30.00ectospasmWilddev:  no
04:30.09ectospasm1.4 has been considered stable for some time
04:30.16Wilddevoh? how long?
04:30.18ectospasm1.2 is no longer actively being developed.
04:30.32ectospasmI'd like to say since 1.4.0, but I'm not that certain
04:30.38Wilddevaha ok
04:30.39ectospasmProbably for at least 8 months
04:30.54Wilddevwell that makes me feel better about using it
04:30.57ectospasm1.2 will still receive security fixes
04:31.12Wilddevat least if I can figure out why my Iaxy isnt working
04:32.33ectospasmmy IAXy works, though I don't use it often
04:33.12Wilddevwell mine appears to accept calls from the blinking orange light, just the phone never rings or gets a dialtone
04:33.25Wilddevthe phone itself works fine on my tdm400
04:35.08ectospasmWilddev:  does the blue light ever come on?
04:35.18Wilddevyes, its on now
04:36.13Wilddevonly things I'm finding thru google suggest the hardware might be broken :-(
04:38.25ectospasmdoes anything show up in the console when you take it off hook, or try dialing it?
04:39.41Wilddevnothing when I take the phone off hook, but when I dial the extension, iax2 debug shows the incoming call and extension
04:44.06CrazyTux[m]ectospasm, ok I reverted back to * version 1.4.4 where everything was working previously, all good and dandy, without zaptel driver
04:44.13CrazyTux[m]ectospasm, however same problem, with zaptel?
04:44.41ectospasmwhat version of zaptel are you using?
04:45.06CrazyTux[m]let me guess, EDGE?
04:45.46ectospasmso, use Asterisk 1.4.15...  I cannot vouch for zaptel 1.4.7 or later working with any Asterisk version prior to 1.4.14...
04:46.17ectospasmIt may work, but you may be seeing that it doesn't work...
04:46.43CrazyTux[m]ectospasm, so works with 1.4.14?
04:46.48CrazyTux[m]ectospasm, and MAY work with 1.4.15
04:46.59ectospasmno... it works with 1.4.14 or later
04:47.31ectospasmBut you're trying to use it with 1.4.9 and/or 1.4.4, which isn't working for you.
04:47.32CrazyTux[m]so 1.4.(4|9) should be fine with the driveR?
04:47.39CrazyTux[m]ectospasm, 1.4.4 worked without it
04:47.43CrazyTux[m]let me try 1.4.15
04:47.45ectospasmwithout Zaptel?
04:48.02ectospasmwell, your TDM400 will be worthless without the zaptel drivers...
04:48.43CrazyTux[m]ectospasm, oh, no hardware
04:48.52CrazyTux[m]ectospasm, I'm just trying to setup zaptel, for meetme
04:48.55CrazyTux[m]ectospasm, using ztdummy
04:49.25ectospasmHow are you connecting to the PSTN?
04:49.34ectospasmThrough an VoIP provider?
04:49.54CrazyTux[m]ectospasm, yea
04:51.07ectospasmSo neither an internal SIP phone nor your VoIP can do audio?  ztdummy should have zero effect on that...
04:51.17ectospasmI mean playback audio
04:51.35ectospasmYou call in from the PSTN, and it doesn't play your IVR, or any other audio, right?
04:51.41dickyjoedoes anyone know of any ata's that support decadic dialling?
04:52.22CrazyTux[m]ectospasm, well, it's definitely not a NAT/Audio issue, as far as that -- incoming/outgoing calls are fine
04:52.34CrazyTux[m]ectospasm, just no audio on calls dealing with applications, playback, ivr, etc.
04:52.41RypPnso its just hold music?
04:52.53CrazyTux[m]ectospasm, and I had this working previous to installing zaptel stuff.
04:53.06CrazyTux[m]RypPn, was that to me?
04:53.30RypPnCrazyTux[m]: try adding internal_timing = yes under [options] in asterisk.conf
04:55.22CrazyTux[m]RypPn, hmm whats that do?  that seemed to do the trick
04:55.54RypPntells asterisk to use ztdummy for timing
04:56.18CrazyTux[m]RypPn, oh :)
04:56.27CrazyTux[m]RypPn, thanks!
04:57.09RypPnjust remember to remove it if you get zaptel hardware at some point :)
04:57.21*** join/#asterisk shyam_k (i=shyam@
04:58.48CrazyTux[m]RypPn, will do
05:02.09CrazyTux[m]RypPn, hmm, weird, I reverted back to 1.4.9 to see if it'd work with that version, and it didn't seem to, reverted back to 1.4.4, and now its broken again hmmm
05:05.00RypPnI'm using 1.4.15 with zaptel on 2 setups, one pure ztdummy and the other with zaptel hardware, no issues on either
05:05.14CrazyTux[m]RypPn, I'm just going to revert to 1.4.15
05:05.29CrazyTux[m]zaptel                189928  4 zttranscode,ztdummy, lsmod shows that they are both loaded.
05:05.56RypPnhow about crc_ccitt ?
05:06.29CrazyTux[m]in asterisk.conf ?
05:06.40RypPnno, a kernel module
05:06.45*** join/#asterisk [gnubie] (n=[gnubie]
05:06.53RypPnI always see it attahced to zaptel
05:07.00CrazyTux[m]RypPn, yea its loaded.
05:07.05CrazyTux[m]crc_ccitt               2400  1 zaptel
05:07.46CrazyTux[m]compiling 1.4.15 hopefully no problems, with this one :)
05:08.10RypPnwhat version of zaptel are you using?
05:12.02RypPnyou could run zttest to check the timing, best done when the system is quiet tho
05:12.18CrazyTux[m]RypPn, yea this is 100% dev
05:12.30CrazyTux[m]RypPn, hmm 1.4.15 does the same thing
05:14.10CrazyTux[m]RypPn, how long does the test take normally?
05:14.20ectospasmzttest will run indefinitely
05:14.21RypPnyou cancel out manually
05:14.39CrazyTux[m]Best: 0.000 -- Worst: 100.000 -- Average: 100.000000, Difference: 100.000000
05:14.39ectospasmbut don't kill it after only a couple of scores...
05:14.45CrazyTux[m]that dosent look very good?
05:15.00ectospasmrun it for at least 20 cycles
05:15.34CrazyTux[m]that was for like a good few minutes
05:15.39CrazyTux[m]dosent look like its doing anything?
05:16.08ectospasmActually, come to think of it I don't know if zttest works with just ztdummy
05:16.31ectospasmat work we usually use it to see how timing is going with our digital cards...
05:16.31RypPnit does
05:17.24CrazyTux[m]yea everything
05:17.27CrazyTux[m]results in 0 passes?
05:19.03CrazyTux[m]Yea mine, makes 0 passes
05:19.08CrazyTux[m]Any idea on what would block it?
05:19.16CrazyTux[m]lsmod shows the modules loaded?
05:20.00RypPnfor reasons I have still to fathom, timings are better when usb is enabled on the board and I usually built wcusb in zaptel just in case
05:20.34RypPnthat could be rubbish tho
05:21.17ectospasmyeah, it uses the kernel as a timing source in 2.6 kernels
05:21.27ectospasmif you're still running a 2.4 kernel, then the USB applies
05:21.53ectospasm(and for 2.6 kernels prior to 2.6.15 or something like that)
05:22.07RypPnwhy would the timings noticeably improve when usb is enabled on the motherboard tho under 2.6?
05:22.38ectospasmThat's a good question, I would think that wouldn't be an issue...
05:22.58RypPnI went through a phase of disabling motherboard devices not in-use thinking it was helping
05:23.10*** join/#asterisk Idle (
05:23.27Idleanyone seen that trixbox vuln yet?
05:25.18ectospasmAnother reason one shouldn't use trixbox
05:25.23Qwellwell, asterisknow doesn't have a rootkit
05:25.55ectospasmI can't remember, does Switchvox Free Edition phone home at all?
05:26.35Qwellphoning home and running arbitrary commands are two entirely different things
05:26.39Qwellhaving said that - I don't know
05:26.45ectospasmtrue enough
05:26.56CrazyTux[m]RypPn, should there be a need to recompile zapatel, from switching * versions?
05:27.03Qwellwell, that, and not telling people that you're doing it
05:27.37ectospasmAnd to think, I almost got a job with Fonality!
05:27.49QwellI'm sorry to hear that
05:27.53RypPnCrazyTux[m]: I wouldn't have said so, but you could try removing and reloading those modules in the kernel to see if it makes any difference first
05:28.23ectospasmwell, I didn't get it, because they needed someone who could be in LA like tomorrow
05:28.35CrazyTux[m]RypPn, already tried that a bunch
05:28.36ectospasmit was way too fast for me
05:28.44Qwellectospasm: was this about 18 months ago?  heh
05:28.52Qwellmore than that now, maybe
05:28.57ectospasmactually, yeah
05:29.03QwellI know the guy who got that job :p
05:29.07ectospasmlike May of 2006
05:29.14Qwellsounds about right, yeah
05:29.55Qwellthat's kinda funny
05:30.25ectospasmI got a really bad feeling from that, like they were rushing too fast to get me in there
05:30.37Qwellno comment
05:30.59ectospasmI like where I'm at now, though (-;
05:31.15Qwellerm, who are you again?
05:31.24ectospasmTrey, in Support
05:31.28Qwell(sorry, I keep forgetting)
05:31.30Qwellectospasm: see msg :D
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07:47.37troy-i currently have asterisk running and dundi seems to be listening on port 4520; since i wont be using it can i disable it?
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08:03.23smooth_penguinis it possible to send or recieve a phone signal / dialtone through a cordless phone from its base, I should be able to extract the phone signal from my cordless reciever and plug it into my modem etc ?
08:04.05smooth_penguinthe cordless phone would be the substitute for wiring
08:04.38smooth_penguinbut can I take the dialtone out and plug it into my asterisk server or another phone?
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09:03.07insane_1hey guys, anyone around?
09:03.53insane_1are you well versed in the ways of asterisk / zaptel
09:03.56insane_1i'm praying yes
09:04.07insane_1i'm having hell with these zaptel drivers
09:04.09ZX81bit of a leading question
09:04.12ZX81what's up?
09:04.39insane_1short answer: the most famous error message by far i've seen
09:04.41insane_1ZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 1: Invalid argument (22)
09:04.41insane_1Did you forget that FXS interfaces are configured with FXO signalling
09:04.41insane_1and that FXO interfaces use FXS signalling?
09:04.53ZX81and are they right?
09:04.56insane_1EVEN THOUGH it's done right in zaptel.conf
09:05.05ZX81in zapata.conf and zaptel.conf
09:05.10ZX81tried swapping them?
09:05.24insane_1how doyou mean swap
09:05.27ZX81tried fxoks=1-8?
09:05.27insane_1do you*
09:05.51insane_1it's for a FXO module
09:05.55insane_1it uses FXS singaling
09:06.04ZX81should do yes
09:06.09ZX81try it first though
09:06.12ZX81just make the change
09:06.16ZX81then type ztcfg -v
09:06.25ZX81also is this a tdm2400p?
09:06.38insane_1i have 2 separate cards in there
09:06.44insane_11 is an 8 channel fxs
09:06.50insane_1other is a 8 channel fxo
09:06.52ZX81likely 1-8 are not the ones you think
09:07.00insane_1also it didn't error out that time
09:07.04ZX81so maybe the fxs one is coming up first
09:07.20ZX81so fxs=card 1 and fxo=card2
09:07.31insane_1that's true i hadn't though of that
09:07.41insane_1that would change the port numbers then?
09:07.53insane_1so instead of 1-8 it would be 9-18
09:08.02insane_1interesting that zttool doesn't show them as ready though
09:08.09ZX81or maybe 25-(25+8)
09:08.19insane_1actually now it shows one of them ready
09:08.27insane_1i love you
09:08.33jbothmm... adn is hmm... adn is is the Asterisk Daily News -  for HTML and for RSS
09:09.15insane_1you know of all the dialplan samples and all the reading i did of the $50 book asterisk: the future of ip telephony
09:09.20insane_1i haven't seen 1 that does what i want it too
09:09.32ZX81:) that's the beauty of Asterisk
09:09.38ZX81we create default dialplans
09:09.43insane_1not really, it makes it hell for me, lol
09:09.51ZX81but it takes a week or so before our customers are happy
09:09.58ZX81everyone wants something different
09:10.16ZX81the language is a bit clunky - but its like trying to make a game with BASIC
09:10.24ZX81you just use what you're given :)
09:10.41insane_1both cards show ready now
09:10.45ZX81sweet as
09:10.48insane_1i'm concerned
09:10.52ZX81how come?
09:11.07insane_1ZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 17: No such device or address (6)
09:11.19insane_1that's my fxsks=9-18
09:11.26insane_1and it only errored on channel 17
09:11.43ZX811-8 9-18 should be right I guess
09:11.50ZX81unless they're six port modules
09:12.02insane_18 fxs, 8 fxo
09:12.07ZX81anything else in the machine?
09:12.26ZX81isn't 8+8 16?
09:12.31insane_1oh yeah
09:12.33*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (n=tzafrir@
09:13.15insane_1thanks for pointing that out
09:13.20ZX81:) np
09:13.34insane_1are you connected with digium/asterisk in any way?
09:13.44ZX81nah just write the daily asterisk news
09:13.53ZX81run a company or two in Dunedin, New Zealand
09:14.03insane_1so you're good with programming it then? :P
09:14.18ZX81not as good as tzafrir :)
09:14.32ZX81brb cigarette
09:16.40insane_1tzafrir, might you be around?
09:17.22insane_1while I'm not asking you to write my entire dialplan for me, and i'm sure there's probably no real incentive for you to help me, i was wondering if you might be able to help
09:17.34insane_1i can't seem to wrap my head around this asterisk logic completely
09:17.59insane_1and i'm going out of my head trying too
09:18.07insane_1but basically this is what i want to happen:
09:18.13tzafrirI figure someone has already pointed you to a good book on the subject
09:18.28insane_1i've read the o'reilly's book cover to cover
09:18.32insane_1it's very basic
09:18.42insane_1and while i've gotten the basic stuff to work
09:18.51insane_1and have basically lived on for the last week
09:18.54insane_1i can't get what i want to done
09:18.56tzafrirok, so ask ahead
09:19.13insane_1and i'm close to having to fork out thousands for a consulting firm and i really would not like to do that
09:19.20insane_1ok so here it goes:
09:20.06insane_1inbound call to pots line, rings all extensions on the network, as well as external numbers via sip
09:20.47insane_1that's just inbound calls to a particular pots line
09:21.23insane_1outbound calls from actual linksys SPA942's:  lines to be dialed out on need to be selected by pressing the little line buttons on the side of the phone
09:21.34insane_1via pots or sip, whichever may be the case
09:22.12insane_1if incoming pots call is not answered, forward to a single voicemail box
09:22.18insane_1accessible from all extensions
09:23.15insane_1any advice you may have is of course greatly appreciated, i realize of course you're not obligated
09:23.24insane_1but i'd be very grateful
09:24.15insane_1i have 6 SIP trunks and 5 pots lines to work with, and depending on which number the inbound POTS call comes from
09:24.21insane_1depends on what i want it to do
09:24.27tzafririnsane_1, sounds like quite a basic dialplan setup
09:24.44insane_1are you serious?
09:24.56tzafrirUnless I miss something
09:25.30tzafrir"incoming call does XYZ" -> an incoming call gets to somewhere in your dialplan. Do XYZ there
09:26.06insane_1the planning of it sounds simple yes, it's not hella complicated like IVR's and things like that
09:26.11insane_1but the CODING of it
09:26.13insane_1is difficult
09:26.23tzafrirDoing something in case of no answer: check the DIALSTATUS of dial
09:27.15tzafrirexten => foo,n,Dial(SIP/bar&SIP/baz&IAX/foo)
09:27.39insane_1i only have SIP here
09:27.40insane_1no iax
09:27.43tzafrirexten => foo,n,Goto(s-${DIALSTATUS},1)
09:28.11tzafrirhmm... surely you don't have IAX. Maybe IAX2.
09:28.48insane_1i don't have iax anything
09:28.55insane_1simply SIP and 5 pots lines
09:28.56tzafrirDial sets the variable DIALSTATUS according to the result. See 'core show application dial'
09:30.44insane_1i don't think i've quite explained it the way i intended too
09:30.48insane_1i apologize if i was unclear
09:32.08insane_1really i guess the outbound dial is really what i need to concentrate on this moment
09:32.18insane_1i have 6, 4 line phones
09:32.27insane_1Linksys SPA942's
09:32.42insane_1each one of them needs to do the same thing
09:32.51insane_1and all be linked to the same pots line
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09:33.34insane_14 separate phone numbers
09:33.48insane_1so when line 1 is picked up, it dials out as that phone number
09:34.37insane_1my situation isn't the typical call center where you have many users doing lots of things, i have 1 user doing the same thing from multiple phones
09:35.34insane_1and when 1 of those lines is called, it rings all of the phones as well a few outside numbers, such as my cell phone
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09:37.03tzafrirIf you have 6 lines on the phone, each of them can be an independent SIP user/peer
09:37.37insane_1i'm needing to concentrate on pots right this moment
09:37.43insane_1and i'll get to the multiring
09:37.54insane_14 line phone
09:37.55rvhiafter * restart, all hint extensions became "unavailable", any idea?
09:38.23insane_1inbound call on my FXO Card channel 1
09:38.30insane_1is assigned to line 1 of my SIP phone
09:38.35insane_1for incoming and outgoing calls
09:38.54insane_1fxo card channel 2 is assigned to line 2 on my sip phone
09:39.12tzafrirrvhi, how can a fresh new Asterisk know that a phone is available?
09:39.19insane_1and ongoing until i'm out of lines on my phone
09:40.03insane_1think of it this way, ports 1-4 on FXO card need to link directly to lines 1 through 4 of my SIP phone
09:40.08insane_1for incoming and outgoing calls
09:40.40rvhitzafrir: how does * know? i thought * knows about the channel availability, no?
09:41.01tzafrirIs it a SIP phone?
09:41.42tzafrirAnd has no specific host settings, right? It has to be registered
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09:42.11tzafrirSo until it registers, Asterisk simply cannot direct calls to it
09:42.46tzafrir('host=dynamic' , that is)
09:44.16rvhiall extensions register
09:44.32rvhi'show hints' show unavailable
09:45.45tzafrirThey show up with the proper IP on 'sip show peers'?
09:46.06rvhican make calls and receive calls
09:46.55tzafrirNext: are there actually hint priorities in your dialplan?
09:47.28rvhiit works before restart
09:47.42adelasis there a way to create an extension, and have it create a config file for the cisco phone, and host it in a tftp server?
09:47.56adelason the asterisk itself?
09:48.28adelaslong time ago i saw ampportal or something like that have it, but i don't see it in like asteriskNow
09:53.06insane_1have i pissed you off tzafrir
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10:07.04lsodito include extensions from extensions.ael file in extensions.conf I must include them in context as "include => customerservice"?
10:09.20tzafririnsane_1, no. Just me bing elsewhere
10:10.43insane_1so does what i said make sense?
10:11.06insane_1zap channel 1 rings line 1 of my sip phone, line 1 of my sip phone rings out of zap channel 1
10:12.28tzafriranalog zap?
10:12.53tzafrirSo it goes to extension s in the context you defined to it in zapata.conf .
10:13.19tzafrirSo there, you just use Dial(SIP/my-sip-phone)
10:13.55tzafrirSo there, you just use Dial(SIP/my-sip-phone&SIP/another-sip-phone)
10:14.12tzafrirthat part works?
10:14.23insane_1i'm sorry i don't think it does
10:15.29insane_1Incoming analog Zap channel 1, rings to Line 1 of Linksys SPA942
10:15.36insane_1on the same token
10:15.51insane_1when dialing out on line 1 of linksys spa942, it uses Zap channel 1
10:19.02tzafririnsane_1, dialing out is a different flow
10:19.16tzafrirI asked you about a call that comes from the Zap channel
10:19.28tzafrirWe'll deal with calls that come from the SIP channel later
10:20.17insane_1i'm telling you about the calls that come from the zap channel
10:20.20insane_1that's what i want to happen
10:20.30insane_1i don't care about sip incoming yet
10:20.49insane_1i only want to talk inbound and outbound pots analog zap right now
10:21.12insane_1but the phones i have for that are SIP Phones
10:21.24insane_1the pots numbers need to register as lines to the SIP phone
10:27.34tzafririnsane_1, all SIP users should be able to make outbound Zap calls?
10:30.54insane_1SIP Phones need to make outbound Zap calls
10:31.00insane_14 separate pots lines
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10:57.38hi365hello. can someone help with a mysql querie?
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11:58.51knarflyanyone from Amsterdam online this morning?
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12:42.14[gnubie]can anyone point me to a website that discusses all about call (attended/blind) transfer on asterisk 1.4.x?
12:46.42[gnubie]i want that my analog phone connected to my fxs port of the digium tdm dev kit can initiate a call (attended/blind) transfer..
12:49.33d-k-t[gnubie], you seen this page?
12:49.56[gnubie]lemme check it.. thanks..
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12:58.15tzafrir[gnubie], also chan_zap has a built-in "flash", which is attended transfer as well
12:59.03Op3rdoes ./genzaptelconf can really configure the zap cards ?
12:59.08[gnubie]tzafrir: how do i make use of that one?
12:59.51tzafrirOp3r, analog ones: sure. digital ones: basically yes, but there is more of a gueswork there
13:02.29Op3rso basically it will detect whats the bchan and dchan and if it is euroisdn or what not right?
13:03.06tzafrir[gnubie], threewaycalling=yes   transfer=yes
13:03.10tzafririn zapata.conf
13:03.55[gnubie]tzafrir: that's it? i mean, no other configs to add on my dialplan?
13:03.56tzafrirOp3r, no, it won't detect that. It assumes that if you have E1 or BRI you also use euroisdn :-)
13:04.12Op3rthat sucks
13:04.31tzafrirand if you have T1 you use national. And if you have 24 channels: you have T1
13:04.51tzafrir(those assumptions break in some cases. e.g: J1. But are mostly correct)
13:05.04tzafrirOp3r, you use BRI or E1?
13:06.04tzafrirThat's much better than trying to detect from a connected line. Because then you cannot configure anything before connecting to the telco
13:06.06Op3rim just asking
13:06.28tzafrirOr consider the case of two ports connected in a loopback
13:07.14tzafrirSo if you have a better suggestion, I'd love to hear it
13:07.23tzafrir(or even read it)
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15:11.04dtyany courses/training in europe?
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15:36.15moprilohi, I have this asterisk mesh, but when i terminate a call to pstn, I the pstn call is answered but it takes about 10 sec to the incomming *voip sound to connect.  (independent of the delay).
15:36.34mopriloAnyone know how to treat this.. or how this is called, so I can search more easily..?
15:37.00Qwellprobably firewall issues
15:37.04jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT :  otherwise check the WIKI at
15:37.24mopriloreally?.. i'll check on that, thanks
15:38.10Qwellnormally one-way audio would occur, but I could see mappings being eventually setup, allowing the audio through
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16:30.58hardwireLNP can only operate within the same "ratecenter" right?
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17:15.09mockerHow difficult is it to split a PRI into both voice and data?
17:17.25hardwireif its point to point, easy.. otherwise have fun coordinating that with your ISP.
17:17.55hardwiresome ISP's even offer dynamic channel allocation to proprietary hardware.. then split it up to a Network interface and T1
17:26.18SplasPoodhrm...  anyone having voicepulse issues?
17:29.17hardwireI'm kind acurious why broadvoice only allows one incoming call per account
17:32.20mockerhardwire: So a company that has like 8 analog lines and DSL, probably best to just get a PRI and keep the DSL line?
17:32.44hardwiremocker: yeh, offers you a bit more scalability anyways
17:32.55mocker(assuming the 8 lines are appx equal to cost of PRI)
17:33.05mockerNot an easy way to get rid of the DSL too.
17:35.11hardwireif you're ISP supports it, you can mix em up
17:35.25hardwireexcept it won't be as fast as your dsl (maybe)
17:35.36mockerhardwire: Thanks.
17:35.50mockerI'm used to just straight PRI anyway, so that works. :)
17:35.53hardwireyou would be making your asterisk box into the internet router
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17:45.42hardwireso ChanIsAvail won't lock the channel.. hmm..
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18:58.40jeri need to rename an extension, and i keep getting a username mismatch, have <new_exten>, digest has <old_exten> ... i've replaced all references on the device itself, and that i can see in *; what am i missing?
19:01.00tzafrirjer, what we are missing is the trace of such a call and a copy of your dialplan
19:01.59[TK]D-Fendertzanger, No, not dial... sip.conf and some backupt of what was done on the "phone"
19:02.07[TK]D-Fendertzanger, Dialplan doesn't figure in at all
19:02.14[TK]D-Fenderdarn auto-complete
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19:04.55jer[TK]D-Fender, .. what was done on the phone was going into its web gui, going to the identity page, and changing all occurances of the old extension number to the new extension number (in this case, the new extension number is 600)
19:08.47[TK]D-Fenderjer, well *'s side looks pretty simple.  Guess its your phoen
19:09.18jerhrmm, i'll give it a hard reboot just in case
19:09.45[TK]D-Fenderjer, And of course.... we can't see what you did in your phone
19:13.19jer[TK]D-Fender, right now i know... doing a hard reboot of the phone somehow fixed it.. a little disturbing but anyway
19:13.22jersorry for the noise
19:15.30*** join/#asterisk Cyorxamp (n=Cyorxamp@
19:16.29ZX81morning all
19:18.12tzafrirwow, it's getting late
19:19.04ZX81tzafrir, you been on this whole time?
19:19.46tzafrirZX81, for some definition of "here"
19:19.48ZX81[23:37] tzafrir insane_1, all SIP users should be able to make outbound Zap calls?
19:20.15ZX81[08:19] tzafrir wow, it's getting late
19:20.37tzafrirZX81, some people have the strangest time zones
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19:48.14ZX81_aha the reason the UPS didn't come back up is that a cleaner unplugged it to plug in a vacuum cleaner!
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20:03.18ManxPowerdon't you mean the former cleaner?
20:03.30ZX81:) heh yeah
20:06.16ManxPowerI had a couple of power outages at home last night.  So I plugged in my TiVo to a UPS.  Of course there were no more power outages.
20:06.27d-k-tanother good reason to use somewhat different sockets for stuff like that :)
20:07.25d-k-tor fit a different standard plug to the vacuum and make sure there are enough sockets to match around the place
20:07.32d-k-tor do both :)
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20:19.41hmmhesayswhat up folks
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20:38.52troy-what component of asterisk is listening on port 5353?
20:39.28ManxPowertroy-: TCP or UDP?
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20:40.26ManxPowerAsterisk does not use that port.
20:40.45ManxPowerHowever, a 5-second google search shows that it is used by Zero Conf (a linux thing) as well as Apple TV
20:41.10ManxPowerThe #Linux channel is 4 doors down the hall to the left.  They should be able to help you more.
20:41.22troy-haha, thanks :-)
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20:44.16tzafrirnetstat -lnup should show which process listens on that port
20:45.03tzafrirZeroConf is also a OSX thing, though by a different buzzword
20:46.36*** join/#asterisk sysreq (n=sysreq@unaffiliated/sysreq)
20:49.13troy-tzafrir, its showing as avahi-daemon listening on 5353/16384/16385
20:49.46tzafrirthere you go. zeroconf
20:50.05troy-is there any reason i need to have avahi running if i'm using only static external IPs?
20:50.54*** join/#asterisk Haq (
20:51.43d-k-ttroy-, it's nothing asterisk related, and if you don't know what it does, you probably don't need it
20:52.14HaqThis is annoying.  I can make an outbound call and hear the call recipient but they cannot hear me.  My softphone is setup & working w/the microphone correctly.
20:52.26troy-d-k-t, the system is a VPS so i'm not really sure whether its something i need to keep or not
20:54.15d-k-ttroy-, typically could be useful if you want to access a printer or other zeroconf compatible device on the local network, if not, you probably don't need it
20:54.16*** join/#asterisk Hadi- (
20:54.20Hadi-hello everyone
20:54.40troy-thanks d-k-t
20:54.54d-k-ttroy-, np
20:55.11Hadi-i'm having a little issue.. we are using a cisco 7960 connected to asterisk with the g729 codec... when we make calls.. we see the following on the asterisk CLI:
20:55.12Hadi-2007-12-16 15:53:23 NOTICE[8554]: rtp.c:415 process_rfc3389: Comfort noise support incomplete in Asterisk (RFC 3389). Please turn off on client if possible. Client IP:
20:55.28Hadi-and right when we hear this.. there is silence on the phone
20:55.34Hadi-for 1-2 seconds..
20:55.40Hadi-(on the 7960)
20:56.22Hadi-any suggestions
20:56.57kaldemarhave you turned comfort noise off on the phone?
20:57.08Hadi-diable VAD? yes
20:57.40HaqAny and it magically starts working.
20:58.31Hadi-well i disable it in the options
20:58.35Hadi-but the issue is still there
21:00.06d-k-tHadi-, isn't it Enable VAD NO?
21:00.19d-k-tok, nm :)
21:00.25Hadi-I did Enable VAD = no
21:01.03Hadi-but still see that message on CLI
21:01.08Hadi-and the silence
21:04.13*** join/#asterisk Daviey (n=dave@ubuntu/member/daviey)
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21:05.44DavieyWhat sort of processor should i get for <300 extensions, 15 concurrent calls with the possibility of some of them needing G.729?
21:06.39Davieyoh, thats 15 PRI calls + 15-20 internal
21:14.13d-k-tDaviey, it's unlikely anyone could give you a solid answer for that, the asterisk book recommends multiple 'modern' CPUs for that sort of load or multiple systems
21:15.49mockerI would avoid celeron though
21:16.23hmmhesaysthey are crippled
21:17.22*** join/#asterisk Aces1up (
21:17.45Aces1upanyone know of a good voip provider? seems all the reviews i read, no company is worth buying from.
21:17.59d-k-tI personally would avoid celerons for anything except for where your only requirement is low cost and performance is a non-issue
21:18.38d-k-tAces1up, totally depends on your requirements
21:19.32d-k-tAces1up, I've not seen any telco, be they a voip provider or traditional telco that's got 100% good reviews
21:20.22Aces1uphrmm need a voip line for business purposes and a 1-800 number.
21:20.52d-k-tAces1up, in the US?
21:21.27russellbi've been working with junction networks a bit lately, it has been working exellent
21:21.33*** part/#asterisk techie (
21:21.35russellband it was very quick and easy to set up...
21:22.29Aces1upd-k-t yes
21:22.39russellbbut there are plenty of good ones
21:23.07russellbi also like nufone and voicepulse
21:23.25Aces1upi was looking at voicepulse they seems on average to have better reviews.
21:23.56hmmhesaysyeah they all will give you problems
21:24.50hmmhesayswhat is the best h.323 implementation for asterisk now?
21:25.05russellbwhichever one you can get to work
21:25.05Aces1uphmmhesays really?
21:25.10russellbnone of them are really actively supported
21:26.02hmmhesaysAces1up: yes, you are sending calls across the public internet... just think about that
21:27.59hmmhesaysjunction is a bit spendy
21:30.00d-k-tIt never stops dismaying me when so many people ask me 'so what's wrong with using the internet to provide 'critical service a' to this customer, it's much cheaper' when I suggest they get a couple of dedicated circuits
21:33.06hmmhesayspretty much yeah,
21:33.34hmmhesaysI do some lcr out an itsp for international calls, but that is about it
21:36.02hmmhesaysI have a 7ms ping time to voipjet
21:36.13d-k-tthe safety issues with IP phones connected to a remote PBX, especially one in another country without provision of locally connected phones, training and signage is another one...
21:40.50*** join/#asterisk atisss (n=atisss@
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22:27.15X-FilezPpls, As it is possible to adjust that calling heard music or words during that moment when there is a call (instead of hooters) ?
22:27.51*** join/#asterisk CVirus (n=GoD@
22:29.44russellbthat question didn't make sense ...
22:30.44X-Filezbrr. rewrite my question ?
22:33.32*** join/#asterisk mltlnx (
22:34.15X-Filezrewrite my question: PPls, I try call in phone and I hear BEEEP BEEEP, i want hear sound play from file, this possible ?
22:35.47hmmhesaysanything is possible
22:36.21X-Filezyou can say name cmd in extention ?
22:36.28X-Filezor where this configure
22:43.54De_Monenglish isn't even your 2nd language yet
22:45.33ZX81X-Filez, maybe use the exten => h,1 extension
22:45.42ZX81and see if you can play a file
22:46.13ZX81or for a call thats up
22:46.18ZX81use a musiconhold class
22:46.26ZX81(defined in musiconhold.conf)
22:46.36ZX81and use a recording of whatever sound you want
22:46.43ZX81then when you dial use:
22:47.01ZX81exten => _X.,1,Dial(Zap/${EXTEN}|30|m)
22:47.09ZX81the |m will play the music on hold
22:47.26ZX81I've used a New Zealand ring tone recorded as a file for this in the past
22:47.56ZX81the extensions are defined in extensions.conf (assuming you have a clean Asterisk install and not Trixbox etc)
22:48.45X-FilezZX81: hm :) thanks..
22:49.01*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
22:49.15ZX81also, you might want to check out the wiki for info
22:49.25jbothmm... voip-info is the Voice Over IP wiki.  It is a community resource which will answer all of your questions, from Asterisk to ZTDummy.  You can find it over at - well worth bookmarking
23:01.05*** join/#asterisk mrtelnet (
23:01.34mrtelnetcan anyone help me with a dialplan issue i have?
23:03.19ZX81mrtelnet, I have a hint for you
23:03.19Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
23:03.31mrtelnettrue, i now use ssh
23:03.44ZX81if you just ask your problem rather than asking if you can ask a problem you're a lot more likely to get an answer :)
23:04.00mrtelnetIm sorry, ive never really used irc before
23:04.09ZX81:) sweet
23:04.14ZX81so what's your problem?
23:04.15mrtelnetthe rare times i've been on, its been derelict
23:04.54mrtelnetI am using a call file to call a sip based hardphone to connect to a pots number on a sip gateway
23:05.50mrtelnetIt fails with a message to the full log that is "pbx_spool.c: Call failed to go through, reason 3"
23:05.59ZX81lol nice
23:06.02ZX81that's helpful
23:06.12ZX81when you make a call manually does it work?
23:06.13mrtelnetthey dont seem do have the errors docs
23:06.26ZX81ok can you pastebin your callfile?
23:06.29mrtelnetthe extension, if i dial it, will connect fine
23:06.31jbot[~pastebin] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
23:06.55ZX81np haven't fixed it yet :)
23:07.37mrtelnetis the call file
23:07.45ZX81k sec
23:07.58mrtelnetLocal/352 is the hardphone and 9991 is the dp ext
23:08.16ZX81can you show me the from-internal context?
23:08.20ZX81again in pastebin
23:08.25ZX81this is trixbox isn't it :)
23:08.41mrtelnetis the dialplan
23:09.33ZX81does the first leg of the call come up?
23:09.39ZX81i.e. does your sip phone ring?
23:09.58ZX81is there a 352 or something similar in from-internal?
23:10.04mrtelnetshould be
23:10.21ZX81does your phone support two lines?
23:10.38ZX81or do you have another phone you can use to call 352?
23:10.44mrtelnetif i change the dp to just play a sound instead of dialing, the sip phone rings and i hear the sound
23:11.04mrtelnetits an X-Lite softphone
23:11.10ZX81if you change the destination
23:11.17ZX81to play a sound file?
23:11.24ZX81it calls the sip phone
23:11.33ZX81but if you change it to dial the number it doesn't?
23:11.36ZX81that seems strange
23:11.43ZX81as it would normally call the softphone
23:11.47ZX81then dial the number
23:11.53ZX81or play the file or whatever
23:12.09mrtelnetif i change line 5 to exten => _9991.,n,Playsound(tt-weasels)
23:12.14mrtelnetor Playback
23:12.26ZX81so it is not supposed to start trying the other end till you pickup the phone
23:12.58ZX81so theoretically if you made it context: jkhkjhkjh extension: jkhgjhgjhg priority 999 it should still call you
23:13.09mrtelneta crm system should be handling a hyperlink to call a client that rings your phone connecting to the clien
23:13.10ZX81but hangup once you answer
23:13.34mrtelnetIve not found that to be true
23:15.14ZX81my server just crashed
23:15.31mrtelnetthats not good
23:15.34ZX81no shit
23:15.40ZX81has 500 users
23:15.49ZX81lucky there's multiple redundancy
23:15.57ZX81so I'm not trying that again
23:16.02ZX81but it did make the call
23:16.08d-k-tZX81, I was going to say, more servers, but you're already there :)
23:16.24ZX81:) yep
23:16.31ZX81Starting Local/691@freevoip_nz-ef38,1 at freevoip_nzasdasd,6434742112asdasd,1 failed so falling back to
23:16.45ZX81ok, so if you change the call file to:
23:17.13ZX81does it make a call between you and you?
23:18.27ZX81what happens?
23:18.35mrtelnetit said somthing about delaying somthing currently running call file
23:18.50mrtelnetis there a cli command to view the queue
23:19.24ZX81it won't retry
23:19.31ZX81cos you have maxretries=0
23:20.04ZX81can you change it back
23:20.17ZX81and then try again  exten => _9991.,n,Playback(tt-weasels)
23:20.18mrtelnetthe original 9991
23:20.38*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux[m] (
23:20.58ZX81maybe it needs an accountcode to make an outgoing pstn call?
23:21.15mrtelnetno accounting enabled, but it is trixbox
23:21.30ZX81is there an accountcode in the sip_additional.conf section for 352?
23:21.49mrtelnethold on
23:22.03mrtelnetmy playback(ttweasles
23:22.08mrtelnetfailed with Delaying retry since we're currently running '/var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/'
23:22.57ZX81lol weird
23:23.06ZX81just rm -f /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/
23:23.09ZX81then do it again
23:23.19ZX81maybe maxretries of 0 means retry forever lol
23:23.20mrtelnetfile doesn't exist
23:23.27ZX81lol nice
23:23.40mrtelneti restarted asterisk and am trying again
23:23.40ZX81anything in /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/
23:23.43ZX81lol ok
23:23.52ZX81bit heavy handed but all good
23:24.29mrtelnetdevel system, not worried
23:24.59mrtelnethappened again
23:25.31mrtelnetbut if i call 9991, it plays fine
23:25.45ZX81was that with the weasel sounds?
23:26.19ZX81so can you pastebin what you have for 9991 stuff?
23:26.54*** join/#asterisk taxilian (
23:27.22mrtelnet9990 is weasels
23:27.23taxiliananyone here able to help me with a quick SIP trunk question?
23:28.36ZX81taxilian, :) ask the question not if you can ask a question
23:28.48ZX81mrtelnet, so you changed the call file to 9990?
23:29.11mrtelnetyeah, but ive also tried it with changing 9991 to playback
23:29.29ZX81but neither worked?
23:29.45mrtelnetim trying a different ext right nowe
23:29.53ZX81the 9991 one won't work
23:29.53[TK]D-Fendermrtelnet, Would be a nice idea if you would pastebin your CALL FILE since thats likely where the error is
23:29.58ZX81unless you're dialing a number
23:30.16ZX81i.e. 9991 then something
23:30.20[TK]D-FenderZX81, "sialing a number"?  What a ridiculous redundant statement....
23:30.30ZX81stupid keyboard
23:30.37ZX81call file looks kinda fine
23:30.53[TK]D-FenderZX81, Of course it does.. that why it isn't working.  Now chow us what you've done
23:30.53mrtelnetheres even weirder
23:31.40[TK]D-FenderContext: from-internal
23:31.47[TK]D-Fenderdo these look the same to YOU?
23:32.05ZX81yeah I don't do custom :)
23:32.15mrtelnetI made my callfile
23:32.17[TK]D-FenderZX81, look what context your extens are in!
23:32.21taxilianlol.  alright.  I'm trying to set up a trunk so that all calls that match a certain pattern get called as ""
23:32.32[TK]D-Fender <---- [from-internal-custom]
23:32.35taxilianI'm using asteriskgui, so that would be best, but if there is a way to do it manually that's fine
23:32.37ZX81mrtelnet, [TK]D-Fender found it
23:32.50taxilianit's an outgoing only sip trunk
23:32.55[TK]D-Fendertaxilian, GUI's are not supported here
23:33.05jbotsiptrunk is probably Asterisk does not support SIP Trunks.  Set trunk=no in sip.conf and then set up the device normally in sip.conf.
23:33.17ZX81maybe #asteriskgui
23:33.19[TK]D-Fenderthose 2 words don't really belong in the same sentence
23:33.20russellbwhat?  that comment makes no sense at all
23:33.21taxilianI probably have my terms confused
23:33.22taxiliansorry =]
23:33.26russellb"trunk" is not a valid option for sip.conf ...
23:33.28taxilianjust a sip call, really.
23:33.28mrtelnetinclude => from-internal-trixbox?
23:33.46[TK]D-Fenderrussellb, I know... I'll tell you later who even MADE that jbot bit... it wasn't me ;)
23:33.54ZX81mrtelnet, change the context in your call file to from-internal-custom
23:33.54russellbjbot: forget siptrunk
23:33.54jboti forgot siptrunk, russellb
23:34.05taxilianI'll ask in #asterisk-gui, then.  thanks
23:34.08russellb[TK]D-Fender: heh, who was it?
23:34.12*** part/#asterisk VJFROMGT (
23:34.14taxilianjust nobody seems real active there =]
23:34.57mrtelnetContext: from-internal-cuistom or Channel: Local/352from-internal-custom
23:35.37russellbjbot: siptrunk is <reply> test
23:35.38jbotrussellb: okay
23:35.41russellbjbot: siptrunk
23:35.47russellbjbot: forget siptrunk
23:35.48jboti forgot siptrunk, russellb
23:36.22russellbjbot: siptrunk is <reply> There is nothing special about a SIP trunk in the protocol like there is in the case of IAX2, for example.  You set up a SIP trunk like a regular peer in sip.conf.
23:36.22jbotrussellb: okay
23:36.30russellbbetter, i think..
23:37.41mrtelnetNo such extension/context 352@from-internal-custom creating local channel
23:41.24mrtelnetany ideas
23:41.57*** join/#asterisk sts3c (
23:43.22mvanbaakhhmm, that sounds like freepbx
23:44.33mvanbaakmrtelnet: open extensions_custom.conf in vim, find the [from-internal-custom] context and add extension 352 there
23:45.48*** part/#asterisk RoyK (
23:46.57mrtelnetspeaking as a non-freebpx newb thats trying to learn, how should i put 352 in?
23:47.55mvanbaakdepends on what you want to do with extension 352
23:48.02mrtelnetthe Dial(SIP\352) is in from-internal
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23:48.12mvanbaakthat cant be right
23:48.30mvanbaakbecause it's SIP/<something>
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23:48.40mvanbaakthe \ is not used for that
23:48.41[TK]D-Fendermrtelnet, "No such extension/context 352@from-internal-custom" <--- its in NOT [from-internal] !  Wake up time!
23:48.43mrtelnetsorry, doing that from memory
23:48.58mrtelnetno, I changed it to that as suggested
23:49.11mvanbaakmrtelnet: add this to [from-internal-custom]
23:49.14[TK]D-Fendermrtelnet, changed WHAT exactly?
23:49.27mvanbaakexten => 352,1,Dial(SIP/352)
23:49.33mvanbaakand be done with it
23:49.45mrtelnetthe call file is
23:50.08jbot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
23:50.20mrtelnetI know...
23:50.37[TK]D-Fendermrtelnet, Fine... go pastebin your entire [from-internal] context for us to look at.
23:50.41mrtelneti dont really like it, but am too inexpirenced to do it myself
23:50.55mvanbaakmrtelnet: go read the book
23:50.58jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
23:51.22*** join/#asterisk litage|w (
23:51.36mvanbaakthat way you'll be able to do it yourself
23:51.57mvanbaakand the config will be way cleaner then the endless mess that freepbx generates
23:52.31mrtelnettrue, but I have no time to do it myself at the moment, Ill get to as soon as i can
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23:53.01mvanbaakmrtelnet: I can do your config. 65 euro/hour :)
23:53.01[TK]D-Fendermrtelnet, Please pastebin that entire context from your dialplan as I requested.
23:53.27mrtelnetthis is going to sound horrible, but i cannot find from-internal
23:53.57mvanbaakit's in extensions.conf or extensions_additional.conf
23:54.21[TK]D-Fendermrtelnet, Call us when you find a CLUE.
23:54.47[TK]D-Fendermrtelnet, You're picking a context for your call-file and you can't even find WHY YOU CHOSE IT!
23:56.18taxiliandoes anyone have a suggestion for which the most powerful gui is?  (yeah, I know it's better to do it by hand, command line... I just have to leave something my parents can figure out)
23:57.00*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
23:57.08[TK]D-Fendertaxilian, thedecent ones cost.
23:57.45taxilianI'm trying to use asterisknow, but there are some basic things that I can't seem to do with it
23:57.49taxilianand nobody is in the forums right now
23:58.34*** join/#asterisk techie (
23:58.36[TK]D-Fendertaxilian, Well thats not to say it isn't any good.  So far that says that not enough people are around to answer your questeion, and you don't know any better what to do with it.
23:59.10taxilianyeah I know
23:59.31taxilianjust frustrating =]  I hadn't intended any criticism to them
23:59.39taxilianI'm just trying to find a solution to the problem
23:59.54taxilianI'm a programmer myself, just dont' have any voip experience.  I know you can't always be everywhere

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