IRC log for #asterisk on 20071214

00:00.48hmmhesaysho vicidial is a b1tch to install
00:01.12DoDaT69is it?
00:01.16DoDaT69whats so difficult about it?
00:01.25hmmhesaysjust a lot of steps and it takes forever
00:01.41DoDaT69I am checking it out now
00:01.45DoDaT69looks exactly like what we need
00:02.04jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
00:02.19DoDaT69wow biog page
00:02.33hmmhesaysa couple years ago I got about half way through an auto install script
00:02.51hmmhesaysthen I left that particular employer and didn't bring it with me
00:03.13hmmhesaysI could probably recreate it pretty easily though
00:03.51DoDaT69we are thinking that we will go with a freepbx for easy administration and the call reporting, we just need something that will provide the receptionist with a script
00:03.57DoDaT69its for an executive suite center
00:11.31mltlnxis mohsuggest new to Asterisk 1.4?
00:13.27*** join/#asterisk yassine (n=yassine@unaffiliated/yassine)
00:13.34yassinegood evening everyone
00:14.35yassinei have a problem with my asterisk even when a peer is registered its not able to call or even to try *43
00:15.22DoDaT69nat or firewall?
00:16.06yassineDoDaT69: i'am indeed in my local/home network but im trying from the same network since im at home
00:16.32DoDaT69so they are on the same network?
00:16.42DoDaT69do you ahve iptables on your asterisk machine?
00:16.54yassineyes but asterisk is configured with the externhost
00:17.32DoDaT69you can sip show peers and the extension will show up?
00:18.20yassineDoDaT69: let me pastebin what comes out please
00:22.25DoDaT69looks like you are registering from 2 different ip's
00:22.55yassineDoDaT69: i did that on purpose
00:23.04DoDaT69yea, I see
00:23.15yassinei have registred two time to show you the differnce between both cases
00:23.26DoDaT69it works neither way?
00:23.27*** join/#asterisk Maxxed (i=foobar@
00:23.42yassinenone works
00:23.52yassinei can register but can not dial not even the *43
00:23.53DoDaT69do you have iptables running on the local machine?
00:24.06DoDaT69can you receive a call?
00:24.25DoDaT69what error do you get when you dial?  it could just be your phone's dialplan
00:24.43Maxxedany of you guys know if there is anything out there that will let one tie asterisk into exchange? when a voicemail is recived, you get it in your inbox, but when it is delted, it gets deleted on the asterisk box?
00:24.51Maxxedif that makes any sense
00:24.58DoDaT69(Maxxed): look at doing openser
00:25.03Maxxeddelete it once and not have to login to vm and delete
00:25.18kandMaxxed: IMAP storage will do that
00:25.18DoDaT69(Maxxed): open sip express router
00:25.23DoDaT69(Maxxed): yea
00:25.25yassineDoDaT69: as soon i dial i see in the cli : [Dec 14 01:25:43] NOTICE[10066] chan_sip.c: Peer '007' is now UNREACHABLE!  Last qualify: 10
00:25.55DoDaT69(yassine): it looks like you might have some messed up networking
00:25.57Maxxedhum, i dont get it, but il have to check it out
00:26.06Maxxedkand thats what im talkin about
00:26.14*** join/#asterisk WilliamK (
00:26.22Maxxedimap storage, mm, i like the sound of that
00:26.50kandMaxxed: that is all I know of. If you go the IMAP route make sure you have the latest greatest, it has been a work in progress...
00:26.57Maxxedhehe when i search for it in google, i get a mess of security vuln notices
00:26.58WilliamKdoes anyone know if SpanDSP works with asterisk 1.4.15+?
00:27.23Maxxedthanks for the tip, this looks like what i was looking for
00:27.36r0d3nt<SecNews> Title: Zaptel and released
00:27.36r0d3nt<SecNews> Link:
00:27.38DoDaT69if I am not mistaken, excahnge 07 can handle tcp sip
00:27.45DoDaT69which is where the openser would come in
00:27.58DoDaT69i know you have to use that for lcs 05 integration
00:28.02DoDaT69or can rather
00:28.11r0d3nt#asterisk on / <3 asterisk
00:28.14Maxxedhum, il have to home work that too
00:28.30Maxxed2600! the houston meeting is this week
00:28.41Maxxedi have some damn company xmass thing to deal with... eh
00:29.22*** join/#asterisk Jam0r (i=Jamie@
00:29.23r0d3ntgood tx 2600 group on 2600net an di hear their meet is cool
00:29.27Maxxedfirst friday of evy month :D
00:29.40r0d3ntyup yup
00:29.49Maxxedu gota link?
00:29.53*** join/#asterisk jwh (
00:29.58r0d3ntfor the tx 2600 group ?
00:30.41r0d3ntnot sure if they have a site, but about a 12-15 people idle the channel, and i hear from their meeting every so often....
00:31.15Maxxedwhat chan?
00:31.29Jam0rHey, just upgraded to 1.4.5, compiled, installed etc, compiled addons, and there doesnt appear to be any mysql module anymore? is there actually supposed to be one in 1.4.5 addons? or , same thing
00:31.31Maxxedah, those guys are in san antonio i think
00:31.40Maxxedcool, thx :)
00:32.01*** join/#asterisk Toerkeium (i=oo@
00:32.05r0d3ntMaxxed: np =)
00:32.06DoDaT69Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) over Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
00:32.24MaxxedDoDaT69 very nice!
00:32.32DoDaT69take a look @ office communications server 2007
00:32.34Maxxedim not running 07, and wont be for a while, but thats cool
00:32.36DoDaT69thats even better
00:32.40DoDaT69me either..
00:33.02DoDaT69office communications server 07 will allow laptop users to use the messenger client for soft phone as well
00:33.30DoDaT69complete 100% unified communications without cisco, IF you can get openser workign the right way
00:33.50r0d3ntGL with that
00:34.16Maxxednah im cool, i think il stick with my good old trusty asterisk
00:34.21Maxxedi dont need any more windows shit
00:34.37DoDaT69wish I could dodat
00:34.51r0d3nti wonder why asterisk/digium didn't get in on the " Supported VoIP Gateways "
00:35.01DoDaT69they want to be special
00:35.02Maxxediv gotten almost all of my cutomers on linux back ends
00:35.56DoDaT69most of my clients are small business server
00:36.01DoDaT69so 07 doesnt apply yet
00:36.24DoDaT691/2 will need to upgrade their server to x64
00:37.54yassineDoDaT69:  as soon as i dial asterisk claim the sip client is no more reachable
00:38.28DoDaT69sounds like you have a jacked up network
00:38.35DoDaT69check and make sure you have no iptables rules
00:38.41DoDaT69that your machine is wide open
00:38.56DoDaT69sip is just whats used to initiate and control the session, otherwise its rtp
00:39.01DoDaT69if anything blocks that you have nothing
00:39.28DoDaT69if you are unreachable, check your registration time on your endpoint
00:39.38*** join/#asterisk tobias (
00:39.42kandyassine: what is your setup? are your phones one the same subnet as asterisk?
00:40.01yassinekand:  yes
00:40.19[hC]wow.. how misleading.. GROUP()=groupname is not used the same way GROUP_COUNT(groupname) is.
00:40.27kandyassine: there is no NAT correct?
00:40.38*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
00:41.16yassinewell im in the same subnet BUT i have the external ip of  my asterisk box wich is router via my dsl router
00:41.32DoDaT69(yassine): you need to just talk directly to your asterisk server
00:41.42DoDaT69(yassine): and redirect the ports
00:41.55DoDaT69you are trying to go out and back in, taht usually dont work well
00:42.43kandyassine: so your asterisk is not in the same subnet?  If it is use the private ip to access it like DoDaT69 said.
00:43.15*** join/#asterisk yassine (n=yassine@unaffiliated/yassine)
00:43.41yassineDoDaT69:  now that im at home it does not
00:46.55*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (i=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-2faac2fff7b72465)
00:48.47NovceGuruHello guys, does anybody know of a service similar to voicepulse (basically a cheap DID provider) but also offers a service to forward to another number if your * box goes down
00:49.10*** join/#asterisk neoalex (
00:49.25NovceGuruI'm not sure many, if any exist
00:49.33neoalexhi guys, does anyone know how I can remove the first digit of the CID on an incoming call
00:49.52neoalexI get the caller ID with a 1 in front from one provider, and without one from another
00:50.05neoalexI would like to see it without the one for the first one too
00:50.25NovceGuruwouldn't that be complex to determine how long the CID is, then do things based on that?
00:51.11neoalexthe CID is  10 digits long
00:51.40neoalexstandard us phone number, they should all be 10 digits long right?
00:51.44kandYou have three options, check the length like NovceGuru said, send the provider with the one to a different context and stip there, or use regex
00:52.11kandActualy there are probably more
00:53.08kandthis is what I use: exten => s,n,Set(CALLERID(num)=$["${CALLERID(NUM)}" =~ "${REGX_NUM_VALIDITY}"])
00:53.32kandand in extensions.conf [global] REGX_NUM_VALIDITY => ^\+{0\,1}1{0\,1}([2-9][0-9]{2}[2-9][0-9]{6}|011[0-9]*|211|311|411|511|711|911)
00:53.51kandYou could clean the regex I use it for other things
00:55.20neoalexlooks pretty clean to me, us numbers, international and then emergency and whatnot
00:55.28*** join/#asterisk nhuisman_work (n=nhuisman@aeko.IfA.Hawaii.Edu)
00:55.45nhuisman_workhey is it possible to use asterisk with a t1 external gateway instead of a pci/pcie card?
00:55.50kandoh sorry, there should be () around the numbers you want to keep in internaltional....
00:55.52nhuisman_workthen use a dial plan to handle redundancy?
00:56.19neoalexso arround these?
00:56.46kandnm....I group all of them
00:56.59kandit is correct as is, getting late
00:57.39nhuisman_workanyone know about using asterisk like that?
00:59.06kandnhuisman_work: ya, it is possible.  Give me a moment there is one that a friend of mine used.
00:59.27nhuisman_workit just seems like a nicer way to do it since then your t1 connection is on a box that will almost never fail
00:59.33nhuisman_workno hard drives, moving parts, etc
00:59.46kandnhuisman_work: agreed,
01:00.19kandnhuisman_work: there are other too, I just know of that one
01:00.21nhuisman_workthat works?
01:00.30nhuisman_workhow does it communicate to asterisk?
01:00.55kandnhuisman_work: I have been told very well.  Zaptell.  You map it using its MAC (must be on the same subnet)
01:01.08neoalexummm... kand it changed the CID to 0
01:01.23nhuisman_workthat's a much nicer way then pci cards
01:01.24nhuisman_workby far
01:01.30nhuisman_workas long as that box is robust
01:01.46kandnhuisman_work: no personal experience but I hear it is... good luck
01:02.06nhuisman_workthat's for two t1 connections eh
01:02.10nhuisman_workwonder if they make one with 1
01:02.35nhuisman_workeh screw it, that's only 1k
01:02.37neoalexquick question: does anyone have a stanaphone account their not using anymore
01:02.45kandneoalex: try show globals on the cli and make sure the regex is there
01:03.09neoalexit's not
01:03.17neoalexdialplan reload is not enough I guess
01:03.28nhuisman_worki guess the next question is, how do you get your asterisk servers to talk to it in a manner that allows for a server to fail and the phones to work with the second server
01:03.31kandneoalex: that is why. ya I think you need to restart to load globals
01:04.32*** join/#asterisk marexz (
01:04.48neoalexkand: did restart still not showing in globals
01:05.08kandpastebin your extensions.conf
01:06.13nhuisman_workyeah but that says it's ha compatible, doesn't explain how to make asterisk ha
01:06.22nhuisman_workanyone know of resources on how to make asterisk ha with a dialplan?
01:07.00kandnhuisman_work: I use dundi for that
01:07.48nhuisman_workthat's already in asterisk eh
01:08.08kandnhuisman_work: ya. But I use pure voip termination on a round robin
01:08.20nhuisman_workwhat do you mean by pure voip termination?
01:08.55kandnhuisman_work: no pri, or direct PSTN connection (sip trunk to multiple providers)
01:09.42kandneoalex: sorry it should be [globals], like I said it is getting late.....
01:10.24nhuisman_worki wonder if asterisk business edition has dundi in it
01:10.42kandnhuisman_work: I cant image it doesnt
01:10.56kandnhuisman_work: but I dont know
01:10.56neoalexkand: no problem, it works now, thanks a lot
01:11.04nhuisman_workyeah i just wasn't sure if dundi was a  new thing or not
01:11.23kandnhuisman_work: been around since at least early, 1.2.  BRB smoke break
01:13.20nhuisman_workso when you edit a config or add a phone, how does that work with dundi
01:14.32yassinekand: DoDaT69 here is my network :
01:15.23Jam0rany known bugs using * with mysql, mysql located on a seperate server - seem to get timeouts, then asterisk hangs, have to restart it to be able to re-reg phone etc, and it repeats after x amount of time
01:16.10*** join/#asterisk alexmeyer (
01:16.49alexmeyerok, so what exactly does the "ZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 1: Invalid argument (22)" error mean?
01:17.08NuggetArguments is two doors down on the left, this is abuse.
01:17.37alexmeyerwe have an fxo card (4 ports being used on it), using fxs_ks signalling
01:17.42alexmeyerbut it freaks out
01:17.45nhuisman_workkand let me know when you get back, wanted to ask a few more questions.
01:19.49kandnhuisman_work: shoot
01:20.41nhuisman_workkand: so dundi handles between pbx routing of calls
01:21.05nhuisman_workkand: does that also work at the phone level?  Can the phones remain working if their pbx dies?  ie be re-routed
01:21.18kandyassine: Alright, for your house us * private IP then foward your private IP via your router
01:22.28kandnhuisman_work: Most phones can simulatously register to multiple severs and us the primary unless unavaliable.  Then dundi can locate the server the phone is using
01:22.52yassinekand:  is this a normal thing:
01:23.09nhuisman_worki guess the question is then how do you keep configs in sync?
01:23.18nhuisman_workif you add a phone on one server
01:23.21nhuisman_workdo you add it twice
01:23.23nhuisman_worketc etc
01:23.34nhuisman_workor edit phone information.
01:23.41kandnhuisman_work: I have one primary server and the rest rsync every 10 minutes
01:23.53nhuisman_workis it a simple rsync and restart asterisk?
01:24.07kandnhuisman_work: You still have to reload but you could write a script that if rsync made a change then reboot
01:24.10kandsorry restart
01:24.16kandsorry... reload
01:24.19nhuisman_worki was going to say, ouch reboot :P
01:24.34nhuisman_workso your script does restart asterisk then
01:24.37nhuisman_workif there is a change
01:25.06kandnhuisman_work: it use regex in the rsync log and make the decision
01:25.23nhuisman_worksounds reasonable.
01:25.36nhuisman_workdo you know of a way to determine of phone x can register to multiple servers?
01:25.49nhuisman_worki have cisco 7940s, 7960s, and 1735s
01:26.00kandyassine: change your phones to use the internal ip and disable qualify for now, see if that makes your problems go away
01:26.39yassinekand:  ok let my try that
01:26.40kandnhuisman_work: ciscos and polcoms are the only two I know for sure
01:27.07nhuisman_workcisco is about to get the big boot in the face for trying to charge me so much to upgrade our voip
01:27.37kandnhuisman_work: I hate ciscos but clients like the look, I higly recommend polycoms
01:28.32kandyassine: pastebin your sip.conf with the changes, specificly the general section
01:29.19*** join/#asterisk cesar_CR (
01:29.26alexmeyeranyone else? what's the deal with the "ZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 1: Invalid argument (22)" error?
01:29.29nhuisman_workwe use polycoms
01:29.32nhuisman_workthey work pretty good
01:29.59nhuisman_workwell I think I'll download asterisk now and start trying this out
01:30.33Qwellnhuisman_work: 1735s?
01:30.35kandnhuisman_work: go for it
01:30.35alexmeyerthanks, I'll try that
01:30.47DoDaT69(alexmeyer): np
01:30.49yassinekand: sip.conf :
01:30.52nhuisman_workwe use polycom for our h323
01:30.59nhuisman_workvideo conferencing
01:31.33nhuisman_workthe only think i'm a little afraid of is making sure that redfone thing will work with our pri
01:32.02kandyassine: I need the includes too.  Did your changes help?
01:32.08nhuisman_workit lists some set of pri switchs it's compatible with, just not sure what we are connected to
01:33.01alexmeyerDoDaT69: can do I disable the usb then? do I have to unplug something from the motherboard itself? (btw, I'm no n00b... just dunno in this situation... :P)
01:33.06d-k-talexmeyer, what sort of modules do you have?
01:33.08kandnhuisman_work: no idea about that, but I would image it works will all standard pris
01:33.16nhuisman_workyeah, probably.
01:33.26alexmeyerwow, I dunno what I typed at the beginning there... O_o
01:33.48nhuisman_workkand, so actually dundi isn't very useful for two servers is it
01:33.52nhuisman_workin one site
01:34.07alexmeyerd-k-t: anything specific you're windering about?
01:34.08tzafrir_homealexmeyer, please pastebin your zapata.conf and the output of cat /proc/zaptel/*
01:34.16nhuisman_worksince there is really only one site and no routing to be done.
01:34.40kandnhuisman_work: not really....redundance is built into multiple registrations and redfone/round robin trunks
01:35.05nhuisman_workwe don't have two trunks but shrug if our trunk dies it's the phone companies problem not mine.
01:35.38d-k-talexmeyer, well, where ztcfg.c specifies this message, it also gives the message, "Did you forget that FXS interfaces are configured with FXO signalling and that FXO interfaces use FXS signalling?" as an additional message for errorcode 22...
01:35.53kandnhuisman_work: there is always a weak point, just make sure it isnt under your control :)
01:36.03nhuisman_workexactly :)
01:36.11nhuisman_worksorry guys no phones, not my fault
01:36.48alexmeyerd-k-t: yes, it says that when it gives that error. it's an fxo card, so we configured it as fxs_ks
01:37.58kandnhuisman_work: BTY two of my production servers are formated CM boxes
01:38.20nhuisman_worki'm at cm 3.1
01:38.29nhuisman_workand going to 6.0 looks like a huge pain in the ass
01:39.05kandnhuisman_work: it was an early version when I started here and what little experience I had with it I didnt like
01:39.20yassinekand:  now the list is complete :
01:39.29tzafrir_homealexmeyer, the entry for that card appears to be in /etc/asterisk-zapata-auto.conf
01:39.37tzafrir_homeBut the driver has failed to load
01:39.42kandyassine: ok.  and are your phones working?
01:41.00alexmeyertzafrir: say huh?
01:41.58yassinekand:  no
01:42.16kandyassine: what did they do?
01:42.33yassineseems that they dont get registred
01:42.52yassinesip show peers: 007                        (Unspecified)    D   N      0        UNKNOWN
01:43.43tzafrir_homealexmeyer, /proc/zaptel/* show that the card's driver has failed to detect it or simply hasn't loaded
01:43.50tzafrir_homelsmod | grep ^zaptel
01:43.53*** join/#asterisk klyrelion (
01:43.57kandyassine: ok comment out fromdomain, externhost, localnet and qualify (in 007) then pastebin a sip debug during registration
01:44.15kandyassine: I want to know where your phone think your box is at
01:44.22alexmeyerit's loaded
01:44.36alexmeyerbut it's (I think) only using ztdummy
01:44.56tzafrir_homewhat is the output of that command?
01:45.09tzafrir_homelsmod | grep ^zaptel
01:45.11alexmeyerzaptel                196740  11 ztdummy,wctdm,wcfxo,wcte11xp,wct1xxp,wct4xxp,tor2
01:45.57tzafrir_homermmod wcfxo; modprobe wcfxo; dmesg | tail
01:46.13alexmeyerwe (I'm actually helping my dad set up this server) had to manually enter in the settings because genzaptelconf didn't add in stuff for this card
01:47.45alexmeyerdmesg just has a bunch of "Registered tone zone 0 ...blahblah" messages at the end
01:48.14*** part/#asterisk klyrelion (
01:48.15nhuisman_workdoes anyone know if switchvox has a cli?
01:48.21alexmeyerand it gave that error again when modprobing wcfxo
01:50.07tzafrir_homealexmeyer, it didn't add it because the card's driver failed to load
01:50.25tzafrir_homenow, what error do you get from modprobe?
01:50.34alexmeyerok... my dad thought it was because it's an anolog card, or something
01:50.46alexmeyerthe same, "ZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 1: Invalid argument (22)" error
01:50.56tzafrir_homeah, ignore that
01:51.08tzafrir_homewhat did you see in dmesg | tail
01:52.05yassinekand:  now the echo test works
01:52.50tzafrir_homealexmeyer, no. Something immediately after failing to load wcfxo
01:52.54tzafrir_homermmod wcfxo; modprobe wcfxo; dmesg | tail
01:52.58kandyassine: that is promissing.  So they are registed and communicting with *.  How about outbound calls?  Then we can work on your office phone
01:53.01alexmeyeryeah, I did
01:53.28tzafrir_homeWhat card do you have?
01:53.49d-k-talexmeyer, tried adding debug to the driver? e.g. options wctdm opermode=CHINA debug=5
01:53.50alexmeyerI think it's a TDM0800 or something
01:54.08tzafrir_homeah, that one has a different driver
01:54.18tzafrir_homemodprobe wctdm24xxp
01:54.40tzafrir_homeWhat version of zaptel do you use?
01:54.40alexmeyershould I rmmod wcfxo first? or does that stay anyway?
01:55.15tzafrir_homeleave it be. It is harmless
01:55.57tzafrir_homesomething you downloaded recently?
01:56.20tzafrir_homeanyway, any news from the modprobe?
01:56.47alexmeyerwell, for our production boxes (my dad and a friend are doing a voip buisiness) we use AAH2.7, with a modification file we have
01:57.14*** join/#asterisk mog (
01:57.14*** mode/#asterisk [+o mog] by ChanServ
01:57.43alexmeyerit just gave the same "invalid argument" error, and "FATAL: Error running install command for wctdm24xxp"
01:59.17tzafrir_homecat /sys/module/zaptel/version
01:59.51alexmeyerno version file
02:00.11tzafrir_homebah. centos4?
02:00.24tzafrir_homemodinfo zaptel | grep ^version
02:00.25*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
02:00.27alexmeyerAAH 2.7
02:00.35tzafrir_homethat's ancient
02:01.12alexmeyerit's the latest one my dad liked
02:01.12tzafrir_homeI hope that this is not a new installation
02:01.12alexmeyerit is...
02:01.12tzafrir_homeIf so: trash it and get something newer
02:01.25tzafrir_homeAAH is now called TrixBox (CE)
02:01.39alexmeyerthat's right... the modinfo version info for this version of zaptel is a huge jumble of gibberish
02:01.43alexmeyeryeah, I know.
02:02.02tzafrir_homereally. Don't waste your time on that old junk
02:02.07alexmeyerthere was some stuff in later versions he didn't like, so just modified aah 2.7
02:02.18alexmeyerI'll let him know...
02:02.24*** join/#asterisk mltlnx (
02:02.43tzafrir_homeYou don't have to use TrixBox / AAH
02:02.56alexmeyerI know
02:03.29tzafrir_homeanyway, you'll need a newer zaptel for that card to be detected
02:03.38alexmeyerheh, if I were doing it, I'd probably slap asterisk onto gentoo or something... ;)
02:04.05alexmeyerd'oh, netsplit
02:04.07tzafrir_homeflorz and co. seem to agree
02:04.27alexmeyerk, thanks for your help
02:04.55yassinekand: outbound works too i mean from intern sip to extern pstn using the local zap trunk
02:05.26kandyassine: Ok, so currently what doesnt work?
02:05.55*** join/#asterisk skymeyer ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
02:06.08yassinesip from outside
02:06.29yassineand from inside if asterisk is configured in NAT mode
02:06.55d-k-tzaptel 1.2.3 didn't even have a wctdm24xxp module did it?
02:07.42kandyassine: good, what kind of router do you have?
02:07.45*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
02:09.45yassinekand Siemens sx541 WLAN DSL
02:09.46*** join/#asterisk florz (n=florz@2001:1a50:503c:0:0:0:0:1) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
02:10.21kandyassine: Ok, uncomment externhost, localnet but I can't help you with port fowarding on that if you have not done so already.
02:10.53yassinei already did mapped extern port UDP from 10000-20000 to asterisk box
02:10.53kandyassine: leave fromdomain alown
02:10.59yassineand 5060 UDB too
02:11.15kandyassine: good, (udp)
02:11.31yassineoups yes sorry i mean udp
02:11.40yassineits late here
02:12.13*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (
02:12.27kandyassine: I know how it is... lol.  Let me know if when you uncomment externhost and localnet if your local phones keep working.
02:12.59*** join/#asterisk rob0 (
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02:14.14yassinekand working fine
02:15.12kandyassine: How about your office phone, did it register or is it not going to (ie off, at home)?
02:16.07yassinei can not test now since im at home :)
02:17.57kandyassine: That is what I thought.   But I think you shouldn't have any problems.  Two things: leave fromdomain commented and unless you really need it qualify.  You may want to make sure your ssh port is fowared too :)
02:19.37yassinekand: ssh is always forwarded thanks for your help!
02:19.50kandyassine: np
02:21.53*** join/#asterisk Psykick (n=anon@
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02:25.21[Outcast]does anyone know if there is a way to get a sipura device to send a call to * as soon it is taken off hook
02:26.09Psykick[Outcast]: I would suggest maybe using one of the dialplan features called Originate .... but I may be wrong
02:27.30*** join/#asterisk xheliox (n=jeff@pdpc/supporter/active/xheliox)
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02:32.53[Outcast]are there any phones that support sending call soon as it goes offhook?
02:33.49nhuisman_workdoes anyone know where I can find information about registering the same phone to 2 asterisk boxes?
02:33.51nhuisman_workvia sip.
02:34.38Psykicknhuisman_work: I'd assume that would be a feature of the phone
02:34.56nhuisman_worki'm trying to find out how to find that information for cisco phones
02:35.52Psykickcisco's website would be the best place to start then I would assume
02:36.55*** join/#asterisk mordaunt (n=mordaunt@unaffiliated/mordaunt)
02:37.08nhuisman_workyeah hunting there
02:39.02WilliamKis t.38 enabled by default in * 1.4 nowdays?
02:43.13kandnhuisman_work: I can tell you if it is sip
02:43.40kandWilliamK: no t38pt_udptl=yes
02:43.55kandWilliamK: in sip.conf
02:44.03WilliamKI don't have to patch anything correct?
02:44.06WilliamKI set that
02:44.25WilliamKit looked like * was still having a problem with unknown codec 100
02:44.26nhuisman_workkand where is the config setting to add the secondary server?
02:44.27[Outcast]found it...hahaha
02:44.30nhuisman_workon the phone or on the pb?
02:44.32De_Monnhuisman_work you're looking for a way to setup multiple lines or sip accounts
02:44.37De_Monon the phone
02:44.48nhuisman_worki want to use two asterisk servers and the phones don't care if one goes down.
02:44.59nhuisman_workinstead of using linux ha
02:45.09nhuisman_workif that's possible
02:45.40kandnhuisman_work: for cisco 7940 running sip SIP000E8494F3FB.cnf looks like:
02:46.03kandnhuisman_work: all the 7940 and 7960 series actually
02:46.22nhuisman_workthe proxy address right?
02:46.22kandnhuisman_work: 7970s can but I dont have an example
02:46.42kandyou need polycom examples?
02:46.59nhuisman_workso this is in the firmware load then
02:47.16kandnhuisman_work: ya but we call it provisiong
02:47.17nhuisman_work7935 would be my polycom phone, I assume it's not that hard to find.
02:47.58nhuisman_workis that a per phone cnf, or does it replace the extension name and stuff with macros before it send sit to the phone
02:48.12kandJust incase  <localcfg> <server voIpProt.server.1.address="" voIpProt.server.2.address=""/></localcfg>
02:48.30kandper phone but it could be done in default
02:48.37kandOn my setup I need to do per phone
02:49.04nhuisman_workso is the failover instantaneous ?
02:49.13nhuisman_workobviously calls will drop
02:49.15kandThe call you are on is lost but yes
02:49.17kandlol ya
02:49.26nhuisman_workthats good enough for me
02:49.51kandIt is actually registered the whole time just doesnt us it
02:50.59nhuisman_worki wonder if it's possible to download asterisk and then upgrade it to be, or if there are actually alot of changes
02:51.55kandnhuisman_work: asterisk so far is comptatable unless you are using a addtional feature that didnt exist in an older version
02:52.31nhuisman_worksorry i should have expanded that acronym, by "be" i meant asterisk business edition
02:53.55kandnhuisman_work: ah, np.  As I understand it they are really on in the same just business edition is built with less features to be more stable but I dont really know much about it
02:54.58kandnhuisman_work: I have found the open source version reliable I wouldn't mind having the support sometimes tho....
02:55.25nhuisman_worki just kind of wanted them to incorporate the asterisk now gui
02:55.26kandnhuisman_work: but I have been able to work through issues
02:55.31nhuisman_workto make it easier to manage once it's setup.
02:55.44kandnhuisman_work: it is over rated.... :)
02:56.08kandthe gui
02:56.10nhuisman_workit just seems easier to add and remove phones, conferences, etc
02:56.54kandpossibly, if you write a good dial plan and organize your code well I think it is just as easy
02:57.18kand*if you know what your doing*
02:57.26kandthere is the catch
02:57.47nhuisman_workyeah plus i'm not going to be around forever so the next person is going to have to learn asterisk
02:59.07kandnhuisman_work: Doesnt sound like your problem. lol but there is something to be said for being able to delegate tasks.
02:59.42nhuisman_workyeah, like create a new extension for this, oh yea and don't fuck up my whole dial plan with one config error mr student hire.
03:00.35kandnhuisman_work: exactly, and just a side not asterisk dial plans are fault tolerant (ie a missed type line is ignored)
03:01.04nhuisman_workin what way?
03:01.53kandthey phrase the files but anything that doesn't fit is ignored and a notice is generated but all good lines are processed anyway
03:02.15nhuisman_workthat's useful
03:02.22kandnhuisman_work: I make typos dailly on our production server and nobody
03:02.57kandnhuisman_work: alright buddy.  I am heading out.  Good luck!
03:03.09nhuisman_worklater, thanks much for the info
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03:19.59don_pobreanybody here can help me?
03:20.16don_pobremy asterisk 1.4.15 just keep on crashing down
03:20.25don_pobremade a bt full and i got this
03:20.26don_pobreNo symbol table info available.
03:20.27don_pobre#12 0x080f765b in dummy_start (data=0x9b0ac60) at utils.c:843
03:20.33don_pobre#13 0x0051c3db in start_thread () from /lib/
03:20.35don_pobreNo symbol table info available.
03:20.37don_pobre#14 0x0047606e in clone () from /lib/
03:20.39don_pobreNo symbol table info available.
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03:37.40JunK-Ydon_pobre: see my answers in #asterisk-bugs.
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03:59.22riddleboxdoes anyone use the latest version of firmware for the grandstream GXP2000 phones?
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04:57.35watchy2they tk you there?
04:58.21[TK]D-Fenderjust got in
04:59.36watchy2you ever work aastras?
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05:03.04watchy2I have multiple phones ringing when someone calls in and they are getting "missed calls" on phones that arent the answer phone. How do you fix that?
05:03.43[TK]D-Fenderwatchy2, You don't
05:03.56*** join/#asterisk tobias (
05:04.07[TK]D-Fenderwatchy2, * has not way to signal to ANY phone to not count a call that * cancels as being "not MISSED"
05:04.38mostywatchy2, most phones have an option to disable missed call notification. it's not something the PBX controls
05:06.31watchy2so like
05:06.38watchy2would that mean even if it missed a call
05:06.45watchy2you wont know?
05:06.56watchy2no way to have both worlds huh
05:07.11mostyyou can either be notified about missed calls or not. take your pick
05:07.49watchy2thanks man
05:07.57watchy2wheres it at in polys?
05:08.01watchy2the sip.cfg?
05:08.15[TK]D-FenderThere IS a SIP signalling means to pass on the "count or not" IIMN, but not implemented in *, and not consistent in field
05:13.03watchy2you could do it per line key
05:13.10watchy2on a poly
05:15.49watchy2maybe not"calllist-missed" feature.8.enabled="1"
05:16.45watchy2i guess thats it
05:20.54watchy2ah on a poly it seems you can tell it per call line
05:21.02watchy2dunno about a aastra
05:21.36watchy2thanks guy
05:21.39watchy2i love u gotta go
05:23.04*** join/#asterisk otaku42 (n=otaku42@madwifi/developer/otaku42)
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05:25.21otaku42i learned that since i want to use the meetme extension, i need a zap timer such as ztdummy. server is running kernel 2.6.22, asterisk is 1.4.something.
05:26.15otaku42wondering: do i still need a patch like this to improve the accuracy for 2.6 kernels in current ztdummy versions?
05:27.23Maliutaanyone know if the cisco 7936 conference stations can be flashed to do SIP instead of SCCP?
05:31.42otaku42hmmm... i think (last comment) answers my question.
05:40.19[TK]D-Fenderotaku42, thats over 2 YEARS old.
05:46.11otaku42[TK]D-Fender: that's why i asked whether it's still required.
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06:07.36otaku42to give a final answer on my previous question (in case the channel is logged): zaptel doesn't need to be patched, it comes with the capabilities for high accuracy (including support for high resolution timers on kernel 2.6.22 and later)
06:12.20blitzragesome bugs might be outstanding pretty long... but not 2 years :)
06:13.07mostydepends how you define bug
06:14.29otaku42blitzrage: just wanted to be sure :)
06:17.19*** join/#asterisk AJaymn (
06:17.22AJaymnThere a way to clear out the CDR database? more or less to start over clean?
06:18.51mostydelete from cdr; ?
06:22.34AJaymnmostly I want to delete cdr records from over 6 months ago on a working system...
06:23.41*** join/#asterisk rasix (
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06:31.09DocHollidayzaptel is complaining i dont have kernel sources, how do i get them?
06:34.22DocHollidaygot it
06:36.03DocHollidayzaptel is telling me i dont have ncurses when rpm -qa |grep ncurses shows me having ncurses and ncurses devel
06:36.58*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux[m] (
06:40.11craigkif i want to redirect a call from within a dialplan, is something like Dial(Local/1234/n,,r) the best way, or is there something better ? my problem is that if 1234 is an external number then it does not always ring :(
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06:59.47blitzrageDocHolliday: did you re-run ./configure?
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07:32.30mostycraigk, it would be simpler if you don't use chan_local
07:33.15craigkmosty: oh - how do i redirect a call to an external number then ? I want to to appear as if the call came in via a 'normal' path from a trunk
07:33.43mostywhat kind of external number? sip? iax? zap?
07:33.59hmmhesaysany number of ways
07:34.04hmmhesaysi've never seen dune
07:34.06hmmhesaysI may download it
07:36.25craigkmosty: lets say i have a dialplan which detects mobile numbers and treats them different to non-mobile. Imagine that a call comes in via some trunk, and tries to dial an extension. After a while, I want to stop dialing the extension and redirect the call to some userdefined number. So, I want to feed the user defined number back into the dialplan so it can see if it is a mobile number
07:36.55craigkthe user defined number can be anything: another extension, a mobile or a non-mobile
07:37.23craigki have been using Dial(Local/number) to do it ... it seems to work but i was wondering if there was a better way
07:37.24mostycraigk, why don't you just Goto some context that does something if it's a mobile number, and something else if it's not?
07:38.48mostyi try to avoid chan_local unless i have to, since it messes with CDR
07:38.59craigkso just GoTo(context,usernumber)
07:39.02hmmhesaysyah I just got my adsense account
07:40.53craigkmosty: thanks, i will try that (and keep an eye on the cdr)
07:50.07*** part/#asterisk dominic1 (n=dob@
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08:09.04*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (n=Nothing@
08:10.43Dr-Linuxanybody active!
08:13.31mostynot really
08:14.30Dr-Linuxhey mosty, how are you today
08:14.35*** join/#asterisk shinao1 (n=shinao1@
08:14.37Dr-Linuxyou always active :)
08:14.56mostyi'm looking forward to the holidays
08:14.59Dr-Linuxmosty: i needed a suggestion
08:15.06Dr-Linux:) yeah
08:15.25Dr-Linuxmerry CM to you in advance
08:15.46Dr-Linuxand "Happy Eid" to me :P
08:16.39Dr-Linuxmosty: ignore priority and look at this:
08:16.40Dr-Linuxexten => 4565566,2,GoToIfTime(08:00-17:00|mon-fri|*|*?open1,1)
08:16.40Dr-Linuxexten => 4565566,3,GoToIfTime(17:01-07:59|*|*|*?open2,1)
08:17.28Dr-Linuxmosty: and now help me and tell where will call go during weekend?
08:17.54R1cki was wondering, how do I make a menu, that I want a person who is calling to enter 6 digits, and then if those 6 digits are in some record in some database, to forward the call to a mobile... is that possible?
08:17.55Dr-Linuxmosty: actually i'm not feeling well, just coming from hospital just to fix this issue :)
08:18.22mostythe first GotoIfTime won't jump on the weekend. the second one will, but only in that time range
08:18.26Dr-LinuxR1ck: yes it is
08:18.44Dr-LinuxR1ck: use asterisk database
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08:18.47R1ckcool. any pointers on where to start?
08:19.20mostyR1ck, ?
08:19.24Dr-LinuxR1ck: create a family key and vaule for it
08:20.16Dr-LinuxR1ck: DISA will give you "tone"
08:20.34*** join/#asterisk arif_endro (n=arif_end@
08:20.40R1ckthen DISA is not really what I want..
08:20.57Dr-Linuxmosty: that's that happening
08:21.35Dr-Linuxmosty: where will call go during 08:00-17:00 sat-sun ?
08:21.55mostyR1ck, use Background or Read, then either use astdb or and AGI script to lookup an external database
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08:22.15mostyDr-Linux, it will go to priority 4, whatever that is
08:22.53Dr-Linuxmosty: and that's "hangup"
08:22.57Dr-Linuxi see
08:23.28Dr-Linuxmosty: so i want during weekend call should go to open2,1  aswell
08:23.30*** join/#asterisk newbie289 (n=harry@
08:23.33mostyDr-Linux, GotoIfTime only jumps if the time specification matches the current time. otherwise the call goes to the next priority
08:24.25mostyyou probably want a catch-all Goto(closed,s,1) at priority 4
08:32.40R1ckthanks mosty
08:34.09*** join/#asterisk sergey (n=sergey@
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08:45.18Dr-Linuxmosty: what about this:
08:45.19Dr-Linuxexten => 4565566,4,Goto(open2,1)
08:45.51mostyyou may as well replace priority 3 with that
08:47.08*** join/#asterisk agx (n=AGX@
08:48.06agxguys, what the hell Snom is doing... 6.5.15 and 7.x totally broken firmwares....
08:48.32mostywhat's wrong with 6.5.15?
08:48.42mosty7.x is beta, of course it's broken
08:48.49Dr-Linuxmosty: why is that? just asking to understand
08:49.12agxmosty, 6.5.15 has broken BFL, i press a button and randomly another one start to blink
08:49.29Dr-Linuxmosty: check your pvt
08:49.36mostyDr-Linux, because priority 3 and 4 both jump to the same place. if 3 doesn't do it then 4 definitely does
08:50.08Dr-Linuxmakes sense
08:50.37mostyso the gotoiftime at priority 3 isn't needed. remove it and the call flows the same way
08:51.00Dr-Linuxmosty: but what if i do n't change and left the settings as i shown you in pvt?
08:51.41mostythen the call flow is the same, but you have one possibly confusing line that you don't need
08:52.20Dr-Linuxokey thanks, i understand
08:52.40Dr-Linuxthen maybe my 3rd priority is useless
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09:17.51FlatFootagx: i'm using 7.1.19 on Snom 320's that seems to be quite stable
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09:19.25otaku42mosty: 7.x is no longer beta, it has been released a few days ago iirc
09:20.16*** join/#asterisk codec (
09:20.17mostyotaku42, oh ok, i'm still using 6.whatever is latest on most of my snoms, except for the 370's (which iirc only support v7)
09:20.18codechi ther
09:20.41codecshort question.. the rtp ports I can define on my voip phone.. those are local ports, right? (source ports)
09:21.32mostycodec, i believe so
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09:39.50agxFlatFoot, i got a few phones with 7.x that does not register against asterisk 1.4 and i decide to downgrade but they're stuck at 6.5.15 and seems there is no way to force them to 6.5.10/12 (that is the one i NEVER had 1 single problem)
09:40.36FlatFootagx: i must say my Snoms are reg'd to 1.2.x hang on i'll try to reg to my new 1.4.11
09:40.38mostyagx, what model are you using?
09:42.43FlatFootagx: yep that version works together
09:43.06agxmosty, any model 300,320,360,370
09:44.09mostyagx, and which firmware version?
09:44.45mostyi have 7.1.6 working on a snom300 here, i can check my other models also if you like
09:45.30agxmosty, with asterisk 1.2 or 1.4?
09:45.59agxmosty, is there some new settings in firmware v7 that can 'cause the phone do not register?
09:46.18agxsomeone on forum was talking about "watchdog"
09:47.04mostyi'm not sure if it's a setting or a bug in the firmware, but i have this particular snom300 registered to an asterisk 1.2.17 and 1.4.15
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10:13.37ice_crofthi all
10:13.55ice_croft[Dec 14 16:15:20] ERROR[25166]: chan_zap.c:10836 process_zap: Unknown signalling method 'pri_cpe'
10:14.03ice_croftwhat's that? 8-O
10:14.48ice_crofthelp please
10:16.46mostydid you compile libpri before zaptel?
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10:17.54ice_crofti c
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10:23.53skrustydoes anyone know if you can change the SDP without recompiling?
10:24.07skrustyi need to change it from 96 to 101
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10:25.55yangWhat does the following error mean Dec 14 11:25:06 WARNING[27839]: rtp.c:463 ast_rtp_read: RTP Read too short
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10:38.44alinuxlb-22Hi can anyone provide me with a recommendation for a TURN/STUN daemon ?
10:40.21tzafrir_homealinuxlb-22, there's a stund called (surprise) stund in Debian
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11:24.18festr_hi, anyone using snom pickup patch for snom phones?
11:24.35festr_1.4 asterisk
11:25.04mostyfestr_, no? my snom phones answer in intercom mode without any special patches
11:25.50festr_mosty: so you can pickup ringing extension by pressing blinking lamp without any patches?
11:26.33mostyi think we're talking about different features. you're trying to do directed pickups?
11:28.07festr_mosty: yes
11:28.14festr_mosty: using BLF feature
11:28.41mostythat works for me with asterisk 1.2 with bristuff, i have not tried it with asterisk 1.4
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11:31.31festr_it works for me to with 1.4 but only with patch. unfortunatly, this patch is causing deadlocks
11:33.34mostyi am not a big fan of bristuff to tell you the truth. i would recommend against it if at all possible
11:33.56festr_mee to
11:34.01mostyyou're basically on your own if you have troubles with it :/
11:41.09*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (
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11:49.35ice_crofti have some problem with chan_zap
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11:49.52ice_croftit's loaded, but i can't enter any of zap commands
11:49.59ice_croftwhats' wrong?
11:50.07ice_croftmosty hi
11:50.17*** join/#asterisk klyrelion (
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11:50.27kaldemarice_croft: what makes you think it's loaded?
11:50.44ice_croftwell, localhost*CLI> module reload
11:51.24mostyice_croft, pri issues?
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11:52.12jmlsI seem to have a network problem somewhere, but cannot figure it out
11:52.20jmlsI call SIP/5740,
11:52.46jmlsand 4 times out of 5, the call is "delayed" for up to 4 seconds before it starts ringing
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11:52.55ice_crofti built zaptel with pri
11:53.00jmlsthe other time, it rings straight away
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11:53.37jmlsanyone seen this before ?
11:53.52kaldemarice_croft: what does "show modules like" say?
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11:55.47ice_croftso anyway
11:56.06ice_croftwhat should i check?
11:56.38kaldemaryour zaptel.conf and zapata.conf
11:57.05kaldemarit you set verbose at 10 and try to reload, the cli will give you a hint on what's wrong.
11:57.29ice_croftkaldemar> no, verbose 10 empty
11:57.50kaldemari.e. "set verbose 10" and "module reload"
11:58.17ice_croftkaldemar> i understand
12:00.04ice_croftlocalhost*CLI> module reload
12:00.04ice_croftthat's all
12:01.05kaldemarwell, check your configs, especially that all channels and signallings in zaptel.conf and zapata.confs match. and in the future, don't paste to the channel, use pastebin.
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12:07.31ice_croftretry any posts to me plz
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12:19.28poor_manhi all!
12:19.35poor_mananyone here with snom 320 phones accessing to a common address book stored in a server?
12:20.54poor_maninspite of the small built-in 100 address capable, addressbook?
12:26.01mostythey support ldap don't they?
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12:41.09poor_manmosty, but i'm not very familirized with ldap, and dont want create a contact in AD for each telephone number, because i want have a mysql database, for example, and access it  to get contact from suppliers, customers, freinds, internal, etc
12:42.45poor_manmosty, with ldap i wil have "one more thing" connection to my AD in windows 2003 server, and i want centralize voip/telephony stuff in one box, in one network
12:43.01mostypoor_man, i figure that the snom built-in address book is ok for small numbers (<100?), beyond that i would investigate the ldap support
12:43.41poor_manok, i'll give a deeper look in ldap
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13:13.16yanghow could i fix this
13:14.41mostyyang, what actual problem are you having?
13:14.45coppiceeither the other end isn't sending RTP (e.g. it is sending UDPTL) or it is sending bad RTP
13:15.18lirakisyang: i get that all the time on cli .. but i never have "problems"
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13:33.30yangI dont have any problem in callings, jsut an annoying error that doesnt make my CLI clear
13:34.01yangAnd I use a VOIP phone -> trunk -> GSM hardware dispatcher
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13:36.24mostyyang, ignore it. my asterisk console is full of crap like this, that doesn't mean that there's something wrong
13:36.30yangAnd I use a VOIP phone -> asterisk --> trunk -> GSM hardware dispatcher
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13:38.50mostyyang: ask for help when something isn't working, ignore the message for now
13:41.18awkanyone have issues running asterisk on 2.6.22 kernel?
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13:45.46yangawk: hm fine
13:46.18yang2.6.22-2-686 debian testing
13:46.43awkI'm going to use a custom kernel.. just want to make sure what to use..
13:46.51Toerkeiumany way to get a fax machine working with asterisk?
13:46.51awkwonder what the safest stable version is, without any local vulns, etc..
13:47.05awkToerkeium yup  fxs/fxo card :)
13:47.07awkor quintum unit
13:47.14awkor some other media gw
13:47.36Toerkeiumawk: how will it work?
13:47.51Toerkeiumfxo > asterisk > fxs > fax ?
13:47.51awkwell how do you want it to work?
13:48.25awkI just use hylafax and use print to fax function for outbound
13:48.31awkand fax to mail for inbound
13:48.56awksaves the use of using fax devices
13:49.34Toerkeiumah, so you just don't use asterisk for fax?
13:50.03coppicefxo -> asterisk -> fxs -> fax requries the right kind of interfaces, to get any decent reliability. The Digium TDM cards are not the right kind of interfaces.
13:50.12awkToerkeium didnt you listen to what I said
13:50.15awkI use asterisk completly
13:50.25awkhylafax asterisk ... fax to mail asterisk
13:50.55awkcoppice I would never use digium for fxs/fxo, quintum units work wonders
13:50.56yanghylafax is some pain to configure
13:51.05awkyang takes me no longer than 10 minutes
13:51.07awkits really easy..
13:51.13awkive now developed it into my front end
13:51.15yanghm is it?
13:51.36Toerkeiumand does asterisk need so extra configuration besides hylafax?
13:51.38awkcan do all the config through the front end..
13:51.44coppicehylafax is only a pain when you try to use an arbitrary modem. use a well supported one, and most of the configuration is already done
13:51.45awkToerkeium iaxmodem
13:52.01awkcorect some tweaks to inittab
13:52.07Toerkeiumahh good
13:52.08awkand init q and you on your way
13:52.18awkalso create some /dev/IAX device
13:52.23yanghm for the first time i see this asterisk GUI, and I was searching throught the whole web for it
13:52.48Toerkeiumwe are going to cur down all analog lines, and since I was told (some time ago) "Don't work with fax+asterisk", I just wondered if there was any news about it
13:52.54Toerkeiumso, great
13:53.03awkjaaa, nothing comes close to ScopServ
13:53.09awknot by a long shot
13:53.15yangI would be interested in setting a fax+asterisk too
13:53.17awkthere is nothing we have not thought of
13:53.33awkit even has support for skype, etc
13:53.35yangawk: but scopserv requires redhat platform
13:53.55awkwe developed it on centos. but you can use alian, etc and convert our rpms to deb, etc..
13:54.03awkwe have people using it on debian and other distros
13:54.08awkbut we have developed it on centos..
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13:54.41Toerkeiumawk, is scopserv some sort of freepbx?
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13:55.16awkfreepbx is nothing like scopserv :)
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13:55.23awkour system does everything and more :)
13:55.27Toerkeiumnot comparing which is best..
13:55.35awkwell its not at all the same
13:56.02ToerkeiumI mean, it has the "same use" than freepbx, right?
13:56.21awkhmm, well freepbx has a few features we have if that is what you mean
13:56.51Toerkeiumgonna check the demo :=)
13:57.15Toerkeiumdemo is broken
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13:57.18yangawk: how much does it cost? You need to buy a hardware or is it simply a software?
13:57.51awkyou can buy a full unit, soon we throwing out all cards and completley using quintum for pri/fxs/fxo, etc
13:57.57awkas zaptel is a load of shit
13:58.03awkand causes all the problems on asterisk
13:58.10awkso take that out the picture you have a stable solution
13:58.41awkbut you can buy a license.. its completely locked down untill you license it.. all php code is compiled.. so not like freepbx as open source
13:59.16awkit has fill intergrated billing
14:02.08[TK]D-Fenderawk: Yup, as GUI's go ScopServ's probably the best out there.
14:02.51Greek-Boyscopserv? is it well suited for call termination providers?
14:03.02yangwhat is the price for only the software?
14:03.25awkGreek-Boy if you want it to be, yes.. for call centres, anything..
14:03.34[TK]D-FenderGreek-Boy: Yes, they scale to ITSP level
14:03.41awkyang software is free, its based on number of users
14:03.47[TK]D-FenderGreek-Boy: (within some limit of reason)
14:03.50yangbut you can buy a license.. its completely locked down untill you license it..
14:04.01yangso how mcuh does the license cost?
14:04.04awkyes, once you license it all the functions open up
14:04.11awkyang how many users?
14:04.17awkit goes from 25/50/100/1000, etc etc
14:04.19yangabout 30-50
14:04.49*** join/#asterisk apocn (n=htejeda@unaffiliated/apocn)
14:04.58yangIts just the thing that we run all asterisk's on debian
14:05.11yangand if its for centos, maybe it would be incompatible
14:05.39apocnHello, Im trying to apply this patch on apps/app_queue.c  using patch < patch_file but it says: Hunk #4 FAILED at 1835.
14:05.41apocnany help?
14:06.26awkyes we dont support debian.. not yet anyway..
14:06.30awkfrom next year maybe
14:06.34yangmy boss is crying for some decent asterisk GUI, and all I could find was op-panel
14:06.38awkwe do support fc/centos/rhel
14:08.21Toerkeiumawk: enable a demo
14:09.14Toerkeiumit will sell itself without words :)
14:09.22awkToerkeium we do have a knoppix base on cd
14:09.31awkpeople are welcome to download that
14:10.47yangawk: query me your product price please
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14:11.37awkgeting it sec...
14:12.00awkabout 2370 once off dollars, and then 927 per year ther after..
14:12.19awkmaybe a bit less  on both.. trying to work out conversion
14:13.10Toerkeiumeeww, pretty expensive
14:13.14awklol hardly :)
14:13.17awklook what it can do..
14:13.27awkyou can sit there all day coding macros if you like :)
14:13.35coppicecan you actually get the 927 per year out of people?
14:13.38awk1 click of a button I have can dynamic or static agents, etc
14:13.50awkcoppice system locks down if you dont pay..
14:13.57Greek-Boywhy would u go for scopserv though when they are so much other tools available out there? free oss stuff...
14:14.02awkit works on system id , seriel, etc.. so you cant copy it or mac address cahnge, etc
14:14.39awkGreek-Boy well then you surely have not worked with the system if you can ask that question.. do some research on what the product does.. then try compare it to other products, then last work out stability issues..
14:14.41yangGreek-Boy: find a good GUI for asterisk that its free?
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14:15.33mostyapocn, what is that patch created against, and what are you tring to patch into?
14:15.46Greek-Boyok guys, get the point
14:15.59yangWell what I have in mind now, is I read that this HUBlite client for windows is only compatible with freepbx, and my boss told me that it should also work with asterisk, but I think it doesnt...
14:16.06Toerkeiumawk: I don't tend to say "it's expensive" trying to reduce the product value. It's just faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw away of my budget
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14:16.51yangawk: you have told me the price for a 50 users license?
14:17.06webmanever since updating my asterisk to 1.4SVN a few weeks ago, it has been very unstable, and I keep updating again hoping for a fix, but it still eludes me. How can I debug what seems to be chan_zap stops responding to in/out calls but there is no core dump
14:17.16awkyes I did
14:17.24awk<awk> about 2370 once off dollars, and then 927 per year ther after..
14:17.36awkmaybe less, im trying to work out conversion
14:17.44mostywebman, does the problem occur with 1.4.15?
14:17.56awk1.4.14/15 are buggy
14:18.01awkI sugest you stick to 13 till 16 is released
14:18.19webmanmosty: I did a SVN update after the release of 1.4.15 .... about 8 hours ago
14:18.31awkahh unless you using the svn trunk :)
14:18.56mostywebman, so if you run 1.4.15 does the problem occur or not?
14:19.05webmanthe problem is I don't have a reliable method to cause the 'crash' but it does happen at least once every two days, (today is 4 times already)
14:19.41Greek-BoyI wonder if scopserv can provide ASR and ACD values?
14:19.45webmanmosty: I never use a specific release, I always use SVN 1.4 branch....
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14:20.03awkwebman honestly.. we have done serious tests.. revert back to 1.4.13 till 1.4.16 is released
14:20.07awk14/15 is very buggy!
14:20.18webmanmosty: so I last updated shortly *after* 1.4.15 and it has died 3 times since then
14:20.21awkwe are not releasing it with scopserv due to that fact..
14:20.26mostywebman, running svn releases on production boxes is asking for trouble, imo
14:20.37sheldonhany idea what codec a peer is sending me if my asterisk complains "Unknown RTP codec 102 received from ..."?  suddenly started today, and i suspect the peer is being weird, not me
14:20.57sheldonhawk: buggy as in?
14:20.58webmanawk: well, what are the problems, and if you know about them, why don't the fixes get added to SVN?
14:21.11awkthere are many problems with 14/15 please read up..
14:21.16webmanmosty: 1.4SVN is meant to be the best available stable release.....
14:21.16mostyawk, what kinds of bugs are you seeing with 1.4.15?
14:21.18sheldonhawk: just joined :)
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14:21.35mostywebman, no, svn checkouts are not releases
14:21.42awkgogle bugs in 1.4.14 asterisk and 15
14:21.50sheldonhawk: we route upward of 900 concurrent calls on a single asterisk box, which does passthrough between sip and iax2, without any hassles
14:21.50awkyou will see many..
14:21.51webmanmosty: no, they are releases with bug fixes ....
14:22.10webmansheldonh: do you have any zap channels ?
14:22.11awksheldonh great i'm running over 6k calls an hour on some machines :)
14:22.19awkasterisk 1.4.15 handles laod very nicely..
14:22.22[TK]D-Fendersheldonh: G.722.1
14:22.28sheldonhwebman: no, this is coming back from a sip peer
14:22.34sheldonh[TK]D-Fender: thanks man :)
14:22.39awkyesterday 1 box, 44k calls for the day
14:22.59mostywebman, no, they are not releases at all
14:23.04X-FilezHello ppls, I have problems, need help, I have 2 snom 320, and installed asterisk 1.4.15 + app_devstate , need realy configure see status Line (LED on or off), please help
14:23.04awksheldonh and yes not with all functionality, are you using dynamic agents, etc..
14:23.21webmansheldonh: I am only having problems with zap now, last week I was getting core dumps, but that has been fixed up now
14:23.27[TK]D-Fendersheldonh: I see another reference to it as iLBC, but that must mean a varient unknown to *... so I'd start thinking the former
14:23.34awkwebman zap on what hardware?
14:23.38coppice[TK]D-Fender: still trying to sell Polycoms? :-)
14:24.05[TK]D-Fendercoppice: Nope, and YOU pimp WB whereas I don't :)
14:24.15webmanawk: wct4xxp module (quad PRI card I think the TE405p)
14:24.35awkahh, I was going to say that wanpipe had issues with CRC errors being sent to exchange..
14:24.41awkcausing the line to drop
14:24.45coppice[TK]D-Fender: G.722.1 might just be worth implementing, even though its almost polycom only
14:25.07[TK]D-Fendercoppice: I'm sure SOMEBODY out there cares... that somebody however would not be me.
14:25.16webmanawk: it is a very lightly loaded box, lucky to get 100 calls in a day (probably more like 30 really) but yet still very unstable
14:25.39awkwebman please do listen to what I said roll back to 1.4.13 till 1.4.16 is released
14:25.51awksee if that has any benefit what I think it will
14:26.14[TK]D-FenderX-Filez: have you got basic presence working to monitor another SIP device for instance?
14:26.16coppice[TK]D-Fender: don't you feel modern systems should try to suck at least a little less than the PSTN?
14:26.30webmanis there a way to see what SVN version a source tree is? ie, is the SVN version stored in a file on my machine after I do a checkout ?
14:26.42mostyi don't have issues with 1.4.15, and i handle many thousand calls per day
14:27.15mostywebman, look in .svn/ - it must be in there somewhere
14:27.19[TK]D-Fendercoppice: When it is limited by it in such a huge % or implementations (call crosses the PSTN), why ways CPU when you're dragged to the lowest common denominator anyways?
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14:27.38[TK]D-Fendercoppice: Its not that I don't am against the ideal, I'm jsut a realist.
14:28.23coppice[TK]D-Fender: If Bell had taken that attitude, he would have given up the day he got something working as a curio
14:28.27awkanyone know if any of the other front ends have provisioning?
14:28.51X-Filez[TK]D-Fender: i don't have others sip device, only have snom 320
14:29.14[TK]D-Fendercoppice: Yeah, and 99.999% of the "next big things" that come out are just "The next big thing that'll never be".
14:29.26[TK]D-FenderX-Filez: then setup a soft phone and get testing.
14:29.26mostyX-Filez, describe the problem for us
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14:29.36coppice[TK]D-Fender: the heaviest use of VoIP is currently within compnay networks, and they have no real problem migrating to better voice quality
14:29.42[TK]D-Fendermosty: Let him limit the scope of his testing first
14:30.31[TK]D-Fendercoppice: to my awareness, most VoIP would be between phone & PBX within a building, or bridging to otherwise LCD limited systems together
14:31.25coppicei think calls between two phone within the same organisation outnumber the external calls
14:31.58[TK]D-Fendercoppice: Quite possible in many cases, but companies don't tend to care that much.
14:32.21ice_croftneed some advice
14:32.39[TK]D-Fendercoppice: This could be termed a "chicken & egg" debate.  If enough peeople adaopt, it becomes mainstream and the amrket drives down price, and increases proliferation.
14:32.57ice_croftwhen using e1 pri and zaptel, what kind of framing should i use?
14:33.21coppice[TK]D-Fender: if all you are going to be is a PSTN alternative, the only thing you offer is price. you really want to scrape in the dust for pennies?
14:33.28ice_crofti mean, should e1 be framed, or unframed?
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14:33.36[TK]D-Fendercoppice: Change IS difficult and slow, and the what I think is the biggest drawback (others could say advantage), is that tech moves so FAST now.  Who wants to settle on a standard when a better one comes out every week?
14:35.03mostyice_croft, what asks you that question?
14:35.12coppicethe codecs might keep being replaced, but the basic idea of wideband voice should be sticky
14:35.16Corydon76-digice_croft: ccs
14:35.41X-Filezi configure app_devstate and get result : i can see called phone LED ON, and talkind time, config extension.conf is here -> , Problem is : I call from SIP/11 to SIP/12, wait 2 second and say cancel call, but in SNOM LEDs not OFF
14:35.56X-Filezwhy, don't understad...
14:36.21ice_croftCorydon76-dig> plz, more
14:36.56[TK]D-Fenderice_croft: ask your TELCO what they are using.
14:37.10kaldemarice_croft: ^ then take a look at zaptel.conf.sample in the source package
14:37.32[TK]D-FenderX-Filez: That is sad.. you are using the DefvState to EMULATE something you can ALREADY track!
14:37.46[TK]D-FenderX-Filez: Exten => 11,hint,SIP/11 <------
14:37.47ice_croftkaldemar> that's not zaptel, it's lower, at device leve;
14:38.26Corydon76-digice_croft: where do you think zaptel exists?
14:38.50ice_croftCorydon76-dig> ok, i'll ask another way
14:39.17ice_croftCorydon76-dig> my phone provider gives me unframed e1
14:39.33Corydon76-digUm, what?
14:39.43Corydon76-digYou mean a data E1?
14:40.00ice_croftCorydon76-dig> no
14:40.03ice_croftCorydon76-dig> phone e1
14:40.05Corydon76-digIt's still framed, unless it's a dead line
14:40.09X-Filez[TK]D-Fender: do you want say me, me need rmove DevState and configure use hint ?
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14:40.28ice_croftCorydon76-dig> but my pri adapter supports only framed mode for e1
14:40.39Corydon76-digice_croft: well, duh
14:40.41[TK]D-FenderX-Filez: You're jsut trying to reinvent the wheel here... DevState is a REMARKABLY cool and useful thing... for tasks that NEED it.
14:40.55[TK]D-FenderX-Filez: When you're trying to track a phone, let * do its normal thing.
14:41.07ice_croftCorydon76-dig> i mean, when i'm setting unframed mode, i cant configure channel on the device
14:41.41[TK]D-FenderX-Filez: DevState is cool for track things like flags you use to control night-time call routing, server-based DND, and other stuff your phone can't know about normally
14:41.51Corydon76-digice_croft: ALL E1s ARE FRAMED, UNLESS THE E1 IS OFF
14:42.01ice_croftCorydon76-dig> hm
14:42.05ice_croftCorydon76-dig> u sure?
14:42.48ice_croftgotta think about it
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14:44.00mockerAccording to Google there are unframed E1s.
14:44.15mockerClear channel mode, also known as unframed mode.
14:44.21ice_croftmocker> i thought so, too.
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14:44.47Corydon76-digmocker: that's still framed
14:44.56X-Filez[TK]D-Fender: ok, i remove DevState and use extention.conf is here -> , LED is not worked
14:45.15Corydon76-digmocker: doesn't matter what you call it, the E1 is still framed
14:45.33ice_croftCorydon76-dig> man, u just made some more mess
14:45.48ice_croftCorydon76-dig> tau32_0.e1_0(Twin Pair) unframed=on loop=none line=hdb3 higain=off monitor=off scrambler=off
14:46.02[TK]D-FenderX-Filez: You'll need to use "type=peer", "call-limit=99" for your phone setups, and you may have to restart * as it stil tracks the old hints.
14:46.10Corydon76-digfine.  Don't come begging for help if you won't listen.
14:46.12ice_croftCorydon76-dig> when i have this- link is OK, but channels r down
14:46.38ice_croftCorydon76-dig> when i have unframed = off -- channels r OK, the link is down
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14:47.16Corydon76-digice_croft: use ccs
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14:48.27Corydon76-digFraming is at a lower level than channels.  You have to have framing in order to have channels.  CCS is what you want.
14:48.48ice_croftCorydon76-dig> it might be: set, pass, cross, of
14:48.49ice_croftCorydon76-dig> it might be: set, pass, cross, off
14:48.55ice_croftCorydon76-dig> what should i set?
14:49.04ice_croftCorydon76-dig> it's off now
14:50.01coppiceActually, not all E1s are framed, but all E1s used for telephony are
14:50.22[TK]D-Fenderice_croft: Ask your TELCO what they are using.
14:50.32ice_croftcoppice> my phone operator says they give only unframed e1s
14:50.50coppicethen they are data E1s, and not telephony
14:51.24Corydon76-digcoppice: it's a waste of effort, he won't listen
14:51.24coppicehowever, you might be confusing framing and multi-framing
14:51.37coppiceCCS is framed. CAS is multi-framed
14:51.47X-Filez[TK]D-Fender: thanks :) this work, but have small one problem, my sip conf is here ->
14:52.02X-Filez[TK]D-Fender wait 1 min, mobile call
14:52.24ice_croftcoppice> ok, i just don't know technology well enough.
14:52.32ice_croftthanx everybody
14:52.36Corydon76-digThat part was obvious
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14:53.14ice_croftCorydon76-dig> well, human can't know everything, u know
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14:53.21X-Filez[TK]D-Fender: Problem is : I call from SIP/11 to SIP/12, i See SIP/12 LED is ON, but SIP/12 don't see SIP/11 use Line or not... LED is OFF
14:54.17mostyX-Filez, pastebin your sip.conf and extensions.conf
14:54.36[TK]D-FenderX-Filez: You didn't change them to "peer", and you may have to reboot the phones, and do make sure to restart *
14:55.06X-Filezmosty: sip.conf -> and extensions.conf ->
14:55.35X-Filez[TK]D-Fender: i restarted 2 snom and Asterisk :) i know :)
14:58.02*** join/#asterisk BCS-Satori (n=somewher@
14:58.05X-Filezcore show hints say :
14:58.05X-Filez12@sip_default         : SIP/12                State:Busy            Watchers  2 and 11@sip_default         : SIP/11                State:Idle            Watchers  2
14:58.06[TK]D-FenderX-Filez: type = friend <-- I said "type=peer"
14:58.16X-Filezwait sec
14:58.28[TK]D-FenderX-Filez: and I suggested a "call-limit=99".
14:59.24X-Filezok, wait.. restart snoms and asterisk
15:01.03X-Filez[TK]D-Fender: big thanks :)
15:01.30[TK]D-FenderX-Filez: All good now?
15:01.52[TK]D-FenderX-Filez: Excellent.  Now you can go come up with coll useful stuff to use DevState for.
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15:03.33admgeckohello boys and girls
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15:05.34R1ckis FXS for ISDN phones or for Analog phones?
15:05.47R1ckand is a PRI card compatible with ISDN-2 ?
15:06.02[TK]D-FenderR1ck: Analog
15:06.10nestArNI2? Yea
15:06.22nestArISDN 2? not sure sure
15:06.26nestArnot sure*
15:06.39R1ckand FXO is for isdn phones?
15:06.58nestArFXO is for connecting to a POTS line
15:07.05nestArFXS is for connecting to a POTS phone
15:07.31R1ckahh, I see
15:07.43R1ckso both are analog?
15:07.49nestAryes sir
15:07.54R1ckallright, thanks
15:10.42R1ckanyone know how old a Cisco 7750 possible is?
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15:14.22admgeckohas anyone had any experince with an avaya 4610sw sip phone config? anyone know how to program the softkeys with asterisk?
15:14.41otaku42i'm looking for a web-based interface for managing conference rooms (meetme application), for asterisk 1.4.x. any suggestions for that?
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15:15.10admgeckodoesnt meetme have a does in trixbox
15:15.48otaku42admgecko: no idea, haven't used trixbox yet.
15:15.51[TK]D-Fenderadmgecko: the words "THIRD PARTY" come to mind.....
15:16.05[TK]D-Fenderadmgecko: Which is the direct translation of "TrixBox"
15:16.24admgeckosorry, just trying to help :*)
15:16.40[TK]D-Fenderotaku42: Go look on the WIKI .
15:16.42jbot[~wikis] VoIP Wiki covering Asterisk, FreeSWITCH, TrixBox, SER, OpenSER, sipX, CallWeaver, and YATE. (c) Arte Marketing Inc / CommPartners
15:19.12*** join/#asterisk af_ (
15:19.40otaku42[TK]D-Fender: thx
15:25.53admgeckoFender: do you know anything about using avaya phones on asterisk?
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15:32.15[TK]D-Fenderadmgecko: Nope, few people sue them.
15:32.39admgeckoyeah, im just wondering how the hell i program the softkeys
15:33.06admgeckoits a really nice phone, and ive done the  config via tftp, loaded it with the sip firmware, and got it to log on
15:33.24admgeckoit can make / recive calls, would just be nice to use the softkeys
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16:00.43mikecxdoes anyone have a working sla config?
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16:01.45mhikuwhere can i buy the converter of the fone line to the asterisk cpu?
16:02.23philippelrussellb ping
16:02.53philippelrussellb concering #10690
16:03.06philippelthe #include 'fix' in 1.4
16:03.33philippelI understand your comment and logic, but there are about 200,000 installations out there and they could use a little time for us to provide the mechanism to fix
16:04.06philippelthis could be categorized much closer to a 'feature/bug' grey area then a pure bug fix and features are usually not introduced in new versions
16:05.44*** part/#asterisk MindTheGap (n=MindTheG@
16:06.35mhikuwhat does paid asterisk vs the free one?
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16:07.01mhikufeatures and other things?
16:07.04Qwellmhiku: You get support, and it has been tested (of course, all of that testing ends up being reflected back into the open source code)
16:07.29mikecxanyone with SLA working or a good alternative to SLA?
16:08.18mhikusupport only?
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16:08.32Qwellmhiku: warranty, etc
16:08.51mhikui mean, can the free one like transfer calls to another fone, etc etc
16:09.18mhikuso i need to buy Digium AEX880E
16:09.22Qwellthere are very very few things in ABE that are not in open source - and those, only due to licensing issues.
16:09.25mhikuto use the asterisk?
16:09.34Qwellyou don't need any hardware at all to use asterisk
16:09.51mhikuhow can i plug in the phone line to the cpu?
16:10.03Qwellwell, for that you would need hardware :)
16:10.04lmadsenOther than a computer :)
16:10.11philippelrussellb oops pasted teh wrong number: 0011543
16:10.17mhikuso i need to buy Digium AEX880E
16:10.29Qwellmhiku: there are several models to choose from - it depends on what you need.
16:10.33mhikuits a mandatory hardware right?
16:10.44lmadsenUsing an ITSP is a more economical way of getting asterisk on the pstn
16:10.57Qwellno, absolutely not.  in fact, you don't even have to buy Digium (of course, people buying Digium means I get to have a job, but...)
16:11.06lmadsenIf you're just testing
16:11.27mhikuhow to test without buying Digium AEX880E
16:11.34mhikuor other models?
16:11.39mhikuor its mandatory?
16:12.00Qwellmhiku: With an ITSP, or just using softphones, if you don't need to make calls to the PSTN
16:12.26jbot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet telephony Service Provider or "VoIP Telephone company". The allow you to either PLACE calls to the PSTN (called Termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called Origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs
16:12.27jbothmm... pstn is Public Switched Telephone Network, or "please stop the nonsense"
16:12.27jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
16:12.27Qwellstupid bot
16:12.27lmadsenMaybe no one pays attention.. Maybe it's me :)
16:13.16mhikuokay where can i buy itsp
16:13.26mhikuor pstn?
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16:17.16mhikumaybe the hardware is manatory T_T
16:17.47krdian_hehe PSTN :)
16:18.08krdian_Please Stop ... ;)
16:18.16mhikui dont know where to buy PSTN
16:18.54philippelrussellb you must have stepped away, I need to brb for 20 minutes, but look forward to hearing back on the #include possibility of defferring that or providing some sort of backward compatibility option
16:19.04mhikucan i use a modem?
16:19.31mhikucan i use an oldschool telephone modem?
16:21.26mhikuwhat is Asterisk Appliance
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16:21.37mhikucan i use it in the philippines?
16:22.04BadBrusome1 know how i can run a call in background ? useful for an ivr menu...
16:22.42BadBruif call is not in background, asterisk doesn't listen my keys.. i want during a call when i press 1 to execute a cmd
16:22.50mockerBadBru: Background() ?
16:23.14mort_gibmhiku: Not sure about the Philippines, but you can buy Digium or other Asterisk compatible hardware loads of places
16:23.32mhikui mean what is the trunk lines?
16:23.35BadBruyea.. but i don't think it works like Background(ChanSpy(SIP/300|q))
16:23.50mhiku4 trunk lines using the phone provider here in philippines?
16:23.58mhikuis that possible?
16:24.23BadBrumocker, what do you think.. an alternative of Background(ChanSpy(SIP/300|q)) that sure won't work
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16:24.39BadBrumaybe Background(beep) works
16:24.46BadBrubut Background(ChanSpy(SIP/300|q)) doesn't
16:25.10BadBruwho knows ?
16:25.13mockerBadBru: I'd use background to play a message and then have the number pressed launch the application.
16:25.33mort_gibmhiku: I don't see why not, but you would need something like TDM04B
16:25.36BadBruyes.. but acutally is not what i need
16:25.56BadBrui want in background to be a call.. a call wich request ChanSpy(SIP/300|q)
16:26.07BadBruand if i press 1 key..
16:26.26BadBrucall will do hangup(SIP/300-081af122)
16:26.31mort_gibmhiku: ISDN might be another option though. Depending on your local telco!
16:27.29mhikuwhere to buy isdn??
16:27.57mort_gibmhiku: your local telco, ISDN is another type of PSTN (phone lines)
16:28.03BadBrumocker what do u think ?
16:28.07mhikuim just new here, in voip , the company uses pabx platforms provided by the local telco
16:28.20mort_gibmhiku: In my area they come out somewhat more affordable...
16:28.36mhikuis that an appliance?
16:29.23mort_gibmhiku: No, the appliance is a small PC with Asterisk loaded. They come in a few flavors, depending on how you connect to PSTN (I think)
16:29.48mhikuthis asterisk software have a like msn messenger that can be installed in the internet and accept calls?
16:29.58mhikulike skype?
16:30.49jbot[~softphone] A soft-phone is a program that lets your computer use a compatible audio interface (usually a speaker&mic, or headset), and optionally a webcam, to place VoIP calls with a given protocol (SIP/IAX/H.323/MGCP/etc). For links enter ~zoiper , ~xlite , ~twinkle , ~bria , ~eyebeam
16:31.05mort_gibmhiku: NO, Asterisk is a server based phone system solution. MSN messenger happens to support SIP (as a client) the same protocol but on the server end
16:31.25BadBru[TK]D-Fender can u help me with one thing: how menu asterisk prompts during call
16:31.35[TK]D-FenderBadBru: huh?
16:31.51mhikuso what client can i use in asterisk?
16:32.05BadBruduring i make chanspy.. i want if i press 1 key to execute another command
16:32.10[TK]D-Fendermhiku: LOOK UP
16:32.20*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (n=arodgers@
16:32.23[TK]D-Fender[~softphone] A soft-phone is a program that lets your computer use a compatible audio interface (usually a speaker&mic, or headset), and optionally a webcam, to place VoIP calls with a given protocol (SIP/IAX/H.323/MGCP/etc). For links enter ~zoiper , ~xlite , ~twinkle , ~bria , ~eyebeam
16:32.32mhikuwhich do you recommend?
16:32.38BadBruactually i did it, but need to finish call, then asterisk wait for new cmd.. 1, 2 , 3
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16:32.56BadBrui want to do it during a call
16:32.58mort_gibmhiku: In my "test bed" I use 1. Analogue phone, 1. Snom 300, 1. Analogue phone connected via a Zyxel 2002l and Linphone (softphone)
16:33.09BadBruhow u can place a call in background..
16:33.32outtolunci recommend the ~book <G>
16:33.42[TK]D-FenderBadBru: During a call?  I'm not getting what you want to have happen here...
16:34.02mort_gib[TK]D-Fender: If the guy need a bit pointing in the right direction(!) then fine.... Don't flame him!
16:34.07BadBruyes.. During a call.. if press 1 .. then hangup
16:34.20mhikuso i need  Zyxel 2002l
16:34.22BadBruDuring a normal call..
16:34.31[TK]D-Fendermort_gib: Nowhere did I flame.  I gave direct real info and links to even MORE useful and precise info.
16:34.40mhikuor other devices for the wire in the phone to connect to the server
16:34.52mhikucan i use a generic modem?
16:35.03[TK]D-FenderBadBru: So while 2 people are talking you want the user to hang up on DTMF?
16:35.05mort_gibmhiku: Not really, * is just very flexible, with the right hardware you can get anything to work
16:35.07[TK]D-Fendermhiku: No.
16:35.21BadBrutes right
16:35.32BadBru[TK]D-Fender yes, righ
16:35.35mort_gib[TD]D-Fender: Like you did to me when I started here...
16:35.42mhikuwith the right hardware?? why cant i use a generic modem
16:36.00mort_gibmhiku: :-) Not the right hardware...
16:36.05mhikulol ok
16:36.17[TK]D-FenderBadBru: "show application dial" <- read the instructions on what you can do while in a call.
16:36.52[TK]D-Fendermhiku: BEcause there is no zaptel driver for it.  You need to buy compatible hardware.  This is not a LINUX issue, it is a Zaptel driver issue
16:37.36mhikuok which products existing can i choose and compare?
16:37.51mhikuthe hardware in * is too pricy
16:38.10mhikui need to test * first so i need a cheap hardware first
16:38.13philippelrussellb ping - you back?
16:38.22mort_gibmhiku: This type of hardware IS pricy
16:39.13ManxPowermhiku: Before Digium existed a T-1 port for most devices was about $4,000-$8,000
16:39.13mort_gibmhiku: you can get started for some ВЈ200, but difficult for less, unless there is a bundle I'm unaware of
16:39.21BadBru[TK]D-Fender,   h    - Allow the called party to hang up by sending the '*' DTMF digit.
16:39.27BadBrubut is not what i need
16:39.42mort_gibouttolunch: we have all been there!
16:39.50mhikuis the pcie hardware a better start?
16:40.11mhikuor il buy the appliance?
16:40.45mort_gibouttolunch:Sure... But some things are difficult to read up, some stuff you have to feel on your own body
16:40.48BadBru[TK]D-Fender when 2 people talks, and i spy on the channel, when i press 1 i want to hangup their call
16:41.11BadBruso i don't want my call drop, i want call i spy to drop
16:41.24mort_gibmhiku: I have no clue! I would ALWAYS build from source
16:41.48mhikuaww, maybe i need to buy the appliance :(
16:41.52mockerBadBru: I think what you are wanting will need some custom crap done.
16:42.04mockerBadBru: Maybe a hacked up meetme room.
16:42.49BadBrui listen my operators, and if say something wrong, i want to drop their call
16:42.53BadBruby pressing 1
16:43.02mort_gibouttolunch: Well sort of, I logged on here to ask questions that was not answered in the book, and found a strange condesending tone in here
16:43.12BadBrui can drop call from cli, but will be most confortable to do it by phone
16:43.26mhikudoes *  uses web based configuration?
16:43.30mort_gibPhillipines are also quite different from my home turf
16:43.54mort_gibmhiku: Your better off using vi and -sigh- the book!
16:43.57*** join/#asterisk ice_croft (n=nolan@
16:44.03outtoluncmort_gib, that does happen from time to time here
16:45.31mort_gibouttolunch: Which is why I gladly help out someone the superior beings in here can't even ignore...
16:45.33BadBrusome1 knows and can help me ?
16:45.35outtoluncbadbru, i must have missed the beginning of this.. why do you need/want chanspy?
16:45.46variable_officewhat is a good residential ata that you all find to be pretty reliable and quality?
16:45.57[TK]D-FenderBadBru: Sorry that doesn't exist.  Chanspy doesn't have those capabilities.  You'll have to make an external tool
16:46.25outtoluncmort_gib, in this case the person was given suggestions, and that person didn't even lookup that info before going round and round
16:46.26BadBruouttolunc, i have chanspy, i listen my operatos, but during my listen if i press 1 i want to drop their call
16:46.52[TK]D-Fendermhiku: Get a Linksys SPA-3102 then.  That will give you 1 FXS port, and 1 FXO port for about $70USD.
16:47.05outtoluncthat should be fairly easy to do
16:47.50BadBruhow ?
16:47.50outtoluncnote it would be a custom patch
16:48.38variable_officeis the pap2t ok?
16:49.03[TK]D-Fendervariable_office: I'd prefer spending a few more bucks on the SPA-2102 over it.  Can act as a router, has a bigger CPU, and T.38 support
16:49.40variable_officeah, ok; is that what you like to use [TK]D-Fender for consumer-grade stuff?
16:49.58Qwellthe linksys is consumer-grade
16:50.06Qwelloh, misread
16:50.23[TK]D-Fendervariable_office: I'm talking $10 here.... don't be a cheap-ass!
16:50.39QwellI hear the 3102 is quite good
16:50.48[TK]D-FenderQwell: s/good/acceptable/
16:50.58mockerWoo, this Aspect powerpoint is actually pretty good.
16:50.59variable_officeoh, no i am not saying i wouldnt spend an extra $10, i am just looking for the best in that area, or at least what common experience says is best
16:51.02Qwell[TK]D-Fender: compared to a pap2 or gs? :)
16:51.08Qwellit's all relative
16:51.08variable_officei am having some problems with people using pap2t
16:51.11[TK]D-FenderQwell: it is a very reasonable product that is remarkably flexible for its cost
16:51.20mort_gibouttolunch: If you don't want to answer, just ignore him -Right??
16:51.35outtolunci'm talk to him in priv
16:51.37mockervariable_office: Mediatrix is pretty nice.
16:51.43[TK]D-FenderQwell: 2102 = PAP2 (for FXS only).  Not fair to compare PAP2 & 3102
16:51.47coppice[TK]D-Fender or remarkably expensive for its BOM :-)
16:51.52outtoluncso no, i'm just ignoring YOU now
16:52.38coppicemediatrix are good for really wacky bugs :-)
16:52.42mort_gibouttolunc: Ok...
16:52.57mockercoppice: And for lots of $$$
16:53.23coppicewell, you gotta pay extra for really creative bugs
16:53.28*** join/#asterisk badcfe (
16:53.51badcfehello. how do i configure a sip peer to accept any invite as long as it comes from a specific ip address?
16:54.10badcfehost and permit doesnt do it, the peer is not recognised by that ..
16:54.26[TK]D-Fenderbadcfe: You can't in mainline.  There is a brach out there dubbed "kill-the-user" which can allow that.
16:54.31mhikuthere you go, a cheap one a linksys
16:54.40[TK]D-Fenderbadcfe: Yes, I'm serious.  check the * Daily News site
16:55.02badcfewhy "kill-the-user" ?
16:55.12Qwellbadcfe: because users are bad
16:55.15[TK]D-Fenderbadcfe: "type=user|friend|peer"
16:55.28[TK]D-Fenderbadcfe: * 1.4 started trying to phase out "type=user"
16:55.31[TK]D-Fender(and friend)
16:55.37coppiceits all part of the holy war on users
16:55.37badcfei have type=peer
16:55.45Qwellto this day, peer/user confuses me... :p
16:56.20russellbit makes perfect sense in theory ... chan_sip just mangled it to the point where it doesn't make sense
16:56.25badcfeso the only way is to hood my stuff on the default context?
16:56.27russellband it still makes perfect sense in chan_iax2
16:56.38mockerQwell: Glad it's not just me. :)
16:56.52philippelrussellb ping - any comment on my above question, or can I call you offline?
16:57.06badcfei _want_ things from this specific ip to go to my lovely context, how?
16:57.11mhikuis there a cheaper than linksys?
16:57.16mhikubelow 70bucks?
16:57.27jbotsomebody said cheap was a bad idea.  If you're setting up an Asterisk system, one of the wisest pieces of advice you can take is this: DON'T BE A CHEAPSKATE.
16:57.39russellbphilippel: I don't know what to say ... I feel like the upgrade process of any package that uses that type of configuration could easily ensure those files exist
16:58.00russellbat this point, I'm not willing to make any changes to what got added, as I feel it is the right thing to do
16:58.14mhikulol, i want to test * first before i buy the pcie thing
16:58.17Qwellrussellb: WELL, I do need to discuss one part of that change with you
16:58.21QwellI'll come over
16:58.40mhikuis linksys ok?
16:59.02badcfethe INVITE has From: "anonymous" <something, .. could i use that to trigger assosiation with a particular peer in order to go into my lovaly context?
16:59.14philippelrussellb there's a pretty large installed base out there, changes like that are usually done on cosideration of that - or at least providing a backward compatibility - it strattles a fine line of feature vs. bug - I'm not saying we won't do anything to address it, but it is going to initially cause a lot of pain to your installed base
16:59.36mhikucan i use edimax voip in * ?
17:00.01philippelrussellb it's the type of move that creates a lot negative feedback to a project when a change is done like that without a reasonable transition period, same reason you don't insert new features in a stable release
17:00.06[TK]D-Fendermhiku: No.
17:00.25jbot[~skype] Skype is a free VoIP software and service using a closed client and propritary protocol.  Only commercial channel drivers exist, all of which are poor implementations of convoluted hacks. In general, forget about using Skype with Asterisk...
17:00.58[TK]D-Fendermhiku: * doesn't SPEAK Skype.  Stop trying to find a cheap-ass way out.  You will fail, and suffer in the process.
17:01.17[TK]D-Fendermhiku: Wake up time.  telecom isn't FREE, and $70 is CHEAP.  thats $35/port!
17:02.00coppice$35 for port, and $35 for starboard
17:02.24[TK]D-FenderBBIAB, lunch....
17:02.26mhikui mean, i want to test it first which i can afford in my monthly salary before using the real thing, if i recommend it in the company and i dont even know how to use it, they will fire me, please understand
17:02.27Qwellphilippel: the part of this that people don't seem to understand, is that this fixes a very major problem with broken configs.  If there is a problem like that, we simply cannot know whether it was done on purpose, or if it was just a typo
17:02.43*** part/#asterisk _charly_ (
17:03.26philippelQwell - I'm not disagreeing with your direction, I requesting you provide some transition time so you don't break thousands of your users because they did not have time to react to the change
17:04.07mort_gibmhiku: I DO understand you, but it's REALLY hard to learn this without spending some $
17:04.07philippelQwell - I am making mods as wel speak to address it and will be putting somethign out - but timing wise, it is going to break people
17:04.39russellbQwell: i suppose for the #include case, we could do 1 release that issues like 10 LOG_ERROR messages, heh
17:05.07Qwellrussellb: it was all or none, iirc
17:05.16russellbQwell: oh ..
17:05.18Qwellthe #include case doesn't return differently than the broken context case
17:05.22Qwell(again - iirc)
17:05.25mhikuso is the cheap pcie from * then?
17:05.44russellbwell, i will certainly include some notes about the change in the next release announcement
17:06.01philippelrussellb what's the timing for that release?
17:06.06Qwellrussellb: that was something oej would like to see as well
17:06.17mort_gibmhiku: TDM01B - 1 FXO
17:06.19russellbphilippel: most likely this week, actually
17:06.47philippelrussellb that's going to break people most likely then - any way to delay it to the next release and do the log warnings?
17:06.47mhikuis there a possibility that the hardware i will buy isnt a pcie????  the server have 1 pcie and been used by the videocard
17:07.22Qwellmhiku: Do you need pcie or regular pci?
17:07.25philippelrussellb I'll work on getting an update to our 1.4 supporting versions today if possible to start the ball rolling on our side, but if you do it this week - it's going to cause pain
17:08.02mhikuwoah,  a 100 dollars hardware, much cheaper than the other hardware ranging from 800 dollars above
17:08.14*** join/#asterisk flujan (
17:08.24flujanhi all.
17:08.59russellbphilippel: alright, let me look to see how hard it would be to issue warnings just for the #include case
17:10.19philippelrussellb that woud be great
17:12.14*** part/#asterisk alrs (
17:12.53russellbphilippel: so you're a FreePBX developer?
17:13.16philippelrussellb I run the project
17:13.21russellbah, cool
17:13.26russellbsorry, hard to keep up ...
17:14.00philippelrussellb np, and btw as an editorial comment, we are completely independent and have nothing to do with trixbox/fonaility - they just happen to 'borrow' our stuff
17:14.13[TK]D-Fenderrussellb: Take the "blue" pill Neo! ;)
17:14.20russellbphilippel: understood
17:14.21Qwell"borrow" is a serious understatement
17:14.25russellbyes, it is
17:14.33russellbit is quite unfortunate what they have done ...
17:14.42QwellI once asked Rob if he ever saw any of the money that Andrew got for trixbox...  not a dime, apparently
17:14.44QwellThat's sad
17:14.46russellbbut i should probably stop there :)
17:14.52philippelyes - I had an interesting conversation with Mark on that at Astricon
17:15.35russellbphilippel: do they contribute anything?
17:15.43russellbbecause they certainly have never contributed a single thing to asterisk
17:15.52philippelwe should probably all - I try to ignore any engative people do and do everything I can to promote the success of Asterisk in which ever flavor as it is critical to all of our success and the sandbox is big enough for everyone
17:15.55philippelrussellb no
17:16.01russellboh good lord
17:16.24russellbthat's terrible
17:16.37philippelrussellb bu I need to stop here, anything further shoudl be discussed privately
17:17.32[TK]D-Fenderx > x
17:18.31russellbso how about that professional sports team in that sporting event?
17:18.37philippelrussellb on a separate note, we (FreePBX) are looking into doing a training in the Spring, probably March/April and likely not too far from your neck of the woods (as in SouthEast coast) - any chance of someone interested in making a guest appearance?
17:19.09russellbphilippel: it's possible, but I can't answer that question.  You would have to contact our Marketing department
17:19.25philippelI'll talk to Jim
17:19.33russellbsounds good
17:20.41mockerDamn, looks like I missed a good conversation.
17:22.23russellbphilippel: looks like this change will work .... I can have it issue a ton of errors for a #include error, but not fail config loading
17:22.32russellband still preserve the other checks we added
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17:34.53russellbexcuse the paste bomb, but i'm lazy...
17:35.12[TK]D-Fenderrussellb: 11 steps to go!
17:35.27russellbphilippel: I have just made a change to 1.4, revision 93000, that issues a huge error message if a #include is done of a file that does not exist
17:35.29russellb[Dec 14 11:31:56] ERROR[19081]: config.c:748 process_text_line: *********************************************************
17:35.29russellb[Dec 14 11:31:56] ERROR[19081]: config.c:749 process_text_line: *********** YOU SHOULD REALLY READ THIS ERROR ***********
17:35.29russellb[Dec 14 11:31:56] ERROR[19081]: config.c:750 process_text_line: Future versions of Asterisk will treat a #include of a file that does not exist as an error, and will fail to load that configuration file.  Please ensure that the  file 'foo.conf' exists, even if it is empty.
17:35.30russellb[Dec 14 11:31:56] ERROR[19081]: config.c:754 process_text_line: *********** YOU SHOULD REALLY READ THIS ERROR ***********
17:35.33russellb[Dec 14 11:31:56] ERROR[19081]: config.c:755 process_text_line: *********************************************************
17:35.40russellbThat's what it looks like :)
17:36.36mockerrussellb: Should standardize on figlet generated error messages
17:36.58russellbmocker: i don't know what you're talking about :)
17:37.18coppicewhat a waste of time. you could put "FREE BEER" there, and still nobody will read it :-)
17:38.32mockerrussellb: You've never used figlet before??
17:38.32philippelrussellb oops - was in a pm channel, that sounds great - I'm also almost there with my change that I can push out which will create the files that we expect might be there so we are ready for when the switch is pulled all the way
17:38.32mockerrussellb:, it's a CLI utility for text based banners. :)
17:38.32russellbphilippel: sounds good
17:38.34philippelrussellb btw - while you are at fixing #include, did you do the same with #exec ?
17:38.44russellbmocker: oh, lol ... yeah, we should do that :)
17:38.59philippelprobably even more of a security issue for that one8)
17:39.00russellbmocker: no, i didn't touch exec ...
17:39.07QwellIt's handled by the same code, actually
17:40.03Qwell#exec just creates a file to be #include'd
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17:41.02ZeeekVOIP Users COnference live IRC #voip-users-conference
17:41.59Zeeekcome on over and say your bit
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17:48.45twistedSMDI is so hacked in 1.4.15
17:49.25twistedthere are 4 message types.  we should handle all 4.
17:49.47twistedalso, we don't need to discard the message desk info.  perhaps we should have a variable set for all of this on the channels
17:50.34twistedi've written a patch to handle all 4, and write them into _SMDI_VM_TYPE var
17:50.52twisted(this is a chan_zap thing)
17:51.22twistedbut another thing is we should be able to deal with channel and port offsets, which we don't.  might ave to patch that too
17:51.34russellbdo you have the SMDI spec?
17:51.36twistedif i get permission, i'll submit the patches... otherwise, i'm just giving a heads up :)
17:51.55russellbcould you send the spec over?
17:51.56twistedi have the SMDI specs as of version 5.0
17:51.58bkruse_hometwisted: bowling?
17:52.09russellbinterestingly enough, i'm making some major mods to SMDI handling right now ...
17:52.17twistedunfortunately, it's a pdf with confidential data written into it
17:52.26russellboh well
17:52.33twistedi can transcribe the spec parts out
17:54.21russellbactually, here is some of it, heh
17:56.59X-Filez[TK]D-Fender : hey, you there ?
17:57.15[TK]D-FenderX-Filez: yes
17:58.42*** join/#asterisk atisss (n=atisss@
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17:59.36X-Filez[TK]D-Fender : i have isdn line, and isdn card sweex MO128, you know, what me need use for in asterisk ?
18:00.31_x86_fine, dont wave to me...
18:00.37[TK]D-FenderX-Filez: I don't see any reference of this card being compatible with *
18:00.40*** join/#asterisk dennisonicc (
18:00.44[TK]D-FenderManxPower: 'lo
18:07.42X-Filez[TK]D-Fender: lspci say : Cologne Chip Designs GmbH ISDN network controller [HFC-PCI]
18:08.43coppicethe great majority of ISDN cards use those Cologne chips
18:10.10X-Filezwhat use : 1) bristuff or 2) zaphfc ? asterisk 1.4.15
18:10.13coppicethat is BRI ISDN. their PRI chips are far less popular
18:10.35dennisoniccis Asterisk the right aplication if I want to do something like:
18:10.52*** join/#asterisk spatulamaan (n=ggilmore@
18:11.43bkruse_homedennisonicc: phone a friend? yes
18:11.56*** join/#asterisk ZPertee (
18:12.01X-Filezcoppice: okey, Thanks, try install bri soft
18:12.18dennisoniccthe person called 'A' calls to a local number whichone is forwarded to my PC my PC calls B in result A can talk with B
18:12.39dennisoniccA is an local phone B for example Mobile
18:12.48dennisoniccA is a local phone B for example Mobile
18:12.55*** join/#asterisk tiav (
18:13.09bkruse_homeat the most basic sense, yes, or you can just have person A call person B
18:13.25dennisoniccyes through my pc
18:14.09mikecxdoes asterisk always go to the default context?
18:14.29dennisoniccis there any howto on the web for something like this?
18:14.32bkruse_homemikecx: if you do not specify otherwise, default is the fallback
18:14.37bkruse_homeand if no extension, extension s
18:14.50mikecxbkruse_home: specify where?
18:14.58bkruse_homeor just for the gui,
18:15.05bkruse_homemikecx: you mean on an incoming call?
18:15.06[TK]D-Fendermikecx: there is no such thing as a "default" context.
18:15.44[TK]D-Fendermikecx: Every context name and usage should be explicit.
18:16.06mikecx[TK]D-Fender: i guess my question is where is that first set but I realized it's in zapata.conf
18:16.06bkruse_home[TK]D-Fender: agreed
18:16.22bkruse_homemikecx: you can put context=anything in your zapata.conf for individual channels
18:16.29bkruse_homeBUT, if none is specified, it goes to default
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18:16.44twistedbkruse: when?
18:16.50[TK]D-Fenderbkruse_home: Thats bad... we should remove that fall-back.
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18:17.02bkruse_home[TK]D-Fender: agreed
18:17.12dennisoniccoh thanks but I dont want to change my distro I just want to experiment. In future maybe...
18:17.38flujanguys, I have a mono 16 bit 8000Khz wav file... asterisk is not playing it back...
18:17.39bkruse_hometwisted: go put a tdm400p in a machine, setup for any number of fxo's or fxs' (any combination rather)
18:17.49flujanI first, put this file to be a musiconhold....
18:17.55twistedbkruse: i meant bowling...
18:17.59bkruse_hometwisted: oh
18:18.03bkruse_hometwisted: lol!
18:18.07flujanasterisk is not playing it if I play the file on a windows machine it works...
18:18.10flujanany ideas?
18:18.18bkruse_hometwisted: saturday? when are you in town? we will go with russellb and some peeps
18:18.28twistedsaturday sounds good
18:18.31bkruse_home[TK]D-Fender: that whole failback thing is being talked about now
18:18.36twistedhave russellb or someone call me
18:20.15[TK]D-Fenderbkruse_home: the "kill-the-user" branch is some more great stuff.  We need to undo the "filler" and make * explicit and very functional.
18:23.44mikecx[TK]D-Fender: mind helping me figure out why it's giving me a sent to invalid extension error?
18:23.58[TK]D-Fendermikecx: PASTEBIN is your friend......
18:24.00jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
18:24.04mikecxwhich files?
18:24.11*** part/#asterisk Zeeek (n=Zeeek@pdpc/supporter/active/Zeeek)
18:24.33[TK]D-Fendermikecx: Full CLI output of yrou call at verbose 10, and if SIP, then SIP DEBUG enabled, etc.
18:24.43[TK]D-Fendermikecx: And of course your dialplan.
18:25.41mikecxwhere do I set verbose 10?
18:27.51mockermikecx: All the cool people attach their sessions with -vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvr
18:28.50*** join/#asterisk coolfreecode (n=jimmy@
18:29.07[TK]D-Fendermikecx: Starting Zap/5-1 at from-pstn,s,1 failed so falling back to exten 's' <-- I don't see a context named [from-pstn] in your dialplan, do you?
18:29.11coolfreecodehey guys, have a way to replace the dial tone with play some sound file, when user pick up phone for dial?
18:29.24mikecx[TK]D-Fender: i thought I changed all of that in my zapata.conf
18:29.27*** join/#asterisk BCS-Satori (n=somewher@
18:29.28[TK]D-Fendermikecx: Because thats where your zapata channel is SENDING your calls
18:29.33*** join/#asterisk BudgetDedicated (
18:29.46[TK]D-Fendermikecx: try again...
18:29.59[TK]D-Fendercoolfreecode: What kind of phone?
18:30.08bkruse_homemocker: mine is -vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvgcT
18:30.13BCS-SatoriQuestion about followme, is there a way to pass a ringing tone during a followme instead of playing musiconhold?
18:30.14bkruse_homegota get that core!
18:30.32mockerbkruse: hah, nice.
18:30.38mikecx[TK]D-Fender: missed a comment line, thanks.
18:31.04*** join/#asterisk jhb (
18:31.30[TK]D-Fenderbkruse_home: Oh yeah, on redundant : remove follow-ma as an APP.  This should have been left to pure dialplan...
18:31.46bkruse_home[TK]D-Fender: also agreed
18:32.05jhbhi *. In my agi script I send the caller to a meetme conf. I would like to do a xml-rpc call after the caller has hunp up, leaving the conference. Is there a way to do it from within the same agi script?
18:32.27BudgetDedicatedsorry a bit offtopic maybe : I have an asterisk server running but on a windows PC on a homenetwork at a friends house I cound not get a good connection to it with any of the sip softphones I tried. Stun seems to work for me but over there it fails. what is a good method te create somekind of tunnel to my asterisk server to get it to work? Any thoughts ?
18:33.01*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
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18:33.15[TK]D-FenderBudgetDedicated: Perfectly OT , read this now :
18:33.17jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT :  otherwise check the WIKI at
18:33.21coolfreecodeip phone
18:33.40[TK]D-Fendercoolfreecode: then you'll have to ready your phone's manual to see if you can send it to an exten immediately upon pickup
18:33.54BudgetDedicatedthank you!
18:34.20[TK]D-Fendercoolfreecode: if you can then you can have it land on an IVR where you can do "whatever"
18:35.26coolfreecodeto analogic phones ??
18:35.38mikecxwell, incoming calls are working right(ish) now for sla
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18:38.22BCS-SatoriIs there a way to pass ringing once followme begins isntead of music? i had tried to put ,r after the seconds to ring but i still hear music
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18:41.29Greek-BoyI want to replace our security departments old walkie talkies with wifi phones or IP PTT devices that will work with asterisk? Can someone recommend anything? My biggest concern is that I need all security guards to hear or ring when one users needs to speak. sort of like a permanent conference?
18:41.50hmmhesaysugh wifi phones? theres a nightmare for you
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18:42.13hmmhesayswhat is wrong with your t-ways?
18:42.37mocker(or are you trying to fix a problem that doesn't exist?)
18:43.04hmmhesaysthat kind of sounds like it
18:43.12Greek-Boythe two way are getting old
18:43.17Greek-Boyand I want to monitor conversations...
18:43.29hmmhesaysyou can't do that with a two way?
18:43.31mikecxi can't get my linksys 942 to view the subscriptions
18:43.52Greek-Boyhmmhesays how would I record that?
18:44.17[TK]D-Fendermikecx: the WIKI has a guide for how to setup presence on Linksys phones (I don't know if the base supports it, or just the expansion module)
18:45.19mikecx[TK]D-Fender: know if any phones support it better?
18:45.35hmmhesaysGreek-Boy: most radios have a 2.5 or 3.5mm headphone jack... there are recording devices out there....
18:45.53[TK]D-Fendermikecx: Polycom & Aastra
18:46.15Greek-Boyanotehr problem two way radios is security and private comms
18:47.36hmmhesaysa guarantee you that wifiphones and meetme conferences will be some kind of horrible nightmare for you
18:48.27X-FilezPpls, i have PCI card Cologne Chip Designs GmbH ISDN network controller [HFC-PCI], but i don't understand, what stable drivers and use configure asterisk 1.4.15 ? please
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18:49.55[TK]D-FenderX-Filez: <- they have guides for that chipset
18:50.45clyrradWonder if any of you have had this issue before?  You call into voicemail, and you can hear Alyson saying the time stamp and promps, but as soon as the actual voicemail message starts to play, the call DIES, on the CLI you get a Maximum retries exceeded on transmission for seqno 102 (Critical Response) message.  Anyone know whats happening here?
18:51.42[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad: Usually thats packets getting lost.  NAT issues are most common.
18:52.27clyrrad[TK]D-Fender: would that affect the acutal calls too?  Becase calls are not getting dropped or one way audio.... just when you check voicemail
18:53.45X-Filez[TK]D-Fender: BRI drivers stable or have problems work in asterisk ?
18:54.14X-Filez[TK]D-Fender or zaphfc ?
18:54.35[TK]D-FenderX-Filez: Just TRY it ok?
18:54.56*** part/#asterisk jmls (n=jmls@
18:55.05clyrrad[TK]D-Fender: would = wouldnt*
18:55.09clyrradsorry bout that :p
18:55.13[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad: That's an protocol error, not voicemail related...
18:55.29*** join/#asterisk jmls (n=jmls@
18:55.50clyrradYea, thats what its confusing me why it only happens when checking voicemail and not making calls, both are going out over SIP
18:56.18[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad: Any reinvites happening?
18:57.15clyrradJust see SIP NOTIFY and getting response 603 Declined (no dialog) when I SIP debug the peer
18:58.23clyrradThe 603 Declined (no dialog) keeps happening over and over and over, its the only thing I see on this peer when doing sip debug
18:59.23*** join/#asterisk becks` (
18:59.34[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad: I'm now guessing maybe a codec issue.  end-to-end a voice call matches, but * can't translate solo based on preferences
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18:59.50[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad: Doing G.729 in PASSTHROUGH by any chance?
19:00.01clyrrad[TK]D-Fender: nope its all ULAW
19:00.19becks`hi, if my phone puts my voice back in my ear very silent (so i know how i sound like), how's that feature called? :)
19:00.25[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad: try and debug a call start to finish and pastebin it along with all peer confis.  Might be more telling
19:00.28clyrrad[TK]D-Fender: and the Comedian Mail prompts play, it just dies when the actual voicemail message starts to play
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19:00.57[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad: Verify the codec it was recorded in....
19:01.19clyrrad[TK]D-Fender: how can I check that from the voicemail directory?
19:01.24tzangeryay aastra webinar
19:01.31[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad: jsut ls it
19:02.05[TK]D-Fenderbecks`: "show application echo"
19:02.15becks`ok, thanks :)
19:02.33tzangerI get enough echo without an application giving it to me
19:02.42clyrrad[TK]D-Fender: its encoded as .WAV, .wav, and .gsm
19:03.04[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad: Hrm... well next step, capture a full call for diagnosis
19:03.16[TK]D-Fendertzanger: now THATS a "feature" :p
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19:03.51clyrrad[TK]D-Fender: by a full call you mean one to Voicemail that has the issue correct? Not an actual phone call as we know those are working...
19:04.15[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad: Yes, it'd be nice to see the PROBLEM :p
19:04.24clyrradok let me get that
19:05.52clyrradI will run the debug just on the peer
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19:10.35clyrrad[TK]D-Fender: Ok i got it, just cleaning it up will pastebin it momentairly
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19:13.05clyrrad[TK]D-Fender: Here is is:
19:14.24flujanguys, when I originate a call using the AMI does asterisk generates a event on the ami interface?
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19:17.53TUplinkTOP says astersik is using 291MB or ram at an idle    is that normals?
19:23.08[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad: HRM
19:23.23*** part/#asterisk TUplink (
19:23.29[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad: PB your peer & general sip.conf
19:23.42clyrrad[TK]D-Fender: ok comming up
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19:28.00clyrrad[TK]D-Fender: here ya go:
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19:32.58[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad: fromdomain=XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX <- only wierd looking bit.
19:33.16clyrrad[TK]D-Fender: whats wierd is, when you listen to the voicemails sometimes they start to play, then they just die
19:33.39clyrrad[TK]D-Fender: LOL, that was me doing for privacy :p
19:36.58clyrrad[TK]D-Fender: Would you agree the 603 error message is unrelated to the call droping its audo?
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19:42.10[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad: I'm a bit at a loss on this... but this should help someone pickup the ball
19:42.43clyrrad[TK]D-Fender: I do belive this is the first time ever I asked a question you didnt know the answer to heheh
19:42.57clyrrad[TK]D-Fender: thanks for your help though appreciate you troublshotting this with me
19:43.04hmmhesaysyou haven't asked him enough questions
19:43.27clyrradmmmmmmmm chocolate chip :P
19:44.51clyrradWell if anyone else has any ideas, im all EYES :)
19:47.12rob0Give my regards to Larry and the other Darryl.
19:48.05hmmhesaysX.T in the polycom dialplan would be a catch all right?
19:48.17[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays: All numeric, yes
19:48.45hmmhesaysdoes that differ from x.T?
19:49.15*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (
19:51.52BCS-SatoriQuestion: When using followme service, are you able to make the musiconhold go away and instead place ringing of the line? If you cant put the real ring is there an audio file that comes with asterisk that has about 20seconds of a ring?
19:52.09jbot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet telephony Service Provider or "VoIP Telephone company". The allow you to either PLACE calls to the PSTN (called Termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called Origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs
19:52.15jbot[~itsplist-us] Here are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones : , , ,
19:54.13jhbhi *, I try to do one more action after a MeetMe command - that is, after the user has quit the conf. Any ideas?
19:57.08hmmhesaysfinally got this server set up
19:57.15hmmhesayswhat a pain in the ass
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20:13.39ice_croftstill need some answers with e1 framed/unframed mode
20:14.06ice_crofthelp please
20:14.26BCS-SatoriHmm, is there a way to disable followme's "you have an incoming call" and if the person on the receiving end picks up their phone its answered?
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20:22.42BCS-Satori^^anyone, know if you can disable the followme's you have an incomnig call message and just allow auto accept if the phone is picked up
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20:34.02e`Can anyone think of why a polycom soundstation 4000 would work fine on incoming calls, but crash and reboot when trying to call out?
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20:37.15BCS-Satorie`: Do you have multiple vlans? both our cisco station (made by polycom) and (sound station 4000) did that when they were on a mistagged vlan
20:37.35BCS-Satorie`: our best solution was to place it in a native vlan and not use the device to tag
20:41.09*** join/#asterisk atisss (n=atisss@
20:41.44e`I have mutiple vlans, but all the phones are the same 1
20:42.35BCS-Satorie`: are you using tagging? make sure that the device is in a single native vlan or is tagged on a tagged vlan
20:42.36DarKnesS_WolFgood evening geeks
20:43.43e`I'm not sure if we are using taggin, i'm kinda new to the company and don't know all the ins-and outs yet
20:45.06BCS-Satorie`: you are only allowed 1 native vlan (typically this is your computer network) and then if you want to use another vlan you need to tag it (making sure teh phone supports the tagging too)
20:45.45BCS-Satorie`: if the device doesnt support tagging you need to exclude it from the native vlan (computers lets say 1) and then make the pvid the phone net and make the switch be untagged on phone net on that port
20:45.56nhuisman_worktime to order asterisk be!
20:46.00BCS-Satorie`: your best bet is to untag the phone and place it in a native phone network port
20:46.09nhuisman_workhahaha f call manager in the a
20:47.56nhuisman_workjust a quick question : I was going to use a redfone external gateway.  Anyone had experience with these?
20:48.35nhuisman_workthese things :
20:56.30[TK]D-Fendernhuisman_work: YUCK
20:56.39bkrusemy box says ntldr is missing? :P
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20:56.39nhuisman_workwhy do you say yuck?
20:57.11bkruse[TK]D-Fender: are those the like $20,000 boxes?
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20:57.28[TK]D-Fendernhuisman_work: Because those have no EC, only speak TDMoE which nobody gives a rats ass about, and can only talk directly to * and is consequently non-recyclable
20:57.38[TK]D-Fenderbkruse: No, they jsut suck
20:57.47bkruse[TK]D-Fender: oh right :]
20:57.49nhuisman_workit's not like i'm going to recycle them
20:57.51fors1hi. I just upgraded my debian server from sarge to etch, and from 2.6.8 to 2.6.18. Now my sangoma A200 card is not recognized by zaptel anymore. My guess is some issue with udev, but i'm currently clueless
20:57.58nhuisman_workthat's what their purpose is
20:58.14nhuisman_workplus at $1200 who cares
20:58.23nhuisman_workand yes they do have EC
20:58.23mockerfors1: Did you recompile the wanpipe/zaptel stuff?
20:58.24[TK]D-Fendernhuisman_work: Then please refer to the "no EC, and SUCK" comments
20:58.37[TK]D-Fendernhuisman_work: Wouldn't trust it.  You call.
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20:58.45nhuisman_worki listed the wrong item, sec
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20:59.02fors1mocker: yes, also tried with the newest version (zaptel and wanpipe 3.2.1)
20:59.22nhuisman_workthat one has echo cancellation listed
20:59.30fors1no errors while recompiling, but "wanrouter hwprobe" doesn't find anything
20:59.38nhuisman_workwhy wouldn't you trust it if it says it has it?
21:00.09nhuisman_workrrier Class Echo Cancellation:
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21:00.36nhuisman_workmaybe that's somehow crap and I just don't recognize it, I do admit i'm a n00b when it comes to telco stuff.
21:01.02[TK]D-Fendernhuisman_work: Well nobody I know would use them.  Go right ahead, and remember that specs don't add up to the whole user experience
21:01.23nhuisman_workthere are other t1 gateway devices
21:01.29nhuisman_workthat one was just really cheap
21:02.07nhuisman_worklike audiocodes mediant 2000 type stuff.
21:02.43nhuisman_workdo you have any suggestions as to a different external t1 gateway that you think is good?
21:03.10nhuisman_workI only have one t1 pri so my solution was to create to * boxes and mirror them via rsync, then tell all my phones to dual register.
21:04.10[TK]D-Fendernhuisman_work: Indeed anyone looking for a scalable redundant solution I'd aim at a Mediant
21:04.25nhuisman_workit looks like the digium cards also use the g.168 algorithm
21:04.33nhuisman_workhere is my situation
21:04.38nhuisman_workI only have 65 phones
21:04.48nhuisman_workWe are only going to grow by about 3 phones a year
21:04.53bkruse[TK]D-Fender: what are the super expensive redundant/failover t1 box that everyone always mentions?
21:05.03nhuisman_workit's a university setting and we don't hire faculty or people very often.
21:05.30[TK]D-Fenderbkruse: I think I missed the answer to that one every time... that more for like actual LINK failure though.. this is more like SERVER failover
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21:06.22bkruse[TK]D-Fender: gotcha
21:07.04clyrrad[TK]D-Fender: what do you make of this?  That same phone that dies when you dial internally to voicemail, can call the main PBX DID and access voicemail "remotely" and the voicemail message does not die........ make any sense?
21:08.21mockerclyrrad: define 'dies'
21:09.24mockerfors1: Are there any dmesg errors?  Do the modules get loaded?
21:09.37clyrradmocker: the audio disapears, the phone still says connected, but there is no audio and there is a  Maximum retries exceeded on transmission 952fa60c-d8c44628@ for seqno 102 (Critical Response) error message on the CLI
21:12.35mockerclyrrad: can you pastebin your extensions.conf for that section?
21:13.35clyrradmocker: Here and here
21:13.52fors1mocker: not so much, ztcfg -v gives me this though "line 0: Unable to open master device '/dev/zap/ctl'" zaptel module and wanrouter module is loaded
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21:14.06fors1lspci reports that there is a Sangoma A200 card installed
21:16.26mockerclyrrad: extensions.conf section?
21:16.46clyrradmocker: extensions.conf is quite big, what part you wondering on?
21:16.57mockerclyrrad: can you pastebin your extensions.conf for that section?
21:17.08clyrradmocker: for the voicemail section?
21:17.11clyrradthats where the issue is
21:18.52mockerI'm guessing that there are different sections for the voicemail from internal and external?\
21:18.58mockerJust paste the section that's failing.
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21:21.52fors1mocker: finally! I solved it :) make install-udev in zaptel did the trick. Thanks for your help anyway :) now i'm not getting killed by my boss
21:22.21mockerfors1: np, next time do them after hours, not on Friday. :P
21:22.36clyrradmocker:  here it is
21:23.21fors1mocker: well, here it is after hours.. on a friday.. then I have all weekend to try :)
21:23.42clyrradmocker: there is not an issue to dial the voicemail, it dials fine, and you can hear the Comedian mail prompts, the problem is when it starts to play back the voicemail to you, it plays it for a few seconds, then the audio dies, the phone still sais connected, but there is no audio, and there is that crital error message on the CLI that mentioned above
21:25.01mockerclyrrad: What's the sip.conf look like for that phone?
21:25.03nhuisman_workdoes anyone know where I can find out what versions of asterisk and zaptel are included in asterisk business edition?
21:25.25mockerMight make sure that canreinvite=no so it doesn't try to drop out of the media path.
21:25.38mockerAlso allow all codecs to make sure that's not the issue.
21:25.39clyrradmocker: its in the first paste URL i sent you
21:25.46clyrradmocker: there was a sip debug and the sip.conf
21:25.59clyrradmocker: Here and here
21:29.11*** join/#asterisk ZaVoid (
21:30.26VJFROMGTfor some reason only 1 iax2 trunk works on my server at a time, i have 2 trunks but 1 becomes unreachable all the time
21:32.29mockerclyrrad: Everything I'm googling seems to indicate this is a NAT issue.
21:32.33mockerIs your phone behind NAT?
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21:33.18clyrradmocker: yes it is, it always has been, but the phone uses STUN and has been connected and working for more than a year now, it just started doing this today
21:33.24DarKnesS_WolFVJFROMGT: may be it is really unreachable?
21:34.25kandclyrrad: I took a look at your sip debug and asterisk is struggling to communicate with your phone.  Has your internet been wonky?
21:35.20kandclyrrad: it looks like lost packets or highly delayed packets
21:35.27clyrradkand: nope, thats the strang thing, if you make a phone call, its perfect, no dropped calls, no sound issues nothing, its only when you check voicemail internally it has the issue.  But if you check voicemail by dialing the PBX number (from the same affected phone) it works
21:39.16kandclyrrad: It looks like a NAT issue, lots of invites ACK, and 200 ok are ignored/retransmitted.  But they wouldnt be correlated to just vm.  Have you listen to any other vm messages on the off chance this message is corrupt and giving asterisk a hard time?
21:39.19mockerclyrrad: Is this just one phone exhibiting the issue?
21:39.49mockerAlso, you aren't doing something wonky and storing VM on NFS are you?
21:40.03clyrradkand: yes we have attempted to clear the mailbox, leave new message and the same thing happens every time
21:40.16clyrradmocker: yes its just one phone in this office on this PBX
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21:40.48rtasteriskhello all
21:41.05tzangerhttp:// <-- can anyone identify that SIP GW?
21:41.11kandclyrrad: There went corrupt message spiking CPU.... hmmm.
21:41.14clyrradmocker: and this phone only does it when you dial Voicemail Internally.  If you call the PBX DID and access voicemail there is no issue
21:41.41nhuisman_workdoes anyone know of a way to search the asterisk mailing lists?
21:41.45clyrradkand: nope we completely dumped the mailbox, and left new message many times - it happens consistantly
21:41.53nhuisman_workis there some website that has them all archived and searchable?
21:42.06Qwellnhuisman_work: like
21:42.18nhuisman_workuh is that searchable?
21:42.55nhuisman_workbecause it doesn't seem like it is.
21:43.02Qwelltzanger: Nateks?
21:43.15Qwell"nateks networks voicecom"
21:43.17lirakislater all, have a good weekend
21:43.18rob0There's a search engine called "Google" which might be able to search it.
21:43.31*** part/#asterisk lirakis (n=lirakis@
21:44.02muiroso I have a sip trunk. The calls are coming in fine. My problem is that it calls in with the extension an extension of "+XXXXXXXXXXX". Problem is, asterisk won't match with the "+" sign. I've been trying _+XXXXXXXXXXX but it won't work. _. won't match it either.
21:44.24mockerQwell: And there's tons of login pages if you search for otgw.cgi
21:44.54hmmhesaysoh drupal you are killing me today
21:45.54mockerrtasterisk: You type very fast.
21:46.36rtasteriskwhat is your opinion ?K
21:46.38tzangerQwell: looks like it, yeah, thanks :-)
21:47.54kandmuiro: I am using _+X. on a production box with np
21:48.11Deeewaynertasterisk: you are not asking a simple question
21:48.30rtasteriskIts why i ask it :)
21:49.37DeeewayneI don't know the yate design, so I couldn't get into a low level comparison between the 2 implementations
21:49.56hmmhesaysyate still being developed by the same people it was 2 years ago
21:49.57muirokand: I just tried exactly that and it still isn't matching. The contexts are named correctly. The first has priority 1.
21:50.18hmmhesaysI can't remember the guys name he spoke at the first cluecon though
21:50.43kandmuiro: pastebin the sip.conf and related context
21:50.48muirocan do
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21:51.44DeeewayneI would have to assume that yate does not use a single queue for all channels, frames, events, etc..  Does it ?
21:52.44rtasteriskDont know really
21:52.47rtasteriskhave to check it
21:53.11rtasteriskBut the architecture schema is oriented around a message dispatcher
21:53.18rtasteriskand message routing protocoll
21:53.39muirokand: oh, let me add the error
21:54.21kandmuiro: ya because I dont see any error there.  Tell me tho, have you ever had one way audio after a call was placed on hold with
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21:55.59Deeewaynertasterisk: I think, like everything with computers, that there are pros and cons of either approach
21:56.17muirokand: I literally got this trunk an hour ago. One way audio? and do you mean on hold like, on their support line?
21:57.23muirokand: ah, wait. It's very possible I have the ip's mixed up for the inbound and outbound
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21:58.36kandmuiro: no, like when you place a caller on hold then retrieve it.  Try from the cli: sip show peer bandwidth.com_inbound (make sure context is fromtrunk); show dialplan fromtrunk (make sure it matchs what is in your dial plan)
22:00.33kandmuiro: nm you are right they are backward: Call from 'bandwidth.com_>>outbound<<' to extension '+12345428018' rejected
22:00.45muirothat just fixed it
22:01.02muirothanks for your help
22:01.41kandmuiro: np.  If you have one way audio after retrieving a call from hold let me know please. I will be on here when I can.
22:02.30muirokand: ko, I'll write your name down and let you know as soon as I get a chance
22:02.49kandmuiro: Thank you!
22:06.00HavokmonAnyone tried to get a TE100P from PhonicEQ to work?  I'm trying to find a nice asterisk distro to start with before getting into the nitty gritty (compiling drivers,etc)...
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22:10.45kandHavokmon: did you have a specific question?
22:11.46HavokmonHas anyone successfully used a TE100P, and if so, how did you do it?
22:11.58HavokmonI would prefer the easiest method, as I'm an asterisk newbie.
22:13.31HavokmonIs hardware not an asterisk question?   I'm kinda unsure why the OS see's the card, but TrixBox CE and Pro do not.   I don't know how it all works yet.
22:13.42Corydon76-digEasiest method is to buy a card from the originator and not a clone card
22:14.17HavokmonSo that would be a no then ;)
22:14.56jbot[~trixbox] Trixbox is a full linux distro that includes FreePBX and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox VERY difficult to support, and is not supported in #asterisk. Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & wiki at
22:15.20mvanbaakjbot should be ajusted
22:15.46mvanbaak[~trixbox] Trixbox is a full virus that will render your system useless
22:16.17nhuisman_workhey kand
22:16.19HavokmonOk, but if the OS detects my ethernet card, Apache doesn't decide if it's going to bind or not ;)
22:16.38HavokmonDoes asterisk have internal drivers of some sort?
22:16.46mvanbaakHavokmon: zaptel
22:16.50dexpdxtrixbox would be a lot better if it wasn't written in php
22:17.02dexpdxinfact lots of things would be better if they wernt written in php
22:17.02mvanbaakdexpdx ;0
22:17.23Havokmonmvanbaak:  so the zaptel  is completely separate from the kernel module?
22:17.49dexpdxHavokmon: zaptel is the abstraction layer that allows asterisk to talk to the kernel drivers
22:17.51mvanbaakHavokmon: the zaptel package contains kernel module sources for all digium supported hardware
22:18.16Havokmongotcha.  Thanks.
22:18.45QwellHavokmon: Digium doesn't support that card - therefore, no driver.  You're SOL
22:19.01QwellCall your CC company, and do a chargeback.
22:19.15mvanbaakand get a card from digium
22:19.24HavokmonSerious? Really that bad?
22:19.30dexpdxone with echo cancellation
22:19.43HavokmonI thought you guys were just like the Windows guy when someone says Linux :P
22:20.02Corydon76-digDo what?
22:20.54mvanbaaknothing ;)
22:21.04dexpdxyour mom
22:21.23dexpdxoh now your sister
22:21.49Corydon76-digdexpdx: necrophiliac
22:22.04dexpdxCorydon76-dig: not if I'm a time traveller
22:22.07mvanbaak'I see dead people'
22:22.12dexpdxI could be yer daddy
22:22.22mvanbaakwho's your daddy ?
22:22.25Qwellhell, he'd probably still let you be his daddy...
22:22.57dexpdxit's hard to talk shit on IRC while eating rice with chopsticks
22:23.16*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
22:25.33mvanbaakuse the chopsticks to grab the shit and throw it on irc ;)
22:26.31X-Filezhave ppls use mISDN ? need help, I'm installed mISDN, load modules , i see in dmesg = have 2 PCI ISDN.. but i dont understand, in asterisk 1.4.15 misdn.conf where select PCI 1 and PCI 2...
22:28.01dexpdx30wpm using chopsticks
22:29.03mvanbaakX-Filez: what's the problem ?
22:29.27X-Filezmvanbaak: don't understand to configure misdn.conf... :(
22:30.35X-Filez , port 1 have 2 line, and port 2 have 2 line..
22:34.32*** join/#asterisk ZaVoid (
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22:39.34X-FilezHave Phone Provider :lattelecom:, Lattelecom give me 2 ISDN cabels, were 1 cabel 2 number, i buy ISDN two card where "Cologne Chip", and installing drivers misdn, run misdnportinfo i see 2 my pci cards : : , i want configure ISDN to asterisk, please help..
22:43.58nhuisman_workdoes anyone know of a way to take a single pri and basically make it into two, so if the a primary asterisk box fails then I don't have to plug it into the second box.  For instance is it possible to get some manner of t1 pri hardware splitter.
22:45.10funxionanyone know of  way to jump priorities after dial command but before the called party picks up?
22:46.56putnopvutfunxion: That sounds like you could maybe use the 'M' option for dial.
22:49.33funxionisnt that for Macros?
22:50.01putnopvutYeah, but it's the first thing I thought of when you said "after dialing but before the called party picks up"
22:50.28*** join/#asterisk ZaVoid (
22:50.38funxionthat doesnt work
22:50.54funxionI need to be able to press 1 for voicemail while the phone is ringing
22:51.32putnopvutI certainly know how that can be done with a queue, but not sure about Dial() though.
22:51.46funxionI tried with a queue
22:51.47putnopvutAh, wait a sec...
22:51.50kandfunxion:  check into features.conf
22:51.54putnopvutperhaps the 'd' option.
22:52.08funxionIm not so good with features.conf
22:52.28funxionI'm using the t option and doing an Answer before the dial
22:52.40funxionbut not able to do blind trasnfer
22:52.45funxionI tried
22:53.16funxionputnopvut I think your on to something there
22:53.32*** join/#asterisk ZaVoid (
22:53.46putnopvutYeah, it sounds exactly like what you were talking about.
22:53.56funxionthats it
22:54.02funxionthanks man
22:54.21funxionI totally missed that option when reading
22:54.29kandfunxion: you need to make sure that your dial has access to a feature,  the quickest way is to [globals] DYNAMIC_FEATURES => atxfer#blindxfer
22:54.40funxionthanks kand
22:55.40HavokmonFYI - I got it (TE100P) working.   They have 2 custom trixbox ISO's on their site, the latest didn't work, but the previous did.
22:55.59Havokmonlater all
23:14.20mvanbaakhhmm, nice
23:14.36mvanbaaka cloned TE100P with some custom trixbox hack
23:14.53mvanbaakI wonder if that uses the password 'please_take_my_system'
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23:22.43X-FilezISND Layer 4 protocol 0x04000001 is detected, but not allowed for TE lib. , what this is ?
23:25.30X-FilezISND = ISDN :)
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23:33.26X-Filezhm, in mISDN , where i can find check, ISDN line UP or Down ?
23:34.24*** join/#asterisk galeras (n=galeras@
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23:40.15galerasSirs, i'm getting many of  this messages: "Primary D-Channel on span 2 up". Any idea?
23:40.49*** join/#asterisk |Johny| (
23:41.01|Johny|Hi, where can I find some help to make a simple Asterisk SIP trunk with a Patton GW?
23:41.08|Johny|I dont know if its Asterisk who must register in Patton GW
23:41.15|Johny|or if I should register the Patton GW with Asterisk
23:45.36nhuisman_workwhen your asterisk ha kicks in and another asterisk box switches to take the ip do all the phone have to re-register?
23:52.13jerhrmm. i just replaced an x100p with a tdm400p with an fxo in port 4. my system sees it ("Module 3: Installed -- AUTO FXO") and i've adjusted my zaptel.conf, but i'm guessing the Zap channel is not still Zap/1 since i keep getting a channel unavailable error when trying to dial out. how can i find out the zap channel that it is on now?
23:53.26rob0generatezaptelconf (I think) is your friend
23:53.35rob0ztcfg -vvv maybe too
23:54.07*** part/#asterisk galeras (n=galeras@
23:56.16jerztcfg -vvvv shows channel 04, i've tried to use Zap/4 as well, to no avail. i always get the following:
23:58.09tzafrir_homejer, did you get any error from ztcfg?
23:58.40jer <-- ztcfg -vvvv output
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23:59.06tzafrir_homeas for galaras up there: that specific message is a good this. the only question is why the span was down in the first place
23:59.53tzafrir_homejer, next: asterisk -rx 'zap show channels'
23:59.57tzafrir_homewhat is the output?

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