IRC log for #asterisk on 20071213

00:00.00Adolph-testingi will try now
00:00.04Oloboladoes anyone know why my incoming calls are several hours off? The time on my linux machine is correct.
00:00.22JTbecause you're several hours off UTC?
00:00.31JTi assume you're talking about CDRs or something
00:00.47Olobolayes, cdr
00:01.09JTyou must be a few hours off UTC
00:01.47Olobolaif I run date it gives me the correct time. What should I do?
00:01.50*** join/#asterisk GoldFingaZ (
00:02.20JTi just told you the answer
00:02.23JTpay attention
00:02.28JTCDRs are recorded in UTC
00:02.32JTthis is normal
00:02.39OlobolaI see
00:02.43Adolph-testingi got same error 404
00:03.02JTAdolph-testing: sounds like the provider sucks
00:03.29OlobolaI see. So when I parse my logs I should just adjust the time -+
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00:04.05Adolph-testingfuck .. :( i just buyet 1 year contract for small bussinees
00:04.05JTyou might be able to record custom CDRs if this is a problem
00:04.15Adolph-testingwhat they need to change on they server?
00:04.36[TK]D-FenderJT, sounds like all the settings are being changed at the same time so there's no hope of finding the right combination.   thats what happens when the lock keeps changing behind your back.
00:04.52JTAdolph-testing: they need to accept your auth for one
00:05.02JT[TK]D-Fender: which settings?
00:05.29JTAdolph-testing: hrm, probably a good idea to test a voip provider before signing up to a big contract
00:05.32[TK]D-FenderAdolph-testing, Tell them to set a normal user & pass and give them to you.  THEN setup a soft-phone and keep working on that that until IT works.  THEN work on Asterisk.  Not before.
00:06.03[TK]D-FenderJT, auth on ITSP side.  he's messing his confis locally, they're changing stuff on the server and spinning around each other in circles.
00:06.51Adolph-testingi will do this [TK]D-Fender
00:11.00Yourname``fujin : makes sense
00:13.28*** join/#asterisk km- (
00:13.56km-Hey, do I want the unsigned sip firmware or the signed sip firmware from cisco's site?  I want to upgrade to 8.8 but not sure which version to get.
00:14.07*** join/#asterisk mltlnx (
00:14.09[TK]D-FenderYourname``, No, it doesn't.  If they see the transferrer's CID then you should stop doing ATTENDED transfers, and start doing BLIND transfers
00:15.17fujinbxfer on my 942's still shows the transferrs cid
00:15.56Yourname``[TK]D-Fender: I wish I could do that. :)
00:16.25*** join/#asterisk exothermc (
00:16.47[TK]D-FenderYourname``, and the reason you can't is.....?
00:17.28Yourname``[TK]D-Fender:  because these stupid phones are fuct, and there is a NEED for an attended transfer. Hand off of a lot of important information.
00:17.42*** join/#asterisk jm|home (n=jm|
00:18.02km-Note: You must install Cisco Unified Call Manager version 5.0 or higher to utilize the 8.8 SIP firmware image.
00:18.09[TK]D-FenderYourname``, TFB <-
00:18.12km-that obviously negates my question entirely.
00:18.23[TK]D-FenderYourname``, Start attended, cancel, return blind.
00:18.46[TK]D-Fenderkm-, That makes no sense.
00:19.18km-from cisco's release notes, no less.
00:19.26[TK]D-Fenderkm-, unless they mean that only CCM5+ can actaully take full advantage of your phone+SIP8.8
00:19.46[TK]D-Fenderkm-, that may be a warning on CCM's behalf more than the phone.
00:19.52km-eh, I don't know for sure.
00:19.59[TK]D-Fenderkm-, only way that adds up
00:20.24km-the firmware files are a different format as well
00:20.34*** join/#asterisk ccaron (
00:20.37km-cmterm-7940-7960-8.7.00-sip.cop as opposed to .sbn's
00:21.02Yourname``[TK]D-Fender: Vertical 9133is make it hard to do all that :S
00:21.25[TK]D-FenderYourname``, Learn how to use your own phones.
00:22.04km-you know, I have 8.2 on this phone.  I just need to remember how to fix this problem where it endlessly RRQ's for the conf file
00:22.14km-I know I fixed it once before...
00:22.20Yourname``[TK]D-Fender : ok
00:25.25*** join/#asterisk techie (
00:26.00exothermcIs there a good way to migrate from file based voicemail to IMAP?
00:26.56*** join/#asterisk LakeSolon (
00:29.39*** join/#asterisk hohum (
00:30.41Yourname``What's a good tftpd server for centos?
00:31.22*** join/#asterisk duki (
00:33.30exothermcyum install tftpd  ?
00:33.58Yourname``doesn't work.
00:34.30exothermcyum install tftp-server  ?
00:34.42Yourname``That's bringing home xinetd too.
00:36.21fujinmost wil
00:36.26fujinthat's why I use atftpd
00:36.37km-heh, I'm installing atftpd now
00:36.38fujinyou can launch it standalone, and from (x)inetd
00:36.48Yourname``I hate xinted
00:37.39*** join/#asterisk techie (
00:37.43Adolph-testingJT: u can tell me how to configure asterisk server to accept incoming sip connections?
00:38.01Adolph-testingamin to make a sample config
00:38.02Yourname``I think atftp-server would do it, fujin
00:38.21fujinThat's probably a centosism
00:39.00*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (i=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-3a12ae42de64862b)
00:39.34*** join/#asterisk RoyK (n=roy@
00:42.48Yourname``Yeah, prolly.
00:43.11*** part/#asterisk RoyK (n=roy@
00:43.27JTAdolph-testing: why are you asking me?
00:44.22[TK]D-FenderAdolph-testing, Do you now have a softphone fully working with your provider?
00:51.21*** join/#asterisk Adolph-testin (
00:52.33Adolph-testinyes [TK]D-Fender i have xlite but i`m trying now to configure my asterisk server to try to connect with xlite on it and to see how it work and to give infos to the voiceral support to know how to make my sip account to work
00:53.01km-heh. it was my freaking nat setup that was screwing with my tftp. bugger.
00:53.10Adolph-testinYour technician made a very good point, download the xlite softphone (it's free) and input the information we have given you
00:53.18[TK]D-Fenderadolph-testin : Stop wasting time and follow the instructions you've been given.
00:54.00Adolph-testini followed but no working u think if that instruction are good i was here to ask you guys ?
00:54.01[TK]D-Fenderadolph-testin : Setup X-Lite to communicate DIRECTY with your provider. FORGET about Asterisk until that is 100% SUCCESSFUL.
00:55.06*** join/#asterisk tobias (
00:55.07Adolph-testini set up man with user pass and voip proxy that voiceral support gived me but NO WORKING the problem is from him server and they don`t know to make it to woek
00:55.58[TK]D-Fenderadolph-testin : STOP TALKING ABOUT ASTERISK.  Get it working with your softphone FIRST.  You are wasting time!
00:56.25[TK]D-Fenderadolph-testin : Go prove that your account is FUNCTIONAL with a simple tool you shouldn't screw up configuring.
00:56.43*** join/#asterisk mltlnx (
00:56.57Adolph-testinyes man this is what i do, i am trying to register xlite on voiceral network but i get 404 error
00:57.32[TK]D-Fenderadolph-testin : then eitehr their account isn't setup right or you are entering it in wrong (for the 4 fields it takes).
00:57.57[TK]D-Fenderadolph-testin : Go ask them to help you set up X-Lite.  If you can't get that working then you are screwed.
00:58.30Adolph-testinu don`t understand me, they don`t know how to do this
00:59.38[TK]D-Fenderadolph-testin : And you aren't listening... I said ASK YOUR PROVIDER.  if they can't help you with this then you are beyond help.
01:00.49[TK]D-Fenderadolph-testin : You saying they can't walk you through setting up X-Lite?  if so they are completely useless.  Get a new provider.
01:01.09Adolph-testinbut i paid this
01:01.14[TK]D-Fenderadolph-testin : Thats like a mechanic who can't change spark-plugs.
01:01.25Adolph-testinthis is cause i`m trying so more
01:01.37Adolph-testinlike this
01:01.50[TK]D-Fenderadolph-testin : Go get your money back.
01:02.15Adolph-testinu know a good voip provider that support unlimited channels ?
01:02.54[TK]D-Fenderadolph-testin : Don't bet on "unlimited"  what do you truly NEED?
01:02.59fujinlol yeah
01:03.01fujinwhy unlimited
01:03.07fujinyou can't even work out how to use one ;)
01:04.05Adolph-testinor with 100 minimum
01:04.25[TK]D-Fenderadolph-testin : What kind of connection do you have?
01:04.44Adolph-testini have a server with 10 mb broadband
01:04.48[TK]D-Fenderadolph-testin : And why do you need so many channels?
01:05.02Adolph-testini have a telemarketing system
01:05.21fujina telespamming system?
01:05.26fujinman I wrote one of those the other dray
01:05.35fujinfor some dude in here
01:05.54[TK]D-Fenderadolph-testin : Here's what you need to do :
01:05.58jboti guess hafc is hire a freaking consultant.  Look, if you're having difficulty understanding what you're doing and need a solution soon, you will be far better off hiring a competent consultant than continuing to pull your hair out.
01:06.20craigkhmmm - did the peaceful creaters of Asterisk intend it to be used for such evil as telespamming ? ;)
01:06.31[TK]D-Fenderadolph-testin : Go check out the WIKI for a list of people to choose from.
01:06.33jbot[~wikis] VoIP Wiki covering Asterisk, FreeSWITCH, TrixBox, SER, OpenSER, sipX, CallWeaver, and YATE. (c) Arte Marketing Inc / CommPartners
01:06.35fujinyay~ he left
01:06.37fujinoh my god
01:06.44fujinit was that andreiu guy
01:06.46fujinwho ripped me off
01:07.13[TK]D-Fenderfujin, wait, wasn't he the one who had "blackslk" as a partner in here last week or so?
01:07.22fujinI don't know.
01:07.33fujinI *WROTE* the telespamming stuff for him.
01:07.34[TK]D-Fenderfujin, I think I know them...
01:07.34JTfujin: someone ripped you off in here?
01:07.38fujinYes. That guy.
01:07.45JTfujin: he didn't pay?
01:07.47fujinHe paypalled me $850USD from frauded accounts.
01:07.53Qwell_"that" guy?
01:07.53fujinwhich was promptly frozen.
01:07.56fujin*that* guy!
01:08.01Qwell_oh, blackslk
01:08.02fujin14:06:27) • Quits: Adolph-testin ( : [ ]
01:08.42fujinlittle bastard
01:08.57JT10:40 <Adolph-testing> hey please help me
01:08.57JT10:41 <JT> please don't pm m
01:08.57JT10:41 <JT> me
01:08.57JT10:41 <Adolph-testing> sorry but i really need help
01:08.58JT10:42 <JT> sorry but there's an irc channel, unless you're paying for consulting
01:09.05JTthat was about 1.5 hours ago
01:09.14fujinI got a similar message last week or whatever
01:09.19fujintold him a similar thing
01:09.23fujinwhich led onto me consulting for him
01:09.25[TK]D-Fenderfujin, Ditto.
01:09.31fujinand being frauded out of a few hours work
01:09.34[TK]D-Fender(minus taking them on.
01:09.53JTfujin: at least it should give you a little satisfaction that he's been unable to use it
01:10.11fujinThe code wasn't exactly advanced
01:10.14fujinbut shit
01:11.16km-I seriously need to find some decongestant.  Stat.
01:11.17fujinhalf of it was from something I googled, then made it forking
01:12.32km-fujin: interesting script
01:12.41fujinheh :)
01:12.59*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
01:13.04fujin$850usd worth of frauded perl there
01:13.24km-you should have known when he offered $850 for a two-page perl script
01:13.43fujinwe initially agreed on 250 up front, 250 on completion
01:13.48fujinthen the 250 on completion turned into 600
01:13.52fujinfrom a different paypal account
01:13.57JThe must've found more accounts
01:13.58fujinboth accoutns were apparently his "customers"
01:14.15km-nice, so he was using hacked paypal accounts to pay you?
01:14.18km-thereby you get nothing?
01:14.53km-Oh, is there anyone here who lives in the philadelphia area who wants a full time job managing a network of asterisk servers for a contact center
01:15.08km-the company tried to poach me but I told them I'd at least try to help them find someone else. :)
01:16.00fujinkm-: aye, hacked accounts, paypal froze
01:16.01fujinso I get squat
01:16.06km-fujin: that blows.
01:16.11fujinunless they mysteriously believe him and unfreeze the transactions
01:16.17km-I always provided services for asterisk in exchange for bartered hardware
01:16.22km-got a bunch of 7960's that way
01:16.49km-I think I traded 24 hours of professional services for a single 7960, worked out to both parties benefits
01:18.56*** join/#asterisk ez` (
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01:30.20*** join/#asterisk pirulo (n=andres_p@
01:39.03*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (
01:39.42exothermcAnyone know of a good way to migrate voicemail from file system to IMAP?
01:40.11exothermcor was IMAP designed only for people newly adopting asterisk and not for the existing user base?
01:41.15*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
01:43.44*** part/#asterisk dijungal (n=kdaniel@
01:49.03fujinexothermc: I don't believe there are ny existing tools for mid-production migration
01:52.15exothermchmm that was well thought out.
01:53.30fujinWhat was?
01:53.37fujinyour mid-production migration?
01:53.46exothermclack of.
01:54.14fujinI'm sure it'd be possible to write a migration tool, though.
01:54.23fujinstart imap voicemail up, record a fiew voicemail messages
01:54.29fujinsee what it does to each users maildir
01:54.47fujinthen replicate that with your existing voicemail files, converting, mimencoding where necessary
01:55.00exothermcI would be very surprised if anything wasn't possible with enough effort.
01:56.18fujinso, exert the effort required? :)
01:59.42[TK]D-Fenderexothermc, don't burn yourself out.....
02:00.31*** join/#asterisk errr (n=errr@fedora/errr)
02:12.10Yourname``I can't believe this.. I've been trying to setup a tftp server on CentOS for about 45 mins now! And haven't been able to connect to it from win32
02:13.08*** join/#asterisk etfonhomey (
02:14.39*** join/#asterisk Oztzrf (
02:21.48*** join/#asterisk _stink_ (
02:23.05_stink_hi all - please let me know if I should ask this elsewhere: I have 6 SIP hardphones inside of a nat router, all using a trixbox server living at a CoLo. The phones keep losing touch with the server for incoming calls. Any advice on what settings I should use on the phone? e.g., use a random port, send keep-alive UDP packet every 20 seconds, use STUN, etc.?
02:23.25_stink_and i've asked in #trixbox to no avail... and came here next
02:26.54fujinI'd personally run a sip gw inside the nat router
02:26.56etfonhomeyMaybe qualify=yes in sip.conf for each of the phones entries?
02:26.57fujinand let that deal with keepalives etc
02:27.53*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (n=tzafrir@
02:32.01*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
02:41.24_stink_ok - thanks much for the suggestions, I'll try them out
02:46.20JT_stink_: qualify=yes, register regularly
02:47.43Yourname``[OFFTOPIC] After I connect an Aastra 9133i to eth1, and then from eth2 I connect to the PC, how do I access it's webclient?
02:49.25[TK]D-FenderYourname``, Have you considered using a web-browser and looking at its IP?
02:49.27fujinforward packets between the interfaces?
02:49.35Yourname``[TK]D-Fender: Yes I have
02:49.39fujin[TK]D-Fender: seperate networks one would hope
02:49.47fujinYourname`: is there a gateway between the two networks?
02:49.48*** join/#asterisk MrTelephone (
02:49.56_stink_JT: thanks - what's regular? like every minute? that doesn't interfere with current calls, right?
02:50.05Yourname``fujin: I can't tell.. I'm asking someone over there to help me out.
02:50.07fujin_stink_: I have mine re-register every 30 seconds here
02:50.19fujinYourname`: check the configuration on the nic dude
02:50.40MrTelephoneyournme, whats your problem today?
02:50.49_stink_fujin: ah, cool.
02:50.57fujin_stink_: with no adverse affects, if anything, positive affects (when one server fails, the heartbeat server kicks in 10~ seconds later, phones re-register another 15-20 seconds after the second server is up)
02:51.07fujinminimal downtime
02:51.24Yourname``MrTelephone: A LOT Of problems, trying to setup a tftp server on centos, AND trying to get into Aastra 9133i's webinterface to download it's .cfg and then set'em up on the tftp server.
02:52.48MrTelephonetftp should be a snap?
02:52.48_stink_fujin: nice. thanks much
02:52.48Yourname``fujin: I mean, from the wall jack.. it goes to one eth port on the aastra, and the other eth port takes another eth cable to the computer.
02:52.48Yourname``MrTelephone: I KNOW!
02:52.52MrTelephoneim looking at my t1 pricing
02:53.06fujinYourname`: eh, what?
02:53.06Yourname``Ok, finally got the webclient iunterface now.. but its asking for a password, and I dont know the defaults
02:53.11MrTelephonea ds-1 is 450 each. if i buy 5 or more they are 240 each
02:53.13fujinadmin/admin? :)
02:53.20MrTelephoneineed to start a call center or something
02:53.25*** join/#asterisk mihinomenest (i=kgkJ@
02:53.37fujinhow many channels is a ds1
02:53.40MrTelephonehow do you go about starting a call center?
02:53.48fujinthat's 4 t1's, isn't it?
02:53.50MrTelephone24 channels
02:53.56MrTelephoneds1 is a t1
02:54.41JTin PRI mode that would be 23 Bearer channels
02:54.58fujinpwnt by JT
02:55.00fujin^5 JT!
02:56.09Yourname``Ok, got the aastra part taken care of.
02:56.20Yourname``Now, I just have to see if it'll connect to the tftp server
02:57.35fujinuse your tftp connection abilities
02:57.36fujinthey'll help
02:57.57JTfujin: well it could be in channelised mode
02:59.43MrTelephonewhat else can a guy do with 5 t1s
03:01.05MrTelephonehow much is a dms100
03:01.08fujinbond them together
03:01.12fujinbrowse the Intertron
03:01.38Yourname``I downloaded local.cfg and server.cfg from the aastra
03:01.47Yourname``server.cfg is empty, and local.cfg just has random stuff.
03:01.50MrTelephonei already have a 10mbit shaped oc
03:02.03Yourname``I wonder why they dont have sample confs somewhere
03:02.15MrTelephonethey probably do in the firmware upgrade zips
03:03.48*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=Joe@
03:03.53JTMrTelephone: lots i bet
03:04.22MrTelephoneu need money to make money :(
03:05.16outtoluncwhat is money?
03:05.18JThundreds of thousands, i'm not sure
03:05.52etfonhomeyYourname`` Have you checked the wiki?
03:06.33Yourname``etfonhomey: They have one?
03:07.22Yourname``Oh, that one. Yessir. Did, but I'm looking to get one from the phone itself so I don't have to change a lot of stuff that way.
03:10.31etfonhomeyThat's the best I can do with Aastra's. But, if you had Polycom's... ;)
03:11.05Yourname``I just might.
03:17.33*** join/#asterisk tobias (
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03:23.45Yourname``Ok, finally did it..
03:23.54Yourname``Now, I need to know if this phone is accessing the tftp server or not.
03:26.37etfonhomeyYourname'' Look at /var/log/messages
03:27.12etfonhomeyYourname`` Which tftpd are you using?
03:27.29*** join/#asterisk Shihan (
03:28.39Shihanhi guys... small question... i want asterisk to install into /export/installed/asterisk-1.4.15, but it keeps trying to install things into /var/lib/asterisk... what configure switch controlls that?
03:28.40etfonhomeyLet me check my config real quick.  Is that the one that runs under xinet.d?
03:29.35*** join/#asterisk mikecx (
03:29.53[TK]D-FenderShihan, What OS?
03:30.00Shihanlinux, fedora 8
03:30.12etfonhomeyYourname`` Do you have a "tftp" text file under /etc/xinetd.d/ ?
03:30.18[TK]D-FenderShihan, look at the Make options.
03:30.38mikecxif I used asteriskGUI to configure my outgoing lines (3 of them) will they have automatic rollover or do I need to setup trunking manually?
03:30.52Yourname``Hold on, just noticed portsentry was blocking it.
03:31.13Yourname``I stopped it, but I think the rule is still in iptables.
03:31.15etfonhomeyAdd this to the config:
03:31.23etfonhomeyserver_args             = -vvvv -c -s /tftpboot
03:31.34etfonhomeyBut change tftpboot to the path to your tftp directory.
03:31.43etfonhomeyThen you can look in the system log.
03:32.24Shihanerr.. by make options do you mean menuselect?
03:33.37Yourname``Now I dont see anything in the logs at all :(
03:33.42Yourname``I did an iptables -F
03:33.53Yourname``And then tried, but nothing
03:34.37etfonhomeyRestart xinetd?
03:35.39etfonhomeyYou got disable = no in your tftp file?
03:36.39Yourname``This is soooo messed up, lol
03:38.02[TK]D-Fendermikecx, This is not a GUI support channel, but * can roll-over you lines for OUTGOING.  incoming is the responsibility of your telco to assign them in a "hunt group"
03:38.16Yourname``I thought this would be the easiest thing ever..
03:38.40etfonhomeyI agree.
03:38.50etfonhomeyYou're not getting anything logged to /var/log/messages?
03:39.19mikecx[TK]D-Fender: Yeah, outgoing is what i'm worried about. I know the internal works properly (switching from BizPhone to asterisk).
03:39.26fujin'stepping' is what some telcos call it, too
03:39.34Yourname``Nothing at all.
03:39.36fujinYourname`: why use xinetd to server tftp?
03:39.40Yourname``I just setup tftp on another server..
03:39.47Yourname``fujin: BECAUSE CENTOS IS A POS! :(
03:39.56Yourname``It runs it's tftp with xinetd
03:40.03Yourname``That's my gripe too.
03:40.04fujincan you not run atftpd without xinetd?
03:40.29Shihanyeah ya can, its like tftpd -d or something
03:40.48Yourname``etfonhomey: I even installed it to another server .. and now tried to connect to it there and it says cannot connect. It's ridiculous
03:41.12[TK]D-Fendermikecx, go learn about * and see how the configs are built.  Many things in the GUI force to play by its rules and you make have toconfigure via them.
03:41.21[TK]D-Fendermikecx, For everything else theres :
03:41.23jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
03:41.33[TK]D-Fendermikecx, Get reading.
03:41.44[TK]D-FenderYourname``, nothing wrong with CentOS.
03:41.53Yourname``[TK]D-Fender: Nothing at all.
03:41.54fujinapart from the craptasticness
03:41.55[TK]D-FenderYourname``, Works just fine
03:42.09etfonhomeyYourname`` Have you tried using a windows tftp client to send and/or retrieve a regular text file?
03:42.22Shihanin.tftpd -l is what you want if you dont want to run it in xinetd
03:42.26Yourname``etfonhomey: Yes, and even that doesn't let me connect there.
03:42.31[TK]D-FenderIt is by consequence the most well documeted distro out there and if you can't get it running a simple TFTP server well....
03:42.46mikecx[TK]D-Fender: thanks, i've already kinda got an idea about most of the configs, it's just the fxo/fxs line rollover but i'll look through the book
03:42.49Yourname``etfonhomey: This time, to make it easy on me I installed tftp on a very unrestricted box..
03:42.56Yourname``etfonhomey: And I dont see anything there either in the logs.
03:43.06etfonhomeyEven things unrelated to tftp?
03:43.46MrTelephonecould have installed debian 4.0 stable and typed apt-get install tftpd
03:43.54etfonhomeyWhen it works you should see something like this:
03:43.56MrTelephonein the time it took you to get this to work
03:43.59[TK]D-Fendermikecx, If you want a preliminary opinion PASTEBIN your zapata.conf
03:44.02jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
03:44.13etfonhomeymessages.4:Nov 17 04:13:19 SYMLINUX in.tftpd[24869]: WRQ from filename 0004f2130343-app.log
03:44.24[TK]D-FenderMrTelephone, oh please, this should have been a 5 minute job....
03:45.07fujinDec 13 16:45:00 asterisk01 atftpd[26864]: Serving /spa942-000e08de22bb.cfg to
03:45.27fujin/usr/sbin/atftpd --daemon --port 69 --tftpd-timeout 300 --retry-timeout 5 --mcast-port 1758 --mcast-addr --mcast-ttl 1 --maxthread 100 --verbose=5 /tftpboot
03:45.30Yourname``etfonhomey: Nothing like it :(
03:46.09MrTelephoneaftpd didn't work good for me through nat
03:46.11etfonhomeyYourname'' Pastebin your the tftp file from your /etc/xinetd.d directory.
03:48.06mikecx[TK]D-Fender: Guess i'm going to have to do that at work tomorrow, seems i'm pretty much firewalled out of my server there
03:48.28MrTelephonehow did you firewall yourself out
03:48.53etfonhomeyYourname``, I don't have lines 15, 16, 17 in my file otherwise yours is identical to mine.
03:49.08[TK]D-Fendermikecx, productivity tip : Never ask for help when you can't follow through on it.
03:49.54etfonhomeyMaybe pastebin your xinetd.conf as well.
03:50.02mikecx[TK]D-Fender: figured it would be a simple yes/no on whether or not the default setup would work.
03:50.31[TK]D-Fendermikecx, "default" and "GUI" and "asking in HERE?!" don't belong in the same sentence.
03:51.14mikecx[TK]D-Fender: asked in #asterisk-gui about 10 minutes ago (after you said this was the wrong place) but with only 30 total members, seems like no-one is there
03:51.32[TK]D-Fendermikecx, Feel like salmon yet?
03:52.16fujinSHIT CREEK
03:52.37MrTelephoneno swearing
03:52.52MrTelephonehow the hell do you firewall yourself out of your own server
03:52.55mikecx[TK]D-Fender: not really, though i was expecting the community to be a bit more... helpful though to be fair, not having access to the files sucks
03:52.59MrTelephonedon't you have some back doors
03:53.07mikecxMrTelephone: it's a work server not meant to have internet access
03:53.18fujinuse your VPN?
03:53.21[TK]D-Fendermikecx, Well... YOU can't help yourself any, don't think we're miracle workers.
03:53.22MrTelephonei need to read up on multicast
03:53.33MrTelephonedo most routers block multicast?
03:53.49MrTelephonewhat stops someone from doing a massive multicast DOS
03:53.54fujinmost cisco switches will allow moooolticast out of the box
03:54.32etfonhomeyYourname`` Here's mine:
03:54.42Shihanwhy is the asterisk build doing this:
03:55.30Yourname``ok im officially giving up on this
03:56.08etfonhomeyDid you try replacing yours with mine and then restarting xinetd?
03:56.21fujinMrTelephone: you can quite easily flood an upstream link if there is no moolticast router in the local subnet
03:56.35fujinas it will traverse default routes in order to find somethign which'll tell it how to route the multicast
03:57.57Yourname``etfonhomey: lol no, lost the patience. :S
03:58.03Yourname``Maybe when I'm not so pissed and tired
03:58.20etfonhomeyBeen there, done that...
03:58.47MrTelephonehow come there isn't a way to multicast bittorrent :-P
03:59.02Yourname``I'm really, really mad at this.,
03:59.04[TK]D-FenderShihan, go change the "makeopts" file to change you install paths and the call "make install"
03:59.10fujinIt's not UDP? :D
03:59.18etfonhomeyYourname`` I think it's not even getting to your Linux box.
04:00.18Shihanahhhh, much better, thanks for that... i thought that was build from configure?
04:00.32MrTelephonefujin, what kind of windows app will multicast?
04:01.09fujinnorton ghost
04:02.05MrTelephonei wish that program could be setup for automatic imaging every morning or something
04:02.16fujinthat'd be handy.
04:02.24MrTelephonethere are programs that do it but
04:02.29MrTelephonei don't know what they are called
04:04.12[TK]D-FenderG4L <---
04:04.35fujing4l :D
04:04.39fujing4u actually bud
04:04.46fujinit's bsd, not leenux
04:05.01Shihantheres another one now too... called freeghost or something, its on sourceforge
04:05.08[TK]D-Fender <------
04:05.18[TK]D-Fenderfujin, O RLY?
04:05.25fujinya indeed
04:05.38fujing4u just STOLE THAT SHIT
04:05.40fujinnah, i dunno.
04:05.45fujing4u is the original one ;P
04:06.22Shihanahhh, fog is the one im thinking of
04:06.35[TK]D-Fenderfujin, Yeah yeah... in in your day the greatest threat to man was swooping pteradactyls :p
04:06.46fujinpiss off
04:06.49fujini'm only 20
04:06.54Yourname``alright, good night guys. Apologize for my impatience and anger, I guess I'll try to tackle this tmrw with [TK]D-Fender's help
04:07.04fujinyou're doing it wrong
04:07.05fujinget out ->
04:07.53fujinmy leg is so sore
04:08.03fujinI pulled my groin muscle playing Hackey yesterday.
04:08.53MrTelephonegl4, it doesn't do live cloning?
04:10.04Shihanoky doky, thanks for the help guys...
04:10.05[TK]D-Fenderfujin, future generations thank you!
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04:14.20MrTelephonefree ghost looks wicked
04:21.41osirisany idea why an inbound call would terminate after about 25 seconds ?
04:22.13MrTelephonethe person hung up?
04:22.20osirisnot one way audio, cause the inside extension dropped
04:22.25*** join/#asterisk Keltus (i=Keltus@about/cooking/nakedchef/beefstew/Keltus)
04:22.30tzangerosiris: no audio stream, asterisk gives up after a while IIRC
04:22.44osirisnot in this case
04:22.53osirisor so it seams
04:23.02MrTelephonewhat do the logs say
04:23.14osirisi can talk the whole time, and the polycom that is the extension just drops the call
04:24.01osirisnothing i can tell, but its a trixbox, and im kinda new to trixbox and asterisk.  not new to linux
04:24.27MrTelephoneyou need to check your logs
04:24.29MrTelephoneor sip debug
04:24.43osirisjust got inbound.outbound working with NGT's broadsoft platform providing the trunk
04:24.49mikecx[TK]D-Fender: the book is useless for trunk groups
04:25.05[TK]D-Fendermikecx, Oh I don't buy that...
04:25.17mikecxThe [trunkgroups] section is used for connections where multiple physical lines are
04:25.17mikecxused as a single logical connection to the telephone network, and won’t be discussed
04:25.17mikecxfurther in this book. If you require this type of functionality, see the
04:25.18mikecxzapata.conf.sample file and your favorite search engine for more information.
04:25.19osirisbut the inbound calls all drop after 25 seconds.  outbound works perfect
04:25.25mikecxsorry, shoulda used pastebin
04:25.39[TK]D-Fendermikecx, who said THAT is what you are looking for?
04:25.46MrTelephoneosiris, is there 2 way audio>
04:25.50osiriscould it be an inbound trunk setting causeing it to terminate ?
04:25.54osirisMrTelephone, oh yeah
04:25.56[TK]D-Fendermikecx, You just say a term you THOUGH meant something
04:26.02[TK]D-Fender(to YOU)
04:26.07jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
04:26.09mikecx[TK]D-Fender: sounds like it. multiple lines used as one
04:26.13MrTelephoneif there is too much packet loss the call will drop
04:26.38MrTelephonemikecx.. group your zap channels then Dial(ZAP/g[group number])
04:26.41[TK]D-Fendermikecx, that is for DIGITAL links to the telco.  T1/E1/J1
04:27.09osiristhat shouldnt be the issue, and the extension is on the lan with the trixbox, and i have a pretty decent home network
04:27.14mikecx[TK]D-Fender: would be nice if they book would say that
04:27.25osirisgood quality broadband
04:27.34MrTelephonemikecx, check your internet provider link.. cable modems might fail maintenance and it will be enough to knock out a call
04:28.09MrTelephoneoutbound works tho
04:28.11MrTelephonei forgot
04:28.40MrTelephonemikecxx, tell qwell he needs to workon the documentation
04:28.46osiriscall comes in, hits a ring group.  answer the call, and it drops after 25
04:29.12MrTelephonetry asterisk instead of shitbox
04:29.18mikecxMrTelephone: lol, at this rate i'm just going to use guess and check, it'll be just as fast
04:29.30osirismost of my end users are going to be running trixbox
04:29.34[TK]D-Fendermikecx, So indeed you must set "group=1" (or a number from 0-31) and your dial should look like "Dial(Zap/g1/1234556645345)" substituting your group number
04:30.13*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
04:30.23mikecx[TK]D-Fender: thanks
04:30.41MrTelephonesend fender 3.24 via paypal
04:30.47*** join/#asterisk gerphimum (
04:31.05MrTelephoneosiris, debug your sip messages
04:31.29osirisill just run a sip trace tomorrow at the office
04:31.36MrTelephoneosiris, your not going to get too far without some kind of error message
04:31.43osirisjust wondering if something poped into anyones head
04:32.14MrTelephonethat reminds me I have to do a trace on some dns srv problem I'm having
04:33.01MrTelephonewho has a fast internet connection wand wants the movie superbad?
04:33.22osirishow fast, how big
04:33.25osiriswhat format
04:33.34MrTelephonesome kind of avi 700 meg
04:33.43osirisgood quality ?
04:33.46*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
04:33.56MrTelephoneI havn't watched it yet
04:34.02MrTelephoneim just in one of those moods for sharing
04:34.12osirisi can get a meg a second off my torrents, so i'll take it.  i ditched my cam rip
04:34.17MrTelephoneits a dvdrip so it shold be good
04:34.35MrTelephonea MEG?
04:34.37MrTelephoneyeah right
04:34.41osirisi got nuthin to do but kill BW and brain cells
04:34.49MrTelephonehow do you get a meg
04:34.50osirisoff my private site i do
04:35.07osiristv and movies at 1.1 meg a second
04:35.16MrTelephonemegabit or megabyte
04:35.28osiriscomcast will burst 3 for about 20 seconds
04:35.47MrTelephonejust one sec i'll be right back
04:35.48osirisbyte i believe
04:36.20osirisidk, im going by what gkrellm is telling me.
04:37.06*** join/#asterisk MrTelephone (
04:38.06osirisits gonna time out
04:38.11MrTelephonei stopped downloading actual dvdrips because the divx rips are just as good
04:38.31MrTelephonemirc and their crappy dcc methods
04:38.36MrTelephonewhat a joke
04:38.49MrTelephonewhy do they time out
04:38.57osirisgirewalls usually
04:39.15MrTelephonewhen is the last time someone sent you a dcc?
04:39.30osirisabout 29 minutes
04:39.38MrTelephonefor real?
04:40.01osirisset your port range to something like 33310-33318
04:40.14osirissome obscure high end range
04:40.29osirismake sure you forward yer ports too
04:40.30MrTelephonewhat is dcc passive i wonder
04:40.38MrTelephonei will if this doesn't work
04:40.47osirismuch better
04:41.17MrTelephoneoh shit i capped myself i forgot to ~t1
04:41.52osirisneed to restart it ?
04:42.04MrTelephoneno we got one of those allot netenforcers
04:42.11MrTelephonejust have to login and change a setting
04:42.24gerphimumhi everyone..  at work our phone system has a feature called reverse transfer.  someone puts a call on hold at, say ext 1260..  then someone from ext 1240 (or some other phone) presses 4-1260 and is able to pick up the call that was placed on hold at the other phone..  im trying to recreate this behavior in asterisk but am not sure how.  any suggestions ?
04:42.44MrTelephoneits called parking
04:42.57gerphimumill look it up then
04:43.07MrTelephonei don't mean to sound rude
04:43.23MrTelephonebut if you search park+asterisk you'll find it
04:43.25gerphimumhey, its a point in the proper direction ;)
04:46.14MrTelephonecan't get into my netenforcer for christ sakes
04:48.35MrTelephonei spent a couple hours today downloading a fireplace dvd for the tv
04:48.42MrTelephonecould only find PAL versions
04:49.13MrTelephoneconverted it to NTSC and put 60 minutes of christmas tunes on it
04:51.12osirisnice work.  i worked, and came home and started working again.
04:51.34MrTelephonetypical IT lifestyle
04:52.13*** join/#asterisk bintut (n=bintut@
04:52.52dexpdxI hate how you can never easly look up the price of teleco equip
04:52.59osiristryin to find wrt54G i can put dd-wrt on
04:53.04MrTelephonedex, same
04:53.05dexpdxyou always gotta talk to some bozo for a "quote"
04:53.24dexpdxSo he can jack the price by 20Gs for commission
04:53.39osirislinux firmware for linksys routers
04:53.41MrTelephonethe model WRT54GL is what your looking for
04:54.02dexpdxosiris: voipsupply doesn't seem to sell Avaya G860's
04:54.12MrTelephonethe newet routers they started making the L series for people who want to change the firmware
04:54.14osiristhe guy has a G, but its a version 6.  which is a problematic hardware version
04:54.17dexpdxI just want to know how much the damn chassis cost
04:54.34dexpdx54GL = magic
04:54.36osiriser i meant GL MrTelephone
04:54.37dexpdxworks really well
04:54.49MrTelephonethe older G ones work if they are old versions
04:54.58dexpdxdd-wrt + QoS for sip works pretty well for small to mid size office
04:55.13MrTelephonehow much traffic can it handle?
04:55.19osirisits the only router i ever seen that when he makes a call from his ATA, the damn router (linksys wrt54GL) reboots
04:55.20MrTelephoneim just gonna change my ip address
04:55.24*** join/#asterisk salzh (n=salzh@
04:55.24dexpdxMrTelephone: the dd-wrt?
04:55.30MrTelephoneosiris, we'll restart the transfer in a sec
04:58.09*** join/#asterisk MrTelephone (
04:59.02MrTelephonewhats your connection at home osiris?
04:59.42osirisone sec.  let me do a "right now" test
05:00.05MrTelephoneits like your capped at 1meg or something
05:02.18osirispm'ing results
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05:30.37whymsehas anyone gotten a 79x1 cisco phone to register? I've gotten past the unprovisioned state, but I'm hung with JVM: %REG send failure: REGISTER
05:41.20d-k-twhymse, you checked out
05:42.14whymseI'm using their config files.... everything should check out, but I'm not seeing the phone (7941G) hitting the SIP server via tcpdump
05:43.07whymseI was hoping someone may have gotten the permanent "registering" message like I am... there was one question with the same problem from Jun on the site, but sadly no answer
05:43.38whymseI have a 20 7940s working, so I'm not totally clueless
05:44.02d-k-tyou using the SIP server IP in the 'callmanager' section?
05:44.47whymsein the processNodeName I have tried a hostname and IP of the SIP server
05:45.02d-k-tI've only used 7940s and 7960s myself, so I'm not much use there, short of being able to cast a second pair of eyes on what you've done to see if I can see anything obvious that doing it yourself you might miss :)
05:45.42whymseman, stick with the 79x0 and avoid the 79x1... they aren't worth the trouble
05:46.36d-k-tfor the name are you using the fqdn?
05:47.21whymseyeah I have tried both fqdn and not... the comments on seemed to indicate I would end up unprovisioned if the callManagerGroup part was missing
05:48.10whymseit pulls the configs from the tftp server (which is the same box as the SIP server)
05:48.53*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (
05:51.25d-k-twhymse, you want to drop the config into a pastebin, minus any passcodes and fudging any names that you see fit?
05:51.41whymseyeah I might take you up on that...
05:52.04whymseLet me clean it up... I'm checking to see if the firewall may be clobbering UDP SIP requests on high ports
05:52.58whymsethanks for the help... btw
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06:39.47gerphimumcan someone help me come up with an reason i can use to convince myself i need to buy some voip phones to play with ?
06:39.57gerphimumwith a reason*
06:44.28mikecxgerphimum: because you have extra money and time and have nothing else better to do?
06:46.30gerphimumwell, the last 2 for sure
06:46.34gerphimumextra money not so much
06:46.55gerphimumbut ive been curious about this whole thing for quite some time now
06:47.28mikecxgerphimum: if you have a reason to want phone configuration, it's quite fun
06:47.41gerphimumwell i dont really have an application for it, is all
06:47.53gerphimumi just wanna play with the system
06:48.29mikecxgerphimum: it is fun, but perhaps it might be better to spend the money elsewhere
06:48.47gerphimumprobably so.
06:48.59gerphimumi could call it an investment..
06:49.00dexpdxanyone else have problems with WaitExten inside a macro?
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08:34.19awkany ideas please!
08:34.22awkmajor break up
08:34.36awkany idea why my load is so high, but top doesn't show much processes using cpu, etc..
08:34.40awkaswell as over a gig free of ram?
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08:55.13tzafrirawk, anything on top
08:55.27tzafririf not: look for processes in state 'D'
08:55.50awktzafrir nothing in top
08:56.00awkand I cant use iotop and I dont have dtrace.. used this on solaris before
08:56.12tzafrirps aux | grep D
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08:58.33awkI cant see anything
08:58.42awkignore the shutdown as I just issued that now and did a ps at that time..
09:00.06tzafrirawk, there are several processes in D state. This is not a problem if it is for a short while
09:00.17tzafrirBut if this stays for long - a big problem
09:00.58tzafrirI see 4 such processes in the the output
09:01.23tzafrirkjournald - a kernel thread. syslogd - the syslog daemon
09:01.59tzafrirAnyway, if this is the case, try asking in #$DISTRO
09:02.11awkk, thanks!
09:02.15awkyou think its a centos bug?
09:02.20awkkernel bug?
09:02.29tzafrirfilesystem problem?
09:02.40awkcaused by?
09:02.46awkto larger log files, etc?
09:04.36tzafrirkernel or hardware problem, most likely
09:04.43tzafrir(if this is indeed the case)
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09:08.27slavon_nethow anyone tell to me how i can test that EXTEN exists in context?
09:08.42slavon_netChanIsAvail(LOCAL/000${EXTEN}@office); allways retrurn 0
09:08.44awktzafrir any other ideas what could cause it
09:08.46awkor ways to determine it
09:09.24tzafrirnot really
09:09.34tzafrirBut you see those processes still in state D?
09:09.46tzafrirIf syslog is hung, you now have no logs
09:10.13juuvaanyone using vGSM?
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10:09.23alphanethello. It looks like (1.2) Manager Interface cannot be used to start more than one originate: all the events are suspended til it ends. Is this the normal behaviour? I will for now revert to the "one manager interface connection per thread".
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10:11.43FlatFootmorning all
10:12.34alphanetoh, maybe Async can help me ...
10:12.48FlatFootstill got a prob can anyone help ? i need to declare a var to use within mutliple contexts BUT it needs to be a different value per context
10:13.29FlatFootsomeone did say that i should try context_MYVAR=XXX , but that does not seem to work. Any ideas ?
10:14.01FlatFootbtw running version 1.4.11
10:20.13cjkhi, i have one server with a digium card and i would that it forwards incoming calls to another server but in a way that this server has all the data so that rxfax could work. IAX and SIP are not appropriate for this. any other solution? some channel which forwards "raw" data
10:21.42alphanetcjk: IAX will forward raw data as long as you use the same codec (e.g. with ISDN: A-law or u-law depending on which side of the atlantic you are)
10:22.37cjkalphanet, and rxfax will work? what about sip? will it work with sip?
10:22.53alphanetcjk: should work with sip too, it's mostly a question of delay
10:23.09alphanetcjk: I have done it with servers on the same Ethernet and it worked (not worse than usual rxfax)
10:23.24alphanetcjk: however you might want to look into iaxmodem and hylafax
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10:23.32cjkalphanet, well, same switch.
10:23.37alphanetcjk: should work (tm)
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10:23.44alphanetcjk: as long as there is no codec conversion
10:23.58b|uem00nhello all
10:24.24alphanetcjk: or echo-cancel, etc
10:24.43b|uem00nanyone knows a method or a tutorial on testing the delay, jitter and packet loss on a network using open source or free tools?
10:24.54cjkalphanet, hmm, according to mailinglists wikis etc.... it should be luck when it works and should not be reliable....
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10:39.59alphanetcjk: in general, faxing with tx/rxfax *is* unreliable
10:40.05alphanetcjk: apparently, iaxmodem is better
10:40.18alphanetcjk: now, if you add layers of IP networking, it will make things worse, yes.
10:40.52alphanetcjk: people usually recommend to do the fax -> file conversion at the borders of your network, then transmit using either files or T.110 (?)
10:41.13cjkalphanet, yep, but i would like to convert to a file on the second server not the first
10:41.20cjkgives me less troubles with db access etc..
10:41.27cjkmy pri server should just forward traffic
10:41.36cjknothing else
10:41.38cjkno agi, no db
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10:42.20alphanetcjk: it should work, yes.
10:42.36cjkthanks for your opinion. i will give it a try
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11:23.44Oerdanybody managed to get pickup working with mISDN and Snom telephones?
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12:24.43MindTheGapmorning all... im trying to localize voicemail but its playing the wrong files. i've set language=pt_BR in sip.conf and voicemail.conf. Debug says SIP/600-08470c58> Playing 'vm-password' (language 'pt-BR') but it is actually playing /var/lib/sounds/vm-password not /var/lib/sound/pt_BR/vm-password
12:30.03mostyhave you tried checking the debug log?
12:30.21MindTheGapi've tried to replace the files being played, but it seems asterisk wont play the right files cause it thinks it should be playing english format not pt_BR format, so, dates, enumeration, quantities and so on are all messed up... in pt_BR it should play INBOX.wav for one message and INBOXs.wav for more than one message, but it just plays INBOX.wav.
12:33.18MindTheGapDebug says SIP/600-08470c58> Playing 'vm-password' (language 'pt-BR')
12:33.59MindTheGapbut its not playing /var/lib/sounds/pt_BR/vm-password
12:34.18MindTheGapis playing /var/lib/sounds/vm-password
12:36.18mostyand debug is set to 10 or something?
12:39.29MindTheGapsame thing except it now says things like locked in /path/to/mailbox/, but nothing regarding language or path to files being played on voicemail
12:39.49mostywhat version of asterisk are you running?
12:40.57mostyi'd recommend trying 1.4.15, and if that looks the same, submit a bug report (after looking to see if there already is one)
12:42.15MindTheGapthere's nothing on 1.4.13-1.4.15 changelog regarding changes in voicemail.conf except for imap thingies if i recall...
12:42.55mostylook for bug reports, then submit one if none exists
12:44.30MindTheGapany other things i should look for? language=pt_BR in other files, /var/lib/asterisk/sounds structure, anything?
12:47.31mostyi've only ever used english sound files, sorry
12:48.21mostyyou could try strace'ing asterisk, and see if it tries to open files somewhere else but just not reporting it in the debug log
12:48.43MindTheGaphmm... and how do i do that?
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12:49.10stimpiehow can I get calls lasting 3 days when my dialplan includes set(TIMEOUT(absolute)=43200)?
12:50.02mostyMindTheGap, strace asterisk
12:50.11mostyredirect the output to a file
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12:58.07BadBrusomeone know how to install chanspy or zapbarge
12:58.58BadBrusomeone here ?
13:00.11mostyasterisk 1.4 has ChanSpy, nothing special is required beyond the standard install procedure
13:00.33kaldemarthey both come with asterisk unless you scecifically don't install them.
13:03.35BadBruis there any relase for debian i could get with
13:03.39BadBruapt-get install ...
13:05.26mostywhat debian release?
13:05.44BadBruactually... colinux
13:05.59mostynever heard of it
13:06.11BadBruit's somthing u can use on windows..
13:06.21BadBrua.. "virtual debian linux"
13:07.05mostyno idea sorry, you're on your own with that
13:07.07BadBrui must pus in sources.list a link with asterisk
13:07.20BadBrulike in any debian
13:07.29BadBrudeb source file with asterisk lask version
13:07.55mostydebian unstable has asterisk 1.4, i have no idea if that will work with your dist
13:08.34tzafrirBadBru, colinux??
13:08.39BadBrukernel 2.4.6-co0.6.1
13:09.30mostythat is quite old. i would expect to have trouble with it
13:09.49BadBruwhat would u recomand me ?
13:10.07BadBrui want to use on win.. a wirtual linux..
13:10.57mostyhow about a regular linux dist in xen?
13:11.47BadBrui don't want another computer
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13:12.29BadBruwich is the older asterisk version wich have zapbarge or chanspy included by default ?
13:13.18mostyi doubt you can use zapbarge in a virtual machine
13:13.41mostywhy don't you just compile asterisk 1.4
13:14.03tzafrirBadBru, hmm... I don't know if anybody regularly builds it
13:14.23tzafrirBadBru, What version of Debian do you use?
13:15.09tzafrirAnd I suspect zaptel will not work nicely with it
13:15.09BadBrudebian 4.0
13:15.19tzafrirThat's Etch (current Stable)
13:15.25tzafrirIt has asterisk 1.2.13
13:15.29mostyBadBru, i thought you said you were running colinux, not debian
13:15.40tzafrirGood enough to test basic things (such as: if zaptel works at all)
13:15.50BadBrucolinux.. has mounted virtual debian 4.0
13:16.37tzafrirFor starters, apt-get install asterisk zaptel-source; m-a a-i zaptel
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13:17.41BadBrutzafrir let me get it.. zaptel is something like asterisk, or is an asterisk module ?
13:18.06tzafrirA hardware interface Asterisk uses
13:18.06lirakisBadBru: zaptel is a module for asterisk
13:18.14tzafrirAnd that is not part of the mainline kernel
13:18.30lirakistzafrir: right.. sorry it is actually a kernel module
13:21.11BadBruon wich way can be usefull zaptel ?
13:22.00lirakisBadBru: for using TDM hardware, or for a dummy timing module in asterisk (for conferences etc.)
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13:31.29mostywoohoo, i finally solved my pri redirected call issue
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13:34.10dzalewskiDid anyone before integrated Panasonic KXTDA30 with Asterisk ?
13:34.28[TK]D-Fenderdzalewski: Highly unlikely
13:34.38dzalewskiI have 8 incoming line to the legacy PBX
13:34.45dzalewskiI want to do an IVR on asterisk
13:35.18dzalewskiI'm a bit confused about how many FXO/FXS ports I need :)
13:35.31[TK]D-Fenderdzalewski: How would you have calls come in and out of * for this purpose?
13:35.49[TK]D-Fenderdzalewski: And you do NOT want to use analog line ports for this.
13:35.51dzalewskiI need to provide an IVR for all those 8 lines
13:36.21dzalewskiPSTN -> Legacy PBX -> Asterisk(IVR)
13:36.29dzalewskihow should I connect them ?
13:37.21krdian_dzalewski: does it PBX have any voip card inside ?
13:37.39dzalewskikrdian_: no it comes without any voip module
13:38.20[TK]D-Fenderdzalewski: And how much would one cost?
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13:39.31krdian_dzalewski: so you need to put PXO cards inside your * box
13:39.34dzalewski[TK]D-Fender: I guess it will be more cost effective to buy a FXO/FXS card :)
13:40.03dzalewskikrdian_: yeah but I do not understand clear do I need FXO only or FXO and FXS
13:40.16dzalewskino analog or IP phones will be connected to the asterisk
13:40.44mostydzalewski, you need FXO ports to connect to phone lines, and FXS ports to connect to the old PBX
13:40.49mosty(most likely)
13:40.54krdian_dzalewski: so you can connect your box throug PX) cards to PBX
13:41.35dzalewskimosty: All I need from * is to do an IVR
13:41.42dzalewskiand leave panasonic like it is
13:42.25[TK]D-Fenderdzalewski: and how do you expect * to send the call BACK into your system?
13:42.39mostywhen i setup a sip phone to redirect to another number, how does that redirected call pass through my asterisk server's dialplan?
13:43.28[TK]D-Fenderdzalewski: Are you planning on putting * in FRONT of your existing PBX, or BEHIND it?
13:43.35dzalewski[TK]D-Fender: behind
13:44.23mostydzalewski, oh if you want asterisk behind the pbx, you would probably need an FXO port for asterisk. but that would only give you one line
13:44.30[TK]D-Fendermosty: forwarding is usually a SIP 302 redirect just takes the original channel and sends it to the target exten in your phone's context
13:44.31krdian_mosty: as normal extension in phone context
13:44.45[TK]D-Fenderdzalewski: So call comes in on your PBX, you push it out to * immediately?
13:44.56mostymy redirected calls appear to be using chan_local somehow
13:45.07dzalewski[TK]D-Fender: exactly, and then IVR will prompt
13:45.13krdian_mosty: exactly
13:45.14[TK]D-Fendermosty: pastebin something useful.
13:45.34[TK]D-Fenderdzalewski: Ok, so you have 8 ports to take your lines in from the telco, and 8 to go to *?
13:45.58mostykrdian_, but chan_local calls don't give me correct billsec in my CDR's, unless i add the /n option. how do i add that for these redirected calls?
13:46.08stelioskhas anyone any experience (bad or good) with the OpenVox d110p card ?
13:46.35dzalewski[TK]D-Fender: correct
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13:47.03[TK]D-Fenderdzalewski: Ok, what kind of ports are those on your Panasonic?  are they CO ports, or analog station ports?
13:47.27dzalewski[TK]D-Fender: 12 analog ports
13:47.35[TK]D-Fenderdzalewski: what KIND?
13:47.48[TK]D-Fenderdzalewski: I'm talking about the 8 you would send to *
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13:48.53[TK]D-Fenderdzalewski: You have 8 CO (to the telco) ports for your incoming line ports.  What kind of ports are the ones going to Asterisk?  Does it treat * like the telco, or like a phone?
13:49.31dzalewski[TK]D-Fender: like a phone
13:49.43[TK]D-Fendersteliosk: Virtually no-one here would have anything to do with a clone card.  It may work perfectly for you . YMMV.
13:50.39[TK]D-Fenderdzalewski: Ok, then you can test this easily WITHOUT * at all.  plug in a normal phone into that port.  Have your system send the call out the port.  Pick up the ringing phone and talk (pretending to be the IVR).  how would that phone send the call somewhere else to free up the port?
13:51.26krdian_mosty: hmmmm, strange i have to check this on my box
13:52.36dzalewski[TK]D-Fender: you mean that I will need 2 ports for each incoming line. one from panasonic pbx and one to panasonic?
13:54.03[TK]D-Fenderdzalewski: No, I don't know the answer to this yet, although that is entirely possible.  How would YOU do it?  is there something you could do while holding that phone to transfer the call back into your system to to a person's desk phone for instance?
13:54.54mostykrdian_, [TK]D-Fender: note that I need it to redirect to LOCAL/XXXXXX@outgoing/n
13:55.33mostyis it possible to set /n as default for all chan_local calls?
13:57.06[TK]D-Fendermosty: "/n" treats it as a 100% unique channel and doesn't clear upon reinvite.  not sure if thats a good thing.  1 way I can think of is the set a "transfercontext" for the phone and then use a catch-all to nest another Local channel adding the "/n"
13:59.05mostyi use local channels elsewhere in my dialplan, and i have /n everywhere otherwise my cdr records don't give me what i want
14:00.18mostyhow do i set the transfer context? i can't see any sip.conf settings
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14:02.32mostyahh, i see it in channelvariables.txt - thanks
14:03.16dzalewski[TK]D-Fender: thanks, looks like I need to gather more info about this panasonic pbx cause I didn't see it in real. All I know is from it's manual :)
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14:10.57[TK]D-Fendermosty: wiki up sip.conf
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14:11.42jhb[TK]D-Fender, just a quick feedback on yesterday - I did not get the originate for multiple calls working, but now pass a variable containing a list of numbers to it, and the local extension dials them in parallel. Decided thats more closely matching our use case
14:11.59jhb[TK]D-Fender, thanks a lot the help, it makes a huge difference
14:12.18[TK]D-Fenderjhb: And the "cancel" feature... how'd you handle that?
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14:12.41jhb[TK]D-Fender, well, in the end it gets solved by dial - it drops the other ones.
14:12.56jhb[TK]D-Fender, I was postponing the information on that
14:13.43jhb[TK]D-Fender, so far, one way I found is basically using Set(DB(batch-groupid/orignumber)=${CHANNEL)) to have a lookup table
14:13.55jhbwith groupid something known to all calls
14:14.14jhbthat way I could do it with n originates as well
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14:15.10jhb[TK]D-Fender, its for the next version of btw, will be documented and opensourced, so the help is not lost ;-)
14:17.05[TK]D-Fenderjhb: Good to know.
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14:22.50mockerAnyone have any suggestions for queue monitoring software?
14:22.59mockerSo a manager can see what's going on in the call queue.
14:27.40mostymocker, i recommend you use asterisk realtime, and write your own
14:27.56mostyand i would implement my own queue's in agi or macro's
14:28.16mockerEh, it's a pretty simple queue.
14:29.24mostyin my experience app_queue is so annoying, i have resolved never to use it again *shruh*
14:29.44mockerapp_queue is... unique.
14:30.46[TK]D-Fendermocker: "monitor" in what way?
14:31.44stimpieI had a segmentation fault in asterisk, see full bt at:
14:31.50mocker[TK]D-Fender: Just who's on the phone and things like that.
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14:32.00mockerNot getting into listening to calls yet.
14:32.18[TK]D-Fendermocker: There are tools ont he WIKI for that already, or write your own parsing out data from AMI
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14:32.52mocker[TK]D-Fender: Right, but I was looking for apps recommended.
14:32.54darkskiezI remember seeing a script snippet that would allow you to call someone but allow them to press a key to accept the call or not.
14:33.02mockerInstead of installing 5 to see which one works well. :)
14:34.00[TK]D-Fenderdarkskiez: Thats jsut the "M" dial option for a "privacy" Macro. The catch with his is to do this across multiple simultaneous calls and let the others continue to have a chance to answer until an accept happens
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14:34.04mosty[TK]D-Fender, i'm using __FORWARD_CONTEXT, and calls get redirected to a new context i just created, is there a channel variable that i can use to find out the forwarding channel?
14:34.37darkskiez[TK]D-Fender: thats what i'm looking for .. yes
14:34.37stimpieany recommandations on my seg fault are welcome
14:37.29[TK]D-Fendermosty: no idea.
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14:38.41yassinehi everyone anyone here using asterik with ubuntu ?
14:40.45Kobazoh noes
14:40.53Kobazvoicepulse completely flat outted
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14:46.29stimpiecouldn't  bug 10347 (crash using cdr_csv) happen in cdr_custom also?
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14:59.51[TK]D-FenderKobaz: as in?
15:00.02mostyhow can i handle billing cdr's that are the result of a forwarded call? a calls b and b forwards to c, asterisk 1.4.15 gives me three cdr's for this, but only a->b has billsec greater than 0 (I need the b->c billsec, which is currently 0)
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15:07.55twitchnlngood morning, i have a * box that is frontending an altigen phone system via pri, my users are experiencing outbound dtmf problems (ie. sequence/lost digits in ivr) but when i am watching from the console, i see the digits coming in correctly, anyone got any idea where i should look to fix this?
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15:08.56mostyare your users on sip phones?
15:09.14mostytry dtmf=auto in sip.conf
15:09.16twitchnlnno, they are on altigen phones
15:09.25e`is there a way to reset someones voicemail recording to the default asterisk unavailable message?
15:10.05mostytwitchnln, pri for incoming and outgoing?
15:10.13twitchnlnmosty: i have a pri on the back side and iax to pstn
15:10.13[TK]D-Fendertwitchnln: "relaxdtmf=yes"
15:10.48[TK]D-Fendere`: Yes, delete the recording
15:10.50twitchnln[TK]D-Fender: tried that, no dtmf came across
15:10.57[TK]D-Fendertwitchnln: Ew.
15:11.21[TK]D-Fendertwitchnln: Next guess play with the gains a bit.
15:11.35twitchnlnin zapata.conf?
15:11.51twitchnlnor on the iax side?
15:13.22[TK]D-Fendertwitchnln: PRI.
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15:14.06twitchnln[TK]: will give that a shot, thanks
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15:31.15Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: oh, yeah umm, as in voicepulse is completely dead and unreachable
15:31.34Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: for about 20 minutes
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15:31.42Kobazit's back up now, yay
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15:58.11mosty[TK]D-Fender, i figured out a workaround, CALLERID(rdnis) is set to the redirecting number, from there i can extract all the required info
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16:02.37mockerIs it possible to increase the amount of time Asterisk waits for digits during an attended xfer (using atxfer from features.conf)?
16:04.32mostymocker, there are a few timeout options in features.conf - see if one of them does what you want
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16:33.27darkskiezI've called someone with a Dial M() macro, but if the callee hangs up the macro keeps going, where does it return to?
16:33.29outtolunc~that is not true, if the world were round.. all ip phones would have IAX~ <G>
16:33.29jbotI think you lost me on that one, outtolunc
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16:35.51outtoluncdarkskiez: original context iirc
16:36.29darkskiezouttolunc: thats for the caller :|
16:37.05outtolunci seem to remember setting a macro and/or transfer context helps
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16:58.39BCS-SatoriMorning, is there a way to send an alert to a receptionist, when a person off site launches their software sip phone which registers to asterisk.  I need some way of alerting the receptionist, maybe email, or pbx some how alerting by a phone call, or something
16:59.22BCS-Satorialmost like an alert for registering and unregistering of the client
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17:04.50blitzrageBCS-Satori: well... you could use regexten and regcontext to place a NoOp() priority into asterisk, then have a script that parsed that context and basically did a diff between the last check, and the new check. Seems hackish... but is the first thing that came to mind
17:04.56BadBrusome1 can help me with this error:
17:04.56BadBru-- Executing ZapBarge("SIP/300-0819b2a8", "1") in new stack
17:04.57BadBruDec 13 12:01:17 WARNING[2578]: app_zapbarge.c:135 conf_run: Unable to open pseudo channel: No such file or directory
17:05.14mostyBCS-Satori, BLF/line presences?
17:05.15blitzrageBadBru: is zaptel/ztdummy loaded? (or some other hardware?)
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17:05.31BadBruzaptel no
17:05.32mostyBadBru, are you running this on a virtual machine?
17:05.35caio1982is anyone aware of any Asterisk event in new york city on january/february 2008? any user group meeting, maybe?
17:05.46BadBrunot virtual
17:05.52BadBruon debian 4.0
17:06.38mostyBadBru, do you have a TDM card? ZapBarge only works on Zap channels, and you only have Zap channels if you have a hardware interface to the phone system
17:06.42BCS-Satorimosty: we do use BLF on our SPA-932 on our phones but unfortantly they only show if the BLF is registered (green), perosn on phone (red), person's phone ringing (blinking red), there is no idication for when a phone isnt registered
17:06.52BCS-Satoriblitzrage: ya, i see what you mean hehe
17:07.03BadBruno.. just want to listen sip calls
17:07.48BadBruno other hardware installed.. only iax.. and sip
17:08.31tzafrirBadBru, well, colinux is not exactly native
17:08.57BadBruit's not but it's working well
17:09.30mostyBadBru, well you can't use ZapBarge to listen to a SIP-SIP call
17:09.43BadBruthen must use chanspy ?
17:09.48BadBruinstead of zapbarge
17:10.38blitzrageZap == Zaptel == hardware
17:11.04MindTheGaphello ppl... sayunixtime(,,kM) is repeating the hour and adding a "minus" ... it says "minus fourteen, fourteen and five"
17:11.16BadBrufuck.. it's beeping ...
17:12.02tzafrirBadBru, what version of asterisk do you use?
17:12.24BadBruexten => 779,1,ChanSpy(scan/1000,80)
17:12.45BadBruasterisk 1.2.13...
17:13.05BadBruwhat if i know the sip user i want to spyon
17:13.21BadBruhow i know channel where sip user talking ?
17:13.59*** join/#asterisk mort_gib (
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17:17.56blitzrageBadBru: don't think the ability to listen to a specific channel was added until a later version (like 1.4+)
17:18.00russellbBadBru: you could start by using a version that isn't ancient
17:18.10blitzrageI could be wrong.... but I haven't used 1.2 for more than a year now :)
17:18.32[TK]D-FenderBadBru: and how about reading.. the INSTRUCTIONS.
17:18.35BadBruok then i will get it
17:18.57BadBrubut it works.. chanspy.. but i don't dear anything.. only beep beep
17:19.02russellb481 changes in asterisk 1.2 since 1.2.13 :)
17:19.07russellb<3 his changes_since script
17:19.12blitzrage[TK]D-Fender: you're like Austin Powers when he was having trouble controlling the VOLUME OF HIS VOICE
17:19.39[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage: No, that was entirely deliberate :)
17:19.46*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@
17:20.02blitzrageI know... a bit too often in my estimation
17:20.03tzafrirHey, give him a break. He way following the INSTRUCTIONS he got on a specific IRC channel (#asterisk)
17:21.09BadBrutzafrir, what is your problem ? u think ur smart ?
17:21.11tzafrirI actually find it strange that things work on colinux
17:21.28russellbinteresting bit of information ... we have made 1170 changes to asterisk 1.2 since 1.2.0, and 1723 changes to asterisk 1.4 since 1.4.0
17:21.52BadBruif you have a logic expl not to work on colinux ?
17:21.59Qwellrussellb: that's telling
17:22.10BadBrucolinux load debian 4.0
17:22.21russellbQwell: i don't know what that means ... just found it interesting :)
17:22.22BadBrubut when i give.. apt-get install asterisk
17:22.33BadBruit does not bring me asterisk 1.4
17:22.36Qwellrussellb: means we've been pwning :D
17:22.42russellbQwell: w00t
17:22.43BadBrui will get it from download area..
17:22.59tzafriris colinux binary-compatible to i386 linux?
17:24.07*** join/#asterisk Yourname`` (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/yourname/x-837320)
17:24.08FlatFootblitzrage: think i might have found a bug with cdr_adaptive_odbc
17:24.15hardwiretzafrir: its quite neat
17:24.24Yourname``Hello hello, errbody. Today, I feel well.
17:24.33Corydon76-vcchFlatFoot: oh?
17:24.39FlatFooti'm using Freetds to connect to MSSQL and i have had to specify sending calldate
17:25.20Corydon76-vcchInteresting, that's one of the database I specifically tested
17:25.20blitzrageCorydon76-vcch: I'm gonna be testing func_odbc and ODBC VM storage with MS SQL for a client starting today...
17:25.20tzafririf so, you can try deb etch main
17:25.24FlatFootcalldate didnot want to go via INSERT without being explicitly sent ie Set(CDR(calldate)= etc
17:25.50BadBrulet's see
17:25.50Corydon76-vcchFlatFoot: did you set an alias in cdr_adaptive_odbc.conf ?
17:25.59*** join/#asterisk ta^3 (
17:26.11Corydon76-vcchFlatFoot: calldate is NOT the name of the CDR internal field
17:26.22FlatFootCorydon76-vcch: yes tried that but it did not work either
17:26.26*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
17:26.53FlatFootreally thats what i have in the standard table build script
17:27.11QwellCorydon76-vcch: time for cdr_adaptive_psychic_odbc
17:27.22Corydon76-vcchFlatFoot: "alias start => calldate" is what you have?
17:28.04Corydon76-vcchBecause the name of the field is "start"
17:28.07FlatFootCorydon76-vcch: why start ? i thought calldate was standard . when i last used it with mySQL it was the case
17:28.26Corydon76-vcchFlatFoot: it is not the standard name, no
17:28.38FlatFootah sorry i was mistaken
17:29.18MindTheGapis there any way to call System() and get the output back to a variable?
17:29.29FlatFootjust that all the rest of the data gets thrown into the db without being specified
17:29.39FlatFootie dst , src , dstchannel
17:29.40Corydon76-vcchMindTheGap: use the SHELL() function for that
17:30.05Corydon76-vcchFlatFoot: that would be because you're using the standard names
17:30.37blitzrageMindTheGap: ya, you need to use SHELL(). It's not in 1.4, but it backports from trunk with a warning, but worked for me (i.e. I just copied func_shell.c into the funcs directory and compiled)
17:30.39FlatFootyep thats what i thought calldate was
17:31.04Corydon76-vcchNo, the 3 standard date fields are start, answer, and end.
17:31.41FlatFootso i need to change the layout of my table then , have the names changed in v 14.11 then
17:31.59FlatFoot* 1.4.11
17:32.05Corydon76-vcchNo, the names have not changed since before 1.0 was released
17:32.20FlatFootah ok
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17:39.10BadBruwho used chanspy succesfull until now ?
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17:40.49[TK]D-FenderBadBru: Pretty much everyone who's tried.  What's the problem?
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17:44.09BadBrui did it//
17:44.12BadBruit's working
17:45.01BadBruetxen => 779,1,Chanspy(SIP/400)   (where 400 is number i wish to listen on)
17:45.32BadBrusomeone knows how i can stop beeping from begining and end of the call ?
17:45.55[TK]D-FenderBadBru: "show application chanspy" <- try reading the instructions.
17:48.04BadBrui must add |qb instead of (sip/400) put (sip/400|qb) ?
17:48.12BadBruq= don't play a beep at begining of spy
17:48.13[TK]D-FenderBadBru: Certainly makes sense.  How about trying it now...
17:49.19_x86_TK never fails to amuse ;)
17:51.21*** join/#asterisk tobias (
17:51.33BadBruif put |qb --- it takes aprox 3-5 sec until spying
17:51.50BadBruand sip call is inrrerupting
17:52.00BadBruif put only |q it's ok
17:52.45BadBruseems like -b option is not preety fast.. it's slow (-b = listen only bridged calls)
17:53.56kandCan somebody help me?  My spa2102 sends a bye on answer if the cid is more than four digits.
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18:19.05pugaanyone here can help with asterisk 1.4 CDR?
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18:25.19MindTheGaphello guys, how do I reload say.conf
18:28.30mikecxmodule reload
18:28.38mikecxthat will reload say.conf
18:29.52MindTheGapthanks mikecx
18:29.54mikecxis there a way to make a dialtone when someone presses X to get an outside line? A.k.a user presses 9, waits till dialtone, then dials
18:30.01mikecxMindTheGap: no prob
18:33.42pugamikecx if you get this answer, pass it to me please
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18:35.46kandmikecx: How about an extension 9 that uses DISA with no password.
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18:36.36mikecxkand: using DISA pretty easy? Haven't messed around with it yet?
18:36.54kandmikecx: very, just protect it from outside callers.
18:37.28Qwellor just add it to your dialplan...
18:37.30kandmikecx: But if you are doing this to keep an old standard why not just let them dial 9 infront of the number then cut it off
18:37.32Qwellwhat type of phones?
18:37.47mikecxQwell: linksys 942's
18:37.54Qwelladd it to your phones dialplan
18:38.44pugathis old standard should die =P
18:38.51Qwellwhat standard?
18:38.56mikecxkand: just wanted to keep it like the old system
18:40.03pugaits good when you have more than one outside
18:40.22kandmikecx: I had the same request and made the system reconize both so the client could transition.
18:40.52pugakand you used DISA?
18:41.29kandkand: that is only way to recreate the dial a number then wait for a dial tone.  The other is like qwell said and is more elegant.
18:42.09*** part/#asterisk twitchnln (
18:42.09mikecxalright, I think i'll avoid that and tell them to piss off if they want that do to the security risks
18:42.13kandOr you can pattern match like exten => _9XXXXX.,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:1})
18:42.24exothermcDoes someone have a good understanding what settings can go under specific contexts vs general context in voicemail.conf?  specifically the imapserver setting?
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18:42.34kandThen you can also do a pattern with no 9
18:42.38exothermcCan you mix voicemail storage on the same instance of asterisk?
18:42.44Qwellexothermc: no
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18:43.25exothermcOk so there is one that doesn't cross down to a local context, any others?
18:45.01exothermcok nm I just reread the voicemail.conf docs out at the voip-info site
18:45.07exothermclooks like it is pretty clear there.
18:45.18Qwellclear docs?  at voip-info?
18:45.22QwellThey're probably wrong then
18:45.23exothermcAlthough no one seems to have added the imap setting.
18:45.47exothermcQwell: Is there a better source?
18:45.52jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
18:45.58Qwellor the config samples in the source
18:47.50*** join/#asterisk MohShami (n=mohshami@
18:48.08DarKnesS_WolFEuroIAX seems cool
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18:48.57MohShamihey guys, I created an H323 trunk between an ericsson PBX and an asterisk PBX, calls pass through normally between the PBXs, but when someone one the ericsson PBX tries to call a meetme conference on asterisk, a voice just says goodbye and hangs up, any ideas?
18:50.18DarKnesS_WolFMohShami:  debug messages please ?
18:50.21DarKnesS_WolFon the asterisk
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18:51.48MohShamisadly I was kicked out of the office because they wanted to close up ^_^
18:51.48MohShamiI didn't see anything out of the ordinary in the logs
18:51.48DarKnesS_WolFMohShami: most7eel ;-)
18:51.58MohShamiyou speak arabeezee :D
18:52.18DarKnesS_WolFu ?
18:52.18KobazMohShami: do you have h323 peers working?
18:53.07MohShamiDarkNesS_Wolf: Jordanian
18:53.08DarKnesS_WolFMohShami:  ok did u try to have an IP user or a client from asterisk side to reach this meetme rom ?
18:53.32Qwellmost7eel?  words don't have numbers!
18:53.34MohShamiif a user on the asterisk box called the conference everything goes fine
18:53.59KobazMohShami: poke
18:54.00MohShamisome letters in arabic have no english representation, so we use numbers for them
18:54.06QwellMohShami: fair enough
18:54.27Qwellso what letter is 7?
18:54.32MohShamiKobaz: To be honest, I'm very new and I used trixbox for this
18:54.37KobazMohShami: ah
18:54.43Kobazi'm trying to get h323 peers working
18:54.44MohShamiQwell: It's a stronger h
18:54.51DarKnesS_WolFQwell: something like h bot u know ........ like mohamed
18:54.53QwellMohShami: type it here?  IRC should support it fine
18:54.54Kobazi have the oooh323 channel driver working (it seems)
18:55.17DarKnesS_WolFQwell: i can teach u arabic and u teach me more asterisk :P?
18:55.32QwellMohShami: ahh
18:55.35DarKnesS_WolFMohShami: ok u just call fro mteh PBX and u get goodboy ?
18:55.38DarKnesS_WolFbye *
18:55.57Kobazanyone have any good docs on getting h323 peers working?  ie: netmeeting using asterisk to call something else... ie: iax/sip
18:56.01DarKnesS_WolFseems ur dilaing a wrong number there is not goodbye message in teh MeetME application .
18:56.25MohShamiwhen I call from ericsson to conference on asterisk I get goodbye, other than that it works fine
18:56.25DarKnesS_WolFKobaz: why H323 ?
18:56.30KobazDarKnesS_WolF: because i have some phones that only do h323 and i want those to work as well
18:56.32MohShamisome PBXs only support H323
18:56.46KobazDarKnesS_WolF: and i'm using netmeeting for testing
18:56.47MohShamithat's the same reason we're using it
18:57.02MohShamiKobaz: are you using an asterisk based distro?
18:57.22Kobazi dont see the need
18:57.57MohShamiI'm planing to build an asterisk box using freebsd
18:58.07MohShamiI used trixbox as a PoC
18:59.41DarKnesS_WolFMohShami: why FreeBSD ?
18:59.55MohShamiI've been a Linux zealot for 3 years now
19:00.02DarKnesS_WolFMohShami: use a normal linux distro ... use something like debian if u want it stable
19:00.05DarKnesS_WolFzealot ?
19:00.07Sapotesound gooooood :)
19:00.30MohShamiI got introduced to freebsd 2 weeks ago, for someone who learned linux using gentoo, it fealt right at home
19:00.37MohShamiI fell in love instantly
19:00.41DarKnesS_WolFanyone used EuroIAX ? or has any better terminiation "A-Z" cheap / and accept CC or VISA no need for paypal or moneybokers ?
19:01.33DarKnesS_WolFMohShami: FreeBSD is okay .. i love OpenBSD still kicking a little bit wiht it ... but i don't see the need .. i already compiling my own asterisk i have some boxes using debian / ubuntu / mandriva and i don't see any diffrentce ;-)
19:02.01[TK]D-FenderIf you're planning on using BSD, if you need Zaptel you're jsut asking for greif
19:02.08MohShamiDarKnesS_WolF: all UNIX flavored OSs are fine, it's a matter of preference
19:02.49MohShami[TK]D-Fender: We only want the box to host MeetMe conference with calls forwarded from another PBX using H323, would that be a problem?
19:02.52DarKnesS_WolFi still have my signed zaptel card from mark ;-)
19:03.05[TK]D-FenderMohShami: Yes, as MeetMe requires Zaptel.
19:03.16DarKnesS_WolFi have the singuture on a paper but lazy to stick  it to the card ... man it's been like a year since i meet him :(
19:03.24[TK]D-FenderMohShami: And H.323 is ANOTHER problem all its own...
19:03.40DarKnesS_WolFMohShami: yes meetme still needs a timing source if u don't have zaptel u can just modprobe ztdummy
19:03.56[TK]D-FenderDarKnesS_WolF: ... ZTDUMMY *is* Zaptel
19:03.57DarKnesS_WolF[TK]D-Fender: how are u doing dude :-)
19:04.33MohShamiso I should just go with CentOS?
19:05.20[TK]D-FenderMohShami: Good choice, well documented
19:05.23DarKnesS_WolFMohShami: i never used CentOS but it seems good all asterisk guys like it .. i love debian ...
19:05.41DarKnesS_WolF[TK]D-Fender: ah u were talking about the moddule ... i thought u ment the card :-)
19:05.45DarKnesS_WolFmy bad
19:06.06MohShamiDarKnesS: again, it's a matter of preference, I prefer Redhat based distros for me servers
19:06.25MohShamisot ZTDUMMY won't work under freebsd?
19:06.47MohShamiI got H323 working on a PC with no zaptel cards, does that have anything to do with it?
19:08.06DarKnesS_WolFMohShami: no h323 should work normal.
19:08.33DarKnesS_WolFwhat i think that it is issue with ur dialplan .. cuz meetme application shouldn ot have the word " GoodBye"
19:08.38tzafrirFor some definition of "normal"
19:08.59MohShamithe test system is running centos
19:09.29MohShamiusually I would learn how to use something from the command line and configuration files, no gui, but I needed to do this one quickly
19:10.03DarKnesS_WolFMohShami: ahh u did use GUI ? trixbox or what ?
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19:11.19DarKnesS_WolFMohShami: now i'm sure it is a dialplan issue
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19:23.01funxionanyone have a clue why on an E&M t1 both in and outbound calls disconnect right after answer?
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19:31.19funxionanyone here
19:32.26DarKnesS_WolFfunxion: never used E&M T1
19:32.29DarKnesS_WolFmay be codec ?
19:32.38DarKnesS_WolFwhat is the error message on teh asteriks CLI ?
19:32.41funxionI can hear a split second of audio
19:32.47funxionI think its a polarity issue
19:32.54funxionbut need confimation on that
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19:37.28DarKnesS_WolFfunxion: what u think ? what do u mean ?
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19:44.22tzafrirIs there a way in the asterisk CLI to check to which groups a zap channel belongs?
19:46.53DarKnesS_WolFtzafrir: dont think so
19:48.47*** join/#asterisk galeras (n=galeras@
19:49.03funxiontzafrir why?
19:49.13funxiondont you have access to zapata.conf?
19:49.37tzafrirgee. But what if I just edited something and have no idea if it was applied?
19:50.20tzafrirfunxion, and there's also users.conf
19:50.21funxionzap show channel X doesnt give group ionfo
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19:51.06tzafririf you have one thing in [channels] of zapata.conf and another in [general] of users.conf, what sets the default to the sections of users.conf?
19:51.11tzafrirDo you actually remember?
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19:54.53DarKnesS_WolFGtalk + aserisk sweeet !
19:55.04DarKnesS_WolFif they just can support a little bit of a small bandwitdh codec it will be amazing
19:55.37galerasDear sirs, i have many calls ended by agent with 0 seconds of calltime, does this mean the agent has finished the call as soon as he receive that? (pls take a look off my queue_log at
19:58.16[TK]D-Fendergaleras: Means you've got an agent who's hangining up on callers
19:58.25tzafrirIs there any decent IM client that can show status of extensions in Asterisk?
19:58.40[TK]D-Fendergaleras: WE've had one of those who we busted... for the longest time they thought it was our system dropping calls
19:58.57[TK]D-Fendertzafrir : eyeBeam can.
19:59.15[TK]D-Fendertzafrir : And you called them... EXTENSIONS :(
19:59.17tzafrirSo can twinkle. But it is not really an IM
19:59.24[TK]D-Fendertzafrir : I'd use a web-app personally.
19:59.49tzafrir[TK]D-Fender, I need something for my computer. Not a clumsy web app
20:01.14tzafrira plugin for gaim would have been great for me
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20:01.22[TK]D-Fendertzafrir : Pidgin supposedly does SIP IM, maybe supports presence..
20:01.46lirakis[TK]D-Fender: pidgin does sip?? ..
20:02.07tzafrirJust tried it (my version is still called gaim). It was practically useless as far as presense is conrecened
20:02.16lirakis[TK]D-Fender: oh wow.. yeah it does.. i see it right here
20:02.36tzafrirI did not get a list of "buddies" from the server, and I couldn't even subscribe a new one
20:03.08tzafrirtwinkle 1.1 uses publish/subscribe. And this generally works
20:03.40funxionanyone have a clue why on an E&M t1 both in and outbound calls disconnect right after answer?  Could it be a polarity issue?
20:03.48tzafrirlirakis, only SIMPLE (SIP instant messaging)
20:04.29lirakistzafrir: yeah i see that
20:04.54[TK]D-Fenderfunxion: consider "E&M" vn "E&M Wink"
20:08.53*** join/#asterisk newbie289 (n=harry@
20:09.10funxionTK sry it is e&m wink
20:09.12[TK]D-Fendergaleras: Yeah... install a camera and watch that bastard like a hawk.
20:09.16funxionI forgot to specify
20:09.37*** join/#asterisk Winkie (
20:10.31[TK]D-Fendergaleras: :)
20:10.56km-wow, d-fender caused someone to get fired? :P
20:11.10km-[TK]D-Fender: that's definitely a ribbon to add to your fruit salad.
20:11.17[TK]D-Fenderkm-: No, I'm nt that fast... his HR is however though likely for similar reasons.
20:11.35galerasDo not worry he plead guilty himself
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20:12.54km-hehe, I wonder how often it happens where I work.
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20:14.22exothermcis it possible to manage VM contexts with realtime?
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20:16.32mikecx[TK]D-Fender: think you could help me with failover/multiple lines now that I have access to my conf files?
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20:19.27[TK]D-Fendermikecx: like I told you before just set "group=[0-31]", and make sure you are dialing through the group : Dial(Zap/g[0-31]/12517235533)
20:20.24tzafrirgroup [0-31]?
20:20.30galerasSirs, Any bad experience with redfone's fonebridge2-EC?, Do you advice to use it?
20:21.25mikecx[TK]D-Fender: does group have to be set individually?
20:21.48tzafrir[TK]D-Fender, typedef unsigned long long ast_group_t: there are 64 groups
20:21.54[TK]D-Fendermikecx: You can, but don't have to.  if you multiple channels at once, they all take the same group
20:22.11[TK]D-Fendertzafrir : IIRC there are only 32 possible groupings
20:22.25[TK]D-Fendertzafrir : Ok, fine, sure
20:24.48mikecx[TK]D-Fender: what's the third parameter of Dial()?
20:25.17[TK]D-Fendermikecx: "show application dial"
20:26.59mikecx[TK]D-Fender: so in essense, not needwed persay if you don't need to configure?
20:29.40*** join/#asterisk [hC] (n=hardcore@
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20:34.19BadBrusomeone know why i get this error
20:34.20BadBruFailed to execute '/usr/share/asterisk/agi-bin/cidspoof.agi': No such file or directory
20:34.32BadBruAuto fallthrough, channel ...
20:34.51admgeckohello everyone, ive got a really strange problem, ive just compile asterisk from svn on debain etch
20:35.27admgeckoand finally got an fxo / fxs that works (spa3102) and i can now call out using it but...
20:36.14admgeckomy two extentions cant call each other, it goes stright to voicemail...the console says
20:36.23admgeckoEveryone is busy/congested at this time (1:0/0/1)
20:36.59admgeckobut i can call outbound to the world via the pstn / sipgate / fwd....and i can dial other extention via a group
20:37.52admgeckoboth extentions are in the same context, but 777 for simulate incoming call rings engaged
20:38.06km-admgecko: the spa3102 has two lines?  Did you configure them with individual sip accounts?
20:38.45admgeckokm: yeah, the phone is on the fxs, as extention 103, and the line in set to route to the asterisk box
20:39.01km-so you're trying to call yourself from the same extension?
20:39.21*** join/#asterisk xheliox (n=jeff@pdpc/supporter/active/xheliox)
20:39.24admgeckokm: no im trying to call extention 102, my sip hardphone
20:39.24km-i.e., you pick up the FXS phone, and dial a context that simulates an incoming call on the FXO, thereby bridging back to the FXS?
20:39.45km-does asterisk report anything about codec oddities?
20:39.56admgeckonot that i can see
20:40.17admgeckoi can call outbound via the pstn by dialing 9
20:40.28BadBrusome1 know about this error
20:40.30km-from both the hardphone and the FXS port?
20:41.10*** join/#asterisk nestAr (
20:41.13km-BadBru: you can ignore it, it means the call is done but asterisk wasn't sure what status it was left...
20:41.16nestArhate nickserv
20:41.52km-admgecko: can you call hardphone->FXS or FXS->hardphone, or are both directions doing the same thing?
20:42.14[TK]D-FenderBadBru: Means your exten has not more priorities to execute and the call is ending
20:42.22admgeckoboth directions are doing the same thing
20:42.36BadBruaha then the main problem is
20:42.37BadBruFailed to execute '/usr/share/asterisk/agi-bin/cidspoof.agi': No such file or directory
20:42.55km-BadBru: that would do it.
20:43.03BadBruit exists and have run permission
20:43.09admgeckoringing straight to voicemail, and if i take the vm off, the ring engaged
20:43.25km-BadBru: is it executable by everyone or just the user that created it?
20:43.27[TK]D-FenderBadBru: maybe it exists and has permissions, but is not EXECUTABLE
20:43.31admgeckobut if i put them in a group and call the group, they ring
20:43.57admgeckobut 7777 for simulate incoming call rings enageded
20:44.18BadBru[TK]D-Fender, chmod +x cidspoof.agi isn't enough ?
20:44.20admgeckoeven though it just points to the 600 group
20:44.22km-admgecko: I almost want to believe it's a codec problem but I have no concrete evidence to prove it.  Try forcing both sip phones to g711u by putting "disallow=all" followed by "allow=ulaw" in the sip configs and restart.. Try it again.
20:44.40km-BadBru: execute ls -l /usr/share/asterisk/agi-bin/cidspoof.agi
20:44.43admgeckoright, hold on a second
20:44.50km-BadBru: and paste it.
20:46.47BadBru-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2706 Dec 13 15:45 /usr/share/asterisk/agi-bin/cidspoof.agi
20:47.32BadBrui have another agi script and have same permissions
20:47.39BadBruand it's working
20:47.49BadBrui think is somthing from cidspoof.agi
20:48.12km-does cidspoof.agi have the first hashbang that explains what interpreter to use?
20:48.26km-though I'd believe more that that would yield a bad interpreter/permission denied error
20:48.45BadBruwhile(<STDIN>) {
20:48.55BadBrusub checkresult {
20:48.57[TK]D-FenderBadBru: Do not spam in here
20:49.03km-I didnt ask for the whole file :)
20:49.11BadBruok sorry :)
20:49.27BadBrui think it's going to else
20:49.53km-something's awry with asterisk trying to find the file in the first place
20:49.56km-what, I'm not too sure.
20:50.17admgeckokm: added that to the phones defination in /etc/asterisk/sip_addtional.conf
20:50.20[TK]D-FenderBadBru: No, its NOT, you can see all to clear  that : Failed to execute '/usr/share/asterisk/agi-bin/cidspoof.agi': No such file or directory <-- your FILE is no good, forget the CONTENTS
20:50.37admgeckoreloaded asterisk / rebooted phone / rebooted spa3102
20:50.40admgeckosame thing :(
20:50.57BadBru[TK]D-Fender, what do you mean my file is not good ?
20:51.20admgeckokm: i can pm the console output if you would like
20:51.27BadBruif i put to the same fine.. chmod -x then it say.. doesn't have permission to execute
20:51.33km-admgecko: why dont you pop it in a pastebin and shoot me the link
20:51.34BadBruthen file exists
20:51.49admgeckohold on, ill bang it on the webserver ;)
20:52.36[TK]D-FenderBadBru: it means for about the INSIDE of your file, its the attributes & location taht are bad
20:53.09[TK]D-FenderBadBru: What user is * running as?
20:53.43admgeckokm: can i pm link?
20:53.46km-admgecko: are you running really verbose?  i.e., asterisk -rvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvgc
20:53.58admgeckono but i can be....
20:54.19km-yeah, lets kick the verbosity up.
20:54.22[TK]D-FenderBadBru: Go try and execut it manually.
20:54.38BadBrusomething strange.. same cidspoof.agi works on older asterisk
20:55.18[TK]D-FenderBadBru: Don't waste time with comments like that.  Those were different circumstances and do not apply to NOW.
20:55.33[TK]D-FenderBadBru: Try to run it at CLI yourself now.
20:56.29funxiondoes anyone have any experience with France Telecom?
20:56.36funxionDs0's specifically
20:56.45BadBrusorry for lazy question.. how i run agi script from cli ?
20:57.43km-just try running it.
20:57.53km-type the filename in and hit enter, see what happens
20:58.05*** part/#asterisk admgecko (n=admgecko@adsl-87-102-68-32.karoo.KCOM.COM)
20:58.06[TK]D-Fenderlike this : /usr/share/asterisk/agi-bin/cidspoof.agi
20:58.20[TK]D-Fenderkm-: ... lol :)
20:58.23*** join/#asterisk admgecko (n=admgecko@adsl-87-102-68-32.karoo.KCOM.COM)
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20:58.54km-[TK]D-Fender: didn't realize we were running remedial linux use 101 here. ;)
20:59.02BadBru*CLI> /usr/share/asterisk/agi-bin/cidspoof.agi
20:59.02BadBruNo such command '/usr/share/asterisk/agi-bin/cidspoof.agi' (type 'help' for help)
20:59.32[TK]D-FenderBadBru: Well, despite all your claims that everything is right, its pretty clearly NOT.
20:59.58BadBruwhat's the problem ?
21:00.13km-well, for one thing, try running it on the linux command line, not the asterisk command line :)
21:00.15admgeckothe strange this is that outbound is fine....
21:00.30km-admgecko: can you put extensions.conf up on your site too?
21:00.33admgeckoand it works via 600 (the group ring)
21:00.40admgeckoyeah np hold on
21:01.03*** part/#asterisk galeras (n=galeras@
21:01.49admgeckoim using freepbx so do you want extentions_additional.conf as well?
21:02.08jbot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
21:02.32km-eh, yeah, if you're using freepbx I dont know how much help I can be
21:03.07admgeckois that a dump the bloody gui and run make samples again, and write my own config's cos this is just making a mess of things?
21:03.18Qwelladmgecko: yes
21:03.47Nuggetjbot's way sounds nicer.  :)
21:03.53admgeckomight need some help then ;) anyone fancy walking me though asterisk setup 101 ;)
21:03.59jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
21:04.16km-yeah, download that pdf and get reading :)
21:04.33admgeckogrand, im sure ill have some question for you soon :D
21:04.41[TK]D-Fenderadmgecko: Here a leg-up for you :
21:04.43km-as long as you're using asterisk, we can try to help :)
21:04.45jbot[~jerjerguide ] Jeremy McNamara's quick sample guide to setting up * :
21:04.51km-oh nice
21:04.54km-jerjer wrote a quickstart?
21:04.59km-that'll be useful.
21:05.02km-jerjer is a smart guy
21:05.21[TK]D-Fenderkm-: And had some help validaing and tweaking it ;)
21:05.48admgeckoto dump freepbx, can i just do an rm * in the /etc/asterisk dir and run make samples in the asterisk src directory?
21:05.59admgeckothen delete amportal.conf?
21:06.04admgeckoand the webfiles?
21:06.06Qwelladmgecko: get rid of the php too
21:06.18Qwelland, uninstall php and apache from your system, so you don't get tempted to install it again :P
21:06.35mikecxwhen I dial my slatrunk all the internal phones ring. Any ideas?
21:06.53admgeckocant do that, its running subversion + horde webmail :)
21:06.53[TK]D-FenderQwell: Don't forget to tell him to salt the earth!
21:08.33admgeckothanks for all the help guys, i know it can be dull helping out the n00bs like me :-p
21:09.16km-we hang out here purely for the enjoyment thereof. :)
21:09.42admgeckohey are any of you guys using Avaya 4610Sw phones?
21:10.27[hC][TK]D-Fender: i didnt know you were in canada?
21:11.38*** join/#asterisk jetlagmk2 (
21:12.42[TK]D-Fender[hC]: I'm sure you did...
21:13.09[hC]huh... if i did i forgot.. :)
21:13.54admgeckoshould be running make samples, or just create the config files i need?
21:14.30km-make samples will help you understand the verbage and syntax of the conf files.
21:15.02BadBruwho know what can pe wrong in that agi script
21:15.31[TK]D-FenderBadBru: You are not listening.. its isn't the CONTENTS!  Your permissions or folder structure is bad.
21:15.37BadBruas i get No such file or directory when asterisk executes it
21:17.23BadBru[TK]D-Fender permission is not problem i have another agi script in same folder wich executes without any problem
21:17.42BadBruls -al show them with same permission atribute
21:18.10[TK]D-FenderBadBru: You can't even call it from Linux CLI.  its not the contents....
21:18.51km-you misread his paste
21:18.55km-he tried to run it from the asterisk cli
21:18.57km-not the linux cli
21:19.00km-I set him straight, though.
21:19.20*** join/#asterisk Greek-Boy (n=email@
21:19.39BadBrucli says No such command '/usr/ bla bla
21:19.51BadBruthis is the problem ?
21:20.01De_Mon[Dec 13 16:22:28] WARNING[8653]: chan_iax2.c:797 jb_warning_output: Resyncing the jb. last_delay 1, this delay 65537, threshold 1008, new offset -65537
21:20.59km-De_Mon: latency issues between your iax2 endpoint and asterisk?  Something wonky with your jitter buffer.
21:21.46km-did you just adjust the time of your asterisk box maybe?
21:21.49*** join/#asterisk marcan (
21:22.53BadBrutime is ok
21:22.58admgeckoin the sip.conf; do device specific settings override general settings
21:23.08[TK]D-Fenderkm-: I DID have him run it from LINUX CLI.
21:23.26admgeckoie if i have port=5060 in general, and port=5061 for some phones, will the phones use the right port?
21:23.31BadBrudate 13th.. maybe this is the reason :)
21:23.35[TK]D-Fenderkm-: and... I now see that he has the attention span of a dust mite...
21:23.58km-[TK]D-Fender: Look!  a bunny! heh.
21:24.12km-admgecko: I believe so, yes.
21:24.24admgeckocool cheers :D
21:24.55mikecxanyone help me setup sla?
21:25.47admgeckowell while we're on the subject....:-p
21:26.08BadBru[TK]D-Fender what u suggest me to try ?
21:26.13[TK]D-Fendermikecx: very few people use it OR the GUI... you are compounding the odds against you...
21:26.42mikecx[TK]D-Fender: stopped using the gui
21:27.09ManxPowermikecx: you can't stop using the GUI.  You have to remove Asterisk and install the non-gui version
21:27.20ManxPower(or at least the asterisk config files)
21:27.36[TK]D-Fendermikecx: go read the docs folder for info on how to use SLA.
21:28.57BadBru[TK]D-Fender i found somewhere this error No such file or directory could mean.. bad interpereter
21:29.59De_Monkm- the time does look a bit off, but it wasnt changed during the call or anything like that
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21:37.33lirakislater everyone
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21:38.07admgeckook so ive created a sip.conf and extensions.conf and voicemail.conf, just rebooting the phones :D
21:38.24*** part/#asterisk ManxPower (
21:38.42lazybrainI want to be able to transfer a callering directory to someones voicemail without it ringing (I.E. you dont want to speak with them) can someone point me in the right direction?
21:41.01Greek-Boyhow many hex characters are 27 bits?
21:42.00admgeckoerrmm 7
21:42.26admgeckoyou cant fit it in 6, cos that would be 24bits
21:43.05lazybrainanyone around ?
21:43.28admgeckohex is alway 4 bits per letter, 2 hex digits per byte, to find the number of hex digits, just divide by 4, and always round up
21:43.28Greek-BoyI got a problem
21:43.30BadBrusome1 here wich knows why an agi script is not running ?
21:44.11Greek-Boymy WIP330 phone only supports a key up to 27 bits but I'm using WAP and that needs a minimum of 32 bits?
21:44.31lazybraincan you not use wap ?
21:44.45lazybraincan you upgrade the phone firmware ?
21:44.47admgeckowhat kind of wap are you using, wep keys are 27/32 but
21:45.04admgeckoits to do with encoding
21:45.26Greek-Boylemme try upgrading
21:45.37admgeckoif you've lock the network down to 128bit wep (which is only midley better than no encyption at all)
21:45.54admgeckoyou will have a 27 charector key
21:46.18admgeckobut you should really upgrade to WPA at a minuimum and WAP2 w/ mac filtering, if you can
21:46.39admgeckoim using wpa2 w/ 802.1x radius auth, but im a geek :-p
21:46.47lazybrainim trying to setup an extension so I can forward a call directly to someones voicemail without the phone ringing.  When I do this I get the  VoicemailMain prompt
21:46.57*** join/#asterisk Greek-Boy (n=email@
21:48.47admgeckolazybrain: i dont know much about asterisk, but you could create an application to go stright to their voicemail?
21:48.47admgeckolike a ncfw on a merdian?
21:49.27lazybrainthis has a to be easy, but I'm new to asterisk
21:49.55admgeckoyeah me to, im a network / server / median guy
21:50.13lazybrainI tried this but it doesnt work.
21:50.16lazybrainexten => _*110,1,Voicemail(u${EXTEN:1}) ;send direct to VM
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21:51.59lazybrainwheres a guru ?
21:52.30adeelndoes anyone have any recommendations on a high availability / failover setup for asterisk they might be willing to share?
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21:57.24kandlazybrain: that looks fine. What happens when you call it?
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21:59.16lazybrainkand - one sec
22:00.36lazybrainkand - nothing happens
22:00.42lazybrainI press *110 and it does nothing
22:01.04kandlazybrain: do you see it on the cli?
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22:02.31lazybrainkand - nope
22:03.28kandlazybrain: ok, it may be an issue with your phones dial plan and the *.  What kind of phone?
22:03.29*** join/#asterisk NovceGuru (
22:03.31lazybrainkand - cisco7960
22:04.39NovceGuruI'm playing with askoziaPBX on an embedded pc...pretty cool :D
22:05.12kandlazybrain: I dont think those have an issue by default.  Try exten => *110,1,Voicemail(u${EXTEN:1}@context)  where you replace context with appropriate one
22:05.35lazybrainkand - let me try it
22:06.06blitzrageVoicemail(exten@context,u) is the preferred format
22:06.25kandblitzrage: depending on asterisk version, I was taking it one step at a time
22:06.32blitzragejust an FYI :)
22:06.42kandblitzrage: good point ty
22:06.48blitzrageI always talk in 1.4ism's
22:06.57blitzrage1.2 is dead to me!
22:07.04kandI hear ya
22:07.06blitzragerussellb: ^^^^
22:08.02lazybrainonce I get it working, I want it to work for all extensions.
22:08.47kandlazybrain: exten => _*XXX,1,Voicemail(${EXTEN:1}@context,u)
22:09.07lazybrainkand trying now
22:09.31kandlazybrain: for 3 digit extension.  Also you may want to test if the box exists and handle exceptions because who knows what users will type.
22:10.40lazybrainwierd The first way still doesnt work
22:10.46lazybrainI did extensions reload
22:11.15kandlazybrain: and you still dont see any activity in the cli when you dial the extension?
22:11.25russellbblitzrage: orly!
22:11.40lazybrainkand maybe im doing it wrong. I answer my phone, then I dial *110 and nothing happens.
22:11.49blitzragerussellb: yes sir -- all answers immediately assume you are running 1.4+!
22:12.11kandlazybrain: You would have to blind transfer to *110
22:12.24russellbblitzrage: yay :)
22:12.34blitzrageok... time to order a pizza
22:12.44lazybrainkand - k
22:13.00kandlazybrain: to work the way you where doing it read up on features.conf
22:13.14kandlazybrain: lot more work tho
22:13.50lazybrainI did a blind transfer and it hung up on the call
22:14.47kandlazybrain: try just calling *110
22:15.47lazybrainkand it hangs
22:16.29lazybrainIncoming call: Got SIP response 404 "Not Found"
22:16.38*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
22:16.39[TK]D-Fendernow is the the point where we realize just how far off the path we have gone and all the time lost.  This is where we realize that LONG ago we should have asked for several things....
22:16.51[TK]D-Fenderthe first is SIP DEBUG of the failed call attempt!
22:17.02[TK]D-Fenderlazybrain, PASTEBIN IT.
22:17.04jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
22:17.08Greek-Boyare there any wifi phones out there that support PTT?
22:17.10kandlazybrain: Dont work you are in good hands now....
22:17.13[TK]D-Fenderlazybrain, along with your DIALPLAN.
22:18.47kandI thought it was going to be to simple to ask for a pastebin, I guess live and learn
22:20.18lazybrainkand - I can pastebin that portion of the dial plan but I dont really want the rest for everyone to view.
22:20.39kandlazybrain: should be fine, as much as you can
22:20.51[TK]D-Fenderkand, its NEVER simple, and you should NEVER trust a newb to have done anything right.  Ask for all the goods and sort it out when it arrives.  Save you hours of beating your head against a wall for a person to present you a useless tunnel-vision view of his problem.
22:21.20kand[TK]D-Fender: noted! ty
22:21.36file[TK]D-Fender: you have... an apprentice?
22:21.36[TK]D-Fenderlazybrain, pastebin the relevant context(s), and while you're at it, your sip.conf [general] sectio, and your phone's section as well
22:22.41hmmhesayswhat the heck autoconf.h: No such file or directory
22:22.59outtolunclucky you <G>
22:24.07*** join/#asterisk moemoe ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
22:24.18blitzrageyum install autoconf? :)
22:25.32lazybrainkand -
22:25.38outtoluncthat or kernel-headers
22:26.25[TK]D-Fenderlazybrain, I'm still missing the complete SIP debug for the failed attempt and I want to see the context header section up there as well
22:26.47kandlazybrain: umm, can you paste the cli
22:26.48hmmhesaysyeah the guy who did this install doesn't know anything about linux
22:26.57lazybrainI got it working.  THe context was wrong
22:27.16lazybraintk d-fender how do you even get the complete sip debug ? sorry
22:27.30[TK]D-Fenderlazybrain, "sip debug" at CLI
22:29.38[TK]D-Fenderkand, and never trust dialplan extens without seeing contexts specified....
22:30.01Greek-Boycome on guys, I'm sure someone here knows about a good PTT solution that works well with asterisk. I have been tasked with replacing old radios with a IP PTT phone solution to integrate with asterisk...
22:30.26kand[TK]D-Fender: good point.  didn't give us much to work with either....
22:31.36[TK]D-Fenderkand, And you should note every standard thing they are lacking and roast them IMMEDIATELY for it
22:33.14kand[TK]D-Fender: can do. thanks.  Obviously new to this side of things.
22:33.44lazybrainwow, all this regarding my question
22:33.54dexpdxerr I hate the dialplan format
22:34.05kandYa I am new to answering question, just trying to give back...
22:34.11[TK]D-Fenderlazybrain, what can I say, you're a common situation in here
22:34.44lazybrainTK d-fender - its cool, I'll look for you in a freebsd channel :)
22:35.44dexpdx[TK]D-Fender: very funny haha
22:37.03hmmhesaysthis is the strangest install, now I can't modprobe ztdummy after I build it, it seems to be there
22:39.11adeelnwhich cisco phones are recommended for use with asterisk?
22:39.58kandadeelin: the 7960 or 7940 are common
22:40.52kandadeelin: I would use Polycom if at all possible
22:41.04adeelnkand: i've also noticed that there 7941/7961/7970/7971...would they all work?
22:41.13lazybrainhow do you turn sip debug off ?
22:41.21[TK]D-Fenderadeeln, Cisco is considerably lower down the list....
22:41.22outtoluncsip no debug
22:41.33lazybrainthanks im a bit tired
22:41.41[TK]D-Fenderlazybrain, "help" <- start reading
22:41.51hmmhesayshmm any ideas?
22:42.12[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays, "uname -a"
22:42.40hmmhesaysyou want my kernel version?
22:42.49adeeln[TK]D-Fender: yeah i know, but i have a client who doesn't want anything but cisco phones
22:42.58hmmhesaysit built and is there
22:43.08lazybrainTk d fender, you flood my console with sip debug then you tell me rtfm. Can you ease up a bit. Were adults here
22:43.16[TK]D-Fenderadeeln, "that's nice".  Their loss in more ways than one
22:43.49adeeln[TK]D-Fender: i'm aware
22:43.50hmmhesays#/lib/modules/2.6.18-53.1.4.el5xen/misc/ztdummy.ko   uname -a 2.6.18-8.el5xen   hmm good call
22:43.54hmmhesaysbut why would it even build
22:44.07[TK]D-Fenderlazybrain, I handed you the manual rather than telling you to look for it.  A somewhat important difference.  it would have spat the answer clear as day and all you'd have had to do is look.
22:44.16adeelnhmmhesays: i've run into problems with that, on a different setup...i could never get it resolved either
22:44.28[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays, mismatched headers
22:44.53hmmhesaysyou'd think  it would error out when you built it
22:45.19[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays, only when you try to load it IIRC
22:48.06hmmhesaysbah why would yum grab the wrong hearders
22:48.26hmmhesaysthats not annoying
22:48.36[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays, something symlinked to them?
22:49.04*** join/#asterisk anthm (
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22:49.12hmmhesaysit seems as though the development package for this kernel doesn't exit
22:53.11*** join/#asterisk pirulo (n=andres_p@
22:53.20mvanbaakmaybe you should update the kernel then ?
22:53.51[TK]D-Fenderhmmhesays, or maybe just make sure they match....
22:54.30lazybrainkand - I got *XXX working for most extensions but, when I press *10 the phone says reorder wierd
22:54.42NovceGuruhey, 1500/1500           D          20798    OK (474 ms), is that right on a 1 lan hop? :(
22:54.45lazybrainI dont see anything conflicting with *10
22:55.53kandlazybrain: the _*XXX pattern is ony for anything that is * and three digits so it will not match *10  you could us _*XX. and read up on asterisk patterns
22:56.21NovceGurusomething also bothering me is I have * running behind a NAT without any portfowarding and it can recieve calls from the upstream sip peer :|
22:56.27lazybrainkand - I was trying to dial *101 for example
22:57.23kandlazybrain: pastebin sip debug
22:57.33*** join/#asterisk ExplodingLemur (n=change@
22:59.06ExplodingLemurAnyone interested in helping with a NAT issue?
22:59.06ExplodingLemurSeveral Snom 320 phones behind a NAT box, * machine on a public IP elsewhere.  All the phones have the ability to dial out, but only sporadically can any receive calls from the * box.  I've got all the phones checking an STUN server, and nat is set to yes on the * box for all the phones.
22:59.53kandExplodingLemur: try changing your signaling to different ports (5060,5061,5062,ect)
23:00.56*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
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23:01.00[hC]this is interesting
23:01.08ExplodingLemurkand: as the source port for each phone, or as the destination port for each phone to hit on the * box?
23:01.10[hC]specifying accountcode in iax.conf does not apply it to the cdr when a call goes TO a peer?
23:01.15[hC]only when a call comes FROM a peer?
23:03.20kandExplodingLemur: I would do both.
23:03.44*** join/#asterisk angom_h (n=Angel@
23:03.46kandExplodingLemur: The idea is to make the NAT unique for each phones ip
23:04.35lazybrainkand - there is no much info to paste the sip debug to pastebin
23:04.59ExplodingLemurkand: How would I get Asterisk to bind to multiple ports to listen for SIP?
23:06.15*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (
23:06.37kandlazybrain: Paste what you got  ExplodingLemur: one sec
23:07.03lazybrainI believe its ports =1,2,3 etc
23:07.06*** join/#asterisk russellb_ (i=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla)
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23:08.13*** topic/#asterisk by russellb_ -> Asterisk: The Open Source Telephony Application Platform ( -=- Asterisk 1.4.15 (2007/11/29), *-Addons 1.4.5 (2007/12/1), Zaptel (2007/12/13), Libpri 1.4.3 (2007/12/13) -=- #asterisknow or #asterisk-gui for AsteriskNOW ( -=- #switchvox for Switchvox ( -=- #asterisk-commits to monitor svn/mantis -=- #freepbx ( or #trixbox for trixbox ( support
23:11.24lazybrainkand - could this be why ? exten => _1[0-9][0-9],1,Macro(extension-internal,${EXTEN});
23:12.09kandExplodingLemur: sorry, I thought we had bound the ports in asterisk but we used iptables to translate (public side)
23:13.19ExplodingLemurgotcha...yeah, found that in a mailing list entry just now
23:13.28ExplodingLemurI did discover keepalive settings on the phones, I've set those and will test some...
23:13.35kandlazybrain: That is messy but should link to the macro.  I cant help if your just going to give me pieces.  I think you need to go back and read.....
23:15.26kandExplodingLemur: It has been my experience that those help but dont correct the issue you are describing.  The sure fire way I recommend is to replace the router, I like to use
23:16.14kandIt has diffserv too which helps makes a huge improvement.
23:16.27hmmhesaysugh finally
23:16.30hmmhesaysI hate it when other people do the linux installs
23:17.22ExplodingLemurkand: superior NAT implementation?  (currently they have a little Linksys box)
23:19.03*** join/#asterisk admgecko (n=admgecko@adsl-87-102-68-32.karoo.KCOM.COM)
23:19.05kandExplodingLemur: first thing I do at every new client is recommend this baby, ya MUCH better NAT, enterprise class features, SNMP (which I link to Zenoss), diffserv... you name it
23:19.28kandExplodingLemur: If they wont shell out then I go with the port trick
23:20.39kandwhich nat?
23:21.09hmmhesaysno recommend what?
23:21.47kandNetopia routers whose model ends in ENT (enterprise).  Only a few more bucks then SOHO and well worth it
23:21.58*** join/#asterisk asr33 (
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23:27.05hmmhesaysfinally got this fscking install done, what a nightmare
23:27.19ExplodingLemurkand: I'll have more control over their network once they move to a new office, we'll have Cisco devices on either side with connectivity from two different providers to our datacenter...that should work much more nicely.
23:28.06admgeckois anyone a wireless access point with a phone, to make a normal phone, wireless?
23:29.59kandExplodingLemur: that should do it...
23:30.26ExplodingLemurhopefully the keepalive trick will work until the move.  Thanks for the help!
23:34.49*** part/#asterisk asr33 (
23:35.18[hC]does asterisk not apply accountcode to cdr when calling TO an IAX peer? I seem to only have accountcodes in the database when a call comes to me FROM the iax peer?
23:38.08*** join/#asterisk mltlnx (
23:39.26mltlnx[TK]D-Fender: The other day you gave me a clue on how to disable MOH for a certain context..What was that clue again?
23:39.48*** part/#asterisk zerohalo (
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23:46.43[hC]nobody knows this accountcode behavior?
23:47.28outtoluncdo you have an accountcode set for whatever tech type you are using to dial out
23:47.41outtolunc(probably not)
23:47.52[hC]in the iax peer, lets call it 'supercustomer' I have accountcode=supercustomer
23:48.03[hC]when a call comes from them to me, (and subsequently out my pri) i get the account code
23:48.10[hC]when a call comes in my pri, and goes via iax TO them, no accountcode.
23:48.44outtoluncthe accountcode you get on a PRI is set in zapata.conf
23:49.16[hC]so this is what im asking
23:49.23[hC]accountcode is always trumped by the incoming technology?
23:49.39[hC]it is not set when i call TO supercustomer, based on their accountcode in iax.conf?
23:50.17outtolunca call down a pri has no idea what 'accountcode' some channel type XYZ did 4 boxes away
23:50.31outtoluncshort answer, no
23:50.37[hC]its not 4 boxes away
23:50.51[hC]we're talking about one asterisk box here
23:50.58[hC]pri -> * -> IAX to someone else
23:51.05[hC]the * box just does handoffs
23:51.26[hC]so what this tells me then, as far as cdr's go, is the account code is always set by the originator
23:51.47[hC]or rather, asterisk pulls the account code from the configuration file relative to the originating source
23:52.03[hC]ie if a call comes in PRI, it uses acccountcode for PRI, if it comes in IAX, accountcode from iax peer, etc.
23:52.24[hC]the point being it never applies it from even the peer you dial TO... in a handoff event
23:52.31[hC]so i would have to put this in using the dial plan..
23:52.36outtoluncthe point was that a PRI can't 'pass' the accountcode, it can only ADD it from what it knows (in zapata.conf)
23:53.04[hC]im not talking about 'passing' accountcode
23:53.33[hC]nor the pri adding the accountcode.. asterisk clearly has to add it based on a set of rules
23:53.46[hC]what i needed to know was that asterisk uses the accountcode setting only from the originating technology's config
23:53.52[hC](zapata.conf, iax.conf, sip.conf, etc)
23:53.54outtolunci feel like i'm walking in circles
23:54.08[hC]you've already answered my question, heh.
23:55.14[hC]Im just saying that i didnt understand that by accepting a call on a pri, and having that call dial some one via IAX, and having that IAX peer have an accountcode set, i expected that the account code of the iax peer that i sent the call to would be put in the CDR, but it is now clear that asterisk only uses the accountcode from the incoming path
23:55.22[hC]that should probably be made clear in the sample configs, or something
23:55.32[hC]to clarify how accountcode is used..
23:58.03DoDaT69is there any open source software out there for a call center scenario
23:58.31DoDaT69more specifically the attendant, where a did rings and we can pop up customizable scripts on the screen?
23:58.33[hC]Yes, vicidial
23:59.02DoDaT69friggin awesome!!!!!
23:59.05DoDaT69thanks so much man!
23:59.21DoDaT69have you used it ?

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