IRC log for #asterisk on 20071212

00:04.01*** join/#asterisk jm|home (n=jm|
00:05.50dijungalwhat's the difference between safe_asterisk and asterisk?
00:06.47fujinone automatically rsetarts asterisk if it dies
00:07.00fujinthe other just dies ;)
00:10.32*** join/#asterisk DoDaT69 (
00:11.14DoDaT69has anyone successfully installed hudlite server on a flat asterisk install?
00:14.18JThmmhesays: that wouldn't be a good guess, as it would be slin
00:14.37JTactually it could be slin or alaw
00:15.51dijungalfujin: thanks
00:21.43*** join/#asterisk Toerkeium (i=oo@
00:21.58DoDaT69has anyone successfully installed hudlite server on a flat asterisk install?
00:21.59hmmhesaysanyone running any websites with google adsense?
00:22.21*** join/#asterisk craigk (n=ckowald@
00:22.35hmmhesaysoh yeah? what kind of revenue do you get off of that?
00:22.51DoDaT69damn near nothing-- no one ever clicks the links
00:23.06hmmhesaysdon't they have "pay per impression" also?
00:23.17DoDaT69not that I've seen
00:23.30DoDaT69maybe I should login and check
00:23.54hmmhesayspay per thousand impressions as far as I know
00:24.18DoDaT69up until the 1st I ran a store that received about 20k/month
00:24.22DoDaT69in hits
00:24.42hmmhesaysand you didn't get paid per impression?
00:25.15DoDaT69checking now
00:25.34DoDaT69Hmm thats odd
00:25.42DoDaT69it says I dont have an account, but the ads display
00:25.46DoDaT69someone is getting paid then.....
00:26.16DoDaT69thats a kicker.. I know I signed up for an account, thats how I have the # string to stick in my page
00:26.21DoDaT69those bastards!
00:27.26*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
00:33.46*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (i=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-b8eb5014af57f78b)
00:36.44*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
00:37.10hmmhesaysI'm still waiting for them to approve mine
00:38.37*** join/#asterisk Lawbringer (
00:44.30*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki (
00:50.29*** join/#asterisk mcab (
00:59.25*** join/#asterisk mltlnx (
01:01.22*** join/#asterisk test34_ (
01:07.05*** join/#asterisk SkramX (
01:07.13test34_Can you buy a phone number without service and use your own server to route calls ?
01:07.28SkramXhas anyone been able to install/register/whatever g729 through digium with 1.4.15?
01:07.40SkramXI was able to run the register script but it's now showing up in `show translations`
01:08.35*** join/#asterisk tobias (
01:08.48mostytest34_, what service would you use to accept calls?
01:09.31test34_mosty, my ip address ?
01:09.51mostytest34_, many voip service providers will do that
01:10.13mostySkramX, do you have the g729a module installed, and have you restarted asterisk?
01:10.27SkramXim retrying
01:10.35test34_mosty, is it alot cheaper?
01:10.37SkramXredownloaded .so and regsiter utility
01:11.14mostytest34_, sometimes
01:12.32SkramXall fixed, woopsies ;)
01:13.03test34_mosty, do you know where I could find some documention about the process ? I didn't see anything yet on google
01:14.11mostytest34_, the process for what exactly? you have to setup/configure asterisk, and get a sip or iax account with a voip provider that provides the service. if you don't know where to start, read the book
01:14.24jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
01:14.49test34_thanks mosty
01:18.33barhomI dont get it, adding whatever I have in my "include => internal" directly to the context is working, but having it through the include function is not, is there anything special I need to think about when using include ?
01:21.08*** join/#asterisk jsoftw (n=Administ@
01:23.18ardor2mvanbaak: just added the extra code to make it work
01:23.36*** join/#asterisk mltlnx (
01:23.39ardor2mvanbaak: with freepbx/trixbox
01:24.14barhom[internal] deadel,1,Dial(SIP/deadel) deadel,n,Hangup [mycontext] include => internal
01:24.29barhomusing mycontext it isnt including the internal for some reason, its not dialing deadel
01:24.37*** join/#asterisk tc3driver (
01:30.51*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (
01:32.55*** join/#asterisk |omni| (
01:37.45Yourname`Hmm, what could it be that's causing this. When I dial a number, on eyebeam, it says Calling .. for about 2 seconds, before I see it on Asterisk CLI.. why the wait? Wasn't there before.
01:43.27*** join/#asterisk a1fa (n=zZZ@unaffiliated/a1fa)
01:43.41a1fais there a way to call two different extensions and have them talk at the same time?
01:43.54a1fawithout using a conference room?
01:45.29a1fa<jeopardy music>
01:45.59*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
01:48.56fujina conference room
01:49.00fujinmeetme or app_conference
01:49.43a1fayou have to drop users into the conference room
01:51.04fujinyou will have to put channels into the conference
01:51.53a1fawhat about if you have 300+ channels
01:53.03Yourname` -> I want the number of the PSTN caller in the callerid(num) field.. how do I?
01:55.17a1fafujin: so cmd_conference can handle 300+ channels?
01:59.46fujinI don't know
01:59.46fujinI don't use it
01:59.52fujinread the documentation?
02:00.24*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
02:00.28Yourname`Hello errrbody, -> I want the number of the PSTN caller in the callerid(num) field.. how do I?
02:00.38Yourname`sup fujin
02:01.18fujinpost expired Yourname`
02:01.28Yourname`How's it hangin, see that roughstud sam again? lol
02:01.46fujinhaven't seen him for a while.
02:01.54Yourname`oh. oops,
02:02.35fujinthe number of the pstn caller *will* be in callerid(num)
02:08.32Yourname`But is isn't.
02:08.42fujinif a call comes in from the PSTN
02:08.47fujinthe value of callerid(num)
02:08.54fujinwill be the callerid
02:09.17Yourname`Ok, what about an outbound call made TO a pstn and then transferred to 300? How could I put THAT number in callerid(num)?
02:09.32fujinthat'd be a little harder.
02:16.17osirisYAY~! finally got my trixbox to call in and out over my provider~!
02:16.30*** join/#asterisk macros73_ (
02:17.02*** join/#asterisk justnulling2 (
02:18.18osirisNGT's broadsoft can be a pita
02:21.18*** join/#asterisk switched (
02:22.32ManxPowerCalls to the PSTN cannot set their callerid unless you are using ISDN (PRI/BRI) (most VoIP providers use PRIs)
02:22.41ManxPowerYou can never set the name.
02:22.43switchedi suspect that i missed a step when configuring/compiling asterisk - right now in asterisk -r, i can't issue a PRI command like pri debug span 1
02:23.13ManxPowerswitched: then you did not have libpri and zaptel installed before you built Asterisk
02:24.15switchedManxPower: should I just blow away everything and start again? I tried just going back and remaking libpri then zaptel then asterisk, but still the same problem
02:24.44ManxPowerswitched: I have no idea how to fix the problem with 1.4
02:25.05switchedis that a common complaint with 1.4?
02:25.20switchedi just want to get it to work so I can see if our D channel is live on the PRI
02:25.21ManxPowermost people manage to figure out to install zaptel and libpri before installing Asterisk
02:25.33ManxPowerI don't use 1.4, so I can't say.
02:25.47switchedyeah, that was going to be my next step, but I just wanted to verify
02:26.04switchedi mean, why can't i just re-make what I have?
02:26.08switchedbecaus apparently that doesn't work
02:26.21switchedlike make clean, and make for libpri/zaptel/asterisk
02:26.30switcheder ..make clean/make/make install
02:26.37ManxPowerOh, I'm sure you can tell the build system to re-compute the installed libraries, but *I* do not know how, as I use 1.2
02:26.50ManxPowerno, make clean won't do it.
02:27.06ManxPoweryou can do something in menuconfig I hear.
02:27.06switchedi guess..just to make sure..then start from scratch and reinstall the os
02:27.16ManxPowerno need to reinstall the OS.
02:27.18switchedif i don't want to bother thinking about it
02:28.14ManxPowerre-download asterisk if you don't have the original source handy, install asterisk after you have installed zaptel and libpri
02:28.31ManxPowerThis is not rocket science.
02:28.49*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
02:28.49*** part/#asterisk DrRighteous (
02:29.12switchedyeah well i did do that, and still the same problem
02:29.29ManxPowerthen you have some other problem
02:29.34switchedbut i'm coming from a 1.4 perpsective - but surely it hasn't changed that much
02:29.45switchedi mean, it's the same 3 packages
02:29.51ManxPowerThe entire build system was rewritten for 1.4
02:30.01switched1.4 has been out for a while right?
02:30.04ManxPower(at least for asterisk)
02:30.11ManxPower1.4 has been out a while.
02:31.16*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (n=matt@
02:32.13ZX81hi all - got a weird problem here - a machine at a customer's has three iax accounts - one to each of our exchanges.  They can ping all three servers but two are unreachable via IAX (not firewall involved)
02:32.50ManxPowerThe thing is that the Asterisk 1.4 build system, the first time you run it, it looks for zaptel and libpri.  It saves that information and does not check again when you run it again, which is why I suggested you start from virgin source.
02:33.01*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
02:33.49ZX81or do make distclean
02:34.11ManxPowerZX81: As I don't use 1.4, I was not aware of that option.
02:34.29ZX81yeah kinda annoying though cos it deletes the sound files too :)
02:34.29ManxPowerBut since that did not work for switched, I suspect he's doing something odd, like using BSD or something
02:34.43ZX81oy! what's wrong with BSD!
02:34.47*** join/#asterisk pirulo (n=andres_p@
02:35.09ManxPowerZX81: Since the problem has not been fixed in the first 15 releases of 1.4, I assume it is a design decision, rather than total and utter stupidity.
02:35.19ZX81lol yeah
02:35.56JTZX81: asterisk is only designed to work with linux unfortunately
02:39.57ZX81asterisk-bsd may disagree :)
02:40.03ZX81as may luigi :)
02:40.15JTthat is not asterisk plain
02:40.29switchedthe windows admin within me says, "reinstall" .. since I have not much to lose anyway
02:40.30JTgoes to show that asterisk really was designed only to work with linux
02:40.41JTif they had to make a modified version :)
02:41.11ZX81if it were clean pure c it would work - mostly
02:41.25ZX81I rewrote our predictive dialer in c on a linux box
02:41.38ZX81then installed freebsd and recompiled and it worked fine
02:41.48ZX81obviously not as complicated as asterisk though :)
02:41.57JTpure and clean, and didn't have all this hardware and kernel timers
02:42.05ZX81correct :D
02:49.51switchedwhen you say "asterisk build system" that includes the MakeFile and what else?
02:50.37ManxPowerthe ./configure script, the "make menuconfig" (whatever that is)
02:51.22*** part/#asterisk switched (
02:53.09*** join/#asterisk switched (
03:01.13*** join/#asterisk pirulo (n=andres_p@
03:02.13Yourname`What kind of config would be good for an openser box to be used as a border controller trying to process around 10,000 channels atleast (coming from various asterisk dialers) and taking care of CDRs ?
03:02.55JTconcurrent calls? what about CPS rate?
03:03.16*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (i=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-914902f5bb7ef230)
03:05.59*** part/#asterisk switched (
03:08.11*** join/#asterisk klyrelion (
03:08.42*** join/#asterisk joat (
03:12.06*** join/#asterisk KeltusEx (
03:15.38*** join/#asterisk alrs (
03:26.44JTYourname`: ?
03:27.19Yourname`JT: Yeah, that too. Would like to control CPS/concurrents, etc.
03:27.30Yourname`(Sorry, was afk for a bit.)
03:29.32JTi thought you might have some estimates
03:30.58*** join/#asterisk switched (
03:31.51switchedif my PRI is not live, should that prevent asterisk from letting me at least issue the command "pri debug span #" ?
03:32.57switchedIOW, i type in pri, and it says command not found. Hmm I just reinstalled FC8, then did libpri, zaptel and asterisk in that order.
03:33.10switchedlsmod shows zaptel and the kernel module that corresponds to my card
03:33.21*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (i=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-cadd21c39dd7ff00)
03:33.59switchedis there a separate SIP module? I can't issue sip command either
03:34.26switchedi wonder, maybe i skipped a step, that there's some directory of asterisk modules that i need to build
03:34.38switchedand this is a 1.4 stuff
03:35.56JTcheck you've loaded all the relevant modules
03:36.31switchedyou mean other than the kernel modules?
03:36.40switchedhow do i do that?
03:36.52switchedlog file?
03:37.14*** join/#asterisk hardwire (
03:37.20hardwirehello dere
03:37.59switchedah ..modules.conf?
03:42.02*** join/#asterisk klyrelion (
03:42.07*** part/#asterisk klyrelion (
03:43.18Yourname`Hi, what could it be that's causing this. When I dial a number, on eyebeam, it says Calling .. for about 2 seconds, before I see it on Asterisk CLI.. why the wait? Wasn't there before.
03:43.51*** join/#asterisk Zoolooc (
03:52.37*** join/#asterisk angom (n=Angel@
03:56.44joati'm hearing complaints from friends that FWD is acting up... anyone have issues?
03:57.00bjweeksFWD is always acting up
03:57.24joatsupposedly it's refusing registration (clear text and md5) this evening
03:57.59bjweeks't doubt it, they always have problems
03:58.30joathmm.. i've never had any problem.  is there any equivalent to it available?
04:00.09bjweekspublic sip network? gizmo is one
04:02.04*** join/#asterisk gardo (n=gardo@
04:02.29joattrue... they're locked down a bit more though...
04:02.54*** join/#asterisk _mm_ (
04:02.58joatmanaged to run a few extra concurrent calls through fwd recentlly
04:05.57*** join/#asterisk marcan (
04:08.22NivexI'm registered to FWD via IAX2 right now
04:12.19*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (
04:12.31shmaltzis there a way to clear all channel variables?
04:38.13*** join/#asterisk neoalex (
04:38.33neoalexdoes anyone have a stanaphone account their not using by any chance?
04:40.33*** join/#asterisk snafsnaf (
04:41.09snafsnafHello All
04:41.31MrTelephonewhat is that i wonder
04:41.49snafsnafAnyone know if there is any way to disallow zombie channels? or kill then as soon as they appear?
04:42.03snafsnafThey are wreaking havoc with my AGI rating script
04:48.29*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
04:49.13hmmhesaysoh what a slow time of night
04:49.24hmmhesayswhy are you getting zombie
04:52.19hmmhesaysgod I want some vodka and oj
04:53.44snafsnafIm not 100% sure, but I read about a similar issue on a mailing list, which turned out to be reinvites not reaching their destination
04:54.17hmmhesaysthats very possible
04:55.40snafsnafand if that is the case there is not alot I can do to remove the cause
04:55.56*** join/#asterisk groogs[h] (
04:59.54hmmhesaysdon't reinvite
05:00.27*** join/#asterisk hfb (n=hfb@
05:11.51ManxPowersnafsnaf: I assume you are doing the standard AGI cleanup when a channel hangs up, right?
05:23.51snafsnafManxPower: Were you just verifying that, or did you have an idea if the above was true?
05:38.58ManxPowerMy idea was to start dong it if you were not doing it.
05:39.04ManxPowersee the asterisk-perl sample programs
05:43.13snafsnafYes, I am using it, the problem is zombie channels do not match the 'h' extension.
05:43.51ManxPowersnafsnaf: zombies are normally harmless
05:49.32*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (n=matt@
05:53.24*** join/#asterisk sg` (n=saurabh@
05:54.35*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (i=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-2490172988822374)
06:00.11snafsnafManxPower: The issue is the calls are actually passing, we are being billed for them, but our customers are not because the zombies are not rated by AGI script that runs in the 'h' extension.
06:07.29ZX81snafsnaf: you need to have 2 agi files
06:07.35ZX81one for routing one for billing
06:07.41ZX81routing as in:
06:07.50ZX81exten => _X.,1,AGI(route.php)
06:07.54ZX81and billing as in:
06:08.07ZX81exten => h,1,DeadAGI(billing.php)
06:08.16ZX81route.php needs to set costs etc
06:08.26ZX81and billing.php checks answered status etc
06:13.06*** join/#asterisk timgws (n=LivedTyp@
06:13.45timgwsHi, does anyone have any thoughts on a good Open Source billing application for Asterisk?
06:14.15denonI would imagine that someone does
06:14.39timgwsI have tried MOR and A2Billing, but both of them have things that I don't like
06:14.43timgwsespecially MOR :P
06:15.08*** join/#asterisk mosty (
06:15.32snafsnafZX81: That is how it is set up
06:16.32snafsnafbut when dialer.php (route.php) passes to Dial() sometimes this results in a Zombie channel
06:16.49snafsnafand exten => h does not rate the call
06:17.00snafsnaftimgws: write your own?
06:17.24timgwssnafsnaf: Working on it, but just before I spend the time to finish it, I just want to double check :P
06:17.33timgwsI mean, why re-invent the wheel?
06:17.53snafsnafIf you can tailor it, why not?
06:18.24snafsnafthere are always going to be things you like and things you dont and things that are missing, but if you write your own, you can avoid all those issues
06:19.05*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
06:30.24*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (
06:33.16awkanyones brain working this morning?
06:33.41awkany idea why these channels don't hangup.. and as you can see, I get avoiding dead lock.. I can't even soft hangup these channels..
06:34.07bjweeksjust wondering, is "17 of 255 max active calls ( 6.67% of capacity)" for g.729?
06:34.26awkand over time I start to get more.. this has been a few days.. and I have 2... but i've had up to 10..
06:35.48awkhmm, some of their VOIP calls are using g729.. but local calls are using ALAw
06:38.09awkif I try softhangup and tab accross it actually kills my session.. hangs it.. have to re-login... if I try actually hangup the exact channel it says it doesn't exsist?
06:48.21*** join/#asterisk denon (
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06:52.32*** join/#asterisk denon (
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06:53.53DarKnesS_WolFanyone knows a good cheap A-Z termination " IAX2 " that accept normal visa no need for paypal or moneybooker?
06:59.21*** join/#asterisk dominic1 (n=dob@
06:59.32*** part/#asterisk dominic1 (n=dob@
06:59.35*** join/#asterisk nirz (
07:03.23*** join/#asterisk ussrback (n=MAX@
07:04.59*** join/#asterisk macros73_ (
07:08.17*** part/#asterisk ussrback (n=MAX@
07:12.46*** join/#asterisk oej (
07:16.21*** join/#asterisk mog (
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07:25.39awkhrm, can nobody help me out?
07:25.56awkfancy that a channel filled with asterisk guys who have no clue how to solve this issue..
07:27.26[hC]probably worth mentioning that most people are asleep
07:27.56[hC]and insulting people to guilt them into helping you probably wont work either
07:33.44*** join/#asterisk syneus (
07:45.07*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (i=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-e80e2b9706813c6b)
07:45.32*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (
07:48.16*** join/#asterisk dandre (
08:06.43*** join/#asterisk Schumie (
08:06.53*** join/#asterisk slima (i=slima@unaffiliated/slima)
08:11.38*** join/#asterisk vgster (
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08:14.57*** join/#asterisk harpal (n=Harpal@
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08:17.28*** join/#asterisk mort_gib (
08:19.12*** join/#asterisk dominic1 (n=dob@
08:19.40dominic1users with knowledge about realtime and hints here?
08:22.15*** join/#asterisk ptblank (
08:24.25*** join/#asterisk robeph (n=robf@
08:24.46robephsilly question,  but how the heck do I quit the bloody cli console for asterisk without killing the service?
08:25.05robephI couldv'e sworn it was "exit" but apparently vodka has muxxed my mind
08:25.16hmmhesaysdepends on how you start it to
08:25.20dominic1is it possible to use my snom telephone as headset for my pc?
08:25.31dominic1if you start asterisk as service just exit
08:25.33robephasterisk -c in this case ,  cos my init script is taking a dump on it
08:25.38robephah that's the problem then ;p
08:25.43hmmhesayswhats wrong with your init script?
08:25.48robephgood question
08:25.57hmmhesaysare you using the right one for your distro?
08:26.06robephwell,  yeah
08:26.08hmmhesaysi've never had any problems in debian, fedora or centos
08:26.18hmmhesaysbash -X script
08:26.19*** part/#asterisk dominic1 (n=dob@
08:26.21robephhow can I quit the cli console from a -c start
08:26.50robephi love the error handling... they just lie and say a command doesn't exist,  rather than hey,  you started it like this,  do this to quit isntead heh,
08:27.01robephi thought I was going crazy cos I've never just -c'd it
08:27.12*** join/#asterisk dominic1 (n=dob@
08:27.16robephand exit is No such command 'exit' (type 'help' for help)
08:27.26hmmhesaysyeah that is odd
08:27.31robephno joke heh
08:27.44robephI'd been at a bar and thought I must've totally lost my headpiece
08:27.44hmmhesaysasterisk -c &
08:27.45hmmhesaysasterisk -r
08:27.56*** join/#asterisk eserra (
08:27.58robephyeh,  but it won't lemme do anything to quit now :(
08:28.15robephhow can I get outta this without having to ssh like 3 servers deep to the box cos I killed my ssh session ;)
08:28.30robephwell hell
08:28.33robephthat was easy
08:28.42hmmhesaysnow fix your init script
08:28.50*** part/#asterisk dominic1 (n=dob@
08:28.57robephroot@installation:/etc/init.d# ./asterisk start * Starting Asterisk Software PBX..                                      /usr/sbin/safe_asterisk: 108: Syntax error: Bad fd number
08:29.19robephit's erroring on "asterisk &" heh
08:29.20hmmhesaysare you out of file descriptors?
08:29.53robephuhm how can I tell =s I'm a wee bit stupid at the mo; prolyl shouldn't be doing this,  but I want it done by the morning when I go in
08:30.07robephnever in my 10 years of linux have I run outta fds
08:30.21SparFuxrobeph: I get segfault on asterisk startup, but it seems to be due to "file not found error".
08:30.35SparFuxrobeh: "bad fd number sounds like it."
08:30.48hmmhesaysare you running asterisk as root or another user?
08:31.08SparFuxuser asterisk.
08:31.33robephwell tbh,  I'm running the init script as root
08:31.41hmmhesaysyeah what distro?
08:32.26hmmhesayscat /proc/sys/fs/file-max
08:32.50SparFuxMe, debian, too.
08:33.10robephwhen I manually run asterisk & it's just at 25299
08:33.29robephit's prolly something goofy with some of this custom stuff we got ;)
08:33.32SparFuxIt says BAD fd, not OUT OF fd.
08:33.44hmmhesaysulimit -n
08:33.56hmmhesaysyeah it does, but I don't know what that means haha
08:34.00robephme neither
08:34.13robephmaybe it wants something divisible by sin(5*21)
08:34.20hmmhesaysulimit -n 16384
08:34.34robephwell magic
08:34.56robephroot@installation:/etc/init.d# ./asterisk restart * Restarting Asterisk Software PBX...                                   [ OK ]
08:35.01hmmhesaysthere you go
08:35.02robephthats wonky O.o
08:35.06hmmhesaysit was running into the per user limit
08:35.06robephwtf happened lol
08:35.57robephthanks a ton,  I'll have to make note of that so I can determine the problem and why that would occur,  thank god its not a prod. machine and just an upgrade test box
08:36.07*** join/#asterisk sergee (n=serg@
08:36.22SparFuxHm... my ulimit -n is 1024 too.
08:36.33hmmhesaysSparFux: he may have more stuff running
08:36.45hmmhesayscausing him to run out of file descriptors
08:36.50robephbut that much?
08:36.57hmmhesaysbeats the hell out of me
08:37.08SparFuxI have gnunet running.
08:37.09hmmhesaysubuntu is a bastard child of debian so maybe
08:37.18robephps aux , eg.  show like but maybe 30-40 processes
08:37.26robephyeh I'm no ubuntu natice
08:37.30robephgentoo <3
08:37.38SparFuxMy misdn crashed.
08:37.39hmmhesaysgoogle, ubuntu why did I run out of file descriptors
08:37.45SparFuxI will have to reboot.
08:37.59hmmhesaysrobeph: my paypal is hmmhesays at gmail dot com, I take donations
08:39.02robephyeh,  I just started working here,  so... i don't even get paid myself for a while :''(
08:39.22robephI think I wonked up my "attempt" at upgrading rather than base installing our software heh
08:39.45robephof course I did it all by hand without any instructions and just kinda guessed at how it is sposed to be done lol
08:39.56hmmhesayswhich software?
08:40.06robephbuncha custom stuff we built
08:40.12hmmhesaysah I see
08:40.21robephdialers / ivrs / configurator stuff
08:40.37hmmhesaysdialers ugh, you damn telephone nazi
08:41.00robephin my defense,  WE don't use them
08:41.08robephmore a supply thing
08:41.16hmmhesaysbtw when you reboot that box you're going to have to set your FD again
08:41.31hmmhesayscheck out /etc/security/limits.conf
08:41.41robephwell i'd just have rebooted but I left the ubuntu disc in the drive and it'd hang at the choose boot sequence/install screen
08:41.46robephyeh already noted that
08:41.50robephthat isn't the issue though,
08:41.57robephI need to find out WHY its maxing out
08:42.05robephcos it shouldn't need confing,  it shouldn't hit a limit
08:42.08remmocause it has power
08:42.24robephyeh,  but IT shouldn't do that ;p
08:42.31robephit's my wonky upgrade i'm sure,
08:42.33hmmhesaysyeah, but you don't want some dumb@$$ crashing your asterisk on because he decided he wanted to reboot while you're figuring it out
08:42.47robephI'm magic at breaking things in ways no one has yet to do
08:42.54robephah nah this box is under my desk heh
08:43.11robephit's just hooked up to some softphones for me to learn on for deployment etc
08:43.19robephbefore I go borking up customer ware.
08:43.30hmmhesaysahh I see
08:43.37hmmhesaysI don't have any vodka damnit
08:43.40hmmhesaysi'm going to have some gin
08:43.43robephthis problem isn't on production systems,  so I'm sure its something I wonked up
08:43.51hmmhesaysits that or morgan
08:43.52robephthat's like....drinking a pine tree
08:43.55robephgo with morgan
08:43.59robephrum is the stuff
08:44.03hmmhesaysno no
08:44.06hmmhesaysgin to fall asleep
08:44.16robephgin tastes like sucking on a christmas tree
08:44.17*** join/#asterisk leanshen (
08:44.24hmmhesaysnot if you mix it with lime
08:44.27hmmhesaystakes the pin out
08:44.35robepheither that or every sip makes me think of that woman from the pinesol commercials telling me I should use it to mop my floor
08:44.38hmmhesayswait.. maybe I have some vodka.... hmm
08:44.55hmmhesaysor that slump buster you took home from the bar ...
08:45.01hmmhesayser.. I didn't say that
08:45.03*** part/#asterisk leanshen (
08:45.25robephI'm at home with 5 terminals open to various boxes.... no one accompanied me,  if they did they'd be like,'re geek
08:45.28robephand leave.
08:45.43robepheven if they were the bottom barral oinklet
08:45.45hmmhesaysyeah I have computers everywhere... next to my marshall stack
08:46.01*** join/#asterisk SparFux (
08:46.05hmmhesaysthe guitar makes the computers hot
08:46.32robephit heats the room
08:46.37hmmhesaysi will click this
08:46.47robephit's sfw
08:46.48*** join/#asterisk tc3driver (
08:46.55hmmhesaysnice rack dude
08:46.59DarKnesS_WolFanyone knows a good cheap A-Z termination " IAX2 " that accept normal visa no need for paypal or moneybooker?
08:47.15hmmhesayswhy do you need iax2?
08:47.21hmmhesaysand what is wrong with paypal
08:47.30DarKnesS_WolFhmmhesays: much better than SIP cuz my * will be bbehind nat
08:47.30hmmhesaysand why don't i have a drink in my hands, brb
08:47.40DarKnesS_WolFhmmhesays: egypt is banned from paypal
08:47.46robephreally DarKnesS_WolF ?
08:47.52robephi figured they'd only ban nigeria
08:47.57hmmhesaysvitelity does, and they handle sip behind nat pretty well
08:48.00robephegypt has all the money
08:48.08hmmhesaysI can hook my ip phones right up to them with no nat settings on the phones
08:48.10DarKnesS_WolFrobeph: yes :( egypt banned from most alll money servcies :-s
08:48.16SparFuxUnable to find a codec translation path from unknown to ulaw
08:48.25DarKnesS_WolFhmmhesays: they are cheap ?
08:48.28hmmhesaysyou're still getting that SparFux
08:48.29DarKnesS_WolFhmmhesays: link please?
08:48.33hmmhesaysDarKnesS_WolF: reasonable
08:48.34robephDarKnesS_WolF: egypt is a money service... between them and the saudis they prolly own 70% of the world currency
08:48.35SparFuxhm...hesays: yes!
08:48.48DarKnesS_WolFSparFux: are  u using G729 ?
08:48.52SparFuxhmmhesays: And then segfault.
08:48.57hmmhesayssometimes the termination is a little wonky, but its an itsp what do you expect
08:49.09hmmhesaysSparFux: why haven't you submitted a backtrace to the forums yet?
08:49.12SparFuxdarkness_wolf: it's a capi  line calling asterisk.
08:49.13ice_crofthi all
08:49.13DarKnesS_WolFhmmhesays: voipjet sounds nice
08:49.17DarKnesS_WolFand euroiax
08:49.19ice_croftcheck this out:
08:49.27hmmhesaysDarKnesS_WolF: I thought voipjet only took paypal
08:49.35SparFuxhmmhesays: you mean the output of asterisk -gvvvvvr ?
08:49.36DarKnesS_WolFalso voicetradining but all paypal or money booker excpet for euroiax it band egypt
08:50.39hmmhesaysSparFux: that and a backtrace
08:50.48robephDarKnesS_WolF: why is egypt banned anyhow?
08:51.08hmmhesaysSparFux: obviously have you a core dump wherever you started asterisk from right?
08:51.34*** join/#asterisk agx (
08:51.51SparFuxhmmmhesays: I should have, it segfaults.
08:51.55hmmhesaysfind it
08:52.06hmmhesaysshould be named core.xxxx
08:52.08hmmhesayssomething like that
08:52.31robephwe were working on this box for a customer,  and they'd done something odd with their ivr recordings,  their voicemail was using a .sln for the goodbye message and it was all ridiculously encoded at some wonky rate and it sounded like something from the exorcist and they called up and were like... listen to the voicemail goodbye when you hit's creepy,  wee need to change this because it's really scaring us
08:52.55hmmhesaysyou should record all your prompts in something not lossy
08:52.59hmmhesaysand convert from there
08:53.05robephwe didn't do it
08:53.06robephthey did it
08:53.17hmmhesaysthey are not thinking straight then
08:53.19DarKnesS_WolFrobeph: i think foude
08:53.30robephI have no idea what foude is
08:54.34robephhmmhesays: I dunno what they did,  they also had stuck their custom ivr messages in mp3 format and it was like the lowest volume ever
08:54.53robephfixed that by unloading the mp3deoder,  and itj ust fellback on gsm and sounds fine now
08:54.59robephI dunno wtf they're doing
08:55.04robephniether do they i don't think
08:55.12hmmhesaysSparFux: instead of my running you through all this  look at your source. ~/doc/backtrace.txt
08:55.23hmmhesaysthat will tell you exactly how to obtain the information you need to get your problem fixed
08:55.33SparFuxhmmhesays: ok.
08:55.46*** join/#asterisk sergey (n=sergey@
08:56.00hmmhesaysyou will probably have to rebuild without optomizations and with valgrind
08:56.24robephwell I'm off to bed now,  i get about 6 hrs of sleep + hangover for tomorrow...early christmas I call it
08:56.43hmmhesaysyeah i'm going to go make myself a gin + something now and watch earth final conflict
08:56.51robephthanks for the help on that hmmhesays I'd have been mad issues trying to figure that lot out....
08:57.10hmmhesaysnp, I'm going to post your problem on my wiki
08:58.55*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
09:04.47ZX81I've been checking this problem I have with a customers machine and it doesn't register to two of our three exchanges.  If I do a tcpdump at both ends I get the packets leaving the machine but only arriving at one machine and yet if I do an IAX ping all machines receive packets - any ideas?
09:05.25ZX81the iax ping is basically a packet on port 4569 using udp (perl script off the wiki)
09:05.42ZX81I've restarted all Astricies :)
09:10.38mostyZX81, pastebin your iax.conf
09:10.41*** join/#asterisk oej (
09:11.47ZX81:) umm can type something up - client is iax.conf but servers are all realtime
09:12.00ZX81same for every customer though and there are like 500 accounts
09:12.13SparFuxOk, I have the backtrace!
09:12.17ZX81but will pastebin client side - maybe i've done something weird
09:12.23ZX81Spar for?
09:12.27*** join/#asterisk ronr (
09:12.29SparFuxZX81: for my coredump.
09:12.38SparFuxWhich forum should I send it to?
09:14.36ZX81what happens?
09:14.52ZX81and sparfux
09:15.04ZX81you should compile with the DONT_OPTIMIZE flag
09:15.17ZX81to get a proper backtrace on it with gdb
09:15.29ZX81its in the make menuselect thingy in 1.4.x
09:15.34*** join/#asterisk shtoom (n=godson@
09:15.35ZX81or trunk
09:15.47ZX81mosty: my pastebin is
09:15.59ZX81not very exciting :)
09:16.03ZX81auto generated
09:16.20ZX81was working up till 7:30am this morning
09:18.17mostyZX81, are all the asterisk machines on static ip's?
09:19.34*** join/#asterisk shtoom (n=godson@
09:19.38ronrthe o'reilly asterisk book show a working sip.conf that is described as not pretty and not secure, however, it doesn't tell me what to do to get it secure (pretty would be nice, but not required), what do I need to do to make my sip.conf secure?
09:19.46ZX81city being auckland christchurch or dunedin
09:20.00ZX81ronr maybe read the wiki
09:20.06jbothmm... voip-info is the Voice Over IP wiki.  It is a community resource which will answer all of your questions, from Asterisk to ZTDummy.  You can find it over at - well worth bookmarking
09:20.20mostyronr, see the bit about guest accounts on the sip.conf page on the wiki
09:21.11mostyZX81, have you checked the routers at the sites that don't receive the iax packets?
09:21.20ronrthx, I'll be doing some reading
09:23.04ZX81the thing is, an iaxping gets through
09:23.10ZX81same port, same protocol
09:23.25ZX81the same packets to auckland get replied to
09:23.49ZX81maybe router
09:23.59ZX81the ip changed
09:24.04ZX81of the client
09:24.09ZX81in the middle of the night
09:24.16ZX81so I thought the whole machine was gone
09:24.18*** join/#asterisk clandmeter (n=Carlo@
09:24.35ZX81but the isp had just set up dhcp with a changing ip
09:24.38mostyhave you tried using ip addresses instead of dns names?
09:24.53ZX81and tried enabling and disabling dnsmanager
09:25.08ZX81can't remotely restart the router
09:25.19ZX81and the linux box isn't storing arp routes
09:25.36ZX81the only difference with the iaxping
09:25.43ZX81is that it uses a random source port
09:25.49ZX81instead of 4569
09:26.06ZX81problem is, the customer has got some iax phones
09:26.13ZX81so I can't change the server port
09:26.17ZX81oh maybe I could
09:26.22mostyif a packet trace at the source shows the packets going out correctly, then the problem must be somewhere in the middle
09:26.32ZX81yeah traces work fine
09:26.41*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (i=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-c634d4b16a766e62)
09:26.52ZX81if I find out all the ips first of the phones and then login to them with elinks I could also change the server port
09:26.54mostythen the next thing to try is tests at the boundaries of the networks, ie the routers
09:27.18ZX81yeah the router is looking suspicios but changing the source port might work around it
09:27.20mostyand if that all looks ok, then something in the middle is wrong
09:27.27ZX81sec brb :)
09:28.30ZX81I changed the bindport
09:28.32ZX81in iax.conf
09:28.35ZX81to 8888
09:28.40ZX81and all the regs are up
09:28.49ZX81so I just need to change the iax phones :)
09:29.03ZX81something is screwed on the router but this'll sort it for the moment
09:29.19ZX81pity I can't set the source port per account :)
09:31.49ZX81ah and finally the mrtg stats are looking happy again :)
09:37.43*** join/#asterisk Nugget (
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09:44.16joelsolankigood morning all
09:44.51joelsolankiexten => _011442X.,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:3}@voipinviteuk,90)
09:45.08*** join/#asterisk harpal (n=Harpal@
09:45.19joelsolankithis i have configured for removin 3 digital means removing 011
09:45.41joelsolankiit is digit stripping but what if i want to add 3 digits
09:45.46joelsolankiwhat is the parameter ?
09:46.00joelsolankii want to add 222 prefix before all number dialed
09:46.42kaldemarjust put 222 in there. 222${EXTEN}
09:48.50joelsolankikaldemar: thanks. let me try that
09:50.22*** join/#asterisk Psychobilly (
09:51.09Psychobillyhello, anyone knows any softphone (for linux if possible) that supports mgcp?
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10:00.12cy3o3"We are sorry to report that we will not be able to obtain the following item(s) from your order:   Jim Van Meggelen (Author), et al "Asterisk Cookbook""  wtf I ordered that like 9 months ago or some shit :(
10:00.31*** join/#asterisk Shaun2222 (
10:01.21Shaun2222Any issues or reasons not to run asterisk on a 64bit linux install with a Sangoma PRI T1 Card?
10:03.15*** join/#asterisk psk (
10:07.36ronrI added a secret to my sip.conf, but now my polycom phones no longer work, the logs say the user can't be authenticated, however, the username shown is what I have set as Display Name, not as the UserId? Is this a known problem with the polycom (IP 430) or did I do somehting wrong?
10:13.40*** join/#asterisk dominic1 (n=dob@
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10:14.09dominic1is it possible to check how many channels on my pri are available?
10:14.23dominic1available, not in use
10:15.37*** join/#asterisk Oerd (
10:16.20mostydominic1, you might be able to subtract the number of pri channels in 'show channels' from the number of lines you have
10:19.04*** join/#asterisk GerjanT (
10:19.22Oerdi'm trying to have a snom360 be able to get the mailbox with the retrieve button on the phone. Is it possible to configure asterisk that the user doesnt have to put in his Boxnumber+secret, but only has to put in the secret?
10:19.24*** part/#asterisk GerjanT (
10:33.37mostyset a channel variable in sip.conf for that user
10:34.03mostycall it accountcode or something, then use that variable in the call to VoicemailMain
10:42.30*** join/#asterisk linagee (n=linagee@about/linux/staff/linagee)
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10:54.04alejandrosomeone wants to participate in the next Umeet (celebrated as always in IRC) talking about Asterisk or a success case with Asterisk ?
10:54.11alejandrothe event is the next week
10:55.13*** join/#asterisk marklar (n=marklar@unaffiliated/marklar)
10:55.53marklarhow would I go about dialling a group of numbers one by one, checking for dead ones?
10:59.33*** join/#asterisk dijungal (n=kdaniel@
11:00.21mostywhat do you mean by dead?
11:01.22dominic1thank you mosty
11:01.47marklardisconnected numbers, for example
11:02.38*** join/#asterisk waKKu (n=eurulo@unaffiliated/wakku)
11:03.39mostyas far as i know, you can't distinguish between disconnected numbers and congested numbers
11:03.53mostywithout listening to the message played by the provider
11:04.43*** join/#asterisk aboyousif (
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11:07.06Shaun2222anybody using a sangoma card here?
11:10.04Shaun2222what OS you runnin?
11:13.04Shaun2222did you have to build a driver against the kernel?
11:13.36Shaun2222where did you get the driver?
11:13.52mostysee the instructions on the sangoma wiki site
11:13.58Shaun2222does zaptel source have it or did you download the wanpipe tarball and run there ./Setup install bs..
11:14.21mostytheir Setup script builds a .deb package
11:15.00Shaun2222ya, same thing just apt knows about it now...
11:15.12mostywhat problem are you having with wanpipe?
11:15.16*** join/#asterisk _ys (i=yuri@
11:15.48Shaun2222nothing, just trying to find out if the driver was in the vanila kernel or not yet and if so what ver
11:16.25*** join/#asterisk nirz (
11:17.49mostyi'm not sure it ever will be, depending on the licence of the firmware it uses
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11:32.47dominic1is it possible to use G.722 via isdn?
11:32.57dominic1or in europe only G.721?
11:34.41mostythe regular telephone network uses g711
11:34.58mostyfor isdn lines, i believe. ulaw in usa and alaw most everywhere else
11:36.19dominic1okay, thank you very much, just read, that some isdn provider uses G722 too
11:36.26dominic1but I think only in france...
11:38.29tzafrirShaun2222, the wanpipe driver in the vanila kernel is obsolere and should not be used for any recent Sangoma cards
11:39.03mostytzafrir, do you know if the wanpipe Setup script patches the kernel source you point it at?
11:39.24tzafrirmosty, run it as non-root :-)
11:39.37tzafrirIIRC it used to
11:39.49tzafrirI think later versions don't. But I'm not sure
11:39.54mostyhmm ok
11:41.01mostyi'm trying to build a kernel deb that doesn't conflict with the wanpipe deb
11:41.23mostyi'd like it to be as close as possible to the standard debian package
11:43.28*** join/#asterisk morex (n=m@
11:43.30morexHi there
11:43.54morexWe've had a bug with SIP reinvite, and our supplier has suggested a patch which has fixed it
11:44.09morexI'm thinking of posting a bugreport with the patch to
11:44.25morexbut neither of us are sure whether the patch is fully compliant with the SIP protocol
11:44.33morexAm I gonna get like totally flamed?
11:45.21tzafrirmosty, what's the conflict with the wanpipe deb?
11:45.47stimpiemorex, not likely unless you code the patch in VB
11:45.50mostytzafrir, the wanpipe deb wants to overwrite the wanrouter module that's in the debian kernel packages
11:46.11morexloud even :-)
11:46.17*** join/#asterisk fordfrog (n=fordfrog@gentoo/developer/fordfrog)
11:46.21morexOK I'll get the thing posted then
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12:14.05Dovidhello ev1
12:15.51*** join/#asterisk ReDLe (n=rdl@
12:17.38Dovidanyone know of issues with ACPI on dell box's
12:18.26mostyyes. ztdummy doesn't like it
12:19.33tzafrirDovid, which specific Dell box?
12:20.20DovidI dont know. just started working on a box and my coder wants me to turn it off but I want to know what it is before I do
12:20.38DovidI want to make sure that if I do turn it off I wont have other issues
12:21.08DovidI am using CentOS
12:21.22mostyacpi is power management stuff. without it you may need to press the power button after shutdown to power down completely
12:22.11Dovidmosty: So I may not be able to reboot it remotely ?
12:23.02mostyyou will need to test it, but reboot would probably work
12:23.40bobkarereboot shouldn't be a problem, only a complete shutdown
12:23.44Dovidmostry: may I PM ?
12:24.02Dovidbobkkare: so for a compete shutdown I would need to hit the button on the box ?
12:24.13*** part/#asterisk dominic1 (n=dob@
12:24.13bobkareyes, to actually power it off
12:24.36mostydovid: i prefer to talk here unless there's a special reason not to
12:24.43Dovidah ok. I woubt I would wana do that on a live box.
12:24.54Dovidmosty: didn't wana flood the room wit all my stupid questions ;)
12:24.54*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
12:25.06bobkareyeah, not usually something you want to do with a server
12:25.16Dovidmy concern is just making problems on the box since I dont know it well
12:25.26Dovidhow ever it seems to be making problems with ztdummy
12:25.41Dovidis it something that people do if they have ztdummy issues ?
12:25.49mostydovid: you wil have to choose between ztdummy and acpi
12:27.45Dovidmosty: from my google searches it seems to control the fans in the PC etc.
12:27.50Dovidi dont want to burn out the box
12:28.25mostyDovid, it's only used to slow the fans down when they don't need to be at full blast
12:28.46Dovidah ok. now is there anything in the BIOS that should be changed as well ?
12:29.32Dovidmosty: SO to sum it up, its a package that should be enabled on the machine unless you have core preformance issues
12:32.00mostyi use it on every machine unless it conflicts with something
12:32.55mostyon my machines i tend to scrap ztdummy rather than acpi
12:33.41Dovidmosty: can you have a look at this ?
12:33.53Dovidi am in Israel now and the box is in ireland :(
12:34.00Dovidany other hardware that I can use for timing ?
12:34.16Dovidother than zap hardware (hard to get it here)
12:35.06mostynot really
12:35.27Dovideh. ok
12:35.38Dovidgona be ireland next week. gona make the client pick up a card
12:35.40mostyyou don't need a zaptel timer if you don't use meetme, iax trunking, and a few other commands
12:35.49Dovidusing meetme ;)
12:36.00Dovidalso there is an issue with the voicemails
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12:47.33mostytzafrir, btw wanpipe does modify the kernel source
12:47.57mostyor the headers at least, i guess
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12:49.14cbx33hi all
12:49.19cbx33got a question about asterisk
12:50.20cbx33at a particular site, we have a few offices scattered around linked with a wireless bridge.  The phone lines in these other buildings are on completely different systems, is it possible to use asterisk in the main building to provide a sip line and link an extension at the main building to that??
12:51.11tzafrirmosty, oops. Problems, I guess
12:51.15mostycbx33, yes
12:51.32cbx33mosty is this going to be the best way to do this?
12:51.44mostytzafrir, the wanpipe build script is messy, this is just one more messy bit :/ oh well
12:52.24mostycbx33, it's hard to tell, your description is not very clear
12:52.36cbx33sorry.....I'll try to rephrase
12:53.33cbx33At the moment we have a number of lines come in, and I believe there must already be a pbx of some sort to do call transferring etc.  There are other workers in other buildings that would like to be connected to this system, would like their phone number to be the same as the main office.  So we could transfer calls to them
12:53.45cbx33We have a wireless bridge to them
12:54.00cbx33I was wondering if asterisk box could be plugged into a spare extension
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12:54.20cbx33and then the "remote" workers could connect to asterisk and it would backend the call onto the extension?
12:54.34mostysomething like that would work
12:54.51mostyassuming the wireless connection is good enough, not too loaded etc
12:54.55cbx33what hardware would I need for the asterisk box?
12:54.58cbx33yeh it's not too loaded
12:55.06cbx33to connect it to the extension
12:55.18mostydepends what the existing pbx has
12:55.34cbx33how can I find out?
12:55.48mostylook in the manual for the existing pbx?
12:56.09znndrpHi, I'm trying to call multiple phones from a callfile. I tried 'SIP/21&SIP/22' in the channel variable but that doesn't work :/
12:56.12znndrpany clues?
12:56.44mostyznndrp, if that doesn't work, maybe you can call chan_local, and setup the extension to call multiple sip clients
12:57.29znndrpwhat's chan_local?
12:57.43mostylook it up on the wiki
12:58.13mostyyou can dial a n extension/context as if it were a channel
12:58.22znndrpoh, cool
12:58.31znndrpgonn try that
12:58.56*** join/#asterisk J4zen (
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13:02.13lsodigreetings, I would like to hire administrator for asterisk, whos job is to keep asterisk alive and up to date, asterisk has 200 sip users, what is sensible sum per month for that job?
13:03.17riddleboxlsodi, where is the company?
13:03.30lsodiin estonia
13:04.33J4zenno clue, depends how many hours you'd want him to be available
13:05.51riddleboxyeah would he be an onsite guy, or remote?
13:06.08tzafrirJ4zen, for a momen I parsed what you wrote as: s/him/it/ :-)
13:07.04J4zeni'd say thats a : #PARSE ERROR ON LINE 14:06
13:07.25lsodiremote and max downtime 3h
13:07.55riddleboxlsodi, 3h a day?
13:07.57J4zenmax downtime of three hours, that means he has to be on call 24/7 and at the job site within the hour?
13:08.05J4zenthat's going to cost you a fortune i believe
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13:12.19riddleboxcrap, I took a sick day today and there is nothing on tv
13:12.29riddleboxguess I will check out the mythbox and see what I have recorded
13:12.42stimpieriddlebox, thats why they invented usenet
13:12.45lsodi100EUR per month for administration and 35EUR prer/h on fixing/upgrading asterisk?
13:13.12riddleboxstimpie, lol
13:13.48znndrpmosty: works like charm now ;)
13:14.10*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
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13:15.37J4zenlsodi: 35E per hour seems a bit low for such delivery times
13:15.57J4zen3 hours max downtime
13:16.00J4zeni'd say 45
13:16.14J4zenperhaps 40 during business hours
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13:16.29dominic1I always get this error: [Dec 12 16:19:51] WARNING[4409]: chan_sip.c:3182 update_call_counter: Inringing for peer '100' < 0?
13:16.32dominic1what does it mean?
13:16.33J4zenand 50~60 inside of business hours
13:16.42J4zenThats no error
13:16.45J4zenThats a warning :)
13:17.06dominic1What does the warning mean?
13:17.24stimpielsodi, I agree with j4zen
13:17.27J4zenno clue to be honost, not using ODBC controls for anything
13:17.52J4zen50~60 outside of business hours* my bad.
13:18.19stimpiethe 24/7 availibility is the 'problem'
13:18.49J4zeni work for a datacenter; Customers with SLA's already pay 30E per hour in business hours and 40E per hour outside.. and thats just regular System administration support
13:19.03J4zenAsterisk -administrators are generally more expensive
13:19.06J4zenas there are less of them
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13:25.51lsodiok thank you all
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14:19.34ussrbackis it possible to stream music from shoutcast in meetme conference room background?
14:22.54[TK]D-Fenderussrback: Yes, there is clearly a way, go sit and think about it for a little bit
14:24.04ussrback[TK]D-Fender: AMI ?
14:24.29[TK]D-Fenderussrback: keep thinking.  Ask youself how audio gets into meetme.
14:25.21ussrback[TK]D-Fender: MOH
14:25.34ussrbackbut when other user enters its stopped
14:26.06ussrbackother way is to write some SIP linux console client, connect it to chatroom and stream
14:26.29ussrbackbut its a long story
14:26.41ussrbackmay be u know better way for this?
14:27.47[TK]D-Fenderussrback: So have MoH JOIN the conference
14:28.29ussrback[TK]D-Fender: moh join????????
14:28.47[TK]D-Fenderussrback: This is so remarkably easy its pathetic.....
14:29.18ussrbackok but let say i have 2 rooms 1. rock 1 pop 1. rap
14:29.31ussrbackand i want to stream different shoutcast channels there
14:29.44ussrbackrock music in rock conference room
14:29.47ussrbackand so on
14:29.50[TK]D-Fenderussrback: exten => 12345,1,Musiconhold(sectionwithstreaming) <- call this, then call into the conference and TRANSER THE CALL
14:29.56J4zenIs anyone using A2Billing?
14:30.52[TK]D-FenderJ4zen: No, its a dead  project that NOBODY uses.
14:31.18J4zen[TK]D-Fender: What do people use?
14:31.40[TK]D-FenderJ4zen: Yes people use it, no this isn't a support channel for it.
14:32.06J4zen[TK]D-Fender: Nowhere did i ask for support, i was merely wondering if its a common method of billing your customers.
14:32.31J4zen[TK]D-Fender: Obviously, No it isn't. Hence my second question; What is the most commonly used software used to bill customers?
14:32.49[TK]D-FenderJ4zen: It is fairly popular.  Requires a lot of dialplan hacking.  Makes a real mess, but it ""works" more or less
14:33.10J4zenAny altnernatives?
14:33.15J4zeni like to keep things tidy
14:33.21ussrbackok 10xs
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14:34.39[TK]D-FenderJ4zen: Go take a look at it.  There aren't a lot of OSS billing platforms out there.  See if you can make it manageable
14:35.02J4zenWill do, Thanks.
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14:38.29fbntshi, just a quick question, is the MeetMe application included in Asteridk 1.4?
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14:50.16[TK]D-Fenderfbnts: Yes, along with every other version since the start
14:51.54Dr-Linuxanybody tried RHEL 5 with asterisk?
14:52.22[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux: Plenty of us.
14:52.35*** join/#asterisk cygar (n=cygar@
14:53.17Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: it's stable right?
14:53.49[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux: Why do you think it carries the name Enterprise Linux.......
14:54.40matmojnot that i would say that using another distribution means its unstable
14:54.44Dr-Linuxfrom the web "Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5, now available in Beta 2"
14:54.46matmojits still using the linux kernel...
14:55.26JuggieDr-Linux, RHEL5 is production
14:55.27Juggienot beta
14:55.30Juggiehas been for months
14:55.38matmojunless you are after the support, id say you might as well go for something else..
14:56.05Juggielike, centos5.
14:56.13matmoji prefer debian
14:56.19matmojmostly for the package system i guess
14:56.21[TK]D-FenderJuggie: Which when you get right down to it... IS RHEL 5.
14:56.26matmojalso redhat (for me) feels so bloated...
14:56.34Juggie[TK]D-Fender, shhhh :)
14:56.38matmojim administering a rhel4 and 5 ...
14:56.55Dr-LinuxJuggie: thanks. actually we only use RHEL for our 12 asterisk servers, currently it's RHEL 4
14:56.57Juggiematmoj, perhaps who ever did the install installed everything.
14:57.07matmojdell preinstalled actually
14:57.11Dr-Linuxlemme test it first
14:57.14awkcan somebody tell me, does hyperthreading still affect quality with asterisk and should it still be turned off?
14:57.15matmoji dont like x on my servers...
14:57.19JuggieDr-Linux, great, i have about 6 all on centos4
14:57.25Juggie(same os, no support)
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14:57.50Juggieawk, it could only if the kernel was broken
14:58.02Dr-LinuxJuggie: i had support but nomore, but i never need for it
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14:58.16Juggiei think it had problems originally but if you are running a later kernel it should support HT ok
14:58.29Dovidhi, anyone have problems with ACPI and ztdummy ?
14:58.30Juggiebut i guess it still could cause issues, i run HT on all my boxes though with no issue
14:58.37Juggiethey are xeons w/ HT.
14:58.47mostyDovid, do you have amnesia or something?
14:58.56Dr-LinuxJuggie: actually i wanna swtich from asterisk 1.2 to 1.4.x as well
14:59.00Dovidmosty: i am starting allllllllllllllll over again
14:59.29mostydovid: don't use ztdummy and acpi at the same time on dells. pick one.
14:59.31Dovidi was unable to stop it from loading in grub.conf no one in centos knew what the issue was so I wanted a fresh aproach
14:59.42Dovidmosty: just found out it is not a dell
15:00.05Dovidmosty: I guess this is more of a CentOS question (since that is what I use) but I cant seem to stop acpi
15:00.10mostydovid: there is a kernel command line arg that will disable acpi. acpi=off or noacpi, i forget. ask google
15:00.30Dovidmosty: I tried both (one at a time) and that didnt worn
15:00.40Dovidin grub.conf acpi=no and noacpi
15:01.00mostydovid: i recommend that you ask a centos channel then
15:01.28Dovidmosty: I am coming here after banging my head against the wall there ;)
15:02.56mostyi looked it up, it's acpi=off
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15:04.31[TK]D-FenderDovid:  First friggen link.
15:04.52[TK]D-FenderDovid: Google + 5 second search > you
15:05.14[TK]D-FenderOh.. and I suck at linux.
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15:10.18DovidTK: I am horrible with google
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15:10.47DovidTK: I always try google b4 coming here.
15:11.15J4zenHow often do you actually encounter hacks against SIP/VOIP/Asterisk, i've been reading about it and there are quite a lot of known and unpatched exploits available versus softphones/hardphones/asterisk/SIP in general. How much of a security risk is VOIP really?
15:11.45J4zenFor example; I just read about a PoC where a hacker managed to have any recieving SIP phone automatically answer a call silently
15:11.56J4zenturning it into a bugged phone
15:12.01J4zenonly.. without hardware required
15:12.35J4zenAre attacks on VOIP/SIP common?
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15:13.14mostyJ4zen, that's a 'feature' of some sip phones
15:13.21J4zenI'm aware of that
15:13.22mockerJ4zen: I don't think it's common yet, but I think it'll increase soon.
15:13.27J4zenBut with the feature disabled
15:13.44mockerJ4zen: Because most people don't even know that SIP is unencrypted..
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15:14.02mockerSo launching wireshark you can record the whole conversation.
15:14.06J4zenits basically like HTTP
15:14.08lirakismocker: no
15:14.15J4zenthe Protocl that is
15:14.15lirakismocker: rtp is unencrypted
15:14.20lirakismocker: sip is not media
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15:14.27mockerlirakis: sematics. :)
15:14.34lirakismocker: not really
15:14.53nestArtomato tomato
15:15.10mockerlirakis: I think everyone here knew what I meant, but you're right.
15:15.10nestArdoesn't really work online, i guess
15:15.20mockernestAr: heh.
15:16.18lirakismocker: im sure they did.. but there is no need to further propegate what many people misunderstand...
15:16.28lirakismocker: thats all
15:16.48J4zenheh, inthe end
15:16.56J4zenboth the protocol and media are unencrypted
15:17.06J4zenleaving them amazingly vulnerable
15:17.10mockerJ4zen: Indeed.
15:17.39J4zenIs there a modification available to encrypt RTP-traffic at least?
15:17.47lirakisJ4zen: there are clients that do it
15:17.48J4zenor tokenize the protocol
15:17.50mockerIt's going to be a blow PR-wise when someone says a CC # and it get's intercepted.
15:17.51lirakisJ4zen: zphone
15:18.03J4zeni see
15:18.20J4zenthat would still allow it to be hijacked
15:18.29J4zenImagine DNS-poisening in combination with VOIP
15:18.45J4zenlilalinux: Thanks
15:19.14lirakiswell .. on a lan
15:20.25J4zenSo many companies aspiring in providing VOIP, so few providing security for VOIP
15:20.39J4zen*and a light flashes on*
15:20.52mockerI tend to tunnel everything through a VPN.
15:21.00J4zenyeah i was thinking of that
15:21.13mockerIt's easy..
15:21.14J4zenbut in alarge enviroment
15:21.22J4zeni'd have to set up dedicated RAS servers
15:21.24lirakismocker: you tunnel through a vpn to your carriers? ...
15:21.30J4zenwhich doesnt seem that viable
15:21.39mockerlirakis: PRI is my carrier.
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15:21.53J4zenhehe for the carrier i hope he snot
15:21.58lirakismocker: so you are talking internal only.. you have no voip carriers
15:21.58J4zenthat works
15:22.04mockerlirakis: Jah.
15:22.11mockerI don't trust VoIP carriers for business stuff.
15:22.17mockerBecause if they fuck up, I get fired. :P
15:22.29lirakismocker: ookay
15:22.33J4zenyou're still using a telcom that can fuck up ..
15:22.43J4zenjust as likely as the voip carrier
15:23.01J4zenand it'll get you fired .. just as likely ;)
15:23.25mockerJ4zen: I doubt that, using an ITSP for business grade stuff introduces lots of problems that using a dedicated PRI eliminates.
15:23.33lirakisnot to mention.. that huge amounts of carrier traffic transits in voip anyway.. which is why TDM/VoIP conversion exists
15:23.43lirakisand .. vice verssa
15:23.59mockerlirakis: The difference is they control the network there.
15:24.24J4zenmocker: It also removes a lot of problems that carries bring, i suppose it depends on the situation
15:24.33lirakisfrom what i understand... verizon, for all its broadwing voip customers... actually  convert and switch everything TDM b/c its the only "standard" that everything can convert to/from
15:25.10lirakismocker: .. i think you just need  none sh** carriers and some routing
15:25.54lirakismexico is going off the hook now with gray routes since the rate change
15:26.13J4zen"gray routes"  ?
15:26.18mockerlirakis: I trust old world telcoms PRI stuff for reliability much more than an ITSP that's been in business for 1-2 years.
15:26.22mockerBut this is all personal preference.
15:26.26mockerAnd $$$.
15:26.35mockerMy way isn't the cheapest route.
15:27.00lirakismocker: it depends on your operation .. i dont know what kind of minutes you run.  And it isnt about cheap... I have a pri failover incase some thing goes wrong with my carriers as well.
15:27.37*** join/#asterisk BCS-Satori (n=somewher@
15:27.45mockerlirakis: Who do you use for VoIP?
15:27.59fbntshi, just a quick question, is the MeetMe application included in Asteridk 1.4?
15:28.49J4zenNever heard of that
15:29.07J4zenI'm off for today, have a great newyear(my holiday starts) and christmas!
15:30.37lirakismocker: lots of carriers,  but I work at a clec so I have lots of options for wholesale routing.
15:30.45tzanger"w00t" crowned word of year by U.S. dictionary by the merriam-webster
15:31.22mockerlirakis: Hah, you work at a CLEC, that's cheating. :)
15:33.55*** join/#asterisk techie (
15:34.14BCS-SatoriAre there any adjustments I need to make to have a SIP Phone and a soft client registered to the same extension in asterisk.  Example: the site has a phone which will be running 24 hours a day with a private extension.  If the end user travels and launchs a software client, but wants the phone extension to stay the same, do i need to make an adjusts or use SLA, or can asterisk realize 2 registrations on same extensions
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15:36.37[TK]D-FenderBCS-Satori: You cannot have 2 phones registered to the same SIP entry.  Period.  And stop calling SIP accounts/devices "EXTENSIONS".
15:37.53lirakisBCS-Satori: it will break .. or rather .. have very strange and unreliable behaviour.  Each account will attempt to keep registering.  One will get registered, then it will unregister.. etc.
15:38.45BCS-Satorilirakis: understand thank you.
15:40.30*** join/#asterisk BugsiE (
15:41.39BugsiEhi guys
15:42.10BugsiEjust installed server with asterisk
15:42.38BugsiEhow do i log into the box
15:43.36mostyBugsiE, are you talking about trixbox?
15:43.38mort_gibBugsiE: ssh root@yourasterisk :-)
15:44.26BugsiEis there a web interface ?
15:45.39mostybugsie: not in the standard asterisk. how did you install linux?
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15:47.12BugsiElike the website told me under support and so forth download, make install file....
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15:51.14mostywell you probably don't have a gui, you will have to edit config files
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15:52.53javbdoes anyone here have taken the Digium dCAP express certification mode (without the bootcamp, just going the last day of the bootcamp and paying $300) ?
15:52.54[TK]D-FenderBugsiE: What website?
15:53.50mockerjavb: I did the bootcamp then test.
15:54.18javbmocker, can i msg you?
15:55.20mockerjavb: Sure, but if it's asterisk related you might as well say it in channel. :)
15:55.28mockerAfter all, it's why everyone's here!
15:58.20jameswfWhen building asterisk via script is it best to patch to compile app_mp3 or is there like an --enable flag i can run on configure
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16:02.36mostyyou can save the menuselect options file
16:02.48astCoderXhi need help with asterisk.
16:03.12astCoderXi want to know  if a channel is avaliable for make an outgoing  call
16:03.41[TK]D-FenderastCoderX: Try, and lok at the dialstatus when it fails.
16:04.08astCoderXfor example if my trunk can handle 30 concurrent outgoing calls .. i want to know if there's is chance to make the 31th call
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16:04.45mostyastCoderX, what kind of trunk?
16:04.45[TK]D-FenderastCoderX: You won't be able to get a count easily.  You'd have to write an AGI or something that would parse the output of something like "show channels concise"
16:05.46astCoderXD-Fender: i've been reading about dialstatus variable. Which status i must to evaluate to know if the channel is avalaible? BUSY or CONGESTION?
16:06.30astCoderXi'm programming with perl
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16:07.28ManxPowerastCoderX: you don't know of the channel is available or not from DIALstatus, you can only know if a call using that line worked.  If it's analog, that status will be ANSWERED, for all others it will be ANSWERED or BUSY.  Check "show application dial" to make sure there are not any others you would want to check for.
16:07.37[TK]D-FenderastCoderX: First, what is this "trunk" you're dialing out of?
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16:07.50jbotfrom memory, siptrunk is Asterisk does not support SIP Trunks.  Set trunk=no in sip.conf and then set up the device normally in sip.conf.
16:08.46ManxPowerastCoderX: you just do the Dial and check the result.  If you want to do it the way a girlyman does it, you could also use ChanIsAvail.
16:09.23astCoderXwell i'm not a pro in asterisk.. i call trunk the channel i'm using to make an outgoing call.....
16:09.24De_Monany way to run a replace or substitute command in asterisk short of using func_odbc?
16:09.35De_Monor agi -- shutter
16:09.54blitzrageDe_Mon: you mean a SQL command? you need func_odbc or agi
16:09.58blitzragefunc_odbc is *easy*
16:10.03astCoderXManXPower: i've reading about chanisavail and think it always says the channel is avalaible for outgoing calls
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16:10.30De_Monblitzrage I just want to REPLACE(string,word,replacement) steems silly to call func_odbc and use an external database to do something like that
16:10.46blitzragereplace what?
16:11.40[TK]D-FenderastCoderX>well i'm not a pro in asterisk.. i call trunk the channel i'm using to make an outgoing call..... <-- not an answer.  What technology are you calling out on?
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16:11.49astCoderXoh sorry
16:12.22mostyastCoderX, the only way to find out if you can make a call, is to make a call and see if it worked
16:12.40[TK]D-FenderastCoderX: then you'll have to parse out "show channels concise" or similar to get the usage count.  Or insert a bunch of GROUPCOUNT function calls throughout your dialplan.
16:13.05De_Monblitzrage I've storing the name of channels that need to be bridged to my queue in DB(Qeueues/queue-name/bridge) and since that key could contain multiple channels (; delimited) I want to remove "SIP/somechannel-ayxz;" from astdb once it is bridged.
16:13.11astCoderXwell i wanto to do this. I must to do a script to dialing out. But before to dial i need to know if the outgoing channel is free. The asterisk admin told me he configured for manage 30 concurrent outgoing calls
16:13.20blitzrageDe_Mon: CUT()
16:13.41blitzragealthough the ; delimiter might screw with you
16:13.47blitzrage(and it probably will)
16:13.49mostyastCoderX, use GROUP_COUNT and GROUP
16:14.12astCoderXmosty: i will check the doc of group_count
16:14.14De_Monblitzrage that means looping through each delimiter and testing for a match
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16:14.21blitzrageDe_Mon: pretty much ya
16:14.50blitzrageI don't know of any other functions to do that -- might want to double check the list of functions
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16:15.06blitzrageDe_Mon: patches accepted! :)
16:15.18kandde_mon: I have already writen such a dialplan macro like blitzrage is discussing if you want it.
16:15.44De_MonI thought about looking at improving func_regex() and ading substitution support, but that, would be a lot of work
16:15.55*** join/#asterisk pirulo (n=andres_p@
16:16.59De_Monkand that'd be cool, might save me some time if we go that route
16:17.46kandde_mon: here you go:
16:22.06De_Monhey kand why is it depriciated?
16:22.43Nuggets/depriciated/deprecated/  :P
16:23.08kandde_mon: lol, I am the worst speller ever, but it works fine I just dont use it anymore in my dialplan
16:24.22De_Monits actually depreciated, I just got carried away with the i's (you spelled it right kand!)
16:24.24*** join/#asterisk bmcghee (
16:24.34De_Monkand why did you stop using it
16:24.58De_Monyou started using func_odbc and a real database didn't you
16:25.14fileit's deprecated, not depricated or depriciated or dipricated or even diprecated
16:25.17kandde_mon: It was slow and yes........ but not for find replace
16:25.42Nugget"depreciated" is a completely different word.
16:25.48Nugget"deprecated" is the word you think you're using.
16:25.59kand"no longer needed"
16:26.28De_Monooh... I forgot about that other word we both fail
16:26.38FlatFootafternoon all , i am trying to set a VAr within different contexts BUT i need it to be declared not within a dial routine is this possible ?
16:27.49*** join/#asterisk pirulo (n=andres_p@
16:28.32mostyFlatFoot, where do you want it declared?
16:28.53FlatFootbasically just after the context name so ...
16:29.04FlatFootmyvar = xxxx
16:29.19mostyso just use the Set dialplan command
16:29.32*** join/#asterisk bkruse (i=bkruse@nat/digium/x-6b05d96d8e20199b)
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16:29.39FlatFootthats what i wasn't sure about
16:29.54FlatFooti cant't use exten => 1,1,Set etc
16:30.00filebkruse: you.
16:30.01De_MonFlatFoot no, you have to set global variables to make the accessable
16:30.03*** join/#asterisk mwilson-cobasys (n=mwilson@
16:30.08mostyFlatFoot, why can't you do that?
16:30.10bkrusefile: Hi!
16:30.11mwilson-cobasyshello all
16:30.14bkrusefile: drink?
16:30.15De_MonFlatFoot try something like CONTEXTNAME_VARIABLE
16:30.29filebkruse: I *suppose* so
16:30.43bkrusewhat kind!?
16:30.49filemountain dew!
16:30.50FlatFootbecause i have a set of outgoing dial routines that i will include within diff context's and need to be able to change a few values within per context
16:30.57bkrusefile: done. done. done.
16:32.17mwilson-cobasysanyone here used Grandstream FXO gateways before
16:32.30mostyFlatFoot, organise your includes so that they don't include these Set calls
16:32.54FlatFootmosty: not quite with you
16:32.56riddleboxmwilson-cobasys, I used the ht488, which was one fxo and 1 fxs
16:33.37jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
16:33.47mwilson-cobasysriddlebox, I keep getting this error on incoming calls... chan_sip.c:13774 handle_request_invite: Call from '6201' to extension '6000' rejected be
16:33.48mwilson-cobasyscause extension not found
16:34.13riddleboxmwilson-cobasys, which fxo is it?
16:34.15mostyFlatFoot, i don't see why you can't just use Set to set these variables in each context you need it
16:34.40mwilson-cobasyshave you seen that before?... 6201 is the 8 port FXO gateway setup as a peer
16:35.03FlatFootmosty thats the bit i'm after being able to set a var within a context BUT not in a dial routine.
16:35.34mwilson-cobasysI have the sip debug captured, but I dont understand it
16:35.43mostyFlatFoot, what do you mean by "within a dial routine" ?
16:36.02riddleboxmwilson-cobasys, just a dumb question, but is there an extension 6000?
16:36.09FlatFootthats part of the dial routines that i need to include within context's
16:36.13*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
16:36.41FlatFootbut i need to change the callerid and other bits , so wanted to declare these at the beginning of the context
16:37.21mwilson-cobasysyes 6000 exists & is a softphone that does register fine
16:38.02mostyflatfoot: so set the cdr variables etc in other contexts that the call passes through before this context
16:38.53riddleboxmwilson-cobasys, can you pastebin your dialplan?
16:39.33FlatFootmosty: i shall investigate thanks
16:40.26mwilson-cobasysok probably gonna sound dumb, but pastebin??
16:40.41jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
16:41.32mwilson-cobasysok 1 sec
16:41.36[TK]D-Fendermwilson-cobasys: it is looking for "6000" in your DIALPLAN in the targeted context.  A SIP device is NTO an extension.
16:41.45[TK]D-Fendermwilson-cobasys: this is a DIALPLAN ERROR
16:42.11riddleboxyou had to steal my thunder ;)
16:43.09*** join/#asterisk tobias (
16:43.16nestArUSER ERRAH!
16:44.20mwilson-cobasyswhat would I put in the dialplan so that all incoming calls route to the 6000 ext? sorry about this I'm still new, gui wouldnt let me setup a dialplan without a service provider, and gui doesnt accept the service provider as the sip device config
16:44.48riddleboxERRAH ERRAH I swear she drowned in the lake
16:45.01mostymwilson-cobasys, what gui?
16:45.05*** join/#asterisk bjweeks (n=bjweeks@unaffiliated/bjweeks)
16:45.11[TK]D-Fendermwilson-cobasys: your 6000 is the name of your SIP DEVICE, not an EXTENSION.
16:45.36riddleboxmwilson-cobasys, I believe that grandstream even has examples on their site
16:45.50[TK]D-Fendermwilson-cobasys: An extension is number you can dial in your DIALPLAN.  You can have 1,000,000 extensions in your dialplan taht have NOTHING to do with making a phone ring.
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16:49.33astCoderXi've been checking the GROUP and GROUP_COUNT docs. i think i couldn't use groups because i can't modify the current dialplan for outgoing calls
16:49.40mwilson-cobasysok let me go through some of this stuff... I may be back
16:50.09ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: what about that horrid little calllimit= option?
16:50.13[TK]D-FenderastCoderX: can't modify the dialplan?!?! WTF?
16:50.22[TK]D-FenderManxPower: You jsut said it all...
16:50.39bmcgheeHey All
16:50.41bmcgheehows it going
16:51.26astCoderXwell i don't think the admin is going to modify the dial plan to put on every dial or anwer for setting the group
16:51.31*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (n=arodgers@
16:51.31ManxPowermwilson-cobasys: You would use exten => _X.,1,Goto(6000,1)  That would route all calls to the line exten => 6000,1,Whatever
16:51.39astCoderXso i couldn't use GROUP_COUNT
16:51.57ManxPowerastCoderX: You really should not be on this channel if you can't change the Asterisk config./
16:52.46[TK]D-FenderManxPower: He doesn't HAVE an exten => 6000 ...... another person who can't differentiate a SIP device from an extension.
16:52.47ManxPowerAn extension starts with exten =>  There is nothing else in asterisk that is called an "extension" except for lines in extensions.conf that behind with exten =?
16:52.49astCoderXwell like i say.. i'm just a programmer not a asterisk guru. And it's not like i can't do the changes but i don't have the privbileges to do it.
16:53.04[TK]D-FenderastCoderX: Don't ask for help when you can't follow through with it.
16:53.14ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: Not really my problem.  I answered his question.
16:53.35ManxPowerastCoderX: then get someone to this channel that CAN make changes.
16:53.39astCoderXthats why i wanted to know another  ways to do it with programming via Asterisk Manager Interface or something like that
16:53.40[TK]D-FenderManxPower: :/
16:53.42riddleboxmwilson-cobasys, did you say it was the 6201? I dont even see a 6201 in their lineup?
16:54.22[TK]D-FenderastCoderX: You can't change your call flow without changing your dialplan.
16:54.45astCoderXok got it.
16:54.48[TK]D-Fender11:33]<mwilson-cobasys>riddlebox, I keep getting this error on incoming calls... chan_sip.c:13774 handle_request_invite: Call from '6201' to extension '6000' rejected be
16:55.13mwilson-cobasys6201 is just what I called it.. this Grandstream GXW4108, 8 port FXO gateway
16:55.19[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox: SIP/6201 is dialing 6000@somecontext.
16:55.32[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox: And therein lies the dialplan failure
16:55.57mwilson-cobasysFrom: "unknown"<sip:unknown@>;tag=35134a2525914677
16:55.57mwilson-cobasysTo: <sip:6000@>;tag=as16a6b7fc
16:56.05riddleboxyeah I figured it was where the problem was, but I asked which grandstream model it was and he said 6201
16:56.06mwilson-cobasysthats what I see
16:58.29ManxPowermwilson-cobasys: too bad you give your SIP user ID's 4 digit numbers that look like extension numbers.
16:58.56[TK]D-Fendermwilson-cobasys: pastebin the ENTIRE CALL.  Those single -line pastes are not doing us any good.  And make sure to include your entire dialplan while you're at it
16:58.58ManxPowermaking the SIP userid be bobs-phone or 4o57834o would be less confusing for you.
16:59.38riddleboxmwilson-cobasys,, it talks about asterisk in it
16:59.53mort_gibManxPower: Whats wrong with calling SIP (users) the extension they will get??
16:59.55*** part/#asterisk dandre (
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17:00.26mwilson-cobasysok let me make some changes that have been suggested so far & them will pastebin in a few
17:04.03*** part/#asterisk rcphq (n=rllibre@
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17:11.04NuxiAfter I answer, I am trying to stream a gsm file.  The first part of the gsm is chopped off.  What am I doing wrong?
17:12.27jhbHi *. I have an "exten => 1,1,Curl(" (asterisk 1.4.15), but get pbx.c:1816 pbx_extension_helper: No application 'Curl' for extension.
17:12.29jhbany ideas
17:12.48KobazNuxi: are you doing something like Answer(xx).. Play()...
17:13.11blitzrageNuxi: Playback(silence/1&file_you_want_to_play)
17:13.36KobazNuxi: if your play is right after your answer, the answer may be too short
17:13.37blitzrageor do:  Answer(), Wait(1), Playback()
17:13.40NuxiI am using agi.   agi->answer     then agi->stream_file
17:13.47[TK]D-Fenderjhb: Clearly CURL is not an application that exists
17:14.00NuxiI put a delay before the steaming  and it waits, but then still chops it off.
17:14.23KobazNuxi: maybe your gsm file itself has the beginning chopped off?
17:14.24blitzragedo the silence/1 trick
17:14.38awkok help please.. going to copy and paste my question.. not going to write it out again....
17:14.40awkcan somebody shed some light on a iptable query.. I want to do 1:1 NAT aswell as some port forwarding.. does the
17:14.46*** join/#asterisk mltlnx (
17:14.53Kobazawk: wrong channel
17:14.55NuxiI can play the gsm.  it is not chopped off.
17:14.56[TK]D-Fenderawk: Here's an idea, NEVER SPAM LIKE THAT AGAIN
17:15.04awkfuck off [TK]D-Fender
17:15.09NuxiSeems odd to have to use a silence trick to play a gsm.
17:15.12Kobazawk: join #networking
17:15.13awkit wasn't supposed to spread over those lines
17:15.28awkKobaz, nobody in iptables or linuxhelp can answer this..
17:15.43Kobazhave you tried #networking ?
17:15.50awklet me try there..
17:15.56jhb[TK]D-Fender, ok, but 'core show function CURL' means its there
17:16.12[TK]D-Fenderjhb: well thats a FUNCTION, not an APPLICATION.
17:16.30[TK]D-Fenderjhb: So call it the way you're supposed to for it being a function.
17:16.59jhb[TK]D-Fender, thx a lot, I see what you mean
17:21.20jhbgreat, works. Now, if  Dial(sip/123&sip/456), and 123 picks up, is there a way to trigger e.g. a set(foo=${Curl(...)}) on SIP/456, the 'failing' call?
17:22.25blitzragedon't think so.... only 2 ways I can think of, and they are both kinda messy
17:23.27[TK]D-Fenderjhb: Probably using the Macro option in dial to see which channel answered.
17:24.15jhb[TK]D-Fender, thx again, will read on this. Cheers
17:24.40[TK]D-Fenderjhb: np, let us know how it works out for you.
17:24.58[TK]D-Fenderjhb: What are you looking to do to that guy who didn't make it first?
17:28.13*** join/#asterisk ibob63 (
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17:31.15ibob63hi guys. can anyone recommend a good iax provider in Germany?
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17:32.29[TK]D-Fenderibob63: Taht might be a fair bit more difficult.  Any specific reason for IAX?
17:34.47mwilson-cobasysok D-Fender, here is the SIP debug
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17:38.21ibob63Hi D-Fender. I was thinking of using iax rather than sip because I understand this works better with asterisk
17:39.18*** part/#asterisk klyrelion (
17:39.28[TK]D-Fendermwilson-cobasys: Now after all that time you took for a simple SIP debug, you still didn't include your DIALPLAN like I asked.  But here is the problem clear as day : Looking for 6000 in incoming (domain - SIP/2.0 404 Not Found - .  Quite clearly you don't have an exten in [incoming] that can match "6000"
17:39.43[TK]D-Fenderibob63: No, I'd generally say no to that.
17:39.47mwilson-cobasysand here is the dialplan
17:40.21[TK]D-Fendermwilson-cobasys: Your device is using a context called [incoming] and it doesn't even exist.
17:40.29*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
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17:41.13mwilson-cobasysThat contest came from the mfg notes on asterisk, sorry
17:41.48ManxPowersee my additions
17:41.49[TK]D-Fendermwilson-cobasys: Don't apologize to me, just go deal with it.  You should know exactly what to add
17:42.39[TK]D-FenderManxPower: For comical yet still technically mean assistance :)
17:42.52ManxPowermwilson-cobasys: also I'm surpized Asterisk loads at all.  You don't have a [general] section a [globals] section
17:43.19mwilson-cobasysthanks, I will add in a few
17:43.26[TK]D-FenderManxPower: See that [numberplan-custom-1] ?  You KNOW what that means, don't you?
17:43.34ManxPowermwilson-cobasys: you need to read The Book.
17:44.00ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: No, but I'll bet it means we can feed mwilson-cobasys to the alligators
17:44.05mwilson-cobasysI know I do need to read the book, I can admidt that
17:44.10[TK]D-FenderManxPower: *-GUI
17:44.15[TK]D-FenderManxPower: And yup.
17:44.31ManxPowermwilson-cobasys: Did you know that you are on the wrong channel?
17:44.40ManxPowerYou should be on #asterisk-gui
17:44.58ManxPowerno wonder it took so long to be able to help you.
17:46.21*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
17:46.57mwilson-cobasysthat worked
17:47.07mwilson-cobasysthank for helping the noob
17:47.13ManxPowermwilson-cobasys: now you need to go read the book.
17:47.38mwilson-cobasyswill do
17:50.17ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I whined about a couple of these things on #asterisk-dev just a few moments ago.
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18:00.45ManxPower~seen bkruse
18:00.47jbotbkruse is currently on #asterisk-dev (1h 30m 57s) #asterisk (1h 30m 57s) #openmoko (1h 30m 57s). Has said a total of 4 messages. Is idling for 1h 29m 50s, last said: 'file: done. done. done.'.
18:01.21*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
18:03.45*** join/#asterisk thansen|laptop (
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18:07.39bkruseManxPower: whats up
18:07.41bmcghee~seen bmcghee
18:07.42jbotbmcghee is currently on #asterisk (1h 43m 18s). Has said a total of 3 messages. Is idling for 1s, last said: '~seen bmcghee'.
18:08.00bmcgheew00 3 messages
18:08.07ManxPowerhekko, bkruse
18:08.14ManxPowerand hello too.
18:08.25*** join/#asterisk |omni| (
18:08.54ManxPower~seen manxpower
18:08.55jbotmanxpower is currently on #asterisk (23m 35s). Has said a total of 46 messages. Is idling for 1s, last said: '~seen manxpower'.
18:10.05bkruseManxPower: whats up?
18:10.34ManxPowerbkruse: Was just trying to find stats to backup my rant on -dev
18:10.50bkruseoh hheh :P
18:10.59ManxPowermy rant was "Digium developers don't spend enough time answering newbie questions."
18:11.27ManxPowerIf they answered newbie questions, I'll bet the issues that newbies always ask about would fixed pretty fast.
18:11.31bkruseI do, but on my focus in #asterisk-gui
18:12.01ManxPowerbkruse: thank Dog SOMEONE is helping the poor WIMPS (window icon mouse pointer system) people.
18:12.29bkruseI do :]
18:12.49*** part/#asterisk ibob63 (
18:12.50ManxPowerthe #asterisk-gui people keep coming here because nobody helped them on #asterisk-gui
18:13.07bkruseManxPower: then say my name, so my irc client goes blinky.
18:13.24bkruseI have no problem with helping, but im working on the products that they are asking questions about, which is sometimes hard to balance.
18:13.31ManxPowerThey make a total mess, tracking in dirt, spilling their drinks, leaving empty beer cans all over the place.  Better to keep them in their squalid trailer called #asteriskgui
18:13.45bkruseI hate to be "that guy" but we DO have an awesome appliance tech support
18:13.47ManxPowerbkruse: I understand.
18:14.10bkruseManxPower: but if you say 'bkruse' in a sentence or message in any chat, I will response within a couple seconds, most likel
18:14.34ManxPowerbkruse: I'll keep that min mind for the -GUI people.
18:15.07*** join/#asterisk HCEvan (
18:16.00ManxPowerbkruse: Here's another suggestion (mostly for other developers): once per day, spend 30 mins reviewing the logs of #asterisk, looking for items that would make the user experience better and have fewer frequently asked questions
18:16.26*** part/#asterisk techie (
18:16.48bkruseManxPower: that might work, and yes, please do for gui people
18:17.23ManxPowerIf Me, [TK]D-Fender, and JT all get burnt out at the same time, this channel is pretty much screwed.
18:17.27*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (
18:18.22ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I still think all three of us should not be on #asterisk for a week,
18:18.46blitzrageyou're addicted, and you know it :)
18:18.47[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Call a union meeting to see if we're clear to strike...
18:19.57*** join/#asterisk af_ (
18:20.18ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: people that work for free have unions? 8-)
18:20.40[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Not mutually exclusive.
18:21.28ManxPowerI suppose not, but the union platform would be a tad lean.  Higher Wages, um, no.  Better benefits, um, no.  Shorter work week, uh no.
18:22.05ManxPowerPiss people off, well you and I are already pretty good at that 8-)
18:23.11ManxPoweranyway, I have things to do
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18:24.44[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage: Piss people off?  Me?
18:25.11[TK]D-Fender[12:15]<awk>fuck off [TK]D-Fender <--- Feelt he love!
18:25.38riddleboxyeah I was suprised you didnt have anything to say about that?
18:25.57Yourname``What's a good STUN server I can use?
18:26.25[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox: I figured if he couldn't take the comment silently realizing the trusth of my point, there's no point in "retaliating".
18:26.34[TK]D-FenderYourname`I think FWD has one.
18:26.55[TK]D-FenderAnd I can't type for beans today.
18:28.03Yourname``[TK]D-Fender: Ok.
18:28.36Yourname``Another question, when I call an extension of a queue, and the queue rings a logged in agent. It just says Called 301, but not 301 is ringing right after that like it usually does. What does that mean?
18:28.54[TK]D-FenderYourname``: Here's a big list :
18:28.55*** join/#asterisk |omni| (
18:29.18[TK]D-FenderYourname`Pastebin the complete CLI output.
18:29.47Yourname``One sec..
18:30.39*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
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18:31.46robephhmmhesays: it was a problem with sysctl and the asterisk init script,  I think it was for dapper and not feisty so it had some incongruities,  I think the whole issue stemmed from the svn not having the correct scripts when I updated the box... thus the bad fds
18:32.07robephbut now it works,  thanks for the help lastnight/morning
18:32.29Yourname``[TK]D-Fender: Parsing it.. one sec
18:34.57hmmhesayshow come increasing the file descriptor limit worked then?
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18:37.26hmmhesayswhat exactly what the problem?
18:40.29tzafrirrobeph, sysctl?
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18:42.23Yourname``[TK]D-Fender: This is really weird too. It just stays at Called 301, not being immediately followed by something like SIP/301-45ef23 is ringing. Which seems to be the case with everybody else. Now, 301 is on a remote PC. But when I try doing the same to 301 on my PC, it works?
18:46.56*** join/#asterisk annedonaldson17 (
18:47.04[TK]D-FenderYourname``: So the remote PC won't actually ring, the local will?
18:47.24annedonaldson17Has anyone every owned a TE210P and upgraded it with the Octasic echo cancellation card?
18:47.33annedonaldson17There are _zero_docs_ on this ritual.
18:47.51Yourname``[TK]D-Fender: Yes :S
18:48.45[TK]D-FenderYourname``: First guess.. they other guy's behind NAT and your account wasn't set up to deal with it.  It then tries to contact the loacl IP if got on register to no avail...
18:50.06Yourname``[TK]D-Fender: It just worked when I included a couple other contexts to it, which is weird. But meanwhile, this is the scnario, a call comes into the queue1 (sandiego)..  and then that call is transferred to another queue (exten 300, called united) by dialing a quicknumber 7. Then agents logged into the second queue called united, will hear their eyebeams ring. Currently, eyebeam shows "Live transfer" as callerid(name) which is intend
18:50.06Yourname``w the phone number of the person instead. But it shows 35@65.xx.xx.xx
19:05.54*** join/#asterisk hohum (
19:06.15hohumHow do I get my asterisk box to NOT strip headers out of an incoming message when I Dial() something else
19:08.32blitzrageannedonaldson17: I'm assuming you purchased the card, thus you should be entitled to technical support
19:09.00blitzragehohum: strip what out? Asterisk is a B2BUA, not a proxy
19:09.41hohumI'm sending it a call with an Alert-Info header
19:09.50hohumand it's getting stripped
19:10.04hohumI realize it's a B2bUA but it shouldn't be arbitrarily stripping headers either
19:10.33*** join/#asterisk nirz (
19:11.59Yourname``[TK]D-Fender: Ok, so what ports should be forwarded?
19:12.04Yourname``eyebeam  being used.
19:12.29jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT :  otherwise check the WIKI at
19:13.22*** part/#asterisk moprilo (n=nada@
19:13.23blitzragehohum: how are you doing this? If the variable is set on one leg of the channel, it won't go out on the 2nd leg of the channel unless you tell it to be transitive
19:13.25[TK]D-Fenderhohum: Pastebin your complete call's CLI output at verbose 10
19:13.27jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
19:13.35blitzragei.e. Set(__MY_TRANSITIVE_VARIABLE=value)
19:14.02hohumblitzrage: the call is being originated from an OpenSER box, so it's being SENT to Asterisk with the Alert-Info: header
19:14.21hohumthe OpenSER endpoint knows it wants to page the target phone, which just happens to live on an asterisk box
19:14.21blitzragehohum: ok... so it gets to Asterisk w/ the Alert-Info header?
19:14.33blitzragebut it's not going to the phone on the OTHER channel leg
19:14.52blitzragethose are two separate variable spaces -- asterisk will not pass that variable through unless it is transitive like I said above
19:15.04blitzragethey are independent calls
19:15.17hohumso how do I tell it to be transitive?
19:15.22blitzrageI said how to do it above
19:16.13hohumit's not a variable though, it's a header
19:16.15*** join/#asterisk poor_man (n=chatzill@
19:16.17bjweeks"WARNING[8649] chan_sip.c: sip_xmit of 0x2aaab0043f20 (len 567) to returned -2: Bad file descriptor" just started getting this with trunk, bug?
19:16.19hohumso I don't quite understand
19:16.27poor_manHello everyone!
19:16.36hohumand the asterisk box actually has know way of knowing what the header should be set to
19:17.10annedonaldson17Hi Poor_man!
19:17.13blitzragehohum: SIP_HEADER()
19:17.55Yourname``This is SO weird. When I call that extension directly, it rings. But when I transfer to it .. it doesn't ring.
19:17.57hohumI see
19:18.13hohumso I call SIP_HEADER() before Dial, and then SipAddHeader(), right?
19:18.27hohumseems simple enough
19:18.37[TK]D-Fenderhohum: No, SipAddHeader only, and BEFORE your dial.
19:18.59poor_manis there any possibility to dial some code and make asterisk to private my number?
19:20.42*** join/#asterisk ThatKidKel (
19:21.07[TK]D-Fenderpoor_man: what are you dialing after this that you don't want to see your #?
19:21.32hohumlike this, right?
19:21.33hohumexten => _X.,1,Set(foo=${SIP_HEADER(Alert-Info)})
19:21.33hohumexten => _X.,2,SipAddHeader(Alert-Info: ${foo})
19:21.33hohumexten => _X.,3,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@core)
19:21.39Yourname``[TK]D-Fender: Call placed from an asterisk server with no NAT, transferred to a queue behind NAT, that agent from that queue transfers to another queue/agent behind another NAT. For which I have canreinvite=no, and both those agents are nat=yes. Correcto?
19:21.56*** join/#asterisk Schumie (
19:22.26poor_mani'm not dialing nothing more that the number i want
19:22.31[TK]D-Fenderhohum: might do.  Pastebin how it works in run-ime
19:22.45hohumthat worked perfectly
19:22.48[TK]D-FenderYourname`and qualify=yes
19:23.05hohumyou guys are awesome dudes
19:23.08ThatKidKelI've got a unique problem with dropped calls..  Dec 12 13:38:41 WARNING[5784] chan_sip.c: Hanging up call - no reply to our critical packet...  I'm assuming the critical packet is an ACK..  The call is Answered() ACK sent, according to Logs..  But then queued..  When the call is answered from the queue, I get this error and hten the call drops..  It is not consiste
19:23.30Yourname``[TK]D-Fender: Ok.. and under general for the asterisk server nat=yes, correct?
19:24.03Yourname``[TK]D-Fender: I mean nat=no, since the asterisk server is not behind NAT
19:24.23blitzragehohum: ya, you got the idea, nice :)
19:24.50hohumI appriciate the gentile massage in the correct direction
19:24.52blitzrage[TK]D-Fender: he needed the SIP_HEADER() because the Alert-Info was set outside of Asterisk originally
19:25.05blitzrageno problem -- I don't mind people who can actually help themselves
19:25.17blitzragedon't mind helping*
19:25.37[TK]D-FenderYourname``: nat=yes for your PHONE'S entry
19:26.09Yourname``[TK]D-Fender: But what about general?
19:26.16[TK]D-FenderYourname``: that isn't just for [general] you know...  read the guide!
19:26.27[TK]D-FenderYourname`its all explained in full
19:26.35blitzrageThatKidKel: yes, that usually means there was no ACK to the 200 OK that asterisk sent (usually a NAT problem........)
19:27.08annedonaldson17So, most of you have just purchased TE212P's out of the box, yes?
19:27.16Yourname``[TK]D-Fender: That's what I said! lol this was the second statement, I said "under general"
19:27.46Yourname``[TK]D-Fender: The sip peers are nat=yes, but the [general] nat was set to yes, even though the asterisk server was NOT behind NAT
19:28.03ThatKidKelblitzrage..  that's the unique problem..  these phoens are directly on net, no nat involved..
19:28.26[TK]D-FenderYourname``: Well if we're to do more we'll need a comprehensive pastebin.
19:28.42ThatKidKelblitzrage..  does the phone send a 200 OK that would be sent back to the proxy when it answers a call in the queue
19:28.46blitzrageThatKidKel: not much we can do without a complete SIP trace of the problem put into a pastebin
19:29.08ThatKidKelthat's the thing, i'm gonna have to trace a pretty busy server for a problem that "MAY" happen :)
19:29.10ThatKidKelits inconsident
19:30.17*** join/#asterisk poor_man (n=chatzill@
19:30.21Yourname``[TK]D-Fender: It works now, thank you. But new thing now is even though an agent is logged into the queue, it still doesn't go into the queue and ring that logged in agent at times.
19:30.28poor_mansorry my wireless felt
19:30.31ThatKidKelblitzrage.. i just started a trace..  i'm hoping it will happen again
19:30.37poor_manFender, as i was saying, i'm not dialing nothing more that the number i want
19:31.15[TK]D-FenderYourname``: Well you showed it dialing what looks like a static device, not an agent....
19:31.58[TK]D-Fenderpoor_man: I asked you what you were dialing out ON?  What technology?  What hardware, etc.
19:32.00Yourname``[TK]D-Fender: But the agent is logged in though..
19:32.36[TK]D-FenderYourname``: You're talking oranges, and showing me applies and no proof that the oranges even EXIST.
19:32.50Yourname``How can I reload the queues.conf from CLI?
19:33.00Yourname``[TK]D-Fender: Gimme two seconds.. trying something out with the queues.
19:33.17[TK]D-FenderYourname``: "reload" usually does it.
19:33.17Yourname``got it
19:33.27Yourname``[TK]D-Fender: For some reason reload  is killing current calls..
19:34.34davevg-btwtechYourname, if you just want to reload queues, try "reload"
19:35.07*** join/#asterisk oej (
19:35.20Yourname``Hey dave,
19:35.23Yourname``yeah, it worked, thank you
19:35.37poor_manfender, sorry ;) i'm using trixbox, with Asterisk 1.2.23-BRIstuffed-0.3.0-PRE
19:35.39*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
19:35.49Yourname``This is again something weird. If I call the direct extension that is supposed to put the person in a queue.. it doesn't. It just goes to the voicemail of that queue exten, lol
19:36.30Yourname``This is what it is..
19:36.36Yourname``And there are agents logged in that queue.
19:36.55*** join/#asterisk Oerd (
19:36.55Yourname``But when I call that exten 300 directly, it goes to the voicemail of that queue, instead of trying to go inside the queue.
19:37.07Yourname``How can I test this queue if this is like a normal behaviour?
19:37.30*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (n=leon@
19:37.49poor_manfender, with a Junghanns.NET PCI BASED ISDN INTERFACE CARD
19:38.26Yourname``Perfect, I'm agent 30. And I'm not logged into the queue and I call 300, and it doesn't work.. and sends me to 300's voicemail. But when I log into the queue and THEN call 300, it works and puts me in the queue. What am I doing wrong again!
19:39.41davevg-btwtechwhat is your joinempty parameter for the queue in queues.conf set at?
19:40.09Yourname``Before it was set to strict
19:40.14Yourname``But now I set it to no
19:40.16Yourname``And did a reload
19:40.24Yourname``Still nogo
19:40.25*** join/#asterisk atisss (n=atisss@
19:40.42davevg-btwtechYourname, so if there are no agents logged in, it will skip the queue..
19:40.55Yourname``I know, but the agent is logged in.
19:41.41putnopvutYourname`, have you tried not putting '0' as the timeout for the queue?
19:41.43[TK]D-FenderYourname``: Looks like you are calling the Queue with a "0" timeout = instan failure
19:42.07[TK]D-Fenderpoor_man: ...
19:42.11jbot[~trixbox] Trixbox is a full linux distro that includes FreePBX and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox VERY difficult to support, and is not supported in #asterisk. Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & wiki at
19:42.15davevg-btwtechi *think* he also has the pipe in the wrong place for the options
19:42.30Qwellcaio1982: you realize that Digium sells t-shirts on the web store, right?
19:42.48caio1982Qwell: actually I didnt know that
19:42.50Yourname``[TK]D-Fender: timeout is set to 15
19:42.55Qwellwill link, sec
19:43.02[TK]D-FenderYourname`not in the line that calls QUEUE
19:43.21[TK]D-FenderYourname`those are completely DIFFERNT timeouts.
19:43.36QwellI really want one of the laptop backpacks :(
19:43.37Yourname``[TK]D-Fender: Are you talking about the one in extensions.conf?
19:43.45davevg-btwtechtry this Queue(unitedq|Tt||15)
19:43.55[TK]D-FenderYourname``: one is for agent-dial, the on you call in the dialplan is for TOTAL time allowed to sit arount
19:44.05caio1982Qwell: that's sweet! thanks for the address
19:44.10Yourname``[TK]D-Fender : exten=> 300,n,Queue(unitedq||Tt|0)
19:44.29Qwellcaio1982: word of warning - if you get the geek shirt, pay attention to the washing instructions
19:44.34[TK]D-FenderYourname``: 0 = why don't we just hangup now.
19:44.47poor_manFender, sorry for my english, what do you mean more specificly?
19:44.53Qwellthe orange can easily bleed through the black - that's been my experience at least
19:45.05Yourname``[TK]D-Fender: Let me try
19:45.20caio1982Qwell: are they all made with the same material?
19:45.30[TK]D-Fenderpoor_man: I mean Trixbox is NOT supported here.  We cannot help you.
19:45.31Qwelllike...cotton? :p
19:45.54Qwellno, I think the geek one is a little more "fluffy"...or something
19:46.09poor_manok, but it has asterisk also
19:46.13Qwellthat, combined with the big logo makes for interesting issues...
19:46.20Yourname``[TK]D-Fender: I changed it, and now it seems to be going in. BUT, when I call the exten 7, it doesnt RING the agent.
19:46.21Qwellthe other two are quite nice
19:46.22caio1982sometimes I stumble upon those "sports" thing, no sweatting etc, no cotton...
19:46.32caio1982Qwell: great
19:46.35[TK]D-Fenderpoor_man: That does not matter.  you are not in control of your dialplan.  FreePBX (the GUI trixbox uses) controls EVERYTHING and you play by ITS rules.
19:46.43[TK]D-Fenderpoor_man: You are completely out of luck here.
19:47.01poor_manthanks for the info
19:47.20[TK]D-FenderYourname`And you STILL aren't showing me anything of value...
19:49.18hardwireok ok ok
19:49.38hardwireYourname` to your side of the ring.
19:52.59Yourname``[TK]D-Fender: That's because I'm still trying to figure out WHY when I call the queue the agent logged in from the other network doesn't get any rings.. :S
19:53.10Yourname``Just said Called SIP/301
19:53.17Yourname``But doesn't give anything else after :S
19:54.11[TK]D-FenderYourname``: rhetoric++
19:56.25Yourname``ok ok
19:56.32Yourname``Alright, let me do the port forwarding.
19:56.44Yourname``5060 8000-9000 will be forwarded, right?
19:57.07caio1982Qwell: have you seen this one to know if it's good looking in fact? looks like something back from the 70's:
19:57.20[TK]D-FenderYourname``: read the guide again.
19:57.26Yourname``And I'm thinking it's their sonicwall
19:57.28Qwellcaio1982: I like it..
19:57.37[TK]D-FenderYourname``: And then after all that try and think of something useful to show me.
19:58.07[TK]D-FenderYourname``: I'm running my work system behind a SonicWALL TZ170 myself.  try again...
19:58.27Yourname``[TK]D-Fender: So, I don't need to do anything on sonicwall?
19:58.33caio1982Qwell: take action shots of that to show us :D
19:58.33Yourname``[TK]D-Fender: No port forwarding?
19:58.45Qwellcaio1982: it looks like the images there
19:58.47[TK]D-FenderYourname`tell it to kepp the hell away from SIP NAT transform
19:59.04Yourname``So disable it?
19:59.07Yourname``uncheck it i mean?
19:59.24[TK]D-FenderYourname``: OFF
19:59.34*** join/#asterisk holiday_42 (
19:59.48Yourname``[TK]D-Fender: There is something called "Enable SIP transformations", which was checked. I just unchecked it. And then it also had "Enable consistent NAT" as checked.
20:00.34Yourname``[TK]D-Fender: So, now I unchecked consistent nat and sip transformations.
20:03.23Yourname``Ok, so basically I'm going to be giving pastebins.
20:03.34Yourname``Since I call that agent and it doesn't ring.. it's a NAT issue.
20:03.40Yourname``What would you like me to paste to you [TK]D-Fender?
20:04.07[TK]D-FenderYourname``: Configs, calls out to the device with SIP debug, etc.
20:05.54*** join/#asterisk fbnts (
20:06.49fbntsHi, just a quick question - Does Asterisk 1.4 have support for the MeetMe application?
20:07.37blitzrageof course
20:07.49blitzrageyou need zaptel installed though before you compile asterisk, or it won't compile
20:08.00blitzrage(you need a timing source, ala hardware, or ztdummy)
20:08.16fbntsah right, I compiled asterisk 1st then ztdummy afterwards
20:08.26blitzragejust run, "make install" in Asterisk again
20:09.00blitzrageerrr... thats wrong -- you need to run:  ./configure ; make menuselect ; make install
20:09.11blitzrage./configure needs to be run so Asterisk knows about the ztdummy
20:10.25*** join/#asterisk angom (
20:11.09fbntsah great, just logging in to try it now!
20:12.32jhbhi *. I originate calls sip/123@foo and sip/456@foo, and if 123 connects would like to hangup 456. any ideas?
20:12.48jhbsofthangup(sip/123@foo) does not do it
20:14.05[TK]D-Fenderjhb: try to originate "sip/123@foo&sip/456@foo"
20:14.08rajivwhere can i get high quality eps files of the asterisk and digium logos ?
20:14.25[TK]D-Fenderrajiv: You don't
20:14.48[TK]D-Fenderrajiv: Not without real contact with their marketing dept for trademark reasons.
20:14.54rajiv has usage guidelines but not downloads
20:15.46jhb[TK]D-Fender, ok, in reality 123 has to press a certain key, and it depends on that key press wether to hangup 456
20:16.01rajiv[TK]D-Fender: hmm. i am doing a presentation that falls within the usage guidelines
20:16.15rajivwell i emailed licensing@digium ... we'll see
20:16.53[TK]D-Fenderjhb: Taht gets tricky.  What I'd do is that when you orginate those 2 channels you set a variable in each call and inside the acknowledge macro, call an AGI that will scan for a channel with the same unique key set and issue the hangup for that channel.
20:18.24jhb[TK]D-Fender,  how do you trigger the acknowledge macro?
20:18.28jhb(from originate)
20:18.37jhbput them into an extension that does it?
20:19.16[TK]D-Fenderjhb: I'd dial a local channel that would Dial your SIP entry for you with the M option.
20:20.09jhb[TK]D-Fender, another great tip. Really good, helps a lot
20:20.39[TK]D-Fenderjhb: NP... the really tricky part is the AGI to parse the open channels to try and kill the other channels...
20:21.00[TK]D-Fenderjhb: OR..... I'm not sure it this'll work but...
20:21.18*** join/#asterisk |omni| (
20:22.51[TK]D-Fenderjhb: I belive that if you use the "M" option taht the call is not infact truly considered answered until "acknowledged.  you could maybe do a single originate of "Local/123@foo/n&Local/456@foo/n", and each of their "M"'s would not fallow through till answered.
20:22.55*** join/#asterisk spatulamaan (n=ggilmore@
20:23.01[TK]D-Fenderjhb: Which saves you all that scripting mess
20:23.09[TK]D-Fender(race conditions, etc)
20:24.33Yourname``[TK]D-Fender: It worked! I did the sonicwall thing you asked me to do.. Enable sip .. and it worked! :) Thank you.
20:25.31*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
20:25.38fujin</3 sonicwall
20:27.02*** join/#asterisk Greek-Boy (n=email@
20:28.43jhb[TK]D-Fender, was just thinking about that
20:29.34jhb[hC], I think....
20:31.41outtolunci think, this week has been long enought and vote we call it friday and continue from there
20:31.45outtoluncer -t
20:32.41outtoluncsweet, now where is my friday newspaper at.. hmm
20:32.44jhb[TK]D-Fender, is there something like sip show channels for agi, so that I could see how they are mapped?
20:33.48jhb[hC], my app is a bit like followme. If somebody takes up the phone, and does not want to take the call, the other called parties should still have a chance
20:33.59jhbsorry, that was for [TK]D-Fender
20:34.09jhb[TK]D-Fender,, my app is a bit like followme. If somebody takes up the phone, and does not want to take the call, the other called parties should still have a chance
20:34.11[hC]oh i was gonna say...
20:34.35[TK]D-FenderYourname``: Nothing says "thank you!" quite like PayPal ;)
20:35.11[TK]D-Fenderfujin: Yeah... they're "toasters"
20:35.35jhb[TK]D-Fender, in that sense originate 123&456 would not be enough
20:35.48fujinI fully agreed with nothing says thank-you like Paypal, until someone from here frauded me nearly $1000 usd and got my paypal account frozen.
20:35.52fujinwhich fucked up all my christmas plans.
20:36.07[TK]D-Fenderjhb: Sure, as long as each was a local channel, and no SIP/123 as I mentioned
20:36.14jameswfI like BevMO gift cards
20:37.10holiday_42fujin: what happened?
20:37.16fujinI did some work for a guy in here
20:37.24fujinwriting a perl autodialer and configuring a few asterisk systems
20:37.31fujinand he transferred me about 1000 usd
20:37.35fujinfrom two accounts
20:37.40fujinpaypal froze both
20:37.59kand[TK]D-Fender: you are correct about the M option, I have something similar.  I also us MACRO_RESULT to controll the original dial
20:38.10jhb[TK]D-Fender, ok, will try to do the Local&Local and see what happens (and learn and understand)
20:38.34holiday_42fujin:  but why did paypal freeze them?  Did the guy use accounts that were not his or something?
20:38.41fujinIt'd appear so, yeah.
20:38.45fujinthey believe they're fraudulent.
20:41.02*** join/#asterisk atisss (n=atisss@
20:41.06hmmhesaysoh boy I haven't install mysql in forever
20:41.29fujinapt-get install mysql-server-5?
20:41.44hmmhesaysdoing the initial config lol
20:42.50jhb[TK]D-Fender, not finished trying, thinking: but if I do Local&Local, I have not way to hang them up manually before they connect?
20:43.03*** join/#asterisk oej (
20:43.10errris it possible to use patterns when using realtime mysql??
20:43.28[TK]D-Fenderjhb: clairfy what you mean by "manually".
20:43.49jhb[TK]D-Fender, I mean, if I call a and b: a takes, b should be hung up. a denies, b should be able to take the call. if a does not answer, b should be able to take the call
20:43.59[TK]D-Fenderjhb: Each end should stay up till acknowledged by 1 end, and the other dropped when one does.
20:44.16[TK]D-Fenderjhb: Taht should work by default
20:45.11jhb[TK]D-Fender, its the second case: a takes the call, but presses 2 to deny it, not wanting to talk
20:45.27jhb[TK]D-Fender, sorry, forget that
20:45.46[TK]D-Fenderjhb: Should work fine, just go try it :)
20:46.06jhb[TK]D-Fender, will do
20:46.10jhb[TK]D-Fender, thx
20:47.59*** join/#asterisk harpo_marx (
20:48.41mockerfujin: That sucks
20:49.08fujinI hope paypal unfreeze it all before christmas
20:49.10fujinso I can withdraw it out
20:49.14mockerWho was it, so we can all watch out?
20:49.34jhb[TK]D-Fender, I get a Unable to request channel Local/004952144694640@de-calling
20:49.36mockerany maybe an op can /mode +b :)
20:49.37holiday_42not that I do anything worth any $ :)
20:49.37*** join/#asterisk apocn (n=htejeda@unaffiliated/apocn)
20:49.44fujinHe was on the username 'andrieu_x'
20:49.59*** join/#asterisk _ys (n=yuri@
20:50.00jhb[TK]D-Fender, did 'Local/004952144694640@de-calling\nLocal/00447726761210@de-calling\n'
20:50.09fujin(03:45:56) • Joins: andreiu_x:#asterisk (
20:50.10fujin(13:20:56) • Quits: andreiu_x ( : [ ]
20:50.16jhb[TK]D-Fender, also adding a & does not do it
20:50.43apocnis it possible to have more than one periodic-announce? for example I want the users while in queue hear 4 comercials one after the other.
20:51.07fujinapocn: use MoH?
20:51.13holiday_42that ip belongs to an amsterdam ip netblock, not that you can really rely on it tho
20:51.26fujinholiday_42: he claimed to be in spain
20:51.51apocnfujin : Im using MoH for normal music playing in background.
20:52.08apocnbut I want to "announce" some stuff using time intervals
20:52.18fujinthen no, I don't believe it's possible
20:52.24fujinmultiple periodic announces I mean
20:52.28apocnlike every 10 seconds to play a new stuff
20:52.29apocnok says spain
20:52.56[TK]D-Fenderjhb: 'Local/004952144694640@de-calling\nLocal/00447726761210@de-calling\n' <-- missing &
20:53.36blitzrage[TK]D-Fender: you mean /n
20:53.36fujinholiday_42: probably serves me right for freelancing off IRC
20:54.05apocnfujin : maybe only with this patch:
20:54.09holiday_42no, i don't think you did anything wrong.  you're the victim, not the culprit
20:54.25holiday_42but maybe use a separate paypal accout for freelance work?
20:54.30[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage: I was just cut& pasting his line to highly the first error.  I was going to let himcome to the others in priority sequence :p
20:54.33*** join/#asterisk oej (
20:54.41holiday_42i'll have to keep that in mind myself
21:00.35Yourname``[TK]D-Fender: LOL paypal is the shit!
21:01.46[TK]D-FenderYourname``: Its how I'm payed for most of my contracting work, how I pay my internet bill, and even that custom sword I commissioned :)
21:02.17hmmhesaysoh mysql is so foreign
21:03.22*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
21:04.42Yourname``As long as you don't use the sword on me! :D I think I should keep your paypal addr with me just in case.
21:04.57fujinkeep mine too
21:05.41Yourname``come ye come all.. its xmas 2008
21:09.21QwellYourname`: where's my gift?
21:09.59Qwelljbot said it - not me
21:11.55Qwellouttolunc: it just means he owes us gifts for 2 years
21:12.34outtolunci want a n810
21:15.46fujinn810 looks nice.
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21:17.24QwellI want like an E61 or something
21:17.34fujinoh man
21:17.36fujinthat n810 is awesome
21:17.39fujini have a jasjam right now
21:17.40fujinhtc tytn
21:18.08fujinalthough it's surprising to me that the n810 runs Maemo
21:19.00outtoluncQwell: only 64meg of user space
21:19.05Yourname``You guys are going to drown my bank!
21:19.25Qwellthat's 63.5mb more than my current phone
21:19.28outtolunci can barely live with the extra 1g my n770 has <G>
21:19.47fujinouttolunc: dude! it doesn't have a phone
21:19.49Yourname``Everyone here should have their paypal address on a webpage so they can be 'thanked' via paypal. So, people can 'thank' their helpers just by going to that webpage. :D
21:20.19outtoluncfujin: i already have a 'phone'
21:20.19Yourname``[TK]D-Fender: My friend got an HTC touch, don't get it! The touch sensitivity on it sucks currently.
21:20.34fujintwo devices vs. 1 = fail
21:20.35Yourname``It also makes calls when you 'slide' the phone into your pocket, lol
21:20.52[TK]D-FenderYourname``: I'm getting the CDMA version because of my carrier, never heard anything negative about it.
21:21.10[TK]D-FenderYourname`and thats what the "off" button is for :)
21:21.17outtoluncthats the other thing i want, 1yr unlimited data
21:21.27Yourname``[TK]D-Fender: I'm talking about the one from TELUS.
21:21.30[TK]D-Fenderouttolunc: $7md unlimited :)
21:22.05Yourname``Nothing is ever unlimited. Just like Gafachi. They say you have unlimited, and when you truly go unlimited, they slap fees left and right.
21:23.08[TK]D-FenderYourname`Lets say "exremely reasonable" then :)
21:23.25[TK]D-FenderYourname``: And sane amount of browsing & e-mail = fine
21:24.44outtoluncunlimited = you want fries with that
21:25.33[TK]D-FenderEither way, having most standard browsing, Google Maps, Youtube on demand = me happy
21:26.15outtoluncfor $7/mo ? <G>
21:26.38outtolunci wanna play <G>
21:30.33[TK]D-Fenderalrighty, check-out time, heading home...
21:37.01*** join/#asterisk Qwell_ (i=north@pdpc/sponsor/digium/Qwell)
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21:43.33lirakisok.. gtg later all
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21:47.31jbotACTION winks at jameswf
21:47.44jbotrumour has it, human is the mind of an angel in the body of an animal
21:49.28*** join/#asterisk dbtid (
21:49.56jbotAnd what are we going to do tomorrow night, Pinky?
21:50.03dbtidhello; i understand asterisk 1.4.x will run on the wrt54gl.  the links on the site aren't clear as to WHERE to get the distribution to do this.
21:50.06jbotbrain is probably a wonderful organ; it starts working the moment you get up
21:50.14holiday_42~the brain
21:50.15dbtidcan someone point me to a clear source??
21:50.38dbtid"Asterisk 1.4.x is also available from the OpenWRT forums and the link above."  (which link???)
21:50.48fujingo to the openwrt forums?
21:50.49mockerdbtid: Might check the unslung stuff.
21:50.50holiday_42the generic broadcom
21:53.11holiday_42gah, sorry dbtd, i was thinking dd-wrt
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21:53.57holiday_42 is dd-wrt.v24_voip_generic.bin  <-- is that running asterisk?
21:54.05hmmhesayslet me know when i've done wrong, and iv'e know this all along
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21:58.37Yourname``Now this is a very interesting thing for you guys. When I get a call to a DID that's puts the call in a queue, somehow the agents are getting thrown "off" the queue. And the phones (Vertical 9133i) says "Service not available".
21:58.40Yourname``What's that?
21:59.35Yourname``And when I do show queues, I see the agent that reports a "Service not available" as "Unavailable" on the show queues..
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22:04.12hardwiredookie or ducky?
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22:15.28holiday_42hmmhesays: what are you rambling on about?  is that a line from a song?
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22:16.01fbntshi,  I have just recompiled Asterisk but now when calling in and asterisk runs playback() i hear nothing.  Any ideas?
22:16.45mockerfbnts: Error?
22:17.29fbntsnope, the console looks normal - running through the dialplan and logging the playback command
22:18.06fbntsIf I call another number in that just simply dials a SIP phone in the office i hear the ringing tones but I presume that my telco playing them to me
22:22.32[TK]D-FenderIn Soviet Russia, file deletes YOU!
22:22.35fbntsjust doubled checked: Executing [0@ivr:4] Playback("IAX2/********-1", "ivr-welcome") in new stack
22:22.53fbnts<IAX2/***********-1> Playing 'ivr-welcome' (language 'en')
22:23.11fbntsstrange, theres no error
22:24.40fbntsahh, the reason I recompiled was to enable meetme after installing ztdummy
22:24.50fbntsif I rmmod ztdummy it plays fine
22:25.13fbntsif i then quit and do modprobe ztdummy and start asterisk again its silent again
22:33.30[hC]Heres an interesting question for anyone who knows anything about how asterisk does codec selection..
22:34.29[hC]If i have an IAX (or SIP) trunk that is forced to g729, and i have an FXO port in some card (which wants to speak ulaw) -- If i put deny=all allow=g729 allow=ulaw in my sip.conf for the desk phones, will asterisk pick according to what codec it needs to speak (and not transcode?)
22:34.51*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
22:34.53[hC]Say, if a call comes in the g729 IAX trunk to desk phone, it will use g729... but if a call comes in (or goes out) the FXO port, it will just 'pick' ulaw, instead of transcoding?
22:35.14[TK]D-Fender[hC], if your itsp says G.729 only, then thats it.
22:35.38[hC][TK]D-Fender: i am the itsp, i'm trying to figure out how to avoid transcoding on sites with small cpu (soekris) but also have analog ports.
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22:35.44dijungalhi guy
22:35.57[TK]D-Fender[hC], then no G.729.
22:36.30[hC][TK]D-Fender: im trying to figure out if asterisk is smart enough so that if a phone in sip.conf is told that it allows both g729 and ulaw, if it will pick g729 when trying to make a call out an IAX2 trunk that is set to use g729, and will also pick ulaw when trying to call out the FXO port (zap)
22:36.41[hC][TK]D-Fender: rather than forcing the phone to a particular codec and needing to transcode.
22:37.22[hC]If i understand how SIP works, it should negotiate the best codec and pick the right one based on which technology the caller is dialing out on.
22:37.35*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
22:37.42dijungalthis is not an asterisk question but i'm hoping someone can help me with a polycom provisioning... I have a windows dhcp server on my network and just configured a linux dhcp server for my polycom phones, but the phone keeps getting it's ip and and settings from the windows dhcp server. How do i make the linux dhcp server take precedence for the mac addresses of the phones???
22:37.42hmmhesaysyeah should
22:37.44[TK]D-Fender[hC], as long as Zap never needs to hit G.729, disallow=all, allow=ulaw, allow=g729, might do
22:38.02[hC][TK]D-Fender: yeah thats what im asking... that exact case. Zap and IAX will never cross
22:38.20jameswf2 dhcp servers on 1 domain is bahbahbahdddd
22:38.21[TK]D-Fenderdijungal, You can't run 2 DHCP servers on the same network segment.  Thats nuts
22:38.23[hC][TK]D-Fender: its only Joe Deskuser calling NXXNXXXXXX and it either goes out IAX(g729) or Zap(ulaw)
22:38.37[TK]D-Fender[hC], try as I suggested and see
22:38.45dijungalthey're on diff subnets
22:38.54[hC][TK]D-Fender: yeah thats what im just gonna do now. Thanks. just wanted some affirmation.
22:39.04JT[hC]: was that just wishful thinking, sip choosing the best codec?
22:39.12dijungal[TK]D-Fender: how do u segment the network?
22:39.14jameswfthe computers dont have subnets untell the DHCP server assigns
22:39.35jbothmm... arp is the address resolution protocol, which converts IP addresses to MAC addresses
22:40.16[TK]D-FenderYourname``, networking issues clearly
22:40.20JTdijungal: you're crazy, as [TK]D-Fender said
22:40.26lesouvageWhat does <unowned> mean when doing a local show channels:    asterisk -rx "local show channels"     <unowned> -- 316@default-agent
22:40.33JTdijungal: you cannot run 2 DHCP servers on the same segment
22:40.40JTat a minimum you need VLANs
22:40.40QwellJT: sure you can
22:40.48dijungalJT: once again.. how do u segment the network???
22:40.52jameswfdijungal, set up 1 DHCP server with two buckets and assign IPs based on MAC addresses
22:40.56JTVLANs, different switches
22:40.58Yourname``[TK]D-Fender : lol, it usually happens when someone ELSE sends those calls to us. But when we dial, and send the resultant call to the queue it's all good.
22:41.07JTdijungal: make them be different networks.
22:41.28JTQwell: sure you can...
22:41.59jameswfI assume you used webmin on the linux box... read up it will allow you to set this up windows style ( without thinking)
22:42.09*** join/#asterisk switched (
22:42.21dijungalno webmin on the box
22:42.26dijungalall cli
22:42.43jameswfperhaps a network admin is in order....
22:42.55switchedwhen i do 'pri show span 1' i get - "no PRI running on span 1" ... now I know that Verizon hasn't "totally" turned on the PRI yet, but shouldn't the D channel be active?
22:43.02dijungalhe's out of office... and i can't get him on the phone
22:43.28[hC]switched: if they havent turned up the pri, the dchannel will most likely be dead.
22:43.30switchedbut then again, if asterisk can't see the PRI itself, then I can't see D channel - so either asterisk is misconfigured, or there really isn't a PRI setup?
22:43.39switchedaw wtf
22:43.41JTdijungal: the easiest way to run 2 DHCP servers is to use 2 physically seperate networks (different switches), or 2 virtually seperated networks (different VLANs)
22:43.51jameswfswitched, if your settings are correct pri show span1 will say down your settings are incorrect
22:44.11switchedoh well, learning experience i guess. i was under the impression that they can set it so D channel is up, but not the rest of them?
22:44.22switchedor maybe i misunderstood them
22:44.33Qwellswitched: sure, they *could*, but this is verizon we're talking about
22:44.36JTswitched: they can set it up so the D channel is up but calls don't work
22:44.37jameswfswiched your not configured for pri
22:44.44jameswfnothing to do with them
22:44.46JTswitched: but they are all just timeslots
22:44.56JTso the whole link is either up or not
22:45.59switchedi think i've checked multiple places: 1) /etc/zaptel.conf looks right 2) /etc/asterisk/zapata-channels.conf looks right 3) /etc/asterisk/modules.conf looks right (had to had chan_zap.o to it)
22:46.17jameswfpastebin zaptel and zapata
22:46.33jameswfswiched do you have libpri
22:46.39switchedfor some reason i had a hard time figuring out i had to add chan_zap in - just that I know I didn't have the pri command in the asterisk CLI
22:46.43switchedyeah I got libpri installed
22:46.48switchedk imma pastebin those
22:48.17switchedmy zapata: and my zaptel.conf:
22:48.58switchedalso, my digium card has a amber light - which to me is good - better than no light. according to docs, means it can't see the far end.
22:49.12switchedwhich makes sense - the pri isn't totally live yet
22:49.15JTspan=1,1,1,esf,b8zs should probably be span=1,1,0,esf,b8zs not that it will really make a difference
22:49.27jameswftry span=1,1,0,esf,b8zs
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22:49.43switchedyou mean the LBO setting?
22:49.55switchedbut isn't the CSU ..built into the digium card?
22:50.06switcheder wait i mean then zero it should be.
22:50.12switchedso.. genzaptelconf sometimes is wrong?
22:50.32JTumm, why has your zapata.conf got zaptel.conf stuff in it? or did you pb wrong?
22:50.37jameswfgenzaptelconf is 50/50 you should tweak the final output
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22:51.21switchedJT: sorry, I pb'd wrong, so lines 1-20 are the zaptel, the rest is a cat of the zapata.conf
22:51.48jameswfI see zapata-channels and zaptel no zapata
22:51.50JToh which one
22:52.13switchedi thought zapata-channels is the same? i have no zapata.conf
22:52.19switcheder.. i guess i should make one. lol
22:52.22jameswfthere is the issue
22:52.24JTthen how will asterisk read the configuration?
22:52.42JTzapata-channels is non standard
22:52.56switchedok - thing is.. if you don't have zapata.conf does that get logged somewhere?
22:53.06jameswfzapata-channels should be a #include
22:53.14switchedin my trixbox machine, everything goes to /var/log/asterisk/full
22:53.23jbot[~trixbox] Trixbox is a full linux distro that includes FreePBX and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox VERY difficult to support, and is not supported in #asterisk. Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & wiki at
22:53.24JTtrixbox is not asterisk
22:53.24switchedon my current test machine
22:53.41switcheder.. yeah - on my current non-trixbox test box (asterisk by source) - i dunno where the logs are
22:53.48switchedmaybe i misconfigured it
22:53.51jameswfprobably missed make configs...
22:54.01switchedoh goddammit that makes sense.
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22:54.09switchedi blew through it being lazy
22:54.33jameswfI script my asterisk/zaptel/libpri... installs
22:54.43jameswfthat is lazy :)
22:54.52switchedok i was being stupid then
22:55.01lesouvageNo one familiar with "unknowned channels"?
22:55.32jameswfgot me
22:55.37Qwell~unknowned channels
22:56.03jameswfjbot unknowned is WTF?
22:56.05jbotjameswf: okay
22:56.09jbotunknowned is, like, WTF?
22:56.20lesouvageI googled but nothing usefull showed up
22:57.02*** join/#asterisk optize (
22:57.32optizeI have this one customer, who sends us an INVITE (while he's registered) we send back a 'Proxy Auth Required', he re-sends the INVITE, and then I came back with '403 Forbidden'  What would cause that?  Him not senidng auth details?
22:57.37optizeI think he is, I have no idea what the issue is. is a spam site....
22:58.05JTlesouvage: possibly because there is no such english word as unknowned.
22:58.19QwellJT: past tense verbed
22:58.25jameswfpsh english... who speaks that crap
22:58.51Qwelldefinition: "Made to be unknown"
22:58.59lesouvageAnd it is actually not that funny because it causing real problems in a production envirement.
22:59.10JTlesouvage: and yet there is still no such word.
22:59.11jameswfI would like to formally reintroduce the word chode to the daily vocabulary...
22:59.13Qwelllesouvage: how about you explain the problem?
22:59.40jameswfpastebin the error
22:59.58jameswfmaybe an asterisk dev was drunk one day
23:01.06lesouvagejameswf: <unowned> -- 316@default-agent       Yes I wrote it wrong, its unowned and not unknowned
23:01.12jameswfthats funny as hell :)
23:01.13Qwellun OWNED
23:01.28Yourname``I sersly hate these Vertical 9133is (rebranded from Aastra).
23:02.05fujinget new phones
23:02.07fujin&& doen
23:02.14jameswfagent:excuse me sir did you hear the screaming monkeys: caller: What?
23:03.06Yourname``fujin: Looking for a Polycom IP330 provider. Got a couple quotes so far, but none offer good discount for bulk orders, lol.
23:03.18fujinip330's cost me $250nzd~
23:03.45jameswfmaybe replace tt-monkeys with a whisper of "kill, kill em all"
23:04.31lesouvageThe problem is that there is a strange behaviour of queues. When an agents tranfer the call to another extension and the agents is freed for other calls after the call he transfered has ended.  The call isn't tranfered but bridged. When examining the logs I found the unowned message that might be part of the problem or an indication of the problem.
23:04.50jameswfhave allison do subliminal messages for crazy people///
23:05.40[TK]D-Fenderjameswf, No need... crazy people already imagine hearing Allison say all sorts of things....
23:05.58jameswfI know I do lol
23:06.02Yourname``fujin: Costing me $109.99 each for 50 phones.
23:06.26fujinthat's about right man..
23:06.30fujinget what you pay for though ;)
23:06.34Yourname``I want it to be more like $70
23:07.31fujini'm told the ip330
23:07.35fujinare much better than 501
23:07.39fujinif not only for PoE support :P
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23:11.41fbntsHas anyone had a problem that when the ztdummy module is loaded, applications like playback() and musiconhold() don't play any sound?
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23:11.59AJaymnHas anyone found a decent Billing system other then A2billing for Asterisk? I need to be able to bill monthly, and min usage of tollfree service
23:13.28JTfujin: that's crazy, the 501s are clearly better
23:13.44fujinbigger screen eh?
23:13.48fujini haven't used either :)
23:13.58*** join/#asterisk barhom (
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23:14.38barhomhow do I match all non-existing extens? Ive tried s,i,h nothing is working as expected.. I would like to not use "_."
23:15.12lesouvageI understand that  "<unowned> -- 316@default-agent is a rare message". No one out there who could give an explanation or give some direction what causes this message.
23:15.19barhomthanks james, Ill try
23:15.19JTbigger and better screen, 3 line appearances, line appearances show on screen
23:15.31[TK]D-Fenderbarhom, You're going to have to.
23:15.33JTfujin: more buttons too
23:15.57jameswfthat sells me I like buttons
23:16.43[TK]D-FenderAll hard buttons on Polycom phones that have soft-keys are wasted
23:17.05[TK]D-FenderIP 330 = much cheaper.  In most cases I'd suggest the IP 330 over the 501.
23:17.29[TK]D-FenderIP 501 has a very limited scope of suggestability in their lineup
23:18.00fujinhard buttons are bertter for most users (read: idiots)
23:18.11jbotso far only bleck
23:18.21outtolunclesouvage: look in res_features of whatever you are using
23:19.16lesouvageouttolunc: what should I look for?
23:19.22[TK]D-Fenderfujin, Idiots will try hitting hard-button when they're not allowed.
23:19.30outtoluncdidn't you ask where the 'unowned' came from?
23:19.32fujinthat's true, also
23:19.43outtoluncor i misunderstood
23:20.48lesouvageouttolunc: yes i'm looking for an explanation for the unowned message.
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23:27.46jbotNow where did I put the lube...? Eh, no matter, dry it is tonight!
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23:30.38jbotupdatedb; locate; talk; date; cd; strip; look; touch; finger; unzip; uptime; gawk; head; apt-get install condom; mount; fsck; gasp; more; yes; yes; yes; more; umount; apt-get remove --purge condom; make clean; sleep, or super extractor,
23:30.40switchedin zapata.conf what's the group setting for?
23:30.49JTthe zaptel group
23:30.51jbot[~wikis] VoIP Wiki covering Asterisk, FreeSWITCH, TrixBox, SER, OpenSER, sipX, CallWeaver, and YATE. (c) Arte Marketing Inc / CommPartners
23:31.20*** join/#asterisk Adolph-testing (
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23:32.37Adolph-testingi got a voip account who default use ATA device i speak with customer support and they give me a SIP account, i configured asterisk with that account without register => line
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23:33.41switchedk so my zapata.conf is now: and zaptel.conf is: .. restarted zaptel and asterisk and still says no pri detected
23:34.09switchedwhich i guess.. means...the PRI is not there. of course. i just want to make super sure it's not a config problem when we call verizon again
23:34.32JTswitched: pri show span 1
23:34.40jameswfdid you restart asterisk
23:34.45Adolph-testingcan anyone help me ?
23:34.53switchedNo PRI running on span 1
23:35.05JTAdolph-testing: you didn't even say what the problem was
23:35.09switchedyeah did a `service asterisk restart` after a `service zaptel restart`
23:35.48JTswitched: what happens when you do ztcfg -vv ?
23:35.57Adolph-testingso i configured sip.conf and try to make an call but i get this error > Channel SIP/voiceral-08d58090 was never answered.
23:36.03[TK]D-Fenderswitched, that had better not be your entire zapata.conf....
23:36.17switchedD-Fender: it can see my card on span #1
23:36.48switchedI thought that would be the minimal I could get away with...but sounds like not.
23:37.06Adolph-testingwhen i try to register sip on voip server i recive this error  Got 404 Not found on SIP register to service 1651293@
23:37.11[TK]D-Fenderswitched, You telling me THIS is your entire zapata.conf ? ->
23:38.09alrsclick: SQUAREPUSHER!
23:38.15alrswrong window, sorry
23:38.34Yourname``I place a call from a dialer, and when the callee rcvs the call, the call is placed back into a queue.. and the agent of the queue sees the callerid of that callee. THEN, this agent transfers this callee to another queue. But the agents of the other queue only see the callerid of agent that transferred the callee.. how do I get the callerid of the callee?
23:39.02switchedD-Fender yes, I was just going off of this  ... hoping that would be the minimal config I can use to at last successfully see feedback from "PRI debug span 1"
23:39.14outtolunccat /etc/asterisk/zapata-channels.conf ... intended to be 'included' from zapata.conf .. is it?
23:39.46[TK]D-Fenderswitched, you don't have a [channels] section header in there and "zapata-channels.conf" is not used ANYWHERE in your setup.  Fix your header
23:40.10Adolph-testingJT any ideea what to try to search to ask voip provider supprt ?
23:40.14[TK]D-Fenderouttolunc, No, thats broken leftovers.
23:40.37outtoluncwhy is it always get the broken-leftover shit <G>
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23:42.38fujinYourname`: set it into a __variable
23:42.46fujinone of those magical ones that doesn't disappear, even down a macro chain
23:42.57*** join/#asterisk macros73_ (
23:43.02fujinthen before sending the call to someone else, re-set callerid to that variable
23:43.42[TK]D-FenderAdolph-testing, register error tells you you're using the wrong username
23:44.40jbotwell, question is If you have a question and want people to give useful answers, make sure you have read this first:
23:44.57*** join/#asterisk codefreeze (i=steve_mu@nat/digium/x-298af643db995eb0)
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23:45.02*** join/#asterisk etix (n=etix@2a01:5d8:52e0:3180:216:4242:cafe:cafe)
23:45.27jameswfsed '/^\;/d' zapata.conf.sample > zapata.conf
23:45.54[TK]D-Fenderjameswf : or he could just add the single line I told him to.
23:46.23jameswfhe probably should read the book
23:46.27jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
23:47.12blitzragecan someone double check that is available from the outside world? (and not just from my laptop?) :)
23:47.47outtoluncAsterisk™: The Future of Telephony
23:48.03Qwell_interesting tld
23:48.06jameswfdirty :)
23:48.18outtoluncThis book uses RepKover™, a durable and flexible lay-flat binding.
23:48.32barhomwhat is so special with "_", I mean I can write exten => 555,etc and I can write exten => _555,etc - difference?
23:48.57*** join/#asterisk gardo (n=gardo@
23:49.00Adolph-testingi will check [TK]D-Fender
23:49.23[TK]D-Fenderbarhom, "_" is to indicate a pattern which that ISN'T
23:50.09barhom_ as a pattern, got it. This is quick learning, thanks
23:50.38[TK]D-Fenderbarhom, exten => _5XX,1, <--- this takes any 3-digit # starting with "5".  exten => 5XX,1, <--- this takes EXACTLY "5XX" alphanumeric.
23:51.18[TK]D-Fenderbarhom, Which means you'd better be able to dial the alphabet....
23:51.27outtoluncbasically, _ means look for swapable wildcard ... such as X or N
23:51.34[TK]D-Fender(only good as an initial dial from a softphone for example)
23:51.46Adolph-testing[TK]D-Fender: the voipral support confirmed, username and password are good
23:52.07JT_ enables pattern matching.
23:52.12JTno _ no pattern matching.
23:52.17barhomwhat is N outtolunc?
23:52.26outtolunc2-9 iirc
23:52.29jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
23:53.07[TK]D-FenderAdolph-testing, 404 = I don't know you.
23:53.09*** join/#asterisk Olobola (n=sfsdsdfs@
23:53.28JTor i don't know the extension you're trying to reach
23:53.41Olobolamy call log is 8 hours ahead for some reason
23:53.42[TK]D-FenderJT, we're dealing with a REGISTER here
23:53.52JTah ok
23:55.16JTAdolph-testing: have you tried using a softphone to the provider instead of asterisk/
23:55.47Adolph-testingnot working
23:55.52JTi see
23:57.14Adolph-testingi sayd to the voiceral support to remove user and password and to try to authenticate by ip address
23:57.20Adolph-testingand still not working
23:57.52*** join/#asterisk jm|home (n=jm|
23:59.24Adolph-testingand softphone i used Express Talk from NCH software
23:59.26outtoluncman, i'm bored out of my freakin mind
23:59.52JTuse xlite
23:59.57JTor ekiga

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