IRC log for #asterisk on 20071210

00:04.54*** join/#asterisk Toerkeium (i=oo@
00:22.06*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (n=nikolai@
00:32.00*** join/#asterisk craigk (n=ckowald@
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00:38.26*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
00:39.49*** join/#asterisk xheliox (n=jeff@pdpc/supporter/active/xheliox)
00:44.54saftsackhi, the following case: dial(TELEPHONE1&TELEPHONE2) ... if telephone1 is busy but it is getting available during ringing will it begin ringing after the previous call on this telephone has ended?
00:45.02*** part/#asterisk klyrelion (
00:49.59*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
00:52.58[TK]D-Fendersaftsack, No
00:54.13*** join/#asterisk Snake-eyes (
00:55.32*** join/#asterisk |omni| (
01:01.21*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
01:01.44*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (i=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-30ceb1f9482432a7)
01:04.16*** join/#asterisk salzh (n=salzh@
01:12.45*** join/#asterisk ZaVoid (
01:12.56ZaVoidanyone decent at reading backtraces?
01:16.35ZaVoid#4  0x080d7b29 in ast_rtp_bridge (c0=0xb7d33a68, c1=0x92966b0, flags=Variable "flags" is not available.) at rtp.c:3144  <-- is that valid backtrace data at all?
01:17.45saftsack[TK]D-Fender, ok and is there a possibility to fix this? (no pickup ;) )
01:18.23ZaVoidbut bt full gives me this:   #1  0x080814e2 in ast_do_masquerade (original=0xb7db2cd0) at /usr/src/asterisk-1.4.15/include/asterisk/lock.h:700
01:20.00[TK]D-Fendersaftsack, Sure.  Go recode app_dial yourself to constantly retry.  Because you see, * can't track what the end-point's response is going to be so it will have to keep trying.
01:20.48[TK]D-Fendersaftsack, So what kind of device are you planning on using this with?
01:22.03ZaVoidfender you look at backtraces much? am i looing at the right thing by doing bt full?
01:22.09ZaVoidhow you doing too?
01:22.42[TK]D-FenderZaVoid, if I had something to say I would have....
01:24.12ZaVoidgood point
01:24.18ZaVoidso how you doing?
01:26.16saftsack[TK]D-Fender, sip -> snomphones
01:26.42ManxPowerZaVoid: did you read backtrace.txt included in the Asterisk souce
01:26.43[TK]D-Fendersaftsack, and they don't support call-waiting?
01:26.54ZaVoidyes ManxPower
01:27.00ManxPowerJust making sure.
01:27.32ZaVoidbut i've also been reading a bunch of the bugs posted at before i post my crash details and just want to make sure i'm doing it right
01:28.50saftsackwhat is call waiting?
01:28.57saftsackok i will look at voip-info :-P
01:29.19[TK]D-Fendersaftsack, .... *BEEP*
01:29.31[TK]D-Fendersaftsack, You know... the ability to take 1 call while on another....
01:29.49[TK]D-Fendersaftsack, not knowing this stuff is nearly a shoot-on-sight offense in telecom....
01:30.27ZaVoidsince 1.4.15 crashes on me every few days now.. no where near as stable as 1.4.9(never crashed)
01:32.20*** join/#asterisk coppice (
01:34.55*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
01:34.58saftsack[TK]D-Fender, sorry no one has your knowledge -.- . do you think there are some people from other countries which have another languages and another meaning for some things
01:35.29[TK]D-Fendersaftsack, my GRANDPARENTS know what call-waiting is :)
01:36.01blitzrageZaVoid: have you gotten a backtrace and posted a bug to the bug tracker?
01:36.18[TK]D-Fendersaftsack, and having nice SIP phones I'd have thought you'd have gotten calls "beeping through" while on other calls with pretty flashing lights and other painfully obvious signs of "gee I CAN take that call!"
01:36.24ZaVoidi want to make sure i post it right before i post it blitzrage
01:37.39saftsack[TK]D-Fender, this feature is called "klopfen" ;) here in germany. and in the standard setting it is an audio signal and we turned it completely off because it annoyes the persons on the telephones
01:37.48*** join/#asterisk BeeBuu (n=beebuu@
01:38.43[TK]D-Fendersaftsack, yeah, God knows you wouldn't want them interrupting that call to their family for a call from their BOSS.
01:38.56ManxPowerCall Waiting is the tool of the devil
01:39.34saftsackhere in germany we can trust our people which are on the telephne
01:42.13blitzrageyou can't trust anyone
01:42.16blitzrageI barely trust myself
01:42.38blitzrageI have passwords that I don't tell to my other personality all the time just so he doesn't screw up all my hard work
01:43.08blitzragehey, womens boxing is on....
01:43.40blitzragenow I'm silky smooth
01:44.59coppicethey're putting women in boxes? :-\
01:45.13blitzrageyep, and shipping them overnight
01:45.23ManxPowercoppice: No, I think it's women putting presents in boxes.
01:45.47ManxPowerThe Elves are unionized, so.....
01:47.01coppiceYou mean Santa has gone DIY?
01:49.01coppice[TK]D-Fender: you should be careful with those parcels. unless they arrive on time, you might be horrified by how the contents have gone downhill.
01:52.32coppiceand if you hear any moaning noises, return it without opening
01:55.09[TK]D-Fendercoppice, kill-joy!
01:55.40coppiceyou let a moany one out of the box, and she wil certainly kill any joy
02:04.06*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (i=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-a648450de66a937e)
02:07.22*** join/#asterisk techie (
02:14.05*** join/#asterisk jsoftw (n=Administ@
02:14.11jsoftwAnyone know about ztdummy on freebsd?
02:14.57JTzaptel was written for linux, but there is a bsd zaptel project
02:22.04*** join/#asterisk seanwg123 (
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02:23.25seanwg123anyone know if there are any ways to figure out why a inbound IAX2 call to a ring list fails constantly?
02:23.27*** join/#asterisk GoldFingaZ (
02:23.46fujin_ring list?
02:23.48seanwg123the ring list contains an extension and an external number
02:24.09seanwg123yah a ring list in freepbx
02:24.47jbot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
02:24.54fujin_OH SNAP
02:24.57fujin_hat five JT
02:25.18fujin_seanwg123: if you were using plain asterisk, I might be more inclined to help - sorry
02:25.31JTvewy niice
02:26.47*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (
02:47.54*** join/#asterisk BadHorsie (
02:58.51jsoftwfreebsd is quite... erm.. complex
02:58.56jsoftwerm, freepbx I mean
03:06.59*** join/#asterisk MrTelephone (
03:08.12*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (i=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-0c153f2c95853702)
03:21.03MavvieAnybody here used a Cisco Call Manager system together with Asterisk doing the voicemail?
03:22.44jsoftwfujin_: might as well be
03:22.58fujin_Mavvie: soudns overly painful
03:23.03jsoftwIm getting only about 85% on zttest
03:23.07jsoftwusing ztdummy :/
03:23.18Mavviefujin_: I wouldn't say no to that.
03:23.29Mavviefujin_: I've most of it working, except for MWI.
03:23.44Mavviefujin_: but it is euhm... configuration hell to do it right.
03:23.57fujin_Mavvie: what phones for mwi?
03:24.03fujin_I don't think you're going to get mwi tbh
03:24.09Mavviefujin_: 79xx series.
03:24.22fujin_unless you can get the 79xx's to subscribe to a mailbox on another Ip address
03:24.25Mavviefujin_: that's what I was thinking. It's a Proof of Concept anyway.
03:24.34*** join/#asterisk ZaVoid (
03:33.34*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
03:33.51*** join/#asterisk MaliutaBris (n=nikolai@
03:34.46*** join/#asterisk _pepo_ (i=pepo@gateway/tor/x-920b2fc27db9ee25)
03:35.05_pepo_hi friends
03:44.37*** join/#asterisk Zuchmir (
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03:45.30Zuchmirare there any software SIP clients that display the SendText()
03:53.39*** join/#asterisk techie (
04:02.17*** join/#asterisk mog (
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04:05.14*** join/#asterisk techie (
04:08.14craigkanybody know if i can change the callgroup/pickupgroup of an extension at runtime, or can it only be done statically in the conf files ?
04:08.27*** join/#asterisk mosty (
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04:26.04*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
04:27.48[TK]D-Fendercraigk, only gets set when the configs are read in.
04:27.58*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
04:28.13craigkthanks TK ... i thought that would be the case, but just wanted to make sure :)
04:30.12*** join/#asterisk Somax (
04:31.13*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (i=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-cd3ddabb862f1b9f)
04:32.29*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
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04:34.41SomaxI have a Asterisk novice question. I'm trying to add simple voice-conferencing features for my web 2.0 service. Is it possible to use open source softphone clients connected to an Asterisk server, for signaling and audio mixing? Which soft-phone is best to start with? Which URLs/tutorials are best, to start with to get this setup? Thanks
04:35.50[TK]D-FenderSomax,  I've done 1on1 video, but never 3-way+
04:35.52jbot[book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN  0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
04:35.53jbot[~wikis] VoIP Wiki covering Asterisk, FreeSWITCH, TrixBox, SER, OpenSER, sipX, CallWeaver, and YATE. (c) Arte Marketing Inc / CommPartners
04:35.57[TK]D-FenderThere ---^^
04:36.43*** join/#asterisk webman (
04:42.49*** join/#asterisk watchy (
04:43.15watchydoes * give packets a TOS mark?
04:43.17blitzrage[TK]D-Fender: "Somax,  I've done 1on1 video, but never 3-way+" ..... hahaha
04:43.44[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage, yup, that come was "fully loaded" wasn't it? ;)
04:43.59blitzragetoo funny
04:44.12watchytk: does * put any TOS stuff in packets?
04:44.49WilliamKwatchy, it's in the ip-tos doc
04:44.49mostywatchy, it can
04:44.50SomaxThanks.. quick follow up novice questions. For the 1-1 video, can each user identify who they conference with, based on some other ID (like dynamically generated conference number or URL) than each other's login or some other unique ID? thanks
04:44.51[TK]D-Fenderwatchy, its rude to target individuals like that
04:44.53JTit does
04:45.16watchyi'm trying to make my mikrotiks see the special packets and give priority
04:45.27watchyi wanna prioritize my VOIP traffic
04:45.36JTwatchy: ok
04:45.54watchyyou ever done that JT?
04:45.55[TK]D-FenderSomax, Basically you need either registered users (not what you want), or nearly un-authed.  You need to go download * and just TRY and see how it works for you.
04:46.09*** join/#asterisk macros73 (
04:47.28jbot[~pastebin] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
04:48.44*** join/#asterisk mog (
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04:49.48JTwatchy: no
04:51.00*** join/#asterisk duki (
04:53.54watchyman i need to figure this out
04:54.17JTso read the documentation? :)
04:54.52watchyworking on it
04:55.02watchyi lack any knowledge of QoS/ToS anything
04:57.30webmancan someone look at (sip debug) and provide any clues as to what is going wrong?
04:58.32webmanIt seems to say the codec is not allowed, but they are never asked to send their username/password (their account does allow g729, so then after auth they should be allowed)
05:01.29mostywebman, is the sip client registered?
05:01.57webmanmosty: how do I check that ?
05:02.06mostysip show peers
05:02.58webmanit says IP is "unspecified" does that mean it is not registered?
05:05.01[TK]D-Fenderwebman, "From: <sip:>;tag=1352ADC4-122" <--- no user on incoming
05:05.37[TK]D-Fenderwebman, Found description format G729 for ID 18 <---- this is a licensed codec, did you pay for and install them?
05:05.58[TK]D-Fenderwebman, SIP/2.0 488 Not acceptable here <- oh... and * doesn't even AGREE to them OFFERING it.
05:06.03*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (n=nikolai@
05:06.56*** join/#asterisk Mavvie (
05:08.44*** join/#asterisk gardo (n=gardo@
05:10.39webmanmosty: even if the user is not registered, normally when I see the sip client send an invite, asterisk sends back a auth required or similar, but it doesn't do that here ?
05:11.36webmanalso, the specific user section has allow=g729 so I suppose the real problem is they are not authenticating/registering?
05:12.38[TK]D-Fenderwebman, its not HITTING your user section.  The call isn't ID'd as coming from anyone.  Check your invite
05:12.55*** join/#asterisk duki (
05:13.43webmanok thanks...
05:14.08*** join/#asterisk angom (n=Angel@
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05:24.05*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (n=nikolai@
05:24.30gardohow can you see all the supported audio formats of mixmonitor/monitor?
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05:27.38[TK]D-Fendergardo, "show translation"
05:28.18*** join/#asterisk mihinomenest (i=v3k4@
05:28.22gardooh that one
05:28.29gardo[TK]D-Fender: thanks!
05:28.36gardoi forgot about that
05:29.45gardois it possible for mixmonitor to record directly to mp3 format?
05:29.59gardoi usually use the gsm format
05:31.10[TK]D-Fendergardo, Clearly not.
05:31.31[TK]D-Fendergardo, You can record in any format * can transcode, and MP3 isn't it.
05:31.46gardois there a way to build asterisk w/ mp3 support?
05:31.57[TK]D-Fendergardo, You can always call a post-recording app to convert it for you.
05:32.16[TK]D-Fendergardo, native, sure there's a way, but not legally includable with *.
05:33.19gardoseems that i have no other choice but to call a post-recording app to do the conversion
05:34.27*** join/#asterisk dec (n=tom@unaffiliated/dec)
05:38.23decis it possible to have Pickup() pick up an extension on a remote asterisk server?
05:40.13[TK]D-Fenderdec, no
05:40.51*** part/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
05:41.46*** join/#asterisk sg` (n=saurabh@
05:58.23*** join/#asterisk njsf (n=njsf@sxemacs/devel/njsf)
05:58.40sg`how can i interrupt a call and play a custom message to caller and then return him back to call.
05:58.48*** join/#asterisk lowlevel (
05:59.52njsfquick newbie question. Is asterisk capable of doing a POTS callout on a voice modem?
06:00.26njsfi.e. being a gateway with just a voice modem
06:01.05[TK]D-Fendernjsf : no, you need to use a compatible FXO device, and no, some crappy modem will not do
06:01.29[TK]D-Fendersg`, who & how would this be initiated?
06:02.58sg`i would like to do this from an AGI script
06:03.18sg`inform a caller periodically how much balance he has left for a calling card
06:03.30[TK]D-Fendersg`, AGI doesn't just happen in the middle of a call.  WHO decides that this recording is to be played?
06:04.29njsftnx [TK]D-Fender. I suspected as much. Just wanted to confirm
06:04.29[TK]D-Fendersg`, Ah, automated.  Use a local channel via 1 ) AMI Originate or 2 ) Call File.  This would use Chanspy w/ whisper mode.  Go WIKI this all up
06:04.31jbot[~wikis] VoIP Wiki covering Asterisk, FreeSWITCH, TrixBox, SER, OpenSER, sipX, CallWeaver, and YATE. (c) Arte Marketing Inc / CommPartners
06:04.44*** part/#asterisk njsf (n=njsf@sxemacs/devel/njsf)
06:05.55sg`[TK]D-Fender, thanks
06:06.00sg`[TK]D-Fender, checking
06:09.48jbotbook is, like, Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN  0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
06:09.54[TK]D-Fenderwhile you're at it
06:14.24[TK]D-Fenderok, checkout time, later all
06:18.43*** join/#asterisk grimsy (
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07:06.42*** part/#asterisk dominic1 (n=dob@
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07:24.06*** join/#asterisk quelo (
07:30.18queloI've configured a trunk between an Avaya IP406 and an asterisk box and now can I make calls from an asterisk extension to an Avaya extension putting 67 in front of the Avaya extension number
07:30.24*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
07:30.37queloAvaya use h323 VoIP protocol
07:31.20quelobut I can't call from an Avaya extension to an asterisk extension
07:32.37quelothis is the complete CLI output at verbosity 10
07:32.50*** join/#asterisk truz_`24 (n=truz_`
07:32.54quelothere is anyone can help me?
07:33.09*** join/#asterisk syneus (
07:33.10coppiceWhy do people keep confusing proprietary with encumbered? I bet people like MS love that. :-\
07:35.56*** part/#asterisk Zuchmir (
07:38.16mostyquelo, do the calls come in to asterisk?
07:39.52*** join/#asterisk McDouglas (
07:40.21kaldemarquelo: complete output? i can't see a Dial line in that output.
07:41.19quelomosty yes
07:42.50quelokaldemar I've done from the command prompt asterisk -vvvvvvvvvvr and I've done call from avaya to asterisk (67blabla)
07:42.55McDouglasif i want to connect an E1 line, is this a good card to chose: ?
07:43.08mostyquelo, see what kaldemar said. where is the Dial command in that? can you show us extensions.conf?
07:43.56mostyMcDouglas, i would recommend an sangoma a104d (if you need 4 or fewer ports)
07:44.09McDouglasi only need one
07:45.01quelokaldemar there isnt a DIAL command because the machine that make call is'nt asterisk but avaya, asterisk receive call!
07:45.53McDouglasmosty: how about A101 ?
07:46.03mostyMcDouglas, it would work. sangoma cards tend to be better, and have better software, but i don't think they make a single port E1 card
07:46.26McDouglasloks like they do
07:46.58kaldemarquelo: yes, but there should be one if asterisk tries to dial your extension. now it just executes a hangup macro. showing your dialplan and h323 config would help.
07:47.02mostyhmm ok, then i'd go for the a101d personally. the d versions have hardware echo cancellation
07:47.02quelomosty there isnt a DIAL command because the machine that make call is'nt asterisk but avaya, asterisk receive call!
07:47.31mostyquelo, but you need to asterisk to forward the call on to some other device, and to do that you have to use the Dial command
07:47.47queloone moment
07:47.54kaldemarquelo: are you using trixbox, by the way?
07:51.06*** join/#asterisk oej (
07:51.13quelokaldemar yes
07:51.43quelo this is my ooh323.conf
07:52.40kaldemarquelo: trixbox is not supported on this channel. you're more likely to get help in #trixbox or #freepbx.
07:59.25*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
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08:25.21*** join/#asterisk Polis_ttt (
08:41.02*** join/#asterisk FlatFoot (n=bigflatf@
08:46.33*** join/#asterisk ice_croft (n=nolan@
08:47.18ice_croftplz, give me url to html version of o'reilly asterisk?
08:48.33jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN  0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at ---  Downloadable PDF
08:48.53tzafrirhmm... didn't that have the html version URL?
08:49.17ice_croftyes. i saw it 2 days ago. :)
08:49.35ice_croftthe url is on my nb . :(
08:51.21mostyask mr google
08:52.16sergee~seen wsuff
08:52.18jbotwsuff <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk-doc, 167d 18h 43m 6s ago, saying: 'ya saw it on presale a few places'.
08:54.14*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
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08:58.22FlatFoot~seen blitzrage
08:58.23jbotblitzrage <n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 4h 14m 24s ago, saying: 'too funny'.
08:58.57*** join/#asterisk ronr (
08:59.05FlatFoottzafrir: morning
08:59.18FlatFootdo you know much about cdr_adaptive_odbc ?
08:59.32tzafrirnot much
09:00.02FlatFootfair enough , just trying to work out how to install it , or find some ref to see if it's in the 1.4 v
09:00.49ronrhi, I'm trying to attach some polycom IP430 phones to my asterisk server, I followed the instructions in the o'reilly book, but it talks about some files like bootROM, application image, sip.cfg etc. and explains what they are, however, where do I get them from?? (and secondly, could the phone specific files be generated automagically somehow)
09:01.25_ShrikEThose files are included in the polycom firmware package
09:02.24*** join/#asterisk kiscokid (
09:03.04mostyronr, you can write a script/program to generate the files
09:03.06ronr_ShrikE: ok, thx
09:03.16*** join/#asterisk kn0x (n=pinochle@
09:03.34mostythe config files, anyway
09:04.20*** join/#asterisk matmoj (
09:05.23ronrmosty: and how would I make sure that the script is ran if a phone tries to download non-existing config files?
09:08.33matmojim having problems detecting my pstn card with my asterisk
09:08.41matmoji have the wct1xxp module loaded
09:08.58matmojbut running zttool doesent show me my te120p card...
09:09.46*** join/#asterisk RoyK (n=roy@
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09:15.46n3glvmatmoj, is that an x100p variant?
09:16.12n3glvthere may be a script called 'genzaptelconf'
09:16.28*** part/#asterisk kiscokid (
09:16.55matmojn3glv: i cant say if it's
09:16.59matmojbut yes sounds like it by the name of it
09:17.03matmojits a digium original card
09:18.01mostyronr, you can run the script ahead of time, or as a cgi script or similar
09:18.19n3glvdigium "original" single port "wildcard" is x100p
09:18.35mostythe te120p is a PRI card
09:18.54n3glvwell, if that script may get you somewhaere
09:18.58matmoji ran the script
09:19.04matmoj3 channels configured
09:19.06n3glvwhat did it do?
09:19.15matmoj(i also have another card in there)
09:19.20matmojwich gets detected
09:19.29matmojbut thats not the card im interested right now
09:19.55matmojsince the connection to the pstn i have is a pri one
09:20.41mostymatmoj, perhaps you want the wcte12xp module for that card?
09:21.00matmojmosty: ok didnt know there was one
09:21.05matmojim using debian "stable" as my dist
09:21.29mostythat's from zaptel 1.4.7, i'm not sure it it's in zaptel 1.2
09:21.51matmoji should be able to downlod the source for those moduoes from i guess
09:21.56matmojwill the work with 1.2?
09:23.08*** join/#asterisk justnulling2 (
09:24.38*** join/#asterisk stkn|work (n=stkn|wor@gentoo/developer/
09:24.54mostyi don't think so
09:24.59FlatFootanyone installed and conversant with frrebsd ?
09:25.46*** join/#asterisk KermitTheFragger (
09:25.47ice_croftFlatFoot> err.., what?
09:26.35FlatFootice_croft: got * installed on freebsd , i'm not too good with freebsd and i'm trying to change a Makefile to install cdr_adpative_odbc
09:26.45FlatFootjust wondered if anyone had managed this ?
09:28.36ice_croftFlatFoot> well, i didnt use odbc on it, i'm usin mysql
09:28.47ice_croftFlatFoot> work fine
09:37.47matmojwhat do you guys think
09:37.51matmojasterisk 1.4 or 1.2?
09:38.14matmojalso i have been trying to go with the "stable" packages in my distribution but apparently they dont have support for my te120 card ...
09:47.19*** join/#asterisk ghenry (
09:48.18*** part/#asterisk ming_zym (i=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-cd3ddabb862f1b9f)
09:53.15*** join/#asterisk chris_1 (
09:53.26ronranyone has an example dhcpd.conf for me that'll pass information like the ftp server to a polycom (IP 430 / IP 601) phone?
09:53.36FlatFootice_croft: ta anyway  sorry for the slow response got called away
09:54.13mostymatmoj, maybe its supported but with a different module name
09:54.53mostyronr: use the tftpd-server option, just specify a http://url
09:54.57chris_1does somebody knows a cheap voip router supporting t38, fallback 2 pstn?
09:55.35ronrmosty: thx
09:55.44n3glvchris_1, look around for Sunrocket ac-211
09:55.52n3glvI got one for $5
09:56.35n3glvtook 2 tries on google to get pw, and 10 min later was on my pbx and safe from upgrades...
10:01.56*** join/#asterisk mkl1525 (
10:05.16mkl1525Hi, (* 1.2) a channel that doesn't get killed by "soft hangup" - is there any other way to kill the channel without restarting the whole *?
10:07.34WilliamKjust thinking maybe zap destroy channel ?
10:07.45WilliamKsorry - gotta sleep but that's food for thought
10:08.01n3glvu can't do restart now?
10:08.08n3glvor when convienant?
10:08.27*** join/#asterisk vale-ICS (
10:08.55mkl1525restart isn't an option atm - it's a SIP channel btw
10:16.27mkl1525sip show channels shows "         254         15e3da8d0bb  00104/00002  alaw  Yes (d)  Tx: BYE"
10:23.48ice_crofthi ppl
10:23.57ice_crofti have dumb question
10:25.30ice_croftwith this dialplan i have handle_request_invite: Call from '1000' to extension '500' rejected because extension not found.
10:25.40ice_croftwhat i do wrong?
10:34.18joelsolankiHi Good morning
10:34.41joelsolankiTrying to configure call forwarding. facing some problem. let me pastebin it
10:40.02joelsolankihere it is
10:40.41joelsolankiif i set @huskervoip it works but when i set @digitalphone-unlimited it wont and get some error on cli. plz check pastebhin
10:44.32*** join/#asterisk fordfrog (n=fordfrog@gentoo/developer/fordfrog)
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10:48.54*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (n=Nothing@
10:51.14*** join/#asterisk klyrelion (
10:51.16Dr-Linuxhow i can save agents call at my favorite location with selected format?
10:55.38mostyuse MixMonitor in your dialplan, or one-touch recording (see features.conf)
10:59.54ronrI got my polycom to download its configuration from the server, is there a howto on how to let the phone know about my asterisk server (the per phone .cfg looks a bit too overwhelming to go read, edit and try)
11:01.18*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
11:01.21ronr(I want to get 'working' today, 'working a bit better' tomorrow and 'working good and safe' next week)
11:02.12*** join/#asterisk ltd (
11:04.03Dr-Linuxhi mosty
11:04.54Dr-Linuxmosty: agents.conf already has this option, also it provide a choice option if i want my favorite location, but i want my favorite format
11:05.12Dr-Linuxhere is agent.conf :
11:05.13Dr-Linux; The optional directory to save the conversations in. The default is
11:05.13Dr-Linux; /var/spool/asterisk/monitor
11:06.33mostyDr-Linux, the MixMonitor command takes options
11:06.52*** join/#asterisk myiagy (n=myiagy@
11:07.30Dr-Linuxmosty: i'm not sure how i can put format option in extensions.conf for agents.conf :S
11:08.05Dr-Linuxi know commands, but not sure if agents.conf directory communicats
11:08.20Dr-Linuxagents.conf communicate with queues.conf agents
11:09.08mosty see the format options
11:13.24Dr-Linuxoh, not recorded call format, i mean i wanna create location by date
11:14.00Dr-Linuxlike this:
11:15.03Dr-Linuxmosty: what it do is, every day create a new folder as date in a specific client's folder
11:15.22Dr-Linuxbut i wanna record calls from agents.conf
11:15.34Dr-Linuxbut not sure how can i do that with agents.conf recording
11:15.51Dr-Linuxmosty: hopefully my bad english makes you understand.
11:16.46mostyoh you mean the filename format...
11:17.24Dr-Linuxmosty: that's correct
11:17.29mostyperhaps you can use the urlprefix setting
11:18.21Dr-Linuxmosty: yes, but there i can set only location, but not sure how i can use "${STRFTIME(${EPOCH},,%Y%m%d)}" this :S
11:18.25*** part/#asterisk RoyK (n=roy@
11:18.56Dr-Linuxmosty: i've many clients, so wanna manage this way
11:20.37mostyi doubt you can do it then. but you can use MixMonitor before you send callers to the queue
11:22.46Dr-Linuxhhm.. MixMonitor enable recording for me
11:23.04Dr-Linuxthen again queue queue will do recording for me
11:23.13Dr-Linuxthen i'm recording from agents.conf
11:23.19Dr-Linuxso these will 3 recordings
11:23.36Dr-Linuxbut i think i can't do that since unless i can use variables in agents.conf
11:26.11Dr-Linuxmosty: let's look for other solution then
11:26.20McDouglasI need a card to connect isdn bri into asterisk. Any suggestions?
11:26.31Dr-Linuxcan we use any variable in dialplan which shows agent's ID?
11:30.18mostyDr-Linux, so use MixMonitor, and disable it in agents.conf?
11:31.13Dr-Linuxmosty: that's what i'm already using, but how can i use agent's ID in call file?
11:31.46Dr-Linuxmosty: actually i wanna put agent's name in recorded file name, so i could know who answered the call
11:32.04mostythat won't work with monitor, since you don't know the agent that will answer
11:32.29Dr-Linuxyes, but i've configured agents name in agnents.conf
11:32.53Dr-Linuxso if i start recording in agents.conf option, than that records the agents name as well, but i don't use variables over there
11:33.09Dr-Linuxlook here:
11:33.31Dr-Linuxnow i know wilson answered this call
11:34.01R1ckdo you have an agent smith aswell?
11:34.29mostyi have come to the conclusion that asterisk queues are annoying, next time i need to implement a call queue, i will do it manually in dialplan + agi logic
11:35.34Dr-Linuxmosty: you are right
11:36.01Dr-Linuxmosty: asterisk agents system is deprecated now
11:40.33ice_croftppl, help me plz!!!
11:40.45ice_croftdialplan -
11:40.57ice_croftwhy's that?
11:41.37ice_croftfresh asterisk installation
11:45.07mostyice_croft, what context do your sip(?) clients start in?
11:46.13ice_croftno context at all
11:47.08mostythen that's your problem. you haven't set the context in sip.conf
11:47.53ice_croftwell, now i set it to default. still have the error
11:48.51mostyof course- there is no extension 500 in the default context
11:48.53*** join/#asterisk cpm (n=Chip@pdpc/supporter/active/cpm)
11:49.25ice_croftthen, what should i dial to hear weasels? :)
11:49.41coppicecall any lawyer
11:51.18ice_croftmosty> yes, my call's unrouted, but i cant get any errors cought , just "call rejected"
11:52.07mostychance s to _X. in the default context
11:52.57mostychange, rather
11:53.34ice_crofti did. same picture
11:55.59mostyset verbose 10 and set debug 10
11:56.16mostythen paste the output when you make the test call
11:57.39ice_croft[Dec 10 15:00:04] NOTICE[35826]: chan_sip.c:13774 handle_request_invite: Call from '1000' to extension '500' rejected because extension not found.
11:57.39ice_croftReally destroying SIP dialog 'MTRlM2RhMjExYmFiOWI5M2IyZjlmMzA5ZTdiODI3ZTc.' Method: ACK
11:57.45ice_croftthat's all
11:57.56*** join/#asterisk sergee (n=serg@
11:58.11mostydid you do an extensions reload?
11:59.43ice_croft"dialplan show" shows actual dialplan
12:00.46mostypaste the output from sip show peer 1000
12:02.50*** join/#asterisk SagaZ- (n=danilo@unaffiliated/dbaio)
12:07.30ice_croftmosty> any comments?
12:08.16*** join/#asterisk guillote_GNU (n=guillote@
12:09.18mostytry setting qualify=yes, force the sip client to reregister, then paste the output of sip show peers
12:13.05ice_croftast*CLI> sip show peers
12:13.05ice_croftName/username              Host            Dyn Nat ACL Port     Status
12:13.05ice_croft1000/1000               D          35800    OK (2 ms)
12:13.05ice_croft1 sip peers [Monitored: 1 online, 0 offline Unmonitored: 0 online, 0 offline]
12:18.19*** join/#asterisk jm|laptop (n=jm|
12:19.00ice_croftmosty> maybe my installation' broken?
12:20.06mostyit's a config issue, not an installation issue. you don't appear to have a sip client 500
12:20.07*** join/#asterisk Zuchmir (
12:21.00ice_croftmosty> yes, i don't have it, but i expect to hear error message :(
12:21.28ice_croftmosty> tt_weasels
12:22.18mostypaste your dialplan again, and tell me what sip client 1000 is dialing
12:23.20ice_croftsip-client dialing 500
12:23.29ice_croftor any other number
12:28.31*** join/#asterisk zerohalo (
12:30.17ronris it normal that a polycom IP 430 takes over 30 minutes to boot up (It's at Welcome! Processing configuration now, has been there for about 10 minutes)?
12:33.02McDouglasI need a card to connect isdn bri into asterisk. Any suggestions?
12:36.41*** join/#asterisk Assid (n=assid@unaffiliated/assid)
12:37.37Assidquick question on the polycom phones if i use the sip.ld file instead of the generic application executable. is there any real difference?
12:39.24*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (n=anonymou@
12:42.00*** join/#asterisk Skarmeth (n=Skarmeth@
12:42.50awkis there a way I can see why my load average is so high with asterisk?
12:42.59awkits using 99% cpu
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12:53.34cjkhi, anyone an idea why ${CDR(accountcode|l)} is no longer working in the latest revision?
12:56.50Assidokay sip 2.2 has 2 ld files for polycom 501's
12:57.19Assiddoes that mena i use 2345-11500-030.sip.ld in the primary line ?and 2345-11500-040.sip.ld in <APPLICATION_SPIP500 APP_FILE_PATH_SPIP500 ?
13:00.43mostyronr, no
13:01.31mostyMcDouglas, sangoma a500
13:01.57mostyawk: top / asterisk logs?
13:10.15*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
13:11.12lirakishmm.. this is really bizzarre... all of a sudden an AGI executes really really slowly .. but only in some parts of the script.  at first i thought maybe a DB connection issue... but its not... it seems to be hanging on set() variables.
13:13.25*** join/#asterisk shido6 (n=shido6@
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13:25.19Dr-Linuxanybody tried cisco 7935 with asterisk?
13:28.24*** join/#asterisk Toerkeium (i=oo@
13:31.39*** join/#asterisk JoZu (
13:32.42JoZusomeone can giveme the url for the "Asterisk the future..." pdf, please?
13:32.46Dr-LinuxQwell: around?
13:33.11Dr-LinuxJoZu: i'd also like to download 2nd edition
13:33.45jbotbook is probably Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN  0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
13:33.46jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN  0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at ---  Downloadable PDF
13:33.56JoZuthanks, tzafrir
13:36.08Assid[TK]D-Fender sip 2.2 has 2 ld files for polycom 501's
13:36.15Assiddoes that mean i use 2345-11500-030.sip.ld in the primary line ?and 2345-11500-040.sip.ld in <APPLICATION_SPIP500 APP_FILE_PATH_SPIP500 ?
13:36.25*** join/#asterisk freezey (
13:36.28ronrhow can I free a sip channel in asterisk (one phone is now registered with 2 sip channels, another phone should register with that server, but as it is already occupied, it can't)
13:36.34[TK]D-FenderAssid: Means "read the release notes & admin guide"
13:36.36*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
13:38.01matmojmosty: i just compiled the zaptelsources from and i've gotten further now thnx for the help
13:39.29tzafrirmatmoj, what version of Zaptel?
13:39.42ice_croftmosty> so, what should i do? i even can call to other sip client - but cant handle unrouted calls..
13:40.22*** join/#asterisk ajohnson (n=ajohnson@
13:40.39mostyice_croft, what codec are you using?
13:41.07Assidhrmm.. confused
13:42.15ice_croftmosty> g723
13:42.27ice_croftmosty> standard pack
13:43.12[TK]D-Fenderice_croft: * doesn't support G.723 in any legal ways except the TC400 transcoder card.
13:43.13ice_croftwait. u sain that i can playback ttweasels message because of codecs?
13:43.49mostyice_croft, try with g711
13:43.50*** join/#asterisk Victor_Yure (
13:43.51Assidhey.. polycom opened up the site for direct downloads of the bootrom and sip
13:44.03mostyassid: only for the previous version
13:44.14mostyice_croft, ulaw if you're in america, alaw most everywhere else
13:44.20Assidoh yeah
13:44.36ice_croftmosty> so its some of this
13:44.42ice_croftmosty> *these
13:44.42Assidi still dont understand this multiple lines
13:45.52*** join/#asterisk af_ (
13:46.05Zuchmiris there any SIP software that displays the SendText()
13:46.15ice_croftis there any way to debug dialplan? step by step?
13:46.46[TK]D-Fenderice_croft: watch it in console.  "Set verbose 10"
13:47.43*** join/#asterisk rajiv (n=rajiv@gentoo/developer/rajiv)
13:50.01Assid[TK]D-Fender: okay the admin guide shows the primary line as sip.ld .. and each type below as the ld file for that client
13:50.15McDouglasis it possible to use a fax machine connected to a sip ata?
13:50.36ice_croftstill cant catch unrouted calls
13:50.52mostyMcDouglas, fax over voice over ip does not work well, forget that idea
13:51.12Dr-Linuxtzafrir: is 2nd edition free to download?
13:51.18McDouglasmosty: oh no, i dont want to fax over ip, i just dont want to purchase analog cards for the fax machine
13:51.58McDouglasmosty: i have a bri card, and tought about using a sip ata to connect fax cals from the pstn to the fax machine
13:52.00tzafrirDr-Linux, yes
13:52.22mostyMcDouglas, even on a lan i wouldn't recommend it. you might be able to use rxfax or something
13:52.26ice_croftmosty> oh, i c now
13:52.50Assid[TK]D-Fender am i right?
13:52.54[TK]D-Fenderice_croft: What the hell is an "unrouted call"?
13:53.02[TK]D-FenderAssid: Keep reading...
13:53.05Qwell[TK]D-Fender: a call that isn't routed
13:53.12ice_croftmosty> is it possible to "Verbose(1|Echo test application)" app cannot be launched?
13:53.22[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux: The links were sent out TWICE.  Read the big print...
13:53.48[TK]D-FenderQwell: How enlightening.
13:54.03Qwell[TK]D-Fender: any time
13:54.12*** join/#asterisk mort_gib (
13:54.18ice_croft[TK]D-Fender> wrong numbers, etc
13:54.21mostyice_croft, you should get an error in your logs/console in that case
13:54.25[TK]D-FenderMcDouglas: that IS over IP.
13:54.31Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: okey thanks!
13:54.49Assid[TK]D-Fender: the link mentioned doesnt work :(
13:54.55Dr-LinuxQwell: any advice cisco 7935?
13:56.43ice_croftmosty> man, what a mess. it's cos of my misunderstandin of dialplan concept
13:57.17mostyice_croft, you should read the book
13:57.26ice_croftmosty> correct my, after i hang up the phone, dialplan halts?
13:57.56ice_croftmosty> i wrote config exactly by the book
13:57.57jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
13:58.22ice_croftanyway, thanx a lot!
13:58.25mostywhen you hangup, execution jumps to the h extension
13:58.35ice_crofti c
13:58.37*** join/#asterisk atisss (n=atisss@
13:58.51[TK]D-Fenderice_croft: Never expect us to trust that you did it right.  PASTEBIN <------
13:58.54jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
13:59.48*** join/#asterisk cesar_CR (n=cesar@
13:59.51[TK]D-Fenderice_croft: Taking 2 minutes to let us see it will save us hours of hearing "why doesn't it work?!?!".  Like Jerry Mcguire  said "SHOW ME THE MONEY!"
13:59.57ice_croft[TK]D-Fender> no need to, i pasted all the configs there already. seems like real misunderstandin of concept for me
14:00.14[TK]D-Fenderice_croft: Where?  I don't see you linking it....
14:00.25ice_croft[TK]D-Fender> u just weren't here, mosty saw my pastes
14:00.37[TK]D-Fenderice_croft: Feel free to share your latest....
14:01.20ice_croft[TK]D-Fender> i can't get correct error message from this dialplan
14:02.17ice_croft[TK]D-Fender>  "Call from '1000' to extension '400' rejected because extension not found". having this+hangup instead of weasels message
14:02.50[TK]D-Fenderice_croft: '_X' =>  <-- see this?  It means a SINGLE DIGIT.
14:02.57*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
14:03.04[TK]D-Fenderice_croft: not "any number".  it means only *1* digit
14:03.19mostyice_croft, i said to change s to _X. not _X
14:03.20ice_croft[TK]D-Fender>  well, i had "s" there, too
14:03.31[TK]D-Fenderice_croft: s is NOT going to work either
14:04.02ice_croft[TK]D-Fender>  so what will?
14:04.03ice_croftmosty> i'm sorry? :))
14:04.03[TK]D-Fenderice_croft: you are dialing a targeted exten.  "s" isn't it.  You ocmpletely misunderstand its use.  make a dialplan pattern that MATCHES 1000
14:04.24[TK]D-Fenderice_croft: "_XXXX" will match any 4-digit number.
14:04.37ice_croft[TK]D-Fender>  i made it already, and it's work. but i need to handle wrong numbers, etc
14:04.39[TK]D-Fenderice_croft: "_x." will match any number 2 digits or longer
14:06.11matmojwhen connecting to a pri, do i need any special wirering or is just a tw good?
14:06.39*** join/#asterisk billybongo (
14:06.42ice_croft[TK]D-Fender> so, what should i do with numbers that r not in any of my contexts>?
14:06.45[TK]D-Fenderice_croft: You clearly fail to understand the basics of getting something to MATCH, forget about dealing with invalid selections for a while.  That is far more complicated, and significantly less important.
14:06.56[TK]D-Fenderice_croft: you IGNORE THEM.
14:07.07ice_croft[TK]D-Fender> well, ok.
14:07.53[TK]D-Fendermatmoj: Most PRI's are terminated by an RJ48 smart-jack.  For this you can use a basic cat5 straight-through cable to connect to most PRI hardware.
14:08.11ronrcould anyone tell me what's wrong with this: GotoIf($[${UNIQCHANNEL}=${LOCATION}]?callingself:forward) (it always goes to callingself, even when the variables are not equal)
14:09.06ice_croft[TK]D-Fender> i just tried to make this:
14:09.11[TK]D-Fenderronr: apstebin a failed attempt including a NoOp of both vars before the call.
14:09.14*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
14:09.18ice_croft[TK]D-Fender> and totally failed :))
14:09.41[TK]D-Fenderice_croft: that is ONLY for analog channels.
14:09.50[TK]D-Fenderice_croft: Go read what the "s" exten is for
14:09.57jboti heard stdextens is "s" Standard Extension : Where a call goes to when * does not know the destination of the call.  Ex : Calls coming in on FXO ports (no DID), a call coming in from an ITSP that doesn't specify or where it was not set in the REGISTER line, or FXS port goes off-hook and "immediate=yes" in zapata.conf.  "s" is also used to make IVRs & macros. The ...
14:09.57ice_croft[TK]D-Fender> ok, will do
14:10.30mostyronr, i normall put " quotes around variables when comparing them
14:10.48billybongoronr: what does it say in the console when it's being compared?
14:11.11matmoj[TK]D-Fender: thnx, i feel like atotal noob (wich i am to asterisk)
14:11.35[TK]D-Fendermatmoj: np, easy common question for those just learning about digital PSTN access
14:11.48*** join/#asterisk Kobaz (
14:12.37billybongoronr: I tend to use the alternative syntax e.g.
14:12.48billybongosaves on a set of ()
14:13.22[TK]D-Fenderbillybongo: Don't, and please provide the pastebin I requested of you.
14:13.53billybongoyou did?
14:14.18billybongowhat's wrong with that syntax?
14:14.39ronr[TK]D-Fender: I can't paste (as the console is on a computer without a mouse or anything), but the NoOp's really show the vars are different, the gotoif shows only one of the 2 vars
14:15.24[TK]D-Fender[09:09]<[TK]D-Fender>ronr: apstebin a failed attempt including a NoOp of both vars before the call.
14:15.27mostyronr: put spaces around = and quotes around the variables
14:15.37ronrmosty: I'll try
14:15.53mostyronr, and did you mispell UNIQUECHANNEL?
14:15.55billybongo[TK]D-Fender: hey but I'm not ronr
14:16.17[TK]D-Fenderbillybongo: Bad aim, sorry
14:16.32ronrmosty: nope, I didn't
14:17.18billybongoronr: can't you ssh into the box and paste from there?
14:17.48ronrbillybongo: if I could somehow get the console (F9) output in the ssh shell
14:18.56tzafrirronr, cat /dev/vcs9
14:19.00[TK]D-Fenderronr: connect to it from a station via SSH and grab it from there
14:19.33ronradding " and spaces (like mosty said) did it :)
14:20.11[TK]D-Fenderronr: Good to hear
14:21.28*** join/#asterisk TUplink (
14:22.41TUplinkhi guys and gals.... i have a prob...... app_voicemail   chan_zap arnt loading and neither is some smdi thing i belive the smdi is required by zap and voicemail any ideas?
14:23.09mockerAre you getting any errors?
14:23.12TUplinkthe error is No SMDI interfaces are available to listen on, not starting SDMI listener.
14:23.34TUplinklet me pastebin the whole thing
14:23.51mockerIs this FreeBSD?
14:24.19TUplinkdont tell me its broke in freebsd
14:24.26mockerSomeone else had the exact error you did.
14:25.05*** join/#asterisk lirakis (n=lirakis@
14:25.52TUplinkwhat is SMDI ?
14:26.19*** join/#asterisk flujan (
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14:26.27cjkhi, is it normal that asterisk-addons does not compile wiht the latest asterisk revision from 1.4/trunk ?
14:26.50TUplinki even got the core dump 11 b4 too :P
14:26.57TUplinkwierd thind is that it worked
14:27.00TUplinkuse to
14:27.07[TK]D-Fendercjk: if the version doesn't match, yes.
14:27.08mockerTUplink: Did you check the comment above?
14:27.22mockerI think he fixed it w/ just a symlink because asterisk wasn't scanning the correct directory.
14:27.35cjk[TK]D-Fender, well how can i check if they match or not i take the latest revision from both
14:28.39[TK]D-Fendercjk: If you took the latest of each they should match.  If you're running trunk naturally there is a much higher likelyhood of build errors, etc.  thats what you get for trying run bleeding edge releases
14:29.16*** join/#asterisk styelz (n=yoohoo@2001:388:c098:0:0:0:0:1)
14:29.32mostycjk, if asterisk-addons is older than asterisk, it might break
14:29.44cjkok its older for sure
14:30.17TUplinkmocker im reading everything
14:31.17[TK]D-Fendermosty: Um.... its technically always older :)
14:31.47[TK]D-Fendermosty: target would be "the newset version not newer than *" :)
14:32.43mosty[TK]D-Fender, if you're using asterisk-addons 1.4.1 with asterisk 1.4.15 then i would say that the asterisk-addons version is older
14:33.21*** join/#asterisk ajohnson (n=ajohnson@
14:33.25[TK]D-Fendermosty: I agree.
14:34.02mostyin any case, just read the asterisk-addons changelog, use the most recent version that it says should work with your version of asterisk
14:35.30TUplinkok... i think i got the error to clear.....    do you think i need to worie about this one..... it pops up about every 2 min
14:35.31TUplinkchan_sip.c:12543 handle_response: Remote host can't match request NOTIFY to call '6c3b7d8443be8bb50dbcf2341aeddacf@'. Giving up.
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14:35.48TUplinkw/ a difrent 1st part
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14:38.33mockerTUplink: What was the solution to the error?
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14:41.49TUplinkum..... :P
14:42.04TUplinklet me get back into the box after it reboots
14:42.10TUplinkill post it on voipinfo
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14:50.14stelioskanyone has an idea why when starting asterisk as non root it does not create the asterisk.ctl file unless -c is passed as parameter ?
14:51.33TUplinkmocker i posed my solution on there too :P
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14:57.49ronrhow can I set the CallerID based on the channel from where the call originates? (eg. I want SIP/1 to get callerID 123456890 and SIP/2 1234543211, etc)
14:58.15[TK]D-Fenderronr: "callerid=" in sip.conf entries.
14:58.16tzafrirSet(), CUT, etc.
14:58.30*** join/#asterisk jcmoore (n=jcmoore@unaffiliated/tgrman)
15:00.11ronr[TK]D-Fender: I can't use that, as the callerId's will be dynamic, but based on the channel I can find the required calledId in the astdb
15:02.00*** join/#asterisk xheliox (n=jeff@pdpc/supporter/active/xheliox)
15:02.09[TK]D-Fenderronr: Set(CALLERID(num)=${DB(CIDbyDEVICE/${CALLERID(num)})})
15:02.18[TK]D-Fenderronr: there's a thought for you
15:02.46[TK]D-Fenderronr: Or use SetVar in your sip peer to set the DB key to lookup by
15:02.51[TK]D-Fender(better idea)
15:03.12R1ckdoes asterisk support ipv6?
15:03.47QwellR1ck: no, but there is work being done
15:04.20ronr[TK]D-Fender: thx, I guess SetVar would be better when everything will use SIP (I think at first, it will, but I don't want to restrict myself just yet)
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15:05.19R1ckQwell: any idea when it will be completed? :)
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15:08.21TUplinkwith SetAMAFlags( 
15:08.31TUplinkwith SetAMAFlags() can i set it to anything?
15:08.45TUplinkor does it have to be a number
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15:26.40dominic1Hi, I am using odb for my asterisk configuration. How is it possible to customize a databaseselect in the dialplan?
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15:37.30Dr-Linuxguys, i wanna use another SIP port as well as 5060. Basically some of my clients provider do not allow sip default port
15:37.34Dr-Linuxany suggestion?
15:37.54dominic1okay func_odbc is my guardian
15:38.33fileDr-Linux: currently no way built in... but some people use iptables
15:39.09Dr-Linuxfile: file table doesn't work, i already tried
15:39.39Dr-Linuxfile: iptables job only works for 20 sec call
15:39.54Dr-Linuxafter that one can't hear
15:40.02fileI know people who have it, but I know not how
15:40.06filehave it working rather
15:40.48[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux: Setup another server to register to your provider and pass the calls off internally.
15:41.35*** join/#asterisk Assid (n=assid@unaffiliated/assid)
15:41.49Dr-Linuxfile: this is the way i tried:
15:41.52Dr-Linux/sbin/iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p udp --dport 8989 -j REDIRECT --to-port 5060
15:41.57*** part/#asterisk jengelh (
15:44.04Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: your ID make sense but can you make it more clear please
15:44.21dominic1my isdn provider is signalising a number+DDI, what can I do to use only DDI in my extension
15:44.21Dr-Linuxhow my both boxes will communicate with each other on different ports :S
15:45.14[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux: Whats to explain?  Set up another server binding to the different port, and use that as an intermediary to your existing server
15:45.20De_Mondominic1 ${EXTEN:-4} would give you the last 4 digits of the extension
15:45.45De_Mondominic1 you can also use ${CUT()} if there is some sort of separator and the DDI is variable length
15:46.04dominic1can I set it as new extension?
15:46.04FlatFootafternoon all
15:46.20De_Mondominic1 yea s,1,Goto(${EXTEN:-4})
15:46.27Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: hhm.. my user is trying to register from Karachi, i mean from different location, actually his provider blocked SIP port
15:46.50dominic1will that be used for cdr too?
15:46.53De_Mondominic1 you need to read The Book if you don't know how to create this basic dialplan
15:46.57jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
15:46.57[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux: Yes, I got that already, I told you what to try.  Now get to it....
15:47.25[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon>dominic1 yea s,1,Goto(${EXTEN:-4}) <--- I think YOU need to read the boko a bit yourself :p
15:47.47Qwell-4 is valid
15:47.51De_MonI know I know I left off the ,1
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15:47.59[TK]D-FenderQwell: For the VARIABLE yes... look at the GOTO :p
15:48.02Qwelloh, you mean the broken syntax
15:48.04*** part/#asterisk dominic1 (n=dob@
15:48.14De_MonI sent him to priority foo instead of extension foo priority 1
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15:48.23Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: cool, i understand. i've ready other box but it would need a public IP address
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15:49.35[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux: No, all you'd need to do is set a different range for rtp.conf and forward accordingly.
15:50.56[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux: each * system will run its own port ranges
15:51.44Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: currently we established VPN between both location, but problem is that, he can registered but he can't hear me
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15:52.49[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux: Common NAT/localnet issues....
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15:53.21Dr-Linux[TK]D-Fender: both tried, but same issue mmmm
15:54.04muirohey, any hints on getting the lumenvox speech engine to parse DTMF tones? What seems to be happening is that if DTMF is used, some digits get interpreted multiple times: 15002 becomes 111150000222222
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15:56.54muiroI know that asterisk doesn't send any dtmf data to the speech engine once it "hears" it, but how can I keep this from happening? Is this the effect of echo? I'm getting this input from a sip trunk, is there any way to do a software echo cancelation on a sip channel?
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16:06.01UnixDoghey guys
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16:06.30UnixDoghas anyone here done dial plan for selective call waiding/forwarding/dnd
16:06.56[TK]D-FenderUnixDog: Yes.
16:09.58UnixDogis there a place to look at one of them say selective call waiitng
16:10.39UnixDogbasicly if I disable call waiting but still want a certian client to be able to get threw .
16:11.11[TK]D-FenderUnixDog: This is all dialplan.  Think up how big a structure you want fdor this and most of us would use AstDB for this purpose.
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16:11.40[TK]D-FenderUnixDog: make a family/key pairing for the various things you want
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16:13.04QwellUnixDog: you need a fully functional dialplan in order to do that
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16:14.24UnixDogwell thats what I am doing writing dialplan but I am not fully grasping the layout
16:14.36muiroanyone have any advice for handling dtmf tones after asterisk receives them during speechbackground()?
16:14.42*** part/#asterisk dominic1 (n=dob@
16:17.17[TK]D-FenderUnixDog: Before any extens that dial your devices that you want to apply this logic to, go check for values indicating what you need to consider before following through and ringing the device
16:17.57[TK]D-FenderUnixDog: Like first check if you want to permit the caller through regardless.  Then check if DND is on, etc.
16:17.58*** join/#asterisk nny (
16:18.19[TK]D-FenderUnixDog: "show function DB", "show application gotoif"
16:18.38[TK]D-FenderUnixDog: "show function CALLERID"
16:19.07nnyanyone have experience with Aastra enough to happily say they can become "remote extensions" over NAT with the saem relative pain in the assness as say Snom or Polycoms?
16:19.11*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
16:19.48nnyWe haver a client that uses a Snom 320 from home with no local gateway and wants to be able to upgrade to something "cordless", hence the Aastra
16:19.58Kobazhow do i set the source address for an iax peer
16:20.08UnixDogok thats what I missed
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16:20.18UnixDogthe callerid and the db checking
16:20.19nnyJust fishing for any horror stories, tales of woe, or general malarky
16:20.23ManxPowernny: Your best bet is an ATA + Cordless Phone
16:20.28UnixDogin the inbund dial pattern
16:21.03ManxPowernny: You should read the mailing list archives then.  For the most part all WiFi SIP phones suck badly.
16:21.07Seldon75hello, our handsets (Polycom301) are configured with DHCP, can someone please tell me how the handset 'knows' what extension it is using?
16:21.08nnyManxPower, hrmm.. ATA eh? That would actually be beneficial in that one ATA could server an entire series of traditional wiring... (In theory?)
16:21.12Kobazso noone knows?
16:21.15nnyManxPower, nahh aastra is not WiFi
16:21.21Seldon75is the configuration in the handset or in Asterisk?
16:21.24nnyManxPower, and yeah i hear they all blow various farm animals
16:21.48KobazSeldon75: either
16:21.57[TK]D-FenderSeldon75: an extension is a number you can dial in extensions.conf and no phone can know anything about that.
16:21.58nnyManxPower, Aastra 280i CT uses non 802.11 communication from cordless to handset, 900 MHZ mayhaps
16:22.03ManxPowernny: The advantage of an ATA is the fact it works 8-)  SIP basestations with DECT wireless is a fairly new thing, but I've not heard many things bad about that setup.
16:22.13KobazSeldon75: well asterisk needs to be configd in extensions, but then you need a tftp server for the phone to get it's config
16:22.17nnyManxPower, you mean kirks?
16:22.25Kobazand, does anyone know how to set the source address of an iax peer?
16:22.28ManxPowernny: Never heard of kirks
16:22.32nnyManxPower, I have two aastra 480i CTs in the wild, and the wireless works great
16:22.33UnixDogok bbiab
16:22.34[TK]D-FenderKobaz: "host="
16:22.39UnixDogoff to fix things
16:22.51nnyManxPower, mind you the base station is the isp client, and the handse is just an extension of the base station
16:23.12Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: but that's the option for the host to connect to... isnt it?
16:23.24nnyManxPower, polycom kirks.. base is sip client, supports 4 or more wireless phones.. been wanting to get some to test
16:23.25ManxPowerKobaz: permit/deny in iax.conf
16:23.31Seldon75[TK]D-Fender: ok so where does the Handset find out it should register itself as 'extension 207'
16:23.37nnybut i digress
16:23.39Kobaznot permissions, the address it binds the source to
16:23.47nnyso yeah..thanks for the advice, will look at an ATA
16:23.49Seldon75i know Im using the wrong terminology
16:23.51ManxPowerKobaz: that depends on the IAX client.
16:23.56[TK]D-FenderSeldon75: Stop calling DEVICES as EXTENSIONS.
16:24.00KobazManxPower: this is on asterisk itself
16:24.13KobazManxPower: i just want to change the source address
16:24.22ManxPowerKobaz: perhaps you missed the bindaddr= option in iax.conf
16:24.32Kobazthat could be it
16:24.33[TK]D-FenderSeldon75: And how you set up your phone will determine that.  Depending on whether you use the phone itself to configure, the web interface, or provisioning.
16:24.55ManxPowerYour best bet is to NOT bind to a specific IP address.  The source address will then be determined by the OS and routing tables.
16:25.04*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
16:25.12KobazManxPower: yeah but for some reason it's not picking the right source address
16:25.22KobazManxPower: every single other piece of software does it right, but asterisk doesn;t
16:25.23ManxPowerKobaz: then you have a network problem
16:25.30Kobazyeah i know, and i need a quick fix
16:25.43ManxPowerKobaz: there is never a quick fix for your problem.
16:25.48Kobazyeah there is
16:26.30Seldon75[TK]D-Fender: whats the correct terminology to use?  doesnt a device (handset) register itself to use an extension?
16:26.36Kobazso it's just bindaddr=ip
16:26.39Kobazhmm that's not working either
16:26.46ManxPowerSeldon75: no, the device does not register itself to use an extension
16:27.07[TK]D-FenderSeldon75: a SIP account is not an EXTENSION.  get that through your head.  Go download the admin guide for yuor phone to learn how to configure it.
16:27.14ManxPowerSeldon75: the device registers itself to a SIP account.  extensions.conf is what ties it all togather.
16:28.19ManxPowerSeldon75: the correct term is "phone", "device", "peer", "ATA", etc pretty much anything except "extension"
16:28.47ManxPowerSeldon75: For one thing stop using numbers that look like extensions as your SIP account names.
16:29.22[TK]D-FenderSeldon75: Go download the admin guide & firmware from your reseller, and check the WIKI handbook on provisioning your phone.
16:29.24ManxPowerWe use the MAC address as the SIP userID
16:29.25jbot[~wikis] VoIP Wiki covering Asterisk, FreeSWITCH, TrixBox, SER, OpenSER, sipX, CallWeaver, and YATE. (c) Arte Marketing Inc / CommPartners
16:29.39Seldon75ok thx
16:30.09Seldon75just out of interest; is there a concise definition for the term 'extension'?
16:30.28Seldon75just so I can understand and not get it wrong again
16:30.32ManxPowerSeldon75: An extension is a number you dial.
16:30.44ManxPowerReally, an extension is JUST a short phone number.
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16:31.39Seldon75hmm ok.  so I'm not really sure whats wrong with saying a phone registers to use a 'short phone number'
16:31.46ManxPowerThat phone number is listed in extensions.conf, which specifies what do do when that number is dialed.
16:32.02ManxPowerSeldon75: because the phone does NOT register to use a anything.
16:32.29ManxPowerThe ONLY thing registration does is inform the server what IP address is associated with which SIP user/password.  That is why a phone can still make a call even if it is not registered to a server.
16:32.45Seldon75i see
16:33.09ManxPowerIt just can't recieve a call from the server, since the device is on a dynamic IP address.  If the device is not a dynamic IP address, there is actually no need to register.
16:33.29Seldon75yeah we're using DHCP
16:33.43ManxPowerSeldon75: There are 2 concepts that people have to understand before being able to understand Asterisk.  1) a device is not an extension and 2) contexts.
16:34.24[TK]D-FenderSeldon75: Your DIALPLAN contains EXTENSIONS.  An Extens is anumber you can DIAL.  This has NOTHING to do with what * will DO when you dial it.
16:35.15Seldon75this is an adjustment for ppl coming from old-school PABXs
16:35.22dklimais there a way in PRI to pass courtesy messages from PSTN to SIP instead BUSY tone?
16:39.10[TK]D-Fenderdklima: What is generating the busy tone?
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16:39.39bartpbxanyone using Sangoma A500 cards here?
16:40.16dklimaI'm using DIALSTATUS... I've tried using HANGUCAUSE, but no success
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16:40.50Dovidif using a sangoma card
16:40.56bartpbxth a500
16:41.04bartpbxwe have some issues with overlap dialing
16:41.12Dovidthe carrier (PRI provider) is asking if I want to use natonial1 or natonial2. for the US which one is it?
16:41.16ice_crofthow can i connect gsm phone to *, avoidin cellphone operator?
16:41.24dklimait should be interesting to pass that courtesy message directly.. so if  a number do not exist the user will be informed about that
16:42.15ice_crofthow can i connect gsm phone to *, avoidin cellphone operator?
16:42.51cjkhi where are fax and phones connected to? to an fxo or fxs port?
16:43.12jbotextra, extra, read all about it, fxofxs is An FXO port expects to receive dialtone and receive ring voltage, you plug a phone LINE into this.  An FXS port expects to provide dialtone and provide ring voltage, you plug a PHONE into this.
16:43.32Qwellice_croft: get a sip softphone for your phone
16:44.42cjkrussellb, thanks
16:44.44billybongocjk: the way I remember is fxs talks to a *s*tation
16:44.59Qwellthe s *does* stand for station
16:45.02billybongoahh cool
16:45.07ice_croftQwell>  hm. and edge?
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16:45.16billybongoQwell: does the O stand for office?
16:45.19Qwellit does
16:45.22jbotforeign exchange office - type of port you need to connect a POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service) line from your telco to a pbx
16:45.24jbot[fxs] foreign exchange system - or the type of port you need to connect a analog device (phone, fax machine) to a pbx
16:45.27ice_croftQwell> interestin..
16:45.31Qwellthat's wrong
16:45.42billybongoyeah, jbot is wrong
16:45.44dklimais there a way to do that? to have that courtesy message passing directly instead a busy tone
16:45.52jbotmethinks fxsfxo is an FXO port expects to receive dialtone and receive ring voltage. You can connect it to a PSTN line from the telco. An FXS port expects to provide dialtone and provide ring voltage. You can connect a phone or a fax to it.
16:45.59Qwelljbot: no, fxs is foreign exchange station - or the type of port you need to connect a analog device (phone, fax machine) to a pbx
16:46.00jbotQwell: okay
16:46.01Dovidwhat goes better with asterisk?
16:46.05jbotrumour has it, fxs is foreign exchange station - or the type of port you need to connect a analog device (phone, fax machine) to a pbx
16:46.05DovidNational 2 or National 1 ?
16:46.07UnixDogok a few more questions.
16:46.25ManxPowerdklima: it depend son what you mean by "courtesy message".  a message from Asterisk or a message from the telco?
16:46.37ManxPowerDovid: nobody uses national 1
16:46.37UnixDoghow many numbers should be allowed to be set in the selective callwaiting/dnd
16:46.53dklimaManxPower, from telco
16:46.54UnixDogshould it be limited to like say 5
16:46.56QwellUnixDog: as many as needed?
16:47.00DovidManx: OK. a clients carrier in the US was offering 1 or 2
16:47.02ManxPowerdklima: what version of Asterisk?
16:47.10dklimaManxPower: 1.4.15
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16:47.41dklimaManxPower, ie: when a number do not exist
16:48.18ManxPowerdklima: "show application hangup"
16:48.31ManxPowerthe cause code is the standard ISDN (Q.931) cause codes.
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16:50.33dklimaManxPower, and how I determine that code?
16:50.59dklimaManxPower, using ${HUNGUPCAUSE} for example, always return 0...
16:54.25ManxPowerthat is a list of the standard ISDN cause codes
16:54.32ManxPoweryou don't screw with hangupcause.
16:54.56ManxPoweryou do a Hangup(whatever) in your dialplan, where "whatever" is the decimal number of the Q.931 cause codes.
16:55.19ManxPowerdklima: in the PAST HANGUPCAUSE was used to send the cause code.  That has not been the case since 1.4 was released.
16:55.38dklimaManxPower, hummm good to know
16:55.51ManxPowerNow the only thing HANGUPCAUSE is used for is to get the cause code that was sent by the telco
16:56.11ManxPowerand it's HANGUPCAUSE, not HUNGUPCAUSE
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16:57.06dklimaManxPower, hehe sorry my typo
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16:57.36ManxPowerdklima: You would use HANGUPCAUSE or DIALSTATUS after a Dial line in extensions.conf.  It has nothing to do with calls that come in from the telco that you want to reject.
16:57.39magic_hatanyone have suggestions on a good softphone for use with Linux? Xlite's giving me all kinds of configuration problems on 'nix.
16:57.57ManxPowermagic_hat: all softphones suck.
17:00.24magic_hatlol... xlite works okay for us on windows/Os x.
17:00.37ronrdoes asterisk have some other datastructures for variables (for use in extensions.conf [globals]) as just the MYVAR=myvalue? I'm looking for something like arrays and hashes (an object with attributes and methods would be perfect, but I don't expect that to be possible)
17:01.24tzafrirmagic_hat, twinkle?
17:02.18tzafriramazing how far people go with the star metaphore
17:02.25*** join/#asterisk Sentinal1 (
17:02.26FlatFootcan anyone help with cdr_adaptive_odbc , trying install it on freebsd. Can't seem to find too much in the way of instruction. can anyone help ?
17:03.36Sentinal1does anyone know if it would be possible for asterisk to fingerprint an anouncement?
17:03.44QwellSentinal1: fingerprint?
17:03.48Sentinal1if not i'd be very interested in developing such a feature
17:04.09Sentinal1i mean, sample an anouncement thats played by the telco and be able to identify it
17:04.37Sentinal1for example 'the number is busy'.. could it sample 'the number is busy' and then say return a cause code 17
17:05.45Sentinal1so we would 'fingerprint' each possible anouncement and store that, then fingerprint every anouncement thats heard in normal use
17:05.50Sentinal1and compare against our list to know what to do
17:07.22*** join/#asterisk kand (
17:07.23Sentinal1i guess it cant do that right now?  is there any functionality to sample the media at the moment?  i could develop that
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17:09.40Sentinal1hmm what about this voicemail -> email, hows that work?
17:10.03Corydon76-lapWhich part?
17:10.04jrobisonhello everyone
17:10.17Corydon76-lapEmailing voicemail works fine
17:10.20ManxPowerronr: Asterisk really only has 2 data types in the dialplan.  global variables and channel variables.
17:10.26Sentinal1can at any point asterisk sample the voice?
17:10.35ManxPowerYou can fate a simple array, but not hashes or anything like that.
17:10.43ManxPowerSentinal1: you mean like "show application monitor"
17:11.02Corydon76-lapManxPower: I think he means one-touch recording or ChanSpy
17:11.06ManxPoweryou need to do a "show applications" to get a list of all the secret asterisk applications.  BUT DON'T TELL ANYONE
17:11.21Sentinal1no i mean.. i want it to hear ' the number is busy' on a phone line and understand what that means
17:11.22ManxPowerCorydon76-lap: then he was too lazy to be more specific.
17:11.25jrobisonI was wondering if anyone has had any experience with Viatalk service in a small office?
17:11.41ManxPowerSentinal1: stop.  go back.  Ask your question again, this time be more specific.
17:11.56Sentinal1i thought i did..
17:12.18Sentinal1imagine we have an asterisk connected to the phone line in my house
17:12.26Sentinal1so i can make outgoing calls through my landline home service
17:12.50Sentinal1now imagine i dial my friend.. press 9 to get an outside line, then dial him +1 555 ....
17:12.58*** join/#asterisk techie (
17:12.59Sentinal1and i hear an anouncement from the telco.. this number is busy
17:13.01ManxPowerSentinal1: what kind of phone line?  standard analog residential/business line
17:13.10Sentinal1standard analog residential
17:13.13Sentinal1that we all have in our homes
17:13.27mockerSentinal1: Wrong channel to assume that in! :)
17:13.35ManxPowerSentinal1: on analog FXO lines (what you have) the call is considered answered as soon as dialing is finished.
17:13.42Sentinal1i understand that
17:13.57Sentinal1what i would like to develop as a feature, if it doesnt exist
17:14.13Sentinal1is for it to start sampling the voice, and detect ringing, anouncement, progress tones
17:14.27kandDoes digium have paid support for the standard version of asterisk?
17:14.30Sentinal1something like VAD, but more specific.. not just detect any voice, but specific voice
17:15.16ManxPowerSentinal1: PBX makers have tried for 20 years to do what you want to do.  They all failed.  But I do wish you the best of luck.  Take a look at the randomlydisconnectmycalls=yes, busycount, and callprogress options.
17:15.33ManxPowerkand: I think so, but you would have to call them.
17:15.50Sentinal1i understand that.. the reason it fails is becuase there are many telco's and many noisy lines
17:16.10Sentinal1i would be working with one line.. each user would fingerprint his own anouncements for his telco
17:16.59*** join/#asterisk mort_gib (
17:17.00dklimaManxPower, HANGUPCAUSE always return 0 for me
17:17.01ManxPowerSentinal1: we don't really deal with coding stuff here, mostly just user stuff.
17:17.20Sentinal1is there a channel for coding?
17:17.26ManxPowerdklima: You are doing something like Noop(HANGUPCAUSE is ${HANGUPCAUSE}) ?
17:17.32ManxPowerin your dialplan, after the dial.
17:17.36dklimaManxPower, yes
17:17.42ManxPowerSentinal1: next door.  it's labled #asterisk-dev"
17:17.53Sentinal1lol *hits himself*
17:17.57ManxPowerdklima: then you have a signaling issue with your PRI.
17:18.18dklimaManxPower, it what I was afraid to hear
17:18.23Sentinal1its empty
17:18.34ronrManxPower: ok, I'll move to AGI then
17:18.41ManxPowerSentinal1: there are 67 people there.
17:18.49Sentinal1oh lol
17:19.03Sentinal1it took the " with it
17:20.08jrobisonDoes anyone know what the simplest solution to getting 3-4 lines into an asterisk box would be?  I am trying to switch from Viatalk(which seems to cut us off after an hour) to using analog lines.  My manager doesnt trust Viatalk anymore
17:20.23Qwelljrobison: TDM400p
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17:20.36Qwellor 800/2400 if you plan on using more than 4 in the future
17:20.45ManxPowerjrobison: nobody in their right mind would trust calls sent over the internet
17:21.09jrobisonMaxPower,  yeah I have realized that. lol
17:21.25jrobisonI am asusming I would want FXO ports on the 400P?
17:21.31Qwellfor lines?  yes
17:21.45jbotmethinks fxofxs is An FXO port expects to receive dialtone and receive ring voltage, you plug a phone LINE into this.  An FXS port expects to provide dialtone and provide ring voltage, you plug a PHONE into this.
17:21.58jrobisonok, sorry. I dont really know very much about this sort of thing.  I am a systems engineer, and I dont really know much about Phone systems
17:22.09Qwelljrobison: welcome to #asterisk ;)
17:22.25jrobisonI appreciate the help
17:22.26QwellI'd say well over half of the people here are network/systems guys, rather than phone guys
17:22.53Qwell(or, rather - they were, before they got into asterisk..)
17:23.08jrobisonI have to say, now that I have started learning about phone systems, it is intriguing
17:23.52jrobisonSo, more on the TDM card,  how would I configure this?  I am using AsteriskNow
17:24.09ManxPowerjrobison: you ask on the asterisknow channel
17:24.36jbotzeeek is probably someone who once said "learning asterisk using a GUI is like learning sex through masturbation. You'll never get to the good stuff."
17:24.40jrobisonWe had a Provider upstrairs from us who used to provide an IAX trunk to us, that worked well for the most part
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17:25.07jrobisonsorry about that.
17:25.08FlatFootManxPower: thats a really good jbot answer
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17:25.25jrobisonfunny though
17:25.56jrobisonhow would I configure it in /etc/asterisk I should have asked.  I dont really use the GUI, it was here before my time
17:26.04jrobisonI would actually like to move to FreeBSD
17:26.05ussrbackHi all
17:26.20ussrbackHow can i set participant limit in meetme conference room?
17:26.21ManxPowerjrobison: best of luck converting AsteriskNOW to regular Asterisk.
17:26.37shido6that coming from ManxPower means "work"
17:26.58ManxPowershido6: Hey!  How is the training project going?
17:26.59FlatFootjrobinson: i would build from the start onto FreeBSD. We have and so far it works fine
17:27.27jrobisonthat would be fine,  my manager is just telling me he needs something that works, now
17:27.29ManxPowerjrobison: don't make a second newbie mistake and try to learn Asterisk on a production system.
17:27.29shido6i trashed everything and started over. It all wrong
17:27.30FlatFootjust got stuck on one thing cdr_adaptive_odbc
17:27.37jrobisonI am sure you have all heard that speech
17:27.58FlatFootjrobinson: it took about 3 hours to get a working box
17:28.18Qwelljrobison: If you've never used asterisk, and it needs to be done "now" - don't use freebsd
17:28.25jrobisonI have a FreeBSD install working at home, I love it, runs on a sparc
17:28.42jrobisonsun blade 100
17:28.56ManxPowerjrobison: if you switch to BSD, almost nobody will be able to help you
17:29.12ussrback@Qwell: do u mean that Freebsd is better to be used then Linux for asterisk?
17:29.18jrobisonwhat do most of you guys/gals use?
17:29.26jrobisonI didnt mean to start a flame war
17:29.28ManxPowerjrobison: Linux is the supported OS
17:29.32Qwellussrback: no, I said don't use freebsd
17:29.46Qwelljrobison: "standard" zaptel only works on Linux.
17:29.55ussrback@Qwell: ahh ok. but what about the Solaris OS?
17:30.01QwellYour hardware won't really be supported if you're running anything besides linux
17:30.09Qwellbbl, lunch
17:30.17ussrbackas i know solaris is a best choice for good performance of the sistem
17:30.37ManxPowerussrback: It does not matter how many times you ask, the answer will still be "Asterisk is officially supported on Linux"
17:31.17shido6unless you are a unix yogi stick with linux
17:31.36ussrbackManxPower: Yes i know, but also i have read the solaris vs linux and facts says that Solaris OS is more stable and load resistant then linux ones
17:31.41shido6Solaris is a good idea after you've mastered Asterisk on linux
17:32.04ManxPowerussrback: It very well bay me, but that doesn't matter if the software you want to use does not work on Solaris.
17:32.06Zuchmirussrback: look in the asterisk 1.4 book page #165
17:32.33ussrbackZuchmir: give me the link
17:32.39jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
17:32.47shido6otherwise you will hit brick walls faster than you can make a left turn at 180mph during a typhoon on a wet road in the philippines
17:33.18ManxPowerussrback: if you want to use Asterisk on Solaris, then you need to start coding to make it work on Solaris.
17:33.40De_Moni want to use asterisk on mac I hear its more user friendly
17:33.52ussrbackyeah thats right cause many features as i know doesnot fit with solaris
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17:34.23shido6get the picture?
17:35.13shido6then you are on the right track!
17:35.43jrobisonwell, all of that aside,  if I choose to use linux.  are there some good resources on setting up a TDM400P on linux?
17:35.45ussrbackthats a good
17:35.58jrobisonI will use whatever works
17:36.29NuggetI hate Linux just as much as the next guy, but even I suffer through it for my asterisk machines.
17:36.44NuggetTrying to run Asterisk (with Zaptel) on anything other than Linux is the road to misery
17:36.45jrobisonyeah, I am a BSD/SOlaris guy
17:36.51mort_gibYou use the tools you have at hand
17:37.12NuggetI suggest Slackware.  It's the least Linuxy Linux.
17:37.12muiroOk, let me try to describe the problem I'm having. I'v just recently plugged lumenvox speech recognition into my asterisk system. The grammars I've built are working great for voice. The problem here lies in DTMF. It's my understanding that when SpeechBackground() is being used, if asterisk hears a DTMF tone it stops sending data to the speech engine and simply handles the dtmf tone itself. Here's the issue: Some of these DTMF tones are wr
17:37.13*** join/#asterisk fordfrog (n=fordfrog@gentoo/developer/fordfrog)
17:37.22jrobisonI have just never configured a TDM card, or anythiing other than IAX/SIP on an asterisk box
17:38.01Nuggetzaptel is a bit nutty, but it's a zillion times simpler than, say, hylafax or something.  And Digium offer good support.
17:38.02mort_gibjrobison: NOt difficult, have a peek in the book
17:38.18jrobisonthe one mentioned above?
17:38.21muirois it true that asterisk handles those dtmf tones? and if so, is there a way I can clean them up a bit? asterisk dials extensions and everything perfectly fine, it's just the dtmf tones that come during SpeechBackground() that seem to be busted
17:38.34mort_gibYup, It got me up and working in no time.
17:38.39jrobisonthanks man
17:38.52mort_gibGot a bit confused with FXO FXS
17:39.15jrobisonoh, now I found  that on the asterisk website as well.  sorry
17:39.37jrobisonmy bad,  I do at least try to find this stuff first
17:39.46mort_gibDon't worry!
17:39.49jboti heard fxofxs is An FXO port expects to receive dialtone and receive ring voltage, you plug a phone LINE into this.  An FXS port expects to provide dialtone and provide ring voltage, you plug a PHONE into this.
17:40.02shido6now...... for the cheap seats
17:40.30mort_gibYeah, that all good, but it's DARK behind my server and the ports look the*£%$"£$_+ SAME
17:41.02jrobisonI will definetly use Linux before I use Windows,  I worked for MS for 2 years as a UNIX administrator.
17:42.08shido6as bkw has been quoted saying: In a world without fences and walls, who needs Gates and Windows.
17:42.09mort_gibjrobison: I LIKE that
17:42.35shido6i need lunch
17:42.58mort_gibI use OpenBSD for loads of stuff, Linux on my desktop and I support 150+ windows users :-)
17:43.05UnixDogok has anyone here done a queued pagining setup they would share
17:43.35NuggetI use openbsd for my firewall, linux for my asterisk, freebsd for anything that matters, and os x on the desktop.
17:43.49jrobisonmort_gib:  yeah, I dont mean to be harsh, I just try to avoide them/thier software whenever I can
17:44.16jrobisonNugget: I am on an MBP right now, lol  I love Macs for the Desktop
17:44.27tzafrirNugget, look for lsh
17:44.37mort_gibI'm opposite, I'm happy that my clients use Windows, I would not be very busy if they used anything else!
17:44.44shido6leopard here
17:44.45tzafrirbeats cmd.exe as a shell :-)
17:44.49shido6on a Dell :)
17:45.07UnixDogwhat I am looking for is a paging setup where it answers askes them to record thier page puts it in a queue and then dials the page and plays the page
17:45.27NuggetOne day as a joke I set a friend's shell to emacs.  He won, though, becuse he just left it that way.
17:45.42shido6i did that sort of as a quick fix for "Blue Light Special on Sugar, aisle 6" announcements using the crisco phones auto answer feature
17:45.46shido6just made a call file
17:46.01*** join/#asterisk uribes (n=Toshiba@
17:46.06UnixDogcallfile ?
17:46.50shido6a call file
17:46.57shido6but you dont have to do that...
17:47.10shido6u can do what you need with dialplan logic or a *gulp* agi
17:47.43uribeshi everybody, i'm trying to install asterisk in a slackware distro, but i have a problem when i compiled the zaptel packge, the header "workqueue.h" can not be found.. could you help me?
17:48.35shido6do you have the kernel source installed, uribes?
17:48.56shido6that should be in *somewhere*//include/linux/*
17:48.57uribesyes.. i think
17:50.06uribesyes.. i'm checking.. i have many headers in /usr/src/linux/include/linux/, but i can see that header
17:50.18uribesdo i need to install something else?
17:50.19*** join/#asterisk viperdudeuk (n=chatzill@
17:50.33shido6I dont know.
17:51.43uribesso.. what can i do? download the source kernel?!
17:52.53tzafriruribes, what kernel version?
17:54.08tzafrircould you please pastebin the exact log from the build?
17:54.30uribesok, hold on
17:54.36*** join/#asterisk Zap-W (n=XoX@
17:54.52Zap-Whow do i see the list of SIP servers i am connected to and their latency?
17:56.22jrobisonsip show peers
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17:56.43jrobisonbut only if you have the flag set to measure thier latency
17:56.56jrobisonI could be wrong, but that is my experience.
17:57.24jrobisonI would also take a look at sip show peer (name of peer)
17:58.06*** join/#asterisk atisss (n=atisss@
17:59.45De_Mon* keeps telling me there's an error in extension logic (missing '}') in this line -- but I don't see anything wrong
18:00.45De_Moncould it be because the db key is empty?
18:01.16blitzrageif the key is empty, so will the value returned
18:01.51jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
18:01.52De_MonI don't see any missing }'s do you?
18:01.55blitzrageDe_Mon: you have an extra semi-colon
18:02.00blitzrageyou're escaping the final )
18:02.06De_Monoh, I have to escape those...
18:02.11blitzragethat is wrong
18:02.30blitzragethe format for that line is incorrect
18:02.32De_Monits wrong to set a db key with a simicolin in it?
18:02.33*** join/#asterisk bobkare (
18:02.35blitzrageif you don't have a closing brace
18:02.47blitzrageit is if you don't escape it in asterisk
18:02.49De_MonWe're talking about priority 2 right?
18:02.51*** join/#asterisk fordfrog (n=fordfrog@gentoo/developer/fordfrog)
18:02.52blitzrage; means something to the dialplan
18:02.57blitzragepriority 3
18:03.21blitzrageyou are not closing Set() properly
18:03.29blitzragebecause you've commented out the ending )
18:03.51De_Monthat makes more sense.
18:04.06blitzrageif you need to pass the ;, then you need to escape it
18:04.18blitzrage\; in trunk, \\\; in 1.4
18:04.22De_Monwould quoting the string work just as well?
18:04.41blitzrageyou'll comment you ") then
18:04.56blitzrageyou escape it as I showed above
18:05.08De_Monthat way looks ugly though
18:05.21De_Monmaybe I should use a different delimiter
18:05.22blitzragethat's how escaping works
18:05.26blitzrageyes -- using something else
18:05.35blitzrageyou can't use |, you can't use ;
18:05.39blitzragethose mean something to asterisk
18:05.51blitzrageuse osmething like ^
18:06.03blitzrageor # , or @
18:06.25De_Monwaa queue/persistantmenbers/ uses ; to dlimit members
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18:08.07*** join/#asterisk Katty (
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18:12.28Kattyso quiet :<
18:14.04*** join/#asterisk aikanaro79 (n={
18:14.43aikanaro79hi...are SIP event packages supported by asterisk?
18:17.05Katty[TK]D-Fender: MEW?!
18:17.10Katty[TK]D-Fender: you're fallin down on the job.
18:17.58[TK]D-FenderKatty: Mew.
18:18.01[TK]D-FenderKatty: On lunch
18:18.10Katty[TK]D-Fender: oh, i see. k'then
18:18.22[TK]D-FenderKatty: just back now.
18:18.29Katty[TK]D-Fender: cheers.
18:18.41Katty[TK]D-Fender: guess who's looking at engagement rings ^_^
18:18.49De_Monblarg no regex replace for asterisk
18:19.04bobkareIs it possible to use chan_mobile with the *1.4 packages in ubuntu gutsy? I really only want chan_mobile and would really like to avoid compiling the entire thing by hand. I've tried, but obviously my attempt must be way off as I got loads of compile errors on standard include files
18:19.24Katty[TK]D-Fender: i found history!!! and bookmarks! one was
18:20.02Katty[TK]D-Fender: and this was bookmarked too:
18:20.10Katty[TK]D-Fender: i think someone is plotting.
18:20.53[TK]D-FenderKatty: Cubic Zirconium may be right for you! ;)
18:21.36Katty[TK]D-Fender: probably. my vision is horrible anyway ;)
18:21.39Katty[TK]D-Fender: but still.
18:21.47Katty[TK]D-Fender: i'd say there's some major plotting going on.
18:22.15Katty[TK]D-Fender: that sapphire site is wedding 'packages'
18:22.15[TK]D-FenderKatty: Thats more like X-mas / Valentines, not engagement.
18:22.35Katty[TK]D-Fender: maybe.
18:22.44Katty[TK]D-Fender: but i've got a hunch
18:23.43[TK]D-FenderKatty: You should work for the DoD/DHS :)
18:24.02*** join/#asterisk TUplink (
18:24.16TUplinkis there somewhere in a config file that i can set DNS files to use?
18:24.23TUplinkDNS servers
18:24.24Katty[TK]D-Fender: Dod?
18:24.26Katty[TK]D-Fender: DHS?
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18:24.34Katty[TK]D-Fender: english please.
18:24.35TUplinki keep getting DNS lookup errors
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18:25.04TUplinkand im on DHCP so everytime the server reboots it overrited /etc/resolve
18:25.46bobkareyou should be able to override whatever's writing to resolv.conf. what distro are you using?
18:25.52[TK]D-FenderKatty: You seem so blissfully unaware of your own government... it's kinda cute ;)
18:26.18Katty[TK]D-Fender: i try.
18:27.35uribestzafrir: this is the log, any suggetion it's welcome
18:28.12*** join/#asterisk cpm (n=Chip@pdpc/supporter/active/cpm)
18:29.23tzafriruribes, I think you snipped out the important part
18:31.02uribesso you need to see the warnings?
18:31.53tzafrirAt least the first few lines of them
18:32.41*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
18:33.09[TK]D-FenderKatty: Department of Defense / Department of Homeland Security.  You know... the one that puts out pretty colour-coded "terror threat-level" warning based on rabidly BS "hunches".
18:33.41Kattyno clue.
18:34.39*** join/#asterisk tobias (
18:34.41Kattyor so i claim.
18:34.51Kattycan we please not think about politics today.
18:34.53Kattyor.. any day.
18:35.58jrobisonsweet lets lead the revolution of ignorance and just let the govronment do what they want ;-)
18:37.45uribestzafrir: here are some warning
18:37.46[TK]D-Fenderjrobison: You say that as thought it weren't a day-to-day FACT :p
18:38.01*** join/#asterisk ChkDigit (
18:38.30jrobisonwell, I guess I am the onyl person that is not ok with it and tries to do what I can;
18:38.42uribesand all the warnings are similiar
18:38.45tzafrirSorry, false warning
18:39.27uribeswhat i gonna do is to install a new version of the kernel..
18:39.46Assiderr.. anyone know why does this error show up for the polycoms app.log ? 1210132426|cfg  |4|03|Edit|Error 0x388002 attempting stat of /ffs0/local/0004f2030f68-phone_cfg.zzz
18:40.19uribesmaybe this version has some bug or it's not capable with the zaptel version
18:41.25uribesthanks anyway
18:42.07*** join/#asterisk jtexter3 (
18:42.37jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
18:42.44*** join/#asterisk jtexter3 (
18:43.25[TK]D-FenderTUplink: Yup, believeable....
18:44.34bobkareI have a backported version of chan_mobile for 1.4 release, do I need the entire * src tree to compile it, or can I use just the headers from the asterisk-dev ubuntu package and get the module working?
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18:54.28iratikHow do they (jajah, poivy... etc..) connect one number to another? do they pipe commands directly through to the asterisk CLI?
18:54.42tzafriruribes, I'm trying to figure out how that code has built on 2.4 before
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19:00.08mvanbaakhhmm, 2.4
19:02.56Assiddammit.. the new updates on this sip version kinda messed me up
19:03.01Assidthe gains are just messed up
19:03.28*** join/#asterisk Yourname`` (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/yourname/x-837320)
19:03.45Assidanyone know what the preamp is for ?
19:05.30TUplinkim on freebsd.... when i do kldload /usr/local/lib/zaptel/ztdummy.ko it says that /usr/local/lib/zaptel/ztdummy.ko does not exist..... any ideas
19:05.41TUplinki can ls /usr/local/lib/zaptel/ztdummy.ko and see
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19:10.23tzafriruribes, hmm... for some reason on 2.4 it doesn't want to build me wctdm24xxp
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19:19.25tzafriruribes, hmm... it was only successful because I had linux/workqueue.h under /usr/include
19:19.29tzafrirThat's bad
19:21.33*** join/#asterisk truz_`24 (n=truz_`
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19:22.31naitramcan more that 1 client attach to the AMI at the same time?
19:22.52[TK]D-Fendernaitram: yes
19:23.28uribesok, i'm gonna update the kernel.. but can be 2.6 or 2.4 line?
19:24.12naitram[TK]D-Fender: ok, thanks
19:24.57[TK]D-Fendernaitram: if you're planning on having many systems connect to it it frequently you might want to run AstManProxy
19:25.57tzafriruribes, what card do you actually have?
19:26.29uribesactually.. i dont have a card
19:27.28naitram[TK]D-Fender: thnks will look at it
19:28.12uribesthat's can be the problem?
19:28.40Assidokay something gone crazily haywire
19:28.45Assidthe gains are just messedup
19:31.13*** join/#asterisk angom (
19:31.36Assiderr.. the mic is tx right ? and rx = speaker ?
19:37.28ManxPowerAssid: no.  tx is transmitted audio and rx is received audio.
19:37.41ManxPowerWHERE the audio goes and where it comes from does not matter for this.
19:38.29Assidyeah.. so mic = tx
19:38.46Assidi dont get it.. i lowered it to -21 .. and the audio still is low
19:43.39*** part/#asterisk naitram (n=naitram@
19:48.54kaldemarAssid: tx and rx are from asterisk's point of view. rx from a channel, tx to a channel.
19:53.50iratik  ---- I have to use auth=rsa with my IAX provider..... i don't know where to put the ".pub" file containing the public key.... where can i put that file so that inkeys= ... will see the file
19:54.46uribestzafrir: i gotta go thanks
19:54.50*** part/#asterisk uribes (n=Toshiba@
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19:55.31tzafrirduh, missed that. he should have just disabled those specific drivers...
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20:03.42Giofehi, help me please,cat /proc/interrupts
20:04.29Giofehow to clear the ERR:1 ?
20:05.39*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
20:08.09GiofeERR:1 is a problem to calls? reboot the synchronization of te22p?
20:08.34Giofethe te220p is on server ML115 HP
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20:25.30ManxPowerAssid: -21 would make motorcycle sound like a whisper
20:25.51Assidyeah just learned that
20:26.20Assidso +10 would make it super loud?
20:26.44ManxPowerstart at 0 for both, then increase or decrease by no more than 2
20:26.56ManxPowerwhich zap card do you have?
20:27.15Assiderr.. everything over ip..
20:27.33Assidtermination and origination over ip
20:27.35ManxPowerAssid: Asterisk does not support adjusting audio in VoIP calls.
20:27.56Assidthese guys are kinda "deaf"
20:27.57ManxPowerVolume adjustment should be done where the call is converted to/from PSTN
20:28.34Assiderr.. doing at phone.. polycoms' config
20:28.39ManxPowerAssid: I don't care if they are them Pope.  You are not going to be able to adjust audio on VoIP calls unless you control the PSTN gateway.
20:28.52ManxPowerYou should be able to adjust that on the PHONE, of course.
20:29.07Assidyep thats whaty im doing
20:29.34ManxPowerwhich phone do you have?
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20:30.32Assidthey have 501's and 601's and im on a 301 remote location
20:30.54ManxPowerSo you are using sip.cfg or phone1.cfg to adjust the audio
20:31.20Assidyep.. single sip instance
20:31.34ManxPower"single sip instance"?
20:35.45Assiderr.. single sip config file
20:36.24ManxPowersip.cfg not sip.conf, right?
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20:39.45*** join/#asterisk Sci_05 (
20:39.52Sci_05afternoon all
20:40.31Sci_05can anyone point me into the right direction as to what this mean "Failed to write data to channel monitor write stream" I am getting it when I record a call off my ZAP channel
20:41.20*** join/#asterisk servergod (n=maverick@
20:41.32AssidManxPower: yessir
20:41.42ManxPowerAnyone else getting spammed from "Intelligent Office"  advertizing receptionist services?
20:41.45mvanbaak_gheh, freaking connection
20:42.26servergodhas anyone set up a self serv sign-up form for asterisk?
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20:46.28ManxPowerservergod: That's trivial.  The hard part is the backend that accepts the form data.
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20:48.10muiroif anyone can help me with a lumenvox question: I seem to be failing the environment variables for the lumenvox connector on asterisk startup. My one question is that maybe it's because my licens server is on another machine and one of the environment variables is the license server? Could that be the reason it's failing? I have license_client.conf set to look at the right server
20:48.54muiroLVBIN is right
20:49.40*** join/#asterisk hmmhesays (
20:50.06muirooh, you thought I was asking where license_client.conf was. No, I know where it is and I know it's set correctly because that compiled exampled program worked fine
20:51.01muirofile: you don't mean that I should set LV_LICENSE to LVBIN because my license server is elsewhere, do you?
20:51.34filenah, I mean LVBIN is the environment variable used to find the location of license_client.conf
20:51.34*** join/#asterisk Alan_Hicks (
20:51.44muirowell, that's set correctly
20:52.16fileLVRESPONSE and LVLANG as well.
20:52.41muiroset and set
20:52.47muiroalso LVINCLUDE
20:52.56muiroand LD_LIBRARY_PATh and LD_RUN_PATH
20:53.24muiroand just to be on the "this can't be the problems side", since asterisk is running as non-root, I went ahead and made sure that user had perms on the lumenvox stuff
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20:54.22muiroI have all of these env variables set in the safe_asterisk script as well as in both root's and the user's bashrc
20:55.07muiroany further hints?
20:55.07Alan_HicksI'm having some trouble with getting my Polycom IP 320 phones to auto-answer a call.  I've been following the information here: and here: but haven't had any success.
20:55.55Alan_HicksThe relevant portion of my extensions.conf file is here:
20:56.15Alan_HicksWhen I enter exten 801, the phone rings, but does not auto-answer.
20:56.27ManxPowerAlan_Hicks: try th info on voip-info
20:56.45Alan_HicksManxPower: Those tinyurl links are to that info.
20:56.48[TK]D-FenderAlan_Hicks: Amazing that you say it even dials... since you have no priority #2
20:57.01[TK]D-FenderAlan_Hicks: And are using deprecated vars
20:57.08Alan_Hicks[TK]D-Fender: Shoot, I may have butchered that.
20:57.40Alan_HicksSorry, that was left over from when I added a SIP header at priority 2, which I later removed.
20:58.01ManxPowerAlan_Hicks: and did you read the UPGRADE.txt file in the Asterisk source code so you could figure out how to convert the old outdated stuff that's usually on voip-info into whatever version you are using?
20:58.10[TK]D-FenderAlan_Hicks: Please paste your actual extensions.conf and sip.cfg
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20:58.24Alan_HicksI'll paste the full extensions.conf if you wish.
20:59.28[TK]D-Fenderexten => 801,2,SIPAddHeader(Alert-Info: Auto Answer)
20:59.28Alan_HicksFull extensions.conf and sip.conf here:
20:59.36[TK]D-FenderAlan_Hicks: I said sip.cfg <-----
20:59.39Alan_HicksManxPower: No, I did not know I would need to do such.
20:59.55Alan_Hicks[TK]D-Fender: My mistake.  Just a moment.  That's a rather large file.
21:00.10[TK]D-FenderAlan_Hicks: look up for the proper way to set the header
21:02.00muirofile: hmm, maybe it's not the env variables. "" was not compiled with the same compile-time options as this version of asterisk. will not be initialized as it may cause instability.
21:03.07*** join/#asterisk marcan (
21:04.07fileif you grab 1.4 from SVN it should be compatible
21:04.53muirowait, I know what it might be
21:05.02muirofirstly I used 1.4.current from the ftp
21:05.10muirobut I used just a tiny bit older version of the connector
21:05.17muirolike b18 instead of b19
21:05.31fileNot connector
21:05.55muirono, I know
21:06.09muiroI was telling you exactly what version I had gotten. For larks, I guess.
21:06.17muirobut maybe it's the b18 that's the problem
21:06.24filestuff changed which made binary modules such as that incompatible without recompiling and providing a new one... since Lumenvox hasn't put it up yet you can grab 1.4 from subversion where the logic was changed to allow old binary modules to work
21:06.47filethere is nothing you can do short of using 1.4 from subversion, or using 1.4.14
21:07.02muiroalright, thanks
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21:10.45twisted!!!THANKS HSVUTIL
21:10.54[hC]holycrap its twisted
21:11.44Corydon76-lap[hC]: yes, he's so huggable, isn't he?
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21:12.43Alan_Hicks[TK]D-Fender: I'm not sure what you mean by the "proper way to set the header".  Isn't SIPAddHeader the "proper way"?
21:12.44[TK]D-Fenderaalyup, you feel for the most common error
21:12.48[TK]D-FenderAlan_Hicks: rather
21:13.19[TK]D-FenderAlan_Hicks:  <alertInfo voIpProt.SIP.alertInfo.1.value="AA" voIpProt.SIP.alertInfo.1.class="3"/>     <alertInfo voIpProt.SIP.alertInfo.2.value="RA" voIpProt.SIP.alertInfo.2.class="4"/> <- you tried doing this in TWO tags.  This has to be a SINGLE tag with all the values in it.
21:13.57[TK]D-FenderAlan_Hicks: You did "exten => 801,2,Set(_ALERT_INFO="RA")" , I suggested  "exten => 801,2,SIPAddHeader(Alert-Info: Auto Answer)"
21:14.50[TK]D-FenderAlan_Hicks: Now change your dialplan with my new line, consolidate your "<AlertInfo" tags, change the AA & RA or their proper resptive naming, and you should be fine (following reboots
21:14.50Alan_HicksSo I should remove voIpProt.SIP.alertInfo.2.value="RA"?
21:15.01[TK]D-FenderAlan_Hicks: CONSOLIDATE those into 1 tag.
21:15.47[TK]D-FenderAlan_Hicks: Here's a complete replacement : <alertInfo voIpProt.SIP.alertInfo.1.value="" voIpProt.SIP.alertInfo.1.class="" voIpProt.SIP.alertInfo.2.value="Ring Answer" voIpProt.SIP.alertInfo.2.class="4" voIpProt.SIP.alertInfo.3.value="Auto Answer" voIpProt.SIP.alertInfo.3.class="3"/>
21:15.49Alan_HicksI'm not certain what you mean by that, since they have the same info.
21:16.04[TK]D-FenderAlan_Hicks: you can't do it in 2, trus me.
21:17.05[TK]D-FenderAlan_Hicks: swap out your 2, add mine, change the header call in your dialplan to match, apply, reboot your phone and you should be fine.
21:17.08Alan_HicksAlright, rbooting.
21:17.29Alan_HicksSucks that the info on voip-info is so wrong.
21:17.41[TK]D-FenderAlan_Hicks: I prefer the term "carbon-dated" :)
21:17.50Alan_HicksWell, that and that I screwed the pooch in sip.cfg.
21:17.54mvanbaakcarbon-dated ?
21:17.57Alan_Hicks[TK]D-Fender: haha.  I like that one.
21:18.04mvanbaakI think it's from 3 centuries ago ;)
21:18.09ManxPowerIt's more like "milk dated".
21:18.22Alan_Hicks[TK]D-Fender: You're awesome.
21:18.26[TK]D-Fendermvanbaak: How they age estimate fossils based on carbon decay
21:18.41Alan_HicksManxPower: If it was milk dated, I'd hate to see what the milk in your fridge looks like.
21:18.45ManxPowerWith the 1.2 UPGRADE.txt and the 1.4 UPGRADE.txt, you should be able to translate the info on
21:19.17mvanbaaknice janitor project: fix voip-info
21:19.33ManxPowermvanbaak: it would take a team of janitors years to do that.
21:19.35jdunckManxPower: all info on voip-info is old, or just some bits?
21:19.39[TK]D-FenderAlan_Hicks: To a familiar Aerosmith tune : "There's something wierd in the fridge today, I don't know what it is.  I think that its alliiivvveeee...."
21:19.41Alan_HicksNow I just need to specify some sort of louder, longer intercom notification for this.
21:19.44ManxPowerjdunck: not ALL.
21:20.02[TK]D-FenderAlan_Hicks: I prefer my silent spy option ;)
21:20.07mvanbaakManxPower: nah, simply put TFOT2 there as replacement
21:20.15ManxPowerJust most it seems.  that's why I usually suggest voip-info as a LAST resort.
21:20.17Alan_Hicks[TK]D-Fender: Not familiar to me.  Around these parts, if you asked for aerosmith people would point you to a fletcher.
21:20.32Alan_Hicks[TK]D-Fender: My client won't though. :^)
21:21.21mvanbaak'as of today is PDF only'
21:21.44ManxPowermvanbaak: perhaps that can be done on April 1
21:21.52mvanbaakwould be fun
21:22.11*** join/#asterisk Mavvie (
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21:24.45[TK]D-Fenderok, checkout time... BBIAB
21:25.32Alan_HicksDamn, there goes all my help.  :^)
21:25.45ManxPowermvanbaak: BTW, I am currently interviewing potential clients and am accepting new clients,.
21:26.34mvanbaaklike being my competitor ?
21:27.59ManxPowermvanbaak: Competition is far overrated. 8-
21:28.07ManxPowerI was thinking more of cooperation.
21:28.22mvanbaakwe dont do setups on the clients location
21:28.27mvanbaakwe only do hosted voip
21:29.04ManxPower*nod*  And I don't do hosted stuff. 8-)  I realize you are thousands of miles from me, but I figured it would not hurt to mention it.
21:29.14mvanbaakwe have a client in Rotterdam that will need a total redo of their setup
21:29.25ManxPowerI've not accepted new clients in at least 5 years, so this is a big change 8-)
21:30.01Alan_HicksNo new clients in 5 years?  Ouch!
21:30.03ManxPowermvanbaak: I don't mind traveling if the money is good, but it would be somewhat expensive to import me from the states.
21:30.25mvanbaakManxPower: how about SSH ?
21:30.27ManxPowerAlan_Hicks: You misunderstand.  I have had enough clients for the past 5 years, I did not need any more.
21:30.40ManxPowermvanbaak: ssh is how I do most of my work now.
21:30.43Alan_HicksManxPower: Yeah, but... you can't grow a business without new clients.
21:30.54mvanbaakManxPower: and our own setup needs an upgrade
21:30.59mvanbaakit's still 1.0.9
21:31.15ManxPowerAlan_Hicks: I want to grow my business to the point that I have a decent income.  I did that a long time ago.
21:31.23ManxPowerAlan_Hicks: I've had one client for at least 10 years.
21:31.23Alan_HicksWhy upgrade it then?  Everything on voip-info is still correct for that. :-P
21:31.31mvanbaaklol Alan_Hicks
21:31.56ManxPowerOne of my other long term clients stopped paying their bills, so I had to fire them.
21:32.02Alan_HicksManxPower: Myself, I want to grow my business to the point that I'm making enough money to retire in my 40s.
21:32.12Alan_HicksManxPower: I hate when that happens.
21:32.14ManxPowerAlan_Hicks: that sounds like a lot of work.
21:32.31*** join/#asterisk branen (
21:32.40ManxPowerI work like 10-15 hours per week and get lots of free time.
21:32.41Alan_HicksManxPower: You've no idea. :^)  It doesn't help that I'm in a bass-ackwards part of the State where technology is concerned.
21:32.58Alan_HicksManxPower: I work about.... 40ish, plus research time on my own.
21:33.21hmmhesaysLOL: you too Alan_Hicks?
21:33.21Alan_HicksYou remember when I was in here last?
21:33.27hmmhesaysYou're not in ND are you?
21:33.33Alan_Hickshmmhesays: Gotta get with it if you're gonna keep up.
21:33.37Alan_Hickshmmhesays: Dixie.
21:33.51ManxPowerAlan_Hicks: I have the short term memory of a butterfly.
21:33.55branenHi, folks.  Might anyone be able to help me troubleshoot IMAP voicemail storage?
21:34.23Alan_HicksManxPower: Well it was about a month ago.  This Asterisk stuff has the potential to be a big deal for me, but I ain't worked on it in a month 'cause I've been too damn busy.
21:35.13Alan_Hicksbranen: How are you storing to IMAP?  Are you handing the voicemail off as an e-mail attachment to a mail server?
21:35.32mvanbaakAlan_Hicks: asterisk supports IMAP for voicemail storage
21:35.59branenAlan_Hicks: I'm trying to use the imapserver= directive in voicemail.conf
21:36.11Alan_Hicksmvanbaak: Yeah, but I can't help him if he's doing it that way. :^)
21:36.34branenmvanbaak: Have you got it to work?
21:36.34Alan_HicksAsterisk I'm a noob on.  E-mail, I'm reasonably proficient.
21:36.53ManxPowerAsterisk 1.4 supports voicemail storage on IMAP, but it is a feature new to 1.4,. not many people use it and it is not well tested.
21:36.56mvanbaakbranen: nope, I'm fine with the default vm stuff
21:37.10branenManxPower: That's what I was afraid of.
21:37.27mvanbaakI write VM to a NFS share to have it available on a cluster of asterisk boxen
21:37.33branenI'm not getting any errors, but neither am I getting any storage to IMAP.
21:37.42ManxPowerbranen: there are a couple of threads on the mailing list archives talking about VM IMAP.
21:38.33mvanbaaktrunk has seen some fixes lately
21:39.03mvanbaakof course not everyone is as brave as me to run -trunk in production
21:39.13ManxPowerbranen: I'm waiting until 1.6 comes out and is stable, then I'll be looking at VM IMAP.  My users are prissy prima donnas that will skin me alive if their voicemail breaks.
21:40.34branenManxPower: Sounds like a good plan.  My users are clamoring for tighter email-voicemail integration, but if it's not working in 1.4, then
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21:40.41branenthey'll have to wait.
21:41.29mvanbaakhhmm, ODBC storage is something I'm going to investigate real soon
21:41.55mvanbaakI have this 'high priority' feature request to handle voicemail inside our webbased CRM application
21:42.12mvanbaakI think odbc is the way to go here
21:42.51blitzragethat's how I did it
21:42.59kandmvanbaak: I have been running odbc in production and highly recommend it
21:43.40mvanbaakI already handle faxes in our CRM with some AGI trickery
21:43.59Alan_HicksHmm.... how do I specify a particular ring on these phones when doing auto-answer?
21:44.03mvanbaakgrab the TIFF from the line, convert it to PDF and fire it to the database
21:44.05kandmvanbaak: I have been toying with T.38
21:44.06Alan_HicksI've got the following in sip.cfg:
21:44.15Alan_Hickse.rt.4.ringer="7" se.rt.4.callWait="6" se.rt.4.mod="1"/>
21:44.54mvanbaakkand: I use a CAPI based ISDN BRI card and chan_capi to retreive the faxes
21:44.55Alan_HicksIck.... that was supposed to be one line.  Anyhow, changing "se.rt.4.ringer" doesn't have an effect.  Even if I set it to "1" (no ring) it still gives me a short, quiet, but audible beep.
21:45.54mvanbaakhhmm, for our hosted setup it's even easier to handle
21:46.05mvanbaakbecause our ITSP offers fax2mail functionality
21:46.21mvanbaakbecause fax-over-iax2-over-the-internet is still very buggy
21:46.23*** part/#asterisk lirakis (n=lirakis@
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21:46.54kandalan_hicks: <sip><alertinfo voIpProt.SIP.alertInfo.2.value="Internal" voIpProt.SIP.alertInfo.2.class="5"/></sip><sound_effects><ringType><INTERNAL"Internal" se.rt.5.type="ring" se.rt.5.ringer="11" se.rt.5.callWait="6" se.rt.5.mod="1"/></ringType></sound_effects>
21:47.49mvanbaakwhat kind of phone is that ?
21:48.01kandalan_hicks: then exten => s,n,SIPAddHeader(Alert-Info: Internal)
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21:48.06kandmvanbaak: polycom
21:48.06jrobisonlooks like a polycom
21:48.36kandyou can change the names as you see fit (ie "internal" to "my_custom")
21:48.39Alan_Hickskand: negative on that.  I've got "exten => 801,2,SIPAddHeader(Alert-Info: Auto Answer"
21:49.55mvanbaakI never seen a polycom
21:49.59kandalan_hicks: Oh, sorry misunderstood, why do you want to change the ring on a auto answer?
21:50.02mvanbaakonly on images on websites
21:50.07sheldonhanyone else having trouble with "asterisk -r" since upgrading to 1.4.15?  /var/run/asterisk/asterisk.ctl and its parent dir are readable by group asterisk, and i have group asterisk membership, but connect() gets EACCESS
21:50.21kandmvanbaak: very nice phones, only kind I enjoy working
21:50.37Alan_Hickskand: Just want a loud audible ring of some sort that's different from usual so users know that it's a page/intercom call.
21:50.39mvanbaakkand: we use snom and cisco
21:50.48JTmvanbaak: fax over voice codec over any voip protocol over the Internet is "buggy"
21:51.02mvanbaakJT: amen to that
21:51.26mvanbaakthat's why we let our ITSP handle faxes on their PRI and mail them to us
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21:51.58JTT.38 would be the right way to do it in realtime
21:52.37kandI think T.38 is comming of age
21:52.54Alan_Hicksfax over anything digital sucks.
21:53.06JTAlan_Hicks: that statement was full of flaws
21:53.25Alan_HicksJT: Perhaps, but IME it holds true.
21:53.32kandI disagree, using QOS on residential connection I have nearly 99% success.
21:53.45Alan_HicksGranted, my experience is rather limited.
21:53.55JTAlan_Hicks: when you normally send a fax over the PSTN, it almost certainly goes over a digital connection.
21:54.14Alan_HicksJT: You're correct.
21:54.38Alan_HicksI'm referring to the hacks I've seen where faxes come into a digital phone system which then attempts to convert it back to analogue.
21:54.39mvanbaaknot when you use the pigeon RFC
21:54.45Alan_HicksAnd they never come through cleanly.
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21:54.58JTAlan_Hicks: maybe you mean voip
21:55.04Alan_HicksBut disreguard me.  I'm talking through my ass.
21:55.16Alan_HicksJT: No, proprietary digital phone systems.
21:55.34mvanbaakRFC 1149
21:55.41JTmost of those explicitely do not handle faxes
21:56.17Alan_HicksGo into an Autozone or a Pep Boys and you'll see exactly what I'm talking about.
21:56.51*** join/#asterisk Darthclue (
21:57.11JTdon't have any of those here
21:57.23Alan_HicksBut that's got nothing to do with voip so is neither here nor there as far as #asterisk is concerned.
21:57.47hmmhesaysthis voyager episode with jason alexander is lame
21:57.52JTasterisk isn't #voip
21:58.02Alan_Hickss/with jason alexander //
21:58.13Alan_HicksJT: True.
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21:58.59Alan_HicksI'm gonna shut up now.
21:59.11sheldonhwhat else can i look at to figure out why asterisk -r isn't working?  i've checked perms on the socket file, confirmed that it's attached to the running asterisk process (with lsof) and confirmed i have appropriate group membership (with id, just before running asterisk -r)
21:59.26Darthclueif a call goes into packet2packet mode does that call get tracked anywhere inside of asterisk so that one can determine when it get's terminated?
21:59.32mockersheldonh: Errors?
21:59.57sheldonhmocker: open on the socket file gets EACCESS
22:00.17Alan_Hickssheldonh: I assume root has no problems connecting?
22:00.24sheldonhAlan_Hicks: naturally :)
22:00.44Alan_HicksHow did you add the user to the group?  In /etc/groups I presume?
22:01.45sheldonhAlan_Hicks: it was a long time ago (like, months), so i can't say for sure. i probably just edited /etc/groups
22:01.45*** join/#asterisk gonza8 (n=gonza@
22:01.45gonza8hello i have a digium card, but i will use SIP Trunks (dont connect my card to any provider). Do i need to configure zaptel.conf zapata.conf? can i use the card as a timing device (for i.e. app_meetme)
22:01.45Alan_Hickssheldonh: grep that file real quick
22:01.53mvanbaaksheldonh: when logged in as the user that should run asterisk -r run this: id
22:02.12mvanbaakgonza8: the card can be used as timing source
22:02.17sheldonhmvanbaak: scroll up.  id confirms i have appropriate group membership :)
22:02.21mvanbaakbut you'll need to configure zaptel for that
22:02.28sheldonhi wonder if asterisk 1.4.15 isn't maybe dropping supplemental groups
22:02.47mvanbaakah, sorry
22:02.58sheldonhno worries.  busy channel :)
22:03.04mvanbaaktoo much things going on here, I missed your line where you mention 'id'
22:03.07gonza8mvanbaak, i found a lot of tutorials to configure zaptel, but no one to use the card ONLY as a timing device
22:03.31mvanbaakgonza8: just configure it, but dont use it in extensions.conf
22:03.32kandgonza8: you cant yet (in the works) just set it up as if you where going to connect spans
22:03.34Alan_Hickssheldonh: OS?
22:03.53sheldonhAlan_Hicks: debian linux (4.0, i386)
22:04.32sheldonhAlan_Hicks: although obviously backported, since stable offers asterisk-1.2.x :)
22:05.00mvanbaakthat's why I always compile from source
22:05.04Alan_Hicksdebian's not my cup of tea, but let's make sure everything is right.  pastebin the output of "id" and the perms on the socket please.
22:05.23gonza8mmm there is a sample config of my card (TE410P) in i dont know if i can use that zaptel config, becouse it sets signaling, channels... and more
22:05.49*** join/#asterisk yassine (n=yassine@unaffiliated/yassine)
22:05.51mvanbaakgonza8: if you are not going to connect it, just use it
22:05.55yassinegood evening everyone
22:06.07mvanbaakwont matter because you are not going to use it for accessing lines
22:06.16mvanbaakso the signalling and stuff doesn't matter
22:06.29mvanbaakwhat matters is a working zaptel config so it will act as a timer
22:06.32gonza8mvanbaak, so... if the signaling is even "wrong" it doesn't care, as long as i dont... "actually" use it
22:06.36yassinewhich dtmfmode of (rfc2364 and rfc2543) is better or supported per default by asterisk?
22:06.48mvanbaakgonza8: indeed !
22:07.15sheldonhAlan_Hicks: stand by. i'll include the bottom half of the strace too
22:07.44gonza8mvanbaak, thanks, so if i allready have the zaptel module and my card module working i just need to add a "dummy" zaptel.conf so asterisk use it as a timing device
22:07.47yassinekand: my client does onyl support the modes stated above
22:08.12mvanbaakgonza8: yup
22:08.15gonza8mvanbaak, thanks!
22:08.18gonza8good bye
22:09.04kandyassine: RFC 2364 - PPP Over AAL5 and  RFC 2543 - SIP.  Neither are DTMF modes
22:09.35sheldonhAlan_Hicks: proof of weirdness :)
22:10.02kandyassine: and your options with asterisk are In-band, RFC2833, INFO and auto
22:10.06sheldonhi'm not the source of a private joke because i'm the only guy running 1.4.15, right? :)
22:10.09Darthcluei have a system that shows sip channels going into packet2packet mode.  this is fine because it in theory improves system performance but i need to be able to determine when the call gets disconnected.  is there any way to do this?
22:10.55Alan_HicksShouldn't the socket have group write permission?
22:11.07[TK]D-Fendersheldonh, No, we all see you too.. that makes you a PUBLIC joke ;)
22:11.26Alan_HicksWhat's the perms on asterisk.socket?
22:11.36sheldonh[TK]D-Fender: you again :)
22:12.10sheldonhAlan_Hicks: asterisk.socket?  you mean asterisk.ctl?  i included an ls -ld in the typescript
22:12.43Alan_HicksDisregaurd that.  My eyes are seeing things fuzzy...
22:12.53sheldonhAlan_Hicks: i believe it's setuid asterisk, so if you're a member of group asterisk, you get write access that way :)
22:12.53Alan_Hicksacpid.socket != asterisk.socket
22:13.02Alan_HicksYou're correct.
22:14.54sheldonhand the trace doesn't show it giving up privs
22:15.02sheldonhsee why i'm stumped? :)
22:16.32Alan_HicksYeah, you need to add group write permissions.
22:17.00*** join/#asterisk cesar_CR (n=cesar@
22:17.04sheldonhworth a shot, but i'll be amazed
22:17.04Alan_Hicksthe "s" designates it as a socket (as opposed to a file, directory, symlink, what have you), NOT its SUIG, SGID properties.
22:17.20sheldonhAlan_Hicks:  duh.  thanks!
22:17.56Alan_Hicks<snide comment>Debian users....</snipe comment>  :^)
22:17.57hmmhesayscash cab suprises me some days
22:18.30sheldonhAlan_Hicks: we're used to it.  could be worse.  used to be quite into gentoo :)
22:19.15mvanbaakDebian > *
22:19.21mvanbaakon linux that is
22:19.47mvanbaakif you are forced to use linux, might as well pick the least worst
22:19.51[TK]D-FenderAlan_Hicks, Your XML tags STILL never match :)
22:20.00*** join/#asterisk SirThomas (
22:20.03Alan_Hicksmvanbaak: That's Slackware. :^)
22:20.19Alan_Hicks[TK]D-Fender: Shhhh!
22:20.20sheldonhsoftware sucks. choose the software that sucks the way you like
22:20.34mvanbaaksheldonh: BSD
22:21.08sheldonhmvanbaak: BSD sucks too.  as, i'll say it sucks the way i like quite a lot :)
22:21.37mvanbaaksheldonh: then run: s/free/open/ and be a happy camper
22:22.02sheldonhmvanbaak: i don't think you're getting it.  software sucks :)
22:22.23mvanbaaksheldonh: yup, every OS sux, I agree
22:22.24Alan_HicksI'll second OpenBSD.
22:22.30mvanbaakbut some suck less then others
22:22.51Alan_HicksEverything since Apple II... Just a buncha crap.
22:23.02mvanbaakand I tried a lot of different ones, and OpenBSD is still the one that is the least worst
22:23.15sheldonhi'm telling you, they need to extend godwin's law to the apple II
22:23.22Alan_HicksFrom Microsoft to Macintosh to Lin, Line, Lin, Line-UX.  Every computer crashes, 'cause every OS sucks.
22:23.32Darthclueis there any way to track a call once it goes into packet2packet mode?
22:23.52sheldonhDarthclue: are you referring to passthru mode?
22:23.52mvanbaakDarthclue: SIP ?
22:24.06Alan_Hicksmvanbaak: Gotta give props to any group that can produce things like OpenSSH and pf.
22:24.20mvanbaakAlan_Hicks: amen!
22:24.38Darthclueyeah SIP.  the call says it is going into packet2packet which means that it is leaving the dial plan (i'm guessing) so the hangup (h) extension doesn't get called
22:25.06mvanbaakI always thought the signalling was still going through your box
22:25.09Alan_Hickspf makes netfilter cry and suck it's thumb.
22:25.50mvanbaakspecially when you look at how easy it is to setup queues to manage your voip bandwidth
22:26.23Alan_HicksOr dynamically update a table on which lookups are blazingly fast.
22:26.37mvanbaaketc etc etc
22:26.49Alan_HicksAnd table updates don't require the entire netfilter ruleset to be ripped out ad reloaded for any change.
22:26.55mvanbaakhoststated, carp, documentation, trunk
22:27.15Alan_HicksGot a rename.
22:27.40mvanbaakbut I'm not running -current in production
22:27.48sheldonhi had astctlpermissions commented out in asterisk.conf.  i'll bet the default has changed since 1.4.11 :)
22:28.01mvanbaakso it's hoststated here for another 6 months
22:28.47*** join/#asterisk macros73 (
22:29.13mvanbaakwe use hoststated in production to loadbalance/monitor a cluster of 50 webservers, a cluster of 20 mailservers and a cluster of 10 mysql boxen and it performs great
22:29.14sheldonhnow just to get through the next 10 minutes of nagios alerts telling me everything's okay, and today will be over :)
22:29.46mvanbaaklol sheldonh
22:29.48Alan_HicksIt's a shame OpenBSD doesn't scale on SMP systems very well.  That's really it's only major flaw.
22:30.08mvanbaakAlan_Hicks: yup. but they are working on it
22:30.12sheldonhAlan_Hicks: and the lack of a decent journaled filesystem :)
22:30.14Alan_Hickssheldonh: There's a reason why it's called "NAG"ios.
22:30.23mvanbaaksheldonh: FFS2 is great
22:30.36sheldonhAlan_Hicks: and binary updates.  but then bsd people consider the latter a feature ;)
22:30.47Alan_Hicksmvanbaak: I should check to see how Dragonfly is coming along.
22:31.33mvanbaakI dont think dragonfly is as quick with fixing bugs in pf and friends as OpenBSD
22:31.36Darthclueok, here's what shows up in the log... ... it looks like the call is still in the system during that time, but it leaves the dialplan and doesn't call the h extension...any ideas?
22:31.57Alan_Hicksmvanbaak: They aren't, but they're the ones doing the real work in BSD on SMP performance.
22:32.12sheldonhmvanbaak: ffs2? do you mean ufs2, or have things progressed? :)
22:32.38sheldonhAlan_Hicks: that's not fair :)
22:32.51Alan_Hickssheldonh: What's not fair?
22:33.01mvanbaaksheldonh: the results of the latest filesystem hacketon are great
22:33.09sheldonhAlan_Hicks: saying dragonfly are the only ones doing real work on bsd smp
22:33.12*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_home (
22:33.40Alan_Hickssheldonh: Perhaps, but they're entire reason for being is they believe in a better way to do SMP and actively strive towards that goal.
22:33.49hmmhesaysthere is a hot british chick on cash cab right now
22:34.18Alan_Hickshmmhesays: That is perhaps the most random unrelated comment to a discussion that I have ever seen.
22:34.26hmmhesaysyeah I want to see her do naughty things
22:34.35Alan_HicksNow the discussion has to stop while everyone turns the TV to the Discovery Channel.
22:34.44sheldonhAlan_Hicks: yes.  at the time, matt was reacting to the fact that freebsd was in bad shape.  so he went off and tried something lightweight and has produced great results.  but to say he's the only one doing real work in this area slights the progress freebsd is making, i say :)
22:35.07hmmhesaysi wait, she's n ot british
22:35.14Alan_Hickssheldonh: I can agree to that.
22:35.25sheldonhhmmhesays: we got that when you said she was hot
22:35.40*** join/#asterisk jsaunders (n=nevermin@
22:35.56Alan_Hickshmmhesays: Sure fire way to tell she's definitely not British.  Are her teeth straight?
22:36.16Alan_HicksApologies to any British people.
22:36.18hmmhesayshaha they are
22:36.40hmmhesaysoops she just got out of the cab... not so hot
22:36.50DarthclueAlan_Hicks: that isn't absolutely true...there are some non-brits with very unstraight teeth...and a few, very few, with straight teeth
22:37.18Alan_HicksDarthclue: Oh I know.  I'm not British, and my teeth are as crooked as a Kentucky fence.
22:38.02bhimaBrits don't do braces as much as americans.
22:38.10jsaundersIs there a way to change how long between keypresses the ivr waits before dialing the extension?
22:38.13Alan_HicksCan anyone confirm if that's what cabs actually look like on the inside, minus the flashing lights?
22:38.42Darthcluejsaunders ... WaitExten(X)
22:39.26[TK]D-Fenderjsaunders, "show function TIMEOUT"
22:39.43jsaundersDarthclue: Not what I'm referring to...  Say someone dials 123.  If they dial 12 and then pause for too long before pressing 3, the system will dial 12.  I'd like to extend the wait between keypresses.
22:39.59sheldonhalways fiddling and breaking things
22:40.00jsaundersFender: I'll give that a try, tnx.
22:40.17Alan_Hicksjsaunders: That's likely a function of your phone.
22:40.33jsaundersAlan_Hicks:  ?  How so?
22:40.38Alan_HicksI can't speak to all models, but the Polycoms exhibit this behavior.
22:40.53Alan_HicksThe phones themselves have a dialplan that has its own timeouts.
22:40.57Kattyjbot: wocka
22:40.57jbotFozzie Bear: Wocka Wocka Wocka! (cue:  thrown rotten tomatoes from Statler and Waldorf)
22:41.06*** join/#asterisk optize (
22:41.12jsaundersAlan_Hicks: I'm talking about POTS
22:41.20Alan_Hicksjsaunders: AH!
22:41.26KattyDarthclue: sorry, i evade bugged.
22:41.31[TK]D-Fenderjsaunders, "show function TIMEOUT" <=-------
22:41.42optizeFor some reason, if a phone comes from a internal IP space, * will try to communicate to it via it's private address space, instead of it's public IP.    Does anyone know how to fix that?
22:42.11[TK]D-Fenderoptize, read this :
22:42.13jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT :  otherwise check the WIKI at
22:42.15Alan_Hicksoptize: You mean if the phone is behind a NAT router?
22:43.26mvanbaakmeh, res_jabber rox
22:43.44optizeYeah, I tried to do that as well
22:44.26mvanbaakI now get incoming call notifications in my bitlbee screen of irssi \o/
22:44.35[TK]D-Fenderoptize, please follow that first guide.  It explains both when * is behind NAT, and when your remote end is as well
22:44.56mvanbaakbrb, time for a whisky
22:47.49hmmhesaysoh facebook api is the most annoying pos
22:48.20hmmhesaysyeah thats what they call it anyway
22:48.38hmmhesaysthey have a list of about 30 php methods you can do to accompish various tasks
22:48.49JTno... facebook is the most annoying pos :)
22:49.00hmmhesaysno that wouuld be myspace
22:49.06hmmhesaysfacebook is completely tolerable in comparision
22:49.08JTthey're both annoying
22:49.20Darthcluemyspace is worse
22:49.21JThave you read the user agreement/t & cs of facebook?
22:49.23Alan_HicksI always thought it was Aldelo.
22:50.40hmmhesaysI haven't, care to highlight for me?
22:52.04JTyou give them an indefinite license to do what they want with all your personal information
22:52.09JTand they may sell it off
22:52.33hmmhesaysgood thing you don't have to give them much
22:52.44JTbut people do
22:52.47JTin their profiles
22:52.54hmmhesaysyeah cause they're stupid
22:52.59hmmhesaysso let them do as such
22:53.10hmmhesaysthey have my name and a spam email address
22:54.54*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
22:56.33jsaunders[TK]D-Fender: Tnx fer TIMEOUT() suggestion, perfect.
23:07.30ManxPowerThis whole social networking thing was after my time.
23:08.00[TK]D-FenderAnti-Social 1.0 baby!
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23:10.21justnulling2i am not getting any voicemail emails and not sure what, any ideas how i can debug it?
23:11.11blitzragetail -f /var/log/maillog
23:11.56justnulling2blitzrage: nothing is there as if asterisk is just using /dev/null mail agent
23:12.18blitzragethere should be no configuration other than whatever is in the default voicemail.conf file
23:12.23blitzrageunless you don't have sendmail installed
23:12.40blitzrageor you've got some other option preventing asterisk from sending mail
23:13.58*** join/#asterisk GoldFingaZ (
23:15.26justnulling2is there a debug mode for vm? the asterisk is behind smtp firewall (that to my provider) so it is setup with smarthosts i can email from command line fine but all vm are lost without an error
23:16.06bhimaI'm setting up an Asterisk box. I was planning to set up the VoIP phones first, then stick in the T1 PRI interface card and integrate it. Am I on crack? Is there some reason it would be better to set up the T1 card first?
23:16.24blitzragejust enable 'console => notice,warning,error,debug' in the logger.conf, and do, 'logger reload' followed by 'core set debug 4'
23:16.27[TK]D-Fenderbhima, no difference
23:16.59blitzrage(I could go on for a while, but I've already started the catalyst)
23:17.08*** part/#asterisk sheldonh (i=[4Ycn4dP@
23:17.43Deeewayneara (Georgian 'no')
23:18.01bhimacritical mass? You mean runaway gravity compression thing, like a black hole?
23:18.03Qwellnull, nil
23:19.22bhimanobody said "rien". I guess there aren't any francophones here. :)
23:19.44blitzragewe kicked them all out
23:19.45*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
23:19.46bhimaOh, "non". Sorr.
23:20.03bhimaI'm not a francophone.
23:20.06Dovidis it possible to run a TDm400P and a Sangoma A102 in harmony ?
23:20.15blitzragebhima: :)
23:20.30blitzrageDovid: I don't know... is it?  try it! :)
23:20.36[TK]D-FenderDovid, Don't see why not.
23:20.57[TK]D-Fenderbhima, "non" <----
23:21.00DovidJust wondering how to configure zapata.conf and zaptel.conf
23:21.06[TK]D-Fenderbhima, I took the otehr form to answer.
23:21.09Dovidnever did a PRI b4. time to figure it out ;)
23:21.33bhima[TK]D-Fender: Yeah, sorry, I was a bit slow. It's 2am, I'm allowed to be slow. :)
23:21.40*** join/#asterisk jm|laptop (n=jm|
23:21.51[TK]D-Fenderbhima, y-a trop de francophones deja :p
23:22.34justnulling2so anyway to debug voicemail?
23:23.30bhima[TK]D-Fender: déjà?
23:23.59DovidTK: Which version of wanpipe is the best ?
23:24.40[TK]D-Fenderbhima, Can't be bothered to install the Cdn Multilingual KB on my setup :p
23:24.48mvanbaaklatero all
23:24.54[TK]D-Fenderbhima, besides I get the accents wrong half the time anyways
23:24.56*** join/#asterisk Beirdo (n=gjhurlbu@unaffiliated/beirdo)
23:25.03[TK]D-FenderDovid, all of them :)
23:25.20bhima[TK]D-Fender: I cheated. I pasted that from a translation app cause I wasn't sure about the accents.
23:25.29Dovidjust wanted to know if a specific version worked better
23:25.40*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (n=nikolai@
23:26.30justnulling2bilzrage: don't be in rage, i missed your comment in that no/zilch/non text
23:27.05blitzragejustnulling2: could have sworn I said it calm...
23:30.37fujin_I've got a redirection loop going on and can't kill a channel - any reason why?
23:30.38fujin_1. Local/601@maxnet-default-2698,2 (wait: 16:23, prio: 0)
23:30.44fujin_soft hangup Local/601@maxnet-default-2698,2
23:30.57justnulling2lucky me, anyways lets try to enable the debug stuff and see if that helps
23:31.06bhimaHow different are the Digium PCI cards compared to others with the same chipsets? (I intend to buy from Digium because I would like to support them for their work on Asterisk, but somebody was telling me they thought the Digium cards would actually perform better, and I was wondering if this was actually the case)
23:31.14*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (
23:31.37JTbhima: compared to what?
23:31.41fujin_I'd just like to kick that call out of the queue
23:31.44fujin_the channel has already closed
23:32.45bhimaJT: T1 cards, I mean. I thought I'd seen some others that claimed full compatibility.
23:34.36Dovidif i put in a card in to a box but do not install the dirvers is there any way to see if the card is in there ?
23:34.42Dovidlike cat /pric/?
23:34.46Dovidcat /proc/?
23:35.04*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
23:35.24twistedcat: /pric/: No such file or directory
23:35.38twistedi should rename /proc to /pric
23:35.46bhimacat: /prick/: No such file or directory
23:35.55Dovidi corrected myself ;)
23:36.11*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
23:36.22twistedbut yes, the answer to your question:
23:36.28JTbhima: well it's a poorly kept secret the sangoma cards often have less compatibility/interrupt issues
23:37.32Dovidtwisted: i dont have an lspci
23:37.59twistedDovid: oh?  are you root?
23:38.09tzafrir_homelspci does not require root
23:38.21tzafrir_homeinstall pciutils
23:38.29twistedtzafrir_home i know, but in some distros, like fedora, it's not in the path
23:38.34twistedso the easiest way to direct someone is to be root
23:39.00tzafrir_homelspci in sbin/ ? What's the point?
23:39.19Dovidtzarir: I am usint CentOS: I have pciutils installed on the box
23:39.29twistedwhy don't you ask the distro maker rather than me :)
23:39.35Dovidbut lspci is not in /proc. would it be any where else
23:39.42Dovidjus twondering if ya knew
23:39.48twistedit's a command
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23:41.58DovidTK: when installing the PRI: Is the clock type normal or master  ?
23:42.18[TK]D-FenderDovid, normal
23:42.29JTDovid: commands are not in /proc
23:42.34JTDovid: /proc is virtual
23:42.36JTit's not real
23:42.40Dovidi know proc is virtual
23:42.45Dovidwas wondering y the other was not there
23:42.51JTit's just an interface to some information brought up from the kernel
23:42.52DovidTK: thanks
23:42.55JTDovid: lspci is a command
23:43.01JTDovid: commands are not in /proc
23:44.16Dovidoh ok
23:45.04JTDovid: updatedb; locate lspci
23:45.11[hC]Qwell: hey, is the g729 codec out for the appliance yet? :)
23:45.39[TK]D-Fender[hC], LOL!
23:46.12tzafrir_homewell, ls /sbin/lspci /usr/sbin/lspci # if it should be in root's path
23:47.22[hC][TK]D-Fender: why you laugh, tk?... why...
23:47.53[TK]D-Fender[hC], Gee I don't know... maybe the though of that puny ass CPU trying to survive transcoding perhaps....
23:47.58justnulling2ok i see this 'app_voicemail.c:1956 sendmail: Sent mail to X@Y.Z with command '/usr/sbin/sendmail -t'' but nothings is in the mail logs and running this command from the command line (as asterisk ) works fine, any idea?
23:48.08[TK]D-Fender[hC], My watch is more powerful, and I have to wind it up annually!
23:48.26[hC][TK]D-Fender: speaking with qwell last time he gave me the impression they could accomplish it somehow
23:48.27twistedi read that as "i have to wind it up anally"
23:49.04[hC]the pain in the ass being that I cannot use g729 with those things due to the analog ports, they'd need to transcode... my other option to not tax the cpu of course is ulaw which is fantastic for hogging bandwidth
23:49.04[TK]D-Fender[hC], theres a difference between "can be done" and "will emit smoke profusely"....
23:49.22[hC][TK]D-Fender: by can be done, i mean should work okay.
23:49.52[TK]D-Fender[hC], Yes... faith-based coding.... keep on believing :p
23:50.50*** join/#asterisk rcphq (
23:50.53[TK]D-Fenderdammit... whats the centos/RHEL package name for the kernel sources again?
23:50.57*** part/#asterisk rcphq (
23:53.30tzafrir_homekernel source? or for building something vs. the kernel?
23:53.45*** part/#asterisk zerohalo (
23:53.47[TK]D-Fendertzafrir_home, Here's where I'm at :
23:54.12[TK]D-Fendertzafrir_home, I'm jsut feeling silly again... I hate working on incomplete installs...
23:54.26tzafrir_home[TK]D-Fender, ./install_prereq test
23:55.32[TK]D-Fendertzafrir_home, progress... thanks
23:55.44outtoluncyeah who needs that .1.4 anyways
23:56.17justnulling2bilzrage: ok from the debug looks like asterisk is not using /dev/null but sendmail -t but mail.log doesn't show anything
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23:59.56DovidTK: a few mote

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