IRC log for #asterisk on 20071208

00:00.15De_Monthe res_ one is in resources
00:01.07ice_crofta cant see it in my res folder
00:02.08ice_crofthere it is
00:02.17ice_croftres_smdi's present
00:03.25De_Monthat zaptel_vldtmf sounds like its external?
00:03.48ice_crofti don't know
00:07.05Qwellice_croft: tell the BSD folks to update zaptel
00:07.34Qwellzaptel_dtmf is something in (normal) zaptel that was added during the 1.4 cycle that is required to use it
00:08.22JayTee52Qwell, is 64 bit Asterisk any good in terms of stability, reliability?
00:08.35Qwell64-bit asterisk?  it's still just asterisk
00:08.43De_MonQwell so hes got an old version of zaptel right?
00:08.50QwellDe_Mon: sort of
00:09.05ice_croftQwell> how can i figure, does my zaptel have zaptel_vldtmf ?
00:09.12Qwellzaptel bsd is a port of zaptel.  He may have the latest version of it - but it itself is out of date
00:09.20De_MonQwell its bsd's fault then?
00:09.32Qwellwell, the guy who maintains it
00:09.43Qwellif it didn't add what is required
00:09.49De_Monoh fun
00:09.50Qwellcheck config.log
00:09.54De_Monglad Im not using bsd!
00:10.26QwellI tried porting something we were working on to that..  it was kind of a pain
00:10.43Qwelluses bsd make and everything...  I was so out of place
00:12.02ice_croftso, anyway, what should i do to make it work?
00:12.17Qwelluse linux
00:12.50*** join/#asterisk jm|laptop (n=jm|
00:13.13ice_croftthat's ultimate. any semimeasures?
00:14.45*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
00:16.00*** join/#asterisk jm|laptop (n=jm|
00:16.12NuggetI hate Linux just as much as the next guy, but I gotta admit that for Asterisk you'd be a fool to use anything else.
00:16.15De_Moncontact the bsd zaptel maintainer and pray
00:16.49Nuggeteven in the absence of zaptel, asterisk on BSD can be a bit of a hemorrhoid.
00:16.53*** join/#asterisk klyrelion (
00:17.11Qwells/.*on //
00:17.14ice_crofti looked for VLDTMF on sources
00:17.20ice_croftfound nothing
00:26.13*** join/#asterisk jm|laptop (n=jm|
00:26.24*** join/#asterisk macros73 (
00:26.50ice_croftit works!! :)))))
00:26.59endreglad to hear that
00:27.13ice_croftit needs ./configure --with-zaptel_vldtmf :))))
00:27.45endrewtf is VL btw?
00:28.24ice_croftdon't know. google says
00:29.35ice_crofti didnt meet that in ./configure --help
00:31.13*** join/#asterisk esaym (
00:31.34esaymHowdy folks
00:31.55ice_croftpretty well
00:32.02ice_croftfor now:)))))
00:32.16esaymWhats is a good provider to get a phone number for my asterisk server?
00:38.44ice_croftdamn i'm good
00:39.32ice_croftand there was no need to portupgrade
00:40.39*** join/#asterisk dklima (
00:58.59*** join/#asterisk jetlagmk2 (
01:01.17ectospasmany of y'all know what the default URL for asterisk-gui configuration is?  http://hostname/ and http://hostname/asterisk don't work...
01:01.27ectospasmI just get 404's
01:01.55*** part/#asterisk Defraz (
01:03.41Iamnach0is it not port 8088 ?
01:04.28Iamnach0take a look at http.conf in your /etc/asterisk directory
01:04.29ectospasmno... it looks like it's port 5038 on this system... testing...
01:05.07ectospasmit's doing something...
01:05.29ectospasmwell, it seems to be hanging
01:14.25*** join/#asterisk AntiInit (
01:23.00*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (n=dennis@
01:32.01ManxPowerThe proper place to ask AsteriskGUI questions is, astoundingly enough, #Asterisk-GUI
01:32.25jbotgui is probably (Graphical User Interface) Any system that uses graphics to represent the functions of a program. All Windows operating systems are GUI. or point-and-drool, double-click, drag-and-drop, ... or at  Of course Real Programmers use the command line interface.  See cli
01:32.28jbot[~trixbox] Trixbox is a full linux distro that includes FreePBX and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox VERY difficult to support, and is not supported in #asterisk. Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & wiki at
01:32.29jboti heard amp is NOT supported here!  People using it should join #freepbx (FreePBX is the new name of AMP)
01:36.44jbot[zeeek] someone who once said "learning asterisk using a GUI is like learning sex through masturbation. You'll never get to the good stuff."
01:37.45watchytk i'll show you the good stuuff baby
01:40.01[TK]D-Fender"Snorting lines of snow.. on a one horse...
01:41.36[TK]D-Fender1 week to cell-phone upgrade....
01:42.09ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: What are you upgrading to?
01:42.26ManxPowerBTW, I finally found a use for the camera on my new phone.
01:42.47[TK]D-FenderManxPower, Motorolla E815 to HTC Touch (Bell CDMA)
01:42.47ManxPowerHeld my finger over the lens, took a picture, made it the cell phone screen background.
01:43.24[TK]D-FenderManxPower, lol.  Actually the flash on my E815 has served as a flashlight on a number of occasions :)
01:43.50ManxPowerMine was $40 at Walmart, no contract 8-)
01:44.19ManxPowerThe package said something like "With a .3 megapixel camera!"
01:45.39[TK]D-FenderManxPower, CrapTASTIC!
01:46.31ManxPower*nod*  640x480 resolution, so that is about .3 megabixel, I guess.
01:46.38ManxPowerand megapixel too.
01:46.52ManxPower~seen Shido6
01:47.01jbotshido6 <n=shido6@> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 2d 8h 17m 52s ago, saying: 'for that phone'.
01:47.03*** join/#asterisk BigCanOfTuna (
01:47.23[TK]D-FenderMy current plan : $30 = Unlm eve/wknd @6pm, 250 day, VM,CW,3WC,CID.  Getting unlimited mobile browser for $7 more and might get a cheaper plan....
01:47.31[TK]D-FenderManxPower, Yup, VGA
01:47.38ManxPowerI refuse to do a contract anymore.
01:48.24[TK]D-FenderManxPower, Whats your monthly usage & expenditue on cell?
01:48.29ManxPowerOne of my clients pays for my Verizon USB EVDO Rev A "modem" and service.
01:48.54ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: $50 of mins lasts me 3 -4 weeks
01:49.10BigCanOfTunaI'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction. I have asterisk running on my local development machine. What I would like to do is have it bridge a call to my asterisk server at home so that I can call an extension through my home server. My development machine has a dynamic IP and my home machine has a static IP.
01:49.24[TK]D-FenderManxPower, well... my $30 covers so much more it seems...
01:49.46ManxPowerthat gives me 300 mins + unlimited mobile to mobile + unlimited nights/weekends.
01:50.10ManxPowerWhere I live I have a choice of exactly one carrier.
01:50.27[TK]D-FenderBigCanOfTuna, lookup "asterisk dual servers" on the WIKI for some guides
01:50.35[TK]D-FenderManxPower, Verizon IIRC, no?
01:50.53ManxPowerThey are the only one with EVDO at all, and the only one with voice service where I live.  Yes, Verizon.
01:51.04[TK]D-Fenderthats the phone
01:51.34[TK]D-Fendernot sure how much my 2yr HW upgrade discount will come to.  Somewhere between 100-200$ I'd bet
01:52.31[TK]D-FenderWith unlimited internet I'll be happy camper. Google Maps on demand, e-mail pickup of home/work VM's.
01:52.35ManxPowerLooks nice.
01:52.51watchyhey tk: on Answer is there anyway to make it let me dial more then 1 digit? its giving issues if i dial something with more then 1
01:53.11watchyi like my iphone
01:53.15watchyi just wish it was 3g
01:53.20ManxPowerwatchy: Answer has nothing to do with anything.
01:53.27[TK]D-Fenderwatchy, before Q3'08 it will be
01:53.41watchyi hope
01:53.58watchywell i got a basic answer set up running Background(file)
01:54.09watchybut if i hit say 200 102 it doesnt like that
01:54.13watchyi mean 102
01:54.28ManxPowerthen your dialplan is at fault.
01:55.25watchyi think eye gnos whoi
01:55.49watchyi guess if its not in the same context
01:55.53watchyof course it can dial it
01:56.15watchywhy must i be such a newbie
01:58.00watchywhat do you guys do for custom menus?
01:58.06watchypay a sexy voiced dude?
01:59.13ManxPowerI'll do the prompts or the customer can have someone do the prompts.  On systems I admin, most of the prompts can be re-recorded just using the dialplan and dialing an extension
01:59.34watchycustom stuff u wrote?
01:59.51watchyyou impress me
02:00.27watchysomeday i hope to beable to do that
02:00.29ManxPowerIt's more of a jumble of code and half finished routines, but it works and the customers can use it.
02:00.33[TK]D-Fenderwatchy, GotoIf, Record, Set <- big bloody deal :p
02:00.42*** part/#asterisk Alowishus (
02:01.06[TK]D-Fenderwatchy, I have a numbered voice prompt script so that users can review/update all their prompts.
02:01.43watchydo you use a gui to manage your installs?
02:02.15ManxPowerwatchy: No need to get vulgar.
02:02.46AntiInitdoes asterisk provide data as well as voice calls?
02:02.48watchyhaha the guy i work with uses the coolest thing in the world
02:02.52watchyits called "freepbx"
02:03.00watchyits so mega awesome
02:03.15watchyi mean "stupid"
02:03.18ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: Do you think he might not be well?
02:03.55watchyPersonally, I'm so anti gui on * it pisses my co worker off
02:04.23[TK]D-FenderAntiInit, and what do you mean by "data call"?
02:04.35watchyi think modem usage
02:04.40watchyis what he means?
02:04.53watchy-- Saved useragent "PolycomSoundPointIP-SPIP_601-UA/" for peer 211
02:04.53ManxPowerMy scripts are designed so you can plug an AGI at the beginning of any extension which just sets channel varliables for the script to use.
02:05.05watchyi really need to upgrade these phones
02:07.25ManxPowerI just did a search on "CFL sunlight" and the 2nd returned result was "25watt cfl - Marijuana Growing", and I said to myself "Ah, that makes sense."
02:08.19watchywhere you from manx?
02:09.15AntiInit[TK]D-Fender: i.e. can i link 2 isdn terminals via asterisk and allow them to transfer data
02:09.23AntiIniti.e. as in dial up modem
02:09.54[TK]D-FenderAntiInit, highly doubt it...
02:10.06AntiInitk, thanks
02:10.11ManxPowerI currently reside in Alabama about a 90 min drive SE of Digium.
02:10.15*** part/#asterisk AntiInit (
02:10.42*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
02:11.11*** join/#asterisk clandmeter (n=Carlo@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
02:13.54watchydigit = ?
02:14.04watchythe type?
02:14.15[TK]D-Fenderwatchy, how much time BETWEEN digits
02:14.25watchyi found it at the top of the manpage
02:14.34[TK]D-Fender~cluebat watchy
02:14.34jbotACTION pulls out a ClueBat (tm) and thwaps watchy.
02:14.34watchyi don't wanna ask retarded stuff if i can find it yself
02:14.56[TK]D-Fenderwatchy, justy FYI but... you're failing :)
02:15.02watchyhey i'm trying
02:15.08watchyatleast i'm reading voip-wiki man
02:15.24watchyand making my own IVR by hand instead of using freepbx
02:15.33watchyyou should be proud i'm not a trixbox sheep
02:17.10watchyi'm sure you've seen many young asterisk warriors fall to the gui
02:17.29*** join/#asterisk jdunck (
02:18.41[TK]D-Fenderwatchy, and HOW long have you been here?
02:18.56watchyon and off a year maybe
02:19.12watchybut I don't deal with phone systems everyday, i rarely do
02:19.29watchybut i just landed a job doing pretty much nothing but *
02:19.57watchyso I will be teaching myself and learning everything I can about *
02:21.36watchyeither way I owe u for a few steaks
02:24.23*** join/#asterisk [hC] (n=a@
02:24.36watchynow that my basic IVR is answering and yelling at me
02:24.36[hC]has anyone created a manager app to sanitize cli output?
02:25.02[hC]i tried just going to verbose 1, and using (Verbose,1,blah) to fit my needs but you dont get progress messages
02:25.03watchyi need to find out what this company wants to do
02:30.54*** join/#asterisk pitbossy_ (n=frankjr@
02:31.07*** join/#asterisk Igbothom_III (
02:34.01watchyi have a wierd request i have no idea how to do
02:34.30watchythink you can help manx
02:35.47watchyfrom my ivr I want to dial a # if 400 is dialed
02:35.51watchythats quiet simple
02:36.32*** join/#asterisk salzh (n=salzh@
02:36.57watchyi wanna beable to change that # remotely
02:38.25watchyi bet there has to be a way to set a variable in *
02:38.29watchythat stays global
02:38.57watchyi gotta figure out how to set it using a phone
02:41.35watchyhow do i set a variable that never goes away ?
02:41.50*** join/#asterisk techie (
02:42.21[TK]D-Fenderwatchy, Global variables ar the preferred way "show function DB"
02:42.25*** join/#asterisk hohum (
02:42.26[TK]D-Fender[hC], EW!
02:42.38[TK]D-Fender[hC], vars like that don't survive * restarts IIRC
02:42.40esaymis good with asterisk?
02:42.45[hC][tk]: :)
02:42.47watchybut once say the cals over, do they stay in the system?
02:42.50esaymdoes anyone recommend anything else?
02:43.07[hC]yeah you could use AstDB
02:45.04*** join/#asterisk coppice (
02:45.06[TK]D-Fenderwatchy, Use AstDB.... far saner
02:45.56watchywtf is astdb?
02:47.35watchywtf do i need astdb if all i wanna do is store like 1 variable right now
02:47.43coppicegoogleable could be the answer to almost anything these days
02:48.07JTastdb will survive asterisk restarts
02:48.52coppicesometimes googling my own lost stuff is the easiest way to find it :-\
02:48.55watchybut just for the sake of argument right now, SetGlobal will survive everything but a restart right?
02:50.18watchywhats the command to see variables in *?
02:54.26[TK]D-Fenderwatchy, using is take 1 line, just like a var, so big friggen deal.  You really should stick with FreePBX, you clearly aren't cut out for this
02:56.32*** part/#asterisk klyrelion (
03:07.09BigCanOfTunaWould someone be willing to have a look at how I have my IAX.conf files configured for a dual asterisk configuration? I am trying to bridge calls from my laptop to a asterisk server (no need to go the other way) are the relevent code snippets:
03:08.17[TK]D-Fenderhostname=dynamic <- not valid
03:08.31[TK]D-Fenderand you can't have BOTH be "dynamic"
03:08.40[TK]D-Fenderone has to have a FIXED host.
03:08.58[TK]D-Fenderthe one that registers should have host=[ip or FQDN]
03:09.10BigCanOfTuna[TK]D-Fender: OK. so is the 'peer' the Server, or my laptop?
03:09.39[TK]D-FenderBigCanOfTuna, yes, your [peer] should be "host=[ip or FQDN]"
03:09.54[TK]D-FenderBigCanOfTuna, [serverb] looks ok
03:11.07*** join/#asterisk MmixX (n=mmixx@
03:12.56BigCanOfTuna[TK]D-Fender: So on my laptop (the user) needs to register with the server, so in the laptop's iax.conf, I register => ?
03:13.03*** join/#asterisk mistermocha (
03:13.15mistermochaahoy mateys
03:13.21mistermochaanyone in the house?
03:14.11[TK]D-FenderBigCanOfTuna, your dynaim one acts like a client and registeres, and has a peer that has a FIXED host.  the server is jsut a dynamic friend
03:15.07mistermochawhat may cause a IAX POKE to come in on the wrong port?
03:16.35mistermochathis is driving me bananas
03:17.53BigCanOfTuna[TK]D-Fender: OK, so I have made some changes, but what I am seeing is on my user (laptop): Registration of 'xyzuser' rejected: 'Registration Refused' from: '' and on the server, I get: No registration for peer 'xyzuser' (from am I missing?
03:18.31[TK]D-FenderBigCanOfTuna, pastebin your new configs
03:21.31BigCanOfTuna[TK]D-Fender: Thanks for your help! :
03:21.48*** join/#asterisk troy- (
03:22.56[TK]D-FenderBigCanOfTuna, under
03:22.56[TK]D-Fender[macbuntu] host=dynamic
03:23.04[TK]D-FenderDitch -> auth=plaintext
03:25.35BigCanOfTunaerrr.....No registration for peer 'macbuntu'
03:28.19[TK]D-FenderBigCanOfTuna, NEW pastbion please.
03:28.42BigCanOfTuna[TK]D-Fender: Sure, one second....I must have the register messed up.
03:32.09[TK]D-Fenderunder your peer - fromuser=macbuntu
03:33.44BigCanOfTuna[TK]D-Fender: This is probably where I am getting confused..... when you say 'under your peer' , you mean on my server's IAX.conf, right?
03:34.23[TK]D-Fender[anassina] is you PEER
03:34.32[TK]D-Fendertype=peer <-
03:34.57[TK]D-Fenderusername=macbuntu <- remove from [macbuntu]
03:35.19*** join/#asterisk leprasmurf (
03:36.24leprasmurfhello all
03:37.19leprasmurfis there somewhere I can go or someone I can talk to about setting up asterisk and see what I can do?
03:43.46[TK]D-Fenderleprasmurf, can you try to rephrase that a little.
03:46.59leprasmurfbasically, I have a combination cable modem / VOIP interface (MTA?).
03:47.08*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@
03:47.41leprasmurfI'd like to be able to setup VOIP clients for all the standard reasons (remote use, advanced mythtv functions, etc...)
03:48.29[TK]D-Fenderleprasmurf, basically you need your Cable modem to keep out of the way because odds are you're locked out of it.
03:48.35leprasmurfmy company controls my modem, and I'm wondering if I would be able to setup asterisk to relay from the internet to my cable modem via the network
03:49.09[TK]D-Fenderleprasmurf, Your cable modem is a dead issue. not really usable.
03:49.46leprasmurf[TK]D-Fender: ok, but would I be able to relay audio/voice through a modem or something like that?
03:50.19[TK]D-Fenderleprasmurf, what do you mean by "RELAY" and "MODEM"?
03:51.16leprasmurf[TK]D-Fender: strict definitions, relay = take input and send to output; modem = communication device
03:51.50leprasmurf[TK]D-Fender: I'm pretty much just trying to understand my options
03:51.53[TK]D-Fenderleprasmurf, ok, your "cable has nothing to do with anything here. ok?  It is 100% useless.
03:52.03[TK]D-Fenderleprasmurf, So fine, you have * to start with.  what now?
03:52.17[TK]D-Fender"cable modem"*
03:53.33leprasmurfI'm sorry, I was saying it screwed up, modem != cable modem; modem = pci card, rj-11 connectors, standard telephone device
03:54.47[TK]D-Fenderleprasmurf, ok, that is useless too.
03:54.56leprasmurf[TK]D-Fender: oic, ok
03:55.52leprasmurf[TK]D-Fender: I did an nmap scan of my cable modem, and noticed "1720/tcp filtered H.323/Q.931" is that consistent with the cable modem being useless?
03:57.46[TK]D-Fenderleprasmurf, Good sign.  Means it isn't using SIP.  That should mean it'll keep out of the way
03:58.14leprasmurf[TK]D-Fender: even if it is filtered?
03:58.23[TK]D-Fenderleprasmurf, H.323 doesn't matter
03:58.50leprasmurf[TK]D-Fender: cool, is there a way to test functionality before I attempt to setup a fulltime box?
04:00.30[TK]D-Fenderleprasmurf, just install * and a softphone on anothe PC
04:01.01leprasmurf[TK]D-Fender: and just point * towards my cable modem on that port?
04:01.55[TK]D-Fenderleprasmurf, no, this has nothing to do with your cable modem
04:02.41leprasmurf[TK]D-Fender: oh, maybe I'm just thinking to far into this
04:03.56leprasmurf[TK]D-Fender: I don't want to flood the channel with newb questions.  what would be the best place to gather info?
04:04.12jbotsomebody said book was Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN  0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
04:04.25leprasmurf[TK]D-Fender: tyvm
04:30.52*** join/#asterisk WilliamK (
04:43.25*** join/#asterisk pitbossy_ (n=frankjr@
04:44.14watchyhey tk
04:44.31watchywhats a asterisk command that will store dialed digits to a variablr
04:50.59*** join/#asterisk implicit (
04:57.26De_Monwatchy Set() ?
04:57.40De_Monwatchy or maybe you want show application Read
04:57.53watchywhat i want is to Dial say 5000
04:58.05watchyand beable to set a variable using the keypad
04:58.11watchyjust #s
05:03.51De_Monread will read dtmf keys into a variable
05:04.41watchyi kinda ghettoed it
05:04.45watchytill i know the correct way
05:05.22watchylook at my code its retarded but it works
05:05.32watchyits a bad ideai think to do this
05:06.10watchyexten => _NXXXXXX,1,Set(TIMEOUT(digit)=5)
05:06.10watchyexten => _NXXXXXX,2,Set(TIMEOUT(response)=10)
05:06.10watchyexten => _NXXXXXX,3,SetGlobalVar(RemoteSupport=${EXTEN})
05:06.14watchybut it does what i want
05:09.47watchyis the Read variable global?
05:11.01*** join/#asterisk thinko (
05:17.02Corydon76-digSet(GLOBAL(RemoteSupport)=${EXTEN}) is preferred now
05:18.00watchyexten => 93,1,Background(welcome)
05:18.00watchyexten => 93,2,Read(RemoteSupport)
05:18.00watchyexten => 93,3,SetGlobalVar(RemoteSupport=${EXTEN})
05:18.06watchythats my solution
05:18.16watchyis it ok?
05:18.27Corydon76-digDoes it work?
05:18.37watchyamazingly yes
05:18.50Corydon76-digNote that EXTEN is always 93 in that situation
05:19.34watchyoh shit
05:19.39watchyi meant to change that
05:19.40watchyhold onm
05:19.46Corydon76-digBTW, you can also do:  Read(GLOBAL(RemoteSupport))
05:20.11watchywell damn then that gets rid of one set
05:20.22watchyand line
05:21.03Corydon76-digI think that's what you wanted, right?
05:21.09watchyvery much so
05:21.13watchySimple but very efective
05:21.32watchyexten => 93,4,SayDigits(${RemoteSupport})
05:21.38watchyhow come that didnt work?
05:22.37Corydon76-digOne of the neat things about the GLOBAL dp is that now, you can access global variables, even if a channel variable has the same name
05:22.58watchyhrm actually
05:23.01watchyit doesnt work
05:23.05Corydon76-digwatchy: because you eliminated step 3, perhaps?
05:23.27watchyi have to elimanate #2
05:23.35Corydon76-digThis is why we use priority n, to automatically reorder priorities
05:23.41watchycant use a background before read
05:23.57Corydon76-digRead takes multiple arguments
05:23.59watchyi can but it seems if i dial anything while background is running
05:24.09watchyit trys to dial an extension
05:24.11Corydon76-digone of which can be a prompt
05:24.54Corydon76-digSo you don't need Background
05:25.56*** join/#asterisk metfan2007 (n=metfan20@
05:28.58watchyyou %100 sure
05:29.05watchyabout READ(GLOBAL)?
05:29.19Corydon76-digI can check the code
05:29.29watchyI know Set(Global stuff is fine but it dont seem to be a read(global)
05:29.33metfan2007hi all!! I just installed today a new TDM2400 card with FXO modules connected to PSTN, in a new Proliant server and a IP phone, the issue is that during a call a ugly and loud sound starts inmmediatly in the IP party side, and in the FXO side it sounds fine... any idea?? I have recorded the sounds if you want to check it
05:29.42watchyi dunno alot but it didnt seem to store it correctly
05:29.57watchyexten => 93,1,Read(Global(RemoteSupport),welcome)
05:29.57watchyexten => 93,2,SayDigits(${RemoteSupport})
05:30.04watchyit played the incorrect digits
05:30.07Corydon76-digAre you using 1.2 or 1.4?
05:30.18Corydon76-digThere's the problem
05:30.19watchyoh hell
05:30.22watchythats why i bet
05:30.31Corydon76-digplus GLOBAL is all caps
05:30.43Corydon76-digall dialplan functions are case-sensitive
05:30.49watchyso i need to put in a Set(Global?
05:30.55watchyto make it global
05:31.10Corydon76-digNo, you'll need to use SetGlobalVar
05:31.22Corydon76-digWe've made improvements to make things easier in 1.4
05:31.29watchythats what i meant
05:31.45watchywell i'llbe moving this box to 1.4  but not right now
05:31.50Corydon76-digThe GLOBAL dp is not in 1.2
05:31.56WilliamKdoes anyone know if weighted random was added to queues as a strategy? I remember seeing it a while back in some notes
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05:36.01watchyi think i got it cory
05:37.24watchyexten => 93,2,SetGlobalVar(RemoteSupport=${NewRemoteSupport})
05:39.17watchyawee yea
05:45.20watchyits so simple
05:45.26watchybut i feel i did something useful
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05:47.50watchythank you Corydon76-dig
05:49.07watchynow the remote support team can change the # every monday without me having to do it manually
05:49.13watchyit saves everyone time
06:00.47De_Monits sooo cute!
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07:14.42blitzrageevening all
07:16.14[TK]D-FenderHow are you gentlemen!!
07:32.04[TK]D-Fendercoppice, lol
07:32.16[TK]D-Fendercoppice, I love Deep Purple...
07:32.34coppiceHuh? that song is Kansas
07:33.16[TK]D-Fendercoppice, Was it?  Covered by so many....
07:39.16coppiceI love the way the violinist walks around looking like an idiot, because there is no violin part in the song. :-)
07:40.34[TK]D-FenderI liked the violin in Whitesnake's "Still of the Night" :)
07:43.25blitzrageI am well
07:43.31blitzragewell intoxicated....
07:47.26coppice[TK]D-Fender: its hard to find material by some of the best rock violinists. Michael Dreyfuss of McKendree Spring was pretty amazing to listen to. If you try Googling for him now, all you really find is his later career in medical research.
07:48.28[TK]D-Fendercoppice, years wasted trying to save humanity!  Oh the waste!
07:49.27coppiceyeah, well lots of people do that, but not many can play with enough emotion to get an instrumental banned from US radio :-)
07:54.46*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
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07:57.07nephflanyone here know how to pass a variable from an html form to a bash cgi script?
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08:21.09coppiceRFCs are a pain. Why can't they have revision 2, 3, etc as they update stuff? Why do they insist on fragmenting a single functional entity across so many RFCs?
08:42.13*** part/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
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12:00.03joelsolankiGood Morning All
12:00.12joelsolankiProblem in retrieving voicemail
12:00.19joelsolankiplz check
12:00.27joelsolankiit is context=default problem but not able to sort it out
12:00.31joelsolankiany hints plz
12:01.33Psychobillyim having some prbs with jitter buffer on sip channels with asterisk 1.4.15, when i set it to adaptive (jbimpl=adaptive) in sip.conf i have no voice in my calls, all works fine when i switch back to fixed buffer
12:02.37Psychobillyin there some problem with adaptive mode? do i have to change something in my configs?
12:10.43Psychobillyand somehting else, any tips/suggestions for astrisk and T38? as i read asterisk cannot terminate T38, is there a way to make it work? maybe using asterisk in combination with something else
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12:14.54coppiceyou could pass the T.38 through to t38modem or Callweaver
12:15.49Psychobillyi found some infos about t38modem, does it work with sip?
12:16.07coppicerecent versions do, if used in the right way
12:16.49ussrbackhow can i limit number of participants in meetme?
12:17.59Psychobillythe prob is that im working on hardware with very limited resources, ram and disk space are limited, can t38modem be easily installed and operated in such an eviroment?
12:18.29Psychobillyi m talking about arm cpu, 32mb ram and a small flash disk
12:19.00coppicei doubt it will fit there. it needs the whole opal system to provide its SIP stack
12:20.26Psychobillyso lets think about plan B :p switching to callwaver, maybe its not the right room to ask but anyone had any expirience with it?
12:21.21Psychobillyi know its a fork of asterisk 1.2 and it supports t38 termination, but nothing more
12:24.25coppicecallweaver is doing T.38 termination on small ARM and MIPS machines. It doesn't do T.38 gateway on those right now, as it uses too much floating point. as more of the modem code has fixed point compile options, Callweaver should be able to do T.38 gateway operation on those boxes too.
12:26.43*** join/#asterisk bjweeks (n=bjweeks@unaffiliated/bjweeks)
12:27.15Psychobillycan it be considered as a viable replacement of asterisk? (suppoting sip calls and some other stuff not only t38)
12:27.56coppicethat depends mostly on whether you need some very specific feature which asterisk has and callweaver doesn't
12:28.21Psychobillyi care most about stability etc
12:28.45Psychobillycan it be considered stable? i think its still in rc stage
12:29.01coppiceits generally more stable than asterisk
12:29.16Psychobillyhm thast good
12:29.57Psychobillyi ll give it a try
12:30.03Psychobillyi have some channel drivers to port back to callwaver then and start testing
12:30.13Psychobillythanks a lot for the info coppice
12:31.04bjweeksthe real battle will be if CW can keep up with asterisk, which at this point it doesn't seem to be
12:31.28coppicewell, asterisk isn't exactly moving very fast
12:31.43Psychobillyi have no expirience with cw at all
12:32.28bjweeksasterisk has more "pieces of flair" than CW, if that is useful in a PBX is debatable ;)
12:32.49coppicedo you mean more woolly bits?
12:33.33bjweeksnot sure what you mean by that
12:33.39Psychobillyand btw anyone has any idea why i have this prob with jitter buffer in sip that i described earlier?
12:40.50coppiceI think its time there was a proper free T.37 implementation :-\
12:42.25ussrbackwhere should i put language=de to use german prompts? in extension.conf ?
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13:00.40ussrbacki have added language=de in my sip.conf but it still uses english files. how can i fix this?
13:02.30Psychobillysip reload in asterisk console and then sip show perr foo to be sure that its language seting is set to de
13:03.16Psychobillyand mak sure you have installed the de sound files
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13:06.15ussrbackyes i have installed it
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13:38.22mvanbaakanyone here that can give some info about jabber/gtalk support in asterisk ?
13:38.29mvanbaakI have a connection to
13:38.32mvanbaakand added 2 buddies
13:38.55mvanbaakis it possible to set my asterisk account to busy when one of my phones is offhook ?
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13:57.28mvanbaakok, JabberSend is working
13:57.32bjweeksmvanbaak: I think their is a func that does it, let me check
13:58.58mvanbaakbjweeks: ok
13:59.03mvanbaakI cant find it
14:00.32bjweeksmvanbaak: JabberStatus()
14:01.13mvanbaakyou can use that to set status ?
14:01.28mvanbaakthe documentation only states it will read the status of a contact
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15:12.21ussrbackhi all
15:14.50ussrbackhow can i limit number of conference participants in meetme?
15:18.08DarKnesS_WolFi have a fast question .. i'm trunking 2 asterisk server one of them is NATed and no port fwd ... so i'm trying to trunk them togither so mak incoming and outgoing to each of them
15:18.40DarKnesS_WolFand i did sometning like this registe => username:password@peername-since-idon't-have-real-ip
15:18.43DarKnesS_WolFany idea?
15:18.45DarKnesS_WolFbut it didn't work
15:19.34DarKnesS_WolFbut i get this error  Rejected connect attempt from nated-server-ip-address, who was trying to reach '401@'
15:20.07blitzrageussrback: use GROUP() and GROUP_COUNT() in the dialplan
15:20.58blitzrageDarKnesS_WolF: uhhh.... peername? that's wrong -- registration goes to the far end to tell it where you are
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15:22.33blitzrageDarKnesS_WolF: what is it you're trying to do?
15:22.43blitzrageand what do you *expect* to happen?
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15:27.35DarKnesS_WolFblitzrage: i want to trunk 2 asterisk servers one of them behind NAT
15:27.40DarKnesS_WolFso i don't have the real IP
15:28.43blitzragethat means you need to send the registration to the external IP of the other box, and have the NAT device on that remote box forward port 5060 to the asterisk server
15:29.55blitzrageand you'll need nat=yes in the [general] section -- I'm not positive that the internal IP address the remote box will respond from will be substituted for the external IP address though.... register might not be that smart
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15:31.52DarKnesS_WolFblitzrage: i'm using IAX
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15:32.18blitzrages/5060/4569/ -- everything else still applies
15:32.31DarKnesS_WolFblitzrage: i don't have access to the nat
15:32.36blitzrageyou're screwed
15:32.53blitzragehow is the REGISTER packet supposed to get into the NAT'd asterisk?
15:33.26DarKnesS_WolFblitzrage:i have 2 asteriks server
15:33.29DarKnesS_WolF1 with public ip
15:33.31blitzrageI know
15:33.32DarKnesS_WolF1 is behind nat
15:33.45blitzrageand you're trying to get the public server to register with the NAT'd box?
15:33.50DarKnesS_WolFi were able to register the one beind nat with the public ip one
15:33.55blitzrageof course you can
15:33.57blitzragethat makes sense
15:33.59manopulushi, can someone help me with G argument in dial command? upon answer, it forward both parties to context, problem, that both parties are not bridged. i calling from phone 201 to 200, and my context is exten => s,1,NoOp(), exten => s,2,Wait(200), so, answering phone (200) in wait and calling phone (201) - still ringing. how i can bridge calls?
15:34.00DarKnesS_WolFcan't i call the nated one using the same ports
15:34.07DarKnesS_WolFblitzrage: ok k how :D?
15:34.56blitzrageDarKnesS_WolF: you don't register the public box with the NAT'd box. You hard code the IP of the public server into the peer object on the NAT'd server with host=xx.xx.xx.xx
15:35.03blitzrageor host=hostname.tld
15:35.06DarKnesS_WolFnow i want both able to call ... eachothers but now the alls works from the nated one to the public one .. when the public one try to call it get rejected no authincat fild
15:35.32DarKnesS_WolFblitzrage: ok this is done that is how i can call the ublic server then?
15:36.03DarKnesS_WolFblitzrage: this is from the nated
15:36.05DarKnesS_WolFand it works
15:36.14DarKnesS_WolFnow i want to reach the nated from teh public
15:36.30DarKnesS_WolFso i do something like dial(IAX2/natedpeer/number)
15:36.33blitzragesame thing -- only the NAT'd box can register to the public server though
15:36.45DarKnesS_WolFblitzrage: ok when i do so i got error
15:36.56DarKnesS_WolFbut i get this error  Rejected connect attempt from nated-server-ip-address, who was trying to reach '401@'
15:37.20blitzrageI think you have the contexts setup wrong
15:37.20DarKnesS_WolFsorry s/nated-server-ip-address/public-server-ip-address
15:37.33DarKnesS_WolFthis error on the nated box
15:37.59blitzrageshow the exact Dial() line from the public server
15:38.16blitzrageit should not be an IP address or hostname
15:38.35blitzrageit should be the peer object that the NAT'd box registers to (host=dynamic)
15:38.53DarKnesS_WolFexten => 796101,1,Dial(IAX2/ev-imblb/500)
15:41.10blitzrageand what does the [peer] object look like on the NATd box
15:42.10DarKnesS_WolFon the nated ?
15:42.17DarKnesS_WolFhost=XXXXXX domainname
15:44.50DarKnesS_WolFblitzrage: so ?
15:44.50blitzragethats not the whole definition
15:45.10DarKnesS_WolFu want it all ?
15:45.19DarKnesS_WolFi'm using users.conf cuz it's generated with asterisk-gui
15:45.31DarKnesS_WolFwhat pattern ur looking for ?
15:46.34blitzrageand does the context specified match a context in the dialplan?
15:47.15DarKnesS_WolFyes it dose
15:47.21DarKnesS_WolFand it do exists
15:47.22DarKnesS_WolFi checked this
15:47.32blitzrageand that object is labeled as:  [ev-imblb] and have username=ev-imblb ?
15:48.48blitzragenot sure -- it still looks to me like its trying to get into a context that doesn't exist
15:48.57blitzrageI don't use IAX2... i just use SIP
15:49.04DarKnesS_WolFi did this issue before :(
15:49.08DarKnesS_WolFbut both were asterisk boxs
15:49.13DarKnesS_WolFi 'm getting crazy for hours now !
15:49.20blitzragewhen you fixed it you should have documented what you did :)
15:49.36*** join/#asterisk Winkie (
15:49.41DarKnesS_WolFblitzrage: yes :-s
15:49.45DarKnesS_WolFi suck in docs :-s
15:49.51DarKnesS_WolFeverything in my head and i do forget :(
15:54.46*** join/#asterisk MrTelephone (
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15:55.09MrTelephonehey do any of you see a problem setting the sip distroy time to 35 seconds?
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16:13.38DarKnesS_WolFblitzrage: got it to work it was a bug with this crazy GUI
16:13.51blitzrageyet another reason not to use a GUI
16:14.09blitzrageMrTelephone: it'll take a long time for the connection to time out I guess
17:58.48*** join/#asterisk jbot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
17:58.48*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source Telephony Application Platform ( -=- Asterisk 1.4.15 (2007/11/29), *-Addons 1.4.5 (2007/12/1), Zaptel 1.4.7 (2007/11/27), Libpri 1.4.2 (2007/10/16) -=- #asterisknow or #asterisk-gui for AsteriskNOW ( -=- #switchvox for Switchvox ( -=- #asterisk-commits to monitor svn/mantis -=- #freepbx ( or #trixbox for trixbox ( support
17:58.49Psychobillyyes sorry, by saying 'numbers' i mean the extension numbers in sip.conf eg. [210001]
18:01.15*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
18:02.46NuggetI still don't understand the question.
18:02.48[TK]D-FenderPsychobilly, that is NOT an extension.  An extension is a number you dial.  and [] is the username
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18:04.17Psychobillyoh  i see, anyway in my configs i use the same username and dial number, is there a way to have 2 dirrerent numbers for the same username?
18:05.58[TK]D-FenderPsychobilly, you are still throwing "number" around carelessly.  What are you really trying to do with these account(s)?
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18:11.00cjkhi, when i do core show hints i only see unavailable and idle even though my phone is ringing?
18:11.21cjkany idea?
18:13.48ManxPowerPsychobilly: start out by not making device userids to be numbers.
18:13.56ManxPowerWe use the MAC address as the SIP userif.
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18:14.36ManxPowerthis will help you realize that making the SIP userID a number and an extension be the same number is generally a bad idea,
18:14.42[TK]D-FenderManxPower, I'm starting to think he jsut wants 2 extens in the dialplan do dial the same sip DEVICE....
18:15.08ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I blame it on the schools.  They don't teach people how to ask a technical question!
18:15.34Psychobillyok my english sucks i admit it :P
18:15.37[TK]D-FenderManxPower, for him, s/marklar/number/
18:15.57De_MonPsychobilly its not your english its your termonology userid is not a number. you just made it one
18:16.00ManxPowerPsychobilly: non-english speakers get some wiggle room
18:17.06[TK]D-FenderPsychobilly, Your english is fine, your lack of clarity and abuse of the word "number" as though it has 1 single meaning isn't,
18:17.25[TK]D-FenderPsychobilly, So you want to be able to DIAL 2 different #'s on a phone to ring the same SIP user?
18:19.20Psychobilly[TK]D-Fender i know how to do this in extensions.conf, i was aksing if it is possible in sip.conf to assing 2 different phone muners in a user, but i guess i got it all wrong
18:20.03[TK]D-FenderPsychobilly, aer you talking about the CALLER-ID number people see when you call them?
18:20.09blitzrageit seems one of the hardest things for people to get around is that extension numbers don't need to (and shouldn't) be mapped directly to a device. If you abstract the numbering scheme from the device scheme, and then you abstract the users from both of those, then you end up with much greater flexibility
18:20.22ManxPowerPsychobilly: sip.conf does not have the concept of "extension" or "number"
18:20.30Psychobillyok i got it now
18:20.38ManxPowerblitzrage: that and contexts
18:20.47blitzrageManxPower: indeed
18:21.16blitzragecontexts seem to be a hard thing to "get" until someone understands it enough to visualize them in their head
18:21.48blitzragepossibly a good thing
18:21.49Psychobillyits what blitzrage said, i was using extension numbers as usernmanes in sip.conf, and i got confused
18:21.52*** join/#asterisk yassine (n=yassine@unaffiliated/yassine)
18:21.53[TK]D-FenderPsychobilly, So got something you can clarify for us?  And don't use the word "number" in your answer!
18:22.03yassinegood evening everyone
18:22.45[TK]D-FenderPsychobilly, exten => 123,1,Dial(SIP/400) <- dial 123 to ring SIP device [400]
18:22.55Psychobilly[TK]D-Fender i htik i got the answer i was looking for, i was wrong in the first place about the use of sip.conf
18:22.55[TK]D-FenderPsychobilly, wash-rinse-repeat
18:22.56yassinei'm doing my first steps with asterisk and would like know where i can turn debugging to see what is happening when a sip user try to login
18:23.12[TK]D-Fenderyassine, "sip debug"
18:23.15yassineand suggestions or reading are welcome!
18:23.24blitzragejbot: tell yassine about book
18:23.25yassine[TK]D-Fender: thanks
18:23.32[TK]D-Fenderyassine, "sip debug peer [IP or device in sip.conf]"
18:23.41[TK]D-Fenderyassine, and "sip no debug" to stop.
18:25.19yassineokay thanks [TK]D-Fender
18:40.25*** join/#asterisk reallost1 (n=reallost@
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18:42.52riddleboxis this correct exten => _NXXXXXXX,1,Dial(Zap/1/1{EXTEN})?
18:43.02riddleboxif I wanted to insert a 1 before the other 10 digits?
18:43.11reallost1looks right
18:43.39riddleboxok cool thanks
18:44.15riddleboxmy sip phones have call logs, which I can dial from but they only have 10 digits in them
18:44.30[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox, Yes... if your exten actually TOOK 10 digits :)
18:44.46riddleboxahh crap
18:44.51reallost1you only have 8 digits
18:45.31[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox, for NANPA you'd want - exten => _NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(ZAP/1/1${EXTEN})
18:45.38riddleboxfor some reason I was thinking _N counted as two I guess
18:46.29[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox, Bringing you up to *9*.  Strike two :p
18:46.42riddleboxdang it
18:46.52riddleboxone more and I am out of questions for the day right
18:46.53[TK]D-Fender~cluebat riddlebox
18:46.53jbotACTION pulls out a ClueBat (tm) and thwaps riddlebox.
18:48.49reallost1I have an interesting situation where I've got 1 sip trunk sending 2 sets of numbers that have need different DTMF modes.
18:49.36[TK]D-Fenderreallost1, Make 2 different peer entries for that account then
18:50.08reallost1That is why I tried,  I even have them using different passwords.
18:50.25riddlebox[TK]D-Fender, it is not working for some reason, and I am using verbose 9 and I dont even see the call try to go out
18:51.15[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox, pastebin your dialplan fast
18:51.25jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
18:53.13reallost1Fender, this is what I have in my sip.conf
18:54.24[TK]D-Fenderreallost1, those are 2 differnt usernames
18:54.56[TK]D-Fenderreallost1, and your 2nd doesn't have a "host" line
18:55.31reallost1[TK]D-Fender,   oops, I clipped the host=dynamic on the 2nd one.
18:55.44[TK]D-Fenderreallost1, And those are users, meaning incoming.  Does that mean the people sending you calls withh be choosing equally different peers on their side?
18:57.02reallost1its the same host ip, but we are trying to get 2 different DTMF types depending on the originating set of numbers.
18:57.05reallost1its incoming only.
18:57.31[TK]D-Fenderreallost1, What set of numbers?  What exactly is sending you those calls?
18:57.58[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox, exten => _NXXNXXXXXXX,1,Dial(Zap/1/1${EXTEN}) <-- you still can't count
18:57.59reallost1I'm running asterisk 1.4.15 and they are running asterisk 1.2.x
18:58.12[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox, notice its the sale LENGTH as your 11-digit dial
18:58.28[TK]D-Fenderreallost1, and they are using 2 different peers on their end?
18:58.49[TK]D-Fenderreallost1, basically they should just 1 1 format and * will convert them over anyways...
18:59.21*** join/#asterisk z00m00 (
18:59.31z00m00Hello everyone!
19:00.01reallost1Hmm...  That is what we tried initally.  But I had to specify some of the numbers as inband or dtmf wouldn't be recognized.
19:00.10reallost1but that broke the rest of the numbers.
19:00.25reallost1I even tried auto and info, but no dice.
19:00.42[TK]D-Fenderok, I've gotta jet, back later-ish
19:01.41z00m00Who can help me with research. I need get a statistic from Asterisk. When I can get a help with this question ?
19:04.08z00m00Чем умничать лучше бы помог
19:04.40riddleboxwhoa my dogs have settled down, after 4 hours of non stop wrestling
19:07.48cjkwhy does pickupchan exists when there is no call? couldnt it go to another priority and continue a diall process?
19:11.49*** join/#asterisk bjweeks (n=bjweeks@unaffiliated/bjweeks)
19:12.04yassineis zap show channels command supported in asterisk 1.4.13 ?
19:12.48yassinei get no such command when i try it, but since this is self compiled install im not sure if its my fault or the command is no more supported
19:13.20styelzgot chan_zap loaded?
19:13.20yassinestyelz: are there any alternatives for it?
19:13.34styelznot that i know of
19:14.28styelzzap command wont be there if you dont have zaptel drivers installed
19:14.36*** join/#asterisk reber (
19:15.40yassinestyelz: i compile zaptel package and installed it, but did not notified that i need the insmod chan_zap
19:17.26nestAryassine: yes, it's in the documentation
19:17.48styelzsounds like you need to compile asterisk with chan_zap
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19:48.18[TK]D-Fenderyassine, If you'd just compiled zaptel you have to REDO asterisk afterwards so it picke it up
19:49.07yassine[TK]D-Fender:  I#m actuall about to recompile everything and this time ( i made sure that i have invoked the make menuselect)
19:50.26yassine[TK]D-Fender: sorry i did not get what you mean by REDO ? (recompile) ?
19:57.13styelzhe means, recompile asterisk, after setting up zaptel
19:59.14yassinestyelz: im about to right can i have differnt language support ?
19:59.34yassineshould i select that now or i can do this later (after the compiling)
20:00.38*** join/#asterisk rabelais (n=blank@hpolaris.Stanford.EDU)
20:01.00styelznot sure what you mean
20:01.12styelzthe audio files ?
20:01.31styelzyou can do that after. i dont know whats out there though
20:01.47[TK]D-Fenderyassine, Follow this order : libpri, zaptel, Asterisk, Addons
20:02.05yassineomg i have to redo
20:02.14yassinei have started with zaptel
20:02.48styelzyassine: check out maybe
20:03.27yassine[TK]D-Fender: in the oreilly book suggeted by blitzrage they started with zaptel
20:04.50yassinestyelz: thanks that will make things a lil bit clearer
20:07.09*** join/#asterisk fordfrog (n=fordfrog@gentoo/developer/fordfrog)
20:07.54*** join/#asterisk JayTee52 (
20:08.17JayTee52is anyone here running * on 64 bit linux?
20:09.11yassine[TK]D-Fender: do you think i should restart the whole process or i can go with the order suggetd in the book :
20:11.10blitzrageJayTee52: yep
20:11.36[TK]D-Fenderyassine, restart it all, what the heck, 5 minutes well spent
20:11.46JayTee52I'm going to be using Digium's TDM04B cards and a TE210P card. Do you see any problems there?
20:12.15yassine[TK]D-Fender:  okay thanks (restarting) if you mind i would really like to understand why?
20:12.19JayTee52I've read a few posts about 64 bit causing problems with the zaptel driver timing
20:13.54JayTee52I've been thrust into a nightmare scenario (for me anyways) with a Dell PowerEdge 2950 that has an ATI Radeon graphics chip that acts flaky running RHEL 5 64bit. I wanted 32 bit but they shipped it with 64 installed.
20:14.12JayTee52and they don't seem to have as much driver support for 32 bit devices.
20:15.00blitzrageI just installed CentOS 5 32bit on my 2950s
20:15.22JayTee52do they have the ATI graphics chip or the older Intel chips?
20:15.27blitzrageno idea
20:15.36blitzragebox is probably almost a year old now
20:15.51JayTee52they're probably the Intel 915 chipset then
20:16.29JayTee52I had a devil of a time getting a res higher than 800x600 on RHEL. Odd that RHEL 5 loads Gnome desktop by default.
20:16.46blitzragewhy the heck are you running X windows on an Asterisk box?
20:16.54JayTee52Ubuntu Server doesn't use a GUI, does CentOS 5?
20:16.57blitzrageI figure it's a server -- it should never have a GUI
20:17.07blitzrageyou just said you were changing your screen resolution
20:17.07JayTee52blitzrage, I tend to agree
20:17.24*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
20:17.32JayTee52yes, I was. Because this OS came preinstalled and came with the Gnome desktop installed.
20:17.39blitzrageJayTee52: ya... by default -- just unselect the button that installs it
20:17.56blitzrageanything preinstalled always gets wiped by me
20:18.06blitzragefirst thing I do when I get a new computer is format the HD
20:18.39ManxPowerThe problems with graphics on an Asterisk server is that graphics drivers lock interrupts for so long you are likely to miss data coming in from Zaptel and you might cause excessive jitter on VoIP connections.
20:18.56JayTee52I may just scrub the Red Hat install and use CentOS 5 if I can get the PERC RAID controller to work with the SAS drives so I can have RAID 1 at the hardware level.
20:19.40JayTee52If I'm gonna use a gui with * I'd prefer it be remote web based, not on the host itself.
20:20.05blitzrageCentOS 5 --> minimal install (everything unchecked)
20:20.10blitzrageyum install <apps_I_need>
20:20.17blitzragesvn co asterisk
20:20.24ManxPowerJayTee52: you realize here that we feed GUI people to alligators with a taste for GUI people, right?
20:20.39blitzrageya... we're hard core :)
20:20.51JayTee52I have a good walkthrough for * using CentOS. It says to do libpri first, then zaptel, then asterisk. Does that sound right to you?
20:21.02blitzragepeople in here are like a gamer clan
20:22.01JayTee52I've already got * running on an Ubuntu 6.06 server with no gui. I have no problem with it but my retarded "Windows only" boss hates it. He just loves the pricetag of *
20:23.07ManxPowerJayTee52: jer
20:23.18JayTee52and I'm not a distro zealot. I've installed a VM appliance that uses CentOS 5 and sipX and it's fine.
20:23.22ManxPowerJayTee52: Then he will hate any GUI unless it works just like Windows.
20:24.00ManxPowerHappy Yule, blitzrage
20:24.15JayTee52ManxPower, yep, he's a wicked MS bigot. Anything else is heresy. He's so stupid he thinks you should use Dr Watson to debug problems in XP or Win2K3.
20:24.31JayTee52talk about a dinosaur
20:24.54blitzrageManxPower: danke!
20:25.21JayTee52Merry Xmas, blitzrage and thanks!
20:25.48ManxPowerAsterisk needs to come with a fake GUI.  It would look great, but not actually DO anything.  Call it "beta" if users complain.
20:26.36JayTee52"I tried to think but nothing happened." - Curly's voice from the 3 Stooges.
20:33.10*** join/#asterisk nirz (
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20:47.09esaymCan a person make a receive voip calls from random wifi hotspots with the wireless voip phones like the UTStarcom F1000G? Or can phones like this only be used on configured subnets or local lans?
20:51.02[TK]D-Fenderesaym, Depending on how the networking at that spot works it could be fine
21:02.26*** join/#asterisk PDani (
21:03.01PDaniapproximately when will it be possible to use SIP instant messiging with asterisk?
21:06.13[TK]D-FenderPDani, Feel free to code it.  If you don't see it in the tracker....
21:09.21*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
21:10.05rabelaisI have a call quality problem that is specific to my sipura ata going through my asterisk server, call quality with softphones is great, and call quality directly to the sipura device (IP to IP calls) is great....the bad call quality through my sipura device has very very jittery and broken outgoing would I fix this?
21:10.53ManxPowerrabelais: change the rtp packet size on the SIPura to 0.20 instead of 0.30
21:11.40rabelaisok, I will try that, thank you
21:12.08rabelaisdo you mean from 0.030 to 0.020?
21:12.20rabelaiscurrently it is set to 0.030
21:12.45ManxPowerAsterisk does not work with 30ms packet sizes.
21:13.23rabelaisI have had it wrong all this time?
21:13.41ManxPowerrabelais: virtually everything out there except for modern SIPura devices default to 20ms audio packets
21:14.02rabelaisI've been using it that way for five/six years
21:14.24ManxPowerrabelais: that would be the cause of the audio problems when audio is routed thru Asterisk.
21:14.43rabelaisManxPower, thank you
21:14.59rabelaisit totally works
21:15.11*** join/#asterisk hrmphh (
21:15.16hrmphhany hylafax/faxmail gurus here?
21:15.17yassineasterisk is running (asterisk 29993  0.3  0.8  22276  8644 pts/2    Sl   22:10   0:00 /usr/sbin/asterisk -f -U asterisk -G asterisk -vvvg -c
21:16.49ManxPoweryassine: Did you build from source?
21:17.33rabelaisManxPower, thank you just works! they're not complaining anymore, hehe
21:17.36yassineManxPower: yes
21:18.52yassineManxPower: any idea?
21:19.06*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
21:21.17[TK]D-Fenderyassine, make sure that "asterisk" has rigths to create the PID file in your /var/run folder <----
21:21.41yassineokay let me try again
21:22.32yassine[TK]D-Fender: can i configure asterisk to write its asterisk.ctl in /var/run/asterisk/ directory?
21:22.45yassinei have a directory there that i have chown to asterisk:asterisk
21:23.37yassineokay done
21:29.04*** join/#asterisk dlynes (
21:29.30dlynesAsterisk has a function called 'volume' now?
21:29.39dlynesI'm just curious which version of asterisk it's in?
21:29.53dlynesIs it in trunk?
21:30.10[TK]D-Fenderyassine, All god now?
21:30.22[TK]D-Fenderdlynes, Yes.
21:31.39dlynes[TK]D-Fender: do you happen to know if it's droppable into 1.4?
21:34.00[TK]D-Fenderdlynes, IIRC 1.6's revamped channels allow you to splice calls up 100x better that we can now and insert DSP-like processes into streams, etc.  Volume is a very natural extension of this.  And no, there is no way I can' picture this being backported
21:35.00dlynes[TK]D-Fender: ah
21:35.21dlynes[TK]D-Fender: and i guess it's not going to be making it to release stage any time soon either, from the looks of russell's blog...
21:35.35[TK]D-Fenderdlynes, link plz
21:36.34dlynes[TK]D-Fender: and
21:41.45*** join/#asterisk angom (n=Angel@
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21:55.24jer1.6 sounds like it'll be fun
21:55.31jerso... when is it going to be released? =]
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22:06.46dlynesjer: if i had to venture a guess, I'd figure on 2009
22:07.15De_Mondlynes nahh it'll be in 2008 for sure
22:07.34dlynesDe_Mon: why do you say that?
22:08.15De_Mondlynes because 2009 is too far away and I refuse to accept that answer?
22:08.39dlyneswell, russell is wanting more testing going into it before it gets released this time around
22:08.51dlyneswhich is why i'm suspecting 2009, not 2008
22:09.06De_Monhas 1.6 gone into feature freze yet?
22:09.21De_Monoh damn
22:10.09De_MonI backported app_bridge and have func_odbc, so I think I can live...
22:17.21mvanbaakmeh, my neighbour is here
22:17.35mvanbaaknormally I listen to Cradle of Filth and stuff like that
22:18.06mvanbaakright now I have 'Faithless - Insomnia (Moody Mix)' on full power
22:18.07*** join/#asterisk duki (
22:18.20mvanbaakwhopping 1200 watt blowing away my walls
22:18.42mvanbaakneighbour and wife totally loosing their mind
22:19.13mvanbaakfreaking song is 11 minutes
22:21.47*** join/#asterisk cy3o3 (
22:22.30yassineis there a way to check an AMI user manaually via telnet ?
22:22.30Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
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22:36.21*** join/#asterisk Darthclue (
22:36.42Darthcluehey everyone, hows it going?  quick question...
22:37.07Darthcluewhen a call is packet2packet bridged does it ever return to the dialplan?  if not, is it tracked via any type of cdr?
22:37.32*** join/#asterisk hohum_ (
22:53.28mvanbaakcradle of filth
22:59.20mvanbaakanyone here ?
22:59.27mvanbaakor is it weekend++
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23:39.43JunK-Yyassine: yes, just login thru AMI with this user?
23:39.49JunK-Y(via telnet)
23:45.52*** join/#asterisk Toerkeium (i=oo@
23:50.20yassineJunK-Y: i found it that it was my configuration that was missing the right secret value using this:

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