IRC log for #asterisk on 20071207

00:02.17SwK_anyone have any 1 or 2 port t1 cards they wanna part with cheap?
00:04.15*** join/#asterisk idefine (
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00:09.44BBHossSwK_, whats cheap?
00:09.59BBHossi have a 2 port T1 card (Digium)
00:11.16BBHossbrand new, how does $800 sound?
00:11.58*** join/#asterisk magic_hat (
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00:12.45magic_hatI'm looking at buying a new 'puter to serve as our * box. Anyone have recs on chip, RAM, HD size and Linux flavor?
00:13.06magic_hatwe've got an office with 10-15 softphones, up to 5 people talking at the same time.
00:13.36SwK_magic_hat, dood get a dell
00:14.01fujinmagic_hat: dell 2950
00:14.05fujinor db
00:14.06SwK_like a Dell SC440 will cost you  ~400 shipped 80G HDD, 1G Ram, and have fun...
00:14.15SwK_2950 is over kill for what he's doign
00:14.16fujinget n+1 servers
00:14.26fujin5 people at the same time
00:14.40SwK_a 2950 can do like 150 concurrent calls
00:14.55SwK_you get it with the dual quad cores and it can do way more then that
00:15.07fujinlol aye
00:15.13fujinI've got two HP DL360's
00:15.18fujinthey were purchased before I arrived
00:15.23fujinI would have preferred Dellkit
00:15.28Qwellonly 150?  You'll get far more than that
00:16.09Qwellthat isn't even 8 T1s
00:16.35magic_hathrm.... so SC440 sounds good.
00:17.10magic_hatand 'nix flavor? is the panel united on Debian?
00:17.24fujinubu or deb, imho
00:17.31fujinalthough I build * from source wherever I go
00:17.33fujingenerally :}
00:17.44fujinwhatever you're comfortable in
00:18.29SwK_use whatever linux you like it does matter
00:18.37SwK_Centos, Deb, Gentoo whatever
00:20.13magic_hatsweet. sc440 comes with Red Hat.
00:21.12SwK_magic_hat, d00d order w/ no OS
00:21.27SwK_you'll save some cash and then just drop a Centos ISO in it
00:22.05BBHossmagic_hat, debian is a safe bet
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00:24.25magic_hatYeah, I'm just realizing the RHEL is $200 extra. No way I pay for that.
00:24.33SwK_heh for real
00:25.02SwK_they have a T105 w/ a dual-core opteron right now 1G ram and a 80G hdd for like 375
00:25.32*** join/#asterisk d00gster (
00:26.06blitzrageCentOS w00t
00:27.36SwK_leif loves the redhat
00:27.55SwK_whats up mang
00:28.05SwK_blitzrage, was talking about you on saturday
00:28.07blitzragenada much bud.. just got back from the gymnasium
00:28.17blitzrageoh ya?
00:28.36SwK_yeah ran into russel and kevin at the pool hall
00:29.51craigkdoes anybody know if i can use the management interface to redirect a call that is on hold ? So I use a sip phone to place a call on hold, then <insert magic here> redirect the held call ?
00:30.08craigki just want to know if it is possible, not how to do it :)
00:30.23SwK_craigk, that should be possible
00:30.41craigkSwK_: thanks
00:30.45SwK_there might actually be something for that already in the AMI code
00:31.08craigkthere is a redirect command there ... i just was not sure it would work on a held call
00:31.18SwK_hell try it :P
00:31.23SwK_all it can do is fail
00:31.25craigkmy concern is that the call will be left on hold at the new extension
00:31.58craigktrue ... maybe that will be a weekend project :)
00:32.10craigkman i know how to party ;)
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00:38.06generalhancan anyone point me to some docs on the best way to get 2 remote phones behind the same router to connect to my local * machine ?
00:48.38idefineis anyone familiar with the floor control mchanism for IMS Pish to Talk Over Cellular (PoC)
00:48.54idefinemechanism*, Push*
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01:07.02webmananyone noticed that current asterisk 1.4 SVN keeps core dumping within 30 minutes of starting up on our extremely lightly loaded system ?
01:07.16fujinno, I can't say I've noticed that on your system.
01:08.32webmanfujin: errr, have you noticed it on your system ?
01:09.30webmanmaybe I should have started by asking if anyone is using an 1.4svn version from the last 24 hours ?
01:09.33BBHossu using trunk or a branch
01:10.13JTBBHoss: 1.4svn
01:10.23JThe's said it twice
01:10.26blitzragewebman: sorry, I've been using trunk, not the 1.4 branch
01:11.06BBHossdamn, brainfart
01:11.53blitzrageits ok -- just be thankful you're not the girl I just talked to on cable... now there's a permanent brainfart
01:12.27blitzragetook forever to just add a channel to my cable... the problem is she was SOOOOOOOOOOOO nice and trying to be so helpful, but she was talking to me like I was her 80 y/o grandmother
01:12.54blitzrageI was laughing by the time I hung up, so it definitely had its entertainment value
01:13.08*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
01:13.18jbot[~pastebin] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
01:14.43webmandoes that look like an asterisk problem, or is it saying it is a problem in the libc library (which probably means my hardware error)
01:15.56tzafrirAstrisk passed a bad pointer to libc
01:16.27webmantzafrir: so it is more likely a asterisk problem ?
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01:18.02jerany way i can use GotoIfTime() to specify multiple times? that is, if i want to skip to a priority between 17:00 and 17:30, and also between 07:30 and 08:00 to the same priority without having to have two GotoIfTime() statements?
01:19.25*** join/#asterisk mosty (
01:19.30blitzragejer: you need two statements for that
01:19.41nitruswhat is a sip response 500?
01:19.46nitrusit that a generic error like http
01:19.48blitzragehrmm... actually
01:20.22jerblitzrage, damn, that complicates things greatly
01:21.00blitzrageI'm curious if that works
01:21.04jerhrmm i'll give it a try
01:21.11*** join/#asterisk icel (n=icel@
01:22.20jerblitzrage, it does! great
01:23.31mostyis there a dialplan function that is the inverse of strftime?
01:23.53icelquestion:  I recently switched hardware for my asterisk server and I am using a digium 205p instead of a 405p.  When * starts it works find locally, but T1 doesn't come up.  After running ztcfg -vvv and restarting asterisk a couple of times the T1 starts working.  Anyone know what is up with that?
01:25.55webmanicel: you need to modprobe the module for your card, and run ztcfg before you start asterisk
01:26.37mostyi want to do the equivalent of "date -d 09:00 +%s" in the dialplan, is there a way to do it without agi or similar?
01:26.57webmanI'm trying to log a bug for my core dump, but am not sure how to describe it, or even how to attempt to reproduce it.... any suggestions ?
01:27.11webmanmosty: system application ?
01:28.58mostywebman, how do i get stdout from the command?
01:29.32webmanmosty: can you set a variable perhaps? I've never used system to do anything, just know it exists... maybe look for some example in the wiki ?
01:30.07nitrusanyone here know what a sip response 500 "nice try" means?
01:30.24jerblitzrage, correction, it doesn't quite work
01:30.34mostywebman, if it was a function i'd be sorted, but since it's a dialplan application i'd have to write to a file or somethign
01:30.44blitzragejer: no? I was guessing on syntax that might work... what is wrong with it?
01:32.13jerblitzrage, it plays always. i had tested with using two times, one 00:00-00:01&20:20-20:30 (it was 20:21 when i tested); played the message i wanted it to then. when i changedi t to the real times (07:30-07:59&17:00-17:29) tested again, it still played that message
01:32.18jernot sure why
01:32.20jerbut it did
01:32.48blitzragemaybe you don't need the :
01:33.06jerhrmm, ok i'll try it without
01:33.08mostywebman, ahh, i wish STRPTIME was in asterisk 1.2
01:33.48jerblitzrage, nope, still played it. i can post the relevant section of the dialplan if you'd like
01:34.04blitzragejer: sure... its probably just invalid syntax
01:34.13blitzrageor I'm not sure what the syntax is
01:34.47jerit always plays my "on the road" message
01:34.49blitzragemaybe Corydon76-dig knows
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01:37.09jeroops, error there too on the second gotoiftime... but it's not being caught atm
01:37.25blitzragemight need to use two lines
01:37.35jeryeah, i probably will; was just hoping there was a way around that =]
01:37.43icelwebman: thanks.  I put the wct4xxp module to load at boot time
01:37.49jermy ivr config is horrible
01:38.01icelwebman: but how do i make ztcfg run at the same time?
01:38.04blitzragejer: first of all -- stop using priority numbers
01:38.14jerjust use 'n' ?
01:38.20blitzrageand labels
01:38.36blitzrage100,1,NoOp(always need prio 1)
01:38.50blitzrage100,n(loop),Verbose(1,Well hello there!)
01:38.59*** join/#asterisk JayTee52 (
01:39.08blitzragethat is BAD
01:39.20blitzrage(infinite loop)_, but its only 3 lines to show you how to use a priority label
01:39.27icelwebman: nevermind, i see the init script.  Thanks!
01:39.40*** join/#asterisk quah (
01:39.57jerblitzrage, right, i appreciate it. what about jumps? i.e., n + 101 ?
01:40.00blitzrageicel: using a Fedora Core or some other RH based distro?  Do 'make config' in the asterisk source directory
01:40.08jerjust, 100,n+101,... ?
01:40.38icelblitzrage: using gentoo, fedora and cent os kept locking up on this box for some reason...I am trying to edit the zaptel init.d script now so it will run
01:40.41blitzragejer: you don't use that logic anymore. Most applications returns a "STATUS" variable. i.e. Dial() uses ${DIALSTATUS}, then you can use that to direct calls based on status
01:40.56blitzragejer: yes, that logic works too
01:41.04blitzrageif you are converting a dialplan
01:41.19blitzrageor label+101 works too
01:41.28jerblitzrage, i wrote this fresh a few days ago, and it's just for my home office, so i'm not too worried about changing it =]
01:41.45blitzrageso when you are not on the very first priority, you can offset the +101
01:41.56jeryou'd recommend using the dial status?
01:42.03blitzragebut +101 logic is easy to get dialplan that jumps to places you don't expect
01:42.13blitzragealways use the STATUS variable when you can
01:42.19jerin this case, i can
01:42.28blitzrageinfact, +101 is deprecated, in 1.4, and removed in 1.6
01:43.20quahhi - i've a new asterisk running on Centos 5, asterisk 1.4.10 - with a Rhino R8FXX card for incoming pots the past 2 weeks the box stopped seeing incoming calls 2 times - needing a reboot to start working again.  Can anyone give me some adive on how to start troubleshooting this?
01:43.24*** join/#asterisk russellb (n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla)
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01:43.32blitzrageanywhere a +101 was required, the status can be found in a variable. See the doc/variables.txt file for info
01:43.44jerwill do
01:43.53blitzragequah: why is a new asterisk running 1.4.10 when 1.4.15 is out?
01:44.12quahbecause I didn't want to change what "seemed" to be working <G>
01:44.47blitzragekeep the code base, install 1.4.15 to see if it fixes the problem. You can always just reinstall the copy you have now with 'make install'
01:45.01blitzragejust make sure you keep the directory with the source currently installed as a backup
01:45.28blitzragejbot: tell jer about book
01:45.43*** join/#asterisk waverly360 (
01:45.44jerblitzrage, yup, i'm flipping through it right now =]
01:45.58jerit's quite a bit, been slowly going through it
01:46.13quahok..along those same line - is there any way I can "notice" that it is not working - for example, this system is in a pizza shop - customers might be calling and only getting ringing - people working the shop dont even know anything is wrong.
01:46.37waverly360Hey guys, this may be beyond the scope of this room, but is there a way to create a tc filter that filters on multiple ports instead of a single one?
01:47.23idefinedoes anyone know of any company providing Push and Talk Over Cellular (PoC)...and what the rates are?
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01:56.36webmanwell, it looks like I can't use 1.4svn because it crashes on every call shortly after it comes in....
01:56.47fujinwhy run svn?
01:57.00fujinhave you filed a bugreport with your coredump?
01:57.09webmanidefine: if push and talk is the same as push to talk then does it :)
01:57.28fujinidefine: telecom NZ does it, so does vodafone NZ
01:57.45fujinI believe you pay a flatrate, which gives you a minute quota
01:57.48webmanfujin: because 1.4svn is meant to be the version for production use, it is meant to have all the bug fixes with no new bugs introduced....
01:58.01fujinwebman: no, trunk is meant to be the production use one
01:58.11fujinsvn is where the development on 1.4 is done
01:58.15webmanidefine: optus used to pay a monthly fee, and then no extra
01:58.17filewhat? no
01:58.21fujinother way around?
01:58.29fujinfucked if I know
01:58.35file1.4 branch in SVN receives bug fixes only, but we are human
01:58.38webmantrunk is development for 1.6
01:58.51fujinwebman: do you experience the issue with 1.4.15?
01:58.56JayTee52which is the stable version of 1.4?
01:59.03webmanfile: yeah, of course, I understand bugs can happen :(
01:59.09idefinewebman: nice, thanks. Do you know of any companies in the USA offering this service?
01:59.25webmanfujin: haven't tried that yet .... that is next on my list...
01:59.41webmanidefine: dunno... never looked ...
01:59.53fujinare you running the latest svn? when was your last svn up?
02:00.12webmanlatest svn update was about 2 or 3 hours ago now....
02:00.28fujin& did you file a bugreport?
02:01.58russellbwebman: i'll take a quick look ...
02:02.39fujinthere ya go
02:02.40webmancurrent svn (10 secs ago) just has a patch for rtp.c .... so I don't think that will fix it....
02:02.50fujinmany heart <3 russellb
02:03.14webmanrussellb: thank you
02:03.21russellbif it happens every time, it shouldn't be too hard to spot
02:03.22russellb... in theory
02:03.30russellbgive me a few mintues to dig ...
02:03.52fujinwebman: you might want to re-build Asterisk, wit the optimizations disabled
02:03.57fujinso that the coredump is a little better
02:04.40russellbwebman: can you execute a couple gdb commands for me?
02:04.43webmanthat is the "DONT_OPTIMIZE" flag  right ? any others I should do ?
02:04.49webmanrussellb: yeah sure
02:05.00fujinwebman: forget what I said, let russell guide your hand
02:05.04russellbwebman: (gdb) frame 5 ...... (gdb) p di
02:06.07webmanrussellb: added to the bug/ticket
02:06.38webmanthat was using the core file from the last report I added if that makes a difference
02:06.41fujindefinitely looks like you'll want to recompile without optimisations
02:06.48fujinto provide a little more useful information there
02:07.13russellbyeah, what fujin said
02:07.19russellbif you don't mind ...
02:07.25webmanok, compile is in progress....
02:07.48russellbyou're lucky, i have some time to kill in between flights :-p
02:08.34webmanmy star sign said "I could bend reality today" ... I just wish it didn't mean I could break asterisk :)
02:09.13russellbyou didn't break it ... we did
02:12.09webmanrussellb: ok, got a core with dont_optimize, do you want all the same commands from gdb ?
02:12.54russellbyes please
02:13.44JayTee52I just got a new server that came with RHEL 5. I want to install Asterisk 1.4.? on it. Is there any reason why I should avoid using RPM's?
02:13.55webmanok, added to bug report
02:14.15[TK]D-FenderJayTee52: Do * from source.  RPMS are dated and zaptel needs to match your kernel anyways
02:14.19russellbwill fix in a second
02:14.31JayTee52[TK]D-Fender, thanks man!
02:16.31JayTee52[TK]D-Fender, what's the latest stable 1.4.* release?
02:16.41russellbJayTee52: see the topic :)
02:19.03russellbwebman: svn update to revision ... *waits for the commit to finish* ...
02:22.40russellbwebman: do you use Local channels as members in your queue?
02:22.51fujinrussellb, webman: good work
02:23.32webmanrussellb: yes
02:23.56webmanI've downloaded the new version, am just waiting for the compile to finish... the only update was app_queue ?
02:24.09russellbhowever, i'm curious what happens after this update
02:24.24russellbi'm reading the part of the code i just fixed and it looks like it breaks Local channel queue members, too ...
02:24.30russellbmakes it so they won't ever get called
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02:24.37russellbbut if you don't mind, just try this and let me know what happens
02:24.40mostycan i do goto from an agi script followed by exit to jump to another context?
02:25.00mostyor do i need to set a variable and do a Goto in the dialplan?
02:25.49webmanrussellb: does that mean I should have left the DONT_OPTIMIZE on ?
02:25.59russellbit won't crash anymore
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02:27.28webmanok, still compiling... will let you know shortly
02:32.12webmanrussellb: ok, the caller is in the queue, but it isn't attempting to call any of the queue members (all local channels)
02:33.02webmandid you want any particular information ?
02:33.24russellbnope, i know what the problem is
02:33.26russellbi will fix it in a minute
02:33.34russellbtalking on the phone to the guy that wrote that part
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02:33.53webmanok, thanx
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02:37.49russellbwebman: 91677
02:37.59*** part/#asterisk bkw__ (
02:38.34webmanrussellb: downloading now... will let you know shortly. ... thank you again!
02:38.43*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
02:38.43russellbyou're welcome
02:38.48russellbthanks for the helpful debugging and testing
02:39.28russellball is good in the world again, i think
02:46.11*** join/#asterisk shtoom (n=shtoom@
02:46.50webmanrussellb: now I can't dial in at all, the zap lines are 'busy' and "zap show channels" returns no output at all .....
02:47.14*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
02:48.08russellbdo any cli commands return output?
02:48.52webmanI killed it, (kill -9) and restarted, and now it seems to work ....
02:49.11russellbstupid open source software ...
02:49.47webmanI think I might have called in too quickly - before it was fully started or something....
02:50.35webmanI have now called, the call was added to the queue, and rang my sip extension, I answered, and talked to myself... seems like "all is good in the world again" :)
02:50.55russellbthat will be $1000.
02:51.23webmanthanks again for your help - $1000 .... hmmm :)
02:51.28russellbj/k :-p
02:51.32russellbyou're welcome
02:51.35russellb'tis my job
02:51.57webmanyeah, but must be kinda outside office hours wherever you are ....
02:53.07russellbyeah ...
02:53.15russellbbut i'm addicted to asterisk :-/
02:53.46webmannow I gotta get back to ... my work :)
02:54.01russellbalrighty, glad we got your system fixed up.
02:54.23*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
02:56.48blitzragewow... asterisk just crashed my vmware fusion :)
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02:57.23russellbblitzrage: i fixed iax2 on mac btw
02:57.32blitzragerussellb: it was broked?
02:57.42russellbyeah, i remember you mentioning it on irc one day
02:57.46russellb... i think
02:58.00blitzrageI think I mremeber that now...
02:58.13blitzragethis is why I don't use iax2... every time I try, I find a bug :)
02:58.31blitzrageI find some obscure ones sometimes...
02:58.35russellbyou're good at that.
02:58.43tzangeryou're obscure
02:58.45blitzrageI'm doing a CLI audit right now
02:59.09blitzragehopefully we'll end up with a solid cli syntax out of this
02:59.15russellbi sure as hell hope so
02:59.19russellbwe've gone this far ...
02:59.22blitzragethis is my goal...
02:59.30russellbwhile we still have everyone pissed off, might as well finish the job :-p
02:59.37blitzrageand the code dealing with the cli commands can't be that difficult can it?
02:59.41blitzrageprobably just tedious...
02:59.45russellbtedious, yes
02:59.47russellbbut not difficult
02:59.54russellband i would be happy to answer any questions you have
02:59.56blitzrageI'm good at tedious
02:59.58russellbas would a number of other people ..
03:00.23russellbwelcome to the asterisk janitor team!
03:00.27blitzragecool.. well, first step is the audit
03:01.07tzangeryou are tedious too
03:01.18tzangerhow many other adjectives can you attribute to asterisk that you personally reflect?
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04:05.39blitzragegoooooooo freenode
04:05.58blitzrageup to ]q]!
04:06.03blitzrageerrr.. 'q'
04:08.04[TK]D-Fendertzanger: Nope, can't say that I have...
04:15.04tzangergo up to q?
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04:34.40ZaVoidhey all
04:34.56ZaVoidso this doesn't make much sense but maybe i'm looking at it wrong
04:35.13ZaVoidif my allow line is g723/g729/ulaw (formatted correctly obviously)
04:35.46ZaVoidbut i send a call to the asterisk via a device that only has g723.... and the invite only comes with g723 in the SDP... why would asterisk advertise g723/ulaw and g729 to the device i send the call to?
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04:37.19ZaVoidhmm n etsplit
04:37.39ZaVoid: if my allow line is g723/g729/ulaw (formatted correctly obviously)  but i send a call to the asterisk via a device that only has g723.... and the invite only comes with g723 in the SDP... why would asterisk advertise g723/ulaw and g729 to the device i send the call to?
04:42.06mostybecause asterisk advertises what it supports
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04:54.12[TK]D-FenderOh yeah, that lasted f'n long....
04:54.22blitzragejeebuz... wtf
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05:05.50jbot[~whee] Weeeeeeeee!
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05:24.54MorroccoHi, I need some help configuring a Polycom 330 phone with asterisknow, what do I need to do to asign the phone an extension so I can use it with my asterisk system?
05:25.26fujin_hrmph, no idea with asterisknow, although I'd expect it to be relatively painless being a clickybutton gui.
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05:26.28Morroccoyes, its painless, but I want to know the basic information, like to use the phone do I use SIP ?
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05:27.06fujin_Morrocco: yes, you use SIP
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05:28.24Morroccook, Cool, so I just need to configure the phones to use sip via the web interfece of the phone?
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05:32.08Morroccodo you guys know of a simple softphone that I can use with asterisk Im using windows vista
05:32.32russellbtry zoiper
05:32.38jbot[~zoiper] Zoiper (Formerly known as Idefisk) is a free SIP and IAX soft-phone for Windows, MacOSX, and Linux that can be found at
05:32.40jbot[~xlite] X-Lite is a free SIP soft-phone for Windows, MacOSX, and Linux that can be downloaded from
05:32.59russellb[TK]D-Fender: greetings
05:33.05[TK]D-Fenderrussellb: howdy...
05:33.11[TK]D-FenderAlmost out of the office....
05:33.18Morroccothank you :)
05:33.43russellb[TK]D-Fender: cool ... what timezone?  it's late :)
05:33.55[TK]D-Fenderrussellb: 12:33am :/
05:34.07russellbooh, eastern ... that's where i am now
05:34.15russellbgo home, crazy man.
05:35.33russellb[TK]D-Fender: do you do asterisk consulting full time?
05:36.09[TK]D-Fenderrussellb: Nope, I'm IT for a plumbing distribution company.
05:36.22[TK]D-Fenderrussellb: and right now in working on budget consolidation.
05:36.29russellbahhh, cool deal.
05:36.38[TK]D-Fenderrussellb: the other bane of my existance here.  Excel sheets from hell.
05:36.41russellbwhen are you coming to work for Digium?  :)
05:36.52[TK]D-Fenderrussellb: * consulting is a few extra $ for my hobbies
05:37.07[TK]D-Fenderrussellb: Make me an offer ;)
05:37.19russellbwilling to relocate?
05:37.30[TK]D-Fenderrussellb: ummm...... thats rough.
05:37.41[TK]D-Fenderrussellb: dunno, guess it'd have to be a pretty good offer :)
05:38.04blitzragetoo bad HSV didn't == California or something :)
05:38.04russellbhehe ... getting people into the US is a pain, too ...
05:38.18russellbblitzrage: yeah, no kidding
05:38.21blitzragefirst round of the CLI audit done!
05:38.25russellbblitzrage: awesome
05:38.34russellb[TK]D-Fender: you never know, there are remote possibilities ...
05:38.36blitzrageand now my brain hurts... that took nearly 4 hours
05:38.37[TK]D-Fenderrussellb: Now Extraordinary Rendition.... THAT'D be easy ;)
05:38.51[TK]D-Fenderrussellb: Nice double entendre ;)
05:39.05[TK]D-Fenderrussellb: likely unintentional as it is.
05:39.12russellbyeah, it was not on purpose ...
05:40.44russellbblitzrage: how much are we going to have to change?  :-/
05:40.54[TK]D-Fenderok, thats it, I'm fried.  Heading home.  Later all.
05:41.15blitzragerussellb: ummm... I haven't done a thorough audit, but it actually didn't look like too many
05:41.17Morroccook, I have zoiper, under domain do I put the ip address of my asterksnow box?
05:42.10blitzragethere are a few things that should have been deprecated, but got missed in 1.4... so either we fix and deprecate now in 1.4, or... we fix the CLI and just make it right and docment it very well and make all the changes in trunk and get rid of all the defunct commands
05:42.23russellbMorrocco: yeah, probably ..
05:42.24blitzragetrying to support both methods at the same time is making the CLI look very messy
05:42.33blitzrageMorrocco: yes you do
05:42.57russellbblitzrage: yeah, but we have already done so much of it ...
05:43.04russellbblitzrage: maybe we should aim to have all of the new stuff in 1.4
05:43.13russellbso that we can remove all deprecated stuff from trunk/1.6
05:43.48blitzragerussellb: ya, I'd be in favour of that... I just don't want to have yet another round of deprecation for commands that should have been fixed in 1.4. I guess that makes it considered a bug fix eh?
05:43.52russellbooh, and we could even have an option to turn off the deprecated commands for people that find them annoying ...
05:44.00jqlcore voip sip show set debug status   # exaggerated griping from the peanut gallery
05:44.18blitzragecore set cli [new|old]
05:44.21Morroccook, Im trying to call the voicemail service at extension 850 but its not working, any settings that Im missing?
05:44.22russellbblitzrage: yeah, i don't mind doing it in 1.4 ...
05:44.22blitzragethat'd be a nice command
05:44.29russellbto be honest, the changes have irritated the crap out of me, too
05:44.38russellbi want to get it right and have it done with
05:44.58blitzragetotally agreed. I've got the CLI tree built now... so I can look at it and figure out what is missing and whatnot
05:45.05blitzragemake sure we get it all done right this time
05:45.10jqlcore add command alias 'set debug' 'core set debug'
05:45.10russellbsounds good.
05:45.21jqlcore save command alias file
05:45.23blitzrageit certainly was a huge job, and whoever did the original crack at it did a good job
05:45.40russellbyeah, agreed
05:46.01blitzragejql: I don't like the idea of people being able to make non-standard commands because then if they go to work on another system, they'll be lost
05:46.03russellbbut if there is anything left that isn't consistent, let's go ahead and fix 'em up in 1.4
05:46.21russellbone of these days, i'll make the cisco-style command completion :)
05:46.26blitzragerussellb: yep, I made a few notes in my bug tonight
05:46.30jqlwhich is exactly what makes asterisk frustrating right now. heh
05:46.30russellband it will make me famous in asterisk land
05:46.42blitzrageyou're already famour
05:46.47jqlnow, everyone is lost
05:46.59Morroccoits working
05:47.05russellbMorrocco: yay :)
05:47.10russellbit's *magic*
05:47.41russellbblitzrage / jql ... there are probably multiple lessons to be learned from this CLI changeup
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05:48.00blitzrageasterisk is just a babe.... we're all learning
05:48.14russellbheh, still a babe, huh?
05:48.19blitzrageI think so :)
05:48.24blitzragemaybe a young adult
05:48.26russellbi've been working on it long enough that i feel like we should be done
05:48.32blitzragehaha, totally
05:48.33russellbbut there is so much to do ...
05:48.48blitzragethat's the problem with a piece of software that does everything...
05:49.09blitzragewow... I didn't realize just HOW low on food I was... :)
05:49.09blitzrageI'm eating a block of cheese....
05:49.21fileblitzrage: I told you!
05:49.50blitzrageyou certainly did...
05:49.59blitzragealthough I don't like chinese, and it's so expensive
05:50.14blitzragealways seems like you have to order $40 worth of food
05:50.15russellbwe should remove the functionality that does everything
05:50.17fileyour face is expensive
05:50.17russellband make it do nothing
05:50.50blitzragethat'd make my job easier
05:50.54MorroccoI have to go guys, cya tomorrow
05:51.15Morroccothank you for all your help
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06:01.25bmcghee`homeim having a mysql issue
06:01.28bmcghee`homei get this error
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06:40.24BeeBuuhow can i get the callerid when i make call with a iax client?
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07:13.23BeeBuuhow can i logout a agent?
07:14.41BeeBuuafter agentcallbacklogin
07:16.13Juggiei think execute agentcallbacklogin agains
07:16.19Juggiew/o any parms maybe
07:16.51BeeBuutype password one more?
07:17.09Juggietry it w/ AgentCallBackLogin(agentid)
07:17.54Juggiecheck here,
07:18.57BeeBuuw/ ?
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07:23.36RedStalker_Mikehi all
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07:46.39zeeeshin linux how check a directory or file propertie?
07:46.54JTfor real?
07:50.53JTls -la
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07:57.04salzhhi, what's the default passwd for root account on centos where trixbox is installed
07:57.23jbot[~trixbox] Trixbox is a full linux distro that includes FreePBX and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox VERY difficult to support, and is not supported in #asterisk. Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & wiki at
07:59.32salzh~trixbox is failed
07:59.33jbot...but trixbox is already something else...
08:00.01JTsalzh: eh?
08:00.08JTsalzh: READ the text
08:00.17JTsalzh: you are in the wrong channel
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08:26.09fukzHello all
08:26.23*** join/#asterisk Lawbringer (
08:27.22fukzI have a problem while calling from a Siemens HiCom to Asterisk over E1. I use Q.SIG and it works,
08:27.54fukzbut when HiCom sends a call in an channel > 15, I have no audio signal.
08:28.15fukzChannels <= 15 works.
08:35.53*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
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08:51.21codejunkyHi, any ideas what could be causing this error: sk
08:51.22codejunkydrwxr-xr-x  3 root     root       17 Sep 19 10:05 cache
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08:51.44CrummyGummyHi all, what do I use to connect a G703 pipe to a 64K card?
08:51.58codejunkyThis error I mean:, sorry
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08:54.12joelsolankiHi all
08:54.20joelsolankigood morning
08:54.46joelsolankii configured this in sip.conf
08:54.49joelsolanki#include /etc/asterisk/sip-phones/*
08:54.53joelsolankiand it worked gr8.
08:55.04joelsolankisame way i want to include extensions
08:55.13joelsolankii did configured this in extensions.conf
08:55.29joelsolanki#include "/etc/asterisk/sip-extensions/*"
08:55.41joelsolankitried to remove "" and check but it is not getting included
08:56.05joelsolankidid dialplan reload
08:56.06joelsolanki[Dec  7 14:26:58] WARNING[32632]: config.c:864 config_text_file_load: '/etc/asterisk/sip-extensions/internal-extensions' is not a regular file, ignoring
08:56.22joelsolankiany hints plz
08:58.52loompekls -l /etc/asterisk/sip-extensions/internal-extensions
08:59.30loompekfile /etc/asterisk/sip-extensions/internal-extensions
08:59.34joelsolanki-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 44 Dec  7 14:19 4024645971.conf
08:59.52joelsolanki-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 43 Dec  7 14:20 4024648707.conf
08:59.59loompekit seems that internal-extensions is a directory
09:00.07joelsolankiyes it is directory.
09:00.16loompekit's not a regular file :D
09:00.22joelsolankii want to include all files in internal-extensions directory
09:00.38joelsolankiit worked in sip.conf
09:03.43joelsolankii hope anybody had worked on this already
09:04.50loompeknot me
09:05.12loompekwhat line are you using for including
09:06.20joelsolankilet me check
09:06.23joelsolanki1 sec
09:06.51loompek#include <exts/...>
09:11.07joelsolankiinclude => /etc/asterisk/sip-extensions/*
09:11.12joelsolankii did this now.
09:11.33joelsolanki-- Including context '/etc/asterisk/sip-extensions/*' in context 'default'
09:11.34joelsolanki[Dec  7 14:42:30] WARNING[32679]: pbx.c:6300 ast_context_verify_includes: Context 'default' tries includes nonexistent context '/etc/asterisk/sip-extensions/*'
09:11.55joelsolankisays warning
09:18.47*** part/#asterisk BeeBuu (n=beebuu@
09:19.23loompekwhat if you put ... instead of *
09:19.27loompekjust for fun
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09:25.29joelsolankilet me check
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09:26.20joelsolanki[Dec  7 14:57:15] WARNING[32728]: pbx.c:6300 ast_context_verify_includes: Context 'default' tries includes nonexistent context '/etc/asterisk/sip-extensions/'
09:26.35R1ckI'm trying to dial out, but get the following message: "Dec  7 10:21:51 NOTICE[3723] app_dial.c: Unable to create channel of type 'ZAP' (cause 34 - Circuit/channel congestion)
09:26.42R1ckwhats causing that?
09:27.57kaldemarjoelsolanki: you have "include => ..." which includes contexts in other contexts, "#include <file>" includes other files.
09:29.36joelsolankikaldemar: i want to includes all files under /etc/asterisk/sip-extensions/
09:29.46joelsolankii dont want to include individual file
09:31.44*** join/#asterisk sergey (n=sergey@
09:32.19joelsolankikaldemar: u want me to use #include /etc/asterisk/sip-extensions/* ???
09:32.21kaldemarjoelsolanki: well, i just tried that and "#include /path/to/files/*" works fine.
09:32.37joelsolankilet me do that.
09:33.21joelsolankikaldemar: that worked.
09:33.42joelsolankiactually i was trying to included one folder too that was creating problem
09:34.04joelsolankiso now i did is #include /etc/asterisk/sip-extensions/internal-extensions/*
09:34.08joelsolankithis worked
09:39.38*** part/#asterisk CrummyGummy (
09:40.59*** part/#asterisk sergey (n=sergey@
09:49.11R1ckI'm trying to dial out, but get the following message: "Dec  7 10:21:51 NOTICE[3723] app_dial.c: Unable to create channel of type 'ZAP' (cause 34 - Circuit/channel congestion)
09:49.15R1ckwhats causing that?
09:49.15*** join/#asterisk fordfrog (n=fordfrog@gentoo/developer/fordfrog)
09:50.06kaldemarR1ck: without more information, no one can tell you what causes that.
09:52.08kaldemarif you pastebin your zaptel.conf, zapata.conf, and the full trace for the call with maximum verbosity, you might get somewhere.
09:55.23kaldemaris that your whole zapata.conf? i only see group 1 and your dialing group 0.
09:55.57R1ckeh, yeah, thats it..
09:56.15kaldemarreplace g0 with g1 in the dial line if it's the first span you're trying to use.
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10:10.45R1ckkaldemar: allright, getting a little further now..
10:11.41R1ckI now get this:
10:15.23R1ckalso i keep getting these:
10:15.27R1ckDec  7 11:14:48 DEBUG[4260] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '11d1396a4be2bea91f4c6f30693b0355@' of Request 102: Match Found
10:15.27R1ckDec  7 11:15:02 DEBUG[4260] chan_sip.c: Auto destroying call 'OWE4Y2UyMDM1ZWQ5ZWNkZGQxMWMyMzU1YmEwMTAxMDc.'
10:15.31R1ckwhats that
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11:06.22R1ckDec  7 12:06:15 WARNING[3889] chan_zap.c: 1 !! Got S-frame while link down
11:06.28R1ckwhy does it keep saying that
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11:37.09DJ_InstincTany1 here know how I can test UK CLI is being sent by bt [without calling them?]
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11:43.17EitanSHi, I would like to know where I can get info in solving a problem I am having with Asterisk, our sangoma wanpipe card says its disconnected even though the cable is in fact connected.
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12:23.39EitanSHi, I would like to ask a question concerning the sangoma card and problems being connected. We get a disconnected status on all our lines. its an NT setup. Can anyone help?
12:28.55*** join/#asterisk sECuRE_ (
12:29.43sECuRE_hi.. i'm having problems with mISDN (several oops until the system completely hangs). are there any chances to get it fixed or is mISDN currently really broken? (version is 1.1.7 on kernel 2.6.24-rc3 with asterisk 1.2)
12:31.07sECuRE_the kernel oops aren't even in the misdn-code but in sysfs and kcryptd..
12:32.20R1ckI got this on an incoming call:  Extension '0263844911' in context '"from-zaptel"' from '0263611107' does not exist.  Rejecting call on channel 0/1, span 4
12:33.27*** join/#asterisk coppice (
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12:47.25tzafrir_homeR1ck, just what the message says
12:47.56tzafrir_hometo see that context: dialplan show from-zaptel
12:49.59tzafrir_homeEitanS, In what way does the sangoma card say it is disconnected? What exactly do you see?
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12:50.08tzafrir_homeDid it work before?
12:51.20EitanSNo it hasnt worked before, its a new installation. Using woomera, where wanrouter status shows all lines as disconnected.
12:53.29EitanSWe are using an Sangoma A500 card, we struggling to debug
12:54.14tzafrir_homeSorry. /me only knows bristuff and not woomera (and netbricks)
12:55.04EitanSA500 is BRI if that helps any ?
12:56.12R1cktzafrir_home: No such command 'dialplan' (type 'help' for help)
12:56.38tzafrir_homeah,  you use 1.2. show dialplan from-zaptel
12:56.59tzafrir_homeR1ck, in short: you need to handle that in your dialplan
12:57.17coppiceI wonder how asterfax gets hosted at sourceforge, when it isn't open source?
12:57.41tzafrir_homecoppice, what isn't free there?
12:58.05coppicethe source does not appear to be available
12:58.33*** join/#asterisk lirakis (n=lirakis@
12:59.45tzafrir_homeany idea when they have last updated ?
13:01.28coppicedunno, but the download pages seems to only have binaries
13:02.22coppiceand although there is a free binary, it has restricted functionality
13:06.11loompekexten => _100431XXX.,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:7},20)
13:06.23coppiceis that one different? it looks very similar
13:06.29tzafrir_homeThey fully admit it. And have not acted for probably over a year and a half
13:06.39loompekin case i have a trunk... then this should dial that number... right?
13:07.25loompeklike.. if i get a call for 100431230 it should dial 230.. right?
13:08.20tzafrir_homeThe page above is the first one recorded in the wayback machine
13:08.21kaldemarloompek: :7 will chop 7 digits off EXTEN. so it would dial your SIP user 30.
13:08.23*** join/#asterisk phillipk (
13:09.04loompekexten => _100431XXX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:6},20)
13:09.08loompekokay.. this is better?
13:09.17loompekdialing 100431XXX should dial XXX
13:09.55*** join/#asterisk webman (
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13:25.54EitanStzafrir, where would i go to find a application to do a line test ? we think the problem may be starting there?
13:27.38*** join/#asterisk Nivex (
13:29.34*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
13:29.35R1ckwhat voip phones are recommended for use with asterisk?
13:29.41jboti guess phones is  While personal preference will dictate which phone works best for you, general consensus on a rough order of quality and suggestibility is as follows:  Polycom (any), Aastra 480i, Aastra 5i Series, Cisco 7940+, Linksys SPA-9XX, Snom, and finally everything else.  Do not consider Grandstream phones.  Ever. places ...
13:30.34R1ckthanks [TK]D-Fender
13:30.57[TK]D-FenderR1ck: Actually I'd place Linksys above Cisco for the mostpart
13:31.15R1ckbut Polycom is best?
13:32.05[TK]D-FenderR1ck: pretty much
13:32.13R1ckcool tnx
13:32.43[TK]D-FenderR1ck: Aastra & snom have a few more features, but Polycom wins on quality and basic call handling.
13:34.15coppice[TK]D-Fender: have they offered you a sales position, yet?
13:34.30[TK]D-Fendercoppice: Not yet....
13:34.51Qwellhe probably sells more than people on their sales team :p
13:35.42coppiceI think Polycom sucks (trying to achieve fair balance here)
13:36.00EitanSCan anyone help, when running wanpipemon -i xxx -u 9000 -c xm for modem status I get the following message: "Protocol: unkown support not compiled in!"
13:36.31R1ckallright, gonna order a Polycom 301 (for testing)
13:37.24coppiceif you don't like it, the handset is fairly robust, so you can beat [TK]D-Fender senseless with it
13:37.38cpmnice point
13:38.16[TK]D-FenderMight make right... and I am very VERY right ;)
13:38.25[TK]D-FenderR1ck: I'd advise against the 301
13:38.42cpmwhat's wrong with the 301?
13:38.47[TK]D-FenderR1ck: the IP320/330 completely de-validate it as a choice
13:39.14R1ckthe 320 doesnt have a hub thingie
13:39.22[TK]D-Fendercpm: 301 costs more than them, and the new ones have native PoE, Speakerphone, pixel display and microbrowser capabilities.
13:39.30[TK]D-FenderR1ck: IP 330 does
13:39.39R1ckhmm yeah
13:39.41coppicedot ehy make good coffee?
13:39.48cpmyeah, nice point
13:39.58R1ck330 seems ok
13:39.59[TK]D-Fendercoppice: Mine does thanks to X-10 :)
13:40.00cpmI'll bet they don't, and don't bother disclosing that little detail
13:40.03R1ckits cheaper :P
13:40.28[TK]D-FenderR1ck: like I said
13:41.14cpmmost IP ethernet phones don't make decent coffee, and you won't find out about that feature missing until it's too late
13:43.16coppiceI blame it on these fine geometry ARM and MIPS core. they don't cook anything very well
13:44.48R1ckhmm, the 320 and 330 are un-orderable
13:44.48*** join/#asterisk reber (
13:45.07cpmindeed. POE *should* be able to handle a decent coffee maker
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13:46.46[TK]D-Fendercoppice: Well the IP 650 has a USB expansion port.  I'm not sure its powered, but if it is, there are USB mug warmers out there, so this might just be viable!
13:47.14coppicewhat's the USB port for?
13:47.25coppiceother than coffee making
13:48.01*** join/#asterisk docelmo (
13:48.27cpmyeah, but the POE isn't up to it.
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13:50.19[TK]D-Fendercpm: IIRC PoE pushes far more than USB.
13:51.00cpm[TK]D-Fender, yeah, but this tiny, efficient cpus used in these phones don't waste enough heat to properly brew coffee.
13:51.23coppiceUSB is only 2.5W. PoE does a lot more than that
13:51.32[TK]D-Fendercoppice: thats a little grey right now.  guesses for things in the works. : USB Wi-Fi, local memory expansion for custom software / directories, authentication, etc
13:51.49cpmcoppice, you have a coffee pot running off PoE?
13:52.00[TK]D-Fendercpm: I said via an extension USB mug warmer!  not the CPU direct!
13:52.17*** join/#asterisk joelsolanki (i=joelsola@
13:52.23joelsolankiHi all. Good morning
13:52.30cpm[TK]D-Fender, mug warmer! weak.
13:52.42joelsolankiI have a specific requirement.
13:52.42cpmchrome 20cup percolator
13:53.31joelsolankii have 2 plans Unlimited US/Canada and A-Z
13:53.52QwellA-Z?  All of my providers allow 0-9
13:54.22*** join/#asterisk jbondc2 (
13:54.24coppicetheir operating costs are lower if they don't offer 0-9
13:54.44QwellI wonder if I can remove the 0-9 service from my accounts, and save a few bucks.
13:54.47cpmor allow phantom powered coffee brewers
13:55.02joelsolankithis is my config in extensions.conf
13:55.06joelsolanki#include /etc/asterisk/sip-extensions/internal-extensions/*
13:55.06joelsolanki#include /etc/asterisk/sip-extensions/external-providers/digitalphone-unlimited.conf
13:55.06joelsolanki#include /etc/asterisk/sip-extensions/internal-extensions/*
13:55.06joelsolanki#include /etc/asterisk/sip-extensions/external-providers/digitalphone-az.conf
13:55.07jbondc2hi everyone, have anyone ever played with a sipura 2102?
13:55.30[TK]D-Fenderjbondc2: What about it?
13:55.34jbondc2i'm troubleshooting it and it looks like there's a: SIP/2.0 489 Bad event
13:55.42[TK]D-Fenderjoelsolanki: Do not spam like that again, PASTEBIN it
13:55.47joelsolankiI m sorry.
13:55.50jbondc2when it tries to send a NOTIFY
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13:56.14[TK]D-Fenderjbondc2: WHO is sending the notify, and what is it for?
13:56.57De_MonAny ideas how to get asterisk to do what it says its going to do on timeout?
13:57.15jbondc2The sipura 2102 is behind NAT, when I enable keep-alive on it, it sends: NOTIFY SIP/2.0
13:57.30jbondc2asterisk replies: SIP/2.0 489 Bad event
13:57.43rbdhi guys, I'm trying to use a simple callflow that answers, plays back a prompt, then hangs up. I dial in from my sip phone, the call is answered and looks like the prompt is played, however I don't hear anything and the call never hangs up afterwards. no errors in asterisk using -cvvvvvvvvv level verbosity, etc. Using wireshark, I see that the sip messaging looks good, and there is RTP (g711 ulaw), but the RTP payload is all blank (F
13:58.00rbdany ideas?
13:58.11rbdtried with two different sip softphones, same results with either
13:58.47rbdand machines are on the same network (private IPs) firewall between then, etc.
13:59.20De_Monrbd what eversion of asterisk
13:59.30twistedjbondc2: so?  it's just a keep-alive.  just because asterisk says "bad event" doesn't mean the keepalive isnt' working.
13:59.45De_Monedit logger.conf and enable debugging on the console and pastebin the call with verbose and debug turned on
14:00.22*** part/#asterisk xachen (n=justin@pdpc/supporter/student/xachen)
14:00.23De_Mon(logger reload then core set debug 10)
14:00.39twistedjbondc2: all a keep-alive does is keep the nat ports open so that two way communication isn't interrupted.  it's just like asterisk sending a qualify.  if you don't want to see the bad event, then enable qualify on your sip device in the asteirsk config, and disable the keep-alive within the sipura.
14:02.53rbdDe_Mon: hmm, ok I did that (both issued that command on the console, and edited logger.conf)...I only get the 3 normal lines when I make the call (answering, playback, playing prompt)...I started asterisk with "asterisk -vvvvvvvvvvc" ...
14:02.57joelsolankiHI all.
14:03.01joelsolankiplz see this pastebin
14:03.09joelsolankiwith complete details
14:04.29jbondc2well the phone seems to be working, i guess your right, the packets going out keep the port open =] Sadly qualify isn't an option... the firewall is picky
14:05.40jbondc2is there an advantage of having NAT keep-alive AND qualify as well?
14:05.53twistedjoelsolanki: SPECIFY the file you're #including for internal extensions
14:06.01twistedjust like you're doing for the digitalphone files
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14:06.08De_Monrbd oh yea do a 'core set debug chan_sip.c' or 'sip set debug' to get the sip messages added
14:06.12joelsolankiyes 1 sec
14:06.38[TK]D-Fenderjoelsolanki: reverse the order of your includes.
14:06.55De_Monlooks like the core set requires a verbosity
14:07.13twisted[TK]D-Fender: it shouldn't matter, exact matches take precedence over pattern matches
14:07.15R1ckyay. 330 has been ordered.
14:07.16joelsolanki4024645971.conf  4024648707.conf are the file internal-extensions directory
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14:07.33joelsolankireverse means ?
14:07.43[TK]D-Fendertwisted: What happened to the old precedence?
14:07.59twisted[TK]D-Fender: AFAIK, exact matches always take precedence, and always have
14:08.42[TK]D-Fendertwisted: Maybe what I'm referring to has to do with only patterns....
14:09.12joelsolanki<[TK]D-Fender>: waiting for your input
14:09.22twisted[TK]D-Fender: sure, but you were responding to joelsolanki, which, if you look at the pastebins, has two exact matches
14:09.29[TK]D-Fenderjoelsolanki: Get a translator, its a basic word.
14:09.39twistedanywho, off to work
14:09.42rbdDe_Mon:  ....looks like maybe something with the SIP_ALREADYGONE ....
14:10.24rbdDe_Mon: actually I think that's just when I hung up...
14:10.39joelsolanki<[TK]D-Fender>: plz explain little. i m confused. :(
14:11.12[TK]D-Fenderjoelsolanki: change the order of your includes.
14:11.21joelsolankiu want me put digitalphone-unlimited.conf include above internal-extension/* ?
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14:13.20[TK]D-Fenderjoelsolanki: Yes.
14:14.26joelsolankiok doing...
14:15.05joelsolankioh gr8. that worked.
14:15.25*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
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14:16.28De_MonI was thinking it has something to do with [Dec  7 09:07:52] DEBUG[11303]: chan_sip.c:2139 __sip_ack: Stopping retransmission on 'NmMwNGI5MTVhOGNlNGUyM2RkMDA5ZTI3MGQyNjA5YzM.' of Response 1: Match Not Found
14:18.15JayTee52I'm installing * version 1.4 the tutorial says to build the libpri modules first, then zaptel and then asterisk. I will be using 2 TDM04B cards at first and then swapping out 1 for a TE210P card at a later point in time. Do I need to load the libpri modules when I first install Asterisk then or can I wait till I'm ready to use the TE210P card?
14:18.40[TK]D-FenderJayTee52: Do it all now.
14:19.09JayTee52[TK]D-Fender, damn skippy! I'm gonna  have to put you on the payroll! :-)
14:19.35[TK]D-FenderJayTee52: My rates are very accessable :)
14:19.39JayTee52so if the card isn't in the server it Asterisk won't pitch a fit?
14:20.49[TK]D-FenderJayTee52: noe.
14:20.53De_Montbd just checked a debug of a valid playback and everything looks normal
14:21.07JayTee52[TK]D-Fender, if you do consulting gigs and have experience with routing T1 PRI ISDN circuits in Asterisk we might want to use your services.
14:21.31De_Monrdb even
14:21.47De_Monrbd damnit sorry I can't spell your 3 letter nick :)
14:22.09De_Monrbd try playing back a file that we know contains audio like welcome
14:22.57[TK]D-Fenderrbd: And put a wait(2) in front.
14:23.14[TK]D-FenderJayTee52: PM me details
14:23.50*** join/#asterisk Toerkeium (i=oo@
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14:25.06MrTelephonehey shouldn't there be a Contact: header on the register request from asterisk with www-authenticate?
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14:26.30pigpenhi all, I am running 1.4.11 pretty successfully, any reason not to go to 1.4.15?  (yes, I use realtime pgsql)
14:27.11MrTelephoneread the changelog
14:27.12[TK]D-Fenderpigpen: If it ain't broke...
14:27.47pigpen[TK]D-Fender, well, I know there are some new enhancements to iax in 1.4.11+, and I run quite a bit of it.
14:28.21rbdDe_Mon: ok did what you and [TK]D-Fender said...still no audio (didn't have welcome, so I used hello-world.gsm)... in my wireshark output I see that the rtp payload for all the packets is a mix of F, E, D and 7 only FEFED7FF7E7E7F7 ...
14:28.36rbdit's like that for every prompt I try
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14:31.18[TK]D-Fenderpigpen: not really.
14:33.04funxionanyone knwo of a reason the would fail when starting *?
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14:34.50funxionDec  7 14:24:12 ERROR[4705]: cdr_sqlite.c:178 load_module: cdr_sqlite: Unable to create table 'cdr': table cdr already exists
14:34.50funxionDec  7 14:24:12 WARNING[4705]: loader.c:345 ast_load_resource: load_module failed, returning -1
14:34.50funxionDec  7 14:24:12 WARNING[4705]: loader.c:440 load_modules: Loading module failed!
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14:35.58[TK]D-Fenderfunxion: no idea
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14:41.03rpyneHello World
14:41.10De_Monrbd duno, everything else looks right
14:41.34rpyneGood Day, I'm having a problem with voicemail
14:42.35rpyneI have remote users accessing the voicemail system and only receiving 20 seconds of their messages.
14:43.31rpyneAny thoughts as to why this is happening. Other remote users have tried accessing their voicemail under exactly the same conditions and were successful,
14:43.48rpyneI'm just having the problem with these 2 users
14:44.03*** join/#asterisk tobias (
14:46.13[TK]D-Fenderrpyne: what phones, describe their connection in detail and pastebint he CLI output of a failed attempt at verbose 10, and channel debug enabled
14:46.42*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=pepOSX@
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14:50.49datachomperIs there anyway to get ser to register with a registrar, similar to the way you can register => sip@host with asterisk?
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14:55.25rbdDe_Mon: ok thanks. I am trying to reinstall asterisk and try a few other things. I'll let you know if something changes
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14:57.30errrdo Hints work with realtime?
15:02.41*** join/#asterisk frigidzephyr (i=frigidze@nat/digium/x-0c7d8c57639bca6a)
15:03.24rpyne[TK]D-Fender: We are using Aastra 480i; I will paste the debug now
15:03.55rpyne-- Executing Answer("SIP/450-ac7fb0d8", "") in new stack
15:04.14*** kick/#asterisk [rpyne!i=north@pdpc/sponsor/digium/Qwell] by Qwell (pastebin)
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15:05.25[TK]D-FenderRypPn: Ok, WAKE UP TIME.  Pastebin it, do NOT spam this channel
15:05.28jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
15:06.32[TK]D-Fenderrpyne: and we do not see the complete call from beginning to end, nor do we see any SIP DEBUG.
15:08.13rpyneUser dials *97 for their voicemail and an execute Answer() initiates the process as shown
15:08.45rpyneI will use pastebin to show everything
15:10.44*** join/#asterisk enalert (n=trelane@2001:4830:150c:0:20d:61ff:fe31:a58)
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15:11.33enalertI got a batch of polycom phones with a background image on them.  Is there something I can put in the autoprovisioning scripts to clear it?  (is there a good setup guide for the various items that the polycom phones download to provision?)
15:11.39grandpapadotHi all.  Anyone seen this error?  I just started getting it out of nowhere.  I have reinvite off for all the peers that display the error.  Doesn't really seem to affect anything (that I can tell) but just out of nowhere, no updates, nothing:  handle_response_invite: Forbidden - wrong password on authentication for INVITE to <channel info>
15:12.34*** join/#asterisk Ryushin (
15:12.36[TK]D-Fenderenalert: the only way they got that is through provisioning in the first place.
15:12.45[TK]D-Fenderenalert: So naturally yes, thats the way to clear it.
15:13.15[TK]D-Fenderenalert: Grab the firmware from your vendor, and the admin guides off of Polycom.  check the Wiki for a guide to setting them up
15:13.39RyushinEvery time I restart asterisk, I'm getting this error: chan_zap.c: Unknown signalling method 'pri_cpe'
15:14.00RyushinI just upgraded from zaptel 1.4.5 to zaptel 1.4.7 and Asterisk 1.4.11 to 1.4.15.
15:14.16QwellRyushin: update libpri too
15:14.25RyushinI have libpri installed.  I've compiled from source several times.  This is confusing the heck out of me.
15:14.27Qwellthen in asterisk, re-run ./configure and make install
15:14.29enalert[TK]D-Fender, would you happen to have one of those manual thingies to point me to that might elaborate?
15:14.39RyushinI've been using libpri that comes with debian.
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15:14.43RyushinDoes it need a newer version?
15:14.52Qwelldunno, but probably
15:14.53[TK]D-Fenderenalert: I just told you where to go.
15:15.01RyushinOkay, I'll try that.
15:15.10QwellRyushin: do you also have the -dev package of it?
15:15.23Qwellthat might be the problem, but IMO, if you install one from source, install all from source
15:16.25etfonhomey[TK]D-Fender, other than the number of channels is there any limitation on the features (Caller ID, DNIS, etc.) on a BRI?
15:16.30enalert[TK]D-Fender, sorry didn't see it, thanks :) (I blame my IRC Client)
15:17.45[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey: I have never personally worked with one, but I believe the overall functionality is about the same...
15:17.57*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki (
15:18.03grandpapadotAny recommendations for a SIP provider on the table these days?
15:18.34etfonhomeyThat may be the most asked question on here.  I don't think any are very reliable unless they are also your ISP.
15:18.35mockeron the table?
15:18.59coppicedesk phones
15:19.00etfonhomey2nd most asked question is "What's the best IP phone?"
15:19.03grandpapadotmocker: i.e., since the last time the issue was debated,  have any 'surfaced' to the top as above average?
15:19.04RyushinYea, I had the deb package too.
15:19.13RyushinI'm downloading the libpri source now as well.
15:19.15[TK]D-Fendergrandpapadot: For what area?
15:19.34grandpapadot[TK]D-Fender: US/South East
15:19.38jbot[~itsplist-us] Here are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones : , , ,
15:19.39grandpapadot[TK]D-Fender: I'm in bham.
15:19.54Qwell[TK]D-Fender: broadvoice is respected?
15:20.17grandpapadotbroadvoice sucks
15:20.24[TK]D-FenderQwell: Sure they have issues, but they are at least "solid".  Figure they should be removed?
15:20.27grandpapadotbig green <edited>
15:20.32Qwell[TK]D-Fender: nah
15:20.35coppiceAl Capone was respected. Its all a matter of viewpoint
15:20.42grandpapadotSo was hitler
15:21.08Qwell[TK]D-Fender: I'm just trolling - they used to be A LOT worse a year or two ago
15:21.16mockerIsn't there some rule about invoking hitler?
15:21.17cpmSo was [TK]D-Fender
15:21.26Qwellevery few days somebody would come in asking if broadvoice was down - yet again
15:21.39*** join/#asterisk novinder (
15:21.44Qwellmocker: isn't there some rule about bringing up the rule?
15:22.07[TK]D-FenderThe first rule about Fight Club .....
15:22.10cpmif someone invokes hitler, and no one case, is godwin invoked?
15:22.24cpmif someone invokes hitler, and no one cares, is godwin invoked?
15:22.33coppiceyou cared
15:22.40mockerAs far as ITSPs go, I've been using Vitelity for some time now w/ no real issue.
15:22.49Qwellthere has to be a corollary drawn.
15:22.50cpmi only cared about the question
15:23.02coppiceits enough
15:23.04Qwellread godwin's original post
15:24.29coppicethere seemed to be a comparison of hitler and a telco. sounds like a fine corollary to me
15:24.38cpmah, but there was nothing inflammatory about how 'h' was used in this context, so godwin's isn't invoked.
15:24.52grandpapadotmocker: We use and are please with Vitelity.  Our customer base has grown so much we need to "spread it out" a bit and not have all of our eggs in one basket in the (unlikely) event that Vitelity goes away.
15:25.09mockergrandpapadot: Gotcha.
15:25.21mockergrandpapadot: You resell their service?
15:25.25etfonhomeyI know of at least 2 ISP's who offer "Dynamic" T1's.  What they're really giving you is a data T1 with a managed router on your premises.  Then they QoS VoIP to the managed router and "convert" the channels to a PRI or they can even give you analog lines.
15:25.41grandpapadotmocker: My only issue with vitelity has been DTMF, we solved that by doing inband to vitelity, rfc2833 from.
15:26.01etfonhomeySo, that when you have no voice calls, you get a full T1.  Each active voice call takes a fraction of the T1's bandwidth.
15:26.56grandpapadotmocker: We have an "on-net" pop.
15:27.03etfonhomeyThe ISP in my area that is doing this is getting ready to offer SIP termination.
15:27.11mockergrandpapadot: I have no idea what that means. :P
15:27.37grandpapadotmocker: We have servers on or very close to vitelity's network (5 hops, < 2ms).
15:28.06etfonhomeyI've been playing with Vitelity's service off and on for a few months.
15:28.22etfonhomeyAny one else here have experience with BRI's?
15:28.38grandpapadotmocker: We've also written extensive PHP classes as wrappers for their simple web api, which is by far one of there better features.
15:29.16mockergrandpapadot: So you resell their service? :)
15:29.54*** join/#asterisk jtknapp (
15:30.08grandpapadotmocker: not really ... We sell a hosted PBX product with flat-rate fees ... We actually terminate through a number of ITSP's
15:30.31grandpapadotmocker: We even just recently started doing flat-rate international for $29.95/trunk (virtual trunk)
15:30.39mockerI've always been scared of that.
15:30.47grandpapadotmocker: Which part?
15:30.51mockergrandpapadot: Shoot me your URL.
15:31.08mockergrandpapadot: Relying on ITSPs.
15:31.52etfonhomeygrandpapadot, where are you located?
15:32.06grandpapadotmocker: We've had really great results.  There's occassional issues, but the low price of our service generally offsets the need to worry about it (from a customer's perspective).  They save a fortune and get all the cool enterprise pbx features without a capital investment including the natural redundancy of our service.
15:34.10*** part/#asterisk frigidzephyr (i=frigidze@nat/digium/x-0c7d8c57639bca6a)
15:34.26*** join/#asterisk MrTelephone (
15:34.29MrTelephoneRUSSEL you there bud?
15:34.37MrTelephoneI need some advice
15:35.00grandpapadotmocker: We have 4 pops, each with two OpenSER servers, two custom Asterisk servers, one MySQL server.  We do push db replication with asterisk realtime and rsync evertyhing else between each pop.
15:35.49mockergrandpapadot: nice.
15:35.49grandpapadotetfonhomey: Our corporate office is in Birmingham, AL, USA.
15:36.15grandpapadotetfonhomey: In the shadow of our master, Digium.
15:36.28grandpapadotNugget: Cool, what part of town?
15:36.37Nuggetcenter point and alabaster
15:36.53grandpapadotI grew up in Center Point, then spent 8 years in the Navy, live in greystone now.
15:37.02etfonhomeyI'm in Lexington, KY.  We have an ISP here that's regional called Nuvox.  Not sure they have a presence down there, but they are the ones rolling out SIP termination and the dynamic T1 product.
15:37.02NuggetI moved away in 2000.
15:37.17grandpapadotCenter Point is a DMZ these days
15:37.25Nuggetyeah, I believe it
15:38.04grandpapadotAnd we actually have a "Little Mexico" in hoover, it's hilarious, they just kind of made there own town.
15:38.35NuggetI lived there long enough ago to remember when Hoover and Riverchase were the happenin' places
15:38.36grandpapadotThe local immagrants have changed my POV on immagration.
15:38.46phillipkI used to work at a restaraunt in Hoover. We'd drive over to little Mexico to hire dishwashers.
15:38.53Nuggetway before greystone  :)
15:39.12coppicedon't Hoover make dishwashers?
15:39.18grandpapadotThey work there ass off.  I say we have a one-to-one swap program at the border: 1 welfare puppy for 1 hard working mexican.
15:39.24Qwellcoppice: I hear they suck
15:39.32RyushinYea, it needed the latest version of libpri.  I guess I won't be using debian's built pri on etch anymore.
15:40.22*** join/#asterisk nirz (
15:40.34MrTelephoneqwell, p->fullcontact?
15:41.14MrTelephoneI have some clients that don't switch to dns srv #2 very well.. I think its because the WWW-Authenticate response doesn't have a contact header
15:41.28MrTelephonep stands for peer right?
15:41.44MrTelephoneAm I completely out to lunch here or what
15:42.50datachomperIs there anyway to get ser to register with a registrar, similar to the way you can register => sip@host with asterisk?
15:42.51MrTelephoneI can see the client sends a register to srv #2, srv#2 responds with the new www-authenticate but the client responds to that on srv#1 again until it times out.. then it sends to srv#2. the delay causes asterisk to reject authentication
15:43.06MrTelephonestupid clients :(
15:43.24MrTelephoneand i read through the feature bitmap and I can turn off multiple authorization headers
15:43.44MrTelephoneso why didn't tech support tell me that? instead they just tell me its not their problem
15:46.02billybongoanyone know what's involved in doing 999 calls in the uk over sip?
15:48.10MrTelephonewhat is a 999 call
15:48.16billybongoemergency call
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15:48.25MrTelephonedo it like any other call?
15:48.45billybongoI'm sure that's what happens in the end
15:48.47blitzragedo it like its 1984
15:48.48*** join/#asterisk Cyon (n=cyon@
15:49.01billybongobut it seems that they want you to register phone numbers and locations
15:49.09billybongoif you dial from a landline they know where you are
15:49.23billybongoif you dial from a mobile they triangulate your location
15:49.29billybongoif you dial from voip you could be anywhere
15:49.34billybongoapparently this causes them a problem
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15:50.07billybongojust wondering if anyone hear has been through the various hoops with this
15:52.33MrTelephoneyeah its a problem everywhere
15:52.37*** join/#asterisk IOscanner (n=IOscanne@
15:53.03MrTelephonein canada there is a law that says you have to warn your customers to tell the operator their location
15:53.24MrTelephonealso there are companies that you forward calls to that transmit the location on a per DID or LDN basis
15:53.31IOscannerIs there a way to find out what DTMF tones are sent over a SIP channel.
15:54.09MrTelephoneif your using rfc2853 dtmf the number is part of the rtp payload header?
15:54.18blitzrageMrTelephone: yep
15:54.18*** join/#asterisk beasty (n=beasty@about/apple/macbook/beasty)
15:54.21beastyhi all
15:54.33beastyanyone knows how i configure a SIP trunk into my asterisk ?
15:54.37blitzrageI think wireshark will show you the DTMF in the RTP stream
15:54.40jboti heard siptrunk is Asterisk does not support SIP Trunks.  Set trunk=no in sip.conf and then set up the device normally in sip.conf.
15:54.45*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
15:54.54blitzragejbot: tell beasty about book
15:54.58IOscannerIT is inband DTMF  carrier can't seem to get rfc to work.
15:55.08blitzragebeasty: I wrote a how-to in the book for how to do that
15:55.14MrTelephonetoo much packet jitter or loss for inband then
15:55.23blitzrageand that siptrunk thing is just wrong -- there is no trunk=foo option in sip.conf
15:55.28blitzragethat's an iax.conf thing
15:55.33Qwellblitzrage: exactly
15:55.34beastyjbot: tell beasty about book
15:55.37MrTelephoneinband requires a clean network with no packet reorder
15:55.38ManxPowerblitzrage: I know.  I created that for a reason
15:55.40beastywhat book blitzrage ?
15:55.41Qwellblitzrage: subtle humor
15:55.57blitzrageManxPower: its slightly confusing... :)
15:56.03ManxPowerPeople seem to INSIST there is such a thing as a "sip trunk".  I got tired of arguing about it, so I created ~siptrunk
15:56.05IOscanneryep I am aware of that.  Is there away to find out what DTMF tones are sent?
15:56.15jbotfrom memory, trunk is is a word with varying definitions.  In Asterisk, a trunk is a "stream of UDP packets containing IAX2 frames from more than 1 call"; in telecom, a trunk is a "single voice channel between two pieces of switching equipment."; in Ethernet a trunk carries more than one 802.1q VLAN.  There is no such thing as a "SIP Trunk" -- Don't use the term.
15:56.18ManxPowerthat is the correct one.
15:56.32blitzrageIOscanner: logger.conf -->   console => warning,notice,dtmf
15:56.37MrTelephonemode +b manxpower
15:56.37blitzrage*CLI> logger reload
15:56.44MrTelephonemode +trunk manxpower
15:56.55ManxPowerLeave my "trunk" alone!
15:57.06MrTelephoneis it a coincidence that b is the first letter in bad AND ban?
15:57.06IOscannerthat will show me inband DTMF.  Great thanks.
15:57.25*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
15:57.28MrTelephonegood knowledge blitzrage, i didn't know you could do that
15:58.11MrTelephoneapparantly i don't know anything because I keep running into snags with my project
15:58.36blitzrageasterisk is a big peice of software -- always test before deploying
15:58.45blitzrageand when you've think you've tested enough -- test it 2 more times at least
15:58.58IOscanneryou got that right
15:59.10MrTelephonei have everything working good.. im working on redundancy now.. again polycom and cisco dns srv works good.. but my other clients won't authorize with the second asterisk server
15:59.15IOscannerand keep the stupid admins out of it.
15:59.22MrTelephoneboth servers have the same credentials for the user and yet it won't authenticate
15:59.56MrTelephonei think the client waits too long to send the Authorization
16:00.05iCEBrkrblitzrage: Dude, dedicate a full day... I gave up thinking I can get things upgraded in just a few hours :P
16:00.06MrTelephoneis there a time limit on that before asterisk says.. this client isn't responding?
16:00.55blitzrageiCEBrkr: a day? I spent 2 months at 12+ hours a day before I really "got" how things all worked together (this was before documentation existed)
16:01.44iCEBrkrblitzrage: oh oh oh, I thought you meant upgrading and stuff.. Yea, I didn't quite 'get' asterisk for a few months.
16:01.47ManxPower2 months of 8 hour days learning Asterisk sounds about right.
16:01.52beastyblitzrage: i would love to read the book ... only thing is that my computer crashes when i open adobe reader
16:02.15blitzragebeasty: sounds like you have other problems
16:02.25beastyi just hate plain pdf file
16:02.27MrTelephonemy main sip client is designed for carrier grade sip application servers..
16:02.28iCEBrkrRTFM *BOOM*
16:02.34beasty<3 text clients :p
16:02.34MrTelephoneand breaks asteirsk continually
16:02.52MrTelephonehow much does a carrier grade sip server cost ?
16:03.01QwellMrTelephone: 80 million dollars
16:03.15blitzrageiCEBrkr: oh for an upgrade from 1.2 to 1.4... expect to spend anywhere from 2 days to 2 months, depending on the complexity of your setup
16:03.16twistedi'll sell you one for 70 million, and i'll throw in the brookly bridge, too
16:03.27ManxPowerMrTelephone: "Carrier Grade"?  That would be tens of thousands of dollars.
16:03.40ManxPowerPerhaps you are looking for "corporate grade".
16:03.41MrTelephoneciscos is around 200k i know
16:03.50blitzragetoo many people upgrade their production systems without having ever installed it on a test box
16:03.58blitzrageI have no pity for those people
16:04.11twistedblitzrage: But it's just supposed to work perfectly!
16:04.22iCEBrkrblitzrage: I dunno, moving over to the new extensions deal was a full nights work just for my  home system :)
16:04.25MrTelephonedns srv is not handled properly by a lot of systems
16:04.29ManxPowerblitzrage: I have pity for the people that do it the first time, I have no pity for people that do it more than once.
16:04.48blitzrageiCEBrkr: exactly
16:04.52twistedmy favorite customer quote:
16:04.56MrTelephonepolycom handles it AWESOME, if i iptables drop a phone from asterisk-1, it connects to asterisk-2 in seconds
16:04.58ManxPowerYou should EXPECT bugs and problems when you upgrade.  These issues can frequently be "show stoppers".  It is sad, but true.
16:05.10twisted"Why should there be an acceptance or testing period?  This should just work if it's done properly"
16:05.22blitzragetook me 2 days even to get my home system setup just right (I was also trying some new things I hadn't done before, while at the same time trying to stablize my network... so I had a lot of other things going on :))
16:05.26ManxPowerI'm just glad my other software usually doesn't have that issue.
16:05.44MrTelephonecan you guys tell me if there is a way to get more detail on the authentication rejection?
16:05.48blitzragetwisted: haha... ya... the problem is that people don't understand "properly" == "testing period"
16:05.54blitzragesip debug
16:05.59twistedblitzrage ;)
16:06.01*** join/#asterisk neoalex (
16:06.06MrTelephoneI tested my system in production and I told my customers that.. but they were still happy to use it
16:06.20blitzragesometimes you have to save the customer from themselves
16:06.34blitzrageif they won't let you do that, then get new customers. The stress will kill you.
16:06.34MrTelephoneI am a guinea pig for asterisk in a broadband production environment
16:07.06MrTelephoneI had to disable threewaycalling cause too many people are hook flashing and then the ATA ringsback.. so many complaints about that
16:07.14ManxPowerIt would really suck if Firefox, Thunderbird, Postfix, Courier, or Apache upgrades screw up.
16:07.26_x86_is it possible to use iaxmodem to provide a PPP session?
16:07.32QwellManxPower: they doscrew up
16:07.46_x86_ManxPower: thunderbird updates fuck me over all the time
16:07.56iCEBrkr11:06 <@blitzrage> if they won't let you do that, then get new customers. The stress will kill you.
16:08.07twistedif only it were that simple.
16:08.13neoalexhi guys... I have a problem with a Wildcard X101P
16:08.23ManxPowerQwell: not EVERY release. 8-)
16:08.30neoalexspecifically zttool shows a RED Alarm on it
16:08.44neoalexthough there is a POTS line plugged in
16:08.45iCEBrkrneoalex: Did it ever work?
16:08.45ManxPowerneoalex: that means "no line voltage detected"
16:09.01ManxPowerneoalex: if you plug a phone into the 2nd port on the card, do you get dialtonr?
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16:09.07ManxPowerand dialtone too.
16:09.34iCEBrkrdialtonr... a reverse dialtone
16:09.52neoalexI didn't try a phone... but I believe it worked with PBXnSIP or something I wasn't the one who set that up at the time
16:10.07ManxPowerneoalex: you need to test it with a standard analog phone.
16:10.14neoalexwhat's a reverse dialtone
16:10.15*** part/#asterisk harpal (n=Harpal@
16:10.24ManxPowerneoalex: it was a typo.
16:10.32neoalexoh... :D
16:10.40Qwellcoppice: telling
16:10.42Qwellso very very telling
16:10.58neoalexwhat lights should be on on the card?
16:11.07neoalexI have the first 3 ports and the last one is off
16:11.26twistedneoalex: a x101p is a single fxo card
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16:11.50neoalexI have a 4 port card
16:11.51twistedyou should have TWO ports, one for phone line in, the other for lifeline out
16:11.54neoalex1 fxs 3 fxo
16:11.55twistedthen you do not have an x101p
16:12.08neoalexwhich is what I said
16:12.09ManxPowerneoalex: then you do not have an X101P or X100P
16:12.17Qwell<neoalex> hi guys... I have a problem with a Wildcard X101P
16:12.20twisted<neoalex> hi guys... I have a problem with a Wildcard X101P
16:12.26neoalexyes yes... sorry
16:12.28MrTelephoneyeah its pretty stressful
16:12.41MrTelephonei have to do home installs as well as maintain the servers :(
16:12.44neoalexzttool shows a X101P and a TDM400P
16:12.45ManxPowerneoalex: You just wasted 15 mins of our life, which we will never get back.
16:12.54MrTelephoneintegrating the lines with all their current household wiring
16:13.08ManxPowerI'm not going to helpyou anymore if you are going to give wrong information
16:13.17iCEBrkrMrTelephone: Why the frown? Where's your sense of adventure?
16:13.47neoalexzttool says it's a Z101P but the card I know has 3 FXO and 1 FXS
16:13.56neoalexX101P rather
16:14.06iCEBrkrMrTelephone: I had my home system setup with a POTS gimmick and a VOIP provider for LD.
16:14.06neoalexit also shows a TDM400P
16:14.40MrTelephoneicebrkr, im waiting for enough revenue to get a 20kw gensat
16:14.45MrTelephoneif the power goes out im screwed
16:15.11ManxPowerneoalex: The X101P and the TDM400P are totally different cards.
16:15.13iCEBrkrMrTelephone: Well, prior to DSL I had ISDN so, I was screwed if power went out regardless.
16:15.18ManxPowerneoalex: Now go find out what cards you have and then come back
16:16.03neoalexI would but I'm 10 miles away, and it seems I'm also getting erroneous info from people there
16:16.25ManxPowerneoalex: we can't help you if you don't have the correct information
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16:19.59neoalexok... it seems I have two cards in that system the TDM400P shows up as ok... how do I configure that and just ignore the X101P
16:20.15MrTelephonefind out what span is what
16:20.18ManxPowerneoalex: you configure the card and ignore the other one.l
16:20.21MrTelephonecat /proc/zaptel/1 or 2
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16:20.37ManxPowerthe best bet is, of course, to remove the card, the 2nd best is stop loading the kernel module for that card on boot.
16:20.44MrTelephoneyeah that too
16:20.54kandhey all, I have had a one way audio issue for callers coming off hold and Level 3 has said it is because my RTP timestamps are slipping.  Anybody know what could cause this?
16:21.23MrTelephonemaybe asterisk 1.2.25 is bunk and not authorizing properly
16:21.32_x86_is there a way to use a zap channel and iaxmodem to provide "dial-in mgetty" ?
16:22.42MrTelephonejust got a call, "can't get into voicemail with *98" solution: press talk first
16:23.43iCEBrkrall your voicemail are belong to us!
16:23.50neoalexok which is the kernel module for X101P
16:24.26ManxPowerneoalex: wcfxo, which you would know if you read the README in the Zaptel source directory.
16:24.32MrTelephonemy voicemail :P
16:24.40MrTelephonelike the cookie monster likes cookie
16:25.10neoalexManxPower: you're right I should come back after some more RTFM-ing
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16:26.34MrTelephonewhy would asterisk completely ignore a register attempt from a client
16:26.48mockerMrTelephone: Firewall.
16:26.54iCEBrkrTalk to the hand, cuz Asterisk doesn't want to hear it
16:27.18MrTelephonemaybe its a netmask mistake or something on the interface?
16:27.29MrTelephoneit registers with my accounts with usernames with 3 characters
16:27.40MrTelephoneis there a delinter script for asterisk configs?
16:27.53ManxPowerMrTelephone: no
16:28.15MrTelephoneim using all 1.2.24 configs with 1.2.25.. so im going to compile 1.2.24 and see if it keeps happening
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16:28.27MrTelephoneaccording to changelog though there was only a couple changes
16:28.40iCEBrkrMrTelephone: Famous last words!
16:28.56MrTelephoneyeah I hear ya partner
16:29.22dijungalis it best practice to store recordings on the same server as asterisk or a separate server?
16:29.48ManxPowerdijungal: Yes.
16:30.10iCEBrkrdijungal: Depends if you want to put all your eggs in one basket.
16:30.12dijungalManxPower: why?
16:30.43ManxPowerdijungal: because it depends on many things, including codecs, number of voicemail boxes, system speed, etc.
16:31.10dijungalwhat i'm trying to decide is should i tell asterisk to write the recordings from the queue on a separate server or on the same server then move them later
16:31.45ManxPowerdijungal: there isn't a whole lot of difference from an Asterisk perspective
16:31.45blitzragestore them in the database :)
16:31.47iCEBrkrdijungal: What would eat up less CPU?
16:31.57iCEBrkrblitzrage: um, ew.
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16:32.01coppicetip them down the drain
16:32.13blitzrageI'd write them to the same drive, then batch them off to a remote server
16:32.30iCEBrkr"for safe keeping"
16:33.12iCEBrkrI think I'd soxmix'm at night over to another server.
16:33.23dijungali would think putting on the same server then moving after shift when the server is idle would be beter
16:33.39ManxPowerdijungal: is your server ever idle?
16:33.41dijungali just do a find and move
16:33.52iCEBrkrSo your Asterisk box doesn't get loaded up with archived calls which will save the head of adding more diskspace later, or having to shuffle those archives off
16:33.57dijungalit only works for about 9 to 7
16:34.53ManxPowerdijungal: I think you need to see a therapist about this obsession with being vague.
16:35.31dijungalhere's my overall issue i was having REALLY bad call quality, so i restarted the server, linux forced a disk check and made some fixes, now the audio on the calls  are great. So i'm wondering if my current process of storing the recordings on the server and then moving it overnight is causing a disk issue...
16:35.35ManxPowerIf it's 9am to 7am then you have only 2 hours of idle time, if that is 9am to 7pm, then you have many hours of idleness.
16:35.52coppicethrough most of history being vague was excellent protection against getting your head chopped off
16:35.54ManxPowerdijungal: No it did not.
16:36.04iCEBrkrdijungal: Don't process the calls during peak hours.
16:36.10iCEBrkrdijungal: That chews up CPU
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16:36.37dijungalICEBrkr: indeed
16:36.37iCEBrkrdijungal: Plus, that channel isn't released until after the encoding has completed.
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16:36.57dijungalso the best thing to do is what i am currently doing
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16:37.13dijungalstore them locally then move them off on low periods?
16:37.19ManxPowerdijungal: did you ever tell us your VERSION of Asterisk?
16:38.11iCEBrkrgod, the asterisk page is ugly.
16:38.20iCEBrkrwho's idea was this?
16:38.36iCEBrkrI suppose I should say 'still ugly'
16:38.54ManxPower#asterisk-newbie:  What is causing the headache I have.  [30 mins of troubleshooting pass]  #asterisk-newbie:  I drank a quart of whiskey last night.  Do you think that might have anything to do with it.
16:39.07Zeeekget on up
16:39.28dijungalManxPower: Sorry Sir ASterisk 1.4.15
16:39.45kandCan anybody help me with issue in my RTP stream?  In one example, the timestamps for callers placed on hold increments by 41,120 while the wireshark capture time only increments by .123238.  What would cause something like this, is it an * bug?
16:39.46dijungalall the latest downloaded from the ugly asterisk website
16:40.00*** join/#asterisk c0rnflake (n=c0rnflak@
16:40.15ManxPowerkand: Asterisk does not support silence supression, that might have something to do with it.
16:42.06iCEBrkrDude.. Is there a changelog online somewhere?  So I don't have to download asterisk?
16:42.44kandManxPower: It is disabled
16:43.17ManxPowerkand: Level3 has silence supression disabled?
16:43.50kandManxPower: That is what they tell me.
16:44.24*** part/#asterisk ManxPower (
16:44.34ZeeekVOIP Users Unite!  IRC #voip-users-conference  right now
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16:46.25Zeeekor not.
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16:50.25beastyanyone knows how to a handle a single sip account with multiple numbers on it ?
16:52.34_x86_Dial(SIP/number@peer|100|t) ?
16:52.42_x86_usually how I do it
16:52.50_x86_well, I usually use IAX though ;)
16:53.06beastythat's why my voip provider also sugested
16:53.14beastybut now i'm waiting on his reply
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16:58.02blitzragebeasty: Dial(SIP/peer_setup_in_sip_conf/${EXTEN},30)
16:58.47MrTelephoneif you were to choose a type for registrar and you had the options ipv4 and dns.. what would dns be?
17:00.27*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
17:00.33dioeduhi, can someone explain me why asterisk send a link and a unlink manager message in every DTMF received in sip channels ?
17:00.41iCEBrkrwow there's a lot of fixes since 1.4.6
17:00.51russellbiCEBrkr: ha, yeah ...
17:01.02russellbin fact, i have a script that tells me how many, let me check :)
17:01.06iCEBrkrI'm paging through the changelog.
17:01.22russellb$ ./changes_since asterisk 1.4.6
17:01.31iCEBrkrhaha nice
17:01.42MrTelephonerussellb, how come there is no contact in www-authenticate 401 not authorized reponses?
17:01.43iCEBrkrrussellb: I see your name on quite a few :P
17:02.08MrTelephoneyour going to see my name on a tombstone soon
17:02.20iCEBrkrMrTelephone: Sweet, what's it's extension?
17:02.36russellbMrTelephone: i know nothing
17:02.39iCEBrkrhrrm, there appears to be a bunch of memory leak fixes.
17:03.03iCEBrkrI wonder if this is what's causing my system to act up after awhile.
17:03.03russellbiCEBrkr: heh, i don't doubt it ... i'm one of the lucky ones that gets paid to work on asterisk full-time
17:03.40MrTelephoneare they accepting applicants?
17:03.46MrTelephoneim joining
17:04.03iCEBrkrrussellb: It's a bit early to say, but if things go well, I'll be working for Kristian.  Everything is still fairly liquid, so who knows.
17:04.20russellbawesome, that would be fun
17:04.22endrewho is kristian?
17:04.29iCEBrkrendre: The astLinux guy
17:04.30endreor what :)
17:04.39endreoh i see
17:04.56endregood for you
17:05.01endrethat would be awesome
17:05.14iCEBrkrThe job description sounds like a job made in heaven.
17:05.28endrei demand a link
17:05.33iCEBrkrBut I think that's because I'm trapped in this ASP shop at the moment.
17:05.56iCEBrkrI'd really like to get back into a linux based environment.
17:06.37iCEBrkrActually, I think I just want a job that I'm happy at :P
17:07.13iCEBrkrI think working for a linux based shop is a plus---- working with Asterisk is just a extra headache^H^H^H^H^Herrr bonus
17:08.42MrTelephonerusselb, does asterisk discard the www-authenticate response if no peer authorization is received.. after a period of time?
17:08.54russellbMrTelephone: i don't know
17:09.00MrTelephoneI got a client that takes 5 seconds to respond to the digest
17:09.08MrTelephoneby that time asterisk forgets and issues a new nonce
17:09.13russellbit probably does, yeah
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17:09.31MrTelephoneis it a global timeout ? :(
17:09.31iCEBrkrHrrm, I think I'll 'upgrade' to 1.4.15
17:10.07iCEBrkrSee if that clears up my issues
17:10.43MrTelephonewhy would a client send the digest back to the server it just failed to get a response from.. I'm mad at the japanese right about now
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17:11.52MrTelephoneclient resq -> dns srv 1 -> timeout         client resq -> dns srv 2 -> response from asterisk    client resq (authorization) -> dns srv1 timeout, then it send to dns srv2 but then its too late
17:12.27_x86_using IAXmodem + zap channel, is it possible to get agetty to listen on the "modem"'s device entry and allow for remote dial-in access?
17:16.15coppiceask yourself "what is iaxmodem?"
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17:17.17MrTelephonereminds me of internet dialup
17:20.37myiagyi'm having trouble with pickup application, it appears to run correctly,  -- Executing Pickup("SIP/111-b0411ce0", "107@ramais") in new stack
17:20.50myiagythe context [ramais] has the exten => 107,1,dial(SIP/107)
17:21.32myiagyall extensions have the same callgroup/pickupgroup.. but once the Pickup runs, it immediatly exits non-zero.. it doesn't answer the call.. i tried searching the mailing lists, but got nothing..
17:21.40myiagyany ideas where i might have wronged?
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17:22.39Simon--is there a way to turn on zaptel link status logging? eg: it would be really nice if it just logged "link down" like nic drivers do :)
17:23.40Simon--hrm. maybe it was just signalling and not link, because link gives "alarm"s...
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17:31.32fluidicslaveare there any known problems with zapbarge that might explain a signfigant number of warnings and failures on zap chans
17:32.14MrTelephonedoes asterisk store the last nonce?
17:34.11fluidicslaveI had some one perform a zapbarge yesterday and affter an error setting conference it seems like all hell borke lose on ever channel that was zapbarged affter that
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17:41.33MrTelephonedoes asterisk generate a new nonce every so often or something?
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17:43.33MrTelephoneSIP AUTO DESTORY
17:44.17_x86_SIP AND DESTROY
17:44.25_x86_that's how that metallica song should go ;)
17:44.29MrTelephonemy clients timeout at 20 seconds so I changed it to 25
17:46.21MrTelephoneI love that ngrep tool
17:46.28MrTelephonengrep -W byline -t -port 5060
17:46.54MrTelephoneit kicks some serious rear end
17:47.43MrTelephonewhy the hell do you need a 20 second timeout on a dns srv response
17:47.44MrTelephonebeats me
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17:54.52florzcan someone in here explain why the chan_cip source as well as the default sip.conf claim that SIP wasn't capable of hairpin calls?
17:56.06MrTelephonewhat is a hairpin call
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17:56.57florzI'm not sure in this particular case, either, but in general it's a call that somehow is "routed back to the part of the network it came from"
17:57.06cjkhi, can my ata box with a fax connceted dial out a zap channel and send faxes over t38?
17:57.58MrTelephonewhich indicates a loop condition
17:58.06MrTelephonei think asterisk checks for tag=
17:58.10florzMrTelephone: hu?
17:58.13MrTelephoneim not 100% sure
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17:58.48MrTelephoneflorz, its a common problem when using openser with asterisk
17:59.27florzMrTelephone: I mean, routing loops certainly could be considered a subset of hairpin calls, but that wouldn't make every hairpin call a loop!?
18:00.08MrTelephonefor some reason asterisk rejects a loop even if it doesn't hit max forwards? I read that on the web in some opernser documentation
18:00.19florzMrTelephone: Yeah, I'm kindof having that problem with OpenSER + Asterisk
18:01.10florzMrTelephone: Yeah, Asterisk by default considers just an equal Call ID on incoming request and outgoing transaction a "loop"
18:01.11coppicecjk: no
18:01.49florzMrTelephone: Which is what blows up when rewriting the R-URI with OpenSER and then routing the request back to the asterisk it came from ...
18:01.52cjkcoppice, hmmm any other solution?
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18:02.51MrTelephoneflorz, im sure there must be a resolution on the web.. i didn't get that far to look at it
18:03.30MrTelephonetake out the comparison of callid routine in chan_sip.c
18:04.05*** part/#asterisk Simon-- (
18:04.20florzMrTelephone: Well, as usual ... ;-) - I did find a bug report in the BTS with a patch attached, but that one somehow manages to break registration, not sure yet exactly why ...
18:04.35MrTelephoneim getting really pissed off because asterisk times out the sip auth response before my client responds
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18:05.24MrTelephoneflorz, that sucks.. whats the error message?
18:05.36MrTelephonecompare your sip messages before and after
18:05.39rbdDe_Mon: The problem I was running into with Playback not working earlier that you helped with was due to ztdummy/ACPI conflict:
18:05.54beastyanyone ever see this error ?
18:05.55beasty[Dec  7 19:02:46] WARNING[14782]: chan_sip.c:2841 sip_call: No audio format found to offer. Cancelling call to gnelisse
18:07.19De_MonI didn't think ztdummy was involved in simple Playback()
18:07.53De_Moninteresting.. thanks for the update rbd
18:08.37florzMrTelephone: It's just 401, but I got already a bit further in the source as to how this happens - I just don't know yet what the logic error in the patch is
18:08.43rbdDe_Mon: no problem. thanks for your help earlier!
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18:10.07MrTelephonewhat does the patch look like
18:10.08MrTelephonepastbin it
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18:11.41florzMrTelephone: somehow it manages not to correlate new REGISTER transactions with previous ones with the same call-id, which is why the authentication code doesn't have access to the nonce it sent in the transaction before, so it keeps issuing new nonces ...
18:12.12florzMrTelephone: the sip_spiral.patch one
18:13.18florzMrTelephone: But actually I was just asking that question because I was curious whether there actually is a valid reason to claim that SIP "can't to hairpin calls".
18:14.18MrTelephonepeople think "why should a call goto a proxy where it came from"?
18:14.23coppiceits like Yugos can't do hairpin bends
18:14.44MrTelephonebecause your application servers such as voicemail shouldn't be on the proxy server
18:15.11MrTelephoneits like you want to travel west in your car but you start off traveling east first and goto the coast and then start driving west
18:15.34MrTelephoneproxy servers aren't supposed to act like sine waves
18:15.52florzhu? =:-)
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18:16.12MrTelephonea call shouldn't hit the same proxy server twice
18:16.21florzwhy not?
18:16.25MrTelephonebut it will if your pstn access or voicemail is on the same box as your proxy
18:16.31beasty[Dec  7 19:02:46] WARNING[14782]: chan_sip.c:2841 sip_call: No audio format found to offer. Cancelling call to gnelisse
18:16.33MrTelephonethen you have no choice
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18:16.35beastyanyone knows this error ?
18:17.03MrTelephonewhy would an invite goto a remote proxy then back to your originating proxy?
18:17.13MrTelephoneit doesn't make sense but it does with asterisk
18:17.27MrTelephonebecause you want to hit voicemail after trying to reach your sip client remotely
18:17.41MrTelephoneanyone can correct me if im wrong
18:17.56florzMrTelephone: I think it makes perfect sense. If the remote user whishes to redirect calls somewhere else, why shouldn't he?
18:18.35MrTelephonei think in big scenerios it doesn't happen
18:18.49MrTelephoneif your big enough to need openser you should have seperate pstn access and voicemail boxes
18:19.09MrTelephonethen you won't have a looping problem
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18:19.29MrTelephoneflorz, like i said I will run into the same situation is you soon
18:19.38MrTelephoneI'm tired of fighting with asterisk as a registrar
18:20.29florzMrTelephone: Well, it doesn't happen because what is currently being done isn't quire "VoIP" but rather IP-mediated PSTN access, I guess. But look at email: It's perfectly valid to redirect mails coming from domain a to domain b back to (a different account at) domain a, no?
18:20.45MrTelephoneI can't even get asterisk to hold a registration attempt in memory for 25 seconds
18:21.40MrTelephoneflorz, yeah.. I just think asterisk was programmed to be over protected
18:21.48florzMrTelephone: And actually, the scenario I am trying to solve is this: Asterisk is the PSTN gate, call comes in, is routed to OpenSER, OpenSER has no registration, but a fallback PSTN number, so it should route the call back to the PSTN gate, billed to the account whose number has been called.
18:22.18MrTelephoneit wont' do that without error?
18:22.39florzMrTelephone: No, asterisk rejects that with a 482 (Loop detected)
18:22.41MrTelephonedial(openserbox) and if that fails dial(zap/1)
18:22.57MrTelephonedon't tell openser to do the forwarding of the failure
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18:23.09florznot a 302, just rewriting the URI and forwarding the request back to Asterisk
18:23.27MrTelephonewhy don't you let asterisk handle the failure?
18:24.37MrTelephonethe idea of manipulating a sip message by rewriting the uri may be a bad solution.. if you do that you have to erase the callid or change it
18:24.52MrTelephoneor you might have to branch the call instead?
18:25.02MrTelephonebut I don't know much about branching
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18:26.06florzMrTelephone: Hu? No, rewriting the URI is perfectly OK. That exactly what a SIP registrar does - or at least one option it has, the other would be redirection.
18:26.47MrTelephonein asterisk extensions you should do   exten => 1,Dial(openserbox)  | exten => 2,Dial(localpstn)
18:27.11florzMrTelephone: After all: If there were a registration, it would do exactly that: replace the URI with the one from the registered contact.
18:27.14MrTelephonewhat happens is openser responds with a Not Available and asterisk says, ok, fuck you then, :P and dials out the pstn
18:27.34MrTelephoneflorz, yeah you got me on that one
18:27.58florzAnd how do I tell Asterisk who is gonna pay for it?
18:28.07MrTelephoneits just that its the same "CALL" and you redirected it back to asterisk
18:28.13*** part/#asterisk Zeeek (n=IceChat7@pdpc/supporter/active/Zeeek)
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18:29.04MrTelephonenot sure
18:30.10florzWell, that's why the current strategy in principle would be very nice - it's just an outgoing call, not much different from one coming from one of the "real" OpenSER clients
18:30.49MrTelephonebefore it dials pstn set a billing flag or change one of your cdr variables
18:31.13*** join/#asterisk ice_croft (n=nolan@
18:31.13MrTelephonesomeone calls from the pstn to a sip client? the sip client isn't there so you forward the call out the pstn to who?
18:31.16ice_crofthi ppl
18:31.28MrTelephoneI don't 100% understand the configuration your looking for
18:31.36ice_croftwhere can i get rc.d script for freebsd?
18:32.05ice_croft* installed from cources
18:32.07ice_croft* installed from sources
18:32.34florzMrTelephone: Well, there is a DB with all the account information, amongst which there is a field for a E.164 number that calls are supposed to be redirected to in case OpenSER doesn't have any registrations for that account.
18:32.55florzMrTelephone: OpenSER uses that DB for all its routing and authentication.
18:33.25*** part/#asterisk atomicd (
18:33.56florzMrTelephone: Where OpenSER is basically to interface to the "Internet", that is, customers.
18:34.51ice_croftgentlemen, where can i get rc.d script for freebsd?
18:36.20*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
18:37.32ice_croftthanx anyway
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18:42.55hmmhesaysgood lord itsp's suck some days
18:43.54MrTelephoneflorz, oh I see now.. you'll have to figure out the looping issue i guess
18:46.19*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (n=NightMon@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/NightMonkey)
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19:02.31blitzragehmmhesays: just some? :)
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19:09.40roe_does anyone know of a sip presence monitor (kind of like a buddy list)?
19:12.00kandroe_: the only one I know of is the Flash operator panel at
19:12.23roe_nothing for ekiga or xlite or any other softphone?
19:12.49kandroe_: sorry, none that I know of
19:13.27roe_rats, and a flash implemtation also makes me sad, oh well thanks anyway
19:14.53*** join/#asterisk angom (
19:14.55kandroe_: Just on a note, the FOP has ajax based display.  I have used that to some effect as a narrow browser window on a few of my clients.
19:16.08hmmhesaysmost end users are morons also
19:16.31mockerroe_: For awhile there was a jabber server that would show when someone was on a call.
19:16.37mockerLet me find the link.
19:17.20ice_croftppl, a question. what's zapata channel module depends of?
19:17.56ice_croftit's disabled in menuselect, i'm dispaired
19:18.32*** join/#asterisk sysreq (n=sysreq@unaffiliated/sysreq)
19:19.53ice_croftany advices?
19:21.34kandice_croft: Probaly wont help but on a fedora base install all I need are compilers and kernel-devel (and usbutils for the newer zaptel)
19:26.04*** part/#asterisk Victor_Yure (
19:28.52ice_croftkand> i'm on freebsd, and zaptel's intalled
19:31.01codazodaI want to use mixmonitor to record all calls to an IVR system.  I need it to pick a random filename for each call recording.  What's the best way to do this?
19:31.18kandice_croft: I dont really know freebsd but mabey ./configure  --with-zaptel=PATH ?
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19:32.18ice_croftkand> i did. i red it needs libpri. where can i get it?
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19:32.57gleydson_barbosahi, i need help about modem over voip!
19:33.51florzgleydson_barbosa: That's easy: forget it.
19:33.52codazodaOh, actually, I think I'll use RAND.  Then I can keep my calls to a limited number as well (overwriting some with newer ones), which is fine and will keep the disk usage under control.
19:36.39*** join/#asterisk calvinhp (
19:37.04calvinhpwhat is the recommended SIP firmware version for a Cisco 7940 when using it with Asterisk?
19:37.12calvinhpshould I stick with 7.4 or go to 8.8?
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19:39.59cjkhow do you guys replace existing pbxes and solve the fax issue? how do your customers do outgoing fax using their existing devices?
19:44.58twistedfaxing is so 20 years ago
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19:45.16blitzragecalvinhp: I've used 8.8 with some success on my 7960
19:45.30blitzragejust at home -- no strong testing
19:48.14calvinhpblitzrage: what issues does "some" success come with?
19:48.27blitzrageit means it registered and let me place and receive calls
19:48.29Qwellno matter how much you change the firmware, it'll still be a cisco
19:48.47calvinhpsounds like working to me  :-)
19:49.35*** part/#asterisk myiagy (n=myiagy@
19:49.40calvinhpWe've been using our 7940's in our office for the last 3 years and love them
19:49.45calvinhpsound quality is great
19:49.54blitzrageI like the speakerphone on my 7960 more than the IP501
19:50.16ice_croftwhat is zaptel_vltdmf?
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19:54.43hmmhesaysI can't remember my freaking godaddy login
19:56.24gleydson_barbosai have any POS Terminals with pap2t linksys and asterisk 1.4, but i cant make work!
19:56.28gleydson_barbosaplease any help!
19:58.03blitzragegleydson_barbosa: ask an actual question please
19:58.20blitzragehmmhesays: I hate when that happens :)
19:58.23muirook, having a strange problem. I'd love to do a pastebin but I don't see anything in the cli output that is informative. Recently moved asterisk from out test server onto the server we want to use for production. This is a 64 bit machine. I have a sip trunk that I've been using to test the asterisk box. On the old server, everything was working fine. However, on this machine, calls through the sip trunk are behaving rather oddly. The first
19:59.29*** join/#asterisk shinao1 (n=shinao1@
20:00.55ice_croftkand> damn!
20:01.01muiroafter the first call, asterisk doesn't pick up at all. I know the connection to the sip trunk is fine because normally it would send the call to the sip provider's voicemail. It seems as if asterisk is getting the call but not work with the dialplan at all.
20:01.16ice_croftcant figure how to build chan_zap on freebsd
20:01.18muiroI can pastebin, but even with debug and 10 verbosity it shows nothing during these calls
20:02.27blitzrageyou added 'console => debug' and then did a logger reload ?
20:02.37muiroah, wait. I'm seeing somehting now
20:02.40blitzrageand what about sip debug
20:02.43muiroReally destroying SIP dialog '50536e75639243e20a1d68bb152217ce@' Method: REGISTER
20:02.56blitzrageyour remote end seems like its sending the wrong IP....
20:03.17blitzragemy gut tells me an invalid context name
20:03.52muirocontext names haven't changed. I copied the sip.conf and the dialplan over exactly. Sip has it go to one context, that context answers the phone
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20:04.35muiroI'll look them over though
20:05.15muirowell, now it stopped
20:05.37muirofor some reason I had externrefresh=60 in sip.conf
20:05.47muiroit looks fine now
20:06.38muiroyeah, all's good again
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20:07.37ice_croftcant figure how to compile chan_zap on freebsd. its marked XXX
20:07.44ice_croftwhat i do wrong?
20:08.34Mavvieyou should install it from the ports collection.
20:09.29ice_croftMavvie> u mean asterisk?
20:10.16ice_croftMavvie> i have 6.2 with old ports. is it really neccesary to usr port instead of sources?
20:10.16muiroblitzrage: ok, listen to this. When I have sip set debug turned on, it works. When I turn debugging off... it stops working?
20:10.40Mavvieice_croft: run portsnap fetch and portsnap update (or extract if it is the first time)
20:10.47*** part/#asterisk gleydson_barbosa (n=gleydson@
20:11.01ice_croftMavvie> oh man. that's not cool.
20:17.55*** join/#asterisk yoanis (
20:18.22yoanishello there
20:18.52yoanisi wonder if there's an IAX client with proxy support (HTTP,socks,etc)?
20:26.12yoanisbut is there any?
20:26.26grandpapadotProbably not, because call quality would really suck
20:26.36yoanisi see
20:29.33*** join/#asterisk syzygyBSD (
20:36.43muirodoes anyone know if lumenvox will run at all on 64 bit systems?
20:37.15grandpapadotmuiro: Distro?
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20:52.16blepsoafCould someone look at - im trying to understand why asterisk is always setting the externip when I have matchexterniplocally=yes  this is causing my openser proxy to attempt to send information to the public ip which isnt possible in the internal network due to elbow routing.
20:54.30[TK]D-Fenderblepsoaf: matchexterniplocally=yes <- never heard or, and you should have nat= YES under [general]
20:56.05blepsoaf[TK]D-Fender: for the  matchexterniplocally
20:58.12[TK]D-Fenderblepsoaf: pastebin actual SIP debug.
20:58.49blepsoaf[TK]D-Fender: sure, just two secs
21:01.35*** join/#asterisk dbtid (
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21:04.43[TK]D-Fenderblepsoaf: Oh, and set "Nnat=no" for [openser] .....
21:05.12katsuodo[TK]D-Fender Halo
21:05.16*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
21:08.34katsuodohere at site a broadband with a gateway phone, linksys (openwrt) gateway, port 5060 enabled, want to call analog phone from sip phone, sip conf setup, extensions.conf setup, able to dialout from analog phone, call sip by extension, phone ring, hear no voice
21:08.48blepsoaf[TK]D-Fender: same result - I set nat=no for openser and still having issues
21:08.56blepsoafalso set nat=yes under [general]
21:09.42[TK]D-Fenderkatsuodo: Go read :
21:09.44jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT :  otherwise check the WIKI at
21:10.02[TK]D-Fenderblepsoaf: Did you comment out that funky parm?
21:10.23dbtidcan anyone tell me if anyone's running asterisk on embedded ppc platforms??
21:10.56*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (n=NightMon@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/NightMonkey)
21:11.38blepsoaf[TK]D-Fender: yes I've read that, and I've tested with that commented out just now and still doesnt work
21:11.45[TK]D-Fenderblepsoaf: :/
21:12.00blepsoaf[TK]D-Fender: openser is unable to respond due to the asterisk publishing the incorrect route information
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21:19.08blepsoaf[TK]D-Fender: well i guess its time to look at the chan_sip.c :S
21:19.59MrTelephonei feel like choking a software developer at arris
21:20.10MrTelephonegive me a name :-/
21:20.18dbtidi'm new here; what's arris?
21:20.30MrTelephonea cable modem manufacturer
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21:47.23teknoprephey all
21:47.30teknoprepdoes anyone know of an application like hudlite
21:47.37teknoprepbut isn't hudlite lol
21:47.49*** join/#asterisk fnordus (n=dnall@
21:47.54teknoprepwhere i can record / transfer calls from a PC for that users extension
21:48.19De_Monteknoprep that was about as clear as mud
21:49.01teknoprepwell if you have ever used hudlite
21:49.19teknoprepyou would know what i am looking for
21:49.43teknoprephudlite has a ridiculous install process for non-trixbox servers
21:50.44lirakislater everyone
21:50.47*** part/#asterisk lirakis (n=lirakis@
21:55.54De_Monwhy does hudlite want an irc server?
21:56.23ice_croftMavvie> u still here?
21:56.53*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=Joe@
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22:02.32*** join/#asterisk Rapani (
22:02.55RapaniI have a problem with registration
22:03.37Rapaniregistration server is but "realm" should be when registering.. how can I do this?
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22:04.07Rapaniwith doesn't work
22:04.21Rapaniwith tries to wrong server
22:04.31De_Monah hah Yet, HUDlite is written for the latest (quite different and often quite unstable) version of Asterisk.
22:04.46ThatKidKelanyone have any experience putting OpenSER in front of Asterisk.  I'd like it to handle my phone registrations.  How will Asterisk know which context a call should be put into when it comes from OpenSER?
22:04.51De_Monlil jab there eh fonality?
22:10.30ice_croftdamn ports
22:11.13*** join/#asterisk UCFmethod (
22:11.13Rapaniso how can I change "realm" in registering
22:11.48Rapanirealm needs to be different than registration server address - is it possible with asterisk?
22:17.04*** part/#asterisk ThatKidKel (
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22:21.06dexpdxdoes anyone make a T1/PRI bank that would work for asterisk?
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22:22.11[TK]D-Fenderdexpdx, And what exactly is a "T1/PRI bank"?
22:22.32dexpdxa chassis that allows me to add pri cards that terminate to asterisk
22:22.35dexpdxyou know like a real switch
22:23.00Rapaniok, solved realm problem but now asterisk sends wrong call-id
22:23.19[TK]D-Fenderdexpdx, well you can get PCI cards for T1, or use SIP/PRI gateways, etc
22:23.38dexpdx[TK]D-Fender: yeah I know I've already got 4 quad sangoma cards
22:23.42dexpdxwhich work great
22:24.03dexpdxexempt if I want to bring up a new pri on a new card without dumping active calls
22:24.35[TK]D-Fenderdexpdx, Then the only live way is with a VoIP gateway
22:24.45dexpdxlike an AS5400
22:24.55dexpdxthat's sad
22:25.24dexpdxI guess that only that's even close are those foneBridges
22:26.10[TK]D-Fenderdexpdx, not really.. you neeed to restart * for those, and its only 1 per NIC IIRC
22:29.37dexpdx[TK]D-Fender: lame
22:30.30*** join/#asterisk jdunck (
22:31.38[TK]D-Fenderdexpdx, indeed they are.  one of several reasons nobody gives a rats ass about TDMoE
22:32.16*** join/#asterisk citats (
22:32.54Rapaniok, now it works like charm :)
22:40.44ice_croftMavvie> chan_zap still unavaliable
22:41.34ice_croftMavvie> installed * from ports
22:43.47[TK]D-Fenderice_croft, and did you grab Zaptel from there as well?
22:45.41*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
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22:46.52kandcan someone help with commpartners registration?
22:47.10jdunckhey all.  is there a way i can start testing SIP support prior to my SIP trunk going in?
22:47.31jbot[siptrunk] Asterisk does not support SIP Trunks.  Set trunk=no in sip.conf and then set up the device normally in sip.conf.
22:49.01ice_croft[TK]D-Fender> no i didn't. there is an especial zapata driver for freebsd for my device
22:49.34[TK]D-Fenderice_croft, if you didn't install zaptel you're certainaly not going to get chan_zap
22:50.07ice_croft[TK]D-Fender> u mean i should install it from ports too?
22:50.29[TK]D-Fenderice_croft, obviously
22:51.12ice_croft[TK]D-Fender> hmm..
22:51.18ice_croftshall do
22:52.22ice_croft[TK]D-Fender> anyway, i need to install cronyx zaptel over the standard port
22:52.41blepsoaf[TK]D-Fender: I just made a bug report ( )
22:55.02jdunckManxPower: to be clear on sip trunk support -- i'm trying to use asterisk on a sipconnect IAD from cbeyond (cisco 2430)... i'm totally new to telecom, so i'm not sure if this is a "sip trunk" or not
22:55.13ManxPowerjdunck: it isn't.
22:55.34ManxPowerIn fact, "SIP Trunk" is TOTALLY a marketing term.
22:55.58ManxPowerIt's about as technically accurate as "new and improved".  How can you improve something that did not exist before?
22:56.03jdunckyes, i've gotten *lots* of marketing terms so far, and very little clarity.
22:56.27ManxPowerjdunck: Have you read The Book?
22:56.37*** join/#asterisk Givemelove (n=foo@
22:56.37jduncki've started, but am only on ch2
22:56.48jduncki guess that says it's still mostly-accurate for 1.4.* ?
22:56.52*** part/#asterisk Givemelove (n=foo@
22:57.00jdunckis there a backwards-incompat list from book to 1.4.*?
22:57.03ManxPowerjdunck: Correct.
22:57.32ManxPowerFor the most part, just read UPGRADE.txt that comes with 1.4 and you should see what you need.
22:57.54*** join/#asterisk Greek-Boy (n=email@
22:58.23jdunckok.  thanks.  :)  i'll read the book; but back to original question-- if i get asterisk and a SIP phone, is there a way i can test in/out calls before the pipe from cbeyond is in?
22:58.35jduncki'm just trying to minimize downtime while i figure out what i'm doing :)
23:01.01*** mode/#asterisk [+o codefreeze] by ChanServ
23:03.29jdunckManxPower: gotta run, but thanks for pointers
23:05.43ice_croftmen, still need help with zapata
23:06.04ice_croftwhat should i do to make it avaliable for compile?
23:07.29ice_croftthat's what i have here
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23:10.45BigCanOfTunaExcuse my (linux) ignorance, but when I dump a call file in the outgoing spool as username:asterisk when asterisk is started through its init.d script (startup; root), it will not pick up and process the call file. However, if I start asterisk as username, it picks up the file just fine. What is the best way to get this working assuming I'd like the init.d script to be used, but I don't want... be root to drop the call file into the outgoing spool?
23:16.19denonchown it after you put it in?
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23:24.44JayTee52has anyone here run Asterisk on a x86-64 kernel?
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23:39.04De_Monhere we go, my first dialplan using bridge. please don't blow up or catch on fire...
23:39.10WeezeyAnyone know how to get Xlite/eyebeam to "alert" a bluetooth module so that you can just press the button to answer a call?
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23:40.58watchywhats a cheap place to get sangoma
23:41.21De_Monwait what? execIf only handles true?
23:42.02ice_croftmen, still need help with zapata
23:42.10ice_croftwhat should i do to make it avaliable for compile?
23:42.18ice_crofti have XXX 16. chan_zap
23:44.54De_Monwhen you select that menu item doesnt it tell you what it wants?
23:48.47*** part/#asterisk Navion (
23:49.13ice_croftDe_Mon> it tells
23:49.28ice_croftbut i cant figure out how to fix it
23:49.43ice_crofti mean i have zaptel and libpri
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23:50.03ice_croftDepends on: res_smdi(M), zaptel_vldtmf(E), zaptel(E), tonezone
23:50.29ice_croftwhat are the else things?
23:50.49De_Monyou have to have zaptel compiled and loaded as a kernel module
23:50.56De_Monand libpri if you're using it
23:51.23ice_croftoh. libpri needs kldload?
23:51.34De_MonI think it gets compiled into zaptel
23:51.45De_MonI dont use pri's so I cant say for sure
23:52.36ice_croftwell, anyway i have libpri installed
23:52.55De_Monwhat does lszaptel say?
23:53.33ice_croftwhat's that?
23:53.45ice_croftls zaptel?
23:53.54De_Monits an app that tells you about zaptel hardware installed
23:54.08De_Monpretty sure its included in zaptel package
23:54.24ice_crofta can get ztcfg. does it fit?
23:54.39De_Monhow about a zttest?
23:55.24De_Monafter you compile and install zaptel you have an init script that loads and configures the module
23:55.49ice_croftwait a minute, and i'll get it
23:56.37De_Monthe other thing, is to make sure those modules it depends on are selected. they will probably give reasons why they arnt available if theres a problem
23:56.58ice_croftit counts percents for now
23:57.08ice_croftast# zttest
23:57.08ice_croftOpened pseudo zap interface, measuring accuracy...
23:57.14ice_croft100.000000% 99.987793% 100.000000% 100.000000% 100.000000% 100.000000% 100.000000%
23:57.14ice_croft100.000000% 100.000000% 100.000000% 100.000000% 100.000000% 100.000000% 100.000000% 100.000000%
23:57.14De_Monokay sounds like it knows something is there
23:57.56ice_croftso, what's next?
23:57.56De_Monnice numbers I get 99.9[6-9]% usually
23:58.04ice_croftyes, 100-99.9
23:58.26De_Monlook for those modules it depends on and make sure they are selected
23:58.35De_Monerr -- menu items
23:58.45ice_croftres_smdi(M), zaptel_vldtmf(E)
23:58.55ice_crofti don't know what is it :(
23:59.48ice_croftwhat is it?

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